HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-25 - Newport Balboa Presst I I l ' , , •· I • • g,.;c/f but: BJ T. N. ("lllUCIM" OAINm . One l'M80D the mam al thlo, ile- partment la t&lrlrtg" onr th1I 1ll9!k ' ' TIDI l'llQ8 A mirror of U.. moot n.pldly den1op1n1 area of th• Calilonlla lloUUl ~Bmplre • • ' ..... ' • • ....... to lie el-,. .. • Impartial, --• .-" -retAla popular-au~ Ls becaw.e ot 'lome re&I new. th.at Brick la too mod ... to report. ~ poor guy thlnluo hf• colun\ft lan'tl'-----------...1 read, but I have proof that tt la. , SllVING THI INllft . HAllc;»a ·ARIA . Tbe news! No cat. ..to gtve away at the · Ga.tnea hatcllery. One couple came In lbe morning, took a kJtten and we'1.'l"back ln .the e-we- ning tor another, u they liked the first so much. One .call from Glendale. no lea. but all· I had left wa;. a UttJe mama cat, 9.nd t!he wanted a papa cat. Two lad.lei: from · Balboa IaJand were aent to the poUnd to look. ror pets, aa 1 had run out. TW aprlnl', then. no more mentlon of cat.a' tn the_ col- umn. . La8l Monday, Norm Ha,gen of Norm's Landing. tobk a ~k tbn himself by lnvttlng _.J membeh of the Nt'wpor•Hal"bor Lady Ang- ler8 lo be his guut.s on the sport. Kint. Liz. Notm's wife. ·WU &o •be hoole.38 for th• day, but. wu sick. a-ly.:d with a bout with pneu- monia, llO Norm himself took over and a wonderfUI host he turned out to be. . VOLUME XIl PHONE HARBOR .1616 ' SECOND 1..AAGEST HOME .COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY I - ·NUMBER 35 • • LOCAL YACHT ANGELENOS BU N OVER -~UNCO COUPLE . WRONG BRAND. CHARGE [t WU the first rtah.ing trtp that I 've experienced that· had en- tertainment thrown ln &nd our aides are atW hurting f'rorn la.11gh- ter a.nd not from leaning over tbe ~ rail. C~ of C. Report Shows~Growth of Newport • A bulletin lalued thJ• week by Newport Harbor Cb am be r of Commerce deocrtbea graphically thia area'• growth durlnJ Uwa FOUND GUILTY . I - • Witch hunters or Loe Angeles are cen..tn that they ta.bgled with The ae.rlu: of alleged bunco ope-lhe princlpal Hobgoblin of an early Halloween y~terday. Witch t aUocu conducted on the yacht Hunters tn the penona oj. 50me ultra -conservative.. aupercriticaL Gloria Dalton ln Newport Ha.rbor psuedo art.1st&, met head on with L'te "Surge of the Sea" In the per- by Henry BeUowa, Sd'-year-old aon ot long, lanky, and affable Rexford E. Brandt or Corona del Mar. Rueatan bom promoter, ahd M'las Scene for the battle wu the.---------------Ambroat' (Zippo) Straling, gal· ley C"ook, must hf.Vt' a special room on board for all the strange equipment ht-USes to lighten the moments or the risherman., though the ladttfil took some o( hi.a choice rlnery to dress the honor guest of thE' day. Gwendolyn. ~ndolyn, by the way, wae the jack-pot rwh caucht by Betty Cbattock. who sell.fl yacht.'1 at the Wing Sang yards. TYl e rtsh, when docked. was a sight to behold, complete with a hat decorated with feathers from albacore jigs. a hula ~klrt s.nc\ other neceasary trimmings .• At one time during the day. she was wearing Mary Ann Hud.lon'! shoe and 1'0Ck, but Mary Ann's foot ~ot cold. ao poor Gwendolyn haa to J.:O bare·footed. As rar as ftahing went. It waa one or th~l' "ort days," but there we-re numerous white sea bass around-hard to book and harder still to k e-ep hooked. For example, I lost four and get one. Alice Slemons and Mary Bt>lle Tobia.a didn't bring along thelr good-luck charm 50 didn't even get a nibble. Mary J o.I..an&downe probably scared any fiab away with a apron she was wearing and Nancy West wy handicapped from maneuvering much u she had a hig sign plnned on her back. Next trtp I make, I think I'll takP along my private bait tank. aa Zlppo certalnly had an advan- tage with bia tnnovauon. A \UIT ro·soME COSTA Hr.SA NIGHT SPO'l'S Having a daughter that is a skating devotee, I decided to vts\l the rink to took In one night re· cenUy and It wa.s a revalation tn me how some of the local young· ster!'I can handle thrm.selvea on skates. It makes a person wi.9h he was young and agile agaln as they go round and round with un- believable grace. As the Lady Anglers have a bowling t("am, took In the alley Tuesday night, which is ladlea night and did my share or rooting tor my home team. As bowling Is so n1uch Greek to me, I can't tell how individual members look· ed. but I 'd say Helen Scott, Elaine Walker and ~mlta Doner have the makings of some darn good bowlers. That sporl. looks like a lot of fun and tt'• a shame more people aren't In the gallery enjoy- ing the pins take a beating. A COOKING H1ST A re you one or thoee rlsherman who gives your shttp!lhea.d away as It almDl!l t scares you to take It home'? You've mlaaed one of the best treats to come out or the briny! After the horrible beasty Is be- head~ and cleaned, steam i t un· ti! the meat fali!I from the skin an(I bones. Add a good cocktaU sauce. ftnrly chopped celery, a small bit of c.hopped green peo- ?¥'r. a small duh or horM>radish ., and lemon juice and chill thor- oughly as good ·a fiah cocktail as you've ever eaten. CITY OFFERS TO BUY 4 CHINA COVE LOTS Purrhase or foUr lots In China Cove ror $15,000 wa.s authoriud at the Monday night meeting or the Cit.v Council. They include Jots owned by Stalford W. Bixby of I 14R Garfield Ave., South Pasadena. \\'hen lhe city's offer la ap. proverl b.v heirs involved in the late Howa..rd Bixby estate prob- blems. a deed will be executed through the office of Atty. A. Mauon SmJth. Loa-Ance;le& The sale would ·bring to lix l.h.e total number of Iota purchued 'stnoe the City levied 'a 8J)edal &Ue-- mant on local watu blJ.b tO ra1Jle needed tunda. Hcsbor Wealhar Tompe,.bqoes lloo ,..t - In u.e Ratbor ..,._ were: ' • .._ i- 'l"hur""-1· Oot.. 18 --15 .. ~J'. Oct. 11 ---11 H -.....,,, OoL a _, ..... • H ~. o.t. n --·· 11 11 M1· 1n7, ()d;. II .... --11.,A a 'becC•7. Od.. ta ~-16 a Wod1 •1"7• Ooto. R ~· ~ • ... ..,. ...... .....,._ w .JI .a. i •a; 1nsml fW U. ii? SI .11. l.a-*:7M1' .. _ .... R. T . VAN E1Tl8CIJ Van Ettisch Rites Slated Saturday put decade. Bulldlnc pennlt tot.ala ahow part of the lncre&H. Permlll!I for 19•1 totaled ll.1&0,122, whtle tbta year's permit.a through September stand at $7.787,004, within a abort reach of the ltd record of $8, • 041 ,508. School rectstraUon tells a st.ml- lar atory. In January, ltMl. 609 puplla attended Newport Beach elementary Khoola, whereaa Sep- tember of thla ye&r •W 1772 re1f· istered. "nle hll'h 11Chool t lrure• show almlla.r lncrea.ea. \\rlth 029 attendlnl' u of January. 1941 and 1072 thtB paat September. Utility servi<:e connecUons ahow a M>lld rlM d4r1111 the put 10 years. In January, 19•1. there I were 4203 electric connection• aa compared with 8721 last July. Water aervicu· have risen from Members or the Fourth Estate J 3942 ln January, lt4l to 5969 u rrom tar and near. publisheni, re-! of lut month. Gu connections porters, editors and copy boya will for the ame period have ri.iten pay their tut respects to 'Mr. Van' from 2932 to 1m . ., • • • ,_ .. . . L-......__ ...... _.._._.~ -"!.lit..:-...:. CHATTING AT COSTA MESA C. OF C. BANQ~'ET att Dr. Rufus 8 . \'on ti,.Jf'laSmld JUHt apeaker, Newport To•'Mb.lp JudS"e D. '· Dodse (1tandto1> &Ad Or • .ad Mn. BMIJ Pete.non. (Preas Photo) CHAMBER BANQUET HONORS MESA AREA EDUCATORS Patrtcla Royale, 38, his secretary, councll chamber or the City of W&ll crowned Monday with their Los Angeles. On the stage. well convt.ctlon Oft grand theft cha..-ge.s. set, the contenders were joined by Newport Det. -Sgt.8. Jotln Upson several of the Angel City's .coun- and Vincent McManigal arreated cilmanlc small bra\na-and were the pair here Jan. :l6 tor Loa An· they unhappy! gele1 .police wllo had received Bectrmlllc of the wit.ch hunt Mn. Blackwell's compla.lnt. unear e-mpalp w .. when aome CITY . URGED TO CONTROL B. I. 'SPEED In ·Loe A.ngelea Superior Court. dt.oonoen.ecl artllta, wboae work Judge William 8 . Neeley found \.\'U either not bunl' ta Ute An- them guilty •of defrauding Mrs. Clty-Art-ExhJWUoa. or wbo did Marte Blackwell, 65. a widow of not reee've an award, went to ~O North Laurel Ave., Los An· the city council Hore they gelea, ot $12,ooO. c harged: 1-nie art esblbltloa A crfl.Ck-down by city offlclala I The plalntlff tutl!ied Miss Roy-carries' a detta.lte COIDll'Wlll8t on speedsters frequenting Balboa. ate invited her to the yacht, intro-motl\·e. Some people •.Y that Ialand streets waa urged last Sat- duced Bellowa u her husband, and thf'y couW do better palnUnl urday hight at a meeting of the be Immediately began talking blindfolded wtth bnlllbea tied Balboa Island Improvement As- about dealings wtth movie moguls to their elbowa." 90eiatioo in the island's Com- &nd others. While &s&ertedly Oou.clhna.11 Harold Barby of munlty Method1-i--Church. bouting th•'"-his syndicate had Los Allg'elee •takd. .. 'l'h.IS art la Wilh about 100 t8Ianders prea- toaned S•00.000,000 to England. a n-pllca of what. appean In ent, major attention wa.s directed BeUow1 allegedly otrered to make communiat pepe.n. There ll 00 to -tra.ffic control and prevention Mn. Blackwell wealthy, if she doubt that this ia another ln· of auto accidents. Maqy memben would invest her hu.sband's estate stsnoe or comm.Wllst lnflltra.-complained of the high rate of wftb him. Uon." speed some motorists are travel- She told the court that she Many subject.a were cfiUclzed, ing on island street.a. turned over $12.000 to the couple particularly a sculpture entitled. A resolution wa.s adopted. urg· and received back only about $100. "Crucifixion" and other paintlng'8 ing the city government to see Other peraona w ho had given them along with one entitled "SurgA of that all steps are taken to enforce smaller amount!: on similar repre-the Sea" by one Rex Brandt. The speed l&WB. The city was uked community's educational ln•tltu-senlaUona, 8180 testified against h,orror of horrors wu found by also to investigate the pouiblUty tlon11. After tracing various tac-the pair. tht councUmen turned art critics. of conatructing rldgea. · • c r o • s tors responsible for Coat.a Mesa's According to Dept. Dial Atty. They were horrified to find a ham-street.a at appropriate . places to eoriUnu.d growth. he Introduced 'Lop.n Lindley, who lsaued fJle mer and sick.le on the sail. Al-discourlge speeders. Saturday. Raymond T. ,van Et-~ Telephone• In the Newport tiS<.:h, retired managing editor or Beach and Costa Mesa areu to· the Los; Angeles Exam~r. died 1 ta.Jed r5304 tn Sept.ember. I9•T Wednesday at hl8 home, 1609 Bay-agalnat 9'700 thia pa.at month. Taking "A Satute to EducaUon".--------------- side Drive, Corona del Mar. Aaseued valuation 1n Newport as its theme, the annual mem· The ramous journalist waa for Beach confines hu riaen ateadlly benlhlp meeting of the Costa 43 years affiliated with the Hearat rrom Sll.800,800 In the flacal Meaa Ch.amber of Commer« la.at Newspapeni, for most of that time year 1938-37 to a current i38.-night honored the area'• leadlng in executiv~ editorial capa.clt\e• 9T&.OOO. 1 educator• at & banquet M..Son at lhe Loa Angeles Eltaminer. He Llkewlse, bo6ta In the harbOr ln the Friday Altemooa. Club. ' follows in death by only a few haYtt Increased from SI06 l1I lMt The pricelea part educaUon weeks 'hi• chief' WWism Ran-to f 107 thle year. wtth a com.par-plays ln makltalnlnl' the Amer!· dolpb Hearat. wboM right hand able a.-ed valuaHoll of 15.163.-cu bertt.a.fe. the n&Uon'• cherlab· he had bcwrt-lfte tap-policy mat .. 710 fM' -..-... 111f01e10 ta. -ed Way .,,.,._ttfr.' WU lliWpt ters. Van :ttttach was one of the year. rorce.fuUy and wtltlly by Dr. directon of the Hearst Consolldat-Rufua B. Von Kle.tnSmld, Ch&n~l- ed Publications, Inc., and of the 1 nN.OERS 1?11.JURl:D Jor of University of Southern Hearst PubVlishlnEg ~~:npany. Walter Haakett_ ll2a South C&llfomla. He wu cueat 1 speaker. Ray T. an tt""'h came up Center •treet. San Pedro, wu t.c.vtn~ the Chamber• many th rough the ranks to one of I tre led M da 1 ht t Sa t.a accompllahmenta or the pa.at year America's to~ spot.a in journalism. An: Comm°::rut~ ~~I~ for ~n-to be ttad in printed forms gtv- He began .his career at .the age jured fingers. He caught hla hand en each dtnner guest, Selim H. ot J8 In hl.8 home town m Colo-in a cable abo&rd the purseaeiner Frank.Jin, Chamber president who rado. H e rose rrom an unlmport-'"New Home ll" injuring two ting· served a.a t0&11tmaater. d we It ant desk job on the U» A.ngeles ' briefly on the Importance of the Exaznlner through the rank1 lo e_"-·--------------------------~ the high spot as Managing Editor and director or the Corporation owning th'e paper. He was a newsman's man, calm, almost t~ the point or being rear- M>me, small, unob.stru:!Jve. He wu a human dynamo. He sat ln thf' slot on the Los Angeles Examiner B. & P. W. PLEDGES $1250 FOR HOAG HOSPITAL FUND during M>me <?f Southern Caltror-Recopl&lng the preaetna' need.-------------- nia'a greatest news stories. "Mr: for lncreued funda to complete Van" served a.a city editor rrom and equip the HO&J Memorial hOll- 1908 until 192' when he wa.a made pit.al, the Newport Harbor Bual~ Managing Editor. H e took time nesa and ProfeMlonal Women'• out to serve during World War I Club lut week enthua1Utically 1n combat as a First Lieute:nant. approved the recommendation of Chemic&! Warfare Service. From their Welfare Committee by pledg- 1930 until 1933 he M"rved a.a m&.n-Ing $12$ for a Vlaltor·• Room agtng editor" o! the Seattle P09t-In the Hoag Memorial H011pltal, tnteJUgencer, but came back to PresbyU-Man. hi& chOM"n t:pot In Los Angele• Thb pl~ge tl'tbe f1nt rrom tht" where he served until hi1 retire· Harbor area under the newly ment two yeani ago. Van trained ronned ··uvlng llemort.ala" plan. his men so weil Lnat l'lix of hia 1 and will be the third contribution aa.slatants also became managing made by the local btu~ee. women. editors. All are iruc ceMful, eerv· The: Welfare Committee, beaded. ing Qn aome of the nation's Jarg-by Mrs. Eliz.a.beth Handy, made an est newspaper. f'Xtenatve lnvuU1atlon and It wu Van Ettlsch rt>tlred after a long their Unanimoua r econuhendatlon siege or Ill health. He built the which prompted the action taken (CoGtln.oed on Pap 2) by the club at their dJnner meet- _____________ ..,n,g, October 1&. at the New-port • Harbor Yacht Club. The commit- tee felt the-compteUori of the ttcMt- pltal wu of prime Importance u Ute Cout&J area of Orange Coun- ty ha.a long been In .erloue need of tw.pltal fa.cillUea. ll la fell a h01pltal such u planned by the Hoag Ml!MoriaJ Hoaplta.1 dlnctora wtU be of gnat direct benefit to the Hazbor and 'a.11 the coul. Mra. Ruth wu1mes. pruldent or uu. ac.Uve women·a organlu· tJon, announced that th1a contribu- tion wu being made u part of the CJub'a program for participation tn needed community dewlopmenL The Nrwport Harbor 8 . P . W. ft- nancea It.a ~Ive welfare &Dd specl&J project prosrams with the proceeda of their Chriat:m..u Pr. View which la held an.nu.ally in the Rondenous Ballroom in Bal-. ltvcrett Rea, wperlntendent or gT1litd lheft cod mplatnts early ~this though the Loe Ange.lea Examiner Action of the a.asociatioD wu Coata Ma.a elementary 9Chools; year, Mr. a n Mrs. M. F. Moler photographed the painting and sparked by the recent lnju.ry af Albe.rt n-den. elementary IC.hool 01 Newport Beach, a.l8o BelloWl'I' found what lt thouc-ht to be the Nancy Loomi.8, 6\.i • year -·old ...... victim .. aid he clalmed to be the da ht f Mn J Loom'· 21' hoe.rd preetdent; the Rev. ~mu former chief of atatf or the Indication of the i1..C:' deal.pat· U&' 1"' o · ,ean ~ J . Ne..tn. head of SL _.1oocb1Ja BUI loa ·~··'--'llli....Oilll.-j~ ~ ~Ip~, the Loo .~-Sapj'n;·A~ve,_,~ W¥ bit by i ~~1· m-~ oav1•-...... -~ -& -· ec!'1tiOIY to r&ll> "~ ,__.._..._, ~ ' '"""ey n.. u.uu. ........... claimed to be the thventor or a .~ ~ uu~ cJpal of Newport Barbor Hlsh; three-dlmenalonaJ lens for making ble roW!llng about ~J con-street rom behind a parked auto. Judge D. J . Dodge. president of moUon ptctu.rw. · nected with the ·•how. It printed Assocl&tion members poln-t.ed out the hlP 9Chool board; Dr. Bull Bellow• reportedly had told the several obvioualy aollcited letters that &~though~ speed waa not a Peter80n, president or 0 r a n I e Molen be .,,.. negotiating the sayliig that the proprietors of the factor n th1a accident. lt focused Cout College; Or. Horace Parker, purch&ae of a French·mandated Art Show should ro to the Bill-attention to the danger of children clerk of ace: Dr. Irvin J . Ha.r-lal&nd oft the , ooa.at of Africa more Salon to secure good work. playing in streets traveled by can. rt 'dent Soulhem ~-11tor The Times made no effort to Ro~ald Bartow, a member of the aon. pre• • ...,... · -where Allied forces had abandon-! -bl Coll Th tr wives search out Brandt or to examine committee on fire hazard.a, 11t.&ted n a u 1 e ece. e ed huge stores of ammunition. we.re al90 p~ted. Bellows told t.Aem .... planned to his background or record. The Ex· that h.1a grotip had met recenUy "'--kll p-.. n t·' Dr Petenon ''>' amlner deacribed Brandt u the but had not compiled a report. ·Al· r 1 .... 1 n •., cu · buy lhe ialand with State Depart· ' h ln rod ced v Kl lnS Id "well-known conaervative artist." tention was called t o the fact that w o t u on e m · me.nt apprcw&l and sell the am. Balboa Island ia almost complete- The euest 6J)eaker cited numerous munition stores to Iarael for• a CoancU M1et1 Brandt I I In c 0 st a ly built up, and that should a .fire per110na. exper e.nce.s hu~ profit. H C !Im h d ., hlch h fl t ·"•lied to see •-owever, ounc en, eac an get started, ~·ith a strong wind ineaa w e rs ... In •-ptember. 1••9, 0 -11ows th " f Los --~ 30 ....... ;;)'&! -D'C every one, and e inayor o blowing, results might be quite an •·--:r years --· u...• a-~-• on ~-~ the Gloria. An l r· -•1 B ·-•t Th Po' "•• t that lh A rican ,..._ • • .... -..;:u """"'""u ge ea Hla.1 Y met rou.... . e sertoua. Memben were urged to n~ .. ou e me Dalton !ou-·•-g hla indictment Co Um quite ocall dmJtt-• _ _. 1 ~ 1 a.dmln1stered uwui unc en v Y a cu check their pre.mUJes ror ti.re hu-"''·1100 ay ... em 1 ,.... .. with hie alx oUters on charges of tha.t they, like moet councilmen, a.rda ' along the line.a of keep ... o;e our amugcltng a $:1,000,000 a r n1 s wer~ unfit to j udge art. artist.a or · preclou.a herita,e alive," Dr3 · Von C&rl'O to PaleatJ.nc by way of patrons. Council President Har- KlelnSmld charged lhe 1 1 per-M--•co. '!-.1 ... ~· .. ,_, __ .. in l H b ---1 ed llSJU rr.... --UUlll.U~ 0 d &.rby (to QlJOte t e .r..-.!ll n• aona preaent to •upport uc&· April 1960.. er) quJetly to.Id Arti.9t R ex Brandt ttonal tnatltutlona actively.· In a n -nowo ·-d hla a-reta~ were lh d ••-u · land &>ntaln1ng more th&ft 2&0 a=--• 1;:;t• •anu•;:,•in th''• com-at he an • ....., co eaguea were d ~·~•lXQ -~ _,J sorry that they mt1taltenly saw a Newport C. of C. Moves Tomorrow denoml.natlon.e, many race.a an pany of Mn. 1tva Dixon ol C6sta communUJt "hammer and sickle" dlve.rgent political vlewa. he aid, u-.... and ·•-. and --. T --ter Tomorrow ls movlng day for l I lbl ..... __ at.. -.. o ........ tnaigne In Bnlndt'1 prize wi.nQ,ing Naunv..rt Harbor's Chamber .of the achoo sy1tem • reapona e Schwachbn_. of ()ranve. The lat-painting. ·--~ f-olding true Amert-· Ideals -e 8 Commerce atatf. They will move "'' m ...._. ter pair uld they had been tr an a-J' . wao. H a r b y •.'I .... itted, • into puplls' peraonalitlea -.....\ from their quarters at 702 Ea.at · acUn• buatneA with BelloWa in· t-cl•• .. mark ..... p~r to lhe H. l-•hed Jndl-Uy at "un • -... ..., ·-,.... Balboa Blvd. to their new bUildln•, -. """" -volvln1 the yacht. 88.lling lhlp depleted In Bfandt'a I n fttendly wttneuea" who are loath lfOO Cou:t Highway. to 1tate their allesiance to thla "Surge of the Sea.." Included in the move will ·be tbe t,_, Ill Jo alt tN Pl...Al'll'E TO HAWAII Brandt, it la r~rted. WU Selel!tlve Service Syatem place ot ooun~:r. 90 I'" Y Y oa · armed with sketches, photoO"l"aplul, M.rL Ronald Barlow of Balboa e · regUtration. C0uncil Acts to Annex NHUHS Machinery to atart anneutton proceedings which will brin.J New· port Harbor Union HJgb School tn.lde city limit.II wu set ln mo- tlbn Monday night by the C!ty Council . City Atty. Harry Blodgett WU tnatruct.ed to prepare a nottc.e of the propoafd annexation after the councU received a letter from Judgo D. J . Dodce. hl&h scllool board praldent. notltytng the eoundl bis board had voted un- &lllmoualy to -a.nn-tlon Ot certain hlch BChoOI property. llpeclflcally. the parcel n .. -tll or IOUthwul of Blxteenth BtreeL The anneaalloft n<>ll<e Blodpll Will prept.re wtU .. l a , be&tin& clata. .Aller the burtlll Jo held the ~U mWJt act oa the mat· tu by appnmng an onliDaD<e, afttt ·llet'M"'7 rmdtap. Wigg Girl Hurt in Highw~y Crash I ... CMtt-. wiu, ao, ciup.. i.r Of CIWlel Llwlo W\U. port Island and her pa.rents, .Mr. and and drawings ot varioua lrudgniA Formal dedication of the new Mra. Beah, new ov~r to H11.wa11 or boata. Including -quietly, now !llnicture will take place Wednes. on Sunday morning &nd will re· -Including -ln a wblaper · · · 8 day, Nov. t•. at 11 a . m . when tum on the next trip ot the Lur-color photograph of -wo,uld you flag-ralatng and other ceremonlel line. believe it.--a Mil with -A are 9Ctieduied. fCotltlllued OD Pace Z>._,--,----------- ' • captala at ~ --- -. -__, tlljured --..., ~la. -atJ'-- part im..i. -TUotla Aft., la • ~-..:-.. --,,,. --...... , ... lteftlp'M -...... ...-.... .. .. ·-···· .. ........ ------~ · M z rr• _. ,_.. * ta r ' • .... , ... •.1 " ..-.·r·~-,.h · -• I • J , • • > I I • , ' .. ' I I i I I ' I • • • 1'•11>11-._,. "l'lwnlloi at ]'!ripart Jlr~::A~1 le ~ omlio and PnntJns Plant u nu -.-...._ ,...-1111 -Entered u -4-dut matter .r-U. 1HO, at tba.,_ -at , Nriport Beach, ClaJlfomla. -11!11 µ.t Of 11arc1i a, U'lt. • • ....,,_. O&llfomla K• tztr• P ,., .. • s •••• Mllmber N,...._, SPWW • t11bU• :-n.. -""' -~ a .... ~ of a-at eln:UlaU... ~ ·~ or tliil a_... l:iblit of !'ltMp!""mlJ' ... la fully ..-uw -: • to ....-aD -~"'!'~and adMuoomeiib. • -tlle ....................... ~ ..... -. A.19 ~ ... :: 8111ss; f.al'rtist .._ Os Mt)' 1t1J Orrrp 00-17. ,~. -,... ....... • • • · BEN 0 . RzoDICK. -ud Publloher ROBERT F . WJl:!¥llff, --M'anapr A.. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Adverti.Rii&' v.nacer llUll8CIUPrJOM llll'llZlh Nl!:WPOBT-llAUMlA PJlllSll ....,. n.ndq Iii 0raap 0o .... 1;y, u.ao .,... :r-:: aoe o1x _, 1sua 111reo ,.onlbo) (Al9o la-... ~BAI.BOA: Nm-Tlln:S .. TuNday) Outohle'tlle -ty M.00-7-- ntPROVE HIGB;WAYS NOW .. TBE A MERICA..N , • • • BAXtER ENTHRAL(s AUDIENCE WITH POETIC TAIX ON. BOOKS . • I I G,9rrtmunityC0Jert Drive &tds ~~'y Comrnunicy o..-t ·-·-~-... Wbo .,. ...... ~ ----... Ulo ~p . drift bMl -~ -.... nod -., •••• 111117. w ..... attllldod Ute, -!rlclrolf luDdwia.Jl..iday tt fM 11111 u well .. for ldeu and lln.d the warlcl Wltll ...... ~ alMI .. ._ 1111,y ell>b wltJt * P: it lnfonnauon. .o.. "'"4nk c;. -... o.a p._i u.-to-~ In· and Will meet ~~ ID °'" pblloeopl>u • ,...,....., told .,. 0.-cu.tdUtluy la bl!lq lrUied out b7 J. A. BMk office. l :IO P. .... -OOMt COU.ro rorwn Kfleo tile ...-n of oiedlocrlty. U tl>e cloolna' Ume of. tl>e -At . , tudMncc lut n!ChL "People are -rid .ohoul4 ran, the bl-In· lb&t tlme utlatl WW be .01-October U, itit l'UdJllr Im UUm. _.lialt -<lln!U&I la I.be -to ...... But ud ottk:en .at · the -a::· 1""' Tho Wj>tor Ccn~ tio--.,.._ _, :rMr. aD\f It t&keo ~ rotu......, to lllo oplnlo.a lb&t •leotecl for the ~ · · · 4 bit wbidl wu _.. DbrutN and book Clube to sweU tirhlle_tbe 9lty t. pt rdi's' httriJ;y M1M Alm& 1.&.trlt:MD ot r • tb1e wu· & wor 1 1111 ·It -to ....., tllal ollm pen:entq<!. 1ipoft uil, It la not. r.wns Md cited :\:. ~ -::;:'e i: ~Sll':t hip "!'boo! ~·-la Yet by op!o<tes-. -,,.. -UioM ti.. In -,r, ...... -. ·~. , to clpot<o In -potWOB w1t11 ve tM ro•lltlN of.,.. •i-....,... -~ 10rm..i. tl>at "' 1 rrt ll -~ •">er fMudenta tllroupout tli• 111111 aft4 old .Alita a.1t1er boUIN llLuil i.. ... ~ Ullo l!lio 1114. ~,. and uruv--; ~ -~_,ao muy of t11o ~ fllr a world of -t'uft. Y6u ..__ p1111 S Into -1-Kot "!'Y -.a _._ • W ~ of lll"'!"nta rocelve Oft1Y -. ..,, 11.,.i witli J-.of Are or bo-11m .,.. -· palod -lato tile att•"--al~ pnfoo•1 ·*·• ~J or inlllnletor pnla, but .W. ~ 14'"· You ,.... live ..,. br1llPt oC, the JIJ'ddla A.-Un· but Cl•~ '9e-priv\lojle otl at-In l•ot1nce tber ~ bt4 a • ~ and more abmidantly dor llle llft of H""'Y Vil U.. Utile tendlbc progrem .at aD • otl!..-fl old cl&y of exhibition. lhaa lile can -evtt let you. Alld 'shires ot Eh,(land were lntecnt· ~~unftyb concerts in thJ• and Tba4ka to Kr. Vlqtl BrJa,nt., ... 1'0'tl cu keep ktft.r WW. wafUng td lnto • country." To eat.,,blllh. et' nev Y countlea. Uutrudtor ot radio· &nd e1ectrQa1Q1 wlllle 7"" llslit 10UT pipe.• new ordero there m1Ut be thaoe Offlcon of the CTOUP ,...,. In· ct tbo Newport Harlibr BJ s Ii Alt.lioup ~ to t1ot &l>J men "'1io will rtak and endun be-trod.-.S. Mn. '· Lnllo m.tfen. ¥ooll .there ""IP four ~ "tlw ·-boolal" Dr. Baxter, pop-lnr hurt, be lll&tocL "It ....,..ed -. preoidellt. Ul!ecl for opl>don. fO/t Ulla areo' Did< ~, lalar, U8C D&'llll> prof_., a d· lncredlble that acme of tb-dif· :,~ · ~ -ib&"'JlllUI Dick .,.Jonea. Ken NU.. pd ..itte M'd Ukt to ba"(e aloe&" the ncultles COUid ever be ln>DA!d out, · wu to ft one n gtuipman. 'rbey rec.Ind ao, 8eout. handbook tt he'• pn.g but wtth Meh ateP the progreutve auppe:r at the Balboa 111,7 club, awucta u w9U u cub. _ to ~ aay Ume on a c:te.ert integration became larger and ~ f~ ~ "9l1lat bave 'nlla/ le )'Our Friendly Ford lMlad. "'""'° t'OUld poufblf oune larcer. N9w we're t&lktnc in. co .. recreaUoD raiom at Deale'f Theodore Robint ,.y. INCb a llol t" ho -addlilr terms of North AUantlc Poet and the hl(ll ocbool 00 tllal tile audl-lnf ·cOO<l·bye and eo<>d bealtli. . th&t Prtlllt.ley"a ''1'eallwl," a.t,vor-we are constanUy llvLnJ ln more ence may meet the arUlta. See you next week. Ile of Ille, lo. -~lally popu-and mor-e Internal oecurity. • • ..a A 1ar. e. -!ht &lld!ence -anal rt ~ ~1=..u~::~l~= Newport Scrap (Ooldt •• f._ ....... 1) to Judse tl>o bool< by tlio 1allotac: . Rl!ID BT.AR. And alao. from ncht . . DEATH NOnCES ELOU18Jt OWIEN BAKEll Elouioe °"(en Bal<er, 21, ot .S102 • Chances are good that Newport Beach and Costa Mesa ' may be on the receiving end of' an accelerated highway improvement program. _ Construction on the network of Freeways in the Metropolitan Southern California area is bogging down because of the shortag'e of steel for bridges and cloverleaf construction. Newport Boulevard from the Arches inland to its inter· aection with the Santa Ana Freeway-can be improved with- out any appreciable llJ!lount of steel work. The preliminary engineering plans are completed. Rights ol way have been acquired. The work will need to be accomplished in the ultimate Freeway improYelllent and could ,well be set ahead for the immediate future. lion &ftd plouun It broupt. and D s Pl ln i... Anseteo a pl>otorraph or a ~ t"Md booU In a fa"rorile 114ld. rive ans tmible -t&ke It -y -RED ~ poop1o prefer bloCT&pl!y. SAIL. lllnoo World War I, U..,.. Jiu ~ , BOWaoN BlAlft' written • -bkicnl'llt "" every An d ~ .,...... ···-.,, Important -..itty· In lillllory:· nounce LM .....-. -.... dty ,_..,.. Ttw'rr e1a·dbn Co Rll lllitm. ,.llnd;y W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. cllecl Monday at the bome of her pai.. enc., Kr. an<I M'ro. R<iso OWtn of -- M Balboa. Cove, alter an extended llln- Overall plans call for the widening of the present two bridges comprising the Bntnnigan overpass. This wo'l-k will be long delayed because of the National aituation in steel shortage. However, aound planning on the part of the County of Orange mAy well make this project unneces- sary. lt is quite likely that the County project for linking of Superior Avenue down from the bluffs to the intersec- tion of Balboa Blvd .. at .the Coaat Highway could alleviate To lbe Editor ot: The .Preaa~ Newport Ot&ch·BalbOa. Calif. Dear Sir'! Dr. Baxter, one ot. 10 outst&nd-To atd tn. promottnc the nation-u..& uaw. "'7 alannMI ,... lnl' u.c.hen .&.ct.ed in • nation-al defm.ae effort. Mayor L. L. ts-lleltJ' • • ~ -. ...,. • w6de poU by Ute JiC&gu.tne, ex-bell today .nnounced plarui for a "rbtnU-. Tll••• en •"'- P"•l!d &pproftl ot th~ book c1u six-week acrap drive ln a procla-11 • Aft •t ~ Onsr•teta. OCtobu 21, 195.l UM! mochnt literature and noted mat.ion iuu~ at City Hall. The OO:t t1t1s !lrlpreMloa I.a aotai" out with tntuut that the tour best drive begins Nov. J . over the oount.ry and I r.eMnt eellen ln the flcUon and non-fie· In proclatmlng the scrap iron It." lion field a.re &II book.I a.bout the campaign,. be appointed R. L. Cal-"But," OoullCllman: Har• Id Dl1.rln• ~t yearw aummer tampe and camphic haw be.com• '"'· The Se& Around U1, Kon TikJ, lis u cb.a.Jrman ot the Newport Harby lDt;erropted. ""thll ao- wtdety accepted a.e a desirable form of rec:rN.Uoe tOl' youth. Modem The CrueJ Sea, and The Caln Mu-Beach Scra.p Mobilization Com-ca.lied Cru~Jon h a mOn- pan:nta hardly feel that their boy °" cirl Ma enjoyed an adequat• llny. mittee. Arrangdnlenta a.re under· stl'091ty:• vacatlon. UJ\leu the achedule ha.a lnt'.luded a week °" two at 110me Ftnal spea.ker on th• fall pro-v:ay presenUy to eatabllllb Joca-"I," Bowron dee~ "doa•t well-equipped and we.ll-ma.naced cam~d. iT&m, Dr. Baxter who wu &.M ign· tlona of ecrap recei~g centers. llke Jt. but tile ju:ry hMI a rtctit ed the topi<!' "\Vhy ~ concemE'd The Mayor's proclamation fol· to •Ifft It." In view of l1!.J' fact, It aeem• aultable to ,l.nqutre why 90 .many wtth literature when the sky i8 Iowa : •"Th.l§ ta cultw-e rerudJMa of· aummer camp11 •re ln the mountain. and eo few &Jonc-the coaat. !&Jllng ?" wun't re&dy to agree ''To the cl~ens of Newport artJ11tlc jealeuy," i.c MU, ud A graduate of Ne~rt H&rbpr High school, Mn. Baller had -at- tended Oranl"e Cout coUq-e • an"d wae a •Wdent nune at 'the 1- Angelea Lutheran hooplt.11 loe1\ft her W:Oe... She wu a member Of The Newport Beach Oomrmmlcy' Methodist cl>lll'Ch, tb,e COila - CommunJty Ke~odiat church and a charter member of the Ooeta Mee& ;'Job'• Da.ughter. group. ae.tdee her parent&, ehe le aur-- vived l>Y her husband, Ira LeRoy Baker; a llllt-er, Ellen Owen; ·a gn..ndfalher, A.. Funder, and a gn..ndmot.her, Mrs. Clara ~ both of N~k. Mowat&JAa &re: apt to be hot and duaty ln the summertime, esp.cl&lly that the &kyi la falling despite the Beach: added, "tbolle who OppolM!I If are la Sout.hUft cautom.t.a. and we are lnfonMd that rtOR than half faet that everywt2iere • Utin.p )ook "Whereas, the productlon of the a buncll of nltwtta." • Funeral aervices-were held at "-the overloading of the Arches. -· , Improvement of Balboa Blvd., can and will carry the Newport, Lido Isle and Balboa traffic away from th~ Arches. Connection of Baibo& Blvd., and Newport Blvd .. with an adequately wide roadway in the Central Newport area might bring about the euement of traffic congestion to such a point that our community will be benefited. rather than h~ in the steel shortage. theee mountain campe have no facUltt.a at all for n'1mmtbc" The wwound. 'We aha.U eventually Nation'• mlU., smelt.era &n.d foun-'lbe Mayor &wept his ooUDCl.1- beachee. o.,. ~ other hand, •re invariably cool and the ocean ha.i reach a WOl'ld of peace because we drk>a LI being great.J,y curt.a.Ued due D\f'G \\1th hl5 C-U· nJtwtttt.nc" va.Med attraf;tion.1 for young people belJdu tadUU• tor bathin&i h.avl' the d~am &nd the mecha.n-to the lack of induatrial .1Crap, anf tht-nl all. The wrf and the sand' have a.n ini&ttble f•ldnaUOn fol' ehlklren 01 lam tor it. But there will be a. lot "Whereu, lncreaai.ng au.pplles ~llllanl Sheet&. Scrip.-Col- all ace• from th.e toddler with his bucket and sp&de to the ener-of blood a.nd death before we can of steel. copper and alumlnwn lep art proteuor, stated: have that world. A higher ~ltilh-acrap mu.t be received promptly 'Thia battle between couer-getic youth who pra.ctiCQ •'-In divinl' and collect• all manner ot will _, neas force man . to . work t.o-if production echeduJes f<Yr lbe de-vatl.\·es and modern artil._ ii marine fauna and nora. th It' er tor a common good '8.nd tense program and our civilian beinl' WSC00 bl e\·tty city. Per- With the exception · of Cata.Jina lala.nd, there are no cam1>1 of keep h.tm from pulling the trll{ger need.I are to be met, ha.pa the 00.t ~1ly Out la t.o bave lhUt type anywhere on lbe beach of Loa Anl'elu County, and the by JwhJch he could make the world ''\"\'herea.a,· mUC'h of the ln-two shows -one for Sit al.de." •ituatJon i• not much bette_r tn lhe other seventeen countiea ot the a rwnlng nova.·• Commenting on creued tonnage of scrap Will of For the benefit or the Loa An- State. In the opinion of thl• A.&eoclaUon thel'e Mould be at lea•t the recent at.omlc detonation, he necessity have to come from in-g:elet Times. \~those repor~u and one major beach camp ot thl1 kind In every county, and tt la to expreacd hope far a Ume When ctu.try and. commercial· eatabliah-art criltcs .should ex..e.mid their be hoped that the proper authortt!ea wUI ta1ce atept to proVide for 1uch energy could be u.aed to dl•-menb! in tbe form of dormant own adVice, Hr. Rex.ford Brandt's the establishment of such racilJtlea u I0011 u ma)f be feuible. till t.he ally PacJ..nc for naa.n'a wie. acrap -such as obsolete m&chln-"Surge of the Sea'"' hung for 1ev- "We .have handed ounelves ·over ery, raU., toola, jl-. dlu, f\xtures era.I wee.ks 1n tbe Biltmore salon Slnoerely your•, a-. GEOFFREY ,.. MORGAN to the ac::lent.Lsta but wit.bout faith and other. equipment... before. )t wp entered In the L03 2 p. m. Wedne8day at Chriat'a Church by the Sea, Newport Beach, with Rev. 'Ibom.u Peadell &ftd R<v. Cli&rlea Hand offld&Ung. Interment waa ln Weatm..laater Ke.mortal Park. Bala mortual')' of Corona del Mar WM In cb&rg'e of aJT&D.gementa. · ll088 B. CUNNINGHAM FuMn.I s"{"i<eo ,.., Roa B. Culinln(llam, GO, of 201 Goldenrod A Ve.. Coroaa del Mar, who died Oct. 9, were held at 4 p. m .• Tueg. de,y at Balt.& mortuary, Corona del Mar. Interment wu 1n South Mound cemetery, Newcutle, Ind. bec&Ufle l h & bandnlaidena of ''Therefore, 1, L. L . IBbell, Mayor Angeles show. President P1a.nntnc A.a5n. of Calif . .science a.re 1technolot}' and wu. of the_ City of Ne~rt. Beach. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::========-----_:--------Ttt.h.Dology }'&a given 1a televi.tion Ca.Jtfpm\a. do hereby proc;:laim the Re-allocation of State Highway funds into the improve- 'ment of Newport Boulevard and for the improvement of McArthur Blvd .. from Main Street, Santa Ana lo Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar at this time could accomplish a much needed impl'Qvement and at the same l:ilr\e ~ompl<ite the coasW end of the Fl-eeways ahead of schedule. . yrt no program that comes over folJov.;ng six v;•eeka, commencing It I.a wort.by of so p-eat a. tool. as of thla date, u industrial scrap Yan Ettisch Mr. ~ la survived by hla wife, Buel ot Corona del Kar; and a IOI\, Cecil of N"ew York.. .JOHN McDONALD WALLACE • • One of the few · dealers in Cali- fornia with new and used cars at the OLD PRICE. SHAVER MOTORS You r DODGE-PL YM:Oti'fH Dealer , • "What a. piece of v.•ork ~ ma.n." mobtltµ..tion period of the City of be exclaJr;ned dramatically a.pin NeWport Beac:h. and urge all In- and •l'aln. a.nd pointed up how du.striu and commercial orirantza- man. can be a power for 6ood or tlorui of Newport Beach to coope- evU. "If the lky seems to be fall-rate with the Newport Beach Lng .. don't blame ~ ln~ellectuab. Scrap Mobillza.tton Committee or- They have dared to. discover _the gani.zed tor the purpose, by mov- trulh that other men perverted." ing all scrap immediately through He cfttW from the · pottry ot regular Cha.nht!ls." "We'~ living in a WOl'ld with L. L. ISBELL. llix tlmee the popuJalton Of Shake-Mayor or Newport Beach. GRIFFITH CO. REQUEST ON' LAND SALE REJECTED BY CITY COUNCIL The Griffith Co. Monday nlght .. ------------- informed the Ct\y Council that the water ~p&Tlment property or. Newport Blvd. la "not a cceptable to ua at thta late date." · Whfch mea.n.stCttYotfictabex- P\ained. that the property, sold to the Capital lnveatmcnt Co., a Bank of America subJddiary tor $32,000 on July ~. 19!K> wu later aold t o the Griffith Co. And that the company now d~sn·t want to buy the parcel. In the eacrow instructions, the city waa to deliver t(Ue: to the purchr.ser within 60 day1. This wa.s not done aa the property ln· volved tax lots which take Um«: to quiet tlUe. The tlUe wu just recently delivered to the Bank of Atnerka. To protect the city's position. the council ordered City Attorney Harry Blodgett to take whatever legal action it necaaary to maln- ta.ln the 1a.Je. The council felt the city's deal wu not with the Grif- fith, Co., but that the ale should go through. Funeral eerv1cu will be held (Continued from Pare 1) Friday at 2 p. m. In Bait& cbape~ family home in Corona del Mar Corona de) Mar for John. Kc· ao that he coUld be near the aea I Donald Wallace, who was killed where he loved to fish. He died I .Monday on Coast ~way. He from bronchial poeumonJa. He ia waa born 43 yean ago tn Scotland 1Urvived by his_ \\o;dow. Ehte, and and had. ruided at 202% -Sith two daughters, Rae i.nd Mrs. street for 511': montha. He bad Dorothy Shea. been employed for a week in Ana- Van Ettbh wu a life member helm, )nvioutly for Theo Robin.I'. of Sigma Delta Chi, nation.al jour-He 1a survived by hia wife Doro-- nalism fraternity. The American thy, two 90nl, Donald and Allan Soclety of Newspaper Editor•, and ht. father, John WaJ.la.ce of American Numisrilati( A.aaocta-Seattle. The Rev. Thoma.a Pen- tion. Propellor Club of Loe An-dell will be offtciatin.g clW)'m&n gelts, Los Angelea Athletic Club, and interment will be in ·Melrose and the Pacific-Coast Club. He Abbey cemetery. waa a former national vtce-com-------------- mander of the Cliemica.1 Waifa.re Veterans AMOClation. and put commander of the Allied Poat 302 DIRECTORY of the American Legion and a DENTISTS member ot the United States In-Ir-------------. rantry A880Ciation. FuneraJ serviCes will be held at 10:30 a. m . Saturday at Pierce Brolherw Otape.l, 7ZO West Wub- ington Blvd., Loa Angele• with 'ln- terment at Forest Lawn. OCC Librarian Honor Guest at Bridal Shower Dl!:NTill'mY 1'1811 Newport Blvd., Cool& M'- Medlcal BJd&'. Beacon 81112 llOG E. Bay Ave., Bali.. Harbor 327.J llOllTICIAN lfiu Beth Comer, librazlan at College Trustees Call for B1"ds orange C<>ast c911eg•. wu honor guest &t a recen( crystal shower ln I BALTZ MORTUARY IMYA- 41e eo..t lllP-Y OOllONA. Dltlo 111A11 DAY AND NIGHT PlieM '-U on Master. Camnuc. D-=n-a.-ge Plan· th• 1ove1y new home pr M:ro. r-~ • -Chari.,, Haley. Corona Hlghlando. .A.. muter campua dra.inage pla.n ... -----'--------ITbtrty memben .J>f the cbUep waa pt"Nented to a.n.d 1 accepted by problem.a and recommend&' that 1laff were present and the gay the Board of Ttusteee ot Orange proper drain line.a be lNtaDed. affair waa beld in the recr'Ml.ion Cout .Jun.Jor Collece Dt8trtct )(on-Tbe Board ot Truatee. of the room. d&y at their ttSUlar meelfn&'.. Tbe collese took ocUoa outllcl"lslq ad. M:loo Cooner'• marrlan to Dr. plan WU prepued by R. L. Pr.t· mlnlrtrtUve otflcero to lmmedl· GU.,, Brqwnof OCC will be an t.er.>n. en&1ne«. Newport. Beach, ately start proCeedmp ln Mtve~ event of pct-30. OldEMAbllabedluunneo AP>CJ' - • • • SALES• SERVICE Md Robort I:. A.luander, archl· ~ ror bids tor clrolnqe In· - lecl. X... Anseleo. .tallallon. Dr. llNll ff. Pew.on. The numbei-Of per-1employ- All llneo writta. ·-. . ' . 1680 Newport Blvd., C~a Mesa , . PHONE BEACON 6907 ' • • • ' • ' Tbe plui dMdu the entire cam. coll... preotdeDt. otatu. '"We ed by -Iii. Call1llnla bao ,... Into ' ft"' mojo< d1'liiap want to get <lraln llner lnlllalled.' tn.........s fnlm ~t .,_ la 1tM &Hu. It .-., tliol two ot tile II pooolble, prior to tne comlnf' .to a )'Mr-round •-Ill lt,111() a.reaa Pl •••at lmmedlal.e dn.tMp ra1Ry ~ .. • i tn lHO. l ........ Malm;.; I BQWABD W. ODP'Sll UI08New.-tlllvd., Coota- PHONB BICACON 1161 BE SURE., INSURE I . --MA1111111 ft.&llJ.ln' .,t I b •ts._, '11 ..... 1 .... ......... ers 11 Zn I w. ,. .. , ..... <DINltlU.L 1lmlMMCm c--i-~ 1117 ., .. .... ....... ..•. ... ...... .. 'IWIL W. · l'l'~ '.P .. 11 . • • ••••• .... '• •».. . .. 11 'PJI' • • • • • • I; ,. •• I ' . ABE READY ·NOW • Vloltoro w-• S81 E. 100: St.; OOSTA KESA Phone Beaaon 5.SM-W XMJ,\S -CARDS PERSONAL AND BUSINESS SeJed Now From Our HALLMARK ASSORTMENT !L"ill 10 Oftl!JB BOOKS AND llAOK D18PLAY8 COSTA MESA $TATIONERS Bea. 5ZlS-R 1188 Nevt. Blvd. Coata Mcioa. Caut. • Gifts tor Vets Plea for ·tegion Auxiliary Group B~ ICU-..._ How Merry la Chriotmaa with- out being able to "'1ttember loved ones'! I hope you don't know. And we or the American Legbl AWtlllary &I'." ·ho~ our tiospltal· l&ed veterans newr have to find out. That l• why we are brlngtnr thl.! message to you. bop~ you Will want to help ta with a fllt round-up for the boys. The9e g1tt.a are ds.tribut.ed to low pen- '!llon vetel'8.nll ln the V . A . ho• ll4tals. and they, ln tum, eend the riflA to their lmmedlat.. family. Althourft thi.9 ts • coaipara- tively new prorram for the Legion and Auxiliary, it ha1 come to be one o! the brll'hte.st apOta ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I in our busy ·year. The mannel' ti in which you, our frienda and ELECTIUC SUPPLIES U1htlng: F1s-turu Lamps -Shade. Parts -Repaln • HARRY M. WHETSEL 477 Newport Bl\'d. Cot:ta MPaa Phone Beacon '71 !9 MEZZA.'IINE UDO DRUG STORE .., Harbor 1246 • PLA..'"E e SHIP e TRAIN RESERVATIGXS • Mutual Theatre Ticltet A1ency ~""~~ -~ S.,s: DUNCAN HTNES Ice Cream is made in Orange Cou'nty by Ask for it at your Dealer MATTRESSES~ Excellent Quality Excellent Yahles $189 \1,uiw Matt~s. "SftftOO Box 11prl~ Ml for . 77 • $99&~1l~r\!'::t.~~---·-··· '6r. pg&~a1:;r1!';tfl'ff~---· ... '5~ $59 Va lue Mlltt,,.,.• Box SprlngM FIDe Couch BP.ti Sprclalll' l)rif',l'(I a t • CARLYLE'S Rracon 6'7S9 1990 llBrbor BJ,·d.. Costa Mrsa neighbors, have responded to the put ls more deeply appreciated than you can imagine . The progn.m this year ls under the dJrectMm of Rehablliratlon chainn&n Jean Markham, who subn1itted the following list as a guide to better givinr: Ladies; lingerie, co1tume jewelry, scarve1. etc. Men: aport shirts. ties, 90Cka, wo.llets, etc. Teen·age Boys : model aeroplanes, marbles, jack· knives, an1d T·shirt9. Teen·age Girl..!I : blouses, lingerie, fewelry, or story book doll9. Infants and Toddlers : stuffed animals. puU toys, block•. or clothing. AU gifts should be new. and, In the case of clothing, should be plain- ly marked tor size. Again we streM that monetary dQnatiorui are NOT being 90Jicited. F or greater conveniences. the following members will eerve as collection agents In their· localities at the addresses gtven : Balboa. Mrs. Jean A.llbaugh. 209 Sixth St.: Newport Beach. Mrs. Georgette Gordon. 1111 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Heights, Mrs. Lydia Briggs, •28 Holmwood Dr.; Corona del Mar, Mrs. Helen Ra.ndel1, ~18 Dahlia Ave.; Costa Mesa, Mrs. Bernice Opel. 1668 Santa Ana Ave., and Mrs. Jean Markham, 120 E . Wilson St. For those of you not having transportation, a call to Mrs. Markham -Beacon 6276-RK. Mrs. Briggs -Beacon 5007 ·MK, or Mrs. Mildred Bonds Beacon 6578-R. will In.sure each gift being collected. nte dead- line Is Nov. 12th. Missionary Society Guests at Laguna The Ladles Mla.ionary Society o' the Costa Mesa Central Bible church met with Mrs. Connie Brooks or Lagur1a Thursday aft- ernoon. Oct. 18 with Mrs. Jay Beardsley, presiden1., pres.iding. Mrs. Brooks entertained with a musical proe-ram including a com· position of her own. Mra. Joh.fl Broger, wife of the presfdent of the Far Ea.at Broadcaatin1 Co .. was gue!lt spea..ker and Wied as~ topic, "Faith and Seed Bowtng." The hoste• I e r v e d refresh- ment.a to Mmes. Brotrltr, Beards- ley, William Harris, Evelyn Up- dikl', Evelyn Thompson, Harriet RasmusSf'n. Bess Grenstead. Palla Clare, William Mclntee, Rebeeca McGuire, Myrtle H ynes, Mary W right, Ullie Sabin, C 1 a i re Wright, Annie Bla.ckWf!ll, Glenna Cart.er, Nannie MOOTe, May Roe- era, Nellie Mc Adama, Elsie Shar-- man, Marion Kerr. Mamie Gal- lagher, Edna Keating, Montzell Dorrell and Rev. and Mrs. Al Kadeni. Pi Beta Ph is to Entertain Province Officer Mrs .. Stanley Chambtrs wlll ht' hosteN at her Lido leie home on Saturday to members of Pi Beta Phi group. This will be an tmpor· tant session foT Mrs. L. C. Rhodes or San Francisco, vioe-preaide11.t of Mu Province, will be prf'eent. Legion Post Hosts Steak Feast; Plans Halloween Dance Business men or the city were guest. Wednesday night at a steak dinner hoeted by American Legion poet 291, w1Lh 86 pre.sent. Oacussed WU the Veter&.ru1 ' Day barbec ue. whic h will this year take the pl&ce or tht" usual Armls- tJce Day parade. The barbe<Jue \4oiJJ be held In the plf:tk next to Ame rican "t.egion hall, Santa Ana and is being arranged by the Le- gion CoUnty Council. It ta open to lhe public and tor $1.50 every- one can eat aJI they wanL Eaoh pc»t wlll .et up a booth. Proceed.I will go, 90 per cent tD the post, 10 per cent to the Coun- ty Coundl tor fts hospital patients welfare tund. "Come One. Come All" Is slogan ror Friday night, when a dance will tbe held at the Legion hall. A dance band from Orange will play and c08tumea may be either Hallo"·een or hardtlme. · Tbls L<I open to the public and hours are O p . m . to 1 a. m. ' Deputy President Visits Rebekahs Mae Marutperg-er. district dep- uty pre1ldent, wu a guest of Mesa R.Pbeka.h Lodge at its meet- ing la.st 'I\leaday evening on her ottlclaJ vl.tl. She waa accompan· lf"d by her manha.i. Vere.a Fl.sh a.nd her rt.a.If of offt~rs. There were visitors present rron1 all the other todges in the dlatrtct. Following the meetlng gue.ta a.nd members were' seated at loog tablce ln the banquet hall dttor&ted in the Halloween motif. Nin Lolmaugh ana her ._l!:tant•, H~en C&wthoni, Huel Dumont and Gladys Bird aeTVed ginger· bf'tc'lild wllh l~mon uuce l-0 th(' group. Mrs. Harry Burd ick Is Bridge Hoste s Brtdge play was the aftermath of a P.rcttily a.ppoinl~ luncheon ~·hen Mrs. Harry C. Burdick, 232 Magnolia avenue, Costa Mesa brought together her card club group a tew days ago. First pr1:ae went to Mrs. Homer Mellott: Mn .. Charles Andrew& took stt· ond and M rs. Sam D. Crawford Hari>or Hi PT A Votes Scholarship The Newport Harbor U'n'°'1 Hleh school PT A execuUve board met Monday. Oct. 22, in the teach- er-a' dln.b'lC" room ot lbe acbool wfth Mn. Roy RouSb, preaklent, pruiding. Hip light ot the meeUn.g wu the announcement t.Mt. lb.ia year the Pl'A la giving a acholarohlp recommended to be $«10 to a worttty .tude.nt. Applicatiou &J"f' lo be made by -the student. them- Aelve11 and ee.&«t1on will be ~ by tbe Scholarship committee' or the !acuity. This "'orthy project WU m&de poYlble partly bcc&u8e ot a generOUA donation made to the Parent.a and 'feachtts AMOCi- atJon ot Harbor Hlgb by 0 . \V. (Dick) Richard or Newport Beach. Mrs. Paul Huffman. member· ship chalrm&n, announced an In- crease in member11hip11 over la.al year. Voting wu held on a.rt students' poeler conte11t for · the membenhip drive. The winning atuaents \Vert Lorr&Jne call, nnit pri&e, and Martin Mc:G«, second Mra. R. K. Harvey a.nnounce<l Lha.t tbe lt""reshm en parenl.8 me('l· Ing wiJJ be held Nov. ·20. and will !calUtt! a panel dl.IK'Uaaion with rrc8hmen adviaors. Mra. Roush announced lha.t the Fourth Di.strict meeting wUI be held on Nov. 10. In the high Khoo! aUdltorium. Lunchron .will be served at St. Andrew& Presby· lerian church, acroa !rom the school. Capilla Circle Card Party Plans C4pilla Circle or Christ Church by the Sea will sponllOr a. build· ing fund benefit card party al 8 p. m. on Thursday, Nov. 1 ~ ln the Corona del Mar &Choo!. Des- sert and coffee will be served. There will be table prizes and lhe door pr1.1:e \1rt'ill be a aet of Don Blanding's beautiful Leilani din- ner ware. Reservations n1ay be made with a.!ra. Cl&rence Dodd, Har. 1937·J or Mrs. Paul Moore. Har. 0384·J. Both bridge and canaata will be playlt'd. MJSS XOHL81'UIT HO!\IE 1ttlaa Clara · Kohlatedt ret\lmed to her Corona del Mar home on 1\lelday and la ra~dl)' recovedng from recent aurcery, wtll 800n be on the acUve li.t a.nee more. • r ' JiGabYa. . y ' t rHuasoAY, OCT.·15, 19!if ' . • ' SayS . Vows; ·n .· 2 ans WOid .-· 1TRE~~!. ~o COME' rau1 -. -..._ r-.u. ir• •• •••"' o1 Bai Yoa Ba•.., .n6t ... ...-It., -Alla WOl'k For TMmt. Too I . lt IE "lie tbe muriqll '1f her • ~. ,i.., 8'!'•,olo•T ~Y ¥oat of caor vlaltON I to to~.OterW'W~Wood,aon Newport Beach make' • o1 lfr. -Kn. a.r1oa B. Wood -pplng tour ot . Rlc!uu;d'a el.. 1JDf ... Pl-BINl...ard. L~clo Market. Ohu • lnolde, 911aaa. -.t IT''!sr.t ~ Mn. they come under ttae spell of -Doi •ao ot the ..,,.. ad-the rich color and llcbtjng -nos w.-.,.. recently or ai Wa fa~ Oloft. ·&ad loo--. WalklJtg put row GD row,~ da%zllng food dl!IPlaY•, wltA ' ,... -~ ~ place Oct. If 'ti>• deep tonea.or ...a.i iftul :a GretM Q.(efll Waddbt.c Chapel I.le rlngtng ln t)le ~ir, the~re Ti-. Aris. and U>e ceremony 1m ... ,_,_.Med by tM: Rev~ A.. M. llkely to bave a 9b'onC' • • ~ -Mr. oad Mn. Rollert p ...... lon of walkln1 anJllnd A-8llUed'lakt tit. llanta ~ at-lrl :n~~. they are. tnf10 ta. ~ couple. The Th.la atore for ye&rl wu a ' a..... . ...,.. tor U>e .,._,.,.,,.. a dream to 0 . W, Rlelw'd, lbl OWll• ..... troetl: ot red wooJ while Kn. But· er and. nianager. nae <tream. It 'a a mystery bow Dick. fl.n4I Union lhanb9ivin9 Services Planned · $ftfl,tW ct.:.e • eu.Jt of 1'0 k\ cor-pened when Dk:k Rlchatd decl_,d!'.-L,..:.~ fOl' such occuiont while aWl t1uro7. ed tn 19S3 to leave <he te&cb.ln1 d ecUng hta bualneas, sponaori.Rg: ~ MW Kn. Wood wU sradU· protaalon and lea.rn U. be could 181 of the Boy ~. --knta Ana Hieb acllool about rood merchandlllnC . by holdillc Ule 32nd t>qree of b1o • .June at tttJa year ·and attended solng ,to wo:-k at lL He came to Masonic Lodge, alwaya lendi.Cc a !'fohrmtan Bu.lt.ness school. She la the Newport Public Market ln hand when called on by the A.. ~ prelldent of the Senior Trl-Y J93'5. A.a Ile manager, he gained ststance League. Parent-Tea.cllen, ,and a member ot Job" Dau.enter. muy friends and mMle a con-Commn.nlty Players, or any wor- Bethel 45. Mr. Wood w~ (J'Mu-st.ant study Of thf!t.r needli, plan· thy civic group and still being E'd from San Bernardino Hirh n.lng for the day when be could "Dad" to hia young aon Md hus- aclaool an'd &ttel}ded San Be~ ttui\d a great !ood store a.pd make band to h.i.s charming wlf4. 'dino Valley coll@ge. He .... ed two It a. neady perfect u a at.ore One thing 1ure -we're proud yt&n with the U. S . Na.v.y a.nd Could be. ot him as our next-door neig'h- 4&.ter gn.duat.ed from WOOdbu.ry HI.a pi&na mateJlallud in bor. · ... eoJJqe, LI» Angeles. He ii a March, 19l8. How well b,e dream· WhUe being intetviewed, Dick :naember et 8ipa Phi Nu. ed the dream and carri~ it out made this statement that we are 't1'e younc ~ M.ve returned la pro\•en ~ tbe reoocntUoo tt .llao proud of: "I urge all my em- 1'\"0m a honeymoon a.t Beaumont has gained ~ of tu. stoN" ployeeA t o keep a reserve al money ud will m&Jwo lM\r homt' in Bal-have been •tucll:ed and ecJl'!ed all available for emergenctec or for boa.. over the United States. The lead· a.n opportunity. Money thould be Fred Hope Son &om in Virginia , Tt'a a boy for the ~ric UniOft Tba.nkq1.ving .rvtces &opes, at Ft. Belvolr, Va. He was wt11 be held on the eveai1l4 of born early Monday momtnc a.nd NO'\'. 21, plan& .ha\~ been made wef.trld eJcht pounda. Ht. ttrst when Newport. Harbor Council ot name will be Frederic foi hill churche• met . Tbur9day at Pit-.father and his late cnndfatber. (rim Ha.II, Corona del Mar. Kem-HI.I mother ta the former Diane ben of the Church School GW.ld !Wbee~r and Wbeeler ls prob&-ble lft'Ved the ~lfl'OUP ~ u. ata.oon dM>loe tor bll middle name. tng national grocer's magazine kept in the sale.st posslb,e. ptace- 111.ve it big ptcture &hd story yet it chould be kept working. I coverage J.ut year &nd f. similar keep my aavt.ngs 1n Newport. Ba.l- artlcle followed 1n a Canadian boa Federal · . . because up t.o magazine. Early tn t"°, Dick wu $10,0oo safety l.8 Insured, and., my uked to join a panel discuaalon monet isn't idle-It keeps work- or the National Supermarket In· In g, p11lng up dividends." stitute in Chicago. His addreu on Yes, 0 . W . Richard it an inves- "Personal Se"ice in Marketing" tor in Newport Balboa Federal was given to 7,000 fellow ~rs ... h&I been tor years ... and trom several cou_ntrtea. he la a good neighbor of our and I"""'-'\-Thia la the aeco'nd. (IT0!1daon tor 'lbe Tha0 k.,tvtnc' wvioe wiU tbe klty's patanal '1-6dmother. be held a t 7 :ao p. m. ill ChriJll TMbna Paddock Hope ot Corona. Churdl by the SM and I• l•r.der de! Mar and firet. for hta "'*1ernal dlrectton of the Rev. Hubert ~r. Fra.noea Wh~Jer ot Roth. chairman of specia.l events. Beverly Hilla. The pleasure ot gtving pereonal yours. When you vimt his L ldu service is Dick'• nret thought in Market. we hope you'll drop over business. When you're tn his mar-next door lo Newport Balboa Fed- ket, you're more likely to ttnd eral Saving• and Loan Asl'JOCia- hlm -behind the check 81.and or lion and' open your savings a c· putting a basket of groceries In count with us. a customer's car than behind hi11 desk In the office. Al that time Po.ul Delp. commit--;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:: tee chairman w I I 1 announce .~ Thl11 kind of intereat, doesn't go unrecognized t.mong his trien.dfl and n~lghbora, either. Last year, the Business and Professional Women's Club l}onored hlm as their first "Bosa ot the Year." NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOClA TION ,. ,. ,.,, .. ,._ ,.,~. . selection of Churchman and Churchwoman o! the year. Offe-r- Ins at the &ervlc~ will go to the Na.lional Courictl of churches of Christ in ..lm~rica, to be used ror work ln E~rope. The group voted t o participate ln country wide recognition ln September. 1~2. ot the complete, Revieed Standard Ver.ak>n oI the Bible. Halloween Fun fol' Riding Club KeyPd to the Halloween theme will be the costume party to be slag<-d by the 1.feaa Boots and Saddle c lub Saturday. Oct. 27. starting at 8 p.m. In the club hou&e on the Orange county fair r;-rounds. Games, square dancing and re!rcshm~nts are planned for m<'mbt'rs and tht>lr guests. Prize!! for tte best costumes will bl> a14·arde<I. Loo Compancros J unjor Riding cJub will grret spirits and gobliru at a. Halloween costume test vity Thursday, Oct. 20 at 7 :3P p.m. in the club house on the !air ground•. Old members and parents are es· p<'Cinlly In vited, according to Mrs. Clarence Baker , press chair- man . The best costume wUl be judgtd. Square d an c I n.g antJ games will be part or the fun. Roy King, president o( ibe Boou a.nd Saddle club, v.•as ten· dered a gay surprise party Oct . 18 on the occasion o! hi.s birth- .day. Twenty·ftVe fr1ends e-athered at t he Victoria street home of Mr. and Mrs. Klng and enjoyed a var· lety ot pme11. Gltts were pre· sented the celebrant. Refresh· ments ot tee cream and cak rounded out the observance. HAWAil BOUND WATER HEATERS PLUMBING A•thorlUld Dealer Day & Nlsht Heaters TllMS tt'I, Do-" •II H..+en -Barllor !M!-W MA1TRE88E!I Boatt--Romee.-Trallen 1.._-llll&peo UAOON -1 ea.ta ~ Mtt1rw 0.. tl6t Newport Blvd. . . FOR MEN JJJJ Vis U. Horii« 1500 Nh'taDlltT •EACH, CALJf"DrtNlA EXPERT SHOE REBUILDING AND DYEING AT llEASON ABLE PllJCE8 Newport ·Shoe Repair New-port Bea.m BALBOA BLUE DENtM SLACKS, 13 oz: : . $3.25 . 4.75 -8.95 SAILCLOTH (BJUe and Red) SLACKS . NYLON PARKAS ...•.... 6.95 • WATERPROOFED PARKAS •....• . 7.'5 4.95-5.95 . Z.'5-3.25 WOOLEN SHIRTS • . • • • • • . WHITE DRESS SHIRTS • • • • . . . HAW AllAN PRINT SHIRTS • • • .-2.95-3.95 TEE SHJR1S . . • . . . . . . . . • . . U. S. RUBBER LOAFERS • . . • . • • • SANDALS ..•••••••••••••• • • 1.50 . J.95 . 1.95 ! --------1 wu conaoled. Completing the guest com,,an.y were Mmes. Ray I Wallace, M. J. Hostetler, Wayne Pickering and Warren Brt.stol. HOME FROM HONOLULU Mr. and M n . Wllllarn Tritt of West Ba.y a venue roetumed home Monday ho<ll '"" e-.,... crul8e to Honolulu. They were members of-the Al Vwl•tk&h Temple lf'OUP· Mr. and Mrs.· Leland B. Lewi."! ancf d&U(hter Na.ncy o! 123 Apo· le.n.a Ave., Balboa ~land, sailed Monday for Honolulu on bo&rd the Lurline. FOR LADIES · .NAUTICAL 100°/0 ·wOOl JACKETS .. 17.95 H~ yv' AflAN SARON~S and , DRiSSES • • 4.95 SAILCLOTH SLACKS . • • . :: "· .•. " J.50 SAILCLOTH Cl.AMDIGGERS. . • • •. • • 3.25 I Blouse size Skirt size ............................. . \\'a.Id. MeaAUff' .. Dress size Hose ,.W, ............................. . Slip size ............................... . Paoty size ........................... . Bra size • • • n .. :> .. CD .. -... ~ ::r CD .. CD < 0 c .. ::r c .. r:r tlJ :> a.. -n -· -· .. 0 c - Polly Apparel I Women's Weer • Children'• Shop TBJ:u:o8 lWoNoMY IN QVAUT'f ~ •1oe~3 Newport Ave. Cori' ....... -' IW4 'll&&OON -• ' • ' • a• P. W. p~ .... M 1 ••'141B..,. terr .. IMl TB , & 9ta -Ma llllM ta llsa .. t ....., .-..-..,.. ••ts• fllft .. I'llM» .. 1 ...,. •scr, E¢FNI L as -t. ...._._ ... a.... T ,, _. ..,_ m u, t 1· n: CWl *-sllM> a..-'811 .., 11••• Dz ae 11 •• s M''f,D 28.Wtt,11 I.WFF ,, ........... ,.,,,_. ..... ti 0 JMll • p ........ 8 b3 • Oilmtw<o Qsl,r' -• I .._ Lmf ........ ~ WA Pb ·-0 u tr _., so• I , z ..... m ea ... ,._.-, s1.,...., .... • rlzl ai saM a ........_. hi •• , .. ,............... ' .... o .. .-.-? ...... !apt _.... . , . ~ ..... -' . ' NYLON PARKAS ••••• · ••... 6.95 -8.95 -· • SAILCL01H ~HORTS .• •• 1.95 U. S. Rueeal l(EOETTES. • • Z.95 CONVOY COATS .... 10.00 .TEE r~l'S .... 1~ < ~~Jlt'!t 2THER. 1.TE!-4S SU~'! .QlE _ . ' . ;· ~ CHRIST~ GIFTS • ~ ..... ,. ...... • -. , - ' ' . ---·---------·---------·-····-··· -·-····· PAGE.'4 • - - l'MT 1 _...:...THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1951 , • •• • PRESS~·. • . t • NEW CANCER DEFfNSE • . 3 Yes CANCER POUCY Only $25.00 ' • ENTIRE FAMILY SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS I ROSPIT AL CABE Z MEDIC AL CARE S N UR8lNG CAKE 4 SURGUM.L CARE 5 DRUGS and llEDIClNE I AMBULAN<Jll SERVICE 1 BLOOD TRANIJFU810N8 8 X-RAY-&ADllJK PAYS THESE EXPENSES uP TO $%000.00 FO~ EACH MEMBER OF TllJI: FAM.I.LY ILL WITH CANCER "FOR PEACE OF MIND" "INSURE L'I TIME WITH GREELEY .t GRIMES" ' SM Main Sl....,t, -Calif. CALL HARBOR SOU ... flNEST Q UALITY iflATTAN FURNITURE ~RAnAN DRAPES ;; M•d• to <N"d., h1 -o•• dioop.. A11y •idttl, ,. •Ill' 1•'""1'!. ••• (Olor-<.otnplete. Wtttl Con1ice 41 boret if d•tlrt d. : BAMBOO SHADES • • MA TCH SllCX OvtWdt •ad l11dff '••I k mboo h1 wld• r•119• of "'"· SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. • !IANTA ANA Kl. Z·M-15 SHOP '790 SouU. Coast Bouiel'ard • • • ·' CINERARIAS Sltera R».lnbow aod c·1nl"rarht..t1 In lxftd colol"'!l. Al"° w~ h.llVe ·Ute bu'ge tlo"'U'ed H. 4: S. In red. :bluf', fl&lmun and "''hit.e ahadee. 1 of · 35' •N ice sJui plants In C'JLD!I_ . r-a. ln O.ta du:r.. • • • 5 & 101 Nursery :14121 So. N~"·porl Blvd. TUSTlN :i&Al\BOR DAIRY . 181/2c Qt. MILK 181/2c 9t. •' I' • PASTEURIZED • RAW • HOMOGEN IZE D CASH and CARBY * SAVE'l4c GAL. COMPLETE LINE OF DAhlY PllOl>U~ " 2260 HARBOR BLVD. ~ . STOCKS • BONDS • COMMODITIES UNDERWRmNGS DE AN-WITTER._ le C:o. Ml.MIEIS NEW TOllC SlOCK DCHANGf Chl(ogo loofd of Tn.de • • • So" Frvn(itieo $to<k hchonge lot AnteJes Steck be~ tEAHD H IVA f l w1m Bank ol LaCUJI& -.., Bid(., 1--.., Pb. 4-1158 . • Sl'PER-SECl<ETARY Vl,.tAla Moo"' aa "Woody,• (Iott), trlft nln17 to ov-tbal npturoua loo k In (hf" f'Y"" br her bo-., the brlDlant ~woman A.pUI& Reed. Community Pla)'ent Preal· "dent ~artf'lla Randall, risht, dot'fll ~ L&ttl!I' •tarrlnc role ht .. Goodb7e My Fancy", pla)·era oomedy- drama. du~ to r the "ta&'"' a t Orw.ap C-St Cdllese Chapel No\-embf'r 7-8-8. (Photo by Gerhardt) ASSIST ANCE LEAGE CHA RITY BENE.FIT IA bfo ln& plulMd by ~mbers (left to rtpt) Mrnee. (~1rr" PMny, Ma rlor Ot hnH"r, \·lrftnb Hat.ch a nd How.rd Pt"ttt8oft. Thr &JJ da.)' atratr, "'Ith '*2a&r, luncht>on, cards and dlnDl·r, "·IU ~ hf•ld S o\·. 9 a t Ba.Jb:i.I Ba.v Club. (Photo by Sheely) Assis.tance League Bazaar Nov. 9 Is Benet it for Dental Clinic Arftdl' rtaY-of varied act1vlly.,_ ____________ _ and entertainm0ent. ranging from a bazaar Lo a buffrt Jl nner, i8 lhC' plan uf lhP AS1'i&t80CP f.A'agUI' o[ Newport &ach ror lh1•ir charily henefit tn be hf'ld it.t the Bnlbol\ Bay C'lub, Nnv. 9. Th(' Frank R. Wilkinson, DDS, Ch1ldrl"n's Ot>nt- a.I Clinic will soon b~ in operat100 in lhl' new Lca~u.._• bu1hlln~ near the entrance lo Lido l.slf', provid- ing <lrntal health ror neNly school c-luhtren in thf' area, and the bcne· flt is pl&nnf'd t o aid this srrvic<'. The day has be<'n patlf'rned much after . the Lel4{Ul''s C'ha rity PYt'nl ht•lrl at thl!: Bay Club la.st rail bul offers a wt"al\Jl of ne\\' idC'LS and the added attraction of a buff Pl dinner. GuC'sts will be 'Nf'!cnint<I at thr ba.z11:ar al 11 In -Harbor Group Hears Dr. Magnin llet.rbor1tes who are members of Books anti Author:s. a monlhly lunc·hoon gro.up. at the Beverly H ill~ Hotel Tuesday, October 23. lo honor d1sl1ngulshed authors or current book1:1, heard Dr. Edgar f'. '-1ai;n1n declare that intelH· gence, kno""•ledge. anfl rtecenry plus a lump of rallh 1s the best cure for what wems lo ail the conruscd rnen and \Vo me n of today. nlne-tenthk of whom blanle 1ociely for what's their own fault.a. Court of Honor Monday Night at Newport School Harbor DiHlrlcl Cour\. of Honor. wit be held Monday, Oct. 29 at 7 :30 p. n1, in Newport elementary !tChool audttorium. At that time three boys will receive their Star Seoul &\vards. They are: Darrell JainK, Troop 17. Corona deJ Mar; Harry Lo\\'(' Rnd John Isle)', Troop 6, Co8ta Mesa. First and second rlaxs flWKrtls. merit ba.dgeB anc1 attendance awards v.·111 also be given. Troops pnrliC"ipatlng, and their sronsor!'I. are: T roop ~. NewJX>rl. Chri.sl Ch111·,..h by the Sea; Troop 6. Costa Me:!:kl. Comrnodlty Meth- odist church: Troop 17. Corona de! Mar, Rotary club; Troop 80, Costa Mesu. SRinl J o a c h i m c-hurch; Troop 81. Balboa Island. Optimist club. . tht: n1orninJC; and Junch<'on will bf' &.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.! s<'rved at 12 rollowe<l by bridge, Author or the top seller "HO\\' to Live a Richer and Jt""uller Lire." the well-known Rabbi said lhtit his boo k was written for a healthy public and carried a mes- sage or hope a.nd cheer wlthln a Parenlit and the Jteneral are lnvltcU to attend the ot Honor. public Court I go Greyhound beca•s8 it's the FRIENDLY way to travel And yoo ,.t real economy too ... plus freqaeat scliedulu every- where in aiNOoditioo.ed baaes. •. 'Th.rv-&pruli M?Vie» at no extn fare-. &la.% a1 you...., •• you .wr ... by fri,mtlq Gnyhou.Ddl llon fr,,..ss Sdl41lls, ..... 1'11 Ian, M"' Senb '° Mort rl«t• "" ,.., Otfttr lrntl •• , . . From Newpod Beaclll: Mobile. Ala. .. -............ Sii .. To,..to, O.L ........... -""H c .... -. B. c. ········ !6.ff waa111a.-o. ~ _ .... ,1.'5 A.•1·qte, Ga. ···---·-·· ... &o.M A ...... -. N. IL ... 11.%0 Tesubu, 'hlL .......... -w-.e&ct z ~ .w ......... -... n .oo MRS. e. e. SWAFFORD AGENT , _ .. _ .._ 11a .. , ..,._. un cana'.Bta and the dr•wing for pr1Ze1'. Husbands are invltf'd for cocktails at 5 and dmne r. Durlns the cocktail hour lht> Bay Club or- c hestra will for1n a •·c._-ombo" for spt"clal ente rtainment and play for dancing during the evening. rrameY/Ork of horM: sense. • \l'lRY.S CA llSIE 1--1Rf: Olher' aulhors lo address the I Jflgh tens ion wires rubbing rlub men1bcr11 were Dr. Kurt against a.n old telephone pole in Singer. Dr~ W . Atorrison. Gordon the 800 block on Ba.lboa boule- J.t cDonnel, R ichard Brooks, a.,;d vard set the pole on fire this Lowell S. · Hawley_. \''ho Is co-morning and burned 10 feet oft author of "A Few Buttons h·t1l'l!!I~ the lop of the pole before the Ing" which wtll appear shortl.v in blai.e was extlngtdahed at 10:26 a Reader'• Dige!lt condensation. a. 01. by Engine No. l . 1-·or r hrt8fma!S rtlrs. AtatlOP Othmcr, ways .. and means chairman, tilld hPr cornmll- lees have be('n meeti.ng for weeks at the Lldo Isle"Club H ouse and in private homrs p~rfl'ctin~ arrange- ments and prc-paring fo r the Ba- zaar which will inticipatC' Christ- mas in many or its booths. Ther<' will ht' original c-eram1c-s by Vir· ~1nia H at t.: h a.nd rx-rmanenl C'hrislm&.8 dttoral\ons in HPB roan1 a.nd otht>r glL~lcning matefials. Among the toys will be baby dolls with s tx complete changes of out- fits and a tiny wardrobe lo hang them 1n and among Lhc dellcatr ha.ndwork nrtlclel'I, ~1tt sugges· tioM for all. The white elephant booth should attract the know- lt1g shopper with ita 11aluea and attractive greeting carda will be sold too. .Mra. charlt>s Sul1iva.n, In charge or plant.II, wilt display ra~ plan~ At the November 6 program At lhe Ambauildor Hotel, men1bers ~nil hear Howard Grttr designer and author, Anne Rossler Is.~Jer who wrote "Our Mounla.ir\ Heri- tage." Rupert H11ghe11, ''The Triumphant CI a y," Atarguerlte \\'alluce Kennedy speaking &bout her book "M.f Home on the Range," .Lewre:nce Re,sner, author of The Eternal Stranger," Elinor Pr:vor who wrote The Big Play,•· St,lla Terre-11 Mann, "Build your- self a New World,"· and Bernie Kamlna. whoee newe&t book is "Ba.a.le Propap.nda. ·• Memben from the Harbor area are Mme& H.arvey Somera. Cath- erine KJe.t.er, Harry Fellinn. Loui.8 Caenar. 8:ft<1 Borroughs Hilt in cocoa.nut pla.nter11. anthurlum H 11 D and le;, or Vanda ·orchids, plum· a OWeen a nee aria and gin.:er. all Clown . ft!'•h from Hawaii for the occaa~on. Ntwporl flftmen arid the:lr Mrs. R. E. Thomas is in charge wtves will . take over Amt'rican uf lh<' charmin& Chr\atmaa stock· Legion hall on Tueeday tinning, Inga, the creation of the Junior Oct. 30 for &U I.be tun and piety memben, and ~trs. J oseph Beek of· a COllt~ d.tnner dance. Pl-.ns of lbe candy booth provided by for the event occupied attentlon Suslalnlng me.mben:. Of A uxiliary ~beni when they Tables for lunch and the alter-met Monday even.!Jlg at the home noon card party may be procured of Jean Grl~. through Mn. AusUn Sturte-va.nt or Report.a wue. ~Yen by membtn Mrs. Dale fl.lml<y. Tlckeu are alll!ndlng tho con..ntlon '1eld In $2.ro apiece or •10 a table. ~ BoQyWood 6ept. l f-20. Pat - ervaliona tor the buffet dinner f.ecelvtd her bsidca and wu weJ .. may be made throuab llrL Blurt.-OOIDtld Into fQll llWDbonblp. Tho ..,,t or Mro. WaJttt Erana. speclaJ P<llo waa •warded Alma other -=ltt<e "'*""-..,.., Thom-aQd -Ha,.n re-Mrs. &!gar RI!. league p1,-t. ce,_ ~-gin.. · tkket taklnC': Mn. Arthur a..t. N_,,. m'!'tln& wlll be 11<1!1 al tho band-1<: Mn. Victor a...._ -of Bally J..ii-. C. D. X. cluu>cw; Mra. Wlllud Killion. ... _.,. .... , Moalne Qon- Whlle ei<pliaA\a; Mn. Pal&I llol:-nelJ; Vi.Ian Raloo, A1IM ,_p- CIRCLE AT CDM Mrs. Florence · Anderson. 428 MRrguerlte avenue. wa.e ho.ioteas on Tuesday to members ot Balboa J.sla.nd Circle of Christ Church by the Sea. For the project, mem- bers worked on books for the Children's hospital. .... alrlltmM ~: Mn. -~ ~ II-. -. -~ ~=; ...... Pat -~ -..-. 8-117 . w._,.. Olllrtnc. tJ'; Kn. J""-· Daria Dlobl, Dotty Seit Knowland -r alk Slated . T~ay Nt;.t Approximately 700 peHona are ~ to -· next Tu-y olglit'e lalk by Senator W!Wam F . Knawland who will speak at Wlllar\I Junior Hieb achoo! Jlldl- torlum, UU North Rm. str .. t; Santa ML Tiie meeting la 1ponsored by the o~ 'county ~Y l>Wlg Republl- CUUI and will start' a.t 8 p. m. It q ·open to the public. In addition to dl8cwmlng the A'merlcan foreign, policy, Senator Knowland Will answer queetion1 trom the audience, according Lo Mrs. E va Woodland. chairman of the .Newport Bea.ch Young G. 0 . P . committee for the meoetlng. Her committee includea Mr.a. Jean P erelll-Mlnel U and Norman Miller of the local Youhg Republi- can.a ; Mre: Alene Ehreem;an, P ro 'Amer ica ; M.._. Wtlllam I!:. Chi· cheate.r, Newport VI gt I an t cs Group. Spencer Browning or Santa Ana will serve a.a genera.I chairman.. of the ev ening, according to Robert S. Ba.rnee, al.so of Sanla Ana. who 11 preeident of the county's Young Republican organization. Daughter Born to Roger Gordons Jeanne Lynn Gordon is a na.mr pretty as lhe n<'w baby to whom It belong8. ·She was born on Oct. 10 In SL. Jrnif'ph hospital, Oxnard, to Roger &'1d Kathy Phyllis f 1\.-Jh· er I Gordon, and "''t.'ibhcd l!lix pounds, 11-ounces. The Jilth• girl i.s not only · first C'hlld of hf'r parents, &he ts a l1-10 first grandchild on both sides or t he family. A1 atrrnal grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrl'l. Lro Asher, 1331 West Bay _,Ave. a nd Mrs. Asher was on hand to gref't lhc baby, returning last F r idd.y. Pa· ternal grandparc-nl!J are Mr. ancl Mrs. G. E . Cordon. formC'rly or Coola M<'sa but now re1:1h..ling . in Ox nard. ·' ,r , ~ PRICE TIRE SALE . DUNLOP ' CUBTOll SVJLT l GOLD Cl!P CUSHION QUALITY TI BE 8 •• • Never In your Ute ;h&ve J'OU had 8UCh rtdbt& comfort. u you pt rrom Gold CUp Cuohlona. W e can tu.1111.ab lmported Dunlop tl~ ln all .a.. for Brltlab Can AD Sizes BUY ONE 'I~•nm"'E~ , at List Price Gt.'T SECOND TIRE ·AT 1/2 PRICE EXAMPLE 6.00-16 Flntt Tire ..... ·\·--..... $20.10 Second Ti.re ... .. ... . .. ... 10.05 Pl~ E :t:C'lst-Ta.<t WITH OLD Tl&E Now Open Sundoy for the 1-!omeowner CONCRETE BLOCKS · • BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES • SKIP WADER FOR TRAILER WADING KEITH B. COlLINS 2124 N ewporl Blvd. Costa Mesa Harbor 701 5 LUMBER •• SAT. 8 to 5 SUN . 9 to 1 S P EClAL THIS \\IEt;K---Ortober 24 t.o ()(otoht>r SI \ TOILETS -Special, $22 .. 50 a t . , ABO LUMBER ; 140 E. 17th. St., Costa Mes" ... CONCRETE BLO.CKS Kl 2.0754 PUMl·BLOK COMPAJ\''l'-2S20 'S. l\taln SL, San ta Ana P UMI CE -CfNl>E& AND CONCRETE BLOCKS REl~'FOKCU.G ST EEL ond SUPPLIES -People do read the want adit. I ~===================::-:=====:::· ..JJrive tlze car tlzat makes gas go /ar! Stude/Jakr Cftan#onl • TOP GAS·SAVER . .OF -THE . TOP~ .. , .... IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD! In the '51 Mobllga1 Economy Run, a Studebaker Champion• did 2Y, lo 6 adual mlln per galloR better than the entries of tho th,.. other larv••l Hll· ing low price cars. •$t • ' k• ··=•ha...,,..._ ........... _ ....... A CHAMPION IN ADVANCIMINTS, TOO 111 vlslbllity one-piece winclshleld .•• Brakes that outornotkolly ocllu1t tt..mMlves •.. Variable ratio .. extro-levera1•" stMrln9 , .• Tl9~ppln1 rotory door latches ... Soft.wlow "black light .. I"'"' atrulfteftt ,.Ml dials • , . Autowtetlc choke ••. Automatic sportr and heat controls ••• "Heat-dam" pistons ••• Roomy i........,. • OPEN EVENINGS ,AND SUNDAYS BY APPOlNTMEl\'T JOE NICKERTZ, Local Dealer 1415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theotre Hor. !:.I 0 Nwpt Beoch ' • • "Lllht Cendltion" yovr diftlng reom to prov ide greater visual CQIJlforc a.nd to add an enlivening noce to the aunrupbere. Remember, good 'light is imponaoi in protecting your family's sighL I · . 1 Whether it's a full size dining room or an alcove tttension ol m. li•ini room, Ifs a ~· ...,,.,. JOW family and fdeods · ptber. And ''light cunditiooing" ~ add mpcb IO the gathcrinp. ' With ...... n1antt and ceiling &.twa dni~ to. the • purpooe. fOU an '~ a cboicr of ligbdng to 6t any qxasiclJ, -mood or menu. Yoa can baY<! lh< room ..>It aod jta.;.,._'i «,brigbc"and .~-aU Ii &opip ~ ' - WhMnu the .-Md 11!ia9t ol m ~~DO lllt"er it is fumithed,,..;. !lemic!d !*lor lriM 6xtwe co 6t fiajic • . 'Ih<y11 " ,_ ....... ""!.--J<IUC dealcJ -. _. .. ••• CALlfORNJA IDRoN . COM,~N'T -· ... • • • ~ • I I I I I I I . J . I I I L· .. ,. ' I I I · 1 I ' I I l I I I I Vb:S\nla CH•Jc. lftla....,._, -Klooclmlr, Ft.¥ Brr 111tct -J.a Mn. 1-•lt Vi-I, ceohw. Griewe. • I I I I L-... ------.. --........-----_______ :..,. ________ _ . -. • • • ' • • • 1 I I , • • • • . " l • ' <SB~~~~:=-: ColHns Speaks • F!ctW0118 Finn NILIM t y ' G. 0 p by~rtttyUNDll>&~t!~ "':.:': o oung . . tine> a Restaurant. bwdneu at ,nt Monthly dtnner m • • t I n • of M:artne Aftnue, Balboa Jale.nd, Newport Beach Youn• Repubtl Caltfqrnl&. under the flcUUou1 Club lut nJgbt drew 4.0 dlllertt tinn name of Ted Owen Balboa. who 'beard Sam L. Coutna, Speak- an4 t.h&t eald firm l.i compoeed ot er ot ihe ·Auembly anst sUeat the fotk>wing penona,. who• e speaker at Che attaJr which wu names tn full -.nd placea ot real: held tn B&Jboa Bay Club. dence as u folk>we. to-wtt: SpeakfnK '\on immoralit y In LEWIS A. FULLINGIM state and federal ,oVernment .. 2441 Cre8tvtew Drive. Collin..t sa.ld: "You cannot 1e,-1a- Balboa Bay Sho~. I.ate morala: effectively -the de- KA. THARIN A FULLINGIM mand for clean eovemment muat . 2f.4 l Crestview Drive, come trom · the people.,. T b e Balboa Bay Shores. I ,.vf'""R ... e voter'11 po11tlt'.A1 letttarWv WITNESS our hands thi• lhlrd id borne out by atatiltJCI llboW- day ot October, 1~1 1 1~ .... t.hll'-~i..ht of 10 per80na don't LEWIS A.. FULLINGIM know who their Co~ ls KATHARINA R FULLING~ 0" ,.,ho he repreaent.a. he •id. ST A TE OF CAUFORNIA I sa The apeaker regarded ·the re· COUNTY OF ORANGE ) eently enacted anU-lobbylnc bill . ON TlllS 3rd day of October. u Lneffectlve. He wu presented A. D. 1951, before me. H. M. by Mrs. Elva Woodland, ~halrman Holker. ~ Not.9.fy Public l.n and of the loc11.I Youn~ G. 0 . 'P . for U1e said County a.nd State, Guests lncludM M"-E a r l residing therein, duly con1mlssion-, Stanley, wife of Ole 14th dlatric~ ed and swom. personally appeared as....emblyman: Ralph .Maske y. LEWIS A. FULLINGIM and vice chairml\l'i of the Republican KATHARINA Ft1LL1NGIM known County Central Commlttff: Mrs. to me to be 'the per~ns whose Mary "'topper. county che.lrinan names are subscribed to the with-of the Republican Women'e or- in lrultrument. and acknowledged · jfanization; Mra.. Alene Ehresman, to me that they e..'<ecuted the Newport Beach chairman of Pro I same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. America; Mr. and Mrs. Robert I have hereunto :;et my ha.nd ruid Barnes. (he Is chairmkn ot Or- nffixed my official seal the da/ ang-e County Youn.{ Reoubllcans 1: 1 and year In this Certificate first Jim CarloL president of the e.bove written. Young G. O. P .. Long Beach. H . M . HOLKEn.. My ('1Jmmls- s;on E:icp1res Af;irch 6. 1953 .. No. 753 Ncwport·Balbo;r>Pre~s Publish D<-t. f-11-18-Z~ SOTIC•; JS \'JTISG 011)8 Parkin9 Meters Stciy in 3 Areas NotiCf' il:I herC'by ~1v"n that lhr City parking mt-tcrii will be con- Board of Tru!itCC'!i of tht' Oran~r llnuf'd In three ar<"U -Main· St .. l Coast Junior College 01~trict of BaJboa. tht> v1c uilty qr Bank or OrenF:e County. Cahr., will re-Amcri<'a. Newport and the Mari- c•iv,. bi!J:.; up to the 'hour of 10:00 nt'r·~ Milt> f')istrict -the City Coun· A. M. on the> 9th tlay of November. c1l ruled la.st Mondav nlP"hl. 1951, at thr officf' of s:1.1d School They accrptl'd City Manager District, l1M:atf"d 6'. 10051 S . Har-.J o hn Sailors' recommendation bor Rivel .. Costa M~. Calif., at that the mett'rs be continued. All wh'ch t!mc said bids W:ll b~ pub-other meters will be removed for 11(.·ly opPnC'd for thr furni.shing of overhauling and relnstallation the followln1:: 158.J' rt. of corru· next March I. The coW\cil reaolu- gatl"d iron pipC', 14 and 16 guage. tion authorlzed Sailors to add or varying from 10'" in ... dfkn1etcr to remove meters from various arcu 74-in dia."llt'tc r. lncludin:; tlttinp ll.3 needed. Council action foUow- in accon:tance w ith spccltic'ltlon'I ed a request of lhl' BalbOa Im· on fill' Jn the offic<' of the Asst. provement ASllOCl&llon, a s k I o g. Supt. in Chargr of Businesa. The early removal of the meter•. sald Board or Trusttts sh.all be· ;::::::::::...:::.::::::::::::::::. the sole 'JlU2.ge of , the merits anrl qualifications of the equ;pment ottered, and reserves the right to reject all bids, and to waive any Superl&Uve Dry Cleanlnc informality in any bid. LIDO ADV.: October 25 . Nov. 1. 19~1 . Opt>n1ng Date: No'\l. D, 1951, 10:00 CLEANERS '68 l'\ewpor1 Blvd. Signed : Ba:tii H. Pclcr~n. Sl"t:. Board uf T1 ustees OOSTA MESA Ilea. 519lhl A . M . I No. 757 PrNll. Publlah Oct. 9 • Nov. l, 1951. ~;W;;;o~o;pe;;;ra;;;te~our;;~o;Wll;;;p;lan;;t~~ Mfl.LM~r $1499 ctellverecl M re plu8 tau and UcenM l 'our Harbor Area Dealrr . NEWPORT AUTO SAI....ES " !fMM W. Newport Bl\td. N~""·por1 Beach . Harbor 1'01 10°/o Discount on Any Pur~ (EX CEPT ABALONE and SHRIMP) . Bring this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET I Fresh Fish Daily from Our Own Boats! I ABALONE .... . .. Jb.75c 1~~~tte on lho.8:::.J .~w~.,":T u..-r 11 0 I v d Ne111sf • ' • . Relax and read is what I do Each time• I Ride P. E.- 1 save my nerves ·an~ mo11ey, too, No traffic bothers me! • ... • .. . • • • \ -=t.. ~ • PAGE .s -PA~T I .••· :rHURSi> Y, OCT. 25, 1951 ~r. fl"ll;§~,--~ . . ,.--~~~~~~--.--. HAROLD I.' JOHNSON ~..=.-= .Pl.Ess ~~ ' . . .. ,.,, . ' ... Ool .... .-.... --· MAKINO ARREST la bnnoo cue la Dfot. Bet-\'iaCf'tlt Mdtaalpl. w• aervf'd wanant .on Bf'llow• and Patrtcla Royale on )'M'ht, Q'°ria Dalton.. tui .Jaouary. (Story ·of Pace 1) 1111 vm.. w.,, If .. ,... •• ,. -cla.aaillcd •41 are rell.d by folk• who are looking to buy. Friday OctA>ber 26 Saturday October 21 Sunday Oc"tober 28 Monday October 211 • Tueod&y Octo~r 30 Wedneld&y October 31 Thur.Say November 1 TID1E HJOll ,,36 .. e &:Ill p;m. : 6 :M a. m. 1:o3 p. •m. 7 :14 a.Im . 7 :t7 p: m. 7 :39 a. m. 8 :83 p. m. 8 :08 a. m. 9:20 p. m. 8 :39 a. m. 10:13 p. nl. 9 :1:5 a. m. 11:14 p. m. FtRS'll l'ln.L QllARTER MCJt)N Nov'. 5 Nov. 13 TA~1 ~ W'lf {.1) O:OJ a.m. ,+.Ii • 12:311 'p.·m. ~.3 0:32 a.. m. 4.6 I '1:12 p. m. 5.1 0:68 a. m. t.6 1:47 p.m. 6.~ "1:23 a. m. 4.5 \2 :2l5 p. m. n.• l :M 1L m. 4.2 3:0S p."" 6.6 2:23 a. m. 3.D 3:49 p. m. ' 6.6 2 :54 a. m. 3.6 4:39 p. m. l.A:-JT NF..\" QllA1tT.;R atOON Nov. 21 Ocl,,. 30 OCTOBER • 75 • •• O.t~ l'.a• ~f--~. o,i o;t; 0. l.t. ·-O.)• u: ~ 1 .-0~· 2'l:; ---0,,, .... •· ••• .·< .... REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• PONTIAC Ii ' P .'\RTS A~I) LAIJOR . BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES! 18 POINT OVERHAUL S l 'Rf'SIOER.S f'Ll"B \\111 hold a COAtunv d&nor 8aturday, 8:30 p. m . Bay Club's Bay \\rlndo"' dlninr room.. Snb •·r'Of"tloChlf"'• orchNtrs wW play and lhf're. w111 be priu.. SU, 115 and 110 for th~ ~t C'~tumftl. Ha\·lnl" tun at a P"''"'°ua HaUowttn daaer were (left to rtpt): Bu~ Ells~·orth, l\lary E ll~\\'Orth. .llt"an and San1 ( ! ) Oxarart. 1. ComJllew \'1Llve Grind 2. Cle1Ln Carbon S. Replace Pist.on Ringio 4. Replace Piston Pins 5. Expand Pistons 6. Replace Connecting Rod, Insert Bearinj(S 7. Adjust Connecting Rods-- Chevrolet & Buick 8. Ali!{JI Connecting Rods !l. Replace Head and Pan Gaskets I 0. Change 1·;ngi11e Oil . 11. Clean-Oil Pump l.incs, Screen and Sump. 12. ltidge ~cam, glaze '""'· c~·linders I 3 .. Clean and adjmrt SJla rk 11lugs 14 . .Replace Di:<tributor Points, retimc n1otor 15. Clean Air Cleaner 16. Adjust Carburet<1 r 17. Replace Mllllifold Gaskets 18. Top Radiator Hose I C ROCKER' Al'l"OISTED , The Cit y Counc il appointed Fire Chief Frank Crocker to 5"t\'l' B{i one of tour alternate Ci'Vil De· tenae fire chief• In Area X. Or· a.ng-e Count}'. al the council meet- ing Monday. They approved a request of Joe Scherman, fOr't'St ranger, who a.sked Crocker be 1'o J)o \\'D Payment 12 MONTHS ·TO PAY No Down (>aJ'ment ROBERT E. TllO•tAS l.ANE E. KESAN appointed. NARJSES A SK (jftf.;t:TISG Request that the clty buy spa.cc In a Marine nlagtu.l.ne to extenrl -Ne-.·port Seaaon's Greetlngs to the Leathemecks wa.s referred by the City Council to the City Clerk tor lnve"aUgatlon at U}.is week's meeting. -Genuine Factory Parts ' Two Ex-Newport Youths finish Basic A. F. Indoctrination Two formt'r Newport Harbor .. ------------- youl'hl have C'omplet.ed their Air Force b3.:i!ic alrn1cn lndoctrlnatlon counif'A lit Lackland Air Force Basr, Tex. Tht>y Rr(' Ro bert E. Thomu. 20, ·.:o n of Dr and ,.1 i's. Li-&trr C . L11"•e, 120 \Vt'!'lt Sycamore 11trc-et. Arcadia. forme rly nf Balboa Is- llln'l and Lane E KrMn, 19, 110n of E . F'.• K,.un, 26818 011.pplegray Lanr , Rollini: Hil~. formerly of :'ll'ewpnrt Br ach. Lalt:kla.nd, siluatrd nra.r Sa.n Anlon'o. 13 tht> WOl'ld 's largr1't air farer b3se, site of A ir F orce ba•lc traln.ng for men and womt"n, headquartf'rs of tht' Human Re· !'OUrce Research C"ntr r and home- of AF'R OfftcC'r Candlrtate School. Their-basic trainlng has prepar- Pd them for entrance into Air f<~or('<" tr-c hnlcal training and for l:-08iG"11111 ent in apccial i~ work. The courSe 1nclUcll'd a scientific ··vcluatlyn of lhe ir aptitude and lncllnat1un for fol!ow1og a par- ticulari vocation lllld career. omL SCOUTS NEED FLOOR LAMPS 0o• \•oa ha\.'f' • noor lamp you no lo~f'r ~ and \irould 11.ke to dona.tr te the Glrl Scoot "-ney·u .., ct"" •• p1c11 It ap IC you. wW phoa4"o Harbor 056ll day>. Monday tluu Frld&J' . • ~-~--:-- W AUZT W ST L.bsG of ' brown leather x.lpper wallet• cont&ln.tng ldentlticaUon pa.para wu reported Tu.9day DIA'IU to potic. by Donald 0"'"°"'' UT Weot Koda 11Met. Sant.a ~r­ btlra. He tc.t lbc bWCoJd n r • b4t lat Balboa Blvd. and Main olteel. be •kl. n.:o;-;u;j·;-;; ..... ;;;;;;T:;;:8-;T;:-;Alt&H Pl\Yllla W~ IOI WeOt Ba-Jll"'1, .......... to po1loo Ula(t.,...teaderaltlrtawentakea -her ear u It ..,.. po.rl<*1 ID ~ ot ..... "?"'" ~ lllpt. . I nft Tlllle& 80U0Rr 'l'ba ~ Mot¥ 00.'• bid of ~ ,.... a new llro doput- -,...i ...-wu~ 1lltooda1 ..iilsbt by -· Cit)" OMm· ell • : , . Harbor Residents Hear Williams A group of resident.I of the Harbor area met at the Balboa I 111 I and Communlty Methorllat church on Agate avenue last P'rl- day evenin,; for a dlscuasloft m~t­ inK with Nl'ville Williams. Willlam11. of Loa Altoe. ia a wt•ll-known ·U-gionnal~. Rotarian. put director of the Board of Realtors and member or the American AS80Ciatlon for tht> United Nat1oru1. He apoke or World Federation a.a a poBSibillty for Unll~d Nations reforma and answert.'d many queatlon• aaked by thoa~ tnte~ated in foreign a!· fa;r.5. Lncluding th~ church min· ister .. Dr. H . \V . Whtte. Mrl'I. W . E. Bowle•. Ed WWits, J . Le91le Stf'ffenaens. J . A. Bttka. · A llan ~k and Norman Miller. u welt u a number of vislton from out of town. . Thoee Interested ln following this aubjttt are invited to come lo 528 SoUth Bay Front_ Ba.lboe l1l1nd flhe Beek 'residence) a( 7 :15 o'clock Friday evening to l'stcn to and-dl.tcuas a rad.lo de· bate on tranaformtng the United Nation. into a world !ederaUoo. Third Ave. Pavin~ to Await Financing T. t. Sharp, property owntt at 718 Third .ave.nU@, Corona de.I lolar, /Illy ~Iler Monday hlgbt. 'Ul'S· ~ "" tho cl 17 couDdJ to proceed '.wllh pam11 or Third ,.....,.. b7 toldn11 "detlDltc acUoa. • He cit• ed _, ...... --_.i. rit clurlne -IWIUlltt. App!0¥1J111 COUl>d ..... n Delt ~ motlo!l. \lie C>OUlldJ .,... "-<I Qt.1 • ...,_,. 8'lt wetilt to -S1iarJ> Ulal -<IC)> "111 """ Ille -.. -.. -..,.. ........... 8er!JIM ad·~ ·-...... -patod. l'lnC an111 -_._ I 'a rWI u...,... w1mta11r".a. _._. .................... --. • • • ' \ / ..... flme to 1J1111·11 ne_w All1DMA11C GllS llllNGE Tai • ...... leok et your pr....,t ,...,., n.... ,,,sit 8"y ....... end ... hi'" display of ..... ....... .... o.t • "-copy of Old Stew ._ftd..Up 111"'9t of Woato"' loclp•• from Sun••t Ceok leeks • Why put \IP with an out..!ated r..nge aoodiu day 1 Reploca It now with ooc of cbe new automatic ps' taagu. whlcb are the best lookiog anJ beJt a>okiaa applia""'" cwt made. They do ewrythiag t0 eliminate a-wodt, .. tO MW you time and elli>n ... and, - iaporullc, t0 put more delicious -11 on the table. Jlatv.re for fratwe, die ocw au-tic pl' ta11p1 CXIOt .... t0 buy. They als>«>St ... t0 ope<S~,$o Yiait :t: raaaedealcr O< four Gos Coaiput• ,,,., ........... chariag Old 5coft a...md-Op. Sec die be&utifiil ~ -.ad pick op J'O"l boolclet mntaiaiag 35 ndl\"' ...... &om-S.-. Cook Boob h'• &et! • • : ' • ~ . • • • • • Work Guaranteed ~ ESTHER WILLIAMS C04tAUIM9 IN MITl:O.OOLDWYIMUYlrl ."TEXAS CARNIVAL" CbLOI IY 11CKMJCOl.OI • ' • ' • . .. • • • I 1 J j • I I ' • • • 1. .. I I • " ,_ - • • • • ; .. 1 . 'p"~ 6 -PART T -n4UlSOAY,.OCT.•2s. 1951 ,~.-L~k:.!;'iREss-ll _1 1D!!::;:!•!!•!!•!!*!!•l!!•!.,!!G~1:!!•!!I!.•--.. ·-!! . ! / ':s\ ,n1•1.... .. ~~ !!!!! ... ~ •• ~. A.pr!1 !!!! • •,s, '': ' • OL\ND PWIOll! ..., . Orqd. • • . ~ Wllll« -... .ipc . Ulled ~tors .... 111111, ""--..· A10o 1 J>iarV •. ,..,... 1 ... 1 --._. -.-..,.-. 1te1nWt.y. L' I~()•·,· 31ioe Channel-.~ ~VS&, f d.. rt., _, ~ -iu... "-' B. LJ I' No,.._ ~ dn-1. ct.a -·---.--111.40 °'231, ltDlbet lta-.tll. Lund-· • .. flttc.· llOfn'OOlllatT WAJll> 4 -. Prom, .-S. 'DANZ-' -- .... ft. --...,.---·AO l!(llDUDt', lilO No.· M6ID, eor. B_ A_ LB 0 iA sb "The Drunkard" OOLDBPO'I', a .... rt. _____ _..... --. 11oata AnL ioo p1·-..i-1 · j . -va., 1 ... .ft. --·-'80.00 -". I N E w p 0 R T at the Bamboo BocD 71' ... 1L VJetor't>Mp ,..,_ i.oV.:T .., __ .upnpt piano . • Balboa . . • ~. 1 yr. ......... In 'l>!rfect pla~ -Ion., , I , I Nov. 2-3, 9-10,. 16-17 , i.. .. -·······-·-·..-···-··--... .$1111. Tenu.·m.to-. lllll fU.84 R , . CWtain 8:1~Ticketa $1.50 CLASSIF·1E·o The Mighty Midqet In Advertising NEWS-~ ._: Every Tuesday. · _ per .... at ~'8..MUs1c 'I I · · _ ~ oo. ,_ lflinl, tt1 Ho. "'"ca! -' [Including Retre.Junenta ~ _...... c11D.u. oot ----....... -_. -· W E ' Y -' 1-....... -..t W1U1 • -. aaata MIL .._ Z-GJl?il ' " n~- NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thursdays N_,,... BaJ' Poot~ .U0. --m tllo ~ New9a'l'llnle or tM ft~ rre. KINUfUM AD 18 ' UHEll A.fl ClwlnN ad9 muet. t.le paid tor CUii la .. vsaee •f p;&bl.k!atton. •. Unes 1 . f'llper $ .'75 • Unes ! l'apen UiO 4 Unea S Papen · 2.00 The pobttshen will not be t•ponalble ten more than .one tneon K1 lmertiOa at an adYerU.ment. rMel"'N Ute l11"bl to oorrect.17 clu9lf.1 any and a.ft ada and to rejeet u, adftrtlMment not contonntn.r Lt• ruJea and . regulatJons. Adnrtbetnt-ntl and Cf.11cellaUoos will bl accepted up to 5 p.m. on the day precedlng publtcaUon. OOJll K: B:iJ'l':r.:S Llc.. Genetti Contractor Resideo~ Remodeling Phone Beacon 84()8..W • 17ttc 1 -.._ wlUl -YJ1:7 ' • ISttc I N ' . E ' $23 WK. or •pec!Al -""'11 rate. S'i..um.t.io 8r).TIONS S-S -··-;--··-... -. .f'.11.llt UAUTD'UL llpiloet ptaao. a.j,..-. 2 bclnn. film. apt. ~llDdrJ rm., 1;1o1111a • .oooa ~ Dale's Ftiruiture ·· ' 174.. Pil)' .,. ,.. .. _ '311 • N . T A tencec1 p1ay yard ror cldld-. lift -Illft. lllu ,.,..t. Lille.-?-~r. " P..,P. Ulh. pd. Tbe BLUB °'*-" del Mar -mabopn!f -· ... ..,... T A n TOP, 401 Newport BITCL . an,c II«-• -11 .-y ........ , °"" -a .. coo 8837..J i.-, 5495 . ....,_ mual Abo .... ...,,------------'- . 8SctO BED-PA 111:NPORT, '80. Chair 6 m&11JI' rent&J rebjrm. a. .. fNsn L Tots and Pets Welcome • • SdO to iJOQ. All In perfect .con· E • L S Om.. l bdnn., tumUlled 1' dble. · -· SIO: bed, opriq and clltlon.D•""' ..........._PIANO . N rt Pl ·-~ 1 Wk. EXPdul:N~ IJO'"' madilne -SIL Rook«, is, ma· ~•• -:-.:.~-=:::::~-&tll S •wpo · ay rro-opora&orL' "'-" Barllar SMll, bop.,y c:Mlr, llO. OOC cbalr. 1 a•v•-. -~ -• . R Y from oc.an and llo.y. $40 mo. P . t. d ror ----. -... z lllnlP1 -213 ........ It., Baal& Ana. Bu"Joct to prior Harbor 987. 87ctz am mg an . i...r. OOral>& de) x.r. Mpt1 -.... -p h gin ------------FURNISHED 1 bdrm. bouE. New. aper an g Women: Bill' Fu .t ILUOlONI> <>ROANS! Tbe cre•t Sp EC I AL S nreJAa.,., odUI... Inquire ns GEO. BURKHARDT -_... _,. at borne . 8 m1 Ure , j -Cbord <>rpn. If you Fernteat, Corona de! Mar. • I • I j • Except deadline tor Newa • Tlma la 11 L m. Monda ya Phoae Har. 181' uk fo'r ... Ad Tall.er" or llMil ad and remlttaace t• NEWPOBT llAABO& PUBUSHINO CO. !%11 Balboa -· Nowpon llN<b, 0111ton1a. by -. o1mp1e -u.c. W B Sell Trad -'t -a note. ,..,.. -play w· .. '-19p9i ll08 · 3llt St., Newport Beaell 1-For tin-ta... lntonnaUon, e Uy, Or · e ,Wot The Hammond Splwt Or· tnu:r ' ------'·------ Phone Harbor 2418-W betOtt cau HaRol' 210t1-W. 1W W.t Ba1boll ~. ..... World'• 1DOllt. Wutltul ' . ~. FtJRNJSHED 12:5 Via Jucar. Lido I . 8 &. m. Or alter 4 :30 p. m. -1 -Ha.-21-0:l--ll 74c75H l<>l>a. 8 a. y urm.o. DANZ. 1 Bedroom Apt, ...... $ 48 mo. '-'le. .&.ttracUve 2 bedroom In· 83tfc 1-------------SCBMIDT Pl&Do A Organ Co., · · eluding TV. 1£rge patio. Owner ___________ ,__ w ANT -~Jlnv neat ""rl, help NORGE w AllHl!:ft -fb the 19~1 -Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, Cor. 2 Bedroom Apt......... 68 mo. here Friday. AXmlmter 3-014. • I COMPLETE HOUBll: CLJ:ANING WU • •• motber WHO:k ends ahd two latest au automatic waher. Hu 8th Street. 88p80 Fumlt1.1re and rup ahampooed, 2 Bedroom House 75 mo l~Gakle For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Ora pery Hdwe. VACUUM CLEANER$ Free esUmateo-FuUy tnaund. &tl.emoono ~-$25 P"< mo. &&'1&t<r and goos ft-"° tlw ···· · Harbor J051~. 18ctt wall. -..._ owr1'k1w' n.n.e and arr THE TOP DOLLAR for your B lb I land j Al's House & Rug oplOI • drl.. --. ean put o1c1 p1ano. Trade 1t 1n r<x-1u 1U1J 2 Bedroom Bouse .. _ 100 mo. a oa S · I THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 Electrolwt a.nd otber3, $4.90 up. 100 to chooae from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. eo1 S. Main St., Santa Ana Cl · C Pm' Setters Wanted clot.bft In Ille top and r~"" cull va1 ... an • Packai:d Bellj We have several attracUve opto. eantng 0. ' .OOU.t them. Balance due oe t.elevUAon al SHAFER•s MUSIC and houaea for Winter rental 8H.eon 1111 • ntfc Apply VA.N'S BOWLING ccmtracl la ooly $UIM and l CO. (S!nce 1907), ·t21 No. 8yca-startlag at .$46 mo. and a few 1703 Superior, Coot& v.. p&ld aYq J197 tor It. Ky oqutty more, Sonta Ana. KI. 2--0672. Yearly yearly rentals atartlng at ~- p AINTING Beacon OMS FREIC If you take poymen .. ot _________ 7_3_ttc Nelda Gibson, R.ltr. Klmberly 3-2968 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches 70tfc COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL l9c90 :~·96: ~.::'" ~je~ RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddle• 2 Bedroom houae 306 Marine, Balboa Io!. Har. l502 RESIDENTIAL WANT Woman lcJtd>en ~•-. I Phone 2 52 learn, 115 per mo. Full .Urm rent Liviogroom, bllth 69ltc Landscape Gardening New lawns-Maintenance Free Estimates Bea. 6639-M 2pSH Free Estlm&tea ~ a .m . to p.m. 1 ·· _,,_ I In • CM. e x I c a n -fened > Steady Mlle -..wed on any P ano our Kitchen "70 mo. THREE Bdrm. sunny lower apt.. · ' Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERBEAD 817 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar 70ttc R. And,....n Harbor 320l>-R ~" stock. DANZ. SCHMIDT Blg ··············• work, good ......,. A"1< tor Nela 85c99 at 31721 8 . Cout Blvd., South LOUIS XV armchair lmportbl Plano Store, ~20 No. Kain St., Attr. tum. Glaued in .livillC rm. Fenced garden. ~ unlll • June 16th: October Meets of Mesa Circles FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coaat Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar E)\PIOUENCED CARPENTERS Want Work by Hour or J ob. Coll Harbor 1164-M 71ttc Forrest Paull President of State Horsemen Plana for their participaUoh In the annual WSCS fall bau.a.r reatu....i_ the agenda_when VariOWI p AINTING circles or lhe Costa Mesa Com-EARL SHEFLIN The election ot a Costa Mesan munity church met In regular se11- to pre.siqe ncy of the CaJl!omJa sjon. 173 Palmer st .. ooeta U- State Horsemen's Asaociation, a.n Circle four gathered In the a... 6457-M Hdt organization coJ}'lprUing 250 rid-church loWl.l'e Oct. 11 with Mrs. Ing clubs and totaling 2.5,000 mem-D. c. MacKel\%le presiding. Six-INTl:RIOR -EXi'ltlUOlt bera, i8 announced following the teen members w e r e present. p AIN'TING group's state convention in Stock-'"'Goodness" wu tbe topic of the LICIDNSZD _ INBUJUCD ton . dev0Uon11 presented by Mn. Ruth F orrest Paoli, 2428 -Newpo•t Barnett. Taking .. beT BUbJect Glenn Johnston Blvd., pa.st president of the Mea. "He Wears OrehlcU," Mrs. Andrew 501·31st St. Newport Beaeb Boots and Saddle club, wu choaen J. Lupton gave the mlsalonary re-B&rbor 2217-J Me48 to bead the aasociation at , the port. Principal business discuse· 1 ------------- Stockton conclave. Naming of a ed was the baz.a.ar, which 1 .. sJat· M.esa.n to the important PQ9t la • ed. for N~v.' 1, starting at 10 a.m. alngular bQ.llar for lhla Comm.u-in tbe dlurclt. Sharing' hoat.eu ntty u only one other Southern dut"le. were Mn. White and Mn. CaMfom.ian haa held the presi-Nor& t.a.np. Nut, meeting will be dency einoe the auodaUon wu 1leJd NO"t. I at the cburch. founded 12 ye&!"ll aco. At the ttme Cl?de nine wu ~ in the of bl.I election, Paull waa 11erving home of Mra. Blanct..e Hut.le, U2 on the e:r:ecu.tive committee u vice 1J111.,, Pl. Kn.. Joeeph llcShan.e preeldent of Region 12 and was a was responsible for the devotional member of the convention com-interlude. The mtaalon&ry mea.sqe mlttee. waa brought by Ml"&. Joyce Gll- Prominentiy l~nlitted in local bert. Mn. Hutle we.a aaisted by service organlzaffol'l8 as well u M:ra. Giibert. .\ riding associations, PaulJ hu Mn. Bernice Hadley conductt!'C\ served as chairman of the Uons the mi.uiona.ry study and ~ led Club Fish Fry parade for the put the devotional for Circle t en mttri- three years and i.9 a dlrectoc ol .bent, who usembled Oct. I wUb. El Rodeo Riding club, oldest ln Mrs. Ellen Cross. Next mHlt1nC CaJlfornt.a... One of the main objec-will be Nov. 13 at the. home of lives of the •tale gl'OU.p 111 tbe Kra. Virginia Hogland, 2189 ~­ work with junior riden, Ile -.Id. Ther e hu been no case of juve- nile delinquency tn Ute U90dation since Its found~g, Pa.un pointed out. Belqre coming to Coata Mesa. be operated Pau1J'1 sign service in Santa Ana. tor 10 years. He ii currently engaged In letterini plea.sure boats moored in Newport Harbor. An all blue-ribbon •how waa staged In conjunction with the convention, Oct. 11·1' tnciludve. Southern califomla clVbe ca,itor- ed their share of the Mrton, tro- phies. ribbon.a and cub a...,... preaented during the tour -day meet . The t eam repreeenting Reg1pn 12's Carefree Riden won the ring spearing event and placed second in the team relay race, breaking existing records tn both clas&ee. American River RJden, a junior drill team wtth 22 mem- bera, won the trophy sponaored by the Coat& Mesa Lions club. Scoring hJgh 1n the western equeatrLan claasea we.r-e Anne Croddy of Santa Ana and Gle.na Thomas of Costa Mesa. ThcwnM lacked one polnt to win ~e wut- el"rl claa, award. ' Va.n Dyke Named Kiwanis President way. Meetlng in the primary room ot the Qhurch for an all-day IE&tlon Oct. 11 were members ot arcle five who were led in thelr ck9o- tions by Mn. Bertha Bolle'W'OD. Mn. J~ Roe {ave the m\UIODMy ~ • Pt i' If ... Mrs. Olp C...wfaod, --... lllro. Emma c..n.tord and Mn. 1-Coe were joiat M9te1 •, ....,._. pumpkin p6e end ~ crMm at tables ,..n,, -Ill ti.. Halloween motif. ~y preetJnp were extended ,Mrs. BohUmon. Mrs. Cran.ford and Mrs. l!\eul.or Ugh- ter. Others attendill« l n c I u d e d Mmes. Florence Eic"hmey, Doro- t.by Koeraer, Hulda Young. lrenr Northern, Amy McSbane, Eura Crawford, Gertrude Edi.ck, Emma Sitnpaon and I.At.tie Dudek. ' Football Hat Wins Admiration of Faculty . W'rves HAVLING ANY KIND-Trash or? Call Walker.:...1516 Placentia Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK 74c75H PAPER HANGING & Paiqting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1515' Banta AM. A.ve., O>st.a '\lea Phone Beacon M04 NoDm Re.u.Jt.. come fl'Oll1 conJUnt f'tw:tice ! A.a ad rq'\llarly In th.ta peper wW prodUce reauha tor 7ou.. WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all tzt<les-malntenance work. Ha•e toola and mlzere for an.y job. Call BDJ, Beacon 6'51-W • &Tcllllll Build with Brick FRANK MOLL 437 E . 16th BL, Coot& )(- Phone Beacon 6533-R 80cjllff Alcoholica AnODymoaa Write P . 0 . llm: lm5 Dolboelllaa4,Cdf. -K.lmbe'1J .- • Leguu or call lA.guna 4-562'7 . from Parts. Excellent conditioo. Sandi. Ana. 19c110 Pbone ,Bea. M45-W. 90p92 '50 BUYS a good UMd piano. 0th· WANT E:itperlenced etenacrapher, »-M, pannanent ·. Au.tomobil' Club ot So. Calif. .\pPJy 2894 Cout Blvd South. Lacuna Beach. P"riday 9 to 1 p .m . TWO RUGS, 10><14 and 9xl2, boUI en fO< 11611, 176, etc. DANZ· rnoerslble, ll.5 each. Aleo odd SCIDCIDT PIANO CO., Sal'lta twin slSe bed, spring A mat-Ana, li20 No. Main, cor. 6th St trea, $Ci. Floor Jamp, $7 .&0 Pbone Harbor o6'9-R 9bc92: TELXVISION ! T r a d e your old 8tp80 ----------WALNUT dlnlnC oet CO<Uriot.11'&' ol piano on beautlt\ll tielevwton. Bl&" allowance. ~ makes tn televt.ion. DANZ..sCexll>T, 520.No. Main, oor. ltll SL, Sonta A.na. OOU'PLE to clean ud wax be&Uty obop, D1ct>ta or Sunday•. Har· bor :rm, Corona ael war. too table, .ener, buffet and I dark red mohair cha.tn. .Al9o doubtie maple bed with box oprtng and m~. Coll Boa. MT&-J. . ' -89dll BLIGllTL Y USED Spinet. -piano, S0--8ale, MlsoeiUeous PERIOD M.AHOOANY bdrm. set, like new. Big savinp.. Conveni-ent terma at SHAFER'S MUSIC Complete tnataltatton, repair and mirror, d.remdnl' table, bench, CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syca- eenotce of all tn.Uer «1•'pment.. htpboy, night ftand, dbl. bed-S • -Kl 2 0672 •• more, anta ....... a . . -. OR.ANGE COAST stead, and •uphol. ch&Jr, u-. 83tfc TRAl ...,. SUPPLY Elec. ~. Hke new, $2-0. -~---------- JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN1 D . BURNHAM 607 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1907 (Eve1. Har. 2278-W) BAL8oA -Modem 2 bedroom nicely f'Umlshed apt. SM mo., yearly. Utll. pd. Phone Harbor 2791-J. 83tfc BALBOA I&,LAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Util. paid. Gar&gO. S76 -mo.. yearly or $60 mo, winter. Ph. Harbor EXTRA. gueat howte with bdrm., d:n. rm. 6: shower incl. at $180. J20 Jade A>!I!., Little !Jlland. Pb.. Harbor 2652. 88ptO ~--~-----~~ NEWPORT -2 rm. cottage, partly run.tshed. 1 blk. to Rtch-aro.. UtU. tumlshed. Yearly S00 mo. 1-tt:. owner. 1152 E. 18tfl;, Colota 11.... 89p91 YEARLY -ICJ<~pllonally nl""- Untum. 2 bdrm. duplox, Many extra features. Near both - echool8. Reasonable. 2216 Clay St., Clift Haven. 8Stfc J,,.,R !'ti. Bal1>al; ----90c92 BAWWIN ACR080N1C SPINET I 1910 HARBOR BLVD. • Ueed. Save COO. Tenn.a. 8ub-i ------------ Coot& M .... Phone ~con 622<-Rl:Sl~-~-=-~"ll!_IMl!!!.l!!•'!!_•lJM.~~?~-~!!!!!.____ ject tc prior IUe. DANZ-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 1671. . T9ttc BEACON BAY -Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Lee. living room and kit- chenette. with bar. $85 mo. tacl. uttl. to June 16th. Har. 2910. _, . / I · ;:::zs::. --· SCHMIDT B(s Piano Store, 520 If a yearly-rental 11 a must. CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdnn. untum. houee. Nov. l . Real flre- place, large closets. $85 per mo. 718 3rd. St. owner, t,.aguna 4-l!i941-or Harbor 2'919..JK. See "The Drunkard" Chrysler .Engm" es No. Main. ""'· -· Sont. A.na. ThU. 11 for you. Apt. t\Jrn. for 2 -Utilities paid and (a garage), at the Bamboo Room te Bus's-~ 1240 w. ~111<>a Blvd. H. 1972-J Balboa Used · . 88poo 89p91 Nov. 2-3, 9-10,.16-17 Crowns -Royals Plating Plant Curtain 8:15-Ticketa $1.50 Well ---being Including RefreshmenU. See John lfu?ey • pr'Oftt&bly. operated. ICx.oellent opportunJty for defenae work. 9Jc92H at 'Sea.craft Ooomer anxious to ..U at boOk 8" TABLE .aaw wit.h motor. WorJ<· ~ bench a.nd v~. ~·· Thor drill. Phone Beacon 5M4-W. 89p91 For Better TV Reception Replace your weathered Antenna W ith a new V -Cone $9.50 incl. Mast TY Sli:RVICE CALLS Day or Evening Illa& Radio and Television 109 Broadway Costa Mesa 87c&9 Cl!I COAST RICllWAY NEWPORT Il&ACH PH. B&AOOK 6171 Ntte BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - Now available. Bar. 2979-M 85p90 38 FT. HIGGINS CRAFT equipped for Jig fillhlng-. Small bait tank. CMC diesel. Good condition. Price $2100. Phone FLeetwood 6·2e26 or LYcaming 2-1493.. Al- ler 8 p. ~· 85p90 JOHNSON Outboard . Motors KETSTONS ft'lovie camera, 8mm Ma.pdne type, F2~ len.11. Like neW. ll&c:rtftc!re. Beacon ~366-R. 89c9J BINOCULARS, 7JC60. Coated ler:ui w1th CSM, $4:~. Har, 2724 , daye.. The only ti.ctory -approved Salu a.nG Servtee StaUon ln the New- port Harbor Area. ~ • 90c92 BllAunrUL r uU leQ&'th mink cfyed Karmant .tur coat. AlmDlll new, l }llO. 8l&e ll-18. Aloo 2 oliver fOXOl 1 In a lltole4'60. Pb. Har. JllO-J, L m. ot evea. 90ct2 • South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 5Sttc 21-FT. CAB~IN motor bo&t. "K e1- py" Star "'(lne. Alba<:ore rig· l'ed. MaJce offer. F.arl'• Landing, Cout Hil'hway, Newport Beach. 90c92 ··---'-'---------- ' • va1--. $6600. See ua for othtt proven bualness opportunfUea. HARBOR INVESTMENT 00. Realtors 30th md Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 1800 KIDDIE AMUSEMENT PARK- Latest equipment, Cout High- way, near BaJboa Island. Sacri- fice t o cloee estate. Phone Ha. 1354. 89c91 FOR SALE OR TRADE -Mar-_ ket and grocery. Good going business. Well equip. Selling acc't o! illneQ. Ph. Bea. 5628. 89c91 41-Stores and Offices ATTRACTIVE OFFICE on New· port Blvd., near the new ho• plta.J. Excellent location with parking. Aleo perfect for flor- lat ehop or other ame.U bl18ine.ss. $4-5 mo. 4&6 Newport Blvd., Coe- ta Mesa.. Beacoo 5713-R. 82tfc FOR RENT-Small stores ln new bustneaa center. Will front lo au1L Lota ot parking. 159:i Newport Blvd. Sat. and Sun. 8 a. m.-5. · 89tfc • • 1': ~. • ' -.. - LIDO ISLE Sparkling 1 or 2 bedroom furnish· ed apartments. One bedroom (lW1n bed.a) ST5 mo. 2 bedrooms 1100 mo. All u~Uities paid. Prt. vale garagea. , P; A. PALME'R. INCORPORATED 33S3 Via Lido Harbor 1500 Newport Beach, Calif. FURNISHED 1 bdrm. houae, ,35 mo. to June lat. Util not I.Del 9131> i:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Phone Harbor 1708. 89c91 FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, s~ mo., water paid. Owner on premise.a Saturday. 8311 Marcus, Newport. Beach. 89c90 NICELY Fu.mi.abed Cottage, autt- BALBOA -Nice 2--room ttipL Good loca. retrtg., new M.OIVe. UW. pd. $42.50 mo. Coll SlO Island Ave. Phone Har. 1839-J. --------~·~-19p __ 91 . l'OR RENT--t rm. furn. cottage, l prae-e, on 23rd St. DM..r ocean. $38 month. • Couple preferred. Inquire 11:5 -23rd St., Newport •1 Beach. 8lcQO 'IBREE RM. unfurn. apt. Uv. rm., bdrm., kit., tile bath. Panel- ray beaL Stove Ir: retrig. turn. 317 Heliotrope. Inquire Sl9 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar: Ph. Harbor 2989-W. 88tfc • NEW FURNISHICD 3 bedroomo, 2 bat.ha. LJdo Isle. Winter rent- al, $115 mooth. Phone SYlvan _ 0-3473 or week ends Harltor 2778-W. 118c90 • able for two people. Call at 384 -----'--------- Broadway, Costa Mesa. 88c90 FURNlSBED 1 bdrm.. apt., 1.tW· • paid, prage. No children, no CORONA DEL MAR -Lovely 1 pet.8. can be~.een Nov. 3 Ir 4. bdrm. apt. Picture window. Apply &2.f Clubhouse Ave .• 'New- Brand new maple furniture. t 0 -··• A t 6 ' ••~ po.r ~. p • . 000.0..U 165 mo. yearly, Incl. utll. Ph. Harbor 386~J. 88c90 FURNISHED nice cJean larp ------------eleeping room, kttchMet.te. frtg- NICW S nn. turn. apt. UtU. Incl. ldalr<, bath, """ pdrch (2nd fir.) Attractlve ye&rty rate. 2210 $4-:i mo. Phone Harbor 891-W.~ Harbor Blvd., co.ta Mea. 88dO 77ttc ... t .• - • t > . /. l .. ' . ., ' • ' ' ' ·' • • , ' • • • •• • • ' • • • • • __ !!d!:::A:!,:_!D~kl!!;"'l'!!l!!!,%!!JilM!!'::JTlree~!!,_· .,,.~ --~!:;:=&a~-!!!~~~!'!!l!'l'ln.!!!!., __ , a Real z.tate SPECIALS-This Week Only ! '51 KAISICR 2-door BodaD-A.,beaulJ(! -·-··-·----'1'1911 'M alRYSLER Wlndaor Blptander Club Coupo, l'Ully equipped, A•l tl>ruout • --····----Z0<5 '48 AUBTlN 2-dr. l>Ktn, clean and rudy to So .... f 195 '41 ~n..LAC 12 lledan, flllly eqWppod lnclUdlnir • . WSW and MW ny1oo etat coven. Xlnt. tlruout $1 T45 '41 .roRD Slaper Delux.t OCiDWn:tble, »at6, radio, a steal at ···-·-··-····-···-------·-·--·········• 495 "Hillman Minx ~ Dealer" • NEWPORT AUTO SALES 26IK W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Pfione Harbor l~ • 1¥8. . JOE NICKERTZ C<Jeta MMB STUDEBAKER DEALER The Best Town oo Earth NO BE'l'l'ER DEAL any-Two Bdrm. HomE! where . . . NOW is the f wltb dlnlng room and tlttplace. time to buy or trade or lot !l-Oxl27: fenced back yard : a new Studebaker! I shrubs and tree•: on quie( St. Save up to $130 Pr>ce $7800 with .. ._.able term... • on some mod.els that are still available at the old price. A fine selection to choose from NOW. ALSO availa~e at once: 1 ~ Ton &.nd % Ton New Studebaker Pick ups. Why Rent -? Only $750 Down 2 bdrm. home wtth rental. good location near high achoo!. $1IOOO G. I. Resale WE HA VE BARGAINS in 3 b<lnn. fenced Y•""· Near <en· good used cars. Every one tei; of town, $9750. Monthly payments $53 lnc1ud. taxee & a special! lnsur. Down pay. S22!><l. ·~ STUDEBAKER Champion Sedan, only 10,000 miles. . Every posslbll extra ~ Like new, only $5:i0 down '39 OE SOTO Sedan, o' drive, radio ............... $ 115 wlll handle WILL PAY BONUS for good used cat"9. 3•15 Newport Blvd. at Via Lido (By Lldo Theatre) Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 510 Evea. or Sun .. Harbor 297~J '39 DODGE Sedan___. door. Over-. hauled motor. Good transporta- tion. Prt. party. 1225. Phone Laguna 1 -~71 even4igs. 1910 BUlCK Super sedan. good paint. ciean, S395. 19~ Ply- mouth s~an. good work car. runs good, gOod tirea. $125. 3008 Balboa Blvd. 89p90 '39 FORD · Z:door S('dari. clean. good motet. $295 ca~h. 504 Mar- guerite, Corona del Mar. 89c91 '.(8 LINCOLN Continental 4-door radio, heater, overdriVe. Ex~p­ tionally clean ca.r. 915 Cout Highway, Newport Beacb.89p90 1941 PLY. Convertib~. good nm· r;i.ing order. New top and up- holstery. "96. 1941 Ford De- luxe Station Wagon. perfect condition $1295. 713 Broad SL, Newport Heights, evenings. 88c90 '51 CHEVY all metal PB.Del De- livery truck. like new. Never been u8ed commer-cially. Sa.cri- !ice tor J14~. Phone Ho.rbor 896-M. 88Uc 1937 DODGE sedan. Good running condltlon. Good radio, $12~. Call Beacon 7123 or Har.bar 3157-\V or see at Signal Service Sta- tion. cor . or Broadway and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 90c92 ~~~~~~~~~~-- -C 1 &.Milted 308 are rn.d by f olka who are looking to buy. 55-Moaey to Lollll LOANS For Homes 5 '70 -20 yr. Lo!UU CONSTRUCTION LOANS at .!'.>-51>% (14 yro.) WE BUY AND SEU. TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SArn.ER 1415 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J R<p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Llle In& Funda Kl 3'"'6116 Needs Repairi_ng Large 2 bdrm. home, rtr£>place on lot 70xl36, Weal.18th St .. $5~. $1~00 down. 5 acres MI Industrial $7500 5 Acres residential $10,000 G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & ABSOCiates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 BALBOA PENINSULA B£At.rn:FUL :S bedroom, 2 bath Dutch Colonial. Flagstone tront. Private patio, forced afr heat. Fireplace. Garbage d is po a a I. Weather stripped. Large irun deck. Thia la an outatandlng value ~d a tine home. . . ' . , . . Price $21,500 Consider small bomf' u part trar.Je . Liii)() ISLE U . 750 down. New 2 bedroom borne o.ea.r best beach. F'ull Ule roof. Patlo. Furnace beat. Fireplace. Bar type kitchen. Gl&aa en- closed tub. See lhla before you buy Price $15,750 Ranch 20 acres 6 mile.a from Newport 12 acres In permanent puture. Equipment for 15.000 chicken.a. Three houses. good barn. Abun- dant cheap water . Consider part trade bay area. TermL GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2662 $3900 Npt. Hghts. 1 bdrm. older home. Nice cond.1- tlon. In clty. Fine c;Uatrict. 60-n.. frontage. Only $1000 down. 5112 Acre RanclI Nice 2 bdnn .• home, pr. &: laun- dry~ chick and rabbit equip. l>evt' drop wales: system. Fine weU.. all the water you • wa.nt. Nice cross fenced penn. putures. A truly excellent buy at $11,"°. Terms RqJ Estate ·Is Your Best Investm.ent -o- New Home· 2 bclna. -·· aw.r, ~ ""· nlct llv. rm with L -pe din· •lie, dbl. tlle lllnlt In kit., aim . '"81'f-nook., pUIL bath., al• laCbed pr.'Priced f92&0, -· Excellent Location For retlnd couple or thole wut .. "''to.,._ to~ --ttt. 2 bdrm. -., U:e Uv. rm., We In kit.. Ip. -· porcll, llftcl< pr. OT!ly $8000, tt ...... -o- Nr. Alpha Beta Mkt . I bdrm. home., llv. rm .. klt. and dinette area. dbl rar. A good bU,1 tor f7000. -o - Needs Paint 3 bdrm. hom~ .. 1tv. rm., kJt. and b&lh. Larfl'! lot. llOltHll. y OUl'1I !Of'-$MMI. $22~ dn. Mo. pyta. $00. -·-Business Frontage Tl-rt. on Harbor Blvd. Plua a rood f'Ur, home. A good lnveatn•ent tor $12.800, terma.. ~ -o - Lola and Acttage A vallable -o - Bul:lne88 Opportunities -o - H. B. Clark, Broker .A,saoc. -o - La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa: ~ane Beacon 7043. THE LAST OF THE BEST- UDO ISLE bay front lot -ailU· ated In the ve ry beat location on Via Udo Nord, 52 l'a ft. - bulkheaded- $35,000 Just Listed- roR THE FIRST TIME in Bal-1 boa COVl;'S-a IOVt.>ly 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom hom e. dcs1 1(Tl•'"<I i11 I t';<Ct'Uent tute-- $29,500 "Kephart Built" THREE B. R.. J % bath,.. Farm- hou..e tyl>@ (new) $15.500. Ocean Front 1 Whrre you can breGthe the salt &Ir ), DUPLEX. j'\Ut completed. id~a.1 bf'ach homf', with income. ft2.500. Harbor Investment Company REALToRS ' 30th and Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 1600 $1000 Down Furnished Very nice 2 bdnn. home. 3 yrs. o1d. R f'dwood, siding, turnace, ttJ.ed bath, tub. shower. garage, laun- dry tray. Beaut. trees, near Jgp. market a.nd bus line. Payment.s •re only $50 mo. The f\.111 price 'ls only - $6500 Call on This $36.12 per mo. Thia exceptionally well built FHA home With 2 bdrm.s ls a real buy for someone. Very attractive. H1'•d. tiled kitchen and bath, l yr. old and lmll111c ulate. Large covered patio. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. $2500 down and tbe run price ls only - $8950 Want Value I I I ' • ........... . . BLANCHE A·. GATES, Realtor 111.ANK L. SHUFELT . J. lilARTJN , . 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island P!l. Bar. 1m. or 1872 Efta.. Harbor 1671 ACT NOW TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE . . FPR . Thl8 11Duuai offer In the heart of Mariners Mlle' Oii ·eout Blatlway. 50' frontage, 290' depth. $211(1, monthly IMonw, can be lncreued. Room to build. , Price $17,500 -One-half cub. . BLANCHE A. GATES ._ REALTOR • NEWPORT HEIGHTs Brand new 3 bdrm. home, ·l * baths, fin,lplace, hwd. floors. forced air heat In every room, lots of tile. Extra large g&r&ge. Thia Ill rMlly nice . Only $14,250 -• COSTA MESA 4 very attractive 1 bdrm. furniahed units, con· atructed for minimum 11pJieep, In best residential diBtrict, room for more unila. . Income $240 mo ., Only $21,0oo full price C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E . JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 . . THIS HOUSE HAS EVERYTHING Ocean aide of _highway, .2 blks. to shopping cen- ter, 4 blks. to scbool. New ranch·type 2 bdrms. Tile kitchen and bath. Dbl. garage. $3500 down Monthly houses are paymenta are 20 ~ renting. WHY NOT less than similar LOOK TODAY? ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coa.st Blvd. Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor 2766 GO ING, GOING, -• • they will soon be GONE! Good Buys in Bay Shores OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY LOOK AT ll45:1 Marino Drive Shake roof, grape stake fence Enclosed patio, it's a beauty $15,500 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 26'2 "Look tor the Green Lawn" CORONA DEL MAR INCOME Don't f&il to see this moat attractive 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in choice location. Separate guest room and bath adjoining garage. Excellent ·income record. Now rented at $115 per mo. It will sell QUICKLY AT- Price -$11,500 -Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agent Park Ave. at Manne Harbor 2462 Balboa Island We know you have seen and admired this home-NOW you can own it! SPARKLING with the spirit of new age is this attr&ctiw Balboa Island 2 bdrm. home. Guest room with ita own private b&th and a beautiful apt. besides. All are nicely and completely furnlshed. Lots of tile, fireplace and many other features. Buy it, enjoy it and you will add years to your life. island re a It y· co. Balboa Island Harbor Park &t Agate 377-W ' Selected Offerings Corona del Mai-Everybody Wants s bdnn•. . .............. -............... $ 8, 750 J bdrma. ···········-·-················ 10,600 Two Units • • •• . ., . ' -· A Y, OCT. 25, 195.1 ~ THE ~·rr" HOME It'• -. lta ~ !ta qUJlity, lu. ofl LIDO JSI.Jl'..f-'-~---------1!-------- ita pQeed rtcbt. lt bu 3 a 8•1 R We a ... N•::te~----:::.w~..:~' :,1: OP~ H~~~~i . ~.1Sun.;--;~4: • and lovely. It baa clever 110 Marin 'Ave., B bOa lal•nd rooms an large, cheerful · t walled-In patlq and h~ Ill BE.LU~ -·~t 1 thls µne boa Iala'nd home, located on , IQOd aiud lot. 2 bedrool!l4. completely ~ed In maple, full · . It hu "mwt" featllrel Price $:t'8.50CT-e!oae io ~11th· Bay. Stop by and galore. It la now 11p to -this lovely home with 2 pa OL For full details you. COME SEE "IT." Call ~lf" 0n LJDO ISL11 ~Y ......... ·Lido ·Isle ~ Exc~eJt ~o~Site . :f:.! 1oai:.:;'e:i:' :_ A-l JoCatlon. 45x88 Street to Street -Partial quiet vn.........., me.ta, com· View Lot. Full price $5,2lio. Oobtact Mary Dicbon modlous communlt)' clubhouM, &t HarbOr 1013, e-"'"-ffarbdr 2082-W. diving fioat iand• la.nd1nc p iers ... ~. • tor pleuure era.ft. · We are the DEVELOPERS o! UDO ISLE where beautitUJ homee can be-bought tor u low as $1 ~.ooo. Also a tew remain- ing Iota tor u little u $2700 with euy IA!rma. GOING - GOING -GONE Is th• otory or the LOTS. You can now set in on !.hf l'J"OUnd Ooot. THESE kind of BUYS won t lwrt for- ever. H.ere a little buya a LJ)T. Come see ua. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vla Lljo Nl"wport Beach, Call!. H&rbor lSOO 88c90 Don't pay rent, COLLECT IT! M.alte the down payment and let the rent.a.la pay o!f the balance. 2 bedroom cottage with !ire- place and four separate units to rent on 2 comer Iota close ln, Balboa.: Old, but In good con- dition. Space for a Ilttle patio. A good deal :it $17 ,500, turn. BALBOA COVES Just 1 year old, English 11tyle home on large lot with 2 bdrma., ·dormitory and 3 batha. flpacidwl living room. dining room, two flrepJ.acea and Iota ot ,windows. Dbl. garage. Built tor owner• u.se. Hdwd. floors. In neighbor· bood of new homes. $35,000 Balboa Realty Co. Ross Greeley .Josephine Webb 1.Jlllan McAdoo TOO :&l. Balboa Blvd. Bar. 3?77 Bay & Beach Bargain Can YoU top this waterfront 7 Sm&ll home with patio !acing wa- ter, BBQ, pier slip. H ouse hu large Jiving room wtth nice wood pa.nell.lr!g. Car age and garden. $15,500 ~ dn. . $100 mo. Exclusive Bav & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126·t 3 Bdrms., 1 3/4 Baths NEWPORT HEIGHTS brand new home with fireplace, hwd. flra., garbage disposal, nice ocean vlew and many teature•. ~ x 127 lot. All bonda are paid. J13,7~. $3000 down. Newport Heights New 3 bdrm. home with hwd. nra .. Oagston~ fireplace. L&rce pl&tf' glau windows .. Sll,950. '3100 down. Beacon Hill ~ealty 466 Newport Blvd. (above Archea) Ph. B. 6713-R or E\.,'es. B. tS632·W OORN;ER HOlTSE, turn. on chM- nel, pier, fioat, cement patio. $18,500, fT.500 do~n. Owner, 3512 Marcus Ave., New po r't Beach, Harl>or 791Jw. 88p90 Near Ocean & Bay OPEN HOUSE-Sunday 12 to 6 307 Iris :_ Coron• deTMar . I 3 bedroom home, 8ll1&1't and modern. Wall to wall · carpetlng, drapes, double fllrnaces. A-1 coiisb'uc-- tion, like new, large Jot, 1 block to ocean. Price $19,000 -Attractive terms. Call Harbor 2474. - B1,1siness Income -Newport Beach GOOD LOCATION -2 buildings, 4100 sq. ft .. floor area. LEASES RUN 'IP MARCH & AU-. GUST, 1956. Excellent returns on investment. Price $24,500, terms if desired. Mult. No. 2058 Call Mary Dickson at Harbor 1013 or evenings at Harbor 2092-W. Cliff Haven's Most Outstanding New Home If you are looking for something distinctively dif. ferent -then see this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. ' Has all the latest and modern conveniences includ- ing a flagstone fireplace, insulated exterior walls and many other features. Thi~ home l"fil be open Saturday lllld Sunday· for your convenience-just step In and look it over. Price $19,950. 23531 Kings Road, Qiff Haven. Call Fred Barker at .Beacon 5795 or evenings Beacon 6939-J. NEWPORT HEIGHTS • New 3 bedroom and 2 bath home on well located corner lot. Has ijvlng room, breakfast area, ser- vice porch, furnace heat, fireplace and best of Oak floors. Price $16,900. Open Saturday d Sunday, corner Aliso and Beacon. Call Fred Barker at Beacon 5795 or evenings Beacon 6939-~J. • COSTA MESA SPECIAL $895. DOWN -Buys new 2 hedrooln home, ba.1-• ance $58. a month. HURRY ON TlilS ONE - Call Fred Barker at Beacol\ ?i795 or evenings Beacon 6939-J. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hlway Newport Beach 15th and Irvine Newport Beach 616 Coast HJway Corona del Mar 22!5 Morine Ave. Balboa t.land 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach . Looking for an Inve~tment --'· and a perfect hedge against inflation? We oUer 130 acres of rich Imperial Valley ~arm Land Now leued for ft Ye&n1 at $1000 per year, payable an- nually CASH IN ADVAN9!J. Tenant pays all costs ex· cept taxes which are l9w, Total prtce of lh:ls !arm ls only $60,000, resulting tn a. secure IOo/o net return on tnvest- ment. In ,addition. we expect thJ.a l&Jld · to double in value dum:i'g the term .of tile,~ FQJ: !~ tntqrma,· tion call .,,..... STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 2'16 Marine Ji/Ve. Balboa Island Harbor 20 OFEN FOR INSPECTION 1 to 5 Daily · 4 NEW 2-BEDROOM MODEL HOMES from $3595 to $6975 Low Down Payment -Easy Terms LOANS TO BUILD, IKPROV., BUY, MODll:ll.NJZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Trust DeedJi B. A. NERESON 1982 Newport Blvd., C08ta Mesa Phone Beacon 522S NEWPORT BALBOA lrl:D~ -~~~~~~~~~~­ See this beautiful S bdrm. home with many features. Lge. llvtac rm., din. rm .. tUed kitchen with k>t.11 Of cupboard sp&ce. patio, nreplace, 2-car garage. But.at under ricid FHA requtrementa. The term.a an $21~ down and the paymeata are only $18 per mo .. lncladlng taxes and lnsur. Full prtce - s bdrm., fUrnlahed ............• 12,600 J bdrm. A 1 bdrm. apt.··--· 1(,500 2 bdrm., d!Op. It dlsllw ..•••. 15,711G a bdnn.. """' ··-··-········-·-· · 20.000 3 bdrm. A d~n. vtew .. -....... 24.500 2 bdrm. cott&fl'!, larT• picture window. Cleve'r tnalde planter. Good h .. l. atall shower., f3IMIO boa Ialand, Sta.rting pricee down,\ $32.50 mo on Mlance.. ,fumiJlhed, $lS,750. $l6 ,750 Harbor 2662 ' or Har. 291t-M ;;:;;, We have them here on Bal- 1977-91 Maple St. Costa Mesa One Block West· of_ Hari>or ~lvd., North of 19th SA VINOS A LOAN ASSN. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Bar. 1100 3 bdrm. It den, view ............ ~.000 L#Mtnp Wanted ' PRIVATE MONEY to Loan 61-Real Eoit&t.i _Ex~h'!"ge WILL TRADE OR SBLL my new 3 B. R. Lalc.ewtK!d Plaza, comer home. G. I. t 4*--JG6 mo. in- cludes taxes. Fireplace. 1"" baths., 2 car ·prage. Brldat. nook, lawn, fruit tre@S. fdwd. Only $11,400 Phil Sullivan Geo: Everson • Rentall A Salee W. E. Fisher $18,500 and you i might just as well be o ~ Channel Front Home ISLAND. 5 bdrm., tumlah"1, attractive on Real Estate Only E. A. CHRISTY 2M No. Bay Front, Balbo& Island . 88p80 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5o/o fence. . . WOULD lllte Balboa laland-Ph. Barbor 21St-M. 90c95 lf!M · Newpor\_ BM!., Coot& M ... ~--.... 1U3 But.kWr -Realtor • Ernie Smith Rultor -A--'al<l (Acrou .rrom Coeta )(-Bank) 911 Cout -· COronJl de! Mar Evea. Ha. 31&7-W -MM-J Pbone Harbor H4S . Loon• quickly made in the Bay TWO or a l>dnn. bome '-pvt. :;.· Notice -. . 'Income Property Area and Lacuna. Slagle or owner.· Nwpt. BefCl"a or Coeta multiple units. New or ci.ld. Be llleA. Oil. Vet. '8.liOO cuh tO Trailer (}wners DUl!LBX-~ -of Beg,oo wbe. and eave by re-.ftn-ctng available. Call Beacon 8118-W .. Bhd. One aad .two btClrooml. This $16, 750 two-unit place is hard to beat ' for the mpoey. • J. A. BEEK Office • a Batbor IS ' your prue.nt Joan.. Minimum ex· eve. or Sunday, aap90 Owner will take $2000 or SoOd Good income. low 1tp1l:cep. pcnso. No cllatp -tor pNlial· trlr. aa ---.. tlolo • '11~ 'b<ld. ~I'll OJ'J1:CICR TRANS. nary appralaal. Phone Banta i,!!:•ri wtth o,tlon to llol>', 4 .....,. DIOe 1 bdna. -hll • • • _ ml8T a:LIJ - Ana Klmborly s-eGn or Wllto: """"· ~ -Ha1'bor price MOOG. " lllit. •to .. ,., Tll.IPUIX ~~ ·l"r<>Dt. :e...,.. yr. old a bdrm. 2 baU. -"' ARTHUR A. MAY ~ ~""'."'~~Ooll -. tum.. W ~ ......_ ;-:,;-=,::'at"':!'.::: Colla -. l'l>ftlod air -. home, patio, batbecue., bulkhead. flo&t. suitable for duplex. PliOO down. $100 rno., unUIU&l 'Offer. N. B.C . REALTY CO., ah4 It Newport Blvd.: Newport -.:h. 89<:91 Woderu redwood and glass ' Two lldrm. and _......t·~ quart.en. Ffacstone and wooel -Two ,..... old. In itn>V• ol ""- Beautltul view of the w~ lllDa -IJl exc1...i .. ---2 -from _..., IJl quiet ...... rouJN!IQP, $2Il,OOO. Oooot - 198'1 IniDe Ave., Co.ta M- PbODe 1leacon 5293-W -.Mortpp !Au. Ooo1--nt ff, ,._ ~. la rs• -•I' lot. -.u1 •-• V He9 Wnde. • •ts ~....._ ----------- CORON:A DEL r&:. · I will sell ':"Y home in Oo~& del ·or trade for & good medium ai&ed boUae r. 1 bdrm. • neat home rented toi'f $73 w mo. on a 45xll 8 , corner lot in choice location. ~ to build a home · on front of lot. • I , ~ . Price .Reduced to~, terms ; ' Call my broker, Mr, 'Snyder, 8&rbor 17 41 or Har· , bor 1477 or aemkaga, Baltlor 13$3.M. 89c91 • / . • • IJ - ·Corona qel ~ s;.tk & Beach Bargain $2500 nJ.....,;. I !flee oOttase and rental, one )alt • LIV"'ll • • to bay Oil I \i Iota, ~ • --........ Qoad ... .,..,... ~ laoclocaped. Older t --.,_..a11n•-•-· ~e, wu,.·....-w c. --Pa,,.,...UO cb!ll" -•'flt --'tl6in ~~ ...... rent. , I -· MNypa kit..... at- $8750. Full n.;..:ce tnicu._ -Addlt ... ,I .IC~· I MnL &f'l. llJ ..,. ~ • • ,..,.~-Lite"""-....... u --·lalW1oC .... -• _.,.... 1•1, a-~ -r::--. n -• ---o. .......,. AD --" tlolwt. -..a Ila ...,,.. !mW 1 BDllK. BOIR, lnt1 MOT'll: wm •c•c•"'•• o.ta·-..,. __ 1 • --1::::::::::;-....;=.._ Storqel. • ::... -:"' ... ""':;.~ ... • .:.-; ;.';;;· ....... ,.;;:-;;...... lf........... '11,1'1. ~ •I • ftD1ll&, Slf'lll. -...... 1ot ... ---·-Bay 6 B111el_J .ncl!olty_ • ~~ ........ llaw .1'Ml wW--..... ,...,_ ., ----114&.,._ -8t.,(wr Oolllp cA.-), . HM ••11-. -UM _. -.. 1IUa ... o.ta .... °""'6 --'PIL -_.. TOM PAYNE, R.lt.r. , __ . ------....... ~ Wiil Pil811lll lo i · S llr. Clll Jm H • '..._ -[;j·s~,~-~·~~--~/::::;~·~·~ ,_. IWOOMt• 11 CI ·!i;i°-' ll"W_. Mna. ...... JLMJD691•ft·~ p.L.•~ C J JUtr lj~:::ri=~~~~·~:I .•" .-OCWoMJ.Ga iMlli •w • ODeB, • P A. PALMER • --. nwl'OM,••1l•t1 '6•t111& n-•t l .. ~ ..._ ~,..... '-' ..... -.. :.-:.._ a1:i1'81 W W. 9atrr .... •1:1... . • IMP a ·iiD .. :..Ji M~ ..... .., • 11111 -.JIT~, w dnrl9 ~ .. ~,.._ .... IW"'9-~ · _ • nc'llll -.•·-llU ·-.._ i-. •11111t • •* __ ,.,, t •• •••-n • ._ .-,.. -,..11111 •~11!9-,, .. •• -· ......... ' • ' ,. ' , • , . • • • ' . • . . . • ·BIG SA~E ·DIYS. -·' ... ' " Prie-as Effediv' Octobar 25th tlwu 27th M.J.B. FIRST QUALITY BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Pint Jar J7c 1-LB. CAN SWIFT'NING PURE YEG. SHORTENING 3-lb. 79c Can /•~,.MARCO , LINDSEY SELECT 14 'DOG FOOD RIPE OLIVES , ' I • . THURS.. Fll .. :SATJ - ·Mission Inn Cling PEACHES HALYIS 01 23~ SLLICEDI ~o. 2112 Ca• YAN CAM~'S PORK'N BEANS No. 300 Cao 115 1/1-aLl 11~: \\\\l\TS & VEGETABLES • I 1' ~ Tau 25c NT0~1 ~ 21c £ ./ ~ Coas Con . , / Pillsbury-s Chocolate Far•Famed c;o ip 'N Chuak EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON JONATHAN · c!.CEwMix 31c TUN A 25c Largo Pkg.. . . . • . . . No. 1/2 Flot Can. . . '-· . 1 SUNSHINE KRISPY JOLLY TIME-TALL CAN r '·i . . ~~-~~!~~S26c ~i~N ·: ...... 17c J: · ·, · CLAPP'S STRAINED ' • • ' \. BABY FOOD GOLD MEDA~S-LI. FLOUR APPLES U. S. NO . 1 IDAHO RUSSET . , SPUDS • For Hallowe'eal Tree Top . APPLE CIDER 1/2 Ga>. ~,c 1•a1. 69' J•g ~ Jig lbs lbs TOIS · -.AYG. . 11·20 LI~ ff.~l-!!!g~-~: ........ ~ .. 163~ . . ~SRIN GIAIH-HD PICNIC snLE 39-PORI ROA!JS S.7 Ill. Averav• • PORiJECI BOIES 19r." silcio1"1Aco1 · str. HALiiUi1NSJEAIS 49r. sioiiili"'siEAIS 59r. Heart'• Delight Solid Pack."Hand•Peeled TOMATOES No. 21/2 21c Can • lord••'• Macaroal DINNERS 2 t.g:~ 25c Clrc•• Ylrgiola PEANUTS ~~ 29c • lttr11'tTOllHlta -CATSUP Largo 16C I lottlo - I Libby's NEW LOW PRICE! Dole'• Faacy PINEAPPLE JUl,CE No. z 11c 46-. 23c Caa Caa CAKE ••••• 79Cu. ai.,. '5< ooJ .... • . . 3 ""25c 49c Tomato Juice ·~.: 2Sc Van de Kamps ¥. 8 A!<(lll l ) j iij - iioTLROLLgi1x25c PiiCW'i1x 29c • r ~ ·-- \.q•· 10s G\ant 17C 10s • FROZEN FOODS . . LIBBY'S MIXED VEGETABLES YOUR CHOICE LIBBY'~ . PEAS 12-oz. Pk9. LIBBY'S -6-oz. ORANGE JUICE . Minute Maid -6-oz. Anderson's. TAN.GARlNE SPLIT .PEA . JUICE .. SOUP 2 .fQr 29c ·1.~1. l 1.c COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTERS I. Soon • mv..:ca I •·DOWNEY • NEWPORT BEACH 1311 IAST RllSTOlll ILYD. lat Daleal m COAST HlellWAT Cat '-11111 . Him u hllJ 'ti 1111• .... t _ Ilea a: '1z t ..-. ,. ti t'1 .. . ~~~-lif~~1"~·'>_ ~:~~~&~=~.I~~ • . . . - • • ' I • • ,f!uafify Ho1i. . 1 • • SALAD No. 1 Ttill 1s. , I • . ·~~I • • • • • • • • ' ·. • • PIRATES TO TRY TAMING ' TIGERS TOMORROW MIGHT .. Oran.ge Coa.st Coll•ge•1 football team lnvadff RiVUllde tomorrov.· nisht ror a p..me wh~h 'iould be Just u iouch u the. San Bema.rdlno. trac&a at Huntington &a.ch la.at Thtinday ntgb.L Ray Roao'• Plre.t.fll expect · a.nythlng t¥1t an e.uj ttme from Na.te• De Franc.L9c0'• Tll"en from the t.br.e 1 the "Oftlclala ca11 !Ol' the kickoff at 8 p. m. until the flnal gun along about 10:30 p. m . Tile Pirates will.be without the .... ------------- services of flrat string t.ac.klce Bob w oodhowte, described by RoMo u "easily t11:e best tackle 1n tbe Eastern Conference." He suataln· ed major injuries in an automo- bile" accident late Saturday and will not be ready for action thi11 week although he may be set for Chafff'y game Thursday night. Nov. J, at Huntfngton Beach. Outskle of the Jos.s of Woodhouse, the Pirate!'! appear in good ahape. There were ·no c·a.sualitiea ln the San Berdoo game and hard acrim· mage sesaiona early lbia week brought out no new tnjurles. Jim Magey, who ha.a yet to see action after dislocaUng an elbow early in the season, miy cany tbe ba.1) some and Duke Sanders, who has been nursing a sprained ankle should be set to go. Harlow R ich- ardson is still listed as doubUuJ. Hall~ween' Pcriy for Boy's Club Next Wednesday More than 60 priue wtll be awarded at the third annual Boya' Club Halloween party at the baae- ball field of the Coeta Mesa Park next Wednesday night from 6:30 p. m. until 10 p. m .. It wu an· nounced thla week. The Booeters Club ot the Boys' Club la promot- ing the party which will be on the same order u in the pat wi.th various fun conteata slated for the pary starting a t 6:30 p. m. follow· ed by a free movie and reftteh- mente at the Boys' Club. Games 8Uch aa penny dipping in fiour, pie-eating conte8ls. balloon fights, various .,rues, and other conteat.s will high.light tbe outsidf" part of the nlgbt's fun. Judging of coelumes will &lso take place during the varioW; events. Rosso's crew expecta heavy fireworks from ' Riverside's colll- bination single wing, short punt attack with Bill "1'ommy Gun" Thom8.l19ri in the driver's seat. MOVE IT OVER TKEU: • .aid o...,,.., C-t Coll•Co Fnll-k Hal Smith .(\\·bite jel"Sf'y) to San Bemardloo ·player M he picked , Thomason is a shifty runner and a better than average pamer with two outstanding ends, Tom Adams and Don Weiacht'd:el a.s receivers. Santa Barbara's ·gift to the T i- ~ers, J oe Hendry. Is touted u a n "all-league candidate .. as ~ full- back and has 220-pound tackle V i r~l Elwe&'!I to .spell him wben the going gets rough. Elwess bas won two games for" the R iverside t"levcn on sheer ground p owe r A super "scarey" picture "Black Dragon." staring Bela Lugosi wiU be shown at the ctoae of the ev€'- ning after the marrym&.kers have been filled with refreshments. Prizes will be awarded the win- ners of the contes~ and the wi.n- ners of th(' costume contest . The Boosters club &Jso plans t o glvt• special awarda for lhe ·best en- tries in the monthly art contest which this month is •·Halloween Scenes." TARS EAGER TO SCALP FULLERTON INJUNS FRIDAY NIGHT AT DAVIDSON FIELD Newport Harbor'9 !!paamodicaUy spectacular Tars tomorrow nl~ht will attempt to take the foolbaJl &ealp of Fullerton H lg h't1 lop-rated Indianfl at Davidson Field. The game will start at 7~30 p. m. .-, plays. Hom~.-comlnr \\o'eek Parents are welcome to attend For several of the Pirates it STATE SET FOR Definitely rated as underdogs, ~:~ ~~~~~~~· ,~;: :~~1~~ ~~:.:~:: 7n°1 lhi; ~::n::;1;i,:~;.,:·;: Mesa Merchants and Charley Black were two· of DUCK SE A ('ON the pa.st five years. However, the ~v~~i;e le~n:;~am be;~r~e:! r:;;~ AJ Tars arc hoping hit1tory ,,_,.ill re-t. Q Play South •pclahyoo 0 1rrs'.o Hlha~n.:~Fk sJm 0 a 88 u sc 8 mhoo 1 .thl peat itself ~ Newport took lhe ~~ TOMORROW .Indians into port by a 6-0 score ~=nety0~~a~eth:s s:m;re~~=~I~ in 1~9•1:· pre -b'llme staten1cnt to Gate Sunday H emet high and Glenn Woodf.rd ' Th p c • Al I 1 Id California hunters are members e res.s, oac11 rw n sa and Jahn McHargue also &re from r t th bl t du k h t Full Th dcd Although 0 ud Long has hung the desert area. They both per-o one o e gges c un • of ertC10: .. ey wer e conce ¥ formed al Coachella high school. lng clubs ln the nation this year, the championship even before the up hlJs splkl' for the se&8Qn. his Benny Arredondo ha]•-from Bar-says th~ Department of Fish and ,0 t-• Th 1 1 •~ Co.ta Mesa McrchaJ'lt baseball u:i Game. M'UOn s ..... r ~. e r v c..ury over team will carry on tor several stow high school. F tit i t •·t h t HwtUngton Be.a.ch la.at week end, more weeks under the dlrecUoo of Rosso bu set the same startin&' or e pr ce o a 8-. e un -tng .J.lee:Me aftdi.-a."'"'•feclftoM.. duck fS.20,,. .WU auppoeeci to be the Norm -Ridgeway wt\o was named lineUJ> aa lut-w ...... ••-'"'U"lo..,lit'"1oo...coxa-~1-9£inip: more than 1.000 ehooteis League 'dect&r .... At'thll., P'Uller-by Long to run the te&.m for the ception ot Bodine at right tac}\.le at a time can be accommodated ton's first string played only the duration of the 1951 aeaaon. The and possibly Gil Stern at center on 15,000 acres of the beat duck first quarter." .~ Me.rcha.nte tangle wlth ' South in place ot McHargue who wa.s shooting areas in the west. The healthy respect moat league Gale next Sunday altemoon at banged up Thursday night. Mc-Wben. the-60-day waterfowl teams have for ~llerton la ba.sed 2 p. m . Hargue will be ready to go, but hunting sea.son start.a at noon. on the f&r"t that the lndiaue are Man.ager Long was honore<I R0580 may elect .to aave him for tomorrow, the gales of 7 atate-fielding a m08Uy Senior cl.au ball-with a Bud Long day ceremony limited duties. Woodard and Don led t f 1 t club, the finll string being com-Jut Sunday and received nearly Paxton will be at offensive ends:; opera wa er ow managemen "'4.' areas will be thrown open to posed ot boys who have played $100 In c&Bh ILl'id gilt.a from mer- Ed Mayer and Bodine at tackles; hunters on a first-come, first togelheF for the put two or three chants and fans. His part in the Gil Marsh and Fred OweM at serve basis. P ermits will be Is-years. bueball picture was reviewed and gu4rds: and Stern at center with sued at designated checking sta-"The lnfllans use a short punt he wa.s publicly thankrd by Lion Howard Miller at quarterback ; tions on each area. formatlori and are always ready to ' President Bill Lord for his con- J esa Smith al le ft half: John Black In addiUon to the free shoot-kick, pau or nin from any back· tribution to Costa Mcu Commu- at right half a~d Ha.1 Smith at Ing, & $6 f('e will be charged for field position," Irwin reported. nlty spirit. His teanl then went fUl.lback. The riverside Jine, an-the use of blinds on porUons of "They have a good passing and on to win a Jopsidc-d 11-4 gaml" chorf'd by the burly Elwess, out-the Merced, Grizzly Ul land and ' runnlnjt attack a.nd are not we&k from the SouUt"'·est 1t-terchants. weigh.!! Cout's line. 191 to 181.4 Imperlal areu. To secure the uae at any poeltlon." The vi.sit.ors went RJdgeway will have a good while the backs of Riverside aver-t bltn•-h t t ~·l lo tht> Southern California c hamp-share of the te&.m which has won age 180.8 to Cout's 171.5. o U.15, un ers mus re"'"' er RI Id ha.s beaten Lee An-on th.e day preceding the hunt. loruihip finals lut year and are 11 of the lut 13 at.art.a here pres- vers e . Shooting gr 0 u n d s are open expected to reMStl.,t\la .year. ent. Bob BurdJck will catch with gel~s City. college, 26-6 , John. Wedne.sdays Saturdays Sundays, Ta"' to -•bl Rll!!lty Heman a.nd Rudy Casilla.s Muir, (which last week buried ' ' .-1• I hi All\ Thi ·11 be t S Ro 20-0) 13_6. UCY A holldaya and opening and cl01:1lng p le ng. . c eme WI a . kllla sa · • .. days of e~h sea.son. But Harbor'!! Tara are not quit-first with Ridgeway at second and Jaycees WC're held lo a 7-6 win. Checking stationa are located u ting before nor during the game. Bert Morales at ahortmop. Dick lhey also beat Santa Ana, 8-6 and foltow8 : Irwin enlphaistzed. "Our boy a Lan£> al third b&a:c will round out Chafft'y, 26-21 . Coast deft'ated Imperial management area _ won't give up," he said. addln~ the infield. Glenn LuckenbUl will Santa Rosa 13-7: Fullerton 20-7; Thr~ unlla 13 miles north of that they ar<.' improving ln root-&hift to centerfield a.nd Daren Mt. San Antonio 34-14 while los-Browley and four miles west; 60 ball 'savvy" with each game. HotUe will be In IC'ft fil'ld with AJ ing to Oregon Tech 14-0 a.nd San shooters ftee; advance regialra· Ho"'ever, with the temporary De•Lz in the right pasture. BANKERS HOLD MEET Berdoo, 1 f-6. The pre-seuon rat-lion for 266 hunten tn blinds may loaa of Fullback Don Aarvold be· ings givt> Coast a slight edge bf>-also be made at San Diego or cauae of a sprained ankle SU8.laJn- cause of more all around strength Los Angeles offices of the de-ed In a pile-up Monday night, the compared to Rivedaide's 1-2 punch partment; Tars aren't wh.iatling "'Happy More than 150 rt>preeentatlves of Thomuon and Elwess. Imperial refuge _ seven miles Days," etc., Coach Irwin Indicated. of community owned and op~~t- EASTER:\" CONFl'.RE...~CE north of Brawley, Imperial coun-Aarvold will be replaced by Aua-ed bank.a ln the Soulhla.nd gather· &'TAN DI.NOS tY: •200 a.hooters free'; tin Smith. a sophomore. l! hi• ed tut Saturday· at the Arrowbeat;S w L Pt.A.Op Griu.Jy Ulland _ stx and one· ankle-swelling keeps him benched Hot Springs Hotel .In San Ber· half miles south of Fairli('ld: 2!>0 aa la ('Xpcttcd, • nardino for the annual •Kt"icultur· San Bernardino ...... 2 0 69 6 shootf'rs free; regl.slratlon for 00 Othetwis('. the T'a.r Jlneup will al conference of the lndt>pe ndenl Riversl_de ................ 2 0 34 27 hunters ln blinds may al80 be be th.P sam(' as In tut week's bat-Bankers Association or Southern Orange Coaat .......... 2 1 60 3:5 made at Sacramento, San Fran-Ue with Orange, Irwin said. C&Jlfomla. of which the Newport Santa Ana ..... 1 1 31 1• claco and Fairfield headqu&rter• hJI uat torhthe recordr1• Fu1Iler1tohnt ~ar~:m~k of Corona del Mar F\Jll('rlon 1 1 42 33 of the department: t s year ~ won ve l!I rag a · ·· .... Colµsa. -three mUes aoutbwest games whJle the 'l'arl!I have won -------' Mt. San Antonio -. 0 2 20 63 of Colusa: 75 shootti:rs free; two, loat three. Chaffey ................. 0 3 34 118 .. --- -People do read the want ada. "Gamt-s thi& week -Friday: Orange Coast at Riwrslde. Sa.tur· day: P"ulerton &t Mt. Sap Antonio. PffiATE SCHEDULE Fri.. Oct. 26-et Rivereide Thun., Nov. 1-at Chaffey s11,t .. Nov. 10-at S&nt.a All~ Sat .. Nov. 17-at Boise, Idaho Thura .. Nov. 22-at Ha.rbor J . C. LAWN . ·BOWLING A met.hod of putting llle lnto the localJty -t mlll'riJIS 1111 beauty. ' Green.a owned and ma.tntalned by the Cit)' of Newport 8-lh for the ben"ettt of tbe public, ud operated under tbe .,,penloloO ot Ute ¥~ Harbor Lawn Bowl· °"' A-llano a DOC1 ~pcont Corpontlon. ... °"10 ot -Jllq: Wednelilo¥. J'rl.· ' daJr, Soturday, -~¥ and oil bollda)oo, lo 9'bJCh• u.. J!Ubllc lo corcllally lavlted. ~ lllQ be o~ at t1>9· ,,_ • ""1· Ina: days .,, eOll ~· Ill Hod,... lHl.·W or..,_ 9719-W. A, -. ~ --pltl- u.--· ..-. - ' up etat>t ,yarda· OD tllla run •Jllilnot tlle Berdoo tio,_ Thu...ay at.pt. Ed Mayer (IH) and Bob Woodhome (SI) movt1 tn for blockA. (Honda Photo) OCC SQUAD LOOKED .GOOD AS 'BERDOO .BEAT THEM By Rod' Mac MWlan As we staled Jut "'eek, tbei=e Is no humility in defeat if you lose playing the game to the bel'Jt of your best ability. Coast was nol humibeted by San Bernardino at HWltington Beach High Stadium Thursday night. They fought hard and clean right down to the finish, but just couldn't get those points up on the board. They were well vc:aed in the attack used. by the Penna~lva.nia Phantoms and stopped It cold ex- cept tor two tlm~ during the eve- ning. And those two times cost the locals a game which they felt should have been theirs. They out- played the Indiana at almost every juncture a.nd when the final sta- t ist ics were In it showed the San Berdoo team ln front by only 15 yardB In the net ru.shlJig depart- ment. daylight and went 85 yards . to score on what was the first ot few Coast deferuiive ml8Cues of the night. (Monday morning quarter- backs who yelled that Mel Smal- ley should have been tnstruced to kick away from Mims must have forgotten that the Indian safety man had fumbled two punU! be- fore this ai\d had made little or no yards on other returns. They. also must not have noticed that Smalley waa getting high tower- ing kickoffs to give hi.a defense a,._ chance to get under the ball. • .. . . ·. 1· -• ·, -. ~~,~~~E!!rep -or i: 8. Wtm . wUJ -· tldnp ...., (o. . . . mor.-.. ~d,.w a bye dat.e on ih$ mNteD. Ooa!erence J . C . turf~ • + After -lnr the ftnl ba)f o_f their foot.boll «lledllle wllll two wine and tout lott! ••. th~ Santa Alla 'Dona will take ·a· bOltd.l.y ID real up and r~rroup thelti rorcea before oonUnulnc-on wlth the pl&"•· aktn parade Nov. 2 &t San Ber- nardino. Being Conference Champlona for the put three oeaeona and "LltUe Roee Bowl .. · repreeeniaUvea 1n lHD;, the lean year 11u· nnolly caught up wtth coaches BW Cook and John Ward. The lou of key players by graduation and tMJ.Moo fen1 to four year 8Choola baa h.lt the Dona bard u tt bae otber achoola ln the conference. With only eight returning let- termen to bolster the .quad, Cook· haa relied on veteran• Bob Um- phreu, 'Floyd Strain, and Milton Wlkert. tn the backlleld, Frank Freese and te&m capt.a.in Chuck Sitton at the end•, and Marvin Kravitz at gu&rd, Del Broomell and Dathan Burne are two return- ing lettermen who have'been out- standing tn their deferudve pl&y. Freshmen who have wp&l"ked the te&Ql. this y.ear and hope. to make next year's squad a championship team are quarterback Bob Smith, hallbacka Richard Reid, Loyd Kir· b7, J{ezoley, ond Nobe. Kltadll, • and Bob Grtfnth. On U.. to wall ' a.re treahnien ' Paa1 ll'MDnger, Dollal4 . Stroud, and Carl 'n>omu ot t.be end poetlem. LeRo 1 Ztaenbrau.n. ~ W&J:D9 Sch""i:-berg, Deu lllcCord and Rober Crumli:7. toc1t1 .. ; Duane Gui n,, Jim Hataunagt. and Ralph O'°""" at the fUud poltll and Moore. Bob Quigley, lro Garey and Bill SpUrlock at center-. San Ana will reaume play lD two ~ aa they meet two Con• ference powerbouae tn succeufoa., They ~ve1 to Sa.n Berdoo to en- gage the high fiylng lndiana Nov. 2 a.net! then return to Santa Ana the ..following-week to play the Pl• rates itrom Orange Cout College.. In gaining their tint conference win ~ 1 .. t Friday llf'llnl~ Mt. San .lintonlo the Dorui showed lm-pro~ent In their blocklhg and tackllj'lg. Ip<>Mll! 6IRL BE'ITER Uttfte Nancy Loomis, 5~·year· I old daughter of Mrs. Je&n Loomt., 215 8'PPhire Ave .. Balboa Island. .who waa struck by a car la.at week u she skated out from behind a. parkecl car, 1B "holding her own .. at St. J08epha HOspital, Orange. The child incurred a fractured thigh, bead, ~ri.Bt and shOuJder in· juries, She 1B reported in good spirits. ' ' . DUCK SEASON HAS OPENED SEE US FOR GUNS DECOYS-GAME BAGS. HUNTING . LICENSE • BOB'S SPORTING GOODS 17th and Newport Blvd. COSTA.MESA Bea.GMl·B • SPECIAL! Pirate ends and tac kles deserve a sl&p on the back for their play against touted Perry J eter and WUlle Mima. Jeter had .....-..! o1, meet at wit! trr tn~ San Be praotlee tUU and against ChaUey ln the league opener but he oilly broke Into the secondary one time ,J°hu.rsday night 80 well did t e C'nda a.nd tackles have him c er- ed. ' M ims. who scored three t~­ downs in one game earlier in the acuon, did not receive a single pass against the Pirates who had hard-hitting Don Wagoner on him at the llne of sc.rimmage. His end around play which had netted sev- eral acorcs and never lea than 45 yards wu ·slopped cold each time quarterback Don Meyer's called for it. ~-w~, i!!<u>nlag pn getting a;;ia.._.. wWi; ..... u..--Mi1........or-ha - him fwnbTe and Joie the ball. They were riot about to admit that they couldn•t stop him. Once he broke away though, Smalley was in-· structcd to kttp the ball away rom Mims on punt.a which result- ed In several ahort kicks which didn't help put the Indians againal GUA.KANTEEl1 S YEARS 4 9 5 llecuJa•ll' $8.95 • • TIDS WEEKEND -ONLY Deh:.ue Alen Cou;t's detenite WM alerted 'for lhla attack and they 1\8.d It sty- mied. They 1tbo had the punt re- turn of Mims booked but slipped up as Mims ran lo the left in8lead ot the right for the first time thl8 sea.son. The 9.8 100-yard duh man looked like lightening a.a he saw Local Insurance Firm Low Bidder on . City Policies the wall. · Perfect Pus ThC' second" defenaive fault could hardly be called a mistake. Ned ParsoM had John Rushing cover- ed· on a long pltchout paas play from Jet er as be had been instruc- ted by scout reports. He wu right on ·Rushing but the pa.sa waa per- fect to him on a dead run and Pareona couldn't block the pasa without tackling Rushing before he had the ball. Had Ute PUB been anywhere but right on the button, chances are that P8.rsons would have broken up the pJay. Over eagerness probably cost the Pirates the game. Ten penal- ties. were called against the locals, elght for offl!lide. Eager Pirate forward men shot too fast and cost the team several chances. In lhe first of the game. Cout would have had a first down on the San Bcrdoo five except for a J1enalty for offside oll Coa.sL A few plays M.acKay, Jay &. Renfro. tow later .Fred Owens crashed through bidder on the city's automotive to tackle M1ma on the San Berdoo neet Jiab:Uty Insurance and for 12 where it would have been flre insurance for all automotive fourth down. A penalty for off· equipment, were awarded the con-sides (not 011 Owen.a) gave the tracta Monday night by the City Berdoo club a flrst down on lht> Council 30 in.ste&d. Had either of those Lla.bnJty insurance with the two breaks gone in favor of Coast, Roy&I Group lnBur&nce Co. of the outcome might have been dlf- Newark, through Bay Imurancc ferenL $1 ,957 .13 for the annual premium. loughle -ROaao'a crew may haw A.asoclatel!I, wiJl, cost the city Th.la RJv~de game may be a B The A.a8oe\ates' annual premi--a letdown &Iler trying· ao bud um of $419.22 quotation wtU take ap.inat San _Berdoo and then care of the flee ln.lurance poll-a.gain they may Pe ahoutlng tor clew on aU equipment covered by r~ven.gt. The Tigcra. ln the opln- publlc Uability and property dam· ion of Ros8o, have the tecond beet age poltclea. team ln tlle league a.aide from ____________ _.s.n Beroo0: 8TAS11.'l'O LINEUP No. Oraar;e. Coaat Poa Rlverolde No. do Glenn Woodard (182) .. -... um ....... : ........ To111 Adana (19!1) 43 M l!:d-X.)'1!r (193) ···-··-···-·· LTR ········-···Virgil Elweu (%20) 44 $1 Fl-ed Owens (IB2J ............ LG~ ...•........... l!:arl Topham (1701 2,3 118 ·au Stem (184 l .. -...... :.... · c ... _ ........... Jim H&mag<> <290> 32 ll3 GD 'Manh (180 ·······-····-RGL ·······-·····-···Oren Speir (llO) 24 ~·•any llodlne (11191 ···---· RTI; ... _ ....... Lloyd ~ 1193) 87 41 Don Paxton (1171 .,,__, Rl!l L ....... :_Don Wei.clledel (ltT) 36 io _.... Miller (157) __ .QB<BB.--····-····..Jlm WWianut (200) 40 ·as Jolin lllaclt (l8S) ---.RH-WR... .... :....-Ro....-Mopeo IJP), 20 1e Jeot sinJ~ (1731.-:---·~LH-TB,-..•.• sm .. Tbomuon ("31 >B l1 Hal Smith (18S>,.-~·-· . F ·-··----·Joe Hendry (llltl) 811 ... ..._ wef&'bl of 1., Oout 18l.f; Rl'?"'de 191 ' AYOri&'o> '"'rl>t of -· Oout l'!U: Rlftndde 180.8 >A>.....,.. wela:bl of toam-..ooul 178.l: RI--180'.' OIMt th .... Dcfi •• • . eoMt-....,.. .......... °"' . ! L& 8ld ... ~ (170) ,-µ!\ lllCI ....... , ('110) ' LT lid Ma,.. (1'31 . ,. LT !:d w..,... ,un) . td n-.1 ~ (182) .KO llm ~l'.lllM (i32) . .- BO J'lm KeollM (1321 • RT hfr1 -U•l JtT ''"' -(!Mt IUD J~ Nt1h (111} Bl: J-M•IU Ul'll LB Hal -(JIG) Doll 'l\'-(~t LB Doll W ...... (i.8) CM--(llOI l'8 CM-_.. U•~ 1'11 S _, llTI) · . RB ifed =(1111- --I Cl•> 118 -(l~. r .,....... -~UJ) a ~ .. I~) ' I WALSH HARDWARE 1844 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6603 TV 1 0WNEBSI r HOW MUCH IS YOUR . I -' TELEVISION SET • WORTH TO YOU? The answer is simple! It your Video set is .;orth so many of your h~urs of relaxation, it's certainly worth the ·fin r st service ... the kind only our TV experts can give, it. You can be sure that we can and will make .your installation, adiu•tments, or repairs with our • THOROUGH ~Y TRAINED and FACTOR'll' QUALIFIEO · ELECTRO~IC EXPERTS FULL y · EQUIPP D to SERVE Your lV. a:nd· RADI SERVICE NEEDS ~1 . ~o ..... ~ar1119'R ' . ~ : (... . ... . U.S. G• .... 1nt~ Ticlmiclci!m . ' 1.J: ... :-.-, 1· ' ~ . .. . -.. ~ .. . ' . .. . • coasr , + S .CO~ • f ) ' ' r ~AGE 2 -PART 1 f -THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 195 ( • " • · · F.our Natives .; Claim A~ards . :: ~t Church Program • r : Native Cal.lfornJans still aeem . ' -, Lady of M,t; Carmel 1441 ·Balboa Ave. SUnday at 8. io and 11 :ao. Week daya, 8 a.. m . Co.n!Ysiou. Saturday, t to ~:30, 7:30 to 8 :30. Sunday, before each ·mau. Balboa Islartd, SUnda)', S and 10. Satur- day, 8 a. m. Contesslona, Mme as abov~. ••• to be ac&tce. At the mOntllly fam- • Uy ntgbt provam held lut week ·• at Chriat Church by the Sea .. around the theme '"CalltonUa ... , Holkia.y," only tour adults of the ,; entire group present .could qua.H- • ty tor "native ions and dfUghten" Dally, e;reept 'sunday, Rotary • award.I. hour, K.FWB (980) 7:30 p, m. • ?n addition to recognition of na-For peace. : · t1ve Calitorn.Lan.s. the evening in-·s~, ... • eluded the ainging or CalitornJa Holy Maas, 9 :06 a . m .. KL.AC aoup and the showing ot a ma.g· (!)70) 11 L m. Catholic Hour KFJ " ntllcent set ot Ca.liJornia koda.ch-.(640) 8 :46 p. m. KGFJ (710) 'Hour rnmes. of St. Francia Clidl.nga 4 othere. -FINEST QCEAN FISH I • • I • ' • • • ' • • • ' • • • • • • t Eastern ,Oysters King Crab Legs Clams Lobster Abalone Swordfis h RETAIL WE GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO LOCKER TRADE · SEA FOOD ·SPECIALTIES . 516 3oth i>h.. Hu. 1507 ' • fidlW!IZ) Al A NIUC mYICI IT rD . ,._o6c.c1 bJ lrwta L Voe. lllOl9 IDSTITITE OF SCIEDCE ADMISSIOH. OCT. 29 THRU NOY. 2 -7:30 P. M. AVDITORIUM Newport Harbor Union High School --------~-------------------------· ---------• • • r • • Y ... .&L ( • ...ltfu New Pestor tO BelbM Island UUllt -"'.-.J Pteech ~ Melleodist . CliUreh {)bsmfed _ · · et St. Andrew'1 i.:"•.::V ·=:;."'!.i::;: It. ~. --wtll •-,Jolond "Oolnmuntty .XOtb· t St - W.IOomo tllolr .MW ........ Ille odlet cl>lll'Cll. "4n Ap.Old lllne-a 4 RcT • .Jun~~ I ·. ltcwart on ·lml· my." Ven w1n1a·ma .w be IOlo- . • -' -lllOndas .at """'10 o'ckldt IOt, ~ "Ucl!t" by -· "S ... 'lk -I 1pk ot It. ,_ -· Hie -Joel wm "" .. A Pu-• On lbe N.,_bn .. -at ~ 0'77 t· ew th ._ A.uoal toe'• DrMm IW HI• OWrc:b.'' t.be :::e ls llCbedu.led a prac~ Toatll ~ ~ -lun<lay Lat ->\loco.I Pne~ ll>r on for the Wffk Or the 0,l U L ID. 'PattlclJMl!flor fn tJM jolilecl wllb --0( S.-1)' llth lo Ille lllb. • -•"* w ... : . Nwy Xlllott. .Biii Vteta. Oomnwntty Cburdl In a Pruettt project <If the WSCll la Kulm, Corint Crooley, 0.,. l'anWll1 -&Dd ~tor-~ ..:oustlc&l pluter •anil Wrtpt. . T..s ~. Polit o... Mr. IMcwart. -hu -u &ttor tllat le <Olllpleted \hey WliJ ~ ·IU>d Tom Bolls. TIJolr fM1. d"'oDt lb lall f&lbor, D<. lltoW· -·-bait 1.Ue Oil t,ll "ell111'Cb ftlor ill MN. l"rucee H&mDton. P}w!!ftt...-were: Mpg ._ and tloora. • TIM -1&1 offerinr ot U.. youq Mm ... -~ Sdpr R. ' ,..,ie tor m•--UT. RW. IL s... JCalm..•MllJ&nl Jllor; Chr.1sti•n t! -·,ence in ~ wllb Ille' .. me.. -Dudol ..CO.-. Jr.. Dun· .. ~ °" --1 ot HGl.1 Bept-can No11o1:. &Dd lhocb spr1ncer. Sunday Te' 'xt ---.rod by the . rttt.or Aleo rep<.-Unl' lbe )'OWl..,. Chur:ch Council Annual.:Meefing to Be Held Tues. wi..a a .-. ot 15 ~ wore poup, Miiiard llC1i-, Vlqlnla Mal· ma~ membml · or Ula clnlrdl len4or. 8&rl>&r& Bandy, Boney U.rovih Ible -I rtte. 11..... BW. Bet Conlon. Joo Kim .. and ber• of lbe duo were: CUollne Barbara U...l•. .j.B .. ott. Bonni. -It. Julio A:f; Rn, &lid Mno. Bt.,..,. and com. Erl<: wolif, Bi.p!Mn Wolff, cl>lldHn m°"ed Ihle week to a Donna Kin«. 8&ITJ' Hall, TlmotllJ ~ at Utl.2 Circle Dri••. Bey Kina'. Robort Orm.-, D&Ykl lllon!s. L&gtJiot IU>d C&ri WolfL ' '' Tllo Chorul> C1101r ........ 1u nnt Corona del Mar appeennce ol' Ibo -D by lllnf; • n.. Rn . ......._ c . we1r • .,.. 1nC -1 ant11ema at Ihle -· Community Chur~h ecutlve ... ..,1ary ot lbe CllW'eb Yloo. hllowlnir Ott ""/U Mn. Fedentloo of La. AnseJ-~ the rranc.. Cbllda, dlncll'MI. J>l'O>' Tb. Rev. Paul Edward llahbltt, Gaer_al &ectttary ot t.he Sot.it.M.m aented the dtlldftft with thel1' at· mtnt.ter of tht Corona del Kar C&lllornla Cowicll of Pr-olfft&nt tendance awvdo. IUl!ty cbureb wW pre&cll Clturcliee, will ho '11>o ._i...,. at · A-wu. re<:«l...S 1>7: Ut In both the .,.0 &. m. th• Annual,MNl.ln&' of 111e' Orange y-pw · -$uoaii &omen. Lff and lbe l ·a. m ... rv1ce. of DIYlne Cow>ty COWl<il ot Prou.tant ll'ellt,,.e, Julle G&tbm&n. Chrlatl· 1"o"1lli> tho wbJect, •How dO OlUJ'Choo to~ held ~Y •n: &ii& a>tten. Kathy Hubl>&rd, Mich-You •Meet Crleu!" Thia le the nlng', OcL .SO, at the J'lrst Chrt. ul Devla,. John Gathman., and MCOnd in' & eertu and the minister tlan c.buicl\. J n hllertcm, tt WM JuHe AJCorn; lnd year plha: -oau Will tell how Stmon Peter met tM an~ roctay .tiy Rn. ·Tbomaa MUliro, su..n Col~. Gretchen Cole, ·C'rl:t11: ot his Hfe. The Chapel PefldelJ, pte91"'°ot or the Pranr CJuiat.te.nne Caner, .Bobb·y FOTbe.B. ~holr wUI alng 'ln the 9:4~ a. m . County council. The tbeme of the Je._n Forbel. Roland Peny. RJch-service, .,For Thy Gitt Untold" mttUna-. whJch , will begin at 6 :30 ard Perry, Jeretta ·Scanlon : 3rd by OO&ller, and the Chancel choir '"Y'ith a dl.rul,r, l& to .be the. Protest-y:ear plna -~Boyd .Bailey, Craig will •inc ln the 11 o'clock aervie.f', ant Reformatton. ·Or. Wetr, a Balley, Lof"CJ\ F1etcher, Diane '1"he Lord U My Shepherd," by c.h'\rchman "!f w1de «1ti>erience-and Hutcbeaon, Charles Peyton, Mar-Clokey. Both cbolra are dlrecttd the ·aµthOI' pt •everal boob, wlll cla Richter and S&ndra Godwin. by Mary Batten Steffensen. uae 1u h.ll. topic, "Our Proteatant • eanym,. the nara at Sunday's The Church 1echool meet.a at 9:40 Heritage.".. YouUl Service were Craig Balley, a. m. with-}'. A . Harwood u 8u- The mutie ol. the evening' wW be Ricky Webb and Loren Fletcher. pertntendent. The 7th and Ith turnl9hed by WUUam Carle, bauo, There ~ now 4.5 membera 1n the grade youth meet in the Blake staff arttst tor the lnternatlonaJ Cherub Choir. Their next appear-House at 10 :4~ a. m . Sacrt"d Recording company of "anc. In church will be on Thank•-The Senior High · achool youth Hollywood. Rev. Thomu R . P en· giving Day at 10 a. m. in joint meet at 1:00 p. m. with PauJ S. dell, pastor or Chriat Church by partJclpaUon with the Youth and Delp u Counselor. the Sea at Ne.,.•port B('ach a.hd Senior Choirs or St. James church. Thit church will cooperate in prt>stdent or the Orange County H&lloW&ea Ftte the Annual Community·wUle r-e- council. will be p rHidlng at lhe The Church School Halloween fonnatlon da.y Rally a.nd ~rvice mt'etin«. The~ wilJ be an eltttlon party to r the Beginners and Pri· at 8 p. m . at the NC"wport Harbor of offlc-rr3 and announcement of mary departments wiU be held in Lutheran ctrurch. pl8.ru1 for the County Lea.dershlp tht Parl8h Hou.se thia Saturday ------ Training school to ~ field after Oct. 27th, from 3 to 3 p. m. unde~ Soft Saints the first. or lht> year. lhe apon.eorahip of tbe Church Theo meeting ~ open to t h@ pub-School OuUd. Motion picturu of Sunday Th'eme Ile: Reservatk>ru may be sent to la.st yea.r's party will be ahown. the 8t"Cretary, Rev. Da.olel G. The children will come in costume at Christ Chur. ch Ridt'r, First Baptist church. 712 and receive refreshment• aftf'r North M&in St .. Santa Ana. All gAITif'S. reservations ahould be made to ~L B. Con\-ocation mttl the dead-line ot Thur8day , Mra. Ruth Pattison, pre.eident Octob<'r 25. of the Woman'• Auxill&ry of St. Newport Baptist Sermon Subject '11\e... _ ~ .. ,lVJJo. ... ..._n.a w e r s Pray.!r"' w111 bf the topic of Dr. Iran Ellla at the 11 o'clock .ser- Vi<"e of the Newport Beach P"l.rst. Baptist c.hurch. tocatt'd at 19 and Court •trttts. · At 7 o'clock h.la subject \\111 be "Neglttl of SalvaUon." Sunday school ~ held at 9 :4~ a nrl · the mid-week service of prayt'r and Bible atudy will be at 7:15 Wedneeday. JamE>s will lead a group or ten women to attend the fall meetlnc- of the Woman·a Auxllla.ry, Convo- cation of Lonr Beach, to be held at St. Luke'• church, Long Beach. • Tuet4ay, OcL. 30th. 10 a . m. the" rector of St. Ja.mes who la alao • Dein of t he Convocat ion, will attend the meetlng ~ speak to the womf'n on the miaalonary work ot the Convocation. Per- sons desiring-tra.naportaUon are asked to call the president at Har- bor W1-M'. ..Soft Saints" bl the sennon subject Sunday morning at C?hrtst Church by the Sea. The putor, Thomaa Roy Pendell. occupiel!I thE' pulpit. The congntatlon 9.'ill join other Protestant churchea of the Ha.rbor area In a Prote.tant Reformation day eervice Sunday evening at the Newport· Harbor "Lqther411 church. How death may be ·-llll<>Wed up In victory" u p~ In the Script ......... -In the Sunday Blble Leuon on "Prot>a-- tlon After Death" ln all CbJ1sUan imce churchea. ·Tbe Golden Text lo trom Jolln (0:21) and read8, "The hour \a CfXJllnl', and now Is. wben the dead &ball ·bear the voice ot the 8oo of God: and they .that hear • ._an live... · 1n a Bible pe•a•ce i.iAh mpoke probeUcally of man·i f»'ffdom trom eo1TOW and death when be "'°te. '"!'he Lord . . . will destroy lD tb.lt mountain the face at the cc.vering caa:t over all people, and the van that la •Pread over all na- Uons. He will awanow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from oft all tacu; and the rebuke of hi.a people &hall he take awaY'"' trom off aJJ the earth ; for the Lord hath spoken ft'' <26 :6-8). ·In "Science • and Health with Key to lhe Sc riptures'' J.ta.ry Baker 1tddy aaya cpp. 2'91, 232). "Untvenal u.Jvation resta on' progreaaion and probation, and Is unattainable without them." "It le only when the ao-called pleu- u~ and palNI of sense pua away fn .our lives. that we tlnd unquest- lonable signs of the burial ot. error • and the resurrection to spiritual life." Newport Circle to Meet at Mesa The Newport circle of Christ ChuTCh by the Sea will meet at the home of Mrs. Edwin D&et- w eiler, 231 Sparks Ave., Coat.a Meaa, Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mra. Arte Arey will be co-h~teu . NEWPORTER IMPROVING Sheldon Smith, 1215 • 27th -St., has returned from St. Joseph hos- pital where he made a stay of nearly two wee ks and was treated for a heart condition. He is lm· proving , but will be confined to his bed !or a few more week8. •••n v-• '" ,\ •• ,,...,~ ~ .. ._::it\<,&-,CCCh\, .. ,.. • -People do reaa the ·Pr"eu &.Ah. Harbor Oldsters in Advocate Lutheran (;hurch Reformation Day HOUSECLEANING Great gT&ndmotheni who were honored at a 1peclal program at " ' 0E0&GE 8Pl!AKE CJ0900Ct1J a spedal,. toriauJa tor a demon- stration.. IA.. ..S e r m o n •· from 8clentt-" H. B. C:Jark Now i\Yltll La Perte Realty Co. • IL B. '.cit-who ~-b<en enpl'ed ln tht> real ettatie busl- neea ln ea.ta Mesa and N°e"'- po~ Beech abtee 1947 ... DOW the Be\V AModate Brok~r with 1£ hrte Jlalty at 11188 llou· bor Blvd., Cost.a Mesa. ~ WU mrtll rece11tJy 1n the A. M. 8mitb otnce, 1't9'vport ae.eta. Opportunity 18 lmocklng Ill I CLASSlFlED ADS ~j MR.2ev4 BYHOMER i.1J -' "I'm goin9 to hool it to the back of my tra~err' Pb""'" --... ,, • I.et us P881st you 1u Yf1" plans. We w 111 J::'/'dlY estimat.e costs of materials, recommend a Jnh-acror or help you o~taln a Tttle 1 I~ for uiw c;onstructlon or ,..._ mp<ieHng. · · I • Bomer Mellott,. ~-re•r OTBl!:R y ARDs: . Laguna Beach-. Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Brea. , • .._ _______________________ __. Chr~t Church by the Sea la!t ..The ReformaUon's Modem Jn . terpretatlon" wtlJ be the sermon theme at the 11 o'clock worship service in o~ervanc:e ot Reforma- tion Sunday. Putor Herbert C . Roth w1U uee u lhe text tor his sermon D Tbeeaalonl&na 2:3-12. Gene Roth will preeent '1'he Ninety Flrst PNJm" aa a eopra.no SOJO. • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • I • • • ' • ' • • • • • ,. • • • . • ' ' • • • \ • • ... \ • • • .. • How often h~ve you had someone hang up just as you answered the telephone? It isn't always pos.111>1o, you know, to get to the telephone the moment it rings-the folks you are ailing D11lY be out enjoying their garden. or busy in some distant p.:irt of the house. You'll reach them more often ... and avoid the disappoinnncnt of an incompleted all if you give them a full mimllt to ariswer. . ,.,.,.1-t ~ ....e. is ymlls, . if you give the opcratw th~ out-of-town telephone nwnbcr, rather th2n just_tbc name and address of thc.pany ydn are~· You'll not · •only save your time •• , but calling by number means ~~ service fot e•cryone, -• especially now WQ<n loog cliltm .,__ . ~uug&re~ 9!1 lmnY W'gtllt lncltiltriai IDd militlly calls. ~ Plcfffcl ..... R! ....... -... llill• ....... !·pring had their picturea appear in the ~t. 18 baue of 'lhe Chr-Ultl.an Advocate," nAttona.l 1 Mt lhodiat wee kly magazine. Mrs . Stephen Weatherford waa given special m@ntion tor ber 29 great- g-randchtldren and her continued activity and zeal ln the life of tlle church. Reformation Day'/ Rally for Harbor Ch~urch~s The Proteatant churches of this area will unite to commemorate their c0rrimon relJgiou.s herttag-e at a Reformation Day Rally on SUnday evening at 8 p. m . The Rally ie being held under the sponsorship or The Newport Har- bor Area. Council of Churche1 . It will be held at the Newport Harbor Lutheran\ Church, 102'1 CIJ!! Dr\ .. , Newport BetghU. Tile Heigbta: The pubUc ta moat cordi- ally invited to attend Ulla commu· nitY·Wide oOMrva.nce. lt was on October 3lat; 1617 that a young monk of tbe Augu. tln1an. Order by the name ot Ma.r- un !Luther nailed a llOt ot 1111 1 the:&ta: or atatementa to the door of ""' ~hurch at WltW!burg. Ger- mani. proteeUn.r abuH. 11\ tacb- tng:a ftftd ln tlae practlca of tbe church In hla d&.Y. I ne relUltant reform sprem . throughout Cltn.tendom and be- came the • chief factor for t.be A Protestant Refonnation Day Rally will be held at the church at 8 p. m. 1ponsottd by the Newport Barbot-Are-a C.ouncU of Churchee. The public la cordially invited to attend. SwuSay &ehool meeta at 9 :30 ·a . m. with cl.i.asu ror•'ill ages. The Adult Bible Study Group also meeta at t.hia. time especially for pa.rent• of Sunday tchool children. Free bu.a tr&n.sportaUon may be OIT&nged by calliJI« lie&. &OM-W . The following is 9Chedule for thll week: ... ,. . Thur9day. 8 p. rn., Church Council meeting . Saturday. 10 a.. m. C&techtsm clau for 7th and 8th grade pupils. Sunday, 9 :30 a.. m. Sunday .-cbool:.11 a. m., Reformation Day aerrice; 8 p .. m .• ReformaUon Day nolly. Monday, 7 :30 p. m.., Bible .tudy houf'; l :IO p. m., Senior Choir re- he&nal. . WedJ>eeday. It p. m ., Halloween eoetume puty. J'rid&y, 1 p. m., WorJd Commu. nJty Day aerVfee: -• S&t.ul"day, 10 a. m ., C&techiam clan. Saturday, 5 p. m., Annual flab try. The chpreb le open dally from 9 a.· m. to 9 p. m.. for private de- wtlon.L Putor'e oftl« boun are from 9 a. m. to ·lJ ,_ toe .,..... early eetUtmtnl of .A.lnertcan by .urtaJ coimwttnl' at the panonap retllS-Kel<fllc .lr'eedom to ·411'ecll)1 aenm trom tl\o d>llr'<ll at p<e&dl and practice IJle!r ....UcfoUa um curt Drive. Newport HeJpi... faith ~ IA> lbelc eonvte-• u.,.,.. It le for lb-...,._. lbat Ihle dOJr conU..ua IA> be celd>rited 'Y, Ille cl>lll'cl> ~t Ille world • Callfomla CAM IO ptt cert ol the nau.-. .p11=taea and M pet- e I ol Ille ·-·· .,..., ... Tiie Rn. hul &. -u. -J'DllT ClmJJICB GI' mDll9T. tor ot tbl Ooiiw.ut;y Oonfnia-MJ'*"Dft • tioll&I d\Un!li, 0..-del ll&r wW A -ol --~ n. be tbe p6ill. p-+.r. ,_ the ~ F1nt 0ia.-., c:ru.t. ~ • culon. ... ... DtlliMm wot lte ............. l •• • -bf ......... "' tk Cam--Vt. i-. _ ... '!"¥" munl\y --.a.rdl, Oo111a -'S::?.:••t t 11' -.-. - --.. .......,. 11 111 ... .. ~---ot patt.lelpadlls .. I 1 ,, ............ 'l;M .. .. ~ wlll tdle put .. ca&· ••• , •• ._ ......... ''' ~ ~ • ~ :111 ............. t =---t !':~ -'1' ,r;:-~ C. ....,, Ila .., .... , a ......, ,,,._. ••• • ..._,.._ tor..!:t..""'un zwsmt.I ~.£l3' :.:J'f~.:, , .• -"1 .' Bl G SAVINGS! Out they 90 -at substantial discounts - All old stock -Floor Sampl~s -one of a kind -slightly . damage~ n~mb.ers­ While they lasf' as -much os 1 /3 .off regular prices. ' BIG SA VJMGS! , . • .. ..... ..• \. -. ACC8'19 ' • .. ·" ) • • • I • Van de Kamp·s >t AA+(( RIE S ifii COSTA MESA t 100 Newport Blvd. CJORijNA DEL MAR 90S <Jout Highway 1.AOUNA BEACH 2:'15 Formt Al'enue ' • , legion' Auiihary Dresses Doi~ ~::b~~hi;'fe~ a~~~!S.~~~ .. ma~·_s;_P_r_o_j_ec-:--t--;----5-~E·;:g ~ UU. --·wu the prime Blllp Pkt}' will -tbe laformal ptber- concem of memben of the New-Announcement of a blnSo part)' i,.. In the klnderprten ,,_.. from po<t Harbor American Leston to be beld at the LeglOll ball, S to f I'-m . __ _. to wbjcb wUl be o~ to tbo public "'1'Pl!!e of the te&· la to stve Auxiliary u they pre.--.. on ell.bu the 11th or 17th ot Nov. m~ an opportunity to meet dreu •lc?ty bo01< doU..-for the whlcb will be open to U.. public, one another. Mn. Ra)<, Tralltweln, veteran'• Chrlotmae project-fol· 'YU made by, Mro. Moaa Hayden, P .·T. A. pr .. ldent, la vctendt,,. a lowing thelr replar meeting In who .,w bave charVe ol. plannlna. cordlal tnv1taUoo to au membera Legion hall Monday nlcbt. Community eet'riu cll&lrm&n. to atte.nd. Sb• advloea that no One doZen doU. have been p11r-Lue.We Gehret. ouUtned pla.M bualneu i. echcd'uled tor , t.bU chued by the local unit to 1Upple-which are belnl' completed tor a meetlnc". · ment gift donattona wbleh are decorated car to be entered ln the: Ananpmenl. for the tea have being a.skf?d tor nov-: throuchout Af'bor day parade Nov. s. A.a re-been made by Mn. Cati Trick, the atate to lnaure & Merry Chrilt· quested. the Auxiliary bu ~ membenhip cbaln:nan. Xra. Trick I maa to the tam.Wea of hospltal.Lsed a.u1gnec1 the bell .at 13th at.reel report. that the membership drift veteran.a , and Balboa Blvd., Mn. Gehr8 J pl ed I •·clud~ ... in the reporta of unJt uat com et wu ·very eu~ .u1 =i stated. ru.i wtt.b 80 per cent membenhJp activttie!I, which formed the buUt Cueru for the evening were for tbe Main 1ebooJ atudent en· of lhe buainea seaalon of the Mn. llltchell of Mauachu.etta, rollment and 100 ptt cent teacher meeting, wu tbe announcement wKo la vllltlng Mra. Marlon Noel, Of a m·-ber·'lp contest belng U ~-Mre memberahtp. Me.mben.h1Jl8 are ...... at• and pro.pee vc memuo.a • continuing to come ln and will be held betwei!n the 21st and ~th Allee King· and Mra.. Anne Fahl-eoWlted Ln the Unal tally tor lhe districts, with tiorae racing aa the berg. main ecboo( theme. Membership cha.Jrman, El· Aa tbe meeting adjourned and teen Inna:, urged the ladle• to t.allc turned to nursery rhyme Aaalatln& Mn. Trick with tea launch an -•1-out drive lo put h ,_ f kt .. plan1 will be the entire Main oia.i fuhtona, refrea men .... o coo their horse.-sub8equenUy named and coffee were aernd by host· School P .-T. A . board. Or. . . c c· D 'Back to School' ~ 0. · · Progra m for I ~ey S~ted .1 Mesa P~rentS Plalul for a llPDU• block-by· P&rento ol Coca Ilea Main bloek OU1W1 to llat all lltruc:tures oobool Children wUl : bave .,. . op- la <>nap and IM AJICele8 coun• portun.lty to ....uy So ~k to u.. which can bo U80d u bomb School" • -111.ituw durtn1 aa atomic attack-on No~be.r tth, accord- will be c11....-by etvU def.-. ing to Mn. Ray Trautwein, P .-T. repruentaUvea of more than 60 A . Pre.sident. . Mesa .WSCS Bazaar s rated for Thursday ! oommunJUu at a meeting on F.rf.. The faculty and the P.•T. A. AU la in read1neu for the an- .lay. ' -are jotnln&' in extending a cordial nual h••aar-to ,be staged Thun· Emut S. DIRm. n~onal co-day Nov 1 by the WSCS f'_f the ordinator for'l.lbe &tate Office of Lnvttauon to all parent. lb attend eo.la M'esa Community Church Civil Defenee, announced today lhta lntereslinl' eeeaton. T h I • wscs ltarttng at 10 .a.m. at the that the meetlnc 'Aoill ~ held at speci&I ••Ba.ck to Sc.boot" prorram church.· A cafeteria IWlCheon will reCJOD&l OCD • headquart..... 1133 wu planned to stve the parent. be eet'ftd trom 11 :3-0 a.m. to l Weat Second St., Los Ange.Jes. . a.nd teachers a ch&.nce to become p.m.; ua from 2 until 4 p .m . and "Shelter ltom Atomic Attack better acquainted and to ctve tb,e a ham dinner from 8 until '8 .p.m., ln ExtaUnc Bulldlns•." a 58-page parent.I a better understandlnc of priced at Sl.2:i. Tbere will be a manual recenUy lslued by the the school program. background ot entertatrunent dur· Federal CtvU Defense Admlnistra-Classes will begin prompUy at Ing the dinner Interlude . Uon. will fonn the buia for the 8 p. m. with an A..aajmlbly ln the Booths will include needl"{ork, ortent&Uon courae. Brig. Gen. audJtorium and achool wtll be garden, cooked and canned foods, Dwleht F . Johna, Chief of the en-di.am!ued at 9:00 p. m. Room truh and treuare, candy, flsh rtneerlnl' division of California's motbera will be on hand to a.salat pond and parcel po.st. "Bring the OCD. wtU conduct the aeuton. the teacl'lera and refreshment.a family and enjoy the day. Thi.8 U the eurvey I• staged In ae-wl.IJ be served in each room from bazaa-4 Will solve your Christtna!I cordan'ee :-vtth FCDA'a request 9 t~ 9 :30 p. m. gift problema," aaya Mrs. Ray- for detailed information. thou-Both Mom and Dad are urged mond Jimea. ._.general chairman of sanda of volunteera mu11t be re-to mark Tue8day, November 8th the event. erutted foT the huge undertaking. down in their calendar u "Back -----~ "Sailoni Choice" -Into the win. eases Adraln Joyner and Mildred place or show bracket. Bonda. Included wUI be member:s of to School Night" -and to come A total of 5,980,000 U. S. De- -Claaalt1ed ads are read by folU engtn~rlng profeuioOa, architects visit at the Costa Mesa Maln fenae Bonda were sold during the Out.at.anding report of the eve- ning wa.a given by hoepttal chair· man. Mildr:ed ,Bonda. who gave an enthualaatlc account of the picnic and fishing party held for ward Nl-4: of Long Beach VA hospital Wednesday at' Legion hall. The Chicago O:>uple Want to Buy Here wbo &re look.Jng to buy. and contractors. School month of August, ~~--------~-~-------------------------------=-...:.... _____ _:_ ________ ........ __ hostesses were attired ln blue jeana, plaid 11hlrta and straw hat.a to accentuate the fishing theme, she related, lending a delightfully informal atm08phere lo \.he oc- caaion. The gratitude expressed by the participants la ,a rare ex- perience that accounts for her committee' looking forward to the monthly picnlca, Mrs. Bond! eon· eluded. Vt.ailing from Chicago a.re Mr. and Mrs. William S . Fleek, gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Francia Horvath. 118 ~th atreet. Mr•. Fleck h1 Mrs. Horvath'a alster and she and her husband, Chleaeo bankeT and real estate broker, Uf>'Ct lo be here tor two weeks. They are ex· peeling to become permanent residents lrt the area ~d are looking tor rea.l estate infest· men la. SAl'EWAY When the younprers visit your home next Wedoea.- d.y night. be prepared ... have plenty of -rreats" on hand. Y ou.r neighborhood S•few•y ia featuring low prices on • ba&t of holid.y goodie1 that wil( delight "'trick-or-treaten." Refreshments for your party.100! Come in today, get ready for the big evening by &electing your Hahowe'en needs from the wide variety on diAplay. • SPECIALS Jelly ... llS . 0.a ngo and 1 ... 23c Mock, Ro.d>wy iiol THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATl.1RDA\' Masquerade Costumes 98 ' \ p mpk"in'AsCK·<>-LA.'<TER1's 13 t REOl'L..\R $1 .!3 U • • • • • • HA.LLO\\"EES Skeletons l'LA.ST•CJ Clothes Pins.i ... 141 H.-g. 20c Buy ~O\l' and SA \'t; on Ll9UOR TAXES See us on CIL!te deals I 0 Plf"<.'<'. OARME!"\T Covers s PECL\L 791 RALLOWEES Masks ...... 13 ' BATlll"SG Epsom Salh 25 ¢ ~ lbfit-Krg. Sk 10 INCll RCA TELEVISION . SET 1o.'11 0°3 / Aho Olhf"r Barpln5 at Udo Slore Only Paper Towels • 5 /89¢ Box oi 30 Christmas Cards : .• 37# HAl.LO\VEEX Crepe Paper 13 ' HALW\VEEN Mc:isks ...... ...... .. 9" lo 89t MaplJylDs and · Kcplar Mirror ...................... 291 ReJ. fi9a ; NYLON Hosiery ............. $1 .09 81 Gu.&e 15 De.mr CANDY TRICK or TREAT 80 Pope; Re1. 19e Bobby Pins ..... 19' I.a Plaatlc Tn11• Houblgaat Gift PaekA1e9 Hand Lotion $1.00 s Bottle. CANDY Corn . .. . ............. __ Jb. 29' Rel(. -plat Hand.erclliefs 6 for J~ • Mizlng low~ ....... _ Kisses 8'-g. S9c lb. t I os. LIBBY Tumblen 8 for 78¢ BOYS BLACK Jeans ._pa1,$1.59 ROYAL RUBY Tumblen 6 ror 331 HALWWEEN Party Hats .. 13 ' CIGARmES Nov. 1 STQCK UP NOW ilfetal Wente iaskets . . 98# . • NaiM .......... ,. APPLES • lhU ,,,.. er-.. - Bell "'''rs Colifonla ·-·To-. . EXCITING OffERI • • • YCMlr .,...:. ill 22JC 0.W ... • lell P-eiM '°" encl P-0 s.t .. , Mly SOc encl • .... -lalMI. '•" -· ... ja<. 711t71Wi -:: 45• "i:' 75• M&TONNAlll (Holl.pot, 25c) NH# TIEii NlHI AinrlJ Coffee =..: t!' 72• Grind ot •tot.. CJ-lb. boQ. 2.1 )J M Hill Coffee ~~ ~ 1•·· In ..coiOioy bog. 12-lb. baQ. I .41J Ehn Coffee ~= '.!' ,,. Drip Df ,.,tor. 12-1>. Cor\ 1.51> 1-lt Mit ~ .:: 21 c • ..._.. ................... y, ............. -~ ... s. ... --..... C11111111111•... 1!..:.. I 1t- 1 ''<l'fll, ,,..,,._ 1Qyor1 ~ Ne) ........ ~ = 11• ' 5"11•m1es ~= . ·:.:-Jt• ' 01 -_.... ~,,. .• --.... Mrs; WrWs 111111 ":: 15• ---.-,....... ....... l1l1r:1r1111 ; 11• _w_..,_, __ M1•1 (dllt Wilte -"9 "°"· ....... , tal.-."-'Y. .......... ~5c; s.. ...... ""·'. Wft ......, .,.., a. 'Tia I ·Sala 01• T._ .. 1il 1;ei:oL t -·: 14 -.-.u ..... ........... "" .. --.... o& MrllWAY-• -. -A ............................ ............................ Jw right fw Hallo-·en -(Ro.d>ury ' Licorice or "-'"<I Jelly Joans. I ·lb. bog, 23£) Rox'""' Cii• Drops ~ 23c Uc.orM:e or AuortecL Jelly DrlllS Rs;=: ,.____ 51i S Roxbury ........ ~ ll<ond Chocel8ttDrops 2 1 ..... 25c .... l! 23c ,..._ 27c ... ROJlbwy brand. Old lcnhlaned 1ype. lss0111il CHws ~=~ t;' l9c ,...... ~~ ~ 15c (V'wginla ,..., .... {S-oL bog 19c) IOGllM , ... llfs I~ ~ 29c Pinoll l•les °';".,":.;',,. 1~ 23c P I 1r l1;•iu ,... 12c ZN brand. WWtO, 80 10 pod<"90. Dido Celli ~ -.-;,,..k;•.-10c Candy lars Nickle 'Size ~ i ,. AND " ..... um .MINTS _, .. al 20 83c 59c Pope.... Jolly T;me 10..i. 19C Brond COil Whit. or yellow. For Hollowe'en. C ... • Nutl1 Bros. 1et-.L 29c 115 a;9 Buy !'k!lo Wesl• Cookies G~~.·· 'Z'-3k M•n••all..S ~~·u~ 2 ::';19c s ... Sim Ice Crea1112 p1s. 35c Va nlla or chocolate ... (Pint, 18c) Party Pride CATERING 2 ...... 47c Popular Aovon, plus chocolote•olmond (pint 2-4c) son DRINKS ' 2 ~ 29c :;;~ 1.69 DriYe away the «ho&t of high prices. Shop at Safeway where you can he 1ure of low pricea. YIYA COlA 1'1F.SB EliliS AIDE A WEOIUJI 12· ---·--···•C-... IUT=-~to-llowdh·'bdoallallow9'- IWIGIBDI'£ r!iW:::::~. ..29°· TOlllTO JOICE =T= 4::-21° FLOUR o•-er.11. , .... aec ........ -... • ($-Ml. basl, 47c) lllC CO(l(J'EST ENDS OCT. JI. c.. J.,.;J,., 1-s.1--r. • CHEESE FOOD Van 7.ee brucl. ~., .. Special ptiee. riii ' • • • • APPLE CIDER . TNeTop I (gallon, 69c)' Martinelli (9Dllon, 85c) AppleJuii , ~3gc :=25c Wcstfair "'°"" • 1 'l ' • \ • • ' • • • • • • WHERE . JO DINE • WHERE TO 1:0 ' (Lut In • ..n ... of artl!:lu -Rod .... .,... apllCloo of )'OU1' Community Chai. I • DANCING• •. A lot or people cton't knoW t.11at Cul> SC0111!4 tint bopa rlPt hen In Newport Bueb, w!llcll ba4 I .. n...t ~ In lllU. BU. 1'9"' w.,. the cub mOftftlml Snauaurated by ---Jack 'l'W!.c. bad pro= IU.lr to MICb an txllftt thMUllMJUl Ille COWi~ that It wu rormaJJy ....,oentud by the Natlonal Council. I ••••••••111!11••• Tb, Boy Scout movement In ~ -. _ CACTllS C At. A REFORMJ:D ~IAN hi Uward (IAdt nlbtp.), bel'V or Tbe Omnkart.1. ~lnc "·Ith his wife-Mary (Slrirley Zft&Je.t). Pla,ers Work.illhop rroup "·Ill pttt1et1t the tlme-honor'f'd eu-lodnma..,..at tM \ 11amJJoo Room ln Balboa on e\·ealnp of NO'Y. %..S.. 1-1 alld 18-11. (Photo by Gerhardt) . 'ltrsatile Cast of 'The Drunkard' Promises Well for Favorite Play Newport Buch wu lnlU&ted with H b Pl • meeting of loca.I bu.In ... mrn, ar or ayers htld In th•' o!l1ce or the N.wport G t l.-!!-!d lla..-Marmo Corp0ntlon In De-tO t!t n8f: rn t!tY cern~r. 1121, and a month tater 1 F II p -rfy Jack Twist WU made S<outmutft' TOr a a or the ttnt troop b'l Ora.nee Coun· ty, Troop 5. Flftem mtm~ of' the cut Today the Bubor att• W one from "Goodbye My Fl.Dey," tlnfl of the seven dlatrlcta whJch make Harbor CommunUy Pla)'el'I pro- up the Orangto Emptre Council. ductlon of the M&eOn. wUl take Bob Cha.mberiatn, "'ho had. three t lm• out trom reheara1a Frk!ay years at the Berkeley Council, B. ev.run1 and Join lbe 8 o'clock s . A. ~fore coming ~o $outhern party at the home or Betty J~~· Calttomta, is diatr1ct executive, 223 Via Orvi•lo on Udo lale, ~or and John Keeler t.s leadenhtp the Playen' tint f&ll memberehlp training chalnnan. More than 70 gathertnr. - men a.nd women have volunteered Prealdenl llart.hella Rand a 11 thelr time and efforts to advance MJd lb&l the monthly m ember1' tcoutlng, and the moven1ent ha.a meetlnp, new thta yoar, an prov- usumcd three maln dlvlstona. The lng very popu1ar, a.nd that wlth CUb program la !or boys from w new members a t.um~ut of 7~ eight lo 11 yt'ars of age. Boy or more ia expected Friday eve- Scout! for boys 11 lo 1-1 ; and tht-nJng. Se'a Explorers for those Crom 14 The Workahop Dtvlsion of the and older. Community PJayeH will ~ fe&- ln the history of scout ing In the tu.red Friday, with Sydney MorTU Barbor area UI!. troops have' met of Coeta Meaa directing the skit. ln ewrythJng tron1 a real estate "R I.a N ight Out." Gene Wagion- ot ncc to spec1ally con.atrucled er ls the husband who took It. hut.a for their UM-, The Tar Pit , Corinne Kfl'Uogg 1.9 the wife whet has rc.-ccntly became ht•adquarten didn't wait up ror him. Warren fur larger &88tnlbltes. Kcllor• provides moral support u F1nt Drum Cofl>!' a hu.band'1 best friend. .. Goodbye My Fancy," 19 a lhrtt-act comedy -dtama.. and playen member• wlll hear reportl h'om It.I cut Friday and from the director, Mrs. MarjoMe Wllllamaon ot Laguna.. ProducUon Manager Nath&JJe Mlchaud will alto, be heard, aa wUI Patt Wltle, who la In charge of play ticltet aale11. Final plana wm bt madt ror Play- er-a parUclpation tn the Arbor Day In 1927 the Newport Beach , Scout. Orum and Bugle Corps I made it.a initial appearance ln the county Anni8Uce Day Parade at FUJlerton. Complete d r u m 1.11d bugle corp5 equipment had been g-lven the local troop by IL L. ShC'rma.n &J\d the work of coach- ing the corps wa.s taken oveor by Harry Hyde of Balboa. There are now about 500 boys the ca.st or The Drunkard,.,_______________ in the Harbor area in Sea Scout- wh.ich I.A being prr!f'nted by the Teatro de Santa Fe tn New Mex· lng, and over 2Mt boy,. are at lh(: Playwrights' \Vorkshop Theatre ico. He was it.age electrician for Sea ~ase, 1335 Cout HlghWay, grQup at the Bamboo Room in both companies and played tlle each week end. Twtnty years ago Balboa for thrt"'f' conSt-1.'Ullve wee k juvenile lead in Hf're Today with there w<'rr unly 16 boy11 In this ends bfiglnning Nov. 2nd and 3rd. Ann Lee and Harry Fh .. 'f'r fslngt>r unit, whh.'h was caplalnl'f..1 °by Fred can proudly boa.st or the number &nd actor of H igh Button Shoos Ba1·nc lte. head of the local life of very talent~ and versatile per· rame). He ali:io o.ppeared· with '1 guardl:I at the time. When Bar- fonners It contains. Dorothy Stoiie and CJl\arles Collins nt•tte left the City bl• place was program tn Balboa. Television Part_y Shirley Ziegler (net' Prather} of in Two Adams for Evai, and actro takeri by B~on Ma.rs.hall, a mem- El ·.T oro, who plays 1.fary Wilson, in KnJckerbocker Holiday, Oreen hf-r oc the American Lq1on who a. tender Oower, Is a drama major Grow the Ulacs, The T aming of had served ln the Navy, and who from L. A. City College where 8.be the Shrew, and other plays at had been leader of the local Cub playffi in The En1peror Joiies and Holiday Stiige. One ot h i.a ma.t T'toop. Today. William H . Spur-, other produc tions. She ha.s ap-recent roles was the leaq in Dear geon, III, Is commodore at all Sea peared in sC"veral Laguna Commu-Ruth with the 3.5 Prompters of Explorers, and Charles Wigg ls nity Playhouae produc tiona and Laguna Beach, port captain. Sea Explorer Shlp 9, WM for three years a member of Others In the cast ore Ray JamE's Barrett sklpf)f'r, ts •pon· ihe Holit.lay Stage. summer stock Zeigler, Hazel Dumont. )f('red1th sored by the Junior Ch.*11lber of corQ.po.ny wherl she appeared 1n Harwood, ~ Hall, Harold Swan-Comm,•rce, and Sea Explorer Ship 9UCh productions as Knickerbock-son .and Frank Shanks. All .of 210, skippered by Dr. V. E . Koep· er Holiday and Berved u property these people and others will dem· sel. l.s sponsored by the KtwanU: girl. · onatrate their versatility by ap-Club. Jack \Vllcox, "'"ho plays the ~&ring tn song and d&ncc routine& District oUicera in the Scout- dastardly villaig, Squire Cribbs, ln in the Olk> under the direction of ing program are Dr. L. A. Becker, perhaps tx-st knov.'?l Lo his friend.I Dorothy Jo Swan.~on. H radtiners chairman and Grant Howald, com· llJ! a gift('d youthrut composer and in the Olio will be L<-sli<' Steffen· mlssion£•r . Cub packs, Cubmaaters assistant organist at St. James sen. Zoe Ba.dow, and the Slltlta and i:;ponsors are as follows : 1~. Episcopal t:hurch herl". In add!-Ana Elks club barber shop quar-Art R.t.•m1ey I Nt•V.']X>rt Beach Ele- tio n to having composed, sung and tet. The settlngs for the show are m f'ntary Schools PTA) Newport actf'd in two original operas pre-being designed by Lyell Butter-Grammar; J 10, Nelson Pringle sentf'd by the church young more. 1P'fA ) Balboa l11land ; 180, Wll- for Eb ell Members A prog-ram which will orlrtnate ln Loa Angelai but which will have wide lntereat here wu an- nounced this wttk by Mra. W. B. Tritt, chairman of the cook book sales for the Ebel! Club of New- port Beach. On Tue.clay, Oct. 30, at 2 :30 p. m ., several members of the club will appear on Monty Margett'• tele\l'~lon show, on channel tour, KNBH. Two recipes, taken from the book, will be dl.scuased by the prorram hoet ess, Mrs. Tritt, Mn. R. L. Allen and Mrs . J . W . Thorn· ton. : L I D 0 71f("<-t ~.: . . llU. LAST DAY IOU hntal9o, lobll IAM 1 .... Foelallo, Joluo ._ "DAILING HOW COULD YOU". IUDDJJ: -l!HOW llAT. 1 :44 "THE ~EARLING" n:cJINICOLOR S llerlala:-FLYING DISC llAN FROM MAJIS, PERILS OF DARKEST JUNGLES & DESPERADOES OF THE WEST SUNDAY, TlJESDAY VlrC"lllla Mayo, Df'nnta Morran "PAINTiNG THE. CLOUDS WFTH SUNSHINE" TECHNICOLOR 1''1'.XT: 'SATURDAY'S HERO' SAT. LAST DAY lane RautU. BobL Mitchum "HIS KIND OF WOMAN'' WUlle Ptp, Andy Saddkr CHAMP nGHT nLM SIJl•HlA Y -TlJESDA Y Burt LaaCMter "JIM' THORPE,· ALL AMERICAN" -P1U9 - Red 8kf'ltan, Eatber WU118.Dll ''TEXAS CARNIVAL" TECHNICOLOR NEXT' "RHUBARB" and 'HAPPY ·GO-LUCKY' t ' .. . ' . . . . ciaiii1 F , '-1111 . F(M/) ,,,,. ~ Clooed Mo-y COMPllEll DINNIEIS Ffo"' SI.SO •o SJ.50 TROPICAL DlllN1lll oi .. 1• ttl• E.1clU1I"' -TAHITIAN SKYIOOM Free ParklDC" H•rbor 111 VISIT THE NEW HUT on Cout Hl~y,. ~sun­ Pbone 4-9008 for RMervatlon1 CIOllf:d on Tuetlday• N..O W .. 0 PEN- SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS peoplC'5' orga.nl.t:ation, Jack has Boston t.o Balt.o. Uam C. T obitt I I"'; A ), Coroni. df"I bec·n IK'C'n in a numbtor or 'Orange The Dru.nk.1!-rd production which l'{ar: 181, H. G. Bolton. IRichard'11 Coast ColiL·ge produc t !ons. among wu one of the old original tem-Udo Markel); 182, J ob.n A.bl- them in lhl' roles of Tyler Ray-perance dramas and wu ftrst per-strom. St. And~ws Presbyterian burn In Light Up the Sky, and formed at the Boston Museum ls Chur ch . In order for Ebell memben to view the llhow. several partie!'I have been planned locally. H015- tessea with televlalon &et.a w1ll &ervl! a deeeert course. and car<la will be played before and follow· ing the program. A charge of M centa per peraon l.3 set, and pro-c3-Wn1 go to the club. At . Trttt uka everyone lO watc the L. A. papers for a pol· I ;~~~~~~~§§~~§~~§~====~~=~=~ a Ible cha.nC"e of time for the abow. I; lfonsiiaur de> Bonnr roix in Mo-being 'directed by Lllllan Ridenour Scout t roops. scout maater1 and tlcre's l{fl&ginary I nvalid. Fox. Mias F ox h.aa a profesalon&l si>onsors &.re 88 Collows : Troop :S, West Newporters to Meet Nov. 2 ua.nee Ba.nd background In mot)on pictures and R. S. WJlaon. Chrlal Church by tbe Ann Riller, v.·ho enacts the role in muak:al comedy. She appeared Sea : troop 17, M. A. Harwood. A meeting of the .West Newport ot't.he derang('d Agnes. is a drama for a number of years l.n Loa An-Newport Balboa Rotary; troop 81 , Improvement AMOciatlon will be major at Orange Coast College gelea as a memMr of the Ernest George Bridgman, Newport Opt!-held Friday, Nov. 2, a.t 7 :90 p . m . 11rrhere she has appeared In numer-Belcher Ballel .in such movies &-"I ml!!l Club, In the City Hall ous rolt'!I In lhe OCC drama clua. the original Phantom ot the Opera To thhl large orranlZ&Uon Boy J Matters up fot diacuaalon ln- Evenings or Ten, under t he direc-with Lon Chaney and in Helene Scouts ot Amer ica whtcb. •t&n!'.11 I elude me~ to protect oce&n lion at Walter Prill. Jack Philltpti, Coetello. Al J ou.on, Irene Rich. tor character buUdlng. citizenship frontage ftom erosion by b.lgllr who will a ppear as the tried and and Norma Talmadge movies. She training, and leadership tratnm,-t ides, the nf'ed for an ordinance tru'e Edward· Middleton. is a new-also was a specialty dancer In the your Community Che.et, through dealing wtth parking on nanow corUe r to local audiences. But he mWlical comedy productions of Oh you, has budgetc<l S3,460. •t.rffll. hu a bo.c~round or roles in high Kay with Elsie Janis, Good News Commitlff"f't!J>Ortll will be heard 1etrool pla)'s and ..., the !('ader of with Helen Kane, and Sally w1th on otl weU drilling in the W est a JV-OfCS3ional dance band. Marilyn Atiller, and conducted her will t..a.ke a Muter's derre-e in Newport nekl and the project t o Stanton F ox, who Is t€'chnical own ballet school in Monrovia for drama and direction. retn.OYe Pacttlc Electric track..., dlre-ctor for The Drunkard and 10 years. Mias F ox. In add1tlon to The Drunkai-d wjll be presented tram Newport. Another matter to whP appeaMl ar F'a.rmer Gates. has he.r directing duties 18 a Ml tlm~ on Frtde.y and Saturday evenlnp be dlacuaed I.a the clean-up pro.._ a background at nun1t"rous roles student at Long Beach State Col-Nov. 1-3. 9·10 and 16-17 at the le.m involved by reeldenta le~nl" bl .. local am1'teur producUons aa Jege where she la majoring In Eng-Bamboo Room, t.Wn a.nd Balboa ref'Uae receptacles on the P. E . w en as one sun1mer in stock at bah and drama. She lntenda to co Blvd. Admtasion h1 $1 .50 lnclud-rtg.bt·ot-way. Holiday Stage and another at El t:rom there to UCLA.. where ·~ Ing refreabmenta. LAGUNA MEXICAN FOOD Nela'1 Mexican Restaurant Is now open.. t.n South Laguna for lovers of unusual and authentic diAhe• tn>m Mtxieo and Spain. Nela b&. k>nc blten famoue tor he.r homemade tamales., enehllada.s and cblle rt:llenos. Now you may avall yoW.ll of theee aounneta' dellCact.ea at Ne1-'• cbarmlq .._.. tauru.t or order fOOd to take out. Nata'• Famoua Mulcan 1'oodo la locatecl at llf21 South Cout Blvd., Routh l.q\mL 'noa pllone llo 1-a 4M2'7. T. Y. llTS FORllNT .,.... 7 ,.,. U-DRIVE CRUISERS. ROW. IOATS : ?~~~s • Small Boat LauDelllnc d eTAC~LE ELLIS BOAT RENTALS t9" OoUt mway Newport Beach Ph.. Harbor !316 AT SOUTH .ENI) OF BAYSHORE BBIDOE DORIS HALL A nn ounces New Classes in Accordion FOR BEGINNERS ACCORDIONS FURNISHED FOR HOME PRACTICE PRIVATE Ll:SSONS JN PIANO a ACCORDION • DORIS HALL MUSIC STUDIO .... SANTA ANA AVE. COSTA MESA BEA. 6201-W GENE'S RESTAURANT -BAKERY French allcl ·1ta1ian Cuisl11e -ICYUY DAT l'lloae Bartlor_ llll • ~ 0-C Blvd. ~ ... lfai 7 '4 -· ,,, __ ,., ....... -: 0 . ·110AOWA:. - !:~Now601 ~ starta-.. Oct. u "(JOME nu. 1fY CUP" wltll ,_ ca,..,. - Pbyllts Jlaxlllr -Alao- ''TOMORllOW'8 ANOTllEJt DAY" . with Rotlt ._ •• """ St.we OoclU'aa Slarta_-.. be&. u "ANGELS IN 'IRE OUTFD:J.11" with Paul "'-"" -.r.-LOIP -Aloo- . "NO moliWAY IN TRI!: Siil"' •ltb l.-8-..t-Ma-Dlebldt . Starla Wed., bet.11 "LAW AND TBE~l"' M<ltb o .... 0...-.... Mlchkl Wu.ltar; . -Alile- ··ADVB'-"'AJ11E8 OF ._CAPT. FABIAN" wttlo Errel •F\YIUI ...i Hlcboll9e Pftlle , • CHILDREN= FREE!t"a:,~" ' . -' -. PAULO DRIVE-IN THEATRE Pllone Starta Tbun., Oct. '15 "TB DA 1' THE EARTH STOOD S'l'lLL" with Michael RenalO ud Patliela Neal -Alao-. "HAPPY 00 Lo\'ELY" with Dani -NI--Vera E1leo. Doon Open Dow Stana 7:15 8tOl 1 Stam Wed., Ott-II "FORCE OF BlllS" Jith: WDllam Holdff and. Nu.cy OIMD I -Alto-·~ '1BEllA VE YOU&iE1 ."r' I . 'l'lth Sbe1J¥. Wlat!!~ ud Farley Grancer ~ TASTY AS EVER - HENRY'S FAM~US FOOD • STEAKS CAPON Em . I SEAFOODS ' SERVED NITELY 5:30 TO 11:00 P.M. > !=.LOSED TU~A YS • • LEO ROJO AT THE PIANO BAR Park Balboa Parking L~t-At Our Door, FRANK SAPVTO • ANNOUNCES THE OPENING Sat., Oct. 27 OF THE I. THE MOST EXOTIC CAFE ' ON THE OOAST . The JUNGLES • I Lunch I I • 2 -9inner 5 • I~ Champagne & W1'!1 e Cocktails . ' 1740 S~>. 'Coast Blvd . Laguna B.each FOil llEStRVATIONs-li.AGUNA 491U· • • • .8EOOND TO ft.:.°',8R 1n Newport Barbor Yaellt elntt'a raee &l'Olmcl Catal.lha bland WM Attoraat~ aklppered. by OWDfJr Ian Murray. Sbe took second 1n Claa I\ 8f!leOJld ov~r all. (Photo by Beckntt) Casa Colina Benet it Horse Show and Barbecue Sunday .at Brea Sunday, Oct. 28, marks the-date set for the Cua Colma Benefit" Horse Show at the El Rodeo Club ground.I, two m!les east Of Brea on Valencia Ave., north of Placentia. With an approximate 40 exciting and outstanding equestrian events the .show la scheduled to start at 9:30 a. m. Junior riding and ex- hJbition events plue match races will highlight the morning pro- gram. Starting at 11 :30 and con- tinuing until 1 :30 a deliclotl!!I pit bar~ue dinner wUl be served. Starting the afternoon event.e: will be the Grand Entry at l :00 o'clock when the top riders of Or- ange County and Southern Cali- fornia will thrill the crowd with a complete Hone Bhd"w. Oullt.abd- lng riden participating ln thia great show are Odie McClure, Lucky Carson: Ruth McKenzie, Clyde Daniela, Harry Gisler and Doc Boysen in the Silver Parade Claaa. Dr. Dale Wurman and Mra. Wurma.n from Oceanaide will add color in the Span.lah Cl&M. Well known local ridera are Frank Coe- ta, Clarence Kenderaon, Bill Jew- ett, Sr .• Mr. and Mrs. Poh and Betty Linton. Out.standing sliow- man m<t Neil; of Vlsta and Theda Bndley of Indio_ a.re aJ.so among .the Hat of participant.a. Popular Jwllor rider~ competing ln th~ ~ are Glenn Thomas, of Costa Meaa., Billy Jewett of Fullerton, Anne Croddy of Santa Ana and Bernie Kays ot Huntington Beach. Fut mo"Yi.ng events o! the day Will be Quarter Horse· racing, matched cowboy and cowgirl races, cuttln_g horse classes, calf roplnl", sto«;k hor3e, jumpers, bar- ness racing anc..l many other thrill · lng events. The Mighty MidgeL,., Rock 'N Ride a.11 girl drill team, Button.s and Bowa square dancer! w.nd the Long Beach Mounted Guard will put on exhibition rid- ing. Trick roping-. trick rldJng and a number of novelty acls wtU be highlight.a of the afternoon show. Luc ky Hayden and.a num- ber of motion picture celebrities will appear on the program. Tickets are no"'' on sale at a number of locaJ buafueu pla.cea. n.odore Robina In Newport Bea.ch, Eart Stanley office on Bal- boa Island, Tommy'8 In Corona deJ ~L p:i_rcua_ Junior Boottery in Santa Ana and Swanberg-era tn Anaheim and Fullerton. The prlce or adml!slon includes an all day horse show, Cal· Tech Na111«s Brown to Post PASADENA, Oct. 25.-Protes- sor H&rriaon S. Brown of the Jn· stitute for Nuclear Studies at the Untveraity of Chicago has accept- ed appointment u Profeaaor of Geochemistry ln the Divt.ton or the Geological Sciences at lhe Calltornla ln.dt.ltute of Technolol)', President Lee A . DuBrldge &n· nounced today. P ro!euor Brown, 34, who made key cont.rlbutiona to the develop- ment of the atomic bomb; v'blted Caltech last week for pttltmlnary conferences. He will joln the fac· ulty about Dec. 1. HOAG HOSPITAL FUND DRIVE DIVIDED INTO DISTRICTS Not wa.tling to count on the State. the Harbor ar-ea campaign tor the Hoag· Memorial Hospital, futnlahlnl'" a.nd equtpmrnl fund Is ITfldually getting under way. \vithoul fuse or teathen; area chair· m8Jll Dr. G. N. Pease of Corona del Mar baa set about crea.linl' thf' nve group! that Will have ch&rff' o! the five major districl..!I In the aree. Selecting hardworking cam· pajgners Dr. Pe~e has choeen This amount also Includes some Dick ruch.ard to head the Newport other work not covered tn l1'e Beach divtsioo : Hadd .Ring to general contract which waa for a steer the UdO hie and Harbor little over Sl.000.000. Ia.land sections; Bob "Man of the A sub-commJttee of the Ftn.ance Year" Call.ill ror Corona del Mar: commJttee divided the $250,000 _ Maurice St.ariley for Balboa Island over Orange county, uslgntng and Wesley D. Smith for Balboa S'rn.000 to the Harbor a.rM. and aJtd t.be Peninsula. S7a,ooo to Santa Ana af'M wtt.h Some of lhe Dtatrict chairmen $1 5,000 to Tultln. In tW'ft.. the have already selected worken ... to locaJ committee hu aaalgned a survey. the field and 1-.y the end of !IUOta of $1.:S,000 to Neb of· tbe another week all lbe . .ectlon com-five di.atricta wtthiA tbe hubor mtttt:H wiD be appciinted and hard area. No effort wlll be .spa.red to at work. Dick Ric.ha.rd announces reach and if pout1ale Uceed U. be. bu lnv!ted Rolaftd Wl'lJht. amount INfiUled and U!o "lh'· L&rry Brown and K. T . Kendall to lng Memorials" feature of Uw ae.rve wlth bi.I &TOUP which wiJJ be funding plan wiU bl: utlliz.ed wher-- lncf<.....t ae the pion p-.... poealble. 8peClal altftlUon Ah"eady a number of women ba•e wW be dJ.tectad to the adft.ntap ~ cb:oecn to aerve and mare of makJnr atfb of 8iu to &now we:re added at the lut aeasion of of tncome tu dedoctkma-as pro- tbe local committee -which wu "rided for ln the law at t.be pcwnt bold 1ut Fl1day 11.t u.. Bat-Ume, an<1 the turtMr aa ...... taire Bay CIUb. ot making · paymentlt. fO<' aom. • A speciaJ fT'OUP of worJc:en to epeelal memorial fe&t\IJ'lt ottr two tooPa•l4i wttb lbe3e local com-yean. • S. =c. Garden Show to fe.ture Practica1 ld~s • ' I\...~-Set for rme for Peppers llQIQ Says Home Advisor Indio .f·-Gual Blllny --... not Second Blirip . ·Now ·at Santa Qll' . ~ .-.··"• -fldl "'olta-. -· ol lit• alhmr; .. • """"' Oet. • _ Cl...,dor ..... A -C. .._ ,.._ lmlo., Ana N . u It alCriod to t,.\put tlle"" '•lbrd ...;;.;;;lllo 1161111••·-OOoins • --,_ .. tlle -avv n -looll, will 'be -.. tlle IWltlts "' ....... "·-· Date r.lftl ,.. to - -Ill _, ,,.,. ... ' J\ · comtns -Cllllllrsla 11'1111 .. -oot r.tr r.a.. lt-tf Ins .olllll•, ~ to "f'Wm ..... oa.--· --• lllN ... • tlol!I of llf.lr1an Prentlll, b ........ 'Amftl at a -blllllp at the · no.' .,.,.; cn1lw. wllla tlle colal1u1 and -· for Ule Unl-y of ~ Na"Y'• newly .....,t.lftUd air ,. 11 In 'Pa""" • ..... "" PulL. ..._ Ooaat.r hlr Ottllll!\la l!aft fomla ArrtcWtwa! -a. .. eerve tralnln1 WUt at knta .An• P·C:::,,..:.... U:..~!r::' .,._ tonDlal ~ bKkpound tor vke .. hoa ot•pped up In~ In flylnir tlon h&Yb!ir Jwt ...., tho -, tll t ~ ~ Nl«bt.a" ""' IMtMce, ,._,. are O!!e ot Ille. I>._-aln!hlpa Oomnw>der H. • ., of t.au-1-• . tbe t.u1eat oqetablell to-~ JI. -··· Ir .. USN. CO!Dmalldlng :~:-:S:. ~ Howard Plano for t)\a coming ~vent call u.. -.. ••h•'-ays. Tbol' need 'Orocer of tbe 11111t, oald to<hl' U!e J'111t -an_,,,,..s that lhl8·-for a obt..S..7'BaUooal bone.obow ao -~or .~. Simply ftllmpe Will be ,_n b'J membots Wiii ~ Illa tint In • -of featuiiq Illa -tlonal ca.mel wub u..m, out them In two, re- ;Jf two oquadrona of the o.....,-. .-., & -.. acalA, )'<It fea· -an <11tlrol7 new product.loft mo.e a"f'da ...i put t.bem lnto a Naval Reaorve now tonnlnir at U!o turtn ':-p....UCal to U!o-., Of tile btllllant "Arabian Nlirbt.a" plutk rr-,. bair· Make the <bair Santa Ana -· Ir papMl Wl!Jch will be ~ted alr-Ul'bl by piUnplir lite poppen Bllleta for 50 ottlcers and 250 I~ Ollll•Y• -wm -......W.. tne to mti.ori, .,.. and 11q Into a --Of water men are prov1ded In the two 1 I.ad platt at Ille --Of many uhlblt clepa!:t· to force ..,t tbe air. nic - oquadronL Duly conolato of drtJI· ::.i.,an ~.=. Of Ille :::'tar ftlo inenla and pre1lmlnary develop. th• lop of I.be bair an.d futen It tng one week-end each month t.nd wW en lb• rwvlewt ~ tor .mmt on the. rec:mUy acquired 40-. wtth a paper wtre or a elothee pln. two weeka' tr&tntar crulse each th ~taculo.r tro:fc.l d~lay. acre date prden adjolnlng the Stuffed pepper. a.re a well MJJJUb•I'. &.11 with J>&Y' Comm.an-tn e the main buildJ.nl' lncludtns ' fa1r crouncla. ~ to Man-known way of .een1ng. th1a vep der Hoerner polnted out. TrainJ.ng lhousa.nda ot orchtdl •and other ager Bob l'ullmwtder. table. For baked pepper, Mn.-- lo lnt.ereetlng becaUJ< of the ops brilliant blooma. Bpectatora will New ~um Llat booklet., Prent.lu recommends cooklnlr the pdrpuuty lo lu.rn a mllltarf l!llUI be able to got a f\!U penpec:tlv• slvlnr <Unplete lalormaUon lo ex· peppera tint tar 10' mlnutu .,. un- ln an aviation outfit, a chanc• lo on the deelpe of the uhlblt.e. l!lbllOra, wUJ be rftdl' for dlo-UJ tender. 1 Too much cooklnc llJ advance ln rank or rate and for • Th · h on a i..,.... and d:ramatJc trtbut.ton nut l!M"'th. A fl"ee copy too mUch Wat« w1J1 de9troy the enllaled men lo quaUry to• com· ale "".t, Ctf!lrel oomt a1ao will Of tltlo booklel."may be oblalnecl by vitamin c. ni... atutf with ham mi.kJN; be added. :nd •ft.elf to a.daptaUOU lD the wrtttnl' the Rt..,..de eountr Falr ~ hazd...cOoked esp.-11eef, com, Younl' mt..n ln 1.vi&UOn aquad-h rd Ca.tcadinl" chry-..a and NaUonal 1'9.te FeatJ'val I per-or chee.e and nee. ~ rona train together, ny together, !home ga en. n1n f t ~-k wal.l ma.nent office at the Cour\ Houee. emuma on a e-oo ..,."" -~!I.-Call · and, In event ot a nauonal emerc-will be the backrn>CbJd fat-a ·pool Rlven.N1C, f. ency, enter the eervlce to~theri Into whJch will fall 200 ,.uon. ------- well-prepared, In the manner ot ot wa.ter per minute in a eeftl't-Aa of Aurust 11 ot lh1I ye&r, CAFE CLOU:S TtlSBDAY 'M\e Bal._ Inn Cate, 'which h.u been open e¥eJ'Y nlsht aince Jut April, wtI1 be do9ed rRJ')' Tue• day commencing OcL so. an athletic team, he aakl. toot waterfall. • • there were $34,563,304,000 worth Newest arr1val at Santa Ana la An eatlmated crowd of 75;000 Ot outatandintc Serlee E United &n Improved version ot the K· ls e~ted to wlt.neu thla tint Statu Delena Bond.a. Thia ta type aJnhip that plqed an Im-week-long show ln the hlltQl"f Of s.t.ioo,000,000 oiore than on V-J portant roJe in antl-wbmarine de-the non-protlt a.uocl&Uon. ' D.y tn Msuat tkl. 4<> Ro!o· la lllll at the pllllO bar -and Will contlnue through fenae of U. S. couta. conYOyi.nc troop and .IUppJy ve.mei. and pe- trollinC ortabore watena for many mlle9 out cfurtng Wdrld War ll. The bUmpe a la o pert~ many import.apt ml811ona: li'l aJr- aea ret1eue and ill t.ralnJns. The big, hellum-fllled aJrcr&ft are po- tent weapcma ln lbe N&Y)""• air coverace: caplta.llz1ng on ability to lhrotU. clown speed and maneuver low OVtt a auspected a.ree. tor cio.e arid continued obaervation. They are armed with machine gune and n.ewut type bomba and can aweep the eea for many miles .around w1tb radar ~ other detection de- Vk:H. Young men interested in join- ing either of the two blimp aquad- rons, one of whtch ll c<>mll'\anded by Ut!-Ul. Comdr. Howard C . Rlch- llrd.ktn. USNR. 3701 orante Ave., La Cre&centa, and the other by l..!eut. Comdr, W . G. Polster, VSNR. of 1413 Westwood Avr .. s.nta Ana. may obla.ln fUrther information by addre-1n.g the c;:ommanding Officer, Naval Air P'acillty, Santa Ana, California or by calling at the Air Facility In pe-r90n betwveen 8:00 a. m. and 4 :30 p. m. WPdnesdaya throul"h 8 u n d a y s. Succeast'UI appllcanu wUI be luued uniforms and wtll be a&11lgned to aquadron1 al lM next regular drlll pertods, Com- mander Hoerner aa.id. Cal Vets Should Establish Loan Eligibility Mo~ than 200,000 veterans of World Wa.r 11 and the Korean con- tuct have establlahed their ellgt- blllty tor "Cal-Vet" low-interest farm and home financing, ft ta re- ported by Ben Llebermann. Or- a.n.g-e Colmty Director of Veteran• A!faira. There is no reuon why e•e.ry veteran in California wbo mtsht quality tor thts State benent should not apply tor a cert.lflcate at once, eve.n if he doe• not i.nteod lo uae it in buying a farm or home tor years to come. HIC> pointed out that a "Cal-Vet" ellgtbiltty certificate may be par- ticularly valuable to tbe Vt"leran'• f.llfllUy In cue of hJ.a untimely ck>alh. Slate law pr'OT1de8 that ti he has eslablbhed eligibility. hU widow may succeed to It. If be bas neglected to do so, there LI no way In which ahe can benefit un- der the program. The pla.n U available to •eter- &n.8 who were born in California or who were rutdenU of this State at the time of entry Into mWtary .-rvtce. A uwnber of World War U veterans. previously lne.Ugible because they did not come to Cali- fornia unto after the war, may rrow quallty for the plan by vlrtu.t" or re-entry illto acun •rvtce from lhla. State durtnr lbe Korean con.nlct. Benefit. received f r o m their former St.au. hued on Wot"ld War ll aiervlce, do not attect their new e.l-tc1bi1Jty. UDder the ··eai-Vet" pla:n, the State Department ot \0 c.knina At- tain may a.dva.nce up to U .!iOO tor t.bf' purchue of a home or StD,000 for the pure.hue of a t.a.rm.. • Ttd appt"&.lal va.Jue of the property n1u.1t not exceed 111,500 in the cue of a home or fle..GOO tn tbt cue bf a farm. Appllcalloft ,.,.,.. and nddllloo- al WormaUon. &re •nUable at the Cira.nee Count,y Veterans SeT"lf.ce- O[nce. Berkeley Matron Returns Home • • • No•ember. , • I • lhV8 • • lb ' e1r • • C alifonlian1 know t hat it take; ~oney to educate today's~ · yaGnpt.ere for tomm:row'a l'ell>OIWl>ilitim·money for claMrooms, lillnriM, ~ and other "took of leanrlna-" A lot ol thia mon«Y-from Bani< of America. throoah inveetment in llChool bonda. "lbla flhancial 8upport has helped create.-in bimdreds of Cali!omia •eitiel. the modern llChoola so vi Ml! to the development ) ol toda:t'• chilclnn. . . 1 E<rerywhere in Califonria the sreat reeollftlM ol thia benlt are i worilinc lortbedevelopt•w.tof commnnitiel lij<eyoorown. Sc:boola · and otha' pabli(: btdldinp ••. 1tteela ..... .,_.. -• --ta work.I ••• municipal nimminc poola and od!er civic improwz11-1a are beinir j!nanoed with ma7 ~ of Bank of~ depMtt cloD•ra. ... H«e It stafewide laraaclt llaftlcl119 Hi ocffon-'""1°"1 -let yew . ' qacl your -••11lty, •u1ldl11• All of Callfor11Ht. Ho,. Is a ... .,... _,,,_ .... ,. , • .Al, • ..,1y·a.y ,., ........... ;111c1 •••• V... n laurcet ••• and ..,.w .. lotOticft ,_.,.,.... • • ' . . mltte. baa llff11 appplnted u a • Tbe apedal -lot -by 1-•Adnnce Gltla" '"""mlt.o· the Public 11<>1at'-o.smtuee lo Mra. Pa-Cl&I-of-· tee. J---., Btncll,' lleJnir -to lndlcata Ille_,. elo1 w01 8!d a ....u.'a •loll to-a. 1-lot Hall. Ralpl! ~ J , &irt ..._. ... _ wl!ld! l•H• -mortOW with llor -... Mra. Bat- ~ --.. 'll'ltll ma DJ' mAde I!)'~ ot Ille lioopllal lie M.,.._, Ill Apole>& Aft.. llal- mon to be added. Tbe •-Work on the i...tt<i! ll>UCtun, II boa 1*nd. lll>d anoUoer llaler. -.... t'n l!elp .., n<>UP commit. !""I' d'IC ,...iony. "'9 bMMcll115 Kn. 'OtatladA! Lu-o1 La • • • • , • • PA6£ .5 ...... PART . 11 ' . . . -" . AY., OCT. 25, t9S l 'YOU qf .~ IEtiER _AT Dani· · e,r ·-. i FURNITU • i • We Buy and 51911 New d Used Fu-rnitur•" ' . . 1812 ... wport )vd.; Costa ..... READY ~IXED ,·~ONCRETE:·~ SOUTH C ·AST . MATERIALS C MPANY No Job Too [a t.ge ; No ob Too Small 1!9 Weot ~. -N aad Barbor Blvd&. . COSTA • -PHONE BEACON llSl8 morrows -----.... ••· .. ' ·= lank of America's' band portfello l't eludes oioout· 450 ochool bonil !;au• In addition to bancio ~ ....., ot11• kind .,f municipal 1......-1 .. • ~1 . ' I _ ... &.--Ila~~-eommltt•lom1 •..,_to_ Ballra. . ""'-Mra.1..1..laMll,Mra.LID--"' ............. --~Illa,.._, -......, J<armlJ' M>.. Carl ._ tq WID lie a" •Id to.,.-llw• a.n11• -liar - - . ...... ,, .... ~ ...... ,, ......... , ... ,....,,. .. Jlrs. J. A. BMk. Kn.. J:>oootlly wltll ·---" I rt st --' --fl l'I • -... YanlleY. Ma.. ~ let.·k:7. Mra.. -.... h••rt-.t ai. ,... a. ml r1l1tts• ... a lit& .. ._.. ltdirar BW and Mn. Bl••... bttq -1IJ' Sd JIMll, -re---pall!ta Ill tho la ''" The total ,amount MeiM<I to port. ft&llll!tlJ' ta Ille ~ -. ,,,_ IJlpa ,...,_ -ID 1 fUntJlll and eqslp tM llolptt&J ""tit Oe•Mn. Dd Rab I • -Wllll U Pre' I ud U ., I to 'l'IJ' ?, Mtlm•&ed to lie uo.l. ....... t. ... P MBC' C Mii Msrtr,. , - • ' • • • • ' . NHUHS ClaSses .• HARBOR ~ Plan -Reunion ,ffl LITES Brown Addresses Consumer Class • EWlng Elected lnterdull Prexj I ' ... CIOSS TO HOLD Entertain for AN~AL IOAID ~EET Mesa Sergeant Tbe 1 1PM•1 d:lnae:r &.ftd bot.rd "' !1'11 W. -.., ~ of t1>e J&eol< Dl!llg of 1'atln, prtlll<l<nt m..unc or u.., !'I~ Hart>oo Kr. and Mn. Geol"(e ~ or Bolin Bualn ... _BU)'ee11 of BaJlta of 'fbo J:ncjnffn. OOC WIC&llona1 Bn.tu:h·of the Ammican Bed (ll'OOI 177 ,E. 17111 •lreet.. po.ta ~ Ana.,-ke lo th• con.um ... .Eco.... orpnlnHO!!, WU -pl"MI-wm ~ beld at •:80 p. m. Friday •nl.er!&lned "rbunday, .Oct. 18 with noml<o claa of °""''" Cout 001-ckllt of I.he Collep Ilit-b ~ a dlnnlt' u a -.n c:ourtuy Council !Mt l(ffl!, wb•n pnel-l'lov. 2 at I.he Girl Scout Bouao. to Muter Sit. B. D. Beall>. Mn. lqe Friday mocntns on lbe work dcnta of all campus «p.nllAtiona 1700 Wt1t Balboa ~vd., Newport Heath and 80M., Bill a.ad Bob. Who cit ·the Bureau tn -Orange County. met together ror lhe flrlt u.me Beach. All pensona who contrlbul· are leavlnJ Frid•Y for Batlle Working ae ·a t .. l -tlndln&" (oUowlng fall elect.Iona. ed to the 19~1 F'mld Campalgtt ""' creek, lollcb. Otbere In the gath-a~cy to tnY••llgate fra.udulent FA ..Ackerman of Ga~ Grove, lnvtted to attend. Dlnntr .. wlll be ertng were Mr. and Mra. c .. M. achemea and miareprMCnlt.Uorus ln preeldent o~ Polyglot.a, foreign eervcd by \he Cha.lrman ·of the Bunch of' 1787 Tu.Btln avenue, paf'- F\nal reunton plana are betng By n:RRY IESKO .. adverUEng, the Burr:au carries on Jang\iagc group, WU elected eec-Cantttn, Mrs. Wlnltred • Young. enta of Mra. Heath and Mre. Fox. formulated tor the nJgbt of Nov. DAt... a program of education and pro--retary. for a nominal price. .. ""90pholl tectlon for conaumera In the coun· The Council .crvea u a.n ad-The speaker !O( the ~veiling will 18 by meinbers 01 the gradU&ting: Polyaophoe. ICience c 1 u b of ty, Brown uJd. He gave a num-vbory group for Lntr-gratlon ot all be Mr. Robttrt C.. Larsen, cha.1r· claue• of 1932 and 1933 of the Newport Harbor mgh School hekl ber of examptet ot rett:11t ll\vesti-c&mpua clubs and orranmttona. m&11 ot the Southern Orange Newport Harbor Union High thctr ftl'lt meeting of the year on gallons and t\ndlnp of the Bet,.. M'l"ll. Marte Howu, de&n of WO-County Chapter of the Americ&n abooL At the a:uggestton of Wedneeday n1sht, OcL 17• in tht> ter Bualnea Bureau, commented rpea. and \VUJlam WbJtnf:y, art Red Cron. J-.me• Wheat ~ Royal Welling-recrea.Uon hall on the campua. Dr. oh the typea ot aervtces ottered to instnic'tor. are faculty &dvtser& to To OOnclude the evt"ning, sleight ton, bOth members of the clu1 of WUltam Ktmea, business manager conaumers, &1ld closed , with Ulla the gro.up. of hand trlcka will be performed 1933 and Dorothy CottJe Page, •t OCC WU gueet speaker. Dr. advice: ''Don't be a suaplcloua I --by Ca.rt Zamloch. ReSf'.rvaliOJUJ clua o.f 1932, the reunlon'f07 th Kime• pVe an lntettstlng &Ude conaumer; juat ~ cauUoua.'' -People do read the want •d:s. may be made by calling Har. 1865. two cla.sa~ will combine the Bl£' and narraUon about hill trip to Game bet"cen Harbor HJgh and Canada during the summer. Mem· Huntington 'Beach High School" bera pruent we.re t..ee Jayred, Rod and the get • together following La8belle,. Dl&ne Corner, Fnncea the Big Came l.D the aocia1 hall Kimea, Dtck Johnson, J erry Jeako. of the high i1chool. Ellen Owen, Pete Hood, Joan. . Kirn.ea, Ma.riann Diemer, Rick .. Letters have bee.a sent by Su· Othmer: and Mr. John.eon, adviaor. pe.rt.ntendent Sidney H . Davidson FoeU.UI h.mborre ' u .k1ng the members of the class K. T. N., M. H . A., ~la, Lura ol 1932 and the cla.q of 1933. to· Kl and Tally, girls' socia1 club8 gether wtth their wives and hus-at Harbor H igh are combini ng bands, to ~ present &t this event. their efforU to put on the 2nd an· Many replica have. _already been nual Football Jamboree after the received and the no .. 1ce of the ~f· Harbor vs. Fullerton game, Oct. fa.Jr h~ met with acclamation 28, at the Frid&)' Aftc f'J'IOOn Club fi;om many or the former students In Costa Mesa. Tickl'ls are $1 .00 throughout the state of Galllor-per couple and then'.! will be 8'00d nla. dancing-t o" the F our Sharps dance The f ollowing committee will be band. Remembf>r, th~ dale, t ime. tn chargt> of thl' rcunlon..following place, and the FootbaU JamborC'c: the Big Game: Dorothy Cottle l.nltlatton Party Page, Fay Griffin Bfock, EJ.ste Patsy Allen put on quite a Stark Paltr rson, Susie Gillis Hor· party in Beacon Bay for the Taffy vath, Virginia McCle llan Hog· inltlateis along with the Gargoyles land, ?.taydeUc AUen Morrtson. furnishing thf> entertainment 'l''ilh OCC Engineers See Hoover Dam on Field Trip Five mcmbt-rs of tbe Orange Coast Enginee rs' Club last Wt!i!k· end saw lhe actual place whic h controls the t iming of all electrical clocks in Southern Cal ifornia. their initiates. Seen there after the Fullerton and Huntington Bl'ach game selling tooth brushes Wt're: Charlen e Chamberlain, Bar· bara Trusty, Pat.oiy Allen, Joan Nunan, Barbara Hayct1, Audrey Berg, Carol Thomas, Janis Allen. Judie and J etta Gannon , DianR James, Marilyn PeU!raon. Donna Price. Patti Dwyer, J08ie McKee. Lou Ann Williamson, all members or Thtfy. The Gargoyles being: Larry Johnson. Ray Middaugh, Lro Cur· ti8, Jack Woodhull, Jay Carlislr. Lee Jayred. Johnny Yates, J ack Nll:rfrum, Roxy Aarvold, Ted Mc· Mutr 111, Rick Otbmer. Ir m In Slawick, Bill Hopklru1, Don Pre.a· ton, Don P l'ttit, Rally Pulaski and Pa~y Allen served big plates of ham and pot.ato salad with dishes of cookies for the hungry ones. Community c·on~rt F o r the second consecutive year. t ht· Newport Hubor arl'a has thl' beds at huml' ha!; a guarantl'ed opportunity to take par t in thl' accuracy y;1thin 1 I O of 1 per Community Concert· series. The ct"nt , and that to mamtain tht" ef· opportunity comes to !ltUdcnts and ficicncy, off1c.ials in the · timing adults, at a cost less than if they room at Hoover Dam check hour· had to go to Los Angelt"s. Mem· ly with the United Stales Naval ber11htp for stUdl'nts is $2.00 and Observatory at Arlington, Vir-SS.00 for ad ults. including tax. gtnia . · Students and adults who sell 10 The five future mechantcal or ele<'trlcal engineers -Sam Bush. Jac k Ehlen, Orval Dupree, Loren Sheldon and G('orge Bogart- vi1nted Hoover Dam, the largest hydro-elc-ctrlc plant in Southwc8t· "f:rn United SUltC'S. It i,g here, they IParned, thMt the timing of their electric alarm clocks beside their The group, in company witb or more member.1hips can obtain their faculty adVLS<'r Clinton St. one free. John, in::;tructor in physics, made The membersh ip may be US('d in the trip in order lo get a flrst· Santa Ana, Laguna &·ach and hand Vll'W nf a giant engineerinJ Fullerton at no extra cost. In ad- projccl. Thl'y first joined in the dltion to this exceptional Off•·r , gener al visitors' tour of the plant fifteen concrrts are ntade avail· and then a<"ct•pted an invitation able through nlf'mbcr~hip. Th t" from one of the officials at the concert s<'l'ICS will be he ld 1n the dam to rlo arld1t1ona l exploration Harbor H igh Auditorium. of ~he prOJ"c:t "'h1ch took them Tickets may be purahascd and tx-h1nd ~he s~1'ncs into the control 1 futute information may be obtain· and timing rooms. ed from Miss Marie Hiebsch or The WC"ek l'nd freld tr ip had its Mr. Clinton Sawin of Newport purely plea.sur(' a.A)'>ects too. The Harbor High School's Muslc De- group cnjoy('(l a night 1n the open parlment. when lhry rnlled up in sleeping ------ bags on tho shores of Lake Mead, and prior to leaving. had an ex· hlliaraUnl;' 8\\'1m in the la.kc. ,!\lf;SA.S R.t.:('l 'Pt::JlATISG D. T . Hebe-rt of Elden avrnue. Cost.a Mt"sa , is able to be out and around again aft('r b<>1ng confined t o· hi.! hon1c for six wee ks with a heart ailment. OCC STUDENTS I TRAINING FOR HOLIDAY JOBS Newport Harbor Evening · High School Schedule Adu.It Education Cl.a.8.es. 1951 Bookk~ping,' Mond~ & Thurs· day, r oom 129, 7 to 9, Mr. Thomp· w n. Ceramic.!, Wednesday, room 161 , 9 to 12, Mr. ?.fcDonald. F olk Dancing, to be arranged. Mothersinge rs. Tue"aday, St. A. P . C., 9 to 11 . Mr8. Deaver. Orch('stra, Tuesday, Music Rni.. 7 to 10, Mr. Sa"·in. lLPll IETl ElSTEll LOIN END PORK ROAST lLPll IETl ElSTEll CEITEI CIT LOI I Pl)RK CHOPS ltPll IETl •llCl0•1 SMOIEI • 5 SLICED BACON· ia. 1 ST . Ill IE ~A;'."..~~ . ._. 10 01 ILE/i'' ,. ''c111c w Eo Fto'~ 1H/1 .. FLAK, -t ~/ Pjg~I •-• ~~ ~ E IALTIMEi rEIETABL ~~ ~~.-o..- •Es r o l1'a: ~CITAIL /1'.: coco11r a£M co~lis TOP flOSJ f AT LUPTON HOME Out.of-town friend& Yialtlng. at the home of Mr. and Mn. Andrew J . Lupton on Victoria atreet, Col· ta •lesa, during rece.nt days were Mni. J . M.. Graham or Santa J.fonlca and Mis& Marte Holliater of Arcadia. • -. OCC Hiki ng <:;l ~b !Re ~bli~an Women C lim bs Mt. Wbjtney ·of Harbor Mee+ . ~ ' -. . M:tml><J'o or the OruP eoo:at at d. _.. H Collece H'ilnr: clllb op<nt Ute ar Iner . Ol'f'e ,• PiUl week• ~4 In cllm""" the • lll~beot point in the """"tr)I, M:t. Area Re)>llbllcaa W-. Whlteny. Taking three ckY' to a of the Orinp OoaDf7 "m&Jie tbe trtp the goal l'\'U at-of Republiean Wom<!b. taln~ 4t.noon sa.turday. !All the ass mO led ThuredaY' morning memben )Jfere un.aJ>le to Continue at e home of Mn. Lewla T. the at.renuoua 1'11.498· foot climb Gud er, 2611 Vista l>rive. '1bere bu~ the fol)owt.ng boy. ttacbed the wu a small, but ,n.U.uliutlc.. bl~est point: Jim Ritt.er~ Ronny grou' of women to diacuu ptana. Querry, .Jim Conrady, Bob Staal.a, for .fl! orpnJr.allon Oleetlnc'-to SJCp Klng, ArlJe ~loW!le, David be f1etd November uth at 10 Vaughn, Jim Heul-On and Bow-a. "" at 2282 CliCf' Dt1ve. -to ard McViker. The group wu ac· whJt all women intcra;ted tn companied 'by Meun. Cornelius lhe rk of the Republi~ ~-party St.eelinJc and Kimes. sponson of a.re vited.. Among the women the club. ' ln the ..initial group was M&ry --Opportunity la knocking In CLASSIFIED ADS. Tull+ Topper, president of the Oran~e County Republican Women. I ' e ' Cooperatio n bel'A'Cl'n school and comn1un1ty Is tht" keynote behlnd the second annual pre·Christmas training program for retail selling at Orange Coast Colleg e, Nov. 28. Rugmaking. Thursday, Bunga- low , 9 to 12, Mrs. Blakely. Sewing, Thursday, room . 120, 6 :30 to 9 :30, Mrs . MillC'r. SLICED s'::ZE• Foo• ·~~~ 1 RAWIElll£S" IDIHO RUSSE .I Studf'nt.s de.string to prepare thf'mSt.•lves for employment \u re· tall sales-cle.rks d u.ri.ng the Christ· ma.a season wtll be registered for "' two-week training program in the Business Education Division. The class \\'Ill mcc-t dally and study sut·h SJ>f'Cific point.a a.s "meeting the customer acl"08S Uie counter," ••store pel"tlOnality," sen. Ing arlUunelic and rl'cords, cuh regiater practice and C"ift and ~c kage wrapping. It Is planned a&fto that two or three representa- tJvee from loc.al firms will viatl the clR.M and assist In explanation of businese practices. "Enrollment in claaa." remarks R. D. Boyer. instructor. "doe¥ not guarantee the &tudent a job. Any placemenl will be made under, dl- ~Uon of lhe School Employment Cowtcil with Donald Bridpan. chairman.'' The Council will J.ssue "Recom· mended f6r Employment'" at&U- -meat. to thoae sludenb wbo 9Uc- .-1111Jy complete tho preparatory oourae. .. ' ~ further .Ut.ee. "Tbe IOl!ool will inalce no attempt to ..i. mudlanle "';Slvo promi-ot employmtnL It WW •lie Ole ow-"""t'• ... _,billty to •..u bbn-ee:&' in tlt4' customary bl1.t1MW1 ll'aDM" .... ' Shorthand. M onday and Thurs· day, room JZ9, 7 t o 9, !fr. Thomp· son. Typing, Monday and Thursday, room l29, 1 to 9. !{r. ThciJ11p.ij()n. Volleyball, Thursda);'., Gyn1. 6 ;JO to 9 :JO, Mr. Reed. Woodshop, Monday and Thurs· day, &hop, 6 :30 t.D 9 :30, 'Mr. Mc· Gowen. AddiUonaJ classe8 have bttQ or· fE"red In the past fF.ngl1s.h, ~alh .. Spanish, and Drama.lie.al and might again be offt>retl if a petl· lion with l5 or more signatures la J>reaented to the Board of Edu· cation requesting that such a ~la.as be offered. Petition blanks may be obtained at the m&in offl«. Certain clurJes may be diaeo~u· ~ l.f there 11 la.ck of lnte.re.st ln lbat cla.sa. ).. RegiatraUon may be made in cl&.sae9 when you first at.tend. One may epter a da.u at any Ume, but .. rly ,..giat.raUon and regular attendaltce ts to the beet tnt.ereat .~the •tua.nt.. Tu~tJon -.no charge te made frx- any of lbeae. ~ although etU• d!:ata must l'Urnillh lbetr own textJJ and m11,t.tilolo: A &m&ll fee .111 c:llarpd be .......i. In Ille pll)'Ol- (:9.l eduea C\fFTl 91d1t y be bad toward hlsfl -...-lion.~~ credll. '-confer With I.he Ill- -~ Ill U..~ lLPll IETl'S tWI ~ ~ s~ ... ~ Liii BRlllSCiWEllEI l e.. CUP u~s.na.1 POTATOES FIESH/toor. SPIDAIHP~. I " -