HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-08 - Newport Balboa Press• ' • ' • • .. • • fJl'idt but Diii .._ e,, T. If. (1lllCK"l 'OADQB ·A almlr o( be moot ~ Yi.Joe. Ulal ....... rapldl7 dentop~ ..... lion Tom !Jortoo ean't p_. ot llle Calltontta· &outll ' , I . "' ./ l . • • I ' , I.be name ot1 met w-,. wltli Owot•I -pin 80ft\e K&rtne corp1 bra.a l'------------.J And lbe Marines learned a I.bin& or two. • IVIH THI INT11f llUIOI MIA · lluportor Judge llobw\ Gardner. wbo'• preS:ldent becau.ae be call. holler I.be loude.t. l!lC)Jlalned In • • • / . SECOND-. LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY . great det&'I the meantns or .. Sem- peT Fldella," I.be Karine COl'JMl motto. And be should know, too, because he wu a Navy ott1Cer VOLUME XIl PHO.NE ~R 1616 NEWPoRT BE4_C8.·CAIDORNIA, "nfUIUIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1951 PAGES FIVE CENTS NUMBER 37 durtq ·the lut war. · We won't co into det.alll of the motto explanation here becav.ae ol Ule abortase of new.print and aat>-- aequent lack. of spa.ce, bUt It .u.t- flc~ to say that bla explanation WU hlghlJ'·fla>Ored and very much to the potnL I lhlnJt at tlrst the Marine ot- fictte were somewhat t a k e n aback, not k:nowtng the lrrev.eren\ nature of Amip VleJoa. at the courae the meeting rollawed. They didn't know t.h&t th.la motto-leU, program-lea.. objective-leu el\lb make• a point of takin« aly and not...ao.•ty dig• at dlg:nttariea. 'Iberetore they were aomewb&t uncomfortable when the prea1dent bega.q, telling of Illa lack of low. for Marine 'col°'}e!a becauae of an incident on Guam durtnc which the Leatherneck officer chewed at him in mighty spicy lancuage be- cauee he wasn't dnMed u an of- ficer and genUeman. However, the officers never were -.ble to learn ex:acUy lhelr ai.tua In hluoner'a optnlon, because Gen. Rldderhof, a retired Marine who h.aa filled many a breach. filled thla one and made proper introductions. The maln ape&ker wu a lieuten- ant colonel ....:.... he waa outranked and therefore had to make the speech-name of Edward V. Men· denhall. He took one look at the cJub and tore up bia prepared ad· dreas., which he admitted mJght have been on the stoda ajde. A.a a reeult the talk wu tente and Interesting. MORI.: ABOUT THE 'OLD' FRIENDS Superviaor Heins Ka.leer re-- celved aome suspiciously -hl(h pralae from Toutmuter Le9 Stet· fensen. It sounchl Uke mebbe be'1 building up our repreaentatlve on the county board for a fall at a later date. It W&f rumored that Jim Bar- rell snatfled a free luncheon, and nineteen or the members were looking for him at tbe cloee of the meeting to get hla recipe. Herb Kinney acted u a eong leader when everyone WU eup· po9ed to aing "Happy Birthday To--" when the Marines were gtven cakea marking the Corps' l!J'Sth btrlbdaY, But no one knew whether to fill in with "El Toro" or,.::J(•rtne -~ ., I) came out in a surprlain1 jumble of mle- conl'. Tomu Norton, the Spanlah gentleman whom · we mentioned l!'&rller, had better take a course in •peaking the language of our .outhern neighbor•. The way he can k>uae. up "Amlgoa Viejoe'" 1.8 unbelievable! · HEAJt ABOUT no: ALBACORE! When· the report came i& Tuea· day that albacore were .een jumping In the Catalina channel tbl.I dept. felt, a.s It has all along, that the fish didn't leave us at all. but were ju.et lying low tor a bl t before hitting. And Wedneeday proved It. Flllh were caught all 01er the place. The hunch dept .. and I hope It's rlcht. feela they may st.tel('" around Jlke lut year, when tbe lut catch was reported on the 29th of De- cember. The fish being caught now ue huce'ns. Some run over 49 pounds and mOBt of 'em range above 30. When tbe°y're tbat big, they're really tackle-buaten, and mighty few arc boated atter they're hook- ed. For lnatance, ooe boat brought home nine and lo.-t 21 on W edne&- day1 Anyone who goe• out after 'cm without t.al:kle In tbe best of shape 1e nuta, becauae they'll do nothing but lose fiah all day long. The fiah appear to be ac::atte.red all over the c.h&.nnel. Most were" caught by local boat. toward the eaat end of Cat&llna, but the Long Be•ch boata bad (OOd catches around trte west end at the Laland. Which ts good. They're nicely seat tered. are fet'dinc hungrily. and mebbe Will stick. around for awhile. Until Decembu, we hope? 'TWO CHILDREN TAKE SKUNK POISON FROM CARROT IN GAIDEN . , MA.JUUNG TIME weft t.Aeee -.uon 7eete.ntay fta '*t' ,_r wheel o t their N"&1'J' am1m1e ,.,,. kid ealy by oae luc bolt, n>aled off and do-w:m a Udewalk al IUvenlde and COMt HlcbM-.y. N• oee WM lllJU~ ID ..... ,,.,.,. accldeal. ( PTeoo Photo I NEWPORT RED CROSS BRANCH ELECTS OFFICERS AT MEET Stanley Hadfield wu elected .... -------------I chairman of the Newport Harbor branch of the American !Ud Crou l~t Friday at the organi:za.1lon'11 annual dinner and board meeting in the Girl Scout Hotae, Newport Beach. The dinner wa.a prepared and served by Mn. Winifred Young, Canteen chalrman and sev· eral volunteer worken. NAVAJO RELIEF DANCE NOV. 23 AT COSTA MESA ' Harry .A.Bhton, who hM been the ~haJrman of this branch for the pe.st three yroara called upon Rev. Thomu Pendell to give the lnvo-- catkln. Tllla wu R>llowed I>)' .u.e unanlmou.a election ot officers and board membera. Thoee elected for th~comlng year were: vice chalr·, man., Earl Peterson: aecretary, Mlsa Lilian Daniell; t.reaaurer, Co· . The Meaa Boot. a.nd Saddle club I ot Colt.a. JileM wUl aponaor • ffillll~ f:Hll )lql!W • 41t!lce Fffca1. Nov. 2a at 8 p.m. In American Legion hall, Coat.a Mu&. on be· hall ot Navajo lnclJa.n re.Ile!, It wu announced by Clarence :£. Baker, publicity cha.lrman. lin Broyn. , Trustees Buy Rats for School Lunch Program Tests The long arm ot ftdera.I eub- .aldy appeared at Tueeda.y nlght·a meeting or the Newport Beach Elementary School Dl8- tr1cl board of truateea and ln ll.8 hand were a dos.en rat.. WQlch ht to u.y that part of the: dlstrlct'a lunch prognm- whtc-h rttelve.a federal food aur· pluse.-lnvolve3 l!IClenUf1.c teed· tng ar rats to determine the beat diet for achoo! chlldre.n. The boa.rd approvt<I a war- rant for 112. paytna for tbe nta' purc~ue: Tltej wut""1lie fed federal food.I by ·tbe acbool . caleter\.& dietlclan and each rat"a ruponae lo nutrtUoa pro- vided will be noted. The chU- dre n will be given the m09t nu- tritloua combinations avatlab)e. SANITATION. SYSJEM pRA WS SCHOOL TRUSTEES CALL FIRE OF PUBLIS"ERS AS .' FOR .P.UB~IC VOTE TO S~£9~D ~~t~!~~~an~~ LE~ bu been DECIDE BUILDING ISSUE "sro-'IY mtahandled. stupidly a<tmlnlatcred and wuttully run," for tour YMJ"f w .. ·the-expreued opl.nlorf of members or the Orange . . County }lewspaper Publishers As90e1atlon and otflclala of the ~- .ac.tated ChambeN or Comml'rrc and preo.15ldenl3 ot the viriollJI Cham-' hen of Comm•rce of the county who n1et In Sanl& Ana Monday night. County oftlciala pruent were = =·~~z::d o:ep~~~ I New c of c Home amUng Sanitation Dlatrlct II: . Ralph McFadden, 11Upervlllor, real-· dent or Placentia. and City Coun-Ded' t• s t cUman J . L. McBride of Sant.a 1ca ion e Ana. a repre11entatlv~ ot the Joint 0u;,::" m:-:;~~ i:-:-called In an for Wednesday e!fort or the publl•hera to lnter· cede In the 1talemale that hu plaped tbe aanltatlon program of Dedication ol' the new Newport the county for which the people Ha.rbor Chamber or commerce voted SS.308.000 In 1948. In lllnea building will be accompllsht'd Nov. put Dlatrlcta ~ a.nd 6, comprlaing 14 with 11 a . m . flag-ralslng cerl'- Newport Beac.b and Costa Mesa monil'.!! In front of the edifice, Hay and 7, Tustin and 8, Laguna Langenheim, secretary, announced Beach, have o~ the remain· today. der ot the county. particularly the Open house will be heJd in tbe 'JOS' cltiea who, It h.u been 11ald new stMJctut'c on the Coast High- have endeavored to rule or ruin way-from 11 a . m. lo f p . m. A the county-wide plan. Recently six 11,ght lunc he'On will be served free of the dlatrlcLI have agreed to pro-at 11 :30 a. m. through courtesy or ceed wtth the original plan termed the chamber board or directon. the 'Bacon Plan" and 11eU the bonds Myford Irvine wlll raiaE' the flag which were voted and then get un- 1 over the new building. a nag to be der way. prcaenlcd by Harvey Somers. Ir- Olstrlct 1 t . headed by Wllll!I vine will then tum keys to the Wamer, objected and vetoed the new offices over to Tom Norton, plan, because, Wamer aa.ld, there chamber president. He will accept would not be enough money to the keys w!O\ a brief talk. thank· complete the project. 1 ing the Irvine Company l'or ma.k· Wanter Objection Ing the chambc!r's new home pos- Warner baaed hl1 objeeUon1J lo sible. a beginning. without an end in The company has le&M'd the right on a clauae Of the Joint chamber land ror the new unit and Outfall Sewer agreement that loaned the necea&ary capital for il.8 eould. 0be-intet"ptet.ed to rev.nt ~ 'Dile sum la being ownentrlp and control and opera-repaid rnonthl,Y. tion ot ·any worka con8lructed to -----~- t.be Joint: OuUall Sewe.r board It N E th• entlr< project .. planned could ewporter scapes not be complet ed. He alao object-• • ed to a clauae !n the JOS agree-1 ln1ury IM . Crash ment that p ve that group of I The t"lement.Ary school diatTlct bond election wiJJ be held on Jan. 18 at Newport Beach'11 three school houses, the board of t.rusteea vot ed at their N>glalar meeting Tuesday nlght at Horace En.sign school. AlthouJth the et.anding commit-.... -------------- tee, which grew out or the large citizens· committee representing 27 local organizations. had l'!Ug- gested the fint w~k in February for the $98.:i.OOO bond l.ssue vote, the board decided a date later Ulan Jan. 18 would cause the camp&i.gn t o "let down" before the election. Actua~ decision to call the elec- tion wu made when the board ap- proved a request of the et.anding . McPHERSON TO. HEAD ·C. OF C. SANITATION commlttef.', represented at the Stewart S. McPher&on, prr:sldent met"ting by Mrs. Helene C8enar, of the Santa Ana. Chamber of co-c hairman, that tbe board call Commerce, wu l'lected chainnan the t"lectlon to Implement needed or the sa.nitallon cornmitltt or the n('w cons truc tion outlined recent-Associated Chamber3 of Co1n- Jy by a five-man fact-finding merce ot Orange County at a group's report. I lu.p.cheon meeting Monday In the School Su.n·e Balboa Bay Club. ! ( Brig. Ge~. Stanley E. Ridderhot. Th(' report-a. sUrvey of local (USMC, rel.) president of the A s- cll'mentary school needs. facilities aoclated Chambers, called t.he and expansion (>OSSib\.lltlea--calls meeting of the presidents of tor a new school to be built on an Chamber• of Commerce ln the 18-acre elte north of Corona del county to consider lhe sWemated Mar, at a coat or $550,000. It a.lao county-wide l!WUlltatlon program. urges addltiona to Hon1ce Ensign He appointed each a member of school at a cost of $43!>,000. the sanitation committee of the Superintendent Horace Enaign Auociated Chambers, which group told th(' board he . w1.ll see the elected McPherson chairman. County Schools Superintendent re-The '.sanitation committee agreed garding the immediate dratting ot lo meet Monday night with Or· necessary pa~crs for the bond ange county newspaper publishers issue. a.nd representatives of sanitation Board Clerk Gordon B. Findlay district 11, lluntlngton Beach, in &ugge&led that local organlzations Santa Ana. It wu pointed out "&et the people to the pollll," come that'" the publlsbera called the elcctlon day. · meeting with Willia Warner, chalr- -Je.Jnea D. ~. boa.rd member, man Of the coUnty board of supe r- asked Mrs. Csenar whether tbe vi.ors and Mayor Vemon Langen· .chool board could be of any a.a-beck of Huntington Beach, mem- sist.ance in putting over the bond bcrs of dlatric t 11. Issue. She said, "Not at the mo-P lan& Voted ment." The Board or Directors wtll be : Open to all penona who will bring any article of clothing, can- ned or PllCkaged food and toya. the dance donaUorui wlll be de- livered lo the. Monument Valley, Ark., Navajo Indian Reaervatlon by Dra. 0 C. Em.meraon, P . O. Butche r and C. L. Smith or by. m!aJonartea a.t the re.ervaUon. --------------l North Coun\y cw~ the power to Mugaret A. Ten'y, 2491 Kings conatruct tacflttie• for their uee Road, Newport Beach, escaped In· and liking and then require: the Jury early Tueeda.y morning when overall board.a to pay the bill. Thi.a rog caused a collision between her Mrs. C.senar said that a meeting ot the standing committee will be held No v. 21 wl(h a repre.acntative of the Slate Board of Education and Utat members of the commit- t ee's speakers' bureau will be pres- ent to learn the vadowi phaae.8 of the bond Issue. District 11 vetoed plans to pro- ceed with the original Bacon plan for the county-wide sanitation pro- gram at a recent meeting or all dtatrict.8. Harry Ashton, Mr9. E . B. Whit- son, Vincent Cusumano, RaJph Randel, Mrs. Catherine Johnson. Mrs. Winifred Young, Mr•. Ruth Jones, Mrs. R&lph Randel. Mn. Stedm&n Hoar, Mrs. Murray Rob- erts. Mrs. John Tubbe, Carl Han- na.. Clellan Priest, Mrs. Harold Bushnell. Dr. C. B. Barnett. Mrs. Loulae Paquet, Mrs. Norma Allen, John Sadtter, Mr11. Edgar Hill. Mra. Wend~ll Calkina, Mn. Karl Ax..· tater . Mrs. Robert Keppen, Mr1. C. K. Boardman, M.ra. George Yardley. E .T . Healey, John &yd, J . P . Guerin, Nonnan MUJer. Her- bert Brownell, Dr. Sterling Part.a, Bob Brown. Harlan Grl.rwold and W . W. Sanford. Ashton introduced the gueala of tbe eveninr, .M•Yor and Mn. L.. L labell and Mn. Laura K . Wan'en, eXttutlve director o( SoUlhem Or- ange County Chapter. Robert L. La.raen. chairman of the Southern Orange County Chapter of the Amerlt::an Red CroN. gave an lntereatlng history or Red CrOA9 and told of the many Volunteer Special SE>rvicu It hu in our own community and all over the work!. He atreaaed the urgent nffd for all ar ua to take part in thC NaUooal Blood Pro· (T&fl\ which la IO vital since the Korean crisis. The even.l.ng wu concluded by a performance of sleight of hand trick.a by Mr. Carl Zamloch. Pereona wtahlns to donate to the dance project may leave arti- cle.a at the dance or phone any member of the c.hib for collection, Baker 8fkl. The o.Jub will provide refreab.Ji{enta whUe music wUl be turnlshed by Ora.nre Cout college atudenta... Property Taken From Local Boat D. L. Brown, t&e"1 Ntnth St., Santa Monica reported I~ or property valued at 1224 from hls boat. moored oppo.lte the Weetern Martne j:lock. · Taken eome thne between Oct. 30 and Wednesday of thi. wee'k were two heavy duty b&tterltt, ¥ M.E8AN8 8PEEDINO I anchor, llne and chain, • •bot run Two ea.ta Wea boya. Richard and abeU.. a irra.y wtt, two pa.Ir Ivan Touby and Wiiliam Jo.eph slacka, two new work .ult., SO 0e· Lo.-e. both ot 1941 Fullerton can.1 of food. new rubber ~u. • &venue, will appear ln city court Coleman lantern and aklllet. and nut Tueeday to u;pla.tn why they pana. were atartnl" • ROl~between their F'IJlherm"t!.n obeerved three men cars on Cout Highway. They cU1)1ng artlclea to a parked car. were 1topped by Otflc.r• Neth Two of the men were contacted and Herr at 101 and M&rt.ne and but denied k.nowJedp of t6e theft. charsed with do\nl" 80 mile• tn a l!Cytng they were cleanln& up tbe ft6 mJle a.one and 86 In a 33 mJle boat u It WM about to. be ~- zone. posaeued. HARBOR FISHERMAN SEES TARIFF RELIEF IN . SIGHT • he aald, should be changed. car and one drivt>n by Daniel F . ClaGllf! Unfair Collini, U . 8 . S. Orea, San Diego Archltttt11' Bid More than four hours were at Pa"ttenson'a Landing, Coast apent in dl.c-usslon that ended Highway. police reported. Collins With the admLlalon of McBride, alAo was unhurt. First letter lo be received by Santa Ana.. reptesentatlve for that H e had attempted to turn into the board from architects interest· city on the JOS board that he, the landing parklng lot when the ed In doing the deelgn for tli.e new too, did not believe the clauses accident occurrM in the second sch~l ·and the Enalgn addltlon- werc talr. lane of the highway, police said. it the bond wue carries -wa.a Warner lnUmated he would en· -· . read lo ~e board. It wa.a from deavor lo ... k an agTeement from TARS-COLONISTS GO Architect& Frederick Hodgdon and hla board number 11.. &nd Dlatrlct Philmer ElJerbroek, both of New- 5 an<1 e -'° and that he "would TONITE AT ANAHEIM port Beach. Their 1etter cited th• l'O along lf the ..,-reement of the numerous con.e:trucUon project.a 108 were modilled to pl"Otect all Beca.uae of a. teach era' ln· they have done. 1 di.trlcta equally." sUtut.e which will give h I g h The board took no action on the Publlehera and repreaent.atlvea echool student.I a holiday tomor~ letter. ot~er lha.n agreeiJJg with of the vartou. cltleti are expected ro..,-. Friday, the grid battle Marlon C. Dodd, prca1dent. in h.13 to attend tbe meettnr of the Sant· between Newport Harbor'a Tara suggestion that a special meeting t.atk>n Dlatrlcta at the court houae and Ana.helm's Colontsl.8 will be should be called tG dlscuaa the ln the Boa.rd of Supcrvtaora meet· held tonight, Thut9day. at 7:30 program with Interested archl· ln.1" room next Wedne9d&y night p. m. ln the La PaJm& Park tectl!l. Whoever is choaen will have l 8 ba.aeball field, A.n&Mlm. to undert.8.ke initial sketche3 on a a p. m . -------The game 1.e expected to be a speculative ha.st.a if the bond issue POLE FIRE QUENCHED hard-fought contJst ae the Tare faib , it was stated. The meeting, Snrtne 3 of the Newport fire a.re out to avenge la.at week'• tentatively set for Nov. 20, wW be department stood by at 1811 Cout defeat by Sant& Ana. while the open to Interested architect.., the Htpway on Tuffday at 4 :~ p. m . ColoniaU &re treahly ln.aplred truateee said. Findlay aa.ld a pre- unW Edl.8on campany employee• by their de.teat ot the mighty limlnary sketch "Wi ll be needed fllr arrived *1ld put out a pole fin. Fullerton Indiana. use In pre~election publicity. • • • The aclton of the newly·elected sanitation committee in the Bal- boa Bay Club Monday and a ctio n by the Santa Ana group meeting w~ schcduJ.ed (.or:presentatio'? a t. 7 :30 p. m. to the board of direc- tors of the A880Clated Chambers. The office of the Santa Ana Cham- ber of Commerce wa.s to be the scene ot the la.st meeting. Walter Schmid, a put president of the Associated Ch.ambers. re- ported on the history or the san!- tatlon problem in Orang£' <'ount.v at the luncheon m eeting. In 1946, the group formed a san l~aUoit committee to work on the project, Which foUowed with the county board of eupervi.aors authori.zlnJt a aurvcy w.h.lch was prer~nted tn the fall of 1947. Dlatrtct Fonnatlon It called for lhe formation of 10 dtstrlcts. Schmid said, and the building of an ocean outfall. treat- ment. plant and lines. W ith the major portion of the ceunty still • agricUltural, these areas were modi,ted for limited participation. Th.rH district.a, San Clemente. 9; SUverado Canyon area., 10, and ' ICoatinuecl Oii Pace %> cqMMtss10N 1Nvrta PUatC TO MEmNG Tbf Park, Beach and RecnaUon Commission lnvlln all cttizena tn· te.Ma~ in the development of the rroutt'• plane for park alt.ea to at· tend J lte regular meettng next Wedlleada7 at the cit,. council cbanlber. '""' ,Leap• of Ctvilc Auocl&· tfona )1haa beeii invited to repreaient their !'e8ptCUve groupB.. &hd alt othe~clric organlaUona are alao U.vit . -The commll!alon 18 In lta final tacea of developing a m"'6 plan •. or e><latln& park alles, ancf It la d81J'ed to Jndude '!11 U.. willlieo of the citlHrlry u a wboJe. ~-sreat.er portion or the meet., tn1( -.rm be turned over tor open ............ ~, to Llol"I WC!i>d. vtco cbaUman of 'I.be COID• "';tNir Weaml•t-... ,... _ ................ , ' . . . -'i- .~.L--• • . ..... •-----" .. .. ~ .•... " •. #f l ',\•.~...--~: : ~--.--~'H. ~·--·'--'' . \ ' • , • • • • · PubU..lhld •WlY ThUl'9dq at ewpc:ct B1·c•, Cal1fanda. omoo and-Prlntlq Plant at 2211 --0.Bhd.-P!Mm• Ba.¥ Ull E:ntel'lld u ......:.i-c1ua matltt Jim. 111, lHO, at tho pOll oalco ~ Newport l;Jeacb, Callfoml&, undel' I.be Act ot Mu<:b a, 1879. . . • STILL HOPING FOR .LASTING PEACE November 11 marks the 33rd anniversary of Armistice STEEL FOR SCllOQLS There is rea.son for deep concern over the allotment of only 96,000 tons of steel by the Defense Production Ad- ntinistration. for school construction during the fin1t quarter of 11162. Ninety-sbc thousand tons of steel may sound like an awful lot but it's hardly a drop in the bucket when com- pared to the school construction needs in America. what with the current fall enrollment exceeding that of last year by more than three-quarten1 of a million pupils. The classroom situation wouldn't be so desperate if the school construction program in past years had kept within shouting distance of the rise in the school popula- tion. But i~ hasn't. Now, the problem is compounded by a swiftly increasing enrollment and facilities which were already inadequate. .. mE WAY OF mE DICTATOR • , .. d' \' 1: P. 0 r ~ ', <. ! ll ~: ~. l ~ ~ !:1P.~1 f t'I~! r-• ~18!111~ l!lfd., C9t!I& MW Medical Bldg., Beacon , 1162 ll05 E. ll&Y Ave.; ~\!P& ~Jrr-J • • • • •• \ ' • ' • YAl.IB . Cllll;JZU ILOl 8 IEU· . COTT811S . . •' ., 99 '. • Yalfts .. to 4.50 per JCJ. Sllon yuotaceo _. -· llnwod Stoel<. • Will m a k e • love.b' slftt fer Cltrlltmu ANIONS., 8KIJn8 PILLOWS. DllAPl:IUJl8 CHINTZ SHOP 980 So.~ BITIL .......... I'll. u- MATTRFJSES! Excellent fi>ualify Excellent Values SlS9 Value Mattre:t111ee, laftOI Box prlnp. aet for.... .,..., P9~~~':r1~~---···· '6'5' ss~~~-:::;t~~----·--· 'scr -Bo~·~-:n!';.~----····-'49°° Fino Couch Bed •..1880 Spttlally price<! at..... '9'7 • CARLYLE'S Beacon 61'9 1990 Harbor Blvd., Costa lllle&a. SuporlaUve u..,, C1ean1Ds LIDO CLEANEB8 -Newport Bl•d. OO!!TA MESA Dea. 6'19W We operate our own plaa.t ELECTKIC SUPPLIES U,rhtlal' FlxturN l.aJnpR...,; Shades Part•-Repaln • l~Y M. WHETSEL 411 Newport Blvd. Clo8ta M-P~oae Beacon 11!9 WATER .HEATERS -s.m.e...i~ /oe /1ecl.IJ,IJ PLUMBING Authoriud Dealer Day a NIS"b&: Beaten TUMS IO'f. 0..• .,. •II H..,.,. Phone Ha.rbor !MZ-W Shower Honors Recent Bride • Bethel Group &.+ Sart Jose • , Preceding the recent marriage • A delegation from Costa Mesa of Mni Violet Hartwig lo Ed-Bethel 157, I.ntematfonal Order ot ward Gardner Balboa. friends of Job's Daughters. ii attending the bride-elect entertained w1\h Grand Guard1an aeulon ot the '.\ pre-nuptial peno.naf ehower at ?rder, being held Nov. 8 to 19 at lhe home ot Muie Bird. San JQ.w. . Preaerit wer-e : Mu.le Bird, Present from hen are Mra. Louiae Holker Anita Mell., Helen Grace Sw-trta, deputy grand Cole, Jo ~eroy, Lydia Sher-p&rdian; Kn. Dorn. Rqa.a., • man. Jo Ollennan, Kalle Olaon. guard.Ian; Honored Queen O>nn.le Jeny Sic)der Josephine Webb, Gunn; Senter PrineHS Mare .. _ Lillian McAd~ Helen McDonald Taylor and Kenna. Johnaoo., IMIC· Mary W&JT"en, itartgold Schue1ter: and meaenaer; a1eo Nr. and Kn. Neva Oakden', Gloden Fay, Char· Wa.y.ne Tayler and Kr .. llhd Mn. lotle: Tboml)30n, Myrtle . Elliot. A. W. Gunn. Ann 011ver, Betty Olaaa. Dorthea. ------ Grtmea and Penny Ba.le.. mo:raca 8C800L GUILD ' Not p«ftllt but eendlng r;lfta Kn. IWlnetl> Hunt. 820 IArk- were: · Pecc Ege. Elolae Ehrea.-tpur anaue. will be b08t ... oa man, Alice Dou. Eleanor Evans. Xonda,y., J'SOV. 12 at T:IO p. m. Florence Foeter and Eileen Dart-to the Corona del Kar Cllurch ft>rd. OUlld. Book. -will be a1- ~y Mn. -W&INc!r and Kn. ""1im.m_ Da- ~ •13 Otrmn' • Kn. Nina Nlcltel ot 1qlm& llMc1', fl'wo --ter, -ot cblldrea'• tat-lui, -tor- -HoU,..---t. -, --..-ot--ll&l'bre, U ol lllnot. • DE!( I CUB SCOVTS ot' P1w>k Ill> cajjb1>er1 U... Hit --.., f or their poppet p1 c••tatloa or Utue ~ ~ R ood at Uae :r.ck """'tins bold tut Friday. Rear ,.... (left tO rlCf>t) are Jolm Sliva. Bk.hard Wat.Mn, .lohn Porter, No.,.... Racldord, Ste\-e ~bm -.nil Billy Haworth. Kneellnc are .Jack OlrpMlfl' and .Jtmmy Butle.r. (A. Porter Photo) New Member for Stagettes Corinne Tallman of Costa Mesa waa welcomed into tile member- ship of the Stagettea Club at a recent meeting held with Lou LockwOOd, 1800 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa.. l!!mma Poupa.rl had charge of the busineu in 'the ab- eence of Presld.e.nt Belen Clark. Aw•rded the door prize wu Mae Felker;:. A de'3sei't cour.1e wu served by the hoeteae .. a prelude to game. of canuta. Arra.n.se- menta of dahliu and chrya.nt.b.e- muma were used decorat:tveJy. Amons thoae enJ<>ylng the ._,. ta.Uty were Mmes. Felker, Marge. 81'>Ckett, Dal8y SUlllvan, Clan, Bad ... , Talln$n, Pou~rt lr.nd- o.ac4o Kllno. O W •''.WM 80N Mr. and Mh. nou.iu V.c'an are parenta ot a eon. born Nov:'" 1J In Santa Alla COmmWllty hool>I· tal. They roolde Tit' 27U" Wooti Ocean J'ront. 'tlte lad Upped ul~ IC&leoo.t7~~-- •' M & lllfnl .. _, l•M· {;to °"' ma s a •• ' -·-, I ss.il LAST ' DAYS Qf ~AL-f !· ZG°lo . Off oa iv~ in StOd! ~J.. :/!t;,1np ;£iflJ Blu.p, llAJIBOR t368CR 1501 Coast t:llcJhwoy, CORONA DEL MAR 10'>/o DiscMt on· Awy Purdi Cl!Mt (EXCEl'T ABALONE ud SJIBIMP) llrtng tlll8' ad to '4YSID! flSH MAl~T- km Fish. Dail¥ from Ow Owlt ·la11ts! •lOIE _ ............ ______ .... b.75c ' NEWPORT l Harbor 616 FINEST OCE•M FISH Eastern • ~&ai,Legs Clams . ~ Ji;J.v __,.,. $.wonlfiili , WE GIVE SPECIAL .DISCOUNT TO LOCKER. TRADE SEA FOOD SPECIAt.11ES . . Newpo.rt Beach Pb. Bar. MO'? ( • • , ' • .... lfm1 has:ftW• NIMe~mli•r: 12 ••• . . -. . ,,.. ... _., ••--< .tSiil••'lll•ll'"' 118usrt111 \.Z -·· ·~· • \ ~ $ -Ills , M w; a el; a :~11._.,~7 rt ...... oil .,.. .. l&ad. 111 ' d-, 87 .... -· IN•&1lldll p1u's4o ........ 0\ ·,j ·=·-·-ne•--1· .... ,_. ' • ¥ • ' • , • • , - .. • • ,, PASE 4 -PART I -THUltSOAY, NoV~I, 195 1 ·J~~"iuss-B • • llwrsd~y Party at COM School DEATH NO~IS HM.•WJLllA •.t.0111 VAJJCJS ~ -f0< Mn. Wllmt. Naomi Vuce. '4t, of 116 Topu aoclal apotl.l.ght n ea: t Ave... Bal~ 1lll&nd.. -.N held to- • Coron& deJ Mar La the-day et 2 p. m. In. Ute Blower 1tf'8day cant party, NOY. lG at Brpa. mortuary Glenwood chapel. del Mar school, 8 p. m. Rev. Quel\UD De Young ott1clated. .. rt and coffee wtll be aerwed. The cremation, euvtcu lit. M'elroee ~re wUJ be table prlsee a.pd Abbey were private. ' • door prize l1 a beauutul .el Mn:. Vance, wUe ot Barlett.. Hen- cj %>un JV&ndln~• dinntt ware 1n ry Vance, wu killed In .,,, auto ~·kwe.17 and exotic Leilani p&l-coiul!lion near car .. bad Sunday ~ Tiie af!alr la spor\OOred by eYtillng. · ~= Capilla Circle and Church A native of Nebruka, ahe l'lad $!boot Guild or Corona del Kar Uved In C.Ufomla .tnce 1919. Sln!: Community church. Taking ruer-bad come to Santa Ana in 194.2 ....Uona are Hra. Ch&ttnce Dodd and bad 1tYed; on Balboa Uland ¥d Mn. Paul Moore. B o t b since Jut ye.al'. Sbe operated a btQ41ge llftd cana.st& w111 be played. beauty ihop lD~Santa Ana. "' • Survi vora in addition to her ho. -;j({M.ootitJ~ " . 'Bta"""" ~t..frJ band are her fat.ber, Eciward R , Bladen of San Diego, and a .tater, Mn. Goldie Cb.ambua of Chula VLst.a. SCHUYLER U. VOORllEM . ~·;~:es Wood HOSPITAL • ·DRIVE · JS ' at Christ ·9hurch Jd COMMUNITY ' "'1'11• ·-N"11 I'* ~· la , ·~-----------tllo theme at CllrUl Cburch liy (lliol.· N•: Jlr, E . lo ~,... lhe Sea thla -•-week u ~ w ., a. et T)•W'Ne .mete Grant lloag and tbe Hoac ,._.. ...... _.,. _.__,... ,.,.,,...., ••• ,..... d -~ ~ CCID.peg&Uon jOlna Jl ear 1 y ·~ ,_.. • aUon, ._,.'• he.Ip ~ ..._ other li(ethod.J& clulrdle:a ot the &·,~ta!, ~). picture· eompletdy and enabled 8outhem callfornta -.Artaon& Con· 11y • Wllllom, o . -tbO Board or Dlreclol'll lo &••'rd. terence tn the Ua.i"9Ci uv~ Soon t.o be added to the many • contract totalling .•bPUt •1 ... Advance. Pr'o&cb"'6 nll!>llY on ad~t.agea and. attnctlona or 100,000 !or the 75-bed main· ~ • tbJ• theme wtll be Re-v. l!luplle 'Sewport Hirbor will be a first pltal building. Tb.ls contract Wood of San Dtep. pat p~· :lua •hoe:ptt&L lf'olka ha.ve been covers all the ooets of the main er of the local oon11•f1p.UOn. ·ooklng forward for a long time hospital bulldlng leaving only 'tbe "I have loeked 0Yit1:r the outllne ,0 the rreat day when the bol-problem or equipping and fUmt.ah- of Mr. Woocr1 ierlM ror the week 'J!tal ._wtll be flnilhed. fttlly equip-Ing-the buJldlng lo be eolv~ To and I am thrilled W\tb the pdal->ed and then opened. That day equip •nd furniBh wtu.." a fffff bilitlu thue ineetlnp bold for YIU soon be here. Every day now-other ltema or experu1e will requite us," wu the comment of Rev. ':.he COMtruclion work advancu $250,000. • Thom&IJ Roy Pen.dell, )lost ,put.or. \ftd all stem point to actual corll· This mo11ey la lo be re.bed in \Y'hile 881')'1ca are betJts b a Id. >lction of the T~bed lnatltut\on a county-wide campaign with each nther memben of the oongrep.->n time now e.sUmated to be Sep+ community dolng It.a aha.re. Tbe lkm will vllit 'homes of the com· • quota Ulllgned to Newport !Ju- muntty with lnvttatJon.li to lhatt _t.ember. 19!)2· ' bor· la $75.,,000 which should be It haa taken ma.ny yean and · In ..... mcea. weu within reach 'fOT in tlM~8 uio; much hard work on the part of a Mr. Wood hu ~ u a min· the same area contribtttOO about large number qt people to bring •an Th - t•to' r In five different st.a•-· Ml&-· .-.r,000. ere llre a great many • ~ the splendid 'hoopltal project lo 90urt. Wuhlngton (where he eerv· It.a present favorable pq_sit.fon. But more people in ~he arOll today &o -• the church at Grand Coulee), ' the taak should be readily po.. JIU still more remains . to be done and Dlinols, Arizona. a.nd CaJifomlL th h 1 and _aible to the Import.ant and lnOuen- al e e p of every man, woman ·ual u h h d --~ In Artmna he attracted naUon child will be needed. to flnlab. the tho ,t;_,r:'k.p w o ave un ci-1.&Aen CAllflUll IUIT ISSI. 41 ·2 .. lt• Ml fMllCllCel Schuyler R. Voorhees, 60, car· penter, who ror the pa.at four yea.rs ha.a lived at Broadmoor l'ralle.r Park, 2018 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, died 1uddenly at h.ia tr&1ter home yeaterday mo rn!nr- He waa born Jan. 27, 1891 at Middle Park, N. Y . IN HAWAD for a fall -tloft, Mr. UI\ Mn. L,lU.i B. 1-la ud Ulolr aa..pi.tr. Nuq, of Bal- tMul Island a r rived tn Honolulu Satordq, October 11· on board 'lllaaoa UAN' taxuey llner, Lor- llne. Durlns t helr atar ln tbe lAlaadl ttaey wW h at tile Roya.I Hawftan oa Ute beacb at WalldJd.. attention In hla 11erv1Ce1 and work ...a f big undert.aklng: Up to N~rt ln the prlloner of war campe or . ; ~ .. ..-- German off1cera. 1 When the hospital plan waa Mr. Woods' 1te.rmon toptcs are tint propoeed tn 19t 6,,ll appeared u follO'A'I: St1nday-momin(l', ''The u ~ tmpomlble task; But Orange ·Be.st News for Tods.y"; Sunday county cttlserus wtth the help of a evenlnt.t. "Fl"'t Thin.gs y 1 rs t:'' 'rtft _O,f $100,000 from Glenn L. M 0 n day "Loyal Hearte and Ma rt·n. ral.sed $600.000 .,·hich at ~trong ~ds"; Tuesday, "A 'hat time appea.n;id 8llfflcenl to Faith That Dares"; Wednesday. •lo the Job. But. pricea went sky· "T ti e Lampll~hter'1'": Thurtday, high and muoh mot+ money wu "When God Btlilds Fencel!I": ant! 'lceded before th¢: klnd or a hos· Fridav. "Tha Power to See tt plt&I lh,e people. of Orange coun- Throi.;gh." ~y wa.nted could be bujtt &nd open- Ne\\'J)Ort has beC'n callE'Cl upon. many times tn the past to support to the llmll, projects or value to the communJty. Here ls a project the equal of which w:n not occur for many yeaMI!, If ever . •• HILLMAN MINX ,.. $1'99 delivered here • plU9 ta.ii: and llcenlM! • ... 'YOW' Harbor Area ~r .~RT At:TO SALES • %604 W. N O\\•pori Blvd. • • Newport Bea.cb • H.&rbor 1t01 • llE LI AB LE T SER VI CE ~· v . . • • Services will be conducted by the Rev. Paul P . Farl.s. retired Presbyterian minl•ter of Laguna Beach, FTtday. Nov. 9, at 11 a. m. a t Grauel Chapel, Coeta Mesa. Voorhees ia Mlrvfved by hll wife. Murie l. He will be cremated &t Melrose Abbey. St. Andre w's Women Plan · Busy Season The board or the Women's Ff'l- lowshlp of St. Andrew 's Preftby- trrlo.n church mt>t In the home ot' Mrs. W. D. Schock on Oct. 31 to li8CUM tjlelr plane to r November and December. • • • Mrs. Edgar Hill, president of the Fellowship. announced Tuesday. as lhe night for the ta.mlly pot~I luck dinner. lhe fint ·of the sea- son for the cnngre1atlon. It was a. \\"elcome for lb• ne:w J)63tor, tbe Rev. Jamea S . Stewart &nd his family. '.sr;w HOME OF BRITISH ~IOTORS. l.~c .. f'f;ATl'RES F . .\...1'10llS S PORTS CARS • British Motors in New Off ices • • • l<t:ZO AUG. '31 e, Call U1 Today For Swift TV Service : No need to go without television enjoyment f o r d a ys. O ur swift pick-up. trained tech-, ~ nida ns, a nd complete - Wednesday. Nov. lf. at 12 :30 p.m., will be the regular monthly neetJnJ{ of the Women's Fellow- ,.rup. Thi.a wiJI be • 12 noon pol N"w home or British Motr1M1. luck luncheon. Hosteues will be Mr:o1. Robert E. Campbell. Lido I tnc .. hwi bt>f'n nj>f'nf'd by Frank I.s it"; Mrs. Karl S. Axtater, Coron!li I Wi~hon 11( Balboa l !'ilarul. wrll- del Msr; M :3. N. H . Robedeau. I known !'IJ}<lrtsman or the Harbor Cliff Haven, and Mra. W. D. nrf':\. British Motors. Inc. will Schock. Newport H elbghtsM. Thepd•·1 reatur,. th" ramnu.s En~li.sh :;ipor t~ votions will be led y ra. au ~ Johnstone, Co8ta Mesa. Organ car. the M (, and s l~n the l \vn -elections will be played by Mrs. Morris c:nr::i. the Oxford anrl the Ralph De.aTer. 1'hUI ·w ill be Mi nor. which In the enclosed car Thank' orferlng.day. • lypt'.s 8.rC w ell-knoWTI ror lh,.ir • • 1upply of a ll notionally Following the buatneu meeting. 1'~onomy, "(fkif'ncy anrl rturahll- the women will flnllh making a.nd ity. Thf' linr wdl all4o include one filling the Christmas stocking for or En~liutri'l'I finc&t cars. lhf' children In New Mexico which la beautiful Rilt?y which h1 th,. laat onE" of their yearly pr~j~cts . ) word in reflnf'ml'nl and custom • • known ports. insur., ra pid results ... i:na de a lmosl before your favorite program hos co,,... • THOROl"GllL\" TRAl:\'"EO I: FACTORY Ql'AL!FIED ELECTROSlt 'S EXPERTS F ULLY EQ1'1PPED to SERVE YOllR TV tt.nd RADIO SERVICE NEEDS Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations U. S. Government Ucensed Technicians • Call us now for service TELEPHONI: BEACON 5783 COAST ELECTRONICS co. • 915 Coast Hi9hway Newport Beach Thur&da y, Nov. 15 the Fellow· appolnlml'nls. '!hip will serve lhe PTA luncheon In addltloo lo thE" above cars. in st. Andrew's lounge at the lht> rirm will a.Ian show other church. makes of fine importrd cars al Pla.ns were aleo made for the their show rooms at 1200 C08.sl reception lmmedl&tely rollowlng Highway, In NE"wport Beach . Thro the lnstallatlon of the new pas-11ervicl' department will be staff Pd tor. ThUi will be held In the audl-with mechanics e_xperlencrct In the torium of the Newport Harbor prC'paratlon, servlce and r_~palr on h igh school on Sunday, Dec. 2, .f all British and other 1mporl~i pm. The reception will be In St. cars. And l"ew's lounge at thf' churc h acro8s lhe street from lhe high school. Two other important dates to ~member are Wedneeday, Dec. 12 Women's Fellowahlp meeting; and Tuesday, Dec. 18, the Chrl1tmas dinner party. • Mrs. Roy Keene Undergoes Surgery Mrs. Roy Keene flu been in Midway &lospll&I , Beverly H illa, for surgery on her noee. It wu nee· eMitated when playing t ennla. shf' slipped on vavel ~d atruck her nose against the c urb. breaking three bones. On Tut"ed&y she went in to have the ~l removed blll wtll be on lhe convaJen.scent Uat for a couple of weeks. B. 1. BED SHEETS Harbor Teachers at Anaheim Meet • Elgin L. Hall and Robert Perrln of Newport Harbor hJgh achool Ala.ff attended the fa.II meeting of lhe California. Teachers' AMOCla - tlon. held Oct. 27 at Anaheim Union high school. Conducted to~rl'I to variowi school rarma fol· lowed t he aft t>moon seuion.a. Wbo look the two bed sheets rrom her clothea line ? That'• what M.re. N . C. Hager. lli 'Jade Ave., Balboa Island, uked police to diacover. They were ta.ken .... ·._ __________ ..../\Monday evening, abe: said. • GARDENIAS , NIOE PLANTS • la Gal. cllfl• . . ........... ················-······--·········· • SOME YEITCIU and MYSn:BY 45~ ~ IA l/1 G&l. can only . ... ----·--···--···--···--·~---············-·········· • 0000 OAK Ll:AFMOLD -; '100 .. Sa~ .. . ............. ······-···-·-······ ········-····•-1· .. -.. -·····-·····-·· •• 5'& 10• Nunery 141!1 So. Newport 11mL TUS'DN 0111d 'l'andaJ" .~~~~~~ • l • I I • ' STOCKS • BONDS •. COMMODITIES . ' u~ DEANWITTEJt.. lk CD.! M1Mli:a NEW 'fomt STOCK BOWm Glc:9p ..... efT ............ ~ ........ ,_.. 0 1 11 . .... ..... , ..... , .... . _ .... An- -.. ~-'.. ...... ._ ll!lio• -.. I.Ill ' . t. '9 l11• • .... ' I 011 t ...... "" .._. •• I Province Chairman Public Li bra ry Addre sses Pi Phis ro Observe ~ .... L. c . nho<ks or San Frnn· Boo k -W ee k ri.nc'o. ~tu P1 ovlnie chairman. paid Book Vv"pek Is to be cel•~b rato<\ hr r bit•nnlnl Vll'l'l lo Pl &-ta Ph! lhfs year during the \\'eek of chaptt•r of SuuthC"rn Orange t•oun-No\·. 1 l·17. Srx-c11:1I book marks ty flt thl' r•'<"Pnt Octolx'r lunchr>on ,,·111 be given to Corona del Mar 11\f'f'tlnj! hrlrl at tht' hon1p of P.1r:;. children 1:1~ well l:l.S 1': e w Port S ta.nlry ChambrrR, Lido lair . A!'.· JWach borrowers. and of course. "li&linK ho!'lti·Bl!t'll wcrf' P.lr~ C('OrK'" •new young people's books Will be H. Moore and Mrs. Thoma." D. rcalnrcd. f"root. Al the n1ain library lhe 4th ~'"'· Rhode. etrcssf'd the v&lu c and 6th grades will con1e cJurlng of Phi Phi clubs tn rnaking addl· cl8.88 time ror book talks. F~r tlor.aJ rr1end.!!.hips whf.'n lhc girls some~hing unique and dlffe.rent are out of college. She aL-w told the hbrary sLa.ff under lhe dtrec· about the settlement school. first lion of Dorothea Sheely Is plan- altruiatic project or thl.s oldest nlng a •J?eclal ekit to be acted women's fraternity and locatl"d at out b)' the starr and Newport Gatllnbur,,-::. Tenn. She tolrl of the Beach school young people. M :-s. Emma Harper Tumer Memorial Butler'e 6th grade girls w lll be fund principal or whicll 18 used in charge of the flower arrange- ror Ute chaplet hou8<' and the lnr menl.8 in keepi n~ with the theme tercel iolng to Joan.s to needy Pl of NEW HORIZONS W ITH Phl..s. Thi& loan fund ill &E'lf .sup-BOOKS. porting. Holt Ho\13e al li-tonmouth. Along wlth celebrations. Corona 111. whe re Phi Bela Phi wa.a found-del M.ar branch hall its 4th blrth- M , Is now being renovalC'd and day last week. There are 832 furnished Ln •the period. borrowers who reside at Corona Convl'rtion pl~!!! v.'e.rt' oulllnf'd. del Mar. Books now. go almost the 8l'Mlona to Ix• hPld tn July. lo the ceiling. and the book 1952 at Shamrock hotel, Houston, shelves bulge on all sides. M rs. T ('xa.s. / Ellen f<~rascr. librarian at the The group \V('re sadd1•ned by ab-branch anno1 mces the need ~or &ence of one of t heir s\x Golden gtft UIK'<i magazines or curn:nt in· Arrow m"J'l'lbera. the late Mrs.. tereet dlU! to the fact that present Wallace D. GilllB of Lagunlta. book budget docs not allow for The Golden Arrov.·s ar" women new magazine subecriptlons. who have been members for 50 year s or more. Resulta come rrom conat&.nt Practice! An ad rea;ularly ln tbla 1 paper will produce re.sulU for you < Coruiult attuatlon wanted aa.a or place a cla.utfled In the Newa- nmea. POt!lt and Pt-eSll comblna- Uon at $2 per week. m1n. Phone Harbor 1618. t 7 .,n 'd. E vening sf'!rvlcci. are a :uv , When the prelent campaign is completed a.nd we a re sure It wilt be, and well over, the Harbor a.re• will have contributed In all aboUt $150,000 or one tcnlh of the tot.al coat of thl" hospital. Putting It a.nother way, the Harbor area l3 or w ill be getting a 75-bed boe- pltal fully equipped, re.11dy to opt'n. for the small sum of $150,000. It ia true then that opportunity like this occurl!I only once in & life· tlm~ and this is now Newport Harbor's great op;>ortunity. and the public Is welcon\e. lloac Donation Plal)ners Approve Mesa Applications Limiting Its recommendation to n th .. er--vl'ar p ermit, the Oran11re County Planning Comn1iss1on Sat- ur1ay tonk favo rablf' action on lhP• applicatlon of Clarence W . Bitto for p!"rn1 lssion to establish a commercial chicken runch on 20th strPet. near Tustin avenue. Co~ta Me.sa. ThP ranch has been OJW raling ~n nc(' 1946, it was reportC'd lo the '»Hnm1Mion, but It \VU explained !hr arplicant was unaware or the nrd.na.ncr> requirin~ a ll&' variance f','rm1t. ThP property is in a sub· 'J:·ban r<'1'idcntlal distric t . After much d<>l ay, lhe planners rf'com1n1·nclC'd approval of an amcncled application by the Nc\V· port Dredging Co., for 1noving in a warehouse on propcrty on Santa Ana avl'nU('. nrar Pali.sades ~osd . Th<' permit would a180 provide for a t\V(}-Slory building lo allow s torage for truc ks and automo- biles on thr first floor and an apartment abovf' for an t>mploy~ 1,0\V living ln a trailer on the p renli.llea. ------ Taxi Driver Fined for Passin9 School Bus and Speedin9 Taxi driver Martin K eith f-lam- ilton, 36, of 322 32nd street, New· port Beach1 yesterday pa.id $40 in rincs when he appC'ared In City Court on chargrs or pa.gslng a school bus while children croesed a strC"Ct and spct>dlng. A compla1nl signed by Law· rcnce Fredrikscn. gr8.mmar school bus driver, accusPd Hamilton of pa..ssing his bus 8Ji children crMs· ed F inley avl•nue at Newport Blvd. last Frida y. For this he wu fined $25 by Judge Frank Lin- nell. Arrested Oct. 26 by Officer Jack P rice fo r dl"ivlng 4.0 mllee an hour In a l~·mlle schoql zone, Balboa Blv'd., a.n d 14th atreet. Hamilton was aaaeaaed a $15 fine. Ho pleaded not guUly to both counts. For 80me time It_ seemed ~ though we would never be able lo solve the probleme as they :;i.ro!Je, but fortunat.ely help in the 'qhApc ' of 8 half·mllllon dollar gift '.!B.me in time ~from Mrs. Geol"ge First We(?elos · Badge · Awarded at Meeting of Cub Scouts Pack 181 Mathew Scanlon received hls•·---·-------~--­ WebelOl!i badge Frtday night a.t lb~ meeting <:If Cub Scout Pack 181. first boy to receive thia highest award in the troop which wu or· ganized Jut year. 'A.aststa.nt Scout¥ New Bobcats for COM Cub Pack • muter Bill Gibson and a patrol The regular monthly Pack fr&m Boy Scout Troop 5 were meeting of Cub Pack 180 wu present to welct.me him into the held Friday in the auditorium of troop. Corona del Mar school. Oen 1 captured the skit award F ive new BobclPJ,5 were prcaent· for thelr amusing puppet show: ed to lhe Cubma.ster Bill Tobttt. Little Red Riding Hood. Den 4 , 11.nd to the Cubs by A.sslst.ant Cub-- had the attendance award with muter Jay Stoddard. They were: every member present and Oen 7 Mickey Bra.mblt", Tad Hagood, had lhe good conduc t award. Den Tom Smith, Lester Gra.ssel.U an~ 2 presented a skit, Scout Puppet· Al Robeson. eers, Den 3 gave the opening rile The poys hav~ been working and Den 7 the cl08lng cereinony. hard lbla mooth u shown by the J immy Butler of Den 1 describ· following awards: Steven Butter-- ed the recent Pack field day at worth, bear silver arrow, Lion San Juan Capiatrano. Next one' badge and service atar; Davld will be on Nov. 17 when the Pack Karp.pert,, bear gold arrow anti will go to Mt. Palomar. 1 service st.a.r; Larry Schwartz. bear Awarda were presented u fol· badge and service star; Mike Ma· lows: • Jor. wolf badge; J ohn Smith, wolf Den 1-Mrs. ~ymond Days: ~ge; Robbie Wlnlerbotham, wolf John Sylvia, service star; Jlmmy sliver arrow ; Jim Delligatti, wolf Butler, bear badge. service star; badge; Tad Hobilt, bear badge; Billy Haworth, bear bad(e, service J immy John'Wn, bear gold arrow sta.r: John Porter. wolf badge; and sci-vice star; Bill Crider, wolf Norman Hackford, denner strip, badge: David Meyers, bear badge. service star: Richard Wataon, as-one gold a.nd one silver arrow: .sista.nt d enner atrlp, bear badge; 'J'im Drla.kel, lion badge. Fifteen Pack Carpenter, wolf g old arrow. ott}.er .service stars were awarded.. Den 2-Mra. Herbert Perry ; Den 4. won the S'kJt flag for David Perry, dennel" &trip, wolf their l!lk!t "Custer's lA.st Stand" gold arrow, 11erviee star: Robert and Den 2 .won the Hoitor Award Forbes. service star: Timmie flag for the month. Mang, a.ssietant denner, servic~ · •tar; Rlcbanl Perry, wolf silver Bopk Rev·rew for arrow, aervice 1tar; Roland P erry, Woll atlver arrow. aervlce star; Women of Mo·ose Pete Winger, wolf gokl arrow. Den 3-Mn. E&rl Williams; I •t• t • N~ ht ·Arthur Daynanl, denner atrlp. nl la IOn 19 service ata.r; Kenneth Marlott, as· alsta.nt denner', beU badge, service •tar. Den 4.-Mra. C. E ., McNeil ; F.d· die N el&on, denner. iJtrip, wolf badge; Tommy Minor, wolf gold arrow, service star ~ Michael Sol· ton, yatatant dcnnel". ·Den 5-Mrs., Robert Jessee: Ronnie Jessee, uslatant denner , service star; Bllly . P'1ory, .service 1tar: John Cock, servtc~ star; Douglaa Miller, denner strip, aer~ vice star. Den 6-MrJJ. Harold Sweetaer: Melvin Swanson, denaer all"lp. service Alar, bear badge, bear gold •arrow. three bear silver arrow•: Wayne Wateon. a.uiat&nl denner, !ervice 1t.ar, . Den 7-M~ G<!o., Fruehling; Billy FrUehllng, denner atrtp; Jim· my Adams, aai.st&nt dinner 1nip: Peter Reed. aervice star and Duke. LlDdeke., ae~ atar. Oesi Arnaz Nabbed by Newport Pol!ce It'• one t.hira&. to be tut on the downbeat. but 1peedlftg 82 mlleo 1ft hour tn a 25 mile zone .. an· Jther, Deal Arau, well·knowlt .bandleader. f"!!J>d out Sdnday. Newport. P1>llce ,.a......ted Ille 114· yev-old aclor·m*tan oi ·19'700 Devonahltt ·Bl~ . Cb&t.wortb, ~ WI ~t after be ._rt8dl~ !ailed to make a -.top at -d Olnot.' AddltloullJ', po- '.lce aid, -· openlo<'• II--'had _.nd ~ SL lk pooled 16(1 ball. • j The Women of the Mooae, New- port Beach. Chapter 1158, held & regular buslnesl" meeting, Thun-' day evening, November lat in the Lodge Hall, 23rd and Ocean fn>.nt.. Newport Beach. The follOwing Committee Re- ports were submltted, elthe.t by the committee cha1nnan or a mem:ber of the commJ\,t.ee: Mem .. berahlp, Wiim& Corbin; Home· making, Selma Jones; Social Ser· v1ce; and Publicity. Alda Oort.on. Argus Elsie King repqrted· that ahe had received a. letter from Mr. and Mrs. et&rence Young. who ~ gone to Mluourt to' vi.sit Alice Young's father: t.hia letter 1tat.ed · that they were_ on lbe:tr way home a.nd that A.lice ;young, Ch .. plLn. was quite ill. • Ubrary Chairman, Lema M&f.. 1t1y, -bu ·contacted Mra. Blia.. Ubr&J"ia.rL who will give a book review on the evening ot t.be next \nt&tion. ·November 29th. Mn. Mauey la allO eoc1aJ cha1rman •or the meeUng to ·be held No- vember 8th, and at the t t me · -wtll be-made up and drap-Pe<I for malling lo ..,,. and h .... bandl of ~n: tn the .....-· nee,, both tn thia country and "JVetaeu.. Items to be packed ¥9 "' ,,. be fllrnlahed by tbe v~ member& Mi>o(loha..., Chalrman.,MYl'telle 'n_p:plng, & D D o U ft c e)l that the MoqRhaven p&ek.a.J:ea ~ well All , I.It• )(-rt ~--tala· 'Jig C11r1ojmao ,.uta. baVO -maUed. Mn. TIP.J'inr ale .,._ ~ that on J......,. io. 11m: o JDOyie oC -Yh> •Ill~ -to tAJ!lp ,,_ ...... -.... -' ' • • l .. ' • • • ••• ' r. ·p1RA TES~ .DONS· ARE · SET FOR BIG. GAME SA.TURDAY NIGHT I • l • I '.'- AIJ record.a can be t.oAed out' the wtndoW u fu u dope aheelt go as two~prange County Junior college c:rtd clUbl; -Orange Co:s.t• and Santa Ana -club Slt.turday nl.ght in the Santa Ana Bowl In &1 · Ea.at.em Conlerenc:e go. Kickoff Is tlated ror 8 p.m. _ Coacb Bill Cook'• Dona a.re better th.a.n their league record Ind.I· cat.ea and Coach Ray Roao'1 · Pirate..1 are steaming ror thelr fli-at win over Sant& Ana tn four years of playing. The pines be-- tween the two teama have alwaya t>ttn close. The Cout clu~ hall given thl" Dons a tuasle ror thelr money wtlh such closies as 13-4 in UM8 and 27-21 la.st fall. Both years werr wlnnlng lchamplon- ahip) years for Santa Ana end OOth yea~ W<'re lot1ers for Coast. The nation'\! champion8hip Don team of 1949 beat the Pirates, 20-2. , Umphrlea In Llne--up Cook will hav" hJgh acoring Bob Umpbriea back in the line-up aft- er a week of wresUing with the books and 8hot1ld have h1a team tn It! b·~~ conditio'1 of the scuon. ro-::t"o'H c~ub. 100. looks a.s though U \viii b .. fit for the "big r.-ame." Santa Ana will outweigh the Pl- rntes 186-179 ~ offen.-.:vely but the Plratrs \Viii be on top defenaive· Orange's blocking 011 Marah will be at the right cue.rd alot at 184 pound.a and another Orangr. boy. Gii Stern. wUJ be at center. M.af'Rh w ·11 gtve way to El Monte'• 232- pound JUn Keellne on de.tenae wtlUe Stem Will Iha.rt llnebacklng duties with John McHargue ot Coachella ValleY. Collfereoce S~lap W L PU.Op. San Bernardino .. -.. 3 0 101 8 Orange Coast .. -··-··· 4 1 9~ 49 Riverside ................ 3 1 80 fT Santa Arta -·····-····-···-1 2 33 4.6 Mt. San Antonio .... 1 3 33 89 Fullerton ........... ::-1 3 48 53 OCC Picked Over Dons by Scribe I}-. tSt.4-171 . By Rod MllcMlllan Evrn though the P irat,.'s lea.gue A penon ln h~l'I right mind standing ls ·hl~hcr than \he ' Dons. \voutd pick Orange CO&llt to joll It is hard to lnstnll them u i'7avor-Santa Ana Saturday night, but ites on the b 'lsls of p&l!lt gam~-a pe ~n who thinks and thf"n All hav,.. b--en marked by hard acts \vould r.ot be eo quick to givl' play with the Idea of p:--oving hi.'l "shirt." , \Vhich tr am h&.$ the better ball It '~ tru6 that the Pirate!! have club. Santa Ana hflp, not had "an one or their best teams. It's true up n't;ht•· this :wason and could that the Pirate• want t o win. lt'.11 very ear21t;y be ready for "'Coast. true that the Plrate11 have given Loni; Bcac}\ J C Coach Buck the Dons more than their money'11 Ar.dre.Yln :Jtatcd after his team worth In tbc past three games beat Santa Ana last month that but It isn't true that the Don.11 the Dona have one of the best 'I.re i.-uahovera. teams in lhc eouthla.nd. Potential-~oaat now tlnd.s itaelf in the ly the Oon.s arf' dangerous with Mnle p<M11lion that Sanllf Ana such speed as Ubphrtes In there ~·a.a ln the put three sea.son-the carrying the ball and they will be role of the favorite. The Dons trying their be.st lo prove it Sat-<'OUld welJ pull the a.a.me Coul urday night. stunt or pleytnr above their head.11 Coast has what many obeervera 1 and producing an UpMt or near belk>ve la Its finest team with upset-one thlng ts sure, _ Bill depth in good offensive bacQ and Coo.k's Dons are not going to play a fairly well stacked defensive dC'Rd . They will have every bit of club. Howard Miller and Paul de.sire to win the.t Ray Ro&S0°& Chafe are about as good at thP clubs havt had during the pa.st quarterback spot as any one Raaso three years. ha.a had running the team since I! the Pirates go to s leep as It 11tarted three years ago. Jes.se they did agaln6t Chaffey. they will Smith and John Black are atand-find lhemse.lve8 on tde 8horl end out halfbacks In the league. Smith of the score. ts a returning regular from last Actually there l8 no reason to year's club and Black Is a fresh-believe that the locaL-t will be man who prepped at Palm Springs asleep or won't be Hlrred to the h.lgh school &Jong wtth hia broth-point or playing one or their beat er. Charley Black, who la the Pl-games-but let'em get one blt of ratea's number one linebacker and overconfidence and they may be alternating fullback with Laguna gone. Mo.st or the playef'!!I on the Beach's powerhouse, Hal Smith. Coast team have been around long J psse Smith jU'd John Black are enough to have a real urge to back«l up by Orang"'• Ned Par-beat Santa Ana. Thoee from 80ll8 and Newport Harbor'• Mel Orange. Newport Harbor and Smalley and chances are that Par-Huntingto9-Beac~ high schools 89M will get the call over Black have a natural Incentive carTled who ts often saved for crucial over from their prep days while moments. Howard MUler, Jeue &nd HaJ P1ra~ Lme Tou(h Smith, Jim Keellne, Sid Manning, The P irate line shou.ld bold' Its Glenn Woodard, Dick Frencllt, Fred Owens and John McHargue are hoping to revenge Jut year'9 27-21 Don win. It should be a fine game-one or the •euon'e beat. •OYS CLUB TO VISIT GRIFFITH PARK ZOO own with any' in the league and has so far. Sid M&nnlng waa on the defl'Mive unit or the A11-Star Eastrrn Conference team last fall and has-been a pillar of 8trength this year at left end. Newport Harbor high'a freshman Jack Meeks has Improved fut and Downey08 slx·foot, flve-lnch, 203- pound .freshman contribution, Ron Qulvley. looked u good u any Grirfllh Park's zoo and play. ~ ground will be the target or 30 end on the field against Chaffey boya ot the Ha.rbor Area Boy11:' la.at T)\ursday. Offenslvt'ly the P i-Club tomorrow as they take ad- ratea ""'ill go with Don Paxton vant.age of the school holiday for and Glenn Woodwa.rd. an excurs!On into the city. The Tackle Bob Woodhouae-will be science club, a division o• tn.e ready to go and Roaao haa tabbed Booeter club, wt.11 h'oet the group him for starting right tackle with on the day-long trip which wlll Jerry Bodine taklng over on de· et&tt at 9 :30 a. m. and e.nd at ap- ferute. WoodhoWie WU a tower Of proximately ~:30 p. m. strength on defense a.a: well a.a ot-The group wUJ go to the ~ tense before an automobile accl· Angetea Mwteum and then will dent sidelined him I doctora asya have lunch berore contlnu.ing to that he was extremely lucky to the Griffith Park area. It ia: 1ug- see the light of day again). Ed gested that ea ch person bring a May•r. a Newport Hkrbor product box lunch with t-nough rood for an like \Voodhouse, will be at left afternoon anack In addition to guard on both defense and orren.w their lunch. and Fred Owens will do "iron The trip will follow a Boolllt'r man" work at left guard. OWena club meeting, a\ 8 a. m . whtch will Is a form<'r Marine all-11tar play-be held ·a1ter a bN'a.kfut honoring er from Gonzaga High School in some of the coaches of the a.re& Spokane, Wash. H e came to Cout w ho have helped wtth the Boy~ aftf'r gett1n1 out of the 8ervice club program. e.t El Toro nearly two ye.,.. ago.,.... _____________ _ o.c.c .• -SA.Yr" "11' A LIJ•rr;.UP Startin& Offf'nsJ\·e Tea.m.--Oraap Coast CoUe,.e \'a. 8. A. Colle&e ORA..'1GE COAST P08 SANTA "1\'A M Glen \.\'oodard (182) ............... LER .. ---·--··-··-·<2iO) Chuck Silton 52 5'i Ed Mayer (193 ) ................... LTR ........ -....... ()901 Dean McCord M, 31 Fred Owens 1182) ........... -.. LOR ·--·-··-· ... -.. (180) .Bob Crumley 46 28 Gil Stern ( 184 1. ........ -........... C ...............•.. (175) Tom Moore 32 "3 Gil Marsh (164 ) ............... .RGL. __ ............• (190f Ira Garey 49 36 Bob Woodhouae t 190) ....... -... RTL ...... (175) LeRoy E iRnbrau.n 6)J 47 Don Paxton {187) ........... ..REL ... --·--·-· ... (215} Frank Jl"reewe G6 10 J.loward Miller 1157) .. _____ QB .... ·----····-··-(171 ) Bob Sm.I.th I 33 Ned PorBOM (105). .. _ .....• -.. .RHL .... -.•....... (1601 Jack Wilcox I 18 Jesse SmJlh (173) ................ !.LHR ............ _, .. (150) Uoyd Kirby 12 81 Hal Smith C193l .................... , P'B ...... : .. -... -(206) Milt Wllkert. l A ~?rap Wetcht or Baeka • . . ODut t 'D.I • • • 8u1a ._ 11&.4 Average Welp& of t.m • , . ()out 17U ... !lu&a AM •llil.t 8TUTINQ DJ:l!'EJ!i!llTI: B4J111 . ORANGE COAST '08 s.\NTA ANA ~l Sid Manntiag (170)._. __ .LSR----OIJl DOI> lltlOUd • 51 M Ed Mayer (ll&J.-... -lll'll'... __ (1 .. ) ...,_ -'7 31 Fred Owena (183 ) .. ---·..LC.ll\·---UN) Ralpb 0.-111 419 Jim Keellne (232J-._,__ftGL. __ • ~(190) -Qu1SJo7 JO t5 Jerry &diJul 11111 --~!UO) Duuo °'"'a-tT 00 Jack llleelul· (117!-· J!'Ct, .:U'8l 1'1181 = IJloCV H Z8 .GU Stam OM)~ . .;.-UI .(llOf h Ou-q ti ll4 Cb&t1o7 -(11111---1<8 (UQ) -OotmtJi .. • 4' Kol 8mallay (lTO) _ BB -·---11711) 0.. _..,, U sa. """ -(lMJ---BB :.....-.-:..-.(1901 .,. v~ H ..._ 10 ·Boward 11111or 11111 s ....'..!.--·O•> .J.loii 11111ta> .SS A.nrqe llV~ at-nor.ui.. '*' ,OoaM !JU .8&11t'a AM 1aa "'-:-C-w._ oi Dd-,....,. o.,.t 11t.t 11uta """! m • • I • . ' TARS BAME lNAllEIM • TONIGHT · • A f!Jbtlq ?fewport - Ulllon High 9Cboo1 \e&m tonilllt (TbUhdllJ'} "'1U lnnde An&Nial to talle on the Yaun.led. Coloalsta • at 7:30 o'clock In La Palma Park'• b&aebiJl field. >Jtbougli the Tara drop.,..S ,. h<&rthreallor .·lut ~ to U. s+ Alla 8,alnta .,,. . a ocore of 1111-20. ea.ch >J Irwin -Ida troupe of tuaalb>c..plpkln _.w.1. Jato la rud,y to uke op the - that humbled "11lerton UM ea.me ·-13-7. It'• recalled with rloo!D beru.bout. that P\lllerton'• lndl&Ni ,...,.,.tly llC&lped the local 8allon 41-0. The game la beln~ held tonlgtlt tnatead of Frtday became . of a teacher's Institute planned for t,o.. morTOW, wbich I.a a ))olJday for pupil&. Recapping Anaheim'• victory over F\J.Uerton tut week, Co&ch At lrwln of the Tara Ald, '>alk· Ing to official•." who worlled the game, I learned Chat they tboulht both te&nui blocked and tackled harder than any tean1 they have seen th.is sea.son." 16 Letterme111 • • PA6£.6 -PAftT .I.-THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1951 .•• . . ~ ' ~ -~ . -~· ... -' .40-u,4!0:.:-:: PRESS~.; l'IEL SMAU...EY ('4) DOWNS Mutoa Salle.he& r n eDd sweep 'Tllumlclay alsbt at HunUoctoa Beach. Other Ftratee elOl.J.q la oa the Chaffey maa are Ron Qulsiey (t!); ctaarit:y Black (t4); Dale The Anahe'm squad has 16 re- tunUng lettennen. plua one of their stars. Ell P t!ralta, a tlrst- strlnger tut year a.t Santa Ana. He aad nt:s l brother, Ae.ron, are two of the hottest players the Col· onists have. Buckman (68) -"ilat no blockrnt! (Photo by Honda) PIRATE BASKETBALL SQUAD BEING CUT DOWN TO SIZE Orange Coast colle-.tr ba.skelbJ .. r<>-----------'----- coJJch Mill"ll Eaton 18 running 27 I B d $ ddl Moose Sponsor Youth Tickets · for · Ram Game ··we are going to run and pus -ln fact do everything in the book we can do to beat Anaheim," Ir· win eaid. Fullerton en.di were knocked down by Anahelm so thorougtaly that the Indlana didn't comPlel e many paue11. • Report.a rrom Anaheim Indicate that the Colonlst.B uaed moatly a grbund attack to hulnble Fullerton alt.hough the victon did make polenllal b .. ketball team mem· 1 oots an a e bers through "make or break" G w· ·1o. d test.s thi11 week In order to cul rOUp In '"'War 5 the squad down to a workable Q C Pl d size. The Pirates will :start work-at • • ay ay Ing play palte.rn.11 lot:onday after the initial cleavage whtc!h wtll nar- row the group down to 20. Both -'Cnior and junior rklerl'l of Boots and Saddle club ca.me home with trophies when A.Mo· riated Riding Clubs of Orange County held their first Round Ro- The Los Angrlcs Rams and the their first touchdown on a tor· RoyaJ Ortl"r of Moose of South· wa rd pa.u play. A.a scorea 1tand prn California arc joining hands now, Anaheim hu won all three t o 8tagl" the &econd a.nnua.l "Op-I league games but dropped three cratlon F ootbe.11,'. with a goal of out of four openers. taking 35,000 boys and girl.!! to a According to Coach Irwin.. the big-lime football game ln the Loa Tars will be outweighed e lltUe Angeles Coliseum on Sunday. Dec. on t~c ofrf'nslve team, but will be 9. heavier than Anahel.m defensively. Three lettermen le.ad the list ot prt':ii:prcts including la21l aeason'a rt-gular center, Dick Davi!'I of La- guna BC'Bch: Wayne Me lquist, A late comer l~l ecason who lf"tter- cd a.t centl'r: Phi'!. Shafer, a 8park- plug guard from Newport Harbor high school. J ohn Campbell , a re· turning squadman rounds out the ''veteran contingent.'• The other 24 proa~ct.I hall from high school ra.nk21 for the mol"t part with rour sophomoree out who· either didn't flnlsh the sea- .son lut year or who d!dn't report for the hardwood sport. The four sophs Include Bob. Bielefield or Anaheim; Dave Ma.rqulz or Capla· trano: Fblton Smith of Hemet: and Chuck Keener or Fremont bin playda y of the .ca..son at El Governo r A. G. Ostrandf'r of Rodeo R ldlng club grounds north lh<' Nrwport Bench 1o1 oo~ Lodge of Placentia. Acting u hosts were 14~7. &Jlnounccd that Herb Shoc- Wayne Hart, El Rodeo pres!dent maker, civic affairs chalnnan for and Roy King, head of th:-Boots the Newport Beach lodge i3 al- and Saddle group. ready ml'lklng planl'I for lhe local Among trophy wlnnrrs in th(' fraternity to participate In this senior events wrrC' quadrangle Soulh<'rn California ?iioosc activi- stake race. ?it isl'l Pat Sodders o( ty. lh" Tri-City WranJ:lers: senior Origtnatf'd lut year, "Opera· stock hor&C, Frank Costa of the lion Football" delivered over r!i,000 Wrangl<'MI: eenior hornema.nehlp I youngsters to lbc: Coliseum with a.nd musical hilt.a. MW Ann John· only three week.! of preparatory stone or the El Rodro club: relay work. Th!s year. with almost two race, Carefree R1deM1 lC'&m. months to work. William J ohn, Game Captain• will be Bruce Baird. righl tackle, and Jim Pas- coe. right gua.rd. Dore Aarvold, atar Tar fullback, Ui expected to star t in tonight's game. A •praln- ed ankle kept him out or the Ful- lerton battle. He saw action about half the game with Santa Ana. "Our boys are atilt coming," Ir- win said, referring to the fact the Tars are gaining more football "&avvy" with each garile. Although they feel "pretty rough" aboUt losing to the, Saints, they are full of high 6Plrits for tonight's game, he said. Mel SmalleJ, left half. (Los Angele&). Seowport Youth.to Nine other boya ha.1 from Newport Harbor which contrl· butea mo.st or this aeaMJn's ma- terial Four of the rtrat team. which Lied for the Sun!K't League championship at Tartown are on deck !or Pirate ball Including Glenn GrUfl~h. Dave Petenwn. Dick Lane and Bob Sanders. The Tars' .111.xth man, Bob Burdick l8 also out lUll well a.a rorm.er Targ R C. Crane, Jack Clark, Don Die.key •nd Bill M&ahburn. F oUOwiog a pot luck luncheon businc11.11 manager of the RamJJ and the grand entry show, junior and J ohn F . Carter, vi~·president evrnla were judged 'Aith the fol-or the catifornia Mooae AS60Cla- low!ng ~rlnners announced : junior t.,n havf' set a mlnJmum goal of stock horSl', junior ple&.KUre horse 35,000 young guest.8. and orange race, Glenn Thomas Ba3t'd on 11. youUl welfare Idea or the Coel.a. Mesa Boot.a and pre8Cllled by John, the "Operation S&ddlcti club; Junior tra.U bot'1le, F ootball" allows each l-foose to Ann Croddy, al90 of the BOolll· t&ke five youngsters bet"A·een the a.nd Saddles club: Junior stake ages of 8 and lt lo the game u race, Lee J ewett or El Rodeo and gucl!ta with the purcha.ae of a two BRUINS. OSC WILL CLASH SATURDAY Flag T earns Set for .H. B. Play \ s:ons. Larry Harper ran 32 ~ and end J erry Grower took a ~ 53 yards for Ensign's TD plays. J Huntington Bea.ch hi repreaent· ed by rive former prepcters ln· eluding high-scorinl' H a r r y Schurch. Bill F e ldner. Ed Camey, Don Webater. and Bob Van Pat- ten. Feldner was all-league and the loop'• third hl(h acore.r ln 194.9 and compleLed part of a eeai- •on at Cout be.fore rotng: ln the service tut year. Carney waa a Jichtwelg-ht player at Huntln«ton but was considered "vanity tim- ber." Weblter played on the championship le'"' or 1949 at the OU City. # Othe r potential Pirates include 90me of the ootatandlng playen or the county and a couple....trom out of the area. Manuel Rutz, top On1.I1ge League acorrr at Tultln high, hl'ads the li.8t wtlh Derel\ House. 8tt0Ad al1-leaguf: at VaJ- encla; RUdy cutlla.a. Valencia; Don WWI.ams aitd John Leeros. Orange: Don Lan:&. Weatport, S . De.k •.... and Al Deni&, Arcatc, Calif. Tri-City group1. dollar lkkPt, Trophy wlnnera in the divialon Speclal half-time ceremonies arc Bo)l8' club flag football tea.ms for children under 11 ,lean or being planned. . ' Two football tea.ma who really return to action at Huntington came into their own laat week-Beach arter having a week'S bye. a.ge were Penny Jewett of El Rodeo club. Nrxt pti.yday 18 scheduled for Jan. 6, at the Wranglers' club grounds on Ed· war<b St., Westmlnater. CRIDER OtTICE MOVES Crlder Yacht Sa.Jea a.nd Real Eatate office hu moved from 820 to 83f Cout Highway into nl"W ortlcee provtdlng larger facllltlea tot cuatomen, W . J . Crider, own- e r, announced. A.n augmented sales staff ha.a been added to bet· ter aervice the ttrm'a account.a, he aald. The telephone is Bea.coo 5683. • ROME FROM COLLEGE CoUere etudenta home durlng the paat weekend included LuCf Pinkley and her brother Virgil (Buater1. wbo vlalted their pa.r- ent., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Pink· ley of Bn>&dw*y, Coat.a Meaa.. Lucy I• a .ophomore at USC and Virgil la slUdylng at USC Dental School Many • big deal -.............. t.llru a mi.all Want Ad Merchants to Play L. A. Scoremasters Oregon State and UCLA--c.luh In a vital Pacific Cout Conference This Saturday the 51 'ers go game at Portland'• Multnomah against Midway City and Llons Stadium· this Saturday afternoon. play the ·HUntington Beach Ready Coach Red Sanders' battling Goes In ''G" Lea'gue play. The Bruln1' remained within hailing D . la Mldw c·t ' ''E F'. Coll& Mesa. Merchant.a base-di.stance of undefeated SC and o:re:•ra p y ay 1 y 8 • ball tacltl t h t h p t team and t he Bulls draw a bye. era e e oug e erson Stanford In the PCC chue by .Scoremuter• or Los Angeles. t rampling on«-mi&hly Callfomia , The "C-D'' team pla y11 Buena Sunday afternoon at 1 :4-5 p. m. at 21•7, tut week. It wu UCLA's Park and the Varsity Ttgen play Uona Fiekt, Coat& Me;sa. first wtn over Cal •Ince 1948_ Huntington Beach C. A. P . while Rudy Caalllu wW probably gel Alter heartbr--'-tn• d e re at• the aecond VU11ity team faces '" tin od d t:aA • Palm Bowlers . ..... e •ta.r g: n on the moun earlier in the sea.on to such "big· with Rusty Heman In reeerve. giea" u Mlchlgan Sta.le M and In practice games laaj. week. the Cutllu chucked a no hitter two SC, l.f-l&. the Beaver~ fl~ahed Boys' club split with Newport En- weeka: ago against South Gale and their potent!-' power by ;roulln.,. •~ gridder•. The "B" team lost R th t lllt all -•-t ... a to Ensign, 20-7 and the "A"' team ema.n · rew our b ag-..•• lht! hlghly-reprded Wuhln""'on L. A. H1lera lul ~unday to lead HuakJea., f O-lf ln Seattle ·~t banded the Ensign six its first de- the Jocal• to a 3--0 wtn. week • feat In 1951. 32-13. Don Seat The locals acored all three ot · • red lhe only "B" touc;hdo""-n lhelr rune ln the fourth Inning If It comea up ra.in at Portland a pau from Buddy Thompson. t.t Sunday by capttall.:llng on two Saturday, Ray Nagel, Bruin Scout, ompson pu5ed to end Jim Mul- er rora a walk and • atlngtn« hit &I.YB It will be a two or three dcr for the convenion. En!'!ign to rig.ht field by J ack Clark. Bob handicap for UCLA. 'fhe Beavere completely dominated the game Burdick and Heman collectOO the are used to the orr golng. plUI they rram start to finish ·except for the only other local hlta. have a big team which operate.1 ef-bMef second halr period wh!ch saw PIRATE SCHEDULE Sat., Nov. 10-aL Santa Ana Sat., Nov. 17-al Boise, Idaho Thurs.. Nov. 2~t Harbor J . C. flclently ln the ·Coo· Nagel MY• Bill Hayea break lose to set up the rain helped OSC In be.aUng the the Boys' club Jone TD with a HuaR1ea laat week. t7·yard run. Paul cameron, No: 1 Bruin tail· . Lawrence Castro romped to s back, conUnued bill 1parkltnc play touchdowns and 'Georgt! Schuitt against the Bean and hu now ad· and Charles Berry each ecoreO one vanced the pliakJ.n by nLllhlng and ln the 32· 13 upset win. Caatro puains more than 1200 yard& He rounded end for two t.ouchdawrui: added 169 #ya.rd.Ii by puslns and and took a pus from Scbuitt for 97 by ruah.Ut&' &&ainet Cal to brtnr hla third. All three plays we.re for hlo lot&Jo lo eeA "'!<I 5U )'Uda&e, nearly 60 yards. l'HpeC'Uftly. Cameron bu now ~hultt tnterC°epted a pus e;\rly ICOl'ed four TD'• and thrown for in the game and returned 4.3 y&rda aeven more t&Wee. for the nnt acore and Berry re· Luther Keyeo. ... 1or fullback. turned a punt 80 y&rdo for the I bad hlo greawt"(fay ....-the fourth Soya' club TD. In the thlrJ t Bean. Re i.m«I perfoc:Uy with quarter. l!<h"1tt puoed lo end ' Cllmeron. 111pp1ytnc -.lual>le """1· Da"" Tamuno for the two. conver· ace right Up ~ middle~ U.. 1-'---------- B!'llln. have been . Impotent ali _.. '"'• 1'1'1-lb. "",. -.:.i LAWN BOWLING the balk;,-~ -15 --for 75 yara. and a JllltJ ftft.nr4 ,._. _I> method Ot pultlDS •• llf'e Into &p. ' • I • the localJl,y wl~ -~ jl,i , Bnale Slod<ert. .. pedl BNbl bo&Ut.7· .,.s. ~ tlx _.. ....... -· O!"nM -ma1ntil..ed Cal 'to ·lldnc '1111: ss1 •> total to by the ·Cltr ot Newpo1t Beach 'Poor Boy' Loses Boat Equipment I I A thief mode off y:ith four item~ of boat equipment from the Poo~ Boy, A. L. Mc;Vickcr, owner o( 311 A vocndo Ave., Corona del Mar1 reported to police. Taken some' time <.luring the pest few mon~ fronl his boat moored to buoy No_ 1, Lido Peninsula \V<'re: • A 30-lb. anchor, valued at $15'! 130 "feet of chain, $40; 5-00 ree( of half-inch rope, $50; J~J)aneA night binoculars, ·$40.. • Arrow fliaid Sports Shirts • M; cat:r Im. -of -Wiik· for"lJM -t of the p;tiie, and -·· •-d'of '7 c&tdloa -operated uader the.~ ofl ID 'l"9. · th& •No•p;rt 8&rbol-Lawa -I· Tllo 111-mp1ue f .. Part· I.,. .. _...tton, a --i-r11 -f'ddaJ at J.t ..... --ClllrphtliL ' 1 · vely, he-moa obirto, lllae •••• '(a • YU'ict)o Of bold ot mcUow PJ•id• •. W1e 0( amaU thedta.•' Pericc.t fof ts"ampWi tkNaP J ~ ~~r~wotkiasor:Joc i•: ..,.;....i ~-L-.:_ ·-.. • ~-~-1 .• , \,oo. 't<!'Wot -•• ; .. -• ~-- • -at 1"9 ~-.. Plw• So It DQa of pfu! WuloUSaJ', nt-1 Wt •I I S. ~ - -.i.. llaturllay, _ _, -aD 'lt&s ft& UCl·A lllltr flf • =l"i 1.o ~ .... la t• s's, tr>•• If at......-..,.,,;;, .... a.-_, =-·= ·:=·,:.c. ~ --··~ ~::.":":-~ •• • .,. ...--.... "' • ._ :r,.: 1t11-w .... ;&.w:I * ~ •ii .. la Loe A ''" f.. -. wet1MC ... Hi. itiiiiloti:.! • at ll*I p. & ..... I 111 M ...... . ..... -~ ... --.. -~., • .. . . . • ' I • • , • • -• PAGE 6 -PART T _: THURsdAY, NOV. 8., 1951 ':~,:;»~~ •• , . GYIO-llAJI( OI '52 DIME The Coronet rou~r aedan, shown above. ia one ot·'11bt, attrac- t Jv6 mOdela in the 1~2 Dodge line. Feature• lnelude new, lighter &bd",brlghter tnterton, and rettnementa tn exterior .tyllng. Dodce Tint Safety Gia.as windows· and wtndlhleld.I.. are an .optional tea· tUtt. Shaver Motors. Coata Mesa. plan to sbo'W new bOoge modela Novembtt 10. I 43-A-l'rllller S~ TRAILER SP ACE Close to shopping, off the Hiway, $12 to Sl6 mo. Cabrillo Court, li() Cabrlllo St., Coata Mea.. ' l~Bosht-Gulde . Fo·r Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. '!'lJ$ SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 Landscape Gardening New lawns.-Maintenance Free Estimates Bea. 6639· M 2p3H I c:•ist1nas Clubbers to Receive Checks OUTSTANDING COMMERCIAL d!Opi.y ,... tl>e atiovo pictu.-.d ' entry or tht:" Ba.Jboa Branch or tbe Bank or America whJcb ear· rted not. only the Sea.I of tlJe Bank but tbne 111prt(htly ~ New 'Rood hppy' FAC Juniors in Debut I kre Plan Luncheon Something new in twC:..wheelers . made its ;";cwport Beach debut this wc.~k. Jt was the ''Road Pup· py," a 30-pound collapsible bicycle which is adjustable to the size ..of any member ol the family. Warren Detrick, San Clemente, a partner in Sackett-Detrick Sales Co.. S8..ld his firm is sponsoring distribution of the J~paneae--made vehicle in this area becawre of a natural demand for the compac: unit among owners of boata, trail· en, planes or cars. The bicycle folds up into a space 10 x 25 x 20· inc:hes in about 30 seconds. Dt>trick said that despite the bi- cycle's small wheel size, its speed and strength make it comparable to conventional t>A·o-wheelers. Its handlebars and seat are adjust- ble fronl s toddler's reach lo an aduJt'~. making it a bl.cycle wbtch wtll "groy.· up'' ¥:Ith the chJld. Mrs. May Archer. Toy Shop, Bal· boa Island. is local sales repre· eentntiv('. · V\ POIRIER GRA1'"DSON November 28 l!!: the date set by t he Jwtior Section of the , Costa Mesa F"riday Afternoon Club for an autumn luncheon. The affair, for members and guest°.' of the .section, will be launched at 12:30 p. m . in the clubhouse. Principal speaker will be Edt;"&r Harrison Wileman of Barker Broe, who will talk on Home Decoration. R eservations may be obtained by phoning Georgia f Mn. Rich· a.rd) Jonu at Beacon 6541-J. STREllLER· WATOR LOST John R . Strebler. 1108 Bayview Drive. Corona de! Mar, told po- lice this week that his wife loat ber stainless steel wriBtwatch ln the )l ewport Beacb area la.st Sept. 16. Value, SM. ------ WEDS SANT.%. A..~ A..'" Liated among those saying •·J do" are ClaJre Frances Smith. 208 East Bay avenue. Balboa and James Alvan T11Jot.son, 215 West Second street, Santa Ana.. HARBOR COUPLE WED France• Estelle Miller, 1 3 O O An early min oi Chri1tmas Season's ·approach. the dlatrtbu- tion of $43,000 in Bank of America Chrl1tma.s Club c heck to <COO resl- dent21 of Newport 'Beach wu dis- c losed by Rola.nd Wright o.nd H. M. Ho1ker, branch managers ht>rc. Wright said that th~ cnd-of-thL'· year checks a rc being sent out Nov. 20, one week earlier than In prevlolU years, in order to beat 81!&90na.l ma.il a.nd shopping ruahea. Bank of America will dlBtrtbutr 280,000 checks tot&Jling $27,()()('.- 000 to club members throughout Cal!fornta thia year. according t o the branch managers. It I.I a nn.r record tor aa vinga progra.ma ot this kind. Christmas checks receive a '-''&rm welcome (rom the club mPmbers., Who, a.a a reault, are better able to meet year-end fi- nancial obllgatM>na and lo help fill the children's Yuletide stock· lngs. Wright 88.id. He added lhat enrollmenta for the 1952 Chriat- mu Club a.re now being accepted at the banks. Dr . James Ouillen Addresses Faculty . of Coast College n. · Jamea I.. QoJJlen. J -or~Wn''ltt "stihll!ril ' stty, will be gueat speaker at a genual Ora.n'ge eoa.t faculty meeting tonight. (Thursday). His subject Will be "Teaching Social Competence t o College Studente." Prior to Quillen's addrea .. the faculty group and guest will meet Car dln.ner In the faculty dlning room of the college ca.feterta. SON FOR MESA.NS Mr. a.nd Mrs. Eugene Nofri. 1~2 Newport boulevard, Coat a MeM, are parents of a .on, bom Nov. 6 in St. Joeeph bosplW. He weighed 8 powid .. 10 ounce& Gout HJghway and Bruce Be.nja-DAUGll'.H:.R BORN - DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial IU!modellng Phone 'Beacon 64.08-W 17ttc FISHER Dra'fting Service 915 Coast Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona del fl.tar 72tfc Painting and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 508 -31st St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2418-\V before 8 L m . or afte r 4 :30 p. m. 83tfc PAINTING EARL SHEF'LIN 27! Palmer Bt., Costa Mea Bo&. 6451-M IMdl -------------- lNTl!:RIOR -IDCTERJOR Ll~Tif!,~ Glenn Johnston j01 • 31•l St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34ct8 B & y · House Movers General Contractors 6!10 F irst St., Tustin, Ca.lit. Phone Klmberly 3-1~ (Home Phones JAsper 9·2773 or J A.JJper 9-2687) 9ltfc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenanre work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 67c58H HAULING ANY KlND-Traah or? CRJ1,.Wa1Jrer.....u\74f,PJ•rnti• Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372..JK 74c75H 29-Help Wanted EXPERJE'.NCJl:D power ma.chine open.t-ora. Phone Harbor 3$45, for appointment. 86c99 WANTED .str'ong wom&n to help me with c&re or my invalid hus- band and tight housework. Live in. 215 -~th St., Newport Beach. Har. 295-M, 94c96 See "The Drunkard" at the Bamboo Room Balboa Nov. 2-3, 9-10, 1~·17 Curtain 8:15--Tickets $1.50 Including Refreshments 9lcll2R FOX FUR, wom 3 timee. Also dresses o.nd coats, alzee 16 -18 ' . (some practically new). ~ Broadway, Costa Mesa.. 94c96 FOUR SETS of double hung win· dows, 48 x 52, $20. 309 • 34th St. rear apt., Newport Beach. 94p96 Complete lnatall&Uon, repaJr and service of all tra.Ut!r equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. . Col'ta Meaa. Phone 8e&oon 6224-R TO BE MOVED Almost new bldg. suitable for re· treshment stand, ottice or could be converted to small dwelling . Also re.at room.s. ~ elec. re· frlgerator a: ct.ah register . Play Harbor, Coaat Rlway near Bay· shore Bridge. Make offer. See Sunday, 2 t o -4 p.m. or Phone Harbor 1864 fOI' app't. 95c97 BABY BA "J;HINl!;'I"I'E, 1/1 good condlUon, $8. 510 Narcl&!lua, Corona del Mar. Har. S430·W. 96c Re:suJt.9 come fl'Om constant PAPER HANGING. Practice! Jill ad regularly In this & Painting, Spray Painting paper wUJ pr<>duce ... ulta tor you_ Kenneth Quarrv s1-wutec1 t.e Buy • 1616 Santa A.11& Ave., Costa "Mua Pbone Beacon ~ WANT TO BUT -lnv&ltd'a bed ~TB or twin size wJth mattr~ae t.nd ~-------~--~ .!prlnp. First cla.u oonditlon. Build with Brick Pti. Har. 1:=-w . - FRANK MOLL WANT TO BUY, Ping Poag I.able. CalJ Beacon 5517·W. 95c97 4:17 E. 18th St., Coat.a Vea. Phone Beacon MrSS~R . 80c:81H ....... Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1605 \Ve~t Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502·~ l4c75H See "The :Pr1tnkard:' at the Bamboo Room Balboa Nov. 2-3, 9-10, 16-17 Curtain 8 : 15--Tickets $1.50 InCJ\Jding Refreshments 91c92B BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace, good heat, 5126 mo tll June 15th. 41..SO 1 bdrm. baytront, 575 mo. to June 10th. ,PhOne Har. 2M2 or Harbor 2914-M eves. 77ttc YEARLY -Exceptionally 'nice. Unturn. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many ex.tra. features. Near both schools. Reuonable. 2285 Clay st., Clift Haven. . 83Uc -CluaUled &<II are read by follm who are looking to buy. BALBOA ISLAND -Attract.I"" bld>elor apt. near So. Bay. Utlj. paid. Garage $75 mo., yearly or SftO mo, winter. Ph. Harb« 1871. 711trc Balboa Islarrd We have several attract.Ive apt.a. a.nd houses for winter rental ~rting at U5 mo. and a ·few yearly rent.ala atartln&: at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. TELEVISION! Trade your old SM·'Marine. Balboa laL Har. 502 ptano on beauttful televt.lon. Otte Big &llowance. F'amoue makes , in televicsion. DANZ-sCH'MJD'l1 .'20 WK. or apecial monthly rate. 520 No .. Main, corner eth St.. 2 bdrm. tum. ap~ Laundry rJJL, Sant& Ana. fenced play yard for cblldren.. (°"'ge. Util. pd. The BLUE TOP, <01 Newport Blvd. 87trc &-PIE C E Dining aet. ~-piece chrome dinette. 9x12 rug and pad. 504 Fullerton, Newport Heigh,.. 96p98 oc85-:;::.....;;Do:..:..g11,=.;;;0a=bi,;:...:P;..e;:.:f8:;._ __ _ • -COST A MESA small unryrntebed BED-DAVENPORT. good condl· t:on. $2!'.i. Harbor 3031-M. 95p96 OVERSTUFPlll> DA VENO a n d chair; red chrcme kitchen t.a't>le and 2 chairs, mahogany liquor cabinet. Phone Harbor M82-J . 95c97 LAWN SWING with innerspring cushion. Excellent condition. $25., 2062 Clift Drive, Newport Height& 95p97 G. E. 8 ft. refrig., $100: elec. •love, like new (pd. $32:9) sell $100; expenave modem blonde &-pc. di.ning aet 1135.. 1711 E .. Ocean . B!Vd.. Balboa. Har. 0306. 96c98 • -40-FT. COMMERCIAL orpt. !laher. JUg. for 20 paasencera. New Chr)taler Crown mot.or in Aug. Alto S-S-radio. Slpo. 2. BUUt l&U, rebuilt 1948-Can be bought on terma. $jll!OO. See Bob EMtgn, ·South Coast Co. CUTE Kl'l'I ENS' FREE to good boUBe, 2 bedrooms, .$35 mo. one homes. 122 • 26th St., Newport block to business center. Adult.a. Beach. · · 9ec9e ~aeon MMl·M. 9Cic96 That uaed turnlture_ brl=-..fara.c. 11'URN18HED l bdrm. apt .. 1 child paintlnp., etc., now tah.qc· up O.K ., $4?.00 winter, $60 yearly epace in your prage. 5'lnd a ~ tnciud til Pb H bo.r 1214 f er wt th a classtfted ad ln the · u · · ar 9ticg7 \ News·Tlmea, Poet, &n4 PreM,com- blnatJon. Just Phone Btzbor 181&. "vu--~-N-.-A-PT-.-on--w-a-te_r_, _pa_uo.,.· -, -Ill"'-,., rage. Adult.a, $.75 mo. or wW Jeue. 617 .. 36t.h St., Newport. Beac)b .llAll'IK>r 69l•W. 11ttc ill Be:*'e• Qle:!':'~ . I ~ CAFE FOR SALE--Oper. 24 hrs. per 'day for la.ei -4.• yn. tive1t spot in Harbor. Are.a, good leue. Sell dUe to tllne.~ W . J . Crider, realt:Or, ''34 1Aoast Higtnray, Newport Beach. Beacon M.13. -~ Monthly Spare 'l!iJne ~Cill!ng and colle\:tlng monry from our five-cent High Grsde Nut macb.Jn:ea in tlds area. No OCllLVI FRONT -ll:xceptionOlly pleuant 4. bedroom nicely ""1rn- lll>Oll ap&rbl>ellt_ !A<p living r"OOi"· dining m:;L., bdrm., twin beds, alllo 8tud1o couch, kitchen "'1th • pa stove. 4 elec. re!Jig., laundry, wub.ln& mech. avaU· able. AJl ufu. pd., .$70 nio. Ad- dreaa, 17<H W. Ocean Front. :{ewport Beach. Ph. Har. 2999..J. 95dl7 eelUng! To qulliity for work you 1------------- muat have car, references. MOO ONE ~room cOttage> near Ltdo cash, secured by inventory. De· theater. Fu.mt.shed: or unf'Upl· voting 6 boura a week to bual· isbed. "715 per mo. by year. ·Bea .. neM, )"Our end on percentage of con 609'1 ·J. Hp9e collections will net up to $400 monthly w1th' 'lery good ~-lllllf SEASHORE, Newi!""' Beach, biUties of. taking over tun , (ime. 3 1 bed1"00m, 2 bath ocean trout I -· litcome incftulng accordingly. f\lmiabed, month" to month rent., F'I>• !JlteM'lew, Include J!hone In al, 580 per mo. Ph. aa.; M;::! • • • appllcatlon. Write Box 8 , tblo .,.. • ' paper. llllpH • Proudest of new grandparen ts ere Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Poirier ot Ocean 1>oulevard. Corona deJ ;xar, whose grand80n arr Ive d Saturday n1ght in St. Joseph hos- mi.De Ream, 113.5 Coa.at Highway. • It wu f.n. 8 po~. 3 ounce -----,------- will be on the "Mr. and Mia." da.upter who arrived on NOY. l list. !JI Santa Aiia community botp!tal. Newport Beach I'll. Har. 2800 91tr< TRAILER PARK tn-.Coeta M- BAl<.BOA --.U <I - nlcel;r tumiolled ~ fM mo, . 7..,17. Utll pd; Ebane Harllo1" "'# pltal. His pa.rents are William and Shirley Poirier, also or Ocean boulevat<I. to Mr. and Mra. Richard Y.....,U. -People do rea4 the want ad&. 197 CabrUlo t. Ooet.a Mea. 14--Penoula Alcohollce Anonymbu Write P. o. Box -.... Jolan~ callf. -KlmbotO .._ . , m1.J. attc ' APPL!ANCE S:ALE _W_al:_t_'_s_Tr--a-d-in_g_P_o_s_t ~;:':,d =. ,::;~ poLDSPOT Nfril'·· dbt. model, a USED KAR.INB CJSAR er&. Attractive $100 mo. pJus cu. ft., ldL band -· _perfec:t Naatlcal Decoratlono-lToed Net percen~. l!!. s . Oeodner, 114 * 'LARGE unrmru-.1 bclnl)-apt..._ -· Uuuout ·----Mt.95 ~BUY ~•n ~·~ft W .. 4tb St-, Santa Ana. KI. near blgb ..-_ Adlllbi aaly. • · ' ... ~ -·...... a-11825. 96c97 $80 mo. lncluct. pa Md -..at.. CR08L1CY Sbeh-odor, 7 od. fOot, ~ ICI: BOUBJC ON 90tll or. will -. 3N I:. !IOI BL, conip. .,...b .. i1oc1, pert. """'inc Ph. Harbor Sf70, Newpoct" 8-cb l.n£:::·:!8to!!!~re&!;!~ud!!!!,!_Of~~IL~~q!....'--1 eo.ta -• te.17 onlor --·-·-··---··-.$70.00 . OPICN lltJNDAYll 71c'12R -_. • ll'UftNIS'lllm APT Ill<! ldtcben Mpdem Oiif-ices · _ -i -. ·,..;.,.1y Hat. ... -· suitable for a doCtor den-uw. pd •• ~ Ia-,. ,_, ·SEA BOOKS --• • neWly -lat call Ill -tlst,' M1C011P•1 qt or fu8ur. Mt!< st.. N"'"POl'l B ·di ._,.. _ .ance, etc, ~A ,PDI!(llULA.-2 .<Ip.~ Off ~ l!u'lting ,,_. 1oc. °'le 111i1'1, "210 -· ~.Bi;ll( \ o;;;-....., .. , ..... """.llla. .,a. to clelllrRle \en•nta Raftolc. C8ll no w... A-. W ~. ~ :'I..!-1111.J'.•OOMK. .._·-· MM"( , • I'll.. Bar. ~-~ 1u•ng -c11111ea __ llDIL "'* = 1w -.. Bal'"--p'wl1 --Bi•.., · . · .,. lillPre -n I ,, -.,...,. -• • ~· 1llOllSllN fU! l•fd J ....... All -...... mlpu -.. .-""".... ..... 900 w. a.Ibo& m.d., ~. m-.._..,, -:in 0.J)lp I ··-· •• Ollf ---fll · ........... lU•· ........ w zw t• Boat OWWWW ... FI,, •• 1'11aJl(lri.'R .. "hcM: <*' )l9lt a11all • ... -~ . I ~ ..._. lMM' -.,uu.y ...,,......_ • SffU-4)K ~ JUiNJI 7 • --• ·~:w: :: :-' • 1 ' ts• awn. ... ,,_ • 1 ==-· .£9: ;''=-' ___ .__~ ... ,._ ... a • ••• ~11~.a~•:•~·~st~•=:.,:,;:':'~"'= .. ~=~ ei-a '& ., . . :...... ........ -'iiii:r f.!l::1a-=: .,_.__,. .. _ ............. "' -. QGl-J. • . , • • -~ l4f!IJ '!be e.t Town ~ ~ . l ·B. R. Ho• . -----....:..-..,.----=------:-'-_,-~-·!on comer IOI, ~SO. P.-• :tl;"° ML Q!I" per ~· \lqt- BLANCffE A. GATm, Realtot• • fo. -· ~ L. ~ J, MARTIN ' . 3ll Marine Ave., lJalboa 1$nd Pb. ~ar. 1671 or 1~72 Eves. lf&J.bor 1671 B~OJ\ tsl!A.ND Price Drastically fidl!Cl!d on tJii,11 e>fcellent Income ~petty, 8 l!Jlt8., COll!l!letely f1!"1isbed. . Be~ • t!li& todlly. Busin\)SS W(lrulle :~ ~t Highway Buifdlng With 7 l'fllial>le ~ts.· ~bow~ 20% In- come on i1!vesW1~11t. ~ll!!lll to bujld. DQN'T MISS THIS ONE. A~ve Terms. B~CHE A. GATES -REALTOR • , BALBOA ~~~AND B4YFRONT ' WELL BUILT and 1¥eil ·located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home pl!lB 2 llednn. ·apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and float. Good dpuble garage. Full price ~ompletdy furnished. $47,{)()0, terms STANLEY ~. Realtor 216 Marine f' ve. Bll!t><>a Island Barbor 20 • RENT AL { F'J./RN. S rm. apt.. SM mo. y•arly rat,. Utjl. pd. PE,<J<CIC APTB., SP,ECIALISTS 309 E. Bay Ave., Bal--8-r- qll Edna ~ bor 745-'/I'. Hp86 Linwood Vick, Rltor. ATTRACTIVE sunny •tudlo apt .. Balboa '"land. ~. ~OU ~. furnJBhed. Bendix. Ide.i tor I or 2. Convenient location. $60 yearly, S~ winter. Utll. Incl. 411 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. J4rbor 0291-R. Hc:96 NEWPORT H)!:I~S -Newly decorated 3 bedroom untum. house, carpeted t>edfoom. Stove a.nd refrig. ayq.ilable, $90 mo. Phone SQ con 7026· \v. 95c97 T\jRU .JUNE, 19"-CUte 1 bdrm. cottage, tum. Ftrepla.ce, patio. GiCe yard. $7;5 month, .water and gardener paJd. Adults only. &O~ 2 BEDROOM home, t~, fenced yard, lot &Olt12'7, P{\C• $1&ql '!><I <>1'1Y ii.ooo do~ .. Q.1. ~esale 3 bclrm, dbl JI•·· fenced Y&{'d. beat <>fi' loc:at.ron, •10,000. Oo"'1I P'lriJ>llf!I ~·· mo. payta. $M. · Income ci'oo~rj;y Nice 2 bdrm. 11,'l!!I• Uc! S lrlatv14- qal 11,"lta loaCli· Wljh own pr.> on ~· (Jil2x830), Month!~ lj>- conie approx. t2t5-~~ If $22,000, t~a. 5 Acru, Agrl<ul\yre -·····-·• 8,~ 6 Acru, ~~ -·········-·,$ 1,QQP 6 Acreo, ~""·~ ......... ,wi,ooo <;;. N. WELLS, R\tr. & ~~tea . 17llO Newport Blvd Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. l>181 ' eal Estate Is Yqyr :a~\ InvElStll!~llt _ -o- $1000 .Dn. I;'um. 2 ~rm. hOIJle. F .H.A. ap- proved. Altf4ctlye color ~eme. Lot IJ9><~. f'ull Qr1C .. J57ll0. -o- $2500 ·Dn. Nearly t)evi 2 bdfm. home. Jilce llv. rm., hwd. firs., dlg:ette. Pl~nty tile ln kitchen. bath tub ~~ abower. Stucco and redwogd ext. Full price '9100. FOR RENT -2 bdrm. home, rumlshed or unturnlshed, In Cliff Haven. Near.high .and jun· !or high acbool.s. Har. 1264. Befonla, C. D. M. Inquire 602 -o - Begonl&. Hc:96 ~ceUent J.,ocation BALBOA ISLAND-Furn. apt., 2 One blk. to ahoppln.r c~ter, Costa. -THREE---bedroom---.-2-ba-th-ho-uae-.-on lge. bedrooms. Fireplace. Excel-( ~feaa. 2 bdrm. homl!', fge. llvfng 95c97 fenced corner lot. Forced air lent view of No. Bay. $75 mo. rm. Tile ln kit., single g arage heat. Furn. s135_ Un.turn. s120 to June 15th. Ph. Harbor 642-M. Only $8000, terms. on ye-.r'a lease. '496 E. 19th St., &bc97 -o - Costa lleea. &•. 723'1-W . !HcOO Acre11ge 4!1-A-Traller sm.,,._ FOR RENT OR 1 -5 yr. lease. Du-1-.l::""--~....;;:.:==..;:=;A;..;:=----· ll ~ com. a cre• near Cqata ~eaa p1ex. 2 bdrm. rum .. or 3 bdrm. Wm' ter rates $lO mo. p•rk .. can 1>e dtvtdw. er1c~ ., u.ntum. Uve in Costa Mesa, ~ have country privileges. Raise Children welcome -o - garden A-chickens. ·call Beacon Also trailer ~to~o-e $5 mo. Let wi help you wJth your d 5702 or Bea.con 6259. 9:>c$6 • Real Eltate Neecta. NEW f room furn. apt. lncludeo Little Bay Trailer Park kitchen. Twin Hollywood beds. 7204 Coast Highway, Strictly private, $00 riio. U tll. Newport Beach pd. Garage optional. 721 Poppy Ave., Corona del Kar. 9:><:97 44-Rooms for Rent Collins Island PEIU<ANENT or weekly rent.J- -o - H. B. Cjark, Ell'Qk.er Aaaoc. -o - La PER~E RE;AL!f¥ > • •• • • 0Qtstanging Ne"!llort ~~Yi •Value Loy_,e)y nie,w S bdrm. hom•. Fireplace, hwd.. noora. Many clotet.a-and buJlt-J.n.a. Ft.nest workm.anabtp Utrouchout. Full price, J12.IOO. J3200 dpwu. A~ln! BEACON J;JII,L REALTY . t66 NtWPC>rt BIYd. llll>ove ""'hulh "\~{$.es. B. 11632-W) MR. J1)1VF.sTO.~: If YQU are lpterest.ed .in 41veating i!J .a J!""i sound Income prqperty in Uie .~l>or area, dim> in &!!d let us tell you abqut a l>'l!Jdlng wl}lcb ll/lould appeal to any coDstf'l'.1ltlve iP.veetor, EVF.RE'r;l' ¥~IS. Reajtqr 408 East ~~ lilvd., ~l>!>p.. H~llor ~~ lll!cll6 Newp()rt HeigtlH! 09EAN VIEJW 'f!iree 1>4=-well constructed boDijl. ~'fsl. firs., 2 furnaces, garbage disposal, 2 baths, stall shower. ¥ou showd see it before you llW· O~Y §2150 d.n . Filll Prtce $13,750 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor w. A. TOBIAS, Saiesmwager 312 Marine Ave., BaihQ.a Island Ph. Harbqr 2042 Sjl.criffce Ne11r Bay . . Tbis la a desperate cue. Owner 's arc forced to wll lhl.a G. I. Re· _ a.a.le thil week. Here's an GPP<>r· tu.ntty for 1peculatot1 or lnve• Lora. lt la g bdrms., only 1,_- yn. tl•rd11(ood rtoora, tile kltcJi· en and bath. 1'&rba.1e dlspoea.l, ga.raze. Near high ecbool. Thia property c411 be handled for u low 49 poo down. Payment.a on G. I . Loan are only $68, lnclud· isl&' taxes &: lnsuranc~. Roomy old duetex on 2 loll, just JOO ft. from ~y ln good nelgh- 1/0rbood. jiu .poaatbllltlea. Ce- ment foundation and aarage. ~"fel\ rented tl11 June. Upper ~v&lla.bJe. ~ell $9,200 cu.h to ha.qdle, but full prlce only $13.~. - Manager Needed F or Income property, qoae Ln BaJ. boa. Sepante cot~e for own· er ~ 4 u.nJ;. lo rent. On 2 ALSO we are the DEVELOP..ICRS of UDO ISLE. We have for aale Bo~e cl&Ql_q waterfront tau, ln· aide lolJI, lncome 1'>\_.I at a price that wU1 SUU>~ fOU . Ber!! a lltUe buya J. LOT. 'Y(hy don1t you loqk '?' P .. A. _PA:f:..¥:E~ INOQRPORATEP 3333 Vla L!:Jo N e'¥)>0(1. Beach, Calif. Harbor l~ Twp • Beautiful Lots Op 15th otreet, j1jft e,ast nf O~e Ave., ~qg JOO!i homes, each 60.x 127 feet . with paved 20 ft..'-alley. Clo\11! to everything and price is rigb t. ' Beek Ferry Office Call ·fflirbor 63 !!;:.lr1IM11t1t!L:. ~ ....... .1.J .._...lll;JI ... ·- . ~ • i f'ie~rt Height.if .8,I>Jtc.'81 3_ Bedroom ·~ -·~~' ¥ flool"ll. A ltl:al· -•t $J1,500. OnJ.y $1li00 ~ f:«>Dtact Fred Barker e,t BfaCOJl ~7~Jor fUrtber det&lla. ; ' ' . j -• • . J..i$l9-ll!le -Excellent Upme ~i~ -t·l lpcaf!iat. ~ ~ ~LStreet. PartU:J view !9t-~ ~M!tOP· 9&P ·~ lP!3._ • , r . • • • I - ~~s:q_n ·~y ·w,~ ~oot J:l9me ~tif\11 3 ~ ~ Jiiarge )\'Ang \"l<'m, din· Ing room. with ·Pie~ wleJIOWll. Com~tely fur- ~ed. Patio with barbecue. Guest !!l!&'W1ent. Full p~ ti(l.'100. ' ...... Cl\ll §v.bor i].775 and make an appoln.tJnent to see ~ love!Y ·ljome. ~WJ.iuess Inco~e -Newp9rt Blvd. ~(}ATE _: 2 ~iij,ljljp: •. 41.QP sq. ft. floor &J'!!ll-LEASJi:S !\UN TO l!.UltCH ~d AUGUST, lllli4l-EXcell~t return on irt~tmepi. Priced right. Mult. No. 2058 Call Mary Dickson at Har~r 1013. Balboa Bayshores -Qpen House 2811 Bayshore :{>rive ~tw.day ~d ~'111day ~W 3 ~l!l -l ~ h11P,i· bopie. Lots of extras. ~Liµi:e features, incl114jng .Private Beach and Moo~ !lrl~e~l'l'· ~~ $221$oo with 5 ~. financ- ing. Call ~r 11711, ~I '!;bomas, for full par- ticqlars. m~~L w. S!l'~Y. Realto.r I 7th and ~ fflWy 15th 8'ld Irvine Newport ~ ~ewport &ach 8U Cout ~y Corona. del Mar 226~Av~. Balboa lfland• -3113 Newport Blvd. Nowport &&ch "-- -Its,Rnocking at Your Door" • Very seld_mp. do-you have the .QFOORTUNlTY to ~ure a · l!ome on tl!e ~ w of highway, Coro~a di!! Mar, .nut 1iffiSE ,~ft!CES: Oqe bdnn., on rear o.f .l\:2" Jpt, car port .......... $6500. • , -One bdnn,, llOOm.to ih""" 1·n •;..;ut ':.: .............. -$6000 r.-""t 't' ~. . ' ~ down. ~)' i;iionthly l'!!"'ents on new 2 bdrm, bo111e. dble. or. Price ··-····-·····-·-.$12,500 --.. " ~ ... . ED L. SEAO&liMW.f£, ~!l!llt9r . 1523 Coast Blvd, Corop.a ~ 1of:ar ~rbor 2766 Weat end of Park Ave., Balpoa Sleeping room. prtv. ent.re.n~e. IBI &'•rage, $10 wk. jlLUE TOP, 1898 Harbor Blvd. Coat& )(ea P!:one Beacon TtH s. Broadway Special Two-atory house. Cloae ln. Only :5 yrs. old. 2 bdrO'I• .. bath and -% 8e1J-ut.Jt\lJ carpet.a ln living and bdrm. Dream kitchen and iOu pf cupboard a~ce. HoUH LI lrn· macolate. 2·car gara.ge. Covered !'°tlo, bar-b-q. Sprinkllng •Y•· tern. Full prtce only- Iott, ("fll!&' 3 1\ftetl. {Lfter the -----------down payment, you can make the u.n.ita pay for themaelves. Old but clean and comfortable. It you've always wanted to own a litUe home and cl.Sh in on aurrunt:r ·rfni., come ln and talk Ua~ over wtlh Ull. $17,500 fu.m· i.hed. Terma. QUTST A'ND..m() Balboa Islanll . / ·IJ.lWO • and. 3 nn. cott.ai'e apt.a.. (ju.st.I above the Arches), 'f01 weekly or monthly rates. Call N~rt Blvd., Nll'UTTV\rt Beach. Harbor 2962.w. -.. ,.._ -··..--'91Uc FURNISHED 1 bedroom cottage. LAROE VURNISHED ROOM _ Newly decorated. Adult.a . only. Twln beda unttl June l . $8 per ~ month yearly rental. UtU1· tlea included. C&n see. Sunday. week. 1129 E. Balboa Blvd., 11£,\UTlFUL I bdrm. ~°""' un- tumlalled. f3995 full p<lce. • W . Vlctorta., Coe ta 14u.a. Pb~ Be,o.con 5608-M. ~tfc 56-Money WaoW . Balboa. 911<:97 s10 -3:1lh st., Newport. G5c97 !J'r.ust ~eqs for Sale $9750 LIDO BAY FRONT deluxe furn-46-Boom and Doud NET YIELD ·~ to 10% ,\ ~ORE !shed 2 bdrm. ground floor apt. 1 ---~---~---""PI.ACE YOUR PROCUDB l3ilck Bay -3 Acres Fireplace. Diapoaal. Enclosed. CO_M.i"ORTABLE room and board lN GOOD TRUS't D~S" On a com~r with 368 fL fro~tave patio. Pier and dock adjacent. for lady pensioner. Uceiaaed • Rent r-ea.aonable to June 15th. home. Phone Bea.con 5343_ Every loan title lJ\lu.red-. and 300 fle'et net ln depth, Will Phone ff4fbor 2590. 96c9 Col~ Mesa. P.OCPT $9,586--lst T. D. Pays $100 mo. make 8 or 9 beauti.tUI Jou. The at e~. tull prtce LI onJy- LATE '49 CAD .62, 4·dr. sed. \V. S. W ., elec: wind. lift., twin ape&kera, spot lite, sun vbor, cru1tom nylon Beal covers, radio, heater, defl'Olter, winds hl e 1 d waaher. Two tone 11.gbt gray A brown. .Absolutely in tine.at mecb_ con.dlUon. If you Want a Ca<S that can be driven thOUl- ands of carefree miles, t.hb Is IL Better look OJI.a: oae 0-ver. Price $2995: Can be .een at any time. 1831 Placentia Ave_ (near W . 17th), Co.ta Mesa.' 94c99 $3.381-l•t T. D. Paya '10 mo. at 8~. All due 11168. $5350 " ~.,---,.....,.--------~ 19ll0 qfEVROIZr SEDAN, very low mileage, a car that renecta e~nt care.. $1595. CUL- BE!n"SON MOTOR CO., 2t81 -Cout Hwy., N•wport Bch. g5c:1ie 1951 BUICK ruvtera Super Coupe. Dynallow, radio, heater, opot- 11.cbt, w"ndshlcld wub.e.rs, Good· Y03r t1J>L i;;a_.i. white walll with llt•gu&J>I tuliu. Original owner. Pufect c:oadJUOn. Harbor 2887. - • R:3 Corner l,.9t . - Near bay and ocean, with small 2 beciroom e:ott.aa:e on rear. $9,· 50!>, i·rin~· . - • Ext:lus!y'ft- Lido Isle Bay Front Oµp\~l' , .Thia la the most unusual property Large roomy 5 ~· po!Pe, offered to~ aate in ·yearL Thero , -' ~ew Honws 1'1!:et!: bdrm.-2 bath&--oversized 2:.e.r Attached garage. Located Ii/>· µ..-lined gtlltle sloping cor- ner lot. Lido Nord BAYfRONT. la & bay view from •very rcoP' Completely fµmisbed Pier Qnd a view of both baye tmin 'l\fIIS . . · · the livtng room. Frant apt. 1!11-4 . and slip. Full Pl'llll! ~.500 wall to wan catpet!Jlg--<lli etec-. Has Income $14,000 will b1µ1!UI!. tric kitchen-mahogany l!flr A Two bdnn. home with .Bp&cloWJ 2 planter. and tile bath. Rear ~-apt. over 2-car garage l-T arhor Investment &pt 11 nicely tumlahed and haa With view ot ocean. .a.t. tJ'-.; . aceew from street • Cpmpany /: tl ' Q~ ;~; I sci$ H0'4ES . .RE RANCH l\EAI1.roBS 1\la ta & 3 bedtlh:' 2 bltb, norQll 11 1J.W-f '('llA u,11! b'"'8, Bt'bag• Soth and Newport Blvd. • with a prtvaf..e enc10aed 1\11\decfi." ~18. fif.g-e enc\~ paU09, Newport A...ach Ph. Harbor 1600 Even the price la \Ulqsual, '27.~ ovenlud paneled fireplacea. I wttll epod term• aval~le. decora.tor ~lota and wall pa• View Lot Only $3000 In new quiet section of Npt. lig-ht.a. ~JOO lo wide paved a.lloy: • · · · pen. Separate laund(y rooms. F. P. Waldron, :§ro,~er 308 Mar!n,e, Balboa laland Harbor .2Si 500 • -50~ Ppi.Iµlettia Q~rQrul. d~l )iar Phone Owner, Harb9r 1521-J or ~ yopr broker. 95cll7 , I ' - We . . Specialize In Courtesy!_ Golde• State 1st 9uality BUTTER 1·LI. 77C CAI TON THRIFT BUYS FOR THE THRIFTY-WISE! ~ YOUR CHO ICE . . . · MEDDO-LAND-No. 2 C•• CUT ASPARAGUS SANTA MAllA-No. 1 Tall Can SPAGHETTI OLD SOUTH-No. 1 Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE SEAL·TIST-No. 2 Can TANGERINE JUICE -J cANs lS.c SCOTT 1000 SHEET IOLL rorm . TiSSUE MIDWEST, UTAH, 3°SIEVI ,ANCY 2 Np.Z 25C PEAS .... N0.·2Va 2· CAN • THllU.Jll~ SAT • Pure Y eA)etable . Shortening 3 ·LB. CAN ... PURE GRAPE IETSY IOSS 2 9 JUICE ~a .. 4, .. s1 ! I • rioi 27c GIANT . 73c , · SIJ'.I IRIS SLICED PINEAPPLE LAUR,\ SCUDDll'S PUii IAYOllAISE r;.t 35c 9t. 59c GOLDIN STA.Tl-TALL CANS , EVAPOUTEI llLK • l .FOR l5c· ' ' • ILUE STAl-31/•·LI. CAN ~e! ..... , s129 SUN VALLEY PUIE COLORED .OLEO · - 1·LI. 19C CTN. . JELL-0 • DELICIOUS fLAVOISI 3 PKGs.19c ' CHICON 01' THE SEA TUNA NO. V. 29C: CAN Solld Pacli-lod Label CAMPl!LL'S CONDINSED TOMATO SOUP 10c TALL CAN M.J.I. ALL GRINDS COFFEE • l·LI. CAN 2-L~. $149 CAN Vaa Camp'-Taff 15-. Ca• PORK & 1oc BEANS ...... _ SWIFTS-12-os. Cea CORNED .·39c: B El: F :........ . ---------- ALL·AMEllCAN SMALL GIA.DE A FRESH 1-111 •. Ce//o log EGGS r. ..... 49c C & H 10.LB. BAG Carton Pure Cane . • forden'• Chat9au American CHEESE Sugar 2·LI. 75c LIMIT 10 LIS. PEI eus:roMER IOX .... ltORMEL 'S GOOD FOODS SA.LEI FRANKS • BOLOGNA HORMEL . • Hormel Good 35·• · LIVERWURST . • • . • • • • • KIEY'S CANIED HAMS ---Y Today's IMoy in Moat! No Skin-No lo•• NoWam 5-L~; $479 Can u11rs TENDER GllEN . f E !9~ ...... 17c: Pl SWEET FOIDHOOK ~--'k~-~ .... 21~ u11rs PllEAPP.LE 19· 12-. Pk9 ........ . • SUN KIST 1 OUIGE JUICE 2 'Large 29· C Caos • • CHEESE • l111portod ILEU 63' · Delleku a CNa-.r . - 1 . I . flrts Witll Lowest Prices. . OLD Ml, IOSTON • · ROCKING CHAIR :~~~~-~-~.·~~~~ ... S]l9 St. Cl'lllx-Slx Year Old . RUM s310 FIFTH . • • • • • • • • • • • • · · An Eade .. leor'at Lou than We1hn1 Prlusl ' SCHMIDT'S 29 CITY CLUB , c. ,.. Qliart •••• ; • .._ P' i -• CARTON Of -95c 6 CANS ••••••••• '• ~ . -· . . • • • -- I ' I • ~· I- I ' ·, • • OBATDtED oWn lllAMHAL ';...a.ll&r.,-Weldl wllo e~p.-.1 &.n,plele --wttio ~ -'-r Dax pror>UJ, --•t. latent IUMl Pl"'--OD -lmpnniood plalfonn at A-St.. Bal-are (L to R) Judp Robe., Gar4nu, Ear~ W. S1aale7, AMotnblymae; Joe Beek; -'l'tuy of llle Slate -le; }feldl. ~ 1-ale v1o ... t. ,........., of tlao ~ Impro-• ~ clali<>a; ,fterll 11.ee11¥. --· of -· IUwaalll olul> aDd 11on1:9 Orllna. • ' I I I i , · I • FANCY YOUNG THING ,... I .. llW. roft!P .. r _...,le wltll 11oouoet. 11p •tlok, .,... •7• ._ u.t -.. -br ...;, eom- mulilt7 Playent to caJ1 &t1.MUoll t:b tJiftr CUnftlt new play, "Ooo!lb:J• My Fan<]'," to au taooe a:oaa tbe line or -or U.. Albor Da7 Parade. SADIRbAY ..-•• u .... ui.tt l\lnl. Ha'"" Welch. . . le a bnM aew ~ler Imperial l'pOrt eonvert11t1e•u tbe Grand Manb.a1 a.nc1 Act"8' M cllu.ffftll' ha the trlm alHk auto i. llan'e1j Somera. ' ~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~- n..Ao 01!. THI: GOLDEN BEAR, embklm or thr Nat.J,·e Dauptet'$ Of •the GolMn We&t, \\'Bj flo\\"O p.roudly o\·ier thfllr car, "·hlch W&8 dtt0raWd e'Spf'claJJy for the part the]• ,pta3•ed. lo. the Arb:tr Day Parade Saturdaf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· I : j • • ' .. • !\ -• , ' • ' ' ' ' ' • -· . • ' . . ' ' • ·flitr8E 2 -PART It-TMURSOAY, NOV. I, 1951 · ~-!*Pjl1ss-8 . -. ~ . • £Ommumty·Oay · ·Observed · by : Church Women The Harbor Council of Ghurcb --Women obeerved World Com.mu- ,, nlty day Friday, {'Jov. 2. with an lnoplriJll' and cbailellgUll' p ..... gram. The meetLns was heW · in the Newport Har~r Lutberln church at 1 :30 p.m. Putor Her bert Roth welcom~ the group gathered from nine churches of the Harbor area. , Mbl Elate New-.arut. prn:ldenl:, conducted a brief buail'Ml!llll eeut.On. She told the atory of United Church Women and IU purpoee. exp~aining the three great dap ob&erved : the '-''orld Day Of Pray- er, the nret Friday of Lent, a day of worahJp; May Fell~"9hlp day, the nrat Friday ln May, a day of fellowUl.lp ; and World Community . day, the r1rat Friday in November, a day of .ervice to others. ' I Book of the . Month'· at Baptist . Church ; Dr. Ivan C. EULi, new putor at the Newport 8oPUat cburcll. bu llJ1nOUDCed that the Bible Book Of lbe Month will be P4uJ'a Second Epistle to Timothy, and bu urired the. membe:n; of hia eon~p.Uon to read it tat lea.st once a week duriJ1&' November. Prayei-meeting d18cuaalon. on Wedneeday eventn1e &t· 7:1:5 will center aroupd portton. of t.h1I ttook. and the next three morntnr 1ennona will a1ao be b3aed on UXta In ll Timothy. The toplc8 of theae eennon.. wtU be: ••God'• Order to All Chrt.tl&M." "SU· preme cauae tor ThanJugtvtng," and "How. Profitable la the Bible to M'.e ?'" The .ermon toplc ttiJa Sunday evening at 1 ;30 la an- nounced aa •An Anchor for the Soul." Reeklents and viaftora In the city of Newport Beach who do not have a local church home are' cor- dially Invited to worship with the coni'f'eptton at. 1900 eotirt. atreet, 19th at Balboa. • ' • • • • • A.ta 1t11W pp 1""-. •I dra -= ....... Als--.. u ·....,., 12 r>•• ..,.Y • BALBOA ISLAND METHODJST CHURCH ~· •••o.ta ..... oam-••"lllJ' ...... Clldot CllUrch II)' .. 'II., -.... ..... lUlld ":! -.. !Or tlMI _., Pr-o , _..... 11 ..,. J¥ ~ ...... 1111')01"=11t llilb11 -Coln:-,. ~ ... ~~ ~,.,..... ~ ~ dlU:rdl ........ -IP' ·::-..... , t' Calll .... l& _ ........ w. ~ by --1 ,~~~;;~i::=;;.;;*~~;;~~~~~~=;~~~~ IWllaM 1t rctrs .la U.. t1ILtted tor.Dr.~ 'tVhJte. oomm, tot •• I ,...,,..._. Pn&c:lllnir 1116 -Ir Ww. be Ibo lleY °"'"" ••--Ito loolil aiptly-Bun·· Je-. a ,......_ ona *-1111111 .,_. A,..... ... .•. p '&:,····· .'. do7 °"""911 l'l1dq n..n!Dp In put<>r at' llatd8dale ,_, lanta 'A ,a V ..a &··· Ntw EDUVA'l'JOi.'AL ~G "' M. Inc 7 -·Ibo !D<&1 dnlrcbeo. ........ ' 7 ' ' a.am. wm ... --, • '•• •••<Ta. ••·&· ..... "" 0oota x-OOn1m11n1ty cl>nttb ~ , -·-~---• 111/z r.;· "· M1 '., ~ .. Ix~ -at. ...., 'll"hn a. Qi,-. -....._ __ W''•• "' Ille """••-""'"'I tta.,_ preach---OpportWIJU ,. 'kllocllln& ID ., -• . ' -.A•; . • • -~·-.-.. r er-the a..~ Cb.ai1M Rowe, p&tt6r • ... PA.fi'&ct• ~,·•. MW1 • h ... 111~ ~ of 1-Alls~ , . , ' . · ~ tbe ~ula Vi.ta KetftodlJot ,, CI.Aaay:u:o 4D9. ' ' CAllll•..0 =y *'· .U; 'l• GAL., • dlurdl. Tllo Rev. JCuone Wood, _.._ ~--ft•-__........_ B h Good h....... I lr'. ....... of lbe )(lpo!oq HlJla church r....,i ~ cw OlllUST, , ' .....,..........,. ... la+Mioa--....... ~·•>Ut • is op , en to vcuicate . new : ~C:!r'a.-.::~the rue!: ;,!.~~~..:<~a.~n:: Md the ~-Ralph W. 1. Supplee, BOltoe. Ma ... dallMtta. cf St. James Educational Bufld_ing = ~ :~;,.,;:~1~~ .:: :..~· ~-·\~ ., 1r===::::, ~;:;;:i=-~. ===t;=;;:a:;:::;;;:::=;;;; occupy u.. pulpit •• th• Balb<>a '""!la•.......,,~--••, .. , •.• , ·.~ftMCJtm-~QCKS 'IQ 2~154 ·-w.u •••• ;. 1:.,..,...,. m.MtlM 1:0:t •· •· .. ,...,.,..,. "" The new "Edu.callonal buUdinl Ialand clMl.rch. R .. ctt"• Room Loe.tee! -_t 1i1 Palin .... · • ~· " · of 8t. Jame1 church will be dedi-d B · Dlch of tbe cue:•t preachU, will Stir.et: B•lt-, •I• .-a d•ll.J rf"Onl 1 z · P~~ ~:-ftlt _J!l ~Masi";*-' But&~·...,· coted Sunday, .Nov.' Hth, by the A ventists e.gin· epeal< 'botll momlnl' and eventng c:::-... ,': ;..r;.:;,;!i'!:..!r:nda•• ... ~-. . ':"' "<;fijDl!B Alflr'f'lnNORETE BLOOltS.· Rt.. Rev, Jloibert B. Gooden, Suf-1_ f p · t:hW cointis,. Sunday, u • well as . tt!:i publle I•• cordially IO¥tted "to 1 .-• ,:~p ~ ~;., strePLl£8 . . .1 •·• tracen BlabOp Dloede o( Loi An· Wee1t 0 rayer ~-_ .... t~ dtrouc\;'out the week. ~ .. dlnathRc!~rdt MrYi~'_ .... __ ·" __ ··-·~ .. ~·:·~·==~~·t;=:·~·~· :l:':':::'==:· ~J~· ~-::::~·~'~"':':::!·~·-~·~ .. =~ geld, retired. • • . -· n\~1.1!1 ~ . wtth pie pUblJc ttr---~-------1 •• - The ded'"tioD. -~ wUl take Seventh-Dey Advent11t Ch.W'Cb vfioM, the ~ chur;ochea are par----... --..,.-""ll:-.· ie··~--~·~·~r-:~~/~, ~~:':-":'!:~~!""~""°~...;,!""!"!·;,· '-p....;;,,,.;....,;.;,_...;;:.• place at ~0 :4$ a. 'm. tollow1ng the membera of the ,Newport Mtta \lcJpaitnr In an exten:alve home 11 • · · ·j! .. ,. ... ~9;9' · .. ·-' ,, ~=:~ = 1~ =~ ::• N-:~frt~~::~: ~on pminm throughout the y:·--· -8'~.' ~···,p-~:f~,~~-:11,@A'." vice, thereby glT!nlf ,.,._ opportu-Nov. 10 lo \&W>chlnlf ntm~lt&n-..· Pin-bf the preaclr!n.c m.lo-• ~ , , • • ~-'<' ~ ,, , =~tE:?1 =~u;i,.,~~::;·~~u.:f~r;.i~~{!Si. JI ftP ,, GaA~~·:. O'ffID '_-n.'fOfftHtfD '~·' cotloll, will pttacll at tho 11 L m . l4)C&) member. plan to vtolt "" ~ that . lh•r• .. a lfY . Fu~u~• 11 -Il l ll ~ ' t I. 11 . ~~·· .. rv1ce of dedication ..u1 =n Into~.:~:.:..;!: * ::"t::i.~to1w1~~'::'; JHE :l?a& REFRIGERATI~ ~11:,;1!!,· W, '. AUTO,& .. lic ~-ad. .. ~~$ :) ' • Mia Irene :so.omworth brought the repcrt or the nominating com· mittee a.n<1 the alate 1tJ1.•aa unani· mou~Jy elet:ted. Re v. Paul Bab- bitt.. president of the Harbor Young ~pie ot Junior Hieb School ap who are not memben ot a Fellowship Group meetina: on Sunday evening are cord.la.Uy Invited to attend the n~ 'South FelloWablp at l!l:SO p . m., and re- main for the evening service. • --~~~~oo~~~~~~-~~::=-=·~m:•:·~o:r:~:~~~-==~~~~====~==~======~~~~~~~~~~~======Y~'~~=~~·~c~,~~~ porch of the new bu.lldln1. wtlh con'fSPCJrlde:nce COlll'llef or tn tbe tho Bishop ol'flc~tlnl'· Geo'I'• M. home claun. They wOJ:at.o offer '. , •. • • Council of Churches. lnstalled the followlng oftlcera who will take oUice on J a n. l : Mrs. P e r c y •Baine•. president: M.ra. Ch99ter Flaher. vlce-preatdent: Mrs. Mary , Jane Johnaton, ffCret.ary : Mias Clara Kohllitedt, treuuttr. The Holateln m repfMi!ftlinf the Geo. the mervtCH of thelr wf:lfa.re or· M. Holateln compu:r_ wlll praent pnl&at.ton to famJllea' 1n nffd. Dr. 'F II M to the Senior Warden of the Par· Paul Butcher ln ct&a.ITe-4 en an 1 lllh, Eugene Gl'&.8lelll, the a.rtlcle• 1n conhecUoq with the Week of S b• of completion ot the oon.tlrucUon Pr•yer, membeh: ~dltlon&Uy Qb.. U 1ect at of tlle bUUdlnl[. Mr. Q......,111 wlll ,.rv• a week of Hlf•denlal, dolnlf Sc.1ence Church In tum, on behalf of the concre-wtthout Jwr.urtea and even neceui· • president called a brief seuion ot ... the executive board at tM con· cJualon ol the program to plan for a meeting to terminate the busi- ness of the year and to outline gallon ot St. Jame. Pariah. prr-Uet:, in order to ctve a apec.W " aent to, the Blabop the ettUtlc&te offering-to tbe support ot the The pert'ec,tlon and m•je•ty of ot completion In order th•t the church'• world procram of evan'· God'• creation la contruted with Biahop may procttd lo dedk:ate C'e.llam . • the World Day ot' Prayer program , at the Co.sta Mesa Commun.lty Metbodi.St church on Feb. 29. The th~ dream ot mortal exlatence tn tht buUdlnl" Keynol( or lhe W°ttk'• acttvttles the -Sunday Leaaon-Senno n on Particlpa.Ung in the eervtce with \a the church'• be.ttef ·1n the near· "Adam and Fallen Man" In all lht> rector ot the Pariah. the Rev. ne., ot Ohriat'a retuni and {be end Christian Science churches . One Paul Moore Wheeler, will be Ro-of tbb · wortd, explalned put.or ot Paurs deelaratlona In hla \ft· land Lagtrlof. aupertntendent of Hopia, L. 4.ndenon. · • ter to the Epheai&r\s ia the Gold-conalrucUon and a mmlbe-r of the ~t 'V'~ J . Johna. former en Text: "Ye "'ere eometlme• teacht.nc .tan ot 8\. Jame1 Church lrwt.rUctdf·.•t the CoUe(e ot MeC!i· da.rknea, but .nov.• are ye light ln 'achool. cal SY&nsetuu WUI ~ at tbe the Lord: walk u chlldren of Ughtio JPollowinr the 11 L m • ..mce S&tu~y &. m. ll!f:VlC.. Nov. 10 -. . . proving "'hat la accf'ptabl.e the women ot the Church School and ai.o -at· 'tht lrOMSon&ry VoJ- unto the Lord" (5:8, tOt. ' Guild will enUrtaJn the Blt&hop untft.r ·m.~tn·· Friday, Nov. 9, • board will meet with Mra. Edgar .f HJU )(onda.y, Nov. 26 at 1 p..m. Mr•. Percy Baines, chairman of • the day, h&d charge · ot the pro-. 1 gram. The theme, 'Uve Thy · • Fa.Ith'" or love ln acUon ~pha.· 11ized the truth that "!aith wittt.- , out wor<!a ia dead.'' It centered around relief· for the war suffer- , e rs In Korea and ecumenical achol- arsbipa for foreign atudents. On thl.e aubjecl Mary Baker and the Pariah at a reception ln 1 :30 p. ftl, . Eddy 58.Y• In "Science and H,t-alt.h t.he Pa.rtah Hou.. The mWlic tor Churi:h, rri.cmbeta an urged to with Key to the Scrtpture111::" ''The the dedJcatlon tervice wW be J>I"(>-write lett..,ra ot prot.,eat ag-ain.t great truth in' the Science ot being, vlded by the combined choll'11 of the appo&lµpe.nt of a U. 8 . ambu· that the real man wu. "'· and the church .. , C1ierube, l'outh and aador to the Vatle&n "U a viol&· The-ott,nng ot the day will be ... Used tor these projee~. e ve r 'shall ht> perfect. I• !neon-Sen.tor•. Uon of the"' prf/ldple of the Aepara- trovertible: for tt man la the Im· lion of cbutch and state." Mn. W . S. Hun.saker read the . scrlptw-e Jeason. Rev. JOMpb W. Mcshane pve the Invocation and Dr. Harry White the benediction. age, reflection, or God. he la nei- ther Inverted nor 111.1bverted. but upright and GodllkQ." f p. 200). C~ula Vista Pas,or· Every-Me"'ber:. to ~reach . at Canv.ass Dinner of ~osta Mesa Church St. James · Parish Mrs. Florence Ande'80!l ~resided Bisho'p Gooden at the or.,.n : Mrs. Herbert Roth and Mrs. A . J . Rutter wt.re 90)g. to Address • lsts~ · In coope-ratlon wtth all olher }-{1~ Linde Heinze. a n exchan~ Sf J W · 'Metbodtat c.hurcha Uirou.ihout the st udent !rom Bavaria, WU pre-• ames omen Conference., the Coc1a Heu Com- sented and apoke appreciatively of muntty cbUttb bu eel ,.de the her life and '•'tork here u 8 etu-The ·Women's Auxfifary or St. wttk ot Nov. 11-11!1 for an evaACf'-- den£ a t NeY{J>O rt Ha rbor UniOn James P arish at ita regular ·llatlc endt>avor. Speaking locally high school. She made comp.an. monthly meet ing WPdn•sday, Nov. wiu be the ~v. Ch.arlee Rowe sons with the schools in Germany 14th, at 11 :30 p. m. ln the Parl.ah .of ~ Chula Vlata Methodlat and.._ the life th€!re. MW Heince Houae ~11 have u IU speaker church and for111erly past.or ot the plan• to return to her native Land Bishop Gooden. Hia subject MU ,,,..t )liethod.Ltt church of Salt • after five yeara of achool in be the ")fuaic or .Adv•nt and Lake City before tnMfen1nJ Into , America. • Chri.atmaa.'' . t:b.la conference. Rev. JOHph W. r Mr•. Ba1ne8 then introdu~Pd Bt.ahpp Gooden ta a wellknown Hc8)lane., pa.ttor, ha.a announced. • Jan08 Kereazturi, Hungarian DP authority on church mutlc, and Rev. Rowe )¥Ill be preaching • student at Orang• Cout college. hi• presentation ot thi!s aubje<:t both morning and evenlnl' ol Nov. .. He t old of hla pffor ts to reacl:r le not only educational, but ttn· l l and eacb nJsbt at 7:SO p. m. Ame rica, coming through Ger-tertaining aa well. The \VOmen of throurh P"rldaY. Nov. 16. -..... : many, his experie nces with Com· the Parish are ln.vtt-ed to •llRnd ''The main empbuta ot' the . muniAm there. and of his joy and thl8 meeting. ~,.hole campaign will be to re.- gratitude of being in the United t~ ac tivate inactive membera &i\d to • s .tate•. atter five trying yeara. ady of Mt. C--rmel bring new one• 1nto the cburch Janos. now 19 yea rs of age, u fellowship. Rev. Mc&ulne aald. hopea t o become an Ame rican 1 A Al B lb A W orking in a speclaJ manner ta- cit.I.uh and prove worthy of hi.a ..,., a oa ve. want thla end will be membe:n of • adopted country, he said. Boll'I the F'iahermen'a club. Wling a plan • studenta answered questions and Mua Scbedolee ouUlded to tht. gTOUp a,i. lta : made friend8 during the eoc:Lal Sunday at 8. 10 and 11 :30. monthly meeting' lut Sunday •hour. Week day8, 8 a.. m. Confeulona. mdrnJng. .. Putora and wive• Introduced Saturday, 4 to ~:30, 7:30 to 8 :30. ------- :w ere: Rev. and ~fr9. Herbert Sunday, before each maa. Balboa ROth, Lutheran; Rev. and J.tra. Ialand, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur- •Paul Babbitt, congregationa.J ; day, 8 a. m . Confeaa:lona, A&me u Rev. and Mrs. Jam es s. Sl~rt. above. St. Andrews Presbyterian: Rev. • a.nd M're. Joseph McShane, Col:ta ; Mesa M\!lhodi.at: Rtv. and Mrs. 1 Thomaa R . Pendell. Christ Church .. by the Sea ( Mtthodlat); Dr. Har-- • ry White, Balboa Ialand Method- ; lat. A.a the name ot eac h church wu called, thoee member• prea-- : ent stood wjth the put.or. Mem- .. hen ot St. Jame.a Epiacopal. New- , port Baptist and Coeta Met.a Cen- • tral Bible Church also responded trio roll caJl. s ' • A dellghttul ft>:Uowahip hour • l'QWlded out the &ttemoon . ...-ttb Radio Pro.....-me Daily, except Sunday, Rosary hour. KFWB (980) 7:30 p. m . For peace. t· Sundays Holy Ma:sa, 9 :06 &. m., KLAC (:570) 11 a. m. Catholic Boru-, Kl'I (640) 6 :45 p. m. KGFJ (710) Hour of St. l"r'Mcl.8 CUdinp t othen . L. B. Convocation Mee~s in Santa Ana •women· ol tbe hoet church •nln& Tweiity-two ~ and mi»- 1 d&lnty 1&11...tchea from a bd.uU-aton.a· repruenUD( the Loni' Beach fUlly appointed le& table. Kra, C. Cbnwcatlon of the 'l:pt.copol Dlo- 1 A. K.inp.a.n &nd M:ra. Kary Che. ceae of Lo • .A. n I' e I e • were , bro ~ Rep.trat.Sona were reprwnted at the eeml -annual •bandied by Kra. Harold 1'lnk and meetlq held at tbe Cburc.b of St. Joachim Women to Sponsor Fashion Show ni.e Moth en· club· q! SL Ja.- chlrn Pa.rt.ah 9ChooJ of Colt& Meu. 1-. spoMOrfnl' a !oaldon obow and -party -to be bold ,,,..,,...y, Nd¥. P ~ 1 p. m. In the irrlday Altori\oon Club llciuaes 0owN by Corona de! Mar a..!ptt Lee BblP' ley will be rilloWll UlroqltoUt tll4! anem-. n.a:. will be a obort Pl'OlfrlJ>' by the .ochOOl chlldron followed by -rt, Both -... """ canUI& will be ,pla7ed, with both table'and ~ pl1aM otfffod. Donatloft Will be Si.2& ~ Ucluta may be OOCUHd '&om' Jl'ra. Walt )(l)fu,11eo.conuoe. JlaervalloDo mu.t ... made 'by NOY. 23. a....nJ cbalnnan le Kro. J-SC.la. ,.._ LeoM..nt Hargrove. Kn. t,1).9-Meal.ah. Seventh and Buth S Th ~eth Q>larry h.ad chtrl'• of tbe lltreet.n, lanta Aha, at D :80 p. m., 8rmOn 8tn8 1 niiraerY and, uaber• _..., Km... T.lleaday (Nov. D) t St A d The aapual every-mem~r can- v.,. dlnaer of St. -:Jamee P&l'iah will be. hdd at 11 :80 p . ar. oo TIM!o- day, Nov~ \3.. Ttae ·~ cb.alr-. man, Alelwlder R&mllton, w\11 pttoent the 11&2 b\!dlfet ot Ibo pariah and an ln~ cOm- menta:ry on Ute ~ .. work of ti» .Ep1ocoPaJ church. , 1be cllaner la under the ,ch&f.r- man.olllp ,or Xro. Ellaabetb CU!>· nlnf!Wm. -rv&llOGI att u :oo pe.r plate· f.nd may' be aecured !rom 1'tr-. ltuth .Patti.-> by pbori • lnl' HarWr 2167-Xs Voliowbll' the dllU)tt the Vatry of St. JaMea wtll hold ,,. ttCOltr • monthly mffting' . Lutheran . Church Sermon Theme 84;.nnon Lbeme Sund&>;-. Nov. 11, 11 a. m. at the Nl'W'pCjrt Harbor LuU..ran churdl ii "Al>ldo With Me." Text la from I ·'l'heMalonlan• 4:13-1&. - IN LOUJllL\NA A at&y With rel&tlw.a lD Shreve- port. lA., hao -e.njoyed by ..... ltlln Myrehn of 'Coita ..... She mode "?•'b'lp by p!a.oe. ' Theo, a·~-•. i:.i..,. ~ J , .t... s1s11op J!'rancla -111o1 pra-a . " rews 1 Kcllrldo Ujl R. S. GrlQS-lllded at Ille -11111 \uid R. K. • • 1 Xiao 'N-tarul wu .. .:;.rai ~ lQ roador ~· &ts The -.. ~ • ck 4n- eb&lnnQ ot the Wodd Di.)' ot JllC'n•I'' --BHCO. -ad <lra'lt'• ~ dllnr8 W. 1 J'raJ!7i' ~ tor elJllt 1Mft. lie-.., -...i.,_ -tlaft ,..,_ -ins ,.,......,. le "'"" "-ot ton Ule-Harl!W Oouncll of ~ ...,. 11/t' Ibo Cllmd, "Ill> ft.-Ood." 8oUI •.toil uol • Ill f Woro. wu orp.nlled two,._,. ~Ute." Tbl: m11'Wc .... _...... U'e 'a$.10 a...& • f aco and bocame Ito tint__., Isl s's 1• of u.. -· flallt-. Tllo ~ •' IOI 'f-,...,_ .. -... Ratl.r1ajf W\lh b<T -ott1oo -nler, -al lie --u.... lllllp will -I hr -at tla p. are _,...tary, Jlra. Cl>Uleo Trw-• a. at Ibo -of llr. - - ty ~ --· Mn. .~ Ul1li1I PUJlllS l..osr J-Mn•&"-JIU°"""' illllft. • Keeler. 1118 8J1<dal project of u.e Loot ot Ida wUe'o -In Oo-..... .., • •• % «11 • ._. .. OllUl>dl lo -~ wit.I\ tba au--do! -... ~ to s:· .. ,., ..... -Oouncll "' ~ p. .... Kew-police NnCZJ' ~ Cap-,..... -* 'IJ;1 ... -tns tba w .. 1r. o.7 11---...-A. i-. .JU J-"'Piii ., ~· »'"-Uoe--.-. Clk. mlllli ......... O!IDW 1dlf Mor.·n , V1hrr...: Yice--,.11ttmt. ia cll-,ctor ..at•'-' _.,........., .. psn1 -0 MW .. .,. l'IM., 111111 ol U.. tMeNq ,i.att. !lld !deBtl(y -lie mN. ' -... 11 ... tD ..., • • . • I • - I ' • I • • 7 -. •• , REPLACE .• T· WITH · A NEW AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE • ·IOUfHPN COUNTIU OAS COMPANY · -" . ' I;~~.;• U~ WIWAMS, · C..lliii ................ "'i,. Ml;,.,., "TEXAs cARNl.V4L" • c•111r , .... ,,, l .. \ ' ... ' .. 1. • . .. ' .· ' •• • - ' , • I ' ' - - ' ' ' • ' -' • ' , • .. • ' I • -. ' ,.· ~· ,. ,,f .. .1; p -· S11 adroo ~:~-" ~= Home .EConomitt .• Get-To~ther Cl~ ~atal F~te. for P,1.~ ~.:...PART ~\.-THURSDAY, NOY.•. 1951 ' · -~er ~u.' . ::::.l!-~::..S,.~c:: on,,.,.. Program Gu~ •• Mesa 'Davi~. ~erworff1 .L ... ~~-ie'aLMcllESS a to Hold Amual ,,....,.., Wbo po111~ u.. --.,.-"-Yid~ W. I ,,..;. ~ ....... W ~ · Mr& ,_.... cian, JlrL 11-., XIII ~ r., ,,., ._ -°" re 4'A -· 1 .-""' ~~-·--~ . . • • Dmielcl .Mn. Ted Bami.-. JQlo -!At, Wiii --.. "M~ ,,__ ~-Ollft ~ .,.. _,.WU ~J' _...'"' --; • • ' • -_ D.. . N 15 ,J-~ ..... Kn. Aloia._. twctt11'" a(. 11111Uq., Illa 0..-lertalao4 tl!e ~ Cllll> ~· -~~-~ ~ ~ •LJ d '(i • I Fu ·a·· -r.d ·o . Inner Oy ter. ta .,.._ l-111l-lfarPlr 'PTA w'lth a --Ill tha bQcDe-ot ""'!" on~-,or -at -r:-1ar tm85 ft · tl'fh IN UO A ~ Of nau~ ID-W.....,, HOY. I., ~ ' .. ill. Dorioa J4!fllo Ill ~ K. 'lbe Balboa Pellinlllla .._. ...,.. be · -,1 · • °' ..... C 1>1annec1 i.,. u. °""· la ·lbe -ec11oo1 ~ ""'81ader--"'-.u.. ~ _...., •-=.....,.pre~.,. u.. -for c,.naua· Group Cetebrate ·at Mesa The aqmW dinner mMllnl' Holts., 8Pr!lll' .,...,_ wlJI be 1UI-Mmlql portlCm !It ~ ........ opollt\llq Ille l""'IP I to>' -" r , ' 1 • ' the Balboa Power 8q\!adlOD will ~ Il WW ai.o \e na •"'-t will l>o ~led _, ~,Pd -_,, Iii Loo Anpleo Wlalcll :~Ye. Ulenle. 1'lle cU. 1iU looe-· "Hard Tlmea" proY!ded · the PJ-... were dOul>led at a be bold ~-~-rt, !IUl>or"Y~t Uiel t-..,. oqu..i,_ /o. UMi lltth .-,m•·ata.at l:lfldbel•lt -•. ,_,,_ l>J' att<'\41'"1' ''Ouyil Ii la •'!l!llllD color9 -ted wttll thf.me oi" cUuta pt;rty stvea a ~ feotlvlty satu rday, °'!!'• t'lnarlid&J'. llov. l& at T:SO '1'111~ ~ -In Ille '°hool A report cm I.be...,..... ot ~ poilo, ". . _ · bll\d< Clla ona p\111\pklnL Tllfl'e S.:tutday In the Coot& x.. borne Oct.~J when boncin cent,on,c1 on p; "'-At Ullo 111oelln1' now or-m..idnl', -·.at Santa 1l&rt>U& and I.be HaJlowftn cunt.at ·~ At ~ nat . .meellnl'-In O,C-• ...,.. l'IY nol.oe m&ktte II;"( 11&1· or Mn. Jean Sll!lth-and b-Mancel>O, four·y..,.. ~ ncers for 1902 wW be eie<>tod. to one af San Diel"' Tbero are "'lW' bJ'· tho PTA will be JI...,. Tl!!j lier HflOI! Mwkovlcb wW tiootao looaa °' well u ~ llatt; ' by Yto.-Mary1lrown, both of Mon· ol.S, , ~'Richard Ala.II, ftve..eona take otnce ln January. Ted Ham· flv' ~ la cauroml&, 1n· will 1>e •rwd la the ~ tllO Jl'O'IP' '!ti~ a dlM•r "11d l&Thoae •~I' wore Bo¥¥1f rov1a .Ave. Gue.ta came attlttd In of ~-and Mn. Manuel Mucebo brook, c;haJmlan or Ill• nominating addition to Balboa. Tbey are l,ol\S' room. --1 Cbril!tJau ~ a\ which Ume derken!"' t, Donna SU. Gull· 'olcl cli>tbeo 'and .rerreatunlnu ot of 119 IC. 18th Bt.,· COila MHL conunlttee with curtta Doob and Beach. Loo Anl'OI"'-Santa Mon-the -rot p&l,I of Ulla put year ~~-Jimmy Wlllon, Jay ~ -dwl• and cookl• we"' ""' atmoopbere of galet)I pnv&U-1\Q~ Bo¥<' on • bla committee tco and San 7ranclaco · r .:. t Jo._ Fi ' d wlU ~ m..,_ known. Jl'riJlceo PuJ. _...,.,. Slater •. 8on<lr& Smith. aimted .In "paper aae1<a to fllrtber ed "I the .Costa lie• Park where llave namlnatod the ofDcr for . .->ttn • l'Ylah In~ ukl aad Doria Juko received Cheryl Kayflold, Jerry Stapp, Ml<\. the motif ot the gay fele. Mn. i M""cebo anup.i the , ob- the electlon. ' • •, .g c1.fta from the (roUp. Attendlnc DavJd.-Some·ot the mot.here were The p-oup piruent.ed wedding serv¥'e&. Atttt·a pej1od 8! play. Th"l' are for Command•, a .... WSCS Circ:le 11 for Drunk Driving "'"'' Belen KlfkoYlch, LeJa·JW>. &lo!>·pre ... L BeauutW ,stile were anni¥......,-Y Pn, to Mn. ,Brown tho -~uncatero were -ied at a • •14 Boltl! 8 ; "Lt. CJim!lnandor, Ru I · Millon. Lenore Zube, l!'Nnceo·Pul' received by .David, ~cludlnlJ • bl· ~d .Mrs. Dorothy· G"fnL ·At th• tobl~ tor a birthday reaat of cake. ' ~dt AP; leei:'<IUY 0-..• He·-ftepo ..... s A.Inn R. GW,-, eoe 'Wool uld. M&rJ' KocDould. Nin& Wal-eyclo oen't by Davida mothjor from flJi&I• of card play, flrat prise .... Ice ._,,,, orongeade and candy . Anilrawo 8. for f9o'lectloo ; Trau. "' ~ I\ rT --t, aanta Au, ....,_ lera, M1ldnd ~rrUI. DqNe Jee-San Diogo. captw-od by Kn. lllamle Dean, Mra. Emma Pettlra of Bellflowor, urer, Alvin Spencer s, for ~..,. Kn Laura ioaea 111 ~ ci.y wao •-••= a saY;) tjpe tw ko •• OUn 8•ar1, • and Alma 'JIOT qousr; DA.ll&OICD )Vblle the "°"8oi.t!on toln!ft wen& l'fUdl!>otber of the two . cele- Ul>D. For execuUve committee C<l!I& · "--II~ at ~ dnlnk 4rlvlnl' """° be _.,..i Tllompooa. , ~e of glua pan .. In her to Kn. MujQrle H&lnea. ltectpi-branta. ualsted with tho .. rvln&'. members, ~ -nom&uted ue Jaiaat &neell:D.s ot arcM 11 of th9 tor •rnlp.ment Qd .»"1~ hot houae wu reported by Mn. e.nt of the door prize wu Mra. ~y1nc the event were Gloria- Bay L&ngonl>olm AP, now colll· Coat& M ... Communlt7 Methodwi he&rlal' bofor. lfli\'porl 'I'oW1>1hlp AT PEllllLI: JIEACB · C. F. L&ndere, 819 WHt Bay Ave · F)'!ncoa jlmlth. jean Mancebo, Allcefayo Manoebo, · mander; ,_ BIG!ld&l<I N. now Cll\Jrch WliCs. Mro. OUt.ua JUfp DoNW J . Dod ... --• • Spondlnl' a few day1 at Del B&lbo&, to pollce Monday, Offlc<J COmpl•tln&' the merry company Jimmy Hart. Barbara Ann 'Hart. i:hainnan of Adft?!Ced Grades, lliane, cl\&l.rfnaft, pve a nport a....,. waa-&f'Nlted Oct:-21 at Monte Lodp, Pebble !}each. a.re warned two chJldren, 8 and ~ We~ Mmes. Bernita Eutman, Ela1*.e Peuce, DewyEtlepReeve9, at1d Robert McGwtre JN. on the ~n~. cJ.ll~rl~ rnfl\lnl· N~ _Bb\t. an.4 $0\Jt.Ji ~aln Mr. and Mra. C. L. Cooper, New-year-. a.bout t.hrowtng rock4 at Olga Gt-ant. Jea.Jf Hldeen., Molly Mary Coit.a. Marl e Van Heern- Ha.rold Holts: ls now U. Com· Mra .. Jane Reid explain«<! ~ street on two OCJU.l'tl: chunk and port Beach: M.r. a.nd Mra.. Art glaaa houaee. · The children'• par--.Bufford and Ann Helton. ake~k a,u~ Mike Van Heemalcerck. mander and hu M!'Ved _. treu-member «Vive to be held thla d.nlftk -drl~. n.e ,J\ljSe eta-LA Shelle, B&U>oa. and l4r. -.nd enta cle~ed up the debrta, prom· I urer. Rex Brand la now "'-truetor month. The. ftl.lu}onary talk on m1-ed \,Ile 4rWUc e.b&jte. Mrs. Myton! trvtne, Sant.a Ana. teed to make restitution. WLH people do read the, ar -People do read the want ad& In charge ol the m.tri.\f\Or train· Bolivia 11148 p,_.,t4d by Mn. • -~----,..----·' i--------""'---'---------..:....-..;,.. _________ _ illg "'"IH" and lloU 11-lo<:turu Bel~ Jenl<a,, Taklnl' ., her 1!u1>-• ca,. $1.0.S ,., 4Sc .. Yiq~~~mps1f In .tho ~anel>!p ·couroo (21' oev· Ject ''Th• Prtn,. that We Leave." eral yea.rs. • Mrs. J ean Windaor led the de· Tb ~!-~~~ clL9.S votlqn-1 obeervance. e apnng •~u ....... up · .. 11 f M Will be prestJlted with tbei.r ce.,._ A note wu re~ rom ra. tillcaleo. 'llhooe who p_.i 'th• 114yrUe l,.on~ or Newport Heiple course are llncoln Clark, Ray tbankth1 the circle for the ~ Don&ld. Ernest Eastlund, William atal planter bo .. l which the ~p OOSTA MESA Jamee F.dw~ Jr., Davkt Fraaer, .ent her wty.Je .ne wu UL ft.e. 1100 'Newport Blv~ Robert Graber, Joseph Guerin, treahmenU were terved to mem- CORONA DEL Ill.AR . Cttff Hal.Y. Ted Hambrook, .Leon· ber9 lime&· Cnne, Rekl, Jtfi}C.a. 903 .Coast fll&'bWaJ' •rd lt01teUer. Jahn Kimble, Arthur Wlnd9or, Ell&abelb ZimJlLV, llar- LAGUNA BEACll I..ai-son; Robert Leinau, Willard Jo rie J'l&lnea, Dorothy Bradley and %1j Forest Avenue Ma.son. SilQ Newcomb, Harold vbliton Mrs .. Amy McShane anO ._ _________ _. Motg&n Noble, Harry Pletcher, Mrs. Florence D&vfy. -~~~~~-'--~,.__:~~~~~~~~~.:_..~~~~-~~~ • Thursday, Frfday and Saturday, November 8, 9 and 10 Purtest Mineral 011 29• 1 ~nted Bo!,S!!'lionery 59; 8-oz. -~ Value STAG Aftt'r Shave Lotion em. Ke r . 15c .. Pen & Pencil Set a..,. .,.., $1.95 ........................................ . KLENZO F A()JAL TISSUE SWEAT SOX = S4141 ...... -··· 24• Re(. $1.lQ 2 pair '149 'Pair ............................ for • • ; • llyt!Na:en PEROXIDE ~07-. 9¢ Rf>1t\llar 18e -······-···· ·····-····- CllOl.'OLATE HONEYCOMB CHIPS !;:;.... . .............. : .. , ............ 39 1' COMBJNATION LADIES . Purse & Billfold . 89' Spuiai .............................. . DOllOTH\' GRAY . . AT ALI; OF ·oiJR STORES . Linen Dish Towels SUNBURST DESIGN TUMBLERS CARA NOlllE llINIATURE Face Powder & Perfume :,".f;, fO< ....................... 39; ' ~dbu;Y ()UAJI will! -IC YARDLEY Hanel Lotion 65 ' ar;x BAY Infra Reel Lamp :e.,!d!·-~-----':-..... •1• RCA•I tllltK THlil IHtfll V'ltJll! LOii BOAST .. Rib End or Loin End Roasts. Cut from Loin of ' Eastern Graln·Fed Potk. !End Chope. lb. 59cf All Safe way Stores POU CHOPS will be closed Mon~ I cc...1ot Cut l\ocDt. 11>. 73cl : Center Cul Loin or Rib day, ~ovember 12th I -~;;.;;..~;,;;;_ ____ _,,,------- in obseryance of am LIVER ~'= I•. 79'!· Armistice Day. -.... P-------------------····~--~~:.::~l:~ ...... J l~l!~to pan:~:: .. 980 . t,,_ T•lll Nl.IU LIKerH Mil Rr':.lo< = 21 c Homog1N1.td, posttufi:red~ ( YI -gol., 42c) Price subied to State Boord ~'-tions. Con<enlraled Milk ~= 1~ Lucerne, tr~le rich. Add 2 ports wottt to make tbbi. milk. lQuort, Mc) Mrs. Wrltht's Bread -::: 1 s• wi.11e .-. • .ileed. rmh1y 1>a1<oo1. CrlCted Whelt Bread ·::: 17• Mrs. Wr'clht's tllctd. Bitter= Bread Mn. Wr~11fiotd. · Ulft =Bread Mq. W•lef>t'1 diced. BABY FOODS C.rbor'a otrainecl 3 2 5c or tbopped. - 0111 MlR6 - Sunnr\luk YeUol'· , 29• '.Foil wrapp«l. • . • .. • lwii>ED JUICE • • Treesw .. t brand. 1 ..... 12• O!•~ and Grapefruu. -.ir. • GUDE A· ~BAtOll Sliced Special I Morrell' a l'rid• Ill Hoat-s.aled Packo9e. LOOK AT THESE SAFEWAY VALUES SWED PEAS 2 1 :: 23• . . H19bwcry brand. Extra atandanl. CORNED BE~F s~ci~ l ~~L 39° -JELL-WEll s~::., 3 ::;,,.17° RIX LARD ~~~~~=: · !t ~1~ ~,11un11, DaUy Gloa.. nnt Qual!IJ' quartered and Cartoned •· .. 78° TOMATOES . . . ·cAJINID MILK Oterub brand, evaporated. 2::23° (l ';:::' 1 t ~ . . -A4d zest and color to your fall ~:HI wirh .. fresh fruit& •n.d •~ The prod1ce M'Clion at your nearby Safeway as filfeil with 1...i., full-ftav.ol'ff foods at low pricu. lb. ~~"-29c pkg. , •. 57.c •. AIRWAY COFFEf · Mild and ni.How 14'. 72• (3·1b. bag. 2.13) ... ' llOB Hill COffff ' I , LOTIONS :!i. ~-....... ----.. -~. 6 for 59 # Record...,... l:-23· ~~Ill° , ~~fil9 ......... •100 TU MILERS IS-FORES'I' OUSN =~~---·--·---·--·-10# • JlAXlXE QJt.P-zt'aried "WoMm k• CHOC.OLATE PEHIR MIU._. CHallES =L -5~ SAl.T 5*111. '1" • I ' $12.9$ 1T•Ou-Lav•••J Pl211 "==~ • ' • ... 7" . ,. ••• • • ' • ,PAGE .~.:.. ;,.R;.l1_:-,rHuR~A~. fl!0~.1:1~1 ~"1 .Rise ~. emark.lDATB.INf~ \ /l~#!!~'iuss ill :~~=~~·WASHINGTON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~,,..-~~~~-~~ mr to u.. DlreetGn ot t11e .... ~ ~ tomla .T•apa1ero 4-!oUon II)'.., -' T I p E' . TA I L ! . about the rel&tloo o( -.. -<>1· • WAaHINOTPN NO¥ & -Tb. I HJOB • LOW • pendtt~ Tu__,loUo .-1e. A...., lo ti'>"'&' i.: na.:'m. -7 Jl'riday ' e:u a. m. &.4 • 12:118 p. m. OJI and ...c.c,taU!!lflo, 11ave a -ey ''to •-u ...... ; .. ~ t11e ' to ~ us. .... to ppea; be-, -..... ·-·~ • 1 November 8 8 :28 p. iii. f .& ~ ...... ---· .. •·· _ ..... to commttteM wblcll p~,tu 40lh and 45U. latlllw7 dlvlalonl, llatuntay . 8 :42 a. m. &.8 0:22 a. m. • 0.8 1,1:i!_ and to ·wrtw-U.olr eoq,_. aow In Japan, Clenonl ~ L&wtoll ~ .. November 10 7 :22 p. m. 4i • .f 1 :21 P· m. ""' 0.2 ma:l and ~elr Senatore and tbelr "=olltna Mid Jf'\1d&y. 61111~ 7:\o·a. m. 8.0 0:63 a. m. 1,2 s .. • Le~olalora. ~ to pay tau 'nle P"°!>lhn l"tJI i,. ~to keep !November ll 8:09 p. m. 4.3 2 :01 p. 0\--O.S. aUentlon'to the commltleee which :~~ divlalonaturn~ _':'_."!lllf0e~~ 1.e rtou-· and •• ~~ men re ..., ~... ~~ Af.onday 7:36 a. m. 6.2 1 ~2 •· m. dJ1eu. appro' ~-· m.,-e ,thelr two year tour. end,next Au· , fNovember 12 8 :06 p. m. 4.0 2 :3Sf })-. m.. ~ the budget.a. · •-l'W't, the chid of lllatt Aid. 'nleadfu' 8 :04 a. m. 8.2 l :&o a. fJ1· 1.9 Stop the apendlng. and you.•~ General Col.Una ha.a jult. return- : November 13 9:40 p. m. 3.8 3 :1t.p. m. ~~ ~e t:.~~t ;:"1!,!9re. ":er~= ~ ~ a wt-:r~~ ~ Wedneoday 8:31 a. m. 6.2 !:.!! ap.. :· 8 ten bUllon dollan off Ille l'ed<ral ••· laatp •-' Tbe b&1ance of the mccting W1ll be tpent tn &a1lgnment apd ar- ""llfettlent ot De¥! cluarooma. •November 14 10:28 p. m. 3.8 ., '" .... ;--0· budget for tLlc&l year 1952, .than .......,, ,....,...... · .-;untday 9 .01 a. m . 6.0 <Z :43 a. m. 2.3 lt will be to equeese $5.t b1llJorl He uJd both the former .~a.Uon- ' November 16 11 : 16 p. m. . 3.t f, :32 p. m. • --0., ln new tu:ea oat of 't.tte people. '1 Guard dlvialanai were In fine • 1 ~ \ax ,h,.oe." < e St.op the spendift«; lbe ea can He al.lo aakt he lhoup.t a ln>ee @) (.i' be taken care ot later. .. -·~ ' t think tJie "lpending brO .. or In Korea wi.a ··enUrely pc:Ulble'' -the 82nd ConfT'HB, plus lbe new but ventu.red no rueu on when. • • • FIBST. FULL QUARTER MOON I.AST QUARTl<B Nl:w MOON tu leviee ft.be heaviest in hi8loryl General Colltn. M.Jd early aur- • 1 a.re waking the people. 1 told the veya showed "tTOm 20 to 25 per '!cnt" of younger otneen in both Taxpayera A.uoclatlon the UnlUd the former California a.00 Olc:la-Statea waa n.chtlng a \ff&r on Dec. 5 Nov. 13 Nov. 21 J:"OV. 28 _FRANK WISHON Announces '· THE OPENING OF BRITISH MOTORS, INC. Where you are Welcome to THE WORLD'S ' MOST FAMOUS SPORTS CAR Tllf: 0'.\'1: {'AR \'Ol"\"E AL\\'A \'S \\' . .\~·Too TO DRl\'E 1 io9 Coast Highway Newport Beach 1'1101\"& RY.ACOX 7311 I) MR.2 BY4 BY HOMER ti . ' e ut WI &811bot you In your plalls. We w 111 gladly esUmate 00..ts of materials, recommend a ~ contractor or help you obtain a Title 1 loan for netv construction or re· modeling. • Phone: Bea.eon 641'7 Laguna Beach Homer Mellott, M&Jlqer OTHER YARDS: Santa Ana Fu!Jerton La Habra Brea three fronts. We. are fi1"hting a homa dlvtatone indicated they war In Korea. no matter what the wanted to rema.tn on extended Preaident chooae• to Call It. The military duty when their tWo year• Pf'Ople, u yet, have no heart l.n are up. thi.JI war. unlesa @ome member pf Bae~ on background inform&· lhe rpi.m.Hy la ln it, or tagged for ~ lion or the two unit.JI and know" aJled Wre ot men whoee bualneu ca· One maga.i:lne recently c reeri have twtce bttn tnterrupted lht> "forgotten war." • : Th<' aecond rront t• the economle' ln 10 year.. the tlgurea are not front. InnaUon. tax.ea and ex~ high. pense•. both family and FederaJ. The Army previously Indicated are making the people think. Thi "ta dealre to kttp klcnttty or the 18 the war to eavt the Republic. "'wo Oftttit.a even w•en moat ortgtn- 1 The third front la the propa· Ill mf'mben are returned t.ome. p.nda rront. lea w~I Mown. or Thf' klca Lt OOt loo popUlar with under3lood. but no leu important pent<>l'.W ~ong klentified with thl' than the other two. · Jt I.JI th• uqft.L A c hance or dealgn.atlon to front.on whic h lhr admlnl•tratlon 'nother numbered division by the Cights lo control the thinking or Army would p~vcnt It from thf' 'pcOple. acqutrtng both the tradition and Thf' new!lpSJ>f"l"8 are aroused by "lrlzed heritage or combe.t valor an attack on tht' rn-ednm of thf' boumr by both the dlvtalona. pn-M. Tht'Y do no t know If the Whatt've r other lller9ture the Prf't11dent'J111 a.ttack la a sort or pre• "pitch tlll I win" man clrculat.c8 luli<' to attr mptP<t curb#, o r just a h<:" will not hand out pne or hi• little practiCe In the "give 't-m pha.mplct. In lhe South which ill hell" technique or nt'xt y"ar·a cam· w\dt'ly circulated In Ohio a.nd palgn. The tde& lhat information oth<:"r "northcrn"p placee. It aa.ys, may nnly ht-given the American among othrr thlnp- peoph•. wh<'n and If '11Y admtnlll-"~nator Taft on evt>,.Y oeeuion tration l1' willing to h&Ye It artven wheon & t-l vll rtghtl'i blll hu been out. 18 dangt'roue. W e t\ad a.n In-brfore congrcU, hu eupport.ed the st.ant ex.&mpko o( lt.s poalbilltle11 bill wh1•n Mike DtSallc told the OPS "Senator Taft Is ror a fair em- not t o give-out lnformlltlon which ployment practices commlalon would emb&rraAa lJ)at agency! he voted in 194.3 lo wlU,bold-fed· That orde• wa.s quickly reBCln~. f'ral ~ucatlon functa wherever It wu a. etraw In the Wuhington rac i.a..I dlacrlmlnat!on ia prac ticed." wind. Tht' villit oi g<:'nera.I or the army Mort" Important h1 tht> clever. Dwla-ht D. ElMnho.,.,,·er tint o( t.he w1·ll-ordered attac k on any In-werk herr. deap'L<-hi.8 Pana an· . divldual, or any organlu.tk>n. ex· nouncemPnt that It ie "purely pr('sain~ a viewpoint n1aterilllly mill~a.ry," ha.a all caplta.l colum. tilfferl"nt from that o f the admln· nlata In a tluy trying to mak.-j lstratlon. Thl'ff atlackll a.re ~r-polltlca out of It. You paya your I sonal. blued. &lld quite often un· nlckle a.nd ta.kcs your choice In truthful. many papt>rs. I I give you one exampl.-: Th<' Being a five atar 1reher~J ~ good adminlatratlon u.&HI Loul• Budenz. for w e-arlng out old anny uni· now a profe!MMJr in an American form&. lke still U8e8 for dress <·ollette. but once an 1nr1uentlal wear the conforta.ble jack et named communlet leader. a.a It.A . star w1t-for him. The' Army rultd . thent nf"J\."1 In the convic tion of the 11 out laat JuJy for l~lllaer fry. l'omn1unlst lear:ttrs ln Nrw York. "Big Jim" Tatum, head football Aftf'r an aJmoet lnC"redJ ble trial, coach at Maryland and rorme-r they were convicted, largely on top man at the Unlvendty of h\Jll teatlmony. Thie was the ad· Oklahoma, hA.11 al( area 11port.s mlnlatJ'tlon·1 mont valiant at-~ea plUKliDJ for hlt! t~am l o tempt to provl" that It wu no t play t.he Buiar Bowl New Yeara under communist. Influence llJlelf. Day. All because of th<:" drubbln& A few wttk.B ago, Proreuor given I.SU before bowl officl.a.l!I . Budenz appeared tM=fore the In· In hU exclt@ment over the BMt- ter"al Stturlty Commltleto or lbe lah Royalty vhllt-or aomething- Senatr, of Which Senator Pat Mc-th(' Pf't'Sidcnt forgot to algn lhf' Carran, a Nevada Democrat, Is the flr11t supplement.a.I approprtatlon chairman. He Jrave te1Umony blll , Aa a result. everyth.Jnl' aome which would include high party 20 agenclee apent in one day i.1 offlclals, including former Vice technkaJly t.llegal PTeeldent Henry Wa.llace, among Truman haa tax trouble• too-- thoat' who knowingly or gulllbly Jutt ll~ Joe and Jane. The new !!upporteu the policy ln the.. State law wUI take M.9 per eent or h la Department which bulll \Ip the $100,000 ea.l&ry or. "8,932. But Chlneae communlaU. and eventu-for one yea.r more hr ha.a a taI ally put u8 Into war ln Korea. free s:M'.>,000 expenae accounL Now the whole preuure or lhe Then the Jaw change.a-whether 1dmfnlalraUon is t o dl8Credit e prealdency data or not. Budenz. To fill CaJtrornla's sweet tttth. Senator McCarran'a r"'PIY on primarily dl1tr1butol"'8 Rnt lbr the Senate Ooor ahould be read by atate Ip .A.uguat 1.Me.161 bage of ma.re ~oplf'. He pointed out tint eupr, 100 pound& to the ack. to the admtnlalrltillon th•"-"you Fa.rmera •tarted out tbl.8 yqr can't h&vC" your ca.k~ and e•1 tt." ptUng 51 cent.a of ·the ret.a.JJ food and, moN" Important. that lhlA dollar, wiU ~d the year wtlh drive to dlKn>dlt Buden~ ta gr11t1 about Mt cent. or IL Procet111ing for the communlMt mill, and will marketlna and dll:tribJIUon a:et the hr UMd in an atte-mpl to frtt the reel. communist leade rs now tn jail. I Exlunple of a di•lrtbutlon in- could give you chapte r and vtrse. cnoue-ln 1948 It ca.et $1 .3' to and the name ot the columni.Jlt ship 100 pounde ot torn&fbea from rngaJrftl i.n tht11 1unear attack on Bakenfield to New Yark. Now the ).fcCarran lnve8ll~atlon, it coat. $2.32, an lnereaee of 26.1 HAROLD I. JOHNSON ~ Pboa• llarttor l!O ll1J VW.. W ... , Nl!WpoR BMclJi •• NE • -. ~ . . ' • : ' ....... ~· t . NOW. IN Bf'OCIC Jll' \ '· ' . ' NEWPORT-r -URNITUBE co~· . , ' • • t I l • 822 Co~ ...... 7 Beacon 5431 ' ' I // no ''wet weath•r· worry'~· \ when you ~ry clothes electrically/ ' , TH&EATENING 'WEATHEI can't threatcn a hitch in your wuhda7 acbedulo whoo you buo an oelecrtic auroma<ic clOmes dtyer. You can be """ you'll ger your laundry out CCI time, and with tho gtoarost m~ I Indoor drying docs away wich che nuisance ol fighting wind and rain ro ger your clO<hoo hung up-and there'• DeYcr a daub< about tho time it takes <hem <o dry. Whoo you pu< <hem in 40 electric dryer, you uso aa:unue. unifotm heat 'Which docs tho job thoroughly, turns out cloches that arc doan. soft and ftulfy. In fa.it oc itonnJ wcadior you'll ltllile rigbr through washday, with . ILi el«tric cUyer CCI fho job! , ' . LAST WORD ON DRYING; of C01'fJe-il's ekctri&! SEE YOUR DEALER NOW SOUTHERN· CALIFORNIA EDlSON COMPANY ,dLm'~~F./ D ... D - an <Ee· • • ' • • • , I . l 1 I 1 I l J ' I l ~ ' ' . ·' " • READY MIXED CONCRETE SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY Newport-Balboa Savings & Loan Resources Up 10,-o per cent. . F"rom September 15 to October 1~. NatoanaJ retall food prk:ee we nt up l per cent. Here ln the capital the figure a1moet doubled. wtlh an tncre•ae or 1.1 for the 30 day period. h.lgheat In the country. MAKES IDlJR HONEY WOltTH HOBE ... ,;,e?~1N0n1~/ \ No Job Too Large; No Job Too Sma~ %:!9 \\'~t \\.IJ110n. bet"'eeot SeW'pOrt aDd Harbor BtvdL COSTA MESA -PHONE BEAOON' sste :LUMBER •• SAT. 8 to 5 SUN. 9 to 1 · • SPECIAL THIS \VIXK -'No,-. I to Nn. 15 ! Thick Butt SHINGLES $712 per square 1 at : .. ABV I>~; 14.0 k 17th SL.· Coa'6 lll- < Boacoo 51111 Nl1b~ ~ \ • ' \ \ • • • • • ' , -. I Now Open Sunda'y .. for the Homeowner CONcRm BLOCKS • •ICK . FLAGSTONE • SAND • aRAYEL -. . CEMENT • SUPPLmS .: 8KIP, LOADJ:R FOR'T&ADJ:a LOADING .K·E ITH ·B. C .O LLINS .. . , ~ : 2UC N~ BM; Coeta ,,._ • lbrtlw '1'016 , .. A gain o( 10 per cf"nt in re· murc~ was regUtered by the Newport Balboa Federal Saving• and Lo&n .A.uoc!at ion during the September 30, 1950 • September JO, 1~1 period. aeeOl'dlng to Nelli Davll of Loa AngeJea. exi!CUUw vice-president of the Ca.Jlloma S.vtnp and Loan League. Aseeta of the local m.tllutlon now ~ $3,961.123 which '!'Ptt-- .e:nta ·a . gal.:n or $531,t.23 for th .. 12-moeU. poriod, Total ,,_,.....,.. ot Ille 1116 Call- fomfa avinp t•rclaUons now •la!td at s1,e1&,M3,036, an m; crnae of '113.3081U'T, or 12 per amt tor l.be corrupon~ 12 montb.9. - ' . New P. A. System Installed at GCC • In s\lle. beaut,, roo.eea, riding eue ~d depenciabill\f Q.,.!of the grandest t!Ungs aboul Naturally, ywr~ m'"'"'! ,: drive the ...,. '52 DodJte ts thl.1 Y.iu t11i1 new Dodge. For thats the.ooly ......LI. STILL 1""I ~ of dol-woy you can feel bow the OriJlow ;;..--;\,... for o ""' oNI nol S"' Ride really i.bs tho bounce oul of .-yfhlng IJoU grM ..,. Do<f&O bumpo-the only way fo appreclala "' .. 1 what a -baodling car It ii. ··""'/"°" . ,.,J -·L•-'Si beauty YOW' .,, .. will open ~ .. too, F<JI !.!r.. in ~ -at the vmbility you have -front. ..... a1l the comfort. :%"! and ..... bock and aD around. That'• why ""°'"""" featur., you be lookipg -mile you drive In • Dodge Is for In your oew car. The nnart, .. _, pl mod«n tn.ide ·m...·-the llatt«-aaler, men -.nL •. tng new fabrics -the aD-oiouncl-Wen be ~ for yoa. ~ yoq roominrM ~ lell you relai in ~.Me ~ new '52 . P. and toke things euy. y.., re m for. ' bapPy •urpme. . . ' ......... ,, ... _ .... ~ .............. t ............... ..... I ' ' I ·~ 1.:-==i '.:i?.DDGE~· . . ,;....~.....:...-~~~---0 N D l 1 P LA y -AT • . -'l'woslk 00 ......... --'"' ••••• ••'- • ' • ' • .. • • ,.. ' I r , ' •• \' • .. ·- } • • ' ' ' ' ' , HARBOR • HI -LPES BJ n:&ll1' n'.SKO . ' - Larke.tie&. one of • the many musical roupe a\ HarO>r ~ a pot.luck .dinner at £lee.nor Ra- gen'1 home.on Tuffd&1 'llcbt.: «>ct. 11; Ute anntvenary .P'krty: waa <to cetebrt-le the four yur1 or the es- i..t.ence Of the Larkettea. SAINT G.uuJ Seen ~ Hui>ot'1 -at the Santa Au pme wUet Rally N........, aad lmu Sla- -..J; Emlo 'l'llompooD aad Dlf' Keppoa: Dllrle· Thaden Md l>l<li John-; Jobany £cprt aad Alla Ailen; l!'Allle ~ aad R. 0. Cnae. "°'' llOIDe Qf tbe otap w""': Uld.-a ~ .. Lyme Smltb. Lou Ann Wlll-o, Doana Nr-bton. Patti Dwyer, ~eny lrsko, Ola.De Comer, An- Df'ite Whl1Joeic, ~ie Gt;abaln. Char Six, L::ie .Jayred, 8ally Bwlh, D-Bortlett. Nancy DMwr, Romtl~ Comer. Some of thfl ·('oaples not pre,·,omly men- Uoned weft: Ann BMord and Mike Doyle, krTy E"""8 and loan Nla.wn. ThMe we~ Jut a haodf'UJ of mrhorltee that were accounted for. 0. A. A. 'CABINET The ~Iris' athlic>llc a.esoctaUon "lJWI called y. A . A . select,, a cabinet in which all gt1 ls have an opportunity lo serve on. President or G . A. A. activ'tics l!'I &tty Davenpdr t which she serws 93 a mem~r on the etudent cabinet. 0th~ members or the cabinet a.re : Ann Morris. basketball .manager: CAMPtJ!I SCBp'IA!l'l'IC 8TAJll! INITIATED lir .....,_, .. """'°"°"'t --'!'· u .... ,. AJplia o.mma sip. oebo-.O ..._....,, frato..i*J, -Y'<"""r 9'okllns It. awl cal'd)ell&ttt luallatioo of o(nott. &ad tennal , lllltlatioo · of --ID i11e FM>ully .Dlalnc Reel>\ Oil o....,., o.-t CoU.Ce Campuo.· lJI a brief addf'Ma Dr. Bull Petenoe, eollece prMl.dent, au-.ed the lmperlance of the coal al,)ilo.... by title lf'OUP Uld chall""C"d tb.m t<> r.m....1>er thst lhcy were 1Mder'a1 bl .-.etlla( J!Cho~le 9taoclanl8 for tbe atudeat. at OCC. 8..an .foaPS -na. "I Heard a l'~oreat Prayina:· ubompan.INI by La••• Altoa.. The AOS bu beH veey aetl\·e th.'9 y•r MAltlt:J.ac at re,tstratloa and LD freMmu ' , . orlellta-TbMe pie-....., -..,., ~ --aad CPJwtal -C-r, laclll ... """'P' no .. of the IOClety; llol.ert _....._ -llleben ~ Ceola ., ' --hcl< Eblfta, Fred R&W90D, Robert 8t•w.., Coota lll-. and Plllllo Toter, Newport _._ -around lableo, left to rlgtit: CbarlM Comptoa, C.ta M-; On-al Dup,..., N•,..port _, Genldlne Spafford, Mary 1 .... Joaeo, MMC!a Joh.a•-· Coot& Mfll&; Marl-l .C-a, Coofa lltl-; 1 ...... Supa l, dart H oadll, Sam Buab, Coot& M-; VlrJlnla Ra-N tt. F.-Botno, Polly N•~. MarJ<>rle Pulllfer, ~llee .-.,, Costa M-; 1-""-, Coot& -; Bf!tty Flory and 1'Iary Aaa Mor n.on or Balba lal&ad.. German 'Student Eighth Graders Everett Rea Speak~ I Newporters Dance at to OCC Students Pro America Takes Stand on Public · Education Addresses .-BPW Ensign School lo~~A:;;~~.:~:-··e~~=~.:'r~~~ Attend ' UCLA Bualness. and Professlon1tl iWo-Bringing records from home Rra, auperlntcndt!nt of C08la B •id• R• ~~n·s.,,Cl~~ch0:n;.e':iu,~ntH•:.:a.: ~:~~~~~:~:y:~:~~=t~~~ ~~~~r~~;;;.1~."r~; 0;~ UI. 1ng ates Germany as guea:t speaker on n __ N 1&n1t dance of the current wchool the subject : "What Makes a Good ''Thi• 18 .an .htatorlc and happy ov. 1 when they met at Whlt<''s · Park Ave. Cafe for their regular year. It wll~ held at Et n s I g n Teacher:· • .:lay In the life of California:· Gov.· b tchool ca.!cterla.. Gradea, he told the young would· Earl Warren told ~veral lbous-uainess meeting. 'llxnn llllOB da1itu>INo ' . ~ 4l'fD DT:SINO AT f ·~. llW 't fl Jen M 4 11QMi\ ..... Paloss ~S•iteR9"ir ••·-N-rt a.... •-''-·~ I N-• -'· ~ta Nat-Ca. • t llM 'N•wpon llmL - , AT GUNDERSON'S CHOC OLATES • ' ' , < Marilyn Petersen, hockey m&n· ager; Barbara Trusty, ttnnUI manag£>r : Joan Nunan, volleyball •manager. and Dorothy Horell. baseball manager. Doran Suess Two em~. Peter Lardner and bf' lnatructora In public achool.8, do and penoaa Friday who attended Linda Hlenzley, agt' 17. an ex· p t w I k t th _c f'r e gan .. ep e pn1gram not necrsaarily reflect the quality the comf'r3tone-laylng crn-mony change atudent from Germany and hve.ly announctng the d a..n c e .s , or onr·R training. A teacher muat o f UCLA'a $20,000.000 l1cdical "°""' going lo Newport Harbor contest•. and winners. Door prize-be "a rrol peraon''..who has Ideals. Center. High school, wae; lntroduc~d a.s b ~ 1 was \von Y -an yn GRtes. and Rt11 ndards and ethlca. Th<' ceremony lnvolvMI bolting the guest of the evening. She pot dan'C ro led a ' awa a were c11.rr Othf'r "'lint.a In a.-a'a gradin.,. a 30-root atf'f'I ~am, hoist!'d by a Recently mtllly . _~a meet and patriotic Amerlcan.!f:Jhave ahown an interest in the at.and ot the National AuoclaUon of Pro Amer·. · lea ·on public education. "Tbe tun- damenlaJ ·t.uuea and exiattng tel\,d· cnclai are ot partlcuJar alcnitlc· lllflCe In our et.ate because ot 'The Pa.aadena Story' that hu attract· ed natlon-wkle attentio n and con- cern. 1 The tollowtng reeolutlona have constituted ·the only eland take n by the National A880Clallon of Pro America In regard to public education," saya Mra. Joseph J . Pausner, national director and preaidPnt ot C&lifornia Chapter Pro America. • .. 2 1-.. for s125 REGULAR PRIC E 87c Lil. CJld Kay Pridham swim managcr!l with Diane i Comer .serving as equ'pmi.'lt manager. came to thl8 country wtth 300 home b Denni ff ood d ,.. • Y -' arw an ttalt' of • 8u-esaful tc··h-In· giant crane, to a a ... ""'a.I face plat e. other students and wilt be hert> J kl y IL Bob M ...... ""' "' , ..... ..... ae e &rne rDQnald clud~ •ood health, neatnc .. a nd Thl11 we.a done by Edward A. Dick· tor one year. staying with a fam· di 0 red h 'd · h IIallmvt'~O DlnMr Party sc ve c won a pr1ae w en r.-ood tute tn er-rooming, and lhc aon. chairman ot the UC Board of ily in Corona del Mar. h d bl 1 ·'-d • •· c opcnc s cc cream Cuv ur· ability to get along amicably with Regrnu. a man whom the Un lvcr· Le~lie · Kovisto was the hostess ot &. amall but great dinner party on Halloween Eve In her home in BalOoa. Spaghetti and trench bread were !lf'rved with pumpkin pie and deliclou~ apple cider u the dc53ert. Seen munching away on the many deHcaclea were: 8.lLJly Bush. Judy ,Allen, Diane Comer . Jerry J eahkd, Luhi,Larsen, Leslie Kovlsto .• Her -h wa.a mo&t interf'at· I th 1 t · t • A h • -r----ng c n erm1M on. not e • n.Jrc nt.a who, th<'&e dayo, show an s lty'a preside nt, Dr. Robert Sproul Ing from a standpoint of t.'"Ompari· tunt th 1' s on e program wna g-ueu· Inc reasing tendency "to , look to lntroducro u "the godfa ther of son of living conditions In thla i"a the n11m•-( •-· j ""fl ....:it 0 uca.na lll a. ar. J11Chool .....-.pie for an.swera to all lht-campua:." country to those in Germany. It Donna Ri"h»r"·--h --~ .--D 8 ~ U3Vf1 w o '1'"~• types of queationa." Teachera. r. proul praised CaJifomJa's was aJeo intereating U a conipa.rl· 2000 came r loaes t to the actua~ then. mu.st be r....--rted membe~ governor for working to make t he 80n o! their educational system ',...u t r 3000 -..--.. u n o · ot the community. medical centor a rcaltty. He em· a.nd oun. Servingl a a host!'I and hoate~a A short qu£>allon·answer aesalon f>huiU'd alMJ the unlquf'nese of t he Linda ia a. most delightful per· lo their class were Nancy Ca.n1p-followed Ute superlnlande-n~'s ad· inl.£'grated health ccnt.C'r which w ill .!tOn and oonaidering the small bell. Bob McGill, Lynn Pease. Tom dr<'M. provide a corTidor approach to amount ot Engliah ahe hu stud!t.>tl Nlcqucttc. Jim Run1aey. L I n d a each field of 8Cicnce related to did a remarkable job, there wa.s no Becktold. Jeanne Swanson. and hr alth. Such broad facllltie3 on a trouble In underslanding h e r Nell Metcalt. Doub le Pfogram alngl<' campus will tum out su· ' HONOR SOCIETY Electln1 otfke:ni and pllUUling trt~ wr-re the objectives nf thr flonor SoclHy ·when llM'mben hekl 'thdr mtttinl" on Tuad~. <Xt. 16' Elected to M'n'e as Prexy for Ute yt"ar W&"I Terry \VeIM. TPrry GIMp. vtee pf"e:!lol- apeeeh, everyone thoroughly en· Faculty •poneor!I were Clifford perlor tcChn1~an11 and nur8("a a.s joye<I It. After hearmg from one Mahler and Mni. Mary MoM:teller. Fo r Q . C. Art Assn . W£>1l u doctors. he said. that ~aJly knows about conditions Working w1th Mrs. E. W. P.fllum, over there and realizing how des-home a.nd family c hairman ror The Oran~r County Art AS.SO· perately clothes are n~P<t th(' fht! Newf'IOrt Beach elementary elation w\11 hav(' a double pro- B. P .. W. i8 going to contribute schoola PTA \VhlGh sponsors theae va.n1 'll lhf' mt!rllng on Thursday, some packac-e1 ot clothing to some dance&. were Mr. a.nd A.lrs. 0 . E. No v. 8 In the P\Jllerton Publlc Li· of the families in need. , While. antl Mr. a.nd Mra. Don brary lecture room . •k'Dt; Barbu-a Uarle. 11ttretar.J; The meeetlng wa.s opened by Charles. J•n Kimm.. prosnm clDtnnaa, Kathleen Coleman leading the -------BeJrlnn1ng at 7 p.m. Chuc k and G--.... ,.,,_ itkillW .J.& · . q.ark of~rPmon! ,.'!Will demon· ·--·-.,.., · • • ._g.--ompem..--1>y r• Kor-ea ~ ·,L.a. LJL.1.,..._.. _, '~'"' on the 8tuaent Oowactl. SpelD"lan on the pl&11o. The voices \::J TT TT at.r h t o carve a.nd fin~h llarbeqUt:S., rueet A'Pf'&kera.. lk!kl don•t seem to improve w ith prac· picture framf'A. Thh1 proved &O in· d:i, .. vl.811 to mov1 .. •t.udkM &Del lice. but the mcmbeni: have run Pla·n U.nder Way tere•tlng and 1n.struc t1vc 1ut year a Upt opera ~rtonnanoe ~ere trying. , that h'" w.-aaked tor a rf"pt"&.t en- me.aUoM'd k ectl\1tla. w~ the Carolyn \Vebf'r gave a report on A goal of 500.000 packagea bas gal{enl("nt. nfflce 0 ra held a meellnJ on Octo-the p roposal or the Sta•· B . P. W. bee 1 b th J At 8 pm. lhr re will be an auc-ttcr t I w:; n 8"' Y e Los Angrlcs un-lion of palntlnJ:s, drawlnga. etch· ..,. r' to dJvtde the Southe rn Dtqtrlct or 'or Charntwr of Commerce .. Gift Inga. Cf'ramlc.s donated hy the art- ID...SQUARES ......_ the Club beca~ ot the growth of Llft" campaign to aend Chrlatmu lats. Membel"!i of the Aaociatlon During the summer. 80me ener· il tn the southern part ot the 8latr gift.ti to U. N. &erVicemen ln Kor-k-... to b 1 1 th 1 get1c studf'nta from Harb6r form· She stated that oa the whole the ea. oCflclals ot the organization ~re 88 ~· r ng n er work Southern District waa ar.-aln8t th1· uin.ounced. or thl<t. Half of whatever a pie· ed a square..da.ncing club. Those ,.. turr brings goe.!I to the artist, the e;lectcd to serve on the Board -or division and It JOO per c('nt of the Sue}\ articles a.a ball point pens, other halt t o the Association. Direc tors wer•: Marilyn cart· members algned a petition OPJ>OI'· w riting· paper, windproof lightl"r&, Thi "' t t 1 Ing it. it would not be divided. ~Rruled ·fruit.a and juices, candlc8 8 a grea oppor un ty to wright, Bonnie Blescar and Rds· Membe-1 ·'I 1 , 'lnd sn• .. •·-. woolen mlttc·-and aecure tine plcturt>a at perhaps seJI Boogie. Marlin Green wa.i, • ., p~sen .. 8 gneo. _...,.. .... redlculoua prlcca, at any rate. rea· elected to trea.surer ot the Hl· BecaUBe of being very buay thla tox at"e among the auggcatrd gift sonllble ont.a. . Squa.re.s. It anyone ta•intereated to year. Vera Franke had to resign ltems. The auctioneer will be Denver join the Hl·Squares Info may be.-as c hairman of Youth Activities . Gift!! ahoold be malled to "Gift Garner well known for hie ablHty obtained by ca,Jllng Mar.tly Cart-and Lynn Carlos hag been appoint· I Lift. Loe Ang~lu Junior Chamber to make a.n auction a very enter· wright at Beac!>n &304 or Bonnie· e-d a.s the new chaJrman. of Commerce. or can be left at I talning evtnt . The ev~ning will Biekar at Beacon 6168-W. Sue Ho rYJlh waa lbanke~ by all a ny YMCA o r YWC A. probably be one of the h!gh spot.a , , 1 the '!Jemben., whether expreued Deadline tor t.he camp&Jgn la of l.he ear Sarprtae. · · or a.ot for the very ~lent job Nov. 30. when glftl wtll be ahlp· y · NothiDg but complete aurpriae she did tyaklng ove.r 100 aantt-ped via Military Sea Tra.rwporta~ l The ~h~lt fort tt;: tmon~ tea~ came to Ellen <>wen when Marilyn wichea •for the football team ol lion Service to t.be Far Ea.at. ;;;."{:1 pa ~ ;hp :Sn ~ ~d.y; Peterson gave het' • surprise dJn-HaJ bor H igh. ower ' ey ~~ ~p y ner party Sunday C"'.enlng. Nov. 4. A. turther report wa.e-gtven by -People do read the Prem ~ery :y except Sunday or all Membera o f tht" \Vomcn's Gulld o( the California Institute for Ca.nc-er Reaearch who promnt~ In- ter-tit In the c&nc!'r rceearch unit of the medical achoo! aerved tea to membere a.nd frienda at Weat- wood Hilla· Christian Chun::h prior to the Inauguration ceremony. Mn. Ward M. Rolland of Ba.lboa Itiland and Los Ang"ll'8, and 1-.ir&. Borrough~ R. Hill. Balboa ,stood in the N"Cf'lving line with Mni:. J.f . Philip Davia, Guild ptC3;dent. F ol· lowing the tea the Jnlild procttde-d In a body acroa the atre-el to the dedlcatlon cet(!mony. Other cuesta from Orant~ County at the Medi- cal Cf'ntf"r event were Mr. and Mra. Jo.wph Catanlch or Laguna Tributr \YU p.w.ltJ to the four c ltiea of Lc>8 Angelea, Santa Mon- ica, Beverly H illa, and Venice which ga.ve lhe mllllon-<lollar pit.-ce ot land for t ht alte of lhe lnatitu- tlon. Dr. Pproul named Dr. Vem Knud&en, dean . ot the graduate. dlvi.aion, Dea.a Dodd ot the School of Lctten and Sciencca. a.nd the new medical a:.h<>ol'a Dean St..a.t- ford Warren u tlle three peraon.11 m oat c.lo8e.ly connPCted wtth the plan• for the health center, adding that "until today, Dean Warren ha.s been worryln,;-that he mtlht never be ...cnorc than a d ean of planl." at Marilyn'• home on Lido Isle. Mildred ~Stanley on behalf of lbe ' &da. ovem r. Wishing Ellen "'Happy Birthday" advi.aory board ot the: Christmas -----------,--------------------------- were: Joan NUD3n, Barbara Star-Preview about Ow plans for the ege, Shirley Scott. Ann Br3dfon1. 1951 Preview Barbara T ruaty, Jerry J eako, Dt---·----- anne Comer. J o&n klmea1 Day Keppen. Nancy Deaver. t>oran occ Group at Suess, Margaret Marshall. &tty Student Confab Norton, Barbera Earl. Yvonne Taylor~ Madge Fullbright, M"&ri· ann Dh,.mer 'tlnd Arlene Hayward. Sending Kifta but unable to at· tend were: Josephine McKee, Marilyn Schlickenmeyer, Ma r y Stewart and Annette Whitlock.: Plttlo Party · • Ma ureen Camf'ron. J oan Drum- mond, Richard DIMalo, Jan1ea Hoff and Percilea Spanos r~prf'senttM Orange Coast colleg" at the SouUiern California Worl<I Stu- stent Service Fund conference held "t Wrlghtwood Lodge In the San Bernardino mount.atna, Oct. 26-28. Miles Ea.toil. ln.atnktor in BOCla.I acl4911ce, accompanied the group. The conferencf" wu compoeed of delega.tloru1 of atudmta .ltd facul- ty from 8Cbools of.Southern Call· fornia.. meeting to consider poai· bUJUea for action in lhe bulldlng ot international under3tandlng. · urida Heintz, that . lovable gal from Germany now attending Har. bor, had a rew ot her !Tienda ln f~r-dancing and cok e11 on Friday night. followin,E:" the Harbor·San· la Ana football game. Dancing under the stars in Llnda'a p.tlo were: Barbara Earl and Pete Ora· ham, J oan Ni.!!Sen and Jerry E vans, Ann Bradford and M>ke Doyle, Madge Fullbright and Tom Lange, and Tom Holli and Linda. • PartJ· Time mcnt lat:!r 1n the year. Big chorwi John Kepper and Pete· Graham bu announced the ir leadera. '111.e:y ve: Ltt Jayl'ed.. preJ:y: J erry combined efforts and n!sources Shannon, vlce pn;atdent; SancJy a nd staged a party Saturday nJght. Del'nger, secretary; Don PrutoA. Nov. 3, in J otin Keppe.r'a home in tttUSUrer: Joanne Weston and· Corona. del Maf. ThoSe enjoying Joanne .navta. libra.rl..a.N:; Oe:ne the fun and food were: G:1ry Rod-.Boea'o and Lyle 1.Jonbarcer, cta- gera and Dawn Plereon, Tom Balta todlana. ·• and M art I Y n Schlickenmeye(, Larkettea. a l1'0UI> 9f •dvanced Madge F'uUbrlght and Tom t.q,ge girls cboee S&ndY Dellagir, preel-- RoUy Puluki and Paltl ~· dent; Ann Crawford,' v1ee p-- Wke Doyle and Ann ,Sracltont' <lent; Donna N•loon. ~; Joljn Kcpper an<! 'o ;..,..• Batu..U: l!!Ule Rapn. tnuurer: N....,.. Pl!~ Graham and Barbara E:ari, ""--~ Ubiwlan n.wn Pl Ann•tte WlllUock --· ~-··--~·,., • I • ; ... -c-.. __ -....... •&t•anmt; Cln1oCa r. .... Burt CorZ _ W-••·· ud. ,.,....,., Weotoa,· -~Joan N -Jerry -'aiiitod'&1111. 1Jn.no. --·, ~ -.... ecllieftd ' No .-\ • lot 81.noe It. WU o.....,.._' bf • y ... ""'"' win. DOl be all -Miii -lllHocb tft,.... ..... . rotta Wo :yNZ. DtapjlmDtq 1'llla,..., tllo7 ..... --.. . nv llleft wlll .bo a 11-w:nta.ii.aad TorrJ -·· '• • \ • .... Sm-o-<H>-lh deUclou8 chot'Qlat ... !'l--m1ull• fr·1:i1 1!1•· flnt·'4t lngm--' dicata. Dellcat.cly Oa~·ore4 Cf'ntf•nt (f'O;a l•'i.I \\"It h rxt rn thick ; delightfully blended No. I rhorulal<: r11nlin 1o;. ~oulh·"·nt.e.rlai;, · t.ute-thrtlllng. Xo \\·ondf:r <'\'('r,ybuc"ly'!'I ~nyin~ -lhry're tbe . "Be8t I e\·e r Tuted." Briefly, the group oppoaea rac- ism, fede ral control ot education, federal a id to education. Their policy on education according to lht>ir March r eao1uUon ta : ' DON'T MISS TfilS SALE WHEREAS: The baa.le conflict In the world today ia between a totalitarian and a tree aoclety; WHEREAS: The achoola are greatly Influential in determining the kind of cltlz.ena we have and the respon.slblle part that those cltlzens w ill play in a tree society ; CLIP · ~ THIS COUPON -, I SPECIAL SALE - 2 LBS. I I of MacFarlane's . Bulk I I Ch ccolates fo1 $1.25 . I • \VHEREAS : Pro America &d· here11 t o thC Conatitutlonal prin· ciple th§l govemmc>n t: an<t govern· mental servicea are juetly operat· t'.'d by the consent of the govern· ed: . 11Tlll1HS. TllRl1 l\10:\"0:\V, XOV. 8. TO so\·. 1i. 1.t'.\1rr ·.!. Lns. PER I THEREFORE be It re80lved : Tbat achool maUera. either ad· mlnistratlVf', · ftnancla.J or curri- cular, should at a.JI tlmea be recog· nized a.a open to examination a.nd conatructlve dlacU881on, t o the end that any wcaknesa or error may be dU.COvered and corrected, and the public 11ehoola will thereby be atrengthened and supported by our citizens. L1 ·~·rroMY.~ ____ _ BRING IT TO GUNDERSON DRUG CO. • 117 Main Street, BALBOA WE GIV€ '6 .'N. GREEn STAm~s L·et Us Help You ' - withY our Next OrQer f • • • ' LETTERHEADS STATfMENTS E'NVELOPE·s· I OFFICE FORMS BU.SINESS CARDS · LABELS " • I The impre.ss ion you· make in yc;i ur -indir.ect contact with custom ers or wholesal, houses depe nds la rgely o_n the appe~ranc~ of -yo ur stationery and business fo rms . , . . 'NEWP.ORT~.HiBBoR t -~ • • PUBLISHING~ co.· . . • > -~... . .. .,., ....... ..... • • • - • • llll't It? Tlllo .. due to UM t.ct w.,._,., pr l•t; --..,j .::. t11e·rw .,.. not eaoup Cwxc. 9riOt. prmd•t; ~ lh'' ' ... .P' ·~as-·~ ,,_.u.s .,, ~ ~-·~ . I - • • • • ' (, ' 1 I • • ' ' I ' • 1 • • • • • • , P~GE .6 --PART"_ -THURSDAY. Nov.·e. 1951 ,~My faocy' Wins Praise :: ·~~!:iJRESS~ 1or ttm Little Theatre &o~p . ' • •' ' '. B & p w s· nn Sporti Dance Date u ~ :..'t. .. ;,, a...,,...-.-and polloll wortll~ or ... -wttll :... · · · · I~ B th I 7 : •• ~-. ·:i;i ..... °""'" .... :0..-C::.. '1.:.•:; :-"~ f Set by e _ e 15 . 0oea Oa!!eto ~ ... ~ --· '°" ~ 111o "!'"«' .....,.r.r ., Proo!-. ... 0es·1 Arnaz or -Jo, ... Dauj:bttto, Coot& ,_ m,tal "'. ~ ,..,. ,._.. """Jl«rW, oi:aq Wllll -_, . • 1 &Uld 16T, met In ngljlar -w ~.,..., d...,llod -~·\llar1 Price M J:Wt 1~!!!!!! DANCING -. . ' I I , f \ with Bollorod Queen Connie Gunn -tt..1 U!I • ljle ~ or little QNwold st-the -ot her oev-I' ! • 'P • • I D preold"'8. C&n<CdatM Initiated lllteler "*"' Ill cilir °"" _,.u. o.._i i..af ~ .......,.. • review ance were Nancy Alln Mourcu.Jart, 1o AJhl \ an.coe. a a lady tao,i.tty me:zn .. • ' • · A:!n Jtcurcutart, Joleon O ~ y. 'fti. Nqport Harbor Comm~· ~ wllo ("to tlpry at her nnc. • • The accent wUI be on cl>eek to Johan lflrth. Carol Blower 1lnd nlty ~ tlNt ot tho --coclrtal~ packl a trell\oildouo wal. • cheek dancing wben the Newport Mary Hllllud. !a llood, all lllrM Mia oi IL M°'" lol>•lllto a Ufty rofe. 8--... and Prote•IOllJI Kamllen of th• J>e!h•I voted to inr rapldJJr uo wltl\ aceltent Um· ' • -le ~ • • Women'1 Club preoent.I D e i I have 'a ~ *"*" Nov. 34. All tnr from COlllOC!y to !Inn>& and Atllon taJceo plac;• on a 1Jn1l• •.A.mu. star ot movies and tele--~een-acen are lnvtted to attend. '*°k vtln.. It " pci11i•1d of a eel, GA• ot tM mo1t.elUO.tAi.e.enr 'vision and bla 12-plece. oreh .. tn Ticket.I m&y be purchued from ~ ~ ot -· fDCI line attobi1tttcfi-i\J. and ui. playen lor the Saturday, Dec. l, dance to any bethel member .or at llle dOOf' ott.r !lne ot llbatl> '!!It Uiat de-keop ljlt actl!>ll -u theY th"""· be. h<ld u part ot the Chrlstmu of llle Friday Altttnoon club. -_. 11-W "-Ila auell· ....,, •1Jld drof> a D\Ultltu.do of Preview. Donut. and 'cider were aeryed ence.. prqpert.tM ..it over the •ta&e· The Cbrlatmu Preview La 11ehed.: trom. P1'9ttlly dkerated table• fp-Every atn(le role ll l'UpertdJ Tb e producttoft'• tmoolhnHm ~ tor Nov. 3-0 and Dec. 1 at pointed ID the·H&l!o"~ th!""•· cut. llvory play.,. wllo Pl• "-11 throupout beopea.ltl moat able the Rendesvou. Ball.room. BaJboe,. !I. chance catcbn the audleltce. dlnct!on trom Mn. M&J'jorie WU· Am.u. famous for hb Latin· C •t 0 and lhe tnunen>U1 ouutanding l1am80n of t.suna Beacb. nii. ll American {n$erpretationa, w 111 OmmUnl Y a nee 9Cen .. ot ,W1 play make It bani a plf,y for whleb the -t h'!S "'YI• ""' program around the for Younger Set 1noeec1 to pick • s1an11out ........ ,...., onthuol&am. and lllelr ""1''' IJW'ttl and low lheme. Hla ap· M:t.l"lhella R.aJ?da1l b Aptha and bard •• thine out. Thal pearance . wu contra.cl~ late laat Reed gtv .. m&l\Jff, balanced lN&l-~ be the factor which bU le<l week. The Santa An.a ~l.a.n.nlng Group ment to the leadin• part. renect.. t.bem to one tau.Jt-that or tpeed· This Is the firth preview apon-ball orpnJ.zed a Comm.UJUty Dane" ing competence u a.n act...., and 1n.-at timet "way o\lt tn front ot oored by -the local bu.sineaawomen ! ror young adult.a lh Uu• atta. ~e a director of put producllona. Op-t.nelr a.udle.nce. A second a.nd thJrd wbo use the· &;>roceeds from ticket fll.'9t dance wUJ be beld Nov: 10, 1n po.tile her, Lee Stdrenaen LI the performance, due toni&hl and ~. to support a high school 1tu-the new ~dltorlvm of t.be Y. W . 1 lhoi-dughJy convinci.nl' c o U • c e Friday nlfbt. ahould teach them dent lo&n tund, a 8Cholarshtp urt:I C . 4 :, 1411 North Bf'O&c!Way, S&n-president WAlklnC a political to whoa up a bit UU l.Mlr lllten· an utensive welfare program. ta Ana from 9 to 12 P· m. Blll Urhtrope. -en catch the pace. ~The club has recently pledged Burcbtt'a orcheatra. wUt play. A.d-Comecly Toualt ProducUon Manaeer Nathalie $1250 to the Hoag Memorial hos-ml .. ion fa 1ftf: per person. The In her tll'it local appearance. Michaud and he r ata.tt of workers pltal. Presb)lerlan. for a ··1tvlng atfalt la aponaored by the Y. \V. Virginia Moore <toe• 6 fine job u dnerve Jaurei. for t.b elr fine memorial-." C. A., Y . M. c . A. and ~e Santa Woody, penonal Meretary to Miu lhowtnr, and Stace Manager Neva The PreView w1ll open Nov. 30 An.a recreation department.. Reed. She di.plays rare ea.1e with Oakden'a work behlnd scene• ad<la with a rub.ion show. Mr•. Mule Committees are; program. Mr. the comedy phrue, and a flne much to the play'• smoothnf'ea. Bird, Chairman, i.s working closely and Mr.. Bill HUdAOn and Mr. and knowledge of timing wbk.h will "MOit lt"rrUic play that has with local merchanU in order to Mrs. Bill Odom: refreshml'nt.s, Mr. ket.>p her In dema.nd for: future pro-bff.n put on up ther.c. Thf' cut pre.tent a wide variety of quality and Mrs. Jerri Rennif; decoration~ dlucuona. Mel Bf:rry hu rnutered wa. excellent. lt'a a 'ml.lit'." Suo~ apparel. Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacDougall: a role of varied mood.a and long were the com.menu made by me.m- The baUi-oom will be a.glitter publicity, Mr. and l-1:rs. Charlc.s line• In the beat style. bera or t.be Y..'omen's Civic Leacue. 'vith merchandise where vUdtors Butler and Mr. a..nd ~l rs. Bruce, Pat! Wltte'a admirers wtll get according to lri.a H igbie. 2nd v1 ce can browse and sh1p in miniature Albert. \their money•8 worth In her role, pre.tdent, in charge of the night st ores. Merchants who have al· • I tor ehe dellnr'I her u8ua.J ffnlahed for the group. Sa.Id )fra. Hlcble, ready ·reserved .space include: OCCAlumni Group pPl"formaiice and again provu ''They thanked me ror aetUnc them Balboa ... Pavilion Gift Shop, her rtaJr ror comedy, drawing the trip. l.tart.heUa Randall. who Blower 's Market, John y ogel; Co-Now Organized many a long laugh rrom the play1 lhe leadfwaa simply terrific." rona del Mar ... Oliver Broom-c rowd. Lei Crawford tuma ln an The play ~n• t onight and Fri· head, Dee's Beauty Shop; New-excellent performance in lhe role day, and It was hinted that . , XkMle lbUaee ~ 1:'6 • 11<>1 Jloprl • "Susannci P•u" . s BeN» llwL -T-. Si>e-r Tnoe)' "Peop.le AgiilMt O'Hara" UOlld Ba~re •111.A~E" SOON: "Streetcar Named Desire" Mesa.~\/ ~ t • -, r • ii: '~ow! Ftrwt Run! -Oap•J' "Come Fill the Cup" Farley Orancer, Shelly Wlnkl"I "hhave Yourself' "The Alumni Association of Or· I h -. • port Beach ... Lldo Electric, New-of Orl11Wold, chairman of the col· f'OOU J'h requests m g t ~ ma.,e ange Coe.st CoUege is now ready h Id s 1 d tght Sun. -Tur--. port-Balboa F ederal Savings a.nd le>ge board. exhibiting maturity ror a o -over on a ur ay n · for action." announces Bill H•y. Paul Dou•lu, .luet Lfil1h Loan Association, Newport Furnl-·::i1 JT&duate and treasurer or the ' ture Company, Newport H arbor newly tormed local group. • "Th D k d c t Balb II ' Antell In the • ' Really Board, Richud's Markel, Plan• tor the MSOClation werr e run ar omes 0 oa Outfield" Harvey Somers, lnc., Lonnie Vin-set up la.st J une. but deflnltr ac· cent, Western Canners. tion wu dererrE'd until thl~ fall . ' 1s 0 • :_ Al.a - The Drunka.rtl flrat opened ln Boston u ~ong 8&'0 as °" .. a Ticket Salf"!I Don Knipp or Costa ?4•lt"'S3, now a I h Jo ed th I n•eat run or u.ny play in ··.sword of Monte .student at Fresno State, is pre.51· tempera.nee drama. t •• en Y e 0-- T ickcts which entitle the bear-dent of the o rganization; Mra. the hlatory or the American Theatre, WitJl the exception or Tf'n Cristo" er to attend both evenings are now ln Ba o--lll r t·-perature -·lodrama Clyda Scholefleld. former COJita Niebla a r .. ........,,,, ano e ....... "'"' · available from any Buslneu: •nd Mesa re•ldent now ot Taft. is the The Drunkard I• now ln IU nine-TECH11i-100LOR Profes.aionaJ Women·s Club mem- ber' according to Mrs. Carolyn secretary. and BUI Hay, student la still being enjoyed by thousand.• Group lnv1'ted to at Long Beach State, the treuur-NEXT: W·'-r 11·c ket cha1·rman Mrs teenth y•"';. ln Loa Angela, a.nd R. IPERIUM" "'"""" • · · er. Miss Doris Raef accepted lhc ~ M N d A • "M D · Weber has an.nounced thf' names lnv1tat1"on to serve as faculty ad· of theatre-goers ea~ year. Now eet ote rt1s~t . ''No H1'ghway ··n of he r committee and the area Th 'Fall s , viaor for the group. The Drunkard, or e en a.v-llley will covt-r: Peg Ege. Miracl{' R In Pal S I ..a._ Sk " In one m onth's lime approxi-ed ... Is belno preaentt'd by the Play· cturn g lo m pr ngs J1IV y Mile and Newport Heights; Ruth " t l l Bu Iin mate!}· 70 former ace gralluatcs ri'ghl• Wdr""hop Theatre Group or rom a aummer apen a r -,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ge rrish, Costa 1-1esa: Ht:len Wol-I ~ s F I Sa (Q n. r have responded to the <·all for 'D .. -boo game, an ranc sco. n .oa -forll, Newport and Lido I.sle; Neva membership. These gradUB.tes and Newport Harbor. In t he ~" baJ'a a.nd In the moutains near t \ Oaktlen. Balboa: Hilda Brisco, all future mern~rs of the newly Room In Balboa. Now in It.a ICC()nd Bfthop, Mr . and Mf"ll. Paul Grlmm !,--------------, ;.Balboa Island: Grelha Tubbs, Co-formt'd alumni 8.SlMlCiation wil l be wl'ck, this .enaatlon drama Lii stopped in Lone Bf;:ach wherl' t4hey ftma del Mu; Marguerite Way, ot D d M Step luucd official alumni cards. Th~ playing before capacity c rowdl'I wr-re guest.a r. an ts. -Laguna Beach and general coordi-h Fi Id 7 D-··t 31th Place nator. Booth silea are under the cars will en title the br-arers t o re· and receiving the highest praises en e er, ~ . du{ed rates at OCC ga1ne.s and . Eut Ocean Blvd. s upervia!on ot Mn. Helen Nor-athlet ic cont ests and to all school from these enthuaWtlc audiences. Mr. Grimm,, who '" 0 famous ton and Mrs. Evelyn Var,ner. -t th t under "·t h d will> him a functions. The memU'C"rs o e cu . we•tem aa:.~ . a . Boots & Sadd le Group to Dance Regular meeting of the Mesa Boou and Saddle Club l.1 slated for Mon<lay, Nov. 12. in lhe c lub- hou~ on the Ore,nge Covnty Fair grounds. Ml:'mbcrs and 'friends are urged to attend. Square dancing wlll follow t!)e bualness which start.a at 8 p. m. :{ • 7 -Opportunity ~ knocking In CLASSlfIED ADS. Immediate pl&na or the organ-thl' brilliant dlroction of Llll1an group of desert and mountain ization lnclude the p~blicatlon of Fox, Include J ack Wilcox as the palntlnp which he wa~ taking to a newaletter once a ae~eater, giv-PaJm Springs fo r the faJI opening dd t villlan Lawyer Cribb•: Jack Phil· ot his art gallery acrOB.! from the Ing names and a ~sses o mem· ben and 8 thumb-nail sketch of lips as Ec:tward Middleton; R.a.y Desert Inn. "·hat they are doing. Zieglet as Honeat William Dow-Invit ed to meet the artist and The first official organ I.zed a c-ton; Shirley Ziegler a.s bea.utltul hlt w1fe and to 11ee the plctur~. tivity being promoted by the gro~p Mary Wilson: Huel Dumont u were Or. and Mrs. Emerson Cox, is & basketball g&me bet\veen OCC her devoted mother; Ann Ritter &.'I Afrs. Edith Window, A.1isa Viola 19~1 t eam and alumni to be play-· mad Agnee Do"·ton: ·Stanton Fox Beil, Mn. Harry W~lnsteln . CraJg ed tn the college gym Nov. 27 . I a.s Farmer; Edwin Hall aa Fa.rm· Conway, Paul Harri! and Mesart. Immediately following the gam.?, 1 er steverui:; .Meredith H.i.rwood u and Mmea. N . W. Kell y, H. S. theu will be an inforn1al dance Arden Rencelaw: and Harold Ka.nnab, Carl Schmidt and Geo. In the small gym. SwaJ'lM)n as the Bank Messenger,• Crane, Long Beach; Mrs. Winifred d the loafer. Barbre of Newpo": Beach; and -People do read the want ads. an th Mr and Mil· F!IW1n Gra uer ot Following the lut act Lii e Oo~na del Msr. Several of the Olio, an extravaganza in the Gt.y crovp remained ror dinner. 'Nintlea mood. The Valencia Four, I or the Santa Ana Chapter of SP!!:BSQSA-. make a splendid ·bar- bcr shop quartet; Freddie Carter and hla banjo: How a.rd Fobom 's songs: Bee.jay Jantga's da.ncee: , Stan Fox with hb guitar: a Flora- l dora sext et; and the Can Can E{l- se.mble go togethe.r to make th1J an Olio you wo11i't want to mLaa! The Drunkard a.nd OUd combin- ed give you a tull e"eninp enter- tainment, w ell worth t.1§.e drive to the beach to .ee. tro.r Ucket ru- ervattone phone Harbor 3-407-J or Beacon Sl9~M. Ticket.I will be held at the door tll\Ul 15 minutes before curta.tn Ume. ~at R~ord Playin9 Brings $25 Fi11e Leo Schroff, 20-year-old fender-- body worker ,of Santa Ana an(I Newport Beach, yeoterday· paj4 • '26 fine ln · City Court where J"dP i"N.nk Unne.11 round htm p llty cit dkt\lrb!ns tbe peace Hal- loween at· ._ local chive-tn reat.- auranl. lchrolf, who was rcpre- aentod by Atty. Don Dungan, Coa- l& MeM. pleaded not i:uttty. H e waa accuaed of . playing phoC\Olf&pt\ records in his car etter pallee ukcd him to •lop t.he r:nachbte. ~~""' ... , .. Yl~CENT'S Lido Travel Bureau MEZZA1'Th'J'J UDO DllUO STORE Harbor 1246 • Pl.A1''J'J e StUP e TRAIN RESER\'A.TIONS • Mutual Theatre Ticket AlllCY ' •: ' '· ..... --•n ·Riii..,, "'-""" . .Cloeot .... ,. COMklll $ ". .... .............. -TAMlftAN s.KYIOOM F ·,_...-. =~In .-... ~· '\-...... ~~4~ -~. Sqs: DUNCAN HINES Ice Cream b m~ Ut Orange County by l Ask for It at yilur Dealer .. T. Y. SETS . I I FOR RENT I • I 7-DAY MINIMUM I • l TIDE T. Y. l l SOii 1''EWPORT .!ILVD l Ne,vport Beach l llAJIBOR 208 J • +, .'.._'J. (!ACTtlS t' Al. BT' l~ ll t~U1(H,t-.· & MO M SNEOIGt.i;- . ; '. Curtain time 11 nine o'clock Fri- day or Saturd•y evenJnp, Nov. tth and 10; Nov. 11th and 17th. It b advt.sable' to be early for a choice or aeall, u there are no reserve-<! sea ti. 008TA llO~A wcTu NEWS. TIMES and · THE PRESS . Mernbera ot the Costa Me.sn ~ for I II waru w111 convene tn resu1ar SJ.SO •~ vearo I ..mon <Ji'riday, Nov. 9, at 2 p. m. ~ 1 .. ' .I tn Ula home ot Kn. o. c. Mac-L----~;;.;;;.;..;.;:;;;;,;..R;;..;" ... • .. BO_B_•_ua __ l'._1_11_MN_o_co. ___ _.,· ,;.''..11 KeUle, 638 Barnard St. .. • A noted Balbo& mu.sicta.n ls a member ot the new Bova.rd atrinl quartet tormed to tU<:h and per· ronn chamber mu.alt.. lt wu· U • nounced today by the Vntventty ot SOutl>ern Callfornla Bcbool of Mu.le. · Tiie ruJdent pertormtnr group will be oompooed of Bucba Jaco!>- -1!580 Ooean Blvd., Dalbo&, l'l1'lt vtolln; Clenl\ s..... _,..o •lolln: ljanfonl 8cbonl>oc\,_ •lol&: and 8t.epben De'ak. eillo. All are meml>erw of the tacullY of the 8C lellool "' -TIN iiuortot 'fill st-.. tbrw-frff f\lblJO --dJlrina the ,..., ilie tint ... Jaa. 11, In addltloa to tetcb'"I' Oil tbe cam.pu. ..JKl3,ll ....... tacht at De ~ -of -· floo!IA, I-to ltd, -~-·d the -cal art quartet _, __,... WICll l--·-o1-,. ... 1,.1 cltloOollM~·-... D$ "I le 1h d "9"-.~ ,!'!! l~···•••tt--..... ......., Twit IJno' t1 •.... T°* .... - --,-2. 0 2 ... ......... - -4. t 9 ~ ...... , .•• 2 7 • • • • • ..... ...... ' .. I Ae$ Mth~ 1'Hll Olo ' • ' ~~A y .... IAT1J&P4Y, NOY. I All. ta A lT . CUil!~ 9 P:k , Roradori1 s;.xte+.,-Can Can Girls • Community Sing . Loh of °""' ~. . . ·;ai& QK ·····a.··jijW~ ...... ,!'.~ ·. . . • • • • • • • ,AU<IR .:_:;.i~L tarte Wed., No'Y. t•ua "THE DAY TRE EAB'l11 , STOOD 8Tll.L'' . llll<!-1 ReW.;'Patrlcla Neat -Also - • ••SE..' HOJlNft'' Rod Cam.en>ri; A.ddt Mara •• • CHIL.D.REN ' -· FREE wltll ~ .. al Paulo · .U 1rs. a.nd'"'Btoadway Theatrff . , PAULO. ORIYE ·IN. THEATRE KL ·~ SIMw St.art.I •&:OO ' SSc\.rta Thur1.r Nov. 8th "PAINTING THE CWUDS \VITH SUNS.HINE" Dr nnl!i Morx-an. V(rainla Mayo -Also - "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAV" Tues., Nov. IS.lb "GOLDEN HORD~" D1l\'ld Parrar, ·Arns BlYtb • -Abo-.- 11~ATURDAl''S HE.RO"~ .lobn DPrek, Donna. Red Ruth Roman. Ste.Ve Cochran IT'S . SHOCKING! \ ' /f , , How a cfWiltled ;,.,nir,:.,..woma: can , \/// , rtM!k a ~ge campus UI onr& '!U>rt , '/ ~ \ week.end,.. Cf . ~ ··"GOODBYE \ · . MY FANCY!" s-Acr OOMEDY • DitAMA • WED., THlJRS., F'JU., NOV. ·7 • 8-9 • Orange Coast Co~le~ Cl,!al>el "' Ticket-1: $1 plua tax. on aalti at All-Amerlcal:l M.kt., In (;of()na d~ Mar and Rlchanl'• Udo ~ Newport .•. or call lfarl>or Z80~-n Produced by Newport Rar~r Commn~ Players . :N.O ·W OPEN-- SATURDAYS --• and SUNDAYS HENRY·'$'. FAMOUS FOOD. SERVED . NITEL y S:lOI TO 11 :00 P.-M: # • l 1 . ' ill> q,1.0SED ·J ''5DAYS ~. . . «¥•.~ ~lstAURANT . •,' ...... .::.=-c ... 1m-. , ..... .»1122u•• ·"'='· <.- ' , ' \ ' . . ' .. • . ' '-' , • !- • ''Total abstinence ls the only platform on which Chrbtta.na can oonacientiously stand on the li- quor queatlon," deelued Hollls L. Anderson, pastor ot the Newport H eight.a Seventh-Day Adventist church. Adventiat m e m be r a neither drink or smoke and have been active in the temperance cause for over a century. The pastor 1tated that ''Total abstinence would make a.va.ilable over nine billion dollars a year for the neceaeiUes and. comfort.Ii of lilt>, and would aave American taxpayers approximately $100,- 000,000,000 annualzy in tax.ea." He decla~ that accordinc to Dr. An- drew C. Ivy, vtce-president of the ""' t.t.ntven.lty of llllnola., "Drtnk.trig tn moderatio n . b npt actentific. "' The only rua.rantee aga..lut alco- hollam a.a a cause of ·accidents and human misery ts t blal ab- stinence. There Is no way to diB- cover an alcobollc until he ls an alcoholic. There ls no cure for al- cohollam except total llbatlnence. (SEAL) Local church memben ,contri-State of Cl.llfornJ.a. Treuurer tT-281111 Outed a .special offering Saturday County of Orange: sa. morning, Oct. 27. to a fi6o,OOO On Nonmber 5. l~t . before me, naUonal tund to .!lupport the tern-the-undersigned, a Notary Public perance-education campaign o! l.n and !or Mid County and Stall!!, the American Tempera.nee Society. pe.raona.!ly appeared Qr:an C. Brad- Thia t.ncludea publication of the ford. known to me to be the Preai- L!.sten magazine for young people, dent, and Ed Jordan. k·nown to me road aJgn.a, radio, lra.nscrlptions, to be the Secretary of tbe Corp- poaters and lea.net.a. oration that ~ecuted the wtthin The aoclety a1ao 1pon!t0r'3 the lrurlnlment. known to me to be th~ annual InwUtute of Scientific persona who executed the wt~ Studiee for the Prevention of Al-Instrument on behalf of the Corp- coholi3m which trains educators, oraUon t he rein named, and temperance. church ahd welfare acknowledged to me that such worker• for er f cc ti v e action Corporation executed the aa.me. against America 's growing llquor WlTNESS my hllnd and o!ncial problem . .!ea.!. • Mrs. Mary J ohnston, temper-• tSEAL J VIOLET THOREN, . ance secretary of the Adventist NGtary Public in and for sa.ld chun:h, Qrged members to write County and State. letters of proteat to editors, pub-No. 762-"-Presa. llaben, radio and TV stat1on man-Publish Nov. 8-15-72, 1951. &gens who penn.it llquor lntereata to promote use of alcoholics ln the home. at social tunction1 and other occulon.s. U.'S.C.G. Ratings Reopened to Vets • • • • ' • • • • • • • • •• • Newport Baptists Fete Departing Charter Members • PA&E 7 - ERWOOD'S-, . F.OB SAIE -~ ~t.bllahed gi11B .atore. Ap ud IB bemHll dc!maad qllidf ells- • posal. l.ie.l for unbltioas )woman, $10,000 , Now showing hlllldreda o~ gJoriC!119 'Xmu, ltelDs atartmg at $1.00 Doil't wait too late. 4-0'7 E. Balbo&.Blvd~ ila1bcla . Bar. 0166-J I J • Kr. and Mro. William Hodadon, who are leaving 900n Wt make the.tr home in Temple City, were guest. ot eome 40 of their frien~ at a pot luck dinner given 8.t the ;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:t;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ F1nst Baptist c.hurch ot Newport Bff.ch 01) Oct. 30. Mr .. and Mr1. Hodsdon were charter membera or the local church and much or lU succeaa bu been due to their untiring ef- fort.a.~ At pruent Mr. Hodadon t. presi- dent ol the board of deacon• a.nd lCra.. Hod9don, u chairman o! the White Cross committee of the Women'• Mlatonary Soc1ety hu· contr1bukltl a gnat deal , to the fine work done by that organlza- tion tn the RUl two .yeara. Dr. IVV! C. Ellta acted u muter of ceremonfea and led the gToup tn atngtnr favorite !Kings of the honored couple. At the clOM of the. evening Mr. and Mrs.· Hod8on were preaented with a beautiful picture for their new home. Those preaent from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Re" Brisbin and aona of Westmlnater, Mr. and Kn. Henry E. Weld.man and Mra. George Popp of Huntington Beach. ' Musical Program for Capilla Circle See the ~ew "RO~D PUPPY" Folding Bicycle • ~ • $7'.C)S-.- ' Fits ' every member of the family A.a St ronc u a tull size b I c y c I e. Llght weight all,owa more epeed-TUrna eaa:y. F)llly Portable Suitable' for Y~bta, Planes, Trailer&. . £an be fold~ tn SO seconds without tools. .I M ,p 0 R T E D Folda !Jlto' a space 1-2" x "':.z 20" • wietght only 30 lbs. Halbor Area Dealer JllR8. AIWHEB'S TOY SHOP~llljl lllarioe Ave., Ba,_ l'ale SACKETT· DE I RICK ' .SALES, INC. · "TOY WllQLESALE118" SAN CLEMENTE, CAUF. FOlt 1111 YIOS AHIAD- . . .tt~always ·sMO.OTH ·GOl·NG~1 -~ • • I • -I . ____ .,' /...,,"',,.., ~,,,,,. _____ ,,. , ... Aa11 .. , .... ~ -"ltydr•~ r,... ~ -Y.n.Mt-blt ..... $tlrilll s ,., I .. ---~ ... .. rift IO 111 ftlM lldl I d~llJ. " _..,__....,. y,.=.,...,_..,. __ , ... ................. . ......... I , • ' • , • I --. ' ' I I ' I ! ' • • • Girls 6_.. Tric~ ~7J.j_. a · Philedefphi ns . lnsteed of Tnat Has Social Eve Meet T.uesdey · . ·. l=,eted by l"tiends. , M~s first "Pti~d . 4~-~ toss~ Mr. -X,.. Cea' Elllotl ol Wlloft l)eloboe aa4 lllar:Wa1M ni._cbolr ol lbo Caota -Neat.....U.CofUdolaleWo-·~.'U4Jlri J.R.Dlclr 0(8l f'lt:~·_.., ,_;,:j ·' • • . -• 2111 ~. COiia -....... O.vllllaUJb, ollhl and nine,.... Com111unJtj.sw'chhild11J-U.. -·· dal> will be on 'l\i....aar; ~-... ~Cae""a,l>a.O. ~r-••111 "'1' ~ • al • barbecue tlah cllnac.r ......,.!--old li.ttto wbo l(vo al 6'13 Wmt b' -lo.I W<t1·,11 ...,-.,,..,1n, at\eT Nqv. U '-iul luncheon at 12:30 p ._. ~ iOr a montll\ It Ille • ~-~ •. c.,..., .,.... County Relief for Aged Stays at 5750 Cases " I OOllJ'A · lblA b' hl -r of tbdr """"''-'" out ' pt-Mt. Dick' .. lllakr and ·~,. -....,-.,..-.. , , r l(~L&try &Del ll&Jpfl Younc :~~ ... ~ .. ~!:' J:~ ,. J>raet1M. In the d>un:ll chapel. ""· ~ "'°""'m wOJ Ii< by New· brolh<>r< n·l&w· !"' luld Mra. J M. pub ed lo now on '""1'111. tlae' • '1/IJSoo"' :f~~~~ll¥~.:::: noU.~yknreowt"'ft~n~111J:it:~ =°'.':d ":t:1:.Y L.u.~~"':r':. ~-~ .,,!'.f":r.,.":.ra.m=. ~ia.!.2~£{ ::,.~..;,...~~ :!jby~,.;,"!: '~ ;: 'fl .M Mr. and )(n. W•yne ·~ten and. Ins wtlll 1 trlclt lnltead of 1 and ·kn. Harold Inman, Kr. and ~= b.Y ~ •::m.; al :rd& Ori' ll>lurday evmlng' Kn. Lil· Jiadl !Maw Egley: Jr. Ja lAadi>ft ~cfd. d&UCbler Cl>rllltlM, Mr. and Mr.. t~L rn cOl!I&" tli.,,...i. U.ttr ack Mi:o. Dwlgbl ~. Ma17 Sinclair.. CU ,:..., Beam Dana. Oo mM" Uan Mclntpe"of Glend&Je ·-co-_during lllf year UIU. 1t lo bard > --Jim llltngwurth &Del Wayne Rob-wlU. Ill) amall pan:cls ot..guocllcA, Carol Hui. Velma CQ\llpto:I, Vtr· rryM: An • M"' --Wllb Join. Low!y• at Ille lo Wieve lbat till• lint --h t lnlO.\-... , • 0011 had a faint but• permeatJnt rtnla Complon.. Dorla LUc:~hardt, -:,rJ:u.._ Bl~ de.non and lla ·tatter,, bom.e when & large group car<J !of.)"Oung Egley waa_a com• .. :!°°! ... 2!an1'"'!.dl•tk th-rii ome 0c':.. · The two brolhen from the East odor. Inside. tMlc&d of the u.tilal Dorothy Sawyer, Ruth Allen, Don· · ot !riends was lnvlt~ to N.y fare-rnc~fal /at.lure qi.11il'tlf becauee lae -..---.-....... ... C ea.. ar "° enlf\U.SlAeUc ovtt the Har'-~d.Y. or cook&ee. wero two amall na Net.on, Mart.ha Mhelchel, Viv\· .... well~~ t.hc Dl~ks. <Among those did ~o~ use any colot to U.Ye:n hll" J3. Kn. Edick, leader and ~ bor atta that they ant.tclpate k>-and nol fttah dab., tut Marmon. Mo.r""cyn Martin,_ Pe:g· OP'DMJST 8~RS . present Vlf~ Mr.· and Mn . ;Dick : WOl'}4 But now we hae an display ~ akl roU. 1n OranC'e coun-°h'autwetn. a.tataAt had cha}-ge caltua here permanently ln the gy Cluk, Relen 11nd foyce S&.nds: ·Le!); Jonu, ttlatlng cxpericncel'J Mr .• tu)d Mrs. Richard-Corke. Mr. at tile Newport ffirbot, Publ!ab• ti continue to itan& at about 6,150 of the meeting. IAw .. motto and near tu>ure. Wh.lle vlsitlng the H , B. Mc.Murtry, Rocer AX"worlhy, on bla tri~ lo Europe. and Jae~ an~ Mrs. Jack Mcintyre and Mrs. tng Co .• al 221'1 Balbba Bl.yd., the . 'fltb 5,780 people reeeMn& ag..t pled&M ...,.,.. l&ld by all.· ' Dlo· Jlllllotle u.ey enJoyed · ltlpa t.o OPEN HOUSE .111]!,D M.aleolm RA!ld, Bob llank•y. Jlm· , Bidwell w:tb t&les or Acap_utco. Llhan Mcintyre, Glendale: John tin"-'t eolored and engnived. per· aJd 1n the county du.rtn& Septem· cUM:tonl were ,open on the Mpa-Bevec;ly Hllla. Hollywood. . R.tver· The Sant.a Aaa office of tbe 809 my lriahf>l", Paul Leto an(I Gertrude 1 were pmgrammod al the ?r4onday RkldelJ, Ml.as M&rpret R lddell, sona~ Christmas cards'b1 Son~ ber, Cal1lornla Ta.xpaytfra' aaocl-rate oomn'lltteea of•lhe month. At aide. TtJuana, San Diego and other clal Security Admlnin.ration be.kS Edk:k. H~1 tor the evenJ.n& { meeUng ot lbe Optimi11t club. Mn. Robert P andlob and Mn. ne.Jl &.nd Hampton. Be~ to ~ a Uon reported today. the cJoee of the meetlft&' all acouls point.a of lntere1t.: · pen hou&e'. Monday ln obRr'Vance were.1 Mn. Compton. Mn. Luck· Prevtour weeks program was by Bell IRJW'land, Santa Ana, also the m !'!OOn and place your order.- , Durfn« Aug\Llt. 5,571 people ln aa.embled in the y&rd where · I of It.a flnt year of operatton at 810 hardl and M~. F..dlck who eerved ·,Howard Ba.mes of the ~oasl Min-Mr. and Mn . .John W rtght;0t New-You will be very surpriaed al the · °" county received aJd u needy gamee we.re played. Everybody r.u tne cl••n~ ad& North BroadWay. -• I donut. and Cidtt. eraJ L'ld Lapidary BOCicly. i>ort an.d the boat and bolt.ea. reucs.able cost of these nne ea.rdl. •pl. . In September, 72 applJca&na Tbe put two meettnga of the for aced aid were recetved ln tbe st. Joachlma Browrtlea were •pent e:Oanty. In thl.a one catecory of 'in ma.klnr ceramics cifta for their ttltef, 51 cuea were added {not In· parents for Ou:letmaa, under the eluding inter-county lranafera. direction of Mmes. J,anel Albee rutoratlona, etc.), and 12 cuea and Norma. Melcher. The c trls were dl8cohtlnued. of Troop. 21 under the leadt'rshlp S.tatewidr, th e num~r of people of Mra. Be.rt Lynch dNi Kath- recetving akl a.a nff<ly aged con· eryn.ei Andenon, U nda Cllnton, ttnuea to stand at abou\ J74,:w>O, Diana Drake, Sharon Jensen, Bar- 'llttth the September rolb showing b&ra. Hart, Ma.ry Ann Hebenstreol, 274,448 f>eople In C&llforn.la re-Mi_cbalena Hervalh, Jtme Laurie. oeiving · lh.18 one type of public Pamela Lynch. Ro8e Sackl'I and ualltanee, compared .with, 274,430 Susan Schoenla.ub. The ltCC<>n"f' ~ AUl'J5l and 274.271 for July. grade Brownie• are Theresa Lan- During September, 3,077 people dry, Patrtcta• Rieland, Pam r IR in California appll~ for _,.Id to the Miller,· Nancy Laurie.· MRry J.011 needy aged, with 2.561 cues added McClelland, Janice Jensen , B.'\r· during the month (not including hara Ann Norton. Nancy Schoe;i. lnter-eounty transfcra.,. reatora-11aub, Donna Bolins.kl. Ptltricl:i. tlon.s. ·etc.), •l'\d 3,394 caace dis-Wattenburg. Toni Lee "Munlz, continued. Josephine Hill, Geraldyne Hart. A1"ed aid tn California Is reach· Unda Horvath. Carolye D&llape, Ing practically every peraon elig· and Judy Funlc:. Af(er workinit ibJe under preeenl law," the Tu-on their propect the 1?1°rla played payen' uaoclatton did. a. R'lUlle anct clO&ed the meeting .. Taxpayers ahould l~k for a with the Brownle-ring. l~t·up In what hu been an ralm08l lt~adily lncreuing demand for thia kind or publlc auiata.nce--if no changes are made tn P-resent Jaw•.. • . . I Warning that an lnlJ.iatlve pr~ poAal to loosen up th~ aged atd ' law-a McLain Bponeored meaaure -will be on the next statewide baJlot in CaJlfornla, the a.uocla· lion sa!d: "Every time the aged aid law LI liberalized, the num~r of people ettklng relief-and the coat to the t.ax.paye,........skyroc.ketB." Harbor Children Feted by ' Moose The Newport Beach Mo ose Lodge, No. 1467. entertained ap- pn>xiltlately 300 Har b o r Area children. Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 31at, wlth another very suc· A total of 18 Brownl,. were recentl:v organized second and third grades Cost& Mesa 8Chools. Troop~ In th~ ot tho Troop 2 under the learlershlp of Mrs. Harry Hllllard held election of officers at their la.st meeting. Following were elected. pres!· dent, F:'Iora Lou Thompson. seer~· tary. Sheryll Holms imd treasurer, Beverly Beebe1 Tbla troop Is com· posed ot eighth grade girls. The clerk badge waa dis<:ua.serl. The Jrtrb visited the court in Newport -Beach. other troop mcmbertt arc Joan Ojrden. Marjorie S lo v a I. Sandra Bishop and Sonya Math- ewo. Newport Circle Makes Nov. Plans cesaf11I HalLowoon party. Th e Newport Circle of Ch rist church Civic Affairs Chairman ·and his by the Sea met with A-1.ra. Ed"Vin committee, Herb Shoemaker, Joe Daelwelleri 237 Sparks avenue, Homann, Jimmie P 0 t t er, Ourl C08la Mesa on Oct. SO. Mrs. Arte Tipping. Have.I) 'Hblbrook, Ernie A rey was co-ho8teA and t h e Stewart and Don. R.\Jkl:el; We.Te re-Oaetwellers' new home was gay sporuilble for tbte att&lr. and with flowers: arranced f('tr a hure bont1re on Routine buslnesa se!f.8lon wa..s the beach In front of tho Lodge conducted by the chairman. MIHB Hal?. 23rd and Ocean Front:.New· Elsie N"ewla.nd. Reports or calli. port Beach. &nd di•tributed apples. and . visltati'Oh!'I were made by candy, cook ies. pop-com and soda Mrs. May Delozier, Mr&. John pop. Elale Klng-, Myrtle Tipping, U'Re.n and . Mrs. A. S. RedCem. Elaie Porter and Edna Eaton, Pl~ were made for &nother members of the Women of the work day before the \'V. S. C. S . Moose. helped thf' men carry out bazaar on Dec .. 5' i.n Goortell hall. their plans for the evening. 1 Commltteu were apoolnled to The Lodge hall waa appropriate.· help 1n preparing the Five Dollar ly decoratert In t he Halloween banquet to be held Wednc&da.)' rnanner , and students of the Mesa evening of this week. and al"° ror School of Dance and Accord.Ion , servln« the vleitln~ te&m tor lhc entertained under the direction of evan~elistlc campaign which be· Gordon imd Robert Longfellow, gina Dec. 11 . tnatruc tora and ownera of the Mrs. J . A. Bodm11.n conduclerl • i1c:hoot. Elaine Taylor. Co 11 e en the devotional perlocf centertng It Rupp, Ba.f~ra Feeney, L I n d a around the Week of Prayer-anrt Denio and iudy Tumer. were Self·Oenial. The offering goes to dancera. Mutry Nereaon s an g aupport ml881on schools at home M>me 10ngs: P•ler a1"f Billy Wei-and abroad. -gan played their accordlons: Mary During the social hour thP Cotta _.,.ve a eong and dance; u Thanksgtvtni: motif wa.s carried did Patti Hourigan : Stilrlee Houri-Qut in miniature pumpkin pie~. ,..an gave a dance number; ao did chee&e and cracke r pumpkin.a and Ronnie Maltreje&n and Jeanne jack--0-lanlema. Halloween candies Landgrove; Susie Jones entertain-and a struttinx-tu.rkey for each ed wtlh a ballet: and John Kautz· tray. The next meettnsr will be rnann and Bob TUmer had a Dec. 4 ln Goodell hall when Blea&- danc.IJ'lg horee routine. ing boxes will be brought and Barbara Hunt. the only enter-opened.' Latner not cotu\nected wtth the ----~- Mesa echool, entertained with a apeclalty Hu la dance. Thanks a~ extended to t he Street Department of the CitY. for helping to haul wood for the bonfire. New Courses Begin Nov. 13 to Aid Korean Veterans Methodist Group Attends Fullerton 1 OCCPC Dinner , . ~ . ~ .. Pa1cn ••••c''" n19a;.••l•IAT . ; •o•.•·•·•• THANK ·YOU •••• FOR COMING Ill LAST 'WIEK DURING OUR CIRCUS SA.LE. '8ut- THE aEST WAY 'll'VI CAii SAY THANKS 1s· TO COllT~llUE WITH OUR EVERYDAY LOW SH~LF .PRICIS. YES, THE MELQDY OF L W FOOD PRICES STILL LlllGE S-011 PILZD!flSSll IPICZ!LS F1ozr1 r111rr 01 · · ' WITll M het>t¥iodt =E• ,~~~·251 .~ATI ILIOl!l~ 1-.C. llLlill o, . , , ii~ ft ay TMe ••Erli",; . ..::. ••p OIEF Mtlf ... ._. 0 " .... ~ t.l'f ... • - lllltllilli • • ' l , • - ...