HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-13 - Newport Balboa Press• I ~ . I ' ' ' " 4 JV • ' PmolZOI' I& ' ., ' .. I ' ~ I ' ' ' PB0aCr I • "' .. J'C'~ ,;:.-... ---=-. -•• ---1.: • • ---- • • • ' .......__llVINJ TH~ INTlll HAllOI MIA ' : LARGEST HoME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWPORT BEACH cltf&Haa hll1!ed out In foree•t % p. m. today (Thunclaf) to 1o1eW tbe SJ'OUDCI· llweakina oeremon.IN at Ha.Ac Memorial hotipltal al te. Shown above openlns the ceremortlN Iii Jelm Murdy, Jr ... who pret1kled. Ocorse Graat lloq',,Jr. (etand1ns), la pictured. Maki•& bud8 With .. efndaL la thf' front row a.re Mr. Hoe.c"1 90no Oeorp.. lllld Mr. B-.'1 motller, rep:reeea.U.,. U.ree p.wat'°n.s of Ute H-c funily at the catw•....W.. (Preas Photo) Wins l)ecoration • j --._..l.. •• ··----....... -~----· ===~·'=:.:-::.-::.:= ---, r-- 1 -;ir.= ... __ . • .. v ~·: " \ • l ' I I L • I • t --- ~ • ~ I " • • L y • • c I-I t • 2RS" ap .. Al-. ........ - t -laputlol, -J::· 'to .-.. -. ' . _..r :~ . . . -( • • • 'l1lo ,,..._ -.._ - lie tl>e -laple of tlle ..rt -tlas el Ille Weot Newport l:mprowmeat ~ to Ille loeld u tile dt;J llalJ, S.pL !I at 1:• p.m. 8peaken -..w IJre -·· c. PleJimtac .... -R.eddlek. TIM> poblle i. lavlled toattead. named two yea.rs ago by the council to meet witb Newport busineqmen opposed to the plan and tender a compro- mlse' or recommendation by meeting time Septem~r 24. For the put many month11 the "Pacific Electric committee" of the councU, composed of City Man· ~r John S&ilon, Engineer J. B . • Webb, Attorney Rarey Blodgett a.nd Ben Reddick have beet trytng to work out a plan for the evacua- tion of the . Pacific Electric from the downtown area.. On July 2f, the Pacific El~tric acceded to the-reque•t of the munJclpality for a right-of -way through utWty property for the exte:naJon of Sl•t St. The street Is planned to be a 90 foot Wide ript-of-way wlt.b 70. feet ol'ro.d· "11.7 and Would. Mne i&a a eut4U , .. , ' Tbe Pit bu ottered lb-e righl-of- way w:tthout cost provtded their adjac:ent property would be soned c.1. The land la at present lm• ClUllfled. 1be PE also ha.a con- ditioned their grant of road eue- ment with requirement.a that all tmprove.menta bit put tn place without cost lo the utWty. ln ~­ turn the P . Jt. wlll depoatl a gn.nt of euement for the 60,000 aquare feet of their land needed fOr the tm.provement. . e This would be the first leg of the over-all Central Newport tmprove· ment that ca1ll for the widening of Balboa Boulevard from McFaci- den Place to the Westerly tennl· nua of the 1treet and for widenlnf Newport :Boulevard from ft.a inter· aectioit with Balbo& Blvd., and Mc- Fadden Place io IU juncture with the State Highway bridge at Via Lido. MuntclpaJ ptan. call for the en· tlre improvement out Pt State Ou Tax Money with no uee..- menle neceuary. Eventual M!'QtJJ· •ltlon of the Paci.fie Elect.rte de~ and yardo In Downtown Newport would be neceuary to carry out ' (Coallalled •• Pace •> \ • l J ' • • ! , . i , 2 -PART 1 .-THullSDAv:~sm. 13,.i951 "As ... Twit 11 ,,.,. N1w Cut llf I••• ....,. ,.,._.__ ~ m.w I Rise to Remark r •. ...:-#-• -!l CWltor'•~!;~:..,~...., .. i.I co !. •-,.n:.••.;. dt1 ' •••" 1 ' .... -enc Z::..-;; illES$ . ~.,IM-Ofl'ftltlOM• ..., '11••· to__ • ~ 1-i.y·~--~, ~ ,._...,.-: oi' """"lpl*· ...... .. --Of --·--• ., rs• r • ,.,. a rt' rs lo1IJV'M! _ -,.,. .., __.,.,.,..... .~.• ~ ~~::::...,.of-·~~~,_,_ ~ f • .... ~····f/f .. aftl!tai _........ ~ .. _. ..... _.. -u.u ... -u,,,,,.,.,..,,,UJC4tiralflPAMJI: ........... , ltt,J wouiwclns." I un al8o b•rsn • . . ~·~'=·.:;-.-, .. -..;... oltJeol•........... to 2'0te tll&t, .• .,._ -~ - • NOTES l-• -1' ~M-Oo .._.. ...... 7°-1 --·ptvl~ll'eal~-"' ftl·-~,--"••2ml'-•-,1 .-'t": PuD&ml..i ·~Tl>~ at Nowf"l'l -•L, -~ -If -. ~ -II&<! .,_ -~.~ -· --·~ ':"4"Prlnt1n1 Plant at 2211 8'1-!J1¥<S.~• ~ ltlt rnz•ur .,..,..., --tll& tpou;'; =..,.bee.=~ ..';~ 1 ot Ulla place, bldl lair to 1>e • 2UP .....,. • then '8 lfJ.11 )lope for AaMrka. • -:.....ui _ .. s _.a At..•~• b'll'r-~_P,'.~ towJ1 ~ ~ fnl • -u ooeond-claa mattar June 18. 19411, at the poot olD• al It _ _. ·~• ~ 11 ~ bl_ .. ...,.._ ,---...._._bor 10 19111 the A t I Mardi 3, 1871 .. ••..---a --e property. Tiiey Nrtllor -tend _,...... ' N~ Beaeb, California, unda c o . • ' Guttey _.,.,,. bu towMI !ta -tbal tormu city ....,_ 'R. L. The report la tor the ,_ tm, 'Wa~ the t'1aal • • '9!= Oil --~ ~--t -tA ~·"".._,·la ... ~ Newmpoft: JlarWr A.Na to ~IM&&r Boue. and 'tt la Pa••----baa a better plan that I and the CoUnly Aases~or wu A.~. U. Jlpe--J>.ce Ol1sifa 1r1• --·-,_... ---·~ alone ~ _'::-;'::~~ ,~. -otr otnot u• CUrry. It lo-·ln the Btau.tlcial e.I • l'l1da;ID1P>-.... 11w111411L-. •••-~l'K"t Home OcwWDltJ' ta Onap o-t;;r. Awnno tllat the Preolckl\t la rud ;:=::;:-ft~'a plaal call port ot t.bc lloart~ of tac apm.,.':,. to ·-._j k<rlzlC i inc t.Hm. Bette?' late than ,~!.&...+ .... •-'ftl • pa 1srD' i Callrom.ta. tor~ yu.n 1111, ""J.fO a~ ..t.. I'Mllew: oat ., Mem""r oantona.la N~ PM"sten •mtdatloll '*t wW. a pit¥ \Mt~ ""' ·--.. w• llnil ~ 117.l. .. • a.e cou.ld r have dofte u ~ a · II_... N'aH 31 J'Altodal •=•-itt-.i btlfl---!~:2°'!::!'.=... to __ ,_ , 'Whal. bej:ame Gt the 114~."'l'.~ 0 j0b u cltalrmanol the coate.- • • ava•labl, to a ·--Ml-jk'-~ cnek ancslller -? 'bttt7 _...,. S&n B.«--. ..,.... that mmin ... u 414 ~· ot • Bm( OJ IW>Diac; Owner 1!'4 Pu~ e ~ OI' abzty yoan ~ .....,...y 00 \be • hcltlc a.ctite ¥ .• eel u pllltecl. In llie COW>\¥ ~t Stat.a Acbeoon.' I t1t1n1< i11at 1"e .-ROBl!lRT F. WUJMJ!I, Bwauo Ma...,... • ....... ...... -l1llpl: .. _t ., .. ,. "" .... idtattwlJ. ·)'OU! -"· • h&ll\ited a difficult ld~UOI! Ill .. HAlilL ilftrt .... •• ~ ~ • Ute ....,... of • ..,-' One • of ,..,... · Cloqft_.• -inaaterh.J mann t \be A. ~fll\ '1'0.N, A ~ , tlpred -of tllo lmpro••mt la minor hobbies la to try and get, old ftnMlsn Gromyko and Ute Pou.II _ . · • • ..,.,. of $300,000 and Pl-an , .. • ~~. t th b "-·-1.t c , T!te J>roou bao been acljudged a DOWJ!POper ol.-nW'I c~tlon by The ll9llT Chtonlcle : .. E Ullturnent dlslrlct to accomplloh ·-~ 0 e ~ e rep._., Delel'\<• In an• awkward and decree of the·supel'lor court of oraop county and Ill tully qualified tralla, WfAllL, la 11HpUy oplltn UM wuri<. Tl>e .. ,. MlDl _,.e& In 8outberl. Cl!lifQmla. wttll s*t· rldlCUJOus position. : to publish all kinds of le.al' noUce.8 and advert.l9tmenta. tic a1*.lt ~ lilcOUttey . would COYer a ..... portkla ot er tntetut In the "rep~ of I lllink that moat ot Achuon'• , -----------baYinc rHcbod tloe P,,.M,,,,t'o Ul W'Mt H --Udo lolo ud all ol llpffCbee lo the Coo~.~ IU'b· .-< oevere cr!Uco muat lllw'e SUllSClUPTIO!f IU.TU: ltrary. a.rn•uar ldltorllll1 In •-..-~ _ ~\'-J<cl.t ot lo~ to the DlatM.ii """1l proud and well plOued wttb NEWPoRT-BALJIOA PllZM ~ Tit.-, lta A.quot I, 1161, ._, It bad cloWntown N_., -£'"£$ In tile -11 day11, the "Jl'o1'!1n&' blm. Gert&iDly all could not but ht, °""'"' Coooty, 13.llO per year; ,ti.GO lllx moatlto; <•1.U -thla to MJ' la port: WUllool' Z. MOY8 !rl~ I, VOU, WO'lUC Room" wu no\; u It la "'W"'11"l &dml"i him •u a tof>'nolch par- montlto) (Aho lnoludH U.. NEWPOllT•BALllOA NI:~ • ", , . TM1'0 WU a -Sftal dW ol The P&c!fk: Electnc aall-,T bu <.:;...,.. 1'f& ~ .... Oii a malllng room, or I otonn ~. llame~Wian.' Tu<oday) Ouhllde the .,._.,_ '4.00 per JM'· ' worthwlllle ,...dlnJ In tile McOur-lndlc:ated ·tu wU1lnpe. to move .,.... CQF our pulphleta and bookieta; °" I Ii o. well known arutOU11cer l•Y -.. mud! that """"1d proY• Ito Mpot to the~ ctt1 Um-ftta "'6tNMV AT NltHT Utrwiy to our ......Utu<E]la-It 0.. the Spode Cooley show, ~tqr- ot nhl•, ~ to a Prn~t tu.rn-lta lf the ctt;t c.n ftad land to , waa exacUy what' the na~ lnd:ls day l\tght, say the roUowing: A, RE,.,.-mN TO INTEGRITY lnl to t.betr po,.. In later life ... lnde for It. -toWlt "'1'!"rlY.· _,,,_. "· ~~-_ ,..___ catecl. T!te ~-weie ~t-"Juot take one pill three \Im•• a ,i. U D The ...,_t -tor who com· OM puco1 llu Meft d-and ed OZl large alieet.t ot po~..,.,.<'. el~l day."1 • N'o explAABtlon waa Jinn Herbert Hoover's warning to the nation against indif-pUOd tblm -"t the but Htera-tentatlftly qr-led""""· ~r· po .... Oil ... o!C!e and • -.... I/OW one WU to perfonn tbl• ference toward "dishonor in high places'' and the "decay t>1ro and -try. llllltor7 ud prac> oblo mon•y '""'14 llaft lo lie JllO-1 on the other\ or wba , tlte .dlftkult feat or how thla ~ waa • tlcal lnoUuctlon lo lo,y l>tfOtt Ille Yickd tor tile NOilOftl of U.. lneks of. ~ 5'~ &J. length of tbe h ttgUIJ:td. Uld to be retpeved the Ont two of integrity" should not be taken ljgbtly. Theeo thmp are. pupllo ot the day u t!My ~ and crntton at ,... ~nla la U.. tt ' · •t Ulen folded, b hand, lo ~ "'Id· ttmeo. Then he ll&i4 "All .yob very real-and very dangerous. So daqge?OUS, In fact, that ,_ from l"'de to l"'de ... " I w .. ter\Y city limit ....... e f!r:J 0 e t or: Ing Room. relllll.t ~re 'ex· peren.l.t who have chlldron ... • the. f 'd t be!' "the lights . will' go · out in Jl'or tbe l>tMflt ot th-who..,., Doti! tile ...alled •Patlaaon Mr. Redd!-~ actly u YoU moy lmilllbf them. I'm .Wt wondering what 'pu-ormer presi en ieves not familiar wt.ill the McOutt~)-plan and the pran wortct\id. out by ..-.. 8ometlmu t ' eds.ea ,?nf-ed, enu · might have 1.n. lieu, ot America" if they are allowed to continue unch~ed. Radera. 1 would Ilk• to -oe lite city COClll!!lUH "'111 f• th• Sorry I upoet your blf ao mu<h. but hope lhl• wlll help .. tue matching by .. much .. an 1nc:h. cbltclren. This belief is not exaggerated. The lights of America the ~marka by t1'.e Boeorebat ellminatkJn ot the un.tll!IUY "Pa· .VOUJ' Hver. My opinion o • det:k bud'• Job la ah•red by many & Patronage 1ctbs were ~bat>ly Thi• l!i your friendly Ford · I d d ti ill ~r-A Don ..... _ Xiclll-.i.. _. .. _ -.-...a __ _._ tn ':'l'tO'WTI ._ .... , 'fellow try\n• to eave a few dollars for fall .cbool open.inc. ttU-" In th=.d••• u ••ey att ~--1 -eodo"' Robin• ay are something m o re than .the commere1a. an omes c -,...,_~~-. mad~.~ In ·~-H!:!: ~:.:._. ~..,::_ "=,-. p'·· la ..L&-A ..---· 0 _._ --1 trt. bett r ~ ;I ...,. ~er, '11 • 1 • ti ............. ~·-. t.ate --t" ,.,.., ... ,...... _ .-ue ... ,, ..... ,,...,.o:v t •'1 pins to help a charter boat out next w~ -.-n my e now! The p11 ·wee not CU'L 1'h.e Ing good· bye 'tll next week. umination. Their essence ts the moral fibre of the na on. of ~prwentattne, on Jl&y lltt Into a nve 7ear Pf'Ol?&l1'. Slat judpenL t.ut time, hef.e ts what happened. folk.. at honi~. to ~born tbe1 re· ' tl\e spiritual forces which have lldn the true motive power or ZllJs year. 'He moot 11pUy and Str.et ultalloll (cut-otr road) My day started at 5,30 a. m. with nnt Joadfn6 th• beat with prlnl.t wtte ~t, ~ •ttWted in our national advancement and success. condlely stated U.. ct.M for Mc-yu.r one, 1162. Either th~ wnt· ~k• ice beer spare nickel• (before the rald that tal, and three tbe:m. and eo etlmee m~ted. k· • Gufl'•J U!d ht. !'fodera: erly portloll Of Balboa Blvd., 1 be· • · · • 1 ~ed bait •• 7 30 and then-tWlOOJl ple<;eo or cud~, and If the moral decay continue.a which has been reveal-"Kr. e-~•r. In .._"' ....,...t twHn It.st -t and tll• Oout. dnll>l<L We ten the,doc:k al •· PC• up -: • h ' I ~ three wanderer• wanted to go ror a boat ride to Catalina-to ·he.II then cut the Pf&e& ed reaching fro m the college campus to t e nation s cap • rev<o/"Utona c«ft<emlAJ tile aoclat.-H IJhway> 91' Bal.boa 81"1. Down· I pave .• reprint or tb• ~peech tal th I th rghts will go out and America will ~ st&nt ot many testbook.I cur-town lbet~ &J.C. tlt.rttt. and with flahinc. One sroup, who worktd on the: nipt shtn at 10me .or Honorable John ,Hickman, •of , en sure Y e 1 . . . HnUy ueed. tn .Amer1c&n ecboo&., Mcll"addf>nl 7eer two, JNS. With atrPlane ractory, aaked tor haltbut fW1ing OD the fiat.a: right away-Penruylvanla, on March 11, 1882, eventually follow the other great powers in htstory which and partJcUlariy tD. tM. p:rimary New-port Boulnard and Pacific they didn't pay for a boat ride. ls Wfl• one ot those. day• when It tn which he Say11, "The President were swallowed up of their own weakneSees. and affClftda.r1.. fl"adU. .. ~ mlahl ~r1c rtc'ht of way t.llmtnaUon . wouldn't make a bit of difference .... ·he~ you fl•hed -there Just wasn't or the United States ca.nnot be "Th t · 1 th· w can do" said Mr Hoover 111f ro fa.r toward cuJtn.r many of our a. yeera four a.nd nw.. All of the any nab. 1 / · Ignorant or the fact that he ha.a, e prac ica ing e ' · ' ecoftOll\k: and ~ ilia by &. re--1lrttt tmpl'O'f'fmmt could be ac· We left the dock with JO pa.s.sen.-era, but In two hours we had lhu.s far, fallf.d to meet the just we really want to make the world over again ill to try out tum to aome -.rlitt le•tbookll compla.Md with Ou Tu Money t~creaeed the load to 36_ P.auJ Jons had now appeared from five expect&tlorus of the party wblch some of the old virtues that made this country." a.nd teaching method.a. and without &UH1mr:nt. different pocket.I. The skipper couldn't Aland the noise any long~r: elacted h1m to the office be now Ce~.. .t . th t tion bw.lt on honor integn'ty and '1"ht1 thought occurred to me Roulblllty of the entltt "'moval W h red In hold.a • • •" The President wu 1 1.a.tn I IS a a na · ' . upon n!adlng, lr\ an educational of the Pacific Electric u far •• ., we pulled the plug. and moved down lh.e cout. e a.ne 0 Abra.ham Lincoln! true patriotism cannot be preserved through deceit, double-bul!elln which came to my deal<, Mlh Street, •llmlna.tion or the cl08fl to a kelp bed, and the skipper announced that it wa.s time Th('re are! reprinta of the dea.lip.g and phony flag waving. a dHcrtption of the McOufrey dead end at.rttla In Weal Newport. to ro~ate. Some ot you already know the answer-there were a s}X"echea of Senator Seward. and ~ PllO FE5510NA l ~ ~ DIRECTORY ~ DENTl!l'l'S U:S'l'Elt A. BECKER. n. D. 8. DENTISTRY f t the realities o f the situas S<'hool Readef'9 whl-cta wtte uaed ln and the rlrht ot way in downtown couple or w1ee (tlya, whO made a pretenae of moving, but were Sepator Smith of ,Connecticut. and We had better ace up O the primary gradn of moat Amerf.. I\"ewport. le 3ffn by the time the still on the at.em "'•hen it was all over. One of them wa11 even Mr. Morse of'. Louisiana. and Mr. .. lion-now! can public acbooa. dtuinc lhe mid· completion of the Pf'Ol'T'&rl\ could fiahin& over their &hottlders 80 as to quiet any complaints.. tnle&C' Corwin or Ohio, and Mr. Be:nnett 17811 Newp<trt Blvd .. Coote. M- Medlc&I Bldl(. Beacon 11132 llOS E . Bay Ave .. Bal- Harbor 327 ·J ----• dlr yeara of th• leat Cfl\tury. be acdi.mpllahed. Need for n.tla. f llOW• a.re caJJed ennrtamen--0ne or lhem wu a San ·Diego conteat I of N<;w Yorkj and, other.a, 011i the ''The subject wu of especial in· at.eel. and iron ec.rap and. copper in e ~r-'admission or tJlrornia as a Slate, OPl'OMETRISTS TAIL WAGS DOG winner. I • ,-------------, tf'rnt to me bttau.e 1 have Ln my the war ~ffort i• ltndlng to help b lettln two and also or , r. Phelps an4 M.r. 11 What appears t o be a case of a "little tail big dog" has shaped up in Congress. po.aeaalon a. complete .el of \.he the sltuaUon.. ~ Pacific Electric One of the bait boy• played a dirty trick on us Y g Sargent. In 1162. our own Repre· wagging a stx MC':Outtey Fkadt>ra, whk:b has removed a large portion ol aardlnu c-et l.n the bait tank. Eve.ry .!!!mart bu)' expected to get sentative. on ~all!brnla land Utlea. Henry J'ord bad repctnted In thelr it.a trolley W1ra rf'Om . tO'Wn with one of them. even If it meant killing a.II the anchovies. I have !tC>"'e old Indian bill"- ortg-lnal format and pre9<'nted to still much copper fttder line left. Well, we are again pulling up the bottom. The la.dy In shorts. and old apprbpriatlon authoriza.·" me. It la anUctpated that they may a.nd 1 do mean short.a. l• squa.wklng her head off to move. How any lion&. One c~~ for money for a V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. .OPTOMETRIST Accepted practice in alloting chairmanships of the Senate's Standing Committees on the basis of seniority within the majority p:!rty has ROW reached the stage where an unhealthy a m o unt of legislative power ever the entire population of the United States has been put into the bands of Senators whose states house only a srruill percentage of the total population. • The five m ost populous ste.tes in the Union are New York, California, P~nnsylvania, Illinois and Ohio. Yet none of these states, with roughly one third of the U. S . population accounting for more than 50. percent of the federal income tax. has a Senator in the c hair of any of the fifteen Standing Committees. But, aging Senators from six states with less than two percent of the total population ll?'e chairmen of six of the committees. four of which are of paramount im- portance. Thus, "Government by the people ... " seems to have gone .,y the board, especially when it i.s realized that except in the. case o f a few hotly contested issues, Congressmen usually vote into law recommendations on legislation made by their commjttees; and committees, to major degree, are dominated b y the c hairman. To again achiev e a truly representati\'e government, it would appear that ability rather than seniority should govern the selection o f Congressional committee chairman. ----·---- '"No doubt the aubject matter be anxlowi to re.rnow their .-.U. (U}' can put up with & rat. drunk. nolay, flnd In short.I yet l.s fort on the ".'f.estem frontier·• of and wordln,g of lhf' McGuffey to the WP.aterly city limit.a ln Ol': the Unite-d St.ii.tee. Where do you l beyond me.. T Reader& wouJd be c:oMktered der to ncla.lm U\e II tle uaed line n tt b 1 suppoae that was! Cincinnat.I! We a.re drlfUn11 now. tryinc to pick up a few y swa ers. u _L,_ qu&lnt and aomewhat naJve by between MU\ and 2Srd atree4. To come bafk to the Surveybr· J:Vealnc bJ' A.ppolD.-· SIH w. Newpon Ill><!. Newport Beach BarbOr %511 • llORTIOIAN bookt for beginner. nf'Verthele.s D.•.-L Da.,.t lan1Jled t.hat cuttlnc is the only answer. No one wants his line no R:tven!lde uuty, no Orang~ .......... ~~•~!~~·! •T modem t~eher., but lh09e text· what • meJSL some are practically out, and their lines a.re 90 General's re~or 1870; there wu bad eoQ!Jf!t.bin.& that i. aa4l1" ~ "9 lilll .. cut; ao t.be arsument start.a. some sport.a! Now thts ·could co on County, no ,erial eouniy.i )Ye --r-~ ....-.-• lnl' tn ptteent--da.y acbool boo~ (Cotlttn.d tnm Pa&"e t) for & long time: 110 we wlll just ata.rt for home. wwere parU San Dlego ·&nd:San ! 419 90&fl. Bl(b•af Somd.hb\I' ""'leh children or the THE \\'ltZll'S The boat docked a.t 4 :45. and I ducked up to the relll&urant Bernardino ~nt.ies. CORONA DEL MAR present ireneratlon nef'd. ONLY ORJP& trying to keep from ca.rrylng some or them off. How they can Bot'1 Cduntfs were comptaihlng, DAY AND NIGHT '1'he nnit tour of tt\e McOurrey drive home--lt beat• me. The day ended at 5 :30 for ua. El&'ht just as they .,-e in 1951, about the Pbonfl Harbor u Readers wen prepared tn 1831 and We h.aven•t yowlfd about anys ti h tr n~ for wa~r. The San I>lego I!.-------------' 1837 b~ Wllllam Holme• McGuf· thing t.hls week, IO lt'a time for a dollars isn't muctt for • day Uke this. Of course no. 3 cut 0 Aaseuor, Wilita.m Smith, report· fey. a Presbyterian mlnlater. who lltlli! mart any chance tor a few tips. but a gang like this wou1dn't amount e<I a riew an~proml8ing induatry, later at>rved for a quarter or a ' Th08e Jee cream truck charac· to a hUI of bean• anyway. ailkworm cul u.-e. I quote hlm, century ae proteuor of political tera. ThOSc little bualneumen.. I You fellows In the piper racket ha\·e a quaint sense of humor. "Our genial imate, so es>nductve economy and moral pbllOJ10phy at know, who'~ mahlng a 8C&llt llv· A lfm•.ll article appeared ln tM L. A. papers which stated that a to the health r the worm, and the thf' University or Virginia. Th e lnir aelllng their frozen wa.rea newaman .an· thls trip had a good time. but N.shlng was ~low. \Vould soil, 80 well &4.apted to the growth lut two of the eerlea were writ~ a.loric our atrttt. and byways. But you like to know what the skipper thinka, or have you had enoug-h. of the tree, rd.U8t Invite capltall to lflt by hb brother, Alexander. in nevertheleu. t.hoee cbaraclt'r-9! AL FORGIT engage in 50 lprorlt&ble an en~r· 1844 and tSO.C . One come• by my howae every . s s . • prl.se." - .. Only a. few copies of thf' f1r•t anernoon, hb r•ud1 vehkle blars I quote, in full, Mr. Smith's ex· edltlon of HcGurfey's i"hird Read· Inc "Sleep, Ba.by. Slttp." And (FAl'I Note -ID Al?) planaUon for fthe delay ln getting er, moat famoua of them all, &re t.hat'a juat what my youn~•t's , • ..,,.. .,. lf-ttf'r. ",. ran Pnjoy. Jt'• geCMI 10 ll""1 on tbr tyJl'l"(I hia ~port to Sacramento .. Dtd you known to remain in n:latence, and trylfll" to do. f'ed of • mJnltt> from a worthy \\'Ord Pf"<ldlrr. E\'f'b If )'OU do la.y think Boerdsf.f Supervisora d~'t they now a.re: "book e<>llect or's And AO what happen.a! Thr the blame cm u• for "·hat thf' L. A. paPf'n do or do not do--\Vt> have their t ubles 80 yean ago Jtema ot tmmenae vaJue. youngeat artar.A In her crib.. and al"f\ happy wlth your \\'l'Jtln«. too? 'He w tes: "'I cheE-rfully ·•it !tu been 1akl that McGuffey 11tarta yakking. Not for an Ellkimo p,. .... P9 your "1e"'JIOl.Dt, f'Jrpn>Ulft& tht! f'Ofttf"mpt for thP publle tranamlt my tatl.l!ltical repo~, afs ..._ · the fint to nt the child's Pie, but ju.st to get up, after •he't of the fWwr Pf'!OPle m1.-ht bf' br-itf"r If broadn•t 00 that TV t(>r much unJ. essary. d~lay. ocs education to Ute chUd"• world. Hr on)y had l~ mlnutoea nap. Na d rl.,. cuioned thro h & misunderatand· prosram. f'rallkl)• Al, wb7 I• It that aull"b Pf'f>tm •• you He IUuttraled: the reading leuona wtth A.a a. n!sult, I at.and outaJde th@ • 1 lng or the rd of Su~rvt.sors ~h ,... U... po.trona of tltr-1portf1Ahlni; <lockA or 0t1r rlty . • It • plcture1 that appH.l to chJldren, hOUM and (\Vt out Ivor Ol"Mpower and the Cle of the Court ln res 1\lch u ramUy tcenea ot home and g\ard, . enough to melt en:ry C!OC9mott traJt of M--ftllM ~portftwhf'rmf"n !" 8 · R... p..rd to the removal of the public tum, with anlma.la and pet.a ln goodle tnalde that refrlge.-.ted recorWt. whic:i\ resulted in ~ 9U.5*- . INSURA..111CE Old Establlshed Insurance Agency All llnee written. HOWARD W. GEKRl81£ 1808 Newport Blvd., C.osta Mesa PHONE BEACON 15'111 BE SURE-INSURE :============'.' w I Stuart Foot. G1tNERAL INSURANCE SIX YEARS AFTER PEARL For the second time in history Uncle Japan bac k to civilization. The Japanese fare as well when they settl,e with Russia. abundance. truck, but I haven't he.rd of any B b Sh f C • Cl penaion of thriee of the Boa.rd; and HARBOR "But lll>o•• all ..... theoe Mc· Icy cuualtlee yet, unfortunately. a y ' ower or eram1cs . ass unt'I others :were appointed, 'f"Y I Sam is leading Guffey'• Read• ........ re character-One or tit-d•Y•. I bOpe the Mrs. R. De Gr•sse Has Potlurk work could n t be peased upon In tud by the Lmportance Uleoy pve Good Humor m&n, plu.a all Of hi• g '-' time for an EiarUer report." • Co11rteo11.B J'lf"""'4lion. %111 Bal-Blvd. Xewport Beach Pit. Hl!r. H people will not to moral · and ftllrk>U• aubject.a. rooey merch&ndlR, melt.a down to Mr. Smith also explains, "}.ty I I.;.------------"' tn each ot Ute book.a, a.nywhere a trickle. 'then my kid can elttp A t..by shower honortng Mrs. Membfo.rs ol la.at year·a cera.mlca report wlll b Incomplete. in con· • fl'mn a thJrd to a half of the lea· w1thout h1I m~ advlee! Robe.rt DeOraae wa1 enjoyed by clus of the Cocta Mesa Friday sequence otf t ft e unparallt>led eon• cont&jned material of lhla a cn>up of her trlenda on F'rtday Afternoon Club met Friday tor & drOught lo ch the COuntYi hu nature. At the sameo tlme, the COM Combat Pilot afternoon .and hosteued by Allee , ti k 1 h 1 th patio of been subject which bu prov~ moral and rellst<>ua subject mat· Routt., 305 • 33n1 Street, Newport po uc unc eon n e dla&atrou!ll to every interHt. eepe· ter WU completel1 ftet\sH<:t.arlan, H Cl sh· 'nae honoree received many the home of Mrs. Art Culs, 424 ctslly to the'itock grower and the in strict acoordanee wtth Amert-as 058 ave lovely ctft.a to add to her layette Abbie Way. farmer, the !latter. having -~· -can law and tr&dJ.tlon. and dellc:tou.s atn.wberry aborts In attendance were Mme•. El8;ie tic!!d both labor and seed, aave In . EARL W. &TANf.EY Realtor 1• Notary Public Phone Harbor l '118 n~ Marine Balboa ltlan4 "All thla hu chan•ed• however. Many pilot.a birtly e..:ape dsth cake WM •rved by the bosteu. Kountz, Lou Ulrey of Santa Ana; the mount.a d:lstrlcb. Where they A. famou. educator recentJy exam· and ln1)"'1 durinl" a. tour of combat Amon.-the pests wu Mn. Criatel Feverly of Long Beach, enjoy freque ahowere and .con· 11·--...-------"---_. lned nine aets of reade.ra. com· duty lft Koree., but Ms.rtne Capt. ~ vh:lt Della Kovi.to, Balbo&; Ulll.at} aequenOy a iberal harveat." t prtalng SO book•. curren.Uy uaed tn Chal1.ea 0 . Good of Oor<m& del Mar Fr1ts Jauad.ry wbO b&a • Roberta, Bethora Huth, Stel!S. San Diego County reported five ··•-•· th tttth tt,surea he came wtlb "'a toot" ol Lnc her brother and hLI wtre. Mr. Bunch. Berineace Fox, Gertrude churchea, & pUbllc l"rary and Amerl<an ~,.; trom • and Mrs. Robert DeG...._. Mn. Whetael Dorothy Herr Bertha ~ -. i.. to the e.lrhth J?Sde41. ::1".!a.1~ and almOM failed Jaundry ha.a juat returned _from TUlo~. Mary Taylor. •A. Ru. elght eehoolll San FranclacP \..VUI1s "'He SllJd the textbooka we"" l:C•bul, Atchanhrt.an where , her 11 Co8ta. M . Etna Kunaman ty reported whale oil '90rka. If ftlled witl\ fable., (olklore, ra.l.'1 Recovering from a cliYe at a bu.band ha.a .erved u Jl"lnt. Sec· se ., eM, • you have this far, you will talN, paean m)'tho'°O, • n d brid1"e near Ol'odu&-ol recently, ret.&ry Jn th• UnJted States Em· ·Corona de.l Mar. not need to w me: a.dd that '1>ur Jlntrl•• and JM&iee. No-tlltrda ot Good felt a tllud on bla rtgbt aboe. buoy. Mr. and Mn. Jaundry wlll Co la on a vacation; ~ them had no Bible reference• at With a quick Clance dowawVd. De ln Waahlnston D. C. tar the Starting In aecond l"e&r la &. A be oaw·a -au ob~t roUlnJ -t-·~ If' •• ·Re ml · h ve1 ot aU, and there wu virtually no ..... ~ •---~ year, pracuce of many UT1.....::ra. N ar . rrora aabJoct matt'tt ttlatlng to monlL Inf •c.-tbe cockpit noo. of hla Other .,,Ht.. IDdudad :i.e.. not necaaarlly a bad practice bl!t ellminaled •• need tor stvtng "It ·-to -thet present-o .. n Oat ftaltltt. dames Blanch• Oe<lraue. Btnt-If ll neceultatea allpp\116 the ann -11pa1a. Nmlnds the IN&~ I c1a.y uttbora ot l!cbool .....ion T!te oltj<ct W1!!t • Illus from • ..50 Cord Eftrlpt. Jay WUoort, Walter clutch It sMtl1d be abandoned at Automoblla Club. Arm olpai. would help correct a peat deal c:&li~·~e, J1t11e. and ~Ir Cole, Wllllam KnOll and X...,, j Oboe. TM -... clutch beer• ptOtect ,the stoppllll\ or that i. wronl' In America by ,.._ 1Mr"""1-. Doollll•. Uve at Ml\IL '. · < a~ moup b.-0 u IL IL · tum!JIJ. -. . ~ vlYlnc aome of tile peat prlndpat. 111 lrl• A..._, Co....,. Ciel M.lr. and uiorsl teachlop -mad<! America CTMt and w!tlch _,.. ...,plw_ la Mcdvrfef'• ~ ~" The Jollcltlpll ~moot A deliptftll -porty WU< certaW1 Jiit tile nail OD. tbe --ir1-by Mn. 191 •• -... ~ la a <r7ID&' need la Amer-J'rlday •-· ta -ol ...,. lea ......,. ,.,. ..... J'OUtll to be ._ tal!Cht tile baalc p<1Dclpleo ot 'fir--ud -Major ud IZi'a, ~ ltonoot¥. lai.pity _, thrill Dudley II\-. ....... ...... ~ In the )(eQuttq -·· ........ Ylt!tlnl' ltor lldo,put ..... tile -ol ... -._, iCo.JOo' -ud -al Mo ': 'Tiii ..,..,Son tor:a. u. eca· trtffldl ltiaw lltw ••a •Ute.,... of ~ .. Wll9 ....... Ill It~ lnOD mW; ...--"--• u ·~ t-'• lo ~• ._ tloo .1'' klS I _, -~ ~ --.. -. b ..... 1 a.. 'IWM. , ' -... ..._. .. ~-~ ---. Oil!J•···...,.--........ al\t< I lits\ _ ... lloll I.Ml ... ~d ..... tlto'¥tlSI __ ,. .. --&~-*" Oii ...... "'' 1s'1 ._ ....-w, 0.. ftJ1r .... 1Wt -...-la*"'-"'* Oil -n t' I • llM& •1! tC b -,__.._,. •n•· -.-II WU I *''t•• ... AI& enW ..... ....,.If tll<I ... -I Mt Oil MI • WI¢ ta~· .... • ... ,,.... s' a 101 _._ .... , .... -..... -- I • • • • I: I I • • • ••• Gloria 1Diamond Weds ·L. R. Guild Jr. Retired Teachers Attend Picnic Chapel of RCW'es In Pasadena wu: the backdrop for the exchange of nuptial vows between Gloria llltelle ~ond and t..wrencc Rld&P The annual September picnic of Guild, Jr., at 8 :00 p. m. Baturday, Septembf-r 8. ON..np CoUaty Dtn.&an of Cali-: The Ivory tulle over •Uk talfet.a·6'·---------~---fomla ltet.lrt!d Tcacbtt .A..leoFlallon bOunant aklrt of b&Jleriaa length Collece Tlcktockera, Phi Kappa wa. held Thunday In Aoahelm wu the Ideal choice tor the bride's Theta, and the American Auo<!ia· La Palma Park. Of tbe 337 r e- exqulslte weddin( ~. A fitted tlon ot University Womet1. Urt'ld tce.che.-. ln qr&ngf County, bodice, off shoulder MCkline With The groom, who attended U. S. only !)8 -were pr~t -E ight nE'W. a pearl trim encircllbg the neck-c. la a Theta XI. ' membena wire welebm~. line and waistline completed the The newlyweds will honeymoon Paul Cook, 11uperlntrndent of demure long sleeves which carried at the Tennis Club in La Jolla and Ana.helm City Sc.hoobl, and hU out the pearl trlm motif at the wUl la.ttr take up rfltlldenc<' in At· wife were-Invited guests. Uaonard cult. hambra. Sargeant came to enjoy the picnic A pearl trimmed cloche and a -------and to take some' picture& tull length veil or ivory lllU&ion W L L_ Beeman, presidE'nt of lh~ with a blusher veit completed the Moose omen rounty dtvt..ion, premdert •t the bride's bridal apparel. She car· bualneu meeting. Mra. !Wllc 8&.rd- rled a """4uet ot ~ white"'" Plan Social Night wen read the minutµ p~ the wt chJds and tt(y~ of U'l.e valley. two M»AiOftL Mla L. Cora O:>nntU !toUss Joyce Diamond, staler of Chaplain AlkJe Young presided reported on the membttsblp drive, the bride. was ma1d of honor. at. the September 8th ·meeting of llnd exprcased tti:ret that many Bridesmaids w~re Mia Mary Fnt· the Newport Beach Chapter of the retired teachers of the county had :r:ee and Milla Nelda Schuinacher. Women ot ttw-Mooac becauM of not joined th" orpnl&atKm. '-Ira. The bridal a ttendant.a wore lee the abae~ at Senior Recent Wini· Dora Gli.n'9 •tated that lbe Pasa- blue silk taffeta. of ballerina fred Randel "''ho bad gone to l..-0'.'I dent Teachtn: home "-'as In ner-d of length, featuring dipped balloon A..n8'eles to meet her moth-In-law ah.ttts. pillow caaes, towels and hem Una and .cooped neckline. wb°' will be vtaiting her .on and otller such articles. and it wu with thrtt·quarler lenJ:"lh sleevct1. daugtlttt·ln-law l.n C.O.ta Men. voted to Mnd money t.n hl'lp pur- P'Jower girl, Mial!!I Ann Scott of M°embenhip Qialrman, \Vilma chase some of thf" needed matcrl- 1117 W. Bay Ave .. Ne\\o-port Beach, eot-'bln, Ritual ~lnnan . FJora als. wu dainty in a ru11 boufr8Jlt white Vaughn and Publicity Chairman Mr. Bc"man trnc('d th{' Teachers ruffled net dreM ovrr taffeta. Alda Gol"ton read reports of their RPtirem C'nl Plan from its bt'gtn- T he bridegroom. son of Or. and activitif'S since their appolntmenL11 nlng in 1913 up to the present tim<" M rs. Lawrence Ridge Guild o( Los to lhrir respective chalrman~hlp!!. and explal.1"cl that every added Ang<'les aclcct.ed B1'9.'1Jey Hall I.A Recol'der Vtola Cornecl an-benr fit was du<' in largf' n1€'asUrt' bt>st man. Jamee Guild, brothtt of nouncrd l.bat two new m~mber8, to the untiring eCforts or the Re- thc groom, a.nd Joseph Sk"eJTett jWJt l.ntUat.d Jut week. have been Lire<! TE'achera A.'\.'IOCl&tion. He served as ~h<'rs. assign~ chatrmanah.Jp1. Ca 11 l c u!'g1?d eve ry retired teacher to joln Thi.' brille'~ molh<'r \.\'Or<' orchid's Carpent f'r has accepted Child Care 10 tha t the good \.\'ork could ron- on a run lPng-th sliver lame gown and Virg!nia Towle 18 the-n<'W tinUe and so· that the lnflU('nce 'or with long ~lt'cvu. A cloche hat SocSa.1 ~ Chairman. Orange County division might rE'- comple t<'d th<' ~n.'lembll". Publicity C'ha.lrma.n, Alda Gor-taln i~ prrlWnt hig h standing i.n Largf' candelabra on the al.ale too, rem.J.nded the chapter or hec Lh e State. were. deoorat<'d With w~te nowers pla..na for. Social Night, Sept. l~. The next meeting of the County arid~ littfh !!l°!'<'antet9 fot4'ttte MM!-llfced·-·~~ au.n...&1>11.j I\4v#fion,wlll kbdd..intS•**• 'hM The rec<'ptjon was held at the enjoy the tun_ on the 29th or Novtmbcr. Huntington Hotel in Pa.aadena. Co-worker ltlale Porter, Elate The bride attended San Marino King, Myrl.le T ipping, and Wilma high .choo1 and U. 8. C. She ls • 1 Corbri:a volu.a.t.eercd to help R.r"Vc member of Phi Mu aorority, Spun, the d¥m« S.tW'dAy nlSht. Re11ults COD)e from eon11tant PracUce-! A n ad regularly in thia paper wlU produce r~.d~ tar you. Patio Sale I End of Season Ci.arance -All Outdoor Furnit.,. T-F!'. TILT TYPE QAJlDEN • UMIRELLAS Ahnn._.,, P4*, VM D1'No u .. ,., Co\"HO, ftS· ~ Now $24.9$ UDWOOD · LOUNGE~ -.... '9.!I.!' .... Now•17.fl FOLllllle ~ • oz 1 scan™• Dscnr.,. .... $7.95 • • :r::'.C:~ ;n-.;'r ~.OI'•• a• m #o • Ill a.---. * . ALUlllJNl1M AD.Jt18TAJILt: CHAISE LOUNGES · With vat dJ'ed Pad t1ftl6 \Vlth De.luxe Pad '39" ' ~. 4'.N, NOW.·-··· lo"J R•a-. '9.85 NOW._,,. ALUMINUM LOUNGS ·CHAIRS SLEEPY BodoW TYPE •1 r • IJleS. fH.M .. .., .... -................... -··-··---···--···-·······""ow • REDWOOD CHAIS~ L~U~CHS ~-.. ,..,.... .... •1r aes. "1iuzil-iYPE IAUICUlcr"; LA!IOS 81R '22" .... --·---··~ -~ M IOY POITAIU IECm arc • ' •LM , ... 2, .... NOW -Mnt•tUM IAIWA NAPPlll . ,. • lliiill . 'r ~ ' ...,.._ -=-·'I. (9' 5 MMJXa -CJBADI w,.&(#MCN1 P..a at 8IC ........ , . . ( •• ' Streb; Birthday · .. stS ' . . It ta .. .,.._ aa4 lnuF ••~•• to lm-•11---y~U.. ... .--of ~ ·u.. ndlator tlUed *lt.b wai.r, raporu Ille Nalloul Allt.ilmolllle <;tub. Tllo ...,ine la ._ UkelJ to fe&M a tempe.rat.1.,1.re that ruulta ln : tt.. bumlttl'. or ae.rallon ot crank~' lubricant./ J • • • • • • • 'Pendeffr Horne--- From Trip NOrth . MSE 'J -·.PAIT '( ..;. 1HUISDA Y, 58'1'. IJ, 1'51 .... ~-. i ....---. ..... 41 SPlciAL INTa06UCTORY OMI· .-NEW RA YmE LANO.UN WAVE 1 ... 1i.oo . NOW 1000 . . . RUTH'S IEAUTY ·SHOP . ,339 Porn~•ttia '-Harbor Coro~a,.del Mar · 2907 ' • • • • ~ ... ·~ • . ,, .. ·JOIN i ·U1F F U:M;·5.al -S T·E R'L 1·N G ' . HERE'S HOW THE CLUB .PLAN · WORKS For eoch six-piec,e ploce setting 9f the ,equivalent in . o,ther pieces, you pay 33c down, ~3c. o week until bolbnce is y pa id. No interest, ·no carrying cha~ge; You May Join Buffuini' $11ver ·Club By MaH or Phone · \ If you hove completed your place setting~, why not odd ~cocktail forks, iced drink spoons, aftar-dmner coffee "--spoons, or serving pieces on this ploni • I down and 33c a w"k per place setting • No No • Interest-- carrying charge. . .• lnt-•1i111al • H11rta11R ............... • • • .... 211 . •w '•" ., .... . . ..... 100 ,.,,,.,_ .valrtk t I ' • ~.' . , fllace. s·ettlng consists ofr ' luncheon knife: luncheon fork, t\ia· spoon, salad fork, cream soup spoon, butter spreader. I Special featUre'I 1 of the club I • You m•y toke th~ 1 1•ttin9 home a~er •n initial patment as low -es 3Jc; •NO interest, no carrying charge. • You poy only tho r o g u I or 0 , P. S, p_rice. 1 • ··You may pay by the month. +You m'y p • y off the b•l••c• •f ... , time. ' • You DON'T have to buy • spetific num· bar o{ settings.. · ·,You may •lso buy serving pieces on this pion. · • You may C'hoose a n•w pattern or fill in on your present patter ... •You receive a flan- nel wrap with each ' s•tt1n9. • lricludes en9r1vin9 of one initial, if de .. sired. • .. • ' • ' • • • • ' • • • TIDE TAIL-I • •. ,.. fri' • day Bepte...-U ~y 1 S.ptember 15 ~unday 1 September 16 tcoadq ' I ~ptember 17 rt-~·18 tv;::!:.~o ,....._y • ~ber 20· I • ' . • • ' . • • I • I 41 I • moll 9:27 LN, .9:1, p. m. '9:1111 p. m. O ~&a p, m. 10::23 L m. 10:41 p. m. 10:61 a. Ra. U 1:2.f p. m. .ll:,20 L m. -·-,·-······ •... 0 :11 L m. 11:50 a. m. 1:07 a. m. ~2 :Z2 p . m. OcL 7 PVLL MOON Sept. 13 ' ,11.s 11.S e.e 11.9 6.J 11.3 6.8 4.1. 6.8 (.0 8.9 3.4 6.3 LABT QUABTd 8ept. 23 • ' ,LOW 3 :13 .. m. 1 :12 p.m., S:f.f. a.m. t . a:&11 P. m. . 4 :13 a, m. 4:31 p. m. t :fO L m. 3;,20 p. m. 6;06 .. m. a :04 p. m. 15:28 L m. 1 :68 p. m. 3:'6 Lm. 8:02 ~ m. IQW 11001'1 Sept. 80 1 .IJ·DRIYE CRUISERS I ;flOW BOATS : ~~~ 1 '.•d e TACKLJ: • • Sma11 Boat l : . ELL IS ~~:;· • o.t -llJ o.a o.i O.J 0.7 O.J 1.5 0.4 Lt 0.7 2.4 1.0 ' %30! Cout HJ,\iay Newport Beaeb rf't&_ lla.rbor %Sl5 AN AWAllD p,.._led "1 uM -u.e ... QoJlforilllr"Yochttnr "-'latloa I<> tlroo ....,_, -t flaJ>!>. Inf la tlle hlfhest .-&Uoa la tlle Tra .. PaeUlc Yadlt 8-, ... won tltl11 y-b,JI NHYC Statt- Oomruodo"' Ira .. Prent" hhnor and ILt5: t4ta~DCL F'N&entatlOn of the •ward wae made on FrlQ,y, Sf-pt. 1, dwtnc a ,....,._ 4J.naer mee~ et tbtt 8. C. l'. A.. held at the Newport llarbor Yacbt ' Club. Showa hf're, Oomrnodor!I FUlmof (~) ~•ea hk award from Kobf!_r&: IL Allan. ,r .. 8ee.,.,_ tary or tbe SCY A. A.lmcMlt tdddf'n at left ls Bkhard Feat.on.. e.u.cuUve mem~r of the North An'H"rlttill Yacht ~s U•toa. In tJell_~::.,. ECTA Be»r ~Ort! Fred 8~ and MCYA Commodor" Cll1f Cbapmu.. !Photo by Ber.k.ner) : AT SOllTR F.ND OF BAYSHORE-BRIDGE i~~~~~~gl Still Time to Enroll in Free -Balboa STOCKS • BONDS • COMMODITIES Overell Roat I . . f I I uNDERWRITlNGs Power Squadron Courses Here DEAN WITTER. le Co. Goes on Reef • I : MEMIEIS NEW YOltC: STOCK fXCHANGf Chicova loord of Trade • • • Son ffofttl.co Stock £¥haft911 las An~s Stoc:t f•cltoft9o1 lEASEO PllV.ATf WllfS Bank of Laguna Beach Bid~ .• Laguna Beach Pb. 4-11641 Son franciKo • lu Attgeles • N.w Yorlr .• s.am. I 10°/o Discount 'on Any Purchase J (EXCEPT ABALONE and SHRIMP) I I BA YSIDEgFiSH MARKET Fresh Fish Daily from Our Own loafs! '· I SPECIAL PRICE ON ALBACORE FOR CANNING I Abalone ...• .lb. 75c -Small Frozen Lobster ....... .lb. 75c I • FRESH SWORDFISH. ALBACORE and SALMON : &MOKED FISH -SEA BASS L~~ette oa ~y NEWPORT llatbor e~ I -.Enrollment& wiU stlll _be oPen ln the Ba1boe Power Squadron'• Piloting course, when the M'Cond meeting of.J the clW takl's place next )1onday night ,al 1:30. at Newport Harbor ~acht Club. Fftty· five me;n a.pd women enrolled la.at Monday night at the preHmtnary 1 meiottng. Commander , Hay Langenheim and District Commander Harry A.thton outlinPd the re.uon.s for ta.king this fre1! baatc course. Cil- lng a numbf-r of serlou.a accldenta Al &ea which could have been pre- ventN1 t·omplelely with the knowl- edge i;:ven in thla courae. Lttlu~ 0-rtbed Curtis Doeh, chairman ot the cour8C, described the eight l~­ tures to bf. given and welcomed all men and women who wl8h to learn n1on competent boatlng thek s&lty mariners. will be under the chalrmanahlp of Lt. Com- mandr r Hsrold Holtz. He ~·ill be assisted b,Y Robt-rt McGwlrr, Cur- llA Do8h, Robert L . Boyd, Lee Jonu, Carlee Bonrcon, Cornish ~hm, StrOUed White, George Andr('WS, Loul.8 T1m1ncrman, S&n1 KaU'ffman and Robert Grable. Commandt>r Hay LanJ:"enhelm will bf> In ch&rj:'e or lhP en t t'rtainment provld~ by mcmbf>rs with their mu.s~cal tn8trument.B. 811ng and Sln1 The lll-fated 4~fgot yacht, ~1ary E. focal po'nt in lhc Overell double murdcr1 trlal at Santa Ana ln 1947, iA wrecked a.gain. When she wu blown op at Newport Harbor with a charge of dynamite which killed M.r . and Mn. Walter Overel, her midship section was wr<"Ckrd. Lut W€'ek , under the name Lazy Kuy, she hit a r C'c f near the Ca.la- llnft. blthmus and was hauled otf by Pacific Towboat A. Salvage Co. which received her rrom under- WTit ers in ecttlemcnt of lhe sal- vaR;e bill. Capt. Ernest Judd, president of PT k S. dKlares she can be re- built lnlo a eerviccable boat. ------wuru ro MEET Membera •of lhr Cost.a Mesa practicf>s. He pointed out that the These Squat.ran men, r.kllll.'d Squadron course la free, and that with com~s. navigation prac- lhe Squadron Is a.o indt>penderlt llcC8. power boot rngint'S. sal.I WCTU will gather In regular &c>A- orgaru.zatlon of volunt.eere, whose boat tlllerit a.tld gea:-, will put aside · e:ion Frk1ay, Sept. 14, at 11 a. m. chief pUtpOIJe Is to J.eam aa much their nautical activltie~ for the l in the home or Mr.1 . Myrtle King, a.s poas1hlr and pa& that knowl-e v('nlng, a.nd iihow thei r skill with 41 8 E. 17th St. A poUuck luncheon edge and l h<'i r experience along to corree urna, iit..cak grilling, banjo Is planned. those who want It. playtng, hash-Alinglng a.nd singln~. ----- Jost•ph Guerlln outllnl'd the Thia arratr la the opening gun in Wlae people do read the a.de. ba.IJc Jeg-.Ji requJremel)ta for boal. I.he Squadron'• ! a I I schedule: If;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;-~-~--~ ·oper&to .... next Monday. he wUI clu.IM!• having begun in Pilotlnl", WATER H TERS lectur<' on, Safety al Se&. AU Seamanatitp' and Advanced PUot- men and women who are tntereiit-lng, Junior Nsvigator and Naviga· t"d should attend and enroll. Ex-tor, and the annual meeting and perie-nR Is not neceuary. nor t1 It election of officers &a sc.hcdulcd necPN&.rY to be.lone lo a yacht for Novernber. club, or to be a boat bwner. The· ------ Information gl~n ls plf'.Llurable and valuable to all who have • in- terest in or anything at all to do wi"' boa ts. 'The Color for You' Homemekers' Topk "The Color tor You," ls thf' 8&1... Bernoe &ad Repa!n Joe Beclt.toU PLUM Bl.NG A.uthortUid DeaJe.r Day A Night H•ten TEIMS tO"-' 0.-11. on •II H••l~1 Phone Harbor Ut!-W . " I . ' iJULR'B ITIVOWI ~................ . . . . :~f-..... 1~-r······· ... :c.rl ~Its a power-pae~ ~ll on any hW! . . . -~ws1ad•111te.r 'lllnuuitlef.Y-/J . • .-ost aclvonced V-8 of popular price in AmerlcaJ Pub new punch into every drop of 9a1f Nee4b no premium fuell ' A lot of cal,' f9r a liffle • money ••• 18 .months to payl ~ ' ~ . ~ . :.I• the1t95! Mobilga1 Economy - 1,,., aTStuclebolr.e'r Commander •:v-• ·led all other compei ing '•ifJ~ ~ cictuol miles per gallon! ....,,.,.,,.,.r-w ............. ;........,.c .. t, -W•4 • # ""' &1n .. ...,,._,, _•f.f-t1cthlo'1 Sld/b/orU..lf-dorilo,u.11 Emo--•"""'""'"' OPEN EVENINGS AND ·SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT JOE NICKERTZ. Loca'I Dealer 34'15 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido The'etre Her. 510 Nwpt Beech LOS ANGELES .P.OMONA SEPTEMBER 14 THRU 30 .. P.:..a,ti~g 17 glorious days and nigbis of spccucub.t enteruinal'cnt and lavish displays depicting progress and achicvemcat! UnwuaJ cxhibirs, horse racing daily with n:::iri#mUrucb. Junior Fair, amaz.in• new attractions, etc. c-;-J. & ·~ •• ,.. GO PACIFIC OlmtC-DllECT TO flll EMTllllCl •. / . · 'j -• Frequent convenient xrvjcc &om practically all Southern California points U> Fair Grounds e:ntn.ilcc. The: Pacific Electric way saves time: &tad .inoney-no traffic hazards, no parking troQ• · bJe:s., no DCl"VOUI stn.in. • .. \ ~pCoune The Squadron'• Seamanahlp courAe, open to th.Me who haw p&Med Piloting. will also enroll more '*mbers next Monday nlght at the Girl Scout houae al 1 :30. toplc .elected by Mrs. Marian -------"-------------------------·--~,__: ____ ....:_ ________ _ P~nU., county home advisor ot ' • You don't have to he "In the chipo" tq he littiftr pretty these days. Chair Car seats on S . P.'a rreat new traina offer the bait Bitting therO is, at the f!>wtWt rat.oo around. You recline in luxuriom eue; While the ~neer drivee you • (On long tripe, leg root.a provide a cbaiae-louPe offed.) Chair Cara on So\ithem PadJic'1 modem -..ulinerw have 1-n bl1ilt with your comfort the lint ..-ideration. Duot.-free, draft.free air-<:<>nditioaiDJ. No-sJare e.-t lichtin1. Soft-u-a-cloud foam-rubber -la. Lota ol los . room and m~ve..aroulid room. Bztra lart• wi.ndon~ Foatber-t.ouch doors. Spacioua wuhrooma. That•1 why Cbak Cara oa S. P. 1~ are the -luxurious form or all row..-l:ranoport&IKin. Mll .. IS .... , .......... _ ........ 11-1 ......... _,Of ..... 111 ... an•s.urU1C11~ 11111 h 't'•t' u ·lllSliMUll . . •• S.f--.- mllllalll. • • • ..._.,.._ ... l!Alt • • ............ .... ' Ticliet 9ffice: 25th "Smet Phone Herbor 4 • J. V. Antirie ·-~ ·-.. • ~~~ . ' • Squadron 8&rbeeU4!!. At Balboa Yacht Club picnic groundl'I, Thursday. Sept. 20, Bal· boa Power Squadron members, families and gueal.s wW gather !or the annual tall barbecue at 7 p. m. The steak barbecue which annual· ly brtng1 out more than l!K> of ~ ExtenAton Service of the Uni- ventty or California College of Agriculture, for the Initial fall meeting of the Co&ta Mesa Hom e~ makert ln the Community MelhO: dist Church P"riday, Sept. 14. at JO &. m . 'There will be a d\,ScU&Sii:!n ot the family rel&Uonahlp letter "People and PeU." Anyone ln· ' tereated la welcome. Tboee plan- nlft& to attend &re to bring sack lunchea: and cupa. Coffee will be .. .-. d: ---,...WJOi' run ... LlW •l'f"t -• • • • 1>N Q Not . .mc. I ... my new auto111atic Gas clothes cl,Yer I MY LAUNDRY II ALWAYS SPOTtfs's, FLUFF'I, Slt'fET·SMELUN~ ••• AND DONE SO QUICl(l.Y Wind, smog and sun were bard on my clothes. And lugging heavy baskets, l!•nging 'up and t&lr.ing do,ra clothet were Jwd oa -. Now I toll ...-et clothes. into my dlyer u easily u tossipg ~m inm a hamper. Any ti-. too -day pr nir'9 n..in or shine. lb • matter, .of murutes, my laundry is ready CD take out beause ps dries clo<lies futtt than nature, faster than other me.thods. My m-ls,' fnr ex•mple, are oo soft, 8uJfy and wrinkle-free, I merely fnld and put them a-y. If yov're ·tired of old-fubioaed clodies-drying drudgery, -a gas- drying dcmomrntion !Oday at~ dealer with,. the automatic· gas ,dothes dlyer display. I.earn "°"' "little it costs t0 operace an auto. ma tic gu clothes dryer-only 2¢ CD 3t perdryer-full. 1.eam bo .. IC>W the · imtalled price i>, too -fo....,r than for other auiotnatic clothes dryen. AUTOMATIC 9At CLOTMll HYll ILLUlfUftO Ml&I II llNDIJt ................................. , •• TOMI •Nt11I .... -..~· . " ·• . ' \ ~ ··~) l. "....;. "'t ~ •. • I I [ • I , ~-l\4"-'f .. ,Jr;.,.._ I Hqw Does Ch.;stian Science ·Heal? .,,,_~ff· • ~flt.!way to tnw« There'• pknty about a Greyhound ; you'll like .•. n eighborly ~ ger1 •.. courteoua drivers ... fre- quent aervice ... scenii:: routea ... a ir-conditioned S uper-Coaches. It all adds up to make Greyhou.nd the m~t convenie nt ... the f rUnd- Liut wa:y to travel ~at ! Something abo~t the Low Fares Chicago ••••.• $36.85 Detroi t •••.... 4UK> Wuhington.D.C •• 47.45 New York .... , . 49.80 Kann• City •••• 29. 70 Minneapolia ••.. 34.65 New Orleans ..•. M..40 AUanta •••... , 40.90 ,._,-.,T .. blllll.-atm_ .• ._..l,.~I 22 lally TriJS £AS1 Frt• LOS AllSnll lld1f I l ''lirlct·Rn"[IJ!lss Illa • W,VE ~ eYU woa4ler11'd wlMt'b Ft: .,.., ,meQlod of IM!ial· ..,. dllc1.e,· overe-n'q pon:.rtr, ' . ud -*'>rlq _...,. ••tea Outot 1-omployed -M ~-aowf l"br .. , UIWl!r la ..... Jtle. •d,et.M•bl. --- A Free Lecture entitled 'The Love and . Logic of qtriatian Science Healing" I by Henry Allen Nichols, C. S., of Los Angel&, Calif. M ember o f the Board of Lec- tureship of The Mother Church , The First Ch u rch of Ch rl•l, Scientle:t, tn Boa:ton, M au.. , Friday, September 14, at ll p. m. In th• Church Edifice UOS Via Udo Flnt Cllurdl et Chrlt.t, Sc"'nUttt Cordially Invites You RENT A ' , , -1 • I , ' . . ' l • • :r::-E~:Jd~ ~;~~a:i JN . ~~~ USl-#l· ... Mi II to 'bo prwch:., ~Bal ind. 'o(.tbo lilome of~ !!l111111!7 -Ja tlle.flntted auta ~1c:hmo ·to .u.i. -UX ~ .... _._ '°"' 11, u :oo a.tft. ~aa of-~· · • , world , -. ' ' -,.., ~-:::;~· uiea;1a1::~.·~ st~=~~= 7~~...;..w=.-~ .. lle!' ... tllrb": ~ .... ~f -. ·• o. · .... ctwn \II.and ll'lllcb wo•liboukf (or llie Oroi1p -cllut'Cb -~t ~ ot tlj&t t,tme.. 8)ie ~ m...-proJropl. ~ V~ 11a, 1n )Ila oervtc:e: U1nt!1 ~~th, thei• ~t in a-11 B&ll·al.d ,ied ~·i,ot _,•Jaiid ·~ _1N8.l'~"d 1 ae4f<>n ~··!'11,. ~ oduc&UOll. VOlce ond moneY'j • :or tllo luncheon of Ille W, 8. els. • · A llll9lon. ~n. atCe.tlnr :Tittling. 1 .A.180 d~ w-.-t • · t •1 1 ' • · 1 " · · 'f' ,,.. laken at the &pt; 8 ,.......,. ~tkml for tberutunbnol• ·Neil'~• •... ! ff ~1 C 'ta ~.,, wlllcll wfll be &ddeol ID qtterlnP. Mrt...We&!.¥rford rood & leuie1 . . cw~, ·~Jiiill ~~I 91 . •> ._ ....... 1n· &II A4•C!Ullt clluN!b.a Ir of ... 1rnallon 'from u.. Preflde+t •• • hll *•• WUI Stm' In Mo...1:;;;:;.i._ .·. ' North • Am.rlc:a for the Ol\tenalon Mn. Could. He• l'Hl(ll&tlOll I -· ill' , ...... ~~~·'i of me!llC&t; odlle&UOaal.' and public lCC:OP~'l:ecrettuDy. ' , l&cllltleo 'ilot provklod for In th• Joln, :Weatherf-wu oeJec re~ fOl'Oll:n ml-n budpt of u actlna' priatdenl with Kt'W' ' the c:ll\\f'C)I: ~rthur Mlll<!r .. vloe preoldenl- Wllltaftt R . Bran.JOD, W o r I ~ Dc'7'0tions were l6ad by Mi-a • _, ., ONE OF ?lii'"E\\'PORT HARBOR YACHT C LlTB'S mo8t coveted a~'a.rds., ,the Dr. LN~r C. Lo"'e Pe~ Khodee « BJ-point Trophy, 18 always prwM"Dt.-d at the bis annual Trophy Presept. t lon DIQJlf'I", ht'ld thlA year on Sat.urd&)', Sept. &. 'l'hl9 trophy, \\'hiC'h rrpl"l"8rnts a ~coru1lst('nUy Sood pHform&Aee ln Ute hotly C!Onlelltt"d Rhode8 c la._q throul(hout tilt> M"MOD, WU \4'0ll In 1961 by T omm)' Sbf'ppard, of NHYC, who ktpt hJs Rhodea No. 10, Ar(Otf, "'t"ll up among the lf'l\.Clt.•n (If not uut ln front) La fl\'er)' reptta ht"ld thl .. IM'aaOn. (P holo by Beckner ) Corona del Mar Self-Examina·tion Community Church 1 is Sermon Topic The R('v. Paul F.dv.iard BRbhitt. "A Sabbath Day Sclf·Examina · p~t o( the AdV<lllllll stat«; '!:U,lotf bn the theme of "Come Jy., tb.U "the .ee<I flOW'n Mnce th,. 'fter me ... ttnt Advent ist MlaJoaary w a r Tbe book review on Afrtca Md ,.a. out TT yean ar.o,. Is 1\0\'. m. ·-nie Children'• Church" wu Normr: fnlll . In many 1M<b. UY :tven by Mabel Stanley. NOxl "!'rip of IUperatlUon. p rejudice a bd necltn~ with Mn. Weatherfoi-d.. tanatlclam la yleldln ~ to ul. '""•led by Mabel Stanley will Ille power of the J;OBPCI u never b'-leld o.t 301 Alvarado. tore." --.--- . ( Guest -Speaker for Lady of Mt. Carme FAC Book Group 1441 Balboa Ave. MMe Schedu ... Sunday, 4!30, 8, 10 and Jl!l O Week daya, 8 a . JT'I· Confesalona. Saturday, 4 to 5:30, 7 :30 to 8:30 Sunday, bf.fore l"S~h m l.UllJ. Bnlboo tala.nd, Sunday , 8 and 10. Satur - day, 8 L m. ConfcMioM, sa.nie a· above. RM:Uo Procr&nd I Daily. except Sunctav. Rosnr~ h.oilr, KFWB (080) 7:30 p. m f or peace. Sundap Holy !.faaa. 9 :08 a . m .. KLAC' f670) U a. m. Catholic Hour, KFl fMOJ 1 :-45 p. n1. K OFJ ~71 0) Hour ot ·St. Francia Clldlngs 4 others. You'll nnd man:r nl<"o bomf'11 . and ·~ advf'rtiJIK'(I ror rtnt- yf'a.rly or wlnt .. r-In the clM- •IOed teetlon today! Wben the boQk seoUon of the Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon Cl,ub US('mblea Friday, SepL 14, atl }. p. m. In the clubhouse, put t;peake r wtll be l(ra. ~ohn Ctiuml '>f Tustin. H e r toplC will be "Ex- pe.rtf:.nce:s. f rom Czechoslovakia." Mrs. Chuml. a former achool teach- •r in Czcchoelovakta, apent threC rtKST ()HUKCH OP CHIL18T, SCIENTlST A. bt•-c:"' ef Th4o .......... Qwcllli, ,.. 11rst 0-.ittlil of Clwl1t, Scl ... ltt, I• ....... t.Ct.wd111seth. SSOS Via Lido. Newport l!leacll i..itd•Y Sc:tlocH · t :ll •· flll-So.ifld•J Serrlc• ___ _,,,__11:t0 •· "'· W•d"•,..•Y E.,.11hu1 ......tt,.. _ •• p. ·"'· •••di19q ·-"" 1-•ted tt 111 '•Int StrMt. l•lbo•, h ope11 dtlly fton1 12 -.ot1 to I o m. e•c•pf $1.Hrtdrrt afld holld..,. Mt!..,. •llr obitrqd • Th• publlc h cordl•lly l••INd tit ~ •he clll.,.rd1 Mn>luo1 •11d VM tfHll a..di9f I ·-~ . I I .. . D. Patt-. Dh·•• for aleltO. Barker Pred~U... wtll wdw. ' '• N..,..n' 8-c: .. l• ..,..4uc.e ·• lw•·rffl c:o1ned7, -eo·4 as to U .... • -.-.. _., .. ,. tU ,....,..,. .I tlwo Cheater• ""''"'';e ••• Mlow. Tllo• .,sew,,. -'ii M -d• ia tke Harltw or.a w•ia• 1-W childrtt1 .. wen •• c~ fre• e\liT..,•tl'•• tarr·t....,. .. tlto c .. t . . ~fter die eut lilaa Mn eelacta•( t.lilere wlll ..C two or dlirM ••pa 'iif ,..hea....a1-. t..-c; .. !na titan IO ec• Mfon tJ.e JIOUft. Ca ... era. T\e ... J!!_lD ... • ....-11 c.kM"S• for '":. tre·a ·aa. Howe"'"" then w·n ...... char .. ,.,. .... re .. at...tas '" 1...,_.ts. O •hl"'n betweefl the •le• of tk.rff W 14. wlakln .. to try out for p•rt•, 9Milt reale14T al the thea.'-.l'•l ... i...t.w ... at •-a. W"•• t .. caet •• 4ine.toT arT·vn ln \o"Wn. h'l! w1J set 111 1-\a w:1 .. tlt.•ae _...o II•-ns!.t•rH ••• a rra•c• lor t rvouts. 1 ; MOVIE' REGISTRATION BLANK F ill out ltel.w ad man or """ .. It to na•re•I theater Patff fw.l•J, LWe ' Tll.eater, Pla..-,.rt a..c.• or Mf'•• T"••ter, Cet ta M.,..tt. C.11 •. f.,..-........ • HARBOR AREA and COSTA MESA'S OWN GANG COMED)' • STARRING 80\'8 A..''D GIRJ.8 BET\VEEN • TUE. AGES 01' S A.."D 14 Name Pbone, _ __,._..>._· __ _ Boy ur Glrl ' I • · Oarintt Trumpet Saxopbone Trombone Violin F1ute n1inL1tt rr of the r o1nn1unlly church l ion." "-'Ill b!' th<' sermon t heme at 1!f Corona drl Ma r w !lt pr1·ach in th!' 11 o'clock wor8hlp !k"rvice this that ch ul"('h n••xt Sunday, Sr pt. 16 SundRy. Pasto r Herbert C. Roth at both the 9 :15 a . m , and lhc 11 .will use Luke 14:1-11 u t he .tex t a.. n1. M'rvf(.'f'll. H i8 ll'UbJect will of lh<• srrmon. Visitors are cor- • ~ ;The An'°gle of JU~" wslng at?Y"lftfl;rnf'TO-Wo'fihfp with ua. MRS. C. C. S WAFFORD Asent 532 Cout Highway Phone Beacon MZ% nr other inotrument GREYHOUND $5~ A MONTH t T •. V. SETS I I •· FOR RENT I 7·DA\' >UNlMUM I TIDE T. V. I SOii NEWPORT BLVD I Nelvport Beacb BARBOR %08 r I , . AD nnt op fo Ulree moo•hs ap- plies on tuture pu.rchue at eoaftlnMat kllln&. SHAFER'S-0r.,.,. eo.,.,,..., Ofrlut .... Mo.i Com,.M•• Jf.uie Store 421 N. Sycamore Santa Aoa, Calif. Phone Kl 2-0672 St. l 1 ';I ._"_P_"°_ .. __ ._""_"_u_· '_•_"_·_•_•_•_'_•·_. --•trllndlll io rO.r ho••· ~~~ ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT TQE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE) Church School Registration Fall Session ·195 1 Will be SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16th I 0 A. M. in the PARISH HOUSE NOTIOE Winter Service Sc)leclule effective Sept. 23rd 8:30 a. m. 9 :30 a. m. 11 :00 a. m. • for hla text Matt. 1 t :28, .. Com e Sunday M:hool meets at 9:30 a. unto me. all ye that ln bour and arc m . with c la.ast.'8 for all ages. The hPavy ladt'n. a.nd I will RIV(' you A<lu lt B lblt> Study ClMs le taught r('at ." Thf' Ch3f)f'I C ho ir "'''Ii alng by thr ~111tor IUld wlll di5cUM the n lh<' 9 : I~ a. m . 111<"rvic(', .. J,uru!ll, 26th chapter of the Gospel 11.ccord4 J oyauncc of r.ty Heart," by Bach4 In£;" to ~l. ~fatthe'llV I.his Sunday. A.hie and the ChancC'I Choir w1U F'rl'r buioc tran~rtatlon may IM sing in the 11 a . m. !K'rVJCf', "In I arran,G"ed by call'ng Bea. 6056·W. Thy N iKhl. Christ Cam e Walk1n j:." [ Bibi S tud.I by Nobel Ca in. M ra. t.1ary B.e.t-f' ' f'ft t e n SterfcnSt>n d1rt"Cl.8 both c-ho1ra. The first In a krl~!! or tall B ible r.t ise ~largar<'t Scha.rl<', organ\el. i;t ud lee Will be i~~lhUI s S<-b 1 T.1UWl1., •"rt'Jar, SB ~· at the ... u.nday ... 00 BlblC' Study Hour. The ,"Lette r to Sunday school for the children the Roman." .. will be the first sub· from thrf' yp.ar~ oltl throu~h the ject fo r s tudy. T h e dlscu.salon. sixth gra lle mf'el!ll nl 9 :45 a. m. An whl<'h will be led by the pa11tor. adu lt class also mcct11 at 9 :-45 a . w 'll be. Informal In nature e.nd a ll m. Thi.' Junior H igh Youth will lntcrf'.stcd are invited to attend m eet at 10:40 a . m. In lhe BlakL· a nd participate. House. T~c Senior H igh Pilgrim The chure h Is open daily from Fellowsh ip will mcf't at 6 :30 p. m. g a. m. to g p. m. fo r prlV9te de· In Pilgrim h.U w ith ?.tr. Paul Drip votlona and meditation .. a.11 counselo r. rutor's o ffice hou.n a.re from • Guest Speaker at Baptist Church Thr N<'WJ>Ot"l Beach Flrl't Bap· t l11t churc h, locRled at 19th and Court alr~ts. w111 agaif\ WPICOl"IM' a g\lcet '"lX'aker' \.0 their pulpit on SUnday . R cgulnr tK"rvlcN ... are hio ld a t 11 o'clock nnct 7 :30 : church school at {): .. 5 and A r rv•cp for prayer '\1\d Bible .st udy O:l Wcdnettds y a t 7 :30 o'clock. A n aU ~clay m r1•llr~ o f thl' Womr n's !'.filJ3'lonary 8oci<'l1 'Molli be h<'ld at tht" church. nn T\tt'aday, S~t. 18th ~gi.nninJ:" at 10:30 a. m. L.adi~• a.re requested lo come pre- parf'd fot' White CJOQi sewing. Thcrt" w ill be ll'h.• Love G\ft pre- sentation 8J1r1 fln1t scaslon of the Ml.Mion Study cla311 under the 9 a. m. to 12 noon tor peMlOaal counaclipg at the p&rBOfl#ge di- r tttly acrou from the chu rch at 1027 Cliff Drive. Newport H eight.a. W. S. C: S. Group Holds Meeting fuoi;ru lar meet fug o f the Balboa l sla n<t Communl~y M e l h od I 1 t c-hutl'lt wu held al the church S<'pt('"mbt.-r fl at 12 noon. Lunc h· C'On wu served by a committee from Clrclf' Onr; ·M n . Robert fb- botaon, GPOrge J onf's. L ou i s Sa~. Clinton Coanc an d Art hur Sche.n.k~l. 11~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§§§§§~·~31 leadership ol M r:s. Fiora W ied-;: ..!J The m eeting wu prealded over by Mra. H&ro&d Ftn k, president. It wu announced t hat C!rcJe Thtte had met and o rganized Aug. 29 a l the t19me of Mn, Ted TaUMJ', 323 Crystal. Clrc:lea Ont" and Two will orge.nize In t he very near future. M ra. Neal Donke.r waa; appolnled nilllPIY chalrman. due to the Wneu of M.n . Martha Allen. 6'33 MATCHING COLORS • FLAT OU.. WALL PAINT GaL ···················-··-•··--···-·-·-· ' m-0wss ENAMEL Gal. ···-.······-········--·--····-····· SATIN FINISH ENAMEL OaL .... .A. •••• ·---·--·--·-~·~-··4---···-··-· l - PAIN'I'.' THIJtN.ER 191 gal. (in your cont~iner I ' • • :}IARIOR PAINT Gild WALLPAPER CO. ' • • St. Andrews Church Or. \\'illiam M1ddlema.as W 111 occupy Lhe pulpll of Sl Andrews Prueyterian church on Sunday. His eennon topic wtll be "W alch· man, what of the night?" Church acrv1Cl"9 and Sunday achi>ol will be hcld a t 10 •. m . Sunday Sermon '"There A.re Llgba.. La the Dark· neea." Thia wm be Sunday'• ~ mon ,topic at ~t b nm:b 1'y the llff. Rev. Tbomu Roy hndell wtU occupy U>ej Kilpll PLAN OONll'ZllENCll The Pl'OC"l'I WU unnged and d irected by-the Vice President. M n . Pt"rcy Baines, two W ry tn- tereat.lng akit. were preeented- a bout the a.octety•1 work and thelr two m.ap.rnea t.be Mdb.odiat Woman e.nd the World Outlook. Membcn or the .oetety put them on. • Jt WU deckl<d to oel os1do flOO l'<>r the n.,.l bulldlog project llD4 to p&J for tiling Ille noo.-lo Dear- llom ffjoll. - Tl\e next meeting wll1 bo Ol:t. $. • .-11;13", momben o< Ille Finl ~ethod1'ot CllYr<lt o( Onqe Jldd lbolt> onl\*Ol Plalusla&'. _, __ , ;:=========-==~ &t~~..,.the-- --onil ·-....... llaf-lot -WU -"1 \be local ........ aocllib o( C1ulo\lu ..... . ,• ........... • rh •• 71 a a 1114 ' r P t a MIMI,_ ---· 1''"9tla. • 11:9 •s2;:z11 .... • . . ' • • • iban SD}' otbsrOBI' ia Am.ica-today ! . . . I, 180 V-8 HORSEPOWER Even on non-premium grade fuel, built-in "Mcclfanical Octanes" enable the mighty new Chrysler FircPower engine to develop the most power, give the quick"".'t rt;Sl'.\00· aivmeas in crnergmcies, of all n'lOdem pila- llCtlllCF car engines I !l. POWER STEERING For the fint time in an American car, Chrygler brings you Hydraguide • power steering. Hydraulic power docs four-fifths or the work . '. . gives your hand on the wheel many times more steerin& control in ruts, over buinps or soft shouldc:ral 3. POWER BRAKING Another Chryilcr cngineeriJ>& . "first'' u.es ' f. OBllLOW RIDE CONTROL Chrysler'• revolutionary .new type shock abeorben have over twice the power of other types, to keep your car steady and stab!~ on rough roads. Drivclf;,nd P !lllliell· gen sit comfortably .u haa never been pos· 11'ble ·ill any car till now I { . 5. PLUs ADDED PROTECTION of Safety Rim wheCls ... foam rubber Safety- Cuahion-Dash •.. Safety Vision windows all around . . . Constant-speed Electric Windshield wipers ... Driver-controlled Automatic Transmission. OllLY & amz C&JI IBOW YOU WJl&T : .. 1 • a; power from the engine to apply the b_rake& at the touch .of your toe. Reduces pedal ~JILT & CD'l'BLD CIVEll pnuurc;_ ~iured for fast, smooth atopa by_ P.lllVB IT 'IOD& Y. • • .. as ~ucb ~ two--thirda. of that O'dt~ -~11.-.,~,.;..,,· °"i er~ .. 1 .. ,,.,1.J., .,.,,..1 a heeded! • ut -'-M ,,,.odwct:lon ~rnlr•. on la:t11«MJ. w .. Yoirbrrf • ~ . ~-..--Ii ' · aAavzy -io1JEBs·1 .me .. . . • .:I ' • i1•1 c••·••vllw.•7 ., •hiaaeBuco~ . . • • • • • , , ' ' \ ' • ' ' ' • • • ' • ' . •\ • I • ~ ~ • I PAGE 6 -PART l -THURSDAY, SEPT. IS, '19Sl ~ !'l!'!·w..w , ••. SI 181 1 'dt On• !':J!s.!t' a q1 _ .•. 9, !l!L a•! fl!. !I . ~-"'I?. M-WAJ"nll:llll:S ·w..unwo -.Ap-.AJIC w·-· -1111 ••• I Gii&iii PIU'OI, •••• ~ Wl•T•• _..ft,ua •W· '-~ . -":;zl111fe• ~ ply C&pe Cod HOUie, -&.;i" Tb&t 11 No. 1. ,.. 0...: ,_ ..... 1\p'M. ...,._, MJL4. ...... l -I Wom. ~ -,;t _ ... M_ .. p•niss _ lll&nd. -&1•&. 70o7S ~· ~-~~ll:.!!...~ Pl.Alf() AJfD ...... co..... .... cJmo .. , .,, ..,...._ , ~ only 1 • ._ --~ •·-Krzmll -. 6 .. sr: ....... ft•·aa•Ne to J-11µ1. Ptt. . • • · EXP. DRUG and CiollMUe, Girl. llDil ll'a a boa•l;J, ..... -KM ... Qhl' I .... - -81"'°' Uf6-W, •ttro • ~ Drue, 117 Kalft at., on It 11 IJ4U4 ...i It otlll bu 'tf'll a. l>Allll·OMJJ'f, ••-:;:~;;;;=;;;;-;;:;~~:;:;--;::: .A.' A.. U-!!'!!!!!!!J Sen':-• · • ~Pb. HIU'l>or lU.5. 70o11 •~~.,.It. CUil 0r take llo. ..... _..AM. --loaa.t!f •twW ftmX • .API'. Pee~ • ..P11"ta. or '111.23 ,,... "'°' can lliir• -W -.....,t, Olli-tvr 1 or ct. Whl ,.,. · FISHER pS0~~8:!!1a1~le,~llill!!!!!?ce~•!!·~eo!!•!!..__ h&Ve my eqvlty m... --•t • · -+ · · w fl6 Mo. l!ttlltlM and pr ._ ~-. • Draftin Servi ~ ...... ~of 8o. ap.dn, run.r-PRACl'ICii pln•o. 18'. Ill_, ""I--)001..J. · Mtt5 !:'•• ,. .. • --g Ce I BTORJI tbrtura, pru. •-, wall IOI>. t a.m. to I p.m. or j>boM -.....,..,. -U.., 'JUI·.... • l .--~ ,... ,.., 919 Cout u....._y, HiJWr 2443 -., count.en, mloc. AU llavo rutlerton 2102. 11tfc ....... ~ -t 1..,.. ..-~ TWO llDflM. tlml, 1-1 trmt opt. , '"'' 0-. ,~;ff · ~~;~;.I Mar odj\lotablo ohol-. Barp.ln. Call , .... ·ot tllll ,~ ~ ... l>.AM-bl Bl-. Wini« l\lntal. ff6 · • ti!!!'! : t .. ~111111 I C a • • LID'O • • BALBOA OPEN HOUSE S&t\lrday .\id ~nctay NE w .P o RT .. (from 12 wooi.>·.- 1l MOD~ HOME · R • ·! I FURNISHED • ._ 72u 0 owner, B<aeon 8980. 14Uo MATCHlCD STUDIO COUCH A;:!~, 11M No. Mati., llanta -· Beet. 16 • .tune)4' Plianfo ~ I--------,---(~ .. boi!I an<! platform --· Ana. · • •. • Harbor 804. , , \7072 77' s fl. • ll IRONRITJ!) IR 0 NE R. platform •=too boll (llO.lb.I 11114 --1>!• · ' • J, ympson "I' No ar. roc'k•r. paint and bouaellold m 11'> wltll owa l&ble. All ,_i llJINT A PI,A"° ,.,. nnl1 ... ,,. J'OR Ul'.O' -Wlattt or ;...ty. w· -----------PAINTING lrDEOORATING '•rllclea. 1~1~6 hp. out· IJ)>n. ,.._..bly prleod. n-u.. 114s1a1 app11oo .. labft Lowly•""""--., lG-Busln-Golde ± baud motor' wttll cu can. GU ttlt. lanta Nia -""· OoolA ......... •t llff:AnPl.. JIU• 2 bdrm. ftanolalleit-IQlt.• ~ ~ E I f 1 ~ Seville Ave., ' l . Balboa Penl~•d• .• y . CAID'ORNIA KODICRN, im>J. tooture and eo1or Ill' ... tat.,..lnr • -----------''The Beat Mon Can Bey" E . Cl<tlan Fl'Ont. Apt. 1, B•lboa. ~ Beacon &al0-1. ;0o12 alC oo llbict JIOl'l ui No. · bdm!· tilm-qt. · Barbo~ · OOMPL9J'll HOUR CU1AMNQ 5i2 • 38th St., rvPC>rt Be&ch Pb. Harbor 8288. 90p74 a,..,...._, -Au. Xlmber• 2486<1. • ~ •;. ·'ljlc?, -=~ ~ .=,..~ PHONE HARBOR 24114 ~fc Complete lnat&llatlon, repair and D=.i . .:i!'.?::1., ~ .,IJ I~ tlbo. ISLE ' , -uiotlty. . --R. l!'lclr~t. .an:hltect. . Wm. Kanket,.colora. Newport 1'umttlltt 0,, !Untlahlnp . I • .. E N I . YllllJ lMUntl. .. rvtce of 111 lTall .. oqulpmenL A ch., 13911. 1 db). box Ogr. • fl! A MOsntO a rood p!ano. · ORANGE COAST mat., al.eel frame • caaUN, S50 . · All ...., llllOWed wllnl ,.,.. buJ. lln\&fUl' tllml.lh<d 1 and 2 tied~ Al's House & Rug l4-Peftll!llSll ' .511r. n•w nylon curtatna. W>· 1 • DANZ. . pµNO co. J'001n aputmento with pnger · Cl • C AlcOh. olka AJl:Jll'"""uB TRAILER SUPPLY portable ndlo, $111. Port. type-620 No, I.In, .......,,. 8111, ll&nto ,lept. 16 to June 16111• 1 -..,m N T A If you are lntettlted In aeelng tile very LA TUT in deJlf.gna and ... coJor, See lhll! · ean1ng 0. J-writer. 200 Iba. ~-~-Ana. • l twln bedll fm, mQ.,-2 'beilrma, • 514. 29th St. Newport Beach Write P. o . Box 200 1910 HARBOR BLVD. call belW. 6. 7, Harbor 1067-R. SlllO mo • .All ut.UIU..:.pald. Idoa) T R (Clut Balboa mvd. to Ute Peninsula-watch for arrow) • Beecon 8111 riuc 8&Ibo& bland, C&Jlt. " Costa Mesa., Phone Beacon 8224-R • 70c12 for aehool teacher. Or pt'Gfett· Pllona KlmlltrlJ a.ms lllon•I people. Harbor Investment Company' RE~RS . RIFLE Cal. 2:17 Roberto, am&ll MOVING THIS WEEK-Prscll-For Venetian Blinds, Z2--Loilt aud Found ring Mauaer 98 action, new llrht c&lly new 3·pc. •ecllonal !coot Shades and Drapery Hdwe. . "l><i.tor barrel. Lyman 48 sight. JUG), oJtlY JlOO. Biondo 5-pc. LOST-Golf:\ crou ~d .chain on Deluxe 81.thop stock, $99. Phone bdrm. suite, ll't· C . E. refrl1'., THE SHADE SHOP Newport pier, Mond&y &fl.er· Harbor 0834-W. 7lc73 blonde Cheolcrtiekl .i. m&tchln~ Free estimates Ph. Har 884 noon. Little ctrl'1 kffpaake from SACRIFICE beautll"UJ golden oak chair. Prac. new 1tove. Brand •her gn.ndmolher. Phone Klm-LcatPr make plano, 1 195. 71 3 ntw blonde % bed. Roll-away NEWF..$T MODEL Seth 'ChomB.."I berly S-8330, coll<."CL 7lp7:! Broad St., Newport Height.I. bed. New dr&J>*'I, curtain&. chellt 7lp72 ot drawe.ra. Book cues. Table•. Newesf Model STRA YEO OR! -\Vhoel from Call Mre. LawrenCf', B@aoon Jeep on Lafayette St., Monday, KENM~~o"'RE"'"-P'"o_w_e_r_La_wn __ M_owe_r . fi&.4~-J. IM f'M Trailer Park.) early A. M. lf returned lln-500 Clift Drive, Newport Hats. 70c72 mediately, no que.stlona a.sked. Phon(' Beacon 6283-W. 7tc73 Seth Thomas · Metronomes Just Arrived. WALLACE CALDE1IBEAD 817 Coast H iway, Corona del Mar 70tfc VACUUM CLEANERS ~ectrolux and others, $6.95 up. 100 to choose from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Maln St .. S8nta Ana Klmherly 3-2968 70~fc 12-Building Services PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., ca.ta lfeu. • 2627 Lafay€'ttt" St., N'<'Wpott Beach. 7tp73 %8--Situatlons Wanted FINE IRONING will ~I for and deliver. CUrl&iM. Ht"lp with dinner partle11. Phone Mrs. Williams, Barbor 1595 be- fore 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 67p89 SO. CALIF. BIBLE COLLEGE MEN & WOMEN STUDENTS Want part lime work. Baby silting. RMlt, housework. yard work, etc. KI. 3-8281 , Ext. 11 . 71J)i'6 BRASS 2-in. Ct"ntrlfugal water pump ............................. $25 Sears Kero.sene Hcatfng Stove. prac. new ... ......... $10 Ele<Ctric Waler Heett-r, fi gal. size. Id('fll Cor trallt'r, A I most new .. . ...... $ t ~ Cross-cut Saw ................ S 3 1631 Plf\centta, Ca11ta M PH 7Zp74 SO.B-Appllances Bea. 5457-M Me9 I WOMEN, 35. selling lnterviewtng, J>@rsonnel exJ)erlence, aeeka em- SUPERCOLD DEEP FREEZE A-100 frozen food cabinet uM>d only 5 mo. Sliding glua top, $225 and u.sume remaining pay- ments. Beacon,_ 6690-W. 70p72 DQ N · K BUTIS • ployment. Ph. LAguna 4-MSI. • 71 c73 For a l:err!fc saving on an 18 \', cu. ft. freezer, phone Beacon 6695-J. Lie. General Contractor Residential--Commereial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6408-W 17ttc PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1513 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Phone ~aeon SlXH '56c57H \VILL DO til1l.t work you want done -Jack or all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixl!rs for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 57c!\8H INTERIOR -EXTll:R.IOR PAINTING LICENSED -lNSURIID Glenn Johnston · 601 -Sl•l St. Newport Beacb Harbor 229i-J '34c48 EXPERIEXCEO CARPETERS \\'nnt \Vork by Hour or Job. Call Harbor 1164-:P.t 71tfc MAN OR WOM:AN, must hp over 21 to work Sat. a: Sun. H.ra. 10 to 8. Foun taln. Finney'•, 2200 Weal Ocean Front, Newport Beach. 70c72 ~AlTRESSES WANTED. Apply Norton'a Bay ShQ.rt Cafe. Ph. Beacon 5745. 70c72 GENERAL HOUSEWORK and child care. Two young childr en. Beacon 6737-J. 70p72 WANT WOMAN who needs a good home to st93 with my wifE' who., ia confined to whe-E"l chair. Very llfh~ work. ,.small salary. 20&6 Tustin A VE' .• Costa Mesa. 11p72 . BEA trrICIAN and Hair St ylist five dayf a week. Harbor 1827. PERM. REPRESE~'TATIVE de- alred. No age limit. Sales exp. unnec. 3 da.y training_ given. Paid while learning. Guar. to 08c72 O'KE&:FE A-MERRITT range- It'1 a 1951 model and h.aa lamp. c lock, that vanlahlng shelf that ma.kee a cover tor the burners Alto hu 1Tlddle ln tbe middle and It' •the C·P all automaUc wtth the chrome grl11 broiler. Balance due on 1tove is 1149 03. Pay me cash o r take payment." of $8.03 p<>r mo. My equlty free 8l.'e at !'ltorage, 404 So. Spadra. Fullerton. 9 a .m. ·lo 8 p..tn. or Fullerton 2162. 88tfc PRAC. NEW 8' Hotpoint Refrig., $1 95. O'Kufe & Mt"rrilt, 4-brn. range, $175. Both $35-0. Use1 9 mo. Call be-twe~n 5 & 7, Har. 1067-R. 70c37 SI-Wanted to B~ \\'A 1''T TO BUY a eecond hand portable typewriter. Harbor 1146-\V evew. 82tfc those who qualify. Car n ee. 33-Boats, Supplies Avge-. eamlng SlOO week or more. Apply Sept. 17th Ir. l~th. cor-tPLETE hou9(' full of fumi- ?ofelrose Abbey M.emori&l Park, ture. Very, very clleap. See at 11711-101 H ighway, Santa Ana. 166 Cabrtllo• St., Colla Mes&. Phone Klmberly 3-7078 .• 11C12 C&l l Beacon 8807-J. 71c73 -~~~~~~.,..,--,:-=-==-====-==-=::>-:=-=-=:..--=-=:===: SEPT E m ·B ER • ICll REGULAR $83.30 PAJITB AND LABOR ALSO ilG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES 18 POINT OVERHAUL 1. Complete Vah·e Grind · 2. Clean Carbon S. Replaae Plst.on Rings 4. Replaee Plst.on Pins (I, Expand l'istoruo 6. Replaee Connecting Bod, Insert Bearings 7. Adjust Connecting Rods Chevrolet & Buick jl. Align Connecting Rods 9. ~place Head aud Pan Gaskets IO. Change Engine OU IL t1ean Oil Pump Unee, Screen and 811111p. 12. IUdge Reun, &Jue bust, e7lboden IS. Oleaa and adjasl ~ pluga 14. Replaee Dhtributor lPolnb, retime motor· · 15. Clean Air Cleamv 16. Adjual Cutlnttt6r 1'1. lfeplMe Ma•lfold Gaalrete 18. Top Radiator Hoae • . No .1 2 M 0 N l · H S · T 0 P A· Y Ne -..,... ' ..... G-••••cl • • DBLE. MAPLE BED, box spring and mat t.resa, 1ingl(' J enny Und bed. m.attreu and coil aprlnl', 3 ax.ml.Mter rup 9 x 12. Phone Beacon 5-476-J. 'Tt~3 MODERN 3-plecc-sectional Char· treUKc plastic and pebblew~ave, In vny good condition, $76. Harbor 1603-W. · 11p73 ENGLISH W edgewood bone china. Love ly Ca\hay pattern. WIU sell aervlce for 12. pha many f'Xlra&. Se t Includes 100 plecf's. Ben of· frr. Harbor 0634-W. 71e73 Chrysler Engines Used Crownf! -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 CO.ABT HIQHW A Y NEWPORT Bl!lACH PH. BEACON am Hltc 18 FT. CHRI S CRAFT apttd boat. Chrya. Ac.e. A-1 mech. cond. $1400 Frte allp reDtal tor boaU offert'd tor sale up to 2e ft. WIUrd A: Rowboat.a for Rent Ken Scott's-?ofobll Mll.rtne Dock Nrxt to Ferry Landing, Balboa H&l'bor· :1120 . ~9ttc SEA BOOKS A fine stock of book& on all yacht- IDg aubJecla -plus all curre nt booka. Lrndln• library. The Isla,nders 214 Marine, Balboa la. Har. 1547 JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory -approv~ Sale• and Service StaUon in the New· port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. Nc-v.•port Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2&00 63tfr Walt's Trading Post USED MARINE OEAR NauUpJ Decoratlon~Uaed Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS .NEAR I CE ROUSE ON 30Ut Ph. Harbor %410. Newport -Beach OPEN SUNDAYS &9ttc $4,250 27 rr .. CUSTOJ.f mahogany cru· laer. twin Gray Phantema, Ben· dlx controlled. 8 . S. radJo. Slip No, 2, Ke n Niie•, Vllla Marina, nr. ·Balboa Wand Bridge. Har- bor 1915. 1lc73 ... Df_.OOfwN.A DEL MAR- A ttracUy~ .lton J.2 x 40 tn new bJdr. Euellenl location oppo- atte All·Am•rt-Mvket. '76 month. 1 W. E. Fisher, Realtor " ERHIE SMITH, AMoclate 911 ca.at Blvd. Hub« 2143 P.A. PALMER ms Via Df~IU'OR.A~llM UIOO Newport Beach, C&Mf. . "Wtc. t"l!:.Al\LY -2 bodroOm duplex, UD· tumJahed .. Oarace. Near botb ""-Ia. 22& Clay, Cliff Haftn. • R L L s y 30lll and Newport BMt. Newport' Beach Ph. Harbor 1100 Incbme Property EXCELLENT opportuDlllea In commercial and rni&m.Ual ln· <;orona de! Mar 89tfc For lnt~tion Phone Harbor '\.. 1197·R. llttc l APTS. HOUSES · oome propertie&. • tiles Tradea. Bay & Bea,ch Realty 81'0RE PRONTAOIJ on Palm Bl., WINTER RENTAL -plJNtN. 1 , Balbo& )JI new Ruby 814 beL ..; SULA -J'urniabed atngle apt., Ba.Ibo& 'Blvd. and Ocean Fnnt. a'l&ilable ln Sept. p wMk. Utll. About 2400 aq. tt . .ith 3 front Incl., .Adulto only. Phone Har· ait-. Will tlnlah lo IUlt -bot 1270•W. • 81l!c t....,,ta. SH Ill. Ooeu Front. • Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 12$1, eocn STORE Bt.ITLDING, corner brick bldg. Jdul location ror drug store or cafe. $7fi per month. OFFICK, klW for insurance, nov· elly eJ\O,p or what have you. We ll located on Newport Blvd., only $36 per month. B. A. NERESON, 1982 Newport Blvd., Coata Me&a. Bea. 5225. 71 c72 OFFlCl!l BPACl!l, 12'<20. down· st&ll'll loca.Uon, comer of Palm • l'l. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Har-282L fftlo 42--Wutecl to Beilt WANT -Unfurnbhcd 3 bedroom houe In ' C. D . M . Two adults and 2 girl.a. 10 a: l• yrs. Yearly under $100. Phone eveninra. Harbor 157l·RK. 7lc78 Reaulta come from ronatant PracUce! An ad regularly In thl1 paper wUJ produce rE"sults tor you, WANT TO RENT perm. yea.rl'y leaa. one or two bedroom home. So. aide Cout Highway. Elder- ly lady. Phone Harbor 2793-J or LA.gun& 4-26fi9. 71p72 4S-A~~nta and.HoUlie8 BALBOA ISLA.ND-"Co.sy, well- fu m!Ahed apt. Idea.I for 2 or 3 Can take 6. Reascn,able rate. Harbor 1559-W." 72c74 NICELY FURNISHED 3 bed.rm. duplu. Adult.a. 1011 West Bay Ave. rh. Ha.rbor 1 gJo-J 72tfc OCEAN FRONT Studio and 1 bed- room furn. apte. Utll. lncL Yearly raleL 1628 W . Ocean Front, NeWp<>rt Beac.h. 72p84 ' TWO BDRM.. new duplex wlll'I ga- ral"e. :Near ooean. N icely tum- lahed. $75"per mo. Yearly rental. 108\fr -28th St., Nc>wport Beach. 70p72 FIVE., 8.M. Rear Hou&e with prage. Near ocean. SM mo. :Yuri~ .rental. IOG • 28th Bl., N ewpcjrt Beach. 70p72 ' T"ro ME.ARLY NEW turnJabed apt&. tor rent -One 2 bed- room, $60 mo., one 3 bedroom. $76 mo. incl. 1.J..Ulltlea. 124 A.pt# Balbofo loland. Ownera v . H. Gund~non. 6108 N. Camellia. A.ff., T emple City, AT. 8.3082. I 71c73 YEARL;r RENTAL -Un!um. 1 bedroom apL Extra lge. living room. garage. Jaun41'y 'room. 704 i. Heliotrope, Coron• del Ma.r. 1 7lo7S BALBOA BAYFRONT -Nleely turniahed 2 bedrooJ118 lower, Oct. lat • ~une lat. Reuonaljle. Pb. H&rbc:r 158'1-J. · 71c78 THREE BEDROOM Furn. House, lArr• tcacf'd in back yard. CIOSf' to Khool. Harbor 324A. t9p7 4 TWO APTS. NaW available. ALSO room an_d bath by <lay or per- m&J'lf'nt. 314 E . Ocean F ront, Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 60c74 RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS . can -er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. ... _ l•D'l Har. 20'2 32dSI WINTER RENTAL, Balboa Bay Shores. 2'bdrm. rurntilhed houae. Auto. wuhcr. Large fenced yd. ~ mo. 2612 Creatvicw, a&y Shores. '7lp73 BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm. home, Un- furnished, 2+ear garage, large patio. No pet• or chlldren, $14:5 mo. 214\ Kines Road. Newport Hei1ht.1. Beacon 7026-J. 70p72 TWO BEDROOM duplex, furniah- ed, JM month, yearly, 304 -3fth SL, one child 0 . K. N. B. C REALTY CO. Harbor 140&. 3Znd. &: Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 7Ic73 BALBOA ISLAND -Furnlahed 2 bdrm. and garage. New. Yew lea.se 'or winter rental. Reaaon- able to right party. Har. 1123-J. 71c73 BALBOA ISLAND We have apartmenle and houeea- AvaUable for winter aeuon or y early leue. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at .Marine Balboa Island Harbor 24:62 59tfc YEARLY UNFURN. 1 bdrm.·apt, with gar., floor furnace;, water softener. N~a" Beach, $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa. Blvd. Harbor 3277 er Harbor 890·M. Mlle BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN VIEW, tum. apt. suitable tor couple. Winter, SM mo. Yearly $05. ·Utllitles and garage Inc Harbor 2001'.J. , &<tic Pa M0ttnB -Clean fur... apt., Just vacant. "Re!rig. No .. don't drown your kid•-ChUdren wel- come. S20'iilvarado Pl., Balboa. 7Zp74 BALBOA isLAJD __ Furnished 2 bdrm. and garage. New. Y•r Jeue or winter rental. Reudn· , able to right pal'ty. Har. 112s!J, . 71p73. UNFURNISHED ne-w hou1e, gar., an acre,..._.SfiO mo., water pal<r. .Yeuly. Children 0 . K. 1120 VI· 18th, Costa M.... 71p'72 BAY AND OCEAN 'FRONT • JIM & SALLY NEWLIN v,~th JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 645. l:ve1. Barbor 2278·W PENINSULA. -Winter . rental New 2 B. R. houte. turnlahed. Fireplace A: p&Uo, $90 mo. 411 Bel-Vue Le.ne, Balboa.. Showa A. M. only. 72c7i YEARLY LEASE -Corona del Mar, furnished single apt. one month free ient. exchanged tor redecorating. Ph. Har. 0421·Mk.. 70c71 TRAILER· SP ACE Close to ahoppln«, otf the Hlway, $12 ·to $16 mo. Cabrlllo Court. 140 Cabrlllo St.• Ooota M-. 44-Rooms for Rent PERMA?\tENT wee k I y renµJ. sleeping room. Private entrance. Garage, ~10 per week. Blue Top M otel, f01' Newport Blvd., New- ~rt Bea<h. 69tfc NEWLY Decorated • Roorna, good bedo - Transient dout>W! ............... .S: 2..50 Monthly ............... : ..... : .......... J30.00 Dany matd aervtce. 123 .. 28tl:I Newport Bel.ch. Phone Harbor 0649-W. SOc:H JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER We need Uilcd ca.,, badly. Will pa)' Bonua on Clean Can. Hl!O Balboa' Blvd. Harbor l2M ONE 'B~OOM HOUSE, I 11'1- ~cl. $8,t'lll. 181 MemU Plade. ·eoata Mou. Ph.. Bea. lll06-R CiettC 51-Trallers Trailer Storage $4 per Month Prott!eted. by 6-foot f@D.ee.. TRAIL- ERTO~, 327 W. Wllaoo, Coat& Me..:. Pl!. Bea. ll018·M (approv· ed by AUlo Club A AAA) Meft Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and Sales lMO Newport Blwd., . Coal& Mell&., Beacon 11329-111. 71c12H .. LOANS For Homes 1%-,-20 yr. Lo&na CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~~% (H yn.) Will BUY AND SJCLL TRUST DZl:DB IP BOB BA'ITLm lU6 COAST 111,VD. Corona 11e1 Mar Bar11ot 1011.; Rep. POIRIER MOR't'OAGE 00. -Ufa .Ina. l'undo Kl 1-11186 LOANS TO l!lUJLD, DIPROVB, BUY,'KODERNJZm, OR RJCFINANCll We Buy Tnlat ~ NEWPORT BALBOA l'llDllltAL SA. VINOS • LO~.N ABlll'f, 8333 Via Lido Ph. Bar. ~ 5'1-Real Esta!Al Wlliltecl WANTED-HOUSE ~ INCOME. 35' uilboat aa down payment Yalu. 53,950. c an Mro. Ab.tena. Harbor 2-451-M. 12tfc • .S:-Automobiles, Tires A-1 Used Cars A-1 '4:9 LINCOLAl Sport Sedan, R &. H, and O'D ; perfect ln every way .................... $1595 '50 FORD V-8 deluxe Sedan. Certified Used Ca~ on1y ....................... ····-1435 19!!0 STUDEBAKER Champ. '49 FORD Sedan, R .............. 1295 Regal dlx. -t-dr. Rdan. '48 FORD 'sup. Dix. Sedan, Every possible extra, brand new paint job, tni· overdrive, u n de r 1eaJ. maculate, only .................. 10S5 e tc. only 9,000 milea. '41 PONTIAC Sedan, R A: H, I ( you can't afford a -L 97• perfect Jn eve,J'\way ........ • new car, THIS IS IT! S~lal ............................ $ll'1S '46 ~~ Tud1 or, n e ~I y a .. • 1949 STUDEBAKER Land· pa~...., on Y .............. ; .. ··· ~a Crui8er'. Thia car COit '42 OLDS a Cl!J,b Sedan, R • over $3,000. Very tux-H, hydramatic .................. 875 urtoua. peauutuJ. nylon •41 MERCURY Sedan. R A: upholst.tlred, radio, ell-H, neW paint, onJy .......... 645 matizer, etc. LoW mile· •u CHEV. Club coupe, age. Mr. Ud Kn. Dar-really nice, only ................ S$O wln Tate'~' . "41 FORD C o u p e, motor PRICED SELL. overhauled, only ....... ...... 3lll 194 7 STUDl:B ER Cltaml!. ;39 FORD Tudor .................... lllO COUpe, 6--. Special .. J 995 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM • \ • ~r--..------~-___....--........ --..-.. - - -• -.. -.... -• • ------· .... -----~~~ • , • ; ......... Cmt.a x.a ·' fte Belt Town OD F.arth N~ Cleaning andP'ixing * * * * * * '-i * * * lArp I llr. -w1U. ti.....-. · Let .. TII x UI, '°"''loe cm ,.,_ 11th l?t. OW1'er II&& -nd ANNO:IJNCING the New Locatlan of Our Real F..state Office as of Saturday, Sept. 15th 1856 NEWPORT BLVD. Costa Mesa CAcro.S from Costa Mesa Bank) New Phone No. -Beacon 7123 GEO. EVERSON PHIL D. SULLIVAN * * * * * * * * . * BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor * FRANK L. SHUFELT J . MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 1671 ' BALBOA ISLAND Charming 3 bdrm .. 1 1 ~ bath home. Patio, pr- age. A real buy, $18,950. LIDO ISLE Attractive 2 bdrm. home, $13,750. Choice location near club house. This won't last. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR GONE -GONE -GONE ALL BUT ONE ... OF THE 65 G. I. HOMES HA VE BEEN SOLD IN CLIFF HAVEN. This is the last chance to locate your family in thll! beautiful area on a G. I., low down payment. This beautiful home is one of the best designed and arranged of them all. Has 3 bedrooms, oak floors, double garage, large lot, patio and is located on one of our best streets surrounded by lovely homes. See this one today. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l!ltb and Irvine -opposite High School Beacon 5795 or evenings -Beacon 6939-J Bay Front Income 6 Unlt.!1 completely tum., 7()..ft. Bay Frotitage. 3 2 bdrm., 2 bath apts and 3 1 bdrm. apt.s. Finest location In Bay area.. Sho"'·s good income. Price $87,~00. eon- aide r part trade. YOU ARE looking for a home. a lot or some real estate. Why not save gas, wear and tear on the body and your valuable time by Com.ing to LIDO ISLE HEADQUARTERS. Bayshores- ' View Home Here we have a.JI the worthwhile good llitU!p on Ll1'0 ISLE. -ud wlMn 14 ..U NOW. ~ f06oO -SllOO ~ . \runusbed- 10hter Home Neal a c!ea-2 bd. an Old Ooun· ty Road. --.--... Bt.tllt by owner Very n!H 2 br. horn.. llttplace and .. ~ p<>rcb, patio and barlie- cue. Fenced yard. extra .Jt,.tp ...,. •• 10 • 30. Lot Alu 88 " 1S'7. Near Harper 11ebool on Magnolia Bt .• Price ·$10,eoo. Te.mu. Income Rentals 'l"wo well buUt homes wlth 2 bn. each on East.Ide cloee to blYd.. and sto~ ~ lot 60 x 200. Income at lt>Ut 1100 per fnonlh. PriCf' 1 $1.000. Ternl>. 3 Br. on 1/2 Acre Practical 3 br. home, aervic(' pol"Ch. dble. garage and chicken equip. Ground.a are wl'!U krpt and hu •'-de Md fruit lrff•. GOOd IK>U.. LOt Ilse 82 x 28-1 and completely fenced. Price 19.tW wftb a reuonable down paymf'nl. &!e t.hiJI 800n, ownl'r lJI anxious to move to desert. Bldg. Lots Best of location on Eutside. Prlcu ranft rrom StO!K> and up. Alao cholC'e parcelA 11uttable for MJb-dlvlalon from l to 3:i acres. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Aaodatea 1790 Newport Bl vd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Real Eetate la Your Beftt Investment, • -o- G. l Resale 2 bdrm.. largt Uvln1 room. hwd. floor.ii, floor "1rnace, double pr. Only S8360------l2330 dn. JM a mo. -o - On Magnolia St. 3 bdrm. 0 . t. resale.' Living room and hJU carpettd. Yours for Sl0,&00-$8000 down. $82.A7 a mo., taxes and Ina. tncluded. -o -' Tiny Tot ~ acre with amaJI hou1te. 1 bdnn, Some chlcken equip. Youn tor '"4)0, $1000 dn. ·-o- . $1,000 Down Fum&ahf"d onf' bedroora homo.. Plea11lng color schttmt>. F. H. A. approvf'd. ONLY $57llO -o- Choice l,s Acre In Santa Ans. H"lfhll. A good buy al l18llO. -o - b Your Property tor Sale! We Have 8\J'tt'n. New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home w ith f ine vtew or Baf. Best coruitruc- tlon. Fireplace. forced air heat, attractively decorated, lots of tile feature•. larre room•. Thi.Ill 111 one of the ouUta.nding t1oor plans in. tht> area. P?'i~ $22,:w>O. Such•• brand new 2 bedroom La PERLE REALTY homes,· ·aJao 3 and -t bedl'Oom homes priced to sell. 1898 Harbor Blvd. C~t.a Mesa $4,950Down N ew 2 bdrm. home on Lido lllle. Private patio, rtreplace, rurnace heat. bar-type kitchen. glasa enclOIM':d tub. Full pri~ $1&, 750. ALSO 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Excellent t1oor plan. OuUta.ndtng colors thru- out. Forced air heat. fire place and patio. Loads or s\orage: space and bullt-lnA. Price $22.llOO. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .• Harbor 2M2 P~3ne B('acon 7043. BA YFRONT homes u wen a.a 61ct8 chaJce butldinl' Jot. both on th« ----------- waterfront or ott can be !lad at reallsUc pricu. lleN on LIDO you have private beaches. clubhouae, ten.AU cowta. •••n, utilities undergro.und and values that are real COME, LOOKI P. A. PM.MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach. Call!. ~arbor 1500 Newport Heights End of Season BARGAIN ... Owner says "Sell!" DUPLJl:X -Clo-. lo good beach and 1ithool Lowtr brtn&• steacfy income. Upper available now. N~ a little work, but u Le, ~°" .. t a roomy comfortable home with fit('place and apace lO build a lar•e patJo. Submit offers. Balboa Realty C<!. Rola Greeley Joaephine Webb Today's Best Buy uman McAdoo NEW th ~A-ho ~th 100 E. Balboa BIYd. Hu. 3217 ree ~m me w1 . t7c69 • • LOOK! • • • FRANCIS J. HORVATH ' Annoances' tbe Opening . of Another Office to Serw You • A-.oclata EID D. Waper lllOl W. BALBOA BLVD. • -; i ... • U' YOIJJI. PROPER'?I It Bot 111W Wiili 'Ill,• we O&MOt help ,.,.. """ or ..... t IL Brlns or IJl>one fOU< llatlnr- ; . BUYERS: See tbeae bargains-' • NEwPoRT HmOJITll-1 B. A.. f...-pot.lo, I b&lhll. ~1 ......,,pl. you11 W.e It ad priced r1gM. Can fln.&nee wlllt as.ooo down -SU.llOO. Torm& • CORONA Dll:L MAR-$11100 clown, FumlabM 2 B. R. ···--·-····~-··-···--.. .$8.000-Tenn.s tTaturn.1ahed ·-·········•···-.. ··-··---·---·f7,~Terma WE!IT NEWPORT BEACH-$11100 dowh. • Beacll houae on Iola ·······--····-···-··-··················-···$11,llOO SllA8HORE Drive, 2 Iola ···-····-··········-·-··············-··-$!1.000 SF.ASHORE Drive-- Beach home, ftlrnlahed .............. ~.'8.000-$1.-clown .. BEACH home and lncome apt. for lrad4" for rt!llld4"nt"tt In Fullerton. • WINTER or yearly rentals now. avatlabJe at ell.Mr otnce. Nl!JWPORT OFFICE 3ti0 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1428 • ' BALBOA OFFICE JIMJI W. jlalboa Blvd. Har-bor 370 PRETTY AS A PICTURE Distinctive and charming 3 bdrm. M1Btic ranch type home, 2 yrs. old. Has heavy shake roof, fireplace, beam ceilings, large picture windows and is beau- tifully land.le.aped One of the loveliest homes in Newport Heights, $12,750. Homey Small Ranch -3/4 Acre SANDY LOAM SOIL. Ideal for gardening. Lots ol room for chicken11. 2 bedroom hoiise, double gar. 5 yrs. old An attractive comfortable home. Well located. Re&lly a wonderful buy, $7,995. BEACON HILL REALTY • 486 Newport Blvd. (above Archea) Ph, B. 67l3·R or Evi!:tt. R. ~632-W BAY VIEW APT. Built three years ago on the back of a convenient· ly located BALBOA ISLAND lot, close to South Bay. Thia 2-story apt. has a large sunny living room, with a view of the bay, a bedroom which will take twin beds. a compact. convenient kitchen with lots of tile and wired for ari electric range. Hardwood floors, thermador heat PLUS a separate bedrpom and bath downstainl - a laundry room and a fully plastered 2-car garage. Ample room on the front or the lot for another unit. Full price only $15,000. Good terms, STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Isla.nd Harbor 20 RANCHO MODERN . 2 BEDRM. Shake roof home. 1 yr. old on a lge. lot near 16th & Tustin in Costa Mesa. Price $7950 Small down payment will handle. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Isla.nd Harbor 2()(2 69c71 CLIFF HAVEN THRl:E Bdrm. and Oen Ranch Type Home. Heavy 1hake roor. forced a.Ir heat. 2 baths, lot.a of tile. lge. dbl. 1ar., patio. Just com·pleted on larg"e view Jot 128,500. Terma. SEE 23!12 • 15th St., Open Sun. 1-5 Home -Large Lot -Unobstnict- ed Harbor vtew-2 bdrm1., hwd. tJoon. Flagatone fireplace, en- cloeed barbecue. Large living - din.ins room factn1 Harbor. Fur- nace beat, dbl. gar. Only $18,000 Share Cliffs DtatlncUve new a bdrm. home, l "- b&tha, pegpd hardwood noon. Lota Qt We and man7 extru. IA.rge paUo. Choice location on wide lot for graciOUI Uvlng, $24,llOO. Balboa Peninsula INCOME ExceptlonaJlY nice 4 unit.A -2 story stucco, only 1 i,, Yl'•· okt. •·car garage. Thr~ 1 bedroom unit.a f\Jrnl11hed. One 2 bdnn. unit untuml•hed. • CIOM to bay a.nd ocean BWimming. ExcE"llent Income. $36,500 IN BALBOA-2 baytront Iola, 60 n. frontage. $18,000 for both On Balboa Peninsula THRlCE yeara old. Untum. 2 % bdrm. home, 2 balhi. tlreplace. · $14,000 full price Good terms. LIDO • I BA'LBOA ' NEWPORT • ~ Hundreds of Listings APTS. HOUSES IN.CO ·ME PROPERTY MANAGEMENT· RENTALS Consult .Us about your Realty problems • JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D . BURNHAM ~07 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 84~. EvP11. Harbor 2218·W Attention Kids Do you want your own room'!· If !IO, show your folka tbis adv. Lovely 4 bdrm. modern home, only 7 years old. Good dlltrict near school!, atort>s and trans. Dbl. pr. fMced. A real buy, at only $8,000. E-Z tcrm11. Ship Ahoy! R<'al 11hlp'• cabin converted lo lg<'. 2 bdrm. home. Complete \\'ith bunks, portholes. lampa, etc. Extra room.s on qQ.i.rtpr deck that wqutd make large apt. and a • car garage. Patio) with fireplace. Lee. loL Ocean vieW, Newport He.lgbU d!atrJct. Only $10,600. E-Z terms. Cliff Haven · Lovely nearly new 3 brdm. home. Y, .S!Pr. ·1J, .1'91 REIS ~· • . .. . .. "" . .. . .. .: ' Jj I I " p • . ~ALBOAj _ISt~ ·BUYS BAnrac;>lfl'S and B~mESS INOOME PROPERTIES We have a. SoOd eetectfoil. , . · ; ' . ' A DUJiLEX TO Sttrr, YOUR BUDGET -Clean ' 2 bedriiom home with miall income unit--416,500. I . A'l11'RACl'IVE !lume-a bedroom. 2 bath ltome • I with IJI~ Uiiit-416,950. . . . . TH18 ONE CHAJ.L'ENGES BF.SCRIPI'ION--.'3EE IT TC) KNOW IT~ lv,Af..UE ~ $29,500 . .. q.JfHarbor i71&-'.-we will be pleased' to ehow the8e propertle9 to you. CLIFF HAVEN'S BEST. Bt!Y I BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home-oak fli>ol'B. Hllll separate dining rooih, f~replace, lots of tile, double garage, large lot, roomy. cloeets, pullman lavatory, etceuii.. Price obly Sll, 7!50 which is below replace- ment cost. . . ... For thia outstanding value, Call . Fred Barker- Beacori 5795 or Beacon 1193~-J CORON.A: DEL MAR OPPORTUNITY If you have wanted• property close to the ocean in tl\e best section of Corona de!. Mar where you can enjoy a well built, sJJUlrt, modem one bednµ. home and have room to expand into 4 income units on 60 foot frontage at a price below market-see or phone us. Harbor 2474. $12,500-terms. £ARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Rlwly lMh and Irvine Newport ~ch Newport Beach 815 Coast Hlway Co1""9a del Mar 22!S Marine A •e. Bal1'0& Island 31J3 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach OLIVE MILLER,_ REALTOR ~ ANNOUNCES , She has moved her real estate office to a NEW LOCATION in the Farmer's In11urance office AT 1799 NEWPORT AVE., Corner of W .. 18th St., Costa Mesa .. . . NEW PHONE NO. IS BEACON 5702 Olive Miller wa:'I formerly located at 2006 Court Ave., Newport Beach. "' ·. • Hdwd. tile ln.aulat.ed. Flaptone ---------------------- patio &: B-B-Q. Red\o.·ood fenced. Art~Ucal1y landscaped. A be•U· ty at only $3,000 down. B. A. NERESON 1912 Nf'Wport Blvd., Colla Mesa Phone Beacon 5225 South Exposure . . . A residence location has extra value -StmAblne and Vle\\' value -when the property faces South or opens nicely to the South from the living areu. We have these rWdentlaJ lot apecl.&18 : Two M!p&rate view lots overlooking the harbor Miracle )file area, each priced $3750. One ii 50 x 91 feet, one is 60 x 115 feet. Good 90Uth ex .. posure. Two 60 x 127 feet lot.a on 15th Street Eut ot Orange Coot& Mell&, each f1486. Call uo al Harbor 63 Ave .. SHORECLIFFS BEST LOT BUYS LOT No. 15 -Frontage 85 ft. ocean and jetty View. Priced at $6750 · LOT No. 129 -81 ft. frontage-Outiitanding view of ocean and brealfers. overlooking "Little C.D.M. - beach." Priced at $10,500. These are the choiceat lots available in Shorecl!ffs. Owner a.rutious to sell-priced for quick sale. Terms can be arranged See Price T. McCuiston, Realtor • 503 Coast Higbway1 Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 47 BALBOA ISLAND • Ll'ITLE ISLAND,.WATERFRONT-See this well· built 4 bedroom.'.....2~ bath home in qulet locatiqn :, & with excellent view. !5.2'ft. frontage. Lge. Sundeek : • 2 g!'rag~. Can readily be conv.erted to a duplex. : • ' • Price $27,500 ..-Terms ' • Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor : .. Park· Avenue at Marine Balboa Ialand • • Harbor 2(62 ~. • • Peninsula PoJt ;: A TI'RACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND fireplace, t u r n & c e, hardwood noora. prbap a-1. dOullle Corona del Mar garage. BALBOA ISLAND O. I. RDAI.E-l bdrm. otucco, WUl consider all off~ J. A. BEEK OFFICE Near ... Balboa 1lland Ferry 1.anc11nr S. A. Country Cl;ub ' Authentic Cape Cod : 2 UNIT HOMES Here Is $145 monthly ~gular ill· come: 2 bdrm. st~eo. tumlahed home, plua atudlo apartment. turn. over double garage. At- tractive price SlT,760. · Four bdrm. north Baytr.lnt, two story rancb style ho:f!le. 2 batha. plu. complete 1 bdrm. Apt. tum. o'ttr double garaau. l'!ftplace both un!ts. Priced to eeU on •uy lennA, $10,000 clown pe:1· menL J. A. BE~ OFF!~ $11,000 full price A Good Year Round Home dbl gar, R--2 loL l'Jmlo. only $M per mo., lnclud. iaxea. 4 9l. Coast Properties Co. SOI E. Balbo Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 I Tllllll:I!: LAME BICDROOM&-Today' S Best Buy . Hup llving room, thick ~· 2121. Ocean Blvd. . OPEN Sat. & Sun. 2t6 or by app't. Pb. Har. 1238--W Unobstructed Vil!W Home 2 B. R. M&ater B. ft. Hdll 2 ballu, ..,.,. playToom Md shop. :\. car pr&p. $5,000 will handle Ralph P. Maskey Mll Newport Blvd, NeWport IArfe II•. rm.. d.tnlng rm., • !Mod- roo-·2 baths, dbl. gar., soo<I beet and fireplace, mmt attrac- tive and on good •treet near N~ bay. NELDA GIBSON ,,._. Phone Barbor 40I Mitt • . $72CSO FuJI Price . . JQ:W 2 BDRM. BllACR llOld J. BLIC. TO 9CJlAM a 1lA y $7,250 J't1i.l. PIUCIC -Tl:IUt8 • Bilr. 25112 ... Bar. 21H·lll -- int. and m.ur. Why pe,y rent? ilff lhl>, ll -·l Jul &l only flO.-_ w. E. nseER, llult.or-Bullder llRNIE SMJTB, llHllor -'->cl&le tie Coast m...i. Barbor 2ua in Corona ael Mar Ing throughouL Payn• ,forced JUST COMPI .F:l'EO '!If lleattng, cheery ll&Jibeqlie . p AND SPAN hauae, catra larp: p.n.p:, cano--In E;Ji:clll9ive Shore Qiffs S IC pied plant -· Ii acre ~ THREl!l llEDRK., 2 bath home 2 bdrm. home With PANORAlllC Nll1 fmeod. Cilrbed dri-t· Qll larse ~18' lot lllO tq. OCEAN VlEW, dbl. pr. 18 " 18 A...callo tree&. OutNnc!IDJ ft. plua m&a><U'Y svq. wltli llvinll nn .• fireplace. Low down -rJue a~ SU,OO!J. 'l'nm9' II'& .,.70 n.dlo amtrollod door, -paymenl Can m..,. rtalll Jn. fUrtbu det&Ua.. Pall Kr. lf<"'P- floon. Foreocl air turnace. LOU ' • ton, lfatllor lJOQ. • I corou del-Illar -----------'--Of . tile. COmpleteJ7 fenced &ad llSll! • ~ • ' • Newport Heights -~~ m.ooo. "-. Earl Chamberl&in P. A. PAI.MER • BDRKll, 2 8.4 TBS. SIG DIN· can "'""" -29il..J' or -llOO eo.o& lllYd.. coo._ ... Mar • . m:.ru;:..~f;t) ~l ING ROOK, +au den. --lloulo .at JU 811onJc1J.tfa llcti (Opp. lfewpcwf ~ .... , ' kltclloll. _,_ JIOftll. JlllCICI i1Uc • Pb<* Hai1IOt i111 Hewi*t BMcll, C&llf; • •i yard. 18 " 24 -~. Iii alt)> • , etc'lO -115111 I ' TWO ~ ......... ....!:. llmlm Of Newport Beads ....,. Costa M -.-odaoolo u4 ~ Pa-Look toe.s& n.a,.. n..,1 .... aerv1ee po4 etnet." a11ora an 1n" paid for. TBltD b41m. older -... 1111 ·Channel Front Near Bay Clu ~ :::_ 0:::-.,.:::. ~; --....., uUllU.. an 1a.-... lo& ..,. N.DOO. $1,IOO ---OOll ~---w.A • ~.. ·--~-cW Miit Ullo !Ille....., __ Sll,ll'JO, l&o .. ~ nvll ......... :;;::\ ·~--,... ---Ill ..,. ----· ~ • 'hi-COITA .... , RllALTY TlllUllD lldlin. lup -. HOf _,. -· ~'""t' .. Ito, ....._ ft ..... d.lfa -1111\i. ~ to-. . ft> • • -nui a. Caal&-. .., tt.. .. 1' ...... -a... --·..a-._.,,.., -lf.U -:-1 -llvtl Wtili ., ft-.. Ell -T1dJ ... ~.,-Patio-....... ----. ... I ~-...----.-..-v\CllllJI. MESA .' I ·~ •'*• P .,._ - -.._., • ..._ ........ ,..._ lll111t '8 #. _.....-. •• .._..._,.o.[-91Mwey -11d1a1·a·R. Npdoe• ,,....._ oww._,.. .. .-. ,,,,., "' .. v... . -.~ ~ ""!':"'--..... a.. .. ..._81 ... ••••;:;:;: ... , ........ "" R. W BARTINIC · .-, . -1 '"'... • -., wU-. ._ • 4•'. . •Mc•• _..,.••••a~e.op.,w .-. t lht. ,r; •• v.•111 ... 2 f•. .:;:r:!,la= '=="--' .~~""""' -:1i.Qllla -.... .a.;t;".-. . -' qyfi I ~ Jf.&Q. ...... CJD, -· 'llMllf-1 - -J1z1111 • • 1ml n11· -........ , ..... j T • r tj- ' ' . ' • , IRIS AU GRINDS 1·U. CAN COFFEE c . MARGARINE lb. U. S. No. 1 Bartlett , • • ' . SUN YALLIY COLOllED- 1·LI. PKG •••• ••u • •• V#thdVt 8 ' le . s" I ,eeiP'1. ~ e . tir-n-rofl Pies '-led_ and · Biscuits • ,by lotty l:JOcker I ,.,_ RECIPES C ~U , o """"•rol M;11, ..... ., .... s._--11_ .... to._a.. _~u~y-~~ .. $229 AMERICA .N CHEESE · Wesi;o;11 0il . i9c your liquicl Slto<iening 57~ ~ Gold Medal RoUr 9;· ·-IOIDIN'S 75"' CHATEAU-.. 2·LI. IOI ••• ,•• ••• •• U. S. No. 1 White Rose 10 'bs. CO :TJ A<iE CHEESE IOllDEN 'S . 23C FULL PINT .••• ,, •• •• - . . LARGE l'ICG. . Sc;>FT ASILK :i~~~ W.. S111aotli, FIMlf fil•allty sriaWiN°G°FOWL 49r. EASTERN MEATY SPARE RIBS JOUNG TINDU SUCID BEEF LIVER ltatll's Kornland-1·1b. Cello ""•· SLLCED BACON ' .. 39:. 75:. 49.c. ·;Dii'·iiuSA~a :·43r.. TUNA G'EEN LAIEL RED LAIEL "No. '!J 25' No. •;, 29' Flat Flat c;.... Co• .• *TIDE * DREFT *WHITE KING Your Choice! LarCJe 27c Pkg. · GOLDIN STATE RUT 911AUTY ~· BUTIER 7 5&. . Best 'Foods "Real"· IAYOINAISE Tea G""'•• p,,. 20-0z.. 39c JAi . "ALL PUii'' •• , LARGE l'IC~. BIS'f)UICK PACIFIC GOLD IAllTLITT . PEARS ·. . L~ll~E JAR, .19~ fOODCllAFT FARM.STYLI ' ·p1CKL·ES·. PtLLs•u•rs u.•"' 4o-oz. '"•· PANC.AKE FLOUR Mell.CHEN'S HOT CAKI ~ : . .-·2. Pou'"' 23C Iott le SYRUP· LAURA SCUDDll"S PEANUT BUTIER ,=-31c MISSION INN HALVES APRICOTS • Na. 21/• 23C . Ca• SNOWPLAU CllSl'Y NISH 25C SODA ·CRACKERS 1i~~ • ARMOUl'S CAMMED HAMS 9-1~ lb. 991. Average ········ Malkl• lie la•• Mo Was._ BUY FAllODSUS, BRA • SWIFTS PUMIUM FREICH SOUSE OR SWIFT'S PUMIU H!iAD 9t. CHEESE ... , .... · . ~ na·aioU .. 'st. [iiEiiu1·s1 ~9t. · ... .,, 5Cf· • • • • ~·~ . ~\NES & flQUORS . • Icy Cold Beer from St. Paul• • 5CHMIDTS 29C c:artoti of 6 CITY CLUB Iii:-~ · 96c 4 Year Old Mr. 1asto1 $ 89 Old ,........... · Oldlhae · WHISIEYStNJt., ... _ 8 ';:~ ,~!:E~D!'r WHllEY .. mt .... 3 MINflTI MAID ' . GRAPE JUICE LlllY'S . · ORANGE JUICE • Frozen Foods 'tl~ :19c "~~ ··19c ' . . 2 1~~33c_ • • • , • • JUNIOR LEAGUE SATURDAY I.I TO l:SO P . M. Ages 6 to 16 -with Instruction Special Rate $1.10 lnd•cles prises 3 GAMES OPEN • BOWLING AU DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY For any information please call VAN'S BOWLING P-BEACON llllS8 e BILL Ki,o:rz. "'-<r 1703 Superior Ave. Costa Me8a You wouldn't buy 3 Day Old Whiskey! Our ·Choice Aged BEEF is Aged a minimum of 14 DAYS! • • Prim,e Froz'a Foods in Case Lots at 10°/o Discount! PEAS '..'.................. . . . . .................. 22c L1"MJ\ BEANS .... .... ........ . ... 29c CORN ................................................. 23c • 7-eu. Foot LOCKERS -$12.00 per year r TUSTIN FOOD LOCKERS 200 "D" Street TUSTIN Kl S-17S9 AJI Products "Cl')·-O-V».c .. t~acked (Vacuum Packed Mnb "1.11 Keep lnde:ftnltely) • , " . '' ' -L ··-e •• Yo.W.'exaet aecn _. •-agth In tlae 1••0 ,.. . ._.,,. - IRRDUI GlllDl~O waShab\e, gabardine sports shirts \...--- Sized numerically, Gabanaro Sports " eek . Shirta g;ve you your correct n at.Ze and sleeve lenirth-hence a bet~er /it . • • I , ' Tl!fURSDAY, SEPT '13, 1951 r Tl()f'lllD ~ \ PA6E·I ~ . ' . JUNIOR~ Wlanen ot \be --AnJlln« CIU1> Junior fLlbomtm'o t.ouma-, JP•t 1"ill ,_,.~ Uophl ... at 2 ''° TAR FOOTBALLERS pt U.. lmlde elope o0 u.,, Santa 'JulN Gace (left) and AJ Irwlll do the splalnJq. ~-.... Caeo .... (Preaa Photo) Id-~ ot tbe Amorlcan ~ c••lii>ouoo at 1oul and Bay, }(1wpurt BMcb. All -at tile ... llna will belp"IUmlW>d the lc<O cream eched\llf'4 to make a te.m- ,_,., ~ tJ>ere, Art lollillon, committee chair· man few the Balboa Anirllng Club and Ja.ne Groenendyke hold.lng a Jlm.Uar poelUon tor the Lady Anal<"' au uollUn« with tbe J*ty. . Tiie CODlelt Wlllc:ll WU open lo ;younpten undor 18 ran trom AprU 15 to Sept. 1. Trophle. w iU be awarded for the largeat. bana· c\Kl&, yellowttn croaker, apoUln croaker, halibut., bua, while .ea bue, albacore, luh& and yeUowtaU I taken on rod and r~I. UCENSE REFUSED A letter WM rect.:vea by City Council memben Monday' night rTom a group of blind men who wiahed to be allowed to sell their product. w:l~in the city. The rf"· quest WN dented on the grounds that allowing an exempt licen8C in this cue would neceasttate a cha.nge in the city ordinance. A letter wu sent to Ute blind men , ·i OONAlD J., GARICH I Doctor of Optometry A--th. o~ing of his professional offices for the practice of Optometry in an its branches I -at- 204 COAST BOULEVARD -(GALLAGHER BUILDING) CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA I \ • Practice li111itecl to examination, analysis encl rehabilitation of the Visual Functions Children's ancl General Practice BY APPOINTMENT Harbor 1780 Office Hours: 9 to 5 Daily Pirates Tangle With Muir in First Under· Fire Test high aplrtl present in the con- tingent of endt which ahould make fine mater1•1. RoMo commented that there ls more "beef" at end lhls lte&80f\ than In the put three yea.rs. explaining the a.cUon of the coun-\ 1..--------------------------' ell. Rouo report.a competition at a Two weeka of llf'ady hard practice will be cllmaxf'd FTldny night high fever for backfield slots. Jim as Ora.nvc Cout Collt'ge footb•lleni ta.nglc with Muir o f Pasadena. Hagey, former Downey high all e Sa.n . Gg'brlel Leaguer, reported In 8 "clolte'd t1oor" practice. The full &eaJ e &crlmmage '~rill be •laged Mortday night to add to the fight at 7:30 p. m. un<ier the llgbt.8 of Hur.tlngton Beach High school'a field wh.lch a.Jrcady waa under way with Mentor Ray ROMO ha.a made no letll"rmen Arredondo, Miller, Hal effort to s ingle out any lndlvktuals preuurc will tell ." Line Coach Smith, Harlow Rlchardeon, JeM a.s potential first 1trlng m&tt>rtal. J ohn Owen.a rc>porU a lack or ex-Smith, and Ashley Houghton try- Ht-and aids John Owens. Hue.ston perlence but plenty of willlngneu Ing to outcl&M auch newcomers u Harf>("r a.nd Roy Ward hope tti.at and spirit prf'M'nt v.·ith lots of po-Newport Harbor's Mel Sm&lley, Friday night's dleplay will brinb tentlal. "Newport Harbor's Bob Bob Watt.a, and Phil Shafer; Hunt- rorth lhe beat materi.al. Woodhouse 18 aggressive and lngton B<>ac h's Chafe and Earnle "We can't saw how we will do quick . Downey's Don Barnett will Rubelcava: Brea·8 Wagner boy8, thi.a sea50I\ or even how we Mould bf. tough t<? tx>at when he work8 Don and H'.oward: Pa.Im Sprtng's do lhls season until we sc .. the orr a pulled muacle and Jf'.'rry Bo-athlete oi the year. John Black boy11 under fi~--a.ncf Friday night dine, Huntington Beach, and Bill &nd Or&nv's Ned Parsons. ts it," answered Rono to quertt>s J iminez of Capi8tr&no figure lO, ' The P irate• wilt scrimmage about chances for thla year'• club. pustr Vf'terana Jim Keellne and again Tuesday night and will hold "W e should be •tronger than la.at Mike Kohn ha.rd," reported Owens. fl light practice Wednesday after- y('ar." contlnued lhe Pirate men-End Coache• Ward and Harper noon before l('avtng for S&nta t or. ..with such men I.I Fred wf're enthusiastic about the depth. Roa& l!arly Thursday morning. SWIMMING HONORS Ov.·t'nl'!;, Sid Manning, Dick Francl!I Ther1! are 14 end!! fighting for flnil and Jim Keeline back In the line atrinR berths, Although lelt<'rml!'n and lhf' beet backfie l<1 material we Gle nn Woodard and Sid Manning ()n Labor ::>ay In the Oceanside I have CV<'r had competing for fir8t have lhe f9dge in experience , they Rough Waler Swim, Joan Nunan string po11iLiona. will rt'Ceive more tha.n enough of Newport Beach took a trophy Quaf'U-r~k Prob~m.s competition from auch aaplranll!I for aecond place in the Junior Glrl.9 .. Our quarterba.ck problem may as Ron Quigley, 203 pound. sJx Dlvialon and Kay Pridham of Bal-I caWlc ua grief but I bellevr that foot, five Inch Downey high gr&.du-boa. I11land took a third place tro- ha rrl workers !Ike Paul Chafe. atf'; Jack Mt>cke. 190 pound. six phy ln the Women's Oivialon. 8'•nny Arrt'<londo. Howard Mill<'r foot, thr~ Inch Harbor High Al80 on Saturday evening, SE'pt. and Don Willlam11 .....;11 ..comi-graduate; Mox Moor e, 180 pound 8th at thf' Coliseum. Don Preston through, Rouo concluded. Tu.oJtin High product, and Don of Bayahorell swam on the men'a All the coachea we re of the same Paxton, 175. Orange Hlgh end. 300 yd. free-atylf' relay which took o~nlon u the headman -"OnJy \\'ard and Harper al90 reported a tirat place and he and Bruce Baird -'--------------------------lot Balboa were members of an STR-II<ES -and Sj>ARES Winter leapee a.re well under way with ·e.JilhU•luth runnJnl' as high &.8 eome of the acores ot this alarttnc week. In the 8~ M"ratch league on Wed. 8 .4~ p. m. Hal To0mhs rolling 4 or Newport Tackle sent the wood a fl ying for a. U2 game. Another high 246 by J . Norek rolling for Sympl'IOn A Nollar. Keep your <!ye on this league -big things a re going to haf>pen. Starting We Friday Sept. 14th at 8 :30 p . m. the Diamond Clbaic 900 scratch leaglte will get uncif'r way. This league 111 made up of so1nc Orange County lop bowlers. LF.AGt 'F. STASOIS08 TO DATE Tues. Ludies 8 .f~ p. m. Handicap ( t ~lnts > elcht-m.n nlay which took third plOce. . . .. They were all awtmmlnc for U\e Hunun.-ton Beach Swim Club. Waniki Club Hears Report The newly organlzf'(! Wanlkl Club. auxiliary o ( lhf" Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. met Wed- nesday "venlng at the Newport HelghtB home of Mr.s. Jan Briscoe. '"rith Mrs. Berl Connell a.a co-hos· Nf"w port llarbor Lady Rlchard'l'll Market Anglers T. Pin" 2507 I.Ate" teu. O The buBlne&8 mtttlng waa con- South ('oaJ11t Cont. Team No. 10 Newport Flahin& Brandts Fleet Credit Bureau Women of MOCNM!I No. Cha.riles Se.a Food ... ,_ Women of ?ttooBe No. 2 . Men':;; 826 Scratch Leagi.1e Wed. 8 :40 p rn , 23 10 '241 8 2380 2382 2407 2~2 2350 7289 2274 13 poinlsl l 0 0 0 ducted by Prellidf'nt Man:ell& Van l Dyke. who reportW on the recent l "Open House" dinner dance hekt 1 recently at the e&lbo& Bay Club 3 tor v&eatlonlng Klwanlala In this area. Membf>n of the Kanlkl Club served u hoaleuea. 2 3 Mra. Be-verly Geier of Costa 4 M~ presented a costume jewelry 4 fuhlon show w !t.h membera of the club acting u m odels. T. PlnA '''o n H08te11Ms for tht.> Oclober mf"el· lnJ{ will be announcf'd at a later Lost date. Bob's Sporting Goods Roy's Barber Shop ... ,_ Wal8h Ha.rdwa~ ..... . Heln·s Bakery I SympM>n &: NolJar Ne\~:port Bait &: Tackle Pink'8 Drugs Narmco __ Co.sta A-1f!Sll Bank Crawfor'd's Drul"I ......... . 2t'i12 2 I 261 0 2 2486 2 2471 2 2460 2 2618 I 2491 I 24fl7 I . 2384 I 2358 I Jn the Woman'• Claulc League on ThuredRy nl..;ht. Peg-11· Forgtt rolled a beautiful .eriea of 612 a.nd high game ot 213 for the A Cius. In the B c1.Js. Ellen Lampert had high series of 421 ; Md In the B Clau. Yolanda Giibert rolled the high of 462. The Brat Shop 18 in first place with 2113 Total pins, 783 high game. ~NS THURSDfv COMMERCIAL LEAGU~ Tiat. WMk Team Name T. Pln• HLG&. Kl. Ser. \Von Lolt Shepherd Tractor ............. -................. 2686 Mandex Cleaner• ················-··············· 2648 • Gener..i Sheet Metal ............................ 26-t.5 Sea Food VarleUee ............................ 2637 Newport Tackle -······················· ....... 2618 Sila. P"!ex ........... ·-·--····-······················· 2642 Richard'• Market ···············-······-······· 2809 Graham Ball A TackJe ·····--·-··-······ 2660 Schneiders Tr,cto.n ··-·---......... _ ... 2813 / Ben Whitman Realtor ····················-·· %8()3; 1 Orana"e Co. Coramlc Tile ... --··-·· .. -2680 All-American Karltel ---------2608 917 9<8 929 927 904 902 920 9U 983 81111 87• 910 -3 -3 2&46 3 2&37 3 2ll18 3 2&42 2 2608 2 • 2580 I :MU I 2803 I ZGH I 2o&e l WeekJy m«b TeaJI! llorleo -l!lleplMird Tractor ----·----- Weekly in.1t '1ll&DI Q&me -Sc:bnlJider'1 Tra<L ---·-813 • 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 a a a a -ClulJfled ad.a are read by (olka 1 1 who &r11 looking to buy. LAWN BOWLING A method ot putting lite into the loca.lity without marrtn.1" lts beauty. I Greens owned and malnlalned by the City ot Newport Bea.ch for the benefit ot the public, and operated :under the .upervlslon of the Newport Harbor lA.wn Bowl- ing Auoci&Uon, a non -profit Corporation. D&y• of play: Wednuday, Fri· day. Saturday. Sunday and all bolidaye. lo wtUch the public ls cord.la.lly invited. Information may be obtained at the rree.n on play- 1.n&' daya or call eecretary at Harbor 1921-W or Harbor 07"*W. A clean, r'cltlng and compeU· Uve outdoor eport. -17eow tf Ger-That Sworclfhltl THE BOYVEY HARP,OON GUN -. Pl&OVEN ••• AoctlJIAft: •• . llUU I at your dealen or call . Banbr 1974 • SALE Z or S AtNG ! or S RING FILLER PAPER ... . 9 and 23 t NOTEBOOK 11e,. 68c .. ·-'ll!-INDl»i N01'DJOKS •• SCHOOL SCIS~ORS •••• 19¢ 1% IN'C H RULERS •••• Punched S Hole COMPASS ,. • • 13' LEAD PENCILS •• • • . 4; PAPER CLIPS • • 10 ' g,.C:· 18c CARBON PAPER 13 1' Gumcn..i REINFORCEMENTS 4¢ CANDY SALT WATER TAFFY ·Reg. t9e lb. ........... Jb. Cl.~ Fountain Pen & Pencil Set ~~! ·---·-··--... 98¢ METAL KITCHEN Wastebaskets Reg. St.25 CHOCOLATE MALT BALLS 11>. 59 ; Reg. 7De lb. Licorice Buttons ne,. 49¢ 60e lb .... -.......................... .lb. Sweat Sox 49t · .. _ ...... pall' ' 1 -~-· -------~·rm"· ..... lb. 39-\\:Jilllil~~~ Rq .... ., ti>. Thermos LUNCH KITS with Yz pt. Bottle• $2.59 Ber. SZ.75 HOPALONG OASSIDY LUNCH KITS •• $269 S%.89 \' alue BEACH TOWELS 98 ' St.SB \'alue SWIM CAPS. • • Reg. 9e .... Reg. 9 8c LIBBY TUMBLERS ................. 8 for 39¢ Milk of Magnesia 100'• HOBART ASPIRIN 11 ¢ &-oz. Uc Value 13 1' Yours at no charge . with each purchase of Belmont SCHOOL SUPPLIES All new stories PLUS four big poges of TRICKS and PUZZLES Off II &IMlflD ••• GET YOURS NOW • • • • PA6E "2 ;_ PART Ir -· THURSD"Y, SEl'T. 13, 195 1 -~ ~6}.llm2r ·a ;-~~ ·. ;-'=-'= PRESS ~ ROSCOE ATES • AT DANCE·AREE • Rbeeoe At~ famous stutt•ring comedian, w1lt 'be on hand to en- tPrtain at the opening of Dorothy Dare's Dance-aree starting S&tur· day night, Sept. l& at the Legion Hall at 18th St. in C06ta l\tea. Ates who 1188 just completed a picture for a movie atud.lo told MW Dare that he hu pr-epared IK>fl'le -unique skits for lhe Dance- 'ar8P'a opening. A movie, It.age and TV star in her own right, lrf iss Dare has re-- celvcd the lx-st wishes of many of her famous frtends in the enter- talnme-nl world concerning ber new venture. Dance-aree will feature two bands with no lulh:. KVOE will aliio have a roving microphone al ) thr dance to broadcast highllghU of the opening. I Casa Colina Has I County Fair Booth Casa Colina "'ill grt>et its frlPnds t his yf>ar at lhP Loe An· I ~f'll•!'f County Fair from..a booth in thf' Junior F'air Building, it \\'a• 1 announcPd to<lay by Francl's Elea- nor Sm ith. exC('ut1ve vice presi- dent of the homP fnr c ripplert c•hlldren near Chinn. 'Tt:ae Pomona Junior Chambt>r o( Commerce is "'PUn8{.lring thP boolh and •A·111 s t·E' that lt i11 Ftaffed at all t ime. said Afrs, Smith. Among ~1.-ell knn"·n pvr.sonalittea \lirl\.o have promi.<ied to vl11it t.J'l.P hoelh dur1n~ the Fair arP Lc4." S Hlppey, \vritC'r. and Al Jarvia. te(evlsion star. Thr Barker Broth- er• All-Star Or('heatra of Los A.n- getes \Ifill bC' on hand to f'OlC'rtain st'tf'ral time-!' durinJ:" the event. ~he H ubbard tub. U.s('d In the physical therap3r ·department for lhf' tr<"&tment of pat1€'nUI at the hnjne, will be in the boblh. Mem- hf>r s of the 'rr>~lar start of Casa Co!:ina Y.'ili help to staff thc-booth wtltnever po5151blt', Mrs. Smith said. RJ:llHi:,WED ACT RE 8 S. Dorothy l>at't"~ \\'ho hall taken 1l1t J)erm&nf'Dt ...-r.kh>ncf' ln Oraap county, h&.!t dfo.cklf."d to brine a llttl,. ""°". buaint"M tc> our C"OUll- t)., Slv-hu Mp~ a IOC'AI Costa )ff"!lll hall for ~Vil"ry 8•1· untay nJrht Martine Sfopt. J5, 1931. Stw. \\'IU ha\"' t\\'O altt>r- natlft&' i.nd" and "1.11 act u boMteM and pnformer. Doro- Ua,r o. ..... u you may "~" know. bas ~-l" &ho\\' .,........ Ml. h,..r Ufe. Stw, made rnaay ~ tu.rftl for Wa.n'lt"r 8roA. •t.arrb:ac 01>p(Wlltf' surh "'ell k:no"'UJt u Dick Po\\°t"ll, .Jamra Otcnt'Y· Donald \\'ood"· Roy Rorn and many othf'n.. )fott f'f'ttotly ahe "-as llN"n a fl"l't\' \\'f'rf'ka ap Oii telf"\'lslon ln '"l'bf! Y&llks Ar'P- Comlq, ·• ('O..t.arrinl' with Blll WWlanu and MaxN! ROM>9- bloom. Night Band Class Offered at OCC In a n ertorL to provide enjoy- ment and entertainment for t he 1~trumenta.list or Lhe local area. Orani'e Cout Col!ecf" will held its first Evt'ning Band meet inir W ed· nesday night at 7 :30, Sept. 9. This concert band will be Op<'n to all advanct.'d. 11.nd intt>nnrdlatr bandsmen. In addition to the standard band tE'pertoire, it Is hoped that the inetrumenta1ists will enjoy playing original ar- /lr,ine/ vf{ode/ ·, '' MU1gements snd t he tat...st band /" : .. ~~ i::elea.aes. A woodv ... tnd, brau, and ll'AMi. ~'fl~rn i~: Pting f>?UH"mble will supplf'menl ·' · · the concert band • The Collt'ge-y,·ill providt> instru- 0 ments if nPedt>d. 'R /'1 JN "] do hope the muaicl&rul o f our 11/j community take lhi.s opportunity to part icipate and help U• make lhis a proff'sslonal sounding band. and one thal '"'ill bf" run:· says M r . Rojil.~. 0. C. C. band director. 0. C . O rgan ists at Beach Social OrangE" county organist• 1atti.- ered Friday evl'.'ninc-at the homf'· of Mar)?"arrt L . ~"harh• in Corona dt>I Mar for· a b<'ach social. Th" I party v.·as sponsort•d by thf' Or- an~e Coa~t Chapter or the Ameri- can Guild of Organists, \Vhlch I~ aompoSf'd of organiats of the lead· Danz ".Schmidt Piano Co. 520 N. Ma in St. Santa Ana . .PHO~F. Kl'.\fllF.111.l " '.!-lil40 • ~tEZZA ~U"'E LI~ DRt•o STORE Harbor 1246 • PLAXF. e SlllP e TR.'\l'S • • KF.SER.\' .... TIOX~ • • Mutual Theatre Ticket A11ncy • ing ('hurches 1n OranJtE> county. I It y,·as thr first of a full schedul" of guild a c·tiv1ties. "·hic-h ""i)l M highli,1.:hll"d by a nla.&8t'd Children's cboir fC'st1va1 to bl-held in i'Ullflr· tAX\ this spring. • Newlv iostaUt~d of!tcera oC the guUd are : Louis Fo!'ls, d('an ; Glenn Daun, sub-<tean: Vi,·ian Hannon. treasurer: F.<.lna Ehorn, Sl"C'retary ; Stephen Palnier. Afargaret L. Scharle and Estht'r K neeland. board mem~rs. The nrxt mt."f'tln~ will bt> hrld at Spurgeon Metho- dist Church. in Santa Ana on Octo- ber 1. 'LA BAMBA' t:XOS SOOX Thia Is the last 't\'tek Cor play- roer• to take part in the fe•tl\•i- tie• of the J amaica after-theatre eamival in conneet'ion with "La Bamba," the Mexican Plfl.yers' comedy of a Veracrut fiuta, at the Padua H ills Theatre. The thea'tre a.nd dintne-room will clo&e next Monday, Septem- ber 17. for the annual t't\·01 wee.ka vacation of the Mexican Players. • .\ccordinr to cuatom. the Jamaica will c lose with v•catiOn and the carni,•al booth• wilJ be dixmantle<t $.nd stored av.·ay to wait another sunlnler lM::aaon . The dinlng room wtll reopen on Tuetday, Oct. 2. and the theatre the followlnl' day. with the Vera· crtLZ con1e4y. which has proved ve ry popular the put tbree weeks, to continue throucn October lS. Ho\\•ever, wttb the re<>penlllf alter vacation, the poet ~curt.ail\ entvta.lnment will l&ke tbe form of a medienda. or informal flelta with monr• and c1an.-. by th• . player-. ln tbe dlnlnf room. "La Bamba" will be slap! W\dJ>Hd•y throuch Sotur<lay e~e­ tW>p, lltlll Wtdl1-Ja Mid S.l· urd&y ~m-lhrousfi Oc- tober 18\ wt~ !hr UCOp\klD Of tht two -it• r-tk!I> porlo4 fl'om Septomber 1T lluoup Oc• tobor a. Olive Mnler Moves Real ~state Office • llATUllDAY L.UT DAY H_,.._ llopn SIROCCO .... TEXAS IANGIRS n:c:RNtoowa SmlDAYLTfll! DAV .. 117 o,.... Mm Ml AflTIR THE SHOW · Mes a._,, • SA'l'IJRDAV LAST DAY \\'41.T DISN£Y'8 ALICI! IN WONDERLAND A..'("0 NATURE'S HALF ACRE J.OPli:f'IAl. SlAT. MA. Tl~T.F. 1 :~ St SDA l '. TlTY.~DAV A. dennJt,.ly !'iluf)f'rlor Cnmblnatlon KON·TIKI A~-0 OF MEN AND MUSIC Ruhrrnl'tf'ln. P''1"r<'f', Hrlrrt& X. V, S1·mphony -· • • hips reduced In s i ze on amailn g HEW way in your own home • 110 ((,.,, ,,.,. • ., •••rtll•• ..• "° wei9h,.Hss .\)ti Rll.AXACtZOI 1ctu1lly makts hips, 1bdomtn, thiahs smaller. Deliahtful ro USE WHILE ·YOU REST AT H0~1E. Read. KW, evtn SLEEP and b«on:v smJ.lltr! NO JAGGING SlllN . . . 11Uks musclts and ronrou1s of hips, 1hi1ths aod 1bdomtn FJJlMER. TJU~U.tER, TIGHTER .•. IDOfe" you1hful look· ;... "VOGUF." •nd "MAD.EMO!· SELLE" praiSt. ,,,,,,.,, .,.,, . .,1, .• M ... "' SI MADEMOISELLE Nl.&lTNnll •• , SAii , • • Thil is the Pie, sensible, EASY way ro rrim hips and fUmmJ. Don't rilk hnhh. W• PROVE AT NO COST TO YOU that R.elancizor makes hi Pt trimmer, 1bdomtn ftatttr ... your 6s- urt (ar lovdicr .. , this wondttfv.I , .. halthful .•. rww ... EASY CNO EFFORT ) W'lf AT H0,.1E in your span rime. TELEPHONE . : , cl 111'0lftla ad•iscr ro tell you JI ahout it. fkEE bookkt.. FllE dtmopsua- tioe. Long Beach 705 -406 FREE-MAIL TODAY Relaxaclsor, Dept. 1E %81 Ea.al Fitth Street Long' Beacb, Calif. Oaack on, or both: 0 I would like FREE home treat· -alllo - "G. I. JANI" Jane Porter STAR'I'~.-SITNDi\ Y Wllllarii Hot...., In "FALSE ALARM" -.. ai.o - 'HAPPY GO WCKr with o,,,1d Niven • Ill.M iii a..,/ ..... •ieo i---x fiHOMNO .. ji~ 'THOiPi.- AU..AMIRICAN" -aJIO -~Ol'!L M«lftl!A; . "CA-'rTLI , PRIVE" -H· ILDREN undo_.. FREE ... i!h hrMlo •• Paulo '-J ! yn. and 8'91Mfway Ttw-at1N1 STA TE THEATRl •&h-S\, at. Blrrti H"A:\'TA AXA ' . Onaa&",. C-ount)•'• \'al~ Pin• stw"' W..Z-t StaN -Bl•l'Nt HJb l'ot1 wtll .,e tMm au '"'"" at our 1pep11lar prk-fo Nldnon undrr 1% lf'ff ,,·tu. pattnt~ XOW PLAnXG MARIO LA~'ZA In "T Ht: ORF-AT C'ARl!AO" -and - D4S1\"'l' KA VE ln .. O:'ll THE ltl\'IERA" DOROTHY DARE'S Stage, Screen and TV Star "Dance-aree" STARTING SEPT. 15 LEGION HALL Weit 18th St. COSTA M!SA • 2 BANDS 2 • NO LULLS Adml81ilon 75f (tax Included) • ROVlSO MIKE O:S K\'OE XIGHTLY BROADCAST OPEN EVl!RY DAY! • • Kiddies Day Every Wednetlday • J! Noon to • p.m.. • FRl';E BALLOONS • ·eoncesafun. 5¢ • Rkletl 8¢ 11.&TU HOUK F.&CILfDES FOR MEN A.'\'D WOJQ:N TV ANTENNAS Cell us for installation or · servicing of your antenna aeu l N•.._...._ • Prompt, seriice by expert technicians • low prii:eJ TIDE TY •Rare.er• "'""' by your 1a4Y oouultanL I tllldentand lha\ th""' 11 '110 _, -ao obllpUOll. 0 PleaM-llOD4 FR 111 I: picture! ~;::~=:::::;;::=:~======~=i::===;;;~· -lol that lello ~ ... I\£-I . DUOll 8IUI 0.-llIPll, etc. No COat. No obllpllon. a.11<1 Ill,' Pt.ADI ..... ~ FINEST .OCON .FISH ' • I ' UTA.IL fNPBllDJ1 8HIUVP H4LIBU'l' BARRACUDA ll&ABAll ''.BAOOIJC ••••AJllJC ,,._ ' ""' .; .... ~ Tllll" ~Mif4..•~· l•ll CMlld .. r, ll:ve1)11 aey .. lltart• fiU11dar '- filopt. II t•ni 1 lltll •Al.tpt: UI WO!>'DJ:Jq..ll'o'1>" All<! "NATtillJlll HAU ACRr' ~t/RF -·II \,, 1044 HUNTUIGTON BEACH NO\V'rilJlu SATURDAY I . . -.. . - A ' F ... JlF,.,,,.....,M7t• "9"'1 Paramount Presents WARPATH C111or by TECHNICOLOR ...... , •• .,,; ... ,,i:r-.1 ........... ~C..&ACTtl.s' {J.4t. l'Y {!( 1 ><Ulf~1'<' !. M (.)V ',·.i~r,1 GAP "You iaid I could have a drinl on the ~ous~r· ---. ' CllllSt181 IUT f#{l/)lfN•~ Open Every Day COt.f'LETI:~ DINNY$ k-$1.IO to P.51 TROPIOAL DRINKS Dlwe 11 the bcfuM.,. TAHITIAN SKYaOOM Fl'M Parkins Herb« 17t VISIT T)'IE NEW HUT a. CGMt RIW"&Jt 1.a.- Plto99 t i• for ~· ~ l"OW OPEN CllllSTWl'S HUT autx iil-11 • Cildltall -... -..... -q.wALINA 18tANo' S 5 I 'tile DrJ a1 cr1 er~ -~I, .... GI-a ... 3!£11 ..... I ' I - MEET YOU AT . "Tf! -INN" ' • . - Henry's Famo us Food I i · OCEAX FROl\'T AT THE PIER -BALBOA. CALIF. Your hosts. DICK and KATE DENT -----·-------------------------... -.. ---___________________________________________ ,-.. Tops in Food * Tops in Entertainment * • * Cockta il s f rom I 0 a. m. * Dinne r from '4 p. m. OPE.'1-BRl~CH 10 A.M. to 4 P.•L · ~eotwrlng the "Guadalajara Boys" DO"' OU2E \ 415 E. lallloa ~cl. HarbOr 2792 THE ~ACHES Cafe and C~cktail Lounge . ~ . OPEN 10 A. M. il'HROctlR ! A. M. • l>'F.WPOllT BL\'I>. c>s OO~T momVAV NEWPOl!T ~CH ' . (WE ARE CLOSEb ON THURSDAYS) • •• , GENE'S .:n.iRf,!!~URANT French and ~llan Cuhlne · .. ·Hand Phone O..Oralecl Harbor llot Wocldlnl e or Blrtbday 70/l <lout Blvd. "ca.kn Corona 1clel Har SAM'S SEA FOOD OPEN s II R EVERY DAY y Betw .... 9'al ' 'At the Slgn of the Swordttab" ' COHPU!:TE COURSE LUNqHJcoN8 DINNEllll Beautiful new Enlarged COCKT ..t.lL LOUNGE ~ S I D E . P BONl!t . llU~f 849-Tt .... ~ ........ • \ .. • Mariner Girl Scouts Come Home Mariner Girt Seoul& of Newport Harbor have just completed 11 glorloua days (Aug. r1 -Sepl 8) at beaulltUI Emerald Bay, Catalina Ialand. Thia Camp la the only one of tt'• kind ln the. U . S. lt Iii a wOi-klng camp where M&rlnen may work on Ute.tr rating• and p&rtlcl· J>ak In water acU'lttln whlch cannot be held inland. ·Attending trom t.hhl area were Jan Dulworth., Ann Boucht>r, Nan-WHITLOCK AT CAL POLY' cy Tril l. Yvonne Taylor. Jane Nu-California Stele Polyt cchnk:: col- nan. Leab Clark, Barbara. Starege, lege expects more than 67~ freab- Doran Suesa. Judy Allton and Con-m en &nd transfer atudenls t o ~g-. nJe Mani-old. Mn. Ted Hambrook later Sept. l2, It was announced se~ as a Couneelor w ith Carol today by the r eK"felnir'11 office. P ierM>n and Lu.Be.lie Boice actinl:' ~mong the 675 will be R ichard u CounMlor's Asslatant.s. Carol a. WhlUock from Lido PenlMuJa Clark a t tended the Ca.mp a.s Coun-Yacht AnchoraRe. aeJor Jn T raini ng. M ore than 21 00 are f.'X'{)<'c t ed t n MarlMr Pro1T9m cn roU fo r Cal Poly's fall quarter. The program wu strtcUy t ha t Admi83tons Officer Paul W innt•r or Ma riner work and wu s lanted announces. toward rating accomp lishn1cnt. It Animal h Utiband ry w hh:h \\'h it- fell ~t'nerally into four maln lock is ta.king i., still the mo.st claJ§S{'!'!: &ginnC'rs and Advanced popular d('parlment in t hl' agri- Ro\\'ing. Can<>t'ing, Sailing and cultura l division. en rollment ap- Swimn1ing. K nots. Splicing". Serna-plicat ion~ indicalC'. Jn the l'ni;::\- phor<', R uirs or C'hartin,&. Aids to nl't'ring division. a cl08e race <'Xisl.8 Naviji!;&tion, Rrllitivr Bearings a nd betwren mechA.nical engineering , Nautical Handcraft \\'t>rC' s tudied r lrctron ics and archit('ctura.1 e'.ngt- durlng lhf' ("Hlllfl period. For rec-ne-erlng. Ae ronautic~ alM is a rea tion the l'.:'irl!I had .swi m ming. popular choLCf' of t he incoming h ik inj!'. campf1rr~ anrl a lot or sing -students. In t h\• 11))(-ral a rts <1i vls- lng. Therr "''rrc song contests. ion teacher tra1n1ng in physical unit skits and an ovt'rnlght for education ha.'I drawn t he rnost ap- those workini; on J ack Tar. A plicants. combincrl rowing-antl canoe lrip The admission's office rcporll! lo H owlant.l's Landin~ added to that the number of married \'l't- rat 1ngs o f ~tartnPrs workin.i: on erans accepted rrma1n~ about thC' the Boat:n~ activity. An all day same as last year w hile the ap- \\'Rter activity took place with plications from vrleran.s has drop· unit agains t unit participating in ped considerably. oU ,ct.rv1t1P::;_ Thl' St'a Urchins A big incrl'a.sc 18 rrportl'd 1n t h<' U~won . Tv.:o 1~1Pn1bcr~ or New-nunilx'r of tran8fcr student<> set>k· port Harbor Mariner Ship Na1ad. 1 ing ad1nittancc 111 to Cal 1~n1y . Jan Du\\voz'l h and Nancy T rilt, be· lon ged to this unit. "For hilarious run Camp n1r•m- brr.!t w ill lon.t:" rl'mrn1b-f'r lht• Bath- in1' Brauty RhO\\' pllf on by Coun· ~·lor.!t in 2~1-yf'ar-ohl suits and l hrir Twr nty Qur!olt10n1' P rogram 1 wh ich ribbed rampers. Very ('O- tertain1n~ wa;q lhl' \.1/ar Cano<' Racr and D11"1-~ync hrnn1zc·d Swim- mini: Exh·b1 t1on rut on Jx>twC'en l h<' Counsf'\ors anrt ('ounsf'lors-in- Tra1n1n~. Th<' Satnrrlay Ntghl T V party Y•ilh c·V<'ry unit pKrt1cipat- in~ prov11ird n1any b\u~hls el'peci- ally ttfe S1nbail l ln1t tlradt'<.t by M rs. H an1br<•''k anrl hr r Lady \Vrf'Sll1n~ Matt:hrs. Yt•ry import· ant was thr wonrJl'rful food pro- vided dur1n~ th<' 1 l days and many cnmpl"\1 ntl\ Wl'ff' dtrl·Ct!'d to- ward "Shorty." heart chrf. I t wa.s with ~real reluctance that the J:irl.!I or Ship Naiad ac- CE'PtPfl thr rcs1j?"nat1on of tht>ir w t•ll-lik('ld Sk1pprr. l\irs. Ted Ham- b rook. who now is $('cond Ot•puty of Ni-\\-port Harbor Girl Scout Council. Her rour y<'ars of won- derful w ork w ith this J:roup has bt'en ,rr••atly apprt•t:iatc<I and hr r fine ability for t'nJoymcnl of and with th <' M.arinf'rS has bf>£'n spt•l;1· aJ. H er Firs t and St'cond ~{ates, M MJ. Ken neth St&r f'gl' and Mrs. 0 . G. Suess. who have al.'IO resi,1tn- ed. were . cxtreo1ely capable and will be n1Uiaed when l he new year 11t11.rt.e. New lea ders for Ship Naiad have \M>r n announc"d a~ fol\nws: Skip- per. Mrs. Al Rylrtt : ?\fates. Mrs. L . J . Taylor and Mrs. Paul ~l artiu. 1.f l~'I Carol Clark \viii as~1sl the Sh ip In athJ('t1c act1v1ti('.s. }"1,0RIDA Cil "E -T~ IJEPr\_RT P.t rs. K athryn Haggard an<I daui;htl'r Bcltt• J ean havl' ret urnC'J to j ('nsen Beach, F la., after a stay in Costa P.tesa as house ,::uests or 1.l rs. Hag_t:"ard "s rlau~htt'r anfl ranl· 1ly. Mr. and P.t rs. ]l..larv1n Gibson, 632 \V. 18th St. A recent t rip to Y0Sf'n1itt' !\"at1onaJ Park v.•as rn- joye<I by th~ v1s1tors, ~f r. and Mr!! Gibson and daughters Cha rlotte antl Kalhy. 1 Get top protection with a Mo PA• Micron le OIL FILTER or Filter El•m.•nt Engjneered by Chrysler Cor· pontion especially for can builc by Chrysler Corpo"'- tion. 3 ti.mes the 61te.riq capacity of ordinary 6lten! ' Race Track Coffee CAKE ••••• 23<e•. (IOf. 29c N.) Chocolate Iced ANGEL FOOD 89<e•. (Sl.2S ..... I 49c WI Va~~~~mps ~ COSTA l\tESA l 700 ~~\vport Bl\•d. CORON:\ DF.14 !'llAK 903 Coast IUgh"·a.y l.AGt'N1\ BE.-\Cll 21.l 1'-u~Mt Avenun Made ri1b.t ! fit ri1bt! Work right! And ..• pri~ight. too! Come in tcxby for a free ia- spcctioo of your oil 6.lrer tys.o tcm. Taka but a few mi.auto. l>rive In +oday ... ~-i;J2Elll> . --September is Filter __ Replacement Month Chrysler Plymouth For ell et Dodge De.Soto • ' • -' ' • ' . . • • • ~T -1 t 'H-i ~UR§O~~::s;PT.' ms noa: D&Nt&& ES Cul If. -1-o. -. ....., or lfr. and )(rs; C. IL Buncb; 1781 Tuotln A-. Coot& K-re- eently opent l. _..-here dlll'lng lbelr father'• Ill-. Both are ~ Denver, Colo. OpportuJll~ ia -r ta CLA8llirillD ADii -I ' Gl!E8T!I RO)( 8A1f llDDOO I gin., t03 J!'lower Bt., Coat& ~ Week end bi.pJtallty wu dis-to•Mr. and Kn.. Cbarlel OOW o1. pelUl<d bY, Kra. Ver\!'!' ~ R\I!· San Bernardino. ' ---· .. . ---_: -~-. • • . CHEESE Mild Oreqon Chedd_ar. Excelle;t 1? cook or use in sandwic~es. e l· cioua served with apple pie. Pre-cut and 47° wrappetl. lb. lllllll 11111 APPLES Northern grown Bellflowers Excellent to eat. for makin~ applesauce or pies. 4 ~ lbs. Delicious served with roast shoulder ol Eastern pork. GRADE A .Pon.re Whole fresh Porlc. Picnics. lb. 37c SHOULDER Burr cur lb. 49c ' Lemonade Orange Juice .Green Peas Bel-01r Frozen Be l-air Frozen Bel-air Frozen Be l-a ir Frozen 6·01. 11c ••• 6-H. tftc co" 7- 12-01. 19c pk9. LARGE EGGS Oak Glen carton of one dozen • . TulfA STAR KIST 61/2-01.27c TORPEDO Chunks can GraJed .... . _, 6·01. 2oc can LUCERNE FRESH MILK ' • Concentrated. Just rep.fare ,.·ater. third 190 quart 54c quart carton I Strawberries 12 .... 3oc pk9. :·· ......... ·. :-.................... · ..... · ...... · .-.•... -... ·.·. -.... . ... . -·. -··········.· ....... •.· . . . .. ·.-.• .. •. ~·" WELCH'S,,,- Seedless 81ockbtrry Red Raspberry Pre1er,es Pt•ch or A print Pi1Hpplt, (~lfry," Chtrrylellt 11='· 25a 1 t~z. 27• 10-u. jor I I 0-o~. jor MARGARINE Sunnybank Yellow. Foil-~ 29C ·Wrapped Cubes. Cartoned lb .. PEANUT BUTTER Beverfy, 12-oz. 29C Brand jar Chunk or Reqular. For school lunches. (Reqular. 24-oz. 49c) .. FLEET MIX For Biscuits. Makes • 40-oz. 39c Oelicioua Coffee Cake, Too. pkg. Mild and Mellow 3-lb . bog, 2.22 Finest Quality 2-lb. bog, 1.55 Airway Coffee Nob Hill Coffee Edwards Coffee Vacuum Pocked 2-l b. con, 1.65 Choice of grinds. (Vi -lb. con, 44c) 1-lb. bag 1-lb. ba9 1-lb_ can Regular, homogenized. Ust' as i•. ·quart 21 c half· 42c carto1 gallon Price subject Jo Stale regulalion. ' conAGE CHEESE • 810110'1' Time. Cream or Farmer. Yz -111. carton 14c 1.111. carton SAVE lOC ON A 10-LB. OR LARGER BAG OF KITCHEN CRAFT 1 Canterbury Tea 1 !ii~~1 18° 48-bag pkg. . F ~ 0 U_" . . , . Cracked Wheal Bread ·r.::• 17° Mrs . Wright's, sliced. Freshly baked. • Butter ~~g Bread -~ ·:;:,11 17° Mrs . W ri ght's, sliced. Fresh ly baked Raisin Bread 5s~~);~k. ~::,;11 23° Sandwich Spread LB'o~h ~~~, 38° l Holf-p1nr 1ar, 22c; quart jor, 63c 1 • ~ Foney Block . (;>.lb. pkg., 54c; "•·lb. pkg., 29c) · (GREEN.T.EA I~ ~AGS: pocka\le of :l~ boiis. 16c ), 1 Orange ii u•ice' Full O 'Gold . Sweet. 46-oz. I 18-oz. con, lOc tan ' ·23~. Gum D_.ops OR ORANGE SLICES 1-lb. 19 Roxbury Brand bag C Licorice Gum Drops, Assorted Gum Drops, or Orange Snces . t Vermont Maid Syrup ~!;~i; 25c 'l Pure Cont and Maple blend. (24-oz. botJle, 47c) -: • Guaranteed t~ WorlrWande!sWith )Any"Rftlpit~ , Brin&-th~ ooupon to eu; stot·e ahcf get · · I '1 · ; • toqofl'thf regulaP tetail \lrlct cit a l().db" or larger bag of Kitchen Craft ftour . OFFER EXPJRES OCTOBER 14, 1951 FLOUR KftCHEN 10-lb. 99< 25-lb. 2 25 CRAFT bag bog • f. lOOK AT THESE MONEY SAVING MEAT VAlfJEI Flapjack Mix Clarity Wine Albers 40 .... pk9. ·. PURE PORK SAUSAGE Select Ea1tem Pork Oellcately Secuonad BULK LINKS SLICED BACON In heal sealed packa;es. CUDAHY GRADE B ~UfN lb. 55' lb. 4 7' . lb.55° IN VISKING 1-lb-Roll 47° BIEF ROAST Cur from shoulder of U. S. CHOICE grade beef. 8~!0 1b. 69c ~ lb. 73c Frying Chickens ~~": lb. 6tc · Grode A. Eviscetot•d. cu1 up, pon ready. I Round Steak t0~~\.~~~.c~.:~ lb. 98c BoiliRQ Beef J~··i:~~~E lb. 2tc Spareribs s.'~!~~!'5.:~·k lb. 39° Midget Turkeys G~~d ••. 67° 8elt1v1lle type, 4 to 8 lbs .• Evisc•rotRd. lll!NS!!• \~ lfow '" oll,.. •llt rw• -111 :0 ... LAC·MIX rn,.. ""-_.., ""' ·~ sqHrls hr less ftill7lC • .. rtl -•Finne rooJ nlue 1oJar! t I-lb. malta ) quara. o P<rft<t '1r all milk u .... o No bonla. k"I" l'vt months l t·--l'ad US~• 36• Sliced Beef liYer lb. 6tc Pork.Shoulder ~'~;~·""' 37c . • • •• Emtern, groin fed. IButr cut, lb. '49cl · fill et of Sole .~:~. Ocein Perch f'llet '. Port , Sherry, Muscatel. Easlside Beer 11-ouRc• 1f:11 15c ·. Oltl WIJ bottJe t 32 -oz bottle, 33c, plus deposits I " . W ine ond beer o ffered for sale only in -" hcensrd Sofewoys. T oxes odditionol. ' . Purex Liquid Bleach holf· t•llo" tQugrt bottle, 16c:; gallon jug, '15cJ CORN . IMGAZJNE Now O!f salt Golden Cros~ Northern Grown .. _)&CJ . ear ~ ~ Bellflower Apples Northern Grow~ 4 lbs. 25•; Sndless Gr•pes Northern Tho~san ·2 luncL-.1 G--.ls Radi1he1 oi 3 f I""' llCU VVll Green Onio s or u- 1111'.'G~a , Sq~h . .E•1.len11a Boke , lb. '\ 3• -\ lbs. :'\~ -. ' ... . . , .· ·~ .. . ~. -· . . . . • '(r'slt,!,!=~'W==~ 1l ..... ..., ..... ' lie ""'"' 1.0 ~HlooL ..... ........................... ,,_ OUR LOCAL SAFEWAY -1722 NIWPORT aYD~ COSTA ...... ~ '"-"" .·:-c.. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • .. srou . . ~ ' ~lllOllldll11r .... 'I 1allsr. t .. -. ... lp.19;: Fdll11J. t &a:•'.! p.a:-l•z•r. t && •• P. w; . .. J •• I I • ) J ' • • • • • . . ' CaJltomJa production, clvWan emplOyment. papoU. and locome• continued their upward climb durl6.g rttet1t mOftlha. rblng mor-e than national tota~. the California State Chamber ot Com.mm. reported. "At the same time certain den.tloqary fOf'CQ haye had their · effect, particularly in ron.Nmtt bUyin& Utrouchout the at&tt,." Nl'U P etree. rirst vice prffident of the State Chamber announced. '6.') with an 11 ptt cent tncttUe. He sald consumer buyinl'. ln the-Ae C&Jltomla industry 11iarec1 state during the first half of the It.self to defeue moblllsatlon, mtn.: year increued by a smaller per-tng ahowed lncrea.aed prodJJ:CUon centAge ovt'r lhe .same period a ot stn.teg'lc and crltJcal mlnt"rall. yeai qo than th~ national ave.r· ~troleWn production ra.e from age, and the ~ysical volume or. ~.000 barrels d&lJy In June of retail trade wu amaller than dur..-, t9ftQ to 977.000 barre.b In August. Ing the fin:\ halt _ot 1900. Cement production ha.I bttft 12 pu '"The trade s lump wu aharptt citnt Weber than ln the-amt' per- than for the nation u a whole tn iod o r 1950. dry goods, apparel, department De!•nac had it.a tn.nuence loo on ~tor~ and motor vehicle's. Wbote .. capital lnVt'Stment ln new lnduat· ~le price1t havt" dropped 3.8 per rial planl.9 or f'xpanalons whlcb cent alnC'e th." peak reached in continued &t record breaklnc lev· Matth but are now 13 ptor cent FIB. three Umea higher than the h igh~r than in June 19M>." a.me period Jut yf'ar.' Civilian employment w h I ch Announcement or such projects r rached <t ,506,000 In July or 5.~ Ln two ma~r industrial areu or Pf'r C'ent above lf'vrls a year a.go, lhe stale durlnl' the nrst half or was still climbing during lht' 1901 brought new Investment to month of Augu~t tnwud aeasonal 1206,708,000 -200 per C'ent over peak.a exptocted in September and comparable lotals In 1950. October. R<'ta.ll trade trends in the 1tate Hourly wage ratf'fl and wttkly showed a rather sharp !!!lump ln camlng1, howevf'r. showed a the spring ot 1961. P~tre€' tndtcal- smalJer increase 1n Call!ornta than ed. He .a.Id the demand tor con- ov"r the nation. An f'XCf'ption "'-'U sumer durable goods, such aJ11 auto- manufacturing, w h " re wePk-ly mobilt'!!I, evidenced this. Rf'tailers avrrage camlngs in June wer<> $73 inventourie~ through spt>clal snlt•s or 12 per cent a bove last year com-and price cuts hae resulted in som'• pared to the national average of improvem en~ more recently . Army University Offers Courses • • • • ' .i . Jo • ~ MIWTONES -ylllthoOraapOounlJ-·U.AL NOTICI •KU. llOTICI Dlpt...,..Op'UW-..... :rni.~' --·~·--UI pltaS atttr a lll1ef e.,.., ' . ,. • • • • , . '" . , , • •·>II' • = •• ... • Sc:r..a ~'~-jij·-;;~;;t;llci;;;;i~'i~i;i;;;4;;~t;; MIUll8 He la N"ll'f)!d by~ ..-1& I ADYilill"MMCN~-f ~Pipe ......... DA UM,.iro lll(r. anc1 Mn. -Ul Ki-. and Mnl. l'rult Ddllocl. Cc>ot.a Nbtlee · Bille~ a.tor ..s, ..._\op-~ .. -a~ El .. ~, N rt -· two ._.. __ Ralph I>elolod j la _,. ri-IM1 Ille ., ,,__ GI Ille <>rlinre Tow --·--~ ••a ·-" •v --na. owpcw II • ---. OOOlt Jlllllo< Collole Dlotrlet Ol Oranp °"'llltJ', ~ rtfftfto ---·-·-·-,.----·-·-- 8-:b. In St. J•ph boepll&I, 8opl. ~':;.~,:U-~~~ to u Uie "Owner," wW .-.. up to. -aiOt lat.. tllu 1:00 P.IK.. ~ ~~.~ l.ol' •· ------·-l.llO 9, 111111. a-.1 lb&., 2 ca. Lupe Tat"'.: llanta AD&· ii:: bu 21; 1161, ..sed lolGe for Ille .. _,. Ol -Ind· for~ ··-·-...,.. ___ alcJm J Taqlper, Scraper or ~ JO,-CC-To Ki-. ond IUL -Francll T;,~ S&ftta A,.;. ... _ Arte d Craft.t Bul!dl .. Of'&bout 1'0001 .... (aot., _ -""4 -~-lll1oftl ......... it-...111 __ .. __ . _____ 1.30 ~~st~-~:i~ .. ~~ = Jennie KJJa. rr.n<11 camp.·~ "brick --..n.: -1. aophalt tu.,""" -••·iw-.j.;..";;ci.'i.;=~'..:-.. .~.'.~~.~::. . .:::~~~.::: t: JO, JHl. " """· , Ibo.. lS .... and rui... Pr.lriela, RA!ta and Oar-Ooan --tile ..Ump: eompolll.loai::: peftl .-.. -tod la ll'RUCK DRl\'lllUI• • LEA VY-To Mr. and lofl'A. Loulo mon DeloJed, •ll Of 0oota Joi-. -dlltrlct. Suell bkla Oll&Jl. be ved In Ille ottlce of 1the Ort-. of ~p TlueQ of Leavy, 110 , :IOth SL. Newport bla SftN!motlltt, Mn. H•l<n Ka: • ID'llle Adrnlnlatratlan Bulldlq, Oranp Caul Collep, "95l Driven of Dump Tnleka ' yd& but .._ th&o I ,.ta.• tw1no of Santa Ana. R&ri>Or Boal~ n .. r ll&nta Ana, Oronp pounty, Callfomla, and • 1 BMch. IA llant a.Ana Communlt,y H-'-,.___ Oll&ll ji.e ~ ~ ll!lllUclJ nod &laud •~ the aboYe statod Ume In water left! ·-·---'--"· ··-··--···-·-·--·--·-··· 1.111 hoopltal, sept. 8. 19111, a IOtl. 1 m. Tu ·-~ ;:';:,:::at IP. $ ot U.. "Owner' ID -build... • . Drive"' Ill Dump·Truoka I yd>. but leu thaJl 12 )'do. ~-To xr. and wn. ~ "":::~ =.i ~.:: ' .,..1:,.~ = ::".~ r::=. ~~i:.~ onV:~ ';:~;·~·:r·12·;;k:· i.;t·i;;;;·1;;;·;··a -;;;: 1·'° ~~rt~oo~:. 1~11:t. = Wedn':!y at 9 &. m.~-:::· .:::: ~~ Copl• of r ~o~::. ~:-Dl'l;~i.e,:-fl=.p-·--~··+ .. ia-~ .. ~;m;.~-;;-~·~ ~ boopltol, Sept. 9. IOJll . twin .,,,., ~= In. tbe Holy kpulcih,.. &n4$-J° llt. A~et~tect, locatod at M111'8oUlh Las....: Drlvera of, Truck&, 't"aa1 Jl'lfload capacity leu th&o 8 .,_ 1.&S 5 ~P~~;;;,::<!_! ~~·P~::sMatr ENI; LONO 111oroa 'J'IUP :!t.1 ectCI~ :{~p~f c1~-:!.°f~ andror:::: .:::.: d': Drtv~~ ~ ~~~·~···;}§· 7.1~-~~~t:'..l>"~:~~-~ .. ~.~ ~d Mrs. J ohn Pa~ 1027 'M poolt wW be r.;Naded' If tlia ilet or .. 111 o( Collllaet Documento Drlvt1ra o~ Truclu, lop! I'll capoclty between 10 and l Newport Blvd., Coot& M .... In St. and ';;.,:::' s1:::l.e:t !Jo~"= dell an rettlnled In s..od condJll"'1 wUh1n fift d&Yo after the IO t..ja ·"-··-·--··-···--................. --·-····"·····-·-········ l.90 JO..ph hospltol, S.pt. 9, 1951, • .....u or holiday travel&. Includ, bid ':t':.!:-· . . Drive"' o~ Trud<I. lepl J>afload capael\y bet,.een. 15 u4 da=~N 8_oa. To Mr. ~d eel among ecenlc polllt.t vt.wed by •tsuc1J~~-~..:;:,':,,~u.!'!~;':d~=z:co..;":t~;e;~: C::; oriv!°rs':;-·-... , ..• i~pjj;;Y'(.;d-;~li):';;f"i(i'i;;;;;~~ .. ;;;;;;:; }~! Mn. Byron Hen~r.on, 488 Broad· ~l~~ ~~i.a:::l ~e ~!.{~ pl'ICN reqtlffted for exoant.Jon, concrete, at.eel. ·ete. CompletJon time Driven of~ type BP~ Truck. .................................. 2;18 way, Coeta ~£t>sa, ln St. Joaeph d. Ort requ~ to be eet by blddent. A. Mteinent of ftn.anclal coa41Uon and Driven ot{~r Truck.I( ····--············-·············-·····:···-··-----· 2·11 hospl!Jll. Srpt. tO, 1961 . a daulh' land. . and San P'rancl.o<o. deiio.lt or 10~ ot the total bid by certlflod checlt o• bid bond lo Drivers otrl'ralllit,)(lx TrUcj<JI under 3 )'<la. ·······················•···· 2.06 t.,.. 7 lbs., 9 °'· LEGAL NOTICE ""'IU!red with uch bid; labor and mat.rlalo bolld and performance gri••ra or~~lt.:" ~3 ~o~ ~e ................ di;;g 2.18 WILLIAMS -T o Mt. and Mn. . '1K>nd requl.red of contractor Mltct.N. as and r_: pe e 0 1 « c ver, nc u Robert WIJllam.!, 20.'}8 Thurtn Ave., !lacb bid ahaU be made out on a form to be obtatned at either WinchjTru.ck and. all l of Trucks ·················--·············· l.00 CO!'ta Afesa, In Santa. Ana. Com-N~~GJ:O~ ~ o:O of lhf •hldblodtnce.••aJlir:__wahl~mUipeanConl~ tn<tby a ':"""rtifl:;~r·:a:e~!e.check ::';ce~u;-~~··i;;;~--~· ··~··;;;;·~1;-j~;;i .. :::::::::~::::: ~~= munlty ho8pltal, ~pt. 10, 1951 . a ~ n ~ ........ c:u Du -·-~&IL ..... te I I d 2.18 ALCOHOi.JO BEnRAGES payaltle lo Ui e Owner, or satlirf&ctory Bid Bond In tavor of the Owner, mpcretf! .aiw.;; • ;-,.: ~--· f'9 r eve an ovn ····-············ daughtf'r, 7 lbs., 8111 oz. Aupt 30, 19~1 c-xccuted by the bidder u Pnn.clpal .and a aauatactory surety company Ross carrier Dri r -Hil'~",.Y ............................... _ ............... 2.\s DEATHS TO WHOM JT KAY CONCERN : a.a surety, ln an amount not le11 than ten ptr cent ot the bid. The Water Truck Driver -under 2500 ga. .................................... -1.88 Notice la hereby gtven that flt-ch.ec-k or bid bond llhal1 be itven aa a suaranltt that th• bidder will Water ~ck Driver -2500. P · or more .............................. ··· 2.00 \IRS. DOR011IY n. ROBINSON tttn daya a.tter the late posted, t"Xttute the Contract If It be awa.rded to hlm ln conformity with the lndwtlrtal Ufe-Tl"Uck Driver ..................................... -.... -......... l.&1 Mnt Dorothy R. Robin-.on, 41, or the undersigned propotib to Mil Conttact Doeumcnta and wtll provide the .urety bond or bonds as Truck Greaser and Tlranan ··: .............................. -..................... 1.93 467 E . Magnolia St., Costa Mesa. alcoholic beve·ra~• at these prem· 1p«ifled the~tn within flv" day• an.er noUtfcatlon of the •!'•rd of TnlCk Repairman (jOb alte~ ...................................................... 2.SO died Saturday In the family home. i8t'A, de.-c.rlbed Ila followa : the rontract to the blddt>r. · Truck Repairman Helper lj9b Mt&) ......... ,. ....................... -.. ,.-. 1.93 She> lg "urv1 vt"d by hE'r husband. Surf at Katn, Balboa Io.n The OWner re11erwa the privUere ot rejecting any and all bids Warehousem&n -Clf'rk ............................... _ .. _ ....................... _ 1.88 Ho.rland R eid Robina.on ; two chit-Arcadt', Balboa/N<'wport Brach or to walv~ any lrrrtulariti.l'.!11 or lnfornia.liUes In a.ny bid or In lhr A11be1trui Worker I lncd h 11br121~ h 2...~ Jr<•n, Brue(' Ref'd 1.nd Diana Robin-Pursuant to !fuch lutentlon, th" bidding. Fo reman rate, un eM spec , s a , c per our .!Kln ; her parf'nl"I. Mr. and Mn. underal(ned jj applying to the Pursuant to the Labor Code of the Slate or C&lifornta, th~ &aid more than the Journt>yrrtan.tt-ate. J anwa Mlll<'r, and a brother, Jay State Board of EquaJlzatlon for Board ot Trustee. bu uoertalned the pneral prevailing rat.fl of per Br1cklayer and St()ft{'mFn L 8 hr. day .................................. 2.75 H . Miller. luuancf' on original application or diem W"al'es tor each cn.tL or type of workman needed to execute the Brlck Tender ............................................ _ .............. , ....................... t.83 Fun .. ral servlce11 Wt're hl'ld at 3 fu I·-d o\~R~~RA~FORSJXe•c•c-·~ES· lht'ae premlSt"s aa tollowa : conlr.ctA which will be awanlfd lbe auccen lb dUIC'rtll i an theM: pre-.r.. •~ . .1...r..a ~ •~ • p. m . Tuf'sday In Edward Bros. uJd l!I t do ted b tl"I Baa ' PU Dri Colonial mortuary. Lo• Angf"lea. On Sale General va.lllng ratt.11 are eontalnf>d in spec ca IOM a p y e _ •. rd, CARPENTERS: Double lime for all owrtlme, ex~pt for e vet' / (Seuonal-Quarterly) and ue aa tollowa: • Men _ Bridge or Dock Carpentena on Ude work where the overtime lnte mient at Jnglf'Wood Park Tl -·"·• Anyone desiring to protest the CLA8SIP10A ON: rate will be tllne and one-halt; providing that when men &re ...--... cemetery. \.uuance ot such license may fflt' APPRENTICES.-May ht-em.ployf'd In oon!ormlty with Beet.Jon lo work oulaide of the regular work day they will be guaranteed ax Thirty-four courses \Vil! be of-1 nationwide reserve prognm. Ap-ROGER B. RAKER a verified protest with the St.le 1777.1 ot the C&ll!omla Labor Code. (8) hours pay at. the ovmlme rate. fered this fall by the Wt'f'k f'nd proximately 200 students at the Ro B Bak •• f ••• E Board nf C"-uaJl.zatlon at Sacra-CARPENTERS: ~rr..""" FINIS~""; ""'--and onf'-half for the nrat three boUl'8 I h I h i d · I 1 t ger · er, •>O, 0 o>9V • .., .._.... ..,..,.~ ... .._ ~no:> .a u•oe Army Reserve University at F ort · BC' 00 w 0 r eef' Vf) • tratn ng u 15th St .. Costa Mesa, dlffi F'rlday menlo, ·calitomla, ala.ting croundl Carpenter ............... · ......................... S2.35 alter the regularly constituted straight time ahift, and all other over .. ~acArlhur to hf'lp Southern Cali~ the army, mo..'!t or them &..! volUn · in Long Bta.ch Vt>tl'rans hospital tor denial u provided by law. The P1oorlayer ... . . . ... . . . ................................ ~ ................... 2.~5 time shall be double time. 'I year are now on active duty with fomia army reservists maintain teen:. , artAt>r a long 11\nl'N•' '· 0 1 , .. prt>mlsea are now ltC'cnat'd for the Mlll\.\rrlght ...................................................... 2 .~ WATCHMAN: Time and one-half for all time worked in exCMI ot I native ot ew r ean.t. ~. sale or alcoholic b<ovf'ragea. ~w FilPr ......... ...... ...... .. ............................................................ 2.43 eight f 81 hour• per day and for the sixth ~naecutive day worked; tht'lr ~ililary eduC'ationat develop-The Fo:t JI.ta c Arthur OR C )fr. Baker llvrd in Santa Ana 10 KATHERINE S. DENT Table P ower Saw Operator ...................................... ~ ................ ~ 2.43 and double ttme tor the aeventh 1 conaecuttve day worked. ~tchme mcnt. it has been announced by !K:hool .. which provldrs each slu~ years and came to CAli!omla (>() No. 75--Preu. CEMENT FINISHERS: sha.11 •lso receive time and one-h&lf tor holidays except where a hollQy Col. Arthur L. Cable. school com-1 dent Wlth concentrate~ train ing 1 years ago. B e "'-'U a retlrt'd real Publl8h Sept. 13, 19!11 . Cement Fln,1her ............................................... -y ........................... 2.38 falls on the 7th cotlRCUUve day worked, which ah&ll be double Urne. mandant. one wet'k end monthly, 15 the larg-t'alate salt>sman Cement Flnllher (Compo.,ltion or Mastic) .............................. 2.50 IRON WORKERS: Double time for all overtime. A monthly ave rage of 1,300 of· est school or 1~ typ& in the na-Survivors ar; hi• wifr Mr• &11!0 Cement F1oor Ftniflhtng M1chlne OperatoT ............................ 2.50 LABORERS: T\Ine and one--ha.lt except Sund•ys and Holidays wbicb ncers and 500 enlisted mPn, rang-tion. Starr a.n~ faculty membt>Mt AfA ry E . Bakrr. and a brother Al~ NOTICE OF tNTEN'nOS' IRON WORKERS: are double time. ing from raw reC'ruits to <'Xpt"ri-~ ~ese~ 01~~ict'r!'· ~t ~r them lf'n A. Bakrr, of Glenda.IC". TO SEU. ~lntorcing Iron Worker .............................................................. 2.38 OPERATING ENGINEERS: Time and one-halt for all overt.Jme <'need w .orld War 11 combat vet-u ern a ornia uca ors or F\tn('ral services were held Tues-NOTIC E IS WEREBY GIVEN Met&l Pan Setter ......................................................................... l .93 except Sundays and HolJdaya which are double time. Where Operating erans. will be In attendanct" when former 11 r m Y branch Sf'rvice ·day at 2 p. m . in L. 0 . Seeovem pursuant to the provl•lon• ot Sec-Metal Pan Setter Working Foreman ........................................ 2.05 Engineers, durine-any one calendar day, are working overtime on the the Org~i%ed ReAerve Corps 3Chool ln.atructora. . and Son mortuuy, Glendale. In-Uon 34-40 of the Clvtl Code of the Metal Pan Setter Hel~r ...... -...... -........................................ _ ... 1.70 ume unit of a project on which 1anolher craft is working overtime at school begins its second year on School cl&Mrooms occupy a doz· terment wu at Forf'al Lawn Mf'· State of C&li!ornia., that J ohn M. Structural Iron Worker ............................................................... 2.M the double time rate, then the Opera.Ung Engineer• on ,such unlt of Sf'pt.em~r l:i-16· "n remod"lt"d and rt>novatf'Ci butltl· ntorlal park Glf'ndale Allf>n, Vendor, of 201 Marine Ave-Foreman-26c per hour more than J oumf'yman work ahall a~ b'e paid at the dquble time ra.te. A unit Ol the project Dei.igned to keep reservist.a In inp Al F ort )f:acArthur \1.'h('re · · nuf', N"wport Bt'ach, C&ll!omlft, Fence Er<'c tor ................................................................................. 2.40 tnf'ans any sln«le building, facility, utility, or any other ain~e atruc• a standby gtate of readint'SS, tht' rt-gular army "quipmf'nt and racili-GJ1.RERT JOSEPH DF.l .. ~U:D ln tt-nds to aell to E . H . Skinner 4ABORERS: ture \Vhlch 18 independent of any other unit ot the proj~t. T1le ORC M'hoolhprogram i!! rttt'i vin_g ~l~ds a': use d!or clemoruitratlon 83G l\lb<orl J oseph IX>l11it'd. 115 , of and Helf'n Loulu Sklnner, Ven-Labort'rs, Gt'neral or Construction ........................................... 1 .7~ operation Dl 8. Crushing plant for stock pile and the servlcln.r, repair· major emp U ii. in the army s ._., lra. ning purposes. 3 V. Bay Ave., Costa Mf'a&, d i~ dtts. of 109 Onyx Avenue. New· Operators and Tt-nden ot Pneumatk: and El~lc Tools, ing and maintenance of equipment on a project aha.It be a.t time a.nd port St'ach, California. ..U that Vlbratlnr Machinea, and almilar mechanical tooli., one-halt, except in the following two inatance.: {1) Sundaya and ~~:~~~·''.. ' ~<.... -\:_, HER,E'S A ~/J THAT WILL .!'MIKf (A_ If you could look ahead a few years there wouldn't be any doubt in your mind:- International p ickup trucks are your best pickup buy today for lower operoting and maintenonc:e costs, longer truck fife. Here'a why! fntemcrttonalS give you extra atamina: you get the traditional truck stamina that has kept Internationals first in heavy, duty truck sales for 19 straight yean. .... l-•1• ( ffiua.) ha.I 6).i -(oot pickup body. 4.200 lb.. GVW. Picku119 in I.he L-11 0, 1~·1 20 and L -130 SerW. include 115, 127 aod 134-inch wheelbuift, 8.'-'. 8 •nd 9-root. bodiM. ovw·. to H,600 It.. Specificlllipa. 11ubject to chanae trithout notice. lnternattonal1 give you extra aconomyt you get lower operating and maintenance CC11ts because every International ia aJJ truclt. The new Silver Diamond engine gives you the right balance of power, pep and economy. Youeetthe Comfo·Vlalon C.b, ''roomimt on the road." You get full front visibility; more po&itive steering control But get all the facts. Come in, pick out your new International pickupji-nowl HARVEY SOMERS INC. 2491 COAST WGBWAY BEACON 6515 NEWPORT IEA.CH, CA.UFORNIA I llTERllTIOIAL .+ TRUCWS ' , ...... .,., .t lN HlfA•q• . certain pe-r!llonal property con.ale:t -not .aeparatt'ly claa.~lfit'd bereln ................................. -....... 1 .9~ Holidays: <2) Where the equipmcat operator la repairinl' hla equip- ing gener&l\y of all stock ln trad<'. llint>r (Hand or Machine ) ................................................. : ......... 2.10 ment on a unit ot the project where double time Is being paid 1n that fixtures, equlpmt"nt and good will Motorman .................................................................. _ .. _ ........... 2.10 C'alendar day. \Yhen the Operating Engineer is working on a project or a certain Retall Dl'\JI' business Cemf'nt Dumper <on 1 yd. or larger mixera and handling a.a an l.nterra-1 part of a crew where another cran is receiving overtime known as Allt'n's Ph&rmacy. Lo-bulk cement) ......................................................... -........ 1.95 pay by vtrtue of a holiday not apeclfied In the Muter Labor Agree .. cated at 201 Marine Avenue, In Asphalt Ra.ku and lrontt ............................................................ 1.95 ment; then the 0peratln1 Engilieer lhall receive the ame. O'fertlme the city or Newport Beach. Cali· Buggymoblll'I Man ...................... -.................................................. 1.95 rate u the other craft. rornla.. and lhat the purchase price Concrete curer -lmptrvlous Membrane ............................... 1.93 TEAMSTERS: T\Jne a.nd on~half except S~ndays and Holldaya Which thereof wUI be pa.Id at 10 :00 Drillers (Core, Diamond or Wagon) ......................................... 2.18 are double tlme. o'clock a . m. on Lhe 2111t day of Drlllen 1 AIJ Others) ....... . .......... .. .. .................................. 2.03 Except u noted in the wage 1ehedule. the n.le of per diem Sf'ptembt>r. 19~1 . al McKeuon & Gu & 011 Pipeline Laborer ....................................... __ ....... 1.80 wages tor ea ch ot the various claasitlcationA ot work ahall be the Robbln11. Jnoorporated, 200 8. I...& Fl•gman .. _ ............................................................................... 1.75 heretnbelore aet·forth pl'f'vaillng rates or hourly w.gea mulUpUed b.y Angt"le-s Street, In the City ot Los Guard and/or Watchman ........................................................... 1.67 eight (8). Ei1ht hours 9hall ·con~titute a dAy'a work; it belnl' under• Ange:h••. County ot Los A.ng-,.lea, G8J!1 &: Oil Pipeline Wrapper -Pot tendPr and ForE""man .... l .95 stood, that tn the event that w9rkmen are ~mployed lese: than eight Statf' of California. Gas & Oil Pipeline Wrapper -6 inch pipe and over .. -........ 2.08 (8l hours per day, lhe per diem wage• shall be def'med to be Uult Dal~ S<>ptember 7, 19~1 . Sewer P ipe I.Ayer (excluding Caulker) ................................. 2.05 traction of the per diem wages herein eatabltabed thal the number ot J OHN M . ALL.EN, Sewer Pipe Caulker (ualng C&.u1kln1 toolal .... ... . ........ 1.93 houri' of employment beara lo eight (8) houra. Vendor Sewer Pipe caulker !Cement Joints) ................................... 1.80 Overtime shall be paid tor work performed in exceu of the E. H . SKL~NER, Tarman And Mortarma.n ...................................................... 1.80 regular day's or week's work and at the rate tor overtime ot the Vt>·ndu. \Vindow Cleaner ........................................ -.................................. J .90 craft Involved. ~rKESSOS It ROBBINS, lne. OPERATING ENGINEERS: Holidays u hereln referred to shall be deemed to be N ew Year's F..Nrou· Departmrnt A . Frame -Boom TruC'k ..................................................... ~ .. 2.30 Day, Decoration Day, lndependerice Dey, Labor Day, Armlstlce Day, too 8. Los A.lap,.. St. Air Compressor Operator ......................................................... 2.05 Thanksgiving Day,. and Chrlatm&s. It any ot the above h6lld&ya f'&Jl t.o. Anc'f'lf'9,. C&llt. Box.man or Mixe r Box Operator lconcre le or uphalt plant) 2.15 on Sunday, the Monday tollowlng ahall be consideTed a legal holiday. No.. 160-Newpart-B&lboa p,._ Concrete or ~ba.lt Spreadlng, Mech&niea.l Tamping or It shaJl be mandatory upon lthe Contractor to whom a contract Publt"h Sf!,pt. JS, 1951. F inish Machine Operator ..................................................... 2.30 Is awarded, and upon all 9Ub-contractors under him, to pay not leu Concrete Mixer Operator -paving type and mobil~ mixer'""'!.40 ihan said general prevailing re.tee ot per diem wages to all workmen No. A-!OSIB SOTICE TO CREDITORS ConC'rt"te Mixer Operator -Skip Type ................................... 2.18 employed in~he execution of the contract. Tlle Layer or Setter ....... , .................................... -...................... 2.70 No bidder may withdraw hla bid tor a period of 30 days. after Brlckl"yer Fo~man rate 2!k: per hour more than the date Set for the open1n1 oC bids. Journeyman Board of Tn.ia:tee., Orange Coast Junior ESTATE OF VIVIAN C. McKEE, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ELECTRICIANS: , College Dlltrlct, Onn1e County, callfoml&. Electrtclan -~n~ral J'orema.n ............ -.................................. 3.125 Sign~: BASIL H. PETERSON'. Electrical P\'.JT"ema.n ....................................... _-............................. 2.875 No. 748-Pren. Publish Sept. ~. 8:nd SepL 13, 19fll. ltlectrlca.t Sub-Foreman ........................................................... 2.75 Electrician ............................... _ ...................................................... 2.625 NOTICE OF SALE OF UAL and unpald on aaid note and there to the creditors or and all pel"90na: having clatm• aplnat the aatd de· cedent or aald estate to file !hem \\'1th the neceua.ry vouchen tn the oftlce ol the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of oran,.e, State of CalJ!ornla, or to present the u.n1e, wtth the nN:eMary vouC'hera, lo the undenlrn<"d at his or her pince of buaineu, t o- "-it : Cable Spllcor F<>reman ............................................................. 3.125 PROPERTY BY TB1JSTEE la alao secured by 1l&ld Deed of LATHea~:a~. pllcer ..................................................... -........................... 2.925 UND~DDt No.Ol';,'JllUST .. Trult t.he Tnutee'• fee and ex.1 ~ ... S'Vft .. r~" penaes of sale estimated at $220.00 ~etal Furring or Nall ................................................................. 3.12.'l WHEREAS, SOLON 'R. FOSr together with any aum.1 paid and F oreman rate -33 1 ~r per hour n1 of'f! than Journeyman advanced by the owner of &aid : PAI'~•: TER and MARY B. FOSTER, hu•, 1 rd with th' :,. .a ~ band and wife, by Deed of Tru!l note n acco a.nee e pro.. I Bank o! America, Executor or the Estate ot Vivian c . Mc- KN", C'/O Ma.x Hurwlls, 2el l Ne"1>0rt Boulevard, Newport Beach, CaU/oml& within alx · monthf!I aft.er °'"' nrst publlot.- tlon ot thia notJce. Regular BruMl Pa.lntt'r ......................................................... - ..... 2.15 dated November 20tll. 1947 and visions of sawi Deed of Truat. with , Brush Swing Stage ........... ........ .. ............................................. 2.40 recorded. December &th,' 1947 in int.ereat on a.Jl . Jut mentioned Steel and Bridge .. ... .. ................................................. -........ 2.40 Book 1599• page 284 ot Official sums. Dated August 23, l9:Sl. MAX HURWITZ. Attorney for Executor of the Estate or u.ld dttedent. No. Tt4-Prea. Pub. Aug. 30; S.pt. 5,13,20, 1951. NOTICE INVITL>;G BIDS The Board of School Trul'teet ot the. Newport Bea.ch School Dle- trlct, Ora.n.ge County will' receive b.kla at the Superintendent'• attlce • HOO Cllff Drive. Newport Hetpto, up to 8:00 p. m. October 2, 111:11 bldo ror the ~ and lutaJ. laUon or dnperieo 11>: (I) tM Ca.fetena Horace Enalp Bttaool. , 12) also, In the Auditorium of Ille Nt!Wport Beach 6cboo1 aa p.-r ~Uona ond aampln .., rue In tile SllpOrlotoadont'a ..,,,,..., Projecta one (1 I and two (2 lbould he bid aepatat•'7· · Steel and Brldce Swine Staie ..... J. ............................................ 2.66 Record.! of Orange county, Call-NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE Spray Gun or Sand BJuter .......................................................... 2.40 !ornla., dJd grant and convey the ~~(e ~~tGyJVTIEUNe Oomthatp~yaald, by Spray Oun or B.a.nd Blaster 8wing 8ta~ ................................ 2 .65 In d ..._ __ , _ _._ ....,,-.... ......uu.11 .... . property there an ~a· u;;r Paint Burners ............. -....... :. .... -....... -............................... -......... 2.15 described, to the Orange County virtue of the authority vffted in It Paper Haztf"r• ....................... -.............................. _ ....................... 2.275 Titl Corn. T tee to ae.. a.s Trustee under Mid Deed of. Carpet, Unoleum ................................................................... ~ ........ 2.56 cu:. amo:"lth:: ob~~I~ tl'te Truat, will sell at public ~Uon to Clulcr and Cutter .......................................................................... 2.16 payment of one note dated N'o-the blghes~ bidder few cuh, lawful In-cllarge men of ~ or more .Journeyman la 25c ad· vember 20th, lM'l payable to money ot the United Stat.ea Of dlUonal per hour more than the Journeymen rate. Newport Balboa Federal Savlngo Ame1'lca, on tho :Ind .day of Octo• In-ch&rJe man af 4 or MM Journeyman t.s 12%c per and Lo&n A..,..l•tlon. a corpon..· ber, 105:1 at: UM hoUr Of eleven hour more than the Journeyman rate. · o'clock A. II. ot atd day at the Uon, or order, tor the ,principal lllaaters -········································· .. ···-···-"·········-··-···-·-"··-···· 8.125 11Um or UOOO.OO, with lnte11St at South front docK' oC the Oronge );"tut.er Fore.man ........ -........... ·-··--·· .. ·--···o-··· .......... ___ .... _ ....... 8.30 the rate of 6 per cent per annum: County Court Houae in the City ot. Plaater Tender ·····················-······-······· .. ··-········--··-·····--··-1.876 principal and lnlttfft due In Santa Alla, callrQl'nl&, all of Ule Plumber ·············-·······-···········-·······················-···-·······---·-i.62!5 mOl\thlt' lnatallmento of ,70.00 lnt•ttat conveyed to It by - Plumber r6reman -........... ·-·····---···-·--···-····--·-·-.. ···--······-2.875 each, on the lat day of each Deed ot Trust 1D. and to all U.U. Plumber Gu '"' Line Sprilllar .•.. _ ................. -................... ·-··· 2.82!5 monlll, heglnnlnr January lat. certain property -ted In Uie Plumber Lead' or C.-ment Ca.Wk.er --···-···-··---·--·----.. ···-·-2.825 1948 amt continuing until' aid City ot Newport Be&Cht Ooun.l.7 Of Steamfitter F<Jreman -· ... -----··--·-.. --·~ .. ·--··--2.875 ~-c1~• d ••e interest Oronre. State or Calltcqla, de- Steam!ltter ... -····-···-··-····-··-·-··-···--·-···-·-···-····--·····-···· Z.82:1 fh:.:..;;-...:""-:"run;' paid; and ocrl::: ~o:!:""'~ -..... 5 :.r_ -·::..";'~::;:.--;~··· ·-·---···-··-.. ·-····--··-·-····~··· 2 8 .11 00 .. 5 WHERE.AB, default 11u oc· ._,,,, or ....,,_ One ~n .. ~ ·-·-·-·-·········-··· .. ·-.. --···-.. -...... _ .. _ . -cwTed In tll&t Ille ~mt ~ or ""-Jo!Md." ~~"" u.u1U Plpeflttu ..... .,.... -··-····--·-··-··---·-······--.. -Z.875 principal .and lnW'elt ~ upon lbclustrlal Plpdltter -·-.. -.. ·-··-··-····-.. --···--·-.. -...... _ ... 2.82:1 -note on April lat. 19tll WU a map•* In Book &, faoastrlal Plpeflttn Helper -.. -·-.. -· .. ····-·-.. --···-1.115 not paid when <!Ue, and 11u not -30 l -- Journeyman Pipe Line Fonman --·-·---· _ l.8'711 alnce been paid 111 -or I'! Kapo. or ~· ~ ....... _ Pipe UDO ·-·~-'-"-~·-···--·---·-2.1:15 part· and I COUnty, Ol1lla. . • -tt • • ·.---:T · .. -.. ~ '=.:;r aba1l be nece1•Wy to be ad to rlnkler Jl'ltle< H•lpor -·-------·---1.515 I &tlOa. owner and boklerl ofl Jll'O a ....., ouUlclellt lo - Blcla ahaJJ be accompanied by a Bid Bond, ~ er eaoiiiera clledr ~ to -Nowpwt ~-~~~~~~-~~~-~--~:--~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~.~--~~-· ...... Clomelltaty ..,... ..... - txl...i ., a.. per -of total .... bid. t~Plpe Une ..,-.. -· .... -··--····-•-..... ·-·--·-··-··· 1.115 w>..m-.,AS N -or( --Cf oo m of l&ld pl'DPltty M • • er -·-·-·-.. ···-.. -·--··-·····--··-· .. -··---·-·-P'ederal S&vlnp and Lou ra . - .,. .............. ··· .. --·--· 1.15 note, hefttorore --Ille ~ ~ ~-....-bJ' - \;.::_-.., w-. ·-~-----==~--== ~: :,:: .!": = : ~ · o.w -:X':.~ir ·---. ; Tbe ....,.. Of kMal Ta at ... flt u.e ,,. .. poirt .... •• pl .... triCt ·---rtpl "" Njlat U7•1A-•-arll"7 fOl'lllailJ1 la & * <lOllDOH a. ftNDLA Y, ~of• Mzm111t ._.. lldlr II DM Id:. No. Ttt FJ _.._ia.awr,-.a. I ~ Pump Gr J'mDpd'ete °"" ()peratM --l.ll C<llded In tbo -of Ille ~ I · .,.,.,, llulJ' ,...._ --· -• ___ _,._ 1.ao --°' -~ Ill.... O!ft ~ OOMP.AJfY, "7 11111:7 •••ITar-,-81---··--1.N 1111. ...... If OCS11.i '°1?'~.,!-i .. ,. "1. tor -0,.-. -· I.Ill • r11r. ~ ...... If lllt •a --. .,..., !i!?i~°'" . .., ~ --·----·-2AI .. ., ... "'"'"' "' --J.a•lllr OI' °""-°'""""" .!--~-~-.. -I.Oii = ............. ... htnl Oponlor; ........ M7 -o( poww -I jllt .._ w ,,...._ + ~ _ vr . ....-..... = ~-·• ---•nm 1sp111 Opllaist·w ___;_ __ SAi ..._ .. Br111i I~--. UI .... ·:1 °'"""""' ·-Us ... -Oii I• JlllM u-: • J,., ::1;{ ~: , . 1.11 .... Slit, IS lliilJP.illliL' ....... -..... ·-...... -.................................................... ---..... -.. ---.. -... --. - ---..... -... -.. -.... -•-;--. -···-··-··-·-·--....... . I • ~ MR.2 BY4 "' "''""' i~ . ·- e Let "" &1181st you In your plans. We w 111 gladly estimate 'tlOSta of mat.eria111, recommend & contractor or help you obtain a Title 1 '1oau for new coMtructlon or rer - modeling. Homer Mellott. Ma.nacer OTHER YARDS: Laguna Beach Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Brea • 'I II I'?"""'""""""====~::±:!!'.'.!!! . . LINOLEUM Is Only as Good as its Installation FOR FLOORS YACHTS DRAINBOARDS ! ASPHALT TILE 11 ' ' • Ml88 GA.ROES GRO\'E. 13-,.,..,.-old Dotana ScbuJT, "'ho wtll &f'--.1 thf. f1"'t Annual OardPn Gro,·,. FIH.t& parade do\\'11 011.rdrn Oro, ... Bl\'d. ~tun.lay ,., ... nlnr. 81-pt. 15. triett out hrr Ill'\\' Sp&lll•h C'O!\lllmf' \l·lth Holly BoyMn, ODf> or thr """t •In~ ... Pfttranbl In thf" p&'11dt>. Th~ paradf', \\'h.k:Jh •tarts at "! P· m .. \\'Ill be OQf' attrat-tlon of thr t"'l..,_ta actl,·ltlf"!'l ,,·hlC'h \\iJI lnl'IUdf' four hot1"' of frt¥> 1-arlf't,t' 111f\4\,..., t•hlldl"t'n. and othrr u.ntll mldnll'hl. fl"N" ~oar,. and round ~lnr. <'ODtffta for ,.,.,·nt", l&J!,flnit rrom 1? noon on Sattantay • I ( I • I' , . I . ' . . Dupr ate Bridge Winners T 91d. ; .· . . PAGE s ~PAR~TT ·,-'~URS?AY, SEPT. ·1~. 1951 ,. Mr. ancl Kn. L. K. IJllobe"'l' ot afternoon Ote 'overall "'1/ln~n"ft~ ·-~~· ~:fft ~·. ::il LaJWI& BMcll were wtnnen eul· Mr& Pegsy ~ohn.M)n &lld r'J'oiomy · · • ~ • · • . PRE s s '...:> • wut and I Pe:riry MacAdoo and Holi'n". Runnen-up were Mn. A. ~-::;;-;;~;;~~;~·=.:'~i•~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Geol'I'• Mll.cbell were hlgil """"''" W. Twnmel ll!ld Mn. M'.llbffil LY· • .. •. north -"°'1th • In the dupµcate tie: llrs. Robert -· OJ\a Mn. C. bridge PJ1'• played In llalboa on E. Irvin: Mn. Arnold a .... r OJ!d YOU . c·.A .I...-. BCTTER '" 'T Friday evenln&'. Mn. L9Ulae' Lee: C. R . Johnaon .. ,... U\,) ,.. f'\ J\unne'91 • up eut • weat were and Gerald McCombe.r; Pe_rry Mc· • 1 • 11 · - Mn. Ro~l'l Roca OJld \(r11. George Adoo and Mn. Gerald McComber. D · If • ' ' C&rroll; ~rs. Eetelle L&Vlne &nd Duplicate 9rldp pl&yen meet ln a•1ger Mro. Lou._ LH; Mn. Marp ... t Balboa on Friday evening at 7.:30. Church aM Mn. Eleanor New-and on Monday anernoon.s at one ... ' comer: Ml-8. Mild-Lytle and o'clock. All lntere.-brld&'e play· • ~ Mn. ffen.ry :mrgert; Mr. and Mrs. ers are Invited to attend the game.s N ' H. M'.. W&illngfOt'd. and participate In the play at • H FUR ,.,. ••• CO Runnere ~ up north • eouth were Eagt Ocean Front. • 1 11V " Arnold OtfSer and Harry Spring-"' • l moyer: ¥ta. Peggy Johnson and 101.D:T AND WILL CO. PICNIC W B d S II N d U d F • Mr•. Fran~ Reed; Mro. Betty Dun-FormPT re•ldents Of Jollet OJld e uy an e ew an se urnttur• can and ~ .Morrison; Mrs. A. W ill county, Illinois will hold a e _, ~ 1 Gauer and A, D. Wetherby; Mr. picnic Sunday. Srpt. 30 ,noon to • I 812 Newport lllvd., Costa .... _._ le, 5656 &.nd Mn. Joe Wilcox. p. m .• South Gate "funieipaJ Park. .,.r lftWMI In the Pnte played on Monday Phone Logan 0377 for Information. A really I FAST way to cook ..• of course- it's electric! • 'nial old saw about. watched pot ls another thlnr which hu hffn out-dated by modem electric ranges. Of course, you don't have to watch anything cooking on an electric ranae - but jt's cooking fast, you may be sure. Electric heat is fast heat. It springs into action as soon as you flick the switch, climbs to the right temperature at once, stays right there until the food is thoroughly cooked. It Av~s time-and that's mighty important on an everyday job like cooking. It bn't a matter of setting speed records - it's just convenient and efficient to get your cooking done that way. You can dolt, too-• aee your-electrical appliance dealer. • ! VENETIAN &·W INDOW I BLINDS SHADES I , I FoRMtcA roPs · · 1! C. D. M. Couple's Adventure j :JouJ/e'J ~ LI N 0 LE LJ M I ~~-~!.!~~!.!~, ~i,!~~-"" ........ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY !I 290 I NEWPORT BLVD .. NEWPORT BEACH . mnmrnt<l. like to nwntally dolly with that lnw••t ronn ot humor. lh• 1 1 pun. \~'ltne!IS two lilies In tht> Nf'\vport &ach Public Llbrary'1' neweat HARBOR 552..J addi tion• Fowl Ploy by DuBolo and Salling to s • ., by J ohnaon. Well, ;;====·"-·"'-""'"'-==·-=-"--"'·"'-=====·"'·"""""'-'" .. "'·-"·"·-"'-"'-=-===--=-· 1t coultt b .. Vt'l'S<'. Lon~·B\\'Sll<'d in lht' ll~t by Strang-er , DPan, AUg\IKt Incident ; T-"'-------.. --------------·-------r ' many local rP:<iirlt•nta h1 that latf>&t Du&I~. Ji'o"'1 Play ; F olPy, An APf' I £Xplorat1on and adventure book in Velvf'l : H('lx'rden. The Slef'pin1 j '1 by thl' Lamb~ of Coron& dt"I Mar \V itnt>ss : 11-!acDonald. The Way 1 I Fa ithful r(•ad•·r11 o f lhui journal s o me Pt>nple Die. ! ~ J may ren1r111bt·r thl' serit>s nr S un·t1c-1loq I 4 ! artit:lr ff donr-on thr rar-rang-l n~ 8f>&tl1n. Photobiovaphy: 8 Pf'ler. I i ll couplt"' by 8111 A-'fa.x....,•t>I! Expt>rlmt•nts \\'I th Electricity; a u t hop nver to t.h f' llbrarv and Brostronl, How to Mal<t" Oraperie11 II Af'e tor ynurself that thruit-'1atest and Sllpcnvers: Buchanan. Th<' addition• m tght ~ worlh n\nr.~ \\·orh.J Sl•ri.e11 a nd Hi&hlie-hla of j than ilOlllf' ''' thn~f> ll'l,.vh1lon Ba."-.•ball. Carlquiat. Balancl' •nd 1 mov1t"fl : Rhythn1 Jn Exercise-; Caruso, En- 1 I F"lr11on nco Ca.ru.90 : Fl'nton. R ocks and '! l Allt·n. Onf'tor in Buckskin. Their Slnr!es: F reeman. Good<''s Crlspln. The LA•ng Divorce>: Davis. Srhool Atlas; J ohnson, Sailing to I Cloud on l ht• I...and , P'ear1n1Z, LonE'· St>i>; Kf'fauvcr, Cr1 m(' in America ; I hr1l Girl 111 th,. \\'orld; Gip.no, Kt>ndall. IntrodU('tlon t o Oe-ogn- Thti Hornt• Plai:e . ~fobf'rG. The phy. Lan1b, Qut>11t for the Loat E1n1granLq , MCln~arrat, Tht!' Cruf'l Cit y. Lf>y . RockcUI. ?t,l issilt>a, And St'a : Phillip•. The Golden 1,..1,,.. Spact> Travel: Loomis. SucCf'safUI Ric her. T l·Co.ro and His Shark: Dr'l.vi'tn~: ~turray, HO\\.' to Become Rob<>rtaon, Sho rt Sp!IC'e!'l : Ronald, A Good Dancer; Keutra, Mystery Ma.n Born of \\'ornan , S"vern, The and Realitiea of the Sitr; SamUf'I· i Reg. 29.95 Special 24.95 1 ~~~~1":: s7;~:;~;a ,8~~~~~~e~. ~; ~~~: ~~a~~h~1C:;~~·~~eln~;; , Brave Music and \\talker. Doctors o.r Crtais: Strong. 25 Ji.tode_m Sto-- 1 W A L S H H A R D W A R E I Arr D•ffecrnt. n u ot Mystny and l ma1f!n&tlon ; 1 Whee-ler, Thi" Fat Boy'• Book; J ' I :\l,•t1trrW• ! Winchester, Hov.· to Know AmeM· ! 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Bea. 6603 I A•h•. A Shroud for Granrt· i c•n Antlqueo: Zi~ro .. er. Six C<n· I • 1 mama; C arry, The Bf>autlful , turlt>s of Fint Print.a. +-... ---·-·-------------... -.. ----·--·-...+ , CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 •••. ,fl-BLOK c·o~IP:\Sl'-'?8?-0 s. Mnin t->t .. Santa AnA Pl'W!f'F. -('JXDt:tt :\SD ('OXCR.F.Tt; BL(){'KS REI:SFOft('IXG 8Tt:•:L l\nd s1 ·rPLJt::1' back to school with R 0 YA L THE EASIEST-WRITING PORTABLt EVER BUil T Now • In S·foelc . HST mNC lllACIC ··--·-·--·-----·~ }.J.~!.!!~~~~CJ~ llACIC IOISlll ........................... ~ • '125 Pf'r \'V..-ek Tiil IEW •. OYAL · --POITAILE. Buy You.r Portable fro111 J TYPEWJQTEB DMID When ypu get a y.,....s free 9eJ'Wlae -'BALES GEE.ICE . EQUIPMENT COMPANY 'JOI' N.~s~111ore, 5cuda-~ Kl Z..2J05 l • . ' l I SAFEWAY STORES PROTEST OPS ORDERS In a statf'n,ent Lssued In conjunction with h.i1 S<'mt-a.nnuaJ rt'port I to stockholdt"'r!'I. L1ngan A. \\'arren. pre11ide-nt of Safeway Storea today r \V&rn l'd that unCair pric e-<'cilin(! for food rf'tailers can have I serlOUi! effrct upon tht• cli1'lributlon or f ood t o lhe pcopll" of the country. "Saf<'\va y, through it!'t conttnuoua audit of op,..rat1ona early b(-came awarr or the aqueeze upon gro.511 margin:'! cauMd by unfair dis· c rlminatory price celllnp. Evi- denc<' is nov.· devPlopln' showinJ{ that ell elem<'nt.s in food rrtalllng, chain11, filUpttr-markt•la and slngl<' 1t.orr lndepe ndenU:. a re being se~ iou.aly hurt. Rrpreaenlative-Ji of lndf'pendent food deale rs havf' ~lated that the llQUff&e i• placing 1nany of the inde~ndtiala in a poaitlon wbiclt will le•d to Insolvency a.nd failure If 0 . P . 8 . re fuses t o allow cost lnc,.,euca. Thfrts becauSE" many ot tht1!M! bualneumen lack the large reaerve capital necesaa.ry to Wl"at.hf'r th" Ion~ period ot tlme taken by tho 0 . P . S. to COM'~t tll• errors of ilJJ own on.lers. Thi.ls would be a dlauter u th~e ind~ pendent food retai.len serve a ma. jority ot th" populaUon of the Unltffl Stetea." 126 in 19~-1 8.!l comparf'd With $'46,· f56,963 ((Ir the same period tn 1950. Total net Nlea of Safeway and of all Its subBidlariPa In U . 8 . dollar.s \\'ert> '846,902,97~ in 1951. and J.ft37 ,993,29S ln 1950. The pe r share common Mock <>arnlng1 adjusted to rE'Of>Ct tht> flna.t 1960 YederaJ Income Tax were Sl.44 in 1951 a.nd $2.00 in 1960 on the average number ot 1harta or common stock outatand· ing cturing each of llUCh pertoda. It further adjusted to reOect Ute 10';4 lnereue ln the numbeT of common shares etrecUve during the last half ot 19~. th" per ah.are tarninp: would be ll-M and JI.Si tor 19151 -.nd' 1900 respectlwly. Warren report.eel that 179 rt!tah atore buHdlncs haw be"n compt.t- ed and opened for bu.alneas durln1 lhe J4·Wffk period. Aaother 00 retail locatlona w ere under con- To the Courta struct.lon on lune 18, ttat. Sub- Warrtn'a report told atotk· •tarlU&lly all of theM loClaUon1 hotdera that "Sateway Storea ta will be opened for bualneaa befott proteatlnl" unf&lr diacrlminator)' the end ot 1951. eftect ...,n &'fOU margtna. 1t re-llalldblc Propam U.t cunot ·be obtained tbrouCh . "Our -..., pl'O&'f'U'l h&o . I.Illa procedure w e plan to take now peaed lta poak and flltura our cue to the courU. The im. dtv.lopmenta will be at a lf8tl.Y J)Qlltion ol price colliflS'll ea.r.l.ler 'In reduced rate unW .uch ttme .. U.• ti'• year .,.h.lcb ta.11.ed to gtve con· em.ercenc7 ., rcatrictiol\a ue re--- •trderation to lncreued wace9 lnd mo"4, and buU4tna coet.e atab&J,.. oth<r operatlnf coota or to -lied." otated w.....,.. •we hart t«t the n!taller aplmot prloe In· modcmlaed 1T4 exilllnf locatlaou .,.._ ror ha auppUen i. iar.,.ty thto )Id!' by lnatalllJls ••ll-rri,< Ult ca-tor the dee.-la net ~ depattmaata,, -""°"" eamtnp ~.by Sal""'11,y In tl>t !Nnta, ll10<lern Us!IU.. IJld air tint 24 -II' 1161." C0114ttkml ... t.lld 1)7 14db>&" now 1'lle Interim .re,pott -'!ft <qu1pmen1 ·-· aa niw1n rodd ..U. ot 8af.,..y and Ito -oil-min.re ud dlilplay -"" datad oubok'lortao ror the Jf·waok frlt'orated ,.-•• ...,, -llo· pbtod -( .JllDe· ,1', 1901 P!'OHd di'.._ ---~ .,ached a r-rd lllah oc MST.· aotne lnlla""" we -.... 11 • ~· Thia ...,.parwc1 with ... tllo l!aik"lll' -putdaa' -IW Ille aome 24·Wffk podod In at-_ 1-led Joclll .&II ""' or $491,4U,M& Net -or or ~ """"'""' ""' 1-t1oo an com~a Capedlan operat1m _... .. tamJ1"84....,. ... t••Y• • C-1941•• ~ were '65.-.,. _,...,., ,.,.,,,_. .._.., m,. •• ,, . -.. , ..... , \ • ·><: • ! • ;; i 1 . 1 -l '. ' . ' i , -that new Dodge Oriflow Rid.e sure ' opened my eyes!" _~; ~ _, -- ~floow "" ~"""""" ••'90 "° ~ .......... ' Come in I Try if I FEEL HOW NEW ORIFLOW RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST ROADS BOULEVARD·SMOOTH I H-'• 1omtthin1 new in riding smoothnesil ·;;;!<';Soy• DANIEL F. HOW.AID, JI, -·· of :\t."'"' ·rork Citv .... rhe Blindfold i·est c-onvinc-ed nK·! The n~' Docl~e ohRow Rid e reallv lc'"cls 011 t the worst kind of bun1i}s and n1ti;," c·on · ti nu~ ~tr. I lO\\•;'lrd. ":\o ride has ever h<"'cn so s1nool h." ••••• llll!NOlllUTT ....... -t f'_ "' ''""' Blindfolded you ride over• bumpy road. You're told the ruts I••• Onlloa.y Car without Ori· In New ltod .. W""" Oritlow. the "" there -but you don't feel them! Cone is the pitch, bounce Bow, bllifilolded motcrub foond wne passengen found the nclo uid jnr you experieure in other can as the new Dodge Orillow I they ......, Pitched and bounc.d ., 50 smOOth they cooJd hardly !Jo. Ride levels out the rough spots. And with bUndfold off you'.11 be they !Javdiod rough. bumpy """Is. u .... they traveled the 'F" rood. 1111~ you traveled o""r $ucli bumps and chuckholes. lJre liig, dependable . ...:or: .:::i.. ~ :i!:, ~~i:n:;d ~: .. we invite you to I D' &E \ You Could Pcly'up to $1,000 Morel Ju you thrill to the llCW Orillow Bide, experieo<e Dodge extra roominess ' • • "Watchtowtt" visibility ....... of ~· Then you11 lcnow . • :;1'~ .:,:~~ 1::.!1~ge7..,,~f' anc1 .wi n« get . l?rM it 5 mi•.~lar14j' you'll 4rive·it for yearwf · . 1 I I ~ I SBAV.EB: lfOmDBS . y .. DODGI. PL YUftUTH DEAllR .. ~ . ••• :-,to7, . [ . L . COITA .... • j' -,, - - --- -. ------.. --------------------. ··-··-----------·----------... • ·. • • • PAGE 6 -PART II· -TH URSDAY , SEPT. 13, 1951 ·1~~~~· • ~ d 0 ...:.-:: PllESS-Jl SEQl"l:SS O:"\ l "Hl:STZ makt> up thi.!' attra.cti't' a'tt'rn oon •·11- iwmbl(' sho,,-n hy B11ffum"i' Sant.a • .\na at the Sa,Jboa Bay ( l ub rt'f't-nll)'· Angf"llta Scutt modt"ls. LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD OCTOBER COOKED FOOD SALE Plan;.i .(01· :\ t·1u1l<C'cl fool! ~al t• tn b1· h l'ld early 1n f>t·t1•bcr, .Hl't th · 11.d u ption Pf n1.,nlhl) h<>sp1lal parlici-\Vt'rr thP n1a111 urd1 I!-. fl! bu~1r11·..,~ at lhC' l'l'J.,:lliar n •·1·L1n ~ of th1• X \·\vport Jlarb11r AnH·rn .Ill J,. ;.:1un Aux11La~y. ~l unday 111 i,:h t. Septcmbf'r 10. Und('r lh1· i.:hn1rn1ansh1p of ?.t rs ... '-----• Allrian J riynur, lht' c<~>k•·IJ food I l-~r 1da.r. S ·pll·n1bt·r 7~h . Ut.:1"nrd1ng • to 8 r f'port j:!'l\'1 "n bv l~vrl1a nr1~i.:, salt• \~:Ill b1· ht Id Saturrt uy. Oct Thos" on lht· Cl•;11111·11 {Pp ,,., ,.(' 8 In nH·hurtl's (.rc lt1 ~l arl~··l. :\S-Vivian Halt·s, G1 Ill' VU 1;,.11. 1-;11 •• ~n l!il'l1n~ ~1rs. J "}lll"r 1n th<' 1n a r kt•t Inns, Ad rian J 1Jyn1·r and l\l r 1 w ill bt' l\1 rs. \"1nna 11urdu.:k . Brig:gs. Hf'r1·afl1·r, ac1·ord1ni-! ln thr-wish Thf' rt'ma1n<l•·r nf th•· t.i11s1n•·S-"' of thl' 11~ al l:rut, th·· :"\e\vport mc-c·t1ng \vus :-p1·nl d1:-.\"U:i.s1ng Ha r bor Lci.:.un ,\11.'til1.-try larl1c-s plans for beg1nn1ni.; ltl •· ,\ni•·t u·an-' w 1ll pl A.y hnsl1·ss ln a v:ard from I 1s1n and Pnppy pr11~rnn1s 111 lh•· Long B l'Ml'h V A hos p~la\ o n the local sc hooli.. Final arran;.:rm,...nt~ third \\'t'il11r s.lay nf f'it.f'h month. v.·ere tabled. pcn•lln~ lh1· r• turn of H ospital 1·hK1r1nnu l\l 1h.l red Bands m em bf'rs v.·ho arc all•·nd1n):: thl.· r eporlt'ii that hu~p1t a l ofttcials Stat(' Conv1•nt111n 1n ~.t!t ri·egv havp con1n1cntlc-r\ the Unit for t hf' As thr mr1·t1r J,; ao!Jolll n1·d. t p- aplenthd uppor lunily bt·tnJ! g1vl•n frcshmPnt!-1 of dal1· nut t•.-tk•·. \Vh1p- t hf' rn f'n to 1•h~tt1 n a welcnme pctl t•rranl, and corr\'C \\'Cit· :-.c1·vl'd c ha n ;::-r f t<i1n ho,:;;p1 tal routine, by hoslC'S.<it'S J 1·an /\llbdll);h, nnd w htch 1s a bti.: stt p toward the ff'-Da rren Upson. I hab!litat1on of an1bulalory pat1-Those in attC'nd1nK w1 •r1 ·: ~1 1's- ents. d&.m<'s A tlrian J oynt•r, 1\!11 t' Par1 ~. A JunchP11n fur 21 n1rmbc>r.!! of 1'-1 itdrrd Bonds, Lydia l-~r1i.;..,:s. J<>an the SoJournr r,. club or ~I t. Rubi-Markham. Bcrnu.:e Opel, V tona doux \\'h1tc Shr1n1• of f{IVl'tsld(" Bur dick , Bilhe PC'rruzzt. S~1ph1e "''8.s prepared by a to1nm1ltee of K £'11ey, Eileen I nn.'4, nnd thl· hos· A uxd1a1·y Jatlu•s 1n th~ ~Jt io n Hall lesses. PEP UP Your CAR WITH THIS • NEW POWER QUICK! ONLY PARTS EXTRA (IF NEEDED) INCLUDES Adjust distributor points, c I ea n ai.r cleaner, tigl1trn head bolts, adjust Ignition timing, clean battery termi- nals. check condenser, tighten manifolds, adjust carburetor, check coil. check voltage con- trol, check batury, adjW1t tappets, clean plugs. tighten bOlle comiectiollll, check vac- uum coatrol, adjust fan belt, check tnnsmlsslon. c he c k beat control, cheek cooling system. SEE US NOW ' Culbertson Motor Co. . t 2481 Coast HiCJhway l1acon 6442. ~~~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....-.-~"'""':""~~~ I l . 1 . P.A. Palmer to Attend Conclave aroNG VACATION JCN:P8 I OJIF TO WESTMONT WAS. BOC8Z GUEllT VACADONEBS RZTCIU< -I IF HOl"SEllID."TING A mont.b"• vacation bu bttn Ml.a J~ Neumann. daugb-Mary Covault waa dtte.rt&tned A vaC2-tion at Sania Barba 1·011·11 fln<I many ftlttr. bomH c:onc11'ded by Dr. and M:ra. Johll te:r ot. Rev. and Mn.. P. G. N~-for 1eYttal days lul week u hu bet-" ended by Mr. a i'id M.'""R aod apt_"" atl\.r rtbed lor reat-- K. Cbuns, 211 E. 18th S~ eo.ta mann ol ca.ta .._.... left S&turday hot.Ule gust ot' M.uine and Joyce Henry Tep.t and llOM Bobby an~ I y P.arty or "·lnf("r-lo the eJ.u. Mesa, wbo were a.ccompa.nled on to alteo4 the Westmont College, Chung, 211 E. 18lh St., Costa Larry, 239 E . 16th St., Costa Mesal \ •lfletl srr tlon· toda,·: . P. A._ Palmer, praident of New· the motor trip by lh«"lr children. Senta Barbara. Mesa. -----~~----1---------- port Balboa Ff'd.tta.1 Savtnr and Hu.Jae, Joyce, Caroline J r., abd -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9 Loan Aaocl&Uon, will Jofn oQ!iy Gary and Mra.. ChW\I'• mot.her, ,If \00 delegatu Who will attend t.he Mn. Min°nlc R'cblc.r. Among 81 at annual coo~ntlon or the Call· places or intc~~t vUUled wt?.rt' the \ rornJa Saving• and l-oa.a League, Carlsbad Cavcm1 and the Grand 1 t o be held September 17-19 at Canyon. Whlle In Yum a, Ariz., Coronado. the 12th birthday of Joyce Chung The conclave will fl"ature ad· W&I happily ce.l<'brstNf_ I dreuea by leaders ln the fif'ld of · WRY 7 7 7 1 ? 7 7 7 , . Dq a new battery for your rar. boat, truck or farm equl~ llH'at 1 \Ve will rebulld \\'ltb ALL new parte ht your caMJ at appru:lma&.ely o"ne-halt of the. ~t or a '"'w batter)'. • WITH A NEW BATTERY GUARANTEE sour COAST . MATERIALS COMPANY finance. ttaJ (.'8tate, home bulldtn~. lllSNEK 01 lESTS FROM INDIO mortgage lending and public rel•· )tr. and >.frs. J . H . Kraus, for- tlo'he, ac'1ordlng t o Neill Davie of mt>rly of Baker St., and now l't'"- Loa An1;cle1', execuUve vtce·preat-s!dlng In Indio, were recent dlnnl'?r dent of the st&te·Wlde trade or · gu,.sllt of r.t ni. William Mclntce. LEWIS BROS. No J ob Too La rge; No Job Too Small g&ni:ta.tJon. ~14 Balsa Ave., C0&t& Mesa.. H9 '''ettt \\1U80 n, bf.tw~n !\'f'tl'l>ort :ind lla rhor Bl\'th. 31M -Z8th St. NE\\''PORT BEACH Phone Harbor 100 COSTA MESA. -1'110!\'E RJ-:AC.'0 :" 5346 ' Everybody rea.da the claaalfled ada. -P~ple do ~ad the want ads. W:-:~~~~~~~V~---.:3::,:::-::jE~~E?f? PRICES . ' () · mmneiifSEn TlinA· ,.. 2 7i IUiU.A mEisETiaii·a LOAF 15 f ~iinl~s luilE cliiPsRS 2;.~ 2 s ~ ~~ Utt r:r~-\(, -p~~,, EIDER UIDEliAR ,, gtAAtt to llj OWt, ~ 'Ja.bl t,'' liAYLDRD EDF WOHOERl.AHO of VALUES 'di/ d/J4_ wCJk ..411aiJ, I" • • • SAUERl(RAUT LEAi All llEAT7 EASTERN SPARE RIBS 3 Q, 5 POU/'fO A VER.-.Gl'- 110 ]03 LB. CAl'f N0.303 tB.CAN 39i A L P I A I E T I 1-S. I 0 0 I 6 5 I BL A 9J 4 , ~N!M1c~ t! !!w w•t ~ . A LP 11 IE TI I. S. I 0 0 I \ I 1 07 ~~~ SI IL 0 IN ST E·A I s, • '':fo'l-"-:u:;" PIN BONE curs 98•" u. 'lb. ......,., ""' "===================:::::f-; !;"lfO f p I .. h " 1111 • il8'i£1··;icl1'c Etii1s 4 9i "'1'"~1~~ 4 1' 6 P<l/JND AOIE/lllGE ?===========================~ 471 llTl 'S Ill Il l SLICED BACOI POVltO SIU ~IC$ ~ ILPll llTI lllTtll CELLI lllPPEI l _ICOI SQll.ES 29l • • £adlu ~39 1 GALLO• JUG f POU•D PACKAGE IMPOITEI IAllSH HAm ! ~~-t~ NEW STORE. 17tll & or.1111 COSTA MESA.~rmw • , -• • EFFEOIUE THIRS ·FRI• SAT SEPT. 13~14 ~15~ ELIDG PEA :EH HA LVES !f·" SU."ad, fld.w 2 8 ,c •o 2i: CA~ I LS • 14 OZS . ORADGE JUIC E $wt~;,.:;."'/8'~:ayJ 2 5 1 46 Ol (AN SUGAR PEA S •111a1 ·.~ c••r•n~ IAYll I ... \.tq\ICML SOl.O •• •n ...,.... ~.--o • ~ tTQAt. -' • • ., : ' ' • . I • ·-