HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-06 - Newport Balboa Press, I • • • •• • • ., , ...... 77 -. - T -·-·-1 ~·-• wolaiOI -•. tho .... ~J • "• ' --c --""' ~ aft.om-. W. dopt. raJ*lb' ... ..,... w atood on a dock and relt elwry ·at -~ ·-tor a ~ Of aup. Ca••al an,u. .. Tiie •Clock WU at the 19tl> St. I '-----.-------...a laJ1d!nt, -oonie of our -'~ boato ·land. , One or \he ch&ncterw J wu •Yftlp&thlslnS w!Ul .wu Wali lh,rt- man. who aldppero that rlne boat the CluwalL Walt wu. one mtgllt aay. play· Ing boel lo-the Newport Barbor La<ly Anjtlen, known In oome circles u the female tlah~en.. 1 started fee1lng ao?T')' for him at 5 •. m.. when they lett the dock. and wu practlcally ~ when he returned at 5 p. m.. Poor py, with 10 or ao rabid female ana1en on hla bof1. probably all ocream· Ing at once, and catc.hing nolhtnc but pnewnoniaf And. double·poor-py, hta wU'e Clarice wu along, too. ju.at to keep an eye on him and the reel ot the c•l•! But when he eued lhe'Cla.rwall Into the dock. there wun't uy ecreamlng, ;and Walt. actually, wu •mlllng. I~ might have been will power. but he managed a brave .mile and actedJOce he enjoyed the day. Probably becauae. the gala caught a tMmch of albacore! The other guy ,lhla dept. wu feeling IOn')' for wu Jeae Skeen, whose wtte'. Leta, aUo WU flah· ing, and who took a party out him- self on hla flne en.rt.er boat. He )'.ad to catch fillb for ht. party- which he did plenutull)'--.nd then bad to tlo&t •round In the bay until wlfie returned to port to check up and aee bow many ahe c&Ught. ~e got .om.9. lncldent.a.1- ly, a.nd I -began wondering hnmedi- ately who wu golng to clean 'em , the husband tired out from betng host lo a cllartec... party all day and the wife tired from being. a member of another euch party. I'll do 50111e aftooping &nd try lo !lnd out who cleaned 'em! • Incidentally, don't a.ak me what I wU doing on that dock, walt- 1.ng, loo! 8'111..1. STANDING ON TIU: DOCK A peraon can get an insight lnto a whole vacation just standing at a landing. Try It .tometlme. You'll M'(' a couple of tired par- ent.t. waU.ing !or their trtbe o! young'uns ~ to get ~au.sled 90 ·they can cart 'em off lo their tr&ller, or wherever they Uve. cha.sing behind the kid.! all the time, picking up dropped to:Nel.a and nickels and inner tubes. You'll see t he Wluat whirling batch of young fry dart.ng each other into dangerous teau. llkt1 leaping on their ..a..ir mattreues and sN"lng how close they can come to mcomlng bo&t.s, while the .skippers groan and toot lhelr horna. Also you can watch the tired 01a run... co~W'ftlliil and wa1.Ch the boat.a and bltda'. and water and dLlcua what tbey're aeetng In low tonea.. A aecret be- twttn 't>m. You can see tired people, from the Big City, perhaps, just cOn- t e nt to lie on lhe beach and eoak In the JJUn, probab1y happy to get some sunburn IO they'll have eomething else to Worry about ex- cept their year-long problem•. .... But, whatever you &ff, kids watching a tiny octopus. or old- 11ten1 watching the kids, you know they're having tun a.a our guea:U! TlflNGS ARE LOOKl1'G L-P I dunno whether our tomalo- fa.ced (but nice) pol1ce chief, Red Hodgklneon. ha.a been reading the angulahed crte.11 o! th1a dept. about the Terrible Tr&Ulc Trouble al the city ball inleneetion, or not. but suddenly the situation &eeJnS better. One doe.aft have to line up !or thiee bloclu to l'et throUl'h that boulevard atop .. Il'a only a block, now! I didn't see any c bange1 in the traffic setup, elther, ~xcept that a different car waa lijep.lly park· ed in front of the mayor'• pl&ce ot buslneN. Chry1dtr. Whatever the chief"a done, it be bu, Ls welcome! VOLUME,xn PHONE <ff!.RBQR 1616 · . - Two Early Sn0w.birders • • • One in Drink; Both to Clink 8eleued on "160 b&ll Monday ntght were two would-be saJlor1 who tried an e&rJy morn:Jn.a" Snowbird crutu on eomeone et.e'1 boaL At 3:11 a.. m. Monday, Newport Bea.ch police m:elved a call trom Mrs. J . A.. Booth .Of 308 s . Bay Front. Balboa. She told police that two men were mak:IJ\I'' oft with a Snowbird tb&t bad been moored near ber home ... The Ail boat ii own~ by Pat Ra.m.My of 108 Pea.rl Ave., Batboa bland_ In the meantime., G. H. Hurd a.nd -hie daughter. Ann. of 304. South Bay P'roftt had Hell J'ohn P. 0.-1. o . and John Greenlaw. :13. both of Loo Anrtee launchln&' the Snowbird and called to them 1o •op. Fallo ~ However, the pair MJc«;.eeded ln gelling the Snowbird under aall when Orael fell out ot the boat. Hul"d and hia-daughter both went to the rescue of the Overboard man and pulled him uhore. Oreenlaw manac-ect to bring lhe Fined f6t Ndt o• U.etr plea of cutJty t.o d.rullk ma.rs-were .Jolln 'Jbomaa Greenlaw, U. of -w. • ... PL. .... AnceJea and .robn Paul Onel. 44, or en E. Hih SL. Loo Anselea. Sn9wblrd into ahore ~ hl!Tl3elf. The Newport Beach police art'tved after the landing and took both men lnlo CUlltody. Aecordlng to the police report., both voyagen bad been drinking and admitted Laking the boat with- out permlaaion. They wen" arr9t- ed and charged with auaplcion of gr~! =blrd wa1 towed back to Ila mooring by a Ha.t'bor dept. p&· trol boat and water taken ln by the unakilled ablppera wU pumped 9lJl. Three . Hurt as ' Four Cars Hit Three peraona were injured lJ\ a tour-car a ccident at Cout H igh- way and P oln11etlla avenua, Cor- ona del Mar, Sunday at 10:06 a.m. The a.ccldent took place wht"-n a vehicle operated by W. 0 . Sta- ley o! Ventura stopped on Cout Hlghwa}· to turn north on Poln- 11ettla. Staley had been traveling east. Cars driven by Max Wauer- man, North Hollywood and T. J . Robert.Qn, &lerra Madre, stopped behind Staley. A car driven by H. K. Wall of Bell. ran Into lhto la.at car and the resultant a.ccor- dion action Injured three petaona. Taoee hurt were Mr1. Max Waa.erman. who autrered a bru.1.1- ed knee; Mn. F. McDonnell, who wu riding wtth Rober:Uon, minor lnjurlea tor which ahe wu taken to St. JC*ph'11 ho.pltal and Mrm. W . F . Damell who suffered head injurtea. Mr1. Darnell waa a p.,... eenJfer 1n the car operated by Wa!L GUNMAN LOOTS LIQUOR -STORE Victim or armed robbery thl• week Wtlile tendlns . him liquor atore at 700 Cout Hl«f\Way, New· port Beach wu Jµtlua Moerman. According to police "'port&. Moer· man w .. robbed of Ji~ from ht• till when accoa:Ud by a ma.n he deacrlbed u 28 to so year8 or age. • f•el I Ii Inch .. tall. and we1g{.1ng 1pproxlmat.ely 180 pounda, and having brown wavy ha.ir. Thf' robbery occurred TUeedaY at 9 ; 16 at gun point after the 'cuatomer' p. m. Moerman A id he wu held up had tendered a quarter in pay- ment for a cigar. A.a he opened the till ror change, M.oerm&n told police, the man producod a gun and rtfied the conten\a of the money drawer. Moerman wu torced to lie on the noor in the rear o! the 1ton while the ban- dit made away on toot. KindeNJGrten C1'U5h ne,..,11 be • MJrambte tor potdtlon i. Une at tl'l.e Clonnt.a deJ Mar Elemeata.ry I e tll o a I wlltea parent. endN•or to re•- later KlAder(art.eaen. I' I r • t mme ftftt 1erwd,. .. Ute order or u.e Mt ,.,. U.-tbn.lk'CI ....ee- JW't1 tkt .... -......... •lftolalto. No otAer oftNJO'f'"dl•S la an- Udpated In tho ochoolo of the Olly of Newport Beach or at. Ute Newport lla.tfJior UaJoe RJp &hoot. AU atudeata of Utt1 I. i. and ltll OMMIM or tH City of New• port ae.ct. Md Clllf lbvea wUJ n!iftit.er F~ •t. the HOl"Mle P:ttldA 8eltool at curr Drift and lrriae anBue.. Re.pt,.. lion wW atarl at 8 :JO ~ m. aad wtU eonttpne until aooa. Newport BMclt Elemeatary 8ehool rechtratton wUJ •tart at I a.. rn. aad OM11Unoe uatlJ noon. wh1Je Oorona de.I Mar wbool wUI open ·ror r'.e,Utrat-len at 8 a. m. Tetephone aambrtn fer t.be 1K1hoot11 of Newport &r.c:Ja are: Hora.ce Eaalp. 't. 1', aad . IUt Jrac1eo. -t1H. N-rt lltle1Mntary. lllnduprt•a t.ltru del Mo.r.E-•tarJ< llladerpr- \:.en, thn1 SUa. llarltor 1100. • .. • f • . ' . SllVIN4 THI INTlll· ' -IWllOI AllA • SE'COND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN' ORANGE COUNTY • • • . . ~ - • ' rC>URTEEN PAGES FIVE'CEN'l'S . NUltfBER 28 I De ense Work P~nt May :open · Here in· 1952 TeJlt&Uve lease an-a.ngemen.t.I tor uae ot ~ce portion of t.be Seac.n.tt boat repa.lr and mainten· a.ne.! yard on the Cout Jli&bway for llght manUtacturtnc by Rolan. Inc., Of South Gale WU revealed MNI Wednt11K1ay wben arrangt"- ment.a wt1re complet~ for a re- quelll tor rezoning. Ofrners of the Seacratt yard. J oh?J Harvey, and Harry Neer havt entered Into a memot"t.ndum acreement for a lea.le', effective alter tbe flre;t of the year, provld- lnl' the front manufaclurtn1 por-- tlon. can be rezoned tor llsbt manu- ra~l'fng_ Boat rqanulacturlng operatJOM ot ~· Sea.craft company will be moVed to Long Bea.ch wherf! Har- vey ud Neer own the Lone Beach Boatyard and extenalve water t.u:I operation.a. f\oean, lnc., iJJ headed by Ja.e Roean. who ma.nutactun:• small patented proceu ecrew m.achtnc p~ucu In their plant at South Gate, Calltoml& on Southern An. The fl.rm aao manulactures gun m~ie for the A.rmy. The patent- ed .crew machine product II • ' PLUNGING OVER tlW' 80 fool ctlfr Dea.r El MOl'ro BPaeh ,t S p. m. Wedniesday, a car driven by Garia.ad RttH" of Anaheim du& a hok ftvt feet dffp lD tbe M>ft und and put ib drl\•er lo Commu- nity HOllpltaJ \\1th major lnJoriea. Aceordtn1 to "ltnl'Me8. the ear •kidded about 60 )'&rd& and t.ben wtttt o\·er ·the cUff, It IA bclie\°t'd that ~ .loflt control of tbe \'f'hkle due to exceul,•e speed. ( Preu Photo) ~= d~b~~:':!e::f .. ~U~ Hunt Mountain Lion in C. D. M. Oct. 3. New Slot Seacratt will malnt&ln IU llJpe and a larg• portion of Ito yon!. There are bounds and hunters and armed police on H • D t "-"· Inc .• will occupy lh• 1tl.1T" the ·search in Corona Highlands and the Shore Cliffs area earing a e·, roorcd portion o! the ya.rd for their manura.cturtnr plant. It Ls under· for what police describe as a six foot mountain lion. Re- •tood that upwal'da Of 200 em-pealed reports of a ~uge cat have been> laughed off by May In' d·1ct AL ploy•e. will find work with lb• officials until this week _ . _ But .. _ on Labor Day while -'tU neW company lt pie ~lng 11 crantec1. the th~ final teue agree-on routine patrol at 3 : 15 a. m . Office re John Bloom and Hearings ror those arrested ln ment la negotlatod. Attomey R. Earl Stoneback saw the cat. lhe rece·nt slot 'ma.chine cracit· A. Eut.man ot Balboa lal&nd rep-The !orut tellne ran acrou lhc6---------------down In Newport Beach, 'ortgtn.al· rainta Jol\n Harvey in lhe MIO'" lllrftt .u Shont Oilt's and .Eve· ly scheduled for V(~,Y. _Mve t ~ •. · ·~~...-·cu,.,..-..., At191!ies 81,117es ·- Ba.rfty an Hany Nff boy. could s-t clOM enough and Ola ..._ ... _ H-'d 3. Fo Y x na boat opera-pu~hued the Sd.cralt ya.rd trom clear of the houaea the cal wu SHI IV UW' SI ton &nd employees &nd 11lot ma. Robert V. 8la&t. ju.at before the too f•• away tor good shooting. chine ownera heard U. S . Commla-•-·-f W Id W ll At .... At .... Dr. Kenneth W . Taber, Deputy I A lb M B adl c..._ o or ar . ~ (Wbat'a more the boyll al tl'le a oner r ur . r ey an t·~ lb __. ._ -n Director of Radiological de!enM lb t ement uue ey wt-re enp ... ~ lU ... .., -atation didn't bellevt1 the story) nounce e po8 pon · .truct&on work for Ute Army and for Orange county ln charge of The new date for the beariJ'lga Navy. The ya.rd bu the la.rgfft BUt . ·. . detectlon, evaluation ..nd protec~ wu set by mutual agreement of w:iitlcal Jin martne elew.tot" In th~ MTB. L. K. Daniell at 2tl Eve-lion ag&Jnat atomic warra.re will the U . S . Attorney and counRla; Harbor. It la a complete bulkhead nlJ\I' Canyon Road. Shore Cllff11 . open the !ir11t cow-u in tra.ining of for the defense. Representing the anq paved marine maintenance reported lo police at 10:10 p. m, monitors F"rtday night, Se'J)l. 14, defenda.nta are Attorneys Don yard and one of the tlneet In the on September .f that the "big cat" 19~1 . The first eta.. will be held Harwood, Max Hurwitz, Fra.ncla commvnlty. Harwy realdea in an wu prowling around her houae. ma.rily, and will include all pros-Whelan and Robert eornnan. apartment Ovt!r•ooklng-the yard. Police responded no e&L But ... fo r organizational J>urpoaea prl- Neet> it a tttlde.nt of Lonr Beach. The foUowing morning at 1 :30 pecUve monJt.or teachers and head- ROM.n Uvea on ~ South Bay a. m . officer• Ralph B. Herr anti monlton from the entire county. • However, attorneyl!I tor the gov- ernment may appear btlfore the federal grand jury In l..o8 Angeles and uk tor lndictmente. Tbla would cancel the hearlnp slated tor Santa Ana. Frent of Balboa UJ&nd. Earl Stoneback, on rouUne patrol, Subaequent claue11 and counte.11 came uwn a "huge cat '' mee.sur--will be arfanged ln other cttiu of Ing alX feet from noae lo tall, WU the county &8 the program de- afghted, puraued and ehot at. veloPs lo be announced. lat.er; but, SO . . ... the nnt meet..lng will be held In ~ew fund Rules for Red Cross We<inUday momlng a call wu Room 227 of the Science Bulldtn& pw.t In to the Slate Forestry de-at lhe Orange UnJon High ecbool putniut and Uon Hunter Leo In Orange, at 7 :00 p. m ., Seplem- Oouctu with hU: hound.I wu dis-t>er 14, 19.51 . patched to Coron.a deJ Mar . . . Untll further notice, Dr. Taber and be found . . . Uon track.I. cont.empl&lel tbe two bour meet· Fqrty persona were taken into custody OD Augua:t 2.f by FBI ~ agent. Who met the incoming •lot· ma.chlne ~ bear1ng 11pOr~ boat.I!. Later six other per,ona were 11cooped up by the cln.pet bringing the total to f8. Forester Douclu reported that ln ings to be held every alternate Harbor We ... •her the Suck Gulley atta. put.icuJarly Tbunday ~ru.fter; but wtll be r around lhe drain culvert he found gulded not ollly by the volunt.eera Tempera\u.f'e9 Ute put' week tracka of a Bob cat. The area ta.king the eoune but aleo by Mr. la the Harbor Area were: wu at.&lked all day but neither V.emon Ship~. whom Dr. Taber Hip Low PW-eater" nor hound.a could rouse haa ,placed ln charge of lhl8 train-1'bunday. Anc. SO ··-··· 89 10 lh• Cat. . lng progrun and Mr. Shlppee'a Frida)'• Anc. Jl ........... 11, 69 Police a.re watching, urned and two UAOCIJlea, Mr. Henry Mans-Satw:ctay. Se.pL 1 ~--·-····· 'JS 38 ready, a.nd irate wivu Who havf> field, Jr .• and Mr. Paul E. N6rri&. Sunday, Sept. ! ............ TS 51 accuaed their huabe.nda ot chang-Meara. Shippee, Mansfield and TaRda7, ·SepL 4 ... ! ........ 10 51 lnC' brands and Reing cat. ln-Norrie a.re the ~e science teach-Wedntl*Y, Sept. di ····-· 71 80 atead of pink elephant• can now er1 whom Dr.'l:Taber selected for change the rolling pin ror better the County ot Orange to ee:nd to Civil defense la ctiarged by law armor ... Until the curtoua cat Pleuanton lut spring for the two with the respoMlblltty of pro- of Corona del Ma.r le tacked lo weeka int,.enalve coune In Ra.dlo-tecting our l!i.3,000,0001 people, the wall of a de.n ln a home . log!caJ Oelenee which wu given their property and productive. ca- LMtead ot the hills. given by ~ent &uthortty. paclty ,in the event of attack. ~liiliiC~maiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiii ' De e Case _rp fbe Jased · on Fatal Fall · 'ct AttOmey Jamee L. Da~ indicated Tuesday that he njay not uk the death penalty for Troy R. Proctor, 47 Yl'ar old NeWflart Beach carpenter who wu charged with first degree murder in NewJ_\ort B e a c h Township Cow-f a week ago Tuesday. Proctor is aUeged to have fatally beatenl his common law wife, Dorothy Proctor, on Saturday, Aug. 24. The accused is scheduled to receive a preliminary bearing on the murder charge at 2 ' p. m. today (Thlln!day) in the Newport Beach Township Coµ~ in Costa Mesa. · The beating which is alJeg. ed to have caused the death of Mrs. Proctor o c °'11 r r e d afte~ ~ drinking party held in a neighbor'& apartment at 114 22nd street, Newport Beach. The couple is believ- ed to have quarreled over the wife's attentipna to another man. Aocording to Proctor, his wife was awake when he left thet~·apartment at-{! :30 a . m. Saturday a!ld she "torgave him. for bis previous night'• left some her. Ds. DO_llmBY PIWOl'OB He told police that when he returned to the apartment at _ip:30 a. m. his wife ~ unconscioUB. Dr. Tohill, a local osteopath, pronounced the !woman dead shortly attefwards. P'l.°"tor's attorney, 0. A. J~ baa indicated that the defense will be baaed on the theoty that Mts. Proctor sue- cum!ied aa the result of & fall The aocused baa a&ld that she fell off the bed dur- in( eir q118f!1'l. I . R onl Atte•cla11Ce ·"' .¢-.~eo1a· . . - Pa Delp. GOneral Secrelar)> to ~ aout YxCA, bu jug nt-.d °"" dlreclJn&' Boy I ea... al o.0001' and l'@portl that tronf .,_ilf. ;i lo 3o there were · more!bD7!,-la: &ttmd&nce than u,y pt;• ...... ~· NIDely:ftv• ~ . -,... .... JN!?tlcl.,.t~ "' ll!J CUtiq ~ Of hlkeo. flllli .... .wi .. ..,. -• .;i..k J1dins. -1111 otl/AI: A-.i Coltr!A Of .Ruiit- --•·:~..... eleci.d a.on \iqar .. Cari. -... ~- ...... --ftd B,........ --rilr. _<,.... lllM IO)' flf BunUllS• -~ "-Pft-t of<:·U. ~-.. ~~ u otDllMI •>-ct.f'ete -!·L--• . ' ·-· llC.:GL _...T ____ ..,. .. _.;lmlJlaol a rl- ~ ..... :,_ i ar s s •<• t,. --=-. ..,, .. • . ' ' llt.• ':-.-; ..... -.-.-.-.~.-.--'--....,---· • • l . • ' .... • • · ~ ..?~ ~~ f;;J~,~· ': 1·mse ·' -~ .......... .--.,. Rp 7111 t'@I "Wzj PSF?12W.•cs1'.~•·PNll It ..,. .... f ........ ,_.mi .,,... .._ ...... '' s•, caHf. ,,. ..,. •••rtoua. ,...,. ..,._,,.., • Dev a.: ,_ . ~ ,._ ... t. .... ~••••II~ w 0...,,.. Countr hlr u-p'Uie columna ot JOUr .............. ' •• eomm-1 = i:t1er azr ..; , --u oeconokl&M matter Jun. u. tNO, at Ibo-poot -at • ~-Ne'#JIOrt ~. cantomla. undel' tM Act of ~ a, 1m. 1'11111 Jo to -IF.,.......-.........-to )'Gil U!J ,_ lltaff ~ ~ -Ille A•- lot Ille r•1-~ ---..; ,, __ Ille 1161 =~·--:.-r • , • ~ ry -ly, -.... ~ c..dft tlau, ' I BOB~ and Commuiilty Clio~:.. "iMt • • • • • • -:• . -.... i...-........... ,,; .... Im Ille l.f-" -... • -• LarsNt a-c 71311ty 1a o...-.e ea-ty. ' , -. .. ..... ..... •• llWbet oau.t.,... New z s111 FAW t n ,.7 ,1111# a • Kanllier NAHsnd' ....... Anefllatt. • • MN o. IlllDDICK. Oww -Publlob« ROBERT I'. WUl.MM. Ba.linW Xanapir ,. , A.~-HillILTOJt .Acl~ ......... ~ hu been adjudpd a ·n-per of reneraJ clreulaU. "" ~ of the Superior Court of Oranp 00...l)' eacl 11 tuJly qua1lllod to publlsb all kinda of 10saJ ~· eacl advortlle-IL Publicity JUiia&'er. ,,_ png.11 .... e bot °" . Ii Mi -:·---I --.=.:...--'-------,+---------,..,..---.:..· -:-fllem-wort.Jt,y .t'c•1i•" ~ jm.t 1 • , ' " • • ' dw'ecteri.Uc --~re 11 ~ ,,,,.,_ my -· .... l This h How:'IW,y .Choase Deleples. 'to<017trl~to)\elp"""~~:M •. wirsL~~...;::=.:. ~...-~~· . Uzllz--·~·1·s4'W ~:'t:""~ .. ·.~ ~--:...,~;:"~ u.e -'17 ........ • ........ to u.. 1~2 na--1 JIUf;J tw ,,,. to ..... ·~· \l!lilDCO .. -juwt truti.1 t ..... _,_tlolna wlll • ~ , . •....,_happy~ tn'z« t!Olili' • ruze Job · ·' 01a1Fman T. B. l>eLap iU?d Vite t:balrlW7 LaupllD IC. Walo'n 1'J a commJ!lilP, wizldl illz:, .ITl!l· -U-~ .C0 he report9il to "' 111o ~· Stat. Colitn1 ,.,_ .. ,ti .. -U>q ·171ou1-. Uzo od l7\filloftl ol A..-z=-sri. la tho ._ .uamttoo ~•nl All: It&· • ' Ma <Ill .,,.._ of'llle lilcnu!aJ' pal>Ue la-t In U.. -ject to lavtt<> I~. -Ulziol 'lion tor Im two w.k'• cn"8t, ""'• '' ·.'. ; u -bJ Ille niun~ 1nqulrl<9 for lnfonnat!Qll ricemd by ~ "'"':~.~ ftn•b~ Ins be ls In tile Nani.Ruz '"' -:;....-~' i 0-·~, ...... Part.; 11.adq " · n, ~uae -•-."" r-·· < _ Ao of hi• lnlnlnl' pd -, •. ·-........,.... • • JecU-. 'l'hla .~ ~dlff...-, DO; the be wU \fortunate In ~ .,. ' ' N-• et n.leptM " twoen lzope U?d pet. It lsi-C?ne llilbl to , ~ • nle' otaie111ml Nld, ~-tbe Califoml& ICltctlou c:oci..' Ibo rouon 1 write·• "'9ekly ~r. 1 eea i°"• a&nd l7l70IMJ' ~ sestt1o' • • sUll80lllP'l'JOlf ••TESz • ' *--only official part p1-yed bf the Stat<> c.ntnt eomm-In tll• uae UNESCO only for aa WUolra· ~ pa Wllllo at !le&tt1e !;; . NZWPORT·BALBOA J>aEll8 ....,-ftu111Q ;rs·. K&S'r .. lfflllon of ,c1dzral'!' to u.e national _ _,,nu-la to notify the Uon. ne same ~ applMa to eido!rOcl a aide trlp·tb. v-. I I& Olup Oomzt7, 9UO Jiff 7 .. r: P.lt ab "!"*llzzzl (fl.U -· ~ at lltate. of the number of d•lept .. ~fortlla II· autbd<lad lh• Voice of' AlMdcait for: ex· Biitf.lr OOlmribtL I mont•> (Aloo l•cl•-lbe NEWPOll'r-Nl.J!04 Nl!W8-TlllD -ECE.S ·'--lo 21end to U..conVl'Jlllon. . amplt, -obJectlvee ,~ exul· Mt.rlone week w.tth be llOre lze 1 Tu8tla,y) Ouhlde ?.Ile ._.,. f&.tt pot .,..,. • "Membtre IOI U...' ~ptlou pledpl to the yarlOU9 c&nd?d&w =.. andln~~,:;::1 i:,~ too~ ott on t Colllll<>llatlon f"°' : · 1' nlE IPIA .111flf for Pt'HldellUal nom?natlou .,.. ~eel~ by each cencllclate or by & z.n.vapi,..,have ... peet~ty been :--r:· :'71~~-~~ ' I OWll :'fMI W comm?ltH actlns for.the c&ndld&t... evldonced be{• .. · CoqT-1 · . 'Ci> ~er<lzall : THE PEACE CONFERENCE • "Dek .. at1• mual •be named In &C<O<dance with l"<llldence In lhe COIJ'mltt-. An;on,e ~"' ·~ to !1 . ·~~. =~ .. ·-~ Peace conferences aren't ahn."" ·-·-•ul In fact, the' ~ ~ nrtoua Conlft..Zonal Dlltr\ct of the state eo that eacb d,lstrtct will Znveeu~; ~ COD,f17'l7\,'IN«j. &c • fo tho 'aonoof;J'oid •, • -1-r--t" , ~-""'"""'*'"""'....._ be r·epresented. in ·the c~ of the Repubtlcan Party each ot µtf' 'Mtfa ii by-~~pf,rtn&6ttuCtlon '~rS cf •t• an lllterudri • usually range from strongly argumeitative to virtual _..;.'.::.'.J..::.:.....:..._:c::;_ __ .a:;.," -="':+--=------'-.,---- knock-down-drag-out struggles. But they're still referred . " . • • . •• pt•• One! a maximum of four dol•pt..: ' Ule 'l&ll) o( IJje eta~<llil ~--co.I ui:tlns a aucce11fill Jl'onl to as "petce" conferences. , ,. .. ,L .... a's· .. Division ,. U.l<ptee . rand& conceraln.. Ille'. 'r" I of ' ; • ..~ 1 · On the basis of past experienCflll then, the meeting at \,Cl IUl.11 ' • Callfo~ will ... d 70 dtlqate1 to The Republican Nau~zlai. am-:;:;::: .;:}°~' .~~ ~m ~ ~t 'l'heodore ~ ' " ........,._, be thin . b t • . on , · v.ntlon, belnl' entitled to two ..,.,h for the SO ~tpU?lonal .Iii.tricu, Stnee AmerihaA, mC?n"" 10f t1ia. ~r.. ~b" II do a ~ I San Francisco could hardly be e.,..,.._ to no ' u Winds · ... 'P ' e' y. ear In' . J ' pan two .. ch, for th• two u . s . llenators. and a -of ... fo,r -Ir a -aymbo. i' "" .Am. Jica);•1pro-· Joa b ,!";!.':'": ~:.. -.. -.. :~-;:. t ".11w eetness and light." Eve-body knowa the Rn•lana ., ,,.......,... •• .,-,----· • ., Republic~ Governor or Senator ln 1950. ductiwnetis ~ ~ 41Dedcan re-wttt.1 me and .ot eounie ~ j don't like the treaty terms. the Filipinos are lea than 'de· , . . "Delept.eo pledl'ed to support th# .candidate for nomlnaJlon who oourcea, lhl1 unproclucUve W&ale u.;J In u;. fUlure wil"1bo the ! lighted with them and several other countries would lllte lloUtl!ot'n ~·1 totb I ry Dlvlllon tod&y,pallod &hOll)er rec•lve1 th• largut voi.. by the volff of e&ch party al the primary could be:aert~ ' 'Poi;t DHler of Newpbrt nu-· ' 1 to see changes made. But regard!-of the politlcal •and ~wllen ,tt ·atartiid. lta d year Of acllw'Outy 0. a fUlltim• elec:tlon next JUne will be certified u tbe collv•nllon deleptea from 1 wish 1 coul~ give you actual -d i · f pan. ot tM Unttei.s 8tatN Anny. ' ... ,, CaJJfor:n.ia. An altt!rnale for each delep.te from th esme Consre• flKUrea.• The f-.ct that-~ can not. Ttua i.. your Friendly Ford ' diplomatic maneuverings at the conference we are definite. Tbe fotmff .. N&Uonal oUard: arganiu.Uon WU a18o wind.lnl' up It.a elonal Dtalrtct u t.he c:ielepte la appointed by the deJep.tlol)." -::ithOUC'h6f 1 have :!i~ helr.e, ton • I>eale~. 'I'beOdon Roblna. -.Y· 'ly on the way to a formal peace with Japan. tt1lh' monih of fomp duty.Jn Japen. the third um• tt !zaa bei!tl •nt · eet paper . Y ,ype-Ing' Gi>od-bye 'Urnext.weelz.• ;_,,. th _,_, t · ' writer, Is ol&nlfie&M... 11.aelf. , Aside from the major s;.:u.u.ae&nce of e -aw..&DI O overeeu 'ln 'tbe .defenH ot ltJ; in the u , s . _it we could ap&T'e tt. They a.re "restricted," d (m&y r ......... .. the peace treaty itself, the San Franciaco meeting hu a <0un('ry. . dlvttlion puahed on to Tull.c, Ian . -~ , ,., '.' Al\d we probably woqld have lo not be published. Once "natrlcl<>d" Specl.al meanm· g to the people of California in t!lat it' lur· --MICU•Z. Capu, lllamben. and. then YOU ··anc1··· ·. loln her more dollar• to pey .for or "coiitldenUal" .,_ applied te Clark F'le1d. After N da)'a or the coal. • • such det.an. .....--mea.nt that 1 they ther emphasizes the growing International prestice ol thia All<>• ..... m0nt!UI trelnlnr combat, tnfantrym•n of the tOth Thus ,... one part of that argu-might give ald and cOmtort lo an area. The United Nations conference in 194~ ~u· the first, ~rhJI ~~r ~t~u~7 ~; had killed or eeptUftd Ott& Jap-·youR ment. The other waa that French enemy; now thde worda a11o mean world·wide recognition of. that fact. And, as m 1945, the on J&nan'a Honahu Uland.. t.h• eon ane1e on Luson.. ln March. ele· troops e.re fighting communlmt irl that the State 't>epartinent, or the ,,,,_.. mt'nl.8 or the divlalon open~ at· Korea, too -though In amaller Military, do not .Want the Ainm- treaty delegates are finding that San Francisco knows how vrrPon troln clrillan to .oldit"r wuJ tacka on the laland ot Panay and c ON GRESS numbers than u . s . trOOpa, be· can public to h&V!! the lntormatk>n. to provide the multiple services which the preaence of hun-complete. Negroa. c&Ule France also ta fighting-~om· The total figure. on my ttat. tor dred f · · · di 'tari · S •at tel h d Maj. Oen. O.nie1 H. Hude\ao Thr •Olh wae stated by Gen . muniam In Indo..chlna . And it wr the foreign al4' program now be· 8 O Vl&Jtmg gni es require. peel · ep one an divtaton commander, •wnmed u9 Ooualu M.acArthur to play •·key rorced France for any other W e•t-fore· the\ Senate, 1..8 $7,727,712,000 wire facilities to all-parts of the world have been made the year ln. a c~~ ~ordl: role tn the tnvulon ot Ute Jap-em Europt"an 'COuntry) to atop all or'& little lefll than soo In CU:h fOT available, the state's largest bank has set up a special "We have-mold~ cltizen-aoklt ane1e homeland. bu.t Unit~ State• The averap clU.n could be n· trade with Eaatem Europe, we the average family ln the , 22nd branch at the conference site and the light and power ~n from Soutlliem.-Calitornla and at-Om ·bomb attack• on. Hlroehima CU9ed for beln.g perplexed by Sen-would weaken her PCOnomh: ability District. ·The amount ls divided . . ddi . al ill . . f aU ove" the country 1n.tD a t~ and Napaakt broucht Wortd War ate debate a.nd a ction durinl' the to fight eommunla:m anywhf.re. betwttn. s:..898,150.000 lo military company has provided extenmve a tion ununation or tli'at LI reAdy for any mluton:· de n to an abru.pl end. put we-ek on the matter ot. wha.t That, In almpllned terms., wu aid: Sl,96-4.986,000 in ECA (lilar- the occasion. Besides alJ this, the San Francisco Preas club cl&red Oe.nieral Hudel8on, •·-ant Troops of the '40th arrived in to do about the trade betwttn our the argument of the Sen:atora sup-aha.I Plan) &Id,· and $64:,678)¥)o in and bUsiness and civic leaders have gone all out to see that mlaalon neceuary to the defenef Japan stx yeara later than ex· alllea and the Soviet bloc. porting-the Battle Biil. Thf"y also TCA (P oint.of.) akt 'Ibe lut.1C01ll • o( the Unlted Stat.ea and 1o th~ pectE"d -tn .AprU ot thiA :)'t"&.r. Sone knators felt a 1902'pollll· contende-d that It would be vitally us the lfout and e-eta ua tbe •beat the delegates enjoy their stay. freedom or the world.'. They have tratned on Honahu ca.I IMUe waa being forged. important to 8.89U~ that aid-re· result.&, .in fi-tendsb.lp, and toward• AlJTOGRAP~ PA!!ft ,Explorers Dan& and . Glnpr Lamb; ot <;<>rana del Mar; co-au:. thoun of "Quest. for the Lost City," the story of tbeW. perUow IU!'Ch. for &nclent lndlan ru1n8 tn llle forbidden land of tlze M&Y,u. wlU be guf'!.I al an autopapb ~)' ln..Buf(l\!n'• Book Dep( Sat- urday, Soi>t. J at 12 noon to 2 p . m. . Rellc.a and trophle.1 brouctit from Urla . exOttc and ~ trip, aubj~t of their lat.eat -boc>Jt. y.'ill a)ao be on dlapl&y In tlze loW· er level Butf'Uma'. . 'l'lze. cele~ couple are , both ,.auwa '.Of Oi'on&'• . County ~ an1 kno1'Jl to pi'&~ here. Evei-yone is welcome. Well, when the peace delegates go home we hope they Re al.Ito bad a wwct or pralk tor Island for five montha. I At tuue in the Senate wu a bill. ceiving countries get a• valuable-worJd peace. will think happily of California-if not of each other. his men: • The division comp~ted oquad. H. R. <~O. already approved by malertala ao th•y give in their This mooey Is belnr dlltributed ;-Claaalfl, · ed,. a"~ are read by _follu .. The m'any combat veter&JUI l' platoon and company tra.Jnlng, and the Howse. It1 would cut oft U. S. trade with the communlaU. to 58 countrtea. I Wtu list them. who ~ ----• our divislon have been Ucellent began large-acale exercl&e tying mllltary and economic aid to.coun-\\rill H . R. 4500 become a 19~2 without indica.ting the aepar&te. are•.. S _to. buy. · · leaders." tie uld, ''And the new to,.ether the ln.fantry, artillery, tries tound to be aelllng the Soviet political is.al.le? "te'strtcted" amounta. I will 'show NON-DEFENSE WASTE••• aoldlerah&v.e been willlng•tudcd C"n1lnee-re, and •peciaJ u.nit:a.. bloc lmple ments of war, strategic Preeldent Truman will ,algn It whJch ."get military (MA) or ECA Unfortunately, in these difficult times of continued ea.,er to Jea.rn." Three re&'imenlal combat t.anu materials -. such as tran.1porta· lnto law ahortly. Thereafter, ht• ot TCA aid : · · 0,,A 8eJll.. ~; NO., U1i9 Na -lJi.e 160th, 2Urd. ud 22fth-Uon _egutpm,nt :-qr ."IU:ma of ~~tipn "Of· lt :-' ~ ~arlJ . AfJMJlla1an...,.. TC.6 ~ u •1i Ti a ) ,govemment deflCft spending, ·all' the blame cannot be plac-Guard dl.illon moved to cam each have made practl« amphlb-prtml"}' slrate(lc 1?plftcenc•" 1n everyUllng a Pres?dent --)l'111 ECA; ~gium .;.!:'"<em"""'1i MA. ed on civilian legislators and their pet non-defeD&e WILZ!tes Cooke, Calif, lo 17.&rl Ill third lo\lr loua .... ulll on Japen'1 Chtpeekl the manufacture of war goods. be subject lo polltloal apprt,IMl ECA; BOUV\a n .. A : .. lkalll, MA, • f bl . funds I • h 'ti ' 'b .lit t d d of a.ctlve duty lo 33 yeara. \ &ach. But tt a.lea would pennlt the The House paued H . R . 4550 by TCA : Burma EC.A.; Ceylon TCA; ~ ~P.OF£5SIONAl ~ r, Llll't(lOPY i' 0 PU lC · · t 8 t e Cl ~ 11 ~~l 1 y ---0 e_man a At thlt' time the 40th wu mad1' The lf'ama have lea.med to work P resident tc continue aid to a a voice vote. so Individual m em · Ch.lie MA, T(:A. ·Colombia. MA, sensible federal economy, be tt "Jlertammg to domestic items up of ~10 unlta trom .cs Southern and fight in kneHeep mud rurtng country· ln question ··'When un-ben are not on record for or TCA; Coste Rica TCA : Cuba MA ; .LESl'E.K A,. .BECK.EB. D. D. 8. or actual military expenditures. · California ,communttie•. the "Nyubat." or rainy ,,stuon: usual clrcumatancea tndlcatr" that against the bill. TCA ; Denmark KA. ECA: Doril:i· t Gllllll tanks planes and other vital equipment for our On ~!Bl at captp, ll"le rorme~ eloni: the win.d·blown la.Va "alope• lo do otherwtae "would clearly be The 16 Republican oppoaltlon nlcan Republic TC\. J!:cu&dor TCA ; DENTISTRY . ' ' ·•one nigt\t a wttk" . Gua.rdamen or Mt. F\ijl. and under an Wln'· dt'trtmental to the .ecurity of the Senaton included the polltk:alty Egypt TCA; El Salvador . TCA ; fJghting men, yes. But more than ever now, wastes of we~ tokt wbat wu expected or lenUng 90-degree heat durtng the Unttrd State.." prornlnent Taft (Ohio) and Mlnor-Ethiopia' TCA ; ·Formosa. MA. money by military leaders should also be critised and stop. them by: d,;tr comma.n.der. eummer eeuon. After two Jon1r day• of debaie, I lty Leader Wherry lNeb.). But ICCA: France MA. ECA; Germany ped. In..1:--• • te birin' d f · ·1· l Bald -'Genera.I KudeL90n "T<t Today the 40th Infantry Divleion the Senate approved H. R. '4560--18 other RepubUca~ jncludlnK ECA: Greece MA, ECA; duate· . ~nmma g an use ° ClVt l&D ~rsonne complete the training p~rtbed (-which one yea r"'° wu atrtctly or the· S.tUe Bill, authorlzed by MilO<in (Col.), chalrmu of the m&la T'CA ; Ratu TCA Honduru eVJdently 18 the rule now rather than the exception. for you. you'll need l"Jla, morf a "Tueaday nlrht " Army -mark· Rep. Battle 1 O.Ala.) _ by a vote Sen at e R.publican C&mpalgn TCA: Iceland ECA ; lndocbina In one month, according to tables in the Congressional gut1, a.rid 1tlll more gut•." 1 nl lta nr1t year of round-th~lock of M to 18 Committee, Joined 37 Democrat.a MA, ECA; Indonesia M.A, ECA; Record the uNational Military Establiahment" added more The 40th •tarted tr9lnlng fo~ I duty, and, ready fOT combat. The op~ltlon Senatora -all in e.utting acroU the tneaaure. Iran MA. ECA:~Iraq TCA; ·lJrael 1786 Newport Blvd., Cool& Ilea M:edlcal Bids. Bea-llTU ' I lioG E. Bey Ave., Bel-• Harbor 327.J , ' combat Immediately. ln the nex~ awalll It.a next mlulon. Republican.a except for Sen. Byrd The anawer, it woul.d aeem, must TCA ; Italy . MA, EC.A; Jonta.n 1 civilian workers to payroll& than the number of fighting ff!W monlhl. dranH11, volunt.Hn\ ' (0-Va.), who abltained In the wait for 19:J2. TCA ; Korea MA, '(CA; Lebanon ~---o_PTO __ HETIUS ___ TS __ _ men in a full-strength Marine Corps Division. The <Air and ,.....,,,.ta from all pe~ of Newport BuDdlng final voz.. -wanted a mandatory TCA; Liberia TCA: Lib)...' TCA: F · · i ·1 · t k h "I the United States poured ln to law that autom1t1c'1ly would end SEW DIREcrORS Mexico MA . TCA ; NePaJ ·~: orce 18 paying c Vt servtce wages 0 new wor enz w 1 e brtn&' lite d?Tlslon to full fll'hlln• Ahead of 1950 Pace u. s . aid lo any "°""try eelllng Twq new member• of Ul e re(lon· Netherlands MA, ECA; Nlcir~gua at the same time paying tuition and expetU¥S to teach them •trengtb. ; war·valuable r\Wlt~la.IJI fo the com· al ala.ff, at San Ftanctaco, of the TCA ; Nonvay MA, ECA j Pak.latan bow to type! Arm.ed Forces advertising bills have cost into General J . Lawton. Collll\I, Arm){ An Aucutt bulldtn.g permit muntaU. · Office of Pdce StabUlla.Uon, were ECA: Panama TCA ; ,.~Y h · · Chttt oC Staff, vialted the outnt total ot-$443.886 J>Ulhed the eight One l~a.der of thJa l'J'OUP, Sen. named thia week by John H. To-TCA; Peru MA. TCA: ~plne1 V. E. KOEl'SEL, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST ~I' bf .AppotabDoal llltW. NewportlllvC. Newpert-t e tn1llions. ln Octobtt and told the men thelti J month bulldinl' peTmlt aco~ to&&.· Kem f R-Mo.). arped, u he bad Jan. rea1ona1 director of OPS for MA, ECA: Portugal MA; Saudla· President Truman has said, "But only what you need mt•lon. 787,004 u compared to St,481 ,0IO befo~. that it wu mof!Hy wrong California., Nevade, and Arizona. Ara.bi& TOA : S~a TCA; Th.a.1land !'------------~ and cannot do without." Yet. bis military leaden maintain · 8tOp CGramua1lln l ror the aa.me period of timei tut for 'any country ~elrin&'" U. s. They are Rebut H. Holland. MA, J:CA; Trieate ECA: TUrke7 llOlt'DCl&N -· !all . I year. Theae ncure• were made aid to 1tll the commu.nlata any-nf"W re11ona1 bead of entorceme{ll, MA, ECA: United Kingdom MA; r;a;;:;;;~u;;;;;;;;;;;i a fleet of 190,000 NON-MILITARY veblclea whose mileage "You are he"' u pert of a very a•allable by Newport Beach bulkl· lhln&' that woulcU>•lp them, when·. and Harold Nehla, chooen re(lon-Uruguay MA, TCA: 'Venezu•l& •RI.ft •Oatv&JIT exceeds one billion miles per year; and Bince Korea, they broad ptoeram," lte an~· lng lnapector "Pete" Nelton. u . s . men were dytne-Jn the Cl&'bt al accounting executive. MA, TCA ; Yemen TCA ; Yup ......... ~ '--h---~ th th' 68 mllli "Fir9t, lo •top Communiarn and ~""' C •f C. Btdldtac aplnst communtarn In Koru. Rolland. a former ll"BJ speCtaJ ala.v)a ECA: Ind.la ECA..f ---.c- uaVe pure aacu, among · 0 er mgs: some . on can lffOnd, to prevent another war.·•, Probably ~f!I of the happiemt of The' averaJe clUsen mlsht ult agent. aerved 1n the Marlnee tn Wen. lt'11 YoUr money; can you 41' CoMt .....,.,. openers. or about 35 for each man m the aervtce today. A 13-......, baelc lr&lnlnl' P...,., thooe applylntr fa< bulldlnr per· hhnaelf, uiiderst&n<!&bly: "Doe•1Wortd War II and recently hu think of any,.. overlooked! If 1 OOBoNA DEL '1Ua Taxpayers aren't a bottomlen pit of potential tax sram Sot. under way ln Movem· mlU Wu Hay l.Angenhdtn ot \he thla mee.n the 65 Seoa.tora who ap-been penonal npcuentattn of you aay. ob, it'9 only ispo a. fam., .DAY AND NIOBT m. oru. ·es .. We. have to pra. ,ctice sen. sible economy wt.th. our :::~k Iitw~ :.e ~:~f~nlty mN~.rt,!I~, ~~Uol><nr o.!._C:Om .. : provtd H .. ll 4'60 believe that Edward P . M.orp.n, director of.en· Uy, and maybe we'd be~ take a 1, ___ -_no __ ..,_ . ...,_ ___ 0 ____ , rnyj ~ .. "' •f14. -··-·..._ ---tbJ.a dllpu\ecf (raffle with the com· forcement f<>r the National Price chance on it'a -dotng aome soocl 1 mljivtdual in comes, and It S our ngbt and responsibility to Ftekl Fon:u . told the •tlll-...... n aued a permit for $11,700 to buUJ munlsll II moraUy proper!" • Control l!rol'ram· at WuhlnJlon, then I want you lo 7e&11zei that, .. r INSUBANCB • see that government leaders, civilian and military, do like-troope that much more traillJ.n&' a four room • .. tructure at 1•00 'Ibe NLIW•r, lo be tound ln the ..o. c. ln the put 10 yeare, Vr,ele Ba.m'• Old El&.l.blllbed IMUNBCI 4 • wise WU In· store -ln<ltudlnr amphlb-Cout Hlr:hway. ~Ml of the, ~t:e, .i. no. l Neld.o, a re.otclent of Oaltlanct. pbllantlm>pla; ."ailly:;_ .l,,uwe-al r • -~---" ' '°'2a exercfMI, wtUch 4.0lh rep· Penni ts t o butk1 bomea. were Spokearden tor the aupporten of Calll., ta a certltled public ac--a time, ha.Ye dtawn. on ~,cult All W,~tte. '• • mf'ntal combat tee.ma completed luued to .A. A . Andrewe. 430 Marl· the BatUe Bill arped tbat wbat countant and la a vice prem~t for a tOtaJ 0( l10l,&:31,7IO.eol.; Uli-' . ' > WHY NEWSPRINT IS SHORT thla month on Japan'o, Chlpulll (old Av ... '8:1CJO; A . A. And"!"" wu Involved bulcally wu nol a of' the National Auoclltlon of dOr 21. -ale ~ • W.&aD W. GD8 1811 · J Beach., near YokohamL , 430'1 Marigold A•e.. u:;oe: Wade queaUon of morallty but one ot Accountanta. 111.at will be about $ot -"I '.ljP Jfewpott.8lvd., Ooeta Mel& In its mission of keeping us abreast of knowledge, the On Febnaary "'!' of lhll year, A. Falrehlld, 218 Femleat Aft., 0<0nomlc nec..alty. family In the 2lnd ,,..._ , PBONm BSA.CON 11111 , . durlnJ' Ule mlddfe Of an advanced prqe and lauJ\dry, Sl!IOO; Ethel· ---·--•-· ••-Id • ~--llAJlllO& L1JTHl!BAN not flctl<ln• Pt 11 --IL 1 • Federal government 38 pounng out pampbleta and brochures tnalnln6 eourao, toth aoldlenz 1yn B. Arena. 111 Via Qulte, Sh.· m~ ~"~ f:.1 h:· r.:i:.;. "Clc)rUyin« God" }'Ill be Ille ctqp -tadude lou ,....._ 1 . . ' from 241 U. S. printing plant&. A curious legialator, Rep. ievned of lh<lr Initial mllalon-llOO •ncl r. B. <;l<ndenen, 11\ Sm· part f lh<m oonvertlng to deferioe theme Of the u L m. Sunday aer· another $U bUllon, or.:lilidat UIO BE SURE INSURE "--rg M d f M'ch' -~.+. th fo'"-'·-... ,_ lo m-to U..J'ar B:aat "ta .-,. •raid A.._ JH,GOO. J Rlclzanl p-.:::lloa. l'tance now rota much moo at N-rt Harbor Lutheran a r.unlly. l~ -DOl oici.lo ..-• , u= e ea e o 1 1.gan. ·~.--e --....... ._ •'-ta ., ..... _ --~ ,___,,._ -••1-"---··· •1110 ~-~ ;.._y_ _ • ·-~ • ,,,,_ r r--..... -.-v•--• "'~·--• ~ ~· ... -of-har coal from comtnunllt"'°"· church. The text II rr. l-Uk• ......,..,.,., .... ,,. •l}':j-7"1, or -gleaned from the mountainous output: llonal ....,.,nty fw.lhe ":llN!e. of -·•pmnJtto.a'-&nd troll«! Poland. a "'-lor European 7,11.11. , -•a fU?lly. nil-.-llA'llmll ••Jlln , Mist Netting in Japan. ' Ja=; t1im ta ot ?.Ile t1l a&ll produce · marltet to ooat 111"°° coal producer. ,llut Poland wW not • · • ,.... •JUT Pt -; U. ftW '; t u ... Interaction of Sex, Shape and Weight Genes in Water-ed -..::: ........:::. J_,; ~';!'.~ J~.:. ";: aell tll• coal wilbout b<ln&' able to . Unl<la >r• !lave an IM!equate J'OZI ---..... " = 1 z . lftl , melons. n-•-Brt"'--~--· •• -~ nu ~ .. -;;!... buy looda or ma?.ertala from clvU 'clefenee. a people lra1Md lo Tlze guotloa ,11: :Are ,.... --M IMF "-.,. I I• 1 ~ ._. -~ ·-• • n-,_. --n-&nco In r<turn. ., 1"rance ex· protect tb<moelv..i, 1'• could loM ftll7I wtUl Uze 1'!ilaJtaT . ' . The F1eas of North America. ..,..._ lzi T-ma two •11•• -PwiSll< pOl'b .-a -oome.Of W!I~ Uze~ next .tar WIU. an _,eated Deer Mortality From Glllllhot Wound&. Iota. Ot1-z-tlal -'la' """' u, II. may -..kier atratec1c but Anny, Navy and_ Air Force atJU ~t .., do -alza7Z& etfll 7 ~~~ j If fllla · OM --,Wiiiiam O'Bz)CM, 1112 ardt a11e don. not-to Polabcl. It obe the field. def-Ylll ~ -··• -1 ° -The Sponge Industry in Tllrirey. ,..,.. -_.., It was tbolr , $111,llO; w-IL\.C..W., p ,.... r~ to """' that, rrence ' -... an a......., at~ • -· ~ Habits, Food and Economic Statua of the Buk·Talled nnt -oe -..sisc ... ,, 1zo1t tlo et.. Slf,-: JGlza ~· Ultel7 •""'1111&¥e to buy her coal -.P..,ae do,_ Ult.._"*· ..... It_...,. < C..rt#u¥ist1"M Pigeon. lo t11o -u a ~ 1t .. hlllt.U. A-11..-. ~ K. ._ Iii ... ' ..,, lllR a ..., Estimating Mus~t Population by HoUN Counta. old-. I , and ::.:· ~"'";: ·~· ~~ ~T.:, Sca~tzt R ¢ Ill. 9)lr. I& Fishery Resources of lflcronM!1 · n.!s <'~ 1:J"w1::1z1~a:"i An.. , .,.,_.. ~ How to Control V•..,.,.nt Cata. wt .... Tluun-ot --~ -te -T. -. · -..·-~ Dr ..... 0. IL Flab for Bre~ut-:And Why Not! = -;.:-.:·~":._ ~ me eoa'* 11n.'SJMOO Rep. Meade thinb •1t a terrific wute of -l(lrilat. Mllllol -•=n .,1 1 a. J . °""'M, Di DolftaADll time, labor ilnd money pttinr~ llllCb stuff, and U:pt'I 111 '<*&....,,. - -L'2a Aa-'1""--'-· ----hlmaelf aa "shoclted." ' ,_. oiatz 1-_,.,. ...._. _--1 W •rt ... te Ge ta t IW IT CW lft tlaybe we've hecome ,ahodi:-proof. We jlMt sift...-,_ n 11 112&" C--. l1?or •• •~ at and advise our readen to dip tllilt ll8t ap'nlt U. dq Oii Mu• I, lt?l ms1 • rze q '"•• .... an .. rDoa when the government~ an u. new M 81111 -tzl1u Pwt Bs lNz -•.,.. DEii.__,.."* m'wu abut down. They'll ~ llOlliltldlr to r-i":u.... ... U. = :-1-r= :-.. w .:..111.-: m·:,• 'I lllSI W:::. Ions winter evenlnp. ... ti l SIRE? .. ... " RI 5' e:. , z'tmela.w ?Pt• - Ttu.-We've Beard &M= .A.boat t4.J..-:" _, H -•'Ciih £,; ·-=· ... a-"'14 -1,,,..,_b11,_.. ._ .. __ ..,..._ Wl:at Frankie and 'An.,...,.., - -.. -111t ., 112 a 1 11• ..,, --. WllattheNpiqndlolQll'ft-•.. ~i:.;nur s 'I 1 •.la. ,,,...-Wl I• BemarrKCl"addm'1pu-..:lmte.)irilipt .~ • _.6., ..Wt *s• .......... ,.,,.,_., .. tni.•at • • • • -. . • • . • • I • -.atJ1i:ilii'oM ·-~Wn..ud1', 6r. j • ~._ '\""",.~ __ M. H. Willson, Jr: Ciaims Marg~ret · Thayer as Bride Impartan~· both bore 81\c1. In '81.n MarlnO wu th<I eeremony which took. pl&ce at 10 o'clock ~ Bot· urday momln«. Beptem..,.. l' In 'th• ·lllPiocopol Cllutth of tM Aoeoialon. when loYoly Jo(arpNt Hoi'Wood Tbayl'r repeated vow1 wt.th-Kurton Jlltrhcock WllllOn, ~r. Tbe bride ls Ul.e dausbter of Mr....e.nd Mnt. Alfred Harwood ·Thaye'r of 8an vaf.tnO' Ud Eat Balboa Bl'Yd.; the bri~fl"OOm l9 eon of Mr. Uld Mn. Murton Hltcbcoclt Wllloon ot. ~iwft. ,Colorado. Two hundred IUffb ---en\ for the rltee, perlonried bt dena:' and Httgh Ptnton, San Mar· the Rev. Harley Smith In which lno. Margar€'t WU given in keeping For her daughter's wedding by her father. She wore a·_perlod Mn. 'n\&ye.r ~re a pwn of IAP gown, an original model fuhio~ green tlMue f&We with alencan ed of white nylon net over sAtln. lace and a small lilac velvet hat. A full length "front panel of ·km-She carrle-d a purlf' arrangem~nl ported Chantilly lace accented the of · purple Phalaenop&is orcbldl'I. hand span waist and stopped at Mrs. Wilbon, mother of the brkle- the dttp square yoke of tulle groom, was in mist grey chiffon which wu outlined with !\J)pllqued and la.ce wtlh a shf'll pink hat and ChantUly. The extremely bouffant pu~ arrangement of plnK Phal- skil"kof tulle· flarf!d Into a clrcu· ....... ano~-· lar ti'ain. The fingertip veil of ill· Floral setting at the churck >A"U usion wa. caught lo the medieval of ivory and pink fall fiowers French bonnet of crushed tulle ma.ued in copper brazier• against bound with pearls. She carried a background of wooch\fardia ferns lilies of the valley with !lath• for the chancel, while the aisle stl"t'amers on her white prayer was marked with bouquet.a of book. • 1 ~ -• -· more of tbe a.me flowera, caught Be-.tyl Lee Glrllng of Auatin, up with bowa and etre&mera at Colo .• and to0m mate of the bride ivory satin. . at the University of Colorado, wall The reception waa l!.eld In the maid of hOnor. Bridesmaids were beautJfu1 garden at · the home of J ea.n Thayer of North Hollywood. Mr. and M~. o . A. Mault tn cou!lin of the bride: Patricia Dob-Chapman \Vocxls. The recelvt.ng son or San Marino: Nancy Slf'vens line formed before the fireplace, of Douglas, Ariz... and Balboa: which was banked with white Mrs. Hugh Varick PC!nton (nee oleanders and magnolia foliage. Ja.nis Robertson) of San Marlno Attel' t?le reeetving, guests entere-d and Mr!I. Lo~relJ McDowell (net-the garden through the lanal to Betsy Nichols) of Los Angeles. a flower bordered terrace, plly All wf"rf.> gowned alike In lilac encircled with turquoise para.sol tis."ue faille \'i'ilh fitted bodice!'t, I tables and into the lemon gar- bracelet-length 8lecves and por· !ahded cabda where the cutting trait nf.>Cklines outlined with folds of the bride's cake took place. of the faille and bouffant sklr~. Musive while dahlla-t floatlnl' In Tht"y wor(' coroneu of matchtng t.he turquoi&:o lined pool &erved. hair braid clustert'{I "''Ith lilac! to further carry out the decorative ColoHdo. llhe ftColv<d her M.A. tn graduatf' work at Stanford university where she wu prui· dent ot Mr 10roril.y, Chl Omep A fourth pneraUon• Califomtan, h.er p4t.E'rnal rrandparent.!I are the Alfred Peres Harwood• and lhf' Prince l.f1nan Thayen. The bridegroom ls a gnduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder and ls now attendlnl' Harvard Gradua ~ School of De· stp. He served three yean In World Wu II with the €'nctneer corp1 in the European theatre. Motoring e.ut, the young couple will atop at Denver where they will M feted by friends of the croom: again at Chicago and ln H...-York City: TbeT will make their home in cambridse, Mua.., untU Mr. Will90n completta hla poet rraduate work at Harvard. ENIOY MOTOR TRIP Mr. and ~. Vinc<>nt Goodneu and chlldren, Dwayne and Unda , of Afaple avenue, C011ta Mesa. en· joyed & recent trip to Tijuana, lilf'xico. On t.helr return they visit· rd the zoo at San DleS"O and othu poinU of lntereat ln BAiboa park. RECE!'o'T OPERATION Or. P . A. Chamberlin, 19'44 New. port Blvd., Coat& Mes&. under; weft a rttent operation at thf" Veteran's Hospital, Long Beach.. in varying tones and carried cas· I motif. MILESTON ES cades of glanic-lia.s in fuchsia FQf the wedding trip the new shade's. I Mra. WiU.On cbanged to a char-BIRTHS LowC'll 1\1cDowell gave best man I coal Imported wool wlt with small SKINNER-To Mr. and Mrw.. assistanr.r to the bridegroom and matching w.ool hat trimmed with Frank Sklnner. Box ~9<1, Costa guests were sea.led by uahers Jo-black b~cl Hef accessories were Sant& An.a Community seyt'l Dunn, Boulder~ Colo.; ·wu-: o~ black .i: ed:e Ml'W~llf!--fi;;jijjftu· ~pL <I , i9~2. a son, T ot ~ ums. She la pounds. a oun«:a. €'rick \Vood, Jr., RSver F0ttat, a graduate of the Bl.ahop's achool ~To Mr. and Afrs.. Ill.: Dr_ Donald Thurston, Pua· at La .Jolla and or University of Robert o . N~ttles. 269 Walnut Pl .. CO.ta Meaa. in Santa Ana Com· munlty hoopltal, Sept. 4, 1951, a eon. 9 pounda. 14 ouncea. oEAms · MB& CllClLE CHAllLE Kn. Ce<:.lle Florence Charle, ~9. died at ber home, 20S6 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa.. Sunday. Sbe Wu a native of Iowa. She ll aurvtveCr-by her huaband, ' Albert J .; •th~ eona, Leater 'A. and Lionel C., both of Cocta MN& and Don H., Corona del Mar; one daugbtei-, Mrs. Eleanore Harden of New York; three brothen, Her· man Willlams of Pomona, Wilbur of Lomita and· PhU of P omona; two ollten, Mloo Mildred WUJl&JM ot L<>O AnrJeo and Mra. Morion Manlove of Sall Dtmu; and two gnndchlldrs. . . F\meral ~el wlll be held at 1 p.m. Thuroday In a .. uel Chapel. Coeta M-. 'tfltb the Rev. C:U.IM Hand oftlclallll~. Interment will be In Wmlmlru!ltt Memorial park. ABTBVaL~ Arlllur R. H1111l1De!V. 7G, ot 210 Wu.im St.. Coola M-dl<d Bat- ar""1 ... st.. Jwpb boopltal an. ·--bo ba4 -... cautomla fbr 43 A. utlft Of ~ _,,,ty, Pa., _...and In -~-• ,_., Mr. HIBmell Wu a ml!'<ll oil -... --...,. --Of -Temblor Lo<lp No. 4ft r. and A. M., ot r.l)oWw. Callt. • -JllCMc!e .one -. w.,... R. 0( 1• ..... Callf.; two .,..,.,.._ .... ..,,.. ...._"' ~----­• snot. .. ••;----, ... UC.•• P9tt8 61 llw....,_ B s•: ---· ,..___ ... p? , Rita .. Ill LI 'were Mid Ill • .,_ao 1181 ............ • • • \. • ' . ' • I • ---.- iHl ... ·' WJORA!QllS -. . • ·I YQU ·c~ DO. i&flEfl AT . ' . .• . .... ~: . FURltd'URI co ... .' • \ • i.; • ... • ~- w. Buy a11d S~lt 1)1.w'.•nd Used FumlNN 1 . .. I .1112 Newp~ llWtL;.c i r'u t.i1.a i..--:-s.u ii .. ,"""'*"-• "1&--,,,.._ c.r..a.. ' I I': i I · . ; l!i()W IS ~ TnpJ TO PL\NT ~NAPDRAOO~ ;· ·,. * ,. " MIXED and in COLO RS ................ ~ ....... :.35¢ doz. ' STOCK$ -MIXED ............................ : ... ~ .... 35¢ doz .;t;ALEN'l).ULAS· ..c;; ••• 1 .............. '..: .............. : ....... !.35¢ doi: ·-SWEET~fEA Pl.A1NTS ~ ............ '. ........ ~ .. : ........ 11; doit: Auq· KOLOR OOAi' SWEET PM Sf'"'"" ; .. -- ·.U, <llftn . A -CHOICE ' . SELECTION OF FUCHSIAS FROM 111¢ ea~h . ' " ,OPEN SUNDAYS . , • .,J • ' ro Uction • IS -ver 's ............. ,..,,. , ' • usiness! • r A n~less and dangerous ~ork' stoppage in. a vital UAW.CIO, Local #l<IB. de(ense pfant has heen engineered by officials of • l It was called at th e Douglas Long Beach Plant in spite of the fact that for months, wage increases . I up to the limit pennissible by law, have been offered and 'ha.ve ~n available to more tfan ten thousand / of ovr employees in the bargaining unit. The Cornpan)' has made.every ~IIort to settle this labo~ dispute . fairly and amicably. It has gran.ted all reasonable demand!_of the Uiiion., It repeatedly rhadi; 'sincere . .. attempts to give the employees in the Long Be.ach co1lective bargtining unit the same beni:fi~ enjoyed . • ~ • ·l -by th eir fellQw woik'ers in our other plants. Thousan~of <\Ji,r employees in th'e Long Beach•a>Jant know -, ' these facts. The Company wants the peoplein !,his communi.ty to know them~ def en.~ production ' ' . 1 . _ ...... , • •• • • • •• I • ' .. ' I· I I . . _ "':js evqybody's business. . .. I . -I wt June, we-Offered production and maintenance workeri at Loog Beach volun••"' and unconui, -• ' > ' . ~} ~ tional ~y increa!le$.rattgirig from 14<: to 20c llh hour; Twiee before, going back to October, (1950~ wage . ,, •/ . ' o1Ie1'11 wei'e-macfe in exchange for reasonable and· neceuary conditions g6vmiing labor contractt .. • ... . ' , I Principal Unions in. two of 0ur Cali!omia planu a~pted thete oll'ers but the UA W-CIO tefused. . . . . ' ·. . • We l~ave bee__n di9Clltiing . ~-p~blema. _wi~ the: µniort,sin~ OCto~; 1950. O~~~!atest offer, never withdrawn, propo.ed to grant, 8_ubject. to governmental appmal, wage and rate rncreues rahg· -a # o ing from 16c to 26c an Ju)Ut, ~ ari ayerage ·pf 2:2.~ ab boar #or rpore_ !11an tCf1 th.o~ e!f Pl~yes. ,We aleo olfered the Union a coet of lirin1 ~tj>r claue .and• number of •other benefi~ that would • cqsJ ~e Company, if lccepted. fOQr and_,_~ , • 1 dollan ,. y~ in Long B'each &!9oe, . ~of the:Union.if pted ia ~ull~ woard ClOllt jhl! c-~ eight and .one:half tnip iort doilara • a.year, · Id aboJis11 iiiltlatm and ~tillll ci( meri_,t a,nd ", • • .e our ~ent plant o~tio~ , A llrib at LOaa Beech at this &ime ~ mir-Ddoul~.' Thi&"1ut' p~tai~ -. . . ~· .. ' . ' . ·~ t----- mpad,.belllled by°".' Air Foroe toclay uc1·~·~· Jn.a . crisis~ airirafJ are:inr~, • ' Ible to the welfare aaid.,..llfetr ol ~ .... and illlll'81ient. • . employees lu!ow i\:1 ~ u~ J ~ltit. Ti...feepleladiit• ••mhJlin9a~ .. 1111'11i-~ltrii'e1uld.~kpoWthqef11et1. ... ;• . . . . ~ ' -.,. "' • • • • J • l ' ... . ,• \ ' · r' "· '" • .. · f • • MPANY~~INC • • ' -. -. ' • ,. { • , I I , : .. .. • ••• • ~EC I • ·::~•lij':f>iJ~~; ---Aa~-. .. --~a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=!!!~~~l!i!!i_!I~~ , ' • • • ' • • • ' • . . \ • .. ' I , .-. PAGE 4 .--. P~Rr· I -lHuR\DAY, $!1'1'. 6, 1951 . -· ·~.~-i?!~u" SS~ • ;r _u __ - 1 r~ ._.._ . --- JIDI TA~LI • ~d&Y. ' ':' IMpteniber, J ,llat,urd&y 1· Bepteinber 8 l!unda)' ' Septembet D 1 lllol!d&y ' • · ,8epte1J1bor lo Tuuct&y • Septem""' 11 ~Wedneaday • :>ptember 12 ~uraday ;·~September 13 •., ~-•' •' 'BJOB . 2 :03 L m. .J 1 :22 p.. m.. .. . .. " . ···--;-""'·- ": 2~ p.m. •115 p. m. 1:U Lm. 5:4.ll p. m. 8 :08 ,a..m. 8 :tt p. m. 8 :34 a. m.. 7 :,2-p. m. 9 :00 a. m. '8:30 p.m. •• •'· ,. • FDlll'JI ..vu. MOON QU&&TU t! G S.pL• 8 • !!lept. 15 • • " ... ~ -· e.• . ...... 5.• 3.7' 11.7 .. 1 f.1 4.5 e.a u 8.4 {f _ . -·--· . 11 :lt p. '!'· O:SO a. m. ll:SI Em. 1:21 m. 12:'4 1 m. 2:02 a. m. 1:4\ P: m. 2:•0 Lm. 2::18 p. m. LA!IT KSW • QUA&T~ MOON Sept. 22 Sept. 30 --o.ci u --0.e a:e -4.7 2.0 -0.a 1.t , ~; HAROLD L JOHNSON We give your llhoea the new ToM MYEll8 iollecl Ole,.._ •Y N,i O·BYO Labor 1>&7 ........... -19 a llne ,_ nw olpt ;, ~ look J1 you have the old part& ...,. other e11U-. wttb 'l"Dawa7 SM:ppwd In wttla • MOOIMI ~ -.I Howa.r'· C!r.e'!e'• .......... OUS'IOH REPAIBINO . makln( It a --for'lliHYO "'°" la lh)il cl-Showa Ii""' M llle7 -H<ndan ,_ Q Jlboae Barbor ~ • Utt Vllllt Way, Newpol'i lklaeb • are: IL F. "Hook" _.....,.lo : To-S""-'"<I la Arpo7; Leo 'hn'a li'oll1 JI; -Newport 5'"'e Repair 0Mot111n'• Row<11: O!Mk ·~ a;w. ... , Tom M.Ytto' Rat11. (Photo 11y Beclmhi 199-t!ad Nowpcn lllMch 11~~~~~~~-'-~--,-~~~~-t-~~~~~~~~~-;-~~~~~~~~~.,..-...,....- • • • • • • • • • • • '• • • • • • • • 633 FLAT OIL WALL PAINT Gal ........ • ............................... . m-GLOSS ENAMEL MATCHING COLORS Gal ......................... ~ ............... .. SATIN FINISH ENAMEL . Gal .......................................... :. PAINT THINNER 19¢ gal. (in your container! HARBOR · P•INT and WALLPAPER CO. J,19 ~'.Bh!L • ~. IOltB Corona del Mar . ID® W®W ImID©W1 • That Continuous Stock 0uotatt-. and Late News Are Available 411 eur LAGUNA llACH OPPICI • Bank of Laguna Beach Bldg. Ph. 4-11¥ Complete~ hcilidoa T...,..Lm: Scock T""- ltatlitial Ubn.ry lllld JI and Ina &o 1 • Your ordtt to buy ot i<!ll limd SllOC.b, b-i. • -. modities will be executed with IJ*d and 1«UrPCJ ov<r the nation-wide leued.printc wlte ljllml cm- ntcting our 16 California oflicn and our New Yark office with principal !!&stem tndia, oenwm. Saa. tical hcil.ities att ma.Wrained lot your ... ,...,; r;a' ' DEAN WITTER. It Co.. M1•hn .............. I ' IT cw-.. ....., ., ,,..,. ... ,, .......... I • • • __ ,.,_. ..... , t .. LOI .,._"• IAN IW.f..ltC9eO .. Nm Covering the Entire Harbor Area, and M,ore · • * . . The Ne.wport-BQ/boa.Press ' News-Times , • • ' ' t Ne~port 'Bay l'o~t and Shopphtg .News ' • * Ora~ge Counfy' s Greatest Aclvertisi~ Buy n 0 • .. • .• f.ree ·Power Squadro~ Cour~e to Begin Monday Night at NHYC A tree courw ot lnatnJctlon In the b&sfc rules for eale and corn.pc-1 tent boating, Will be rtven by Ba.Ibo& Pof/t.r Squa.dron, beglnnin.g next NHYC.•IYC lefJG"'8 Small boat.I . . • ...Ued at New- pqrt Harbor Yacllt Club. ~l·-i.t· Mo,Cllarlu Rook 2nd Maenle, Bob WCJC>dWant Srd Jania, llaed Scott . • Pt• a.,. 1 utriM Monday night. SepL 10 at 7 :30 p. m . at Newpor\ Harbor Yacht Club. . lst VaJklrle, J&ck Nerdrum Many a boat could be saved 2nd ,Lee way, Lee Ha.mbrook from accldent. ma.ny • •kipper Ot-orge Fox, Dave Fruer, Bob Balboa D\Jlchy-1 enirlea ... - could enjoy bo&Ung more, and Gra~. Mor"n Noble and J . L. tit Nd na.hie, ltopr Boyvey many a pa.MCnger and crew mem-Mun . 2nd-Lolli Pop, Mickey ~.mlUI ber could be more W!leful. it the 4 W ather and Engine Malnliit!a-Std .Lll' Shaver, Roger PofJl simple lt'e&Ol\3 of safety a.nd com-ancej Course11 w111 be ~vcn after: Ftretty ()la•r 8 entriM . petency were known. · Chrlatmu. All advanced Cou~ let Glow worm. Peg Lyon For Meo and Women are open only to men and women 2nd PhJIJl1, Jerry Au1Un who 1 have• pa.Med the examlnatlo;n 3rd Yump'n. Herb Worcester Thia ten weeks course, teaches gi~n al the end of the Piloting Snowbird rna.-tt entrte. jWJt such things. It 11 open t o courte and lo men who are mem-lat Bosun-Tom P'roat both mt"n and women, whether be.rs ot the aquadron, to Which Znd 8a.J.lln Wln, Win Fuller boat owners or not. and with or they we cllgi'9le •ft~r pualng 3rd Plif:klepuu. Janie Miller witbout previoua experience and Piki~ng. All ad'Ntlc~ couraea are Let:vnM ClaM--l8 entrlf!e to both power and sail bo&l opcr-undfJ' the cl\a.trmaasblp" or Jamet lit ,,nrt Fiddle, Warren iflnn aton1-. • Stoddard. Hay L&ngenhetm, Com-2nd Wlard. i.un. Helhcock Curtl.JI Ooah. ie In charge ot the mander and Rarold Holts. Lt-3rd Dirty Thirty, Bill Qullek course and h.la voluntc-er tnatruc-d n d t Cornman er. wt. be on b~ nex Small tto.b ... sailed at &lboa tors are a.JI chosen for their ptev-Monday ntKht to wrlcome mem-Yacht Club tous trairilng and t-xper1ence and lN!!~[ ot the ft.11 Piloting cl&&e at lnteraattonal 1• Cla-.-'7 eatrtf.e tor their ability lo lnatn.ict elmply Newport Harbor Yacht Club. lat Jet, Nancy Nicholeon a.nd clearly, They will inc lude C. 2nd Blacl Sheep. Ruaa Lamb B. Knickerbocke r. Ray Donald. k" ~ GU • up ·--os J · Ed :ard Ge kt s k ~· '. n..n .:..A•-=-", 3rd Chill Peppe.r, Bob Savage A~~ R~ett.-' un':1n ~r:: ! DEAD~ FalN>n cta..-te entriee Bernard pa 1 m, and J 0 s e p h Eleventh Coast Guatd Dllltr1ct lat Anthy N&nlhy. D. Newport Guf'rtn. offltj.alA ann~ed today that the 2nd Danu.dor. M. Younglove ' Subject& Include: boaUng Jaw. deadJlne for merchant seamen to 3rd Hurry On. Pete BradtO!'d the meaning of light.I, the lt'p.lly hav~ their Marl.ner'a Document.I SnlPe C1•sa IJ entrlea required equipment for all boatJI valldatt'd \n accordance with the lat Two Pounds, Mickel Jaeger c ..-LocJl.lditl in. e:x~ =Guard'a ,.,.ter(ront a.nd 2nd Miu Toth, Paul Hamilton · ty· eecurtty ~ pro:-&rd No N.,,_. B. H.a.m.mca4.r• prac::tlcee. tt alao lndudee 1eaman-bu bffn extended unW Oct. UP,tatac Chm I eetrte. ship. nilea of the road, u~ ot l. The deadline had prevtou.aly lat FM.chit.. John Pott.a Unea, handling both u.11 and poWer btt~ aet tor Sept.ember 1. 2nd G&l&xy, Erick Weisberg boala, lhe undenl&nd.Jng of buoya Merchant seamen alfect.<-d by 3rd Atlanta, E . F . cotter and navigation llgbll, anchbrlng, the f'Creenlnr program are thOAe I La.rre boata .. -sailed on out.Ide uae of eh&rt.a, and almple rulel Car-empt°ye-d on me rchant veasela of oourwa n&vtgatlon: compua u.ae and In-100 STOM tona a.nd over engaged PC C...._10 nt:riee atallatlon. AU who &rt! lntereated In forPlgn trad~. lntercoutAI tat-Paloma. M'Jke Burke sh9'11d report a.t Newport Hllbor tradf, or ~wLae trade lo Aluka 2nd Patsy Ann, Jack Toon Yaoht Club next Moftday night. or the Hawail&n U.Jand.8. 3rd Pamlin, Fred Sm.alee Other courw1 to beci.n next Mercha.nt ~ameen atfected by Rhode. Cl•• ·I mtriee wttk include Junior Navigator the .cre~nlng progT&m a.le lhow 1st Ruth. Tom Myen which wtll be beld at the Se~ employed on 'inercha.nt VffSele ot tnd Argoly, Tom Sheppard Scout Bue Tueeday night.a at 7 :30. 100 fTOU toM and over encace<1 Ln 3~ Rowdy, How&(d Chaetain lru1tructorR will be Bernhard Palm forelgn trade, int~ trade. Loden Olau-'7 entrlm an<f Robert MeGwlre. fill course or ~wt.Be trade to ,Ala&ka or lat El Valero, Jamel Gregory will begin SeptemtMr t J, the Jiawaifan LIUande. 2nd Little Lulu, Keith ~erbert • 11\e Cout Guard said that the Srd Wttch, Bob Allan Advance Pllottnc vaJldating deadline date had been Tllb:&le <JI•• I eatrte. · Allvanced Pl1oting wtll begin ex.teridN because &n l~nclent lat 'n Route, Geor~ Coffin Wedne.eday. September 12, and pttrcbntage of ah1p'1 crew• held AJbatroel O'•• I entrte. wlU be held at' the Girl scout validated documents. Ut Ea:plrtto, H. w. Thome . Houae. Robert L . Boyd will be in Ini the Loe Angt!les area, ap-2nd Nocturne. H. Whippler charge. a.slated by Oeorse Fox. pllcSU~ tor ·validation of Marl-. 3rd "Ka.Johe, Arnold Binney W . J . !'.dW&rda, Ray Miller, Rany ner',. t>Ocumenta may be made lb i.&firaatloaal 1-10 Cl••• 4 mb1M Pletcher and Warren Pomeroy. the certttlc&Ung dlvialon of the lit Roiue. Ropr Meilinpr " . Seamanahlp wtll begin Monday, Merd>ant Marine IMpecUon Of· Ind Mlot., BUI Benta September 10, 'at Udo Yacht Club, lier,, Poet O!flct BuUdlng, San llrd Duck. Bill OUiette and will be tn charge of Ted Hun-Pedro. Vlklas 0.11 t eatftet brook. He will j)e .-.led by ta Karle, Andy Oram Uncotn Clark, "t..ee Jaou, Urban CIVIi defeneo mu.t be ranked u Incl he, J. C. Ramaey !Mii, Carl Beruon. Rex Brandt, AJ. a co..partner wtlb the entire mW-are,,_,,. C'"• t •trtea l•n P . C. Craig, Earle Doane, Luy Nlabll.llhmellt. lot Louette, Chet Wheeler ' -, .. ' •, ...... ,.. ---r·-~ -U'Dft!OIOl.P -. A. L 1 'tnr41flloft -.r.-• .. t.-............ --.... ..._ U.S Fl I JBt ) Rlf71' Ult ,... ., --· -lliill• ..... ,., ............. na(oRar--•-lif~ ........ ~.._.. .. ~ ..... , --co-a - --I J;!;:.=~=~~=:_!=~~ ... craft._ ... ~ ~ ~ . , -t 'j I " , . ; ... . , "'. Ca~to·~ Wing Sofa the very finest of quality and design - full spring cOlllltruction throughout choice of fabric to suit your own decor. • . , ' .. • • • compa,re with values priced to $250.00. Buy this for only . ..........__ -·~~f'S · ~-~OP di.Me ~ duhfihlte In Santa Ana lZll So. Main s~t -----~..--~ ' 516950 our prices are as low or lower than the lowest Sea Food Varieties- ' ' annoanc:e ,,.. o,,.nlng al lb•& • • • •• Modern F1·sh Market • WE .ALSO FEATURE POULTRY SPO.RT FISHERMEN! • • • ' ,. •• .FRIDAY, SEPT.' 7th 2616 ~EWPORT ILVD. . ' · NEWPORT BEACH • \. V FREE SOUVENIRS · FRIDAY ; SATURDAY and SUNDAY FRESH FISH D~IL Y ALL THl ·YARlmES THAT · ._, ;BROUGHT IN DAILY • Also-SMOKED I FISH - OIFfERENT •nd DELICIOUS . . . ~HRltetP . · ~'SfEAMED . IN' BEER"', , . • • WE Will. ·CLEAN.1 ALETJ ·or SMOKE . ~ YOUR .FtS•f 1-tfOT . i°AK~ OUT" ORDERS--· _, • • • ,. . TQ ·GO .,..'._ '"FRENCH-FRIED SHR~P , · CRA• c:AkES STUFffl) CRAts · <;_ MINtS> Cl.AM PATTJEs ,. ' • • . , r l I t i I . • FASHION ·AND. FANT MY TO BE -FEATURED AT HOME SOCIETY JEA . "Ad .... tUrM In tlle Wonderland Ot -· •• .• U JXCIU.,. nam• for .;, uclU.,. ll'ublon·Tea to.be held W. T1111nd~, k ptember s. at I :30 p. m. ~ Ille Balboa llay Club. • Memben of _the Santa Ana Auxiliary Of U.e Chlldren'• Home SOcldy an rapidly put t1n1 the tlnWllnc touch .. on p,ropocto for their ........ • tK>.a1o1tituUy planned benefit. Four long tea t&bles wfll be lma&fn&tlvel,Y ,,.. ,.. , I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jecoraled wtth bltll of fantaoy1 :~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;:~~;:~~~;:;;e~r=:~~~~77~~=t~LJ;;s():;::Y:~e;;~~~~~~ taken trom ''Alice in Wonderland." ,.. , • Ne. wporf Players Prom•n•nt fiorlatll •re l•ndlng 'PAGE, 5 -PART . I .';"" THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1951 t.belt talent1, and have planned ft. Read Parts Mon. ~:.~~::g=~::.i~n!0~!h;..~~ c•as1.-. ·~A~--'~""",.,. · a.: benefit will be charmed by the • ·-'-=· ·___: •"><:!._ .......... _ PRE s s ~· floral beauty created by Mlsslon NOW SHOWl:N"O .. W a --- Members of tbe Newport Har-~::~~~e .=:l~h~~~e ~: s.iw;:* 1;:! Da7 IN RJ(J/)~ fMrJ# . . bor Community P.tayen will read ery. TaJented Mrs. Bugh Neigh-Robert MJtdtum, l w au_..u •J;~'" ()Ml ... 0;et,.rt11We l1L a...u&e • 0,-Ever) DQ parts Monday night, Sept. 17 for bor, auxiliary member and promi· -• PltoDe ~IN.m DINNllS rol.,. In th• fl"'!t of tour major nent local artlat. ... ,.led by Mr•. "HIS KIND OF ;=. NOW 60f :::_ Doon ~ Show Starta ,,_ II• to·!'-11 productlona to be given during the Harold Harriaon, have made beau· WOMAN" 1 7:15 1:00 TROPICAL l&:i1·~2 .ffUOn, accord.tng to Play-tlful ceramic figures te portray • . , _NOW 8llOWINO DR.1Nlt8 era Preeldent Marthella Randall. tbe "Won<S,erland .. etory at the NOW SHOWING ~;::11~-.,.·~~M ~adlnga will bogin at 7:30 p. STARTS SUNDAY ~FJlANCIS GOIS "MR BELVEDERE Pfto P1uti1J1J m. tn the Chapel at Orange Coast tea. Kirk Doui...._ laa 8wU.r THE • RACES'' • H,.... "' . College. which will again be th• Poodl<! Cloth "BIG CA~NIV "'La' RINGS THE BEU" ~ene of the Playen1' production Bufl'um'a r"bulous collection of A aoo. .. r, Piper lAarte c:unoa. W•bb, 'o&ru1e Dn1 this season. M r'1'. Randall sakl that clothes. profeutonally mod.a.Jed, -ALSO-_ .. '-~ _ . be --~-~ from the Hatbor and Meaa are .. terlalo. Thi• fall'• fa9hlon tr•nd I• ,;PLUTOPIA". ""' ·THE NEW HUT both membors and non-)!lem rs will featun> new and exciting ma· Watt Dl""oT• 'IE II~ GUSt{ER" "FORT WORTH" are welcome to come and read for towards material of texture-Pre.*°• F oeter, &andolph Scott, Davkl Bryan parl.!!I, and also welcomes those rough and dramatic, like the new Wayae Morrta ' who do not ~&lit a play role but "Poodle Cloth." Saahion magic COMING [ • STA'RTS WED. would like to help with sel.9 and will be seen In the Important co•· "MEET ME AFTER STAATS SEPT. !Ith ' , "CATILE DRIVE" · oth<r production deta•IA. tum .. of black, brown and grey-THE SHOW" I "~" •OEL McCREA . Mrs. Marjorie Williamson, who illuminated by the fiery SlameM Wm. 1'1pp.. 8-a Ooustu DEA.N 8TOCKWF.LL directed "Night Must FaJI" here colora ta.ken dJ~ly from the hit _ Ahlo _ IMt ae080n. will dlroct the first of play, "The King a.nd I." 'PEOPLE · WIU TALK' -Aloo - thl• Y<•r'• play•. She haa long "Adftntun:• Into • Wond.rlanrl "JIM THO' RPE, "UON HUNTER" "JIM THORPE, been active m proctuctton.1 ot the of Fubion" t.s a ruh1on •how ,of ALL AMERICAN" Laguna Bea<h Theater. first Importance -followod by a AU AMERICAN" wltll I.....,. 8bettlokl • '"Born Y~erday," "Goodbye My d<lightlul · t.._ Orange county'• "· . Fancy." and "Green Grow the U-most prominent womm'a orga.alza· Jae." are under cona-!deraUon ror lions are being repreeented by the first Ptay of the aeaaon, the their pre8identa. -who will pre- prealdcnt said. A final choice will side at the amart tea tables. Thost· be made when director• of the wbo· wW be your hose are Mmes: Playcre meet th~ week. She also , 0 . S. Harding, Santa Ana Ebell: announcNI that at Jeaat two work-Charles F . Purdy, Santa Ana 8hop production~ will be M:heduled WQP1en's Club; John Ball, Sant.A on anolht'r 11tage this season. Ana Aallstance League: D. Web· The home of Pati-Witte in Co-eter Drake, Fullerton Ebell; Sri· rona dl'I Mar W&A the settkg laat ant Santlo, Orange Woman'• Club; Thursday nlj::'hl when more than E. H. Sml\h, Orange County Re· 69 playcrA and their guests p.lh· c1procttf P. E .' O.; R. J . F . Ren· eted lo plan plays and 80Cla1 M&W, O~e County Medlcal events ror the 1951·52 sea.son. Auxillacy · i.nd MIN Katherine A-tis& Witte and George Bacon Welch. American Asaociation or took the spotlight for a center-Univvsity Women. stagffl 1klt tthowing the hilarious .Ml"8'. Lea Pbllllpa &nd Mrs. Ed· anti~ o r stars backstage after mund Guard, ccrchalnnen for the the rtn.al ~e rformance. Le! Craw· charity show, explained today that ford also entertained with folk although a large crowd ls expect- songs. Betty Jarvis had charge ed, every guest will have excel· of plans for the party. lent viewing a.a aeatlng la being "I..A BAUA" FEATURES KNOT · TYING TOES arranged auditorium style -u with the big profes.slonal shows In New York and Pa.ris. The Ruth Armstrong Trio, well Flnt Run Dane Clark. Tom Drake "NEVER TRUST A LADY" -At .... W- Loul" Hayward, Pat Medina -in- "LADY AND THE BANDIT" COML'IG "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" "NATURE'S , HALF ACRE" PlaygOE-n who enjoy lilting ro· mRntlc song9 and pulse·stirring dances in colorful native atmos- phrre should find "La Bamba," the l\jcxican Player!l' original comedy cft a Verac ruz fiesta, decidedly td th'!ir liking. known local mW!ical group, will 1------------ play appropriate eelections ror the whole afternoon. SATURDAY LAST DAV \V. Somf"nf't M aucham '• f)frector H i Id a Ramirez de Jara'3 play at the Padua H illa Theatre takes lUJ tlUe from a fame<! Gulf Cout dance In which thr participants tie a knot In a sash with their toes white keeping atep to the music. Mr . John Hersey, fashion co- ordinator for BUffun1's announced that many exquleile door prlzes will be given away during the af· ternoon. Also, he added that somf' "junior junior" models wilJ be ·iA -• · · • ·''TRIO''· -ALSO -the show -appropriate for the ; "Adventures in Wonder 1 and .. Barbara llalf", R l('hard theme. The plot concerru an enamored couple see king the grand prize in a "Bamba" contest that the hero may satlsfy his prMpective father. in·law's whim to have a man with a business ruture as hls son·ln·law. \\'lu Pesos Tickets may be obtained from any auxiliary member. by callin~ Kimberly 3·7260, at Buf(um's, or ma)· be purchase<i at the Balboa Bay Club on the day or the show. Local Foreign Service Officer Goes to Rome • A poor da.n~er. herself, the hero· lne permits her swe<'theart lo en· ter th<' con teat with another sen· orila who Is an expert. but the badgering of the village trouble maker upset.a the arrangement. How an aged rtsh monger helps the hero and heroine win the 50 pesos provides a novel fina.le. . F.dward L. Freers. Foreign Ser- An unu.eual feature of the pro-vice Officer of 511 W . Balboa duction i.!I that all 16 members of I Blvd., Newport BeM:h, haa been the c.ast contribute comedy bll.!!I. transferred rrom Moecow to Rome and the audience lt.aelf is brought as First Sec.retary·?>nsul. He will into the play to create laughs. be the Political Officer at hi3 new "Pregonea," etreet vend er s' R08l. He ha.a bttn ualgned to d ·-• m•t'"-.. b of sell· Moscow u Counselor of Embassy aonga, an nov.:.. r •KAM'I since June 1950. Ing foods; sweets and other mer-Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in chandlse. are lntrodu£ed in repl"O-> 1912, Mr . Freera received hls 8 . A . duclng Che dally life of & Gulf f Y•• U .1 ., d tl d c t vtlla rom ~e n vers1 y an a en • ~ aa.!eb... will be staged ed the~ University of Cincinnati. Wednesday and Saturday after-Before hi.a appolnlment to the noons, through October 13. The Foreign Service, he wu Aulata.nt Jamacla alter-theatre carnival in ¥ea P romotion Manager for a th pat! ·ti cl Se 1 15 sporting goods company. In 1911 e 0 wt oee P · · be wu appointed a clerk In the -ln- "LORNA DOONE" Ttthnlcolo r lt' llr'Jm'"• NOW S HOWIN: Blnr Cf08by•s Newe.t "HERE COMES THE ' GROOM" -Plus - "THE S9UARED . CIRCLE" STARTS SUNDAY "KON· TIKI" Adventure of the 8ea -Plus - .leff.Cltaadlf'.r, E velyll K e7e1 "IRON MAN" S1t/R~c.,, t r x.t-·10 4 4 HUNTINGTON BJ!:A<JB NOW TURU SATURDAY Barbecue Dinner for Col. and Mrs. Bush. . A two.fold motif marked the barbf-cue dinner hosted a few eve· nings ago by Capt. and Mra. Noa.b (Bob) Roberts of 182 Wells Pl., C011ta ~teaa.. Tbe hospitality waa a fattWt>ll (or "'Marine Col. and Mrs. Donald Buah before their departu~ for Wuhlngton. D. C ., MW asaignment of Col. Buab. and was alao a birthday ceJebratlon for Mni. BW!lb. A decorated cake cllmaxf'd the menu. American Conaulate at Port-of· Spain. That same year he wu made a career Foreign Service or. licer. He w~ &88igned as Third Secretary and Vicf' Con.trul at Aaunclon In 1942. He sptnl two Years at the Embassy at Moacow before returning lo the ~art· ment to be detailed to Columbia Uoiveralty for RuMlan languagr and area study. He wu Adviser on Eastern European Aff&lr11 for the United States MiMlon to the United Nations until AprU 1950 when be returned to .M08Cow u '?irst Secretary and Con.ul. DESTINATION MOON~ CGLOl l1 °TECllllCOLOR ~ -AND On hand were Lt. and Mn. Ceorge Thayer, Don and BUly Buaf1 and Patty Roberts. daugh· ter of the h011t couple. ~ "'\J.. ...... it;f..~. VINCENT'~ Lido Travel Blireau MJ!:ZZ4NINS UDO DllllO llTOU HarMr 1246 • • ~ • 81111' • TR.&!lll ·-v.\nONS ' •• . • ..... TllNll• Tlllllt • ..., . • < ' The Foreign Service la the field >peratlng a.rm of the Department 'lf State which reprHent.l!I th@ United Stale.a Government abl'08d. It conNts of more than 11 ,090 employees at 300 consular and dip- lomatic mlsaJons scattered through the . world. Through theee poeU, the United Sia.tea conduct.II Ila buslneu with other nations. In addition to thetr well·known diploma.Uc tunctlono. o!Ck:lala ot rile Foreign Sert'<• perform many 1>lher ......ica for thlo dovenunent and lta cltla.,,a. n--Ind-the ........ ol pa_.-ta aad "'-eeoMml• and poUUca.I roporilq. --ttllr lor the -tit-Of ~ boalaem on po9"-- llble -, ... 'O. s...,......, .. or P"""tll "'"1lea or ,.., ma\al- o!a, ..-ecu.... A8lettcfu cl---· A& .,. time or uotJM•, olftcla.l9 .,_,... ....... -·"'* -.. -.... -.-• be ...., or .. "' u...a --.. JIQlla ........., --c.,. """" to .Bil-___ ..._._to ...._. -S'lA&TS SVNDA1' - P'IJll .... l'.Y Tn'Ll:D "Aci ..... HOLE'' • • iHILDREN ;FREE "1th r u.rrnta ... Paulo and B road\\'aY ThN.trf'fl DOROTHY DARE'S Stage. Screen I ud TVS~ j'Dance Z11 ee" STARTING SEPT. 15 LEGION HAU West 18th St. COSTA MESA • 2 BANDS 2 • NO LUW AdmlMlon r· ·1s• (tu Included ) • ROVI NG MIKE ON KVOE NIGHTLY BROADCAST OPEN EVERY DAY! • • Kiddies Day Every \Vednesday • I! Noon to 8 p. m. • FREE BAI.LOONS • Concesslollll 5¢ • Rides 6¢ BATH BOVD f'A.00.ml'Jl FOR MEN AND "'OMEN Everywhere You Go You Meet. . . . our CLASSIFIED ADS • , • no wondu theY produce such m&.n'elou. -.!ta -tlley pt around I ' Noed-helpf .... want • job! ... aometlltnc to Mil f 'rey • Clus1fted a d for RESULTS! CO"MM~CIAL . JOB PRINTING PHONE HARBOR 1616 BUSINESS STATIONEA _ CARDS;_ PROGRAMS -' ' INVITAnON~WEootNG . ANNOUNCEMENTS . OFRCE FORM~-MEttUS -BOOKlETS, ETC. ( •• 2211 a.a,. aw ... Newport Beach • OD Cout Hlw&y, Lapaa Phone 4-9006 fo r RetienatlOlll, NOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX .' Snack & Cocktail BM on the Pier btbmus CATAl.INA ISLAND T. V. SETS FOR RENT 1·DA V MlS lMU&f TIDE T. V. 3011 NE\\'roRT BLVD Ne\\'port Beach HARBOR !08 ·ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINN ERS Also Steaks -Prime Ribs Cocktails · 1611 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar ~CACTUS' c Al. • P.'t' (F(ll rl,1 T(>< ""' & Y.QY. 'iNtQ1(.t.>1 "K's got• zipper on ar . llbN---Ula.tputi Ing kil att--Mlp ---by-----llng o( 'ftlddl:ll Iott ID Lllelr -. Raclqs ""'°" -•: ... -tllat ""_,., " Cid may·'a ""'-to -ia.s -W. Ml•..., m'.aclt IDDn: ....... Ii llllooo ....,_ °'"'=•-ovt-t• __ ...._.., . • Tops in Food * Tops in Entertainment * * Cocktails from IOa.m. * Dinner from 4 p. m. OPEN-BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. THE ABCBES- Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • OPEN 10 A. M.. TllROUGH 2 A. l\I. • NE'WPOBT BLVD. 01'. COAST HJGH\VAY 1'"E"'POl'T BE1\CU • (WE ARE CLOSED ON THURSDAYS) -·--...-..... -··--- GENE'S RESTAURANT "FN~fi~·c.';;d i::rf:~ ·re-iiisliie "SAM'S SEA Phone H a rbor 116% • 705 eo..t Blvd. Corona deJ Mar FOOD "Al the Sign of the Swordfish" • COMPLETE COURSE LUNCHEONS DINNERS Beautiful new E nlarged COCKTAIL LOUNGE i:vi'.":1:.AY S U R F S I D E a:..'::0 ::;,. -Seal -aad"Sllll90l - Dining Room open 11 :30 AM. to 8 P.M. doily Closed Sundays and ·holidoy• Pl.one: Kimberly 2-2196 . Loh el FREE PAAKJNG. CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD Sup~rb Seafood I ' • '• • By1'he. _Sea! · -~ • •iHne By 1119· Bar LunCheons 4.ql • Seafood Cocktails Dimers •• 1 is up • Seafood s.lads ·f ·wit .. • • • • . . .. . . ---PARTT .. • • CLASSIF IE·rx . , Tlie Mighty Midget In Adve~g . • ' • WANT AD will c:ost you ~nry SJ . and It :ill .,.,; . ' • • .Dl'rlaRl.Oft Ai MU• 3 ' • .. 0000 'PRAC'ftCl!l""1ANOS. '491 P AJNTING I. · I I I ' '81, PS and ui'. Let the kid-• ·-. ..,.,_.. n • _oc:e papers.-<11 ........... Pay but • pu mo. ~--DllUWWW 1 • J yr. excbaqe at . flill ftluo. Glenn JohDatou D~ BIO ,PIANO NEWS-TIME8 -EvePV Tuesday f'l·n.t et. N.,.pon -A ~•·1nlmum ad '11 4 I' ~ '·11.UJi: Now OK. .ani. Ana. •J • Sarllor 111'1-.J -' M tl)el. HO No. Kain, """'°" llllL NEwPoRT BAY POS'.t.;.. Wedaesdays . . ' ·J.i.1 ' lllCPOll8ICSSEDr BeauttM ..,_ NEWPOBT-BAIJl()A PBE88""7"'1'bandaj-s PAPER HANGING Pl . 161r trk: Orpft. Famolll -For Nowpbtl 11e7 ,._ _,..m',,.. &• -,_ .. Ille~ Ii Palntlng, Spray Pabltinf.WH ~ , church 0< bome, Pay out b&l· N--.. lie ,,,.,,.._ .... • Kenneth Quarrv -rt-'Balboe Nen:'l'lmes .:... .1'(-rt.BaJbo. --ance. Bir l&VlllJ. Uke new. KllOMm( AD 11 • Ll!fD l6lS Santa Ana An., Oootall... -··.--~..-.-r DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO and AB ~nod 1M1a mna1 be -•• rw CMlt 19 ..,....,. of .,..-doa. Pbono ..... --Newport &J Poa ·(8ltopr: News) • OROA?( CO.. Santa Ana. li20 ..-... ~ · No. Mata. comer 6th. 4 Lines i Paper s .111 • -fl! l!==!==============::::!:::====:::!Jl---------t Lines ' it Papers' . 1.50 GRAND PIANOS. Bii' S!lmmet 4 Linet S Pa-rs z.oo WILL DO that wort )'9U Bale now •on Stolnway, Muon ,.. want dolle -Jack of &1115!::$! 1lllleellueoua f SZ.A-An~ .• " H&Wllln. Knabe, Cblckenns. Tbe publlshera will not be reeponalt>Ie for mun than one tncorreel tradea-malntenan.-wo'"-I... Chue. Wurlitzer, 8ohm0l'. Flab• l ... rtlon ~ dv rtJ t, ·• ~-· to -• ·•-~y -,... IJTO nxtu--· ·-, wal lllAH~ANY -T. 1••-~-~. u4 tlD a e. aemcn reaerYe MJ9 ._..... co,~...,y .....-u Ra 6-..A-.. -JI -a • .....!.' , y•-.....--~ ~'" . ~:"1 ""•"'v others. Some new, any &lid an ada and to ~ject l.llY adnrtJetmmt not contormlna tu Ve .....,.. """ ,........,.... 1or c COGnten, 'l'""· All hue drOp Kf table. dttOOing ~obi•, ··~Pr! SS9d 11.llee and regulaUone. AdftrtlRm,nt. and canttilatlona wtll bt: .any job. ~ •.,cttabte ahelVel. Ba.rp.ln. cati ltW'tng t"OCkt'r, lampa, mu•utn u99d. .cea at.art at accepted up to e p.m. OD Ille daJ precedln .. pubJlcaUon. Call BILL ·~ ... Beacon &990. 14Uc pl«eo. Har. 2098-M. '88<:70 DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO co. Except de&dllne tor N•wt. Tlmei (a 11 ._ m. Mondaya Bea.con 84151-W 020 No. Main. Sant& An&. Pita• Har. 111&. ulc fer •Ad 'luM"' OI' Rnd ad and rnnlttaaee to &7c618 de inat&Uatton .• -tr and ~. · ·-..-} SLJGH'J1LY USED Spinet Pfa.nC'I. Nl!:WPORT RUllOa PUllU!IHING (JO. REP AIRING and oe Of all trailer equipment, Natlol)ally known make In per• !!II Bal-Blvd, No\\-porl -b. California. ANGE COAST , fe<l condition. Tenn•. $47.50 Classified Index I 0 . irU.1-Gnlde 110-BD5lllOM Golde i COMJ'Llrrlll 8008111 Cl..&ANJNQ -... l'llmltUre ud rap llMm-4-hoe ..umau.- p AINTING ER SUPPLY down and $17 .02 per mo, at Ree.aonable. L&rp or aman Jobi. T:Rl<l\JL . ' _ Sharer's Mu.cue (Since 19071, 421 Free eaumatea. W&lket, lOI :Llth lQ.10 BARBOR BLVD. N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim· SL, NwpL Beach. Ha(. 2681-R Costa\.Mea. Phone Beacon 8224·R • berly· 2-0672. 59tlc SS-Boata. Supplles 11 Bill dJn& Mat•rlal9 U Bulldlns S.n·I ... 14 Penoaa&. irllll1 - HAULING ... . .. ... ...,. IRGN E IR 0 N ER. platform ~B~·~u_... .. -· BE'T.TER CARS FOR I,~ "ff MDC. can .. w. w, lfb:. Nd., elec. • . w.-)Uta, '!ftl' ...................................... ..$1- ·n CHZV. dbr. c!Ub cpe. Don't ...i.. tbla ..; ....... ...si-:n CHJl:v. ,ma. dub CJ"!. New paint, .Giiiy _____ _. 1116 'U 8UICX .aaet, w. w, htr, nod., .,.. ...n-.;... a2$ \6 Down -Bank ~ r'-18 mon1IMt lo pay ' • " Ca'dillacs . . 'llO 4-dr. Bed. u.' S. Royal JhtW-w. w .• " beater. • ~ Vfff-~ ~ ucl. ~fl4ll0 ''8 ez Club epe, w. w., lllr. rad...Jl7fon -t OOYira. nto"'!'(hly cbectced , by faetoey tl'llned me-• > chanlct. l:uoptjoaallr clee ....1 ... -• .:--.... -... SHCll '41 12 CcillVettlbk. N.,...111'ttnch cream pablt, new top, new , t..uie .. tto ,-t .......... Mocbanlcalty o . K. A beautl!W car ............... ;.-.......... -........... f1096 ~ oM.n -•Bull\ Tel'lllll -18 month& lo pay. NEWPORT AUTO SALES , ... • -:JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER W• need UeOd Cart badly. '48 PACKARD CONVERTlBIS-. . Exeellont condition .. ~ r I s I n a I owner. R.ad!o, heater, llt~~ tubes. electrical clutch wiru:loWI and aeat. overdrive. See at 714-cout litghway or PhOne Beacon S286·W, evenings. Will pay Bonua .on Clean Cara. . --Certified Used Cars UH 7 Stude. Champ. ~pe. 5-pau. Bpec:lal ........ ~ ... .S 995 NEW OAR WARRANTY A ttne aelectk>n Of new cart. When better deal. are made, ~ickefts. will make t~ern. upn 19'7 STUDEBAKER Ch&mplOll Starlight coupe. ALSO I"° Stu· de baker Champion .f"11.r. eedari Private party, Harbor 801. &ll!1! • , 1.5 tare Yoo-, Car II ~rtat.,., J 1 Rooflnl' CoatrM"ton 18 a.auty Aids Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Any kind, I.rub or! W .ALKEI\, 10S-!8t.b St., N•wport. IL 21181-R r, l)l;int and bouseho1rt ar11fJ..., 111(11 Soaking~ hp. out- motor with gu can. 514 E . ~-Front, Apt. I , Balbo&. Ph. Harbor 3238. 80p14 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey COMPLETE CABINET SHOP for sale. Good location. Sacrifice. e.aoon \Wlf·W. 118<:70 3415 k ewport Blvd. at Via Lido I By U!i<> Tlwatre) '"° clHEVROLET 2 door.~ per- fect oo.Ddltlon. Sl15611. 5U • ll8tb St., Newport Beacli. Phone HtJ. bor %~04, &1Uc \ . 19 Upbol>l<rl•s ZO Hoallb Aid• !! Lot:t and Fou:ad U-IMbuetlo• II SltuatlebA Waaletl st Help Wan'W SO!lale, _.._ 51( -29th St. Newport Beach • BllCClll llU DWc FISHER Drafting Service 916 Gout Hl(hwa)', Harbor 2443 Corona deJ Mu • 89p71 8 x e· TREATED. Jdeal for doclco. re . 231 Delmar St., Costa M-. 611c69 at Seacraft IN .CORONA DEL MAR- Attractive at.ore 12 x 40 In new bldg. Excellent location oppo- 11ite All-American Market. f7'5 month. Newport Beach Pb. Hal'bor 610 . Eve. or Sun.. harbor 2975.J OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY -60c STATION W><OON -F°""' lat• '46, beautiful shape. Only t~­ Uy use. ExUV. If you ha"" . 'H FORD Super Deluxe -· ... dan. SMQ. Alao braod new 7.50 I< 18 II-pl)' trock tire With tlap, S30. 311 e.1-Co9eo. Pb. Harbor 70& an.or 6:30 p.m. ~~o. JO.A 8- 80-B ,Appil&Dc<s 11 waai... 10 Bu.f n FunUt·ure for Sale lt·A AallQueo For Venetian Blinds, Shades and 0.-.per.y .Bdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates J'h. Har 884 Re•u1c... come from constant' Practice! An ad regularly ln lhia pa~r wllJ produce l'ff\llta for you. 14-Penonala ll'OUJ BURNER C'U Rane•. apt. •ise: Blue brkf•t. Ml, )>Pdestal tablP, 4 cha.Ira. chrome; l twtn bedJ ftbre rug 8 x 10.' All ex.eel condition. 811 Poppy, Coron.a dd Mar. Sk'IO Ui! COAllT HIOHW AY ~RT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 Hl!c II F"I". CHRlS CRAF"I" opeed -t. W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Auoclote 18 Cout Blvd Harbor 24f3 · i..e~ trying to find a c1<an.on•· r·4v ows. gs conv., w. w., rtdlo. you won't be dll&p.QOlnte.d. Pri4 heater. I owner car. Caretul1y vate party. 5.f.2 F\fllellf:.on. Ave., driven, $1950. Har. 3Q29...W .. Newport Beach. ; • • : ·eBtfc · e Sc'IO SS Boat8i. 8vpplle11 st Musical. Radio · Sii Dop. Cata. P•k se Pou11ry. Rabbit• S?UYMtook SI SpeclaJ Announcemeat 40 BmloeM OpportnDJtlat 41 s1o .... and om..-. •-Z \Vanted to Rent 43 Apartmeoh and lloDIW'9 ~A Trailer Space 44 Roon1:9 Jor Re11t 4 .. A Retli RomM . DON K. Burr'S Lie. General Contractor Residentlal-Commerclal Remodeling Phone 1le&con fl-HNI · w 17l!c PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN I'll Palmer St., Coot& ll- Alcohollce Allonymoua Write P. 0 . Box 2GC5 e.1-Wand, Calif. Pbollo KlmberlJ ll-Ml3 EXPERIENCED DRESSM.AKJNO and IAdl•e' a1tttaUon11 ay ap. palntment only. Phone. Harbor 1137.ft. 87c69 LADIES' a.lteratlol'Ull now being accrptl'd, -t3t 31st St., Newport Beach. 88p10 45 fteat, ~IM':f>llaOMM; 41 Room and Boar1I n Trucka Bea. 1H~7-M Hdl 2Z-Lost Ud FOlllld '3 Automobiles. T1rt"' .Cl Autos Want.ct 00 Auto Sf-nice lit Trallen 6! Alrplanf'9 ~ ¥•11ey to .i... M M'0Dfl7 Wuted ll'7 RM.I l'Altate \\'anted 80 hceme Propt>rty 8 l Real 14tate E:xchaare a Real i:._,tate • Sympson & Nollar PAINTING&: DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 -38th St., Newpor,t Beach PHON>; HARBOR 2<04 62ttc I Rcsultil come from constant Practice! An ad regularly in tftil paper w1\1 produce result.a !or you. . TRAFFIC DEATHS DOUBLE THAT OF WAR FATALITIES Who 11r"il1 be the one Dlllllionlh penon to dlr tn a trarnc accident! Where will it ha~pen ! Exactly whl'n ! The National Safety Council said today the answer to thiose q\leatlons never will be known. lf the present rate of trafflc*'"------------ dealha cont~ue1, some time next tal of tra.tflc deaths since the ad· December a chUd will dart Into the vent of the automobile-. These buJ. atreet, a bomeward·bound •lea-lelln• alAO will fo~hl the prob- m&n wlJJ try to pus a truck on • 1' able date of lhe millionth ratallly. hill, a young couple will hurUe off •·Our only purpose in trying to a curve on the way t.o a dance, an tdcnttfy such a grim date in h i!- old WO~at\ w11J ~l' confu8fd r tory is to drama~ lbf horror of Croaln« a st~t-end Ute minion· .such a huge traffic toll," aatd NM tb traffic victim will pa.&'J un-H. Dearborn, CouncJJ preaident. hera.ld!'d Into a dusty police Ille. "P erhap! l .000,000 dead.-almost Unlmo\\'11 Victim twice the number of Americana But even though the actual ide-ntity of the millionth victim will rf'matn a mystery, the Coun-ch has made plans which wtJI en- able It to name-the fate.tul day aa who have died in combat ln all our wan -w\ll crack the apathy of a naUon which can &ef' l:lo,000 per - sorui killed by autos in a year without much concern. LOST -Tort.IM -shell (yellow, black and white) female Penlan kitten. a mo. Sat. ~t. vicl.nlty of Harbor laland. RPWLr'd. Har .. bor 2SS.-W . Up70 FINC IRONJl!fO wlll call for IUld deliver. CUrt&hi.a. Help with dtnner partfea. Phone llra WIBl&m., Barbor 1-to.- fore 10 a..m . or attet I p.m • tTpeD YOUNG MO'Mmft With little pl 2 ~ will care for your snall ch1ld or baby in my home. CDM. Weelt days, mornltt1 or &tter- noona. •5 ..... Pff Ill'. Hal'bor 3114-W. npe9 RE...u.BLE WOMAN, 23 yean. want. permanent chlkl can fl& week, OWn trana.portaUOn. Un out. Call Harbor Ml~W. H p OICN. HOUSEWORK, 11.35 PoT br. Bf>st of references. Own tralu· portation. No telf.phone. Uw In Harbor Ana. Bos C:t t.bU paper. 8~7). 29-Help Want.eel somebody Wants That \ued f\lrnltun, bric-a-brae. p&l.nttpp, ete.. now t:aktnJ up •P&:J:.: YODI' ,._,..e. Flnd a buY· .,. a cluolllod ad In lb• !<....>nm.. Poot. and Praa com· blnael{lft . .Just Pboll• Harllo1' 1111, FUR I.JACKET. Ammcan broad- tall~ Hat and bal' to match. lf5. CooCI condJtlon. Bf' aeon 8286-W evulnp. 89pil ' -. Chrya. Ace. A-1 mech. cond. $1400 Fr-ee slip -Tent.al tor bo&ta offtred tor sale up to 26 Ct. Wturd a: RowboaU for Rent Ken Scott'• Mobil Marine Dock Next to Ftrry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 59l!c 10 FOT DINGHY, UO. GOod cond. Harbor 2280-J. 87~ Pair of 169 hp Scripps, R.ltL. dJ~t d:riw, fine con.di· lion, can be dtrnonstrated. Corona de1 Mar 69ttC STORE FRO?\'TAGE on Palm St., Balboa tn nl'W Ruby Bldg. t>et. Balboa Blv<L and Ocean FronL About 2400 aq, Ct. with 3 front entrances. Will finlsb. to sul! 'tenants. -8'14 E. Ocean Front, Apt. l, Balboa. Ph. H&Tbor 3238. 60c7t OFFICE SPACE. 12x20, .down- stairs location, comer of Palm & E . Balboa Blvd .• Balboa. Ph. Harbor 28Z1. 46!/e SOUTH COAST CO. c R o's L ll y REFRIG!l:RATOR Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. UGO U-w ... w to Rent 1901 9 cu. ft. model. Hu all the aattcl----·-----'----- fea~u~ lb. treeser chut on 1------------- loP, Meat kee~r and 2 vese. table critpero. Also bU the butler keeper. YES, lta the ~._ and .,.;1y "'"" 1t ·a mobthl. WouJd lfke to have an older refrtS"erator or •tove for my equJt7. Paid over 1390 for IL J:'lo down payment and take over payment of 119.88 per mo. SM at '°" So. Spadra, Fullf!'r· to~ 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152. ' 69ltr For a terrifc aaving 1~1,.c_, cu. ft. freezer, ~aeon 66M-J. on an phone M c72 DE LUX» 8 fl. Frfg1dalre. LatP model. Ll.ke nPw. Printe party, S125.. Must aell. 303 ~Amethyst. Balboa lol&nd. ' 68pl9 . . 11 FT. OUTBOAltD Cabin Crulaer. plywood atrul'lurt1. Fibregl..au covered, 8'6" be.am with 32 John· ooa H. P. mtr., $500. ue-. Mulirold, Corona del Mar. 87pe9 •I-FOOT COML. boat ror sale or rent. Ready to go for mackeraJ, alba~ or haltbut. All gear. AC't"ept Am•ll down payment. Phone El Cajon, IDlldaJe 4-7997. . 87p8• SEA BOOKS A fine •lock ot book• on all yacht· ing •ubjecla -plua all CU!TMl l book.I. Lending Ubrary. . · The Islanders 2H Marine. Balboa lo. Hat. 1:147 13 VI'. ROWBOAT -Ch .. p. Call at 515 El Modena St., Newport Hetgbts aftl'r ~ 'P· m. 68p70 O'KBEFE 8' MERRTM' rang.,_ BOAT WANTED-Up to $4 .000 It '• a 19~l modt'I and hu tamp. (po'1f'erl aa pl. dn . .W.ut. new cloelt. that vanl&hing ahelf that ( bdb!Jt". 2 A den, P81':!° and .. ~~3 .. makea a cover ror the burnUa l wd. nre .. 2 rtrep ... ., etc. ...~ Alao bu griddle In lhf!' middle Clarinaa.n St., WOO;dtand Hllhl, and It' sthe C-P all automatl<" sun.et 2·7808. 88p89 with the chrome ~DI broiler. , • ~lane• due on stove i. $149 M ., Walt S Trading Post Pay me ca&h or take payml'nl4 USED MARINE GEAR of1 $8.oa per mo. My equJty free · N8.uUcal Decontio~1--Ueed Net lff at storage, •04 So. Spa<tra, WE BUY SCRAP METALS ~Uerton. 9 a.m. to a p.rrr. or N 1 H · 30th Fulle.rton 2152. 68l!c ear ce ouse on RELIABLE F AAOLY wt th Teter· ence.e. wi8h 3 bdrm. houee, un- furnl!lhcd on yf'ar's lease. F our adults, one child. Harbor 19--W. 88c70 BAY SHORES -Yeal'ly! Physl· cia.n and wife. 2 bd,rm., 2-car gai:.. home. Be. 6793. 68p70 Mj lsi\i' 'I 1•1 ' ~~~'!!"!ts and~-- To MAY 1.t.. l bdrm. cottage. Roomy. quiet, clean, good bed.a. Gar. Owner 1009 East Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 6&70 YE.\RLY -2 bedroom duplex, un· turnJahed. Garagr. Near both school!. 22e5 Clay, Clift Haven. For tnrormatlon Phone Harbor 1297 ·R. 81 ttc WINTER RENTAL ·-PENIN- -SULA -Fumlahc<l single apt .. available irT &!pt. $8 week. Utll. Incl. Adult.a only. Phone Har· bor 1270.W, Glllc BALBOA ISLAND Bousea and Apta., yearly or eea· tonal. Bee Gail C&nley, with We have a:partme.nta and boule-1 A vallable (or winter aeaaon or yearly lease. Wm. W. Sanford Rli:ALT.OR Park Ave. at Marine S&lboa !Bland Harbor 2462 59tlc NEWPORT HGTS., 800 Cliff Dr . Yearly rental,.2 B. R. fllmlthed. beauL view, caraKe, tum,..ce heat. Adults. No pets~ ava.Uable S('pt. 15, $8G mo. pJua uu11t1e11. 64p69 YEARLY uio:uRN. 1 bdrm. apt. wlth gar., fldor turnace. water softener. Neer Beach, PO mo. 1000 W . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor 890-M. S4tfc PENT HOUSE and 3 nn. cottages. On Collins laland .. Ea'Ch apL hu water frontlfe. Aecom. f.. West end Park Ave., Bal-bland. Harbor 2982-W. 155c69 BALBOA PENINSULA OcEAN VIEW, tum. apt. aulta.liite tor couple. Winter. $M mo. Yearly $65. Utilities and ' garage Inc Harbor 2001·J. &fttc BEAUTIFUL OCEAN FRONT Furnished Apartmmta. Attrac· tive rate• for annual le&ee8. Bay and Bf!iach ApaT'bnente. 1,420 Ocean Front, Newport Beach. Harbor 1703. 17p69 WANT TO SHARE my attractive howte wilb &f,rl or wo~ Child 0 . K . 6 rma. Pallo. Avail. S.pL 7. lbrbor 4.'10-RK .• 716 Belia. trope, Corona del Mar.' llp19 TWO APTS. Now avail&~. AI.sq room and bath by day or per· manl!'nt. 514 E . Ocean Front. Apt. I, Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 60c74 Smartly turniabed. 1 and 2 l!ed· room apartrnenta with cara&"I· Sept. lrt to June lDth. 1 bedroom ltwin bedt) '75 m<>, J boclrmL $100 mo. All uUlillff paid. 14eal tor School teacllen: ... or pl'Ofs.- slOnal people .. P.A. PA·LMER INCORPORA.T!!D 333! Via Udo Ham0r t.eeo 'Newport Beach. Calif. REASON ABLE w1ntu n.tee tor clean, nicely tum. apt. Cl.nee to • South Bay and obopplllg eenU!r. lH lirlll'lne, Bal-bl&lld. Ph. Harbor 113·.J. e?.,as WlNTRR or yearly-Balboa Pen· lrurula. 3 bdrm .. hctw. n., fire- place. car•ge, outaJde lhoWtt. laundry room, furnace., thermo controlled, We kit. a bth., new· Jy furniahed. • Batchelor Apt., gange, thenno. controlled tumace, Ule bath A: kit. Outalde shower. Thia 1a a honey . Apa!11m ent, extra lg. b.irm, ther- mo. controlled furnace. TUe a bower and kit. BeauUful ll•. rm., hdw. fl, garage, outatde show.er, pVt. patto. Thia la A.Ice. 1 Call ~k ends, 17.63 Play& de.I Sue. 8llc71 THREE BEDROOM Fllnl. HouM. Lars:e fenced In back yard. Clooe to acbool. Har-32<5. &llc71 YEARLY BALBOA--' bdrm. apt., 'Un.f\lm1•heiil or partly tum. Very attracUve, '75 mo tnc. utU. 119 Ana<)&. flllrbor 171-W. 89cH ~:,~ !ut;:~~UcJ ~ • : dlobwuller, d'-1, tlttplace, paUo, barbecue, pier, Ooat, f1&0 month. Hu-102'7-J. . &tpH 'a: climax to an intensive safe drtv-0\-n" 50 Yf'M'!I Ing campaign in which all W ety "It ha.. ta.ken a Httle more than TWO MEN for oul4tiie landACap· ing. Sub -Tropical 1Anc1-capt> Nunery, 11e Coat Blvd,, Co- rona del Mar. 88ct9 Aa f.ood aa n"'- FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. RANOE ' . Ph. Harbor 2470. Newport Beach OPEN SUNDAYS 811tfc NELDA amsoN BINGLE WOMAN -Bed, bath, FllRNlsHED 1 bdnn ... pt .. - REAL ESTATE private. LltU• Island. Beacon blgbway, clooe to obopplns dllt. organJ.uUona are cooperating. 50 yean to k·Ul the first million. Tbe Council announced it l!li aet-If trafnc deaths continue at the tlhg up the machinery to s~pple-present rate. It wt.11 take only 30 WANTED-Pit'k-up and dellve.ry I>Ouble-oven, l 9M model, tor $~7S.. New model 1951 sella tor S397 .50 plua sale• tax. Phoae RA VE YOU .teen the new 18 foot Wlncratt fibre glaa cab~ n Ctuiaer. lnJ)O&rd or bUU:loard- Late8t clealsn. A beauty. Alao 12 • lf • 18 ct. plulic bait t.a..nka. 110 hp. Mercury Hurricane mo- tor. 'prac. new. Racing prop. 102 E. 18lh St., Costa Me-. Beacon 6562. 69p71 !06 Marine, Bal-I.al Hat. 502 . 5264-R eve. only. &7c69 In Corona del Mar. '75 month. IS8tfc yearly. Phone 1071·3 or 152.0-J". H&rbor 2M4. ! 118"'9 ment Ila ngular monthly reports yeara to kill the aKOnd million. W e boy. Mwit be 18 or over and --------+----WINTER RICNTAt. 3 rm. apt .• I 88<:10 RENT, turnlshed apts. one bed· Couple· p...re~. Ut!L ·paid. )'dth ~fal weekly aumrnartea can only hoP.e that lhis terrible ablf' to ride S.wbeel mototcycle. from tht> statt>s. On November 1~ day of aeven-Ogure reckonlng wtll Apply Okla . .cad. Agency, 217 lh.e Council will begin Ulsulng become a safety mJleatone -not Broadway, Laguna. t&c69 USED G. E. REFRIO~TOR-1 nn. las per mo. UWltlet paid. 1225 W. Bay, Newport Beach, chU<INn okay. Dolphin Apte. 67pe9 -..wekly bullel11l!I on the grand to--juat anotMet rravestonea _ on the Gbod condlUon, MO. 4 2()5 Coral, ------------1 road to more responsible use of W Al\"T~WUh and poliab man. eja.lboa I!'land. 8tc'll •lllOll W . Balboa'."Wvd. Newport. &7c89 REALTY TIPS the automobile." ' Exp. preferred. Okll. -Cad. I Tile ·CouncU. wblcb mt.Ires res:u--'l'oney, 217 Broadway, La-Sl.,.-W_ aa~ to ftnv- 1a.r, cumulaUve tabulatlona ot guna Beaclt 18ctt j"-"-.,...t-'-·.;,;...=_;:..;~=="------- tratttc deaths. said that even its WANTED _ Lady ror put Um.e W..t.pn' TO BUT a ~ bud JOHNSON Outboard Motors elaborate nattonwid• report lng work by boor tn aelt .... tk-e pPrtable typewr\ter. Harb Or system La not Cut enough to give 114e..W t'Vff. 82ttc Tbt only tact.ory-approYed S&lttJ BEA UTU'ULLY Fumlahed thre<l bdrm. bOWle, 2 b&tb8, t<~ winter rental. On watertront with pier and flQOt, f110 mo. ~ 3021°RK.' f7ple9 up-to-the-mluute totala. i"llrtbef'o. Jaunc1r7. A.ppl,f bl peieon. 1°' and Servtce St&tJon ln Ute New'; ~·-i -··•-~ ot Palm, &.lbM, caut. lie _ u.~ • -· W l ·N 'f' ER Rl!:NTAL9 PllNJN. mott, ··~ ·~~ .,.. ... n .... B-'iold Goods ~ • ~~• ~-SULA. ~ed a &114 a bdrm. conled completely by all th• POIUTION OPEN for --~·--Ju ·~ Sou:th Ooast Co apta., clooe to .. -. ...... __ •t&lea in •arli .. -an alter th• ..._._.....,. __, -•·-··• --• ·-.. ~-,. ,,_._,..,....r, •-_,_ -N-.. ~ ·• -rd St. atol', 1Jtllltlea Incl-4..U.hle turn of U.e contnrf, .., that mo-....,_ for p,.,...,uan. Call KL t OIL ft. m_. with lb• • .,.,..... ~ --lle\>t. 17IJI, fl5 and $20 ""'-n. tor vdtlcle death totalo for ......., 14St4 ( ... aDDt--11 top l'ftnu cbmt. MM.I ~ .. ~. -~W. UUc y..,.. are •.U-t.. bea<d on the :i:-and erltper for l'tll· • -u• • BUNNY FURN. 1 bdrm. apL Yearly rental. 302 • S2nd SI., Newport or 'call JUrbor IJl50.W, -BALBOA IBkmi w1nt\!r ~ta!. N-2 bdrm. beau~,~ bou.lo.181.~d llc:e9 -' J11RN, 2 --·-. lAl'Je llvfnl' .-. UUh pd.-Winter, ur -,_ear- 17. HOii W. Ba7, New;ort ll<b. '1nq. --. apt.· 11 19e10 BALBOA ·ISLAND -J1"Urnlei.od 2 bdrm. and ...,. .. e. New. Year ,._ 0r wlnt<r rental. -- able to rtstit party. Har. 11.JS..1. 68pTO ' TWO BEDROOM. Furn. -· • Wjnter, $60 mo, water pe.14. clltldttn o. K. sau Ma--. N~Beaell. Mpll FURN. Wlnt<r and YM.r Aroud. NOarly new 1. 2, S bdrm. .,U.. Bay front, prlYaU! beedl. A.II..,. -.... ...,_ mod. Appl. ~-40111> River 4•e., Jl••jlCll'\ Beech. P!tone Harbor -.11. tftto beat avallahle tntonnatlon. CAR BOPS-llapwlsn rel Blen4)r. It ' monlba and It atlll Clillnllfm Mitt .,.,.. lltUI, dO ,,,__ OCICAN VISW J'UR!f. 4PI'. Pen. ~ t' •. · ThlM ~-attempt lo ldentl17 tlle l>w\pl'a Drift.In, Cout HJcll· f the guarantee -<11> IL ~ • Poblt, lfllt&ble f°" 1 .,.. 2. W-"1-SP~"'! ~NW<'S t ;•!!';!•L..:~:!-!!!a..~-.!! .. !P,•!!"!!•:..__...._ actual mWlol\~ 'flctlm, Kr. OU..• WO.f 'l01 A SJ, Rllntlncton lldl. Oil ooalnct la '1H.12. J>b • tor "8 Mo. tfulltl .. aod °pJ". ~,L•!c_.I. 1:""'°:r;:;:'.~ "'l'·- bom -. -1d place the tpal-91!!! or tal<e ~ta ot fl.O.bi St Mi 'Mil, Rallo• ""'---11111..J.. MU<> c.a.,.. ~ ~SP k'.CE Upt at notoriety arl>itrvll1 on llOUSC!!U:PICR -cam--..... mo .... •t ttoraa"•. 40ll .ljo, ___ ..... • Lin.~.a Vi; .. i. RJ.i..-. Ai t11e ~ ot one tam~"""" .--l'llllbt<>ll. t ......_ Ito tuaNT A PJ.f.NO lbr...., fl pnr --..A.~ """'-1 Bdrm. WUUY ...... Wt. <Done IO 1bopp1g ott-at ~1 • • ....,., .... ~ , •• tt ~ .... P90ru%F, ._ ?~MAJ/ft OQ.• , "the tp0Wpt -~ IUmtd . :,.: ~~;.... llw-tm! p.m. ~ 2lllZ. Utrc moatla. Rental alll!I* Gii -.. N-. v ... -,.. -htlt" .,. ,. 'Si·•, ... _. ~ '12 to tu mo• c,ii,tDo ~ on the,_....._ at a_,,._ wlllcb • ..,__ pw>111 at ~'a 1111· al R•-lllo to dpt party. H• ~ .._ COnta lillna ,.ftnita -,;:c;;; ~So-· riew write -B, Wo '9Ptt· PIIDCE PATIO Sin' w1 810 CO. IB!nce ~IOT) U1 Ho. Call L.A. QL 1-. l4pTO .---. • ---"-----......;·:....,.. llp'lt ....,.. ....,.. ...... "5-JOOO Ocean ~·lliuit& Am. mm._. _0 ___ ~. -· ... • ~ 9nlboa -ll'Mll'IJ. • ·-~~--... -..... ' • In -... --""*al. "' •'••t A.. ~ 'I":_ m 1 • 211• ~A~.-it111 .,;,,, oo-.., _ -PLAY_ -11ept. 16. ,_ 11. """"" .. 1 cu. rr. llpM m,,...,. Oi'4nl>lt ~Tllat 1e No. 1 .. Cai-... _ Cll<ord ~ ,..,-11ar11or llM. lran ... . lleOis. -0 ··~ ~-• rapoot_ -uaod 1t -I *A _,m.,.. -'* ........... -M , -~- '141. -..... • • I -Baa \Ill ncll tar --Jlq '*I I•• """~ ' .... ~t.-...... tt'••••u11:1.•'" ._. bAm-•a•1r .uSO"..i ::;:i0et.iio.saa..-._ .... ,_;~~~:!~~~~~~!I .. ltT OU..-. ~ .... It In P•D-" -.1: .. ClPQ•!f co.. -AM, Ult I 'p .-Ut """"' ·-::.; ft.. !IL-& -· B .. '191-W. -a •lt.Cilla•1Ut 1fD. ..... WW lllL '=" . ~y ··-ol SlUI .... -Ola .,,.._ .... • .... .._ ....... 1 .... bm4'A &t.llD &AW, H~ • .Aft. ... ti •1 -. -a~ 4 PUllQ.tl ...,_ 4 -• -........... ---· ...... ._ ..... ,_. ...... -.......... ,.. ·--• laa.I. 111 ii • .., I UL tD I -· • .... l ...... AAN·•S*Hft, .... .._ .... ,... llcTl ... -........... ..... r..= ' • • • -• I I I • • . • • f BLANCHE A1 G'ATES,: Realtor .. FRANK L. SHUFELT J •• MARTIN · . ' ~ . , 311 Marine Ave., Balboa leland Ph. Hu. 1671 or 1672. • Eves. Harbor 1671 , ,• . J3~0A ISLAND Channing 3' bdrm., 1 ~ bath home. Patio, age. A real buy, $18,ll!IO. · ' ' . LIDO ISLE Attractive 2 bdrni. home, $13,750. Cheiee -location ' near club boll.lie. Thia won't laJlt. • BLANCHE A. PATES -REAL'J'OR. • 118c69 • "ISLAND OF LOVE?'' That is what a pretty w~ in one of our fine restaurants claims -well could be! At least we think you will fall in love with one of the follow-• ing:-• • A 2 bdrm. beacll house for only $10,750. • A 2 l\clrm. beauty -completely refinished, $16,500. • 4 3 bdMQ., 1 "" bath, next door to beach, $15,900. • A 4 lidnn. 2-bath home well located, dect>- rated in ·excellent taste-probably the Is. land's Top Buy $23, 750. · We-can finlulce tt> fit your budget. . NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine-Ave. •. ·Balboa -Ialand, Cali!. Phone Harbor 502 • Bay Front It you're look.Ing for the finest In BAY FRONT at a reuonablc price-let U8 show you this oubtandlnK flew of: bed:room 311: bath and den home. Pano- ramic view of Harbor, nae sandy beach, pier privilege. t.:arge enclosed patio. too many features to deecrtbe--May we show "you? Price 169,!M)(). GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .• Ha.rbor 2552 Costa Mesa BARGAIN Unflnlahed hollff. A littlf" work will make a n\ce homE". large lot. ONLY $3,200 83c70 . STOP BIG DEAL Brand new 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. floora, fii-eplice. well planned, garage. large lat, good co1U1tn.ic· tlon. Easy te rrna, full prlcf' only $9250 ] BUY OF THE YEAR Lovely 3 bdrm. home on eo.ta Mea'8 moet f'X£hlsive atreet, Broadway. Cloae In. Perf-.ct i:ondltlon, glearninl' bW'd. noon. breakfut area. nice back yard, all fenced. 1 1,2 yra. old- NOW LOOK $10,500 full price $2600 down G . r. 4 % loan with pymll. of ~7 TWO BDRM .. good location. will which Include taxrit and Ins. trade for S&nta Ana house lo vaiue of $5.~. Might &Mume !lmaU ditferenee. "Your houae Will hf' !M>ld If We arp Told" R. W. BARTINE BROKER W. U. PATTON, AS80C i&te 1807 Newport Ave., Costa M~ Ph. Beaeon 6320 68c70 61-Ral Estate Exchange ATTRACTIVE Early American 3 bdrm. home in lovely section of West L. A. Will tradf' for 3 bdrm. au yr. home on Balboa lala.nd.. 3434 Cloverdale Av• .. Loe Angele•. Ph. York 1766. 67p69 $2500 Down On Redlands An .. Newport Hpta. 3 bdrm. G . I. reaale, 1 yr. old. Hwd .. Nreplace, 2·car gar. land· scaped, lot. of llkeable reaturea. PaymenU less tha.n rent. SM per mo., includes taxes and init. Full price only- $12,500 1280 Square Feet 3 bdrm., fireplace, large bdrma .. f\lll size dining room, lge. kJtch· en, pullman tiled bath. St.000 brtck fence. 1 \4, balh3.. patio, Bar·h--Q, 5 yn. old. Plenty or value. Underprlced at- $12,500 56-Money Wanted Phil Sullivan _n_R_S_T_TR_,,u _ST_D_E_ED __ b_y_p_r1-va-,-. C. Galen Denison party on lnooms 7eooprop. Har~~ G. T. Everson &rt"& approx. 9 . Payable -.ou mo. at 8 ';f. Muat have ca.sh. -490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Will give !)% d"8~ount. Phone Ph. S.-a. 6898 or Be&. MU..J , Harbor 323. 68c69 Harbor S1 ~7~W 55--Money to Loan LOANS For Homes 5~-20 }T. Loan.a CONSTRUCI'ION LOANS at ~%% (14 yra.) WJl BUY AND SEU. :I'RUST DEEDS SltE BOB 8.A TTLER HlG COAST BLVD. Corona <le! Mar Hvbor 1071-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. .lllltl'O Life Ill& Funds ·Kl 3-5180 LOAJfS :ro BUILD, DU'ROVll, BUY, .llOD!lllNIZIC, OR REFINANCE We BU7 Truot DHdo :NBWPORT 841.J!OA l'EDICRAl. RA VINOS a UliN .t.ll!N. 11813 Via Udo !'fl. Bar. U. WANTED-HOUSE or INOOJOC. 35' a.Uboat u down paymenL Valu. U.~. Call Mrs. Ahrene. Harbor U&l·M, 12tfc J'OR TRADE S3li00 equity -$9,000 bome, Med· ford. o~. for equity riere, 006 £. ~ Pnmt. BaJ-. e?pee 83c70 OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday (from 12 Noon) MODEL HOME I FURNISHED 428 SeyiUe Ave., Balboa Peninaula CAUFQRNIA KODERN, a.rchl· lecture and color by ouutandJn.a: authority. Edward H. Flclret. archJtttt. Wm. Mank.er, colon. Newport Jl'unlttun Co. tumlelllnp It you an lrlla-ested In ~ tlle very LA TEST in deaign.. and color. See lhJ1! (Olll Balboa Blvd. to W P...ineula-watcb fiw anow) Harbor Investment ComD,aDy !UtAL"roRll IOth and N""J>Ort !!l'(d. Newport llHch Pit. ~HOO ... ' . Home '& Income ' . • {All Flmllllled) Woll bUllt 2 bdrm. Mcie wtlla two ttntalo In _,. and plent7 ol room for mpre. Apprutmate~ \~ acre and right In town. S16,000 • In Santa Ana Hts. s· bdrm. -.. larp lot. all fftlC• . ed, ma.s, and l'nllt trffA. plentJ ot room for chJckena, rabblta, gv<ten, etc. $9960, ~..- -'-- Very Nice t bdrm. hOme. bwd. "-8, turnace, large lot, $7300. · i'urnished noor Very aml,ll, l bdrm. "" nl-. lol, boot ot location. $29&0. upo dn. Alao 9everal G, l . reealu and &'ood buya on acreage •"4 Iota. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. le Aaoclates 1790 Newport Blvd. Coat.a Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 s&ce9 Bay Front Income 8 Unit.a completely rum.. 70-n. . Bay Frontage. 3 2 bdrm., 2 balh •pU and 3 1 bdrm. ape.a. Ftne1t &oeatton tn Bay area. 8bowl: lood Income. Price Sl'l,15-00. CM- sider part trade. • Bayshores- View Home New 3 bdrm. I bath" home with fine viewi>ttBay. Beat conat.ruc~ lion. Ftreplace, torct'd alr heat, attneUnly decorated, Iota or tU. featul'ea, lar•t rooms. ThiJi LI one ot the outatandln• noor plaNI in the area. Prtce $22,&00. $4,950 Down New 2 bdrm. home on Lido Lele. Prtn.te patio, flrf'place. t'Umact' beat, bar·type kttcMn. pa. encloeed tub. Full price $1-',7~. ALSO 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Excellent noor pla11 . OuUtandjng colors thMJ· OUL Forced air beaL fireplace and patio. Loada or !ltoragti 11(*.'\e. and lMdlt.-laa. Ptic• S22.SOO. ORIEENLEAF A AS80C. BUlLDltR -REALTOR 3112 Ntwport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 Real Values 2 bdrm home on 2 loU. Two.car prage. Clo9e to Newport Blvd., Ea.i•t Side-. Fun price- $6000 E-Z Terma 2 bdrm., aWI phower, pr&se at· tached. Lot t:lO by lllO. Th.. .. soned for rabbitts and chJckena. &tter !lee thia tod&Y. Only- $6500 Ft~I Price "G. I. Resale" Large 2 bdrm. 1tucco home in fine condition. lArge rooma, plrnty of clo&elll, noor fumace. Ule kitchen and batJi, Rwd. noon end p-ered wllla. Dbl. pr. wllb laundry nn. Nico yud completely fenced. Thia home la located near catholic chUT'Ctl a.nd Khools on the eut •Ide of town. Total prtce llMSO. Only $1800 down and ba.lance at S:SS.33 per mo. 3 bdrm., 1'anch 1tyle, 2 % yn. old. Lot 60 by 125, Ml price $8,4&0. QNl.Y $2000 DOWN Cliff Haven 3 bdrm., leeo lban • year old. Diil rarece, fiaptone patio with 'l>arbocuo. Full pnc. si•.noo. ONLY $3500 DOWN ' CHOICE OCEAN VIEW HOMES Several 3 bdrm It 2..bath ,!iomi!ll In Newport Hrbta. at ' price. you c:an't bea~I LoUi. are not lewhold. ' $1 ~900 0 $Zl,000 3 70 ~TATE Vl11l'ERAN'S LOAN ·· We have a few 2 """"' honillllf In 'Newport Hghta. and Col'Oll& ·del )lar tl!at will qua,lity. Payment.t $46; $lli00 • POOO dli. T)leee loans are unbeatable . "" .. r ' , . Homey Small Ranch 'Yi ACRE ~ loam soil. Ideal for gardening. Lota of room' for.-chlckena. 2 bdrm. 1houae., dbl. s1rar. 5 ~ olcf. An attractive comfortable home . Well located, Really a wolldertlll buy, $7,995. . BEACON HILL REALTY • 4fe N..vport Bl~. (abpve Archeal Ph. B. 5713,R or· Evee. B. MS!·W • 87~9 • RANCHO MODERN • 2 BEDRM .. Shake roof home. l yr. old on a ·1ge. lot near 16th le Tustin in Costa Mesa. Price $7950 • Small doWR payment will handle. ' LINWOOD VICK, Realtor ai2 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Harbor 2042 89c71 CONSIDER TRADE Charming Balboa lala.n.d home in best U'eL Not new, but un~u&Uy attractive ln deeoratlon and arranrement --qu&Int pro""1lcla1 papel'll &.n'4, M>ft mellow colors. ! Bee LA Tim .. Hom< oectlon, Aug. ~th) Tbm are three bdrms .. l&rp: Uvfrlf room, djning room and larJ'e kitchen a.nd baaera.ent. Two nicely land&eaped Iota. Would con- 8ider smaller hotne u part S-Yft'K"-ftL Prefer BalbOa ltJand or Corona del Mar. ' BAY & BEACH REALTY Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284. BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front Home · & Income Lam· sOuth Bay ll'ront home ....._ 5-~. 2 ~ batha, plus 2 bdrm. apt. Finest comer location, Pier and float. Priced to Sell Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Harbor 2462 . Balboa Island CLIFF.HA VEN THREE Bdrm. and Den Ran<-h I Type Home. Heavy shake roof, forced alr heat, 2 batha, Iota of tlle, lg.. dbl. pr .. paUo. Just I completed on large view lot .121,500. Terms. 'll:E 2363 -lllth St., Open Sun. l,~ iome -IArse Lot -Unobatruct· ed Harbor vlew-2 bdrm.a., hwd. floors. Jl'laptone ttreplue, en· cloaed barbec\re. l.Arse llvlDg , dining room facing Harbor. Fur- nace heal, dbL -· Only S18,000 Shore Cliffs btet.1ncttn ...,. 3 bdrm. home, 1 'li baU... pec,..i -ll&<dwoocl noor1. LoU ot Ule and many atraa. lArfe patio. Choice locaUon on W1de lot for gnclou.s tlvlnf, S2<,MO. . Corona del Mar I.~ bdrm • ..W-, dbl. pr., R·I loL Pymu. only $M per mo., fncJUd. taxes, • ~ int. and tuur. Why ~ re:nt '? S... thla, ll won'I Jul at only UO,llOO. l.!'~2'::. Fl8Hl:R. JhaltoTzBullder F""'.,. SMITH. Rttltor ~le e o..i -. Harbor 2m Corona do! Kar &8c70 S8c70 Real Estate Ia Your Beet Investment. -o - G. I, Resale 2 bdrm., lar&"e lJvlnr rooip, · hwd. floors, floor fUmace, double gar. Only $8350-$2350 dn. IM a mo. -o - Individuality 2 bdrm redwOOd home. Large Uv· lnC room.. tile kltcften. U&ed brick flreplac". shake.root. Near high echool. Prteti $11,750. $3800 down. -o - On MagnoJia St. S bdnn. O. I. reaalf.. UTing room and hall carpeted. Youn tor Sl0,800-S3000 down. '62.117 a mo., ta.xea and lna. included. -·-Tiny Tot " ..,.. w1th email bouae. l bdrm. Some chlcken equip. Youre for satlOO. Sll500 dn. -·-Harbor Blvd. 71 It. tronl811• with 300 tL depth . 2 bdrm. Mme. ltv. rm., lepl.n.to dining rm.. hwd. n., n. fum., atni;lo ca;. and lawtdry rm. And all -too. A rea1 bUy 1n real oetate. OW..er iuw.11 for ica.t. Priced Sll.800, temu. -o- We have eome cholc~ k>la toli ule either for Income ot' on" family dwelllnp. Ae -Ne are tbe DEVEL<>PlllRS of Lino IllLI: we can otter you tot; at-low p~s and eisy tenna.r Here a ,llt!le buys a.LOT. CO~ LOOK. P. A, P AT·MER INOORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach. Callt. Harbor 115-00 • 87cfl9 A 'M'RACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNIT "HOMFiS . .. . . ' ' BALBQ;t\-~LAND BUYS , A DUPLEX TO &Ul'l1, Yf)UR ~ET-Plean 2 bedroom home l>!\111 ~ .tlnl1r418,500. . , • , A'M'RACTIVE rustle 3 biidrobm; 2 batli home "" . I ' , . pluil income -$16,Dli() \ INCOME PRoouaER-2 uni~ -$23,500 . • . I . THIS ONE challeilgea · descript1on--it to know it'a value -$29,500 . -. . Call Harbor i 776-we will be pleased to' show these properties to you. COSTA MF.sA G. 1: RESALE 3 Bedroom home, oak noora; controlled heat, gar- bage disposal.· Property all fenced and IB.lldscaped. · PRiCE $.11,250 which lncludeii Venetian blinds, drapes,. gas stove and refrll!l'rator. Thia home is just 1 ¥ear old and is" clean aa a Hound'ti toOth. ONLY $2,650 down. Balance $61 month includes interest, taxes and insur1ance. This is an excep- tional buy. Call Bea. 5795 or,evenings Bea.-6939-J • Here la $145 moothly regular In· come; 2 bdrm. stucco. turnishNI home, plm stUdlo apartment, tum. over double pnge. At· ... tractive price Sl7,7fli0. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coast Hiway N8Wp0rt Beach 22ti Marine Ave. Balboa llland 15th and Irvine Newport Beach For thl'! toucher-UpPf'r, ii 2 bdrm. -bomf' with fireplace, plua sue•t ApL rum .. over rara.-e, ntce briclced ya.rd area. A deal here at 113.900. Four bdrm. north Baytl"Ont, two !ltory ranch atyle home, 2 baths. p?Ua complete 1 bdrm. Apt. tum. over. double pragea. Ftreplaco. both unit.II. Priced to aell ori eaay tenn11, St0,000 down pay- menL . . . . J, A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 83 Balboa Island Ferry. 69c Corona del Mar $3000 down buy1 attractive two bdrm. home With garbage dia· posaJ. and dtahmaate:r. l:xcep.. t lonally well decorated. Cosy fireplac"· large 2..car gar., red· wood fenced yard. Full price--. s10.roo. For thia and other good buya now SEE· TOM PAYNE 310 CO&st Hiway, Corona del .Mar Phone Harbor 2174 \ 68c70 COST AfuA -FOR BALE OR RENT -New 1 bdrm. home, comp. tum. can own-er, Beacon 696$.W. 17tfo Wlae people do read the ada. 3113 Newi>ort mvd. N•wpott Beaeh . 69c . BALBOA ISLAND • ' Charming 1 story ranch house with rustic fireplace and eJIP<>lied rafters. 3 bedrm. 2 baths PLUS a · \-bedrm, apt. for guest house. Sheltered patio, Separate bather's shower and dressing room. Hot- poin.t dishwasher. $16,750 Furnished ·. . ~-• _. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa loland · Harbor 20 69c71 • • OPEN HOUSE • • s Sat., Sun., 2 to 6 or by appt. 2121 Ocean ·Bt~d. Bar. 1238..W Authentic capt Cod, l year old, 2 _,tory, 3 ..bedrooms. large den, 2 balbJI, 8undet.k, fireplace, foreed alt.Jleat, o&k fJoora. :, ' • This exquisite home i8 up to the minute in col\Jltruction and hu every conVf!nlence required for graciOWJ year &round llv!rig. Priced to sell quickly on very reasonable terms. Immediate Possession. Boat Owners Watertro<>t dupl~ w(th 1pler and float. EuUy colivelted "1 2 ·bdrm 3 bath home. Near obopplng ana ~rtatlon. Pric~ Sll.800. S78GO down, balance S90 month. -t7 . Bay Front Home & Income Located on beautitur Lido lale. e 68~9 Costa Mesa ;Realty Clean 3 bdrm: stucco :Whk:h ta O.L ' flrw>ced. It :bu ~ eood ft~­ place and hwd. noon, and a. nice yard for the cb.Q~. The very but oi terma.~ Monthly paymenu ot SQ.Ill Incl taxu Int. and Insur: Fllll prti,o Sl0,!500 I 0 0 ------------unlu completely fllnllabecl. Best Overfookin_g the upper Bay a.Ni 81tuated among other fine p~qp­ ertl., II th,. oprawlln( nnch home. Has over two thouaand aq. tt.-aJI eJectrlc and inc1ud8 b\lllt.-ln olec. • o-. table-top tlec. ltove and dl&h wa.aher. . V•ry Iara'• ro<>me and well p)iui· nod. :Mlulqly low Price· ,"Of Stt,llOO, With term. If naedeq. New;nnrt Heights location, 70 tt.· beach. Prtcecl to ... ,r.... •lL Con.lkler part trade. Today's Best Buy . NEW th'" bedroom 11o~· with Lido Isle, $4950 1Dn. fireplace, t u r n a e e, hardWOOd N..-2 txkm.' home, private pa.<fo, flool'I, prbep <11-J. double bl>q. kltdlen. fireplace, turnaoe garage. • ::; ~~ .. ~-'= . $11,000 full price n·•th• 1>eot buy on Lido. Un41bstructed View Home 2 B..R. Muter B. R. IU20 2 bathe, JUst plapoom and ebop. f, --$5,000 .~ handle •· Oltl:ENLEAF a ASIKJC. BUILDER -·REALTOR ll1l2 Newport Blvd., Hatbor 2¥2 es~. Channel Front Others with nnall ricroage trorh SIJ,15-00 up. ' COSTAMmA ... REALTY I':· • • • tOO E. 17th llt. --· Bainey Preircqile r::'9 l'Nd ~ -w. c. Oalll>f,rd' U..CUve 2 bdrm . .-,e w1th ex- tra ~ ,_ -llatlL n.... B. A. ~N pi-, ...-... laundry ,_., & y.,... ~ f0< Bale?' Ralph P. ~key IOllJ Newport BN<l, co.ta Kea lup petro. lllnllolled. Cloolce w. Have ~ro. 8'11 Newport -,. Newpwt I I - Pbone lletleon tl22ll S., A"" locatloL Slll,.500. · PlrmM' -402 • -oaAN rrti:i~~. I 'La PERLE R.EAi.TY , lltfc ~-----------.,_,.. ~ .u.ao a-""· 18111 Hcrllor 111\'d. Costa M-i----~------- Modem redwopd and glaa apL .,.... 2._. ~ -· rt.. 8Meon TOU, • $725() TwQ bdmL and Hrvant'e ~ ,..,d <II ••• -Well locar -Full. h .t-... l'lapt.ol\e &nd wood floon. .Two Ideal lfcw ,_.. round or ft.ca . ri iC6 "' =~~ ~ ~= ll'fllol. n•.oao.. T9<lay'1 Best-Buy · ~~ .::=-:.= ~i:::. -~ "'"!:!......,-;:: ;,;. -~ ae:!L ~~ .fn Corona del Mar ' :r-. "-tte i:-""7 111 u. . .... . THE P}ffSS : ,. THE NfWS;T/MtS • PRIVATE PARTY wanle S bdmL All yoar bom• on -J,._ac! """17. Muet be ~ed right. MM c-.... ..:;. Loe ......,_ Plloae ""'k 1111. l'tpll Good .Financing ,_.._. ae.-. o,..s -·-lloAdoo TWO "ll:DllOOM ..,... .. :;,,;.n•~ ~-~?~ a bdrm. Pert--e .. a_-. 188'1' In1ne A-, o.ta ._ BEST BUYS! a.2 1M. ._ 1a -1o nu--- ..... .. .... ' J:HE POST '. AcldllloMI , ...... --.uo Pboae BllCOll 528S-W ... 11 •••• I' 'I d•.-.S. I ,JWlit-. ..... - e\1aclled 1o --. r.rp ..., .,.. a•• 11 -. -· 111' lfke ,...._ ,,_ -._ • pauo, e ,..11'4' --. ~ ---------. __ .._ ___ ......;;____ ~ "·* ,..._ l'VWlfl'l.t MlllSA he9t ...... ••, aell I fl,. 1-"""""'°~A - 51-TNlen • wad ... •"· '91,IJOI. !mW t BDRM. DACll _. U ft' . .-i"Mlll • Jfw,_l .-' Ou ll'lllll' .. W -I w.., 1 8LK. TO OCW+K 6 BAY lloC. •• ft. ........... -.._, l 11 ill; Jlr .-. • 'I Id ~rStorage BayA'BeacbRtalty S7,2C18 =.---·---:-EatlChamllei'lefn 111p11t,s.r-.,a11n1•1~ ~ -Rll"t Oii i ,. ftlEL JllllCll -I ?. .. =----I ... ~ w. =--El ... _.per Month 1. iL.. ..,. r..7 __ ........ •u•..,., • 1 1 • • • (°*''Wu•»=• • ..,., ~-111omor c "'"" ~ waoe -'l'KAJI, Mii ..... .... -. tn JIM .;. • ' • J e 111. a ftl9I n •• -, ·•11 cl 1 I te ..._ . 111W.1V1bmi Calta .... ... ~., -... , 19 ...... M-. l'la. ---II C•CS •• I-'----------aw f• .... -a Ir W ~ -MM Int 4". flf"lrl'.&aloe&'*AA.&AI AOI TWMla ... id'f I\ 8 •M-~'-M l'llli llt~ ._'111"1 llWW--i11111:1&• ¥1' CrtuJHl.a ...,, kttet•.Mo.,71'1-,.._ ;11•1112'3 •fa 'llfll -----•oil? • f -- -• • Oro.-Co•nfr.~• O•nlnflf,lff /f I ~ . • • • • I . i ,. • • . Vou can't makt a bad cup of \ • ,, . I . . , ~, .\..,• ~ , , . •T ISl A_I.~ AMlllCAN .Sl!ICIALS IHIC'f'YI · • · THURS.. FRI.. S4T .. • :. , SEPTEMIER ~~.:& . ' •• • .. . . . COFFEE c -. Prlerlty ., •••• • ALL GRINDS-1·1b. Can • • ' I s;::::~· NUCOA · -~,; i~:: 29c: ...... ~ ' ) . \ll.\Ol\>,lf.U\lli • 2.Sc-. HEMET FA!tCY HALYIS NO. 21/1 TUN~-. . No. t/Lflwl Cao Lad '""" .. tlol• Pric.1 . \., I . . ·riii~iiv'Es • -;ANN~·~ llEAD It auno ' . P_l,C~LES 10-0Z. JAi LAIGI .JAi I . ,, GOLDIN s'rAn ht QUALITY ·BtJ'ltTER PEACHES CAN . CDHEESE111cAN 2 '°.~~D _7_. _t'_:c .... -...-!· :"!"'·-., 1 ·LI. PKG.' 7 s·C . . MAICO TIM'T HIMET OLIVES Lar91 l ip• or Lart• Grt•• lipt No .1 lSc Tall Ca• SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS JELL·O SNOWFLAKE SODA CRACKERS ILUHILL PICKLES Kolher Style or Plaia Dill• Lartt 19C 24-oL Jar 1·LI. 25C IOX DOG LUICHEOI . IEAT FOOD . 3 T•" 25c: Ca•• 12-. 39c: Ca• ---. . . DOLi SLICED-Ho. 2'/J Co PINEAPPLE 29c . KETCHUP = 21 c Diis0siNG ~· 14c, • * JUICE SALE * Aao9old Gte •• ,.... your Choice JUICE 46-oLC•• . .. Aao9old 46 OL C..a ORANGE-ADE . ; 1I.7111.1 . ..... ~ ... F1RYi~G RABBITS ' C~P-~ 159:. . ; ~ , ' • • IONILISS, IOStON aun I , .• POllK ·RoA.ST · 49:. LIAN, llST CUTS POR·K . STEAKS 59 t ··. Y..,. Fetk p,..,.. .., lt'1T ... rPorll · ,. .. ' . • UTH'S.KOINLAND-FIOM T.HE LAND OF COIN_ SLtcm· BACON -t·1.I. CILLO PK•. 4. 9" - 29f. WHITllG .u~:~c 29~ . FINl~T NOITHEIN . · 45• SALAD 01 COCKTAIL 45• HALIBUT STEAKS . • SHRIMP . I • --'. ,) -I. . TIME. TO CAN GOLDIN YEkLOW-NOITHEIN •••nm P.EARS . ~ 27 C GIANT PKG. · ···-'77c ' LAaGf PKG. . . ' 10~. • NANml DUPll 400 COUNT . · FACIAL TISSUES ~.-:.• .19c ~Ll,AM. PTILLL E J u I c -·E · . 3 'c~ .. s 19c . rUml'S I.OZ. CAN 29c -A .... ~ .~0CKTA1L PEAf4UTS CHEESE·· FESTIVAL e S'Wl$5 IATH'S Fro• Ike Laad of Co~ 59f. • AMERICAN FRANKS ,.., Fanlotis araadl • • • • • • • • • e Pll,tl~HTO IATK'S 0¥1N IAUD-5UCID : ........ 59t. \ ... iAEI! 1 MEAT LOAF .. .. .. . . .. . . . ~~ · ' ,' - -swift'• ,,.,.1 ... Ta•ty • 29C 55' SANDWICH SPREAD ':n , • . BRA"U"NSCHwE~ca1R .ls~ . . • • l • . 11111 \ ' • ~·-. ~\NES & LIQ UORS . . Fr oz en Foods CALIPOINIA . HYDE PAIK '7i' . VINO :so EASTERN RED E -BEER F1tt11 ·41c Ca• .. 12 ..... httl• Cut s1" ef tZ • GllMAN MUNICH .. HACKERIRAU SIX YrAI OIJ). ClOIX ROY ALE BEER . .....W..~Tryl • RUM t:r-. 3fc I . - fHtli '.$2" ...... I So•llllllnra • • " • • • i I t . • DON LO()l[E MAXUN ••• After -. ""4 a llalf tuule. Doll Lock• boated W. Ullj poand -oo Ulroe/ols '*>Ide. Bill Pin lo cnolltff wtUi --fer ldo c1o-aid_.... of u.. "'Blc eo,.... CBitchcock Photos) Fl8ll ••. '!'bey e\•ee took ~ h'em the u," t.lt boata. Shale WM hardly equipped for m&11tf'_ ~I'· He bad 150 ,varda of 45 pound I..., oa a pretty ...WI "'fl -up by a lwul1uJI of un&ll 11..... Oil 8mlU., tl>o captai• of U.. Happy Laadlnl" did • maa&ttful Job to keep the rna.rt1n from nmnlns off aod ~vlq the anster wt1.b aa emptJ rttL LEE B00.£88 OF LIDO ISLE .•. Tbe on1)' one Of the faln!r sex to 1aad & flab.. It \\'aa hf'lr flrst one. Husband. Paul, w1th both marl.la and broad.bill to his <'l"f'dlt h&ndlPd the boat and p.lfed the t:'8b. 8&td It WU a much tou(her Job than ha\1nc one of the. bll' bo)~ on ti.e book. Sow he \\'IJI ha\-e to a-et hb fint of the ~ or keve home. Pap.I,~U • . MAJLLIN. l!"lSH .••. An M~ m&rlla ofhm ~'I hl!f distaste for the aqllft&' pmo by runmlft&' bl• IWO<d Into the -t. Thi• fellow picked oa the wnnl' boat -d came out "ith a broken sword. Martt.n's boat, the Studio X ls made of gt.Ix-I. • ------~-------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------~- Di$pe;sal Shourd · Be Combined With Barter Remarka of Bon.' Hiia PhlWp& In the Home of RepwtatlvM ra-1&7, Aus. :11, 11151 Mr.,Speaker, the Pmlident IBBued a statement Jut week ago.in urging dlspenial. This time it waa for new lndastries, a somewhat milder suggestion than the previowi ones, which · recommender! dlapersing government bureau• and agencies. Thill ffilllnda me that I h• ... ~------------------------­ been curloua from the ttart about lln. l.Dconaiat.eney. 1ile flflll Ume was -abou.t a year ago. It eame to the atlenUon of the approprlatk>na .ubeommittee, on which I serve, when Jea L&r90ft, the very able and often IOttlY tried head of Ute then new G@neraJ 8erricm Admln- tatratlon, WU uked by the &d· ministration to bdn« down a re- q .... t ,,,.. '139,800,000 to dlopen< eome of the more Important Waab· tnston ....,c1 ... but 90l'lletlmu followed the use already paid for the gold and the of money. Tlte farm woman who bronze and alnce' 1 lut wrote took t.he eJP to the Penn•ylvan.ie about them, I tlnd that we ai.o •tore to trade for "bought.en.. pa.Jd for the work of cutlq them . good-. wu a cou.ln, In economic The "glft" on the part of our IW- histOl'Y to the trlbeaman who Ian trlenda, I dt.oover, wu the traded tour COW• to the chief for ''Unexcelte'.d workmanahlp and a p&rtkul&rly *8tr&ble wife. ·Bar· know-how" ln cuUnr t.M.111. On ltt wu the ancat:.or of the ~ that dcflniUon, t.be next uMe 1 operative moftmf!'llL Money la a pay my friend, Kr. Battiata. in tal<en, back of which u. ... n\"ll the HUI bulldtns, who bu plonty be firm atanc:ta.ru of value, e:stab-ot Jc.now-ttow, for a ault. l ~ liahed in JqqaJ com.mwtltie9. in na-put Jt on my aoc°'fl'la u a .. iu'l .. llObll, ... on.CU.. lntornana~=~le:m:-+.1 ~·~Ull~OOl=•~tend~ ~l u.. iq, l"lld It lo hlotorlc that ..., .ll!OfC -'tlio • COLORADO RIVER WATER EASES 7 YEAR DROUGHT Colorado river water is kel!'plng the specter of drought from tightening it.a grip on Southern Ca.llfomla'a throat. United State• Weather Bureau figures reveal that the present drought plaguing Southern California began in March, 1944 and to date It hu shown no signA or relaxing it hold. The Weather Buree.u I report.I that In each succeeding• seven years there has been less lhi~ season of 5.92 inches for that !!':~ealhe._::r~:~t~~~al~:l~f!;~~! city and outlying communitic!I water ot ficlal9 agree that tr Col~ show an even sharper decrease orado river waler were not avail-below the corteBponding twelve able to olttea tn the Metropolitain mont.ba 1n 194.9-1060, with 8.55 Water District many commnnitie:s inches aga.lnat a normal expec- would ,be ra"tlonlng water today. tancy ol 10.30 lnchea. At the prNe.nt time the dla:trict It i• e.timated that reeen-e aup- ;tnalc.•JCOl~ rtv6 wafer Jtiftil· pllN ln aur-tace and undergl'O\ll\d ~ &lid'~ ~---tie . ' '-----Blll'Mueratkl t:loe~t"Ttti~ riq that ·th. dectmn regarding ret.ailW Impor- tance waa to be left to the White Houae. whlch, under preeent oc- cupancy, hu not Mtabllahed a very good record on wch dec\llons -as. tor example, on the tmpor- tance of commanding generab--- lhia kfea lff.med to me lo be a bureaucratic natural. run. out or bq1na to altp, ln tta lbn9 who accom-pany them, &re a buying power. the •ystem of bar-bit out of place where they now tering automatically re&S8ert.B It-at.and, ln the ahadow of the un· ~It. believable beauty and grandeur Baylfts Power L.ow I do not need tell you that. the Amertca.n dollar hh dropped ae- of the Llncoln Memorial. Gold yet! A. R. LOUD MARLIN • • • 0. ai·it bi· of Ulo lo 14. Maay tamWar name. went oa to Ute BAC reoenl boerd UU. \~reek end and man). of thmi were home towaen. The t.o.d'• bave bMo brlng1a.c ln m.arltn tor m&fY • IeM· C&llf ~and 1 :U:'roua -the end of ttill2 unJw tile ~t unincorporated areu with a com-la broken by •ubatal\tia.1 rain- blned tot&1 ..population of nearly fa.lla during the coming winter. 4 mllllon persons. Faced with the problem ot 8Up- Ralnfall atatlatlcs 11how that In plying water to i.ncreulng nwn· the Loe Anselee area tor the rain-her• of defenee workera employed fall year lo July, 19~1 only 8.21 ln a.lrcraft lnduatrle.s and Navy inches of raln fell u against the installatlona, the 4:ii0,000 residents normal ralnfalJ for this period of ot the San Diego area are coop- Reclamation verely a.nd d&ngerously. In buying It will ~ undentood that If Wf' power during the 18 yeara alnce rtve back the atatuee, then Italy l°.mellW)' Mr. RooAevelt flr11t took office on will build her own reclamation You flnt build up at tremen· & platform of economy and a proJttt.1, without the $117,000.000 dous coat the neceaaary quarters pledge to reduce government of American money, In the form for deb&t&bly neceaary bureau.11 spending 2~ per cent. Are we of counterpart tundl. now allo- and agenciea. and then you hatch about to t•ce the necessity of cated to thl.11 purpose. We couJd out one of our recurring emer-barter? Then why not combine use eome of t.h&t money to com· gencies, wh.Jch, somewhat like the the theory of barter with lhf' plete re-clamatlon praject... in the aun in Ila paaaa.ge around the admlnlalratlon'a evident dealre for weatem part or the United State11 Arctic Clrele, Mae and fall Ukt dispersal? including the Kanne uea, where the Ude, but which aince 1933 ln1tead of moving the State [)e... the farmer• wtU be required and have never quite di.Appeared. • partment to Olney. or Fair~ or would be wtlllnl', to pay back the You then propoee, on thr bal!ll.11 Ftt'derick, why not move It to money with lntereat. Re-payment of lh1a la.test emergenty, lo move I RuMla ! Some of It.a employees would not be requirft! of Itaty. crerta.in aelf:.elected agenciee, de-will be u much at home there Unde>r thla de&J, we might even pa.rtmenta. or bureaua to a pert· I aa here .. It that seema extreme. get the CoubeU.a laterala ttnt.h- phery ot perh&pe 20 mUs trom why not move It to London? More ed. which ha~ a.lready ta.ken 5 the District of Columbia. Thia fe'" ot It.a employefa will be at home yeara to buUd and threaten a coet qulrea a lot of new buJkttnp. lhe there, even to the accent. But to the water uera of $18.100.000 preparation of which ottera joba here la the nice part of my pro-u compared to U\te original estl- to numerous deM:r-.tnc membera poaal. Let ua not do thla for frtt. mate ot 2 yean and about SlS,· of one or the majot' political par-Let UI barter wtth thrm. 1r we ~.000. ttes. and quite lncklent lo tt. and give them the State: Department. or course, we would not nttd completely unexpected by the ad-It muat be unden:tood that thJa la to Jlmlt thla diapenal a.nd barter mtnist?"&t!on. It leaves in the Dls· in lteu of any more of the Amert-to rorelgn nallona. In fiscal 1950 trict the ~ulva.lent •pace. to be can ta.xp&yen1' hard-earntd dol· we aubvented the New England billed by an equal number of men Iara of which we have sent Rua-atat~ $777,800,000. We will otter and women, who would also be' ai& and her eatellltea Sl,080,000-. them tht:" Smlltutonlan. That wtll mem~rs. un4oubt.edly ot one of 000 slnce the end or World War supply the antique ahop.9 of N~w the major politlcaJ parties and II, or about $1!\.000.000.000. If England tor a l'elle~tlon and we old enough to vote In 19~2. It wu. wu-tlme lend-tea&e I.a lncJuded; can apply the money saved on as I sa.ld, a. natural and only a and England $6,088,000,000. the national debt. We can ofter man in the White Houae complete-AJ'I Gallery to France the Pentagon bulldlng to Chicago. Jy dl.8tnterested in poUUca and ln My friend &nd fellow aub-eommlt- which now stands In front of the IJbrary of Congrell8. He wants It to stand lu fto•t of the publlsMng b<>USe. \Veil, what have you IA> offer In exchange! Will Newport and Balboa and Balboa Island and Costa Mesa and · Corona del Mar dis-continue the Wl-Demo- .fr&tlc Idea of trying to combine the five or !ILi: post offltts, now situated In • radlll8 of about five miles, Into one modern. ef- fective, centrally 1-ted post officer We caanot let th._ Ideas of flCOnomy and efflclency. ,; e t started; then> 18 no tolling how far they ml,;ht . spread. They might even reach Wash· '°g!A>n. · The Neptune sta- tue could be a good, P"'" 1 entive barter. BMldM, old eptune would be moni at 6lne nearer the oeealli here they do not ven tum the water on bn and hi~ family all the time. the results or the next election. We can offer to dia~ree the Na· tee mrmber, Syd Yatea. hu con· could have thought that one up. tlonal Art Gallery to l"Tance. Thi• vtnced me that there la a 11evere TM State of Texu. wblcb l'Qt ia one-o( our greate11t treaaUree. ho bl h t It ,__ ,714,I87 back ti-om the ted-Dull Tbud . ua:lng pro eQii ln l a c y. .. ,"" ftaA Tourlll:ta. who probably would not Pentagon alone ahould aolve l(. t covemment ln natal 1.vv, To my surprise and satlafaction come the' distance or BaJtlmore to lght be interested ln IOIJl• the idea fell with f dull thud. It Wuhlngton. while lt rema.ina here. lmpN1al ,YalleJ t u and not ont1 the Udelanda. dJd not even boUnce. The •ub-com· wut then nock by the boat·loada The lmpe:rt&l V&lley could put ow about tl1e acatue to Genet.I m.1ttee. ~er one brief look, fUed to Paris. Thie will help pay otr tn a bid tor the Department of rant at the faol of O&pttol canip- lhe requeat with )>ouatneas to be the French debt and In tum thr Agriculture. Not only ta the valley f Texu could rename \t-(or talc: en up on or about Thund.ay. b&rt.er deal will be no more ca.ah a wonderful farmbtg area. but the Houaton or ~ Ra7burn.. 19&4:. The reaction of the public ln addition to tbe '3.994,000.000 department now bu 81,082 em-people would •t&nd all ~y wu clear. It wu oppoeed. Let· &!ready spe.nt there 11b\ce 1946. ployeea. u compared with 27.350 lookjng at the rn.un.lqUI tera oppOl!led the ldec: newa ltMta Mrs. Phillips and I have been ln 1932. We could put them out pt:ure of the pllopln.g ~l .. treated it elightlngly and edltor-driving around Wuhlngton, look-to harveat the crope, In .ut.Utu-1 ry 1hontee. We .could ewn haw la.la derided IL Tb.ere WM even tnt""for ideaa for but.et' dea.ltl like tlon tot' the Mo:lc&n. natJoo&la., If em palnted lo look like Pa.Jo.. &Ollle questJon, on the part of the onn JU8l mentioned. J have the Secretary of Laboe ahou1d riltbOIJ. government emp&oY'ffli, in the Ota. been looking parUcuarly tot' • a&aln be u.Jc.ed to decide that a ToU can H.Dd tn your wqw' trict of Columbla. concemiq the atatue with a pkJw. J want to of· "iabor diapute .. '9 created by one tlone and bfdl. Tb.ere le one t-.i critula for th• clloice of -dell fer that lo 1nc11a. I cannot find or two """' l•vlnJ a hanullnl' ~want dl8tJncUy Wida~ ""i"' to be entitled to the Utt.le trfp. one, not eTen In tbe Otpartment crew of a bundnd or more. evtt'; there are llmtll ic. th.la ~ 'The Idea wu "'"-..,.in In of Asncultun.. Maybe we COClld In feet. the -l mlshl ~·ba.ur Idea. I "'°"Id aot u.. P'"-•t -. Tbe ..... 1.u offer them the Ottat Seel ot that pt a not bid trom U1o Stole °' tanl U... city of IU'"'Wido to lzy .,,, .. the ...., •. l apln DP'"" Department. It """'"' • plow. catlfomla. In f1-J llll!O-. sub and 'lnde..,. In ntum Ille~ ourprtoo. Here - a maneJooa lndla -not n-money nearlJ' -led the atalo "71;1~1. ITh-or De Ana. opportunity to -"' • fol. of .. much u Ille -to lake a dot' W. barln -. -. would OJ>" money. Wiiy wu It blmed downf good -•t • ..-rn Amorlc&n plJ' that on Ulo dell< ond .Uloft Jleln&' at an analytlcal frame ot .,-, ud llleJI dlrpllcato It. Tllat wo -1cf ~· --uio mind, I think I ban .u-red will ban ua lllOR money to ~ mto WVllld Woo to ..... In kind. the -. . -OD -cktklla, -It wtll prne.nt I ......... tin cilJ' of Baums - Twe •n1 f-In lDdla. DI addlUM to lite to ...... tin ftrJ' tine .talllo .,,..,.ean11'oldl8penlnsllle lllll ...--u .. lulawleqo. .Jn, otB''ll"'~._,.to_ ""'"'"'= ui1 .. ~ tar.....,,., jlla ""'1d llllt Wille ---la fl'onl (I( llM ()mm'>lllt,y..Jlelll ......... --._ .... tin ltloa Amorloa to -'Mr -)' ... -eL or'llari.r wtlh t1n _, to ca.. -h rt ... -... flDOlllw &"°\I ...... u... . tried of tin~ - ~·--tin _,. -.. ....,. ""' w. ....... .,, _. ...... 1111'1' - -.. tin -~ wa "'"" Qllll tlllll ,.....,. "* rtrt2ts u u.. N1•1dal ~ t a, ;a 1 11\ a1740 -* ._ __,? •• aw • - • • WEEK r:ND GL'ESTs Mn. William Mcintee of :'>14 1 J5.23 lnchu. From March, 19'4:, era.ting with the San Diego Coun- Bolaa street, Coeta Mesa. h&d aa to June 30., l~l . the accumulat-ty Water Authority iJ'\ a unique week end gue.t.s her brother and ed rainfall deflC:it In the Loa An· water ·conservation program as wife, Mr. and Mr~. Ru.seen Hf'nry geles area amounted to 40.0 Inch· orficiala attempt to speed work ot CreaUlne. Calif. M.r&. Wold or e11lhe total quantity or raln tha.t on a second barrel to the city's dregon wu aL.o enterUined by th area hu faiJ.?d to receive Colorado rtver aqueduct. The new Mn. Mcintee. a ounl.9 to the riormal rainfall barrel would double the San tor a period or two years &nd 8 Diego a.nd vicinity aupply of Col· If we hesitate concerning the months. orado river waler. need now of an adequate civil Drought bu hit hardest in the The San Diego County Water defenae, Ruasia won'L , San Dlego area. Rainfall flgure.9 Authortty La aeek.ing the cooper&- tion of the U. S . Navy in plans lo build the sccond barrel, 5\ncc a concentration of naval .1"&tabt1sh· ment.s have be-en a major factor {n creating the waler :shortage. Engineering a n d Cl.)nslruction work would take approx1matE"iy two a.nd a ha.JI years, it h> esti- mated. Oran,-e County Jn Orange county, l'·here rain- fall to <Mte ha.a only been-s:> per cen• ot normal, officials are a~ fighting drought with Colorado river water purchased from the MetropoUtain W&ter Diat.r1ct . Under a r«ent agrcem C'nt with the dtst.rlct the Oran,:-c county dis- trict is buying 50,000 acre feet of Colorado river water at a cost of SS00.000. The water ia t.&ken from the Metropolitan aqueduct ear ArUnctorr' ""4 allowed lo . ,. ' -Sf 'Mi '~ .... __. ra ~ · ·~ undercrounct .supptlM, And to combat salt water lntroslon. · Citiea ln the recently orgauiz- ed Orange County MUnlcipal Wa- ter Dl.atrict, which Plans to an- nex to the Metropolitan Water Dlzt.rict in the near future. include Oranl!Je, TUaUn. La. Hab?"&, Pla- centia, Huntington Beach and Seal Beach. This di.strict, together with. the territory already In the Met- ropolitan Water District, which includes Newport Beach, repre- sents 92 per cent of the county's total asaeued valuation and about 95 per cent of ill population. The West Basin Municipal Wa- ter Diatrtct ls another section 1 ha.rd hit by the prolonged drought . • I .. • • . PA&E 2 -PART II -TJ«IUDAY, SEPr ... 195 1 I 1aiss-a FALL. TERM Opens • ~~ .... _ Sept. at llSlilllE • - - --1'1AIL TODAY---·-N · .-... ... ..,. ldll·wt1 .. ....--• • · .( ) &eplu r.11 Tena < ) MIM 81,'MI (-°'"" -_,, 111.&MZ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······································•·••·•••··• -• I • 8Wb0m!Cl CIAll6Q , .. Ole ....... .., a.' ., .............. __ ... _.. . ..... la aw: ..... • t..a..r'Day ~ • "9-f~ • tltie vano.et11n.., ~wt '.1- Ud dttias for -"'91W:f... ...., ... ,,.~ aN·a ~.J pnceM ... ,... ~ .. ·' c•a. ......... ~·w.... ,..._~..__., ,,... m a.,._,., Aid:",._~ o,,. .... ~;·,.._.,....._ _.. _, . ....,. .. -.-:, '°l'!' ·~ ...... ~ aiw, Mt u.&. _._ - dlM. ~et~ a fff ,,,,, 5 ... 'lftftt' Vtio f"nllte9 ...-' 8-a.uw.~ \ • (Photo I>)' B<anerl • occ ·rtrate · _. Meif!liave DEL .MAR ENDS~· rDail .Double · omOUis c"Now RACING :SEASON I, ' Y.. ~ ....... ·.·· •. ,· . J Morning ,workout.. and night WITH FUTURITY J . • l°"" Softball . Teams Play at Lagtlla Beach . ~y and ~. &pt: .fth and ~tll. will be your tut cllance tllfe YH.I to -the champion ...n-llell p~ of the South Cout ...._ in action. Pia yen Will ·be · .... -•t4d &om B&J-,'Newport' , ~ Oor.-do! liar, HIDllhlf· l• ~ Ceota 1(-OCMn.iew, w-... IApna Bach, Cap- ~ Buch. Sen Juan Caplo· -Ud San Clemttte . You will lllie the pitchtns of -Waklen, llle atrl-e-oul acc . ..., aloo ot "'""' !OobW and llft<rl• llortllclr. bolll p,,.....l and ;>eOll .-,-111p pllmen. Th• w na ~ re~led ril 1'e too --to -uon. o.w. ~ w played Oft t.h~ La- -·~ diamo.t •l 8:3() ). ... AAM>-.. ""· . . ~~~OITY~~·~·~··~·~··~·~··~·~· ·~·~"~·~ .. ~·~ .. ~·~":'~":P~B<>~>i~rE~·~·~ .. ~·~··~·~ .. ~-~-·~·~ .. ~·~· ~ 1 pfact\ces are-~rt or1 the "tw?-&-riR~NG~ .~t\S't 'sc~hi-1.t~ , I day" pigskin preacnptlon m~ed ~'~ t t--,.i $an$• Ana. , Out by Coach. Ray Rona to his ·Sf-Pf.. !9----00>c0n Ttt~ Th.~I Mu TUf.t CIYb ·dr9.WI the I-_________ ._ __ ,._ ___ _ .r_~ ' r urtain on one ol lt..s mont ."1Jcceaa-SAl. E Fall 8tAs RANUNCULUS BULBS ~~=·~~ -~~~-~ ....................... 100 , ... 1.00 KING ALFRED DAFFODILS LAJlGE D01"8LE SOSE BULBS ........................................................... .. TULIPS MIXF.D COLORS l~.\RGF. SIZE BtJLB.~ ........ . .. 10 lor 1.00 ... 10 ror 1.00 BLACK CALLA BULBS .. 5 & 10¢ Nursery Ora.nge-Coa8l College rootballt>ra. Oct. 8--at F'Um"'TI'na. '··• Sat rd 'th '-ill. summe.r &e&&0ns u ay "1 !ROMO fs Whipping hll'I ' gladlatortt fkot .• IS-..t St. Sao An-t.onln. th(' fourth n1nntng 1 of th~ far- Into ·ahape for thf'" Sl-52 seuon. Ort. 11 S.. llforaantiao.. · fanied DfoJ Mar Futurity. Alter his firlt gander at th,. ~.v .. l-ca.lff07. The c-.....C ab..furlong n-e.n.t for grid•hopetul.s, Roao lnd~alf'd that Nov. l ...... l ..... A-. • 12,.yea.r--okla. wtth a sro. T&lue in lhet'@ wu ~ ber-f on blr wtr· Sn. J 1-M ..._ W... n.CHS fl. $31,000. iii upeeted to riors. Fint practiCf' .... ?Mld at N9T. n.-..t ea.n.r ic. bring out OM ·o1 the nnm. fields the OCC campM lut Saturday. la \.be abort but glitter\Jll" blltory or the Ji'llturlty. Footballers from a1x Orangf' M Basketball County high ~hoots (T\Jntf'd and ore 8 '=af1wtA . I Vo«flOd through th. drill at th• · A"""11' tho ot ... dout juYf'l\lleo flr:1t aeuton. 1 I polntintr tcw the fixture, which. or- 1 Slgnlnc up w!lh th• oquad ....... , for the ··· Y.a .. rd';.ys .• lnally d.r.,., 191 nomlna•l!>m ..... EN"DS-G)ip•n \\rnodwant, Ski It: Prudy'• Boy, Bull Cbk:le, Wa.rco!I, I )l&nnl.q' of 1950 IWIDd; Don Bii'" Noltleo and Jfnidd,y the l'ox. B&kf"r , Compton; .llm t~ox Cam-Geor1"• · Tardlfy, • libl·foot·a.b· Other fut 2-year-ol<U eligible Mla; Bon Quial.-y, Guy <'oalA. Jnchff or buketball pS&yer par O:· fM the a.ffalr are PW Prtnoe; Tou- °'°"·n .. y; U9COI• Clark. Jack oeell•Me nlli:ted tft the· U. 9.. N&Y)' bo Chilla, TM M~. Qvllldlne, :\fnek .. ~'""'port Kariwtr; Soma Jut Wttk ._nd ancf i. cun-dltly at. M•rttni Bob, Grey Towt-r, Loo's -------------------r Pa."\:Wn, 0l'Ul&"ri IJon \\'qoner. llioned at t..o.Ale.mito.Naftl Sta.-Chok:t>. P1enary. Red Annor and 100/o Discount on Any Pawchase B.......0-; '.IJsx ........ Tl\atla. l"°n. ~ l!<llboa ·~r t ....... the oon•tlonal Yolo St&l>le fUl!co t T.4.CKLES--.llrn KttlJn«, Ed 'the mott ~ble .p•yoer tn tM -Sona and Tonp.. TUSTVJ. (EXCEPT AB • .\LO~""E and SHRDfP) Mayrr, ~Okr Kohn or 18M 19a1 A.A U cl.am~) 8ffm.I Stn~ lta incqtion In lffi8. thf> Brblg this ad to 8tl•~; DoG Bani;"''· l>o\,-nry: j,:tefinlltl.1 alaled for. a •l&rrtn.I" Del Mar hlurtty h&a bef'l?i •nee BAYSIDE FISH MARKET ~1,uO.rk. ""Iii:'-Pll<\t<r, Bob )>ertll -ui.-Na'tU;.._!loft .. 'flft. Of";tnajQr lmportanc:• tn tho Far ~ w.,...._, "-'1 ...,.._, " llro\""' ~:r~-,.... 'ti! • u.a~ year • .llf' Star ' Fresh fish Daffy froM O•, Ow'n louJiif'..,,.."1171• r..,;~ !<h•2M •~"Dofe..: >bl:r ,_,J'~.~ fJili6.,.,. ~. me .-1 .... t to,u... µ1- , 0.~ G~~ lf'RJ ~. lJie ifnlvet.lly • of .. eolOrScto. ·n .. rated Your Host the followin1 SPECIAi. PRICE OX ALBACOBE FOR C'A..,..,_'lXG H~tlqtoa BNdt; BW .llm!Au, hit th'°l' books th~re this summer sun'l.mer. Last year saw J . T ommy Abalone--15c lb. l <'-.>"'trano. anct hu ~n acceptt'd for the Taylor'!! Patch win trom a tut l I ' (Ir ARDS-Fn""1 0Wf!M. Dl<"k f"«ll !ICmMJttt.· Due to -larr stzed tteld that included Oay Can.lit't FREl"ll S\\.ORDFISR. A.LBACORF. a nd S . .\LMOS" Fralle'h or 1150 M(U&d : .JM'k ~arrll't I lack ing one N"qUiref't and.GOO Capltot S MOKED FISH -SEA BA ~S I Cla.rk. Da.IP 8U<"km••· Mrl F rr-8Cholaetic umt ~ Bob may not bf> ------- UOO Lafayette on the Bay 1\'I:\\"PORT Barbor 815 i \ ti&, DoM'De)'; Gii M•"'h. Or-a Colorado hoopffter unt il after Opportunity ti knocklnl' In ---r--------+ ..,..; :Willard Sour.a. C'ambria: Chri!!tmu. \ 1 CLA.SSD"I.ED ADS · I l>\1kf. ~ l:xcriMM; '"ack --------------------- TV ANTENNAS Call ur fo r installation or servicin9 of your antenna • Prompt service by expert technicians 911 l Newport Blvd. • Low pri ces T I DE TY . READY MIXED CONCRETE SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY . No Job Too Lar9e; No J ob Too Sm a ll H9 w .. t \Vll90a, --N....,.t &1111 Ba-lllYd& C08TA MESA -l'llONE BEACON $SM • e Let 11t1 aMlst you la yout plan"-We w 111 pMny Mtlmate ~ of nmerlalll, rettmz-4 a .-tnetor OI' 1lelp YCM1 olltala • Tide l ... fOI' -~--• , • K~ Huatl.n.ston U..cb.. I ;::'::!~ K;:1t~11...;~~~. ~= Seven Tar Letterman Return liq .... • Qt tARTEBBACKS -H nw- •nl ''l&Wr. Dsmty .4.rl"f'daado nr 1960 ... uad. llAl~f'BACKS -""'' Smltll. aftd BOb \\·att!t, .-".-1 8maUt>y, PhD 8 halet, °Nf'WpoTt Ha~r ; .J, R. :\f~DonooP. Dlta.M Omkf'IL U.W_,-; EnUP RulllPl ~av a. \'Vitti only 't<'Vt"n rt'tumln~ lt•t lennf'n l Don A&rvokt, Gene Boero, Bob F.g-gf'rt, T ed AtcAfUtf'r!. Jim Pucoe. Rollie Pulaski and Dick Stt>p h cru1) pro"peclli f or ttlr :'\r\vport Harbor Tar11 this coming-f ool· ball season IC'Ok pretty dim a cc-ordlng to Coach Al In.>in. r F'\lllback Sob BenbOw who was alated to return to the grid "'-'Br· H........,.._.,, .... -k. Palm~; N ... ..._ Onqe; ~ TutaUla, lam· -FULLBACK -Al 8m1Uo of tares this season hu rnter~ th(' military Mrvic-t>. Adding to tM <"Oflch'• problems 18 the ll&btwetsht . naturf' or th ls year's Tar team. ACC'Ordlng to Ir· wtn, the Tar line will averagl' a eager 190 pound& and ~ heav · st backtleld ma.n 111Cale• J66 l-_., --·· "-·-....... Beeeh; lfowanl w..-r. da . ~ Tbe N~rl Harbor eleven Howard Miller, tJ1htning-quick n thf'lr aeuon ai RivenJide on. ltsbtwe'Cb\ quartnback on tut pt. 21 , thPn rtturn to play three Jf'•.r'a Plratn hu not yet report-• pmH. Excelsior on &-pt. ed for ution, but 18 rxpected with-~: Lynwood on Oct. ~: and Bon- ln ow wttk. ~ on Ocl. 12. They'll then ·pile Th~ weeka away la tJw KU011. ipto th~ rerular Sunaet lrague opener, when the Pin.lea pile lDlo abed\&Je on Oct. 18. San.ta RoM on Sept.· 21. Prior to Here'• the ouUook on the .a2- tllal, OCC will tal\flo with M'ulr erl)bor Tar oquad: Colle«e tn an u.nckr:\he--arc ICrlm--11M:b: 0.. Aan.W. TN .... .._ Jack :SM'dnun. GIPhll Piel~. Roll~ Puluk.1. Dick R&dt1r, Au.."'" Ua Smitk. R.f"X. Bell and Jac-:k WoodhvlL Tulllfos: Loo Abbott, - Baird, Gfllfl Boero. Guy Bl'O\o\-n. Bob oaatu. WayJW Grttftn. B°"·- IUd ...... TOllJ .......... Tony Pridham. G .... ,.e. . LoWf'. .Bob M'OOd,y, Flo-yd S \\'&UO.a ud .lae.k Ta1·Jor. GU&l'Cb; J r:n')• Oolltu.. Tff'I')· Glhlloa. 1..f.e Rambrook. Mlkf" La)...e. Dud u .. Dtt • .Jlm. Pueoto, and Wa}'lle -L \ · C-t•ra: Dalo Co-11111> r:n-t. Ud Ii .. N..,k. r.cts: Ron lob.Mola. ~ .. Me- Mu&en. Lee 1'foriti ~ r.v. l>oa Pettit •. Dick Stophou and 1-Tnpp. map at Newport Harbor High tra-. Ed aarM. 11UJ Ho ........ ..-t 'flokl. Atdllo HonMll, .,..., --~~~~~-4-~~~~~......:..~~~~--============ RUBY TUMBLERS TYPING PAPER 9; ~nd 23 ¢ • $1.39 per ream CARBON PAPER llf TYPEWRITER RllBON 79' PAPER CLIPS 10 ' STEN'OGllAPIDC NOTEBOOKS 13¢ S" KI" MEMO NOTEBOOKS .. 9; REINFORCEMENTS 4' Ilda! WNCH KrT •1• ....... -~.­v-lletllo . NOIUOOU .... ..... PENCILS · .. _ ... -._.12 ,.,23; SPREADER, TOP R~. %9<"-4 OL ,. I BOPALONG CAlll!IDY LUNCH KIT sr MECHA>i'ICAL PENCILS ................. 19' 12 IN"CH 3 -Ring Z I PPER NOTEBOOK,S Rfo~. $1.39 40<; \'al ... COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS 231 INK TABLm 190'" 19¢ HOBART ASPIRIN 11 ' 2 or S Rina- r OTEIOOKS ~-. -59; SWIMMING CAPS I • I 25°/o 'oFF r LEAD PENCILS :4' ----- PENCIL BOX'ES 25' / R-.:. 29e , . I PENCIL TABLfFS ' 4¢ I I L•esv 1JTUMBLERS Rfo•. U c 6 tor 59¢ bT,JUR;TICI! '1LUID COLOR '1" R ... Jl.50 • " • . , • l MR. A.."\D ~. GORDOS DYE Patricia Abbott Becomes Mrs. Dye in Saturday Matrimonial Rites Two hearts and the white pl<'aled ballerina skirt of the briilt! fluttered last Saturday when Patricia }\bbott fioated '1own the aiale of St. JoachJm's Catholic church to return u 1Mrs. Gordon H. Dye. Native Daughters Hav.e Smorgasbord About 200 ladirs we re preSE>nt at the: NatiVC' 0&U$.:hlcrs of the Golden W f'st. Conc hita Parlor. smorgubord held last Thursday aflf'rnoon a t thC' Friday Afternoon Club in Costa Mesa. The smorgasbord. pronouncNI deliciowi by all. centl'red a bout ha.m. albacorf'. salad a nd de.swrt. Aftf'r f'ating. tablt•s of bridge and canal!la held t.h c 1ntcrl'Sl of the ladles . Thf' dQor priZf'. a grocery order for $;",, wa.<i won by Mrs. 0 . M. Campbell of N t·wport HC'ighll!. Raffle w inne rs werC' Mrs. Ra- chel Wiley. CostA Mesa, who won a Mnd mMe·· embroidered skirt and An l ta Strvl·ns, N ewport Beach . who received a hand-craft- ed quilt. There were a lso 20 other priZ<'S wlth lucky winners. These pru:.es were gTOCery order~. handiwork and rnerchant'e donations. Girl's State Group Has First Meeting F irst alumni meeting of the Girl's St.ate group v.·as held Sun- day at Orange County park. The group adopte<I a const itution and by-laws and e lcctt'd offic<'rS: Elea- nor Ragan, president; Margaret Stanley, vice president: Gerry Mubger. secretary: Nada Bounel:s, sergeant-at-arms. The organization also na mt-d an tre8.!Jurer, and LaVonnc Dohm, advlsory comntittt"(' cons isting of l\frs. Georgette Gordon, Mrs. Nell Carlson. Mrs. Elva Mac J ones and Mrs. Helen Dillon. Father Thomas Nevens joined I the two in H oly Matrimony In & single ring service. The bride, formerly of 305 Col· ton St., Nl'wport Beach, wore a ballerina skirt of faille over satin ~·ith a straplesa satin bodice, and short 1leeved jacket. A coronet of &a.tin wu encircled with ora.nge blossoms. The flower motif f l'&· turcd pink l<'& roses C('n te rl'd with lavender orcbid and !!llE'phanot~. The bride WM given away by hey father. C. L. Abbott. The bride's moth<'r, Mrs. C. L. Abbott. wore a dress of light blue voilt' Wll h a blUl' fl'alhcr hat. \\'bite shoes, purse and gloves complf'ted lhf' t'nsemblt'. Mother of the groom, Mrs. Mar- garet Dunbar, wore a .!!mart navy provided by he r acc('saoric-~. blue outfit wtth white accent.!! Matron of honor wu Betty Ann Smith. wh08e yellow ba.ll&rtna chif- fon skirt wa.s comple-mc ntod with an open cro'Wll hat. Attf"nda.nts Brid~maids Wl're thl' bridl''s si1'1ter, Peggy Abbott. wearing a grl'en ba.H erina 8k lrt and jackl'l accr nted by orange gladioli : Ann Wo rsham. cousin of the bride. in an orchid ballerina with a gar\an<I of yellow gladioli, and Marlt'nR Wontham outfitted In a blue bal- IPrina skirt with a flowe r color note of pink gladioli. Also attending the bride werf' Anna Sam80n, the bride·s grand aunt. and Mary Ayre11 , aunt of the bride. Best n1an was Charles Shorb. of Costa M<>sa, brothe r-in-law of the groom. The bridP. Patrit"ia Abbott, at- tended Harbor high school. Her new husband, Gordon H. Dye, of Co&ta Mesa, alao attended the samP school. The newlyweds wil l travel south to romantic Mexico for their honPymoon and wtll reside ln Costa Mesa. Wht'n they rt"turn. Montgomerys Honor Miss Moore The Misses G#rtn1de and Lou!~ Montgoml'ry of 2117 I!'.:. BaJboa Blvd., Balboa. entertained recent- ly at an intimate. f&Alily luncheon. horiorlng Ml&s Ann Moore of Greenville. Ml!ll!liul ot. F ra g I I e white Sea !eland Da!fodlla, and saffron-tinted tu~rou. begonlaa, centt'red the lace-spread luncheon table, at which wert' eeated, a.aide from the hoateuee and honor guest, Mr. and Mre. Tarver Mont- gomery of Santa Ana, and Mr. and Mrs. Jotm F . Sims of Three Arch .. Bay, South Laguna. • ltOUS •••• 39e ••· !I.., 4lc .... , ' ... IOc CAKI •• • • •• ~ •• ... SUS -.). Uc W Miss Moou spent ~veral week.II in California &.S the house-gueAl Of hl'r coualns. Mr. and Mrs. J . F . S im.111. Several evenings a{;'o, Dr. and Mrl'. Arthur G&rdlner Coona of OccidenlaJ ColJege. who have bttn spending the month of Auguat at their Lido Island eummer home, jolned the MIMefJ Montgomery u co-host3 Ln celebT&Ung the blrlh- day of Or. Coons' eister, Mrs. Rob- ert B. Gregg, ot Anaheim. Fineen members of lhe lmmedi- ate family wen: gbe.sts at dinner. served in the encloeed patio, at the Montgomery home. \Uq#.~mp~ Mn. Peart J . Smith, realtor, of Upl&n'd, Calif., apent tile -1< end at her ~ at ;no Wut Oce&ll l'ront. ,entertalnln• ber ooa Harri 008TA llUA Ult Newpon !"""L ClOaONA DEL lllA& -~BIPWV LAGUNA BEACH ttJ I'.,.. A- MI-A raLA!11D --A- a. 8mllll and wtte aiid _,. 'l'edJ and Jolumle. ~ Bo~ I Htt -la -led with otucllo wwk In Holl¥WQOCI, b&Ylns ... tum- , ed -uy -an -tern tour wltll '.tbe 6uc , , , Btldt Y<>Wlll. pro-"..,..u u __ _ Ted to • -t Of C&I Tocll, ............ Mter1Dc Ida Jalor ,... • Clnd Ill IUlllTI ' Pillsbury Cake M'x 1:k:· 33• White or chocolot1. Easy to moke. Party Cake Mix c'~~ .. 2:k:· 33• 10.vil Food Coke Mix, 20.or. Bel Party Pride Ice Cream.:::. 24c CATER >NG GRADE. Extra rich . 2 pints 4 7 c ) Snow Star Ice Cteam .:::. 18c Vonillo or diOc~ote. tlf p rt1 35c) . L ' ~ • Party Pride Sherbet •e~ 1 S• Assorted flavors. 12 pint1 29cJ Feotured al Safeway Green Peas E~:~~t 11-. ,1<.,. St b ' Sliced raw erries Flavorful 12 .... ,k. •. lemonade Conce~trated 6 .. s . Just Add Water ca" Orange Juice For AUTUM FASHION IDIAI Reodthe~r, ,AMIL Y lcU . ,. ......... ,. SIOUlla.I MJl,Jl Cherub brand. Evapo- rated. Homogenized. 2 ta11 z5c cans PRESERVES· ' Kern brond. Choice of Grape, Apricot, Peoch, or Apricot· Pineapple. 2~~· 370 Raspberry Boysenberry Strawberry STAR KIST TUNA Fancy, solid pack . 7 .. L 290 c•n MARSHMALLOWS Light, lender. Snow Cloud. ... LIOc ,.., Look al tl1e low 1>rices on guaranteed meals, fioh. and poultry. Shop and S"'" at Safeway.,. U. S. CHOICE beef. (Arm cut, lb. 69c) Bonales1 Cull. U. S.CHOICE Beef BOUID STEAK FBYllG CBICIEIS Manor Ho UM lb.98° lb.69° Eriacerated. cut up. Gov't Grade A. All ready for pcm. ' Ground Beef ~ft;~~~ 1b. 65• Bol'li'ng Beel Plate Meot 2• U. S. CHOICE lb. 7- Pork liver ins:~"/.~~. lb. 3fC Halibut Steaks _F 17~0 lb. 69- Whole Whiling i~:i:v lb. 25• Ocean Perch .fillet • lb. 43• fillet -of Sole R:.,~:~ lb. 57• Bacon Cudahy Puritan Sliced 5a.r in Heat Sealed Package lb. 7- Bacon Grode B, Sliced .... In Hoot Sealed Package lb. •7- Midael Turkeys ~;!;!~ •. 69- Gov't Grode A, Eviscerated, Belrsville type. , Du ... li'ngs Long 1s1anc1, Evis-6.., \ll cerated. Grode A •· 7- \b.10-.SWANSON tllltKIN PARTS Thighs •. 1.09· Legs .-.1.09 •eas_ts ,.. 1.~9 · Wiags ., ,,,. • • SDlilB Union brpnd, fine granuloted Excellent for use in cook" • • . rng, in canning, or at the table. J~r.:hd -age 5·pound ba9 45° RqxJturyflneCandles Coconur Krunchies I or Creme de r.o.. go Menlhe. "• (Swedish Min ls, I..Jb. 29c} Edwards gives you the fresh flavor of real coffee instantly! Edwards~Coffee 4 .. L 35• jar SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE ,,.,, ,,,,,,,,1 Airway Coffee ~~~! Deposits extra on bottles. Choice of Root Bee r, Merry Mix Soda, Orange Soda, Strawberry Soda, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale . Vl'va Cola Refresh ing 2 Jz .... 2• Beverage bottl.. '7 4 Deposits ore e JCtro on bottles. Pepsi Cola ~~:~ts 6 ~~ 37• Dad's Root Beer 6 ~;;:; 37• \ 132-oz., 2 for 35cl. Oepcsits extra. \ Monte Cristo Wine lillt. ,,. ' Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Pole S~err:y. l(alifamio Burgundy, fifth, 55cl IColifornio Souterne, fifth, 59cJ ) W irws offered only in Sofewoys licensed \ to sell them. Taxes ore additional. , Miii llW 'lltll Chewing Gum ~~~ :~': 69-· facial T'ssue Sc;,~;: .:c:= 23• 1200-slae, 2 pkgs. 23c> Rik Ra Cleanser 2 1!;::· ~J· • ------.---------\ WESSON SALAD OIL Good !or Plllf 35 41Hrf&I frying, Joo. ~It 0 Mttl1 0 . --~~c~~~!.~~AP-t Buy Ciani pkg. for 55c IOnt c5a ' Cet Large pk!!. for Hie 011.Y ,., ·--___ ..,_ ~----- ' I ' Nim ·lfKllVI l•MI SAi., SIPI. S, tfSI, nfn SllllJ, Sl!IL t , 1•1 II._ - , IJI Al WlWAT SHI B • po8TA 1mlA ,..,... ..... ,.,., ...................... .... -~lli ..... prica•lo •W.-1 ' • • ( I '• ) • "!/ • • • • • ' • • ' . . • • . , ••• ' ' • ,. ' • • , ' - .. 1 t • ~ • ' 1. fASE 4 -PARTc 1 r -THUllSD;.Y, sart: 6, .1951 oc1tnDM10N• ~ WID' ~r ' • ,·1 ' ' · -•--f · .... --l · · ·~~. -~-~ • ~ ~;II iltL...... • 1 004ft' 017.-0 Kr. Md Mbl. Ow,. .J-ol """ ... ~ ~!7.!!S! ,, •fl~~-~~ , , ~.~i;:.~~~~~ --·=-=·-~ .. " . _: dlE; a!! WltWllS ~ 'fto, Oom•o ...... , lllh BootU., W.,..,._._, -t' Ille AD\'~ -w --,....... -... ·" ::+-1: ,_..!""" PllESS I ' --.---_.... • ..,.. -·1-,....,,",""" uili;:tn•1 ... fl!lrlo!tJ•<•-W· ---. -Dltltrtct, ---... _..,t ,""!~!' --Ion --~-~ lfotlee .. llero!>J'.,..... tllat tlie -bf~ of tile Oranp ..... ,..,. .... ~ ••1---·-'f .. J-- -I ,._ .1.: • o ~ If t1ma "...._ Cooot J111J1ot-Collq9 DWtrict of,,___-.-~~----·-,,_ ~~ -~ · C l.f S II B . _ M' R t j com;" ... 1,.m~i;a;:tbba•°!{;"::I : ~~D~7-:.:~ ~=~~to u ·llM! "Owner,• will ~1ve . .up0 i;."'b..t;;;;t"-~'2:oo"P._v.. ,.,._fii.Uit~;;:r:;..-::w:::::-······-·-:-_:::::::::_~;·;::: --uo ...._.. ~ •--~n ,_ _,,,... u• Sept<ml>Or 28, 11111, Mel<!d bide for Ille award Of ...w.ct for 11'!¥ , Tractor J0pera~.-.ll 1, ~' ......, Gr ·l'ltH • a I ma Uslness an a es will be bold In tile '1'11nea Bli1ld th• Harb61> ....,. to to lb •:;... U><I Crafla Bulldlnrr of &boot 14-000 "'I· ffft ot wOOd frame a.id T -~ •· ~ 411~ _,_,,,,,_,, __ ...,..... ¥· •. . • Ins. Lonr 1leacll, next. r.b-•-: bom• ol "elr A ...... "fe..""!.-A -··In~ Pn or brlcl< ven-wan.; •em•nt, upholt Ule, U><I ""ram!< tile ~-~ ..... ~~ 'hlld• ........ __ .,.. Botbi llCM.eed • ·~, ... \ ............. ...... GUO• · oorm; •cou8lJc tiSe cttDln.p: compoatt&on and gravel root•, located tn. ~-"-•~ . .'~ I.Ill :tt·1s· Own Exh·1b•1t at State fa"1r I =..r~::sw~:; = ~p_alld .Mn. J .. k Kirk nt ~~ d~~n!':!.~: :,~t':r.~=~·c:: . .-:o!; 1'1\U~;~~pt..:::.~·:::·:::·=~ , •. . "'-· ~ _""""" do -....... tlM want Ida. Rullor Bautevl04 .,.... Bonto. Ana. Oran.-e County, Callfomla, Md .,..,. ... ct Dump 1'rudlio -, • ~· ~ -l!iAa • ;.ia. ; SOuth ·Orange County area recldonta enpPd la -11 ~ · ....U be .,...t!d ·ud pallllc!J reMI aloud at the above otated time In ...Ur level ·-·····-+-... --·-··-·-·--·-lM Will rind the "Aids to Small 8ualMM _.. at "'8 lllfl. ~ UGAL NO'flCE U.AL NO'flCI I.be C ;:'4 ~.:.i~":~~ =~ .. 'to u:.a_. lnvitaUcm, lite Ori-=:=~··§<--·· =~-.,._ ~~ Uoui ~ UI ~~~ ~a:;.::t.~;~":~~:,"'::,'1' tlle~::::d:!.1!; • " ""• • •• r !--•••• .!.!::.:.:=.,,~.,~-~.!_1.~1~11~1!..!:.~-:!.-• .-• -111'.u; apocin.,.Uon' pid 111 the otlltt doc'llDente comprising the perU· Ori..,. pt Dump -u ,...,. lliit -u..,. 11 ~ · . worses 01" INIDllOW TO '4 ""-···· nq\ oafttrant dooumenlai. O>pita ot the Cotatraet Document.a are now ' wat.tt le.el ............. . ........ ·--··--·+-------: __ .:__ Lii the C&llfomla Departn1"nt ot DnploJlll""l. said today. -OAOlt IN Tlllt SA.LI: o JfO'I.,. 'IO Clllll>ITOU OD m. and opou to public lupeetlon In the ~ ottic.,, ot lb• dwner, l>riwn ol Dwnp s -11 ,.,,. or -. -...... a.ie • ''Thi> Year's &mall -· ALCOHOLIC BltftJtAOJ:S and ot Robert a Alcund••, A.rchltect, loC11led at 3657 llouth La. 0 B..-. Drl"°" of Trw:U. lop ,,.,_ .... ellJ 1--t U.. 1.M Shaw," Math•"'-oal41, "'Will am• Tiie 11bow wW -S with & worl<-Aqu.t ll, l l .-r+Tll ()IP' VJVlAJf C. Md<.,.. la tllo Cff¥ ot Loo .\Jlll"i ... In aid OoWtty ""4 BtalAI and .nul.y· be Driven ol 'l'nld!o• pe111M ~ -· 1a t W . I phuize man ... rial t •ch n I quea Ills conference to footer Ill• ,d.,. TO WJIOM rr -,,u. y oo : ·DlllCSASl:r> 1 -ed at •IU.., p~ by dcpoeltlnr p0.00 tor each. .. t. Thb do-10· ten. • ~:;~~;:;::-:::.~or,::~= :=:it ro~f 10~~ ·:m.t"'= ~~" -=b~:':'t.'~ed-to ~.:SU:.~ :.= ::'!.,:U.:: :.=i ~t ~ :,~[i.,~~n c;~~,. °:°;e~·:'.i.~ 'nr1~:.., ~~~::~~~~~~!.-~:~.~~·~· :';'.!I~ .!:,.,, th!ii~·:..en:n~';;',,~: .~>°t11e a.:!~~r i:~ ~:':':°~~~ ~'::·~=::r:.. ~ = ::~ ·~~ ~r1:1"~ bta =• --b~ w11I be receMcl -ft.Ing a-.J Con-:1""'".1111.,..~~;:~~::~~ot.:_~.;~~:~~ ! ... 11 ·..i In tile Lltllcl on-trr, Oover-under tM aU!lplc.,. al the CaJICor-..... deaorlbed u tolloww: "''i. With tllo _._., YOUohcra In }fl• ltrucllca; Plumblnlf; Heattnr aJld VonUlaUng; ID.tctrlcal W°"k: unit .,.. -••---. ,;;J'j._,_ .....--1 -~ -·-· .. ""r'a Hall, at LIM' falra-round.•. nla -Uon· or BuNn-and QOf Coiuot H ighway, Newport I oMoe Of the Cieri< of the lupei1or prl--""""' tot l!llCOYallOll, ......,..!.&, at .. l, et<. Complallon time Drlvft'a of lllllclld tljPO ip..-,..,...... ...... _ ...... : ...... ..:....:._ I.II · O!flclala f1'lm the N&(lonal Profeoal-1 Wom .. 'a'ClublL Zonia Beach. ,Oran ... County Oourt Of lloo County· of Oran,ro, t<>quHted lo be •t lty Olddono. A "'8lament of llnanclal ...,.Utlon and Ori...,.. of l'.lumJIOl"l' Trjlo1!4 .... :._.l:-.... .;... ................... ,_,,_~ 1:11 Production AUllM>rtty and the Of· lntrrnaU011al, and Soroptlmlat ta-Puntwlt •to 3UCh 1nt .. tlon. ~ mat. ol <lalltomta. or to PreMat deposit or 107. ot lloo total bid by c.,.utled ebock or 1114 bond l.o Drlvera ol 'l'nna!t•Kbl TN<lta Uil4p S ,.iA. ···•-"···-···-···:...., .lM .f!cr of Price StabUlzalion and tcrnational AsaoclaUOn. • undonllfht!d b applylnr to u... Iha ...,.., Wllb llu! ~ requlrtd with -h llJd; lollor t.n4 Oll'l«rl&IA 1'oad .-1 ~anee l>rinn of Tnnalt.~ 1'nlolcl S J4ir. or..,_-·~---~ ~~:~::~;.~:=~k~. :77h:,:r.t;:~·~~==-~ :::-~~:~~:::~~:~~ ~:~ lopl~ ;~.: t!'. ::~:~::::~.=·?~:.~=ii::: ~~~Ith.. :E~°.~1:~~~ .. ~~E::=~~=·= ·Jn addition to COWIM'iinr whJch crea.sE'd Rlt..ftlllployment for wom· premlAes u folt,WB : Bank ol America. Executor IC&ell bid Ahalt be &Of:9Plp&nied b)r a oerttrle4 ar cuhler's cheek Dumpcttte Truck, ~,tfau C~ ~water iewJ ............ ,_ l.M '\vill be a.va.Uable, exhibit. .,;n en ln CalllomJa and, through panel On..-SaJe. Beer Llcenae or the Elitate or Vivian c . Me. payable to the OWner, or q_lllf~ry Bid Boo.d lift &.YOr at-Uta Owner, Du.mpcrete Truck. ·~ ~ _ wath ~ and Oftf --~---·-----· 111 J:how how their-.spoJU10rs have diacvu.iona and workshop lf'Oups. . A.nyot1t dt"slrlng to prolMt the Kee, d/O Max Hurwtt.s., 2811 exeeut.ld by tbl bidder aa Prtncl_. an4,a. aaU.factol'y auret:J eompany ~Carrier Drtwr -+=•J ......... -.... _. ....... ...: .............. ___ 1.11 - UfM"<I faciUtica a.nd mt0urcea natlw d19cll!\8 mcana of turt.taerm. the luuancc ot w ch. Uceii.te m•y rue Newport Boulevard, Newport •• surety, lft &n a.mount not lea. 'uta.n ten per 1eea.t' ot the ~ The •ter 'rnlek Dl'twr l600 IL -......... -·--·-··--.. --1.D to variot.19 Calitornla areu to d ... program rturtns the coming year. • verified proteat WU-b-' the State llMcb, Call.tornla wlt.htn a1x: check or bid bond •u be given aa a f"&J'UWie that the bidder will Water Tt'uck DrlYer-2IOO p. or more ... -····-·· .. --.-...... _. S:tid )relop succE"Mi'ul enterprlaes which Organt.zaUon, developmtnl a ad Boe.rd o( Equalisation at s.a.u.,. months atttr the nrat publJca.. PXE"cut. the Con.tract. lf it be awuckt4 to him in con!onnJty With the lndu.trial ut~~k t;1.w.r ............... -----···--···-.l··-··--.t:U contpbute to ~ economies and presentation of thE' "Aida to Small mmto, caJlfornla. st.a.Ung ground,. tian ot th.la noUOE'. Cont'*t Docu:rntnta and wUI provide the IUNty bmMI or bonds u Truck O~r and ~ ........ _ ...................... ~·--···--;;·-'t;llS which, ln ma.ny inatancee., c an con· Bualnees Show" Is a joint venture for denJal a.a provided by I&w. The Dated A.ul\llt 23, 19:51. speclf"'4 Ulu~ln wtthJn fJve days alt.er noUn.ca'.tlon of the award nf Truck Repairman (job 1lte) ........................ ~······· ... -·-··-··;..--""° vert to defenae produeUoa. in t.hf' ot the ~epartml'nls of Employ-premtaea are now licensed for the MAX HURWITZ. the contra.ct to the bidder. Truck Repairman Helper (job •ite) ............... -...... _.,.: ........ ~···JM .national intereat, W..thew110n 38.id. meat, ucatlon. Health, Public sale of alcoholic benncea. Attorney tor l'!xecutor of thP The Owner J'f'serve1 the prtvtle«e Of nJocUnc any and all bids Warehou.seman -Clerk ............... -,_ ........................... _ .............. 1.11 Each momlnf. the bureau of Works. the Governor's office. a H.ltLZN M . MAJESKI Est.at..-or a&Jd d~«"nt. or to watve any irrf'gularltln or lnformalltles In a.n7 bid or ln thP .Ubtatoa W~r · • businet.!I education or the state number of leadln• trade a.ssocla-No. 74.1-Prf'M. No. T-4i-PrMA. blddlnl'. For.e~n ra~ unle .. tpeeifttld, llla.11 bfi 12~e per bour 160 department or education will con-tions. and the CllJlfomLi. Btate Publish S~pt. e. 19:51. Pub. Au,-. 30; Sept. 8-13-20. l9:Sl . Pursuant to the Labor Code of the State or calltomta. Use said more than the Journeyman rate. 1 duct ul~ tn.lnlnl' cllrtics. Fair. Board or TruslRf'S hu &M'Prtained tht> genE"ral preva.tlinJ' rate of J>E'r Bricklayer a.nd Stonemqon -8 hr. day ........................... --... 2.15 ORDfN'A..~CE NO. Ill diem wage.11 for ea.ch craft or type of workman needed to aeeute the Brick 'Tender ............ , ............................... -..................... ., ............... ~.as AN' ORDINANCE OJP' TD OOUNTY OF ORANGE contracts which will be awarded t.be suceeaafut bidden; arad theee pre-. 0\"El&TIME •ATES FOR SIX RA81C TRADE81 -OCC Offers Broad ~dult Program AMl!:.NDIXG ORDDr~Clt NO. 114 OF TlfF. v&iling ratu &rt> contained ln ald spt'Ciftcatlons adopted by th8 Board, CARPENTERS: Double time for all overt'.lme, except for PUe DiiYer OOUXTY O.F ORANGE and are u toUow1 : · Men -Bridge or Dock C&rp@nlerl on tide worll: \L'hett the o'Hftlme During the coming Fall t erm, Or&nge C.OUt Evtnlng College wUl offe r a broad propam or coU1aes det1igned to render maximum aervice to the adults ot this community. RPgiatration wtU beJ1n at 10 a. m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11 . lNltruction Will commence on Monday. Sept. lT. The Board ot Supervlaors o( lb• County of Oran,-p State of CaJtlornla, also actina &!: tP.e Board ot 8tlpf"rvl9ora Of the 0!'8.Jlge County Flood ControJ District. and. other dlstrlc ta for which the Board of Supervisor-a la the l'Oftritlnl body, d() ordain u fpt1ow11 : Bl!C'l'ION I. lttme 0105, oe:l~. QllM, 0110, 0137, 1<71, ~210, 2'8S, fU)d *6 ol Sqctlon 21 or •~d Ordinance are hereby amended t.o re ad &a follow": t>urlnf' the l~O...:Sl school year, 3416 a.dolts enrolled In one or more of the llO cluae1 orp.nlaed. Proytslon for ihe 1951-62 progTam will ma ke possible a program ot approximately the same aize. Sev- eral new elu&u are being ottered. Additiona.1 sectlona of •xiltinr clu.ses which were inadequate to meet the demand are also being orra.nized_ ·. Brochure• givinl' the complete details on coureea offer- ed, reaUtration procedure. a.nd general information will be mailed to each person who was enrolled during the precedinl' aemester. Copies may be ob (a I n e d by writing or calling Coast Coll ege. New Courses Among the new courses avail- a ble to adult• are Band, EJecp t,rlcity, Pattern Making, Public Speaking. SupervilOry Training and Industrial Leaders.hip, a n d Reta.Ji Pro d u c • Mereh&adtaln.-. Steps are bein.r takea to organ- ize c lasses in Parliamentary PYac- rloe and R ussian, alt hough these classes will not begin Septem ber 17. Several .courses whicb have enjoyed considere.bla popularity in the past wUl be repeated. Amonc- •ttwse a.r~ ~al Eatate Law, Crea- tive Writing. Upholstery, Lapi- dary. Psychology for Everyday Use. Sewing and Tallortnr. Typ- ing. Weldin&" and Woodwork. ITEM TABLE AND INDl!!X RANGE NO. T1TLE NO The'Fall ton1m series wlll be pre.ented on four coJU1eCutlve Wednesday• beginning on October 3. The central l heme w111 be mos · 0636 AMe-.. ··············· ............. _. .Flat $625 0666 Coroner and Public Admlnl!'trator F1¥ $800 0716 County Clerk ............. -............ .. .... Flat $62~ County n...on1.or .......... Flat S600 0737 County Surveyor ............................... FJat $600 "CommunicaUon" and four mu. each an out.at.anding authority jn hJa field, have been scheduled to handle the meetings. Detailed In· formation wiJl be released on thl• &eriu In the near future. l t 71 Senior Lf>gal F iling Clf'rk .... . S2 22-4 5 Sherttt ......... ... . ...... Flat $700 2486 Tax Collector ,_ ......... Flat $600 2626 TNuurer . . . ........ FJat $600 Tttreurhoot Dl!it.let SECTION 2. Item 0105 ot Sf"fllon 28 of said Ordinance i. herf'by amendll'd to read as followa: NO. OF In llne with the Eventn1 Col-ITEM ORDINANCE lege policy of taking the ci.._._. NO. POsrMONS CLASSJFICA TION TITLE RANGE l<O. to the people wherever pout.hie, 0103 1 I ""ll In •-h Id th uvh County A.88easor .-.. ..... .. .. .... nat $826 c Ulll!l.I ., a.p .....:: e ro_ -SECTION 3. Items 06M a.nd 1t71 of SE'Ction 36 of said Ordlnanc*" out the district. Classu are cur-•re hereby ameQded to ri>ad •• folloW11~ rentJy acheduled for Ba I boa., NO. OF CLAUmCATION TITI.ll: RANGE NO. Newport Beach. Costa Mesa, ITEM ORDJN ANCE We•tmlnster. H untingt.on Be&ch., NO. P08mONS Slmset Beach, and Seal Beach. ~ Coo:lllatent with JUI ftmoc.'°8 a a 1 County Clerk ...... -· ................ Flat $823 eommunity inlltltutian. Oran.1• 1411 1 • Senior LepJ .l"lltnl' Clerk "--·-·-· 32 Coast .Colle•• is directed toward .11'C'Tt.ON 4• Item ~ of Section. !T of Wd Ordinance i.1 hf'reby • . amended to read u rollow.1: meeting the educational needs of NO OF the. con1munlty which it serves. ITEM ORD!N ANCE Residents of ~h.ts district are .in· I NO. POSJTIONS CLASSIFICATION fITLE RANGE NO. vlt&d to pe.rt1c1pate by enrollmg 1 0656 1 Co • In courses currentl:r offered or roner "" Public Administrator Flat $800 submiltl.n• •u••est iona for addlp SECTION 6· It.em OTl& of B<>c Uon ~ of liakl Ordlnancf' ls heN"by t. • •• amended to read u followa: tonal coursea. NO. OJI" Fair Features Defense Tactics ITEM ORDINANCE RANOE N-0. POSITIONS CLA881FlCATlON TITLE NO. 0716 1 County Recorder ............................ Flat $600 SECTION 8. Item. 22f~ of S.Ction 57 Of •a.Ld Ordinance la hl'reby amendM to re•d as t0Uow1: How Californians can help in the air defense of their rich state is being brou1ht home to th~m at the Callfomia Stale Fair tn 9acr9-NO. OF ITEM ORDrNANCE RANOE m•nto, Auguat 30 thru Septen1ber 9. NO. POSITIONS CLASSIP'ICATIO~ TITLl!l NO. The Sacramf"Dto F'1lt~r Center ot tht< Oround Observer Corpe ii maintaining a booth st the fsir r!'presenUng all four Filler C.nterf 22•5 l S'herlff ........................................ F1at 1700 SECTION T. Item 0737 of SeC'tlon 11 of Mid Ordlna.nct-ls here by amended to ~ad u follows : in California. Others are located In Oakland, Pa.udena and Santa. An.a. .. In addition." said Col. Hobart R. Yearger. commanding offlC'er .. of the 28th Air Division Defen8E' at Hamilton Air F orce Base, "the Filter Center booth at t he fa.Ir i.I recruiting f o r a.II CalifornLa Ground Obaerver •ctivities. both for the F\lter Center• and the Ground Observation posts.·· The booth showa how aircraft arP traced--the initial report b)' Ground ObNrvers-the Filter Cen- ter notification to thf" Air Force-- the dispatch ot jf't lnt e rceptor- fl1hters to identify eit'cra.ft-and the a ir raid warning proce.diire u.aed should the aircraft prove hOltlle. The Ground Observer Corps is a volunteer civilian orp.nla.ation and i.s linked to both. the Callfornla State Civil Defense sy1tem and Uu: Afr Force . In ad dition to tht COC. the A ir Force relies upon a radar network t o warn of enemy air attack. Thf' principal value of the GOC lies in trac.klnC" Jow-nyln~ alrcraft difficult to pick up on radar becauae or line -of -ai&ht limitaUo.ns enabling sneak raJders 9 to~ hide behind hills.. ' ''The need la gNi&t tor more volunteers in the Ground Otr.erver C<lt'pS.,'' aa.id CoJ. Yeager. ..At preSf'nt Uaeu att approximatel)I! SOVIET AR~fY FILMS NO. OF Combat units of the Sovt.t ITEM ORDINANCE R.AM'OP! Army, ttleir weapons. equlpment, NO. POSITIONS CLAS&lP'lCA.TION TITLE NO. organ&atlon and tactlca wll1 be 0737 t County SurvE")'or ... M ... • • ........ F1at MOO the subject of a two-hour n1u.strat-SECTION 8. Item 2485 of Stttlon 82 of s aid Ordinanct.' is hrrt'by t'd lecture for members of the Of... amended to read u follnwa: ge.nlud ReMrve Corps of Orup NO. OP' County on &t-pt.• 12. 1951 at 2000 ITEM ORDINANCJ!I RANG!: hours, at 1012 N. Main St .. Santa NO. POSITlONA CLA88nrtCAT!ON TITLE NO. Ana. C..Ufomla. 2<811 I Tu COiiector ....................... , ..... Flat SGOO Leading the dlscU:s3ion will be SECTION 9. ltem 2625 ot St'ction 53 of said Ordinance Is hPrebv Lt. House and Lt. Laceyp The Of-9.D'ended to N&d u foUowa: • fi<"ers c.ompoee one or 12 teams NO. Or currently tourtnl' the el•ht states lTE}.l ORDINANCE RA.NOE of the 8 ixth Army as part of a NO. POSmONS CLASSIFtCA noN TM'LE NO. provam to bring m•mbers or th~ 20!:i I n-..u.Jrer ........................................ nat S600 ORC up-to-date on the Array'a lat-S&CTJON 10. 11 any pan(Tl.ph. sentence, clause, or phrue of thll fist tactics, weapons. tec!lnlques, Of'd:piance for any reqon ll held to be unconatltutk>n.al or lnvaUd, equlpmmt and problPm•. / •uch shall not affect tbe rtma.tnins portion of th1J Ordinance and the Included in the diacuasion will Board of Supcrvbon hanby dttla.re• It would have pa.ued ~ch para- be a comparison of Rusaian and pap.h., sentence, cl&uae and pbraae thereof Jrre•pe-ctlve of the tact A.mertea.n units u.p to and lnclud-that any o~ or moTe tlla.n. ~ aeatence, claUle, or phrase be declared lng the Infantry Divialon. Tactics unconstJtotJonal or lnvalld. of the smaller Soviet units and Sl)CTION u . All ordtnances and part.a of ordin&N!M In coinn.let ~ prirtcipaJ weapons of the Rus-with. Olla Ordln.a.nee are hereby repealed, provided, however. that thf' s1ana Will be closely acnatinl.zed provUJk>nl ot Ut1a Ordin&oct ., far u they an subat.anU.ally lhe l!lfJTie by the dlacuaaAan deaden,. Vialal aa ulatl.ng ontlnanoea. muat be coruitn1ed u contlnuatlona lhefeot. &ids Will be employro by the tWo and not as new enactments. otncera deacribing RulSf,&n weap-Smx:.-r'?ON 12. 'tbla OrdJ.rsf.llct lb•ll t.Ue effttt and be In force ona includln&' the highly -touted on October lat.. 1951 and prior to the uplN.Uon ot fifteen (l!i) days T·34 tank. •Ra-tbe _pua.ge thereOt, Ulla 0'1Jftanee ldl&ll be pub111•bed onee In All members or the Anny, Air Use NCWJtOrt BaJ* Prue, a n per printed tn the County or Corps, Naval and Marine Keaerve& Oran.re. Stale ot C&lifomia. to:J-e er with the names of mem.bf!n of are Invited to attend t.hJa lecture. the Board of lu:pri-vlmn ~g or and ap.lnlt the aame. eonduet..i by th• Sbtth Army In-ISEAL) WILLIS B. WARNER 1trucUonal a.nd Diacuaa:lon Team. an ot Qae Board of Bupervlaont of go pounty, cautomlL 5.000 Filter Center worken in NPJW ZJCECtJTIQ A'TTEST: 1 C&Utornti. At 1eut. twtce that A Santa An.a bUlinea man h.u number would be required for 24-been appointed chief of tlla COii-Oowot.l' a:k J~ ~ Cl• hour operation.. M for Ground 8'1JM:ta aooda section or the San °'8erver post people. a con!ll!rn.· Diego District Office ot. ertoe Stap Of the 8oar,d of Supef'Yian Of • u.., eatlmet.! would be 10,000 bUmotJo11, aceordll\lf to WUU&m Cln41 .. County, Olllfllml& worl<er.i." C. Xoeaor, dlnc:lor ot the OPS M"4TE 011' CALil'ORNIA, The MUI Air Dlvtalon covera djotrlct qfllce, Which COftrl 8&a OOtmTT 011' <mANO-. • Nprth and Central California all<f Diep. Orange and Imperial Coun-I, B. J. !IKITB, Oountr Cler Norlbwetltem Ne-Md bu t-8\lponlaora of Orante CIJunty, juriadldlon o""r lbe Sacramento Tbe new ap~tee. aal-~ ..-... al Ille -..S &ad Oall:laftd l'llttt c ... tB&. · Th• '"'°' a Cl.U lluVlee ell&,IMe 1111.· ....,.., 1111, Ille llN•• ... 21th Air Dlriakm, wltb b-..rt· la B-Halle. who llilla & --__ ,_ by en at Son -· conn poond ot a ~ -1r1 ...... t-pawr1 -...,tecl .. 11 S.Ulhvll Callfomla an<1 · South· <Jwullalnlt IUld u a· eet1 • OPA .\Ta: ~~ v:.~ -rn Neva<la and openU. the ~ owuara.. -~ anc1 Santa Ana l'llter RaJ1e -.. 111r -ar K. w•aJIWk eeDtera.4 7"19~ t11a' , t ..._ llil ~.8Ul'm&1'1 .. lsJICaOI. • fte State Fair NCr\Jlllilg u-Jbe _.,.... and Weat, -a bo!T· AW>ft': llUPat'VW, ~ tlvlty tor the entire otate bl by er for 8'.tlock'o ta ~ A..,.iea, 1 IH W1TNm8IJ WHW.llOr,· I baft -to att m7 --..,...-t wllb Ilia= di-=..::-' et & ..... ,., --"' .. ctO'dlll -.1 fl( tba, of~ of~ 0-W;p. ~~~~ ... viii!:.-. or-s-:.:::••::..: ~· 1:.i:r..ra-111ire1......_1111. .a.J,Dlft'll mento ~ Cettler -boll\ !NS to 1la -tell -OiwtJ ""4 e..-.io Olad< ~ tllo -.t aJld .. Wottd '\far, it fl.alf plW OP.\~~ le llif"' a.a. A-. ff et Clo p 0 i=. CtMftf 11 tor o...-1 DoQgtaa 1'1ic.Lrtlr11r. ...., u4 -llllp. ' ._ ftll-lfOW)l6Ct·...... W IClfC-I, . -• I I ' CLAS8"'1CATION: rate will be Ume and on~ha.lf; providing that wtien men Ve c&ued APPRENTICES-May be rmployed ln canformity with Section lo work outalde ot the fecular work day they will be ~ lix -... I 177.5 ot the Ca.ltComla ,Labor Code. f6) hour9 pay i.t the overtime rate. • . CARPCNTICRB: . CEMENT P'INISHERS: Time and one-half for the t!"lt three hoUn Carpenttr ................................. ,.. . ..... -............................... $2.35 after the regularly couUtuted straight tUne ahlft, a.nd aU other over- Floorlayer . ..... ~ ... .... . ...... . ........................... 2.05 time shall be double time. Mlltwrigbt ............................... r ......... --· ............ _ ... ., ............... 2.55 WATCHMAN: Time and One-halt for aU Ume worked ln: acea of Saw P'llcr ... . ... ..... .......... .. .. ............................................. 2A3 el.-ht (81 hours per day and tor the sixth consecutive daf worked: Table Power Aaw Operator ................................................... 2.43 and double time for the seventh. con9ecutive day worked. Watchmen CEMENT FINISHERS: shalt also rt"Ceive time 81\d one-half for holida19 except Wbere1a bd.t4ay Cement Finisher ........................................................................ 2.38 falla on the 7th-consecutive day worked. whlcb ahaD be double time. Cement P'lnlaher fC.Omposition or Ma.!tllcl ··-· ............... -....... 2.~ IRON WORKERS: Double time f~ all ovrrUme, Cl'ment noor lf"tniBhlng Machine-Operator ......................... 2.50 LA.BORERS: Time and one-bal( except Sunday! and Holid•YB 'which IRON WORKERB: are double time Rl'lnforclnc Iron Worker .......................................................... 2.38 OPERA TING ENGINEERS: Timt! and one-half for all overtfm~ MPtal Pan Setter ...... ~,. ..... _. __ .... " ......................... -........................ 1.93 except Sundaya and Holldaya which are double time. Where 0pe.,.:ting' Metal Pa.n Setter Worklnc Fo~man .. . .... ..-...... -............... 2.05 En~eers, durlng any one calendar day, are workinJ OYertim.e on the: Metal Pan Setter Helper ................................................. _ ....... 1.70 aa.me unit of a project on wl\lch B.DOther craft ta worktns overttme at Structural Iron WorkE'r ...... -.......... -........................................ 2.50 lhe double time rate. tben the Operating Eng1neera 011 IUCb unit of Fore.man-Uc per hour more than Journeyman work ahall also be paid at the double time rate. A unit ot the project P'ence Er~ctor -..... ............. . ............................................ 2.<fO 1nean.s any alngle building, facility. uWlty, or a.ny other linsle atnlc-- LABORERS: lure which is independent of any other unit ot the projlicL Tb• L.abor<'rs. General or Con11truction ........................................ 1 .7~ operation oC a crushing plant for atock pile and the aerviclq, rep&lr· Operators and Tende rs or Pneumatic and Electric Tools. ing and maintenance of equipment on a project shalJ be at :ttme and Vibrating Machines. and simJlar mechan1cal tools oneph.alf, except In the following two inStancea: (1) Sunda.ya NUS not separately clurplfted herein ... -...................................... 1.95 HoUdaya: (2) Where the equ.Jpmel\t operator ls repatrinl'.)l,la equlp- Mlne r t Hand or Machine) ................................... _,_., .................. 2.10 ment on a. unit of the project; where double time I.a bein&" pald tn tllat 1-fotormen ...... .... .... ........ .. ................................................. 2.10 calendar day. \\'hen the Operating Enrifte@r is working oa a project Cempnt Dumpt>r Io n 1 yd. or larg<'r mixC'rs and handling u an integral part of a crew wh<'re a.not.her craft is recelv\ng overtime bulk cement) .. -.................................................... -............... 1.9:'1 pay by vtrtue of a holiday not specified tn tile Muter L&bor A.JNe- A..ph&lt Raker and Ironer ........................... -............................... 1.95 ment; then the Operatl..ol' EDglneer lhalJ ~Ive the a&me owrtil:Pe Bugymobile Man ......................................................................... 1.95 rate u the other cran. Concrete Curer -lmpervioua Membt'$np ................... -........... 1.93 Ti:AMSncR.8: Time and one-half etecept Sundays ud Roil~YI whleh Drillers (COf'e, Diamond or Wagon) .......................................... 2.18 are double time. Drlllt>rs /All Others) ... -................ ·-· --·-............ ., ... _ .......... 2.03 Except u noted in the wage schedule. Ule rate of per diem Gas &: 011 P ipeline Labor-er .......... -................................. 1.80 Wl.l'f'S for each of the varioUs clauLticaUona or work th&1l be the Flagman .......... ··~····· ........................ : ........................................... 1. 75 hereinbefore set forth prf"vailin,ir rates of hourly wag6tl: multiplied. by Guard and/or Watchman .......................................................... 1.67 eie-ht (8). Eight hours shalJ conatltute a day's work; lt belna under• Gas &: Oil P1Pfilline Wr•pper -Pot tender and J'ore:man _ 1.95 atood, that in the event that workmen are employed leu than elgbt Gu & 011 P lpellne Wr&ppt'r -6 inch pipe e.nd over ............ 2.08 <8) hours per day, the pe>r diem W&C'eM ahaQ be dee.med to ~ ~t Sewer Pipe Layer cex.cludlnr C•ulker) ................................... 2.05 fraction of the per diem W&l'ea herein establlshed that the number of SewPr Pipe Caulker I using caulking tools) ..... ·-........... 1.93 houn or employment bean to eight (8) houn. Sewe:r Pipe Caulker (C•ment. Joints) ....................... -............. 1.80 Overtime ahall be paid for work performed In exces11 or the Tarman and Mortarman ........... -................................................ 1.80 reruta.r day'• or week's work and at the rate for overtlrn.e of the Window Cl-.ner ............ _ .. _ ....... .,_......... . ..... _ .......................... 1.90 craft involved. OPERATING ..ENGINEERS: Holidaya u bereln referred to a)la.11 be deemed to be New YeAt'I A -Frame -Boom Truck ...................................................... 2.30 Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day • .Artnl&lce Dl,y, Air Compre.s.sor Openttor ......................................... ,__ .......... 2.05 Th&nk•(iting Day, and Chrlatmaa. If a,ny o( the above h0Uda71 r.11 Boxman or Mixer Box Operator (concrete or uphalt j>lant) 2.15 on Sunda)r., the Monday fouowtnr &hall be considered a lepl holiday. Concre-te or Aaphalt 8pr'E'adlng, Mechanical Tampin.r or It ahi.ll be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contrt.Ct Fin.ish Mac h.l.ne Operator .................................................... 2.30 ia awardBd, and !J.pon all sub-contract.on under him, to pay not 1-a Concrete Mixer Operator -pavln1 type and mobUe t11iser 2.40 than said/general prevatlln&' rates of per diem wages to all wodanen Concrete Mlur Operator -Skip Type .................................... 2.18 employed in the executlod o·f lhe contnct. Tile Layer or Srtter .................................................................... %.70 No bidder flay withdraw his bid for a pt"riod Of 30 da.ys ~r BrtcklayPr For!'man rat" 2!"'><: Pf'r hour more than th.e date ,et tor the openln( or b\€H. J ourneyman Board of Truatees. OranSt Cout. .Jan.ior E_LECTRlCIANS: ' CoU.ge District, Orange COunty, cautonila. ltJectrician -General Foreman ·-· ._ ...................... _ ......... 3.125 1 Signed: BASIL R. PETERSON. Electrical Fol"f:ma.n ...................................................................... J .875 No. 1.is---j>ress. Pubu.b Sept. 6, and ~t. 13, 1951. Electrical Sub-Foreman .......................................................... Z.75 Eltttriclan ............................................................................. %.625 Cable Splicer 1FO!"t'man .......... _ ...... ·-.......................................... J .125 Cable Spllc::er ...................................... -........................................... 2.92:5 LATHERS: :P.lctal F'U.rrillr or N•ll ......................................... _ ...................... 3.125 l'oreman rat.. -331,3c per hour morr than Joumeyman p AlNTEJ\S: . .. Re11Ular Bruah Plllnl<r .....................................................•.......... 2.15 Bro.ob llwln&' Bia•• ....................................................................... j .40 StMI and Bridge° .............. -...... '. ....... ----··-.-....................... _ .... _ ..... 2.40 Steel and Br!d .. e Bwtng Stage ····-·············· .. ·····-·············· ....... t .63 Spray Gun or Sand Blaater .......................................................... 2.<fO Spray Gun or Sand Blaster Swing Stage ................................ 2.65 Pa.int Burners ............................. -................................................... J .15 .,,._ Hangers ·····-······-·······················································-······· 1.275 ~t. Unoleum .. ------··--·...-····---··-----·..---··----·---·-···············--···-·· 2.!5i6 Gluier •n4 cutter ···············--·-····-······••h••···· .. ···--·-··---.. ···-······-··· !.18 In-charge men ot G or more Journeyman la ~ adp diUonal per hour more tha.n the Joum8)'JDl!n rate. Jn~harge man of 4 or leN Journeyman la 121,.lc per hour more than the Journeyman. rate. Pluten ······--·-·--·-···---~---------··----···-------···---·~····-··--······ J .125 PlasWr Foreman _._ ........................................ _ ......... :······-.. ·•······· 1..30 Plaater ~er ·······-····.-······-·····-·············--·················-······-··· l.875 Plumber ·"·--···----00····--···--·--··--···-····-··-···--·-·-··-···-··--·---J.52G Plumber Foreman ·-·-·--·--··--·-·-·-···---···-·-·····----·····-· .. ··---1.875 Phunbtt G .. or Lin. Sprinkler ···················-··· .. ·--·-····-·······-·· 1.82!1 Plwnhtt Lead or Cement Caulktt -·-··-·--·--···---·-·······-·-----·· l.425 8t.a.mfttt.r P'orema.n ........... ·-·····--·------.. --··---.... ·····-··----·-· l . .875 SteamftUer ............. _ ....... ---·--·-·=--· .. --'-···-··-···-· .. ··-··--·-·---· l .;825 Lead Bumer ........ -................... -·-·-·-···-·--·-·-.. ·····-····-l.B75 JDdUatrtal General Fore.mu '!·-.. ···-··-···-···-···--·----···-··--·.I-.. 1.00 Indu.ttrlal f'lpefitter Fomnan ..... .:.-•• ··-··-·-·-··-'···.. l.B75 lnduoU1al. Plpeftlt4r ·---··' .. --····---···"·--··-·-···--·-.. U:lli lnclustrial ~£ BOll>er -···--···-·····-······-·-·"--····-··· i.715 Joume.)'11Wl PIPe r.lne Foreman -·-··--···---···~··-··-.1.8711 Joumqman Pipe Line ··--··--·--·--··-·····-··· .. --··-···-· .. ·· 1.82!1 =Pll'I' Line ----·~~---~--··-····-·---··--~: ... -...... _ 1.m er ll)lter ·--·---·•···-;---·· .. -·-······-"····-.. -···· 1.m ~ ...... f-"--1·----·---~-···~·--·· i.615 Rooter troftmaa -• ;;------··~---·-·---·-···-J.15 Rooter ·----------·:-r-····-··--··-·-----·-·---· l.IO 8llilet Jl.9ta1 WOl"k« -··-----~··--•--·-···----· l.fO CWNte J".Ump or l'ualpwew OU..°'*"* -----1.11 BllTY Ny .....,...... ·-,.....---·-··__..,--~---·---··,...·-··· l.30. -"Y DuQ ~ -H<lpor --·---··-·-----.... -licil'ol CJijeNIOr -·---~-.. ··-·.---·---·--... e1p1tp. ea-• 2 •q Op;en,t:or ·---.:. 1.41 ....... (Arter. ODDN)GC~ .,_..'"'I • -.. --I .. llGIW l'lllnl Oaoh4 91 fllfC Ina .. ~ -n11a •1 or WJt ·• 'ftc n 111 n Osei II ua ftsa'JA air• 0,.1,n --UI "'°"' ass•• ~..:,.._..;,,,....-... --c.nw .Dt••• -J . -ua NO'nCE OF SALE OF BBA.L and unp&ld on aid note aod lbere PROPl!:lhY BY TRUSTEE b al.lo aecured by aid Deed ot UNDER DEED OF TjlUST Truat , tile 'rrultee'o t.. and ell• Trust No. H1B pe-of .... eatlm&lod at UZ0.00 WHEREAS BOWN R. PQS-tocether with any wma paid - TER and MARY s. FOSTER.. bu&--advanced by the owner ot .rd_ band and Wife by Deed of Truat note •In ae<orclance wllb lbe pro- dated November 20th, 19'7 and vlalona <>f ll&id Deed ot Truot. wllh • recorded December 8tb 19'7 ln lnterelt on ...U Jut menUoud . """"' Boo~ 15119, -28f Of omctel NOW TBEIUWORE NOTSClll Recorda of. O.an .. e Couaty, Olli-IS HEREBY GIVEN :J tbe ....,., fomla, dld ..,...t -convey lbe • --:-T property. therein and Mrelnatter <>rango CoUat;y TlUe Company, by. deecrlbed, to the Oren~ County virtue Of Ille authority \Odted la It TIUe Company, u T~ to ,.._ u Truatee -Mid Deed <I cure, among other obllptlona.1 tile Trust. wtll ..U at public aaet1on to payment of one note dated No-the hJ&'bHt blddel' f<>r cub, 1-tal ' vomber 30th, 19' 7 payable to money ot lbe Unll<d stat.. ot Newport Balboa Federal S&vlnp .America, on the 2nd day ot Qclo. and Loa.a Auoci.atiOll a. eorpb~ ber.11851 at tU. bot.Ir ot ~lnell Uon, or order, for the prtnqlPaJ o'clock 4-K. of aid d&¥ at the ium or $7000 oo with 1nte....t at 8outA f>mt door of tb~ Onan the rate ot 1 Pe; cent per ....Um: ccunt;y ~ lfouae In Iii' CltJ' Of principal and lntereat 'dU• . In S...ta 4n&, Calltomla, all of 1¥ monthly ~ente of J1o.oo Int.!~ -ve7ed to It. 111 mid each, on the lit .,_,. Ill E Deed of ,Ti:ult la 111111 to1 ab !Mt montb, be1f1nn1nt J~ 1.t. cettala ,._,ty altuatl!4 In U.. 1$f8 and, cootlmdns unUI . City of Newpwt 11tedl, ~ ot prtnclpal own Uld tbe lntOreat 0-•-of Cali,..., de- tbeleon ""° been ::;~_, acrtbed .. r~: . 1' . tt~D•B ' Loil Nbte Jra Block~ tf "-• dtf&!llt ~ OC• "-bGJ-ol ketfia 0.,. <U1J'l!d IJl tJiat I.be of -u.-T~•A" ... principal OJMI -15 ----U lil!IA•a!l!I -aid note ... 4prll lot. ~' .• ...., ..-.. .. ll;oll .. not paid wbea 11-. ....i:1-,. not ,.... ·" o1 ·,v•=D•1 • ............ paid In ....... , In ..... ._..... "' Clrel'P part; and -' °""""·. Cellt~ I. WHllRl!WI ~'. B«Dll• or eo ~.or -P!-opor"-.. l•J u ~ ..... ;. alld i.oe.t .u.pci· aball .... -7 .. .,. tb ~ ........ "'"'""' -.... -j ot -,......,.. "' --t to ..., note llcretaf-• -·~ tl!e tcMal1 a-nt 1*uredl bf: --· Tru-. ..u ~ . Deo6iet 'hmt&. '. ""' "" 1-•Ill. 1111 ,.. ' -oa.,lMOn ~ ~ :-.=~ .. l!ook . ftl'UI OOMP.lJrr, 111( ....... afun.;lt,lilla•i!<• (~ ""711 ~ & -,, ..... -· llfOllO..A.' .pilaf!Woli.._M=--c.w -='I> ....... -,,.. .., . . ., ..... ....: .• .. ==·==~' Afi!ll UI, 1* IT -~ SM W. • 1 • • l • l ~ I • C::hurch Group to Meet Monday • Loca l Pastol' Flr .. t tau meeUng of tile Church Srbool Guild ot Corona df"l Mar on · Lecture Tour in Waco, Texas Commtmlty Clwrch Will be hf:'ld at Rev. P . G. Neumann, pulor of 7:30 p. m . Monday, Sept. 10 at the the F irst BaP.tlet. churc)l of COit.a hom<" or Mn. w. o . HnmftSOn or M~sa. l<'ft F\-\day tor Waco. Tex., wher~ he wtll !pend 10 da)'8 preachlng and 1ectu~tng In the BaySor University. He wW then tour pa.rt!: of Tex.a.a and Ok1a.homa preaching and lecturing on Home Evangelism. The putor L"I eXpt>Cl· 306 Orchard A Ye. Mn. Paul Babbitt will dlacusa lht Sunday ae:hool cuntculum a.nd Mrs. M. J . Shannon "'·ill speak on thf. a!ma of th~ guild. I 1'tl t o return tn COflla Mesa In time -------------lo attend lhe rtr8t Men ·~ Brother· nBST ClilURCB OP VIDUST, 'hood suppe-r lhl"I year whlc-h l.e 8CIENTIS'I sl::ilf'd for Sept! 28 ln the &.'-.wmbly hall. • lw..O ., nte WotMr a-di, "'-&~tty Neumann, daughter of flrtt Qiwrd ef Owlst, Scl•Mht, 111 lodo11. MUMdVHth. Rev. and Mt"8. Neu1nann, w ill study -Via Udo, Newport Beacl> for her f\.futers degr<'<' In nursing at the Bolton sC"hool of nursing, Cleveland, Ohio. The school ls a part of tht' \V<'~lf'rn f«-servP lJnl- W!'8lty. ;........, ScMoel •.. --., --t ;IS •· m. ~ s..k• ___ 11 :00 •· m. ..,.........., l<re1tl~ "'9.-fliMJ --1:00 .. "'· ..... , a-m loc•t•d •t 111 P•lll'I StrNf, UM., t OP911 o.ily from 12 nooa to 5 I), "'-tJUJ't $ullCl•Tl •11d ltoUd•Tt utl-.itf ......... eel. -Clusifled ads are read by folks who are look.Inc lo buy. TIM ,..1t1k It cordl•ltv IA"'+.d to ...... the dtwc:lt Mrwk M •11d vse th• INdlitO ·- ST. JAMES CHURCH Efl l SCOPAL (AT THE ~ASCE TO LIDO 181.r:} ' SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. COMP LETE STOCK OF HARDW A RE A ND HOUSEW ARES • F.XCLl "~I\"E AGJ:NCY SHERWIN· WILLIAMS PAINTS WALSH . . (llARDWAit•) 18-44 Ne wport Blv d. C ost a Mesa Bea . 6603 lN NE\\' CHOIR ROBES, • Mepr:I f\dl of Sonday WorUlppef! 1''f:ft CM ~ta of ChrW Church l>Y th,. &... ,,.twn PMtor Ed Ooo*8 rr.na.med to ooeup1 the pufp1t tbat wu ht. for rlsht ,.,......_ Old tlm .. ~ In lal'lfl number& turnf'd out to '""""' the 11911ter • ..,.,., .-lpwc1 t.o Et-ho Park Jlf'thotU!tt C"hnrc.h. '"°" An(f'W.. ftf'v. Ooodrfl \\'8111 17"tN b)' hi• fornwr ettotr dttk,_. oat la .....,. pld anll bhw· choir , . .,.tl1W'nt~ ud Pf'"-"8 of thfl <"..9pe1 wtdcll M ballt ••re n.lW with ;rtunday wonblpprn. ""'''• Goodell ApolrP on tlw Mbjf'Ct ··~ntallllnc a Sonnd Mlad." aad Ida wri'Mn 1''U OM of thOAfl tysMcal down· t....._rta. dMnllMIH8 that ha\~ madf-him brio\""'1 to hi• l'Ohl'ttPtlftm. ·~ ab9\'f' IA llwi putor on thfo riP,t Miil tb,. Chnlr u.ndr.r dl~tton ef Mn. A. J, Batttt. •(Presa Photo) Missionary Speaks Here Next Sunday I Christian Scleac:e Lecture, Sept. 14 "Have Faith in the Chin~" will bf the subjttt o f Mr11. ~la \V. \V orley of Santa Ana., who wil.1 .SJ>E'ak at the Sunday !E'rvic-e. of Chrltl Church by the Sea. M rt. Worley ha.a r~e:nUy re· turned from Foochow. China. wherf' 11lk-hu been engagf'd in ml.utonary work for 30 yea". Her latC' husband. Harry W . \Vorlf'y, up until th<-t ime of hlfl deat.b thtff ye&rS ato. had IM'ntd •• diAtrlct 11uperlntf'ndent of \hr Foochow arf'a and had alto ht>aded thfo •eminary there. Hh1 wife as· 11umHI his dutl•a after hls death. Mrs. Wor~y returned from Foo-- oho""'' early this year. She m~ tbe trtp on a frf'ighter th.rou1h the Sue-s canal. She-hu Nl!tumM to Santa An& but a few wttks ago. Sht> 1111 a fonnt>r resldf'nt of 811.I · boa a.nd ha..111 spoken hl"rf' on prev· ious occasion111. Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. MaM Srhrdul"' Sunday, 4 :30, e. 10 and 1 t :30. Wttk days, 8 a'. 01. Conf<'s~kms. Saturday. 4-.to 5 :30, 1 :30 to 8 :30. Sunday. l>E'fore Pach ma... Balboa Tata.rad . Sunday, S and 10. Satur- day, 8 a. m. Conff'sslom , aame u &boVP. I Rad.lo Prornm" Daily, except Sunday. R~ry hour. KFWB. (980) 7:30 p. m . F or peacl". F inl Church of Christ Scientist • or N twport &oach la planning a lectutf' E'ntitled '1'he Lovf' and Logic of Christian Sc~nce Heal· ling•· by Mr. Henry'Allen Nichole, F riday, &-pl. 14 , at 8 p. m. Mr. Nichols I• a native or Call· tomla. hia pare.nta havillr aetl~ here a decade ~fore Calltornla wu admitted lnlo the Union. Re altt>nded Bowdoin CoUece ln the st.at,. of Maine tor t •o yMn, re· turnlnl" to the University of Cali- fornia at &rJleJey for hia B. Litt. <k'Ktf'lf'. For a 11hort time thereafter he taught in a privatl" sthOOI tor boy!'. Then tor oVPr ten years he travf'lC'd for a publllher of text· books ror college. and universttiea. Mr Nichol! .erved in World \\'ar I and rt"Ceived the Croix de Gutrrl". In World \Var ll he wu a Christian Sclf'nce wartime min· l~lC't' and ~.-as 11tationed in thl" man<'UVl'r ar<'a o! tht Colorado ~8f'tl. 1.-lr. Nichol.a Mp..n the practice or Christian Science ln 1926 and wa~ appolnli.'d to the Board of L<>ctu rr.eh~p In Junt" of this year. Tht lrcture will be glVC'n In the church edit~. 3303 Via Udo, N~rt B~•ch, and the public L'I cordlaily Invited to attend. Rev. Wessel Speaks at· Baptist Ch•ch At tt'le It o'clock worMJp ser· vice this coming Sunday, Re..-. \Valtf'r WC'SMl, of the Bible I n- stitute r.cUlty, will occupy the Elder Bristow is Guest Speake r Here Saturday Elder W . B . Sri.et.ow, Chaplain of thP Glendale Sanitarium, will be guHt 9Pf•ker at the Sevmth~ D&y Adventlat Chur<:h on Sat., Sept. I . 11 a. m. He la tttenlly rli'lumed. from the Youth Conference held at Paris. France fl"om July 23 to 29th, where yocth from 25 nations par· llcipated. It M't a precedent in bulkUng European unity that will have It.a Infiut>nce for a long time to come. Over 5000 youth attend- ed &nd they came wtth buoyant expectation anrl did not go away empty. To overcome the language bar· tier, bootl!a with Interpreters and mlcropbonea were placed In f!'Ont of the platform and after each aentenc~ or two, broadcuted it t o each gyoup. • One of the hig-hlis-hts of the Convention WM IA.'hf'n 25 runner1 entered with a lightf'd torch which had been n own from Gland, Switzerland, carried throurh the atreeU of Paris to Expoeftlon Park and there handed to E. W. Dtin· bar. secttlary of the Ml.se.ionary Volunte<>r Society of the General Conference, who took the tareb and .symbollcally lit the cons-reM torch. ~IA 1TR ESSES Boat.......UomH-Trallfort lnqullr Sb& .... BEACON 5061 Co8ta MH& ~lattf'eM Co. !150 Nf""·port 81,·d. I s....sa,.. pulpit In the absencl" of Rev. P.1~------------~ • . -.~ln'OLD CIClthble ... otololl ·-the -• "' -lrraDk11D. lOUl 8t. J......., A~. SOUth ~i. while t.lle car wu p&rllod Oil the "B'' Street Jot al Bal-. 1 on!' Labor 0.1. police reporu llhow. ' ~N .OW is the time to transfer ' your funds to insured SAVINGS CURRENT EARNINGS Ii-~ ' SlflllS IOW llSI~ j UP TO $10,000.00 . MOIEY RECEIVED IY THE llTH OF THE MOllTH URIS . FIOM THE ISTI Come in •• , We will arrange tlie transfar of your funds without inconvenience or expense to you ' ' • Hofy ~rus, 9:06 a . m., KLAC- (~70 1 11 a.. m. Catholic Hour, KFl t6-101 6 >15 p. m . KGFJ '7101 Hour of St. Jo"'rancis Clidlngs 4 OUl.<'r~. G Neumann. who la conducting --------------------------------------,---.--------------- BRING THIS COUPON IN FOR A FREE Brake Adjustment AND INSPECTION Addrea, _____ _ ORA.'li;GE <'Hl"RCH I All mPmbfors of lhf' First Metho- dist church in Orange will meet at I a planned conference t.o be held here at Christ Church-by·the-Sea Sunday, Sl"pl. 9. Rev. RoUand M.. I Tincht>r. Jr .. putor or the Oran~ churct\ sakl t.h.at the se98ion Will start at 2 p. m. and continue into thl" f'veni.ng houri. W oml"n of\ the .host c hurch wtll St'"" dinnf'r ' antt pl.l.rl8 for \.be coming year \viii be cUKUMed. <l 1-.:ST PASTOR Rev. Donald R«ierta of Wilmar Presbytrrian Church of Loa An c~les. will be guut pastor at St. Andrewa Presbyterian at 10 a. m. su.nday servicu. Sunday acbool will be held at the same t ime. LN __________ _ One evening a gentlemanJ wu leadinr a g-reen and purple dfapn 1 down \Vllshlre Blvd. Both appe&r· eel to be enjoyin( themselve1. Suddenly the draeon became play- ful and t>ecan to bOp and ~ump ~I over the sidewalk. AneT About JO minutes ot thl-. the centteman became annoyed and l&.ld : ! PHILLIPS SERVICE KAISER· FRAZER . PHONE HARBOR 1956 HABBOR BLVD. 6200.W COSTA MESA "U..t.en, buddy. lf you donft be- have yourself I'll take a IJromo Seltser, al}d then where w ill you be?'" LU BEB ON SAT.I SUN j • • ABC Lumber CompanJ-140 E.17tll s....-. . I CO$TA MESA Phone B,.oa 56111 Spacial Tllis Weeli s,pt. 7 Tin s.,t. 14, 19St ~ ' ' . .. lix1 7 STUCCO WIRs=reg. $12.50 ....... -.Specfll $t.25 5 ~. BATH TUBS-reg. $85.00 ··-·-··------Se•clal "2.00 Thick Butt SHINGLES-.eg. $8.08 sq. Spec, $4.04 to $7.12 • I . • • AT 'l'llllC OF 8AUl WIM 1'Ri8 I • E\.'RngPlialic 9f'"ic" ln Wac.\o, T f'x., for tf'n days. R ev. We&MI'• wbject w ill bf' ·-rM T M?1ptatlon or Jes0&." At the 7 :30 ffrvlce, Re'V. earl Jungkelt of S.nta Rosa., Calif., connPcted wilh the Amttlcan Sun· day Sc hool Union, w!.Jl OCC"Upy the pulpit. Rev. Jun&keit will 1how moving pictures Of thls work anct a good program 11 promi9ed. Pre· cedlnc Rtv. JungkPlt's talk, thert- will bf-lbe uaual con~Uonal .. tag'iq, whkh t.. being enjoyed by au. At 9:A6 Sunday school wil con· vene, with c1aMf>S for a.II ages. A ccrdl.a.l invitation is extended to all. At a :ao the s.pust Training Union ¥till me-et In tMtr nspecUTe roomg. Clusea are available tor all age•, from U.e · •tory·t.eWng group tor the little onee. to the group tor all of the older folka. Monday nlgbt, Sept. 10 at 7:30 the Women'• Mlulonary Union will bold their monthly meeting. An interesting prosram bu bttn plan.ned by members of gn:up 4, Mn. Roy Updike. belns Ille cap- Wn. '-The guel't speaker wU1 be Mrs. John Bropr of lhe hr Eut Broe.dcutms company, w1tb hffd.- quarte rs tn !.ta.nUa. Till• work ~ being carried Oil ta 32 language.! and dlalecta. t.rawltna norUI into China. Japan and R,uasla; weat Into IJldla and Emvpe and oouth Into tlle Dutcb EoM bldle.o, PllUlp· pines, AUltl'alla oct New Zea.-o l&nd. AU Jadlea of tbe ctruTCb and t!ommunlty are tnvtled to attend. Re.fteahmenta: wUI be servt-d fol· lowlng the meeting. Tbllnlday lllght, the uauaJ pratae, pTayer and Bible •tudy will be conducted. Rev. Cyril ,Norrb will be In charge. Friday ~t, th• Adult Bible cl•• will meet at 1 :30 p..Dl{ at tlle home of Rev. CyTll Norrla. tltl Sn Bernardino •-Newpott &.ipa. Mn. Pll,W. Wllpo wlll be u.e .,,.a1'er. . I IMSPITAL PAnltNT J. C. ....,.. of V•pell1 -ue, -........ u.e --· ---...... la 1--•••al wu....._ ta•wlJ nct uw ... ft'Ollt A 111 t fll. I DI .... ...... Ao lle~lo ... --... -. .... _ J-~of • -~ -Ill PdtolMarfr<Dan"fo//lllo Coot& -.. _ lie _, '"" ..nu.. al U.. M ...... rt'I -; v-·· ._ .. _a. ..... ,, .... -II', Lms • •• Olllf. , - 0 • • • • •• -1 , ... • 1 I•• .. 2 2•1 .. 2 ·-· • • I • ·-· ·-· n ........ -..... • v' It's 3 times faster fl JV You spend less to operate 1 ./Yo~ spend 1-.s to install ' • • • - .• • I -I ·' I 1 • ' Chapman, Penney Engagement Told COLLEGE FACt rLT\' ~EETS The entire Faculty and Ad.min· i11lratlvt> Btarr ot Orang-c Coast College convened for a three·day The engagemrnt nf Judy Chap· workshop b<>~inning Sept . :'>. "The man to John Charles Prnney, was purpose or these> mc(_'lln~s is to announced at a luncheon and Jay plans and study problems lo swimming party at the Ne'A>port be faced In the y t'ar a hf'ad," Beach home or her parents, Mr. !!lated Dr. Basil H . Peterson, Col· and Mr8, Edward T . Chapman, Jr, legc president. J ohn Charles Penney is the son Matte-rs rect'ivin~ cnn.s1dcrat1on or Mr. a nd ?tin:. George P<'nney 1tf by the faculty 1nclt1dC": tec hniqUf'8 Cot'ona dcl Mar. H e is a graduate for improvcm('nt of 1nstrU<'llon, ot Occidental, where he was a stimulating belt c r attendance. member o< Phi Gamma D£>1ta fra· general education. student act1Vl· ternity. At prf'sent hf' is attC'nding lies and public relations. law school at thf' Un1vrrs1ty of During the pa..'lt s umn1c r, Dr. Southern California. and is aJ· , James \V. Thornton. virf' presi· fllia ted with Phi Delta Phi, a 1£>gal dent : Mr. Vernon Paltf'rson, In· 'fraternity. structor in English : ,.1 il'I~ Pat11c1a Miss Chapman was 8 mPn1bC'r Moorr. instructor 1n H omC'n1aking al Delta Omicron Tau nt Occirlf'nl· and M.r. Robert Carlson, lns~ructor a1. and I~ now alt••nrtinJ;: the ""'""' State Colleg" at J.;ini;: &a.ch . She is a graduate or NeWPQrt 1-larbor High school. 1n Mcc hitn1cs. attenUf'rl the 't\'ork· shnp in Gi>n eral Education for the Junior Collt'ge at the University of California at Loe Angeles. They wiU preaent a rf'vlcw or thl' W ork· CIVIL Df:Fl!:N!!iE IMPORT.;\XT s hop to the entire faculty and Will TO 1101\lE t~OLKS discuas Implications for Orange lt'e a hard and admitted fact that lhe military Is not and can '1ever be capable of orrering com- plete protection for our ci ties eilher against atomic bomb5 or biological warrart> o r chemical warfare. The brunt of these ftt· tackA must be ~rne by civil· de· tense. Coast College. Mr. Harry LeBard, o f Hunting· ton Beach. a mcmbt?r oC the Board of Tru~lees. extended gre-ct1ngs from the Board al the upt·nmg staff mectng. -Cl&!l8l!Jed ads are read by fo1k.I who are look!ng to buy. Boy . Scouts to Help Freedom Ring The me thod of training youth tn America as contra.'>lt'd with those in the "iron curtain'' countries will be nol l.'d al lhC' one-li'-'t'Ck Ninth National Training Conference of more than 2.200 81..:oul EXf't'U· Uves which began St'p tt·mber 5, at the !l-lich1can Slate Collegt'. Ea.-.t Lan&ing, J.t lcttl.gan. The Scd\.lt Executives, con1in~+------------­ from all 48 states, Ala.ska, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and the Hawai- ian Islands, are full-time p rofes· atonal leader~ or the Boy Scout of America. They represent and give leadership to the programs for 2.· 800,000 boys and leaders in 80,289 Scouting Units. The Orange Empire Council. Boy Scouts of Am£"rica. whose h,.adquarters are at 1104 West 8th St., Santa Ana, is reprC'gentE'd at the confcrf'nct-b_v lhr<'c m<"n. They are : Scout Executive, Cecil S . Fife, of Sant.a. Ana, Ficld Scout EXCCU· t tves C. Rob<'rt Chamberlain or Costa Mesa, and Earl£" G. Bordon. These men have had several a&· slgnme nts in preparing fnr tht- Natlonal Training and wtll pre- aent thern tn the group at Michi- gan S tate College. LI~rty'w Tt-am "Th!s conference of youth lead- eE'" says Dr. Arthur A. Schuck , Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of Amerlc~. "will atud,Y and launch a three year program known u "Forward on Libcrty'l'I Team" through which Scuuting will se-ek to make Democracy an ewn nlore dynamic force in American 1ife than ever be.fore. The recent Communist youth festival of a. quarter or a million boys and glrla from Soviet-occu- pted Germany, sbowed bow the youth of the "tron curtain" coun· t.rtee are being uUUzed by a to- talitartan regime to do tbeir mu· ter's bklding tn a cause lbat Bpdl.s al&very and death. ''The nationa ot the world." aid the Chi~f Scout Executive.• "stand today at a croaroad. one turning leada to the freedom for whlcb our country at.and& The influence and example of the tree peopl~• of the World may well doeide the destiny or bumanlt.y. ~ Boy Scouta of America la In a pooWon lo UJ> the .c..i.. In I.be dlroetlon ol lll>ert)'. We d•al ~th :rwth In Ito format!"" time "' life. 1\'• ·-t tbe ~ oC democraC)' lranllaled Into dall7 Ii'""-· -oar n1tlno'1 IMdorw an aware of the value nf th" cnnt ribution Scoutin can nlake. Thf' Pre.ot1d f"nl of the United Stall's, leaders of labor an4 indu:;;tr_v , cab1nt•l mcm· hers, govf'rnors. educators and re- ligious leaders have exprf:'S.'J('(I their convtction that Srouting-is an Asset o f great lmpnrtan~f". Thry \•alue it as a po\VE'rful forcci for freedom. He-Ip Fl'N'dom R lnJt "In the nt•xt thrcC' yrar~ we \l.'111 try t o reach cvt·ry po~1hlr boy through Srout1ng to r xrrt the greatrst pos.•dble lnfluC'nc" toward freedom. We w tll not unly "l•·t Freedom r lryj:" but. more than that, "help FrE'rrlon1 ring," Dr. Schuck. chairman of the conference, will prc.s('nt th<' o pen- ing and closing challenges. He ha."I bt?-cn active in &outing for 38 years both a.,, a volunteer and pro- ft>ss!onal leader. J ohn M. Schiff of Oys tE'r Ba,\.', N. Y. aa pre.,ldent or the organ· lz.&tion ...,;n df'liVE"r the "Pres\· dent's MeAsage .. Friday f'Vl'ning. Sept . 7. Fonner Pre.sidf'nt Amory Houghton of Corn1n~. N. Y., c hair- man of the board of Corning Gla.ss Works, wUl speak on ''The Busi- ness Man Looks at Scouting" Mon- da y evening, Sept. 10. Frank L. W eil. New York attorney, wilJ apeak on ''The Voluntl!'f'r Loolul al the Career Man," Tbu.r'9day t>Ve- nlng, Sept. 8. Local C<>wicU. Before coming to the conference Scout ExecuUvea throughout the nation ttave been evaluating w.c· ce.Mful o.-ganDation methodtl and tbe effective mea.o.s of recruiting and using manpower. ruourcea. irtarr and prog-rama on a Councll, dlatrict. aponaortn,g ln.iiUtutlon and wllt baala. Eiu:h ma.tor eubjed ...... deftloped by 90 Local Boy Scout Counclla &monC' all Of Ute hffift Scout Rectona Into wblcb the nation la divided. ~boot the ecmlettnce th""' will be tleeUve wbjecl.I, cllec..,. -PoU~ ,._t epe&lton, u-lilblta and ll*tal prosnm.· TM elecllna alone coftr 90 ..,.. oC ~ • • • 1 . " ..... " . l ._ .... j EIGHTEEN 'l'ABI.Jll8 IN In.a,..: Mn. IClteU.. ·LaVIN In 11&1-XN. ·Bdna 'Nodh.tlcr Bmlth and Kn. Once -. DUPU,. .. ...., BBIDG~IAY Mta. LoUloo Lee: Mn. Robert ftoiio and Kno. GeTald Mccomber ~ Mr. and Mn. Jl'ftcl Rounovtlle ,.,_...., and A. W. Tununet .. I hl&b no~-ooulll -...i Mn. Arnold ,.. ... wlnn~ eut-wut and Aney Elglltac:n •tabl .. wer._,1n play In Eut-w.fi rwm1_.,p llec~ 0-ond Kno. Joe w~-... Ka~y an~ Mn. Roy strots ~ the Mutor Point Open na-A w ... Mn. A. W. TUmmel _"'id h'-" -. eut-weat. ldfh" -~ 11<>rtb•80Uth In the ment held In Coat& Mesa on Sun· Mn. )(JI~ Lytl<!; Mn. F"!d Runne .. up nortb-..,..lh we"." A. rune pl&yed,'Oll Mond'.ty atternoon. day. Eut•WNt wlnnen *tion A RounavWe and Mra. Robert Bro W. Turnmel and & E. BNce; Pero-Nine tablH rrere tn. play.• were Mn.. A. D. Wclhlfqby and tytng Wllb Mn. A. COlcman d ry McAdoo and George Mite.bell: Runnera-u_e eut·weet were Mn. Mra. Joo Wiicox, and In B<eUon B Harry Bolangu: Mr. and Mr& Robert ~ ... and Mn. Robert Roso iand Mn. c. E. Irvin; were M.ra. .{obn Me.nill ahd .M re. J oho Carrell; M'r. anC. Mn. ""ank Reed: Tommy Holme.a a.1\d Mrs, Louiee Lee and Mn. Eetelle Ca.rl ~.nson. Wlnnerti ot Master Chrtsney. A. D. Wetherby .!W"« ·with Alts. La.Vine: M~ Mlldl"td Lytle and Potnl.8 north..eoulh were l!tra. Nt>rth·uou!.h-runners-up Sec-ft Margaret HolmH1 & Ii d Barry Bob Brown; Mrs. Ge'ra.ld McComb-- Frank Rttd and Mr.1!1. Peggy John· B WPre Mre. Jean Puke!' and Sp rlogmryer. • !I' and MT&. Betty Cross; LL a.nll son SecUon ·B and Ht>nry Peu.onl Jacob!!: Mrs,· & !tf, \V l8on Runners·up eul·West were Mn. M're. Geo-rge 'thayer. and Robert 011.vb Spction A. Or. Dwight Nt!l.a6n: Mn. a Robert ROlt8 and Kn George Car· Runners-up nortb·~Uth w c r.e Eaat·we&t runner.up ~tlon B t.ebcr and Mra. NeJI Browder; M roll; Mrs. Carl Benaon 9-nd Mr1. Mr. and Mra. H . M.. Wallingford: we.re Mr. and Mrs. L. K. E'Lsberry; Htag h Staton and C. H. J-0 n A. D. Wethetby; U.. and Mra. Geo. Mre. Edna MacAfaeter ahd Mrs. Mr1. Thoma.a CW attd t.tns. Cather· tying with M.r. a.nd Mra. W . Tb&)'t.r: Hra.. Lou.lie Lee and Mrs. AmoJ1 CM8eJ': C. H. J ohnflQn and ine Smith; Lt. and lt1 r:J. George In Friday evc.n6np game pl& s:.telle .IA.Vine; Mra. Catherine l.Ger11..ld McComber; Mrs. I Robert • ! f I . -. -. "& Brown .and. Barry a 1 , Mr. and 1"irL .Fnn.k 1.t Playeq ~ U.. ' teot number or rat111S PDbll;ll tho month of Auguat tn 1 we. nJnp game..., ... A. w l1~e1.: Perry McA4oo;, Mra. ~ Zburch: &f:ra. Eleanor NewCon1er and Mra. Ro&ct't Roa. 1 • ln J.tonday aftemoort'• p.m.e. the tigh riv~ for Augiwt were I Mrs. 1.obert Brown. Doyle GUbert, Mra. Amol;:J Caa&f:'r, lofnl. IV&fl Hhoker !Uld Mrs. Peggy Joh.naon. \V(' caoriot hope to absorb an al 01nic attack and fight back If we do not have an adequate civil defcrise program. • . ' llO!fpll LOCAL ~, Dr, Jclln D. Clark. elberituo prof.....-ot llle Unlvel'.11117 ~-I New ·Mexk:o11 baa receAtq been notified by th• .Preaident of that Wliverwtty that the n.,., cheml.ftey bulldlng boa been nam for bftU. Dr. Clark, who lives at UOO Rl~r AV<., Newport~ ~fart­ ed the achool of cbemiatliy: at t.be Onlvereity of New Mext~o. • When Ruuia decldu It lo lo her I beat advan~. we wiU be hit and hit hi.rd on the home :t'ront by atomic bosnba. An •deq~t.e civil defense organlza.Uon--or the lack of it-wiU determine our 8Ul'vtval or our destruction. . ' • RSa1e 14<.#ele •S4T B E E F ~~-4 I I r;~:c':v::~g~l:,~~ic":~ ::Jn a~; . I :ovoman. life>. then you probablf ~ive m a com.fdrtable home, are marned, ;:=====~;===============~~::==i have-or soon will have-children. '"' tJ 02'. Pi""G-: r'.loz. p1-..(;r, 17 ~ 29 t S, 'oh4 • 23 spend moat oJ your day at a pa.rticu· '0 m A' 0 Ju I [ E ~~-I ~~t:£~or~:~~~~~d ;~tt tfu: '-:::::::=~=;:=:;:::~==:;::============::::=:::; But-did1 you ever give much r · !bought t~ thal lasl phrase. '"li.ree S«Jdt 2 25' good meals a day.'' In those few m1HED PltHLES · 1~~ ~ ?l\~r:1:.:·~y tn~i~~~~ ~ BABVFOOD • Last year Americans spent more 3 2 31 money for food (almost S33.00J.OOJ,. CXXl to be exactf than they did for ~g I Automotive equipment (wl;>icb had sales of $28,00J.OOJ.OOJ ). Last year America's food business had 5()% more sales than alJ the department stores and b1.lilding materials com- panies combined. niivv"0iEABS 'llB ""fr 32 ~ I 114tllld .uu £S . "' oooro 1.1""'0 -AlltMOu" However, in spite ot the faot that their &a.lea were the greatest in the country.·and in spite of the fatft that the qrocery store ia ow only eowce for our moat necessary p1.1rchase. food. the average net profit for the entire food market industry was the smallest imaginable-I Vi o/a. Yes. out of every dollar rung up on lhe cash register lhe grocer onlt kept I Y,¢ for himself AND his busmess. . • [HOPPED HAm .-,~-11 0' <AN 57 ~ .,._ distnbutionoffooddonesoeconom- G"REED• '6i1n1 PEAS ~.~1 .c:: 11 ~ LUBIH BRliS SILi!:: PK& OF 20 "'""'- SIL'K. i>Af>lR.. SARDWIEH BAliS Pt<<. OF 40 KITCHEN CHAlltM 111.1 H 212 ER 125 l'E~f "1~QCAL PAPER ftAPHIDS Pt:,(r OF 100 NEWSTORE. Bik~ ADDED a 'i9lN 10 $EllVE ! .,.. ~o·· 1~+lB. e 10 ~ 11 ~ 22 ~ 14~ S-.ltS Tl<'l ~i(.TU> Otf TAAAl!l.5 lftMS ! •• '