HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-30 - Newport Balboa Pressr. I l I J ·81ttjq _,, at. ~ u .. t-at member of tM 1fl.mU1 calla .. Dsddy'• 86w'lnc MfehlM/' -------------. 1'm -to wnt. a..p..,.1111e. ,,.. tno-will -opoll out •--I ftnally llaft quit fl7b\• a "olmnltod" Oas .., my collar, and 11&.e 11na11y eausttt .., 'l'llE P1IUll A 'mJITOr ol tlHI moet npldly ~.,... ot the c.utomta souu. an.con. eouw Empln ll fa1Ja &m<>n& ll>e duUu ot tltl• '-----------..J dept. to tl.llllon a IWlln• column ot dOUbttul · authentlelty &Dd clo- dded un • readability. Tllerllon, I'ln ouppomd to know omnetbtoc • .... • • lllYING ntl ·.1NT1il HMIPI AllA ~ . ... . - SECOND LAR'.GEST 1iOME COMMONITY ~N ORANGE COUNTY I about tlohln&'· (Wblch, lllcldln· ~~~~~~========~~~~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~=;~~~====~~~~~~j°======c=:==~~~~~~ ~'e~r'!°.!:11it becomu ombar· V=O,:,,L,:,,UME~~XU~====;;PH,;;O~NE~~HARBO~~;R:;;;:;l;,;6:,;::16~-===0:::::~==R=T=B=EA==CH,==CALil'p===~=~· =THURSD====A=Y=, =A:;::U-=G=U=ST=30=, =195=l ====l!'OUR==T:-::EEN==Pc=A:.:G=ES=====::::j============ ra-tng wben I boa.rd . a boat, stare any number of albacore In ~ eye. and brinl' bome not.ht.q but a flapplnl' toe ack. A.tter a r\"' trt.. like that. .. I've ..... before. one feet. like reUring and ra!alng tomatoea. However. lut Sunday, W. R. (Stormy) Gordon, the Santa Ana auto (Better Buy BWck) c1ea1.- wbo aJao ope.rate• ln h1a friendly tuhlon the Kua bowllnc &Dey. lnatlpted .another albacore ex- pe4ltion. And THIS time J caught an Albacore. In ,fact. 1. couple of 'em. I won't tell you, now. how lack of Oil Halts Drilling much l know about catch I "C Abandonment of the Corona lhoee flab, becauae the more you J ftah the leu you know. But rd del Mar oil wel , one mile in· like to remark on the a.blllty of land and one mile distant the oktpper or the "Stormy" In from the city limits of New- ltndtng llah. He was out In the port Beach WBB announced middle of a broad expanM! of water. not!llng In !dpt. when h• today by Shell Oil Company. 1uddenly oald ''We11 tloh heni." DismanUing of the rig and and we atopped, the fish imme--. th ,_ dlatel otarted ttotttng around ttte tts removal from e site .., boat. Y He denteo that he can1es' expected to be completed by a crystal ba.11 (bowling) u part week's end. of hia equJpmenl, but I doubt It! AN OLD SOURPUSS SOUND8 OFF Slot Operators May face -Loss of fishing -Boats Ftahlng neet operatora ot the Harbor area are ponderlng the pO..ibllltlea ot their fate today t..(ter the wtitrlwtnd rakll of the Federal Bureau of lnv-tlption tut week end. Reflectln• upon the dra.t.lc &e· "I Uo~ of the old bootleg day1 are many of lbe operator• wbo re- member the 1torlea of confl.eca- tlon of boat.a a.n.d automobUee found carrylnc contraband cargo. Hearing Set for Sept. 7 ln Township Court -Troy R. Proctor, 47, of 114 22nd St., Nelliport Beach was Charged with first de- gree munler in Newport Beach Township Court at 9 :45 a.m.' _Tuesday. Judge Dodge set Friday, Sept. -7 at 2 p.m. as the time for pre- liminary hearing in the cow:t houae located in Costa Mesa. No bail was set for Proctor and he remains in the New- po!t Beach city jail. I w-.s Surprt8ed, early thl• weftk. to read In the Ooot1., Grey Old Lady of Spring St.reel. the Lot Angeles Timea. "a column by Paul Zlnimerma.n, the sports editor. (Eel'• Note : 8M Lett.en to the Editor on Pap I) Usually Zlm, a typical aport.s ed.ttor, drones a Jon g endJeaaly &bout batting ~veragea, T·fOrm&· tloru1 and thorouah.bredl untll even the footballer-a, the b&aeball- era and the fillies become tired of Shell hu been drilling on the hole for several months and had reached a depth of 9,000 feet. No favorable sands were found and no show of water, so lhe hole will be capped oft and the 1ite abandoned a.a an oll drilling ioca- tlon. Abandonment of th.is aJte Md Irvine Number 1 inland from La- guna Beach, which wu announc- ed, In the Preaa la.at week, re- moves 1tll operaUorui: from the Coutal Hilla on the Irvine ranctt Shell dtd not say whether \.hey have concluded that there ta no f'\lrther oil testing• lndlcated for \he area.. TWO P.E&80N8 were ln,Jwft y at 1:1'1 p. m. wt.ea a Mt rod d:rtwn ~ Wllllam T. ~ .Jr .. of Lynwood, WU unable to 1top .nJ .,... ta.to tbe .., nice .t:atloli. .e• the llOl'tltwnt ooner of SOt.b St. &ad Nowpol't BlvtL fa the lo~ IJlac Oii tbe ~ lo Mri. Allele Rl<loard1 of 1813 Ne:!"port Blvd .. who recetwict a l>rvkee left 'f"'f-t Ud eata •ad bntlae&. ..U ·the extreun. left t. 11-y..--old l&.nwi Mc(Ju.Jlar of the -.me adtlrt. wbo auataln f!CI lwed 1.D,Ju.rt~ ud bn&l98 and cut4. Reta.. drlVtt ot Ulf! car whlclil at.ruck tbe two, .i,, dlr'ef!tly bealltd the pGlloe off\oe.r aidlnc Mn. Rlceardt. Charps lodged by the FBI in· volved only poasesaton and opera- tion of the Illegal slot machine wtth eome chargu of tra.n1port&· Uon .being Involved. Federal Bu· reau men· aeem convinced that all of the vlolatlon1 occurr~ outside the three-mile llmlt of the s "tate of California. and thus came under the Special Maritime Juriadlctlon of U\e · Unlted 'Sta.tea. Recreation 8ocly Approves Planti~ PlaM of the 8. I. ~· Proctor, a former carpen- ter for the South Coast Co., shipyard, W88 charged with murder following, an autopsy on the body -of his common law wife at Baltz Mortuary O.slgnatlon ot the llr•l Mon-in Corona de! Mar Satunlay day of October u Arbor Day tor nighL~ the repeUUon.a. .• Howevtr, Zim apparently went flahlng the other day. and dld he level down on the 1portatl•h· StUI Uader Leue HOT ROD INJURES TWO HERE Bluff Property Mr8. An~ Rtoe&rdl, 2818 Ne~rt Blvd., Newport Beach anl1 11-year-<>ld Jame1 McCulJ.ar of the ~f' add.re& were injured Monday at 3 :37 p . 1n. when a hot rod y,•tth faulty brake1 wu unat>ie to •top Federal Law Und•r the led•ral law which the City ot Newport Beach will Autopsy Report became effective-lut January ll be uked of the :Mayor a.nd City ta Illegal to tranaport the ma-Councll when the Park and Rec· Results of the post mor .. chine• lnt.o or through a it.ate reation Comml.uion mee~ with tem indicated that the wo- whereln the machlneii are Illegal the council in September. man had died from a blood to own. and/or posse•. and/or Tentative approval of Ute plan• clot on the brain, probably play. California hu a law making of the Balboa. Improvement A.SID-caused by a fall or severe inl" aituation! Irvine Ranch Company has still their vaBt holdingB under leaae commitment and other drill sitel!I inland are committed and a.pprov. ed. and ran Into them. Driver ot tbe vehicle which struck the two pedestrlant Sport.II' an.clera, he said, gel Overcharged be(ore they board the boat., and then they get 1C&lp- ed from fore to a.tt alt.er they're on deck. Food C&Bta too much. everythins COllU too much. The Corona del Mar well has been the aubject of much con- troversy in put mon~ becauae ot an escape of "rotary mud" that flowed down the canyon to- ward the sea from the ecene of WUlia.m Thurman Hein•. Jr .. of' .. -------------- Lynwood. Nita Gene Boatright ot Loa Angele1 waa a p&Menger in hi.a car at the time of the accident. Helna waa travelling north on Newport Blvd. when a car driven And you have to make long- rulltl for bait. You wall for ~wltille .. .....,..13' d~ a loae 'anchovy ...fiW" ~10\&" '\O uee ms 1:1e prob1btt.ed wet'e votced and Mont. pu11••wc·e...aul Wt. oe to aa bait. n ·• a terrlbl• .ttuatlon. many rutrtctton.a were ptaoed on the BoulevanJ. he 1&ya. the operatton1 as a re•ult of the FaaltJ &rakee And It all probably PJi lo accidental discharge of mud. prove that the bic-clt.y promoter Tbe Corona det Mar well ha.s of epect.&tor sporte -and to hell been a . virtual llghte<I beacon at wilb the one• ln which the Ind!· ntcbt from the hills where It I• riduaJ can have t'vn and not get vtllit>ie tn Newport Beach &.Qd rteh-probably didn't pt a fiah, a.Jong the highway. AttemplJ!I a.nd wu in a rest.rained. nme•· were made to screen the opera- llke huft about the •ituation. • tion from vlew of the H ighway. HcinB, admittedly knowing that hi.a brtkl!ll!I were taulty. a ccordlnc to the police rePort. .Wervt'd to ~ right Into the Shell •l&tlon at the norlhwr1t corner of 30th St. On the J:"&IOline. •talion pavement Hetna' car !ltnJck Mn1. Rlc••tdl and the boy and then ran lnto a Car belonging lo Jame. Za.lnger of I 26 a,; E. Balboa Blvd. Zainger'1 car, which waa parked in ln •la· tlon. receJved a damaged front whee1 and axle. lfr._ Rlcca.rdl •ustalned a broken an.d mU.ltlple cu.ts and M 'I 1" ~ Id bo7 """1...t -. Jlirin. b..W-and cuta. They....,.. both taken to SL Joeeph'1 h09pll.al v.ia Seal ambulance. Helstl!I, driver or the hot rod. wU 1-ul!!d a citation for ta.ulty brake•. Kr. and Mn. Oliver Broomhead ot Corona del Mar obeerved their fourth wedding anniversary Wed· nieeday evening, celebr&tlng with aJ dinner at t.betr tavortte ntte aPot. lt'a obvious that he doesn't The rig was located In a depfel!I· know the ditftculllea overcome alon tn the hill• but became via~ every day by the oparatora of Ible toward the city proper as our aportt«lahing fieet -and &JI work prognued and night opera· tlththa:ppoy~ltl~;:~ °:Sooy~::~~ UOM were undertaken. CHINA COVE UlD•BE ~ TH&f:E BURT ,lN CRASH . , :.~gm\~:. ~~~~~'.:'.'~r":u":O:~ Thr .. penoons were Injured In a BUILDERS TO G ,' p· ERM. IT thre4!-car acldPnt at 9 :08 a..m. you have to So where they are. T\lelklay at the intersection of And it's obvtous that be doesn't Heliotrope Ave. and Cout H igh· ( ... Mr. and ·Mre • ...t>udley R. Fune, ot Loi Angele., received a writ o know-tuiylhlnr about • .. ue expenee way ln Corona del Ma.r. . . .i th _ _, tlah mand&lf! from .... 8uperlor Court WRclnMday at 10 aJTI. to force e of operating a hig'h·...., .. u....... • Injured were Lucille Bouttote, .. . Ing boat. whtc}l cost.a -much more driver ot 'one ot the carA involved, i..uance oC a bull:tJng pennlt from ) the City of rfewport Beach to than you think beeauee of many William BouttoUt and Caroly ow them to bu.lld a home oa lhdr Ch.lria Cove property. requirement•. lncludtns the nece•· Woodeon, 8, an of North Holly-Such legal acUon, ~wr, la a.l"o.t nullified by lbe ctty'a •tart· aary safety requirements for pu· wood. t n g condemn.a.tkm proceed,lnJt+-_;_--------.-:--:- aengers, the need for more and A car driven by Harry Gott-a.plnat Mr. and Mn. F'Urae, the According to Ctty Attofiey better equipment. ap.d the huge Ueb, CUiver City, slowed down for 1 In Co --A Cf"--Natt•••! th -1 -amount of fuel consumed whUe traffic" u did a vehicle operated rv e · --"-"'-'nm .___ Han-y Bk>d.ptt. lf • ~ aearchlng for alb&core... He Mlrt by EdWin R. Brewster, Arcadia, I Truat a.nd Savt.np bank. were to but.Id a boUae on the pro,.. of indicate• that U.. bo&t~n are which. wu followtng behind. The city hu ~ed for autbor· erty on which condemnation pTO-- .c:ettlng rtch at the expenae of 'Ole car driven by Ml.811 Bout. [ lty to acquire by eminent domain ceedlnp have ~n Jnitlaled,1 It the pa.saengl'lra. whtcb la far from tole hit the ba.ck of Brew•ter's U\e parcel of the four lot. ln quea-would be poutble for the ctty to true. It you could add up the car and rammed It Into lhe rear Uon. Ll..llt Friday. the city offer· obtain the property without pay· ch&rgel!I they muat p&y, you'd aee of GotUleb'1 vehicle. The Bout-ed the awn of SI.TIO for U\e Iota, lris for the home 1lnce Ute pro.- why U9'Ually they wtnd up with tote car •kidded 07 ffft before the sum belng Ht.lmated u being ctedlnp were tn1Ututed prior to s taxi-driver'• wai:w un1eA they I the era.ah. I "of reuonable value." t.k bulldlng of the houae. fish mackerel Ln the winter. un- less they own a bat.ch of lob.Ur lraoo. He moana about paying 3.'i cent. for a 35--cenl ham~urnr ln the galley, when be probably chunka out more tor hla e&ndwich on Spring Street every a.ttemoon. 1•m be~nnlnc to feel more all the time that ~uch edit.on ahould .Uck to prornoUn•. fl'ee of charp. thom: sport• which ma.kt Vwtl· vi.dual• wea.lt.hX a n d .pectat.ore bottom-Ured trom llttlnk • tlle bteacl!ers. But. for the l>en,,ftt or the boAt ODU'&lora. rd actri9e.. lf • eucl) an editor waata to p flail· lnr. he'd bolter hook a. bMUl"bt"n tllh lo lbe end ot Ill.I 11 ... jU.t to keep him h&ppy-an4 -ptlln· IDg. Rezoning O.K.'d The N•wport Beach City Coun· tl Illegal and a mlademea.nor to ciatloll. for tfle planttnc-1 of the blow. ell Monday night orde~ Cit.y ..t..t-...... .-•"'-m hlnes ••d ~here t ,......._..... ...."'!! ac . ..... • bella in the center tmprovemen Proctor 1•8 alleged to have tomey Harry Blodgett to dri.w up r ••-t--' I st tut Uea + ore ... "I'" cuera a e ap · ot lhe Balboa Boulevard llu been admitted beating and ktc" km" g deed reatrlcUon1 lo prohibit Dlapo&lti ! th la ow cal h buUdlng above tbe bluff on ntne on ° e cue n gtven. Plan• 1 for the ,rlantlng her Fri_day night after re· In the hands ot the U. S. Allor· of Italian Pine tn the· center of Corona dtl Mar lot.a. Thia deed ney at Lo8 Angelee who must ~ bell 1UrTOundcd by Bib\aicue turning from a ~y in the reatrlcUon wtll be part of the bar· prOeeCute ~e charges lodged by which tn tum ts •urro in neighboring apartment of gain bei:-e:~ :.:..~t~ .. an!d~b'!'lutf~tth~··=FBI~;;.-an~d ... il'!u,.:. :..Si;;-~·~"'A~ttome-..r:y~.rlfi-~~ r\111-}'YJ.'"'*"'". .HIJ,._..NaiL 'Ggalld. . •• •' • .,. U'& he ....... '";,:'! ,..... """'• '~ Gjii.ijiir . . 'PtOcrot, ,,...., Rc-t to R-s. ff Weallaci' ~The -,:do tor the be&_· utlflca-Saconit~ona_ylaawt 8~.-30e wasa.m. allanired ne lot. to be included ln the .. IU1.l deed re•tr'lctlona are loc~ted be-F\nt ~ rMa of U'9 tfon Job baw bee.n railed voJun· the quarrel of the previous tween Irle and t.ari.--ur A ve1. -*"' re_._.___. .OS at 9elboa la:rlly by members of the, Balboa night had been forgotten. He --..-•--,._ Improvement AuOclatkm: which ~ 8-d '"" hall --· itaU.... Cblet orlJll>&ted the Plan tor Improve-returned to the a.partment at SPo(cQman tor the croup of Crock.,. .._-tblo ......iq. ment. The ll.allan Pineo'..,. be-10:30 a.m. and found her bluff property ownen dffi.rlhi; the Temperatare. t.M put weell; lnl' elven by Paul J . Howard, unconscious. She was pro- rezonJng w ... Georxe Penney ot from t.be Harbor area fotlow9: realdent or Bay Avenue and own· nounced dead by Dr. G. E. 140~ Qc<ean Blvd-He agreed that HIP Low \he deed ~llrl<tlona wooJd allow •r or tit• nursery ~g hi• Tohill, Jooal osteopath, short- blutt -to be built onlj' to ,,,unoda7, Aq. !S --------'° M ' name In Los Ancelea. ly afterwards. • the tevel'ot tl>e curb ttne of Ocean -Frtda7, Aus. H ------------11 M Roy Wiicox. alao a prominent Henry N . Goff, 34, who Blvd.· aad lh&t acceu ahould' only Saturday, Au.c. %6 ....... 71 11 nureery man 18 ah&rln~~~~e lmf lives in the same a~artment ... _ ,_._ a t~er _...... •··--"-A ~ •o U prov~ent with the ~ oa o buildin' g ·--taken to C""--,_.. ...~ •..-u Q...--.y, · q. "'0 ••••········ ' much of the plant wortt-""The ' "a.a ~ He Indicated that the property M A •• •1 51 • tody by Newport Beach nn.. Ollday, Ill'• "'' .......... • two men for many ye&r1 have r- aval\&ble for a lower acceu road -t..:....~n -~·-t -•·-•tea 'ot civil lice but was released after -..tl! be dedica.ted either lo the T'ueeda.1, AUi'· !I ········ ''1I """' [ ,_.. ~-· ~·""-• . ctty or adjacent property ownt:n W&da:e1day, Aua. %9 .... '10 n bea.ut_lt~cation -~ the area. questioning. ti\ the 1\e&r ruture... , 15Ml<lon Craddock ot 229 lilello- ttoPe An.. Corona deJ M«r '111>- lec'*'-. l<> the propcMoed ,-_,.,fftg. jie to!d, the-council tb&t a - abould"'lie shown for down·~ ttte· p~rtY, He lddod that ll -OUld 11'.&>dly be a hardship c&H becauae ot the fact that lota lb.at were worth $1000 in 1940 have now quadrupled ln value. 8a\'9 Vfew . TAX BOOST fOR -.2 N ~.:B. DISTRICTS; MAY .. BE OFFSET ~uv·· :$EASSESSMENT Increaaea of the Newport Beacli city tax ra~ of three cents for ooe <Ustric~ (Har- bor Isle, Corona Highlands, Shore Cliffs, Bay Shores and other sections which came ioto the city after 1946) and two cents for another (Co- rona del Mar, Newport Hts .. West Newport and Balboa) were voted by the City Coun- cil MOnday night. The tax rate for the other two city districts remained the same. In the coM. NH. WN and B d181rlcl the cl!y talbera cut the l"'eral cjty -d rate by one cent and tbeZJ upped the emplOyee retlnnnent !llad rate by tbree cent.a. .. 1.-..t yeu-•a total tax rate for that diatr1ct of 11.11 ibecorri.ea U .13. Three Cent R&lae1 ln the teetlcm of the tpty con· talning Harbor lale and \b;e new· er dJ.ctrlcU the total W · rate jumped. from 97 cent.I to rs1. The employee retirement tund· -·r ale wu ra.Uted thre "centa. Acconllllg to City Treti'urer J . A. Oant.. the Newport Beach total tax rate re.ma.lned at 1J.1&: the total tax rate for Balbba lala.nd llayed at n .20. Gant explalaed that the three cent rat• on the emp'oY'te retire· menl tUnd wu f'lnanclal~ ehoul· don<! by all ~ ot !lie city. He added, however, that Jin New· ROrt Beacll &Dd Balboa z.land dla- trtc:ta -the ralal WU O~ by the reduc:llon ot taxet1 tor lland "re· U....-t.-,f l Jt wU . polnted out that city· property bu been reu.enaed by the Rally Bo&nl tbla Spring ud tbat, ln moat ouu. the valtl&Uoo ttu been lowered. Thla will about offeet the tax ,.ratae in the alted.· ed district.a. The voted boost for the em· ployee reUrement tund waa.. ln contemplation of hll'her coete, to the employee and the city t.x· payer. or & new retirement plan. . -, The council pueed tl>e t1rwt reading of a clty ordln&n.,. to amend I.be Callfomla employoao' retirement plan. "nli• plan r.-- cently-approved by Newport Beach employees reducee UM n-- Urement· ace--Under the • e~ w clWlp, etly employ... may re- tire optionally at 80, witb lbe -to• eomputaory ,.,urement ~ Mtot~ • 1 I " • • ' ,, - , P_Ae& I -J'AllT T -THUUDAY, A&Je. JO, ltlf --._. EIS~ • • -Publlahlld every Thunday at Newport lltach. CaJjfom!L omce &ad -~ PJaot at 2211 Bal~ Blvd;-Phone Barbor 11118 JCni.erecL u l.....,d-eluo matter .rune 18, JHO, at tho poot omo.. at Newpoyt Beach, Calllomla, under the ~ ot March S. U'l't. I SVlll!CllIPl'ION Ju.TES: ~-BALBOA ._.._ ""''7 n.-,. Ill ~ jC-IJ', -per J'Mfl sl.•.m roattw1 (tul 1afte monlb) <41so JncladM the ~"EWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIMES on ~a,.) Out.Ide the -Iii' ..... per .:18'• WHY NOT EN.JOY ITT • Somewhere between the prof-ional ~ .of the bum and the exhaustive schedule of the fellow who over- works there is a happy medium Of activity. The bum does nothing far him..U or anybody ei.e. • I • • ' ~ • • \ I . ~ ' I ' • ' . • ,, ' ' ' • • • • Rile to Remark INIU.DON 008l'I 11oa TRAN ,., ••• .. -r•••"••,.... .,. TO MUf ~ft; MTS DB. Luft . . .,. ..... ~i..urns TIM WIOi>ll tallle, In ll>lo ·-Prof_. Em¢tua of PubUe ,,_, __ 17fll-~ 1111* or._,_.._ 11 bdl!I 1.n ...... _ · , lf<at. -be 1' .,_"",_ of ua:o • • • ....,--, detldt !lnandns will -th• natlolt more t11aa ~ • ....,.-load bow carried by tun and a ~ budrt. · 1 NOTES ,, ., IM -~ to~ l'lm, a . Tbere ta • Jons llat ·of ~ wlli.h ~n -"'91'l<ed 'bf. ure ,.---= 'nlla 11 u.e .,.. · ,,. of tnnaUGn, IK!t there II no .... oil recOf'd ot .a aatlce -If , e.,.cted .,..,....Uon. fOT lJilt, ~ &ouclally ,oDil_~y b,. Jt_.,,lf lta ~ In.~-jM-& ~<4 i.to dClllorl; f« U.e We b&v~ no .-.i·-111 which llG9Dlll nttlono lndJOat.,;i: (all lol -.) a 11&tkJn baa tuted 'the rdatlve °" damqe done by ln!lat:li>n hi • a August r'I, U131 • Bellflum • IAuwnburlf M.111: Doil-~ ot th-two =thocla In the ~ii< .ot the ctuftneyJI Tiie It loolal vu,. muc1> u ilioagb . ~SS.el: J'rance •25.38; Italy tum..-W.yt of flnanclni' cavern· pnictlc9J nlder1ee ol ll!llatlo!f tbh -may oomeday b&ve Pay• u - $H.'5; Nelbed&ndl $a.21; Nor· ~t durin&' a slftft period. A moot people .... are aware of. and .JOU· loolt T. V. A ...,.,.t 90 c1a¥ ' W&y ll.81; Portupl SLM; Great demonotntlon of the relative coot are' IDJUTOd by· II the gene"'1 rtae te<lt of 300 tamru .. In C1dCai'9 Britain MO.U; Cenada $19. lrlllf-ana burden mun -more proceed f rl<e ....w~•--f "JT . proved very •t!stoctory iUld many o!d tltatu S30I. I told you tut from certain .....,mptJOna on which 0 ,p • .• _,,. rom th~·~ Ill the '""''"'-thlnlt It -· ~ a · Uon ol" a.amtionaJ purChu ...... _ .... ~ ,..~ vii::: ...U Ille. avuare forelCD produc-different project!ona . .,.. ~ -by oriHlclal meano I' j boon to all T. V. Yi.....,.. and aim lion 18 112 per «nl of lM Pf'!"' over a .tu.lure ptt1od. 1 UaMtf•t1J _9u111pt .,..P.oa a blg money·maker for the ope.. W9' ftavrM.. -' ~ To eet.ablllh etgnlttcanUy dlt· Further aerSou.t tnnatkm .. Uk~ rator«. •· """' then. wllal lro the aame -t tuU!to. It II neceaary to 1,y to OCCIU" oru111 the FedeNl e<>Y-~enonally I don't ... how they ~tlono ..,...41111r for thelT OW!> de-.-ne IL) a •UbetanUll Jl!!;lod of -talla to 11°"" WI ~ could compete with fTee movie• tcue.f tt.Ma ttna In. m01..,_ Of deftclt.. not Leu than: tO ~: ta ~. With tM Uf'llP.ptton unlea they wet? much ne.wer or dolll9n)' B<lll'J.m • ~ 'and (.J.) .. anllotantlal. amount 'of Uilt next y-·· bodir-~-.fbl be better even though the -r'~ 1:181; Dlmnark '80: -F-$1,• defkilt-llnancl114. A def1$1t Ii> <>"4' '80.00ll,OOQ,000, "1th ~-l.t ad .. rtll!ng la annoying at ttma; 450; I~ S9lll': NetWland• '3tl; one or two ~""' .,,... thoui'b -.~,OOO and a -<leflhl:£' especially when the program ta tn- Norway $111 Pol'tllpl $61; GNllt otMl>le ,..ould not~ -~-•"u •1t.""""""'OOO, ·~-,... ,_ .., C terrupted at the critical time In an 811-'"'6(~·· oanada .... ~· • -··---• ~......... -... •• 1 cltln d t l U-'ted S ifs 473 <W h • rut no u •. notw1thetindlng the the innaUonary impetus wo d ex g ram.a. a eut mmt of • ...._ tat.es • · e ave amount of .erosion lt .would pro-operate to increaae pTlce1 eannJ>t ua are • bit gratetul becawle we appropriated rpore than that but d~ tn the ft.Jue_ oe. tbe d01J&r. It be foretold in advance ... For the know the immense coat of thelfiti! It w!D bot o)l lie .,,...t \hit :r-T·l lo oqually b\le that a wry omall preoent pu-. tt ta aMWll<d thi..t prognmo. ... ll.-m~-!m~t •~ ~ deficit, ay not to •xett<I Sl,000.-it would be 5% aruwall~ ·whkh Something I would Ilk• to ... -.---. "" w eee. I*"" 000,000 In tbe Federal budpt. of seema like a modeat eatlm~te ' put on my radio and T. V. set !_a' ...,.tq,, o( Ito prod-~t:y tfda:Y, wou14 not be ciemOIU!trably 1 w , • . & button that I could puoh and -natlool II slvllll' to P"<i>ettd-"""'-11 It endured for 10 years f. we ...._ •, 5 ·-: ann~al ip,-c1it off the prognm and at uie' MM.. n-tl\ou.ld be more nearly or more. A.gain there 'tl.'VUld be a crease in tax coll;e"Ctiona, the W;"1 same time have it register in tbe , ~ llloUldn't they t The n.&Uona cett&in erollon 1»f the value of the or the deficit. for .a 10-year pert.Ott atudto. I would especially like lbilf ot D.trope ere u vltally lnb':reM.ed curttncy, bl.It the dam~ would ia $2:Sl,OOO.,OOO,OOO. This 18 al.moat deville when aoine ot the obn~ ~ ~ are.. We mu.at a.bib allOW' not necaarily be irreparable equal to the present Fed.en.~ ~bt. prog7tma a.re on or aome of the tbl" tAe needa of t.Mtr reOOvertns , . · Efferct EsUnaaled · monotonous and too-long coiiun.~r: The man who knocks himself out hurts himself and his family. True, the latter may C<Jl!tribute a lot to the wel- fare of the local or national commuity. but not all those whose efforts are widely felt nE!!il be virtual round-the-clock . f;' ... '"*"' ctvllie:n economtea the need rw 0pp._.g A.rs'unNt Wfek Some ldea. It the effect df. iruch clala are in tun my. AltO 1 woak1 --------------+---.--,------~--'···~ good&. Swt. rftd theM' The wMk potnt in the ar~ent an increase on t:he value of ~e like to bave this devlse 1}JOt oft1 ~ pe:roen.tape: Betctum-Ltntemburg of tboee Who att now adYOCetlng dollar may be h&d from the result!! 8how the studio and pertorixie~ workers. The point is that each indl'Vidual should try to get the Newport-Balboa Preu ~ · . , 4.S!:': t>enmaril Z.1-;$; France deftclt fin&n.clnc. on the (1"'0\lnd produced by the debt tncreue that 1 have ahut them off,· ·Wt e' tfo,.: t .T'l'; Italy &.3~; Netberlando that It wlll be only for a Y"&T or from 1940 to the present! Tiie al80 pve aome one a ~ sWtft 1 A'1 · N~ &'.'. Port.up.I .:>1 I.I that they profesa aaurance overall growth of the debt in tb&.s kick in th pants A\ll\ltt 11, 1951 2-.I~; 0ttat Brit&in 9 i;;.; Canada on thia polnt W'htte admitting no time was $213,000,000,ood. aDd Maybe le am ~ crltlcal when 8~; Untted State. 15.7'1'. Our certainty at all tegarding the fu. there was approximately a 50 ~ I'm getting it all for free. percent.ge ta expected to rt.are. ture world-wkle situation. It It bP depreciation of the dollar. This ie your Flriendly Ford dOring' the flac&I J'e&r, to l8i;f. lrue that there wtll be only a peak \Ve could expect not less than a Dealtor. Theodore ·Robina, •Y· Thla 11 not nttMM.rlly dangf!roua year or two of eovtreme SJW'lldlng. comparable degree of further de· Ing good-bye 'lit nd:t week. most out of life. The bum doem't since constructive activ-2211 Ba100& Blvd. I . ~ ity is an integral part of happinesa and satlafaction. On the Newport Beach, eaur. other hand. the fellow who newr letl up to have a little The dog qu .. uon .. not tuUWorodlbY ilJlerd h""'l>" ..-by pleasure hardly bas a pleasant existence. to thooe on either •Ide 1 tha~ I• for ljo~ .,.. ctopl u lltlfts Wltbouf the milk of human kindnE'N. It h1 .~y a m&~ of room.· There to our ~omy bUt there g an lt follows UIM correspondJng t&xt'!ll preciatlon from another doubling old Amertcan -Ytn.. about pulllD.g can be enduftd for this .short or the debt. This would mean th&t 10Ur weight tn Ute ..,_t. 'and that. period, proVkled we are wise all valu~ expreseed in 1951 dol- fot reuc'.llls of )Tlorsle If nothing enougb to lay the proper founda.-lars wou1d be cut In half. WliJ,. -G Sta I elee, la what these n~tlont ougt1t tlona for ~nying thla load while reference to the 1939 dollar, the -~orge n ey to do, ln th~ opinion of one Con-there 111 attu ttme to act. dt'preciation would be-around 7G~, Dr"es Thu-:-'"'ay grt!11Sman ! _ • The prtnclpal te8t or meuure of I posAibJy more. •.I AU Some people endure the millery of constant work be-Juat 18 not room enough on lb..., .amall 1o1.o, -1'1.Y bUllt O'ftl', tor cause they won't endure a little self discipline and hard such ta>ge anlm•l!i aa dogo. I work. Others accumulate large fortunes through years of Yean ago, and In fact •-Y In llOn\e pi...., h<K-cowo. C""ta. strenuous effort and then fail to enjoy them bec~uee they pigs and Cf\ickena "'-ere allowed on city lot.a. Mo.t have gone. but don't know how to relax. not without prote1t. Tbe owners I.Ji each 1 cue have objected. . I re--We w~re ready to start for Cali-1 George Stanley, brother of A.a· member how long It took to elln1tnate the-crowinc f'OOlter : alt.ho fomia. Ttw-Houae hu ~aM'd CRU{\-ADE FOR FREEDOM PLANS TO semblyman Earl St.anle,y and Lew-A proper balance lies in being reasonably energetic the~ ~re f~ of them, their f1"'llt'rtt were loud t.n protNL until September 12th. Then we .JJ . 1 ia Stanley, and father of Mautte and in making wise use of one's time and money. Cer_. Now, It ia n.ot a question of whelher one likn or dllllkea dop. ft~red ouL that w" would have to PENETRATE IRON CURTAIN AREA Stanley, Harbor m.ui-ance . man. tajnJy one should save every dollar he can. build up his Sanitary cowulderatM:>na come first. Then too. we ha¥e-the non-<log duh out, and ju.at about the Urn e 1 died at 10:20 this momfng ln San.~ bent account and make himself as financially independent owners Who must clean their lawns. lsidewalks and grounda. and ·tha.t wtt got there. after stopping at ' ta Ana Community hOBpltaL fl~ • is unpleasant and nuty. Bes.idea, wHf're l3 the result to be. diepoeedf Topeka.and possibly tor a day or Slgnaturea of one-million Sou•J..f'rn California.men. women and had been 111 for nve dayl, having. .. possible. But the-money is not an end in itself; rather ~ oo at Mineral Wella. !t would ho ~· . . ouffered a atrolte l..t Saturday. • • The dog owner f'f'CbgniSes the ck of room by Uw! morplal' and tlmE-to tum around and fly •··k. chUdren .on ·crusade for FreE"dom scrolle will be ~shrined with Radio Mr, Stanley w .. 66 ""e&n old it: is but a means toward better living, wider travel and -, ,, evenlns walk, or by ju&t letting the dog loose. That ls done for one even'1.o get here in. time for the Free Asia v.·hen that powerful transmltlf'r Is dedicatt'd to it.a job 'If and a native of Wheeling, Weet dtversified interests. N'UOn., not to dirty hJs own preml&E"s or ruin hi• lawn and plant.t, reconv~ned session .. ae8tdes~ I am l bringlng a.nli-communi~m information to c8ptlws· bebln.d the iron Vlrginla. Be had been a tesldlint • In short, life has a lot to offer if you know how· to and he knows It. exhausted. like all other Congres.~-cu1'tain next year.. of Pasadena since the age bf three QCCept itf When We pave our alleys ln Cqrona de! Mar the lawna wlll be men Who have sla3ted heN>: anrt This I!'! the gcal annotmced thi111 Week by C. B . Tibbetts, South· and had owned hie borne at ll7 " well decorated and the children may play in the e~an alley. fought it out during a •very' hot l!rn Callfomla chairman for the Pearl avenue, for 30 years.. Wheft -• The que8t.lon W: "What. is the greateet good of the greatest summer an~ a mMt confualng aes-1951 Crusade which gt'ts undt>rway make these broadcasts 'possible he retired q ·buO<ltng'irulpector for mE HALL OF BLAME number!". Prohllition of dop can be aceompll!:hed by an educ.tfonal alon. I doh t mtnd getting my ears acroSs the nation on Labor day. wi.tll. their CQ.nt.r(butlons ..accompit.-the city Of Pa..-dena he e&tabllatl· __ .L.~ . I knocked down occee:tonally, I>">' "Like lhie i;crolls SPt iii. place last • .:r __ .. -.~-ed his permanent re8'idenct on the A JJTUlfnLnl. In. the meanUme all I ask tS that the CUrTf'nt law be vlded . lt is done in. a n orderly Y••r Wl.th lh• o,,...;lng of Rad•·o nying the sjgntng Qf ~the ~ island and ·had lived there for the .. • s a result of the new, one-year Defense Production enforced Let• hear the other side y-·· scrolls,.'' Tibbetts explained. ·•Wtth A t hi h h P ·d · ed d · · j fashion, and with evidence of cour-P'rPe Europe. the l9:51 freedom put five al\d a half years. He WU \... c , w c t e res1 ent sign with reluctance an excori-w w ANDREWS so many endoroen o< the prognm Ii be f •• --·--m. . • agt' and cohesion on the part or a pledges _ stgned, sealed and de· a modest · silvt>r eodtl-ibutiod: from a fe mem r o ... e c~ ated a.a "the worst I ever had to sign,'' the Congress seems 6~5 Orchid Ave., Corona dtl Mar. flghtinc -ml.nority, but th~s supln<' Hvered -'will serve as prope.gan-all Signers wi.11 Uabte lt1e cam-lodBege of Elks.. : c:iefinitely relegated to the AdmiJ:tistration's political dQg.. awrender to the si)<'ndfors &..od tht' da SJ)rlngboe.n1s from wh1 ch palgn t o score an •over-the-top' vlved•ldbe8 h1a brothe1'8thhe la .a".' h y · be ed .• ,. -ide 1.. J2SlllN.Q._liYllfLA vn.onrr 1 military and the State Department •mertcan to•Uw wtU . b11~ 1 . · y his wife, E el, Ol tJle OU8e. et II. ID!l,Yp -~l""'l Wl_,~4',.le .re-on . ~>y--, ~-•;tr' ' .tf ,-, _ _.. c <, , jllo~&kut·hao•1"o iiOwr>. So ovtt-.!omln<ln.lat -....... bi,".,Tlbbetts '«i-. ~~:t~u...; ealJfoml~ '"" bOme' aa-..;'•bia -lf.a~ aiid that the White House outbw:st was insplred more by Deer Kr. Ben lli0twc1t: · • nlilbt we dropped the' id.., of going clar<d. \Tom scrolia-1<nawn a.a 't~ Dec-one gttndcblld, 1All4a; hla two purely political m o tive than 1)y genuine fear of what Mr. 1 would like to t e.tt you this ptt!JOftalJy; but eve1')"time I go ln borne and back so hurriedly, and Top goal • or tbe CJ'usade for la'ration of Freed0m ...:..Carrb the brothen and one al!lter, Mn. Eva Truman called the "defici·enci· aa'' of act. " that flea joint )*OU. call a newwpaptt office, a bNutit'Ul rfri Ulla me j we're -colng to find, a boat. going Freedom th ls year is the eatati-11 . led ftlee Of Loa An.plea. i -•-· d ~ ., t I fo .. owmg p ge: · ro_.....J....ces are -••·-at Bal~ you ahoo:ld be back tomorrow. Now you and that L. A. tribe ot &ny'W•ICC"e8, an "11en 1 •ope, Us.bment of Radio Free Asia, and Bell in i th red d ~ ,...,, ........ '-& ~ Actually, the act pretty well leaves in AdnliniBtra.tion yokeh: have run your hlttln' atl'!'ak far enou-. Aa one: of the old lwi'll sit quietly on the beach and th(" exparuston of the .. truth net· d' It evf gth n 1 dei ~al ntb':ta:il mortuary, Corona del Mar. Tbe h ds th b I d . e &•• watch the Ude •o out and come ign Y 0 e n .v: u ' · I family haa .-n•ested that no n-.: an e a.sic contro B it woul othe-'se have lost by f bait h u1 It bad h b t •·-s t rd e work" to be beamed into Euron1>an d th ""t t • ed m • -,--~ ' "' gang o a ff'l!I, wair en~g years a.go: u ~"' a u V~ In. The fact that lt alwa.ya d(){'S r ~ men t'Servo e r1&•> o ![e o I ere be aent but that inltead. ~ expiration of law. although it does deny requested powers a f'ull column was devoted f'ntlrely to m11d; so let me stir tt a while. come in' ag-aln should encourage countrlell. ~qually from God, I;pledg .to re-nations be itven to the Hoag Me- that the Congress decided were extreme and needless such Seems as though aJI the ails and patna the aportfi.lltlfl• racket ha1 me to retum and J"fllew the flght PNCe Talk slat communism and: its tyrannY'.-mortal hoepital, Ptubytertan.. as the request for 'life·and .. death control of all business are the fault or the bait haulers. Even the boat operators. who ad· agatntrt. the tnnuenC.e11 which a.re •"Radio Fr-ee A.eta. like ita Sia· both, at home and ab~-wlth ~-----''-------- . · wrtl.w ex~llent bait at all times, M°"kl know bette.~: ~use they spending us into disaster and ter atatton In Europe, will relay the weapons ot trut~- through a Federal licensing system. know dam well there are tlme11 whm there Just \In'\ any batt within thn!at~ning the Republic. to captive people the 8tory of . "I am proud to h~ J? ~e pos- Th t M T h ted · t bo h · Con 1 1 Amerle&'s peaceful upiraUona and 11Jble, with my contributions and a r. ruman may ave ex.pee JU8 a ut w at ~ miles ot Newport. Some loud-mouthed 8 ......... ..,.,.tter -·ta ort1 grea ~i l adjpurn ear Y tn =i.gnatu-. a Radio ·..l..e ... L -.... d .,.,..--· .. ,....,.... Oct bt' d m di h Its frif'ndtihlp (OT JM'Ople of iron !SI •c ... 6.li ~ ... . • e• __, then. curta.in countries and emphaai&e Y" greater power-purely executive power--over the Nation's One haul. and man, we~ we happy! Then one sad momlng, all thf' our unaltel"'llble opposition to com-pons of truth to combat mmu- ~ PROFE~SIONAL ~ ~ DIRECTORY r, Con~• gave him is a plausible thoughl He has held a.nd all the othen toUow. Now s tiihort while beck, bait was a cinch. 0 r an we w r ve ome a Radio Fte. e Euro._·· .. twea- aJfairs than any other U. S. President. In demanding even bait 00.UJ gathered round. daylight came, but not a alngle school of This nlornings' mail brought me munist idealogy," Tibbetts sald. ntst lies and propaganda. bait anywhere. FlnaJly the radio blurted out the new• that Pedro ln a little envelope ln!M!rt from the "We muat remember that the "To this end I enioll m 1! in Ir--------------, greater powers at this time, he most likely knew, as an had again come around t o good bait. Too late for u, and boy, what National SmaU Busi.neaa Men'• A&-trength of Radio Free Alli& and the Crul!Jllde for Fl'eedom , d au-. LESTER. A. BE.CUR. 0. D. 8. JShtte politician, that he Would have to accept a compro· a bawling out the cre'<A•.a took: and not a J>ttP out of tllem. Twealty or aociation, which polnta out that Radio Free Europe lie8 in the tact thorize the incJW1ion of mJ' name nllse. Nothing else could come by agreement in a body of 30 tnUes bi ju.It a little exerct.se for bait wht-n it.deckSee to move. from 1789, to June '30, 1945, the that mlll lo1111 of Amerlean11 -not ~rlnlh• •.. ~dio Free Asi.a ~I om tota.J tax collections of the Un.ited just a few, or the· g_overnment -..,,, k!gialators which runs the gamut of political theory• from Now I ouppooe tho .. wi.. llUY• In 1. A. and yoor wonderful new.-Slatea totalled U48,348,3H,590. -----·--------------+--- i!jttreme Fair Dealism to traditional belief in a system of paper could batch out a echool of bait for the good people on a day From May 1. 1H5 to June 20. 1951, RED CROSS TRAINS 300,000 FIRST AID=:JS like this! I certainly would like to work 30 or 40 pounds off your they totalled $260,517,309,430. In Eff ti-holly free enterprise untrammeled by governmental inter-__ .. for the next 30 d&ys, atsrt•"~ at three In the momin11 and •Ix y•ua and two monu.. Pre0i-, , ,~ 1 .. ..., Approximately 300,000 C&ll.forn.ians are now qualified to .admh'l· 1erence. retumlng about 3 p. m. . --.__ dent Truman hu collected more Th I. • I • f t. .... • 1 · talles than all his• pred-esso 0 ister first aid, Including-spttlal technlquee prescribed for ctvU Defehl!le, • DENTIS'l'RY 17815 Newport Blvd., CO.ts Mea Medical Bldg. ' --8152. 505 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-.T e po 1t1ca m erente 111 inescapable. By denouncing One of our pet peeves ta a bunch or early drunka: following lM .._.. r · -r from G..,...rge Wa•hington up to This is 233 ,000 more than the number havi.nv Red Cross rertlfl· ·the act so categor1·cally, the PreBl·"-nt. 1'n effect, a"--lv-a little too cl .... and telling U• howi It should be done. 1n the mean-'" e ,. 1•-------------' ~ U?N ..,.,, and lncludtn'g' Franklin O. Roose-cate11 wht>n, early this year, Oovt>rnor Ear1 W&rren appealed for lt OPTOMETIUSTS the Administration-· -in advance-should it fail to use the time, they are 90undtng a few &ehoob of bait we probably could have velL Even then. the tu.es did not leut one trained tint alder ln each ot California's 3,f)()(),000 ~homes. truly great powers of contrOl given it wisely and effectively. caught. cove.r the Tl-uman spending•. Well, Meanwh11e Red Cross chapters .. ------------~ Sh So e daya when the wind com~ Ulf early, it ia Ju.tt about taeleu, It's some kind of a record anyway! are tra.ining volunteeni at the T&.te ould events turn away the alibi is prepared-and every but the crew!!' make a couple of hard hau.la truatlns to luck, which La Remember what I told you last of ••-.ooo • month with an lnstruc-education will be Of vital import· be f Co b anee in tlme of disaster," Rolfe mem r o ngress w o 8Upported the modified controls a poor way to do it. When baJt ha.a 'be-en mi.Nlng about a Wftk, these week about understanding the dlt· tor·ata.ff increued from 4,000 to sak!. "If the gnreaome euualty Will be in nomination for a special Hall of !!Jame. balt crewa aren't fit to live with. 1N ow we get paJd only when we rerence between $15 and $10, but 11.000 aince Governor \Varren's ap· ietrtlmates made by Dr. Wilton L. get bait ; so don't get any fancy ldau.. We don't like poor belt ally· not between Sl~ biUion and $lO peal. Halvereon, State Director of Pu~ more than yw do : eo qu.it bttchJng and help us Kf'(. eome lawa paned billion. rJl bet the women of the Within the next few moot.he 10.· lie Health, are correct, firat aklers ----·•---- V. E. KOEPSEL, O. D. OPTOMETRIST ~•s by' Appobi- -SlU W. N-.ori lllvd. Newport~ Harllor %511 IABOR DAY This year's observance of organized labor's proud holi- day may well mark a new departure from out-moded meth- ods of labor thinking and a heartening progress m the !ield of sound labor leadership. ·Only last week, California's blunt Harry Lundeberg, AFL executive, declared his -organi- zation bas decided to end its two-year political alliance with the CIO, and added : to hel th•-bal t In~ %2nd DU!trtct know the difference 000 additional lnstructora wlll would be forced to should---p · ll!I t o ..:.aeue. betw~n $2.48 and $2.80. t>rop the .... • .. N Id be d in t. bit b -.t~ kd step up tht1 training program to aponsibiliUes far ·greater thaA ever ., _____ M_o_a_n_c_t:AN ______ , ow you guys cou 0 g -r 0 ur Y •"· ui IQmf: P extra figures off, a.nd yuu can app¥l1Tlately 90.~ cerUflca.tlons 11 bedo, killlnlf off a million aeai.. and1 t&ldnir what bait · t '• anllable ulide..-ild eowmmen.t ftnanC<& .acll '1IO days. . before contemplated. BALTZ •OBTDA•T lnatud of wantln&' a certlln klnd~aod alu. Wben then> lln't llAY too. · -1 I "This me'!ns a return to the original policies of the AFL, which were eatablisbed by Samuel Gompers, founder albacore, e\•eryone wall.a and· seems to understand the tact thai lhey f'Toc•ew ~ -aa.lfted. ad9 are ft&d. "1 toua haven't arrived. Now balL. worka e same -y. Whan they k-ave, A .L d .L.... Exh•bit ProgreM In the flnt aid pro-w2lo are Joo1i:1ns to 1'U7· I you alt on your slttt.r and wait ro~ them to come tn. Brtnr dOWll ~ ~· 1·v I · ' lftltl waa reported Monday, by L--------.,...---l--- couple of your -BrookJyn bo • and .... ·11 take· )'OU out for "" lri La1•11na Gallery· John II', Rolf.., Ame-Red w·-. '. -.. education you won't pt in any L. . nf'Wirpaper~ office. ...,_.... en.. State Bd&Uona aepn.enf.a. ,.._~ ,, .. ., .,._...._ w~ e.·•e-you my i~ ......---ermen "-fV"I '! l"anA ....-u ._ .. 80ft ......-. Gen. Walter ll. ftot)ertlOll, st&te LiidT •-t ilO Cout IDpW117. CORONA DEL MAB OAY ANO NIGHT Pllone Jlaf'bOr O JNSllllANCE N--~ I'll .. Im --~--ol ... M..,•• ~ ~-~ ~-·-nt~-ot ~·-and tlve tor California. With KaJ. a.i.., lel•loe -~~111 a ded<hand'1 Yiewpoint. , Kn. A.' Al<l<ander J{amll-or DVector o( ClvU 0e-. and Or-. } LJ . ·I .j ttl)' AL FOllGIT, Bal-. liu -lnYited to.-lla"" a Tille R. W, ""-••-Qtate·D!-N p.~ · _ Old Establlahed lll8unnee ' -at ~ Beach·Att plier)' -r-., "' , .it Alfel\cy and first president. It al9o means the ·AFL will no longer Sa.y Al'. give a blanket rec~mmendation to any politicBI party. We We .don't mind a llCOrdl, part larlj when it ia earned, anct A~ will, however. continue to indorse lndivi<luals ~-of .., • .,. earned many! But. w.. tat< no c:red.lt .., a-tqr the -Y not -RJo ~·have l'OCtor, he._..,..., on the~ ' n.VMmll'O '~ All lln ... written. -poplllai-at llle Art-~ et.te-wlde · etvn Deten.e broad, -auft211a11_.,. t I BOW;"." W. GEB~IHID (,;"°the put bro :rurs.· An &l'clll· -· • ,, • D11J a NJsM B ld. ,...... - tiettu...i 11\_,,_t at u.,;.-ty of "1 lbuu< It ta pretty senuaUy . lft. -'':."':. -1 ! J.80ll Newp0>.t 111..i., co.ta lf- party affiliations. Loo ~1 .. newopapen, or the or TV ttuts Joui. ~boya • 1 • • "We made a mistake, and we can see it now. We jlon't of the fllhlllg dclckl. , . want to fl de d · lit! Bas! all Al. >""' know that ln, ot th\a pu, oa r-t -and baelt and . oun r aroun ID po ce. • c y we are mem-In lietween Ila.., Mlpport.ed your· uoe for the .ltelp -. We bave ~ of trade unions and as such we should apend our tilne ~ t.rtpa not on1y to Le., An,..._ l>Ut to -«»-We ba~ hid and energy m improving the conditjQDa ~ our wi;>rken." "° lldp.r-a the llportflabla&' c1<>e • "We "'Jo>' .....,. little .. ._ • · Tlje very concept of & labor party in A.meric& -of trom any oC them. IA fact, old bo,., ,.hen t.bao la a -et.ii word -• ~ •tabor" having interests dllstinc:t frolil the rest at the people It 1-wt>en -·call to ~t la!orma on a picture we ll>tend "1nllJnC :;ia an ·anschronlam In thia ~ge. In our complex flC!)llomy, tor~: ol L 1 ,_._ ••• ..,_..._ " · real --'--· cl · ''.on · · ·~ .,._ ~• P ......, ~ t and &ll ._...-IMlo -~...,r, ID a very """.""'• m 11~ wtuanr r A1mr1-cur.led 117 two lndlyld\>ala 111 ton, ..no.ac-1 twr. -z. 8' WlL Brains, bi'awn, skill-the ·a~ty ,to.direct and to •Cl!'~.DOltJIOl-ot-... wtdllbe.,.ln•'*s-p, 'elhy out dlrectiona-productlon iXI the shop, the Jabora· We -it mlDcl pu1111<1c!a1 lilftf. blot fl•"• Al....,.• oot.t; tilry., the field, the reaearch. fdmadatim, the donuiin of JMlft IM c...i. tor ~ •• dll>lr did or -..., -. -~ Gld applied eclence-all cwnblne to give the wbole people -,... .. , ,,_ ., IM r..o. Tim• wnte "' * '91'<1! .....__.... ... ,_ •ofU• h • ., ... .,_.,_W_,.. ~-~Ille-..... ,.~ uuuga m.e w;e ave m llUCb al;laildanee. . .,.t 71 u 11 Wa'U loot be .-a nw ......, a r111a •e. - ll 1rill Qe another gOOd ~ tor :1abor"-b all ,_... -_,.,...., ' .•--Mil and wba tm-sree CIO orpniRtk'll lt1uka _. ne 1111tF1'blf-. Mft7 .__ ..... 11 s 111 r.. ••• 1 tD-n '~~U'tlU8i!lln)X'bt•" ~*'8ta 11_1':"'.__ .. ,_,... _.,..,.fl .. 111 hsrt • .,, covernment cannot be a • ...,. .. 1~1 •-e's I 11 1 ••-..-"" .. ~ -l;htaw • .-& a /II Miiii& • • • •• • •• 11 22· 11 •act.Al.we .._ ~ ~---11p .. le; it,mUlt be the --Jltalla the «CTI .-i, ..,... ... 111 ...._ _ _ •J, .. 0 • 181119 ~ aB thlnldng cltl••• . ..,. .,_l>'lhma na"'--.o+·-••"··;:, 5 1~a!i~& • . • I .. • rca,.., be w!1I 1 .. ._ ror ----by moot of the J.~--:::=~--=-=~·-:u~w::~J . PHONE Bll:ACON ·~1 fl!:'p\tmb\lr t. )\eoPle -u -~ Ont aid .; =:::::-:-::-:-::-:---:-:::-:-:-:-:::::::::z:::::'::::-=-=~,.--BE SURE-IN$0RE .... llA'llmm fta1l]aY •• a. •-7 I ClmlJ' • ........... , ... ~ •.= ...... _ ...... ,. • , • • • . ' • • 1 • ' Lido Isle Club · Women .Plan Ambitious Year ' • ' • • Dukes . of OiXie Play Friday 4t Ta·r P"at -' Gulf Coast Da"ces • Specticular at Padua Hills Tllooe thrilling fut -ahufflln,t' dancu, tbe famed huapa.ncoe ot r:rst meeting of Lido ~ Wo-the Gulf eo.at ot Meatco, are m..ell• club ls •lated for Tuesday, epeetacular feature• or ''La Barn· Sept. 11, .C.:•t 11esalon of an am· 'ba,'' tbe Mu:Jcan Playua' orlgi.na.J bltfous years progr-am. All meet· comedy of a. Vera. Cruz fleat.a.. jU9t ing.s will be luncheon 1eulons and opened a six .weeka eniagement at an important speaker or program the Pidua Htll.9 Theat~. will be followed by cards. "La Bamba" ii the Spanlah For the opening day the pro-name for a dance ln which the gram will ~eature one •ct or a . particlpanta tJe a bow knot in a Broadway hit, gtven by Betty Jar· long suh with their fHt while' vUI, Marthella Randell and Vir· keeping step with lhe mu.ale. The gtnla Wells of Harbor Community play featurea a dance conteat and Players. I 0th f 11 A"-t&1cea Its theme and t tle trom lbc • SON. IOD1'"JTE SPOOK SHOW: 11 :10 "The ·Thing" -...i- . "Ghost· Cha1MS" • Mesa~\/ • • MOW! Biii)' O.wo11 "Dear lrat" AlJall ....... "AppohlliiNAt With Dancier" !lt"!<DAV-TU'ESDAV , .... 1 .. 1aru1 "Little· Bit Hom" (lorfllae C.lwt--.lootpll Ootlftl "Peking Express" er a ptograms ~nounced dance by Mrs. Hay Langenheim. public· Regional dancea &nd romantic I !!!!!~~~!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 tty chalrma..n,, Will feature ChUlN .onp a19o are introduced. tn the I ~ • Olbbe Adams, nationally known opening prorn.m of the Jamaica horticulturist and O:swe11 Jack.Ion, aner-theatre carnival in the patio, curator of Laguna Beach Art gal-to continue through September 17. Jery &pd In much demand u a I~-The comedy tells the atory of a tW'fi!t". Mrl'I. Ne!Aon Neice is preai-lad who found himae:lf in an hUar- dent !or the comlnc year. loua predicament through sttklng ORT.9h7n, Evening Game for Police Auxiliary Hearts "'ta amuaem 0 enl of the evening when mernbeTa of New- port Beach Police Auxiliary were guf'8ta Tuesday evenirll' of Aud~y Cottle at her home on Santa Ana av€'nue, Newport Heights. \Vl!.en &eores were totaled, Claudia Day was high, Bea Lace wa.s secorf"d and La Veta Lace \VU consoled. Ass~tlng hosteM !or the e-ve- ning was Betty Phebus. A new prospecttve member, Jane Neth, was a member or the group which al90 Included: Bea Lace, La Veta Lace, Elizabeth Yla1U, Lota Pl-tee, Beverly Burdsall, Lorraine Mont- gomery, Violet Stoneback; two special guest.a, Claudia Day and Ma.rian Ra€', and the hostesses. Beverly Burdaall and Loia Price- will share hoateaa: duttee at the Se-pt ember meeting. Any rHfdent of Newport lkr- bor wlahlnc to take ~ "' tlle evn-V"Owtnc e lvll defen99 pro- (l'alll Ahould contact Newport Harbor Cl\11 Defense Dfnletor lotm Sallon or tlle deputy di- rector, CMI Hanna. at the city haJL phone Barbor S131, be- 5 p. .... 9ftinBt uf(oJJ HAMMOND OBCAN • .,..., ...... to wm the grand prlZe In a bamba conle:!!t with a senorita who was a belter dancer than bis sweetbffJ't. Ornate Gulf Cout settings and pictureaque parocha coatumea pe- culiar to the Vera. Cnuo region provide colortul atmOl"phere r o r the comedy, w hich pruenta quaint village cu.stoma Of the area. . . . . . ·• ""'''°'" •'f'l 41,qF · ..,Al 4DI' .l/l)" NOW SHO\VTh'O DPan '4'artln, lrrry LMvt.s "'TH AT'S l\f\' BO\'" -PtUR - ''l< I DESJIO\\"" ~TARTS SlT~'l)AV Spttlal-Hollda3· Sho,,· Bins Cro11by'" x~'''Mlot 'HF.RE COMt:s THE o nOOM' -PIUA- "THF. l<Qr ABED ClllCl.F." ' Contlnuou. from I :~ p. m. Sat., Sun., Man. With dialogue in both Jj:ngllah and Spanish, "IA Bamba" Will be stAged Wf'dnelday through Satur- day evenlllca. and We<lnesday and Saturday attemoons., through Oct- 13tl>. 1--------- Harbor Stars Honor Officers Courtesy officera from au chap- ter• of Orange CQUnty filled posi- tions at· Tuesday eveninl' meeting of Harbor Star chaptOT 0 . E. S .. first after the su.mmer vacation • perfod. SpeclaJ eacort was gtven Aaaociate Matron Jean CotUe and A.18odate Patron Harold Ftnk, !or whom lt waa "birthday night." For the first Ume aJJ deputy gTM.d ma.trona Of the c o u n t y were preeent, tncludlnc:· Mw:fel John9on of Santa Ana. Grace Scott of Seeslde chapter, Hunt- ington S-b: Ada H&wklM of Bfta and lnu. Clouata of Nor· walk. Each pve a lhort talk u did Put Ot'and Matron Maud ~-Sibley. All '"'"' gt_, eecort to the Eut. u were lbl"ff mat:rona and one patron. Guest.a were lnbodaced by Mn. Cotue Uld .,,, l.l'lnk. • Boilonicr sue.u '""' p.....,,ted With attnctmi _ .. of putol net &ad .art • colored everlut.ln& ~ 81mllar .-en adorned ca'adle llOlden and 11ut <11po at -t ·-la the lllnlne--,,.. ...,. _,, .ai.. .,.. orum•l<id wtth ,_ .,..a -.. Sold tho ..,..... ol ,..,, pd llal'Ol4. .. ...r with It _,.. otller call-. lpe .,...,,. ron. nut. UdCM ...... .ONOttnp -SI"" U.O lion· -.--. .. --..... ~!· .......... ~ ~,_.,,...,, __ -llTAJIT8 8VND.&Y - I • • • CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD Superb SeafJod ' By The Sea! Lunch or Dine By The Bay Luncheons 1.00 • Seafood Cocktails Dinners .. 1.25 up • Seafood Salads FRESH SMOKF.D FJS-AIBACORE aad BARRACUllA FOOD TO TAKE OUT 11 ts Coast Hiway -Next to POrt 0ra...- !""'PO•t -Beaoon 1114 - ---·-------.-.·-----------·----.. ·-·--.·---·--------·--.· .. ----· .. ----~---.. -.. --·-. -·--.------· MEET YOU AT "THE INN" Henry's Famous Pood I JACK RUS.'JDJ. AT TBli ,PIANO BAR Nma:I'LY obE&N :raol''T AT Tllll jl'lll:ll -•••-4, CAUP. ' Your ha.ls. DICK and liTB DENT ILL THERE BE fNoUGH MEAT? ~ IOll--la. -an .,.._. tk quo.tr• all onr the lry. "Wiil llM:n lie ---l!" . "" ...... .._ W. Iii. 0M7, ~ of Cllllfonl& A...,_. • --... -. .. ,. -"' ~ 1m-te ""'° di that .. ? ·-..tiu ... -u.. --... --s....,.,.. w111~ ......._ dlz,sell wi.. U., an marbU4 Dawava, 1zrt-. ... ""'*9 m rt• te tlllll& ••Mbl anz;ll'.., 1-d f4 •"" . AeeJ ••to._ fW id•llnr, Pia.Ct.; _.,A.._..,..,,_ CS.zstle OWu' If el ~ h1w1 °' ""° latiir ~ the lafo .... Ml - • 2 •...... i ..., :::-~ II IUEI• ._ a·•m t.f~-._. ~!'!Ill~ .. ., __ --" .......... ~-.,.,,..... -----,. .. 1 ts IN •• .., ~ a rta .,. sn1 1!11 .... fll •.... Ill•• ...... 70• -'9 ..-Z.115 HI FW' ,_. .::,_. ,...., ... hizwll'.---I& -liSllt a tr IHI .. . .,.. n••• ...... ••r ,._.I II .... 1$11;11 .. 111 la l "C I • • ,. •1 I q1 tr •I Els 1lr& -.... fll .... llllt et .. ._ ..... .., -1:: t "' •1•1 .. ... £Sil~ ...... ,.. ,., E 1&51,.._ •---•11Jlislll,.. .. .....,._ .......... .,.. • • ' ' !SC)\V OPJIN tlllSTIAN~S HUT' ANNEX -11 & Ooektall -. 911 t h8 PfC'll' l•tlt~DA . ,CATALINA ISLAND . ' ·ROSSI'S FINE rrAUAN DINNE&'I Al8o Stab -Prime Bibi Cocktails 1611 Coast Bl\•d. Harbor 1180 Col'OZI& del elar . ~·"~-C.11cr11s CAt • - B" CtCll 'i'Jlf"'~•' ~ ~()M 51\i f.Q ,(,/•'< "Moyba tltey .u.·t -llloir P~!.tokent' I < . • ALOHA! Be joou a llalahirli (Newcomer) or a Kama&lna f01dtimer) th ti.ts romantic tropical a.tmos~ pbei;e ot old He.W,011. you will enjoy out euperb cUs.ln& and-retu: to the stra>ne or m-uatc rrom the lllanda. The manag-ement hu spared no effort to give )"C?U a club .Which 11 not only unique an.d artistic. but endeavora to Pftllel'lt , pa.late tickling morsels and delighttul troplca.I drink:a. Jtave a Maikal j v.'Otlderfu); tl.mf'). . " • < We Alao Serve.,... · , I the Finest W~. Imported tcnampagnes and Domestic· Drinks - I'1"S "KAU KAU" TIME . F .. turlnJ. Seaiood. St•ak. Chiclc>n. ()hopo. A la 011r Charcoal -' ROYAL HAWAIIAN CHARCOAL BROILER : SS~ North Cout mvJ. Laguna Beach Ph. 4-411K ' . • • SAMES S!A ·FOOD -"At the Sign Of the SWOl'dfish'" . , COMPtZrli: COURSE LUNCHEONS DINNERS Beautltul new Enlarged COCKTAIL LOUNG.E · EVE~E:AY s u RF s I D E 8!~19 Bel.....,. S...I lloach and Sun..e -di • . . ~· :TIJE. ~CHES · Cafe and Cocktail lounge ..,,, . OPES It A. M. THROUGH ! A. M. • NE\'l>J'ORT lli'VD. OX COAST HIGHWAY J\'E\tPORT BEACH • (WE ARE COOSED O~ THURSDAYS) GI.HE'S RESTAURANT .. .. tad BAKERY Frffch aftd Italian Cuisine I Phone Harbor Jtot • • 70~ Cout mvd. • < Corona del Mar 'TV ANTEN~AS Cell us for in.stelletion or servicing of your antenna . f' Prompt service by expert· technicians • Low prices· TIDE TY ' Tops"" Food * t 1 * Coelcteil1 from IOe.m. Topi ln ,;t· Entertali!Mint *· ' . . . Dinner from 4p. m • ' * •, • • • .. • ' '• I • • ;Magda Koerber :Return~ to East ' f M1q Magda Koerber of Nurem· fberg, Oe.i:me.ny, who has been ~ guest thts aummer at the borne of Rev. and M.111. Thomu Pendell. Balboa, ' wblle givlrn lecturee in Southem California.. return.a nbt week to the east coaat where ehe resumu her coUece •~iea. • BACK TO : Nod.dereu preterille lleuu ' • I.. •L eerreell•e-.... Little Yaabe NORlllAL-IZERS flDnU Ol.,...K <OllKhOll . ' ,.. OMMlll't "" • -• • Summ• R-si~ents · Rep .. at Vows at Christ Church Donald Jowpb IA.Mar and BhJr-r ley May Moou.ar£ of Lyn""9"'1 wete uhlted in marrtage reoeD.ll)' •t Chr18t Clnm:h bJ' Ute Sea. Rev. ~ Roy Penden N&d the M•thodlat rtte.o. They -~~ .ccomRP-led by :am.Wes on both atdff. Mr. and Mra. Moolb&rt h§ve been opendlnc the summer ln Newport Beach. WhJch led ·to the cbOlce • Of the ·oca1 chu..rch for tbe eventr:\g cere- .nony. The younr . couple will make heir home in Bunttngton Beach. ZONTA PICNIC Newport Beach Zonta club la holding its annual picnic tonlsht (Thursday) at the bMutJ.tul home of Ruth Humm.ell 4J Three Arch lay, ISLAND WSCS MEET Balboa laland Community Metho- 11st church W. S. 'C. S. will meet Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 12 noon ln Dearborn hall. Luncheon will be :terved by Ctrcle 1. lra ·Baker Honored :>n Natal Day ' I -I .. .. ' . . --· .:-~ St. jc\rnes ehitdren ,.__..,.._-"""l~.-fl~ . ....,.......,...-_ -;-...o.. ~_._:;.., ~--~1 at Gamp Sfevens . ._ ~ 1<titnfoUNcs ra.\? ; >(~ • .:::.. ~:r-~ .. ~. -Mn.JD,··, ' :c.:~ > .T'\.. .~ -~-, ,.., camp st...... ~~ at Ill«. Beat IAk4 wbere they will -1 · . ' ; , ': • iaJ<>1 a P"'lfalll ot ~. hill· ' . · ~l,"i ·OF ·tns. swtmm1ng and rldblJ' for a ... r , '"I. "!" ' • ' • .. --:-Ith u,. IJ'>UP.; .."nlor advl1· MILDREIYS~'BEAUI'Y BAR >h a.re Mia. Katie Achey ea.e, lteir Wrlgbt, Bill Kuhn. Nancy >!W..t and Ute re<tor1 Rev. 'P,iftil \(_. Whttler. -• BALBOA ISLA}(D · I • • IS NOW A MEMBER OF THE STAFF OF • Cblldroen Included Ra)Oftond God- WIJ!, S&ndra Godwin, Richie CUnp- >ell. Buan w .. tc&t., Vicki Weal· iate.-Patty Schulta, Pat Allan, rommy Chllda, s....,. Child•• Lyn 4cklancl. Melinda Ackland, George flelran, Tommy Pet.nntn, Bobl>Y Omec:od. Unda Hennan, Cl&ll Hut- !on, ~t&Ue Mattbewo. Johnny M&ltMwo, lluaan °"'!•• Tommy Hiiton, Mike Ma)•Ol', J,.U. AJco\ou, Olff and l"ranclne Wbeeler. JIM'S BEAUTY SALON ' - Linda mn, . Bambi ·Hutton, Be4)' ' ""J.' \ ....,.,, YINCEt(T'S Lido Travel Bureau Ml:ZZ-INE LIDO DRUO STORE • Hasbor 1246 • PJ...A.;."VE e SHIP e TRAIN nES!:R\'ATtoNS • 204 COAST lilGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR . . . .. ~~ "' . n "w • ~ PHON,:: HAl\BOR 1876 .,·\:l. .,- ' ' . . , . YGU -CAf·f PQ BETIER ·AT ···~'..>;;,·~-~-.·-.... , . . ... ' -.. t t -.?. . FU.ll,.rrURE · co.· .. . . 'I~ .•:: I .. We Buy and ~ell;New. i,.nd Used Furniture • ·• . . 1811 Ne~~cl., Costa Mesa Be. 5~56· • • . ' • It your dfxtor'• -amiMtiOft lndicat" that your child'• r-t require correcti•• footwe•r, _.. him •bout Uttle Yan.be NomM1J-1Hn. Mede from the 6.nfft wppl. , .. , ... then they ..,.. ac:ienti&c.Hy cMUcned to promote nonnimt root . ti.1th and im~P<Nti.u.. Yet. -Normal-1.nn. •"Oid dan&erCH.W J.tr. and M'n. Rosa Owen of 3alboa Coves en~rtalned Aug. 2• Kith a patio but'f'et supper honor- ;ng their aon-ln-law, Ira Baker. who wu observing hla birthday anniversary .. Gu~ta included Mr. and MNJ. Mutual Th1tn Ticket A I hey· High QualitY' Printing-Ph. Har .. 1616 o...,~ HiChly NCOlft+ mended by the Na~ .Foot M .. hb Council • ~.J:"~ Oscar Baker, Vergene and Eula Baker and Hugh Baker, Coata Me&a; Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hougah of Corona del Mar, Mr. and Mrt. Ira Baker and Miu Ellen Owen. The evenlng' wu spent tn playing games. Mr.. Baker· received many nice gift!. ------Master Point I Open Tournament ·. Barbers . Bootery The Ba.Ibo& Duplicate BrkSCc club will hold It.a regular monthly makter point open tournament on SUJKlay afternoon, Sept. 2 at lhe Frklay A.!ternoon club howie ln Costa Meea. Play will start promptly at one o'clock. .. MIAOQUAmlS fOI CHILDUN'S SHOU ' 1821 Newport Ave. • • COSTA MESA Mr. and Mn. Robert Dischner 1t s&nta Ana were winners north- south and Mrs. Margaret Church and Mrs. Eleanor Newcomer were high seorer11 ea.at-west In the pu- plk:ate bridge game held on Fri- day evening. OPEN SA TU RDA Y " . EVENING . · , Runners-up north-&outh werf' MN. Jt. T.-X~"llOL ... ~ ey .Johnaon: Perry MacAdoo and George Mitchell; Mr11. H~len Thay- er and Mrs. Adrythe Bube&bian ~ Mr. and Mn. Joe Wilcox: Harry Springmeyer and Arnold Ga.uer • • • • • • • CHINTZ SHOP. INTERIOR DIOOORA TORS * FABRICS Drapery Hardware Tra\>erte Roda Cuement Curta.ln• SUp Covent * WALLPAPERS FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS LAMPS . , 995 So. Coaat Blvd. Lapna e..cta4-I-• Runners-up east-west were Mra. C. E . Irvin and Mra. George Car- roll; Mrs. Robert Rou a.nd A . W . TUmmel: Lt. and Mrs. Georgl' Thayer; Mr. a.nd Mrs. H. M. Wall- ingford: Mrs. Mildred Lytle and Bob Brown. In Monday &fternoons gllllle north-south winners were Mrs. Ar- nold Gasser and Mr1!1. Frank Reed· who ti@d wtth M.ra. Robert Brown and Doyle Gilbert. Ea.!t-weat high scorers were Mrs. Henry E~gert and Mrs. George Carroll, who Uf!d with Mrs. A. W. Tummel and Mrs. Mll<\red Lytle. Runners-up north-80Ulh were Mrs. Ha.raid Hope and Biii GIJ· bert; Mrs. Peggy John1<>n a.nd Mrs. Gerald McCombfr; Mra. Tohmaa Gill &nd Mnt, E . T . M.c- M:a.nu.s : ~rald McCom ber and · C. H . Jotuuton. Runnera-up ea.st-west were Mrs . Faye Schleuter and Mra. Morton Crosby : Mn. Helen Tb ayer and Mrs_ Ardythe Besbeabtan: MrtL Louiae Lee and Mn. r.telle La.- Ville; Mr. and Mn. Robert Lulk.. • FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE of Our R99ular Stock ~ardage SAVINGS UP TO 50 PER OENT Reg. 79c to 1.00 -Z yds. for LOO Reg. 1.00 to 1.69 :_ 2 yds. for l.llO Reg. L69 to 2.00 -1 yd. for 1.00 HOURS 10 to 6:80 • szo :MARINE AVENUE ' ' "" llALllOA ISLAND CALIF .. ~ • • • LINOLEUM Is Only as Good as its Installation FOR · FLOORS YACHTS DRAINBOARDS VENETIAN & ·WINDOW· BLINDS SHADES • 'FORMICA tors· : .. ~ ~ r • • ~o~l'I ~ .. llN©~.~UM ·2901 NEwflORT BLVD"., NEWPO IEACf1 HARBOR 552.J • MBS. DEAN HUNTER DAVIS (Photo by Araene) Dean. D~vjs .and.Paula Castle Repeat Vows at Sf. James Church !;-or the. :wc<fd inh trip to an un- d lacloaed destination the n e w Mn. O.vta chana'ed lo • three • piece eult. of brown En&llah wOol with which ahe wore hat and glnves of winter white, and her white orchid corsage. She was graduated from Newport Harbor Union H igh school a.nd the Uni· verslty of Oregon. where she wu Exquisite in all detaila wu th, .. ------------ late afternoon rile ln SL James Episcopal church on Saturday. Aug. 2!) when vows were repeat- ed by Ml..88 Paula Cu\le. beauti- ful daughter of Mrs. Richard Snow ca.sue, 2~ Eul ,.~Y av@- nue, Balboa a.nd De~ Hunter Davis ot Portland, aon of Dr. and Mr11. Leonard S . Davi• of T1gard. ore~n. The single ring cei;mony wu performed by the Rev. Paul Moore Wheele.r. Paula belnl" given In keeping by her uncle, Or. Harold Ennla Stah~er. She wu preceded down tbe aiale by her attendants, Mrs. Ken n e l h L. Morln. matcon of honor and brldeamaids Norma Jean Culle .(abler of the br1del, A1lce Orcutt and Mra. Richard Cra.enler. AU were gowned alike 1n bouffant rrocks of orchid tulle over tatleta. Strapless bodices. were of deep purple velvet. and ahoulden were veiled 1n the tulle. Cucade bou- quet. were of flame camellu and little sprays of tl&m• nower• were worn In the hair. l...ac.'e and Satin Paula was lovely Ln her gown of while Chantllly lace over 1&Un. The flUed bodtce waa cut In · a dttp poln t below the aheer yoke &nd long aleeves wero buttoned at the wril!ll. The tull skirt fell irracetully in a ab!: foot t.ra.tn. A Ultle Dior ca,, held the Uluadon veil and ..she carried 4 •bower ttouquet or PhA.JaeniJp.ti• o-rdtldl and 11teph&notla. Kenneth L. Morin pve beet man aut.st.ance and U9h.e.ra were Byron Oabome, Qaelm Nortoo. RJchard Craemer. Ave.ry Jo1ln.8oft. Oluter McRobert. Jr. and Oulel Do>ady • During lbe ceremony the ~· P'm.}'flr. WU IWll' by Kn. C'tWer McRobert. Jr. M,.. caatle. motber ol tbo bride. WOM a royal hlue gown.. l tulle over t.affett.. with tiny J&ftftder OJt<I. purple petaled ..tvet hat Md a IJ,ve:nder ruchlla ordtld u cor- ..,.._ Mn. Davia • WO... a f09I lll"Wll with matddq "-1. ud ,_ 8u1Tlf Orchld& I mother on her Wedding day. The reception wu held a t the home of Dr. and Mra. Stahler. 399 Seville a.venue. H&lbo8 w he r r rooms were decorated wtth white chryaanlhemuma. g I & d Io I I and &st.era. Lending ILl8i1tance were Mrs. Byron 08borne a.nd the M.iseu Shirley Sue Stahler, Lon- nlta Vincent. Barbara Ne88 and P'ra.nce• Flehr. Out.....of-To"'"ll Guut Gueats from a distance included: Mr. and Mra. Henry FOtµllaln of La.a Cruce11.. New Mexlco; Mrs. Wa.lter L. Goodwin ID of Tucaon. Arl.ona, Mr. and Mrk. Norman L. Waggoner of Burlingame, Mlas Francis Flehr of Sa.n Mateo, Miu Alicl& Orcutt or San Francl.::o. and from Portland. Mr. a.nd Mra. Clinton Eutrnan. the Richard Crumera a.nd the Mlaae11 Sally Terrill, Ann Muir. Barbara Neu and Jane Grace. From La.ke Oeweeo ea.me Mlu Barbara Ne.as a..nd Mr. D&nl'1 Deady, wbUe trom Euceoe. Oreeon came the Ken- neth , Morin• and Mr. and !.tr&. Chester A. McRobert, Jr. a member or Chi On1ega 1<>rority . Mr. Davis I& a.180 a graduate ot the Cnlverslty or Oregon and is a member or Sigma Mu fraternity. Elementary Schools Register Sept. 7 I Buses will run on usual ttehedule on Friday, Sept. 7 for regislraUon. beginning at 8 a . m. at Horace Ensign school, for a.II •Newport Beach elementary schools. Classes wtll 11tart Monday momtng, Sept. 10. A complete bus schedule wtll be printed In the News-Times or Sept_ 4. subject to later revise- ment, according to Supt. )iorace Enalgn'l!I offlce. PRIZE WIN!>'ER Each yeoar Morrl Molho, Balboa norlst; ha.a take n a. first prize at drance County fair but lhls year he tool!!; three rtn:lli out of a ~ slble IO'. and three third.I. Thia w&.1 the largest percC'nlage of wlns tor a.ny one en~l. .. egion Auxiliary Aids Post 291 With . Area .Pre-Convention Caucus n_.UvolJ''-'<ing, & Uredt----------- bu~ triwnpbant ITOUP of memtieMS the beginning of the program mat In the IOC&I Legion. l\a.11 Mon-March 13th. local volunteers were c1&1 •llbt for Ute regut&r oodal unable to (Ill their Tueeday com-m~ oi the N~rt. harbor mlttmt"nt t.hb put "' week, but Amer1can Lesion •11xtltary. would resume the tollowlng Tue.- A dtM to the -·tor' the daJ. Ai I.be request of Long Buch irenont !aU.U. waa eonlalned In Vetetan'1 hooplt&I rep ...... t&U...... Ute report slftll by Kra. Htlen the mtmbel'll TOied to lnatruct Randel, chalrma.n o( fooil p~ .Mra.. Bonda lo la.sue an lnvftatlon tlon for ~th · atta pre-convention for anal.Mt' beach ·party to be cauev.. deleptta dWllng the put held the latter part or &!ptcm.ber. -k end. Bqinnlng at llOOn S&t· TI>e tint l'Udlng or Ute 1961- unt_,., vohmlffno ... up a on&C!k $2 budl:•t by Ch&lmwl Jean bar ln American Le-gion hall, • .,..... ilukham niet with the approval ·ng hot· dop. rout beet aand-of t.be unlt, and will be -.oted on ~ pie and coffee unUI an:er at the ,Sept. 10 meettng. _ \ 'lie danee lll&t •venln~. Keaiberolllp Chairman Eileen <'ri 8wlday u..:; oened bre&k· ""'" lnriounced that d""" ...... Ut ft'om I to 10;30 LID. ud a bqinn!n« to COftM! fn .-1'0mind. of Plolltff. ~ I -!loll 'dlnn6 •• Oft• o'doclc fOI' t'7ll ed. Ute ladl .. of tbo unjt'o goal l"allla Ann i. Ute lft&l CNM-delesatoo and' their ~-to attain lbelr quota by coofttl-cl&U~lK at 0--H. .Ttbm" -Gl"'lded bu ap-tloo time. oatlY Oranire coaat1 pion•• . ..,. '.HW'•uoe to tbe many -~ 4t tbe •'-of the meethlg, an tbo JfUdcl&'!l:"ttt ot ICn. Pul -miµrtnc _..u.o. ~ lillqnnat wclal ,_r wu enjoyed -.nt Baal" .n.o ~.at· -ol the --tuwwn -· u -If ,..... .. ..-bJ t9Qdld u.. ......... woe.! ~ of tnae. rHa.rtlor lio.pttaJ.. ~-7 ... ~ Boa& .,,. ,Ad .. rw ...,_ -wiot eet,'hS _..... ,'1··· OtMI' mrt1,... W"flnC •,... .JQJllte'f' .. tiot. llDd ....r... _., _ ............. _ ...... -,_ Pfllllt --v-ao.-. _. P'!o.t•i;,-;~ I __ ..,._., 1to r..,... 11111-. vir..a B.aho. ..;........_.,,_ lln. 011w9 T. ' Hiii .. • 0 I ' --Mu1oa N-. -··--· ... ' 5 • • .• iocal --.... ~ 'Onm st ... ..,. a 'ha SJrmll1N fl-. tM: .. i..._ .,.. _..,11111. ~ ....... ,_io ...... -.... •z•-.1 llD l"'"lo -Hnl .. 17 ~It I I ' --....,_, --.. a. -...... flt "1at,e ........ """Plal IE' 'Ft st-• °7;, ......... Oil,..._,_...._. a;I IDJ ,_ U. IP IRI S Upol 11 al. -...... ll --. P1ml19 Opol = ._ .... , Giit. lilt~ ....... -l>l•ll!i 1 ;a-llt' 11 ;l•P Qt I e -;i. CJpol el M-at, ..... •? rrll ai.11all fll ._. 'sraat •••a t De allo ._ Mii& 'ftWJ • ... a. p --""7· .... -· 1 ... .r -• 1111 ftnl -.... -.. I • • • ' SALE Sl.00 v A.LUE I FOUNTAIN PENS .. 69¢ Mi 31 ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION 18 oz.-Reg. '19c ······-···-······-·"· 59¢ MEMO NOTEBOOK S"x5" .. 9¢ 2 and S Hole FILLER · PAPER 9' TYPING PAPER 9¢ PENCIL BOXES . SPECIA.L 29¢ aDd 59¢ B-B BALL POINT PENS 98¢ Oummed REINFORCEMENTS 4« , Refereaoe INDEX : aod a Hole ....... _,_,_ 9¢ THEllMOS \1 pt. LUNCH l_(IT Mechanical PENCILS ................... 19' RULERS .................... 9' Punclled I Holoo . !!cllool SCISSORS . . .. 19' ALARM CLOCKS Reg. 1%.ZI ......... .'1 .. l·~RllKJ NOTEBoOKS ' • Imprinted a Rinir NOTEBOOK Plratoa occ : .................. . '1" C-pooltloa NOTEBOOKS 13' -231 . ' .. PENCiL T AIL.Et5 . .. 4• • , . : ·. ·SWEAT :56'1 · ·~: .. , • J ' t' . '. • .. • :r·-,. , I ..... lie _._ .. _ .. ___ ..., r.----..... DRAWING TABLETS 9' Stenographic NOTEBOOK O"'n Rullnir ......... 13¢ ~----~---~ . BEACH TOWELS •11• Spod&I BACK RESTS Re'll P.!9 .................. '1 15 CARBON PAPER ' . 13' COMPASS 13' • • • TIDI TAILI " . ' J'rtda.Y ' 1..,.-11 8&turd.oy S.ptembor 1 8UJlda7 8ePtembor "J Monday September 3 1'uffdo.y September' w~ • September 5 TllUnd&y . September • ' -t;t9Lm,. • t :17 p. m. 10:17 .. m. 9:61 p. m. 10:37 LID.. 10:29 p. m. 11:00 L m. 11:00 p. m. ll :U a.m. ll:tt p. m. '11:55 a. m. -.---····-··-- 0 :4• L m. 12:J2 p. m. .) nB8T. P'tJLL Qf'A"Tir.R MOON Sept. 8 Sept. lD u ... u ... a.o . ... a.2 11.0 ... .... a.e 3.7 ••• Cf • .. "°"' .. 9:11 ... to., l:U p. m. •:OZ Lftl. a:e~ p. m. 4tU a. m. 4:29 p. m. "'t :M a. m. &:Oii p. In. 6 :0ll a. m. B:.IO p. m. 6 :30 L m. 9:'8 p. m. 6:52 L m. 7:D7 p. m. NEW MOON Sept. I I --4.1 LT -0.1 • •• o.~ Lt O.& o.e o.• O.A 1.4. o.ll 7 1.t 0.9 HAROLD L JOHNSON We rtve your ahoea the new PrftpP.Jlrr ft,p-.ln C.lumt•• Ac-cy P'hoDe Harbor en look lf you have the old part& ' OUSTOll Rl!PA.UUNO Newport Shoe Repair lit· Had N-pon - U-DRIVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS : ~~os ·d •TA:CKU: • Small Boa& Launching ELLIS BOAT RENTALS %IOI Cout KJway Newport 8eacJI Ph. Harbor !315 AT SOUTH END OF BAYSHORE BRIDGE FOR REAL SATlSFAllTION IN SMALL BOAT & MOTORS ---- STOCKS • BONDS • COMMODmES UNDEIWRITINGS DEAN WITTER Ir: Co.. MEMM:a$ NEW YOK STOCk DCHANGI Chicago loard of Trod. • • • So111 holKltce Stot• bc:ha"ge "°' ~ ... $toc:l be:~ l!ASE.D mvATE WllES Haak of Lor;una 8-ch Bid(., Lor;una -Pb. f.UM High Quality Printipg-Ph. Har. 1616 . . .. . . -.. • ••• MAKE IT A FAMILY TRIP • Short or long trit>-you can take m• youogtttrs along for nty llnle um coot-via Sura Ft. Children under 5 y .. n ftte ... uoclor 12 yean for j1111 half fare ... when accompanied by a fiatt.payiag adult. . The whole funily will •nioy me aighu in Chicago and bock ...,, Vwr hiltoric old Bo.100, gla.moroua New York aod our nation's capitol In W ashingtoo. Step into the ho1pitable "1pirit of home• me minute you board a comfortable Santo Fe 1tttamliau. R#"'1.lt in your own prinre room or a restful redi.Diag chAir. Five daily tnina bctwHD Califomia and Chicago-new Super Chief, The Chief, El Capiran, Tho Giaod Canyon, California Lim- Ired -pioYide accommodatioaa ,to it every pune. Fme Fred Haney~ ... __ "" ... .._. .... _ ..... C.D.~-··-...... . -&.•a, ft II P 21111» I l'IJ • ... -............. . aam QA. otew~ • • WITH IN llOAr8"DITE&ED la ... ,.__.,1ta11-YMM OIM'• •• ,, ._ W«k reptla - ,.. .. k •nd. \lie S.lpe o-with tl lloalL l<>ok tile hoeei. t ... the ...._l -1. w1a ... •1n W. clau wu Klm Mulholaad. of the Alamlt." Bay1 Yacht Clult. wttll Tf!r17 Gloe•~ and Norton YoungtovP, both of NHYC. In .eeond Md tb.lrd poeituo... (Photo by BecknerJ 160 BOATS COMPETED IN · NHYC RACES By JacqudlM" Bttkner Annlhf>r Nt"wport Hubor Yacht club Race Week lJI hl.Story and will go down ln the club annalJI a.s lbe most succearuJ of thla series ever hE"1d. One hundred and aixty boat.I In fifteen c1Ul!lell turned out ror the thref'-day eVent wt th me.ny entries reprceen ling clube from San Franclaco to San Dlego, al- though the top apote and Uw perpet~al a.wa.r<b wblch at'company them stayed largely ln the hands of the local •kippers. Jn only ont cla.u w11 ~ lhf' evf'nlual outcom@ more or Jf'q @vldent at the end of lhe aecond da.y'a competition when Earl "Ton1my" Thomu, In his Rhode11. N!mbus, arrived In time lo joln In lhe fes- made It two !!lratghl wins In the Uvltlea I wh:ch wu a good lhlnJ. 13-boa.t fleet to assume a com· stncc thf'y were the: guests or mn.ndll}K lead In the three-race honor) aru r ma.king the retum ~.cr1cs. The miracle which mlght cro:JSl n& practically within batJ- have changrd, lhf:' plcturr did not ini':' di$tance ot Honry Crandln's '?CCUI" and Nlmbua m&de this tho.. Dra;;ooL. Unfortunately, Prent accond tlmr thl• season that ahe was una.ble to spa.re the time to hae shown her tranaom to George make th<" return trip with· hlA P'leltz:' unbeatable Hana.hull. How· boe.l. but Jolncd hie cr-ew. all mi Chuta.lo .got 1)111 Rhodca, drcs:>ed in true l•land costume and Rowdy, mov\ng nicely in UU. acr· t.Annl'<i to the point ot 1ooktng like left to lake a se<:ond with ·Tom natlVf'!!I, a:-; they preeenled the Myers' Rulh copping a third. award~ \l:on by St.a.ghound to P C ctaY C:>mmodor" EU'o't of lb@ New- Thr P C class made It an cxcit· port Harbor" Yacht club. Ing series by kttplng It cl08e Staghound was 8('00nd in the ~nough lo be anybody'• race right big race and then went out and up to the final finish line. Steve , won the Honolulu to Kauai ra.ce Mulholland'• Huuy ran fltth the 1 In the corTected lime of 9 houn, first day but followf'd that with 26 Sl"Conds. She returned lo New- two (ir8la on the aucceedlnj[ days port under the able hand.Jing of to beat out Fttd Smales Pamlln her orl&:lnal Honolulu race crew by 'h point. wlt.h Grant Baldwin u skipper. Dr. 0 . C. Suess. sailing hla Cay. Dancing a.nd t.alCA Of •hips: lln In a con•t.stent manner. took seu, ~d aa.lllng folowed the tor· a thlrd by 11i4 polnt.s. Bob White. mal ( .. ) lnlroductlon• and pre- of the st. Francill y . c., seemed sentat1ona to round out an ew- to have the Sta.r clau eew~ up at ntng ot. run and ..eJax.atlon tor lhe end of Saturday's race, but the Race Week Nlton whk!h wt.II ·~In consh1tency paid oft and \be long remembered.. NHYC'a Bm IMCl\"r ~ tJ>e aUve.r awan'S rn thla cla8I w1lh BYC'1 Dtck Hahn ln second •pol. .Also racing on the ouUlde course wer e the grsnd pla.noe or Irita.II boat aalllng. lhe awift In- ternational 14a. Thill group of "hot-rod" l'lklpperl'l bowed graci- ousw to two aklpperelles. who tooir' top honors. Carol Ann Jones In F\dgtt, Miled a practtcally ftaw~a.s race to a commanding lead of 4 'i4 polnl.8 over her near- e•t rival, Nancy Nicholeon ln Jet who completed the surprlae wind- up/ In thh1 hoUy con.teated ell.SI by ta.king a &ee0nd In tht eerie•-• Bill Bent..z of NHYC with hie: lnt•mat'onal 110, Mt.st, was the only aklpper to re-peat hi• 1960 victory In the 19:i1 aertea. He lri· umped over a field of nine boata to retain poueulon of the Ha.rry March ~rpetual trophy. Bay c-. Young Yachtsmen Interested in Gleason Paintings. Young yachtsmen of the area are showtng much lnterC!!lt ·tn th,. nca.n Gleason paintings now at the Patio art gallery and book 11tall, 313 ~ M"arlne avenue, 831- bott l.aland, and also in his book: The lslftnd.! of Ca.llfornl&, copl«'e of which he autographed Sunday wh~n many wcr<' pr~nt to meet him. Largest of lhf' paintings 11 1!11 alriktng 8CE'ne on board lh<' En- !llf'nada race boat on whiCh he served IL!! navtgator. Returning rrom an ev£'nl at Sa.n Diego Yacht club this coming Sun· day, Cleuon Wlll again be present at tht lsla.nd gallery. Equally at home with t!Jler, brush and pen, Gleuon hu b~n doing a seriea of articles for ~a J.fagutne on a subject nt>ver approached before, the persona.I history of Pacific Coaat pOrte, and ls planning lo Publlah another book baaed on theee articles: In the Bay cluaes, NHYC's Ed Rutttr "'On the l.4'hman .erte1 to take the Lyon ~rpetual t.nipby, with Pete Brn.dford top man tn the Falcon cla.&1. Micky Smith winoe-r In the Balboa DlngbJea. Ltt Hambrook ln the P·14-a and ABYC'a young commodore, Klrh Munholland. triumphant ln the 24: boat neet ot Snipe•. Hardly under lbe heading of newa waa Tom Fw:let'e victory over 21 competi- tors In the SnoV'blrd Oeet. Incorporated (n the three dayg or competition In the Ocean Rac- A CLEAN 8WJISP -__ ., llW --Ida.,.._, Oeo ..... ·H&U. i. illo Btu -01-i>eu-nrllic Ille~ 8-w..,k ...... •t N-t-, Y-1 elab. From left: Oomrno- dore .. Walt" Elllott; Geor&1! Halt with the Helms Perpet-.t for Stan; aac1 BID with Ibo -P..,,......i lor tbe Siar .-, , lfholo by Beckner) ing division \V..S lhe new Gold ------------~-------------­ CO&lit Race ·with Ile perpetual award presented by the staff com· rood.ores ot NHYC. Sa'led on Sal· urday u a mld-aerles feature. lh1a new race ta· run from Balboa to Long Beach and ttlurn and waa won by Hal Ratnaert1 PCC An· tlgtta with George Strom u akJpper. In the overall lhr-ee-day seriiN ror thlJI clasa, Kenny Schmidt'• 10-meter Hilaria led the field or ~ enlrla w'ltb Bill Dougw' Alt.mar In oecoM pool· tJon, Wekomie R~ H~ab point of tbe 80d&J stde of the Raee Wee.le eftnt.I WM the f:tawa.UM party on Satlll"day eft· nlng. Planned u a w@lcame borne l&r the TroM-hcltlc .... .., rttl'Y attempt wu made to n:ta.ln the atmoopbeft of ' th• fabled hoopls tollty of the ..-wlllcb _.,.. to be the focal polft1 of e...,. • .,,,.,, ..... llon .wllb .-it return· -,Anollltt of NBYC'• -utltoi· .,. ~ llutl~· (.ad .. beckCTou»4 ror • -11 ·-· dlu In tllc -of' tM' Illa' ,db>· ---ch--..... Of-to--·u.o .._..-or.-lloni- ..-to ..... ---11t=•p lo tllo llltnpld ,aolJonj ., u. ... ___ Tall....,.. __ r1ut1•• ca.~_. ... .. •• , ...... -.«-.... ~·· ... '.,,,,, .,.,,, ..... ... -al tM . ..., I 7 'II ...... . ., .. ,. _ .. 07 rtAli Pim ... ...,. ••at...._-.. at; . ' Bl~ Beffi ~~QffjC~ • PAGE 5 • .:;,,. PART I l'HURsbAY, AVG. 30, Its•"' . . . , .. ~1~fl.E.SS~ Tiie """Ila! •lectlon of ottlcen .~~~~~_.,~·~· ............ ~--·~~--:~--:~~~~~"'!I' of ........ ~ TllQL club -1 ~~~~:,: CLAS.SIFIED··. =., :=.:,=.. ~ ·The Mlg~J Midgef In J\dYe~IJ . . .. :~. dlnllb; ...... 1.a17. Pb)'lllA RawllM. • ... ...... ~ 11-~~~""'!~~~~ ... .:....-~~~~~~~~~~~.~--.;J ... :. ..::it.:":. :! • .J: NEWS.~ -, Every. Tuesday ·:; u... to1i-in": 1n ._tac. to llark NEWPORT· BAY POsT-Wednesda-llcudder, ICIMllOr• Bmltll, • llUl · • J ·-. Twist. Lollla Konaedt. J(lek•y NEWPOB~~A Pl'~ ~·1'bulsday• Smllb and carol ltyman. N•wpert !IQ .P-.,__ Ado ""'"' -1a tile ~ . In peddle boo.rdo, to Mark • N-..n-or ... 'hundq hMA Scudder, Donna .Bar-. BID [le.. MUallUll AD IS ' LIN al . • Witt. Pat Dyer, lllc.l<J' Bmlth, A.JI ~ed -..,.,., be .,.id lor c.,.~ la .;a~ ....... or po-UO.: Pbyll'1 Rawlina arid Tom Jonea. Ill diving, to Cuol Williama, Tod 4 UH8 1 Paper · $ .'16 : White, Chrt.tlne Swtm. s,eu,. ,C U-2 Papen · ·:-· 1.00 Beck, Judy sw1m. Bruce Pittman. 4 u.... 3 Pa-... •oo Bob Ibbotaon anc1 Eleanor Guth· ..-.. r1 • t?ie publllbetl wtU not be raponsfble for n1vre than one lnCOl'7"9et e. McKen tn.eruon Of an ad•entwmcnt., reaerye the rlghl to correcu1 cluiU'1' . In swtrnmtng, lo Bobble -any and all ads and lo ft!Jeet •ny advertise.menl not contormlft& It• 1.le, Donna Jlartm&n, Hank Kyle, rules ,and regulations. AG•e.rtlsement.a and cancellation.a will' ~. Pat ~r. Tod W?Mt.e, Betty Bec::k, accepted up to 5 p.m. on tbe day preceding publication. and Bob lbboUDn. Except deady.ne for News -Tlmee 13 11 a. m. Mondaye Jn the Balbo& dinghy cl&N rac-ftteee Har. 1611. uk for ... Ad Taker" or ~net ad and n-mlttaaee te Ing, lo Micky Smllb Uld Roger NEWPORT llA.RBOR PURl.ISHJNO co. Boyvey, ftrst•-In Snowblrd9, to Ul I Balbo9 ~ .. Ne\\'POrt r lk-ach, Callforata. Commodore Benny "Benjamin, Tom F'ro8t and Paul Llvaderry. The eecond annual aquanutlc w~ held lut Satu.rday, provtng gTeat fun for everyone (de9J)lte sore muscle11 atlerwR.rdA) and with conalderablto benefit accruing to the BIYC lttuury. . ~temortal TroplllN On Monday of lhla week the Burl Johnaon · Memorial dinghy trophy wu: won by Roger Boy- vey with Micky Smith u runner· up; and 'the Miriam Kirk Mem- orial Snowbird trophy wu won by Tom Frost (winner of thl.a year's Flight of the Snowblfds and the Gold S trophy) with eom-- modore Bennie Benjamtn &nd John Kensey u n.inners-up. Tuesday wa.a tut picnic of the yE>_ar &nd the presentation of all trophie11. final event of the year, will be ton1ght. Thurtday, at Bal- boa Yacht club, 8 o"clock. Pre-Nuptial Events for Paula Castle Ont of the !Ina.I e~nta honorlng Mias Pa.ula Cutle before her ma.r· rlage on Saturday wu the lunch- ron and linen Mower at Newport Harbor Yacht club, hOStesaed bl· Mrs. C. M. Deakina and Mn. Vic- tor Crace tor 24 gueats. Place card.l'l matched the put.el noral decoraUoM arTanged by MJ'l'!. Deakina. She also made lh«' lovely corsages preaented the bri'<!e·elect and he r relatives, am- aryllla for Paula, Rubrum llllles tor Mrs'. caatle, purple pom-pon Classified Index • 10 Butness Gulde 11 BulUllnc Mat.erlala 12 Bulldlns Senrtcn 14 Penonals 15 Shatt Your Car 18 Transpor&atlon 17 Roollar CoatractoN IB -ty Aids 19 Upbolskirin.g 20 Health Aid• !! Lost and Found "' 14: Sclaools., ln1tnact~oo !8 Situations Wanted !9 Help Wanted SO Sale, Mllcellaneolltl 30-A Swapt SO-.B ApplJaacl"S Sl Wanted to Buy st Furniture for Sale S!·A Antiques SS Boats. Suppll~ st Mmical, Radio SS Dop, Cats. Peta 3G Poul&ry, Rabbits 17 l.Jvestock S8 Special Announttment 40 BushaOM Opportunltlc. 41 Stores and OUicn .ft Wanted to Rent .fS Apartme.nu. and llou111e9 4:1-A Trailer Space « Rooms for Kent «-A ~t Homes 4.5 ~nt, lffiAcellant>om 46 Room and Board' '1 T""'ko 48 Automobiles, nm '9 Autos Wanted 50 Auto.. Service 51 Tralle"' 112-nuilding Services ---------DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phont' BC"acon 6-t06-W llUc PAlN'flNU EARL SH EFLIN 1.73 1•,..11n""' St .. COiii.a M- Be"' ~!17-M '4111 IN'l'l!.:RJUJ( EXTERIOR. PAINTING . LICENSED -. rNSURl:D Glenn Johnston .. lOl -3lat SI ' Newport BN!!h Harbor 2297 .J Mc41 REP AIRING and PAINTING R~ sonablc. Large or ama.U Jobs.. ree estimates. \\'a.Iker, 108 18th ., N\'>'J>L Beach. ff4.r . 2581-R • ' HAULING .. y kind, trash or? W Aud:R.. 108-fSth St .. Newport.. H. 2Ml-h. PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting I\:enneth Quarry dabW•lf tor -Mia-Ha.~~··l~~:!~~!!!~O~•~Jfe!__:r!'._::_q:_::· v.ndmother, and white came.lion r: 1515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mua Phone. ,Beacon 5604. . • • -·60cll7H tor her sister Norma. Flowera for thti rehearaa.l din- ner, held at the yacht club, "!'ere abo arranged by Mrs. Deaklna, the long table belng centered by hydrangeas and pink amarylJla. All member! of the wedding party w/re pre.sent. as well u relatlve11 from a distance. Farewell P~rty for Dor.othy Fowler Mia Dorothy Fowler. who leavea J1hortly tor San Jose col· lege, was honor guest at a fare- well Junchton and handkerchief shower thla week. given by Mn. RoM Owen at her home in Balboa Coves .. Guest.a included the honoree and her mother.-Mrs. Wealey Fowler; Mn. Allee Eastman and Ruth Grimm ot Colla Meaa; Mre. EJoU· ise Baker °and Miu Ellen Owen. The aftf"rnoon waa •pent In bridge with. Mrs. Ea.at.man ta.k· Ing ttrat awa.rd. Ruth Grimm sec- ond and with Mrs. Fowler con· aoled. WlNS OONTRACT Ocean explontJon for 0r&nl'P. county's n~w sewer system, which it I• ·hoped will be eonatrueted next eummer, will be done. by ~e r1nn or Trautwein Brothen 'bt Newport Beach. The.lr bid wU an @stlmated 115,390. nearly SHOO under that ot Newport Dretrm. company, second lowe1t bidder. Two Long Beach flnna a.bo eub- mftted eatimlltes. Roymond R. · Jllbal, chief ~-· neer for the saitllatlon dlatrtct ex- pre-.J hbnaolt .... u.r1ed with equipment and experience of Ray and Paul Trautwein to handle ex- ploration work for the 7000.tOot ;:1!i:::;~:i =Ii~ ~t day, :ZO d•Y• ot ~ al U.02 per day and SI05·a da7 tor • tll"fer. ,. ... int Statloe l The Newport Beach City · ell :Monday ntgf\l •u~secs City Enghleer lief' We~b ~ .P~ with lhe putthue or ~-. ..,q;i.-1<\"·prool motoro -~,... Th< :,:iu~";:.':~1n-=" eta~': ~ -i: ~ del Mac.~ pu1<. -WrbJ' bluU Pl~'°; .on.. .... ,.... 1riD "" \!cot.i -u.. -at tlle root ot .._ nte A-aad WID ....,,._ bo .. -·-"' --w. " ... ,....iwt..u.u..•-.·- OOMJ>Ullt'J: llOUH& ,,;WoA1'11Nl.l ..mce. B'urnlture .,.d rop WILL DO that work :icou ah&mpooed. F.... ..Umate.-want done -Jack of'""1 P'Ully lnaured. trades-maintenance w<llt. Al's House & Rug Rave !oobla and mixers far Cleaning Co any 10 · ,;.i, 514 • 29th SL Newport Beach Call ~ILL Beacon 6!~~ 8Ncoa 6111 "IJUc :l For Venetian Blinds, l<l-Pe.~nals • • -;1: Shades and Drapery Hdwe. Alcoholics An~nymoua: % THE SHADE SHOP Write P. 0. Box 20ll :! Ba.Ibo& lolend, Cali!. • ~ estimates Ph. Har 884 Phone Kimberly S·MN : , C.L.-KIBCHNER General Contractor New ReaJdenU&I le Commer'Cial Remodeling &: Repairtng New homes open tor inapeclion. Call Harbor 116<-M ' 15-Share Your Car •• .-• \i'i ANTED to share trip to Ha.'11'- burg, Penn. or vicinity. CoWIJe or !clllale pa.ssengera. Leaflill' St>pt. 9th. Harbor 3131 or k: con 5457. ~ • .. 24-Sch?"I : lnstroetlon • !! • 62lfc '# Swimming in 3 Lessons $J: Sympson & Nollar CRAWL : PAJN'pNG & DECORATING Slro.ke Front and Back, u& Write 2 days ahead : David a.Git. ''The Best Money Can Buy" u Cbestnul. Long Beach, <liiiit. M2 • 31tll St.,. Newport Be•ch Mb.I H PHONE HARBOR 2i0f -.'~ 52tfc More CJaasifted on next paiJL 1 dlll..,. ...... --lilt ...... loos et'"f-L R 1o ... ollioo•'f Ula& tlie llW"'Ma I,, Wltl ---. ' '°" ll)t1ll .uJO ... u.. ....... ,.., ... ... -.ll901rr·.._&. ... lll:iJ'-., . __ ...._ ... .. =~ '" .... • wu~ I • ' - ' • 1 'allCI m I h • 'S-91 LIDO 18LE i1111uaF I'll '¢et 1 9llli I Md. EXCHANGES ·MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGI 5 Cri&81' • ..,..,.,,,_. blrel!. • -- ... perfect, MO. lU • llnd It.. Newport Beacll. MpM -•r le r• ..--......_ LOT ue "' • -Kew t 11dra. lllf&.16 to -.... 1..--t.lld pleeteO tar! ..... Ba .......__t 1tw1e Ndll m -., 1 --t1ona1 -'°' -i-. :say .r ruu • • •-'1to ..... AD utlllU. pa14. 1"""' tad 1n ..... -. 1'oine ot jlb•w u ,......, ~ for 111e no. • • • tl--Wllll .. _ for -,_,,.,. w prot.. S~I aad f..-powliw Iii<? BA'r JntOHT al a .-eMe ... .JollD HalW1 cm rlAlllUH, ,..,.. ~ -~-. • 6uatriaJ -1.er .., i!OU-CoJ. pr1ce 1et ... -,.... - \ ··-....t "' _, l -. I llUBlUT JNOOlOll ... -t ... t••""'ns ..... 4 --r---,------''"---....,]19 s.111 ... r"F1n• aoLtD B1J1C11 ._ coa.. at Seacraft · ~ Bil-p .. · p A I:.'"' ER ....... i tnoome 119 balb and den home. -••• ' A ' • ... • ,-..... 1 ..,... ... ....., ~·-__ nm.. -la Hewpwt or • A< -or . 1 • ~--of tt-~-flll I ••..-; ----. -~ -IOe to MO ,_, '""'17· PIL ' J¥COIU'OftATllD • • -I ' 1 '8J!)lc ~·-• """"""• o eonptote 1M1•U•t1011, ftlllll• ...,. M-dlaetta-wtlb •-.. ilB COA8T BICDnrA'f BotW leu. M,ee lad VI& Udo Ba111or 11100 .Large· Income ~ts .. "!:4 0 T _~P!!"Uopr1, •tDep..oo -··· "•""'I .. ,...,. of all trallft oqulpmeJI\. ¥"odtm .-....ic -lamJ. Ma H>ifi 1111.\Cll II -• -~ ---. ,. RANGE COAST 22fl xi;.. Rd. Plloae -Pfl. .. Bl!AOOM sm o..uu.am 'l!lcllllty ..,_ -. a , HewpM .,., ........ Olli~ Mtt• . <>range Clalant;y. ww • tt.-to -..,_, -. . O · Too&-W tor appt. 18pef Nia Wt.Del Att. Pttu 1neat. -. _.. · Bay or Oeean Front Jloine for ~l:"..i.~ '°9,llOO. .. TRAll.ER SUPPLY GOOD oa""' ~N LOOPZD --.--------1-111.. -lllplT P11N'l'"°"811an41nii."""*'""' '50.ooo .eqwty. I a A8llOC. tt•-----.,... w• •v ... 1)11:1\ o,; (li!IMM '*"" ' -BUILDER -REALTOR -UlO..........,,. -·~-CUpot, Hll "111', »ti. Good ~,_., I L-OCALL.Y lDIPLOTICb MAH 9lell. ......... -~ ..... Eleven Wl!ta phlt ....,,~. nu N~ -.. Harbor ~ Coot& ~ ._ B•oon UM-R la-mown, t10. Kltel>en llJlk 2'1 n. Ctl8'l'QM ~ ..,,. .._ta -foo oelf Ud -· ,._7i', 'Woot ...., Pin Aft, •100 Wffk. ;woat a - . • • ' • IO" " SO", ta. LaWldry tub.and -· twla ...__ Pball~ -117. Ww -.-.... ,,, .. ~ •• ·~-~ --~ -w. . PBOPDti't at 411 and us ... B. -----------lllONRITI: IRONWlll, platform ewlns -i>OUt. se. -"'l<llq bnuoe ~.., ~ tor t part -t. " -~ -Ed L Sed Im i Bay Ave. In BalbO&. Ca)! at roc1ter,.palnt anc1 bouoebold ---tooi..•11.mi =·t.?!~aw: ;;;o;;;~-MWic._, -· Re .... t·e e l e~ n9)i.for1nronnauon. -1 FINE IRONING ..oi.ean for and deJJver. Cu.rtalna. artleleo, JM! ~ 6 bp. out-V!fta Dr. B&J'lboru. -nt. 1ol"1ld ~ Hat-........ J'rf. or all clay .. '!"el< tM. ft:.. ............ tt.T ... ""'""" &I or . _ __.:.::..:__~----'--' -.ii motor wtlb -can. OH -.1llO . . -7 . • • ..... .OA.UDVA" ~"LI U23 Col.It RlgbwaJ! In Co d I Mar It. Ocean ll"ront, Apt. 1, Balboa. TWIN BlCD8, u<oll•nt condition. -. ' llol'•• aa4 .... pll., 7~ or -· Corona del Ku Ph. Har. 111141 rona e . :. Help wltb 41nner part!M. Pbone Xn. William.. lftrboP 1l5ll6 be- fore 10 a.nr. 0?' after e p.m. litp8f Pl!. Hatbor S"8. llOpT• Cbrametabl ·-•b~~..!. ~~ 1f rl', NAttON.U., t IUlt of .,.ii. ti A...,; iata an4 's 1 lllll .a.i.-... Oa1J tlUM)'. Wltl. , . 1Dct7 2 bdrm. home -.lb of the blgl!- ~B:-J.Rfl!~ . . . , .. "">' ~ ,~ --~av-,._.,_ .. , mW:. it;,,., 911 "-PT: corona ~ "::1t.dollt1y,7'3IOOn:.,. M':!,Ml-I p".:.....=. ;~-"t== .NELDA Q°IBSON' ·VIEW HOME way, $TllOO. ' de! Mu. Mcl7 -· ~.... • Duplex -a · a bodnN. A . . • NIAL llB'l'A'l'IC ' I % BDRM. bo\n•. luge lfllgle ..... CROSLEY REnUGqATOR Uftly fllrll. Wln.ter or'.~. IWnd. ... KM1M, ...... bi, Ber. 1102 ONE BLK. aboVe SUnaet BJod, W. all landlcaped. $11 ,900. 11161 0 C\L fl model Bu all tbe THREE-PIECE Uvlnl' Rm, ~t, H rl'. IKD'I' w1U1 7~ hp. ,,_ a-noble, Har. lOOl..J. ftlfe · ettfe Holl,ywood. I eto17 mod. French UNIVERSAL BIJILDINO :MAINTENANCE Floor Waxing, Window Cleanlng Wxtl Wuhlng featuroo-6:1 lb. freezer cl>olt "" pracL new. 4 n. s.rv.J, uood 4 -ou~rd motor, Incl. Ul• Prov., 3 Br. • don:· l"' yn. old, DUPLEX, i bdrm. Jn. each apt. ~ top. Keat keep.. and 2 .,.... mo. Bea. IMU·K evu. 8k&8 ellor, oan. pole boldora catt n:ARLY-2 bedeoom duplex. uo· NEWLY BUILT a' bedroom mod-3000 .q. rt., IH rt. front lev.I Double"Pral"'. Aaklng $U.llOlt table crtopeno. Al.a bu the ------------and canvu. $111(). 2112 Ocean fllmlobed. 0an.-. Near ~ em home, 2 baths, flroplace-lot. Trode for oldor bay&hott • • !or bulldlngS. stores, ofnces A: homes T elephone Harbor 118 63p&G bllttor kffl>"r. Y&:8. 11.1 • tb• ti Bl"'I-, Balboa. • &<c6e 1eboo1L 226!1 'ClaY,.cntt Hawn. unfllrnlabt!d. eorona c1e1 Mar. .... or Inc. Wllb pier. Owner, F1tzmorr1S Realty Co. Sl!elvador and only ul!ed It 3 i:~:;:.:..:.A.-;.....;An:;:;.=IJU=M;:... ____ • -·-••I For 1ntonnallo'1 Phone Harbor Yoar Jeue, •no month. Phone 1374 Beltut Dr, L. A. 48, DU. Re&! Eol&le and eu.Jn ... llrok.,.. m~Uul. Would like to have an 8 "'1'. DINOHT, like new. Natural l287·R. lltlc Harbor 2892·R or B. 6921. 4Mp68 7-6344. CR. 8·9614.. GSpM 813 Co&tt BlVd .. Corona del Mar older rehirerator or •.tove tor .ANTIQUES wood trbit. Ha.r. 02l~J. lr.J Phone Harbor 2152 my oqulty. Paid over $390 for Via Zurich. Lido Iale •&ft.et' WINTER RENTAL-2bdrm. fllm. BALBOA ISLAND WELL PLAJ'INED Newly deco-- it. No down payment and take SEC. Kahog. lltb Century, •••• Tl111nday. -bqll•e. doable pr8(•· UW. pd. · rated UUOUrhout 0 rm. hom•· 1------------'--WILL CARE tor children ln my home by week'. Llceruted nura- ay. 363 Costa Mesa St., Coat.a Meu.. Mc68 29-He!J! Wanted • •• REI.JABLE WOMAN wanted tor sen. bowiework and child care. Uve tn. Har. 2069-J . McM • HOUSEKEEPER, good clean cook. 2 adulta. Small" house. Balboa bland. PermanenL Ref. Har- bor 1134-WK. IMpM WANTED-Housekeeper. Live tn. Private room. 2 chlldttn. Bfn· dilL 1100. mo. 452 E . 18th St., Costa Meu... Bea. M72· W . s:lce7 ovor payment .of f19.98 per mo. · • ..,.. COndlUon ........ -........ _ . ....,. $M mo. A...U.ble BepL 10. 132 We ban apartment. and hoUla-AU Ille bath. Rs2 zon., x.,rp see at f04 So. Spadta, Fuller-Pr. Pine CUpbo&J'da, early VERY SLIOHTLY USED ••il fllh 411t st.. N~ Bea.ch .. 8tp68 Avall&ble tor winter RUC>n or Jot. room to bUlld. VaJue Sll,000 ~ • Am 1a--U&· small I 10 with aaJl kit and car top carr1tr. 1 1 ton, 9 a.m. to I p.m. ~n. 2lu2. .. ·•• • .... -·.. N t.. ...,_1 ~~-RENTAL _ PENDi· year y eue. Nortb ln&'lewood . 50tft Sota -l:mplro, 1810 · .......... .iti!O L<>catod In ewpor -a• n "«s," n ':°'_ -·rn•·•~ .,_10 •nt., w· w Sanf d Will trade tor hou .. similar lliu., Pe: .. n. Dutc h chaiN, walnut. price. For information, call col-v._ ~ ..._ ..-..~ ...... _. ID Or -. bo area 0 Le~•na. p.,-ne "" lee~ Riverside 1·1181. 88p68 avallable tn SepL· '8 week •• Utfl. • R' E~ll"''R. 1 nar r r o-'"' Set of e ········-'·-....................... 1180 1n·c1, AduJ•-on'"'· Phone BU· '''"' Axminster 1 ... 95. 82ce7 For a 'terrifc BLvlng on an isy, cu. ft. freeser, phone Beacon 6695-J. 1!9c72 Booton Rocker, Orll'. nni.b .... 82 ~ ., Park A"'· at lll&rlne Clomb baek wln-r rockor, S4-Mn8fcal, Radio bor 1270·W. Slife Balboa !&and Harbor 2462 Xaple ....... : ............ --.-....... -.. $ 40 ~=~~~~~!!!-----FU!tNlBB1!:D . HOUSE, NewporC 59tfe Vl<t. aide chain. 2, each ....... .i SO RENT A PLUfO for onl.7 $a per Beach_.. bdr....,.; 2 balbo, l(e. Jenny Lind W&lnut crib .......... 1 80 month. Rental appllea: on tutute llvinl' rm .• prage. Har. 0849.,.w. NltWPORT HOTS., 600 Cliff Dr . Cherry drop-le&l table. I lesa. pul"Chue at SH.A.F,;ER'S MU· S2cl7 Yearly rental. 2 B. R. turnl.ahed. carved,. 47%: x 58\,; cloeed, '8IC 00. CSlnee 1907} 4%1 No. beaut. vtew, garage, furnace O'KEEFE " KERRITl' range, 18~ x 41~. ea. line ............ '370 SycamoN!, Banta Ana. Klmbor· SCHOOL TEACHERS-ADULTS ll<at. Adlllt.o. No pet.I, available 19:il model,. deluxe, CP all au-Ftne Deln collecUon. ly 2~T2. s excellent winter rent.ala near Sept. 15, $85 mo. plus uUllUea. tomatic and tt hu eorerythlng, & She.ftleld eervtns l&atee, south Bay. Inquire 113 C6ral. Mp69 griddle in the m1ddle, almmer 8 aalada to mate ................ 1 90 COME }?if, REAR and PLAY new Ba:lbo& llland. ~ burners and the r;rlll broiler. I Maboc'. drop-leaf table, Hammond Chord Orpn. No TWO APTS. l";ow avaJlable. ALSO owe only Sl2t.13 and pay me 29 ~ ln. h1P ........ -............... I 85 rnualc leuona neceuary. Any• RARLY UN.FURN. 1 bdnn. apL room and bath by day or per· PALM SPRINGS HOME -wm trade $1500 equJty for property ln H.a"rbor Area, Costa Mea. or for a ~t. May add ~· Hotne la 3 yrs. old, 1740' sq. ft., lotJI of treea and aJuubor, air .-idlt- ·loned. Swim club memberah(p Included. 82581 Sky Blue >1\'•lor Tnlll, Outpoot Eotato.o, Palm Bprlnp, °'11t. Phone Palm Sprlnp 3199. 84tfc "A Loaf of Bread, A Jug of Wine" -and this fine ocean front home. Two large bdrm&., bl&' livln& rm. " kitchen, 2 bath&, oerv1ce po""'1 4 dOUble garage. Oompletdy !llrn. $14,000 Ml. price, '6,QOO down and $& per month. Hai been rented all .ea.son tor $100 per week. Lob of room tor real ~Ying. ClOAe to town. PAUL-·C. JONE..~ REALTOR 2307 W. Bal-Blvd. cuh or take paymeftta of fl.41 100 Stein&, coUec:lol'9 1Uma. one can play Wa ln.atnlNent. , wtth .-a.r., noor Nmaee, water ma.nent. 61( E. Ocean l'ront, per month. 1 ueed it only three Brua dolJ>hln tcone, pair ........ 1 \G DANZ -SCHXIDT PIANO and 110ft~ner. Near Bff.ch, '80 mo. Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Har. S238. An Opportunity months. '""' Ilk• new. See at Rup; Cllln ... oriental. match? ORGAN CO., Santa Ana, 020 1000 w . Bal-811"1. Harbor , · . 60c14 WILL 'l'RADE-2 bdrm. borne In - San Bernardino for almllar ------------ Ph. Harbor ..2318 storage, 404 So. Spadra. J\tller-Ing pr .•• 12 off white No. Ma.In, comer eth. •8277 or Harbor hO·M. 64Uc ---·---------NEED A MAN, tam!Ji.r with f'ta· 9 to I Pb •1•• • • WlNTll:R RENTAL -OcL tst--ton. a.m. p.m. • • ""· .... k .... OltC<!ptl<>nally 3 Umal or aociaJ orpnlutiona, to 92Uc ,,..c fl'Ou..-. GRAND PIANOS. Btg Summer BAL80A PENINSULA, 2 and June lit. 2 bdnn. turnlshed manage club and lodge tacllitiel buuUtul. lrtle Chlneee col-Sale now on Stelnwa.y, Muon bedroom. Comp. turn. homes bouae, 115 mo., plll8 utilities. ot a local (?'Oup. Tha la an ideal BEST OJ"FER geta IAundttall-ore, never uaed, euh .......... l420 It Ramlln, Knabe. ChJckerinl'. with enc. yard.'" Very reuonable. See owner, 110 Opal St., Ba1· apot for a retired man who de-two yeara old. 127 S.pphtn Same quality "'I'· 1 " 11 ....... $3%6 Chue. Wwi.Jtar, Sohmer, F1'b· Wlalerr Harbor 2001.J. Mttc boa bland. 5fc68 sirea fellowship. lJmilecJ l&lary Balboa Ialand. Har. 12la.-W. Early Am. Gt...., Dfml-Ta.ue and er and rna.ny ot.hera. Some new, ... and dull ... Hours mOBUy In lb• ··~-, n1any Giber Item•. ••~ YEARLY · -Corona del Mar • BAY FRONT -.;u 80me used. Prlcea at&rt at .... -.. bfodroom turn. View apt. Ntwly evenlnp, 5 days a week. Age OPEN EVERY DAY DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. d-rat.ed. CIOM: to shopping. Udo !al• •·y front unJte--70 n. ( no barrier, non-sectai-lan. lteply crPIN-DRYER W A SH. MACH . •20 N Main Santa • ·• ''" ~ ~ FIR.BANKS "' 0 • -' .n .. u-.. Inquire 818 Cou:t Blvd., Corona private beach. Sept. 15-June ~:!: .;;::~enUal. Write Bo:St~ ~e~~.t c:i::· w:'!':.P· ·~~ SPINET PI.ANO, Pay out balance del Mar. Harbor 2443. fl,;"jcfl7 1&. l bedroom, $75 mo. 2 bdrm. Red Barn Ant!2• UeS •••7 % balb, SllO mo. Available by S2IO. Another Spinet, bal. -JN COSTA Jl!ESA-Attractlve uns FOUR MEN or women to work GEN. EI.IX:. RE.FRIG., old model 13881 Ha.rbor Bl . Klmbe.l mada Spinet, $493. See ..... rni.""ed houw, 21L bedroom•. year.•llght1y higher. out all tuition in exch&nge for ,.. __ .._ kin CARD~~ DROVE d '" " ~ H bor •••2 Harbor 2914 M with unit on top . ......uuu wor r c...1"" our tut ot returned ttnta.l• an ""-r.n.nrtatlon f&cillUee nearby. ar ~ , eves., . . -course ln beaut" culture. Santa U •RA n -• ., ..... w •• _.. 1 .... -"Ln.r:rrYI"' 1 ••·-..--82ltc ..., eondt on., ...-. u.:acon -'"-~-vo npoSMUiona. DAr<i'.c.·SC~...,.. c1 ... to Arche.e oft Newport ------------~ Ana Univ. or Beauty, 400~ No. .. •• W ••-• -------------•· or Harbor 1~ . '"'-vu BIO PIANO STORE, 100 .... r-Blvd. Beacon 520U-J. MJpM Kain. Pb. KI. 2~1. ~9p66 Muir's Antiques p1ns. 020 N. Ka1n. Santa Ana. GIRL WANTED-4 _ 5 hnl. a day. 1950 DELUXE MobEL Tappan •-.oo comer '5lh StreeL $160 PER MO .. winter. Avail. Oct. C.. Range. like new. Orlginal Pine Table ·····-··----,. 1. o-ytront m.anelon, Pt-ninsula no e'lr'IW'rience nee .. •-""', Art Pin ~-r 17 ~ -.. ,. _, coot $340. Rouonable. Must be e ~ .......... -~ GOOD PRACTICE Pl.ANOS, "9, P-. 6 bc1nna., 4 1> bo\bo. Very student pref. MWlt. have tra.nsp. aold. 114 Vlet.orta. OWta • ..._ J:mpln CbMt _ n.ao llT. 111 &Del \Q>• Let th-e xw... prtvai. pier. Ddue · kll.chen. Silk . acreen procea. DllrUng S5p97 811 pc. aet Oriental "tree of ltte" -learn. Pay but '11 per mo. Sound proofflll. llMt 'flnr. Har· T ech. Lab .. 1015 W. VJctorta SL, china ....... _ ............................... $15 2 '"'· u.cu..n-at tull value. bor 2t4t·M. \ '3p&7 Co•ta Meaa. S5pft6 si w w B I Cut c lua, brlc·•·br&C, copper &lid nANz.l!CIDlli>T BIO PIANO REl.L Estate Broker. References. -U to ~ . -· • . bru.-8.A..LIC NOW ON. 8aAta Ana. S&P'P. 1!5 to JUNE 16. Modem Wrl~ Box A·3, This Paper. wiwr TO BUY a attend hand We buy. •ll &nd trade uo No. Ka.In, oomer eth. redwood hom' on Balboa Pen .. 6&c66 portable typewriter. Harb or 2208 Newport Blvd., Oo9ta. Mfaa turntsMd 2 bed.f'OOl\l, ftttplace. 1146-W evea. 82t(c · Beacon 8321 -WK BUNGALOW uprla-ht piano ln Ret-bkt•t. bar, copper hood. hnced WANTED-Pic kup -deUvery boy. ------------~ feet condition. Tir:mu U'f.00 p&tlo, Sbq. f100 mo. 2022 Mtra- See Hagen, Culbert50n Chev., \VA.NTJOD _ Ueed ...u. Snipe, do\lm and P .90 per mo. at mar. Harbor 1I03•W, Nc:f7 -2481 Coast H ighway, Newport Snowbird or other that can be 8JlA.l"JtR'8 MUSIC · Co. (llbcf Boach. &aeon 8442. Mc cut down to 13 It. on hol>L Pb. SS-Boe~ 8uP!'!l!!. • • • • • 190'71 , 421 No. B;rcamon. llallta ATI'RACTIVS 2 bdrm. f\lmlolled. Bay Front Apt. a~blo Sept. PHONE Harbor 1819 to place Orange 07M·R. S5p9T Pair of 169 hp Scrlppa, Aaa. Kimborly ,f.o.12. litlfc 1. Harbor Utll>·R. Mdl7 your want ad on this pace. IT PA\:"8 TO READ T1Qf; ADS RA' direct drt"t'e, fine condl-R&P0881CSS!:OI Be&utlfµl Elec-S d ...., ---··---"---FURN. APT. ln town. rm. a.n l ion, can be demOllllrated.. tl"lc OrJan.. Jr aouvu• , ............ ur ll ~ ,~ ·~ dlurcb or bome. Pay out bat-bath.. A reuecora: o::u. ...,... mo. SOUTH COAST CO Adult&. no pots, no drinker.. • """"· Bl&' •'rinl'· Uk• new. 1878 l"llllerton An. COit& x ... Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. 2600 DANZ· SCHJaDT PIA.NO and .~7 APPLIANCE SALE I Mtfc ORGAN' CO.. Santa Ana, 020 Beacon OIH-K. -~ WASHERS ABC W ringtr type .............. $ 36.00 Easy wringer type, Xln't. condition ............... $ 49.50 S2-Rooaebold Goods No. Ma.in. corner 8th. 22 HP EVINRUDE 4J Jone ahaft.1------------ Cood condition, $185. Pbono RENT A PIANO, '6 per mo. All Laguna Beach 4-3088. 62ce7 term rmt aJlowed when you buy. DANZ· SCHMIDT. !knta • Refrigerators EVINRUDE :-: .. 1w1n 0u1-td Ana. 120 N. Main. Motor -1 ~ hp. !At.eat model. USED A·l l'""dlllon. 229 , Via Udo S5-Do Cate, p llJ Euy Spin Drier, good . 8 cu. fl Westlngllou.. ..... $ ~B.1!0 Soud, Lido l•lo. Horbor 28711-M. • •• • I!-!. running order ................... $ 49.50 7 cu. tt: CoJdapot ................ $ 97.50 1Gp68 W13XAR.ANER pointer puppiH. .... -.. 3~, G t t-·In per90nal I""' dop. REFRIGERATORS v-uay uaran ee CHRYSLER Royal Marine e:na1ntt, --' · r cu. fl. Berv.! Electrolux $110.00 l550. Uoed few hour&. Direct CllamplOft alre &11d dam. Doros """aley Shelvador I t't. 8 cu. ft. Oelfer--8.attler _ ... I :59.30 drive and revM&e. A.Lao 22 n . th7 K&nlfy. Phone Kimi~~ _, u • • 30-da c t ...,.., ICxt. 07. .,,... recently ovtorhauled ........ $ 74.50 Y uara.n ee Garwood utility V4l'lve mahog. DESIRABLE Modern l"llrll. Win· ter rental alld ..,...._ ~cc. 1-4 ~p1f'. Near ldtoot. Uee of wul\er. Ul2 W. Bal-Blod .. Ntwport Beach. lllpl7 FURN. STUDIO APT, adtable tor couP,le, ~ mo. Key at &17 Lorltapur, Corona del Mu. Ph. Harbor 0870-R. ftllct6 WANT TO SHA.R&.m7 &ttNcttve bouae W11b ctr1 or,,_.... ailld O. K. 9 ima. Patio.' An.II. Sept. 1. Harbor 470-RK. 118 Helta;.. NEW Excollent com!. Har. 1488·WK. THRICE, PART PERSIAN ldttons, S ervel, 4 cu. n ., t-XcepUon-65cl7 :i 'A"ffb okl. Tr-aJ.nitd. Want cood aily clean. Perfect 1'\UT-7 ~' cu. tt. tntematlOnat home. 2· tmtale, 1 male.. Gii ~ DUPLEX APT., 1 bdrm., turn. nlng order ...................... $ 80.96 Ha...,oter. ~cod from SEA BOOKS CIUbbouae, Nowport Beacb. Har-No pet.I or ehl ldron. Bar. 0834.J. trope, Corona d•I Mar. Mp66 . Coldspot deluxe 9 cu. n., Lf~i!.,;i·~-~:30-~::::~ A. nne atock of booka on all yw.cbt.-bor JfS()..J. IMcM • ftOceT RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS CID -C>Us Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa laland. Bu. 2042 ~ WINTER RENTAU! Pl!!NIN• SULA. Fum!Ahed. 2 and 3 bdrm. apt.I., close to achoo1. Refriger- ator. UtillUea Incl. Available Sept. 17th, $15 and $20 wl9 Ph. Harbor 1270-W. ftlttc ONE RM. rear houae, non-house· kffj>lng, fumtAhed . 605 Li.rk· •pur. Ave., Corona del Mar. Har- bor 1263-W or Har. 21t8-R. • Mp&e FURNISHED hou1e, SM 3Slh St., Newport, on Waterfront, gar .. ~ wk. Anlt after S~t. 15th, winter rates. Phone A 'Ii.antic ;-900l5. 82pft7 BALBOA PEN. Point. Reaerve now choice new Apt. Lge. vlew wtndowe, nreylace, rar:, bendlx., fum. in mapl/-. Winter or yearly Clltton Apt.s., l&OU E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har. 2649-M. IM<M BALBOA-Nice clean apt., one pe.non, good loca.tton. Refrlg. Yearly, $32.50 per month. Phone Harbor 18.'9·'· 310 Island Ave. 84pft6 FOR RENT-Winter rental, leue ~ SepL to ~une. Two bdrm. hou., f'U:rniabed, fenced ya.rd. SM por month. 126 Topu, Bal· Xln't. llhape ..................... $ HJIO I n. ~on1tor' .. 49 ~ "ll.60 J~g l!Ubj«'t. -plua all curnnt ~~ cut. klttena need good QNl: BEDROOM HOUSIC, Corona "'· - --... _ booka. Lendlns U\Jnry. '~· <lei Kar. Fum. or !llllllm. ft6 Serttl 8 cu. rt., deluxe, 4 ~ General fl80JIO ........ -.ittt.llO bom.., 2 moo. old. part ~ per 11\0o A..nable -· Jllou FURN. 3 BDllll. HOUSE, ocun Xln'L eondJUon ...... _ ....... $130.111 Apt. -ran&'• ......... -...... .i 111.ao The Islanders 1 black. 1 t&bb1, all ten>ale. -&114 store&. Bo. ot ll!Way. tront.. w1n1or rental, $76 mo. Deep ---n• Marin•, Balboa la. Hu. 1347 0&40-M. ~!.~ ........... -Aft., IB Delilla, c.n. M. .. -Barbor 1616-W. 84ci!& boa Ial!!Dd. • 6fp06 GAS RANGES 9 <11. fl. Vietor redtlc<d Hewpwt ~wta. property bl Harbor Atta'. Inq. 928 E. Balboa Blvd., Apt. 2, Balboa. IMp&e ~Au~~ ..... JOE NICKERTZ STUDlIBAKER DEALER Montb Enil Specia,ls 19M Stqde. Cblp1p, f-<!r. oed. only 9,{)()() ae\Ual mtle1, like new ............... _ ......... $1895 1949 Stude. Champ. COUPf', only 18,000. miles. ' Looka like new car ...... $1345 JJ46 Stuck. Champ. f-clr. oed. An almoet ,ew car, Only 21,000 &ctual miles. Over $100 worth of accessortee.. J.lu.at eee to ap,ireclate, Special $131IO lk7 Stude. Champ. Cou~. COSTA MESA 0-r must ..u btr one a bd!tn. llOlla.. 1-'fl'll' for eooit-F e.-! · iarse lot, 2-car gar., all eppohlt· menll. • Your Offer -~ For ApPolntrnent to llee- HORAClil S. MAZE'!' 306 .Marine Ave. Balboa 41and . Harbor 802W · 59ttc Will You Trade? your home ln thia area &st take lwo very choice lot.a ln the 9Dver l.Alle area u part p&.ytnttt ! 8ee 11:µ,el Shirley. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbol' 126' 63c81 5·pau. Special _ ........... $ 995 ------------ Certified Used Cars NEW CAR WARRANTY A flne aelectlon of niew can. When better dea.11 are made. Nickerta >A'il1 make them . 3.f 15 Newport Blvd. &t Via Lido (By Udo theatre) Newport Beach Pb. uilrbor 51Q Eve. or Sun., Harber 2916-J OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 88c JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE ·BEDRM., 2· bath hOme OD ia,..., 80xJl8' lot' 1550 sq. ft. plua' IDU!iiiry garage with raillo ccinuolled door, hardwood tloon!. Forced air fl!rnace. Lota of tile. Complftely fenced and lalldlcaped. Priced at $2'1,llOO, Ii clown Call owner Harbor m_t .. J or eee hou&e at lU Shorecliffa Road. 6Ttfc 1948 CADILLAC 62, 4 ~r .. MW --------'--~­ tttts. like new. '2200-Qon&Jder trade, Harbor 1321..J. 8'('88 i 91!0 CHEVROLET 2 dooc. In per· tect cortdlUon, $1.oM: M! -3&lh St., NeWport Beach. Phone Har-- bor 2404.. 8ltfc '41 FORD SUper Deluxe 4-<\r . ..,. don, $350. Alao Jmand ..... 7.i!O x 18 8-ply truck ~ wltb flap, $30. 35 BaJim.· CO-. Ph. Harbor 708 attar tt:to p:"'-Gelle M-Money to' Loan LOANS For Homes &%-20 yr. Loa.aa CONSTRUCTION LOANS at -%~ 114 yra.J WI: BUY AND .SELL TRUST D&eDll Sllll BOB IA "n'LER 1415 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Ha111or 10T7sl Rep. POIRIER Jl!ORTGAGE 00. Metro Lite lnL Funda Kl S-6188 LOANS TO BUJLD, DIPR0'111, BUY, :i~'SlUfJZll, OR ANCBI • tiUn ~00 to ....... -•. $271.00 ALMOST NEW-La_yman dhls!IJ, l'JlllJU.Y RJl:NTAL-Nktiy fl!rn. ATI'RACTIVI!: Z bdrm. fl!rnlahed Moont'• Carl•lon doluxe 7 cu. tt. Victor 13211.00 to SU0.00 .rith cover. ltngllah ..u. Her4-•A B II n.-.rtaaJtlee 1 bdrm. apt., ~ pa\IO. Bay Front Apartment avallabl• ) ...I IU range, table top wllb • b" broktn In. 'pertoct C0"41tlob. -• • ;-g; A<!Wta. a56 -mo., Inc. llllJ. far winter rental. Har. 2289-R. (It Cool.I Notl!Jnl' ·lo lnvMtipte! 5'7-ltell llatate wuW adJuatabl• b r 0th r, In Dale's Furniture 21S • Otb SL. Newport lleacll-.;;, iioitle1:Y SPW ttKz. 11111 w . Bal-Bl>d., Nolopo.t ~7 '47 KAISER SEDAN -·~-· 095 NO . INF~ATION HERE! We llUJ ~ ~ NllWPORT 8.A 1,11()4 J'EDERAL ,BA VlHGa .. :LOAN illl!f, UU Via Uclo .PIL Bar. lllOf 'Sood al\&Po ._ ..................... $ lit.INS • 11T4 ~ Bl..S. lliplt 1"'«11Jlq aD!I ~ -Beoeb I'!!-Harbor 1.Ull-W. OClllAN JRONT-New 2 bdnn. '47 WILLYB Irr.\. ~A'f" .... ~ 886 W.4oNTIW-BOt181: or INOOJDll. 119Ptr IU ranee, white ' 0oota M--MS'f..J M rr. FLYING BRlllOID Cabin --ft¥-~ Hip Qra4e -llloaly fl!rn. home wtlb prage. '4' DODGtll.'Flllld·l>rlte lled-' HI! es.:...~ .. -.~.uc.1i"'M':.Z::: -table top, excellent con-OAPl'l:ll8 a llA'n'LER RAMO&. CrulHr. Hacktr<ratl hllll, twl> llut --In Ulla -No TWO llE>IUI. HOt1811, fl!rnWied, Wlalft raital or yrt. leue. _.oo 'f.T PLY. SEDAN •. ~--1-.. ..$ 9911 ~ :u&l·M. Utfc dlUon at .......................... TUO Ita Ibo 11161 -delu>!e Cl' Scott enslno, eocctllent cllartft :::-i:.;: ~~I<.:: 10 -Iba, uUllUts ~ '80 • 8M"''..,.. Dr. 0< cd SY.,T-8011. •4.T DlllSOl'O "SubW'IJa>l• ..... 1295 -~-----~·---- all automatic. llae lamp -t, SO mph.. plua bait labk, M , -. aeev..,.i y Jn........,..' D& mo. Ut Hellotrope,. Oonlo!la Gel • &lpl7 (O\'er '4200 to N!Jl~) ln-'fnlllln .--an -crl"dle In Ille Witt B. 8. radio. ...-. ~ ......... --to -Mar. .... tlN"1R.NI8HJl:D moan apartment 'ft CHRYS ...... Win. • •1~=~=::::.------ llllddle and the du<clise pill SIX WBEKt. "°"rit lrallH, 4·~ -1'1'17 ond or -tap ot Ral'ONl!Bt.I: ADUL'l'll _ 'l'lro uwiu.. paid, "o. 920 Oout •u DODGID BSl>4N --·-• 48f Trail Sto broller,Aloo Jiu Iba Ill dlnme =· :.:i::.. :..~11?(. eolltcllaN Will net ap to= -Ila. fl1nL Clltt Ha-. Hwy, New...,..t. 16p17 '81 LINC. epe. (Jileoc. mlr.) •MO er rage ;-..;.":.,~-~ ..., ::="'.-.::;..~ -·~-·--··---· ..,;__.....,, '• -'"'~ M . $4 pet lfonth . -frlpntcr for 'l'J' ...,nq.. No nBHINO BOAT to ... ooo. Aa pt. 1-ln<l t1ol'11' -11 lb'· 111 ""-..i. -. --. Winter rentata an.II-SHAVER' ,'ba ProtectK l!J' ._,_ 1-. m•n- -~t -tallo· _. a -Ill. -11oapt, I a.., hr lnw-.low, *-JI'*"! ID • W ANT • D • , • alllo ~ lltb, u k>W' u '80. '"""' l:R'l'Ow)i;', 111 W. W-. Ooll;a , -P'O-.-~-i.!f.--L--11:--X...-m--_,--_,--, my pQllloat. fJI. '1U2' ftt -. pat. a tJ. II. Q.. lrwd. -., I N'P'leatloll. Bax No, S-1, 1lill' Mmrted C!1UJ1ie, 1101i. pt; t. nbt Woalil COi•-,..., ..... talo. Your ,I!<JDCm Pl' ., 1111'. -1'11. a.. ... M ( ....... • r•q.p.t 136, ..,oo ecild. ... al '4M lo. llpeh. hlllr-trplo. ete. -Cit oedl• tit.. ~· .... °'e ,_I rm. flanl. -t 111' W. -llhd. -""-8~ Caiila .._ ei11i1r ~· 6 AAA) •-t tnller, $40; Martla 40 oat. toll. 1 a.a. to * ...... , h = w-al!d Biiio. -2-HOI. OOllPLftS eabblet 11, 11 -a 1oa.ca &;\.. "' I:' ,... utt-M-"'91 1'IO N'ew~ . -7 _, ~'::.w~tue -. .. ~ :Bill's· furniture • rr. ClllUllaurr.,..., = ~ :1:::.r-8a<ri11eo. .:;:; ~a!::..=::... ..... = • ..._,._,. • !i'!~ . . MDD.ICL A Wom>.,... ,_..,,.,. 1.tlOO&Qll "b;' ~·,.a:i = 8TOllll &tu-. prae. -·wall W ~ ... SeJl Trade ~Aee.A·~---SlUO -1. . -••• dltlllll. ~--,.,.-.: ;:;, :-; ": 1nl5 llji ... . =.=~;-~~ :_ ... .,,-_:.•.,.,.~ -i~:r.;i:~·n.-""•"" o • ._.omni ":a::.. W.:...::',: ~ .!1'.t~.,. :·.,.~,::::".::;.1 ,0 ... anar. · ...... -BllCOI!-Mlfo ,..... .... .... W-..SA-lll .. llr ... _r&OWT ___ lt.. ................ -.-U-&o..i'-etl•Ooollt. .-. , .... CllSAJ'-ll"ft. 04llf'fOU1tOWNAl0B'OOll.8 ..... m J111R ... lltr--llle =-~t;:..,~::.7 .. ~ t:::·~ .. 1=1!'\.":° :::.-!l.!"ta::.-.:: ~40't''!lolt.,Qalla-1.4..1: ":e,.~l.if ~ -,f. ... io:=~~ =:..•.;:,~* •---••·~-Aft..:":.-=4'iiidinwuaa.APt..., ••-.~' !F._. •" ;..i1!2'.'t::~r _..a.~ · .... ~ -.a;11!-~=INOW~,...., ....... ": ~ .. 1:.::,L-._,~_.t ::-:.ic:.-..::.:...•.:.2naWLT ·D111ll•P1 , ... --·Bill. ISi.TA 10" TT's.w. UT Jlarj. v-It '· ll l.11 e -· ~ ti _..., ...... lJIL p lier 9k.J.. .... -I. ...... a.-............ , ........... ll ... :'i= -Tl: :Wlelt~··~~~~=::;j r:. .... Cll.lJJI, -..... l. :..-:. ~-~:~ ~ £.!; .......... -,... = ...:..: ,,lltflrw..:•.:' -= ·;:.;::: :::-.· 9: ~·· ~ ·~ .. ...,.__\e# ..... ,er~-·· .... ~ ;.::-·~:-:·~ ·-6&.•IA!t .... ~. Tl&. 9e• Ni ....... ·~.~ u • ea.::, =-~,rn1 1. -_, ,1 , . I • _.. ........... ~, _. Qd!L.A.Ol..11& _ • •• I . STROOT'S • TeWinkle Hdwe. . U0S Newport Bl>d. Colla M- 1 Phone ae.c::oa sm I • • ' 1 · I • • • • ... -.. ---··-··-· -· ..... ---· • •• !! .!J!l !d•!! •.. .~. I ) COltallela .-REAL ESTATE Two~~~~ ----.i..------~--------..;,.;;;""-.....;. 81'111. .-., 11\Aft tmM. • OWw .. ---Uld w,1I1 IQ9 oinaD clL -Wnot. • I • .. • • -ftlll 4lllllttftal "'tUJft•t borne. II prteed tar .....,_,re- Pla<•lllt -. Jt ... oli a.. ---ta f« ~ J3~CHE A. GATFs; Realtor· FRANK l.. SHt.lFELT • • J. MARTIN -311 Ma.ripe Ave., Balboa Island Ph. liar. 1871 or 1672 E""8. Barbor 1671 Two ~autiful Cape Cod Homes 3 Bedroom, 1 ¥.i Baths each . " Both Completely Furnished 3 Years Old. Excellent ID.lurance Financie. THIS IS VERY SPECIAL BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTqR - · The Income Is Excellent- We Believe the Price Right It you are looking for rood Income property, tbeee llx un.lts U"9 topa! Close tn ,verythlns--No!ly furnt.lh~­ cMa.ri and attractive and best of all-atwa.ya ''rented. $21,.500. Exclusive. BAY and BEACH REALTY HllO Bal-Blvd. Harbor 1*64 61ic67 OPEN HOUSE ' Saturday and Sunday (from 12 Noon ) MODEL HOME -FURNISHED 428 Seville Ave., Balboa Peninsula . CALIFORNIA MODERN -architecture and color by outstanding authority. Edward H. Fickett, architect Wm. Manker, colors Newport Furniture Co., Fumiahings. If y..u are interested in seeing th~ v.-y LA TEST in designs and color. See thi.8 ! (Out Balboa Blvd.-to the P~insula, watch for arrow) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 30th and Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 18~ WHY GAMBLE? The stock market goes up and down but your savings invested in a home of your own In growing-LI D O ISLE could be your surest safeguard for your future. The following quality homes are llited with our office ONLY and are priced for $2700 Down Newport Heights A lovely a· bdrm. :home on Red- lan<b ave. Lea than 1 year old. Flrepiace. hwd. Moors: dinette, large kitchen \\"ith bree.kfaat a.rea and laundry, garbace dlsp., dbl. ~gara.ge, .nicely t.and.C..p@d, patio and mbly nice feature•. <t '7o Loan Full Price $12,500 Monthly pyts. of $66 include taxes and insurance. quick 11ale. Country Club Special J. EXCLUl!IVE listing or nearly Appraise This new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. This la idetl tor children as it Home h&s approx. 1280 eq. ft. ha.a 2 Jarce bedroon\9 and 2 3 bdrm.I.. one a master, large m:n&lJ bedl"ooin.a. All the latest ltv!ng room, eepan.te dlning and finest features and only a room, large k itchen with d ln- few ltepe trom lovely PRI-ette space. Bath room la eom- VATll BEACH. Imagine UU. at pletely tiled with a pullman. ONLY$ 10,500-Excellent term& F'lreplace wtth. a heat.aloe-. Back yard ls completely bricked - 2. Brand flew 4 bedroom. 3 bath co.sting owner a $1,000. Garage heme. MANY DELUXE fe&-Which tho has a quar~r beth. tures auch a.a garbage d'8poM.t Cement driveway, ,b&J'bo.q and a unJt heat, .2. water heaters. nice patto. 4 yrs. old. wtred for electric range, 3-car gara«e, large patJo, la.ndacaped Owner Is leaving for echool and and many, m 8 n Y dazzling muat make a deal lmmedlatety. Tht' tull price is only "home owne.r delights." All !or on!)' $28,l!OO. • $12,500 ALSO Other clever 2 and 3 bedroom h<:lmem for l&1e on LIDO ISLE. 'For those who want to build- some very desirable Jots are tor ale either waterfl'Ont sites tor income units or off water Iota 't barpln prlceo. ALWAYS RE- MEMBER we are the develop· era ot LIDO ISLE. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach. Calit. Harbor 1500 A1TRACTIVE . 64c66 BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNIT HOMES Here ta llt6 monthly regular in· come; I bd:rm. lltucco. turnt8hed home, plus stud.lo· apartment, turn. o-..cr double garage. At- . tr-aeUft price UT,TtlG. ror the touchitNlpper. a 2 bdrm.. liome wtlll fireplace, pluo l'Jt8l . .•.. , ,,~ . - Phil Sulliyan . C. t'.ialen benison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. ea.ta Kesa P!I. a.a. -or a... iHll8-J Harbor 3157-W • Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally nice • Wiiia -I stoey 1tQCCQ. only l ~ yra.., old. 4-ear garage. Three 1 Wnn. unit.a turntabed. One 2 bdrm. unit """'--~ to bay and ocn.n 9W'lmJnlng. !:s.ttllent income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home -''Carpenters Attn." :-~--:::: :~b~= I( ;fVO b&•o tM tlllle and ,_ey ........... -planned ~ • bdrm. homo tMt lo partl&IJy .,.. Cdoilploted. It'• 70W1I ... Qllll, ror -..Jy '4900._ ~ If n...leci. -_, twl> -~a·~ ~ .... all_ .-...... ~ IOOftl wils.io-. .,_ to la ... paUO. i;ilelely loeatal la .............. ""ry'!-"\ ' ' $23,500" -. Chickens & Ral>bitts BAY and BEACH REALTY Neat a bdml. llom•, -and ltult ~ !i IMft and oil ,....,. ' HIO Bal--)ll'fd. 8U'bor 1.a -8blrley . ntdt ,..,- ocl. ....,, -• Home & lt)com.e Two home• t5 ~ old) W1th tW:o bdrma. each, nk.~ lo&. sut' 8""' cl09e to 'Blvd. 11:2GO, terma. Bldg:-Lots One lot close in at $1050. t'lve tot.a cloat to ahopplng area, JtOOO. 'fweltt-• klil8 near Blvd., and ahopa, $9900. ALSO ..,.,.ral good G. ~-lt8alea. 2 and 3 bdmi. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. &t Associates 1'190 Newport Blvd. . . . Costa Mesa. Ph. Be&. 6181 - Cliff Haven Home 0 . I. ReaaJe. Built tor graclowi llvtns. Spuioua 3 bdrm. home, large lot, tile kitchen and bath. plenty storage apact". AttracUn bUllt·Lh reetur~. 1190 eq. rt., dbl. pr. rear y1rd encloaed. (rape •take. Only sn.500. tenna Mo. pymt.s. $63, tax. ina. lnclu. Your Moneys Worth 2 bdrm. older home, ltut Ski@. Sel'Ytee porch l&rte enoup to make eK.tra aleeptn.g room. P'L rur., pine n .. ~ pr. OWntt mu.t 111etl. Prl<:f' J49!M>, term.a $40 1. month. Tiny Tot ·~ acre with small boo.sit. 1 bdrm. Sorite chicken f'qutp. Yours for um. tt300 ~n. Harbor Blvd. 71 ft. frontagf' with 300 ft. depth. 2 bdrm. home. liv. rm., se-parat,. dmlng rm.. hwd. n .. n. tum ., single gar. and laundry rm. And all turntshed too. A ?'Kl tMJy ln ttal eat9.te. Owner leaving for Eaat. Priced S12,800. term~. . . INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ls Your Property for Sale ! W e Have Buyen. La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Blvd. Colt.a Me• P!:one Beacon 7CM.3. Real Vll.lues Z bdrm home on 2 loU. Two-car ga..-ge. Close to Newport Blvd., Ea.st St de. Full prlce- $6000 • E-Z T erms 2 bdrm., atall ahower, p!"l.«e at- tached. Lot 150 by 150. 'Ibia i..1 aoned tor rabbitta an4 clllckena. Better !lee this today. Only- $6500 ll'ull PriC\" "G. I. Resale" 3 bdrm., ranch style. 21'. yn. old. Lot IO by 116. NU prtoe 11.fao. ONLY $2000 DOWN Cliff Haven · 3 bdrm., I-U..,. a year old. Dbl. prage, tlaptGfte p&Uo wtth ~l>ocue. Full price $111,500. ONLY ' $3500 DOWN B.A .NER~N 1982 Newport 81Yd.. Ooota M<l!" Pbone Beacae 5225 PENJNSULA POINT 3 bdrtn-hQme OD i,.rp comer lot. M-. atJ:le. llWn. an>und paUo. 2 baUla, tlttplace. UM OJI· tt_ In -· pl1le -le ..., ... lll'urn. '1t.ll00 I Balboa Realty Co. -Otftlt)' J-pjdne Webb umu MU.don 700 II:. Balboa 8l"flL Har. S2T7 -• • I • . ,. ll. --.... ,. .. lkll7 I • • , OPEN HOUSE * * . . . . Saturday, Sunday and Monday 2 to 6 'or by appointment Phone Harbor 1238-W 2121 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Aulhent lc ,Capt Cod, l year old, 2 story, 3 bedroom' lwge de'11i 2 ba~ MIJ'.ldeck, nreptace, fc;Jorced aJr , heat, O&k noors. ·\ '. . This exquloll• ho-'• up to th• minute bi conotn>ctlon a.nd baa f'Wry cot'IVffl\leht't-~irf'd tor gNCIOUB ~ ' around llvlng. Priced to sell quickly on very reasonable terms. Immediate Possession. Outstanding Balboa Island Duplex 3 yrs. old, 3 bedrm. 2 baths in each unit. Traverae drapes, Indirect lighting, Jlllllel ray heat, glass shower doors, garbage disposal, separate 30 gal water heaters, lge. carport, <'tc. make this a highly producti~ rent&! property which should earn about $3500 per yee,r: Full price $23.MO. film. STANLEY HADFIEI.D, Realtor 216 Marini! Ave.. Balboa lal;utd Harbor 20 66c68 BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front Home & Income Large South Bay Front home -5 bdrms.. 2 \ii baths, plus 2 bdrm. apt. Finest corner location, . Pier and float. Priced to Sell. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 Boat Owllers atertr-ont duplex with pier and noat. Easily converted to 2 bdrm 3 bath home. Near"ahoppln.g and tra.naportaUon. Price Sl&.860. $7850 down, balance $90 month. Bay Front Home & Income Located on beautitUJ Udo ls.le. 6 unlU COlr'IJjetety turnilhed. Best Jo.cation, 70, ft. beach. Priced to k'IL Conside r pa.rt U'ade. Lido Isle, $4950 Dn. New 2 bdrm. bomf, p..tftte patio, bbq, ltltdlen, nroplace, turnace heat, ctan encl~ t.lb; many Othet' extraa. FUI) pr\cle $16_ 750. It's the best buy on lildo. GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BUILDEJt -REAL TOR 3212 Newpott Blvd., Harbor 2562 ~tfc OPEN HOUSE 2242 St. James Rd. Oiff Haven ~er must Jeave for Eut aoon. I G. l . ~'!C-.-...le. 1-monthly paymenta. Well bllllt. 3-bedroom hollle • on 70 ~ • 120 lot. Oo~ bath fll&turM. Hardwood an4 a 1111(• laNlocaped )'e completely encloood '9\th Nd w004 ,,..pe_ ten&-. · I $13,l!OO Foll Price · Open 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Sfolurday It Sun, 8"11!: lat. "' 2ndl oj oau Mr. K""pton._Harbor t600I tor ~owing. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED ISa& Via Lido Newport Be&cb. c.llL Harbor 1500 -·-Want A. &rgain? · 1 • Ojleom l'roftt bome•Jn & locatloh1 111 i'!04 view. Wit.Illa. -g ' 65c67 Attrac. Ranch Type Z. bdrm. home!, 1 ~ yrs. old .. Hu shake root. muaive brick ,flreo. place. Jarg-e windows, lot 57:itl26. Beat buy In Costa 1.fesa. $79~. Pretty As A Picture Dtstlnctive and charming 3 bdrm. ruaUc raMh type home, 2 yrs. old. Hu hM.ry &hake root, fire- place, beam cetlinp, large pie .. ture wtltdowa and ts beeutltully landacaped. One of the loveliest homee in Newport H eight.a. $12,150. • 4 7c G. I. Resale Payments are $$&..33 t.nc.Judlns ta.xe1 and inaurance. Nice larp 2 bdrm home in beat Costa Me• location. Hwd. floors, dbl. gar., Is • yni. old. '1950 down. Prl.,. $1H50. Beacon Hill Realty •86 Newport Blvd. (lll>oft A.r<ll .. ) Pb. B. 5718-R or ..,,.._ 8 . _ilep·:W 811c67 Corona del Mar Brand New 2 B. lt.. Ranch T)'P" Home • 2~ gva~ $10,liOO Andresen Company t\12 Clout BJ'fd. Ooroa& del Mu, Calif. Phon• Harbor 1540 • HUR&Y ! ' BUIU> NOW! before ,over't l'Ntrictlona . . Best View SIW.. °"' Cout Luse Lota, Reeblcted. All UtlDtl. , .L Prlftte 811 th 1'llltta ~ VUuel ... ,... l.1 • • Col'ODjl. HigblAnda ~i.p.11111p '. ~ Corona. clel 'llaJ" l -. - . . . Costa Maia ~ty • . . . w. -ta -.__ 0( Ille • t.._.... '"&J•'de& Drtw-11'1 • tl!n>'.-•t'--__ 1 _____ .._ _ _..-::-.,....-------------'--.--~ :: :..':; ~ ~ -.... l.J•!!!. !::::!!!.!!!.! • • i;. • • • BEAQoN ,~~~. HAR.eoR' ts~ .• ~-. . . J ,..,.;..,. . :: • • • IG3 n.<>W!:R ST. -----------'10,llOO :rhlo luge th-bdrm. bom.e ,... necta pride In loome oWJ>O'*'i>- nl .. -~ patlo-porda -.. rear of h~. 7ard ll well kept U\\I plaat..S. · Hwd. noora and lllce Ule work. Su1'mlt ,_ • • •l>b! -}!ayment. •• • • ' . GM 11#.l!f llaRNADINO-i N'llWPOllT HltIOHTB ·su.-. N&Uce tile eXtretne care aholV'A iD the tln18h work on ,this beaUtst.t llllalta ioor-modem. ,( two ..arm. holne wltb -of hwd. floor-. copper hOod over ranee. P\t.ll~ nl&li batll, nice flxtll,... and top worlant.nalllp tltrousJl<>Ut. nover ..... pied: - • • • 1115. E. 19th ST ............... '. ..... $11,000 A moat convenient locatton. E:v•- dence of pre-war quality -con· strbctton are obviOUIJ ln this 2 bdm\. and den home. oak tloon tlln>ugbout. fireplace, larre dln· lilt a.re&, illce ehrubs.and trees.· This price &190 includea carpet- ing, 'prapet1, Y·bllndl and Ben-dix.. . • • • CAt:.L AT THE OFFICE AND ll!lllE THESE! Clean 3 bdrm. stucco which is G.I . financed. It ha.e a good nre- place and bwd.. noon, and a ntoe yard for the children. 1"M wry -or tenna. llontllly p&Jftlenta or sat.I& Incl. tax .. int. u.d bulur. l"'UU pri~ Sl0,600 • • • C>Yerlooltlng the upper Bay and altu&ted. &mol\g ot!leT ftne prop- erttee ll thla eprawtlns ranch bome. Hu over two thouand aq. tt.---all l!lectric and tncludea built·ln elec. oven. table.top elec. stove and dla.h wuher. Very lar-p rooma and well plan- ned. Amazingly low price ot ' $19,:SOO, wtlh tema i_t needed. Olhere with 811'1&11 acreagt" from SlS,500 up. COSTA MESA REALTY 400 ,!;. ,.t7!h !t._. • .. ' "!!!-. 6818 a..-,.~-Fried .ero.tet -W , C, Qabba"9 65<6$ TODAYS BEST BUY 3 bdrm. cottace, aceoM St. from cha.nneL corner, only MIOO. tenna or SUl!tl down 81\d · $50 mo. N. B. C. REALTY, 32nd It Newport Blvd., Newport Besch. 66ct7 On The Water . One of the moat a.ttractive homM in Balboa Coves for lease or for ale. -.u111uy lllmlolled. See QkldeJIFay. ' ~u -~· ,.. BALBo.t\. BAYFRONTs , ' . • • . I . . . r'500up ' -~ ALso "---1 of . -:~ homea ~vaD1ble any; "hel'll ip thili '"'8- 1 f l~ l!ppoil{tipenta-wonder· . ~ fu1 views • 1 • -• • I • $57 .500. to $95,000 ·1 I • • . HoJile an'1 In9o~e. ot1 J;lalboa 1s1.:nd ,[ $15;000 I _ NEAR SOUTH BAY'-FirepWie, 2 bedrooms and • • • • : J. ~ . -• -' bunk room. Smilll apartment OD rear. Only 8" ' ' .. . years old. Close io·..i,opplng district. . : . For these and other ~rt Hlrbor area proper-· ' . l ' . ties ..call Harbor· 1776 • , I CORONA -DEL . MAR OWNEJR MUST MOVE • 2 BEDRM. HQME. llh ~ old. Close to Ocean. 2 complete baths. HardW!k>d .. floors. tireplaile. ' Large floor furnace ~us Th~odor heateni in . . . baths and bedrooms. Garbage disposal. Service poreh. EnclOl!ed patio. Extra large 2 car garage. Full Price $1l,750. Call Harbor 2474. · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lTtJa and Coast Hlway Newport Beach ' . ~ Marine Ave. 15th and Irvine Newport Beach 815 Coast H lway Balboa lldand ' 3113 Newport Blvd. ' Corona del Mar ~ewport Bea.ch lee HERE IT IS AT LAST! The Balboa Island buy you have bee.n waiting for: ' A 2 bedroom honie and studio apt. over garage. NI"<' patio, fireplace, etc. A good sound house, needs paint -:--$13,900, terms to suit. .• LmwOdn"' ~CK1 Realtor" 312 Marine Ave.,. Balboa Islatid . Harbor 2042 811c67 WANTS SMALLER HO,ME B&)•front homt. owner will take smaller_ iuide or ocean tront house in.. this area a.a pert payment on bee.uutuJ home. Choice ~oc8.tt0n. Four bdrms., maid's room and lien, larl'e living and dining room. Sandy beach. Newly painted. What haft you! ., BAY and BEACH REALTY 1"50 BaJboa. B~vd. Ethel Shirley J . M. _ .lo(lller Harbor 1284 Gloden Fay Dick Fay 65<:67 . .. .. Bay & 'Beach Realty REDUCED PRIGES ! tfM Balboa Blvd. Harbor J.2M NEWPORT HEIGHTS-Comfort- CLIFF HAVEN THREE Bdrm_ and Den Rancil Type Home. HeaVy shake roOf, foree4 alr heat, 2 baths. Iota of We, Jge. dbL pr, paUo. Juel -able l•bedroom bom•, large lot. Now only $6,860. Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar Two bedroom, 114 bat.Ila, large llvin« .--n, fireplace, hdwd. • floora. nice encloaed pa~o, ._ped, 2 -car carap. lllciUdlll6 drapes and oar· pet.a. Multiple Liatlftg 1976 $13,930. T~rma BEi: Also 2-bedroom home, hardwood completed on large view . tot noon, 1Wl allower; dining room.· $2',iiOIJ. Torma. . , Now Ob17 $11,l!OO. • SBIC 23112 • l&t.11 St.. Open lwt. ~ · Home-L&rre· Lot-Unobstruct· CORONA DEL' MA.R-,.NearJy new ed Barbor vtew-2 bdnna •• hw.d: :t ... bedftlOTft home. Rard!wood noors. Flagwtone fireplace, "en· noo.-.. diJlpoaal. Only $ll,900. clo•ed barbecue. Large living .• Two fine. 3-bedroom. homea, one dining room facing Harbor. ".'Ur· ocean side. Luse room•, !Ult nace beat, dbl gar. Onll( $1..8-000 aho1Rra. Now oniy $16,900. ... 1 \ ' call I-llottnm, Harbor 1500; Ewa.: Harbor 11480-R. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33113 Via Lido, Newport Bieach - Shore Cliffs Dlotlnctlft ,_ 3 llrjrm. bome, 11' !lat.llo, pegged ltUdWOOCI flooi'a.. Lot. of We ud man:r extna- 1..ar,,.e pa.Uo. cb'olce location on wt.,. lot for gracloue living, '24.500. -. · ' -~ . 1- • • ' • I I . ' I • ' , • • . ' 1 • . ' . . -· .·eom;FEE·~~~· ... • su.a • Drip 2 '156 Can · EFFECTl'tt THURS..fRl • .UT .. AUi. JO, 31, SEPT.1 ~,;,.;:..;.-----------'---'---"___;,-----' •,t.RDIN 'PRESH \\\\llTS & VECE TnBLES PEARS DILIYlllD DAJLYI -' • Coffff Pot .a. • • hrcolotor C. . IASnlN . ' . FINE EATING oR CANNING 2 LAYER s2>• LONG EARS • GOLD:::~~~ Pi"c "~i:APPLE ., ~ 2 · C. Frying C~ickens 69i._ ' Per Ear - FRESH FROM THE FAIM-TODAYI <, • Chicken of the Sea TUNA -. -=---... ". ~.,,. 1hl_'!\ -S" 1..i f ·L :'I litesin 26C No. 112 Caa Grffa Label Solid Pack 29C No. 'h Caw Red Label ,.. ............... -......-...... ... ·- HERSHErs ROOT BEER :-~.;.':!• or 19C 1/a,G.tL~ JUG..... .. • . ,, ;:ii • * PORK & BEANS * -VAN CAMP'S 11c YAN CAMP'S 19c . 151/2-oa. Cai. • • • Jo... C••· , • • • • • WONDIRl'000-12.0Z. CILLO ·' MARSHMALLOWS .. • • ....,. tlte Laid of Coi.-R ... '1 Korala•tl . • I " . ... Sliced: ·Bacon Cello 49 -_ 1·111. c .... ,. lb • . . . ~ . .. ,. ' • ... i..._ ) I' 2·LaywMllk Chodato CAKE ••••• 79C .. . !tot-tk ~ .. .. Van d~ Kan1ps ¥. S A !< I " I t fni lferwallr a OI-Btl .... o.ly . , Wesson Oil ;re :1-: BORDEN'S SALE! , c;;~·;d1~ac;ef; 39c Lallra ScHcler'• Pure ____ .,,.,,..,,...._ .... IORDIN'S COTIAGE CHEESE CANNED BISCUITS SANTA MARIA SALE! CHILI & BEANS No. 1 1 0 01 Tall ( SPAGHETJI • Call . * TAM ALES .... c!' .. 19c . • 3SeOFF SASSY Caal IAY.OllAISE Pim -Quarff ltOM£0 & JUllET Fl£11CH DRESSINQ_ a O~CH 2sc -----.· -'lllE PWIUT IUTTER 14-0Z. 33c ' . -' _ GIANT 47c ~:._ 23c 2··"' 25c . lorde•'• A111erlca1 2 ·Ill. 75' CHEESE .... PICKLES •rAllf COllll HlllGllCI' Net,.. ..... Jot with s109 .,,. Off" .. ~. • 3 Tall s-•,. • DEL MONTE. ' ' 25.C, _ ..... POTAT~ CHIPS .~,,.""° -'i: 30c • .,.., G.•rd•• 17c Goow.•cN,._ ·15c . Net Price ow 4-or. Jar 37c ·~ 7-PEAS ' C R .. "1Sc Off" lobel.... 17 c 17 • .,. __ -----,,_ _____ .. ~ ........ . .... ........ :·•·· ' -- " SUNSHINE-1·LI. IOX 25c RI.TH'S ILACKMAWlt--12.0Z. CAN ]9c -,_ 'KRISPY' CRACKERS SWIFT'S PRIM I UM ' , .LUNCHEON MEAT. .,_ ' , SWIFTS • . ' I • ' • I -l • • • UCLA Gridders. Practice Sat. Oouh Red Sandor's looghell UCLA football leurt openo fall pncllce Batunlay al 9:30 o.-m. for prObo.bly tll_e ""'Ir-Brum schedUle In tlle oclloor1 33 ,_. ot plpl<ln campalplng. Sander'• rock-and-iraek tlnfle wing will be tested thla --by nine rugged f..... Including Wublngtoo, callfornla, use, Stanford, Orqon Stoto pd Oregon of the Pacific Cout Conference, two major intenect\onaJ opponent&-Tuaa A It M and Illlnota -and Callf..- nl•'• foremost tndepen4ent team, Santo C1ata. With the Texu A 6 M opener in the CoU.um on l'riday ntpt. September 21, only throe weeJca off, t1'e BruiN wlU practice mom· lnp and attemoona for the ttnt two W'ftk.11 at least. Tll1rd v- Urge Wider Use of Teen Canteen Wlder u.ee ot the Teen Canteen. stnletuno on City Pn>perty a1onr Balboa Blvd., wa. predicted when H. 0 . Boyvey, member of the Board ot Direct.on of Teen Can- teen Incorporated uked approval ol. an u:p&nded uee program by the Municipal Park and Recrea- tion Commiaion Wednesday. Ort,.t.n.a.lly created for the UN of Thia la Sander'• tblrd year at the Watwood belm and he, hla at.aff and moat of tbe plpktn ex- pert.a are ot. the opinion that thi• could be hi• beat Bruin team. And tbe put two Sandel"9-tutored elev- ens have been mighty eolld ball clube, aftragins better than three touchdown{ a game tn compUtng a 12..a won·losa record. High School Studento, popularity --------------------------+------------~ of the Canteen hu expanded to where It' la now belnl' ueed for Boy Soout meetinl'•· church and UCLA under Coach Sanden hU yet to loee a football game to Stanford, Oregon State. Wuhinl'- ton State and Oregon. The Bn1i.9S have split with USC &nd Wash- ington and have last twtce only to California's blJ, ba~ Bean, PCC cha.mp!ons and Roae Bowl repre-- aentatlves for the put three yean. Calif. Teachers FineJob eehool rroupa. Approval ot the prorram wu recommended for Do action by the ctty council by the I park and recreation commtaelon · Wednud&y ntcht. NA VY OFFERS DENTISTS BMERVE COlllMISSIONS The Bruinli hold a 2-1 won-lou bulge over Big Ten competition since Sanders came on the acene and wtll be out to Improve It against Illlnola at ChampaJgn- Urba.na on September 29. The superior at..,_dlnl' of C&JI· fomla h igh s;:bopJ atudenta on nationwide teeta fndicatu t ha t California high echool teacher• The Navy baa announced that and adm1o.lstratoN an doln,g a applications are belng accepted I better job of tr&inln&' and de- from ~rve dental offlcer1 for I veloplng yoUD.f people than are appointment In the Dental Corpe, the teachers and ad"1lnllltratora U. S . Navy. Such officers may be of any olher part of the Un ited serving on active or Inactive duty State& In his slx yeanr; u head coach at Vande rbilt and two •ea.eons at UCLA, S~den hu never played a Tex.u team. The Bruin head- man bu really picked' himself a toughie for hie ftrat cluh wilh a Lone Star State team, Texas A A M, coached by ex·USC tackle great and line coach Ray George, ls tabbed u the 19&1 powerbouae of the Southweat Conference. Co. Tee Champ Leads QualifyinCJ Orange County GoU Champion. Tom Porter, took over the qual~­ lng lead or lhe Sant& Ana Cit\)' Tourney last Sunday when he fired a one-under-par 70 at the Willo- wick coune ln the event'• biggest qua.lifytng day. Foeter ealabllahed hlmaelr a.a one or the tourney favorites with hi.a hot round when play gels un- der way In Saf'lta Ana Saturday through Monday. Qualifying rouada-w'ui .,.d.tW•/l'll\&raday for , all fllgbta. Other quallfyln&" leaden &re El Toro's W. A . BevetlJ'\ Bob Mar- ash&Jl, Jr., of HuntLn1ton Beach. Bill Eat.on of Montebelio, Doug May of Sant& Ana. and two-tllne Loe Angeles City Golf Champ, Ir- ving Cooper of Lonx Beacrr. Wally Ta.ft of Coat.a Mesa la the defending Champion. Tatt defeat- ed the 1949 Champion. Tom John- aon of Sah Diego, In the Junior Chamber of Commerce spon.eored event la.st ye&r . ------ South Coast Champs Picked Next Week Co.ta Mesa Shamrocks. Hunt- lnfton Beach, Ray and Al'• of Laguna and Whltegoln'a Laguna Merchants will be the team• bat- Ulng lt out for the champlo~ahip of the South Cout area next week. . Games are acheduled for Sep- tember 4, 5, 8 and 7 at the LI.· sun• Bea.cb. high 8Chool diamond. Game time I• 8 :ao and the publtc b invited to wttnea the "°amea at no ch&rp. Oood pltchtnc. 'ttrat claa fie1dlnC and batting plus a &"eneroua helping of com- petitive spirit are expected for the games. ------ NO RF.cORD For a time it wu believed the 30 pound 15 ounce albacore caught lut weelt by Mn1. Norman Hagen ot Lido Isle waa ellsfble for the world record, but Mra. Lily C&ll, 929 East Bay Ave., la.ter announc- ed ahe afill bolda the world record certificate. for her 31 pound. 1 oUhce albacore. Mrs. call a.1ao holds another world' record certiltcate, t.hJs tor a 28 pound, 2 ounce &lbacore taken on three thread ttne. All certifle ca.tee &re 1mued by the ID_temat- loa&I Game IMab AaM>clatlon and ln the gndeas of lieute nants or lieu· tenant.a (junior grade), but must be under 37 year• ot age. Reserve dentl.et.e; on inactive du\y muet have had prevtoua military experi- ence other thlln tr&lnLng duty lo apply, (The Navy had prevtously an- nounced that It was seeking vol- unteer applh:&tiona from 189 "Pri- ority I " dentlsta for commiMlon in the Naval Reserve and lmmedi· ate aetive duly). No profeaelonal examlnation la required. The age and profeSBlon· al experience of the ·appllca.nt.9 selected will detcrm ine the grade of apponlment. Nonnally the grade wllJ be the u.me u t hat held ln the Naval Reserve, but wtll not n ecesaarUy be w ith the same precedence and dale of ra..n k . Applicant.a: on Inactive duty 8hould apply at their nearest Navy Rl'Crultlng Station and Office ot Naval Officer P rocuremenL All States Picnic Thousand.a ot fonner f'Uldent. of each at.ate wtll meet in Bixby park, Loog Beach, Sunday, Sept. 9 for the "Annual All States Pic- nic." Registration.a by stateA, badges. A count of regtatr-alloD.1!1 at 3:30 and trophy awarded aocl- ety having moat preKnt. Refresh· menta available on grounds. Long Beach Municipal Band wUI open program at one o'clock with Lloyd E . Keller, All Stalea pre•i· dent. u MC. lnvocatlo n by Rev. Leland Boyer or St. A.nthony. Welcome by M•yor Burt.on W. Chaae. Marion Darlington, whbt- 1er : Don Pratt, coronetist. Accor-1 dlon band from Ml181C Center. "Serrano." world's beet educated horse, Hector and his ~la. (trick dogs). Comedy act by Dugan tamUy. Reduced Hazards ConUnu.Ulg It.a efforts to reduce haaard on California'• hll'hwaya. the C&llforni& Public Utilltiu Commiaion Monday -lNued a de- clalon revlainir. ~fylog and atnmsthen.inl' truck ll&fely rulea applicable to highway common ca.rrien. petroleum lrresular route carrten1 and petroleum contract carrtent -which con•tltute all tnlekera under the Commlulon's safety jurlad.lction.. Commieatoner Harold P . Huls, alter a eerte1 of public hearing• which re1uJted In IAUance of U\fl decision. declued. that '"the de· cfaton marks another step for. ward in the Commlliaion'a detenn- tnaUon to aul8t wherever poulble wtthln the ecope of 111 rerulatory juriJKliction In preventing and re-- ducinc acctdenta on Callfomla highways.." Hula wu &Misted at the hear- lnp by Examiner R. K. Hunter. Old lire Prices world ~ holdeq a.re notlfled The Office of Price StabUlaUon wben they la.e their UUea, It WM bu aet new ceUlnp of 1.1.liO re- explalned by a ~reeenl&U•e ot tall and U .IO wbolaale on pauen- tbe N~rt Hai'bor Lady Anglen., cer ca.r tltt carcueea. accordinc of wh.lcb. Xta. Call l8 a member. to WWlam C. Moe.er. director of ---· · -u.. San Diego District Office or JAIL FOR NEWPO&T llAN Price Stablllsatlon. . GlVel\, a cbotce between at.ate The new price ce:lllnp are act prllloo lnd lbe cnunty Jail Cecil fortla In Bupplenwntaty Regula- o . oauJban, 30, Newport -. t.loll tt to the -ral celJln6 price .-IJ!• former In ,Suportor reiruJallon. hllen of '"-PP<d and Court lbla week. JU<lp Robert -Urea, --~ Gardmlj --Gauirban to a -Will det-tllelr ,,..... ~l for vlolallon '*1lna' ...-for lloe -·-ol ol ~. a. ...... had ortc-~ pr-~ .. pn>- laUJ' -l'ldlllll up tor wrlU.,. 'lldod ..-°"""S Price Jloipla. -··-· . --. • • This statement YIU made to· day by Prestctent Robert G. Sproul of the University of Cali- fornia on the basis of ecorea achieved by hl•h ac.hool students t!u'oughout the country on the General Educational Development teets or the American Council on Educatlon. These tuts were given to 30.000 high school gn.duate:a, and Cali- fornia student.a average from 1 to ~ points blcber than student• rrom a.U other areas, and from the the United States pnerally, at every level uoept the loweat third ot the graduating cl.&aae•: and even at that level no other area surp&88ed C&lltomta. & n d only one. the middle Atlantic area, tied Callfomta. MOVES T0· 14th ST. 1'-t rs. Mary Wcecott, who has bern occupying the 'Rodger apart· ntent on Clubhouse avenue, lhla week moved lo 34th •treet . ---· VISITS IN PoMoNA Mni. Lena Usht ot Balboa left thl11 w eek for Pomona where ahe "'-i ll be guest ot her slater tor ten days. ·• • 'l'HE ONLY &l:PEATEH ln NHl'C's Race \\'Mk oompetll.ion \\'U BUI Ben.ta lD the lnternatkmal 110 clUL 8e retained po11~oe ot Ibo Harr)' M.arcb trvpl&)' wblcb waa ....-ie• lo him by eom- modote D. W. l!Utott-(center) dutn• the~ Race Week trophy pre--. . IM!!llta&lon 8tmday nll'ht at the eompletiotl of thp 1851 ser\M. AJ Bk:ker, tropby cbalnnan of NHTC, lA In bae"kl'f'Ouhd, I Photo by Beckner ) l , '" .. . •tlfri---'--.L--._-'-._....:....:..--r PA6E I ...:. 'ART II -THURSDAY,"AU6. 30, 1951 ~··· wpll'lll ·-. .,. ~ .. •, . .. . -'i!~. A~ ITo'T~-.. .: ·.:~~'luls-ii ::,.u;-mu*.,.. o1 Vu'a Com-L "14_ llO p ...... ~ 111r~-------::..::--:---:it::::::::::~r.:::::----................ --:~1 -pltlq ,....,. le -1"t II T --i.Mr ~,.. 8opt. Jiili. rrco PtE1l fiAR Alao Aus. J'IUI. --Cluba • -. M bold a -r -Ila&" Ill N~'a ! cate with Pl-. 8taye .M-· 1' · ' • =··~ ~ ~ .. la.,:::: ~ 7 •• • for ... I .. ' .. ~ I ~~~~ ·AtB ~ACOR' RUN!. U.-ladlea' ~ with nwlta ll ·I • • .. to lltartlq, . Ladlea Tbun. t:oo p. in. --cap lotuta IJep{. 41J>...ten teurt"a. ' !Adlu Thur. 9 :fa p. m. llctalch start.a Sept. llb~t leama. loadlu TUea. • :n p. m. a,ond1- cap atorta Sept. 11th. At lbe meeu,.. or tlle &211 Scratch league bad ten captalno preeent out of 12 teama. elected prea. Bob Lampert Sec.· Treas. Bill Fletcher. at which time rules. spouor fee. and prise li•t wu ' drawn up. A tnlxed couples handicap leegue on Wed. 8 :45 p. m. la well on its way to a aea.aon ot a lot or tun. 'nils t. a chance tor Husband and Wife to bowl together. There ls still room tor a few more coupleSr tboee wtahing to roll can checJt wtth Btll or Carl at the de8k. For eome helptul hints on' bowl- ing don't mi• bowling on TV KTTV Channel 11 10:30 p. m. Tuesday. ------- Young GOP Meet Oct. at Visalia For their conferenoe In October at Via.Ila, California., the Young GOP Will hear from experts con- cerning the problem of developing adequa~ flacal and foreign policy. Proctor Jones of Redwood City. coordinator of the conference, an· nounced that Charle9 L. Wheeler, Executive Vice Preatdent of Pope and Talbot bad accepted an in- vitation to diacua foreign poltcy. Theodore J . Kreps of Stanford University Buslneea School. for- mer Resc&rc.h D~ector for the Joint Congreulonal Committee on the Economic Re.port, wU1 dl8cuaa the w'eakneu In preaent tlecal policy. Both will ouUlne poeltive progn.ms for policy development. The talks of both men will be widely circulated to Young GOP member&hip for study prior to the conference. Broed Uadentandlns Aceordln& to Moulton Phillipa, I preaident of ~aritzatlon, thla' me~~'•'"'"*'! un- dentandfn&' of the problem• to be d.i.ecuued at the conference on the 6th and 7lh Of October. '"'Mtla will be a gray root.I conference," l&id Philllpa. "and we hope that It will develop ~und policy •ugge.stiona lch can bo uaed by the Stole and Natlon&l Puty organlu.Uon." Wheeler, a member of the Inter· national Development Advieory Board of which Net.on A. Rocke- feller I• chairman, wUl emphaalze the importance of the underde· veloped area.a to the economy of a free world. Whttler. a •hipping and lumber leader, wu Intemat· Iona! 0 Pf'Uldent .of Rotary (1943- 44.) a.nd t. widely known through· out the country 'u a stimulating lecturer of bt'oad experience In lntemat.Jona.I matters. In handling the riacal policy to be dlacuued at the co1rnnUon, Profeuor Krt:p. will emJ)haa:tae tu.ea and the hwnan factor. Kreps has had a lone and dilUngulabed career u an educator and bu t.Meen active tor the 1ut. 20 yean u an econ()llllc conllllt.a.nt to many ovemmenl. .. enclu u well u to various industrial u.d lnvealment corporaUona. LAWN BOWLING A method of !Sutttng life Into the locality without marrtnr it. beauty. Green.a OW'bed and maint.&ined by lbe Clcy of Newport Boacl! for the benetlt of the public, and operated under the aupervtslon of the N..,_t Harbor Lawn ltowl- lng Auoclatlon, a . non -pi'Otlt OOrporatlM. ~ Daya ot play: Wedneoday, ll'rl· c1ay. aatormy, Sunday an<1 a11 bOUdays. to Wlllcll the publlc la' _, la.u.d. lafonnatloD ll&ay ... -et the ;,_ ... play- lag claya Of oaD -.,.,. at Barl>or 19'1-W Of Barlior O'IM-W. A clean, Gdtlnir and .,._pot1. u .. ~ llport. Get 1W Swwclflll!I TH~ IOYVEY HARPOON GUN • l'llOVD'". Ii ... ~-••• -at your 1Ttm or oa11 • ltn Jt'J• SQUlDDING LINES GLASS RODS .· ' llG' STOCK .OF "PENN REELS • All the Gear from CAPS to BOOTS and PLUGS to iOATS NEWPORT TACKLE STORE · ' I I 05 . Mc: Fadden Place , .Newport Beach OPEN • "-' Jd., 'TIL MIDNIORT 1tAILY OPEN FALL LEAGUES WED~ Mixed Foursome-2 Men- 2 Ladies -Hdcp. Bowl at 6:30 p. m. Opening for team or individual couples. FRI. Harbor "900" Scratch. One team or individual bowlers. 8:30 p. m. - ;-.. Still Have Room for a Few Ladies on Women's Bowling Leagues Tuesday and Thursday . ·-. ..,. . .... ; ..... For any info.rmatio-n ·pf ease call VAN'S BOWLlltG ~ ~CON 61111 e 1703 Superior Ave. lllLL iunn. ~r . Costa Mesa Covering the Er:Ltire Harbor Area, and More * ' The Newport-Ba~boa Press News-Times Newport Bay Post ancl --I Shopping News ' ' • I-• Or~n,g,·Co~. fr's {?rea~es,_ , • Ad.,ert•si1rg Buy • . ' • • .. • • • • ( ( FALi. TERM ,, •• Opens Sept. 10· 17 at ~='-- .. Slun••• SlllllOOL! I En:roll now! l'.-u can prepare fl'*W7 h t In a busJnM office. OUT-~ &nllh et'e or • coocl pollUon plue you in the field or your cbolee~ ~n& wtJ~ '-el.p time and money in pres-rbtr ror YOtJ""R Fli'TU eu an U\:e t•a.ehers 'ft-ill take a ---ona.t lnt-e-1 fRE. Expert -·q .-""91. 11 your pt'olre1M. ln'q11ire .. about the•e prdeticnl co11rae~: -· -• Stenographic • leokknping • Junior Accounting ~ Executive Secftfarfal • Comptometry • Higher Accounting • Business Administration 415 N. Sycamore Santa Ane kl 3-1753 FREF. B ULLETIS OS REQC"EST The couoon below w lll brlno yo wlll tell )'O\l niore about toda •u • «PY ot our ,1151-52 •utretln, It Tral,,lno tl'l•t t he a usiMess lnatif"te0:f,~7_~"111b ••th the 9pecl1!1zed JOHNSTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE t AND THATS TIJ!: WAV·rl"LL L'bbll • '9 ~d Mio\lf .et ttw-M-°""'-llt "1a ~ i,j tht"y Pf'r\I~ tl'IP frontal d..alirn or '"" ""'"' nnott. -of t» ~t1tjiiort ~ CMM.btt of Oou._IW "liD* unct.r ''""'tnJ<t.lon on the ~tart....,. Mftt. ...,..it• tfli.JllllW.. 1'la 0..... \'M -.SIS lll!lic ....rt and nn•net'd and ,,·111 fMo I~ to tk ~tllir o• e. ...,.,..... ....... l'V:Wftid wt te ~ ~ C'hamhPr _,...tary Ha)• t.anrn-J NII Spw,.....b ill;! ""°" lt<'m. of Ille ln1"1e Oii• "'"'' "ttlll Snrto1n, p"'111d'"'"t and lilaM 'f'\' Rol"lifft., ~ Of ,,.. ~~ tki"IMf' "'6m1JM of Ok&Wkiffi • ' '"'-t'llcto) ----JIAIL TODAY-- - N Pleue tef"ld mOH htfonnatlon rrf'U'dl.i]s ( ) Jte.c"ular Fa.II ~rm ( ) Sl&~ (('httk One or Both> SAME ..................................................... ADDRESS ................................................. · T ~ins -Meet in H. B. SundQ. I C~lebraUng the 3l•t y""ar o\ th,.. dLlllC.'O\'f'lty of Blad< Goid. HW'lt· , lngton Bt'ach Is again prrparlnK rnr thf' l'vrnt . Thr-Black Ootd Day! C<'ll'bration \\'ill be hl~hli~hted by th!" 1.tth Annual SoUlh.-rn Oltitornt.t ,j;:_~CIT~~y~·~·=· ·=·=·=· :":·:· =· ·=·=· =· ·=·:· =· ·=·=·~· ·~·~·~· ~P~H~O§'.'i~E~-~-·~·~·~· ~· ·~·~· ~· ·~·~-~· -~·~':i 1 Twins Concla\•e to bf' ht•ld Sunc!ay. Sept r"mbi·r 2, 19~1 . Approkimatt>ly 1 WO t\\1ns wtn participate and 1.'0nlprt!.' tl'l't th .. pti&cll oft('>r'\!d. ----r I Judging WiJI bf-gin Qt JO :{)O fl m • ! 1-·-·--.. --------·------·il I Sunday 11nd moe:t be t·onclud,~d bt·· 'tlcm 'KTIV, Cha.nne l 11 . Motion I I 1 (ore 2 :00 p . in. Thf.' twins lun<:ht>On 1;iclur<" can1f'te.!l a11 ~11 •e: n"W'!'t I 1 ''-''ill bt' h('ld in tht' Pavalnn Ball· phntognpher~ \VIII be W<'lcoml"d. J 1 l room O('>ar the !.funlc1pal Pier. I l.alJOr 1)&,., M(tftll~&). l"<•11t. S ' I I I 'J'\.l.·tn!I will line up et 2:00 p. m . Thf' LonJ Bt-ech Youth Band 1 1 J j 1 antl at 2 :30 p . n1 . tht> Tv.•lnt1 Pa-1100 plet~l wtlt be fjf'eSffltrd La-• I 1 rMdf.' will be under v.•ay heade<t in-bi'lt Dey anernoon perfDtmln~ lri ! J· 1 'to lht' oprn •ir Bf'ach Bowl, led by thr opt>n air Beach Bov..•l ~lvif\«" a.n I , , I the U . S. Mar1nf' Corp.9 Band fron1 al't"rnoon nf mu9ic, majon-tteti, 1 ! I E l Toro. 'f'-A1ns v.•i ll b,. Introduced 1 1 11nd vaudt•ville entt>rtalnmt>ht. J 1' I ! I and prlz~ awatdt'<I \n 43 diftf'rent l)thrr rntt'rtalnment durti\g tbt I -• 1 categoriPS by HollY"-'ood Star111 . Wttk end will be d1m:.lnl{ In th f' I f t Thf.' Twins ~mateur 111how II' al· [ PavtiJon Ballroom t ht" C"Ol•nly • j i 1 "'a:VJ an inte-rratln"' climax tn thr FA Ir Atktn"'3tl's Children Ridell If • I affair. All t\\.1n! must rf'f(JSt1•r 1n and Carn1va1. alJ!IO rac@I In th<' } • I lhf' Pavalon Ballroom hl"tldquart· Talbf'rt Stadium. Sunday ntghl an I ! I I "rl!! b<-fot'E" 2:00 p "'· all girl racing-11how W1Il be pr.· 1 I j I Pia~ are b€ing 1nsdc to telr-8C'ntt>d and Monday anl!'rnoon 'LA· ! t DoN'T M;ISS st:EING Our Large Assortment of 1'. VlSf' lhP !thO\\' from 4:00 to S.00 lbor Dayl a 100-lap jalopy rlC'{' II!! I 1 Zippe r Cases. Note Books, Pens. etc. J 'p . n1. Sunday ov.-r Tt>!Pvision Stl'I.-!Jl.WCl&l ettracttoti. ol 11 1 --------Ii 1 COSTA MESA STATIONERS I 1 Exchan9e Club Hears Judqe ltobett Gardner Newport Harbor Union Hi~ S'Chool ~ bta 111<l11!•1lltle 18t ~ of llClllMll 9e\1t. HI \\'.,.t S""1LOrt -IA<le t.i. Rlvenldo .l COMt HWy. . T :17 Balbol Covt'11 ........... 1:to CoaaUtnt' Mott'I . . 1:23 Hel(>fl 'a .. . ........ 1 :25 47th 81 . . ..... f :27 :19th et. .. . ..... t:2s E . Lido !loud ...... 7 :82 LoT'C& .l Lido !out! . ... .. .. 7 :83 Lkto Club HO\JM . . .. 0 ......... 1 :84 Undlne A Lltto Non1 ......... 1' :" \V. Udo N ont ........ 7:88 lA.P'a)'l!'ttci 6: Udo -···· ...... 7:37 Ntwport Blvd. ft Udo ....... 7 :38 13th .l Bo-lllvd ......... 7 :M !Tth .l Balboo Bl..! ........... 7:M 12hd .l l!alboo Blvd. .. . .... 7 :M :lt)th .l S.lboo BIVd ......... 8 :00 !Mlbn& ··K" A Miramar ................. 7 :30 "M·· A Mlramar ................ 7 :82 "K " It Balboa Blvd ....... 7:33 "]" &: Balboa Blvd. _ 7 :~ ~He Mwnaire 1SC'9e tase1 -ed In .11111 Cllll IUne -·· -totaled ....... oot- -5 por ot11t • !l'Olll callectlona • ,,...,. ago. ; Tluw • -rtll ot Ullo t.otal "'P· -ad IU .......... tTom the •lo or t ,ate.lieo p)loM "' dlltllled ~ Wlllll! -and _. U<:J"" -~'"" ror tlle .-atntng tl«,llOO. ~"'--·­* .ie. -U.. enU,.. l-01 l!iitlil )ft< "8tal9I tlt,Ht,GI0-4n illct Lio or.~U4 or 19.4 P<"" 'tMt -.. tt(i197,-c:oll..-t-.. .. 1114~ -r11NU<>fti.· b•'fllie .i.. ot. •-oplrii. tltMg ·:t-.ltlll .....,... .Sown ' p.r ~ ~ • ~ "°· bul ..i .. jotllls lhe -,.,.,.. pet1od ..... ti!> ftMlr'IO lhU 23 P<"° ""'t ., com . !IU""1 wt\h. lhe ~ ... ,... •. Taxable bt-eT dlstr•bulk)na In June Were-up a mere one per ce-nt lVer lhoee of a Y"Br BKO. H ow• "'Ver, the 167,000,000 gallon" of bttl' Mld in C811fornla during 1~-0,l W('re tip a good mx pt>r cent owr the preceding rtacal year aalet:. Thl!ll Wlumr was adf- Ncltnt to provide t"V<'ry·J)f'r&On In Calltornla with more' than a quart or brer ~r week t hroUg'hout t he entirt> year. ' • • j '-; ~HN .·Mc.~LOSKEY; D. c._ CmROi>RACTOR , -~ I -.... •.:._ Amlounces Open.if g ot ""''!Ua Of(ice ~ Wedn-eftday, ·~: 5th t I ~ 703 'h Do"?'st.airs, East Balboa ()pposit>. MiniatUl'e Golf Course Temporary1 Phone Harl\or 1~15-J • r1o% Diacov.nt on Any P1Rd1Gw I --. ~ (EXCEl"I' AMLOSE and SHRTMP) • I -aA rs,~rlngFfsH ad MARKET Fffsh Filh Daily from Our Own Boats! !<PIOC'TAL PltlCE OS ALBAOORE FOR CASSING ,, Abal0ne-75c lb. ~H ~won,nnsR, Al.8.1\CORE and SALMON FU.ET Of' SOLE, llOC« C'OD, StA 7 1\ASS ond SCULPIN !800 La.fay@;tte en lite 0.1 1''"EWPOKT Ra.rbor 11.G BALBOA .1 TRANSFER CO. AOEl'."TS FOB Beacon 6553 1Mliiflmn Storac)e Local ancJ Nation-wide Moving C. E . M cXlEL -1953 BARBOR BJ .. \."JJ. -G. C. BE!\--:'\"ETI' Locally-ma.nuflicturf'd beer con- Unued. to finp \vider acceplanc<' during the put fi~al year. a c- cording to Bonelli. H e polnlC"d out lhilt 19 per cent of tht.> bt>er dl.s- tributed in California during the· la.It (i&Cal ye8r came from out-of. i t.ate eource, a.s compared "'Ith 1 ~~~;:·51;E1iE;E~a'i~~~Ei@5E~iE8;~;;E~:E~;E~\E~ 21 and 24 · pl'r cent in {'&Ch of the ....,onciot!it""IC"3COC""dF'EiC"'C"'8':""n~,..,MnMnr"'Mr"""~ two preceding y{'ars. Revenue.a (ron1 1950-51 \\line dis· tributiona "''er~ orr . fraCtionally ftom tho!!f' of ·Lhe 1949-~0 fiscal year despil{' thC' fact that June l~l sales \\"f.'te up over ~2 per cent corp.pared \vith thosP of a yea.r ago. \~tholesalf" v.1ne di~· tributiona In June 19~1 reacht"d 582,530 gallons for table wines and 1.01tl.129 gallons for df'Q{'rt. winti9-up 17. per ceont and 19 per C!'nt re•Pf'Ctl'Vety ·trttm Jt1nt" 19~0. Sr>arkltng wine 88..l{'s sho\l.'ed the greatest relative it1creuf'11 from tut year. topping by 72 per C'f'Ot lut June's wholeu.le distribu· l ion•. and by 43 Per c"nt the sa.1<'8 durtftg the entire 1949""-:)(} fiscal year. REDUCED PRICES JUST IN TIME FOR SCHOOL SRO.• BOOTS• SAND.ALI BALBOA BLUES And a Complete Line of JEANS & JUMPERS ~ NEWPORT TACKLE STORE McFadden Place Newport Beach I I PHONE BEACON :S213·R I I t • . • I j 1188 Ne\\'port Blvd. Costa ~l~a r La:it v.•M-k ~ mt'ct1n~ of t h(' F.xl'hani .• --Club of Ne\vport H af"bot +·------·--·-------.. ---.. --.. --l l W8Jl!I ff'a.tur~ by an lnt•·rP:1t1ng anrl rn ltghtenln ~ talk by Superior ~~ii;=========~===~===2===c;=~I Co~b~"'~J i;;._.. f 4\>rona IJel .M ar. The Judge, -oo 1 .. t t Y"•r p?"etiid~ oVer the Juvenile Court in Santa Ana. pve 90me o( "0 "' It B alboa Blvd. 7 :37 ?.t·aln Ir Balboa Blvd. ........ 7 :3 Coronado It BaJboe. Blvd ... T :4 Fo:r th(' next srven months, con- stn.1ctton w ork on s. bridge' across SaWJ!it \Vash In Arcadia. will clo11e Arro\\' H ighway lx'lW P('n Peck Road a nd Longden Aven ul", thf> Automobile Club of Southern Cali· forni& today report~. Tr&.fflc i!'I being d~toured vta Peck Road and Longden Avenue until con1pletion or the brldgl'. OPES 4 A. M."'nL MIDXIGHT DAILY QQ)OOJUQ""'°±"~'?Q~U~U~U~U~Q~~ii~~ii~~iji~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' FINEST OCEAN FISH RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUD A SEA BASS "°"' ALBACORE /;,'/_,._ ABALONE . FISHERMEN! We will Prepare Albacore for your locker • SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 518 SOth Newport Beach Ph. Bar. 1507 READY MIXED CONCR~E SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY No Job Too Large; No Job Too Small 2!9 \\'f"'t \\'ilM n , betwf'f'"D Nf'WPOrt and Barbor Rh-ck ('0:-IT . .\ .)lf;SA -PHO:S-E BE."'-COX .\Sf8 "Yo1.1 'I h•v• to 90 t.mder the "house to fi• rtr• • vt 11• a. .. •i•t you in ' your 1>1ans. \Ve w i 11 J!;ladJy estimate CO!llS Of materials. recommend a contl'llctor or help you obta.I'} a Title 1 loan ror new construction or re· modelinir;. ai ••s••,_ ,...,..;n rs, ,... P \1!:1 IW• ~ uv• 11,M tar..l\1:.&ftm( Is ft•r M•P' -* ' • lhe ln1pr1•SJ111ons and obM>rvatlon~ 111adt' durln~ hi• handltng of n1or1' , then !tOO juvenilt> matt rrR which cantf' 't>(>forr h1nl. Rt>ferring-lo th(' V''ry i1urpns1n,K~'""" --- numb<-r ~~ children from ··ovrr· 1 TRl"f'K , .. ,\(' . .\.TIO~- privtlee-ed home!: brought ~(or1· the court. Judge Gatdn£>r t•xpre~-On" o( California's If' ad i n g "d tht> opinion that th.tt,.. r~ctor~ trU<'kers hal'I u1-red that all tn.1cks i n.r<' primarily rel'!ponsible in' !u1·h l'!tav orr the hift\W&)· dtuihg th,.. cuf'a. l.-1\bor Day ,,·ttkf'nd. Neil J . Hf.' rcn1arke<1 that a rrturn tn l.'urrv, Pre1ldf'nt O( the Motor thr old-lint!" family llf<'. an enlpha -T1uc k A!'90Cia.tlon or. Calltomia, Ail'I upon disciphnf" ror <'h!ldren., f\!l.Slll"l"l'I the ~~ration . of the ruid an inslstrncr upon Pniploy· for·htt? trucking companies. and ment. (>Spt"Cially for ll"e.n-al!{+> boyl-1, l 8trongly. urged co1npan\e3 o~rfl· would, he bf>llevrJ11 . prevt>nt tnany l tll"\X" lhe1r own tl"ucks to do hkt· ot these youths from betng n1nrk· V.'lM--'!O that motonMs t"M enjoy ("d tor Jifr \V\th a. juvcnll" l·•Jlll't lh«'lr t1;ps to ttre mft..'timun1. recorrl. "F'ollo,,;n.g the hollt1&y V."tek - lt \\'aJll a.nnoun~~ lh&t thi!I end. \\•e'll be be.ck hauling-t>very• \VC'l'k's me,..ti ng will conshtt or an lhlng }-OU eat, wear Ot' u~ ... OJ>f>n di!!cuMlon of club problem!'. C111T.r matt'ld. "but tor· thol'Je-thrtt and that a Golf Tournament will rhl)'S our tn1ck1' \\"ill be parked highlight th<"" September progy-am. In temilnals." REALTORS 1'1EET Realtors of Orange cO\lnty will gather Tue!kiay, St>pt. 4 at thr Ma- l'tOnlc hall in Santa ,.na to hear th,.. dln-ctor of th<'ir national boa.rd, Fred Mitchell. Subject of 'thC" SPf'akt>r will b<' ''Cominj!; Events Ca.!Jl Thrir Shadows Be· t:orl'.'" Barney Fra.ncque ot Costa Me111" is c halrn1an oC th(' l'vent. Pl'::SOEl.L.~ OS VACATIO:S --- /OIS8 8T.4.FF Jim's Beauty Sa.Ion of Corona c'Jel Mar antiounC'f'A that Mildred. B jf'rke n, formerly of Mi1dred'11 SC'auty Bar. Balboa laland. ls now a member of their Sltff. Mlsl'I Bjr rkcn I.a well known to Hlr· bor reRldt'nts, ha Ying been In thf' beaut)• bustneM In this at"t'a for .t "''mbrr of Yf'&rs. Miidred hu the ex cltut\·e on the popular radio pr-nnanent wave. Old frienda and CU8tomera r11ay conltct hM' now at Jtm'l!I Beautv Sa.Ion, 204 Coat Highway, qoron9 d<"' Mar . I Afr. and l\trs. Thomas Roy Pen· ; de " are motoring north this wPek I on a short vaca~ion per iod. ------------------ CHRYSLER WINS DETROIT'S ,"250" RACE • L ibrary .. ...... ............ 1':41 9th d Balboa B!vd. ....... 7 :43 rorona df'I M•r Acacia &: Coast Fl·rni('af & Coast Mar~erita Ir Cout Ort-h id A Hlg'hway P1clftc tt hrnleaf .... _ , ...... Balboe A: Corel .. Balboa A Co\Un11 .. 7:27 7 ,211 7:30 7 ;31) 7:33 7 :M 7 :~7 7 ::18 Park A-Topaz .... .. · .. 7:M .... 7:M .............. 8:00 h£arin" A. Pt.~ ......... . Bt'"8con-Bay Btcy Shor<'lll C'Mta Mf'tll& Harbor It Wll80h ............. t :2l Nl'hron's ......................... 7 :21 \Vltson It Pl&Cf'nlla ............ 1:23 \Vlblon A: Canyon Dr ........ T:t4 Victoria .I: canyot\ Or ....... 7:a Victoria A Plaeetllla .......... 7 :21 P1flct'tltta It 20{" ........ _ t :2A Pla~ntta It tttfl ................ 7 :29 Pla.centta 6: 18th ................ 7 :80 Ptace.ntta 6: 18th ...... 1' :31 P1acentta It 160\ ...... 1 :at Montovta A 16th --· ? :U ).tonrovia 6: 19th ..... 7:34 Monrov1a. A 17th ..... 7:M \\'"h ittlf't A 17th .............. T::M WhltU.r .l 18th . ..... 7 :37 Monrov\a • \llth _ ..... . .... t:l8 Pomona A 18th ................... "/:40 Newport A 17th ................ 1 :42 19th • Anllhetm ................ 7 :57 Broadway .l Newport ........ 7:&9 BroadW&y .l Ott.Ill" .......... 8 :01 Broedway a Suite Ana .... 8 :OS Harbor It Fairview ........... f:ll Falrvtew A Colltog-r ICnt ..... f :33 A.lrvtew A Wit.on ........... 7:31 Falrv1e\V a Vlctot'la .... ·-····· '1 :31 23rd .l Oran"' .................... 7:39 !&th .l lla>!ta Ana ............ .. 1 :Ill 19th .. Oranl" ·················-f :&f 15th " O!'&np .......... .......... ':Ill Clay ft WHtmJnot..-.......... f :ill Clay " 8-nta .................. 8:911 Cloy It RedlaJLda ................ t :OI Doi Ku .. onnp ,-·· ········ t:tT Doi Illar It IC!doll ··-········---,,. Kohte Vllita .. tbclool,···--··· •=• llt. tabl!I .. -····-·-··· f~l lard It ---··-··-·-··-,, .. 1111<1 It Otoaap ·······-·-··-··-7:11 v~ ""'limr1lt ~--·--'r:M lllln\11 ................. .,,.. ,,.. -.. ltllll ·------·-···---t:ll Otdlard ......... ·····--·-·-,,. -,. ........ ·--····-·--·· ,,. o.-H • lllil& ila ---··-, .. jllea l;!t:. " -~ '-·· t:• -"' ._ .. -.......... tlanta -It -Atta f:M lllrd " llaftt& Ai._ . .:. ___ 7:11 \liat " 1'u.un ~--~--·-· ':ao 2h\ • -Ab& ···--· f~l 21ot It Ot'.anP -·~----7 :1i! -I< a,poc\ Jll..i. r-·-f:M -·e -:_·~'-.... .._ __ ,,., -· ' ._, . ..... .. ... ,. ·-.. I .NOW is the time to transfer four funds to lna·ured SAV;INGS CURRENT EARNINGS SIVllH1 IOW llSUIED . ' ~ UP TO s10,-a 11to•Y Ill IWEI If TIE llTI OF TH IMOITI URIS n°' TIE ISTI '---a..... In • , ; We wlll 'arrange tit',. irantlertol yo•r fvtNl1 • ' wlMout lntoriveniem. .~ lxp1w 'io You ' • , • • ' . -'hauty, and= Beast at CA:-County Fair • The cream of the flocks and htrd1 of th• west ore OSffmblad each ·fall for the premier livestock show held in conjunction with Loi Angeles County Fair fn Pomona. This yeot more than 7000 head of large and small stock will be assembled In a record showing.. Here Joyce Jewel 11 1hown with one of the · prize Herefords entered in the bHf class division. The fair, th is year, opens on Sept. 1 ~ and continuet through Sept. 30. Fuchsia Society Plans Pot Luck in Mesa Park Costa MeM-Say Cities branch or lhe Calirorn1& Fuctuda aoclety will hold Its nf'xt meeting at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. • ln Coat& Mesa park. Coming In ror congratulal1ona will be Erma Stand!~. &how cha.lrman who arranged the ex- h·bit wh1C'h took first prize at Ortmg e ~ounty fair. Auisting MiM Standlee we re the preaident., A. H. Hollstcr , R. C. C&llsel•, Barney Langdon. J , J. Heugha.n and Mabel ~Wore. Theme ror the booth wa.a "When the fish don't bite, the !;"&.tdenlng's just right." Setting waa provided by a boat. loaned by Dick Phll- lips or Newport Harbor landln,:: driftwood was from Carvin T . Morse of Newport Blvd.: fuchsia baskets Wl'r e grown and turnlahed by Huel Krauchi and other flow- ers &nd ferna wer-e donated by member-11. For the September program Leo Lee of Lee's Fuchsia Carderui, Juat back from Northern Califor- nia. Will t ell of the Fuchsia Fe.-ti- val at Palo Alto and ot aome ot *he new varletiee he saw there. Also featured will be a dl.8cuulon on winter cleanup work. Thi!! ia to be a pot luck dinner meeting and t. being planned by Mrs. Emily Moorhouae. ref~ ment chairman. Member• are uk- ed to bring their own table eer- vice a.nd one hot or cold dlah. Guests are always invited to be p~nt. A.9 usual. door. prlze.s wUI br given as well a8 birthday pl&nts, and there wUJ be a plant sale ta· ble. Opportunity 18 knocld.ng tn CLASSJll'IJ!:D ADS Many a big deal bu been ma.Ge thru a &mall Want Ad \ .,r· fie k.on1ps ,{. . ,~, • 009t& .... , ,.,. ........ - ClOM»'IA .... ILUI .. ~ ..... .., LlOUll'A •am .., ...... _ ................ ...... ._ fiesta Days at Oceanside Those grand old days of the ro· ma.ntJc Spanlah Dona will be re· lived ln Ocea.n.alde and Carlabad on the week end ol September t through September 3 u the 0-C JunJor Chamber of Commerce holda tll annual Days or San LulA Rey Ftuta. Hlirhll&'ht!ng the Fiesta w ill be a Coronation Ball Saturday night. an equeatrfan parade Sunday at 1 p. m .• and an AAU rough watt-r. swlm around the Oceanside pier at 2 p .• m. Monday f Labor Day 1. Strolling troubadora, a ahertfrl'l poae and hoosegow, and Spa.nh1h and western dress worn by the clliz!'nry will brlng back the old Fie11ta spirit. Moat event.a on the three-day program are free of charge. Hawaiian· Scenes Provide Program for firemen 's Aux. Color Blide-a of Hawaii &!f.M'm- bled by Eather JohMOn on her recent trip there provided a de- llghttul evening for-membrrs or Newport Beach Ftremen's auxili- ary when they auembled la.st Wffk at the home of Vtvlan Halea. Newport Height.a.. The ape<:la.l prt<1e waa awardt"d to Pat Rausa. and Jean Grit'We wu recipient of a birthday gift. A pme wu played, rtr11t priu going to Mona Hayden whll" Sally Jac k50n claimed award for low .coreA. It wu announced the-re would be no meeting in Septembt"r aa the CSFA convPnllon OPfOO• In Hollywood Monday, ~pL 17 which would be meeting night for the auxiliary. In October th!' group will meet Wlth Mrs. Grlewe u --· CompletJng the evening Wt're deUck>ua refre.ahmenlll, ~rvffi to: Norma Brlacoe, Helen .Randel, Bally Jadulon, Dotty Kloeckner, Billie Perruz:zl, Mona Hayden, Maxine Connell, Eathf'r J ohnaon, Alma Thomp.ldn, J ean Gr1No¥e, June K lddte, Vivian Hales and a prospective member, Pat Rausa. Balboa Islander to Attend School for Foreign Trade Lowe.ti Barrington of B&lboa laland baa been accepted for ad- mi.saton to, the tall c laaa ot the America.n JnaUtute for Foreign Tr-ade. Thunderbird Field. Phoenix. Ariaona.. The one-year inten•ive tnWUnr course begtn.8 Septem- ber 17. Barr1Jitt.on ta a C"f"llduate of the University ot WiBCOnain. where he nteeiyed h1a Bachelor of Art.a de- gree in foreign trade. He ls the aut.bor ot eeve.ral playa and has a nowl ln progreaa. Dwinl" the war, :Ba.rriDgton aerv.d with the Signal Corpo. The American lnaUtute for l'or- •lp Trade will pnp&re Barrings ton tor a career in international COlllJNlr<:e. 'n>e hardshJlllll&", Ins tea.Ive c:oune cornprt-. aru __ ....,.....,_....._In b"uwl..,.. &drnlD.1lltratl at &a. u- ecutlft leftL Al~ t.bo ochoOI bu -In ulot•-mill' lln :rwo. 301 ot It.I snd\l&IM are ID koy poolUoca In t7 <lllf-t COWlt.no.. OI' In tn~ ·•-ta. lll1'hl7 por-.t at Ila ..,.W.••• .,.._ an nprs rntiiiS ~ - -"""" -u.. ,_._,. -.. ........,. -"'-'" lllaaed, Or wtUll .. ,. •l ...,, ... ,An ~ __ ,..at'- .... 1 'r rtW •Hsk ................. _At .... ............ __ _o.t_Lrfa ____ _ !::~::'.°'----::~.~ .... -li ---lillla I .. LU RIE CONCE TRATED FIES MILK The ·1r lples trennth fresh J • • milk, three tonies richer thon regular Lucerne milk. Now available Jri the new con. venlent anesthlrd quart ' .,, ,,, nib'J Ni.111 ·" '~'Milk' ~"""°'01~' · .,.,.,, 21"' · · .IVIV Homoget;"zed I. .... I Flour K;tchen Cra~ IO·•· Me Enrkhed White Mt 77- ( Zslb., 23c; Sslb., Sic; 25-lb., 2.25) l Mayonnaise N;;,;:,:e ~;' •s• !Quart jot, 75c; halfsp;n1 jar, 25cl CHILI CON CARNE ' ·-· sl1e. Makes a full quart of WITH BEANS. Hormel milk by merely replacing Brand. (Plain Chili, 1Hz.-35• the wolerl Alsa available in the quart" car-. · 16-oz. can, 43c) '°." which makes lh~ ful~ quarh of fresh : .. _MA•~ lfW ••11>~, m1lkl Save on your milk b1llsl . / "'•fl5 • r11n.5, ...,. 54c -•111n1 J9c Sugar Belle Peas 1!.-:· 1a- C41rf.. 'l"rt I Fancy, Green. S.Ne creamed 0< plain. ke Cream ~~11:. .::. 24c M.C.P. Pectin -?;. J~~· 12• Vanilla, Strowbeny or Pepperm int Stick. " Ma.-e flavorful jelly In 1.., tirMr &tro rid>, extra smooth. r2 pints <l7cl • Whife Magic Bleadl -" 1j• P~ Pride Sherbef _:«i,:. 15c • V.-0011an bottle. 24<:, gollot\~, ·40c1 • '' • . -· t • • \ I • • I . ( • MOHOAY IS · LABOi -OAy S1f1w1y stores will 111 dosed •••••lttr te shop for the leag ho;idiy~ . - 12 TO 16 LBS. WHOLE HAM OR FULL SHANK HALF. SPECIAL PRlal · ' ' • • Nationally popular brand'a. Swift Pre· miwn, Armour Star, • or Cudahy Puritan. l~.59~ ~ ~~ . , •. &9· , "t , - ' Manw H-. Grade A. EYIKerat.d. Cut Up. Pcm Beaetr. \ TURKEYS E1:~~~· , &&a . , WeilJht. ' to 8 Bil: Ideal SIM. llJ. .-. WIENERS aa• Som-I Brcmd. SJc!nJ .... In 59 ' 1-lh. 9-Uo PkirJ. Tcrb Alo119 .lb. 0 · Plemr for Your Lab.or~ Plcnl&. • .FreWTMade 0 I I 5 In VJslr!nq d<nlnq. Ut. , Assotted fl<M>rs. C 2 pinh 29c l FideJis Wines flftlo St' , SPECIAL VAL I/ES IN FKlSN FKlllTS AND VECE TAIL ES 1' olJJitional Jl.101 lJalu14 (1 Tol<ay, Port, Sherry 01 Muscoltl. CFidetts Cla,.t O< Burgundy Wines, f;tth, 49cl w;.,.. offered lot sole anly In Safewoys 1 licensed to sell them. Taxes oddlti6"0f. SODA CUCIEIS . . ---~ ..... -------~--•• [11 aJluM I I 1112 Slf., 91. t, ttSI, --...... ~-·--•FJ ·--· ClWl'A•J A ......... ... ...... e L .. .......... -· .. .... ... Pi>&; frlflfw f .... I Beef Roast u. ~~~ .. s 65• -. Shoulder, Blode Cuts. Beef ROlsf · ~~ •. ,,. from U S. Go.'t CHOICE Graded Beef. . ' Boilfq Beef . Plot•1ftleat-r u. s:,..OJCE R•• Slelk 11one~K:~· s. ... zts •· 91c •. 1ts· r.--a.. Select £~tem ' ...... mg 3to5·1b'Avg. .SlkH IM11 = . · .. SS• ~ 1', lot 9-ot·....i.d,PDC"-· '. ...... ~,:. .. 47• , • • ' • • ' I • .. • Balboa Island 'Methodist Church Topk for morning ae:rmon by • • . • I I • 'Lady of Ml. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. ~fAM ~bNIUlf'W Newport Harbor Lutheran C:hurch ·~ 81.aado AloMM will 1>e lhe lllM!le or tile _,,,on at tile 11 o'clocl< wunlllp -. lllla 9unday. 1"' tnt a t.okon rrcm the Ooopel ot SL John 1:0 , 47 . The eermon wtll be prHChed by Paator Herbert C. RoU.. Vlaltore are welcomed to worU:lp wlt.h UL The Sacrament ot Holy Commun- ion la celf.'br&led oO the ftnt sun .. day or eA<'h mont.f\. .. -Dr. Harry \VhJte at Balboa Island Methodist church I• "The man in the mountairu who lost his C'UJ>". F or spPcial muai<' a duet, "Low Divin~" by Stainer. will be sun~ by GraC'e P <>iri1'r nnd l.IPWPllyn Ovf'rholt.z. Sun<lay, 4 ::JO, 8, 1 V and 11 :30. Week days, 8 a. m. Conrf'Mions, Saturday, 4 to 5:30. 7 :30 to 8:30. Sunday, before each ma.q. Balbo11. Ji;iland. Sun<l.ny , 8 and Ill. Satur- day, 8 a . nl. ('onft'~"i ons, mme a.1 abovl". Sunday 9Cb.OOI mHU at 1 :30 a.nl. with cluaea tor chlkhft of all age.1. The adult Bible lltDdy c*'8 wbJcll Ulo meet.a at "'11 hour wlll d:i8CUM the 15th cb&J>- ttr or the Gospel of SL M.attlWw lhll'I Sunday. Frt"t b\18 traMporo- lation may be arn.nget.I by calling Beacon 6056· W . Vacation Bible llJChool m«t.a tor ft• final Sf'S!llons ·on Tuellday alld Thursday n1ornit'KJ1 or thlJ1 Wffk rt-om 9 :30 a.m. to 12 noon. Thf' boyA and clrls who attended Ute Khool will entertain their parenta ancl frJe.nd.t at a !pee.Jal FamUy Night proCT8m on Thurlday, Au- gust 30 at 7 .30 p.m. The pupllJ1 will PXhlblt thrlr handwork and 11pecla.J projectll'. Certltlca.lea will be awardrcl by Supt>i;lntf"nd<>nl Mrit. fi:m r~l \V . Sf'lM. • .-A a1\d Putor Newport Baptist Church Notices Ther<> will bE' a guest Rp<>akl'r at both Mrvi<'t"s or the Nf'v.rport Fir.'lt Bapti51. church on Sunday. Sunday echool convf'ne!'I at 9 :45 and lh<> m id-Wef"k ~rVIC'f' \VIII be on Wf'dnHday at 7:30. The N"gular monthly mf'etlnr ot th' Women's MiSJ1ionary society wOI be h<"lli at 1 :30 on Sept. 4. in the t"ducatlonal building on Balboa Blvd., at 19th ~tre<'t. St. Joachim Catholic, Costa Mesa Ladles of the parish will receive Holy Communion at the 8 :30 a. m . ma..."8 Sunday. Other ma.Mes are at 7. l 0 and 11 :30 a . m. Baby-sitters maintain a nurse ry In the &Choo! hall during the 8 :30 and 10 o'clock masse.'I. The Cavaliers will mef't Thurs- day In t.he parish hall al 8 p. m . Choir pr-actic is held In the church on U\e aame· night at 7 p. m . St. Joachim's S c h oo I, first through f"ighth grade.s, will com- menc4!' Sept. 10. Stuclf'n ts not al- re.'d reg1&lt'rf'd may do so Mon- day through Friday from 9 a. n1 . Until noon and 2:30 to 4 p. m . Lutheran Women Plan Project Radle Pro- Dally, t.JC('ept Sunday, R o!\ary hour. KF\\·a !9801 ';':30 p . n1 . For peacl'. Sunday• Holy Mas.<1 , 9 :06 a. m., KLAC' (~170) 11 a. n1 . Catholic Hour, KFI 16i0J 6 :4:) p. m. KGFJ l710l Hour ot Sl. J.'rancl.s Cl~lnp 4 nth<>r.!t. WSCS to Serve Annual Dinner for .Orange Church Roth. t _1, Th<' f'hurch ls ~,."1 dally trom 9 El.In. to 9 p.m. tor private de- vo tion!I a.nd mt'ditatlon. Putor'a office hour!! arf" from 9 a.m "to 12 noon for personal counsellnc a t the parsonage dirPCUy acrou from th1• church at 1027 Clift Drlvt>, Nf'Y."po rt Ht'ight~. Community Methodist, Costa Mesa Plans werf' madC' to servt" thl" annual bufft't dlnnf'r of the F irst 1-ife thodist church of Oran&"t. t'l be held at Chrh1t Church by the Sea on Sept. 9, when Chri.•t Re v. J o8eph Mc:Shan~. pa.at.or, Church W. S. C. S. held thf'ir v•il l accompany .several memben monthly 00.lneu mf"l"ting retent· of the high school and college- ly In Goodell hall. age youth !ellow11hlpa to Camp T t"ntatlve plans were also madt> Radford in the San Bt:rnatdi.no and commi tte~s appointed for th" Mountains: Saturday. The group annual Fi\"l" Dollar banqUt'l. to be y.·111 attend a wttk·lonc ln•tltute held at the hall in Novt'mber. to be conducted In the mountain Date or the rail bazaar wa.'I !W't c•mp for other young p~ple-of for Dttember 6. thr Loi An~e.les and Or•n&"e coun- Aftcr the buslne.es m~tlng ty areu. The local youth Will So Newport circle .served luncheon to &a Bludent campen1 and Rev. Mc-- 40 members. Shane-w111 urve on the ln!l'tltute The aftemoon M11:8ion featurec1 fa culty. The group wlll return to as spt"a.ker Mra. Cora J ordan. wirr Costa Mesa September 8. of thf' pastor of Hamilton Metho-In the-pa.ator·! ablleonce, the dist church, Lo.s Angelt's. ]I.fr!'. wef"k·s eervi~s at Community J o rdan i.s superintendent o r church will be conducted by R ev. P"riien~hlp Home tor collf"gf' glrl.<1 C. F. Hand. Dr. Loui.A C. Kirby, and !tudents of variou!! racf'.s. n1i niater or vll'lilation at Santa Mrs. John Pfischner gavr the Ana First Mf"O!odist church, will df'votions, her subjttt that quf's-bf' gi1est speaker at Sunday'a 11 lion aBkt"d or 1tto.5f's, "\\"hllt i.111 t hat a . m. worship s~rvice. Or. KJrby ln Thy hand?" 1'lrs. A. J . RuttC'r recenUy retirt"d from the 0rf'gon Membf'rs of thf' \Vomen's Mis-.sang "God's Dream," v..-ith M~. J.1ethodi•t Conference where he ~ionary Society o f Newport Ht.r-Homer Gould at the piano. he ld outstanding pa.atorlt e1 tn- bor Lutheran church met recently eluding the Firl'lt MethodL.t. church in the patio of Mr.s. Ma"' Chese-F p of Medford and the Jason Ve bro, 218 .Cabrillo St .. for their Ormer astor ~·tf>thodlst church In SaJera. r~lar session. ~lrs. Roy Mc-S k S d 1 ''The Muter al His Beat" 18 Cardle sharf'<i hostess duties. pea 5 Un ay 1 the IN'rmon MJbj eet announC'f'Cl ~y The bualnesa f meetins W&.9 con.. . I Dr. Kirby for SWMiay'a ..-m-. ducted by ·Mrs. K . L. Quarry. at,Christ Church DevcUono tor UM .... _ ,.._ prf'!'lldt>nt. Le3SOn .study for the g'roUpi!I will begtn at 8 :30 'P· WL day wa..oq on miS!'lionary work In Rev. Edward E . Goodell. pastor j \Vlth ~eparteme-ntal Aludy period ~t"xico. Plans for the. formation of Chrtct Chun:h by tht' SE'B tor at 7 0 C'lOC k . of lhreol' circ.f('s were dil«'U!&l"d by the eight -years from 1940 to lfM8 Bl'cause ot the aba~nce of the the grOUfJ ant.I it \\'BS df'Cided to and a former preaklent of th°'e I pu:tor and . young people, there Qrganae a morning, afternoon and Newport Harbor Kiwanis club. will will ht-no Bible study class Thun· 8V'Jtling circle. F olloy.•ing the cloec occupy th4!' pulpit Sunday morninJ: I day ni~ht , S<>ptrmbf'or 8· ~I thf' meetin~ a cleMert C'OUree of al Chrlst Church by th" Sea. J oi n------ ittrawberry shortC"akc \Yb Mrv~. mg in the service will be th~ Sane-Week's Services at ~iembers present werf' Mmes. C. luary Chpir v.·hjch hu befn on A, Kingman. Ht"rbert Roth. Al Pe--·•va cation" for the pa!'t m onth Adventist Church . terson, Clifford P<'ter.'lon. Bu<!\ and who \Viii appcsr for the first Ne \vman, ~1arv \\"i\liams. Bernard t ime in their new choir robes. 1:.llerman. Keilneth Dutro, Wayne Mr. Goodell. who l.s now the RueK<'r. Ri chard Rubbf'll. Ralph pastor ot the Echo Park Metho- Myrehn. Donald Barrie. J t>anetlf' d~t ChurC"h of Uni Angf'le11. hu Norton. ~org\~ Hf'1n nliller. Law-a nnounced u h ill scrmon theme'. ft"nce. Freder1 cks<'n. Robert Lam· "Maintaining a Sound M Jn d." pert, Edith Laurie. AKTi es K t>RI, Numbers by the Sa.nctua.ry Choir Charles Hofrard. Kenneth Quarry will Include "My God and I" by ~nd James Hayden. Sergei, and .. Li.st the Chen1b Two visitors were aOO prrosen.t. Ho.st" by Gaul, a.s.slstf'd by HO\\'- Mrs. Herbert \V itt and ~frs. Ken-ard Folsom, baritone. "Christian Education" wtll bf' the topic of the 11f"rmon to be p~ached by Puto;-liolli.A L. An- dentOn, al th(" St'vf'nlh·Ray Ad- ventl11t on Saturday, Sept. Isl. 11 a. m. The-11ubjt-ct of the Wednf"sday evening meeting LI "Lut Day EveontA." Th "' attendance h • .s hf-f'n shov..ing a splt-ndld Increase at tht"ae mt>etin&s. ' I .. . . • lsla~oo Pas· tor 1 .. .. Fi-st ·-~ ........ ..,.. ' M8Ml -t"'' ,., ' Nw,..t c;1re1e fl W, .a. c. ,. Holy oommunloa wU1 be ob-. '181 _t',,_ -.,,, 'P. ._,, at I Sei -at lM 11 o'-'wiaribip \lie IMlbM 0C. IOw. lcibn tl'JIAm, Likens ·ners I ---q. n. -of fel1 1611 We« Ocoan l'rol>L ·. . Jowafpwlllbe-toaaum· to 'GokJen ,Ca-' If . ~-: :::: ~"'.'°P.~ •dlft' an,_ Or .... "· Neuman. wUl have u hlo lllbje«, llCIDiftlft "Broken Ttllnp." · At the evenlnl' Nl"llce, T:SO " lwMC:lt .. n. .. ..., a.rcft. "" .. -an Uluatrator ln bl.I aerrrw>n ""' o..o ., aww, lde9tW, s. ...,_, ~ o'clock, the UIU&I congrepUona1 N•• t 1tt1. °" •Worthlpplng th<r Colden ~If" IOllt al'VIC<t wU bo held. Special -'1a Lido, Newport - lut SW'ld&J mornJnf' at the Bal· muaic wW bt tumlahed by the ~ Sc:ll9.t t:li .. •· bo& !Aland Commuf\lt.Y MelhodlK Male Cborua and Rn. Jrileumau"• -....Y ~ llM •·a A.__ • nbject wtU bt, ".No otbf:r JU-._.....,. """'" ....._ -•• P."" chlll'cll. vr. Wbl"' l!P(>k• ol .... •--....,.. ., "' '"'" "-'· •rel U111<9 Ill tho hato...: ot natlorul fup.", • "'-k -...., -" -,. • • • 11unc1ay Scllool '"" au """ Will •· "---... ...,_ ..,,_ ....tw:n for t.rmnedJMf' p.1n JM"Ople cbnvene at 9:45 L m.. ••tr _....._ ban ecld .-~ ,...1 chance lO ~•-At 9:all p. Ill. Ille l!a~1"' ,...__ "° --_., -'" ...... ~, 1"""' ~ ::-• ..!""° ........... lw8tit .ter the PromlMd Land of pe."11· Ins Vnton will mat. nent lfOOd. Hr ul!etl u a p~nt t,.,.------------~----:---------- example the way trl wkkb ~ ot i . Calltornla are worahlpplng th~ Golden Calt In the form of purr.r !rlnt'nl, to the de11l.Mlctton of our marvt'IOU."1 COS11t tl!'thlnr. • "\Vllhln my m<'mory and l"xpe.rl-1 ene!'I!," saJd Dr. \Vhlte, "I have 9eirn the llm<" whrn on a trip to C&taJl.n.la In my brother'• yacht, we Mn plckrd up wwiout even hunting for them, ytJloWtaU. aWtp-. Jacka. barracuda and macklrel IO pleljlliflll that weo avoldNl them and the watE'r al90 oftPN'<I. theo fa~ Catalina. 14land tuna, the idol or such WTiter. u . Za.D e Grey. Jn fact only the· albacore., wh~tl la able to defy the put9e: Mlnera .iJI p3entlf\ll. Thi!' othera havt> about dlAppeeN'd. '"Our -Balboa !•land Anr)inl' club reports only onf' tuna., and that weighed lcM than 8 pounds (or the year and 8e'vrn yPllowtall. .!ix of them were taken in lff"Xl- can 'A'&tt'r11. \Vhy? Why? Well. when you take a net covertng about 2, acrt'a or the. ocean and spread It around a ~hool of tillh. sighted t'rom t~f' mut top and the-n draw lhab net rf'achlng 200 to 2~0 fttt dowrl in the water around that E'ntlre 11chool and con- tract the nf'l, balling' out the Cro'W'ded n..h and throwing to t.he &bark! tht' tl..llh 'you were not avp- po9f'd to catch, then what hap- pena? "Whal would happen It you kill- ed all your younl' calwa? Where would your bttf supply ht!'!' So lettf'ra: In the papera tw-wail the loas, peT'haps ncwr to come back, ot our great school! of sardine!. Our /t-Uowtall catch In 19~ WM Jess tban B.000 whlle In 1936' Ln wu 97.4~. Our mackerel catch in 1936 was 146 n11lllon re-c-orded. Only 91 million In 1938. Yet wher'I J im McNaJly and Earl Stanley ap- pE"llred bl"(ore the !U.tt> legiitlature to tttk protection tor U\ls lndU.~­ try they v.·er" able to achieve nothing. ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL ~AT 'DIE 1£111ftANCE TO LIDO .. LE) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M~ CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNl()N -I 0 A.M. • ' ./ YOU CAN REDUCE SIZE OF YOUR HIPS WITHOUT LOSING WEIGHT New EFFORTLESS Way While You REST at HOME 1 ) .. ADS . ' ....... -u..r pr·-.. ..n... ,...._...,,.._, N ... Wpf •• ·,;-a joll'? •• ·== IO aallt Tr7 a 11MI M for • COMMERCIAL· JOB PRINTING ~ IUSINESS STATIONERY CAADS-PR06RAMS - PHONE , HAMOR 1616 ' . INVITATIONs,...l.WEDDIN6 ANNOUNCEMENTS OFRCE FORMS -MENUS-IOOKLETS, ETC. RN-•ble Prices • • • Prompt S.Vice ••• nu m111&m ... .. 2211 Balboa BJvd., Newport Beac:h • Use It While You S~eep • Hips • Chin • Tummy • Thighs • No Diet • No Drugs· • No Y.ibretion • Free Demon· stretion-No Obligetioa -.Or,Dopt.UI SH ll:oat F\ftlt 81ftet, Lone ee.ett, Calif. ' O Pleue .end me tree 11luat.rat.ed literature. I unde!"lt&nd no Mle• man will Call, and I wi11 not be obllpted. O f would llke tree home treat .. ment by yout lady consultant. I underata.nd that I Will not be obltpted. But lhe-laws wt1 have &re .not enforced. The Game Commltllllon ·~,th.Jell would aee you puniahed for a quarter pound trout out or aea- SOO wu aomebow blinded lQ any _ .... way IO pvnWh Ule follow· Ing u .shown by the rtton:la: No matter what you have tried before ... now try the r fabulous Rele.xacizor. Reduces a completely NEW way-: by muacle toning! OFTEN REMOVES AN INCH FROM IDPS OR ABDOMEN the very first week-while you read, ....t or even SLEEP! You relu, it does the work. Feels good ! EASY to USE at HOME! Write. for free literature. r--.. --------.--... -y-: -.. -1-imt--c-·-~--------..O.O; )!Otl ...,, ba.ve a free home ....., AD4 I".....-..., .....,t.•-lln. M.W.B. "For NAME ............................................... . <Pleue PrinJ.) " , ''The code say! not over 1500 pounds, 1 '4 tOl'ls of yellowtall may be poaseMed by an}' fishing beat betwttn May 31 and August 31. TPt on July 15 tt ta o f record lbat 10 pur1e ae.lne.r1 broucht 177 tons o( yellowtaJI to 8an Pedro. ''Aaron 11ald the Golden Calf wa• made bttausie 'the people broucht their earrlnp or cold ... nd 1 cast them Into the fire and Jo there ca me oqt this cal!.' Wl\oae ear- rlnp a~ In this flr"f'? It mtcht be t.hf!o boat ov.-nera. but most of th.e fishermen do not ov..-n their boal8 cWar. Then it might be the big packer!'!, or could It pout- bJy be the Oame Commluion, which recetve11 one dollar for every ton caught by the purM M'int'rs. Anyway v.·e h&Vf' Ufe cal!, the pura ~lnera.." ' ADDRESS ....................... -............... .. f Pleaa Print l demonstration if you wish. No ob-th• nm -"'-1..,. h .. •7 th-dtlldroa, ...,. li""tiOn. t1m1my'a ....Uy flat."-Mro. E.D. Serdahl. You may e-lHf' "--"-or More! FOURTH & BROADWAY SANTA ANA I oa. BOTn.&-a.-a-. 111< 14c SKRIP INK ........... . .. . .... . ....... . A VTOMATIC-~g. $1.50 119 ·PENCIL S~ARPENER .......................... . !IE!'."Tll\'EL 8 DAV-..c ... 95 3'5 ALARM CLOCK Guaraot-1. .................. . 00111'1.ErE with RALF Pl:O.'T ll<YITLE-llfor. 2.llO 149 LUNCH KIT c m1.DREN-METAL .............. . . . C4IW OF 1a-a.. ... '°" 2 1·oc IODY PINS ·····----.. .... ~ DR. WE.V MIRACLE TUFT-R•tr· 51k1 TOOTH IRUSH ........................... . fJOONOMY SIZE Res. lie IPANA TOOTH PASTE _____ _ • ROlllE-PEIUIA..~ IDT II.es. LM , ~ • TONI REFIU ·--... · .. -··--- 39c 45c: • 6~ WOOOBUJll'-llel ... SIM I• 3ac: DRY SKIN CREAM ......... _._,, ___ ~ 7i- OAJlllY ~ I-. ~. -.ac SUN TAN,L~TION ··-·-···-:~·--. 6t. 7'.~·. ' -.EY,C-a.Ra+ .... ,.. IATH CRYSTALS .. -.... -·--··---·· v.a.~-.....VX ...... IA1HING CAPS _.__:...:_..;.;,_...:... • crrY ···-·····--··-·-· P'bone.. ...... _ ........ . SPECIAL ·s I 11x9V,. • S-Hole-10Vzx&-t·\\·boh--Rf"K. ]Ori 3 1 FILLER PAPER ..... . . ............... ,':.:.,.6. NON TRANSFERABLE INK-llec. 1.80 PAPERMA TE PENS ...................... er i.Na .PE~5:=~:·1_-: ~:= ......... -·· 88c: ALL d OWRS-Rec. 5.00 Value 395 PARKER-21 ·PENS ............................... . SHEAFFER FD'E ~I· ).811 so PEN and PENCIL SET ....... 1 ZIPKaLEAMiDiiV~=--·-····-·-·-··-·-·-259 IO GU.t.GE 15 DENJEM I.JI Volae NYLON HOSE .. . .......... ·-····-···· I AIUV.t.N ALL lttTA• ,-Res. t.1111 6,5 IRONING BOARD -··--··-·-···--··---• I l'OND8 Illa i11!s-ilte " 1 C FACIAL ~~~:-----·--····--.. 4 ~ I • O.U. D.\K, .t.u. . UI .. TEUYISIO .:in Y ··---·-···--·----·· 2 ••Cii iimi;·,;,;;1r_:·:""::L~·~·~ .. u • J , ' • • , ·-(.JUUDl(JAft -lltll!tl0218 IF'lotltlo• lnJG N- , UNDERSlONED do be,.... ~lfy tbat th•y att conduct- ing • Radio IJICI Televlalon AIH and .. rv1e. buain-a t 915 Coaat Highway, N•WJ>Ort Beach Calltor· nla, under. the ficUUous nrm name ot Cout 1!::1fftronlea, and that said nrm Ja composed or the rol- lowtng penon.!!, wbOAe namet: In fUll and plaets of restdencf' are u rono.,,,, to-wll: 0 . B. Satmana, 1 ~ W . 12th Street. Sant.a Ana lt. D. SalmaM, ··17 ~ P oppy Stl'fft. Corona d .. t Mar WITNESS our hands this 25th dAy or July, 1951 . G. B. SALMANS R. D. SALMANS Stal<" or California, f'ounty or Orang<", M. OK THIS 6th day of August. A . 0 . 19~1 . be-fore mt-, Robert F . W i!Jmea, a Notuy Public In and for the Mid County and .Stat e, re- glding therein. duJy commi..4\Sloned and swam, }>f"rsonally appe&J-ed G. B. SaJmans and R. D. Salmans known to me to b<:> thl-pt>rsol\.!I whMf' names art subscribed to the within Instrument. and ack nowl· Pdgl!d to me t hat they executt"d the same. IN WITNESS W HERE- OF, I have hereunto SPt my hand and affixed by official seal the d&y and yea" in thi1 Cftttlfica.te first above wnttf'n. ROBER T F . WILLMES, f SEA .L) !My Commlulon Expil"l'S 11 /16/~1) No. 740-l>rt"M. Publish Aug. 9·18-t2·30, I~l . S~ A -!6S81 '.\'OTICE TO CREDITOR!! F.STATE OF VIVIAN C. 1'1c KEE, DECEASED , Vets Training Employ.ra atm h&n an oppor- twllty to take ve~ u train· etoe undtt PubHc Law 18, the VM· eranw Admlft.18traUon reg1onal ol.· (I~ .111 Laa Angelea annoUne<d lo- day. Thia conUnuH & aource of ~upply of caretully IW'lected per-. IKll'1JI a va0 a b1e to t.hofM. t>mployen who cltllf>r d"'al,. to. or find tl neeeseary to, traln th,.tr own aktll- ed workers. Vet.era.rut entttled to tr&JnJ n1 bent>fl1!1l under lhJ.s law are care· rw:ly tPstM by VA advilf'mf'nl and guidance ex]M'rtJI and thf'l r cepabjJIUes analyzed fOT Job place-. mPnt. Out or 187 rt'Cfttt appl~a.nta for Public Law It tn.inb\1, 107 were round eUgible for l'lpPda.I~ U't.lnlng COUnK'9. Many prospective traintts al· l"PaJy havP had ~'X'p@f'tence 1n their pN'.'ftrrf"d jobll. I n orte group nf 2."l currenUy avallable for train· Ing 13 harl had lhla pttvtou• ttaln• ing lh jobfi lhey wlJlh to <'onUnue with u tht>tr Jtpt'C'ialtlt"!!. Each of ll'le vettrana found eligible under Public Law 18 hall had h'-objtt- tiw l!lelN'.ted llO that the maximum be!\efit may be gaine>t:.I of bit n1en· tal and phy9:ical capabllltle.!11. Jn no ca.JI<' wl11 a v ett>ran tx- t'PfetTNI unless hr flt" the net>ds of the t'mployer and the require- ments of the job. The VA potnbl out It ts not a.n t>mploymE>nt agen- cy and \\'111 nnly rt-f<'r vet"tans ror tra.lnlnl' pur-po9C11 whf'n thf' right man Is avatlablei. Employers wtl'httng inform11.tlon on VA tralninr opportun\UH ma y call PRS'pf'Ct 4711 a.hd uk for ex- tension 881 or 8~. T'ralnlnl" J>f"r· tonnel rrom the "VA will be glad to vi.:!it th<'m and dlscuaJ1 plact-- mt>nt ot u-alneea ln thf'lr firm". • . • • C(>ST~TA STS In tta. doll bol"C °"""'at Uee op ctn · t~-a.Jt .. rt ol thf" ftr1d. 9M:U&l ltoh Mln\\' "'"Id at QMta )!,.,.. i-..r k la"t \\'edl'V"'day iJ~n •. MOid: popl .. r 1\•ltlt pareftl1t Uld r hild,... \\'a• a 0011 rxblhlt hf"ld n.1tdoon lncludlnl" a dl~play of don"' from toMp laft&.. Marine Helicopter Makes first Land ing on Navy Hospital Ship (Nf'w8-Tlm"" Photo) Californians Live on Wheels For tht> fir.it t imr In Navy hi.story a ht>li('opt<'t mannffi by a Caltrornlarus, In lhE' tut fiscal 1-Iarinf' p!iot landr-d aboarrl a hospital 8hlp at the Long Beach Naval year, palrt taxes on J.~9.878.~ Shlpyar'I l\ionday I Aug 27l . gallons nr gal'lollne. butane and The hf'liropter landing aboartl th(' USS Conso\8llon "''U a d(>m-propane -f'nough fuel for thtl"(' on.11trat lon to shou· thf' UM! o: a """' helif'npter landlng platform on C'OUit-to-coa!'it round trips by each thf' Mlp'"' ~tern, th<' flr.i;t of Ila kind to b(' <'OM:lructt'd on a Navy o( Canromia'i. four mUUon pa.a.s- ftOl'lp itA.l .ship Built wh<'n the Con -t>rtger cars, W1lllant G. Bonelli, ·4th .wlatlon n-turned te("f'ntly from 10 I u c R Dlatrtct Mt'ntbf>r or the State monthtii. duty 1n KnrPa.n \\'a.lt-ni, th ~ ' eg•1sters Board of Equalization. announce'(\ platronn will t>xpNlllt' th" tranaff'r • today. or patients rlur1nJ{ ('om bal o~r-'Mlf'IM" taxC's contributed $146.· L ~ ~ .,,,,.;, CRAB 011111 ·' wltll OITllO CID tulS aUll •KrLL ugl ' crab 1r1s1 pa1c hH now! Just 2 or ~ W rnmtt lrf!tlrnetlfl with_.. Oltnto 0.1> Gtte ic.m.. gives ~xcelltn1 1"e111t1 -. let.\'ft IA"ft fNt!llh ltftMll:t and hf':ll1hier.Ap(;l)·h)•hstld 1 or u§.l"a tirM-·ia' ing ORTHO !pteadtt. · T#I OJTHO l q . U. I . P.r. O•) ---------DEALIR'S HAMI & ADDRdS HE ftl•tt ~· •II tyo.e "-f •IMlll 1111..,, .... 1..-IXAlEl 'S corr -t111o •P•di 09lll ........ ,.,.. ,. occo ......... ,. '"' "4lliM .. N1tJ ••itl>d-.... Oil HO 51f ... •1 • I Sll Y('l'1"l @iiiTI.1) DlAlfR NORMA'N'S FLOWER · SHOP SARDEN SHOP 13 13 Co•st Highwa y Coro na del Ma r Phone Harbor 590 N'OTJ'CI: I S ltEREBY GIVEN to the Cft'dltors or a.nd all pe-reons having claims against the said de- cMt>nt or said Pst.ate lo file tht"m with the nece.!88ry vouchers In th~ office of the Clerk ot the Superior Court ,of thf!' County of OrangP, State ot California.. °" to present the same, wtth lhe neceMa.ry voucht>n.. to the undenlgnt>d at hifi or hro1" plact> of bUsln<'M, tn- \\'lt: The-rt'Cerll dt-a<lllnt-of July 2."i for the majority o r veterans t o enter edu<'ation or training under Public Law 348-the G.l . Bill does not apply to vetf'r&ns e-llglble for tra1nin1 und(>r Public Law 16 the VA polntrd out. Be&ch. California wlthln fllx months after the nnt public•· tion of this notlCf'. atlON1 s t be lS-20 200,320 rnr bu1l1.HnK and nlainLaln- By utilizing hPli C"opt t>M". tht> ep em r lng Callfomla'l!I cfty atrt'e!LS and l·rr---··----·----r Nivy \\111 bf' able to trnn!lff"t patl-Ila mar(' than 80,000 milf'!J or coun· T y SETS t-nt~ clirl'('Lly from (!i •ld hospital" Ly toad!'! and state highways. To-1 • . aq,<1 othf'r slti}l:" tn the "n oatlng St&tt>-wtdt 1'1.'«\llr&Uon eched-tal lax collt><:liOM on p.eoline and I Bank of America. bttutor of th" E!tate or Vlv1an C. Mc- K~. t o Max Hur-wit.a, 2611 Newport Boulevard, Newport Dated August. 23, 19~ 1. MAX HURWJT'Z; .. Attomey for ExttUlor nr thf' &!lta te of said dM-edront. No. 744-Preu. Pub. Aug. 30; St>pt. 8-13-20. 19~1 . Notice fl" hC'rf'by fiven that tht> Boerd ()( Truatt>e11 of thf' Ne\\1>0rt ~ach School Ol8ttlct of f>rangt> County, herein aner rPft'rrei.l to as the "'OWtif'r," will rtcelve up to, but not later tha n 8 :00 o'clock P . M ., of the 4th day of September, 1951 , sealE"d bids for lhf' a\van1 or t'on- tract tor the convenlon of exlsting shop to two c1a.111srooms In thf' Newport Beach School, Balboa Blvd. at 14th strC'et. City ot Nev.'J)Ort Beach, located in said school distric t. Such bid.8 .shall be rttt"IV?d In the ottlce of the "Owner" at 1.tOO Cliff Drivfl, Newport 9".ch.. On.n~ Count y. California and ahall be opened and publicly read aloud at the abo~ statf"d tlm" In the ornce ot t he "Owner." Each bid must conform a nd be reapona.ive to this jnvttatlon. the 'Plat\11, llpecl.ncationa, &ftd all the other documenU com.ptlalng the J)f'rtinent contra.ct document.A. Cot>ies of tht' Contract OocummlB a?? now on rne and ~n to public Inspection in the M id offices of the Owntt, and of Llftd t.nd Pleger, ArchltC'clB, located at 1410 CM.ft Blvd., Cot<M'I& del Mar. in aa.td County and State a.nd may be-obtained h<MJJ>lt&Js:· Jn th<' pallt. It has nll'!I for the Ullitntttty of ca.JI-other hlgh-t~t motor f\Je-1.a sold FOR RENT I forn la'~ faJI 1951-&2 &em<'St<'r w"rc d I h 9•n • fl 1 bt--rn nt>ct.uary to tra.nsft>r pat!-ur ng t (' l . .ru-... l eca year rnt-" \i& \\'atPr transportatlnn announct<t today. a.mountf'd to S161 ,544.808. but 116,-I . On th e-Bf'rlttl<'Y campll.9 .111tu-338 4ss or th.al amount wu re-'1'-DAY ~fl~'TMTTM' Jt Ii-ant1c1 patl'f1 thal ewntual-IMn•-wal ~at" Ala ting Tues-' H I 1 11 h · 1 h Ill tw 1 .... u • .... -.;. r r l'\.lnck'd by Controller Tho mu . y a Of'Pll& !!I 'P~ w t>qu p-1 day St-pt 18 \\'1th registra.tion K bo ""t noe T v I P"I \vtth ls ndin~ platronns ' · , Ucilt-1 to JX'rson:. Who Us11 · continuing through Thur9day, 11ut'h 1'\.l tls ror non-highway U.<tt'. I • • I The Con80fation wu the only St-pt. 20. l natruction begin21 on • ')loo \J. S . Nan hMp1Lal ablp in eom-Monda.\' mot-nln1. Sept. 2-4. l~\'P on \\11,.....A I S8tl NE" ftT BL\"D I m1";1on at lht> outbrt>ak of thr On ihe 108 Angf'tf"!! c &mptu au Bont-lli 1itated that Californian!! J Xe,vport &ac6 '1 Korean ('onft1ct and "'8-'' n.111 heel new 11tudent., "-'";11 reaistf'T' on an-virtually llvinK on whPt-la. Not ; l H.~ftBOR !08 (tom · the Allantl•.: Flttt half-way Wr'dnr!K1ar. Srpt 19_ Continuing only rt!<! thl'y buy 3.6 billlon gal· ------~~----+ around lhe -A'Orkl to prnvltlp float-11tud('nls may regiatPr by mail. not J lona of nlotor fuel last ~""ar, but 1 -------------- Ing medlce.I fac1 1ltlc!!I fnr Martne po11tmarke<l latl'f than A\lguSt thr y gpmt morr th11.n thrtt btlllon... I""-------------, and Army ca!lttfl.ll1C3 on thf" Pusan j 2-t . Such studt-nt8 falHng to regi.l'-dollani fot thf' pureha.ee, mainten-1 WA-HEAT""RS beachhrR~ last summ<'r. During 1 ter by mail must register in ~r-a.Jltf" and opPratlon of lh<'i r motor I SI\ C h"r stay in thf' Far East her doc-M>n a.long "·ith new :.tudents on \~hJ cle1'!. I SaleA, Sfit'vtr.e a nd Rf'pal"' tors. nurs•·s ahcl hmspllal rotp~m .... n \\",...rlne~ay, &-pt. 19. lh!tructton 1'otal ta.."abl(' 19~-01 fl'lc&I year Jioe J'j . _I J_ JI pt'Ovidrd n1rdical attention for b('~1n"11: i\l onday, Sept. 2... dl!rtributions of jt'M(lli nC' and such D~ :wmt'" 9500 pat1rnt111 on a ri>und-th"-On the Devt11 campus rorm"t llg"Urlif'd pl'troleum gft21('S u bu-I clock ba~l'!J. and conllnulng &tudt'1\ta will teglJt-t&nt' and propanr wrre 7.~ per I l'Lt:'MBl~'G -----------. Wr on Thurllday a nd F riday, 8t-pc.. cent. hil('hllT' than th<>Ae of tlle p~ I AatU.Ona..I Dealer Alpha Befa Buy 20 and -21. New atudenq WU1 reg-cedln« !lac.al ~ar. Thia .ut.tantl.-Da)' a !f'J .. t Reate~ . . 5 l~ter on F'ttday, Sr pt. 21 only. In-al ln cte•~. hO\\'('\'C'r, .,...fl! far bt:-.J..O'r. 0o-"!,.lM:i1 He•tt ri Prt-11!-fr Caffie atruclion conunences Sf"pl. 24. tow thf' 27 per n>nt gain recOrdPd Pli.one Harbor 1M !-\\' AV r'U At Santa Barbara college r~ ln tht" U!lf' or dl£'8<'1 l'uel on thf' ! .._ ____________ __, at lhC' latter plae" by d~ltlnJ' St0.00 tor pach 9el. Thill depol!llt wtll A t the ck>M! of th" 0~ be refUndt-d if tht> set or sets of Contract DO<'umenu delivered are Colmty Fall·, cattle buye-n: rtom returned l.n good cond1tion Within fiVf' <.Jays after the bid opntnc. Alpha BE-ta Food Markets, Inc. turnmg and cootinuing !llU<k'ntl ttlgh\\·ayl'l. Thr 131 .562,000 gallona reg1ster on V.'tdneeday. &pt. 19 of diesel rue! taxed under tht> Use and nr w r.tu(tenlll tf'gMler on F\.iel Tax Law <luri ng the t\\•e-IV'! Sopetlattvti Thur.day, Sept. 2(). lnst nJ<'tlon M-nlonths ended Jun(' 195 1 r xN"l"d-Dry Clh1udh1 Each bid llhall bli m&dt> out on a form t o be obtained at elth<'r of stt-pPf'd m to the ring and bought t h t' Mlid officf"8 In which the Contract Documenll!I are on rile. man:• of the prize \\'Inning ('Allie Each btd shall be attdlnpanied by 11. ct'rti!ied or c~hi er's <'h ttk This carried nut a pn1cticeo that payable to t he Owneit", or eatl.sfactory Bid Bond in favor or the O\\·nf'r. has aln1ost lx-con1C' a traditton executed by the btddt-r at Principal and a saUsfactory surety com,,_ny '-''1th Alpha Beta buying pr1Zll! 108 on 8rpt. 24. rod thOM> ot a y"ar 11go by 27 .771 .-1 LIDO 000 ga.llons. Bonelli oblterved tha t Occ Students moot o f this Inc,..••• is dir.dly 1 CLEANERS 11tlrlbutablt" to thl" pin in the "umbeD of d1eSC'I trucks and buses '68 N e\\-poR Blvd. 8JI 3\ltet}'. In an amount not less than five per c"nt or the bid. Theo W1nntng bttf. cPlttk or bid bond shall ht' given as a guarlllltee-that the bidder will The \V1nn1ng callle \vere tnter- execute the Cohtracl if it bf a~·arded to him in conformity with lh.P e<t in !ht> J unior Divl!ttOn of the Contract Docume-nts and \\111 provide lht' surety bond or bonds as live~tock sho\V and \\'On Against specified t herein wtthln nve days ttfter notification of t he award o~ nlosl competition t\lpha Beta on the state's hlKhways a.nd city I COSTA MESA R • t s t lo slrC'etA. At the end of Jun" there Ilea. aTtA-# egls er . ep . WO.<' 16,19" 'uch v•hlclPS Ileen .. ,\ \Ve operahl our o""' plant to opt-ratt-in California -a 23 1 ) I "-------------...1 pt>r cent g-a.ln over the numtM-r in !.==============. the t"ontract to tJ\e bfddt>r. cont!ders the pun:·hase or the fie Ora.nge Coul Collt>U Announce!! (" The Owner resetvel!l the privilege of rejecting any a.nd &JI bids or a nimals a!" all Investment In formal refislratlon for the fall to walv(' any lrT'e'g'Ularitles o r informalities in any bid or in. tht> bidding. youth and fet-1 that by buying eemett<'r \viii bt" hf'td 1'fonda.y. Sep- Punu1.nt to thl' Labor Code or the Statt> of Cal1fornta.., the said [these t'attle the boy~ and girlA temhf.r 10, fl"otn 8:00 a . m . to 4 :00 Board of T !'U8tef>l!l h~ &8Certai.nf'd the general prf'vailtng rate o f p<'r '-''ho rai8'l"'(I them will bfl further p. m . in thf' gymnuium, with dl!'m W8g'ell for Pach era.rt or lYP@ of workma n needf'd to eXE"C'Utl' the 1nRp1rt>d In their "''Ork. cla.ues ~Inni ng the following C"Ol'ltracts which w11l be> a"•ardt>d the suCC'f'sMul bidders: and thel!l" The beef pu1·c hurtd wlll be on day. prPVa.illnl' rate. af"!' contained in said specifiC"8.tlons adopted by t h£' Rale at mo&t of t~ 2& Alpha Beta Students w+io havt' completed Boa.rd. and llf'f' 8.9 rolloWB : Food Markel~. in 9outhem Call· p?Tltm\nary regUtratlon v.·ith a Clall~: fornla ror the \\•eekend beginning counselor a11d have ta.ken th<' rf'· use a year ago. Total U8£' fuel taxes. including int('rest and p•·naltlrs on unde- cl&rt'd usa~E". a1nountf'd to S&.022.- 1 981 for the pa~t fll!cal year 8.!! compart>d w1th S-t .764.397 fo r the 19 .. 9-;'\Q fiscal year. MA TTIUt!l!IES Bo&hl-RMnft 'rrallf-n 1 .... ptar !I..._ BEAOON 5061 c .. i. M-Matt..• Co. 2150 N ......... Blvd. ' < ' . • • .. • • • .August l 6 ~3 1 PAIK ILIC!llPICA!IDI . WlllC B ehind the develop111e11t of Gentral & Southern California : d ependable, low-cost electric po\ver ' Farm Eltctri6carion Wttk is a firring timt ln which ro rev iew tM signt6a nt role pl1yed by electricity in thr development of this ttta's agriculrure. H ert are a Jew higlilight1: One of the world's 6rs t electrical installations for agricultural pumping was made in Edison ttrrirory-near Lindsay, in the San Joaquin Valley-in 1899. Today, electrici ty pumps more than 90% of the irrigation warer used in the Edison C.Ompany's 5ervicc area.. SU.C. 19<15. &!iton haa built more dwJ 1673 miles of new power lines in runJ rrcri!Of1, £clUon, cJcruiciry i5 available to almost every faran in the am served by the company-and some 98% uw: it. The &lit0n Company now serves approximately 2 1,000 flmlS-Lasr year th~ farou used almost OM billion ki lowatt hou..n of electricity to make work easier, 6eld5 more productive and life more pll"tiant and comfortable. Su.tistics show that electricity, which hu multiplietl manyfold tho tttutn from fll1Dland~ i• one of the lowest coses in crop production. O n fa.nm, u in homes, electricity is today'1 biagnr barpio. Southern California Ecliaon Company .-ofUl.M~-All foremen not hC'rei~ M'paratf'ly C"lauined. 8'iall Thursday, Augu9t 30. quired £>nlrat1Ct> ua.mln.ations art~ bf. paid not lea than the prevtlltng !'8.t<'. The bo~ anrl g1rl~ from whom eligible to complett> thrir official APPRENTICES-May bf' employf'll in <'nnronnlty \\'Ith Sttlion Alpha Beta purchuf'"d the arri· reg1.strauon on Monday. lndecellt Expos•,. Char«Je Caniits Six Montlis Jan Get more mileage per gallon! Get a Studebaker Champio n! 1777.0 or the ca11tornia lAbor Cod<". mals H.n<I the 11\\'l)frl~ they wan Fm-the conwnt~ of lbOS(' Ah" Tool Opera.tor Carpenter,., Journeymen Cl'!mll"nt F inl!'ft<'n ... !:lectrical Foreman EJectrtctan1 . Floor Layl"t'l!l ....... . Gla.zlert ............... . Laboren, bultdlng a.nd unskill<"d Lathe ra, metal Lather•, nail on Llnoteium and 8otL Ti)C' Ley<'rs . P&J nt:et'lt. brush Patnten. spray -...... Plutettr 'rendlen PkUnber Foreman Philnbeh -······· 'Poltrtr equlpntC'nt operators: Rah> P.T Hou" are· who have not had &n intervt"-' W1111am Ed\l.•ard RO Jr<' rs. B N'&, 2.05 Barry Knight, FFA Reaern! w1th on<' of the collcre coUhselon, WU; sentPnC"t"d to 111x n1onths In 2.l& Champ; Robert Van Dyke. FFA the CounMting-Ofnce locl.ted in county Jail on two count.a of in- 2.38 l!!t: Bobby Stitt. 4-R 1st; Daune the Admlnl.st~tlon Building will de-cent expof'lure. The Mntt>nt't' wu 3.00 Chamberla\n, t\\,.o 4-H l~ts : David be opm from 8 :30 lo '4 :30 P· m ., p&Med in Newport Bl'ach city 2.75 Matthe\\'. 4-H l.-1t: Jane Curtis. Monday through Friday. court a.t 9 :30 n. rn . 11.t onday. 2.5.., 4-H lf'lt ; Claude Chapml'ln, -t-H The A. C. E . P9ychological Ex-~e Was c harged with PXpoei.ft!' 2.16 lsl; Wayne Schultii:. 4-H lat; a.mina tlon and the Cooperative h lm!lelr on two dirf('rent occasion.!t. t .7:'1 lAn')' Ma ttox. 4-H 2Dd : Bob Bold-~glllh Tf'st Wil l be givm on ~P· He l't'e~ved two months in Jail 1.125 1nr. ,..H ?nd, Albe rt Webb, -t-H tcm~r 7 a.t. 9 :00 &. m. In the ror one count ; four months Jn ja t1 3.116 2nd ; and Elten P_in_g_l•_._•·_H_2_n_d_._Sc_1_en_c.._l!ul __ ld_1n_~_. __ -::-:----="-on ____ ot_h_•_r.-:---:----- 2.M 2.15 2.40 3.tlli ·'··· lil.i7G 3.00 2.7~ Atr Com.pre.!l.30r~ ......... ..._ .. -......... ............. .. 2.05 RoofW F'oreman ..... ...... .. .... .... ... ... .. 2. T~ Roor... ... .. ... . .. . 2.110 1'ruck Drlve1", under 8 t on1' . .. ................. ......... ...... t .83 'n'\Jck Dr ivers, 8 to 10 tons .. .. .................. 1.85 WlndOw Cleanen ........................................................ 1.90 Except aa noted in the wage sc.hed.\llt, t be ra tes of ptt dif'm w&f'll tor rat'h or the var1oos classtficatlona of work !JhaU be the herein· Wo.re M'l f'otth pi't'va!linl' rates or hourly wagea mult iplied by eight (S). Elt~l 181 hours shall tcrutltule a da y's work ; it being under- itood that lh t hll" evt>nt that workmen are: employed IC'aa than eight (8) IMMlns Pft' ft7, Ute per diem W'&gt!a lh&U be deemed to be: lb&t frt;cUOll •r the per diem warH Jtrettil'l mtabllBhtd th.at the number or hotlta of t!lllployrumt bN.ra to eigbt t 8) Mura. Oftrt.lme ·•ball be pUI for wortt performed in f'Xces& ot the tegu.lar M;t'l O't' -~·. Work and a t the rate tor overtime or lbe ~ lnvotv.d. Holkl&ya u -,.f•rffil to ahall be d~mecl lo be ~ .,_,. Do), Deconltloll Day, lnd•pendence Da,y, Labor 0.,., Annl8\1ce o.y, ~r ba;" and Ct.ristmaa. It any ot tlle .t>on -.,. au on ..._,., U.. K~ rouowtng ah&U be --a lopl l!Oliday. I t ab&I! i,. mandatol'Y -th• Contnctoo-to -a ~ ti ._,_.bl! wpoo all aubcontractora --. to ,..,. no( --f!.kt aenetwt preYailihg tat.tll or per d\e~ wac-to au ••"•.a• -.. j>)oy.d ID the uocutlon or tile """a.et. No 1>1dder may Wllhdrtw hla bid ror a period cl 80 alh ~ U.. date aet f.:>r the openl.ns ot b1da. IR>udof~ N> .... t Ba4· -DlaVtet <Mil~ Collll~. Cdfomla _,, llp OOll.oON B.-nNDLA..T, Cl<i'lr. No. 7n-l'ro& Pnblllll Aut. te.ts-.30, ltGL ' i' OAS-SAV8R a . _ IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD! • " ' NEWmmEum*-PION Oneffllu! 4/owest ,nee~ ... ..........,, .... ~''* ...... la..... . ...... :1 ...... , .. ...... . .. . ........ . ........ ,....... ....... . ...... .. . llll•lflll ... ,.,,.., ........................... .. ... ......... jMiail ............ 11•c1111 · .. : .......... ~ .-.~uh•-'! ... ~· .. -~ 1l 1t• I .... •-11ty~1 .......................... , ..... ""~· ....... ----....... aw. J,1 !r•••, ........... .,.,., ..... .. • Ol'l\=lf J:Vlllllll'f°!I Amt "1"9.t.n r ~NIMA I •T , JOE NH:••IZ9 Leai9 ....._ 3411 w k.wport .,vd.-ly u• Thdti• Har. It o Nwpt -t.ech ' ' • ~ . • • • t • -• I • • • Former Pastor Van 1Nuys Family I arbor Folk at Entertains Guests Sees Brothe r dn I Mrs. Suc»H°rteh~an. Here for Holiday Buys Home Here Kansas Picnic.: From Mid-West Way, to Korea . 1 ·qi New Home". ,. Mir. and Mno. Edward Oooddl Kr. ~ Mn. PblOlp Pll<e J.s ' Mir. and Mir.. P . L. ~gins o( Mrs. 1-Jci.1. 16" EMt 'lbe Marla Newlud famll)\ of Ml~.-SU• Bllth:,,an, wllo ·~ of Eagle Rock will 1'e clOWn .,,,.r eblldrelj. Bob,. lla"'d and J-. Cool& ... _ and Mleo l:lole N-· Ocean boUtevard. bu been enter. Newport B.elgh'i. ,.... ~ed at -• -....>.. the Labor n.y wed< end. ~Ing of . V~ Nu;ro. have -pt :t: land of Ncwpoit att<nd<d lhe Minne ~ tbe """"pe<:t.ed d>an« ..., joee an l\P&rtmont In ......_ _,,,, ,_ "•-omer ~. at 0 700 11'1 ---v----talnlna' ~eot.e from apo Merle Newlan• brother .,, the the a::r,er. ill thla weel.c ~ aooo Weat Ocu.n l'Nmt. and beilll' Boulevard and wtlJ make it tbelr day at .A.nabelm Park. Sixty-five tirat drove to C&rm~I. then c.ame local man, on Monday ~Ing ln btto b new home. an • " sue•t.t of Mr. end Mra. J . A. Bod-IUDUTI~ week e.nd home. Ny home tO'llm" folk were there, all of here oo ~ lnlil and enjoyed-Hu-. Long Beach for on ...... ,. be<Wu UtU ~e nex-t,door to ber for- part of the time al theil" bome, ·-., , _.. • .. ...,.r, ...__ pl<h'c held 8un-Dr. and 1'Cn.. Ma HUIDlond. The y .., "' ~ ttnctl man for t.be balance of their alay. have apenl many wmmera * whom lbev knew. on hia way baclt to KOnr.a to join mer e at 4:2 Beacorr&y: 'n;.e · tn tlle put. boUI on Bal-l&Wld ' • bor eight.a 1<1' a {<W days. the hospltal ship ~.1;;.. which proc of movlnt IS be~ l\trthel' and Jn Newport Where they h-------he la In cb&l"ge ot re!Jkera~on. comlllcat.ed with getUnr Jim <lff Rewlll .... com. r:rom c:onatant made many frlend&. '-. -Claalt&ed ad.a are read by folka Resttlta come from eonatanl Merle had left-here Au~. 171 for to . lltamette. • PracUce! An. ad reruJa.rl1 in t.ha who &J""e looktnc to buy. Pn.cUcel An ad ~suJarl7 ln thla I San Franclaco &nd had not eJCP.eet~ -" paper wW pn>dUca ruu!Ja for 7ou. Everybody reads Ute clallllilled ado. -Be w~t.eU people--adverUoel , pepe' will produce ....WI.a !or ynu ed to return. 1 -P _pie jlo rud the want - SGT. AND MRS. GENE LAY (Photo by Folsom) Military Wedding in COM Church SPRING· CHIClEll Unites Peggy Diehl & Marine Sgt. . 3~";s, f Men in gold braided uniform~ ~ CAW or blue and pretty girls in pastel evening hat and pink bt•gon1a \'~ ~ frocka added brilliance and color corsage. ~!..yr-,#-\-n6~ to the mlUtary wedding held at Out-of..town i;::u,..~ls inclurll"d: V ~ 3-0 S d A 26 Mc. and Mc.. Ray Ron'. Wolh•m,. ~~I\ ),/ / (· / //,J 4: p.m. on 4" ay, ugust field. Ill.: M1im CtAC'(' D1r hl a.nrt f 1 1n Corona del Mar Community Dona.Jd J ohnston. Vic·toria, Ill : church, when Margaret Ann f Peg· 1 ~"'-.._ Mr. and Mrs. E"<"' Chaplin of f ...._, · ~~ ~\~L • gyl Diehl t E'pealed vows with Sgt. San DIE"go, grandparPnts nf thl' ' ""'-~~ Gene WE"sllcy Lay. USMC, El I l ~ ~ ' T ba br de; Lronard 8C'nson and daugh· ~<!.. 9~~ .. -oro sc. tC'i:;, Barbara, of Rh·hmonrt and ,_.. ~ Peggy. who Is the charming M r. and Mrs. Brooks W11lia1ns a.Dd ~ ~ c daug hter or Mr. and Mrs. R. Stu-son. Richard, nf Van Nuys. ,,,,..,... O• ... ~\.I ~ art Diehl, 508 Goldenrod avenue, For thC' \Olrl.ldinK trip to pPint... \..19' c \.~ ~ Coron~ dcl Mat r, and Gen«-, step-.--~ ~ north the new l\.irs. Lay wor<' a , A' .-c'\. ~ •on of Leonarll Bl'naon or Rich-red knit l'IUlt with white acceuor· ( • y ~ mond, Calif ., pUshted troth i.n • fes a.nd her '~:hil<' orchid corsage. ~ · ~~ ,...,_' ·~~2) double-ring ceremony by lbe Rev. h I ~''-'-p-" B bl S e is a g'aduatr or Newport f /;~ \. , ' Paul E. ab ll. schools while h t'r husband tt'Cciv-, h / FOO~:..._~~~~~----~~:> l"eriod 0r'("M ed hi15 education tn schools at The bride, eecortf'd and given in marrlage by her father, wore a period dreM of while nylon lace wtt.b fitted bo<flce and sleeves. htgb al the neck and with Peter Pan collar. The a,kirt, f&llhioned tn tra1ne. wU of tler11 'ot lace edged with accotdtpn ple-(ed tulle and held out .with hoops. Her Vf'il of tulle was bordf"red with lace applique and ht'lrt with a lace half- cap. She carrtr>d an heirloom lace tan on whiC'h wu an orchid with •lepha.noll:t and satin atreamers. He" only ornament was a double alrand of pearl1. • AttendanUI were gowned alike in nylon tulle ovf'r taffeta, atrap- leu atld with matchinl" tuJle •lolea. AU carried nosegaya Of white car- natlona and Elf roses. Miu Mari- lyn Snow, maid of honor. was in Living3ton. l\.{ontana and 18 now conneclt'd with the Aircraft Flt't>l I Marine Force Pac1f1c Band. U .S. Marine Corps Ai r SlAl1(Jn , El Toro. Pn--Supt lal E\·enta The t Phearul d1nnc-r heir! Fri- day evening in lhE' patio of thr Diehl home voras final prr:nuptial eVi"nl for the young couph•. AH members of the brtdaJ party were present. a..s Wf>I\ as the off1c lating mtnistl.'t. Mr. l'l'nd1•ll. and OUl·of- town gUe8ll'I, l\fr. and M~. Rice, l\{Jss Grace Diehl. Don John!'lton. Mrs. \Vilford Chaplin, l\t1s.<1 Mar- garet Scharlc· and F'rank Hender· son. On Wrdnesday ev<'ninj: ~ Coinic~. of which group Pefi,::gy had been a member. <'ntrrtalnrd for the couple In the J . L(>~he Steffensen home and presented them with a gift. pastel lavender; Ml.sa Mona Mc -Preaent on this occuton were Taggart wu In turquoise, Mlaaea Miu Diehl and her ttance· Don Shirley Franklin and Lynn Hoxie I and James Steff<'nst"n. Sat1Y Ble- were in yellow. whUe Miu Bar4 ler, Bill H enahaw. Prrdlla Horn, bar& Benaon (step~ster of the Pbyllla Lake. Jean Bartlnc. Allan bcidegroom) wore pin.k. I Lewis. Frank Henderson and 111.ro"'• BIOM001A Barbara &n30n. las Ami9as Plan Canasta Party TILLOW. CLl•e ~.;.. ;1,...., "f""f'/ PWH IALIES MO. 2\. CAM Ila . t4oa•. A GOOD IUMMlll DlJNI< -46 APPLE JllCE o.".f· FOi. GOOD IAKIN.0. / FLOll MAKll IUAO TAITI nnu MEL-0-IWEET MAl8AlllE GllND YOUI OWN TO IUIT YOUI T Al I • •• ........ 8AYLOll COFFEE =-.o\ 3 .. ·~-!4 l!-. I 'T ANS TNI 1*"1 ,.._., ~ r FIEICI llSTAll CON.VE/ilTED llCLE IEl'S llCE POI ClllCl(l.N NOODUI YOU~ OWN WAY l.8. 80ll IEIAL IOOILES l>l<G. SU •AGI 60 OP llTTI~ UVING PISS'I IOOTS CAT FOOi 2&: 79~ 41' 35 Junior attendant.a were the flower itlrl, five-year-old C•rolyn Keeler, wearing embroidered mar- qtlisette over taffeta, who threw bloeaoms from her buket.B; and La r r y Chaplin, three-year-old cousin of the bride. who carried the wedding rings tied to & whilf' &&tin heart shaped pillow &nd who wore a white satin suit and ruf- Plans for a canasta party lo be held in SeplPmber, date to be an· nounced later, were ma'1e when La.s Amiga.a circle met with Mra. Art Remley. 101 East Balboa boulevard. GUOCOLATC. ,. .... WA.'f YOIJ UIC.£ IT" " IOSCO MILi IMPLIFIEI I noz. '27~ .!Alt fied blou.se. , S/Sgt. \Vllllam J . Spevacek, Jr. wu best man and uahera were Robert J . LaPorte, J . Zito, Charles T . Slocum &nd Rugh C. Tillman. ·All we~ ln dreaa bluea. Garla.nda of 1T•M fern with ga.rdeal.. and while MUn bowo marked pew end.a. adorned U.e eanctuary and candelabTL M.iae Margaret Scharte' pl&ycd tbe or-can prelude and wedding marche.a. Mn.. Wilfred Chaplin. aunt or the brt~. aa..ng, "God Gave Me You" arwl "I Love The Truly." Plnk and white carnations and lll&lta da.lllea d~orw.ted PUgT-im h&ll. wb.e~ fU.r.ata were received. The three Uered weddtns cake topp<\d by • mlnlal""' bride and l'fOOl1\ was cul by Mn. Ray J\lce and KM. Grace Diehl, aunt.a • ot U.. bride, and .. rw;i wllll - pucll poured by Min. Lowell Newlon IUld Min. Baroid &. ~ diet: Othe~ -~ ..... 11 ... o. K. Campllol~ ...... o ... -- -. fldnq ll!adlboenl,• Mn. 1"' A. N-. -Qnue GJo. OP! and f(loe ~I Gnttftt. bfrl. o.-- ...: Dltltl -ted Ute JGwll< '*!Pie la ...eYb!&'. -... cllarmlng ID. a l""I---ID balkrlna leasUI wllll _...,. )adrel OVtt a l\n..-. bodice; ~ ........ a •-.q Willi.I "' .. . . •• • • • Named &! a committee for the party were Mn1t•s. Violet Stone- back. Dolly Collif'r, Betty Glau and the president, Ka th r y n Shields. Ten men1bers and four gueet.a enjoy~ the plutk: party given after the buainesa meeUng by M:ro. Hyland. Membton present were Mmet,. Shle.lda, Carol Pendell, Betty Cl.us. StoneNck, Collk:r, Ruth Remley, Helm Doeaburg, BetUna Boardtnan, Jean P.teDonald. Topp. Cueata w ere Mn1.. Corbin. mother ot the hoat.esa: Mn. A. J . Rutter ~ and Mn. B. s. FreJtag or Balboa lalaAd, and ),{..._ Coney. ' Assistance league Christmas Cards DELICATESSEN CRIM>-nw-Jr""TAsry / llLL PICILE Cl • NEW l • I ·I . I I ~ .·.o..r.o-. ~J?.•<G•.o .•.•t.5't(l'\G>-~ "JUST Bl;W·I~·~ '.u~-~l;L~"·_j . -~ ::·T•••• li•••'t •••• A•YT1t1•e Ilk• t•I• )6 <;>: ••••••• ••••••• , •••• Wit• ••••• ••• ;,~9t ~~"" •: ~ ~'.'ALPMA •ITA prlc:• It•• •••r te pet •• ,,;;; ?:" ••••••••••• ••••• ..... , wlll ••l•r.io· O' ' ' ;;:. .... , , .. •···· ........... , .. .. ;:~ ~:; c•lck••• •• te t•• IWA•IOM fel1l••l ~ Q• . . ~< ... • ........ ,,, .......... -•• ·..:.. \ ,,.,,..._ .-,.: • .:-• ··.·O ., . ._ •• ... ,· · .... :~ ,.. .... ··.•o.r ~ • "'• ~ ... .ro• ~.o.i$):·v •o\v•Q'"'"-'~ ;:)-~. 4~. 0•••0 • "" OO!lof V ALPHA BETA en, OSCAI llAYEI ALPHA 8ETA 'S ow• ~ ~i=-FeCTIVE FA.\ e SAT• .-•)lo) gpr. I Y' - ' .. -- • A