HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-16 - Newport Balboa PressI • • ' ' ' f ! ~"'li:-llarieee .ujen1-. ,......_. Utie New· · pon Harbor hip ochool dlolri<i i. lk -~ to ....... tl>e <>nap CowltJ' Fair ~ "'."• -Utle a& &:JO WNI--.,. alflll at Uoe Fair ,.;...-(Prus Photo) . CROWDS· JAM 0. C. FAIR Generally expa.ndird exhibit dep&rtroent.a. wtlh number of entries almoet dotlble P't 3-448 lotat of tut year, marked Wedneadaya color- ful opening of~ 1951 Orange county fair at the 176-acre fair grouncb located on the former Santa Ana Anny Air ~ near here. Visitors had their tlr•t 'iew of-the newly ... remodeled· $65,000 A&'rlcultun'1 I!: x h I b It Building, ' boUllng Orange County products the 50..acre parking lot. There ~x.c:Ju.llvely. The spectacular now-will "he tree nur.ery and • play- er obow ~rueoU..g' a "Fairyland gi;ouod f<>r cbeckln&' tl,.y-tota on '_... ... JaQ'. ~· I • pi•·• _. ... -1 .. • ... ""'....,._ i-• aNll!•"9-~ co' u,; t; hlr pUtment, whlelt alao includes live-GrOU.ndl, cooled by Pacific Ocean. atocll, attracted wide lnterut, aJonr wt.th the l•rve hobby llhOW, breeRe, la }oCated on Newport • -., Boulevard~ ~tie(w~ Santa Ana mineral and gem show, art show. and N ewpen. Beach- 111• lnlVHtlng echoola dlaplay and 11COree of other exhlbtta. Opening c:~~= --hlgb-Water Turn-On lighted by 0.e big Ftte Night Arona Show which featured the Rat· e H·1ke' Seen ftnt or the aenaatlonal octrich races. The tour raofug blrda aped around the area at dizzy ·speed. • Ptt.1ling light .u.Jkiet and turnlah.-Paaeed to a aecond re.ding by tng plenty of amuaement.. thrills the City COuncU Monday night and spllbl for the crowd. we.a an ordinance 1ncreaalng the A.ddilk>nal ortr1ch races ha v c cha.rge tor wa.t,er &erv.ice connec- been billed for e4C}l of the Nation-tlona by flO. -&nd eettlng $10 as al Kofa S h ow• J>'rforma.nces the charge fOT a tur'n-on when the which are acheduled to operi ~ water aerv\ce ·hu been off for nJgbt and conllnue e&cb alter-more t~ 15 day•: noon and evenlng through Sim-Ch11.rge "4?W (or the lnlttaUns of day. A record I.lat of 491 hon.ea. water service J.s S~ Wlllcb thr. fri>m many of the fineet atablea in 'new orclma.nce would raise to SM. c.Jiforni&. Art&ona and Nevada, Fonherly, tilrn-ona ca.t U.60. wm be ahoWn ln the rlnl'· For lnterrupUoM of water eervlce • l1"ree t..raml wlU carry vlallol"9 to leN than 16 days thla dtarce will the main entrance from nearby ~main the -.me; over. ~ d&n will bua slope and from anywhere on coat SlO. 1 • 7 • • • • -• 7 .... ··--ea., -.... 't ...... <>•& t 1 ;Q!'--..._ at 1111: -!____.._ - ADI' Iii M ~ -1-18, 1"°' Ill illt past -Ii • •wlW*t B11c1t, C.U--.___..., ta. A.et OllM· di.a-, 18'a. · . ···:-= ........ , ........ ~---... ~ I la•t ...... 0 7., la Cs•tf· 1~ ........ WJJ I: . . . ! . . .. ·-..... ,,.. -r-111.n ,_ tlle ? ...... J"t!W ~ • ........ • I • C _. A•nf M <115'•• QI Ii .!ai. ... ,. ....... 4 ....... tie..,.,.._ a.a ........ ... ................... "' ........ ~ .. ---·--. . -'--"" ~~=s·:·:-~ . --..................... -...... .... .._ pa:za etlloeA-~ ......... Aq_ .......... iZ"' ~ ._ .... _ .. __ ---.. lac\ ___ ..,.._ • ' .. --_,,,.,.. 117h, .. ,__ ll ..._lo ... wllA lllt Air.-. 81.-..i -• ..... -<Sllftll -··~ .. -... :st """"""" -of Jouan. I I ~ ---..... Tiie ......... ' ft Ui apt to W.OIM CJUft.e COD• -:y KcCALLUM ~ .• 1 tb6&: ....... lnmdrecl. p11fl1 di t ''I • ' WAJ:.Tl:ll IPICIR , I ....... lllt zenlcoi&, *1•111& .. TZlll ........ ,-. ... ~..... 'I . ~4-CUeorllodelJr,-....~ ,u. -·bi tM ....._ -~la u..t...., membln ' · · ud dr ,,:t 'la wbat ...-MtlN ., ~ .,., -""°"t n.. 1\111 wllzw ....,_ -rMc ._ --<i ~ 1 -. ~ ""rr•a 1o ,_...,_. ca ....., -·-and·.-· •' ,. nz~w ... ·--, ...._It -~,---~-..· ·~-~ .. 'ja .~ :;o ! * ........ -.. -2"o•od ... Ill pl&)' Ollita ... 1"'-~ --~ •-1111111 .. ..,,.,..,. IZSI A-. • "'"'"' 'elal '°I' C •f•• )'Wlln Sllllta • .' 'nle -.,,..,.. l'D-OA.l el U.S lfouo Annfd lier---°"'I' ...,. (b.. -.), I , .. "8 .._._ .II& b9 ask. ._ -lo M tbat ........ -..... ni.o. doclm1W tw ,91111-.,. • • P'"" •"-11; 11 a.-., nor a IJr!<W5' l a .-1o .,. ~ tor llOtlllJW, uua =•rw lftl ,. .........., °'IL c••IJ .... , ..... .,.. • 91.taie'y•· •kt · s ... 'l'MD·~ n. ti.1aWJW .-. ""=~alrllli$,.=:ohld "!'•CllJ'.,_r=••12 .., .. _.,.9<'7_•~rrh' r4 ,... batfll6 i:re with• wtt-'"-ha-va.~ wtam•nvoliCES . :r111o...ur~~"':.~..;:;::. ......,_..._,. .... -.... •·, .••• .,..,I!'_.. ,1Htae't'•--¥ ':~·~~~ ••• • n. ._. ~·.,w ~ e., o..,.. •t,....;.-we•e•etamwotllllew1'1 ..... ~ .~b~·~uwUt~-~:!.ru..t • · -There can be a · lle'jl'-to~ ,In the voices of telephone ~ and tM .Def-Doput, .,... i.tt., · · ·t , 'YOU lm0'!7 inore ~, ~ 4 '1Mlel'll of the ~tate of Califonila 'and partJcularly •of N--• -' ....,.et . .....-wlllcll ~· Dear,0mp_.,, Enpe: . P'"mf".,.iied lll•,la'!Y"'", c;,·. • ,..,, b h th t ,.,,.. . ...., ·~• bad ·__, d ,..... -•ontly lo ~r 111' It woulb be appttcl&tocl If you would rud thJa zta'~.!t llllo tlle ~,'~Inc -i'~ that ft!. :I'l!I .... e w en ey goe ...,..,. __ ...... on, .,....,ce, an • cludeo , UO · bllJ¥!n for . t.M Air rd f 8 , , · Wl!llJll',.lo • flM-1: U>at 1 -~ril~ conn~tlona m_t,1>e;:c0Di.ln1(montb& Ih thlll_ lo · rorce.''IVlll<h. woUld peim1t a p1&n, ~-0 your u~niltteea, llHrbip,on ti\• federal law.iii to ~ .. ,ulaa .¥J •o.t !Mn{ ~'to'.- roT,the "'--rt Balboa Pre9 ... 'carried a le-• notice, Ins ned ............. to lei wlnp, I I !Ate ov~ the water rtibi. of prlva~,property.,,.;;,.,. Ill U.t~ill>-Mt.Iii!~"-'th<! wttnep' NpJ~ ' • ~·--..-, ... -• -tor !Ms• ,...,_, bu Ca11tomta uea, • • • , .I j, 1 I• ~I( 1'Wr . .Me!idJY. For.I · Oiii!Dr local ~epbone aulJltCrltiera 'that they an eoon , t!l -, , ,, , e-«1 an ·-··'"" 1o 11111 nu. io IJ)ou than' J_ljat a dlopilte ov.er 1oca1 wtter l'IPf', 11t 1a ~.",~ ~ .a.,, •:i.•..i to pay the co.ta .of t:b~ 10 per cent raiae·'recently ' ' .. v "rroupa," .,wkldl, be eztlmatM. .an etro.l't,by federal orfl.tl,aJa 1o eatabllab a n-,,r1oc1p1e 'ot /&"that ~~byi('tll .W.t....,. fd~.Uided by, and g'ajned fqr; ~~ employeea ,of the Pacltlc • ' ".' · • would coot about SU blll~ a 1'&r, would d..u'oy th• ~tutkleal.;rtpt to bold priftte P'~:r'' If , '•,,; • ' ,· - ifeieLLone and Ta•~~1. Com-ny. •, "":.,::-''win<'·~ ·"rroup" not,~.lt will mUat Ill the lnatlonallsatkin of vtt&I··~ <"' • • · · ' ~· ~e appeai ;bici.'"':-~in ~y September befo~ • A'~i...L ' ... .W' Ui.lW ·w 7 ~~~m::•n: ~~u~~t la .. y1n, ~ ..;.ce It n~ thJa !.a P~rle .'Rea~· •' 1"~ '1 .Jielirlnr officer of the Calif~ •PuJ>lle Utilities CommJa. I ·Rise .tQ VlllGI" VUIJI 'Rl't IW Ulalr --"""''t ..... UA<Uy _..,. ror natloMI def ..... lt hu • paramount -ud can con• O ' Th;,(· 11.:. -~sloli &aka for raises in ra.tea ~ting $14,000,000. Thill .., .• ,,. • 11, • lzhz .,., , ~ • _. • whAlt a ·-.-· i.-or. "l"OUJ>," nacate th-pr1 .. te water r1ghta'.' lt does not propooe tli #>' ~-r"'pens is : ~~, . · &appe.;. to ,be ·the exact ·amount the rai-to enip)oy-w ah ~ tlwi ·.., -tet f',fi. for that matter, 'nle ...,....i Im· d "'"' ... for their property rlgtlt. deoplte U,.. ~tll\Y"'":'''fll, wuai La .Peri. RaJW '>la cost the-cOmP&Jly,. Th• llloay.'hu to come from aoine-~ ... ::::. la r~ \ir preoalon la that, whate'Yer else arantee that l'rtvate P'.:"'""Y •hall not be taken for,publlc .... "with· I~ the~ tl>la ~ • L"--' 6o . · 't ..U bell fur wllldi We , l'ia"7 -a 11, • . they att, they are ~ppr<>Xlm&telY out j~ compe....,Uon, 1 • , j ~f Mr ,..,. real -, -Ill . w~., ~~y the ia~y ,caa , ~ Wl'tll, or M'Zd!'J',.,.,...t-.:U-....ie. ....,, A:: l ~~<•l'IU Wr,ter ld•ntlc&L ~ Idea of u... l""'•rnment ha'ring p&Nmount .P9~1o . ...,. llN Harllpr,Blvd,;•c:-& K-lll , ~e itilelt f~er to pey O~ting expenw. ,It ill l)',~a --. UM ~ Prlft,;Ozr f .... .-. --For enmple, a ,Bouaa ~ed ~ate pri'tate property wu pnn oubotanee in 1947 when ,u , 1!, the .altncun nqittc.tJpio llll!IJllai' ·ltllt (*rt of the Vicious spiral, railled wagea.ral8ed ratea--~ ""'""' ..,........,, N4 •c111 sr--1111 •u~lt a.nice Committee atatt membe\'. SupreU>e Caprt bold 111&1 the fedehl ..,wmment cilUld ' ·uie the •ju.at "'""Plet!id at'that ,,_, .. '. Jil~ ~ of liviJ>g-raJae.-W~ etc, U., ~ ""'!-~ -!t-'· ~.:,-.:. 1 r ~,., p. llL .;:::; :.,~h ~~th'!" ~t= Ca1tfonila •tldelanda: Tbere the CoUrt hold that aln~,, tldelaiid oil •In~ LA hrle ii&-"°:,"!'ti~ -Siilt wlien -that extra tally coes on your bll you will f~I • • " Chi~. • ' , all' arm ""d .. tabllll!!ed the prffs mlttit lie Ille ...,Ject at • wv and ain<e natlilMI defMllle wu ~ 'tC<>«ath,e w:;:' f ..tate 111 --~ be -!.••tied th · . f th Yll9lit617~"::.i''7!.,~ lfP•• \ ~ ~ l-Wllt.. a ftl8'0I' acoot· ent. aep&r&te Alt l'o~ waa uked ··p&run~t ~lltr." ot u.e federal pvemment. 1tatei sow~· " or ••eq·, ~ an ''I">' 'to -e aervtce you recetft rom e -11111 . 1<11--·t, • _.., toilr .. i.,'Jii;r.w.uiot !lop ti> help clear up the coatuslon by' moat bad a puall\out1t -•r onr the tldelando and could ·t..ie ~ (bu deriloped aeveral l>IO«La ~ 'employeM of the . P. T.' & T. whom you Will lie directly ~ ii!,..= ~=-J:' :i Z.a w-. Wllo · -•rt.-. ; deflnlllr '"Wlnr," the oil am ""Y other ,.._.,,... of .,.,,,, that mlp~ be "*~' , \::., bomS: 1:,.,, the~= paytnr. · Further you ibouJd rai9e your vol~ ovtr the -_.._ .,,.~~•la 'tlHI .1NI hr4. IM4"9 try.tins_, "All air wtnr la now ~:ChlY l!lllce 'tbea Texu and 1-Jalana ha;<• -told by~ aup"'m lolated 't'llll Barney.....,.,.,.., l , ~y 'poo~ service beln• tendered In sJJrlltly more 'United atai.. -"'' -~ Kar!M • •-ue, lwlnrlJIC tqul•at•nt to .., air "°""' be court that they muat sl.,. up their Udelznda to thla cl..,;...i p&ramount • ~ " · ,..-' Wide on U.. t,im YOIUI&' WtlAI> -ded, "It tal<ea I.be place ot f the f · '-'•--~ TO A , tllan ' liO per cent of the area aerved by f!eaeon, They, the f~ state ·-i-!\ ..... flfr $t control 'of ~ acl>ot•r '11Vhkh the old air rroup, 'All air wing la -·· 0 _ra1_ .,, ......... Ill, .A.ltd D-Ulla '.""'trin• la HCQ .... , ··~ CANAD -- ope!?.tol'a, don't-ring on the ljne, they e&W141 more dillcon· e1e,ooo,oo. Teotenl&y •. by aJmott .ldcled .,.,.,.. • niek ew11 .,.. the oelfs<:ontalned and conal•t. of tended to tile -~ rlPIAI flt pohate p.._rty _,,..,. In, Ill< ll'aU-M'.laa l'..oma Kl;llo at ean.o:-l!Fa>; • . • • • una.nlmou. 'f'Ote,""We pYe the mu. f &boulller . .to-. so thNe uadron.a.•· lliroolt, 0.111 .. '""" • . '. ( I Covea left lat week fem.San rran. ·oeete ~an any,exchange 1te J1!R m the United States. The t&rJ' a1oa1 more money than th• f \'be/ · ~~s ;Lit H Tba:'\..terpretatlon, h.ow•••r 1a w..,:. wW It..,, u •Mr'zNI ell aac1 -wat.er .J.. az. Claco. &cOompanleil ~ her -t; '.cornP.,.Y ihas projected a' -n81V buJldln&', enefneered 'for TOTAII.taa ...U...UO..-u. the Unit, 1°'" ,;,,~, ltand :era. fi...; wide of t1ie mark. acConllnr; to U.. '-uai to.ut1cCz1 .,iraaz ..,.,_ 1te ~ -aloolal •"!lll<" jKla Chrlatlne Waller of that cit7. ,diala'm the Beacon area for~. WE OF THE HARBOR edI~: .. 111 ~7.uie bill apart 'ror e1M, , • ~ : _. ~tr ~·· own definition ot Yitai. -~,la -_, o.i 111 'P1 9 ,,__ .-...._, =:':: ~ =-~!':'° .":; , AREA CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG ,.,., Ttie h..:,i.,p .._ <:dYfr • , , 'Wlnr, -1a H~.are Jo&at u t121...,1 1o aet1zear •---:.~J.lk ,.., JwlU be Joined by• frl'end. u.. \wo ' Co.incident with the demand f~r incttued rates for IHH _... ot'fll\.o pdn,!. and the •nnuiil 'late , pu~lclll~~,!~~: ~= ewt ~Ille -t ,..,.Or 1t ~· -.--. ..,u., JO!"&' on r~ a ftcatloo In~ I..... '-·ribe I th bid .. ·-ppli. • • IUbconunltt" worlced for 11 .,.. . ,. • ... . ~ ..... -ln Co re&Ji to ta.me~~ to wttaJ l'MOISCN ta .al •atm., r ~-b I •• """' au..... rs 18 e ....... a ca~n to lnatall eztend, weeka on them., I -·malt~ rens fof Tratlit. ,.. ~·~V~.:.Ut • i. n:_~ . r. -r -· -too _....,. --la • ~-· ~ -· . ~ TUD ,JJ,,L" : ,ed eervlce In Or~ge ~unty, , _There is no.' ~ueatlon but oral lll&temeai. •Mlldt may help · • ' That lal J;. m&Jor unit for~ ,_,. .._ o( Illa U-. atar-., At -!" a tr21;tptP lllK-la , Mn.· Vi!>"'i:,Jilgtott. at ,UGI> Isle what P. T . & T , 18 entitled to 1ta rates. proVJding, the for· 70" --·a 11mz1i-•lll•b jAA anmia1 rate "for-lnller ._ UNment ot Air Force combat tM -GI -~ _,. ... ">••-'le • 1wllll4._zl ril!i\ l a ~ lo lier.. h!>me under a ' -rate iilcreue wu.. jUtifiecL BUT THERE IS NO .~d~ ~ i:•.:_.~El!A~ a Ibo Kwlklpal TMBe,O P&l'lt wu at,...iui.. , lo 11oW prt-,.,, i'.ty ftte ~ p.w• · rt ~, ' , • , dOClo!'£ ~. _,lbla werJL A ~ • . . REASON .WHY. '\VE OF THE NEWPORT HAft, tamQ1<a o< 11!e-2211d Dlatrlct, Cit>' Coundl -,.·ni.iot ·~ tAo &cro..u 1o anaW.r ~l qUdtl\,n tldelaacla ·--.,.1•11 ~W1UlIMi..iuqe 1;, ,.W-.. __ of ,the IMLtpoilt\"11-. ' SOUND -~ --"'* • z4oi>ta4 lty U.. lfe..;.trt lleuh What: predoely, la a "wlnr"! I~ youen-....,..,c'-ly Ille-....... of IM~oourt'• ~'h.lgll.,bl...., ,l";Oozure la Hated u ,BOR_.t\)tEA SHOULil Bii: SHUNTED.ASIDE AND NOT OnJunoSO.~rtheend~that "P"""'•nd•tw of City Manapr bave thrown morr ,than one Air me11t•a-.Ptaiat ~ -rau-property ,own-' Oii will~ '• . ', " TENDERED BErtER SERVICE BOTH BY THE COM, flaca1 ·>'-· u;. ,mrutuy pocket, Jq1tn 8&llon. Fon:e oftlcu. Jlilt the 0~°' day• find 'lll&t u.o ·~t r!Pt" u.. -rnment c1&1ma · l' ""'orlsi1 < '.,.. • "'"' AND ITS -~LO~ , -~ !' b,!\l!Qa·ln.)t. lt!t over iT1>e armul rate ,~ --major, wh.o uoed an Air Fo..., or-. , ,, 1 I U-A4'<A ,,_r • trom the a~p~ of the wiU. the ......nt 'H11lter nte ""'1ch p.nlatlon manual u a C!"'tCh "'Id Uted Ill 11!&1 tldel&M• def-, . ' , > }!Jettei-'eervlc-DIAL SERVlCE--EXTENDED SERVICE lion, ma1ctn1r • tot,al of SM 1>w1on, U,.. ,. l1'e ll&y', a1ld S5 -ltJ,y up with tlua niply: bec&llie milch of our harlior lo llullt on Pedalmed tJ<I-:our 1,'0it ' "'r,1or~:s:cNr.L " ,4 11'1r '"r ·~, " I t. I.. ' '-' • ' ' We tre willing to• pay plus rat-'>ut" we want 1oar l!efore,~"11p-weadcled m bll, ~na waellly i., -apaeo applied hlJllMlr dlllgint\Y, ·came ' The. Lol1&' Boacb lla.wr Oom-I• lntettoted_lnth.1 -dte~ 1 AND WE · 1 Durtnr the year. to J¥e 30. lQ&l, f other~ ~ 8Ul'Amtt .rate A wt.n,. U: an ela,uc . .elf.-coo-i. aho cine of th. tuceat prodUcei-t: Of tideland oll ·-~rnper de\.etop.. ...,.. DO MEAN NOW' the mllltary ,oPmt UO blnlon, .., 11~ •-ly for bay front-. talned unit, deolrnod to ojlff'&t. ID· ment ot our tacll\tlh bM been oerlou,oly hindered by tl!1li .federal ,_ ___ n_EN...;;;....i,;..19_!..;I;,_ __ -.'.. Hore are the ratee wbicb the request providee: on · July t o<_ th!> y..,,, lit• bal-up for ~ rew tpacet &tld '8 dependently and to be odf-aup-grab ror power. · ,, ·Newport Harbor and Beacon a.nu. ~no~e, ~-"~ ..... !w .. r, waa * b~1111-:tklyl f0<f•-"°""L ·~ ~ re-porting. I !\Ope your·aub-comn,lttee will alert the American ~pte a.Dd the " . '"""".. new . .."T""n n e &.-.. • A w1nr cor1111t.a or rour crc>UPJ' • -... •• ,_. .... .,. I PJewfli Propof!H uklqs you to .~ lnt,o your Pock-~ HuJy, apeald.nc rrom lb., -one H.Ch tor combat, medical Cons:"e-?. tb thia real danPf' and that you .will vt&o • ..,._., NCOOtJn~ Type •f Sen1oe ltate Rat& ID«'.,,..... ett, a1re&dy frayed around Ole ~r, NJd t.Mt tM ..toption ot an ca.re, maintenance of aircraft, and action by Congrea to reve~ thll trend towa.rd ttatlonallatl~ , , Bll9-Private ............. ,,, ... , 11.00 IL '75 , '75 edir .. br the m&n1 tlnlN you ltavt ::tu•I rah! wu c<llltrary to the air l>&ol• IJ><tallallon and oporatlon. Sincerely, j ' 2 party ............................ 1.15 , 6.15 .50 had to :ut.. ~ 1::4.,t':'~r LU: p ml9e of the COUl'CU not lo leu~ The nutr1ber of aircraft In the w: R. MARTIN, President ~·: r p B. X. T--''-1•'"" lS 00 1 00 m-1, .. .: -, ~ Inlier pork, combat wine wm vary, with tb• Loov Beach. Board of Harbor Comml-rz ! · l'UUJUt ······-···········-· .....,"'' • • ne ~ expect.a to spend lt wu pa..w out to lfraly tolal depending on the t ype or op-• , 8eMI Pub. Coln only $40 "btUion or th.t. before next that tlW e:atalllbtunent of an &n· ere.lion or mlaalon Involved. A _.; (Gll&l'Uliee per daJ) ,,..... .H .24 .ot !~:.,~ U:t!:,. •:;,; ;'."~0 '.:! :.""! ;:.'.:., 00~;« ...!" ~ ~l'~!:~=be~= !!n~=~ R ....... ,,., Private line " .... ,, 4.00 4.9@ .SO "obllpted" thla 'flacal year, but th• r<mo..r of the lrlill.,. park &ire"""' Other t)'J>U of combat ! party ......... ,, ... ,, ....... ,.,., a.SJ> S.50 .SJ) not •pe•• utlt later. I ""d th• oatablbthlnent Of. _... •• Cl"UP8. of whlcll tbeNI ... quit. a 4 party I. '16 %.ICI .JO 11\e committee reduced the re· tloha! •rN. 1n lhl.t epot now oc· few, cont.aim. bet Ween 30 and 7~ , .... ,, .. ,.,, ..... , .. , ... ,. queata only about ll ~ bUUon, cupled b)' tM.tr.ller,parlt'., alrct'&ft, ' Swlturtiaa Reeldewee , ... ,,,, ... ,,. ~Zll S.45 .io M'.olll of th!>...,,. pttony, repL"HOnt-The ....,.cu -.tlu\~ ouch an In peaeellm•, • combat .goop ll'Vmtlr Une (Beseon) ,,,,.,.,,, LlO 1.25 .15 In&' red~lll ltema you. wlll .l>e sct1-, If _..,.,. u-, -.Id conal>ta of thttc aquadron.o, ..W It ia demanded that Coin Box telephones be Increased required to pa1 fOP lat ... Too ha.. talu at .... t a y.., and that th. of which C011talna ona·l.blrd of th• , -, , • eeen ca.ee an.er eue, ta Ute pa· ~bll..lhlnent ot a tr.Utt park total a trcran ln t.be group. In Sipature by Governor Warren of two of the f~ur ~ I . - 17811 Newport Blvd,, Ooota:ll- w,dlcal Blda'· ~ &19 ll08 E, Bay An,, - IfarbOr 317'1 . Ol'mMllTlllll1' V. E, XOEP!ll!lL, O. 0. O}>TOMETR~ST s...i..g-.......... au• w. N""'Paft ..._ ,Newpett-- Ha-. 11111 ~from baaic charge of 5 cents to 10 cent&. Further that dur· ,era, ot uCfflf.ft co«. of lt~• &IQU&J rental would not affect time of war, a.n extra .. u&dron ment lneuruce "refonn" bill• spon!IOt"9d by the Callfomta ·N'ewwp&per :mg the approximate '41 months It will take to put the coin with wlllch you are familiar, You ILU<!b a plan, may be added to etnaln typea of Put;Jlllhen Anoclat1on._durin1t Ill• 1901, .. aa1on of the l.eirfltlat~ l!.1----11-.,-~---L.-_-_ ___,,:_--1 bo , In eff t th t ba·' -·-"' f 3 rHd at "atodrptlblc" emplol'"": comllat groupa. ltUU'ka th• tint time alnoe the 1n&uirurat1on ,of unemp1o;ilment In· -TICIAN : x ,,.._. ee • a ... c """"'arge 0 per cent. of 11,ood -d .. ka: "' panic Harbor .,onta Club TbeN\forw, It la not enourb for """""'" thllt step• to proteot the fWld and ateady workent ,llan been'rijiiiiiiiDiniii~rl ;ef~tiVe, Immediately be placed 011 all phone billa. The bu)'llts. and of ....,..._..,. clYlll· -'.I a member ol Coner ... tel ape&k of 11 •••.ft llOlfl'D&JIT !3 pe!' cent surcharge to be removed 88 rapidly aa change-an em_plo)'ffO, which la the quick· to s~Altor wlnp, -· wlnp vary In ~ualy opponents of "widesopen" wwftploymont •~•co • · i.c17. Alto .fa~ ' be d 1 eat Md -wax to -your ... type an4 alae." AAd bealdN\ the O r~r ••• ~~-m--rer can I ma e, I ' ~ c.rr-baa atodle&lod .. T Ir Deneen ~':.i::ld: ..... ~~:' .:";.~ :-=.: .. "!~Ile":: :-u.::;;,,,. in:: .. ::; ;:.;,:;::.! OOio~·Dn-~ ' · a --*" fa-of Ille •llllar)', I ta1n ....,.ptlons to that wing archl· altbough th• tund wu oteadlly depleted dUrlnr recent yun. , , · D~ ~~ :WHAT'S IN A NADI&! u ,_.. ,._ fe¥W ri-'¥'4 Pht, ril a..._ at -for taciure ~made for opeclal pw-'n!~ end of the 1>ur-a1p111r period fOWld 11fO bills lllfllld Into '------------• Confuaion compounded in the .new reign of terro ,._ c:aU •7 .U•t ... to tM tact $'''• te • ., a·t'llM by J10999. " law by oOvem.or warren, one bUI pocltet.vetoed by the I governor ~ ' . , r tbat w• an llptJlll a wv In •-8-1& -will Deaclfilnr a Wl!lg, be lnfettod and Ille remalnlnr CNPA aponaored bill dofeated Ill the "'-mbly ____ IN_s_~ __ N_'_VE ___ _ :travenmg the counre. of the Cout Highway, which ill not "-,and u.... lho Ml -1a ahlt l'l'd•s .. ";:+."!!'; wearily, i. flOIOewhat Uke trylntr to durtnr the ,._0 t oe""10iL 1 ' Old Eatabllahe\l Iillturaa"" -El Cambio Real through our community, lt ill, not aur· juatllled, plaue -tl!&t to.:r:" -ti.a l okelch • portrail., of Mother Na, ,AB 2302, to end the "lqsquartea" racket, wh...,,by clallnanta Arency ~riainC that resldel)ta ,travellnr t)le ,pacific Coaat lfigbW.y !::; ~ ::'-~ ":.-.~~ ~ _, ;.. · ~ .u. tu,., have been ~lnl' 111 many .,._ tw'o tlx2 "1ontbo perlol)e :of ;unem, 'An llna written. :lieco.me confuaed, We are too. • a-,•tt llllllOa, and the ..u, &a1fl · aa and Kn. ~ ataalay, llA1''JTA&Y L'fl<lr:STIGA'l'ION plbyment luurance .-ymenta on one job, although 2tl ~kt (&Ill BOWARD W. GEllJllSV • 'r9Cbnieally the, Highway mamtained by the State of mated re..,lat<fer Ille -1 JMt Dr. &ad lllN. Allla1t ~ and , Cl;_ ..... _ Joh Sall ' la montbol la tbo '!mil .,, defined by the law, wu ll!cned _ 1>¥ iM 1808 Ntwport Blvd:, Ooata-:cant . , la u --fl lllllloal. wlllch K ftelma 8-~ "' --.« n ors rovemor, Prevloualy be bad alCDod AB &78, ~ sl• .. employ"'* PHONE BEACON 61lll ~teOl'lllat:..th-.id s!':..ft.:Og .our ~t~te trOastm 1te1 ~=~Yt ~ ~~~ 1o wa 111 ~ •P,-Ute 11aata ,_...\:: _..... :':..!~!!1:t~~ a better .-to protect tb•JJ: merit ~Sa. wh.lcll c1etenn1nie 1';=:::;::=:::=:-:::;:;:::;:::::;:::; 1 a , e . . a nver l • e er Y ut a ~ p·~ •••n.. A wtll .. c.ta Wb.. under COl\ltnJCUOn. The c 0 n· the amount at unemtoyment suurance taxes tbey pay_ I. ;rona del Mar bu three namea. It·ia poated route 101,A. ,Hallllo~ -tMa lllcludo Ill• ., ...... - -...... , dltlono ...... brllurht to tl!a AB1n1 wu'"pockel·veloed• by the -w1jh 111o ,exp1a. es: Stl~ •. J!'fSURE Ere Ill also in existetio@ "101 and 101 by·pua, ao tbla :W:!":!,a "~or~ l'njttlaal 1sl .. "4 ' rtp 1a llill aiu,lldit ot, !ht City Ooun~ natknl he felt pa.ytnr -"'!" unemployment ..........,.,.. -Ilia)' ., _ oellll't help The colllltructlon ~ deairnation of the -.. ,,...ei: lo _. tllla ,_,. P9'f wm pozlJu 11r,••..., ,_ KQIM!s1 Jdr.lll ,ia a lettar frw» volµnl&rlly quit their joba lo have bablea or fQlloW their h111baadl M&WIS ~ I • I • ; LOi.lh • . ""."T ' 7 H. K, PattOB and ~,Ward a lo other plACM bdped to keap famw .. 16ptber, 1aa b I °"" bway Ill our COllllllUDlt)< all!o bu two dellgnationa, they --:,..US:,"';!':..~a~~ ..w.i 11a .. _..,_ • ..,.It 'l'U> Hum~ ~ will mak a ilet .-of 111o, CNPA campatp, Wlli~..,.. au~ ,b; ,_,.,,.., lfll ~~:~.:r::a~~::.;: =t t~e ~the~: ~= ':..::':;:, ':"..:; ~a'~ "::'Ji'.'1a'::.; :!t~ repo.:: =~.u: llC!,. .. !.-..,:.~ .,....!.,1=..i W:. ::_~~~' •,•& •• '1S 1 , P-•O cit)' 'llnllta at Corona ·dil Mlll' N-of coune you undet--i...: WllaC la '"'" • r "' UM :.. ti. •• ,, IMl ts llel• ....,.t KrL .__ Welell. im w i.. fllnd. et aw -.-i •liO.-.-• ,_.,, and .pa-p u.. "'1' .., lrtu4. . ·, . · , ::C:'?••'t'"":~.,_1o11e ......:-=u!:"' ... "'~· ,._t ~ CO<eM ..._ :... ...... MDa -~ -a _,te .,...... la,moaey -llzlllirJ ..,.. Sflal •11111 < And ft&Uy, did you Dow that there'l8 DO Reh thini le -... IM ~ la ~'.:! .i11 ' 1 'T.!!.z1.-~~ •• ': -·th• ::;•::.i °'to-::..."!!=. •:.:it "Z,,~;:m.:n~!. ~1 QmQllt4l. IllBUIWtm JU the ."Arches Overp&ia" on the Oout Hlclnn.y! Teclml-Wllll:ll -••• :: 1.tfft. -• - -to ~--... ~ ID. . , ,. ·1-, c-e,,., ~ 1 llit11 '"'"·· It Is llnoW'll aa ..__,-.,,. ,..__,_,, 0·" * '"A U4 -.... llla4o .s&1Y. ..,.., la -19 '* u.. ._ ... --.;;;; iii 1111 .,.,. ~ :-"'" , • ---~~--OD ...,. -,..._,. • IN. l'lw -·tato -.... n•1a 8-a -U~ ~ -.J Jlf•;&d-.-ft. -. II .wblcll ls more•comiilOlll)> lmoWa u:llisll~ llli' and Called -111 -·· la ...... ur dal .. •••.-S .. a,..._ )fewport Blvd . · · Wt.or. o1 111a ·11 •• r .. ., 1817-aw•_,;c•w, ' . Bill bat . '.i.rted ' t to t~le I ritica~ .-, tio Illa .._,..... 1 -......... _.. 1 .., W • ~ Oii 8" ,,_. •'>U ""9-........ -z -,_ :1aa1I• ... ....... DHGqi.' A ..... pie ICt o( t.lit CltT Oiluell of Newport hi= II Ir ltrr&Sf .... J" • of Pi I • "8* ff,l,IJ,• ,coaJd, ata!i'leb "" :i.. a ftlllllBllll •• .fw th -• • 111 ..... -. ""9 '" 11 a te Ila .. ....:--_ '"" .... Illa '" - -.... ,.. • ·--r---.... · ,)laybe the CltT ...... mslre ~ tis paeh .. llt I 1 ·: ....... -... j RI I job It 11 ,unciHtalriftc I:: "8 Kal'taln IDie. wl '11;p• .. ' .. 1tf1& • 111 .,. \F'll u t.1ie i!IP.ft7 'fft0 ~ • ..,.to_. .1.,., ,.,. 111p. • ez. = t ,,,• .,.. C :C ..... .::: rr-~Brllp ... 1 ....... 0111nt..... .. • '· . _.. .......... ....._.,, .• 2stN..a Jo ·-roa.4 •,l*I. • -'·'-Wit _.Laii~iiii p1rt1i1 ~]••• .,._ 1a.t11e111wM.,•a,. •I Ll'a Jba; 5a. . , .. a. a. t . II Ji :~~-:~2~1·~~~~~·~2~;~'·~':·~~~ ....._ a • ..... • • ' • • • • • • I • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ,INVlTl:S YOU TO VI£W ~ NIM OQL.. 'LllCl'ION or qRIGQif~ CRllATtc»af - D~am:s. CO·ORDJ"AT&8, J'UN . CLCmDS, AOCl:SSOJUES - LEE SHIPLEY, WELL KNOWN PDlGN'· ~ER, NOW BRINOS·YOU CU8T01f·llADE CL0THEs AT. READY JU-DE. PRICES IN • J'ABRJ~ OP YOUR CBOiai: IJ'AlLOJlllD TO YOUR ·MEAStJRl:Ml:N'l's. ' ' COMING SOON -NEW J'ALL DDIGN8 • AND BACK TO ~OOL JTEMS .. , • ' .. , . • • • • . ' ~,_ -• e "'••• ..... ... ._. ...... , 7 Nti. A. -ell7dloa ' tr -,.,. ... vo1,,._1111o1 "1 Ka. Ozs•z •h --.. at llllt "' l1Dt, vii I' llrlqtq IDo a I -. ::;_~..,11z IHd•••w ..,.,...,. Ille -,... llln. ~ -~ ea ... were M~. C.•e and t11e1r ..-. Rocky ~ NolaB; Mn. ~ ilfolllde!.. aft<L ........... iloA -_,, ... of 8'!u*M'ol, VtW .... ........ iavnr ... -~ ~aea~Yt.irx-.ltri Blrbua IHtnon 'oi14, cloilpt.r, CUol.Yla of Bali!& Ano; ~· luld Kn. ·OC.. ~ -4 ...... --11•'1.;rr: • ..._.: •. -Ml!&N.. UdtMl- ...,i, L""' -......... Ollla -,• . . v . I _... • • 'l'llAl'-cml(.uni-ar* •• 111 •, .,;,,. .... .,., • ..,. -~ .. tio. w.e .. ~ iiq"CaNs •Ola: 9 I 5 JI 'Iii!' II -.... -II .. -.. ~·......, /Ill ~ 1la& If -~-.S at' 'Mn. --Poll.id. 113 ah X.¥ .... 1 .... ., l'MM.(l!U'a • 'E "ll'tl 4-· .V'•'1tkl'llelpil-•tcttnt. ~,..·~ '~~ . .:.?=·~.ct« ~ ~ • • • f p ...... Ph•\o) 80'.c ......... ~:OJ!d~~lft~ • • J ' 7 • • ~ of t1ie at&U copl~ Vjllt- 7 r,...,... ~iJ,,. and '. ·W.uW-· ~&.. .......... ·. oyal Welcome'fe>r. ::~·~J°~t:·"'··· ~ .. ~ UlfD JYIUUCI) JJIUW ft 'b -Sh .,.. .. ~,,.Mn..jooil 'M~'!\f: • S~ .. at Smart ? Yi . 'L 1\0 in Ann . .er11n . hei-e .. raniuy ~io ... -~ =. NH C llll'll(llAM ' · . · · jr\th .Ko.• Pou~: 'IMielns'. her · ""' fiiijij· , Bablea. ore '!>Mn •••1'3' ·day but )IOUl>gnt '~ro111er,,•Jbiui J'/>llUP. or ..,_ . . . , ,., . , ~--are . ._.,.otd.,., the w~ ~µ.1e, 'for -tbe 'fliit• t~ In 2& , .... .,..! u. weD dreMeC1 • . ~·TI'Jl i~ ~ lhenut.~-:~ If~~~·~· ;·~)~~··~-~·I=·~·~-~· ·~'91lt~~~~~~~~f~ffi~l~~~~~~~f' -q •ill• ,..., •Ulla ·tall ond , -.........:i....._ · 1,• '1rlved Frida)' ~ • ., J.u;..it • ·· ' • · ' -. • ... t lM .eea.sw lb'1 Se WM.rtai •. .......~."1---.v:·. *' lO in "Com~; ttc::.,IW. '~ . j • '... .... ' . ~,I ~~ q : ' t ~ rJ111t-.-. .. 41op1ayrorcrnr wn..~ "· ~ -.·-.,. . ni. ...... IM+ftl 1111&t·i1io •• ~. 1s11riK:, · ._ ... ,,111 . athll"tillr N_.t _at • <eWa r-:·i._ .. ,.,,.,..;..,,... • ,tbo ilrit ~,... into. u... , ,; ;,i; tei1 · · SIE ~Y,..e~maal ~ ll*t' -.... • .. air;>~.-~ 1Utlly·ln ·G7 ~ · • 1 I :.I,._,~ -· ta...IN<lro ~--.. """ who -~ ~· 'liai.'.tlUI • Rqbln welctied 1 '~cla. 'lf lllfs,. ;'pa; o1 • '•? • 1106 COA$1' HlGH'WAY OOROtiA t>.it .WAJl · HARBOR 28t8·J '9!1W W . "1 ,,,..Tar. ~.' Ml'o.· . ".fHW.llild -cw. She lo the dqhter ot lllCAOON .fllli loill ~ -•iP'•n of yocJot te . .,.,.,, ......... ~ .. '"" •· and Mn. Robert Sbenln. 81: OOtta· !""" ~ 0.. C1'lll ,.:;::.. • • --i-:.:..~ w ·n . .._...,., ""t o..... Front ai!d fll"lN\· tut •¥11~'.,.. 'ftla --Ille ---; fol 'JS ...,. ...... tloupter Of the li:arl Sbefilna of • · ' • "'°' <I ~ ~ Nloileekert C. 81"'"'1,·JI. ...,...._ aool --hlmoi' ovenue, Coot& KCJ1a, Hu-Of!l!lol 'irtw ._ tile -o¥ lit Ra. Mn. ~ -Y -teoldenta tor many y•on. trite of Uie cha.-a •lntalllJllot Ud a talW tar JI. Tli•re are alBo thrff adorlDJ ' ~ •11N7 WHI> Davi.I. Otllon ~ -n W...i uacl ... BU~ ProJ\l< aa4 H-· -lll04ell ,...led Ille otyl9' llflcp. '11odtH<>r (Wltl • ~le lllefilll, all ol Wliom, Weft! ~ waa -t'.alor. f<R 141 ~ McBri6e. Web-~t Othleteo ""'11.,.la O<hool onf F,;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;g 1 Danie i-ta or Lido 1a1e wu -·~ • ....-.Pall! Jl:o!':a. an w.u knoWa Mre. ('. la-... ol Ula "'1ltP pi., -8r..i . Rollf ... ~ ......... ? - modeled their own clOu..... ~ch-Wript ancl runor. llue 1'1clt .. llld Hol· ' O d D ~ t' .n1 Terkel ..w .. t<rmllll•la· • ta1>i. .. oCl<I-..,. 11a,,..11. 111cry mw o r.,1'7a 10 CLE A·R AN CE . , tor and pNRntacl prtuo. to t11o ·ll!>!u>ftt atd u.~y 11o .... tt. Mni. Se.u.· f , WIMero, -dloollt by -.. ~llC .i.iar1t u.q .bad a toQle for 8, rt Ing Or -.. Jude' ... Mi.. Webb, ]l{n, ICm-Kra. l!lclp.r HW . one for '7, At r ' D ' .. t -.sari.I&' .rid Mn. Robert MU· otber tabr .. hoot._• were Mn. ;,quare · •nC1ftg -AT- CORNELIA BIGELOW'S i4'2 S. COAST ILYb. · IN THE · ART CENT.ER -L!<GUNA BL • .-• • 1.98 to 5.98 SKIRTS . • . . . 4.95 to 10.95 T-SHIRTS & SHORTS 1.00-1.98.;2.98 HOSIERY • . . . . • • ; 1.00 SCARFS . • . . • . . . 1.49 DRESSES • . . • .. 8.95 to 19.95 Re9~ar end on1 -half 1ii~1 (up to 46) ler-Grace Polrler, Mra. Maxwell Kln,, · · w; A-Mn. Harry NOODO• Mn. Ma,.. llquore d&ncin&' In the patio of • 9n., lbs.. lfoee. Mr•. 1Andenoo and ~ k-a Nott Wom e, Holmwood P'lHt •ward Weat to Jane. Ro· Mn. Oeof'I' Ro e,. l>rtve. provided a thorou(b.Jy en- bel ot Udo 'lole, INJOrlns In In-• • · JQyable evening for memberi of krlor -..~ ot Uct.A IUld \be Pilot clua of Qrlol Cliurcll juot -II !rOID abl WMU In ll<Jno-l. .t ~Oct • by the Sea wben tJoey hold t11e1r luJU. lltle ..... Wlllt• lcalt al<l11. m• ogenamn ~·-t 80Clal .... ion. red IUld White -rate blollM, red Birth •Y Honoree , Mr. and Mn. Burt Webb and •tale and llloea. hcond went· to Dr. ud Mrs. RI<' hard Sa)te·r wen Marcia Tounci<>Ye who lo enter· · • opecltl guuta, Meml>Cra of 1luo 1111 Ulllftftdty of ,Ookwado tbi. Jira, i,ulda T ouns of lloclM!oter •laa lne!Udecl: :aa-. and 11n1 ... 1aD .ud wllo .....,. a D&'Y ~ otffet, ooata M-. ""'° cf!ebnl· William Moler, Harold Oiuo, Fr1'd omlieoldt~ 'llild' 'Mricled'. wtU. Ml ... ~ ~ on A-t W_,.,ol't,h. ~ XcDOnold, wllft.. 2 had -•rol otfaln l'lv•• Jn Mr IUld Leo ·Nott: J:obn Taylor and 'nl1"I prile W<llt to Tel>lta llOMr to lll&lle Ille oeeuiOll long M1IL ·-. llolt.r. Mant.s. a pt Pili and junior at to be f"dtnnbe-rect. The flnt 011M1 _. -·--- USC, weartn• a d:rff8 and jacket wu ta the attuMJon when Jin. F M of blue llhantUJIS: Noinod fourth l lrone ~ortbem, Mrs. Eleonor Ormer . 6Sdn WU Marty Vwta. amart In char-LJahter, Mt-A. Sylvia Overman, v· ·+ Ch'ld coal fl'OY tlonoel eurt. Sh• la ...... Mary 8lhllllna and ..... R. ISi s I ren 90t>kwnoh: at atantonl unl'YM'91ty Stover dropped ln with an ice-cold • and racea her Lehman dtnshy, watermekm. Mrs. Glrd Logsdon of CorvaJU.11, wr.k enct. at <!atallna on the Lew-That evenlng *-n . YOW'll wu Ore., a former Costa. Mesan, 111 19 yacht. l>lablo. ~ of bonor at a dinner party Vlalllng h C'r children in thlB area. • ... __ ............ ·r "'-t :$"·'' I § 4 .a Je&b R ; 4 . ; • sL "'\:--:i.-P - r. v .. sm FOR RENT TIDE T. Y. au. ;.l;•toirt .IRLW · · • .... ll~ ............... BAJtaolC' "' ~.-·IN'· ""lft'S • ? Lido TrJYel . lureau Ml2ZANJNI: LIDO DRUG S'tollE . .Hcuhr 124' . Knitted 2-pc. DRESSES · . • to 17.95 lEVENING DRl:SSES • • • to 24.95 SUITS-Linen & Wool 17.95 to 49.95 HA TS • . . . . • 5.00 to 10.00 oti.era ' modt:Ubl' were Dorrie given by Mr rrandlon and SJ'Uld-lbte ha.a been a guest of her son Lewie. mteriq U9C lbia tall Stw daUP,ter, Dr. and Mra. H. W. &ltd daughter-in-law, Mr. and M.ra. "WOre a twec:mbl• IJ'ft'D and brown Leecln• anti their children, Wal-Leona.rd Logsdon of Broadway cbecll cotton then' Jane Brabyn don ~ Annabelle of Santa An&. ave.nue. Costa MNa aru1 will Wit wt.o wUJ enter a~ord and ~ Other ~ were MT. and Mra.. her aon-ln-law a.nd dauchter, Jlr. mode.led a w1litt1 linen &heath; Albert Dudeck and their nepbf"w, and Ji.fi:s. Raymond Warne ot Lf.m- Bett7 Wrtilat. a llOphomore at 2b:nf:r at Broadway avenue. on Helchts and a so.n-in·l&w and &ou\b p~ Jstata, ln uvy blue J"rtday af\e.moon brlngin1 Ice daughte r, Mr. and Mra. D. S . Dun--~ with f\aU lklrt· Mary Kay Mor· c~tn and cake came other can of Monterey Park. • 7 N. m wttJte .i..:wt. and ~mbtem trleade, Mmea. Iva Roe, Iva Coe, \ blooOe. fte to ot Ille Unlveralty of J:nuna Crenford, Olp Crawford !ION FO& CROOORAXS l!LANE e SlllP 'a . TRAm Rl:SIEBV 4TIOllf8 ~ and ill ""'"11Y pod at and lrde Northem. Mr.' and Mro, Jaclc Crcu~, luolo or aalll11r her own Fakoo. • 8U Broad 1treet., Newport Buch, . • 1492 :i. Coast Blvc:I. (Art ~•nter legune -tbe Unl....iiy of A"'-, wllue ar rove am1 y It In St.' Joseph hoopltal He 11111111 !"'*''Tlclllt-..., • .,. • ,..,. 1'1 ' ,.. Muqa -Mo....._ .. nio.-,.t H3 F 'I welcomed a new son on August ' l!=====================dll-... pNe wlonlllf ,.., major, Co ps ot Yosemite !iwrel;;g;;hed=S;;po;;;;;;un;;da,~2~ou~n~< .. ~-==;;;::·=·=====;;;=: i. ju.t bac1l horn JionoJul\1 and . ~r;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::;;::::;;::;::;:::;;::;:::;:::::;~ mode.led her IUand "Chtnamu,!' a 1 dellPltul ClllMee nnton of tM •rnhl... ol tbe Har-~.. .... ,...~om11y on umpllls 1n -wo..-.m"""'-With II WU a T-Not~ Pull this palm 1eat !lot adorned wttll hlbU-WWlt, -. : Ill'. and Mn. ~ua and flJiq •-ut ilbda. ._.. and )fr. and FINEST OCEAN FISK ' Fl8Bl:ll'lil:Nt RETAlt' =t-r BARRACUDA SEA BASS ALBACORE We will Prepare Albacore for your lodil!I' --i. Jfr&~W.,.. H..,w-Of Balboa lll•llo Xurroy, Unlnnlty of bland; Roi Harth" ODd oon, Nevada oopllomoft, wore on at-lluctJ> ol -.; M1'L Robert trocttn tJame 'nd -tb wiu. Oo4tt9 aad two dauJht.en. Jan Wblle !Ael redlqole. lhe Mila o aad ol Jluatlqton Pork; Mt. c loutll Clout d!J\py aa4 enww °" ud ·M~ 1-8 lfo.rsrow ond , · · ABAWNE • flu ratber'o (lallfonla 11. >N'&nef --or 4m11&; and Mt . Davia, Milla eollep topbomoro ... U!'I j 0.0. I. Dui. and boby mmnber of Bmtbo(ton M-1 ~ , DIUa,. of Loa AnpleL ~~11~1~·~~~~~~N~•;·~'°'~"'~~114~,,..;,..~~~~...,~~ .. ~·~·~t~Sl'J~~ ~:::: ;u:=z·:..: M ' B M B ·d _ , _.. piped W1U1 oorol aDd wtU. rS, rU(;~ C [I 0 m=~~:=;-. ~. "'. Stopping at NHYC SIA· FOOD SPECIALTIIS • .,......,.. at,...._., oollep. Ille · I ' . 'AUTOMA,nc O'F~IEMA'ST.11 llap aa4 oeta -.0. t 'din..,• Kta. t!:" McBride, who ..,_ •~· -117 ,,_ llouamento INwy eolla 11 ~). He• tk=•' lo ... -.. at N...,. of -lllack ... ..-tad W1U1 w ' ......,_,, Wblta .... m r • Dia.. ae\ wl.. poot Ylleht <IQ 1,_ _,., ONE ~AP P.i.J A N'cl! IECOMMINDS ANOTHER .._ • IPLOOllONG •LAl'IT8. Ill t" l'ota 501 l..ai'fe ••••_. -Cllelea .------·--------_... wz JU.VI! -NMJ1: snuUNot1 • JSI · Jo •• -at ...... ··------· - brllllontl --... _,, -ia.. ., ~ • .,,. -..... fo <;loll .. , _._ -..... at -,.. lfrillSL Jllollello (lfUre) >k-~-0111~1 ... -~ ,. Ille .., •• ~ ,-lilli'fC :---lall -ln-•o-to -Ma ..... ,_ Ill' ,..,.,. i--. -~ T 1', T, ,... '°" 1Md at W-._. lrri., a, ....... -.ca.-: ~Olll*t-lalllall-loa -..... -- UUI S.. lll'ow ..... - .. , ...... at ............ _...~~¥&~-~--~--~ ~·•di ____ .._ ........ fNIZ ........ 01111,. a , trtllL Mal7 •••• Utmt1d .... -: -·'================~I t& •11 ----11epoa to Mrs Frances ·Bush -•t.r lJ1IO ........ -lo .. -• • •11 .,, •••••••••••• -V~its Friends · Here ............. ,.. ...... ....... ....... ,... __ 11111&1\ 15 ... __ ....... lor .. ... •• •• .. "' lib -.......... .......... --~ .................. It 1:: =':\ II , Elf llir ---~ , • . LINOLEUM · For Aoors 1 . . . ~ .. I e· I . Drain Boards _it' I I Yachts .. • • • ,. • • • • • I ' ' ' . :· • " • ' '• • • Wednesda ' . . Thursday ' . • • . ' Fri~ay . . . . Saturday • Su ~day I ' ' an·a ,HIS -BREIT ·111.D • . ' ' • . . . • (IN~ BALBOA) BALL WATCH FOl LIONEL BAMPT))N'S BAND ON BOA CRUISE • __,, .... '".,,,.., )rt•flr ...... . 'SPORTSMEN! YO UR ALBACORE ' CANNED and LABELED' • FOR YOU! ~ • • • Deliver your1· catch in the round, . •• Wes.em Cannan Co.~· 291b. and . ' . ' RECEIVING HOURS: 8 A.. M. TO 5 P. M. -DA LY ,SUNDAY -12 N. tq 6 P. M. . . Cost to Yoa, 15c ·per 7 o • Can • · A PUIUC SERVICE IY • SI Ill I , MARINE . DOCK . • MB& 8TEPlll1." ROYCE. -.nlnl' Ille W1Ua1 proceeclure, •ldp- ptted the Oouter on •he Tru&-Padllc race W1tb her bu&land (I)'· ln.C (l\'~r. The Roycea 11.a\·e bet'n speodln1 mucb of the •urnJntt at their Balboa home. Mr. Royce m&MCe& both the -Hll.n.tln,sf.on 1 t :I .. · f . ' .• ·~·.. I • ;.• ~ .,-...·.~ . ., ., ... . . . ~ . . \ • • . . . • -l\_otel at Puadcna and the Hoyal Ha\o\·allao In Honolulu, 80 the OoaatN Oew the burgee of Wit.tkUd Yacht club. Shouldering the coll of rope ts Mn. Roytt's eon Dann)·. -lJ • ·l \ J 'J ! 1 , • . ' . - \ ·' "-"' • • . .. . - ; . . ' • • ' • • I • • I ,. I • / ' • . . . Yon;u find your Long Distance Optrator ta'! put your . call through much quicker if you give her the out-of-town nllrhber you wanr ••. rather than just the name and address. That way, you see., you won't have to wait for her to get the number from "Information" io rhe town you're Clllling. So why not start a Long Disance !i<t ... by. jotting down the number when the operator reports it to you. • "* Mf 1111-./ol'.,,, ~-.V,.,. ull You ~w. it's awfully easy to get tclcphooe numbers "turned around" in your head. So to get the right n'Umbu, it's a golid idea to look it op in the telephone book ••. jot it down on a slip of paper ••• • ~ make your call. @l Pacific Tel1pho11 • '' ' I • - St. Andr-ews· . .. Guest Preacher Dr. P'ranklln Jooatlyn w'U · be gue:at preacher · 8urid&y at tl\e '10 o'clock ho\n-Ot .worShlp ln S1i. An - drew 's P,reabyterlan ~burch. H e baa ~n doing post ;Tad.Uate Work In th<:-r ut and ln u.e fall• will l .. ch ot ~ School or Rclll!i•n. U. S. C. H@ wlll tlle his tat rrom John 15:10 . I • -. ' VACATION SWAP M • and M ra. J CMeph. Bodman. ~118 lno Av•., Ncwport H•lchto, are ~ndlng ~Q weielu In the Sall O..b ~1 home o/ thclr daugbter, WhJ lbf' la tte r pd be.r famlty :i're :ila.Tln&' at t.be Boardman • . - CLA-·SSIF I-ED· The Mighty Midqet In Advertising • h !'----°'"!"-------~--------~ ~TIMES -Every Tuesday ·; . JN TENNESllEE · . and Mre. Ray Baker and d•U$'.ht~ Mary.· Al1ce, 1428 Wut Oce .Front. left Jut week on a co lned pleuure and bwdnesa trip to thelr old home, Memphta .. NElftoRT BAY POST-Wedne&Clays NE.WPORT-BALBO{\ PRESS~ TllUrsdaJ& . Newpor& Ba7 .,_, Clwlfted Ada wt nut f9 tlle Tat 'V ' N....,t'lmM •r tu ft1U'9da7 PnlM · .·. ' I llllHUOlll AD l8 4 LINES AD Ch•Jled adl cftut be pUcl for Cull le adftaefl of paMlmtloL t Unea l Paper $ .75 • Unes 2 Paper:s . u;o t Lklea S Papers !.-00 · The publlahen wtll not be fftponlllble ror mHre than one lneor'ftci .. tM:ertJon of an adverthwmcnt. retterve the right to eortt'd.17 cl...S.ty ' llftJ and all ade and to reject any advertJ&ernent •not q1nfonnlng t•· ru.lell and regulatJOns. ·Advertbeo>ents Rnd cant-ellatione will ; acccpte4 up to & p .m. on the day precedlng publh:atlon. ~ept deadllne for Newa·Tlme• Is 11 &. m. Monday8 ...._ Bal'. te1a. uk for .. Ad Taker*" or ae.nd IMI and' rrmltta.nae to NEWPOBT llAJlllOB PUBLl!IHlNO 00. ': ' 1211 Bal-Bl•d, Nowport ........ Callfol"nUI. REP kIRING "artd PAINTINC1 • . Y, AUe. 16, IWI. . . W~eulfic ·woman .t morninp a wee~. can ea 1813. l· ~- • R_.ble. L&rp or amallo Job&. Free e.tlmatea. W&llc.er, 108 18UJ WANT Scrvtee Station at St.. Nwpt. Beach. Hat. 21131-R 5 p. m. to Mldnll:l'L P~ " . SHEU. STATION, 311 JIAULING . Blvd., Corona del Mu . Any kind. tru11 orT WA~, WANTED-Woman cook ,.;.. "' , • 1oa.-11th st .. Newport. 11. •1-n l vale home untu Sc:pt...l.Mll. .... U. 'ii. ' ' , In. PbODe lla.tbot. 1811. itCll • .PAPER HANGING . F!)UR MEN or ~elt to~· & Painting,. Spray Painting' out all ~tlon 1n 'l"cballCo K courae In beauty cultu~. enneth QU&I"cy , . Ana Univ. of Beauty, t091!. - llllO· Banta Ana Ave., Ooata MHa Main. Pb. Kl. 2-6:157. 11!Dl9 !>'bone Beacon Not ~ 116c67H COOK-GENERAL. l!lxperieni:el -----------<..! Int•lll&"onL Live 1n. eoron.: l 4-PeJ'llOMla . Alcuholic8 AJ1:myn1ou Wr114 P. 0 , Boa :DI Bel-Llland. Oaltf, Pllooe Klmbony _. Mar. Reterertc9. $116 mo. . Klmb-.rly 2-7297. . ~ 110·-&Ie; ~- LADIES L Miller S~ ;;a I and Black, 719 AA.(A. Prac~ -,----~-----ly new. Call Har. 147W ~ 15-8bani Your Car. 1 n~ . . , . · ~~w ~ess Shop_ l'M DRJiV11iO to L0o Ai.gel,,. STORE f ixtureo, .,....,. pew ~ d&U,Y, Xo~y thru _ llTI, W'!"klj ,,...U. counteu, tblac. .AJ! i.l · , like ridera. · C..U Beacon 6'28-R. &dtuatabl~ abelvea. ~ · ... " a.rt.er 1 p. -tr.. ... .,..,,. !Mrc&t r 6Wner, Beacon &990:-' owns •. .. > • • ·• • I'' for· Costa Mesa 0 e C -~ -.=.· ;:,::;.~-: g,o_:~~.~·:t·~ ·1. 'O · • Newport Ave., COl!lla Mesa. Mra. · • • \ Gogerty ta no 11tran_ger here, hav· ~~-~r.~~ ... ~----1 ~~ ~~:1rr~r,:·::.: -· · , lA}ST-Two tiah poleli and ii: reel or what have you? Phone-:·~ .. tn BalbOa parklgg lot (try Ren·· Con 84.33·J. Ma90 d•avoua). Reward. Ph. Buena I DELICIOUS GRAIN FED ~i Park ~· collect. ~O j KEYS, ducks, geeme, chi~ LOST _ ~dies' Tiffany dlarnond I tryera. Live or-dre:Ued,. :s1a lflri '!'•~ ...i.c• Aat..1-U!r. tU.,.Rilby Wtlaon. Costa M..a. lllot_o or Natine -.& ... , ~ .lsl"!'d, ~~lete· in.taQatlon,. repair oild ·~ewowa-Mef'h.u·· .. tnecrfbed ion •ervtU ot &11 trail~ eQ\lipmeDL • "I was first In our large family to own a Doclg~,• "'YI Frank Penottl, Woodbridge, Conn. "lut It dlJln't toke long for the ... t of the Penottl fa11tUy to foll- ault •. YH, once they -11tJ Dodie, ... Ill II, ....... ~ ...... """l,_..t ~ ........ You could pay up to$1,0ciQ moN incl not get all the extra room, riding comfiwt and nmous dependabirrty of Dodge .• . QNCS TOO get a taste of Dodge , rooml:oess and comfort . • • once you see Dodge bigger dol- lar-Im-dollar VALUE .•• your good judgment i.U. you that hae Is the cu for you and Y""' family! · Ing Hved at 208 Eitlerakt. Balboa · · laland for the put ~ yeara.. She com ff with the "Can ::J.. W.N 1drivlft9, they 111 the mother of two BC>nli, w , all to awlq ove; to •_4-\ Today our family Qogerty, owne r of the Mercury OWM 11 Dodie can •rMI 11 Doclte ~c ..... and that'• Agency at Anabelm, and David ...,1ne ..... ty hf 0. .. 1 ·.,.,..., a'14' clependobll1ty.• Gor•rty who w .. employed In the , ffarbot d~partment for a numb« • • • of ~ars, one time •k1 pper on the Biroco, a.nd la now in th& U. S . Navy. Mrs. Gogerty ha.a oWned and operated two 'etoru on the desert. She rei«ntly aold out her lnterest1111 in her d~rt aboJ:>s and brought her 1tock to eo.ta Mesa where It w · 11 be eold out at Leaa tha.n coat . Mr1. Gog-e rly pl•~• to apttlallztA ln c{olhlnl' for large and 11tou t women ln her new ehop. She will carry a la11re ltne of large and hair •l.U• w ith complete alteration sen~ at her new Go.:;erty'a Cot · Lap Shop iR Cxta Mesa. New Auxiliary . to Aid at Kiwanis Ladies Night Aff 4ir bl.~ Generoua reward.'•, 8 e e . ' · -"" ~r at 3()9 Ruby, Bal-J.i. ORANGE COAS'er ,· -~ER SUPPi.~ LOST-Man'• dJatnond l'hlC. New· ieto HARBOR BLVD. ~1 .. - l'°rt Ft.lblng Barg•. SObltan~I Costa M-. .l'honi: Beaeon, llHl.,'i., reward. Call Mr. Hannum col---, ~ lect , AN.-e1t1S ,ti212; Extenalon 'fATP:R SOFT~ with ,re~ ltWI •r (ev .. ,amb'all 1187l). eretor tank. 75,000 crt!Jn< i1!tfii 58cllO coat )325, Now 1200. Snowl>Vd LOST--___ 1.adie. ___ dl_amo_-n<I~-~-~ compl•te. ready to' ..U l~ ...,.rU9t Paddle board like new $34. • :~1 watch .vtelnlty Bal-Bt•d'. Uld p. m. 2601 Clrde Dr., Bay ":;f. 48th. St.. Newport Beach. .Re-• ' l ward. Harbor 08t9-W. 59cel A . Swimming in 3 L1uoq1 '7 CR4WL SttOko ,..,..., tlld Back, su. Vr!te 2 <la.;. obe&d : Daotd Rlll'ht, l4 aicatntrt, Long Beach, CalU . _ 68p'H l!WNRITE Ironer, email .~ apra.yer, platform rocker, .~ new garbage can. MJac. toCJa. Pah1t. SC~ and hOU8iabold.a tlclea. 5H E. Oce&11 Froat, k . l . Bal--Pb. ilar: 8238. 2 B. R. Houae l786 ).U...,...j.,"' W . La Pe.Ima, phone Ano~ M~. ' !!GO • 1 -, ' • • • • .. lfi?'IPa RI ----~·~G'1e~~~,;;;;;;-;;:::~: -.·-...-...... . --· . MUL~ .L1STINGS BALBOA~ Nll:W a ID-... -·-·-... .$15,lfO(l ,.._ ....,.._,i_ 2-illlAlre root. ---·? --~) ' • • AD 1MtaJ nz~oot W'~•p,.:Mlcnt ... te .• ftaot;~a MgllU.., '!up -ea,..1t7 ca---.p, t•JlleW • ·-rttri...ttt1cn. .. 1t1Melel' 1 .. a ?•, Hat Dl!ll ...i !laJ\lllw'P,r -llott lll1lioli ..... , .. Ult -· for llmoked oncf-J'llh -~· Ide&l•.for -.,., i;gg and KID! depot plilo ~••n -~ . ...... ,I . ~;r., • • ... ~ .. ---.~ .... f"' ..... !••••:.,42,....llf} 4 _,_';_-1...J' ; f I I ..... INfGI 08'1. ·-..... ..,.,..,. ___ ,.._ •1a..r ..,.~..._.,..._ ... ~ tjl• •• ~Mt ..... UW! .,... --~..,-·--' - • O.a·'I·~ ...... ~--- NICWPORT mttGHTS . A U>VBLr 1 ln\AlY ,-BDIUI. HOME $16,000 •m ..... ··-11t1lllllal prd<n. Prioe 1ncloodeo ...... -.~· l'l'lllit-1 . NEWPORT-I , Ow • ?Uta ·offer -$2000 down OrlJlnal,coot ~ An llll• ffill!lr<ii a -ot 10 "15 It. We have four unite to be IOld at ONLY ~-. wll,Jo a suanatee. Mn. x mode JSOO !aft monlJI 'tram one''Ol 'OUP beautlfUl llu.Uctinp. .. ; 'z • "!!!!:.1 , ~-~ ' · WWPoRT Altl'O .JANa ;;.;;;;; · ..... ·~ ihll :.=! . , ...... ..... .. ·t '"i,· • PllW 111&-.., • .... SMAU..•tUDIO lipllll ... 11111 j l.nlO JSJ.J: .. . ' . ' . or.o -"""" Jipmo .I ciean, c-to -...,... and """"" ....... _ .•. -···"··--···-·-··-·-····-.. ·-···--····--··".- OCEAN FROllfl' WI' ••-·-z--•sssss .. •z-,., ..... $35oo • . .. · JCIC~nt comer locatk>n. · -=" nail._ -•·fl .... I• • 'l -i.W. "J(ll!J: NicmTz _ • ..:JA .. e.9!t.-oo.-1~ -.,~ , ....... -.,,.. ,_ WL..,~8-, ....... -............ -· lltl*-11i.:i..i-.•1111•1• 1\IL*-··~ r,.,._._.,,,. .. .· l'9J),.4: Me.., 1r110, --,_ -) .,. -t' Iii 7 ' ·d ........... Can • .. . . • e:i· 4-. WlJ Mlfl. ~ 1 '1• --.U -palll J"'!al '""' 1-.. _ • • °iT I -· U-r,;, Min; ;;;;:-. 1111- !llt. .~ft~·!. GlWfti P1AlfOe. _,-•or fOr --"""-"!' ,d ... We haTe the ftlMlt ~-.fo~-r~ .. -..1 111! Open Hot1.1e, ·and J~ nivlted at 2822 N~rt .B!va., ·Nlftfport .Beach .. JOE CAW ~ F.ata~ Broker HARBOR 2248-J n-:=waa~ t-o!'9Z • LlOO ·IS.LE-.~ · , OUR. UST VALUE 7·-···-···-z-zsssC .......... $22,500 An older' but ~-cGmf~ble. S lied~ heme OD TO fi lol frllll• locatloi\. Jun I> black to club and. beach. Prt ......... .., ... fo. ~ iliile.. . -:;::; · ~-•-?. ''• --·•._1waw.y, lfa 11 ._. ......... • • , of UNd caiil illoar~I •ft~ Ila. Wiii'.-.. , .. ...a '7~ : WANT TO BUY .. ....., aultabte · · It Bal(llln. ko>abe, CWcl<Orlu. Ip A. p A L )I~ "~ ' • . •b Pl;'ntOtmr .!led. !WI '108tl tor projectln~ ·~ lllld~ Ph. Cbtyfler Engine& . Cllul, wu~ui.er, &oltmer, ,,.. 1 • mtlollP<JRA,_,. ll'OO ,StUdeb&ker Champion lledaJf :4.T71'£Y)(OlJ1'R club ... :.._._.tOllS BAY VJJ:W .-Corner location, ...... s ..... _,1$2&,!IOO . Lowlj 1~ ~·-lt-llolilt &NUnd • - patlo--<harining aM ColorfUI. J.farbor 1020--w. oventnp. tte ·U d · :!m":'!..:."Y~~~ = -ft LWo ~ ueQ Jl~tt ~=-~~~JIU". ;: ~:.'lu=~....: . ...:::fi:: WANT TO BUY omall :1:1 PfR. • se ., D>lNZ-8C!DllDT PUJfO oo., I ' Nfi•lklrt·-lr; ~'· ' 1~! 11\udellakor Champion coope 't9 la-1 Pldl:up ........ -.... 1096 • •1 • NEW ·2 BedrOOm Home ............................. f15, 750 AJ1 the nice tblap,.. ealortltl 11>1•tr """"-modem 111tchen with ~!"""le& dnln-nJ. garbage dLoposat & dlahwasbcr, Phone Hul\Or 817, or . Har· Crowns -SR0•-1&' 020 No: )(abt, suta Ana. • , ' ~ "ft B\udebaker CllamJ)lon •-door •441 YO~•V..a .~ ........... 89ft · bo"r 2!ito-M. ~ • , 3GAO , ( Btf'•• 1 · • ~ ...i • DHll!Jled f<>r gobd living • • S'ee_ John. Hane. '1 SPJNET PIANO, Pay out bal-!l RCNT IN COROJfA • P.~ 19'1 Sllldebal<er ChAmpliln 'Colqle Your l>oooJl. PL'i¥otrrJI Dir. We BUY '286. ~er Splnet.,'baL SS8T MAA -1 bdmr llMllm. liit• (5.~gerJ • • Uaed Furnitl11"e t ,Sea raft Kimbal made Spinet., $481. Bee Adult.o only. 0-block l-. fhe ,,,. .. corw have overdrl-. beot. SHA VER MOTORS co. HiJtBOR ' . REALTORS . ~ C · our list of1 ,.tumed nnW. an4 ocean. Teorly 1-. can Har . era and rad!"'!, and· carry the lelO N..;,.-;:t:;i!vd. Coeta Meoa Dale's Furniture 9211 OOA8T BtCIBWAY ro-ulmia. n~ .• _11_5_1_. ------·----~ n.w car wariUtee. . Phone lle"C?•s 8907 , . 1874 Harbor BM!. ~ 11&.(CB BIG PU.NO BT0Rm. 100 lla1" pAJn'Ly l\&nlllbed a bdrm. IJcioic. can ·oi: -In &nil ... IOI-aad l!cwport IBmi., Newport Beach ~ · Phone ~.J.l80 Colta MO.. Beacon M37.J pino, 1120 N, Main, S&at& AM. 1 patlO pd den. Vor/ al<o home u. ... ' One earl. · ll8ctO ' PB. DAOON Mn t4tfc comer ltb Street. ~Banta . Ana. 'J'ef1ll5 to .ult. '41 l'OIU> SUper D<luxe 4-dr.slez -....,-----~~..,,---.,.-,--=:o....-----~--- dan, ~. ~ Alao br9nd new 'cnaflO.• ......... A ------~-----" • II want to iro flahlng) ------------OOOD PRAC'J:ICI: PIANOS. $48, have turn. 'and 11J\fUm. ~ 3415 Newport· Blvd .• ilt Vla Lido 7 .60 "' Ill a'..p1y mick tl"' wltb V':t ~."1' '"'WOl1 tlap. 130. 35 8alboa Cone. Ph. Own -....,n··--.r3· bd Piek your loeatiOJt ... at II. price that'• RIGHT NEWPORT H!l!GHTS ...-Co m· forlable 1 bdnn. l!Om•, larJ• lol OU'l'BOAJU> MOTOR, 7 \i hp. $e7, 183 and up. Lot tbe kkls to S bdrm. apta. l>fewport Be-I'll. HUbor 510 Martin. S711. ll:>:cellent condl· dlu INrD. Pay but.SI per 11¥).. Co ._, __ d R'··•t Uon. S3 Beacon Bay. Ph. Hu· 2 yr. exM•np at full value. I &8~ !"'LI Y '51 DODGE "Ollld drl""" !!«Ian bor :zaG. ll8pao • ' DANZ..scBMID'I' BIG PIANO Celmer 18th A N rt Ave. · DllClfONllTRA TOR • HaJ'bor 70'1 after 5 :~0 p.m. llS~c er -_, s-r. rm. houae. i--. ,.. JM!. Fenced large lei; i-r:.U;zJl appolnt-'46 -cHEV. CONY. '49 mtr. Very good mHhlinlcal condition. MU.t • ocll. so21r.· Beacon 51115. 59p60 menta. only ... .-............. , ........... __ .'f 1,000 SALll NOW ON. Santa Ana, po.ta M-. Bea. 51010 Ilea. 111!9 '20115. ft-BOllRhold Goods 12 It. WIZARD n....-ct ... bolt • ~20 ,:!{o. :lwn, comer so. I· · 119cel C!U A ·VER MOTQ'nS O\i b. p. EYlnnJde outll<>ard . ,.;>£.µ>. n. Q>Otor, 2 wheel bolt triller. CU J!UNGA'LOW updlht piano Ill per· !JOUBI:, fllrnilbed, 2 ~-% Your DODGE· PLYMOUTH Qlr. ·311 8U1CK 4 door aedaJI. Good transp<irtaUon, 140. Phone Hor' bor ota&.R. 58~1 Y.,ir Offtt Ooru!ldered For APPolntment to See-- HORACE ,a. M~ift 306 Marine Ave. CORONA DEL MAR-Neap new 2 bdnnz.; hdwd. floorl, !Ire~. Bill 'a Furniture top ~or for boat. Com)llet• feet condition. Torma •n.ao / lll+door bode In l•c. rm., polio, 1880 Newpo>t Blw. Costa Meu UICI. oaly 1 yr. old MAKE down qd U .IO JU mo. at p.np, Nov. 15th to June tit. -----------Balboa hlarljl Harbor 3028.J 'M . CHEV. Power • Ollde, every 59tfc D..,...I Only ........... _ .. .$11,900 CORONA DEL llAR--11 bdrmz., 2 baths. Forced air bee.~ a real We. Buy, Sell or Trade OFFER. . SHAFER'S MUSIC Co. (Sm.. ns mo. 1903 E . llalbol BlVd .. '47 CADILLAC CONV., 112,000 ml. tli85 We« Ballloa m...i., Pllone , So th C ' t Co 1907), 421 No. Syeamon, Santa Bal-. Phone Rarbor 031&.M. V ery nlco. Every acce.uory. May extra, '10,000 ml., •tTOO. Oom· ------------buy, only .... , ...................... Sl0,900 ll&tbor 2llOl!·R. 54p88 u oas . Ana. Klmbuly 2-0872. i)itfc 59p61 takes '!Ml -,coupe or Tudor ~ Blvd. al 28rd In trlde, Hantw IS42. l!lplO pare wfth used car Iota. Harbor 2US. evea. ll<J3 s 39tb St., New· ..,..t Beach, 58c60 $7250 Full Price . SHORECUFFS -Choice of 60 tt. bldg. lot. Magnificent unob-RADIOtl, bed oprlnp and mat· N9w)lort Be-Harbor MOO FURNISHED 1 bedroom .llou .. , • ' ~;,~;:1~e.1a~f'~dr~.etc. __________ Mttc ~~~.~ 2 montlla ~~~~~~ ~~CW:ve~:t: .S-A -i :---~•·?~.. fo'r Bent c1:~ ~~s:ri~~ ~~~ oc~ structed. view, only ........ $10,lM>O 7 68eeO SNIPE ~Rudy tor Millng. old. Fill• opoclmcno, Slli. Ph. paid. Clleop ye1rly mita1. ~<!.. RENT' AT ·'·' ROOM Ill Balboas ::':::."a.It• the be.t buy In the sup G 1t Swal•• Anchora&;e. Harbor l~R. • 58peo I ulta. Small pet 0 . K. Inq. qoe, AU I" r1•1a" entrance. private bath. GRll:ENLEAF "' .visoc. For these and other superior llat· Inga throughout t h e Harbor Area, call John Mottram, Har· bor 1500; eves. Har. 2480-R. SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines AT HARBOR YARDAGE 135 Ill. 17th St., Costa Me .. 48cl3 59p61 Iril, Oo<ona•del Mar. SOpe2 SP-"' A-T TO'l'CI · ~ ~ 'Harbor 817 or eves. BJJILDll:R -'-IUlATOR . . ~+u '•JlarllOr-.M. ~o 17 FT. NATIONAL, ~ condl· 46-8118in~ ~rtwaJU.7 • BALBOA-Nice one ~ _A'.pt. Olll ' .... c:!nis " ;?ft-./. .. 3112 Newport Blvd., Hafbor 21162 tlon, $490 lnolu<lbttr zaUlnr leo· 8ullable ooe pe.raon. R•9'1 . 'ifoocJ Vt..l.· Rltot Gi,tJi:8T HOUSE, large room and OWNER leavltlg .tote, mUll lell ""'"'· Aho '*"d dolly aftllallle. Certi'fi'ed Values uw.,Pd. Yrly. n2.DO m<>. • -..... ' , bath, 1n cure Haven. ie per 3.-. ..., :t lidrm.' home . .Bdwcl 217 Onyx. B&lboa llland. 59p64 location. Phone Harbor .J. Bal-. I .. !JM.,_. -w.oek. J'bone Beocon M23·W. • ~"fi-. --,<IN. IV· MALT SHOP-Eotabllolled OYer C&ll SIO IAland Ave. YEARLY Corona dCl 1111.....:i bed,, • . ' --·yan1.14 •Jfllle. SHGO JO y...,....way ·above averace. BALBOA ISLAND room turnloh<>d """"apl f'.l-11 · m:wLY boeoratell _.., -' -... ,9,000"f\!11 Jijotoe. ~,,, , SEA BOOKS A flM •tock of booka on all y-t; ·' P.A. PAL~ INCO~TED 3333 Vie....., N~ Brr-.... ~. Harllor;ijtjt ------------log wbjeclt -plus all CUM't"nt P rimo loca. $4500 Will handJf!. decorated. CloBe to .lbopp"'°. ·1 bedlr _~ 'l -.. J"lower: Costa~~ •. t 18(_)80 A)o(ERA SHOP-Well eot&b. In We haH opartmenll and •ouod-Inquire 918 Cout Bh<I., Col'Ona Tranllent~dollble ·---···• 2.M " • l EN . • ._ CORONA DEL MAR ALL NEW-Blonde COnaole radlo-l pbono. 3-pc •. •ecUonaJ, Chrome b.rkf.1t. aet, tw. beda, dbl. bed. deJk. blonde tables, Otta. chair. 158 Rochester, Costa MeB8. Bea- con Mll·J. ll8pao GAFVERS "' SATTLER RANGE. lta the 1951 model deluxe CP a11 automatic. Hu lamp and cl()('k-all steel griddle tn the middle and the chrom.e grill broile.r. Abo hu the all chrome top. Can have caab $199.33. Wou1d like a used ranee or l'f'- fTiprator for my equity. No down payment and take dver my payment of $10.82 per mo. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fulter- Jon. 9 a .m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152. 59tft: RUG 9 x 12, m&hop.ny utenaion table and paddle board. 427 Mar- guerite, Corona del Mar. 59c60 Sl)OflONAL SOFA, pa!r uphoL cbf.ln. coffee and lamp table.( la.q'e ottoman, pair modem lampe, 5 HP outboard motor, modem deak. AU xlnt. condttton. 2Hl Klnp Rd. Phone Bea.con TIJ06. w ror appt. eoce2 ROPER Qu Rance. Cood condl· lion., t~. Inqul~ 1491,ii Rocbeal- er. Costa Mea. !>hone Beacon 1817...J. . IOc62 NAT'L presaure cooker, 11 4lL, $1:1. A. Endell, M3 Park Drlw. Cost& Mesa. 80p62 0 • ANTJ.QUICS -Private collectJon. l><lft, DemlCaue I D d Stelnl. A.llo numl!l'OUa brlc-a-brac and l()me early American fUm.lture. By appolntmenl Phone BM· ,con ll027 ."). l5lctO bookl. Lendlng llbrary. The Islanders 21• Afarlnt'!, Balboa' ls. Har. 15'47 NEW OUTBOARD BOAT 12'1 .. x 4'8 .. , $135, at 4'8 Victoria, C01ta Mesa or aee '"Doc" at Service Anoat, near Balboa Bay Club. 59<8! $4,250 . 27 FT. CUSTOM mahogany cru- 1".r, \Wln Gray Pb.antoma, Ben- dix controlled.-S. S. radio. Slip No. 2. ~en NHea. Villa Marina, nr. B&lltoa bland Bridge. Har- bor 1110. 69c64 11 rr. CHRlB c;RAJ'l' opeed boat. Cbrya.. Ace.# A-1 !09ClL oond. ll4W J"'ree altp l"f'Jit&l tor boats otfctt<I for aale up to 28 fl. WJ,zard• 6 .Rowboat.I for Rent Ken 8eott'a Mobll ·Marl)1e Dock Next to J"eny\.l.&ndillg, Balboa 1 ~ ( Harbor 21!0 58ttc STAR BOAT -good co.ndlUon, '35(), • ALSO BoUtb Bay m90rlnf off Bal· bol hland, $l!i0. Ph. Har. 2807. 46c60 VDaNO zall-t., No. 18. Ulce new. $1750. Saiil exceUttnt. Har. '2314-.1 or Beacon 6881. 69cel 2~ FT. POWER CRUISER. Ci>rya· ler to>Jlae. $860. l Colez Landing, next to Lido brld&". H . 1020-w. 59c60 belt locatlon. All modorn •tock ""'Uable for W1nttt .......i qr, __ d_•1_Ma __ r._H_ar_bor __ -~·-'-'''--69C6-I .Monthly-·-··-··-··-·-·'311-00 • . OP . 1, ~5 ·I· Before You Buy · . • , ready ror right buyer· yearly ieue. . Oc ~ pany' maid eervtce. 123 28th Beau~ tuml811e4> ~ round , ' ' .- OFF SALE LIQUOR STORE-WINTER BENTAL.-t. la<-·Newport,•Be .. h. Phone Harbor . ' ......... ba. _ .. ~tlcally J::.o.ok. These Over-- Highway location 1 Drlvt--ln) Wm W Sanford Juno tat. 2 bdr'nl. rurni..bcd ,...~9 w aoc• r-·;;,,...ERN -·· ...... A • • I houoe, ... 5 mo., pl111 uUlltieo. ~ . . 7 7 • s!l"'' • .,.... ' --c~ tl0,950 -Beller tllln new -2 Long cstablUihC'd and doin g REALTOR l'' BaJ... " ,, · ,.uo,,...., gar. ~1 for~ bdrm. 11.ome. Ocean slde of hi· good volume. Park Av~. at Marine • SN" own~r. llO OJ>al SL, '~. Jll~ Ittmg. t'n1 Oeean Blvd.; way. Laree roC>fl\&. 5'1i' dining PRESSING AND CLEANING Balboa 1.aland Harbor ll482 boa lsland. 54 ~. 51-~ 7 !la-llarbo< .ml·IL 12tfo """"· hwd. Ooon, attrocUve :~~.~oho<! 1:::!r!~r y:'.: 1 • and l59lf< On· Peninsula Point ' Tralle~· Stotage FOR SA.LE IN CORQNA DEL ;:: ;:it;ar~:."'ue.•Ne&t work· dbtng good volume. NICE 2 BDRM. HOME untum\lh· NICEL y FURNISHED 3 bdrm•. $5 · M th MAR -2 bdrm. borne llOUth o! RESTAURANT -The beat in ~ in Newport Height.I, 3 yra. available J uly J:Oth, ye&rly o r • OD btghway. Priced to aell at $7000 It.a clua---F inHl equip., prime old. Dbl. garage . PO per mo. monthly. ·Broken ll.tl. 1531 EL NIDO TRAILER PARK Call Harllor 2'162. ~ toca. and leue. tltneea force• Beacen 5 187-R or &a. G7ll·ll. Miramar, Balboa, owner. Pbone aa~ Sale.a 164~ Newpoft Blvd., , sale. SOce2 Har. 0612-W, Har. 2001.J. 19lfc CoOta Keza, ~aeon ~K. 61-a.I Jl:llU.t!e .i:Jr~p Sl0.750 -Oolly '3000 down - I bdrm. modem home. Fireplace, LeJICed yard, ..,..,,.ge dllpooa! and dWtwull-er, db,l. garage, • I 1"or these and olhf'r pTOven WINTER RENTAlt -F'UnUahed FURNISHED 2 bdrm. house. T ele--Mc61H63 , monry makel":I 111ee 2 bdrm. apt. betw. Balbo& and vi•ion, washer. Best offe~ ot SCHUirT :llouiN n.uer, 27 foot! * * * * · '* * HARBOR INVESTMENT Newport. Garage and utll. locl. rent wlll ho accepto<I for ,1um· ·~. e • .«pt; Moft. a tt..ftfrlc. ·In••....._.,..,... . ' ' .J75 mo. A vallable $epl. ~. mer or un\Jl Decembe.r at which aw)'lDP, ....._otter. ftf m. 2'iSt W":"~ ~ . I TOM PAYNE. * .. * StO Cout Hiway, corona del Mar ._ Phone Harbor 277+ c:>~!r:J Lease opuOnal. Qllacon IH~~~ ume Marine will retur!) .. 110 · St., ColU..1(-, No. I, 158pll0 · , In "T-diil·l\I Latk•pur. eorona d•I 1o1ar. )Ill•. · • .-.. ..., ·1 Home and · 3Pth an4 Newport Blvd. WINTER RENTAL -~.... lM&·J . ' ' ~·" · Tndiet...Storage · > Uoot' 'lbelie {)vef Np=::.:;11:::;:. . :';'"iu~:?~ BefL ~:-\~';: UNFURNl~Hll:D new 2 l>drm. $4 ti' Month ;. """~IP-.,;.,~ with J>1oF Buaineu for Lease Twin '-'•, shower " tub. GOOcl bome-t.ai;ge room•. dbl. P'·· . ,::..; .. ,,,,::-. 1'RAJL. ud pn<iate ~~Two aD4 II rooma 1111 baths -wonder-"'~ ocean view. 'I~ rqo. Hubor~ ~rlJ" ,.SI,.,.,. t-. , :i\:~~b="'DI~ !t ... r,.__. fOI' off;,,.. or p~ .MAUli' ,bca\lnr. Extra.beda In •UVin&; 2774 or Harbor 2MS·'W. 511<91 7 ~.·ii1W.1'1mm,OoM& < . "' --rw •• ,..... ~ ·~ ~t"" ' rm. 1811 W, Balboa Blvd., Mew· K-..,,., ....... lt'll (......... • ~~ ......., ' • fl!Mk1l:lal mu.. L 0 t 8 of . $ $ $ port Beach. ~ YEARLY REN:!' AL-Attra<tlve 2 ~ .a b:V '.t.llto Clooll A AAA) • '!'Ila ...... ~ . . room for psrlt¥lg on busy I , Come and Uk me how you can EDROO" HOUSE Cot bdfm. unturm bow. J"ew.pbrt ;r·;' , .. --t.-. ~ 4" • fliq'Jt_ ::__..;;:;.; ...... _. ...u-1a ..;,_· 17th ·St.,"-~-.., __ Will own an all metal fireproof build· O~ ~ar. FU;:,. or unf~m.~ bland. Ba~ ~~--.~:-ed .. ; ..;;,; • ·-' ; '' -'i;" llll{IJ ;'.-: < ._. ... -:~ ~to~ =t. See ~g~e.;o=i~~=~ =~~r: :00~~dA•:..1:.~1eSo~0:;· hJ:~';. :e:: ~.J:. : • ;· .~~ ~;!!e!!''?..I !~' .... ; • ~.;· ,~ =·~~~ ~· ._--..e.•s 317-11th St. and call llar- w1th Fluore!!Cent Ughting AND 512 Dehlia, c. D. M. 01ceo FURNil!HED,.J ~ ,..,..,. 'LOAN~:· for ftQIPl)9" · -;:-· bor l*-M, or Har. 2422. make up to IMO a month for ~WJ>Ol'l B;.idt lkJ>(. 111'. ~ , , 1.,.,;111 yr. 1-11 · 1!'al«,_ ;,llQme -very nlca -fft!c only Ull-00. Let'u1 prove It! w~;:~n:::::~L f.!.,t~ 15. ~mO: c.Jl Barbor 1~i ·, ~~ LOµr• -with alip. ~1!.~".'" to1-------'------ JOE CALLI able Sept 1.t to June 15th. or Orifo1e:UJ.-K.· 119p6.I ·• lll"l-li~ fU :rn.I Au.ollO u ,_. • $5000 Total Price n -al Eat.ate-Broke!' Har. 224&.-J u----.. 1•••J 59...:.1 .., • /WZ IP1T AND SELL t ~-• ~ ~r -· •"'" IQW 3'11.R.. b~CO<AP. ,..,,.., TV -UST DEEDS Attractive ocean frOb ~~e •• our 2 old. 2822 Newport Blvd ... •Newport Bch. ,..... "--f~ yard , ·~ • ••--aad -·'Ira _._ .. _ tor of a 2 bdnn. home, yno. · BALBOA ISLAND 11111. p.t. ·l ·yr. •-.C UDO mo. 1'16 COAST BLvtl baytront.bome. •: W1'01llr -Ju•t a. good quick ' -r ~~. . • --. • Sll:E BOB llA'ITLlla -·~ _. sr.-L ,... .1..,.. llllf'll'• -NO, notblng 41-Storea ud Of"'-BoUlel Ind Apta.. yeorly qr..... 13181 ~ Rd.. Cllf! Bann, ~ del Mar Harbor JOTT.J • -' Ule-4Ul90 doWn. Slips Available OFFIClll SPA~ 12d0, . down· oor"1. S'ee f&ll Co.mty, "'t!!U. Newport Beach. Beacon 68ll.J. ~ l'Opµ!llR -'l'Q.\GE ca. "nlhe biid!oom OC'eall ~ home OTHER ooao BUYS For boat. up to DO It. Water 1D4 alalra loc:atjon.' eorner of Palm NELDA ' GIBSON • 80cM ~ UM'Jna ........ Kl Uqe for Liiio l!aJfl<! ·1 '1' llome: ' powu•tumlllliOd. LIDO PEN· "' I!:. Balboa BIV<f .. Bal-Ph. ' UAL ESTATE • e. D. K. -UnfUrnl"11ed 2 bl: 3 ilOJJft ~ !!WU>.-:!Mfl\01111, Attractl'f< Ulree ll<k!\IJ >ld<!t home Coastland Realty INBULA SHIPYARD. Phone Harbor 2821. 41110 IOI-.. Blllboa !al su .. JMil ·114,rm. ;tew l>ome. Mlllta. l str! . BUS ~ oa. well '~ f<>r ~-~an eo.cr::.1.eu..e.::~&e!V:• _11ari>nr llllL Mtfc • s ~ '9tfe U or ~er O. J<. AL8b J. -l>drm-• • • Rl:nd.urotl fn>nt ll!l<n•. 1 · l59cCl IN CORONA DEL MAR -Al· '1n<' 1'aliie "'"'Wo<d. Mulb.' • -Wo· 11111' Trua _--· ia.rr.'LAP ~ fllblns -t troeu-. atore room., exeen.nt ONWI BJ:QllO!?K Apartn'itnt;' f&ll Harbor Ol87·'M: ~ Hll\ltrOltr M•-FU •AL rum land for lneome ~rty. with trailer. ra~ -i.a-n ltcatlon !f>Mw bulldlnl'. S75 per per •cnth. '411 utwtleo ..-i . . · llAVlllf09 6 WJI •EV. -' L . Coat& Jfesa · • 'motor. J:wleot condl~ °*1!. n>onth. • . 020 0out Hwy., l'{ewport1llch, <:=. DEi;! ~u..-. I --Vfa ~,. -.-~ A ~.;ch'iRealty --.lllT...J. ,· atpllO. w. E. FISher, Realtor . . ' .... -. W'te \\'"=~ ~~ .. ~ " . . . .....,"{""" Cl<+• ray l!nf\nilbed "'-'· .... --,• a,200 ..... u rr. CHRIS CHArr RunlbOUL .EllNDil' SMITH, Aas>clale CORONA-DU. KAR ~ ~l _t111 -.Adlll\O.~-Har-1C lats W.1°1! . i. M. Mllzr . J.~ .1!!!. 2 bdrm. ll!"ll --·-··! !·~ Pair of 1119 hp Serippa. -ML. direct drlv•, lille condl· ,UOR, can be derftonnrated. ·SOUTH COAST CO. Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. teoo '" oauc 1:1: OOllKERCIAL FISH POAT, .. Ulpped for mackere~ al..._.., owordtllh. tllbo tenno. CID KI H0611. 5Tc:A t eocllplto f-...is ~ 911 ~Blvd. -· 2«3 bdrm. apl ~ ·~· ,kt~· " ~ , -, . . 1~ .. !II,. 111..a. T-_.. 3 bdml. !art• lot ~~-........, ...... M\r . .All .tee\ tra11et .. I'll. ~ c1e1 11&r Bn'l'I · -_ ... pie {linl~. • • . . · . HOfuee W~t.d *· * * * "* Ji! * * 1 bdnn. larf• 1ot ·--...i 1.-u""* 1111. • 9IPl"1 ~-------••• " '2' $95 llOO. Ind. ii.ti!:·-~ FOR ..... IN~... ~ I \t_s . a I ~· -...... .....:.---...$111,860 •"~._,,~ .. ~ .... ......., ---~~ 11.Ul-B••·•--•...._...-:w ........... 1'.Plz'*'rw · 1 mN!t." PL&UURJ;. Comm. .or Oloarter llolltule'for any type,., .. ~-· ·· -" \jw ttzd.' •Ill aw"'; -. 11111.0llW .... a'...... YDilW llOJ(il. , r-. ~.I. -·--·'11-"'* -. .. n., ·~ -·..,. .1-<4 ~·1• Ill. aa1bna -., PENT BOUd ...a 1 rm. • w.ir1aflll -\low. Y...., .._ • • ,,r. -._ ""i ' · R W n _ _.,..,_ ~er -..-·••!idl>'-Xlll't; -~ JWr· loqtil"' UJ)alajn. G8plO Oa Oo!MM J+M ...... Adldto . ..ar. Call -Cll 1"" l}dd\. 9J!llW ..... OHS SAC,..,_ p • ....... W. • • ~-, _ ~.:"'.:"t:.i~~ro; om~-u ... qtn., J>&rll1 =-~~~~ -~... . ... ·°"'. ?' . . . , ::;;.~.~·~;f.!': 1'8'.,N!,::._r;:.' ·~.~ ow->, 11Qll1 -~ SL. , llln. 1 ~·2 ~ ~.~ .... ,. --_-;;. NEWLY llVILT I h-)!>Ol!h • 8. Jl'. ~ 1110f ... ft.. 114. ft. 1riak ..... -911'• - Norill Hollywood, 9Tal<t. ~-. -Kewpo.~,...,.. nowpun ·-em-., I -., ftra111in J.f....t .... Clllllla .... 14 T.-..... oMzr-... : • 9HOWllDID "Nti. ata'',-U -. ' ~ Bl ci.. Mptl ~ M • 'clot ........ Dll ··-. 1 -............ ·o-r-. -....... _, -BTORmWAOPOft_._ UDO ... -a --..... y--.lil•---• mt.•-Dr.lt'('s ... OU· P-. Hartlo\' MO. , Njl40 oMm KT -.... alb, ..... -In -llulilJ lllq. -.t. -·· Aftlbbl& 11e,i. W ..... ~ -·I\. ~ . 7-. ea, Hilt. -- ' -~11. ~ -..._ -Ooou -. 16\IL 'Sta -•· lf"*--TWO AJ'Tll; R" " ? 1 • 1A;' • n•IJF..•llll.I~~ WAN:!' TO BUY: • n • -VI 1Ma -.... ,.._ . -..... ::llldl .__.._ft.-. ~l..~A~;:-~; •-IOClll ""1 Ill ,.......,, -,_ • ton -_,_~ --.._ 1...., .... or " CIYiz CNft, -· .... -'"" -·--...., ...----.~ -~ •• n "•.-!. W 1-S' -wp 18 .. ft. IQ M Qt. & 0"111 ...__!, ~ 1-,_ n •ts ...i-. .... -aot -Hw,..t fit"'t;r .tfC. .... , II Al _____ ,,,_;, ___ ....,,...,., ~.•111, -· ,. ..... -.............. ," .......... .!.. : . .-----.... -----+-'-·! ,lbf?Sd, M. 1111&. ..._ .... Jilr. W. • -r- , ........ tM 'T ...... -,,,. II 4a. La.C I'!....... •re.a. ..... -ifri .. · ... 11111 ....... [;.ji:i~riiiijii"iO~:U~ ---~~ ll ......... ...... •• • • • ' \ ., • • • • I • • • e aaz!' I tr • ••• •• . -. . . .. ., . .. .. ..... . BI·UCHE A. GA'l'IB. R-.ltor L. C. JONl:I J. VAtR' IN S11 Karine Ave., Bal11oa Ialand Ph. Bir. tm or 1"2 •a 1 llaltlar '6111 ' • t BAJ.BOA ISLAND-iio, m -i'uu. PIUCll. 2 bdnL ran!ehed ..._ ~Ille ........ 8U1T7! ---D«X>ld. Owmiq 2 1ldrpl. II-. ,... 1 lldrm. apt. Diil pr., p l .-Uld ...... AJlollt I Jl'L old. A~ funl. lift. No. 811~. $20,oQo -"5,llOO down. LoMJ 2 bdrm. he I'· ~ ..... llbldlo apt. pr. Comp. lllld .u. fllnL . • I $112.MI -a 1llllt apartmet ~ · Oo!np. fznl.,' enen.t """'-J"rield for qslck llale. Let 118 allow .'°" "thla 1111-··Dy pod lluj. $68.l500 . -· One of. the mOlt beiatliuJ bou.. on the Ialand. eor. loeatioa. 60' •troatap ob Bay. Pier, float ad "1iP· · "Unua&lly Ip. u~ • ftiom, 4 bdrma., 3-baths, plua ~ald'a r0om and ~th, ·~ and .&-;11ing· ~ patios, 4 ..... ea. '.J'nllY a bome for the moet ~t:IJtg'. Ll'1TLE lSLAND. A honey of a iome for a· family. 5 bdrm.a., 3 baths, cbana. fW'1119bed. ·tJo.oi>o. WW: coneider trade-for Santa Atia or Loi An· geiea area inco11111. . . . .COSTA MESA WE have some ei<eellent ..,,..,.,.. priced ·right on Sahta . Ana Ave., be~n 22nd and "23rd Sta CaJJ 118 for further intMmation. . . • m.ANCHE A, G"-TES -REALTOR • • • ATTENTION .MR. G. I. , Olli·- "' .. Tow• -muth I M-1 Lia'ht.Induatrial _. WT"' or '1'1111 ....... ..._ __ _.._ .. -~-11 .. -. -... •• .... u ........... R't11UtY' • Neat.and Clean I -· 1-e m a tuse lot with frldt U-, ,--ud a ..... ..tllp • clllo 1 -Ip- -II 7"11 W-w c:are to !Ian a fow ... _ Lot _,..._ ., -""" -orily "'°° -...-.-' Income Property t .-woll·--oil - lat -tor<> -_.._ rn.. • $84l!O. . · Niet! 2 BR Home Nmllllltd, oll>oo to Bl..t., a.boft Ille ~ IUOO f2llOO dow'l: . Very Small t bdl'IO.. borne f\lm.lahed OJ\ • a • !qt, Duot 8lCle. Prioe on1y $31 °"""' ~ '1000. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. • & Auociat,ea 1190 Newport Blvd. Costa lieu. Ph, Bea. 518 Bay ~ont Income I ' . • aaa1m 1 •• •era • ••= • a ., Ulen La ...._ B•Jtor . ADDME -. tbe °' arc al .. -... sllate Glib at U.R dla ••a. Ortla 11122 Look a.er 4l'belle -Opening Spec~: • a.innVEN 0. L R-h ... ltr ~ .... ,.__.,_I --...... lat.-ta kl--llallL - pl l;Yot 1111•--.... --UIO .... ft.. -....... -JUI! -plihlJ' -wlf.ll _,. -.... Ill.TM. ......... -tu • )Ila. RJ!IDWOOD RUSTIC -. J .It,_ -It; -- -IL I lldnD. ~ 11~ • roma. ftrz1k*a nil "'1cll Md llaiott;t ,... ti-•m,n• a,. ... c1 :dirt-~ ..... MP....,._ P1tJCa $11 ...... -. • • -. _cozy rs I bdrm. bc>mo, llYlnc room. kltch<n, dinette srea and -· bath. ONLY.-, -- 7 ~~E wa1k1na-.n.w-to ...,,, __ -w---su100. • 1 blk. tn>m NeWpart Blvd.-iuao. . . "It you <lon't but you .w ~ haft ll>Jlhlnr to all" I ' 'LA PERLE REALTY Ullf"~ Blvd., coota ¥- Plrtio6lf' 811oon 1°'4 ~Down.-Newport Heights N1!\V 3 llEDROOll ROl1lm." Hu ocea.t\ view, 1 .. bath&, tlroplaoe, .....,. -~ °"Jl•r will tlnance at $100 month. WOUid mnllfll!!t Trult-IliMd u down pa)!ftmt. • •as' Wlats ' • LP'B CANU · BEAUTD'UL! IL ,_ he la a 11one t11atl-------..,..---------.-----' .... ~1511\1',.,. 6 ... ,,. ,,. '!!Jn! ~ .. I rP•cs tllldp >-baft drr · td · " "· , • &boat.. a.. ot u... ~ CORONA l>BL VAR 80llB 'w It. AU. • r.mo m'.E · O's'• 'I D1m1 ' and ALL EXCLUSIVE .. .-. &11• .. aa. llstblp· r ., ...... .._ • • . ·~u•••..., l. lpartl:Unc new I ~. I .,._..,., t•eWrpd bat& llome on cholee lot. i.a..,. • ~ -to 6t*a ·--· llll It heat. Lio.,. w brt-bar, loft[,. -· ~ ••• .! •• --kKc)lloa. .......... w,aii.4-, .,~ -.-... pall. are a tew ot _,. ""'" • ,.._t _ llori.w ,.,. • otandla&'' '--· ,,. i. .. > t.enUlc BUY • ~ SM.'rk • BAI:.BOA ~ BEAUTY I;~~~~~-:: :!t "': :You ubd ,_. It --.,.... It! Olis ot tM - th&" es•-•·-.... pa•1--· ..... _ .1attftd.t,. ....ue ,, I&•> ~ •1'·211 tne hr•• " ~-.~ -·~---,lutatewf~-U..~a.,,.Jl>dma&lldJllallla. wantod-411 bta-, !!Pt. dleu ~ t,; rooms. Honuo bu a --. • ~i.::,"':m~i:::· ·.::--::, Home .& Ineo~ ~ · IsJ¥.nd iis.ooo walled 1n.-i-e for l!!l&l lllor• K-loittb _11&7, W>Jr.ao.;_two_~•ooma --11 age &114 place utJstleall)r lud• . -· ..,.u ~-~ ! y,... old. Cioee .ocape<i, Thia la a BEA UTT at to llllopplna dlotrlct. ·' • .. ., • .r s. ~~ 8~ :r:• ~ , BEACON BA1 '·an:r .. 'Boit~.i&._~_ -~-·a .. ly -4 bedroom s.n4 2 beth -r ftome that I• & "hOne.y.') ftll JS · A'""" NTS II .not an "old beach ho6oe" but BALBOA LAND. B ~1'~0 la a mapp1. dover year eround ~,M(} UP -•-• home .. Large ,oorn.t, unit heat. p.rb&p ~ hotpolnt ,dlall· .P 'a-1776 • • · · · • waahet. 2 tN.ndecka, lovely vtew a.nd man,. other smart· featura. This 11 a •uallty BUY, Priced right. AU!O .NEWPOR'r-1BEST BUYS · It yoa -· '{U&li/'.Y tor: a. G. I . 11'111-""""'· We Ml!r- Here la bomt plus sood \n<Omf' ri,.t -on lite water. Three I bcbm. and I bath unite. snd ~ t bdnn. -Top loc:atlon. 4 y . ~ Rustic Rauch Type -$7,950 We are the D£VELOPERS ot lovely Uoo ISLE -where n Jlttle.buya a LOT. CHARJ11No;·2 ~.i ·• ~nJ Home, loe&ted" cloee--ln on two "be&utlflllly ~\'°"' 116ts. SPA:CIOUB ~G ROOJI( ,.l\h ~ c.tl!"J·' !!""'!>~• Ou-- ....,,.. G,...... .. ~ F•l)Ced .Yard. AN OU'J'STAND- . ING V ALUIC at $12,bjlll. ge• JOU make a ~llne to · BEA.trrmJL cLiFF HA vEN where we tb otter YQU t.M bHlt. in &..bedroom homN buQt on la.qe kit.a, on wtde •lttet&. ln a bJghJy r'Ntrfcted. area. Don't CQl\!UM IN .. onerlnp wit& Oldlauy t....,t.typs home._ THESE ARE DIFFERENT Becaua they are a&tuatf!d ln a Te!l.Ql:d, homey atma. phere, ktcated on a hi&'h plateau where the cntJe brtt:ln from U..4! ~Ifie malb Uilt UM ldeai for rood livlnK. ~ER-the ehok!e ls t:tt.lllntna down. Ten. haft been aokt 1U8t l't"CefttJy and a.a thLs ad l'Off ro. )>ft• We ha.V@-- JUST THREE TO CHOOSE FROM When Thelie Are Gone There Will Be No More at Theee Prices anll ·Low Terms Call or see mEo BARKIDt-Beacon ~796 o,° Sea. -..J THE EARL W. STANLEY OFFICE 150! and Irvine · · Opposite High 8¢hool NEWPORT BEACH . 3 BDRM. G. I." RUAl·&-S1900 DOWN • J'ULL PRICE 1975()_ Mo. pymts. $56. Hwd. floor•. tile, cl<W: to schoolA. A real bar· gain. 2 BDRM. HOME -BRANO SPANKING Nl:W. FULL PRICE S74150-$1960 DOWN. On a nice corner lot 11'xl00', Ea.st Side ea.ta Mesa. Hu G room.s with a lot Of extru. A real value. Come Re tor your· self. · 2 BDRMS. & DltN -Cloll@ In doWntown Oo«& MNR. A nice family home 12 yean younc. Bu oak noor1, n~place., •pact· oua rooms Ul.roqghout. Nta.Uy landscaped and fenced, double gar. Prlc<>d •I •11.000. SHAKE ROOF-RUSTIC EARLY AMERICAN 4 RANCH STLTE In Newport H'.elght:a, 2 bdrm.11., large living room. fireplace, finest oa.k floon. kJtchen llU imported copper Uleworit_ eop- per hood over range and other bullt·lna. Btr dou-le gar. 1'h1I h(>me waa buUt for people who want .arnethln.s nJce and dil· f~L The price la $12,l!OO. -.. ... .Lo~ Down 3 bdrm. 0. J. RH&lt'--Thla t. the .bargain ' you have been. waiting .Jor-1 )'1' •• old, hwd. floora, lotai of ~i~. d.lnlnl' room, plenty of cloeeta. extra large lot en clr<:U• la.r drive. 2 blocks .trom high school. Full Pric& $9750 With $1800 Down and m0a11117 ~ts ., 18' which i.i.clUde tum an.4 INur- anc<. How. Can You· BN.t 'nl.18! «> G. I. Resale Newport Heighta A lovely 3 bdrm. bome on Jted .. lands ...,. Loa than 1' yoar old. Fireplace, bwd. noon, dfaette, lute ld1dMn with brtAlttut area and lawldry, p.rba&'o dlop.. dbl prap, n1eet1 1an-,..i. paUo and DWl7 OU.er Aleo fea· lurea. Full Price $12,MO Monthly pyta. of SM ... hide taxes and tneuruce. INDUSTRIAL LOT -11 rx200' , ZONED M-1 tn Coot& "'-'• Phil Sullivan gTOWlns mtg. -tton. ~ .. iMot. / C. Gt.Jen· Denison INDUITIUAL 5 ACRE&--ll'rl!' a G. T. Evenon largwr plaat or .,lldMde. Othff 4ao Ne.,port -. Oasta v;,,. pan:ela aftllahle. Ph. Bea. H98 or Bee. 5'68-J . ' Coeta. Mesa Realty 400 II:. lfth St., Coat& Me• Phone Beacon 11818 H&rilor 116T·W ald, compl•te.17 turn\.thed, prl t' '8T ,l!OO. Con>ld•r part . trade. Bay Front Triplex On bo&utttul Udo Ille. TWo 3 bdrm. apt.I. and one l bd . --t -·-PTlu $41.!Wf· u:oe.Uent terma. NEW 3 B.R .. 2 Bat Home on · Udo bte, UJe tdlu forced air heat. FP patio, 1 or atorace space, 122:.:;DO. Al.SO NEW 2 BDll.M\ at $4950 do P?lc.--'15,750. GRJ:ENLEAJI' 4 ABllOC. BUILDER -RIULTOR Sttl Newport Bi.d .• Rsrllor SOMETHING NICE IN A LOT -- On UtU.Balboa l•land. we h&IVfi a l}ic;e comer lot, we belle\.-€.' the only one available today. A qylltl. opot. Could apP<&I , 1t.o buUd and reeell. Ftnanctng eoold be arTahCed. We have a beauUf\ll site. 80 !fl· J'1de by 140 tt. deep.· wtth trtel alrt"ady planted and growlJ\g. One aide A rear ~wood teac.. ed On a quiet, paved atret:t or lowly new home•, near to lh4! h\p ochool, Costa M-. Prk· e-d •1800. te-nna. J . A. BEEK Office Har. 83 Balboa Ialand Fefry Newport Heights Today's Best Bu lfZW U.roe bedroom homo Wlth ft"9pt.oe, t u r n a e e, ~=t: noo... p.rl>ap dlspoa&I, f&l'q11. I $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Homf 2 B. R. Muter B. R. 14x20 2 ""u.s. lars< playroom I and shop. 3 car p.ral'e. ~.ooo will bandl~ I a~~J'!,.~·m~.":~ Phone Harbor '402 Thl!I .....,.lfta'2 bocl!OCB -la 1,.... old and ptt«J ,. a pldlln. RU •-ll<1dt fireplace. Lars• win· doww, llT a 116 lot bl N•jf,..t Relpts .... a. Only $28IO down. Tide prlee <;AIM' • UAT ! 3 Bedroom Home -$.11,950 On.. block to hlP -In Newport Helg-hta. Brand n~. ·toost -· , .,...._.... flreplaoe. L&rp plate ·-wlndowl, (aclq paUo. P , ff, A. t.orma. If~ :=e~0:: !ul~e 1::;_ Aa Ill• DEVELOPERS we can offer you low prices snd 891 terrn.t. It wnl pay you to cheek with ua on UDO ISLE. COWi: LOOK. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED SU!·VI& Lide> Newport Beach, Call!. BEACON HllJ. REALTY · 4tll N-rt iifYd: (a"°" ~J. I'll. II. 0713·11 or £.,.,a. B. tseM·W _____ ,.;., _____ _ Harbor 1500 • G. I. RF.SALE ATl'RACTIVE 2 bdnn. home. Hu fireplace, beat and lots of tile. 2-car ~e. Jt'a well located north of bigbway, Corqna de! Mar, near shop- ping center. Price la only $11,500. Payments are $67.IK mo. including taxee and 'intereat at 4?1-. Two New Homes in Bay Shores 2 bdrms., 2-r itaraiee, excellent locations, low down payments. Open Saturday & Sunday You Should See Them! 2441 Crestview ............... $14,500 2526 Vista Drive ............ $13,750 . LINWOOD VICK, Realtor CLIFF HAVEN Home -Laree 'Lot -Uiaobltruet- f'd Harbor vtew-J bdnm .• hwd. noon. Flagstone f'lreplace, en- ck>aed be:rbecqe. Laree livina:-- dlnJns room facing Harbor. Fur- nac. Ilea~. dbl. gar. Only $18J>OO, Corona del Mar Ntw 3 bdrm. Cape Cod, roret'd air htalin(, large Jlvln&' room, fireplace, dou'ble garage. Dellr- ~e.. Joation,.. £m.llM(fiate P' PSI 11Qn. $14,500, excel. terms. o . I. REaALE--2 bdrm. stucco, dbl. gor .. R-2 lot. Pymt.s. only SM per mo.. toclud. taxea, 4 % lnt. and lnwr. Why pay rent T .See thll, it won't last at only $10,500. W. E. Fisher, Realtor RRNIE SMlTH, Aa8ocl&le CHOICE Newport Ial&lld, WATl:Rnlt>NT with PlEll A 1'LOA 'I'. Attr! ~ bdrm. Apt. over Oltl 0.,... 6-Gaut • room. "t:tte Kitchen 4 Bath. Wall f'bmaee.-..: A·l Ooawtuw· ~ ':', Uon tllni<>Ut. 4 ¥"" pld. RaoD1 to blllld. Jteqcod JU'd. Patio." Bat-Q. El(CJCLL£NT LOAN COMMIT. Prke ·• • s1s.l!OO, with temta. 1 · • NEAR ~-.. TR.!N1., Attr. Otdft Homo. 2 --- Flrpl. Cement ~Oil. Woad l'loora. Fen~ YW. • • Dbl Garase. Good Con11truetlon. N...i.. • lltUe paint. $7,500 full pric<!, ' . . For appt. to see any ,Of th ... EXCEi.u;NT, BUYS, ..U Mary Dickson ~t Harbor. 1013 or (eves .. 209!-'f. . . . ' ,EAAL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout,fflway -i~I!>-lt¥1n6. Newport Beacb Newpu1t -· 3113 Newport"m..i. Newport Beadl 2 bdnn. tt.9ME 1 AN:f2..~.00Jd~ ~ .. · .. jiome ln·qbole& B~A ISLAND loca· tiol!. Fireplace, Jiwd, floore, nice patio. PLUS a S-rm apt. in rear. $18,MO Furnished STANLEY ~FIELD, Realtor 216 , Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor ~ ' 812 Marine Ave~ Balboa &land Harbor 204.2 918 Co&at Blvd. Harbor 2443 ---------------------_..___ BALBOA ISLAND Charmine 2 bdrm. home, large patio and lanai. Excel. location, cloa& to fine beach & public pier. Price $16,500 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Aftllue at Mann.. -Balboa Ialand Harbor mz Thie Week's Special Balbo• Island Bay Front . EXCHANGES Corona del Mar Today's Best Buys . . Income Property Rome plua small apt only $10,500 2 bdrm. modern with 1 bdrm-pr. IP~ $7000 dn., f\111 price $10,l!OO 3 Bdrm. home, hwd. noons, two bdrm. gor. spt., \0 cuh lll,llOO Comer duplex, 2 bdrma. each, plus owner's pr.-apt. Patio and sun deck, only ............. -...• 26,000 SEE CHARM • • -. AND mnIVIDUALITY BALBOA PENINSULA POINT -A11Ut•Uc Copa COd .. at 1121 Ocean Blvd. Two atory, approx. 2200 sq. l}-1 7 larp roomo, 3 bdrrnl, den. 2 bath t<>OmS. 1 yr. old. OU floors. tlroplace, foreod air heat. Full lllzod dlnlna room. ..,.._ua kltdlee Wltll tablo spsce for e. Enclooed / •'1"d.ck 30x1!0. l!lxtru pl· ore, attta.ctive viewa. PRICED TO Sm.L Qtl'ICKL'f on reaaonabl& term9. Ope S.tUroay ~ Sunday, 2.6 p.m. or by app1-. "1"""' Harbor 1238-W. , -.. BRAND NE~ -:Reaay to Inspect THBD BllDltM. -1 bathe'-onudaed kar attsehetl garage. Located on ~ree lined gentle alOplnc comer. lot. ALSO :ttrsT cbMPLETED TWO BBOIUf. ,;ju;j spsetoua 2 lldrm. apt. o.er 2-car garage With view/of --· OOnr ROUSES al:-RAN€RI irrYLJl with. We liatu, gadlap cllaposs~ --palloa. overollecl p&n· eled ~ tor -&ad '#all papere. Sepa- rato laundry roo,... ' 500 a 002 Po'.J -·ttia. Corona del Mar PlloM~, !Barbor 1121-J or I* _.. ""*"'· ·. • - •••• ... ' ' • .. • • • I • • M ._.,.._ 1,,,, .. , if,.;H .. . TllUn.. FrL. Seit. . ~ : A.._., 16-17-tl ~ • • ' CMRDIN fllSH -~t \Rll lTS & VEGETABLES .. .. DILIYlllD DAILYI .. . . .. ..,, , ... ...., "''"'" ' hr · Yo ... Pratectt.• -Quality Meat§ ' . Tep 9ralltfr ,~. Low..t PrlcH -• ..........____ :·· ,. CRAPES~ .. -FllM-1-.,;~--~--D -9u_AL_l'!'Y-~L-1c-1N-~-----· ---r-i -·: SPARE .. RIBS · ::'.:us:~:::~:;· 3 9~. TOMATOES 2 lbs 1 Sc .PORK SAUSAGE o~:::. -4 3t. • llST l'OOl!S "IW" FULL 9UAIT MAYONNAISE 64c SWANSON'S WHOLE SPllN~ CHICKEN l!-lb •.. s 1 s9 Can ~ CiKEMii -':::.·29c TIH TOP APPLE . J 'U ICE '-. .._. ~-.. r-.. • ... ~. -• A> "' ,, Tea •11rcl•• ,.,,.. , 2·LI. ITL . .._ '• .... 6!- KETCHUP · LAlGI IOTILE 20c c MANAGER'S SPECIALS: VlalJ, Our Froze.a P'CKHI Dept. a.ff ) · • Make Your Dollart Werk fol' rout MINUTE MAID JUICES ~ t.-~-U§-§-~-c-:§-.=z:-· 3-~-~ ~D- = I!. \) 't 't i. I\ GOLDEN STATE FllST QUALITY ) 0 MOlllU'S PUii LUNCHEON MIAT ~ SN .ACK ~: 41e . ~ -' SWil:PICKliS' 34 . ' . ... . aanN LAlll ,. UD ,LUIL No. ''• 26. C . Ito. Va ·29c Flllt flat .. Cu · C• • ·IQ.IL.ED ' HA-M - aOLDIN STAn CHllSI llt•urt llAID ~= OIANCOI •uoct ~ 19¢ ~ 37¢ . LONGHORN ··.· ·49~ ~TH'S .IOWA GllAJN FED ·' 2tc llAND flcizaN-12-. Pkt-4,.; St · STRAWBERllES · ~ . ' -. • • .IATH'S JUMIO -MILWAUr&-mu SUMMER S·AU~SAGE t IATH'~ FUSHLT IUCID ·:. . · LIVER C.JfE 'ESI · Yi • t ' I . . . -• · PUii YIGIT Ae!,E • . . SnD\vd~ift·· . I . . l~. Can · 8Jc ~ • . . , . . A~~~tican . COFFEE: '· " ' IED IAa GOLD IA. 6·9'"' ·75 . . c ' f ! c _·. ·lb;:'· .• ' . ' •r1 ... It i:;. .. • -. ~-~\NES & LtQuo Rs . . IJIAIS OtD f111 AtH'Wlrl .. •r $399 'THE PRESIDENT'' flnH .... ~ . . • • • I • • . I ; . TWO WO~ IOB lo bdq .... ~ bJ' llal IUe-n. plk>l. and Joyco Robot&', 'lier ce-pllo The two toek off frH> tbe Oraas• 00....ly Airport la tho Powder Puff Derlly )'ft4ortla)'. Seventy foqr la!IY pUot.o..,.nd a lllx year old l)rt .warmed nff tbe Oranp County n..td ht 44 ...._ holwled to , contlnent&l ~r Race. · RED CROSS HAS NEW SWIMMER CROP sevt>ral swimming claa8ea have just been concluded by volunteer Red Cross Ce rlltled """aler salty tnatruet.ors Ln the Newport Harbor. Santa Ana and TU.!ltln areas. Certificates wer l' lsauOO by Natt al Red Cross to 294 5ludents who poued the tests for water safety an<t swimming ability in their res c- tJve cla:Jllification,a. OU.ring lhls two week period 136 cert1ftcate.., wer e ls8ued ln beach areaa, acco g to .John .Johnson, Chairm&n of Water Safety for the Southe rn Orante County Chapte r, American Red Cr . At Corona del Mar, China Cove, Robert i;>. mlth. director of f water safety lnatructor at th€" 1'"'~., Safety Services tor tbe Southern Newport Harbor Yacbt Club cer· Orange Qouaty Chapter certified titted tour youngl!ltera as begin-r the following: nera: Thomu Mitchell, Jennifer &ctnnertt: Noreen Gannon. Mrs. Wrtght, Dana Writer and Patricia carol Klepper, Carol Bruah, Joe Gutherie . . . Emma, Patricia C&rey, JflilUI Levi, ----.,-- Fl"ed Frankl1n. Ctyde Burris, John RobbiM, VIY,ian Brown and Mlke Brown. I latumodliatea: 'erllynn Warren, Merchants Drub i••·• ...... t .. ~.$ ·-t· -··,....., inte Tl'to ..._ rl &E L -r~ ll -1HUISD.AY, Alie. 16'; 1 ~·1 :· -.t.o ..... -~-Wb . C'l-~~~ -· a' IP*rlted J'll!bjitft )lltwzaa .Be.le'• , : 1 J ~· oate ~ Dii.te ... ., •• ,_ ii., • "'~ PSS ·- .._ plol:e. llr""'1. llilll!I'• ~· ; _,;,, • -• • -~ ... Ille * :p1aCio • • . -tnploJ, wlUI Da•-q ,;. oel\Olas o WlrT nlee ~y 't« _. r -J>l9ce--~--Wllll Iba C1ooJo ~ fllich 1..,.. u..... lo • ~· nlat>t -• trQm Iba rdUlta. JGllD B:rm-· local ~. mbecl the ~ .t/Jj well u be mix-~ po.lat ,com· tar U.......,. wlUI flnt p-la all eWnt.. ~ .. • ~ . , mp team serloo. llJD!P"'ft t.Dd Noll&r t.ook tint place, Halen'o Cafe took -place. Slnsl,.; JObn Bympoon. tint; ll!n Bento. oecob\t place.~ Job llymP' oon and Bill Z..elke. flnt place; JObn Sympoon and Bill Lopn, The -ins ot llle Harbor ~rM so,o' clllb llllrd. ...-! -..u pmta•~-aDjl ployalcal -~ p .......... lo ~ tor-... Jren- day momlq .r t :i!O a.m. So win i>e beJd dally Jlol!d07 UlrOUlb Friday far -'!"ffka l'l1>D' l~Llll, 1111tll 11:80 Lrll: Tllo • PintaUllGCI lo open " boya of llle Harbor Aiea and ~ '· be • ..,ed at ""' -ball t1.1or ~ Paci•f•IC Ang'.....;;. th• Coot& -Park. Boyr ~ It'll t)!~or of Alhlel1"" Rod . • ~ '• Mllllan will be old«I by ~h t Ch ' 1': ; 1nCO::~·~=..~~ o. ()Ose 1 earn -plal:e. ·. • - Tbe-y wUl aid ln the rn of football tundamontalo aa wtll help~ In tho oonducuns ol event.a. which lnclude lhe fo~·· Ing: puntlng tor <llltalfce. pUo t r cliat&nce1 pau for accura.cy, stacle race (broken tJekl run..nlng), kickoffa for dtatance, tle"'ld go&1 a.C· C\U'aey IUld blocking form. M«iala will be awarded to th lop three boys ln each op g-rou!" wUI be broken down as follow,: 10 yean and underi 11 and under: 12 and under; 13 and under; If and under; 15 and lln<hr and Mn· lora. The ages Ww be taken u of September · 1. Coach Irwin wlU again present tropl\iee to the out- 1ta.ndlng junior t l._ and under) and to the out.standing "aMtlor ( 16 and over). The trophies wtll be awarded on the be.al• .or aport.sman ship a.nd attitude ln addJUon to the results of the lelita • The Pent.athJon wu start~ three yeara ago to help io ward off football Injuries su.tained dur- ing the aeuon becaU:M o! 1&ck o! knowledge on the part ot the boye of the rules and fund&mcnt.a1!'1 or the game. Jt la aJ.90 designed to 1how the lmportanee of keeplf\&' In top physical ahape while playing the game. Fundamentals Taucht Durtng the two week Pf'riod the boya will be taught dKeption, agil- ity, blocking, pa.uing, receiving, kicking, and olht>r fundamental8 of rootbaU. 'There will be no physi- cal contact work in connection with t)I;~ ·Pent.hathlon. Due lo U... l&rg'e number o~ anXloua' o.agknl who w6<jld like to .,..... lk b&l)fter of tho Pacific Angluo ln the International Upt Tackle Sahtlab toUnWnent to be h•ld In. Ac;aptlleo "rrom November I 2 to ie; tho cholco of th• team wtll be made by a drawing. According to S.Cretary Dick Hottman, club member• wbo wllib to be conoldtn!d ohould contact tltm at. once, So~ballers Heacl for Pia~ Moe. IAdleo acratch lea~ II riow torllllng and, the"" Wut be..a m.eet· Ing Ulla .cOQlllll .ll'rldaJ nlgltt, Au- guat 17, at the borne or Mll.deltne Brown, 377 ll&y -a"""\le, Coot& MM&. Tho time, 7:30 p. m . .....U )'OU pl9 who ·are interested ·.._n the Kratch league make every effort to attend tht. rneetln1 ·a.a lt will be eJecUoG Of league officers abd the Ume to h&ah out the rvle. for the comlng mea900 ·Be there! I ReBUlt.9 of the La.din 8 :~ Harullcap ltacue Oil Tu..S.7 nlte, hlgb team, Safeway No. 1. 2491 total pita with $2a ,.....lvecl . for point money. Individual hlg1l eer- Regular play ooncludel tonight 1... June Ormlaton with 573 col- ln the Uona club oottball leagu• locted $10. Individual high game at Coota Meu park with Rich· of 206 went to Jane Quinn wlt!I ard'• Me.rket and Holnetn Con-prize money of $3-bandlcap wu •trucUon meeting at 8 p.m;-Mon-Included In lbe la.at two winnlng d&y night opena the playoff• with eco"'•· 11eCOnd place C<ank·Broo.·Bfu<ll All you bowling tana wlt!I a Conlt&ctora taclftg the winner of ~evblon aet can see your favorite lbe Hollteln-Rtchard game. Tue.-. aport telecut on channel 11, Tuee- day nJgbt'a playoff• tea.tun ttrat tday night, at 10:30 p.m. Here'• place Shamrocke and tbJrd place ' the chance to aee L. A. top boWlers Bop' club teams tn the nrat of rolling under pre.sure of the TV thelr two out ot Ulrtt .rtea. cameras, riew wood and big pot.a. Wedneeday nlgbt flnd.9 the aec- ond and tourlb team batUlng and Tburaday will eee the Shamrockil .,nd Boys' club at It qaln, 'Ille w1rtner or the. two out. ot three 11e.r1ea will meet in the ttnai. the follOV.ng week. Sta.nclbtse u of TuMday W L Shamrock.-···········--·············-··· 10 Crank-Biuell r······················· T Soya' Club .............................. 5 Not Guilty e~a to Drunk Dnving Charge • ' 1 ' Bowling "irts ' Order ~o~ for Fell league Play $5.SO ~t' ~irt INCLUDING LETTERING • • j ·-, • • .. BOB'S . S.fORTING l. GGPDS nua a.ad Newport Blvd. . COSTA. USA 18""-,1821-R ~ .... ~~-' "To ' SCIJOO • I "'' ··.:o·.ll ·s New Is Uie ~-1~· buy "Back~ School Sh~ Complete &11110rtment of JSoya' and' (Jlrls, all leather ShC-.. ta the nationally famoiis 'tBed ""'-" and "Uttle Yukee" brands. AU 8IRis -'A. .B;·() and D widths. s~ att.entloa ~ to fitting. Salgona ............................•....... 3 Holstetn Conat.ruction .......... 2 0 i 4 7 7 8 •William f.am .. Woodward, San- ta A.Ila. Pf.aded, not guilty to. X 4Ray' H dei!Jred. charg .. of clrunk driving Monday · '~ · )\lch&rd'1 Mu~et ·····-····--··· .. 1 S. A. GoH Trials ~~~5:;~~~~: BARBE11.S 8001ERY Tee Off . c-a.,.-...._. day. Aug. 22. He wu releu<d on I . · t -···-r s1~-~ wu ......-aner ',18J1 . Ne~ Av~,·-<;'5ta ~M~ • Boturday, Augllllt 18. Will mark beln11 · bivolved In an ""Cldent at ; .. , ~j CON )~W ), . ' · the curtaln ralalng of tbe Santa O :~ P~ m."8undl.y at_ 30th St. .and 1 _;~~~~~'~'~'~:'!j~'.::'~::;:~!!=:~=j·~·=.:~·~=~:=:'.:: Ana City Golf qualifYlnl round& Ocean Pro1tl. Newport Beo:c:b. I' ~-.-~r~.~ Don ' Cllria . • f:l ···-~· ;; - tey .Bo ... rd. 1ott po.,UIY , Coola r_:MU:. 11.eroiiant buoball· -until ·A-t' 30 at Ille Tbo -..le~ la Ula, ~tiai:::~~·~iome~ ~-~~~~o<~ne-!'!:~ -. die -.. '1~;~.-~-y. rot otbte~~LltioirwMdbyADw .All. ftlpto mOlt <jU&llfy by the J-ph o( ,--ood. · .. Buni9.,· 1tayf'Bro:Wn1 ~Barton, er&. clubbed'"the. Harbor Giant. or Patnet& · Wa.taon, Lyti.J l4iller and WUlmtngton., 11..0 Sunday atter-Pat Meyers. • JUlllor Ufe 8a\l{q: Harry noon behind the alr-ttghl pltchlng Wright, Ted Clandehtng, Pat of Whitey Burton. The locals play Cbambent Celllent here Sunday Me-Yera, Bob Cha.ndenlng, and Ann afternoon at 2:30 p.m. G'::i UI Sa In • Mrs Lee Either Whitey Burton or Rus- or e v I· · ty Heman wl11 be on the mound Brion, Jacquo Mope, Elsie Emma. , with Bud Jrong or Jule Mar!hall Nadine .wright, Lyle Miller and t fl t · D H u.. t --ond· Ev 1 Oll8o . 1a rs , aren o a .......... , ~i: Mae ';.{cCuddin. Red Cro8."J I Dick Lane at third;. Bill "Shiner" Water safety lnsttuetor had 59 Roberts at short.stop. Gle.nn Luck· qualified st.udenta at toth and Bay, e nblll, Ken Uyesugla and J ohn Newport Beach, as follows: Peters in the outfield. Beglnnen: Jacquelin Ashby. BAIT RECEIVER PERMITS GeraJdin€" Ashby, Janis Potter. Linda E~ston , Mary ChJllBon, Jeddy Houston, Johnny Curtis, Jimmy Curtis, Lynn Aodenon. Tommy Toedter , Kathy Shamel, . Lewellen Weaver, Linda Robert• son and David HaUleld.. lntermedJate.: Nancy Newcomb. Peggy Sliver, Jimmy Bento, Jerry Bento. Flo-Lou Tbompeon. Corky Elliott, Mike MccleUen. Don Hen- derson. 'Barbara ~ney. Earl Leh· man, Dennis O'Keete, Ph 111 p • Heints, Jean KcQueen, Janet Cheney, Blanche Walker, Ruth Hendef90n, Rosemary McQuttn, Dawn Miller:, ClULrlot Miller. Gary MKler, Marilyn McCullock, Randy Woodland a.nd Jimmy Forten· baugb. . Swb:IUnPn: Barbara Rit.chkel Jimmy La:wrene~. Dan& Fadlel'\ DaVld.Slngley, DorL Gordon. Lucky Hogan., J¢ene Cuala. Carla Don· tea. Jpet Martln, Judy Suther· land. DennlJI Williama. Douglu BeatUe, Melen Carpender, Bettle Eva .. , H•len Hort. Donna . Rich· ardson, Joaitette Smith, Marilyn Bendu, Karen Maclntire, Linda Er'ckaon and Albert Almond. Mloo Nt.ncy Hurd, Red Crou water wety lnsl{Uctor at saJ!;>o& • Ialand. RUby .&rid North 11.oy, bad 23 younptera qlWJtY for certltl- catee: lkl:lb.aen: ~ _ t.ou 1-Bo~r, ~ Brunlni:, N&l)CJ' Gibbs. Grant ¥cCati. Kalj>y f:>IM:ey, 8~· an Wll•Y and Marcia .-IJt. la:_...,, Marilyn Quller, SuMn CUUer, Larry Le"""*1p, LIJ>da M&xwdl. "Tina • llrUDl!lc. H-1<1 Boowortll, ,Motiy m* Dick Fwtpn, S4IIy t-,Bwaln ud MarprotBwaln •• llw-1 L I'll d a Nl<I<..-: 11111Y Polllw>, ~Aa·,~ . !llld<lJ' Yowl&'. ic&i:ll1n· Clltler, -CUiler, ~olm, ~1. 0--fll"' ¥,\llftJ', Dk:lt retut, a.t!" a-CIFk;'a.M ...... IAo •1'• .. ....... ttt•lf•lt. ~ ~Ila· ...--ttallGod -. . . II. nee..._, II._ a Uid mtw: a1ilate ~·= ,. • A Sll!ftl ............. A.Oda--~ ... .. _ J1t U T ., . .._ .. Seven pennlte: for the operation and maintenance or-bait receivers were granted by the City Council Monday night. lbOM granted per- mits were: Norman Hagen for JO bait re<;eJvers at the loading dock In front of Norm's Landinp; J 1 P . Barrett at 1136 Coast HJgh- way, Newport Beach: Seasport Landing at 81 l Cout Highway, Newport Beach: Odette and Nel~ .an at 121~ Coa.at Highway, New- port Beach; Roy Gronaky at thl' Balboa Pavilion; H. J . Hauett for tbe ball boat. ''Jwo Jim a" oft the Corona del Mar Main Beach ; and Samuel A. HW a.t Lot 9, Block 5, Tract 621!. --:-C)autfled ad.I are read by toUuo who are looking to buy. FIRST P. tho :s lle•foop -Das ........ ~1 ~ ~·. &a1111t.1, l\'U b1 Ule Nowport -l"loldq Fl-.The t8m &loo -phleo for blp -.er1 .. aJid Eddie Nollar look lndl,i\lllal ..-tb a haadkap ..,. ... of !II. l!eco"'! and third p ... w-.won by HolllsMr• Nunery and Safeway Nol. I. Trophl~ 1''enl aW&rdf!!d. upst 1 at Vu'• Bewllq alley .. ec.ca 111 .... 'Top "11" ~ to ....,t aro.: O..Ottq Pai-, Ed~ Nollar and Mud Pollard. ltom """'Dodie Hebo111"r ,.U E~ .t (Plloto by Colleen ~cCIDokoyl • &uiuit go deadline with match A«ordins to ·police reports, play in the top bracket.a carded W~I car wu traYelliD.g 'in over the Labor day week end, Sep.: reveree f Ocean l'ront to Bal!' tember t through 3, offk:lale ex-bOe. Bl . er-vehicle cromed to plained. Handicap night.a wtll play the left •Ide of the street and bJt one round each week ~ will ~ the rtgbt d'oor and panel of paired acoordinc to tb~ir qU&llfy. Joaepb'a cu. Woodwvd'• auto re· lng acore1. . celved damages to it.a left rear. The fifth annual golf aff&tr I.I : ~~:;: .::S~":i1~~;: Newport ~••er aonnel with an e1tabllohed llAlldl· I.JI .I.. -'LI Lu ch cap. the junior chamber rou com· me11uuer1n1p n mlttee explaln«I. _ Set f A 22 Wally Taft. of Coota Mesa. lo or IHJ. the defending ch&mpton. , Hunting Mishaps Killed 19 In 1950· 111>• Newport Harbor <;:!lamber of Commerce wlU hold tte next quarterly mem·benhlp luncMone at noon, w~. Aui'. 22 at th& Newport Barbor Yacht Club. i Prutdent Tom Norton announced With the tlntt ot California'• today. teriea ot hunttng aeaaona under Tile luncheon t. the aecond to way, the State DlviBlon or Fish be held by the Chamber. .• and O&rne bu-announced the cost Reeerv•tlon• for the e v e n t In hllll\an lit• and limb of lut alli>uld be made by Boturday, year·a search for game. Aug. 18 at the Cham.bet-office. Nineteen California nimroda loet ~utlve Secretary Hay Lang- thel!' live.a· In 19~ and non-fa.lal enhelm urre<l m~bera to bring "lrean:na accident.I accounted for non-memben u guest.a. M tnJur1ea. The figures are com- piled from newapaper clippt.n.p RED LIGHT TUB.NS and flab and same warden re-In order to decreue traffic ac~ port.a. -ctdenta at tntereectJon. protected Deal.hi due to h•art attackl. by traffic algnala, the OU.ltomla drownlnp and mllllaP. o!Mr than Highway Patrol today urpl mo- JUnohot wound• claltned a of Ill• 1orlolo to be particularly careM 19 llve1 loot In 1911Q. ln maklnti rlgbt·hand • CUUalty flglll'M allowed a aJlarp againot the ~ tight. . drop from Calltornla'a 1148 re-First, Ute patrol 1&ld, the mo- port, when lll ~ acddenlo topped ·tor1ot wlahfnr to make llUch a all •tate. ln the natlon. Twenty-turn must be mre it '8 legal. Lo-- tour hunter. were killed from alt c&l ordlnancee ~ and in eome ca-. In. tho field In lfft, wlt!I plac:i:a or tntenectlona the maneu· 31 huntln1 d e a th 1 reported In ver ll nol -pormltied. ' lH& Second.'U.0 tum muat be mad< Moot unuaual aocld<nt i..t yur cauU..,.ty . .,..s 'oately. The mi>lor- c:auaed the · dea\h· of 1.li'~d lot lo ~ to, yield Ille r!gbt- KenDOlh Brown of ·Nepa. With a l of•way tp ·~ In the °"'"" companion, llrowtl ~· upon • ....nc and to oil appmadlllir vebl· Oock of feedlns wild -· Ih • cl.&. · .. • • Min attempt 14 malt• the. -~ ' 111. he -Illa -""' lilte " • RNUli, -m\m . -·· "°" Olld -ldenlally· dlocbua'd ~I A.a ~ r'elbllllJ bl Ult. •t IDlo Illa cllOllL ' .. ,.. "'1 ......._ -far,._.• .lion. Ulan a&1f 511 the, ,...... ~ • ... .. . tal&I ~ -lR"l lnfliCt• • • < ' '4 ..,. ......... uftdor Ule •. ot LAWN IOWUNG n. -.un.. 14 the ~ .ot. . . , .. .,... -a.me! A. --al P!llu.r llfa -' ,, • Illa ""'*111¥ wtiaoOut -liq u. ~ --ii•otJ· . llt . ..,.t-. llObort L. ,......,., a....uwa I a4': .,...._ --k•p.. ··---..,. ' Ula oiq.., .,, ..... t ~ "Wa uiir." fDi & ~ WU a Illa l ' UM tlf tlla ....... - poi .. la ..... ID at:-' J .... -II .. --tlla _....... Ot 1111111 "" Aupot l. 'J'lla -jld -llfewU • --i.wa -.iii-m ....... _T ....-.. I--.· :: + ;11'1 ........ ~-aw- l 1 : I . '"" . ....... :w ... . =··· ... Mi;;"' ... . -~--., ... ... -"•~.-..-... ........................... -· •-C ' r t •• · ..,_.,.._ 4 I ..,.,. M " !A's• J ';>" b-l '; ...... .......... WED. -Mixed Foursome -2 Men - 2 Ladies ...:. ·HiJcp. Bowl · at 6:3o p. ~· Opening for team or individual )'ouples. . THURS. Me.n's Comm. Hdcp. Open· in g for I team -· 8:45 p. rri. . ) 'FRI. -Harbor "900" Scratch; One team or individual bowlers 8:30 p. m. noa NEED 2 lr~NS~RS F09' "fOQ" SCRATCH LEAGUE ' . • For any information please call VAN~$. BOWLING PBONJl BllA:C)ON 5518 -BILL ¥LOJ'Z, Mgr. 81JPEl!IOR A VE. OQ8'J,'A lllE$& . -~ I • • • • ' ,AeE 2 -PART ·1 f -THUASDAY, AU&. 16, 195 1 :~!:fuss ~ 'PfG'n Pof and a Litti Grass Hat ' • • -- • .. ~Set Tonijtt's Thtme It Bey W> . ..,. ....... 1*, ~b ..m l~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~ilf;i;;;;;~~~~~~~=---;; -•.eel Into a ftritable SWU. lluo<h, Willia ~unt.t, · 0..-.y I 1 119 W-•d ton.lf!tt ·(nDJr1h1l Pia~ i:.&wrtOc. J. P!ei.ter, J. 111M11. t'be,tblrd ...,,.ua1. luau .. bold 'IV. ~ W.U.-~ II tllo club llou.wo, r.ru. pa.tfo -rr.nk Wade, Jeek Cono, t"lrian peaJ, a1onr tbe -dY ........ -~~ T. H. M....,.. ioclls und•r a wlXJJlr Auguat AJllO J&mH u~. II., M. a.oan. ~ Cone, Dr. I.afrence--<lwbdnm, R. '.Blsl>l!Pt at Ula -tnr wtll lie J. HetDlu, JL .A. ._.... Oeo. .. -·~ )MINde. Or -Poa!1c A. Oay, 0-.. llololtelD, lhlwll i11MIM1ta &nd.. owluma wlUl 0iannia. W. W . ..,_"' W. 8. ~ to i.e awarded. u.. moot Tritt, Dr. Loll.lo ~ Norman ·-to> llotll ,,..,. ._ -a..-B. lL Torll\lJ\e, C. D. C\an- nlen by a apeclally .. lected jury nlntrb&m, E. H. H....-. Addle H. "'( ,.Jud(N . &om 'th• liuHon and Downin&'. Dr. G. Andrew Bird. JL PfU1J WJ>iMll accord!Ag to Ken-k i.rccam.i. T. J'. Norton, John netb ~ pttald<>lto , Weboter. -'Bundy, Dave WU- • 'i:laboral!el;y ..i.cor,.tod bUffet IOI\ and W •. B. Abernethy. Uhleti will f<atUre food ._1a1. From rreater Lo. Anrele1 will 13' 'p~ tn .. s.tb Pieffie fa• come many aoclal leadera wtth blon ~ -P~ "'°"'-tmllr gaHta to attend the lu•u · c4l M.fta and metO,fts. ..ib8.core whicb. wlD feature an elaborate oalld eJld .pork ~ ht Poly-entertainment prosram ot South nt•f¥ a)'lt t;, tire mltJIDtt di ls; Sea ·htland mwiiC and tun. Hoota ~ ......... st'ftil by '\lie native.a. ihctude Jobn Bumdall, K. L. Col· °""' ji10a 'l!JI" ~ will be burn. Dr. T. C. n.....ett, V. D. held~&~· in.CNJt ' ot"'ttae 120 Clqthier, Dilmal Bromley, H . c . ~ ~ In~ ~· · l$>n. D. G. Liston, Henry K_...., clllb ,1tl&r1ila .,;tdle s><>reo ot li>dal-J>. J . Weisel, E. M. Clone. Walter ~ <l'r BaThoa 'alid )(~"rt, lfempel, Jr.. F . W. Gray, Glenn ~·~ llahta Ana and ~Uimia DudJey, G. C. Harbnsn, E. M. BK_~~ ate plannlng to entelta.in ~YU.. Myers Butte, ~arles Pe. • fM festlve lua'\I tablis arti.IU-tft'I:, Tl\eodare Tesma.n, Letter ~."'decorated with ti ~ftlt. Hut.on, C, P. Rauen,. .J. M. J es- coconuu and exotic ti:oplcal sen. ~1.: A,,, Man~erbach, J , F. Ke- trult.a. .. vllle, 'l.'om Frdlco, C. fl Pearman, -Mi'rvin l'laller. Cbfr1<9 King, Rob· Ra . Hoobo eA George, G<orge lhlnrlcb, F . ;Among tlle many large· parttea 'I': K-Jr., and D. B. McCly-w!ll be .one boated by Wllllafll II. .....,t. · lbllo(g of Seri~ Lan• lit-Alta-· · --:.----- dll!n&, n<Nf spending th• aunui!tt !II LUAU -LANGUAGE 14 Jolla. Ho.!!tS from the -~ IDd'ltalial •qaelltion:':>'Give me a ..,. Bay area include Kermetb.: Ka-good 'tied' on the luau.·· ~I. Belmond S&n Cbes, ~b IOd. Answer: "Pot meet. girl."" ttiurray Hill · Hew President df Art Group Helen Smit h Feetured Painter In Gaft ery Show Preset1.tly reatured: ln an exhllllt at the Patio Art Gallery, :§13 Ma- rtire avenue, Balboa Island, 1a Helen Smith. a true vetrran or )'be -.nnuJ meeting or l.quha U1e lwuob ""° i.. tl_, for many e...ch Art a.99ocla.Uon ,.... held YHn Oft the lala.ftd and who.e Saturday eve.nJng and t1'e tolk>w-pictOrta are ~U known to many 1nj slate pr-escnted by the nomi-a.rt 1oven of the a.rea. U.TtJIWAY LAST DAY • ft• ..... Yi'* "'"' -• waltlllJ tor! F1nat R'Dn l'lsa: 01!1.~t:rs ' "Ned••'• Molf ·~,.· P,,11 ............ 1:41 • 8:311 "P11f11c:e W1io Was o Tliief'' TffhnJrolor "APAVBE DltVM8" STA}IT!I SIJNDA-V lf"an Craine. "TebC~ofMy Uttte Girl" ~·o qf a Kini: f'Amund O'Brien UzabMb l!..ott I St'1'"DAV -'tt'.ESDAV Olf'nn 1" .. urd, ~ Tkornt"y "Sectet of 'COllYlct . I.a\• .... '"_,.,...., Walh!r ............ D<t>ld xi.,.. stew.rt Gruiv "Sold~r's ~" • na.Ung commlttee Y."aa una.nimouit. ""-has many anoth~r w omah ly• elected. FOY' d.i rectoa to serve painter, Mrs. Smith hu rataed t1#o )'ears, Murray G. Bill. R. her fam.Jly and at the Uffifl ti.me Uoyd Babcock. Mn. David ,Jack painted quietly away on thP am! Gertrude Gardner. Far offl-ICehea which h&ve &iven her ~ tlle enmlng year, JQnoay pleuure · and appooled to her a, Jli"eltdent; ~ t..L..tecJt. ...,., ot the plcturnqu.. HJU. .ot aon. tlnt vtce--pttaident; ctiUlef &'fteD and brown, old 1-.l'l'll and 0.' Bttclley, aecond •lce·Ptftl<fenl! hr>tlR•, fi~ from her garden W"1t;lt,.er E. Parke, t'!oeaiorer: Mn. and aJway3 the unendJnl' i.ucce.s- Da"ft.d. J&ek, -..tary: At tbe llloo ot boata In tllo bay Ila••· pro- meetiil.c lt wu vote«\, to again vtded materlal for her pi ctures. I ••••••••••lllll• hoid the annual art car1'1'1va.1 mi Watercolor'3 by tbb vigorou..s l • uM. gaUUy lav.-n over the Labor ri"andmother are to ~ seen in all day week end. the mows and their ~gor and v1· • flle. popular vole for the July talily prove that the spirit Of sho'Q.r Wh alrnoat a t ie but. in the youth atays through the years final an&lyala Robert Wood won wflh Oiliii artlllt who goe.a right on ..fll"Bt for hia painting entitled, pafating the lhiJ'lp she love11. Sbc "Btgh Tide... which was 90ld. may not al'Ways have had hf'r Rlchl:rd Plther won• second for brwth ln hand. u.y h er friends, h18 p&lnting. "Tranquility." which "bot we wtll Watft" ahe had tt wu abo 90ld to a San Fra.ncl.8co owr her ear or in her b&ck haJr." man. ln othl"r words. Mf'9. Smllh h'as '!'tie-art cla8M8 being cond'Ucted lived a tull life ahd ha.a taken tat the Summer Recre&tton p?'O-" her pain.tins rlght alone with het. gn.m. ander dlrtttlon or Gen'l Pel· It baa been an inaeparable part ot ·ham Qiu.ford a.nd with • Ml111 tan llfe and hU gtven her ple U · Gertrude Gardner u teacher arie ure •• well u many otht'ra, t;»etng very well attended. The. er;..uee are held on -TUeld~ and Tbunday during Auguot trorn 10 a.m. fo noon at the art calle.-Y • c.IU8 room. Anyone from junior h(ch achool•age or older may at• tend. There la no chars-e. merely a •dollar Tf'g\9traUon fee tor ma· tVf1ls. 'La Bamba ' New C~medy at Padua Hill s Vera Cruz. the Gulf Coe.s t region of ~~. famed for tUI &ovel regtonal dancee and atriking coatumea, tn the. aett1ng for ··Le, 8-mba," ~ ortginal comedy of a Hwl~ !teat&, In Dtgllah and Span- ish, to have a gala opdllng on Au- cmt 22, at tlle PadU& HlJls Tb .. - ttt. tTbe nf'W exhibitJon wblch open~ ed' on Wednead&y ls attracting a gteat deal or attention, also the t'40 on~man abowa by Galen Doe.s and Dorothy Keerl in the lower gtftlery. The exhibit of the work o(U.. pupU. of tbe Legum. llMcb ~ achool hu been rehung in•M.Wton hall. · Thia new Meatca.n Playen' of-r.n,,.. on Uldl" mldwmmer oclled- 1tlo, 'W'Htten tuld m,..S 'Y Dir<c;tor -· Halbor 1919 t-y and Ult llllda Ramlru' de Jara, will follow l ' • : and ask for the ad-taker. · "El Oallito." comedy of a YuCate· • , mENEW • • HAMMOND • , • • CHORD ORGAN •• •• ' • can boy .and hia l'OOlter, ta clo9o Satuni.y. - "La Bamba" ls the Spanish word for a ape<UcUl&r .,.._ """'1lu to U.. Vera Crua ~ In wl!lch the partlclpantl tie a double bow knot with their toH while keeping atep With the mWdc . The new comedy concen\.I a bamba contest ID which a lad tami. blmeolt In an "1lsrlouo Jlftdlca- mont by com~ tor the ·- pnae With lUl<ICl>er aeaortta -II a better da.nCt'r U\&n hJa ..,..t. boarl Hlry,"MNGTOS BEACH ~ NO\V THHU SATV'RDA -RT1\llT8 SU~"DAV - -AND - Tiie PY tuld no...i Jarocba .-tun1ea. Ille lamed 11.uapUp ...,...,., ~ .. an<1 f..u .. 1et11nP o1 t-----------,-.~-r -OUlt Oout ~ will be .... orfUl teatura Of the OOl!ledy, wtth the Jamalea aftk-~b'~ ........-i . ~ -t-UlnNP .... ._. 17. J'nllowlna: ti,. -Ing, "J.a _,,.. wtU be. lltq'fd ... '1 ~ ktm.i.:r ~ -WNDur 1 My and S.turda;y .,.... -~~rl3,lll .. -ldlltop ~ -Cliawn1•L • • _PAULO .~ • • -IU.11111 .,.... Ofl1a • .... fl• .... ''" t 1U ' ,. .. 81111>\lnlve "oi. ......... a.Ir" o.riiooi _... bill.-..,., . .,~. e.. .. _..., ............. • • ····--·OMAa " ~ • • ~. -~-~"rwm.. t _...,_ llll "--'&. ' •• -·~·-· n,.... "* .. ,,.,.,.,.,..el Superb, S~afood By The Seal • I.Mid« .... ., a1-·~· tunc:heons 1.00 ·• S•.M•tl Ciai1il& Dinners •• 1.25 J ~.! S•afoocl· S.leck_ FREl!R 8MOllED F18 -. UMAaa.t. roon ro ~Pit 9'l\' ' · -• • 1135 Coast HIWOY;..... Mutt· .. f'tit 011111 . N~.\ -8 11·• tilM ~~~~;;;;! . . SAM "S OPEN EVERY DAY -""8 s..i 'JV ANTINNAt Call ~s for inri9tlati0n ·.or setv~int of yoW-anhfii,.. • Ptompt 1er\lica \y ewpel't t.efmieleflll low prices Tl DE TY ·- ._ . • ' mt1'. ........ • OOUt ,.._:r,.iAis I ..__, .... ""........_. , -&Oodclioll ... .~tlte Plor tY ... . ()AT~~ 1111.A.~"D -aos11~s FINE rtAIJAN. -Dl.Nl'iERS L • "Aleo • - ' . Steaks -Prime Ribs Coclt•n ltll Oa..e lhC. ....... 11M ME~T YOU AT 1 "TME INN" -Henry'i FaYnolls FO\)d JActc' nus~ AT 'liHE i-u.Nb ail moBn..r. OCE/LV FROJ\'T fAT THE PU:lt ...1. a.\.UloA. CAUP • Y~ hOllltS, DJcK and K-t.TE .DEN'r -. . - . • j TH•·Aaca•• Cafe -and Coctteil Loun~e • OPEN 10 A. M. THROUGH % IL M. • NEWP01t'l1 BL\'.I). ON OOAST-JIJGRWAY ,l\-iJWPO*T BEAQH . ' · -,.. . . . ' . . (WE ~ CLOSEb ON TmmsDA VS) ",Cockt ... ,,..,o .. ·., ..... ,,.ll,p. .. , • ' ( • .;, .. ., • -~ • ; • ,;. • . • • • • • • • • ' • • • J . . -··•• e , amain•• 11:a PMli ·I' -Mlflit Newport D .... -L. ~ V. Cc>mpton New Daughter 1 • -._ "' .. ,. .... •• n Cllir a.,. , -. ... 1111. ... z ... ' -· Deaf I L Hosten to · · for Lido ISlers .'7& • • .,, • • '2"1 • • '*"'.J!m' •;~:a..:, a.!", • ::.: •• ... .... ,.. ...... ·-·lllltw-B.'-m.. ..... , •• • ' . J, ....... , .. ,,., .• • • • Flood Rel~f Cost• .. ~--WCTU -~""'' _19_._ ... .. " ..... .,, -a: ... -. own• .,. • .. s • '· 11111 • "' ... m ... -Kr~ -.JoD Oelpr, io ..._.._. ... a"' ..... _,......_-.. ...... • .. ,. suu, ,, .......... t __ ::._ ___ c;,,,.;.__;...,.,,_ ___ ...._ __ ·,._----...,..-._,. Quot • fjJl [It . Wl>~v=-.:~ a::= .. i:,.~ :1:~~-..;.,':~. rr,r~!:~~ =~·~c°?i:!.::~ -:·:_·~ ..:,-:i:.:-.,, »~·~1;:.. .. ':l,,tt =..s-.;:,,:;.!:".:,9¢. a AS. m .;JI l>orrot tile~ MM wcru"' ~;~1;'~2n~B=t,~J~-~pll~a~ .. ;·~tal.~~-~·~·~·;·~·~-~-~2~·~·~·~·~·~"'~~·~·~·;·~-~·~·~·~·~,~~P'~ol~a~·~-~-t·:·~s:·1'll~C~r~·~'.~·~·~-::"'~·:=::·:·~-:.i~-~-~·~·~e.~-;t~-~~·~·t1~·~-~~~-~~UM!~$~;~-~-~p'«l:~·:.:"~-:oe:.:•:.:IJ&:· · . •· th ~lhly~ rri.sa,, Mn. _ _... ao ,... u.e wut , ... -1 ...a ..., ..,.. , 1te r ...... ...-., ---rl r. , llarl>or -. Be lo U.. • 1 , .,,.., ••r• . CULBa•na, flmd ra!JM&' cllalr· ltlln , lf¥Nbn, pl'Ollld<!nt, ~90F , man 'for the N-port Beedl MnL 8o<llo BW>cl. 111>lrlt.ual • Ure , ~ • chapter or th• ~ c,_, .,.. dlnct.or, ._ect tll• 1 Ion bT , -;:::::::::::::::::::=::o::::;::::::;:;::::::;::: '"a:::: "'=;:;;:;:;:;;;~;ii:;;] l -.U>at tJ>a local q~ tot reUillt -23. L "' " n-i Tellefflmdowould be $441.IO Exeerpta tram a pamplli.t oo ...__.. ""t I .. T111.o amount. IMl po1ntec1 out, wil "Tho ·woman or .Japan~ on .....-ISi I 911 & W ·approxim&teJy tt Pff 00.t °' lb• Beann__,,t" • .,.. .....i by MJu Jt•s as iinr<le aa thw: OatlilM • No. 2 e9ll ekwra&e. total pf P.21• ... for the South· Sarah Gona.\11. director on IRP, I" ..,.. ,... em Oranp county chapter or tllo •lroMln&' the feet that the .Japan· j\lice with a No. eafff1181fce ::-. Pour -ice ill tall ~ erooo. 1 • eoe. wvmen r .. 1 that the United gle-to about /3 11111; Ill 1 to top l!rith llhlaer J:lonna. who reeenlly .... tume<t Statea taug!t thorn peaoo by lffd-are; jfllmish with ....... ··~· aDcl-~eet.ol HKltbflil from • trip ID Cleveland. Obfo in_. ti>•"'· their former enemy. re~hment! Try • -io111....t•t. ~'"""" '"·lciea. and detoW'ed around the Oood "We eaanot forl'f't that Jl1nd of •-'~ .; v ... , •tWl UWllll:'T 1'11 devutated areu centerlnc about Chria\Sllnlty a.nd we do not wu.t Kanas Ctty aaid that, from hi.! war any more. We do not wut own penonaJ observatk>M. t )I e Japan. milttariatl to come back." total or $11 mUUqn belns raJJoed Ro..U,,.. "A War of .utonl<hlng by Ulo Red C..... for Ck>od ttllel Kln<!ne ... " Mn!. Callie 8. KIJ'ko J.s ._J1ult a ''drop in 1he bucket.~ told of tbe Lhoua:anda or A h1cuu Mo"' Fuada ID Anrola Walkinl' mil<• to lbe H.anaa requested and n'<'.elved place where rMdi.D&' WN tau1bL approval or a plan ID locate don•· Mi.. Edith eonaat•o aocount dealt Uon contafnera in local bars and wtth the lOOF a11d Rebekalu yacht clubs. With a.n eye to sendJng •tudents from 120 difff'r· ffn.ance. he pc»ftted out that BUCh ent· ctttes on a l<klay trtp to the locations wOufd y1eld mc:)n, tunds. U . N. and other places of note The boa:rd. ol directors at the thl.t summer. AIU\Quncetnent wa.1 Tuesday· meeting accepted l he mack> by Mrs. Gabriella Ramot realC?i&tton . or Lloyd Loveland that Mrs. Clara Porto. a WCTU fl"O~ ~e ~ Loveland clted worker ln ~nt..ra\.. and South "preast1r0 ' ot buslness" as t™' Amt>rlca, will AOOn visit thfl local . reuon for a.aklnJ relief ttom hJs unJon. 1 Red C:roM dulle.'\. It waa recom-Aftf'r a pot luck luncheon the mended that Car1 Ha. n n a be Slanley producta wtte d.Usplayed. JlJIJMld lo the Ol"ange County N ext n1Petlng la Alalf'd for Sep- chapter boo.nl to fulfill the va-tf'mtN>r t<t with Mn. Myrtle KJng, cancy created by Loveland's re• 4{8 17th !treet at 11 a .m .. A pot 1gnaUon. luck luncheon Is lo be served at Harry .Ashton, chaJrma.n ot the noon. local Rod Croes -rd. appointed Carl Hanna chalrm&n. of a nom1· na11ng committee tor the .. 1..,. Balboa Bridge tion of officen for the approach-. Ing October election. Ashlon In-Winners Announced clicated that be would like to be . relieved rui: <;}latrman and ultl that he had aerved for three and a half yea.rs. Swlmmln« lmtnN!tiOa Earl Pete1"90n, In charge or Red Cron awi.mminl' in.~ln1ction, sal!-f that more lh&n a lhousand ch.II· drcn received swimming lnstruc- tion from the Red Crou in the Harbor aren.; 600 were Usted u- pa.rUclpating in clas.ws during the first two weeks of the pro- gram. He pointed out that ~Im[· lar c.1use1 were held at the New- pOrt Harbor Yacht Club and at the Balboa Bay Club. Petei'901\ cited lhf! difficulty In obtalninl' competent S\~.'lmming instructors and sald that a plan will be brought before the N""ew- port Beach Park, Beach and Rec- ttation Commlssion to determine a. better method of obtaining ln- Rtructors for next year's swim. ming ela~. acn~,R.!fv for ..,. ... nnie Taylor .Fur.a and rrotJc characterized the fifth blrlbday observance of J ohn- nie ~lor, son of Mr. and Mn;. Ralph Taylor, 225-7 Pacific avenu,., Co.~ta Mea. F eRtvltin began with a beach pa.11.y and thtn Mr•. T'1· Jor usembJed the younr fey-. and their mothera at her home tor ice cream and decorated birthday cake. Mr-9. George Merrtma.n and Mrf!. Ethel Bishop of Orange tit'<! with Mrs. Peggy Johuon and Tommy HolmeB playing e.ut·WHt and Ml'fl. Ruth Hooker and A. W . Tummeil Wf're high north-south in the dup- licale hrldgfl game played In BaJ• boa on Monday afternoon. Runners.up eut-WNlt we-re :M.ra. Ht-lr n Thayer and Mn. A.ndythe Bt"n:f'bbl.an; Mn. Minnie Heuck and Mr!I. C. S. Pbelps; Mr. and P.frs. C...orge Thayer; Mrs. Oeorre Carroll and Mn. Miidred Lytle. Runner! • up north -llOUlh were Mn. Estelle La Vine and Mn. Roy Strotz; Mrs. Amold Ga.uer and Afn11. GcraJd McComber ; M n. Mor- ton Crosby and Mn. Faya, Schluc-- ter ; Mn. Robert Brown and Mrs. Harold. Hope: C. R. Joh.Mon and Gf-ra.ld Af.cComber. In Friday cven!np game eut- W't!st wtnnen were Mn. J.lildrt-d Lytle and Robert Brown and north-AOUth high. acoren were Pe McAdoo 8A4 .Harry Spl'lu&, m r. . . . , . Runn!'rs+Up eaat-weat WeM An· dy Mahley and Don Stevena; M:ra. Arnold Quser and Charlel! Jeater: W.... Char~• Boardm&tt and Mrs. A. D. Wetherby; L. V . Browns tyin« wtth the Edwin Sylveater.1. North -aouth runnen • up •ere Andy 'hylor and Fred Monbon; Mn: 'R<!btr Brown and •· ll. Bruce;. Mrs. Roy 8trotZ and J.,. Wiicox; Mr•. &bort -ond Mrs. l:dn.a Maclluttn; Mn. K . Taylor and A. D. Wetherby. The groUJ>i9 mHt on Monday at- tcrnoorur at 1 o'clock an<l on Frl· day evenings at 7:30. All Interest- ed bridge player are invited. • • 2::.1 .. -,_ ••• Jlr<•l.•••11 ........ .. '£in:ellal • I• •· -. IW t APPLE Cl • Mui .m · ... 'El. .. a summer treat! for 1M best In Iced ~" be aure It Is .fmh I At Safewoy coffee h guoranleed fresh! And the pnc.s are Jowl Airway c lee · <':':. ::'i~, t:-72• loll. Hill ·~lee «~~:'n l! 7 4° Pen~ant ~olee ~=:. ~ 69° Peanut lutter J~ 12~. 31• , FROZEN PW .,. Bel ·oir 12 ..... 1ae Chunk or·regulcrr. IRegulor, 24-oz., 57cl Gr-. plt1. 7- Mlrgne 5Yt ... 31• STRAWBERRIES ......... ' Mrs. Wright's _. 1 J• ]All ...... Cnicked wi....1 ltef u-1 . lilsli Bread Sky!Ork ':::' 23• DHIW DICk ~~~ '::; 23• Flo Kitchen Cro~ 1... M. Uf Enriched White be9 • 77- .~i:bnit~I 25·~1!:5)~ -.v• . .... IGto(>e Nulo, IO Y.z-oz. pico .. 20<1 . • . I Currant, Grope or 12·••· Crobopplo. jer 19«' (Block Rospberry or Blackberry, 25cl Green Beans o.~1• Mayday Salad Oil (Quart bottle, 68c; gallon eon, 2 .491 I • ·. • --. Ide y11r ,owl1C1 owl•••••• • J •• •lllJ wr: Place lal'l(~servin1' or ice cream i" &all 11laas: pour over it c:hill ginger·aJe;,root beer, eQll, or other carbonated beY rap.'? For varialions, try Mdlnir crushed pineap~i.. or marhed l>anallM, or choc- ' olate ay'l'Up. Serve with atria and an Iced tea spoon. - ·a& Party.Priii C1terJ11 VciillJla,~colote, Stiow- beny 'or ' • . prilnt $tick. 24 ' (fwo pll\t ~ phtt . C:. f •-~leJ.~· ' • SIOW itlR - , ,von111ao... ,Mt' tac ~. 'c•t•,1. J, ., ' • ·• , CTwo1p!nt c«tOns.';88c> , . ~ ... ,. .. . . ' -'! ' . hat-the heat with IN . from A.l'J:Warw . · . ,, . , ...... . .. ,1- ' FLA·YOR·AID'. A d911clous beverage canc9"' trat.. Jud add water and sugar. Assorted flavan. : BARGAINS AT YO/JR SAFEWAY . • ~71-, . lb.·~- • • • • • Sharing the tun W('re J cdie and J Pri·Kay Houston. Jimmie and J ohnnie CUrtls, Billy and Randy Haun, Mnt. A very Deerin~ with Llnda and Janie, Mrs. Woody Cooper with Larry, Johnny and Lynne, rtfrs. Joe Jone~. Carol and Alla.n: Mr!{. Karl Teget and son Gtt>g, Mrs. Malcolm Reid and Phillips, EvPlyn and Vlcke-Lynn Taylor , !!.l9tera of the celt-branL Geraldine Gooch Honored at Pre-Nuptial Events Miss Ceral<line Gooch ot Udo Isle, whoee ma.rra..lge to Robert Crumley will take place bl Oc- tober, h&I recently been the re- etplent of t,...o ehowers. On Au- pst 9 a 1linen shower wu hosted by Mn. Marjorie Crumley. moth- er of the brtdegrOom-to--be and Mn. J ean Lier at the Uer hOl"l'le on R udder Road, Beac<lll Bay. Gueete pJa.yed canuta, prlze• being won by M..la Mary WHtcott and M't'9. John Palen .. Waldorf Brcmd '. l· .. INCH lutTER ROW 33cdoz.· , .... ,,. ... J ,,....,;.. t-i..,. P1 ran • ..... t.AICI ·-t''~-..w ..... , ClOlft'A ....... 1,. ZCiz;1tf\...., PD••._~~ #to..t ..... 1 '"' On Saturday. Augun 11. Mrs. D. c , Alpine and Mrs. Clarellce Kleeb-entertained at tbe McAtplne realdence on Udo Isle wtth a pot- tery Mower a.t whfcb the hon- oree wu 1ptttented wtth a starter aet of orchard pottery. ca.nut& wu played after a ddlgbttul de9· 1ert luncbeon. W'h.ict\-included tee tream mold.a in the 1hap.e of wed- dtng belill, decorated cak.. and cottee. • . • SPARIRtBS Select E111tmo Porl<. Medium oize. 3 to S.lb, averqe. ~--Odlled CHICON PARTI s-.-blond. Select )Ollt '-ite ot 5ahwqv todlw. .. '·'' .. '·" .. 1.09 • Thcnpeoe ••• in.. 2 Add Zrlt IO I •P« Sclbla ! tJtnla Ty.;. CNp. ~ F•TartrWmdt . I ' ClltD.ft MW Te,. ........ t ..... ' ta1••••a.llla. Wu a ll11tr. To8IJ'I/. • . ; .. • • ... .. • • • -.'PAGE 4 ..:_.PAO 11 -THURSDAY., AU&. 16; 1951 .:,t·~j!~llESS~ ~-htirch Sch®I Tax ExemptJon, Bill f jOpposed by Many R~ligious Groups 1 Church group. throughout the: ~state have ra.Uied to the wppott , ot the re'fettndum againlt rec:ent-1 ~y enacted legtolatlon granting tax 1 aempUon to private religiowl • ~l proputiea. according to a 'ireport l88ued today by Marshall : Stlm.8on. S o u t h er n California 1 lcba.tnna.n of the California Tu- ' ..payer~ alliance. Mem~n of the alliance, a 3late-wkte committee formed to oppose tncreased ·tax emption. mAlntatn that Aaem- lv BilJ 3383 waa p&S8ed by t he eitslature ln a nu.n.ner open to ave criUc \sm. In a reao1ullon adopted July 31 e Presbyterian Synod of C&ll- om la staled, "Thls blU waa p&M· undl'r prraaure and with no de-quate hearing. It, contrary to al procedure, was introduced tn he eccond half of the 1.egl8lalure salon and ru.shed through in 12 ays from ttie time of lntroduc- n 'to final pa.88&ge. Therefore. recommend that the Synod of lfornia JtO on record tn support :!J>t tbe ReJ erendum of Assembly ~Ill 3383. •· ()\her c hurch group11 which have pa»ed reaolutioM supporting the .•51M"f'refenpn act ion lnc1ude the ~:d.risttan Churchps of Northern :ft?aii!ornta and of Southe rn Call-~ornla, the Unit ed Evangeliatlc t"-Ch.urches, the Northern Callfor· ~ia and Western Nevllda Councll ~r: Churches. the Selma Counc il f""bt" Churches and ~ Stockton (.tOuncit of Churchf's. ~ ~·it M ould be bt'OUfthl to the 1..•#attent ion nf th(' public." said ~tlm son, "that this f!'!Uch malign- ~"'ed reft>rend um hu received the ~hole-hearted support of ma.ny :;pryn1inenl chur!'h lt'a.ders. includ- ~rc· Dr. Leland Cook of the CPn- ~1'61 Christian Church of Sen • ·>C. • ~...vlrco. Dr. T. Christ le lnnee of the •r<:alvary Presbyterian Church of •1.$.n Francisco, M1>lhodi8t Bh!!hop ' Dr. Donald Harvey Tippett. Rev. • Ehleet L. Hastings. pastor of the Mesa Circ:le 5 Has Breakfast in Cassels ·Patio • "Cber• and Kn. Clyde Cuoe1a weu be>Ma to Orcle G or ~ WSCS at the annual break:fut given in the lovely hlchsl1 eoc:tr· cled patlo of the.Ir home at 224 M:agnolla avenue. Gueata were ln· viled ror a 9 o'c.lock brealdut of cantaloupe, apple aauce. ba:con and hot cakq OD TbunKlay, Au- guat 9. Following the breaktut Mrs. Olga CraWford presided over the buainess me-ettnc. Mn. Iva Roe gave the dr votton&I Wk and M.ra. Viola Beckett gave an \ntereflltlng resume of her recent trip to Wuh-T HE YOlrNOER OENER.Anok TOO& OVER OD Ute f"f!ttllt wtait Of CM R&. Re'·· P'ttdntck Pat-lngton. • ·r- Ea..ch member brought a white rte k Clark. Blsl\op or Xooce-7, Blt&Wa Colu.cn--bla. Caaada. AJMl _Mn.. Clark and Utelr fultily to elephe.nt to· the me e t Ing, the9t' Hollywood. 8.boWll here wtth 8cniN Star Robett Ryaa o• U.,. Ht of thft RltO picture. .. Day WlUl- to be purchased by the other mem-out End." an. left to r1Pt.. f nt row, Bi.hop Clark, Mary It. Clark. .John IUcbul and Pat; M!llond ber&. August 23 was &et tor a row Ryan_ Mn. Clark aad the Rev. hid Mn. Hnward P"rT7 of St. Stephen'• clwrcb. HotqwOOd. work day at the church when Blahop' Clark wu suest put.a of St, .l&.1"111!'9 cborch. Newport 118<-h. du.rlq 'u..ly. artlcles for lhe coming buaar wtlt ---~---------+----------,.----..,.-------------~ be made. • Birthday gr .. tlng WU oung lo ~(~\ ...... "'' reh Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Huld• Young. 1'. ~;~~~~.::::~~:~:~~~;~~; .. N~ II E ,~~~· ~~ Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa •Ave. ' M-.. ~edulea , Lighter, Bertha Bohannon. Flor-~' ence Eighmey, Lettie Dude k, Sundax. 4 :SO. 8, 10 and 11 :30. Wttk day1, 8 a. m. Confeatilona. Saturda.y, • to 5:30. 7:30 to 8:30. Clara McMurtry. Anna Hand, lve Coe, Emma SlmP80'l. ,Dorothy Koerner, Ruby Che ney, J ohanna Han900, Gertrude Edick and JnJests J oscphl.ne Payne. Selena Libby and Ulllan Logsdon. Calif. Press Women to ·Meet Here and Plan Nat. Confab _ J . .. -... Sunday, ~fore each mw. Balboa · b I d llland, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur-Corona del Mar Bal oa Is an l•y. 8 •. m. Conlc .. lona, same .. above·. Community Churc Comm. Methodist Radio rrocnum I Dally . ex«pt Sunday, fl.oeitry ''The emphaaia on the poaltlve hour. KFWB (9801 7:30 p/lm. ln the g~pel of Juus" ts aennon For peace. , them• ot Dr. Harry White, Sund.ay1 • preaching Sunday at Balboa la-Holy M&Aa, 9 :08 a . m ., KI.AC ('.o npftptlonal Paul )~. Babbitt. Mlni.ter Sunday. Au~t 19, Pe.try Ir. Bapti21t ChurC'h of Oakland and California AMoctatlon of PN"N chairman of thf' United Eva.nget-Women will m~t Saturday at Ra· Schrock, loilnlstcr Emeritua, wlU preach at 9:45 a.m . and 1 l a.ro Subjecl of 8\'.rmon, "Huh fro'1 Fragments." Sunday school at 9 :4~ a.m. land Co m m u n I t Y Methodl•t 1J701 J t a. m . Calho11c Hour, KFJ church. Service ls a.t 11 a. m. !6401 6:40 p. n1. KGFJ (710) Hour a.nd for special music the dlrec-or St. Francl.s CJidinp 4 others. tor. Mra. fAtelle Brown Bllla. wtll preeent Grace Poirier aa aolo'-at. Many members enjoyed the tr11vel J&lctures which featured Wedneaday nlg-ht '• meeting. Costa Mesa Methodist Serivces hst ic Churches. Rev. Frank Ricker . I J;&n 'e. c are, Corona del Mar. The 'Sh . k. w Id' €'XC'cutlv1> se<:retary of 'lhe Pacific national convention of PTesa Wo-rln 1n9 Or cOa.s t Unitarian Counc il an~ Rev. men will be held In ~ Angele.!'! • S T • Clyde E . T eel. m inister of tht• in l~ and this will be primarily IS ermon op1c • Rf'V. J09eph w . Mcshan ... pas- Central Methodist Church ot Sac-a planning e.eM ion look ing toward t Ch • t Ch h Rev• A. C. Downing t or or th" Costa Meu Community remento." that ev"nt. Winifred Smith of a r1s urc I 'MelhodLst church. who hu been "Rev. William J . Rober~. putor, Lotr Ang"le.s IA convention com-to Address I on vacation for lhe past two weeks · of Calvary Aa.M'mbly of Inglewood, mlttee chairman. Moth"r <'&rth'11 waist belt m"y J 11 1 . 5 · t ~-u bl h ~"" ~., I wf rcaume hi.a pu pit u n day endorsed the rt>fe rendum to list-The 19~2 convention wtll be held no ~ no cea Y c an._. -' ........ Loca Bapt•ists \Aum ... t l9. At the ll a.m. wor4 · d F•-'-On1 ha Neb and named .. 'lhi.s Shrlnklng World" hu bttn e ~ <'nerti of his ra 10 program ...... 4 ~' -• • •• 1c1hlp IK'rvice he will preach on • PIMT CHtJllCll or CllllUT, llCIENTlllT A ... udl ef Th w.flM# a..dl, 1'e ~., Qrid, Sd..thi, ......... -Via Lido, Newport - ~ Sdloet t :IJ e. M. s.H.ef s.r-.tc. --l• :It ... ""' w ......... ..._ .. ........,._, • .,. .. IM41N a.-~ .. I ll '•I• StrMot a.1-.. 11 •l*I d.lty ....... 11 .... .. • It-M, .~ .. ~ ... lflot.tld;epa ....... .. ,,~. • .. Wk ... ~ .......... ..... ::..cWdi ~--.... ...... ST. JA~ES . CHURCH EPISCOPAL - (il Tllll IENTIU.NQZ 'l'O UDO ISLE) • 1 . . - SUNDAY SERVICES 't ~ • 8:30 A.M. ~ 10:00 A.M. . ' CHURCH SCHOOL -10:00 A.tt1. I THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. SUMMER CLOSE· OUT . r ·OF- FU.N CLOTB·E _,. f'ROM - FUN EASBIONS -~~ ~ ~ ~-~ RE o -u c TI 0 N s ~. DRASTIC • DR&SSES -Regular 7.95 to 29.95 .. Now 4.95 to 16.95 · Caltex-: BATHING SUITS-Par Form Reg. $7.95 to $14.95 -Now $4.95 to $9.95 PEASANT SKIRTS -5.95 to 14.95 .. Now 4.95 to 8.95 Hats & Caps 2.50 Now 1.50 Tennis Shoes 3.25 Now 2.25 Straw Sandals -Tee Shirts -Blouses -Costume Jewelry BEACH OOATt! AT HA!.F PRICE PHONE ~R !S!Z FUN FASHIONS 1305 Coaat Blvd. Corona del ltlar ' , it.Y Bibi(' Hour. In a Alatement dell!gates from C.llfomla art" announced u the Aermon t!!~lc Rev. A. C. Downing will •-In j "The Principle of the Thing." Eve-endorsin~ the referendum, Blahop Carrie Lou SOulherland of Ana-al Christ Church by the Sf'a. Ofl-a-I I I h h 6 30 ..\.Uai.tt boa. Blvd. at l4th atrttt. Sund y occupy the pulpit In the Newport ~n;n~g~ .. ~rvl:C<'~•~be~g~n~w~t;;';•~;=;;:::~~~~;~;:;;;;"';'"";'"";y~µ;;"";"";=;;~;~i guUQ~~uuu..-a-;a.......,, e • ""'II !!li@iiiill!!ii~~~~-~fj .... ~~~j • lo"c "' rol1l 1>our. • . 'ShariJtg' tft eOnv1cttona.or a large were m&cfe at Ole July 'Pendrll, .W'\JJ ~ Ute putpt\. Aus. 1Mh. Ille lltOt"ftins D .4 • proportion of thoughtful Epi&co-held ln Anaheim. SJ>t*Cllll n1uaic Includes a be "God IA Still on the Throne"\ SHOP COLONIAL SHOP -llABSltALL'8 p&lians, 1 wish lo rttord my en-September teaion will be a duet, "They Shall Hunge r No and at 7 :30 In the evening his topic MARSHALL'!'! COLONIAL KAB81LU .. J . .''8 COLONIAL SHOP doresmmt of the pro~ refer-swimming party and beach picnic More," 1ung by Mrs. Willis Fteid3 will be ''Through Closed Door•." f er«lum against Act. or Legislature at Ocean•!<ieo and El Centro has tn-and Mrs. ~lev&n Freitag. I Church echool conven"s at 9 :4 ~ (Chapter 242. Statute• or 19~1 l -vitcd the group for October. a. m. and the midweek m~ttng I ~:"'~. A;~bl:c ~i;;;:,,,'.o ot.; REV. GOODELL \'!SITS HERE 1st Baptist Churc~,' ::::!::;.held •• 7 :JO p. m. on Wed- w . Earle Sinith, executive secre· Re v. and Mrs. Ed. Goodell spent of Costa Mesa I tMY'. San Fra.ncisc:o Bay C itlet1 the recent week end &t lhe home Baptist Union, indicated the sup· of Judge and Mrs. Harry W~t­ port or bia group and stated that over 1n Corona. del Mar. Rev. offlcls\ a.ct lon of lhe board would Goodell lJ5 the former pa..stor of be t aken on August 21 ." Chriat Church by the 5<'a , Mt>t.ho- Christian Science Theme 'Soul' 1 St1mson said the public endorse-dist. and It Wll8 for him that Good- m f'nl. of these important groups ell Hall at the chUrch wu: named. "If Thou Hadat Known" l.e: flhe topic for the Sunday August! 19 morning hour of wol"llhlp ·~ 1the First Baptist c hurch of COSla Me&a. "Curre nt Evenl.IJ In the Light of Bible Propt\ecy" ls th<' 5Ubject ·chokn by ~v. P . G. Neu- mann for lhP f"Ventng ~rvlce.Jpc­ clal music wtll be rurnl.Bhed b thl' male chorus. The Importance of exchanging I a material v1ew or exl.11tence tor the 8J)irltual ls co1U1 ldt>rro in tbe l Sunday Bibi~ Leason on "Soul" In I all Chriattan Scienc-e churche.s.. effectively di8crt'dll! the cla.ln1 bf!'ing made by opponenU or the re fenndum that subversive or- ganizations a.re supporting this referendum action. -Be wiae-tell people-advertise! -People Go reaa lhe Presa ada $$ Values $$ Genuinely Fine 9uality • BOX SPRINGS and MATTRESS T\\:r:s -DBL -Kini Sia or built to your · •pecll1catlona. Compare Quality, Prlee and Save al t t : CARLYLE'S Bar1lllm ln P'bu.heid and U nlln:l&bed Furniture lloacoa tl:lt 1900 Ra.rbor Blvd., C.ta Meaa CHINTZ SHOP INTERIOR DECORATORS ·* t.rp-of WAUPAPEllS 11..,. -llatdllng ........ . . * DUPJriuU • . "1UftUllll ~OOVEIUNOS ....... * One way to look al the effect of a ccident.a ta ln terms of f1UTilly happiness and the fiunily bUdget. Here are some averages presented In the 19~1 ~Ilion of ··Accident Fa.cu,·· the NJtlona.l Safety Coun· c U'a 11tatiatical yearbook: ln 195"0 there wa• one accr'dental death in 473 families. one di.sabling injury in five families. a.nd the averag"' dent in the budget for all U. S. tamtlies was fl 70, ATOMIC BOMB LIFE SAYERS·· By Maj. Gen. Walter M. R(llbe118oa. Calllorula Direct.or of Ct,'11 Defense What e:ffttf. wlU an atom.le aC.taclr ha\·e oa food ind wa. ler! Do not 1-e or dlapoee of aay ...._.._ food. It mlP• bo eon.~IA&ted. Wai& WIUl tt Is examined b3' radlolop.J monl- lero. U aaythlnl' la IJadlY ODD• tam•nated. tllnwt•c tt oat merely makee tt more wide-....-. w.._.. tbe ·oat.ide of cuaed. or bottled ~ lboroaalll)' i- f .IN Opeal:as. Oookf"I' ..-aad table- ...... ... ould bo ..... --to remo.e ..,,. ,.,.,Ne tniiallale ndkliactt"e 4'ml&. Food ... atMallo lb& "'""' tn c'°8fld dtawera or lJPt. cap. boanlawtu boale. 'There .. ntUe eh-•ae -.& wata~ ............... ....,_..,._~et-a.tt=± wlJlbo-I PollOWlll&' atlael<, 4Jiw oft a -APillF .... plarlo It la. elfiM. Wfeni ee9latww.. Ae a -u ... .,.._,. ........ ,_ uptq ·--"' -· . • Do -"*'-' -"" -., _____ .... w.-.-..,. _ .,_ It'-, ...... , ..... ..... 11 ... At 0 ......... 'tt1.a. 191 ....... . Thur8day evening at 7 :30 tfi the r,.guJar weekly hour of prayer~ and praise. Rev. Neumann will P>n · tlnue with atudles In Ephealan". Pr-ayer gTOUJ>4 were formed . tut ...,.t'<'k whk:h meet Unmedlatelyj aft- er the Bible studr. Mr. Scru,.p le: leader for the Junlora. Mr. H~· ff'ldl IA in charge or the fiult group. Rev. Neumann conduJthe praye r se.!181on wtlh the lgh achool and coJlege agu. The r€"CentJy appolnted pla ing commltlC<! Is workJng on pl for the new sanctuary which wi~be bullt on Santa Ana Ave. and •1"- noll11. St. acroq from the p nt buUdlng, It h1 expected that rk on the new structure wtll ge un- der way at a.n early date. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church The Colden Text ls from the Paalma: "Unto thee, 0 Lord, do I Utt up my aoul , .. Shf"w me thy ' ways. 0 Lord; teach me thy paths" - (2&:1, • L I In "SCtence a.nd H f'!alth with 1 Key to the Scrlpturee" Mary Baker Eddy writea, "Knowing that sot.iJ and It. attrtbutea: were tor· ever mat11!eated lhrough man, the j Muter hea.led the sick, gave •lgbt to ll'le bl.Ind, hearing to the deaf, 1 1 f«t to t.he lame, thua bringing to light Uie BClentlfic aatk>n of the dlvlne Mind on human m inds and bodle1 and giving a bettt"r unde r- 1tandtng of Soul And salvation" I Ip. 210). Foreign Films at Laguna Church Dr. Myron Sackttl, evangeli.t and ttllef worker. who recently re4 I turned trom eight month.I~ 10 Sunday worahfp aervtce ll couttlrtN, tncJud!ng Iaroael, India., at 11 a.m. The aermon text Pa.ltUtaa &nd Egypt, wtll ~alt ~ taken from the OOlpel at E'Ya..npl Auembl7, U9 Cyp~ for the 13th Sunday in TT-lnt 1 aa Drive {neat Jamtne: 1treet), IA.-' tt la wrttlen ln Ulke 10 ~26-37. u-(Una Beach, Sunday evening Ni tor Herbert C. Roth Will ua t.be. 7:30 p.m. th6ne for bfe nermon, "Uvtng the Held PrlMner ChNU&n Life." Aceordlnc to the l_ tt'Xt, "Uvtng the CbrlaUan W. trip 'included Ylalta lo elJht meane thet (1.) We lhall be count.rice whJcb were at war \And neuea of wondert\ll thinre.; Dr. Sackett -WU bcJd pritoh.er tor We ahall l>o guldod by God'• a time. He took 2,000.teet of co!O< &Jf<l (3.) We lhall be me mo-vie tum ot the: CCKU'.Slr1a. and our ft.Uaw nien. V •tton &re peoplea be riafted and will UoW came to wonshtp With ua. tf\eae. 8~ -m .... •t :30 Dr, Sod<ett'o -lncl-.i a..m. wlU. c•1m~ foe. ..n ag.._ ~tng at ~oulb. for ~ adult Bib~ C1aN. taught b3' I.be. m..,tlnp In cllurcb• and '11ilolae put.or, wW d-Ille 23..S d lllatlool of •--lul- Mlll .,..,L.n of u.. ~ ac-and perfpnnin&' work UIOlllC' !ho cot"1lnc to at. M&Uh-. ......, baa J--le In Kllllla'""un, ... lranaport&llon . ....,. be ~ .... u..tr - lly callh!c, Bao""" IOlle-W. -,..,... lo c;o<dlally Jrnotted lo 'l!'.acaUon Bible -m w -.. Dr. S.utt and -Ille flllnl. •YttY ~ and 'l'IUlnlday In °" ll>Ol'llUqr --.rYlco •:JO UIL• unW , --•irln1 Pale.or R. Va <l«l.-rw will eP-k .... ,,,. -of ... -~ cu a.-,,,,..., bo:ra·-l'frlo, -ol-U. lo _, .. l 191' tlaeft -be .. Uf9a "!'be J.oed'a ....,_._.. ..,.... e'ealmt bi 111.m..,. 1be .......... -...,. ...... to u.o ..... ~ -·-t a.m. to I p.m. tt,r~ .... _. .. . 1'0tliae8 ud • l fl\t"-• "" ..... ....... &t •• .. _""""' le•INI .,...... --Uoi -t LIL wit.II aa ~ to all ..... -ae·t; -w 11. ia. allae' 1or ,.,, 1 ,,., u.. ....,. of oarr. -. - 7 It t' I tMpu ,l'l......,.WI• ~ ...... CW .... tlida 1•1.-----------l'u.a -at HIT Clllt.°'i: de .. ..a 1-~•U· • . , • 9EDROOM 8oUd Wild Cherry I piece (1'9Up , •. , lo~ 1% drawM double d181ier wtth larp mlrror, craeetuJ ' poster caaopy bed, mat.ch- :~~ ·=d ~ -.OU:..lars!!-e ':~ .. -~.~."';:,. 69500 I pc, Solid Oberry Gmup . • . ll drawer double dttMer wtlb mlrf"Or, chellt. cannon ball full al.de paael bed and twin 4W' nlte t&bleL ReplartJ IO..k Save 150.Gt ·-········--·Now 5 pc. Solld CberJ)' Of'Oup • • • I dnwer double ~ wttta mirror. d>eot on chm!; full obe _, bed and nlle 29900 it.a.ad. Regularly 111.00 S.ve 8%.00 ······-···-·······-~ow I pc. SoUd <Jhenzy Grou:p .•• t 4.rawer double dJroNMr Mt.b =~~.:..: c11~:_~n~m~n~mn•.,,.,.,.,,,NQW 28900 I pc. Solid Cller17 Gmup •.. I drawu donble 4-r with Q;·rf~lnf!:_~~~.-~.~-~~ ... ~ .. ~ .. ~..Now 24900 5 po. 8olkl Maple On>ap, • • . t dra-r doollle "-< with ~~$.~.~.~-~ .. ~.~.·.~·.·.~··-,_,N ... 37500 a po. 8oU4 Maple Gm"I' •.. I ---le wit.It mlrntr, ~ :-r.~ ... ~-~-'.'.'.".'.~~·-.. -~ ...... .N .... 289'° I IN'· Sol!f ~ GroaJ> ••• 81n&'le j tla rnl.m>r, _alto ~ ::.,. ~ .. ~ .. ~----'-·--,--.. ·-·-. .Now 24r. ' .... -l(aple o.-. .. -• --,.. -9'1111 =.:" i:::' ~ ~ -~~~-~'."r ____ .. .No• 199" I po. 8olld lllaple. G.-p ••• 8lqte -"'Ill mlrnor,' ....... i r ..... p....i i,.i· ... alle -I . · -. ~ 1"-• L...1.-<..---··~+---~ ""'-1.,,, 1 pc. ..,._,.... o,... . .., . • ..... al _~ .. ,,-•1111r -. .anw .tte...,.. ..-. ..,_ eMe •e1A1.r& 1~ -....i:r 1..,a --·-,-~ ···---.Jr-~.., - ' • We · are emptyin9 our ware house and floors to make ,room for our new market purchases. "'-se savin9s are yours. This is your opportunity' to save at LOW CLEARANCE PRICES DINING ROOM 8 pc. ,Group • • • Thle Jo\.'ely spacious M" Butch . and 34" Drop- Leal Butterfly 4 l&ly Suu.n ExteMJ.ob: Table ''11th % Windsor ""* Cllaln and 4 Windsor Side Chain. aJI made Of the fltaest , select. Bani Rock Maple, wouJd be the envy la any home. ~~~~.:.: b::'"~r1:" -·~ '.~~. . ..... -' . -4W' 8 pc. Solid Blrell Or0up • , • Drop-l>af Butterfly Ext. Table. ~=-~-.! ~~;"!eio!'"!t_ ":'.'~ .~ ~~~:_Nnw 3W' 8 pc. Provbodal _Oroup •• , D...,p-Leaf <h...S Ext. Tabk. o..,.,. 1:'"..,!~tdl-~ 1~ .. ~-·~-~ .'...~1~·.-~.".:1r&. __ ..... _ Now 39500 8 pc. 8olld ~ G:roup ... Dnlp-Leaf Butterfly Ext. Table. ~ ~ .'!:~~ :_~.~~ .. ~.:~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~.:Now J'S'° 5 pe. 8oUd Blrcb Groo9 •.• End Rellector;r .Es:t. TabJe wtth t Ladder Bad< Ohalro, 1Heywoocl-Wakelleld · -13- llne Quality. Be&111arf1 1'19.00 ._ . .:. ....... -............. _,..N... ., S pe. 8oUd l(aple Group . . . U/1 Drop--leaf Table with • LtWdf'.r ~~30.00 , ___ .. '. .......... ~ ......... r··-·· ........... -.......... Now lJr . I po. l!olkl lbple G""'p .. ; lArp "1u i_,. 8....,, Drop-Leaf - :"'~ :oo~:i .~t'-.~~-~.~~-.. --·---··.N:W 12r . -. , . credit +.'l's ehe.erfully erre119ecl twelve . eleveta l9uth main st., r .- • ' I • • • . Aug. 24-26 Is "NHYC 'Rare Week -matter. ""11.b piled up for illdppere dllc:tDI llCYA·PCYA regatta -.,.. bolrlg alt<ftdrd to a.nd deaka cloved off or Ille ~ btg yaclllbta-ewat, Nowport HUbor YOcbt clllb'• ODDual., Race Week, ·AU«Uot Zf, ~and 2e. sfflng IO 'llWI)' det&.lla will be~ I>. w. Elliott, Vlce'°"'1>modo~ Thomu RuUtt and Rear-Oommodo"' \V aJ tel' Frans. ~ -. ' Jazn.ea ~ regatta cha.Ir-Jlrn Webster. Cl••e.a Include: man, Is ~Ing · !bat au. entr')I ThilUe. · Ulihtnlng, Snipe, ri.ttle, blanl<a be lll by noon, Auguot 24 .' .Bklnuner, Falcon and l)yor I>ID1· NA YRU racing ru1 .. will goven> 111· e.Jl J'&CHI end reverse ecorlng wUJ Z4on..catm Bay Dl•Jaton ct.at,... be used. Walter Frang, P ort Cap-man ls B aroid Pe&l'C)' wtth W:lori lain H~y Som en or the Har-Brown as vlce-ch&lrma.n. Olben bor K ut.et will assign moorin" on the commit tee a re Earl OOtk· B!U Baxter 1s chairman of the e.tt, Roy McCulloch and Fred Mil· ocean dJvlalon, and wlll be aaist-Jer: Racing under thll K bedule 'od by i<'l'ed Duckett. Al Bicker and will be th... clauu: Lehman, Barton St.f:bbin.s. Cl1UR8 tn this P -14, Penguln. IC Dtn g by, Snow- d'~lslon wlll loctude Qcean Racing, bird, Sabot and othen. l:landlcap. PCC. CaJtf. S2, Iala.nd TrophJe• will be preaented a.ft.er CJlpper, PC, Rhoctep,. Star, I.Alder Sunday, 6 :3o bullet eupper by A l 16, 110, Albatroea,, Mercury, In-Bicker, trophy cbalrm&n. On the t.erhatlonal 14, PIC ...nd Viking. ente:rtalnment committee a.re Mar· Bay W\il"lon ' ~ Ntedccller, Harvey,.. Somera and Everett. M orris and ,their big Ro~rt Allan, Jr., ls chalnnan cont.rfbutkm will be: the Satu rday of the Bay Dlvlslon, ueiated bv £v .. ntng Baw&Jtan luau and dinner EYon Brown. Harvey Somers and danel Merchant Marine Tests"~y Coast Guard The United States Coa.st. Guard announced today that the next examination for licensed officers o f the M.ereh&nt Marine for per- Guard Dl.!ltrlet office or Marine In· apection offi ce. The 11th Coast Guard Dtatrtct'1 oUlce la tn the Tlme1 BuUdJng, Long Beach, Calif. ~ IN Tiii; A.RBJTRARy. and 0...... llM01ag 1dlv~ ,_h:e -~a& tho pl& din· -,Frlda1 nl&llt "* I.be --Y-t Olub. Fron Wt: 'l!Oit nar-, -Meo -h i-n-t WOIO b)' a mere !9 NICODda •Yer ber cto.Nt rlftl. Doctor Wllll&'m'a Wladfall I• the Al'blttw.r)' claM; Com· modore CIJte.;n--of ta.e C. Y. A.; Bob ller:r:nan, cm..C.. and, Aklpper of the Coronado. dl:nntt lA 1 manent commiMiona in the Coast Guard will be held on February 25, 26 and 27, 1952. On the we1t coeJlt the ex&n\lna- tlon wUJ be beld in Long Beach, San Franci.aco, and SeatUe. &be Qc..., dlvlol .. ; Boben Boyd, IJ'l'•tta_ dial,._._ (Photo by Beckner) Applications should be pol!lt- marked prior to February ~ to in- GUre proccseing for lhla exan1lna- l 'on. C<.>mmls.<1lons will be offered In the rank~ of LIPutena.nt f junlor- gradc),. Lieutenant and Lieuten- ant Comman<ler, depending upon age. eltpf"rlence' and prnfe&."llonal ability. All Rppll<:ft.nta must be bc- tweCn t.tfc agra of 21 and 40, and have l'terved al lea.st four years ~ aboard a U. S . merchant vessel in the capacity of a liccn3ed officer. ' Applfcatlor Fonn:1 The (':r.amlnatlon is open lo both Jlcf'nsed" deck and llco11Sl'd rnginecr offleers or lhe U. S. Mf'rch0J1t Ma- rlne. Approprlat.e u~n1inat!OIU1 ... wUI be glvel'f' to each voup .. A p- plicslion form.~ may be se-cured by wrlUng lo lht' Conimandint of the United Statrs Coa.."~ Guard. c..PTPI 1300 E. Slrt>el. N \V .. Wa.shinJ!· ton Z!i, D . C., or from any Cout Tl DE m oo Frida;· 10 :38 a. m. August 17 10 :07 p. m. ~turday 11 :10 a. nl. -Augu::i;t 18 10:52 p. m . The commluiontng of licensed officers; or tJ'te Merchant Martne tn the United Statea Cout Guard la part. of lhe Coast Guard's Mer- chant Marine safety program. I t Is expect~ that the otticeni com· mtssioned-wlll be aaalgned to thls duty; however, •all offlcera com- mt.<tsloned from the Merchant Ma· r1ne will receive a thorough in- dOC..trination tn regular Co a a! aboard a major cutter. Officers commia.aioned tin der Guard d u t y ln cludlng service thjs program a.re accepted on a two-yea r probationary term wh ich wil1 concldf' w ith their training and lndoctrinatioo period. ' S l TRPRISI!: GUMTS lt-lr. and Mrs. Alfred Medrow of Milwaukee. Wis., pa!d a surprise visit lB.8l Frtday . to their aunL Mr!. Emma Simpaon of Vlrglnla Place, Costa Mesa. TABLE LOW 5.0 4:20 a. m. -1.2 66 4:02 p. m. 1.2 5.2 4:53 a . m. -0.8 6.1 4:60 p. m. I.I Sunday lt:42a.m. 5.3 August 19 11 :36 p. In. 5.3 Monday 12 :16 p. In. 5.3 August 20 b :24 a. m. 5 •37 p. 01. 5 :54 a. nt. 8:29 p. n1. -0.2 1.0 O.< 1. l BllO AD ~MILES an.t a l dftl' roUlld of appl&utle acf'OITlpanled the prewo&.adon ol the Robfort Allan Pf"rpttual •"•nl for t.be Rhodt!& Cl.u& to Earl '"Tommy" 'lbomu., who #&l~ hl& Rhode. No, 4, Nlm blr.!I, to a 1itcb J,·r \'lct.ory r:t\·f'r Geor ge &A ht-&cC'f"pt8 th.r t rophy lf'!>D' <Jommodore Cllfl Chapman. of thto S. C. Y , t.. Ro J>e.rt .Bo)·d, ttpl ta chairman, 11tandA by t o offer conpatulatk>ns. Tuesday 0 :24 a. m . • •• 6:23 a. m. 1.1 August 21 12:51 p.m. s.a 7:30 p. m. 1.3 \\·ednesday 1 :19 a. m. 3.7 6 :51 a. m. -u1. August 22 l :29 p! m. ~~ a.:u p. m.. ~ Tburoday 2 :42 IL m. 3.1 ' 7 :15 &. m. 2.4 August 23 2:19 p. m. ..9 10:29 p. m. 1 .• J @ ff -FIK8T. F ULL LAST NEW QUA.STER MOON QUART,.;& HOON Plann"'d especially aa a \velcome home for the H onolulu ncer11 i.9 lhf' Hawaliar. luau on Auguat 25 flt Nrwport Harbor Yacht club, Saturday evening event or their annual Rae" Week. "Hele mai nou ka kale" !come In, thr hou~ ill yollr8l wtll be lhe grectlnG to guests ln grass 11klrt.s, mumlll!, Qr any Hawaiian COf'tUmr, or lhe strictly Harbor Yt"raion ()f one. Dinner gtarta al 8:30 and thr Ka.lehua Hawa!la.n• j Janet Young 13 general chatr- will provlde mualc and natlvP man and SUe Fickf'r ia . in charge s.'pt. 8 Aug. 16 Aug. 24 Sept. l l ·---------·----------::-·----~r rtancl'rs. or df'coratlons. Hl'lplng with lnvt---, Amon~ the latr3t r t.•turnlng tatlorui and givlng general a.Nist-U·DRIVE CRUISERS 1 , were Sue and Andy Kirk and lb• ancc a.c olhcrt of th< committee, Row BOATS e O l~TBOAR OS Harry Marchf'S and daughter, Don-ie anrl' M'arty Lewia. Mary e u VE BAJT Marcia, but everyone aald thr Ann P earcy. AUda Babcock and d • TACKLE u.mt" thing, "Tbe Royal Hawallfin Ann Rawlins. ' e Small Boat J looked like Nl'wport Harbor Yaqht LMunchlng 1 club." Nearly tr not all the H•r-A Pt•ot!\IT PA'M'ERSON • E L L I S B 0 A T R E N T A L S ! bor grnup I• back. lnclvdlng lb• R. L. Palteroon w .. appointed Jurgen Lorentuns. who came t<> represent the city or Newport ZBOZ Coa.at Rlway Newport ~h Ph. lhrbor !31 15 home Tue9day bOt are ln La J-olla Beach at the annual convention or .;...----A_T_so_VTR __ .,_"_m __ o_F_BA_Y_s_e_o_RE __ e_e_mo __ .,_____ vlaittng theti-daughter until Mon·, the Shoreline Plannlng Auocta- • day. , ~ lion to be held at....Banta Barbara (Photo by Beckner) ' A • the.tr Monday night me-etlng members or the Cily Council ap- pcoved lhe follow lns applicalions for pennlta: R. E. Campbell, to con•truct a pier and floal on land adjacent to and llOUth of tract t 102. Clarence White, to build a float at Lota 59 81ld 60. Lido 11de. S. Enright, lo co1U1trucl a pier and float at Lot 61, Tract 007. C. S. Brokaw, to construct a pier and float at Lot 1 l , Block 5, Tract 626. A . P . Wllllam11, to construct a p:er and float at Lot 8, Tract 802. Edward Backg, to construct a pier and float at Lot 7 and a por- tion of Loll 8, 9 and 10, east addi- tion to Balboa Tract. Ern~t A. Bryant. lo coruJtruct a }>ltr and float at Lot 13 and 14, Block P . Tract 1518. We• rtve your llhoe• tile new look lt you have the old part& CUSTOll llEP~G ·' Newport Sl;oe Repair IOI· Had N-rt -.. rme British; Cars r_ . ..;.L • . STOClKS " •' ·~ • COMMOome .. , . U~w.mHGS . •. . -"' . ' ' t ., DE~1W1~~ER.-. c~ -IS rw YOllll; STOO( ElCllANGI! Qtc.vo: 9-N;, T,..._ . . • 'Sae frond.ct $tad f;ichaaaa:_ l9i~ .. , Stod: b<~O,,. UASEO PllVATI Wllf.$ -et i..,._ -Bid& .. Lapaa Boadll I'll. '-UM I S-Pra.cl-• b .....,. .. , • Hew Yott • ~ ' ' YOU CAN DO ,BETTER AT l;)~niger FURNITURE · CQ. ,( .. . ' • • ' I .. f . ' I , ' MORRIS M. G. Jql.EY Oii dlsp1-J "" 8CHUl'LER MOTORS . 1009 So. Ooaat Blvd. We Buy end.Sell New end Used Furniture ' • Lagum ,'"'416 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be.-5656.' CASH RAISING SALE! JOO Rolls I Y,•11 8TUCOO WIRE Sl.16 roll %00 Sheeta h8Y, 8 BEl'JTROCK fl .T1 obeet , !00 Sheets bll-f, S BEtJTRGC K Sl.5'7 aheet . !000 Vards +I" ROCK LA Tit SOc yanl 50 Z.8x6.8 3-Panel DOORS Stl.99 ~~h llOLLY .IR.. DOOB8 $1%00 -' " .. Gal WATl!:R PIPI!: " ' 1-&C'! foot ~~ .. Gal. \\I ATER PIPE 18<: foot 5' Strrl RATH TUBS 5'72.00 f'ach OC'l'SIDE PAINT I!eg. $2.50 1 1.99 gal. '7 :SO a. m. to 5:30 p. n\.; S w1t1ay : 9 a.. m. to 1 p m Z • • 0 ftw~i~; ~~: of ::~~ ;;•t~ ~-A~ f. l <lO E. 17t h St., Costa Mesa • ~#J#:~~llnl~ n'w o) anrl;,e;! llail20 :h.p~S(udehlkar Co1n111andar V·B · • • .. . FOR KEAL 8ATl8FAcrlON WI~ Plane Ove r Sept. 14 and l~. Patterson wu IN 8HALL BOAT & MOTORS Newport Beach'• repreantatl'te Some of the wivea did not g"f'l la.st year. He waa appolnted by Mrs. Paul 0 . Davis. to conetruct a sea wall at Lot 4 and a portion of Lot 5, .Block 5 (Chi.Ra Covel Corona del Mar. A new type V-8 engine I Remarkable extra power from eve,Y "drop of gasl Ainaring gas saver.' A1nericaS stand· out 8 ;,, m ;/eage per gal/or'.' •:t~ ---- '· { ' • Tell the world you're from CALIFOR~ ·I/ ~B==­~ / \""- • • • ' ' . Al•q• ,.,;, 1l•nk of .lmeria. TRAVELERS CHEQUES • ' ' l!ue aod gold &nlc of Amrrica +...das a..qaa att.,iuuod hr Colifomia"i -...Ult book; Thq' .. .aplable ~ Ilic world ....i podoim J'OCl • a..fW CalifonUao ~ Ibey peal.a """ brfel Nnds .apiost IOll or tbofr. Jluy them at U, a...k °' Aaxria bnadi ex ......... odm t•Ancin ..i1-iaf .,_;.....,, <mlS,.. •too. ....... , .. ._ .. , ...•.. , ......... ,, .......... . • ovrr and some couple• went by the City CouncU at the Monday plane for the run. Stt>Vf' Roy-=c nlC"ht meetinc. tor the Huntington Hotel and ;:;;:-::--;:'!t";:=:=-c:::. Royal HawaJla.n) for ln.stance flew UTHOATE ovt"r. whUe bis w1fe, Dorothy. The Rev. No 1.11 Taylor and raced on their Coutf'r. Another I family or gate MethodLtt Paaa.denan wu Jean Teurk. church are v ationing here at Among other• In Honolulu. thelr home on Rlvenlde avenue. many df whom will be at the luau to remlnba about the raoe, were Nell and Jim Rogers, the C. E . Brabynl!I and · their children, ~ and Alice Lowe, Phylll!I and BOb Summer-Or-Fall Stole Taylor. the latter on th~ RheerOe I -Morning Star. Mra. Rheem aod Tonci flew over. Also Sue &nd Andy KlrK, Doll>" thy a.nd Prent P'Ulmor, Ginger a4d 1 Bud Guthrie, Mary Allee and $ Ayrea. Sue Buckingham and h r f "°"· Henry for the Eve.ntlde), J Banning, Dick F.dwarda, laa ll f Bel)'ia (who dJd not go on ~ Jada) Steve Newmark, Bob and ".:aro1 Mllle.r, Rutb and Howard Wright (alao on the Mom~ ~~ ~~~old H•~,;~ wif named "Best Cook in lhe Race. • out. cllll'1' -.._ ........ .,. ..... ,. t¥ef'> "91' •• , ••• ~ "''* ....,, lo~ ....... -9'Jll•lt ...... ..,. .... kolt " .... ... ....... ,.,.. ,..., .... .. Dr. H . B. DreckwC"dl'l. to con· atruct a aea wall at Lot 879 and 880, Tract 907' Henr"¥ Erbe, to con•truct a &ea wall. lfll'r and noat at Lot 5, Block 242, Canal &-ctton. C. F . Ha.hn. lo conslnicl a sea wa ll at Lot 914 and h&lf' of 915.1 Tract 907. . VISITS SON'S FAMILY No pre .. ium fuel needed I The car to try ••• the car to buy ••• for real 1avin91I · I; tho 0 1951 Mobllga; £co•o.;.y ' . {lvft... a 'Studebaker Commander i • y.9• led all athar competlttt ;' ~ eighf1 in actual gas miSeoeel ., f"Wittt $twtl•"···· •••• ~ ..... ,,.; ... .t ef ·5-·-. ; OPl:N EVENINGS &ND S U NDAYS Bif APPOl1''TMENT JOE NICKERTZ, Loeal Dealer . • Mr . and Mra. G@orge Arey, S~th St., vacaUoned near Sacramento with 'tbctr eon and hla ramUy. 3415 W. Newport Blvd.~By · Lido Theatre Her. 510 Nwpt Beach • • • - • •••• meals every so often! • with C!ln electric home • foqd freezer ., ' " l!OTBr"c ••• ~" IVC•. ··~11o1111tnlD1•ll~baapt~~' famd1 ,,,.,i et ,,....,n:-._11111; ,._,tj'1a tutJand ,., , ' delldouam.Jlhat~~ . · Oh y9', thetoe .... WOJ'S ll ........... with an electric ....... fo6d fnaa lo.help. I • • TaU tbt &thine lrip "ealdl" or Che lnanU,,. trip "bac. •Stand -•1' ill :row ....... f.-, II "'11 Ul!P'-'~ lot-U... • And..__ thins with ...... ..,...__,...._ .....,,ll '"""lbd cle!ldola -•Ions .. • 1'-: -,.. .. . • .... '; .-. • .. ,,..,, .., ......_ ... wrr l\l ...... , ..... , ................... ! '= .... ,.....,. llllJIL?J..., W. •• JWN'1•1dla<lfp; S..uplllw.loftovei~af ... 111 ,...., ..... ,, .... ti-1111111,_ ..... _.....!f'tdli. wodwi?ti11era.a.::la.wtplll. Youcen .... •wpavilL Fa ........ wllllldie,-,1t.._1frwmiel--_ ............... .. ... ____ _ ............ ,, .. ~ J 1)1 ... --~ • 11 fl&; .... ' • II ~~Slit ••--a: &fl • ""9 ... ~---~ ' -' lhe1o..a ... -.0r,.. .. 11ttbe•• ... llllJ._,._ - f11 111.lt'a•..,•1Ml-•wliir"lllllla.,_.d1 hr-1 • • IOllntlall CALIPO ' ' 1 ' • , I : I • • I I I '\ • I I· . ~ . ,. SPICIAL • OOJIBINADON SCREEN DOOR (not stand~) . No. 585 ::s:::::,,111.::.!•::;7.;! "'-. iia:.,11 ,. -Illa"" Ill.Liii 0 0-. tl!o ....... ~ -.,_ pM ft ..... 1 ,,.. • la i tit, ..... _,,?. la ratM .. """~ ....... ,_ ... -· -..... , ... "ldW1"' llat4 - -pl'll 1' to -el· Ollatt1I I 'ft8ns· IL S.W. ftdl11W tllGlli tlle eltJ o6 Mew. H-q -.coot. wW ,_--•"I u bl« ij. ol "'81·Mll -the....,. -~ - -U ,_, rl .. ln !be tall and -ltt. Tllot ..;,....._., 1111 ud .. ISITtl -.-..... tor Ibo AprU .~ .... ,,_ • "::/'"1111 ! l1lla .-,.. ..... ·-p "'~ --;. ~ ' r------• -u-•--· ea1n ... -~ th• eulidlq ~ :~"'4. '4.l:ll.· , > • ,. rr ......, ._ • "'"" OOatne'-,.._u• or cau. Ho -lo * llal.o "=t:. Mesa Rebekihl , . ~.~ ..-r.• and -1-'""'ia. larprt llolM build.,.. U-... ""' lllbln a llocNIGa lo };I;'; Ir •••-an4 - 90dat1on lb 111e .ta1o. , .a. f'Clr ""' 11 ~ or atata n· Entertain Guests\ ...... --~• ''":::...~.-· Batw dplalMd lMt UM dnio W.111•• • ........... Ml.O!d.• · 1111 11• *'LI--..~...._ or -tta1 IMllkllllf --1o GI -...,.._,,. u.o ._ From S.. Nee"" · -• e.,__..1. ~ •• Ut• l'fCMI ddenoo ~ --. .,.... ~ .. &a -· ~ 1J'!" · ~ & 181""""7 ~ ,,..... wtll fbrce 1ub1Ulut1on ot In--t 1 .. a ~ or '11Afl,tal. ~,. o.-Clfa.. '!lllli!D; Ola; .--.... _.._ 111111 '""°' matoriati II\ -...... •+ 1 ._w tW -~ cllalrmaa .; •Illa -~· a , \ 5 •• ~ Ill !be l"'lillc block-• ~lion~ Of~ -_.. doll...i,,...,. -lli.,,.,.. . .,ia 119 .... ,..,.. lillll-pollllll! m-Nb!. er. and ~ '-"" bulldlnS Ille ou ... ftlt. fto -~ nee Pttldu &llo ol "llaa 111.,,. • ~ ~ IJtlMHea C<M!UnlMlon -ti. Ho -rtecl tllU --••••• = 111-*• ..-Opodtellonldp -fli. __ ,. tM foll<nrlns nol~ re- bulkllnf lndUltry bu not yet Ii&-;._ ,_ U.. -V~le . dq, """'"' 1 -llll" 111 U. ........ • lloar1ns or •Id ap. run':" fed a Urutk: pinch on -u ,_ hd ~ pro*'"41 dl~lrl c t, ...,., ·~.at u.. 1•1tt1oa. · """thll materialll due to OU faet fl,U(.•, U.,.m ~ :.E Tlo<l'llJ' , o.a a I a Bf or C ()at a •Ma U.. ....... llllllt C..- 1.hat many detcnae lndultdeo w i. Yfllldo ~ K-Reae11&11o, -...-Pat ., .. •-"':;---Size . 2/8x6/8-$8.Z5 -------...,-~.,-.,.---·---------~:.....~T ' No. 385 aiz.e 2/8X6/8-$5.00 GJ'\l<'n Plastic Screen at 8c per aq ft, Phone: Beacon M'll . Lapna Bea.ch llopu~r Mt!llott. Mansp.r OTHF.R Y AllDS: Santa Ana F\lllerton • La Habra Brea to unt:terso exterud~ re-looljill' be-JUd;" Q,OllMl Ud . -• Cll\lrclllll ..-... , ou..r Ilia .... llrl ... et IM .,, •-•I toni lb.Py coukl apJA &aimcll 1 .-. b.»T. ~ \. ~ .. Wlft CDl4Jll (JtJW.rr1•, ·'aobta ~ PACJl"IC .nt&PBOl'fB ml!IO pn>Cluclloa PtOfl'SN· He 1-.up1oa ~t)'" pud or I» 0..U..e loclce allCI ..,..,, fti.llinaAPH OOllWAl'(Y, aaJd that moat or ,thll re-tonllns tlll llllplt iaa>o Iii °'6 &fPOl11or ....,, Kell. Wlllotl of IFaa Antonio. • a _..... f H M il 1rllj to wlll have tieon compl•t.d and ••I wltll 93.lOS,TIT. Aiaa.:..io -· .......,... eertilll -....,. maximum production a.tt.AIMd by Uld au PrwllcD O..lh9t~. A -~ 1· tu~ ~ .... r IW ·~=~~We .. W.. w1ntcr and lh•,. COh!'Umo approx!-lo'ft4 wlUI Mlll.~I ucl ~17 Ice ....,.. &Dd. cdo -Olltft to ...... """~ *' wllllll matcly I.hr<• Umea u much raw In lhal order. Tiu! smaUt1t oi Ille the public wlll·be ll•cn by t\io ~ Ille Stale or Olltforata. moterlals. allodtloftl $15,&01 w•nt lo Al In• Fellows and '.Rebekaho Frido,y ovoi-~· N., ~ Steel. copper and aluminum art eounty. nlng, Auguot IT In 1001' ltall, N~j!: OF ~AKINO the prlnclpal malertab wklcll wtD Kuchel 8lattd that' ~ COit& )feea. To: , b8 e banneled away trom coft3t.tU.o-. COUnly r«elftd '281ott3,.3& .. tLI Mra. Pauline ~ who could The 'P&clt\c Telephone and tlon tnto d<'renee production and lhare. ' not be present at, the recutar ln· Tel~ph G:>mpany : recent National ProducUon Au-at.all&tlon wu lnlt.alled left SU~ Attn.. W. 0 . Chat~e. lllorlty orders """" eharply cur-Hltla D . It. ....,. . """' ·lo Ille ylce.Jf&l>d-by, Nina Vlc...i'n!al&nt , tailed tbo uae or lb ... mat•rlal• 4& A lAlmalli!I *It' J'lon,,.. lwltao UO New KMlr/m/; ery =· In coMt.rucUon, Balnea aa.ld. act"-S u btt ma......_. • . S&n Freciaco , caJlto la ··Homes alrclldy c:omplet.ed or One ,.,_ wu kllled n..y t H .. ll for tho ~ """ u.. · · Arlbur 'l'. Oec>rce. Jbq., now undrr C0111lr11cUon llhould ......... ud U mlalllea In a !faf· lllnall<y ruipy, Ulllan,· Bh1tle7, ~ 8'lllcltor contain materl&lo of load quallt7 fie attkletit lo aautonila lut year ~llaP" Md Wlllillln. '1'11cy --HO New ltODtsnmery Street, u surb matcrt&ll bave bffft lt.ftl}.. &ltd tiBe WM lnJUftd every flw f\ooMoft. puneb and ~We to..m~m.. .• SU S"tancl.9oo ft, Call1oml& able to builders.'' BainC9 aald. mlti• ... &ad $t -the ~J.. lien ud . .,_ta, AND TO ALL TNTERl:S'l1ID "Tbe buyer ahould not eettle ror f..ta Hlltiwa7 Pat.rol annouJ:: • PAR'IU!S: , many lnferlo. llllbllltutt materl&JI ...,,. Tiie .,_..... ... OTICI NOTICE HEREBY Ill GIVEN at thlo lime_ but he may not h&YC ,. Ille S,064 ,.,_. kUl<d It"" U•AL H tllat tile Public UUllUoe CommlA· a choice to make whea aca.rclUea 90, .. tllj\lred In tr&tnc a«"'tnta aloA ot the State of Calltol"bl& ))as MAD MOORE fs CASH & CA RRY become acute." Ill t-. ' NOl'ICI: OF FILIWO 4l'1D .. , ror hearing the above enllUed • OWIJ COllotan.t c&UUoft and /ii· H&AUNG OF prooe<>dln&'. In Which autilorlty Is . NURSERY Alpha Beta Man !:"'"::::~r~:~ .. ~ ~~.~f~::T~::i!!=o:.1 .. ::e~~~'=::.~1~!;';; RAl..RO . .\ Rl4\·o . AT !l.i.t .. ST. · t.tae ndee of th.e roed .,,w :lee &f'&pb Company hu flled with tb.e lo tdephonc service tui-nuhed Sf:WPORT Bt~AUll Jud Sh t~• .U.t•'• mO\IJlllDI' \ratnc olL Pulille Utll'.llH Comm!Mton ot the wllllln Lb4 s'tata or caurorn!L The to ge Ow llte patrol -l&Nd. , Stale ot California an application lnlll&I h .. rtni: la oet befo<'e Com· '"'"'at conchalon ll ln ap-for authority to lncreue ceftatn mt.doner Peter E . Mitchell. and FUCHSIAS, In Bloom •~lo." u.. ~trol •ld.~·Eac:h drlv-,..., .. al)d char,. .. applleable to Exam)l.ler M. w. l!ldwanl• tor ! ·~" POTS 25 J. Qnart Can,A ]5"' o II 85 ' Goorp E. Martin, cal1M buywr ft" 19 re.,.Wble for l'lla own mle-telephon~ arvlce fUrftbhNI wilhln Tbutid&y, September e, lNl at t'ucb , Ml~h ' a ~ = ' for the Alpha. Bet.a Food Mar· ty. H~ mut bavt" hia ce.r under the State or CalJfornla. 16:00 A. )I(.. tn the Commlulon kcl.<t, has been officially lDv1led complete control at all Ume• ,anrl A copy of &&kl appllcaUon haa O>urtroom, state Bull.dine tn San TUBEROUS BEGONIAS to Jude• cattle tor tbe Ort.n.p '""" ~ oa lhf' a~rt tor any e.mel'· bffn rumlahcd to lhf' State and to Frantbco, at wblch ume and county Fair being hold In Banta gucy. OU<!.._,_ or Inattention all countle1 and munl<lpal corp-place all lntetuled partlH lriay ~F.F.DlnlGS · 20 f .-arh A WIDE VARIETY OF BEGONIAS BLOOMING ID Pol• 1 00 .,._ • up FUCHSIAS and IN BASKETS OPEN SUNDAYS ' . ' ·.' . , . . . . ·~ . .. ·. '··. ~ • READY MJX Ann rrom September 15th to the ror l'Yell & tracUoa ol a aecxN'M:l oration. whoee cltlzena would be Appear and be heard. 19th. Thi~ L-. considered an honor may &Md hiffl to d' .. ter." a!fKlt"d by tM propoMd tncreuie All penons who Intend to ap-. a1nong we8lent cattle men and ln rateirt. Any other county or pear and part.lcipete In the 1:>ro~ IR a. tribute to Martln'R ability to EwrybOfly reMt. the clMl:Jfted ada. munlclpal corporation which may cffdinc are requested to notify judge good· beef. the O:>mntlMlon immediately that The cntUe belnc entered In the NOftCE INVITINO BIM they lnlf!nd to appear and p&rtlcl- rwr a.re raised by boys and firls Nolk<' l"I h<'r<'by given ~ the Board of Truatf'ft.,.Of \.he Newport pate, and of U.etr names and ad- who are membeMl or the 4-H or Beach SclMJo1 Distrlcl or Ortf\&e County, hel'f'ill after re£eM"f'd to aa d~ ln order that copies of Future F&rplers of ..trnerica. tbC'.' ·-owner," wtll rect"tve up to, but not Jeter th.an 8:00 o·ctock P . M., such of applicant's exhtblta as are Alpha Bela. hu long been inter· of tM 4th da.y of Septem~r. 1sr.1, seall'd bids foT the award of con-av&itable, may be served upon eated In the development of the• tn.ct for the eonveniM of elC'i9Ung shop to two cJa.snooma in thf" thcnt prior to the hearings in· thlJ two orp.ni&atlon.I' and hu done Nrwp0.n Beach School, Balboa Blvd. at l "th st!"Cf't., City of Newporl Application. much toward helping them. Al Beach, located in l&Jd •chool ~l.Btrlct. such blda ihall be received In BY OR.DER OF THE PUBUC the cloee dl rnoa:t falr11 Alpha the office ot the "'0Wncr" at 1400 Cliff Or lvr, Newport B<'ach, OrangE' UTtLJTtES COMMISSION Bel&,haa bouP,l one or more or County, California arul shall be opent.'<1 and publlcly rC'a<l aloud at the Dated at San Francisco, Lbe lze wlnp.in&' animals, ofte• abo,l".c atated Umc in the ofric'i or the "Ownt•r." thi ~ 8th day of August, 19~1 . --' -a. __ ..._..., ... _ .. _t.blo~vtt&t ..... lbe (Slcne<I R. J . PAJALICH, the cufftftt m.artr:et price. They plan& 9'M'C1.flcattol'\,I, and 11.11 1 tht other document.I comprialng the ~ consider this .an lnvestlment ln pf'rUMnt contract. documenUI. Copt~a of the Contract Documents are Pulillc Uttlltlea Commlalon ol the young people. now on file &nd Op"1 to pubUc lnapection In the said ofClcea of the Slate of Califomla. (SEAL). M ~·-who •--j d ed 5 c t No. 742-Press. a~....... 1Ul.lll u i: many Ownt r, and or Lind and PleJer, Architects, locatf'<.I at 141 oaa aho\\·s In the put. has also bttn 81..d., Corona del Mar, ln sa.ld County and Slate &nd may be obla.lned Publish Aug. le, 1951 · ~STAGE. SJIOWI DAD:T ,um EJITJlixCS W lN"ewteftlll'N. (-f nm, BA. Caant.7 ·~1 so Acrff of Jl(lrldD9 Nhr'JlalaGlle . 1951 . . . OrangeC~ FAl .R lug. llffl llwu 19th" FAJRCIOUllDS SAJCTA All.A . iiA ~ Smita·AM ~·-.... -l'atrrNani M••/1s'1• l'N• CliM>m (._U)-t.tlo Adaltm IJla 1-. Tu: SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY No J ob Too La rg e; No Job Too Small requested lOo judge a sho\V ill at Utt.-latter place by depoalUng SI 0.00 for each set. This depoait wlll J----------------------------'----------- Texoma, Oklahoma'. at the end of be ~tunded tf the Mt or setf of, Contract Document.a delivered llTf' th.i. month. Thi!! Is on11 of the returned In good condition w1thln tlvt' day. after the bid Opt"ning. 229 \VHt \VI.hon, bf'h\·e..n SM\'})Ort BDd Jlal'bor 81\•dl. CO!iTA MESA -PRO!\"E BEA.CON" 5348 BALBOA TRANSFER CO. Beecon 6553 .l~tl Storage Local and Nation-wide Moving c4 E. Mr.:\"lEL 1955 JIAJUIOR llLVD. 0 . C. BE~"ETT . . BIG THREE - Nrw• • Timr., Post Shopping News and the Press OVER 21,500 CIRCULATION IS THE ANSWER Phone Harbor 1616 today uid ask for the ad-take!'. mo!lt important ahowa tor cattle-Each btd ahall be ma.dto: oUt on a rorm to be obtained at ('ilhf'T of men '9ecause only proteaalonaJ the a.aid orrlcf'll tn which the Contract Docwnent.a a.re on file. ra.ncherl!I enter th.hi abow. Th.J• Each bkl shall be accompanied by a cert.if\ed or cuhter'a c-beck Is further proof ot Ma.rlln'!I ,ex-p•yable to the Qwn('r, or uthtactory Bid Bond In favor ot lhe Owner, perlence with the beat bee t. 1>xecuted by the btdd<'r as Principal and a satisfactory 11urety company Martin has been cattle bt1yer for aa surety, In an amount not Je98 than five ptor ce nt of ~ bld. Th(' Alpha Food MarkeUI elnce 192~. check or bid bond sho.U bf' given as• guara.ntee-tha\.tHe bidder will VISITORS Dr. and Mrs: Charles Cowgill of Huntington Park and their daugh· ter Mrs. Shackelton and the Shack t'llon children were n"Ce.nt Vi!tilon in Newpc;>rt SN.ch. FlNCHES TO TRAVEL Cound:tman &nd lln. Braden Finch a.re planning a trip through the 11ut. Finch secured pennlaalon for leave rrOm the state from the city cOUlldl Monday night. DEA TH NOTICES Al\"TllO!\'Y GODBE .IENKINS ('Xecute the Contract tr It be awarded to him In confonnlty with the Contract Document.a and will prcivlde the surety bond or ~els u •pectned therein within five eta~ arter notification of Jhe award of the contract to the bidder. · Th<' owner reserves the prlvilegE" or rf'jccting any an<l all bids or to waive any irreruJaril ie!I or lo.fqrmallltes in any bid or In the bidding. Pursuant to the IAbor Code or lJle State of California, the said Board ot Trusleeti has ucert.alned the general prevailing rate ot per diem wagt'a for f'&cb craft or type ot workman needed lo execute the contracta which will be awarded the aucceuiru1 bklderB : and tbe8e prevailing rate• arf' eontaJned in dtJ 11pttlficatiorui aJopted bY lh<' BOa.rd. and are as rotlowz: ~k>n: FOREMEN~All foremen not herern 8<'pa ratt ly cl&!U!lfif'd, shall be paid not ieu than the prevailing rat<'. APPRENTICES-Ma)' be employrd ln c<>nfom 1lty with SeCtion 1777.:S of the California L&bor Code. • Rate Pf'r Hour Alr Tool Ope-rator .. ·········-···· .................................... : ........ 2.05 CarpcnteNJ. J ourneyn1cn -··· . _ ..................................... 2.35 't. Cement Finl.a.hers ....... . .. .. .. . ............. ... ....... ... . .......... 2.38 EJectnc:.1 J"Qn.man .................................. ···········-·············-S.00 Electrlciana ........ ·-······ ···-··························· ........................ 2.75 noor Layers ··········-·········-······· ···································-······· 2.5.5 Graveside services tor Anthony Godbe Jenkins, 32, who died Aug. 0 In a tnlffic accident when h1a car-was struck by a train ln t..o.. Angeles, were held at Fairhaven l'-:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=::==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::==:=:=:=:::11 crn1etery TueMlay at e :SO p.m. Hf' -wa.s bom ln Salt t.&.ke City, Utah. Glulers .......................... .' ...... _ ............................................... 2.16 Laborers, building and un.akillof'd ................................. · .... 1.75 lA.therw, metal ············-····-·············-·····························: ....... 3.125 High Qualify Printing-Ph, ·Hai, 1616 I % (UllENI ~ had been a resident ot Orange and COBta Mesa and recently had lived In Norwalk where he wa1 an em- ployef' or a dairy aod. wu a route driYer . Servtcf"I were conducted by S. Macon Co¥.•lea, ... '8taat 1o the pa.tor or Orange F'lrol Pr<abylor· tan church. Surviving are a broth· er, Cba.rlts of Norwalk and three sla\on, Mn. J~ Clarll ol °""' M e-. Mrs. )(art.ha POW'f.rl: 6l 11eaj Beacb and M.ra. Marian Can Of Menlo Park. MKS. IPARY W. M.Ol:E Mra. ~ W. M.O... 74. died Aug. 15 at ber homo, 712 Poppy a'ftftue, C.C.. clel liar, wMft oho h&d" ~ded ror trt ;rtar11. - II 1Urv!V84 by. ber cla,,.ilter, Mn. Jupor Vallo ud one --. et Ille~ ........ TM Mw_ ltiflilltll Jlle)' ot Ollr LadJr or J(oat ~ •••• --·:--.. ·~ ... lll<)Dcla1 u.. -""' ... Clalftll' ~...,.. IAw •wa1i11 Baits _...,, q( ~ del -la ... .....,.-~......-.. L.alhera, nail on ·l·········-························································· 3.125 Linoleum and Soft Tile Layera ·····-···················=-·· .. ·\·-····· 2.M Palntera, bnash ·········-···································· ·······-·············· 2.1~ Painters. spray ..................................................... _ ............... 2.40 Pia.terera ·················-···---·-··-·············-········-······-·····-····· 3..125 Plaaterer Tenders ·--············"··········-··-················-············· 2.8'7~ Pl"""'°'" """"'an ,. .................... :. .. , .................................... 3.00 Plttmbers ··-·-····-·········--···-. ·······-·-·············-··-···--·· 2.75 Power equipment operators: J\lr Comp,_,. ... ·-······-··-·········--·······-·····--·· 2.05 Roofer Foreman -·-··--·····:_---···-·-·····-·--·-·-··--·-·-2-.7!5 , ttOoter ---··--··--··--··i-·-··---······-·--··-··;2.50 Track Driver, under 8 lOftl ---···-····---·-··-.... ··-----l.&3 "i ,..._ Drmr.. f'to 10 tons : ..... --.--:.·--'-··--··-·· Lail Wtr\daw Cleaners :.-.. --r·--···-·-·-·--··-:---··--1.90 • El<copt u noted Ill u.e..-ocliedul•, tJle rat. ot per di<!" .._ tor cacll or lbe .-.... d&aolpca--ot -lball'" lbe·btreln· before ... t rortll p~ .. ,.,,,. ot ~ -•Dlllpiled Iii>' .. l (I), "-""(I) -. llba1I oooiltltui.. daJ'• ...... , lt ~ -· ltoOd !bat In the nent th&t .... 1aw..i are _,..,••1eoa fhAa elabt <I I hcMlni per de¥. Ulie per diem wape -.U '9 d11•1d i. '1i u.t~ ot Ute .... di---llerela ••"'leed ,lll&t u. -"' -9f om~l'llt -to"<lllit ~81 hollrL • •. -~ a.II ... paid ,~ _... ~acl ... -•• "' Ille ter> daJ'• or ........ wwtt and at ,111a .-r... -•" ., oi u.e --...-. . = -,. u -=dn!I I<>-lie -lo lie N• 'l' .. • Dltr. D1 11r1t'-~. bxpurt•ee J)q, ~ Dl.7 •. ......._ baJ, 'D I t l t"4 DllJ', -Oii I S' II -ti._ -8 HS ,. Jd ••:;r.,:• ,,,,a,, .... ·: .... ...,,.,7 . • . E FPl { ""!" 1111110 t11 eet1 ...... & JM 'Jltl • ....... __ .. • ,pnq .-..... ,, ---•c1 r'p:a& n ·-::r .......... _.I -~lallla .,_ • • I ' ;:;, l1•fiillllt ... IM 4 I 7 I af . ......... al? Z •~&lrltltlr•..,. ..... .. .. 'II &' -• ~ iias11 n lilJt .. -, I LOOK AT · THE RE,CORD- • • ' • • DtDlll • I I • • • • • . I . S.1 .. 'llrf•al•., ,. "" C,wtleis n,. l'eq\leat of JiOW)>Ort Har~r Teen Cantffn to UJWld _,,_ -· to -more ~ "'°""° WU ·hitei\ ed to t h e NaW"pOtt. -........ BNdl and ~- -~ by the Cl\y Coun<ll Mailday ..nlPt. 'nle pr'Op<>Md expansion WO d ottf!P tt\e , facUltte~ of. the ,..,..,. pit 16 cn>ul>O • mim irrtmmar 80llool .,..9 up to and lbclOd~ lt•ldenta <lranJ'e Cout Colleie- acb 'CT<Jll would pay Its P•--. ---....... ol "'• ..,....u. ·--· of th• bulldlnc. TllAFFto E"-'orm:ER Cltj lliltCI•-WU -'l'!V· ftc !lftl:lmter at. the Monday l11~t "'~ (Ill tlle City C<nmcll. City AttonMy polnted1 out. at that time, U.. fact lhal. whmta the Munict'psl Oode pl<ovkled for tho otttce of Tratnc En&1-r, ).h<!t'O wu 1'f() web ahtmaJ. l'minedlate acti<>ft of the 00\ln· cH natn'ed Webb to the new ~· ftW. RDllOVAL A petll-beann·g ""'-"'1m•· tU1'H ...... rece!V<!d by the Cl\y 'Oo\J!rell Mond;aY 11tc1tt t'eqt.,atlng lite -val Of a l!uealpytoo u... locsted at toll A.pte A~ .. 'Balboa bland. 'ftte JJ'l'l.tt« WU ttferred to tile Bal--improve-..,..., AMocllltlOn tor ltt'l<fy. DAMAtll:.~ A!lllllll A claim far da.,.,.. 1U111Uhg ft'OM a .ewer ~ near the lllop '11 DI'. -I'd -at fO'/ £; Ban-Blvd .. Ba1-.._. ,,.._toe! to the Cfty Oounctl MGitday nlc!tt. The claim wae lM~""•-1-1<..:."ft to tbe dt)''I ln~urnnce caiTf~t. • . WATF.R Sl!PPL V The City CouncU tm11ed to City Engln...,. Bel\ W•lltl a let~ I • ' • 2 2 .... -----~-.,.------------~-----------------'--·I from Dan O'B*1l)on callllle at· tf.'fttion to the p~m nl&de in a a .... .... ...... ,,, CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM SET FOR LABOR DAY C. B. Tlbbet\,*. former prealdenLol Ute i_. Anc<I.. ber 0( ~ -"'"" 1 . .,., - . IMl'k'P, .m R'l'Ve .. aou~ 'Oalltonila cbatrmen far the !M('Oftd annual C'twlade for ~fflom ~tttng under way nation-wide on Labor-day. • n'bbett.·1 •C'Ct'J>lance of. tl'lls key J)Olll In ~f"rie&;s cha.llenl('<' to world Communism wu announced by General t..uciQ D. Ctay from Wuhtngton, D. C.-, overall nattona1 chtinnan ftnd Harold St.aas~. J:l'l"'!l"l- deht Of \h·e ID\lvenrity of Penn.syt-. .-----------------------_:_ __ \<a:ftia, naUonal tund-ra.lsfng chief. Top recommendation for nh- betu came f'rom General Ira. C. EaJt:er, Jut year's southland leader I~~ Croaade. wbo yeat:erday con· v wttb the ?iew chairman •• i.nl ta.I arganJntfonal plane were completed. 011 Dnlng Study at Long Beach Long Beach City college wiU Mart a neW etaaa In the Otl Wen Drilling COUrM w\th the opeontng of the tall semester on Septembtt 19 at the Institute CampU8.. 1'3CN5 East 'Paclfte Coast Rtchway. Exploring and driJlfnl' for oil In this and forei.!{11 countrlil"• I• the number one phaae of this gt.ant lfldustry. ft is nttenary to drill many "Chief objectiw of the lS:Sl hundreds of. wella each year ln.__ ____________ _ Ji'!tffdom Crusade ls to provide order to maintain a· produc\Jon moneys to support the expansion large enough to meet.the '"'' tn- ot \he 'truth network' now reach-creuing demandA fol-petroleum ing the dials ot •erialaved peoples products. California Mfg. Employment Up behind the iron curtain tn Europe, This COU111e tn oil ~lli.ng drill- and to estabUah the tint radio ing practtcea ls one or two now- b111u1mltter in the Orlent-'Radlo being ottered in the tlnrted Slate• F'ree. Asia." Ch&Irman Tlbbetl!I and I• being gt:ven at the pequdt diacloeed hett. of tho American. ~tbl Of Mort: !°oriten were employed ln "Fl'Om t\md• ptbered 1-y-Oil Weti Drllllnc Contraqora wtoo o.l!Mmia m ... ,.fa<tllring plmtts -or which relideutl or Southern ~ &19o gt•lng the collece a creat ln July than tn any ot.ber month callfornJa contributed $80,000 _ 4eaJ of ~ct: Ill CSevelqplng elnce the el'ld of World Wal" U, the A.mer:ican people .._bUtlt Radio the various pha9e1 of' U.e •c:oune. hul Schatftnbrerg, Director Of In· FtW Europe, the !ftOl;t poweT'f\11 The COW"M wwn two yean ed dU8lrial' ft.e.lat.loruJ, announced to. . ra4lo tnJtsmltter In the Free carrlea With It juhlor colJop day. World." Tibbetts Hi._ ''Thia giant rradtJation. Some of the wbjecU ~ number of wage and Mla1"Y tM,000 Watt medium wave at&tton. cowred in tbe courae are: drilllnC ~. In manutacturlng plant. located tn Mtmtch, went on Ute jlff' tool• and ~tdpment., drilllnl' role 'to U0,100 ln July. Thia ~tt­ WI\ Ma. llearnln ......_,,_i l t -bJe and itlcee be lltr Rnta an tnereaeo of 116..200, or l& Y • · ' "'"'\;]!....., ve y· 0 ,,. ... ma pra.c • c m Y ,..,. .... -, above a y' ear ago and'-· aecblbvakla. tn •1rect competl· · of drlllin~ mlld Control, median· __. ... c ... n. ..._ tt<M. With tfWI Jtttm.11.b~troUea. Cj*1 orattmg aad mattwnauca. e)e.. Within t,000 of the number em· -.Pn,ue ail<! lla4lo u._u. mento « lllJPOI•-and confer-ployed°" V~J Day. laV&." . enee 1~. induatri&l Engllah, ~t·tlve per cent of the ga.ln -o r..., --·· call •lirnai U. s. lllototy and go'""'"'"'"' 111 manufacturing e>nployrMl>\ i. hllH'I 'lly -c!*l'>t World n-ee-!required fOl' ...,iuatlon), la-1111~ Jut y ear oceurred lh J*nt.o dolft Ben ~ with mWlona ...,.,..,.1co, operaUoi( of combwl-mU.Uftcturlng dunble Io o d II, of --., ..,,.._ In Berlln'• tlon eng1neo (dl-1), pbysical ed•· pr1nct.!"'11Y tbooo In the defense City Hjdl. 1-fall, the belra or-cation (required tor gnuluallonl, e&totrot'Y. · rt val ta Loa Aftpln cllmtted tllie pa ~ldlng. 1 Rm.ester, maclifWe -~ Wei \let• --C&llfomla enroUmoitt of abop 1 ..,,,..,.. • -• •• eoe.-~ 1ICl'Oll algMn. Th. __, ~ ... gnduated cnt~p=-"°" •!.,~orltere In..!!; last Juoe &ad the ~ enUn group ree ..... ~ • n~ ~-· -,...... NeCWwtr were offered employment before hl" high of l~.900 In July and · ~ by ~ Clay .u •a Ute ct<.e 'Of the eiemetter. Tb.~ ~tect for nearly 60 pe.r cent touc'I. llUgglng -In the ltti>Wn ~ company of 1-"'.:; J""'-li>-~ die Int total llll-oale ·"1r ~: tbe 'tnJtb l!eaell. -drlllbllr acUvltltil "' • trriJtg ~"". · A net-1<' In IEDrope la to be ex-.,.. naUon-wkle u wOll N tn for-YH.P •ao. th &lre...:t ~ paat<d ·to encom.,U. two ,,..... elgn Oel.,._ emplol'ef <f-et '&.. ~Y";'1 INl.t00 ,..,~ *lid -.Y w•ftflll ._dlo tl'oiWnltten ud ~Ned Brow11, wllo.heoldo ::::'.!..~~~ tile ..-tJon of an -IK to readl tile 00ll'tpan7, bas -a moot en· lal1leat 6ombe of and~ the -. l>l Clnnm\llllat·tert'Ori-5 lllualaltlc backrr Of tlllo proapan1 ..., -· r ,..~ •• m-. -ind cblldttn of A.la," --..,. ot Ge lnd!v-11 -• • .., -~ ror ~' JIOI' n-. conttnUed. --1l>le for 1>r!qlns tile ;ro. ..,.\ ot totaJ __.,,. ..,... 8l11191oc -t "the &'.fl&) of OM ....,. to LcllJI Beoeti. ....,. -~...=~/":· U.. • •loll ~~ ~~~~;.::.:.-=~~::.;:;.ti::--:::.~ ~~ta-lared : . ----dr-· ...... ~-_:.,._ ... "'nle ~ llO•n'llll um-« Ge ""1 _, ..... •••• u.. 111gl :"aa.oee '., ,_ "* t9 p&lp l>l 'l'OJ'Cbolop:al warfare .,.,,..,,~~ lllW • tllls dlf..,_ .-......... J1lly "'' -· •,.. ma)-_, -• be ttie f<>fte wbldl Ille-~ -01 W -. ........ ~~ .. .,..._,,Try~ ft)'tne"Cemie111M ..... )c:4W :..~ tlllf waru.. ~. ll<>rl,.a f6 a .....,.. Wer Ill." ol ~ lip """' t .. a .i-i-1il tllo .. rt' ~ OM, ol ~ lil'lll 1t111p4lllil· eacl•aa --cit ......... I ... .._ __ \olalJ~~~~··:'•: .. 1::· n ltlllC'8 Co.'>otitUt .. U.. Ull'lnS l>f ...0 -.,.. --7 , .--~ ~·':!:~, ~ ~ -~ i":•:::: ~I ~I~ : ~• ""';..-:.~> .:.:.·= .. ' =-=~ -.. ~ ~ -::?:-: • IL IC :---fll - Wllllla .. • t -:_ UI Iii.-. ..... at lllt ,_, -~-..:.·::.I= ..., LMliti '111111. ..... Wand --ti ~ IW UT. at IM 97 ...... , M'ict .. I 1 --o11a.-..·-1oe .. r. ... a..t ,.. • .,_,,.,lllo __ ..,. ..... lell't•,_Wlt1'11 .................... ,...... -?F?)S'·trr-.. lll .. ,... 1t11•X * ••• so • _. ~ :rn: iita· ·ta • 11111 ......... _ ... ~ .., • ..,... • •• , •• .MlihZlA .. Til-·· .......... ;'·n r .t:;'t::. • ~ •• .. ;.111 1 • •ss J!'!li,_ ... l!!,.!1!1· °"1' •• the AC'partitloft or fN'sh water Yrdm. 1 lk'a w-at.rr. \V"'bb will study lhc m•tter . ,._...,.., P~ 0.... 0.. AM • ' . • • • • ' t ~ • l1nt11sull ... llf4•k .......... • ;• •• C drift it 'tioiclQI , •• t'he mi!ll•t I'll. .... ... '"9 tMo -a.,..i. S..al>aja ... IM 11•• poaa per ia-ld of _. ~ -..... Ill •Ats X.. p •• .,...1 • '2•• za1t11a.,Nw , .. a-• .,. .................. ... ti ' I _., Clw'Jilw ........ qi•W1 llD90th ~ .~ r•• ...... " ..... .,. --r1 ....... ....,._, s • --.i--. • • PACM!t~~ I ~ ~ • V You spend 19.~ to opeto .. 1 VY~ •~ leu to ln~talll ftep MHI tltlilk •.. bow many times a day do you ..,...b your bandt? You need hot water every time for real cleanli· -... and you get it .... &en you heat waller Wi!bps. For gas is always on the job: .. hftts warer thrtt rimes faster dwn any other practical fuel. It euily ltttpo ahetd nf the demandt of an auto- -tic dollies waJber, diJbwasher and grawi.ftg family. GaJ works for so little money ... ii Neb a bargain you never have t0 be sparing in your use of bot water. ,, y-,..._ heater adequate fm your needs? .The cbart\•t left gives re- £00!mended ·~ and should be your· guide 1"ben selecting a De1" autoDllltic gas -tet beater for your present home or. w'hen you build. See any dealer .or your Gas' Company, and learn bow mtlch less • new automatic gas water better costs tO buy and inna!L SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY - . . I . ···~- . ' • 1 .1;. r t • pressure( • ; • r ell9ll[ 'Oil l'OUlbelt roam that giveo comfort. _ '1iol'ety .-pOMible belorel 4 .ftUI "ad' · ' ._ ....__ _, I ' ,,i_,,,,,,._f rlJ' . If ="~ • •• iim we, !f8!'. ~JiYa"COl9Uumu automatiC fr.tlW!liMioa wlliich. mi .... of ~ • , .todt:r ~ tiM! ~ llllitfd.1 of .b modaa trlllmn•.,.,.. . j .> • All fa lilt .. lazD1z II'••• c.& ••• .All die ,,.,,,., plm 'Wlilm)na ~ -<>cn·1 Uadllc>Jlll·•· Erctcic Wi-1 '1114 W ..... lbftts rm Who' • m ' lF1°l•• .._ .,.. ....... ''7 5 .,.,. ••• ,_ -·· .... _, , ., • • .. I ' ' • • I . . ' ' ' • • • ' • ; ' .• " • • ·., •• • • \ • . ' • . . . • • • •• " , • • ., • • ••• ' • • • • • • n • • • t • • • • t • •• • • ' • • • ~ I t ' ' • • . Miss Ann PoHins Is Honor Guest at Round of Pre-Nuptial Events BT _,. Kirt.,. EYttythtng ta a Ouny of ro-. ma.nee ahd gaiety these laat few d&ya tor charming Ann Pollina. dflug-hter of Mr. aJld Mn. Lynn R. Pollina of 1320 Cliff Drive, Newport HeJght.a. who wtll repeat marriage vows Saturday wtth P'ranklyn Hruz.a of Coeta. Mea in the Newport Harbor Lutheran cb'Urch. bono""': Cll'Ol.a Enc:ell of Coeta Mua, mother o.f the prospectiYf' bridegroom; Mmea. Elsie Robert- eon ot Kanaaa City,. Mo.: Rose Stucky, Irene lAadt of Bell; Ella Beqle-y, Marllyn Axandaboure, Brea: Jean Thompson, Costa J.fe- u: LewelJfn Hruza. Onl~ Arm- strong, Georgia Pollina, S&nla Ana; Ja.n Horrell, Corona <:tel Mar; Madelyn Jones, Udo Isle; Edna Macintyre, Al.lee Swarut0n, Eva McGann, Newport Height.: Kathie Turner, S&nla. Ana. · Kltcben Oltt11 One of the loveliest pre-nupllal co u r ( e •I e 8 complimenting the bride-elect took place ln the Sant.a Ana home of Mrs. Jra Chandler Where Mrs. Vivian Robertson joln- "2 ln gracious hoetess dully at a Unen shower. Pretty decorative de-Clfta for the k.itchen In her fU- tafls suggesUng the ahowery na-ture home w~rr showered on Mlu lure of-the occaaion were dainty Pollins when Mrs. Ted Rwnell and pink and grttn umbrellu. A pro-daughter, Joan of Shore Cliffs, ar- J?'&m or games baaed.on the bridal ranged an enjoyable feativity. t]teme &!forded entertainment be-Packages were concealed ln a lore Miu PolliM openM her wide minl&ture built-in cupboard on the .Mortment of gttt11. ttrCpl&ce. Aa the aftermath or RetreahQ1enta terminated the games play, a deuert cour3e WL1 happy honpJl4Jlty wlth lhe dlnlng served. table covered wlth an heirloom Continuing the whirl or parties lAce cloth and array~ with varl-rocuslng on the popular bride-to-- hued blOMOma, preaentlnli:" an ar-be was the llng('rie: show er co- tlstlc pic ture. Mr•. Fra.nk Perew ho.ate.seed by Mr8. Boyd Horrell or of Balboa, mother of Mrs. Chand- Corona del Mar and MJss Elaine ltr. presided at the coffee um. Freeman or Long Beac h. Some 20 Included Jn the g1.1est company Crl ends were bro ught together Car were Mmes. potitna. molher of the . the event. Legion Auxiliary Names Chairmen A'ppointing of committee ch&trmen and flnal pta.n11 fo r f~f'dlng dole,ate.11 to the 5th area cauc us mectln~ formed tht" bulk of the busl· ness conducte<i at ' the regular meel lng of the Newport Harbor uni! of the American Legton attxiltary Monday night. August 13. President Alma Thompson a.nnounced the appointment or th(' Col- lowtng commlttEM-s and chainnf'n: Amt"ricanlam, Julia Eggert: child welfare, A4fain Joyner ; commu- nity service. Lucille Gehre.; con- atitutlon and by-laws, Bernice ()pt!ol ; cduc•tion, Mona Hayden : hoapltal. Mildred Bonds; legisla- tlon and natio nal se<:urtty. Gladys Thompson; mustC, Evalyn Rider ; Pan Americ an. Lydia BTiggs; pa.11t president's parley, Helen Randt>l : poppy. Viona Burdick ; rehabilita- tion, J ea n Markhan1; and press, radio and memberishtp, Eileen Inns. Carolyn Pridham Honored by Los c;:;ompaneros A bt"ach party and wiener ba kf' on the sands at Coro na del Mar Thu rsday, Aul{Ust 9 W&."I the p leas- ant summertime ra re provided by Los Companeros Junio r Riding club as a special cou rlc~y to Car- olyn Pridham whit 1.., leavi ng the· young equestrian group m uch to Delicious hot dogs and coCCtt the regret or the members. But m the arternoon and roast beef Carolyn, nO'W' 16, is eligible for and ham sa.ndwichea In the eve-membP.rshlp In· the MrSa Boots nlng is the ·f&re in s tore for de\c-and Saddle club. Sht' was p resent· s-atea at lhe 5th ar~a caucua mee t-ed with a gift from Los Compan-Ui• to be beJd tn UM Newport. .,._ ~ Harbor American Legion hAU Au-Swlm-mlng a nd bcat h vollf'y ball gust .25 and 26, it was announcro spffi th,. hour~ a ftt"r t he 6 :3f) by the nou rishment commit tCC' and o'clock wlt'ner ba k l'. F ifty mem- a Clsh dinner \\-111 bf. servro a t bcrs, parents a nd f riends part !cl· 1 o'clock Su nday. Volunteere are pated In the fete. urgently n~ded t o give a few hours either day . ' To lead oCf the "porta. M ... Canning Be st .tumecy of Coeta. Meta. • • -·~-. ' LeM·~ -to tie -of the ftl..-it.e dz 1:1uttcma ol tnwl- • Richard Dittril"ars _ on Vacatio n.'Jaunt --Juot ttllll'ned t"*'i lbe "'°rt art Mr. and Mrs. Doa DoaaldoM of no Knox ot,...J.. va ... Uo.~ opota c-l>y Nr. • I and Jira. Rl<Jiard Dittmar and -orlata obould cMCk Ille YOIL• oon, Tom ol . Bro&dwo.T, Co.t.a ,_ M""" lncllJde Y-lte N&tl9ftal age ncutaton "" °'1k can at Puk. San Jl'ranci.:o and: Lake regular lnl•rvala-the Auto Club Tahoe. Tho local famUy let.l by ot Southern California ,wama. motor l&rt week for tbelr holiday Wben °tbll •pa.ra1Ue 19 not. tune-Jaunt. , · r tlonlnc properly It ts likely that ------ -en.tor trouble will aub8equenl· -Cluolfled ~ an N&d by folka 1y l'ftUJt. who are looldnr to buy, • Sunergous Group Mn~~·::~::~ ..,. Bridge Luncheon Din es in Park · .A;lrto:ilo ..i 11ro. Kate ~ "' at ,a.~ II tt H · · .• . Lubbock; '!'liL. _ _.. J1J ~ f . . me _ o ome A p-t S..,.ia,y ·~ WU brvth.er·ill·law olld olillcr/ Mr. and llro: Homer Mellott o( ll'loftr ·~ ....,...Uy.-y ~ Suner..,U. Mts. AJidrew Lo!m&ugll ('_!few· otn..t, c,:..i., x-. 'bl-oucbl to- group ot tlle·Ooota" K-Oommu-port Blvd., Q>ota Maa. lgetl><r d,glll triOruJa Uy "!l1'e nlty church wben .mem\lmi ... • • --Mle enteljl&la<d a ioe.i"":'rt<l cJu:! ~bl"" for; <!'Mer at SllnU..O DA.UORTEll .~ at JWicheoo and cards. ~ w- e.rk. Al\or ~a ftre-elde .... A daughter wu liclm ~ August -b)' Mmec: Arllene Spaaglor. I':. ....,,~ Wu led by Robert l4· In Santt Ana Conlln°l'liy hoe-blgll;• Jobt\ W.at, aet:<>1>4; A,<iell <kllu!IL •I' pCtal to Mr'.4o.nd Mr>. Cltllll~ .Fino, Long. tra~ and Erneal llcCleUan · ' Jr., '125 Weat WOaon otrftt, ColltA C0b801atlon. 1 A CJ...Stled Ad la uw; mJPlT -Sb• welcbed ~ pPUndil, 9 ' ' • mldcet In Advertlolng ounceo. 'j · 1 ll:verybo<IJ reada tbe claaolfled &di. ,L IS IOI SHOPPlll THE ALPHA BETA WAY. FOLll llE fllllll Oil Till TIE EIEIYtlf LOI ll:Pll IETl PllCES llE TIE OILY llSIEI TO l FOOi llllET (iJtll, juat Pookal~at~itli6 TOP FROST FROZEfl ~QODS 1MI IU-d .... IC LEMONADE IO 'p~ND ·BAG-IU<D 29c 1201 ..... Al.WAfl THI rJNUf STRAWBERRIES C & H SUGAR ~·THI ... , -asc IQSHEl'S tiA~~ ~--.. ~---.N. ~----.. F-=E-=-E ~0N-~27___,c ROOT BEER lj.lk CH .E-R,R Y .JAM 12 0 L Thompaon turned the i&vel ove r to her vice-preaidt"nt and gave the for Tomatoes r l'tlghUghts of the p're·c~~vcntion .· J" l:auc;.us mee ting h@td ln nunting-• At lhe heig ht of the tomato siea- ton Beach Sunday. Among the 8Qn thrift)' homPma kers a re put· award.9 giv en, N&wport Harbor tlnrg thts ple ntlful fruit away ro• was pre81"nted national and de-uae during the winter mont h~. partment m ember8blp citations uya Marian P rentiM. Orange for the pa&t year and was county home advisor . Ca nning l:t adj udgt'd to have the moat out-the moat satlafactory method or standing rltua..J. team and hlatory preserving toma toes. although report. they can be Crozen If freezing ,GI I PU.JllllJ 11~ .. ; •~ U~I ,,. .. ,.~~~;-·~-: •. • · Ir ~ °ll,ol'!..ir Hospital chairman Mi Id r ed s torage space i."l ple ntiful. Bonds urged 1nembers t o at tt>nd F rozen toma toes w hen thawt'd the "H ™tpltal Breakfast·• being muet be cookt'd to make then1 held in Santa Ana Legion hall palatable a.nd t he reeulting pro· thle Sund ay for the 21st diltrict duct Is no ~tler than stewed or LelitlOn hospital fund. cannf'd t omatoes ; so do no t tre"ze .Memberghip chairman Eileen tomatoea unlesa you h&Vf' ample Inns diaclO&t.-d that the present freezing storage space that Is n ot goal wlll be a.n attempt to meet to be U8ed for other food.s. Thawt'd the membership quota by conven-frozen tomatoes are not suitable tion time next month and remind-ror ellcing because they a.MUmc M that only prompt payment of a wilted soft t exture. dues w ould acC?mplish tha~ &Im. The safest and eu lest way to As the meeting waa adjourned can t omatoea l.s by the wate r b&lh cake and coffee were served by cannint' m~thod. Detailed d lrtt· hNt~ases BUile Perruui and Mar-1 t lons for canning all fruits and loQ oel. ve ge tables can be secured by writ - Those pre.~nt were Mmea. Sop-Ing" the Agricultural Extension hie Kelley. Wilma Murriaort. Lydia Service 1J04 Weal E ighth l'llrttt Brtggs, Vlona Burdick, Mildred I Santa • A.na. or by lelephonln~ Bonde. Bern!ce O}MJ, A Im• Klmberly 2·8211, extension 301 . Thompson. Eileen Inna. Blanche and asking tor the home canning . Bens, Jean Markham, Adraln bulletin. Joyne r. Lucille Oetirea and the Although tomato juice ca.n ~ hoeteJlllee. f th'· I · th rozen. oo a so is a ra er ex~ American Leg ion Hospital Breakfast tra.vagant we o r frttzlng 11torage epace; so aga.ln, the canning of tomato juice usually provea morf' aatlafactory. The water bath method of canning tomato juice The 21st Dlatrict of the Amerl-usually ptovea more satisfactory. can Legion wiU hold their second Afier the 11ot ju.ice Is packed into Monthly Hospital Brealcfut at bot Jars, a flve·mlnute prece•· the Santa Ana American Legion Ing Ume ta adequate tor pint Jan Hall 313 N B. Sl 8 and ten mtnutce tor quart.a. Un-, • ll"Ch ., at :30 a. k m. this coming SUnday, Aui. 19. Ii e most other truit fulcea, to- Reports will ~given of the. work mat®• need this extra proc<":as in during the paat year by the dla-lhe waler bath to dCetroy ce rtain tfkt and counUei and the In-bactrria which occur tn aome aoll" dfvtdual pOrlJU. and. cauae the tomato Julee to Cues& epe&ker for the Bl"eakfut IJPOU. ,,-w be Katy Scalea A.ufitant I>l-_ U you have ever obaened a lleCtor of Socla.J. Se~ In charge· White powdery m&te.rtaJ in the of recrt!aUon and paniu tor th8 bottom of canned tomatoea or to- Loi>g ·Beaeh Vet<!rana boopltai. mato JUl.,.,..YOIJ ha-re -n e<riden<>e rormerly of Binn.Ingham bolpltal of the work ot. .IO!lle of tJM9: spoll· Mt~ will epe&k at Ute work that •re bacteria '\hat o c c u r ln to- haa been done and Iha wod< lhat !'1'1Intoe.:;,.i"-can be done and the neec1o ·ot U.. ~ to canned bimato.a patient. al Ille Loo$ 8Hcll -and cuned tomato Ju~ many pltal. fruit c~ In o..n.., coun· Anyone wllo baa never· beard lJ ...., otoclted wllh tomato caL- llary sC.iea apeak la In tor a ""11· chill -., tomato rdloh and Y"!'L B;v.17 Amerba ~ '!""'31 olbtt t&ICy _"!-to prodQcto. .-mender and """Pbll cbarimaa UICI Anle<riCllll ~Pm Awdlluy ,...l all otller ~ta - po nldat and boopllal -.....n ..i..n ~drift ~ ._ eoo- .,. urpd to M ~ TIM ..,,.td wftla drtrina well, adTton 1 _...... lo aJao ....... to t.11)' tlie Aat_o Cljlll ' of -Call- a&hor orpalatlolt or ~ -m,. fonla. Tiie --•--111._W,.. u,. -_ ....... -...... " Ille ~ ....... I_ to - -~-be. btp· ~ Adl.b'. •-1 rts' a., 01 " s m. 9 1NNll'S MAU' QM'r BEEF STEW 1.um MT •t9MT · THlll..fUIE llLTllES OOY1N tT.lft PAI TEE IOI OlfAI . .~....:..53c 24 O.L UN •AClllC 4 NOS. U.IOZ iiwiNiK .,. .. ~c 18c ALPHA IETA HAS THE LOWIST JUICE PRICEs INTOWN , • ,.,, Clteci Ad Sffl NIW ' , .. . MF:DIUlrl 8/U; No-/ c:ltN