HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-09 - Newport Balboa Pressi ' , . ~ I • • • -~· JC. , ..... 'K'.'") GA.Jl'D ~ .. aa I -, tlllN wa09't • .mete cir-i)l•'"t -~··£ tall ~---lfQC­ • , b Wldlt a. '"""tor wu om ftmttoft. WNall 111&1u1 ldPIY rm . .,., atllen . to w.-........... ,.,..117 Jl'll>Ueat.lon. 'Die ..... ...._ didn't -ll llalf .. Jnpcb -· dkln't! It la time. llowe-. tor a ...,. port ... Ille dolns at • ~ l.lar- bonte ""° .,-u. Illa own hide: out tn a C&IQ'OD • • Bii' Jim Kenaecly -to -1'h the OOtona .. J(at Cafe, Ul&I ellpnt bome at tbe ~ti and Ibo ravioli now In lbe -Ille b&ndl 'ot "-P" and M...,. - i.u. he mowd to M-ewaty, wlllch la .._, up In lbe - corner ot the ltat.., to become a cattle rancher. This depl dlocoverecl after TOO mllea ot drlvlnJ, lhlt he'• •till 1row1nr .T-booetl at a rapld rate. Hi. place ts 13 mllH out at Al· turaa on a dmd.oend l'09d whk:fo lo!&ds up J._ph c.-1< and wlllcl> bout.a eeven catUe pta whlct< mut be opened and ck>Rd by any· Ofte br~ve enough to try the trtp Thi.. of cour8e. um.;1rea almoet complete prlvaey from the ln- vulon of toulllPf.a. Belpe tlalllng, too. Water • concious Southl&nden would paw thetr ftnge.n at the plenty In that country-and lt'1 a di')' year, too. To water tbe front laW'ft, you juat ~t"'rt a ll'Ull creek for the neceuary time--.n.d aome- Umea -=oop trout rtcbt from th~ arua. Honat! Troutlng In that part of the country lo l"nerally ..,00. Tht -buly l"lah'll Gunen do a lot of pl&ntlng-honeot, I'm not gnlng tc. mention ualnr money from oce&11 Hcelutea! Tbe hU:S. are fllled with deer and lots of antelope.. then are plenty ot quail and the geeae a.nd duclra wtll be arriving eoon. Such country e~en makes an old albacore fl.allcrman bunll'Y ! 'l'llZ llOAD , THERE A,ND M<JK -Finally I can recommend Hwy. 3113, the Mexico-to-Canada road. althougti It'• Rlll IUffertng from aome unhappy spot.a. Acrou the -"""' San Bunardlno and thJ'ou&'l the ·0wena V•11ey country lt'1 flne, and contlnuee good through Reno and on Up to SUsan· ville. But northward trom tbett the mot.oriat can ret a bounclng around lf h~ jioean't watch out. N&rTOW and loll of curves and falr·to-mktdlin' ateep rr•dee. All In au. it'• a fine drive and gives a person a chance to aee the mountain 11portamen in. action. It's lllumlnallng, lo MY the lea.at, to see practlea.JJy every atre.am run· Ding down from the High Sierra jammed w.tth tr&ilel'll and lent.a. wtth blp--ted angler. competing f01' polltUom on nearty every pool Jt -·1 ~tllal.Jl>.11<1'· 90ll COO:ld -n.al ..-: ..... catch 'em, too---4lt countpY. But ,,_ 1t•.:.tu.c~ ta pack In or hllte bod< lntn tJ*' hlJh country to set fiab--.&nd peace and quiet! WHAT. NO ALBACORE! One day for the bom.ecomlng vacationer wu spent on Don and DofOthY Pattenon'a Sportsman, a fine ttshing boat fTOm any angle, but I picked a da.y . when the aJ. bacon weren't having company. Tbe only cbnaol&tlon wu that aa.die (P'alao) Crawford. one of the former proprielon of thta fine newwpaper. &l!componled by Al· bacore Rex, allo a new.man. went out previowily and al.lo gnt 1kunk· ed.. ~ . nu:u Johnnl• v.,,.~ locaJ bualn ... magnate. llleo wu vtaltl.ng In NortilMft ca11tom1& when tlli. d~t. wu., but we d'dn't meet . · . Kenn Rima, of kl J'orsft'1 tackle shop. hu been llick, bUt wu bet- ter at tut re.port. He'd be sur- p~ bow many tolb were con· ccrned over ht. illnea -.. • $22,883 Damages Allred fot lnlury Cl&lm1nil he wu Injured In • fall when a ti.hlna bQ&t bumped f a wharf. John Dyer WednMday demanded damaae• totaltn1 111,- 133 In wpertor eourt. Be tlled wit .,...mat Norm.an Hacan. opeTatM of Norm's La.nd- lnJ In Newp6rt Beach and own,r ot the ftahJn,c craft Muth: and Skipper Manuel Conlero. He alleged he waa a. - Oil .tlle Music -Octnbor 21. Be ebilined that the llMt -peel Ute -and -him.to the deck. inJurb!J bl& npt •I-. rich! um. ll)llne. head and &i.o losWu: hlln wltb Jn-lnjUfla wlllch 'lie f'tan are .pe!Ul&nellt" ' TmS .... ... _,,_ ......,. "' tao -callf o.. .... IL_ • • 1 •• • , VOLUME XU • -... f > • I ' . --·11•:~ _18_...,_ -·,~ .... """ t. --... -~·..,;a.r ~ .. : t I ;,. I , N'fnno...., .,, ........... ......__ .. - ' • P ~ -PART T -THURSDAY, AU&. 9, i91f ;~!:Puss~ AM ZWfil au.-r.r i.oc'.M. ••= t Publlld\ed.......,. Tb_...,q at M.wJeft Bind, C-Hfmnl• • Ol'll<>e -PrintJns Plant at.-UJl Ba-91..d. Pl I ~ 1fll iii-.. -.. matib JUJ1e 1a.'1m at u..,_·,.. st ....... ' I c ---- • • • Miss Peggy Diehl Honored at fl .... • . • I ;._ ."'-... I ,. Pre.Nuf>tia _C¥e11t ...... -· ,.... A ,......... 1dlwt1n t1w• JOU =1."rm.W.:w ,.. --Tina t,. ......... .--. ,.... -Oftlo.!-Cl'lll llenloo - I ... boo -., -Wlllhl • ICIEIS lo ..... 77 .. _, ..... .,.Y. lair It, cup>en. aonydaie. _, ma " 1"1. • - '· Newport Beach, C&llto~ under tk .... al~ S. 1rrt. """" ,Dlolll of Ooi-dll ...... • . • • • ' ' -.... pl&yed, lint prlW ,,.. odmlalatntlon'• -... • .. • ,.,..., to Kn. Bn«rly oner. Mn. • hci.r.i ~ · ... e ......, m_,-a11ra~ tntnaue "'.. -· ·I. __ ...:. •. 1111. BaloJd -ct. aad Xl.N Pat bo••• tllaa other workers. -. lllcllla"°" Sot up .In! Ille Ben· Ma,W i::;:-;.,. .,._ I& 11111 Huttm.n. ·~lion to -lllrs. Their""""'""' lnclUde ti;, 415 .le tile otber day an~~ ~ INt I.am ·-tllliit.- -Whyt4 lJ(n. Klebul J!:ro-mtmberw Gt • UM -and 9' Cl.at wMteftr we .. ,,._ wllir.t ....,. -_-. are -11111 o1N111<, -Kn.. Stuart Diehl. membe>9 Of UM lleJl;al.o. · .._....,.,.. We-WOUid ~ ~ '-' -. -. , • . • • motlin of the honoree. • -ft-ot thU "'-II of -~cf .....,_ .,_. and int ~ '!'bit -Ill - !>Mor.--Pl/ ttcl!en •eat l*:tr••• -·~~ ~ .. ...,_•ned. -·~ ~· Cllit ·;q& --w •• ut-n I -to wllite •-ro. _,. .. dNw!ns ....,.. -Col>-••iq 0n • ~ -~IFl'4 -i. t.W. -Ul4 -oti. ....... to lie -.. the .,_, .,_ ...,. OpProYed ft"" ,. .. -. Heft II Ille •r 'O• M, -th.it c-=t a "Jmsr; -· ---... _ o~r -,.,.. •••fies; ~ --. tllo ~ "in".. --....... ... -~ uoe Cift.o -• • • ... ..t. pyrex . • • . ._, ..Jor -- . --bowlo. ___ .. • ,.,_ ottt-Tk (-t.::•ernmeato --J ~.,, _ __,,....._,_ !. . """"' we• ~ .July 1. WIMI! ~e •plea. UW-.. -s wlll lie • f-or -Jloe a tr, ~ &llll !"'ppero, ond 9~.,.. the old lll61 tt.c&I year et11jed 111..ed the ~· 1 '"Would .. ~,__,, «>rt Of - . l iri~l:'th.:r:..~ut hour & cake, June so. ~tepplnf expenditw'ff ":.o;"-c,?81 the United S Us one ~nee. 1 ~ted. wltll White -wU under lNlj; •P=aGonl. Po'· • ~. · U , I -oa-trial ond I wu oernd with Ice ettam. gftQ bod not a ved any mo• I -I coo1c1 fl""i ljl!lblp -CQllty, I """Id .ie....,., a J'°'>' jor app""'*'-UO... for the new like tllM. s.._ we "1telld to trtal; but ·If. I .,.. fJl--.t_ I GUHta lttelll<le<t llllu ~oh! ond 1952 (local~ 111J11 -'t. lpend U0 bUUOli or -be $70 would toke my Chon... wltll I her mother. Mra. DlehJ, M!'n•• •1 1 biJlkm on amu. TMn. ~ ._. )idce a trained man wbo ta lame• Whyte. Harold Benedict. Normally, wh~ thla may Induce ctcle th • · Ula~ -' te llttlns 1n judpuol~ 5"4 IT PAYS ... AND BOW! • l I Not Dilly doell tloe public· eajO)r lower prlee, and U. manufaeturenl and retailers better proOU. Uuwp the - of advertising, hut virtwilly no ilrlpartaat pUUeatioll or ~ Grkr, MkhMl K.roch&lk, a-Certafn dqree of ttnoafte99 q Wett se g ~"5 bet· liltefti.n Stuart' Dleh~ Beul• Benedict! amonc . rtderal ware ..,....., It tor tllroup their f~ "' UM .,...~ t:, ·-""·!._ n:;' = and Mlu Pat Huffman. Be.nding doea not cap.. any major dllturbo--departmeutl, and fokS \IP: the war. ~ •tt• ~re· Eleanor Fe.._.,,....,.. ance. ~ eon..-a 1~ hU T'J'ten.. we ~~· t.11.e. $7<t '1llloa !We one autlt7 ~-~'!. generaly, bts."-" • radio" elation can exiot without · 8dYmitlins-11tie waa the •• . ' •• ---... . ... ..._ ftr~··-..n·g to na }:-...i i lneteltof:12 .JWIVnl· -.. Joan Queen. and llrs. l.Awrence dooe twice aln<:e Jw...30, almply e 6 -d -~ .,..1,...,.-;,":. , i J.ee Where J•~ Crady a4 • essence of a ~t talk giTen ">" Ban B. Stewart. gtiie1 al ' eounael of Bank of America on the 1111rjeet: "la Adver· BenldlcL pennlto lederal qencle9 ten· w~ open It tor "the Po)i\t-4 North . . ' '°"'-. • • ponu1ly l<> nw advanceo on their gram. U won't "'1"l ~ nlted , ·,~_Uu .oent a·~ badl tiaing an Economic Waste!" ' f 1~2 approJ>rtatlona untU the lat-one _bent! W~ll; that's \ ~. j~~ ... ,~ w&s ~g .~~~(.for patio Party or ter finally are Clxed. """' .umple of the w• th~ ad· ~t:~ .-pin tllerd'-"'"f - Stewart introduced a new ftOte when be r-ied that a further advantagoe accrue• to adYertlloen in the fMt t.bat banb prefer to make lo&n.. to U-wboooe produeta are well known than to those wh._ pou'iiicta are not. · T mlnbrtratloa ngurea.. _ i ,_ -. ~ve ~ ... ~ ,_... :lt. ~ ~ Mesa eenager This oumpier. however, ... !lot • quit~ ln !-!Jll UM -t . U _ J/ /o .. bf.en norm..i In that r~t. A • • • fll ft05 · ~Q.lJ', Judge ci:actY· ..W I UI'~ 0 he i r: Reacbln« .the rank• of the teen• new featurt hu been added Th.e 1.,~partmenl of Aptculture ·~ ~ee of pill WU ov~ qers prcv*<I a memorable occu-F'lnal Cqngrnstonal ac~ on h&1 ' Lllutd ~'new, bulletl.ru. w~~IJY. in· favor Ot --tbe "Recent figures funtiah<!d bf Prlnten' 1n11 mapsine," said Stewart, "indicate that -•Y -'2 billion of cunent advertising expendi\ures go to our -J19pen. l6llO mil- lion to our magazinea. Can it lie do<lbted that Alllerican readers receive more complete -. and vutly better in- formation and entertainment from their -.,.per11 and Altf\Nt S. 1111 Ion for Jo Anne Og'den. dau&hter about ™ •111ion worth• ot appro-°'¥ le called ·' Pou •nd P•nS: for ttate..~'l'.Jrtej •~l~t ~e.4 that Dear Afr : of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Os<fen, priatJona bf.: b being ~layed by-yovr ~itchen.•• ud t.elll the houae-the Ju.rt pa.id ·no attentfon' to-~-~ M a flgh• .._ w-.t ·• Hou .. and-wtre w~t to use for cooklnc.~.An· the evid~" · . Sol/W _... ..... --• ...... -• ~.,....,,. -t. 133 W. WU80n St.. ~·· ..... ' ~ ~.. Ule othe I ··u~ '"Tool , -~ • • in ce1ebratton of Jo Anne'• thir-Senate over an laue clo8e to tJle r 8 ._ or:u •· ror• •.~ TbiF ll ~your Frlendly Ford we k>cRed • bt'Mdf'llll. Jt wu lM llnt, 1 Md ..... two ..-..oM. teen~h rthd&y a recent dinner-hea.rta of fed~ral employees-how ~pa.ration and Dlahi"9:11'M·" Dealer, Ttieodore Robina. •Y· W• Md .tarted. to "'°"" tt, •Ma. tram Wt • .U. or ...,,.e away.., • ~ i th f Pdera.t pa~ll8 Khould be-cut. Both have been ~ ;, sin~e lng pod•bye ·tu ae. xt w, eek: IWOfdo.ftelt. IMat eaJM et ...... 9"(H'. He ..._ .... ttaad ~ vnlll we ot.)o bM detall• wu •. ven n e "'... Ju.ne • Yfllr' ago_. l wou14n'~ want ._._ ?9Uo of the Ogde.n home. Blue , There la Houw-Senate •""'ff-t ...... i.-ju had hMd a ctreemt ebuee to •on UM fWI. as Mrr9 m IO e• and yellow tones "''t!J"e acccnte,.d -· y.ou o, .... ., • ._ Al becauaie Wf' -menl that a cut ls nece¥StY be· have & war on ·-• ,. 1..,, tllal.,. .._~Md -on IM palplt, ...._ polMd. In the de<oratln e/fects. •-~&re ,ac •• an •·-~-·· 11••-~• . caU&e federal e.mploymf!tlt rol1B ur lmmedli&te .de-.. -lhl ~ f -~-.... , ~ lo our bWTJ' ta ,,... ~ bl trmt al tM nA. It w •dod tUld A procram at cam•• provided .. ~. '·l"""-. or . Wltb th&t Important e....it. tM magazines as a result•" · · It seems to us that thi8 ltstttt point iri a puticularly telling one. The general l,Mlbllc little realboes that the chtlnnel& which keep them tl!e best informed people in the world are made possible mainly through money spent for advertising. At the same time. of course. the advertiser benefit.a th1'0Ugh the wider tteognition and acceptance of his product. u.t waa •a.....L Tiie air enie:Jded WKJI wfllllt Mdt. -. ·~ or amu.eme.nt later in the evenma too large and payroti. too e:s.pe-na-more tban ~ bUllon, ln • mrutuy eddtn .-lb da h. ..,__, ¥-~· ive. Thrre arr about 2,4T3.-000 fed· appropriation bUL that · we ,. are Vt r. v• etr ug ta ~ the other .. aad theN waa bloe cnoke aJ"Ound OUT boat for qu~e a with each guetrt betnr awarded a eral worken and thetr a11nuaJ to-over:look.inw • the more .. ~t , hara ncwr pall," the Stuart. ea·n- whlle. Receatly. we heard Mer th• air a ••mt...,. lnctdent. To priae. On hand for the tete were tal payroll runa approxtmate)y_ lhJAp of llfe. lf a:r.tv of·t.&e .boue dlft• of Rfffl"9ide ha•e ret\lhlfJCJ H t Beverly Beebe. Shirley C1aW11Cm $8 :i; bllUo dtn to c _\ " to their Bi.Ibo& home for' 'Ole' re. undentate it, .everyone wu mad u el , , of Provo. Utah. former Meaa.n : · • n,.accor • Ollt' on-wJve1 of the 22nd Qial.riet dO:not lnl . . lt'• a k>•1 1"09.d t,_l bu DO turaJ.n,.. Ye8lerday, ap.iA a JUNl gn!'S&ional oemmtttee.. yet know wAaL . too'-· to ~ tor ma .. al' dayS Ol ~. "' on a.a.other boet, we alahted anOt.Mr broa.dblll. We wor~ h.im Evelyn Taylor, SOnla Jda!~s. Cort:fllctlng p'11..ne •re ottered dlaihW&abint', pie-d'~, thte of· Mr. Stewart !!&id that adYertisi.n1 ia now considered an economic necesmty. Tbat lt i&-not only to advertiaen and publillhers, but to the public, both as. consumers and as individuals vitally interested· in the happenings which make up the daily world aroµnd them. ----·---- "MOUm TO TONSILS" Carol ADA Elmer. Helen Dfllt'hm. by Ute HOWie and Sm.te reapec-fiee a ·une nd 'II · unhurriedly. as there were no olher 00.t.a nea.rby. B"t M wun't Jeri -Lyne Ogden and Michael ; lively tor red'Uclng federal em· boohlet.at ~.w:t:s ~o;:.nt. hunsrY. He wrned bla Jon,. DOM up at our fiah. So we ~ Ol'de.n. pk>yment. .. Ing job, toe, and qutte a f"". treea hl.!!I locatiOn t.o a plank-boat a.nd procttded wt th our marlin fLlhll\C. Tht> Houee che.mpfom: the Jen-<!led • noG)e death. to 9utJply .. Ute Not '°"' alter. we ,Sght.ed IU'IOlher broadtMll. ~ one we worked County Fa.Ir M>n Plan. Rep. Ben Jenkft. f~-paper. . . al.a, but meanwhile radiOed the local!°": to a ~eh boat. The la.) wonJd ~ut the-emjt~y.raent Row many other treea.,ewett cot Esquire. The broadblll made one half·hearted pa.as at our baJt, (Ceatt.uNI trOfll: hp,J) rolls by prohibiting~~•&:~-down, do you wppio&e,;,to'"'rnillike but that wu a ll. A• we cantlnued to try to lnt.ere1t the trroe.dblll, the main a.rt>n& on Thurtd•)' and eles from fil11J1g more than.~ U\e paper for the rtetrJ releue The l!:~ulre drew near. Satisfied that we had our fair chance. we Friday morninp, ata.rtlng· at f>:30. out of each four emp~ent VJ-which carried. the eta~ tnfop. told "nle Eitqulre to go to It. He did. and with a sood thf'Wlt, eoon Sprcial evf'nt tor -the Ora.nge cancie.1. B~ uy• tht8 *~ •!~ mat.ion tllat CaptaJn. Jobn· Sri.Ith. County fair'• iu· nior llYf'stnrk de'· ........ mllJI....... a y-In -·•-~-. h h •·~ ·' had the broad'blfl under control. We re-t a k ick &at of It, and J'm -, ~ u.m ~r-.: "'' en e .,un«:U at r.Jl.f!'eal.OWB, th E I did. H IRCI b sh ed h n h d ked partment. wh1ch hQ r&.111ced tenth alon"'. never dreamed. tJttt;t 1someday (he sure e squre ecru y , ow u• t e I an aa In 11~ In thf' ata\e, will be-the The Senate ts Ncklng tM 'J'.er-people 1n t.Ml area would be'.usln · A trifle more than a year ago this country witnessed if we wanted 90me at It. Not many mtnutea later we had a utl livf'alock auction wtlh prize-win-gwM>n Plan. an,. Homer FerR'l!· e:lectrkity ! 'Jbi• otnee . J.,> d 0 ! th-e wave of scarce buying .... that followed the outbreak of fJ"O n1 another swordfish boat, The Jerry R, saying' that they were I nlng animals going to the high-son· 4 R-Mlc~h.) would reduce em-engaged in Pilinc u:p the·dstry r/!"" standing ·by a feeding marlln lmtll we could run over. And tbey est bidder In t he judgJiig-ring on ployment by_ simply cutting by 10 Jea¥a of Ute office of IOP8,. In· the Korean war. There was all kinda of frightened talk eontlaued to ata.nd by tor a good half-lwuc un&il we aot there. Saturday at 10 a.m.· Oaf> th0t•· Pf'T ·cent. the amounts .sou11bt .by eluding-lJle weekly net( telepJM>lle about severe future shortages of practically n-erything. We didn't get the marlfn, but we went hOme aatl8tled. We sand frtt ble:aeh.tr ~cu wlU ~ moet fe-der81 agencle. ftlr. payroll directory ro·r that ~c 1 The main problem of many rftercban•-waif to ..-enough don·t. know the men-on either The E8qulre or The Jerry H. but avallablc tor apecta.~n .to watcll purpoaea d\lrin.g fhtcal 190,2. . doubt if we.have room to a...L _ u. 9"" • Tex Condon. one ot southern Call-Cert&Ln excepllona a -~ -• _,, --~-f uf h · we: Jtnow tlMy re gentlen1en and 1ood guya.. The broadbill we pointed t ••. 1 11 eatock rt .. ~e, the accumulatJon. gUUUl!!ll rom man acturen to meet t e roaring demand. om-• mo•t popu ar v · Buch a.a for. the AtollJlc Energy A sho rt time ago ~he Wall Street Journal -conducted an out to them was .only • smalJ one, but lt wu worth a lot ~ auctloneen: ln '-cj.ion. • ~ommj11ioo1,UDder botb P!&m-I • • • . • . , la erea&ing • teelm.s ol n1uttM.I undentandtnr and ~spect th&D" \t tfttereilfn'" nfa_lbfti'7 Uhcle By cuatom.. apprapria.tr9n.s bllUi Washington ia. the ·city ,w}lere antlfversary survey to find out just how maclt eonditione wiU briRI' in dollan and cent. in the n1ta market Sam's latnt in al~ntt .;&ltd tm# ere launched" tn the: Rouse. Tllere the-question or Rating rlooy Jtave changed. According to it.a report, the ~picture bl 8bmetlme." we'd like to meet thoee ruys on tboeie sword.II.ah plements t:Jf. warfare-will· be thei.e •tt a doz~ri ·bil1s ·a11 'toh:I. eowring Gann, as slater of lhf.vtce.Epie&J. -now ctrasticaJJy different. Merchants are bothered with boat.a. u we .9p0t any more broRdbW that aren't hunfTY, you know arranged by the Norton Air Force \'ariowi ft"deral ope1W.UoM. Re--dent. ahead or Alfce. ~velt longages, not shortages. And they are buying warily from wtto's ,.ofng to 1et a call to come over. And we hope Ole nvct one 8-e-at San B&r~·.aiwl . ~ -qttestgffor-y:oaeh of these-openttkmt Lonpworth, u wtre of~tl'le SpMk. LE8Tl!IR" A. Bl!(Jl[J!!K. D. D. !I. J , Dl!:NTISTl\Y I . I 17~ Nl!)VllOrt Blvd., Cdsta M- Medle&I Bid._ BeaCOll 1142 llOttlt.BayA ..... ~ Harbor 327~ • .. ' V. IL a~o.·u. ' ··~~t.{f-trUST . 11:¥ ..... " _ • .,......_" SIU W. ·Newpe. .. :Ill ... Ni,;.port· -ila"'°r !5JJ. we can•t C'atC'h that we tum over to them we1P,• a tm! Aircraft, F1eet , Marine Force. are conta.lned , iR l.be, P~dent's -er or th~ Hobse of Rep~aent&ttve1 the suppliers. The paper quotes one department store Good luck. Eaqulre and J•rTY H. Pacific, at El 'l""oro. budget me'saa.re to Congress. at tl'le dtnner .table,., Cteated u t MORTICIAN official as saying, "We quit han<J.to-mouth buying a couple See you on the t•-mlle bank! A vaal array of commercl.a1 ant.I This year the Houee, a1o!'g with much controversy 2?li ydrs 8.go, as 1 ·--------'''----- _, h N , b Industrial t'Xhlblts. Including auto.<1 doing some 1trlmming, tacked the the question of ,seating ted·Cblna 8A,J:,D •Oill D&•T u1 mont s ago. ow we re vying mouth to tonsils." (Name withheld by request) and farm lmplem~ts. will be ~n Jensen amendment into each ot,atx at the ·un,tted ·Natlona, ia..ble :'cre- r This doesn't mean that retail busiDell! ts in the di.splay under 30,000 aquare fttt of the approprlaUoqa biU. ptqre ates today. I am" about to~_write 'la•7 AtteadDt doldrum•. It isn't. It i• Ml1lning at. a good level, but tile Col.-Don Bush Me .. .a Matron 'as O( tent opace and on other por-sending them along to U>e Senau. Mn .. Carolyn Hagner· !!J\~w; .Pub-ooil!~N'A tu1!1!";1. \ .,... UoNI of the fairgrounds. A tarm But a.!!I it considered each of the llaber of the SoclaJ. Ust of Wuti.. ·nu .l;.o.f,,o days of record sales are over. In many cases sloretl have lmplement demonatration with ac· first three of t.hoeebllla •• the Sen-t:ngton, and the ,tto~·_arbi· DAY AND NlGln" large inventories of goods wllif:h are moving comparat.19ely Birthday Celebrant tual field test. h .. be•n oet tor ate su'18tJtuted the Fer!IU"'°n Plan /er "ot theoe problem•, ~d ask Iler l'lloae Harbor U l!lfowly. And consuiners are shopping .about and baying and F ·1 Off Tbul"8day from 10 a .m . to 4 p.m. for the JenS:t>n Plan. ·to decide orie for. me. aml Y Frlenda, Cf'&CiOUI hotlpltality. Competing for title of ••Quttn That meant that each. of the The: Office of Price Slablllza- wjth great care. dellck>ua food aad a real surpri• of the 1951 Orange CoUnty Fair," three bills h8d to be sent to coll· tlon (CX>PS) has been Ole )l8ppy Here is further proof of the· fact that the retailer bu f w h all added up tn make Mn. Arlie in Wed:needay night's free arena ferences of House and Senate Ai>-d'tnnptnc ground for lhe1 deteated n1enty of problems even though bis · ky h' h or as •1ngton , ,-show. will be 12 lovely girls pre-propriaUon.1 committee.a members Democrata ot the 1950 re.i~&nn •. .r; · • pnces aeem 8 • ig Swarts I birthday celebration, vloutly picked in 11plrlted elimt-for compromise agreemenL 'Mte Toledo . humori~t. MikTI>t- to most of us. Those prica aren't his fault-in case after Jul)' 28. happy ttt every partlcu-nation contests and each repre-They a.re •till there. Salle, testified be.fore the .House Case his actual profit per dollar of salefl is less than it was One mot'f' medal hu bffn add-la.r. ~kl'l"OtUKI for lhe pl& at-'aentlng one of the county's high In each iCa9e, the conference COmauttee on Agrk:ultur;eo Uiat he: '"" da b th · tevel h lo H' ed to the alrn.dy e:ii:teft.live col-fair waa Ute . Kln•• Rd. home of echool did:rlcta. Tllie contt>11ta.nta &gT'~ t o replace: the Jmaen..P'tan dida't know hi9 agency ...,.. betllg "" ya w en e pnce was mue · we.r. LS opera.-ltttlon of Lt. Col. Donald S . Dr. and Mra. Leon 0. Nel90n In will be honorfd gueata of the with the Ferauaon Plan but when ued ae -a convenient puddle tor tpig e08ts have gone up aH along the line, due to conditions Btnth, usMc. 192 Wella Pl., Col-Cll:ft HaYen where Mn. Mack oran,.e cou.n ty f air during the the House 1~lf wu asked to vote Ulue tame d\lckJ. The eommtttee "'hich are entirely beyood his control. He must bear much ta M'e•. who wu aw•rded the P'rMd shared hoiltea duties wtth rt~•Y e•ent. aj>prOYal ot that switch, ft retuaed l'M!ntiben ottered to rt•e him the Qf the brunt ot conaumer reaentm.mt over inflation. So sflver irt.ar m-'81 IR Kot"ea fof' M~ Net.on. buff_. -u.. Plenty or benche•. drblkf:n8 and ae~t the bills beck to collfer· namea. --. con91>lcuoua pllantry -.rut lntttp-• nner. t!!l · "'"-WU ~vvY-tount.a.tna and reatrooms around ence M,y problem iJI not very serious. JOatters aren't all milk and honey in the tttaJJ trades. lty tn ac.Uon •l'a.inft lbe enemy ed amid • nora:J tetttnr keye:d lo the fairgrounds and a free nursery A~d each time, of coune:, the ac-l simply want to know, 'when ad- .• a • while .ervtni" w1tb a Marine air· the vlvtd eolora of the lll!UOn and p)&ygl"Ollftd tOI' dlec~tnr Ured tton mede top hNdllo:ea ta Wult· drelllde8' a Setter to onet of tliese 1 ,j.gE "FIX" WE'RE JN era.rt photograph.le unit tut 'year. with harmonlztn.-Upe:ra accent-UJ\y-tota will be available to Y'ial· tnaton ~.,era 1""°9e. aib-fonner ~ of mme/ .. all '4•• The citation accampanylng the inl' the dlarm ~t lM ecene. A ton. The 60-acre parklnl' lot near aertbe1'• tn.elUde tho'UIMndil ot· tm-. l ..,.. t>dz. Mr, Dear Madam, or • To say that the basketball bribery mess and the moral award •.Id in pa.rt tllat Col. Bueh. ca.n'1e-IJ1hted btrtbday c • k e, tha maJn. enbance will tumWl er-al eomployu. Dear Doefry ! laxity in the national administration circlee haft any COn-prior to and dUTlng the Inchon· !!i'" ... ~~ ..!=m::~t pl ... ty C1f pul<lftg •pace f<>r vloft• &cten of the J.man Plan ------ Seoul en.p.,ment and knowln&" 11 ht.-·~:. .,____ .. _. ... ins 1notorilrts. a.rpe U.t lt.e h1gw PfaD C f AJ d nection Whatever might Beem, at first glance, to be far U.e inhuent dan•er of hta mla-I ~ -0-n~•ce. ll'rlday. Aqgvot 17, haa '-n woekl p<na1JS4! the more eftlelenl • , . ftaft 9f fetched. Mon, with complete dAlrepnt for ParUclpaUng tn the: tun were deslpated as children'• day wltJt goft'ml!\ent depa.rtmeAta, W1dcJl • --: • , y t h uld be peracnal safety, oepeatedly and Mr. and Mrs. Swartz, Oen. and all 10W>Sol•ra -12 ~ ot. try l<> hold _. wutet'ol ta-Reported Misrg e • t ere co a eotlJleetion. The yoang men in-akiUtully new unucorted deep In· M,... Raymond Knapp, Mr. and age bolnJ admitted free of char•e' lun\Over,jEovl>Jectlns l1'en\ to . r volved in throwing the games in which they played were to enemy territory to produce t)le Mn. Charin TeWlnkle. Mr. and to th<!' O!><IJlda Oii.i.Mt day .. wdi "meat •~•" cuto. With the Jen-·Chari.. P. Alexude ~ ot old enollgb to know better. They migll1 have done what .. r1a1 ~ oo ""*1 to the Mr& M. J . Rootetler. Ml .. J>rLi. u to the attemoon"• chlldren'• oen Plan lll"IJVDlent run1, 8eulde Apartmento JM West PSYCHOLOGIST EUGEJ'o'E V. :WA.~!18 PSYCHOLOQlllT Maniace Counselling • Family Relation.a Sexual Problems llOl!i N. nm:~ Saata Aeia Phone S·tM'7 EARL W. STAMEY REUPllOLStEi ,· l'OUa J:l'D!:CE l!ET th~ did ~_.._ of what went on In Waahln.+nn But ~ of '°"' tlallJ<I Natlofta clll& Dole. Mra. LetUe Brlnde..,. horae obow In the main ar.na. more de . enta Would try" to .0.:.0 Prent. WU r~ ·-· .. .,~ ~~--...,--••·~ BOn, Mr. and )Ira. Leroy Alldar· Thia ~ -llhow wtll &loo hold clown . fumover In orde• to lnS today at 7:1~ p._ "':I..,. Mrs. " many of the promlMat offkiale ill IOY~ have "In ort •-t _.._ be ::· :::·,;::Ba~ era~!._...iit';. be P'<amled tree to odulto. uold u mUCh u pooolble __. Kaaael DalltlYa oC ~ He , beill involved in "fixing" u.;.,p for tbelr f1~.(with a new~ ri>•u-ot the • -Gmeral odmloalorl t<> the !air ne1 MdUctJorla. bad Jett 'n>eaday to w.ela -·to .,,.,, '1 -~to and Mrs. Mook Freed ud '°" ~bu --at" cmto ,..._ IPJan oupporten cca-the Buick llSebcY In~. but" P~ to themaelvee) u renaled in the R. F. C. aDd other 7 ~"'."..!'.t:....... ....!:_ . Mrs. ~ <l&Jlactier and lltUe tor cl\lldftn ttom o1x to 11--,.. o..L. "·t r~-• -p'"--·t ••• aa tlle car ,.., not ~. lad :-..-:...a•"--n· ~-a _ .. _ to w'"'-'" --'"'-~I YOUlll-~~ :::.:::""--~ Linda Lee N-dan•hl 'of ,_ ~ -~~~ -·-~· w -~ sten might respond. • ' anU..am:Nlt fl'!-otl>or ptctur... I cla<ltng tax. ..__ to Uae reg-ma.lie a ~Me dent In It 11 two houn" and II.ad Dot~ _,d ~-.......,....,..... ...,,. ,,..._,. .......,~uuwun '"'""""~ • ..,.. __ ._ .. --·•the ho.ta. • -er otare...t50cnta!oradUlta.ln-IOlllnocbl&'tha~tlHoonlJ-Ytoll>otrowed a IM7 ·n,,,...,....· "tor In other words it create. ,,._ imp!! 1 ion that 0_,_ ae<Ured u a ,_,It or hlo bm>lc ular -.-. and , ool.rlcb ~ J approprlatlona re-from alnce: I . , • ..... uq .. -.,..uy aided u. --0·1°'ner to Pr c ·de rec. .. will be: cllllcltta • c:enta. ducUoria-._ man .,.. ~ to hit ... flOm ""'!"kera" play the pme 11oaatly, whether la Muetball llll wltlldna'Wel ot Ure .. -.-·r e e I adalto 73 ~ni. tor llloachtt..... Tb~ ar ent> -.tla....t: but 'J150 to POO on ..... ~ .... ar gOTemment So, .wh1 not pja ap a little euy money! Tiiie 1>1-.1o1on trom the a.-AriWcl Race , anc1 '1 for~ -to. Re-""'nl••llJ, \it ta -ecr.. an ....,,. mott •. u.. 1a • r=ta11 an<1 ...... ___ . w ......... __ .. -......, m. ,_,.,..P --. •'":" -eU1n 1n t11e -~-wm be ..--= --... wevilll" • "'"'" -ri: '-"'-SUYSm -..... --toaeta-ywithit. .....,.,,,·-to-J'•'"""of om ... nfly --1toeSUO'andma711owt111e,._. ... , _ _,,__,, trouaera u4 f eap.I . Maybe our ,re.-ins Oii .... ~.faulty.~ al ... pioplratloft lo. .... --... ers pvr>bsr1 alaoll)' OI' In alta .of ID Chlf -..-c~ -dla-Police o( ollltt ciu.. \w "°I leat; we have the rlJ)lt to ~peel tilu Iii hilll , ..... _to ftre ta .. ..,... wtUI U......, It .._.._,.at -Bay club on tov Uld elgllt. tWct .,..,IJ ,. .,_,. --• ~ ...prdinc -· - set aa enmPle wliidl YOUlll p•ple c:aa follow ~ llaeoa---o< ,!IM lllllt<d -.. ~y. Aas. H wtll 11e oondoff \ .... ~ Pf.,... ..,..'"'" 'or r_•-ial •" ---J. -11111tead of diepace, ..-COL -.• w11o _..._'=led In ' _.,.. • ._ . ..--..... -tal Air ,_, --. • ' 11 -..U... ta Kana. • JoiAUy by Loe ~ cllapte• pt THE .JUDGE TJl80W8. . THE, BOOK =~ !::.~:.. ~ --· NIDet)"-r'-(w tlJonl Ud ·-UM -Aas l*"l!W Ckmbjor A t11eory o6 Mark ,... •• Gil die .. c~n ent of "'-M Jt. -llilly. Tl '1ro<1 a< Ooillman>e. • . I i,kl . la under .. by ot the . .. --.-. D. c. -... --"' Cao.-"'1 Jl<!r, ;;d~.~ -.-~~ .. ·n .:_-:'!.'! •-a-R~ ~ ~ '9 _.,,_ WO tM dlul ·11 ol. llltCiZ., c. Jhrea,y w.n;. .......... --w: Ill 4104 Sic _, -•• ..,..,, ..... -.... I 'Ir loft -,,... ........ _,.'ll' ....,,.. Octlla ... '11111,,-. --"' tlM --ltllwtv--~ , ' -~ •. Bwpa--wmw, ...... z l1Wf9"1Jtbp•.,... tllat ti19 ... 17~ N ....._ lo -of Ula el- .. ..a --n , .. ,... ..... -,. ' .... a lillft u.. Small Boy ='~ .;. M'I ~ ::' .... ot•& ~ ---e.&11111 W, .. I fi F"ili •tile""( p &4 Bitten qy ~ .._._ JW. • tct I I SI" JIJ',,..,_. _, tllll& .... of I El 'tr 11 ' , ' : !Jeteli&IDed; e111ftell), tllat JIJ'. ......... .. .... '= .,_. ~ ... -'tl'tl-ISS 9,AV i I eel" W. time, Jwlp ~ rea11J th ... U.. 1Miell lit Iii'= • · _,..., arnl 'l'INM. OI ..., .._ ..... ._ ads• -.as1r:s:1.ssr1stllll-• • 1 w w a,_,. a ·,_m boollie--Yictm .. of 1111(> ... tbw J W It& f I L *-••• 5' 'll -!Mt· - -... • t k ·= prllbr 'h• ;":' •_ E S::Jl 1. t . 2 llr, •:: :. •/I':=-= Via 'lite -ytro «11 •• ...,,. ,,. Oil! Jlmll; "ti to v a t · man It dljle" .. ""·" • , ::::..:::._-. no.• - : .::._-••1 m ..._ a.. .. . ... • • t?PE£lJy' HARVEY <;'OM£l?( INC .4a1Aw•lll. ....... ~ ..,.., ;tr I -.... ...... ,'E.e. a D1ls""'1 ....... , ... JrOW .. ... ..... . , ............. .. ,.. --: ..... 1=: ~ ., I i l ~ • I ' I ~ • • -• • Temp01'U'lly llertb..S at New-• • port Yacllt Bula Ip tbe'b<&UWUI •••••• u. s. Nsral 65--toot motor .Uer Denhlr, r • formnl7 belollslng to Altnd .DI>· Air c:.• Pi••- pont but -owN!CI b7 Mr. and Mn. 3'*1Jh CkanVt1le Of . Tltrff \ Aroh Bay. I Tbe Grahvlllea took cleliftl'Y of 1,he Denblr In ~ OD 3ulJ' 21 br.lnglng her down la Ull hoUN and 50 mlnuta crulalns Ume. On ba$,rd wue lhe ownen. Mn. Oranv!lle"• ,llOll, a.ui.., Jl'lahNd< of Beacon Bay who, ac:ted u navl- ptor and Captain Dennl80n. of Seattle. lilra. Ff411hlek Oew to Ban n.1'cl9co and came down with tile olhen on board the boat. The de!eel powered Devahir hu • c:rul8lnl' range ot 14.00 milea:, her g1'0ea tonnage la 43, net ton-- n&«e 28. ~ka are of natural teat<, with deck house a.nd l.ntar· Jor or m&bogany. She caniet 800 a-alloM of water and bee ..n &Ma 19 1080 •quare feet. H er Wee ulllng cockpit i1 complete With wtreel and ~cle. Tbe galley 18 ot st.a.ln.1eu ateel and boast.a a · 28 cublc foot ice box tn adctiUon to the J.2..foot deep freese In the wheel houae. She bu hot wa.tn heating in all .t.aterooma and the ownet'tl' atateroodl II.Al a glaased· In tub and shower. Na-.:lpllonal equlpmebt lnclu4H two dlrectlo:n. flnders and a ~tt radlopllone.. Tba Naval A--Cadet -....__ .. ,,.. tvr clvl!W.- dld.atea alnce: october, 1960, -a. opened Auguot 10 I.be Buruu Of l(aval Per-"1 l.bDOUbced. -"" -18 lhrouch ,. -apply at any Navy recntltblg ot&lioe. Naval Air &taUon (Air Re .. rv .. 1 ~ Naval Air lleMne Tnlnlnf UnlL J!elecµart bo&nh. emabllQod at ~&..al -.,.. Air Statlorw ud Nani ...... 8-rY• Tnlalaa UDlta, wtll 9etect candidate&. 8electe81 will underio fll,itt tralftlnj' for apprJOXlmately 18 mobU!a ud upon aallafactory complet.Jolf ol. f.hl• prornm wtll M oommtaalOD· ed Enalrna In the Naval a.- or Second lJeutenaJrtl m the ~ rtne Corp, Reeerve. Applicant& tot t.be Naval Avla .. Uon Cadet prosram n1uet be W>· man1ed, mutt aaree to re.ma.in wunanied until contmllllion-4 and muat haft abn!pleted a mlblmUm of two tull acaderD.lc ye.an •U.- tactorny at 8.n ·a.t.redlted collip or ' ualvenlty~ ,...--'------ -Ml '\'HE OONOLVBlON or t11o....,. .=-•r -..: c.>Y.t+ • .P, c. ''-A. a.catta -W.. · -"" Newpcn .-, .. ...,.p11y.,. •ho.,..,. W..:.JIOMI al ••11:Y-.'_a., -··r-r.""l ~at.. sliow,. 'lliue, re& t:t.e '')ltOl 'til l .,.itallle, ~e:IL Y •. Ct'Wtari .CSAiaMkm .. lw!Ft ..,.._Rte• 14• q;.u-iulil .,._ -.,.., II< Y. 0: 0!<111 'rir:e' Rant 1111 .. ;A l ':M:f"" <Jllfl allrm·n; W:&. ~· T :·A. Oammodore ciltt Qa.apmu. l { • .. ,... .,. .. (Phote by Bec:klffl'r) . . .,, . . . . . New equipment will be lmtall~ ed and a llh&kedown ct"Uiae will be made to .Aeapu,loo wWl a' .local aklpper hi diarp. With •"°'7- thln&" In lop 0bolcb -dltlan. the GranTIDee . &Dd J1ebberlr1 will leave ~ "1Dtu an a. world crutoe . .cbar1ee Did Benlloe J'W>. back allo bave a S.-ttle boat. the 5G-foot Sha.lp Trimmer lilllp. the Invader •. and tbelr marriace ;~ W'IJI an event of . late 1 GIJUT OF DE!IDELll BYC Contenders Receiye Award$ Finl pla<:e rlbboba f'!< the Wttk ol 3uly 30 wve • awatdecf Jl'rld&y ~t at the weekly Bal-hlav<I :racht cl•b -th\g-to·the follow- 1111' people: pd<lt.-..!a. •Mark ~udder. DoQl\a ll&rtl1lan., BIU Vandorllpg, !'at J)y<r. Tod White. A.nn R.a,._llpr. p.4 ~ .r-uon. In rowtng. to c&rol WUU&m.r, Gall White, ·am Lloyd. Mooe·RM Bar-'°"· Tdd White, Carol Eyman, Noel~-. o. o. Parlter. of PL Bran. ro..: mer1.y ot tbe H&rbor &rM, waa a recent hoUBe gueat ·Ot Mr. a.rW Xra. Jo Dendel of 220 E . ·1ath St., Co5ta ...... In diving to Carol Wljllam.r, lla.a47 Wript. Tod White, Sall)' Inman, 3,1141 lhrlm. &nice P1tt· mt.11. 1:1<!anore OUtllrlo, Bolt lb- -'In 9WlrnJntna' to Bobby MclCMI,.. Dona• Haitlnt.11. !tank Kyle. Pae I>yw, Toa 'Wblte. Judy • -~~. V11C001 Navy Man Comes lido ffanl Blnail' Home for R*.tta -and Sol> Dollol-. ' In the ll&llioa 4111gby duo both r&CM w-. wee b>-A.NI R&wlliu azw1• .. u.e -..... both '"""' •«• WOil .,. Tam rro.t.. Tba '""11a Of Ille 3uly Alling -'""' ae foJJowa ; In the Bal· boa dinghy clua, l l Micky Smith: MEZZAllDll! LIDO DROO 8TOIU'l Harbor 1246 •• PLANE · e !lBIP e ft.UN RESER\"ATIONS • Mutull Tlleatn ran l lft!CJ Dlok lardall. -"'Mr. and Mra lad< D. l~ of· MM Haas Ave, Loo AnpliN ud 200 Eaat 8o,y "-rt. Bal--Illa plans montho -lo puUeipate In the SCY A -PCY A ttptt. belnr be! bere this week &nd he travelled eG0 tnile1 "°" '° IO. DJck ls a member ot •t..._ Yacht club, host at the regatta and hu been a yachting enthu.s t- ut alnce early t!Qy.boa4. He al"- rtved t\!!f"f! Aucuat 1 and will be on lf'avc until August 20, when he I) Ann Rawuna: 3) Roger Boy- ve. In tho S-blrd.~ ~'Torn FrGOt; Jl ~ n....,, Ben- jamin: 3) Vice-Commodoti! Noel Bar1ow. '============:'lntes b&Ck to•the v. a. Naval bO&-pltal at A.n.n.apolla, Md. A bos- CUrnat 1tan4lnp for the Mun- roe Memorial t.rophy were a.tao rud. Tbo fllolt ftq placoo W•ft ~ ro11oon: 11 Mlekr 11rn1t11: 21 Judy swtm:S) ~Ru Barlow; t1e tor 4th ~twttn Ann RawUna IU)CI v1co-commoc1o... Noel Bar- low . Trophit"a for the July aatlln.c aerlea will be pre1ented at the an· nu&l trophy presentation, to be hl"ld Thur&day night , August SO at lhe Balboa Yacht club. r • • • tr T. Y. SETS FOR RENT l I I 1-DA V MD.'IMUM I I • TIDE T. Y. l I I 1 SOil NEWPORT BL VD ~pout-BA•--! i I • • . f• BritiSh cars •ou•s M. G. .. ~ .. RILEY S<;'llU1'LE& lllO'I088 1008 !lo. OOaat - pllal _corpsman, . be ts at pre8ent leamin·g radk>g'raphy. The next BIYG ptcntc win be Tuesday night, Auguat J.f.. Prior to jolnlnc the navy tut October Jordan wu empJoyed by the ,t;,veatmen.t firm of BateDlan SPICER ON CRUISE . ~lito& AND ~ p!!FITl'1 dlAI Ito apla In t ... 'nibllle ra• R\"f'r tut ft?rk en& M'rln for ttw-~ ...... "' 'UW ICY ... rCvA ,..;...._ 7"' 1&,P boab aft nMllalrd ..,...., elf 1'1..,,...,n Hlll'bor, hut 8unDr• racP eompl'Ucl t:hr Ml'IAll Me,t, t1•pet1U.. Eichler. He attended UC at Lo. Mid.8hJpman \.VaJter L. SpLcer. (Photo by Becki\~ Ange1u•and b a member or Dd1a USN-ROTC; ao11 of Mr. and Mre. Upsilon f-ratemity. · While at An-Walttt S. Spicer. a! 33 Harbor napolis he crewed on the Eut Island, Newport Beach, & at.udent Wind, an 18' 8" yawl built tor a.n at \be Unlw.ralty 'ot Colorado, admlr&l ot the German Navy by Boulder, O>lo., departed from Nor· qrder ot Adotpb. Hitler. Dw1ng hla folk, Va., AulUlt 3 on a on~onlh l•ave tts "Ql>en bOtiM" at tbe J or· c~ to U. 8 . and Caribbean. dan home for Die.it's ma.ny fliends. port.a. The cruiae ta part ot the Ge orge ~lumsteads Miss Betty Kirby H nored on. _ Moves to Flower ' Wed ·d in9 · Anniv. Alao dmlnfld for a navy career Navy'a annual .ummer tralnlnc ta Dlck·8 elder brother, Bob . .JS. PJ'Ogr&m fOf' rewrve of(tcer can· Philco ltlevtlton 1u~t _wu the (lllck i. 21). Bob majo•od In dldat<a. gift recel-by ~v. and Mre. physlca at UCLA an4 took the ex-Tbe CQJiM provldee "on-lbe·job.. l't PUnatead ot "° Coat. am.Jnatioa tor the atomic enercy ~rtqt,ce in a.11 . J)buel _o,t, ~vy .M ,$L, •1.lM fm~ OCU4t commlslioe at Ban I>Mlgo, wher. 81Upboa~~t1dhl ceCli Wmlftt?' Jon oil.kelr 8Srd wedding annJ-~ la now a dvUlan employee ol 'tor more Ulan s.oc>o U. S. Naval ve .. k'Wrday, Aug. 4. 'MlC tbe navy ... He hu be-en notified Academy and NRCYTC mLdabfp-9t't. u • slit 1'nwn their children however, that tbe u.vy bu &c-mea from colleges and untversl-and C"tandchildTea.. cepted him u a tclenu.t Ln tke Uea -throughout t.he na.Uon. · and Mr9. Hobart Loud of Costa Mesa news correepondcnt Bety Kll'by ts movtn1 trom 280 Broadway to 409 l!:ut 'P1Vwer atreet. where ahe will be at hotne aa Uoeday. Wllb DO telepl>orw ·-!Pr lb• tlll>o .... r tlu.t -., 11o --to bor ,i•U..t-.... eeQed tq lier • Medical Corps. with the commla-Five llhlpl of the A.tlanUc llMt 20th SL. Coot& M-grand Mn. 0tpaa .,......,. ... of •1 '-=============::.!.~"'~°"~Of~Eb'.:'.'.'.al~gn~.-------lncludlns the battleahlp VSS Hl8-dau ter and ............ ot the Aft. lo _fl_. to -tbe 8t. ,....., _ sow1, make up Urie tf'alnlD.c llQ"ld-cou le ! Boeored tbem: ..wtth a. di•· 'bollp&U1 Wit.b &A attack ol -~ ; ron that W1U ¥ialt Hew YOt'k, Der ha& ..their U:a.ree children Nid •001.e ~ , ... Friday August 10 Saturday .Aucust 11 Sunday Ausust 12 Monday .A.!lsuet u Tue9day Aupst H Wedbucla,y August 15 ~J' August 18 t ·TI DE TAILE man 3 :f.5 a. m. 3:18 p. m. 6:'4.0 a.m. 4 :34 p. m. ~ 7 :62 a. m. :5 :48 p. m. 8:30 a . m. 8 :61 p. m. 9 :01 a. m. 7;f7 p. m. 9 ~!! Lm. 8 :37 p.;m. 10:06 a.m. 9 :22 p. m. 2.8 ~.3 2.9 ~.6 3.2 6.0 3.7 8.f 4.0 6.8 ••• 7.0 f .7 7.0 • LOW 7<4' •• m. ll:M . p. m. 8~ a.m. 0:4:T Lm. 11:01 L m. • l :•O Lm. U :21! p. "'- 2 :25 L m. 1:12 p. m. 3:08 Lm. 2:J6 p. m.. S;U LIJl. a:u p. iu. "°"'· JIOOM 8el?'-I ~c..~· &bd Guantabemo ~ ~~~.:; Dmna ___ L<NIM ___ ahd __ Ba,rry ___ Loud. __ ;;;i:;;;;;;;;;;-;;,.;;;;,_ dlilJJlt' table -.. a bOuqu•t Tllo Pl~ w.ete marrie4 2.f llllOTBERS MPIUi:O ot , colored double dabllu. In ·Norwich. f">sland. Aug. f. 0.1 Rk:harf Edwa .. Simo..-llb4 A ll~I-ham dinner &bd a wed-1... ~ h&" thrff chll4na- l.I a..,. w..,...n Simon••~ 1m&U cake were enJoye4 by tbe two ~ llb4 two -t -1.0 '·' -LS u -t.1 Li • eone of Mr. and Mno. 8tabley Sim· , Rov, and Mrs. Plwutead, .puc1 chlld.ren. Tbey came lo the OIJ."!"lo Wett baptlZed ~y In Mr. and Mn. WhJ\ Helm.I of New-United It.ates hi 111111. ~ lo to.. the Cool& Meu Corrunwalty Meth· Beach. Mr. u4 Jllw, Gordon ta Jf-In ltf7. Rev. Plmnlted odllt chllrell with Rev. 3oeeph W. ''C;;o;l~;;.;· ;;; of -· Mlel -In 1129' from lbe mUUll.rJ Mdllwie offtclatlbg. " OW ot ~ &bd of the ConsregatlObal church. • • PlillE J - 822 ooAfii manw4v · ' 'OPEN ' ' ' ' • • ... - ... -. . . . ~ . . .. ' ,, ,., ) -:1;:0.w .-is "the time .. ta transfer your · funds : . -to · insured • , ... r', • • S;IV.11-:GS . ' ... . " • • ' ' CURRENT EARNINGS .·· .. 1r.:· ..-·-·, . ; . . , ~ • llf ..._If TR flrl . '!f· OF QI •OITt UUS 1 --ISJI • -. • • ' ' Lightest Weight SPorf Coat ·eyer mede! For real hot weather, this dressy sport coat . will enable you to look well and keep cool Only Half the Weight (22 ounces) . . ' of the Average Sport Coat. • All \\·001 Jersey, Superbly TaJlored Wlth Linen Taped Seams to Hold its Shape • Can B'e Seen Now in. Several Colors at Mufti, Ltd. 19882 Newport Blvd. Ph. KL S·Z980 J Blocks North of Santa Ana Country Club Sue Stanley with Felix & Leo entertaining nightly et VAUX' in Balboa • DINNERS SERVED UN TIL MlDNlGHT FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE HARBOR 1314 ;DE£R SEASON OPENS AUG. 11 • WE• ISSUE H UNTING LICENSES and DEER TAGS 1 ~ Gu.ns • Ammunition • Rental Rifles -·. * 17th aud SE\\-PORT BLVD., COSTA MESA. Do You Know? WE CARRY SUCH U1'-USUAL ln;MS A S 0 TL"TCH" LATCH • '"TERBAl...ENE" METAL SAVER S HL'ITER BAR • STICKLE BACK • UQUID .. MASKING TAPE • "ALERT'· n..use GUIDES ' ''GARD :ti: GUN'' • CONCRETE NAILS • ·READY MIX {'OXCRETE ('SmaU Bas"•) • LEVE.a SPRAY El.EC'tKIC SCROLL SJ\ \\1 • DCK>R SNUOOEk.s A.ER...\TORS • MAGNETIV CAN OPENER MAGN-ETIC CABINET CATCH • • \\'e Make Keya • \Ve Rent Laddera and Whee{barrow1 BAYVIEW BUILDERS SUPPLY 811 COAST IUGHWA Y, 1''EWPOR1' BEACH HE~t:' Free Sbow1 . Ca11dflll GOD .. JCetl rs• .HOUESHOW • HURRY! HURRY! • Doa't Mia ti.. 1151 ORANGE COllm FAIR. AuCJ.15-19 --Fabtrl!!.•• i'o_MiUI_ . AlmJAlr~· • • JWlfDTMMCS --r:· .... • • ~···-' ----.. .. -, , ·os'tllCH uca ,. ·P:'tJ ~ .. .an..11• 1,._. Giia .... • •s s 11>.,,. .-., 'I RI .. .. ~ Ifie• J n.owD IP~lll-la•H .. I F LAST .DAY-._...,.,_.1 ... . -......... tiiiMl ' I Q 0 7 ...... .. s r .. -I . • BAIUIOR ARJllA aotS. OLUB ro LMrve Cbamp1) Miited tsp for tbW Bob ~h.el.. 1 Broee Kipp. Paul and -.l'lm Newkirk. OtbC1.r team Martlnu, Bob . . . Oil LlON N INE (alllo lmOWll .. _,_,, Oollforala van.,. ~ photo. un to u1cbt fro.at row: Iba Saow. Jack Weldlel. bull&. fta( k ro\\', BUI Webe.I, lArrJ' Chapm&ll, Marion Dave7 bf!~ 11ot prnen& are: Fran.k Navarro, Bob Revlea. Tedd'~ nmnana and lolln Murphy. (Presa Pholol . BOYS' CLUB IONS WIN Music and Fun S. C. BASEBALL Till~ . Mix W~ll in Harbor Ar<• Boya' Club Junior I.Jon bucballer1 coppe<l their Recreation Prog I second Southern Catt,fomla Valley I..icap1t1 Champk>nahip In three • j ,1ears la."lt Thuraday by de.feating South Pasadena •·O and 10·1, ln a A concert ln Orange City park. j I double header at Costa Mea's Lions' Field. a keenut ear contcat and a plcnJ c Pau1 Schuitl pitched botb seven , at the Long Beach Pike were an I innin• g a mes. He allowed two ~ "vcnta in the 8\Jmmer mualc echool hits in the first game and only re<:reallon proirram under the di· rectlon of Mia Nonna Perkins. The summer music echool 'W-. a part of the supervised playground program which bf.gan June 2:1 a.nd termlnatNI August 4 and which waa operated by the city of New- port Beach and the elementary a.chool Parent· Teacher Aaocla· Uon. one lln e seventh inning t ln the &e00nd garnet He atr11ck out eight batters In the entire after· noon. His n1ates provillted great sup- port with errorleas ball over the entire route of both gamen. Larry Chapn1an was out¥&ndlng at third baM with aix aaaiate and 1 four pu~ outs. F ive 8lngles off the b&tll of Teddy Martlnei:. Bob Wetzel. Jack \Vhelrhel. Paul Schultt And Chap-- man alonJr wtth a walk in the Initial lrinlng of the flret icame ga\'e the local!I all they needed to win In four r un11. Schuill shut out the vl!lttoni from lhc start alter dropping the first f{&ine or the three game aer· \e!I at South Pa.8adena, 9 -1. a few daya previoua. The tnv&der1 made only one error ln the tint game but fell apart ln the tee0nd. &nd crulcial match, to commit five miscue"" whJrh to1"ether with five local hits and several -.-.·alks provided a lopsided ICOre. The lineup fo r the loc.aJa : The advancNI band of the aum· mer achool played befqre 000 U11· teaen at an lnvltatlonaJ progTam in Orange City Park. Following the program the mU11lciana were invited by lhe city council to en· joy a rwtm In the municipal pool. Thia-wu the first year In the aummer seuion which included &n ear training courae. At the <:loaf' of ec~l a conteat waa held and I a medal awarded to Peter Hender· eon, 13, wbo aucceeded ·tn MCOC"· nlmng the creatut number • gf l')'llab1e 80Und&. The next keeneat ••r belonged to SteRlt•n GfUa!n, 1.2. and Carol Doa\t•. H , placed lhlrd ln the aoltegg1\o cont.eat. The muaic department'• enroll· ment J"e'ached 200 and· with 8\lch a l&rg-e student body it wu nee· . YOU .CAii' DO BE·i IER' AT ·., · l,li•~-ige~,~· FUR l-ITURE CO. ·; like ·in the '51 FO lit. ol '.51 forch, th. ,....,, Vittoria bringt you th. lncomporoble .... ,,..., ... of fM!W ~tic tide Control. It odvany ocfiwh HM ..We ._, .. roa4, ~HcoUyl Yo.'I ftRcf ol the oob1 In rhe Vldoria'1 lukury t.-ee ""'9rior WltoM--w.ndff with whidte'Nf" of '!'-wfffe Mledlolt of ovtlld' cob's t'ou pr .. , ford's Vktorio gi-te1 you reol horiEOft-wlde ...W.. Dllity, _. • .+.an ctny offter-low·Poc.d cor of lh typti. ~tic: Pottwe Control front .-t .w .. forwotd ot a 1._.., ~ ••• cho"9" ~ oftCI G"tle for fop COfltfott. '1est Drive" ... YOll'I ot.o ftM 1w11 ftMi ry,.. of d,..,.. you ... ... for '°'4 off.,.. you .,_.. choice of thne of YOU CAN PAY MOEi 8111' YOU CAN'T ..,,. am11 · ... ""'-" ,_ ~1u111tk, • O..ctr+... • Of'" CO.,.. "'"41c::wl ....... THEODORE •• . ' . ROBINS Your Ford Dealef Since 1921 Welchel. catcher: Schuitt. pitch· Ing; Jim Newkirk, first baae; Martinez, second; Chapman. Ulird: ...ary to ha Ve 1tuden t te&ch•ro-1 ., 116 The eight atudenla to help out ' Ne~ Blvd. Ph. Harbor 21t Wetzel, 11horl8top ; Jim 8 now, left field ; Ed Pflrrmann, center field; Marion Davey, tight fie.Id. The league. waa limited to boys whO tum 18 •"-e.• June lft of thla year and there were 11 cities rep· reaented: South Puactena. Paaa- dena. Eut Pasadena.. San .M.artno. Alhambi-a, A rc.di a, Monrovia, Rosemead. Altade.n.a, Fullerton, Orange, San Gabriel. El Monte 8.n<Y Brookside PUk in addition · . . to the local teaip.. WALLY .TAFT, Santa Ana City Golf Champion from Costa ¥na. caw. II.Me up hla putuq •Pb for tbe t"lnb r"4!GPW&J of the 'roumey 9Cheduled tor the w111ow1<k Goll eou..e Sept. lAt. Quallf)<la&' ........t. f o r I h e ~--pntghlabu ,.... .,.,,.,_ f.or A_. lBtb p Auauet Mlh al Ibo · AM nn4 Tho r lty'• O.mber of Commerce tbo S.olllns enot. •• • < ,Vflt'f 3 tlm•~:~1terl ..• • vfvou spend le11 to oper0ie f v{y~ i,,n~ le~I to ·,~.; , I ' ill-• • • • 0 • • ' ' I • • ' • •• fash ion ·Tea Is, Afternoon,, A ff air • f pr Women At.tending Regatta Attentfon turned from aalltng. , , for which feminine 1rarb 11 more I presentation. sang aeveral bJ•Ull• ot le&a standardized Balboa blues, tut and popular nwnbe'n. MIJ'hr to more Individual patlo and par-t.~velJrst Nt~bt of the Year ... HJ ty we.r at Tuesday·• fublon tf'a. Hear Mualc.,.. "My Hellrt Sto«l one of the \nterf"•llr.g evmt. in· SlUl." "A Prett7 G'rl l~ Uke A cldent to regatta 'veek at Balboa lttrlo-ty·• and ''Tea Pot' Two." She Yl'.rht c lub. w83 accompanies' by Rutb ft.rm · Helen \Vurdc;Dlrlnn, wife of Vice· '11.rong or Santa Ana. who p\aye<: C >mmodorto Co01ver8"' \Vurdema.nn. background mu.le tor the ebow- was ho=::lPSl'I Anrl receiving with inc;. hrr wcrl." (Hp Briyd, re~tla v1ce-'l1toee At~1ll chairman ond wife of Staff Com-Among mem~n and tu~ls modorc:-Robert Boyd; and Mrs. present were: Mmea. Cutle:man Jamea Webf.lter. whose husband ls Smith and Jack Newton. Mre. honorary commodore of SCY A. John Llvaday and daug-hter. Elia.a.- Thi" h.\tl.('r V{ore a. smart blue and ~h. a.nd their gueets. Mra. Ethel white print drcM with white Jae-~ten, MlM Dtanc Copelen, and ket and 3mall blue .. nd whit~. Jit1a Bette Dyer: Mrs. Larry atraw hat; Mra. Boyd wu ln Wbeeler and dau~hter, Mrs. J . black. a round necked velvet bod'~· ThOmpeon: Mrs. Madge Rickman Ice topping a swirling taffeta (mother or Mrs. Archie 818h \ and aklrt whUc both materl&la were MLDea" P eggy Cuppa, Anna Hoff. combined ln her becoming hat. man, Jane Ferr.a and Barbara M!"L Wurdf'm&nn's very attractive Coleman and Mrs. W. A. P'errlA. (Tll)' crepe drel!l.3 had a lace top Al.lo Mrs. Margaret Dearborn. a.nd lt8 qwn matching lace jacket Mn. J . W . (Tex) Condon and complementing the coat um e Mm.ea. Bruce Harshbarger. Lewis wu a 11malJ, close hat ot navy A. Bish, WUllam Austin, Barbara etraw wtlh one Bingle pink ro~ Bridge, Ed Allen, Donald Huddlt>· At Tea 'h.ble ston, WarTen McKPnna.. H. B . Gll- At the coffee service at on(' end more, W. L. Beh, H . B. Orlawold, • ' , __ .. _ .......... _ KR. A.ND MB8. ROBl:RT POLLARD Photo by Howard iroi.om Donna Clark and Charles Pollard • Repeat Vow s in St. James Church of the tea ~blr, centered with an I William Rempel. Grace Greene, B!"!:athing the very aplrlt of•-------------- arrangement of ye 11 o W gladioli Leslie Ford, Herbert Sattle r. R i;ummer In Its appolntm('nt:!!I wu waa Bene' Chapman, wife o: \V. Mc6rat.h, Harry Campbell, [the wedding, 91)~emnl.%.f'd In St Comm.adore Cliff Chllpman of Curtb. }.fa.son and Jeanne Pan~-· J am£'1' EpiM:'Opa l church at five SCYA. Her bolero jacket dren born. I o'clock · on Saturday, Augu~t i . echoed lhe yellow of the bouquet From Coronado W('re Mra. G . I \Vhen ?tfiM Donna Mn(' CIRtk. and was accented by her large H. DoolJttle and Mr:!!I. J ohn Pur-<iaughtc r of Mr. and Mra. F red R. black ~trnw hat. Prrsidlnit OVf't cell. Mra. Cyrua A. Barr waa Putzl<'r, 1718 Waterfront Dr1vr, the lea Sf'rvlce W&8 MMI. F.d Rel-there wtlh her daughter, Jan Hen-Corona dt>l Mar, rcpr.ated vowa ecn. who3c hu:iband i• PC YA com· derron. tall alJm and tanned. with n oh<·rl Charles Pollaro. so., For Mt daughl('r'1 wedding, l\.(r.\, PuUler wol'C a blue lace drell3 \Vlth pink acccuortes and a Cor. ..a~e or Jn1vUl orchlcb. Mra. PoUa.rd" wore an uhea of roses gown, &c· C'{'nt('(l with navy accessorlea and e:uvla orchids. ~,·e In Patio modort> Rnd who wore navy blue Among othera were Jane Patter· of Mr. ftnd Mra. \\". J . r olhird or The church ratio was dellf;hltul wtth white a.ccen~. 800, Leonora Walker . Betty White. 2025 North Broadway, Santa Ana. setting for the rtteptl\)n. whl1e Tllrer a.ttractiv(' b r u n e t t e s, Mrs. 0 . O. Suess. ?.fn , Earl 1'hc Rl"v. P&ul MOOrt' ~hf't•l('t, rt"c· the t lcrt'd w edding cake wu Palm Springs Folk Hosted by Strebes i;_,. an~ Slh<l Blttbo. """' ronUJr ~~ Ibo _ .. Ill Balboa. are. ent.ertal.DlnJ many of 'll<lr frlftMI• lr<Jll\ Palin Sprtnp at U>c'r · Balboa Don Houae. ~r ow.re who have been :vflllb' of the Stttbel •re Mr. and l\lro. Jobn Hollinger. Mr. and Mm ~ri.. La ll'nlnts and th.tr two ~Udren. t h e J o e Portnoya. Cllults Tbomu •nd Billy Alfred. .Nho wu honored wlth a speclal blrtbday dinner. ' Saturday Rites fo r Mesa Girt ·In the Lohengrin lineup are MIM Marprct Nelaon, daughter of Mr. and Mr9. O. M. Nelaon, 4.60 Ber~ nard Sl., Coat.a Me•, and Charles Conwr•e. USN. The wedding will be eoJemnl&od Aug. 11 at 4 p. m. ln the C.O.ta M.eaa qom.munlty church. WATER HEATERS 8alM, 8enlce -........ /a. B.ddtJJ PLUMBING Aut.borbtd Dealer 11a3 & Nls•t -rt Jll MS I"' 0... M eU HMt.,.. P'"'ne -· 16U·W Old INBURANCl'J Establlahed ln.lura.a.ce Al'tlllCY • All lines written.. Diane ThompMn, Nan Broughton. Young and guest, J..1rs. Keith Da-t or or th<' c hurch, performed thf" Sf'T"YOO In the parlAh hoUM. ~nd· and Paula f'('1Tls, modeled styles vi.a: al5o Mr•. Paul 0 . Davia, Mr~. doutJlt! rln" cer('mony. inf{ ualatance w ere Mra. Rey Niel· from La Fiesta Importing shop., Pa.ul Moore, Mrs. Mark Ht'aly, Palest pink gladioli ancf dalsies ~n. Martha Crooks. Marga~l Charnteon Akin or Santa Ana Mn. Dick Ftnton and Velma Bar-r1 11..o the chancel boxes. edorned Ward and Nancy Vann. • wu contmentator and dUrtng the ber Dennl80ll. thl" altar and candelabra. Pink The new Mrs. Pctlla.rd ctfoae " sat In bows ht•ld nowt'rs •t Ct'ntu smart Kelly grttn silk l!lhantung R.isl e pt.·wt1. Donna, f"OCQ rted to ault w ith navy llCCf"l"IVU"I~ ,ind her the altAr by Mr. Putzh~r. wpre corsage of apathyphlllum for ber she"r"~l of whit«" lmportcrl SwiM i:otnx away coelumc. She and her r mbrolrterrd organdy ovror blush huaba.nd are honeymooning at S&n· r ink satin. A jullt>t cap orn11.ml.'nt- 1 ta Barbsra. San Fra.nclt1eo and ,'(! .... -ith r;t't'd pt"&rUs held her II· Lake Tah0e and on thei r retum IUll lon \'!'ii and she carrlt'd a ca."· will b!' at home al ~13 %: Orchid HOW ARD W. GERRISH 1808 Newport Blvd .. Coot& Meaa PHONE BEACON 51111 M~r9a ret Nelso n Honor Guest at Bridal Shower Ml"UI Margaret Nf'lson o r Ber- nartl St. was honored at a bridal ahowrr ThurMlay evtnlng when the' hostes.111es Wl'rf'! Mra. Ruth Bar- nett and Mrs. Malcolm Reid. The affair waa held in the home ot Mnt. Barnr tt on Bernard St. Ba lbo.a Duplicate Winners Reve aled Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Brown of Santa Ana were wlnnP-rs cut-wl>At and Mrs. Frank Reed and Arnold Gueer Were high scorers north· south l.n the duptlcat" bridge gan1c> played in Balboa on Fr!dny CV('· ning. Runnen-up eut-wt'at wer" Mni. cad r bouquet or apalhyphyl1unt avt'.nue. a1,1d francoa, The bride waa graduated from In lovf'ly cnntr~l wcr1• gown,oi Santa Ana High itehool and Unt- BE-SURE -INSURE -llAUJID ft~ -a.., Plloioo S..llor l'l19. Ill ._ AH. -blond o ( the brldc'I" attt>n,lanta:. Mrs. verslty or California al Santa Bar· W. Stuart Foote lo~tf'ernan A. Fowlt>r, Jr., Miu bara. She la a oa ember Of Alpha Shitl('y RN•Vt'~ Fowler, M'83 Jane Phi aorority. Mr. P ollard gradv-GENERAL INSURANCE CRraway and Mrs. Jameis H . ated Crom Tu.tln H igh school and Courteous Iwjor:mdtimt. Clark, l'later·ln-law or the brlde. &tter aervtnr . lhree yean tn iM tll7 Balboa l!UVd. • • \ ~Rust-Proof gaSoline -makes my " • r last Jonger" ' U l..., :w.iit to enjoy' your· car'1 1 &kt perfonnance ... today and.ht _ -~ yean ahead .. ~pl'Otect it now wilhRichlieldB11Sto.ProofGasoline . • lUchftld is tM .West's oqly gasolin~ that stops nut an'il corroaiOO, the twih destroy, ... that attack every car's fuel systerri. Rwt and'corrosion damage your cal''s ~line tank. fuel lines. luel pump and carburetor. They cause poor per- • formani!e, expensive repaiQ ... shortfll your ~'s life. ,· Ru~t j and rorr°'ion are caused b)' 11loU-ture that condenses every day • Inside your car's fuel sy•lem. A special ingrodient availabl.e1only in ~chlield Gasoliqe makes mat.sture harmless- prevents rust and corrosion as long as you continue lo use Rust-Proof Galloline. This ta r:.saving protectiOn is a OOous value 6f Richfield Complete Car Cue, the years-<1heid way lo keep your car running better today so it will serve you belier ~morrow. . Complele Car Care also protect. your · car with-RICHLUBE HUVV DUTY MOTOS OIL, the111ew motor oil for today's hightr ... powered cars ' ' . RltHFIEU> PROTZCTIVS LUBRICATION. soi en ti fie application of tough, Rust-Proo! lubric:anlS ... RICH· FIELI> SAFETY SERVICE., your Richfield Dealer's personal attention that keeps your car running longer, safer, more ecOnomically. Extra .life for your car at no extra eoat ". RICHFIELD I . . N All THE WQR LD-ND FINER GASOLINE. ., • • Pink and orchid carnatk>na a.nd pink ea.ndles on a lace covered table made a lovely aetUng for the da'ntl1y wrapped gltta. A tiny doll dressed a.a a bride and sent to Miss Ne lson by a gnat aunt in the eut stood beaide a vase of whltP dahllu. Margaret Church and Mrs. Ekla· not' Newcomer; Mr. and Mn. H . M. Wallingford: Mra. George Car- roll and Mra. Mildred Lytle; Mrs. EstellP Lavine &nd Mra. Loul8f" 'Ltt: Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrfl . Aldene Causby. All WP-re gowncQ alike In trmitcd navy attPnded Callfomla Poly· N"'POrt BMcll PIL Bar. %4. grN>n marqu!Mtte. b a 11 er In at .ec=hn=lc:..:•:_:t_San=::...:Lu=l::•_O::_::b:ispo.::.:::__,___...'.;==============~---------------_:-------------------------:'S~ length and with marqu1Aet tf' stoles - Runners ·up north-south Wf't t' Mra. H. Brlgger11 and A. D. Wetherby: Mr. and Mra. L. Grttn: Mr. and Mra. J oe Wiicox ; Mra. Edna MacM.aslt"t:!!I and Mrs. Peggy John1J011 ; Mr. and Mr11. Edwin Syl· vest.er. Winnera In the game playf'd on Monday afternoon wr re Mrs. Har- old Hope and Doyle Giibert. Run- KJpp. Maude Davis. Melvin Davey, nera-up w ere Mrs. c . E. Irvin &Dd Betty 1'rine, Corrine Boettcher,• Mn: Pbylla Sanders; Mrs. Gerald Stanton Best, Cheater Flaher. McComber and ?.1ra. Ruth Hook- Harry Dady, Walter Compton. f'r: M.rlJ. E8telle Lavine and Mrs. Murtr;r. Woodrow Hadley, Hugh Roy strols; Mrl'I. Minnie Heuck Davis; Sadie Bland, WIWam Bar-and Mn. C. S. Phelps; Mra. E . T. nett, Mrs. Maude Maxey, and McManua and Mre. Faye Schlu- Ml&&e!I Donna Nellon. Charlotte ter. Beat. Keo Fisher, Eatelle Dady and Winners ot Muter Polnta in the Virginia Compton. Sending gift.a Sunday tournament were Mr11. but unable to a ttend were Kea· Amok! o.-r and Mra. B. M. WU- dame1 Evt>relt Rea, John R:ey-aon; Mn. Edna MacMutera and nolda. D. C. MacKenzie.. Woodrow Mn. Gerald McComber; Mn. Rob- Cooper, J . C. BIUlnga, W . I. Co-ert Brown and E'1don Bond: Mra. vault. JCMteph DucheRff, Durward ruchard Bartholomew and Mrs. High prlu In a flower wedding game wu won by Mra. Walter Albers and low by Mrs. Claire Nelaon. After MLM NelJw>n opened her .many lovely gift. lhe hoe- teMea served tee box cake, cotfee and punc h to gueata Meedamf'• Nelson, Albt-rs.. Ben Anden. Elva Dady and Gertrude r..dlck. Wlnllow Randall. Placing eecond ln the event w ere Harbor Folk at Moose Convention , Mr. and Mn. H . M . Walllngtord; comlDg in third were Mn. Peggy J ohnson and C. Chrtaney , a.nd Mrl'I. Thomaa Gill and Mr.. Calhe.rinc Smith. In the contingent or loca.l folk attending the Mooee State Con· venUon in Sant.a Cnu Aug. 2. laat wttk, wPre Mr. and Mrs. Archie 0.trander, Mr. and Mrs. C1arence Young. Mr. and Mra. Haven Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Droeete and Ray Hottman. The 8.alboa Duplicate bridge club wUJ hold ll8 next regvlar meeting on Friday even1ng wllb play starting at 7 :30. • -People do rud U.. P,.... ado. trlmme:d with green velvt't worn OVl"r etraplr M bodlct's. Th"Y car- r~d cre11ernta or Ivy and rubrun1· lili<'8 an<I wore band:!!I or ivy arid 1'11(',s in thf'ir hair. Jack L. Holford 11:ave brst rTian fl.S."ieta nce Rnd g\lf'llla w rre Rat"d t>y Wh&nJ Paul Et.zol,1 an<l J ame1f H . Clark. brothrr of the bride. . b1r111. Kenneth Akin, solul:!!ll, a&.1\K "O Pt·rfect Love .. and the "Lord's Prttyt•r." Illinois Gu ests at Cona nt Hom e \Velc~me gueata al the home or the Mluce Sarah. Edith and Lida Conant, 50& Clltt Dr.. Newport Height.a. were their brother and at.ster·ln-law. M.r. and Mra. E. H. Conant of Mou.nda. Ill .. who atop- ped al the Grand canyon. Hoover Dam and other ecenlc polnta en route to Calltomla. Many pleuurcs were arra.nK"ed for the entertainment of the visi- tor& Some of the activities en· Joyed by Mr. and Mra. Conant were a cruise on the bay, v1ew- lnl' historic San Juan Capistrano. atlendtng the Festival of Art•. at L&guna Beach, drlvtng lo Loa An~lea and env1rona. They were alao entertained Ill dinner ln El Monte by Mrs. Abbie LeWts and had, a brief stay with another 111.ller ot Mr. Conant. Mra. Ruth C. Eller ot Coming. • • ' • • • • • • • • oure 1nv1 e .. . • ' • • ., • • . ' • • ,, ·' • :re ·. • ••• ee . : ' at ~pur Chryiier .Dealer's NOWt.· ' ' . . . / . . , • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • I I I I I I t • • "• • • • • , . ftASE ' -PART T -ti-fulsdAY, AU9. 9, :1tsf ~~~~-.RESS-ii ·~~~~-. ~:owwa . lilk: ,.._-. e-.. Aft~ . ' --""................ . - " 1•11. · t .,. -· -Illa tld I ? • < I -. 11JJ1<1 S t J. ~ ..... SEE ...... ., OQMll f'!: ••O _.. PLA 'f -... old doil. Coi!1e Ms. It ,... ,i.,. hi d Adl -~--'"-----~-"'-'"'-" •s-« a.. 0taw. • -• _.... ......,.__. .l'lcCC an er ~ n a 1111 ""' .,,,,; 1a ~ -., u. 11•aa1 ._ Sewing Machines = *7 ddo -ezn•• u. .., ~ • i. '° •r AT ROJrbor 270.W. 115d!T •"'Clo•111r ~ --fDr, IT&--u. ...... f 00.. auta AU. 119 -. -'we an -l!Oi:e 'hr 1-.-----..,,...--~-.---..------' HAlU!O~ YAIU)AGE M JT,.OOMVJ!RCIAL ~ , JfO. lralllo. --lllL-.. 'L..,..,.,...., ,..... .,.-tO. -· 10-llutllw GoWe H ll..i.. Wutoflll 1311 .E. -11111 Bt., Colla :u-l>tn • .,.i.., i.tt -~ • .-' -ratala arr....,.~. .:.·-----------:::::: '!!a-·• ·• --• ---• , ( ttoe:I plank ,...S A>r. Boo~ 114JU)Jl,l.N U~l .......,, eseoJ. lql '.ft*ef-. we IWllllllF otter The Miqbty Midqet ln Ad.,.eri:i.inq · j LI 0 .BA~BOA ~ . '-' NEWPORT ' ' • • I JUST Cl0Jid>l..li:19) la 'EllllhtMWJ ...e Olflll ~ !ll:DRK., I --on 1a...., ~I' lot 1• "" " , fL plua ..........,. ....,. ,.. "-""' e.io1troUed -· MtdWaDI ·flooro. Forced air -I.a of Ule. · pimp1t_lel7 f..,'*41 and ..... ..... ptd. 1 • ._ • COMPLa,. BOUD ~ An . 0 . 1----''-----4---·' ~-w It no ....... ..n at~ .Jottt ...lod1UGtt. ~ • SIJ A~ ..... --Will ._,. ,.. --. """'1tun .., ,.... pportun1ty Bill's Fhll1Utlure ~ P· n.. . • . aacr7 -. sa1-· 1111"" :.M<M ~ rour -.e .,. -"' , -pooed. ~ _,_ NEED A "'!:J.:amo1;or with Ira· I -+----~------'-~ putlally make up IM 4Ur. In ~m ' . Prleed·&t UT,!100, -% _, Call owner Harbor 2941..J ,,...-... -at 134 · Sbo....utta Roed. ,....,, -.NIL -or orpnlsatlona, to We B~y' Sell 01.'\ Trade L"(ll.\N Jalander. lf.R., 211 IP' Qll.UID PIANO&. Bis -n>aL Of -we ~ u.e mana.-e club end lo4e t&dlJUH JQ()b Wm Bllboa BT. l'llone ira.Y mariM ..,rlt>L ide.! fm'. llalo pow .., IUli/lwa7, KM!'* •ott U>e 1>a7," llUt -W ...,.. Al's House & Rug o•a JocaJ ~\p. nu. la"" ldMI • ~ flollln&'. 1 yr. did. r,,; .. Hamllll. Dlbt, _ CllleUriifl&, to ..... y. lllO ..... ot ....... float. --_Harbor 2a02..a. 114pae -w·~"---~ ..,. r-• Cl nin Co apot tor a retired mau who de-r tr9de for Pf'OPH'ty. o.a,. vn'•• u.rn,.._r, ~. •.-ltoet or ! 2'be cllk'kw, area I~ ea g • · 111..., tellowJblp. Limited -.Jary loci Mr. Bude, Nlttton HiS. or and .mu,-otl>er& lome -· Ind nh>e arr aettl>er -teci; 8-on llll ntfe _and clUUea. Houn mootly Ill U.. USED _ , 112d7 ....,. lmd. ~ otlrt It'* -Ue. or quiet. 'lbol'.....,..,,.. ewnlnp, 5 daya 1 w..,k. A.gt DA.Ng.llCfDODT Ji'IA.NO 00~ a-!DODY bedn>omo! ·would For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Bdwe. no liatrter, non-.tanan. 11.eply I krYol ...rrtswntoro. I !,-... ... ..,1 En • . ~.No. -. 8lmta A.JI&. 1111.o &L le&ll.1 llut ""'1 happy b<ldl ...,,_,tlal. Writ<> Box 02 5 OU. fL and T '"1. ft. •··--'117 JIO !'-' ... ,J'" er gllle8 wlUa .S and delll)lt.ed wllll 4 THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Bar 884 514 ·29th SL Newport Beach ll\I> pap..-. , l)lltrc eo:i.:.triJ::~.:::1e.s. I . Used ~ .=· :;~~= You name It anc1 we'll 11oep, WAITRESSES WANTED -MUol ll0-da7 ,....._ ................ TJIO . Khnbo.I made llplnet. Mtl. lleo ::k~,'!'._~IM! w~e are ,._0f~'!:!1' be exper. Apply NORTON'&-w..ic Chef< cu,.,,,., Crowns '-ROyalS • .....-llllt or retumod ...,.tala.&l!d !>le;;;;;;. An,.·orr ..... ri.:...:.,.-.,;· BA YSHORJ:: CAFE. 17th and wry good ··-···· ............... -... Ht.GO , f'epclll''*4ou.. · DA.tfZ-.IOHXIDT ~ (,.but we don't Cout Hl,..way, Newport e.ach. Bab lb le · · •1 See John Harvey BJO )'!ANO ll'l'OIU!l, 100 ..,... want to di'own U>e ......_ or &" y er , very c an ··········• IS.00 1... • .... N ~-· • •·-ta • ---•~ liL!c67 P.•-. -· · ~n, -~ -tbe lloC'l will be moot tz_...'.nulldtng Services . , ... _. ... _, ----------~ T11or 11ad1ren 1ronu, at Seacraft ""t""' eu. BtJoaet. &TatdUllY ....,.ivec1 at 11os "6. ' SKIPPER to run 40 rt.. bO&t tdr like new ·······-···-................ 1:29.M> , Balboa Iil&nd.. U we don't bear DON K. BUT'l'S 2 . lllClaU... 0 . "'· HOL!ITEIN. Maytair. round tub ......i..r U9.llO Ul5 COAST WGBWAT OQOD PRACl'ICll: PIA.NOS. '"· 'floOm -ol you beton ll>e 10tli, 212 Udo Noni. Udo l.•le. NEW " NJ:WPOltT BJl:ACB WT • ..,, and up. Let Ibo ldd· look rcw ... -tJie nm rock Lie. General Contractor Reaidentla.1-Commercia.I Remodeling l!eeM -dlee lum. Pay but P per ·tnO. going _,tit .., 101. 11et.....,.,.1 PR. BBAOON 5771 2 YT· oxclwlp at Ml w.lue. may 1>1 obtained trom Marilyn EXPERIENCED alteration wo-- m.a.a to~ over alteration d~pt. No cbarp for work room and ~ipment.. See MgT. 10-12 a .m . Bunk bed ·····-···· ·-········-·-·-···-'40.llO StUdlo couch ......... _ ........... -.. Soflt60 HUc DANZ-SCHMIDT BIO PIA.NO l.Aldy'a lieu Eatai. ottlce. Har. -------------1 SALE NOW ON. Banta Ana, IDM-Har. 1008·J eves. P. S. Phone &aeon 6-406-W 17Uc Apl gu range ··-····-····--·····--··'89.llO Apt. !l.U rt>tr1grrator , ....... $149.60 STAR BOAT -good condition. 320 No. Main, corner Ith. We cou.li! move· in tomorrow! KAY NELSON, Inc. Dale's Furniture '360. ' !58<58 AUIO SoUlh Bay mooring orr Bal· MAPLE KllofBALL c 0 N s 0 Ir WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of a.II tra.des--maintenance work. 3440 Vio ()porto. Lido mtra.m:f' Phone Harbor 1216 1874 Ha..rbor Blvd. boa i.laM, SlllO. Pb. Her. 280'I · ETTE. STOO. Ph. Harbor 1978 COAta M~sa Be.aeon tse37-J <ece<l llk57 Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL, REP'IUOJm.A TOR -In good con· dlUon. $50. 231 Cabrtllo. Coota M"91l. Mc01 Slips Available Beacon 6451-W 51cMH WANTED -Qualified (X'rAOn to tutor 8 yr. old cfrl 2 -3 hN'. each V(eek day mornl.ng, 3rd grade reading, writing &: aMth- DM!tic. Phone Harbor 063'4-Y.'. MODERN 6 pc. bednn Mt. blonde Fo.-boats up to 00 tt. Wa<tr and power ~ LIDO PEN· IJ"lSULA SHIPYARD, Phone 1f'rbor 301. Mtrc Sympson & Nollar McM Phllllpln• mahop.ny. Konterey • style desk and ebalr. uo Alloo, n ~ft.. WIZARD fiber 11aM beal PAINTING & DECORATING WANT EXPlllRIENCED oerYlee Newport Helehta. Bu. INIM-M a ~ II. p. IMnrude outb<>ud uTbe Best Money Can Buy'• 1 .!talion attendapt. Year &round. 16c&7 raotor, 2 wbeel bOat trailer. Car "' UNION on. BTA.TION at Park.1--------------tpp carrier for boat. Complete .JU -38tb S\., N.ewport Beach A Marine Balbaa I&land. tiep61 EASY 8PINDRY WAS~ In and only 1 yr. o ld. M.AKE PHONE HARBOR 2404 -----·--------~-52tfc Want Ezperienud Carpenter 1plendtd condition. $86. 239 1> OFFER ...., Roche!ltt>i', Ca.ta Me-a.a. Mc51 $o th C t C ----------Phone Harbor 1270-W U 08.S 0. REP AIRING and 57cll9 LARGE DAVENPORT Incl. two Newport W•·d. at 23rd ------------feathrr plllOWJI or aamt> mat,.rf· Nrwport Beach Harbor 2600 PAINTING al Good coridttJoa. A l.lo twin 56trc Rruonable. Large or small jobs. SO-Sale, ...,,,.._ bed. V•ry Cle.I.a. enc!ooed box LA.DIES 1. 11111er" I.Aini Schober •prlop and mattreu. 2052 curr SEA BOOKS Free estimates/ \Valker, 108 lSth St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2581-ft Shoe:t. Brown. bl\H a black. Dr., Newport Beach. 56~1 A fine stock ot books on all yacht· 7 ~A.AA A 7 ~.A.AAA. Pra.cUeaJ-1 MODERN t-pc. curved 8eCUona1. ( inc aubjecU -plus ..aD curreont HAULING ly new. Call Har. 1474-J f'Yea. 8 pc. bltached tl irch dining set, ( boob. Lcndlnl' llbnry ... __________ •_3_u_. plant-. col'fee tabl• wtth match· The Islanders Any kind, tr&!'lh or? WAUCER, 1~18th St .. Newport. H. 2581-R 8TOR.I: fixtures. prac. nt>w, wall lng de.9k~ library table, end and 214 Ma.rl.ae, Balt>M h .. Har . 1547 ~. count.era. mlac ... A.11 have corn4"r table., atove, rerrtg., PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting adjUltable lbelvea. Barpln. Call pleated maroon leather kitchen owner, Beacon 8990. 47c62 booth with table and 2 matchlnl TWIN ENOrNE Chflia Craft - overn11hter -Very. fine condi- 4on.. 30 m. p. b. $3760 tenn1'. See al 39a Bay Sbort A Vt .. Belmont Shorea, Lon,. Bench. Ph. Lons BM.ch 80-4432. Kenneth Quarry 1515 Santa An.a Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Bearon MO-t 118c117H PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 27! Palmfr St.., Coet.a )(- Bea. 54~7-M !Mell Complet.e ln.eta.JlaUon. n"p&ir and aerviCe of a.ll trall~r equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. I Costa Mesa. Phone &>aeon 8224 -R F'Rtt !!'.QUlTY J9~1 model K ir- by sweeper -aJI attachments. AMume 8 pymt.11. o{ SIO.lO mu. r:NTERIOR _ EXTERIOR 45:5 E. 18t1t st., Co.ta We• . PAINTING j 56c57 LICENSED -INBURICD I NEW TWO BURNER eledrtc GI J h t plat<. s ape<!d•. ~. enn o ns on \ Harllor ._.J. MdlT 501 -31at St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297.J &&ell BEAUTIFUL Ruuian red .fox tur 14-Personals Alcoholics Anonymo~ Write P . 0 . Boll: 200 Balboa loland, Calif. • Pbone Kimberly S·539S 22--Lost and Found ~~s~~;ng;en~!u1~h i~~t~~;,1 Aug. 4th. Chlld's pf't. REW MRO. Ph. Harbor 20~2. ~p57 LOST-Ladiel!I rC'd linrn coat. Ac- cidentally removed from Vaux' offi$e. \V ed. Aug. 1. Please re- turn to Vaux Wlitte. ~p57 I .. OST -BLACK male coak~r 24-School -Instruction Swimming in 3 I.esaous f7 CRAWL Stroke FroAt and Back, $1~. r.rr11<> 2 ..,_ ah.ad: DaTid Right, M Chestnut, Long Beach, Callt. 86pH coat-et.roller lensth, wonderlUJ condition. SIR 12 .. t, (Only '4UI or ortstnal COltl. 2286 Clay 8t., Newport H e I Ch ta. ;l!Uoon 5789-W. 5ac68 TWO NEW surf Colan glw llah· lng. roda. Surf butt and boat b\ltt, $15 each. 214 -33rd. New- port Beach. 56p57 . NEW S10NS palnted It trimmed, two blackboard 1lgn.8 Mlltabl" tor real e.atate ornce or ! Will sacrifice. Venetian blinds a.nd valance boxes. metal, almost new. 213 Sapphire Ave., Bal- boa laland. Harbor 92. 56c~ • • . · · ll_~w.z.'1it. .... _ WAin' WOMAN to --· -• :::::X. -m<>nlh of AUl""t His--... WA.NT TO.JIUT-llabocUJ *"" t7 .-,.. cau ·~ '°' .Jumiae st.. ·..., • •:rs<• 12 c • ..ai. • C.0..-dOJ Jolar, ~ .... ' '& ft. -... J, 'WANT WOMAN to llllp can ,... , 'i'.~r'";iOiiiT'.;;;;;;-;gjljbl.Sfj;, • --a1Jbto -I wadt.jWAlft' TO BtTf -•• oulllaMe ~ m. llaJu7. -•al 11!1.... llr" ·~· m -ft. •• , ................ ~-61161 .... ~ ... I • ...., \ • r chairs. 3-Hollywood. type bdrm. ·acts, drape1t, rup, boy11 blcycle, typf'.'wrlter. etc. llacrfitlce. 4M E . 18th, co&t.a Meaa.. Mc:i7 I <l. DAVENPORT -MahOp.ny Lamp. TablH, Llat<t rtnc Bar- rel cha.Ir, Ro• occasional chair, Boudoir chair, Table lamp, pr. Cotton loop rugs, 74''x50" - 3-t "x.24'.', Kitchen table. Laguna Buch 4-1988 Mp&S 66ctll 18-PT. OPEN p1t>uure fillhlng boat. Eqolpt. with 4-cyJinder 40 HP &T9J' mot.or. He,.vy con· atructkN\. FuU canvu.. In exM.!- ltnt condition. A wonde.rf\11 buy at $'470. Phone Har. 228. 5'4cH . u..t.: NEW-COmpl tura. tor 'j.. SAJL BOAT for sale. Snipe No. •211. comp,elof' with sa.ll.e, sand bedrn). hotsae. Bk:tllde Uv. room. J) .. ft. Ptll.leo, o•KMff! 6 MMTfl1 doJly, etc. $360. Boy ha.s gone 1tove, radk> OOMOle, •etc. lM to war. See at 11 04 W. Balboa Rocheoter at.. eo..ta M..._ Bea· lllvd .. SaL It Sun.· 53p58 con 1511-J . . Mpll n jlT. NA'MONA.L one deolp na1I W A.LNUT Dlnlnl aot, taoi., I ctialra and b\ltfet IW. , I cu. tt. Cold.apot treear. r yra. old SillO. 2101 &.ville. Balboa. -HOLLYWOOD BED "'1th box apr1n11 and ....... •Jlll1nr ""''" t~a&. UG. At.> brand new 48" rollaway bed With coll tpl'lnp and Lnner aprl111 mahrua-1(6 808 W. ~bofl Jl'f · 's.r aeoaf FURNITURE -Davenport and matching o'atufte'd ct.Ir, paint- ed brk!t. ~t. i c:hatr1, banqut"l top, rocking a occulonal chaJ", gate leg table, tultp tand lamp. Jl'ti.. Sat., or 8und&J'. Sll Coral. Balboa lalud. 5&cM ' ................. '' boat ln exccUeat condition. New ~t. new cover. land dolly, 2 ...ita .. 11. Ready to go. c.u 1("'& Boach ... HH. Mc67 • & fl'· Il'LAT BOTTOM dlnshy- ZI> HP J-outl>Oard, like qow. t ll&D-111>. 1, tlytnc Jib rpr Vlk. or UJclu. t oult P'aleon Ila. can Har. Jllll>-M .• M~T DINGHY I McClure I - 1'VJl1 eqUlpJ>Oll. EMeUont condl. 1(.}t....-...-. 229 PeerJ Ave .• ' --lolaad. !Wlplill ' . FAILCON-Phone Harbor 0197·J . -be.fore 1 O a.m. or 6-7 p.m. 5Sc58 12 FT. SKIFF, almo.t ftew, euit- eb.le for outboard, Sl". ALSO 4 ft. told11&t. 228 Oald-. ~ tlel Mar. Harllor 710.R 15klill 85-Dop, Cata, Pets SIAMESE KITTE~-Deep blu• eyes. $15. Ph. Harbor 1521..J. 55c67 SIAME8B KITr!!N. male, I moa. ok1, hotHtcbroken. Phone Harbor 1231-W. Md\7 87-Uvestoek SADDLE HORSE -Small plnto mare. 1 Reins beautifully. Sac- rifice. Phone.-&aeon 67tl8-J. :\."')("~1 41--Storeti and orn- OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, down· ata.lni location, corner or Palm & I!!. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Pb. Harbor 2821. 46Llc GOOD OFFICE or 11mall bualneu bulldinr on buay Newport Blvd. Above the Archea: $75 or aulr mil. Inquire at Beacon Hill Realty. 4541 Newport" Blvd .• Coeto. Meaa. ~ OFFICE SPACE for rent. Suitable for business or prorealon. Cen· lrr of bwiincu IK'Ctlon or Cor- .ona de1 Mar. Set> al 811 Coast Blvd. Md\7 IN CORONA DEL MAR -Al· ractlvc> store room, <'XCellent location ln nC"W building, $75 per month. w.· E. Fisher, Realtor ERNfE SMITii, Asaoclate 918 Cout Blvd. Harbor 2443 Cotona dcl Mar to Business OJ?J!!~l.tles Certified Values MALT BHOP-Z.tabllahed over 10 year'8-way •bove average. Prime loca. •f-+500 will handle. CAMERA SHOP-Well eat.ab. lJl be.at location. All modern stock ready for ri~ buyer. Of'F SALE LIQUOR STORE- HJghway ~atlon (Drlve·ln) Lonc ..ta bUshed and dolor eood VOIUfll('. PRESSING AND CLEANING STORE -Ideal for couple - Eatabli&hed several yl!'ars and doing l'ood volume. RESTAURANT -The best ln ita ci....-Flncat equip., prime 1oaa. and lea.&e. Illness force• &ale. For t.heee and other proven monf!y male.era see RENTAL LISTINGS WINTER-YEARLY JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM'. llOT E. Balbc\& Blvd., BaJOO& Harbor 145. Eves. Harbor 227&-W f,S-A_erbuen.~~~ e- DELUXE 1 bdrm. apt., garage and paUo. Unturn.lahed. see at 289% Roche.Ur, Coat.a MeM:. Mttc FUR.NlSHED 2 bf'drm. apL year- ly. hula, $15 mo. 21 I • 32nd St., NMOport Beach. ~57 UNFUR.Nl.8HED -Corona · del Mar. 2 beautif'UJ new apt.I. Near w&ter. carb&&~ dia'poala, vene· tian \lllndl, water 'pd. Yearly ·1eue. 2 bdnn. 1100 per month. l bdrm, $76 ~ month. Harbor 197L 44cli7 . NEWLY BUILT 3 bedroom mod- em home, 2 baths, fireplace - untumlahed. Corona del .Mar. Year leue, Sl 10 month. Phone Harbor 2892·R. Mp67 HA VE you SN' the nPwt"tt modern turnUthed- Chris -Dean Apt.a .? SlcePI 4. Introductory rat.eJ for July, $8.'I per week. All uWttJes paid. Adjusted ratCB per year. lMO M.lramar. Balboa Peninaula Phone Harbor 1491-W 4Se57 RENTAL v . SPECIALISTS . can -CnJs Linwood Vick, RJtor. Btllboa lallncl. Hv. :ZOU 82dH On Peninsula Point NICELY FURNlSHED S bdrmi. available July 15th, yearly or monthly. Broken1 llat. 1532 Miramar. BaJboa, o<.m.f'r. Phone Har. 0612-W, Har. 2001·J, 19tfc PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. colta&e& ' On CoW119 lallnd l!!acb apt. bu water flan~. ·Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave .. Balboa Ial&nd. Harbor 29152 ... w . Mc69 Bay Front Udo lole -l and 2 bdrm unit&. Aug. '80 wk.. For ruervatioll.& Har. 2M2, eves. Har. 2914--M.. 50ltc LIDO ISL~ • ,N· T ., A L s ... Consult Us about your _Realty •Problems ' . AUOUllT SPECliL 3 Bedroom HOUM Balboa PeninruJa Balance or month poo . JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNH.OI; 507 E. Balboa Blvd.; Balboa Harbor &4G. ETes. Harbor 2278-W YEARLY-2 bedroom duplex, un- tumlshed. Garage. Near both scho<-ls. HM Clay, eutr Haven. For information Phone Harbor 1297-R'. 55c67 BALBOA PllNlNSjfuA PolNT- Sec and reaervJ now. Cbo!ce new apta., large ylew wlndowa. fireplace, gatage, Bendix. F\lrn· llhed in maple. Wtn:ter or year· ~y. Cllft<>n . Apta., llOt ID. Bil· boa Blvd. Harbor 2MllJM. Mcll7 SUMMER RENTAL -Furn. I bdrm. apt. tn Corona del Mar. Available npw until Aug. 19th. Al . .SO yearly rental available a!te.r SepL 3rd. Harbor 1077-J and .Harbor 16ZO..J... McM BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm .. upper apt. Hwd. noora. Single garage. Hu wonderfUl ocean view. Yearl;f lease. Adults only. Har. 2152. 158c57 ONE BDRM. apt. One blk. from OOf>&.n. Hwd. noora, 1gt. g&ragP. Adu1te on.ly. Call H~ 21.M. _, Yearly Rentals NEWPORT BEACH -Available Sept. tat. P'um. 2 bdrm. hOUAe, p.cage. OWner pays gia.. Yearly lease $80 mo. , At.SP available Aug. 20th,· tum: 1 bdrm. apt. Yearly lease, $45, lltll. lnclud. Nice bay. beach. Ph. Beacon 8467-M:. ~7ttc CABIN, sleep 6 or Ka.ck up - 106 · 35lh St., Newport Beach. (One acl only/ . I ; .. 57p 4S·A-'l'raller MnaM . . . . ... :z:=-.. • ..,. .... TRAIT.ER. SP ACE Close to Ahoppln&, off u). Hlway, $12 to Sl5 mo. Callrlllo Cour( 140 C&brillo st., Coeta Meaa,.._ -~~- LAROE TRAU.ER ln ]Of"l~urt _.., lnclude4 Adulta '3o mo. t7tl Pomona, Coat& Mesa. Ph. Bea. 6H7-J. 156lfc . ) GTttc FOR 8l'.LEl BY OWNl:R---2 bdr!l1. · home, petlo, dbl.,pr. ·Lee. MY. rm. wllh nreplau. 2 bib. ~ ocean on cortl«. ·11 mos. Old. neat and clean. Yard ln and planted. ,15,!IOO. F . H. A. • G. L Loan. 245 HoJJ'ot,.p., COron& del Mar. ·PhOM HD ........ 1874-&. '· . ~' L TIUU:E BEDROOMS!• 008Tt. MESA'S BEST BUY Hai'qwOOd tioort., 2 'tumaeee. All steel kitchen. 2 yrs. old. 11eauu: fut fenced patio and barbecu>r • Near acpools and shope. SS;500 down. Jiluy FHA term& Own•r i: Har. 1990-M or Harbor 2422. title ELSINORE and San Bdno. home. Sell c.heop. $1000 dn. or take trades, $3000 t.o $15,000. Own· er, 748 Spruce, San Bernardino. ' MpH SMALL 2 BEDRM'.. . home So. or • highway. Corona del Mar. $1000 terms. Ca.11 Har. 2152. A7c 81-Rea.1 Estate Es:elwtp . LONG BEACH - 2 bowoee, IiOme and income. clear. wm ~ for equal value, Harbor area. Phone Harbor 0383·W. Hjl01 "LET'S TRADE" HA VE $14,000 equity lo 2 fllrn. houtea (good rentala) Balboa. Boulevard. Will tr~ tor 3 bdrm. home, Bar· bor area. Will aafU~e. Phone • Harbor 2084-M eveninga. 50pl-t VIEW 'HOME ONE BLK. above Sunset Blvd.., W . Hollywpod. l Ator,-mod . ._ Prov., 3 Br. &: den ; 21ni yrs. old. • 3000 SQ.° ft., 1J4 n.. frortt leYCl lot. Trade ror older baysbqre res. ·or inc. With pier. OWrler, 1374 B<ltut Dr .• L. A. 43. DU. 7-5344, CR. 8-9514. l53p66 55-Mclaey to Loa.n LOANS For Homes !l~-20 yr. Loans· , CONSTRUCl'ION LOANS at 5-6~% (14. yn..) WE BVY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB BA TTLEa 1415 COAST BLVD. COro~a de! Mar Harbor 1077.J ~p. POmlER MORTGA.OE 00. Metro ure Ina. Funds Kl 3-11185 LOANS TO BUILD, IMPBOVll,' BUY; MODERNIZID, Oil REFINANCE We Buy Truot ~ - NEWPORT BALBOA. FICDJ!!RA.L llA VINOS It LOJ.N USN. 38llS Via Lido Pit. Har. UOI AOIOriotive. iS-Automoblles, TIPH '17 DODGE 2 door aedan. Excel· lent condition. -RebUUt motor. 'Radio and hea.ter. Good rubber. BARGAIN! 501 Clay SL, New- port H<lg~u. Mc57 IO~·FORD SEDAN-Super de.Ix. beautitUI brown & beige 2·tone -radio, healer and 0 . D. Punc- ture proof tubes. ~ W'bite wall llrP& Many other extras. OWrl• er hu taken Immaculate c:al"e of t.hia car. Ev('n the clock runs good. Will sell tor $1595. Ha:r· bor 2567..J. 56p6T • I I t ;., I I • • • . ' "TAG'~ YOUR NEW ADDRF,SS .. BALBOA ISLAND : .. • • . '· Hee Is • a 'Jl'INEI( LA.BEL' for the place caJWd home In t~ yeani to tollle.. See CiUt ' Special 8iunple listing today: • Here la a. frellll, clean h-. Time lledlooma p1111, • with tl'tO ~8. J'inplaee, ~ .. IJld oU floors, garage. All efficient mocle. n kitchen wltta electric dlahwasher, lolld9 of c8'ilnas and tile. • Now is the time to establish the •'Good Life" at Balboa IaWid. Most reuonably. priced at f19,800 • and Includes futnlllhlngs. Thill ma7 bl! the bu)' you were hoping for. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island Ferry Rustic Ranch Type -· $7;950 ""11.! charming 2 bedroom home is 1 Year old and pretty &8 a ptetore. Hu mu~lve brick fireplace. La.ca:e wtn- dowa, 1\1 x 125 lot 'in Newport Hetpta atta. On)y $2860 down. Tiits pncc CAN'T llJ: Bl!:AT! 3 Bedroom Home -$11,000 Mew and t.E-autltu1. l 100 sq. ft. Beat hdwd. noon. Dining area. f'kJ&. brealr1ast room. Choice location on Broactway, On&ta Jfeu . $2900 dO\\'TI. 3 Bedroom Home -$11,950 One block to high BChool in Newport Hrlghta. Brand MW, beet h&l"dwood. Flagstone 'ttreplac~. Large plate 11~ w indows, facing patio. F . H . A. term& . BEACON HILL REALTY . 468 Newport Blvd. 'above Arches), Pb. B. 1713--R or Eves. B. M32·W Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth New 2 B. R. car port. patk>, 4ot 60xl86, Weal Side. $6250. Reuonable down payme-n• •r will accept car or lot on tradp. 3 B . R. Older Home On a 1-.rge lot with plie-nty of room tor dllck"'8, rabttita. hontes, etc SMOO, terrrt!. -FIVE choice Bldg. lot.9, Eat Side and ·close to Blvd. Only $4,000. 2 B . R ., Large Garage &at localion. F.est Sidf' and close to !lhoppint area . $6750. VW:RY reaM>n&blc down paymE"nt. Very Nice 3 B. R . Home, fireplace, dbt garag€', lge. wortt iihop. * ac re and all fE"nc - .ro. 11 3,~. term11. ALSO Several Good G. I. Resales G. N . WELLS, Rltr. & AllSOCiates 1790 Newport Bl'(d. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Special LIDO BALBOA NEWPOR'r Hundreds of Listings APT s .. HOUSES INCOME PROPERTY . MANAGEMENT RENTALS Consult Us • ' 2 1' aer""· · wa!Jt'lng distanc(' to &hopping In Costa M f'U... Thi-; LR an untu1ual offf'r! about y011r Realty Pn>bleme ~ Alao See U~ tor R ental.<t! R. W. Bartine, Broker W. U. PATI'O?\, AMOClate 1801 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5320 $1500 Down Large limtf room, flreplact-. t bedroom. Interior i• Knotty pfne. Double garage. Nice patio and barbecue. Full Price $8,950 .ED L. SEDELMEIER. Rltr. 1523 Cout BM..., Corona deJ Mat Phone HarlloT :nee Today's Best Buy SHORE CUFFS Reduced to Sett! . 3 bdrm bome on la!'p lot. Oall- ve.nlent to beachea. h.Dy Jeftd.~ ocaped. ll'ao $22,500- Now Only $19,99a Multtplc Llatbig No. 18811 ·' srie Earl Chamberlain aoo c--.. Corona dOI 11ar (Opp. !(ewpowl Buw -) .._..__._ JThl & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM CI0'7 E. 11&1-Blvd.. -- HarbOI" d<f~. £\res. Harbor 2278-W Balboa Island • Ne-a.rly new 3 bdrm. 2 bath 1'ome wtth a 3 bdrm. 2 bath rental unlb Complel4 Willi pt!Nlge dl-k, -I rt1 heal, -ante llO pl. water 1-ton, large C&T port. ,n,seo t'llrnlah· 'ed. • ' ----•l!f,: !!f!~! .. c-. ' !!,!~• .. t&le , ,. •• ,II·~!! " ' ' . ' .. llDlft•r:~e 'ndtsd • * 1 * • * * ·* * * * * ·• * * • * • -•• l•L• aH •. I,,. bet.-• REDWOOD ••.ca HO~~~ tu OW\ otben. Villon aad N I bdna. beech llclcn ol i'dlwoad • Well _,._..lp,eo1e1lve4 WI' -ucl ill«• J111t MIH4 to $9311(). tlieila wbfal llDlllY UDO ' -. j ::r ' . ISt.E riom.... . . ON r. IJO JSr.J!l ....... ..,.. w kit -'-· .,.. 'I? ... 1~ ..... At. LOOK J\T THERE. '"'' rllJ:r.fawr,. flue' ...... J'b!J- 1. ,_ ,,...... • _., t -.. lltlltJI ...... Mio '1114 .. 117 Redlle- . """"'"·---·-.. 1-. ·l . .. -t lilt. 11111 la • .-..,. .... _, llljr bOme u.t -.kl 1lo -I ror •Mk~ -: ror ,.ar "1'0Wl<t living. Pl'leed at WI '11.aGO.· . t . 11n1n11 -I Mdroom, 2 b&lll -ca -1arp lot. Airy lpaeteill: f'CI •I, unJt It e a t. b..Ulilot 11u; glue -stall UJe 111ow.,.. -!use 111q. -.klkftea. -,,. ,_. .....,. ed ror llolttt llms-- -lt. Priced et ONLY nt,71t. l ,....,. ,. BALBOA l'SNll'f· SULA We hav~ an extra fine B'AYFRONT home with plor aJld, float .. 1"'P Jot ortll! .-pJendld vlrw Ha.a: • bt'drooma. Jnaida room, allo wuque pl•J- room. Also he• Mp.t;rate dlnJ11s room, ulra lal'~ rooma all carpeted ud oom-ci-t -e. Al $78,000 lbla lo a r.al llU1' In o QUALl'l"f llome. ALSO 9o1a, nry dNira.ble lot.a tor ~ on UDO ISLE. Chnice Wattt· rrcnt Joli tor .income unit.I °" ..,.i6' kK.11 at ptien wel) tra<k>r T&ll•e: UDO ISLE 18 a SMART AOOftE!S. Alwtoya remem.,.r, we are the DEVELOPERS or LlDO 181...K. Herf' a little buys a LOT. P.A.PALME{t INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lldo N'1wport-Beff.lt, Ca Hf. HarboT 1500 3 BDRM. G. I. RESALE--$1800 DOWN • FULL PRJCIJ $97!!0. f.fo. pymb. SM. Hwct. nOOf11. tlif., rlOllP to ~honln. A re&.J bar- gain. 2 BDRM. HOME -BRAND S PA N K I NG NEW. FULL PRICE $H00-$19llO DOWN. On a nk~ corner Jot 78'xlOtr. East Side Costa Mf'sa. Hu 11 roorna with a lot Of f'Xlru. A rN.J Vahle. Come-Me ror your- wtf. I BDRMS. • DEN --Cl~. in downtown COl!lta M'f'M . A nk'c famify 1'o~ 1% year• yoting. Has oalt floors, fh'f'plM-e, •J*C!l- CH:Je rootn9 tbrOUl'hout. Nf"atly Jaftd8caped and fencf"d. dot1blt~ pr. Prteed at $11.000. SHAKE ROOi'-RUSTIC EARLY AMERICAN & RANCH STLTI: In NewPorl Heirht.1, :r bdrma., taPp: livtng room. Ureplace, finest oall: floors, kitc hen hu lmPorted ~o~r tUtworlt, cop- pt>r bood over range and olher bullt-ln8. Bts doubt@ gar. Thi!I home •b built fOT people who want aomething ntcr and d'lf- fertnt_ Thf' price b 117.~. INDUSTRIAL LOT -117'x200' .z<:W.lltt> M-1 In C4.ta Me•'s frOwing ·mfg. sttlkln. Price ia $3100 . lNDUSTfUAL ~ ACRE~For a larger plant or subdivide. Othf'r percela aaltable. Costa Mesa Realty -400 E. 17lh St .. Costa Me. Phone Bt>acon 8818 ONLY AT • OCEAN ll"RONT ·HOME ly p4jM«I lnlllde aad r OUt. t.:i beac!IJ boli I w""' s dlafanee al pier. "~t u • pill" lldml8., 2 bathl,' ·Vfflj alee. • I . WATERFRONT HOME u4 llKp. • lldnm. ,. ...... roam. llodent e••7 _, mh·ce. Attnetm colon la dee« . ...,.. petlo, tliipt09e BBQ ud prdea, .... 500. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT . Ch lee part ·of &ay with Jler aad float, wide ta- ove1fooilog ~y aet:lvltlee, dlolce plantlnp ID ena. Bouae in imaaculate condition. L.arge room. dining room and muter bedroqm. otller btdi;ooma and mald'a room and bath. IY ellqlee property. Exclusive. . ' BAY AND BEACH REALTY ~~ Balboa Blvd. Harbor 12M ~-el llliirley J. M. Miller Glodo Fa7 Di~k Fay Frank Evetttt * ... I* * * ·*· * * * * * * * * * * * * MULTIPLE LISTINGS NEWPORT-. ' 0.b(r' wants offer -$2000 doW1I ~ bt!droom beach home -clttn, cloee 1to best beach "l"' •to .... ···-············· .. ··-·········'·:· ........ _., .................. : ...... '7.600 ~~28!!~ 2 -~;;;~~--~·~·,i··;;~·~k--~~;!~0~ ~ to tncorne. FRONT LO't ................................. $3500 1 Ellcellfnt eo"er locatlioft. LIDO ISLE- OUR BEST V ALlJFi ............ . ................. $22,500 An oldtt but Tery comfartlblt 3 bedroom home on 70 ft. lot. Prttne loeatlon. JWlt I,) block to <'lub and beach. Prl«d for qalck sa!o. • BAY VIEW -Comer location .............. $29,1!00 , Lo\'eJ'.J l·atory home--3 bedroom11--built aroun<t a sunny patto-ehanning and colorful. NEW 2 Bedroom Home .................. ,. ........ $17,400 All the nlef'. things. colortul llvtng mom. modf'rn klt<'hf'n with formic& dra.lnbbard, garbage 'tthrpoa:I & dlshwa11hcr. DPotgned !0< good ltvtn11. j HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. R1!1AL TORS 30th aM r.'ewport Blvd., NewpoTt Beach Phon<t Halbor 1800 SALE OR TRADE Balboa Penimrula INCOME Imrnaeal&lfo. .mall 2 bdrm. with flrrplilce. Close in town, Ea.lilt •~-~t lts"T, f'XCel cOltdltion. l:x~ptionatly n~e • uniL" -2 Ideal for i>ld€'r coup~. qnty atory stucco. onJy l ~ yrs. old. MO&, terms. W iU trade for '4-car garage.' Three l bdrm. Sant• Ana. unit.I furnished. One 2 bdrm. Lot Bargain NpL Hfhts. ~aimer with J'HA ap- ,prove(I pl&.ru&. 8Sxl37. A STEAL at U~:l-0. 3 B. · R. -3 Bath And Otn. Permanent bay view. Lo_., of extra.a. Giant picture wind~wa, dbl. pr., patJo, tire- placirJ forced air heat. The very lloeat.....1. .... buy ebtakl.ailJe. Only l2G,uuu, terms. B.A.NERESON OPEN E\TENINOfl MR.A & Npt. Harbor lhlUple U.Ung R..ito. UJllZ ~rt Blod., Coota M ... Unit unfumbthed. CJoae to bay . and OCf'an swlmmlnr. Excf'llent Income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home Very ntce • bdrm., 2 bat.ha, Jarse ltvtng room with fireplace. Ac- croaa the •treet from .the bay and walklftr distance lo Balboa and •hopptng area.it_ Only $15,000 furn. ' Coast ~o~rties Co. 301 E. B&Jbo.:. l!lvd.. Balboa , ~ Phone KarMt-2668 SayShorea Bay ~iew ·Dtlae s ......... 2 Mtll -~ view of 1'loy ,..... Ji.. Inc and otnlag roam8. O.tMnrf , .... tJoor pllia --.......... Uon. RHlly one ot I.lie ·allier lwlme,. In Bay Sii-. Price ,25,0GO. OREENt.EAF Ir ASSOC.· BUILDER -REALTOR 3U2 N~ Blvd .. Bubar 25112 • . * * * * * :Ir CLIFF DRIVE . View Lot . UNOBSTRUBTIID VIEW of liar· bor and ocean. Double lrollta(e . 75x181x240 R l Ir RI $8.1100 Tenn" . Rancho Santa Fe 23 SECLUDED AC~•. near plf course. Ocean a.Ad mountain v1Cw. Several buikl~J aites. Can . subdivide. '9600 I Tenns. Ramona · 81> ACRES right In town. Beau· tjfuJ hilltop for home & grove. $4,600 Term.s. Owner Box 343 Neowport neach Phone Hn.rbor lHOr * * * * * * LOOK: $1800 Down And iUI a. 3 bdrm.-Only one yr. oJd, near the hJgh school Hwd. noon, dual heater, garbage d1s- poul. Just lmllg1nt the pay- mf'nta are only $."JI tnelodtng taxes and lnaurance. The run pricf' only- $9750 WHAT A BUY! C108f' in location ne•r Broadway and only a couple bloeltff to 1 Alpha Beta. Brand new quality constr:icted. 2 bdrm., large dfn- lnl' room, kitchen haa gaJore of eopboard space, !lreplace, ac~ coustic celling. ThU '8 an out- Rtandlng home for the price of $10,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Ne°"'-port Blvd. Coeta M~ Ph. Bea. 8898 or Bea. M!IS·J Bal.boa Island Charming 2 bdrm. home tn fine condition PLUl; a aepa.rate guest room ahd bath. Good kr ·Catton close to !OUlh bay. WlR exch. for property in Pasadefta or vactnlty. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. .,.216 1tlarlne, Balboa Island Phone Harbor 20 Corona Highlands ,r Ocean view I 00 ft. or m<>n! frontage Phone Beacon 6226 Fotlr New Homes Oolifomla Modem Newport Height.S T d , B t B • Sl!le or Trade o aya es uy !mW thr<e bedroom home with 4 ROOM cOTrAOE, Arrow· •1 All utilities (no assess- ments) • • Convenient loCation I Overlooking Newport Harbor " Private Beach " PRICED TO SELL ONLY AFEW HOMESITES LEFT MODEL HOMES TO SHOW • TllACT OFFICE at Laguna qe of Corona deJ Mar PJtone Barbor 41 C..J 3 bctrnlL or 2 bdl'IM. and den on ~ Pen-la. Foncllonal-UVllb~ .tt«ture and' color by ou tandlAg authority. U you are la in aeelllJ' ~ very LA In deol,rn and color. aee ! , ·fireplace. r urn ace, hardwOOd head. Ni c e'l y furnished. .noors, prb&p dbposal. double wm consider late model ran$li·ooo· f ll ri Cadillac, Chrysler, or small • u p ce house. • , Unobstructed View aome 2 II. R.. Muter B. R. 14x20 2 b&tha, larp playroom a..Dd ahop. 3 car pro,.e. $5,000 will handle RalJ!~..!· Maskey 3..flJ BIWI., Newport ~Harbor 402 ' ALSO have other exehansee and buSiness opportuditles. 116ttc • '• • I NEAR ~-• TIU.NB. Alb'. Old.er Home. i Bdrmo • ll'lrpC Cement ll'olmdaUon. Wobd F'looro. Fenced· YUJI. t>bl. a...,.,. Good i::j>n.tructlon. Needa a ntUe palt>L Sf.(\00 nm Jll'lce. ' .1 For 'appt. to oee any !" tljMe EXCELLENT BUYS, <lall Mary Qtcbo11 at Rarbor 1013 or (eves .. 2092-W. . COSTA ·MESA SPECIAL 2 Bed.room b<ae. UN• room, kttchen ,and small break~ fast aria. Lot an feneed. Some frlltt trtta W'a'rklAg dis· ta.nee from markf't area . Price Includes venellan blinds, . . . drapes, living room ~g and a f~ piece.a of furn iture. ALL THI!! JPOft ONLY '6.900. roST $80<! down. Better . ' ' hurry on this one, Call F~ Ba.rker at Beaeop 5796 or """'"P Bacon 6t39-.I . •• EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17tlr IUld Coest Rlwoy Newport Beach J tlth and lrvt.ne Newport Beach . Bl~ eo..t Rtway Corona del Mar 22S Madne Ave. llttlboa l.!larid 3113 Newport Blvd. Nt-wp<>rt Bea.ch ·. .BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BJCDRM.. -2 b&i.ha -ov<"rsised 2~car attached garage .... Located on tree lined gentte ak>ping corner lot. ALSO JUST COMPLETED TWO' 8EDRM. wilh specious 2 Jxlnn. apt. over 2-car prap with new or ocean. BOTH ROUSES ...., RANCH !ITTLI: with tile ball!•. garbage disposa.lg, Jarge enc1o8'!d patio.a, oversized pan- eled ~laces, · deeotalq_r co.Jori nn~ wnn papers. Sepa- tate launi:lry ~room11. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar • Phone OWner, Harbor 1521-J or see your broker. • BALBOA ISLAND Choice South BaYfront Income EXCEU..ENT ~UPLEX-Prime location-Superb , view Flne Beach. Each unit has spacious living room, tire. place, 2 B. R., 2 bath9, priva.~ p.r&ge, pJ.us many un- uaual featUNS.. Well built withj nearly 3000 sq. ft. total an!a (ArchJtects's plans and apeciflcatlonS a\l'atlabl-e for iMpect.km > Exceptionally 1ood. value! Price $45;00Q-Terms Wm. W: SANFORD, Realtor Park A •due at Marine Hutlor 2~ Balboa Is18.l'ld ' . ADJOINING BALBOA BAY CLUB 3 modern home1, 2 bra&d new. All have 2-ear gar. • in this mOl!t delirable, hlgbly restricted residential comnmnlty. Private beache8 & Iota of advaatages. . One 2 B.R. ·-· .. ···--.. ···----......... -................ $14,500 Another .............. :'.. ................ -...... -................... $13, 750 · One large bdrm. (beach home) .. _ .............. $10,500 They all are OD large Jots aJld have enclosed patios. LIMvOOD Vl€J{, ~ealtor . 312 :Marine Ave., Bal.boa Ialand ' Harbor 2042 • • ' • -· . ... • • • . I EXCLUSIVE SOMETHING NICE I , INA.LOT--·· • ' • • ' ' • I I" I I I •. \ l . . ' .. .. ' . , SaYe on Snow Crop'Fresh frvit ~,.i ' . SPECIALS . -SNOW CIOP 'ks. C•• 1 C)c ORANGE· JUICE SNO~ CIOP PIODN SlfOW CIOP ..... Ca• 19c COFFE~ GRAPE JUICE · s ..... 59c J .... SNOW CIOP · 5-oa. Cas 2 29C LEMONADE for CONCINTIATID . 10-oz. Packa9• f,~ ... , BROCCOLI SPEARS ~ FORDHOOK LIMAS SHRIMP NorwaDI a Clerou Del &tar Oo.lJ HO·MA FIESH FIOZEN 2Sc . 27c fZ-oc.59c Pkg. ILUHILL PUIE COLOllD MARGARINE ~i~ U.UIA SCUDDEl'S PUl.E PINT 9UAIT I MAYONNAISE 37_c,3c I COFFEE GOLDEN STATE FllST 9UAUTY BUTTER . . 111$ • IElf.HUI 1 SWEETHEART SOAP sA: 4 'iZ.25c. 4 :::: 34c 6 •.•. • Ca11 f 0 L1.77r. PKG. ILU·WHITE FLAKES 4 •·•· 25c ... , .. ! '·'"· 59c Cello Pkt. . r----------. IMPORTED ~~~ESE SCJ~ Golden State . ~hees, MILD -_,., , .. ~ - CHEDDAR . 45 -. '----------l " PlC•KsLEs•'• s;~ Jar 34c i La'°ftld"NsL1c1D 5 gibe. IATH'S ILACKHAWK 1Z.O.. Cu ' LUNCHEON 39 1 • -MEAT SALAD COCKTAIL SHRIMP 49~ CoLUMllA llYll sMe~TS 29~ '-------'"------' 10.111.&Sc ••• PIH1t Norttiero Sffflg 49• HALljBUT • LAUIA SCUDDEI f4-oa. ZJ-VAN C~MP'S · 11 c IOIDIN'S MACAIONI .. CH11s1· Pftlflc lroadlllll StHb·51:• • P-nut Butter 33c 47c PORK & BEANS ~------.-J 'N•. llO Cai DINNERS 2 ;1:~ 25c SWORDFISH , i'• ' ,G.OOD _OL' SUMMERTIME YAL.UESI "We Specia.lite in Courtesy" Sw.dbhTwllt COffllCAKI 29Cea. <•or· 37• ... 1 GAIDEN PEAS · No. 303 C:... ~. ·15c FRUIT -HALVES cu .. r; --~ ""~ COR-EQ ,. ALL AM~••cAH scc>o,, · =~!it:. Cu 12 , ·~ .37c_ 0Lo Ma. «>ST,ON -· ' " .... ~ . . ,,_.._ fttlr.C~lww., ...,~V: .... •1 37c . "'" 2 •• ~ ..... J, · · v l . 1!£ ·-ea... , , . -,cz . . ' ............ ,...,.,... ;,~ 77 .. > ' - ,• . ""'"'""""--' L~::-::::::::::~~~~~~~======~~~~~~~~=:i··-=========~ ·' -. . . .~.COMPLETE SHOPPll')f & CENTERS So.-111 llYera m1~Q.Q,~~!!,.: ·e N~.\!,~J,.~l,ACH' H1•11 !dr .. MM1lpl Iba a ·-'9 II .• NORWALk I 1 :ru IASll flN ztcn• aft. C'llt Pl 1 11 , lhu11111t11r W .. ' lall " • ' ' • '• • " r , ' • • ' ' • ' .. -· " t;; -'·~ -.~. "~ ).. ;;.. .. ') f' ·. . '. . " •' ' .. . ' . -• ~ • I \ • • ' ' -• - ' , .. ' ' 1 n:rN (N THE SUN le not llmJt.ed to bmnu '\1-llon to Ute • ~.. of u.e fSoutll.land. Rue b~l"fld9 of _..., wtU.out the benl!flti of 1unt.aa loUon. t&ak la tM aua'• ray. on Beal Rock,. Jmt off Lapna Ber eh LADY LIFEGUARDS. oontributiP to the tl(:eftel'J' • at tJte Balboe. Bay <Jlub. Here .rudy Chapman, oo U.. Mwer aad Patrietli: W.W.. keep a watchful e7e i .. &lie yoQJlp&en d~ldns tJtem.el\"H llll the ~· \ · - • • , _, .. • . , .. • . . .. Newport Harbor'~ Mlgnet fOr Visitors to · -· • • • • Yacbtm>m &lld ~ tbrolic..s to Nw•po<t. 8-h durlnc t1ii put Wffk to ..sew tbe :rtuj oaDual ~mi<! Yael!~ ~ and Pacl(le <lout YodlU.., A-floa -plonoiup ''" -I rep-_,..beld -b'olll Satui*)o,1 fo•1 l • ~ ~)'. Attpltl~ . " : ". Beo1• •Jo71Ds u. t"fl '~U>e b.im ...s.,u.. o1onU.., _._ --. ,._ -,.,._ -to'_,. Ula -Uo!ll Ill· -"' ....... i - -MJOmlioa _., .. ....._ ' 81M .-ta M tltw alloft piaowecl U. '' ; Pt Ud ......_ .. .....,.,,lllo!{•• .. t---.---- - -_.., ll'f"t K.. O -I I .._,. Zs Sp po ---• .-11 • • rs n· o1 " •1 • t ._. ., a! al ._ _.. -· . 1'W U. I <lllo ... Cloe tt I' ....... ._,__CLl'I taii~i.ijil __ ... _ ··•-.,..4-.., .......... .. . ': • .. . . ' , .. • , • • • • .. • . . . • ' • '. • ' • ' .. • PAIT II -~~Y, AU&. 9, 1951 -.· . . .. .. I , • ' , . The Complete PAINT Giid HARDW,AIE STOl.E ' . . .. •· , . . Featw'ing _!{EM-GLO and RUBBER BAi\!E SUPER KlllK -'IONE ~ . -.. . f ,, "' ~-......... · WE AR» ,THE Ol_a.Y SHERWIN· ' WILLLUIS STORK IN THE HARBOR ~--. .AREA. -. •. • . j144· fi9wpor1 llYcl. COSTA tfnA . ,,--~······ ·.6'03 . ·~ ---~~,.,.,__...,-. ...... ~ -f w.. 111\H"ltlWIM~ Ml:: -,..... .. -.. ...... sa.at.Hy -..... , ., ~ ~ .,~ • ....., .........,.. .. WITH A NEW BATnl:RY OUAJU.NTEE . . LEWl'S ·11os. 100/o Discount on Any PUl'.t2nse (EXCEPT ABALO!jl!! -8HllDD') Brillg tills .. to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Freslt Fish Daily fra• 0.. OWll loats! SPECIAi. PRICE ON AUIAOOU: ~ CAN1''1NG FINEST OCEAN '. ASH • RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA . F'ISllDllENl SEA BASS d:) ALBACORE .,..: ABALONE ' We Wm Prepare Alba4:ore for your k>Clter • SEA . FOOD SPECIALTIES .. 516 SOth Newport ,BeAeb Pb. Bar. 1507 SOUTH COAsT MATERIALS ·COMPANY No Job Too lAr9e; 1::-fo Job Too s .. 11 di W'eM lt11Me. M•t• ~:::pa; ....... ..,........._ 008T• -· -W.8&AOO.'i - ;1111111• 6ISl • ' • • • • , ' . . . - t ' '( "' 1;,-.. . . f •. ·""·. ·a.J' : -~' ', ·,,\: ~' ---~-~· . . • ._,_'w I ' ;1.;i "'I' • ... ,..... •• f , . 't'-.. IJWI · · • · · -. . fJ",l ft , ' .. ... • -·!· - . • 1n . .. ' • • • • .. , . •• • • > • , • Ch • F ith C • ' .. r -!---. , .llisl~n a . · •• ~ Sunday Theme at · Top· Is 'Spirit' Lutheran Chwch · ..S~· t11e ..._... _.,.'or ,. • u.e unlVene. wm be u.. a1bject llundq---·-•lleldat lot -In tbe ~ ~·~~ = ~ -~In all Cbrlatlu Bd- Rev .. f'etry Schrock · j : Stua~ Innerst . to 'P.teach Sunday · to Preach Sunday at .Corona del Mar at Christ Church Wlll be ta1toa ,,_ tbe Epl.IUo once .,,......,..... -lot tlle Uth Sada7 In Thia~ from - Trtalty .. It lo written In I Peter c 4 :a. .rin be t11e 'Golden Test: 1 :11-t. Paotor lhrllert C. ftolh wll1 "Not ~ might, no,r by power but ,o ~ u tbe thu:te for h1a ..-man: .. l • • '"l'luullt qoc1 for ...,. Oh-.an by my optrtt, l&!th tile Loni of fallh" -u be ~ \OI faltl>, llool&" . . . , wllkb UOUl'fll tl1e llqpo \of enr-Luke(• Ooopel "'lata that wbm On Sunday. Augu.ot 12. the Re"' .J. Stuart lnnent, • ,_tdetlt and JaoUnr Ute and faltlt Wlllcll ..,. 1...,. returned In lhe (XIWer/of Perry F. Scllrock. Mlnlllter Emert· community -· of Ccot& M-t.alrul In lhlo pr.-t IU~. Vllllorl •• .8 ·~t Jn'-Oolllee lhmi went tus. wW pre:acb at 9:4.5 a.m. anJ Mui an oedatned MeU.odllt mt.n1---are cordl&Uf invited to wonb.lp. '"'"'e p..-J .\.U • 11 a..m. at Corona del Mar Com· ter will occupy the putptt Sunday Buiida.y lcltool meet.I at 1:10 out a tame of him tb.f'OUltl all tJ\t. munlty CongregaUonal . church. momJn.g at CbrUt Church by ll'lfl a.m. wtth c....._ for .u ages. Tbe ttJlon taand about. ~ to the Subject ot oennon: ••Wben the, Sea,• Bal-Blvd. at HUI .Bt., odult Bible c1aa ~laupt b)' the -·~WU" man. Wlllcb Well Goe. Dry. • Newport Beach. .. Th. Starry puto< and wUI dlecUN the 22nd had • •elrlt of an unclean dnll Now on vacatiqn lJJ Ole Rev. Heanna and the Moral Law" .wW and 23rd cu.pier. ·of the Oolp,f!I and cried out with a loud voice. Paul Edward Babbitt, pastor of be his sermon topic. accordtn.g lo St. Matthew thta •)'in1, let -us alone. And le8WI the church and. hls fa.mUy. Rev. and Mra. lnnent epent B\.UKiay. Free bUI tranlport&uon rebuJc:cd' bi.m, _ aaytng Rold tl\,,y. many yean .. mtulOll&ry leaden ma.y be an-anged by calllng Bea· peace -.nd come out ot him.. And Coming Events ln the Orient. con 8068 .. w. when the devO had thrown bJ.m Mrs. Lealie Freitag will be eolo-VacaUon Bible achool -mee.U ln the mldlt, be came out of blm I.st on Sunday, •lnging "God'• Ca-every 1'1.eed.ay and Thu.1"9day trom and bu.rt him not". 1 ' ID® ~@w· Im©W 1ltat C:C..11L1uo• ~lom Qu~I .. _ and)• te News Ne A,,zl tl1 • .. . . . . . • . ' LAW llAOf OllECI # -BUii of ~ Jltieoll Bldg. Pit.. I-UM • ' ' ~~~ T-ta~'flcW liuili!ra! 1lbnry wl •11fl•I11 a · • • Y oar onler Ill buy oc ee!l lilCled sud1, Nr4 flt - modi~ will be ~ 1l'ilb ..,. lad -mcy • # • ' • • I mu the MbOO·'lride Jea...i pmatt wltc .,_ - ncain1 our 16 Gali(omia ollka and ciar New Y clck ol!ice with principti 1la11rtn tndJna c1101etL Stid1- dcal &cilities 1tt maiottinecl for your ma•• a· s a 'st. JAt~f~S CHU~CH .'. EPI SCOPA.L · · f -t' . ' (il m1D &Jl'JISUIOlll 'IO LIDO JllLI:) ' . . '• • • • I • • . , . SUND~ y · ,SJRVICES· l 8:30 A.~, -10:00 A.M. • ' ' . . CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. • TMURSDAYS • • • HOLY· COMMUNION _;, 10 A.". at Balboa Island Methodist Church lhedral" by M.cEwan. Servtue:• at &:SO a.m. to l2 noon durtn.-the :tf-ary Balter Eddy point• out eleven. month ot Aucn1•L The courae of l.n ''Science and Health with Ke.)' BIG ......,.,..,. -. . •-th S t "E d " • .,. ..._ .,.,. .... • ' •• ' .a.~ ,• Lnatructlon for boy• and gtrla, agq to e crtp urea: " verr ay "' , I .'. DEANWITTER. •Co. The new pcwtr.have now been ln· :.iitalled in the sanctuary or the Balboa Inland Community Metho- Guest Preacher at St. Andrews 4 to 12. ta' baaed on '"The Lord'• m&lc~ Its de.m.a.nd upon us !or ., IC• ~., ,,.... ,_ "••••••• ....,. , ..... ,...,. Nfllft. nmes;, PO&t Shopping News and the Pi.-; ~ Prayer." Twe:nty .. ttve houn o( higher proofs ralh<'r than profeK-I.el ........ .,.. a. , a . , dt!lll church. and have received the-The Rev. z. Paul Hovey of Hot most enthusiastic commendations Spring, s . D., will be guest preach- from the congregation. er thla comlng Sunday at St. An- rdigtous lnatructlon are offered alona ot Chrletlan power. These 'el u11·w Ult MAllCllCO ... 'Nll!!I OVER 21,500 CIRCUJ...A!DON IS THE A.N'°S'"W"'•l!lB"' : : and tree bua t.ranaportatlon i.; pro-proo~ conal11t so)('ly ln the de. . • ~ , vlded. . alructlon oC •In. •lckneM and Phone Barbor 1616 too_,, and Uk fur the ad·fllkR •. ; > 'Ibe church I.I open daily from death by the power of Spirit, aa • , The topic for ·the sermon lhll di-ew's Preabyteri&n church. Wor- coming Sunday will be "Gian e.l\tP terYh:e la at 10 a.m. and the and Gra.uhoppera," which Dr. ~rtnOtl aubjecl Ls "Why IAn't It J;larry White will repeat...at tbe _r~ nm.•; The text ta from John, 1:5o :ll quJSl of 80me ot hb tayibt!h.· .,_ d --• •• w c 'B ·c and Scrjpture la John 1:), 1 to 11. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for private de~ JeT~d~•~•~tro~y~cd~th~e~m~.~··~~~~~~Eve~ry§bod§y~~re&da§~th~e~~cl~•~··~lt:led::·~::P:eo:p1~e~do~~roa5d;tbe~~~-~t~ad~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;:::~;f voUona and medltation. Put.or'.• ot,flce hour• att trom ~ ....., ••••••• _ 9 a .m. to 12 noon for penonat -----. I r-...."' counMllng at the parsonage dl-~ti±• ~ recUy •crou from the: c hurch at • \ ~n ay CVc.1u_Dg M.JC • • • .• is giving a ca.nut& Paz-\r ln Dear-. born hall with Mra. Harold Fink in charge . 1027 Clift Drive. ~, La~y of Mt. Carmel Ut~h Added to 1441 Balboa Ave. California Synod • • .. Wedneaday the rnonthly Church Family Night, with planned pot luck dlnn("r and community sing, wlU feature a "Cn1UM> around the MedJteranea.a" with Afr. and Mrs. Lee Bolin ot Balboa Island, by mearisi of cpJorctJ picturea: and pt,ueea throughout _Le ban on, G~ece, Italy, Switzerland and France. Open H~use T onite Is DVBS Program at Mesa Church Flnnl .ev('nts are 8ChE'duJed at the chllly vacation Bible &ehoe>I of the Cost.a Mesa. Community Ja.{eth- od•t church. An open ho_use for p!lrenta and friends will be heh\ tonight (Thur~ll.y) at the church Whf!'n the children win dl11play what th('y have done and Jearn- t-d during the t wo-wttk session. Certificates and special awarID.; ,w"iU be gi\l"en and a program pre- sented. A picnic In the Costa Mesa park Friday, August 10, will be climaxing feature or the .school Wh1ch has bcf.'n under the Jeader- aJUp of Dorla Taylor. Among those &Ai.sting-1tfrll. Taylor were Ber- nice Hadley, Paula. Sanborn, Mil- dred RJ.t.schke, Ann Crawford, be- gtnner3 department ; H('len BroWn, June GJesenkamp. Mary Ander30n, Elizabeth Zimmer, prlm.ary de- partment; Gabriella Ramo!I, Jane Reid, Duma. Ne180n, Laura. Jones, Junior and intermediate depart- menta. .FlR8T CHt1RCH OF CIDWIT, SCu:NTll!T MMe 8chedulN Sunday, 4 :30, 8. 10 and 11 :30. Wet-k days. 8 a. m. ConleNlona. Saturday, 4 to 0:30, 7:30 to 8:30. Sunday, before eacb mue. Balboa Island, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur- day, 8 a . m. Conreuion1, aame as above. Radio Propanta Da.Uy. except Sunday, Roury hour, KFWB (980) 7 :30 p, m. For peace. Sunday• . Holy MaM, 9 :<>& a. m., • KLAC 15701 ll ._ m.. Catholic Hour, KFt IMO) 8:'45 p. m. KGFJ (710} Hour of St. Francia Clldlnga t otherB- Nebraska Pastor ' Speaks Sunday at Baptist Church The Preabyteria.n Synod of Ca.U- tornl& clofied it11 wttk-k>ng Sf'•· 11loN!I tut week at Aalloryar con- terence grounda, near Pacific Grove, with the adoption of a plan to organi%e 100 neW churche11 within the next five years. The l!Xk:hurch goal wa.s eet to coin- cide with the lOOth annlv~rsary of aynod, which was obwrved thls year. t;>f the 20 new churchea: lo be organlaed du.ring 1~2. It la planned that eight or nln~·of thea:t- wlll be in the Southern c.lifornla area. The Rev. Dr. Earle Harvey, pu- tor or Center Presbyterian church, Mere~. wu elected moderator by th~ comml.ulonera to aynod. He Will ae-rve tor the comlng year as honorary head ot the more thani IM.000 Preabytertaru which go to make up the Synod of Califor- nia. The ge-ogn.phlcal area of a:ynod Rev. A. C. Downing. who foT wu materiaJly Increased by the 14 years WU pastor oC Ofl'tlet .merger or the formrr S.Ynod or Baptist church In Omaha, Neb., Utah with the Synod of Callfor- wilJ speak Sunday In the Newport nla. The new group Ls now known First Baptist church, located at u the Prebytery or Utah. The 19th and Court Streets. Ht. Synod ot Calirornla. which em- topic al tile 11 o'clock Mrvlce braces the atatu of California. will be ','God'• ,.Man;, God'• Book Nevada and Ut•h. 111 now by tar e..~d God 11 Me888.ge ; in ~e eve· the largeat aynod ln the denomt- n1ng at 7 :30 It wiU be On the oallon geographically with an Alert." area of JM.1'49 14u.are. mllre. The church school meet. at 0:4'3 'nle aynod went on record u a. m. and a aervtce or pra~r and tavortng the referendum to rePf'aJ Bible atudy ia held on Wcdneeday State Blll 3383 cone.ming the ex- at 7 :30 p. m. tmpUon from l&x&Uon of p&ro· Annivers~ry Sun. for C. M. Baptists chlaJ and ptivale echoola belo'w collegiate grade. The First Baptl-1 church or A. bt•11CJI of TII• Mottt.r Church, n.. The Pre11byterlan delegates aW> authort&ed the appointment of fraternal delega.U!a to the annual atate conventton8 of the AFL. the CIO and .the Chamber of Com- I. s CUTILOUPES i.q. .-. tYck ....m.d.. •~.5c PEARS • Swe.a.·lra. Ja;lcr. To eat m c:cm. Butter & Eaa Bread Mrs. Wright's, 1lic.ed. They mut be terwler,juicy, fine.ftavon!d-or money beck Persian Melons Vine ripened. Tlakk n:tM.ted. Dclicioa1 8.a-.or. ~~ ..... ! ·4 IL.. 25• f'orpreaor for .. uce. ..._ ... BAIUIS Finn. Yellow·ripe z ...__ 25• CenllQJ Amod0<m - tNEtK EIU1 ITUI I Ainriy{offee i =.~ I~ Jf'i il Go-Ind ........ 13-1>. bog. 2.161 ' llob Hill Coffee ~~ \,! 76• • • , Ft,,, a. ..... ,h of Oii••. Sci.Mitt, '" loftM, Coirt.a Mesa will celebrate It.a aec- M•1wctt11Mtts.. ond a.nQ.lverary Sunday, AUS". 12. merce. Raisin Bread s;.::ik ';::' 23• Buns ~~ .-:: .. 20- Com Meal ~..... ~-:.-· 22• 20-oz .. Ile; 5-Jb., 37c. IW'HITE : 40-n .. 25c; 'S-lb., ... 3c:; 10-Fb,. 8Jc) . ln-,bog. 12-lb.bog. l.SIJ AGM leer :=1 '!:"' 16• • &'103 Via lJdo, Newport Beacli with a day ot very •peclal event.. At the 11 a.. • m. worahip eervlce iu11d•• Sc'-ool -·····------':IS•·"'· Re P N to ill S1111d•• s.,,...,. --·-__ 11 :eo •. ""· v. . G. eumann, p&a r, w Sees Danger in TV Used as 'Nurwmaid' W•d1M1d•• f••nl114 ineefiitq -1:00 p. "'· take as his temi.on subject "The laedl, loom l«•t.d •t Ill P'all'lt Sh" .. t, Qreatneu and OoodneA or God." l•lbo<I, I OSNll ~lt'f from 12 11001t to 5 p , ""· ••c•ot Had&fl •" hoUcW" Mtl-In the evenlng he wtll apea.k on •"• gf!1.,.....d. ''The Hour of Jubilee." During l"ll• pvbllc 1, . c:ordl•"-' l"-.ft.d to -"•" thi• .. rn-t ilma of the early Televt..lon I• a pole.Qt torce for gTeat. good in the lite ot a chlld, but too many pa.rent.a tend to re- gard thl!! media •imply a. a nurse- maid. •"9 c:lwtd ..,...IC.. .~ -HM l .. dlitq "'" •-"" ' stages of the church conalruc- • lion will be ahown. Swedish Twlsf COfrllCAkl 29Cea. ( .... l7rff.) Special muatca.1 numben wtll be given bY the Male Chorue and an tn.trumental trio. A tlme ot fellowalllp will follow the worahlp hour. Women of the church will eerve calce and coffee. Everyone ' la welcome. St Joachim Church Plans Ann. Dinner Thia was tbe tear e:xpreNed by Mn1. Char1ea D. Kimball. preat- dent of &attJe Junior Progn..rns, lnc., ln her role u de1ecate to the seventh annual Ch.Udren'• Theatpr Convention just concJUded on the Lo. Angele• campua or the Unl- venalty of Callfomta. ''Te:Jevt.lon certa.lnly hu open- ed up a vut borlaon ot plt!-...ure and tn.tormaUon for ·youngatera. but parent. lhould not look upon It u a nurwema.Jd but recognize It Flnal plan• h&ve.J;>een made for u a very potent rorce which must the annual bani diJ:m.er •ponaor«t be handled wttb adult tntelltpnce by St. JoacbJm'• church to be and .uperviak)o, .. the Se:etUe ex· held Sunday" Aue. U, In lh• -· P<rl\ Aid. · al hall. 1964 Oranp Ave.., eo.ta Mrs. Kimball, Who bal; been u- Mesa., trpm 1 unW e p. m., ac-sociated wtth chlldre:n'1 theater cording-to .Rev. Fr. Thomu J . Md r&d.Jo productJof\ fw the past Nevin. put.or. deven years and With tele-vtalon .Mn. WUli&m E. Brown Le ph• rM two Yf'U'S. -ex:J>"•ed ~ eraJ ab&1rma.n tn chars-• or dlJl.. Uon. over lbe ta.ct &bat tnctu.tzy, ner arranpment.L AMllJlln• ber repreeeu.Ung radio. tdn1.lloa.. mo- a,., Mrs. Kenneth St.wart. 1111'1. tlop plcturn and the .tbMt.er • la Glenn Croft .,.d 1111'1. Han>ld ~ly llffl<lnc co.operation Eddy. fl'Om po.rent., t8c:hen ... d - Helping ID IOrvlnc ,.tn be • lnt....ted l"7 -In produclns group of Ca11111!on club membln better clilldnn•• P"'SllUDI· tnctudlnc -Dorot117 Town Tiie U. c. L. A. ~. do- ..,.d. Jo,.,. 8t.rirt. Nablha and vollnc l'Our daya Of IDWuln Wld)' InWda Anton. Tlcketo · tor tho lo the lmpect ot -media on publle attlli' n"'1 be obtalnod the child aucll....,., wu -- Crom any ~ or at the bJ' tlle U~l1'• deputin .. t bf ""'\Or)'· ._ ... art.. ,Unt..t11t;y J:at..-. • wl the 4merican Jl:du<*UoMl n.ter A W/Clatloe. Margirine ~ . .. 32° Margarine ~~t.: •. 33• Sandwidl Spread Le:*' e 31• IHolf-ptnt, Uc.; q.o-t, 63c) Mayon11aise J:. C' ,5. IHolf-pint, 25c; Ql.IOrt~ 7Sc.l Dinner Napkhls .... ..,.,2 ::to 25• Ptper Towels r..= ... 33• kotties ~ 2 ·:,~" iJ• IPodi.ogi of 400~ 27,J .. BEEF Lit•:• • S.led Eamon Podr. ... di-.... 3 .. $-!he. CiUlly 1i<01 p;.!:' Wilsoi ... ';:!i'"" WI.a.~ Somet let Skinless n-a No. 1 Quo1•1y 1-.a. U..J SPICED. In ....um .._. '*'" ... Sllcod NodaOoaitt.C....of 24. 3.71. C32-os:. bott._, 33c, plla cMpcaitl, Moale Cristo Wines _ ~ Pon, Sheny. M-1. °'Pole Sheny. lllu<gundy, fifth, 55c; Saul-, """· 59cl -ond ,.;,,. -only In u. """""So.._. ... ._--· Soft Drilb ~· 2 :ti: 2" Wida _,,,_, l[)oposlts ptfaJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • ~· ~~l12u_.. ' 11• .. CAICI .... ... 1s-' ' · ca ... n.-> Jkhlf ClOllTA -1.,.. NpwPM'-. ClolloNA DSL IUa -~-.. -loACIUN~ -:::: I'll PM• ........... ---A ...... • ..1~ • • I • •• , I • I I I; I I • ' ' • • • • 4 ..; P.QJ lf -·n-ewcn,_Y, A\Ki. 9, 1911 , uss.a ,, .... ro 110 ••• •••r :ro llO . • • . . . ~Smart Styl5 f 0r Smal:t Git Is :f eatUred lues. at .Fashion S_h9w · • "Notabtll&-thlllp wortlly t ~ &ote"i that'• a lood -dk'fonary aet u 1"0deb:. On the cainJUS : ......i ·IA> apply to wllat -lie" --lilt:-Joan a.rttne, ~ , -n next Tueoday, A..,...t 14, ~t and Carol Clark. Oral! ... • 2:30 p.rn. In ~·a Oale, c0r-a-collt'P: UINelle a.y, Ual· ona del Mar, a _-. pende .-ty pt On!g<>•>: Mary H-· • of •.._ U-perabl.., .,...tty girle ipolld, WbllUer'!lOllep; Catlw1ne • and ll1D&l'l clolllff. AlldreWw, Ualnnfty of C&llfomla It'• Velma O'Brien's foll fu-at !ifflteley;' Kuty Lewlll, Stan· : hion mow. and for .. the MCOlkl fwd; Nonna Andenon and Doro- . year UU. preview abowlac 11 111• llllr. Unaom, Saiita 8-rbara; 8-r· elusively co -or d t n at e d WSU. bar& Jean B&rnbouae Untventty • Vogue'o•aanual Aucut 1~11\ ''!lack ot -them Callfonlt.'. and Donna ; IA> ICbool" edlUon. The .,,...lt Pri"" ·Harbor blgh ochool. maguln.e credlta O'Brien'• U iiod.1.1 wlll be Marjorie Alex- "collefe aop• f<W the ..,... and andOr Santa Buban; Lonlta • aiome of th~ most advanced nmn· ~t. Oftgon: Slurila Howe, UC : berw are being flown ~m New at Berkeley; Pat Wright. Unlver- .• York for the •bowing. All ,UM>rwt atty ~ Arizona at TuC80n; Sua!e Interested ln Dame Fuhlon • aa-Plegef, S&n oiego State; TtnJt.a • lute to autwnn ue con'.U&lly tn-Kanta. tJsc· Pesu Diehl Harbor • vlled to attend," Mys VelmL higb• and 'two Harbor' niodeb, 8tJ'oock ~ta, Adel&ar bJouae&. Zean' Given llJld N&n Broughton. A Sloat lldrll!, Carlye dreaoea, Prem· very special model LI Jelly Bun. er CUJunerea, fall Crescendoe gnduate or ''XI.a French'• smart gloft9. hll\dbep and acceseorteA canine ttnlahlng echool.'' "Jelly u featured by both Vogue and Bean" la Ju1tette MUllken'a utte!'- Rarpor'1 will be -· In all tbelr . b poodle and Ill gkwy ol cblor, cut and fabric. ty adorable Ftenc • R°"tNllN ,a MfWlfolt, no novice at modf'Ung. . • student hoate.aea rrom western Thus wm "•mart glrb ln and coUCfl'e• will answer questlon.q out of Rehool" review new fJ1l &bout echoot.s. whne ot.hen will tuhions. . Exp1ain Civil Defense Need W1rt.J civil defenee ! Newapaptta tMoue:f\out the natlpn ~enlJy guve the answer a f!'8Phic recital of ''Why Civil Def<'nse" whf'lhn or not we 11u.ffer the ravace-of u atomic attack. Prlmarily,-clvil defense l3 dealpcd to prepal'f' the individual to •joln hand.a wllh his neighbor In a ring of mutual protc-ctiol\ arfttllld his famUy, city, state and nation in• ~:;.:~.=-~~~.·:-:::r~1~ Balboan Rela·ys · If we bope to 1rt.11"Ytve u a fTee people. · But wllile thl• la th• prlmuy De th M ........ ~ .for civil ~fenoe, we muat a essage never torret t..bat an effective, well · · organtled and ready for action News of the reccvery ot the 'l'!IVS& LA9T DA 1' "Of Me• •cl M•lc~' Rublnl(.eln. Ppe1q, lletleta Nett 'l'etfl ft 0 smzn'1 AN_llspr_blM- 8TAll!l'8 F1U. ~11 BIO DA1'8. FOIST RUN FllST' nMI ito,uua . PllCIS se FERRER Ac1d11J Awar• li111r becauw ••• he -tl\or1lliW nwsk-In ....... and .... lowr In. a lllllllon I · - ClJ!!V'O Mi'iios ::-=.= ....... _ 11111-.i .._ • Nf'xt: . ·~ -D • • .111• - • clvU dettmae will enable u. to W1'-body of a Berkeley man from_ vive natural d.l.sasU-ra. Mexican waters was relayed to .. This Wn-demonstrated 1.Ut hia -p&rl'nU by a Balbo\ man. mont.b wh~ Ka.nu.a and Kluourt The North Star, a fl.ahlng boat, IU!fered one of the worat nooc:l!: reported to Clyde Shaver of Chan- ln hlatory. net De n . Balboa Yacht Basin. 1]!3Wf .... D •• 111112 I 2 -IDI 11111 • In an Aasocl&ted Press dispatch that it.a crew bad found the body from Kan.sa."' City, Huah J. Wylie of Edward H .. Grob, Jr., o:wner of wrote: the boat Thelma. 1 "The gigantic Miuouri. and Cl&imlng It could not tilke th<' Kansas flood is bringinK the na. body aboard beeauM · tt.B load or · tlon another leMOn In the art of flab would be condemned, the · eivtl detanae. , North Star crew aought .. lnforma- "Mlallng In the flood t. lhe aud-tfun on the disposition of th!' body. d('n ao4 pmverlul destruction of After the Cout Ouard .said It .an atomic attack. was unable to act becau.a the "But there are some slmUari-body was ln MexlcfU\ waters. tlf>B. &haver contactt'd t1'e Beileley "High waters have knor:ked out man·3 parents, who Mid they 'great 'tndust.rial dlstrlcta. Com-dJdn·t know their 1 son baCI been municat.iora have been cut, tt-an11-mtsaing. The Grob~ intended to ·portatkm crippled. In one t1ooded aak the Coe.st Guard for help, aecUon of K•n•11 C1:ty an oil and Shaver told Newport police. p.&Qline-fed fire raged foUT days. "Auxiliary police and tlreme11 stepped In to rut routine poat.e ft.ft vacant by offken and tire- Mghtcrs carrying on dlaaster work.'. Detallilng the ~ctlon of bridges, water aupply and publi( uUlitle• and relatlna-that thou· ands were homeless, CorTe•Pon- tk>nt wy11e coaunued: Color Photography Features Fair s.a. DO UG. FAJRBA.."111.8, 18. "Great Manhunt" D"'''NY llA YE "On"Fhe Riviera" ~r· JEFF CllANDLF.lt "Smugglers Gold" • ..Yet tbere h&s bf.en practically no Pank:.. and while t'ecedlng wa- ters uncover additional clrownJJ\aw;, thus tar there have been few known deaths. Recognizins Ille IJ"OWlh 'In Im· porta.nte · and pop~larlty of color In the field cit phQl.otlTapky. U.. 24th annual Lo.a Angeles county fair. ln Pom'Ona, September 1-4 lhrougb September 30, ~nouncts Ill Initial col<><_ pllo~hy sa- lon. The event, which proml.1e11 to be one ol lhe most comprChen- aiv e of any ;rel held on. the cout. wW be presented. In conjunction wtitt tbe notable tine arts "xhlblt at the f~ir. JOHN GARflHD SHEUlY WINTIRS • "Why T' Theae seeJn lo bo . Ute major re&M>n•: 1. An lntonned. public. 2. Preparedness aad quick ac· Uon by pabllc offlclala. clYll de- fense gnMIPo u d n... and polloe depart.men ta." Continuing ttte account. Mr. Wylie N!Ported the cooperation of newspaper1 and radio statlone &n.d oi-garuzed group11 to keep people 1Jll tbe stricken area informed and la dl.lpotchln&" help. • '1'bere · 19 aom" clla.oa_ bvt planned t.ratrtc 11Upe..-k- it ta a mtnlmum," he Wl'Ote. ""Tiie paalc of the put -. m.i88in ... " f Aa. an example ot the elfecUve· neas ot civil defenSc, bla d.lllpatch cenel~: ""In 1IOO a flood al Galvelllaa. Texaa. brought death to (!W)O tn 6000. "In 1913 Indiana an• Obio f\Ooda coat 730 llvte. ""In 1927 the MIMIBlppl river flood took 4.23 Uvee. ''TbJ& flood hu -.,..., -Jy flmnq .. wiH. "But Ule known death toll la jtllt lf." Need more be aid ''Wby Ci~ . Defenoe." The content.a of an oet.rfdl 'S'S la outllolent lo fee<l a - people. Each "" ... Isla -t ~ -48. ll'our IUiDC .. , .... Will perfbl'ln dall)' In Wl-1 ~ rlell Derby at 1951. ~ O>ullty Fair, Allcuet 111-19, ..... --~ .... •' -0 Zit ••• ,. -·-........... . ABBOIT & OOSTEUA> "Coming l••d .ilee Moune.llt" To inaure hl.gheat quality the exhlblta will be by invitation only. Tb.e~ tnvitaUona have gofte to th&J •••!J!ll•••••lllllJ!•• leadinc color photographers "" "' throu.g'bout the country and ,have met with an lml)ttuive respo11.1e. The exhibit replaces the competi- tive salon held ln put years. The d:.play lhould be of vital tntere.st to pbotocraphers and the ~ public alike. Richard Pett terms, director In cha.rge, la being uatsted by an advl.ary committtt composed of Harry Baskenille, well known Puadena pbotopa- phec-; Al King. color apeci&U•t at Art School Center; and Nicholas Waray, well koown Loo Ang&lce photographer. The salon will be opee. tlu'ougt1oqt· the eeventeen .. ,.. and nights of the expo15lt ion. 8.EEK ESTAT'E LDI I Etts LetteN Of adralaiatnUoa ln thf' e.state of Susan C. Huuman, who died June 15, were 91Mtght in W· pedor court Q" a daucflter, D<ro-- Ul)' Huttman -r ol ~~ Lark- spur avenue. Corona dr1 "Mar. -Aid the eolate -of the l>on>e and undOtermlned pel'· IOn&I ~ anil Ula& Other bdn ..., the---· l'l"e<I D. Huttm&b and four .,... and Ulree 0-f&UJhW.. ' HUNTING'l'ON MACJll . NOW THRU !!ATUIUIAY ~ATlllG _$••SOii ClNEllERNtY •J>llHWND ·-- -AND- ............................... • • ··-IU.Mlll --'11:16 ow seownro ' "Callie Driv~· ., ... ~ Clllll w1flla ?fOW llHOWl!l'O "FROSMEN" "Mark of the •... ,.. .... Rlea-ontalban I IUCllARD WIDllAR& 8T~R'.J'8 ·~· AUG. I' "Captall HoratlO · Hontblow.-" i "LOltNA DOONE°' RJCllARD O~ o,..oey ,Peck. Slrctata M.l\ro . ·~ .... tile ...... ti _ n..t..a.eard lf!!OHILDREN u_nd•r FREE .w1t11 ~11 •t Paukl. "It 11 ynL ..... Bread..._,. n-t-, _. "OPEN · ,,. EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every WedDHday • 1% If-to • p.m. • FREE BALLOONS ~ 5¢ • Rldt11 6~ BATH HOUSE FACILl1'IES FOR IO:N AND WOMEN • CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD • Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lunch ar Dine By The · iay Luncheons 1.00 • Seafood Cocktails · Dinners •• 1.25 up • Seafood Salads REllR SJIOKJ:D Fl!lll--.A.LBAOORE and BARRACUDA FOOD TO TAKE OUT • 11135 Coast Hhnry-Next to Port Orange Newport -BN.ooa au ' - TY ANTENNAS Call us for mstallation or seh'icin9 of your antenna • Prof!1pt 5ervice by expert technicians • Low prices TIDE TY Dilling ltooni .. II :JO AM. II> I '.P.M. dlilv 0111~ ~ .ncl hdl91' ,.IPll ICIN ... .2-21'6 I.oh el FlEE PAf\IKIN6. , -HI • ' \ o r ,·. / .. // ... : .. • • • • # • ' • Vlllr -THE NIW HUT ' oa C.. lllwaJ', 1.....-• I Pllone f -for -- NOW OPZN tllllsDAN'S. i1uJ ANNEX \_ 8-~ CeeldalJ Bar oa lbe...,. _ae CATALIKA ISLAND ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS- Also ' s~ -Prime Blh .. Cocktails 161 l <lout Blvd. Harbor 1180 ~ ... ~Mar ' ' -~.:.._ CAcTttt' C .4t. l' ' ... t .. ' t-' ~ ' '... ,._ ·~ ~MO'·' ~·.c~ . · "Why can'tyovju&t jumpf....,,r .. , Henry's Fam~ul Food . ' i I .. .- Tops i_n Food * "fops .in ·Entertainment * * Cocktails from IGa,m. * Pinner from 4 p. m. OPEW-BRmroH 10 A.H. to f P.K. T·alt; ABCB·BS • • ' I t , • Cafe arid Codctail L0un9, ' . . . OPEN JO A. M. TlnlOuou ! "' ir. . I ' • . .. lli1:Wl'OB'I' JILVD. ON OOAST WQRWA1" l!llEWPORT BEACH ', • • (WE ARE CLOSE:D 01'{ THURSDAYS) ' . ~ ·... .... . GENe-5 -'•ESTAUIANt ·,. ' .... ~spy ft"••cll ud ~ Cuisille ... ...... ~·te4 .. ...... ..• "51tMa1 ~' YOU eAN'T AF·FORD . ~ . . . -. 'tQ EAT AT HOME , .. AT,THIS PRICE. • ~· -···· mtao { ! --.~T ............. • • ; ' I I • ~ . , •• • • CHINTZ SHOP INTER IOR DECORATO RS • * J..&rp ~tttlo11 of WAUPAPUS -~ wllla Matdil .. FHrl<tl * • 195 So. ~I Blvd. ' . , __ l-lf96 J \\\\'\ ...... •••• ''"~'" - Fi} l::::::::J - !...._.,. ..... ~. .......... ",,._,..., ,._ ,, 11 CV. ft. \ hotch6JOh •f ,,.,_ ,..- !<MAU. DOWS P&\'1111'.F.ST L''!IK TF.&MS . GRANTS F.URNITURE 1645 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA PROJlo'E 8EACON 5701-111 • .. '/ --. , ' MJl8 ~ICE ·U·'J!DF..Kn-.'l>, ttauptf'r of ~fl'!I. I!. 0. Wv'Mr'st,. • e8S \'la IJ'8 Noni, Ude hlr, .....,,...._ flYadJ1 at an. aJ fnlilllW'e.. S4t. Square Danc:e at CapistNtno 'lbe Swallow .Sw~n Square Dance club . of San Juan Capla- lraao arr holdinc Uwir lleCODd u- nlwraary open .qua.re dance Sat.- u.rday evenll\I', Aur. 11. I p . m. on tho Capi..tnno hllfh ochool Ion· nla courta, 101 Hlghway. Jlu.tc by Beeman Broe. Of'Ch~. Don Frta)a_u callinA'. The pu,blic 111 ln- vn..i. Cub· Scout Picnic · to be Held Tues. at COM Ma in Beach Finds Art Festival Prize Painting , Lands ii\ Jail tAcwla 8e).ch polic<" ll!Uncd with • eold\ ear lo thr> .story re· latNt by Ortho Pettyjohn, 29, or l80 Seavtew Drive. about fllldlng Robt-rt PhiUips' prize winning palnlillf, Ladle• of the Evening. In a garaae buikllng next ht& home .. and clapped him tn jail on a cllarle' or grand theft. The de- llWTy man lat.Pr eonfeued and WU held for hc&rlng. "[ waa jWlt drunk, .. be aid. The 4 x 6 toot patnttag won the $1000 tJm award tn the nnt nat- ion.&J art eJlhlbit at the Lquna •• "'l:: . tea •t • ID tta. patio ~7 tlwo ~ pGet. l..tt to ·rt&":"· &l'ft. -0-.. 11t ... C". Jf'Sft Patton. Mi. 'w, •';lad. Loa A-. \\'llU.am· Mn. ,.._ Roxk\ ~ KlmH ... A.an llarri9. I . . F~mer lslani:*ers Ho nored at P.arty M.r. and Mrs. Pbllmer Etlnbrock enteortalned recently with coclt- tala honoring former Balboa t. land reskienta, Bill and Jack.Je Keith. The KellhA. former OW1lM9 of K'1lh'• JeweLrY 1Jtor~ and their three ~chUdren att now llvtnK tn Iowa. ntry a.re cau.atna ot Mrs. EUerbroek and a.re spendJDI' twd months on the cout, Viatunr ~l•­ tiv«'~ In LoA Angele.. World Travelers ' Enjoy Comedy at Padua Hills Nava l Architect Home From East Kany summer Yiaiton1 from W distant J&Jldj are belnc ent.«t.&J.n. ed at pufonnancea of "El Calllto" (The Llltle RoOlll:ter) the llldltan Players' comedy of a little boy and h.ls pet, ln Engl~. wttl1 UM! Jamac.la outdoor carni~ at t.hr Padua Hnla theatre. The 'feted guest.I llbO'# parUcu- i..r lntet'fft in the q\la.lnt cu.st.oms of Yu(!ata.n, the lltUe knoWlt laM of the Maya.f, t.be gla.moroua f'e"' rt.onat costumes and spectacular jarana dances p:ecull&r to UUa aec.- Uon o( Mn.ieo, aa prHented ln the llN!rry comedy. The1 &loo appear to enjoy the opportulllty To m..t th• pla)'erll ln pereon at the Jama.lea atter- thea.tni carnival l{' the patio, fea- Pad< 780 will -a bMcl. party and wiener bake for Corona del Mar boy• or CUb , sCout age and their taml.ties on Tuesday eTe- ning, Auguat lf at tbt Main bN.ch, Corona del Afar. • I The prosn.m wUI lnclude nriM- , mtng, sport.a, nr(.' buUdtng, tl1f' Beac:ll Feetival Of Art. which Clad to ~ home rrom. Notfolk.: cloeed Sunday, a.ad had pttvioualy Va., ;is Wendell (SkJp) C&lkln.1, M>l1 a $1000 aw.ard In the ~-lt of Balbo9 Ialand, who attended a WM valued •1 ~.000. lt d.laap-thrtt weeks courae of lecturw in i>"'ared Monday night durtns a Wuh1ngtoa. D. c . The Local naval part.y tor FeaUva.J worken and architect LI auoc.lat~ with the. when found,-..a.w ~D ttmoved uperlntendtont of the Bureau or h'Om the oraate frame, althou1h Ships1 Long Beach. turing eo.n.p and dances on a \'quioBco,"' or outdoor stage, nov-R-.....__ el M~x1c:&n game• and rxotic ~ I wif'ner roa..t ud ca.nt;pflre amc-- ing. ActlviUes wtll get under wa.y at 4 p. m. wtth ~ and •po!'U 1..i by Meun. UpPlt. Stoel· dard and Hornbeak for thoae who come early. At 7 p. m . there will be hot dop and watermeJon. ptt.. sided ovtt by Mr. and Mre. Dun- can Stewart and uatata.nta. Bill Tobbll will l<ed e&m.pflre oc:tlri- neither wu d.a.m&«ied. Found with . it wu a Mlat ot tM late Laguna artWt, Franlt CUprien. which bad i.ot. bHa mJMed from the outdoor plWry °" lhe f.e•tlnl gnn1nd111 .• Tri.H i-Y Girts Leave Today Me.sa CouP.le Visit Children in 'East r~;:n~~to.'' arid the Jam~ feaUval will be atqed Wed.nee- day ~ Salurtlay eventnp.. and Wednesday 8Jld SatlU'day e•e- nlnp, Ulrough Augu.st 18 at the ecenlc foothill playhou.e, th mll8 north of Claremont. \ ~------------• I Ues, which are scheduled from 8 to for Camp Osceola Among Meu.na repeoadlng to the lure or puturu over the hlU 1,1,.·ere Mr. and KTa. Hugo Payne who are home once ag&.111 at 2060 Nowport Blvd. Luak. Wyo., WU the Hrtt deatlnatJon of the tran1- era: and there they enjoyed .eelng their tona.-ln-law and daugtlten. Mr. and Mrs. Jame& B.. :t'enney aod tlofr. and Mrs. Doi) Glowr. In Omaha, Neb.. the Paynea were weJoqmed by her stat.en. Mn. Jobnb and Mrt. CoJdltTIJtb. A tour 4>f lovely Bryce Can.yon, Utah. provided plf.'1¥Urc ~routr homo. -------------1 SI p. m . F.or any further lnf«ma- -c1u1Uled adl are read by folk.I Uon c&.11 Roy M:alht'r, Barbor The Harbor Tri-Hi-y · girlA un- der t.be IMderahJp or Mrs-. Je&nm' -;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: Wirul.:>r, new director or gil'll! _. work and Mi.II Velma Pridbam. who an Jookinc' to buy. · l 13~KK. ON THRU SATURDAY (All Day> AUG . 11th lffd•r ol th. Harbor Rl(h group lett today to join ui.11untlnston ae.eh a.ad Ataahelm Tri-Hi-Y at OK'eola camp tor older lirla from Aup.'ll I to 16. , PA·'tlO and OUT DOOR FURNltURE and Accessories Daya of tun, feUowlhtp, meet- 1.nc new friends and lr.irplra.tk>n a....it u.ese girfa. Amonr the gtrla regbtuecl to attel'MI a.re Joan KJ.meii:, Thelma CorBOn, Nancy M c- Donald, Lynn BoBel)', Judy Sleep- tt, Sandra Schmidt, Ruth Dudley, Pat Ol~ence, Pat Parker. Gail J'rahm and Sllaren Yarnell. ThHe pi. .will UVe a well row.ded echedule and will return realistng l~ l&&Ye bad a wonderul moun- laln top ""lli'rl•ll••» VFW Auxiliary to ~erve lunches at County Fair • M .. tlll&' ln ·,...,.iu -on •~ Cool& M .. a Leeton hall, t.l>e VF'\\ aoxllluy No. Mat bad an. ea- cepUonally b\Uy ......... Presi- dent Jnne 'l'lmmlnp conducted ~e bustn.HI. M'emben 1'0ted to Santa Ana Tent & Awnina Co. I-· 8. lbl9 SL SANTA r:A . 'iJ: 1-IUS Ctn... c--L~-... i.t \the poet In operallq' a -T ._......,. IUnch aland at the Orang'e count)< to .. s•cl'ed ratr dtlrlng the nve days of tJ>cj ~na Aw11ing & Maple SlloD -t Blvd, SOUTH LAGUNA Ph. Lo...;;;;~ -. fair. btla.! Goodbye Dfsltwashfi .. ' • LA. County r..1r . pl~1a.~~ wa:., ·:ru:" ..a;,;~ nff w;llo are · thla yeu'• ,_ Jun-plred t•rm of Heater ~. w¥ , 6 I lor and .. ntor c~ In l!outb-rulped -...e ol ill h..U.. I !fM191 I em OUl!omla ! , n.. auxutary p......,led a &11' SIL'll Y-• Tllat qu..uon WW lie &ILIWwetl cMck of 1180 to the ~ ~ ...... yOUll •••.1M111Y1r1 at Loo Ang<Ua county fair oath• wl1lcll ·wu ftl'Y gracloualy re- -~· aft<11 .... of Septelnbor a Wiien celved. SiLYI yOUS the annual 'Leq Nlmi>M Ffllpn' E111e Berm..,.. tum..i In $1Q · 11111• race wru bo llqM und<r the a.... to the ,w.lfaro fUnd trom the ·~ . . .. ' .. fl* of the Dom..U. Arta d•po.rt• of u...i c.lcldilag. AnJt>ll• wllltlng .....,t. What'• mON tM clWnp to donat• UIOd clothlng Lo ~ "I.Ady' -Y be· a man .,..,._ quffU<I to coMact Mn. Berm&JIC<I men llaw -_miwle oll&1l>le to at U2 NwpcK -. I -~ --arid ~ .... A.-of•fJJ -.-had -•">' llU )lfta racelftd. canaata parUM, It wu ~ Olllaw are "'l*ted. by • ~ B>...,,,Dd and r--1 TIMI uu .. Will "' to ~ ...... 1110..-. ' • I *.tine the iong'elt piece Ot wllat -.... UDdtt "1 for~ i, popular!T -... aa "ran--aual ~ eouoit)' Vl'W minute" lace In a half hour. All to be IWld 8-Y, .A.,..t • wllJ --• ~ patlml, 8lpr ........ ""--· Ill! r t ........ -For 111• 111S at l°'IO Lm. All._ nt-- ' --lllio ,_. tlle ...,'-btn ..,i tll<lr la-~ ilre --4lvlded llllo two_....,. ......_,. ...... mid -.. '""' jllnlor di-wtJt ........ ... _ ... --f_,, la ... . ' <W • .. sa,. 1111.U __ ....,.... -of .... llrill&'a ~-of--, • · ,,... ell - -Wiii be In a.. ad. ~ or J rrt. ~ ---... toe.a"''* wlJ -"" ...... .s-11ar ........ . a MUST for • "' -• -...-.-. '"'" 1oa1 .it -r1 '" --" Ule '!'1:1··.. ...... _,. ... d "' ........ ~ .. '-IVll Y llTCNIN ti. u. a 1€ ._., 111e .,.i-a.11 'I• of c,,.12. ea •••• r llir ... ,,.,.,. ...... -. of 111o 0o .,. ~ °" ea ....... p' , ...... -.... ,,,.I& ..... .. :*.!.* .. -,::::~·..::--.":--:a.'"'· , ... : .-........ 54. ... .• i5:;l tow •• -· 1 1 , • • I - in its fieldl 1-1#1 ol 111 Jow~ can-1'71' iaches from j,ump<f .. "'-'*1 Rfrlltt'.-'JOCS ......... ol mlW <plllll)' 14 tM model ittuslrated.t Wldat tttMI -SIJ4 illCbes bet•-cc-. el ... rat wt.eels. It'r tbe '"'6 buy! ts-Di,_,,_,_, .s-. Mo ...... ..,qAt "1 .. ..,, ... • , .. • .. . • • • • • I • • . . , 7 PRfVlEW OF: • FALL .~SHlON·s::'. ' ' ' . . . . . ' FOR SM~RJ ·GtffLS:~·: ,. IN A~D ' out.OF j ;- f .. ' J .. . . . • ' .+ .... O'Bri~n 's Sp.ecie11ty~ s!tot)·~oordineting-,witfi . ~ V~ue 's Annuel ,'"Beq·,to School '.' ,Ed ition ~ proudly,pr.esenta e showing of 'Fashions fo ;, Fell .• · •• RAGA~'S RESTAURANT . .. : l Next db or to ; O 'Btien 's I . . TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 ' • • 2:90 P.·M. ~ . . ' "Smli ~ GirJ Fashions" will be· modeled by eempus s.tyle setters from leading eolle.ges .. end uni~rs'ities '. .• .. All those interested ·in ·foremost fas hion. designers' ·salute to • autumn ere inv it ed to attend ..•• . PBOio: RAUoa . tMI 1415· Coa.~:1-IY~, ; Corolla .-Mar • •• In its field I .. • • . • , I 111_,i::z 1., . .. • • • e•"?trnJtaJ. .. a:tra-• ..., ..... ..,_ ..... , ... .... ••• em!l IDw ..-.-1!1dt-V.a.. ....... ~ . , -.,........... . - ,. •• ...... ID .. '&! 21 Alire aw..; I 'N la llW • I 11• ... ,.. • • ~ ... wilt WI 'Ciias• V '') 'I .. " s I 'ftl Ssl . . I -· , ' • '. I ' i' I l · ~. I ' I ' ' • • • . .. I :PAGl 6 -PART Ir -ft:iu RSOAY, AlJG.'t , 19111~ Surfslders D.ftce 0.C. HolftemMers · · ~~ ~ Set for~ to Be ~ste11~1 .:~~aa=i PRESS-€· OoDcladlits•"-•JP ... -· at Coming Fairt ms e¢aotY in·aueen CD.ntest · Marlene An.denon. 9f Oollta. X~ repreeenttnl'' !Jte rNewport · ~ Hieb Schoj>l ptOttlct, wUl be one of tbe 12 conteatanta i:ompe~· lnS 1br title' of ' "llibl Queen ot tfie Orange County Fair" and an "!>'""'"" gUdl of tho hlr -ctu,lng tbe gala n ... ..iay expoolUon w!llcll opena: Wednuday to continue tbrougb Sunday, Aagwt 19, at the. former Santa Ana Arm~-.A.lr Bue. · ~ by the (irla at all public appear• The other 11 girls In .u;.; COil· anceo. 'U.t lndOde• Joeruie"Walle o/ Salt; AU 12 of the conteotanta wlll ta _.ft, ""~~ wand&·..,,,,,,,,.;, ot make an appearance at major cl· .-._....... -Y Uee bf the Cow].ty and wfroundlnc P'&Uerton High. Pat .ca.noway .nf areu ori Satuhsay. Aug. 11, pa~ Huntington Buch High, Darlene! rading Utroui;l1 the towno "in con- Bergman ot Brea-Olinda Highj vertlble cars and accompanied by Barbera Plett. of Laguna Beach a band and one of the tamed ra.c- Hlgb. C&rylyn Weimer of Oranp Ing ootrlcheo riding In a truck. mgh, Barbara Dolbee af "Valencia <;andy wnpped In gold paper to Rich. 'Ma.J:cla Jenach o1 Ca.ptstranci -reeemb1e "Piecea of Eight" wtu bt! Hfill. Sha.(on lA.aourdette ot Ana· donalPd by Richard'• Lido Market belm Hli-h. Barbara Juvonen of of Newport Beach for free dta- Tu.tln High. and Denna Schurr tributJon by the girla in &11 towns of a&rde.n Gro.-e High. vl.sit~l . A roy_aJ round est elitertalnment Ftna.1.s of lhl! Qut>en Conteat wUl hU been arranged for the contest-Arena Show, scheduled for Wed- anta by ·Mrs. Stewart Yoat of be held at the big Free Nl1ht 1'fewport. Beach, chalrm&I\ of the nesday, Augw:t 1~. the opening Queen Committee. All will be day of the Fair. 11ta.rting at 7 :30 ·housed for the five days at the p. m. The girl choeen Queen will -ateauulu.1 Crunbrter Hotel tn Oar-be crowned immediately &fter the h Prove with the mothers of the Judging ceremonies and the other -sirl8 alternating a.a chaperones. contatanta will be appointed members of the Queen's CourL Colorful eo.tumea The Queen and her Court wtll Attractive "Pirate" coetWnes, In make several dally appearance~ keeping with the nautical "Port O' at the fair grounds, for daU)· Ptt!nty" theme of the 19~1 Orange "Camera Fan" aculons, at each CoUnty Fair, will be supplied _by National Hone Show pcrtonn- the faJr'a management and worn ance and at other locations. MWD WATER USE RECORD SET _ Thirsty Southern California set a new record ln use of Colorado River Wal.-r on Monday, AUgtlJlt 6, v.:hen a third of a blllion (330.- 000,000) gallons oC water was dellverf'd In 24 hours by the Metropoli- tan Water ~trlct aqueduct systt'm: According to R. B. Diemer, usistant.. general manager arid chief mglnttr, lhe two large.st usenrl>------------- wero the city ot Lo3 Angelea and ! conditW>na here. Third, ls the cur- the San li>lego County \V4ter Au· I rent aJt>ge of hot weather. diOrlty, each accounting for ap-The effects of population and proximately one-flfth of the total lndwstrtal · growth were emph&- tlow sized in a comparison made by The quantity of Colorado River Diemer of JuJy 1951 aqueduct de-' water uaed throughout Southern liverlea with the same month ln California on Monday would serve 1950. He &aid that this year, with 2,:;oo,00(1 peraoru. Dlemt"r said. a daily average of •M cublc (eel The aqueduct delivers. water to pe r. se<:ond for lhe month, showed areae ln Low Angeles. Orange and a jump of 40 per &nt over a y i;:a.r San Diego countlC's. ago. M.t!aaured ln cubic fttt per Metropolitan Water Dlatrlct of· Sf>{'OOd, Monday's new record WM flctals gave three principal rea· 503, comparerl to the July dally 9bnJ!1 for the rl"cord use of Colo-average of 405. tad~ River water. Thr Metropolttan Water Dietrict 1 includes 35 cities In It¥ men1bcr- Reuons Gl\""n ship. Jt deHver~ watr r to theae Firs t, they aald. la the steadily cit ies and to other mem~r agl"n- tncttastng demand resu1tl.ng from cles in Southern California but gyowth of popu1atlon and lndUBlry. does not 1Upply water directly lo &«ond, the continuing depletion consumere. The Dletrlct'.s aquc- '1( underground water auppJles, a duct ,8}'11'tem meuuree 467 miles .,.'tXlditlon aggravated by lbe pMt in length. It bas been tn operation aeven con.seeutlve yean of drought since 1941 . Coast College Students Make Good "Orange Coast college etudent.s•------------ who transfer .. to ••nlor coll••·· f ·ind New Comet and univer~tiea make gOOd rec- ordi" slates Dr. Baai.J H. Peterson, . colleg~ president. In his annual report to the Board of Trustees. Preeident Pe- t enon Included followup data Qn students who have transferred to olhf'r colleges after completing work at Ora.nge CoaaL A total of 7a .stu<1ents were checked for 1950- 61 and it wu found ·that thl..e group maintained a grade point average of 1.35 durlng the first aemeeter of transf,r. The aver· ace of all junior collere transfers to the Univeraity of California '"' 1.26. Thia means that Orange Co&at tr&nafers to senior colleges a.nd unlvenlties are malntaing a 8Chol- arahlp avera_ge w,11 above a "C'' cnde and tt<ey are abQve theoetate juJUnr college average. Prep&ring student.a for transfer to a senior colll'J{e l8 one-of the major runctlona of Orange Coast college. Student.II may complete tl1e first years of work at Coast college in practically all f·ield.8- &nd transfer to the college of their choice and go on to earn a bache- lor's degree wi't.bout lou of timE". Artists ·at Work at Co unty fair "Artlsta at \Vork" wW be theme for fine and applied arta exhlb- tta at the Orange county talr, AU· .,..t 1~19. • Added attraction 'to d.laplaya at coming fa\r will' be oUldoor 1t1>- dlH •how\llc demonatntlona of eculpturtng, pottery making and palnttnc. aceozdinc to WUllam o. Payne of Orance Cout coUe:~. The National Geographic So- ciety -Palomar Observatory Sky Survey announced Monday the di!ICOvery A ugust 6th of a small comet in t b-e constellation of Ophiuchus, roughly one-one hun- dredth as bright aa the faintest object vtstble to the naked eye. 'rhe discovery wu made by Astronomer• Albert C . Wll110n and Robert G. Ra.rrlngton of the California In.etitute of Technology and the Mt. Wilaon and Palomar Ot>.ervatorte.s. They deec.rtbed the object aa a diffuse comet having a nucleua and with a tan about three min· ute.s of arc in length. ll. la mov- ing toward the sun. they said, and \rtrlll bttome brt1h.ter .and de- velop a longer tall. It waa dlacovered on a l•-tnch IKJU&re phot.ognphlc plate exp<>&- ed ln the 48-inch wide angle tele· ecope on Palomar Mountain for the Sky Survey. Ila poaltlon at 8 :20 p. m.-August fttl'I Pacific Standard Time l or • :20 o'clock Auguat 6th, universal time ) waa: Right ucenaJon. 1961 . 17 hour• 35.7 m.tnutea:. decllnatlon. mlnua 8 degrees 19.8 minutes of arc. Its daily motion ln rtgtit aece.n- slon ta west, or mlnua: 2.5 min· utes of time 1n and In decJlnatJozt Ls llOUth. or mlnua 10 mlnute1 of arc. Ila apparent mapltude wu approximately 10.5, u compared with maf;lrltude 8, the faintest 'risible to the unakled eye. BUTT TOSSING IS. FIRE HAZARD supervt.or of I.be exhlblta. The t!>pughlltOs ~ of -U.. Mlloldwa oA llfewport -wlJI """ ............. f'rt· 0....,. -OIUDl]r -fJO(lllli- d&J ........ 111:-Bt<f cJvb. mat m_.... and ..._ ........ ..!. H<llllDSap~C<Jddall~ will bo-1·111 at I!'--- at a:JO p m. will .._ ...._ and llOmlco oalllblt bulldlas and ti,. . . . _..,. at ty bootb at the °"""'" COW!". Mlnea. Robert R<!IO. Larey J"lt.l•r, t,y fair, .Auguot )!1-lt, _,. MW v. 11:. J:U.WOfth. John Brouahtoo. !&JI PrenU... home ..i.-wttll R J. Oollln1, Victor Appel and the AlricuJblral !lat...slon • e9cu l.Jnkey. ytce. ~ ' •' ·~" 1 AS ... T"" oiiliE J11cE ~s~-:-17 ¢ 1ioccoL1 w~·19 ~ ii£iCii 'iiiEs II~~ 18 fill Willi ftllJIT (XX;l(TAIL FOOi OLll IELATll W,C~O WllER£ TIKY o.-BEST FOOi Clll PEAS fOll A. liifA.l l/'U\l ,IAIY l~AIS Budll"t Pack l"'-t: fOll ~ES ; ·iCllAICOIL lllQIETS IJ . fQ OSY AIOO GOOO CllCH CAIE MIX 1.0"TS OF FIU.1"~ •OOOJUE8 SllSHllE HYllOX "':Jo\. . l>IO<S'll> EASILY sw1n·s MEATS ~ 'fllii ()l!J.., ilAi: Ol>Vll.liD HAN\ IEllLEI IAM . I ""~ ZIMtditZi A. 1cpvM•' QWCOICV AS I llS CITS . ~ O fW HAWl\11°!1 9()1; SLICE Pl PPLE vi.-.,_tl" FOii.' oo.e 11!!£1'. F 11·1• 1 EI 17 t 33 ~ 38 t 20 19 ~ 42 t 10 -t 17 ~ 30 . 78 ~ , Member• of the ae..lecUon aad ctp.reta. ~garw and matoMa from award JurJ wW be !\Obert Helde-rnovinr caro on the rural lll&h· mu nt Kann Art in.uwte o1 Loo ""-1a a t1etlnlte nr.. huard and Angelff: .WWlam Bowne. chair· Will not be tolerated, tll& CallfOI" man n( the art department at Dia mc-1 Patrol remln4od mo- Ut:LA: and Rlcbard Pett ..... n, in· lqriata llpln 1oda7 . . • • sbUotor Of ceramic art at 8crlppo "Jt hao been .-iltllobed Illa\ ~ and Clare:lnont Gnulu.ate moot toNOt nr.a ~ eaQlod by llcbool at Claremonl • ~ ~ the Patrol aid. :&lc,la at tlle Juro<a· wtl1 enltt "DuriaJ the <f<7 ..........,. ----~ .. e'l!>lllitl and U... tbe ftN JIUard le -,_ pt su•l wUI aleo ... a --petltlw .,.. and a ltumlftS' dpnt w dp< llllllt of the wWli ol .. tJoNollJ'f lllq --& 111,9 -... azK -artleta of w. ~· -tal4 .. , I .... fl --' _..., to Pa-. l ,,,. ~ ..... , .. -... .A.II tlmlbita for W. ~t .......,. -pNL1'ltlt ..,_ ... ~ be ilol-le tl!lo ,_ of ,._ =~ ........ ., -:a.. • .,,._ Ille ...... A.-........... ;..; ... -·" .. ' ... . ... Ille -lti>•lk "1 ..... u: ...... ..,_ , • ' ... l'OUNQ FREESTOIE PEACHES , I LB.· f\~ ~(A. U.S. W.~ GooP CHUCK ROASTS l.~. t.S: 79~ . . ~<E>u« .FRYll8 ~ ·cHICKEIS \_S. &9~ - LB. 45 ~ L~. • 49