HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-15 - Newport Balboa Press. ' • ' ·&kit bUAt -.... ' Wy '1'. K. (~> GADU8 A Jlllmir ot tllo - Qoe ot mJ' -ta-ite .,....... ...piaq deftioplq .,. ~ ln'f'OMna' r-•IM, tlle of Ille ()allforma lcNU. , --and Pn>(~ Baboo Cout&J -plre of Kew..,rt katlior, :11* caJled to 11----------....J P"' me tlle-annual nuclp. n la Ume to make _,~ •boul tbe anllual Cllr\llmu ~ view, or What.ever tbey call It thuedaya. 'ftwrtoefon we11 • make rema.rQ • • • •bout the ceJebraUoa. one of the bfieat ae.i. i1n our annual pr. ~t.atlon of arper~ e-.en.t.I dUring the year. VOLUME Xll ·PHONE HARBOR 1618 .. Jl"or •11.1 neweome.,. W'bo mtpt be tuning In. tlle annual Cllrlat- mu Pi'tTlew t.. aorneth!nl', u you've probably ptll....t_ llta..,.S evuy year by the --..,,.i Profesmonal Babee. It'• Priinarll7 . dee!)ID<d to al>ow Joc&l follul wt>y u.ey'd be complet~ly batty It tlley went to other places to do their Chrlatmu shopping. And tlley prove a ttne polnt. too, every year. You'll eee ecorea of booU\a dta- ptaytng our local p\-oducta and local thlngl·for·a.le. You'll di> cover that you'll be able to buy everything you want In local atores without making long and expensive and exhausting tripe to other inferior shopping centere. In other words, the B and P Babea will prove that you're atigbUy off your rocker lf you don't fl.hop at home! And now. If you're sufficiently engrossed, we'll go on. MOR£ ABOUT THE . ~ SPUTACULAJl EVENT ' This year's preview Ls aet tor Nov. 30 I Friday1 a.nd Dec. 1 (Sat· urday) -let'• ace. 30 d•Y• hath September. April, June and-yup. that's right! It'll be on theee two nlithte In the Rendezvous ballroom, and If you don't know whett THAT ls, jUBt stay up in your tittle cabin in lhe woods and hiber- nale! . . On Friday, the first night, there'l'I to be a fMh.ion whOw to end aU fashion shows. It BOunda eo good that, u a hlnt to all local papu, they'd better grab their ma.m.&.11. gn b A couple of ttcketa. a.nd attend. The.""'lf be tote of men p~nt, that I'll gu&rantee ! I'll perBOnally g\l&ranttt a &bow like you'd never see a.nywhere elae ! ll08TEB OF YISJTOR8 t.llled la ll>e s-t -"' ll>e Newport Barbor Cbamber of C.-Oil ..., -.., daJ of Ila - omcee. will look Uke a "Wbo' ... l\lto' af ttae Cou.ntJ. ~ u they slinM the book aro :..n to ril'hl. Ma)-Of' I,.. L 1*U. .U. ~ Eut W. 8-loy, Cllambor ...... _tor-Nortoa aad Myton! lrvtno. wttll Miu P-.r Baloy of llae cMm .... 'lafJ -tdl- la&: eareh•lly. •tl'ftso Photd! That begins at 8 o'clock. · And lhen on Saturdar night the Babes have &.rT&nged to have a city slicker name of Oeai A.maz brtn~ his mU8lciana to the Rendez· Vt.WI for one or the biggest eve-- nlnga of the year. Thia tune- 'Nt!aver wiually providee batches of Samba sturr. but. knowing that a lot of ua oldlten are golng to at- BANK, ·FIRM City Will . Press FACE · CITY for Oil Control LAND SUIT b!n~~~~i!~~SClty of te •• d, lt'a &olng to be parUy cheek-The City of Newport Beach to-. to--cheek mualc, and the reat de· day wu comnittted lo a legal Mgned to brftl&' pimples (the gOOM battle wtlh the Banlc. of America variety) to younger dan(;eMI. a.nd the Ortftlth Co. following TheTCforc, you hav-e la.Id out Tueeday night's City Council m~­ for you a mlghty full week end 1nr. tor ~o• 30 and t,y .Atty. ~ llladll•U Ill· )"f'>W' plana accordingly, formed t.he council that "110me Note to Dorotl\y Butherta.nd : time •So" the two f·lrme had re+ June Quarles is dotng.mlghty fine tu.00 to comply with' elJCTOW in- w1th lhe publlclt.y for the preview! atructlone on sale by the city of T'AINT SLEEPY the old water department Proi>- Tl.)IJ!; DOWN SOtml erty at 28th Street and Newport V.'onder hDW many local people Blvd. He uked &nd received per- 'know who's repreaentlng ua thUI mission lo file wit ln, Superior week in Acapulco. down de-ep tn Court acatnat both the bank an,d Mexico, for the seventh annual In· t..he company. !.emattonaJ light tackle a&ilfish · It in a cu e, he Nld. In which t.ourna.ment 1 I the Bank usigned I.I.JI. lntereat.a In or coune these folks aren·t ex~ the parcel to the Gnfflth Co. tn a ctly down' there beC"al,L&e or a return tor property at Via Lido b:.rnlng desire to bring pubUclty and Newport Blvd. The original tn their home town. aa they're all wate r department yard wu aold flahermen and eompetltort at by the city to the ba.nk for ap- heart, but they're bririging WI a proxim&ie.ly $32,000. batch of favorable new. menUon. lntel"fllllt AllAfcnecl , an3•h.ow. ' During the time the city was That Acapulco deal baa been de-clearing title to the property, the 1JCribed u tlle World Sertea or bank reportedly &Uirned Its ln~ Kentuclc.7 Derby ot the flllhing terest in the city land to the Orif~ workl. From all over the world-fith Co. A few weelu ago the honeai--anlJ.lng clubs send te&m.!I company notified the city It waa to compete In lhe catching of eaJl. no longer Interested in the city ttllh, a highly--exploeive brand of land u too much Ume had puae<I underwater dynamite. Each club In clearance of UUe. ~ se.nda ~ team of three men. And Blodgett informed the tbey've come from AuatraJJa, Eng-that "no prot.Nta" were m to land, South America. and polnta in the city by elt.btt the bank o.r the between, even J"lorlda. GrUtith Co. at the amount of tlme In fact, when thia WM written, laken tOr lilies to be cleared; that the We.st Palm Beach FtshJng c<loa.tlaued u ....... ll Club, tut year'1 winner, wu far out ln the lead for th& champion- ahip they selaed lut year. But. in fourth place, and ~tn.I' ha.rd, waa the Pacitlc Ancler'• Club from the Balboa Bay Club. They're right tn there pttchfng fdr the champ- tonahtp, bellete. me! (Now they are up to thlfdl . Membe.ra,..-d'f that tine orp.ntza- tlon a.re George Holatein, OUbert Barbttia a.nd Ft'&nk Uaedom. But they're only part of the locaJ delegation. Ray H. Reamtt of Newport laland fa le&dtng the Bal- boa Angling Club's team, aided by Ray Call of Balboa and J , Wayne Harrison o( Santa Ana. Tbe Llgbt Tackle Maritn Club f.I be&ded by Frank Unnell. our cll,y ju~. becked up by Don Allloon ol ee ... et'IJ Hills and Allen Lee -savoy ot Long Beac)I. Leon&r<l ~. Ralpb Larnbee and Bill Holateln are trolling under tlle flag' of tlla Newport Harbor Yacht Club'a · Twla Club. The competlUon won't be o9ef UDUI Friday °" Saturday, 80 -I.ch for our Jocal fOlk:e la tbe ncswa! • Patton Succumbs to Heart Attack Newport Reub to seek re1trtction of oll well drlllinl' near the clly limit.a. particularly ln the West Newport area. wu promleed TUY.. day night by tbe Qty Council. City Man•C"er John J. S&ilon wu lrufruet..tcl to wrill. • letter ro u... JIOaiCI oti!O~ .:na appear before the bocly When. tt ta.kea up tbe propoMd..amendment to an ordinance dealing wtlh proven oil flelda. • Sailors LnJormed the cowkil that on Nov. 2 he &pp.eared be.fore the county pl&nnlng comml.ealon. armed with the council'• let.tu protesting a propoa.l to ma.ke cer- tain We11t Newport oil a,... known a.a a proven field. Tbe comrniulon, he aald, told hlm pub- lic hearlng11 'On the matter were cla.ed, lhat they would te>rWVd th~ council'• fetter to the super· vtaora w~n the proposed ord.Jn· ance 111 ready for tbrir approval. Tilne of lhUI ac.ion cannot be et;tl· mated by thtf plUUllng oorui:uJ~- 1J1t'e oftlce. Supporting the city council •land agaln11t th• oU welll were two commendatori letten read at the meettns. One man from the League of C1V\c Aaaoctauon., the other from the Central New- port Beach lmprvftmenl Auoc.W.· Uon. • • Trio Hurt n C• PfuftCJe Under Hospital CGre IVING THI INTlll HARIOI AlllA • • , ' r • • SECOND LARGEST HO~E .COMMUNITY IN ORAN6E COUNTY 1" I , • I FOUR1'EEN PAGES l'IVE CENTS . NUMBER 38 MOU P1W1'D TH.AN THE oROWD -more ""'M'hll .__ lite ....., wu U.~ watttq: ol I.ho ,,... Amerl<aa FJac ..... Ibo b ....... frorD tile flag Pole~ tlle ..... Cbamber•!lf <Jommereo ofnc.. •• ~. llllle ,..........,. 111.rf•nl ln1llo, __ eom-y !!as ,,..,,_ tile ollA! Md tbe buJldiq' Is t.bowa .. -. 111!!ft Mil pa. -. .. r Na&loa'• t.uer, paU,-llll•"''"S tbe lbteti tM&: carried It to ~ top of Ute ....a.. Tiie fl&oorle 19 Ule fMmer fon..,.. of the )'Mtht. Fonrwlntta. ~ lft8 .st''" t.o tlle Cllambor by Mr. ud lllra. Kari H>!lal&. < Prua Photo l CIVIC LEADERS DEDICATE . ' NEW CHAMJER OFFICES ' • ' .WITH OUTFALL ~SEWER . AS SET BY· BA'C'H PLAN Tentatl•e ap-eemeot. have beocn l'U.dled for change.a in t.heo. JOB purchaae ac-reement 'vtt.h the County SanJt.atlon system and all di· rectors of the dilirtct.s have evidently ~ided to proceed with the construction of a joint outfa.U along thel recommendations of the original Bacon report ot 1941. Thia wu the good news made evident ' ' at the meeUng of the County S&nltatlon Di.strict in Santa Ana 1ul night. Presiding WU B r a d e n Finch. ... ~ I wor~ •• ~ ao peaceful and ~ Score' ot buainesa. men, cham-able ~~ most penlOna aUendiDg her of 'bommerce prealde.nls and the semion were !earful that It newspaper pubIIAhera packed the Board ot Supen1aon1 m e e t r n g room to overtlowinl" and the se. ston was adjOumed to an upsi.tn court room. Change• demanded by W l 11 l 1 Warner, chairman of the Board of Superviaora -and ' members of District ll <Huntington Bea.cb. I in the ovet' a.JI purcha.M agreement. were accepted tn .ubat&nce by members of the Joint 0 u t fa 11 Sewer lliatrtct& M~re than a controlli{ll' vote waa present at the meeting and tbcre wu no vote made opposed to amending the agreement to eliminate cer- tain "unfair" rettrietlve me&.a141"U in favor ot JOS. Approva.l of a preliminary dra.ft of the changea wu alao give.n by t~e Executive Board of the e~tlre SanltaUon Boad Sale • It the amendment.a to the JOS agreement, aettln.g forth a time- table for the project ~ be rec- onclled wtth the ~d company attomle.s. l&le of the bond.a wru be advertl.aed.. A contract f o r deelp then can bf let with ~ ~ ~fOi"Dlila lor comtruc.£ro1f'~ of an outfall to follow. The meeting'. wltlch b¥f ·been bera.lded u one prepa.red for fire- mlgh.t •ave been staged. Pro)ej:t Engineer R. R. Rlb&J reported. to the Directors that be bad been in conference With the Natl~ Production Authority a.a to the )procus lo follow ·for lbe allocatlfim of ecaree materil\I• tor the project. He reported t h & t ordtnarlly prlorJ.ies are ·being I• sued ai from eight days to three month& Robert Boney of Anaheim re+ ported for the Executive Board that all were in a.greement to tbe propoa8d amendment& lo the JOS c o n l r a c t aa recommended by Wa.rner and bla dJstrtcl 11. It waa then reported. to the gathered group . that Oistrt.ct 11 wa.a on record aa t.n favor ot the project u voted by the people If. and when the amendments were ap. pended to Ute JOS contral!l &Ad. agreement. · 1 I~ wa.s at&ted that the amended agreemlent a h o u 1 d alao provtde that no district on .Ila own would be able to authorize work to be paid for~ jointly unleu agreed to by all ot the other dlBtrlcta ln., votved. of the. amen!J:. a e calltnr • for the steps to be made ln eequence for the over a1J sanJ. tatlon .construction project. City· Orders Old Wood Water Pipe Replaced by · New Concrete Line Ne..wport Beach's 17()().foot iong, .. ----~-------- 18-lnch wide old wood at.ave wa.... ' t.er pipe 11111.'t what tt ~ to ~ when It wu inatalJed . about 26 )'@&rs ago, City Engineer Bert Webb told the City Councll TU.ea. day ·night &a · he preeent.ed. plans and apecltlcallon.s for a new COD· Crete pipeline. The council approved. the plans which call for a 2.4-lncb ln diam· eter concr~e p\p@llne and pa.Med a motion c:alllns for blda on the ~rk at the next meeting,, Nov. 28. Webb ea.kl tb&t the wood stave pipeline has been le&kin&' for the put four or ttve years. The new, pipe wW be placed from Placenua aven.ue and super. ior avenue along Pl&ce:ntta avenue through Hoag Memor1&1 hospital, PreebyW'lan_ gM\lnd8 and blo join· ed to another cemeht" pipe near t.he northwest cloverlea.f of Coaat Htrtiway and Newport BIYd. over- paoa. 8bore Cliffs B.ecJ-1 Request of the Shore Clltf• Property Owners A.850Ciation that the council take legal steP3 to 1 form a gpecial auea11ment dlatrk:t in Shore Cliffe, Tract 1116, per· mlttlng the city to. buy four Iola at the-diatrlct'a expense, wa.s held over for furtbet' study. SpeclficaUy, the Iola are localed where Seaward Drive and Morn- ing Olnyon Road Join Coast High· way. They are planted to llhrubs, vines and flowera, but care of the j>la.nttn.gs hu been negfecled by the ·owner, the association letter u.Jd. Asaociatlon membel'8 have been ,fonned and the Iota bought, µie cllf -would be asked lo maln· tain the property a.a a public park. ' Aft.er con.siderable disclUl8lon in which Councilman Dale Ramaey ..-erted that the park commlaaiott baa no fUnds now available for keeplng up a.ddltlonal grounds, the council decided to gtve the matter more thought before ol"derlng the dlatrtc.i fonned. • - • • • ' • ' DI-u ....-1 .• -.1Una 11, lHO, at -palt -at N-rt,.'Bo•cll, c.Jlfomla, -tl!e Act at -I, 1111. . • • . . , . •• • ' ...... ~ irw :....r:. q-s ....... .. Kanlter N atleul S81w181 t I !'E'!"'!I lllli( 0. llllomdci Gii_,..,~ .... ROBZRT II". wtfJ.)0:8. Jluid"·n Jianapr A.. ALEXANDER HAiifi.TON, A~ Jluqw • • 81lll8<lllIPnON JU.ti:S: DWJPOllT.BAl.l!()A. ftE8t ...., ftm1ts7 • la Orup Ooc18t7, ~ per J<M~ 91.00 ob -: (fua - lllOll1bo) (AIM -... NtiTI'Olrt-aA•M& NE"8-IDD8 • -.,.Y) Odblde -_...., ..... per J"llll' • THANKSGIVING .DAY Once again, It ia Ume for old Father Time to give us Americana a meanlngflll wink, as if to aay: "See! '1111.np are never "° bad as you think they 111.iCht be, j1lllt u they are never 11<> perfect "" you'd like them! Look about yoli- look back over the average of good and bad In your ·life over the past year-and give thankS for all that you have!" There must be some unique ingredient in the American .nature that ""ts us apart from all other people&-for we are the only Nation in history that has a national holiday for the giving of thanks for the good things of life. We do an awful lot of grouaillg in this countl}'; and -NEWPORT SEA SCOUTS· WIN REGAfiA COMMODORE'S CUP posaiblly thia is beca~ we are an ambitioua, energetic Newport !lee ll<oUt Ship 210, aponOOftd by Newport Harbor Kt· people:-aJ,.~ya wanting something better than ~e have, .....,18 club, ~ ttnt place In nautlc•l protldenc1 ... wlJudnr a Com· and more of it than we have, and striving to get it, and ,,,_,,,._ CUp at u.. · ooml-annual Ilea Scout Regatta laat week end feeling and showi11g dlsapP<?illtment when we fall abort of at tlle s .. Scout Bue. Newport Harbor. our aims. If our grousing and dll!Content ia a bula for our Second place award wu won by.,_ ___________ _ dard f living th Lacuft\ 8-lh 8111p 207. T h • I R" t R k having achiev..i a far higher stan 0 an any •WVll la a cup (!onat.od by th• 1se 0 ema r other peopl<!---then that discontent, transmuted Into prog-N.....,,.,n Harbor Chamber of Com· Jll88, · is well worth while. merce. n.mt place winner wu "1 ..,,._.tatlft "'P PlllWpo But this makes our Tha.nks<riving Day a moat uaeful PtaC81tla'a l!l>lp 2811· and fourth Hold •wrytllln&! e· WU Ban.ta A.6&1 • Ship 24 . My letter ot October 18th com-day, a mentally healthful day for reflection that 1"! haw Top ...... award f<>< llldlv1dual mentod on condlt.tono 1 11ac1 ob- so much more to be truly thanllful for than We have to .,...,, • Oorilmodoro'e Cllp--..t ....-. drt.i,.. homo. ..,. mention· complain about. On all da,a of all years. people are Bick ~="'~-1111:..:!... ~~na~ td tll&t tll• 11151 polltk91 -palp or in trollble or llOITOW. Yet an enormoualy grater nwn· -0oorun--. fM w. a-. =t~~ ~-:;: ~~ ber ,are at the same time ha!~, hearty and pretty happy. 'nie O.bl!laa aWVd tor camp-......,.,.. 1 telt that -"'COOl"C· Perhapa we cannot, to a degree, help. being like the old tnc wu ~~"'";:'ti• ll>lp. "'f· mnarlnd tll&t Kr. Tnunaa pessimist who aaid on his deathbed: 'Tve ~ a lot elf At lhlnda.J'• -t wonihlp -. _....tly """'Inc on tll• terrible things to worry about all my life-but, come to .. Mll<e, tlle !In. Tbem&.t ll. Pen-OomOCT'&l1C tldtet, ancr lllat. "' of think f 't t f th h ed " dell, PMtGI-of O\rllt Olarch by u..n, -tor Taft W'OUl4 lie tll• o 1 , mos o em never appen . u.. llff. p ... u.. oorinon befono Rep•---u, and ~ aald Let's all grab a drunl&tick -Md be thaallfal ! t?O llcouta ptMftd on th• ....i. thla wu "In op111o ot ·~ at· ----• llGman Catllollc -wu col•· tompu on U.. part ot tlle Demo-bratod !Or l!<Ou1,a of that faith ln crau to toll u.. ""P<J1'llc&na whom COUNTING THE STOCKHOLDERS Mt. Clarmol oatiiouc church. th•y, u.. o.mocrata, -Ilk• A t edit ·a1 · the ,..__._.,__ Sc" ~ -~ .Townl ....,._..tecl at tho ""Pt· the Republlcua to nomln&to." I recen . on m ,,,_......_.. •eo<:e -oru.ur ta ...,,.. AnMdm, i'ullorton. Ou-lab.U<!d u.. ldoa. that "llftl&tor -0beerves, "The New Yo~Stock Exchaqe~ln. conjunction don Groft, -unp..-. ~ Taft -malte an -11ont '-lvith the Brookings Institution, is. undertaking an interwlt· -. t.ap11& -. N••l>OO't' pl"Mldo',',1 but ..., jlllt couldn't be ,_ . Th .._.. . ·•-f . ~~khol-'-. th llMch. -">" aty. <>ranp, !Ian-•le<t"4 ae ltrlctly o.mocattc .u•g pi:o.iect. e pro,.... 18 11 cens,... o a""' ~ m e ta AJ>&. Placelllla. Red1ando &nd propoP-. ntt .,.. .,... ewry United States. RI..-. A number of the cltleo c.mpalp lie bM ontett4. aplnlt "Surprisingly, JIO"I'/ one knows jwrt how m&\IY people -l moro than one l!oa l!lcout •verytblnl' IM <>ppOO!lloll bu w . . . ...._ llhlj> to tlle regatta. to th..,. aplftK liJJft. hold shares in the ownerehip of Amencen i.ndla8try. ·111ere atdppor ot Ne•putt"a !lee -t --· 111 ·~·. (u tlle bave been estimates-many of them. They range all the 11111\> 110 la llUn Ka-... Illa n....._ wrlta'o ""1') tllal !al- way from 5,500,000 persona to 20,000,000. . . ....,.._ ....., -....,. tlle, ter, to boll It -to U.. a"°""'" " . . ~. fb ctop ....,,,_ -0 DopJH&. crew llP"e<. t mua\ haw ft.lk<I to inalte Even the lowest estinlates wotlld collnt ~uuut ur loadoti 11am Xallfl'M&n, Jr, o&vld that clear. °"" ot ..,1 trt.ndo 'per cent of the population as participating itt tbe control -~. Jlock Raub, n.ni. Deal. Cropped 1n to talk to me and ,.... and profits of American corporate buaineee. The propor-l'Nnk 'ltt~ IUld Jen-y Onltle. ma-be ...i ..... ..,_. t -. . Mallo r .. tlle 11\lp la Dt. v...,. Tan. -'t wtn; t Md tett.oni tion may be higher. • K-1. ,_,, O&Upatrl& -_ Lacuna "Thio is America'• free-.!nterprfse way of dilltrlbutlon Roptta .-u tncluclod u.. -. ... 1,.. u u.a"i. ,.... """t 1 ~f capital holdings and rewards. There la good Indication m.-....·. pr-..~ ""'.W pulllnl', moant to "'7. and tlle 04\tot of one ll:dltOr, NewpOrt-Batboa ~ N.,.)port Wch. Calif. November a. t9el Dear Sir: Utaitil!d Natk>na' Week waa aimed ·this Y.Mf" wtth a bur9t of charact.erletlc papncla. . N. tl&ga were to be dlaplayod. We COUNCIL APPROY!S _ ... to h&v • of ,ro val ln rewn1e ot &11 Amf,Jie&n Fobrth ot UIRAlY ADDmON · July. In my part of th• •tat•, with the excepUon of a bit of, oratory, PLANS, ORDERS llDS · the performance juat dldn.'t materiallu. 'nle oratory tickled the Plana and specification. tor the Kn of devoted One Worlden. ao lemnfy ..-.mbled for that pul"p(Ne. proposed addition to Newport ~ speaker. a dllltin.pl.lhed. member' of the Staaford Faculty, em-Beach Public Llbi-ary were ap- ployed , the tamutar ecare technique, telling the a.uembled that the proved Tuesday nlgbt b:Y the City U. N . ChartA!r wu ''bamtnt-red out on the ivivtl of public oplnion, Council. • with the llO 11&~ alplAC ...,.ptlng th• lhalio -t If we doft't wlall Foll~ tbolr p..-ntatlon by to Ito i:ec-...,111 ---live to ... thet In peec•." City l:nglneor Bert Wobb, the Appuen.l\7, tl)e orator pve Alger m.. no credit for that council &ppl"O'Yed a Uhlform wage · scale tar. -the C'OD8lruction am:l tn-,_Ulilnu.'• llD,.n.&nt flU'l ln. the "b&ihm"'Nc out." Quite an structed the· ctty Clerk to cab for O'Nl'Wl&'llt! For A.lpr Hla. &a Executive Secretary Ot the Ban bid&. 'Ibey WW be opened Dec. 10. Y'TuelaoD U. N. meeltn,., le ,.enera.lly credited wtth havlnc written the U. N.' Charter. Kr. Hi• la now, for the good ot his country. In lllvolunt&ry retlrwnent #tillln narrow q~rs. 'nte pt"'Op&Calld& method• of the One Worlde1"1!1 a.re unique, but 1IOt veey effectiYe 1n the long run. American common 9e1lSe Is a bit too much tor them. · · IA.It. year their 8Cheme w&.I to put Amfl'ican woi'\ien to Work m&klftl' Unlled Nauan. fiap to Oy over schoola and pubUc bulldinC"S. u Bet•Y Roaa 11 credited with having made t he ortgtnaJ Stars and 8l.r1pea. But Informed and patriotic women did not care to become Belay Ro.ee in web a Cl.He. Th' Bet.By ko&8 at.Wtt faded away. , Tbu ,_,. tMtP Pf'9P&l'Ulda .attempt la., to con.ct pennlea trom echool dllidren. tor coettructton ·Of • memorial foundation ln Ute ' . New York U. N. Buildin.f, thus st.a.rting the younpter1 toward the ' Civic Le~gue Mee~ Tuesday: , . Women's CIVic Leacue Ot ·New- port HarbOt wtll ineet 1\leed&y at 8 :30 In Balboa Yacht Club. Mn. Iebell Andrews will ape.alt on-Ad- vantage• of City H&tbor Govern- ment. All women ln the area tn- terelted in rovemment at the Jocal ~I are invited to attend. Lido FallNr, Son I • lni~ in Crash Inju.red ln · a ·two-car eo'JW• 30 milee aouth of <>c:ea.nnse ~ day ~emoon were Jama S. ~ tie and hla eon. Douglu, U , of 208 \ria Kentone, ~o Iale. Th4'Y were en route home. from. a blrfl>day rock bunllnl' expedl· Uon Iii .Borrego Sprlnp aDd J..U· aa wllen, In heavy tramc, a -U.· bound car collldecl with them. el· toclirlrr a aldeswtpe. The trip mark,.t Dou111u'" 12th bittl>cl"Y- ~tl· wU tnated ror miaot btula<a at Oceans~ Qen.anll - plt&I lw"-bla ..., wu -led for a. face cut and alight concu. alon. . Both were releued alter ~ ment and taken home by. Mr. UKI Mra. Allen W. CrloelJ,. 218 :Via ltbaaa, Udo Iale, who Md dif.,.. Mn.\Beattle do~ to OceMlilde. The Beattle -car WU IO ~ It could not · proceo4. Occu!t"'la of the other car wue lnJured tJ,ao. Altbouch Beattt~·· ln,lllrtea per- mitted. h1m to return to work. young Doutrlu. a aeventb Jlftder al Horace l!lnolgn ocb_ool, le re· matnlnJ. II\ l>ed al,!I~ llilo )"eek to recuperate, '}ln. ~tile ..W. CALKINS lN E.A8T One World ~ent lde&. Informed. pa.rents and understal'ldtnr eduaaton are not enthuaed.. This .Propaganda stunt bids ta.Jr to follow lhr Be'-1 -attempt. 'ht\. yee.n &C'O· tbe Mme One Worlder element schemed to s:NP our Na.lknal A.11,thl!rn.. One eftuston ot this propaganda de- IClibed tbe ~ wbtttt'Vte a.a the "st.ream!Dg emblazonry of the ttew M.tfonal ant.hem" 1'iaft&tng ••trom the very battlements of lle6~" Patriol.lc A11terioa h:t it hang there. So tar u Americans an COOCHlled, Ute ~palp. aga.J.n.st our Nation.a.I Aftlhem ls now aa exploded tocldent ot One World propaganda and characteriatic oNbordtnatlon. Civic Leaden Wendoll Calklm of Balboa 18- (0..-rr..n rap l) la.nd who l•fl lut niclay, .,._ heetlnl' and metal .work by Smith rived ~eJy tn New York. be ~ Brothers. All wt.ndowa and metal 1 ed his wife, Jane and.wlll be htlme IUb weif! furnished. by Sexton by Sunday. Nov. 20. He la on duty Supply Co. Lumber ~d millwork for the Bureau of Shipa. SlncereJy, FRANKLIN KICHBORN was provided by the LaW'T'eftee Lumber Comp.any. · ~t&ry-manar;or Lanronhe.lm wu paid glowing trtblite tor 1p&rklng u.e project ano k,eeplftf the plans for a new ottlce con- .tant1y tn the forefront durtnc the past year. ... SCHOOL BOARD MEEfiiN.U Regular meeUng of the New- port Harbor Union bls;b acboot° baud ot trutee1 will be he.Id net Monday at I p.m. ln the board room. n was aet up one week: be- cauee of the Anniatlce day hoU• day. th th be f ting d ~, "d d !vi -•--'-wrr Jlldlln«, ilWUruDJair, -°""'P o.-ty --• -· at e n~ r o. vo an wVl en ..f'eee ng eu.l\:.JI.• underwater. the h.e&ving Jlne line over the tettet' wbich lnd.icat· · holden in American enterprise ill euti.tantially greater than bo&tawaln'a cha\r, algnallng and ~ •d u.e quotaUon waa lllln•. ' P~O LOT P~ · Nl:WPQKTEfl IN HOSPlTAL City Council hu iiranted th• ' J ohn U'Ren, 3512 Woat Ocean Buaineae A: Ptofe11tbrial Women's Front. was taken Wedneec14Y eve- Clu11 perlnLUlon to U8e the Balboa nlng to St. .Ja.eph hoepltal tor park!ng lot adjoining the Renda-obaerv&.tion. He had ~ quite voua tor the -club's ruth am\tta.1 1 eerioualy Ill at home for eeveraJ. NEWPORT WCTU . . 'the number of the Communist Party who e!terciae compar-WTltten examination. The S<ouu Let'• clear that ono up, right . bl inf!· l b'-l f he s~t in pup tent, and wet-e served away! I aa:td that my mind, on the a e uence or rece ve colhpal'a u:: ga n rom t Opet"&· meals in the ftereatton hall. subject or candidate-., wu st1U tion of state industry in RusSia.''. { --open. 1 IJ>tClftcally bopod that Moreover, in our much-reviled capitalist economy, the Entettatnment Saturday night nomtnee.plckf!l"l!I would retnerr\ber . h ; . H wu provided by John Davt<bon, that the campaign of 1952 would mvestor as complete freed<lm o, action. e can buy one Orange County Stat• Klghwa,y lut. actlvoly about ~t -. or more shares of any security in wbJch he hu confidence Departtn ... t llelld. Ke e11ow..i mo-wbll• tho Joi,. of p~ uo back -ill!d he buys at a price which no one "fixe11," and which tlon plctu,... of Auatr&llan flora rrom the brink of deatruct!Qft, ft· · de · · b th • OIH f&Uha. Roy Singleton, Santa nanclally a nd mOT'ally, wouJd 1ut 18 termmed entirely y e workings of the free market. Ana. aketChed cartoom for the eight years. I want tbe conven• If he wants to sell, the market ii! available to him every audience. tiona and th• voton to look to th• bt¢Deas day, and the going price of any listed atock is a Moro than 370 penons, lnclud· eight yea .... matter of public knowledge That's only poeeible in a free Ing pattnla and cu••u. were .... Th• opinion lo unlvoraal tllat economy. · ten!ld 1n the Se& Scout but log, tn Senator T&tt would make an ex- ----•----:\ddlttoa to the Scout.a.. Six bo&U cellent PreakSent. He ta undoubt- ronducted crutae1 around the har-edly the mmt ~spected membtt bor Sunday &ltemoon for the Ylait-of the Senate, on the but.s ot COOKED BOOKIES! o•s. •blllty and •iq>erlenco and oour• The bookie u a $2 American "institution" will not ago. 1 think. It he '""" nomln&t· lt .... -L FJ ed, he would be overwh.elm.IJCl,y •disappear from the American scene. You'll just have to -... rm elected. Tbe peop10 ,.. .. a:' 'IUl•t !look harder to find him. (0..llAwocl ro-he• l) determUiaUon to l(l!t rid ot .,.,,. : This is the opinion of some of the boys who "should -lnolructk>n. .Ut• tlle a&le ruptlon and extnvqance. wbkb 1,__ ~ mu.t be CONUmated tn aha.nee I MnM they will aot aJwa,ya taUt ,irnow." The new law .which requlrea booltiea to olrtaln of auch P">leata. Be ,.ttmatod the about now, but whlc.h they wW •· ;a $50 Federal license was expected to put moet of them out P"'-"'lr ot ..-.,. I• rr a 1 P,_ at the polla next Nowmba". 'Of business The argument went this way. If ihe bookie papen wm take a _.. or m.,.. The' Senator la ~ a prov..n • · · . before IUlt cu be tued. vot~ setter. I wnat a.p.tn. no 8pplied for a Federal license the local police wou.ld know Blod,.U ldded tbl llU!t 1a belna matter wblcll candidate you - :i.e was operating. If he didn't ~t a J.ioenae, Uncle Sam Proparecl ....-llotll ftrma, the t•r. you do -fall tor the p.._. could .fine him '$10 000 and put him lb jail tor a yar-lf =~~.:"~ ~3:'~ ~ !.i n:.i.. '-:' 1~ ie: ·~: ~ caught him. Ute od.lon. delpbla, RNW4 by Ule O..-rata •, · Now, most bookies operate with the lmow~ Ooaunlaalon to u.. ~ nrm and P"••m eJolW i.,. tj-Nl- .. Qt infrequently the cooperation-<>f local~• ...... the 9herilf· -eel 11y JWb ._ and ""°·"-" -·~ otller .....U· • . • . • ~· f' llaifjd. R.laa'. Aotnc ....... aa the d&t.. Yoo may r.ecaU. u.. CllriaU1.U Preview. daya. -. . Newport 8-h W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. with Mrs. May ~zier, 205 • 35th St. Doa't f.,.s<t lo boy Giit Scout ~.... ~ ' MN ~ ~ dOe .. ,,,, ..... , .............. 112 -c, rw e Mi te,....,.. WI ... a.. ............... 2 0 , •• eatter, b .-. .................. : Dr.-··· ........ ---~D-• nawlA•1&.i.•-.-0c , • .,._,., ___ ._ .,. ..... • ...,.....__. U NCosport. ...._. Y.aii.O*. (Pnoto bJ Jlk,JrliM') . . . . . trlct attorMy and the attorney aaMlftl '!'bey'~ oat· ~ In-eat <)oln'pi117, i.u publlcalW clld -....,. tn llM<, _. de the la.w already. The new law mmply ntake9 ~ ~ been paJd appc-.otety In llMll .. I "tJon MOl'e pncariOWI unJeu th..,Y comply Buts '1800 tot the 'J!Urported' '&&Jo\ of l( ,_ f&wr -.U-......... ')'PEE DY HARVEY r;"OMET?( IN~-. , ; . • tlle poq>uty. In..,.i..rit7 In t.blo ..... !date, -.,; tllla la 1W1 a , , ·a lleell.lle ~uld tie, u one bookie put It, 'llh ap;I tranwctloa, tidieru the olt7 tr ea ..... ir,. t -..ii .... -- '{or a hole ill the head.". More than a ff!W ot them =• waa -i.,. tbe ot the -.1.1.. candld&toa ta lllre f1ldgiJI&' ,00 their Income tu; report& 'aM, to · to 1111¥ U.. ~ wu not anothtt letter. What t><Jcbl• -ta , .. '"-... -w.-t . _.:..._"-_,__. , ~ lillto tl'4f Oiql:reell 111rt11t by la that_.. Mein to "b&v. adopted a E .....,y wuu t worry too ....,.. -te•. l OM _.. U.. AttomolY. t-RT _. ... polluc.t ~ ol ~ ·he - ance With the ·Federal Go\'el'lmieot'." Qqtte ·a tew of -. .,.. teld OlllJ' "'°" ~ wj lndlvtduala. 'l"• .bould ""._,... .-;.-will. itrobabb' ~ operationa ~ lUltil ~ ..... ell;)' -bltoos -~ :::::-::: ~ ~ :$ :i.-:-:- H"'"P ·~ don." • , · T::-u.. ~ --.-Uke u.. --._ .., ali . But·u long !& there'• a lltebr wh"o •matii ti>~ '*':."'••' <•n...., ......._ tt =---...,. -.. os•t. tila 111._y away there will he -•• vomd lo ~ It -.__.., ..-. ., u.. -• --119 -• -. • _.., ,..._ ~ l5Mll ,.id Ulhe~el-.. -·-· tlolt I 1W • Burl--'t wrong, tM $I f&ll .. - - --Pl dk t. -11w - 0 . , . ....... . .................... . lio.--. AtU..t-.atU._U.. __ ._, __ .,._ ~WU OF A KIND --=,. :.,.:.• :. = = ill~--·-=? .e: • ., ILllmliltllatpcilllhl41+•._ ei'lllS -111r•01r'ltl ' .... "*.1:·m-..m-wsr' •r. n'zr111 Ge. that llBIMI •rl>kl ... 11 tlim --w111· -.-. ,.-_, ....... .,,I Ms I R ,, m ot. --. , • .., ue tt-r tliat -jllll ..,_.,._., .. ,, ••-. • -z 077'1 • " .--,,., .... ,.. .... '-.. -.. a 1 'err 1 a ... --, ___ _ ' . • ) ' LEllTl!:R A.. llE<JKEB, D. D. & DENTlSTRT • 1'181! Newport Bl•d., O>ota M- Medlcal Bid&'. Be•-15761 IOG I:. Ba.y An, Balboa Harbor st7.J BALTZ MORTUARY Lady At .... =•t uo Cout lllPw&7 OORONA DEL MAil l>AY AND NIOHT ...__.u OldEot&I>~--· Al'eDI:)' ' All u---. KoWARD W. ORIO EU . Uoi !lw•P!ll'l l!ll,d.. -oo.a - • I 'PJIONlll-111:A.o011 Sl.n ' W. Poo 'I r.1ia • •• Al. Di81M' .. Chrt11u ll(.;::i :rills .. tm .... ... .,.,, ... ... I I I I . I I • I '· • ,, • ' • • • PFEIFEl'S ~ TURKEYS .to 01rf1r ... . ' .~lie.,. • atecl FIOZEN YOUNG TOMS AYMAllE ON SHORT f!IOTICE GET YOVJt OltDl!K IN NOW m:F0U THE HOLIDAY R"IJSH ':181 l'Aot !Otll SL <J08TA. au:sA PHONE BEA.. 5134-W HILLMAN MINX SHltdollftftld- plua tu: and lloeaee Yeur Harber Ana O.M NEWPORT AUTO.SA.LES ffGt \V, Newport Blvd. •Newport BMetl Harl>or 1441'7 WATER, HEATERS Saloo, Servleo ODcl llepliln /oe/1~ , PLUMBING Authorized De.a. n.y & Nli;ht Beaten . ruws 101. Dolrfl Oft .,. .......,.. Phone Barbor ZM!-W .,,(4,JU>tiJ~-­ ~~ ~'''•"+-' < ·CAUflllllA HUT MIL 41~ ... a • IAll flUCllCI I • RELIABLE T SERVICE v 2'20 AUG. 'SI II Call Us Today For Swih TV Service No need to go without tel•~J1ion enjoy1nent . for days. Our swift pick·up, troifted t.d\ .. nician1, ond complete supply of Gii notiOflGlly known parts, irtsures rapid 1esvlt1 .•• WMlde almost before your • favorite program. hos co .... • THOROUGHLY TRAJNED & F A.CTORY QU ALIFD!D• · iµ.ECTB(}llnCS ZXPEllT!I . FULLY EQtJIPPED fA> SEJlVS YOUR TV -llADIO SERVICE NEBD8 Complete II•;.• Radio Service ••d IRst •• ..... \ U.S. Govam••llt UcaMad Ttte'z'cms • Cal• zowfor11ntc1 ~NE ll&AOOJr.,. . . :co. ' 915 C1a1t .. , act .......... • , • • • ~ .... WJMDam. ••ms. .... ,cy ... Ft iends Honor lsl4nd Couple Harbor Islanders Off for Hawaii et l-tousew• 11Wnn . .. .. wt ... A.. p . w En ·~ 8 • IMi 1+·--lilft J d , I • ' Kr. -i --'Len.:.e u:o Jc• • .,, a (Ill ftls - -..., aolllld la Uzel)o -... ~ Uree -ud wW 1'17 -al· 111• lifb'"OP' Doi .. and iloJM. WlzUia -tile)' wtll' lie ,.. Ila~ ~ _.. st-,.,_ of Ktt. ~ ....... 'Jlr. ' --~ 11y 'a 11'1Werna le 'wU lloe Blandard OD j:!'iUp ot MIJb.-e.nd -..de. Qim.,..,.. ~ I • l'lst7 amve4 WU. 111\a ilf • .:balee ioncue..l&ble OJld -.. New YorJc Coup~e !or Ute-p&Uo. dMIDed.W _,. many ~°!.:~ ~ dlobff Visit COM Friends • >I dellclll '!::' ~~~~ ~--.~~ Mr. wt -JI'. J . 0.0.,, IOT JU C ro-~-~ -tu, w•-Jl'enzlMl. 0oo t ti¥ -· W .. bin.o e.nd other -.occupy-ree•I -'-for Us. .-,, Mir. an4 Ing tbe attor-mldn!Cllt"boun. Mn. a,.t._en qt N,.. ~orlt. Blplag Ille IU•t llook 13 mem-Mr. Ool-le .itll ti» pubUc oey of the oceulon wue: Mauro. ffiat!Ono dtportm-Of Uso Kwslc ml! Mm... _. Bird. i;yle Han 9t ll&dio C!lf -lie aad'hla P.;., Era .. t WaltR, William wife -t .._, we<k at"'La.,.... Bulbuab, Ba)'lll.ond Rlndertnecllt. Jl<ocll. • J!ldwU'd ...-. o..i. Bolt, Dean __ . ---- canapbell. H-ott•ouoe, R • T--• :::harioe Koat<ftlller, Helbert B ol-eunt0n at U14Fe ~er. 1. 8 . Waltere and -i.,nn, L __ W f -:L. Q<an Kephart, W1lJ1am M.cDon· TUI"' fAY l111m7 ild and 15011S, Bol>l/Y and Riehle; • Ruwll Stewart, Bemle BafenC . CIWlee R Wt.)' -bia ti.•op. retd, Robert ?.eM111, Gale Gentry I.er -Me .-Wq I( 1IU and Jack Upaon. •1t1 R lltvd.. w.t ta "r.a.-IMt Alao U. Pwker, Miu Viola -'to llol\> Us. _, ..,.., Banett and lCmH. Len& Ulflll, -· J-le Wt.)', --Claudia Day, Kate Parker, llal>elle ll1e "'"-7 -.....,.. Aloe eoi Hln.er, Helen Stepbuia. Pearl Don-bUd.far Utie ci•11M1aee WM ll'r8r &lchlon, Helen Kalllllf, "-Mule ,.,.,U. .,_.llr ol U.. •au Corbfu, Viola Tucker, Gl&dya Bhd. At · A twY)" rt .... n>rr.nce. Zella A ut"'Y and Ftt· and picnic la Baa Dlmaa .._,., dah Baus. tesetlser fl --el tho Way Important Meeting for Delta Gamma Dett& Gamm.a .&.lumnae ~ :latian wtU meet Tueaday, Nov. 20 •l Ute home ol. Mn. Walt.er Spleer, &..-lllland, 7:30 p .ln. Kr& rranlt Jherett of Balboa J'll- Jand will be .... hoot .... Thia la a t~ important meet- lng, according to Mn.. H. Payse Thayer, ch.airman, who urrea an membe,.. to attend. Mn. William Lawry, member ot the board of Ute School for Visually H&ndlcap- ged Childra, wW present '4 mo- tion · p!cttlre8 of work being dolle with Wind dilldreo in t.he echoel, wh.lcb la the Delta Gamma p~ joct. ' ·The Orange county ~p ha.a an added interest in the 8daool now, tor they a.re aponaorfnc for tlle first time an inmate, a bUnd ba•y h'om Ocean.aide. Dorcas Groups to Pack Bas kets for Thanksgiving The SenJor and Junior Darcu Societies ot the Seventh-Day Ad- vent1.lt church wU1 meet at the chUttb: on Wedneadeiy, Nov. 21 to prepare Tha.nbg1vtns buketa. Any pe!'90U in need ..of MakeU pleue call Bu<on TOC-J. Put.or Bollia L. A.Ddenon wU1 speak on '"vtnklllnc the work," at th• 11 a. m . service Nov. JTlh. A nomfn&Uag coJnmJttee will be chosen at lhJs ~ to .111:lect otfkera: tor the ccimtng yMr. clon. Radio Speaker on FAC Program Loomloc pr<mlnenUy on th• Friday A.tlenoon Club calendar will be the FNclay, Nov. 11. meet- ing w-GeorCle Sibley B&r4y wlll talk u --Women'• Place ln u.e Work! Tod1&7, .. toltowin1 tncbem at 12:30 p. m. Mr9. Hardy, radio commeatator on nauonal a.n4 lntU'll&UMa.I s.. .ue. .. wUI cHecuu the atUt.udet: ud .._tbWU.. of WOIEl.,. 13 tM communtty. nauoa and world, ctv- lng lnterutlng tact. Uout eome of the ouUtand.Jbf women ln the pollticaJ Ken.ea of all nauon.1. 'Thundering Herd' Invades Bayshores On l"rldoy alp&. N.... 2 • aftOI' the 9'ilta An& pmo, -...,_, derlnS .Benl" ......-or ht °'"""'" -lh Ba7 -,., d&nclnc, refttahmenta ...S c.lliat- ter-. • A partlO.l llot of d"'l'pu-lnnen lnchxla Lou Ana WIJM••,... u4 Don Pettit. Pam Hoxie and Jim Ibbottao•; lnntn Stawicki and Ruby Neumann; M&.ry. Lou Snow- en and Rex Bell; Sandi Thaden and Bob Cuey; Ann .McMOterl and nm Pucoe: Jldl Woodhall and Lynn SM.tU., Jr.; Rolly PuJ. ukl and """"* N-: Cynthia Martin a.ad J. Ol'e'er, Marilyn Merrill and 'hd lldluten; Carol Schllckenma)'U a.nd: G 1eave1 Lowe; Dlane Drant and Nie~ Sleal: Pat Dr-tnd Jl'lo7<1 Swueon: Bnlce lll&lr4 ... ht Dwyer; Marilyn SehHcltmma)'W &nd Archie Horvath. ' • OR&WIW w•twt.J _..,,,d~ wen mwa an4 eold at the •·•taMe ~· ~:=~:~ ..:1:._ . ~ • ~ • • ' dsully .,. u _. lrltlt a .,..._a -.. , • ..,. dU.·Aimlrill~ u.e ZlOftl .._.are Mn. · W""7 111s·r. , ~.; •« .... UDlla ~-...a «I a.Jbe&. Booth atteak•t. wen atn:wU..· , --.t:N-.-in ~la'""" Kn.·~ Jr&n·O)' at 8ay Sbo,_ (Photo by Beckl)Or\ . . .. . Notes · aRl ;~i~ts From the r~~· ~ d~~~d ~l~~i~IP~ . •:1¥ n y1.a comfortable dog bd)r:et tor • nice Assist• :te.agUe Amual Bazaar :~t~t!:)(~l~~~ a~~; a .__ Cha•._ io • H ere a.nd There: Kenner (Mn. 1 --r -M Don) Gatea pivoting with Vin Jor- Odda. 5:11.te and .~: end executed by VlrrfA!a Hat.ch, ~naon and pivoting well, to, the l'rid&y, NOY. t e4de4 .oe.t mor. abdut to be run down by Santa'• good. good music ot the Veltonea PY IPlD to 1"" ~1 elub'I IEMlgfs-pulllnf reli>de.r done . up In -Maggy Prlce slanting' her cam- contlnll&l wtUrl • t.0 "-tlll' white and rOlct ceramk: -Ute era.'around her plumed hat, u 1he ~t of lM ~ ao-1 et.:ream1ns ln .booth ot ''my vuy own • nAJn~ anapped Pete and Martha BW- trom 11 ia *-n:tqtftib&J many bibm i clecorated with ndnsenaleal rett -Bob Fo'rbes trying to bid NYln&' until mSdnJlbt I.Ad atter. bwuUe1 and Mary (Mn. S&Jva. on all auctioned lt'-ms, l'tltlri'& Guata bu~. Junt,.'!"S• 'W'IAninl t.oN) Mona.co &Dd Bemtce (Mra. juat W'tder the auctioneer's elbow, P-looking .... ttr .,_ Ca-Walter) ni.ns dQhlnf off Naney, and nol getting a word In edg<- nut& •..i., ebttlloJ tit coeldaJJe. u, BumpMy and Brldp ~ the wise: lltUar for portra.tt., ~ e,p1ll. dolle to Nnd a smk1J gtrl swoon· Aftermath. Marloe Othmer, par- .. lrttedly-, &t the evet\t.as a uetlon-. tng -thoee incredible eocl&l cap-ty·planner, saying happl)y al eve- Oue1U dtnlna, da.nclng a.ad guuta en calendan guaranteed to keep , nlng's end -\Veren't all those wtth gllnll ln their tJ'U" rer:nem-e•en the moet trou-f'rou eoclalit@'• pebple nice to come to our party! be.ring l.b&t &q Ua1a t'Ua-etutt \1;ate• ln order. would .mt the 5'rult R. W'Ukln-Loot: The pleued. look-what· 80ft DD8 Cb.tWren'• l>ellta) Cllak you-did al'Jails eeat the way of on Ila way ~der the commUD1ty'a Ml'I. Lester Iabel1 (Mra. M&yor) u d 1.Aal\)e • mpoo.mr91Up. from prise winners u lhe dnw Basa•r Jtema: AAd Uiere were theJr wlnnlnl" tlc.keta -the grate- •me at the White !Jl.epballt tiiootb fUI thaJlQ Of ~ meroMn to -nice 11W't of -1-hudled all the men;hanla who rcnerouoly t.oola that man7 c..be.d4ed, none OODlributed valuablie prilie.I - -wbat they w... foor -& Vtrslnla C&al&, paclo"'21y ll&llO- boudolr cap wttlt ._,1;tc J"l)lW liq" the mJuoJt,how, sivlmc out print trtm of the !rent!: CUtle ers with & wMiop of ah.eer ddl:eht u -&n a.ncient bamboo nvte with--Iba. llytwd Irvine dn:w the a~ out a mblltllpieee. 8\iyera: the ol Jo CMn. L. H.) er.. of A.r- conector. who came ea.rly and cadia.. Wiiy Whoop! because Jo bll.Ut'Ully ea.med off eome ran makee u.e eye-teuU.c and moulh- antiquea that few recopiud for waterinl" fruit cakee and plum ~ tlnda they Wfl'e -Dr.Ethel puddiap long a be9t..aeller a t Neff who p~ ott the delight-le&sue p&.rt.t~. tuJ Frenct:a •U•J>ell -Eclitb. Bu-P'orlalla tor Poeterlty! Thelma sett (Mra. PbUUp) who found Paddock Hope, noted and cener- lonc .. wanted •fiver nut pkb.f -ou.a an.Lit, rtvtnl' of her t&lenU Nancy (Mn. E . T .) Chapman ~ tSine fw ·.,me 1• bou.ra u W otandlng by wondertuJl.y Imp,..,... pe.iated 'In -ter colon aad .,-_ eel while mother, Edith (lf.rt. Nel· Some &I lh<*t attttq, A.-mbly- eon) Neice displayed hidden t&I-m.an i:ul Stanley, Sm (Mn. E. ent. Mlllilg eJl!>llc (and white) de-A.) Crary, Kn. ,W. C. McAhren, pb&nta. Cume.Jtt.a (Mn. Loanie) Vll'lce-nt , Local Fishermen,, Wives at Acapulco Flora. Christmaa and · Qlft.ed .,elf"n (Mra. W. P .) Durkee. Ha d H W Ebell Club Book Section 1 met n • &t ome: ln (Mra. Now H-.r Thi.a! Swnlng Aue· ~ 1 • Nov. 8 at the home of Mn. COiin ...... ares) ... taUtva.n &lmoet Jtldden Uonttr Bill Klllton sptell.ng ott b7 the cvtancD of ordltd lela t1* &Uittloneer"a tradlt!ona.I t:ry to Bt'OWn. 2631 Ba)'llhore Drive for which C.pt. Sullivan new t1"om et&rt the blddfnv -JCd Millett desse rt luncheon. Asslst..lng :boat· u. all t th • ee.ee were Mrs.. Nell Pettitt .and ~w or e party -the pretty &idtnc and &bett1ng hlm, c&llln&' Junior awdliary memben at their o.ne and Gil lo aee the valuable Kn. Lillian G&nt. Mrs. )(. L. booth of -t.dd Keettr pvr a review Of Ca.ble 6" r Chrialmu stock~ it.ema. Among thcec purchulng cars of San rranci.co. lnp -...-. ~ deolsned ::are memor:a!>W& wer.: lll'I. Bil,._-,-...:....,...:....:..:..:==..:...~-- Former Neighbors Visit R. Dietrichs Mrs. ~ · Sturr-and chil- dren and Kn. StW'l'f'e Sr., of Cal&liita avenue, Newport Height.a vistted lbe i.ome qf Hr. and Mrs. RWlllOll Dietrich, Vlata. thla -t week end and ca.me home enthu.a- ed wltlt the modern little chicken ranch. Mr. Dietrich ls former edi- tor of Use Prus anq, the family resided en Catalin&. The "old .....,. were: Paul LH of OCC; Joclc Nerdrwn, Bill HOP' kins, Denny Muon. Guy Brown. Mark SckaOdd. Leo cart.la. Roxy Aarvold, Alan Scott. OOC; SbJrley P!ckena, Toady Stevena, Ronny Engle, Dick Shaw, Vivian Lulk, ' Pat Newkirk and Lee Page. Staying after for a llUm.'Der par- ty were: Diane Drant. Ann Mc- Muten, Carol k.blldc.enmayer. Ruby Neumau:. 8&MU Thaden. Marilyn MU'rill and the tao.lea. .. · ------· -·-·-------· -·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·.--. -·.-.. --.. ·--. -. -------------. ---------------- BdluuJ.S~ . · &•BCl&LS . .4.:- 80 SJ -£ RY ~'I!- .. ' TOP QUALITY 5 I GAUGE -I 5 DENIER DARK SEAMS .-3 WONDERFUL ' AUTUMN SHADES $1.19 Pair~~ for $3.25 .. • GIRDLES end BR>:S Disc:ontin11ed Stylei -Femoua Meltea • 6HlPlfS, PANTIES end STRAIGHT I were $10-$12.50 Naw $5.95 IRAS, Nylon .•ncl Cotton-32. • 40 • ,W.N tJ,11·$3.95 Now $1.• ' . • 1209 COAST ILYD. CORONA QEL MAR • ZONT4 CLUll ~ -Mt 'fed II:& A-w Lioagae'o elsalil7 ...... at 1i.e ..._ a.r --.ll'lldaJ _ _.,. '°7 -,...,._ fw ·-M ... dab fo&wlltg -_, --ftMI fOt" ....,.. ... ~ wMett. *ID ...._ ,.._ o• Fi...,, Nn. ll at: w,, ......, _._, .. , t "7 -peep et --.,._Ion: lln. I. W. a.i-t, Mr.Cul-., ..... -11 :ii": Dr. A.. s, 8--·~ ....... "'" ..... 111 -lln. --' -(r.oio ~ ~} Zonta Carnival to Feaue Talented Arijsts • ,-Alt l -ltail$oAY, NOV. 15' tftf ls-8 -Caralllic . SzO'.MHIZR l:'iurricene tight from c:enclle shows thrti •· biitton·holes end face, a~inch sire ... :._$2. ts . Smeller end Jumbo Sires ·MenY. 6i~s Items, Cards, Wreppings, Etc. I Mac~s Pottery &.Gift Shop ~ E. 'Utll 11U., Olla -~ Tm Sboea • Sportawear 4 . Clothes tor Men. · Womea A: Cb.ildren Y&nllp- Worlr CJoOte.i ll'ea~. NetloMny" SERVING THE FAlofILIEll A. - •-Qi: THE HAR:80R AREA · · -'FOR i7, YllAJI& • J ' ' -~<SU,.! 1Q·•S Pih-Her.185 . . . · .• mBi'-nn OF Tiii: ~· -PIEK . . ' . .. .• - ! • . ' • • • P~GE-~ ·....J PART 1 -THURSD~Y,•NOV. 1s, 1951 Catho~ Wom~n ;·~~-~.:PRESS-ii ~~~,:·A~eet NewpOrt Pastor Takes Part in Navy Cerembny . •, t GJorgy Sandor Thrills Audience a_t ~g:~~Z?. ~~~;1! ~Aason's 1st co· mmun·ay Concert :!t~,u~~ :...:. :oo':! ~ ... ~i:.~ ~: ~nl= JC I• p-o-by both p .. 11-11, t!tatee Naval Stat.loll, Long Bead!. •. ENTERT~ • TifE~TRES· ,, Mho. Leonard l'lo.....-1 of M'OUlll lut J'rlcloy an.-Muale .,.. ;Ill) ....,. Lee ~nd • , carmel and Mn. NJcbolU Bnll.· lurnlohed by the l'olyUcbnlc Hip !Iii•••••••••• arota 8aiLdor tbrt.Ued l h e tbnea ln one generation on tht lner Of the Llland CTOUP.. :c.Mol bind Of IAml Beach. Doc-_ .. CAcrtts C'.4t. -"-• die concert ata,ge. /t.. deuert luncheon preceded lor Zll'• M a ueutenant. Oom-Commuiuty Concert au n c e N rt Co I C the ---~-.. ~1-i.. ... _. o"*"'ed by -·-•·r In '"· Cba-1 .. 1 ... "'--•" U. Tburada.y ..night wllh an exhibition 8)V))O punun ty on-cert -...vu. wn ~ --...-· u~ u.1111S .._....,,. ...... ,_. of ,pian!ltle technique moat mem-pen will indeed be fortunate lf Palher Kiley~ The procram fea· S. Naval R.81!.rtt, &Dd a.-member bera had eeldom .-en equalled, they ~ penuade Mr. Sandor to tu~ u ' peat .peaker, Mn. of Volwiteer ChaplaJD Retrve •---•·--··-'•-tn--•• rtJea pay a return vtalt to th1a area. JQMph J . Schlub. pruide:nl of UnJl 11-2. 1 1 un-by =~·~ ~ ~o '"· tu '"e A-"'•--· ~--ell of COth• -e ·'. 8. 8 . s•-~1 had a -m&Jtte:ry took him wtt.h e a 8 e preferably in '-UC very near ture ""' , ~ '""""6R 10 v """~-. through lhe fantutically difficult C>llc Women. Hu to PI c w a• 1ble reconl ln World Wu D. eee- Llnt "Meplol•to Walu;" hlo otyle GUILD FISH FRY Parish Council Orpnlaatlon. Ing duly In the tn-.i of the t the de da f Plan.I are under way for a par· MarJlball la1anda. at. Tnlk, In tM and; phrasing me man · 0 The Church School CuUd Flat lllh dlnnef' t.q be held ln the ball NeW Oulnea tnvulon.. the Levt• the, cluaicil Scarlottl SqJlata and 1"'"" thti' dluon&nce and 1ntr 1 cat e Fry will be held at St. Jame. on Dec. 2.. Golt land!D«&, the ~d:inrp at rh)rt.hrn:a of Bela Bartok w I l h Parish Hall Friday, Nov. 30th In December each group wtll Mlndora.. Guam and Luzon. at two 6 8 Th•• I mttt eeparately with • joint ..... Jima., and OklnAWL She WU de~ eqa.a.1 autherlty. from to p. m. .. annua ~-c.--~ • b t b'-tton apln ln January, a progntra commt.aloned and put ln rtMJ'YC PU . .._. .. uor s approac o .., event ag&Jn will ~ under thr ' · d hi di to be caniM out th.rouS"h the on Mav 31, 19.f6. m11mc an . s au ence waa un-sponaorah.lp of the Churc:h School ' expected. almost mlsleadlng. Hla Guild and will be prepared by year. ------- m&nner &t th• ~t&no ls one of Tom Norton and Heinz K•taer. II Civic light 0. per~ •4r•m• reoerve. He doe• not • .,. Tickets may be secured fr 0 m Coti ion Juniors pear to be per80n•lly affected by members of the Churcb School Id S Group to Audition lite mu.Jc; He does not cajl at-Guild. ond by caJ1Jn1r MM.. Eloa-Ho 1st essions te~tion to dram.at le. fiery, or nor Flsher at Ha.rbor 2998-R. for 'The Mikado I el'llOllonal pa888.gu ln any obvious ; 'the Five O'Clock Cotillion or way. Tbe ~oops and' plunges L, $ 'lewport Harbor opened It.a wlnter o~er the. keyboard with which HarDOr isters lance serlea for the younger ..et R~bensteln enlivens the Tscbal-d Ml Thursday at Newport Harbor k"·sy concerto have no pa.rt In to Be Unite · racht club under the dlre-ctlon or s&ndor's technique. I d \irl'l. G. VlrgtnlA Gollatz:. Rober! ~8 a result. this artist's music at Ho i ay Dinner 1:. GoUaU IS ln11truclor . requires the ·most caretul listen-Chairman of the third and mg. Only the plan(\ !!self tell8 ITberc wtll bf" & Th&nksgtvtn~ re-·nurlh grade i:-roup Ii!! Mrs. Charlf"r: the audience \vhat Mr. Sandor ts tmlon nut week at thf" home o< U11mR.n, M r!". F . J . Cleary aru1 Mnt aocompllshing. For example, the Mr. and Mrs. A . A. Hutt, :>M ~amu('I J . Colyer arr co-chairmen Sl'tiubert Impromptu opens with a Fu 11 er ton avenue. whep thrtt Patront•&'k.'8 are: Mmra. Phillip m_r:lody ot extreme simplicity, then daughters or the hoUae and their Bas8elt, Clarence Coopt"r . W illiam goe8 Into variations that give this children will be present. One of Fiahcr, Robert FortN>s. Edward aimple melodic llne great rt.chness t be sisters, Mr•. Ala.n Blum. at-Groencndyke, Betty Jarvi111, John and poignancy. At firat, the cu-rived home laBl Thurada.y (rem H. Jur~en~n. Jr., Alan Mlcklr, ual listener might have felt that Japaii and the youngeat si3teor, Edwin L . Munseo y, 1-tlrla.m Smith. the piani9'l's quiet. unsentimental Mrs. N . H . RoberdeaU la leaving Harvey Somera and Gaylord To- Plan• for a Civic Ught' Opeta A.Mociatlon tn, lhe Newport Har-I bor area werr .completed thllf woek I &nd tl wae decldro that first en· dea.vor or the s;:roup would ~ Gilbert a.nd Sulhvan·s Mikado. Burt MOlf'r ha.s Mkt>d all peruon~ •nte~t.cd to ~athcr Cur auditions Thureday and Saturday evt'.nlngs •t 8 p. m . a t 1~ Super\or Ave., :oeta Mcu. Auditions will also bf. hf'ld at the C08la P.1c."'8. Amf'rican Legion Ha ll on SundAy at 2 p. m. Not 'Jnl.r will perrormere b(' needed, Miller aays but St't deelgncra. bulld<"ra and rur1ntt•n1, anrl. muatcf, . - ' . . •, . ... . . '. .. . s ...... "· "1 don't ctr• ;f itit a Mic~ let 9,0r • ' readlng ta.c ited Wannlh and heart. tor that country on Dec. I . hill. But if one listened with true at· Mrs. Robcrdeau. of 2261 Clay MrB. Morelan<I LP1lhold is chair· te.ntion, one discerned Mr. Sandor's 3trttt. Cliff Have-n. and her two 1nan of lht> firth and l'lixth 1tradea. subtle shading and exquisite touch. 10n.s. Alike sryd Tom. are to join Co-ehairmAn is Mr.s . Austin D . and the retlcent, b 11 t sensitive. :'.;ol. Roberdeau. who aervea In th<' Sturtevant. Pa t r on es sf' 111 arc: deep I y thou,rht-out handling or Air Force u an orrlccr ln the reg-Mn1l's, Ralph N . Baker. Phtlllp tne for an ort'hestra will be re-•:A cruitl"d. · It Is hl)ped a. rirst rrht"arsal ca.n s ClllStlMS lllf tempo and dynamics. ular Army. B'-AACtt. Roderick Burnham, Craig The same wrprise. came with ).{r.I. Blum is the wife of Major Cadwaladrr. Louis Csenar. \Vllllam the seldom •ph\yerl Claude Debus-Alan Blum, 9wner of tht> Fro~('n I Fishrr, \Vulter Franz. Stanley sy "Ce qtfa Vu le vent d'oueat." Food Locker, who waB recallt'd to Hacl flPld, John H . Jurgeruien, Jr., which in cert.a.In respects was lhe' ~rvice three years ago. She and ~n Reddick. Robert Sal!.abury, most Interesting and exciting the children. Jtldy, Jan ant'l Jill. Harokl E . Stahler, Rudolph Stcw- nun1ber on the program. Mr. San-have be-en with the major at J ohn· ard, Richard [. Steward. Robert L . dor. with 'unchanging reserve, son Air Foree 8&.Se juat outsidr Turntr. Robf:rt J . Villagrana, without a glance or smile at the of Tokyo for two ye-ar!L Jiiiy cell"-Strollf"'r H . \Vh1te, Robert Ziegler. audienc-e, began to play. As al-brated her ~ llh birthday on board Thosp twn groups rq eet In the ways, his technique wu effort-the boat. afternoon with a sch«"dule or tE"n less. anrl inconspicuous. Sudden-While she disliked Japan at Jatea, nrxt bt°'lilg \V ednt•!klay, [)(".. ly the keyboard seemed almost to first. Mn1. Blum came to lov(' It Ct'mbe.r ~. explode under the assault or tre-and hated to have to come back. ------- Girl Scout Board mendous chorrts and scales, rang-She has opened ber:., hon1e at 1211 ing f rom extreme bass to the Colllrui avenue for th€" holiday~. upper treble with a complexity then expects to join her husband • Makes Fall Plans and musical audacity tQt only a now at Dayton. Ohio. tralnf"d musician could truly ap· Completing the family group On Tuesda)'. Nov. 6, Newport t-111.rbor Girl Scout Coun('ll Board A~rLJWit at l&>e Uttle Hou&e -a 10 o't.lock ror the reg u 1 a r monthly sea"lon. Mr•. Everett Nunan, president. pre.ended. preci.ate. will be Mrs. Charles Quarles and Then just as suddenly, t be son of Balboa Island~ marvelous pltte wa.s over, leaY· · • ----- Ing one disturbed and thrilled. rather on the edge-of one's aeat. and not yet caug-ht up wilh all one's lm preMlons. Mr. Sandor. hardly waiting tor the applause to be over. went on quietly to the next piece. Bela Bartok's "Bu 1 gar I an Rhythm .. ' al\d "Ostlnato" were played with particular zest. Mr. Sando sharply .. &Jmost gWJtily, de- lineated, the Bartok syncopation a. Rnrt seeme<l .so at home with the fantastic Inventiveness a.nd con - tractions of the rhythms Ulat one felt that here. i t anywhere, lay the artist's partic ularity and per- sonal taate. In the encore, Stravinsky'• .. Petrushkll.," the same' pleasur• and g1111to In interpretation werr evident. The result was brtllla.nt, flety, magnificent music, ao ln- gratltiatlng that even a clusical ear wu surely not unwon. "C&rvavaJ, Opus 9" by Robert Schumann. and thrff well-loved wprU by Chopin. "Ballade 'in A f~ major." "WaJU tn c sharr ii!-•·" and "PolOG&~ln A ma.- joi':'' completed • th e evening'r t"*1'am· T he· varied musical pie{ures of the Carnival scenes ~ed a brilliant lnterpret.a-tJag:. wtlh the gnat march at the en" coming off In qplte over-po~ertng fashion. 11\:e Chopln •Bela.de" was done with grace 4m( J,ttrfectJ.on; the fAmillar WaJU Ip :c minor, under Mr. Sandor'• Mll.ng, seemed to -clow wtth new UJ:l:cy and chann; a n d t b e eNic• o! t he Polonalae ln A _,,r were f u 11 y Moompa.ued. ~ Mr. Sandor's more·than~· .,., "range accounted fq,r a ~r 'ID~ speed surely heard only ~ few Harbor Yachtsmen Attend L. A. Meet Mrs. S. L , Hutton. p r o g r a m l"halrman. dlscuiued the movlea Yachting rraternlty Of the New-Ming given at the Scout Hou&e port Harbor area waa prominent· tor different troop.. Troop or- ly represented at the ml"etlng of 1;anlzatton wa.a dlscu58ed by Mn11. the Yacht clu" or the J onathan P . V. Peteraon, chairman. At Club In Loe Angelea Tuesday •v('-present 36 t roops are functioning ning. Presiding over the session with others belng set up. Brownle or 100 wu Carl zamlock or Lido policy was dlscuued. W ith regret tsle who served u mute-i or ceTe· the resignation of Mrs. H. H. monies. Acting 88 recorder of the Tracy, Trainlng Chairman w as event was Wesley D. Smith of Bal-accepted. boa, secretary of the. Yacht club The sale of Girl Scout .Calen· ind Sta!( Commodore. da.rs waa tlnnounced and troop Chairman of the evening was members will .!IOOn be calllng upon Roa Wright wboee tiioat "Spook" realdenta. The calendar la .priced ts well known and permanently at SO cebla ea.ch. On the Girl moored in the waters of the Bay. Scout calendar tor November la others from Newport Beach were JtCheduled National C h I Id re n •a Jay CarU.lc of Harbor laland. Book. Wftk,. Nov. 11 -17. The owner of the "HayJay"; Delbert I City Library ha.a a program plan- A.xetton ot Lido late; John D. ned Roche, dlrectoi; of the Ba.Ibo& Bay club and own&-of the boat "Art- tsta Model"; 'ind many othen. Special occulon for t.he meet- ing wu the annual entert&lrunent of the outatandtng a.thleUc eo&eb· ea of the area and of the 1port.I ~ribe.s of the new1paper1. Oueat.s were Casey Stengel, manager of the New York Yankees a.nd epeak- ~r of the evening; De.kc Brackett.. a.ulsu.nt he.ad coach of UCLA: Don Clark, aatst.ant coach at USC: J oe Stydah.ar, coach ot the "Rams": Paul Schlasler, tanner roach who galhera \ogether the AU-~tar teams for the annual charity game in Loa Angeles; Paul Zimmerman, aporta editor ot the LM Angeles 'nm.es; and Ned CrQ... oin, 9P0rta edltor Of \he· Lo. An· g~les DttJJy New.. Name Montgomery Police Sergearlt Newport Pollce"1 No. 1 J>4l.lrol- man, Dale MontgOmery: wtll be promoted to Sergt!ant in ch&rs"e of training alt reserve o!Hce.n1. The new aergeant ratlnlll' wu authorl&td Tuesday night by City Council at the rcqueat ot City Ma.n..,er John J , SaJ.lon. Wlttl f'Undl available to pay t.he ln- ~n-a1'e'd rating, lhf!' nun1bera of lo- ca.1 poltee serge.ant.lt wu raleed trom th~ to tour, tbe number or patrolmen reduced ttom lJ to 12. Mont.somery'1 appolntment la subject to approval of the Civil Service Commluioo. Chief Row- land ~-anqounced. • • • • • be made ~nn~a~ov 19. " treetcar Island Couple OlcMed Monday COM~CTI! DINNEIS from SI.SO kl IJ,50 Ent?rtai.n with ' Named Patio Dinner . Desi~e" _ TROPICAL DRINKS Mr. and Mr!i. Stanley Carnahan .J..A.1 ;;: entertained Sunday with a pa.Lio OI... I• tlHI f«.hnl•• TAHITIAN SICYIOOlol Free ParkLa.g H•rbot• IJ11 party for 30 guea"5 at lhE'lr lovely home. 32i Apolcna, Balboa lsland. Fa.Jl decoratlon.s prevailed Cpr lhe burtet d1nnf'r. Honor guest.8". wrre ' .,, ..... VIVIEN LEIGH Ho llARLON BRANDO • • UMUI -• -• CMULD l Rl.DMill -·--VISIT Mrs, A. Hllggard of Ft. W.Orth, • Tex .. and Mariane Lt' g g or the A.DULTM: 1.00 lnt'ludes T•x THE NEW HUT Marshall island. (;HILDR.EN 14c on Gout 111"'-.y, &..acuna IPbonf" 4-9006 for RHervattona Closed on TuctKl&Y• Cucst.s lncJu<tt•d Mrs. Vern(' Mi•yf>tl'I, Mn1 . Harry . Parks. Mr. llnfl P.frt'. Richard Nord, ~I r', R.nrt Mr•. G<'ne Halsey. 1-lr. anrl Mr•. K<'Uy Strlckl&.nd. Mr. aod Aft'1'. Chtlrlca Bethard, Mrs. Charles 1 Holl8e a nd daughter Maurine, Mrs. Grrtrud" Laaker, Mr. and Mra. Mitchell Francis and daughtf!'r Mary Ann. Mrt1 . Larry Fenwick, ~(rs. Geneva Hardt>be-ck, Mr. and Mra. Carl Jacob80n, Or. and Mra. John Snydrr and Mrs. Haggard. Don't for1et to buy Glrl Scout Ca.Wndan.. HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN • ALL ELECTJl.10 You ('an play rich Organ mu.sic at once, without a single-leuon; lry one In your own home a.U by youl'"8elf. t"OR FREE TRIAL PHONE Kl. Z-61'8 Danz-Sch111iclt Piano Co. UON.llalaS- Cornftr 'IU. eaata A.Ila SAT. LA.8T DAY .. "DRUMS IN THE DEEP SOUTH" Mesa..,.\/ t:i:' ··~~ .. s.,.., DUNCAN HINES Ice Cream is made in SAT. LAST 'DAY LANA T URXER "MR. IMPERIUM" Orange County T«bnloolor JAME~ STP..:"'ART "NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY" STARTS SUNDAY Fl.rat IW.n! CLARK GABLE "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI" ~·· JM FEA'tURE 108'8 DAUGlrl'Ell8 • I· Jobe Daughters Bethel of eo.ta Meaa will attend u a group t.be J 11 :00 a. m. aervice at St. Jamee I Church, Sunday, Nov. 26th. The honored queen and her prlnce:eeea wt ll lead the i'obe<I Betln!!.l group l aa they proceed throU&h t h e Church. U.ORIVE CRUISERS by Ask for It at your Dealer T.Y. SETS FOR RENT 7·DAY H1NIMUM TIDE T. Y. IOJI 1'R:WPORT BLVD NMvport Beacb BARBOR !08 ROW IOATS • OUTBOARDS • LIV?: BAIT ~. ELLIS:~f; RENTALS -<*al W•I0,7 . Newport -Ph. -r.'515 AT SOUTB ~OF BA\'SBORJ! RRIJ>GE ·-' -----. -----. -----------.---------------------------------------------. --.-.-------. ----·--.-----------------------.. ---------------.---------- • • ' 1' • PalDAY and SATtlB,DAY, NOV, ~St.It Mil 17th • CURTAIN I> P. M. • . ~ • ~radora Sextet-Con c.,n Girls Cominu.q!fy Sill9 • :· ~ Loti of Other Acts IAll OftN . •&EEST ~AHAEN! VALUE IN ORAN6E . COUNIY · ' • I ' I I BROADWAY1 ·-WALKER ".!.i:.-_: ==Now60# ~ ,starts Wed.. Nov. Jlat • Stana W«L. Nov." 14Ul "People A9e1inst "Ace ~n The Hole" O'Hara" Kirk Dourtoo, loa slerllirir Spencer Tracy, DUf.a:a Lyoa . Stuta 8UR.y NOY. 18tll -AJ90 - "Man in The Saddle" "Banneriine" -Aho- "Reunion in Reno" Sally Fo......t Mark Ste.vena. l"egSY Dow Uonel Barrymol"l" CHILDREN under FREE' with Pan:n\A at Paulo It yn. a.ud . BJ"OIM.lway TI1ealru PAULO DRIVE-IN THEATRE Pb one Doon Open_ ,,,5 . Sbo\T Starts g,oo STARTS StrNOA \", NOV. 181h "COME FILL THE CUP" Jame. Cagne3·, Phy Ills Baxter -AIM> - "MAGIC CARPET" Lucille Ba.JI, John Apr Oininq Room o~n II :30 A.M. to 8 P.M. daily Clos.cl Sundays ~nd•holidoy' Phono: Kimberly 2.21qo Loh el FREE PARKING. NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS THE .ARCHES .,Cafe and Cocktail Lou~ge • OPE..'I U A. M. THROUGH Z A. M. .. i''EWPOBT BLVD. ON COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH • (WE ARE CLbSED ON THURSDAYS) . GENE'S RES?AURANT &Sid llAKERY . Ft'ench and ·Italian Cuisine -• Deeetatecl • WeMl•I .. ~ OMrN \ . Ph- Barbor Uet • 7114 c-t 111'11. eo-.. .. del Mar ' I - , • • • '• t ' ' • • • HARBOR .HI LITES -n;aarn:ilao Pa ... storOOO 'fhree of Bar-Blcl>'• ma.for'- ette. mardled fOT t.be · OranSr Clout Collop ll&nd Balunla)r n!pt. when lbe Dona trom Sant. AA& OoUese booted ' lbe a.a .. Cout Plnl•• 'al lbe munlcli-1 boWl. Darlene Slemmona.. Jerry Jeelco and Nancy Mllloit alon&' with Wendy Wllort.bam. f'.<>Uy Nolpr, and Gloria Lohman. tho majo~tu. fT<>lll OCC llhand II>< spolllgtll of tho nt&ht. when th• OCC band •ntertalned with peppy mua!c honoring S&nU. Ana and put gnduat.. of Oranro Cout College. Bob lta'gert, Terry Welab and Marl'Oll Davey went alonr wttb OCC and played In the band.. During the •ummer Darlene sleinmon.a took • lhl'ef!: day bolt .. day to George Pepperdlne Cllntc at Pepl>@rdlne College, where the picked up new and ori(lna.I etepe and routines in baton twlrlinl'. Around 250 majorettes trom weat· em states met and showed their steps and routines. Tl'e clinic tc.i.cbes baton, tonnatlon and pre-- citlton mArchlng, algne.la &nd drlU, the latter being for &dve.nced gtrla. Oarlene took only the formation and preclaion marching, leavtn« lhe two other part.a to be taken ln tile next two years. Bay Shofoe Party Klck-ol'f --,.., 'tlM .. ' aua1 couiit7 -"' ~ -..in .... bold ..,_y -. NOY. 1', at lllCMei X....,. -· . Ana.. '· Bpomor or I.lie Cbrlltmu -7 drh•e la tlle 0....p Clollnty 1"bo"' -&lid Health 'A.oooClatloa. ACC!OC'CflJ;ll" to Huey L. 1'•"'°"• county .W~· for t.lle -1 -· the l\uicbeon wm be. at-Ir)' -lion dJncton,' .... _ cblJ.rmeri ot county areu and otben in.ttteltod tn the 1nduaJ drive. The l&le of ,Cbrlotm.u OMla lo the ueoc:latlon'• ooly fUnd appeal <rf the· :tear· Thi. yqr'• drive Ill the 411th annual Nle of Raia. It will be cOn<luct..i by ....,,. than 3000 cdllnty aaoclaµon. In tllill country and 11 other natlooa. No sollcltatton or canvaatns l8 done duriiir the. ale. all requeatli for runda belnc made by dlrect maJI. The--.auJ thia year ii a Banta Clam. MerebanU thJe yea.r will dilplay poster repllcu of the .seal and 1elf4 aeUtn.g boxa ot aeall:. LOCAJ, roLK AT GAME .n. 'Co111~uous ~ OUotul~ • ancl Lale ~ An A"f'lable.;at "'": .... f ·•~ .. , I • LA8UNA llACH °"1CI nuk oi -...,..;.· Bn·b Bldg. • Pb. 4·1156 . ' ClomplN ....... flCilidoo 'Tftiim.tq Seock 1"~ 11 z"7bl Li11nzJ llld lwiag ._ Yoor order ui buy or tell limd stocla, boadJ or - modities -will be ~= with• ~ and ocaanq mer die nation-wide lewd privatt wire system - aec:tiQg our 16 California offices and our New York office with principal Ea.sttm ?r.lding ccntaa. S!adf. , deal &cilides are maintained foe ,oar coovenieoet. ' DEANWITTER. Ir. CG. •••••• .............. .,. ........... .. ...... ., ,,..,.. ... ,,.. ............ lr •••• &. ............... , ...... &el _11117" l.UCNAHC11CO -- . ' '. . . •• .. . , ., Lou Ann WJllJamson W4ls the hostesa of a party on Nov. tG. Alter the Harbor-Anaheim game, eating and dancing were enjoyed by S.rbar& Starege and Rolly Pulaakl, Don Pettit, and Lou Ann. Patti Dwyer and Bruce Baird, Jack Nerdrum and Andy Sw~n . Ruby Newman and lrmln Sta- wic ki, Ann Morris a.nd Jay Car- Jlale, Lynne Smith a.nd Jack Wood- hull. T/llGT. HUB&llT II. GILMORE adjata Ille four oleetft • -&•la Oil tile MW ..... rte aw...per ,,.h.lch he Pd T/S~ TIM!odore L 11eddlua of tlli't 18th Malat.eo&aee SClaadro• dealped and built f"l'IC("OUy. Thia machine eh-a1111 dle nm~ and t.ul 11trlpa of all metal pa.rtlele11 wblcb can be aucked lnto the Intake of a jet nc•Wr. Rlchatd and Al Plegor, both of Corona dcJ M.ar. and the Edward Neuhoffa ot Bay Shoree and San Marino were among Newport Har- bor resident.a who attended tl'le Stantord-S, C. football game tut Saturday at the CoUMum. Don't forget to buy Girt Scout Calo.a~ High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 Helen Weir Wins NSDGW Contest" Helen Wei:", 18, lovely Santa Ana Junior College co-ed and "}.'ll!!s Orange County 1950" ot Anaheim, was Mlected winner In the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden \Vest dlst.tlct beauty co:ltest held Saturday morning at lhe R !vcrsidc Inn for the Counllu o! Orange; Riverside, San Di4!:g0, Imperl&I, and San Bernardino. Miss Weir will be one of five California beauties selected ff'om lhroughout the Stale who will ridf' on lhe Ne.live Sons and Daughter• no8t 'in the Pasade na Tournament of Roecs, and will participate In tha Grand Tournament of Roses Ball where n1cnlber~ of the Great- er Los Angeles Press Club wtll r;el~t one of the five glrta to be "Girl of the Golden Vto'9t 1952" whk:h will be followed by a coro- natloc ceremony. Fint Two Harbor High Classes ~ Reunion Friday FlrBt reunion of the first two Harbor High graduating cl&Me&. 1932 and 1933, wtU be held Frida,Y ,.yenlng in the social room after the Huntington Beach -Harbor football game. The idea waa suggested by "otJ gT&ds'' James Wheat and Roya.I weuington. Carrying it 1 out. a group met recently at the home of SUe 01111.a . Horvath ln Newport Hetghta to plan the event. Two of the women. Dorothy Cottle Page and Mrs. Horvath. have aons who · wtll bC! graduated In June. Wilford McDonald of Los An- 1;elea will be emcee. Maydelle AJ4 Jen Morrison, El!Jie Sta~k Patter- son, Mrs. Page, and Irene Mclntee Newland will be In charge ot re~ ~hments and decoratioM. Mra. HoNalh will take regUllraUona. All members of the two clauea are urged to be present. County Campus Club Hears Pomona History Teacher •ss -•32 Reunion Welcome. home! Thia kind ot greeting will be extended a.nci many more when the graduating clauea or 1932 a.nd 1933 are hon- ored on Nov. IS. Don't forget, the date all you guys and g&ls. be- cause thi.8 Is the date of the big BALBOA ISLANDER INVENTS MAGNETIC -DEVICE TO .KEEP JET ENGINE REPAIRS DOWN game wtt.h lhe Otlera from Hu.nt-N'EUBJBERG A.IR e .. \SE. GERMANY, Nov. 1'4 .-T /Sgt. Theodore lngton Beach Union High 8Chool. L . Fleddiua of the Mlh Fighter-Bon -;)('r ·.v1ng at Neub1berg Alr Baat>, Thlii game pron\48ee to be the ter-rific and thrilling game It a.lway!ll Germany, son or Mr. knfi Mrs. Throdore Fleddlua of 312 Diamond has bffn llnd will continue to be. A vr .. Balboa lslo.nd, ts one of two Inventive atnnen ol the 86th Main- Let's all try to be at the Harbor tenanCf' Squadron. They rl:'cently designed and built an electro mag- rootlng section and really show net!c devicf' which wtll save thou- that ole sailor right a.a did the sands of dollar8 for the Air For ce a1umnl in '31-'32,. The Harbor by reducing the number of jPl f'n- Hlgh band will perform with dlf-gines which will requlr-e re-bulld- ferent atunt,s during halt-time for Ing and rpp&lr bec&U.'le of small the HomecomiJ1g celt>bration. So, particlf'e, of metal being •ucked gang, lets all give our all for the t.nto the air take of the Thunder- most Important and sensational jet.a. game ot the aeuon. and welcome Expe.r&.8 on jet f;Jl~) mainten· the alumni of "'33 -'32 i.t the gam'"e. ance at NeubiberK had noted that .By the way, the game starts at t!ny bite of metal were btotnit pfck- 7:30 In Tar town. Well. I hope t'd up from the ground and au.ck- I'll see you all lher£', yelllng and ed Into the Intake of jet flghlera singing for ole Harbor High at a.s they taxied along the ramp.s the Huntlnltton game. 1 and run ways. Thia new machine Holiday Slumbt.r completely eUmlnate. this hat.ard Pat Evenson uked a few of her ~~u"; 8~81~1~~eceu~f e;~;;t~n; trlend8 in for slumber• Sunday piec~ of metal weighing up to two night, Nov. 11, to celebrate the pounds .., it 1.a-pulled along lhe four day holiday. Those who spent taxi !!trips. the evening ll8tenlng to rc<:ord!I Bulldlns Cost l,,ow· and enjoying the food tUl early the next morning were : Nancee Mc· tr only one Jcl l'nJ{lnr Ui Mved Donald.. Thelma Corsin, J eanne by this machine It will hav(' paid Toulouse Carolyn Pridham and for Itself many times ovl'r. 11\e Pat. ' !bulk of Its coet. ~97 .70 wu spent Swtmmlnc and Eatlllg' for the wire In the m&gTietlc coll! J K . h Cll t and the man hours 9J)ent In its oan tme• ome on f building. Evenin9 Class Hears T ra:veler Last we ... k thf' .-Jcwport &ectioc of Ole Jntematlonal Trends cl&SA. 1pon30rt"d by the Orange Cout P.h<f'nlng College. enjoyed an tn- formal talk by )flu Dorothy Wel- ner, who ha.a just returned from a trip to the Caribbean area. MIB.:4 Weiner told of the ,.ac.18.) condltk>ns of the people and prea- ent travel'ng opportunltlea. A htghllg·ht of h<'r trip wu a atop at lhe Dutch lela.nd of CUracao. where goata vie with tile people for 1lvln1t !!pace. M15'. Wl'iner show~ the group nntivc cloth, basket.a and objects ot art that •he had collected. Tfle IT cla.M meets each Monday night at St. James Epia«ipal c.hurch, from 7 :30 to 9 :30. It la open to the public without charge. Two Youths Jailed for Speed Contest Haven. Friday, Nov. 9. wu the At the pretent time the Mith scene or a dinner given for the Fl&hter-Bomber Wlng haa pro- Juntor girJ,I who were to be in the grama tn operation ,which encour- aquacade Nov. 14. Glrl.t who h&d age al:rmen to present new kleu Nf"Wport Township Court JUdge a lla'ht N!:put and then Journ~yed for saving Utne and money for Donald J . Dodge on Tue8day •en· to the high achoo! pool to practice the Air Force. Four new idea.a lenced WU.Uam Joeeph DeLoge. for the coming event were: Mar-ha~ a1re&Qy been put into effect J9, and Richard Ivan Touby, 19, garet Marshall. DJy Keppen, Dor-at Neublberl' tn the paat three both of 1941 Fullerton avenue, an Sueaa, Diane Barlett, Shirley month.a. lnltlatlve and team work Co.ta _Mesa. to five da,.. each tn ScotL Barbara Starege, Bettle have always been a bil part ot tbe rounty jail on speeding charges. Norton, Martlyn Peterwn, Barbara 85th Wing. The operator'• llcenae of each wu Trusty, Nancy Deaver, Diane Har-A former realdent of Balboa ts--su•pendtd for 3b da-y1. rls. Shirley Sinclair, Lulu L&raen. land and a graduate of Newport The pair wae accused by police Barbara Lingle, Palfly Binkley, Harbor high school, Sgt. P1eddtua of conducting a spcedlng contC!llt Mariann Diemer and Joan Ktmea. v.•o rk.ed for the AvtaUon M•1nten4 Nov. 1 a.long Co&lt Highway be- Qu~ of the Week ance Corp. at Van Nuya before he fore lhey were stopped at Marine Why do· you go to Harbor High entered the Armed Force.a at San avenue. They were cited for doln& football games? , Franclaco. During World War II 80 in a ~mile sane and 80 per Penny Weaver: "To see the cute he ee.rved ln the China-Burma-In-hour ln a ~mile &ane.. Senlf'nce boy•." CThat'e a new one). o:tlan theatre ot operatJona with' wu pu.&f'd In City Court where Lea Koviato: "I llke all the e.x-the 90th and ~ltl nghter Oroups. Judge Dodge ta attUng In for Mrs. J . Leslje Stetfenaen of citement." Before he arrived at Neublberg Judge Frank l.J;lllell who le com.- Corona del Mar, program chalr· Ellen Owen: "1 Uke th,t le&J:n'• Air Baae August., 1SM9, he wu st.a-peU.ng tn a fl.shing tournament at man, presented Dr. Henry Cord Blue and Grey uniform.a." Uoned at Tuceon, Arla. Acapulco, Mex.. Meyer. of the department of hlll- tory of Pomona college when the be.IL .. Orange County Campus club met Day Keppen: "To see the eoni re-cently at the Santa Ana home and yell leader• perform." of Mrs. F1orence Mer"11th, North Burt Coraon: "So I can uk a F1ower street. Dr. Meyer gave a girl out." most lnl~resting talk on '"What Nenia Clifford: "To see Harbor Do the nuasiarui Want in Eu-win." ..an..'' Y'-Jo Jo KlnJe.a: "'cuz It.a always Mrs. A. L. Raaberg presided at noUtln' but tun." the session. "'·h!ch wu a get·to;. • Barbera Llngle: .. 1 llke to yell!" ~ther for parent.s whoe.e children Joe Leater: ·'To see team and are 8tudent• at Pomona. Special school spirit!" pe:et.a wer~ Mrs. C. A. Nob~ and Jania Allen.: '"To be with U)e Mn. C. E. Srwoncer of Lol!ll • An· .-gang." gelea, ttpreaentatives or the Gen4 eral CllJl)pU8 club. Att.endtng from Gargo1Je Part7 the • Harbor area weN!: Robert Ray M.iddaughll' home in Bal Hom, Mr. and M.rll. DaJ Grctten-oh No•. 10. WU the .eaene of a betg, Mn. J . A. Beek, )l(r. and Gargoyle party. Dancing and -~ ¥ra. Erneat Cn.in of Coat& Mesa lng were: Ruby Nncman and lr- ~d Mrs. SleffellMll. min , Stawicki; AllD Jle><rlo &Dd ;:=::::========:=-.lCUlole) t.ynM Smllli. (Jr.) ud Jack Woodllull; • C...VI BcMea- meyer and Leo CUrtlo, '- airuth OIGPlll and :iodl lf11dtum: 8aOCll '1'lla4al --g..,.: """ J.,,_i and Pul -:-~ __ ,..l(c...._ ' . • • 1 Highest Award Presented in Girl Scouting At the recent Newport Harbor Girl Scout CouncU Assoclatlon mttting, Anne Ctowl (Mrs. C. W .) of CQrona del Mar waa presented with the '"Thank.a" Badge, the hlghe-•t award a.n adult membl'r may be given in Girl Scout 1 work. lo{rs. Everet t Nunan. presi- dent, made the presentation and all pr<'sent felt that Mrs. Crowl had lndted earned and deM"rved thh' badge for her splendid S('rvicc ln Day Ca.mp activity. Currently Leaders' Club prcaldenl, A.nnr worked fouro summen In 011.y Camp activities for lhre-e of which she wu the director. In addition she ha-' been Jeadf'r of a Girl Scout Troop for three years. Born ln Santa Ana, Mrs. Cro"'•I ha.a spent her life ln California, leaving only for trips out of state. ~ a very young girl It was senaed that Anne wa.s "good" with girl• and she often chaperoned groups of teen-aged girls on house parti6 at Balboa. A teacher in the Junior Colle-ge at Santa Rosa, she found time to work with Girl Reservea. The Crowl.a have lived In New- port Harbor for nine yeara, com- ing here dWing the war. They have one daughter, Sharon. Anne and Sharon and their friends h&ve made and dreseed puppela and for several year1 have (1ven a delight- tul ahow at the Crowl home at Cbrtatrnu time. A.II ot Mn. Crowl's five yean of Girl Scout work hf.I been done In Newport Harbor. She ii an expert ln handicraft and especially camp craft. During her summers at D&y Camp ahe &lwaye Instructed in this work along wtth her work in the capacity of· director. In her spare Ume she hi: a g&rdPntt of repute. A.a president of the Leader9' Club, Mn. Crowl plans a further program ot Workahop whei;e Girl Scout leaders may learn how to do the job neceua.ry In a troop. She says. "U we are to have good citJaena ln the future .aniethlng hi.a to be done about it now." Don't forpt to buy Girl Scout ~ FAITliT llLLING COMMANDIR in Studebaker hfszoryl 120 /J.p. Stutfe/Jak"' C8mm11niler Y.I · Save gait It'• designed for sparkling power plus thriftl · Save repair billal It's amazingly wear-re1i1tingl A thrill-packed performerl FIRST8 IN GAS MILEAGE Iii ~~OBllGAS ECONOMI RUN In the 1951 Mobllgaa Economy Run, a Studeboker Commander · V·I led all other competing far-advanced V-8 engine eighti in actual miles pargollonl neecla no premium fUell ~ .. -"'"" .. ~·-•·1 ••'"• .. '·-·'!·~ -A-••litliriwl l!mo _,,,,._, SllJ{ll/wl,.,J-•""1dt'-'"'(Utn-•N.""1111UI OPEN ll:VENINGS AND SUNDAYS Bl' APPOINnU:NT JOE NICKERTZ. Local Dealer 3415 w ; Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theat~e Har. 510 . '• $1.69 ·oOoR MATS , . srttlll ~''-November Nwpt Beach ''. .. ' . . • • ' • .. • • ... VDY SELDOll -. • !' ·J!I. !ft~' •. . . COME TO TH& , LEGION DANCE __ ._.. .... , • .,.i.u.uoq ..... • Ul>O ....... M I.!!':!!!! :.:-· ---... ">Ii •• -K ._, Ct.ASSIFIED mmt&Ncab ,... -''" -----IN&. ------. f .Tiie MJqbty Midg.t ~ Adv«tiatiiq ~VS.OPJ:NINO tor~ ool-.wi ar broker In adl¥O \ ' real lllt.ate. otnet, tll OOUt NEWS-TIMES .-Evel'f Taeeday Bl..._ cwo.a cU1 Mu. ..-. • • Fridaf .. November lS -FrOQl 9 to l ' Sponaored by Newport Barbor Pbet 281 for Legionnairee and 'lbeir Cuesta . . . .., . NEWPOBTBAYPOST-W~= ~wa.. - NEWPOBT-ftAJ,'B()A PRJl'ASS~ J'B A-=~ ...!~J: '4a ~ AMERICA.N° JJOOJON HALL Mewpwl ~ r.t 0 '' I Ala_. ..... tM -Z1s'i7 Ml--4 "-Y week. Call Bcaooa I • • tllll' a a 2 1'1.-MW M _. • 'p' ~ -Mr. Or~• ' . 'P.A. PALM·ER DlcmtPOllATa> . -V1ia u.,.. -,u.t --iaM tltft ..,..... > • ... lrtJW ..... .. -JW11; Imel.·--...... -t:r-i.ct ...... ----· ut -Wit a. Jll)Japwt B '"· llpJ. -· ~:; :::=.:...._ · mo.w after a:oo p. m. 1br ID· ~ 8t. ud BaJ l'lwt. Newpc:ft B1peti AJl C!ncsffte4 ... w .. ,... rw OMlt. .... , a11 et..,, ••• ._. tvvtew. tTp8t ' RBNTAL r' , / : ::: : =:. •.: w~~';';"~~~~,i .. !;~.!~~~~~i!~~~::::.:....:.l_i~-~-~~~-~-=-~-~-~-~~~~~:_:_:_:_~-=~I ~-~~ 4 ,...... I l'llpen 1ot ~ ~-~ ~ - -ulld' 011il ~ M mt !l • •1 ...-. fte pV'O n will -bl _,. ....... for _.. awt -1Mo11ect -··' '' Lftlwood V~. RJtot, luertlon ot an act..rUMmmt, .-ne.tJM rlllll to colftCtl1 elulU7 WAN'PllI>-Aetlve strl t tel I Good Aftftl" WWW ~ J14t1111•1d •n I I' I _._ -·- Ml' ...., .n ado and to reJect aey a4oeftl•mont aot ~ t• hn. ~ ~t -· _.,1ance&. IAo -1 "-""' "'' • ""· I'-;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;~;-;;;;:;;;;;;;- ""• and NlflllaUona. ilftrt!aementa and cancella!Joaa will b4 f..-.od f01' llllk ..,._-it. No llDTill. 5 OIL ft. __ _;UJU9 -jolt IO ,.W -· l>-'lfll:-. TELEVISJON N1GilJLT° -lad up to I p.m. on the d&J l'ftCedllll ~llcallon. experien .. ...,..ired. Mlut ~ .... &DVlll. I IL -laQQDr .. ,._ -~ · ~t .ieodU.e for New. a Tim .. II ·u L m.. llondQw two~. ~'~lln• tTo ~~-1' rLao !'.' MAQ!C --_...; • -~ I -.. MT&. -tal -at lllAD TllJS ,.,.., -... • .., ...._ Har. lllL aall for "Ad W or -M ..a nmtt-to •• ~ • ~-_ ~ -·-· •--. ,_fec\11-.,....., BIO --C<>sy roOIM W HEwPoH ~ PVllLmlllNO CO. oretortea. 1015 Wnt Victoria. ~ .-._ --·---' tll.119 UllG.UM& 181 ,._ -...... apl. Newly -•led \ ____ :_n::.1~1~11al~! .. !!oa~Bml..~!';_~N~e~w!:po!!!rt:!..!D~oa~dl.~_!:O!IH~l~o~ra~la.!:_____ Coala Me.,._ • , ll8ct9 OM-.... ---·--· UC1 wtolcb ta cioGMI. -Ko. Mai., .....,.. Wllltn raleo. 1tb et., c .. -. llaata -'-OCEAN FRONT HO'l1!:L 10-81191-Ouldet! .l.l!!;::--!!!!!l!rlln~~IL.~Sen~rh~-!!.... __ WANTLIAaoetatW -.... Na! -I>ale's Furniture -~·· a--J· ·--· 230I W. Ocean .._t. lfar; lld1 .:= ==--late. beral c<>1ninlaolOC1 to rtctit lfl• Bt.tllor -. _ _...... u • -,_ -ucUH Sympson & Nollar put)-. R. W. BAJITINll, ll01 °""9 M.-P111oe lbT..J .._ ..... llal'llN P'I$ .,,.._, For Venetian Blinds, Shadea and Drapery JMwe. Newport Blvd., Beacon 11278-J. fer fl-CO. lllt)ohd,. .....-~-~ p•.,.,,,.....,,.. Ir DECORATIN 1-Pl.A _,., '10.7' '*' u,.,.._~·~ 1 --~· .. ~ G -LaA VJMO .LAOllNA -H•• -at llBA.a\'8 llVlllO CO ~ •-SfLG4I mo., ut.IL po& "'l'be Best Money Can Buy'' -----------llold S-. ,,,,_ ~ 1._ lllrl> m No.--· AUid i...-INlln,, P'!".IO -. 51! , -· SL, N-rt Be·~ W Am'ED -J:xperlenced ~uto -w•; so. Wetl&-ood .. v•-·• Utt Pomona, CGota ..._ Be9. THE SHADE SHOP F?ft estimates Ph. Har 884 -~ --~ -me<llanlc. Good pay and -ot --.. Sn MON. TVQ. ~ta Aaa. Jq. 1"411'11 S7t7..J. '3tfe J'BONE HARBOR :U.Of worldnc condLtlorzo. Alao ..,. 6 WSD •• If°". Jt, » .. 21. M OOOD PftAC!'IClt PJAN08, $tlot li2lte need a mtcbanlc'• belper. Tbeo. No. Co lno JI.IL. 'Rift A.Id! , ' BAT J'ftONT -' Loft1J 2 lldrm. Robtao, Ford DMler. 211e New· Ba:r. PL i..c-a•.-1 Mel ~ '!'..:ia~ .. """'n! % bath apL ...__, poo ~t, Landscape Gardening New lawns-Ma.inUnance Free Estimates Bea. 6639sM 2p3H DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Resldentlal-Commerclal Remodellnt port Blvd., Newport 8-h, Pb. "1Z5 -tu June l~ Hu. aao. 911c99 BllC•UllZ or DEATH ---...., ,...... DANS-AL90 1 -.. ~. m - SEU. JWw -st, Iii.cl.. -~ -Pluo Ill-. lo lane ~ -Bar. 11:162 er p.a .to'f'e 6: oven. moneymtli AM. 518 No. JllalD. ttll OP Harbor 2914-M "81. T7lfc •nk, e.lec. refris.-Dra..,. A St., corue.r. Buy now for Xmu. 12-Bulldlng Serviees COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING FumitU'l"e and nap abampooed. Free estimale&--Fully lnaur<d. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Bss ..._nu. 1IUa Phone Beacon MOia W lTU., FISHER Draftifig Service 918 Coaat Hlgllway, Harbor :Ho.a Corona dd Kar 7ztf0 Complet. ln.llallat.lon, repair and .errice of all tn.ller equlpme:nL ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1t15 HAJUlOR BL VI>. Cocta Mea. Phone Betonn U2f.·R cupboenll $t00. a fL Slectn>- lwr. boQkc•w. fold1A( tied•. chain, etec. 'hu.ter. EJec. mo- ten, pii-~ roi-- Iota more. Mn&. Klmbre.ll, mu- nlcl,al Trailer Parle. Ll1)>9t BOX SPRING and nmta mat- treu for alnale bed. P1"&CllcalJ3 new, (ooet Slot) now 170. 1H Pearl, Bal.boa lslantl 8aturdaJ only. 98pl RENT A PIANO. Let the Klcldleo leam. "5 per mo. Full term rent allowed on any piano In our stock. DANZz8CHMIDT Big Plano Stort. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. n:ARL Y -ExeapUonally nJee Unturn. Z bdrm. duple~ K&ny atra fealuru. Near both 1choola. Reaaonable. 72615 Clay St., Cllft Haven. 83ttc BALllOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. nea.r So. Bay. UtU. paid.. Garalfe . '75 mo., yearly or $M mo, winter. Ph. Harbor 1871. • 'llllf• BALBOA -Modern 2 bedroom Women's Civic Lea9ue Enjoys Community Play PAINTING EARL SHEPLIN a.acTRD"1ED Muon-Hamlin or- pa. n ~ old. l jeep trailer, all ateel. call at 1433 Superior Aft .• C08la Mesa. A , B. Year--ran. 98pl MAPLE DINING T ABLK. maboc· nLcely tumllhed opt. SM mo., . na fttrlll a,. 0111ta ._ OIL ll&A.'ISR and l'U beater. any apo6& lillrary tabte. chrome yearly. Utll. pd. Phone Harbor breaklut tal>Je, 2 chalra, !old Sl>-~ Cata, Pelll 2791 ·J. 83tlc Bl&....,... .... BoUt-ta IOOd condJUon. Very Painting and . Paperhangin~ GEO. BURKliARl:Yr __ ..... 128 Santa Iaabe~ OOota -98c99 away bed. Laree trunk. 119~1 .:.;::,_;:;,:;e::;i....:;;:;::;:'7.::.;:::::..~--------------- Pacil1c Dr •• Corona. del Mar. Ph. ~ CAT FREE to iood tlome. BALBOA PENINSULA -·At- Rarbor l%'f.fisW, 9k.1 .-u.ecUonate, Rice pet. 819 W. tractlnly tum.lshed 2 bdrm. du- The Women'• Civic Le&pe ot Newport Harbor report.a • hlchl7 auccean.tl theater party Wedne. d.•Y nfcht, Nov. 7 -"en inembe"' bu.band.a and frt..W. brought out the e11.Ure bodae. ror tbe Newport Harbor Community Player .. nrst Showing or "Goodbye My l'&Acy ... The play. wu enthualuUcally received and tho. wlao attended regret that all mftllllien Wft"e .at preaent to enjoy an eftlllbg of ra.re entertalnment. They feel the community la indeed forblaate to have within it. bounct. um l&Jent· ~. w.:11-<llrectecl poup. ll08 , Slot st;; Newport Beach Pbone Harbor 241&-W before I L . m. or alter 4:30 p. m . ~ 8Sttc GJt4 Y 8UfI', bJac.k coat &nd WV• era! -all ln good condl· tJQQ • .._ l&. R«r .. ~ 807 l•land Ave., Balboa. evenlnp. 98cl VICl'OR Al>DINO MACHINE. 8 ------------1 rowa, otandard Woodltoc:k type· INTEIUO!t -&X i'ltRIOlt PAINTING La.Mw:o -m••w"-- Glenn Johnston Mlslbt St. Nnrport Beach Barbor 2287~ McU W11ter, ofttce nuorttiCUll ttght, it.eel ftlfb• boxu. Oray 2-plece MCU-1. lnQ1'1n SOOS Ocean ,..,._, Newport !leach. 98cl GIRL'S 20.ln. blcycte, good condl- Uon, ·s20. Call Harbor 1 lMO-w &fUr 6 :30 p.m. 99p Ten gUt Ucketa w.n aeat tM ,,. men at El Toro Kulne -· B & ... Howie Movers .. IL-.bNla ..... The fall actlTIUos Of tlle i...ac-Ge l C t to =:a== have com.........t with •>flal Dera On raC rs O'la!UIC A llERJln"r ran ... members 111.vitJns .. ._..,-. ato «SO i"\rat. SL, 'l\uUn, C&llf. It.I the late.t t~t CP all-auto- their homH few a ··~you:-Pbpee Klmberly ~llltS a.UC that bu nn:ythtn1 - are" mOl"!l11t.C CGlftt to aeq9Sint (Hom• P1'onea .1A.tpe-r 9-2773 or Griddle for trying everythlngi - them -Mtll lbe Leacue'a alma and Jbper 9-2887) 91ttc simmer burnen and. that crill purpose.a. --lwoile:r. UHd It 2 months, but LIMED OAK blonde aet. plutlc ae:at.L Harbor 1280. 8-pc. ieo. • dlnlng Phone 119c2 I Want to Buy a Dinghy, llltlfl. ancl>or, pr-Op. chain. ftttlnp, etc. All kinda boat ~ar-or lea•e on conslpment. Rave calla tor an type1 of bo&U, lilt yours wttb. me. Cole's Trading Port 3112 Lafayette, Nwpt., H. 1020-W -New naemkn tks. fall laducM: HAULING tt'1 clean. like new. I owe 40-FT. COMM!:RCIAL spt. n.tier. Mmes. C. D. CunniniJbam. W . 8 . l1W7. My rquJt.y alt FREE If ~·-for 20 ~era. New Kilpatrick. Leroy Fay, Warren ANY ~Traalt or? you talte P•tmenta of $7.f2 per' Chrya)er Crown motor tn Aue. Howland, Carn>U Ric-. B. Call Wall<er-lS76 l'ta«ntl& mo. See >Ir. s.qa.a. 404 So. Aho S·S-radio. Sips. 2. Built 8. B&um , Altce GUertfn, Herbert Spadra. N.lerton. 9 a.m. to 8 JH2, rebuflt 1948. Can. be. Wll><>n, Maudie Wlsyte. ~TU· Costa Mesa-Beaccn' 8372-JK p.m. Pb. :rt&Z. 92lfc bourht on terma. -· See Bob t•r. Mary Lo~ Smith, Leroy Lin· 1tc7r.H EMien. nard, Sidney Bandera, Clinton ------------Montromery Ward Supreme wrin.c-So th C t Co Trimble, Fomoot Neal. Ken Nllea, p APER HANGING .. type wuhlng machine. $311. u oas . Percival M. Wlllianu, and Henry . . . PbOM Beacon Sl5T8-J 97c99 Nt>wport Beach Pit.. Bar. 2tOO Guerin. The Le._,ie mem.l>enlslp &t Painting, Spray Palnting 1------------9llfc now totals l:S. wo~ "No~1 V. th n,, ~ca, fL ~ frttM ·.,i;;o.- bad for an orpn!Ut'lon 'which.-, , .+">~e . , -i: ...,arrv, ' i>o11bl ; clio:41tson. , , fd~i' tor ytt to celebrate its nrst bittbday, 161& Buta Ana Ave., Co.c.a li.. eouP1e. Cash onty. S17~.~-··Phone luh! .. bout membe.ra. ..._.. B11eOB llM -Harbor 24-M·W'. 98cl • . WWWIB OOLDSPOT roblprtlto<, I cubic Island People -re 71n.a -.,. ,_ b1 NJto n.. r-ea-*-m 0tnt.ar st .. . -are loold• to ""1· Coota M-. Beae<a --W. Home from Hawaii l4-l'WnoDlllll ' . l8p89 ; -wllb uwy memorle9 or ~1' Pommatle Koqle ... eel, Ille e.-·i.1e-La a ,,_, of ~ •"""111111• loat .....aitlcm. M6. lttt Senta '8al'boe Island people who returned Wrtte P. 0 . 9oz ftO AM Aft., CMta Mua. BM.con J(-,Y'on the Lurlln•. Mrs. Ron-Bal~ laland. CalK. 5830..J. 98cl a14' Barlow of A.gale Ave., reporta Phone Kimberly 3--6311' ebe la glatt to be home, and Ulat the '"Bhlp • atlll roe~." , lira. Buknr and her two chJl· -· --and Noel, went Wtta Mn. Barlow"s pa.rent.a. Mt. """ Mn. G<org• Buh. Only WAI tp GU tbe lrtp wu when Mn. BMb. ftll and broke ber foot on the 4ay tbe.7 boarded t.be boat to come llqa>L . .Aloo oa ~ the ~ .....,, .... -Mn. J:dwud s. Dboa "' o.....t •-and lllr. WorU:. ¥riL DI,,;,,.·. rat11er, anc1 11r. aDc1 U-l..09& ... Woad --.... Mra. ..... bet ... '8cbsn WU Oftf UM.re, bat planed --, . ' City Hulaor Pu11ol lo•tobeSold " ' Alllllorlly to all U...clt,y'• ls&r- 1""' patrol lloat. "PUcl,y," ... ii... Ille City ...._ ..,. • Ille ~Qu dlat~~ ~::C; .......... w u.. w- ~ :u.t -c:ntt --...... -·· , •• -. lie ... kab• ... ... -,..----~.· ' LOS'J\-Lmp .wtsftA f-cat, Penlaa. Pl•••• jilo.-Kn. 149, Udo 'fNllor co..t. Bar. rnll-llftard. -! Wuhl rn•r W£DIN'O ua JNn• --..... '° .. VDelle ..... Jlew,.t • JS tb --19f-V. l'rpl • • • F.ISKING BOA'r -22 fL, lap atralc.e. Model A conftnlon with 0oco l......,laLors. Nffds loU of work bu.t ha.• cood hull. S3M or beat oUe.r. Phone Barbot' 23.$1, Gle.nn. Nc98 • • JIUI SL, nUl' Placentia. Cocta plex with sundeck. Winter or Kua. Beacon 8872-R 97c99 yearly. Reasonable. Hf,r. 3019-R I -83lfc !°"-I!.~-~~,tl_M • BALBOA-Winter rates $30 • $40 FOR SALE Family irocery -Ideal for :i. eouple. Low rent. Ex.ceUenl lo· cation. Approx. $2600. WANTED Paint or Hardware It.ore -At.o card and book rental buslneas. When you want to buy or &ell your bUllneu, call Ed L. Sedelmeier 1621 Cout BIYd., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2786 mo. incl. utll. SlnC"les and doubles. Servel retrtg. Clean. Good beds. SOlll> Main St .. Bal· boa. Harbor 31GO-W. • -8tfa Balboa Island We have several ettnctlve apta. and houae1!1 for winter rental etartlng at $45 mo. and a few _yeerly rental.a starting at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 308 Marlne, Balboa Ial. Hu. 502 ' 89Uc BALBOA Pil:NINSULA -Furn· Wled Bingle apu. $25 and $3:1 mo. to June l~th . Frtgtdaif'e. Laundry available. UUI. incl Ha..rbor 127~\V. ' 83tfc FURN. APT. on water, patio, ga- rage. Adult.a. $75 mo. or will leaae-. 617 • 38th St., Newport Bea.ch. Harbor 691-W. 71Uc ' I i I 1 ' • • s HA _V 1 ~ R M:fo T O_.R -~ I ' . •< Give You ~tber· ' I r IFIR'sw ) '46 Mere. Club, R., etc .......... ·-····---·-··-···' -. ~ • '46 For~ V-8 Spec., Deluxe -·--···---$ '195i '41 Plymouth Spec., Q(eluxe ···-·--·-·$Ms '40 Pontiac Club Cpe., 6 cyl .............. $ ~75 - '49 DeSoto Cust. Sedan ...... -.. -.1.-....... ,f1295 , '51 'Henry J, 6 cyl. Sedan ··-·····--·····-·-·:$1005 . . . '49 Chevrolet Tudor . . . ................ : ..... $1245 . ; .. '48 Dodge Convertible .... , ... ___ . ___ $J2Q.5 • MANY OTHERS Also A Few New 1951 Dodges At A Saving of $300 • INVESTIGATE "We Tnlde for the Best and Undersell the Rest-" SHAVER MOTORS . I DODGE . PLYMOUTH 1680 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Beacon 6907 A-1 , ·used CAr Specials · 1947 STUDEBAKER Ch&mplOD. convertible, H & R New f'll.ll vlal.oD ,,top. New cweam paillL Motor overhauled ························································-······$116!5 11M2 CHEVROLET 2-dr. dlx. Fleetlllle. H I< R. New palnt 4 mechan1cally A-1 _ ........................ $ 845 1942 DODGE f-dr. custom &edaa. Fluid Drive. ljew paint Iii M&t covers. Motor overhauled ............... $ a46 BANK TERMS "llJLLMAJ.~ MINX DEALER" NEWPORT AUTO SALES 26(M. W. Newport Blvd.: Newport Bea.ch Barbor 1407 ' Used Cars ' A,1 . JOE NICKERTZ ' '!)() Ford dlx., H &: OD .... $1465 ';>D Ford V-8 dlx sedan $1395 '47 Dodg• Dix .• 2-dr., R STUDEBAKER DEALER Certified Used Cars & H ............................ $ 985 '47 PoaL Bed.. R .. H ...... $ 875 'U Mercury Bed., RA H ' 575 'ti) DeSoto Bed., R 6 H $ 485 '38 Plymouth Z-dr. ----··--' 99 '49 Stude cl. aed., Hl<OD' ~ '+7 DeSoto eed., R 6 HI< OD ................ ., ........ :.$1295 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1950 STuDEBAKER Commander 5 paaa •tarligbl coupe. 1be most beautttul car In Ameri· ca! Tulip cream.. n y l o n : upholitertnc to match. Auto. maUc transmlssion. Radl.o, etc. Mu.t eee to apprec.late. Save $1000 today! . .l-,STIJDEBAKilR Clwn"""' t· dr. dlx. aed&n. The economy car l(ives 20 -26 11\fJes per : gal. A spe<:i&I today $H91! 1949 STUDEBAKER C •am pioa Ion Rep! deh•xe t dr. eedan. Orig1nal tan fini..h like new. ' Theodore Roqins YOllJ' Ford ~ 5M COAST HIWAY =· h:::.er, :e~e'::ef;9! ' 8-con 8804 Newport1BeUh Hours: Week d&yo 8 'tll 1:30 Sundays " Hollda)'B ie ·w t real buy! Only U95 <dQwn. 1939 DeSOTO f-dr; ~ eedaa, over· drive, radio. Runs nne, only $91! down. • . Ml5 Newport. Blvd. at Via Udo (By Lido Tl>Mttt) N-ilort BMd>. Pb. Harbor 510 Eves. or Sun., Hat:bor 2975--7 • I I I . I. BLANCHE A. GA'l'J!S, Realtor FRANK L. SHUFELT . • J. llAR'1'IN . . 311 Marine Ave .. , Balbo& Island· l'b. Bar .. 1871 ~1172 ;Eveii. Harbor 18'11 BAIJ30A ISLAND .. -1 • liq Front-Here ·~ Opportlllllfy! ! ! Value ~u cllana In J& delichtful home with attractive.. one bdrm. apt., W!I dedt. n.i. won't l&llt See toclay! $27,500 Price Drastically reduced on tbill excellent Income property. 8 .apts., co~ly fUrnlahed. Better see this today. .. Business Income · on Coll!it Jfighway Bu!ldlng with 7, reliable tenants. Shows 20% in· cOIDe on invstment. Room to build. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Attractive .Terms. * BµN~ A •. GATES -REALTOR • • • • • Bay & Beach Bargains On the-Waterfront . • Charming little farm house--3 bdrm&. and 2 bat~ the waterf'l'OnL ~ew and complete in every deta11. 106 CL bulkhead wtth.. room for 2 crut91era. private beach. Pter and allp will be ~Ued. $36,000. I bdrm. bome beautif\llly !Um.ished and wtth loads of privacy. OWn beach. pier and altp. Beautiful home in choicest k>caUon. Patio facfn.s bay and sandy beach. Nice planting& 4 bdrm.s., excellent )teat-year rouad home.. It's one of the fineat. $66,000. Bma.11 waterfront home Y.ith pier and Blip at $15,600. Good weekender! BAY & BEACH REALTY lt.50 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 • * • * * * WE HAVE IT • 2 • 1---·--lot eo a . i-. ,.... ••1110, .., $8tlO down ·------..... ke"' lot IJO lL l '111. 'l'otaJ prioe I "3()0. I G, I. Re8ale a lldrm., 111.. pr, rented yvd, ' Jot A x 115, Hilt lbopplils -- ter. Prk:a fl'llJO. °"""' ... ,. ~ 0 , L -· ,_,, f&I, - s "*"'· -· """' Jee. uw. ....... nro1tlace, • doubl• ,_, and llma1I ""'I.al (915 month). m okSer home Wt a very Sood One. '10,600. °"""' 1'0¥· .2MO. Income Property Well built 2 bdl;jft.bome • and 3 UAlta; roam. for. MON OJ\ lot 87 x J '78;--nKr' center of town. £,,- tate sale, $16,000. Acreage S Acree, lndu.atr\al .... -"·--···17600 6 Acres, Agl'tcultm-e ... -..... SfSOOO J Acrea. Back Bay . . ...... : ... $MOO G. N. WEI.I.S, Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 DUPLEX, pier and float near altOppJns and bu.a line. Ex· eeUent cond1Uon. Brick patio. fireplace. New modern kitchen. Ea.sUy converted. to tarce hOme. Pr I c e $18.MO, unfarnlahed. Terms. New Lido Listing . It you an looklnr tor a reuon· ably priced home on Lido hie, SEE Tlln!_ 2 bdnna., walled pe.Uo, Uvtng rm. h u be&med etlllng and comer fireplace. Lota Of tlle ln kitehen and bath. Ola& encloaed tub. Attractive modern celon and papen. 2 • . . , .. • • • • Owner 8aJI! '19111!'' u you ... .... ... , c IDr • 1aiy. -BeJbo&. ll"llai•""lld-....... ti* .......... ..u lotMed_, &pt. OftJ' a 3-ar .....,.. with utr. 111st .-and % + l!ath below. ~ lot, pleDtJ ot -to ~ ~ front. Nicely turnlahed. I • ·-Come Iii today Ul4 mab ~ ott--rooct tenna. • • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager , 312 Marine A~ .• Balboa I.aland . Ph. Harbor 20t2 • (&lleDinp Beacon 6747-J) . , . ' EXCLUSIVE BAY .SHORES THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Pres.ents these · Exclusive Listings 11) ,,,,..., bedroom, 2 bat]I CO"'pletely fl&mlalled Sl8,l!OO 12) Three bedroom, 2 bath, modemlalle llonle .... $21 ,000 (3) ,,._ l>edroo.tt. 2 bath. IUCb type. lovely c~ and drapes .... ,_ .............. s .... --···-···$22,l!OO (t) '!Wo be<lroora. 2 baUo, Jwwnouoly flmllohed $24,l!OO (8) Two bedroom.a. 2 bath, pl\11 enclOHd lanai, beaulltul borne on corner lat ............. ·-·········---·-.m,500 . We haYf' jUllt ~etftd lf.stl:l\p on two vacant Iota on Bay Shores -enjOy a beauUtUJ. borne in this uolual'H: area. 208 MAJU?n: A VlC., llAUIOA ISLAND Ph. Har. 2161-Har. 4U (eveo. B. MllO-J-B . Tm-WI BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT WELL BUILT and well located t bd~. and maid's room home plus 2 hedrm. apt. ~onderful view of South Bay. Pri1(ate pier and fioat. Good double gt.rage. Full price complete!)' furnished. $-(7,500, terms STANLEY HADF'FEI.D, Realtor • ( • . = .. ~Y. NOV. ·11. 1911. I ( _$1000 dowa ~run Price • ' ' I -~~--·~~-'''-l!~~~--~0-9.&:~-~~~-'-~ ,,... bdJ'9. ~· ODii .. ...... • • w.w ~ ~·\._--:.:::::. ,• .•J.!! b!! .•.. , .•.•• I! .. • ..... ' • • 4 "' pleted. u .,... .... mtereollld .. . ~ ' a l&rp-~ a -npM, 0 HQT~E Wala_k>_LWlNt... , UD ' • • =· ::::. .:::..;::::: . . . bd~t -12:00"' 5:00 . :, t:.-~ ~ ::::' ::_ : 307~~ . Coron1r del Mar ·· ' .. • ·l"edUCed • tbe ..iuoc pn.. ll'QGI 1 • JSOOO.,Lot 11llQ•110.• ~ bedrOOlll bcime, ·~~ moaern.-Wall to wall • • • - $2750down - h.auuM 1.w-i.om ... C1-in JocaUC.. Brana new. Rwd. (ln.., clQal ~n: fl!el>lac•, J&rre lt'fin& 1-0iit!! and· dlnlng room. SUdlar door • .Le.rp kltcben wth we oink. Featutea a be&Wnit patio with t.b:He entrancu trom t.be home.. 'nlae homM llM built lltlder rlcld FHA epedtl· catlono. ~mte Oft the INll• ance-are only $88 per mo .• In· eluding \.U• and lM\lf'&nC:!e. The ~ deal in Colla lieu. Full pri ..... only-, $11,400 . On Broadway Very bke 2 barm.home on Coeta Mea'a fll'ttl9l. itreet. Hwd. firs.. very nice bdrms. Tile floor Cn .bat.broom. L&rge kitchen. Gar-- age, bar-1)..q. Thia la a real bQ¥. OWnt>r ls IMvtng lhe al"M. 1\111 pt1ce la only- $9450 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 11166 Newport Blvd., Coot& M.- Phone Beacon 7121 (Acroao trom Costa Mesa Bank) Eves. Ba. 3157·W Bea. MM-J Corona del Mar WHY PAY RENT? $1590 down Nf'&t 2 bdrm. cottage, .nice loca- tion. ALSO THESE FOR $2500 down eM'plitlng, drapea, dou.ble flimacn. A2 .I .COJIBti'uc· • uOn: 'Lille .-. L4rp lot l. blOck to dcean. Price 1 ,lll,OOo: Atb'actl"t Tenm. Call Harbor 2474. I . BEACON BAY ·· s • I · .Ideal LOcation -Beautlflllly tllniiabe\l 3 bedroom bome. 1 * ti&tha, I forced _al,r furn..:e. 2 outside lflR>wen, lovely ""tio. ONL'f ONE YEAR OU>. . ' I ALSO 1 bedroom ~nt. completely furnished. Now .leeaed until jl June.. Tills llome must be eeen to be appreciated. Call' Harllor 1775 tor appo1ntinJ.,t to ..,., this home - and inoome apa'rtlhent. • Beacon Bay Wa,terfront Beautiful 3-bedroom hoine. Large living room, din, ing .room wjth pikture windows. Completely fur- nished. Patio wlU! barbe!lfe. Guest apartment.' Call . Harbor 1775 for an appomtment to see this. · INVESTORS ATTENTION Business Income -Newport Blvd. ·. 1NV£gJ'[GATE--2 Buildtri?, 4100 aq. ft. fir. area LEASES RUN TO MARCH and AUGUST, 1956. • • Excellent return on inYelrtlnerlt. Prioed right, Mull. No. 2058. ~ Mary Dickson at Hartlor 1013. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coa.at. Hlway Newport Beacb . 2211 Karine .A .... Balboa Ialand 15th and Irvtne / Newport Beach 3113 Newport Blvd. ·- ;r . Are You Anxious to Sell? Will conaider a.s low u $4 r,o() dn. You've asked for a BAY· ( Exclwdvt> listing-• FRONT home on L I D 0 216 Marine ti-ve .. Balboa Island -• Hartlor 20 1-2 bdrm. Ir. den ................ $ I , 750 2-2 bdrm. G. L Resale ...... $10,600 115 Coast HJ,..y Corona del Mar Newport Beach . ' • We have opened a new real ea- tate offl1:e at 900 W. Balboa Blvd"' and would 11.ke to ltat. youl' property for Kie Or rent. We ad•erts.e out of tOWh as. well u locally and w!H do our belt to move your property quiok.ly. Balboa Palms Realty 900 w . Balboa Bl'fd. Har. 3414 -Be wlae--tell people-advert.iae ! Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 1% to 10% & MORE "PLACE YOtm P!tOCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" Every loan title Insured_ $3,381-lst T . D. pays $4 0 mo. 8%, all du• 1958. $3,&M--lat T. D. pays S•O mo. 6 %, $360 di.scount. $3,875--lat T. D . pays S•O mo. 8 %, $160 discount. $6,080--lat T. D. pays S80 mo. 7% $9,686--lst T. D. pays s100 mo. 6% $3.300-2nd T . D . pays $33 mo. 6')C-. '"°° dlacount. Free oollecttoo servitt. BOB SATTU:R, 1415 Co&st Blvd. Corona del Mu-Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIEI\ MORTGAGE CO. Metro Llte Ina. Funda Kl S-:>180 ISLE at a price you could Stock, Chicken Ranch afford. Look at this. 20 acre•. 12 acree perm.anent pu· On tne NORTH BA YFRONT In lure. S houses. barn, .t.ablea, idea.I location a 3 bedroom, 2 completely lrricated. Abundant b8th home that a1M> hu maid'• cheap water. Equtpment for room, 2 dJ'ejJi.ng a ah 0 we r 15,000 chickens. PrlCe, $40,000. rooms. unJt beat. 2 wn decka, Terms, trade. ctrcnl&r bre&kf'ut bar and poi-GREENLEAF &: ASSOC. atbilltiea plof'tl. Imactne all Bui:LDER -REAL TOR this and completely turaiahed 3112 Newport Blvd., Ka.tbor' 2M2 at only 13:8,&00. 'thta .u rooJc bottom so no Qffera u at lh!a price it ls a ateal Also on. UDO ISLE near the CJubhouae a very clever 3 bed- f'OOm. 3 bath home on ntce cor- ner lot. Thia home hu many deetrable featu~s. one be I n g ha.tdwood floors. cannot be duplicated at lotar 'I' r l t e of ONLY $18,00<F-Hurry on thla. ALSO Some choice lot.a for ale on LIDO ISLE. Severa.I watrtront lol.5 for income units a.11 well u cross street lots at price• well under the market. We an the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Here you can aee onJy EX- CLUSIVE Ii.sting&. Here a little BUYS a LOT. P. A. PALMER. INCORPORATED 3333 Via Ll:fo Newport Beach. Oalit. HarboT ll!OO Beautifully Built 1 Bdrm. Home PERFECT FOR A COUPLE. Built thli Jea.r tor Ute pwner. lt'a the dl.stlncUve ranch type with red- wood fl!'nclng, patio an~ ga.rden Excellent Coeta Mesa location. '7995 Newport Heights $2000 down Attractive 2 bdrm. home -3% yrs. old. Hwd. floors, dbl. gar. A. bargain-Price $8!)00. . Newport Heights O..min« n~ 3 bdrm. tancb type home wlih fireplace. Beat hwd. noora. Many cloaeta and bullt- ffts. A love ly home, .S12,250. Beacon Hill Realty '88 Newport Bltte. (above AJ"dl.ell) Ph. B. 5713-n or Eve.9. B. M32-W COSTA MESA G. L. RESALE Nearly new, lov>ely 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, beamed ceiling, shake roof, dollble gal'., large glaaaed in living room facing rear yard for outdoor living, in best lilast Side neighborhood. Only $2500 down. Ea.oy G. l terms1 4% 1nt. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 • WILL ACCEPT 34' to 50' Power Cruiser ' as Part Payment on BEA~ 3 ·bdrm. home on :Y1 aCl'I!, est&te BeC· tion, Encino Valley. Furniahed in antique, glaJlll enclosed lanai, ci trus o.nd shade trees. Fenced. Pri- vate. Phone Owner State 4-9348 ' I i t, Scl Corona del Mar Real Estate Is Your Best Investment Ocean View, new 3 bdrm. 2 bath 3-New 2 bdrm .. new tuftlS- ture, complet~ ?"1y ...... SU,llOO TOM PAYNE, Rltr. 310 Cout Hiway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2774 2 Lots -Costa Mesa For thllt new home -yoo should buy these two eo x 127 foot lots. bµy one· or Best Home in Huntington Beach 216 Crest AV,e. Open for Inspection Sunday 1 -5 p.m., Nov, 18th . Six bedrooms plus 2 bdrms. servant's house. 4- car garage, play liouse, en~ bilrbi!cue, lath g..-ho.ue, riding )lorse cornJ, tennla court, rose garden, ·shrubs, shade, etc. GEb. W. ~ELL, R . E. Broker 3003 N. ·Main St., Santa Ana Phoqe KI., 3-9758 • both. Loct.ted close by --------------------- N~wport Blvd. above the Arche11 on 15th St. near corner of Orange Ave. Have paved alley in a block of nice homes. Priced $1485 Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE Harbor 63 $1500down 6 room home, oak floors. firepl~. beamed ceillnC, knotty pine tn· terlor, fumiilhed it deal.red, ocean view, nice section of New- port HE"lght.a.-¥ulllple u.ttng. $2000 down $1250 $1250 Brand new 2 bdrm. home on corner 'A acl'e. Has redwood exterior. Forced air furnace. Tile in kitchen. Nice bath. Lots of warc!robe and closet space. Owner will,sacrifice ! Must be sold today! , • ONLY $6250 full price • • r I $1250 OOwN1 -~alance $50 per mo. ' . 1 - . EN"·~· '·&.Aas .. B. . ' I • ' o ' :J ·~ ' I< "' I • • • pc ' , ' • 400 Cot.st Hiwy., Corona de! 'Mar Har. 1862 (eves. H. 51-M:) Xtra Speci.8.l Values ; TWO WANT $MOO LOAN llllt TD) on brand new 2 bdrm. holn• in ex· $7250 Full Price cellent location. Ph. BeL M98 2 bdrma., 1 blk. to ocean tront. wATERFRONT -l!!xcl\llll~ BaJ. New Homes _, boa Ooves, lhiS beauti~I ~e 'J'1rr&e..1 bdrm.-2 bat.hs-overslz.ell home. W to W carpeting_ and 3 bdrm. turniahed botllll!, neu drapea lncluded.. Bw-d. floor&, Newport pter, exchange tor On-$4500 -o- day. Q8pl wondertul lncoJM poulbllttle.a. WANTED-$3000 pnvate ioan on Should return to S127~ per yr. !)-room hoWJe •t CDM.. Oceaa. Low upkeep. attractive terna. aide of boulevard. 1e3 N. Hill, Hat. ·25:>2. (Eves. Har. 2914-)1) Pasadena. 99e2 __________ •_:ru_c --Result.a come from constant BEAtn'IFUL 1 bdrm. houae UD• Practice! An ad regulari,y ln thl!! tu.mlshed, $299~ hill price. 389 W . Victoria, O>sta Meaa.. PhoM Beacon 5606-M. 12tfc paper will produce TeSQJb tm you. . M-Money to Loan LOANS for Homes 5',\-20 yr. Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 6 • 6~% (It )'TS.) WE BUT AND SELL TRUSI' DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER 1U6 -COAST BLVD. Corona de! Mar Harbor 10'Tf...J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite lnS. Jl'unda • Kl 1-111815 LOANS TO BtJILO, DIPROYI:, BUT.~~~OB We eu, TtUt DM&r 1!111:WPORT BAUIOA FllDICRAL BA. YINQB • LOLN All9N. aw Via Udo PIL s.r. -. REAL ESH.TE LOANS Inten.t·Rate -15'!' -qutdltJ -.. tho Bq .u... -i-. 8-.,ie .. mllltlplo---old. .. w1a ....... "7 rN'P z•c ,.,..,,. , ...._,th--- ,.... -•D •• -,. • L aary Lt tl12• R s ...... ~n I lfll I•--~ T ARIMMA;JIA'f . ~a=·] a a,, .. ---.... .tll& BALBOA -By owner -Fumlah· eel DUPLEX an corner. Bay view, near Newport ~ Yacbt club, 511,l!OO. 8211 West Bay Ave. Harbor 2948-R or Mr. Lohn. Kllll ble 0111. 18pt * * * * THE· PRESS . . THE NEWS-TIMES • l THE POST ' - Ota119• Couty' 1 :Out1#ontlin9 Reol E11o1e Mi ,.,,,., Okie-small 2 bdnn. and garage. Nr. Cath. church. storea and t.ra.na. Only $1400 dn. A $40 per rnCJ11lh. $8496 Lge. 3 bdrm. older. home In good condition. Deep lot. Nr. a(ores I::: tranaportatlon. X:Z tenn.s. . $8500 IC't· t bdrm. hom•.'Cloee in Eui Side. About T yrs. old. Dbl. gar .. ~. swdl home for lge. Ca.m- IJ¥. E>ocel, ~rma. • B. A. NER~N (1.)-G. I. Resale dual fir. ni1'taee" fenced, patio, ta.rio area, $6000. sprtnklen fn>Dt • rear, eo· lot. la trvly dlsUncttve. -~oua 2-car attached ga.rage. Located 3 bdrm. home. RWd. nr., llv. rm and dinette. One yr. o1d, nice loc., rear yard fenced. Comfortable ll\l'tng. Priced al $10,4M-$2&80 dn .. ~2 a mo. -o - (2.)--Good Valtre 2 bdnn. home, ll•. nn., 11t1t· It balb. L&rg. k>t-'-80 x =· ll'ull . prtce ~ Terme. Br.low r~ placement ccM. -o- Only Ul,IOO, -tnlnaf.......S. K~ in our omce. W. E. Fisher · Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith · IU'altor -Amoclate 918 0-l'lhd., °""""• clel Mat Phone HarMt 244-9 (3.)-M.iniature l{ome Exclusive-~ 8mx11 one """"' -. otnsie. Lido 1•1e _ ... 1'._.,.,..... "" 8 Unit Rental 2 story etucco taclll6 Ille ~. I garqea, fine 1-e, UT,llOI. Exch&np equU~ for Riv-de or San Sernankno area. N. B . C. REALTY CO., 111'·18 N ... · port Bhd., N ... pi><\ Bel.to. ft. Harl>o!-HO!! (-.. L lt•J. llviliS nn, and din. ~ JRoom7 QI\ t.f.ee..11ned gentle ldoplng tor- ktcbee. Two. hpl., 3 b&tll& 2 ner lot. I .. bdrma. Immell8e dqfndlorF ua)oit&ln-would •ullY OCMWl't THIS lltto I comfortable bejb'o<>mL -d. floors. BBQ. Amu>ge-H In -already made , .... -' as come tloat ellp. This prope~ Is a Two bd.1'9\, home wtib spacious 2: ~ .. on tour Ji.rt-! • Pi,loec1 at bdJ'lll!I. apt. over 2-car garage calJ' ·$36,000. with verf, ftry wit.at: view ot ocean. IMd termL I · C a;-lands • ' BO'l1H .HOKl:B ABE RANCH . orona &":'6&U t>UPl.EX-Moclem and atn.ctlve. ~ with Ule bt.tb.s, rart>eP Lare• comor -,lol>-bY owner. ~ unit ha.a Uv. rm.. i--~ Iarp encJOIOd pattoo, Priced low. .... liar. 2t-J or . 1IMlchen • bath. Extra ,_ owi'atsed paneled !lrepl&cd, Har. 30el·R. 119cH · -• bf.th adJolU, .._ ~ clof'<*ator. colo,. and wall pa· • : 9eot !lollloa BIY<I. loc&tilon lie-poni llepente laundl')' rooma'.. Lido ·T-le twoen bay•"""""-vutn1ahecl: ' r '. IPl1llt -... .-idic ~· IMxponan !Mna'· 'f-fw '3500 "''1* - Ml 0-S t.emi. · aftlJ&ble. j Total 500 -502 Poina..ttia, Lute roomy 5 bedrm. home, 2'bdmt., 2 b&th -..U. 11..-.,ice '1T,l500.. • I 1 •• ......,.,. Udo NoN !lA.YFRONT. atoa• ~ -_,,.. • ~'l'Ot-RAin'iT at,... .•. ., iqrirona.del Mar .". Qmi~y t.nil.be.i. Plier =~::.. ~ ~· t Tim -._ ..... -~lljl .o.n-. HarboTb_ ... !621•J ""2 N•wpoit BM!., 0oeta )(-Lota alld A-· Aftllable aad llip, Full priQe ~9i60() ~ Lola ot mu ... -wt ... •U-S • .,,,. "1't-II ~ or -;rour • ...,.... • • .!!.. ~ BMoott 112211 •$14,MO wil ..... Oity ....... .. • ....... l'\ll>t up your llftl1!:t~lllJ -•• - ·-&&..., IMO) H.. a Clart.l Broltfll' Awn 4 .. • .. \•. (l'llmltu~ -.. ~ It aboUt 100 ft. -.-,,..Uttnr . ~:. ., ..... _ _ .. _.. _,, .... _ 0 -• ~DOl' Investment -., _ = .. ~. ~ ..... -· P~ ,HAVEN ... -o- • ....,..u Hci•-....... -La PERLE REAi TY ' ~i:.-:S "::i .. ~ 1ata 8--. o.:' ,,_ ·' Compt.n_y . $12,500 full price ~ :~': ~ ~.:,:. '°.t"T .. ~~Y:;. '°l: J'aJ'I ~ In Ir-o1 -P!:mo 9 111• fMs. ~...... 21' ~ llome, kmtf7 llrlelt I bdrm. apt. DOlltM -a S--i ..... -; oa ·tarca .._uUtul .a ot tile w1•1n ....... ~ Sid fll•llce, Meda l"lldllcoraUDc· .pt;. UP. Ola~ le .... 811' t 'aiUful eora"-er-PT.m:· fif lllllo-"'-..,..•·--a N••jlCift~ Pll.-1100 u--. -.-'"*••-tloa. ~'980. ~,. .-ntJ<·z---....,, --1o........ NOTICE: •..-ftlleoil ~ ,..._ oat _. -.._. • ~ oria. ' •r 1 .r•L-.. Hwa TrMen! Home and~Rental ~ ~ :;:.,= "'.... BelboallesltyCo. a11 ~ -----.,:..; ll8T 11 t' I Aw., a.... ... -a 111 • 1 -2 ' ...... I •• ,, ...,._.. • ......__ .. ...-~ ·'--.-. •1;: C -+ ~ •la rss.#1 . P A. P"'L••ER ""• aisnmi ••• -• .... -......stT 1o • z· 'Ft e 11"1'1'1 __ : ~•-• , --.,. '*'"-,.... '-..._ u. 111-.i1 r ,,,., ell 7 P' •.a••::~ -· •.aa •• ...., an 1 .:..;;..;~:..:.;~-------1 ,.._ -..., ...,. 1111u11 .. 1 111 11 w a 111 s1 a w Rim• _,. -•• 11 "i~~-~j ... ••<a a' 12 .... -. ...... .. ~ ... ~ I I .. _..... •• ,.. ca •• ' rwL Ill ..... ft ..... • 49 ...:.z.,.i:. HI SIP tt ~·J!'.., "8 I llN a, ',,. --••• ,~ .... ''ti t;; il::~ ... --::.1.,. a Bsa~ ai.a, :., .. ~:ts,1~ ... ,... ... -. .. ..._ .... ,... . ~ • • • . _ I " ~ Folley, Colort4 P••·lea4y, Cllf·ap FRYING CHICKENS Kohr's Best-Val Eastern SLICED BACON Boneless, Lean,,~ubed PORK CUTLETS FIESHSUCED PORK LIVER OUI OWN FAMOUS MAKI COUNTIY ITfLI - PORK SAUSAGE 29~ 43~ • . Nov. 15;.16-17 GET UNED UP EARLY. . •' • FOR THE FEAST ••• .. AND SAYE!! . ·Folger's -All Grinds · • . COFFEE • BETI'Y · CROCKERS . BISQUICK LAIGE PKG. • • / OCIAN SPRAY . Cranberry Sauce 15-0Z. CAN Straloed , C&H BROWN OR POWDERED CANE SU CAR - 1-lb. Pk gs. ' GOLDEN STATE ht 9UALITY BUTTER • \_ IUt 91!A11TY-LAIM SMOOTH NEW CIO~ANCY CALIFORNIA HT111ATID .CONCINTllATID 59i. RED'YAMS -LAIGI l'IYING SIZE SHRIMP DATES 1.,b. 25c · Pkg. COFFIE "IESCAF£' 19f& LUll'S PUii LARD ' • 2 LI~ 25c SPECIAL OFFER! KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes 4-oz. 49c JAR Oae 12-0L PackaCJ• lo" au for O•e 1-oL Ollly Pack a CJ• • ELICATESSEN FOODS U you're stumped for new way. to Uven ap "old" meals, you'll find a multi- tude of Ideas amoag AIJ.Ameriean'• low-priced DellcateM!n delkadeL ' Krey's Canned PICNICS 4!· s3s• lbs. · IONILISS llADT·TO-IAT LASCO, READY• TO·IAT KIPPERED COD ss~ ILNT BEEF EiCHll.ADAS . ILNT TUIKIY T.U.NOVERS • ' SAYOIY'S TASTY! 4 'for s1 • MAO lOUl'MllJ.S COMl'LITI Wlnl.OVI DSTY, llAD'f· TOoSHYI SA1.AO$I • • J • I COMPLE'J.E SHOPP.ING CENTERS I Soa• ·111 Rivera I • IJl1 ~2\V.!rt:~, "••• ........ lfl, . I •NORWALK 11111 llAIT rn1••••• •• •• .... .,, ..... ..., ....... ., . • • Nl\le28! ... •acH , • • • PEAS _, 11 .... c:.. . • CllAM STYLI CORN 1~:!: 15c SLICED i HALYIS YELLOW CUNG PEACHES . II•· 2'1• 25c Caa l'IUIT COCKTAIL No. 21/J 32C: Cao --_._ /~ ,o • • (• ._. ( l ... " f I /fOMATO CATSUP I ....,... httl• . 1 _17~ TOMATO JUICE ..,._: 25c Ca• l'OMATO SA-UCE 4~25c PINEAPPLE JUICE .. ~ 23c • lord••'• No••·Such 41 C Laara Sc ders hre · ·59c MINCE MEAT . MAYO '.·:NAISE Lfe. 24-cta. Jar .••. ,........ · Fr.II qaett ............... -•. · l'AC/,\1 Af.D. rtssu1 9UA11rr -. t . ~ .oilet Tis . sue Old Mr. a_....._. - . • O•.-uft 80 ,,,,__ VO ._, _ ....... H..~~A Ypfl,. v ... , . "''' $~.1... -111"1H ~ V"f :::::::::: • • ' I ' • , ' • ••• • .. . . . .. • • PIRATES FLY TOMORROW · FOR BOISE, IDA.' GAME . . . Ray Roeeo. U t.eaa:n memben, .....i..tant coachea Job Huuton Harper and Roy Ward. equipment man .. er "Bu.My"' Ha:rrts, and mane.gen Fulton Snitlh and Jams Chamblee wtlJ bolird a ch&rt .. end pla.rlf' P:"rldaY noon wft.h Orange Cout colJece adminlstratln otft- cta.la and a .sportA Writer for Cout'• &Ttd Jnvuk>n ot Botae, Ida., Sa~t· urday afternoon and a pme wtth undefeated BolN: Jay.ee. The Pintea wUl attlw ln Bola@ at .5 :30 p.m. J"rtday alter ahot't la.ndinp al Lu Vegu and Salt Lake City for condtUoaJng and lOo.enlng up uerciaea. Saturday'• pme will st.art at 2:30 p.m . and the group wtlh stay ln Boise over- nll!1lt. They will Oy to Salt Lake City Su.nday morning !or a atop over and then wtll proceed to t...u Vegaa tor another chance to see the country. They will arrive home Sunday evening. BolAe Undefeated Although the trip I tselt prom- i•ee to be lnle.restlng, the most Im- portant Item on the agenda iB the game. Bol8e hu yet to ta.ste de- feat whlle crushlng •uch powers as Mutr, Chaffey and Oregon Tech. three team.a which Orange Coaat played. Mulr fell 27-17, Chaltey 46--7 and Oregon Tecb. 14-6. Coast edged Mulr, 27-26 ln a acrtmmace: defeated Chaffey. 14-0: and loet to Oregon Tech, 14-0. Pirate mentor Ray Roaso plan.I to use the apread which hla club sneaked in agal.nat the Dona even more at Idaho &n'J. may even mix in a couple other surprise playa. The entire equad wW make the trip with everybody ready for ac- tion exc.pt Bob Woodhouae who tt-lnJu-hi> lacorated knee be- tore the Sant& Ana &&m• &nd half- back Jtm Hagey who bu mt.aed every g~e becauae or a dtatocat- ed elbow. Botae uaee lbe Notnr Dame box with .everal of the stan: of lut year's little Roee Bowl came 1n kt-y spot.. The tra.velJng te&m: End.9 : Don Paxton, Glenn Wood- ard, Sid Manning. Jack Meeka, Ron Quigley and Guy Coats. Tackles: Jlm Keellne, Ed May- er, Roger Pfi.iter. Jerry Bodine, Don Barnett and Bob Woodhouse. Guards: Fred. Owena, Gil Marsh, Dale Buckman, Duke Bandera, Millard Sou&e and Dick B'J'ancta. Cent.ere: Gil Stem and John McBugue. Quarterback•: HO'Ward Miller, Paul Chafe, and Benny Arrcdon- 4o. Halfback.I: John Black, Jeue Smith, Ned PanoM. Mel Sma.lley, Ashley Houghton. Jim Kagey and Wayne Braga. Fullbacka: Hal Smith and Char- ley Black. OCC BOOKfD FOlt TWO Bl~ GAMES AS SEASON CLOSES Cout College draws a formid- able opponent thla week end at eager lineman who ran into Smith Boise, Ida .. &nd another tough nut in attempting to block the kick. Than.kagtving Day at San Pedro Saota Ana loat a laat chance to when they tangle with Harbor win the game Ln the ffnal qU&Jlter jayaee In the aeaaon flnale--that u two llnemen overcharged Pirate la, unless they get some bowl bid. Punter Mel Smalley wtth only a The only jayeee 1088 suffered by mlnute to go and the official gave Ra)· Rouo'!; crew baa been at the Cout a rlr&t dowv. Had they side· hands or the team which Is now stepped Smalley it would have con&ldered the number two team been Santa Ana's ball In the m the United States aa far "· neighborhood of the Coast fD, It junior coUegea go. San Bernardino wa. after thb play that Smalley Is aecond behind P't.Adena in Nat-came up with the m011t logical lonal ranking ana' ha.a had only statement of the night. While one cl~ game thla fall-that was picklng himselt from under the that 14....& game wtth COa.st al two Dona be laughed at them and ffttt'ltinrtd1 .-~a . teiv w.e&a st.a~ ... lta, smart rays. thst just back. coat you the ball game:"'' We are Although Cout hu~·t run all su.re that Coaches Cook and RoMlo over Its opponmta like S&n Ber· pointed out to their boy• th&t doo, many consider the Pirates &a: thoae penalllea were coeUy and good a.a the Indiana. The game the fact that se.lf control playa a didn't prove which team was bet-important part in every ga.me. ter. San Berdoo exploded twice It fa theae lu.>rut which help tor 1eorea but 1tat11tica showed teach fair play to the American the te&m• very cloee to equal and boy of today-a lesson learned it iB a certainty that Cout wun't through experience. the b es t receiving any breakJri that nlg'bt. teacher of a.JI. By now a staunch Pirate backer ------- wouJd fttl that the OCC club playa at about the right pitch to wln each game. They have had clOM ga.me11 aU along-at lea.at on the acoreboard. One ~aeon for fewer Coaat touchdowns ln rela- t ton to the large hunks of yUdage chopped off Is the penaltle11 which seems to mean eo much. The Pl- ratea ae.ldom rec.Ive leu than 100 yards in asaeurnenta for rule ln· fractlona ln a game &nd thU. kee]N the score down. It le DOt that lbe local& are dlrt7, \t la that they are eager alld ti)' hard. Many clipping pe:naltl~ are drawn by 90me eager lad trytng to pull the lmpoalble block. Pt.rate. of F\lture !'.d <foddard's HunUngton Beach OU~r• an41AI Irwtn's Newport Har· bor Sailors meet P"riday night in what should be one of the best games of the year. Huntington :started fut but has had tough sleddlng In league play. Newport Harbor started a.low and haa im- proved each week out although they attll are aearchlng for their first league wtn. The Beee tan.a-le Friday after~ noon at Huntington Beach'a field and Uie Cees meet Tbu,..W.y at Harbor High. The Oller Bees have cinched flre:t place wh.ile the Ceea are ln Aeeond place. A.41 the OOC game ended Satur- day night many people in the 8la.nds held thelr eeata tn anUcl· patioa of a poutble p.n& fight fol- Boys' Club Runs Wild Over Anaheim Charley Berry broke away for two louchdowna a.nd John Hop- kin• ran 80 ya.rde for a third eeore to pac@ the H&rbor Arra Boy9' club "gra.mrnsr echool A "' nag football team to • 19·13 win oVtt Anaheim at Ana.helm Mon· daJ' afternoon. Ed Phesley paced the "B" team lo a u~ Win with a pair of touch· downa ln the pr-ellml.n&ry. In other Boys Club pm.ea, the "C" tam defeated Midway City lS-7 at fluntlngton Beach Saturday mom· '.ng while the "E-F" Bff.ra were falling 40-0 to Midway Ctty. The "C-D" team lut ~13 to Buena Park and the Vanity team loat -41-~ to Huntington Beach. ~rry scored on a 24-yard pltcboUt in the flf8t quarter against Anaheim and end Dave T&mW'a took a pa.u from ~rge Schultt for the. converalon and a 7.0 Bo.Y8' Club. lead. Berry ran 48 yard• for a touchdown but It wu nullified by lllepl use of the ha.ni!.9. On lhe next play, Berry went 83 yard.9 on the same play ror another acore. A.nabelrn then '1COred a pair of touchdown.a to make it 13-12. Hopklna iced lhe p.me u be bf9ke away for 80 ~ OD & Jett end pltcllout play. ~'::: ... ~!-::;...~•:i ,,:,~ 30 Bo~· Clubbers , and "'"" block, tacltle and ""' .. M•ke Tn·p to ·zoo hard anct at tbe end al the game u atill control tMmtetvea. Thea · t fans learned a ..,_ whlcb ath· A poup of iO bo;p 'llol~ tho let•a learn wlKn playing lfor bJch Loo Angeles llmeum and Orlfl1tb caliber eoo<:h .. like "-Y -and Park"• Zoo J'Tlday on a Soya' Club lllU Cook. "On the ti.Id. play Ule trip. The trip llarted at 9:30 a. m. game for k .. po, after t.blo game at tbe club and the tint llop WM accept victory or deftat ao a good the JCuoewn. ll'rom U.-the boy1I sport." Wiien tMt came ipa ""' wmt to Ortffttll Park and opont pl&,.,. from botJt .ici .. otutod to-Ille &ti.en-at the !/loo and.In the -eacb otber and when U>ey p.la)'ITOWICI. Moot lllterutlnS polat got to • meeUnc point, ll\«Y 11tuc1t ot th.• day W.. tho teoclln&" ol U>e out their b.Udl .. llDd llbooll. ln tbe antmall a t the aoo ~ to -oplrit "' frtoaWl!p. ... Ille f"°"'l'ID&" --tJaj ~: toruo eot & 11tU. onr ... ..,.,9 .J4e11 ~. Qlck B&llOJ, .1.Ar'7 and --the pl pmlm lilll Trlell. lletal!t ff••...U• Jack the pla7t19 -boU< ..... --.. -.._,_ lcT7 Law-ma.tn\a.l.JMd. tMb' 1·zrm1 ..,.... ~ a.n ~ 1141'rrt Law· In -,iatulaled --. Du>d .,, •• , -J"lpor, otbet. (Joor~ 8clloltt, ""7 DMW, Dem A.t pla,.... loot <GlltrGI ol a.I. • .... ..... I -. ~ laU,O,-e. --lllal'11,Jlalt'11 .~,,...... lite cw a Pirate tfa1mea .. '•9' .0.. D * . ~ .. "",.,,..,, ....,.. • a,... -. 'tW a11'1a. ~ ~ tba wr;a .,i&rtar to -.,. Ille. .... 0.41:• ......... ' .... n-nrot ...... w ..... n -'t -'JI. ~t "-••• _. ..._ •Jll:V ~: .. -1"'1t • --~ . . ~ ' . .. ~ \ . f . • \ .A.LL SET .FOil ,..,DAY'11 ftJ'UU: M Newport RI rht U.... laill M"b 111'• ' Tar Vanity~ -4 M "lt -ap f•r Ule Mt...-~_ .. ou..n. • -""7--.iit -,_ ,._.,,. ......,. of -•f Da-.,_ Len lo rip$ oa ~ -are1 TM lloHMten, llJI; a.-ltelrd, 11%1 -Heller, llO; -~rt, C: Lee Pom .... k, LC>; --i..-, LT!, Lee ........ -Id lllcl1-lllJl a...,-Ud Ted -. -rlflt$ ""f'"• llo"J' Aa <!. F: llOlly hluld, QB: Rn. Bel~ LIL ...... rte oh-IW.. Oep, -; Al I,,.., b&>ol .-, Wt ...i rtpt eeotlecU>dJ-. • (Proa Phola) Dons Will Play TARS TAKE ON OILERS BRUIN-HUSKY Chaffey Panther HERE TOMORROW NIGHT . TILT· SLATED T ~~~ aTn?~~r!?.~.e IN FINAL SEASON GAME ~~!~~u~~!. bopo to 1-3 won-loat record In lbe East.em • keep a.live •llm Roee Bowl hopes J . C. Conference, the Santa Ana Nt'Wport Harbor'• traditlona.l "big game•· of the year with Hunt-at the expenae of Wa.e:hlngton's Colleg-e Dona will travel to Ontario lngton Beach'• Otl<'rs tomorrow {Jl'rtday) night at Davtd8on Field flncbl powertuJ Husk\u ln the Loa An- Friday t o meet the Chaffey Col-both football 3e1uada in top .nape and easer for lhe ftty. Kickoff is gelea Coli.seum Saturday at 2 :30 )ege Panthers. at 7 :SO p. m. p. Cm . R d • Brui h -. Do•• drop~ a cl ...... 21-115 Huntington Beach has won one oach ed San en ns ave i u ,..., ......... ...-.. fteld acea Include Jim Boeker, ti.ill-thr p lfl eoaa Co decialon in the waning· minutea or le•~•• g&me, ~-ting Or•n<'e 27-0 k Be K k d 11 captured ee at c t n---~ --. bac ; echer uy en a and t ln t bee m la.st week'a crame to the second while Orange, In turn. blanked I H ha •--d erence gamea a row o o . e .. --Char ey uley. quart.er c.u1; an bo 1 ch II r f th third yea. place Orange CoaR. Pirates. Held Newport'• Tan 14-0. Buddy Kimball, right halfback. w 1 a ;nge Is : P~d as--acoreleas durln.,. the fir'8l t\&lf ..., ___ h Al Irwin reported that runn ng. o ga n . e . ena • ~ Another speedburncr oa the 1 t UCLA m t d feat while the Plr&lf'a were racking up the Oilers have a "big team a.nd • gnmen • "" e . Oller squad la Bob Suess, often-both w hi gt d SC i it.a 21 points the :,nJll bounced back will outwelrh ,,_ conalderably." rl d . u · n on &n n ~ ._ sive ght t-nd an dC'fenaiv(" I teat.a whll th unde Ln the third arter to acore a He oal<I. "The team with the most c oaing con e · e -safety. He runs the half-mile In f led Stant rd I di m t at touchdown on a 13 yard pMB ploy hustle and desire wtU come out on ea o n arus WI 1 :59 &nd t ook second place lut 1 &St 1 and be tied ce by Bob Smith to Bob Umphreu. top. We've .. good .. record u e ose once on • Y"&r in &talc track event.a for that o S'"t nd ~-•11 nJ in Minutes later a l~yard penalty they have." di.st&nce. regon ...... e a. -....... or a a-lnat Cl'l&8t pl&ced the ball on Beet lineman 10, ........ Oilers. Ir-tht>ir last, regular gamee. n-uh; The Oilers this year arc under Allh h f red th Bruins their 1-yard l~n where,on the next win --'d. ,.· ~-yd Ru ... u. • gua•d. ~-,d-~ . oug avo . ~ _.. r..., the guidance of Ed ...,...... <L.J ..... new t to h t h battl Sat Play, quarter r Paul Chafe wu '"""·-o"er •land-out linemen a -1gure ave a . oug e -' wu ...... ..... coach. Formerly the Fullerton rd. Th Huski c to town tackled In the end ZOnt> by Paul the t·"-·•. BUI and Bob n --··ell. u . ay. e es ome .... u.., ouew coach. he Loi &n All-American from th lm i Eullnger &l'ld Marvin Kravitz for J.0-lb. Juni-r•. hln In 033 w1 an un presa: ve sea.son rec-.., \Vaa gton Slate 1 . rd f 3 5 b t Uie t "U a led a aafety. The Oilcni have an exception, 0 0 -• u · X s 1 re ra al~. k Otlrr Injured one of the moat dangeroua and On two pa.a plays good tor 20 ally fut and shifty left h , ..... c 1 colorful team. on the Weat Cout. and 21 yard.a: rupectively. Don In tbe person of Buu:y Palmer, Whil(' Nc"''POrt's tl!am Is free or Any team that hu Hustling quarterback Bob Smith led the Irwin stated. Their otht>r back-lnjurlt>l'I, Huntington Beach"s de-Hugh McElhenny in it.a lineup bu attack to the Orange Cout 8-yard rensive tackle, )fonte La.Bonte, a. potent attack. Thi& booming line "\vhere halfback Au~le Hues-who wu hurt In the Santa Ana 200-lb. fullback was at ht. beat lea took a band off and drove Coach Bl_ll Cook will open w1th game. will not be available for to-lal!lt week when he almost single- through .the left aide for the TO. a backfield comblnaUon of quar-morrow nlght".s battle. handedly It'd his Hullkiel! to a fJUr· Jack Wilcox converted to make terback Bob Smith, halfb&cka Bob Sport.a l'lcribu say that Sucsei Is priae win over California. He the score 21.111. Umpreq and Floyd Strain or capable of going "all the way" at scored three TO's, including 8 Santa Ana again threatened to Floyd Strain or Lloyd Olrby, and any time he get.a the ball. He brlllla.nt ~-yard run to lhe prom· PffiATE SCHEDULE Sat., Nov. 17-at Boise. Ide.ho Thur11 .. Nov. 22-at Harbor J .C. GUUTEE FAULTLESS pajama aad 1horta are the mott eoat: fort.We in the world. ind mery pair bu lhia e1.clu· •iff guarantee: 'IM. paCf!.flleJ ~; dbonJ on. FAULTLESS pa;a-u aod "'""'"~'"'™' lif•ofl/u-. lf~..ut. MM wea.n out. nwrn ga.r- MOll fo u_• tH aoU dirrc:t IO lf'U-8,.,., S..U. &ad. /ruJ.; ~ u:i.Q" ir N• ~/"<•/~ M. K. 1J'il.IOf': --· acore wh<'n Del Broomell Inter-fllllbac.k Miiton Wikert. On the I atanda 6 fct-t, 4 Inches. iised. land, and kicked four con- cepted a Pirate pue on lhe Don forward wall will be Chuck Sit· Newport will operate out of the verstons. as the HWlklea lost 8 · ... ·::: t::'. · !)-y•r<l Jloe..&l'<l.-.AO.~ i.q IQll an~ ~ Fr:-•t llle_p-. n-...tJol\~~ 1proed that. ~ell" 11.'211> tteatto~g. ..11!·U'-~... .. .... ~ ::: the Cout •4g; A flil.ae play ad-Le.Roy Et.enbra.un and I>een Mc· lrwln has been employfng. • P~EASA T.. . • "'Q' UAll vanced the baU to the 30 bttore Cord taclc:lca, Ira Garey and Bob The Ollere operate from the T Bia lnttntlve AN. D a Smith pasa wu intercepted ln Crumley guards. and Tom Moore a.nd a ahort punt formation. McElhenny baa Iola ot incentive · • the e.nd zone whe.re the baU wu at center. Ir-Win aald he la looking !or hls to go aJI out this Saturday. Loa touched down for a touchback. Tara to play "a full game," that Angeles I• h18 hometown and he'd SEA ON OPENS Taking over on the 20-yard line, ·IN Fl8HlNG TOt:R?"ii~ they have been aome "good halvu" like nothlrtg better than to spark th• Plrat .. trnze the ball '°' tho Gco•ge and William Hobteln of In prevtou. batUea. Conliderlng hls Hu.sklea to a victory In hi• lut SATURDAY; NOV. 17th AT NOON remaining two minutea to win Lido Isle and Judge a.nd Mn. their ex~rlenef!, the Tara have Coliseum appearance In the Purple 21 -15. Frank Linnell are loe&.l te:aldenl..I be-en playing "flrty per cent better and Gold of Waahtngton. WE llAVf.:.PBEAS1'.l't"'T TA.GS! The Don.s e•pecl to get back ln competing ln the Acapulco, Me.x., lba.n their attuaJ ability," he U• The Brulna retum to ~heir home • the win column qalnat the. Char-sa.Jlfl&h tournament now unde.r Rrled. field after a hard·fought 7·0 trl-DUOK 'EA.SON NOW OPEN ON fey Panthera who have a record of way. The judge will return to hb A good crowd Is expected to see umph over Oregon St.ate in the COLORADO RIVER and BALANCE OF STA.TE four IQS:8el and no Wina in Con-court Monday, having le.ft here lhf' game tomorrow night aa tt UI Portland mud, rain and snow tut BOB'S SPORTl"'N. a GOODS ference play, I La.at Thunday, thr lafl of thia ~uon. week. UCLA. tallied ln the fint ---':...----------~--------------->,,~---------quarter via a five-yard paaa from ' . FOUR Rl!A80NS WHY <>rMp C1oMt Mil aot ,vtel._. morae t .... two toeclSiio•• t.i oppolM!ll&. tblA -are t• II-: (L to JI) Bob W...._, -; llm Ke,ellne. ,...._, Frf!CI OWeU. C-l"CI: and Ed Mayer. taclde. Woodbo\Mie &ad MIQ•ei ve forntf'r Tar fooU..Ufll9. (Photo by Honda) Paul Cameron, great eophomore 11th and Newport Yd. OOSl"A MESA Bea. 18%1-R tailback. to Pete Dailey, speedy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;. wingback, in the end zone. ; .• After that, largely becauae of the aJdppy going, lhe game wu a FINEST QUALITY I batUe or dafenees, with the llK11te. RA.·TT. 'AN F RNI IE Brulna holding the burly Beaven tn check and protecting their 7--0 , ~ - lead throughout the mud batUe. RATI"AN DIA , AIU.ough •lowed 4own bf the M•d• ,. M4• •• ,. -A., wld • goo, All-Coaat e«nd!d«te Cameron :Ol"'...A~M· •8.,:0,::.0-_.....:-SH'!~D·· EWltloS once again •p&rked the Brulna on otfenae, netting 96 yard.a on the. ground a.nd completing six out of MATCH STICK OvtMO. dd luld• ..., !!,7,;..!0·,~;._ta,:;i•i2~si. ia':~ 's~m~· ~N· .TE~T ~ ~WNING ~o. 1506 by rushing. 710 by poulngl So. 11a1.a St. BANTA ANA KI. %-M~ lt!!&d& hta cloeest PCC rlval-Oary 1 ~~~~~I,A§G~~UN~A~~~~~-S~B~O~P~~no~~llo~. ~u~th~~Cout§~~-~~e~\~-a~r~d~~ Kerkortan of Stanford -by 88 l -- yardll. Mesa Merchants Win Final Game From L.A. 11-10 Coat.a M'eu Merchanta bue- ba.llera took a thrllling 11-10 pme from Petereon'• Score:muten of -~'.::~'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::=t::::::::::::±:::::::::::::::::::::::'.!:::::::::~­Loo Anret .. Sunday to bring down lbe curtaJn on the 1~1· ~ro .. ...... here with a rocord pt 14 wllla and 10 loooea (18 of of the . wtna -•• the laot 15 P......> Sund&)"• game wu a real th.rtll- !r. The vtattora went out ln front wtlh a bome run. in the flnrt in- ning, 3-0, Glenn i...,kenbill bit a fOUJ' bagger for Omta KeA In the thin! to knot the COUii~ and the L A cl6b urne baclt In lhe • fJiurli. to JO ahead l>oJ. I • 1 • Norm JUdpwQ hit a borrle run with l1"o on alt.er Al ' DUia' double with one on In the fourUI to'pve the 1<>oaio a 7-3 IMCll L A cm. baclt .lo tie u up at 117 and I 'then er.-" 9-7 les4. oo.ta --ltupand ..... tobttld l~t and U)q Ylolt.on ... tied It up lb lllo. top o( tlle llllilL TM -put tl!e -·--~­.. tlle -"' tM -.. Oelllp .._ ... ____ Ge --to..a..n.r.a.. wllo ... d ..... OolllS -tlle -.,... .... Ohr .. 11 a• •1 tor u.. ... dlotowl ..... 111 .._ ~--Be ....~-Ol 11 ... po•11o ........... .... _ _,,,, .. ... •• THI: SPORTS OA.B YOU BAn ALWA1'8 WANT!ID • 1 ........ • • , . \ • • • • • • • • • I • • I • llE,\\V ' • • Rabbi Trattner AddreSses local . • • folk at Christ Church· Banquet Termed "the greatest succeN 1.n.-------------- 14 yeara of lts hlltory" wu the A-s . Redfern and J.k. and lit.. annual Ftve Dollar Banquet ot Chrlat Church by the Sea stag..i :S. K. Elliott headed tbe ~ the evening of Nov. 7 In Goodell commftter. At 7 o'dock 'Ut.ey led th• way to Goodell Hall where hall. One hundred and seventy-they were seated and NI •ed b,J' the two people, the largest number youac womeo of tb.e clwrclL Hu- ever served at the event, were old G.lua acted: u emcee,. tntro- ae&led ln the dtnin& room, while dUctng Dr. Harry Wb!te of the ~29 Ucketa were aold, also an all Balboa llland Community MetJto:. Ume ~b. according to Miu l:l.ie Th L • • Th Nowland, chairman of ticket dlst chur<:h. wbo offered grace; a.nitS~IVln~. eme Rev. and Mrs. Thomaa Pende.ll, ealea. Ratibi and Mrs. Eme1t Trattner, et ,,._L _'st C · h Rabbi Erneot Trattner of Weat-Mr. and Mrs. !t.oy Gronak,y of V0rt . . . UfC wood Temple, well known in the Balboa, Who were celtibrattng theb' ~ Harbor area. thrilled and challeng-fortieth wedding anntven&rf, and Mm 'Wul 'be t.he empha- M hJ.a audience u he spoke on thetr 90l"I and ht.a wife, Mr. and lia at Chri1t Church by the Sea ''Thia le What America Meana to Mrs. Irvin Gronaky. The elder SW>day'lftOl'!lthc .. lhe Concreia- Me." A world traveJer and auth..... G k Uon °'*tryq 1\4 annual 'lba.nb-...... rorui ya a.re Mrs. ".rt'attntt's par-.... "'-a ··-•· · ot note, he reviewed American his-•-....... -Y· 'nllf ))Utor, "nlom-en~. Ro p tory, empha.sizlrl.g particularly our aa Y· 6'de,U. will ~ "On relljpoua heritage and the prin-H-r . o-t. M:aldng< ll:ftry bay Tllanbg1.ving." ciple1 Upolli which our nation and Also introduCed wft.e M ... Clara Sunday ~ UM' cmcrera- government were founded. Rabbi Kohlltedt, prealde.rit ot. the WSCS; .Uott Will join bi the Stet Metho- Trattner compared and'coo.truted Wlllla.m. Mcl>or\.ald, ,lay leader:. <Ult' r.Dt at· BoU)Wood Bowl. our country WitJt the Latin Amert-Rev. WWlam .S.nnlattr, · cM.pl&ln W«!Mfda.y eftnh:ig Cb r I at can oountriel. drawing paralleh of the American ·Lecion, and Mr9. Cll.urcll 8er'VH u host to the N~­~ dtlnc examples to prove his· Banni9ter; Mayor I.pd Mn. Ls port Harbor communJty union polnta. Be wamed against lbe label.I, Judge and Mrw. Donald J. "nlianltawt'ring-aen1oe. ~ that threaten Our liberties Dodce. Cit): Clerk C. K. Prleet. an'd ealled upon all to stand true and M.rs. Priest; Mr. and Mn. Ben to. tbe principles and faith at our Reddtck of "the Pre111.~ and )1(1- foundinc fathera in the preaent Elite Newland, whO tn ttwn Lntro-- c.4ate. ctuced Mr. and Mn.· Artlau r MWer, St. Jemes Churth C~in9 ·Events Costa Mes41 · Methodist Church .Memberw: of the ea.ta Mea GranJI" will attend Sunday mom· lng In the C'o«A M~ CornmunJt.y Methodlat chutch ln a body when Grug-e Sunday Ja obaerwd at the 10:80 a. m. Sunday et':r\1tce, Rev. Joaeph w. Mcshane, putor, wtJl take u hts eermon theme "Ora. Roou stability." No eftfllng ser- vices w1JJ be he-Id at the church Sunday, Nov. 18, becau.1e ot the Evan~ll•tlc Advance Rally at ~:30 p. m. In the Hollywood Bowl Bfahop B. Bromley Oxnam le to be the principal apeaker at the m .. rally of all lk>uthlmd Kethoc:ttwt.a. Th.ere wnt be a pot.lack luncheon In Ute Frllowahlp Hall of the ~al churcb folio~ tbe momlna" Nr- vtee for all who plan on golng to the Bowl. The dining room, in charge; of who provided tra.MpOrtattan and ~ Newport Height.a Circle, Mn. made poeslble to a grut degree Wllliam H . Trusty, chatrman, pre-the aucceu ot the project. •ented a ffftlve appearance. The Mrs. A. J. Rutter, dlrector ot the pt.triotlc motif predominated ln SanctuarY, Choir, led · cholr mem- tlte floral and table appointment.a. bers. clad in their new blUe and Oil the spe&Jcet"s table was a gold robea, in singing two a.ntllema bt-utt.tul t.rrangetnent of red car-"Almighty God of our P'athere'' ~Uone and whJte chrysanthe-by Will , Jame.a. and '-"I'he Battle mum•. from F1oweM!I by Morrt at Bymn ot the Rept.i..bl1c" (Fred Balboa. Corsagea tor the women WVlllg'a arru.gemeilt). A trio a( lbe apeaker's table and wtvee COft'lpoeed of MF.: DelaYan P'rdtag, of cJ'f'lc leaders were presented by aopr&no. How&id ~. b&rt- ~ John Ptl.achner. tone, and Roditey <1rmrff. tenar, • The traditional turkey dinner sang "Pra.iae Ye" by Gounod. ...a prepared and served by worn-Mrs. Phyllis ~lda MDC '"Jto.. en. ot the congregation under the mance" from · the • Deeert Softg dJrecUon of Mn. E. A. Barnett Mrs. Kenneth De1J.. and. Mn. Park~ aad Mn. WinJfred Young. .Wataon prutded ·at the two pl&noe. •The group uaembled ln the Rabbi . Trattner'• tn.pfraUonaJ a+nctuary where Rev. and Mra. addre8s climaxed ·the memora.tlle 'tbomaa Roy PendelJ, Mr. and Mrs. evening. • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • That'• alwaya a c-1 ~D Mien you'n> V.~. Too often. the *"""""' ia leoa llofinile than )'Wf. appatita. Boit -when you travel an ON of S.P~a "great new traim. '.Ii-you eat when you want, wt..t you wam. A .,., -. taunnt tnvela right with you. Ealing on tbe tnla ia halt the fun of traveWJi. S.P.'a peat streamlined loet, ai-. below, adda ~priced mOaia ti>__,,~ Car ...........00.tiona. p'ring • ....U..roandecl tra...i barpa. I 'l'l!eiduigtvU.. l!lem.-: The t.-uona1 Thankacivlnr n.y-aervioe9 of St. Jame• Church wtll be bekt at JO a . m. Thanka- &1VID&' momlng-. Nov. 22nd. The ~ cllo!NJ or the parish will pruont the •pedal thaJllrq!vtng &nthe~ at tb1• aen1ce. ChUdnm. and adults are uked to brtnc C9.nMd food otter1.np tor the Naoy Family Cl!Apel po.ntry at i.s 8-11 either to the 'l'hanlto- tfivtnr Day 8en-1ee or on Sunday, l'fov. 11th. n.e Altar GuJld under tho direction Of Mrs. Dorothy Hall will aptn. decorate the altar w1th Ute tftlndfUonaJ "Horn ot Plenty" deJlfe«n&r the harve.t and Thank1- &1vin&" oftaon. Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Belboo Ave . ' . --8uJ14ay at 8, 10 and 11 :30. Wetll day., I a. m. ConfeNlona. lle1"""-7. C to 5:30, 7:llO to l :llO. BW!dily, beforo ea<lt maa. --Ialan<I, llunday. 8 and 10. Satur- day, 8 L m. Oonteeelona, aarne u abon. _.._ Dally, eu<pt Sunday, Roary •ov. KJ'WB (980) 7 :SO p. m. l!'or -ce. _,.. Htlly M-. 1 :08 a. m ., KLAC (870) 11 L m. Catbolic Hour Kn (840) 9:45 p. m. KOFJ (710) 0Hour of St. Francia Clldlnp '4 others. Christian Science Sundoy Topic · i'he beneftto wtilch ruult from llvto1 according to aplrttual law are potnted out ln the Sunda)' Lea- ton-sermon on "Mort.ala and Jm- tn.Ort&la" In all Chrtatl&n Science churchea. The Golden Text tl'om lt.omana (1 :13) declares: "It ye ttve alttt ,the nem. ye ahall die: but lf Ye through the Splrtl do mor1.J.ty the dffdl; of the body, ye aha.JI Jive." Tbe Loyal Workers Sunday school cl ... · wUl meet Tueieky, Nov. 20, at 2 p. m. at the ch"-rch. Tute<lay evening at T:SO a Teach- era Trainlng claaa will be held. Rev. McSha.ne Will speak at the Union Thankactvt.Og aervtce eet tot. w~ ~t. 7:30 p.. m. at Christ Church by the ~ New- port Beacli. Christian Science Thursday Service Plrat Church. of Chrttt. Scienu.t of Newport Beach will hold a epec· laJ Thankagtving .ervlce ln the Church edJtlce Thunday momJ.nc, Nov. 22nd at 11 a.m. The Ftnt Reader. Mr. Allan Darttonl. will read the 'I'l!&ftkacivtng Day f'nle, lem•Uon -by tM _, Of the United Stat.a or by the OoWll'llor ot Califonlla. T'be r e•1on-8enncm. wMcll ln- cl\lclQ adect1-tnq tile ltlnJ Jamea v...-Of U. Bible and trom "Science and Hoalth Wit.II Key to t11e ~· by )(My Baker ll:ddy. """talna U... -t,...., n Oorilltlllana (9:1, U). ''God 1e able to mUie an - •bound towud ,....; -,... ... ~ •...ms all -.,. In all t.lllnp. may·-to .-y ...,. ""°'*' ......... ..-la~ u...,.. to all -~ --I.II Ulrou&I> ... ·-'<act-mi. to God.. A. c.'G"Nl&Uft pe._,. rro• 8c1aco and Re&ltll .-, "Are - ....n1 sratdUI for -..... ... _..,. --! ,,_ --•..U --ol the .._,. -bave. a"!I -be ,,_ to .-.. more. Or&Utude la m.ueb more than a verbal exp.realion of thankai. Action txpf'eUQ mole g..autude than speech.'' fp. SJ. In the Chrl.:Uan Science text- pk. "'Science and Health with Ke)'~ to the Scrtptufta... M a r y Baker Eddy Myo, ''Man, being lm- mort&l, baa a perfect Lndel:truct- lble I~ U le Ille mortal belie! -tna1t .. the ~ di.cordant and dlaeued In proportion u Js, nof9.nce. fear, or human will p•- enw moriala. •• "Ood: 18 more to a man: than hia belief, and tbe lea we aclmo"led&e mat~r or it.I 1&-... the "~ 11runortal.lty we P • <Pp. *· U&.I lnformel Reception for Baptist Pastor ' Chair Can OD SouUiem Pacilic's m¢em -a>ll••• haft been built-widi )'OW' oomfort tM tint e1 7 kdmti0 S, Duot.frao, draft.free air.ronc!jtioninc. No-sJuw llww••4 licf>tinc. Soft-aa•a·cloud foam-1'\lbM -la. Lot. of lee room and moT&-around room. Edra Jar .. windowa. Feather-touch clocn. Spacious w..m-. Conmumity Church Corona del Mar · The Newpwt llaptJat clnardl -tbat -wlll be .. ~ ncept1-f6r --l'Ul<\I" -Illa wUlt, Dr. --x .... c. .... -• ty Ml..- --· 1e. T1la rs IS'I• 1a That'• why Chair G.,a OD s. P. atnamlinen ... the meet luxurious fonn of all low-t.anapaotatlbo. . . TIM RaY. J-r . PorTtn, -ly ID .. llald 111· Ille W' 'OC" rl eleci.ct 8'aparlai.Dcloat of 111• _. ................ 11111 N!Wlll .. s.r--tol--n-.... , .. 111 ~ ·~ # Qoqrtpu...ai Coaterence of~ Ne eput-.. -I .. Sou:UMna CalJtornla and Ul• ra. to IP..-., ,.. 11611U.-. wU1 be I.lie -.kar la Doctor ... WI!' po-m at U lloU. Ule e:46 &. m.•and t11i! U :IO a. m. • tlle blpic. .... 1 '· •• ' . '· • • •. •• •• -. ,., • ,. •' .,. ricbt Office: 2Stla Strief Phw HerMr 4 J, V. Allffsta AISNI .. i.I. • • .. m. --al Dlv!J» w:~ Olw -,..a' ,1 ...... -• -•i'ID4'1¥ at tba Oommually 7:11 P, ... --· .... a._ ~ of Cpc'Oa& del Kar. a. .......,, .• I t r I a -...~, wliJ be. •.u Ope Doer .. -... ,. ..... -~ y-fl# ~t;y." Pell122 I .. Zl 17' S mt 1:111J1. & 'ftlil ReY. Kr. Perrla was els =ted to w. JUO amc. el't.k • tbiW U. Olmdt._ Ooafnp: --·· llor -'l•••f' .._. i.. c ,, C", 0 ,, w r u a .....-ti1r, ........... ,.0: Wli& Cit as nq?' ...... iltepad-.... ,.... .... __ _ ........... lllml t .. -.... a.. ....... .. .... ... • H!~ ., ,.,. et•• I .- 0 QJ'tllllllr ..... tr ........ _ ..... Op' a - 11 ·De U:19 L & -~ --SD..._ 'fts·' We 4'!1t All .~ ... '1119 .... 11111-~ •••• v •a1; t 'rt 11~111a ~~=-=--• ..... 7 t l"9a M .1 II ............. -ii lii ..... - • Lutheran . Church Sen,ion:Theme · "Wake Up or; Blow Up" will be U.. thetno-ol d>o .. rmon· this Sunday at '~e1 11 o'clock worahJp eer.tce. 'Ibt tat ta 2 Peter S:S-14.. fie¥. Herbert C. Roth i. thJ! pu- tor. · . Sunday. tchool n\eeta at 9 :30 a..rn. wtth cta.uea tor ....u al'e.. nt:e Ad"ult lltb1e ~Stud'y-claa Le now atudylng the. ".Act.' of 'th'e Apo.t-u ... " Free """ ,_rtatlOD. • -our rerular. wiekly ochedule ts u ft>UOWll:. ll(pnday, a:oo p.m .. choir rehearw; Wednel<la¥. 8 p.m.. Bible pltltfy hour, Romana; Satun!ay, 9 :30 a.m., Catechlam eta.: -:SO &.in., cherub choir; 10:30 a.m .. jmdot" cholr. 'nle oonrregattOn will jotn in TllanltlgiWrs-wonihlp With other Proteetant chtll'Choa In · tbe area at Chriat Church bY the Sea on Nov. 21 •t. I . p.tn. In eddttlon. opecta1 Tllaab&'l¥1DC wonllli!o -w be Mid tt the ch1ll'Ch. llt 9 :SO a.m. on ~Yin&' day. • -PmpSe do read tlte want adc. .. .. • . . ~ ~~iii N.v. 1M ....... M11J , I .;r* NEWPORT HAMOR · ~UoNS -:·_ · IN CMtHI TO l~t ill S&VE 1 M~nsas, llADllS, ANO S oF, · . ..._.. . . ,' , .i ._..,.rv11T·IALIOA NEWS · TIMIS ·'I , ' --!-, • ~ T All News and Advertisi~g · ·~PY beadUne wil be~Friday, November 16: 1 • ~NEWPORT. IAY POST ·add SllDppfng News · Aff ,Advertising, Copy. mu ' be in the hands of·the PubUshers Fri.d~y. N yember 16:. The Post wnl be delivered Monday, Nov. t9~ ' NEWPORT ·IAUOA PRESS ' ' . , · · At(-Advertising and News Copy must be in the hands of the P1.1bli$hers Monday, Nov. 19. • ~o that all of those .a~soC:i ~ in the pu_brtca· tio·n of the e1bove papers-. ••Y sh..-. ~fft .•nd wi~h you, the HAPPIEST PiANKSGIVIN(;., • • ...... -·~ ,.. ... ~!. NEWPORT HARBOR ·.PU OSHlMG ·ct.- . . '• - MORE FOR -U • ... ~~ lw sl,yle, Leaaty, roominN.. · -. ' ~#4,,.,_, __ aaa ••OE "5llOW IMIW'lV •v"r e .... ,:;&;?;:..--=-~·'! :s~.:;: !:'. -..--· # CSC)&l WMll ..... W .. • ... -... ~ ....... _, , • fir I 7 ·--• mft·.._.,-..._...._,_..,. __ T_.. •n•r D DJ .... ,W~iw ,..-z n.,.. • • • ' . / ' .. '• r· '· ' • 1oots· and s.c1c1. HD~ Play Dey ~ -~/, • I u:AllNJNG llY OOISG ... tho NanlDs An. e1a.. at oru.re o-t (lot.... ""' ...... - practlela• the proper haadllDc of u tat .. t at tit• hath. Pk!tured left to rtsM a.re Mn. QueMh Aade.rwon.. lnstructor of tile coune, MU Clara u., daaL M1M Helen PtfJl"CC', Mra. Lola RUM Md Mia V1vlan Cawthon.. Nursing Arts· Class at Coas t Prepares for Clinical Training Mesa Homemakers 'G et Ideas on C ol or fo r Home Learning by dol.ng Is the slol{&Jl._ ____________ _ Meeting tn monthly liCSllLon, the lege Inform~ on community Coeta Mesa Homemaken1 convened needa, and It dtaeminatea informa-Friday. Nov. 9, tn the lounll'e of the Uon to the community. new Fellowship Hall of the Com- ot the J9 memben: of the Nursing Arts clas,., now midway In Its ti.rat Bemeater at Orange Cout College. -The m.e<11cal service building at the college nas a classroom equip- ped to simulate a 6-bed hoepltal ward. Both diagnostic and thera- peutic procedures are demonstrat- ed and then practiced by the stu- dents. Engaged In thia learning process 9re Mrs. Pauline Babbitt of Co- rona dPl Mar: Mrs. Marjorie Cully of Orange: SU!lter Denis Marie, Stater Robert Rene and Stater Mary Sheila· of St. J08epha hos- pital: Miss Helen Pierce, Mrs. Edith Grimm. Mrs. Zeta Lee, Mra. Lula Huss. Mrs. Frances Ben.son and Mrs. Sue Hitchcock of Santa Ana. ' Mrs. Bl&nche Crabaugh, Mra. Mona Harve'y, Ml!IS Robin Cross. Miss Vivian Cawthon, Ml88 Allee DeCu:a.R, Mrs. Evelyn Munion, Mrs. 1'-tyrtle Blood and Miss Clara Hedani of Cost.a Mesa, To learn how to care for the &lck in homes, in the hospital and other lnstitutiorui of similar na- ture i.s the primary goal ot these women in training. Supplementing and e nhancing the practical progra?n , Is an aca- demic curriculum which Includes courses In applied psychology, child development, food and nu- trition, and related aciencea. Tramfer to HOlfpltal College training for the voca- tional nurse terminates at the end of one semester. For thi11 first gToup, February 19~2 will be the deadline. At that time, all atu- <Jenta who wUI have satl.efactorlly complttcd their academic training will transfer to either St. J osepbs hoapltal or to the Community hospital for seven months ot clini· cal tr&ining. Advbory 8-rd The nursing arta course at Coast is a combined college-cnn1- munlty sponsored program. F or n1onths hefore the course was In- itiated this fall the college com- mitlee met with intere.l!!lted cltlsen.a representing both lay and medical groups. And today, w1tb the course well launched, the Advi• ory Board constitutes a vital part o! the over--all pl&nning. Thls board advlaes on policy and public relatloM and aida in recruiting new membera. It keepe the col· \WI cle t<.np's 6~~ Nov.15, 16, 17 Palm Leaf con11 CAKE 2ac ... .. ltco&) .. $1.MoaJ ..... Yin de""'"'' }{ IAll.11111 18" OOll'l'A • llQ& l'llt!Cwrwt...._ OOllOlllA Da. 114& .. 0..-lllPWay · .L&GUJllA ••(p ....... &.-ii Membera of thla boa.rd include: munlty Mcthodlst church. Mrs. O. Dr. J ohn Chung, Dr. R. F . Alt· R . Mllhoff. chairman. prealded. man, Dr. George Pea.ae. Dr. Ralph The roll caU wu answered by Hawe., Dr. Helen Robert.9on. Mlu mf!mbers giving hint. for Thank,a.. Edith Kerl. Miu Evelyn Ericson, I gtvtng. Mi.&11 Marguerite Prlnderville, MiY I Mra. Marlen PrentlM, home ad- Ann Haney, Mn. June Daniel. vl110r, spoke on "Color for the Mra:. Mathe.Ile Snodgrua, Slater Home,"· l1Ju11tra.tlng her talk wt th John J0&eph. Si.Iller Brendon. varloU8 colored drapery 111at.e.r1&1& Faculty repreeentaUves work-Therti were a1ao auggcatiOna tor Ing with lhla group include Dr. Chrl.11tma.s gtfta and ldea11 for g1tt B. H . Petenon, president; Dr. wrapping. Theme of the next Jame1 W. Thornton. vlce-preal-mtttlng will center on "Chrlatmu dent; Mra. Marte Howe., dean or Cook le.11." All lntt-rutrd peraona women; Mra. Martha Bu.sa, school a.~ lnvlte'd to attend. nurse ; Mra. Que81Ji.e Anderson. nursing art.a Instruct.or; Dr. Bill Prle•t and Kenneth Boettcher . i So ns Feted Wesley Smith Now J at Me sa Home , A doubJe motif marked a din-Full Commander ner arran~ed Sunday by Mr. and M~. Ed W1\lcut of 280 W. Vic- lt is now Commander Wesh•y lorla St., Costa Meaa.. The affair D. Smith f USCG-R) according to celebrated the ninth birthday of an announcement ma.de this week Albert rButchy I Wtllcut, youni by t.he United States Coast Guard. aon or the houaehold, and aJao Commander Smith. who resides at wa.s a farewell for an older son, Balboa, haa held the, rank of Lt. Fireman Donald Wlllcut of the Commander .11lnce World War n USS Mancheater, before hh1 de- when he wu: In cha.rge of the parture for Korea. Beach Patrol for hla country. But c.}\.Y wu made happy with Proudly adding the third full man)' gifts a.nd a decorated blrth- Blril>f" ha.a brougbl 110me pleasant day cake. Covers at lbe dlnJ.bl' ~ r cmlnl.Scenea for Smith who hu table were denoted for Mr. a.nd worn tk>th the khaki and blue. In Mrs. Tom WUlcut. Ml". and Mra. the tint World War Smith was a Ralph Willcut. Riverside: Mr. and captain Of artillery. He entered Mrs. Jack Iver80n and dauchter the service again in the early part Trina, Coata Mesa: the b o • t of the second great conflict a.s a . couple and sona, Butchy, Donald Lieutenant and had attained thP I and Walter. rank of LL. Commander on the -~----- completion of hia tour of duty. KJRBV VISITORS Captain J . S . Ste.nmetz, tUSCGl . Mr. and Mrs. John Henry whose letter carried the plt'asant Schlrck of Bevt"rly Hiila were announcement, remarked that the vialtoni last week In th" home ot promotion wu long overdue. since I Mr8. Katht>rlnt.> Kirby, .f09 Flower 19'4.4 the captain ~id. St., CruitR Mesa. Costa Mesa Main School Parents Go Back to Classes for Evening Coat.a. Mesa Maln echool par-•------------ ~ta reaponded enthuaiutically to the 1-iivit•llon lo attend "Back to School N_lght" T\&eeday, Nov. 8. Kathy O'Keefe. ~tty Piper and Judy Sutherland, the color guard trom Girl Scout troop ~. dil"l"Cted by their leadera. Mn. Willlam Kunzma.n, preaented the colon and led the nag aalute. Opening .l!Xerclaea were led by Mra. Vlrgtnta Kidder. who direct- ed the auditorium (ull of pare.nll!I In slngtnc -"School Day1" and .. America." Mrs. Vlnaon accompa- nJed at the planp. Mrs. R-.y T r au t we I n, Main School PTA preaident, wel.comed the pa~nla and presided durtnr the ahon buaineae aesaion. The group YOle-d to amend the by·lawa to include the ot ftce of corres- ponding secttt.a.ry. Mrs. Judd Sutherland, program chairman, tnt.roduced Jerome F.d· '.V&rds, prtn9'pa.l of Maln eobool and turned the clau over to hlm. Mr. Ed'warda cordially welcomed the parent. &nd urged them tc take advantace of the opportUnlty ar.d lo 1ook over the f&cilitiea of U-e school Superintendent E . A. Rea Yl'U aJao ml.rodueed . 1aa..- Each parent .. t ln the aecuon rf'lttt'Vt'd foe hia t~he.r and . at the close of the general ueembty went to Ute ••home" room wttll the teacher. Tiie kladerprlen. filth and •beth ~· atayed In tllc "home" room. but parents of u... .. ...,.th and eighth grade children moved from clua to ~ Juat .. the chll-do: • Muell ravonble COft!IDC~ llu .,.... --· ·n.e -In we!· Nell Murbar9er and Parents Home Fro m Pueblo Land Seeing many deer, herd.a of an- telope and aeveral flock9 of wild turke)"I: vt.Uting a numbeT of hle- tortc old mlnipg towN &nd aome or the more famou. Indian pue b- los Including Tao. Pueblo, nortl) of Santa Fe, were a fe~ or the bll'h- 11ght.a of a month's trfp tn ArllM:Mla and New Mexico taken by NeJl Murbarger , notf'd writ.er &nd her parents, Mr. and Mra. H . C. t.oun.. berry, 1940 Maple avenue. 06ilta M:eaa. Mlu Murbarger, known u U.e Rcmbling Reporter of the .. Old West," obtained much material for n.Jblre at.ortea wblle <lit "the camp- ing expedition. In A~a the travelers were up to ·10:.&oo feet elevatloll. tn the White mou·nt.atna. "and then, ., well u ln northern New Mexk:o, tbe M&tumn colortnl' of the leavea wae roresous.u Nell dec:lattd. ''Wbole mowitaln olclu looked u thou&"h a ~ pluah robe bad been tMowa o- tMm," Ille Aid. Tl>e flUTllly experienced a opoci.11 thrtU out of lbe ~wUd turkeys. which wan the nm Ule.y bad 1een In their 'nau-. state. ·~ uo fffl like the PUplln 11'alllmt or eomet.h.ln.c.t" Les Livingst~s . Badc 1.From Jamaica -tlWi opport~ "" --.-fl'<m lbollt --l'I d ....... ,. al. ICbool .....u.., -.... 1-In Ille " .. '""' --~Mn. Tl:Ut'ftia IX• 8-.,_ u.Kr. Ud.-lM pr •ed the .. ~tb& of the UY"..,.. ..._,. tMa 1• ..... P?A commlttee ta llle tetldlerto of tnftlo to Palal - -1111- for tbelr ftne •ppwt ud tM amJ., h... Jee1t11v W911l !r77 ...........u-ftlcb -..... to and fartl al .. ti. -"' ....t 8(:bool Ntpt" bath _W'Ol'tlnrlllle coo~ ·U.. Ll;~Ct11 a.&' and ~-""*'""l Barllor -Ille ...... A:: Ula doee ~ u. cl&a 1"0CD tllq .... ~~ to ..... to ....... • • tcfl •menta WWe WNd TIM ~ aft ..,... at ID ---,. Ille -lllOUI-Ille Bay dull JtF9as ~ ..... 111!------------t.,._ .., a -. la Ge con;11•·"· , . , e I y, NO'I'. U will lie a 11111 ' EUllO'l'SKJ 8Ul'PLIE8 upuq -1.ampa-• #re Puta-Ke,eln • 8upertattn .. O sy °!°ntsC UDO ~ forpt ta ""1' Olrl 8-' Oa1z-1r ... HAIRY I. WllBSEL &Gt Newpoort ...... 008TA llE8A Ilea. 6'1111-1 • ~,,or Thanksgiving Table with fine festive J1 from s \Vo f P"""" ""' .,... jilut • • I • I EWAY J He big mome~t orriv•1I All morn· ' inf k>ng tontoji1ing aromas hov• 1neoked from the kitdlen to teaM eaper o ppetite1. Now the table it reody ... groon'ing under its lood of wonderful festive food1 crowded or und a gay centerpiece of-wait, I k everybody! Here comes Mom w th the turkey ... m·mm·m-m ••. m mm-m. I Nl•l'S 11111 for planning the big ' meal ••• A•ure outatandifll tuc:ceee for your boliday feut by .electing yow need. for lhe bis event from Safeway. Every ilem we Kii i1 gwo.rcan- t~eJ to be top quality-it mu.t pJeue you compldely, or. 1noney back. Th.at'• especially import.Int at a time like Thanbgiving when )'OU want C"Yerything to be •1 itl very bolt. Col lee Values • Spec:ial low pricet for the Holiday (eatt! CINCH DAIRY GLEN BUTTE PUMPKIN MF': 29:! 13c f'ullt Quality. Qumtero Libby Fancy M.J.B. Drip'°' regular (2-lb. can, 1.57) UI IDWARDI Qrip or r09ukr• l·t, (2-lb. can, 1.53) UI 79' 77' NOB HILL 7 flnaot quality I... 2 ( (2-lb. bog. 1.~3) ... AIRWAY Mild & Mallow (3-lb. bog, 2.07) 1-L ... • 70' CAKE MIX . 17'91: 32' ... . Be sure of top qualit)' meali c"cr)' tinlC ••. !bop Safeway• PINNANT Good quality a:,t Honomy price , ... ... 69' BACON G~~A ,,49c Gs~gfuB . •.45c Popul...-brands. in hea1:aecr1 pac:laz9e. S.r .. far broaldaat. BEEF RIB ROAST .. 93c S-cling T ' cul Ir-lint alx ribo. U.S. CHOICE beeL PORK ROAST ~~ ;~~~0:rk .. 53c SHEARS t-so• CENTER CUT POll LOIN ROASTS. lb. 73c ........ -. .. willt bl11t tri&n&le fro,. top ·of bag ol KITOIEN cun Elridl1' FLOUR PM a., ~,.,, ..... ,.,., .•• --.. ---: .. = ........... : i&M"?iiiPOiilll•Ul-1>1 End cot loin . .!.em Pork. •• 59c large Fresh Eggs "':"" ... _ 76c -C11i11r Cll Ptrt IN CMps. .. 79c .,-"~·· Gom•. _..., 1o ~-~·-SNSOning ,!:'.'., ·;~ 12t :: 51t ..... 99c ''!! 2.25 • (24.~,2kl . f!!! ~~th i..con. •· 79c Stuffing ,:;,':.,, ';~. 1 St SOUD PACK TUNA Fair Windl brand. Fine for ..tads. 1: 27c OIUNK STYLE TUNA Perk Uver 3 3c Pie Mix ;::;:.-:: -.:.; 19t Sliced or in the piece. II. I Shortening •;:; 31c '! St Sier Kitt bnnd. Uae la auchrici.... '~ 27c ~!&~~ .. z3c All ready for the pan. ... 55c -------------~------------~-----------~---------·---WESSON Oil 1 CAT. FOoD i TIDE SUDS ! Su.tf SUDS ,... 28c I ha11M I ""',q. 28•1 !Mti,q. 28' ..... l lfS«. 111, 1Zi1 I 11kr.l : <tt..i.1 • = 54c !2!:;15c!:'«J,_ 73•1 ~ 54' SAFEWAY GUARANTEED PRODUCE .C.11,Y lfMrts ,. 17c, ' P8Cbil • cola. .... ••Gnies . tw;cr•~--2 k 15' A ' l&liT NOQI, DATES Fmq C.&f-ia SWl1f-New crop. : 23c · :: 69C · _,(.Noli;~ ...... ~ ... .,, fiiiliu1J 11111 nr •ii'ti.'..St. .. h'l•q ....... 0 ····•1 • ..... 0 '' ........ ....:... ...... • ............................ • • I lorol $oth1 lw-4 Pitted Olites .!:'::.. " .... .:.; 3~ Olites ,:;;. ~~:;:. ":.: 31 c Gulf Oysters "'~"!:" · ·-.:.; 3k Crab Meat ~= '::; 7St Oysters No;;:':::... 1°:: ''c luster ·~ '"::; •7c Dunbar Shrimp .:::;;,_ ':: •tc Heinz Seup ~...:! , ... :; 17c ·, Tomato Juice · :=: ''"::; 12c fl"fth tattifigl , ........ , ... 1'cl Rite ~~ ·~ 33t '';: 17t 014 Dutdl Cleanser· 2 :::· 2St Rlllll,,,,, letROllidt I c~-'"::; 11t Or Ju. "'--! w.. 1· 1 aage . ice c_........ -c i:......a D4lic ....... I lt4L 2'·c UIW-.A -,,.... .... ~ lilly lilu INllS ~ ·~ 23c lilli leillS .!".0::. ·~ 2Zc. Str1nemes ~ ''.:::·31c BUSY BAIER CIACliiS · Slllil W. 1:t; "'!li·5'c (741, .... ~tl) ,..., ... . 5"0W RAU CIACla5 !1W n ' 1.a; , ·~ ..... .., •. ORDER \'OUR . THANKS- GIYING TURKEY /VOJJ' ! Be mre lo ha1·e • Th••k.qivln1 Tarker 1ha1 •·ill roat.t 10 • 1olden·brow• •nd l • .ae tender •• •ell ••. Safew•y , • .,. .,.,_, you perfttl ea1in1 T11rkey.-be- t:a111t: uur pou:lrry experu chooae oalr IHrdt w._ich have been rai»ed .-..,. ideal t"Ondilion• •• tender ••d nrft't ~ • , A.l'lrlD they are Oven-ready •• YOO r'1 for DO •·ute parl• •• no cleaniDI · • Platt your1 order today! Alao duebt lhclJinp. sec-e anti other tdee9ed r•1rr are a•allable. Creme de Menthe ~ 19c loxbury brond, pad•.d lft c.no. Swedish Mints •;,:.:,.., '.! 29t l~perials ~;:::::::, '::; 1 St loabvry broM. hf daf;"'V opp••· C~erries 0"::'~ C.::.r"' t:. SSt .. by Walnuts .!:';;';~ 'i! 3St Walnuts ~.!1.'.:'I '.! •St U.nish Peanuts ..::~.. '.! 39t . c6Cktail Peanuts '::; 33t ' ''°"''•''l Solt.d. Voculll'ft podi.d. Lucerne Milk ·-:::· .::.:: 2lc HofftogerMnd. pai~iced (Y, ...... • U.C) ·c~~!~!'~-. -~) 19t Milk prices effective in local . Jon1~~!~-..: 69c · 1 ( ..... ~. ftfth. JS(; s .... ,.., Mtla, Hcl i:t •"•'" -~ In Uc. ... .-ct Sof-ey1. 1 .... ' .1 • • I • • I PAGE -PART 'l r -THUlSDA Y, NOV. 15, ·195 r . ,-.-~ili-~~uss1z . • •. • • •• • • " .l'rlday November 11 • Saturda,y • November 17 • :-sun~ : November · 18 : Monday • November 19 • ~ JJ'Uuday • November 20 • • : .wec1nea1ay • November 21 • -• 3'hunday November 22 Tfl DI' TA I L"I BIGB 9:.32 L D\. ... -~ O:J Lm. 3.8 10: a. m. l ... · 1:31'' m. S.3 10;'3 L ll.O ···············-· ii 11 :31 a. m. f :()t L Dl. S.7 12:38 p. m. •.2 4:33 a. m. S.9 2:06 p. m. 3:11 4 :~ a. m. •-' 3:36 p. m. 3.7 'unr ~ l!•a.m. 5:14 j>. .... 3:Jll LID.. _.,, ·~ p.m. •:<>e .. m. •:158 p. m. 7:811 p.m. 'f:.11 .. sn.. B:<t p. m. •: 9:38 a.m. 9:J17 p. m. 10:50 a. m. 10:19 p. m. e . J!'lll8T. FULL U8T XllW llOOJf Nov. 28_ QV&RTl:ll llOON QV,&llft:ll Dec. 5 Dec. 13 Nov. 21 SA.VE $.S.00 • THIS WEEK C. HE V R·O LET (from '36 T11rough '48 ) BRAKE :RELINE . MATERIAL and LABOR TOTAL 514 95 .! , .-. .., DV~ ~IN'J'ED AppolntmMt ot· WIUlam Jooep~ Du~ .. a policeman wu ap- pl'O"nd Til8day nlgll( "by the City I • • f-OCIUD,CI. • , SEA-SCOUj . SHIP . -coMFoRT MEW .ADDITION TO · FU:ft . · , ll&l>AN sTOi.sloi ·Br Jleflo HUI TIM!ft ot iila 11161 oedan while It Wben tho Soa &:outa ot lbe Oranp Eli>plre put Com!~ -wu pultecl Mono.y n)ght In front and moot talked &'.boU.t lddlt on to th•lr o ... t. under ..0 nrxt year, ot. uo rernluf a .. nue WN ,... they will have a Sbi.P abqolt tho -of Cbrlotopher CDlurnbuo' NIM, portec1 to Jiouoe "Tueoday by cap- on which to learn _,,,.,,.i,lp. But their veael will haw OqWpn>ent tam Donald L ~1· 08 Nar- undre.ined ot' ln t.be day ,of t!'!~ e&rly mariner. ·Tit~ Na97 hJI ltfdi· ctuua1 avenue,, Corona' del Mar. uted that the flea Scouts will be · -j;=::;:, :'.:;:,+:::•c:::::~:::;z:===:=:1 given· 1'd•r and ...,..,. llqulpment bomtort hu 'been ~ '1'QW!d to t:MtaU' o Comfort. ·It w1:ll be the llorI\ and bu made frequaii u.., best equipped boat at th& tripe Into south' l'iner*ca &nd ba,ae:," •tal.ed H. ~·~r . H!>Well. Mex.lean wa.tera. . · akij)per of the new Santa Ana Bea ramou. u a eet for'•..,.. moviea. Exportt unit. claarterecl. lut' week dl!M: to her clea.r. decka. ,abe , Ma to which ~ ship la betng &ulgn· been uaed by every ,major .tudio ed. 1n Hollywood. The vessel ha.a a The gatfpr11:1'ed achooller 1a the eompJete wit ot .u.il8 tncludtnc gift ot Huelett C. Merritt, Pua.· two jibe, itayaa.ll. mainsail and dena, who founded the vast Tagul forea.il Ranch In the ·San Joaquin Valley. AU .bu~two ot the 18 ~a Scout The veuel, whlcb bu been a land-shJpi-in the Orange Emplre eoun- mark In the Harbor tor 20 yeara. ell are prov1ded with tbelr own wtll be made ab.ip ~ within sea-rolnc motor cruLte.n. Motit of four to atx months, Bill Spurgeon. them are ex-Na.vy huU. obtained Commodore ot the Sea Exporer1r. rrom Uncle Sam. There are 38· bdieYe1. foot LCPL'•, two Plcketa and BuUt fn New York in 1899. the buoy boat&. It cene rally takel veaeel wu one of the f\nt. motor-about 18 mont.ba to rebuild the old aailen ln the United States. Bhe hull8 and convert them" to Sea ia a1ao the flrst boat.. over SO feet Scout craft. to h• ve been docked in Newport The hlatory o! the local Sea Harbor. Scout bue ot one or blood, swe,_t , Ship CUt la lfa1t and probably a few 1&lty teara. VINCENT'S Lide Traver Bureau Harbor 1246 • PLANll e 8BIP e TRAIN REBEBVATl~S • Mutull Theatre Ticktt A111cy HAROL:D I. JOHNSON ~ Othe"e· AIW7 PlloH Bar!lor - 1111 Vlllll Wa)", N-port - • - ONLY-AT 100/o Di •. (IJX AB Al J!IEWPOllT • Culbertson Motor . Co. More than llS0,800 ln improve--A.fCable Port capt&ln and wtera.a menta have been •pent on the tux-acout leader Chulte Wtn aye ury craft. Ftrat major ope.ration that the bue ll the n nest in the wu done LD San Pedro when the COllllt.ry thoush 1t la still far from lb.Ip was cut tn half and 21 feet co~le.tion. added to her overall length. Later, More thall. 200 Scouta and tbelr In 1928, $41,000 was.spent~for new le&dert sweat tt out each week end tquJpment. eltber on a duty dignmm.t butld- Settee perfi>nnanee . . . n . - ·. 248J Coast Highway · . Newport Beach Beacon 6442 Tbe ab.Ip haa an $1,000 tuk-lng the new !"eCl"8iltton ha.II. loe:k - wood. deck, uch bo&rd of whk:b e111, took ~ all loft Mop w wa.s tndiv1.dually made to flt tbe ver~ their aea-104'1' motor contour of the-cedar hull. The ror-crul.le.ra. The base came into ex.._ Ward head which hu Uled fioo?', lltence 12 yeS:t1 aro wbea tbe ett,y wall and celling, coDt.alna • bullt-ot Newport Beach le&Rd the CoN ;,;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;=~;:;;;;:;;;, in bath tub. The craft bouta a tron.t iec:tton. don&t~ by J . L -J preuure water ay•tem. rmne, J,o tM Orage Emptre ~ ' l • Let as -1st you In ~,,...._ your plus. We w 111 · gladly estimate costa of ! aaterbh, reoommead a aontnetor or help you . qlttaln "t. TIUe 1 loaa for t I 't-' .... 'l I I if ' I L ii I j .. ' new oeut-.ttop or re- • llJQdeli.g. "He wons "•. i...-r JIOl?lfJr ...... •=:• •. O'l'llE8 YAJLD8: ~Beach S...ta .... \ ll'lll1µton La--· - • READY MIXED . CONCRETE SOUTH"CQAST MATERIALS COMPANY' , . No Jo~ Too Ler9e; No Job Too SrMll -w.-..,-., ..... ·-""' --· -008ti. .... _.....,. ,...OQll ... ,... In the Mt>rrttt tamJly atnce 190f, Counc il, Boy,ScoOta of America. Christmas lighting Prbgram Expanded by Coast Association I • Chrtat.m.u Jtgbting provam or ... ----------- the Orange County Cout Aaaoci-N G atlon WllJ be expanded lo Include ewport range Chrtetrnu Trees. outafde tn &ddt. tlon to Christmas 8b.ri.pe.s and re- * • Ugtou. allrtne8. Ttl1a WU d~lded t Me t Sat ~ llpdn at an trnporta.nt rneetfilg b ekt 0 e Ill' ~ Sat~ •t tbe Newport Harbor Ml; T-..;llt. ,Qub. .. .\Yin ... o.meue. .. or N'i~'' .~~~e.n'a G~ '· Huntington Bf'ach, cb&lrman, pre-No. J 71 will Jaold tu next ,..,.., • .,.. • ~ided. on• Sat1U"day} Nov. l'l, at llae I Othera attending the .e~on American i..epon Hut tn Newport. session were NJohb T . Bo 8 yd,bJr., Door wtlJ b'1 9perl at 7'30 p. m .. reprHentln.g ewport a r o r a.nd u this wUJ be a eoctaJ meet.- area, capt. Ed. Men1ll ot · 8outh lq all membe.n are ursed to Lasuu, A . E. Fatlblng ot Ban brtng a gu .. t. , Clemente Chamber of Commttef:, Spe&ku-for thfi eV"eD.ll:i.C" WW be Ed Hobart of Lquna s..<h John Rn!, manag .. Qf Ille ~­ Chamber and Harry Welch, aectt-men'• Co-opo.-tl"" ~•tlml at tary of the CONt (fOUp. • Sall Pedro w11o will ape&ll "" ..,,.. Two nlglata w1l1 be allowed ror Strength of Orpnlu.Uon an<! (lo. Judging, Wednelday, Dec. UI, ud operation." A nport will aJao be Thursday, Dec. 20. All entries gtwn on the reoeftl meetin& af must be illuminated on the 17th to the Paci!Jc Oout nu Pttduc.-'-, Chrlatmaa Eve bill M"ll be lighted lnatJtute which WU beld 111 WO• up ah<>ad or that da_l• tr dealred. -•--N t , •. _.. .. on on ov. . But to be e.111ible: tor an &ward, The Home Economlct O\l_b wUJ: illumination mu.st start on the 17th hold it.a nex\ meeUnc-on w•e1o-- Ud CUI')' over to tb6 S4th. All In day, Nov. 21 at t.he •'lfut>' end ,....1 yur the Pr8a-Telesram will w. will be a -lal ~ a1oo. aW'IJ'd: a Sweepetake. prt&e tor the-PJ&na, for Cbrl.ltmu are t.o be dll-- .tntlre eoutJ1ne • bot for ' other r1•r11d aad all the tadte9.,.. upd awardo Ule ~"will lie dl\'lded to attef\CI. Mee\P>&' -at,U lllto thfte grlluPo and llWvdt L m. wi\h a 3:5 'cent luacheoD lie- made 1n eac11. In& oerve<1. a.-. w111 ._ WJI· TIM pouptnp are N follOh. -o. '°' -llir-- -Beach, -~ • ..a 11ra, '"" ... 8-at a- DM& Point, Cap~ -Uld -"70. llaA Jll&n C.plotnlno wm ~ 1n ------di-..... ...... dl¥1alon -rw.. Seti Beaell, co.ta )(-OOrOOla cld ll&r, Saa Clement. wUl lie ID· c!Udld Uld In DI-·~ wUl a. L MAN 1'JG"'1 Y HURT IN IUS CRASH be llllntlng\al Be04ll>. N..,.pcwt, 4 ,__com-_.. l\iii- -cb anc1 t.quna s .. c11. .-,, ino....m. tietw-a ar.- Tbe a-.clatlon » -ln>rtlJll& -buo Uld " I'&< -"7 -. or tropblM -'1"111 ...i. -c. oaw. tS4 oi-i ·-cce.e dcmatfoa.t 41 ~ or ..._ 1*... ~,,111~ la-:!':: .. ~ .-::..:: ... ":: = fVr7 lo op, .polb ... - or u...-.... ·-1-.·--. tMa io -~-~ I '7 ._,._ 21$ "4 ,,_ r altM ut ......................... am F l ta ft') Jt, _,..._, .. _ .. M I " ~ i.. ,,.... Wiii ... , -tM -• b 4 •>-.-.... =···,·· , ... ....r •• '·· .. e: =. c:--.. ... . 4'C.. lllo """' flt Qi 'P I 0 ) io·pw--7 C :rt 1 "81). ' • •uaa&&1 2~TDN - MO.•I ICONOMICAL POWI• l A bier' biah-compremion 236.6-cubic-inch encine de- veJopina 109 .h.p_ You .ce.t t.be "icbt eniU>e fo~ top • economy wjtb aluminum pioto.., four pioton rinp (top riDC c:hro .... plated), exbanst valv• 8eat. i.wrta and ot.1wr -.. 1-. . ·- I . 2 SPllDll• . I DILIY••'•• J • Fiv~ tnnsm'••om, 2·"1l-f rmr uleo, and choice of ule ratim s;i.ve YOU, ..-ter Pullinc """!"• futer getow~ and hiilW top speeds: Low loedinc height and binced atake center eectiom help you to save work and time. .-ffeed tta,,.i.J.icJsion -il•ble "Two-sf a 1V ,_. .. . ~ ~· O<lu d11i'Mg; --~Mid l ... 41 •.••• PA"fLOA ..IA Illa llAll•Ll•e • • • ~· L • • •• ' • ' , • • • • , • • Pin ,_ ... 1•0-1e1 ·-... 1•011-· ....... llO"ICI ·-... NOftlCI . Aii:&ND 00-. IV\ e•e ---,.. --· -----• -...... ~ -'I"" I' lforial or ·uta or n••. ltlO ..i• aid tt p..,... 1&;111 r • ... iw -o 'II' --. w a.utio -llme,Qt•-ott.w.I OCc S fWWW rl .,. a1lftal wltb .... -,aY -ilGU Ill ,..,lll'IJ' 1J II .. -C. -P tr ~ .-Uli! Jll-t2 ~ for tudent .--m:nun ""!lle-·ac.--·--. ...... ~\Obelliel'nll-TIDI V!CmE?Xih .. ~OI L llll--.. ...-..-·WlflM&.UI, iroqH "CAJRK8 -.n:e -Ille piOi-o( -.-lld Joi. •~ID-.. ., l!l'ttl)r -llo lo Itri• ,_...;:_;;,.;:_;_ _____ ,._;.....po.;..:;.---..:......;_ __ ~.:_----· and em,1:11' c. c.uBN8, 11u.---of -. WO W1...ot to M Oao -I I ..r llie Colp-.,. 1 (-l -s_ ...,...,... W k P and wife, by Dold at 'l)uot daW .., -_,,--ontioa !Mt •1"''°" 1111 •-ta> --.., -• • •• at or, fMf arll .lime Jll. 1"50, ~ Oc1oW lroW. TIDllllll!rOlm. lfOTICS ~ -:.::.-:: = au--. A--1 ' d, --._ dotblc 11De -1 ~ 1.1, 1-In --~ llOO UI llDIDT OIVllN lllal Ille -r:::..:: Pl ~ -Ille -doit lllpt war Nport.e4 lo polleo "W'tnal plW for' the ooc pr. of Ottldal -<Iii vi Oi'al!le Bay Z-Co.. Inc., a callf°"'la watlm 1 'a"" ~ of.=, °'::,j tlrm -of LAST JLUtY ..,. Mn. .Joba A. Prw:ott. 1Al1 (lhrlotmu "trellW>&' -·-for ~. c.utorni., did ..... t ud _.ui.o. 117 -0( 0.0 ..,, ~r:.. • -M Ul&t -l'ftODUCTS (R) and tbat eai4 llllnln&r -Tiiey were ftl, NUii coDIDS have )ult -com, _,., tht nol ~ theMtn ~ -la' It &I ~ ~ tllm .......ied 'IN -._ tlrm lo _,,-al tlle i-. uod &t ff. pletl!d.• .,._.,. ... ~ llo)'\>e. oad bemnalltt -.!Deel to II-., lltldfto-Deoelof 'l'l'Wlt,-ooll ~~:._'Pflftl ~ .._ -ID 1\111 &114 -----------1 Orana"O co.a lnsfNetor 1n -._. lllFcrow Co., rne., a cauton>la ....,., at public --lo tho lltst-t wrno:aa •1 -&ad -~ ~ tit .,--..,. ac f~ &be trclntn • oration. &c nu.tee, to -· bidder ll>r ea.ab, lawflll mone1 of .-1. to--: at Sb>delltr ~~ • amooc otber obllptlono, pe.yment the Ubltod -ol AJi>orl<a, ... (ll&AL) , \IIOLET TBOllEK, l>rzi•ld ,_ w-. M - tb<moe'"9 for *npfoymetif~ ot a --.Jlulo is. 1900, N.....,,,bor llO. UCll, &t tllo-.. of Notary Public ID and f~r --Bay, Nftlport - tall oo1e1 eled<o "'1rinr the Cllrllt--blo to -Rec'ac and Zepba •le..., o'doek a. "'· of -d&y, COO...ty &114 ltatc. :wary Helal WU-. ae -- ln&F -wtlJ be npund for. 0 •arc1 lltebl, ..,_Pd u4 wife, u at the 8outll "'°"t door al tu No. 7-Pna -Boy, New.-,:t '1111 ot t_.-1< ~ p,,,.,.... -joint W.Utc, . or -., for the ~e OOQllly Coort B'..,_ In the Palllloll Not. -.111-12, 11161. Wl'l lfllCSS Ill)" -tldl etll d&y w1ll lieCln No•. 28 and continua prllldp&I ....,. of UfOQ.06 w1tb Clt7 of 8&ala ....., C&ll.fOra1a. 1111 of N_.,.,, 1161. ' dally anW Dee 1 lnteeol f?Om June 28, J,980 &t the of the Inters! l:Oow~ lo It by N~ INVft'INO BID8 DONALD .J. WILSON. T ll l t ..,..i.i.MJ IMt<UCUon. rate of Clx percent per ~um, o&ld Deed of '?>wt In and to all N.U.. lo boreby st•.., th&t th• Bl&te t c.ntornla. wlllch lo -Ped to meet th• pllndpel and lnteTut 1111 due and th&t. eert&tn rMI prpperly oltuated county of Oraup will Neeln Count 0 f · proctlcal n-Qf W<Nldobe em-payable on FebnlarJ: 11. 19<11; and In the county of Oronp. statc. at --few the ~Unf lie ON-~~ al N.,._bef, plo7ffc. rep.-11b the .-blned WHDl&AS, cleliluJt ll&F .,., Ctllfontla. --u followa. Bulldlnp # 10, it n, I 11, ..., D 11111 bet ""' VlDla a plaimmr of -Wllty and col, ew:recl In that tbe pt1nclpel and Lot HI, Tftc\ Ull, our ft 20, ft 11, # 21, # JO. ~ a ·N: Pubitc ID and lop reprnerrt&Uvu. The ND pro-tntctMt 1111 dUe and payable on -.... &c -°" a Kap •II u, f SS, and # st at 0.-for the -Coanty and Btate. .,.... la ac followo: ~ 17• 1811• ~ DOt lleen !!".::'f,•~• lnd ~'. ~·-°'::;::'_,~'.~~lOC>Nnpo•e•·~ 1 ldilor --...., dull'. eommltolon, LIGAL NOTICE &t BAT t:SCROW CO., INC, Kain ottlce, 1U5 Cout Highway, COz am& de! ,lt!ar. Qty of N.wport Beach. County or <>reore. State or Clnlifomla. at 10::00 o'clock A. K. Dated October 30, 1951.a, JACK BEELER. D. E. BO'l'Hp:t,r., ~OrtPP" GEOROTll: NlQ Iii l'I!;, Ruth Niquette Rio Alt. In fa<!t. RUTH NlQUlitn'lt, Mortgagee. No._ 21: Oftetlnp from Buol· .--. -~-'• --' ~''" . om~ ~ od &114-. petl!ODllllY •-red -. lf-r Hlbler ot lleuozRoe-WlllCREA8, Rex -&114 -~ N<Ordo al -A_)(. OD the 1JOt11 daY of NOWlftz ._ .. .J -·-to mo to No. 7-Prw. blJdt A co.; Nov. 29, .Keettnr the Zepha Wu.I ~ OW1lfl'F -~ Ooanty, bor 11111, at tho OfTke at. ~ 'be the ~ -heme· lo .uJ>. Publloh Nov. 1~ 19<11. CUotomer Aerorc the Collnttt Kr. bolden of aid llOU. -lofore or 00 mudl of aald _.-ty u BMrd ot ~ 00...ty ol -bed lo tM WUbln _,.,..,,,..,t. Boy.:e: Nov. 30, Tour Store ' Perz elem......, that aid Trwltee oelJ ~ be -nn7 to be cold lo Clnnp, &t tll& OrallP OOUr>lJ' &ad oda>owlods'ed to 1fte that b• oon&llty, Mn. H..,.. of the col, -·~·and on lul)' .13, 19<1~ provide a oam. oattlclont to 11'17 COIU't -.,Banta Ana, Cllllf..., .,.....ted the..,,, •. IN W1TNIC88 lelf• peyebolot!Y dept.· Dee a 8ellz dllly ~ In the Office of the the totrl &ttlOWll feC!l"d by -nlA. &t whlolt-ume 1111 lllda wtJJ be W1lll:IUDOJ' [ have ~\lllto iet th Small n,.:.. . ' Oowity -of Or.nee Oounz Doe4 al ,.,,__ _ .... and publlely ..-&loud In ' ,,,, Ing tn e -Store, Kr. ty tn Book UO'f ,.,. l20 omclal Dated NOftm-11 19111 _... m7 1larl4 and &ftlxed my om~ Boyce; Doc. '• a.mnr .A.litlpMte ~ thereoi & not.I..; of -BAT ESCROW 90 '.me the-~bld~ ~-tn c.eeoo<lanoO -1 llM day and year tn tblo Oer, and llteorda. Mloe Dorio RUt of ' " " -u ~ -un.:.te nm above written. tbe 00C Bui. Ed. Div.; Dee. II, clef.ult and of tbetr electloa to A Collromla ~ with the lpe<Ulo&Uono and other (ll&AL) VIOLA R. CORNl!lCL CUil llq!lt Pr&etJee Mr B'rown ea-oald property lo be .. Id. ud By Dean C. BNdfood Oontnct Doeumeata 1IOW on Ille lll)' Oiml!llul Ex l ll/l~/152 of U.:, Na....:.i Cuh Jie .... j. Co.· more than three manll>o haYe noW PIMldoat at the .me:. at R. D. Powell. DI• N _1_......::.n p - •-' dapoed atnee t«0tdatlcm 0( .W 1CD .JORDAN "-·-Ooun._ .. _. ... , o. •• • ~ · , Dec. 1. Gift and Pacl<age Wrcp--'nle .wn of u 400 00 prin. • Treuurer rector, --· ., ·-Co.--. P,,bllob Nov. 8-t.&-12-29. 19~1. Plnr Wm Whitney of 00C art . <>r&nre Cloutlty, C&llfoml&. plea ---.~--------~· bec:· 7 8elllng y ndt th eq,.J. together With lnterect theft, (811,A.Ll (T,28S8) of the BpocUle&tlom may be ob-NO'l'IClll OF SAL& OF STOCK ...__;,. .;,t ' ln~ . ~~ on trom June 28, 1950. II """' -. State of Callfonlla, talned &t the otnee Of the Dboecz IN 11~ -...........,_..ym . • owtnc and unpaid. and there ts -....._._ al ~--~-llti4plon, OCCpoy. dept. and Dec. oJoo ceeure4 b said deed of tnat ~., _.._.,tr. tA>r. TO WHO)( IT MAT CONCERN: 10-14, Dnployment I n.t er v I e w the Ttuatee'a fees and expenaee of Oo November 5, 1161, betore me, Btddt:l"I are hereby notttted that TllI8 NC>nCE ot lntentlon to Pr9ctlce, )(1u Ra.el and. M?9. Mle ettlmated at $100.00, together ~e~~~~~~:'C:~~~d ~t!~~ purmant to the lll&lf'tea of Ute all a 9t.odl ot pees. ln bulk Howa. with any IWQ p&l<I and advanced c Bnd State of CalltomJ.a. °" local I&,.. Wttn~tb that." notice 18 here- lrech enrollee for tbe eoune un· by the ownerc of Mid note tn .., ~~ap::::'1to~an u,,,' ..,..: thereto •ppllo&ble, the County ot by atven that tlU! underrjped dentanda that completion ot the cordance w:tth the provift>na of dent, aad l:d Jordan. known to me Or&nre ha. ~rtalned t.he ,.n-QIDOR.GEi NtQUltrl'I: and RUrff courwe doee not guvantee h1m. a u.ld deed of truat. w1th bltvelt be th 8ecfoeta of lht eorp.. eral prevailin• rate of per ~lem NIQUrt tt, intend to eeD all that job. The certlftcate awarded the on said last-mentioned awn&. :..Uon ~ execu'ied tti within ware.s and rate1 for legal holiday cert.a.In itock ot mercb&bdtae con· ou.....n.J parUetpo.nt lo a -..C-, and over1lme w0<k In the loealtly ·~ ·-omtnUldatton tor employmenL" NOW, THJllRE1l"ORB, NOT!CJI In8trument, known to me to be the In wbJch th.18 work i. to be per· •tst.t.nc' l'•nerally at•-"" , .... ~ure., ft.cspona(billt:y fw ileeklng employ-IS. HEREBY GIVEN 1that the u.ld pereona who executed the w1lhln formed. for Mcls. cra.tt or type of equipment. leue and good. wtll of mat rut.I with the-.ltUden.t& Bay Escrow Co., lnc.l a Calltora.ta Imtrument on bfohalt ot the Co!"Jr workman or mechanic needed to that c<rtain eelf-aef"Vk:e l&Wldry The ICbool. however doel have eo'fpelr&Uon,. by virtue ~ the au-oreUon there tr n.amed, aM execute lbf: cont.net 9rttlch will be bualneu known u -LA.UNDR.A- an employment council w1th Doti-thority vested tn tt u Truat.ee ack:noW1edred to me that IUch awarded to Ule eucceutul bidder. MAT-RALF HOUR LAUNDRY CERTIFICATE OF llU81NESS ~FlnnN- THJ!l UNDll:RSIGNED d 0 e I hereby certify that he la conduct .. lng a martne aervlce and repalr bu.aineu at 1215 eo...t. RtghWay, Newport Beach, cautornla, under the nctltloa. Urm name of MA· RINE S~VlCl!l IJfd that laid firm le campoeed ot the following pei;aona, wboee namec tn fUll and place. of· residence are u follows, lozwlt: GAJL B. HUMPHREY, 517 Begonia, Corona del Mar 1 catJtornta. • WinlEss my h&n4 tblo 31St day of October, 1D51. GAIL B. HVMPHREY State of Caltfpmta.. county of Orange, u. '· - • • ,' , . / ' , ' ,' ,' ,,' .i~­,' , , , ' . J / •' ·-· aid 1lripwl u cbaJ.rman. ,,... under raid Deed of nu.t, will .. u eo.,,....uon executed the Mme. WAGE RATES: Tiie prevailing png to •Id OIXlROl!l NJ, Council will receive blda'fl'om >ocaJ at pubUc auct.lon to Ule highest WITNESS my band IJ'ld otflclal det:ermtnfll are u Col-QU&:l"l'it and RUTH NIQUETTE merchant. for employment of nu-bidder tor cub. lawfUJ. money ot aeal. ;;:,~~a so and localed at 2817 Villa Way, dent.a and u bide are recehed. the the Untted St.a.ts ot America. on (8EAL) VIOLET THOREN, N.ewport Be9cb, ONnre County. rouncil wUl IO notify th09I atu-November 30, 19'51, at tM bou.r ot Notary Pubtlc ln and far •aid Pa.lat.en: Callfomla.. and that a tnmfer and denta tn trabrln&'· eleven o'clock a. m. of aaid d&cy. County and State. Brush ..... : .... ·--·······-·············-· 2.15 .. lpment of the am. will be at the South Fl'ont door ot the No. TA-Prat Brwsh-(Swing Stage) --···· 2.40 made. and the ~bUe prtce ~~.~Jon, all Interested Orange ColmtJ Coart H.,.,.. tn tlle Pubffob N.,,.. 8-111-H. 19111. Spray Oun or Band-3.40 tlle.-, wll1 be paid. en MONDAY men;nan1.4 are lnv1ted lo submit aty ot S&nta Ana, QllJfornJa, all Spray Gun or Bandbluter the 28tll Oaf ot f\"'OVSMBCR, requecta for itudent help. Quall· of the lnterNl oonveyed to I< by NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL (SW!ng Stare! ................ 2.66 19M, BAT llllCROW CO., INC., fled tnln ... will be an.Uallle for aaid Deed of TnJOt tn and to all P)lOPIEBTl' 111' 'r&tllli'U SUB , .fRAlllCll: (Subject to Kaln Oftlee. ltlll Oout Htpway, att~~hool houra bnmediately that ctttain real p1ope1ty .ttuated \JNl>Q Drm OF Tll:U8T change) Coron& del MM. Ora.nae County, ON THIS 31et. day of October, A. D. 19$1, ~ore me, HARRY ASHTON, a Notary Public In and tor the 8&kl O:lunty a.nd State, re- atdinr there, dply commislioned and sworn, personally appeared QAJL B. HUMPHREY, a la o known aa G. B . HUMPHREY, known to me to be the per90n wboR name la Mibacrlbe:d to the withhl in.tnunent, a.bd acknowl- edged. to me that he executed the come! IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto aet my band and affixed by official ae.a.l tne day and year 1n thta Certlflcate first above written. (SEAL) BARRY ASHTON My Commllllon Expires 5/18/53 No. 76&-Pr ... On Thanlugi•ing ·DI~ .,...""' espe<Wly mindful of our Amrrian beriuge. -"'1""8 °"' fft.doms;. me righ< "'go IS we ~ w heft' we fboose. with seaariry. Next time you plan :11 Soudtbnd triplwh! no~ uy Pacific Electric? You 'll br dosnkful for dw 1•tn safety, comfon and economy. ~~~~I T"--"'ls lfl"' 11'1 S11Url I• • followtnr tbo Thankegt<rtng lloll,· 1n the Oounty of Oranre. St&!<! of WHEREAS, HUOB C#JRNS Fo......,: AU fo-.<!I 11ot he"'tn O&ltfomla, &t 10:Gt o'eloett A .K. daYr. a.nd f0< fllll-tlme employ, California. deeerlbed aa foll_,.: and HJ:LEN c . CA.lRNB, h111b&nd -rately cluatfled lhall be Tha!t the .Mid.-of oal4 vendor "lent, Dec:. 8· Lot 1<2. Tract 1211. Cliff UM! wife, by Deed of Trwit dated paid not 1-than 12\i cenU lo 21'1 Vta ItllkS, Udo IAI<. Ne,., Haven, u shown on a Map J\lJle 28, JteO, recorded october per hour more than Jattme)lmen port Beeda. Onnee OoUJlty, Cal.J .. County Officlah , Allencl C. D. Meet WUlla B . Wamer, are.a X (Or- ..... Cowoty>. coordinator of Retfon 9, of Civil Derenae. and L. A. (Dan l Patch, blo alternate . wW attend u alJ.day meettnc on plant faciliUea protection tn Loe Anreleo today' The meeUng, ~by K&j. Oen. Waittt K. -_ .UU dkectot-ot civil defeue, wu held in· the morntns at Loyola Univer- sity Campu. and Jn the afternoon at U.. HuCf>q Alrcrcfl plant. end' in,g with • demonatratJon of the Hugbea jilltn. The taclUtJea protection plan appliee to large and small ln· dlld.r1e8 and lnstitutlona alike and ls developed to aastst in their pro. tecUon and that of their t:mployeea In tlm.e at diaalter. Orana"e county baa many lndt111triea wtudl wU1 be meekiag lntonnatk>n and will Move need ot a plan tor t.helr guldance. Trucks Asked to Stwy fllf Hkjlrways On Holiday Wffliud W ith man,y people tcl<lng ad· ~tare of the Thankoglvlng week end tor motor tripe, the <rucl<lng lnduotry hac uked that all tn1cktl except t.hoee ~ .... nual oblpmenta otay oft, the Mp.ways Saturday and Sunday. November 24 and ~ acconttna' to Wade 8llenvd, serteN! m•aager of the C&llfomia Motor 'tran1p>rt .U-laUono, Ille. llW the put year tbe trucldng lndumy hac ,.on both praloe and appredatkNa from motorist.I for effort.a to rdUCe truck tn.ttte on holiday week en.CS. ln order to add to mot.orilta' pleasure and aa.Iety. 1blo program la part of the tnz duatry'1 contlnUOUll aafety ~ ....... thereof recorded ln Book 37, 17, lt50 ln Book 2088, pace 501 rate for the-c.ra.ft involved. tohUa-and the ~ of -.Id pa.pa 4T, 48 and ~9. Mi8ce)-~ Official ftecordl of Orarsge A~UeM : May be emPIQ.Ted. Ill "f'l.Ddee t. 907 HU1 Street, Inl'le- laneoue Kapa, records of _.kl OOunty, 'c.Iifomla, d1d g~t and conformity .nth Sect1oft 117.5 ot wood, Loe A~lee C-ounty, Calt- Orange Comity, convey the real property tbe.Nln the C!aJJfomi& 14.bor Code. forn1L · or ao moch of aaid properly U and hereinafter deecribed to Bay ~: Bame ware IC.ale u craft Dilled October SO, 1861. lhall be n.....,y _to .be .,Jd to z:.e.o,. eo .. Inc..a Calttonil&.corpz to which rt&rtnr lo laeldent&I. ·OllORGE NIQU"li"'l' .. 1111,"' provide a .tUm •u.mctent to pay on.Uce, a.a Truatee, to aecure. 1n cb&rSe man of ftve or more By Rvth Niquette. the tota.1 amount secured tly aatd among other obUpt!Oll.li payment Journeymen Ui 2& centa addlUonal Ria Atty. ln fact.. Deed ot Tnlllt. • of a note dated June 21, 19DO, per bour mott tlw\ tbe Journey· RUTH NlQUCl l I!, Dated November 5, l~l . payable to Rax Kechi and Zepba men rate. In charge man of !WI' Vend:O!"I BAY ESCROW CO., INC., Ward Rech•. hu.tband and wife, u or lea Journeymen la 12\t cents JACK ~ - A California Corpo!'ation jolnt tenants, or order. tor the &dd.ltlon&I per hc:Mr more than the D. E. BOTHEU:. By Dean C. Brad.lord prlnclp&l sum of '2400-.00 wtth Jowne)'D'M'n rate. Vendee Pru6dent ln~r.t Crom June 28. 1960 at u.e "()JCNERAL INFORllA110N: 1i:8C'T'OW No. 3011 ED JORDAN, rrte ot ax pereeo< per annum, 8:00 A. M. StartiJ>r nme. State of Caltromla, • (SEAL) Treasurer prtnctpat and tnterut all doe and" Bingle Shltt: Eight conaecutJve cwnty of Or&nce. aa. CT·H 38) payable on Febnlary 17, 1161: a.ad houri inclusive hours. exclual•e ot 0.. October S4, 19~1. before me, State of Callforni&. O:>unty Gf Orange, sa. On November 5, 1951, before me, the undlntped. a Notary PubUc ln and for a.Id COunty and State, penonally appeand Dean C. Brad· ford, l;tnown to me to be the Prut.- dent, and Ed J ordan, known to me to be the Secretary of the Col'p- orauon that aecu\ed the wfth1n Inatrument. known to me to be the pereona who e.xecute<l the wtth1n wtrument °" behalf of the Corp-- oration th e re In ~ and acltnowledged to me that such Corporation. executed tbe aame. WITNJ:ss my bMd 'and official eetl. (SEAL) VlOtzr THOREN, Not.ar)r Public ln and for aa.td County and State. No. 712-Prw. Publloh Nov. a.1~22. 1951. WREREA.S, default bu oc--Junc.t\ period. between 8 :00 A.. X. the underalped, a Notary P\.lbUc curred tn that the prtnclpa.J and and G:OO P. M. ab&ll coutitute a ill and tor uJd Cowlty llftd State, lntere.t:t all due and psyable on daya work. per90t1.ally appeared Rath Niquette February 11, 1951 , hu not been Forty houn, Mond&f. 8:00 A...M. D. E. Botllell and Jack Beeler, paid: a.nd through Friday 0:00 P . M. &hall known to me to be the penonl WHEREAS, Rex Reeba and constitute a weeka work. wbOM names are au.b9crlbed to Zepha Ward Rechs, owners and Holklay1 and overtlme wagt the wtddn biatrument &nd &e· holders of l&.id note, heretofore .ca.lea aa filed ~ the Bulldlnr ltnowtedpd U\&t l.bey executed demanded that Rid Truatee sell and Conatructtcm 'Dradea Council the am«. said property. and on July 23, 1~1 or Or-aase County. WITNESS my hand .and oftlcl&J duly ~ed tn the Ottlee at th• The Boan! of SUpentaon of the aet.I. County Recorder of Orance Coun· County ot Orange expreuly re-(SEAL) VIOLET mOREN, t y tn Book 2207, pare 31', ometal cerv•• the rtitit to reject aey .,. No!UY Public In and ~ Reeordl thereof. a noUee of laid all bido or ....ive any lnfonnallty Mjd ·Qquato)' ..i>d St&te. default and of the.tr elec.Uon -to in a bid State of Calllort\6....i i .. , J cauae said property to be aold, and DATIDD: October SO. 1"1. Oowtly of Oranp. u. fllli more tll&n three monthc l>Lve ~ BY ORDER OF TBl!l BOARD On Oetobor :U, 111S1 before me elapoed since tteonl&tlon of -.1d OF BUPl:RVISORS OF OR· the underclped • N-.y Pul!lle notice. Tbe sum of $2400.00 prin-ANGE COUNTY, CA.LD"()lt-Sn &ad for .aid Oouat)t a.nd State, clpal, together with tntereet lb.ere-NJ.A, penonaJJy appe&nid Rvth Niquette on from June 21, llSO, ia now~. CSK.AL) B . J . SMlTB, known to m.e to be the penon owtnr and unpaid. and Ulere ta Cou:nt.y Clerk and ex-ottlclo Clerk whme name la MIMcrlbfiid to the oJoo ffCurad by aaid deed of tzuot of the Bo&rd at SUpenloon al within -.WUent u tht Attorney the Trultee'1 teer and expenaM of ar.nre County, Clallfomla. tn Fact of ~ ~quette and NOTIO& OP 8.u.E OP BEAL a.le eetlmatecl at Sl00.00, togetller No. Tei-Newport Bal-Pre.a. """'1-edCed that •he llllbec:rfbed PROPERTY BY TRU8TJIZ with any aum.a pa.kl and advanced Publllb NOT. S • lG, lw.11. u.e name Of Oeor-p Niquette 1JM>l!:B DUD OF Tll,UBT by Use ownen ol laid note In &e, thereto &c pr1nelpel. alld Mr own WHEREAS. HUOH CA.DINS -with the provlalon1 of ~ft OP llUlllNUS tl&IU u Attomey In hct. and HELEN c . CAIRNS, iw.-aid died of tnat. with tnte...i wrrNE88 my band and otnelal ··d w1•e by'-.. • of --~-~ on -"' IMt·menttoned .,_ ·neuuoua Finn Nune ..i. ~ ''' ,,..., ··---.~ THI: VNDEBSIONICD do herez (llllllU.) VIOLl:I' THOREN, ~une 28, 1960, recorded. lllly NOW, THDtl!ll"ORE. NOTICE by eertlf1 that I om eon4uctlne" a Pu a, J t!!O In Book 203!!. pore' 1113 ra IO:Rl:BY OIVEN that the aaJd .Real lDrtate --at IOO Ila!-Nol&ly bllc tn and for of Ottlelal Records . of Or-ange Bay _..,.. Oo •• lnc., & Calllomlll --·· Newport -·· Qal:I, No. n&-P.~ OOWlly and, lt&ta. Count¥. Cllllfamla, did grcnt and eorporaUon, by virtue 0( l'ae &a• fornta, -the flctlu.O;, llrm convey t1M ...i _.-ty therein tholity -tcd In It .,. ~ ......., of Ba1bo& Palmo Ra!' llloz Pllbllrh No'" l~. ~1• and borelnaftar d..,rt .... to Bay ,,,,_ -.1d Dold at 'rn.t. will cell tale and that aid firm lo -, llOOllOE OP ~N TO Eocrow Co., Inc., a C&llfomt& eorpz at pubUc auction te tU blPmt pooec1 ot Ille f~ per-~OllTO&O& orauon, u Truotee, to oecure, bidder for-. l&wflll ,,,_,, al wb-'na>n• tn full and p-TO WHOM IT°tlAT-<ibNCERN· YeWr:le l1pal•••t M"•teS••••Aall amonr ot'aer obllptlobc, payment the Ul!lle4 -« A.9VI ... • of -::.=--toz..it-• . at a note -.June 18, tt6e, Nowm ..... ae, lMI< et u.e -of ROBERT ;"0 &c • Notice It 1'or•> st-,..., 'n~ pay<ible Ip au -and Zepho el 'etoek of Id .,.,. . lo the _.....,,.,. of --- Wudo ~ b-Md ~ u at. U:. otoutll ::..:t .,,,: al ~ aoo -Ill --Drive, of the C1Yll Code of the Btate of Joint _.., °' ontu. fot tlM ~ County oo..rt Bo<.0 ID t1oe BeYerl,J Blllc, C&Ufon>la Callfomla, tllot on the 0th 11'1 of prtnelp&I -ot pgoo,oo w!tll ~ or -Ana, o.-..... .n °" No•..,._. JNl, -• •r .c U. lllotori.ota h&vinr -..W to .tnterat ,,_ .J .... JS, l8llO U tllo of the IMdnt eoa..,od to ft lit' a ~ JlellA. B• • .8&J' ~ -lhd -and b ••t ..it11 the Department of rrte ff atx -t per -aal4 Deed vi TNlt ID -to all Ne-..rt Bn<ll, Cllllfwol& equl~ of tllal -llllf, Kot« Velllc:I• today "'"" .. , prfndp&t a.nd tn1-an dUe and tbi.t --1 pc~ ottu&ted ~ rq ~ OD -211Ua ~ !ikiDdrJ -and )oz Yloe4 by 0.0 Newport Police Dez paJUle"" 1l'.l!bruuy lT, 1861: -la t1M o.u.q ot an..,.. ltat.e al _,, of ~. tcsl. co;ted u · 1817 Villa ~, City al putnlOftl that tbe Grparlment't WHl:RU8, -Jiu oe-o.Jlfomta,, -&a ,_, 1IOe9tT 1. GREll2f,lil Newport BM<ll/~ or Olup, -et 0 -K.alD -. Carnd ln that U.. pof11c1pa1 _. .Lot HI; Tract 1211, C110 aTA'l'S or c.uD'OIUU.A. . l• State at Cllllfon>la. In~ to a.-.. "'°' move to Banta AM In-1111 ..,. -parable on Ba-. .ac aboW1I on a'Vap C017lh I Gr'Ulll ANOl:LD l ,a.ee a -Ital ~ a-,tlle u.:. ":~ .,...._ otaff u of rebr<luy 1T, 1951, bM -1>eeJi ~ NCCll'ded 18 -IT, OH TBJa 11t1o day ot oata• or, --·· ul eq \ 11~ .. ~-K ,, • paid; -' , -n, ta and 9, MJKet. • A. D. 11111, --· L L. JW, D. & BOit 1,1, -AClt --· °'· 11,"' LIL will W1lll:RllA.I. -ReCln and I OM llallO. ,.._,., al,.old a If~ -IB -,_ llie --~ O! lllo -·ror • n -at -North ....,. Ward ltro;llt, --""" o..,. Cloutlty - o toY . and atatit. -... fff•llt:t: -Ills ad4t• 1o :::.=a::-:t!:;.. De of· b H•• ot?'!' lllllit, ._PIH'""« "'I W11 or~ .,.,,av M ... lMnlD. pttJ' -~: •l.<lll:l'ot ...... ood, -!<lie,~ Cdtana HJat>-drr .. lod --..u -be WI ·~ ta ... -to .. - -,.., 7-•• I .. 0 v r. ....-. ... "' • Wl1 Patrol, --,,,,.., al -J1GfUt1, -iia ~ .. 1tcsl """!:,f --M s lo fir MI I I, •• . m I aa .. 11cn with tlle-~ .iuer-r Pa .. Ollloow6U. ·:ti I --..... -.a. ___ _ wlU --'9 ... Uae pc 1 ol Oa • 111 9cs lier of°=! I Ol9--otl 'It 4 It ..-iMd .. tllt - - ·-&t ---..:.i. 11< .. -... Na °"""' -.... -. -t 7 ....... to - <>-. · 7¥,: ;, J ~ "'-:! °"'~:,;--=-~' w!21 :W."";""" • --.... Q.Jlr ;?I. 'II ..... .,.--,. .. ,. s •ftU r·- ... .... Ctetll!r. 1111 ·-0... ,..,_., 111 t i .. T' I l I .. ••e •tt,... a.&• --. .... --... ---. _.., ___ ...,.....,... ,,._ ._&I .. R M t'-a IA ,,.. , a • JI\ .... .. ... .,mat? ... --t•-c.·nu•- • Pllbllah Nov. S.15·22·21!. 1961 .. UNITING THE DEFENSE OF . How 'We 've geared the telephol)e system 1. Row,__ <le 7"""" .. ....,.., SiDoe .. ..,. olPanti-,the oliiOO'I~ iolimaolcQI 1ias d<peoded -nri&. niab1e COllUllUlliatio today, the~ it u~ hdfi!>B-mili'1"1 -....... tb<ir "*""··.at wod< •..U.C min- -'"""" md clip la <la-p;ocNcrion pia-.. , • woil< -i,. ".,,. .... ""iring the ......,m o( -·*-"'~ . • f UNITED STATES J ' • meet t'pllay's emergency i . .. r . . • 1 11h1t11 ~ ......... .,.. . •8*1•2'1 ~-- • • • • • • • • ;AGE ' -PART 11 -THURSDAY, NOV. 1s, 195 1 H. A HeU lniwed ... ·~~ · ·0 ' in H¥wey Crash . .~~u.-pn•ss~ ,,_._ ooll-.. wn1o7 ' -.. cenee6 1n1nor llljury to H-tt Al- bort Hall, w -CaDll. Bel- -Xoland. ~ reported. Accordln&' lo pollce. • car driv· ... by Rub)' ~""" Cb< ..... 1111 Poppy "'-t. t.onr B<Kll • ..mt lllrculh a red Urh l on Oou\ Hl&ll· w•y .jullt. u a slake truck dd nn by Hall and a eedon driven by Jame. w. Torn. m A.ple ave- nu... Balboa bland. en~red Ole blabwaY h"om S.lJ'llld• Drive. l.ecJel & U.UC.ue A.II lopl and "' -• .,.... -!'lo. 1" -....i..: J'l'op. dwrtp1J9e: • pound. 11 -boy. ~-.. ,!!tee ..... Michael Poirier. Ve1llh1":W UU&m 8. Polrltt a. 8hlrlo7 K. Polrtor hi• u J/t. AddftM: 140ll,i 8 ~a yJ e w Ave.. Corona dtJ, Mar. !'.ecrow otttcer: Dr. W. V. TreadWel~ 81. J ... pb boeplW. Orance, Calif. Eacrow doeed on the Wrd day of Nowmber, 11l61. 9 :3? Hall WU ruohed lo l!Mta Ana Community poeplU by S..l'a am· bu.Ian~. He wu releued lhe tol- Jowtnr day. ------ -People do r.ad lb want -· p.m. I nu. property ta now avail· a ble tor Jnapoctlon. --be _,, to be appreciated." I I VALENCIA FOUR ..... _. et Biil M--. lllR roans. -OU· .,.rt 1111<1 Doa llanlM>n, cfvbir o-i wttb mlelll>' • ..-barm .. J at the Drunkarct, DOW PlaJ'la&' .,.. da1rd week at tbe Bamboo room In BalboL CHRISTMAS PR EW ·JUDGES WILL CHOOSE BL .~BOOTHS A. truly repreaeniative group ot•.----------- ma.n !tom the Coeta Meaa.New· ta.at moving preeentation written port Harbor area will judge tbe a.round a. popular 1tory book theme booth exhibit.a at the Christ.mu tc.. btl announced at a later date. Preview to be held Friday an~ Dt-z.i Arnas wW dlf"toet hll 12- Sa:turday. Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 in piece orchestra un Df.c. 1 and wtll the Rendezvous Ball1-oom. prel:H!nt a spectaJ show in the Aak.M to ser"Ve '>n thia pa.neJ early evening. This Ls the tirat llave. been: T~omaa F . Norton, pre vlrw to have .Saturday night pre•ident or the Newport Harbor dar.cmg. Chamber or Commerce; Selim Ticket SaJN Franklin. president. ot the Costa Mesa Chamber or Commerce; Heinz Kai~r. county board Of su· pervtaoni.; Earl Stanley, a.saembly- man, and Harry Welc h, member ot the board or the Hoag ~temorial Hospital, Preebyterlan. Each or the 45 boottu. arranged around · the baJlroom t]()(;t wtll ~ filled wtlh eyl"·&ppeating r.ierchatt- diec available locally for Chri..!i;l- mu gift giving an( pra.cUcal homemaking. • This is the fifth annual ChriAl· maa Previe w gponl'tOred by Ile Newport Harbor •Bu.siness and Profes."lional Womcn·s club as a community w ht<' endeavor and translated means, "Let 's Shop at Home." PbllanthropJ' Fund Proceeds from lhe at:alr are used by lhe club to further its many philanthropies. amung which '.s a scholarship tunrl ~rented each yl'Rt to a g irl ~raduatf' from New· port Harbor Union High ecbool. Last year Mlq Colleen McDermott wa.s M')ecll'd by the &cholan:hip committee and Is now attending Orange Coast College under that !'C"'Ol"rShlp. A taahLon s how will be. held on Friday night, Nov. 30, wtth ap· parel shops participating in model- ling nationally advertised style lines. Mrs. Mazie Bird, chairman of the fashion show. promises a Tickets are now on sale. rrom any e: A-P. W . club member and entitle the bearer lo partlclpate in the many prize drawlngs whether pre»ent'. in the ballroom or not. Three maln door prizes con,1ist of $.'> coupon orden totalling $100. $7!5 and $50 drawn o n any booth or fashion •how partici pant. and the "·inner may <'leCl to spend the cou- pons wherever he ltkea. R espoNJlble tor the arrange· nu,•nta for Chrilltmaa Preview are seven Women, eac h or whom hu t\vo coTT'mitttta serving under her. Mt:"mbers ot lhf' seven-women ad· v i~ry board and th<'i r committees are: Dorothy Sutherland aMilated by F reda Ba.tel!, radio nnd television and June Quarles. publiclty; MU· 'Ired Stanlt>y a.sais'ted by He.ten Norton arid Evelyn Varner. boolh sa.Jea. and Dorothy Reddick and H elen Wolford, coffee stands; Btt- ty Jarvis, U8bted by Mazie Bird, f&.Bhion show and Jessie Hill. deco· raUOllll ; Sally Newlin, a&i:l8ted by Peg Ege, progn.ma, H eteo n Rlnder· keonttkl. prize booth•: Ruby Stev· t"r.son, &Misted by Carolyn Weber , ticket sales, and Alda Gorton. ticket booths; Agnff Blomquist, a.szsi8t.ed by Isabel Bowles, door pr'.zes. and Helen Spiel!, check- room: and Irene Mo rrls. <'Xecutlve sccrPtary. in charge of Rendez· vous committee. P.-T.A. URGED JO SUPPORT NEW SCHOOL BOND ELECTION BY REGISTERING VOTERS Board ot IM!hool t.ruateu, actJng,.,_ _________ _ on a recommendatior\ rrom lhe lla8lll°ffi. Such 8 demonntration co- CitiZen'• Commltltt ~ve eel J&r1-spoMOred with the Nt>wport Har- . uary 18 for the S9~.000 school bor High School should affect • bond election da)'. Hlated Mrs. drivers by polntlnK up the Impor- t.ow. C.enar. pr~ldenl of the tant factor of individual reaction N e w port Be a c h Eleme.11tary lme, ahe said. "It should a.Neel Schools PTA at the UJ'Jit 's board children a.19o, by making clear . ineetlng laat Thuraday In the Hor-their reaponalbUlty ln avoiding ac- ace Enatgn school. cidenta." "PT A mt'mbers can get bully Winning mt'mbershlp drive i>oet- on lb1a right away," she advi$ed. er8, whtch helped bring tn the 2000 !•Every regl8tered perflOn ls ellgi-memberahlps attained this year. ble to cast a vote on the bon~ ls-were exhibited. Eighth gnde wln- tue which wUJ require two-thlrda nen are Camilla Emkee. and Bob inaJority to be passed_ Therefore, Graham. Seventh grade winner11, 1ee to it that yuur neighbora are aJao memben ot Mlea Marie Hef· ~glalered. Take them to the city fern'• art cJa.u. an o.zi Fadler hall la regl.ater if they have not and Oren Wade. done 90," Mra. Caenar urged. Pr.A diattk:t meeting wu •n· The Newport Beach Sc.boob nOWle«i for Nov. 15 at the N~· 1>T A haa been . iMt..nJ!nental tn part Harbor Union hl&h ec:bool. arouaJng the intere1t of local clU· SpMker at the meetinl' will be s.e.nery rep.rdin.a the onn::rowd-l:dlt.b Peet Shepherd. COordina· rd Khoole in the Newport district. tor. Pvent Education, Loe An- .Mra. Harvey Somero, recordlnr l'elel City Scboola. Rev. Jamea 8eel'etary, read ·a review of ~ool Seth Stewart, new put.oc at St. housing condlUona In the sy1tem And.rew'a Preabytert&n church wW 8.nd recom.DJ.endatlona wbk:.h b.ave give the Invocation and Sidney "9Ulted from meetinga during the O..vidM>n, IUperintendtnt a t tbe p .. t lb.., weeka. held, Jointly b7 bJ&'b acbool will welcome Ibo educatora, civic groupt and lbe guest.a. Mia Marie He!becb w iU ~.PTA. A citizen"• committee in· direct the ~h Khool cbor\11 and otudJnc Philmer J . Ellerbrook,, the atrlng orcbUtra wW pla)' ltlohard Pl•ro. Paul Davia, Geofl" under the dlnction or CUnton l,.lnd and P'redorlel< Hodsdon pre· Sawlll. • ~ a broebure-wMeh potato -pul,. that oc:bool hOWlln• t..:Wllol ID' lb• dlotrlct tall allort apd that :.c-populaUoo snwtb pl ...... Stat e C hairman to Address • • DILICA TBBlll Bf ICIALB ~~~~'h:"~A€!t b llLI llllE~ ,,11110 a1· lllCE IUT ~ .· ~' P • ¢ I l 11 i I :r.z_ 1r01-1 A DAI CIEEIE SA~;-:;: 2 9 ...... .,._,.. Qitlnr ~l!Uil.J' --• -tor aI>oyt 80 clam ......... ft.e• ract·tladb\J poup ........ i...i -tbat a lleW .ecbOol pJut• pJ\19 addJ. 'Pro ~ -.uJ .,_.. ••~ -at B..-.ce ....,.. --~ Pro Americ a Unit PIJlllllPlll ll•PLI. llOr .11111 •• _,. . -"' COit S*,000. -muunr N~. la, 10 L m. ta ~--PIJcria IJall. o.a.a clol -· Ort .... """" lilnL. ~ --'l'lleljtiM ... at U..t .. -Vat wW pr 11-. -wl JI - ·.: ..t.ot1 drlvtns -la Mn. -~n. -clialr- Ule .,... -:;nza? btJboe the m&a Of mwhulbtf fol' Pro """"' ..,. --tr! liar W'!te. --~ °""'SIU'• topic -• •olo' t11at ~ ._ ~ ~ "Ok= • Wlth a.,_ . .All ~ • llce, ~ tutndon ... u..1 .... ~ta lfW ..... NIW 1 ...... ~ CPl:r. lle•pwt B11All_ .,....., Pr.A !J ..t-ue ._to Mt n' . I . •• • ._.Wl!IRP'I VI • / .------ -Ploople do .... Ille Want ..SO. -hapio do l'W4 ~ ~ - Now Open Sunday for the H~meowner COfilCRm lltOC,ICS .• -.CK' FLAGSTONE •' ·SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES SKIP LOADER roa 'TRAllD LOADING KEITH I. COLLINS . , ZU4 Newport Blvd. Harbor 7015 • • ' UVIN6 ,ROOM, LAMP$ & SH NIN6 R M, BEQ ROOM ' ES --W~LL , SHELVES ~ N I KNACKS •• 11 : Pli:Cm Ar . E • "'RA SALE I . ' . f81C18 LAGUNA MAP E SHOP • '790 COA8'1' BLVD~ IAGlmA BEACB-43529 • •• I