HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-22 - Newport Balboa Press• mn 11 "' ..._,. of tM -• ~ dewJoplq .... f ~ Ulo c.Jlfonola 1!1oulll o.a.w 11:.nplN I ' •. ) •• ' ' • ' , ._ t" 11 ·- ~ to lie dalin. - .-ilBpllrtlal, --Jto ~ -:-a r • l"Df'Ular '!'Ni+ Cid. , • • .. 1tT T. N. ("lllUCS"> ~ Tllululsl""'&' lo a ' inJPly ~ time for folb -J\lllt Ob to pt otatf<4. lllie their turkey If Ulo1 caa atlord It. But for ol.beN, ""'° -wllat'• l'Jlnc Oii Ill Ulo world today, ll'• doUbttllJ If tlila coul!l be a tttne for s:IYlns tbanka. 'I1llo Loo't Sob>J )'> be a .. nnoa on the elate of the worid toda1- and what'• to be dorte about It! It'• juat • mention that all'• not well all OJ<)Uhd. But I aup- t;'Nl")'Ol1e can dta up a aort ot half- b<art<d oubjeet f0< ~· '!'IL, dept. for ln:.t.ance. la happy that ~t·e eon Ja on Okinawa ln· stead of in Korea. SECOND t.At&EST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY , • • . ' ' .. • VOLUME XU PHONE HARBOR 1616 I NllWPORT BEACH, CALD'QRNii., THURSDAY ~NO~ 22, 1951 TWELVE PAGES FIVE ' I lmaglne lt'a the ame wttb everyone elee. You can d.rtam up ootn~lhlng to be happy about even lf Uncle ha.a ta.km almoet half your p&y. So we're happy and are giving thanklll 8UOllTLY OFF. THE 8Ullll:Cr ' lncJdentally, thll dept. . b a a aomething not to be t.ba.nldul abouL 1!lucalyptua atumpa. Lut Au.gust a eofty. or acgt'°e- ptJon. of treea of that variety IRU"f"Olmfled the editorial mansion. But tbey were becoming a menace. CLIFF HAVEN ANNEXATION . MEET SLATED 80 were cut off almoat level with Cliff Haven area to Newport tlle groand, leaving the 1tumpa to Besch wtll be dlacusaed Mon be taken care of, which la aome- thlng you can't do with a type-night by a cttisena' commltt wrlte,r, ... J've dl'kovered. meeting ln the home ot Rex Al- Tboee at.umps are compo8ed of bright, 2~11 Slgual Road, ClJtt eomethlng hJch, tt It could be re-Haven. procluced properly, would make Aftt>r hearing considerable dLl- .cootli .,,.,.,r for tanks and battle-cuaslon during the put year te- ahfp 88.rder"n Iron and twtce as I gardlng deairablllty of annexa- eW'*°rn--Try and bUm one down Lion to the city, Mr. and Mra. Jen-y to bdow-g:round level aometlme! G. Tufts. 23601 Southwest Pira.U J",.e tried backing at 'em wtth an Road, polled some of the reai- axe. An t got ts chip. in th~ eye denlJi to see whether enough fav- and no results. I 've tried pouring ored the mov~. oil on 'em and getting nothing Next week a meeting wl.U be but a black .moke and complaints. held to determine how many per- One of the JeaK succesafuJ at-sons will a~p~rt the ctrcul&Uon of tempts waa evol¥ed b¥-thi3 dept., petitions requesting the city coun· Incidentally. t flpred that thought cil to approve annexation. of the waves, lf dlrected properly, could area. dJaintegnte thoea pithy monstera. Should the cltlzens· committee F or three eoJ1d weeka I sat on the decide senUment justifies clrcula- front porch and directed heated Lion ot petition. and •dvertlsing waves at· 'em. And, after all that of lntentloN to aee.k annexation, Ume, r decided the s y 8 t t" m a.ccelt>rated movement of the proj- wouJdn't work. Not even a ch.Ip ect will be etarted about Dec. 1, had diu.ppeattd. Mrs. Tufta di&cJOMd. In the meantime, I've juat been Reason many Cliff Haven rest- burnill&" and hacking away at 'em, denta w1sh to join tbe city la for wtlh weekly varlatknl and week-police and fire protection and end cursing and sweatl.n.g. retuae collection. The area hi al~ And I've had Iota of help. An ready ln the city elementary acroes-t.hc-street neighbor, Har-&cbool di.strict. Id K 1 Uk to di• d ha U pelltk>na are circula ted, Clltf 0 Y e, ea ._ a.n ul Haven folk will be uked •Leo to firewood., too. Anothtt neighbor, Foundrymllll Morita. le dreaming support the progosed $980,000 up a Buck Rogen sort of deal el~mentary school bond Luue elec- wtth a vacuum cleaner for a. blow-tion set for Jan. 18, Mrs. Tufts er and can or ruel to blast 'em said. . Twenty-five per cent of Clltf out with heat. H&ven'a eatlmated 2M--300 reel-.Alao. there've been a couple of part.-Ume looke~nera, llke our dent.a mu.at sign pel1Uona requeat- county clerk. e. J .\8mJth or lfew-Ing annexaUon If the city council port Heights. who'• the belt is to consider the mattu. Cliff C!outtty cferft!"tft' l1'i't '"11f2:'-"but a Sawn 1e -M-Prwtwci -11·· mediocre atump-aplJtter. and Uncle MeA. The precinct contalna 344 Bennie Reddick, proprietor of thl.R regtatered voters, &Q:Ord.tn1 to the peerleN family JoUrhaJ, who city clerk. blanches at the thouaht or wield-The Cliff Haven area TUN from Ing a IT)Jbhoe more than three or 15th Street to Cout Highway and four mlnutea from Irvine Ave. to Bay Shore So, Jn the meant.lme. the atUP'lpa Drive I 17th street). ar e et.ill at.anding-or .llltting- there, defying all methoda of re- moving 'em ao • nice green lawn can grow. I've tried everything short of dynamite, and that'• probably ouUawed. So, if -large clouds of smoke reeembllng lb~ Cost& Mesa dump •re .een arising from my neighborhood one of theae days, it'll be me, not the at urn pti, burning up! llER.E'N TH.ERE I'd Uke to repeat an okf com- plaint. which doe1 no good. The truck11 -bakery, ice, lee cream, dairy-which inal1t on parking ln the traffic lane with complete tack of mannen while delivering or selling gooda. Bad manners and agaJnat the law. but Jt allll goe.s on ... Few word.a recently wlth Robert (BubbJee) Allen, a Balboa laland merchant ... Alao, for a ckange. a pleaaa.nt exchange with our mayor, Le8 labell . . . Main reaeon why I like Dick Richard's Lido Market: fre•h mmhrooms every tlmt" you look for 'em , .. Wonder what'U .haplM'n to the a.J- bacort" -which were biting Sun- day and Monday, allt>r our raln- slorm? Hope they're atUJ here ... Board to Choose School Architect on Monday NlfJltt C. of C. Plans Servicemen's Christma·s Party Plarui for a gala Chrtatmu party that will bring together the famUles of service men stationed in nearby area.a who might other- wtae be separated on Christ.mu Day were deacrtbed to members of the Board of Directors of the Ne:w- port Harbor Chamber of Com- merce Monday. A local woman, who lrutlllta that she remain anonymoua hu set aside a tund ot ~to defray the cost. of dinnera and toyw for the fa.mlll8 and chtklttn, and the oc- cupancy ot the Farm Houae Motel tn Corona de) Mar h&a been pledged for tbe Holiday period. Actual arrangement.a will be ln the handll of the Ott Bue Rec· reatlon coritmlttee wblcb wlll de- termine eligibility tor the treat and auperviee the program. The plan l8 to notify the aiervice men of U.e plan. encourage the peraon to save money which would ordt- narUy go for Chriatmu GltU. Thia money could then fumlllh tran.sportaUon for the family. Girt.. rood and lodging would be provided from the tund pJed.&eCl at the P'arm Hot111e Motel Other Chriatm.. cM.ritles will be handled tn the .ame myner u ln the put. two yean. , A lllOBLJOll'l' OF THE Onulp -e-t· Mllel'! ,_,..,. lan- aion of the 8oclc.J lfountaln area laat W"Mk wu tbe tour ot the Mo.,... ,'.ranpk potmda aad tlae worW f&llN!d Salt lAke aq Ta• .u di TM. i... • 111to•·• 1a hoot et a fDMw.•t lD $10,000 ~ii Set on Coe in Boat BUrCJlary Count Robert Louia COe, 19, today wu held on Sl0,000 bail ln county jail, Annual C. of C. Banquet Plans Told Directors ltonor or ~ Youag UICI John Smith wtdt tltie Tabernacle 111 ..... uy back of .Ille group and Ille -pie at the tl(bL (!llAory oe Pap 1, Pan II)' (OCC Photo) LIDO RESIDENT BUYS l~ACRE . f ACT ORY SITE FOR STEEL CO. Plans for the locaUon of a.n-.... ~·'-----------­ otheT major factory engaged in the Steel tabricatinr bullneu in t.h• a.re.a between Newport Bea.ch and 'Santa Ana w ere revealed here ;r.terday. Pufchue of a 10 acre of JTOUPd. north or ~lhl .................. °' boUt Newpwt Bh'd.. and the Southern Pac1r1c ricfl( of way, just aouU. of Uie Santa Ana dty llrnit.e and the oUy Su.gar Factory wu announc- .ed by Unton lron ~ Steel Co. Head of the purcbutng com- ~ ia A . W. ~a ot 938 Vl& Udo Nord, president of the Union Iron and Steel Co. of Loa AnreJea. lmmedlale plarw for the property tacturen of Los Angeles have completed negotiationa for a large COIJntY .-tte. 1.:l each case the availability of real eervtce, eMc ot lransporta- Uon tor work.ere along the rout.M . ~ ..... ...--l"'. adequate wat..?r and,. expected completion of the County 8a.n.itatlon System have beta srnpOrt.ant !act.ors in the declalona ot induslrlaliaU. to locate In lhe COW'lty, LEWIS FAMILY HERE PAST SEVERAL YEARS b&Ve not been completed. Lew1a Mr. a.nd Mra. A. w. Lewts., ptc- told the Prua Wedneeday ntcht lured above, are not newcomen and It. development la dependent to the Newport Harbor area. They upon t.ne coatracu the company have been summertime a.nd week la now working upon. end vt&fto1111 tor many years. be- Howewr. LewiJ1 •lated, the com Ing aeaaonal occupant. of property wu not purchuted for lhelr borne on the easternmost lip juat a war factory but t. part of to Udo Iale a~ut five yea.rs ago. a long ra.nge progn.m of th~ com-They became permanent reaJdent.e ~y to 'decentralize" It.a opera-a year ago. Their home ts dub- tlOM from the pre11ent site on bed 'Blue Bay' and Is located at Anaibelm-Telegn.ph Ro.cl ln Los 930 Vla Udo Nord. Lewis ls AnpJe11. prutdent of the Union Iron and following his arr&lgTirnent In New· port Townahtp Juat.lce Court by Judge Donald J. Dqdge on cha.rpe ot boat burglary. Prellm.lnary hearing will be held ln court ll>- Tentative dlacuaalone have been Steel Company of Loa Angeles had with '.the Santa Ana city coun-and baa had that company alnce cU toward the annexation of1 the 1~1 Plana for the annual O.amber ... · of Commerce banquet tor Nttw-property to that city ao that water Although the Lewis family are H bo .. ".. I LnataJlatJ and lle:Wage aen1cea could be giv-ardent booatera of the Newport port ar r ... '""' Le on en. The 10 acre att.e wu pur-t trice to take Plac. On Jan. H&rbor cornmunltv thev sald their 0 0 . n _ .... __. bv Le---t-• --.-nv --" " 7 1952. ld.J beln ~ " ..,.. " ........ ,_...... ''V<11• Jovee in .cttoolll are dJvJded the l · an rap Y S com-R. W . 11 .... land of Oran-a morrow at 2 p. n\. pleted, It WM ~ported to the .. -. •-ame · their choice of a factory Newport. Beacb police arrftted Soard of Directors Monday. A T1'te propoeed ractory .ate. a. near site wa.a dMded between Santa record number of directora ot the that of the Cherry Rivet Dlvta:lon Ana,. Los Angeles and Newport. Coe Nov. 18 aboard lbe fiablng of the Towneend Company who One d•n•hter, Dorrie, at t • n d a bo&t. NauU Gal tn Newport Har-boollter group were In attendance --when tbe board met In the new plan a; lmmedlate factory build-Southern. Callfomla, and &nother, bor. Cbam~r ot. Commerce office l.ng program at the loc.aUon. This M&rtha. attends Stanford. ~ Coe-la a.ceuaed or t.akin&' $270.50 buiktln.a: on the Cout. highwa,y. mt rka •nolher milestone ln the lo-cround purch&8ed for a new fac- worth or bo&t equJpment •nd A nomlnall.ng committee to M-~•lion of excellent factory oper-tory site ls Cloae enough to Santa clothing from Vampire.. 38-toot leet a a.late of dlreclor• tor tbe attona ln Oran.se county. Recently Ana to annex for utility purpoeea, commerc::tal n.8'\inf boat owned by con.atderatloo of the memberehlp ,the Robertahaw-P'uJton Company near eaouch to Newport for euy D. L Brown, l&el Nlnlb .trwt. waa .elected by President Tom bt"gan wor)c on a •lseable ractory commuUnc and close enough to Sant& Monica. Brown had com-Norton. Named on the committee 1 on Ftrutone Blvd., nev A.n.ahetm. Loe A.nee*, via the f-reeway, to plained to police that Vunplre were Don Cameron. Ba.Jboa Ial&nd: The U. 8 . Motor Company, ma.nu· be convenient for every one. had been broken lnto the nm eed -------------~-------------week of the month. Police uid Wet Jay, Newport; Robert R • -Balboa.; Burt Clancy, Udo uea, that two articles of Brown'• were and Marold Hrlrlck. Corona del found on Nautl O•l, otberm on WW Mar. • I.pa. • cratt., ~od 1>7 \a'" Dttt<:tora w!ll be nomtnated. Ammons. San Btrnardlno. • elected and then a HCOnd noml-Select.Jon of an a.rchltect to build the prop<>Bed new elementary achool at the 18-acre1 alte north of Corona del Mar wt1J be under- taken Monday night at Horace En- ~gn achool by the board of tna- tees, Marion C. Dodd, board presi- dent, announ~ today. Judge Dodp met $10.000 ball on natlns committee will meet to Coe u the defendant wbo, he teJd. recommend a alate Of otficerw and had ~n ln •lrn11ar trouble durtn.s dlrectora at larC"~. &U of whom put montba. will be deetod by U.e Board of Ill· -~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~--r«tora. . Although the board earlier had planned to interview tnlereeted a~tect. fer the lllM.000 job °" NoY. 20, lhil aeaion wu can- celled l>e<:auae of Ille Clt1zena• Committee meeting cal.Jed tor the ' . -· time and place. Hcabor Wealter ~ ........... _ "'°'"-~-· Hip 1Aw ftm•t•~•" NO'I. U --11 n ~. Nn. 11 ---n • .... ...,, llf .... l1 -1' • II I I • l'lw. l~ ----'·'IS Jt Mun .. ~,. lfn. 1• --• a ~Ner.•-•• A ,.,, .. ,,, ... 1' ... .._. 14 &ADIF.&U. Jfu; t 11 • -----'---.st. •v1ll1rU --.D ---·----..l.AI ._ .,_ _ -.• BOARD INVITED TO BANQUET;· =::~::: .. ;;:~ · tborllled by~ Boud OI Direct.on BUYS . TRACTOR fOR FARM Ct.ASS s:i.: a!~~~ Board mombera of N e w po r t Mt uld4 '"" J>laai'lnr by tllo .,n. Plana 'ban betft oompi.tld - 11-.. u,..... Hlrll .. -. ....... eultura! ~-t -lllflD b.t dl>' trucka wDI r•U-oqi - ·ar were lllYlted •Ill' 1'rlDclP&1 Bid-lilal1. Jlay wDI ..-i>l7 be 1114 Mid It will be .oold to Ille ..,_ M1 H. Da-to be a-at only ._ put 111 Udll ~. uatq blcklem Wl!JI all flblclo ro'ar to U.. t1tj! root11e11 "'~ to be -~·'• wal .. 111 ...... -. ' 8-K-IN Hoepllal. It ..,.. IV..._,., NOY. 21, at -Tiie board ~ aD -l polni..i -u..t betta pr I c O • ~ Club. The · lhne fool...U with -la AM -!loud ~ .oquld ~ Dlllalntd UlrvuP Udll ~ Wiii &loo IN fWb -wDI ta1<o ~·°' ~'I I !I "' -. metw I.Ma by -lo,--tldu- '>e P<• hd -by ~ deftta "' lll&ll eli 11 -(-et alo ol anall -of - --.... ---""""" ~j at ..... Qui -.. -. -.. .......... • ....... ... ..wi.. 90WUll9 ~A.a81"1 -:::.-':"'..: ~::. ~ 1! --5 , •s,• r .:.!!:s~·i.;•,=sa..;•: ..... Ulo .... --.... --":: "' ...... ,., °""' .... -=:: ~:.. 'l C!I! .. • -· • ",, • u ..... ,.... II rt -Ml I .... w .. • • ...... .... .-1 I Ii °"' To I a 0.. ..... .. .,, ••• 2 'Dlj .... •'Ei1ii• .. -;t; -· tl19 • -.... _., Ma I ¢1 • • _ ___.. ~ . ·. I occ PIR TES I EtLAhED CONFERE .. E-HAMP .AS 'BERDOO FOR EITS WINS · Orange Oout college' PlratH were championa of the !lut· ern Conference, follawtng acUon Tu~ by conterence admtnilltratora forfeiting 4. pm.ea San 1 mardlno V~J college playest while U1tng ineligible men. . 1 Alt.hough OCC Joait to San Berdoo, t.be p.me le now a Win for Ute Plralel a.i tWo men, sin decla.r-·-----''---------- ed tnellg1ble, played ag them. ~~o' ITORIUM Other college games that 'Berdoo , muat loee l>e<:auae lnellgllile play· . ere were uaed Includes u.i-wiU. lf!ll 1 PT IN" BOND F\JJlerton, Chaffey and s.fta Ana.. (\'. .. Dr. Baail PeterlOJ\, OC'p presi- dent. informed the PTeu µtat the lS UE PROJECT conference admtnlstratora met ' ~:od..':!i ·~ ~~!·~y w°! outlawed where tneUglbt~ wen engaged in play. He saJd, ~t th.ta action technk:ally gtvee 1 Orange Coast the ·league ehamplonahip. although the Pirates w~ rather have won It on the pla~jg field. Bawl Bid Uallkeb' Asked whet.her Cout ~ play a post-seuon bowl game.] ·J?r· Pe- tenon replied that the e<_¥'-ference champion1hlp la eligible ~°. do so. but ha'1ng dropped two ,rion-con· ference game. (Ore.eon Tech and Boise JC) be thought th~t an in· vita.lion La unlikely. 818 state- ment follows: · I The Eutern Conterence recog- nizes the poutbUtty of fuch er- ron occurtng ln 1UlY collfge aa ~ resuJt of atudente withholding In- formation, which attecla their ellgt.blllty; and is &~ of the fact that S&Q; Bem~f Valley collep lt..lf decluec! ~l&yers !nelfJlble -~· • tbelt reclpt of tnfonllaUon there-- fore wiahea to expreu dence in the tnt.entiorut and int tty of San Bernardino Vallsy ele and It.a admlnistr&Uon. Although San Berna college unwt:tllngly play ble men in four co~er ce con- test.a, the Eaatem COnference wiilbes It known that ltn thelr opinion this infracUon in no way detract.a from the exce.~ce of their football team and tl\18 action .should not preclude theltr being considered a cont.eetant ln other con f ere nce or int tlonaJ games. Despite some crlUctsm of a ntW auditorium being added to 111"r- ac:e Ensign School .....:.... bec&uae of steel ahorlapll and a quesUon .-. to Uie hall's need-membe.ra of the Citiselul' Committee backing the p r o· p o a e d SDM,000 elementary .school band laaue election Jan. 18 voled T)Jucl&y night to go ahe&d with pfana u eat.abliehed.. They met at Enslen achool. .Appearance of John Branlpn. r ePre.enlatlve of t:he state office of achool house planning. tempor- arily threw a damper on the u;oo.. seat proposed auditorium. He ln- forlned the committee that "at the present Ume, tt la lmpoealble to 1!9llll.._audllorlurna. owimmlng poola or gymnuiuma" because of m..,. terial ecarcltles. The audttorlwn. calling for a sloped noor, would be deemed noneuentlal., he l!l&kl. ref~rrlng to material allocaUbn rullnp of Ill• Nal.lonal l'TodlM:lloll ~l· · .. , - 'fl!lo wv eewitered' by Ar<M- tect PIU!mer !lllerbrotl< who aald &dfice recelvod by loc&I &r<:hlteeta and bullden indicated that atffl would be available tor the audhor-- lwj> by Uie latter b&lt of 1N2. (For tu.rt.ber details on echool su;e1 shortage, &ee Editorial. on Page 2). l:cS Healy, president of Ce.ntn.J Newport Impravement A.locta· llafl, told the mtttln.g that com· ment be helrd in the community ta+dred. the bond iuue wtth eJtcep- Uoo of the a.udltorlum. He moved that the bond 1Mue be supported bu~ that the provt•lona for the au· dl&rium be deleted. Aft.er oon- stderabie d.iJicuaaiori the moUon died1 for 1.a.ck of a eecond. • finch Afgha Wins Honor Fresno Show Auditorium Coot bhltect George Und told the committee that &n eatlma.ted. $1114.000 to $190.000 would be sa\.ect by not bulleting the 1500-- aeat auditorium. Horace E.nltp. superintend~ pointed out Uiat bUllons or do11&'• are being apont to defend democracy ln Korea. ~ u*t mone)' ii better epent on · school houae construction if dill .. • drel) are to be schooled ln deJDo.. cr'°tlc prlnctplea. Und eetimated that the a-.er· &gel cost per square toot ear new echool conatructJon.. excluding SU· peirytalon, would aroount to $11. Mr. and Mra. l"n:nk L. Wood· land of the Newport Harbor Young ~pubUc&n club r&i.led eome quea.-'. UOna. He uked whether It wu CColitla-• .... I) . ; • l • • - ot-u.r6 5o 5~. &h1ar. DATELINE-' .. ~!.8 !«! .. .'!.81!18.,rk YOU AND. ,.., W':A tu1ur-rON ..,,. .. ,_. - ---YOUR DMr 811111: M lllW I --...... ftzst1 ....... Da,J. r.. b'RJ's .. .._. ~1 11c1 k111al Iii 111111&' ., _ •sE 1_.. 1lcat la a.-dlL7 to oelllc- ...... d.,.,.,.., "nl""'°"7 at !h~ Bcuil, ""'""-... 11 .... l'1 •11•• p 0 ;V1 ........... n la llut,. *'l't WA•a1NOIOH.WCl'.l'.IL -· .,. ,.. ----G( It, -·t ---. • • a t -., .-i. - --t1ce --~ Uce 'Ulclt.ed a.-, ftll 11 a ,,,. -~;':' ~I•~·=.,;~~~ ~ -P>tattaa J'lalct at nu -Blo4.---Ult 1Jco --t1ce .., "r .._Ice do Aloe -11or pq. --It -1 W• 1lllClrt 111111 -.. snf'ncN:r --.. ...... ... lfl t•t Mer • --•••• -~'{!'.';!...,_u;;.::.~---~--..._ ~-·-•~-••--•~• •0 -... _'h l _ .. _ ..... __ -. _ .... lllMftM ...... 1----~-w-• ••----• _._ --r:::-lltdioood U ----m&tt.r JllM 11, IMO, at tlce JC10t -• _.._,.._ la • med be pld, tbo --11Uo7 Of ~ ud N-Y-1 . The -llJJIW G( • • Mewport Pncl\, calJfonda, -~Act of Kuch a, l.l'lt. Oil lite rool .. --.. ----c.kllrated Qo Utb analWI')' ot oa,.. Not two~ -c:oacr--will -at l' N....,..b.r 11, = ... Ill'_.,_,, .. _.,. _, 11 --lclllr. w toot '-lllo October Jl.noluU.., In Ito or-mo, bolt tbo -of ct.tq tbank1 _, ""' ~y. 1.......,. ~•= .,...,. M-' 11 o.Jlfonla Newot per ,PD·-"." ·--......,, de,y In tbo J'W; tbat -Ice -to -lie•. and ou nate -blllldlq cm lltb titntt. and of malllns ~ debate jut ali'cNt' Uie -· ac "Tl'• :II.ow~ bad~ ~ir: -Nat111 ' r..lltorlal A•jda-, foot a 4a)' -dO tlLe .loll la tlLe --. -la a.po 1ben wtA mar. lbaD 1,000 per. I am tbadful lb° lift la a aa-tbat ,,...... ,dlONiloed ' tbo uonl lut W.rtn 9't. l no...,_ llao -•<IJudp! •'--per of ,......i --b}' timber, J.111S. Jn the wU-, with -:r alAAdy .. b&ad to...,,. '°"' frm. ..., bOll ~ to tlon wAwe tbo _. ltUI Jaaalc. tint --tr~ '"'' • It laaj\Llt alotlilr .eap....,. dam'll of tbe Supertoio Court of a....,. County 111d ta tun, quallllec! for tho llulldln6, all .amu are -belq cnadt to Nia tbo amount ope,. hat"WMNlW who vtatt.d tbo E!pteen ,...... ...., • -... ....., WWld ,.., -lei In tlce to i.a,. tbit dut..-• - to pul>ll.ti ID kinda of lq'I! not1eo1 imcl -ta. · ,,_ to f1uon1o1t. equip -do 1 ,_ .u..r JoM In time fot the ~ ~ at. .,._, ot came to ~ ..,. a .. -I Interim. _ • • llLd "4equate ~ ••I ot oponia&' 111d ~ l'MdY to tab ..,.. ot pat.lent& pheuant, tlllet ot beet1 ~ ..i, knew aalled bun lcla.lmpr -= GC '1'he ~ -••er, °"" lie ...... tbo --· la "~ -JIM .. lu1•t .... dic I 'he•tMX._, ... ..._.,_ . la 5 I •• ·---Oa HiJ .. OI •• c;mt.r. ~ tlJl.o. fJIO.toO la" JllS .. ~ --u.u. ot - -... n.11. -. -· ...,, lhla natle s.-. "TOOJ IN .... ,, ..... to Ice at a plld> ~ .. 1t' .. -t.d 1'0t 1111' CODI ol tbe ·• 11 11 5 -of --· °"""~· '81111Dd electrlflod win of Culls ...., tlLe ftn JIM JLO<ipll at bomo, .-}'ellr . .._a ot Uoe a11o , on tbo xiz'iw'o Jllle. I -~·........__ ,___ Tillnlt Wllat • tqlM, fnllta """,,.... Jaupllli'J!OOlllt • U you liave ._ ..,.,., at 8'I ,-. a t40MI frol!J I my UMd car lot lli4 ~ -O. UoolCS. &ncler ...S PuNI- . JIOllERT "· WU.l~ Pull•-MaM .... A. ALl:XANDB!l HAJmJl'ON, A~ Ma·- ..U am«mt Ulla la la -"-to * ..-t wMltb 'ot 1111. O&D!llM 1n -•-. tben )'OU !mow what be maats ~...,.,. Wiii ftllld ~t TOm N ...,. cl'm••o, IDd cblftd.rl -18 of ..., of little 'lllu. Wl!Aoue .,.. J4,000.000 llllJllTl', ~. I am 1J>aU1t11 to lln In • nation wltb cucpaip ~· _. 11ry I Hay ~~ Wl •• . bMltll llld llero la tbo bMltll put Ill -_...,. -W .ions palltleal pn.on.. with ~--wltb the llclco'-l olrencth to ...,._ ~ ,.. -of lady Ullotanto cert,llnly -.....,, wltb the bu11dlnc of tbo Bo,.. w-ta! Booii'tol. ra"°" llld tired bodteo, moOt of Yin, eYel! aplnot the opendlnJ' moot i.ue. Will be nloe 1111 tbet• ,, •,;. IUl'IOUIMllnp A mnaJ1 -ot .,.,. ~ wDL do the job If -Will all Uwn. Ruoolanl ,.lib trled to th1nlt and the -llld the COi ruptloo caNtlllly lhlD UIUll• for llld M;rtord imn. OIMI tbe fnfllle do ...,. -.., -leer Ucla II to lie our hoopltal -It la -.. for thenaelvee, we know a11ou! now. We c:ou1d Utic'al eff..U••11• Oompan7 did a COOd job ac mall· 8UP80lu:P:rION L\.'1:1:11: NEWPOn-&U.BOA P111:1111 neq n......., • le Oo: rp ~tJ. ts.a per ,._; a.et 11bt .... .,, ~IUI - Ell \M) (.U.. ladaae. th NEWJ'Oft.BAQW'J.& NY!WS.TDISI -*' ~l Oato1t1e 111e _.,...,eo.,.. ,._. ..tad..., It will i.a .. ao nc1e1 -~ r.trtctloao. It ii 1 Moot of the dlplomatk: Corp. mike • .._...Uon to Ila" no more A dw•cl<Uat or. ltm>il IDC poa1bi, th•f aJto,and tbe - -·proftt tutlbltlan. -wt1J Ice ~ to -i blallq IDd Jieeltb. bae tumed out tar brief &ppll!' of It, and putlcululy to set the next 111 Ion wtll c:olUllclor 1n1. • · The Iba will be to pw In -and lllftnllh "11li. tnalntalnlnc .,,.,., but the bUIJr of vtallorw ..,... llnancee of tl>e ..,......_ lllck the fo-,: th .. n.,.-.Bank .of Amer I ca tlle ._ • ...., -.. t bv lloopitala und ... PNab)'lertan f.UO. tnnleno and fl-ff IOldin "!' a bUla If or<llJ!u'y common _:'PPfOl!rilWona: ,,,_ bulldlnc PlftJ up..~t the...- ..,_ -~ ' wtlo otood with outolttt<:bed hancla aenoe. ~ Item -.u.. to Udo Ille. which la 1111- . auoplcu ID onr Iha world. elcJ>t dttp bclllnd ioe9"d tab!"!'-. I om lballkfUI for tbo .l\onMyl-malle ,OllJ/r for a ,.or at tile City Hall and my UMd car CAUSE TO BE mANKFUL Biped. Tho Ilia•• tal>Orent In 1711 penal vanJ& Dut:ch llLd tbe Comlill blood, NeJt year tbe ~ lot, 1''l•k•nr'form rapidly. I - Thia being Thanksgiving Day, the Press wiahea all ita HARRY WltLCH co2o111.. trom 0111&c Taueee oa and the "Pnceiila .and' -p1.... JArpr tlaan tlcll, -th•t. I It wt11 have tea: .. ..,..,. • .e&dU& and advertiserB a m08t pleasant holiday. the Cnmee cout neu tbe Plack wlllch went llQa&' wttll tbat' lllck· ta for , openain,-to nae. ~' the pn.....t l!otfl\llicc 'et NDREWSI TALK See, to \he po.ine-toc:bnl penal rround. Wllfcb . -·to malle tt teat; Wiii be louder nevt y 22nd A l°i'l"Port.''.:Bl..i. only"""" Although the nation is in a state of inflation which A camp are& near Vladh•o1rt0Jr on eaater. for me to ...,.., .. ,. ahtp thts -...., fe4enl open , Tht8 .. ~ a. ltep pl)ichea us all and will do so more in the future, we ol THE AllrDll'lU WAY U>e Sea or Japan, ea.t blo,cl< bread throuP tbo --or·,..1111e llft, be a. major political Jaeue. fo~ and It wµi be cap.-lflis', hankful l'llt;llftJM a.nd .,,W. Aft.or Ill.' It ...... let-,.ho ~ for the cu~t nac.ll may!!o, lb -· ~ ~ 0 -. Newport Harbor have much for which to be t , URGES CHARTER They would flJM ror the trozen aalcl. "The wllole of ....,,_.,.t oattmated at all,Plly o a.na !Pt ·-'lnptii1¢ of. two · The world about us is pit~g a.iJd rolling In the turbu-body of a etu.ceon L'!I wbkb pve conalatJ Jn tbe'art of~ Icon· mWJon. compared to be open and. Ollb'p>~ ~..tbe lent manner it baa assumed since the end of World War U IT Dl1i'T :l'UNNY! • up 11<1 c&Yllr fl1< oae of tlce tbree .-t." I'-"' II 'to"* W...U..r the '86 bllllon In tbe next .rut~t p~. l11a t •t-11111 Ir. Many ol us don't stop to realir:e that while we may be FOR NEWPORT' _ -. ·~ -. A--'= toba\ In u -,_,. at u PloltY' of lllfe..-ecNpoloualy Economic Controla: Ro cl. •!Pt ti~ ~ ,,,aey 'Will-_, ~ -~ c -··-many ban at the rnohlUon llllll· followa tbat adYloes' otate of national ome dowal to keep ~ f'!,"ling tax bites made by all levels of government. and we (lldllor'e 1'0te: Alfft4 P . Halko, ttnoary cekbr&Uon.-I am tl>ankflil f~ bea•1• That ext.ts,. the · The above ta In jO!l 7 I ~JO.t· are unable, perhaps, to have some goods or services which Ph. D,, Mayor of Pvt< ~. ni. iw.J. Oen. Aleksandr 8lsY, tile belnc t1ca cut, yau11 pardon me oeek renewal of price-~ lt out ..,.lill8. waltln( 1n ''City rovemmoet to --II a ~ ~ --tmbuoy mltll.ley attache, wore 1 If I put In a lltrlo -fiw Pan· control& under the Ile( PIO-line. . • have been curtailed because of defense production, we are blulal! ~ lllllfol111 with nd runs. and tlce 2lnd l>IMricL I'll du.Uon Act, whlell exp June Tbla la your Frienjlly 1'ord. ind_.. I k t be l'Vfn · th U 'ted State OUr d and ""lulna tn.lnocl amc.r. and aon...Jtor.t. l.eetuftl' and Author,) •··-lot o I ~.,J """ UC Y o 1 g m e D1 s. . omes-eL Ev ~ 18 ea o '"Ir,_., a 15 -tro.._... He putted clp.re,. d!lr--r a of -lo wllo rud 3 . t llao will rentw ·Ito t .to .~••, Theodore Roblno, ify· .tic dlfflculti~s can be worked out and will be when the = tn .,:3' city.~ t.bol , 11 .. -i. .-dee&n7 tnc lull; tn tbe recelvtnr line. tllla C&Jhe to 'Callfornla lu I did, ellmtnate from the D th• tnc Good·bye 'tn nOxt weelt'. people of this Republic become sufficiently aroused. Yes, 1 ~-0. I..) ._._'._ ~ Oorw -~ -lly .... ad•c i _The -· _.., Geo ......... noW att... W, w . n "w1t11 111.ndly ..... amendment. which permit m&nUs -~ , ~ -•· -. -•• -·~ 1 tn the Oulop camp near T1fllo Wlto (NtlODo hotn lllelr f&mll7 doc:ton fact11rera to -along le tlmate we are indeed blessed to have that privilege. Millions of del Mar, expert on dt7 10•••· ·~ ;;'. ,":';:::;~ -..._w 1...,.._ to accept Soviet J>OUtlell not to,atart ""100...Unued otor1 ... lncrea• .. 1n regulu 0 .. rb coata 1----------~-...,, persona living in areas dominated by Stalin's horde do ment. addJWlnc tlce w-·• v .,.. jliotrcl-a, lllrt, .. Lile rule -Ille Japan-p,_en-of rm •tlll here, and t cen ILllll aee • and allow retallon to recet •\heir MRlll BDU>o: B. 08TKANDU • Civic ~ Wiien theJ ma~ ....,. on Kamchat.k& alAve c.m-IOt of fllloymenl In llfo, and • hlatorlcaJ profit;. ~' Birdie B. Oall'ander, 11. not have such a privilege. day morn~ at ~ Yoe.bl :::.:. e1..,::ae UC:::::~== the White RUootw f......W.S Ill good fl&bt llleld, to~· back the Tax .. : Thia la a touchy ectlon· 187 Harl>Qr boulevard. Coat'a , And many more millions are without the creature club. .,., .,._ AU a,m'lnr ....,.. Umber ""!"Pa on Puenla St& 11-&.public hotn tbe ll'llU4o<I aoula year aubje<l, But there la o lndl, Me clled Sunday mon>lnf In St. comfort.. which we have come to take for granted. -~~ "!, ~. ~.~ -._ -UL landlt-llle Connana at Btallno-WIM>-thlnk It would k 'bettu to cation that Jeu, ... enti&I . dine Jo•Jib hoopttaJ. Siie wu • nauve h f f h · · ll --wro--•~Y ~. w ba .. 11m~ 125 pale 100 mu.,. oouth Df'Xoacow cb&n(l'O It Into a d~~ or • will 'be cut enough to of t d0s of Portland, Ore., and bad'-11\0'.0d · · ,We still ave our reedom o ,c otce commercta y or A:ndrewo, comp&rlnc world 111d • Ye •·-•-y -· ~ ., ... crude, patcMd clothtnr welfare stale. y..,. opend • fenae epend!nr tncr.U.... 0 11• 1n 9'111fomla 31J yean, realde<f , In pPlitically. Most important, we have freedom pf religion, local att"""° aid tbot cl~J; '" =~ m~ltl ~~ = with rap 1n1und u..u-t .. L UUIJ ume, ~. with 1 ternauv .. are borrowtnc , tax, Coot& M-tor 8 yeua. Biie 1e i5o on this day let's all remember that th<>11e rugged colo-emmenta are the moot 0 1 k· dollan, or the equivalent or two Paul Robeoon, the Amej'lcan book from the Ubruy •. Juat Im· I.Ile. The only renWntnc e and sumved by ·))er hUlblDd. ~ · ' ' ed. Thia I• & city ot the Ne'""" wbo ma.de ht. rortune under pruain( on younelt the fact that untouched revenue p la a 0 . o.tl'uader; a. ~ter. Mr.. nist.a who held the first Thanksgiving Day in America clau. ohe uplalned .,... nat atop dollan for every oeeond or time ··-uJ b.lch would wfl, June 1111-•·--ot a.;, "'-', k time f · thank th • Cr ~ clt ~ Cht:Ut wu born. Or, in more the caplt&lJ•t aystern be h.u since no nation Jn. the hil:tory ot the u tax, w . be ~ ._..,,_~ ,....__..... too out rom tbell" stnagglea to eir ea tor. la: tor ft to be • ' Y· niodern te.nna. 11 meuu Un thOWI· been tryinl' to tear down. 'stood world, waa ever able tg keep tu come in Concreu ~ext a bro~r, .Jack H. · ~ ot. We are heirs to a bountiful land. And on Thanks-Study of th1a 11 to be taken up by and dollan for every ramuy ln the under a huge port.raJt of Stalin Jlberttes when tt .tarted down. this ant.a at a picnic. Any new Cft~t Clty; • •I• t • f', Kn. giving Day each of us should thank God that our forebears rll!eounlda~Uon' anf~ Kn.t•· ~tu:'" .!!""rk Untied Stot .. Uvtng west 0y tile lalkh,a to M1chatl 8, VaYllov, ...,. -1•11atlc road. Wa'r. llnpng In 1952 probably will aimed Goldie Jlor'l'l.lon of Sm.ttb RI..,., --•• •• -· ~,.... I "' a~ buoy .....-r. llOft6 lt rl&ht now, canfne. but mainly at corporatklno. Th y can't Clllf:; a nopl>ew, Cbarlea· H. Mii-received the c~urage and inspiration to give the United along t11ta lint. • 0: ::;,:.:·~ In • CW:h PPleon. PU! Oatlo, b7 1 f..., more ~anl<q1vlnp, not vote. ler of N-rt PMch·and 1 nloce, States it.a Coructitution and Bill of Rights on which our The city cllartu .,... defeated or an ...._ ,,..!'i. d:;'~ ~ tile American corT_n_t Who flooe at all! A ruolutlo11 here Housing: Legislation tn ... 'Mrs. Nadine Pyke of Cruoent Am • ( h '-~~-b In an election eome yean &&o, but -...,-. oaly did h18 hone.at J°'I in an ~ belp. ~ a!on Just ended con~tr.t on ln-City:1 alao a aon, Georp: O. 0.. encan way 0 life as ~ uilt. oom• or 1,. rec:ommendltioNJ, llUtb UIO mlllJ .. pe.,ie Of Ille u .. 11oc1 llor>eat way, tO too weu;r ID4 rm tlw!ktul for a fine flllllly creaatng housing lo d~ ..... , ~ ot Ooota Ma.. With God's help we have the opportunity of preserving .. ctty ma.nacer. we~ adopt~ by It.ta MWi • Co'l"l!l'lllMGt debt \>roken to mark off on the wall the and a Wff• wtlo patlenUy and •ery In the next aes&lon there wW be Oravealde MrVicu: were con .. our American heritage. the pre1ent clt7 rovemmenL .'111:• "'1oe M tarp u that. Of &II Ulle acrat,cJl that mearui hb: 200th day competen.Uy take• care of the of-moves to lncreue federal ald to due~ by Jlooa Doclce Of New .. preSf'nt government LI practlt.ally &ovenuneatw or the 500 rn.lllloa in a Bovtet JaU. nee routine, 90 1 oan writ. theee hou.ing generally. For pie, port 1Beach Wednffday a.t t p. m. 9 th• ame aa wtren the city wu fn, -.e"~.~ Ar<.hblahop Adam of the Ruo-wet1o1y lett.eto, and meet with you Chalnnan Maybank (D,S C.). of .In W~ Memorial Pat-k NEWPORT AND CRli'·W RACING corporated ~early halt 1 eo1tury •• .,.__, Jatertw!Md with · lfan-Ot'ftk Orthodox church, 'Illa a.nd talk'wlth you, and oc:eulonaJ. the · Senate Banklnc Co ttee wlthl Grauel Mortuary In chup: ~ ag-o with COO r..idento. our "-'bt la Ule -for a bu... jeweled Ikona llWU1\I on p1c1 l,Y ,.t to read a book. For Tbanka, has ready a bill llf. 234. ) thet : Word is being passed around Harbor powerboat circles Mu. Paul Davia prtalded at the mot1-i -. aboat llOO btJ. c:b&l.lla aplnat a brawn f>oclr. ctvtnc, Fm eolnc to .....i Ftltx would permit up to· 20% of the _ I IN tmQUOIA ~hat Stanford University's crew is in need of a launch for meeting, which wu attended by llon dollan • ,._. But Ibo In, m~led wttb folk weartnc hllnber• Morley'1 new little book. juat out. National Service Life , · ura.nce Sequoia lll•tlon&I Park. Death uae In 1't.a rowing actiV1·ti-Long treated 88 a· country 70 or m0tt lntereetod womtn. -eome la P~ lar(l'Oly on Jack plaid, Porta troclu llld Paltf. "nit ll"ortlcn ~llcy of u.. United money to be Invested In. Vill~y and IAa Vepa wer. on '-G,. Porta ot the n.omlnattnr committee P'W9lrlfJllt •P ts. Let the lt&n rowna-, State&·• TlaJi tet.ter it .~ tq menf-ru.ar&ltteed mo_ 'the fo:tkm lflne.rary of Mr. and cousin by the Univet;'8ity, Stanford'• crew has always had ,..,.. st-by Kn. Paul Moore ..,_ •· w-..,..,.. r&-In auae1a·tu:cM"111 Ute coun· avoid ·iillir ni!itct lie ''&i.olatr.d veter&M' homeo. °Mn. Denver. kfila· ~d cttndrel1 ~o rely on generosity of crew,minded folk outside the school wtUi •lectlon olAted fbr December. lax 1'---and Im-ll1N · llj-pkosto •of 111y fllt.11 "ad .. rtlafDC," but t1c11 Umo, 1 .Tideland on Dispute: Per and Clltf; Mr. and 1'J-a. Next m .. 11n.. la a a.Hatmao m<dtately ,,_plo:rmeat boc\ll!O who tried to ...ape domination of 1n11< Ille rule. and urp1 you , the oil under the Udelan Vt~r Jol>naton and '°" Keith, of ~dminlstration cil"Cles. party 11atM tor Docs 11 at Pal-to lflpM7. It le ":" -tlly. Soviet poUUC&l r11le tither .,. •ffl'1'0llo, to n'ld th"1 book. ll'tllx couta1 otatea! The Ho thla Coot.a Kea. If memory serves, the University of California's oars-Yacht Club. ..-UDd ,,_rttr • .-1'IUed dead. dlahooor<d or dlacredlted ·b,. Morley-.. bona.., tbe CIDIP"O et year p&aaed a bill which 'YI' tbo 1--r-------,--- m_en in times pa.et have given and loaned the Indian crews • wtUc tbe bonleal •oaa. "Happy th• "people'• democracy" -8oYlet Ha\O'etford Ooll.P, one of the atat .. do. But the A~thtlon • their shells for colle'"ate practice and competition. In AUDITORIUM n.,. An u.,,.. AJUL" etyle. thrW -of· Ill• Prof ... r of !eela dl!feMntly, so the H uae bill e· Now we are opendtng tor poU-When t.lle ct-Inc Cha.nclelleno llatlleml1lca, all of whom -.. baa beer! bottled up In lb Senato ' t?revlous years the Stanford.a even rode in boxcars carrying (Ooatteued "-Pace l) Uc:a. Quite apart trom mink c:oe.ta, bloomed out to ot,nal end Ot Ute "-llcbolan. I (J'ldualed In Interior Committee un r the ,the crew shells to distant races when funds were unavail· feaalble to uk tbo public to buy treuen tor t,..._ hvore through reeeptlon, htld after Ille Qctobor 1910, llld he INdQaltd tn ljllS. watchful eye at Cbalrinan O'Jfa, an audltortum now, She wanted the R. F. C., and other gentle tn-date it commemO:rata becl'IM ~ l>er:eme President ot Uae Col-honey {0..Wyo.) The ment DJClft1.IT8 ,able for the oarsmen. to know, u did Art.bur Petenon, dJcati0111 of ex.ecutlve t~ency, ta even the Soviet calendar ca:nnot &ere ~ t came to California. 1 wtll continue, wtth atron pollti-r-------------. Possibly some Newport Harbor sportsman has a spa.re accountant. why planl and .-peel-~ r>lanUng of hundreds ot thou.&-arree wtth the Weat, llttft.ftta cazo... bad-the better of t.bat deal. Now caJ overtones, In 1962. ~ PPOffSSIONhl ~ ~ DIRECTORY ~ :launch he could part with to aid the Indians. Such a gift Cicattona of exJM.tn.c echoo1 bo\118 a:lda of federaJ employees ln • rted out the bone. and acr8:pe of he ia Wuhln.gton correspondent Foretan 4.id: Tbe A lnlatra- :might well spur development of colle'"ate crew racing at could not be Wied for P•-4 now number of •l•L<o. Theoe thousancla \' • tout that wo\lld be a nightmare for Pam>n'a Weekly and writ.ea lion haa said It Wiii requ~ ll>out o-conatructlon, thereby aaflnr archl-with th,lr t'amUlea, helped elect to prisoners. editortala for that, and for P.ath-the same amount next y q lhLs Newport Harbor's perfect ~meter course. This nms tect tee. of 8 per cenL Hury Trwnan In 19'8, and th ey I F'l'Om the l 7~ Gulag camp.a thh finder a.nd tor Nation'• Bustneu. -$8.5 bW1on. 1I'hia year--JtiT'ea8 from the east end of Lido Isle to th& Lido Turning Basin Brantiran said thla coulcl not be have more TOtu tod&y th~ they year peuanta tn uniform will drag Hts analysts of our foreign policy gTanted about s;. blJlton 1 than and baa been dubbed the "finest in America" by oulstand, :~~i: ':::::!~:-~:du=;= ::a..;;.-: .:,~~.ta,:~:.:: ~l!~33~~d::::wi;~~:"~~ ~::~:i~.~:.: ~:~o~ "".";:; ~~ '!!'."1;~ "'J!. be I ~ ·jng crew race experts. i'Jdered by the 1t&te dlvtalon . ot t.My conunue to tin.a.nee lbe creep· whoaf> gree.test offense wu a love throul'h with tha.t you can ru.d vlded eondJUona remalp a ut the LIJ8TEA A. BlllmrJl1I, D. D. .. DlllN'l'I!l'rRY • .- Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce has spear-archltecta. A l 1 o, architectural lng IOCl&Jl;un that must even.tu&!-for freedom ''The Power tn the People " longer eame-beca.uae there wtU s.. dn.wtn11 and spect.ftcaUone are ly cketruy our freedom. 1 By 1953 ·,u of the m.lWoia of but equally lntereatln&' ' emphuis on spending oeaded the drive for international rec;:ognition of the local m•dt> on a one.time u.ae bula. he Tk admlnl•trauoa bu been •laves he.kt by the penal branch So on the 22nd 1.11 ,iive th&nka and foreign ~ce 1 be ._I'--------.------' nee course. New impetus will be given the Lido COtll'lle added. llecauae of material obort, P"h"'rhlac -· wlU. tiu-to of the NVD tl&ht yean "«O will tor a lot or thlnp, some of whlcil prime to.get. But polltlclf,na will KOllTttiA!f 17111 N-port Blvd., Costa - M"11fcll Bide. PeaOOll J7GJ l5o3 Es Pay Ave., Pllboa , Barbor 8f7...J .next April when the Newport Harbor Western Sprint "&°••, be explalnl!d. -conetruc--•• _ .. _ -~ be dead, that'• how long It tokes I've Indicated In tlcll letter. ru keep In mind l1'< need fol-ml1n· BALTZ ... ORTUARY oCh · hi will be h Id b · tion otten employ. UR of IUbM.1-ntac tn do tlle "\'UY thlDp tM.& to make a complete cb&nge of renew a few resolutiona. I won't ta.inJng trJendJy relaUou th the m . ampione P crew races e . ~-tute materiale not put lnto exhrt-iS: ftrM llJJtMrtlw.r for wanttnr population behind the wtre1. U.t thoee more tuny. You've been n&tlon&Uty group. 1n an eltc:Uon i:..;, .a.tt=ont A colorful spectator sport, crew racing also has been lng structures. to t1o la lht-Fat Cut. Bat Utt· And it.Ul the night In Rwma 18 readillig them tor &Jmoet nineteen year. , 10 CMR BlalnNJ . ;treated financially as a stepchild by the University of ho A1Mrleu puiplo -aoc be ruled with dread-dread of the y...,., In thla weekly letter. My St. Lawrence Seaway: baa OORONA DEL llAB ;southern California •--' U . C. L . A. administrations. Moves OhJ OlraJ' PW ::: bafroltl or Jli•llua mWtu: aound or crunching boo,. on the feeling la that a lot of people, bttn a controvenlal pro ect· for DAY AND NIGHT cu,,... It WU announced Uta.&. tbe Kl· I t.. aH 7f!!t. What ~,. nerxl cruated •n<>'N _ the 8C1Und that without regard to party an going years. Now, however, bu Plloae ......,. U ~ underway at S. C., U. C. L. A. and Stanford for alloca. wanla Club and Ula Barl>Or Pu· to fMi' la tlle •hlttlbcc ._,. of neve. c .... o. to make the ....,e re..;iutlono on announced she'll build It •tion of crew funds from the plush football receipt&. hellenk: Council have r.pprond our ....., •trust*. the under-• November 22nd January lat. and the U. 8 . doesn't want ' In the event these are successful, '"""ater recogru'tion reaotutlona endorall>&' Ille propoMd mtatac of our .,.. _.,,..ty by YOUNG DEMOCRATS next November.' . There were stronf, but e•... bond laue. Ed MUf11aoa. com· l.n!taeace la urUlol'lt7 of people mlnlstra.tion ettorta d ;will be provided crews at the California unive"!'ities. This mander or the local American fri-., to -•· Id~ wtlo TO MEET SA TURD A y peat seaalon to get 1 'bill oaugun well for Newport Harbor which has the natural s ite Le&1on post, 11&1d hill body had not _.,. °"' u.. _....,.of,....,.._ Balboa Island eongreaa. Th• Houae a • reoelv.d the live-man fa.ct.-tlndinr ..,. &hM. Lea1a oaoe uJd he Democrat.a from all ·part, of 6r-Workl Committee wUl Jor land-locked rowing contests. • . eurvey of lchool needa and ..,, --I-.. _, -ange county will ce lebrate Satur-Comm. Methodist bearlnp on the project ' So, if you know of a l&unch avai1abJe gratis or at a companytnc reeotutlon. Other o!' And "cood old Joe" undoubted~ day night wtten the Younc Demo-Congreaa ~venea and )lomjnaJ sum, get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce gantza.Uona wb.Jc.b have not Rudled ly Jaup. up ht. lleeve. or mkktta crate Jam!'O ree goee into tull The topic for Sunday will be A ment wUJ ttsum'e: el lhe eurvey wer-e urpd to take into J\Ja YOdka. aa he 9ee1 the swing In tbe Santa Ana Commu-Spark in the Gunpowder, Dr. &.nd h P build collegiate rowing. In return, Newport Har, action on the propooed n-acbool Ublled Statoo th r 0 w 1n 1 , Ito' nlty Cent.er. H&t'T'y While prellchfnC. On $at, her will benefit. project u -as ~blo. alnnctJl down the 11\ltter of Co•· llanc;l.ng to the muatc of Bob urd&y evenlll& the Plcombo Poya' ----• The No..._i. ~ Opumw .,,.....,! ~ What a dellc· '"'-<hie and hlo orchotn wtll club are 11.inr an el<hlbltlo~ of ' Clube will tolrt ..-• the --1 It muet Ice fa< 8t&lln be auirmenltd witll .-r<>UP ·~· model rallroedlnr at Deubom ~HOOL STEEL SHORTAGE -... the --It -Ill --"'~ f!PU!tc bt1latlon pm... pnu.u, retrelllunenta and hall. = to 8 p. m. I.out Sunday res One next moet1np, It ..,.. -l>y .w..r-.. tbo lid at~ wtlfle othu actlvitlea. The feet1Ylt1,. celved Into the chW'Ch were Kr. : reason· for SpeedY_ construction of new achoo! build, 8 _., -tun up tbe n,.. nr tnflatt•nary are ocheduled to bectn at 8:30 p, a.nd Mn. II'. L. "°""· 118 MU!ne 1ngs on the 18-acre site north of Corona de! Mar and the ,...__ »--1 ••lll• ~ ~to...,. m. with Pob C&mpbeD of Santa 111d •Heru,. D. VlllDgom ot qo.ca ltroposed addition to Horace Ensign School ia the ever-Mrs. HlllDe OMMr. pr1lll1•t of 11<11~117 edict w1illoc ..,,.,,,, AJCa acttna as muter· of· cer.-lleaa. . the deai•t&a7 M'boolil P.·T • .A... wt 1111•· .. ocmtlaw to pour mons-. ~Wlllg steel abortage. . -~ ac tbe ., .. --. -t.d -.. bcto the The jaml>Oree la Ille flHt of a , • Although architect& are overcoming use of steel by comm.ttteo, ••-crod . -leer -.·--ac ,......_. ~of -1&1 evento planned b;)' a.uJta ..._ .rtom J -Dl btititutlng laminated wooda in certain caae8 fi -P la ectl-ftl7 ..,....__ ,,.. - -.-. u....,, o1a1en tbe Youn .. Democn,. of ~ Pndlcof .A.a ad ~ Ill tldl th Co · naJR rd f0ct. l 9 veal th' gurea tnfortlcellcm4el•ctlmc. Doon .... _._..tllD.Mltoa:-a .. °"11>1)'. -·-"'"' 1tl ll•foo'.,,,_ m e n~o eco o -tt e preaa-fa< nflllttl'a-h •.-,,,. tep .., ... t11e ,aot ta ,...... pg metal abortage, • Xnr. .,.,...... °'"Llllls '"'-non are --.-itaJl7 • According to a Washington Ewning Star eilitorial ll>at• the w-·· a.... 1 • .., _......,. P 111• -Itu.p at !. ted · ., _ __. " • o plaaa to arnap tw....,. 111 I ia. ldaa of Ille Vldtad 'toi.o -quo m The ·-u. For the tint quarter of 1952, tw --. ,,._ .. , •• wlLlle ...., -llto ..., '*"lie Uie llommunJtie, throughout the nation have, made reqUl!8ta for wll-.: -1111-. a.a >& 11 ,,.1L -u. r 1111>1< l!M,000 tona of •tee! for school con.atruCtlon The National ....,.. .... ,. to to • -...... • ..,, I a-.••..- ProdllCl.ion Authon'ty "'--.n.-.J..o ln .... ~ "-·· ot that W•l•m.. ~ ' R • "°' r1 ii &I AM ,p * kO ... lild • ua8 ~~ U&lll qce ~.,.,_pk...... -· ...... , .. ., ilemand ONLY 81,000 tons." Tile demand and a11oc•t1ona N¢J ••I ... ,_ a -., ._. "••s lt- jlover all types Of conatructton Jn the field ot education. • -.. ..,. ••ir 11r • 11•1• -..... * flt n 1 1 ~ , W>olta. ft.....,._,, •·--• hooi .,:...-....,.,_ •· .. on ._ •"-II Jl[JP .. IL:::' -... llUlllJ . .... ......_, }UV~ ~ IC ~UCXI -9W.I "' ..... Msgt ,, a Eh ., 1C I ... -,. ... I;:·;;;:~; =~::~~-:'::!.~:;:::::::.a. be~= :ii ~·== ~:: :. flt .. in-ti-. i.l 111ateriai probl=· will'*,... lftlle --.. 111:'~ --6' -~Ill • ...._.. ' --... •. '"' !"""' lalue ill approm Jaa. 18°1',J, the Rllooi t&lb let 'l"t IX In 'liew Of the Ad•ln"*nltfoa'• .tool!,.._ ot w•l111I materiU, 'be incnzdlll' rate Of WV ~ ad -••t•4"r ower1eu of ......, •• 1 lltell. U. wllddl pat lll"nii-ta 11nt w NPA .,al lll'lh"b' -tll8ir' farticular ICllool pnjlCte 6 4 lhh I 11 ra•. • • • HOME Jl'llOM CHIC 00 lllr. llLd ~ ll'nlnCll returned home. Tueaday from Cbleap ........ tlley ha • been vlalttnr f<W two wet1ca or cite. Old lletabllll>ecl Ineun.- A&°OD<)' All -wrllt'!"- HOW AJW W. Gll!RBJSU 1'°8 Newpprt Pl•ds, Oolta -I PHONE llltACON Gµil BE SURE~ INSURE W.,Sfwu;r Pao.._ Qll:IQIU.L IMlltlll..UIClll Coll"-e~ t stlf ........ , 1"*,..• •n + J!I-Bar. 16 ~ VI. STANI.EY 1 , Nllar Pr11r p .... U'll ••r W Nnaa.,..,. • ~aotot~Acrl.drr• W.""'14 J/c*a•w&nt.t Cl&l-llUlr &Ill. a-a.t•••ns 111111 WATER HEATERS -Service ..... BepUn Joe Becldo/J PLUMBING A.uthort&ed De&ier Day A Nlctit Keaten I TEAMS 10.,;, Oo•• 011 •II HMi.,, PboD9 ll&rbor %6U-W RELIABLE T SERVICE v 1420 AUG. '51 ~ Call Us Today For Swift TV 5.\-vice No need to go without television en(o ym ent for days. Our swift pick-up, train"d tech· nicia ns, and complete supply of oll nationally known parts, .insures rapid results ... mode a lm ost before your favorite program hos co .... • TtJOROl.iGJIL\' TRAINED & FACTORY Q UALlflED t;L.EC,"TRO?lr.,CS EXPERTS lrl'LJ,Y l.'QUIPPED to SERVE YOUR ,:rv and RADIO SERVICE NEEDS Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations U. S. Government Ucensed Technicians • Call us now for service TELEPHONE B.EACON 5185 COAST ELECTRONICS co. • 915 Coast Hi9hway Newport Beach ' I V .. .. ' • • Mazie Bird Directs Presentation of Ann. BPW Christmas Preview · Headln( tho commllloo planln,._ ___________ _ the fuhlon show. which wtll hlrh· light the openlnf n!Jht of the ~th annual ChrlBtmN Preview scheduled for Friday, Nov. 30 and Saturday, Dec. t in the Re.ndes- vous Ballroom, Balboa. 11 Mra. Kappa-Delta Alumnae Meet at ~Aichael Manor Mule Bird, active. Balboa bu.al-_ nesswoman. Bouqueta of chryanthemuma ln In accepting th I s lmportant autumn tonct graced the luncheon ch&lrml.Mhlp, Mra. Bird Aid "In table o( Mtchaet Ma.nor tn Sant.a my optnton, the fashion ahow ~ Alla where the Kappa Delta one of the most effective mea.nr Alumnae Auociallon of Orange tor Harbor &.re& clolhlnl' atorcr County Mid it& mon"1ly luncheon to reach the people ot the entl~ Nov. l'T1 A abort bualneM meeUng Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area. WM followed by bridge and ca- lt ha.a been of tremeAdoua value I .,aata. ln ll\e pa.at and everythlnC' ts be· A ttendtng were Mmea. C. R 1.ng done to make thia &th annual Staff ot Newport Beach; Richard production even more outat&nd· Phillipa of C08ta Mc•: Robe.rt lng." 3tueblng ot Corona del Mar: Plan Around. 'Allee' ':harles Sandow of Downey; J . S. Colle.boratlng with Muie Bir< 3oodwln or Whittler ; J eu Powell tn . planning the program arounr >f Norwalk; E . T . Bradley and ''Alice In a Wonderland or Fa.sh· ~arl Hayes of Anah~Jm ; Leonard ions" ~re · Mrs. Natha.lle Mic haud 3altzer, J . D. Strahle, C. J . Mark.I. Mrs. Sylvia Lardner. and Mrs r . J . Johnson and MIA Joanne Virginia. Castle. Mrs. Mlchaur Roward ot Sant.a Ana. wa.s the chairman or the las' year's Preview fuhion show whlct waa acclaimed by all a.a one o the most apectacular displays o' faahlona ever presented here. Newport Matron Honor Guest Maste Bird l• a native or or: an-County, born and raised Ir Honoring Mrs. Leo Leard of 307 eo-l&th street, Newport. a &lork neighboring Fullerton. A ft er thowcr Wf.!1 held Tuc8day even ing, marrying Harold Bird. she live<" '.'Jov. 20" at lhr home of Mra. In Long Beach and then Los An· famea Fluch. 307 -32nd strttl geles. Four yeani ago the Blr<. \ssh1ting hofilcss wa.s Mr•. Ken· family moved to Ba.Jboa and be· teth Claborn. came permanent harbor residents Dt-coralivc then1e wa.<1 in pink to the delight of Mule's 1\ster lnd blue, domlnal<'d by a blr; Mrs. Don Gunderaon. Mule and Helen Estua Rlnder· 1tork in the living room. He wu olacffi next the gueat or honor knechl bought the "She" shop In and carried a. tiny new baby. Cen· Balboa and Mazie &eltle<I dqwn In eame8t to learn the retail cloth· :ering the N?freahrnent table wu a doll bugf(y filled wlth rlowers. The lng bu.lneu. She became the cakl' wu adorned with pink and sole owner three years ago. an<' blue booties and was served with the succeuful operation of tbi!' coffee. fa..shion womena' store ls proof of . her energy and ability. Owninr ~tan y beautiruJ gifts WC'rC' prt>- tl ~~· to · Mazi 'r .-'ented aftf'r gs.mes w ere played. 8:"d o~ra ng '•·1115 s re IS e ror which prizes were awarded first venture into t he buaineM M G Lo le d p t Id mes. l'nc ngmc r an c e wor · . Retakes. Before nioV1ng to "Balboa. Mrs. Pte8{'nt Wt're Mmes. Joe Walker, Hird wu active in the P.-T. A. Ne.,.,•port HelghtA; J ohn Van Wart. and Eaatem Star organizations. Lon g m e \ er. RuMell Temple. Altholugth tha ~i:,ratlve n:· Charles Matef!y and George Han· comer o e r r JU"e:a, e iOO, Col'Jta M esa; M OllC Daniela, ha.a already ~me prominent in Pete Rafakea, James Shaefer and co!1"1-muntty actiVltiel!I. She ts ~c-Mabel Dull, New BE>ach. retary or the Balboa Improve· . poll. ment Auoclallon and !leCOnd vice-Sending g1rte were Afm es . F rank president of the Newport HarbOr Marsha.II, Kc>nnv Hanalut. WWlm Businep and Pro!eulonal Wom-Luciu and Dorothy Holbrook. en's Club ... and still flnda time to maintain a home for her hus- band and lo be the devoted grand- mother of a boy and a girl. All in all. Mazie and her husband have 'been welcom additions to the Harbor area. Fitzgerald· Todd Engagement Told Revealed at a dinner party tor Naiad Mariners 16 gue•U on Satu,day, Nov. 10 at the home ot Mrs.. John R. to Invest Tuesday Todd, •OO East Alvuado .,, .. ,, Pomona, was news of the enpp- Newport Harbor Mariner Shlp ment of Miaa ?.larton T odd to Na.iad wlll have It.A lnvestlturl" Jan1ea S. Fitzgerald, Jr .. of ~ ceremony at the Girl Scout HouM West Balboa boulevard, Newport at 7 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 27 . Beach. Parent. are lnvited to attend. Rex Novel method of announcement Brandt, member of the U. S. Pow-was a large picture cut klto "ight ei-Squadron which sponaors tht> pieces. When aStJen1bled, tt "Show- Martners. wtll be speaker of the ed the bridal couple and the leg- evenlng. Mr!. Lee Hambrook. end "Jim and Marlon. At1g'1Jsl, former aklp~r. will be a gue11t. 1952." for lhe wedding is planned New ll!'&dPrs to be lnveated are for that month. Mrs. Al Rylet, skipper; First and The bride-elect was g-raduated Second Mates Mrs. L. J . Taylor from Whittler college. She ma- and Miu carol Clark. athletic di· Jorrt rn elementary education and rector. Eleven new Ma.rtneni will served u senior cla.a.1 aecretary. ~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~~a~l.ao~~be~~ln~v~eo~ted~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. She l.11 currently a kindergarten teacher with the Santa Ba.rbara City School• district. She ha.a ' T. and P. REED f R, M.D. C. L. SM ITH, M.D. ANNOUNCE THE ASSOCIATION OF W. J. COW AN, M.D. . . 3<09 NEWPORT BLVD. NE\VPORT BEACH TELEPHONE HARBOR 602 BEACON :1661 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 01' OFl'lCEB -BY - F. R. HERMAN, M.D. GENERAL PRACTICE -90' W. BALBOA BLVD., Nl!WPORT Bl!:ACH PHONE HARBOR 2IOf LESTER A. BECKER, 0. D. S°. _ Announc•s THE REKOVAL 01' BIB DENTAL orncm AT 60ll !lAllT BAY A.VII. IUol ..... 4 . AND CONSOLD>ATllfU llC1hil OJ'FICl:ll Dr Tllll MEDICAL BUILDIN6 11'16 lC&Wl'UtT .A. 'YmlfVll COSTA MESA •--n•oo• ... ' • ' ; 1 spent many summer• ln the Har- bor area. Her flance la the aon of Mr. and Mra. J . 8 ... Fltq-erald of 612 Ralph 1treet, San Qabrtel, and Newport Beach. He WU gTadu- ated from USC Lo 1960. majoring ln muak! education and ls now complet lng work tor hi• muter'• degree at UC. He wu In the army tor two years. aervinr in the Phlllpplnea Ln the Cu\1alty branch at MacArthut' headquar- tera. He la now bt hh• ..oond yur u teacher at Horace Ensign . ' . •. .. --.,.,,._ --· ... --~ -...:..... Cl·IRJSTIE-Tt>\\"ER ENGAGEMEl(T-M.r ... aad Ml"tl. Merrill E.. ~tt ot IA Habra Hef(bts a.n.nouace t.ht> rnp.,(eftM"nt of their dau&ht.fl'r Carla to Collln• Christle, aon of Mr. and &In. Clem Studebaker Chrbtle of Snur Harbor Road. NeWport Help&.. The brtde-elect h a third ceneratloo CalUorn.lan. and ba.' ~ aJI ber llle ln. Le Habra '*1ey. She attf'.nded Color.do \\'omen'11 College at Denver and l9 no"· • student at \~th.lttler coUe(e.. lier ftance ls 1taUoned at Fort BllM, ~I Puo. A l>flcembet \.\..-ddlng la betni' pWmrd. , MlS8 llARION TODD (Photo by Ce.apede• Studio) Arl-Group to Show Paintings Nov. 29 Art section or Ebe11 c~ub wt.ll bold an exhibition and tea on ThuMl<lay. Nov. 29 at lhe Ebel.I club houae, 2 t.o 0 p. m. C'halnnan ){rs. Horace Parkr r la ln charge. M~mben ~ll have two plctura eat'h on display, ot work Which hu been done-thla fall under w .. pervi.lion of Joan Irving BrandL lnvttaUona have been laaued to aJJ women'• clube Lh. the county and It la .al9o open to th" genera..) publk:. Some ot the 1tudmt.1 have studied under Mr•. Brandl for tour yeart and are offering their palnt- inp for aale. Seve ral have eX· hiblted at ~guna Beach Art p...1. ltty--.nd at Orance County F&lr. Tbeee pa.lutlnga wUl be deainbte u Cb.rt.stm&a gilt.a and prtce. are reaeocable. Tlll'"TS OS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. JC'rry O. Tuft8 and I their two chlldr<'n, 23601 South- west Pirate Road. Cliff Haven. wi'I spend the Thanksgiving hall· day with Mr&. Tufts' mother, Mn. A. r--arlnaccl o f Van Nuys. The Tufts also wilt celebrate thelr wed~ ding anniversary a.t the valle)· residence. HOU.UAV OL"'il'llER The William TritLo! of West Bay avenue wn1 be hosting a family party for nine today (Thursday) ror Thanksgiving dinner at the Balboa. Bay club. t c..c.. I •• ,.till Wben °'" ....... ··-Ung ID 111-.nty projoct wqt IA Ible --... .tllO)' olteft tum lo Newport Ho.-u I IOlll'Ce ol lmmuol tallnt ••• Ind ore --P-polnted. IL F. Kenny, Bitlboo'o vet- eran postmuter, 11 one who hu carried the bill to ...... a touchdown for 11'1911\Y a pro-. joct ot CDlll'lty·wlde ........ Yet. home-town chorea atlll ecme ftnt, and forernmt of these la his job ot running ' ' the Penlnaulo'• ellldent poo- tal service. Mr. Kenny com· pie.led Ju. ten.th yev u l')lt- muter In Ausust. ond hu ..... -ta! recripta riae f1'om twelve thou&and d o 11 a r 1 ynrly to thirty -...t. Durinc .-years. the 1D011 Auauot hu dropped f1'om fi the bual .. t month. Doceml>Or lta Qlr!stmu mall ,_ t Cffdi tlW! volume of aay month. M a director and Pfelident or the Balboa Im poul j>l&n. t. ter led the flchl that gqt an overwhelming major· lty for ~:he &-million-dollar bond li~ ·• t;""'Rlii:;;;and;s finding the battle atill on. L" ~here and when to get ac- t.ha t keeps t.he project mov· • inc. ..\.! president of the Ora.nae Coast YMCA. he hu a new projff't now orl tap, coveting tJ\e Newpx-t- HuntlJ' ton Beach-Laguna terrl ... tory. merit Auoci&tlon.. !M poa: findll a special rr.eanin&: in figurH: "A sure alcn tha~· e•re changing from a seuonal • munity to a solid, all·yeu 1.a- tion," he !'t'ports. , Always keei'ffig an eye to Uie tu.. ture, oo., of his first concem.s1ts to see that Balboa'• Planninc la on a scale big enough to match e~t.s. A beautiful new JJ04lofflce) re- cently completed. proves the fcope of hit plana. Hta ten-year rtcord ot perfect attendance at hi• !club, KiwaniJI, gives a key to ~ he :>.ccompliahes them. I Highways &nd traffic now jhave llways been one ot his majqr in-ter~ts in county project.I. ITo a large degree, It wu his work, as chairman of the county's 1'Mo- cia led Ch.ambers of Comq:t~rce highway committee ancJ pres:tdent of the Orange Cout Aaodation that convinced atate authdritles the Sepulveda Freeway a~d t go Into the atale highway aystem and be scheduled for early compl~Uon. Thia la the new !'Oa..l that will take all major through tAffit: be ween Long Be9.ch and southern cout cities, routing It Ulland. cl~ of population centers and rter than the Coast Highway. This \.\111 clear our cout t'OUle of all but local traffic and make It far Safer. Our eporler fowid Mr. Kenny more interested in discussifl&' cur· rent and ruturc plans than in talk· ing of pa.st events. In diacul8trl&' the record growth ot our own communft}•, we talked about New- port Balboa Federal. This la Mr. Kenny'_a comment about us: "M..ra. Kennyland I have been customers of your Savings and Loan ~·· lion for years, and we beartl.l~ recommend )'our service&. Since: it was founded 15 years ago, your .Association hi(s been o( real and growirw: importance in the pJ"dll. gre&s of our community." Do you have a saving: account with lfi! If not, come in and let us tell] }'ou how our high dividend rate, .ne\•er le&.& than 3 per cent per a~num in our history, cotn· bines "'ith unusual safety, backed by rn;urance up to Sl0,000, to make ~'Our a ccount with us one or the most valuable and dependable investments you can makr. You can start with as little· as 15. Al chairman of the r:amtation <.'Ommittee for the A s 1 o c i ~ t e d Chambers, Mr. Kenny lad in ~vel· oping the vital county sewaie dll· ' I HILLMAN M:1 Slut dell:ve.red bere plua tax and u...- YOOI' Jlad»or Ana 1 NEWPORT AUTO SALES %604 W. Newport Blvcl.1 Newport Beach Barbor U07 I 8 uperlaUve Dry Cleu••c LIDO CLEANEB8 '66 Newport 81 .... COSTA MESA Boa. 6 '111&.J . We operate our own plan& -- " ' • - • , • • • • • PAGE 4 -PAltT -THUltSDAY, NOV. 22,-195f .~;e!:Puss-B .&fith Peet -Shepherd Addresses 4th Dist. P.-T. lat H~rbor High .. Newport Har-11nkm hllth•~.-:-. ::.'...----..!:.---- . ldoaol wu boK at tbe Ncrrember -1ns., -DIArlct -h·Fonner Harborites eate u4 Te&c.ben Amocl&Ucm.,OD Ent ," • d NO'f. 14. 11n. Jollft J . v..-'If ertame hfere -Ana, f\rat -~I, pt!llH tn tbe ablence of~ llr. a.net Kn. -Mra. a.-cnioby. n.. ID-1'0l! -North B11.J mtart&lned u _.,o!lop WU Sfnn by Rev-, Jalnea -,._. OV<lr"tJM; Weelc -of ~ putor of I.he St. An• the 11th, Mr. &J>d Mn. Herbert dlew'a PNlll>yteri&n ~ a we!-Duenckel of Toluca Lake and Col. coa>e m11·p by Prllletpal Sidney and Mr.}Jamaa V. carron. Ila-ODd a...._ by ellalr-I&. &lld Kn. Georp GuUu1e mu Of the day, Mn. J . Lee Ros· of ,._ a...,,.. mtutatned for en of An•betm the -gTOUP at a sunday tnakfut.. .......... of the day .,... J:dlth The OuToU tamily were laland ~ 8bepbenl, COOt'Cltnal<lr of ruldenta for near\y foor yeen, Par9lt Bducatton for the Loo ....,,. d~ part of thta ume the colonel ,.i.. Publlc Schoolo. Mn. Shep-.,... In lj'r&noe. For the iui year had spoke on .. Gu.Ud.lng Parents'' thr.calonel hM been lltaUoned at and -the obligation of par· Fort l'Uclw.s.oa; Ancllonp., Alu- ..,ta to study with action and to k& and he and Mn. Cam>ll are take no act.km without study. '!O'!' elJ.,fOUte to Little ·Rock, Ar- "'Parenta are tbe moet tmportant kanau )lthete the colonef ...... ru be people tn the· world." sald Mn. in charl'e .ot all It.ate Nation.a.I Shepherd, "and the leut prepattd Guard unlta. They left Monday, for their Job." Nov. 19 arid will have Thanka· 1'he atrfng orcheatra o! Harbor rtving dlnner at UttJe. Rock wtth blah, Wlder the lead.enhlp ot the'ir eon James, who ls on ht. .91fnton Sawin, delighted the audl· eCond yew leave tram W est ence boQt wtth their fine &ppear-Po\nt. ~ and akllltu1 performance. The · Miu Pat carrou. eldat daueh- advuaced chorus !&DI' a group of t er, remained ll't Aluk.a where ahe four nwnbera, diruted by 'Miaa is head of communlcatiorus under Marie Hiebech. Noteworthy wu civil eervice fer..· U.e U . S. Army the fine acapella arrangement ot Signal Corp1. Mary Carroll, Ha.r- ·~ Cherubin Song," a.nd tbe bor High lf"&duate, ta married to py. treatment given the popular Lt. Edward Nellon. The couple ~try Style." '1r.e now living 1n Germany and l(rs. Roy Rouab of Costa Kesa, are expected. bqme next June whe n president of Harbor H1gh PTA. bit three year term LI owr. ;JVU .elected u 'a member the nominating committee. Job's Daughters Elect Officers, Plan Sat. Dance I Members of the Newport Beach Elementary School.a PTA a.ttend- t.ng wire: Kre. Louia Caenar, Mn. Wllliam Coleman, Mn. Jack Heu, Mn. Rexford Brandt, M.ra, Edwtn MeenMJ, Mr•. M.ari.9 Newland and Mn. Harvey P eue. Job'a Dau.g:htere' Bethel No. 157, Atte.ddln&" from Newport Har-Colt& Meaa. held their bi-annual bor Uok>n Hirh School PTA were : election wben they met at the Mn.. L. .H: Bergeron. Mn. 'I)lomu Costa llea Friday Afternoon club Jeako, Mn. R. K. Harvey, Mn. houae. F. ?f· Tunnell, M.ra. L. E , Stewart. During the meeUilg the election Mn. Harold Boyvey, Kn.. Roy was held tor the Une otftcen who Roush, Hrt. Roland Wright, Mrs. will aerve dWinl" the term from H . P . Yarnell, Mn. Al Horvath December, 1951, to June, 191)2. Mn. Byron Fenley, Kra. A. L: Those elttted were: Marcia Tay· Hayward, Mn. Henry Eggert. lor , honored q11ttn: aentor prln- Mrt. Thomaa s. Frost. Mrs. Paul ce511, Judy Tucker; Junior prince&a, Huffm&n, Mrs. Harry Hilliard, Joanne M e r r 111; guide, Lynn Mrs. Erneat McClellan, and Mrs. Smith; marshal, Diane H&rria. The Martin A . Mangold. incoming honored queen a.180 a.n- Next m eet ing of the F ourth nounced all her appointive oftlcera Dlstrlct will be held Jan. 17 at 1 tor the enwin., term. 1 the Garden Grove elementary There were •everal r eport.a gtv- achool. en by member1 who attended the New Member Addresses Island WSCS The regular meetin g of the W. S. C. S. Balboa Island Community Method.lat church wu held Nov. 19, in Dearborn Hall at the church . A noon luncheon wu served by Cil'cle t h ree. The re w er e 29 prea- •nt. Mra. P e rcy P&ines, vice presl· dent, presided during the buslnesll aeuion, due to the absence of Mn. Harold Fink. E ach Circle chair- man wu called on tor a report ot their circle. The devot ional pro- ~ p&m waa given by Mre. Althea Sb.i!ner. Mr.. Bainea preaented. th e ape&ker, Mrs. Marcia Lowe, a new mtmber ot_ the churcl'I. who spoke on ,~omlc Condittone ih ~tin ~dlL 1· \..; ' f f,/_f ' . The next meeting wul'be'held'on Wednesday, Dec. 5. a noon lunch- eon bolteued by Circle One. • rnu>d oeulon oC the State of <:all· tornla at Sa.n Joae from Nov. 8 t o Nov. 11. It wu reported that the re a re now 212 active Bethell!! in the State o f CalifornJa and 23,000 active mem bers. The J ob's _Daughters are plan- ntng their aemt-annuaJ sport dance to be held Nov. 24 at the eo.ta Mesa Friday .Aftem ools. club house. TickeU are now being eold to the · publtc and the prtcea are 75 centa per couple or 75 cent.I lta,g. The dance will start &n>und 8 p.m. and the orchestra for the ewnlng .,UI be The Four Sharpll. ncketa wUI alao be sold at the dOOr. The regular Oo-To-C'hurch-Sun- day for Betl'lel No. 159 w ill be on Sunday, Nov. 2~ at the St. James Episcopal church at the entrance to Lido l.l!lle. A,ll J ob"a Daughten a.re to attend druaed tn their robe•, cape"' and crown•. ·n..y have been aaked to take an1 active part ln the Rrvici. 1 After the m eeting J1ll'PhmenU ftte ·.-...vOcs In 'the 4llllng• ll&ll, gaily decorated In the Tll&n.kag1v- lng theme. Stewart · ~inily · ·ts .lrr. ,, lelef)hone'ltere • '.Keepihc -Wlth Ille COlltinU· tnc .,1"19'<Sen(.M.1 ,'.aa.t.·~.,.u, lne'•a potrtb ot.U>t ....., -uni~ the ~ Telepla>e <Md ~ .... ..,. Co., liU -·-u.. 10,-ooou. 'N.O¥!JIOl'l lllad. ............ ~lt--W., 111:eelc by, M._r ir.cJ IC •Ham· ~ Tloe aditevement ~ .c6m, memorated at an informal mJ.Je. ltOfte ce.t'dtony tn the borne· of th._, rectptepta, \Jte Rev. and· )(ft. famea S. Stewart, 2612 ClrcJe Dr., Newport Be&ch. 1 Attencliftg the ceremony In addi- tion to tbe Stewart. were their children, Rachel K&ey, 9 ; Mar\ha. 8 ; and Jlmmy, Jr., 3; Diltrtct Tele- phone Plant Superintendent R H. Deaver, Man&&"•r Hambrook, Jn. irtall•tkm ,Foreman W . F . Kredal and lnataller T. R Adamo. They watched while Mn. Stew.rt pl&c· ~ the ttnt call on the milestone telephone to her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Williama of Coun- cil Bluffs, Ia. Arter ptt:aenUnr the Stewart.a w ith a certJflcate honoring them u re-clpienta of the tnatrument. Hambrook recalled that lnttlal ex- change growth wu •low compar· ed w ith today'l!I accelerated · ex- pansion. H e aald that •• years passed before there wu a require- ment t or GOOO exchange telephOnea and that the aecond M>OO ln.tttu m ent.8 w ere added In only four yan tn the cornm.wUtle1 of New- port Beach, B&lboe, Coot& Mee& and Corona de.l Mar. "Thia exchange l• . amons the tuteet growing of comparable 111%e on the we.t coaat." H&m- brook decla.red, "&rut the end of t his growth la not yet In •ll"ht." He a.leo pointed out that the com pany'• policy la to care tor all waiting ·applicant. Juot aa quickly a.a possible a.nd .-econdly to improve the service. "We are doing our level bet:t to ca re tor all comm\ll\lcatiorw l"f'- quirementa here just aa rapidly u the ava.ll&bllity of equipment and materta.ls will pe-rmit," Hambrook. said. . BAND Par& -JllSloty • ,_ -.f.-. u .,_...... -wUI cs I~ ~ltlt Orup ~ -for Ule *""""' held by pntiJ JlWe P...C-In tbe lltlll 4 9 '·All Weeten ----~-­!lafu-y. fte ~ .......... w.. t.llnie ....._ tor pm n ml ()1211 YI ...... -"J"f!C -~ bu -ta -ftal. Bak· erofldd Hip .-.;i -WM ..... ,_... .. ""-. . Couneff ·Head to Address CapDlti Cif~I~ . ' • Kn. II.. L. .,_..; pnoldelll of ~ <:allfanll& O.•cfl of C11i> cS w-. Will be ~er 16---lhmlaw "Gulde -eopjbo Clrdo,Ot ~de! Ka. Comonmlcy c:burdl meets w-n ,,.,,., x~. 21.,r JI« ~ject wtll loo "Who w._ Are, What We ~and Wllal.W• Coil Do." . For Venetian Bµnds, Shades and Draperr Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 Kn. Thomu ¥iloY wtll he .-,)c>- i.t, accompaalod b7_ie,o·~ ~. Kn. H. Canlo&& Slo&n• wtll 1-S tn devmtona. Tea wt11 be .... ec1 by Group a. -. being Landsca~ Gardening kmM. Cl&ttrtee Dodd, John Cam- ....,, GNta I£nlldale ·and Miu New laW11&-MaiJ!tenance Lol'etta Spiece. _ Free Estimate& Bea. 6639-M Cleaners Address 8. & P. Women 2p3B DON K. BUTTS Lie;. General Contractor · . Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon fU.(Jl...W 17tft: FISHER· Drafting Service 916 Coaat Highway, Harbor 2448 Corona del Mar COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING F\lrniture and rUgs shampooed. Free eetlnlatea-Fully tnaured. Al's Hou.ee & Rug Cleaning Co; ae,-em mr.: Sympson\& Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Beat Money Can Buy" 512 • 38th St., Newport. Beach ' PHONE HARBOR 246' li2tlc , . Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT llOll -Blot St., Newport Seoch Pl>one .,Harbor -1&-W bdOl'O' · .;:..frt,. ' .. ~ . . t>.· ..• ~· ·~ ,. .. ' G~ IO ln<h BICYCt.11:, -~ eQllditk>n $11. .PboDe ..... "'!" ~ atter • p. ll\. a.IS eonlpi.t..tnatAllatlon. r.,.ir - 861 rice at all tn.n.r ...-« 111t - ©RANGE COAST MEN -·woMEN · ~¥~~tzri~Y ·• 18 • 55 M-, Phone Be&con etM-k NO PREVIOUS EXP: NEEDED 1 ft&dlopbone or RadloteJeptpb n-r-Wuted to !!az operaton . needed for 'alrpo.u_ . • -•• liN.port,a. ral1roed termln1ta. W Arn" TO BUY.---Small upr\atLt ate&mahlps. airl.f.nU. r a 11 road pJjUO-Phone Harbor 1020-W tr&lruo and otatlOOI. Eam up to T , lcll J7li00 year. Grand -pro-~ tr a• e ~ adY&ncement, 1 :SO-!!:!'-..=:!~-......,l!J!!!!!!!!!!.---­preot;p, llfe-Ume _,,,.ity In-I-:::; ~ expenoive _...time Photo TABLE TOP GAS RANGE. Ex· Sound tr&lnlng. Need not lnW-cellellt condltloll. ' Pllone Har. fere with present a.ctlTIUea. 3"7. 3cG For three (3) di.yo ONLY, Nov. 20, 21, 22, teptt.HDt.aUve of Electronic Technical lnotltllte, of Loo Angei.., will he at Ocean ll'l<>nt Hotel, :306 W. Ocean Ftont, Newport Beach for the purpoae of tnte"™'1ng appli- cant.. .Pbone Barbor 987 tor appointment. lp3 AJcohollea ~ymoua Write P, 0. Bal< llGll Belbo& ll11ru\ Oallt. Phone KJJril>orl7 1-61111 '2Z-Lo8t and Food LOsT -'-I .ad lea" HamUton wrtat watch. bu ownera aame on back. Lost on Harbor lll.ancl or Bay Shofts area. ReWans. Ph. -...n !Wl77-J. Sp6 LOST-1..&rse whit. female cat Peraian. P I e a a e pb0ne Kn'. Logan, I.Jdo Trailer Court. Har. 27H~a-<ard. --Oaultled Miii are rea4 by tolka who ara looking to bu7. 28-Sltnatlou Wanted ll:XPICRT ·WASHING ODd Izoiltng. Mn. Fulton. Brtnr to 1822 VUelle Plaee, Newport Be9c1L Harbor 1257-W,-97p3 Carpenter ALTERATIONS -REPAIRS Phone Harbor 2901-M: 98p99 HOUSEWORK WANTED-By the hour. Call bet. t It 10 L m . Bea. 59&4, Mk· for Mm: Moore. Have own tranaportat~n. lp3 WEDGEWOOD RANGE -lta tho 19~1 C. P. all automatk. It baa all the deluxe featura -lamp. clock, outlet tor touter -hot cake i"nddJe ln the center - al9o haa simmer bw:nera a.ad ctirome · grill broiler. U'Md 3 months.• Bal&nce du.e on. oon- tNct $141.Ge. Pay cub or take ~ymenta of $8.03 per month. "t" Jlt. BauC"bn, 40. SO. Spadra, FWlerton or phone 2152. 3tfc t ~Boasehold Goods I BARGA1NS I t I • • • MAPLE dinette .et- Table and 4 ehalra -------$79.llO Westinpouoe Elec. RoUter $20.00 Chrome dinette ...aet, 5-pc. ___ $89.150 • Comb l'<COrd player It rd<> $31 llO Congoleum rup ... -.......... _._, 6.95 eox aprtnga and mattreaaea. Good a.uortme:nt-All Pricee. M:agtc Chet gu range- Extra clean, late model, like new _ ........................... ..$79.M Dale's Furniture 1874 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meaa peacon 8137-J BABY CRIB and matlreaa, hi(h chair, con.eole radlo with phone,.. jack. mirrored coffee table, make offer. 370 Broadway, 0.. ta Meaa. lc3 MAPLE CHEST of diawera $15,' .s1npr cabin.et sewing mac.hine $11~. ladiea' wrist watch. good condition, $!%. Ph. Harbor 3174. lcll FURNITURE -Stove, daybed, end table, din!ng rm.. aet. bath· SEWING and Alteratlapa-Child tnette, kiddie komer. Al90 &l- and teen-&g'e llktrta, I °"'ucotta most new electric sewtng ma· and suits for ,chrlltmu. Baby chine. Harbor 14:24-·M. alttlnr Harbor 0754·~· lp& MODERN ~ divan and chair, WANT HOUSEWORK by tbe.day, dllllng table and B cbaln. m pracUcal nurain&' o~temtty FOR. AIL. Ph. Barbor 08ST·J cuee by the week. by att-&Ct.er t P· m. 3c5 tJnr. Can live In. 8917-W . or --6123-J. I 3pll Bill's Furniture \ '?~I:_";~~~~ We .Buy, Sell or Trade · ~· ~..,.,, . .· I ~~~ ~ w .. t Bal-m..i. • iJ?hono Jlarl¥>r ~-R T4c76B SMALL WING CHAIR, ~-Lc'e· dlvan $M. day bed no. carved aolld w&Jnut dlnlni: table, e Wanted chalro, buffet. Slipper cba1r $10. • ~10 Marlg<>ld, Corona de! M.v. BROWN It SHARPE utomatlc 3pli .. t up pPff&tora. N~rt ---,,---,--------=- Beach ...... top~&J, work· ADMIRAL REFRIGl!lRATOR - In ·-·--1n 6_ It'• tha.t 9 cu. tt. deluxe retrie-r -~~·w-c.. ~ Coast Hlghway. N1 rt Beach erator, hu 50 lb. croee ~ ~ or 622.f Southern A .. Soutb set ch.est. one big. meat cblller Gate. C&lilorn.La. lcS ! tray and two cri~ for vege-tablea. Also bu al:ielve. ln -tM WANTED-WoJlian for ten.tk>D 14oor and butter keeper. UMd 2 and dreama1dng. Ap y Harbor month& B&lallce due· on COil .. 2290-W, tr&et $239.Gl! cuh or take paJ• 1 menta ot $12.92 per month. Bee Mr. Baufbn, tOf South Spadra, l!'ullerton or phone 21S2. Ille .- I ' \ • , - !! .! ?::\..,., ...,.,u .. ..,. !If om'!!' .... --.... ~-..:•::;;•11' ... ··--..:...--.~·!!::!•!!•!!!'..!! * ii * • * . BAY 6 BE.CH.BARGAINS '11 WJU. ROLD uy ~o tor J'Oft Blllft -n .._ ID -~ dollftr]'. PAN$-. IM•ed rm -tar. WID """'t to 111AJm TIWI your -~ llCIDIIDT Ille Plano lltOrr, IUIL !Ma of puidllS. 1116 .--· ca., ·--euta AM. Ith BL, -· uo Nrwpaot amt. .. L . --. ...,.ir apt. Mrw!J ~ No. llala, 100 PLUftliJ TO I r m --6. a.a w.y. Wint« nter. CBOOllll nlOll! OCEAN FRONT HOTEL ILIGBTLT UDP Spinet -.. -~~!!.f!.'!_M BcmM U08 W. Ocean P'ronL Bu. 111 • Ill<• -· A bl• •.tnp. eon. RENT' .. T . _; • ' noJ.JB veD.lat tonu at 8B.A...:ll'&. .AU r .. (BlnOI ltof) 411 No. 8-SPl!XrrALISTS Q.A-Tfder !!I!!! ll&Dl& AllL Kimberly ~T1 0011 -cndS . . • • • • OMNI> PIANO u1.111 Jla"7 Linwood :Vick, Rltor. Winter rates i10 mo. ""'-·-... -UDol. ......... -· --ChlliDm welCOllMI •• =at~ ~"":p. :.: A.'l"l'llA.Cl'IV,,,,.;. apt • .., -tar, • Allio trailer ltOrap JD -· -.., Cliltllerlna', Kbr!NI, 8tan patio, .pr. Adulil, •11 :mo. or lJttle Bay Trailer Put: etc. OAJa..llCRJODI' Bii l"l&llO . wtll -<Oooe to buo. -72CK C0ut HJihway, 8\<!N, But& A.no; uo No, Main. )()<L &lid IM&tn. 111 • 36th BL, Newpo' rt Beech corner 8th BL eu,, NOW tor Newport 8-cl>. Kar. 891·W Xmu! 11Uc RENT A. PIANO '6 por .....,U.-A.Tl'RACI'IVll:, IUblQ' rtudk> apL, rental appUW on tu.ture· pur-tumiahed.. BendlX. Ideal for 1 chuo at BHAll'ER'B lllUSIC CO. or S. ConTenlent loc&Uon. $80 (lllnea 190'7) Ul No. ycamore, yearly, SG0 wln~r. Utll. Ind. But& Ana. KJinberly 2--0812. 411 H.,tlotrope, Corona del Mar. H&rbor 029l•R. lc6 B.AlO(QND ORGANS! Tbe pu.t H&mmond Cllord orpn. U you don't lmow a note you can play t.ht9! The Hammond Spinet Or- gan. World'• moat beauUtul tone&. Euy term•. D A N Z- 8CHKII>T Plano • Qrsan Co., Sant& Ana. a20 No. Main, cor. 8th Street. *Tota and Peta Welcome * THREE rooms. 1 bedroom tum, I> double. Newport. 1 blk. lo ocean and bay. $40 mo. Harbor 981. 1lcl2H Balboa ilsland We have .veral attractive apu. CHRISTMAS Special -Beautlful and bouJiN for Winter rental home .._ .-rand pt&no. Com· at&rtJn.1 at $45 mo. and a few pletely ret1nJ.lbed and recon-yearly rent&.11 1tart.ing at S~. dllloned In our own rhop $496 N ld G'b Rlt Terms seo.82 c1n. • u1.28 per e a 1 son, r. mo. at SH.AJl"ER'S MUSIC CO. 308 Marine, Balboa lit Har. 502 CSlllce 190'7) 4.21 No. Sycamore, ___ · ________ s_g_tf_c Sant& Ana. Kimberly 2-oe12. SPINET PIANO. Repooseued. Like n~w! Pay out balance '397. Subject to prior ale. D A N Z- SCllMIDT Big Plano Store. An- other at $478. Rental return at $486, perfect! Loll of other BIG BARGAJNS. 100 pianos trom which to chooee. 520 No. Main, 8th SL, corner. Santa Ana. SPECIAL BUY -Full 120 ba8I accord.ion. Regular $275 value, for $189.95. Care Included, term1. $18.90 dqwn, 110.78 per mo. at BHAJ'Elt'B MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0872. ctrrE 1 BDRM. cottage. rum. Fireplace, paUo, nice yard, $65 month, water &nd prdener pd No pell. 604 Begonia, C. D. M. Inquire 802 Begonia. VERY SELDOM do we'have a vacancy in the UDO APTS. on LIDO ISLE. Furnlah~ ed apartment on the Baytront. Ideal for a couple. Must be con· genJal. Aak for Mr. Grohman. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vla Udo, Newport Beach Harbor 1500 91t!c Collins Island PIUVATE RM. "and 'batll, _.ta ~. -or two perron.r. Elec. plate. PvklnS -· <> !'OlW. del Kar. Phone owner, --l!OM·R. . lc8 l"URNl8HED ROOM for renL WaUting dJatance to Union Hlfh eohoo1 College girl or ICbooJ teacher preferred, $4.0 per mo. Beacon 6681-M. lc3 '48 PLYMOUTH StauOn waron- R • H, 2491 Cout HltJ~way, Newport Btach. Beacon 61515. CA.DILLAC J'leetwood, .eo Special. -uUtul ~t l>W:lc; 11M9 dell•· ered Jan. 1960 Heatel', ra4io, electrU: wlndowr, 2 lelr W. W. Uree. Law mu•-.e. cuatom lbru out. Local car, private parlf. No Mks ta.a.. Ca.ah or tet1n1, quick -$21196. 1145 I>l&mCfld. ~ Beacll ··-· lp3 19!11 PL~OUTH Crrnbrook 4-dr. redan-2491 Cout Hlchway, Newport Beach. Bea. Ml&. ·u CHEVROLET Club coupe, R • H . $395. 2491 Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Beacon 6:)1~. 9!ic9e llMO PONTIAC Coupe tor nle or will trude tor boat or ! Phone &11.con IKH:4-W. lc3 'W PLYMOUTH Suburban-Uke new. Low mUeage. 2411 CO&St Highway, N ewport Beach. Bea. 6l!l5. 9ildMI "For the Best Deal" GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS. $59, $75. $17 up. Pay ~ per montb. . Full trade-In allowed on new wtthln two yean. D A N z.- SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Ma1n, 8th Sl., corner. Buy now for Xmu. Weat end ot Park Ave.., Balboa (on a new Cbry&ler or Plymouth lll&nd. S rm. cottage apt!., or a tine used" car SUGHTLY USED ORGANO In perfect condition-Save 1120 on 'thi•. Convenient terma at - SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa AnL Klmberly 2-08i2. RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddies learn. $3 per mo. Full term rent allowed on an7 piano ln our 1tock. • DANZ.SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. 520 No. Main, Santa .Ana. SMALL DEPOSIT will hold a.ny pf.a.no for Chrt.t.mu delivery at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. t Since 1907 I 42.l No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2--0872. LOVELY SMALL U PRIGHT PIANO ln perfect oondJtton - Terrm 129.50 down and a10.67 per mo. at SHAFER·s . weekly or monthly rates. Call Harbor 29&2-W. ---Opport:Wltty ts knoclllinc lD CLA8SIFIED A.DB. See Dick Ward HARVEY SOMERS, INC. 2491 Cout Hfway, Newport Sch Phone Beacon O!)J~ LIDO BAT FRONT deluxe tum-____________ 9_3pe_ labed 2 bdrm. ground noor apt. '50 CHEVROLET club coupe, lm· lf'lreplace. Dl.-po.sal. Enclosed maculat.e. 2401 Cout Hlahway. patio. P ier and dock adjacent. Newport Beach. Bea. &l~. 95c96 Rent reuonable to June 15th. · Phone Harbor 2590. Hc9 19~ MERCURY convertible, low mileatt -like -i:.e•: ·Lota of YEARLY -Exceptionally nice extnu.. Orl&inal owner. Very Un.tum. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many reaeonable. 1960 Tu1tln Ave., extra !eature1. ?'ear both Co1ta Mesa.. Seti .choola. Reuonable. 2286 Clay SL. Cliff Ha.ve.n.. 83tfc BALBOA ISLAND -AttracUve bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Ulll. paid. Garage $76 mo., yearly or JOO mo, winter. Pb. Harbor 51-Trallen ALL STEEL BED. 2-whffl traller, almost new. Reuonable price. MUST SELL. Phone Harbor 28 .. ·R. :lcll ll7L 79ttc ------------• M--Money to Loul • , 'IWv h l111e' ._ • tw9 1111& AA•nr I 1ltlr& wtUt ~ 1 n-11u s' 1 to..,.... LnlllS ,_ • • • 20 x ... ,,, 7 .................. !bee ...,..... .. t,lllO. IQsllt ,.,_ ID 'I • • ---t -"'5 1 ls .. Ila --.,.. ... -IMll s, I Ntbll, 71aMno 7111111• -11 llE~ I · ,_t ... , +mw. ...... atr1 •« ... 11r "Dd Mo17. Di rtle rodlenj ..... prlot ... --{ J\ft .--tlll -0.. to Ill ...... -WE I N• tattcw tr n, W& _. ldel.1 tor -w ...... tt JI? to toot troatap. Room C. mon -'ta. inp laa m .. ,. .. _.111y. \"*· ...... -..,... I BAY & BEACH" REALTY HGO llolboll BlVd. Hat1>or ll!M * ·* * * * * COSTA MF.SA G. I. RESALE Nearly new, lovely 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, he•nned ceillng, shake TOOf, dquble "gar., . large 1lssw! In livlllg room facing reu yard for outdoor living, In best Eut Side neighbor)lood. Only $2liOO down.. Easy G. L terma, i 'J& Int. C. GALEN DENISON; Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa Beacon 6698 (Evenlnp Beacon 6747.JJ • FOR QUICK SALE! 1. Balboa Bu.II-. lot wltll ol4 cottac-e. Blvd. loc. $ t ,500 2. BA.Y VIEW-I bdrm. bouoe and attrched apt, lllrnlahed. Clooe I<; bay t>ont -cb ···-·····-·-·····$12,!500 a. WATSJIFRONT-Balboa Owee, beauWUl new lloroe wttll many dellpttul featuree. WU! &e· comodata larrr tamlly. Boat rllp available $38,000 4. OCF.AN FRONT~ bedroom home. 8 rm. apL bver double ,._,..,,, turn. ·······--···············-····-···'18,000 ~. DUPLEX'nea.r bay. Needa wotk done, but good value S B. R. • 2 B. R ......................................... $13,500 BALBOA REALTY CO. ROSS GRJ:ll:LEY JOSEPHINE WEBB ULLIA.N McADOO 100 E . Balboa 81'"1. Harbor U77 . G. I. RESALE Costa Mesa Very lovely S bed:roon:I home ln be1t location. 1 ~ yra. old. Im- maculate ln.lkSe and out. Back yard 1U fenced. The Best Town on Earth $850 down 2 bdrm. home near Blvd. And mar- ket.I, lot 50 x 175. Total price $&300. Must sell this week Full Price $10,900 Low down payment and euy monthly payment.a. $2750 down Beautltul 3 bdrm homes. Cloae in locaUon.. Brand new. Hwd. On., dual heat.era, fireplace, l&rp ltvtnc room and dining room. Slldln& door. lArp kitchen wth tile abik. reature.. a be&utif'Ul patio with three en~ from the bouN. Tbae homes att built under rlfld FHA opeclfl· cauona. Plymenta on the bal- ance are only '88 per mo.. ln- c;ludlnl" taxes and l.nsur&nce. The beat deo,I In Coot& MM&. Full prlce Js only- $11, 400 G. I. Resale 3 bdrm., dbl pr.. fenced yard, lot 13 x 130, near ahopplng cen- ter. Price 19750. Do1!fD pay. $2250.· G. I . mo. pay. $61. Income Property x J 73, near ct-.nter of town Monthly income approximateJy 1176. Full price 113,000. Terms available. Acreage 5 Acr<a, Indurtrial ···········-···$7500 5 Acres, Agriculture ···-··-···'8000 3 Acree, Back Bay ··-·····---$5350 ~IVING 1:..., -.>-'J'R.A1'DOIV· JlllO.:e.i • -...... -~--.....:;_....;;.....;;...;;;_---+----------- flll t1111t __... 1e ~I...!•!::!!!!!! OiM' lltatle led ID tile , · 0 :n1 ,.it af*9 ... IHI ......... fll' -tr) Cal"onl•. AND ID tilt .... pert of CallfCll'llfa-LIDO JSl J' ~ NewflOl't Bneh. • -at UP<> l8Lll -are ~tor tN*!&llio BAY ---·-.. -fir~ ~~ rwtclett-w - ,_. U. trtm'PJ etPJelte Ill and Kit t. ' 1*1° -tor IM toll· iJo -... pod ....,.,...... -for our d-....... ..-rlr and for .e:"k ot. ~bn on our ~' We .,.. a1ro "MlANKJ'UL for the large volume of b0 JdnM• we have enjoyed durlJ>a' the ~­ A.NO, yee, very 1;HA.NKJ"UL for all of 'our old frlelldl , ~ the addition of ~y new onea. -.;' ·,, YOU loo, will be'"TllANKFUL If you wUl inveaipte' the many a4vantac .. to Uvlnjl' on LlPO ISLE. Here you buy a lot for u UtUe u $2700 on euy terma and a home· for u low u $15,000. It wUI pay you to come to LIDO ISLE headquartera. Hett & lltUe bU)'8 & lot. To you and youn a moat pleuant THANKSGIVINO. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach. Crllf. Harbor 1500 , Duplex, Pier, Float Near shopping and bua line. Ex- cellent condition. Brick patio, nreplace. New modern kitchen. Ea.Illy COf)Ve.rted to• large home. Pr 1 c e $18,850, unfuml.lhed. Terms. New Lido Listing TWO bdrm. home, walled patio, beamed ceWnca. TUe !eature1 throughout. Beat buy on Lido Isle( $1&,500. Co111lder reuon- &ble dOWfl payment. !ie\\rport Heights New llatlng -2 bedroonu and convertible den. l" bat.ha. S- car p.ra.ge. IArge patio. Cape Cod de.1ign. Price $14 ,850. Stock, Chicken Ranch 20 acre1, 12 acres permanent pu- ture. S house•, b&rn, at.able•, colnpletely irrigated. Abundant cheap water.. EquJpment for '15,000 chicken&. Will CO!l8lder low down paymont &o qualiftecl operator-or pa.rt trade. GREENLEAF • ABSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2W St!c PHONE H&rf>or 1818 to pJace your want ad on tb11 pare. SMART BUYERS Won't overlook these ' l ' ·Newi>ort d-'W.terfront Special • • ~ f • JUST DL\'aINB. ~laceSE' p your boat NOW: A Place to Uve N W. !too ~or fllture expan.8lon. .,_ PIER, FLOAT, ~· . 1 111,, 2¥.i car garage. . View of Cova for n;.liOO. J'or flh:ther Jlifo i n call ~&r>' Dickaon at Hlll'- • bor 1013 _or.~ ~ 84 2092-W. . .., . . . Imagine a Be con tBay' Waterfront for l ${0,000-A a.y at Your Front Door · Lqvely 3 bedroom home. Large living room, dlnlag roonl with picture wlndows.:J. Completely furniahed. · Exceptional patio th bar1 ue. Guest apartment. Call Harbor 177li f9r an appointment to see thla. Mult. No. ·2033. COR NA DEL MAR and Hin View An outstanding bedroom home. Exceptionally well built. Cle and attractive. Lots of title. Good heat and e new. 2 car garage and en- cl08ed yard. Pricp $12,500. Small down payment. Call Harbor 2474. Are You In~rested i.n Year Round · Ebach Home? Located in Bea:.r-Bay -near Private Beach. Brand new 3 ~m, 1% bath home. Beautifully furnished. Forced air furnaGe. 2 outside showers. Lovely patio. ArO complete guest apartment. Call Harbor 177 for appbintment to see this lovely home. ' EARL W. STANIJEY, Realtor lTth and Oout Hlway:I .... -. -1 l~th. and Irvine Newport Beach Newport Beecll ISUii Cout Hlway Corona del Mar 1225 Manne Ave. Balboa 181and 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach BALBOA ' LAND BAYFRONT WELL BUILT an well located 4 bdrm. and maid's South Bay. Priv te pier an float. Good double garage. FulF pri complete y furnished. $4 ,500, terms STANLEY HAD$D; Realtor Balboa (Island Harbor 20 216 Marine Ave. ' . Lido Isle 2 bdrm .. 2 bath home wll" nag· stone tlreplace and torped &ir heat. Disposal Service I porch. Be&utl.tU.l enclosed patiO. 2-car garage. Lou ot atoragd tpate. 0n1y s22,500, $8600 I ~own. (Fumltutt can be purchued l! desired.) '_ j , • CSlnce 1907 ) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2--0812. 'rELEVI.SlON! Trade your old plano on beautitUl televt.Con. BAY FRONT-1 bdrm. lllm. apt. ldee.1 for couple, $60 month to June 15th. TWO bdrm. untum. houu, 1 blk. from ocean. By ye.a.r only, $75 month. LOANS for Homes ~~-20 yr. l..oa.nl CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 6-51>% (H )'Tl.! WE BUY AND BELL TRVST DEEDS G. N. WELLS, Rltr. &: "->cialell BALBOA PENINSULA -3 bed· $ full room•. 2 bathr, nreplace. 12,500 pr ce On Broadway Newport .Heights $2000 down -Big allowance. Famous makee 1n televlcalon. DANZ-SCHMIDT ~20 No. Main., comer Ith St., Banta Ana. GET THE TOP OOLLA.R for your old piano. Trade It in for IU tun ca.ah value on a Packard Bell televtaion at SHAFER'S MUaIC CO. (Since 1907 ), 421 No. Syca- more, Santa Ana." KI. 2-0eT1. FOR SAI.E hml1y crocery -Ideal for a couple. Low renL Excellent ).o. cation.. Approx. 12500. WANTED , Paint or Hardware 1t0ft -Al80 card allld book: rental ..._..._ Wbrn JOU want to llu7 or Mil your ""91.-, call Ed L. Sedelmeier Ph. Harbor W2 or Har. 2914·M 3Uc BALBOA -Modem 2 beclJ<>Om nicely !llrnlebed apt. $M mo., ,...1y. UlU. pd. Phone Harbor 2791.J'. 83Uc TRAJLER FOR RE.NT in mode.rn court. Space and light.I lnclud· ed 129 . .60 mo. ALSO larce trailer apace, 115. 174.1 Pomona. Collta 'Ma&. Ph. BHicon 1747-J. 93tfc -Be wlH-tell peopl~dve.rtile! BAl'.BC)A PENINSULA -At- lrrcUftly turnlrbed 2 bdrm. du· plu with sundec:Jl. Winter or yMrly. Reuon&blo. Har. 3019-R 83Uc <X:EAN J'RONT-1.&rge cheerruJ. aunny turnl•hed apt.. aJeepa 4. '60 • es mo. can al 7304 Ocean ll!'ront, or Beacon 6493.J'. l cll 11M.U.1. ATl'!l.ACTIVl!l HOUSE, sultab)e tor 1 or-I. Reuonable. 30'1' i:.land A..... 11&1boa. can eY8111Dp. 3p6 SEE BOB SA TI'LER 105 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar HarboT 107.,._J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite Ins. Fund.I Kl 3-5186 Very nlee 2 bdnn..bome on eo.ta Me• 's fine.at street. Hwd. fln. • very nice bd:mu, TUe noor in bathroom. L&rg-e kitchen.. Gar• &«O. bu--b-q. Thie le a real buy. Owner la leaving the a.rea. l\&11 Prieto la only- $9450 LO.ANS TO Bun.o, Dll'ROVZ. Phil Sullivan BUY,~~ OR Geo. Everson We Buy Truot Deado 18156 Newport Blvd .. Coot& M- NEWPORT BALBOA FIIDERA.L Pho"" Beacon 1123 BA VINGS • LOJ.N A.llBN. (Acroar fl'om Coot& M-Bank) 3383 Via Udo Ph. Bar. U00 ------------l;w:a. Ha . 3157-W Bea. N1Ja..J REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5% Corona del Mar Loans quickly made 1n the Bay Oce&n View new 3 bdrm.. 2 be.th Atta and Laguna. S1n&le or home W ' to W c&rpetlng and mulUple unit& New or olll. Be ~ included. Bwd. floors, wise and save by re-financtns dual flr. ~ fenced, _paUO, your pruent loan. Kinlmum ex· aprtnlr.len f?ront A: l'ffl', SO' lot. penoe. No charle for prellml· Only SlUOO tran.rferr'ed. nary appraJaa.l. Phone Santa Key tn our O::r Ana Kimberly 3-M27 or write: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Co~dent Two Call!. Ufe In.a. Oo'1 1414 Soutll Main Santa Ana W. E. Fisher· llWlder -Jloaltor 1790 Newport Blvd. 2% bdrm.s. home, love! brick "'~-...1°BALBOA ISLAND -(Lillie le-flrepla.c~ needs redec rating. .,....., Mesa. Ph. Bea. 518 land) • bedroom•, 2 balho, com· Untumt.ohed except ot e and Att tlve 2 bdrm. home -3'i . old. Hwd. noors, dbL SU'.· .ilt1 bargain-Price $8500. • • ' Downto}'Vll Triplex ., : .. A wondiel1\f ~1; neu the Col'ta II-. po.t oftlet* emuu-of a nice I B. R. home-~U from J • 1 S. R. A pt.I. l apt fllrniah • ed. Very clffp lot, room for DIOr9 unip. a car pr., Iota of bladt. top. Completely fenced. WUI eonAidf'r t~ tn ex- ~. pletely turniahed: drapea: Feneed rear y . Out of toWn OYt'Det anxloUI to aell, CORONA DEL MA.ft -Triplex,; 1 7\¥llt;!con1ide'r(~tt;r! 1 I "wltl> "'(•&fl vl~w. l I (:'.oasf, 'Jpto(>Dl>Jes Balb P l R alt 301 E . Balboa Bfvd, boa qa a ms e Y Pbon• 11.ar1>or 28 , $l~down l 900 W . BALBOA BLVD., H. 3484 Aasoc. Clyan Hall A Jack G~ne ~-~.._b~H .. fg·.,.; •. ' ~ 'C[~'( .!-'I ..... [ t~ Jng new S bdrm ,ralidl type hf me with fireplace. Bert .,_ tlpors. Many cloeell and bullt-- lrl.s. A lovely home, $12,250. · Full price $19,500 · 2 Lots c t M· -· -osa esa e room home. oak noon. f lace., beamed ceilJI\&', knotty lne In· tertor. tumt.ohed If eacon Hill Realty '68 Newport BIY<l (abo-.e Arcboo) Ph. B. '5713-R or EftL B. G6U'W • ocean vjew, nlce section port Hetghta. Multiple CQrona del ,Mar : ' · lnc<Stne Specjal 11 lfn(tl T pl WI mgr. apt. :n half aeN. A 1 e&1 mµney maker. Only 125.000. Tcnrut Conaider home or lncoene in u.tb&nge. B. A. NERESON 1982 Newport Blvd., Cool& Phone Beacon ~ (EYU. B-llW) , So, You Want Mesa For that new home you • HY p A y R.EN'f '1,· should buy these two 60 x / 127 foot lot., buy one or a bdrm. fUrnlabod ho $1500 down : both. Located cloee by "!OWpol!J. pier. exchange I'{ , 42 .bdrm. w.ttaae, Dlol loi:a· Newport Blvd. sbove the tario. area. '6000. t n. • An:hea on 15th St. near . I ALSO THEBJ! FOB • corder of Orange ltve. 8 Unit Ren 1 $2500 down : ff&Ve paftd alJey In & 2 story rtncco ~ Ille blly I I ' • -' _.., na.. 1->me, r;a\>o, 1-.. )"Im>. • clea ·;-···-· ... t.TGO block ot nice· homee.. _..,. equity for -2-1 !><ftm. G. L ---'10~ • or ll&lo Bemardl1lo ....! N. B. a-N-2 bdnn, new fUml. • Priced $1485 c. UALT'( co .. au+.tl Naw· tan, complete,. oal¥ '11,IOO '· 1152.'1 Cout Blvd .. Corona del Mar CORONA. PEL IUR--3 rm. apL, t\lnWibed or u.nl\lrnlahed -with optlon to buy. (luqe. Very __.i.le. 114 Marigold, Co- ,_ deI Mu. lp3 116-Moaey Waated Ernie Smith Re&Jtor -A mod.ate , To Buy ltight-Cali BEEK FERRY On'ICI: 8-'14Gli tena. --~a.-J . .1.v.111.. • , AE""t· polt -.. N••pwt 8 ~ .... I'll. mn.I,., PAYNE 'Dth, ,,.. Harbor i13 . no Cout Hiway, ~·Ool Kar Phone Harbor 21M NET YD:LD 51' to 1°" A MORli "PLACE TOUR PROCml:Illl. IN GOOP TRUST· Pll:llDll'' Ii:very lo&D tlUe luuNd. Bay&Beach Bargains . m. Duplexes ' Well-Here It Is! OUPLJ:X --.....S to •'u.ooo . Weot Newport borne and - apt, 1' rma. Goocl 1-lme. Al~ B.-R. 'fnme, Corte M-.. ...-. Tenlla. ftoni&-·and Re . ~~ITH -~~~~~~~~~--· ow.. 1 lldltn.'loome, ._•lllS•---en==•~ tma ·.-.... _... '"" pl ~ .,.._t ID h+ 1a NOTIC»: -....._ ,....,,.,. H,,_.. "'-..._! ... °"'"""" ... ..,,.,.. .._.~_.. to ...,.. '1T ..... ~ . -· .. --WIFI lsb I """'--la 7ls t IE -RI -• ..,,, • a Bay ls B11dt -~-UM-la -11-.-,•n dNI . ~·••...,.; • IM08Q.ft' ..... II&. ... -~ -....... , ' • I I j • ' ••• fA&E .6;..:.. PART T -TiiURSD~Y, NOV. 22, 191 1, .. :·l;~k!~JlESS _a ' . " 1rtee in Fashion Wonderland'· sets Christmas Preview theme .. hce ln a Wonderland ot l"ub--+-------------- klaa ... will peek out of a looking Wont)er1and,'' accordJnC to MUJ~ ,CU.. when apparel a.bops ot the Bird, c.ha.trman. Tbe mcript la be-- Ooet. Keu-Nev.rport Harbor area tng readied by Mn.. Sylvta Le.rd· ·-i ~blne to abow the lalNt sty lea ner, well '• known.· ,movt.e 8Cript on openln& n.lght of the Chri.atmaa wrtler, and Vlrgtnla C¥Ue. local P~. being hdd Nov. 30 and cbarm and penonaltlJ expert. wbD Dec. l In the Rendczvoua ballroom, will a1oo uolot with inatrucUon of :baJboa. rnodela. Mn:. Nath&lle M..tchaUd. Bobe.rt Gardner, superlor court chairman of the 4,UJ annual 1ty\e Jqdre and weU-known barborile. &how, Ls acting tn an adviaoT)' wtJ1 ra.Lle th~ curtaln as master ot capacity. Mra. Michaud ori,cinated ceremonies on the two-day &!fair the Idea of Cbrtstmu Preview foe tpe>IYOred by tbe Newport Harbor lhP club. ~Mr. -..... A. P. WDllema, 8 ...,_~ -I!°'"" H Jw H-a -.! tllo luSlU)' -~ Jlr. WIU!a•o lo wllll the lllpal Oil 0.--. Buslnem and Professional Wo-There wtll be tuhlona of ln· K' • G men'o Club. , t•ret1l to 'th• enttr. tamUy; trills I IWanlS r OUpS Deel Arnaz, ata'T of stage and t' d II ht th al loth S p• t • 0 e g mo er, CUii c .. ee ,,.. ures · tcleVilrlon. will bring his 12-ptece for falhcr, and teenage and tot.a' '-' orebestra to the ballrootn for the school &nd party wear. f N • p I Saturday night dance. Although • Booth _dioptan will be mor• col-0 ava10 eop e no atranger lo the area, lhi.s will orful than ever during this 5th be b18 flr•l public engagement In 1 flat nlln t -· 1 . A joint meettnc of Harbor .. annua a r, acco g o S".I•' yn K .. ·--•-__ .. w--'kt ctu.._ wu Newport Beach with his band. Varner and Helen Norton, co-,.., ... ,.. a.uu &fU ... A.mu and hta wJfe, Lucille Ball, chairman of booth sale•. Bu.alneu-t)eld Monday night. Nov. 19 at k~p their boat "Oesllu" at Ken men will show their warN 1J1 8 ftag&n'• tn Corona del Mar with 54 NUn' VIiia Marina and may be leisured atmosphere deAlg:ned to -ereaent. Vina Mae H&rmer, ac- aeen moat any week end crui.aing acquaint the year-round resident cordlonlat. provided mualc for the tn the bay. with merchandise avall&ble in dlnner program. K.e.n Nllea, wbo was such 8 popu· thrlr own home town Dr. Emenon and Jan Br\Acf>e iar &U<:ceu last year, wi.11 act aa The Chrlstmu ~view ls for showed moUon picture»-of thelr muter ot cerf'moni('ll for Desi'l'I th<' benefit of lhe sporut0rlng club'• ·recent trip to the NavaJo lndlanB ehow, and will help draw the grR.nd many philanthropies. In addition In Monument Valley. The door prize or $100 ln coupons ca.11habh• to 8 student loan fund a echola.r-prize wa1 won by ~C Haapa. at lhe store of any n1erchanl par-ship fund a.nd varlOU:. charities. The Wan&kl committee In t1ctpatJng in the Prc-v:('w. The re Lhe club h.8.8 pledged $l~ to charge of the dinner and decora- wllt be two other coupon book!" Hoa~ MemortaJ h06pltaJ. Presby-llona Included M.arre Andenen, worth S50 anti $26 in addition lo terian, for a "ltvlng memorial." M&reella Van Dyke. Elale Ha.mp· counUea door prtzl'.'s donated by Tickt>ls mAy be purcbaaed rrom ton and No"'_la Briacoe. Thanka- JocaJ bminessea. any club member and enUtle the giving theme wu carried out In Storybook Tbf'mf' bf'~rcr to chance on aJJ door pr!Ra decoratlone. The fa.ahion show wi.ll be a fa.'lt anti dra1o1.•ini:s whether preae.nl o r The women'• grou.p met Nov. 7 moving presentation ba1:1t•d on the not . TickPl.8 ml'Ly alAO be pur-to plan the dinner. aaembll.ng at popular storybook theme "Allee ln cha.'i"d at the door. the home of El•le Hampton. Thl' ---------------------------evening was apent ma.klng scrap book2' a.. Chrlatmu gifts for the ch JJdren'1 ward In the county hOl!I· pltol. Senior Play "On Borrowed Time" to Be .Presented ~riday, Nov. 30 Paul 0.bom'a unu.!JUal c.'.>mcdy,,>&-..:....------------ Next meetln.g on Dec. 12, will be a Chn.tm•a party at the home of ~arceJla Van Dyke ln Corona Hlghla.ndll wtth Margaret Kirk· pa.trick u co-ha.tea. ''On Borrowed Time," will be pre-1 its cut or gifted, hard-working M C l b Id 1ented P"riday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. at SC'niors and lta fuclnattng plot. esa u to Ho the high ~choot auditoriu1n. Rob-should prove flnit rate entertaln-N • R 1· f F t ert Wentz ts director of the pro-mt·nt. 1 ava10 8 18 e e duction. Tickets arc 60 and 80 cents and all seat.s ar(' re&ervrd. Don .Campbell a.s the crusty. profane and va.llant Grumps, Car- ole . Tel&laff a.a the frozcn-facf>d Aunt Demetria, and Mike Vaile ID the role of the nine-year-old Bud.. are turning in Sf'ns8.l1onal perform&ncea In the rch('arsals. Donna Price u Granny is al~ doing a brilliant inlt.•rprctation and ahould steal many laugb.s tn UH! nnaJ showing. Mr. Brink (allu Death) as played by Tom Hende-raop, represents a major role in the play. Tom's version or this ~•Int character 1s a highly original one which adds much to the liveliness of the play. Bob Enert u the sh('rifr. Ed Bec.katrom a.a Mr. Grimes and Bill HopkW u Dr. Evatu1, have llJ'hualng minor rol es whlch they are n•w handling b<'autifully. Janee Hunml'·s little girl role Ls 10mething to be on the alert for and Lee Jayred and Johnny Yates u the workmen will undoubtedly New Pla yer in "The Drunka rd" F'N'd Carter. artist member ol th(' San Francisco Pre&& club, w.tll take a part ln "The Drunk~." playing thla coming' Friday and Saturda)· a.t the Bamboo Room, Balboa. With the SRO atgn out and· people turned aw.y lut Bat.- urday, the Players Workshop group is continuing the melo- drama.. Carter·a professional career tn- clL:dc11 lead parts In Front Page, Room Service, Having a Wonder- ful TimE", Three Men on a Horae, and George Wuhlngton Slept Hf:'re. He ha.a played at the Alea· zar. Geary and olher theatre.a, u well as appearing on TV. Mesa WSCS Plans Pub li c . Dinne r c.ontrlbute some: sharp comedy. The WSCS of the C08ta Mesa 1 Another promising young ac-Community Method.I¥. ch u r c b tress t.a Donna Nelson. As Miss Baby food and lnfant clothing llema a re eorely needed by Navajo Indian Relief, Clarence E . Baker, publlcJty chalrma.n for the Mr.sa Boota and Saddle Club of CG8ta Meaa, announced today. The club I• •ponaortng a round and MJU&re dWlCe for Navajo tt-lief Friday ni&ht at American Legion Hall. Cu.ta. Mea,. Only ~trance fee to the danc~ '9 an article or food or clolhln«- cannOO or packa.ged-e.nd u.seable toys. Th..: dance don at lorn. will be delivered lo the Monun1t:nl VaJJey, Ari%.. f"Janjo Indian Reservation ~y Ora. C. C. Emm~rlK>n, P . 0 . ~utch~r 11nd C. L. Smith or by &tlisslonanea at the ~rvatlon . Peraor,a W\ahing to donate to the relier project ahould f lther bring food. rlolhlng or toys tu th,. dance or phone any c1Ub methbcr ror col- lection, Ba.ker aald. Music for the dance will be provided by Orange Coast College •tudenta whUe the club will furnllh retruhment.s. Mary Harvey Feted at Party ~bilblne, Cramp's lawyer , she wi.shes to thank everyone who had a n<l"9 In making th• r•c•nt •----· , uat uae her wit and wll<'s t9') save ..-... ~ " .___ I the •lovable old gafft"r from the and dinner such an out.tandlnJ Mra. Raymond K. Ha.rvey of l clutches or the law and the yawn· succeaa. Special thank.s 1"0 to Hol· Corona del• Mat entertalned with lh:1ter Nunery and the Bamboo a ourprloe blrthda ~ ty tng pit of the local Insane asylum. Y r-r on ._ Nursery for the many lovely .-ent Satu-y honortnr _._ At a crucial poJnt. hired girl Mar-• • u_. eta. played by Judy Tucker. proves plantJI donated to the plant booth. 115th a.nnlve.raary or Mr daughter Another publJc ham diMer, u._. henelf the only one who realJy .. _. ,. unden:tanda Gramps. To every-sponsored by the llOCiety, will be Mary and a group at cloee given Dec. 7 in. tile church hall tr•--.. ----_ ..... p'-~ t •-t one'• pl~, sch em I ng Aunt ""1au. .... _ •• --... .7._. enn .. • Dehletrla, bu:rly Sheriff Eggert, from 6 lo 7 p. m. Alao on that da.y Sea!are Lod&'e, Laruna Beach and -.itd. flint-souled Mr. Grimes are a rummage sa.le will be held. then en.Joyed ._ aeafood dlnner. At "Watch your .... nan for the place, .. lh• •-ble eo-•-n-•-rated tor foiled. But there are complica-l'-r-.... ' ~ ~ lion; Mr. Brink grows understand-says Mrs. George J'. Fox. pre.u the occuton,. MU)' WU preeent.ed Ably bored at being trap...-in the cbalrman. "If yo\a have rWl\ma&'f=, with a pretty swn.ter. Wlahinc her ~ pleue call Mrs. Olia Weatherwax m••y ··ha -t " Co apple tree. Obviously the play has __. PPY .... am.a were n-or take article. to her home, 234 nle Yan--iA V•ru Ann R•••• many unexpected climy:es of ex-E. 18tth St." ......... ----J -. ctt.ement and auspeMe and ts full Sally Stewart. Gloria Be.Itron, of b good lin Dusty Hayden, °'1l.ha Bouchey umor, es and funny -People do read the Want ad.I. , and Sharon Yam•ll. tcenea., "On Borrowed Time," wlth~~-:;;;;mm;;;=am;;;;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;:~;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~:-; Laguna Elks to Hold Benet it on Nov. 30 On F'flday, Nov. 30, Trtancla fFrancea Vandercook), natlonalJy tamOUI' exoUe dancer, or Cbrona diel Mar and two prolegf'.a, Mary Catherine Andrews and Ott Oree CU.nnJngh&m, also of Corona dl!I Mar. will be featun?d at a bfoneflt to be held In L&iuna Bent!h a~ Elks Hall, Sleepy Hollow, on Cota.at Hlg-hway. The affaJr I.$ sponooN'd by the 8 . P . 0 . E . and will be p~eentfd a.t 8 :30 p. m . for the benefit of the Elks Crippled Chil- dren's Fund. Trla.ncla hu •J>l'nl her llfe studying origin of the dance down through the age"· living among native gyp11le1t, Polyneeian.l!I and other people• to get authentic dance lnterprt>tallons. ··Laguna 8e&l'h's own·· l'lllver- vol~ "So:iny" Budd will be the l'IOlolat and will sing thr specially acl~ted songs accompanit<l by the Inimitable Lila. Breachler at thl' pla.no. Peter WeJg'lln, an up·and- comlng young artist. or L.tdo lsle. wUI render accordion soloa. Den- nie Andrews will be the narratof. The above artial.8 have gracious- ly given their time and talent.II to brtng an oul8ta..ndlng/evenlng of rntl'rtaJnment ln ordtr that they may help ln their small way thaw "lltt~ toll" who cannot help themKlvea, and also to give you an opportunity to join lhem in thl.a magnanlmoua get>ture t h at touche.s the human heart. Plea.:ae come! tr unable to attend-buy a lk:ket. anyway. We USUrt!: you, you'll feel t)('tter after you do. Tickel.!l. St each, may be pur- ehaftd from &ny or the va.rioWt cluba or social organl&.atlone In La- guna Beach or at the Elks Lodge. Coast Highway. Rell('rvaUons may be made by calling Laguna Beach 4-&71 or by maU. SUNDAY·TUEl!DAY "HIGH ADVENTURE" la Tedaa1color "ANNIE OF THE INDIES" .IMll Peten. Loula .lounlan. .,..,..,..., ENl!lllDAY PREMIER eorp Pal•• 8\artllng Fantul7 ln Teclan.Jcolor "WHEN WORLDS COWDE" Mesa~\/ • • SAT. LAST DAY CLARK GABLZ In "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI" *'DISC .IOCKE.Y" Famoua Reoordlnc ArU•t.e MTABT8 SUNDAY Technicolor "PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINE" Deanb Morcan. V. Mayo !nd MA.IOK FEATURE T. Y. SETS FOR RENT '·DAY IO'.NDl1Jlll TIDE T. Y. C1111tlAlis IU1 Cloefid Monday COM,LITI DINNE:lS Ff'OM SI .if to P .18 TROPICAL DRINllS DI•• 111 th bchoi.I" TA.l-4tTIAN SICYIOOW y...., ............ HMW 111 .i Vl~IT THE NEW HUT •• c-1 m-y. LaCUJll' PbonA 4...ooo& for Reaern.tiou Cloaed Ob Tueedaya FISHERMEN'S CASINO CAFE Malll SL al' Balboa Blvd. SEE the SEASON'S CATCH 1 1011 N"EWPOBT BLVD Reoulto come rrom conotant N-n -j' PracUce! An ad regu.Jarty tn t.hla I R &&B0&.108 paper will produce result.I for you. -----------· NO\\/ IS THE TIME To rent your home or apt.- Pb. HARBOR 1818 and place your Want ad' today: DASTA.JIDLY LAW\'ER CBDIBS (Jaek wu ... , Rr:PF.ATl!lD BV POPULAR DEMAND OR THE F ALLl!lN SAVED 2 Act Melodrama with Olio BAMBOO R00MM!-8BA LBOA FBlDAY aad SATURDAY, NOVEMBER :IS a.ad !4 CURTAIN 9 P. M. Florodoro Sextet-Con Can G irls Community. Sing Lots of Other Acts •t.00 INn TAX & REFRl!lSIOU:NTS . BAR OPEN BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN ORANGE COU NTY ANNOUNCES OPENING OF I 'IBIM SBOP; SPECIAl:JZING IN '• CUSTOM CAI UPHOLITEllll . . o, .... , S,1dals Tiil 1 '*" $' . ' . .. Tailor Made Plastic Seat Coven -~4~ &a.meed . C.ertlble 'Jops .... ~.)' ~95 •&1 IMDf FOi W.NI& W NOW Free at•Mties on el Upholltery Wowk ~ CL.YDE Kl G -~ ........... 22, •••• ' • udWallilil'_...,. IROADWA ::=.Now60 -WALKEfl ns:.,:-a" ~ -N""'-1' 'PEOPLE AqAJNST O'llAJLl' Spencer Tnq. IMaaa LT-a -Aloo - "BANNER.LINE" • Start. Thun.. Nov. n .. STAR LIFT" wtlll Ml-Star Cul -A.loo - .. PURPLE HEART D~Y" wttb y.....,. '-cf'nl 8ta~ Wed; ~ov. qu. "THE BLUE Vl!lW" Sally ForrMl Uoael Barrymore Start& SUllo. Nov. !5 "FIGHTING COMMA?\-0" -Alao- ..SHERRY IN THE SKY" lane W)'DIMI. Chu. Lau(bton "~VlllP~D·I Wed., Nov. !ltli .,HELL TOWN" and ..BUFFAIA> STAM.PEDE" CHILDREN ~ FREE :: e'!::',!:y ~~= PAULO D IYE-IN THEATRE • Phone KL~-Doon Op ,,,5 S~Wed.. Nov. 2l•l • Dl!lSt:RT FOX .. .J&m8 1 n and ..leulca Tandy -Aloo - .. CLO!!E TO MY HEART" Jeanne! 'neme.y, Ray Milland Sta~ Wed., Nov. !8th .. Tm:f NK.S ARE COMJNO .. .Steve ' bran and Marie Alden -Aho- ·-rHE MOB" Brodrick Orawfonl, Betty Bue,ler I • ' NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS THE ARCHES Cafe an Cocktail Lo unge I • OPl!lN 101 A-M-THBOUOH I A. M- l .• N.EWPORT ljLVD. ON COAST moHWAY NEWPORT Bl!lAOB (WE ARE ~LOSE: ON THURSDAYS) GENE"S RESTAURANT , _. BAJUJRY French nd Italian Cuisine BIG THREE - """"' BaFbor ues • ,116 ~t llhd. 0....... del - News -Times, P~ Shopp!Jlg News u d the Pr- OVEB 21,500 CDWULATI; 18 TllE ANSWER Phone Harbor:l&lB today u uk for the ad-taker. ' I VAN'S ·1st ANN AL HO IDAY M ICHANDISE · HAN ICAP ~INGLEl BOWLIN TOµRN~Etffi i ,, / · N0 .23-r C.23 .,,.. LADIES f -1,~ MIN t -l9Q . HtGHESf AVG . O F NOV. lit , 1--llnl ~ !1.~ -1l~~!.:!' 1lq nr -~Bowlln1lllls•r . ~'1111& 9, - 3 High Series ech we k qualify for grand Fin le Su n., 1Dec. 23 · . 5 Ga.me Roll Bowle(• can wli:i merclien· d i1e as many Imes •• po11ibte . Can on!Y qualify for Fi ls once7 '.Next h ;9 ft e •·c'fi week to move "'. Six ·~ifferent &oWlen ~ii · • qualify each · •k. W i,,iier of fin.ls to re· ce1ve 1ingles tr phy en ~ ~dded merch.ndfff . ' pr1ze1. • I ' IOWL ~ OFllN I • . · BOISE CAPITALIZES BREAKS As P.IRA TES. BOBBLE BALL 87 -_.... ·------------1 A "Bowl" determined Boiz!e 0-eonaequently the Pint~ land at- Junlor College took advantage ot tfck failed to matertalJsie l&a every break tendered tbem by • tumbles and alipa dld more b&rm "cold and 6oM>l1or" ohog. Cout lhU\ tile oppoolnf Une • • • Tbl Collep grkl eleven to p~vail SS--19 Bronca uaed big and lilow Dwtp at eoi... Ida. Sattµ'day afternoon. Wln>low to IOOd ad'°"'tap. Th The B!"Oncoe ~~ Ute Pi-fact that be moved alowty en:3 ratea •~It• lhOi fact tbat the hJm to uae lhe.,...t turf to hlo ad local.a ouUlcld. downed tbdr rtv&la vantage and ndeitep the f 20--17 and ouldlatanced lbt'm of-Pirates who couldn't i:httt ... J'6 f•nalvely U9 yarda to 3&0. an example of Illa lack ot apoed, TlmeJy bobble&, eight of them.. Jim Keellne, 23.2-pound• ddenalve together with two paaa lntercep-g11ard. ran hJm out of boundl on t\orui by lbe ldabo club, 8pelled an end run. Kl:L SKALU:l' PICJ.kt:D UP etc't ,...... oa tN.. .... -la .._ 11.-----.· Tloo 1 ........ ~ -..-:r&N• oa IWI ~ oU..r ea..,. la Ute -IOCC Ptloto) d~-f-~a-t ror Ray Roeso'a invad-Too, the BoWe eleven wu era. Four of lhe tumblea were re-primed to ahow ~ w orld that covered by Jdaho. they deserved a bld to a bowl and It was the passing-arm of Paul pre game storlea ln Idaho new. Ch&.te which spearheaded the three pe pers built the rarne up &I • Pirate drives to paydlrt and he "do or die" batUe. Ida.ho papers cllmued each drtve with a TD lined up the Pirate• u poealble pea. 1 t.JtUe Rose Bowl opposition and Boise opened up the firework.a the beat jayaee in the Soulhland. aa they m&rf!hed 4 l yard.I ln aeven After game storle• ahowed tbe plays after Mel Smalley got off • ~e: aa a great "mauJlng" v1ct.oey poor 12-yan:J punt with the slip-for Bouw . Statlatlc11 were sh.aped pery ball, A paa from quarter· to give the Bol.ae "angle" (evident· back MerUn How~d lo h&..lfback ly bail for bowl ..electoMI) .. ·.Th~ Gue Pulos put l.he ball over. Le· storle.!I gave the Boise club a decld· land Fowler kicked the extra ed advantage on the offenalw poin t. ground gained where o ur play by Cout came back with the a1d of play account 1thowed the Plratea pauea trom Chafe to J e:Me Smith in front '419-360 ... Bol.se'• ngure• for 38 and 43 yards to'aet the ball Mowed the ?tr•tes wtth 11 flrlt up on the ttve. Chafe then b.it dowtl.!I lo the Bronco'a 22 whUe our Meeks with a short p&N to the left flgurea, checked and rechecked, for the payoff. J es&e Smith kic k-s howed the local.a •"1.lh a 22-17 ed the knotting polnL advantage. The Pirates pve-bp 801ae RNpoDCb the ball on rumble. or pa.u lnter-- Boiae responded with a TD ceptions stx titnee. Mu ltlp!Y lhat d rive after ta.king the Pirate kick· by three. the number of Pla.Y'-the oft. A pas.a from fullback Dwight loca.t. would have had each Ume tf wuiaJow to Howard put the b&U they had _Jtept the ~ll, and you on lhe._ three and end Nolan Ford get 18 m8'r plays for the Pirates took the ball lhe rest of th<' way and about that many fewer for the IOl!l" Bl.A<Jll I ll'IOPPl':D after U-yard off-tackle Joi' apl.oot Bohlo 8at¥May atte"'ooa at tlM! Idaho cllty. Evell on a alopp)· tt~ld Cout out.-alnf'd and ovt nnt doWIM'd the 8oDfJ 11 but C0111dn"t oataco~ U...... (OCC Photo) o n an end around play. P'owler Broncs. kk:ked the-conv~rslon. Bolae opened up the third quart- e r. with a 68-yard drive fo r an- other TD capped by W lnslow'a on e yard plunge through the tnldd le &Jtd F owler'• converaion which m•dc It 21 ·7. Cout than rolled 70 yarde in 11 plays with Cha fe and Hal Smith collaborating on a 13·yard screen paM (or the !'!Core. The conversion attempt by J eue Smith faiJed and lhe P lrate21 trailed 13-21 . Howard pa.saed t o end Frank J'averbaugh tor the next Boise score and Fowler convertrd to make It 28-13. Howard Miller 's fumble of the ensuing k ick off ll('t up ttte next Boise scor e whic h came on a pasa from Howard to Ford. _i;:~_cqn•i•~-~13. Coast managed to hang onto the ball f'or 73 yarda and a touchdown after the kickoff with Don Pq· ton getting the acor e on a 32-ya rd p&N from Chafe. Smith's conver- s\on attempt wa.s not good be- caust of a high center. Coaat took the ball from Boise o n downs and atarte-d another drive which ran out of g&11 on the Boise 13. The Pirates again held the Bronc and started another paydlrt drive but were stopped by the gun ending the game. The field wu alow and sloppy Oweib Doe. Well Ray R OA.80 had good w ords for JrUa rd F'red OweM , who wu lhe> highlight of the Pirate line wtth 19 tacklea. Std Manning wu hi" uaual conaistent &elf w ith eight t.Ack_le.11 at end and according to RoMo, "Sid ts m uch better thLe year th&n laat sea90n when he wu 8elrct~ all conference" .. , There is a poaiblllty that Owel\.111 wlll not stt actio n Thur"llday at San Pedro Hlgh's Daniela lNeld a.galnat Harbor J . C. beca~ or a kidney Injury. Millard Sou:aa., Dale Buck- man and Duke Danders have angle trouble. The culd air caused the P irates to start elow with only 10 yard.8 gained in lhe -r1r11t quarter on the £"rGUDd. STATisnai occ -57 .......... Offensive play.a ...... 81 175 .... Yard.a gained runnlng .... 242 244 ... Yard8 gained p&.88 lng .. 122 59 .. Y da. loet run. le pa..aa. 5 7 419 T ot . yd. gand . run. It pau. 3&4 27 ...... P&.Ue11 attempte-d ...... 17 12 .· Pa.seea completed 7 2 . Pas.aa had Intercepted 1 8 ··-··· •... Fum bles ... .. 2 4 Own fumbles rec. l 4 ._ Own tumbles recovered .. 1 4 ... Ball I08t on fumble& ...... 1 20 .. I.mil on penalties .. 70 • DONS TO. PLAY HORNETS TODAY INS. A. BOWL Rlni:-ll'l g down the curtain ori the 1951 football aeuon. the Sanla College DoM will e-nga ge the Hor- netlf from Fullerton J C Thank.a· giving day at 2 p.m. ln the Santa Ana Muncfp&l Bowl. I n this annual c la.&"1\C betwttn the two school3 which dates ba~k to J 921, bolh FuUerton and Santa Ana wlll be evenly n1atched u they tak<'1 the field. Th~ Dons have a _ollglllJ¥ more ifn~•· cOn!er- ence record for ttie M:&aon, bUt conference s~&• don 't mean a thlng in this rlv&l clash aa wu demonalrated Jut eea.aon when the Hornets battled the league· leadin~ Dona ~o an 18-18 deadlock . OCC AM ENJOYS TOUR Of SALT LAKE CITY TABERNACLE Back In the win column after deft-atlng Chaffey colleg e, M-18, la.at w~k. th~ Dona, under the coach 1n~ or Bill Cook and Don Ward, will have the t eam In top s hape ~ several of tht> Cookmen came orr the lnjured lis t to see action io8' Wt wet-k'.11 game and' will be re&dy lo give thelr full s upport today. Marvin Kravitz, J im MalMunaga, 'layne Schna.k.en- tH>rg and Denny Sampson, tour Don Jln C'n1 c-n, returned to the line- up a fter injurle!i bu atdel.ined them earlier in the sea.eon. BARBOR BIGH'S Tod 'aldiuten, -. ('n) lea-Vou.cl la tr;r for -la pme tut Frtdl\)' wit.II e ... tl,,.ton -b Ollero whlC!b vtalton "'·011 by tbumpla&' 46-'1' k'IOre. {Photo by Zimmu ) ( Pkture on Page 1) "W in, lose or draw, that a ir trfP to Boise. Ida., by Orange Coaat cole-ge·a football team was one o r the mOl!lt l ntere•~lng and thrilling expedit ion• ,ever afforded a jun- ior college. Not only were the game and t rip wonder ful experi- ences, the tour of the Tabernacle and grounds of the famed Mormon Temple o ( Sall Lake City WU one which will not be forgotten by thoae lucky enough to be there." l>oM Chaf'fo Ha.rd The Dona a.bowed sign.a or play-yard.a lo acore. Jack Wilcox made Ing t he brand ol tootball they a.re all flve convenkln.a good on the capable of u the bard-charging try for the extra polnt. Temple Tour -.1 th Chaff line line open""' up e ey Both F\JUerton and Santa Ana A charte red bua meet the ·group d r f .. backfl Id Bob t> en.11e or use e · . will be "uh" for thbs game a.a the a t the aJ .......... rt and took them to u h m~ r----.. touch " "I-"-' mp re.a ro ~ ..,, uu • 1ehool wlnnln• the TUrk-Day tbe Mormon Temple irround.a for f ~ JO d 14 • _, •· downc on run.a o ..... an ecramble can con.skier tbe &ea.on a ~1al tour whk:h lncJUded the ---Miiton Wikert brok• -..---Y~ua. a aucceu duplte-prevtoua louea. hi.story of the city and the. why tb h lb ~-'"er lino for a roug e 5-_...._, A tar•e trophy pre.aented l&lt year and when of the Mormon rellg-lon. o_. rd TD hlch 11-• back • ..ro:-ya w wu ca oeu by the Fullerton Touchdown club Tbe acoUAUca of the famed SaJt becau~ of a clipping penalty and and the Sant.a Ana Second Ouna~ Lake Tabernacle were demonatrat-the n ft ve m~ute:• later again en club goea to the wlnn'.er ot ed by a man 250 feet away, who w~nt off right tackle for 33 yard.a 'th.ii annual evenL Air Force Man Visits Parents Cpl. 0.vld L. lfiSglno, 111.atlon- tod at Travta Air !'brce tue, bu boc:n •P".A<linC a l\lrlougb wttb. hlo motber, Mn.. Venita Mae BJggln.a. fOl Jl1ower St., Co.ta MHL Kra. Higgin• Ud her eon •nt · the w'eJc f'nd YiAJting Mr. and Mn. Aucuat N~l:&el in Beaumont. MJlWt-and Mro. William C. Hlg- Such were C<f0menl8 or th08e making th~ t rip with the P irate football team to Boise tut week whispered with hla back to the and lhe l9uc bdown. A fourth group, rubbed lhe sleeve of hi.A quarter PantbQ' drtve wu atop- jac.ket and whiapered towa.rdl the ped when Del Btoome.U lntercep- group in order to .ahow the eound t ed a Chaffey ~ and r&n 48 ginl at Edw&rda Air Force bue. Don~ forret to-buy Glrl 8ooat:' and Mr. and M'n. Charlie Collier end. Oaleadan. I of San Bernardino. wave carrying capacity of the Ta-1------'-',;;..-------------------;,-,-::;::--=:"-:::::====:::::===:;:::=::-bernacle, The gulde told of the building or the Tabe-m.cle and Temple a.nd their ueea. The Temple was bu.Ut in 43 yean o! 901 \d g-ranlte hauled by oxen. Each block or granite WU hauled' eep. arately to the Temple, the walla of which meaaure 9 feet thlck at the bottom and 6 feet at the top. The foundation Is 16 feet deep. The ;roup, lnclud tng 32 players, four coaches. two manager s, the equipm('nt cu.atodlan, sportil publi- city \\Tlter, Supertntend('nt Dr. Basu H. Peterson and physicians Edwin W . Mill um and Bernard Maaon le ft Long Beach a irport FTlday at 1 p.m. aboard a speci· &..lly chartered plane. They ar· ' rived in Boise at 6 :30 p.m. and had dinne r al the Idan-Ha Hotel where they &t•yed two night.a. The boys and othe r Co&.;:t repre-- eenlatlvea aaw lhe town after the gamf. •nd wen:! up the next mom- 1.n.g at 8 :30 p.m-. for bh:akfut at the hotel. The plane Jett at 7 :~ a .rn. Rocky Mountain Time for Salt Lal<o City, Utah. After leavtng the TempJe area. the group wU taken on a tour of the city which la 7~ per C!ent Mor-- mon compared to tbe atat.e'a 6S per cent M.ormcm population. The acreage owned by Brtgtl.am Young for hi.a 19 wive.a and M chlldnn waa pointed out u wu the bury· ing ground of Younl'. The group was f'ucinated by the .. Utvuted hilla'' one which appeared to be LAWN BOWllNG (Ololf down but which wu actu-... a.lb' going up. The driver atopped _ the bua aever&l ttme:a to prove that A metllOd ol pu~ lite Into the group waa not -....nnr. but tbe localltJ wl~ m&rTlog Ila -.., clhnblng. ' beautJ. '!'bf> plane fleW ·-tbe )lft&t Green.a owmd and maintalned Grand OUlJon. oftl' tbe. 811.lt l.&lce by tllo Clt7 ol No"'P"ft ~ --otMr poi.IWI of lota....i. f0< I.be !>mlftt ol tbe pWillc. ...., A1thauab tile --I.be _operated under tbe --ol ....... ,.u --In .. 11app,. tbe Nowpari 11arbo< La--i-moo4. Pd U..,. --tbe !Ilg ,,_..... .. -• prolH IJ:lp -..... --by .. Oolpooa-. --at ·--by -Days o1 1'1&7: Wrt I hJ'. 1'11-Junlar ......... COast Pla1s 4Un Hoopsters .Next Tuesday • Coo.cb Mllew _.. Oranp Cout coilel'• bulcetbtil team W\11 leuncll Ila 1'01-6Z (\&"'pal'1' ~ p., nlsht op.loot an atumnt club at the Pirate ID'1l1 u , a p.m. An lnlruquoid pme lnc;lfldlll( the new'COl'ften who reported thla week trom .the toot.ball team, and Utoee not Ii.led on tbe top l~ wlll pre- cede the feat\n-e pm• wtlli a t:30 p.m. tc.oup. OCC'a hardwood prospecta look &a bright Ulla aeaeon u any tn tbe put Witb .Probably Ula - nuc:teu.a ever u.embled here run· nlng the pacea for Coach Eaton/ Top playera tn the Sunaet u well u the Oran.g-e htgtt achool loop are tr)'lns out for )>OlllUona alons witll aeveraJ retumus (n>m 1ut year'• club and a coupl~ of highly re- tiarded prorrpecta (rom out of' the di3lrlct. RahN.__ Man u e I Ru I&. Tu.tin'• all Orange loop forward who copped "K:Orlng honors In that le&gUe ls amonc oulat.andlng prep lncomen along with N~ Ha.rbor'.11 Glt nn Grlffith and Dave Peterson who were third and' tilth In Sunaet league scoring and Huntington Beach's HarTy SchurC.h Wbo wu .•lao we.II up the ladder In the Sun- 111et bucket parade, Bill Feldner who looked hot In early aeuon la.at winter here be.fore going lnto the aervlce la back ~d will prob- ably start al a forward spot alOng with the only returning regular from lut year's club, Dick Da- via. Peter90n will get the nod at cen- ter and Sc.hurch and Ruis wtll be In the guard •Iota. P eterBOn work- ed. at. forw-ard at Harbor high la.at .. PA6E .I -PART II ' ' ' A.Y, NOV. 22, l-95t • --... . TH'E OF " HAYD N AVEN ' ' FOR HA PY Ll"f'LE FOLK 440 Heliotr , C~ def Mar • Phone Harbor I 09 I -R -[- FEATURING INSTRUCTION IN •SONGS •HANDWORK • RHYTHMS I • GROUP PLAY FOR THE PRE-SCHOOL TOT MRS. IOAf HAYDEN: DIJIECTOR TRANSPORTATIO -HALF 1£ ALL-DAY SESSIONS :season and Griffith, now playing I ~;;;;;;;~;~~;;;;;;;;~;~~;;~: behind him, WU the Tv•' number one pivot man. Griffith will see t!&rly action at both center and fo~·•rd, :.:.ccording to Eaton who Is going to give everyone a chance against the alumni club. The rest of the .. lop 12" lnclude.11 returnees Phil Shafer and Wayne Melqul.at, two f orrner Harbor high players, Dick Lane and Jack Clark. Daren Houae, all Orange league second team from Valen-· cla: and Arcata'• Al Denlz. He la tabbed by Eaton M one or the dark hor8t"8 who may work into STOCKS • ONDS • COMMODmES . U DERWRITINGS DEAN ITTER lk Co. ' MEMIEIS NEW YOIK STOCK OCHAHGE Oicot0 lootd of Trod. • • • So" fronclaco Stvclr: bchongeo I Loi Angele• Sto<k bchan9• tEASEO PllVATE Wltf.S Buk ol Lacuna -Bids .• Lapna -Pb. t-UIMI the starting combination. Lane $aft franclKO • Los An9•le• • New 't'orlr: • S.CtUe • · played first string guard wilh the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1051 Tar champe. _ Pacific Anglers Pl~ce f Qurth ~t Acapulco Meet COLLARS·-L ADS B.r I~ Boclmor FEEDING DI HES \ r ( The annual International Ang-CEDAR SHA ~G~ ling Tournament, ramoW!I for at-FOR DOG BEDS " ::.~ ::~ ;:ldlh:'..~·~'!:k '':!: BOB'S s•oRTING GOODS Acapulco, Mexico, with Newport r • Harbor'• new .. t angling club. the Neid to Van de .Kljmp•s COSTA JIESA• Bea. 60Zl.J Paclnc Angler.a, taking a fourth ;;:::;::::::::::::::-~~::::::~;;;;~::::::::::::::::::;; place •• a creditable feat in any angter'.a language-whe n 28 clubs ,..----------t-----a.re p&rtlctpatlng. Thi.a group or ardent flahennen , the angllnl' club of the Balboa Bay Club, drew lots at one of lhelr recent meeting• to determine Which of the expertl should have the honor and reaponalbJllty or repre.aentlnl' Ute PA'a lit UiU! top- fllght competition. Ch08en we~ George Hol.ateln, Frank Ueedom, and GU Barberi•. A.aaemblln( thelr Clneet roda. teell and tlnea. theee three ven- tured forth to compete wtth ang- 1-!n from not only, the Wut Cout, but from all over. the United Statee. Mexico 8.bd South America. ln the three daya of tournament flahlng:, Coo,..., GU and Frank bowed only to the We.t Palm Beaell Angtlllg Club of Florido.. tile Ocean City Licht Tacklo Club of New Ju.ey and the Sport.g. man's Club Of Miaml, Fla., which abould give others of our southern Califomt& an g 11 n I' Ll80ClatloM -..methlng to think about when Alt*co~ Tournament tlme comes &round again. One tbiJ!1r true of flah!og aa a '1>01'1. wbk:b la not 91> In lhe cue of .mte other aporta ia that when l'O'I fl.nd an e-nthuatuuc angler Yeey ott.-en hie Wife not only aharee hla entllualum, but la an expert W)U> rod and tftl In her.own li(bt. Many --aceom.panled their huabeda lo Acapulco ~ Joto In tbe pre-and PQ8l·t.ounuu9.ont liah· lnJ m .. manY that A ..,e.:tat ODe- da)'t mdiYidUal .core tounwrre11t wu.......;.. ror the iadleo. a .... agala -~ -local n.iierwom0n abowed I lier ""'lUe WMn Mn: ,.,..,. u~. lul\Mn u . Ciaol .. and a -Marlbi catcller par excel· i.nce. tied r,,. a fourt.b p1'1ce In tbla~ Nat ,....,. •. eompl!tltlcm will ...... ii!' .... In ~""° wllb tl>e hi1-~ of llle>deo u - -wil1J--J' bo Willer Ull1llllls ..... 9'M!C •f\ll evmL ~ Altar &n1d Calls Meemg T 1195d.y , I ' · ol rich and• Ngge 1 . . . ,, . . laolhor, superbly croft 4- to give you GI). ••c~I • thot pJ loi ~d ti J • pric.. W-"" lip, .8f'" $1 .ts ! J · • I , I • , • ::;..;:~~ Z.: ,::, ';: ...,..._----n-.-'°" A .,-1e1 ;., n•ac ot t.a.. A.ttar: ~ fl( .. """" \ilo-., -· • -._ -... ,,,, ,., }foY. 17, U:lt Jla. la Ille -,.,... bllll,1'41W• ...... -.. Jh:o9Dl'l B u tt JJm 1t wm a. wu•_.a..,..1•11 .. a.. • •-"111• ...... _,.,... Ts••r _. .._ ••••••• ~ laritad. _,. 'U....,. OM-!w IM -IMS plu' e\ ··-at 1119 ..-.... ..,.. --.. ._,. pod In Ille o.tr& ,_, .,. "' -_..,. at Oaola ~ .... ._u ... .... ~-W _..,._ ....... M••r-·• A•nm_W .. Cba1a. .Lab etl .... ....._ _. 1-au ...._ .... ...-..a tlwS' ~ 1a -• 11111• ~ ....,._ .. ... • • ) "-it 17 • , .. ~ .. !iii••-· ! I • ' • •• -PART If -THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1911 • • • ss-8 Executive Board Meet of Council of. Church Women • ·-Elma Newland. pnioldent f.o1 u.. s..-Coandl of Chun:b -W-lo C4Jl!n&' a m~ of the !esecott" -to be bdd at.tbe Jioine al Mn. Edgar Hill. 815 Via J-ldo Boud. on WO!dueeday, Nov. 28 'at l~ p. DL At tb.19 aeulon buaineu o! the yu.r will be coonpleted, commit- tees WW. be lelected and the bud· get pluned for 19~ and tbe put year·• work wUJ be clo9ed. In· C'OmJnc Offlce.ra will usume thelr :dUU• the tint of the )'e&r. Tbey '\'ill be Maded by the preeldent. Mn. Percy Baine1 of Balboa Ia- JGnd Community MethodUrt C"hurch. • . Guest Speakers at Laguna Church Special &'\leX •P<&ker• will be tllllnc the puJptt at the Uttt.e 'Soul and Body' is Science Text I Cburclt by °"' 11ea. "°"""' of N rt B +· t z,.g1on a.ad Tbrou&"h etreeta. next ewpo ap IS S Sunci.y; Nov. -2&. while the puton · Concluding the aerlu of aermol\8 are on a two week.a vaca.Uon. and Bible studies baaed on the Sunday 1chool convenes at 9 :Ci Bl'bl.~k-ot-the-Montb, II nmo-- a : m . With Mn. Blanche Crab&ush thy, the IW-v. Ivan · C. Ellis wtU in c.barp. Mrs .. Nob.le &lga,r will l.ddreu hla cong:reption at New· b!lnJ _a apectal object lesson for port Baptt.at church at 11 L m. the dtflltnn. SnMay wtth ttae queaUon. '"How At the 11 a. m. worshJp service, Prottta.bl-e-Are lbe 8crtpturee to Mr. Charles Sheppard, Christian You! .. and at 1 :30 bl.a .ermon layman and ~itor of the ~ topic will be: "'Something to be 'c_an 8<>u.l Clinic newapape.r, will Paaltive about:· Sunda.y !llChool ts brine the morning DleM&.l'e oo Ute held at 9 :45 and Youth P'ellowahJp subject, "'Every Day la~· at 4:30. Ing Day when you Love U1e Lor<l.'" ------ Mta. Alice Famularo •"ili ~ at the N rt ,,,. t organ ano Mr. Cyril Hanson, t<n· ewpo I"' aS Or 0 ' 00101et. Speaks at SUIM!q .-Jng, 7,3-0 p. m. la SinpplJation a n d Evangeliatlc H +· t 8 h Service. wW1 Rev. Wm. F . Prlbbe-Un Ing On eaC now, r_..er ml.nMtter &nd evange- list of Kv.•aa, brin&'ing the eve- nlng meaaa.ge on tbe subject, "The Open Door." The church ie lnUr- denomiMHoal.I and every one t. invited to attend. Dr. Ivan C. Elli&, the new putor ot the Newport Ftr1t. Baptiat cburch, 'l'ith Mra. E ll1-' wrre guest.a at an informal reception la.at Sunday afternoon. ' A large group ot m ember• and triend.8 gathered a.t the dlurch lo ~A8TllA8TEB8 m I p-eet t.hem and to wish them every eUC«:fM as tht>y take up their ~-m~ ol a Har~ nf!W work. bor area Toe.atma.ters' cJ.u.b will Present aao were pastors and be held Tuelday, Nov. %2', 1 :45 at friends from other local churched the Gingham Cate, 1111 Newport as well as from nelghbortng cities. Blvd., Costa Kesa. Prolllpect:tve Wedne.sday evening Dr. Elll.s memben m&)' call Elmer Dudek., epoke a.t the Union Tha.nluglvtng Beacon 5m.a for turtber lD.for-Servic·e in Huntington Beach. ln· mation. My~ ln.r.ttel:Led iii wet~ stead or the U.!IU&l midweek meet· .OQ.me to attMd u.e dinoer. Wide ~ hJs congrt-gatlon accepted ~e ~{nUreat bu been ~ ill Gr'· lnvlt.ation of the Bapti.et.s of that • pnttla.c &ad •'era.t krc&1 mm. etty and ,, .. ent over in a body to •Who &re .....,hen ot tbe unite wtth them in attending the • ~ ~ wtU attmd tb.ia meetmc ... ee.r"Ytce t here. ·EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-UP For economical tnnaportation we suggeat the following: Adjast and dean carburetor; ad.ni-t eontrol roct.. m-Jr.er points, fan belt; clean SUoline tilter and fuel puaip and ignition ; cleaA and adju9t llPU'k pl up; clean &nd · re-oil alr eleaner and breatller cap. This la & special price for two w~ oaly.' t..bor S.'5 • • I . , l' , • Luth•• Cludt " Sermon Theme Local Pastor Now Youth Secretary Thoma.a Roy Pendell, putor C)f Christ Cbu:ch by the ~ wu named eeoretary of the Youth Els:· ch3nge C?ommlulon ot the Sduth· f'm C&lltomla • Artz.on& Conff!r- <>nct: or the Methodist cburc.h.,. at & "ieetlng held in Loe An~Jee Jut wttK. Rev. Owen Gttr of Fuller. ton 1-t.be chairman. Y~ Y Groups Inst.ti Officers P •••a &PPOl'.JtiTZD P.A...,....... ~t of New· port·-_, -~p "and .Loan AMC>d.1t1ao, W been •p· polntM to tbe bulld!'ll' u4 ftQanc. lac committee ot. tbe C&U.tomJa ......... and 1-.. '---In& to Neill Davlo ot 1-~1 ... .......UVe ~t al w dtt -tpcse -or.P"lutlon. ._. ''Mirror 'l'ranst'orm.ation'' will b4! Lbo eenpon oub~ 8'!f>~Y at Cbrt.t CllWn:IL by I.be ~ y Bev. Cbarlee .llaad, a Ion( -trlend of I.be local OOll6"'r;atlol>. ,OOCU· pitt tbe pulpit. --~---...... •....,c~ •• ""1' Oht··-.t Calttt"1f .... • ,_..,EY BUYS MORE .J~ A j I . ·~1 ,MOR115 MINOR • • 11 • YOUR SAVINGS rON GAS WILL f H·ELPPAYFOR ',IT. ' e ECOll'OKI<;AL TO OPll:R.\TIC e p!AJ«.OUll 5'0R ~ e )IJCD POR 8'll'lln'Y ~0'1AL OOMPORT e· QUALrlT Wl)l!DANSHIP .. ~-.. ·IRITIS 1 llOTORS,. INC. 1209 c~· *WJ*t •••r• . i . ~~ .. 1.,a.ta FOLDING. METAL TRAY • cA°tr'oN" OF CIGAREttES'1 ~ . ..,... . RONSOf{ UGHTER • • • VltamlD B Comples-B..1. '6.1111 RYIUTOL • lOOs • • • • • ~ .... o.t I •• ,. ... fL41 . .. NEW PAPERMATE PEN • ll .. · ....,_ Zin•· &es· fl.d LILLY INSULIN • • • • • ~su.n 'NOMA' TAt.KING DOLL M ~S"(. Cl.08 CARTON .OF GUM • • • lOt . 81..,:_Bec. Hf ANACIN TABLETS • • • •••' ·Pee. MM v..a.e TRIC'YCLE • • • • • • ' Ttil>I-or U.DWI aec. S!M STUARTS' J=ORMULA 15 PiecM S.C· · Sl.5t ALUMINUM TEA SET , 341 ()(}....k&-..... . ' · A8DEC DROPS • • 'ell Oaup -ta _,._.._ , .... NYLON HOSE ••• • • N~ Baity OkM Bq. $UO INFRA~RED LAMP ••• --.a.s . ., ... - ...rALROAD GRADEi •1r ,· ,,,,._,...... v• METAL DIRT HAULER • .... .. ..... « •• ·~ ., ... cmis·WllSTWATCH • • • • . ' . 4. :s. :6. ......... . '4 J1 14YW~ PIPES • • • .If . iOAi."lu.a CUsHION '2. . • • • • • • • • • • \'SCI -I • Mxii'~·· UNIT i fOOD CHOPPER I'~ ...... 3550 UHMRSAL ' COFFEEMA11C 1 lie,. tlll.15 I 24.95 AUTwr~Ei · i l .... ..., •. I 17.95 ~uHHAM TOASTD ii '!"&. -.ao I 21.50 . .. 1 ISUNIEAM 5$AYEMASil<'t"' . ._. I .......... I 17.95· . R!lN!!~~ 1\-16.50 . • GEMllAI. 8 •me ~·ON l ......... ' 16.95 I • Harbor Grads Hold 1st Reunion By llae 1lonaQo Should Old Acquaintance be Forgotten T No! No! A. tbcP••M tJmca no! . Simona Poee.y Williama from Fallon, Nevada; Ed Kins. Juot l>M:k from Conlova, Alallta; Royal Wellington and Jtm w&..t from A.ubufn. C•llt. Of course 1 mean the N'ewport Ha.rbor Alumni medlng held F'rklay ntgbt a.tte.T the foot ball game. It wu ·a per. feet evening except for the tut that Huntington Beach bad 12 men on their tAtam agaburt our 11. Mr. Davldaon really mad~ ua fed that we we.re welcome. :rree ticketa and programa to the came~ a.nd the choice of :SO.-yard aecUon eeats ttkrVed for u.. After the football game, over at the social hall of Harbor &JP where we w ere over 100 strong. to contiitue more 'D&vld8on Hosplt&l- ity' consistlftg of dellcloua sand· w1ches, cook1e11 and coffee. It \VlUI oo good to ace everybody -aome of ua hadn't seen each other for &lmoat 20 years. Some were fahcm I tatter, a few gray halra or a few less halra and eome, believe lt or not, a lltUe thinner. • ' HARBOR HI LITES\ Lucll7 ni-. HallOWMn 11Mma now gone and put but to 13 ple on Halloween It WU an excltllll! dinner party •t Connie Manplcl'• home. 'nae lucky 13 wbo elljoyod ~ttl and meat b&lla We~: Gloria" Bel· tran. G&ytha and "'3m& Bouchey, C.rol Doane, Ann OlbMln. Jane Oetrander, IA.urcl Woodeon, Fe-- Ucl& S.ltran. Sally Stewart. Judy StewMt and Mary Ann Ruu. IL T. N. Plenla V-tlona day, °"' ol Ille blgll- ttpta of Coul college'• eouilael- ..... _....,.., win be lleld on tbe ::ollege campuo "-> 1:40' Lm. to u · noon · n9't W<dneadaJr, '1i>e pu._ of , Vocallona day la to provide ftrilt-hand contact be· twem 1tudenU and eucceMtul men and women trom liusln-and ID- ~u~~~:i :\~!.:"i.".:u~ ln a better poeltk>n •to appralae their vocational cbotce., or, wbe.re a Cl'totce ha.a not been made, to gather lnfonnation upon -which to bue a Choice. ... • OPEN SUN. . ' l!l><jee • Sport.nr.., ~es ror.M~f j ~omen & Child'"'[ a age--~ :J;:. Clot.bu ~ BERVllfd THE FAMlLIES OF THE] HARBOR AREA' FOR S?IYEARS. 0 ~5 P~. Ha r. 185 .roST -0 rer: NEWPORT PIER l~o D~ou:l '~ . Any Purchase (l!:XCEP'I: :rALONI!: ud SlllllHP) .'. Bmt this ad 1 ti> BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Freslt Fish . Da from Our Own Boats! • • Nl!:\Vl"ORT Harbor 116 • Wilford M'cDonald, 11 tu dent bo':ly prC"eldent 1932, did a wonder- ful job as mUlt'r of ceremonJee. Ma.ydeJle Allen Morri&on, Dbrothy CoupJea and l(U..U of K. T. N. met at Carol Tbomu' home lo make nMJ pJan.s for the pk::nlc and otl they went for a day of not.bing but pleuure. Eating po- tato. salad and real good fried chlcken were: Carol Thomu and Bob WoodhOU&t!, Audrey Berg and Ronn.Je Engle. Beth Chrlat.en.ten and Dick Smou.ee, Jack Woodhull and Lynne Smith, Jr., Lee J&yl"ed and Dona Zube. Laurie Crleell and Olck Ebbell.8. Jody John.eon and Johnny Langenheim, K.sy Ctc~ro and Buzzy Kno.x. Patti Dwyer and Rolly Pulukl, Carol Tetalatr and Johnny Yates. Lynn Smith ( Sopb) and Jack N erdrum. • Vocauona d.a.y baa been organ· t&ed 80 that each •tudent • per- mltled to eelect from a U.t ot 10 ..ecUoM the two which he believe.a have the mo.-.t meaning tor him. Choice• are available ·1n the fol- lowtnR flelda; Group I (8:45 to I 10:15) trade and lnduatrtee, office work, teaching and public aervlce, homemaking and home economle& a11d health occupations. Group D (10:30 to 12) engineering' and physical science, aalea and man- ag~ment, mlfleella.neow:, agricul- ture and a.rt. ... -Cottle Page , Elsie Starck Patter- son, Maurine Coe Bailey and Irene Mcintee Newland had charge of. the decorations and making and !<>rving the coffee. The g1rla "ftom the High School Economlca clueu prf'pared the food wtlh funda pro- vlded by the student body. Sue Glllia Horvath waa ln charge of registration. We have two grand.m0therw and still have two bachelors. Out of Lhe clas&ea repnaented there wu a total of 77 ch1ldren. Tom Roi- Una le leading with ttve boya and one girl. Our thanks to Mr. Dlvidaon1 The Student Body and the Home Economics cla.8aee for helping to make the evening such a huge success. Plan.s are being formulated now for tuture reunions with a com- mittee 1 con.slstlng-or AJ Irwtn, chairman: Jud.eon · Sutherland, Al Ogden, Phil Ca..asel, Virginia and Denni11 Hogland, Dorothy Page. Maydelle P..lorrleon, and Sue Hor- vath. The f.irst meeting will be held at the home of Virginia and Dennis Hogland on Dec. 4. Resulta come frorr.. constant PracUce! An ad regularly In this paper wU1 produco reeult.a for you -People do read the want ada. ThNie Bup! Bup, bugs and mQ~ bup doml- nat~ the biology room when blo-. logy 11.udenta kt Harbor brOu.cht fn their a.nnual m.ect coUectioM recently. Copping the blue rt!). bon wu 8.h!rley Sinclair w1lh a collection of 9' lneecta. Joan Kimes, ~nd; Sharon Sherill, lhlrd, illicl John Vultee. fourth respectively. !'any Ttmo Panrl MrmbPn In order lo aaaure adequate coverage of the various vocalkln- 'll field8, arranK'ement.& have been complet~ lo have a.s panel mem- bers Some i O adult&. each a rec· ognlzcd leader;: in hla field. Each panel members will deliver a short talk on his specialty In Whic h he will po1nt oul If.I tmmedla.leo and long range Job poMiblllllea; lbl minimum essential training ; {cl pe..rsonal qualificauon11 needed ; (dl rewards to be expected and I e) what does the work actu•llY In- volve. After each panel member ha.a prceented this short overview, there will be s quest!on~anawer ' period during which atudcnt.s will Virgie Miiey wu the hoetesa ot a party P"rlday afternoon, Nov. 9. Havtn1 a nice time were: C11rol Phfister, Fay Cozad, Billie Wil- liama, Charlene Sutterfield, Norm11. Berry and Mary Lou Bayer. Only ·hr~ daya later, Nov. 11. Fay Cozad had the same g&ng In for a TV party. • • ·direct questions to the varloU3 ex- perts. A Wooderfut Opportunity Another one of the many echol- arahipa will be awarded lo atu- dentll that an deMrvlng. Note this, t.h('re are no !ltrlngs attached to the P .-T. A. MOO scholarahlp that ha.8 but one purp<>H In mind: any senior student who wlahe• to further hi.a or her education In college will find lt avaUable by lh~ high achool P .-T . A. There are no TOP HONORs FOR INSt:cr colleeU.... at Barbor hl~b we,.. laketl b)< (I tor) S...._ Sbttrlll, New· port l1land, third platt; Shirley Slncla.lr, C:O.ta Mfl'A&. nrat plat-oP; .Joe.a IUnwe, Cllff Hal-ea, 8e00Gd; John Valttt, Coro-dtt Mar, fourth pl&tt. 1'h18 la Sh.lrif>T• IA8Pet aollecUoa. During the two previous Voca~ lion day11 spon80red by the college, invftaUona were extended to and Biology Classes Exhibit Insects restrtctlon11 about a.ttendlng a cer-Harbor H igh biology C"la-'MB lain college or per11utng a definite finh1hed their flrt1t quarl('r of I vocat ion. Schol&nhip 111 not 80 es-BChool by putting finh1hlng touches sentlal as compared to the ser-on their in.sect collt'Cllons whic h a~ct>pted by R sizable number Of ~ilo'~lr'n~ ---~ adults from the community serv- ed by the collej!:e. Adult!IJ who w lah to attend the 19fll Vocatlona day --·'-~-arr cordla.Uy invited to do rso. Dt'- tailB as to room.s, speakerfl, and flUb-toplc,. may ~ obtained at the ~ adminU!:tration bulJding at 8 a.m. on Nov. 28. ...,..~-'?--~~~I Eastem Conference :;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;I vice you will have g"IVt'n to Harbor. I were given final exhibition and r 'I Applications wll1 be judgPd ac-judging at the school. cording to the deiilre to further I Collect iorui. were jutlged on pcr- one1s eductloni the flnanclal need, fcctjon of •peclmenM and scientific and there will be no strings at-1 accuracy of th~lr naming and tachffl. Thia l.9 a wonderful op-cluatflcation and the number portunlty for all you Seniors. Get gathered. Warm wcalht"r thle au- buay and write a no'te stating the· tutnn favort'd collection of lnM."Cl!:. rea.30n why you would like to hav<' Tht" i<'COnd quarter will JWC bl- the ac.holarshlp. and the rea.aon for ology t'ltudent.a collecting aea hft' the need of the scholarahlp. Re-and shcllB. Meet Set for OCC Orange Coast college will be host to 8.Jiministrative repre19nt.a- tJve.1 of the-Eaa:.ern Conference of lhe Southern California Jun!Or College A880Ciatlon on Tuesday. San Bernardino, Chaffey, Fuller- ton, Mt. San Antonio, Riverside, Santa Ana and Orange Cout will send delegal.ell. A meeting will bEo held at 4 p.m . to be followed by dinner at the college eafeterta. MATTRESSES! Excellent Cj)uality Excellent Values •1S9 Value MattnJNee, lftftOO Box. •Prlnca. Ht for.... 77 199ao~~';rt!'~'.~~-~-······· '69'"' 189&~~-:n!':~ ........ '5415° ~~~aJs-:rt!';.".~········ '4t5° Flne Couch Bed •4- Speclally prtced at....... 7 • CARLYLE'S member, opportunity knocJu but ----- once! Harbor Students V&Mt to ScrtpPf' Harb o rell es Who attended at Santa Barbara ScripP8 Collegf' at ClaremonL Nov. 17, included Shirley RUM, LlndA. Two xtudcnl~ from Newport Heinze. Jean Talstra. Mariann Beach and lhree from. Balboa lJJ-~iemer. Menla Clifford, J oan Isle!, land are attcriding Santa Barbar~ ynne Brown &yid Ilene Lawyer , College of the Unlvcreity of CaJi- Campu.s Day consisted of a camp-, fornia, a liberal arUI ln.o;•.1tutlo n ua tour, luncheon, progra.n1 and j which 111 building an entirl·ly new tea. campua on a 408-acre s.i le over- Fl'OAh Slwnbt-r looking the Pa(lfic. Froah and only Froflh waa thf' Th<'y are: Newport Bt>acti, :Con- A special feature of the con- ference gathering will be the -preaence Q( • RparU writera from aeveraJ of the new•paper11. ne college admlnietrators at the din- ner &esaion desire to dlscuas wtth newsmen the effe<::tlve:neN of Eastern Conference athletic pub- licity. William Noble. president of the Eutern Conference and presi- dent of Riverside college, will pre- aide . >6t1 KOnr miss 1mpol'fanf ca/ls when you answer promptly. Whfn you have only two cards left ro play in an exciting r,rand slam hand-or in any situation where you'd like to say Wait a minutc!"-it's always a : temptation not to amWcr the telephone immediately. The person calling, tho~gh, doesn't know what you're doing,' and may hang up, thinliing you arc not at home. That way, yoo may mm im~ alls. So,lncxt time your p~c · · rings, won't y~ uyj~ answer as quickly as you can? ~ "'1/ tllSt:lnce seM'i.\9 dn be yours if you always give Yfar call to tbe opc111ror by number ... 111thcr than by name and -" """" addrcos. That way, yon see, J you won't have to wait while ~he finds ouc the number from · "lnformation'J in the disWit town you arc Cilling. @J Pacific Telepbon1 Bea.eon 8189 1990 Harbor BJvd.., Coe&a Meaa cla.sa representf"d at Nancy Ori•· aid R Erbe 4208 River and Do- ty's home at a &lumber party, N'lv. rothy Llnso~ 117 Vla '\\·as1cr11· 10. Nancy Grlaty, Suu.n GJugow , Balboa Ialand Daryl Ford 213 J~ckie G&rrett, Mary Fellb&um, Grand Canal;' M&ry Foeter: 113 Linda Lane and Carol Show ~n Topu, and Barbara Harris, 202 the froeh trying to get aome sleep. Collin.a Ave. IOUEmBER Bil' Galleon -------~============~ Work, work, work. That la all 1--= but work and hard work, the edi- MEZZAN1Nl!l LIDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 • PLANE e SIUP e TRAIN RESERVATIONS • Mutual Tbutr1 Tlcttt Apcy tor of the Big Galleon wtU have &aid when the aecret of the '52 Galleon and the presentallon of the o.Jleon wiQ..be announced next apring to the atllde.nt t¥><fy of Har- bor High. Georgina Dick te Editor. ln-chtet and baa her hands ru11 keeping the work of the ltterary, advertlaing a.nd ePQ.rt.a editors ln tip top sh.ape. Other heMhl of the Galleon at.aft are: Tom Holtz. art: I Joanne Weston, literary; J erry Evan.a, aporU; Jean Talutra. gtrUi' eport11, and Lynne Brown. adver- ti..slng. It waa mentioned that more snapa ot Harbor High Lite are need~ for the G&Jleon. So, ganc, let's really get lbOMI anape of pa.rtiea. pM:nJca, and any other form of hl&h Ille turned lnto the GAUeon box. By the way. th.- Galleon.a ~ only $3 In tull or you can pay oo the ln.at.allment plan. 8vp.rt. Sbo~-e.r A mlxmuttt preeented to Bcv- MA1'TRF.88ES erly Martin wu the hJgb llcht of Boat.-llomM-Trallen Bev'a 81.tt'prlee shower liven by lrft&Wu Bbapeo Sharon Sherrill and Madgo l"llll· BEA.CON &Oil brtght at Sharon.'1 home ln New- Coeta Mesa Matt·re. Co-Port Beach, New. 11. The aurpn.e Zlfle Newpert 'Blft. waa· to honor &YttlY• ettp.p. ~~===========~lmmt. 11Joee wiahing her "all the good Juell tn the wwld" we.re: Bet- tle Norton, Joon Ialey, Ellen Owea. Barbara Uncle, Sb)rley Scolt; EXPERT SHOE REllUJLllING AND DYEING AT msqMA_llLE~ Newpolt S•a. lepalr Donn • ._, Jolene CaJUIOQ, °'""" Banlett. -ra Bandy, Jooa Nubaa; -Tnuil.1. Jttt"y Jeoko, 011 -onl, '""' --rlllo, • Barbara Illa.rep, Diano oom.r, ..._ -·· _ .... !::::::=::==:;::=::=::=::=::=::=:=:'IWMtlodr. ~ 11bonW. r=11p -·· ----..... 1-IU t•. -. ._ .. - .. , •• >~ .... --- -i.,. -Ulo ..... .. i....m thr...V. t , ....... ,,, ....... ..... el tlillt Pl ...... : Lille Am • dQL Saw a 'D • K 1 I a fttlllN I lfPt. n..p ~ -.-a· .......... --............ ,,,,~ .... .... ~~····· L. B. Rebekahs Visit Costa Mesan Arrival of a company ot old tilne friends, all paat noble gT&Jld• ot the DeJ Mar Rebekah Lodce. Long Beach, proved a delightful surprta tor Mn. William BJuat of E. 18th St., Collta Mesa. Chat- tlnc llnd refreshments filled the afternoon. Vfwltars wen Mmes. NeUle Lloyd, M.lnnte Olive. Har- riet Barden, Agne. Howard and Allee Jer1euoo. Mra. BulJft ls alllO a pa11t g-rand ot the Long Beach Lodge. Don't forgot to ~ Girl S...Ut ~ ' • EXAJUNINO NEW MAP lllllRAL ...... -1..J•,. -eMrt ._,,la Newport~ Yadlt<llall.,. ~o"' Tbomao Rutter, Seel:or tatt Commodore Claade O. Put:Mm. wM drew map. aad Commodo"' D. Waller m-. ~ booted a -...- party ....,.,.iq bla flq ottloeiS ....S commit-Wbo __,eel with him thla put 7ta1. <Photo by Beckner) FOSIULB FOUND FouUized rcm&ins o1 prehialo?· lc camela, giratfee, mutodons. and othPr animab have been found ln the lake bed.I or New Mexico, oc- t'OrdJflC to the National Automo- bUe Club. S .UIES IX ~a:w 31EXICO 1' 1eld, '''eed, 111~a. Stet.son. Orgat., Sunset, HJ.gh Lone81.>hll!, and l.oving, a~ all names of vll- iace• and lt.rWlUt In New Mexict1, ~Ct..O:dlng to t.l)(. l'\•1~nal Autom""' bile Club. .REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• j • ' BIO SAVINGS ON .. Off .l ·~'S ... CllFJ ... ti . 5 ' • .. j • • .. • . • . I . I • -• , . PAGE-4 ~ PART lf--THURSDAY, toj()Y.·22,-·195f • l~~'i.zss-a """1 j BETTER AT · . -, TIDE T.AILI , BIOR J'rtda.y 5 :1! a. m. (.8 November 23 4 :50 p, m. 3.7J Saturday 6 :S5 a.m. 11.l November 24 5 :113 p. m. 3.7 Sunday G:Ol a. nt. ll.8 No'Yember 2fi 1 :50 p.m. 3.8 LOW ~ 11:38 .. m. 1.S 10:(16 p. m. Ll 12:11 p. m'. 1.1 ll:SO p. m. 1.1 12:84 p. m. O.f ·-·········-···--· HAROil.D L JOHNSON ••st 821 PJ I ti. on t'•••., 'PllE•U ....... -1812 • 'I ~Used F~rniture , Monday G:28 ll. m. 11..t 0 :06 .. m. 1.t 91 -"""· 1'1-,.n - -W:PCll~ ·~ u ........ , I ' I November 20 7:f3 p. m. 3.S l :M p.m. --0.: Tuelday 7:-02 a. m: 8.5 0 :40 &. m. 1.1 November 27 8 :38 p. m. 3.9 2:11 p. m. --0.t Wec!n..s&y 7 :39 a.m. 8.8 l :lTLm.. 1.£ November 13 9 :27 p.'m. 3,8 2:59 p. m. -U Thuraday 8 :19 a. m. 7.0 1:67 a. m.. 2.J November 29 10 :21 p. m. 3.7 3:f8 p. m. -U J @ (f e Jl'IJl8To FULL IAft :;,t QU.&.RTEB MOON QU.t.an:& Dec. 5 Dec. t3 ~oi. 21· h.,.,. 28 fi1 MR.2 BY4 ... ,., .. ", ~ • \ . ._ __ "Thtt's the 9rt1ner+ lumber t ..... , sawr• . PllGae: Beaooa IM71 . • • Let us llMlst you In your plans, We w 111 gladly enlmat<I oosts of matertai., nieommend a contraetor or help you obtain a Title 1 loan for new ooastruettoa or re- modeHng. Romer 111"8ott. 111a1,q,or OTHER YARDS: La.cuna Beach Santa Ana Fullertbn La 1hbra Brea RESIDENTIAL -IND\.JSTRIAL ·COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGJ;l OR TOO SMALL HAPP'Y BBCIPIENTS ot Sn-'1• rndPes•• n...1•7 .._. M New,.,t JlarlJiw J'acllt dM W"91beee 9Nboe Power 84•• .. •r•>•n la u.a~..,._: ._.,. fte:t ...... <1orm'J>~•• > .• ~ ud Hoeietler, Mn.. Ted~ a.. :J.. 1a1 .,......., •·1 rtee •••Pt-.. N-.11 t , Kn..-AM:a . . 8petteel', Roberte ,.._, 11n. ..,.,u H, Ttit a, 'rl•~ .__Jnr-...,.,.. J••~plll u-m, 111n. u.oo1n C1al'lr. ltaJ' IJ,rnM. -vq • -,_°"'II: (Photo by ~l PLEGER WINS AWARD FOR OCC BUILDINGS \ Upland Lawyer Picture. Auction · ' to Address CRT A . 1 u:·~~ :e u: :u: at Laguna Beach· ot ~ Cowlty DI-ot 'nle 13rd Annual Picture Aue· Callfomla Retired T--.r Oii U.. ~ &It\ pelntlnp donaUd by :ll'rl<lq, .Noy• m b • r SO at two artUt memben of the Laguna o'cJock Ill ~ ADf' CopunUJllty llMeh Art ANoclaUon; will be held Two units at Oranre Coa1t CIUb 86uM. lli:k Wfft Ith Areet. at.theArta&llery, 'so7·Clilt..Drtve, Junior Coller• were cited tor out· .Illa wbi.ct •,ta .. )Vhar Obea Con-8&tu.rday, Dec. 1 at two ldelona, standing architecture w1th th• pea Ne!ed: to Recover lte Pfe9.. one trom 2 :SO to 4:30 p1 • m: and announcement or the wtnners of ~'!''" ·h bl •· quaUon of tm., one trom 8:00 to 9 :30 p. m .. Over the Paaadena and Southern Ca)j. porluct ·,and· lbould brla.I out a 100 ~Unp of au atze. ·,from romta Chapter•, AmertcQI lnlti.· 1f.rr9 att~ce. Kr. Mather-bu em.all onea valued at &\few dol· lute ot An:hltect.. Hohof Awarde tor -)' yeion taa""' 1 pqDll<al W. lo !up eaa-II&~ been prognm, Tuetlday night In Bev· oc!*noo U. Cllalfey Jlllllor COtlop. doa&i.cs ,l>T the. artlot meQ!b<n. erl)' am.. but•lo 'now........, la, tM -,,,. ...... -~the auction~ 'nl.6 TechnOIOIY bulJdlng ea.med tloe ot~. law. A. P'tt•nt .,oaJ be applle!;l to .the ~eat an honorable mentlon tn a.rcbJte<> bou.r;wtll. fJ)UOW tbe lecture. of the Aliloclatlon. " '· ture for architect Robert E. A.lex· Tbe nnr December exhibit.. will ·''Test' Drive' • '"*,,.,,,. -··-,,. ... ,,.. fhl -70/• ., ..... ,.. ...... , . ---·-·----·--,,. • 1/1-UflF.-cl' /11&11/•, • • ' Pl · &liefer and a.uoctate arch l t e c \ L d be opened form.alJy with ·the ' Richard Plepr, Corona de1 Mar. oo· se 0 ges monWy tea on Sunday, Decem'- Thotr' beet feeding-unit dnw a . . bor 2 trom s to 5 A-m. The Dana •J>OCl41 citation. AnnouncemOllt Honor ·0tt1'c1·a1s Point Art ·OuJld will act u boot<, ot the wtnninr design• wu made and h<lct.eues. The new exlilblta at an awarda banquet al t he Bev-j wt1I tnclude a watercolor and ~ e.rly Wilabire Hotel. Kalcoltll lt. Qllel. director ('!D-lated med.Juma 8bow ln the Ma1n In line with the AlA policy, the era1 of the Loyal 91"4er ot Kooee. ,plkry by me.mben1 ot the Aaoci- owner1 as well u the &.rebitec:Ui and Paul P. ktvnlt&, cl1Ncto«' of alkxl. N!celve certificates ot award. D. 0 . the me.mbd\-ahtp enrollment de-In the Ent.reaol gallery will be a Lawhead. president of the Board put.ment ot tle Loyal Order of show ot 10 contemporary modem of T'ru.9tee:.a •t the college, accept. Mooee, Momehe&rt .. Dlinot•: were painters trom this area. They irl- ed the two certlncatu on behalf honored by all SoulMm Cab· clUde Wlnlfred Balch, John Bean. 01 the ac:boOI. tom ta Mooee kid.gee at a bu re Rex Brandt. Georre N. B~. Thls wu t be flnit local com-Ill.Ml enrollment ce~y ol Nonnan Ch.amberl&.ln, Ke I th petition in tbree year• and 114 neuly 2000 new Moc»e C&Ddldatea. Crown, Mabel Hutchen.eon. J o&n project.JI were submltt@d. Of thla at the Loni' Beach lCu.n.iclpal Au-~. Frederick .Jennilon, Leon· number 32 were choen by the dilm'twn, Sunday, Nov. tatb. at ard Kaplui. .John K c[A.ughlln, judge• for awards. Judl'ea were 2:30 p. m. · George Mddrum, Cameron Par- a.rchltecta William W. Wunter, A. C. Ostrander, aovenfor ot the 90M, Ruth Peabody, Mary Pett.en· San Franctaco; Harris Arm.llroni. Newport Beach MOOM &odJ'e, n-1.,er, Ma.rg'arel W . Sheppard, Luci- St. Louie; and Lawrence B. Per-enne de St. Mart, Davkl Vaughn klru. Chic•l'O· and Netter Worthington. In the Colle•e &C'riCU1tura.l ln.ltnictora Lower gallery Will be a one man Richard Barrett and Wealey Mole shaw of palntlnp. drawing.a and worked cloaeJy wtth the a.rchJtec:t.a print. by Marsaret Ktddf"r at Al· ln the de.aign of the corrals, which tadena. wu an unuaual and pe..rtJcularly A IJ*!ial Christ.mu event ha.s ln.terutln.I problem for the archl-been p&anned tor Saturday eve.- teeta. nlns'. Dec.· 16 when Cynthia P earl The CUrlett Constroctk>n CC. ot ManUll famoua author at the an- t.one Beach built the 1!93,983 tholo,ie. . .,,,~ World's Great Technology Building and the ls-MOdoonaa" and "Christ and the land COnstructton Co. of Newport P1ne A.JU'. wtU speaJt on the for- Beach the beef feedlnC unit. mer volume. Her talk wt.II include 'n.e Technoloc building 'W • • lnddenta whlxh ahe expe.rtenced cited for lt.s tntelltgent approach whlle pthertn.g matertal tor this to the teaching problem and COil• book. She Uluftratea her ta.lk with temporary architectural •PI r I L kodachrome alida of world ta'rnous The unuaual de.atgn of the calUe M.adoim.u. F•' , -11111-1119111'1•-.--......., __ 11111 ~41'CHUacJ1N Beller WITH CDRIVll • fordomatic i1 tw dri'fes in one.. combining the bat fea.ruru of earlier •• comatia." You get the 1:mooth Bow of power of a 'd Torque Con•etter ••• the-GO of Automatic Mecha ical Gean • , • p/#1 the aavihg1 of hning the •u.ct power you e.ed, wheo you attd it! ' Saeour .. i.dimnef . , .. •1 'ic Drift ..,..., ., ...... ,..,, ............... \l'.S .-,. f~ ................ -' .... ...w.ct ........ .,..., _,__ ~ COIN in aN "TEST DtlVE" It tocloy T .BEODO·a ·z Your Ford Dealer Ph. Harbor :! 116 Newport Blvd. SU OUlt NllllAllT mmstoll IHOW-F111D FtmYAl-lllrrill- USID ca•• P.0.A. I . BQB ••• 1921 Newport l1ocli ... 111a1'111111,_1.-,..,-.n111wt, I lhed and lhe runc*>na1 lay-out ot -----~------f!•••••••••••••••••••-~•-.i••••••••••••lll. tht!I corrals merited the apecla.I citation for the beef fet!ldinr unit. ~:wi::'.'.. SOt~b~s::'.'.t. ::'.'.Ne'llT(IOl't;~::'.'.~::'.'.:11~~::'.'.e::'.'.arbo~r 2533~ OCC Art Center n&led ~ -1 lo4e ~ to 'take at J ut 2:15 new Kooee -tol.oqBachfcwW. 1111 tmportant ..... ewut on th• •boYe date. In lteepinc with u.. -ot Mooeediim'a "'o top men. ~ In roeopltloll. ~ the sreet - manlt&rt&n -J>bll":"lhroplc - BENDIX ELECTR C DRYERS I R~DY 'MIXED CONCRETE SOUT[i COAST I , , · ·MATERIAl..S..'GOM~~t-ft ,,,· No Job Too Lorge; .No Job Too Smell • ft9 West Wll9oJt, betweft Ntiwpillrl aad llarltor Blv ... ()()STA MESA -f'llONS ni:AOON 11141 Construction Well Underway The new Art Center bull~ ~ noW under~ ... Oii ' ••. Cout C.Uege Campus. It will ~ place five temporary wooden bufkS. lnp no~ in ua. ll'acllli.lee w\11 be proYlded for m.truction 1n tree-- band drawtn(, palnlln(, . -... and color, ad~ art. pllolo- (l'Oph)', lapld....,., baAdaatU, c .... -::=========:::============;, amlca, and architectural dr&tlll\g. r A feature ot the building lftll be Now Open Sundoy for the Homeowner CONCetm ILOCKS • BRICK FLAGSTONE ,• SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES SKIP LOADER FOR TRAILER LOADING KEITH B. CqLLINS 2124 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Barbor 7015 ~-~ .--. -• • • -• ~ ~ • --~ - :.It -..J.. ~ ..... • . • ~ , -• • J. • • • . ,:;); ~ ~ SAT. SUN. 8Pl'£IAL 'l'RI8 WUI{' ..!.. NOV. II 'IO NOV. 19 IRICKS, reg: 5 cents eech, Jc eac:li at .. : ABC LUMBEB;'.1441 z.·17th St., :co.ta 11- Bw 51111 ~rHllJ na OOllPl.at9 .... DUS& GUO tt= _ ............. . NIWS· sue.- MWl'G&'I • a.n art pllery which aJ.eo can be' ued aa two rqul&r ela.IRoOma. Th• Art eentet-· 1a beltar tiullt entirely by local contractora. The structure thould be com- pleted prlor lo July 1, 1~2 and will coat approximately sna.ooo. "When finilhed. we will haV't tbe be.at junior eollege Art Center in the weat,"' stated Dr. B&ll1 B . Petenou, e<>llep p,...ldent. , of the Loyal Order of Xooee, the Caltornla Leglolatun> haa ..... nt lo pnaclalm ll'rlday, NOT. 18, 1931, ''Loyal Order ot v.... Day' In California. It wao announced bl;' Hub Sboemakar, clvlC attain clWrm&n '°" the local -lod&e. . FUWNWIDa NAMED ASSOCIATION Y. P. , • ··~-i _only s219's PLUS INSTALi.A ION • .... IMMEDIA l£ DEttV',' NO FEDERAL . T~SJ MODELS CISE T.AX . Ne~por1 .· . . ' 822 Coast Hfgliway -N•wport • your· clothes are so , . 1 · er, flt1me1 I I ' ; w~en you dry cbJ~ . ~ electrycally ! llAN'l' •t.•cn1c.u. AtDS -., ~ li•in&J l!ott' ....... &. ........... OaUr IO diiuimce w · ask-~ thm is ;... ,,... led m doe ,_.,.ric elocuiic Clod.or ·.'h aic1s~-i. ol ~ wubell doohes OOK oE Cbiis l!ii<I ....... ,ft. ' up • aq, Jr's a, Mfer ~'"Ct ~ ' MJtimt. and a ""1 bocJa ""°" wadier is • • lilat ,_ oditr .,,....... .. de ,.;cj~ -Oll1J ......... jab lilier-it dad .. ,.. .. Clodia:r: ,_ ..a -... .,W,,ud c1 ..... ~... diem r-.mt ..a..,. . .......... ...... --J--;,, ..... la,_ ...... Get • 1 r,...... eh uic ...,_, lrill I 1 I w -. • oml .._ ..... .AST woao oN D&Y . . , ' , I J • • ~REV. K. J. CHRIST HEADING NEW HOSP.ITAL COMMITTEE Local Groups Contribute . to Hospital A local commJttee to direct a.-------------~ campaign to aecure the Sani. Ana quota of the tund now needed to equip and fUrJ:Uah the Hoag Me· morial Hoopltf.l, Presb~rlan, b DOW bein1r organ.l&ed unde?' the cb.airm.anahip of Rev. Karl J . Christ of TU.atln. The area tneluded ia both San- ta Ana and Tustin and the amount aJmed at la 190,000 out of a total ot $2li0,000 to be ralaed In the county. Co-optiraUng with Rev. Cbriat Ls HO"Wa.rd B . Rapp, Jr., u .ecrelary ot the commlttee and c1mpe1p and eome 30 other weU- l<nown cltlzellf ana active com- munity workers. For the pui:poae of the drive tor tunds. the county has been divided lnto aecUon.a, (the north half In- cluding Anaheim, Fullerton, Brea. La Habra and other citlea and eorn1nunlfies belng included In one large diltrlct) with Sant& Ana and Tustin U ORe district and t.be largut. ln amount. Next in siZe or amount is NeW- port Beach whtch ha.s a quota of 17~.000 and where a rommtttee ta already at work. To advance the campaign, the directon of the hoepltal have advanced Living Me- morials plan and it la expected that through the plan the needed funds will be secured wtthout too much delay. Spl....Ud Stan The building of the hoepltaJ hu ~en before the public for several yeara but with the splendid atart now made. the con.structlon actu-a.uy underway '1td the tundl on hand to pay for the building, e&rnest hopes are expreaed that the Santa Ana-TUstln committee Will be able to carry out thelr campaign effort within a few month.a. Funds on hand to the credit of the Hospital are well over one mll- Uon dollars and this wiJJ cover the amount Of the contract wb.ich wu • • awarded a tew weeks ago for the construction of the 715-bed ln.stltu- November Sessions of tv1esa Circles "Food tot Spirit • Frteodolllp" was the topic of the deYOt.lon&l civen by Mra. Ruth Bamett t'Or mem bera ot Circle Four of the Coat.a Meea. Community church wses. who gathered ln monthly sesaion at the church. Mn. A.ft. dreW .J. Lupton had charge of the mLtslonary leuon captioned ''The Church la lly School." Mre. HJrt. ter and Mre. i'\ncbam were co- b09teuea to the 17 memben and two guest. prnent. N~ meetinf wtn be a noon potluck luncheon and Cllrlatmu party In the churcb December 13. Circle F!ve had a noon potluck in the chW'Ch lounge wtth 21 members In attadance. Mn. Olga Crawtord. f\lmillhed the dessert. RAw. Joetpb. F . McSha.ne led the deTotlonala. The mlulonuy talk W'MI ,Pven by Mn. Viola. Beckett. J"ollowtng the meetlng the croup worked together tacking a com- fort. Adele MJcbaeU opened her Coat& Mesa Street home to· elght mem- ben of Clrcle Nlne. Devotion. were by Doria Luckhardt and the mlsatonary report by Marilyn Tua- crott. At: a Chrislmu project a CARE packace will be eent a school teacher in Germany to be distributed among needy pupils. i'lve memorl&la ot fnt.ereat to everyone have been contributed by JocaJ orpntzationa ot Newport Beach w Haq Mm>ortal Hospital, Preabyte:rtan. T b e · entbU8lutlc ·•Zonta" Club members dectded tha.t one ot the beat roOme for pallehta wu Ju.al rt.ht for lJ1elr 0<plllsatlon. and pledged $3,000 for OU. room. The BusineM and Profeuton.i Woma.n'• Club hu pledged for a waltJng room at a coot or $1250. . Tbe Newport H&rbor 8-rd of Realtors roUowed wtth a contribu- tion oC SUtw>. Another-p1ed&-e, thla Ume from t.he Klwanl..s CJub of Nl!'Wpoi't Harbor addls $12SO to the- total, lhhl tor a waJtlng room. The figure then jumps another $2000 wlth a pled"e from the New- Port Harbor Ellu Lodge No. 1767. A numbet ot 1ndlvtdual pled~• are comJnc' lD like one of S2:W>O front Wealey D. Smith of Balbo& ?cnlnsuJa for a patlt'1tl.5 room. Another a check for 12CX>O from Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cameron a.180 of the Balboa Penln8uia and atlJl another trom Dick Rlch&.rd of Lklo Marke t ln the 1um ot $1200 for a Memor1al in the name of Flo Cunnineham. a former employee. Thl1 la followed by a donation of '100 by $. \V. Hadfield Of Balboa 1-land ln the name of hi.a father, lo"'. s . Hadrteld. Aho on the same momln.-'1 Uat la a chec::k from Dr. R. S. Palmer of Pomona. who la lnte~•ted ln holJplt.ala enrywhere. S e\4' Sua&t'fltlorts C. M. Teachers feted at Party In resporute to several request.. a n ew and longer II.Ill of memorial sucgestioM has been wued by lht' Coal& Mesa Main acbool teach-Hoeg Memorial Hospital. Preaby- en were teted &t a dinner party · lertan. The new li.!t Includes about WedneMSay, Nov. 14 at t.b.e Ftn1t 120 Items and aome of the item.. Baptlat chu.rclt in Coat.a Mesa. Uated orter opportunities for more Hosteuu tor the even.ing were than one donor to participate. The rnembrre of the P .-T. A. boa.I'd for appeal of the "Memort&h1 Plan" it the Ma.in ach.ool growing a.s It become• better un- tfon. • The gueet.a ~re welcomed at dentood by the public. More In- Some or th03e iwho have already the door by ICrt. Buml.e Balley, tere1t In the whole pro(Tam ta evt- oftered to join the committee In botlpltaltty cha.irm&n and Mra. dell~ by the num ber of tnqulriea lta v.eat constructive erfOl'l and Harold Steck, ~ttnile protection now belng-received at the hospital o~rs who haxe expressed an in-and aafety chairman. olflce about, met.boda ot memorla.1- terest in th@! plan and provazn The room w~ feative with f.al1 i&in& rel&Uvu and rrtenda In th.J• a.re : W . B. WUllamJ. Bob Fema.n-flowers, carrying out the Thank1!-rtally y,•orlh-whlle way. dez, J ohn Knox, Sr., Wi.Wam gf•lng theme. The new lilt todk &lea the w1~ Staurfer, Fort"elll Jonel!I, E. C. Mls-vs.rie-ty ot memorial reaturet: •ildine, H.P. Harri.son. Newell T . Mra. Ray T'rautweln,,P .·T. A. Id t I ed the guestl!I which a.re available. For example: Vanderma.st. J . Earle Phillip•. Mer-P~ en . we com told •• ••-• the d'----There la an lnatrument aterllizer rill Bothamley. Hon.ce J . Stevena. aad ... em ... _ ~ bad be n I ed ---'ally In at $200, bua!neUe• at. $250 each, WaJter Rawllnga, Elmer Fama-e P &lWl ~.,...,...... tb Ir h d h ped th~ -uld a n.ur.u• loc~ room al Sl.000, worth, Robert Koru, J . s . Hfll, v . e onor an , o -., ..... B. AndeJ"eon, C&.rii9le n...--1-w. enjoy the fe llowship of wch a a deliwry room table at $&')(), a ~...... r-..,_ th r1n refrigerator at $300. and one at D. Miller, Harold Grimes, Leater .-.en. .... ,,. P e g. ~·--•• cllnn ~-·-.... _ $1750, a wheel llretcher with pad Van Tatenhott, Dr. Barney Cole-&.1~u•J" '--e er llUU.I" .-u-., R. ... Miu Edwin C C Vlrginia Gidder. mualc c:h&lrman. at St7!\,, orrice equipment (alx. man, -er, ox, · led in group IJDging.· Evuyooe item•) from $100 to $17~ per jte.m. s. BorTuw, &g.r no-u. ff&rTY ,._ An lmportant iMlnlment like a Hanson and P"ra.ncts Norton. , thorougbly enjoyed UR' well-~-_,.. ---' ....... v -microecope will coat ll'lle ..,donor ~.· , II. ~WJI, WU ~ a.uu _ _, .,,.. !SEAL) State of Calltornla.. County of Orance. u . On November 5, 1951, before me, lhe undf'rslgned, a Not.a.ry Public In and !91' a.kl County and State, penonally appeared Dean C. Brad- ford, known lD me to be the Pr-Mt· dent, and Ed .Jordan. knovm to me lo be the Sttretary of the Corp- oration that executed the wttbin lrurtrument, known lo me to be the peraona who executed the wtlhin lnatrument on beh.alt of the Corp- oration t he re t n named. &nd acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the ea.me. WITNESS my band and otfldal aeal. (SEAL) VIOJ.rr THO~ Notary Publtc In and ror a&ld County and State. No. 1e2-"'-. Publbh Nov. 8-~22. 1.9~1 . •· • qyoot.d putlc~ ""'''ritel. Kn. fOGO, but -It lo .--bered Volunt<lera are lnYlted lo join Cdme v-~ at tile tll&t all Kema of eq•lpment are NOTICE OP OP tlle Woril al I.lie committee &I'd U -•·-o. lm-··t In ••lnr u-. tho coot SA,LE llLU. -•·-r-...., -• PIWPEllTI' Bl' TIUlllll'U .---_..I canmltt-Attar Ille dellclliv.. bani -lo •mall. UNDEa D&lCD OF ft(lft wW be cftateC tq -.talle _.. -.. Ud P.·1'. A. -.....,.. WHERJ!:AS, HUOR CADUIB wn !&IQ wblcb will """"' -bore allU took pwt In a -ct Doa'l i_. .. .,., Girt lloou\ and HE! .EN c . CAIRNS. buai.nd the ~ out at a IUCC! tut crouP ..m-. ~t,. ot tM l1nt O.\e:st1--. and wtfe, by Deed of Trust da.i.d ~: ....= ~I': contut ot lkJll were Mn. Amelia June 28. 11150, recOt'd<d July Drummond and Mrs. Robena eo. • 3, 111~ 1n Book 20a3, pace IU welcomed by the ch&lrman of the penbavv'a team flnllbed v1cU>r-LEGAL NOTICE of Oftkial Recordo ot Oranp committee or by Secretary Rapp. ioua and were preaented bubble County, Calif'onua. did grant and In all of thelr wOf"k, the committee gum a.a a reward JfancE OF INTENJ>. • ... •a•.. th real ....... tbeftbl wtU have the cloee cooperaUon of Theodo--~,· • ...a _._ "'·rt· _.. ~ convey e pro,....... .. y Pr •• ·~ -~ ~ NOTICB IS llU!EBY GlVDI' and beroinatt.er deocrlbed U> Bay eaident John Murdy of the hoe-rude Myere urged tMJr tealne on Ttiat ELMO P'LOTD Q[880N, E8crow CO.. tnc. & a.JifonU& ~ P't&I hoard, and Cheater E. Hawk tn 'a relay, w1th Mn.~ and Vendor, whoae addreu ll 2~ -&th oraUon, aa Trultee, to eecun. who la aec:retary ot the board. ., __ •--....t ..... 1.,.,. .~... -"-ea. -u -~ ~--•-• ~-th •--~ ~ -~--. -P• ~ Stnft. Ball>oa. Ill !tie aty ot Now-amoag ob pUOna, paym-v~ -.....,_,. °" e -rn ,,,. sn>up wve Intensely In· -Cabe ot a nofe dated June 28. ucJQ. "'· tile "'11>U•I att Marion B. u....i.ci ill "" --contc ba-:: .. or a.Ur--.1..t!!... ~i ~a. lo Ila Reeba and Zepl>& Touei, SCoplwa Orlaet, w:;i-r . -Kr. Roa'• \eam and Mr. In· to JOHN CHARLES KIRK or Wan! Reeba, 11\llband and wlfo, M Kimu. The cbalrman wt &n• cram'•; the rau.lta were ao doee M.A.RQARET D. KIBJC, buab&bd ,Joint tmsnta, or OJ"dtr1 for tbl W>ce furtller plans for the c:am· It wu d~ a tie. ud wlf1, v.-, -add-prlnc:lpel -ot .,.00.00 w!UI i-lan u the w-or orp•l<lnl' Senral otllu ff"' .. added to la 1830 Pla-U& Avt11uo, C!>OU In--.11&no a, lllDO at tile the large croupa Into workllll' the Ol\Joym...t Cl the ev-. apd v-_ County or o.a.,ii, -t• or ra~ of * ,.._ per ·-im. -pr<>gi .... appl1)priale prisee W•"' awarded cauromla, the fo1Jow1n,J de«rll>-, prlndpml -~ .. -.... by tile --tu.. ..... .. pe-..J -"'>'· lo-wit' ~"" u. ltcll: -WJUIOW IT. ouwt.I Tra-lba.Dkod tile ._.,11-All -·IA --~ 1wr _ Mn:. Wllllam l4ne -.....,. IJOll raj)QMllde fw Ille -arrap equlpm111t and JOOCI will ol a ...-eurnd fa lllal tile priadpal - B.a.ndy Mk"•<:• Mve rctm..a to m.enta. IJCDQS was pa··-.«.-,. ta.a Wt ud ~~ h•etr'•• .......... 4tue &Dd pqa.b\e • ~ -In Lolli' -after t.Cta. .. ,. Oaad -lino. Vil'--.. au.ao~ P.Jl'll BAIT r.1>n1u7 1'1, 111C51, .... --Ylolt.lly; Kr. aJ>d lllq. Jllrlpr Lane, ilnfa HoelaM. --b,J Kn1. Am> UJIDWJCK OONCJllll8JON, p.ld: and - 7te W. W-Bt., 0oeta M-. W. J. H-'9. Vn. Chara -W.lel ON 'l1I& B••SIOA W8mAa. Ba llecllll .... Tloe ~ 1-enjoyed a "' _._, u4 Kn. W. A. Nldlola. a.111._ In tbe City ot N-z,.r. W-ltecbo. o•wn &"!I -OQJOud &l ~ -.-· It WU coolted and M~ by i.dieo port Bu.ii OountJ Of Orwlp. 1loldon ol aid -- i.i:e at J-Tree. or the .J'lnt 8-ptlal dlludl.. 'Jbe -.. ot O.Ww 'a, --• e '1• -.C aid Tnlolel .. AT TEJaU: C1l'Y beolllltlll talllo -ratlonl -oalo, --SI) m •• .. -.... &l;J, -oe !!!!..... n. UOl -... --... -tbe --........ -.. ..., ,_,,,fa the~~ oL a. Pa)ln&' a -Yid to their by Mn. 'Ila 0a7 Ud Jin. OKI -o 1 p -a. .... C ., •1latu ot ~ ~ ....,11\t.,. and tam111, Mr. aa<I Trlolc, 07dfled b.J -J-et io,oo .. I 1' &. a.• ...... t)' a ... mT, -Ill. NII Is' lllra. 'Cltfror« u.lley aad ••• -·-. Jlony Wiii'-A> • o1 Dz bi•-. a Gill .. • 11 • a1710(, a -ot - Mldlo•l of 'l'u>tlle ~ • ...,. tbe 111rt 0.-. Jlande ~ --flt 111m111 11 et h -el -111.-.. M lltt••rru ot OOola -. Orwl L1oJC. ~ .... .... a 1•t:J to 11o-, • ~ Pl I s• .. •wsd ... .. Wint•._ or on.amo Mn. 3md ~ ....,.., w1tr11 11 11a ma a. 'k• .. ..,.. *'"' pt ,, •• ... -... a 11 11t r 'I" • ._.,. 11111•.~., ..... .NJ t .......... -...... ,,,.. •• " -···- -------7 414 ....... ~---: 11-. •,-_ .......... M 1C:Dare. Cl tltl lN fl die II It £ = aµ .. S _ ~ .. ;;;;,:a:.'~ • =: '"!. i:,.,n:. ~ :t 11 ... ' • • • • . , WA'-·· · ,,-oltl l•pl•• it with a 11ew AUTOMATIC GAS UlllE U )'OQt praeot raa.p: lt evea a kw ran o&d, it'• · tiJn1: you bou&l'lc a new automatic p& n.ap.. Jue lib ~ e.uco.obilea, pl DD.JC faN.nS ha'fll' dMApd,-Oac al .... s1....u ...... modoi., will~-IU1d>es as ...U u mabown cookie.a opendoa '° mvch euiu aocl ~ • Vilit any ps nqe dealet-or yoar G.. C.O.i-oT1 ....... ,....,.w.. .... .-. ........ ------· Ya'U __ .,,,, .. --•Ji , ....... ,,.._ ...... .., ........ a:zsrk • .. ..,.,, ...... .. -Sp • , ' • ' ' ' • ) HARBOR' SOCiAL EVENTS •• • MRS. WlNIFRED BARBRE. Society EdllOI' ....... .,.iil'oC'~~~ .. ~·--.. ···~-... ~· .... ,,. Dr: Giles Brown and Beth Cosner Repeat Vows at College Chapel I08I Cr)'1lta Beth Coenel", <laugh- ter of Hr. and Mrs. c. B. c~ncr I Beach, ln° a house rece.ntly c:om- of. 1il21 P'Jower strf't't. Garden pleted by the bride'• tat.be.r. Grove. became the bride or Dr. \\'Ith Ma.rlaM Gllff T. Brown, son of Dr. and Kn. A. \'(at.eon Brown of National Mrs. Brown la a ,-raduate ok Ctty, Wedn.Hday Nov. 19 in a twl-Carden Grove high echool SUI llS"ht ceremony at lhe Orange Dlf'go State and Untvualty ot ())at college chapel. Southern CaUtornla. During the The groom'a rather, pastor em-laat war ahe waa a member of vtt11.1 of the First Baptist church, the Women'.!J Corps of the U. S. National City, performed the Marines and immedJalely alter double-ring ceremony befo~ a d1xharge went to Japan u a no...i altar of white and yeUo\\.' civilian army librarian. She ha.a ~themums softened by the lx-t>n the librarian al Orutge Coast i'ow of seven-branched cantlela-coll('gc since the sc!'°°l opened In bra. During the muaical r>rcludt", 19'18. X 1"8. Kenneth Boettche r $Ulg The groom, likewise a charter '"Give Ke Your Hand" and "Love mf'mbt"r of the Orange Coast tac; Never Failelll," and following th(' ulty. Is chairn1an ot the Division taking of vows. ''The Lord's Pray-or Social Sciences.. He I.JI an alum- er.'' Mra. David cadwailader, or-nu:; or San Diego Stille &.nd Unt- p.nUrt., played the w<"dd1ng march-1 V(·t .,.1ty or California a t Berkeley u . 1· Hild iOJ a doctoraJ graduate ot Following the cerrinony a rct'<'P-C.'lu.rl·monl Graduate l!IC hool. He Uon for two hundred pir:;t..~ "'1'8 1 ~··rv;o a..-a liutenant In the U. lleld in the music bu1ldini;:: or the IS. l'\avy during the second World college. Mrs. Charles Hal('y, lftrs. \\'ar and MW service ln the South Dorothy Dallas and Mr~. Lyle T'ac·1fic i'lr iB a member of Phi Ma.rtin helped 6en-e. Dl'lta Kappa. honorary education- l ee BltM> Go\l'n Given In marriage by her fa· ther, the bride worr an ice-blue (Own Of net OVf'r tl\rfe~a fa.o;hton· ed a.long prince~ 11nl"!' with bouf- fant aklrt. Her 3houJder veil of matching tu!Je was atta.chC'd lo a Uara of lace and she carried a ehower bouquet or white shattcre<l eamaliorui and atephanotis. Tbe bride had tl8 her only at- tend&nt her slater, Mr!I. Henry Marcua of North H ollywood. As mat ron of honor M,._. Afarcu14 was attired In a gown ot gold slipper aaUn, wttb a tiara of matching 1M!f and she carried a shower bouquet of cymbidlu~. Robert Hamilton or La Jolla WU Mat man." UsherB \VCrc Charlea Lewis of Whitli{•r, Mile~ Ea.ton of Santa Ana, Robert Grri:.· ser of Newport Beach and Elnio E. Shaver of Long Bea-ch. Mra. Cosner wore for h<:r daugbter'a wedding a J!"rry fail!!! dreaa with matching lace jacket and a corsage of J:Jlnk ru~l·buds. Mrs. Brown wor(' a blut•-J,:-rey jer· aey coat-dttM and a cu ri.ab~ uf pink rottebuds. lmmedl&tely followlnG: the W1.'d· dlng the couple l€'ft fur a tour- day atay at C&rmt'l, but "'111 cun· tlnue their honeymoon n··xt sun1- mer whe n they will ~?! a.broad on the SS lie de F're1nce for n two- monlhs' tour of Europt.·. For lra- ve.llng the bride wore a drt'!53 of champagne con".luro·y co1npl"1n£>nt· ed by black accessories. Hl'r gift from the groom with a deluxe miniature camera. Alter the Thanksg1vini; holidays Dr. and Mrs. Bro\vn will rrsiile at •13 Old County Road. Ne...,:port ril rratern1ty, the Kiwanis club, i\l ~iwn.-.. Son!! or American Revo- lution. A&..~iation for Advancc- ll"'nt of Scil'n<:-e and the Ame.rtcan H •s lor1cal As...-ociation. Native Daughters Anticipate Visit of Grand President J PW<'I McSwe<>ncy, grand prC'al- drnt of Na.tiv<' Daughte~ of th~ Goldt.•n \VMt, will ma.Jee her official v·sit to Orange county parlon on [)('t"". 4. In preparation for lhia import.ant 'meeting Mn. Chesler Pollard, president. reque•ta all mrrntx-rs or Conchita parlor to at· lend I\ 111>eclaJ m~tlng on Thun- dH.y. Nov. 29, 8 p. m. at the homP or 1'fr-) John McGowan, 2201 S. E. Clay .sfrcf't, Newport Height.a. A t lhls l ime pla.nii; w1U alao be ma<lc for di.lirtrlbutk>n of Cbrlatmu bn .. ~ket.s to needy families. Tha.nks- ;.:iv1ng b~kl'tJi were t.&lc t'n lo fami- \ii·s this wl•t•k, planned for at the r..gtllor m<'cling of Nov. 8. Fir st Birthday for G randson Mr. a..nr1 Mrs. W illiam Hamlin. 2282 Kingg Rd .. Cliff Haven, have Ix-en the d<'lightcd hoet.a to lhelr son and ram1ly M.r. and Mrs. Jame~ Hamlin a.nd chUdrtn. Terry and Gregory or Downey. The f irst birthday anniversary of young Grrg:ory crt.n1(' In ror happy recog- nition Saturday, Nov. 17, at the home of the Harbor area cO\lple. ••l•r e d ,,,, f!rl!rflOlle ••• , .. • • • • . . • A pat favorite with the fuhion .rue. Canfully planned u d patlClAcd ~ WllkcJ !'wPp&. BARBER'S BO'OTERY 1821 Newport Ave. . COSTA lllESA Beacon 5639-W UVDIG ROOM DINING ROOM Nie& NACKS • • BEDROOM IAJIP 811Anr.8 WALL SHELVES • 1.11111 : Aw1i11 1 ilaple . ' ,_ & -OQ&n BLW. " Miii!. GILES T. llROWN, ..., MISS !'r.nf COSNER Raymond Rinderknecht, Jr.; & Bride Home From Northern Honeymoon 1'ow at home at 1420 <>ce&n•------------- Blvd.. BaJboa, after a northern Ca11rornla honeymoon are Mr. &nd M.ra.. Raymond Rinderknecht, Jr., who rt>peatcd vow• ln St. Phil- lipe' C&lhollc church. Puadena.. Th<' bride Ls the rormt>r Evelyn Louise Thomaa. daughtt'r of Mr. and Mra. Archie J . Thohta.s, South P.ttt.rlno avenue, Puadena and th(' brh·1e1rroum tg son ot Mrs. John Schu;-t ot Sherman OaJta and Raymond Rlndertcnttnt, Sr., or Balboa. The Rl"v. J ohn J . Blrc h ~rform­ <'d the double-rlng rite, In which Evel.vn wu given In keeping by her rather. She WU lovely ln h er bridal robe of white satin with fitted bodice and Ml train. A Juliet cap of laeti held her finger· tip illualon veil and •he carrled a bouquet of butterny Orc hids and llllcs of the vaJley. Aa mat.,ron of honor. Mrs. Henry Hight of Phoenl.1, AN .. wore im- ported lilac marqulaetle over taf- feta, wtlll matching hat and mltla. She carried a cucade bouquet of Kteen carnation. ti~ w1lh gl'ee.n tuJJe. CoetumC. ldentl~I to that of the matron of J\onor, tiut Nile gref'n In color were worn by the bridesmalda, Miu , Patricia Bur- gea and Mrs. Robert E.. Thomas, slslcr·tn-law of the bride. Their cue. ade bouquet.a were of lilac cat"natlona. bcautlfUI three-tiered whJte and green wedding cake. The n~w Mra. RJn\k!rknP<:ht was graduated from SL Andrew's hJKh achoo) and attended Webeter collere ln Wt"blle:r Grove&, M.o. Her husband I.JI abo a graduate of St. Andrew's twd served ln the U. S, Anny. Home W edding on Lido Isle Repeating vow1t rettntiy in a charming home ceremony wer~ Bryce Wlnslovl Duval or Calexico i:ind Martha Fredt>rk ka Kur& or I t 3 Vla Vena.ta.. Udo lale. DAR Meetin g Called for Wed. Local chapter of D. A. R . ls a.nnou.nctng the next meeting for Nov. 28 at the holl)e o( !tj.ra. W. B. Trilt, 1113 Wut Bay, Newport Beach at 1 p.m. M emb<'rs are re- minded this ls 11. change o( place. Birth day fo r C ost a Mesa Lad Richard Gamel' of Long Beach A feative party wu recent ob- gave bea:t man ... i.t.ance and aervanee or the rlghlh birthday gue.U were eeated by ual\era Rob-of Johnny Brockman. aon of Mr. ert Bersmann "1d Donald Ber· and Mn. Swen Brockman, (~ be.rel. Broadway, ea.ta Meea.. Sololat WN A.. B . Ouulabcne, Shari.Dg the run iii the Brock- who An"' "On Th'-Day," "Panis • a .. man home were BUly Brockman, AnveJlcWJ" •nd "Oil ·Lord, I Am o _,. brother of the celebrant: Peter Nol Worthy." Mlaa Jacqueline GuJla, R 1 ch a rd Hartis. John Stetlf'r Wh orpnl.lt. Hughes. Robert Harrieon, Jerry A receptJen few 200 gueat.B wu Kallaway, ChN Th!'UD8lrom and he.Id at the bo/ne Of the bride's Jimmy Patter10n. Michael Lange parents, followtn• the ceremony, and George Conaway were bidden where they watched the young but unable to atteDd. couple cut 1:11e tint 9lice of the.,_ ____________ _ .(Photo by Hollywood Studio.s) Guests Attend Stagettes Meeting Betty Lou Wlnsby of Pttt.Bburg, c.J.lf.. and Ruby Goodneu of Cost.a. Meaa were gue.11ta at a re~ cent meellng o! the Staggettes Club held In the home of Clara BadagP, 008 Hamilton St., COat.a Mee&. Mn. Wlrulby IJI the daugh- ter of member Mae P'"lker. Chryanthemuma and dahliaa ln the glowing colon of the harvest time eeaaon df"ckcd the rooms. Card play was the pa.stlm e follow- ing discussion of bWlineAB matters It'd by Lou Lockwood. Auort.l"d aanc:twkh~s and coffee were tterved during the refreshment lntcrval. Grace Kline captured t.hc door prize. A deaaert course, b ingo anrt buaine.sa !tiled tht evening whe n Mrs. Ji"t"l.k.ner of Ogle St., en ter- tained the St.aggettes at another get together. The door prlr.e was won by Dal8y SuUlvan. On ha.nd were Mmes. Marge Brockell. Lou Lockwood, Clara Bada.ge, Corinne Tallman, Louiltc Green, Sulllva.n llltd Grace Kline. Young Riders Nam-a New Officer Staff Election of officers marked a meeting ot Los Comp&11eros Rkl- lng Club at their November meet- ing ln lhe 8ant.a Ana A vc., Coat.a Mesa home of Sherryl Holmes. ~ed were Ottilie Bayer, presi- dent; Sherryl H olmes, vice presi- dent; Joyce Vltte, secretary: Di~ anne Trayan, treuurer. Refresh- ment.a ot punch and cookies were eerved to the 12 memben preaent. DINNER AT NHYC Many Harborltea will be enjoy- ing the Thanksgiving bird today at Newport . Harbor Yacht club. Among them a.re Mr . and Mra. Edgar Wallace with re.servallOM for l&; Mr. and M re. Leland F\n· ley, with a table for seven; and Mt . and Mn . Challen Landerft, w ho a~ entertaining ten or more. -~~R -E· . CHRISTMAS ' wto .• ·THUIS., FRL, SAT. I AR G,A INS FOR Xmas Wrapping Paper Xmas· Gift Ribbon tc ORNAMENTS SOUD PASTEL COW RS Ker. u. 17¢ v olue "" .............. " .... " .... . Rq.... 39¢ IJro&ea ............................... . FOIL REF.LECTORS ~v'NT .. . .. . .. .... 25¢ XMAS CARDS We Take Orders For Personal Photo Xmas Cards ALSO LARGE SELECTION P E RSONAL CHRISTMAS OARDS CHRISTllAS CARDS Reg'. ft.40 98¢ VALUE ......................... . ~~~···· .................. 53 ¢ 1luouR !<E RVICE ON MONOORAMING OF on ....... OAR.Ds OR ST ATIONERl" ' TH E·' E AR L~Y . ' REETOPS 1~ • REGUt,Aft 26c • OTTON -19c I FIREPROOF F~! T~igure Lights . ,I'• .... .. .. 1. .... . . 2 39 ' On Card Plan KN Ff SET r on CU ~LERY ;SET $4.95 VALUE OU& PLAN -WHEN A TOTAL OF sz.60 IN P URQIASES I S REACH· E D fON YOUR PU NCH CARD, YOU MA BUY El'l'ill'R OF THESE SIX P E SETS ~II ONLY S1.99 5 lb. BOYS' and GI LS' DOLL Ep.-. Salts HOUSES CONTEST • llEG. SLU 23 ¢ FDR $3 50 GRAND PRI ES 14 oz. 4 Columbia 'Leader' Bicycles FACIAL ' I ZOMBIE One At Each S~ 9UALITY GLASSES 2 FIRSTPRI ES TOILET 6 REG. 7!c TISSUE for 59' and Many, Many Addltlo:nl P rbeo REGISTER AT Al>o'Y OF OU STORES 4 rolJo for 49¢ C For 16 Ytt¥S Oki and V ... er ) EGG BEATERS COLONIAL DAMES SATIN TOUCH REGULAR 69¢ Sl.00 ....................................... . ALUMINUM PERCOLATORS ~.~ ··-....................... 69¢ J USE OU& · s LAY~WAY'PLAN SMALL DEWsrr WILL HOLD ANY GiiT UNTIL DEC. 2oth ther_e~s_. still time to D.E:.C·ORATE BEFO 'E .fBE -.HDLIDAYS • q,.. "'; .... I ~ ... I ,. .... l'a'h\t,. , I