HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-29 - Newport Balboa Press• • • ' I i I ~ nu:TTNB "'-"'--r.p1c11y · ........ - of lbo California -Couto! _,.,.. • \ ' ' ' -• .. • • • • ·~Tffl INllll llMIOI AIM sE<:iQNo LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY r --"·· • . . - ,, ' ' PHONE BARBOR 1618 , NEwroRT BEACH, OAL'lfOltNIA, THURSDAY, NOVfilMBEl.t 29, 1951 FOUltTEEN PAGES • ~ Seven Orange Oout CoUegfi+.------------- foot~lera were named to the All Eaatern Con.tettnee footb&ll team releued Thuroday by oporUwrtt· era of the League'• dally papers. J"tve ~ben of the champlon- ahtp aquad were listed on either the ttrwt etrtnr ottenatve or de- fea.•lve tum while two others were berthed on the second team. Greeley ~ashed by Van Pelt at Council Session Tackle Bob Woodhouee and halfback Jeaae Smith were named t.-0 the oftenalw: flrat team and Syd Manning. end; Fred Owena. guard; a.nd Charley Black. lint· backer were flven firat team de- fen.te honora. Fullback HaJ Smith and halfback John Black were named to Ute aecond tam com- -" ~f bolb off.--4 dd- pl&yen. Of the eeve.n. Weodhouac. &J\d By T . N. f"BRlcJC"> G.AlNES the Black bl"othera are. trutunen. • 4 lot:--..~~ M•ontn,s...M a • 1111t.er tr.. .J&1t uOwvl' the h:rt:r -di.tiicT t.6ea YMP'• team and a at.tdng candldatt days bearing petltlo~ ·JWll Uke for all Southern CalUornta• hon- pollUctl, .Qt' --.ief!WI&. on. But. ..tak~ note.._ 1( 1.m'l politlca. 1t•1 'aboUt flabln&', and although 1·m Oppoeed to m_oet peiJttone, thla'n ~-Ill!•· . ' . 'I'b ttU ln the beck ground: The sardine tiebrira ~p north have been busy aa' Uttle bee& over tbe lut few years. wtptng out t.he sardlne11. They've gone blithely about lhelr buainue of catching more flab every year to fill Ute catfood carui and the fertiliur bap, not carlng what wu golng to happen eventu- ally. And. eventually, i t did trappen. Now you can count lbe number of sardines on your fingers, al- l1\0lll. So the hungry, hungry boys got busy and petitioned the Flah'n G&mers in Sacr&mento -1 aid I don't like petition& didn't I! In thls'n they aaked to be alloWed to aeine herring. anchovtea a.nd "other mi.all tbh" In lieu of the sardines fol' reduction purpoeee. Which. u f.l\YODe with h&lt an San Bemal'dlno•domlnated the all atar telec:Uon with 11 poelUona; Cout .... .econd; ruveraJde, third wltih five; Santa Ana fourth wtth four followed by Fullerton, three: Mt. San Antonio, thn-e and Chaf· fey, two. According to word out of the seaalon where the all ltar team waa •elected, Cout tackle!I Jlrn KMllne and Ed Mayer were men- tioned u well u ~nten GU Stern &ru1 John McHague and safety man Howard Miller but all were nosed out In the final balloting. Never before ha.a Cout had such a repreaentatkln on the all league club although they flnl8h- ed In aecond spot ln 1H9 beblnd Santa Ana. ' Woodhouae wu named to the team despite the fact that he mt..ed the final part of the· *•· 10.. __ ...,.., ::~ic,:::~,;o.:.~1: ~~:~r-=· BARRETI flah population ln the elate. And, ' goodneaa knoWll, they've $0ftC far enough with that depletion al- WINS PIPELINE BID readj! So, when U.e coqimud&bl aak.Ni the IP'tah'n Gamers for. perml.SAlon to wtpe out completely our supply of baJt for aport.sfl.sherm61 and the food Cor our pme fiah, the 0cellJ1 Fi8h Protective Aaan., a group of sportsmen, got bW!ly and started ra.llying the forcea for a ·battle. · ' Incidentally, tbia dept. reported rttenUy that the bWtgry requeet had bttn turned down. That wasn't qulte r""t. although tM action had bun recommended. There.fore. aporta-mlnded orp.n- tzatlona tmmedtately got buay all over t.ne it.ate wttb lhet1e pctitkma I mentioned prevtowlly. Loe&Uy they're being spread by the New- port Harbor Lady Ang&era. a fine orpnlzaj.!on, in a female sort of wai. TJley can be.. atumbled a.crou ln &lnt05 every tackle 1lott or ·_.u ep0t. • 'I'll< .. peUtlono ~U Sdll Gorden. th• ...., and cOll\1¥ dlnctor of flab and pme f.. th~ ~w. tll&t lt'a a bwn ldft to !'IJ>e out all th• ...,.u, flail alone .., llllor9. .. 'Thet • .._ _approval of all)' ouch ~. . ~ So, I( yo11 1:111 flDd • _peUUO... llgn It, hllll T < : • · (C.tlc~s• ._'Pase I> • Tr 1•--.... -la--wa...-• ., • ...,. 1- •• ~. 1'1• •• ---· .. ~-·· .. •· 11LI ~. -· 'M __:.. .. ..... 11... • •. • b7, x ..... ...-• • ',, ........ ". ... ., .. ,.._._ ... . . I J . S. Bo.rn!tl. Newport Beach contractor, WN low bidder Mon.1 day nl•ht on a contract to lay t TOO feet of 2~·incb concrete pipe- line for a ctty water llne and wu awarded the work by City Counc.IL The line IUnl from the hospital alte to Superior A •e. Barntt'• btd of J2.09 per Uneat toot. Or ~ to r the job, waa one of 11 bkla opened. the hlcheot: that of Emnt C. Colltns, being $8 per foot or J13,eGQ. One con· tractor's bid wu not opened u It wu not a.ccompan1ed by the roqulred bond. 1'ae new pipe line will replace & leak,y, old •l•r .tave line U,.. stalled bl the 1930'•. A.JIOther contract WN awarded by the cooncl1 to Diehl and Co. whldl "'*'1flted a bid of JUOO fpr audit of Ctty ...0.dl ror I.lie yoar endlae .1-·IO, 11111. <Jl&7 ~ 8ert Webb --tect. plea ud ~-lo< {>ll1dl&M of~ met&! p(pe wlll!:h wlll bo -to drain --.... 111..s. &ad Newport Bh<d. - .. tbe pr~---... ~ojee"~ . • fto -u. .... ...,_ I.be dtJ ..... to cell ea. -... tile ..... ~ Dae: 10. Tiie plpo' ..... 11 ._ __ at_, __ -1>-and ~--"' u-ILob ...... ' • Council Denies Self· Service Station Permit . ' l . . ' RIVER £H NNE LOADf D WITH.RA S~Wr~~E ·FLOW . Quarantine of the easterly from the Santa Alili Rivei:. to the Newport er waw ordefed today by the State Board of Health and a.s admlnUltered by the Orange County Health Deparbfent when , jnore than 10 million gallons per day , of.,, ra~I sewage began flowing to the sea ~ along the Santa Ana Ri* Channel; The dreaded yellow 'Qua tine' ----------- llgn• were posted bl~ the ch Bo I d Ch · llAd w!len teat ample1 aliOWed ar ooses ~~= o~etn'::t;te!:~ . fleer of ~ State Water Po~uUon 7 A h•t t Board and h1a creW8 were _r-ork-re I ec s lng constantly day and nigh~ with Cl'eWI of the· DIYialon of ~ta-E:~';.~ir.~~ Hre&l: f oo 'School Job Dumptng of the eew&gei was Two ocaJ architect !~n- made oeceaary when three tireaka eoltdated for the purpoae-lnclud- occurred ln the Ocean ouuaJ1 Une of the Jolnt OUUall Sewer! Dis-lng seven 'local architect.a, were trtct. Up to a late hour 1'hun-awarded contract for deslp-tng day, crews were frantically IWOrk-the propoaed new elementary lng to rep&ir the concrete outtalJ school north of Corona del Mar line. . and addltlona to Horace Er\Sign Raw HW&ge 'from the poµtt of origin four mllet; tn1and 8:t the 1ehool by the achool board of trµa-~ tre&tment plant of Ute JO' wu tees Tueaday. being. diverted into the~r: l v e r Al a apecial meeting called in channel. County crewa we OT· Horace Ensign achool. the boltrd' dered and alerted to e.nf e a coMdered qualiflcatJons of arcbJ- blockade of the rtver ch I and tect.s tnte:reeted ln the two proJ• • beach. ecta. Combined they will tolal Not only the city of N~rt $98fti,000 ln coat-provided the Bea.ch sewage, but that of the en-funda are auUtoriz.ed Jan. 18 at the tire inland county area mu.11t~reach apeclal bond la:lrue election. the sea vii. the rlvei channel New-Marton C. Dodd. board presl- port's line wu diverted In 1 the dent, ,announced the following de- alough adjacent to the llttlp-wted clalons lb.Y the truateea: treatment plant of the city on the The $fM,OOO Emfgn ephool &d- river bank at the Weal city ltmtta. dlUon .contt&Ct to Frederick Hodc• No emer~cy rellet c&n t ad-don •nd Pbtlme.r Ellerbroek; · tbe mtniatered even by lo&d.lnl f "the propoefd new acboolproject ($560,· area with chlorine u all f the 000) to °"""'C• LIDCI and RlchaM cbemlcal ~ ._,.u trlto,the l'locet.1-U<I Pjoser will have •tm•••.tre ... 900l1 u lt ~ be Aa~~0:1l&~ WtWam charted Into the offal, Mai of·. Blurock-&nd '· .. Her~ Brown• ~ictab •lated. ell &1 t•90clatU. At thlto -Uni' no rollef ~ bl ~ .. lpment ,,t atdllt<cta, 111.gb.t u worken could not reach Dodd 1*>tnt.ed out, 11 on the p_rem .. or locate the. ftnal break. Finl me that the bond l.MUe election break appeared late. lut w~k and wilt be approv~. Working on tha~ JOS crewa have been workil:W COO· apeculatton archltecta involved 11t&nUy under •lrict 8\lrVelllMce o~ will prepa~ eketchea of lbe P"°"' State and County Health a~thorl ~ posed two .chool f)rojecta for putJ. Ues. j llclty purpo5es, he added. 'Ibey • Slcu Folio* Meet r 11hould be. ready for u.ee in about low quarantine sign.a were ted Duripg the time befoce the elec- lronleally. the long drea<l~el· 10 d&yl, Dodd.eotlmatecl. a.tter the directors of the . ty lion, 1tbe architecU will a.Lio make a&nltatlon diatrlct. lut night prtfttmtnary studies and research reached an &«reement on 1'e pro-bated on lateat development.a ln gram for acquialtion of Uie JOS achool-houme construction. . lines alter two years of j delay. The Ensign additfon involves Mon! tha.n two years agp, the conalr\lctlon of an auditorium with oeopJe of the county voted more music "rooma. · 1hop and other per- than $8,000.000 for conathtcUng ttnent bulldinga. · an adequate outfall line, t~tment 'Ibe new !ChOOI will include 18 _?lant a.nd collection ayat m for classrooms, two kindergarten•, a the county aewa.ce. · · cafeteria, aervice buildings and The State Park at Hun lngton tuJJ 1t4u.lpment • tor the achool. Beach, lying westerly ol-rtver · ,,.. :;=:~sr-:i:-= O€t TO ST_ AGE Particular cSanser, Dr. tdwaJro 1-l\l•-1, coUnly Jloittli oftlcer DI "NER MEET ,,id. neo •11 the cllUlllK-~ at low uae by thoee ~ might 1ot otllerwt.e .ee the tine • BeA hdPa that uyene' o u J d Jigna. ·' • .. f ~ ClTIZENS gtve u to. the remeOytnc .ot the 1 . lltultlon wu !&ti next k. Or p Cput CoUege CltlSena . Ho~ver E. E . Friable. Chlet. Advt8Qry Committee wtll coqve.ne Sanitation Dtvtalon, Count Health at the, College ,cafeteria for a dlll· (Ooa\llllled oa. ll ner meeting, on Thursday, Dec. 6 &eta ~ pollce to d a 7 at «:~ p. m. Repreaentattvea tif _,.., tn e111•.6d,r • eoUep •ta· Harmony R les-:~=t :e c:::n~~: den& wlloee home la Ill -, , _ , haVff been blvited by the Board at ::,~. i:c:~b=r~ as "'n· ttat ~ Trwi~~-p:~ ptllerins ~bi. ->G will ~.to infOf'!D c-of raci. ' ' -I to the operaUdn.# and p?Gg• X -· p . . -rt --Dablp. u. Grob-A ,_made .., Cout Oollep dur1Jlg mas review "'~ -.... -iou la &1·· ps· Ill and one-bait,...... of eX· -..... "'al-'7 ....... lo lit . Opportunity will a1lto ... Uve 1:1eeetvre.W alter lie W.. g1v for dtlzena to ask quest.lou Opens. Friday ' -~ ~ ......e, ' l!laeh and ...,.,. Saiut& and Jiv\ their .....,ttona. ... 1aun hJ -1'7 -!rlct of ~-Count1 .. to co1iece. lie ,_ and no tiidlYldaal di pro-"8...,. II.I tow,ul.lng 111 ·!H?, Or- Dota"ed ptua Ila-. beeo com-~ -do4 la • fer --tooted the ~ ¢ ""If po.a <;oU.re ha• tlln~ ple(ad to maJre the 1961 Cbrlltn-. -...... -.,.. --• of am~t to the,. ..,1 of .. ti ''""'""Jl!llJ' tuUtlltioa/' - Pn-appu.Uncto-....,.O..e,'.ad-• ctftlllllJ ~ -lo tile pure-anll eeJe fl!ltw Ille ted[Dr. Bull IL Peu.-. p...i- -Mn,Bert (lna.).xorrt.,.,.-. a...-&....., .lie WM~ etUoa 0( the J08 -lt&li<>n del) "It·hUbeen.t.be1'!11loooplly --1ar1.ot Ole al'. w. -Dlatrlctl ot-tbe """"'Y _.10 0t . -.i or·~ to -~ oonunltt... Tbe .Preview -Y .. "11 a.e t.M!i ! ... ! ... lmew," met tn ~ •••loft W 7-on Rt 'tDeel Ute put lllP.. la oclo-_......._ .. and Sat-.iffleeN ,.,,_ D hp M -11IC11t at the coout.Jloiiooe -Santa ,~ ,_ ..t Ufe -,._, tat.·~ l --., Ill'. ·--• .·. -· ' ' ...... ~..;::-.~ ... ~~!':!t" ~ . --\Ul to ..... _, ..... =~ -.,._... .,. u. _. .Nettler"e ..• ,, ... ~ .. . ,,._ ~llCl'.llR'Mlt -..i ta doirC .. ~ JoL" iri i1' .. b)' U.. local l>rnila.• U.. (lit : Iii~ --...,s ~ ~ -Procran! flt ()r. li •• -., __ ,10 D_ M -·a a &118a tho lolat O!.dtaD a,_i-~ ~ l"'fllaallY fO""'I• 1lrlo (lllla. t-..,, bollUI wW '~·r ~-AltM lllilt after '\naklnc • cammllllft>o ofllelaJt:r. -the Cini-WM ... , •• ~ ,_ • • _,_ '9,0laered fer GL-. A et0 w ...,.. 1t tFllls 115 qi ID 1118 Jfffpurt -.. ol l I' ""4 .-If *iJ ...... -....... -. -0& .Jaa. 12. lNS• ail ....... -.. nw..r mp! at •• , ... -1' •• .....,. "J9UW --Wlitll -tllo -of -... .. .. .w...,._eomtSlldp. • ..._ ettatr 111 , • .., la .......... twtM Ute·· Uan Of u.. Mli.ttq.· ._ •llwl~uJCeC«atO.. 1,1r'IN~.--.... L 1.-toot .... __ -A~-..Utteo• llMtllo El laa· ~· ' • lt.19 fllPJI '9.-. . -......-lltaif ............. ~_. ,. M1'1tr·t1£lillll'a1 2•,la .-ID---•"'°' ....... Wlllr a llQI 'I ill «iltNc' ftlOll t•••W&'I' ..................... i....S ....... ta& ellic\10!& IW 6 ...., ·s,,... .._\,...atlln OUlt<aM 1·a,all, sz.-.. ts11 •n+ ._......_ ta . ..,.o,"'7at Apia• ..,. •+* '-...: u. -au. IM...., atQllflll-• 11 m a111zt~ tM& Aptlll lT, I* etti. 1 -....., Pd•_. "211\& ..,_ ... .a. s th .v ..... ~ ...... ~I: Sb "'-......... "1ul1mte .. :: r ,, , ::";, :• .,... !!:.•-"'=llil-~ ~.!! IWl5o .-.,.. •. tlr ... "' n-a aawt ,a,. _ '"" ....-, -· -._ -·· ---19 ... I , ...... ,.1 .. 18& (O " • 1••1) ••fldll14t~--lllliil*"" O-•·r 112 I . • • • • • • • , • • , • ' • • • ' a1o I Cll11111ber to Hold ::.. .. im~ Coldest, . ,.. uw 11111~ .. 111air ..... "-.-~ ..,.., . Sene N11dr ~ o;, ......., at Ille WCll'UIJ' -· Worth¥ 1'atr<lft aad ......,.,.,.. • o1 --·-..... !Mf No. Ml, 0. Ill. II, l wl& to ap..-our ~ ...... piano ti lllel-"'----:----'--'--.:.....t AN,.,.. -welt .u. ...... ' 1.,, ...., Tl.modll1 at Nowpuct llnch, ~ p.a.rw ~ for t11e ~ J1UbUdt:1, -Md .,... lie•~ ll&rbor Cbunbor of Oom-Se Break -"" -oalee U4 ·Pr!nti,,. Plant at Zill ~ ~ Rec;!-Wt .......-, ~ ...,_ IStl!lpdld to ua'.11118 put ,,_, A •""7 lp&dal .......,. Involve a clMril>a' -for wer • la.f ~ llwllr you to ,.,.... ISocloty llldltor, J:tro, Wlnlfftd Barbn f<>< gt.in¥ mo \ocal STOO)ia ~ to al4 needy • The Cl£y c:owM:a -::;;.: --u -.1.cJua matter lme 18, lHO, at tlle potC -. at ., mUdl • .i.~ aed .-•-t Jn ~"--out .,,,; r<po ~ camQla -a ClulltmM llecoJ:a. oow QWtem of ~ . • Newport Beoch, Calltomla. \IJldor u.. Act of Ka:ell s, 1m. """' ~----•·-~ -lfft. , (Ouatllul -..... 1) for Ole -, u.""""'°" ------------------------! ~ bMn woadertlll. Socretary Bay ~Im Aid Ilej>&rlmoftl, oald. DO -can •Y 4q nllhl's --I !'f--a, -()allfonda N JEL Pal's'? .. Aas-But -tar conUDued .._ ..tlll JO'I• fins paper. lb• ch&mbtt oft1ee wUJ .-co 'fhat will baP,.. It that ._. -tkm of Ct'-· ~ = ;•Ql\llllC ~rel!~! Kemtiier x.~-~..-.... AMl6'.UO.. • Oratef'l:Ur Youn. ,uta to needy t~ by taJdac oari. quantit7-of ..,,.... 18 penattted Webb who cte:vtaed tfie-~ aw IMt t llmw --J>cc:> BU.VIA PLAClil, of f&milles to lie aided and u.t!nr to eo1>tamtne•e U.. r1Yw --~to w 1 ~E • Tiie 1'!w llu been a<Ubdred a ~ of .....,.i elreUlatloD by Pu1'11Clty chairman. th<!" tor eetVlct orpnllaUOill to and b1°1id and ocoen waton ror puod, tbO ~ i:: _ Ille .,:s.,, --Oil tlll 8upo.ior Coult of ~ °"'7Dl:J-Is fllllrqaallflod ' • avcW dbpll<AI .. ~ LMt .,_ ~. I dlslta .... • _.., I:=-~=== to pal>!•.., aD ldn4o of lepl ... ad ~-ta. 'l'Uelday, N ... IDbtt 27111 apprulmata17 to ,.,,,.. .-i...i 'l'ro >ala .dutlojoecl Tb••• d a 1 ;!4x~ .. -97illl .. ..,., -'" :z e ----,__-•A-•-•-'"'·-la~ -... -.zi --~-:. •-T\oaP Ben: I ilne IJu'9UP th4 _,,._.......,,.. ~tl tlio ~ -""'""''¥it ~ ::=!...!"..., QoUt. = M OU. lfll\t. -._ -·--~--~· ---·-r-pm. -lbs,._ ...... were -...,,... .tOod"wemipt . ""'el lArs-t -o u•~ le ~ OoatJ'. 'nlo Veetry ol st. J,_. cu,.ects -b7 1wo111uoa, to exprou Ia the CGTltal, a cMmbor oazn, ,..... ., ae -to patdl ti>• vaol. --ffttlrely I Bl!lN 0. REDDICK; OWnor Md Publl•u ROBERT F. WILLME:S, Builn•18 J4anq>er A. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Aclwrtlslng Mmqu -- 8llB!KllllP1'0.N JU.Tl:81 0NllWl'OBT·BAIJl()A P~ ~ Tb......., · 19 0...,. Co1111ty, '3-GO per 1ear; u.oo m moaU..; (.Sl.16 .._ ••llllt) (.&loo lbd--NEWl'ORT-llALllOA NJ!!WB.nDS • ~). 0.-.. -oolsaty Sl.00 per 1-. ' .JIRA VE GALS, BRA YO! Heralding the Christnil\8 Spirit once again will be the Annual Christmas Preview of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Newport Harbor. Their fifth opportunity for the merchants of our Community to become acquainted with their customs and for neighbors to meet in a frlendl~ atmoepbere and appreciate their town will take to the boards of the Rendezvous Ballroom, Balboa, Friday and .&turday nights. Much has been done for the community by these brave young women who ventured forth into "show business" around the walls of the Bamboo room a quintet of yelll'li ago. Much good-acquainting neighbors-presenting wares -&1ld most important, helping young people of the area. Proceeds of the show, after cost.ft are paid, go into the student assistance fund of the B. & P. W. Many girls from the High School and from Orange Coast College have been helped by the profits from the show. ·Residents of our community have also been given the opportunity to see and hear some of the big timers of the entertainment world at reasonable prices through the work ot the women with the patronage of the merchants of the Newport Harbor area. Ina Ray Hutton, Spade Cooley, and this year a 'young man of boundless rhythms, already boaating a hoet of friends here, Desi Arnaz. He baa promised to bring with him Ul aggregation of talent ordinarily impossible to gather for Such a show. The work of organizing the Christmas Preview is no amalf task; it has called for the joint efforts of most of the hundred women who meet every other Thursday around the table to break bread. The Christmas Preview is not pieced together in an evening. It is now the collective best effort of the five co-chairman, four who Have headed it previously. It is the result of concentrated, night shifts 1>y . the "gals" who have·· bridled their husbands, bosses and boy friends to the · shaves wfth the prolnise of an even better evening to come--Bravo! ----··---- SHOPPING IN RUSSIA 1 . It would be a good thing if every American-in this area in which the free enterprise system is under constant attack from within and without-<!ould ·pay a viait to a •retail store in Rui.sia or one of the other communist countries. That would provide an excellent practical test .• of the difference betw~ a free economy, and a controlled, totalitarian economy. In the Rl188ian store, the visitor would find· that all ~oods were rigidly rationed-the average citizen is allowed fo buy just enough to live at a sub&stence level. Prices. cif course, are fixed by the government at whatever level the masters of a nation desire-and, save for a few such :.itaples as bread and !JOlatoes, the prices are always ex- " tremely high in terms of the earning power of the masses. ·High prices are a deliberate communist device by which , earnings are immediately siphoned back into the coffers of the state. • • • I • to 'you tbolr ,,..Utudl> and UM••• tor U... pUblloliY ll>at you heve mltt.e "(Ill !Uda'O wizmen Oil a outtan Illa -!lioir -*'>lit tllidft' Illa plae, e Uti u mi end _..... 16 '- lh'en !!>" a11uu W Pllrlsll ID U.. Prw IUld -It ~ sA&try take-bome t.opb t o'r ea c b ot wu at a ete .... s'IP • ~ wt.c!i 1.:!i.i at il>o 'lJi ol ~ we mtpt --.., be1pod ~· ID bulldlDJ -Porlob OAd turi.het1ns lts work. ' N.,wport"• tlW clloU1dll'. -etore -. 0 I .... -te~ -...... -' . , ' lllnc:.roly T~ ~eccn.tlom In Of' outside. A l"&bd M41..:.I.-Olnt . II ,-'If', ilst&l -• • ...,. a 'l"'1 tl>anktul ,_ E'ln&d , -I • TOM R\J rlLjt prlae ..tQ ... ·--to u.. -•TWI" . ieo -..:. ':u...S:.. Oil one to. ll>at my _, ... . ., -• CJor~ "'the v..uy. -,al«I .--. To...,.W.menf Set --. .........., tor:· -.-asood_., -ill s.i-. Beliloe -· -oltr llmlta. ~ j .I . OOrona dol Mar, N"*port~ oad Tiie Balboo Dupllcate-1lrillp 'l1le -..cJl _.. -Jt .,. "'1ll ":s:l-,.._.. ~ I irllllliM Kartnar'o Mlle ore •Helble to"""" Oii> ;,.tii llold Its ,..._ -poeai a.at 101 -..i lo~ ~~ -"'"1W11 ':! ::~ '!, t~ °':.,."f :u:::i;:,:: 11 --?obit Ope -z= .. u eaut. Jlla!rway Wltllii 11"' ~1¥ 6tll ..-i Clzni~ ...... . ' (C-Unurd from ~ 1) aon btcaUH of injuriea 1u.st.a.lned in an automobile accident. Vt' ood- hou.se wu con1ider~ by Rosso as the outatancttnc-tackle tn the league at tbe~me of the accident. Rona has N.lled halfback Je9M Smith the moat con.e.tatant t.ck that ever pla~d for him. He eel- dom flMhed but wu alwaya tn the middle or the battle. Hal Smith wu an· all around player an• probably would4"have been li.ted on the tlr•t 1tHng defensive tnm had he pJ>yed more v.•hf'n the bpposttion had the ball. ROMO Oplntoa "Manning i• ea.ally the beat de- ren.11lve end I h&n coached." atatPCI RoMo wnen Informed of the group'• ~lecUoia. "I 'm glad for the rut of the boy•-they deserve any honors av."!lt'ded. them . There are othel"I too who might have been considered ~ from our club but I''l'fla gratlned lbat We were t"e\:>reRnled u .we were. I fttl that Jim Keelinf' and Ed M.ayeor wrre all league caliber playtrs and Howard Miller aa\l'ed us many t lmea ln t.hat afety apot, but all star teams a.re hard to &elect a.nd 1 know all coaches fee-I th~ same about lbelr boys a.a I do. Our cha.rnpionahlp wa.s a !.earn retru.lt and not b&Md on any one lndlvidu· al or any pair lhat ht Uie re.uon we end~ up on top and with Uiat kind of a group It It natural that .omeone wtll be Jett off ... and Ille top 1>onM .-Will bo ~ .. !':_~__._at.De IWa,J WI~~~ -Up-'nllln lo· pat .., br tile !Cs: ... t tamed ill on bot ... Dtc. n. ..,__, CM> 18 Coot& -. per ~ --· -.e ~ --and .Prof• IOI' or l'lajo''!"6J •t&l't It 1 o'elock. u -Oout Hlpway,. . to w...,.,., Clul> and tbey do & ~ w:."~~-.i":,. O::..,.A.~ ~~~~r:~•t bo !ff -~Y ts1:1'" ,_ .Fuchsia Society « • 1 • Sets Date for Christmas Party K;•1ed to r .. u ... boopita1Jt1. wiu be lbe annual Cbrislmae part7 wllh wJUCll lbs Cbota M-•Bay au.. llrancl>· of u.. Callforllla J'uchfla Sotlety wm Ulh•• "' thAI }"dletkte eeuon Tuad•7: Dec. f at 7 ~so p .m . in American Legion I hall. w. 18th s1r .. 1. Prognm of the evening. wtll fea- ture Chriatmu readings by Mia Conn!~ Woodl and communlty aingtlll' of ravonte carqla led by Air. Brown. Highlight wUl bo llle appU..ra.nce o( Santa Claus, who \vill dell~er 1ttte. lo ~ryone. On hand a18o will be the orpnlz&- Uon'a own qualified poup ot borr ticulturista to anr#er que.UOIJ!I •nd give winter p.rclen advice. A door prtze ~111 be awarded and ev<'ry member celebraltnc a De- ~cbtor birthday will receive a plant , It wu announced b)' Kn. Etr.a KW\%m&n, corre.spondtng l'ltt~ta ry. An unusually lnterut- 1ng plant table J.s being arnng'ed. :P.fen1ben1 are remlnded to'brlng a gift for th• ~tmu tree, the cost not to exeffd ~ centa. Refre•hme.nU of tc, cream, cake and coffe.t will be served to mem- bers and thelr frlenrt.. Winn-north-uj Oftd Mn. Cl\J .A.tcy. llu'ry wu ~l:':-go all ooat lo.- Catherine lllnlll\ WI Mn.~ ......,...fo -tle 1tarlal&ni.lr-no~onl11o- Ch&rlM 1ftN hip mf'I ...... r··~ D4 Cl\J -..J~ 1t ;ta.a. foJ.0 ev~ Mtrn!;S -In tle d1splic:ale ~-tame . . ---Id ' ult tt . • load time llaflt ;.~ .... played In -Oii ll'>ldllY ...,.. tlle Colet'.J _,.. at. · ' aD · . oee under ·;....· raOt UJj libts· . -tier·tle -1;-....,._ 101 ~; • Jlaur-,. tile·-- ' ---"" aortlt • -u. 1'WO ..UC-le ~ not be ,;,.i .....ieeO tlllll -Rot Stllllnp 1:1\d -~; Oout• Ripft, to -be tft ,ictit heft at~. PVry McAdoo end 0-... Mil· -of'lt IMkle Ute ' , It la a -t)' aftlilr, -; Kn, lleUJ Dw/ean -J'nd 1"-fact \list ,,,_ 1> _. u ldlea fiun uit 'ell-.. J'jor Koi,180n~ Mh. Sdna ;....,,,_ Ud --1ngtl PU.. .-an active m.mbo!ll ~i.. and lira. Pf:py Johlwon; Mr. and city aaume 'that Oout H~ghway nhtMta a1ao repreaen.t ma e ~ Mn. M.. W. Stone. runs north and IOUth waa, atated ftonl ~ entire area. Rwuitte-up eut-we.t were Mn. with the ~ tl>at e nu. ~ Aroae will ~ Ute A . D. Wetherby and Mn. Everett tMrtcal • dfYl.tJon.e: be dJvt!: by m-for dancing and the ..... Tawney1 Ml-a. HeJen 'I'ha-yer and tboae dtrecttona. Thia w over-e~ ;i.o on a hu,-e parade M Mnr. .\.Nythe SubeZblan; Mn. ruled. 11 a. in. Friday. J .. Wilcox oJfd Mn. Arn<ild G... The new system, "".ebb c . nd· ~ la yout fl'iendly ~ ' ser; Kr. and Mn. Edwtn Sylve. ed will avoid praent dµp ft.I Dtelet, Tb.eod.ort: Robina. _.,. ter; Mr. and Mr-a. Charles Jetter. and confUalon artalng tbe f.ftl' ~ bye and I'll be w 1 ,.,. Overall wi,!lnera ln Mond:aya· eatabllshed: numbering. ~ .~ the ctu1atmu Pl•fte•. game were Kr. and Mn.· C.· H. __ J_r--..... ~~~~~~!! Johnaon. Runners-up wen Mr•. More Bii•dc D t I Mildred Lytle end Kn. Robert 1! · • ' !:;;;;n'~:v ~yf~: ~ ;::. 1eo.11n~ ''°"'Pase•>· j DE rH NOnCI S Tho mu Gill and Mn. C. 11:. Irvtn; WOR.O FBOM THI: · . Mr. and Mn. Gerald ·McComber; NORTH WOODS ' lA CE ELMER 13!1YD1:11 Mrs. A. W. 1\1.fnme.1 and Mn. Dutch Gua Wurdlnger Lropri~ I.ti~ Elmer Bn)'diil'. •• of Charles Boardman. · etor of the only two '1~~ng 21'.t 20th at.reel, co.ta ~ Dupltca.te Bridge playera wtll octopuaaes ln the state of~&on. died !W°ed.Deada7 in . Sant& .A.aa m~t m Balboa on Friday evening sent Thankaeiving rree p to ~ty hoapit&l. Be ... a al • 14 Eul Ocean ll'ront With play I H&rJior folka throufh lb d<pL nat , of Ohio and ·had -ID •t.arUnc at 7 :30 and on · Mooda.y So a few days late. here' 1 e Gus' the r &re& for the put .-wn att;.ernoon at 1 o'elock. ha.f,py holidays. He la .unlftd 'by hl8 wtte, . For anyone who miJht n t haw Mart., ~ca of· th• -~ ld- H b d S · L d Heard of lhal tranajaled rile d~, tllree eons, El~ X... ..... US a.n 5 ee a Y before Dut<:h Guo ,opera an In· ;;:,.z., aad llObel't I( pf OOol& • • IJll'Oo daupten, Mn. Jlllb Angler . Fish Films •lltuuon, known ~tn.nge11 ourh E. ...;,den. Mn. <CltarlH &.' rleJ . . .. Dutch Gua Cornea. on wy. 99 and · Mn Fred Lambert, fll at · · Huabands of female flUl ou.tstde ot A.lh,land, Oregoa.. jEvery· ,.._,,_ M . . ... _ ..... __ "--T ermen one -and I mean. e.cryon.-who ---ua, one ... vWACf• .,.., . • from Newport BartJ;or. wbo stay travels through that fln~-T atate Snyffr at. Loa Anplea. 18 ,ranil• home while the women are fiah-t hlm ' d Bl h :......... chll4ren and two great grand- \nl'.-ft'er:e ci'tlUl a break at UM: lut 0 see "'-an ens= •--ch.Odren. . • roffJ.iDI' ot th• N__;__. If.arbo book and then he sends ord to l"\tneral een1ca: wm be Mid .. __ ... r t.h.18 d@t. a~ hi.a vial :. l.ady Ana'lers. Tboy were shown So, it you're ever. be nortb, Sa~ay, 11 a. m. ln Gra.oel cha-~Uon picture. of the la.d.ie&--e.nd don't forget to stoJ)Dy bla tepnt~ pel. with the Rev. P . G. Neunwm e~eoJ.ng flshlng. establl.shment. And if you' g·o1ng of Costa Mesa BapUtt church of .. The plcturea were shown by nctatlnc. Interment will be in Bud (Zippo) Strallnc, plley boy to stay home, wait for wo from West.minster Memorial park. on tbe Sport Kin&, who epeclalias 1 b.tm, because. Re always re rta in ln color movte.s of fiab and their to h1a local frienda. I DONALD L BA.VBIENS captors in action.. WHA~ YOU DOING Donald L. Biublens, &O, of 808 The hu.ebands &loo wwo fed ap-THIS WEEK END f Acid& St., Corona del Mar, died pie pie, cheese and coif•. It's beat to -remind f of the TUsciay · at St. Jc.epb ha.pttal Alao, there wu a buaineu meet-fine celebration we're ha g Fri· after a brief 1.1.lnea. inc-. d&y and Saturday. The annual A native of Virginia, be had DurinC' the latt~r. Olive McKen-Chrtstrnu Preview, red by lived 1ln Callfornl& fin ye&n Uld zie, P~•ldent, read a letter from the Busineea • n d Prot astonal ln the comtnunlty about e monUla. the Ocean Fi.ah Protec:Uve A.uc>-He Wu a member of the Muon1c elation a.skln.J all l.be. help Ule Ba£:".the Renduvoua Order. club could give . in defeatlnc the Both evenlnga:. With a bl danc-SutVfvtng are hi• wife, Kuy measure before the Flah and Game in« on Saturday· night_ Ba&lblena o{ Corona. del Mar; a Com.m!alon De:c-7 ln Eureka, 'lbe object'• to show f daurhter, Mary Jo Baubiena of which would allow seiners to take fine Cbrtatmu shopping eorOba del Mar: three &tltef'lt Xra: ancbovi• herrtq a.ad other amall nlties the have here. w. E. .Hocklnr. Hn. Lucllle :eer-. tlsh for reduction puryoaea. display J; the tine JITOd gren lllhd Mn. Amici& Frleted, en Mira. McKena:ie &lao announced fered Jocall for a.ho of 1'todte1Ur, Minn., apd: a .tep. that Dorothea Kinltather, Doro-can look a( 'em get PCb silt.er, Mrt. Vlrg1nla Gale ot Cor- t.by Stie.ve, J'ean Carlisle. Eva Ora-ideas, then cUck ' ur bee ona del Mar. Mm, Glady• Brothers., Ida Nayl<?_r music afterward.yo .Funeral atenicee were held tz>.. and Ptpey Jobn&on have been nun· So don't forget the Wlinea.s day at 2:30 p.m. at Balta mortll· ed to serve on the nomJnaUnc B be and lb lr ah , ary tn corona de.I Mar wtth Rev. committee. She aleo reported that a 1 e ow· Hollis Andenon. otrtcl&Ung. LoC:al plana Aft procnsstng for the J .Muons acted .. pallburen. In· Cbrlatmas party to bo 11"."" lbe C.Ouncil Asked · to tennent wu 1n ·Kein>ee Allboy. handicapped children of Oran~ · 00un11 0ec. u . · Pave Third Ave ·ue I ' ~ PRO~ESSIO'IAL if A OIRfCTORY ~ . , r.?·.:e.-:.!: a. ...... ""'' ..... ·• an 'IE• a 1111& .. ,,, ............. • • , ' • ' Harborites Home From Honolulu Bridge ond Conosta for Lido WClt*Wl • f II .ANGElABRA . FROM SWEDEN .i.e .,,, .. r .. "._. t'rsvat ... ftq----~Nilul • 4.50 I Karen Mer~t~ ·IMPORTS· 130'7 Cout Bolllevard G>rocaet Mar, Barflor lS1'S • • C 0 AT AND SlU I T REDUCED TQ COSTI 100 'ii-WOOL $40 to $50 VALUES FOB $25 to $30 ~ Cl()tAesH01st14t. %15 MAllL"<E' A ft ' ' BALBOA l!llAM> ID.>® W®W lEW©~ That. Continuous Stock Q~lw and lat• News Are Available .A - LAGUNA llACH OfPICI Bank or Laguna Beach Bldg. Ph. 4-111!6 Complete Brokaop Fadlldeo , Tnm-Laz Scoclc Tldim Statistical Ubruy IUld Jl.;..,lna ._ . . Y out order to buy or odl liaed stOCb, bODdl • - modities will be executed wirh tpeed ud 11CCU111CJ over die nation-wide leased printe wite .,._ tltllt- nccting our 16 Califo"1ia oftica Ind oar Nnr Yodt office with principal Eastern tnding !'Ollterl. Stadf. rical facilities &tt maiorafned f« J'Ollf cmmiie- DEANWITTERltCO. .._._,. New ,._. .... I ' P Pr • .... %# Ill CM .... ....., 91 f~• ...JJ2;S -I i.. .................. . LOI uee=• . UM l'IAMCllCt -- Ship Wedding - Plw Told at Hold.y Oir.vr Yosemite Couple Vacationing H~e · .Dttv..C ~to~ lhe pn- ~-111 tbe Nl' .-are II&: and Mn. Wtwam !loo<cl>eld•" Wlto an ,., ktng ttielr home la .. _ -Mr. Botct>-. .. employed With the Y oeemlte ""'k -CUrry Oocnpoay. Mra. Bate.held.er ta the former JUD•tte Qury, c1&u1hw ot Mn. ltutlt CUrry Bur;na of CUa Verd< Apartment., Newport Beach and OUa de MJU\&D& of Balboo. The TOuni couple, who were m&rrkd la.It J•ly, wUl epmd moet of tbelr ~e &t caaa de Mana.na on tbe t..y, where they can enjoy boating with Mn. Batcbe.tder-'s twtn brotlli- er-John Cu!'T}', who lit manager or Cua de: Ma.nana. The Cuny twJn. a.re gT&ndchiJ, <it-en of the la-le Mr. and Mn:. David A . CUrry, rounders or Camp Curry Ln the Yoae:mlte valley. Harbor Folks in San Francisco Mr. a.Ad Mrs. Erneat Saltlg of Lido Iale: a.re Just back trom San P'tanellcO. 'nt~y new up on Nov. 21 with John MacLeod or Ha rbor laland, who was on a business tr1p and epent Thanka&1vtng with their datehtw, Ki.es .Jean Reed. They .... alt-Ille lllanto..d-Oal came and. vtaited ttten.da. · The UdO IaMre returned Sun- day 'With a gTOUP ot 10 ln Mac- Leod'• ble plane. Miss R.ffd w ill be home from Stanford Dec. 14 for the bolktay& Tony Finley Arrives at Orange Hospital Born on Sunday at 9:30 p.m. In St. Joseph hospil~ wu a 8 pound, 15 ounce eon to Mr. and Mra. Lyle Finley, 208 ~ Onyx &Yen\le. He ha.a been named Tony Finley, first name for hla grand- father, Tony Herahey or Balboa Island. Ria mother ~ the h>rmer Ruth Hershey. Thi• le the flNl &'f'&lldchild for the Allton and MJna He.raheys. popular oWncrs or the Market Spot. NOW! New t..ow;er PrlC'eA In Flf>i•her'a and Beehl~·f' -YARNS Jean Campbell Weds Navy Man A romance wlllch ~ lut year In BaJboa culmiaated on Tuesday, Nov. JO wlten two young- people repeated vows tn St. Al- ban'1 Epbcopol chut'Cb, WeetwOOd. Th e bride Is the tormU Jean Campbf:ll, a&uchter olt Mr. and )fro. Clay 'Campbell of Von Nuys. promlnent member-. of Balboa Yochl dltb. Tiie ~ lo Dl.vtd W, W"-1, -ot Ill ond Mn. J, R. WU-ot IU- Mr. Wl1aon II the nephew of Mr. and MNI. 1'1oyd Krann, Cltnon Apt.a., tOOV Weet Balboa. boUJe- •a.rd. It waa wh.11e vUtUng tllem that he met hil bride-to-be. Both Were &ttendlnc UCLA Md con- t inued their trlend.M.lp alter acbool •tarted. Jean la a member ot Zeta TMt Alpha aorortty and David le 1 Theta XI. He hu been at the U . 8. Novy bu< In San Diego. Afte< the cerenony the twple Jett rw Wuhlnllon. 0. C. Where llloy will make their borne fer two )"Mol'8 while Davkt a~· the N&lfJ School ot Mu.sic. Vera Williams Shops in Frisco Vora Wini.ma of the v.,.. WU· llLlM' Gift ond Art C&Jlft'l' left Wedneeday for San P'rancleco to pic k up newly arrtV9d Ohristmu imports tor-her Balboa tatand a.hop. Christmas Bazaar Next Wednesday Newport W. 8 . C. 8 . wtll ltold thei r anoual Cbristmaa "••r-al Good.JI ball on Wedn~, Dee. 5, 13 :30 a. m. There will be booths ot clothJnr, tancy w,ork: And sift.e. Luncheon will be lel'Ved from 11 :30 to 1 p. m., doua:b.nW.a' and coffee all afternoon. A buttet din· nt-r will be &er'Ved from S-:30 to 7 :30. The public Is invited. Librf'ry Books · Must be Returned 1.frs. Dorothea Sheely, city lL- brarian, announcee that libr'&r)' books must be rdumect not lats than Salurdoy, Dec. U . The libe- ary wlU be cloeed to Ule puiblJc Ull- til the flrat of the year. Attar t.be SOX. SWEArF.R and holidays, 1ervtce wUl be retrumed BABY YARNS a croas the street, above Red Cl"Olll 48¢ ..,. up beadquorton. The chonc• la nee-~ e.ultated by the ~ ot' the • library. B.~-~~-K~~~E Bicom_b_o_. C-lu-b 1 lk==;;===~!;;;;;;:;==;;;;;;;::==~ · -· •n• · . Earns Eqiupment .===:==:=::::::=::::::::::::::::::~:;:::::;:~=====i ' . ' ONE OF THE RNEST SELECTIONS OF 'IOYS .. , 1HI . AREA -WI mas FAit PllCD • IOI • • ' IXA..U -SO DOW . Reg. 12.50 now only I.SD II Reg. 1.95 Only 4.98 Re9. 10.95 now onl)t 6~'5 R..9· 4.98 '"'*only • ~ .. ' • Junior Auxilia,.Y Group Trains for VA Hosptal Woric Y, ..OV. 19, lt&t' • '"ss-8 M !Q iit 1lw C )& .. 017 I ... ~ ... ~~~.:...~..-~~~-J~~...,.~~~~~~~~-"~- 1'.': ', lJ ~A:~ -· ?I 5 "' ....... ,,.. ............ ' 01• ., .......... _.,_._ ... 2 ., ••• __ 1117'• ....... ,. 2 ll1ola. lo .... ft,. -. .. .. ..._... Ulla ~ aa llt _. ' 11-tor tbt 6« -• n ..... I ?!tMllS Ullol}ll * - -u.,.t V. ~ af --:',":?,.JI, -.n tnaP1t11•8ope..ao • 12• =·•• ... l··•·.~·-· tt.'8 ] ...... -..a. au" •• ,., .• ., tall 0 I I NJ 1111.rtiiM • -. ... ,. irtzs a dmdl'M,. ldl1t ......... •· ._ af ~ ':._.;,;t ,..._ ... ~"" OO"lflol• .. ' •• t .. -,. lllo ---··· ..... -_ ... ~ .. ~ '.:: .... ~u..-. ......... ---... q< ·--.... --w•1e11 .,.....-, • •rr•c •11tm'Mttca ~a.. 'l'k*ltator:ttw. ·-~· ........ .atJ oc· *Jr 42 • '... -:We ~ ...... flL tM a '-s::t' ,..._... --__ ...., t.lo-Of~"' --,.... .. 9 ly. at ... ,.. •• .,.,... ... &t ~-rilbohold ..... t .....,_ ..... -.~-.... :. = ot tlio Galiory. -W07. ' ~ .., .. Mr. au-. .. r1ai•1 t ., o.ou .i .... , be "eL-.. ~-!..-H-- ....... .....,...,. '---.. te tW ~ I -V'llnrl ~, •• -. _. ..._ -.... _ ..._ B . ..... ,..,._ ar• -••• .,., ~-1nere1!c.U.• --y •......... ..., '!It Kn.l a.-4. m.i. 1111 ~ -.. -i.r ~lat.riot ~· o..u...s '""* oi .-....... un; plaa ""· Uie nnoo:t. pa-~ ~112 ~'1MI­ .... ., Mme. -. -.. le!•rid, .. ..-...,,.~.,,._,.._ ,'Tl-~· •udlo:•,-~••· ., ~·No.:a aad liu ••t z• i.I •-i.1r 1 t+ lllo ,.._. '••h•ceptKro. -1 llM<teHhd t"~~.:!::.t::' ~~ 't g.:. ':.:!:.· .:~·:~.::: tn1Apt~ ';" .. and a l&llor and hi• lter-· huband, Dr. OIWer G. ~w­ .. ~. ii cleared for action. Tbt! .. U:.-with .a e pound,. I ol.DOe'l'boy, st'lldlo ta small,. W1th .no ctvttel". wbo will cliortly come .when C4lled W..U., ,,.., com~ plywood. per-•John.'' lobO bopeoJ 1 , tcrt•beClccn>und for picturea. bllt H.ving' a bll&rious time aeyway UMd q · auah only for a show of were: ·Mmes. PauJ Moore. Hlrlan the . ~-Dyke SuJnmer echool. Griswold, Froyd Buell, • 4!110mu A. few .pM:turea ready for delivery MacMutera, Maida Shank, .Mutt D\fr3 lt&Dd ou the noor, olhe.rwiAe Howe June Quarles and t)l.e hoat-~an oaly • n.a P • b 0 t • of ea with her-arm in a sling . Brudt'1 · utllt wl!e . Joan lrvtng ' Ud thelr chJJdren. on and e.boW t¥ .dNk. A ftle cabinet. archl- tectuta) dra'Mn,. board twtth • Kay Finch headleu cat for water Pol) and a chal11e longue In the Family Dinner at Ring Home bi.r wlndO\\'. ready for a moment Dotoree and Mike Roetnor a.nd or ~axaUon, complete the fur-aon Nicky of cutJe A.Ir hue. M:er- nlahfng:a. ced, were gueata oirer Thanbgtvi tn auch a setting BrMdt ca,r-tng wttt at the home Cff Mn. rtea dn hls diverse activities. One Roetnor's parent&, Mr. and MN. day .each week he teaches at Ha4d Rlng of Udo lale. Chouinard Art school In Loe Ah-G&thertng about the holkiay (elea and he serves aa co--ordto.a-table were Mr. Roet.nor'1 pa.rents, tor tor the art trainlnl{ program Mr. and Mns. Rev. (not reYerend) of the Los Angeles city echool Mr. and M>-s. Rev Barkua at e~em. He lectures !requeril!Y Corona; Kr. ·and Mre. Gordon for other schools and co11eg1'!s. ff91lin~ead, parent.a ot th e &11.d •d~uea various art a.uocla· hoete•: Xra. RI n I"• • t • t er. lions. Each year he teache1 a Mre. Ebba Webb: MlJte Dnna Rine. sum.mer term at his Brandt-Dyke Jack Rnlnunond, both or USC; BDl ~ool whJch will be coming into R1ng, ,n<t the.host and b~ lta efxth eea..eon. It was far thi.8 :::::::;::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::= that he compiled hJs textbook on water . color painting ."'blch bas eludes studies and lecturea on wide recornJtlon. theory · ot• color and llJht as it He 13 a member of the Amert-con.cems the 'eaael . painter), and can Waler Color .OCiety and has design. In the latter c la.ae he a moet lmprualve llet at exhibit• wu for two and a half years to hla credit. In Ca1ifornla be chtef designer for the South Cout. hAI h&cl ..,. ..;... qhlbtt. at Cali-.-. ,_,.,.,, . ...-inc ·1n ,...in. 'fofnta Pf.lace of Ute Leg1on at teonce and the uee of wood and Honor. Crocker-galierY. Sant a ateel in ocn:utructlon. For four Barbara museum. l.ong B e a c h y~an he wa'.s prtnclpe.J partner Art Aasn.. Chaffey Art Aasn., &ad .chief dealper for Rex Brandt Fresno. State college, Loa Anl"elet A:RocJ.at.ee, BA otnce wt th st.x men muNum and two man shows wttll which had the largest volume of lmesular llb=pea h1a wUe al Oowte plleriea, Loe -bommercia.l and l'NidenUaJ dellg11 BEA.OOH 1111 M.-, -- EXPE&T SHOE _·BEBOll.DINO AND DYDNG AT · Jl.EASONABLE PIUCES ' ,,_...,..__ Ange.Ju and at San Diego gallery1Ltn Or-ange Count'Y for-two ~an. CJoeta .._ llatt'-I nw-r---. HI• p&lntinC"• have hung in all A:e coJor con&uJt.aJit his pre-war !111 Newpott a.d. 109. !2nd Newpott BMdt the import.ant pJleriea Of t.be work via.a W1th G. Stanley Wlleon, I -;:;::;::;::;:;;:;::;::;:~:;:~~;:;;~;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ nation, t n c I u d In r Metropolit.u IUwntde arcl'l'Jtec:t, in war bou. = lluaum of Art, A.rte Club o! 1n.f proJecta. n.e Harbor area ChJcaco. Natk>na.J Gallery of Art, i-efl.ect.e his p:ntua fn euch public Wuhln.gton. D. C.. Art Institute buikltnfs. u Ot8JlC! Ooa.sC, college, ot ChJcaro. San Francieco Mu-Horace l!:nstgu Khool. Blrt.chec aeum of Art. Denver-M u a e um, buiJdlng, wtth othe!' notable buJld· Addlaon Gallery, Mua., St. Paul Inga the Etlu club at Oraace and Academy, Texas, a.nd &cores of Santa .Ana an. d the Copejand others. Medical Clinic at San Ma.rlno. Brandt'• educ&UonaJ background The BaJbo& PaYillon, Somera tncllJclu not only study or art but and CUlbert.eoa. buildings 'on Cout counea kl architectural hiator)• Highway, Surf and SUh hotel at and mudl or hie work U u ook>I' Laguna are Brandt'• work u an OOftM.lltan.t. Thle overl&pe I n t o Harbor homes of R. L. Crutcher floldo et laterlQI' dulper. ltore A. flenlll·ll8netti, Walter llelloltt -dollper, arcbltectural de--John-utd .&me -.icn O< .. -In lllo fleldl ot - .............. ~' In bllot""'•"'-"' -be -"'°' 'l'bentore ldo pcl0[0-01 U• -fOr P'orcf n-Md -~ lllcllldeo: -.. palat-·.....-, lllld auutmao - er, llNhlW, -(wllleh.111-~.-,la a..__-. ' MO.NTH EN .SALE! A ROUP O.F , DRESSES co:A s • SUIT SKIR S, 1209 Co•at • :M A£.k I '_S· SMffK. 1 SNOW ··M N C.2IJ1 PRICE ~. LJPt from c.6 ·s11ow1 thru · . ·lwllon taol• f.ce1 t-lrich ai2e ·---U.•. ' ' . .............. Sbes •.• MenyGAI '.';::-SC. Wreppift91, Etc. • • • - • -' ' • • ' ' ' .. ., -Charter. Members .. Honored; Others lnitiat~ by Legion Auxiliary . · DANCING Harbor Residents. Take First Aid Charter members of the New- port Harbor American .L " s I o n Auxiliary were given ata.r bUllng at the regular Unit meellng Moa· day night. among such ett.racttona as • flag ceremony by )lie Glrl Seqµt troop •ponaored by the a~-Six beach resldenta wen ~ illary and an iDltlalk>n of new (he 65 hwtiYiduala recetvtas in-. mtmbera. 1tMJCUon tn nrst. Ajd tn octobei 'ftle two charter members pres-tbrough the. Sou~em Ono.s'e erit read ht stories of their re-, County CJiaPter, A.lnerican Red ~ive years. 1928 and 1929. Cross, 1104 Wut l:lpth St.., 'San- puoviding Inspiration for new ta Ana. rriUowins the 11 bDUr me ml oers.. and a touch of nOBta.1-COUt'8e wttJch coven emerseney aid glp tor the "int~rmedlatett." 'Ml.e to the injured unUl a doctor a r- t "!(O .spttial guests w e r e Mrs. rtvea, Standard Pl.rat Aid certlft- Ev~lyn May. from Loa Angeles. catu have been lllued. and Gladys Thompaon, both paat Mildred Mat.hews of Coat& Meta presidents. waa volunteer lrwt.nfctor for the S<-out Advancement eourae completed by Don Graham, The Girl Scout rotor advance· Andrew J . Oliver:, Barbar& Dun- m~nl ceremony was enacted at son, James Dun.eon of Newport;, the· open ing or the unit meeting &.nd R obert High ot Corona deJ b)" inembers or troop 26. who alao Mar. Doug Allen ol Balboa re·. te4 the group singing "America." ceived lnatruction during Uie- As they stood at attention an month of October with lruit.ructor American nag wM prlsented to Robert Boma. tllf:m by Community service chair· New Information on flnst aid tn men Lucille Gehres. Members or atomtc attack waa included in tht> tJi.e troop participating were: Penny training, and Newport Harbor Bennett. Brenda Blower, J u I i e Brandt.. 207 Island A venue, Bal· Bo'uchiet. Bargene Brunnell. Begay boa with the chapter la working f\umham, 0 a r I I en Wightman, with local clvU defense authoMtLea Patty Fruehling. Carolyn Gann. in a.n attempt to train en ough Susan King. Janice Kinnan. Mary people that there will be one first Lee, Judy Lovell. Marie Patter-akte r In every hOU9ehold ln CaM" son , Gayle Peter80n. Joan Reed. of any natural or war-caused d~­ PRl'l'ITY MiM llAIUIAaA PllOJl. of 0--d<I lllac, wllo - •PP"'" "" Allee I• the BMlaNA aad Prolne&oaal womea•• C'llrt•t.m&!J P""1't.ew show eetl&Jed .. A.lice lD the \l'onclffland al Fa~on" appMora to be hnU..s ttu;ourh .the ferui looklq fn1 ttM-Mad lhtttt. Jt'1 aot that hard t.houP Just c• to t.tte Rt-.ndn.vou.s BaJ.troom oa .Friday, Nev. SO to 9oN Allee and ber "'ondl"rlul dbco\'f!ria. f Photo by Becknerl ·-SuSan Rush. Sharon SI n ir.e r . uter. I Antionette Thomp so n, Unda Y ou·ng Dancer Harbor Boys Home to Be 'Alice' , Waltz.e. and Patt,:.• WUcox. '''New members Initiated in an Impressive can<11f"li~ht ceremony Were Mesrlames Maxine Connell, Anne Jo~a hlbcrg. Adeline Jacks>n, A Oce King, and Edith i..,..urte, and J linior members Colleen R u pp, .tnri Gavtha and Myrna Bouchey. Ttie rit~1al waw conducted by the Ne~·port Harbor team. From Pomona in Xmas Preview HOSTESS HOUSE WILL REOPEN ON . SUNDAY ffo9tea11 HoUM: on Balboa Island. famous tor tine food will re-open for thr winter &Cuon alter hav· Dl•trlrt GUf'at8 .-ynotflclal> but welcome guests the evening were Me9darnes Yamae Jone8 and Ve8ta Tracy. t DlstrlC"t president and secre· , respectivt"ly. Mrs. Jones will y her oftlc1al visit to the local t in lt{arc h. ospital ch1lirn1an M I I d red ds reported Oil activities dur- the brief busjnes.'4 s e s .s I on. e, t,pe 18:\t meeting tour trips 'llteeD matJe< 1 to Lonr Be&ch Seymour Beek, Gene Cnlln an<l Bill Schmidt, all Harbor boy1 no\v rreshman at Pomona College en· joyed the Thanksgiving ho lidays at home with lheir tamlllea. At the recent claM elections at the college Gene Crain wu elect- ed Claas HL!!ltortan and Bill Schmidt was e lected Fre•hman class representatives to the As- aoc:iated Men Student• of Pomona. The football b&nquet waa held last week and Bill Whitman and Bill Schmidt both received their fool· ball letters tor playing on tht> Junior Varsity team this yea.r. The t eam was tied tor the champ· ionahfP unUI their very lut gj.int which they I~t to Occidental. Gene Crain Is active In Dr&m!l and Seymour Beek le gotnc ou 1 for the swimming team. The pnrt or Allce -"Allce lr\ a inl(' been cl<>Sl'd tor a brief ~·· Wonclerla.nd or Fashion•" tor the lion and alteration period. Com- Chri3t1naR Preview fu~lon ahow ntenclng Su.nday. Dec. 2, lbla rea- to be hel<1 tO'lllorrow night 1 Fri· tauranl will be open fro{JI 2:30 un· day. Nov. 30.1 will be played by t ll 8 ::10 p. m. On week day1 tt Barbara Ann Peck, age 10, daugh.1 will br open rrom 5 to g p. m. ex- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Peck C("pt tor th<' cuatoma.ry one day a or 60U Carnation. Corona del Mar. wttk cloalng on Wedl"lead•)'J. Barbara hopes tor a career in Winte r stylt> Smorsgubord tea· tl"lcvlluon and allied arta and ha..s turlng a varll'ly of hot dlahee In been st udying toe dancing •_Ince addition to the traditional Loter· she vro.s rour )''ears old. She hter· national apjM'tlzerl, sa.lada •lld ally dan<"es as &he walks and Mrs. a la carte dlahes will be ava.tlabl«! P eck Mys her daughter waa "born u well aa a v.aricd aandwlch menu. on her toeR." Barbara wu bom HCM1tc88 Houae facilities for in K1t.nsas City and hu bee.n here catc rlng for parUea. weddtnga. ~·1th hC'r parents for three years. club affair•. and tcttpUona tt..ve Harvest Theme for Rebekah Meet ~en expanded. Party reaervatlona or coru1ultatlon may ht ' made with Mrs. Wheato" at Harbor 2365. ' .~ ... ' ~ . , -tr\1111'1' SVJfl J ' ·ors,. ":Na ..... ..., •••"•It .._tr,, ' ;. ·~w.~•N .. \V!l)~l.D s· ... · co.L.\fDE'', -Aloe - WAYNE •Oll&lll IN &XCITINO AOftON Ar 8EA ''YELLOW FIN" SIDDIZ ~TINEE SAT. 11~ 3 SRIACS -' SUNDAY.TUBU TUESDAY nuT &UN? CLAUDmE COUER-T MaoDQNALD OAKEY la "LETS MAKE IT LEGAL" PL0 81 STERUNO HAYDEN VIVEPA LINDFORS la "Jo.,..y Into LhJl_tt" ,. ···-•••• l'VDJ>-.~ Olofed 11-y COMJIUTI DINHHS "'-11.50 "' p ,i£ T&OPIOAL - DBINllll ~"9 1 ..... bdrini .. fAHITIAN SICYIOOW v .... PatWac ....... '" · VISIT THE .NEW HUT OD Oou& Hlw..y, Lal"uU Pboae t..eoll for BeKa waU.- C&o.ed OD Tuellclaya VA hospital. and patients have been entertained al Legion Hall. Two o f those trips were made Nov. 18 M d when various mem· bers atlende<I an ortentat.lon Cl&BH in the a.flernoon.-to. be joined by more Vol~eer_a la.tw for .. Mt he. Bingo 1pa:i't.Y ven .toe 330-. pe..- t ients by the Newport Harbor Legion and Auxlllary . About 30 helpers Crom the two groups wei-e on hand to aM1ist patients a n d serve refreshments. The other two trips were escort services corp on their regular Tuesday a.ssiJtTlment . and, on the l~. to help gift wrap Christmas gifts for the men':E Not~d Hypnotist to Re'ad Pdtms at Xmas Preview Harve:1l L1n1,.. with It.ti abundance or rrult tand rlowl'rs In the rich tone• &el by nature'• av.tumn pal· rtlr an<1 rt•flected dccoraUvely in lhf' Odd Ft'llows Hall, Coela Mesa "''hrn ltfeq Rt'bekeb Lodge No. -102 convenrd Tue8(tay, Nov. 20. Local Shop Features Vogue Gift Collection ... -8·•C-.·•-· .. -8~AY .. l'U~AY FISHERMEN'S ·~,~Fl~~~ -C~JLt!O~~~ ramilies. . Harbor l .. unrlwon Among lbe booth dlq>la.)'11 at the Pat Churchill, noble grvld, pt'e· Christmas Preview this week end 1 Bided. Reporlt"d on the akk llllt in the R.endenous Ballroom will were Eatelle Bowman of Corona be one decorated with signs or the del Ma r . zodiac. Then, on Saturday night. At thr el08(> or lhe business an Arthur Knight. prominent Fuller· hour or soc:iabUity wa.a enjoyed ln ton hypnotlet and palmistry ex-the banquet hall where refreah- pe.rt will hold forth to adviee and ment8 were lel'Ved., ConUnulnr the a.muae. harvest teativlll theme of the oc·· Major Knight holch a bechelor cu.Ion w ere the table appoint· of science del't"ee and hu atudled mrnt.s which featured central ar· the art of hypnotism exten1ively. ra.ngt'mMts or vivid-hued fruit &nd He spent ""' yea.r• ln the" U . S. brlght-h\•rrlf'd pyra.ca.ntba. Orange .. 10 ~H 1 dCEi ~ 'su'ttie" llEA!loN'll °""~ Once &gain Velma O'Brien·• Speclalt,Y Shop In Corona del Mar ,. ~~· .. 1 •.;.. hu bttn chO&!." ·to repre.mt • .. '~ a • ~ Vogue maga..aine w1tJI Vorue·1 col· •..W..0 · • _ 'AN,. .• .lectlon of tuhlonabJe &lflA. Or. Ill.I "' display at O'Bdena are aucb Vogue'••••••••••••• aeleclk>n.a u compact. by Hattie 11 Carne&1~ and fau.l Flato; lrtlll I-------------- llnen l'tliAdlicttbl•fll"tiJ' &Intel a.ad Innumerable glittery ~ earrings, p Ins 11.nd nttkl&cee. O'Brien. ll: located at lfl:ii Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. 8uperiattve l>'7 (JIMolal' EXO'nO FOODS 1 TH C-Ot 111..S., 8o. LAGUNA BEACH KATRLEEN-Dlatlasai- n&ertallllDMat After NIH ,_ . , .. 'D~D END KIDS . in 'S ... UGG&aS COYE' NOW OPEN . SATURDAYS. and SUNDAYS I • .· "· ,\ t""' At the monthly hospital picnic tuncheon held at the hall Nov. 21 . t he boys wf!re ~reeled by Mayor ~· L. lsbell who dropped ln to w elcon1e them to Lhe harbor are.a h.nc! extend wishes for a happy ~oilday. According to chalrmen ( .. yd1a Briggs and Adraln Joyner. lhe men ar~ n1orc con vinced than ver thKl there Is no ~ot1pltallty uite hke th~ local va-r1ety. Army Air Force uslng hi• know-candles and au:.umn lea.vet contrl· SISTER VIN.ITS ledge or hypnoti8m to prevent air bute<t to the ga.la etfecll. A ~·tt k end guest at the H. c. sickneM and now ls working with I Viola Beckett efficiently cha.Ir·· Lounabe.rry home. 1940 Maple doctol'!l, den Uat'.1r and p&ychlatrtau 1naned the h08tesa committee. She av~nue, Costa Mesa, wa.a Mr&. ln Ora.nge cvounty. was Ul'listed by Glady• B1rd and Lounaberry'a alater, Mrs. Lotta LIDO CLEANEB8 .,,. N-rt lllvcl. 008TA Hl:8.\ ""'\11.' •'-VINCENT'S 11~~~~~~~~;3 .. ;?.;. · I At the conclusion of the meet-~g. refreshments were served by ostesses Vivian Hale~. Carrie upp. and Mona Hayden. ----·--- j:hristmas Party for Mothers Club I Ollendared fo r the Mothers ~lub of Job's Daughlers, Costa ~e!.a BethC'I 1~7 ~ lh~ annual Christmas party and g;n exchange 6tated for Wednesday, Dec. ~ &t t :30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. A lva Gunn. li82 Moprovia &ve- .ue .. Costa Mesa. Gifts are limlt- td to onr dollar. Mrs. C. M. Tuck· .... •nt'wly 1nslalll'd pre8ldent of lh•"' club, w11J preMtde HAMMOND cJoRD ORGAN ALL EI.ECrBIO ' You can play rtch Organ mualc at .once. without a 1in(le 1-..; try one . tn your own borne all by )'UW90lt. Daia~Sdliltidl "Plano Co. I .. x ..... •fA ~ o..-•. -- He states that hypnosl'!I 18 no Iva Coe.. Low of Lot .Angelee. longer cla.ued a.a witchery and Ulat it la a powerful tool for Jnod· ern .science. Today, hypno&is Is used to (ive the patient direct re· liet which la called aupportlve therapy. Major Kn.tcht will pruent pro- ceed• from bl• booth to the BUat· nesa and Pro!eaak>n&l W'i>men'a club, apoll.IOrinl' the Chrl1tmU Preview tor use In the club'• bene-o- (il tund City Scrap Drive Now Ready to Go Newport Be,.ch'a e.ttort to get in the national ecrap drive l8 now underway, Hay Langenheim, aec- reta.ry of the chamber or com- erce, diaclQ9ed today w It b an- nouncement of a chamber ICTap oommlttee. Headed by Cha.rlu Beecher. cha.lrma.n. the committee lnclude1 Leo Benalnl. L. W. Allm and Larry Nellon. Th,....P malllnlf ot post.al carda. t b e commit 1'111 ull local !ndu.ltry to collect """'P' llteeli Iron. ·ooppw and' lead. Wben ocn.p pliell -reaey for coDectlon. •c1ty lnlcla will pick them up for caztace to the clt,y coiporatlon yatd, ~ aakL J 1Wh_en the city ocrap la lady for -.... Natlona..l Production-Au· tborlt,y will oen4 -doalera Oom 1- Allpleo to bid 00° the material CbeCka will ba made out to the clt;y and the dlamber. The clwnber IUqeola that the -,_i--be lumed over to ~ "'"'-lal llo9Pltal. ~yterlan. fw the locll drift. IndlYlduala wlabln&' lo ..U - _..teJ,y -----Aa -111 ..... -for cl'rillM .. weD u .,_.. --t.be t'211l- .... la or. -la Yitai. 1-' -olat.d. • Ar ()001" di' OUJJI DI'. -Kn. a_,, ...... Bol----. -.---~ ,,_.. n t4et•llia ~ -....... o6 .... lllArpnt-.. 1w.,;,, _____ .._;._ _ _,,....._&t -AM Ou ''7"~ • • -67"M We -""" 8'lf owa ,._, ZLECl'IUO 80PPUl:ll upu.s l'hta ... .... .. -8 .... --Ropolln • ·RURY M. lllETSll '1T Newport Blod. o..ta-..._ llrw nzt WI: REfAIR SEWING MACHINES Dor 9Uo • la+w&rW aulJ1t.DlNo -· P'ABTS we.,...u, .... _ .UW_O-_ Oaltllell.a......, V10l'Oll FQ!•ll"QTON 1Ht Att1 t I Aft. oz.a.. • • .tfltS~N MINX , ... ···-~-­....... --.-I ......... k ... -.. ~ .... f ,WfiAli,A.tJTO' M-1" ............. ,..,- lfaJsprf. ~ ~~:!:~ .. ~Lo.; ... ;~·l~ .. ~,;;~~~~1· • •••w ~ '· I. • Udo Travel Bureau ~ .. ~ DBUO 8TOllll . •' '. HarMr 1246 • Pl.A.Nil • 11111P • TRAIN BESEBVimN!I . . :Hi'p Fliht T • .. • r • . • . 'ltBE. ARCHES·-, ' . 'Cafe an ~cocktail l.o.unge ~ } " • ' \_ 1. ·oPEN·tt · II. TllBOlJGB I .L 11. 1 ~ . . . . NEwPOBT VD. ON VOA.ST mGBWAV T NA.OR . • • . / (Wlll ARB D ON THUIUIDAYS) ' " ... .. . GENE' Fnncll -Dtiuol- Wetrea .. ..__, . OOloN • ' ... > I . • t . · RES1f UUNT · ;.<: ... I' . . Ital Culsinf ~· I ~ •• l'hliioo ........,11., •• Tl6 ~ IJl..c. c.._, .... - • • • " ' • . SCRIBE DEFENDS PIRATFS WIN Of CONFER. Tmf 87 &ocl1 ..... Mllh. .. 1 .. Talk ot Eut .... Col\forence dur--In ....wer to uw •laleme!>tl • 1118 th• put few day. . hu l>een that P¥"* _.._.,..,. · la"l9 ; \l!e • tile atrtpping ot San Bemonllno'• eb&lnpionolllp, let "'1' remlnd 111- ctwnplonsh p honon tor ~; oeople tllat -I.Mt' p~ tllat mellglble play.no dur!nS\he 1-CoUt .... the only -- tootb&ll pm• with Orange <lout. ho.Id Ille blab -rbll Ban Berdoo Fullerton, Santa ~n& and Cbaf: club \Older p pomfo., ,_,.. J.'lnteo fey ancl or the m&l'l.fter in wtilch deflrdtely tbowed 'Oiat they ". Orange Coast received the cb&tnp--'lt.rved to be in lb' aJl\tl clua with kJ!181r!p: · . tile In<jlam 11'1 tlllt H'8 cam• at Tllero. are U>o<e who think t.ll&t Hun~ ~ . San Bentoo was robbed -. thit lhe' · ~e cufte ~ coLld b~ aone enUte matter wasn't worth ~ UM!. e.U'.be.f vray utt t'.h~ i)e 1tJioee of protests • and the humJH&udn UI "r"° !Ml that. 'Qo&at !waa tbe dumped upon the Valley College better te&m that nJsfit.' J'our off· adJnln:1tratore. The tact of the akte pena:auea · at crvclal potnU mattet ls. .Pitt san Bernardlno d1d (euch u mentioned above When play in•liglble players -two boyo Coaet wouJ4 have bad a nnot down who bad flunked out of rour-yur on the lndi&A five tn. the trUt collecea aner· playing fooltJal.L quarier ~ •s&ln tn the ftret The rules state that the playen quart.er when Fred Owena broke wer~ not eJiglble so there wu through to drop Mimi on tbe 12· nothing left to be done except yard llne &lld twice more on Ions fot"Ce the lndians lo forfeit the 'l'\lD.&. 28. and 38 yard&. by Jeme gam:a and consequently blqw a Smith and Jobn BJ&ck) .• A Mel good ~ce tu play In the Little Smalley pwll hit the goal line . TAR FOOTBALLERS GET ' LETTERS AT BANQUET Roee Bowl. mat qr and wu ruled • touch· (Picture cm ~ t, Part I) I Coach AJ Irwin gave out var· Vall~y _College edmlnistratora back bf oae otftda.1 and out oC School otrtelall La.It night ~-6~ty letters, emblema and •tars to may not be the ones to blame, but bounds on the ~-""'"line by mtNled N-rt · HubOr Un~on Tar OTldstera. Coach Let Killer it ts their r-~•iblJil"" to n.irn-another. ""• ..._,, __ _:.];-Up · on the :\" · i ...., • .,,. ' ~-·-' '"• -.. ~ hf h eclloor ftpUns '1'&'1' fot' 4 of the B 1quad preoenled hu i~ the league wt~ an eligibility ~O \n pae!f-">n ot $,n Berdoo. .uttelRlf\ll .leUibn, deSpite the tact gt.cup wtlh letten and Coach John lwt. If the boys in q~elilf.op pro' 'P'tom lttte: allove inCoqm.at!on, It tM . 'aqua<! could il<>&at 00 · b<g McOowen .,.....i them out to the vtded traudulent transcripts, 900\e ia · probe.ble that Cout bad vie-wtne~ih tbe Sunaet leql.i;~. · •• ' d squad .• Jttcb ~ch r~tved of the blame should be taken off tory ''l'Obbed;' fr01n thom,. ~uae Ai .. ~u•t tn Balboa S.l ~1' preaenta from !tie squad. the acllcw;Jl hea~: At any rite .:a lbey violated-too-~rilW Did .. ·-• • .1 1 i:.Qf>d team w ... d~rlyed ot ' Ito ti!~.~ .u...,~. cl!IY Ski~ Davfl.on, hfsb ocllool p~-BelL &I._ •"""°'!"I glory because of two tndlviduall. come out "San Berdoo b&Ck tnlo pal, act:thg u master of etteMO-v th Im --• 1 nfea, kicked off with introduction• · oled " moll prov=-P •Y· It's tough on the other memben first pJace u Crout ~•Used fqr f the tu It ctan 0 JU h c11 'of the year by hl1 t.eammatu ot .the team and on the coaches. excevlve off1~'!'0• No, thotp ~ P' Al: l> )'Ind DI 'k ~b:ro ... • was Ted Beltran, wlllle RU Bell Cbhlrary to published reporta that penalties Vere ~Pf.fd a. bre~ ·· , •nan c . ' received 4 trophy't.i the mo.t .nJ· Carter and 1 BeJt.zhoo\rer pla,red of the pm·~.' Jir. tht'·eame plUJ1~ ~ ~ 8 epthualutJa au_pporter. ltlble man ot the 8C&IOD. Te.am ~ briefly our play by p1'J re--then, anc:L b'} ~ bk.a ot Tules9 He pre9enled aleo J.\&dl•t D. J. n'll'"AI~ r-~lved 14ur-. toq. p6ft shows iAat both boye were in Cout la ftow l:balnplon bf, up, Dodc-e a.nd Les Steffen.en, echool m&vld8ol"I aafd he, denned the the thick ot tt agatnat Orange u.tem JunlOl-'col1egeConference. bOard members. feotbaJJ sea.son most succeatul .u Caul. (Press releases from San Had tl been Riverside or one of To Richard went the honor of Harbor high bad been free of bad Berdoo ltaled I.hat Carter played the other team• which San Ber· becoming an honorary member of sportsmaru1htp, lncUgiblc players enly two rrltnutes of one game)._ doo defeated by overwhebntng the student body as Davidson pre· and ··101t no game.a by forfeit." Carter Ptaya awtta. it certainly could b&V4! been eenlrd hlm with a varally letter . Irwin pointed out that the Tars In the Pirate game, Carter tagged • back-In cbamptonahlp. Aft~ Richard ~td the ~etl'lber· this seaaon racked up 108 nrst kiek@d off ttiree times. He played but We think the Coqt player• ship· and letter marked a goal In , downs to their opponents' 7&. in th nd lh rd d r-·-• and coa-•ea •----th -gnl my life," Davidson presented e se<::o . .I an uui-,.u ""'" uarc .... ., e ''""v • Additionally. he sa1d, ~y l ff I I d ~· th Uon u a •-·-champ J oseph Hamblett, vice -prin· quar er o ens ve y an carrn::\I e .... -=-• counted 49 n..r cent n••• comple-1,._ cipa.I and dean of men who lntro· ,..--...--oaJl six times t or a net gain of 19 lions agaiMt the opPoaiUona' 38 Fl F b II duced Mike Pckarovlch, guest =~d ~. ';~ v~e c~h~:l !flh th: ag oot a ~aker. ~:g e:~:a:~~-3 OpouPol~!~':; ~~ :1~: ' rd t th t d II • With a weaJt.h of football play-i~;,a ,,.;un83-;arde. ,:~~:~~; ij. ~ • Ing and coaching on which t o outgain_cd Harbor ln p&&a: otfenae Jt&.!13. Be.ltzhover· WU atmoit the' T' il"1S 'to 'f•1n·1sh ' <lro aw, ~c [ormer coach of Loyola. a.r51~~hing 1taft a.nd school pst of the game as he cer;hred onzaga and more recently -" aa-J..e roud of . ;., .tie dee . the ball over WilJit Mlms' h-.d · ) slltant conch of l1'e New York 1 P 1~ ~~ •1_~::· Se Yank~ pro ha.II club. came out 8'-Y ,'llf l ey ...-~i::.:e, 1 par.......,:u ar on a fourth down punt in the ttnt ·on · Sat d a-'nsl pro ....... --abandonment of proUd tJt~. 'g"&me wt quarter!. ltth118 waa tackled on the. as ur ay f!i-~'"' i(nahel~n ·~df \oca.la shflw' ftve--yard line wbere It would have , spring tootbaJI practice. He lbrtf'd J. ;.w ~t f '•\.-'! Utle. been Coa.at's ban-only ari otf*1de . the attribute• of imagination, en· 1 • QO~ qua a. Boys play\ng 011 the seven teams. thUslurn, Will power es main~ ,· , · · ' ' · ' ',' ' ' · ' - ' penalt.)l I gave the Indl.a.na an-t6 , f~r chance. Belt.hover played entered Jn e Flag Football spri~• •! cb.a.tacler') ~wh.lcb pro· Plea.se retum library books be· ~ entire pme ..,, m1ddle line--league, at Huntin,.toa Beach by dUP.J ~ athJetu. • t e Deoetn ~f :..15. , ', 1 , ;.~~~o ::~*~~:~r:;~ ~.:g~g~~~~ P. "'t,· AT. E· c·-G·,;. cR. s; . miA~~ i-:-t·~.i }ji.· HtRE's ·' 4lL CONFERENCE ' PlllER · ='CHOICE LISTING • • Hft'tDow -the All Ea'.atem Conference team llnea ·up ln opilllon ot the cotaty'a aporta wrlltira who met Tueaday night al Coast college to dM:>c!ee the tu.ma: LE LT LO c RB RT 1\1'; QB LH RH FD BB LE LT LO RT RE LB .LB LB HB HB Ftnt: Team OffellMl WlUle ' Mirna 187 Sa.n Bernardino Bob Woodhou&e 181! San Bemardino K&rvtn Kravitz 200 Orange Coast ' TOrn· Hutton 1811 Santa Ana · RoU ·LeWta '180 Vll'p) Etweu = San Bernardino Jgbn Ru.bin& 170 San Bernardino ,Dlek Foota • 1811 Mt. San Antonio Jerry Jetter 1n San "Bernardino 3e"6 Smith 173 Oranp,Cout Tim. Vanicl;c: 181! San Bemardlno Walt Ga.lfney 18~ San Bemardino Ftret Team Defeue Sid Manning 170 Orange Coast John Trtvanovich 24.5 San Bemardlno Fred Owen11 175 Orange Coast Herb Tanner 22ri Fullerton Chuck Silton 210 Santa Ana Charle. Black ta.5 .Orange Coast WJJlie Richard8on J 7:S Chaffey Paul W~ma.ck J 7i San Bernardlno j1m Williams 200 ' Riverside Leonard Smith 175 Ba.n Bernardino Froah • Froeh Frosh Soph Soph Soph . Soph Froeh Soph Froeh Soph Soph Frosh Soph Soph Soph Froah Soph Soph Soph Froah HB Norm&11 Nygaard 190 ML San Aantonlo Soph Secoad Team (compc:ieed O'f both offeue and deteme) LE ~ Adams 200 River&;lde LT LeRoy Eleenbraum 200 Santa Ana LO J .ohn McColl 190 San Bernardino C Bob Newton 223 Mt. "-San Antonio RO A. J . Sisk 20ft RJ.verekle RT Harold Lewia 236 San Bernardino RE Jim Haoatn. 173 Chaffey QB Bob Umphr.sa HO Santa Ana ~·~~;".~611 ! Rl- HB John Black 188 Orange Qoul F8 Keith Gaynea . 190 Fullerton JIB Hal· Smith 193 Orange Cout Jb•l nlg!rt.. ' Tea le will be conducted for boya ~ 1 au" ft II ,UM.)' . In P-C tor distance, punting 56-4l 'OCEANSIDE NfXT. UP Nlftber of pll\Yen rep .... nted OD all te.ma. Pi ' ... I Ri · tor dJatance, punting-for accuracy, • • Ba.n Bernardino 11 Mt. San Antonio S Ver pla.ce klckinc tor accuracy. and ·. . t · ~ '.. ',•,' , .. • .. · 1 .:.· . 0ranp Oout 7 Fullerton ~roken field running, Rlbbona w111 • llivenolde ~ Cho.ffey --...... 3 '· 3 2 ; l.f· •.~. Oregon Sleepy Eye Minnesota ~ .* 'l Yes, Greylt°' .. loes Everplllre Tlw'1 ri&ht. 1nrywhm •• -• nee tO ploca like Broken SWQ(d. Obio. Bod Ax<,Midi;gan and HoriJ 0...Ka>- N<ky. We ...tlr doo• ..U '°"....,. tidteu lO these colodUl placa. But hen'• our poiat , •• Mot "°""'"' · ..,..,. &II 48 st>ttS, wid> ~' . d<pcrMlahk aad -~IL Try ltl . IAMP.J,I LOW FAalt . go to the firat three finW'lera in 'We have • Jone-way to go. bU '=an work that out of them. Al 8allta Ana 4 each claa wtth footba.lla gotng to l feel we have lhe be8t potential Dmts 'tlihmlrM •~plmty. and -\twill '--"-----------------·------ the wtnnen ot the 1enior a.nd of any team l ba"Yf! had here al. probably be ln the starting line-.. JwUor dlviaion.. Orange Cout," at&ted MUea Ea-up Saturday nlcht. We started .. L I. YACHT 'CLUB'S MJmNG IS SET The eoYs· Club "G" team won ton &fter hta Pirate vanity buk· elow w1th only hlne fltld roaf1 ln their Jeague champioa.ahlp while et.ball team defeated th~ alumni 39 lrles ln th6. fln:t half, but htt the "E-r" team Joel out ln the lSe-43 Tuesday night at Ult CX::C l~ of 24 lo bring up the aver&1'4!!. !inti batUe lut Saturday 28-26 to gym. Eaton summer up. Annual membership meeting of MJ.dway City. Memben ot tb'l. Ea~en'a bucket club wu led by OCC (6') fC" ft pf pta Ute Lido I.ale Yacht club will be Tar Hoopsters to Play Wilson High To~ow in Gym champlonahlp "G" tum were s-ua.: Dick Davta' l• point.a. BlJl Feldner Feldner, f .................... 5 o 3 10 held Dec. Ji at 8 p .m. ln Udo Isle (ly Thompeon. Don Sea.I, Jerry H.U-potted 10 and Glenn Griffith and Da•ta, f ····-··· ... .,_, __ .. 5 f 3 li club bot.De With e.lection of offl. Newport Harbor Union High ll&rd., Btlly Hayu. Mlke Hayea, Al Deniz each ttpped tn nine. Jack. PetenK>n, c ··-..... O t 1 1 era .. Gine of the matn Items of school'• cage quJntet tomorrow al· Jack H~ea, and John MCCluakey. While paced the · alumni with 15 Schun::h, g .................. 2 O 2 4 bustM., It · WU dlecloaed today ternoon will take on a 11lrong v&r• They took the ctwnpionllhlp wtU. and PhlJ Alberte scored 10. Ruta. g ....................... 3 1 O 7 by Hay l.&nguhelm, club commo-atty buketball team from Wood-a 13 .. 7 win, over Mldway ctty I.lid The game waa Ughl unlU the Dents.., I .................. 4 1 5 9 dote. · row WU.O,. High school, Lopg f&Ce u .au atar team tJii.t Satur... fourth period when the guard.a Melqulat, c ....... -......... 1 0 1 2 hi .&ddlUoJI. to rerutar buaineas, Beach. tn the Tar gym, according c1a.1 ,lft the 8e&ICl'l tJ.naJe. The .ec .. aeem.ingly ran out or p& The Griffith, c ........ _._ ...... t t o 9 two t.rdpblea wUI be awarded; the lo Jim Miller, coach. The game ioad ''G~'~-team •Wound up ln. la.at va.ratty trailed 7-8 at the end of Clark, f ...................... O O 1 O Nick ·DitMark b'opb.Y to the mem-i.e &et for t p. m., follqwing the t • f'-t q··---b ' t t ~ ·•--• • --o O o o ber wtio re-led iliO club at B ~m• et a p m place wttb alx Ioele• and no wine. .,e u-• Ual .....::r u ore ..... -·~ --..ue, ' ........................ _\.o. ,,,_ • ...,. ' • • Frank JUven., Don Wllltanu, 'J.lm for a 2°'-18-halt Ume lead. Tbey tJle mua r&oea ~·the year; The Taft are ln for a b&We Schnoowelo, Mlcl<ey Queen. Rich• gamed one polnt'tor a 38-33 three, Tolala •................... :U 8 l& Iii'. Ule~Thiimea·Rutfa'. ttopby "I the Will\ Wdoon, Miiiet aald,_pofuung ard llclillcbeJUDeye<, Charles Tay· quarter leed anct finuhed with a 1 mOjn,,.....'Wbo ·wo.;-. tlie beat race out .~ Ille Ylalton dWnP«I .Ban· IC)f, .R.lcllal;d 8\ecl< and Eerl Lowta, 30 point final •tanu.. Tiie Plrat .. .-(flf , 11 ft pf ,... ~~~.~ ' ,ta AIJf.. ~-~·bl'\ a score ot Tbe "Ill-JI"' team which 1-out tanir~.wlth ~ Batlllday at )'bite, t ...................... 4 7 a It ,.,. , ., r ~ !. .• • ~·31~·-Y. a~.Mnta Ana. in the dwnplooablp &'am• wu 8 p.m . In tneii next pme and llelby; !' ...................... e .o O t l,A&Ollllf C<\NNINO cuna lltaHlnir TV -ty Wiii ln· corftpoeed ot Stanley Scbonu, meet Citrua, Junior coHece 'l'Uea-He:nroUn, 1 .................. 0 0 0 0 81.1~ Ol'fl Iii .led by the elude Annand NetUea and .nm Lawrence cutro, Dave Tamura. day nlght ln a third home game. Bennlnc, c ·····--···-···-1 3 • G NatioM! .Au~oblle Club to be M'e.n~, !<"'Ward.a; ~ la.yr~ Jim Ktllder, Eel Ph•gl•:r. Roy Eaton wu Imp-w111> hi• Fowler, c .................... 1 1 a a 'the ,...,. fnllt \uid .\iegetal>I center. J un Roberta an<t Diel< Danie! &ad Bob lolcCl...i.ey. Tiie team on the bealo ot tint college ~-. c ... '. ............ : ... a o 3 lQ m te tn tbe ~ Luak. Jll&JdS. Tiie first thrff are -d ;·Jl,1'" .t,a!" wound upl lll competition_ "It'• a blrr jump trom P&nooN, g ............... _ 2 1 o & ~"':,4~~ .;.._d ~ tttumlns l•Uerplen from laat third place ;;/th BTuce Knipp, BW high achool ball to coll•(< ball and Borgeeon. g ···-··········· 2 1 3 a in llle'COUlltry Hen. twel.., ·P"Ck· year, whU• Roben, and Luak, are Lamb, Jim Scbonea, BllJ Bruall, .that alumni team had plont:r ot 1 Noack, g ·-·····-···-····· O O O O lllS pIUla tu,,; out a total of more graduates from laat year'• B team. Lewta Revlea, and ManhaU Ste.I, expertence. Our bo)'9 were ragpc1· , , . JCller .aid the B team'• at.art- lar. and ~!' bUt I bellon we Total8 _,.::. ... _ .. _ 15_ 13 1& Ul&n fl.,.. --P<! ~ar. , Ing lineup will have Bob Wetsel I.awn towlen Have lten Conte1ti H.,.. 1 and Ronnie Tbarp at forward pmta. Rickey Olhmer, cent.er and Jack West and Grer Wright at IU&rd .pooitloM. f Ill CMM 11# tu ... ,.,. -tlM:H .._ __ ' ·-. I PA S -P~ f -:-: THU AY..__NOV. 29, 1'51 ' . . ii' •• ~ _., ooe:ttouos•tis ·~-· Pkl Oceanside ',: f: ff' ' saturoa·y f~. ~aiJe c-t oonei~ -Ill;: \951~21 lao.oketbalJ' --~~· ~·rilt/ht against qce&ulde-lli>d • rolloWo jup with a -practice• pipe! Tueocl&)' night aplnot C!?; . MIS Jwuor college. Both ,_ &r• ..l.;..t tor Ille ~ gym at 71' • 8 p. 111· following prdlmln&r1"a ~ tween junior nrslt:r teams at~:'° p • .m.1 • • ~ ~ch Mites Ea.ton ma,-haftl the finbst team In the history <If OCC I in e.cUon tbl• -wltlr· such outatandlng ·orange COClt" high jl!dlool gMldu&lea aa =atm~ ST, liJE SAVES ftll .a. llanl!al R"ui.Z, top ;acorer ln the ~ '!I""' ... Orang~ League· laat ·year; v~ WtNGS FOR '• ' &" cl&'• Daren House, all ~ ·MA. MAGl:MENT p NS League; rive ot the first •bt p1-f" \• I" era from Newport Harbor'a 00. . championship team. Dave Pet.er· • Game blo!ogl.U of ttie part-son. Glenn Griftitb, Dick Lane, m~l of F"Wb and Ga.me Ueve Bob Sanders and Bob Burdick. they can learn somethlnglabout (Griffith was third· in Stmllet California's quo.ii. speci~ i they League scoril\g ari1 Peterson wu tlfthl ; Harry Scbun:h and Ed Von have enough quail wings look Varney ot Huntington Beach; Doi\ over. Williams and John LeGross of 0,.. They IBSucd an appeal uring ange and Jack Clark of Newp9it. the current quail hunting ason Harbor's 19'l9 team. _ to hunters asking ·th~t the outer, In addition to all the aboye. or Up, halt of the blrdB' right home _ grown talent, Eaton ha& wltlgs be mailed to the part-tive boys back from la.tt year'~ ment's Food Babita Le.rnry, te&.m:. Dick Davis, the only regu· University of Califomia, Be eley. tar, leads the \'ets conalaUng »f Each ah9uld be identlfied pos--Wayne Melquist, Ph'.l Shaler, John •Ible, showing sex a.nd s~cies-Campbell and Harlow Rlcha.rd~Q. mountain, va.liey or Gam.beEa. Al Deniz. from Arcata, Is the Jone Study of the wings Wllii rovide invader from out of the area on valuable lnformaUon abo t the the Pirate squad although foott pen::entage of birt18 ha.teh this ballers Jesse Smith, John ana. year, and other biologtc&l t ips Charles Black, Ron Quigley and which will help ,in tutur~ quail Guy Coats are now trying f~ management plans. 1 berths on the hardwood club. SAT. SUN. SPECIAL TJDS EX -Ni>V. SO to DEC. 8 5 FT. -BA~H TUB •••• $65.00 . at ... ABC LUMB 146 E. 17th St., Costa Ml>l& Beacoa l5681 1 Nlp.t.· Hvbor Z....., 26th Year.~ California Gardens .MAD M RE'S NURSERY llst. ST. . 'CASH & CARRY BALBOA BLVD. A· " ... ~::~::t:~~:~~~~~=l·O: 85,~· SNAPDRAGON~ etraa .. ·'···'·" ····················· doz. sa;. S'IUCKS-(J11111Js .... --~····· .... ··-·' .. ~..... . ....... dos. ~; P~~RoggoU lanbl ··-···-······'·······'. ....... doz. 511, VIO Blue, Y 11.11d Bed ................... doz. 40¢• I WE'LL ;r~~ .ro ANSWER•Y-OUB QUF.STIONS l OP N. SUN~!' Y:S UNDRvl'I~ ! . "":; ~ \ ·-; ... • ., • • ' . . ..... " • • • • • • I ' • _C·LASSIFI Th~ M19hly )(ldqetlll Mu.U !~ NEWS-'riMEs -B••> T e1«v ~:~r=-'!..-:C::,. Jllew ... l 8-PwM 0 'Se• A ............. I' , & )1..,.-.. .-.n 4w- 1ID1Dn111 A.9 .. • ...... ' d 0 'Mei ... -* IJe .... ,_ Olm • .... 11 3 ef ~· .. '•T-T-z t IJ es· 1 p.,_ .... t lhll I Poi1ar1 1.11 t lbn I .I'll, N ... '!!le llUbllabeia will not be ~ fe< ,_. -a-..-titoocoGAnn«_. ~ of an advertlMment, ..-ne tho %!Pt to ~·11i•r1 any ..,. all o.do and lo" reject any -t -to .-and .nplatlona. Adnrtloemrilto and ca-"atlona ti. acmpted up to 6 p.m. on tho day ll.......itl>f. publication. J:&cept deedtlne tor N.-.. .. nmea 11 a.m. llOada,P ,.._ Bar. 1111. -"* f• ... Ad Tak.er-or ...... -aM 1 'Urzt1 " Nll:WPOllT BAlt-p()'ljl.JSllU(Q co. ftll ..,._ BIYd.. N~ 8ecela,Calltoml9. ' lt-Bwlr• Gulde For Venetian Blinds, • • Shades and Drapery Bdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimate& Ph. Har 884 Sympson & Nollar P.AINTING & DECORATJ;NG "The Best Money Can Buy'' 811 • l8tll St., Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR 24°' B2tfc MEN,-WOMEN 18-55 NO PREVIOUS EXP: NlilEDllD Radiophone ar Radlotele~ph operatora needed fot' at.rpo_rta. aeaporta, n.llroAd ~lnaJJt, lteamehiJ>I, atru.ne.. r • t I r o • d tra1na and atatlou. Earn up to $7:IOQ Y"'1"· Gr.,,.s cereer pro- vtdJnc t r a .,, • I. a4"ncement., preotlge. life-Um• _..rtty In· expe:n.1tve apue-tlme Photo Sowul traln!nc. Need not mur- rere with preeent &CtJvt:Uea. For detalla, -u ID. H. Gretton. 719 W. S.ukle, Loria Boch ~ l'bone,.L. B. 83-Ufl. lpS PAINTING Alcoholica AnOnymoua EARL SHEFLIN Wrtu P. o . Box 20ll m ..._ llt.. eoota -Balbo& Ialan4. <llllf. W AN"(ED-AutomobUe mechanic, SUAMAleed aalary. Apply• 217 Broadway, Laguna s..ch. 8ff Mr. Harbert. 6c7 MAN ,to wprk: at our body Uop, to wuh and pollah ..... band and muhlne. A.190 to detail med can. Steady work for the ript ma.n. Tbeodo~ Roblna, ForJ Dealer, M4 Oout Htway, New- port Beach. Pl1. Har. sec. ece -1548'7.)( -__ P_h_on_e_KJ __ m_berly __ s-_Ba98 __ _ KNIT TO ORDE&-atoloo. c1.-o !!SO~~Se~~!l•t.. !MJ!!-~:!:ll~a~-~~-­ ...i bal>y prmoala. H....... 10-5. COOKING UTENSILS, dl>bea. Painting and Pape~ GEO.B -11:1 )( __ Newport ll&ta-glunrare. lampa. shade•. Qile- ·lleaeoa 1118-J · &pl man tantem. Revolving clothe• 808 • Sut St., Newport 8-11 Phone Harbor 241'6 W before LOST-Red ptutlc clut<h purse, line. ~ 820 a 1& whJte aide wall Uttl. !i22 Catallna Ave., Newport HetghU. Be&. 5:u&·J. 5pe 8 L m. or after t :SO p. m. 83lfc containing tortobe glauea with ------------ HAULING ANY ·KIND-Trash or! Call Wallcer-1576 Placentia Caeta Yea-Beacon 6372..J . gold trim, addreu book, make '!P· Loot near Bal-P . O .• !le- ward tor retura to CU1no Bar. Ph. Beacon e.s67-M. 4ct LOST -small white female dog expecUng pupo. AMwen '"Bhag'' "-Gt at IC! T°'°'.rewanl. Apt. 4, <Jail Apt&. Balboa. 6pe ooMPLETE aousJC CLEANING Learn Spanish ll\n1llture """ "'P llhampooed. ~ eatlmaU.-Flllly lnlured. G . C. FAJARDO wtJI i.ch you , H R elementary or conven&Uo~ Al I OU8e & Ug cau Wed.. rn. ew<Wap. Har- C}eaning Go· bor 80Z5-W. •pe 8 e 11111 1111 fttto CAN NOW TAKE 3 more pl&.Do or DON K. BUTl'S lie. General Contractor Reslden~mmerclal Remodeling accordion. students. Accordion t\u'll1ahed tree. DORlS BALL l(USIC STUDIO. fM Banta Ana Ave., N~rt Helgbta. 8ea.cPft 5201-W. lid! P!loDe Beacon MO&-W ;;.28;;......;;Sit,;;,t111'-'""l"'tio"-118=-'W.._an=ted=--1Tlk -Be w~etl people-adverU.ae! Tour ad appeartns NS· ularly In these colwnna will brine you many new customera. Bartaor UM. ___ In tile -t of .. kaoldac ln the <:Ju.I· -· -the7 need th... aerncea. ' B & ~-House Movers General Contractors 650 11'\nt St.. Tuatln. Ca1lt. Phou Kllllberty s-11111 (Home~~ W71S or J.uper !>-MST) Htt.. ...... -!! !~ . .w. . ~ J ·a..--...-Bair . ~ ... --... ~ ?ll&lf' i CO. flW 11111. ......................... .... osr 1 ..... tu ns •1-L~Gft&a t *' _. .. Is aalJ ........ ., __ _ LARGE LIONEL Electric train set. Whisser motor bike. Ex- cellent coDCUUoft. 21122 er-t- vlew Dr .. Bay Shorel. 41>8 GIVE HIM Snao-On Tools FoR CHRISTMAS , • . H~·· USED 3-Burner O'Kfffe 6 Merritt apt. ran~ ............... _, ......... $~.()() Genera.1 Eltt:trk: Ironer, ta- . ble model ·----·······---............... $24.60 Euy Ironer ....... -................... $37 .60 Full It twin al&e Beauty Reet mattreaui ... : .............. $24.:i<> Servel Re.trirvatora $85.00 $9:1.00 $U9.60 -Claalfled ldl are -4 ~y follc.1 who are lookln&" to buy. Collins Island 91tfc •• llMI CHEVROLET 2~oor deluxe .. Fleetllne: Heater. Radio. Prl- '!&U party. $500 cub. 11:1 ~ St., Newport Beacll. Pbt Harbor 29~JI. "" -'40 OLDS 2-door aedan-<>ne OWD• er. Good canditlon. $325. !12 C<ral, Bal-Ialand. H&rtlor --K. 4pe • , • ' • , • • ·' .. -=-------!!i:::;;;;?!!' •!' te 1 -.-o •. • • r! Ed:!!! .. -- • • Co TWO B•I' BUYS IN CORONA DEL MAR Income Property • .. ..... with • ~•port Helchta Buildir Kua Sell • ,,,, ssDi Wiil bGllt a bdrm. I Wra I .. .,., MW, oeaa .,._, hc-w W to W ~all I ... ...... lloalaa.d. Comuled 1t..t, • Mcely '8-td fld, ~ a)rlfm rra.t ... rar, ---·as.•-· w 7 s oa •a. ts •• ._ -.·.i-.---...---.....;,--;:...---.,-1..__ .. ____ _ -• •-*• o< CZll& a... • -...... 11te a ..., r 11111 _... ___________ ;.;... ___ ..._ ______ , llliMDe. !2A11idt101k7, •aadt.Utll e....u... ..... ,. DLL~il!M ... _.,.Ml ·-_,. ..... Ip ...... ,._ .... -.. ., ..... t...-altlloat.A 0 1-. -i-. lll> ~ 111119 ltttck-, ......_ .. 11 lr7, ltNrd BLANcRm A. GATD, ltealtor FRAMJt L. SBUl'!:LT J. KARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Jsla.nd Ph. Har. 1671 or 1172 Evea. Harbor 1m --S-14. .... ,.... ·--In value f TbJa llome la llft0 '1dck patio, f• Hll. : • , AI.L THIS FOR $18,'500 FIRST TIMB EVER OF'FERED FOk SAI.E ~ Bot-. . ...... -•. °"Giii! .. J ...... ~ . ' .. -o-._..._ · Reade~tial Income I 11l'llT8--0nt. lions. 2· unlta ---. o.. unit a -.: • , • ' Cliff Ha en G. r: Resale ; 3 be4room ~. • l•ndraped: Large ;, ' corner lot. $2.900. ~tllly p«Jmenta • inCludlng tuw, , · ce and blterest. Qlit Fred • ! •Betker at Beacon 5 or p Beacca '939-J . BALBOA ISLAND d•t'J)rlcod at tlle builder'• .,.. pe .... Jr\111 prb la <11111--- . ONLY $10,7Ci0 Do you want privacy 'Uld ,ihow room? Hw:iy on U.1 ldeU f!llllc llMeh bolia. 2 Wrma, fb ...... hwd. floor1, 11fee~ view hllla and ocean over- looklar SltOre, Clltta. Bar-IMa, 'fnilt u-, ~ -....... dlatrlct. OWlin W1Uo Tlt4Dm fw .,..,. 8 ...... ' d j • SOUTH BAY FRON'!'. Thia will ;plr1e Uae moat diacrflnlnating. A ell arming houae with II bdnu., 2 batha, large pa~o, plua a lovely 2 bdrm. apt. Both completely f~. tfas pier, and flo.a*'. A dllltlnctive 2 bdrm. homa with cuest apt. DRAS- TICALL Y red.uced for q'!ick . sale. Beautiful fu. nishlllp. Perfect 1oca. THIS WON"r LAST LONG. • CORONA DEL MAR AN 'OUTSTANDING :a.i..ERmtOOK OOTTAGE. 2 bdrm., enclo9ed patio, Perfect setting-iuMI -of the Dicer locatloM. UnfUrniahed. $15, 750. Business Income on Coast Highway Building with 7 reliable tenants. Shows 20~ In· come on investment. Room to blllld. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Attractive Terms. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR $14,2&0 • Boulevard Income Thia Is Red Hot' HJO tt. tr.tqo on Nino'""' 81..a. and' 111 r .. t 1n doptll .nt11 11ua1- n... loldp. Very cio. In to • and pine trea. Lovely eetting. Huge terraced lot. haced • • $4000 RANDI~ 'l'1lii la J:ulllllve With U.. dowatftn. Leeood -'19' per maat11. LAM .a-i. ww\11 TOM PAYNE, Realtor ~ -c pri .. ot..'10,000.· 310 t1out Hlahway, Corona del Mu IN9Ul'Oilll -11 7.,. -"I P Phone Harbor 2774 tot ~you don't went to make ---..,---...,..---------------- m~. * * *· * * Sacrifice ~•iltlflll Broachtay ...... er ~ 11 a 1n. <>u• or 1own - -u:u. rr. Malt• ... an-· ' · Phil Sullivan . Geo. Everaoq • t• Newport 111ft., Col&a - Ph<lllt BM NII 71.8 Bay _& Beach Barga~ llmaJI -.., In co.ta M-. lot SOdlt. ~ down. * * * A hllitep l\ome with ~ ...... of entln HaJ'l>or. -"-8 two -. 116 ba1ll8, ·!up llY!q room wttli picture wlndOWa,, nnplace. hwd. noor1. (o~ air beat. Space on lower level to be completed tor addtt'8nal ..... cw rumpua room. Only 119,750. * •·• • -tn ~ BtM• .. Coot& -.. ~ pym. 1'ltll property _.. .• lerea lot --'··---Full Prtea, $19,Nt : -·-''Bfilleve It or Not" . -a-· &mlta ~ wttli lllO' rotume. ""°"' to VII at •u.no. •TMD c1n.; er-in- come ttoo a month. • -·-,... Fol Quick Sale 2 bdrm. 0. L •iiulo 1-p Uv. rm., dinette, tile In kit., dbl Gar. L&tp !<>to bear Npt. HatL A r-e&I ..,, al ~1900 <In. Mo. pJllil& »I.to .. -o~ G. I. Resale a -.n. -.e, lrwd. n,., llY. rm. -<llnetb, all. pr .. -1-. ed·ln·Yard. N-OOU11t<y club . 0n1y i1 o.•l50 -$2600 ca.. and $62 a mo. · -·-ExclW!ive Bay Shotea T.ljIE JOHN VOGEL COMP ANY offe-,:s for your· selection: (A.,.,_ ~ Coat& M-Banltl 1 Evea. Ra. !1151-W BU, MISS-J P,ft mttt.a la ~·t Balboa ttntal &rM.. Room for &4MI· u..J Wtklln,s. Al~• .... t.M. Good lnoo,.e Wftltu and summer. $26,000, WTma. • M•:r other cood "9IUff • In .RW Estate . L-o- l. New 2 bdrm. home, cllnlng rm., forced air b~t, garbage disposal. dishmaster .................... '15,llOO 2. New 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Shake root, lovely patio .................................................. $16,500 3. New 2 bdrm., 2 bath. Beautllul home w!Ui en· cla.d lanai; on comer lot, 2 patioa. Attractive- ly landscaped. This lovely home must be seen to be appreclared. Shown by appointment only. 208 MARINE A VE., BAI.llOA ISLAND Harbor ~ and Harbor 21111 Ey~p Beacon MllG-1 ~d Beacon 7278-W Want Space Around You - - - for a garden and a horse perhape? Here's a brand new home ampng other nice homes 2 bdrms. and den, large fireplace, hwd. firs., far. Ji:>rtrs large lot, excellent sandy soil-onty ~ down, $10,500 fuU price. I C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor · A. E.:JOHNSONf Bro.lter' · - 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 'Beacon 118911 (Evenings Beacon 6747-J) • * * RANCH . : . CHINO VALLEY • • 167 Acree; alfalfa and oat& Ideal set up for com, bination dairy and beef cattle operation, Two wells, lots of water. Best of te~. ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Cout Blvd. ' . Corona del Mar ' Har. 2766 OPEN HOUSE Duplex, Pier, Float on 2'4 ACRES OF LEVEL LAND Water on propertr: -.n• altuated ~ p~t .treel---4.t ye• tenl&y's prit. -saao cull. lltJRRY! 3 BlllDROOM-2 ..... th. ,_.. old IW;>me. ~Aft: ror-ced Ur tur- nac:e. hwol. !loon, lot. ol tile. <louble prap. i....., --lot. fenced and land8caped. G9Qd ftlA financiq. LocaUon ucd- lent -Sl3,~. IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Two bdrm. home. Mod.eat and cMa. . . * * * la cboW:ie wat.rtront locatk>n th.le new home ha.ti nert· \.blaC -nJ~ elu n>Ofn!, Maut.11\alJy Oecorate4. Tbree -· 1 % ... th.I. bar-typo ltlt-. beauUtul penalins la l&rp llvt"' room. forced aJr heat. Walled i-U. ~l­ ed to lawn Md choice ahnll>o. Bandy beadl. ... Ooo. * * * lloditm home on penlnaota at 112,8&0 -$3600 4irwa. T'WD bdnna. ta houae and additional bdrm. and '4 bath lttadted to pl"l.ge. Fireplace and other rood heat. Nice ,.tfo. Good 1oeatlon. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1'68 Balboa Blvd. Hanar 1264 * * * * * * Good Jocatioft; 2-car guap.1--------------------~-- Tard well planted. On17 $8700. ($1500 . $1500, $1500 COSTA )UlSA·s Nlc .. t.-oo NIOE 2 BEDROOM HOME dbl ...... _ t Street ~ 2 bdrm. home -well , · e.--"' on one o cle•lgnod and built. a..-..., out-Cot'OllR del Marls be« atreeta. Only $1500 DOWN. _, patio tnd lobq. Not a lnct Balanee like rent. Jtc>uH. Prlte reduced to $9456. Costa Men Realty '400 & 11th at TuatJn Co8ta Meu -•11 . Check These ti .; BUBINICllS BLDG.. JI A LB 0 A . Good tomer Joc.ik>n, foot lrat· fie.· I apt.a. over ltore .area. Good income podlbQIUfa.. nu, tn.q tare the lnveatmtn.t 70:U are ~ Jor! $30,000. DUPLllX-Twl> atln,Ctlve linlla. &ad; hM -. .• llY. tra., ltlt. a batli. -...... nlL """' bath ad,..... ....... Jrumllhed. CJoOo to bay, ocean, and tnuporta- \lon. $ 17 ,MO. BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Here la a dandy buy. 2 "'-'-·· I batll, dlnette. Many ea:t:N tea- '"-and brud new. Ut,000. Balboa Realty Co. Ro88 Greeley Joeephlne Wei* Lilll&n McAdoo Ha"°" 0'11 700 E. Bal-Blvd., lliLI- CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX on c o r n e r lot, near atoree and marketa. lncome $110 mo. Small down payment. Fttl! price only se.ooo. • Vel'y desirable S bedrooP> home on good street, C. D. M., owner leaving. Must aell at once. Only $2500 down. Move In today! . OWNER'S BUSINESS TAKES HIM INLAND-- Will sacrifice 2 bdrm. home, So. of highway. $72!50 full price. BEN, J. WHITMAN & Assoc. •()() Coast Wsh..,.y, Col"l>n& del Mar Harbor 1862 (Eves. Ha,rbor 51-M) • Buatrieae OpportuaJtlee -·-Loi ,.. IMlp 7ou wltll Yl>\lr Real art&te N- -o - H. B. Cl&tk, llrok<r .._,_ -·-La PERLE REALTY 1• -· Bl,... ea.ta Mesa C. Pllone BMcon 7043. . ' With $2500 Cash You can move blto t.lal8 2 bdrm home. Built a yr•. acv. jult re- -led. Dbl pr., -•llent locatkln. Hu 4~ G. I .loan. BaJ- 11nce: 189 th&ll Nllt. . Corona del Mar . Ocean View , nt!Jr S bdrm. 2 bath home. W to W c~~ a.nd drapes lnclu4ed.. Hwd. floors, dual flr. tumaoe, teneed, patio. sp~kler1 trOht A rear, 60' lot. Oab' $1&,000, ownw tranelerred K-r 1D out ottlce. W,' E. Fisher J!hallder -Realtor Ernie Smith Realtor -"-'l•te 916 Coaat Bhd., Corona del Mar Pb-Harbor 2fft VOGEL VALUES . Corona clel Mar s, ........ -.. -· porch, 15 x 18 Iv. rm .• trpl., bwd. fin., lleWly .decorated. Sunny kJtchen and breakrut .onook. Lge. tile aink, llalli .... t~ fioot """ ..aw.. E:ateriar Wide stdlnc. interior p1'lter, cedar shingle root. Qua).. ltf lhrougho•t on a. good street. Price reduce'1 to $11.000, very load temu. · -LIDO ISLE 104 Via Palermo Near shopping and bta line. Ex- cell@a:t oondl.Uon.. aiick patio, t!.repta.ce. N.~ modem kitchen. Jkttly converted to large b.Qae. 1----------- NEWPORT HEIGHTS · Attra~t.ive 2 bdrm. home: Extra large roonla. Ltre. living . room with nice fireplace. Separate dlnfna room. Tile in kitchen and· bath, with shower. Lota of cupboards and· cloaets. Lge. kitchen with break- fut nook, ....ice porch .. Attached 2-ear prace. Grill in patio, compietely feoced, fruit u-, ber- ri., flow es 1 and lawn. PllICE $11,4911 .. Attraclfft nei ~ · bditrl.xiOril& h~ high rround. Blick and stucco exterior. Hu a porch, lge. lhin,1 rm. wtUt brick fireplace at ee end. i...rge window with _. view of oceaa and hill.a. Lot. "' tile In ISltchen Md batli. Bre~t ~. ~ x·21 garage wlh to tlbloe iipl ..., .. , Price lo •nlJ' •11.llCIO. Seilo!' 1flll ca,.,.,. l1\i8t deed at 5% Uid bow much do Y"" want to pay_, • Saturday and Sunday Dec. 1st and 2nd From 1 to 5 P . II. \ Don't miss this. Here • a home you should see. Hu 3 bedroom•, 2 batu, cleft!' walled·in patio and an&rl fea- tures galore. Br-eakfut bar a.rid kitchen that ··MAM.A." wW low. Come look. You art ~ W'el· come. Prtced to eelL P .A. PALMER INCOReoRATJCD 3333 Via Lido, Newport -h Harbor tSOO PHONE HAJUIOR 1616 to pl""" Your want ad on this page. "Duty Calls! - -" p r Ice $18,860, 1111turnllhed. Terma. New Lido Lilting TWO. bdr1I\. .._., W9lled patio, __.eid ceilings. Tile !eaturea throughout. Beat buy on Lido ll:le( •14..600. Conaider reuon· alil• dQWn payment. Newport Heights New u.t&ng -t bedroorN and caawrtll>le den. 1 % bat.ha. 3. car garage. Large p&Uo. cape Cod d .. lgn. Pttce $14,MO. Stock, Chicken Ranch 20 t.crea, 12 acret pennuient pu- ture. 3 ho~ barn. .table.., completely trrlptecL .., 7 Otnt cheap water. llqulpment tor Ul,OIO chlcltena. WW COllllldtr Pow down pqW:a•t to qn•H"-1 op<!nt...--puttnde. GIU:J:NLlllAE • ASSOC. So We Mve tor )'O\I a neat and BU.U...VJCB -R&ALToft clean modem 2 bedroOm _., SUI ~~ Blvd.. liar-:: 2 -garage. Patio and on° :----'"------- clooed. yanl. JM,500. You'll Hice PHONE HAlUIOR 1111 i. ..... Ill• location, 312 N--Oo-Ymr wut ad on Ullo ,... ?On& del Kar. -it-"1 • NEW 2-bedrm. betcb home sane. Marine officer ·~ I REAL v ALUES The Horses Love It 1138 PUU.JllllTON AVE., NEWl'OllT Hl:lOHT8 Phone Beacon 5779-W for app'.t to see. And you'll too. Otmtorta~le one· 6c8 acre ra.ncho conlUtlng of nice 2 ----,------------~-------­ Wrm. &nd den bome, plu8 ivest room attach~ te p.r. Pleat7 of ,.... .. ..,t publroe and 1oto of cheap water. onq $14111. Easy tet'ftla or w1U conaidu eXdl.an1e tor Long Beach Mme. r>;owntown Triplex C08ta Mesa The Best Town on Earth $1450 down 1 Wrm. new &ad ft.ry nice. Red- woe4 aldLRI &Ad 1ta.ke fence. Patio. •19M. G. L Resale A -erftll blly n-tbo Cool& MMa past .mee.. OJndtta of a 11\ce 2 B. R. -.. ~~ from 3 bdrm., flnplace, dbl .-· I • I !!. R. Apl•. 1 ,..t fllh ' ' fenced yanl anll _,. nice ed. Very deep Jot, -tar JaUMPUS ROPM U x I._ Prloo -unlto. J car aw. ·lot. of •H.7i50, term.:. black top. CompletelJ' flmced. WW eodlder 1 ~ IA eita • eM.ftsa. Full price $19,500 • , B. A .. NERESON 1882 Newport 111..i., 0-. M-' Pboe. •• ,.. u:.- (W:..., ··-.. , 383 E. ~St., • Income Property 2 ..... home and a untta. Month- l:t laeome approalniaUl,y •1111. Prteo m .ooo . .--. · G: N; WELLS, Rltr. • .... _ ... , 1790 Newport BmL OwU .... _. Pb. Bea. 6181 • .· Desirable Duplex Two furn. units. Each with 2 John Vogel Co. , bedroo11111, liv. rm., kit. and 1301 co..t RIW11y, ~ d•I Mu bath, .with a 8QD deck &Jld a 1741, H. 1477, eve& H. &N·M porch. • Flexlbl~ be llled u • 4 BEST B~ bedroom, 2 Wh h 0 me, in· Newport He.ighl!!I pTus an addltlon&l 1 u •a t Bnnd -3 l>dnn. ....,. .. It'•. tbo room and batli. ·-·· -tne wl~ .,.... place. -• --ftn. Lota (JI Good. BelW.-llile -.uon. 116o, -gar. ----J'uRNisHED.. lbblP:.•12.-. . $19,'500." Terms! , - red-make appt. and ~ one bloclt from ocun -t. "IVU1 """"'1d<r --~ If • < I JOU cu ...... ~ -tlilJ JQK I ta. • Costa M'e11 - Hom'e and Income · Full price $7,250 ' B:acellent • '"*--.. • -·s1'""_"'.,.. ...... ft CC>IW lot. Wall le -_. ... pe~. , IJP , ••••· ft 11 F s n. ,_ r ~19'• ~-·•-as••­yardo. Aki> & 2 b'••?CD _.. -.......... ""1t, ]lllllo.' -.. .... ' -poft. ...__.'-a..,.., N•Bar•-UIMP nudttS-'1"17'1_ ... _ 'UObi, _, • 1.111' -• • l -ANDltDl:N 00 .. ' -~ 11111:-GEL 7 .. -.. ' • • HAN E . New 3 bellroom, "2 th hOllie ~th Ocean apd pay • • view. 'l'hlll 1'!.ve11 b , e located m N,wport Beach and owner w1l1 a11ge for Gl~dale, An:adia, Pa•4ena, Monrovia r vicinity. • ~r appointment to thla home call Fred Barker at Beacon 5795 or e nlnp at Be!L00n 8939-J. Imagine A Be on Ba~ Waterfront ' • frf$40,000 . . . A Bay At our Front Door Lovely 3 bedroom e. Large Hving room, Mg ' room with picture • owa. Coalpletely fui'niJlhisd. Exceptional patio wi h b11rbecue.' Guest aparw.tt. Call Barbor 1775 f an appointment to -tbls. M . No. 2033 • BOA1 OWNERS ' Newport Islan -Waterfront Home Modet:n waterfront ome. 3 bedrooma, 11)4 baths, flagi;tone fireplace, e kitchen, lob! of tile. Gar· bage disposal and · washer. Thermo heat tlsru- out. View of the 9'>l!ell. Pier end float. Corner loca· tion. About 2 \', ars old. PRICE ia W,8110 . Terms. We have the key. Mult. No. 2085. Call Mary Dick'son at Harbor ~3. Business ]nco e -Newport Blvd. INVESTIGATE -• buildinp, 4100 aq·. ft. floor area. LEASES R TO MARCH and AUGUST, 1966. Excellent ret on investment. Priced right M\llt. No. 2058: Call Mary Dicksoii at Harbor 1013. EARL W. HUI and Co&lll Hlway Newport Beach 815 Coast H~way Corona d•I Jiu VI TANLEY, Realtor 15tll md lrTlne Newport JIMch Martne Av~ !lo& Island l 3113 Newport Blvd .. I N•wport Be&& • HOME Overlooking Little rona Beech, the hllla, ocean and arroyo. South o Hiway on Hue1 Dr. Spacious bdrm .-Ith loada of i!i.-t apace, one small bdrm 2 fireplaces, 2 bath . $5000 down. Ins. 5% ·Joan. Priced under cost. LINWOO VIC~, i:tealtor . . W. A. TO S, Salemnanager 312 Marine Ave., boa bland. Ph. Harbor 2042 · High /on the ·Bluff · Overlooking the entire Harbor -VIEW "out of ,this world!" Bea~ home bu huge living room. beamed ceiling, hire parquet floors, colored double aink has disposal Dlahmasfer. Big aervice rm. 2 lg~. bdrms., l \', tbs. Seel~ wooded lot bas SEVERAL addition BmLDING S1TES -· Each with lllSllle magnifi t VIEW I Fineet INCOME location in the H bor Area. Other interests of o"'.'1er make imm~ate sale possible at this .low pnce, $57,500. Lista! EXCLUSIVELY with STAN SMITH, 1311 Coast · ghway, Corona del Mar, who will assist .qualifi buyer aminge necessary fi. D&ltcing. Phone Jlar r ~.for ~ppointment. ~-~ ,•-,,I ' I .. • ! I , ' Best· Home i Hilntlngton" ~h· -·, OPEN -FO YOUR INSPECTION SuND.AY, DEC. 2 ' Between 1 p. m. 5:00 p. m. at 216 Crest Ave H . tington Beach For Sale at $55, of terma to re8ponal!>le party. . · GEOR E W. BELL REAL ESTATE BR 3003 N. MAIN ST. SANTA ANA KIMBERLY -i9758 , ' u u·.,.._ 411-Amerteu -rou...,.H'••- ,_ncy, Cut-up, Pan~Rctady Stewing Hens PICNIC STYLI PORK ROAST l!:~!:· 37~ CINTEI CUT Ill • PORK CHO.PS 69~ llST CUTS LOIN . • ,,~ P'ORK CHOPS . Ill 01 LOIN END POlll LOIN 43' ROAST "' J·l'h lb. Av<J •••••••. llST VAL II GI.ADEi SLICED 43· BACON "' t -lb. Heat-Seal. , ••• FAIMll JOHN'S 1of 9•lltJ iA~ON 49~ 1·1b.. H..t·S.al ••• , , • COUNTIT STYLI POlll SAUSAGE 43~ OUI OWN FAMOUS MAllll , • , , PAIM·PllSH ,, • IYllT DATI two Hot Speciab-Y,our·Choice! LA••• SMOOTH-U. s. No. 1 aussn POTATOES 10 1,bs. AND Sweet Juicy ·Valencia ORANCiES L•ure Scud<ler'1 PEANUT BUTTER &lad 47c . ~-~····· : • • • • ·sPIECfAL 'SAYINGS GALORE fHIS , WEEK·END ~ • • • AT YOUR 4 THRIFTY ALL AMERICAN MARKETS! · SUN YALLIY PUii IAU8111E COLOllD 1·LI. CAITON · HILLS BROS. 1-LB. CAI . . .,.,.. " ........ . , .. rt • ., .. J.lb. Con 79c -.r. ~ ' SUNSHINI • IWSPY CllCIEIS · · 1.fb. Box c ·. l10ll1cn State SALE! I . 2 T•ll c .. , l5c· Gol4tti State-hf 9•allfy 23c COTIAGE CHEESE "· ~ . . • ' Ne. I Ctli HUNT'S FANCY CLINe PEACHES PICTSWUT FANCY LIJTU PEAS 1·6c M.D. Fecial Type TOILET TISSUE ........ , 10c No. 2112 c •• 23' ~LA"'S ST~NED BAIY FOODS 3 e. •• 25c 1115 FANCY IASTllN APPl.!E SAUCE No.21 17c . Ca• . CAMPIELL'S TOMATO SOUP ";.;.~ 10c Cas WQHl ,IL hr Sal4ld1 or Cootl19 PINT 2ac ' •un Yll.VJITA CHEESE 2·LI. IOJr .. :89c MIRACLE : ·· ·WH1P SALAD DRESSING PINT 31C STRAWftRIY . . s'V ru;· . ~ PRESERVES · _:...._~_2_3_c PILLSIUIY'S 9UAIT SSC 9UAIT 53c . J9c , PANCAKE MIX ' ·~ 27c POI MIUCLE SUDS ••• TREND • ELICATESSEN FOODS SWIPT'S PUMIUM 'ALL-1111' PRANKS . • . 69~ Swlff'a Pre•I-59• All·Meat Franks .. _... • Make Your Fruit Cake Early! . - Plelfy of Callllled Fnlt Here Nowl • --~--- 5,_clOI! • 1111rs"~ Hr..vr eon::• ,. 6 LAssis • C11rfi •. .. & '"•• "--· ,:: IJ.q l'.r. W,,. .._,. Cfal ::...,.., 2 '¥1114,,.. 'J25 ' •I. • • ••• •• • ~ lize in ,Courtesy •• : As We~ Al Sovfnts j I • • ' 1 ' • ' . . • : I • . . ' • • • .. / PREPARED-Poised-for.the bi4 lllOIMftt of..f59it from the pollCI -JOhn Deaton MCI Dr. Adolph Kosly. Ducks lllllSt c1nie within 30 yenis of the hunten or they d not U-.. 1lie ~ ,._ for this hunting lew ob••rv•:ce is • ~ ~ • l ' • • l> • .. • "' ~ • , ' • ' • I \ .. • • • • ! ' DUCKS GALORE -Golden Retri· ever, above, brings back bu~ sprig to his master, Carl Guercio of Bev- e rly HiUs . This scene in the Green- field area near Bakersfield , is charac· teristic of season 's opening rush throughout the state. Note hun· dreds of_ sprigs takirMJ to eik AFTERMATH-When you get your ducks , you have to dean them. At lett is group in mop-up operations atter a successful f o r a y behind bl inds. Coffee and sandwiches do their part in relieving the tedium of the pick-and-clean job. I thet ......... .+ hlth birds ...... "''"' for °""' hunt.rs _, lilth ... Dlillg II ...., .. ...... " I. - not .... tilllft ·-- .. , ... • . • .. ' • • • . " • • )Y • ·~ -l."' , . ~ • ... • • • . . ·r -~ - WltDfO· L. ·HIP.EOUJS . LURE CAR SCOUTS . AioTHOUGH you won' find it in fed figuru on the calendar. there's an important seaaolj in fuJI swa.y1 right now . lt'a the duck aeaaon hJch opened tecently and wfJI close on December 24. And, from I account.a, it will be a banner one. We feJt It would be amlsa It Jy In the outburst of enthusiasm \.\l'e did not make a inotorlogue itlon coveting this popular pb&se of hunting . To digress a moment t m the tour, we want to add our heart. felt tribute to duck hunters. There's a fraternal feeling an1ong them. whether they get ducks or ot. that ad<b much to the sport. They are rare indivlduala and gr d Jn type. They like to sit aroun ln the evening before the opening day and talk about experience ln other years and usually end thelr colorf ul reminiscen ces With rmark a that ftlOW their keen M!icipation. All the hunters to whom we talketl share admiration for the good work carried on by Ducks, Unlimited. Thfs Idea Is catching hold and we have this fine organ- ization to thunk for the seeming lncrefl.3c year aft er year in the duck population. From Los Angeles, there are many dir~tions to go in quest of ducks, but In our opinion one ot the be11l is around Bakersfield. In the Beverly Hills Club there are 12 n1embers-all typically en- thu~iasti c duel< hunters and rep. rescntati"e ot all bran c he s of business. As each n1a.n arrives at the outdoor club he puts his gun in a rack. We noticed that of 12 shooterli. eight were Parkers. Thia indicated to us that the boys know tht'lr hunting. The y do. The)' didn't mis.s man)' shots and they were able to choose their birds.. After each has his limit, the boys get out of their blinds. go back to the trees where sand- wiches and coffee ai;,e served and then pick and clean the birds. We learned th.al right in lhla SCOUT CAR'S ROUTE (Contlntted on Pace %) OUT IN OPEN-Although club members' are quartered in a ne rby motel. this open air, tree- sheded setting is the "clubhouse" where most of the fun goes on In background aN duck limits of some of group. In the foreground is the motorlogue scout car, a 1951 Ford 4-door sedan. ') '" .. ' ' .. • • • ,. ' • .. • . I • • . . Tl DE TAIL~ maa LOW Friday 9 :04 a. m. 6.9 '2 :•0 L m. 11 November 30 11 :20 p. m , 3.7 4:36 p. m. -I~ II . 9 :61 a. m, 6.7 • -•=btr 1 3 :28 L"lo 2.8 ·····-·· .. -..... 5:29. L m. -1.a 0 :22 a. m. 3.7 •:215 L m. 2.7 1unday , • · December 2 10:4.4 a. m. 6.2 8 :27 p. m. -1.0 • Kon day 1:30 a.m . 3.8 .5 :89 L m. 2.9 • December S 11 :44 a.. m. 6.8 i :21 p:m.. -0.8 : Tuelday 2:37 a. m. 4.1 7:11 a.m.1 2.8 December 4 8 :24 p. m. -0.J 12 :57 p. m. 4.9 'wedne9day 3 :31 a . m. 4.4 9:0. a. m. 2.8 . December 5 2 ·23 p. m. 4.3 9 :19 p. m. 0.3 ,Thunday 4 ·16a.m. . 4.8 10.:33 a. m. 1.8 • December e 3 :54 p. m. 3.9 10: 11 p.m. 0.8 J @) (f -FIBS'!' FULL LAST NEW QUABTER MOOS QUARTr:R MOON Dee. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 21 Nov. 28 ~ MR.2BY4 BY HOMER ii I \' .. A man'• home I~ w. CMtlf'~ 1.Mt't It~" Pllone: 8e&coa 6471 • Let us o.'llll•t yoo In yoOJ' plans. We w 111 gladly estimate CO!Jts of materials, recommend a contractor or help you obtain a Title 1 .loan for new constnretlon or re- modeling. H omer Mellott, Manager OTHER YARDS: • 'r. • • ; ···-•••• Assist•ne• Leagu~. DUCK TOUR . .. :~!s '="~f.... 'n>e :!::~=i~ f -. =nson Senior n1a o1t1oo ...i -. u.n --->' -.u ·~ ~ .. ;·,,., 7 3 , 1 Sc ut T . co-u 1 -._. 11 _ """•"4 .___pl•••• _.,,, Wacid w .. u wao ,.._,_ 051 ,,5 :":.· M•..,.J . o roop · ar-n.1c1 .... .,. ao =111, a11 .nu -....... tbolr .,... omc1a1 yet llled • cl4lm t<ir -Ir,,__ • prt.attly -. llle War Clalml Act ot t4&, u J ' t ft111 •. t• • Tiie ,._. ... _ i_,... oe N--n.. at ate two a comm.rdal ~ ncu-d!'Pl"yed ."" amended. obauld do oo edl&te-Yma ._, 1rw11" t t or._ 'N•: 1 port llMllor at lllolr Nonmbor Club ID Ule llallGll -drat r I ct aorna IOOO u.::r" llpo at tbelr _,, ly. The Conunl.ulon bo to baft • .... -.... -~ \'OtOd to ,,__a lltnk>r with 113 cloubk bim.t.-11 acru ; i:i U. accordlD.s' to tho all U·POW cl&lna oeUI b7 the ,_., Jin..._ 'fll. ll•rale Olrt -t a..rvi.. uecip whlcll of .. atar to MCh blind. One can f;•:;·:::•:u:t.om==o=b~lle=Clu~b~.===~end~!o~f~thlo~~y~ur~.==:;;~==~=*E~~oo~~-~~~-~~-=~~IJ~t~ -Ill.-,_ wtJI .._. .....ic. ID tbe commu· pt a .huntfns permit at the ~· .n.. wnn Jlrla ID w. ._. nlty. fomla FW1 and Oame -.rq,.... 1 OllCapt Oil.: are -to lcoutlDf v~ 1a the l<!n<y....:014 GtMk fen ID U.. StalAt BuU~ &l>d at * H d L d · thl• year ..... au ... WV laam-slrl -the i...acue IOClk un-$5 for oach -jUld ... WOft• an oome to Yo r Sp c1'f1'cat1'on·s ~ ~~ ~t C-.:..d 1.:::"J ~-:..::: ~ ~~ l<W =~ml~ h~~~~~·tlnb~: . . . • . . .. . theJr leeder oDd ho r -.tut. Orffk child>,... ~ durln•:;; ~entleld &NL We believe It Mn. Doro~ ICllla, t boy a r 0 m .. Uns and all IC?'Md ohe ~d be populu and pn>fllAtbla. ~·· 'l t "l ~~--\)!l-H''I ' maldn•· fell pu....., A. motlier'• hor family _,.. -U worth belp· We drpve tbroush Bakenfldd meetinr will be held .aon.. 1nr. · to Fa.mO.o where .... made. a Tllo welfatt comanltt ... repo ah&rp tum on HlfbwaY ee, Soln• Troop No. ti that au &pnc:lea are coopemttnc Utroush Watto over lnto lh• Lo.\ tnd Grade Bto_.... u tut 1ffJ' ln the Chrlatm.u wcrrk Hllla area. Here we stopped at a Lo&Gu.: Mn. lleuetll ru.i-rilt ao thet all ta.mlllu Wo<lld ,....In few clUba 111d at each heard the Meet& Wedi. at 8eout 11oa1e their ahan of Chrlltmu. AnJQOe "'port that the ahoouns wu pod A be.i.ch outtnc to collect ahelll Wiilhinl' to donate loJI lb.at· need. and nearly everyone had aecured tor handicraft -puJ"PC'.*:9 wu ~ rtpalr pleue call Mn. Rodertek a llmlt. poned due to the n.Jny we&ther. Burnham u these w1JJ be made The~·· a lot ot ln1pted t&nd Mrs. c. A . Remley ta aut.t.a.nt IUce new and put 1nto the Chriat-In the AJpaurh are.a. north ot leader. ma.a pac~a. Wuco. whe~ \\•ater Is It.anding The Aaalatance League Juniors on. the ground anJ there were Troop No. ts !rd Grade Brownlel i....-ader: M:ra. Don Pfoterson &tttt• ThundaJ'• Meeting at the home of thelr leader on BaJboe. llJ&nd. the• ten girle are ha.rd at work on Chrtatmu gttt.a.· They have juat f lnl.shed wutebuket.a made trol'n larg'e Ice -cream carton• ooveted with wall paper and trimmed with rick-rack. Terry Waidelich wu Invested at the lut meeting. Troop No. to '7th Oradfo Olrl Seouta Leader: Mn. Ray R. Morpn Mt'flta \\'ftlnetdays reported that ticket.a for their thcuaanda of ducks there. Candy Cane Ball to be held on Fri-AJ80 there Is the Loa Alamo• day, Dec. 14th are now on a9.I<!. Land and C&tUc Company Gun Club. three milet rrorn the Seml- DINE AT MESA troplcal Club on the Oun Club road. It hu 100 acres of water and 60 bui~. Out ot La.neuter la th.e Ftve Point Ranch Gun Club. Here are 70 acres or water and 14 blinds. Mr. and Mn. WUllun Maxwell, 23rd •tnel, •pent Tl>Ankaglvin.11 day with their 1an and ta.mlly, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . K . .Maxwell. 1809 Orange avenue, Coata Mesa. ON VACATION On our return to Los Anget~a we folll!d the 19Gl Ford with the Fordomatlc tran!lmluion had Penny Haley, on~ at th(' C. of traveled 320 miles lncludln« all C. secretarl~. la now on vacation f!ide trips. · attt'r !Riping g,t the office mo\·ed. , \Ve were 1rettin1" close to 18 .. mlle.!1 to a gallon. Thia re<:ard, LEG.AL1 NOTICE conilderlng the territory was very good. CERTIFICATE OF BUSISESS Ji'kdtlouit Firm Name • . in Distinctive <j:olor Patterns I . • . "\ I I Chenille Ty'pe BROADLOOM !-*· Spread Charm a.Swell as Rugged i I Service~bility , on your ~oors I at a COSt of ONLY-5975 • Per Square Yard * Phone Beacon 5481 Detplte a late start ln orrants- lng their troop. Ute (1.rla of Troop No. 20 have had two meetln.ga, electlhJ Cha.rneth Starece presi- dent and Phyllla Milum, ~reta.ry. Belns anticipated ..,.. mo n th I y dinner meetings at Mr.. Edward Mllun's with an overnl•ht tn lhe Spring planned for the future. Air Corpsman Home From Korea THE UNI)RR.StONED do e a hereby Ceritty that he ia condiaet. lnr a marine service and repair buainflS at 1216 COa.lt Highway, Leaving t or the eut shortly Newport Beach, California. under arc T . Sgt. and Mn. 0 . Woodward the fictitious ftrtn name of MA~ or Balboa Island. The sergeant ar- RtNE SERVICE and that said rived Tueaday• ln San Diego aner NEWPORT FUR Our salesman wlll call on you an~ give Free EsUma.tea /or 1 , 011 £'·co:~· - Troop No. Sl firm ia composed or the rou0-.,ring ne11rly a year and a ha1f In Korea 4th Grade Browale9 persona, whose names in full nntl Jw1th the U. S. Marine Air Cot-ps. ~r: Mn. H. H. Trat')' place. or r"('lidence are as follows, DurinK his absence Judy fMrs. 822 Coast Highway, Ne\vport B eac · PHO?\'"E BEACON 3431 .. , Ol'EN FRQ>AY • &\'l)NINOil 'TIL 9 P .' Mi Meets Mondays to-wtt: I \\ .. oo<lv.'01dl ml\de her home on the Newly elected officers of thla QAJL B. HUMPHREY, 517 L"lland. ''.:=================:-:===t:=====::::::::::::::::~=~ troop a.re. Dorothy Woodworth, BegonJc, Corona del :r.tar. 1-------------------------------- Chalnnan and Kathleen Daniela. California. -· Treuurer. Office.rs are elected WITNESS my hand thi~ 31!'1t . every month &1V1nl' everyone a day ot Octohf>r. 1951 . \ cha.nee to aerve. GAIL B . HmfPHRF.Y State of California. • ., • 8th Grade GtrU ON TffiS 31st day of Oclob<·r . I Troop Xo. !1 County at Onln~. 11s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l t..r.eder: Mra. Charleit Davia A. D.· 19~1 . before me, HARRY MHta Frldaya ASHTON', Jl Notary Public in ~d Sixteen girl• are provtnr IPOd for the sa.ld CoUJ!.ty and -State, rt- cooks tor the· buffet 1upper1 held atdlnc there, duJy commiaaioni-J once a month al their leadeMI and · llWOm, perM>nally appearc11 I home on BaltJo& t.land. Divided GAIL B.. HUlfPHREY, a Jt' o l..al'\ma Beach Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Brea FI· R ST T W E L V E · YE A R ·s A G 0 ••• ST I LL FI R ST. T 0 D A·Y .. ·I , ' • • • • . ' • . ' . ' RES IDENT IAL-INDU STRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 2SO • SOth St. Newport Beach Harbor 2583 YOU CAN DO BETTER AT Daniger FURNITURE CO. • • We·Buy and Se ll New and Used Furniture • • 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 READY -MIXED CONCRETE SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY No Job Too Large; No Job Too Small !!9 \Vest \\'ll90n, between Newport and Harbor Blvd&. COSTA MESA -PHONE BEACOS 6346 • lnto two patrol•. they take tum.a known aa G. B . HUMPHREX. being cook &nd fUtlt. . . Lut knoWn to me to be the perscln time the ttrlt patrol eerved ap&-whoee name l9 subscribed tO the 1N!tt1,.toa.,_, ch-~~ ~-iq,o;mt. and lilf_knowl- g'll6en ta.lad '&nd sptce .... c&ke. !l'ffp.i .fid:led ta' ·he ~xe~ th•· In.II a cookboOk la pert of th• aam•. IN Ess WHEREOF' I activity too. A new member, I have hereUnto Set my hand nnd Dabney Wat.on. waa welcomed attlxed by otftcial seal the c.Jay and I into the troop.. year In tbla Certificate rirst above Troop So. 15 lrd Grade 8"~ LM.df'r: Mn. Broox Boyt Mee.ts 'l"Uead&y at 8eoui Rouee Becauee of lllne1a In Mn. Hoyt'• family; Mrs. Joe CU.la i. the temporary leader of Troop I No. 19. An active Indian progn.m Is k~plng the ctrls busy. They have made Indian drums, be.aded headbanda and plan to continue the work throughout the year. Carrying out the theme, they re- cently wrote to an lndla.n reeer- vallon and received an lntereattnr ~tter back. Their chairmen •rv• by alphabet and the polltJoo of nag bearer i• rotated ., aJ.J have a chance to aerve.. Mn. William Herndon and Kn. Cle.au. Wl111a.m- 90n are IUl.ltt&nt Jeade.ra. OCC BAND TO MARCH Orange Coast Colle~ b&nd will be one of the am.art. b.igti atepplng mualcal aggn:ptton.a to parade tomorrow nJght at Huntptct.on Beach'• ruth annual aaluu to Sant.a Cl.au• band review, Many other band.a and a number of noat.. WW be entered. The parade beglna at 1 p. m. at 8th &q.d Ma.ln Stree!A. LEGAL NOTICE wrltten. · 1 Bli:AL) HARRY A SHTOX 1' My Commtaalon Expires 5..-18 t3 N'o. 788-Preu. PubUah Nov. 8-15-22-29, 1951. NOTICE OF L''TEXTIO..,. TO ENGAGE IN nn; SALE Ot' ALCOHOLIC BE\'ER...\Of!S November 26. 1951 TO WHOM IT ~1:A "f CONCERN: ! Subject to issuance or tht> 11- cenff applied tor. and C"on1menc- ln1" not leu than 1~ days after th<' date poeted, notice I! ht>~by giY('n that the undersl&ned propo!Ws to 1 ~11 alcoholic beverages at lhe!le 1 premlaea, dffcrtbed. a..s follows: 2814 NEWPORT BLVD .. NEWPORT BEACH. QRANGE COUNTY Purw.a.nl to auc:h interition, t~c undersigned iJI applying to U!.f' State Board ot Equa.llzation ror luuance by tranater ot an a.1co- hollc bevtrage Uce nae for thes'! Pre:mlM:a u toUowa: ON SALE BEER LICENSE ' Anyone desiring to protest the Laeuance or auch. Ucenae may file a vert.tted protest with the State Board ol Equallatlon at Sacra- mento, California., stating groundll for dental aa provided by law. The premJkl are ·now llcenaed tor the.. Nie of alcob.ollc beve rages. DOROTHY A. W ALLACl'J No. 77S-Pro.. . PublLlh Nov. 29, 1951. • . . -. : ...... , .. -. .-··- °'"'"'_.;,~ s.i,_ .. _.. 1.0-.W.i.. F,,...,_,..,. ,..:...,..-1 .... 4,,4 ,,;,,. ;11,.~1r8H'4 I I I I \ . ...,....,. "' .;.... .......... .., "·'"· -·--, .... ; ' ' .... , ---.::.... OUJ........, II~ ~ ¥Mic Dri"1 •llfl'ri-Z , .,..,,.._ .. PIOYID ANO lllPIOYID OYll TMI TIA.II~ NIW MTU: ~MATJC 11 TH• Pn•1c1 PAITN• ro• 0LDSM0111.r1 rAMovs "l.Erl"J Reoognize.I le•der of all the .. automati.ca"~ih Hydra Morie•! Oti:er 1.200,000 OklamoWle owners ha't'e thrilled to the •cie of Dydn-~tatie •lri•in.g! And now-teamed with Oldamo.bi.1 a gut bigh..compreesion "Rocket" Enginfi, Bydra-~latic i/ e•en thtt ••. C.'f'en more re.poa.ai•e •.. even mlll'e etfortleu to oper•te So step into your Oldamobik-de.ler'1 11.nd step out today in the mo.t popular "llodret .. ·llydra-~t&tic ear of diem all .•• the brilliant Su .. 88"1 . . . • . , ... II SEE YO'UI NIAllST OLDSMOllLI DIA· 11 · ---------- CULBEB._-s~N 110· . ~-·co. 2481 COAST BIG-AT NEWPOBT BEACH PBO~co• ••4a -otc TlllVISIONI CIS NIWS WITH DOU$t.AS iOWA•05-tilONOAY TH•U NIDAY AT I '· M. STATJON KMX·T, C NNEL L COUUffY OF YOUI Ol DSMOlll.I OIAl.ll-• I , • • • • • • • • Harbor Star Officers Preside I . ' ' at fare well Session of Year It wu f~U night for year'• preatdlng otttcera when Harbor Star chapter, O. E. s .. met Tuem:lay evening, Ruth ~d Henry Det.ater, worthy matron and worthy patron; prestd.lng. Ellcorl wae given Helen Lou~ Edwards. put grand matron of tho State of Callfomia and chap- ter honorary member: Worthy Matron "rllne Steiner or Pomona. Wort.by Matron Marie Pattenon and Worthy Patron AJ Jone• ol Hermosa chapte'r, Santa Ana. All were aeated In the Ea.at. and spoke durlng the good of the order. Alao eacorted and preecnted were sbc past matrona and two put pa· trona. Mr. a.nd Mra. Delaler thanked their o!f_icera tor a year of co- operaUve aervlce and the worthy matron honored the new mem~rs whom she had lnill&led 1urlng the year. All sat in a group and each had a small green and white fan u identification. Seventeen were present, and several were abflenL SpeclaJ thanks went to Georgia McClellan. who had provided how__; era during the year. .IPWehl Prcitented Ap'propriate pre3entatlon of the jewel.I rrom the chapter to the outgoing pre!llding orrtcen WU made by Paal Matron Erma Lach- cnmyer and Ray Neilsen. Offlcen formed a triangle &nd gave a speC"ial farewell tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Dei21ter, with a Ycf'8e to cor· rt'epond to their respective of- fices. Thora. Mcclintock of R ising Light chapter, Huntington Park. a friend of the worthy matron, was accompanied by Florence An· deraon In a vocal solo. Rqtna Cotti., Incoming worthJ> matron. tntroduced !lu new •P-. polnUve officero and announced there would be a practice on Sun· day. Dtc. 9 for all otfk:e(L The new Deputy Grand Matron of t7th dlatrtct. Evelyn C..go of San Clr- mente, will be preaent. Alilo announced wu Ulnee1 of Put Matron E!Ge Guy, ln Lom• Llnda sanitarium and Eame ·Kyte.. Corona del Ma.r, who h&a ~under­ gone wr.,ery ln St. Joseph hoe· pttal. N • Blrthda,Ja The dlnlng""f'OOm waa beautifully decorated ln the autumn theme. The bead table bore a born of plenty made of copper "chryaa.nthe- mume with the ata.r colons on top and fllled wtth fruit• a.nd vege- tables. It had been &rranged by Polly Owen. Individual horns of plenty on autumn leavea were uaed a.a favor.a for guest& J.ndivt· dual aquarea of gingerbread and whipped cream were zerved and there were three beauUtu1 cakes tor membera having blrlhdeya In November--only thE"~ were no November celebranta and <"very- one wu ln on the utra treat. The birthday piggy bank wu shattered and Ila contenta turned over to the Lncomlng worthy ma· tron. The refreshments commltttt wa.a beaded by Ellyn Nellan. chalrma.n, who waa uettstcd by Erma 1..Afhenn1yrr. Polly OweM, with Arv~ Voorhees making th" cofftt. HoeteSAes ror the ewnlnJ: were Nellie Skllee, and Betty Nichols. New officers will be ln1tallt'<\ Friday evening. Candy Cane Ball in Spotlight for Coming December Social Season Plans for the gala. Chriatmu8-------------- Ball were repurtt'd on Tuesday by commJlt..ee I.& wiing giant candy the Junior Auxiliary or lhe Har-canes for the comers of the booth. bot A.salstance League. All pro-TheY will have ball blda and hand· decorated Chrlltmu atocklnp ceeds from the 3rd Annual Candy for aa.le. Cane Ball will tx-ncfit the new At the Candy cane Ball the Dental Clinic, it was . &nnounced Chri.stmaa decorations will spark}(' by the prl'sldl'nl, Mrs. Peter Bar· with gllllt-r and rrflcct the fellttve rett. time anticipated by all the guellts. General chairman for the Candy Mrs. Robert Rose and Lyell But~ Cane Ball, Mrs. V. E. Ellaworth terworth. decorator, are planning reported the Charity Dinner Dance the&e glamorou.s d('coratlons with will be held Dt-1;. 1-4. at the Bal-the aid of Mmes. Peter Barrett. P . boa Bay Club. Neal and E. C. Pelt-rson. and the F ond memoriA of last year's ne-w ProVi!lionaJs, Mmes. Loul.se great success Is prompting many Marcellaa, Lynn Geidner, Pat party-goers to make early reser· Broering. Louise Craddock. J ean vaUon& Kra. Robe.rt Allen y ln RJtter, and HeJen HUI. charge of bids. Mi-s. Cha.rlf'S" The Frank R. WllklnBOn, DDS .. Sparkuhl f Harbor 2295-W) ta tak· ChUd~n·a Dental Clinic nearin'f ing telephone reaervaUona. which comple:Uon on 32nd st~et, w\11 f:hould be made aoon. Mrs. Buz offer dent.a.J hygtene and care to Ell5Worth w iH al.so take reaerva-school children of this dllltrlct. The i<amaaina Club Learns Plight of Adopted family Kamaat.nt. club members met ~)' oven.In& •t lire -ol Rita Myen. 1113 Ramona Way, Ooeta Maa. Voted ln u a new member wu Cecelia .SO)'d. wb.lle «Ueat of the eventnc WU Jane Kane. '1ore:nce ChambertaJn ptt.1ld«d at the bualneu mHUng. Of lm· port.a.nee waa the report on tM Thanluirtvtng talcen to lire dub'o adopted famlly and rtven by Boot.I Keene. 8be stated that It h&a bttn round th.at both parenu a.nd one eon have tuM.rculolta and apeclal effort• muat now be mad9 to aid Utf!m. Plana were made ror lhe cJub'a annual Chrialmu dinner, which will be given al the Sky room ot the Wilton hotel, Long Beach. Th1" 1..8 the t ime hu11bamb and friend& arc Invited. There wlU'1ao be a gift e.xcba.nge. Next meeting will be on Jan. 9 at the penlnaula home of Soot. Keene, with Shlrl~y Noel uf Whit· t~r u hoeteM. Fun ror the-evening wq a tape r.ce>n.llng, taken as membt•r11 &r· rived and played bac!'k during the ref~ahment hour. Heights Circ le Coll ects Clothing fo r Yuma Indians Nrwporl Ht-lghts clrclr m~t TuC'llday C'Vcnlni-at the homr of Mra. Homer Hargrovr, 1820 Tus- tin avC'nU(', Costa Meea. Mr•. Leon P'erguaon led df'votlona, ualng the theme '"Give Ua This Day Our Dally Bread." A collection of warm clolhlng. particularly leC'n age 1W·s. ll'I hf-· ing made and will be .ent to lhe Yuma Indian mlulon. The circlr m alao flnlahln~ a quilt to be sent there. The aklt wh.lc.h the circle la to ~Ive at UW> general W. S. C. S Chrlatm .. party Dec. 11 w•s out· lined and cut wu selttle4. Final buaa.r arrangf"ment.!i Wt're made. 1'-fM!I, Hargrove ancl Mrs. Lr-s Nott will d('cor11te lhe boolh whllt> )tr11- Flora Harris, Mr21. 7'-f lnnlc Tayior and Mrs.. Willi.am Tr~ty Will work Ln thr kltcht'n. A-Crs Hugh McMillan rf'vicwOO "He \\'ears Orchlda." Thro Decem· btor mf'<!tlng will be drvotl"d to tun a.nd frollc In the home Of Mrs . Lorrn Sawyer. 379 Eut 19th St .. Cotta. Mesa on Ott. 18. Each mt'mb<>r 11 to bring a 50c exchange gift and al,,o a big paper uck con- taining something comical of little value to be U3e'd in a party game. La~ Amigas Circ le Prepares for WSCS Bazaar •ions. Beacon :'1715-R. The public League membera wlll put ln many l..a.1 Amlgu Circle or Christ la Invited. hours ot work aa voluntttr secre-Church by thr St-a m('t Tue8day Mrs. Robert Gardne r aided by tarieo.11 and welfare work.era at thr evening at thf' home or Mary Stan· an active committee ls in charge clinic. The proceeds from the Ball Icy, 1829 Weit Balboa boulevard uf the Jr. Auxlliary's booth al will aid them in fUmlshlng the with 18 rne-mbeni prcaent. M n . the Chrielm&.B ·Preview this con1-lounte and patient waiting rooms Kr-nnelh Farnsworth led In devo- ing week end. The decorating at the clinic. llona. -'--------------------------! All ~r Items wet<' pri<'t>d Annual 'Christmas Tour of Homes' is December 12 Charity Event The third annual "Chrialma.e<O---------------- Tour uf Homca" prt'&enlt.-d by the Santa Ana Assialance League will be held Dec. 12th from 2 until 9 p. m. Added attraction thia year \Viii be tea gerved in the League's n('W building, shining with Christ- mas ft'Stivity at 1031 West lat SL The two b<'1:t.utifully decorated treee here will be given a great variety of Chri!ltma.s splendor. The David Howell, spani!lh type homt', 2453 Riverside Drlvr, where the enchanting theme or "Early Cahfoml& Christ.mu" will be car~ ried out complete with COMlumes. The sp&ciOUJ1 Kenneth Reaf· anyder home, 1126 Rlverlane, will be festive with a "A Family Chrlstmlls" theme. Sant.a Claws traveling on a float In lhe swim· ming pool wlll intrigue the chil· dren's imagtnaUon. "California Chrtatmu Plllrty" BOund,a exciting and 80 It ahall be with the gracloua home ot lbe Wm. K . Lindaays. 1038 Riverlane. for a selling. Thia lovely new home prcsent.8 the opportunity to correlat e In.side a.nd out.aide enter- taining for a colorful party. . Greent1, sprays. table decoratloM and dolls, made by members. wUl be dLaplayed to an adY"&Pta.ge ·at the colonial home of the E . D. White's 2115 North Broadway, to ~ereat the Ch.ri11tmu ahopper. Ticket.I for lhi.11 pop~ar event. which ta open lo the public. may be purchased in adv.nee at t.he Santa Ana Book Store. Mra. Har- old 8eger1trom. 938 Rlverlane, or at any of the above home11 ln ad- vance. including the League BuJlding at the Urne of lhe tour. Santa Ana A.aelatance League'• primary lntereat la ln chlldrcn'a health and we.Uarc, ho'Ao'ever it strive• lo meet the need& of the Com,snunlty beyOnd the acope of other agencies, aayJ1 Mn. John Ball, League president. Children's Home Society Announces Plans for Hearts & Flowers Ball A Bal Muque, with a1J It.a at-1+---:------------ tendant gaiety and glamoor, wW the ~ia.I event. named the tJ.iow- provtde tbc theme fOt" U\e third in&' comm.K:lee cbal.rtnen to &Ml8t a.nnual He-art. and Flowen Ball be akin the Ball "''-hl...,, .. t which wilt be held on hb. :n un· of r ~:' ...!,.., Kn.a \Tin~ der the sponaonhlp ot the New-~. co-cba1rman and apeclal port Harbor Auxiliary of U\e proJecli Mn. Lop.n Hendrickaon. Cblklttn's Home Society of Call-lnvltatlono; Mn1. Roy Anderaen. fornla. Aa In P"'Ylous yean _ !!'_~ ,_ wa-; MrL 0. G. 8- ou~s mid-winter ....... tab i. Jira. Cbarla event Will be belcl at tile --le .....,,_., ; tllllilall, tt1terUmmeat; llro. W . Bay club. A. Berta. clecontloNo; w ... Cbal· Pmlmlf11lr7 plam ., • .., outlln-i... ~ ~: 11n. r. J . ed to ~ awdllary memborablp Cleacy, pub1Jcjt11 lllra. 1£wnnc:e ~ llret ':"laClrlttm:r:"ll' ~~&· Jkvwn, -&ad -M, ~ • &.. a.~ ._._ at Ia UM •'11nce ot auxtlia,ry Kn. .Jolln· Broupton, by llro. p......,.,.t. lllra.-& c. llartln, wbo Tllller Topper. Hoarta -J'loW· ... --UQiifas In tbe ..t. ""' BaU ~ -... tbe -. J-pll "'IP ,. 11"'«1 at u.. en:t.e-~ent at the atra1;I' wttlclt t n:S1 1r. •• star. Co b•sn11 Will be atr.nded by Onnla -----~ o.i.. ..... 0. 0. ty -•t1 Will be --t· ._ _ "" .. R.a °""' ........ of -.Utlllrl and lllluoual ......... • .-- d.a.play ot m•1k• from tk .,...... WW•DMl Ullif -wy ~,:! & l)&llmally -· art JCr. -.... • I Uto ,.----,. --W i*IW --~ baft& cllttr .... ,tftUJ' M st7 " Oas llro. Topper, ID ph••ac l ot -Uooy ._. at 1-a . • • • • and final plan11 m11dc for Lhf' evrnt, slated for Dec. :i al Good('ll Hall. The clrclf' will be <"hurch hOll· teo~.1 for the month of Decemh..•r, whic h includes dt'coratlng the church. At prelM'nt lhey art' col- lecttng warm clothtng to be sent lo Indian rcaervation•. Next mf!'etlng will be on Df.c. 18 at ll'le home of Mra. 'Dom Pea- dell Th.la wlU be a tea for pro.- pecllve new members. Resula come trom con&anl Practice I An ad ~l'Ularly In th.la paper wtu produce ruult.a tor you French IUTTll. IOUS 33c..._ ...... -..> 61wl7• IPICI c.'AICI ... _ ............ ~5~~ ........ ':/ ·-... ,.,. ..... oa•:,eJ -•·,.,,.. -GI pq .......... ••ssalA- ,, PAGE 3 -·PART 11'-•THURS Y,_~V. 2?,;195f· Junior Matrons • Entertain&<! at . . Shore Cliff Hon· rte Mn. Freeman ~lsher CJ\ ~ ed Tllcoday at her Drlftwood.[R<>ad liom., Shore cutla with a ~Ject party. guests being mem of Ebell Junior aectlon. 'l'hll la e ot. a aeries of parties wtth wbi , thf' J uniors are aiding the unt)' M:hool for deaf arid hard of bear- ing chlldre.n. , Mra. 1£8 Blakesley carrl the prize after an aftern play. Others present were ' '· •, ' Co rtv Bottd Sales In~ !as:. ~h~~~Y-°" tnc~~1~ly durtng the: Sep-- tern ;ri ..... _ 1}gtobcr peri0'1 of t.he l Finl "'Defense ~nd Drive, tbe Trea~ ~partment reported to- day ln r announcing that Oranse Couno/ topped tu quota of .,.M,· 715.73 with recorded Alea of '478.384.67 durinK thlll campaign l'OUNO HAIUIOR llATKOS8 will aid Illa Oruse Ooulll)' .. hool for deal and hud of hMrln« dill· dl'ftl tb~ a ee.riN of projet.t putle&. HD11te. lo a CT'OPP of .lunlor Ebrll membcn Is Mr&. Frtt- mu Fis.her or Drlftwood ao.d. Ldt to rtpt are Mn. C. K. Cttrren.s. 1'1nt. W. E ... ,sher, G. M. Daupbln4', Mrs.. F~maa 1'1aher, &it,._ Robt-rt Cro" . ....,. aad Mn... A. Burr "'hllt•, Jr. I Beeknt·r Pholo) Hugh Plumb, Van Ha~a. Bradford. Howard Bryan, llll&m Fisher, G-Nrge Dauphine, rbert Crowner, Bi.arr While. Jr., . K . Currt>n!I, Willian1 T. Porte and the h08tess. • ' I -Gl&S11ificd ads are read bYil folk.a who arc looking to buy. Ha,ry L. Han.son, volunteer chairman of th~ Orange County Defc~ Bond Committee, atated that ~n Southt'm California over $22 million \\'R.s lnv~sted in Serie• E ~dA. Purchase totalled 121.· 2045. 2.M to exceed the cam-p~ s : goal by S2 v.i million and mark1 a gain of 22''°'" over averace monthly .sa.Jrl'I of Ule first e.ipt montbs or the ;-ear. Since the campa.iGTI was d evoted to the p\.o.. motiqn of E Bond :sales, F and G Bond purc.baS<'s arc not lnclud· ed, Hap.son said • --- 6Vz.o:. 10.lb. bag (~43c) I ' l c c SHOBTENINC Spry Brand Royal Satin . . The values listed are just JI few of the many lo w priced itf"ma you ~·ill find al your nearby neighborhood Safeway store ... Start today to SAVE MONEY ON YOUR POOD BILL ... st•rt to shop at Safc~·;:iy ... 3.1b. -95c 3-lb. 7.9c can can \-lb. can, 31 c 1-lb. can, 29c Coffee Values r reshly ro.alcd for e\•cry coffee tut.c •••. _:,.: . . . ..... --. Spec::ial low prica at Sdeway. The pennies saved on C\·ery trip add up to dollars for fQU. EDWARDS PIE CHERRIES Honey bird 19·0L 19c Brand can Vacuum P-cked. Bed. sour. pitted. Excellent for holiday pi.ea. MARGARINE Foil wrapped cube.a. 29c Sunnybank Yellow. ' lb. DRY BEANS l·lb· J4c 2·1b. 26c bag bag Finl", drip or regular grind 75' 2·1b. can, 1.49 Swmy Hilla. Packed in cello bag. Choice ol Pinto or Large White ~miety. NOB Hill ~:~~~I~ 70' In economy bag. (2·1b. bag, 1.39) . SYRUP SleepyHollow 24-oz. 4'9c 12-or. 23c Cano & MaJ>!• boltte ~ btltle AIRWAY ~~~o~ I~ 68' GRAHAM CRACKERS ~~: 29c Grind at Nore. {3·lh. bag, 2.03) Pirate•' Gold. In "serring si:.e" pack. Guarcmteed c:rilp. fresh. Fancy sk inned, 1 C>-18-lb. avaroge. Popular brond 11 Swtft Premium, Cudahy Pu rita n, Armour Star. Butt 59c Half lb. Whole or full 5 3 C shank ha lf lb. • PORK ROAST F.ither end of loin.. Ecmtan> gT<lin-lad pork. (C-ter Cut Porit Loin B-lb. 63c) PORK CHOPS r..d-::~~t-•. 49c (Cemer Cut Pod< Lein Chopo. lb.. 67cl F or ~ulek Meals Chili & Beans -CMM ,....._ 37c D.ft,.,.;-.on.'• .. Beef & Vegetables ""':~ S2c D.ftn.llOl'l't. 0p.n. h.ot, ond _..... Ham & Limas .. M ...... ,,..:.; JSc Noodles Chop Suey ~:~::.~·"'· Chicken Chop Suey ChineM Moid. Soy Sauce -19c -, ..... 32c -, ... L 39c -- .:: 1k PEANUT BUTIER 1PU·RE LARD .•. 1 llaked Goods 1,1s1n Brea• ....... ';! .23c . Weber's Bread w•;,. M t.,.. -23c l I Wh.ot ...,, "t!'~~ !!~!! ~~~~;... .... 1.49 .ltlnior Gift Ring ::;.·· ,._..u ilrartd fTult cole .. .. 79c S6ced Fruit Cake ,...,9c ' Mt• ilrortd. f•~ll•"'' flovor. Otb~r Values ick Oats .t::." ~ 39c io;::.1 k ky Lage~ Beer "";;:.;::: 1 Sc -.............. ,,. ''"' d.po1it) llo Wine I ::'~.~::r· .... S8c ' eM .,,,ifte ol•r..d f°' sa"9 il'I Sofe...,ey• ft ........ II th.m. ToJtt l o,. odcfitieNL izartl Wic ~:::,:~ "; 33c , ••. liam ~in tbe bic DeCe,;.ber ,a~('1«di, ~ ..... i.·5¢ ' • ·~· • ' . J ' I • • • • f • PAM .. -~ ,,J._Ql 1'1-· THURSDAY; NO~ 195 1 Bloue .-................... . 8kht else ..................... . '. ~ alu .................. . :, Polly Apparel • 1 Women 's Wear Children's Shop · 1833 Newport Av~. COSTA MESA l1acon 5353 H08e slM ..................... . Slip sis.. ....................... . Panty slse ................... . Bra slse ...................... . Fill this ou t 11 nd piece it where your m11 n c11 n see it. I • • " - ' • .... -- St, J.mes JChildre,. Pl•n Gifts for N•vy F•milies \ 1'lle l•dl-ot It. Jam•• -botlnlMt.& ud prlJllU7 ,,. partmanll -fw --1114' -Ilic ud GllU-,-for ~ Sunday aftern-, ~ 9 al u.. -Uf ot ,-bor. Tiie om· ! o clock the combined church p11u11 lhlo ,_ will bt \n u.ln• choln of the Harbor aroa and th• Inf tile cblldna to bt -~ Coul oollep obolr will tor otllel'O ~ rtvlftf pruent HanVel"s "Meul&ll." Tht Tiie f119t ~ a~ of Do· ioo,. voice cbotr, unde.r th• direcUoa eemblr the cll1ldren wUl bttnl of Ylaltlnc condUctor David Tounc. Chrlltmu PnMDll tor u,, N..,y outstandlnc choral dlrtctor tn ramuy oiape1 sunci.T .._ In Southun Calttornta, will Jive lhta Lonr Beacll. Thut p..-11 will traditional Christmas oratorio In be rt-to 111.t childreu of tnltol· the college audltortum. ed. men at the chapel'• annual The aoJoletl have been melected party. Many or thue cb!ldl"en'a lrom Onnp county ~era.. The fitheno wtll • be away a lie& and aoprano, Either La Rue Mof'l'&Jl, ~ufe of the Umtted income of ot Santa Ana. hu appe~ al Ute eriliated m•n, the preM.ntl Ute many civic tuocttons In this aru Bt. Jun .. Cblldren brine will be and Loe Angeles. She la at preeent deeply •A?reclated. by Navy fam· studying with Dr. QuJrtno Pelllccl· lllu. otll ot Loa An,.Je.a. Th• cont.nJto, Children are ulced l brtn Yvon»e Van Liew, ot Oran.re, 11 ...,... 0 I' • well known u a aololat 1n llcht •u~ for a boyJ or rtrl their own --• •• ~--• ~ Alt ace, -Silt wrapped, with a note • • ..... w t ..., at I, JO. ud U:IO. WFtll ..,., 8 L m. °"5'11J'- .. h n 1. • • •• ,,. to •• • ···•••1• .... -..... r-., I , r:I ... a .,._ ~L &Oeofl li' 4-U I >j. • Jlolr ...... l;tl L a., 'ft.AO (8"1 l1 L .. oi. ..... --· UI (MO) 1:41 p. a lalf'l (1101 ._ of St. """'!'Is <Wlnp ' oo- Sund1y Topic _ •t lsl1nd Church ,,,, topic luad&y monwos al B&lboa lal&Bd Commlll!J~ W.IJ>od. lot church wtll be A. Msa of Cb&r- aci.r llaf-A Court of Doubttu1 Honor. Sttmon wUl bt l>y Dr. Har- ry White. Last Sunday, received Into tile c.tturch were new membera Mr. &nd Mn. IUcbard White, 113 Aiate street. He comes ttom tbe Colllft'- l'•llon&l church ot Lonpont, Co1o., and a.tte from SL John'• Methodilt church In Lub&ck, Tex. Science Text opera ~ m-..-. com .... y. er teeurely attached et&tinc whether considerable e. x p e r I • n c e u a 'ror a boy or Cirl and What a~. dl.urch .:>lolat ahe will now be • .Bt,fhllrbta of the December pro--The theme o~ the Sunday leaon- heard Ln oratorio. f1'1lln wtll be the church tchool krmOA in all Chrt.t.Jon Sclencr Geor,-e AJbert Clark, al preanl Ch.rt.at.ma.-E've 9"rvice at , p.m. churchu Lt expretlMd thua in the ot Anabei.Qt, bu been choH.D to on Dec. 24 when the c herub choir Goldt.n Text trom Proverb (14:22) 91.ng the tenor role. Comlnc wtth wUl present ln the churc h lhelr "Do they not err that devtae evil t a. wealth of expertenoe ln such Ctu1Jtm th but mercy and truth lha1l be to openu u Manon, To.ca and Car-Fol~;" lh:':~lce, the chJI-them that devite po4." The 1Ub- men, with turtber experience u an dren 'Nill be ahown the Cathidral Ject ta "Anc:i.a.t and kodern Nec- oratorio .:>loin:. Mr. ~t.,rk wtll mm. ''The Holy Chlld." AddlUon-romancy, aliu MMm•rlmn an"d make his debut in Oranp county. &l viaiual edu. at.lo wtJJ be vid-HypnoUam., Denouneed." The bus aolotal, Wealey M&rquart c n pro Jn ··aetence and Htalp. with Key la well known to mualc lovers ot eel by .ever&l new rum strips pro--to the Scrlptu!'IM" ~uy Baker this vlctaJty. He la a cholr dlrec-vtded by the church achool gultd Eddy decl&Na "Dtvtne M1nd: rtc"t· tor ot many year• ••Ptri•nce and on the •lory of the Natlvtty. · ly de~ man.'1 enUn obedl- tirsl pruident ot the Oran•• e.nce, attectlon and atrenfth. No Co~y Choral COnductort Guild, C •ty Ch h renrvatton 11 made tor any lener .. well .. soloist with rich expert. ommun1 urc loyally. ·obedience lo Truth J1•ea ence. C d I M man power and lll.rengt.h .. Submla-There will be no admluton Orona e ar 1lon lo error supertnduceo lou of charge to this 3rd annual "Me•-' power" (p. 183). "THERE IS STILL TIME" I slah" preeentation •tn the Harbor The Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt area. A capacity crowd iJ1 anti.-wtll preach the first of an Ad - cipaled 80 the public la urged to vent Serie• of aennons on Ott. 2 Rev. Tom Pendell Preaches in Ariz. • to pt the very bNt Cbr latma• Cardi wtdl ,YOW' UllM! Imprinted • : The Amirteu A.J'll•ta Group ' -DMlr-e-n and muatratora t -Eyvlad Earle -Tammi• • • Keefe -Georp 8hellhUP. -: Lodwla Bemebnau, AlaJa.lov, • Adoll Dolin, Ohu\f• Rook· • more Davia. Rockwell Kent. • and ..... • • host or otben. We sfvf' oae-wee.k delivery. • ', Wti a1ao have M!l~ted cards • by ~ n.ne artl•ta tn 8 ' and lt-n.rd packarH. • • ,. The Ii ' ' . l • • • • Islanders 214 Marine A ve. &uboa I11land RA.RllOR IMT Your Portrait 20°/o Discount : t o F11 milies of t hos e • : in t he : Armed Services • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • G ive the g i~ ~hat only you C'en give et Christmes Time . !'•Jl1 • • • .. ............. , BARllOa 191Y, ' . • - • arrive early tor choice aeats. at both morning service• ln the L. A. Presbytery to Insta ll Pasto r of St. Andrews On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 2, at 4 p. m . ln the auditorium of the Newport Hubor Union High school. using the time-honored &nd i.radttlonal Preebyterian eer- vlee or inatall&Uon, the Pruby- tery of Los Ahl'\ .. will "offletally lnltall the Rev. Jamea Seth Stew- art as pastor ot the St. Andrews Presbyterian church, N " w p o r t Beach, Callfom.IL The new putor ot St. Andrews comes to hia pariah &ftar aervtng tor two &nd a. half years u u- aiJlta.nt pastor ot the Beverly Vista Commwtity church, S.Verly HIU.. Prior to that time h• terved wtth diJIUnction tor flve' yea.re iJl tbe Naval AJt Corps aa a carrier fighter-pllot. Upon ht. releue from active duty ln the Navy, he 1natriculated at the Pre1byterian Se:mJnary In San Anaelmo, Calif .. receiving hla bachelor ot divinity degne In 1SM9. The Presbytery ot l.oa Angelea, the ruling body ot the PTeabyteri .. an church in this area.. has de•lg· rntled the following mlnllters to p&rtidpate In the aervlce of In· at&Uatk>n: the Rev. Lolli• A. Ve- luco, moderator of the Preabytery of ~ .lngeleo, to be the,pnaldlntr clergyman; a.uiatecVb)' ... tht Rev. O. Scott McFvl&nd, paator of the Firat ~sbyterlan church of San- ta A.na; the Rev. Wiiliam S. Stod- dard, putor of the A.npl\18 M.ea Prubyterlan church of Lot An· plet; the Rev. Jameo K. Bi.wart, rather ot the lnAallee, put.or of U\e Beverly Vt.ta Community cburcb ol Beverly Hilla, and tbe Re•. John R Stewart, brother ot the inltallee, PNtor of the Sht.dow HIU. Presbyterian church of Sun- land. l'ollowing the 11ervlce or tutal- l&Uon, there ~1U be a reception ln honor ot the Re.v, and Mrs. Stew .. art in the lowt1e ot the SL An- drews church, SS1U Sl Andr9WI &.d, Newport Help ts. Meeting Dates fo r St. James Guilds Community Church of Corona del Mar. Hl!I subject will be, "God j Gave A Promtae." The Chaptl choir wlll •lng In the 9 :4~ a. m. service, "Let Our Cladneaa Know No End," a Bohemian &Jr, and the Chancel choir wUI sin&' in the 11 a . m. aervice, .. A Carol of the Ru.utan Childi-en," arra.nred by OauJ. The hl(h .9Chool youth wtlJ aell do-nuts and cotttt after both the services. They are dolng thia u &n act of aervtce, to ·help people aet &cqu&lnted wtth each otller over a cup of cottee. • Communion Sunday at Baptist Churc h At the monthly Communion Ser- vice thi• Sunday at 11 a. m. the putor of the Newport Ba.ptiat church will speak on the theme: ..Let Us Draw Near to God." There are clusea tor all acu at the Sunday church &Chool at 9 :415 a . m ., and a Youth FellowahJp meet- ing at 6 :30 p . m. At 7:30 p. m . Dr. J:llis will preaoh the fl1'9l of a te:rlea of aermona on the Chrl8t.mu theme: "Other Sh~ep t H&ve," Other ,aermona in th1-.erte• are to be: "Naviptlng by the Star ot Bethlehem,'' "Wonderful Namea." and "One Night ~tore Chrt.t- mu." An all day meeting of the Wo- m..n'a Kilrlllonary Society will be held Tueod&y, 0..:. 4lh. beCUmlntr with White c.... s.wtnc at 1o ::io a.. m. sack lunch at noon followed by a Procr&m and buaineu eaalon. Prayer meeting toplca th I• month will be taken from the World Wide Bible Read.inf the.mt: 'Tbe Way Out ot the Dark," each Wedneeday evening at 1: l~. • Costa Mesa Methoaist Church Rev. Thomu Roy Pend ell re- turn• to hla pulpit &t .Chrut Church by the Sea Sunday morn- ing. following & alx-day Pret..chlng Mluion and eva.nrel.Letlc effort which h e hM beell conductlnl' at the COmmuntty Church Jn Chand- ltt, Ariz. Mr. Pendell la not a ll.r&nl'er to the at.ate ot ArtzoU.. havinl' aerved •• putor tn Hol- brook tor three )'Mn. Hil .e.rmon topic Sunday mom- lnS' will be '"Tiie Ws:y Out of th!' Dark." Mn. Pbyllla Fields wtD slnJ an App&lachlan C&rol, "l Wonder A.8 I Wande r:· and lhe Sanctuary choir preeent.t the .. Ca- rol of the Ruuia.n Children" by Gaul. Guest Speaker fo r Adventists Elder Jarnea Jesperaol'\. paator ot the Seventh • Day Adventlll church of Ontf.rlO, Will be pest ape&ker on Sat. Ott. 1, 11 L m . The Sabbath echool "'1Jch meets every Saturday at 9:30 under Ule le&derahJp of Dr. C. L. Smith LI 81.udyln&' "The Creation ot Ood" and the Wbjeeta tor the next two week.a will be "God Speaks Throup Nature" and ''Ttlue Sci· ence VI. Present-Day Theories." Mn. r...Tour Vaurtat. 8erttor Dorcu leader announced the pro- j~t In which the aoclety wUI en--race durtnir O.C:.mber. Booka will be made and toys renovated tor chlldr"en ln the hoeptt.ala. Many more doU.. are needed. Fou.n.,en famllie.a were made happy by th.t Thankactvtnc bukets wllJch were made up by the ladles of the church la.st week. Newport H1rbor Lutheran Church ''The Cballenge oc a New Day" "Jeeus ROiie of Sharon" Is the wtU be tho llleme ~ Ille MnnOll eermon theme announced by Rev. thta Sunday e.t the 11 o'dodt wor- Jmeph w . Mcshane, put.or ot ship •rvlee. Putor 8"Wt: C. the CO.la Meae Community Meth· Roth will prt&ch cm Ille J:pillle odtot churcb, for llunda7'• lO:tiO Laton for the nm Sunday tn o'clock morntn.c wonhtp •rvk>e. Advant which ta Romana 11:11-1.c. 8Und&y 9Cbool wt.th cw ... for all 8undtly 1ehOOJ meeta at 1 :30 L &&"I l'f'OUP. co.nvenq at l :.fiS a.m. m. wttb c11·w Cor all ..-. Tbe ll(emben of tbt tntumedlate Ad111i !Ole 8ludy clut wbl,ch -•th f•Uowsblp will meet at 5:30 mttll at Ullo !lour fl now otudylnc ,__ Ille • ._ ~ Acta.'" ..... -p.m. with the htrfl tc:hool and The Guilds of Ille Womt11'1 Sunersous STOUP ....,,bllntr al ~ _,. be &rr&ntr<d AW<lllary of Bl. Jam• church are e·:io Pm ~ calllllS 8Meoo _'W, . . . >.ctMU.. at ----&nJIOUllClnC thalr --meet· Monlhl.J' family ftlP\ will be ~"-~-A.!L • -tnp &s follows: oboernd Thunc1&7, NOY. 211 with .,_ u ·-: -~· ,)~ p. IL, St. Cecelia"• Gullet wW meet a pot tuck din.Iler al t:IO In l1lo --nll-1; ,,,_ ""~-~ 2 ~ tor •·• --''•• •• ~ day, T:IO p. rtL, llllllo lltlldy llouJ': ·--·~·tat 1 :~ p.m. --llaJI P·--.. a.--· Th,, ...... _ a p m... -·-• ~-- a wit luncll at lhe -· bf Mra. tile-border propem -tile di-di~· ..a-;,; ~ J-b Rlrp, 1111 -s.y P'roftt, rectlon tit 811nd&y --111· oa -ti...; a."'°" lslud. -ben wW wrap -t, Bruce Kartta. •-...!..i: JO!lt ~ ~ ~ rttts , for ~ -. t~ Jl"Oll'Ul ft&tu...--...U be • 4l1"l!l&Y .-..i, Bol¥ ,,,,,;,._ 'Wiii &anc11o Loo ~ -are ,... of CW>ocl COOda wh1dl lla'ft ._ bt -Ude llUDCla.J . qi-..S to briar lllft&ll artlcleo of colltcled by the llllnd&J' .. _. ,,.. ..,.., ,_, -~ "- COllmne Jewelry for ourprise podt· """"° for Claluleo and Mata.II 1 L ID. to 1 p. .._ ~ ~ ~ • -m--......, ... II' -P9aor'I J A t-c-a lralelns clea toe Oftkil -:, ft:;;( t' L a. to at; 1"1N Wll'a OU1W will -8'°""'1 -t-l!an lo ..... u -al .. '°"' ... _., ,.._,.,Doc.Tat U:IO p.a: toe a toe Doo. 4 at ,,. p.a. at \at ---U. d * el l QIT :u ... -.;:.'; = :.:-·~ = 7. .... _,. .. •eca. • ..... Cltff om.. "'"' .... "'7 --.i11ar.-----u11-• nwlll iW c.r•-• ca-. to. -u.i 1a11a .-Doe. t. .n. a111 41p11& ~tor * zua _. ...,u.. a.ta -mt. e-s1r el ••;wt -.............. .. 8t. ......,_.. OulJd - -"' tl!o - - -at ~ ••• ,,.,Dec. u;, .... at .. 1•a.a.h1 , ..... , ..... 'spst• "' llln. 1' ....... .,. -....... ~ ..., ...,.. .... ...... C711111a ............. 0 9 ., J £.I • 1$$[ • ___ ., ••1rs --. •a Jiii! *'"' • 11& a. ...... ,.. ......... ts.SW th • Jlmlll 7; I ltl .. 0 ,_. ftmo .... 11& ._ ..-*'-_.. Et 1 ?• of ........ lat 11 to .,,_,,?., ....... _ .................... .._ • --· -rs,.. t.-..x.... .. .. ... . • • lower • c f 0 r.• "the J 0 y 0 f G iv i R g.! • O'BRIEN S BRlt NGS YOU · 11 · V 1GU·E'S FASH! NS IN GIFTS Ex c L u s I v Ly AT 0 I 8. R I E N 's ~voG · E'S SELECTIONS ·, ~ . Sketched are seve Item& from our Vogue oollectlon Button-ohaped earrtnp, J eold-pl&ted metat .......................... ?.... 'i.60 Battie CarnecWs go l§E-compact ............................................ 9,00 8Uver cha.I.a link bra.oel amethyst oolored dangle .................. 10.00 Bucketzshaped haadbac, ol tan cattokln ................... ? ............... !0.00 SOME OF • · OTHERS WE ARE SHOWING I Black enamel pin ~ wltb rhloeetoDM ...................... ·--·-··-16.00 -let. Ulick ..,.,. of tu. ............................................................ n.oo (Aho Pin aad NerklaM) • Loac narrow .nk se&rf, •oUbed to flt aeak ................................ a.oo Lare• J!llt....,. -p ...................................................................... uo BrlP,t Jrtab linen bandkerchlet• by Bunnel .............................. 1.00 Black luclte compact bf Paul Flato ........................................... 10.00 Shoe buckle pl.n,. Sold p tee! with IJN'rka ot rhlnet1tones .. 7.00 (plwa tax) . .. . maintenance osts • ,,, to do more work ~ for your moneyl Ch.,,,..lat'1 great •ngirlffr9d-in feet. turn keep maintenance COiia at fGdc bottom. The famou1 105-h.p.· ~ ,_,., engine Is bu ilt for tM hard and long pull1. Chevrolet'• Ma..,.. duty ,..,..,., &turdy IH1nsmliaion, durable rear axle and other .- Ach&lat o.sr.. '""'-kMp ..... le ... 41,wn. C1me In and look Oft( tM .... tine ol Chevrel.r Adwcn_, Des111111 1ruc1Js t1rst c:tianc. yw · llllf· :fher'U de -worlJ fer your~ because low lllCllntonan~ Colla -~ eilfl11e5Nd In. • ' . • • ' • • • . • • • DON'T WAIT! COUNTY RE~IEF Harbor High School Classea of '32 and '33 Hold.Reunion Yuletide Program.· ll,"l1'l't ORADUATTHO ()L.UlftS .. Newport Barllor '!-Rllll --tWr -• ..... ... ·Planned JOI' I • OBDEll YOtm . CASES DECLINE ~. aftu -. _.tau a -•n -"""'" .,.. -.. _,_ to --an n ?' lo.... • Sch I PTA _,.. -----. tor taoo ,_.,... main 00 ~ALIZED Cllrfsr11Mn Cards • NOW! • BOOKS OHILDREN'S BOOK ooort BOOK8 A.RT 8.ULINO Fl8BINO FICTION NON-FICTIO!\' • B"4e Srd/4 Oo.noral h=• m.l<( In Oranp county dropped to 141 cuea for Soet•mber, 1161, l'l'Om the 191 .,_. In the couney during Sop. tembor, l"°, Callfoml& Taxp&y- er11' aaocta.Uon reported tod&y. • A id p&ld to ·t1lla croup In the county alao dropped to $:1,843 for September of thla year l'l'Om the n.189 of September. lll!O. • Thi September, 1951, cue load In the county included 84 ti.n&'le penon cue. and 171 people ln 57 family cues. For September, 19M, the Ca.II!! Joad tn the county included 120 atnsle per90na and 264 people ln 71 fa.mlliet. Statewtde, general home relief for September. 19~1. included 21,- 111 HAIN. BALBOA 3M cases, compared wtth the 32.- BAR.BO.R 8'78 192 cases on the county rolls ••••••••••••I throughout Ca.llfomla for Septem-ber, 19~. . Total aid pa~ll for this one WATER HEATERS kind of relief for September, 19:51, amounted to 11.194,531. compared wtt.b the $1,S88,458 for Seplember a year ago. -. Se"""' and Repairs Joe Beddo/J Inc!luded In the September, 1951. cues throughout the state were 20;868 .tngle per.aria and 22,280 people ln ft,5815 famlllea. Cl.ASS OF 1911!-Frnat """ (I lo >): wutord ,...,Donald, Dorottoy oottle ...... Maydelle' Anoto Mor- n.on, MlldN'd IAplotl W..-, S-p_. WUU-.. Dorotloy 8Wer .. hlhnrdt, Dnll .M,,..,..... MkJdlto ro\\' (I to r): Mr. IWJ Frink. ftnt boa drlvf'r: Roberta Sutherlaad Shaler. Maurllle Coe Balley, Hl'lf'n \V~ \\lrt.-ht, ~llklf'ed.Zbeu.ret Sbafu. Doro.thy Hutrman Bftwe,., Ehle 8tanik P&tterwon, )tr. ThompAOO. Sue .ouu, Horvath. ptr. Grahl". l\n.ck '°"' (I to r): ltr. Bea., Mr. Worden, Ml98 H~lhecb, .,Judi"" Dodi"• Mr. Davtd"°"-COMb Rttd. 3tr. llam~t WU pJ"f:eYt but not la plcture.. out or t~ S6 _J!"adualf's ln 1952 °'""' "'"e l.& p,...nt., ~ tf'n of the ol"\g'lna.l lNCluors. PLUHBINO • Aata.,>rbed ne.ler Day a Nlaht Beaters TllMS For September, t95o, there were1 22,968 8fngle persons and 33,001 people tn 9,224 fa.mU1es Included in the cue load statewide. 10... Do--•II H....,_ Phone l:larDor U4%-\V • .. % per ••••m Continuing an unbroken record of dividend payments to our depositol's, it is gratifying on the part of the Directors to announce the 30th consecutive dividend at the rate of 3 ~'< per annum for the semi-annual period ending · December 31st. 1951. This dividend will be paid December 31st, 1951. NEWPORT aALaOA PIDIRAL ···~·· ......... As••••····· 3333 ia Li , Newport leach, Califarnla one: Harbor 1500 OUlEC'TORS: I . A. Bttk, Xel)I Davi•, Ralph P. Masll,.y, 8. A. Mf'yer, P. A. Palmf'r, Walter $. Spicer, C. \V. TeWlnkle. CLASS OF 193.S-Fl'ont row (I to r): Dorothy Docll'e .,Jolin.9oa., lf't'lltt Mclatee Ne\vlancf. Gene,._ flo\ft 8tna,.e, Ne\'a Lopdon DUJLltUa. Mr. Verne Korpsa&. ,fa.J'1ltll9 Wbeat. leTT7 Frary. Mhtdle row (I to r): Aato-~ Todd, MartM Dlck•y M~~~h MIDer CUft, hye Ortttbo Brock. latte Fl.van ,....., vtrglnlo Ml'Cl•llaa llorland. M..,. Rehino> Z.rlant, Dixie ~ llllsg- "·orth. Ro3-.J \Vellla.cton. S.Ck row (I to r ): Bob f." ratJ', Ru&ft Davis.. Phil C'UIM-1. LN Stoddud, l»n nl~ H oSfand, Maloolm Reid. Tom Rollins. * Opr11 1111 11ffo1111l 1111d sh11r1 i• 111.u fi111 t4N1i11g• ·-__ _._-=---ms """AUOClation wlth-n90u.reis tl ti"-ceu of $6,000,000 provtdes safety t or your f'uttda. Your account up to $1 0.000 la insured by a.n lnatru, mentalit y ot the U. S. Government. • LIVING ROOM D~~G ROOM NICK l<ACK.!I • BEDROOM LAMP SHA.DES '\VALL SHELVES T Lunch Box Problems Discussed at I o~c students See I l. Otl Tools Made i 1ndbergh ·Harper P .. T .A. Meet th!",::!~ .~,:t~~ ~:::~r= { Realizing the ln1portancc or at-In the oil Industry. 30 Orange I trnctlv<', v.·~11 balanced lunchea for Coa...~ petn:>tcum t ech students 1 chlldr1•n, rr.en:~rs or lhf' CMt& Travel Lecture and their instructor George Guth- • ~{(·sa, IAnd b<-rgh·Horper PT A rp-r1t~ made an extensive viBit to the 1 Cf'!VC-d Ala riR n PrrnU5.,. program Tuesday, Dec. 4 ct"nlral manufac turing district of I with eagrrnrss a t thr November Loe AngeleA last Tuesday. j me<'linJf in thC" hita ln 3Cho<>I. Bal-MPmbers of the Ebe-II club In thel.r visit l~ the Kobe Manu- • anc~ lunc.'h bOXC's vs. unbalanced travel $4:'Ctlon arc lnviting the racturtnc Co., they saw the latest I proved of k l't.·n Interest as Miss public to the "&rmchalr" visit to dev<'lopmentA In hydrau.Uc pump-- Prcnt1M, county hom" cconomial, cities of Bra..ztl, Paraguay and Ar-lng e-qulpment and perfOrating oil I outlint"d mt>thocls of choosing genUna on Tuesday e\l\nlng-, Dec. linl'rs. At the Mccollough T ool fru it.,, ver,t"tables a.nd m eau for 4 ln Ebell Club house, i :3o o'clock. Co. they investigated ··rishing'' J growing youngslers. The question when ~ Wilde r present.a hi.I lat-tools:. instrument.a u&ed for re· and ans\ver p<"riod whlch followed est color film , South Amertca Re-lrleving toob lOllt undervound; brou!('ht many conlrov"ralal rood vi.sited. and they uw a demob.stratlon of L A • & M I Sh probleins up for dl9CUUlon . V\'Uder spent several monlh!i In gun ~tforattng by an appa.ratue aguna wn1ng ap e . op Thnnksglving w .. th• theme of Rio de Janeiro. Bahia, Buenoo which shoot. holes In th• cuing ! a channtng and well planned AJree and Wtllemst.ad &nd other to perml~t lhe oil to come in. """ by thr fourth and flfth grade atu· War JJ. He later returned with u r1e, Ul an eye ew of e 790 s.' • • i tableau 11nd.. SiOng r .. t p resented AU·-tlc ~··t c1Ue8 before World ''Thl!'<>ry is important," rt'rna.rka - COAST BLVD. i.aG.UNA BEA_ .CH.-4°"29 ' -· ,_ G th . "b vi th dent.a of Lindbergh school. Appre--Mr•. W ilder to make the color concrete, practical apd"ltcatlon· of {"latlon wa,, exprePf'd for the movie and gather mat.ertal for t heory clinches a stud~t's under- help recf"ive-d by PTA members at lecture• and arttc:lea. A knowl-standing In a technical field. We the ttalloween carnival. Financial edge of languages and travel by are fortunate Jn being able to TI.it results of the event were reporud ft-tighter took them to pa.ru and flrma in Los Angeles, for lhla clty by ~lMI. Al Hollilter. t reuurer. placea not UN&lly vatted by trav· manufactures mOTe oil tools than .' .. ,, ' ,. ' , Featuring Nationally Advertlaed Brands Shoes· Sportswear Clothe• for Men, Womea &: Children ·Yardage- Work Clothes SERVING THE F AMIUES OF THE HARBOR AREA FOR 37 YEARS. OPEN SUN. 10·5 Ph. Her. 185 Jll8T WEST OF THE NEWPORT PIER I JI I \ ' ,,..., __ , ER WOOD'S BeauUhtl and Htabllabed rut atore· for ~ , STOOK aacl FIXTU&ES -BEASO!"ABU:: ·. CLOSlNO OUT SALE aow ottertns lrtuad:reds el dNJ.gbt- • fut Chrlatmu clftll at 35 lo 50% dlscpuat. Too late and too Uttlie. baa been our mlatab )or Je&n- DJON'T WAIT. WI E. Ml.80A BLVD., 11AU10A. RA&.,....., • • • The ,<'xecutlvc board of the lo--elcrs from the stat.ea; and the any other cl{y ln the world." cal unit convened in the t ea.cher'I tum la a record of unusual acenea room at Main school before the ln foreign cities. I general meeting. Mn. Char1ea nte WUdera now make their 0.vl.s, fourth district membenh.lp home ln Cotona del Mar, where chairman, at tended both the board ln addition to lecturtng he l8 en- meetlng and ,-eneral 1eaton. She gaged ln advertlalng and public diacu.saed parliamentary p~· relation.a work. WUder ta Jh1nl' ure wtlh the board memben. Pre· thla lecture a.t but a tract.lon ot &en ted for approval were two bLI u.auat fee, ao &dmlUion price amf'ndment8 to the by·Iawa re· la only !5 cent.a. gardtng quonim quot.u for the board and p neral meetings_ Tb:e.w i amendmtnt& will be voted on at the Occl":mbu meeUn«. Herbert Ward, Harper .tc.bOOl principal, In- vited parent. to attend Back-to- Scbool nl gbt Dee. 6 at 8&rpu ~1ftnaJe to U.. ~. tea wu 8erved in the lclnderprten room where a hospitable atmoe-- pb~re prevailed. High School PT A Has Board Meet The Newport Har-Unlcn Hlgh acbool Pl'A -...! mffllnS wu held Monday, N .... 2t at the tOachera' cat-ID the llCl>ooL Pertinent --. wa. dill:lalsed. PTA agreed io cont'.r;tbuU to- ward thf "' wlrleh .Iha, {th di. trtct ~ .... -to -4 u -uoa .tor the ...-uan plSA. A~ 10 -wW be r.plult.d -Ullo .... llfl .-. ..... llllpr Hill -.-n-m..-tor the ~ ..,.,._ ml~, Uh dlotikt. Major decon.Uve attractlon dooking th• bOltea table wu a c;olortUI born of pl..,ly, H- H t.or U:tc atumooa were 11.mea. WIJllt.m cste. Joe ~ Al· belt 'KtDy~ Victor "*'8p. OM! Wcu. Oodlh)' 11...s.' ...... WI- dolt., Pourl.nt at U. .._,_ table. ,.,,ro __._ J-,.._ of UndbttJ1\ --llloa l'lor-..... J'slabus of ll'arpor .... Pina _.. made for a eatety --..um. .. -jUN:- tloa wttll Newport "• •"t&rJ' -.. -PTA. T0."8nl&lltm JO • l J04. ,._, .1-. -o( Nat El,._ el Gill -tr .... rt ,. f Qllt .. a.t Ute ...... 'l'aMbl .... ,. ....... I II -rstg DI PTA .. -a. llanor le .... lo sD -vi ... --111111, llaftJs 1• P6 Ill la _.., ---Mt:A& .... ~ 'Ill •aslP•..,..,. Cdl. "EM , ?rs ... lldl • to OIM& ""2 ars, • JP 2 I to .. wt'' tM,.wllioel --111 c:ar#,lw -·~IPR SLl&r7 0 ! d ~ Ill die ... JS b;J ..... •••W"·---.......... ...... ._ p=•1f; .. ..., 1"'n Iii tile ,... A lrilu -111\ ....... 111 .. lmrt ... flltMp 4• Ip Ss•t??m \·iMltrts ' New Jhrik Shop Sets Date for Dec. Open House Tb& new Thrift Shop at ~ 3tnd street, , next to St J amu church, will hold an open houae Dec. 10 fOt' t.belr cuatome.rei. announces Mrs, Willard KJJUon, cb&lnnan ot the Thrift Shop committee. 'l'Mre w1U be a preview of merchandlae and -uutul c:ift.ustmu toyL In· cllldod In the lotter c-/OUP a.. tlou. acootera. Uic1'll<IL ~uU t<>ya &ad lll&J!Y .tufted animals -tiny ~ T6eM toya have been com .. pletely ttnoftled by Roel Burnham, EmOlt S&rug and "Whiter' ......,_ erlcll-, Al "Bick.,., Jlm H&nMn Jndt Kiil&' and Butt White &II worlWlg undu dlnet!Ob or Mr. AIU'!IQm, A.SalllUto~wtllbe _at ___ ttb -uns of th. -.. -pf,L ~ ... _ --..i111 .- ·-• will pr I qt a dellclatllll 111uolcal prosrsm •ot Ch-mn•r tawrttee. The .-lo -UM dlreetlon of Mn. Vll'Sfilla Kidder • Ad<llng to "the ell)oyment of the Proirnm,wtll be ULorillMJ Clrrtot- maa PlnY p.....,ted lry the Drnma duo and will be directed by Mr. Robert Ill. Wrl&l>t. Kn. Ray Trautwdn, P1' A p...t• dent. hu taaued a cordial lnvit.i.- Uon to all parenlil and lnte-te.t friend. to 'ttond thla annual Chrlabnu psrty. Sh• advllu 1111.t &.rraJ:ll"eMenU have been· made tor U)e care or Un&l1 children ., that 111other• may enjoy the program and the refruhmenta a.tterwvdl. The program wW •tart prompt- ly at 3:15 In th• audltonum. Kn. W. L. Hepper! .. P1' A ooctAJ ellalr- tnan. .. poTls that Mn. Mary ICl- mor la chairman ot tho ref.-!!· ment commtttee fdf thia meeting, and will be a.ulated by Kn. WU- Uam Wrtrt>t, MrL Ed Edick, Kn Bert . Smith and Mn. H&J'T')' HUll-ud. . Rag Drive Aids PTA Welfare Fund The Main School PI' A ,.,. drive wu a buge auC'Ceal according to Hn. 'rom O.y, PTA Ways and Meana c~an.- llra. Gay, aaalatl!d by Kt&. Bur· nte BaUey, collected 3868 pounds ot rap from the Main School, netting $149.82 for the PTA wel· fare fUnd. Aa usual, a conteat wu held at the Main School and a prlk of- fered lo the clau brtnling in the moet weig'ht in rags. M&rttn In· gram'a 8th gT&de clua were the Winners with 1 Miu Marion P&r- eon'a flflh gn.de a cloae second'. A llc.alln.g party hae been planned for Thursday, Nov. 29th at the Coata Meaa Skating Rink lo honor the Winncrs.t In expreMing her appreciation to the pa.renta _and teachers for tbelr COOl'f:r&Uon In the rag drive, Mn. Gay aa.id that t.hia yea.r more than ew.r, runds wtU be needed by the PT A lo finance the tr share of the txpenae of the dental pro- gram. Thia dental program i. ho· Ing lnlllated In. the . Coot& ~ llChools for Ule 'is.rat time UU. year. . ~ Jingle ,,._ ~ J n Ned anc1 Ne11 Shop @efiee e.iery dsf- for gilis ~ sedc, ~-eadi• ifieMNKof AM.ERICA Wi!y! JainNowl ~Hyou'renotshar­ . i.ns in tbh year'• 127,000,000 Bank of AmJrica Cbrb1111u • ow.,;o.:..-ror'S2! S.•e ant amount per ---from 5°' lljl- and at tile ead &f SO weeb:r<>u will receive the full -NM ""'Z'1o illUttll. lt'a dieR17W1oyloa .. ror gjfta ••• tasa •.• huur· _,11.i-.. .- elher1--.t11m.. S•~ve a1y a110ut , • AY,'NOV. at 151! ss::8 ..... -_..,... • ,_ . . c. ' ·LB saq LB. SA Cl I FROM ' THE E -AE~S OF HAWAII • • . . . • • I • • 10°/~Di~o.lt "o~ /).ny 'P'u~~: (EXGEPTr:ALO~'E aOd SHRIMP) • B g this adl to r BA YSIJ;> · FISH MARKET Fresh Fish Da y from Our Own Boats! . YEU.O\VT \Vhnlr Ft!lh ····-··--····-'b. SOrc ABALON ................................ .lb. 75~ .: l800 Lafayette on the 1 NEWPORT Harbor Ill ' • • ' • ·~wr 11dr •••• . • ' ' • • • • • • • • • • l I • \ l • • • • • ' • • • • • TONA HEALEY 1'10DEl..S an Allct> Lt Wondertaad frock Friday aisbt at the 0. 8:. P. \\'. Chrlstma.s Pn>\iew In 1he ~odezvous ballroom. Tnn1t. Is tho daught<'r of !\Ir. and Mrs. PMrk k HoaJt•y of Co8ta Mesa. (Beckner Photo) Oil Refinery District Ranger Hydrocarbons Off ice Moving Injure Crops to Santa Ana Major smog componenls resrxin- sible tor damage to \'cgclable crops ln the Lo8 Angeles nrca have determined to be ttnMalura- ted hydrocarbons, n1a 1n source of which is petrolc11n1 . ThiJI finding WS..'i rPportcd to the Farm A dvisor's Office by lhc Citrus Experi1nent Station in co- operation w1lh the California ln- 9t.U.ute of T echnology and Los Angeles Air Pollution Control Dls- trfct. Throu~h 1•vaporu t1111J. L'"rta1n unsaturalf'd hyUro\.'arl>U 11 ·; l·~1.:ap{· into the air and th1·1r va pn r3 re- act w-llh oz.on<' or ox!d1 s nC nitro- gen. Products or this ox1dat1on, Ln addi tion t o crrla1n oth•·r gasc:- and vapore, cntl'r p lanl.s anti caUSl' injury. In rt""aearch conrlu1 tr-ti al Cal "tech's Plant Rcsi·arch l.aburatory. plants Wt•re ('Xposc••J to va1>o r!-I o f chemical.M found or i.u:.µt.·clt'd lo be present i.n smr1~i,:y a ir . • Sevt>ral ch('llltlats t•au::.cd if'af damage. but only th1• unsaluratl·d b°ydrocarbons, when n11XL'd \Vllh ozone, produced 1nJury typ!cal of the Soulhern Ca llfornta sn1og twit. The aame damagp waa L"aused when they w ere m1Xt'1:I wilh oxidt•s df nitrogen under sunlight. Probably the m ost contcnlratcd soun:ee of the hyllr°'·arbons arc <Ml fields a.nd 0 11 refin('rtf's. But l.bey may also cm1l, 1n fun1l'S frorn any k ind of machLn1· or furnar1~ which burn8 1:>elrolt•un1 fu1·ls. 0 11 companies haVL' for mauy years uaed mt'&sUres to Lllrla1l t h1 • amount or fumc:t whu·h t•sca p(' from their fields and plants, an'I are contlnuou~ly trying lo de· v"lop m orf.' atll'quatr df'v lccs. CroJ>8 which arc 1110 .. ,t fl<tnta grd _by smog are thuHt• 1n whit·h tht• foliage is the salable portion or th•· plants. suc h alj sp!nal..!h, lct lUf't' and alfalfa. Dt•hyllrat1on or scorching of lcavt•s is the pr1nc1pal Injury. Dr. Kasandiieff Joins Excelsior • The Excl·ls1or Crcam<'ry Com· pany haA rrcPntly udUrd Dr. 1'U1!ar Ka.sa.ndjieff to the laboratory con· trol staff. Dr. Ka.sandJh•fr is a native or Bulgaria and prior lo Ru~\an oc· d'U.patlon of Bulgarta WM M-'nt blf (he national govc-rn1ncn t t o the .A.srtcuJtural Univcrstty in Munich. Germany, t o alta.Jn hb doctor'" dtogree In agrlculturl'. Whit~ study· int at the uni'l(!n:ity, which wiu; IOcattd in the wcstt"rn zone of Germany, Russia occu111f'd Bul- prla. Upon compJeUon of his doc- tor'• degree, and no t W¥.llling to return to Rutslan occupi<.'() BuJ. prta, Dt'. Ke.aandJieff t ook lht> f)islrict Ra.nger Joseph K . Mun- hall of the U. S. Forest Service announces that following recom- mcnrlation or lhc Hoover Commls- s1on for the reorganization of the :''<ecUtive branch or the govern- n1cnt, lhat offices of the Depart· n1t'nl or Agriculture serving an a1·ea be ccnrtally I o ca t e d. the healiq11nrlcrs office o r the Tra- buco Ot::ilrict . Cleveland National Forest, will be moved to Santa ;\na shortly arter the first o f Oe- cc1nber. The lJ. S. lo'oreMt Service \VIII ocrupy n>0nu; 212·213 in the Cu1nn111 nity Center Building. t l O<t West Eighth Street. and will be open for businc&:i on Dec, 10th . T he T rabuco District lnc:lutles stll of the Santa Ana and Santa ~1 argarita mountain8 &nd water· 'lhf"Ci ar1•n in Or&n)!f', Riverside and San Diel{O Counties arftf ex.· tends f ron1 the So.nla An• R iver Canyon 1'f"!Llth to De Lui; a n rJ Can1p Pendleton The move of the district ran.i:;- e r's office Crom Corona to Santa Ana ha~ hf'l'n ne-«·C'Mary to meet thP dcn1ands or a rapidly lncrea s· ing population for foreat use In the westerly drainages. Watershec..I values, foreat depe.ndency, and land management o perations have shift~ In the Mme ratio. While the F ire Control A Mialant, H ar- vey B. Mack. wiJI be located In lhe administrative office l.n Santa Ana. no changes will be matte In the fire protet:lion organi.z.atio111. Fire ron trol stations will be main· lttLned during the f ire season at rorona. Temt-scal. Rome Hills. Tenaja, 1-:1 Ca.riso. San J u an, Traburo Md Sllvemdo Canyonis. anti detection lookout.is on San· t 1ago and F.stellc Peaks. ------ CAROL CRIBBS CHILD BORN IN N. C. CAMP A baby girl w eighing 8 poun <l:t, 2 1~ ounce3, was OOrn l o M rs. Carol Siegfried Cribbs. wi fe of Sgt. W ln - fon1 Roland Cribbs, USMC. at the U. S. Naval hospital. ~mp Le- jeun e, N. C. Airs. Cribbs la the da11Rhter of Mr& H. 0 . Humphrey ot 200f5 'h Court avenue, Newport Beach.· Cribbs, who ls aerving with the St-cond Combat Service Grou11. Can1p Lejeune, la the aon of Mr. and M rs. Richard ~ills or Rte. 1. Box 316. Lakeland. Fla. T he baby, named Brenda Carol. is th(' Wrd chJld for the Crlbbls. The Cribb& family la residing at M yrtle Grove liound, Wllrrtington, N.C. COUNCIL CONTINUES ZONING H~RING poelUoo of uaiatant dlrcctor of City counclJ'a hearing on re-aon· the Dairy lnatilule or W eihcn·. ing of bluff tot. 1·11, t.rsct J02e. ' .tepb&A. Germany. the .la.rgest Corona del Mar, from a .. 1 to ft,.~ clalry tnatltute In Geml&Jly. Be waa continued to the Dee. 10 ...- llelil lbla p»tUon fur the Jul th,,,. 'lion al UH! boclY'• moetln1 Moo· ...... llDd dllrlnl-thia -period day night. M wu the owner and manager Ru.eon atal.td wu that the clt7 C. the Rlla ~ and Yoaal fac-i. Ill.ill waJtlDc retura of one - ip.y. trom an oat«--eueut· • 'Bio wort< lbe"' conred llCieo--illg the -..amen~ All <leed ho ~ ..-n:b of milk. bUltumllk, atncuooa ha" ....,, tumed q:wor ,Cb s!ll ud butler. lo lbe. dly. Aki for Needy. Chllclle11 .R1Ddws $102. per Monlli In <>nn&-e counly, &Id paid lo needy child-en in tamfJJ • a~.-.. Bta-N•l>cm·wldo ....... , tor ,....,.. ... '71.10. Former Resider+ Visits Mesa ('l s • Oillfqrala'o ·-~ por tamll.Y tor ~-lo oe per cml .,_..,. U>u UH! nallonal aw.-.p tor Allglllt, laUJll nallon- wldo dat. •vallable. lni;, e¥<nl•1 llbTarlan at CllolA .Meaa library, ""'"' happr lo p<iCt WNER! IF l'OU AKE l'LAl'o'NIN.jl TO l'AThT OB WAU,PA NOW AND <llAVE DURJNO OUK SLOW KAJNr s· tA.1!Kl • I • ..,. U02 per ramUy ror Sopl<m· Mr, 1es1. 4.0 per cent. g'l'fft.e.r lhan the •78.tO national averaie pay· mellt por ramUy for-Augu.ot. Call· fomla Taxpa)'ers' .... 1auon. re· ported today. Jn California, durJns llq>l<!mber, ~ w. Wffk wblle ""' waa a ~.819 ram1u..., lnclud'ns 129,'71 ,.-ol Mr. Plck<Tlng'o """le and dllld1tn, n:tt!Yod • lotol of »-· aunt, Mr. anll M.ra. M.. R, Slerka 381..326 ln &kS payment... 1.p eddl· ot SU'lta Ana awnue. Cod.a Mee&. tfon, &7'8 ch1Jdten I.ft boudtnr •'Buel," u ehe l1 fa.1;nJlt&tly bomH and lnatltuUona recel.Yod known tn lhiA con:ununlty, baa bcc!o '508,378. a ru~t ot Ventura countJ for 150/_ DISCOUNT ON ALL PAINTS-DUTCH BO 7V IZllll OOWRl!I. -l'ftTSB;uBjillJ, ' Durlni; September. 1961, 006 tamUles. lncludlng l ,3'20 children. Nee!Ved 561,613 In aJd payments In the county. In addlUon1 75 chl1· dren In boarding homrs and in- 1tltutlona received $4 ,222 tor the mont.b.. Tb~hout the county. 812.100 t.be put .everal years and wu tamu!ea. lncludlng 1,687,841 c.hll· amlled at the volume ot new dtcn: received a t.otaJ amount or bu:lldtq that hu t.aken place ll\ "4,7441CM.3 In JM')'ftle:nta -an Ooeta Me:ea .tn'oe abe wu 1ut average of $73.10 per family. • bere. two yea.rs ago. She wu· ac· 250/. J>l$()()UNT O N Af.L WAJ.Ll'APER-1M:n:1R14.1., NANCY 7V B ODOJ:T '1'1.:UMtl AKllANGED Calltornianat 1 per· cent of lb~ companied on Ute vi.alt by hct" people of Ute nation. are caring nlne-year"'°k1 eon, Randy. HARBOR ; PAINT & W LLPA ER CO. VOA.ST BL\·o. AND POIN!IETl'IA. ~JIONA DE~ MAB GIRL sbol!T BOARD l'HONE HARBOR ! R I For &!ptembcr, average pa,y- ment per family waa Sl 14.30 In Calltom.l.a.. F or Allgust it W&lll $111.71 -highest average pay- ment per family In the United for 8.3 per cent al lbe chll4ttn on the relief rolla ot the country and are providing them with an aver· age of :.ii per cent more tbao the: national average per family. Giel Scout Counclf. board mcm· BRJNO TltlS AD \VITU l "OV; 0000 U~"TIL J~"'\. I, ta;;~ bl're will meet at lhe Scout hOUSE' , "11-------·---------------+----_,1 ______ +---' at 10 a. m. Dec. 4.. ~4 FIUITS AID VEGETABLES Ir uwmu Ml fllUT tulITT· TIDI ITDQ UE ... IDT llllfl! CEITUL AMERICAI ~~ ·'?Utat-DA .. ES IE; Cl';;'~EILET 1001 I '. ~>.'BDLlDAT PACE IDW ll ~ RIADY FOR THI FOLKS IACK HOME TlllO A•D AllALf'r".:-neJ<eD,(>\ \.AD.Oil SIU '°iiji;~~~~~i-'\ii'"';" SHIP IARLY e AVOID THI RUSH • ' ~ COOIED ClllED MEATS CANADIAN aACON =" Pllll.IMllETIE HAM H A M S SIC.l~L"-S'S A~O SMAHKL£SS THREE POUND ~il'y s.;e THREE POUND ~ .. .; .. l;3.59 \5.29 •Dr. K1Nd(IJl<Cf can>e ,to •the Deed --Pr6Tido that • U,.Jted 11tateo u a retuiee. "Do otrucUlre U&ll ut.nd abOft TllO EKc:ololor CM&mtty Olm· the eurb line .., O<fta Bl'fd." -lo prwd lo !lave Dr. K•Nndo- jleff In Ito otatt, wbkh lo ~ SVor)tbocb'·.nado the •l•Mla.d -· =.'" lb• .... t 1n dairy -Oppartulll~.:Q: • NIW STOii. 17tll I • • • • ' ' • •