HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-20 - Newport Balboa Press• • • • -• • (/1iclt · 'iS~t~-· · ..__.---=-~ -- l'IDI l'IUCllll By T. N. (~'l QAJHa A. I nlt...or or the ""'!'t MAn.Y rollca '~ta fl'9 tn. rapidly develop"'& area tr1rue<1 a1ld IJ'!'lllod a '!! -Wll&t'o of the Calltornta' South becam• of the ..i-. -lllat game flab wblcll"llrlzlP tlMM-..do COutal Empk~ •f mon•Y..aeen<tlll&' uPn to : -• ~ • • . l: ..._ .. ~~r E"YING ~I 1 1NnlE .p · HARIOI AllA . • ' Newport Harbor frft1'7 w • e k they're runnlng, ' A w..,k ago Tueoday, Juat wllen It wa.. begtnnlnlJ to IOok lllte an-SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN' ORANG!?. COUNTY - c.ther rlne, long aeaaon llke lut year. they up and dlaappeared just llke that. And, ~ far .. I'~ t>e-en able to dllcover, nary a one hu been ta.ken ~c.. And it'a the l!ame with the. tuna., whJeh wett scattered· all ovu the ocean on a Mo!'day and were g~ the follow· ing day. I haven't been able 'to track down such expert.a aa J . e. Mc· Nally or Al Porgtt to uk 'em what·a tbe matter. and undoubt· edly will g~t a .uttable explana- tion from one or the other soon. In the mrantlme, we'll Juat ha•• to take the exp.Lanatlon of eome- one tlr olhPr who bu said t.h&t schooL"I of killer whales ch.ued 'em 'away! WHITHER .ARE W1'. BOUND Dl':PT. •r t hasn't been especlally 1 ootlce- able unlr&<J you've been watching, but we've been adding gently to our population over the la.at few months. Biggest rea."on; I lhlnk. is ex- pansion at El Toro·s· Marine Air Station. No flgurt:l!I have been re_- 1~ from that sprawling batch of fl)rme r bean land, but from traffic on the road!I In the early- moming 'hours the ·number of peoplf' -clvlttans and otherWlse ----employed there now must be staggertn~. Lots of lhoee.\folks are setUlng in the Harbor area . They're buy· Ing homes h(>re_ renting, leulng, etc. W e rfoq't bav(' much to brag about locally in thP way of war planLci, bu.! lhr b<>gln's beginning to opera.tr at top speed else- where, that':s bound to add to our popuJallon, too. . In other words, all of a sudden we'.re iretUng a lot bigger, and a.re going "to have a lot more problem.. We"re golng lo need better high- wny:s to handle the additionaJ tra!- flc. We're golng to need more policing. mQre COJ>ft on tlle ttlgb- Wllys -and goodneM knows \he Hi~way patrol's either terribl}' understa.tfed or t erribly tnacUve aa it is. As we've bPen• expandini-popu· latton-wlse, the two neighboring communities or Newport-·and C<>11l& Mesa have been ha~a some paiM -whether growing OJI labor I don't know -:wttll '8Ult- ant dl!ra1<Tttment and yad<lng. It eeems like ln ea.ta Mesa (niy home town. tncdJentally) there are 8Qme folka who can't atart ~ cussing &fly gtv~ aub~ wit.bout jumping up on a ~1da &na kl eatftoo> ing . It"s a sort of an lnferlortty complex which can't be cured by &nything except a dose or uicorp- oration. Newport has a large number/bf the screamers, too, but I think the • Mesa has more per caplta. I can·t help but r~l th&t if the sc reamer~ on both sides were turned out to puture and some. sh.all we say, less argumenlaUve representalivcl!I were prevaUed up- on to take up the problems or the two fine communities, we 'd get along bctle-r and" quicker. That's jll!'lt an Idea. ls it worth anything? osr: OR TWO L'OMPLA INTS Tall<ing about the highway problPm a moment a go remind.e. Despite our fervent plea.s about t he trees on Newport BJvd~ lhrute man rand woman and child) kill- ers art" still thriving in an their so-called glory. jua:t wailing to cla im more lives and leglf and arms. As we've pointed out a nµmber of times before. the county traffic safety committee staged a cam- paign to ta~e out trees at a cross- ing near Placentia .after only a few acctdent.a. but apparently can't do anything about thla ma- jor problt'm, where sco,-ea and scores or people have been killed and lnjurl'd. Sarni' people might argue that a freeway's coming down that route soon, so leave the trees, but I think they should be uprooted right now, before more lives ate lost or ruined through Injuries! . Aged Costa Mesan Succumbs at 111 Funeral servtc~ wert' held to- day for a Costa Mesa man whose age WM listed as 111. • Sacramento F ernandez of 153:5 s. Monrovia Ave.. Costa M~. died Monday in Orange County hospi\&l alter belng hO&Pit'!-llzed two wee"ka. · A f\&tlve of Mexico, he had come tO Callfornta 37 yean a.go and had lived ln OoHta Mea 16 years. He Is aurvtvcd by one d&ug11ter. Mrs. Loul• F . Rora of Coat& Mesa: three gnutdBONI, Paul,. Nlcholu and Kan¥itl Roa of Olsta Meaa. and 13 ·great~hUdrtn- • Kua wu celebnl«I at 9 a. in. today In St. JoeclMm'a Catholic · · chu.rcb of eoe(a Mesa: Interment wu to B oty. Sepulcher cemetery, Grauel chapel d~. • , . VOLUME XII PHONE HARBOR 161,6 NEwroRT BEACH, CAI..IroRNIA, THURSDAY, SEPl'EMBER 20, 1951 RAISING SEDA." from "W1lt.ftr bMJde Oran&'"' C'ounl.)' Dock ar. Capt. .Jack .Jonr., NP\\'pGrt &Mir;tii Lift' Guard Servk.e., who placf'd tow truc l raWt> • ~d hq.ok bm..atb car oW'IH'd by B. J . Toppln.c. Hun.tlllgtoa Beach. rtpt. C'.ar rolled lnto ha.)' "'bile Topplftl' \\"a$ IOlldlnr h.la rowbM..t onto tral~r. Story on Pace 8, Part 11: 1 PreMI Photo) I ' . P. E .. Land Sale : • I Discussed at Secret-Session . . FOURTEEN PAGES NEWSPAPER WEEK DATE ANNOUNCED ' t·~~"' . .. , Alma-to bio clean, ta and 1mparttaj"; and lhuo '1 lo; 1"9ceive and retain ~ oupport NUMBER'30 Ttoy · R. Proctor, -t7-year-old Newport Beach resident, wu freed today of a murder charge in Superior Court in Santa Ana. Superior Judge Kenneth E. Mor- rison ruled there was "no prob- able cauae" ahown in the prelimi- nary bearing in N'ewport Beach Towns~ Court that Proctor had killed Mr}. Dorothy Schindler, 37, • hia eomrhon law wife, last Aug-uar 26. . ' • \ l ' I I• -• J .. 1 • • • • -, " . --' PASE 2 -PART T -THURSO'AY, SEPT. 20, ·195f • TIE AllllAll IAY DATELINE-' I ·, • • . • • • • I 't ~ ' · I Rise to Refnark' , . llF a.,, .,.,, .,,. ,,. "•:I \ /'. ' ·:~=;.:1ss2I ~.-11Jtrurc••-.ustt.. t CrPllta ~Ir e "*-_________________ ___::, __ ~....,-----(llldltcll"I Note: a-n Pldt la WASHINGTON · • w.&emNOTQ-'11111 µ•IQ .. We weat to llmbilda. It - t11e ~1:1pi.ee tor ~ .. -. tlnf a boet. at aM_rt. tlct, ~ -Uona caniel .by other tr&-· We bad a -cablnj • .,, going do"'!'-and a verr &<!Od one, _,.zo~:n .Publllbld every Tbunda.Y at Newport :lie;,;;;: c&ilfOl'lllL · ~ Of U.. -..S Of lhe Ollk>o and Printing Plant at ftll -81vd.-Pb111M Barbor 1111 Jll....,_I La -o r •• ... ... tmat ~ _,. ............ -·· fie flladM; ........ -.. -~·· ~---llW­Entor..d u aecond-1:lua matter June 1a, JHO, at Ille poMt ofllco at ot lta -ottlclal J>'lbl_k:atloll, Par~ Newport Beach, Calllonua, under the Act of March ~ 1811. aen) ·, • ' • ,. ........... , .. ! .. « et ... JUd .-*""""""' ._. ..... la •tae .... ,. ., '¢ I • •• ... r .. cqmlng l>O<:k. YI•_,.. four nli'ittO 1"- on land: <OOtlnc hacl< on the oame JIOlllM8 ,• • • ablp. I got a ·change of llCene and Sept.ember }7, 1961 Bu -larpot paid dreulall• m tbe N-rt -.a- -La•lft• Home c;Jonw'lllHF In Oraare ea.~. lfemlter C&Ulomla N,..,..... PUllM.en _._.. • .._ -r Na-llGtHllll A..dl.-. Bmf 0. REDDJCK. OWnor and~ JIOBJmT F. WJI,1.\IJ"l, Bualneu .,._. .a. AJUA:KDJIR IUJQlll'ON, Advutl...,. ~ • fte Prea bu been adjudged a · neW~per of genera.I ctrcuiaUOD by decree of the Superior Court ot Ora.ftp County and .. fully qu&lllled to publim a.II kind• of legal noticu and advertla!:menta. 8UBSCRIPEION llATES: NJ:Wl'OBT-BAl.llOA PRES!! e\'efY 'l'lu1~ DI ()nap Coun!:f. SS.60 per year: SJ.• Ills m-: (tU5 - monlloo) (Aho 1ne1.-the l!o'E\\'l'OBT·aAl:BOA l'l'EW&-TlllEll • -y) Outalde tlle ...-cy '4.00 per,_. THAT ANNEXATION QUESTION Residents of Newport IJeach and Costa ~esa in about eq11"1 n11D1ber iathered in room 141 of Dod'e Hall, Newport Harbor Union High School. this week whe~ a dlacWJSlon of the proposed annexation of tbe high school groundt to the City of. Newport Beach'Wlut undertaken. Many misconception• that hM previously cawied hard feelings were diesolved as a result of the meeting. AU the three-score people present in the room were convinced that il the school were annexed to .the City of Newport Beach that : 1. The buildings would not be moved nearer the sea; 2. That po change in administration of the school district or 1 pla~t would be made; 3. Th.at no change in peraonnel or name would be made; 4. That the principal thine tn be accompliahed would be the J!8Vings of tax dol- lars to the homeownera of· the Newport Harbor Union High School Diatrict whic9 includes both the City "Elementary School diatrict and the Coat& Mesa Elementary Districts. Rou&hly the high ochool district covers practically the townalllp of Newport ·Beach. It eJ<tends inland along the bank of the Santa Ana River almost to Adams Street, tb&nee euterly to Newport Boulevard and a junctlll'e with v ... Driva at the Country Club. Mesa Drive is followed in a prolonged line tn a juncture with MacArthur Boulevard. The liM of th.e Townahip then extends inland several hun- dred feet and eaaterly ovar the Irvine Hills to a point a half mile below Corona deJ Mar toward Laguna Beach. Repeatedly in yeara put Board of Education membe1'11 of the Hi1h School have been faced will/ serious problems that were ooJved by the City of Newport Beach. At these tlmff it there had been any gruping desire of the city to 1111nex the school grounda, auch would have been done out of necessity .. This was stressed by old timel'll at the various meetings who recalled that Newpol't Bes.ch came tn the rescue witb its sewer diag!l"Y a)'!!tem w)!en. ce.'l"~ls t_t the High Sc'b ool refused fo accqit anymore attluenf' ajj(I the grounds were in danger of being condemned by tbe State Health Department. Cit)• Service l'Povlded The City of Newport Beach once again came to the rescue, and provided wan,r service wh en sufficient supply and pressure could not be obtained from the Mesa com- panies. Agai n the city came to the rescue and provided garbage pick-up via city trucks for the campus. All these service11 were provided with facilities plUd for exclusively by the taxpayers of the City. There never w"" any be- grudging. Never any club waving. harsh words or threata to wreck t)le fine ed ucational institution l if a<>mething wasn't done to bring the sehool into the City, During all this time. a quarter-century, the taxpayers of the corporate limits of Newport Beach have paid a greater share of the burden of the sehool than their Mesa Bretheren because of the differenceii of assesaed valuation of the two di•tricts. During all of these ye1trs Costa Mesa has provided the greater percentage of students on the Campua. The latest problem to confront the High School District Board of Trustees can not be so easily solved. Newport Beach has done every thing it can to provide faeilities with- out annexation. Our Fire Department is instructed to IU\llWer calls at the campua. This is right, just, and' duty to protect our invested capital: (let's say it is mercenary). But that is not enough . The Board of Fire Underwriteno. IOI arbitrary body • run so~y for the benefit of insurance companies and firemen. ~ the rate in Costa Mesa is one figure and the ~ate in Newport Beach is another. The only way to obtain the lower rate is to annex to the City. The State Public Utilities Conimis&ion by some quirk set. lower uWity rates in incorponated cities than in oo- called rural communities. The School could make a saving The eaterinr wedge to first Qf all !IOclallae and ultimately llOvWiae Ameria WU the pti•ige in 11113 of the 18th U•llP•• "fail 41ae<Jdm•L Tb» WN ,. """ constitu. U-1 ll'l'Dr, a mllUke which w .re cu tw ,... la .. !Apa am.. . llOme re1t. 1 wtJ th.It ari· my cuatomera Bttl\>Ud&.la lntuottlAC. Like proopectfve cuatomon, woWd • • -· O..•f __ ,._ .. w-.---t·-•tftllts--•,....., lwlhem Celltornla, It muat "'*rd water. The houMs .re built ao that .. He Dc>ctor1 HJP Priced = .. -. t.,. .... " • _.. ............ ···•· .. Ille -eateh tlw ~ ""'8r. :'"'r'·" In thla week'• Saturday I.up ~ like a ~I. ningf Poot. go out cm 'a ~...., lolll,. dHt a cue you did not ..ad !ht.o Losu QIM .._ 111-• • • '"'._ ,.t ..... -"Fii• 1.-, -Georp • • •JNIU of ,,.... and ""'8IJ, ~ •a , thin ,.,.r of ~ and llft-Je srt le, It la about a m&11 named •lllK be eon5IUd 1t we art to · avoid national economic cha.oe. T1IJa .Am•nd-t ha. 1 ... 0 n>a)Or na..... The ftrst la lhal -· wu written loto tt to pc"event 1. -,::-to.,;.,;. to WI • Cleo'1lla t. aaot.Mr aa.me ' for lif!l'Mtll atft.el. It doND't ~" e om e CHorp tor~ what U..y 1caJl & ~'WatAlr :t::"'\ ~e ner Maedor. a tune-up man DM!ftt. .,yl.JU the-NO& •. u.." ·.. mechanic de.luxe. ln New menl" ii -WhiteWUbed, Ote · .idea Yo~lt. Re caters to the-wealthy belne that th• llme hu • 'PUrllY,ina" and those who put performance etfect Oii the water .. 81.nce utere L ... _ pf'Ol'l'ffSlve rat• ot income ta.x. Thia bu e.Ulff tlli Jl'ederal. Gov- ernment to ··..-tae rich" and with the proeHda embark on a ~rtea of we:lfare echemu. and ~Y· 'mm~t project.: both baaic teneC.I of IOcla!Carn. and experience teach•• that .ocWIL!m l8 but a w•y atuion oa the joUmf'y to cornmW1i.tic d1ctatorahlp. Fl ... ._ ................. Lopn a .... i. ,.., •-ae....i ut .oa b• llrunen~~ Mrw. aa- '"'@rinl' wttk .. ,, •• rt WU. and upUlted ""'9d tM eltefon of _an lmaftnary PDP""""· The tenth Ume we .wunc around him he looUd allch,IY puuled. hi• head waa tumMI allPtly Atld the horae acted like he had jult eaten 90me 100 ye&r old o&lL i· .. t1 a :to-In.ell ralat&U, or more,· or rw-etr can ahead of cost. Tbt> yeuly, thlt hu 'hem adequate Jn article IW8 on to quote a f~ of Ole put. OcculonaU)', tn ve.t'J' dry hl1 prtcea: a tune-up runa from aeuons. water hu bHn i!Jlipart.efl s1q to .. possible 1160 and • com- for la.ra'e U8el'a, and recer-Uy~ en-plete overhaul ha.s COl!t u much CQUrqed by a well-known &Uthor, aa / $25,000. No estimate La ewr a "Oowmer" wu bl'OUJtlt ~ given . u to l~ probale coet of wit.It bhi torked •tick, and h• lndi.. a jab a. he says, "How do I know Cated _..v•n.l placea to drill for in advance how Jong It Will tau w.1ia. aomelhtnc which had never to <lo .. perfect job on your ear, been .ucceutul before. and It I should give you an estl· The MCOnd m•jor flaw wta the flJ)U~ lo tis & lJmitatJon U to tba rate ot income tu the PHI· ef'&l Gove.mment could levy. Thi' tu: ~ed out mode1Uy at l per cent of Income, but alnct the 1930'11 lt h&a been upped W'1til ll f\OW ta.kN aa mucll u an immodest 81 per cent ot. Lnoome. And worse. the Concr-e• bl now fitrtJng with the let.a ol t\)rthPr lnc~ulng thla to jQ per cent. We hit on• wa.y •lruU, Wl"OnC way atreeU.. ll.ra.ol'e 8l.rffll ud fami liar street.a. but like t.he othM ptseona we ~waya sot b&ck to Lop.a Clrcle. Roger, the 10-yur-old. Sot to saylng "Oh no. not asaln." wtan we came by. Rormle, the 12 year oJd. r1pred out th• four way trattle llgbt.IJ that qua.rte.red UM clrcta meant "Run. Dive. Zip and • • f;J,i/or: CUrlouaJy, tJi.e drtller.-did btt m&;te and I should find that tt water. Now the government. WOl\'t would take longer than l expect.- let UUa water be uaed. n.,.."li a ed, l wou·ld hale to quit the job la.w, probablt a hundred years old, riiflt In the middle." ' Jlke a Jot ot -Other tawa, wkich. uya JI think It one of the most inter- tut well-water may not be u.ud. f'8Ung article!! that I have ~ad ln I dOa't lulow how they will ..,ive some tlme !'-hd is most revealtnc that problem. to read l\OW aome one elae oper- The , community ha.I little debt. ates a bu.sine~ kindred to your low taxu, few reatgctlve laW8. It own. I still think that I would ,... .... flftediVf'I ~'A)' W .,.,-F-.... ehll .,....i.tar 1o-.111wa-1oaF-.J Zoom." • Bot I.I tbf!..e aayt•tal' wone Iha.a t ryl.91 to drt\"e wlallt "'at<'hlnJ atr8't Upa, tula1 rf"d ••r•t• ...... ... ltOt mn.• atop. aitd •odf'lal' ~tbtl' taxlt. a.II drl,·•n b)' ''°'......, fat rnc-n, lta ridbll' .. ttl'H'I Mlrl and bUllH n.re. ~·--J!ed41o• .. Pu-Nnport:llalboo -2211· S.U.0. Blvd., N-rt Barb, c.Jlf. , Mr Jla4dlc•: . . • f • • RH4 With am"'!'ll"'nt. Ulj&l'm.ellt. ol1d dlam1y your edltorl&I or the Ith ot llopt.omliirr .......,in, u.. ~plllata and broclluru pourtnc ovl of Ille U. II. pri11tlnr planU. It appoua U.. 'big llcya• ot tha pNtoant &dmlnlolr&Llon ,.,. "71111 to torce tho lftdependenl now-pera to Ill OA the ban.dWa(on 'or f'lee'. llefore tha)I: finaUy &'et you com- piatAly down, D\ay I sunNt you •ppJy tor a contract to print a broc:Jwre Wllh a tlU., or -let me UUnk -"Va.Moua type1 ot Lice in Wuhlncton. 0 . C." tht reputation for rulaUnr ra~her operate &s I &m doing now new id••· Thla Ls because the -riving everyone a lot for thelr colony la aelt-dependent:, &l1d maney and living up to .a defl· knowa wttat can be done and "(bat' ni~ eaUmate on repaJrs. evm can not be l&.fely •ttetnpted. May-It it epaU me money at Umea. be thl.i; nation would do well to Thie Is your Friendly Ford ex.amine caretuUy the Idea. pre-.,,.~··· ..... a:axa&ion. ~ ......... .,.. ........... , ... U.Ot ... L ,,.,. -lhJ-ol ab- •• Katee Mv,. UnaJta.Uou on -la&' _.., ...... fOl'f!'·I.._ i ented enthu.aiaatLca.lly by people Dealer. Theodore RoblM; say- who have a. llttle knowled&• of ing Good-bye 'tit next Week . I am qulu rert.e.ln you would be able to ~pply all of t'he con· tent. without to<t mueh trouble 1.ner your forcf'd eojoum 1n th "land of Ac.Ma.on." wouldn't you! · Mr. Reddick : NORMAN MJLl.ER, Balboa l•l•nd money u th~y have of the prln· clplea bf the-RepubHc. The water La clear and ao aalty you float without effort. I don't think you could aink. We ' atayed at Deepdene M.a.nor, about four miles from Hamilton. which c&n only \a.ke a Jtmlted number of guea~ and is a wondUtul place for a real. Some of my_ colleague& ...,._ ~·--Jlnt.ltat..._ upoa, tb.e llP< "' ...,.__ 411 w.i r•·- f"ralnl'Ot. ha\'l!I PMbictt_.. by •w ft' ~r ~ llmlt. tau-,._ ,..-.r .. rfta.tloa to lom.J "-.I ... But tblinri .... llmlta~ tloa H 1tw-,..-., el t-. FNen.1 Oo~t • ..-. tkre ahouJd ..... Tbf'ort''ll bf" wat• for P peo- plf' but tile •iP .. ,.. .. maximum c;"ap&orlty 11 ,.,,....." M tlwy put thl-m all ln-91tb \•lattJo .. ~ -'Gd tMrea a.-otbrr tbl••· Wblht • "'pJ ....-.wnr•t I°'°'* on about a .. Nptlve tu1dJ· Met-," wrtaee t....aporta.tloo h•"' ha• comll'WK"laJ rad1o blar-There •re many w•Y• to ma.kr youraelt popular on • llve bai~ whD atayed in Ha.mi.lton, or at the A propoul has been madf' to lac ln yo\U' ean. larger hotela, were not so well repe&J thto ldtb Amendment and to MQme of 11 11 very tlmf'ly. boat. Here are a few -always ~ late IO the &kipper can miss hla pleaaed. subetitutP one wtlh ta.x-llmltlng .lust u IMNnfl oaf lutt.t.M l•to cha.nee for early halt. Alwaya brln&° a.long • botUe to help yO\lr sour The United States has an air provisions. Thi• moveme"t· begun yuu, pt..HnJ .... fHt aq....,.Jy dllpoeJUon. Reroem~r. you did ·get up early. Alway1 &Lve the deck-bue on th• ialand. having dredged In 1938. would pbice & celling of on youn.. tlw llHl&I" dt.P.11 c1o... h.and heJl for everythinl', even If the Cog made the aeat.s we-t. N ever up new land to make the tong run;. 2~ ~r cent on lncon1e, eat.a~ and and a amooth \'Oilwd ueounN'r rotalf" poelUon u It I.! & dee.d give away you are' a greenhorn. You way. Thia and leltiJl& the UtUe 1tn. laxes. f'Xct pt ln time or war. 83Yll -"Rad any <"Ora trouble 'haven't been tiahlnl' tor a moalh, but be sure and tell the man whrre automobile• in, when prevlQU1ly AJrPady tW'l!nly..one 1la-tes, or l&tf"ly -Try Of. Glut& Cora he ahould n.&h ; for you read· it 1n thf' L. A . papera. If the b&it ls there were only horse-drawn car- elevf'n 1hort ot lhr naceaary tw().. Pa~." gmall. y .. u like a T. v . huckater for largf' ~ardines. So you make a rlages, have e\'JdenUy made a dif· thlrda. h•ve adopted resolution~ Pereona.Jl_v . we think that It you ference in Bermuda. __ 1. mtstake. yell for small belt. Sure the boat.a get _ t.Do many on, but • -.-ln1r Congreu to caU a conatllu· can for-ce ,..dio on captive crowds. I tried to stay off the subjects tion&J convt'nlion to conakktr re-in th.e hand• or the wrong people "'here wer-t you lut week -for three day& we only carried six a day. of politics. taxes and who will be pt>lllJ\I ~t.Jat> 16lb AmendmenL ltA ju1t ..,other •lep to making Sorry ""e didn't know you dnplAed kelp fishing;· 80 will move .down to the n ext President1 with consider- 111 propont>ata , advance the It a pro~pnda orpn ln Jape.· Peru for l\Ul& tl.ahtng. It only takes a abort Ume to get there. Tba.l, able si.lcce•. We are about worn .,.._. ~-. u..\ ........ &-"9 new. <>ennan or RUMl&n tadk>n my boy, ie ~ fllw---keep cu..lnI the me.ll. il.nd he wilJ try harder to out. Congress should adjourn. We Ob f~dinl lax.ea •'O\lld cut down and din your pet them.es into un· get ftah.bltl,ng for you all Keep It up. man. and nut time you'll get lost -two ~mbers. by death, dur- on WUtt'ful fcdenJ •pendinw and willlnl' e1.n. the privilege of fishing on tome other boat. Yell louder for the gaff-ing the recess, both unexpect~ly, woukl fortify our producUve econ· rt rains "° much ha.-. even your tllh 19 only ·thirty (H t dttp and still tigti.tlng. and nne resigned. We have a few omy, which la our-1trongt<•l but-no14• that moat rolk carry a d 1 h Ill, two In our deleVAtton r~ver- k Suu, llUrt", that's fine. \Vrtte the newapaper an lf' I t em .,-war against Communllm. Fur-small, ........ "•t paclt•t of plastic · . tng from operatiohe, and aom<' th .. _ In -.........-. about your Joueey treatn1ent. Don't forvet to tell him you are riding er. l..1 .... -y rua a..ln, and riC"htfully. raincoat around with them. Even e struggling to avoid illness. Con- tb•t lt would provide lncentlve1 to llttte clrla pl•)'lng on sldewit.lks on an An"nie .Oakley from It.st "·tnter when Ci.thing was nil. Cry gre1s will probably be here until j lake rUika. thus helpinl' to expand have raincoat.a tor their dolla. about boat tiding. but don't fish OVf'T ten minutes In one spoL Fllh the middle ot October. under pre~ the economy and crea.tP new .)obA. Fellow• v.·ho al home wouldn't be might actjdantly •t.trt· hitUng. WNlher's bad: so try and get .. cnt indications. Riek taken by lbo&I-with aurplu1 I cau(ht a.live with an un1brel1M. Car rrom home·as pou!ble. Th). return trip wtll allow you more ti.me I did talk to a Pennsylvania money haa ~en an import.ant ta.c· iJWlng one her• Uke an FF A bo)· for letUrig µie wortd ' know thb 11 one crew tor the bOOby prize. tarntly tor one evening. largely be- tor In our lndu.atrial progreaa. At with a rane at the Slate F air. Even if he t8 gettillg & Jltllt' crocked. don't movt' your line. Now cau.ae Ulf'y came from the same present there la no inducement ror \\'e "':'° at su~·~r Sprlap. Md.. there. lh&t'• IL CntaUtly was hi• fault, but who ii golng Lo get part or the slate in which I wae wealthy peraona to take wbat little .,., . .,. rnJJee from dow•to••• . ralaed and educated. and because 1 1itn. an whOat> lil)e ouL Where in &It •t out did they ever get such a alo:w • er taxes and lnveat It In 'K'uJaLDKtoa Ht buJJt rlpt up tub. And ·auch roUln.r, they ou.rt.t to pay you to ride it. Never Up they repreaent the same !amity rllk·taklnc venturM, becaUM tbe •JMlD•t tbe dlal:rltl iw. 41-• ••• and economic backgrounds. Helli! net return would be no greater t.hou~ It '-a vUlare or more a deckh.nd . more than two bill! & ton ror cleaning 1mall ba.&s. It were thr<'e boy!!I, all or whom camt> than Oil an inwetment in CoVPrn· t .. a.R 90.000 and ....,. SH"Oad la;n 't Worth It. Up through their school years Jun· m.ent ttturitlff. • lM-rJfral ('.ommually I• M•r)'land. Nest. tlme·vot• the ~y the ner boy1 tell you, and tiahing will der pa.temaliatlc govemment.1bey la .,........... tbf. U piP"r rent 1r t• not aa 'ncurporaud clty. Improve .. Your kind know all the a.nJWen, So help me! Whe-n thl• have nevt'r known anything ~l.se-.• llmlt.lio&. U.. •poaaan felt U.... Ju"t part of M•t1t«111nery Cowl-sumrl\4.r la over, 1~ '.going calling on a. few people, and leave \he They Mt there. expounding soClal· l1lb r.a. .._ tllwi rna&Lnuun tliw' t.r handlN by <"0&11111 eonunil-dangdeat m en op. tbelr rront porch. Now thert-ls lhe end! A dope latte theones without the slightest Ff'dft9l Go\'t'rtunf'ID.t r.hou.W lm~ slnnrML • la cuttlnc IL l&rp p-oove in a beautiful rail; eo hla pole won't slide. recognition of l'tle ends to which ,... It It llt to be abl,. to oon-Tbf"y a1"' nlt«" fellowL Tbfly thoee theorie8 would lead the na-Oon't ape.nd tour'blU tor a pole holder -the tackle stores couldn't tuu. lb ,_ eutfk>Ht: ,..~ hay.-btallt frttt JH'rktnr lob hf'-. lion. and lhe1n8elves. They were \o oahy °" Ke ~ko fllnc· bind tit~ llbftpplll• tt:Dft-ra. \\'I! handle all the db\.ll'h. • pa.rrotlng what was taught t~em ne.., wtU.0.1 11.UM•I tM P8l!J doo'1 hNIJaJ:" 10 '*° u.m either. Co ~! u .. a tland lin.P. One pole lan't enouglt.. A. monkey 1n echool &Ad college. The ~oet U.C 1&7 tar. ,.... .,... Attf'r )\JM "'"'" M f'K.til'f! tu like th.at certainly impn>w1 the bustneu. In the old days, you were out.epoken one did not realbe"untU "'8 nt•s * riclt" 11&8 11M!ft1 a np a c-.r hi aaol~r atalfe w·r not allowed to ca.et over Mad. There goes one guy's hat, proving 1 talked with him that evening, r.nntit ,...... 9 t oMa••lat Ital·• to be M&ark wt.ta.• a90tltf'r I.he old Umen knew a th.Ing or two. "Low Brtdce" yelled out after lh.l.t a ell~ buying • $25 bond1 ,.va.. Ba& ..-'enunetlt tan OM In ~laad. your hook 11 In eomf' one'a earcau aJways helpa. say, in l9fl, and cuhlng" it ill th.ls I oftly .. ..,.k" .. 1111111.k. ••p='nC' The cru.e. tor a ma.ze which One bottle lsn't enough; 80 .bring two. The other guy' mlght ~ year, WU not getting "dollar for fl.lW ,......_ ._._. __ wW "'9U.lt In lnnuenced atree-t deiirn•rs here th h h 1 , 11 d 't dollar" for the $18.75 paid ten •-....... •·-thirsty. It fl.sh are bltlns on e otber boat so muc , w y n e . on b t th lh s•• 4lela'1 .. lac "~--,..._. th«-must have at.erted In lh.e Labyr-years ago, u at e ..., re· .. 11c':r• a.-d wouW .altt tM 6a.r-lnthl&.n tunnela underneath the you ride it! l\ La your privtle1• to do 90.. ceived now would only purchaae dfl9 to u. fll&O"I' t.um. • National capitol. You can o,u.lk The plley ~ti...rg~ too mu.ch you think. Well. don't cive hirr. what $11 would in 1941. Yet tltis Oreat Britain hu ahown ua the tor miles In tunnel• un~rcround any help, bccau.e forty people 11 all the customers he can paatbly le extremely important t o those NOBLJI'~ membu of th~ R<tlar;,· club· of Ne"\-porj- Balboa, 18 u'Mrln1 • thf' tracH- tJon&l Ha''"I~ IPI of rrtebd- Mlp pre!M"nt..d b;,• Adtnll"a.I L. "'. Pf'rklns:, Honolulu Rotarian.. Mr. Noble, one or 468 Rotarian• from ttC states and J! toretp countrit"9 entf"rt&lnf"d ln l"eCf'Dt mont.flw b.r the Honolulu club, met M'Nl·kaoM• l1ilaad bu~ m~n or thl• cliy • or a. quartftr mllJlon Pf'OPIP at the wttkl)· June.hf.on of Honohllu Rotary. (llaM'Bll \'bllton BlU'fl9U Phot•) ~ PROFE S5 10 MAL ~ ~ DIRE[TORY r. DENTISTI LESTER A. BE0KER. D. D. 8. DENTlllTRY ~786 Newport Blvd., Co.ta M- :M.edlcal Bldg. BeaCOll 8752 506 E . Bay Ave., Balboa ' Harbor 327-J way by hon-tble eumple. There -dotnr 10me of It twtce Ir you get la one day: and It m41'ht C&ll.le him to pay Tn.ima.n too much tax. Goya lndividuelly. .J'hey hav e the wt&lthy have been completely turn wronc-trom Sen.ale Office Wltat ;JOU· want with rcHrva-tlona for next week -how in beard, and learned, only the side JI--------------• wtpt!d out and lhOH or moderate bulldinl' to Capttot proper and to tleavena name can folk.a get mixed up ln a meu like today and then or the •lory which hu made tt l•if-----M_o_a_n_c_i_AN ____ _, incomH all'Jloet wiped out, ao that the House. lta contu•inl' but .come back for · morr. Tbrlr na.mea are many, arid It Ui euy to &et poaelble to elect and re,-elect the a -Uy 1nc---~ p-port•-n o< easier tluul tt...,..ttn• tJ>urleta on ... ,_,_ .........,"' ,_,. spenders and the soclaliata. They •• ~-.... ~ , ... "" •" • ~m. Whal they ~ of ua makea quite a ~ but what we thu~ th 1 &d h •·- th. Wt bu~-hu ~n ahl!ted to the V"Ound noor1. emae veg 11pre t e po...,.,n ru"'"' W"L'I'. v.•oukl ntl • t:ataJoao. MoM. kld deckhands gel eight bucka a day it w"-h will d ~-y them ... it h·· the W'Orklng c laa. We ahould call In early days or the CaplU)1'1 •· '""" ee..... , - - a haJt. bef~ llitl.t too late, to the hlitory the r<>lu.nda wu UNd u they are IQ.Cky f« a. 12 or 1", bour 1bift, and no ex.tra. ~ tor tM destroyed other nattona. there. '1ootmr· ot the '"rich .. he~; wt a p~bllc m~et when Vtf'l'lnl• privtl•kt! o1 cu.ulng them out. • _.. · Th•1e la work to be done; ju.at ahooJd protlt by Britain'• expe.ri-and Marylqd tanners -brou1ht apace pttYen.ta goln.r too fitr,. but In Cale you haven't had paUent. iJlteJ1lp.nt, har.d iwork. u ._ .__ .,, __ ., .., ... ni.t naUon IWo pn>ftd that their pn>duce l>onJ<lpg po• .. ,.d •nou(ll, i.t me know. . ,1 4L IrORGIT P~bably 1t can he <lone be4t l>y ..,.oiaey .., """ o30>V""' lh• pl\lck1n( of !he wealtlly t-y aqeallnf ptp In IO .. o or barter. (Edit. Note-Hello Apln: Al. we W<>llder If lhe kind of boet and men and women of· these same age LadJ' •-t ~·~Bl......, CORONA DEL MAR DAY AND NIGHT Pltone Barbor U Altogether the saving& are-a tidy sum. The salary of 119 ... th• -Y for the pluc:klna-ot 'Dull fractteewu ltOpped about deck hand mi.i>t ha .. oomelhlnr to do wtlh Ille kind or cllenlele 11 groupa, among themselvu." I another teacher. A step toward further improvementa. Ute wwktng.....,. tomon<>w. Mac!joon:1 tlml a. ··lllldlinltl•d" 1t......._ It 1a -~ po4 to -c11ny llaodl and llaaL-B. ILi ol'FI~ rA88E8 CIGARS. but la allepd !bat all Uta bw:ll· v- INSURANCE Old Eatabll91led Inounn<e , .A.gancy ! AD lines written. Perhape a lesser tax rate. . _ onu. (NllJllZD . storing &Jid lllUtwlaf t)lat ,.... -• Fqr the fourth ttm• Harbc1r po- Newport Beach has provided : 1. Eighty percent of Nancy Nkkerta. a. ..... b<ulMd 00 In tM ~ ----ouu. roa ..... ClOurul ow DA1lUIRU lice officer Ed 8. Bate• la pualng O'"'ABD w. GEIUWU' _ th t b 'Id . taJn d te N rt "--bo -' A. ....,..ler, f ,,,,,,.,,' --· . Kr. aad Mn. A.maid Altrldp, out clgarw. -n. hoW>cirw 14>-'1' -,..emp'!ey o w ,mam an opera ewpo nae ron H-rw and arma w.--y QOUDJrllO•llOAT WMNll',..llyl4r.JJMIVA.-· l1'·Jio-."*'!!ea.ta~ pounc1 i JoanNo~.born•\'6.a. aoaN.wportmvd.,CO<lla- Union \High School ; 2; Fire protection U allowed within mo"'laJ' on Udo hle brldf.". lib• .... -iir, tn -~ ~ i.n •.,,., -· 11am 11ept. Ill· Tllead&y. Joan and bu mother PRONE BEACON IJ.Jl the Jaw : 3. Water pressure and capacity: (; Garbage ::.,;:ci~~ ab~~=:;" i.:;:: c. J . -°'Laa....,. ... ,. ~ -~ oirnM ·-.,It l8 II!. Ill. ,....,.. lbo•Jlt'll. -wtn)>e home tomonow, to i •1';1::::::::;:::;:;::;:::;'::;:=:!;;;:! collection eervice for the Khoo! campus. Oottmlam. 118 Via llan a-.o, ~~od J'~,. .;,,~~ .::-i= ljt·..,,.. ..... ~ t , ... r "~"'~111i'i'~'i'i.;:ilidi'i'i0~""~"~-~i-iiii~~~~·~ojfithree~~-~-auij-j'ijlaj~jif"'J;i BE .. SURE. ~IN.SURE It will continue to do so. The people of Newport Beach wtoo .._,. ... t11e aeekMnt. metM ~ ... -!Ilg i , ....... -, . t 't th -1.4 Ill .,,., IJ ••• -wan t at way. 80Jf llOllH 'l'O li!UAJ!l'll Yacht . .,... ~ W1!ft ' JC.&~ .ft&RR But, the people of NeWpott Beach do not like to 1)e It -. a -. a tiowtdl. • -Wf4a ~!' 11 ~ t -lt, loo .. : q 11 __, • iJiaulted and accused of promotin1 a steal wben tbe~ la "°"' Bepf. n In at. J~ ---~ ._,,., ff'll ·, plt&l to Mr and )(ra. Donald .. ~.... •• 5 -·· no truth to any of the allegatlona. Until true week the Payu. • u.'.-i.ray; eoata x-. ChMin.1 '&4o _. ~ ....... people of Newport Beads had never attended the -tinp l -::~:::::=:::z::=:::=::'.::::::='.;:===::== relative to annilitation. Thill wu made much of by lleana. I· . But tbe people ot Newport Beach have (>lld for tqo tD their oath, hoa.t to tb~ jult Ulld "9PlltUie manf .!_bills ftor ~~ _M~-apotd aDo~,unincorponted areu i:'r'' they wm now P11t an . ~ Udil ;'II•I•• 11111)' o ..-coun y. -•""' 11 u -~•ue&. . erlnl'. , . Newport Beach, -feel, ia Clad to l'ellder to ita llelch· I _ U -•Y ein lie aftd. tlla ............. •••i11N, bon every friendly .me. ~ . (Even to proYldln& UlldeJ' their n!lllptloo to the I*IS* ..._. ee •» ~ tll* etteet -eepera to clean 11p alt.er the hone p,.ra4e on Costa ,..,, t ~ •in •tiML • 1 • 11eea main atreet after their Flab Fry.) · 9llt, ·11 tile eellool 1lovd • • r .._ m'd1' • Newport Be~cb, we ~·will -tinlle .... ,.. •. ,Ice ~ 11r"*1 fGr -alterlor r 1ps, tile)' J77lt ~ftllo • .J~ICJJ!l•lllilllibl*le ta. the Hlsh ~ a:I the rit•r da ot tM ._. f/I •1 r 9117• rltWla• ~ iepart, , V.. Ind all Californlule wllo elljoy OllJ' t1u•21 . mil ll'LPll~, 1114 ,_ rp to.tile ...... Wllwl !J51llq Bat It file mp &cllool Baud ol Tmat211 are i. -.t w! t:ww, ""*' dliPdreD are trmtecl to tWr eare. . , . ;' I • • ' • • I I • ' , w. Sisal F11 .. • O!lNEBAL IKlltllU.lfCll CotriollilhV~ lllt •••• ~ . ............... .. JWtl., W:' Brt!lllL~: l ....... Mt:•••,__ .~ ........ • ....,_ • atrc'1'lt' . ,. . " . . • • ' • ' - e , • R .. ,.-... -·~r- .... 1 ..... ~ ...... _; • ' _..,..., ... 1._li '-!l_.jj•l••n" ,..Pf/I#. • ,_.., __ Flis· morrt. aM9& llllr,Jtac a .,.. kornfo, .... VERY ,FINE 2-UNlT"place on Bal-Ialand bulll Ill 19'8. Ren\al lneome uooo.· ~ at $31.SOO wltlP U0,000 dowa. Fil'DIOllJQS REALTY CO. 81S C..,.I Blvd, <'<>rona Ml Mar Harbor !15! H·all's laacb Co. ' !US RAll.BOR llL\"D. COllTA JIEM b apln a.ble to offtr for llMail aad-. Rane~ Fresh EcaCJS • &nd • • , Packacaed 'Pollltry --KEADY FOR OOOKING • Wald fo·r tl'lf' Sip .... Dri\'f' la. • Hall's Ranch Co. • UM RAltBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA I ' , ' • \ - HlGULIGHTINO DIIDIC:ATION CEl!tEHj)NU:8 for ~ Cout Cou.p'o -Ub,.,.Y bulldioS J"t.Hday was 8ttDe ln whlell Walter B. Mf'Dott, pft!IUdf.'nt of South Oout Con•tmctton Co .. (rlcbtl hud.c.i ke7• t. aew ed.lncf'l to Lolli. Coarad7, tmm ediate pa.."t prHktrat of t:ollrr board and board member of WNhn1Mtf'r. Approx.lmately MO JM'rAOM attench-d MdJca~ory rl...._ CHAMBER ENDOR·SES CITY ·STREET DEVELOPMENT PLAN Approval o! the city's plan for development of 31st street, New- port and Balboa Blvd.s, i n the Central Newport area, was voted by the dittelors or the Xf'\\-port Harbor Chambt-r or Commerce Monday. The pl&n for tmprC'\'ement Y.'as originated b,Y the Chambt-r ot Commerce Str-Ht and Highways Commiltre st>veral years ago when the B&lbo& Blvd. development a.s.,-------------- now coruitituted between McF&d· Rttreation eommi.Yion would like Mothersingers to Meet Tuesday den Place and Balboa v.•as first to acquire the former Hayward '-------------Jlprojected, Lumbt>r Co. property and the \Vork on the plan for the Cen· former City Water Df'partmpnt The Newport Harbor Mother· 8ingf'l'!I v.111 start tht"ir rerular meeting:! on Tul'sday, Sept. 25 a~ St. Andrew's Presbyterian church In Clift Haven. Thls Is a change from the previous \Vedneaday meeting day and ml'mbef'8 &re re= qul':sted to take note of It. Time la from 9 to 1 l a. m . The group will be led again thla year by Mary Batt('n Steffensen and Bil· Ill! Deaver will be accompanist. • Anyon(' in the area interested la cordially Invited to alt<'nd. Ad· dltlonal Information n1ay b<-had by e a.lllng tbe chairman. Mr&.. R ona.Jct_ Barlow, Harbor 2101. ""'~' i.~. 'VINCENT'S Lido Travel Bureau MEZZANINE LIDO Dll.UG l'ITORE Harbor 1246 • Cral Newport area was 111peetled yarda with adjacent property for when an rlaborate street plan or a park. Olber propoa-1.a call tor the tinn ot Hahn and Camp~ll the creatlon of a. au~ bUalneu wu Cint seen. The planning con-diatrlct In the atta. AU are con· sult.a.nts propoeed by-pualng the tingPnt upon thp rf'moval of thf' pttsent buain~ dlltrict with a Pacific EJ~tric. wide curving road through the I The plan prepared by Englnet"r area now planned to be opened I Bert Webb tor the committee ap· ~~h c~~~~::~~u~~ ~~~ ~t~~~:~ pointed by the Mayor ha.s rrcelved t'd the preaent Pacltic El~trlc I lhf' endortlf'ment of thP ChAmb<'t right .of. "'ay fr~m 58th street .t o ':.i~~:~~f'r~;er1!°a~~e ofotC:er;ci;;:~ I the ;1t} Hall with road impro\e= posals which have been advanced me;i be-r th \\" S" Some call for routing the 'cut-oCf' I · Pm rs 0 e l"!\t • M,.. street down 32nd strerl, nrceSlll· poUrtl •m,•'1°Y*"mt'fl .. Cot A.MOC! Clahamtlon tating-thr relocation of somt' l~ \\. mf'f" nt . 11nc 1 • , Wlae people do re.ad t.he ada.. • ' ' If II • .._ .... II ...,, Lm •••1• ca t1' c:oos ssl _.. ..... dtst a· fll tM a P•'" 9lllra nrr=..u.: ... Dts"d Gca--. i....J messcw .ot ~ 'r .;:_ ~--=,:u: wBl act ........ , ... tmurtvw'• .....tlq-........... t.o- .J ... •••t .. tM.. ~ U.t .. ,., ....... ...-mlUst'• ... ~ w.·~ r'r!e -" 'lek ol dlJ'~ rd-.... ---Id ..., tt>r ..... ...., ..... ~ .. tlle-....... ····••talhw bom ·-QDmty • '1n11Pft ...... u... u.e '-ot au., u. ll&U -"' ., ..... u.. """ ~ lltalo ~· °"'"' .... lltaaleJ'~hasukodOwp -, ,...._....,,. wtt!i Ille - ...... -----,,;ttls tJsl, Dopartmrit ot ....... u... to ,..,.,.~ outllPas ·tM -1Uee'• ~--paiood • 114 ~ Mr. semi. tO ll••e the report ready fOf' tomorrow•a meettn.s. To o..tt ... PNWflM • "I hope. we can dt>flne our "erob· ,Jern." Mr. Stanlfly aaki, . "and ~~ on the fa.eta Wf' want to Jet .. I aee no need tor a big tight Ill thta a.rgument. Both •klea lgTee there b a problent. Wf' almply have to ge.t at the fact.I on both sides." The Sacramf'.nto JT\ffllnl' bu bee'n caUC'd largely ld Cix tht! mechanics or lhP commJtt.ee'a In· lrrtm · etudy, which wUJ produce a report for Ute 1963 lf'gialatt"'• aeaion. ln tact, there probably WW bf> two report&, one by the Aafmbly committee, another by lhe senate committee on atat.e and local t.a.u..Uon. ~ latter LI headed by Senator Ben }lul&e of lm~rlal Couaty. I l la St.anlty'a ldfl& that there ahould be hearings In alx or elJhl dittf'r.nt itountlra. Both city and courrty mrn would have a chance to tril their atorlea. By apotting thf'ae hearing• in varloUB areu, the auemblyman hope• to pro- duce a atafA....wkte picture of lhl' problt'm. He thinks lhe Auembly and Senate commltltt1 may u Wf'll hOld joint h<'arlnp, alt.hough I lbl'y would submit Aeparat~ rr- pl>rU. Stanley 8•Y• Log Angelc. county repreaent.3 tht> moet com- plicated phaae of thf' aitut,tlon. HE' conumpla.tf's lengthy hearin«• ~;t:t~e;!~u~:. mont1l8 n~u&ry To tacllttate lf'atlmony ln S.c- ramento. apart trom the schf'd· 1 ule'd heutnp. he ha.a added a. ru11.tfme 1t«retary to hla start. She will take whatevC'r evi!fence Individuals or groups wt.sh to prc- atnt and will tranacrtbe It tor th€" committee's acrutiny. After 801De loan• of qfl\da · .. drawn up thl.9 ¥...-eek end, Stanley will ca.II a mPCtlnK or hUJ full I commlllf'~. • • • ff'\Vorking in a shipyard, l'vt tten. the damage tha.t nut Clnd COTT'O- l'iort C4n do. That'• tohll 1 pTotect my car with Rlchfi.Zd Rufi-Proof Gaiolin.r." Your car-evn'Ji caT-is constantly being attacked by run. a.n.d corroaion. These twin destroyers are caused by m.oiltuf'r that condenses daily in your car's gaso- line tank. This moisture Is carried through the fuel system, damagina the inside of the au tank, f~l lines. fuel pump and carburetor. The result-poor gasoline mileage, rou1h. performance, annoyin1 breakdowns. expensive repairs -a shorter life for your car . ln all the West, only Richfield 'Rust- Proof Gasoline protects yoUI' car against rust a.nd corrosion. It contains an f;Xclu- si ve Richfield in1redient that'makes ... mol.Uure hann.les.s-stops rust and cor- rosion and kffps them Stopped! This car-saving l?rotection is yours at no extra cost when "you get Richfield Complete Car Care, the years-ahead way to keep your car running better today so iti will serve you better tomorrow . Besides Rust-Proor Gasoline, Com- plete Car Care .safeguards your car with -RICHLUSE Jm.A.VY *UTY MOTOlr OIL, the • new type of oil that's recommended by many car manufacturers ... IUCRrIELD PROTECTIVE LU"aRICAttON', scientific appli- cation of tough, Rust-Proof lubricants ... Rtcxrra.D SAP'rt'Y SERVICE, your Rich- field Dealer's perlona.l attention that keeps your car running longer, safer, more economically. S•• your RlchfiMd Deal<T tod4yl Extra life for your car at no extra cost RICHFIELD IN ALL THE W 0 R L D -NO FIN£ R G II S 0 LIN£ V COME FEEL 18 PI..A:SE • smp • TnAfS RESERVATIO:-IS • bf> f thfl l 'lt Ha.II Frida lo 20 honte!I. Another routing ... " 0 Y Y at Newport Blvd. down tht" Paclfir 1 .SO to hf'&r db.cttMloll of ,,.rl· Elrc lrlc right-or-way, thus mak· ~ pl&n!ll far t.h4", l~pl'O\'Ptnr nt Ing the pre1'ent Blvd. a on(>·v.•ay or ttw> Cf>ntral Sf',\port bu11t-street lo the detriment or n1orf' Dl"M d.lstri<'t. lntf'rf"!lott><t bulillnn!' than hair the property. ~ 4 Invitations ... that only POWE r . O V-8 HORSE. p R · Chrysler's I -ow er V ·8 engine d i ;-evo utionary new Fire- smoother, more fie~I~ ops mor~. power, gives any other engine eve le re~pons1veness than . ~a~ Even on non-rem~ put into an American JD Mechanical O~neJ,um &rad~ fuel, its buiJt. any other engine in ., enable it to outperform Mutu al Theatre Ticket A1ency OllPQ and <'itlzP1U1 arf\ ln\'llf'd to i~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ att,,.nd. 'Prtst"nt plans call for an lnter· im improvement with the building of 3l!lt street . Widening of Bal- l '118 of Gu Ta:t: had EnginHt' Webb'• plan hu been <'ndoraed bt"cauae it can be ac· compllahed ln a foqr to nve year period out of pa tax money with- out u.y ••e.ement dlatrlct or bond i•uf". The 90 called 'Webb' plan d~• not propoee an}"thlng but the stl"fft improvement and 1.cquia:ltion, of the Paclflc Electr1c property downtown. Any park or buatneu df"wlopment tn the tmc- proved area la left tor future d&- termthaUon. S!;E Ull FOB YOUR OFFICE .... HOME NEEDS la Stationery • • • Art · Game and Party Supplies • HALLMARK CARDS • COSTA MESA . STATIONERS ~a. 5!1S-R 1'188 Nept. Blv£ ()oAta Me&&, c.JJf. --Opportunity I• knock!~ Ill CLASSIFIED ADS. ....... wt Pino Co. .. 520 · N._ M h . St_. · ' , . S ti A••, ' : , • • boa Blvd. from McFadden Place to the Wl"Sterly Intersectio n wtth lhe.'t'oast H ighway and Nt"wport Blvd. from McFadden Place to Via Lido are part.3 of the Im· provement to be a ccomp11ahed at a tat.er time. P. £.. 'E\-aC'Uatlo-. ' Future improvement of theo Bal· boa Blvd., Newport Blvd., prop- erty in Central Newport Is con- tingent upon the ~•lion of the area by the Pacific Electric and the acquW.ltlon. or their prop· erty by the City oC Newport ~aeh. • Vartoua plina for uUUzation of the preeent buaineae district have been proposed. The Park and On the plan which wu prepar- ed in the ctty Engtneer•a office &nd endorse by the city councll'a committee and the Chamber of Commerce, a. mJnlmum number of ptece1 of prlYate property would be dJatrlbuted, totaling three In number, tor Ute develor:)ment or Slit at.reel. an.oillloltl -...... .. ---- -.._.,..Git W ... ., • l:M't.. .... f4W&N ...... --OfWw !JP ---1111· .Uzte_tlso_~ ......... l ., IPJre ~ o-. -Is ...... --tloof ~ -....... fire '*!Im;., hllll1' wtrtmc • IRE t .., s·n I ..... ... Tiie • r . 'b' C ••a' ti• ....... I IM f21• ~ ... -. ·---·IA•• I' ·--...... .... ~·'t• al.' 9 919111& .. _ _, .. IF:SlJL n. .... ~ ta••» n .. •r 9srtrlk ~ .. w : .v:· _, . . Ulo. . .. c. I . ; ! . · . ·' . ~ ... ~ ftaOto It)" sprt.n Upeca) . . . . . ,, . • ., • '• • t-.. • ' .. " • • - • • an.y other car f v ;g::R r;;;ER~YD~AOUIDE* tim" m any US -b ·1 ~ 0 • For the first suppJies four.fifib~ :: t th:ar, hydr•ulic PDwer can give you! park or steer e energy needed t b d · · · makes dr -o ran ne-w experience. . i . 1v1ng. literally a tbe saf,.ty of -•ft, · fives st""nng ease and th" "'""' sure1 st • . no tng you've ever felt f I eenng control like • • • • ' • Olll.T A "Pl . ' ' - .. . i .. 0 . ....... . ' • • V I. ;~A~~;~EL CHR~SLER POWER oi F,.e[ for YOl!Nelf tb ~ty that comeo "' 1 e n"w -.. eoclfte beliio-Yt>Ur f · "i>n -r from •L-IMoOtbf -oot appl)j the br6keo, """ YoUr ~;· IWiftly, ,Pu "feather~ ............... ~ .. J orbri-· _....., With 81 little as on -.-·& rt to a 1>1-ute you're used to! Nhird tbe foot " . . t . . l ,, 1 -I~ I CAN. SHOW YOU WHAT ONl..T A CDY I -~ . . ' . ... .... , . .... -, • • • . - - • . " .. .. , • ' I • • - l 0 ' ' ' PAGE.:4 .-·PART I _:THURSDAY, SEPT:20, 1951 Ill • . • 'f~ ·~~,,,,. .~ '61~ ..=_; PRESS~. • • • ~ . • Friday ; September 21 " Saturday · Sept.ember 22 ·.Sunday · · "September 23 Monday September 2( Tue~ . • Sept.ember Ill Wedneoo.lay • September M r=ber27 ,•. ~ -·. "' •. TIDE. mOB 2:'3 L m. I :01 p. m. ----· --·---· .. ··-· 2:08 P-m. -r·······---······- 3:&8 p. m. 7 :&7 a. m. 6 :26 p. rn.. 8 :07 a. m_ 6 :24. p. m: 8 :19 ... m. 7:08 p. m. 8 :32 &. m. 7 :'8 p. rn.. l"IRlm QV&BTEB FULL MOON Oct. 14 Oct. 7. • HAROLD I. JOHNSON ~ PropeDc>r Repaln _Columbl.11 Apney Phone Barbor no .. ,za11 vma. w..,.; Newport Beach TABLE • LOW il.o 6 :53 L m. 2.8 f,9 9:36 p. m. 1.2 ·-----·----·-······ •. 6 11:11 p. m • 1..l _ ................. . • •• ................. 3.8 0 :21 a.. m. • 0.8 •. 6 12:08 p. m. 8.6 4.1 1:04 L m. O.& 4.8 12,1141 p.m. 2.9 4 .. :1 1:37 a. m. 0.3 6.1 -1 :30 p. "" 2.6 4.S 2 :04 L m. D.2 6.3 2:00 p. m. 2.0 (f e LAST NEW ' QUART~B MOON Sept. 22 Sept. 30 We gtve your shoes the new look tt you have the old Part& CUSTOM REPAIRING Newport Shoe Repair 108 -!!nd -N"'"J>On Beach nu: lll!O U!:HMAN •huoplou, lib. W Mn. D""'r -~ (left) y , If a bit tth>claaUy, reUncanW. J»OMN9lola ot the Walton Hubbard Memortal h'Ophy for ~ dlltcfllN to FredcU~ Schrnck and ht. channlnc crew • .Jane Bubel the lt.51 cbamplena. Nf"wport ~r YadaC. club'• vlo&- commodol'tl Tom Rutt.Pr (oellt.er) wbo otncl•c.ed at the pn!M!llt&tlon Cf'remOa.leis at the clCMte or IMt . Wlf'flk~nd'• "''f!-1"11.0e aertea, IJt.a.ndR read.v to COflJ'r&tulate thr -..1noera. (Photo by Beckner) I 1 Aaa1111I"• lC! ts ·----~ •• ;, _.. a( i.llo ... -.,. rat. w.llb--~ ....... lt-. point). ed. -~ Hewport -b ..... prwlded Ill-_.un ot lbe -..... -bullt lbe f:Z.000,· 1000 _I....., plant. l>llrlq Ille ame ~ 1t ~aa .. stre•ell. eo.ta -ll&li,..., ·U.O ~ !"•Jor1ly of •IWl<t1!a attoodlnir tho -· • A.J~'lbe Ill-,c'U..na n• po&Udl1 ·-ttt.ed to 1 °"' ·-rd I tMt thert wu not t.anctble v'alue to be plMd by' le&WIJ tho achool In COUllt)' territory l1leY po!J>t.ed out that the •vtnP by annex&· t tlon to NewPoft Beach would be amall when tpread . out over the whole district and that Newport Beach taxpa.yero would pay thr~• I quart.en of lhe coat anyway. I A lettu trom Harry -.... 1. I dent ot 15th st..rffL Coeta Kesa, and bearing many aignature• waa 1"fll.d by Board Clerk BuUer. The letter .el torth that when ·Costa Mesa endeavored to Incorporate that It not only Included the Blg.b School but Newport City dump, waler works and aewtt plant wtthln t heir proposed City Limit.I. A letter from W . Stuart lnnent, retired minister w ith a. Santa Ana malling addreu, reportedly a resi- dent o( Coeta Mesa and the High sChool Dhltrfct, urged the School Board to take matters slowly, t.hou.gtlt'rully. e..nd reque11ted a Tuna Tariff P. E. Land Sale ,,,. lengthy delay tor study or the an· ' $,25 . Per Week - THE llEW lOYAL PORTABLE B~ Your Portable from a • TYPEWRITER DEALER Where you get a year's free sen;ce U·DRtvE CRUISERS ROW BOATS iConUntNMI rrom raae I) 'una tnrlu8lry need.a prolttl'\on; thal during lhe pa.at five yeare importa have leaped 1400 per cent. Thia. he conUnd~. wu becauae lhf' United States hu helped for- Fishermens Grange to Hold Initial Session. SatL!rday lO& BoulevaTds be properly lm· 1rovcd whe-n the n~c&sary right~ 1(-way U. acqulrrd. nexation proposal. Mr. Innerst re- quested a 'closed door hearing' where only one peraoo. at a lime coUJd voice oplntorw before a com- mittee or three to be varlou11ly aelelted and that thia committee recommendation ahould be ac· cepted by the Boa.rd. BALES OFFICE - EQUIPMENt ~OMPANY 'd ELL IS e OtTTBOARDS e LIVE BAIT e TACKLE e Small Boa& L&unchlag BO·AT - RENTALS 2802 Coast ffi\Y&.f Ne,YpOrt Bf-af"h Pb. Harbor 1316 AT SOUTH END OF RAYSHORE BRJDOE el.gn M>Urcea wflh economic aid 11incr World War II. 1 Walte-r Longmoor of Newport'• Western Can,nen Co. told the Pr,.M that the Japa.neee tuna calch con1pt>titlon poaea "a &eriOUB probh•n1 ." He looked the problem -'::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ov('r from the canneries' point of P V\('W, Now Open Sunday for the Homeowner CONCRETE BLOCKS • BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES SKIP WADER FOR TRAILER WADING KEITH B. COLLINS I Harbor 7015 2124 Newport Bh•d . Costa Mesa Th" Callfornia Fi&h Ca.nnerw As- .cwlC1ation \11 sf)f.'ndlng con.11lderablf> n1onl'Y and tln1 e and la selling up a committee to work with the Stale I)(>parlmt>nl on modltlca- t Ions proposed ror the reciprocal tradt" a.green1ent wllh Japan. 8"•k State Dept. Aid '"The a..ssoctatlon ill trytJ'fg to get th" Slate Department to alt down and work out the problem to pro- t l'Ct Amt>rica.n Industry," Long- moo r 11aJd. From a federal point of vi r w , it 1..9 a question "whelher ----------,--~i the loss or tu angle outwelght_, ,-------------------------, l ht' rC'buildlng or-the Japa.ne•t> V E KOEPSEL 0 D tfsh1ng industry,'' he said. • • I • • With the fl•l\lng lndu.tcy third OPTOMETRIST largC'llt in CaJlfornla. real t"C~ nnmlc hardship could "'""" to ANNOUNCES THE MOVING OF HIS OFFICES coa•t conn.rtes &nd . ttohcrmen TO 3016 NEWPORT BLVD. . Rlikf' If the govemment provide• no ta.riff, he said. HOURS : 9:30 TO 12 :30 -1 :30 TO 5 :30 The ri'ewly organi?.efl Nrwport 4. We bl>lleve the creation or ad· Fishermen'• Grange will hold a 11t 100&1 C-1 f~neral Bu•lneaal regi.alar ~tttlng on Saturday, ...anlng In th" Newport area., U tt- &pt. 22nd at 7 :30 P-m. at lhe cenUy requcatf'd by the Paclllc Coata Me-sa G range-Hall on V ic-Electric Comppany would be very torla street.' · 1ctrlmental to our community, All member& are urgt'd to at-becaUM. it would open up for tu· tend to cleAr a great dea.J or Im-tun-r<'que•tn for business M>nlng port.ant Initial btu1lnea, a.nd thf' In lhlt Md adJacf"nt a.reu along ladle.!'11 ar, particularly requestf"rl Balboa BoulevArd. It le a welt to be prelM>nl and gr'l a Home Eco-known (&cl that there la already nomlc• J:roup started. more than adl"quatc business Any member havlng a . new ap· properly ln th la area. a.nd to cre- pllc&11t should try to brtng them Il le add1tlonol butiinC'M zoning will a rcw m inutes early to i;:ct pre-disrupt cx:l'llln~ economic values. l1m 'nary dctalb taken care or be-o.nd a.dvrrB,.ly arr-.>cl long cBtab- fore tht> mf'ellng. llJllhed bn!'!lnc.M locations In New- Vcturer Helen Hood' fthe boat port and Balboa. Alrrll hA.11' a KUrpnXE" pro,,,-am \\'C' want lo co-operal" With yon which pron1L8e11 to bf: ~melhlnJt In thls lmport11.nt ln1provem<'nt for out of the ordinary and ot con· the betterment or our Comrnuntty. wldt>rable Interest to everyon<" I -- Th• ladiee of lh• C08l& ~•• p· 1 + CI p t Oran11e are acting a.s hmteuew In I I 0 a SS a r y handllnK the rf'fff'!!hmenl.8 after H Id + Ch h lh• m••lln~. e a u re At thls t l m~ thrre are 136 member8 In the local F'lahermen·s Grangtt and It show• promise or being the stronJrt'•t or th[' thrtt new GranKC8 bf-Ing org&nizt'd in Southern CaJJrornla. DEATH NOTICES FRED I .... STILLINGS Pilot Cla.M or Christ Church by the S.-a, held ll party at Goodell Halt. Sept. 13. Mr. and Mr!!. Bill ~{c Donald were hosls. Planned potluck •upper followed by a busi- neas meeting and canas ta w~ plw.yed arterwllrd. I SAT. 9 :30 TO 12:30 ' EVENlNGS BY APPOINTMENT lmporta.ncfl of thfl tuna cal'I· nln1 lnd\llitry ls kaown by the ~ttv., .f'St~ ot' MJe .r nthrr fbh and mNta. Rkha.rd• Markrl mportA It .elJ• M mor.h tuna ( drnn8Uc) u all other fish anti me.at& combtned. F~ L. Stillings, 73, of 1309 Bea Vt~ A .. :. Corona d~l Mar, dlffi al hla home St'pl. 14. Those pre.sent Included: Meurs. and ~frne111. Hal Glass. Fred \.Voodworth, John Taylor, Ray Baker, and\ Biii McOonakl. Aleo Mmes. RoM Owen, t.fary Stanley, Jennie Barnes, Marian Seeley, Edward FIM.. and Elsie Salt.er. " :i-=--::LEPHONE Hj\RBOR 2511 ' FINEST OCEAN FISH WE CLEAN, FILET, CAN OR CUSTOM WRAP YOUR FISH FOR YOUR LOCKER RETAIL HOURS : From 8 :30 a. m. t o 5:30 p. m. DAILY Except Wednesdays SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 516 30th Newport Beach Ph. Har. 1507 BULBS JUMBO RANUNCULUS, double flowers, mixed colors ......... ·-· ...... per doz. $110 KING ALFRED DAFFODILS, double nose bulbs .................................................. per doz. 75c WHITE CALLA LIUIES, large bulbs .... ... ........ ........ ... . .. ..... per doz. $150 DUTCH IRIS, separate colors .. .. .. ...................... per doz. 50c up 141 !1 So. 5 & 10' Nursery Newport 81,·d-TUSTIN Tuna. attaf"dlna-to Dick RkJ1- ardi1 haa pushed salmon risbt orr th,. sh.-1,·rs. RaJmon. be- <-atJM> of lte pmhlbltl,..,. pric8., h1; 'dead' mHeha.Dd.lse-. Tuna l9 orcliel-eid la ~:U.Ct proportloa in It" V.rlou. pade-. accord.Ins ltt Rk'hards, u lA &IJ otlwor meat and fl!lh 8NI mix~ meat prod- 'duet,. <"O.fnbi.nf'd. Canncrie~ owning-tuna cUppera sa.illn~ out of San Die(to and T er- n1\nal l!lland face the same com - Native ot Iowa, he had llvC'<l In California tor ~2 year3 and In Santa Ana for ~ years. Hr wa.s fo rmerly a member of the Christi- an churt""h of Atl&ntlc. Iowa. ltf r. StJlllnJ.:'8 la survlvl.'d by l'll:i w\rr, Iva G .. two aons, F . Boyd Stillings of Corona. del Mar and Wayne E . of Sa.nta. Ana : a sl!!ter Mrs. Bertha Painter o ( Red Oak. Iowa and ttve J:TRndchUdren. Private runrra..I &rrvtces we re held In Smith and Tuth.ill chapel. at 10 a.. m . Monday with Lhe Rt>v. Harry E . Owings In charge. l n- termc-nt wa.s In Falrh.aven ceme- tery. petition a.a independent.a when It INFANT JOXES comf'!I to compet ing with low Jap· Funeral ae rvlceft for the infant Anl.'.sr labor cost. Longmoor stated AOn of Mr. and Mrit. Robert W. that the J11.pancae c&nned product, Jonea, 203 -39th ·st., Ne\lo1><Jrt wh ich 13 ta..xed on Import, ts a Beach, were held Monday in the good product flld that the Import-Wlnblgler mortuary. CTem&Uon ed frozen tlah la of good q\l&llty followed in Melroee Abbey. al&O. Tbe child died at birth Saturday Mc Nally, ln a rtatement to lhti ln SL Joeefh hofpltal. PreM apart Crom hitl membership on the Chamber committee. voiced concern for the tough competttlOl'I California lahttmen face wtlh the Japanese. But, hf' said. as a director of the Ocean n.h Protective Auoc.la- tio n. A con&ervation group, he bi fearfUI that purse-ae-lning outt.lt11 wiltl U8C th~ newly form~ pro- tarlf( or-ga.nlzaliont1 wrongly. Pu""" ~Mn' f"hhlns Muc h consideration. McNally '".:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:I believew. s hould be given pur9e ; !!C'lner•' ottahor" f\shing opera- tion.,. His col\Mrvation group 111 moat interested tn protecting (lah- DOESN'T Ullt: OOV7:RNMENT eThomu 0 . Smith, 37, 378 Ea.st 18tl'I street. 1uf!ered 11. poulble fractured skull and facial lacera- tlol'UI when he said Jiarsh words about the U. S. governmMt and ltw armed forces. Eddie Sandoval. M . 824 Walnut street, Fullerton. -eaented the ~marks and look action. Tht' t"A>'O were riding in a taxi at 3 a. m. yesterday tn Fullerton when the traca.a occur· red. Smith waw taken to Orange County ho•pttal ~d Sa.ndovaJ went lo jail. , ~ Wears Many Times Longer • Stainlou slffl core Is .roinfon:od wifft hff.y juty Ind '!_re ~.J • 1 FOB OO!IO'LED: •B !UlBO& NJ:Wll OOVEIUOJ: -TWICE A WU& - lng bank11 off Ne...,'POrt ind olheT that lh1JI Ii' bUt another Instance 11rc-u from being '"slrtppcd" by-where the Department of Stale S<'lning operatlon8. LI pla.ctn& American lntereal8 8e!C- "l have all the sympathy in ondary to foreign lntertal-" Prom· the world tor the commercial l.tng cooperauon wttb the: fiahing fishermen. but !rom \.be comtner-and cannl.n& llldWJU1ea. Nixon cia.l -•port fiabing angle, I wonder said M had conte.rred with Waab- 1r the summer sport and wtAter lfll1.0n reprtae.nt.aUvea ot tbe two commercial fl8hermen re a 11 s e-~ what they a.re doJng," McNally Sen. Knowland. Ln a letter •to said. I! they confine their effort.a M•-and litn. H-W. St.even.a. 1S18 to obLAlnlng a tariff on tuna, hP Vtlelle Place, Newport BM.ch. tokS 111 all ror them, he sa.kt. ' ~ hill tnler'ftt In tM prOblem. but The protective aaaodaUon '• '1&1d tuna t&rftfa WOUid have to board of directora hu takm no be lnJ Uat.ld ln the Houai6 u t.arttta actlon on the tuna tariff propoa.l are revem.le-ft1atng meuurea.. &o y<t, but the mat.t<r will prob-l.-4'-lo o-sr- ably be di8cUMed at lbetr not Pa.rt or the f:Llh. produotra ln- me..tlng l.n Lo. Angeles In about ;;L'tut.e cam-' .... on behaU ot in· two v.·ee.ktt. ,.,.....,. ... MunwblU, Nowport rlalllnr d<penclont. amall --In foll< ,have Wl'\tten C&llfomJa'a the fbh.ln& 1ndult:ry e:n~ man- natora about the l&ritf need. ber·wrltlcn !nUn to ooncr- Memben or !be Cloll procblcns m;;;., l...Utut. •alma to prOmote Institute beard from Bena.. IUcb&nt l'flxon &11d Wllllani "-l&Dd. tbe tuna tariff, to ~ and CUlde ~ In -· and ........ Niu• -Told kotlaJ of tbdr 0-' .. - Nixon'• letter rapped the A.cllo-Tbe local -of U.. lltot.f. ..,...,... State DopMlm<nl. tUC.. w!U bo14 tta --.., Nixon'• Jetta' to lllra. r . D • .Jn U.. Mar --~ W illdle, 406 Club H-Drtn; odllp ,_ -raclMtl -.r 8111- Newport Boadi, -In put: .,_ -• U.. llill' -' ' . NEws·-TIMES and THE IRESS "I baft SIMft • letter from lM n. •••• ad-!~ ... ~.,. ••.• .-· $3.50 per .yea 'fOr lo• NEWJ'Oino RA•-PUJll.IBll[HO 00. • ' • Ii'&"'~ .p...... It -Am•p ------SIM u 111ei. op1a1-t11at' a. -......., 11111M 11t ~ - )llblo.Uoa ,1o -DGt .. .--Iii .. -·'•·""-, .. repreeeat«S. With tlUa "O"C'"rt • diu.aJ .. ,. ~ tldt f • w01 ~ '1oltJ!Uy -.... for l -llo -la lk -II-) .. Tom Pendell wu present for the bualneu meeting. First prize went to Mrs. Fred Woodworth and consolation to M rs. Rosa Owen. l01 · N. Sycamore, nta Ana Kl 2-2305 Franklin, president ot the C08· ta Mcaa. Chamber ot Cominl':rce. told the group that Co.lit& Mesa. had no dol1ars to match the sav- ings lhat the-H igh School District could admittedly make by "a.nnf'X- tng to the City o f Ne-wport Beach. He said lhat "Dollar Diplomacy" 'lhoul<t not be coMidcred but rather that harmony 3hould be thf' keynote and that the school should not be brought Into politl~. H e rt>quested delay In the action e.nrl said that If the annexation phlll is good now It woul<f no doubt bC' in ~ood stead In 19.'.)2-~-M· or I lnrtl!r1n ltely. Franklin wu answered by Mrs., H . p , Boyvey Yo'ho aaid that the / mf'&sU re "'b not polit1 cal, unless I Rdults made it !IO. Sht-furthC'r str~Med that It wu f"ntlrely 81 mattf'r of economical administra- tion which the School Board was 11 duty-bounri to consider. evaluate. The board mf'e llng lasl<'d fo r more than two houri!. No decision .waa reached and J oe Beck, act- ing ch.a irman or thr school bollrr1 said that non e would be rt'aChC'd unles,., there were some ur~C'ncy. He In timated that ttie membf'rit of t he board in attendance would rather w ithhold their decision un· tll Judge Donald J . Dodge, presl· dent of the board, returns from t he east. The meeting ove rflowed the regular board roo~ o( the school and wu adjournerl lo a large visual education '&udltortum ' in t he new school bulldlng dubbed J Dodge Hall. line in its field I _ • -- With all its finer quality and liner fcatura, • Cbenolet oft'eR the /owut- pricd /ille in its fuoJ~xuemely eco-• . Come nomical to <>Plfl.le aod m11nt11n, in,..;.. flld driw.America's larrqt aad finut '--t>ric<d cu-liowl • I MOiii "Ol'U IUY a.v.ciun nwt MfY-On B CMl f . , ' % CURRENT WNINGS in its fie lei I Longest io its field (197% inch"") .•• Heav- iest ln its field (3140" pounds in the model illustrated )t .. _ Witksl tread in its field (SS~ incbe.s between centers of rear wheels) •.. all of whicb meam extra comfort, extra safety and extra durability for you and your family. tStylt>liM D~ Luu 4-Dool · S.dM ,J,ip~ ,...,,,,,. The Stylellne De lu••· 4..0eor SMon tCollr"'"°''°" el akMdsd """., -,,. ... lllvtlrof.d .. d...,&.t -.,.iJaWlifJ -1 ..,.,ial.J '• • -. . ' ! I - ' • Of CORA TING ltl:l@I4t r..h-ck<ontiog oartaleob ud FABRICS aft ulimil<td. 0.,. dtairaton "' oloilkd la ....... ffliog ..• .. garicwyl .. window drop;.g ..• IUptr at .tip cow.ring . • • o.tetudiag al caphobltring •.. cok.aJ ., coraiict bodag ... qU:k Oii thr dnw, dnpuioa ... lo.ckd witb lw-dwart .•• ud ..mlk with lriauni..g. ... .u .. bodgtt pncu ... ..-uytlliog la d .... 1.i.na .... . ' PUUEll-111 £. COLOWD IT WTl IU-112 WT FDllTI Lffl IUCl-541 P11£ an. JI 0 I E l 1 1-5 Z 11 ·LIN 0 LEU M Is Only es Good es its Installation FOR FLOORS YACHTS DRAINBOARDS ASPHALT TILE VENETIAN & WINDOW BLINDS SHADES FORMICA TOPS ;?,~~~1o~ B~V6~ ~~T~~~ HARBOR 552..J MAD MOORE'S CASH & CARRY . BALBOA BL\~. AT ZloL ST. . NURSERY 2\'"E\VPORT BEACH WJ1'TTER· BLOOMING PLANTS SWEET PEAS, In bands GIANT STOCKS TETRA SNAPDRAGONS GIANT PANSIES CINERARJAS PRIMULAS ... .doz. 75¢ doz. 35f . doz. 351' doz. 50f ...................... doz. 5-0( ..... doz. 40( • OPEN SUNDAYS ID® W®W ~@'W That Continuous Stock Quotatl- and Lat• News Are Available at eur LAGUNA IEACH OPrlCI • Bank of llaguna Beach Bldg. Ph. <l-1156 • . Complete Biokenp Pocilitiol ' -Tram-Lm SllOCli: Ticbr Swiltkal Library llld lleedi"I ._ ' Your order to buy or ocll listed 1todos,.hondJ or can- modities will be o=cuttd with lpOCd and MXUnCJ over the nation-wide lcu:d private wire IJRtiil t'Dn-1 n=ing our 16 California ollic:-es and our New York office with princi~ Eurcrn tndm, aenem. Scan. tical facilities an maintained for JOUf cai-..em--. DEAN WITTER a Co. • .;.,,,. .... y ......... , ,, •• at Ill_.,.,, .... -" t19Ml 00 •• -.............. t • ' t.el AJllFM ..... fl:lllCllCe -ft!IS ' I . ' . BIG TllRD- .NMn. n-. Peet ~.h. New ........ OVEB 21,608 ~ 18 .nm AMIWD ' Pllme BeW"f lilt ~ ... Mir fw ... ell hbr, . ' • • I • • Uckttst.··WO'"en at Club O~niGg ~!be;#••• ott .wt:U._a mlllltt 1UCC'-'1il. tuncbeoa WU' ,llESs;ll Udo 1o1e· w .... ._., .,,.., ..w.. aa ---------;-;-,,"""'"'.:;---"---------t:.....;'- *'ombon ud • .,_t. ~'bJ lllft. N-Ntlce. prooldtilt and ~ Ohuleo IAmb, bolplt.ulJ ~ The ~ luncheon table -ucepUena!tY lonly wlU> a CL~S ·S .IF.IED ~~ . - frttJ1 cloll> and all-w!llle °"""""· . A ahort .,._ lnlerlm -fOl·ll·--------------------..:..-;;_t The Mighty Midget In Adverliaing lowed by p...-tallon of an act ttom a BroadWay hll by tbne memberw ol Harbor Community Playen, Marll>dla Randall, ll<llY Jarvlo and Vlr~nla W•llL Alt<I•· wa.rda et.rda WeN play.eel. 'Stagettes Dine in New Mesa Home A lace • spread table centered with .red f'Ol'ea made a ,etriklnl' picture when Mn. D&lay Suulvu extend¥f recent hoapltallty to the Stagettes club. Deuert wu aerv- ed by the ho1teu in her new home, 2027 Orange Ave., Coat.a Meaa. Mn!. Helen Clark, prul· dent, wu wiAner of the door prtr.e. Queal.a g-reeled wore Mn. Mable Smith and Mrs. Donna Backe• of Costa Mesa. Among members sh&rinf the occaaloN were Mmea. Ma.e Felker, Lou Lockwood, Ma.rgte Brockett. Clara Bada.ge, GraCe Kllne, Loulee Green, Co~ta Mesa; Emma Pou- part, Newport Beach. • Arizona Officer to Address Harbor DAR Group Opening the fall activities Chapter Col. William CabeJI of Newport Harbor DAR will hold lt8 monthly m~ting September 26 (fourth Wednesday of the monthl At 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ward Porter, 209 Carnation Btreel, Corona del Mar. Asslal· Ing ho"'tCMC8 w ill be Mra. Wll· ltam T . Marx and Mrs. Jesse Wolfe. Mrs. Charles Boardman, regent, wUI preaide and t ea Will be served. Mrs. c;hance >.'IcKIUlpa, etat.e his- torian for Arlzona will give a re· pOrt on ContinentaJ Congreu al \Vashlngton and the adoption of by·l&\Y8. NEWS-".flMES -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays . NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thursdap lO-Bum-Gulde OOllPLSta HOUllll CL&.UllNO .nice. l'Undtun and rup ......PJJOICl. rr... ed'mat• in1117 lnwNd. Al's House & Rug Cleaning· Co. 514 · 29th St. -Newport Beach BN OOft 1111 /JU• For Venetian Blinds. Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 881 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Coast Hlway, Coruna del Mer 70tfc VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and othera, $6.95 up 100 to chOOSe from. HANK'S Vacuurii. Cleaner Co. 901 S. Maln St., Santa Ana Klmberly 3-2968 70tfc 1 ~Ruildln11; Services 916 FISHER Drafting Service Cout Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar 72ltc EXPERIENCED CARPETERS Want Wot'k 6y Hour or Job. 'Call Harbor 1164·M 71tfc Alcohol1ca An:mymoua \Vrlte P. 0 . Box 205 · Balboa Island. Ca.J.tf. : t>h one K1mbrrty 3--539S 211--S ituation• n•ant...t · Fl'NF. IRONING Nill call for and deliver. Curtains_ H"IP with dlnnl'r parties. Pboo• Mra. \\'il liame, liarbor 159t) tJe. fort' 10 a .m . or. after 6 p .m . • 70p75 SO. CA IJF. B!Bl.E COLLIDE M f:N & WOMEN STUDENTS \Vant p:irt tim~ work. 8'bY sitting. R<"~t. housework, yard work, etc. Kl. 3·8281, li:x:L •11. 71p78 NOflJ_D LIKE hollti<' work by the hou1. E xp"rienccd. Have re!· er<'n..:"l'I. J\fr:>. L. W. Witt. 117 W . 28th St., N.cwport Beach. 73p'lll BOATMAN, a:c;P 28. Top not'ch. Bolh uperal1on & malntenan.Ce. . Ca:1 offer· C'Xcrllcnt reference.. $260 J'k'r monlh. Call or write Box 1'~ this paJ>("r. 74p78 DANISH GJRL lvant!'I hoU&e· kt.'cping job on Lido Isle. Some cooking. No children. Phone Harbor 2130. 7•p76 MRS. PERNEL GEOR~E HARNETT j Photo by ArM'ne) Symp:ion & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING Pern.el G. Barnett Takes Bride in Rites at St. Boniface Church --------! Bib-'n-T ucker Club Cliff Haven Couple I Has Fall Dance -Given Surprise I Last Saturday n ight the Sep-J 512 -38th St .. "ewporl Beach "The-Best Money Can Buy" REF1!\ED w idnw, school _age daughtl:"r, dcslrf' management of apt. unit. EXl'C llE"nt back- ground, character ref. Write Box J, this papPr. 74p76 CARETAKER, single, can °furnlah local references. Please write Box I . this paper. 74p76 tembf>r dance for Bib-'n-Tucker 1 PHONE HARBOR 2(04 Housewarming Social club WU he ld at Santa 5Ztft'' WANT p lain cooking--commercl· Ana Country club. Five Bits 'O a.I or private home. Experienced.. Gi ft11 and heirlooml'li l'IC'nl by.._ __ _ :nrml>C'r s o f hrr family In Luxem· Murt.: R.dltecl i.('nlin1cntRI accE"nl whf'n Miss Mary Ann J i·n~"~ br· r amr lhl' bridl' nr Pcrnf'I Georl?r Barn<'tl In Calholli.: rite!'! Ill St. Boniface church. Anahetn1. Sh e was 1{1v1'n in kf'l'ping by her cou!!- ln. 1·om J f'ntgP!I, and tht• doubli• ThP James Ha1nllns of Downpy and tho Jac k HardculJes of Long &sch J'8Vf' a su rprili(' housewarm· ing Saturday, Sf•pt 1 ~ for lhel,r parents, Mr. and P.t rs. \\'illiam Hamlin. The Hamlins ar!' fnrmer- ly of Huntrng-ton Park. but nOY.' re!'lidC' at 2282 K inb'!'I Road. Cliff Haven. Df>liclous Spani!ih food Rhythm turnlahed the mu.sic. B & y House Movers Cal) Bea con 6825-W. 75p Am~& pre-dance co<!kta.il par· A.ND. F'ullr rton Junior C'Olit"ge 1Uld Klngs; Po1nl A1·11d1•n1y tn New York. On return froR1 a \Vt•f'k 's honeymoon trip they will rt·"11lp l:i thrlr nc,.,. home. ~18 Fullt·rton Ave., Nrw· port Ht·l~ht s. tlc-15 wu 'one hosted by Mr. and ~ERIB:NCED bookkeeper..C- Mro. R-Onatd Barlowe. 232 Agate. 'General Contractors countant. c an handle several Balboa Island. Amon1 those in-650 Finit St .. ..!l'ustln CaJlf. n1ore a ccounts. Call Mr. Meu-- vlted \4·e~: Messrs. and Mmea. Phone Kimberly 3·1885 , mer, Har. J>63·1·R . 7~p80 Jack Brunner. Leonard Gravea. (Home Phonea JAspcr 9-2773 or r\ni; 1.:Pr1·n1ony wM perfor1 ned by Q. C. Bruin Club the Rr v. 1>taur1c!' D!'C'. Th• bci(lo IS tho daughter or I to Open Season M r~. Harry Jentges and thr letr r.tr. J <>nt i;:e-s of GardC'n Grove The U c I~. A ,.\\unlnr.~ Bruin Club brilleg rfKJm \" gon of Mn. Eva As-Inf OrAngl' County announc&>fS its pin or Nrwport B<'ac h and P£'rnl'i fir!'lt dlnn .. r affair of thr fall sea· Barnett of Buena Park. ) son at 7:00 p. m .. \Vedneeday. F.xqu1s1te while Chantilly lace Sept. 26th at thC' \\'Hlo..,.•ick Golf f&sh1o~d thr bridal gown A snug Club, on \\!('st 5th St. just ovf'r the bodlC'f' with .!lhrer yoke topped the I Santa A na r1vrr hrldJ?:e ltt Sant.a bouffant ballr rlna Jpngth skirt. Ana. Smo:-,c:"ruibnr<l and platter Fron1 Luxembourg cam(' the coro-I dancln~ are 1n stor e for all U. t; nC't or waxen o range bl0880m1J, L. A. Al11mn t and their friends. 11.dorn'n,i;: the julle t cap which hC'ld Pif•ll.S(' calJ LorE"n \\'agner, phone the iJluslon veil. The bQuquet was .,nohc~n1 3452 rnr rrscrvallons. o f two whlt1" orchi<b and spraye I -------- o f .!Jlephanotis. In Ma.ry'3 &hoe wu W I . a lucky coin . S he carril'd a medal es ey D. Smiths wbic h had belonged to her ma. • I ternai grand1nother, and a cut '" c eveland c rystal rosary sent from OVf!NleU. Al her throat was a single atrand Mr. a nd Mra. We."1ry-D. Smith o f pearls, gift of the brldt>groom, j o f Balboa are in Cleveland, Ohio, Pink Orpady thla week on the M!cond leg of a comb"nPd buslnt"Rs and pleasure j aunt through lhe ea.sL The couplC' flt>""· to Chica.go and picked up a new car . They are t ending to buslnPB.11 In the aulomobllc fac· tor lcs an'I manufacturln1 plant! In which Mr. Smith l8 tntere.sted. Altt'mants were in Bht'll pln.k or1:a.ndy, full ballerlna. skirt.a be· ing toppf'd \Yith fitted. long sle<'ved jackets of taffeta. Juliet <.·ap-.; of organdy matchfil the gown11 in color and lhey. carried rans or larkspur and Better Timu r~es. Servlng u matron of hon· or was ~tr-8. E rnest T errebonne o! F'ullerton, while Mr-,,. Bergen Davi11 ot Ana.he-im W1lS bridesmaid. Ellon Ba.melt gave best m&n A&"li:<1tancc t o hlll brother And gurstA: w~re seated by Duane Ann.strong of Fullerton. Mi83 Esther Morgan, 110lolst. was accompanl<'d by Mra. A. F . Faust al lhe Orl)ft.n. F or her daughter'• wedding, ' Mra. J t>ntge1 chMe a two pltt• They plan to vu1lt New York and then tour the C'&at coast u far u Mlaml, Florida before return· Ing homt-. \\'ealey Smith ill head ot lh:e A1otor Rim and WhttJ Company of Lo1• AngelPs and San Francisco wtlh aftlUat1ont1 in a.lt of lhe eaat- t"TTl manu!acturing ccntl"rs. OCC Class Preps Lido Isler for Trip to France Wll.!l Sf'rVe<I. , Thruc at trndin~ \\" C' r c t.t..,Mrs. 'lnd 1>tm l'1'· Prank Banks of Los AngC'IC's. Clayton Faust of Ana· hrln1, Henry Grant or Norwalk , Ray Har(\ra..<1llC' of Long Beach, Holli!'! R1lf'y of Huntington Park. Jack \.\'adt' and mothe r. lt'Iary Grenawalt of Los-An~e\es, and t.1:r. and ~1:ra. Allan Mona.smith o! Long Beach . Play Championship Game Sunday The Balboa Duplicate Brldg" Club I.! 1!1pon80rin1: a.n O~n Pairs Championahtp TournAment lo be ,;eld Sunday, Sept. 23 at the Fri· day Aftf'rnoon Club House tn C.OstA Mf'aa.. The tlr&t M"Uion get.I under \\·ay at 1 :00 o'c,ock a.nd the second seas:on will start at 6 :30 p. m. , Winne"' m the rluplicale bridge game hC'ld on F'riday evenin11 in Balbt'>a w r r<" Afrs. Frahk Recd and A m o ld Ga.ucr playing nortb-eouth end Mrs. Grorge Carrol and Mrs. Charle!\ Boardman f'a.3t-west. Runneni·Up north • south wer"j .Howard BrowneJI and Fr«!. Mo r- rison: M ~. Roberi. Brown lllld A. 0 . Wetherby: Mr. snd A1r11. J oe WUcox; Aire, Roy Strotz and Rob· crt Lusk : Mrs. P('Ji;'K)' J ohnson and Mra. Margaret Holmes. ' RunneNJ-up eaat-we11t were Mrs. Arnold GB.!Lwr and Mrs. Estelle IAvlne: Mr. an:j ltfn. R.. M. \Vall· lngford : Mra. Mll<lred LyUe a.nd Robert Brown; Mra. Tbomu Ken- 11ed7 and Charles Jester: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rounnt.Ue. Overall Wlnnent ln Monday af- ternoon's gatne -were Mrs. Robert Brown and Doyle Giibert. Run- dreq in . mauve lace ovl'r aaUn with blue acceMOrlea and a cor· sagl' of Estelle J ewe I orchlda. Mrs. Eva A.8pln. mother of ·the bridegroom. wore a grey wool llUit with blac k acceseorit'a: and a veitchi orchid coraagc. Taklng time by the tore.lock l9 ner>Up were Mn. Amy Wolcott L. F . Hostetler, all of Balboa la· JAaper 9·2687l 73c86 land; Meaars. and Mme&. Lynn Hugheo and Leonard Thomp.On of PAPER HA.."l\l"GING Corona del Mar: Mr. and ):{rs. & Painting, Spray Painting Calvin Preston and Dr. and Mni. Edward Mtlum ot Bay Shor... • Kenneth Quarry After the dance this group return-151~ Santa Ana Ave. Costa. Me!IB ed to the Hughes home !or mkl· Phone Beacon' 0~04 night bree.kfut. 1 56c57H Another group were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hubbard. 219 Larkapur !or coc::ktails. Zonta Welcomes New Members • .Dr. H elen R . Robert.81Jn, 333 E . Bay(.ront. Balboa. lllla.nd and Mrs. Joan Pe rez, 722 Goldenrod avenue, Corona del Ma.r, were Initiated and y,•etcomed into the Zonta HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or? Call Walker-1576 Placentia Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK • 74c75H INTlCRlOR -li:XTERlOR PAINTING UCENBED -INSUIUllD Glenn Johnston· club of Newport Harbor. a bus!-501 • 81.at St, Newport &Mch ne88 women'• organis&tion.. at I Barbor 2297-J UcU lhelr nrat fall luncheon meeUng, Th~rsday. September 13 at N~r-WILL DO that work yoti ton• Cafe on . eo..t Highway, I want done _ Jack of all Newport Beach. . Mrs. Helen Stockton. prealdent, trades--m81Dtenance wprk. 'presided over the busifteae sea~ Have tools and mixers for slon and reported on special high· any job. llghto or th• Zonto lntemllUonat Call BILL convention ln Chicago In June. Beacon 6451-W 67c58H November 16 ha.I been named dale tor: Zonta Carnival night to be held at Balboa Bay cJub, N.ew· port Beath and tha&e attending Jul year's carnival will welcome lhf: opportunity of enjoying the enterta.lnmenl thia year. More plana and det.aU. will be WO<ked out at lhe next evmlng rb.eeting, Septerpbu 2!-_______ Job's Daughters Mother's Club Meeting Hetd PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN na Palmer st., ca.ta 11._ Bea. 64~7-M Hc9 DON K. BUTrS Lie. General Contractor Residential-:-Commercial Remodeling Pbone Beacon 640&-W • ·• 17tfc REMODEL and REPAm Residence or Commercial -. R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. 29-H~lp_ Wanted • • WAITRESSES WANTED -•Ap- ply Cape Cod House, ~ Island. Be1.1con 5745. 7~7% . EXPERJENCED full c harge bhk:· k ec>per·sreretary. Write exien- ience and de talle to Box .ttp" this paper. ?St!c • • Experienced real estate btodlt:- er to work in an esfjlb- lished office. Write Bo~ :S, this paper. 73c78 BEAUTY OPERA TOR, guarantee and com1nission. Excellent ~ portunity. Vance Beauty Sa..iiJD. 221 So. Main, Santa Ana. 7~:5 MlDDLE AGED woman. Tl'!te- phont> service for 1.&rge lna'flr· ance company in Harbor aiea.. Phon"' Klmberly 2-4594. or we :r-.. tr. Tiptofi. D to 10 a .m., Rtn. 424 Oti.& Bldg., 4th and M.tln, Santa Ana. 7ff18 WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply 1''orton 'e Bay Shore Cafe. f-b· Beacon 5715. 70Gf'2 COOK a:"Ld light houewc:rk. Bendix. Afust be young and Dke childr~n. f2 boys, <I and 9 yfA,) L ive in or out. Phone Haribr 056!>-R. 76<'11 Call on Friends, Make Mone}' ~HOW nc-w 21-card $1 Chrtatm_u asaortme.nts. Big valuea. aeU on sight, pay IOO 'H profit. Samp.te. on approva1. EmboMed per.o,p· al Chrl!lt.mas cal'da .50 tor fl-~. FREE oamplea. Imprinted 114' t.ionery: big line. Experience ta· necessary. Write STTLART, 1717 W. Ninth, Dept. 178, Ii.i j Angelea. ,,, WANTED Man '°" gen"""1 nursery wurk. Apply · NO~· MAN'S NURSERY.' 1313 ~ Hlgbway, Corona dd Mar. • r 7ilef1 • Mra. O co ScholJ of Lido tale, one and ·M.ra. Latlfa Beny; Mr& Rob-The reguJ.ar m'eetlug of the of the most enlhualasUc students ert Ros& and Mra. George Carroll: Mot.Mr's CJu.b of Job'• ~ugbten, ln the bea;1nnf'rs' clue fo'r con-Mrt. George· K e:!"rlman and Mn. Bethel 157, wa.s held September .5 versatlonal French al • Orange EU\el BMhoP: Mr& MOUie Ballard a\ 1:30 p. m . at the borne of Mn. Cllapd R.ceplJo• Cout coUog. .. Th• ct>.. t.augbt and Mro. W. W. Wlllon tying Co<wln Born•. 171 W.O. Place. Capilla de San Alltonlo garden by Mme. ,Everett, meet.a ~ve.cy with_ Mr. and 'fn-C. H . Johmon. Col.ta Mea. Mn. A: W . Gunn. co- General Building Co:ntnctor W Fullerton, N•wport s..cti ,. . rr.. &tbnateo Beacon oite-w l~!t:~~-e,?J~~"!"'~-!:!!~la!. "!!}e<J~. !!!. 08!!!.!..---·~~ waa the ae:ltlng for lbe ~tlon. Monday and Wedneaday eYen.irqr hoetea. The IH"kle'• 1.ab1.. &.co .. ted, 1n '""" 1 1o v p.m. unc1er lll• ac1u11 Relatives Hosted lo lh• ·--of the prealdent. pink and white. wa. center..i with educallon department. Kn. Cb&rta TaJlor, the ..ice-_ . and p · a white ped .. t.al Cak•. cut and MMI. Scboll Ill plannlng a 'trip by Newpo~ Couple p.W<knt.,Mr.. c. )(.~pre-.. -Loet . GUiid _T3p87 STORll: tbtturu. prac. new, ~ caaea. ccuntera, mtac. All ha.ft adjuatable -1 ..... Bargain. Call " .. rvec1 bi< lllft'. Helf' warn-. of lbrough France next year and Ill 1 I aided-Ma:jo. Dean 8pllh and ~ L08T _ lo Balboa Bayabore ..,, 5ant.a AJla and Miiia SaW P'lal<e ol 1<lUng a bulc knowlodp of Kr. and M"rw. Emdt L. Pou· H.. Tam•IJ were appolnt.i lo ar-BaJ Club. Gold """"'-<jewel· 0ran..,. Fr-ench In the m<&ntlme. Her mu. put, 1112 • 28th~ bare bad... ......... Ille ~ber. lnotollat!on 17..ptn. White o!'!fM aot lo blool- Mni. Artkur Clua am Mni. Et-adopt8 daugllt..T. .Lllelte. Ill .. ..., (..-the pN( l1m wodur Jfr. lunclJ<cJIL --w • r • . ...., dealOI two-lpcl¥a' ltlSli, 'one mtt Barnell preelded al tbo P"""b 11'rencb by blrt.11. Tbe two.of them and Mra. P . F . HOllgeo o( TUrloclc: -"flier tbe aleotlq. • 1nCb wide at top. l!jlbiWitlal bowl and •tre. Jack Leonard bad will "'' a aq\all w and lelouftl,J Mra..Hodg .. lo aloler of Mp. Pou· ~ P.-t ._ Kn. 11:. V. rew....r. -Be..,... IM!N-J. · O'jlnlU, 1leaicor> 89llO. e4llo COtDplele tmta11at.On. re.,-lr ,UiJ suvic.. ot all trail..-c~ ' . ; OR:ANGE COAS'l' I TRAILER SUPPL'{ cbaFge of the 'cueat -. tour the child"• natl" count,,.. _part_ Rapn. Yan ~ W. 11:. • 73p75 Wbel\ the 'l"jde kn t~ btr Tile -~ ~ar 0, Pridaf ot Jut week l1!9 Nlcltoll, 'c. D. Rome, ~ , -':I 'I 1'10 ~ BL'\'IJ. J hot!e1'Jl(Jbn trip..,....,.. a~ lul ye&•, la locklq I.be~ tctaraon'i. went lo Tuma lo vlllt a P~ A-W.• Oullll, B'aa-th LOllT -8et of keya on~ clbaln. Colla JI..., Pbone BM-mtilf <Nita outt wllll •<c••olioo IJI• 13' Jaat ~··~ta conll•ulq brolloor of Uie two......,..,, Geotp 1-. . V. -. C., ~ Baa ..U.-W·tqOlllt (9~3}.- • llolp and. -..... l1lo lll'Cllld bl. P<l>ale -at u.. --L. PlllWpo -fU>Jl1. ~ tlle 1'aclrer -twv ..... '=::r REWARD.-... t:o Kn.Bena. YOUNG MAN'S surr, -• "':. i.: ~of Ana-~ ~~ ::.i~i:::: ~~-Call;.::-'n>q ":!.;..~ =. =-~ ' Ballq Jim,-~ .T.R18 \~>1!.!~: =:-at,..:- llJtll acbool.and ~ JuDloor ~_tor llle.claa <11lerUllDhos ~!lot la u.. ....,...._,, -Tiie ~·""ill-lie Odo-< LOllT -.All -put~ Leal! 111an \!o .J><lee. a. eollep. fftquo!itq la liar -. )lorirUlor ..,, 5 .. m. .. ....., -""' lo -• al "' ~ .. at Illa -cot. "Vlattll7 llOr ...... llol-JMt,K. Htt b._Dd wu ~·ad l'lr-opuk .. ..., ......,... &1111 ~ r.. '1l>e -. .,,_ Jloillpo oc Kn. -D. R11'jl1 um, ~ w. _ -. -. -.._ jl,.. ~·==-~=;;;;:::;--::-::;:;--:::i: tram 0n.np Rip ICMol ,ud ...... ~ tn.ftl a.a... _..... •• ta ,... ....... t7. • 1D ~qi.ta ...... ll , I I •' ' J. -. aeeitn..t - ~ .,_ .. .,,. . • , • • • • • • I I. • • •• • • • ,, • ... ) I ' PA6E 6 -"PART ,. -THURsDAY, SEPT. 20. 19Sf MOVING? HERE .A~ MANY FINE HOMES AND APARi'MENrs FOR RENT . :·~·,;;r:A~llESS. a Yoa'I; nail,....,. --.. _ ·~-RENTAIJO;....:.. . \ ~'&.i..~ .:...,;,,, • -~ ~--~ ..... •ptL w ... n.,i '°' -1-L' ID 0 .... 11ot......, '6 11 ~ ..__ - -. ,...rlY or wblW-la ll>e du-• Tllc7T .••• , ••• -. alflfld IN!(!.UOD todaJ ! > , B A L B 0 A Anru.C6Vli t bdrm. -Balboa Island p AUL c. JQNES . Bolboa Bay -( apt. Wln!A!r w. have l<Veral attncU•e &'pta. Rental AieJicy N f W P 0 R' T =~ ~ mo. -~ and hou>o• tor winter rental 230'7 Balboa Bivd. ----'f--,.---~-- startlng at $45 m9 .. and a l<!W NEW f ildf111. ~pt.. tum. ~ yH.rly l'ftltal• starting ,.t SM-Barbor ~3 • • . 2 1>drm. and, rianl"-Either '6(1_ SS-Boats. s~ Nelda Gibson, Rltr. · . T•uc R no 30th et. N""JiOrt BM!* ::::;::::;::;::;:::::::..:::.::iu:::=::....._, __ 306 Marine, Balboa bl. Har. CO% FllJtNUIHlllD \ thU••. with bot Inquire ,In ,..,,-~ 74p75 Chrysler Encnnes uuc -wand pr1vai.. i.u.. .-.. W I E Y BIN?LE ~ doable •l>ta. A.Joo .,-. _B_A_LBO __ A_BA __ Y_FR_O_NT ___ N-le<-lY ~ woall ~at l9'l1 ~ , triolkr .~, •H per,i;no. Win· MORE CLASSIFIED ON P~GE FIVE Used · turnlahed 2 bedrooma lower, Oct. ... ..., Colla ML ter ra~ -~ neW ma.nace-- 1'1 _ June LIL Reuonablc. Ph. ~-•·•·• .,_,__ I N E mcnL ~ -el; oomer ..... .... . USED REFRIGERATOR fSt!rvel) ApL J11iu, 4 cu. n . Pf"rfttt con· dltion. 'Very clean throughout Sft'D.9!5. Otht'n from $79.9!5, terms. STROOTS TeWINKLE HDWE. 1802 NeW))9rt Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacdn 6222 , O'KEEFE I< MERRl'IT RANGE-- that 1901 deluxe C. P. all :auto- matic rangt" with lamp, .Rtalnleu ateel grlddJ(' and• that chronf't' grill broiler. Full slz.e oven and aimmer burners. Bala.nee due on my contn1ct Is $139.83. My equity fr-H It you lake payment.I ot $7.48 JM>r mo. Usro It .only 3 monthA. See Mr. Baughn, 401. So. Spadra.. Fullerton, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m .or phone 21:52. 7'4tfc KELVINATOR rf"frigerator, 6 cu. n. Excellent runnlng order. completly overhauled. S8i.M, terms. Others from $69.9!5. STROOT$ Tf'WINKLE HOWE 1802 NPwport Blvd., C~ta Mesa \Phone Beacon ~222 Crowns -Royals See Jolin Harvey at Seacraft _8211 COAST mOHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH_ SEACON CT71 94ttc JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory -approvt'd Sale:. and Service Station In lhf' New· port Harbor Arf&. South Coast Co. Nf'wport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 53tfc 18 FT. CHRIS CRAPI' speed boat, Chrys. Ace. A·l mech. cond. $14!'}0 F~ ~up re.t}ta1 tor boaL't orrered for sale up to 28 ft. WizaJrd cl: Rowboat.. for Rf'nt K~n Scott's Mobil Marine Dock Next to Ferry Landlng, Balboa Harbor 2720 59tfc 6 FT. PLYWOOD DINGHY $3~- PhonP Be&cQn 6386-J. 73c75 BOAT W Al\'TED Nll!W 1 bdrm. ""·~-~ ••.--of • -~-1--• Allan'" Buntin•· Harbor 1587·J. Tic78 -...._ _.. -b ••• mo -·I .._._ &U:U ._ -• ·-• ~ M. --Y~ 1 · ton ~ Lhlnston tl-SllO. FURNISRED HOUllll, 4 l>dnna., 2 balhll. Y,.. llvlag rm. O&N&'•· N....;p..rt Beaoh. Harbor OM8·W 7tc76 Bay Front Rentals F'urn. 1 bdrm. apt. Prlvate_t>euh. winter $75. Alao 2 bdrm., 2 t..lh, tlrf'plact>, $126. Slightly higher by year. Har. ™2 or eves. Har. 2914-~f. 69lfc WINTER RENTALS PENJN- SULA. Furn. 2 bdrm. apt.A .. ocean front . RtfrlK. Rea.80nable to Junr 15th. Util. lnclu. Ph Hntbor 1270..\V. , 61trc LIDO ISLE Smartly rurnlahed l and 2 bed- room apartmt'nts· with garage.-. Sept. 16 to June 15th. 1 bto<lroom 1 t~·in bl'd.11) S75 mo., 2 bt'drma. .SIOO mo. All ut\Utle.1 paid. Idft&J for school teach<'ra ar prot~­ slonal people. P .A . PlLMER Hat-taa-Y'. 1•p1a N T A . np11 WANT TO SHARE my attractive nfflNIS~D hOIJ.IM! on bay. wµJ -wlU> cirl or woman, child T A R rent unW June l, JM per mo. o_k. I rma.. •• pf.a.no, patio.· 11u. Call Harbor 1413 or write D . 4TO-"RK. 7Jt Rr:KolMpP, Corona \.\'bear, Star Rt. l, Ba.ratow. clel Mar. 14p7~ E L L \76p WART TO SH.ARI: my 3 bdnn. bome With · t mployfi'd. lady. Ph. Harbor 28'7·.J,e:ve.nl~p. 7-tc.78 WELL FURN. l bdrm. ll<>uM. I Servel, .ervlc.r poreh, fenced yd Nt-a.r O«&n front. winter, $60 mo.. lOI 27th St., Nf'wport Bc.h. ' 74p10 SEASIDE A.PTS, nlC<'ly t\JrnWINI, l br., utUitk!• tnclud~. Yearly ratee. 182$ W. Octtn Fr., N"'· port B ... ch. Harbor 23!>~. 72pM OCEAN FRONT turniahed apt .. .Uilable tor 2 adulta. $45 mo .. Yf'a.rly r(':ntal UtU. pd. 1504 W. Ocean F"ront, Nrwport BeaC'h. 74r78 UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt., bf8l lO<'a- Uon. Hardwood noon. t 11 ~. R s y AP TS. HOUSES BAY AND OCEAN FRONT Special FVRNISHED 2 rm. hou.ae. Court facilltleai Included. Refrtcerator, 1 '35 mo. Adult.I. Also tralle.r space •vallable REST HAVEN TRAILER PARK 174 l Pt>rnot1a., Coat& Mesa Phone Beacon 8747-J 75tfc NlCE' 3 room fUrnlAh t:'(t apt., year- ~ ,... Jy, utUltlc11, adult.JI. 305 34.th St,,. ~cwport Beach. 75p77 LfDO ISLE -2 bdrm. f'Urn. home patio a.nd b-b-q, $05 mo., winter ot-reasan&ble yearly. rate. Ph. Harbor l:r.62 or Creatvlcw S-4789. 7~p77 INCORPORATED Ga.rbace dlapolat auto wuher. -'2 Bdrm. Furn. HoUBe on Lido. Yearly $115 mo. TRAILER SP ACE CIDl'Se to shopping, otf the H lway, $12 to $15 mo. C&brWo Court., 140 Cabrillo St., COit& Men.. 3333 Via LJdo Harbor 1500 Yearly. 311 Mareumt~ Ave .. I Nt>wport Beach, Calif. Corona ck-I .Mu .• Harbor 0674-J - ___________ M_t_rc I f'VCA.. and WN!k end.9. 74c76 SI-Wanted to Bol Up to .SiOOO {power' as part dn. \\'JNTER RENTAL -PENIN-FURNISHED -1 bdrm•., •l~g 8 . .;.._--------'-----· I on Beaut. new hse. 2 B. R. & SULA _ Furnished single apt.. SpaclOUB encloaed patio, re&I 44-Rooms for Rent JIM & SALLY NEWLIN \VANT TO BUY -6x9 rug in den, patio .t. B.B.Q .. hdwd firs.. till Jun.t-15th. SS week. Utll. home, Udo l&Je . Conaider yearly good condition. Phone Harbor 2 flrepls., etc. 22503 Clarendon incl. Adult.s only. Phone Har-lea.ae, $125 J>f'r mo. Wrtte Box 1020-W evenings. 74tfc street, Woodland Hlll8, Sunset bor 1270.\V. 6lt!c "E" thla paJ>f'r. 73p8t 27608. ' 73c75 WANT FULL sized office desk. Qua.lily and rinlsh, suitable for the library in my home. Ph. Leaving Town HarbQr 1099-J. 7fc76 :Z7 FT. CUSTOM mahogany cru· C.Onsult situation want~ ads or iMr, twin Gray Phantom!, Ben- place a clualtied In the Newa.. dix controllt'd. S.S. ·radio. Slip Times, Post and Preu combtna-No. 2, Ken Niles Villa Mar1nft. Uon at $2 per week, min. Phone nr. Balboa Island Br1dgr Har. ~--bo 1818 bor 1915 or CReflltviP)-Y 6-7893. -r . ~n TWO APTS. Now available. ALSO roon1 and bath by day or pt>r- manpnt ~1 4 E . Ocean Front. Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. H•r. 3238. 60c74 rt ·RN. 1 b<'droom apt~. Util. paid ~f'llr !'llort>s, S.~8 n10. & up.19ti :'\"1'Y•porl Blvd., C'o:o;ita Mesa. 73c7!\ FURN. 2 bdrm. h.aP. Large living room. q'tll. prl. Winter or yea.r· ly. 14~ W. Bay, Newport Bch.. Inq, lower rear apt. 73trc :o.;EW 2·bdrm. unrurn duplex at 601 Poinffltla, Corona del Mar. Phont> ownl'r, Harbor J 195-MK. 705 Lari<,,pur, Corona• d'I 1.tar . 74c76 with JOHN D . BURNRA~i 007 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 645. Ev~ Harbor 2Z78-'\' BALBOA JSLA1'~ J B. R. clf'an, attrac. upper apt. lo reflnrd quit't married couple til Junf'. $85 mo. Ulll: lnC'I . 1 B . R . lo\\"· er apt. to refined married bus.. <'Pi. $50 mo. Ioq. 11 7 111 Sap- phire. Balboa Island. 74p7f!, PERM.ANENT wee It I y rental slec})ing room . Private entr&nce. GarogC', SlO per week. Blue Top Motf'I. 401 Newport Blvd .• New- . port B<'acW. 69tfc BALBOA ISLAND room wi.lh bath and kitchenette. Prlvatf' entrance. Elr-c. rerrlg. VPry nice. "\\rintl'r, SS wk. or by y<>ar, $1 0 wk. t:tll. pai<l . Harbor 2128-M. 73p86 ROOM -...·ith pri. bath &. cntranct> anti .sundeck on Ocean Blvd., • ' • J. ' SHQR,E¢JLl Dealgned fqr ~loua Ii g, this dlatl.Dctive new raniih' type hOO>!! ·oit wid lot has 3 apacioua bed- rooma, i'!4 ~tb11,o] pen bwd. floora. Forooo air heatilig, Iota of tile, tio with barbecue, J«e_ dbl. gar., heavy· shake f; choice loea., $24,500. CORONA DEL MAR -WHY PAY RENT! G.I. RESALE Pay only $2500 cash and move into this 2 Qdrm. home oli R-2 lot. ·Excellent loca- tion. Dbl. gar., 4% loan bcludea taxes, insurance and interest. See this, it f on 't. last at only $10,500 CLIFF $,AVEN Three. bdrm. and ·den ranch type home. Heavy shake roof, forced air hl at. 2 baths, h>ts of tile, lge. dbl. gar., patio. Just completed on lsrge view lot. $26,500. Tenns. See 2352 15th St. Open· Sunday, 1-5 Listings Wanted-ftentals and Sales W. E. FISHER, !Builder-Realtqr ERNIE SMITH, Realtor-Associate 916 Coast Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona JeI Mar , Little Balboa Island Bayf ront Finest location with own pier and float -This charming home situated ,on an extra large lot- Consists of 3 bdrms. and 3 baths, including a very spacious and attra~tive master bdrm_ The large living rm . with higti ceiling is ideal for en· tertaining but for the \person who ' demands a quiet room there is a den. The many cupboards and closets provide ample storage space. A com- fortsble winter is assured in this fine home be- cause of the large forced air furnace. If all this is not enough, there is a separate apt. either for guests or income. Make an app't. to see this out-· standing baYlront home at your earliest conveni- ence.' Price $60,000. Attractive terms can be had. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Ball/oa Island Harbor 20 SEA BOOKS A fine stock of books on all )taeht· ing 11ubject.s-plu9 all current books. Lending llbrary. \\'l:'\"TE:R F'urntshl'd t & 2 bed- room apt. Good lx>ds. s~rvf'I refr1g. At 1802 \\1• Ocean Front. F or appt. to SE'l', phone Harbor 370 or Harbor 2805·J . 73c75 NJCBI~ \" F'URN'ISHEO 3·rm. apt. Accomodates 3 or 4 people. Ground floor with private paUo $75 b)' n1onth or $10 on Y<'&rly lf'RSC'. Ut1l. pd. 4-40 Heliotrope. Co rona del A.tar. 74p7[t YEARL \' -2 bdnn. duplex, un- furntshC'd . Ga.rag!'.'. Nea.r both ~ho0le . 226!'> Clay. Clirf Haven. For lnforrnation phone Harbor 1297-R. 6lt!c- Bs(bos Peninsula. SIO per wk. 'WANT INCOME? Call Har. 2669-R afl<'r 5 or $1350 Down The Islanders . week ends. 1«16 in Costa Mesa- NEV.1LY DProratrd RoomK, good beds - ' USED 214 Marine, Balboa l.9. Har. 1547 ' BALBOA Year round, lovf'ly 3 cc-:=-:-c-=co=,.--:~---.,.--1---~-~~~---­ FURNlSHED :~-rma. rear house.1 UDO ISLE -Nlc<'ly rumishcrl Transient double ............ S 2.50 See this double bungalow, JUST Being COMPL;ETED. close in on East side. / Knee H ole D~k ................. $20.00 Platform rocket .................... $2G.OO H ollywood bed -rull size. Box spring .t A.fatlrt>l'l.S. Vf'ry good, Jikt> nt>W . . $39.5() GPneraJ Electric 1 r oner. I prr~ typ<' $39.50 NEW Boat ownerB and mechanic11 FOR YOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS Call J OH:o.; KIMBLE 1744 Miramar. Balboa Harbor 1087-R 98c99h Congolrum rugs, 9xl2 .. .SS.95 - H ollywOOd ""d r.sme. se.•~ Walt's Trading Post Maple dinette set 1one·onlyl I USED MARINE GEAR ' . .. $79.50 Nautical Decorations--U!Je'd Net , . WE BUY SCRAP METALS Dale s Furniture NEAR lcE HousE oN Joth 187-4 Harbor Blvd. lPh. Harbor 2470, Newport Beach Costa Mesa . Beacon 6637 -J OPEN SUNDAYS 7 tc72H TABLE, drop !ear maple, 36" x 52.. :\'O\\' IS THE TIME and 3 cfirlairs, ne<>d rPfinl..!hlng. T o N"nt .)'our homf' or ar•t.- S25. 2611 Bay Sharf' Dr., Bay I P h. HARBOR 1816 and plarr-)'Our Shores. Beacon 6480-Yl. 7'4c76 \\'ant ad toda.)·! EASY WASHER with oversized wrlnger and pump. Good for Iota ol service. $49.50 or see our other modf'ls priced $15 up. STROOTS TeWJNKLE HDWE. 1802 NPwport Blvd., Costa Mess Phone Beacon 52Z2 S4-Muslcal, Radlb HAMMOND all electric chord or- gan. You can play In ten min· utes. Hammond Great Splnrt Organ. Terms. Com<> in and play. DANZ . SCHMIDT BIG PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. ~20 O'KEEFE & MERRITT range, No Main Santa Ana g-rfddle, dbl. oven >A'ith time _ · ' ·. c I o c k . Colds pot refrigerator. I MAGNIFiCENT Electric Organ. and ~ pc. din_ing-set. In perfttt Repossessed. Big savings. A condition. R:etlBOnable. f42 El bargain or a J1fetlmt'. Terms. Modena, Newport Heights DA.NZ-SCHJ,flDT PlANO AND 73c87 ORGAN CO., 520 No. Main, cor. -------------6th. Santa Ana. CHINA -F1nest quality. Open stock pattern. available now. Service for 8. Hair of cost. 2611 Bay Shor e Dr .. Bay Shores, Ph. Beacon 6480-W. 74c76 SLIGHTLY USED Spln<'l Piano. Nationally known make In per· fe-ct condition. Terms. $47.50 down and $17.02 per mo. at Shafer's MU.Ale ISlncc 1907), 421 ONE DBL. BED, S pr. !"prlng1, 3 N. sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl.m · innenprfng mattreues, 1 cotton berly Z-0672. 59ttc pad AU good condition., $50. Mn. Taylor, 3300 Via Lido. I TRADE your old piano on Electric Harbor 609-W. · 74c78 Organ. Piano or Television. Bl&'- gest cash allowance. DANZ· THREE SETS Iron bunk beds, 125 SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 N. per aet. See Minney, 907 Cout I Main, Santa A.na. Hlgbway, Newport Beach. Ph. Beacon 8281. 7:X77 CREAT SAU of SUmmer-return- BENDIX WASHER tl1e 1~51 de- lUll:e automatic with the agi.ta- tor and the water aaver. You don"t have lo bolt ll down. Used "only 2 mOnths and not a acraleb. on It. Balance due ts $188.36. Pay me cash or take ·paymenta of $11.91 per mo. See Mr. Baughn, 404 So. Spedra, Fuller- ton. 9 a . m. - 8 p. m. or j>hone 214%. 74Uc Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade . ·1'05 w .. t ll&lboa BIYd. Phone Harbor =-R 7k711H • TV Bin', RCA table -ta1llo and anial. ocdlo•t condltlon. Jlool otter tak ... ~ ~ IQ 2-e71M <Mn-DMmondl or ..u cttnlnp 131 Opal, -t•... 7J»T5 TWO KAPLID BED DIVANS- ..... new,-. oaer. llOI &. ...... BlYd., Balboe. ~ •1t-JI. I . 15cTT - , , ed Spinet pianos. Save from $100 to $200. Uke new. Fl.Ill guarantee. Renta.I tenna. DA.NZ. SCHMIDT ,BJQ PIANO STORE. ~20 N. Main, cor. l!ltb, Santa AnL RENT A CLARINET. tntrnpet or other band ln.t:rument for '3 a mantll. Rent.a! •ppUea on future pun:1>aae at SHAFER'S MUSIC co. <Since 1001>. n1 No. Sya.- more. Santa Ana. KI. 2--0672. GRAND PIANOS, 2a makes; Uaed trom $4811. Tttm.o. Steinway, PIANO 'AND ORO.AN CO, 620 KUon a JJamltn, n.cher. Knabo, Cltldwtns and many othen. DANZ -SCIDllM', 620 No. :Main,. Santa Ana. l\ome111- ber: .-~ • B. R., 2 bath apt. Patio. Sun deck. C&rage. lo"'Urn. S~ per mo. Utllltlf·s l'Xtra. PhonP-Har- bor 32 i7. 73c75 ! RENTAL ii SPECIALISTS . can Edna cnis Linwqod Vick, Rltor. &Jboa lsJand. Bar. 204.2 S2c54 FURNISHED APT -$50 mo., 3 rm~. and bath. Adult.a. No Pf'l9. :O.:o drinker!'!. Cent.er or town. 1876 F'uU1>rton, Costa MP!'&. Ph. Bf'ocon 5136-~f. 73c7."i .$1 7.50 n10., utn. Inc. Costa Mesa. 2 bdrm. home, TV -Close to ALSO eln1te apt.. ISO mo. UtU. bay. attnctlve patio. Phon@' Monthly ........................ $30.00 Daily maid ~rvice. 123 -28th Newporl Beach. Phone Harbor 06·1P-\V. 30cH Incl. Balboa. Inq. 719 W . Balboa A.Xn1lnlslcr ~-2315. 73p7!'l · BI Vd., Balboa. 74c7~ Want to Move ?. \Ve have an excellent selection Apt. and h1mses Furnished and unfurnished Winter or yearly Call me today - Ed L. Sedelmeier . Realtor 152~ Coast CORONA DEL A.LAR-1 bdrm. up- Pf'r duplex. Sf'ml or unfurnishf'd. $!)() mo yf'arly. Phonf' Harbor 2364. 73c75 FURN. 2 b<><lroom apt .. upstairs. Also 2 !ttore bldgs for rt>nl at i 19 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 75p77 CORONA DEL MAR -Furn. 1 51-Trallen Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and Sales 1640 Newport Blvd., Costa MeAA, Beacon 5329-M. 7lc72H bdrm. apt b<>low Hlway. $75 mo HOUSETRAILER-----46 Liberty- yearly. AL'K> furn. I bdrm. apt. 27-rt., apt range. elec. refrlg., on Balboa Is le until June 10th. newly pairrtt>d. Good condition. Hig'.hwHay Adult.a only, Phone-Har. l:S20-J 902 W. Palmyra Avr?.,. 0r8Jlge. Amazl.ng 1 •• ' Corona del Afar Ph. ar. 2766 ~3 7• 75p77 74 c7G __ o_r_H_a_r_.l _0_1_1_-J_. _____ •_P_·_"------------~ FlTRN' APT .. Newport Be&<'h. M.V 1---------~~-­ bt>Ml !'lummer rPntal -du"' to 111- n,.~ -goes on year's lt-a11e. 2 bdrtns., gar, & utll. Incl .. $85 mo or $75 en 9 mo. le&.!e. Call Bea· con S-467-M. 73trr 42-Wanted to Rent SINGLE school tracher wants 1-2 bdrm furn." houst' with !\rt-place to S60 on wint"'r \eaBe. Write Box K, th~ paJ)f'r. 74p75 \VANT TO rent do\lblt' garage. vi- cinity nf 17th St.. Nf'W)>Ort Beach. Apt. 7. 1703 \V. Balboa Blvd. 75p77 IN CORONA DEL MAR- Altractlve store 12 x 40 tn new bldg. Excellent location oppo- site AU-Amerlca.n. 1'1ar"ket. $71) month. W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERNIE SMlTH\ Aaooclat. 916 Coast Blvd. Harbor 24-13 Corona del Mar 1!19tfc OFFICE SPAcE, 12xl0, down- stairs location, comer ot Palm I< E. Balboa Blvd., Bal-. Ph. Harbor 2UL 48tfc. 36--Pool~, ~bits RANCH FRESH EGGS and paek- aged poultry r....Sy for cook- ing -Ball's Ranch Company. 22~ Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Mea. -7«n PLEASANT ROOM, Balboa Pen· 1mru1•. Kitchen pr1v11eg•• _ AtilOiiroo t•l¥e. Garage. Phone Harbor 02"'6-R. ____________ 7_3c_7_c 1 _~:!~~~~~~~~~~-_::~~~~~:':'.~::~~~~ BALBOA ISLAND Furn. 3 bdrm. N t>w. Yt'ar lf'aae or winter rent- al. Re830nable to right party. Call L_ A . OL. 1088. 13p78H WINTER RENTAL -l bdrm. turn. apt .. Newport ls.land. $60 mo., uUI pd. No pets. Phont' Harbor 1211.J. 73tfc NICELY FURNISHEO 3 bedrm. duplu. Adult.a. 101 l West ·Bay Ave. Ph. Harbor 1930-J 72t!c BALBOA JSLAND--"Cosy, well- fum i3hed apt. Ideal for 2 or 3 Can take 6. Reuonable rate.. Harbor 1~9-W." 72c74 $:18 MONTH -Clean tum. apt., ju.st Vacant. Retrtg. No, don't drown yoo.r kids. CbUdre-n wel- com.. S20 Alvarado Pl .. Balboa. 72p74 NEW VISTA AP'l'S. Nicely lum- CADILLACS 19!'.0 Cadillac, 4-dr. sedan, white sidf'wallll:, .Excellent condJtion (l o".'"•ner) ...................... -... $3395 19'46 Cadillac SOS Fleetwood sedan. orig. black ' t'bony flni.8h. l owner. ~cept. clean lhruout $177~ 1942 C&dtllac 4-dr. sedan, radio, heater- Excellf'nt condition ..... -............ .' .............. -........ $1195 JIMJ Cadlllac Conv. ·Coupe. radio, beater- FulJy t-qulpped. Nf"'' top ............ -···-··· ............... $109~ NEWPORT AU.TO -SALES 260'4 Newpott Bl\'d. Phone Harbor 1407 JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER We nt-ed Uaed Can badly. W ill pay Bonua on C1ean cars. N ewporf Beach 7.fc76 lahed; we-e bedroom, reasonable Cert"''ed Used Cars winter· ratu. tut W . Balboa • 11.J STATTON WAGON -Ford, late '48, beautiful shape. Only fam- ily UAe. Eic~. Ir you havf' been teytng to find a clean one, you won't be diaappolnted. Pri- vate party. 542 Fullerton-Ave., Newport Beach. &8~c BIYd .. ,Newport --Phon• 1949 STUDEBAKER Land- Harbor 1147·M. 71p'7<1 cruller. Thie car cost -' over U,000. Very lux-BA IJJOA !SLAND urioUL BeauUflll nylon upholstered. rad.lo, cli- mallser, etc. Low m.D.e- age. Mr. and Mn: Dt.r-- ... ""1p. Tale'• car. W• ha" apartment& and --Available f~ winter -·or year\1 lceac. · Wim. t?.L~fol!d · Jhrk Aw. at ;Mal1ne • ~, bland • . .Harl>Dw :J: &Ai.BOA. Pl:NIN8ULA. OCSAN vmw. tum. apt.. wt•• ... tar ..,,qi1a WlDl«, tlO -. TeNl1 ... lMll----..,__..,_ - 1.a,um -Two hcbuum a.o.e. ~ ·D f's ''pn• --. m Jrto. Om.-... -. ' .~ l PRICED Tq SELL. • JIMl PAp<ARD 6 Convertible, •ove.rdrive. By orig. owner. Sec.- ond car in family of 2. • Driven under 69,000 mt. Brand new top and eeat covers. Excellent valuf" at '$49ll. Ph. Harbor %128-M. 73p88 $8 ,700 full price R .·H. MOTTET • 1990 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu Beacon 622-4-J Eve~. Bt'a. 6960-M $7250 Full Price Clever 2 bdrm, cottage near ocean 8Jld bay. Spa.rklini' new-Let us pl"Ove Its the best buy 1n the Bay area. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 ,N ewport Blvd., Harbor 2552 Owner Called to Service You can gel a very reasonable buy In Newport Heights. Clean anrl attractive 2 bedroom home, 3 1~ years old. Hdwd. floors, Qouble garage. Best location. Only S8.600. BEACON HILL REAL- TY, '466 Ne\vport Blvd., Costa ?tfe.sa.. 73c75 61-Real Estat.. Exch1111ge FOR SALE OR TJ4DE -~­ n ess prope.rty, house and 60-ft.. lot at 2314 Newport Blvd., Costa Mees.. Want property In desert town or? '! Phone Bea. 5.~79-J_ 74 c76 57-Real Estat.. WanW WANTED-HOUSE or INCOME. 3li' sailboat as down payment. Value $3,950. call Mrs. Ahrena. Harbor 2"51-M. 12tfc PRIVATE PARTY want.8 to buy a Jot in Corona del ~-WW pay up to $1800 cub.. Write Box L, this paper. '7.4c78 • Bargains Wanted We . have buyers· waiting tor hemes under . sio..ooo Uld for Income property allowing good return wUbout peraonal super- vision. See U9 for qni~k cash aa1e. N. !!. C. R.EAl.TY Co .. 32nd . A Newport Blvd., New- port Beach. ,74<78 -opportunliy Is lmocldn( ln CI.AllBIJJ'lllD ADIJ. 1 completely furn. lovely la,rge 1 bdrm. home, 4 yr8. old. Quiet EaRl Side location near store. Lots or tile, carpeted wood firs. Only $5750 at S50 per month . $1000 Down 1Lge. 1 bdrm.-home or.. Flower St. li'ireplace. thermo controled f'llr. garage, lath house, nicely land- ~caped aild beat of all has a lge-. full bearing avocado tree that more t han pays taxes. Only $59!')(), at s~ per month. --. $1860 Down Al most new 2 bdrm. and garage. Loads of tile, hwd. thru-oiit. ThE'rmo controlM heat, land· seeped. East side. Truly under- priced at only $8500. City Acre Multiple zont><.I lot, close in. Won- derful ror r<>ntaJ.a. Near park. 126' wide by over 300' deep. Level 8Jld 1 clean. Only $3000 with terms. B. A. NERESON 1982 Newport Blvd., Coat.a. M PS& Phont Beacon· 5225 6&69 SPECIAL! OCEAN FRONT-Danty 2 story 4 B. R. home. Fireplace, porch. deck upetaira COJllm&ndlng be:au· tifuJ view, patio. AND INCOME UNIT at rear haa 1 B. R ., Uv. • rm., kll. &: bath, 2--car gar., shower, and storage. rm•. Furn. Within walking di.stance of Bal- boa ahOIJ>ing. Priced to aell at $16,boo, terms. Balboa Realty Co. Rosa Greeley Josephlne Webb Lillian McAdoo 700 E_ --Blvd. Bar. 3217 ' South Exposure. • • We hav~ these resldenU&l lot IJleclalll: Two oeparalA! view Iota "ovttlook ing the ha..rbor Miracle Mlle ..... ~h priced mt11. One ls 50 x 91 • fee.t. one ta 60 x 1 t!i fceL Good aouth es- pooure. 'J;'Wo' GO." 127 f~I loU on letll Strt;et ~ of ONnJt! A...._ COata ll&Ra, oacb 'Hiil!. • C.111 UL at Harbor 63 I --. • J. A. BEEi\ o-r~F-ICE Ballioa '"'""" J'eny ... "4 .. 1( . ' • • I I I ' • .. . ' a 11ea1.,,.... • I • . . ...... . .. ···: .J!::!!!1Nt'8 ·" ,, • . . ' ·BLANCHE A. GA~. ~altar ~ L. SllUFtLT. t J. ~ 311 MarQie .Ave.,. Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1~71 or .16T2 Eves. Harbor 1671 ,, ' BAIJ30A ISLAND . . ' Truly ll charm. bay fJoqt home •. Silt bdrm., ':kar gar., brlc!<ed patio Ii hwirother features to make it desirable. Price $29,000. Furn. Excellent terms. -' . . ' . Want to steal a 1ieaµtlfltJ property-take a , loo)< at , tbla. Houae, apt. & guest room with bath. HOU8e & ' apt. each bave 2 bdrm. all elec. kitcl)ens with pr- bage di.9p., lovely patio: All completely fumiAhed. for $31,l!OO. Terms. An enj:hanting unfurn. cottare in one of the la- landa best locations. Beautifully ~ecorated. Spa- cioua & secluded patio. All carpeting & drapea inc. in a price offe,,00 for quick .&le. ' . CORONA DEL·.MAR. • A new & beautiful du~Jex on corner lot. hcb IJ!lit has 2 h<lnns., firepla.cea, one ba.s a private patio. Tbeae are iit great demand because they ere unua-· ually nice. A bargain at $18,750. , An exquisite & new 2 h<lrm. den home .. Fireplace, beautiful kitchen & dining area. Near water, patio. New & expensive carpeting plus all drapes includ- 1'<1. Unfurnished, $22,000. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR Sprawling Suburban Home NEARLY 2500 SQ. FT. of redwood and shake roof ranch type house leas than three years old, cton- sistlng of three h<lrms. and two tiled baths. Large living room with fireplace, entrance hall and aep· arate dining roo m, large sunny tiled kitchen with llmple breakfast and snack area, roomy service porch and laundry, bwd. floors, open beam ceil- ings, furnace and th.ermador beating. Long low • roofed over attached pat;<> porch, 2-car garsre. Situated in th.e'fut developing upper bay dist. near Santa Ana Country Club, on a corne• lot fuing the bay. 116x234, room for a swimming pool, stable and paddock. Offered at TODA Y'S price- not tomorrows. Some terms. A ,3 bdrm: houae in Corona del Mar will be conaidered as part. COSTA MESA R~AL TY 400 -E. 17th Street Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6818 BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREi! BEDRM, -2 batbs -overs~ 2-car att.lclled ganae. Located on trc-e lined gentle sloping corner lot. ALSO JUST COMP·LETED TWO BEP'RM. 'With ~pacieus 2 bdtm .. 'apt. over 2-car garaire with vie~f ocran. t BO'Mi HOUSES are RANCH STYLE with tile bat1t.s. garbaie dlcpo.ula, Jar1e enclo!l;ed patloa. over.aiaed pan- eled ttreptact's, decorator colors and wall papers. Sepa- rate laundry room•. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona de! Mar Phone Owner, Harbor 1521-J or 'e~ your brokf'r. ' 74c76 SHORECLIFFS BEST LOT BUYS . LOT No. 15 -Frontage 81i ft. ocean and jetty view. Priced at $67:IO LOT No. 129 -81 ft. frontage..,.,-Outstandinr view of ocean and J>reakers. overlooking "Little C.O.M. beach.'' Priced at $10,500. · Theae are the choicest lots available in Shorecliffti. Owner anllio11.1 to sell-priCed for quick sale. Terina can be arranged See Price T. McCuiston, Realtor 503 Coast Highway, Corona del M&T Ph. Har. •T Bay Front Inco~e Corona del Mar see these for sur~ ! $14,900 6 Unit.a completely tum.. 70-ft. • . ' •, • eo.ta v-.. ,.,.. Beat?;' Oii l:a..u. Income P• p. Furn. I bdrm. 110n!f I tdG1 Ulllto wltll -· for ca a Ip. lot, ,IT'ldOO' to Blvd. and •tor8. Monthly $180. lljotate price '15,000 ' ·: l~n T~wn t bdtm. home, iu.:f.oervlco pottll, linclo -· fld conlltnlc· lion. Lot llU xt30. Price lo '8,000.._ te.nna. One-Hali Acre WlUt neat. well kept S bd:rm. home, dout>Je ea..raa-e. ct.lcken equip, rrult tree.. renced yd. and beat or 1ocoi!ion. fV9l50 !'ff· ·· aonablc down ~ent. 3 Br. & Den (or 4 br.) and rental ( $<fi0 mo. r thJ• 't. an older home but ln very good condition, cloae' to achoola 4nd chu rch. Price only Jl0,500: Dn. payment $29-00. J • • G. N. WELLS, Rltr. . & Associates · ' ' · 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. 5181 Real Estate Is Your · Best Investment Ru~tic Redwd. ~e La'rge llv. rm .. rlr1j>1&.ce, knotty 1 • plru-, hwd. n.. ~el heat. 2 bdrm. 1 lgt, tJle ln kJtchen, at· tachf'd pr.. partly renc:e<1. Nr Ht 11chool. Your111 ror 111.1:-,0. $.3600 down . -o - Attractive 2 bdrm. home, hwd. n .. rt. rurn. Tllf" In kitchen, dlnettf! and brellkfut area. Attached gar. 9~ aq. tt. Immediate pouea~ 1ion. Priced $9250, tf"nn11. -o- Furnished One bdrm. home. FHA approved. nt-at and clean. Don't overlook lhl1 one Ir you nttd a homr. 11000 cash. Full pricf' ~750. -o - Sa.nta Ana Heights Choice 12 acrr -S1MO -o- Wast End 1 I,~ 8Crt.'9 $13:!0 $:IOO dn. -o - Lots Rea90nable &: Unrt-aAOnabll". -o - La PERLE REALTY • 1898 He.rbor Blvd. Collta Meu P.'.:one 84?acon 7043. , e&69 Many a blfr deal hu been m8d,. '.hru a small Want Ad OPEN HOUSE Saturday' and Sunday (trom 12 Noon) MODEL HOME FURNISHED $19,8:50 432 Seville Ave .. Balboa Peninsula CALIFORNIA MODERN, archl- tActure and color by outate.ndl:n&' authority. l:dwftrd Ji. F1cket, architect. \.\'m .l Manker, colors. Nl"wport Fum i tur~ Co. n.Jml.ahlnp Ir you .... lftt.el'ffted ln 11tttnl' the very LA TEST ~ deielgna and color. See lh.11 ! (OUt Balbo& 81¥<1. to the Pt-n.lnauJa-waich tor &JTOW) Harbor Investment ' Company 1\EALToRll 30th and Newport Blvd. • . . ' .. -•' ' • OUTST~ING ,BAR~ · · • , . ' • • • BALBOA, PENINSULA J'OIN'l' . ' • \ ' . , 2 bdJ:!n., living room, dining area, bath, trltchen, . . ' laund!')', patio; ll'wd. floora, automatic panel heat, garage. BoWl8 on one tot with vacant adJoinin&' tot • for ~!>II or Income. Entire property is com- pl~ty fenced. • BUY NOW. 'finter rental guaranteed. if· wahled: . ' Sacrifice Price $12,500 ' • JIM & SALLY NEWLIN WlTH John D. Burnham 501 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ha rbor 645, eves. Harbor 2278-W • CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL "(e are proud to otfe• thls outstanding large roomy TWO story home in one of the Harbor Area's CHOICEST locations. THREE large bedroolll8, TWO bath111 entry hall, epacious cloeell, OAK floors, wood burning fireplace, two furnaces, service porch, sundeck, plua many EXTRAS. 2-car 1rar. NOT a I-hold . Three yean old. Ho~ of this site will soon be impoealble lo build, yet the full price is ONLY $18,750. W. STUAR'll FOOTE 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., ·Newport Beach Phone Har~r ,24 or 'Beacon 5866-J 75cH TO CLOSE AN:ESTATE BAY FRONT With Pier & Float- • BDRM. HOME piua naid'a room and bath. 45 ft. frontage with bull<head. 2 bathera showers and dresaing rooms. Thia type of property is in great demand. We know of no other at anything near the appraise,d price. $4~.500 See W. A. Tobias right llway at LINWOOD VICK, Realtor S12 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 2042 CORONA DEL MAR • NEARLY NEW, well designed and constructed, .this spacio11.1 2 bdrm. home plus separate gueet rGOm and batb affords every convenieftile for year' round enjo~bte living. Well located on wide lot, south of the highway, . nicely lancbeaped with ex- ~t patio llld many unuaual featlll'ff, it will ap- peal to the discriminating buyer as representing • real Val\18. .. .. . •. OPENING· " .-.sp~ - • . . . ' ' - ' . N~ J ~ ~ll=J;·J!l'!;:;::;;,;!!~~!!!..J,_!!!.!!!.!c!!~!,...;;..__·_,jj_. ___ J,.!.,~.!:::·;!!BMl!!!,,!'.,:fe!!f!~f!!....._:_._, __ _;~~:,;: ~· .. ~.,!=t ma~~ c:'M ~ . • I / : ~-Fuu-Pii~ ~;-.,... ~ , . · ··C?RONJt ~ .~ . : .~; .,. \ $5750 ,, OpenBouse~ .ndly-;--NOQn to 5 p.m. ·~-. · , 301 IRIS -3 bcJnitl hopie.; 8*"art and 111odeni. . • ~ ' Wall ,to· ·wan· ~;·m~ dolible' flJrna.cea, · ~' , 4-1 Conairuet:ion aiilt lllre-new:. dose to besclt. . . $1800 D.n. - New a wmr. -P'lreplaee. hw4. PRC•· Approx. l()CO llQ. rt. 1', .. locauoo, Can yuu lllla,Jln• the tull price la only $~350 New 3 Bdrm. F.H.A. $2650 Down • •• LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ... 1..e.r&'e , l«>ml' with• !J'\&ftY e~ ,. !eaturea. Beautitul llv. rm. wlt)I nreplace, dining' area. hwd . floors, Joltl ot tile, . cbvettd patio, dbl. p.r ., e xtra wide lot. Full Price Only $11,300 AVllnable to G.I . wrttt-ssoo dcirwn, plus lmpoundJJ. Phil SuJµ¥an Geo. Eversoq JM6 Newport Blvd., Co8ta M~sa Phofte Beacon 7123 (Acr0$I rrom Calta Meu Bank) Ev~•. ~· 3157-W Bea. ,5458-J EXCLUSIV'E$ Space does not allow com· plete description of these fine 'BUYS. ·ca11 for details. You'll find ·our 8B80Ciates courteous, w e I I informed & considerate. Come look. I . Exqut11ite 2 bedroom home that ha.a everything. Priced at $20,- 000 cannot be E'QUaled. 2. New large S bedroom, 2 bath home on large lot. High beam ceiling and . many PJnLUXE . reature&. 1 Pr1ced at onl.1 $25,000 -tertna.' 3. Th~ most for your money on LIDQ ISLE. Brand new 4 bed- room, 3'1" bath home wil.h 3-car gar~ge. Thia is really a "beau -ty'· at ONLY ps.~oo. ALL above homes are on lovely LIDO ISLE. ALSO Other ch~ver 2 or 3 bedroom homes tor sale on l.IDO ISLE. For those who want to build -some very fine lot11 can be had either on the BA YFRONT ot ln.aide.. We ..,.. ,. the DEVELOPERS of LIDO JSLE where you can make • real BUY. Hf'rc a little buya a LOT. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via. Lido Newport Beach, Ca.lit. Harbor IMO -Claaaltled ado •? ,...d by rollu who ..,.. looking tc. buy. Newport Heights Today's Best :auy NEW three' bedroom home .,1th fireplace, turn ace, hardWood noon, g&rba.ge di.tpodl, double garage. · $11,000 full price · Unobetructed View Home 2 B. R. Masltr B. R. Ux20 2 baths, 1arire pl&yroom llJ'd shop. s car 1'8.J"'a111· $5,000 will handle Ralph P. Maekey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor .o2. . Pl>b1$J9,000. Attrad:lve·tm;ma. •: . 239 ffEIJOTROl'E -l! bdrm. ho~. 2 full baths. 1% yeara old. One .blk •. to 1ocean. Hwd. floors, fire- place, djs'posal •. extra ~ double garage and en· clooed yard. Price, $1,•, 750. · P'or "1rther lntormatlon call Barbor 2474. . ~ALB<;>A r~CAND .BUYS . BAYFRO~· and 1'JUSqw,s.s · INCOME PROP- . PERTIES: ~·have a .good selection. A DUPLEX TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET-Clean ·z bdrm. home with· 1ima11I inconie unit--$16,500-- others $17,500 vi $23,500. THIS ONE CHA!LRNam DESCRIPTION-SEE IT TO KNOW ITS 'VALUE, $29,500. . VIEW POOPERTIES -Ocean and Bay. We have .a few that are not on the beach but have views "OUT OF TIDS WORLD.'' For information on abo~/ p~operties, call Harbor 1775 BALBOA BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. ranch home. Beam ceiling, unit heat, fire- place, dining room, kitchen with comer eink and wired for elec. range. Large bath with outside en- trance. ·Wardrobe closets in each bdrm. Double car garage and fenced patio. Priced at $1'1,000. S11bmlt down payment. Contact Cart Thomas at mllin gate of BalbOa Bayshorea, or call Beacon 5748 days, evenings Beacon 5823.M. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coast Hiwoy 15th and J.nrlne Newport Beach Newport Beach . ~ 61G Coe.at Hlway ~rona del Mar 225 Martne Ave. Balboa Island 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beech Open House, Sunday-10 a .m.-4 p.m. Everyone Invited Brand new artistic home, firepl ace, 3 bdrma, 2 bath& Push button kftchen. Attractive terms. "Co111e By on Sunday" Co:ner o! M.St. & B,Uboa Blvd;, Bal~a 6 Unit Apt. House 25'fr Profit on, Investment A Really GREAT BARGAJN! BAY FRONT 'HOME, $40,000 C.Ompletely furnished -!5 bdnns., exclusive area. ' BAY and BEACH REALTY • ' 1450 Balboa Blvd. ' Harbor 128' Ethel Shirley J_ 'f. Miller OPEN HOUSE Dick Fay Gloden Fay at 2'23 Tustln Ave., Newport Heights Be the first to enjoy this delightful and cheerful , home. Picture windows tbrougb!)ut, with a -210 <!etrree picturesque view of Newpbrt Harbor - plua a comfortable aundeqk on top of garage. Ita a pleasure:•o show. r f I I 'l • • Follow the open signs to entry- PRICED 1RIGHT Salesman on duty week days -1.. 5 p. m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenm.s by 11ppointment. . ' , • .. • ... .. •• ... • Bay frl:mtage. 3 2 bdrm., 2 !>&th apta and 3 1 bdrm. apt.a.. Finest location In Bay area.. Show• good Income. Price $1T,MO. Con .. aider part trade, F.uy t1nn1. • ~ '}-FHA loan. Niwport Bea<h Ph. Harbor ttlOO PRICE $15,000,. terms . Mtto CANALE R~TY,Realtors 131.9 So. Main1 Santa An"' • •• Bayshores- • View Home Ntw 3 bdrm.. ~ bath bome with fine view ot Bay. Brst comtruc- tlon. Ftreplace, forced air heat. attractively decon.ted, lots of tile teaturee. l&r1e roome. Thi' ll on@ ot the out.Jt&ndtng noor plans ln the area. Prtce $22.000. Beautll\JI view. new 2 bdnn. '*: den, 1 % bath1. M-rt. lot, movP right in! $9100 Cozy 2 bdrm. p.rege apL Fine location. Room to build ror add. inC'6Ul.P. Terma. , . $9250 $4000 d()WJ>-Cute 2 bdrm. home. Modt-rn design. Many f'Xtra !ea- lUM'S. Balboa Peninsula Well but.It 4 bedroom home. one ruu and lwo 'I{ ballu, 2-car pnce, l&rle bobby bou.ae on very large lot. Hdwd. floora. Partll' tum. Plenty of atorage. M.any extra. AU tlact-r1c >c:tt- cben. NI«. patio and attractive landacapln&'. $18,500 C_ Wm. W. ·SANFORD, Realtor Prck Avenue at Marine Balboa Ialand Harbor. 2462 Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat. & Sqn. 2-6 Balboa Island Today's Best Buy or by app't. Pb. Har. 1238-W B yf in Corona del Mar · ApproxJmate1y 2200 llQ. tL 1 year a ront •• -.· · Clever Moilern Hpme ~·d.:.i!::: ~~ d:•= ranch llt;rfe h8me. pblo ~· lot, po.tu>, bubecue, Com-·lent vif'W. L&rse llvlnl' room. I A1flo o~n eve&. till 9 p.m. , Phone Kimberly 3-3957 \ Special! Special! Special! Special! NEWPORT HEIGHTS . ~~-~~~=!; :~h~;::".' :.~-::~:. =:: tlfuJ landscaped yard. St~t assessmenta paid. A G. I. R~ AT VERY NABLE TERMS. . , ... ~,North BayQ<lnt two COlO'Ll!lTl!LY rUllNIIHJ:D. upotalra. Sundeck80x30,exc..l- IN BALBOA-2 t.ytront Iota, tlO _, 1 lldrm. apl all furn. plet<ly tandocaped., Many other tlttpla«. dlnlnl' room. COl'l'00\1.1 ft. rrontagt'. Oftr daUble Pract:I· nttplace reaturea. • kitchen ~ nook. oak Roon, fore-· $1,8 000 fbr both ~11 --I....' ed &ir h.ea.t, extru galore. · $4,950 Down New 2 bdrm. home on Udo lale. $10,750 ON, Realtor rf, Broker ... • .. Prtn.te patio, tlreplace, furnace h .. t, bar-type kllcben, Jiau •ncloeed tub. Full prt .. JJ5,Tl50. ALSO 3 wrm . 3 btolh. ~lent lloor plan. Outatanding colon thru· ouL 1'orced air heat, flrepk'CI: and patio. J.oadll of otorap apace and bulit-)n.L Price in.aoo. OREENLLU' • ASSOC. • BUILDER -llJ:ALTC>ll 3112' Newpolt BM1, ~ ~ BALBOA ISLAND • A Good J'ear ' ROund Home LAzp Ito. ,,,,_, dlnlns ...... 4 - -. I ""lllo. dlll. IV. saod lleat ...a ~·"'*'· -attn-I u .. ...a ... .--.... Nortll .. ,. NELOA QIBSON ......... ... _ ~.Cslll. '3000 down-Very attrM:.tive 2 bclnn. home. Fireplace., p.rbap d~ and .dlohmutu. Wlr..cl (Of' elec. raag:e. dbl prap.. · }'.enced yard. , _ 1n bOl!l un1w. ·~o.ooo down • ,uuu, terms -pa)'lll<nt will malte a d<al llere. ·a--This Toda 1 -Priced to sell quickly on THRQ _... 014-Ullflml. 2~ Earl Cb ~ 1"''-~edi!lte P""""""ion. bdrm. hom•. z 11eu... a~. · · _amuvt_bwn On Balboa Peninaula 4I• r .. appol~enl ~ . • _Y • very reasonable terms. $12 600 000 Qout Bl"4., Qon>p& cld Mar - \ Toin Payne, Realtor . . • Good full prf~ a&1,front AJ~t. -(Clpp.~::r~~ Bank) ; .. ASLCEEPostaERl4~~ 310 Clout HlwsJ. Corona .... Illar WlQ to-er "' ottore. :t -TO .> Two -..,, funalabod. Ooocl • Q.J. RESALZ -I lldnn., u• N ..,....,..... H . hts • Coast Pro rties Co. · ~. ~ ... ~.: _COf3TA MESA _ ~ ~--°"111e .,r: e .. }'V~ .. -e1g ao1 z. -""· ·-• --~ ~ S llDRKll, I Jl4Tllll, lllQ ·IIDf, ~ ... t•"' 811 -lo..-le 11111 at Oww -· IO!t for.-, '1Qt'3 -. •-Ill. !l:xooll41nl l.ormL ING JlOOllil, -..... -"* • . • ftl..... • ' ·---larp.°"lot, A. JIU8INliss OPPO~ ._; klt<Mn, -.....-. ,_ JUST ~.aED / t-car ~all •PP.01n1menca &:boot lunch,.,...._ t!Zeelloat ~::.~~.\:~ .,:,_'CK=.,~-C'Mr. J.,A. BJtitl Office ..,. :;:, c:':tt'9'~ =:u~.!.::t um; f"! • Ob_ • ....,."' .... ,,.. -..... v ... II&~·-v ..... i-......., ~ L MAl!lft' ·R w BARTINE .... , Md •IM&loa .. a. Ila ft. ..... -L, S' 111 ,.. • ---A-. ' 'BllOlml\ =r::-==-.:!j~ = r!!:_a.;:,:; ·~~ I •r 7 • • --r•~ -~ ':J Ull'"!i!·~=t:._ ... _ 1na .. - -:: c,:; s1• v ':I~-.• m ·CS 00!!"• .. ,,_ ...... oa ..... - . ~ 1I ~.... ndt . r I! •Ill --.._. .. ' 11 -""'1 II*& ...._ I M ii -....-• .... . ...... - -wz-.. II a..:.·~ a:i·~ ,.•: ._ Bartocir -' P•=l1 Aa-:: ~ lrtr' la 'IC! --: 11( • .; liit • -·· ... Oolla -. ft.~ "= • _ ....... ,,.,,,hill$ ... ,., .... 1111 • ; ' • r • • , • • \ , • ' . Mesa Beaeon• 6698 · Bay Front 1 Attention: ·· · • j ! 1 I ,u ,.,...,. IQoldnl' tor tM t1J1mt a.. 1 Property Owners . " ~';!F1:' .':.! .. ~ We bvo bu7et1 .wantJni' certam-; ou~ new 4 ~ l¥Pet! ftf P"/P<l'tla. Jf J'OUft i.• _ . IW. Wlllu4 4et1 holne. -J for Sale, clve 1111 an ~-, ramie ..!-'of IWbor, ~ ·'!1~ help JW.... • ,_,,., bdicli, pier p~e . , ~• ~ -2 bdrm. bowrr "'\ It, ; ~-,...trd .-ii!!. too ....,. acre, llutalde A-1 ...,._ PUtf -,-...., ti d ]) ....... llaJ .... ..~"' '9 -~ ~~~ = -,.,.., -115'.llQO. • ..,.,r --..... -' • -AHr'llD -J-Ud-or . Qllmt&\r • "'~ .' a bdrm. -.. In Newport or . -' B1Jlr.i--.UAill'Qa..i._ Barbbr Beipto --.0 h.J.I •=rzt ~ .... _.,... .... Do&. Oftl' _Jll1:110. .. "I l10I .. ....... .. •• far MjN.. ..... of ~ .. .,. a fllld e ed .-tel-. R&Alll'T, 1'15 ...,._ ~ -M11t-., ts z ,, , ._. . Olllta .._ 811 •• ,..._ ..... -. "ONWWW!-I .... frsrs ..... • · "r.11'~'T.:'U'' = .::,:. =-=· IE ~ _,_.... 11 ,,., I'll. Loll:' . .... ..... • .'*It• . · I l l • • • • • ' • ' • , • • • • / THESE ALL AMERICAN SPECIALS EFFECTIVE · THURS., FRI. SAT, SE". 20·21·22 • --.,. -. . Chu11u • Fl.... 23C NO. 1/1 FLAT CAN •••••••••• ' 69~ 'PUREX · FINEST NORTHERN VEAL ·cLUB STEAK ' 5 ,~ =~~ .. 23c . 59t.. ."TREND" ' 0°1one-7°lo1e-Chuck-led C•h VEAL ROAST h1ulH Norther• Veal Shoulder VEAL STEAK "' GIANT . . . - Ea1ter1 Sliced 49• Fre1h Sliced 39•. SIDE lb Wholeoome a FRESH PORK PORK LIVER . . . Swift'• Prem . ~lblrllle 6·9• Luer '• 1.t 9•ollty Sliced 59• TURKEYS 111 BACON ' • Ove1 Ready 4-8 lb. Avg. 1·1b. Cello Pkg.. • • • • • • • . . LUER'S 21 • 1 LARGE SIZE 69!,. Cj)UALITY 1' FRYIN<i • PURE LARD SHRIMP FIN~T NORTHERN . 49• HALIBUT STEAKS .. · .. ; · · .. · · · · · · .. · .. · .. ·.. 1• ~~~c • t~p Oualitr VEGETABLES ~ ~FS.s-4fONEY./ · Crisp, Juicy, Washington State Jonathan-(Fine for School Lunches) .APPLES U. · S. No. 1-Large. SmootJt-White Rose SPUDS 10•bs33c ' , ' PllG. 49~ -- • • • •HIWllOS • • • C:HAWNGI flUT Cj)UAUTY ' -• -BU TT ER ·:·1~. Pk9 •. _. .. : ......... 75c • LAURA SCUDDIR'!i PUii . • ' MAYONNAISE 37c 63c -' PINT JAR . . ·-Cj)UAIT • HllNZ TOMATO KETCHUP I • . ' . . . ' . hn C:Olorff M....,.tae ' . . .. -1rl.1.PKG • -=--i:' 29i ' - ··Best Foods SALAD · .OIL · --,.--,·tt·--~-,int ' Quart . . ·3Qc 59c · KITCHEN-CHARM LADT· ILOSSOM COLOllD PAPll Y~M CAMP'S NC>. 300 · 1 OC CAN ·-TOWELS WAX PAPER 125 FT. ROLL ' 'PORK & BEANS ' • -::::~~--------/ Stock Up your • •16~ Deep Freeze ~ . • • LUll'S Cj)UALIT"f . FRAlllS All ............. c-• " • ~~ I ~ \ N E s & L IQ u 0 R s ~)!_-Firozen Foods • • • ' • I I ·I I I I I -'I I I 1 • • • • • . ·HA-RB OR ••• OCC .OPENS .GRID SEASON FRIDAY AT .SANTA ROSA - • • Oronge Coaot Colleg• will re<:elve lb 1dtfdt oponlns -toot ln ita football tiistory tomorrow nlgbt aa the Plrale crtrW tnva.deJ Ul• home of lhe beitt junior college team ln Northern Call.fornla for an 8 :00 p. m. match with Santa Rea J. C. The Norlhernera have much ot.a-------------- lhe aame .quad returning that beat LaSalJe, Indiana. 63-0, 'tn the Gold Dust Bowl last ~ember. Coaat Mentor Ray Rouo hu l& . day11 back from lut year'• Pirate club whJch 'bowed 31-14 in thf' Santa Ana bowl. Included in the contingent of returnee• are two of the top Kore~. halfback Har· low R ic hardson and quarterback Howard Miller and a runner up tn the !ltoring department. halfback Jesse Smitl\. Fullback Hal Smltb. who develo~ into one of the best back9 toward.a the end of the sea· son. l.!!1 back to gjve Cout an ex· pertenced ..ball-packi.J:lg unJt. Rosso can a..bo field a strong forward wall with first te&mers S id Manning, Fred Owens and J ohn McHargue back as anchor man beside such re11erve lettermen ' as tackle Jim Keellne. guard Dick Francia, center Gil Stem, and de· " tense .stalwart Ed Mayer. Rookleo Look Good - have a lot of ftfM! baJlplayen-- tbey all .eem to want ta plaJ ball Thia lOUJhle wtt.h Santa -wUI tell Uli a lot. We ahould be ttady to roll With .-.<tennlte combination agalnat Oregon Tech ln ou.r ftnt home game Saturday, SepL 21." P\rate - Fri .. Sept. %1-at Santa ROM Sat .. Sept. 29-0reeon Tech. at . ...Uuntlngton Beach Sat., ·Oct. 8--4t Fullerton Sat .. Oct. 13-at ML 8aA AnL Thu.rs .• Oct. 18-S&n Bern.ardlno at Hunttngton.-Beach Fri., Oct. 2&--4t Rlwrakle Thun., Nov. 1-at Chaffey Sat.. Nov. 10-.t Santa Ana Sat., r-(.ov. rT-et Boise. Idaho Thurs., Nov. 22-at Harbor J . C. Lady Anglers Stay on. Shore for Birthday Fete · Early 1'eaaon workoula have brought to the light Mvera.1 rook· lCJi tn the line a.a well as in tbe Celebration of It.a: 1eeond INC· bac kfield. Newport Harbor's Bob cesstu.1 year marked the birthday Woodhouse h&.!1 Aerved more than party held by the Newport Har· mild notice that he lntenda to bor Lady Anglers at a meeting make room Ln the first line for in the Ebell Club Hou.ea. BalbO&,. hi~rlr at a tackle Alot. Hunting· Monday even.in.-. ton Beach's Jerry Bodine wu Im-Founded ln September of 1949 presti1ive in Krimmage last Frtday by a group of eleYen women In-f night and will give the "oldsters" terested tn fiahin&. the elub bu I a rlln for lheir money. Downey'a grown to Its l"\111 membenhlp of Don Barnett hi a third rookey one hundred with a number on the tackle with first string upiratlone ~waiting llat. NumeroUA charter• -and he bu what tt take-s, say are taken during the summer. his c0ache8 . Other actlvltlea are a party fot' ~tlerme n Fred Owene and the handicapped: children of Or- Dick Francl.1 have former Orange ange ,county, a aprlng fuhlon High guard Gil Mar3h to contend lhOW' and an annual trophy award with a.s well as Downey's Dale dinner. Buckman. Lettermen McHargue Olive McKenzie. preAldent lnt.ro- and Stern have Mayer to contend duced .even of the eleven foond- with as well a.a themselves at ~ era wbo attended Monday'• meet- ter . ing. Tbey were Dickie Greeley, Plrale backfield talent ha~ Julia Sawyer. E•a Graham. Bon· never been more poues&ed than nie Miller, $lel1a Galnes. Leta this year with a fine crop of for-Skeen and Clara Keeler. Mn. Me- rner high BChool boys really preas· Kensle is '&Lao a founder. lng the vets. Halfbacks entering Mn. P'1'anci.s Pu.lukl ualAted junior college competition tor' thfl by Ruel Northrup and Mina Her- fir3t. time t omorrow night lnclude sbey were rnpouible for the N ewport Harbor's Mel Smalley beautifully decorated club boUM and Bob Watts, two fut lads who and aerved birthday ca.kc, atraw- Jove to IUg the leather. Palm berry 1undaea. coolde• and coffee. Spring;• .lobnn,-BW.C.11: WU voted Can&st& ud: ~ ... played the outstanding 'athle~ ln ht.a the remainder Of Ute evening. !!Chool la.at year-lar1ely on hls abilities as a grid gladiator. r,.~ns ShoWll Stull C of C Secretary Going Away From Telephones IJDADY POR ACDON ..,_.,.. ..... .,.. ......... Santa -J. c ...... u.e.,e Oraase c-t <Jolie .. P\ral.., Plpkbl haddWd ollapra de-for 11,.,.,._ are left to ript, B<tuole Mnodo<odo &ad Howard Mlll<-t', Mlii _....-. ond Hanew RI-hall1looek. -for line .. ,.....,S below ""' Jerrie llodlae, -Wooclbouao oacl Don Banlett. all lacl<loo. Rlcbal'dooa and Woodbw hall from N~rt -....011.. NEWPORT HUNTER TAKES PRIZE ANTELOPE IN WYOMING DERBY El Toro Band to Open CDM Treasure Days Nlchol&e A. Wagner, Newport Be&c h carpenter, ended a wecea-· Cliff Llonbargcr, president of f'Ul huntlftJ' trip ln Wyoming this wee-k u he r-etu.rned he~ w ith an the Corona del Mar BWlinesa, Aa· elk and anteloPfi. the latter 'A1nnlng the hunter 1100 ln the annual soct.ation. announc!'d thJ1 we-ck Antelope Derby for bearing the Largest head of the fint day's hunt. that the El Toro Martne Band Accompanied to R.awUna and.-will play durlng lhf' third annual Ja.cbon Hole. Wyo., by Laure n Trf'&J!lure Ds.ys celebration and got hi.a. a flve·polnt, 900-pound Lobster Bake. M:oort>, Ba.ken:field reflnery con-bull on the fifth day. Moore'a elk The Marine Band will play at t U r1 t , t h ho rn• counted 1Jix point.a and the a 30 F 1 0c 5 11 rue on AUpt" .n enucn • , w o : p, m. r day, t. , u a &ntmal weighed 800 pounda. W••-rW I r t.h t •· al90 shot an antelope and elk. -cu n ra str or e wo._.y ner'1 dceued down to !)33 ....,,,.,,...... l b u Wagner won th.e day pr1.zc when ....,. ..... -ce e ra on. bile Moore'11 wt?lghed In at 478. Servlng or the freAh lobAter din· his antelope horna meuured 99 For their hunting trip Wagner ners will at.art Immediately after Inch~. Th~ con1i1t.a of a &erle1 uaed a .300 Savage rltre with an the band concert. a ccording lo or meuurementa ta.ken al dlf· open light. Moore put hts .:no Carl Hutchlloa, c.ha.lrmJ,n of the ferent placea on the horns u pre-Wlnche•ter teleecoplc sight rlfle food committee. On the following acribed by the Crookett·Boone lo good wie when he dropped hU. day lhc aervtng will begin at 12 ay1tem. antelope with • :wMJ-yard llhot. noon and will continue throughout IA.It year, Wasner, ot 3711 Wa,aner downed hJa quarry at the afternoon and evenlng. Cbannd Place. woo •the de.rb.r'• a.bout 1200 y.rda. Re:aervauao.. ate tM1.... taken ,. ..... _ _. ._,.,. ,,. -,.;.-~-.;;:!Bo'.'.: ti\ mea ..-rMCS u.at ante-: • -. gnn,._;,,.-,'-•• •,Sy -I ~lro COl\lldorabl• lei.din&_ b!>Ot,,., ~Ch W!IMJe ~Qp;ll~ •Ion of the 'dettty-C\IP for one the Lobster Bake site, at the AU by the ~unter. "They MU\ like year. ilxty.'~ W&gner aa.id. a.ddlng tha.f American parking lot near Jrta Wacnier llMta ..ftte11 the nitet beasts ke•p running in Ave. and Cout H ighway. There In t&Jcing thli year'• first day clrclu and UAuaJly pre9Cnt a will be entf'rtalnment durlng _both prt.J.e money, W.,-ner'1 a.ntelope bro.datde a.hot. . evenlnga. and prlzes will be nosed out by a half·lnch one Ulot awarded about 8 p. m . Saturday, by R08Coe Attll, film comedian. October IS. Aley iowlirig . ' Sc~~ ,,,, ... I Strt n... ,.,._. -' .... - -rill'\ flDe. bewlloi,r at Vaa'f 111<1 -.... Ille --(o -It. • • Adele Petl'lio -• :IOI; JI(~ Rennan, 19'; llt&n Henline, 228; o. a. ....... ZOI; tv• Hrs-. m ; R.. Palloer, -~ C. U111brnm. 200; Q. Butta. ... Hip ....... ..,.., 1. Norelt U>d L. O'Gva, botll KID'S .DAY SEJ FOR3A:TURDAY; . THEA TRE·PROGMMS · SCHEDULED Moyor L: L. Iabtll 'l~~-c.u:..i! on a111 membon ot t.b• Newport ~ community to 4Qppoft/ "Natlonal Kld'a Day" --of lla procram tq aJd underprlYIUf'ld YOIJ\l"'He -ed.a special proclami .. Uon tn .honor or the eftnt WbJch will be otaeerwd her~ on Saturday. Wit.II • -· Coot.a ... -i.m. roWns 1n 11>o m Bmltcb Stalins Ulal ''the purpoee of -. the d~y ii to proYide whel'f'•er lty designate saturd.a.y, Septem- poesible. wtatanee In belplngl un-'°r 22 u Kida' Day In Newport derprlvileged children to enjoy Beach and do call upon all cfU- oom• of th• boneflla normally ac· ~"" to support I.be obJecUws ot crulng to boys and gtrll in mo~ Ulla day and to cooperate to the fortunate clrcumatanedt" the ~ of thelr. ~ty ln making the May~r urged tjty-wlde coopre.-ra-· vent a wccea. teacue. rolled t. :1978 ecr&tch for 11111> ,...,, -. OB ia,. 8&tur.Say an.moon our cil4 cleiid Val '~ rolling a practice -· ba4 nine ltn.lpt ttrilc• an4 a T·lO 111>llt In t.bo tOth frame. for a 284. Here are the tum 1tand1ng1 ~ b\Ollt ot Ule lttpea: lion with the local Kldo' Day t.. L. ISBELL. LAdleo ~)' 1:46 ....... RMdlcap 1- w Hollt1;ter'1 Nunery ............... 4 Btrooto ToWlnl<le ................ 3 Safeway No. 401 ___ ;............. 3 S!W Shop ....................... :........ 3 Crawford'• Drug -···········-··· 3 Coa.tal Motor Salu ............ 1 Chrfotenoen'o Dru&: .............. I So-Lee Sport Sbop .............. 1 ll&llan Cottage .................... I r'oster'a Jl"reese .. :................. o -l!cm.cb ._...., w walih HardwU. ..........•...... e eo.t& Me.a B&nk ·-············· 4 Bob'• 8porllns Gooda ....... ,,. t :Roy'e Barber Shop ................ • Newport Bait A Tackle ...... 3 Sympeon a Nollar ................ 3 Plnk'o Drup ............. ...... .... 2 Helm'• Bakery ...................... 2 Crawford Drugi ·-·············· ... 2 N•rmco ................................ l committee. lt iii beaded by Harvey Mayor of the City Peue. of Newport Be..:.h Peue announced that Mr. and M.ra. c. .W . Rolland, pro(euilbnal L m&gld&NJ of Sant.a Ana, wtll live o their .ervices to entertain chil- l dren at both Uieatera.. 1 National Kkia' daY la gponaor- 1 ~ by the National Kl.di' bay t P'oundatlon, Inc., and the 8300 3 clube of Kfwanhl International. In 3 this city a special program hU 3 been arranged to properly ob- 3 serve the day, National Kids' Day 4 pins, which will entitle youngsters to admts&l-On at the Port and Udo theatrea Saturday afternoon, may L be obtained at local storet or l from rnemben of the NeWport 2 Harbor Kiwanla club. Funda de- 2 rived trom the dlatributk>n ot 2 these pins w1ll be used for the 3 un<S.erprlvileged cbildren of the 3 community. 4 'J!he M.t.yor's proclamation fol- 6dult Education · Ueramic Class I 'Ibe ~ewport Union High ~hOOt, 15th and l'rvtne. Newport Beach. announcea the re·opening of lhe ~~1t,:::.n ;:~ :;. c~~ be open tor beginne1'8 and those r1 th prevtous experience. The clMI will be for atx hour• ?fte day each week, and registra· lion wtU take place in the clau room, lKJ.ngalow No. 1!>1 al 9 :00 !"· m. Thuntday. IL ia advl.aable to come early 90 that you may secure a place, ... the class in the prev· lout year WU very popular wilh. ee:ealdenta in the South Bay 4 lows: / 4 WHEREAS, the cltizeM o! \ r------------., 6 Newport Beacb are vitally inter- Men'a fJom.mreclal L.-cue eated ~In our. youth and recognize Sea Food Varieties ............. . Newport TOcl<le ................... . w L the tmporta.nce of adult partlcl- 't 1 pation in matters perta.lnlng to e; 2 the welfare of our children, LIDO 6 2 WHEREAS. one of the princl- 6 2 pal tuk8 facing our nation. &nd f.M Newport Blvd. 5 3 our community today ls the bUild· OOSTA MESA Shepherd fiaetor ............... . M.andex Clean era ................. . CLEANERS 5 3 tng of our youth into useful a.nd Bea. $'?OW 3 6 honorable citizens, AU-American Market ......... . Ben WhitmaJ\. JU&ltor ...... . 3 5 WHEREAS, it Is fitting that ~· oper.te our own plant 2 8 We make every effort to keep &U I~=~==========~ R.lchard'a Matket ................. . General Sheet Metal . 2 6 children from betng prey to any I' 2 6 form of delinquency and to foster Orang-e Co. Ceramic Tile ... . Schneiders Tracton ........... . 1 7 all prop~r endeavors aimed at helping our youth to achieve the. Boat.I HoIDM--Trallen Slla·Flex ........................... . Graha.m Bait & Ta.ck.le ....... . MA'l'J'RESSES !!<nice cl~b 1-pe w BPOE Honio ... .................... 4 C.M Llona .............. ·-··· .. ... . 3 C.M , Firemen ........ _.,............ 3 BPOE Buckl •··········-·········... 3 Bi'OE Spik ..................... _... 2 BPOE Antlers ...................... 2 St. Joechl:ll .......................... 1 Exchange Club ...................... 1 Opllm!Ola Club ...................... I 8albo& Llone; ._ .. _, .. ___ 0 -N " NOW rs THE TIME benetlts offered by the America.n lfftplar Shapa L way Of life, B&ACON 5081 O 'WHEREAS, through the joint Costa -Mat-Oo. 1 effort.a of Kiwanla and the Na-Zl&D Newport Blvd. 1 tlon&l Kida" Day Foundation, a I':============= l day he.a been set a.side to fOC\18 Ir 2 attention upon the probletn.!!1 and 2 t.,he accomplllhmenta of youtb 3 throughout the 48 states at both 3 a natJonal and community level, · 3 NOW, THEREFOR& l , L. L. t 18f,IELL, bY, virtue ot·tl>e l\"l.bo!· lt-1 ..w.tedo-tit.'9e ... K&J'OT"ttli• City ot Newport llu<:h. do ere- To nat '9fJI borne o r apt.- Pb. llAJLBOR 1118 ud plaee your -od toda.y! Get That Swordflsll! Ned Pa1"80ns looked like pure gold tn M:rimmage apinst Muir and the former Orange boy w1JI be tough to kttp out of the flnt team. Downey's JUn Hagey, al- though n~w laid up wtth a dlalo- cated elbow, was one of the hard- f'sl rnnncrs on ihe field betono hiB lnjury. Hagey .. Downey bud- dy. Ashley H oughton, gained u a reserve at Coast last year and Is a rf'al threat. Although they are the smallest of the 13 half· backs, Harbor's Phil Shafer and Huntington Beach'e Ernie Ruva.1- cava arf' Improving and both have There'a no use calling hard- working chamber of commerce bCCretary. Hay Langenheim. at 8 a.m. on Sunday mornlng for the next two weeks. Hay and h~ wtfe, Eve, are golng oa a vacation. Zaca lake, near Santa Barbera. will be a place for loafing and fiahln&. After that, they Will vtalt frtendA in Paaadena. But don't call Hay October 7. Walt until Monday. Wogner's antelope -two inch•• COM Civic Group •mall In head m~nement th•n one •hot by • Michigan •hunter. to Name Officers Birthday Party THE 'eoYV.EY aw1c· UR ll~MOLI GO.LS:. COURSK a lot of drtve. · . SWIMS AT BRENTWOOD Money for the · 11000 gttnd prtu a.nd $100 day prtU. ls con- trlbute<l at l:':IO ea.eh by hunters not re1ldf'nt of Wyomlng. A Raw- llrta resident s hot the l&i-ge•t ant.e- lope take-n. Ila head tneuured 103% inches, Wagner reported. M a ~rmanent trophy for wtn- nlng Jut year's grand priae. Wag- ner will Boon receive a miniature cut metal antelope. . It'll be election time when tM Corona del Mar Civic Auoc\atlon holda lto next mtttlng. 1"hurlday, Sept. 127 , at 8 p. m . In the audl· tortum of the Crafnma.r school. Proer am for Ult' (-vrning will include a talk by C. Lester Jonea ot Corona del M.1.r on his recent trip lo EncWid. Mr. ond Mra. Jonea• have just rtturnt"d from their jou.mey abroad . Mille r will receive a boo8t from ex-pre~ Paul Chafe of KtmUng- lon Beach and Don Williama of Ora.nge and teserve Benny Arn-· donde. When Wagner and Moore dl•- cove"'1'.I that anot.ber hunter had At the Bttntwood Swtm club ln Westwood Lut Saturday and killed an antelope with a head FAUWELL LUNC&r.01\" meuurern.ent la.r1er than the one Sunday Linda Pre•ton of Bay the Newport man abot, they ~ A farewell courteay for Miu 8horet1 took a third place ln the Rawlini for the Jackeon _llel,e Jean Hueaton waa a luncheon at ~-yard back atroke for gtrla 11 country lo hunt elk. .~ '•Balboa B&y club Wed.nuday. MIU Huntln~ton Beach'.!! Ron Kredr-ll and Brea's Don Wagone r appear u top threale lo Hal Smith at halfback. year of age and a 1econd'Place tn ~ Bual.on and her moUter, who the firls' 25-yard free •tyle tor fl\'~ Elk Hot have 1pe11.t the put year with girls' of 11 . She repruente-ct Hunt. Although both .hunter. dropped relatl•e1 ln Coat& Meaa. ue leav- lngton Beach Swim Club. I their antelope• on the flnt day lng ahortly tor their former home ---------------------------· of the hunt. their punult of tbe city, Columbua. Ohio. Enjoying RoMo announced Monday. "We majeetlc elk took nMrly a 9ieck. the Nput and falhion ahow Wl.l.'9 Moore dropped hla elk-th~ Mt.al Hueaton. Mra. Charle• Por-- flrst he'd ever kilJed-on the third te.r, lr. and Mra. Wlnitred Barbre. HERE IS PIRATE LINE· UP ! day of thf'i r hunt. whUe Wagner Llne·up for tomorrow night's Orange Coa.t College g-ame with Santa Rosa J . C. in the north WU releued by Coach Ray Rouo to the Press a A follows: ST ARTIN.G OFP't:NSIVE n:AM . P8" Xs~ LE Glenn \VOO(fard .. LT Jim Keelihe .......................... . Wefl'hl ... 180 .. 230 LG Dick Fran.els .... 180 C Jo hn McHargue .... ········-······· ....... llM RG Gil Marsh ...... · ...................... 16& RT Bob Woodhouae ····-·······················190 RE Jack Meeks ...................................... 187 QB Howard Miller ... ········-··· ............... lM LH Jesse Smith ....................... _ ......... J73 RH Harlow ~icha.rdaon .................... 170 F Hal SmJlh ........................ ········-···193 Hetsht Fonner W School 8' O" Coachella 8' l" El Monte 8' 1" Eaoellior 6' 10" Co&clt.eUa ' 3· JO " Ora.nee 8' O" Newport Harbor 8' 3" Newport H&rbor 8' 8" Yuma, ArUona 6' 9" Hemet 6' 8.. Newport Harbor 5' II" Lacuna lle&d> Averag' Llne welght -139.4Averqe Bakft'st1eld wetcht-172..7 Average Team weight-181.l STABTINO DEF'ENSl'VI!! TEA.II roa. Name Wet11tt HeJcllt Fonner818ellrat LE Sid Mannin& ----·-·····-·--···--······170 &' 10"' Downey LT Doll Bamell ---·--···············lt7 <e' S" Downey LG P'red. OWerut ................. -.•......•. 182 I' 8" Goaap. Wull. J\T Bob w~ ........................ 190 •• O" Newport Ha.- RE Maurie Lanad&le ............ -...... 1811 I ' O" Newport ~ RLOB DoQ w_.,.,. ............ -...... : ...... 178 5' lll" -, MLB John McU&rgue ..................... -194 e· 10• ,eo.cbella L1Jl Hal Smith ·--·····----~·-·--····-193 5' 11" Lquu Bftdl RH l!IW. Pvwona ·----·--·----IM 5' r tln"lf'O • Llf Mel Smalley ____ ,,_..:_ _____ ..170 0' u~ N~ Hubor 8 Howard Miller ----·--·----11!11 I: 8" Ywn&. ~ A-l"Taftt Line-WeJ&llt-UU A-uaellod<W. wt. 1Ta.7 Aven&a Baclt wetpt.-a&a A .. rap t.m -.i>l -Ut.T • • -i , , , ~ Ruea •• O.,y Cot.ta,' I..,nn 8latlo, Jada ~ Dalo a ... _.., llaD 'l:qlo, OJI rn-, --D<IM lnlhr .. lta.Y _......,., Jorrr -ll1b ~ ~ II-. hill Cllafe. AMlef .. .-. • Bmnio An....,. J-Blaclt, ~ "-· ~ Ila , al ...,.., R.actir. Pftlter, -Qu!P1~00. ..-. -~ ~ x.-. -• ~---· .. --- at Orange Park HARPOON GUN Seventh birthday· honors went PiloVEN • 'g~UKATE • • • ot~fot:WilA.w qo.,. ..... .,.<N4 ·-· ;;!;~" llltta-It~ at Radio Tower! to Sondrah ~ Smith, daµghter at your dealers or call ot Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. 13!5 E. 18th St.. Coota Meoa• u a Harber 197~ celebration....,. ~nged by Mrs. I ii•••••••••••• .. I A Pfl.10 ~8311 Smith. otange City park WU ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a tbe aetlJng tor the fele where Ii young rrlend1· enJOyed swtmmlng and then partook of Ice cream !lerved with a confect.Jon adorned ln the circus motif. Each child received a whistle aa pl•ce ft.vor. Wlahtn1 Bondrall "many ll&ppy retu.ma·· were Joy Lynn ~Ith. Gk>rlajean Mancebo. Cheryl May· field, Unda Steller, Patti Smith. Penny Maxwell, Carol L&mb, Maurene Slater, Norm.a Jeu wu. llngtuun, )i(lehele 8tOW'e11. Mra. Smith wu ualated ln weloominl' and entertalnlnr the little folk by Mrs. Milton eteller and Mre. Bob Mayfleld. - ·'~lt"BS'' . . ..... :.-.. . ' . ... ro!W&IU.'I' AT JLullHO,UJ T. C.ltl: r ' ,.. • • • · 'iow AT • , r · · · •s--w-... ~~··T ~~CB·•.S . II McFADDEN PL .,.. , . • ~T jEACH ,, •· "••• MalNt '71: 11 '• .,. ... • .. f r ... NG YOUR ·ASHING P.ROBLSMSltO I ••. HEiSAN·T-ON ~ , ( lES. . MAK,N• .1_19U~ATIO • • ' • • ' . • • Baritone John· LoRi>anti ·:to· ·sing -~~ ~Dollar Opera' at Santa Ana ' ' AaDowa~mt "'lllat .John Lont- "-nu, brllll&nt younir button<. wW aJnc the tamowo prolope. and ·~ of Silvio In "Pagiacc~ • ~ evening, October 4 In • tt111 Santa Ana hip ochool audl· «xirtum, B:aO p.m. The ... nt ta ~ --by the OraJ11•. ' Elliott O'Hara Addresse$ County Art Associatioh • CaWi17 COmmtUee for Opera. ~ Oranc• Couaty Art - ftttttert Bickel. president and ci&Uon held Jta regular mfftinl Ruth A.rma'trong, aecretary. tut Thursday, the 13th, ,ln. the ·• -Altboq'h a naUye of Rome. Fullerton ·library lecture room. IWy, Lombardi ea.me to the The new preeldent, Mn. Ru. Uhtted St.alee at the age 9t 8. eel.I Sraith t Wtntrred. W.) Of 118 Since (T'OYIDg up he iiaa concen-Princeton Circle Wet1f. FUlluton, · ~ on Cftlld opera and ha.a preaided at the bualneu meettng appeared l1l the l~dlng role!! of preceding the-prosram. Sbe wu · .. Lia Botteme," '"11 Trovatore," preaented with a. gave.l to mark ''The Masked Ball," ''Ricoletto" the beginning ot the thlrd year ....;.'Pfua - D01''iU.O's OOLF OAME and many others.. of the orga.nlzalion. ' • Tbe Loa Anceles Coneervatory's The prognun consisted of color e~ra wtll be romplete with fy.11 sound fllms which proved fascln- <OtChNtra conducted by Herbert atlng, u the audience wa.tched Weiskopf; Clynn Roia in <'huge Elliott O'Hara A.N...A., paint a of· •lal1h&: CarJyri Troja.nowtkl, water color and ahow how to cboNt -dtrfftor: Charles Boldin, make apecial brush-atroke11; the technical d.lrector; and Ken Mac-I desi.rOO effect shoukl be secured Clfoiland in charge of aeta. with u few strokes u poa1lble. All se•ta aelling for Sl plus tax he explained, to keep treahness and available at the .Eftu-Note Mu-and apontaniety in the painting. Kk: atott, 3°'4 Weal 4th · atreet, Mr. O'Hua went to demon- Klmat.rty 2-2393. st.rate how to paint reO«tlon In . ' P~ace Officers Ball . ~ water: then Thomu Hart Ben- ton, the famou9 a.rt.lat. took over the ecreen to show tbe many &tep. neceuary to paint a mural. Beginning w ith an ablltract sketch for rhythm and mua, he went on through modelinC" the ~lgure9 in clay, drawkl& trom a. mQdel to completed drawings and color sketch, to trtuUferrtnc the drawing to the mural canvas "1'd the final touchea which are the muter's signature. A &hort reel ahowed General i:lectrlc's nC'w color analyzer machlne. ' ' NOW SHO\VCiG H'CJMPHREY BOGART : · MARTA Tj>RE." . , Set for October 5 ' at Rendezvous TM Hth annual Orange Peece Otticer1' Ball will b(' held · on tllie nijht of October ~. 1951, at the Rande:rvou• · Sall Pi.Pom ·~ Ba.J- baa, according to an announce- m~nt made today by Thomu V. TQwna, chief ot police In 0ran&'e and president of tbe a.uociation. "SIROCCO" "YANK IN KOREAi' ·, St TXDAl' :· T£1ESl>"-V DORIS DAY "On Moonlight lay" TF,CU1'"100LOR WA VNF.. MOll!lfS "llG GUSHER" Town. announced that the ser- vi~ea ot Franklt-Ca.rle and his or- chestra and 8how have been con- trA.cted for. Thia gT'ff. t orche11tra ls :currtntly at the Coconut Grov~ in Lo. Angelu and will come directly to Balboa. after conclud· ing their engagement \n .. Los An- gelea. Proceeds of the dance are for the trururance fund of the u- 80Clatlon and other Yearly obliga· tfqna for which funds are need· Pn;>gTams for the comlna-year were announct"d with parUcul&r emphasis on the members' non- juried exhibition and auction Qf donated palntlngs. to be held in November. At tut year's 1ucce.u- M auction the lucky blddf'rs car-SPECIAL! BOYS aad Gl.Rl.8 ried off tine pictures at very low KnVA~JS CLtTB 8 PO:SSORED prices. 1t io pla.nned to make lhl• "National' Kids Day" year's atfair bigg-er and better. The t"Xh ibltion ot the month 11 MA.TIXEE SAT. I ;43 large water colors by Katherint> CAflro0.S -CJO¥EDY Knox of Corona deJ Mar: land-t~T\lRE rjlr • ,....eriff James Musick hu bffn ~t~ co-chairman ot the ball. U.. Duke ot the Santa Ana police ~t ia In charge of the tic'ket aalff. Police Chief Mark A.' Step~ la bandlins the plilbllctty and the box office lA in charge ol. Police Chief Da"4,. H.a,a.. 80ft of l'lac~tla. scapea and mll.rinea of deep blend-AU Pl"9t'l"ffd!I Go t-0 ing colors and •tronc form•. It Sat. KJchl Day Foundation will be on view all month. Tbe next meetlns will be held ••••Ll•DOm•THF.•li'•A•TRl!llE•'•• .. on October J J e.t 8 p.m. 'Niith a dt>monstraUon ot frame mak·ing at --------.,----- Ticket. are Sl.25 t>ach and may be secured from any police offi- cer in the county. Community Concert Membership Drive Opens Oct. 22 Starting OcL %2. the campaign for membership tn the highly re- gjrded and popUlar Community Oonce.rt Serlea ht'ld annually In Ote Newport Harbor Htg-h school aUd.ltortum wUl continue tor one week. ·It ls "xpected that the ca.pacity aW:Uenee• of previous yeani wtll again be preeent lhi8 eeuon to beer the workf~.11 tineat muaJclana SUch. renowned pertormera u -tbe Trapp Family lling•n. duo-plan· I.ta Morley and ~arhart, a n d llOI' Gorin have all appe&Nd prev- lO\laly on the N~port st.ace. ''l"boee dellrinc to uaist in aell- lq membe.nb1pe may contact Ml'tl. J . LMlle Steffen.aen. Harbor' 2W]T~. 209 HariiroJd Av• .. Corona del Mar. A~rdlng to Mn. Stef· tauitn. new workera arE> ~nUy needed and wUI reeeive & !!"ff .meatbenhtp, excepting tax, to au ot •the concert.a it ten adu.1t mem- ~ are eokt. Forin.er aubecription.s to the Ael'ies may be renewed by callinc Mfa. L. C. Sawin, Beacon ~-J. • Padua Hills Theatre Group qn Vacation 7 for anyone Interested. Elles Finish :Plans · for Charity . Ball -Elka ol Orange county have completrd plana tor the staging of Ute.tr annual Cbartty Ba.11 at the Balboa Bay club on October 12. F\Jnds derlW'd h'Olll the event a.re used for Christmas reli•f by the Elks Lodge ot Oran~ <"ounty. In charge ot the e.,ent In New- p;n-t Beach Ui Robert A. Eutman, LHding Knight ot Newport Har- bor Lodge. The Annual Cha.rlt,y 8a.ll i. the great joiAt errort of all Elkf.. for the benefit of the <'ntire county. Special arrangemen~ have been 111ade ror entertalnment and amu.sernent at the Bay club, ac· eontillg to Eutman. IAst year's eveat drf'W more than & lhouand penoa• lo the r&ahionable gatberll\k place. Tlc· ket oupply lo llmlte<f u only a few a.tt available cm a membe1'4 lhlp pettent.ac• bull to Mch ~ or the county. Price ot the din.ntt~tttta.inment tlcket f.a $5 per pereon. Doll House Closes With Final Party Making a last nilnute chance in th•tr Fall plana, Georp and Ethol Stnbe have clOAd the Balboa Doti Houae, and will rec.um to Palm Sprinp thla week to open the Doll Houae on Palm CanJQn Drive. .. preY!oualy planned, the Bal· boa Doll Houae WU to ban re- mained open for · eeveral mon month.a. The Strebe cblklrm lLad tttumed to Palm 8prtnp to at- tend IChool, and Ceorce and P!thel : KemWts or the Mezican. Play-are 110011 to follow. en ~ away on thdr annual two i..t Sunday ewnins Ute clol!IQC' W...ka ft(\Atloo. with the Pad.-party In Balboa .,... ... Id, •lld --$Ba u-.ttt and dinlnc room to era! Palm Sprinp ,..._ta JIU" -c-unw UWr -..a Udpated. • Arnone u...n ...,. Kt. c* Oc~ 2. and Mn. Jooeph Portnoy, Kr. and '.On Ulat date the ~ -1111L WatftO si.-. &fld Dr. tioo!,f wtU reopen and perform&ncee of Mrs. Charlea Baldwin. 1111 llllllS Cllll llUlll CllllE 11111 wj rl PNlltP OO•M -A..'YD - ft'AJIT8 WED:O.'ESDAY t•I fCLM.UIH ,..._, 1-fARD. FAST' BEAUTIFUL. ••--1111n-• CU.-·UIU RTCT "La &mb&," comedy or ..-v&a.' This week Clt!orp and Et.hel wUI <"1'UZ fieata. •·Ill be l"f:.llWlled In aJeo opeq the Baby Doll for the the theatre the rollowlng day. forthcomi.PSAJeuoa. Formal open• During vacation some or the tnc -~te ot the Doll Houat re-1;===;:;:;~~=::::::::;1 players are vllllt.ing friends in malna •t the 27th of September·. I 1 Mexico. but the majority plan to WATBt HEATERS ret,Lx at beaches and mountain , ..... .u 1n Soul.hem Callforol&. H,i:bor Players ..., , ....... -.. , .... an~ele~';::,.c;1~ ft;.::.;P:: No C • f 1109 • 8~o/Jo/J l fall p........-will ... ""'*"'"" . w astin9 ,, Dy a memben of the offke natt Fbrty ent.buatutlc mernben of l'LUMBIN.0 during tbe vacatloo period. Barbor Comm~ ~ ......, ~-- • out M~ ......iq 'Ot Oranp ~ • ~ -k,. PLAY AT BAMBOO BOOM Coaet COUqe .I« a reedm,, ._. ttitt D1ion "!W:U H..-. , •A ,Prof ... lonal p.....,.tatlotl In ~ 'rboY-wlll -the rul --,~:::""::·';"'.:' :-:::'"'::' IMS-::::"::::~ a Wll'lue fO!!lUnl' wW be fall _. _, wiµ. • productlatt ot ·--,.1. ,..Jr ot the ~la' Wortubop My ....,,.. • ..._ --- .,._. . Tbey Qve -"'Dl,a ot October.· DQM':1' Da.AT, C•U. TODAY pnmi<&nl.• pennn1a1 u~ and Marjar1e WIDla.._, ot W.-. , . ,_ .... la "" .... lhd " te rumONd lbey are to atllp BIJjdt. db rater. -. pw tint • ft1t wtm ol U. , it at ~·· Bamboo .Room. P9rto ._ DOI. ~ -t-mo ~ eel.. ~ ft•r•M. p;AI I l.. .. • Pm p I , .. -.. Y-11 ftM ..., .._ W.rmr1 -..-... -··-_...... . -·-..:.. ....... • , ···~·· WED:O.'ESDAY, HI~ "Jl(JL •ELVIEDERE RIXGS THE BF.LL~ CIUtom \\-'efltb, 1.-aae Dna ..... -A.lac> - "'CAPT. HORATIO RORN1lLOW1':R" o ... pey h<k, vircmi. llla;r. NOW . OPEN SATURDAYS ·I Cllld SUNDAYS riti Dining Room open 11 :30 A.M. to I P.M. daily Closed Sundays and horidoys l'!IC. .. : Kimberly 2-2191> 411 ~ Lon 91 FREE PARKING. i • Ever. Yoo .Gp You Meet ' 0ur CLASSIA . ADS . ' ....... ,,, tMJ' .... , ............ I JH•-IMJ pt'..,,_.I __ , ........ _ .. ,.., .. ·-== ta .. T. 'l\T°·& Clliid9alr M fir IUSMSS STATIOJ IDY CAltDS -PI08R..Q4- ' • • INYIT.AlioNs WBID•• ;...IQlllC8 mns . CA"FICI FOIMs~t ... IOOG81, be. · )El.., .. -18-.. Ille -1· ...... ,, .... 1 °''' 1 ~cs, .... Cl.A -.... ova 11.-Ci211C{jj.AftOll ~ L----;,,,;;:---.~~+---~--~~ .,..paw t- ' • • • • • • VISIT THE NEW HUT .:°"""" lllway, 1-. ......_ • 1 •r•• for -~ ··1'.W,w· OPEN C~N'S Ill ANNEX • -& Oodd&ll ... • t..el'ltt- ()ATALINA 18LAND ~:__CAcrusCAt. • ' • : ~ . l •j'" ' ( ~· ' •• "' \~ -.... ~~~[[' ': :.;. "Sony, I tnou,ht you were• twbyr . Use C/assif lee/ Ac/s • . . to sell your Cal' to find a buyer for your home to rent your apt. • to dispose of furniture aad household goods you ''no longer need. . to find a good job ONAlfled A d wrthlal l"'hi ftCUlta quW-kly and at Jqw cost. Use . Classified Ads ' Newport Harbor PllbllshlllCJ Co. 2211 Balboa Blvd . Newpori B!'ach Ph. Harbor 16 I 8 T. V. SETS FOR ltENT nDE T •. V. •n 1'i&W-T BLVD ~ Xewpwt;·._,. ...... ' • * Tops in Food Tops in Entertainm'&nt * *I * ' Cocktails from I 0 a. m. . Dinner from 4 p. m. OPEN-llRUNCH 10 A.H. to f P.M. Featuring the "Guadalajara Boys" DOLLliOU 415 E. Balboa Blvd. MEET YOU AT "THE INN" .... '-. . Henry's Famous . Food LEO ROJO NOW AT THE P~O BAR NITELY OCEAN FR01''T AT THE PIER~ BALBOA, CALIF. I Your. hosts, DICK and KATE DENT . THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge . ' OPEN 10 A. M. THROUGH ! lL M. • 1'"EWPORT BLVD. ON COAST MORWAY NEWJ"()RT BEACH • (WE' ARE CLOSED ON THURSDAYS) ' p- Hal'bor 1111! • • 70ll Cout Bl..t , SAM'S Corona del Mar S E·A F000D "At the Sign ot the Swordfish" -1 COMP.LETE I· COURSE LUN'CBEONS ( -DINNERS fuut1tu1 -::. Enlarpd COCK'l'AIL LOUNG&· OPEN s·u 11Fs11D E · PBONE: EVE!'Y D:!....n ~ ~ -J:..:~1' .CIWUlY' . -' ' . ~petb 1, afoodl • -By 111.\ ea! , , { I •rdl or ,.,ine. tJ "l1lie laf LuncMoni 1.00 • s..food Cockt . Dinners : • 1 $up -• ~ ;_efood Salads ·nsM••;; ,n'f•MII. _. ., MM11>w1n~ .11• cc:.1•• •••i-J...-11111• hit .... , ... _ ...... • • ' . ' • .. • • • . NeWpott P~·T. A.· . ··--Record Al laadance Fall Activities A ..-&ttenmnce Of 1-11 • lllted for • all Newport BeodJ Crowds Sdlooh · R o o ni molben, membenblp ecboola and aext problem ll where cl>&lrmen, &nd PT A ..,..,,,itn&tora to put ajl the younptera.' O.. that met Sept. 12 at the liome or Ma. Loula c.enar. preatdent of •the MJbject Supt. of Schoole Horace Newport Beach I: 1 em en tar y· O. Ena.Ip •poke Tueeday at scboob Puent Teacher A.Mocta.. 10:30 a. m. y.'ben be addreued the Uon to di8cua. Idea.a for the PTA CIYlc League, tn aeulon at Balboa membership drive planned for tbe ftnt \lfcek ln October, and to de-Yabht Club. clde the dale• for the room motb· Enrollment aa of Monday. alter er cha.lrmen meellnC" at each & week of •echoo1. ta u folk>wa : ecboo1. • Newpo~rt ~ach. 710; Horace Jl!n- M-rw. Art Sa.Jlabury ha.a aet <J•gn, 501 : Corona del Mar, 589. T\Jeilday, SepL 25 at 9 :00 o'dock For comparison, ma.xtmum flgurn ln the morning as the meeUng date for tbe flnt month of 9Chool tut tor room mother chairmen of the year an: Newport. M8: Ho~ Corona del Mar school. Mrs. Ken~ Enafgn. 481 and Corona del Mar, neth Yant.!WOrth has announced 529. Total for the three achOola Monday, Sept. 4, 9 :30 a. tn. a.s the t.s lM-f. or 26& under present regla- ttme for her clialrmen to meet at tration, which wtll ahow an ln· the Newport Beach achool. M.ra. creaae for the first few weeb. Fred Harrleon Is calling a meeting ot room mother chairmen on Tues· day, Oct. 2, 9 :30 a. m. at the Hor· ace Ensign school. PrA membership c h a Ir m e n meeting for coffee with ~rS. Cse- nar included ~trs. Carl Wolff (C&· rona. del Mar school), Mrs. wn. ltam Coleman. (Horace Ensign achool) ·and M l'B. C. E . McN.eil (Newpol't Beach school\. Also present were the co.ordinators for the three schools, Mrs. Robert ~ Crownei:, Mrs. W ilJ iam A-1cCarthy, 8..nd Mrs. J o hn Shieids. ' Mra. Csenar callO<.I attention, to the date set for the rir~t n1ectlng of the Motht'r~ingC"r.s in lhp St. AndrPws Pres&ytc'rian c hun:::h on Tuesday, S('pt. 36, al 0:00 a . n1. in the morning. Still a.nolh"r date fo r parenL,, teachers ao.d friends of the New· port Beach Schools to keep in mind was announced by Mr!'I. Norman Ha.gen, vicc-prf'sidcnt and program chairman o f thf' PTA. This is Oct. 15, when t he official PT A program for the year <!pens with a meet· --11~11"'1( in the evening at the N('W· port Beach liChool auditor ium. Several College ~ Scholarships .. Benet it Pupils Cecil W ood, f res h man at Orange Coa.et college, la.st w~k rf'Celvl'd a $50. Mholarship from ttl.e San Clemente Rotary club for out.standing performance in indus· trial arts. Th.is awiird l.s made annually to a senior in the San Juan Capis- trano high school and ll'I designed to help the stud('nt defray hie ex· pens.cs at any college of his choice. Wood hu c hosen Coast where b~ planti to major in building con&trucUon. Six other students attending Cout are sch~larsh ip winners. Barbara Greenleaf of Bal008. ls· land ,l.8 usln~ a echolarship award- ed by the N cwport-Salboa Pre&'! for continued work in the fl elrl of joUmallam. Rudy Rivera of Anaheim won the Crutcher award, given annually to an out.stand(ng f ret1hman vocational •tudent who contlnu€'s h l.11 study at Cou-t t or a second year. Paul Lee of New: port Harbor high school and Rachel E8pene11a of Huntington Beach h.igh school "'·ere reclpienl-' of Crutcher scholarshipa awarded annually to an outstanding senior in each of the.~<' schools for ad- vanced study at Coast . Mary Ann Morrison. winner of thf" Newport Ebell ~holars.hip in music, is a sophomore at Coa..st and Dan Garcia, w inner of one of the Newport F ederal Sav1ngs and Loan awards In archltrctuaJ draft. Ing, Is li krwise back at Coast. continuing training in his chosC"n occupation. Swedish Twist COffU CAKE ·29c..,, i._.17, oaJ OC Evening Class Roster Increasing · With over 900 adulta already regt.stered In one or more cla..uea. Orange Coast evening college •p· peared to be well on Its 'l'l•Y to a new e nrollment record. Se:veral of the 54 cJ&Mes offered have been filled to capacity wllh ma.ny o th e r s approach ing capacity, Course.! filled Include sewing. typ· ing, lapidary, upholstery, driver education, dog handling and jew C"I· ry malting. Adult.a desiring train· ing in these fields are belng re· quested to sign waiting lists w ith the understanding that they will be admitted as AOOn a.s drop.outs occurr or nt>w cla.Mes are formM. Intt"rior drcoratlon, real eatate law, convt'rsatlonal Frt>nch and Spanish, folk <1&nclng, bulc elec· triclty and woodwork also proved to be couraea In great demand. Report.. from cl&&ses belng held !ft various parts of the district are not yet available, but lndl· cations &Fe that psycholog·y for everyday living, public spcaklng, creative writi ng, s u p e r v ls o r y tralnlng. lampahade making and rug ma.king are attracting 1iza.ble enrollments. According to Dr. Bill J . Priest. a sststa.nt superlnte.naent In charge of adult education. the hNvy en· rollment may be attributed to S<'veral causes: the fact that people are becoming accuatomcd to instability and are adopting 1 "life as usual" outlook : the fact that those charged with settlnp: up the evening program havrl had the benefit of three year• of ex· perience in the ~ommunlty and a.re able to do a more effe<:tlv£' job in the determination of what Is to be offered; and the lncreaS<' In population in the di..!ltrlct .sen· ed by the coll ege. Ham and lamb Please Most Folks It's baked ham and leg of lamb if you want to plea.M at leaat 52 per cent of thP ~pie_. At lea.st that'a thp pnpularity ACore of lead. ing meat c utl! according to a sur· vey made by the National LlvP· .stock and Ml-at Board during thP opening day of Lo8 Angeles Coun· ty Fair at Pomona. Fair visltoni to the At eat Board display were a.skt>d to fill out a questionnaire Indicating their preference for CUL~ of pork, ~ef and lamb. Under th.e-bc-ef section it was the good old T-bone which came out on top. winning 36 per cPnt of thP votes. Pot rou t r'-ted second w ith 2:s ))('r cent and round steak a.nd rib roasts were alm08t on a par with 17 and l 7 per cent respectively. Oldtimers Fete O.C. Supervisors . (Plctun on J'aC" I. Part I ) The Board of Superviaors ot Orange cou.nty yesterday were guests of honor at a l~ncheon meeting of Amigos Vlejoe ln Newport Harbor Yacht club. W ith Toa..stmute'r Les Stefft'n· son ln charge ot the ln!ormal Pro~ gram, Heinz Kaleer introduced h lli brother auperviaora: Willis War· ner. chairman of the board; Wil· lard Smith, Cy F eatherly and Ralph McFadden. Other gue1t of· fictals lncJuded Jim Holbrook, president of San Clem~te Cham· ber of Commerce and Bert Far· thlng, chamber eecretuy. A humoroua interlude occur· red when lhr Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, r«tor of St. -Jame1 Epiacopal church, performed ' ceremony ioit'-ting 6 new mem· bera. 'Ibey ·~re Brig. Gen. Stan· ley E. Rtdderoht. USMC (ret.), Dr. Buil ff_ Petenon, pre«ident of Orange eoa.t college: Marton Dodd, Leon y •le and City Coun- • cUman Dale Ramsey. Tom Nor .. ton wu aef'geint·at·anna. Ka.iRr, in an Impromptu tanc. touched bn prob>em1 faclnc Orange COUll:ty supervDK>ra, then tpld of .condJttona aa he knew · ~ In ~ Be cobtended th&t m&Dy ~ oome , of whom ara hla m&u-. """"' .. "' ~ ••• • '· • ·~· llttle. alloUt. tbe Amertcaa ..., ot . Ule. · .... no ..i a. w :. Dooptte u.. ·•-o1 dollara \Wt .l(dmps• ~· · -t by Ille Y~of 1:11ropo·iuid • U.. 8t&te ~ Xo•-- .! •aerted be lsu JeU~ from rel&· ltAltlRlll . . Uou aMwtnC a <loplorallle ~ • • 008T.t. M"' . . ,,_ "' A.IQerlcaa. -11 .. N_,_ JltM. "We are t..s.y at & ..-a Point Ot tlolo ~· 11111or7,• --'"if•,&n ......... tile"""' ID ....... lie<!-.. -·t - U.. poop., Ille Valce ot -..... Md Dlaa AC\llN' to tlw .. '.\!~-----------·,_,, \f'9l7 IM•llhrt·ses1." -·r • • • OCCEnnlllnent Rising Steadily Rgures ~* Enrollment fl...,.. at 0ran,. Coo.at ooll•I" &re ateodlly In· ·~ with lhl• ......... t-1 Jb.ldmt p4:)ipuia;~ reaclllna 8'o, reportm DJ. Jamu W . Thornton, vtc~preekknt. "Deaplfe ch&n~ea In the dr&tt law and an u:neetlled lntematkmal •ltuaUon. our enrollment la only i2 Jc. than It' was a.t thf• Ume laat tall." say 1bomton. "We do have fewer men on campua. but we are proud tio boa.at an tncreue ot 22 women oltudent&" Majo r lntereait among the .tu· dent. repreant ' a wtck ra.nce ot vocationaL profeaeional and aca· demlc flelcb. Approx..lmately 300 men and women are enrolled ln vocational tennlnal COUl"MI. The dlvt.sJon or bualnea educa- Uon wtth Ill $()-odd majort cla..im. the largeat enrollment ln the VO· catlonal area. but not.able in· creaaes a.re allo found ln other area.a 8\fc h u petroleum techno- logy. metal tradu, mechanica. electronics, archltf!Ctural dratting. building tradea a.nd agriculture. A cou rse In practical nur•tng Wing ofC ered for the t irat time this year bu an lnlU&J r nroll· ment ot 20. Amon~ the protculorui for which Coast students are taklng ~ulred fti!shman and sophomore cour1es are pre--englncerlng with 28 9tudents. ptt·mrdlcal o r dental with 20 upira.nta and proespcctlve teacher11. 68, Approximately 300 men and women are enrolled in regular unlveralty tra.ruifer courses lead· Ing to Bachelor or A·rts or Bache· tor. o f Science degret"s. His four Days at Notre Dame Jac k Wilcox 'of Cosla Mesa had rour wonderful day3 at Notr<' Dame unlvenilty. H e waa two daya late getting thC"re and that"!! the reuon he i.s now bac k home. J ack was Ill just before ht' le ft for the famou.s university. whlc h madP him lat<'. In the meantlme the room n:&crved for hlm on the campua had been given to an· other student a nd no more were available. O ff·campwi rooms p roved too e xpensive, so he Ls back home until January. During h!Ji ahort stay Jack re· cf'lved the tollowtng honors : I ) H e was uked to be studPnt body organist and given prrmla..,.lon tn play on the cathedral organ, an old and fine German instrument , whenever he desired; -21 H e wu ulced to announce mualc pro. grama ovt>r station WND: 3l HP wu asked to join the unlveratty glee club, All these attentions make Jac k look forward lo January with high anticipations. l n the mean- time he is going to earn extra money to buy wintPr clolh"s. hill firat expt>rience having ~n to get caught ln a severe thunrl,.r storm. sans ralncO&,J. and wearing only a CaJifornla sport shirt for a topper. ------- Lindbergh P.-T.A. Board Plans Season's Program Boan1 membera of the Costa Mesa Llndbergh·Harper PT A m et Thursday, Sept. 13 at lhe Har· per 3C hOOI to a.8CU.S.S pla.rul for Ute coming year. Mrs. Calvin Hud8on was elecet· f'd corre&pondlng secretary to re· place Mni. Robert Chamberlain. Pla.ns for the dental program Good·_ S~c:iges~~~s ·.for t1nch Boxes 1 Pacldnr luadl ...... ~1 blah, /;ot.to wltll cbopP<4 b&m ...oup to •ti"!) buqry . ~~pe-or bacon, •H and t....t. or 00. tltea &nd Wflb plency Of. food ftlue 111 facll, any mlxt~.th&t C&D .ba la ofteD a proble&n for the bblne-. -I cold can be put Into & maker, •YJ .ll&ri&n Prentlu, lunch box UllB wa1, home advt.or. Hot 1soupa or meat atewa <;an She rel»f'ta that a copy of the be paciked ln a thermo. bottle ~t. ''Koney-8&vlng Main fOC' cold daya. >.ey cooked meat Dilllea," pu~llabed by the U. 8. which can be eaten out of bqd. ~llllent of f Agricalture, w1ll 1ucb as ~hlckcn or & chop, wlD otter many uaetuJ su.cceetk?n+ for be welcome. You may llke to ~ vartety ... well a.a cconoiny ln lhln sllcea of bolled ham • .Ip~ preputng a well·b&la.nced meal. with minced 1 vegetables 'and eot· IN DEDICATING -.-.,. pAmaroq ...... •• O..ap 'cout C<>Dere )'eeterd&y, i>.. -IL Petenoa. (Hftldeat, atat.d, "We dedlc8,. lltla lr•lldlnf '!" tho bu.• of Of&nl1! Cout Cal1"p ~. A CNt4"r wftetT: •Wdt"ab Md taealty _,. panue kaowkdie---place ~re all ... 7 .eek that wblcll la (IOOd &114 a-.,nl!wblle .. Art, Mualc, Uteratu.., th< L&ncuag..., lb., Sel-T..-lou, -..,.. a.II fldda or i..ntlac." When u.ndwichea are '° be the Lare cheese, rolled .up and tu~· matn pa.rt of the lunch, keep these ro with a toothpiCk. Upa tp. mind. Make them molal For mor~Junch box sugcatJo!M and well-eeuoned, but do not uae and 150 other recipes for econom~ fUUnp that will ooak Into the c&I main dlshe8, call or wrlte ~ bread lf t:b.e . sandwicbM have to local AKTicultunJ Exten.slon of· it.and awhile. ~ve the cruata flee, 1104 Wf'Sl Eighth etreet. on to avoid wutf and IPread thf' Santa Ana or phone KlmberlJ filllnga all the way to tbe ledge N211, Ex.tension 301 for Y9'"' M.\RLIN BARBl!lCU)!; IN!TIA TJON TONIGHT Somebody Wants ot the bread. • i free copy· • You can pack u1ad9 In co'tered -------Alfrescoe and novel as to menu, was the marHn barbecue enjoyed by younc people ot the Westminster Fellowahlp or St. An. drew's Prc1bytertan c hurch. The affair wu held i.n the patio o f the hom e of Mrs. Dan Conton, advteor New m embent wiU be Initiated when Job'a Daughter•. Costa Meu. Bethel 167, gathers today (Thurt· day) at 7:30 p.m . ln the Friday Afternoon club. That used rurntture. brlc·•·br*. pa.In tlnga, etc.. now taking up space In your garage: l'lnd a bUY· er with a cl&Ut!led ad In the News·Ttmea, Poat, and Preu COm· blnaUon. Ju1t Phone H&J"bor 1919, conl&lners or small Jan to pro. Rc.su ll.8 come trom con.atant vlde a change from the U8lJ41 PracUoe ! An ad regularly lD th la sandwiches. Some tdeaa for • paper will produce r esull.8 for YQU.. -People do read the Prcaa ILda aatlafying luncheon salad might be meat and Macaroni, meat and Wise people do read the adL llUI ~ l'IUll Mn. Wrigld's Brtid '::; 200 W,,ttwol~t. sliced. ISmoll loof, I ~I Di CD lrNd '::; 23• Avocodo Roisin Nut, sliced. lllhl SUce Brtid '::; 23• Di Corio. white o.. wheot. • ...... .....: .. ~· 2• rllll .. I Yellow •· 7- ·DllBY GI.El BU I Ir.a ""'q>mllly, Goade .A.~ ---.1. ~priced. Su fi a D '::.~~ s,.a. 450 , .... age ... TczbleU ... LowPN:MI ... ... ROYAL SAt1N (I-lb. can. 29c) SBOBTElllG PllEIPPLE CBUlllS !!: 130 20.... -Dei Moo!e braad. J:.o:.U.DI ID aalada and d .. 1orta. Priced Jowl 230 . GOLDER CDD CORN 2 1:=25° BABY FOODS Gerbe,, strained °' chopped. A w;do 3-23• See how y0u can .save at SArEWlY where !ill prices are IOw ••• always It pays to check prices. Listed are just a fe~ tzyical exampl~ of the savings awaiting you at your · neighborhood . Safeway. Savings add up only when 11/I items on your shopping list are lx>ught at the right prices. Why not come in today and compare all of our prices to prove to your.elf that it really pays_ to do all your shopping at your own nearby Safeway. Miil Liii 'llCEI Airway Coffee '.;.~· 77• . . DUTCH MILL CllQSE American Mild 2-IL 99• o..ddar R;cb. .... · Americu, *·lb. pkg, 32c PimienlO, \Oo·lb. pkg. 32c \ -- LUCUIE FIESll MILi .:= 19-.=54c 21c !:;.42c COOICfN • TllATID. ... ULA& Prict ~jKt to State regulotior'I. M ild, meltow. CJ.lb. bog. 2.251 llob Hill Coffee '.;,'!· 79- Top quality. l2.lb. boo. 1.511 Selec1ed al their peak of freshness and11avor, then rushed lo the Safeway near you •.. these fruil• and ~egelables are oul8l!nding values in good ealing al low price•. Mayday Salad Qil .:::.. 34• Fat frying. too. IQuort, 67cl Ammonia •s:::;· .= 13• F0thauseholdc~ing. fquort 23c) ' • Ln the 8Chools were prHented by Mrs. Gertrude Myers1 school -;- nurse. Pealll Bitter ':::.T u;--33• Q.unk orC.teon'ly. IC~. 24.01. 57cl Mlymlise ~ -:: 45• DlllEI IAPlll$ Graco br•nd: 't:f J9c IPPLF-S li'IPt-S ' 31~25° 2 lk.15° Ill. 8° Utcdo Jnoe. Crlap •• Fruh. For llcdm!t or loupe A Hallowttn carnival wtll bto staged at Costa Mesa Lf.gton hall on Tuesday, Octobf!r 30, M1'Jll. WU· liam Huacroft 1.8 general chair· man In charge of the affair. Mn. Jack Gilbert waa named room mother chairman for Har· per achoot. Peraona lnterested in being room mothers at Harper may caJJ Mrs. Gilbert. Bea.con ~186·J or Mrs. Ralph Irwin, Bea- con 672l·W. Lindbergh achool mother• rnay call Mn. BiH Huber. Beacon 87()()..R-4 lf they wbh to act a.a room mothf!n to a.saUlt with c lau pa1Uta. 0. C. C. Graduates Off t6 Berkeley Carleton M. Mean. Jr., IOI\ of Mr. and Mn. Carleton Meara of. 822 West Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. Dick Petenon. eon ot Mt. and Mn. Butt Peteraon of 2371 a& t:Ulf Drive, Newport Belghta, and Toby 'n\oml*(>n, eon ot Re•. a.nd Mn. J"8':pb H. Thom_.,, form· cc1,y cJ Coet& 111-. left 8wula7 by <at fot Vnlwntlty of Callfol- nJa at Ber-keJey: The boya an ~tea ot On.np <lout CGl- lop. Coata "'-• ' .. . Wlib to C1•act h(, Ctwl ••••••• W.. · A,_,• 1111.rJCsarat .... w wr 'I 1 .. -,.n 1il .,. ,.......... .... ... .,_ oz1:1 • 'tt ll•s' PsrCw Qwtl 8 f I I •• II&& -• ._ 'o Is• •• b .... ................ .. .... - • F--·"°'l-Piftt,25c;-1, 75c L.rge si&c. • For low-prices on lop qu11i1y meats shop al Safeway. Every .purdtpe mu st plea,,. you , .. or your mone,y back. • • • ' -Ail ill •120 :i;:. D. UllS&. ! ............... ,: .... OR POU CHOPS Loia End Cut OB PORI BOAST LoiDC.-Cut GradAI ...... J.o"fa< Pack · .. - ._55c -.. 85°· .430 ... ·--· ,, ...................... ........., ... . ___ ,_ ................. I • YAMS fb.100 lmoodi Skin. Evan St.. Exc:ell..,110 Bake CUBlliE Utah Giown. Solid Hoado Dellcloaa Wllh Corned lloel " SAVE toe · OH A ICMll. OI ~-... G Of KITCHlll C_R ... T FLOUR· ' G•••=•••M te W.,. w.-.n • WldiAlfr ..... I 1n..cu.. ......... _.._ ... .... llrt ........ ,..-a ~., ....... t -... ,..... ... ., ...... c,...a ... . Offlll!IPlllS.. TOILET TISSUE 3...,13• S ie"a brand..i · Sol~ aboorbent. WHDE MAGIC SOAP Perfor""' truly magical wao!Wtg · won~"' in IOlt or hard water! I ~e«iol Yolu<! j Buy Giant pkg. at S4c GetJ!.iirge pkg. for ~Go; TOTAL PllCI '&A4u •' , ocroaa ,,., 1ts1 • 0.-YU. tnilQ 9' t ~ r M'Ptd;fo"' . • Sa/hlo)!ln<wr M>f~ a 6.tur--p. • ' llttCHIN CaAn ' # ~PlOUi 11 .. 1·, - • . · i,:: 9" ~::-.2JS . i.il&I ~ .. ~r · :· _73~ ... .; · • -LOS AMiell.IS CPUNTY Mii SIPT. 14 TO '~ POMON& ,...,............ . ' • 1 • I , j J • ·' • . ,.. • • • . •• . ,, • ' • • • • • • ! • ... • • • • I • ' • • • , • • • • Er-""""-' ..... nt Hi~ 1 .. 0DUC. co.•• AT .oc: 1 lijiluJiJICI ry11 »id•,. ........ ~ ...... ooura -~ tndt ws P'ft•ss .a ...... _...... °' tlle ..... u. c----_, . =...: ~ . ~ ~ inCahf.·lndustry ~::;:~:;z=:!::.:==::o....-i:. · Call(orAI&~ \ftl· Kr s,.,..,, aid.• "A,lddl)tutt l ftO/.~· _D•'·-· ..... on_ Any . Purc:hc1e ploJn!ent In AUC-.... at. Ille to -ot u.. lup9t """ V7C _ ~-RT _ _ • bi,tiOit lewl lllnce U.. doll.. ~ ln4Uotriff Ill, Ut1a (EXCEPT A.BA.LO!!IS ud lnlJIDIP) monlluo .ot World Wu U flld IGp-'· 11-ot ~••\'• ot Bring tbJ. ad to ' P<d 1Jte V-J dly toW by•IMll'IJ( la,.,,.....,_. nl&tod In' a.ta ..._ wW lie ot Sl BAYSIDE FISH MARKET 40,000. Palll -.......... Dkec---, ~. f&rm .... ·- . tor ~ IDdll8Cl1al RelalliJna, .... ~ ·'-· -..... 8oUtllml Calltornl& -i.a w fNsh Fish Daly NORI O•. Owll loalsl _..,c04 ~-• -.,.. __..,,t ror otter tdult -uon el&•'• w. f'olloWlllC ollup dlllt at U.. 11; ~om ......,. ~ ~ llOll. -tM 1• 11 ·-ot Vnl· u. c ........ .. Woik Ill 111110 AM • • .. ' t ...... ... ... ' . .... , ....... -.j =~·=-'·:~~·~ It Diii! II cl 111111oo, 1n u.. Alldl-.,, t1o1 Acl~nn 11 ~-..--... ----· A euperior ~ ;;.J.,;, ruOCI ID Ole ' Sbperla-'e - Auguot ·.ta, 1900, Jn-'~ 1,1. ~ one (1) •and two (ll i-ia "kbln: ....a ... llDllJD a lh<llllfl "" bid eepuateiy. -. Ule oWl\tt tn4 ~tor at Sida~ be -panlod ~ a UM Biiie Top Hotat at 401 N.... Bid' Bond, ctrtltltd or ta •- port Bl..S., Calta ,"'-l!u -.... di"!'!< payal)le. to I.be N~ d-Beecll Elementary -to tho , Ill Ole compWnt,-llcb1ra cllJJr\· tllWlt Qr !Ive pe ceit at tatal~ td tJaat he and ~ '!'ere part. ...,qun~ bfd. · SPl:CIAL PRICE ON ALBACOIU!l FO& (lANNJNO 11111 '1l tho war. etn!>loJ1!!dlt In job -by tho ,,__ u ..i-Vdtll1 ot Clllftlnll& lbtodon, -•111raeum.,. Ind-·"* 111r -~ -~to Dr. Palll ~ 11-Abalooe ....... lb. 75c -Small Froea Lob8ter __ .. lb. 75c otHdlly tbr<>Up u.. pulod t ... • n 11, u..nr-1m,...un ~ director. · FllESR S\110RDFISB, ALBACOllE -BAJ.MON to lttl, --·tam.,....,. lllt. Illa ~....,.tors"_ clerk• ....... c:ou ... Wiii --d\lrtnr· nera ror tbe p-·or ..owulns ~ -·o1 School ,.,,._ ol flld operatlq Ole -I under a Ille N"'port Beedl -:oi.- partnershlp agreement w~ trld ,_, ,... the rlebt to rej,oct Doran was to receive .1.f/1tha ln:· any or ·an bkla or "W&fVe &n1' tn- te""1t In the aaet. and pronto 'formality Ill a bid.· of the partnenblp flld Bdllra ' GORDON B. FINDLAY, a/TUia. He l'llrtber clflmtd !hit L Clerk ot the N.wport BMc11 BARRACUDA -SMOKED " II' -!!EA llA"8 back .. lttl. !Mn IUmed 1lpwvd ... lped to do °"' -pomlble the ...-ot ll<pt. n '1 ll&nta -Lata.r-oe tJao O..J Nl:WPOBT ~·11D qabl ~ In lllO. plnlJl& add-job '1l ~ aDd ttlllns.,,_ ANr J-~ 16111" Weft ,.i tmpotua aft.,. tJae outbr<U ot ~ aad -1&blea-111-our Sonnt-lh otreet.. On llept. IT ho8'UUUu ln Korea. P"'Jr am waa de"'oped wttJ\ the a clw ln real Nta.t.e nnuee opeaa :tq August. 1951, '"P and belp or Soullleni Callfomla'1 out· at 1 .,_m. With • dlonn R.....U aal6y "MWken ln ~ui.ct.urtng .tta.Qdmg-produce rel.&Jleh. •• be-Bracken u inatructor. Mr. Brack· !ltabltJhmenU In the at.ate total· tlev1t every Teta.11 food ttore OW11f!T, en will a1ao conduct a coutM In <d ti,t,!loo, wllkh compami Witb produce maaagtt, and clerk mould ln...unent prtnc!pl .. and pollclH &t3,ttJo i.n August & ynr &go and atl$MI while th.la prognm ls belnl' which open.a the ame hour on the 889,ood In Augwit. 1946. prQMted at Onnte Cout Col-foJ10wlng evening. Alao on~ TUea- ~Y thereafter enterod Into an Sebool DllrtricL ~@nt ~by' bori.n ,U-U to No. 749-Prets. • - YOU CAN DO BETIER AT • D.anig9r FURNITURE CO •. • We Buy and Sell Ne...; and Used Furniture . - 1812 Newpott llvcl., Costa Meso-h, 5656 That 111akes It the FlllllDLY way tollavell S•••tlilng 1bout tlie peepl1 yeu •••I ... they •••m matt neighbotly and easier tO talk to. S1••*1R1 ..... ·tlit •rlver, sincerely interested in·yoar comfon and enjoyment. S1at1ll* I .._, tlle • ... more often to m~re places than any other-tr•••! way-, S....flUt ..... tW -Ill ... especially in fall with nature at her color- ful best. s-t1a;1g about • "" Y1ICGlioft. toO • • • you. see more, spend less ~y Greyhound l s-tliiilt about the HYlngs • , • IHk llt tfaese llW , ... SAmplf' fal"f'!I from Xf"\vport ladlanapolU., Ind ··--.. 146.M Sprlncfhoid. Ill. . . S..C.'8 OlympU,.. \\"..ti. .. ll.96 DH.NI: c.dar Rapid!'. Iowa .... llSM \VlnAton-Salf"m, ·S'. C-. 44.01 Roliton. ~tUA. .• ·-·-· . ~Z.IO <m... Wa,-F~•. P~ Fff.. Ta;r-R•tlU'n T'rW2~LESS ... oa ....... JWi, ~ ~tBS. C. C. S\\'AFFORD. Apnt m Coa..~t Hlchway Pbane Beacoa. WZ GREYHOUND. --"-#ow{o,... go.a~~ """ Nt/u .... "J6J sate llme ii you ltJup ~ WO!eyou eal ' H :ivc ,,au e,·c:r h3d the fecllng chat ~·ou"rc not q11itt rurt of a· familiar telephone nt1111hc.r )·ou"rc about r~ call? , · £\·en the nun1l>er of a f r1cnd ~u call quite often. ,·our n1Cn1or~' re.II~. ~·clU it's 3 t9R. is it 3189? The best wa\· to settle 1t 1s to \(>Ok up num rs before ,-Ott call. ,-q,t1 'll sa,·c: rime-and avoid the de.la) .. Ind emb3rr::1s..;;mcnt ,ff h:t,·ing a ~trangcr ans\rer if your imn1ory tricks ~:ou into getting an incorrect number. · ' • Sevt'r&l lnd~trlet within thr le~ ' day.,, at 7 p.m. a c\aQ in real ea- manuCacturinJ' .,.oup resclled l"fC-FWF Wfll"kl7 Mftttnp tate practice will be lnltructed ord employmt:nt h.l&t\9 UU. Au-Th.la eerl•• of tour :_.ee-kly meiet-by HaM')' H . Hart. president ot guat -paper product.a. chmitcala t.np la offeffd ln coope,.llon W1th \be Long Beach Realty Board. and electrical equtpmenL Two \n· the 1 AIMOCr.tf'd Produce Deale.n: Real e1tale principles meeta duatrl .. -prtnlln&' and publlllhln« and Broken or Loa Anpln. Wedneaday .v.nlng, SepL 19 at a.a.d .atone, clay and 1laal pto-Waahln,gton State Apple Commla-the same hour. John M. Fm:a.more, duct.I wer. at about the record ato~ CaUttwnla ""-'It Cr"Mli-'en Ex-real estate broker, will conduct levels eelabliahed ee.rller th'-year. Ch.an&"! and the Fruit I>Ltpe.tch the clus. The~ ciuae. are of- 1'he aircraft and machinery Ca. 'Jiu. ia cha.r f I.be fered under a atate-wlde reaJ ,..,. -manttta~r fTOUP' ronttnoed coune which ..,,,_n:: be cc:!:Ucfed by ~t' certftlcate proin}n tn coop- to _ad.Cl worJiers to their ~· Orenp. -County 'l!wn.lf\S College. eratlon wtth the CaJifornla. DJvf .. t"dU!Hlng new polt·W'lr hfgtla in llnd la the rewll of many wttk.a Jon of ReaJ . 1'.atate. the educa- Au,cun. ol planA.lftf and pttp&ra.Uon by the tjonal comm ittee of lhe National Bet"'""-J'u)y and Au,uat. 1151, Sta~ Dcputl'nt.n.t of i)dua&tlon's Auociatlon of Ree.I Estate Boards the numbtt ot manufaeturtq Bu.rtau ot Buaineea Educ&Uon. Mr. and lhe Calllornia Real Eatate wage and aalary workenc in· Kenealy pelnled out that thi.11 Association. creued by approXlm&~ 41,000 year'• progT&m 'has lncorpo.-ted O. Phillip w Roa. Instructor aa & ruu.Jt of .-en•' ~on the recommend&Uona or more than or ·-po1Wo&l acience at Fullerton in trult and VJ:&'ctable QMlq, 1.300 ~ Wllo U•e at bended junJor college, who hu juat re- apparol "an4 Jum,lltr ~ continued 11118 rorram In Southm C&lffpr-turn«! "'"" • IOjolml In Europe, ga.lna in ·atrcrarl and. electrical Ilia /:.. the liut yea~·.,.hall It ..-111 conduct an C!Xtenskm c.laaa tn equlpment. 'nte t automobUe ln-bu b4Jert ottered. N"' colored ':Fot'fltgft. R.elatten.a of the United duatry wu the only Sl'OUP re-llld. and lllOtloft pletW'<J are u...i State.." opmlog S•pt. 18 at 4 p.m. porting a !Ubllanttal drop betft@n u irupplement.e Kia ·,::oune Will be a aurvey out the.le two montha. ,, 1'be opitnSnc'. ·meetlft&' ot 'Mod-cir AmH'tcan fortolgn policy, With · Multiple Listing Gains Popularity rm. Produce MerehandJ.stng W11t be specfAI tmpbal8 on contrmporary at I p. m . on 'haMday, Septeinber problem.._ 18. al Room ~ ot the T echnology New (kl) clau bUUetl.M a.re cur- Buildlng on the Cout College cam-rently &va.Jlable on request to pua. and &J1 reta.llen a.nd their per-UCL>yor the Los Angelf:a office llOnnel .iln~ in lmp:rovtnK of Ur?ventl'y Of California. Exten- th~r PftWOM.el tnte.rnted In lm· alon, 813 &wth H ill •trfft. Los proving their produce o~rat lon Angt>lu 14 . n.o M111t1p1e u.t1nc 41vWon or the Newport Harbor Boa.rd of Rt-&lton, con&Uitlng of 130 rnetn· bers, a~ now located at Ute&r ptt- tna.n('nt offlC"e 4.12 -32nd BL, New· port Beach . The Mutuple JJat•n.r Is a c~rative plan whereby all mPmbers have a copy of each u.t- lng and has proven ao popWar that It restulrea a full time H"Cretaty to handle thelr liltlnp. ahould plan nO'W to attend tht" Dis-~------ trlbuUve Education oour11e. SOCIAL SECIJRITV COSTS FlgurC"a releued today by the JEPAIR 8.ERVTCES Santa Ana office of tlie Soclal Se· TAXABLE SALES RISE During lhe second quarter of ltftl, buaineu tranaactJons la.a· &ble under the C&tlfOmla Retail Salea and Uee Tax Law exceeded the three btlllon dollar mark fOr the fourth consecutive quarter, WUll&m ~ Banelll, Fourth et. trict Member of the State Board ot Equa11U.tton announced today. A .prellmina.ry estimate tndicate1 that the State will ha•e collected $96,736.006 In sales and" use tax re\1'flllue on & second -qu.art•r transaction.a. exciudin& the $3.560.· 000 assesaed durlnr the quarteT u the result ot offtC(' and t\eld A move t°i ala.qda.rdiu automo-c;urt ly Admlnbtratlon at 810 N . bi.le and tractor repair etrvices Bro&dWay ahow that 8,686 persona hu b«n made by the Office ot tn Ora.hl'e county are now recelv- PrQ, ~tulltu.Uon. 'rbe OPS bu tns ln.urance peymenta of $245,· apJ>roved U.e publlcatlon ot nve 003 each month under the Federal rate manuai. tor ~Den ot &\Ito-Old-Are and Surv1VOl'a lrulJr&nC'e motive. and tractor rf'pe.lr •rvice9. pl"OSf&m... according to Wl.lllam C. M:oeaer, G~tt \V. Utt., manager ot the d.lreetor of tbe San Diego Olatrkt Santa Ana nl'ld office, explained OPS. that the9e p&ymeall are from the 'nte9e manuala are for uae In P'ede.tai Soclal Security program, 11ettln1' celling' prioe9 for rep..ira: .and bave no rtferen.ce to the •tate-- Moeeer .. kl. and have bffn ap-operatf'd public asatatance pro- proted in hpplmnentary Repla-gram•. Uon S to Cetllnl' P rice Rt'gula· tlol\ !4. E'vPrybody ~ the cl&Mtfied ad1. audit•. Cancer Research Reports Hearten Harbor Residents . Bonelli explalned that the pre-Harbor arra residents who &t· llmln.ary figures beln& releued by t ended the benefit luncheon and the board a re des.lgTied to provide Cuhlon sh ow for the California more tlmely information on buai· lnstllute for Cancer Research. nea t.r.nds. Advance tntonnatk>n UCLA. lut Thul'9day ln the Bev· la ot;>talned by a •ven. tent.ha ot erly H ilU!: hotel, reported a ff't>I· one pe.rcent .. mple of U1e 261.000 ir\i' of optlmilm about the rt'st>arch l&le• tax acco"nta. but the l .750 being' done on thi• nUmber two accounts In the sample produced killer. . almoat 30 percent ot the total tax Dr. Stafford Warttn. dean of tor all concem• tn the first the unJYttt1t)"1 medical 9Chool, quarter of Itel. ,-ave a brief rev1ew of the more The aeoond • quarter taxable potent tacton understooel about sales eai.imate of $3,225,000.000 I• the d~ and alao expressed the 10 · petcent (l"Uler than lbe ~ vttal need tor f\.111 support of the ported ale• of a year aio. and cancer problem by the commu- aim6tt I pe.rcent above the tax· ntty. Dr. Oeorre Hall. cllnlcal pro- able bu.ltne .. t.ranactton• of Ole teuor of n.dloJoiy al UCLA, com- tlnt quarter of thla year. m ented rurtber on ~ diaea.se. Tho taxab1e .aa.Jes 1'0lume of~ fact.on and the Jack of Clnancla.lly most eluee1 of businu.. identified' aupportfJd fa.1th. in the ample exceeded their 'lbe 1.mmediate nfft'll in the level.I of a year aro-lncreaa• nght a.galnat cancer were aum- r&Jl.l'XI trom S %: pettent tor med up aharply by Dr. FT'ankltn country and ceneral mfil"Chandt.e Ham. director of Internal medi- atoru to 4-4 percent for f•rm Im-cine, Bol&ndt'r Clinic. &a "mone y montlU.y luntjleon group which meet.a to honor d~tlngulshed au- tbohi of current booka and which !J"Ol'l'°recl the affair , to Mrs. Bor· roughs Hiii Of NewpOrt Beach. Mr.a. Hill. WhOM huaband ts t"n· gaged in cancPr research' •t Long Beach Veter&ru1 Administration hospi\&l.. in tum pr11!1tented the check to Mr. Loul.a Seagrave, chaJrme.n of the Ca.11fomia. ln1tl· tute for Cance r R.Mearch. Witnessing the ahowtng ot hate by Ra and rurs by W illard Geocge which concluded the progum we11e the following from the New· part Harbor atta: Mines. llltrloe Othmtt, Porter Sinclair. Harvey Somers, Loub CBenar, Emory Moore, Cha:rles tnlman. Cather~ lne KJdller, Pettt W elga.n, Nor- man Hagen, Charles Haley anft Aub Monroe. Mrs. W1.rd Rolland. lla.lbM. h&and. a member of the ~ committee wu out or \own btlt wu rep~nted by a t.ablP O! alx guelJU. John H. Poole dt Corona del M1r la a member of the board or d lrttton foe tbe callfom.la ln.stt- tute for C&nce.r Rau.J1:h. sow 18 THE TIME F. H. DENMAN IS CANDIDATE FOR LAW BODY F . Halsey Denman, Orange county bUllneasman and immedi- ate put 'president of the Dada Po\nt Al90Clation, today announc- t'd ht. candidacy for the state le(iaiature !tom the 74lh Aasem• bly District. He will seek the seat vacated by Eatl W. Stanley of Balboa. Isl&nd, who 't01ll make the race for Congrea from the new 23th District. Denman. who livea wfth his family at 400 Malaga Drive, Dana Point. ia no newcomer to Soultiern C8lifornia or Orange county. Tbc Denman family settled in the Southwe:st more than 40 yeani ago. Th~ late A . C. Denman. Cather of the candidate, wu a pubJ,ie-tptrlt- ed citizen and bustneum.an, who pve generoualy ot his ti.me and abllitit!'s to communJty serv1ce. He a'erved both u a fire commlulon- er and hea.1lh commissioner in the l"ity of Los Angeles. He buUt the first open-hearth steel furnace he"" in 1914 for the Southern call· fomta Iron &: Steel Company and later became It& prt!'&ldent. Hls mother, Mrs. Crace Marlx, now livt'!! tn Laguna Beach and hi" slater,· Mrs. Grachen Bame&, iB a re"tdent of Corona d el :P.lar. Rcopo...U.Wtl ... In dl.8cll.Sling 90me of hla tdeu on government a.nd the reaponal· bllltlea of public service. Denman aa.ld : "Public service ls a public trust. It must be held inviolate l.f ,.-e are to have decent. efficient government .. Public eervice e.n.tailB great reeponalblllUet:, tl\e able per- formance ot \\1hich -are not gen- erously paid tor by taxpayers' money.'' .. I believe it ta both •"Privilege and a 'duty ot thf" individual to 'plow'~ck Into con1munity llle- by · tiervice--a share of the bless- lnp and energ'iee that have been given to Us as Americana. AA a wakefUI citizen, con11eloua of gov- ernment, I propoee· to 'plow' back -by public! service--some of the blessing• lhat have been mine." "l propose to do this by be- coming a candidate for the State Legislature, and, u a succe85ful candidate. preaent Jn the legisla- t ive halls -and fight for them- the kind ot laws. facilities and services that are needed and use- tul -and that we can atfot"d- for au ot the ~pie ot the 74th Auembly District ." \\'on A""8rd pa,y him $&000 ,.,. bla rlchbo cto Publlal\ Sept. 13-20-27, 19111. the buatn ... ; that tbereatt.!r that agT'eem.ent wa'.a e&ncelled and a .sonos OF SALZ O~ UAL new. a.greement WU en.tered ~ PROPERTY JIY T&U8'fU: whereby Doran wu to pay Scblra VNOl!llt DEiID OF ftVST 3/7tbs· or th• JltL proceeda or the ....._ No.' 1478 - -or the Blue . Top Hotel and WHEREAS SOLON R. FOS· tllat Doran wu to -his beot TER and MARY 8 . FQS'l'ER, bu- elrona to ..U the hotel. Scblra ban4 and wit•, by Deed ot Trull allo demanded an a.ccounUng and dated NOYember 20Ut 1047 and claimed S/7tbs•ot ~ pror!to froui recon!..i December sill. tlM-T 'In the aperaUon ot tbe hotel Book 1599, pag-e 284 or Ot'flclal Doran, in an answer and Cf'O¥<' fte.C'orda of Orange County, eatt• comJ\la-lnt, denied the aDep.tiOM tomla dtd gr&nt and convey the made by Schira and declared that ptope;ty therein Md hereinafter va.riOWI agreeruente were entered d~rlbed, to the on.nge County into. He &lle:ged ~t the ~inti TiUe Compa.ny. u Trustee, to ee.. culmination of the.ir ll:egotia ona cutt among other obllga.tlona. the con1Llted of an agreement whe~ pa~~t of one note dated No- by Dol'an paid Schlra $l!!loo In vember 20th 11147 payable to caah and turned over to him an Newport Balboa Federal SaYlnga automobile and ftgl"Ced to use bis and Loan A.Mocl&tlon. a corpor&- be1t efforts lo sell the Blue Top uoo, or ordei-, for the principal Hotel over a three-year period. sum at $7000.00, wtth interest at. Doran con.tended that ~e bad per-the rate ot 6 per cent per annum: forlJ!e<l all or the obliga.Uons 'of principal and interest due ln this agreement. Doran t'Urther aJ. monthly lniitallmentA , of fi0.00 leged that tbe contact ~aimed ~y each, on the 1st day of e&ch SchJra to be ln effect wu e&n:· monlb, beginning January 1st. celled by mutua! agrffme»t uid tlMB uid conli.nutng untU said that Doth part.tea agreed ~ de--princip&l sum and the lntereat 1troy their contract.a; that $c~ thereon bu been fully paid; cftH. although promil:fnl' to de.trOy WHEREAS default has oc- hia copy, never did .o and brought curred In thai the lnslt,Jiment of tt up u an existing contract in principal and interest due •upon the cue Which wae pending. sald note on April 1st, 1951 was Doran turther. claimed that he not paid whel\ due and bu .-ot had performed all lbe dbllptions sinJe been pa.id 10' Whole or ta on hi• part to be performed and p&rl · and cro.u-oomplained the sum of $10,• ~AS Newport Balboa 000 damages againat Bcl'lira for Federal SavtnP end Loan As9ocl· hlA tnt:erf~rtng 1'."ith the operation atiOn. owner a.nd holder of uld of Doran • butineu. note, heretofore demanded . that Doran has st&ted that by said Trustee sell aa.ld property the terme ot the aet.Uement and on June 4th. 1951 duly re- which preceded the dlsmiual of corded in the office of the County this action, the entire ownership Recorder ot said Couhty, tn Book ot the ~ue Top Hotel now veats 2196• page 403 ~fflclaJ Recorda In him and he ii the sole awner thereof, a nottfe of •Id default and operator of the hotel. and of its election to ca.w.e atd ~-I property to be sold and more tUn c OF c TO SUrrORT three montba have ~ow ela-4 • sinee the recorda.lion of· laid .no-LEGION PARADE Uce. The •um of $5626.23 princi- Desire of the Orange County American Legion lo hold an Arm- t.stiCe Day Parade in Newport Beach was revealed to the Boe.rd of D irectors of the Chamber ·of Commerce Monday -when a let- ter was read seeking eooperaUon ln such a display. Complete cooperation . of the chamber wu promiled. for th~ patriotic event and Preaident Tom N.orton instructed Hay •Langen- heim to so Inform. the veten.n.11 organization. LEGAL NOTICE pal and lntereat thereon from AJ>rU 1st, 1951 ii now due. awing and--11.D.PJl..ld ori_ aakl note and there t. also ffCUied by s&Jd Deed of Trwtl the TM.l8tee'1 fee and ex· pen&t's of sale estimated at 1220.00 together w1.th any IUlll9 paid and adYanced . by the owner of aaid no'e ln accordance w"lth the pro- visions of aatd Deed of Tnat. w"-h intere.st on 1.1.il la.It mentioned sums. JNOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th.at Ule l&id 01'M.g'e County Till<!' Company, t;>y virtue of the authority vested in lt as Trustee under said Deed of Trust. will sell at public auction to _ No. A .. 20$88 the highHt bidder for cuh, lawful NOTICE TO CB.EDITORS man~y of the United Stat.ea ot EST A TE OF VIVIAN C. McKEE, America, on the 2nd day ot ()ct().. DECEASED ber, 1951 at the hour ot eleven NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN o'clock A. M. of aaid day al th& to the cred:lton1 of &ild all persons South front door of the Orange baving claims against the said de-County Court H ou.ae i!l the City of cedent or said est.ate ta tile them Sant& Ana, Ca.lifontla, all ot the w1th the necessary vouchen In thE' tnt:e.rest conveyt'd to ll by u.l.d office ot the Clerk ot the Supe'l'or Deed of Trust tn and lo all that Court of the County of Orange, celjtain proPerty situated l.n the State o( Ca.llfornta. or to preaent City of Newport Beach, CoUnty of the same, with the necessary Ora.nee, State of Californla, de· voucher'a, to .the undersiped at .cdbed 8.9 follows: his or her place of buSneu, ttD'"' Lot Nine in Block: Eleven of wit: I "Resubdivi.aion ot Section One Bank of America, Executor of Balboa Island." a.s abown on ot the Estate of Vlvtan C. Me> a map recotded tn. Book 8, Kee c/o Max Hurwitz. 2811 page 30 ot Miscellaneous · N~rt Boulevard, Newport . Mapa. record& of Orange B .. ch, Calltomla within six County, California, months art.er the ttnt publ~ or ao much of sa.ld property u tlon of this notice. sh*1J be necessary to be eold to bated August 23, 1951. provide a swn sutttctcnt to pay pl.ea\ent dea.Jtrs. and gmlua." Weird lodia• "Saad Plilnl h1gs for Fair Funct. Prne.•t,ed. Fuada ra19ed for the institute were preecnted by Helen Girvin, -at booka f1'4 authon, a To l'Pnt your llomfl or apt.- PIL llARBOK 1111 and pta.,. your w .. t ac1 tom,: Denman is sales manage r of the k oddtck Tool Company ~f Orange County and a.Lao conducts hi8 OWJ'I salea company -T ool Sales and Dilltrtbutora. Re hu been actt\re tn civ1c and community life. He, was one ot the early directors of the Los Angele• Junlor Chamber ot Commerce and wa.11 award~ the Dul'Y{a:rd B owe1 watch one year- an annual award pre&enled t o young men for diatinguisbed pub- lic aervice. MAX ~WITZ. tbe totll amount aecured by Raid Attorney for Execu_tfr ot !the ~ of Trust. Eatate of aald decedent. , · Dated September 5tl!. 1951. No. 744-Prea. 1 • r ORANGE COUNTY -Be wtu-tell people-a.dvertlse! COOD HEALTH-___, • 2.. , WHATl~'!ME MILf.SOAL.E PU.N? He baa an aet.lve and working knowledge of yacbtlng, pleasure craft and harbora. He Hrved u an officer and 11\embe-r ot th~ Ctrlc Regatta ~tton 9t Southern C&llfomla. a croup U1at p1ayec1 a auccea:tu.l role yean •ro t.n help- ing lo 9K'UJ"e better f&c:91tleli for . pl_,.., craft tnd In oneouraclng the development of .y&cbtJ.nc Ur-- bore in Southun Californla. watera . Thia rroup tooll an active part In lltlplft&' to RCllre gftater beacll anu eet ulde for the people ot SOuthun balttomiL ' . Mesa Hom.emakers · Install Chairman 3 . ~TIS"AN OIO~? I • Pub. Aug. 30· SepL 8-13-20 1!51. I TITLE CJ9MPANY, · ' I ' _ · (tjorporat.e Sea.I) ' NOTICE INVlTJNO~ By Git@. A. PARKER. Th• ll<lard or School or I p,..1c1eai U.e Newport Beach Scl!Ool ' • By C. W. ~ t11ct, Orange county f1i:l rec:f1w . ~tar)' bkla at tlie Superlnteddent'• ~ct. lit publlcaUon, Sept. 8th. 1951. · 1400 CUft Drive. Newport Belc!>to, 2nis ,i>ubllcaUon, Sept. 13th. 19111. up to 8:00 p. m. Oeto~ 2, ~951 3rd publlcaUOn. SepL 20tb, 1"1. bids tor the fUmlshlng d ln.IW-N~. 7t6-Pren. ' I DODGES AT • ' • • I - ' ' • Let 1111 MIJlllt )'Oii Ill y-plP11. We w 11 1 ~)'~ aoei. of materiaJA, recommend a contnetor or help you obfaln a ntie 1 loUl fo r new eonstruetlou 01' ,... modeling. Homer Mellott, Manaa- OTHER YARDS: Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra i ..... ' Pt-otoetal!t ttacllen ror Ula._ __________ _ Wttk-day ch r 11 t tan tdue&Uon cla.ue• ~ Newport Beach and COit& Kea !O't the com1nf year were announced UU. week by Rev. 'nlom&& Roy Pendell, cbairma.n of the reltgioua edueaUon comma-. Mt. Carmel GuUd Plans Get-Together of Parish Members alon of the Newport Harbor COun· The September meetJna of the ell of Chun:hea. Altar Q;uJld of OUf. Lady ot Mounl Mrs. Cheater F1.aher, a twenty-C&rme~ Catholic Cb\U'c.h W&a hdd lhi-ee year rt'•ident of Colt.a Mea, Wedn~, SepL 12 at the New- h&a bttn aelf"Cted u teacher and port and bOfne of Ml'a. Apt.b& supervteor. Mra. Fisher has been FH'nan . active tn community actlYlt.lea Kn. 'J"beodoN Robina and Kn. many yta.n, h&Yilll wwked and A.ndft ~ u co-.lloa· aerved in tbe Wacs, PTA, Red t.eufll at u.e ·c1tUghtt\d deaert Cro. and Community Cbfllt. One 1\UlChton wbk.h WU M'rved ln the daU«flter la now attendLnt; Orange petto. Cout college add another la at-Tnt&'Uve plan. tor a ~h pt· tending WhJtUer oo\Jep. Her a.ca-tocettu:ir In the aew b&ll were deralc tn.ining wu .cured at ma.de, the date bl(n& Mt for Oct. ·-----------------------·• P eru State NoPmal 8cb001, Peru. 21. Nominated to the commiUee Netl>_ and at t.M Unlvenlty of ln cbarse were: Mrs. li"ttaan. Mn. ----------------------+ Color&ck>. Siie tought public ochool Duro<her and Mn. Hqh Ully. 11 yeara tn Nebruka and bolor-Named to the ccmb-aL!rnlty Ml'n· ado bet«e comln.c WMt and •rY· mitt.er.: were Kra. rr.nk Rocco and ed ~ >'""' u Ubrarlaft and ltudy Kn. Ully, -w!IJ .-1" opod&I hell eupttvllor In the TUatln i-. In Cllrlatlan -• .wchool aystem. She le a m~ber th>rn lM Bi.ten of St. Joptpll ot of lhe Co11ta MN& Community 0ranl"!. A. d1*:ulaion club wtl1 be chUtt-lt and M.a. bad 18 >'"" ex-fanned wt~ Mn.. Darocb.er ud pen.-In ,..ll&ioul ~Ion. Mn. ,..,,..., .. OCM:ll.aUm&n. Reg . 29.95 · Special 24.95 I WAL S H H AR D W A'R E • Mn.. Grant Puller, anat.beT ll wu dieclded to .mes two Gel&- ! t~ <>«1 the ltltf, received her ptee to the IWlllal meeting ot education ~t Salltl Ana J~nlor 'tile Arcll-dlocean O>unc)I o(, col1eg P and Nort.Jt.ern State Teech-Catllltc Woma, to be beld at the I <'rs Normal 8dlool, Abe:1'deni, 8 . A.m)Je-dcir bot.el ln October. AU D. Shf' too b&.t bad pu.bUc ICIMIOI rn.em...,. 'Were lnYlted to attend I tea ehlng experience .. well u uad many lffe.l"ftUou baft Me church ~hool \\'Ork. Her church made. I membership la Pre.1byte:rtan. Thl" The next meeting will be In the i Fullers have thrt"e children. two aew ball and will be preaided over of whom arr attending the Costa by the vice-p1eakWAt. Mrs. Fer- Meaa schools. Sh~ ha.a been a.c· t'l\&n, in t.1'e abHnce of Hra. Lfon· ti..... In R..s Crosa. \VSCS, PT A ant Ptn"'VDi, pl'ffi.dML The lat· u.4. PIX) ll"Oups. ter wtU be on an ('•tended '\"&U.o-n.e third teachf'r for the com-tlon in New York and other pa.rte Ing year le Mn. Amador Ramos. of the Eut coast. I 1844 Newpo rt Blv d., Coste Mesa Bee. 6603 ~-~ -~--~~~~4 She ts a RTt<tua te of the San Franci.sco Na.tional Tr at ft 't n & school, a Methodist tn.tt.ituUon. for lralnl.ng rellgiloua educaUon f!-1 mlsslonary peraonnel. She re· cenUy moved lo this &l"M t.rorn Fullerton where ahe wu pttli· Return to Religion Sermon Subject at Chr ist Church -----~~-----c-------------dent of the PTA. acUve in Red C l'08l!I, Community Cheat and the Council ot Chur<:b Women. S~ has had ma.ny yr&NI expec .... ce VI Bunda)' scbool and vaca tlon echool work. One boy attt'nds the Lind· ber(h achool. Does Religion have the ~' On every aide on9 h.MPI tocll.7 that the U?'gftlt and de.-peNle Med ii a return to nlj«fon. It thla a AentUnentat DOet&J.c\a ~d· Inc exprealon ! To what • re-- llCfon auppoH<I to llave aa an· swer? WW aay vvlety al re- Ujt1on do! Wb&t. kind of u. an- swer Ii wanted! 633 FLAT OIL WALL PAINT Gal ...... _ ..... , ........................... .. Rl-G~ ENAMEL MATCHING COLORS Gal. ... , ...................... ._ ...... -....... . SATIN FINISH F.NAMEJ. Gal. . . . .... . .. ......... • PA I NT THINNER 19r gal. (in your container) • HARBOR PAINT and WALLPAPER CO. 219 Coast Bl,·d. Corona del Mar Community Church Corona del Mar "T)le Tragedy of a Loat Cenera· tlon" wtll bit> tht' aubject of the .-rmon to be prr acbed by the Rev . Paut !:dward Babbtlt in the Com· munJty Church of Corona del Mar nert lwlda)'. Tbere are two ser· V'lc8 of worship. At 9 :4~ a. m., wben~ the Chapel Choir will ainl(, '"'Come-. Chrl&tlana Join to Slnr AU.eJula," by Gillette, and at 11 :00 a. m ... whd'I. the C'ti.ancel Choir wW ·~ "Open Our Eres." by Mac-h.itane. Mrs.. Mary Batten Stef· Cemen dlrecta both choirs. Ttle orsaii mualc. playt"d by M1aa JL&r. ·ga.ret Scha.rle, will incl!Jde ftach- ma.llllnofrs ''Melodie'', GuUman.l'•. ''Communion · 1n G", and Smart'• "Kodera.to tn F''. All are cordl· ally Invited to worship ln thiill cordial Commi.rnlt7 cJlurch. • ;:;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;, 1be churrh Khool meeta at 8 :4!i a. m . wtth classes for children from three yea"' old throuP Ute 11.x"tll grade and adult&. fte WV· e.111.th and eighth grade youth at- tend the N.rly service and have clua Im.mediately folk>wtng in ti..e Blake house with Mr. and llra. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 p(·~u:aLOK· COMPA:\-Y-!~O s. MaJn St .• Santa Ana Pf'~nC'E -C'IXDER AXD COXCRETE BLOCKS REJ:'\"FORCl:SG STEEL and SfTPPUES 1-:'.===========::'.".'.:::::::::=:::=====~ j W. L . Bakke.la u COUuelon. -'"nle Senldr High PtJgriJn J'el· High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ' lowlhlp mHta at 7 :00 p. m. 1.n Pilgrim hall with Mra.. Paul Delp a.a Counaelor. AU RJfh lldaool youth are cordially lnrited. Mesa WSCS . to Observe Anni. Tbe elew.nth anniverlllUJ' or the Coata Meaa Community llle.thod.lll cllun:h WSCS will be cl•"" ob- serv11nce al the general m.ettng or the orpnbllUon today (llept. 29.) During tbe noon hlncheoD membe.A wW be eeated. at talals uraaged tft order ol. Ute mc.tbl In which 111.,. bavo b(rth41U'L The seulon at.a.rt. wtth a Pft1 .. er poup at 11):30 a..m. 1mde-U.e loadenhlp of Kn. no._ ll&J'- rllon. 1plrituaJ llfo chairman. ......, H. B: )(c)(urtry. ~.......... --t11·---.- -. tl>o -----..... "" to kllls .._.r --for t.be flew ctMlth tttt.chUI.. ~ ·1. Stuart lMent w111 loo U. .,.Uer of u.e -.,..... mllile Will bo ni...-,_ oteMSnn. ·------• Eb.II Section Travel P"dures These and similar related 4)uea· lions will be the problem to . be confront.6d at rnomiq ~ lhla. SWtday at Chrlat ctwrch by the &!a u the put or, n.o.u Roy Pendell, addreuea llimalf to t1'e question, "Doea ReiJCion Kave the Answer!" A!! alwa)'W, tM ~ral pubJlc is welcom~. Lady of Mt. Carmel 144l Balboa Ave.· Sunday at 8, 10 and 11 :30. W ttk days, 8 a. m. Cont talon a. Saturday, ' to ~:30, 7:8G to 1 :19. Sun~. before each mua. BaJAQa Ialand, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur- day, I L m. Confeutons, aine .u above. Radio Pro.- Dally, except Sunday, Roary hour, KFWB (980) 7:30 ( m . For~. l!lmadl)'W Holy Mau, 9:08 &. 1111., la..AC (~70) 11 a. m. Catholk: Bour, ID'! (9'0) t:o p. m. KGFJ (7111) e-r at at. Fraftcll Clldlnp & otlotn. Ice Cream Social T omdrrow Night St. Cecelia s Guil d • • • • I S1111ion SubjeCt at St. ~drews Attend Adventist • • . , • • • • Dr. ww.m JoC!OCUom•i; w111· Parochial · School ~~~~$5~~~~~~~~~~ -.. II.lo .. ,_, ... l>ject ...... • - ..,. -ias "Tiie -ot 0.. 'l'.'be v-.......... ,. -tit-~ ii:lth wonblp """•"* D!oY A---at nu v~­""° ohut'dl .. bool an at 10 a.m. onUne Drift, Jl'ullortoa, ....... the -1 • tan term .September 10 with an C st .. .o1 .....,Ummt ot 126, It wu ...-c. o a .mesa ec1 by 111e principal, w. · c. 1et- S:.ptist Church . ~-:-..,.... u.e c:<>d\ftlU- . n!Ueo of Coot& Mda, Newport "Tiie -.. N .... of 1\'tlllt)"' Bi!edl, Onnp. Guden Otbft, la U.. ,_.on tople .-n by Rev. l'llllertm ""4 Anallelm • and 2S Wal,_ W-of UM lllbla In-cblldren att.bd from tltla """'' -of LM AqelH f,_ tl>e 11 munlty. , a.m. ..rv1oo _, lo the .,,., Tho atatf tltla yoaio are the fol- 111.pttst-clnmh . or Coata 'M-. lowing: Kia 1oan D&llltllh, ·11t ll'or tl>e 7:30 p.m. Bllndly wor-and :lbd p-ado: Juanita Paxton. :'.;1~ wlJ! ~ Oil '-rhe Un-3rd and Ctll; Burt Kuru, ~th and , i'ble Sin: lie•. w,-1 Is 9th; Rk:Mtd -. TUI and 9th;_ occupytnl' tlle pulpit wlllle ~-W. C. J offreyo. tu. and IOU. and P. a. Neumann, puw, II on an c . 11opra, muatc. ovan~Uc&I lour. kvtntl>·DaJ Adv9tlata be- . I 1eoe 1n ~llflo<io tralnlJOC (<n' cbll· St J Ch h ~ liut do tlOt teol that public . •mes . urc ....... "' ..... -plaee tor "· the F II S h d I princlp&I ltltod. Ae a result the Oft a c e u e church hQ -ol .tho moot OX• s.mc.. at 8L Jamp Eplaoopal churcll wUl be on ulU&l 8Chedule 1a eomlnf 8wtda.y, announces the ReY. PauJ Moore Wlleeler, rec- tor. At l:SO un. la Holy Com- t11unl<* and momiag prayer: at t:30, family wonhlp; at 11 Lm. • mol'll1q wonlllp. Church achool tor n.a .t.ude'nta r~~ last 8undq, i. al t:SO Lm. T'be young cbwd>men'• lequ<! wW mHt In ... parlall ball at 7 :00 p. m. a,... Wript II the new chalrm&n and Kn. A. A.JeM:nder Hamilton ii: o.driao<. Church Women Urged to Attend Mar Casa Retreat louU>onl Oall!omla Council of Clturch Women wtll · hold · their unuat retreat and 1tate board meetlng at Mar Can., Balboa Is- land on WMl\e9day and Thunday, Sept. 28 and 27. A II officers and committee cbatrm.t.n Vflll be pres- ent and <hi.a ~an e.xcelle11t ctpporlunJt,-tor all church women lo become taml1iar wilh work and a..tneu ot the council. Theme tor ·U.. retne.l la "Llvt" b1' Pal\h." Thll lo also oabject tor the annual World Community day JWCIT&m to be held the first i"rid.ay of November. Localy It Wiil be --by NtWJ>Ort Harbor Council ot <;hutch Wo- rnon. .,_ Slaie Newland, preside nt of the local council, urges a.II church '\VOmen, as well u presi- dent.a &nd olfk:ers ot church l1""*Plo to attend the retreat and progn.M at Mar Casa. Service Tre,d•• Ask.G To File OPS Repor+s teMl.Ye puodliaJ .:hoot ayBle.m. amoer the Protelt.u\t denomtna· Uons, be atated. ' This l'Oonth nee.rly 3.900 Jt.d- wntlat 11ehoola etretching around Ute world will open doora to nearly 200,doo puplla. Ma.ay ot theee g1ve vocational trat.nlng, Four in.tltuU.... of this type att located in CaJJtomla. They are U.e mllllon.-dollar Newt>ury Park academy near Ventura; San Pa. qual academy near Escondido; MonlAlrey Bay academy at the llite of the former Calilp McQuade near Watsonville . and the Lodi aea~y .at Lodi. Callt. Regional Conclave of Church Women Under tbe theme '"UnJted OWrcb Women at Work." women ot the Yllriowl Pnrt.eetant chOTChee of lhe Harbor art>a will join. ln a two day region&! conference of th(. United Church \VOmen ot South- ern CallfOMlla at Wilahire llletho- dlst Church, LM Angelff, In Oct<>- ber. · The local l'l'OUP w1Jl orpnize Wider the direcUon of KIM Elsi" Newland, presldfft ot the New· Port Harbor Council ot Church Women. a dfvfllion of the Newport Harbor OouncU al. Churcht's. A C!Uatned Ad la tile mighty ~t In Advertlsinl' ' ST. 1JAMES .CHURCH· E_PI SC P,..til: (Ar DD: DoftlAuriljg SUNDA~ ES ~:jo ~·~· ~.~f -CHURCH,Sci'llO • -11 A.M. : 9:30 ~.M. - • ' ' ' . , • ' PE.P U·P_ ·Your · CAR WITH THIS • I MO -TOR W-UNE·UP • NEW POWER , QUICK'! ONLY s39s PARTS EXTRA (W NEEDED) . . INCWDES Adjuat dl8trlbutor point., c ·I ea D air cleaner, tighten head bolts, adjuat lgnltloll tinllag, clean batUry t.ermJ.. ..us; eheck OOJtdenser, tighten ~old!!. adjust carburetor, cheek coil; check voltage con-trof• check ,battery, adjust t&PJlet.s. fllean plugs, tight.en b~ conneetloll!I, check vae- num conf9!• adjust fan belt, check ~on. cheek heat oontro.I, cheek cooling system. SEE US NOW culbe!.~~~~e~! co. I NewpOrt Beach \ Beacon 6442 Failure of a .number of firm.a •nd Individuals, princlpally In 0.- ance County, who 'are1lsted uncter Ceilins Price Regulation 34 (.ero- vtoe trades) to aend In required statement.a. today prompted a warning by Wlllfam C. Moeser, dfftctor ot the San Diego Dietr\ct O. P.S. ifi•r 1s ito snsn'1trirB roa .. For some-reason. certain bu•I· nes.11men who came under Regula- Uon 34 have failed lo comply wit.h ~ l"f:C"l•tton " Moeeer aid. "The deadline for the required report.a WU J\lne 16 .. We are maklftl"0 a tut-minute-effort to have tbe1e Merehanta &Ad bualneurnen eend tn lheir statement.a at once to the 81111 Diqo Di.&trict Olft«i ot O. P . $. ,..,._ to CGll1Pl:r .... 'rieult bl ~t aet.ioft." Moeoer Rid he bell ..... man,.-of th~ penonaj covered by Regula- Uon 34 are unaware of the re- qa.trement to l*9t: their prieee for 1etvice1 w1t.b 0 . p _ S. HAR-Alll':A CIRCULATibN ·Jf You Want RESULTS from Your Advertising! • I 1 Anti there is no betJer. "Resu,lt Getling" combination ·than the "SHOPPLNG f NEWS " . . and The "NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS" ' . • I . C~1._d Clr.culatlon ~ , ... ~ the "SHOPPING NEWs" '-'-I . 1 PitEss is • • \ t1" Over 19.000 • ~ w ...... ~Shopping Newl• REACHES ODY HOME -- l • • -------------------- ---- -------. ----- --.....,.,., • • • < • • ~ • • • • ' • I I t • f · • • • ,, • .. • ' ~CAT SAVES MOTHER BIBD -'l'tlat-1 the am•1 lnl' 'Hiquel to tut werk'• story of the baby puakee~ 1ett wttb oaJy the father to 1""'1 them wbP.n the female bird ~ o r wu ta.km from a cap at the home of Ml'. and Ma Glean A. Moott", 19U \\.'f'M Oef'l&ll Froat. Racoer: of the mother la Supr Foot., younc Sla.-- meae cat beloactnr to Mn. RU98NI Reddin(, 1!5. 27th stn"rt. The eat fotlnd the bird la an area way next to the lkddlnl" home aod CIU'ried It \\•lthout harm to his m.lstl"es!t.. Abo\'f"', Supr Foot casts a speculatlve eye oo. CUddlea, no"· ule ln brr cqf'. ( PreSl!I Photo I .Siamese Cat Saves Parakeet On Wednesday of lu:t week----------- wben Mrs. Glenn It. Moore, 1928 West Ocean Front, reported loss ot two parakttle little d!d 1he ex- pect that return of one of them wu due to quick act ion (purely Instinctive) on the part of a. cat. LeM tnsUnctive waa the fact that the cat took the bird unharm- ed to Its mistress. Mrs. Ruuell Redding. of 12:S -27th street. Hero ot the atbry ia a young Si~eee named Sugar Foot <alter a Cl&r· ence Buddington Kelland charac- ter). He has a habit of taking all amaJl &nlmals which he finds to Mrs. Redding. who hu rtteived birds, a ha.mater and numerous lizards. Gratltud~ or CUddles for h~r rescue was whown in the fact that although a sharp "nipper," she did hot offer lo bite when examined ro r poMlble .skin puncturee, and lllhe see.med to chatter gratefuHy at being safe once more. , PrPM Photo AJds p . •m.' It must have been a thrill- ing tale a.nd perhape a ha.rrowing one. for, said Mrs. Moore. "Some of them seemed to be s wearing!" The other bird, & blue male, still is ml.5afng. although for a time ~. Moore thought she had It back . Paraktt& N ett.NI Word was relayed to her Sun- day moming that a parakeet wu down. at Chri.st Church by the Sea. There 8he round the little fellow surrounded by a. wa.JI of quiet and Interested children. A1I she ap· proached, It flew acrOM the street and she netted It on the steps or Our Lady of Mount Carmel church. On tnspectlon she found it l'o b<' a female bird which sh e had sold to Mrs~ Ed H ealy of t~th street. Shortly 11.ftf'r. Mn. H e.11..ly callPd to say the bird had et1eapt'd and that someone might report find- ·ing IL It "'ll.3 a child's pet &nd she Pic ture of her mothe rless babit's WU overjoyed to find lt safe. on the front p•Ke of the Pre& led Interest ot people In the plight to her retum, During her absence I ot th_e little fledgling& was l!ily· the. bebles were fed by the fath<'r. wide, according to Mrs. M oor f:'. and by another mother who did Many cll.LLs ca.me In, ranging from <louble dut,y In. P"""'8t ·\bo ~ -P•• Mlvl<e on f~­ partiaJJy pre-digested food for he:-ln'g them, t o others who were jWll own sevl"n and the other eight. Interested Jn how they were com· When CUdrtles was returned to the ing along. "1 nev<'r undc>restimal- C&ge, all the birds, usually a.sleep ed the. power of the prc&S, bul th!~ ahortly after sundown, stayed up wu .really 11.Jllazing," aald thC'lr talk ing the affair over UJ\Ul 10:30 owner. • Albacore Skunked, Ca r Dunked Fisherman Finds it Tough Day It wa.s bad enough lo be skun~d fishing for albacore B. J . Top- ping of Huntington Bt'a<;h reflected Tueeday, but w hen h i~ Buick 1edan rolled down a bank and submerged ln the bay hf>Mi<le the Orangt> county dock, that wu the pay-off. Like m08t personal tragedies, it happened very sin1ply, Topping had pulled his out-.. ------------ board motor and rowboat from the tuf'nlng baain onto the beach just ea.st of the dock after a day's fishing. H e backed hie black, 19"7 tour-door do'A'll the 7-foot bank to n1trieve h ie boat and trailer. The car became stuck ln the sand. eo Topping enlist ed aid or county employees wbo towed the auto atop the bank. "I stf'pped on the emf'rgency brake and w ent back to the boat to put it on the lraOer," Topping N!lated. ''Then the car •tarted ~lllng back down the beach. l ran around i~lAg to get to ~ driver's door a nd &top ll, but I didn't make It." ~The sedan described a westerly curve on lhe narrow beach. rolled between loosely strewn. cement blocks a.nd disappeared bf'low the b&y eurface, leaving onlf bubble.a and an oil etick to mark ita wake . Toppins caJWd for help which arrived In t he person of John Stowers of Stowrrs Garage. Cor- ona del Mar, and his low truck and the diving abilities of Captain Jack J ones, Newport Beach Lite Guard Service. About 100 dock- aide watchere also came. some with audible advice on ralelnl" the car. Alter a few dJVt'S, J ones lo- cated the sedan in 20-foot water. Stowers adviRd hlm Lo hook the tow cable a.round the "A " frllJlle, wh.ich he did. In & short t ime the car was dragged to surfac4! and back on Jry ground. Whl.le T oppin¥ might have been rP&dy to tell hi.!I fr1encU! about the fish he didn't catch, all he cow.Id say about his car's dunklng wae: "The bra.ke must have slipped:· (Pktutt on Pare I, rart 1) Reeulta' com~ rrom conalant- PracUce! An ad regularly ln th1• paper wtll prorluce mull.II ror you since 1922. Activf' ln club and civic project. &he Is a mem)?er of the Friday Afternoon club, re~ cenUy 1ervfh.g u tre:uure.r of tbal organiz&lk>n. · R.ecognl2ed u a highly eftlc\- New Owners at Graue l Ch.aper e.nt and depeod&ble mortician. GU- " Long a Landmark in the Harbor bert Seal brings t o hia• iaew poet. area the Graue.t Chapel. 11 o lion five yeara of ~perlencc wlth Broadway, Coata Meat., today was F'brest Lawn Memorla.I Park. The lb charge of the new owner&-S'eaJ Ambulanee ~rv1~, e11ta~ the ftl"m o.f Parka. RldJe7 and lhthed three yea.n ago, tWed an Seal. Taking . over Yrlday ~the important and pruslng need tn f;l'OUP purchued Ute mortuary thta dialrict. Mr. a.pd Mn. Seal born M,. and •Mre. Paul Lorent-moved here /. 7 ye.ara qo, bblh M:n ror aa undJeclOHd coualdera:.. betnc lntel'Nt.ed in the powth tlon.. and ·civic bettenn~t ot the com- M..a ,_. fw £•,:...::, .=..: W11:g Trip Salwallon Anriy · • .... ~ -''-· ' Ends · Mesans CIPl>' J>er coni . .,..~~-~ eollecledc-to~_...r • Ne"'POft a.nor an& Jiu wl>--ana boopltala &lld for bl· Bllrne t"Oftl motor traftlll oCnbecl between f100 and ~ .UlUUonal ........ Vff7 lmjlOrt&Dt = ~ ...!":'::" = tor u.. p.-nt Sal~Uoa Army .II work amoas tlle alcollolla ,•f M.cClcllu and childttn, !Uy 1114 rund-ral.lln~ camp&IJ. With a ~·t ~':u::!. ~ = Don!o, o1 m w~, An. llmlted number of workera In tll• w n . . Tbe7 <J1jo 1 ~ wl~ trlendo "field, .rnan:r people will' not be I"'"' la work «mons Ule unfort,.. and ttlll . In, Sh4!rldan. Wyo., tonally contacted. Moell of them ~ ent.lttly ... pa.iate.·trom the. Mrs. J.f llan a former home know of the eplcndld work done ~ work. whtdl t1 eett .-up-and lhm uraeyed lo Y ellowftone by the Army. porlin«. Dllcarded al"UclH .,.,.. National rk, tnc Orand Teton Tboae deslrlng to contribute cotwctf'd, repaired and .eotd in National a.rk, the Jacltaon ~lo may maU checka or take cuh to Salvallon Army ai.orn. ct.Yin& country d Kenlo point.a In. Mon• Roland Wright at the Bank of C"mployment to bahd\capped men t&na. America. Wright ls treasunir tor and In many ca.a, men on p;e.role the local dflve this year and John trom atate ln.aUtuUona. -People pc> n.ad tbe Pre.a &41- ~ .:C w.:6'< '-c.oto 4 SPAGHETTi '11/A. ... '-fr lade ' BLENDED .IUICE • l'l oz. PKG. 46oz. CAN '-1/f,.,U~d& 1;-i ~~~ EAM STYLE CORN t . ::~ H ~Q kd/a#C l-t. &zA ~dWz..:' ORA GE MARMALADE '}~ .STOJq.ZY'S TOMATO .IUICE 't2 4"" · dAi..k..-at a.. #edae ,o;,tcE-. , ERIHIY ROOT BEER ~~ II tZ ~ c..7',u,w ~ ANCAMP TAMALES , £d! //~&I -.577C<411VIFD " HEINZ BABY FOOD 15i.or. ~ 11 ~ 19 ~ 25 ~ 27 ~ Iii ~ 31 ~ 34~ 39 ~ Univenjty Women to Welcome' New Member$ ' -''Creall'"' Uvinl" llM -oe- i.ct.d ..-U.. theme tor tile 19:11· ~ ch.lb year tor memblr.ra ot the S&J\t& ka branch, Amerlcu b. oocloUon ot Unlwnlly 'Women, • • wtth Ole openlng meeUn.g and meinb«ohlp plzty to be held Fri· day at ' p.m. Jn tile Ebell club houae. Ml• C&therlne Wellb wtU preakte aa the ne wpresident of the local branch. Mn. A. B. CoJonJu., member- .. Slmitng the managem.e.nt. are munity. A supporter of muaic and -1 church octlvltlee -Sei.I .. • fA.._..,a11a• u• ••nu PICKLU .25~ Kr. and llro. P. V. PvkH, Mn. ---~-••· !itoWe P. Ridley and Mr. and Mrs. "~, of -Or""&'• County GObort lle&I, Wbo ¥0 aloo 'part. p8:>'~~=': :::. ..,. Ill tbe Beal Ambulance eer--~ ... Rn. Charla F. lfand lo ... el:t ,. ChrlOtian Sorvlce ol tl>e . -·led with the eh4~ .. tamlly Q\ota .... Oammaaity lletWlat' ~-aad fllnonl ..iot.Jit. eh ....... • ~-·-•• ~-~ ·-· ~ 7Mtll ... lleT. l¥n<l ~-s -~• ~-.,. '!'· um'liid 1n 11>e atta -J'onot Ba Mr._ lllld ll.,., J".Uk• "" Lawn Vomoriai Perl<. rapldbr ..,-... 117 ldenl.ltlod Wiiis -_. making • plMe for ..-ir bl -eb1e ~ -i::lrc-. the -ot u. c:omm""lty by --ta • web knuWti ~ ... f:rMmlll--ktndlin-. ud -.. -lo • put '"oollal ---~ ~ & .... -. • the rrw.,. ...,_ -' ....... WlUI . Cllrllt Oiu?dl "' •KN. lU61 le a ,-no!-t1oe -. Newport 8-1& .,S' IM .,_ or w.. iilalal~ • ..., 11on COiia ~ o ='llitJ ..- • • • • llO ·~ • • I NIW Roa. 17tll • 0.-W.. COSTA .....:11 .. Ham•. - , • , :'Pia.~i!!'-~ l:tl";!:. ~cidentaf SW ~-=:-,. 1n~ 1n lnitires Meltlll mJm-p ina;y COlltaet' )(TL o<..IJned to the Santa Ana Robert Lelnau. Barbor aur,,w. ~unity lll>aP!W tollowlng .,. perUJnlug to elJsil>'.Uty. Jlln. F. accld<jnw blut ot a .lf P'llP • W.111• Jllnn' i. In C!Wll• of deco-~ pellets .4lacha•sed ntlJ>ns. Mt .. · lfernJce Do)'d, ,..,. Uu-ouJh• hla fl"'t: la Donald Daft. frahmenta and Mn. Cb&rlee E. &!<Dori 6t E . 22nd .u-t. It wu · Smtth, entertainment. repol'tftd today. :-...ie ~wo M_. J.flaa Ellzabel.b· H . M:lll<r hu1 nlmroi2a, i>onald8on and Rlcb&rd · been appointed program cha.trma.n Dlttm-.r, 323 . Broadway, were - for. the ':'gu.La.r month~y m eetlnga 1tartllig on •• hunting upedtUon which w ·u be designed to follow recently, tt wa.a ea.Jd.. when Dltt- Ute selected theme for Uae' yt?ar. A mii.r'aliun accidentally dlacharged. epecial g\H::&t epea.ker will appear p&lntully wounding the former. at lh4! OcL 11 meeting to talk on Alter applying an emergaacy world affairs as reflected 1n cur-tourniquet Dittmar n.t.ahed the ln- rcnt book.a. jured man to the hospital. PB.CBS1 •PPBCTIVI: TBIJRS. PRL SAT. SBPT. 29,21,22 POii 01, CllCIEI 2 9 f llOUMO CAllTOll ClllESE IOOILES ClllESE ALIOll .CAil 25.£ ,011, 101 • • • . - '