HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-06 - Newport Balboa Press• I • 87 T. JI'. l"SIUCllC"'l GADID Tiie I"°" old, ~ BPI Alla Ullle. In • lllelr - mento, Ulq're telling !>OW - ly IMJ' att. ADC!, It'• nice to run Into a con- crete exampht·or such Mend.llnem once tn a wbUe. A friend ol Ulla depL c&m< down here from Ottgoa Oft a • vistL !Nope. It .....,.•t Dutch GU&) Tblo .trid~. trtvellAc llgttt with only a aul-. found, wllm ah• orrfved In l.oa Anr<Jea, that the sultcue had been put on another t.rabt. Or eomethtng, and wun' onywbere to be found. She wu. of courae. unbaliPY and lnconvenl- enced, but nlured It wu one ·of tboee thlnp thot couldn't be help- ed. . l"lnaJ.ly, howe.ver, It arrived l.n Banta Ana and, arte.r same ecrt- moioua debate (good word, hub ! ) she ... allowed to retrieve her lunage. canier -If she'd deal out the price ot a tull tare f hu- man. that ta) from Los Angeles to Santa Ana. She paid, all right, but &n· nounca that hencefor th •he'a hltd\hlklng! IT WA8 A FINE SHOW Police Arrest Man °" ProWter CO!lnt ' VOLUME XIl PHONE HARBOR 1618 TA TE REJECTS GRONSKY'S REQUEST FOR RENTAL PAY OK SKILLO GAME DEAL • { . . ' .J.;. ._.[ If ......... - 11.id llllpllrUiiJ. --. ~ ......... ___ ..... , ~ •PP"d ' • • nu-.. Tlff ··ttmli 'llMIOI Ml4 I ~t • • . SECONO LA16EST FKM ~ iN ORANGE couNrt • .. . • • • • ... • ,, ., 100 .. BARR LS A DAY JS ., .. . , . PRODUCTI N ESTIMATE ' ' • ' • THURSDAY, DEC. •:..~951 · fJ ~ ~' ? !-Lan.dsc:aping_ _PL~n j I Rise to Remark DATELINE-·ss-·a oL~r:J .Jo .J1w-. C;JJli't.r: , • a.lbOa atvd. •••• • ...... 't°"' . , 9 PRE -a . J • •11•1 ••s.~• Q Under Way u..'":.':=..~~:.~..a!: WMll«jT _, .. , • 0 ttt ,. ~to-019lm'- I -. Cltp<tlN••s-t•adJ,tloolputl ,, ............. ..-........ 11:.;: .. -~CIU. lW -+.~·---•WAJBJ.llQTOX. , ., W1dle Dill ... ntN 1 aa aollll to• JOU atrect. fiW)WWW ID tllJt 11 a;:t*;!'•s.,::, _;:.,. ¥ 1'Mltat ts Nate ot _. -.. lkss & j NC .... ••-,..,"::"*'~ at Kaw"°" Bn,.0.111'"8... -ot a 0.. 11 del "1lar ~· 1 -Illa to,..,,.,.,.._.. ..... ~iUH-wlll -M ....,.._ We ha"" II S ,J '"' -0-0-11'-ll of ~ ~ ,,..<moo aild PilllllMS ..i au ... _ Bhd. -JluW ma 881"91 Ill Ilda alt1 .. _.. -Wll7 -. illo Cltr ., Jfe;pen • sta, .,. .;;;;;lturor ldou on locel --mta • ~ .. .,......., Ille a.ii-fOlb .... ao "" Iftntaf -.,,,taod u --•tor',_ U. lHO, at llle paot oftlcl at enp.pt a firm or plann~ -itaotaT All« ~ had "'""4, ID ~Uoft. It wu ronnoct mOlltba era! to< Prealjlftlt. -.... ~ .. 11an Damoele9, ......,..._ bJ a o1 • -Newport B11clt, caJlfornla, -llle Act of -.. 1l1t. Ultlr ~ ..... --to ..... ._ .. -P', .. ,,, ealilamHlurt"• .... .,. --lmpn>tebli!itt A.Mn. :::: ~ ~ ~.se:;";(' t:! ou,. -..... u.. . ...,.. i; 0-..bor .. 1tlll --------------------------1 expreteed v1.,.._IUld *-ber·lllc:M -... ....., iM taxi*~ and.,,,,., r~ble 1o one Jroui>. WMta ·~cot'::.• ••d•ta lllM IN1t or ~UOnt,llAUon r U>e ~:• "'4ke .,. o( --- •--()tllfM • .scw 11111 Pwt"d°M •a, ... ,.,., , •cool Stl,000. On.by OMi Ute .......-~tlMdtJ' otdlliw ilel.Jluo, M•~ &ddtd to t&CWt&ta. Pr81cknt Truman~~ A..._1,..JIMI'!• ~ ~~ ~ emlJ -:!:- ·-• -d -••-• __ ., _____ ,,.. .. ~""·---·~·--"---··-'L-.~ ... -. .,. ... N ---~ ~-i-., cllan""" lo -· lo Ille -., a few ua .....,__ .o tliat ~ ... :o.-~"~ _ , __ .,_ peaiea and ~ --rcw -.._ lolN -!'Mp,.. Ma._. U,,.11pd a """*Pilr °" 111 ... 1 citrcaldkm "7 8WP.Dft --.;u, .. ._ .~ , u.e-1 wm MCUS-. prof~ asd _. • .....,. aom--. ariN. .ana. Then..,.. .. ..., -ot u.o 8ul'l'10r Court ot onap, Dnml1' llld II 111111 tuallfted proporty oweor:a. '1'hw -av .....,... .-to (Ml Ule -ot a p 11'1111 landacapi -ou.n.-pa<Ut111arly aiat.,. lll7 &n, • Ult -~ rn ta --r;i f' ._,Ilk too,...~. an __ of JetlllMt!Ha--llecnm'a . m--.1!-h they ,ooj a,~~ i*WWW•• •,~.,,..'"-= ~,1.~ to""'"• "'°""'~pl&& to rrtl9,do"' tbe l!;aJJllO _,.._, lllk .,...,. ~et r ', lllada of mn1 -.... , -eo..... dtl lll&t. Tber~ la -m ... ,..i -r • a u uir tli<t .._ r-~ -.. uo u.t the o....i la a ell. U8l!d. "ir nwQ-hoeu. to--w1>a1, CUT7 bis lftod!m ol· _ ............... , , -·-•wflll. tr1 Al9 'i'h'1 are lo a leorce d-out Of atr1l -1110-""9Ptpr11wl'1 •.• &q 119 th Penta-~ 119pu-. Qaly one p111oa cu lac the Iru1an --k~that la moat--d a ... 111 11 1 I°" -O NJ 11 Oli , .. Oii Ii• -w11ontt-ch01p.--holdlt-walUic.flw.....,tllU -..... BIYd. '11119wt!}""~11p the m)'11te..,. .• ,....,.,. -tor m&utaJ pa um. -or , .-w111 _,., ..... _ · u u..,. C041l4 ,.-.,. -bit City Ooanai lo., *"'S -..,...._ lo th plfll, --or Daeoerati In•<1er11e .. ud -couplod wttll sa1ot o ~ -:r. ~out tllal -i. iilDf 0.. l!IZDDICS. OW.. -PM!'a 11 thtm. ApparuU,. tllaCUme llal arrti.d. . rlifta'Uon eortuttJ.lon for Uie1r domeatlc • programitt Tr>at one «nceo reduced. And -t no a or. buxtns out.of~ ROBl:R'1' J'. WUiVJU!I, B>•rt•iao ... _ • J"fWJda W Nel~c!O JOU 'rf&llse 'that tile-Block 1028, or 1-1. petwww la ,Dwtsbt __,., gi>Vemm_enlll renillld... ~ ,_ ~p~lnt=·- A.. ALEXANDER HAKll/toN, ~Ma--read 'ID tloo .. 8daallJ' bat atJ:lp 'o( --~or tloo --la and b1,11aa DOt opokenl ---mlg!rt trlc~-.. Ull lta-1"1¥ -"--lllilldt. IOa. J°"" _.,.. , t 1IOW ~ buTtnS a -trip to vlalt oll <II" t-.i • lt!WllllP,ftOllf .... ,..,.. nraalq' -Ille ramp IMMr.s ...... lo U.. bis COl'oM'-~ wl1I lie ~ ~ poMent I .111aeat. \bat the pnrm sup-but r know Ulla -ltlp wtll to Karsuerite A"-T Do JOU -tllat If -.. or i_. pt _.. 1-V~ Alauder port or Genei:-1 "'-'-er re-wide -~ con~' and ourpriae ,..U .. te- tllolr ""7'i"" Monday, Doc. 10,-we will haft ... ~ VOUP ot Hamllt°" ,_ Xlm""1, w: c. Mc--~ve;,;::ir ~ ~ ~: ""c ""'!:::,'!':;";!:"• aco or •merdlandlae l'ffered M little -dlaclBlr to \be clltb wlllcb Will atko Corooa dd -DoMld, -Clrlmea, ,.....la De&len hlr De~ -':i., ~ worid. Rt ..,_..,.,. oale' nd In -.,._ llt ~ N,.ll"'W":fC81_.,;,911ao& hDl8ll ...,. ftC ' 'T la Otup Ooaat)-, 11M per :r-1 P.00 !IX -i.o1 <SLM tllret • moatM) (AIM IM' 81 "'6 -,ur...,A. --• Tarr&J') OWlalda U.O -S,, M.to per -,w. an •y.-e to ••• ,,..,. ll'llDS on B&l-PeGlnaUla, and llM -~who HclnMb. Dmald Ilda, Mr .• and lfraJd -.::_ Truman w':i.i lie de-...U --.._ ~ comif.!uve p~-. ..,. weaitli1' -Ill to 'own -lo wlll tum trom Cl>rolla dd Mar lllh. JGlln Shlolda, Mn. Robort feated If he and who Ila -a..-*"' lia.e It 1111 the bo llnw mu,ea a tile ~~ -· . Jayn4. llllra. Harold -ud lllro. conclud..i ... ;:nu· .....:.. •• ;" --- -tbe, eo:W area, \Newport Beocl!., Coata ..... wna. . Rkllard cUtlt • ... y or .... -...y. ..._. • ...,. --r-~ Balbok. D•lboa IaJ•nd and~ We ,,_ our city to remain I.be --~ ol ldmlta.tlon 'tt la -· · tbat General IClaenhOYer w9uld -e.n;, -,,.._ !Ju. del IM:.r '";ere to-~ • ' WHAT PRICE SEl.F SERVICE? I N11wport Harborites have seen 1n recent weeks that We do nOt wut It -tnto wlla'-" will 1" 'to on lntenll• IJld pur".""' , L...L Offi . come c1oaer to carrying out the 8toeka ..,.. Ila.,. -...... It would• r...iiy :!";:~ -· a tonarnent dlaUkt. And -~ -clolely lo thla -the --Vaunnn ice Top Trumo.n pollclet thaa any other -.Y -.. --' of ter !deluxe. . --' ' ---w111c11 tbe -n-or , ... t biurr ·laM -Soll\lr .. • eo' '-I . candidate propo•ed to thl• dat•: -...,... -.. be.-'11lttefore; •ot·•· -·to· fJ7 . • employees of the International Revenue department do not'have an exctuaive on questionable practices in govern- ' ment. Resident.I of the City of Newport Beach have seen ' . some very peculiar machinations ~ducted from the da1I .. of the City Council, ...,., that ..... -"'1.lcb -blDd t1om "' 11.~ uw. .-"' 1n • ,Const au es 12> • group of rruatrated Re-009 11ane1o, .. 1ner '"" or 1·-our 1oca1 m•l'Chuta lint ·ror tliolr bulldlolp 'be-otdewolk leool 1a',on!y effective Willi -U.,.. • publicans, Mr. Dewfly, Mr. Stu-:!!'-~ -, Nof""l7" Chrl.tmu p,.._ll.. ao no: owriata Oii' PROPDrt •ON 'JU 'NORTH BIDE OJ{ n<.~-= C:,natablo'1 o~ !:' =~r ,:,::;:~"c;.,::;a:;:;= 'l'lla& llM ....it.od la a/ ....i.-Tb1a la your ftndl)', ~ OCEAN 9LVP. TURN THICIJt.•PROPl:l\TYJ'!I~ R-1 TO 11;2 Hlllhd to 'lle u!t ,,,::::::by atlheWblte Houoe,butwhohave era1q of Pf'emlet' M~'• ~~ .. ~·•:•:~\=:-• • ZONnfG. Wllat price Halul IJld ~II -'18.000 -of -~ ll'nAll Vaupn,-Conatable decided they can not set In tbe ,..woe ....i a ~ti_~ plete line ot auto °"'' ,::) AGAINST more ~ propnt,.. •.In off<et U.,. -1d that a oily ,ot or .. port Beadi TOWDlilllp. A tront door and oo want to attach kick to tbo BfltlM oDan which mlk~ wondertlll Clklirl!' our .tt.e &!rdd7 .._. far tOo m\adl tDcame ~y. Why-'9c2 we ~ Of bu 11ne•1 condQcted. themaelvea to someone wb~ wW •hrillklaf poettlo&. mu prurenbl. , ~ Particnlarly in mind la the case of the serve youraelf gaa station application wfoch came before the City Council at ita lut -ion. A local couple entered .into an agree- ·ment to purehaae the north east corner of llarigo)d avenue and Coast Highway in Corona de! Mar, adjacent to the fire htre tbem. ti a s:rou; of people cu:.O ~ pnP''""' our ftt.nn;tnc tltroacb the oftlcn Of Ute Co. let them in the back door; and (3) On the iu9ject of B dol-· ... <::ornm:s.km and oar Cttf (:ouDc:(I to.a~ tllatr ~! 1'tlUa mtaltle1 of t.be ~. prepared by a group pt vo~ra, largely &mOll:C Iara, penuu:lve Winston. -----------.,,,,-- 11a,oob -lib a 'lot bt -f to mo. H-al>oiit JOU! We an I.lie eount,. J>ft'O<ll'D<I oct1ce re-the younger element. of .both Re-Ul la due here In J • -pre-,.--------------; etation there. ' The reaidenta eliecUd with the building department ·and were vert.lly told the plans and epecifications were okay, lil<ewi.se, the planning eommieaion •Pen>ved the appli- ,eation. The fire department approved the aiu ·and THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HAS NO ORDINANCE . AGAINST SUCH AN OPERATION. In fact. the city councilman operates such a station in Santa Ana at ~ and Bristol streets. There are similar statlona o_peratlng in Coata Mesa. Long Beach, ijuntington Beadt, South Gate, Lynwood, Compton, Hunt- ington Park, and Loe Angeles. -THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A FDti! IN A. SELF SERVICE STATION. ' We feel that we actually need another service station in the Newport Harbor about as badly as we need another restaurant. Bui, the City <:oune.il members in their grandoiae ~ajesty. deUrmined that a Aelf service station would be ' a '_ fire hazard albeit next door to the fire ot.ation. Despite (he fact the new venture would be equipped with the latest !lutomatjc eut:0ff pumps and that it would possibly save .the motoring public a few dollars and add to city revenues. .' Ot co~, & eity ~Wlcilman of Newport Beach bu •made it g....,,.ny known.that .he_ was planning to .open a :couple ouch atationa in the city in the near future! -Yea, there ia room for ·inve11tigation. ----·---- .--FEDERAL PRAISE AGENTS '*' _.iu.. City ~ ·1 ft&l9 that Vauatm ~died 1cn1 publican apd Democratic partiu, -.miably to uk fm a. bit ore of 1' pa~ that _,.,., •---.-. · dftl actlona ~r the cal-' who want to wtn. but who have that Yankee goid. My be Kind 1""'o I )Ille -City ~ ~nlUllll'_ llld <ollff~. ,.... 11111 to clall or NOY. 30: San-made l!tUe anllyola ot the --1 th1nko more help Juatlfled auae I like. our Ptanatnc.. Com:mWUon. 'l'he7 &So a .bit' P&ecti at work, .and ta A.a& TOWU!tlp 7f7: and Ana-Uve ca.ndidateL CUrloualy this we have boinber plane ln they don't cwt paid $1&000 'f .. It. But, -tu'tltfly do What -~ btlM 711. ' thJrd group lo luger, and more England wblch 'the Ruukf might and J with, &t.fter they att electftd to ~e. ,tm1•1 )'OQ ud l---;: .. ID a 11te nport abowa that Vaustm vocal, ln California than in any hlL Would be wone tor land lMMt)' -J'O to ~ u4 •t. '"Wt dii> 'not wan our b1Vfta:d111;nted. antd 12 bench wuranta; Ana-other ata.te, 80 far aa my personal maybe if we didri't ha tbem We ·do want tbt. -or that -ud not btc&uee 1"• w.ant. tO ~lo.l• our )Moi.m. tl, and 811.nta Ana 15. Crim-observations go. there. ., city tn order t6 m&M 1'1W>fte)' for ounelYe. at't;be e:xpnwe ottbe. .cme llnal wbpoenu M!i wed Mowed I myself want to .wi:n. I tblnk Nadom.l poH&ica le ...Uy thing-which brlnp peoplf.'here -the natuNI. boautleo or U.. til)lfb. llaala Ana led In. thla ~Y It la eaaentl&I that the preaent oc--.,. ap. F~ oot ap u the t>eubea, arid the -..1tnceDt view• ~ q,.,tpi BJV<I·' . ' •• • • • wltb 247. HUnUqton Betlcll 111: cupant of the White HOUO& be olllee -f .. Harold It anvnn. can come forward with an .-..er to wby tMM antna" AaaMtm 102, and Newport ~2. returned to the Senate, where he who bM Mid. be Wt "---r · ~ hat • --bfbL V1uctm la credtted al9o with Hrved ably, or to the habe:rduh· for tM Rc:p;MIC!all UDD-recommend&Uou of ~ and OUDP,:bell aJoll& tbe b le are C tftlpe,,,nt.ac i1 JUIJ' Venlrq; MVen e.ry bu.alneu where, with a differ-yet. If IMt ... ,, ,...,.. tllp"e dillreprtled, I would appreciate he.,..,.. '!'0"8'.t..bclJt,..\ conmen Jtn18f '-U.ln.c 7t 0 t r&tflc ent background, ~ micbt now hr ls~ fMt. We .u.iirl· 1• t.o · , · ~ , . dtat.Lona of wtUc:h 19·Wtte ror 600: a 1ucceu.. There ii no other wa.y Ge 1191111 ., N" •M• puty . JIXI. L L~ ' -, ....... ~ and aawwettac •CN to 8t.Op tbe 1teady movement to pen by Sand• Too NOR: -- -,M.._ Lyra; flaw. wll7 .. Cfl.Y -,a79 -&Of calll-'ftla ""°"' lllat V-llll'8 eoclallam. diclatoroblp and nation--Y· -""' &bey tei Jle 'Is, ••;,• J'W'9 ...... -:'!I' .. mrr,,, ... ~.n.. ottlft, with ltl one deputy aud..one aJ bankru.pt.cy. I coukl live you a lmd DO milk. .... (uiif-...... ~ re1 bff ...... zz1r1t '*9 8f1 otftcl zr'••nt .la ban4lia~..about list of poulble candidate• wbo 1 OfwenJ Dwlpt D. "'!r" W· •st·sw. tte~;' ,·,,t • ', ·-. ... ..-~. 'lle-U..,._ .nn: ~...!. ~ ~e~ ~ ;~~ ~~ t~~:~· !s co:~~ :.:-S u::w;!'-::C~-: It WM. c:errW te ~1 1 ,,..._ .We ....... pn: LJ'!lll, ~~ ~ ott1oe tn tff -··t oil". .......... 8 wMaieel .... t.ei 'ti IQ' laU..oc r8elwttlt.lt7"e,.rtve. .. ..._ y ~--re. publJca.ns. It would not, however. name. Dewey, Dllff·aa4 y. W• -·. wtti ,... ... au ....... ~.~.-. I .. Jt,. include the h&me ''E isenhower," Investigation.a and h ga fill . ' . -· ·· SI~ Az9 not at leut near the top of the the papers here and oplll o t to the . ~ • 1;... c .... -d ll-~ 'SSA lloL hlnterlan~. Originally. I looked ... ·DecemU'C'..-. <J, ~ ---..-VllUWI" Do not ml.lunderst.alld me; "Ike" like the worst ch&rge t coukl Dffr Sb': • • , ·, ·:, • . • · , ta a man of oulstanding penona.J-~ applied to Theron Ca.u- Tl>e -olullfl.od 'l'1 nm three :Q)'11 (la U....N~~,f'oot-Self ... mployod puaona In (),range lty. He Is a good general. During die, the ouated Justice Sbopplni' N-1 llld tbe l'raa) for , Si.711< 'P>t ~ th<o ""'!Ill 'u eounly were reri>lnded IH&y by W. W. Il, hla achievement WU to Wu one of groes otupldl ~m d'~y~· ~~e·~aftt'.a! ~··P=?~~.!~ Th~~ you. \ . ' = ~~~.:; 0~::~: :; :=; ~u!:ttom.!:r:fU:~!~ .tt ~1~= ~~rid ·n--~r: -,;. r J 0 • curity &dmlnl.tration that cover-tn a coord~ted campaign.· l •know mobUJer eCaridals'"" \n 1· " · -~ .. ' ... ' ''' 284 FIOiFlr S ~ • M~ ap under the ne.w law ls m&nda-and like General Eilenhawer; I m·embera ot concrese dab Harvest Raises ·State. E~llloy~nt -_ tory and not voluntarf. had lunc.h wtlb hlm (wtth a do:Uh Union Pactttc stock, the Anyone. whose net e&minp trom other Congressmen) ln France dome doings of the Ji &elf-employment an $400 or· mo~ a.bout a hundred days after D-da.y, ministration and we'll ln ~ .t&U.~e )"tar la ·~•ered!' un-and I could think ot a lot worae 'internal revenue tar ·1 der lbe Dew law, unte. the .earn-c&ndidates. But not any general minlc coats this time.. SACJlAMENTO, Nov., 29.-C..U .. Before recent exposures of Federal Bureau _of Internal Cornl&,empiOyment let anqther on-eotlmote<i,a~ 9:i,2.9'io 1n .mljl~o- ' Rev ff' "'•-• ·--ricul ti 't' 1·tt1 time record during October u the 'ber, a tholiland below the .mid- ~are derived fl-om the opera-aa first choice, p~; our expert-It la not true that th lamed Uon •. of a fa.rm or the, JU'&.ctice ot ence with generals u president.a coonaktn cap· With wh~ Sen. an me.eluded protecalon. 'Arnone .has not been good. Este9 Kefauver of Tenn , the thOee-ucJOO., are docton., den1-Generals a re trained. to c et to crime blister. Wied u a s coeutut lata, Veterinarians, f'Qll-ttme prac· an objective qufckly.and with the campaign topper is made f mink i enue o JCi&Yt ~ .... CUJ' ar ac vt ies, very 1 e was state:'• tall ·harvnt a.ctlvtty reach-l bee.rd from the governmental. division other than occa.aional ed Ill ~ peak. It ,,... an-ae~i;.:::;;,,r.t.i:~Ocllnod am 0 n ir 1 releuea on tax matters. noUJ>ced .....,.y by Paul Scharr~n-. N h th · · h ; d llers. director of the Department prodUcers of nomlurable gOodo ow, owever, e picture is c angmg an newspaper f l.Dduetrial Rtl&ttona. a.nd J&mea with .lhel aea.,..a• drop · tn food offices are beinv deluged with government propaganda re-~. -....,t. director or the Depart-proceaalng m.,,.;, than othettln&' P -J minor gains ln i.e._tile mill prod-leases from bureaucrat&, usuring the public of their offices' meot or ErnploymenL ucto; prtnttnir. cbtmlCalo anC! rub- • integrity, de'Votion to ~ttty, ad _hllmi~. m!i1::' .~~:tm7::moe:~~ =· ln~::.~.:'::r:C~~ :: , It appea.rs that amce the mternational revenue branch Tllta ..,.. 20.000 hlgfter than for rtati u1 t ~·-•t · •· h been · ti t.ed II h t k · ' po on eq pmen · •~•u ""'• 1 aa mves p , ~o ectors ave a en occasJon to the previoua month and 193,000 machinery and actentlflC I~· • hire exua publieity-men to extol their offices' hooeaty. &. ..-*-than for October 1 .. 1 y•ar. 1 men.... Employm•nt In c.onatruc- • bee -• . al II h ff October marked the fourth con-Uon l.Dd goYernment&l actlVtty de--' ause aeve.-... mtern revenue co ectors were caug t o oecutlve mon•~ that •~t11 state 11 ed "•btl ~· d ,-·1c 1 • • • • ~ · .,u c n a.... y. .l .-..ue -.n ..a T e base, the.tr nonaccused brethren have come alive publicity .. employment exceeded any prior occupattons lncreued ..omewbat. 1 wise. mark. 'Unemployment. e.umat~ at 1 Now we haft to pay for staffs to tell us there are no Employment In agriculture, tor-~:i.'ooo In October, wu 13,000. be-', e•try and flahJng totaled approx!~ 1'Q ... _ September ft,..,_ and 23 nickel atealeni in the ca.ah pile. Yes, we are being "public mately M7,000 jn October. or thla ooo t::low u.e ngure"lo; Oclo~; 1 relationed" at our ~ cost.. number, 523,000 were at,_ W"Ork on of lut year. ' Can anvnne come forward and say the public demands farmL An addl;Jon&I. 30:000 farm ------' " -WOl'kera. could ba.•e been ueed had 1 this "eervice"? Have we inaisted on beihg informed of the they been avallable. Employlnent record of public eervants by their hirelings ? In agnl:u1w,e..ro....try and l'llhlng Movtnir the -t forward lllsbt- It' truimJ th t ha•· · ti bli waa •bout 31,000 hilhB than In ly beyond your U8U&lly preterttd , • a a w icver orgaruza on -pu c or October ot lut 1.., prlncl~y poottion win five JOU a better de- tidnr accountants,,. professk>nal lea.et loss ot life. Cost means akin. I engineer•. nothing. A general la not trained But u an Ml~ do yo• Wnk Companies May Pay Christmas Bonuses · The · Regional Wase St&blllza. Uon Board announced today that employers may pa.y any of theLr emp\oyeu, wi.lbout board •PP"O"'" al, a 1851 Chriatmu or year-endi bonu. up lo sto• in . value even Ur.ob.,. a lueer bonua qr no bonus w .. pa.Id Laet year. Arthur M. R-cbalrmon.. oa1d that employero wbo paid Chrllrt- mu br •year-end bonmea 1ut year C'"•ter than $40 1n value may pay the ea.me bonU. ln 1961, aubject to U.. J>"vlaiono ot General Wage Regulation J4, \be bon)'S order. to manage a $100 blllion corpor· It poMl.ble that IO little ation ; a business manager la not 'mln.ltl wUI be ae:r.t trained to lead the total armed yell¥ In ldcklnl' 'A d . forces of a nation t:nto war. U I . denke.Y around when d<>P must have a general for Pi-estdent, elepbaat hasn't been. I would prefer lfacArthur. He kick b1in ln 18 yelliKt changed, aucceutuny, a natlQn of Wlten tll6 federal . t enemiel into a nation of friend.I, moTed be.re from plalla and PU.l them on their own feet. In 1IOO lt broaPt: lM with a minimum ot help· from. the cl\:Waa employee. T U.7 administration in W'ubJn&ton. He put Uaat n:=~~~~~=~ knows more about money, and There's been a f about Wa.eb1ngton, UuCn moot gen-a.round that Sam Bay erala, and he poeeesHv a crusacl-er of the home and the lag temperament whkb we oould from Bonham. Texas, well uae in the emersency now a good Candidate next before ua. I et1ll don't want a Sam is havtng the time general u first-.choice? u 'Spia.ker and probably I am )ult a DtUe dlaturbed to right there.· review mentally my own obliena-Aa apeaker. Sam la tiona 1n Europe. In 1835 IJld 18117. of pAlldenU&I su1ce....iloi. How do dlctatonblpe at.a.rt,,· or an.y atter the vice-pree:ldenL' aort ot centrall&ed ~t ot re .. Jt of a changed •w ch· or-- THE PASSING Qf· LARRY ~NYDER - "IUeh ......... istJ, I ... ..___. ...... .,.~~ 1"4tron. or the Bal-1111"" Forry will lie addened to lead ~ti-Lawrace Bayda; plJlm " teM'J?IWI, haa made -¥ . croatng. ._ Larry, aa Ile WU --nately known, wt.a JM>t Olily, a dWgent and c&mUJ pilot. but' poae-d a -klnlb'·llnd frie11d11' nature. & oamocl dlrr reopect and otf-"' 11111 P&1H11rera by Ml «nl'1erttlDE -tot their happlntm ---. u well u bJ the JillblTCONfe tent muna ln wtudt. he ... cb&rpd Illa dutiea. !Public M<Vlce la a to11g, - .-rie~a a thenkt.. ~. Petul&n.t people, a r r o c a a t people, and tired people are prone tq ..-ent tbelr W ·1:i:umor upop.1 t4e pu~ ae.nGtt.1 To a11 or u.eae Larry •111'!~ wu a eedative. He wu ~ courteoua llld 1'1ndly•to""--· ..... fot M=ntlf, buolliea ;,~ -.........i. trie~. _ •· The· laot time . we . ..-'blm waa late on a cold and~ _ evening, u be ....:. l>ril!cU!lr Illa boat Into Ill bertb lftir Ill f1nal . run. It may well baw been hlo lut nipt on dutj. Never forgotten wOI 'be the fieeting smile and the waft ol Illa trtendly hand that came In --lo OW' ball of "Good night, Lanj:• Joaepb Alllll Beek ~ private -feela it's taking a beating in the press, whether because or lnc.-.ed • cotton ond irree or drivtnr control In tratflc. juatly or not, 118Uauy dip up some praise artiJlts to deflect tomato -acreage. Greater produc-odvtae• IM Nation&! A.Ulomobll• , ... _ hi h t II h f f b · t d I • . tion of grapeo, walnull and rice club. You will be amued at the , ...,, w te, o g t o news rom urnmg oo eep y in 1U! &lao contributed /.0 hl&ber farm dltt~ It will make If you ..,... Te1Mnt.. Mu. C. ftcMi• Step by atop, government! Dou the let,ller aa,., lglnatecl with Sen. Mike J, rr "I am gol.nk to wume control; 1 (0-0kl&.), wbo put in the ort&1n&1 , to tJe a dictatof, .. i.ieomebody elM: bill to give third llPOt to elect .. ~+-!,---------'-·--plush hide. employmen~ th1a ~ar. accuotome<I to, drive with the -t , ; Mr. Truman's recent claim that Republicana wo\ild Manut_ac_1ur1n __ 1_em_p1o_ym_e_n_i_w_u __ u_rv __ *_k_ao ____ 1_1>1~•·--'--- ; spend w;itold BUm8 next year to defeat his a~latration'e • nominee, mal<.. it easy to draw a parallel Bow many • milliona does. the government apend in one year to publicise I mouthinp of its 1!ureaucrata, each of whom la bent on ~ • perpetuation? The latest outburst of rel-from.. the ; bureau of int.emal revenue just points up the treDd. , I ---··---· I I HOLD YOUR HA'l'S, BOY8! , Preaident Ttuman"a budget mesuge ia pnitty oertala : to aall higher taz.. without Sllbatantial cuthaclu in gov- : ernment apending. Tbla delpite the fa.ct that Federal apmd- ' ~ thla fl8ca1 ,_.. ill at the record pacetlme nu of at : leut' $71,800,000,000. I . - : Mciat ~ely Coller-~ {efuae. ~ jwit about : exh~uatad the ~ of. the iaeome tuee In 191111 and • failed to a1>pt"'9 coDaumptloti taw that w o ~I d h av• l matched hder&I ..-ipta and Federal autp_ It would ha . : n.i ... to ap•t tile llieillaton to' dO In ·an eledioa .,_, f what they retltilecl to do earller. l &> more 'inflationery badcet ilefieita .... la the offlnc. l Blad&'8t J?llrtdor Lawlw ,..,... a cWlelt ot '5,000,000,000 to Sll.000.000.800 um &ea! ,-r. &lid a 1arpr deftdt .n year unhn ti.. lei •-....r....w m1 11 'II' .. ,.._ .. J -All tllJa El -MIW1 f ER ....... alnJ' ; of the clnllar'a i.,tna pa-. W9'11 la"' -......... 111at • they wca't lllly --. · • • • , ••m!N'" 11i11'd •..., OCQlll•lll.,_ la-.... U..• ! ,........_ .. .....,. 1111 aoi-•W"p , .. •er' 1t ,._. ·G••l'll 9a pc.·• t'•I ' • • • ' . ' At U.1 <Dd or the l'Old. Wa. ·aaw Baida ,. In !iv slol'1'· llorD of a dnam,. A UJaiiilit., a wlall, .&...-Ia IMr irtor1'· ~ .. w~ toacllod the a1a1p A&Ol--yod far • -0..-tlilllB&lda Ja IMr .,...,.. L, L. B1JILUD 'JUw•alde • .. ---..-------~Jd'iood -..... '""·ltJ' ,_ .,.. _ _...._lo •. nl!gbt ll&y, "I am flOIDS to be a od ottlclal lnateld of tbo · At.11')1 AL TZ MORTUARY ' mininl" engtneei-!" I do not aee est. ~ie. ,. · . 1 -1 that thla h&I .. .,, been .,, !;>le-But wh.n Hatton en Sot I toto1'1111ips 1.tart becauao people Uuo\leh klclllns \be hill around " 1oae , tbe deal re or tbe courap to bfa judk:iary commtttee Mike'• 1 defend Ulelr own ll'bertlea; er be-nam• IOIDebow got loot ott the cauae .ome one penon t. .tronc" Utle. t Lad7 Atbs•nt·~ .... ~m,a.,.,. OOllONA DEL llA& DAY AND mom . .__ .. a eDO!lirtl. or popu1u .-.SIJ, to ========~== wipe oat '11 part,. line« Y"" cut look to the lllilor7 or u.. 1ut natton, u 1 aald. or quarter conblty. put)", or both. At \be l -te ~ bolll•U-Do I doubt very much If l mean that-.. """111 lie ,. __ er woald a dictator! There la aotllln:s to '*1\lnallon. He baa indicate t.ba&. aaw;; nettba-tw b.lJD •'Ulltlnllbed 'oaltne•" lt\ DOr"(or uy otllei-caadtclete. Tllere ..... u.e --. ... -_,,-.People do ..., dbt to otlcr --. lha -1-Bt -tell Df8t1UNOZ • U SURE-INSUll j,j!••rem-=.ura ~ ft II ••• '"3. .. -···· • J • • • J • • •. t . • ' , . • t Kappe'D81te P~ j ~rryas Story for Slated for NHYC Ebell Book Section . ' • • SEE US FOi YOUR -. : f. , . PARTY DRESSES! • • Complete Shopj>ing for ·the · Entire ,Femily with us and Our Nei9lib~r Shop "The Men ," for \'Boys . and Men. IOTH Stores Opea Sa1wday, Dec. I ruitil 9 p. m. · 18SS Newport Ave., Costa Meu "THERE'S EC:O~OMf IN 9UAUTY" Vera s. Wilams Gift Shop & Art 'Gallery.. 313 ! Marine Ave., Belboe Island Paintings .by Rex Brandt Small Paintings· and Pr ints for Christmas • • I • ,. . ....... ~~;=---- :: :'r 'cr•• : "' de s rt:81i-Dlw Ms 1tW I a • Ti " _,..,._Dea. U. •. • IH I li'J 1111 YJ .. ,._ '11•'1• ..._ ....... illoll at -=· ,_•·I•~~-~"'" -ttta.·tvw;p, . ~ -- ....... Cllr"Jil ..... C I 1' 17 for J1111111t -to I 111!11 ....... llft ---•• ..,,..... """.,. ... .. -..... *"-.. It ..... I •inallllir O O ....... •1 .,.,., .. ~, I ..... ., ,._--. -"' Isl --..] _rs V•c•ti'on -•• ...... , 1r s •·"" onatt .. v _ ~ hll" I a'1 •• • ~ • t P. ' ·s . . .. • P9l --.tb. a am pnpgs . ,.. •. v•a•rt ·i--• ..... ~ ••a;al ot Ml ........ ~ .. -to --_,..... lia ., ....... -tbt ..... lMfr" l'Jnt iJ +hhlkl, Mina New %1' J 0 eaml ..,.., -~--,of-18-,-··----· 1w1· ... _-ort,tou..-• -u.,.. p4=:r1 --ot. amul• ft97 .... In a.--......... """' to llop, .. ud -t .1o1-Clluntl!' ..... °"""~+ ... ·~ .-.. "'romm;,· -i.er t:"'e:;;. ~.-=.=-:1.= aDd eat -ol Illa f-dla· ~ llu. ·s.zaoJ kd "1 t11t1 ' ft\ol) ..... -tile ....... Ialind 1~1> tlM7 telt · t -NCJaoX ---.: New Shop fo.r : :=i ... ·~.:.i. ... .\ddfns. 1tt1e -e K-...,.. __ .!_ _____ .:__,_ ____ .,._ _ __,,_.,.,......,,.....:.:'--.;__--: ___ ,"'.' Used Cloth' n dded -to """"'.,. -( .-, Jand.atnioopl;eore, tli9 N•---' '"::I' dents.. ... l>MIPt t.lie Ila)' , I' re<t tM c.pe Clocl 8-... blioa ~ Calo cm a.at . ~1 Bon.a. Ia»M, whore tho ·~ 1"411:7 ' . ...:-... :i~.,.. ~ := ~~=--d¥lo I ~up'i:'--Q&pri.:;.._-:: S.L. '-' I St .... Se ' .... .,,_ Juot plal:a -at '!Mrne4 that 1'111n't-abUlti '!!at ID 111Jjca1 ~ ,..u:zt9S . .a a X· '.ll>all: e14 --wanUq-.o..;.. -ft!aW. appl!Od to• Thousb a ....\pi"'-- 111 · • ...:c: ... _~ A~~ . :....... -· 111 .u.. .11.Wo -· luOt ,..leet.-U..,.haw~~ ~1 1o dvle uid -· , ut• rJ~c;nyt"l"11t "!o• ·OJ•td 1!l' ~ Orollim l~t ~1t~~ ~ ~ Iii ollr town.. Tom bu,..,.. .. a , • ... ~~~"· · , ..-· ~UOl .oout bfPway at Ool~ e ewpOI Ml ,Iha.re of notable~ In )IJlS. W1ND'RED ~·1oc1e17 9'11!"' .: ,'1 . ~•aal -ii!in'ot 111.!t ~ ~ c1a1_ Kar,, \ Commer<e lhlt ,._.,re too ;!:; c1o1nC It, lie bu beaome one at_.. .. ~~~.,.,,...._.,..-.;"2'~• ... ""._ ........... ,.~ ~n• ~a.. £1¥9 •t· ~.hOm Bi.a Manno. Be•· ~~ 1:,. :'new~ her fc'°°"~~ ~Nwe;:t9U:: Ch~rles Summe. ·rs·,·. G..;: ..... 1yn·. l·· · ~ · rr~;. f:7:.~~ :t..::"w::to=...8 :::-~ ::ii~~~ the~~-=u..:'T=~~~i-;. CJfU1 • l,I , . , dt,t ~ ~-~'*" witii IJ\e ;i,... c•oUilJ18 ' (or wo'""'· ~ an cf ot one ot ,ur promlllnr; -<le, community sorvtco, and lt'a a -• • • • ~ JllOIC!O{Y mlaim Com· Chnatiti. and then .,.. aloo Jad· ~t -.. one ' ha P'-Nre to hav• .... ot the - R t V • H .... c. --, .... 1'\llUe_Ort_"Cl'lllll.l"td1>RitM OU for"""'" ....... 8ho wllJ 'al .. \llOllSht ttun.the •tart.~ or pr-... -·-ol. '"' el'Wla ows 1n ome ;Aremony) opcWt'ot-i1*>etotaO>oloe~h:vm tal<o tMt drw, too ll&bt ui lbo tlleata4f'~qt Ira.I· kind tn our,_,,_, I""'" -~ · ''-. ~ '°!"'; Oollfo1111'-: . • , . • . walat aad too tllort In the altlrt, fk: palll'r ·""' . • lm.-..S "'11h u.o fine - Keyed '_ to tho sotden da71 ot• ,' •. ~ '. ; • •• '. ~ f• :~' iu~~~o;:,t~:;i~t~j~ ;::',.-:.! ':'..:' =.::-: m*!Oro= r.'::C\ "":e !'.'"~ ;"111cll ~:::-.=. ~ .! ' f&ll wu the quietly tmpruofve Mi ·R , N . , . .. -~· An&):;;;; Y . Cl!m , cmo ol IU fair la comm~ . weddlns at T ··~k "" Nov .. H SS ose.; os.enzA ·. ~ ,o;. J~~w ·-~-ta =·-~tlMt lllshta b;, appoint-~':;'"'~Ct~~· he ~ It Is ~ that -'(HI oarotll1 when vow11.,... pledged by ~t· H G i • f '. ,ha)· Il. l . •&;ar -(Balbo& I.. ......,.led .apl1J tor 11152'. Jr. ,managomont-lo one ot. tba tint ty CUOlf!l Joyoe Lange, d&ur;h-onor U~ST 4 . ' ...a1: liC. ·ao-.(~). ~ t with --•111bd CUDSl~tlana with i'eprd to • ter of· Kr. and :r.r .... Henry Lange , . Ev Gld V ~ lOrar!Pl ~ u:PMS llanl tu pin, lai-t ol oUl ... lo aavtnp and loan aervtee. U 1<JU of '39 lln>aclway, Coat& Meaa and Pre-Nuptial ent 'nlla. ~...... ou..,:owtb s E w ING -... the 1952 OJ;pmp1caJiow-8l'f not yet one of OUl''depoaltors. Plc. Henry Charles Summen, · ~ ~ In&' _trialp and then to ~ r~ come tn and· Jet \W tl!D JOU bow USlllC. The brtde1rTOOm. Ju.ot ,... All. uact roplka ot t.bo bride-of a pi'OpOlal n:>ade IUI> Mliy,u-... MAC H.·1 NE S andnC tlD brinr; them bero ••• we lla'.vo been a'ble to ~ DOVa' turned alter aervtnc 16 montha In olect In the fo"" of a d<111 clreaed _,, meeUq-ttlatlve to -per-and Tom\aa)ow thtY adml.t have 1-than 3 -<en!:-..:"""" on Fred Summero of Tulaa: Oka. -8-h Elementary Schoolo Pl'A. llZBUIUllNG _ PUTS the._.1c1. \ our l!!-yeu hlltory. · Korea ta the .on oC Mr and Mn. ln the aame material u the ruJ vltJ't lawa.-ealled by the Newport Dtm 11tle 4' J.MaatrW one of tl'ie ftneet crew i in avino invested with durlnc '11\e l.a.nge home provided the ::1.!,tr;!., ~~. ::Ora~:! :'I. ,Change• in ext.tins legialation We Piek tJp aad Dellvw He la ~ year pmlted uler .t:tinl' tor the double-rtnc cere-., -.. l'"-proposed earJler 1n the Yf!4r were All W9fll Owteed of the N~ Hai'boc. La of ~ &f:lW mony performed by Rev CharJ b1e at lbe shower on S.turday vetoed by the govemor oa t.be oan lk• • • .,....., Ellu:, one \ tM newat and mmt F-·~ ~ •'fllUHP Hand of Co.ta Mesa In lhe pre• attemoo.o wlllch hooored Klu bull tllat the amendment. wore VICTOa Jl'EJUUNGTON actl~=~ tho Orcle~Ho gs_. oM ....._, ence of ra.mtty memben and a fey,· Roee Noeen&o. ltJWU lnb.eld at bet too hutily dni~ Crawford ft.at· lW-•te' m Aft-. OMta' !:9°Bov." Afttiln, ~.e ~' bov.' £~ d'H;•fl...• 1.ni.tmate h1ends. A myrfad Of =:~e.~M':.r. ;:icc:n.:;n::; eel tbal Ute fl"OUP of expert.a W"P welt.;; club;~ on· our~~ entiy eA7•=•a ..... 3 chryu.nthemum.1. all white, crut-teaWltd Monday In the . State . sucremtul (")lrrenl.Jnfty cam. UBlilllte•~.-! ... • ed the f\oral backrreund with the peata waa the bol:tea1, Oeorci• Bulleting ap~ to be calmly pe.J.anl; and • a working m· "6Js1W:i :. deep green ot fem and p&lma Fo!)ambe ot Corona dol Mar. l>Ut deeply eoncorned about r«· UPIUIT.,..,. mVJU>INO ber of the Optimlat Cub. lending contrut at the living During tbe &tt.t.moon .SUHU 4!Il· Unc .ex lepl&Uon tn rood order. AND DYl!ING AT -::~· j(,ij;;i~~~liljiil~iji;RQiii;lj;iiiiajq~Qiiaii;ii5iji~~ room'• fireplace where the couple joyed playin& ca..nuta wtlh prises The ten amendment. to the dilt- •tood. won by Xina Oteiacb and Leona 1.ng 9@ll deviate law u propoaed by •IC• SONA.al.£ P&ICES • Given In keeplnc by .her lather. Tate. A .door prize W•nt to Dtcld• Suptrtor Judge Thomas J. CU.· ffeWIM'l't Slioe Repair Carolyn made a lovely picture ln Greeley. Many l'ifta were opened nlngham, 1Aa AnJele9 court. aeeJP• ·r-- a champagne colored ma.rqut.ette by the bride--lo--be and admired ed to be a.eeept&ble to tbe Interim JM• llall Newport ._. and lace b&llerlna length gown by ~;=~t.. wete eerved at ta· Committee accordln1 to Crawford. ~======:::============~I with brown •cceuorlea. A bouquet ble1 whlcb bore ... 1.-carda of Tbeee amend~t. ban to do With i of ruat chryaanthamwm and (Old ~ wider latttu04i In Judlctal control a•-m•'"• complemented lhe at· mJnJ.ature plnk elephant.I and yel· ot known eex perverCa. ... -.~""If' low turtle._ on whkll were tsed tra.e.tJv• eneemble. COJ"M&!S ot. butµ>o nwma .. M ,Iler • onty attandant, tho AtuMJng t.be -... won: Mrs-• Ne11·,..._ Viicks bride Mlecta« Mrs. Jay Math"'" Jira a .... 107, Xb1a Or.loc.li. 1-" ' Featuring Natlonally Advortt..d ~da Shoea • Sportawear A Clothes tor Men. Women • Childml Yanlap- Work Ck>thu Sll:RVIN(} THlC FAl(JIJJ!:l! OF THE HARBOR AREA' FOR 37 RAB& ..._ " • OPEN ~UN. 10•5 Ph.~Har. · J 85 ot Coit& .. _. who . wore plnl< Tate, Clara Claxtoa, La Verne Birt' hday Honoree . lU8T WEiii T F THE NEWPORT PO:& ma..,.iaeu. In ballerilla lencth and Sprque, Julla lawyer, Lucy No-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ conaa:e ol pink ca.matlona. GU RnSO, mot.her ot UM honoree; llfM ~§§§§~~~~§§§1~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""'*I,-.... £ D400Jf- ~-lfa-Co. l1lt l'few,.1 81..,., J; Sb.rink of \.Oft&' Beech f\J.Wllled Noae.nzo and Uae •bolt-. Kn. Nellie Vick, 112~ M&rint beat man dutWJa. Mias Noeenzo and her fl&nce, Ave., Qalboa lal•nd. wu honor For her dau,.hter'a wedd1n1 Mrs. Donald Suma, plan to be marrte<f p.t on "!JO:netd&y ne:ntnc, N~. COOHINC .SCHOOL You are INVITED to the LIDO HOMEMAKER'S PARTY . . LIDO THEATER . - TBV&SDA.Y, DroEpQll'K U • H • U A.. Ill. NO ADMITTANCE CHARGE · I ' Holiday p-ooking ,ldeea Free· Groceries • . , Radio Show ,..-Fun for ~II ' ( Bring yollr friends N 0 W -IN NEWPORT BEACH Marie Earle's ARALI N.N . 8-Beauty Trratrwrt la Our Coemetle Dept. • I \Vl\1 -.tart lb- -· • .;. •• ~ ~ ··~ Ill • da.t· to --·-WMU, ... , -•u.uo,a w em ,.__of ttda ~· llloJ'8 a lTIOlutlollary lotloll, -.._. -...._ ~ -1117o oUt. ~ commo• --dn:ulatlon, -but .. -• -...,. to -drMI Uw Ilda... , . -. = r~ WI " l..an•e choae a amart two.piece on 5"Hday, Dec. 21 al Christ 28, at a aurprlae birthday pe.rty. bl&ck. and a.qua outl\t with conage Church by the See. The affair was planned by her ot white carnatJOM •• pteutnc daupter, Mn. WWl&Jn Schnlldt . accent. Good wlabe• were voiced Colorado Rel,;.tive.s AtW .. rv1ng th• blrtbd•r calt• by the suut• duriit.r the reoep-~ and Ice cream, colored ptctu.res Uon interval following t1*t rjles. C M of South America., taken by Elea .. C.ntor of attraction On th• lace-Visit ost a esans DOT arul Linwood Vick, wbo .,., .. covered table w .. a tiered wedding a three month's crulae, Witt C&lte aurrounded by an effective Tbank..llivinl <lay cueeta of Mr· abown. The couple called Mn. decoraUve arrangement of white and Mrs. E. J. He.ndef'9011 of Vick wtth blrthd&:f (l'tttinp frcm. Dowen &hd candles. After the ~ a~ue, Cost.a M:UlLJ were Bueno• ~-Sb' alto received cerernonlal flrat allce had been cut her bf'Other and slater-ln·law, Mr. many pretty gU'ts, J by the juat-weda.. the confecUoll and Mrs. Donald Drtgbam and Pre8ellt were Bill and Ma.rybelJe wu l6'ftd with punch. •ula and chtktrml of. Loveland., Colo. Mr. and Toblaa, Clay and J'lorence° RU. D\lnt.. Kr&. B. E . Lone ot Denver, Mra. Frank and Virginia Jamea, x,.. OUeata tncluded Mrs. Nora Kate Henderaon of Sant& Ana; M.r. Edna Cttlg, Mn. Smalley, M'ra. J:4a.D&e.. Mr. and Mra. D. P . Shelden. and )In. Roy Bbort and dauchter, l'ercuaon of Pa• ad en a. ~ :aa. Dens Dodd, R&y Shater, Graoe and David Balliway of San Schmidt and Boed:ra, and the hon· c:c..:a -lif"Uf; Mra. Versie .Chriat· Gabrtd; lllld Mr. and .Mrs. Glenn orec. 'b•n, Mr. and 14ra. W. E . T\b--Walker, da\lcfrter Blanche and eon I 116~-Cllli•~bota and TOd ~ a-. Jr., ot Newport Blvd. Kr .. Double . c.c -ent beU. wliluter: Mlle Dorothy Hart. and Mrs. ~ had 1pent the i;y Ul-IRalJph Alf-. Santa AA•: wu . proviouo w•k with t11o Hender· Honors· Mesans llam Joa9' 8a.ll Dtqo; Mr. and eons . ICr& J . A.. Cluiatl&ru1en, Lonr; 81edL Tak1nl' J>&rt in welcom-R F .1 + Mr. and Mr9. Dennta Ho~ ms the iruut JITOUP .... Nancy, ea am1 y a 2M Broadway. eoata ...... on:t.r. 1'.ocll and Miko l...ango, alattr and H I d D talned Mcmda7 wltll a \Wkf!T din-~ of u.. bride. 0 i ay inner ner .. a double annlveraary e-t. TM _. Mn. Summen t.-a It wu birthday of ¥.!--Hosland'1 paduau ol Newport mr--when Mr. pd Mn. J£nrotl -, father, R. w. MeCIOllan and .-. thllo& lllsll -while her hU> 201 ~. Ooeta X-. pt.old, 40th wedding annl•enary of Kr. band reeeJ...d b.19 tduc&UoD tn ed over a tamUy dinner. me~ and Kn, Mc<"!leltan • Tl&loa o<llonlo Taldns thob-depal'-o1 Ill• cJa •Jo~ UM .. ~l[lon ~t liea111M-u.. -., ..,_. tun alter ~ · tar a Included Kr. and· Jin., Ri,lpll wonr their foul children aad tanll· _,._ -t with U.. bl1de-Scborlo and ~ Tim, 1>o1111~ U.., Kr. and M:ra. Wllllam c._, f"OOll'l'• Nlat.tYM and * tam.lly ult N&nc7; Kr. and Ills a •••• Robin and Serrf, Mr .. end Mn. -la Tula&, Illa popular MtKHllaa ot. .....,.. QU'l .Mr• ~, IAftoT and Dtiule: ifr. )OUns ~ wlll utabllalo r.11· ud Kn. EYMC .... h , ol AJ.o Ud M:ra. lloUo M<Qlellan, J4llle -tn tho Har-area on Uldr llam""' ud llalJll> 1\Mo -ttom and Reny and Kr. a 11 d Kn. return. UCLA. .1 -8pub 1CcCW1aD _. O••PL . . • - ------ ------,_ • ••• Y 0 UR CH~ISTMAS ST 'ORE SIN CE 119·4 ' GIFT COUNSD.pl • : .. co.nsu~ Ann •' hurch, ~~nkin',• Per- sonal S~opper for. edv1ce ;e·n J'Sug_geshons; 1f you cen~ lhop" in per1o'n, wnt• qr j>hOne. . CALI; Z ITH 356 I for tOH-fr~ ~erviU~ + ' • • • , , RAllSR'T I • ,. .11 Rerikj~ pu~chasp• ere bi~u­ •PP!td free-ofoe:lierg ,., service desk, low- ( ~peciel ~~·~~.~!~, s •. nomir •I charge.) ·GR · tifully er-level lilLAB:Y· • .._ ·• anywh~r• In So ern <;:~lif~mie. ' • ~· t ATD ••• , for~·~ • . unt, mezzanine. ' ' ·c~ CHAii~. , 30-cfa~rge,c90-­ or la'fa.,•y Pfen, in-·dey , contrect •ccOtl . q•~• .,11111nine. ........ beg· .,. 1pait from ' ' •11-Dec:••"' .. -............. ,, . • • .. • • ' ' , .. • . . . P~ 4 -Pi.R.t ·1 ::: ~VRSDAY;~ 6. 1961 . Har6ontes 'Attencl ···r.-~:-=:.!•• · · a Boob •nd Authors :;~ Z 1';i..:=.-= PUSS~ Progr•rri !" ~A. . • , ' ~ . -. Jlarlloi. 1nem--. u4 iU... "' ~...... J. . Ask M .L.--1.."' -ud A..U.0..---. WCll . unlOl'S · emuaS11lp ~ ::" .=-.... Tu:,:::.,;,t• or.U.:: i ' · · •. monthq ~ poup tDdUde• in! federation of Women's Clubs =~·~: .:.:::. . Vl,...O l'utell. A . 4 , ~ldlt ,_ UndM the l!)On80fshlp ot New· llc)ldclor. om Ka~ Kl'1"-· port ljelu:h Ebell club. the Jwt)or <Jounty Bcbool ror Deaf and H&rd On tloto p<OlftD) of ~ ... eect;>n this week voted to apply of Heartns Children at tJte Frank· ert WU ~·Kaboo.7, . ~ ror Jndepen-t membenltlp tn tho Un -~ 8&111& Ana. Mn. n.b· trlelld of t11e<lo.te;--.... Federa.Uon Or Women'• Clube and er, ..ct&on wettar. chairman, Unck. Mt. Mahony .recowtted ..... tr accepted will be known u tho potnt..i OJJt Ibo Importance of Ule· era! lncldenta "(lllcl1 •P-" la b1e Jl'ftlor Ebell club ot Newport Har· project pertteo wblcll memben now -allout MMterllaek, tbo btr. hove been lfvlJls.u belna the onjy llolgt&n ~aUo poet wbo -ci~e Newport Harbor Yacht club mMM Of ratal.".• .moo•y for the l.be bluebli'd famou.a. rt room was choeen u aetting t:e Otber epeaken WUJI Jotua 8cott $. tho rell"l•r mooting or the Franklin oehool. · Do<l&tu. wbo cteaCrtlled ~ beck· J .lore. Following luncheon mern• Guuta at the Juncbf19R included ...,,u.nd fOl' hia bea~..Uef, "Ky Mrs.. Crom. Mn. T. L Coleman, Pa.tie .. zut " _......___ rs and guesta were addreaed by Orance County Junior Advl.9or of n were WI : .-,wan1 a. Arthur E . Crom, California the State Federatk>n, Mn.. C M Jae,er, autbor. of "OUr DMtrt ~·viM>r of ~e memberahJp of Jun-Dea.klna, EMU prem~t and Mn: 1 Nelg-hbo!:"-" and T. D. Allen "'!! i<b-Wom@n a clubs, wbo spoke on Robert Allen, Junior 1eetlon ad-wrote DoclOT In Bue~ F'~eration advantages and ldu.la. vtaor Dorothy Lyon.a told the (act and tMrs.. A. Burr While. .Jr., JunJor ~ Dece(nber meeUn( wtll be fantaay lnvolved ln her atoty ol a +ti.on chai~man. appointed Mrs. held at the EbleU club. hoU11e and crippled glrl w~ l~ned _to rid~ ~l'lteT Vter11nf" chairman of the 8 puppet ahow wtll be eniert.aln-her ~loved hOree,, Dark Sun· bt-laws committee . .She will be a.s-ment feature Thi• la th azuiuaJ Milne. A.180 on the Pl"OSf'&l'b WU st5ted by Mrs. John ~-Daniell and Chri..tm&a party for mem~ra and R. DeWitt Miiler, a~0t.bor ,or "Looee Mrs. Dorolhy Hutch1naon. their children and wlll be held Board ln the tr'lool'. Beml• Kam- i Plans for the fifth annual Hoag Dec 22 at 10 am ln.s. who wrOte "Buie Propep.n- emorial Hospital benefit we~ · · · da, ·· and Henry C:utor. who talked d ussed. It will be heJd Feb. 28 on bla moat recent book, "How to a Newport Harbor Yacht club. Mesa Hostesses Write .. Reminder.'" ra. Clare.nee R Stat! la chairman 0 the benefit. Share Duties at Kappa Alpha Theta . . Project Part~ 1.,. .. William E . Fisher expre88· Bridge Luncheon Group Hostessed D. Al!ID 1111& a. 11'. MeCl.11'1,L\N ~ tftank11 to the member11 for con-b L•d M tr t i ibuting toys to be u-i by pre· Combining .t1te1r aracloua hO>lt· y I 0 a On sthool children at the Orange esslng ta.lent.a. Mrs. Richard C. • t Torre.nee and Mn. Grant w . The Chrlatmu luncheon meet- A Standard Flnot Ald CourM ' tE\'Y.ltl· DAV IS ~AUS QAV AT ~'ARL\'LE'S .~l1RNITURE ' ' ~ATTRESSES! t".;xrellf"nt Quality w.nd Valuea ~Sn9 \"a llH' Mattno88N, 1aeOO 1 Bo~ •prtnrs. set for.... 77 • Brown extended. recent hoepitaltty lng of Kappa Alpha Theta aJum-wu completed recenUy at tbe Tar when ·they entertained wtlh tJ nae club of 01'&1\I'• county wu Pit ln Newport kach. The ln- brldge luncheon tn fe1tlve mood held TUeaday, Dtc. • at the heme .tructor WU Gertrude Keppen. of the aeaaon. Party t.ckcround of Mn. WUJlam Hollteln, Vla i 1'bo8e completing tht. 24·hour waa the home of Mrs. Tcirrence, Venezia. Udo lsle. \ cour.e with moet exce.llcnt p-adu, 399 E . 19th street, Coat.a Meu. At the bualnnl!I mttling which\ were ~trude. Buab.ndl, Susanna where alrtklng deeorative deUJI• preceded lhe luncheon. tt w .. de-ff. Bouchler, Helen Doelburg, Vlr· featured bronse and Sold chryaan-ckted to send a $25 donation to tht> g1nta L. Oathma.n. Jane E . Ham- themuma. Fashioned Snto clever national Kappa Alpha Theta re-brook. Elaine B . Lowe, Mary M. corsagea were bronae-toned mums lief and ~habUltaUon rund. Thia Martin. Lucille E . Nac.k. Ellzabeth which were preanted to each supporta the fraternity'• three Rabbitt, Oladya E. Woodworth and gu@st. Attractive place carda and projecta, the lnaUtute of Logo-Norma Chaney. bridge taJJlea furthered the au~ pleglacs at Wk:blta., K.anau; the All of these ladiea a.re acUw tumnal mbtlf. Foster Pare.nlll pla.n for war or-membtre in different repruent.a- Cult.ae Groups Plam Xmas Works • Machinery for the admm.latra- Uon ot C'hrtltmu Charil~ ln the Nfl:WJIDrl Barbor area wu aet into motion lh1I week when represen- taUW8 of organt.zation.e dolng a charitable work met at tbe ot- f lcee of Atty. Roi>er:. it... Eutman on Balboa Island. . ~an i8 Leading Knight of the Elk.a Lodge whoae duty it la ·C.anadian Girl Visits Relative Recent hos~ltalll wu offered by Kra. Flo M. Conner of Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mqa, when abe entert&ined u welcome houae gueat her nleca, Shirley G&rdlner or c..tpry, Can~. Trips to point.a of lnterUt ln the eurround- 1.n.g counlryeide were' arranged for the pleaiure of the vWtor. Inglewood Guests at Holiday Dinner · 1 1%09 COAST BLvi,.r • OORONA DEL MAB HARBOR lMll • •. -, Ou~ new and '.labu!ous S.tinyl Slip .~de ~i ~ i00°/0 Dupont Nylon witlt Nylon riet arid Jace trim- A Joyous Gift! Whtie oal7, .... all .... ' 5.95 BEA UTIYUL GIFI" · WRAPPING AT. NO EXTRA CDABGE .. ~8o~a1s~rt:';t~~-······· '6r I ;Bo~~';rt..~1~~---····· *St'° ['5~~a1s~rt!';.tt~ ..... *4'15° At the final@ of card play. Mra. pha.N; and the Merchant Marine live groupa In thla community auch Richard Good received first prise; library. u Olrl Scouta, Om mot.hen, Pow- Mr& Robert 0 . Andrewa .cored There we.re Z4 precent and Mn. Fr Squadron and Red Croaa. eecond and Mn. Kt.nnelh D. Boet· E. T. Chapinan -thlrd and Krs. A.nolber Finl Aid clue will be tcher wu COflMJled. Ruth Vetter Wtore cohoetean. At-given when 1~ or more people have Sharing the pleaaures of the en-~nding from Ute HarbM area were reque.ated one by caUin.f Har. 1865 to tend the necde of the unfortu-Mr. and M~. Everett Brace, 123 nate. othera In attendanc::e we.re E . 18th •lreet, Coat& Mesa, enter· Mn. Ruth Meyen., achool nuf'9fl:, t.a1ned with a family dinner on eo.t.a Maaa: It.Ira. Robert W~ker, Thankalivtnr. Cover• were mark- Aulata.nce League: Mra. Carl ed for Mr. and Mra. Edward Jer- Zamloch. Red Crou; Mra. F'. B . .ey of Inclewood, Mr. and Mn. Joy-Mt. American Le.g1on Aux.ill-Fred Brace, Costa Mua; the ho8l8 ary; Mra. Jane OaJTet, Coela I and their children, Marilyn and M-Grange. . " Larry. High Quc:ilifY. &.inting-Ph. H~r. J616 High QualitJ Prlrrting-Ph. Har. 1616 IFlnfl Cout'h 8f-f1 I Spttl&lly prtC'f!d at L CAR~LE'S .'4r BeM!on 6"1S9 joyable occamo. were Mn1ee. c . Mrs. Ruuell Craig, Mn. Alan Make Hania, Ma.'< H. Schachner. Crary. Mn1. Helen Hoxie. Ml• Marlon A. Johnson. Donald L Hud-Nlncy ~.. Mrw. Oliver K.och. dleston. Paul R. Dunlap, Robert G. Mra. Arthur Kramer, Mn. Har- Andrewa, WUUam. Williama. Jamet1 vey Somere and the hoeteuca. Two R. White. Renee Smith, Kenneth new membera attendlng were Mn. D. Boettcher, Co.ta Meaa; Norbert Vk:tor Davenport and Mra. Wll- T. Eimers, Fullerton; John F. Gan· llam Lowe of Santa Ana. ahl, Anaheim: Richard Good. La The next meeting of the club Habra; Arthur J . Palm, Sant.a wUI be held Jan. 14 &t the homf' of l99n llarbor 81,·d., Coata Mesa Ana; 'eemice Bou.as and Weeley Mr11. Wilma j::ary at 2311 Bay ~~1 ;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::;:;~::·~~~~~J~on~ea,~~An&h~~·~l~m~. ;;;;;:::;;;;;::::;;;;;;~; Shore Drive. All The&.aa ln lhe . ·-• . •ea .a.r.a..Anarlt.ecl .t.o•\\e.nd:. ... , • The Islanders 214 Marine Ave. . Balboa Island will be open every e.vening except Sundays, from Fri- days, December 7th until Christmas. OPE~ 8 1.:SD.<\YS t;XTIL .;» P. M. F1ne c h.Ina and cryAt&l. old · f;arl)' American reproductlom., dbtlnctl,·fl bar acce990rlea. Yardcige Headquarters • Yardage makes an appreciative and pr11.ctlcal gift. This week's feature. 4 yda.. novelty prtnted Crepe . . . . U..45 . ..::::;~~ Many additional n ovelty fabrics ln var1oua price ranges. COSTA MESA'S \VEST SIDE SHOPPING ()ENTER BARTINE'S CALICO SHOP 1801 Newport Ave. COSTA ~IESA BEAOON UIO LAST CALL FOR FALL IUUS I ~~·::=~· .. ~~~ ~ ·-~~.•••·•-••••••-•••···-····-·do~ 954 ! =·;~s· ... ············ ............. ················--··-······-. •110 I RANUNC'ULUS, Giant .... •11• . • Mix~ cok>n ··-. . .........•.. ··-·····--···············--········-······-····do&. •. ' Triple Link Club Entertained by Island Hostess Mre. Hasel Dumont and Mn. .Marion Jean R08e were hoi.teAU to the Triple Link club of the Me• Rclbekah Lodl'e In MrL Du- mont'• home on Balboa Iala.nd Monday eventns. Dec. 2a. Pre.II· dent Viola Beckett prulded over a ahort bualneu .-On. It wu declded to COrpblne the ~mber meetlns of the c lub with I the pot luck supper held each I month by the Odd P"ellowa and Re- bekahB at ·e :30 p.m.: Dec. 10 In the lOOF ball, Co.ta "Me•. The hlchllcbt of UM evenlna will be the drawtnf tor the hamper of clothe• and fancy artkJea which 1 have been made and donated by the member& AdmJ.uion tO the at - fair will be canned l'JOd8 which will be irtven lo • neecl)> family. Alter tbe busln-charade• _.._ p1aye11 w1111 P<i""" Solnl 1o I Opal Goodyer and Mra BeekotL I The ~ ..rved mtaoe pie to Kmu. Ooodyv. Beckett. Jn. Cqe. Purl Ba..ckea. Tint& 8n\&ll, Ge.rt· rude WalkLna. O.rtrude Wlllcut. Anna Walk.Ina. Ulltan Smalley . Florence Conner, Flo"nce Swttser, Ott0rgia Grave, Paullnt1 Raina, Mary Tayk>r, Alma BIACk, Oalsy Ginger, Marie Douchty, P10ra Har- hla, Gladys Bird and D. Hacer- man. Harbor San ta Now Overseas eorp. ReJpb c. Jack. _, or Mn. I Bertha Jack ol Newport.. wUJ be giving out mail for eenicmlm owneu th1a year luteed of pla7· Jn& Bania for Hartoo. cb1ldttn. While at Tlnl<er .,eld. 0'1obomL he built up Ille nre ~· ·end r .. w. ...... recoaunended by hie commandin.S-ot.ftce:r fOI' owr- _. dUl.Y. He krt 1it1t Wffk. deotl· nauon Honotuai nr J- : ~,"'!!'2:i: ~~~······ ··-····-··-···--·---···-···-· __ -. 351 Mrs. H. R. Ring I ; 5 & 10~ .Nwsery Is Bridge Hostess , H121 So. Newporl 111"-TUIH'IN Mr& s..i4 aa,..: Udo We ~==:;;::;;:===:;;:============~;1 ---~ cJul> --1 ly. Lua-wU ,_ 11)' llrldp..:wltla ~ '1ebls -11)' f:ntra oa.--~ •· det-. btMn .. 111 \. ..... .lue SHIP .u.i rwa•ar: IN 11. s. PUPA.ID Safe arrlTal Gwteed -All 'illl-\a exr:Juatftly ... -.... -CAUPOflNIA FIUl'rs · Beaut1fWly pacltapl a CWaiw .• ,... Mexlc&D-taal>d-- Pricei "•• 5.95 ._ 1UO ----.. --.. NIWPQRT JE.WILllS , 1•K••:1,..._ .... 1!oJd, ~ 00'0 • I • ..,. -. Ama--. Kn.~-.; an, a n rad. -o«aw o1 <tlie ...-.. - -•f • • • . , ' KABL'S SBOE . STi . . FRIDAY and SATURDAY DEC. 7 and·8 \ •• FOR TWO DAYS ONLY WE OFFER THESE GRAND OPENING ' SPECIAL,S! 1 • Pair L.9111 NYLONS No. 193 / • • ' • : 9 'TIL 9 • • KAJt.L'S offer a _complete, tino Sho:c:-s for . ... We take • . • -l· \ . .. \ t-t:.• • , .. __ ,. . Iii • • _, .. • • • • ;. • • - ' . '• • ' • • Little Ttleatre ~0~1r1.t 1. . Discussed b HarbOr Players . Pia Boa. yrd 'he Dae•'• ,.t:r ef lfwwwfGl"l Yers ·. -°"""" ..., ..._ _ .. .... at I ,.. a Pr11rl' •• ts Ill .. _ Yodlt c;M. n lo a - Aamllll m~u.i, of Ille~ of da7 put7 111r ••••ra -~ "'""""" of Newport Jf&rllor Jarvto lo cMlrmu. uddel '1 community~ wu !Mid-.. llUlel .....,. .• <>a Ille ,...,_ day evening at the' llome of Mr.' w1U '-a fWJ'; .LIO' a ..._ (~ ahd lln. Lee Barn... Udo Joie. ert llllot ... ~. wltll lM ,...... JC,.. Clara .<stater wu ..,..,.. dl<WtlnC'. '!'aldllSj put, Wiii toe -Lncy .. -. ,,. • ..,. -- Pt<Mllt ...,... 'Rolan4 wr1cM. -~ ~ ~ -Jlelm Kal.ott, Dr. Ethel Nett, 111 ... --,~· - _ ..... v1,.irua' cuu.. Mr. anc1 w.,._ HI)' 111n. .u-. -, Wl1I II.,. Laq'onhelm. Kr. oJ>d Mn, -a ,. .... , of Aadill•t'a hlry- 8)'1YMter; Jr'ruclo Horvath aad talel. · ' Ille --, • Tiier& wW &loo be a muoieal ~ BubJect of panmowtl In-11&11\ by "La Crawford ·-0.. for the Play.... WU •• utUe OUM!r .......... ID U>e maklnr foe Theatre for prM0'1tallon of p1o71 a .!0117 '°"" Ume. • , aod otorlnjr of propo. Tbe1 !\Ope On t11e JuQ&rJ' .,-lo - oome lntm.ted cfU..n may ctvo oonlatfon of a new play, ldlot't a bulldlog IUltable for Utolr -· Dellcirt. by Robert ·lllluwool£ lt need not be gJamoroUll but Martbella Randall WW dlrect the •hould be centraly located In the cul ot 15 or mote people. ' Newport Harbor area and &houkl • . ,.... . 'WHEN ,t GIOW OP' be adequate for pre .. nt and ' Mar-OLD THEATER TuRNED •isn . tuture necde. A amall tund bu ova TO Ii THE HUT already been •tarted for Ute pn>-LOCAL vSE NEW llUNl>&Y, T1llCllDA.Y Ject. OF 0-... SOCI-""' Onu• m...;,, ._ , a...._ o11hrt . The present board a.nd otftcen r~ SI I no ......... lot &MerYa... •MDszzH Clire1 . were named at the October meet~ It'U be the .. ()pry H®a" llOW. ac.ed oe ~•kra ·''LET'S MAK·E· · IT lng. ExecuUve board lncludell Doors of the old N1wport Thl&tn ';;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~ 1· . M'.ar~hell& Randall, Jo Wlld41!', Mel wUJ be rnakllll' aad cnckllls aod ; LEGAL" . Berry, Agnea Blomqulat. PaU much n-. be doDo. but tbe UICI• FISHERMEN'S Witte, Nathalie Michaud, Betty ent ehow bouee will once &g'&ln _ .._. _ Jarvla, Sydney Morn. and o. W. ----Occupant& of c DANlll OIAIUl Richard. Ute 'Old Newport Theatre' wlJJ be ASINO CAFE Boa"' of govemoro lncludd: Ute membara of Ute Opera Boclety . ·• 'H~ hllCJIFoB' Mrs. Karl s. Axt&ter, Mra. Let: E. wbo are plannlng to etace the Ml-11.aln ·st. at Ila.Ibo. Blvd. .BamH, Mra. J . A. Beek; Mro. kado. 8EE tbe SEASON'S CATOll ll.IDDIE lllAri;laz'IU.T. 1:411 GR.AND OPENING et Karl'• Shoe· Store. lm NewpOn Blvd., Costa MH&. on Friday wUJ 1oe Rarey Viner, naanarer, (Imel)) tn new rol~ OperatinK No. 183 In tile Yoe company dlaln, bl! form- erly "-u au.lAtant m.an&pr of atore No. U. ~ Beach. Optalar Virginia C&atle, Sidney David.ton. Local clt.tsena are uked to tum ~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~I · 3 SER" .i.a.J!> Francl8 J . Horvatlt, Mr. and Mro. J.l>•lr t.J.,.ta to Ute en<loavw of •. ·""- L. L. lsbtll, Hr:tns. Kalaer, Hay cre&tlllg & theatre for the oom· Langenheim, A. B. McCollum, munlty provtdinc ouU8t tor "legi.U- Newton L. Mct..Aughlln, Dr. Kt.be) mate" talent.I. Neer. Mra. Earl Stanley, Mr. and Each Tueltday nlJhl. rehearala Mrs. E . H . $ylvuter, J. T . Van will be he&d on the st.ace of the Dyke, Roland A. Wright. Ken B. theatre whlcb la located on ·New- Nllea. Mn. Barne• ill chairman pon Blvd. on the north Aide ot and Mrs. Axtater la co-ch&lrman. the atreet at McFadden Place. THE JUNGLES EXOTIO FOODS l 1CO Ooa11t Btvd., So. concludes on Satu.rday. · LAGUNA BEACH Toys Assembled for Thrift Shop . Christmas Sale With Chrlslma.,. in tht'lr heart.a, Mra. Rod Burnham and Mf"B. Dick Taylor of L:do Isle have worked tor months regenerating hundred!! of toys which w ill be on sale Dec. 11 at· the As.sistancc League's OC\V Thrift Shop on 32nd St. In N ew- port. Bright Rnd bca ul1ful, these toyr w 'll delight all ch ildren a."ld arc p·lcf'd so low that parents on · slim budgets m.ay purchase them . rllylli8 Tnylor flnd Gayle Bttrn- hnm h~,.t mnny w ill ing helpers who assl::Jtod !n the ~novation work. Mra. Erneot Safllg provided 11tor- -~ ~ for doll8. »COOtera, tti-cycfe.e~es. doll h01•M· ell the tr~8-5U~! which · chlldrin hope to r::--,1 under the Cbrb:ltfua11 tree . Rod Burnham and ErnCl!l Sattig mend- ec.; and painted. JUn HaJl8en ot C>&ta Mcu. put In many hou:-s wllh a paint brush. too. Marshall Nledr:cker donated paint from the Andttw Brown company. The many atutred bunnies, elephantli and woolly dog9 we re cleaned w·lhout .:harge by Jim Ogle ot Harbor Service Laundry. Th~ y~orppt'f job ot blowing up all the footballs and bea.chballs fell ~ ltl Jack King of the Rlchri~ld ser-· Yi;ce on Lido lal<'. Wl)cn l~oors or the Thrift ·s hop op-::n n the afte rnoon of Dec. U) to welc e old and new cuato- mers b~~cen and-4 , the toys and other merchandiae will be on display. Tuf:fKiay morning ·toya, clothing, books, household warea- -:aJJ will be tor M.le. All proceedtl go to the chUdren'a dental clinic which ope!:lla abortl)t ln the League buUdlng. • · flKOM Sl.EKRA Ill ADR.E Nf"Wcome ra to the Harbor art!a arr: Mr. and M111. Lloyd Howard. I 17 Jade ~ ve., Balboa Island. They have a f-yr:ar-old (1auehtcr. De- borah. The Howards come from Sierra. Madre, w~re they own~ a fUrnJture store. They are now in- terested In real estate. -Classified ad.a are read by fol.kB who arc looking to buy, Long Beach Guests at Fox Home ALICE TAYLOR FETED AT LUNCHEON Uae or the theatre building ha• been given by Georp Strebe and family or Palm Springs, owne.ra or the property. Rustic candles aurrc unded by poinaettlu and pyra.canth& betTlca decorated the ThanksJIVing dinner table presided over by Mr. and Miss Alice Taylor. well known County Art Groups Mt'll. O.Orge 'V. Fox, 177 E. 17th hoot ... at Cbrlsllan'a Hut, BaJ- street. Costa Mesa. Guests includ· la.et Sunday was teted with a aur_. The <>ranee County Art A.Aocl•· ed Gen. and Mrs. Eugene Beebe prtse shower luncheon at which lion will meet on Thunday, Dec. and dau&hter Sandra of Long numerous sue8la preee.nted her 13 at 8 p.m. In the lecture room Beach; Mr. and MrL Roy Koenig• with linena, china, allverware and of the Fullerton library. A very and children, Marilyn and Bobby : kitchen utenall1 tor her new home. enjoyable prosnrn hu been plan· of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. I The home, 310 Montero avenue, ned with Miu France.a Nugent, o Charles Bunch or Co8ta !oi~sa. was tumiilhed u a gift by Mr. the Lo. Anl'eiea County Museum, --·and Mrs. John Moran. Beverly spea.ktn( on "Chr1atmaa ln Paint· Library Books, Hiiia. 1ng," and 111uatrat1nr her talk Thofte present at the luncheon with elide• ot eontemporaf}' antJ Please .. Come Home lnrluded the Morans. Mr. and Mrs. traditional rell~oua p&lntlnp. 1 Al Rowbcrry. Newport Beach, The December exhibition, which Library book• nllll'll be retum-Mra. Victor B. $afl'e, Lido Jsle: will be on vlrw all month, every ed before Dec. J~ to Newport u-1 Fred Barker, Cliff Haven~ Mr. and day except Sunday, ll pe.rt.lcularl)· brary, Mra. Dorothea Shcel.v. Ii -~"" John Flolten. Balboa: Jack lnterestln~ u It I• the third an· brarian, announcc·s.. The llbrct.ryl Crisfield. Corona del Mar: Miu nual· non-Juaied members .vhow. w'11 0,: ~fed to the public from Jane. Keeney, Newpo.-t BeMfb: Mra. ~ ~i.. untll .tlt•..ll.<IL of ·-~ "°Y.J11<21"''-""""' .~: Mr. Mex'1ca'"' Ca.fe yu.r. After the holidays. eervieel and -)fra. Roy Bat'i,i' Ba.JbO&i"" A will be reaumed acroas the street. I Mr. &nd Mrs. Riley 'nw>mpeon, N ' la above Red CroA headquarten. En-Dick Rucker. Miu Lucy Pukln. 8W In quna larging of the present library Russell Taylor, al1 ot Loi An-Llnley W&ller, We11 known U· building necesallates the change. gr:les and man'y othera. 'fll,,,. rer'n 11Nt.teur. announcce the FRANK lk IX P'EVRE ol 15.H Miramar, Belittoa. (left) wu J8ti wluer of the O'x1!' \'Van<hl. \Ve,·e ru& rtven away lty ta.e New- port ,.orniture Oo. at t.be Cu'l.lne» a.od ProfeMloeal Womea'a ' Chrbtmas PttVlf'W 8ho\\·, IA':YPYe.l"'f! "' pictured. be.re reeetwtq tM 8\vard from Lea Blall~Ah~y of the Newport t""'a.nlltare Co. ~ 'lb"l contest ron~iated o[ gtlt!i!Slnt the correct number of bllta l.:1 a 9'xl.Z' \\''unda \\'f'V~ ru~. J..eFevre'• i'ueu of 816,000 tuna \Vll~ thr cl~t. , Thn currttt nu:nbcr of tun.. ta 810,tlL --·--- openln~ ot hill ne\v Me.xican ru- ._.urant. The Flat&. on Friday. Dee. 7 at 1?12 Coast Blvd., l...&guna Beach. Featured will be authentic Mexican Cooda and fleet.a dlnners, ..erved with Mexican and domeatle beera ud ln a charmln&" eouth of the border atmosphere. Hont'll at"e from 5 :30 to 10 p.m. cloae4 Mon-...,y .. Thoee atlraci.lve water colons by Frank H&lllUton which have been on dlaplay at l.A&'una Beach· Art •allery are now back at Vt!ra Wutama Art p.llery and ~ I ( t ahor. 113 ~ Ma.rtne avenue.. Bal· I boa hland. Ofte or Hamiltoa'• Dict.ure:1 rec-etved honorable mea- t~ In the Noven1ber exhibit at Laguna. j llALM01' Ft..~101'0 EXCELLENT • Salmon Cb!!hJnc ..Jiu been excel· j ient durtnr the put tew daya on Tomales ~ just otf M.anhalls ln Martn county, reporu the N•t- ional Automobile Club. ... "1zsa•t trfW...A f~ KA TRLEEN-Dlotbl(Ulalted Eatertalnmeat After Nine Ebell Art Group Holds Tea and Show Seventy ttvc or more gue.U ln· eluding r epreaentativies ot other Federation clube were entertained at tea Thunday In EbeU club bou&e when members ot thr: art. set"t.!on exhibited picture.a. Mrw. C. M. Dcaklrus pouted at the beau- UfuUy appointed tea table. She had alao arranG"ed decora.Uona, combining sprays or bltlerlJWeel 'Nllh fllll lcavee. Forty pictures wcre hunb' ILJld two we re sold, work or Mn. Dea· kins and of Mrs. Horace Parker, who al.o ha.a a picture In La.gun& Beach Art gallery. Servlng u hoateseca were clan member11 Mmes. Parker, Deakins, Mark HepJy, Dfc.k 8baw,. Chulea Eaton, R~rt VtJJa~ IJ,heldon_ Riley, Sandy MacKay, Cariton En- field. Jol\n Merrill, Frank Sallee. Joan Irving Brandt. teacher of th~ class, wu an honor gueat. Island Man Visits Bouchey J ohn Werlle, 119 Marine avenue, ha..s just returned from the deaert whr.re he s pent 10 daya atopplng Al Pah:1 Sprlnss and 29 Paln1a. He alllO visited lUl old 'rrtend, Tommy 8Q11chey, rormer J-larbonna.s:ter. The latter bCfld1 be11t regard• to all his old friend.& and accqualnt- JL,r:es-in the Hn rbor area. He t1e.~ves a v.·onderfuJ 'n1eal, John says and will be delighted to see Har bor folk. Help Fight TB ----\ •1•¥4' Jle(a•~/aij sf CIUFMlll IUlr IUli. ... ,.. •• •rsss ,,, •· Buy ·Christmas Seals • . . DEC. 1'4 . -8 P.M •. CANDY CANE BALL -BALBOA ~AY·- ··-far . tli"•'••'I D11CU1 CIWc • CLUB ••• ' • ·or·--· ·-•• --.... .,..n., Ille - "" ...... iaoiaB -' .. • \ ICZilk . lyg Is ... ...... """ ............... w--... ~ a , • .,. ... on m11• MMX* .. \ ' ' ' • . ' . ·NOW -WJ!f!l: IORN W&~ BOBT: &YA.JI. . . . FLYING LEA THERNECi<S T~r -PIUll -\ . KVTR ROIUN STEVE . ~ 'TOMORllOW IS ANOTHER DAY' SUNDAY, TUDJDAY i !!Pt:NOER TRACY "PEOPLE . . AGAINST O'HARA" · LIONEL BABRYHOKE "BANNER UNF' n= ' ''Btu!· YEILi• · LIDO DRUCJ 8TORI: Harbor ·1246 \ • ; PLANE e 11R!P • TRAJN IU:81:11U TI01'8 • • llltn! Tllutll Tll:k~ APICY ' . T. 't. ~ITS · . . ' FOR 'RENT l·DAY liDmroK TIDE T~ V. 81111 "'lJ:Wl'OR'I' BLVD NIJ\Vpori .... HAJUIOa - HILLMAN': MlNx t1i1t4"I.......,; '°""' ... t.s .... , • .,! t "--"-~r . NEWl'OaT •OTO IJ&l,1!8 . ' -W·~­lf•pon 9eitdi· ...,_ ltft ........ 1!1-, ~ ·-··--··· ~.:-· tflfe;-• . ,,.,._ .. ,,,., , • 1 ... . ., -.... " •• , ~·•ma.· tftJI••~-... ~-­............... ~. ~ ~~' :::_::.;:._..:_:_.::_~~~!._~l~J ~~~~::::::~~ .. I A CAIART THEATRE· --. AD L'.1"8 ••• Ue. tax tnc. Chlldl'M Under J% FREE l!TAKTS SUNDAY One ~eek al our regular pried "&N A.MERIC&N I N Pill!!!" MGH'• Famed Muttkal 81.a~« Gene Kclley /. WO<l-y, Dec. lltll "BLUE GRASS OF• _ , KENTUCKY" · v AMI "'OOUNTY • • ' SHOW STARTS 8:'5 • 8tatto Wodneoday, Dec. Utk : .. Lr,l'S MAKE ·IT LEGAL" . I Claudette Colbert, Mel>.. <la.ft')' aloo "LOVE NEST'' • Wiiiiam Lundfpn, J. Haver :: f t ,,.~~~~--~+-~~--"----------~.....,.· 1/osf£SS -'}lousi I WINTER 8 SlllORGABBO~ Includu I Hot entree -Soup Desaert -Be•e~e J'eu'te Smorgubc>p"d Jnclude1_ l Soup--Dessert-Beverage Special PJate Dlnders Rei;ervatlons tor P t)es Ca tering m Marine Balboll , ...... d Harbor %3415 OPEN DAILY 2 p. m. ·-9 p. m. SUNDAY :!:JO p. m. ~ 8 :30 p . .m. Closed \\'ed. ' - ' ' . + +-·--·----·----4---.. --.-----------· .. ' G'A-lA OPENING 732 S. C~t I ·d,. Lagur.a. Ph:;i:-:fl 4·4015 FIES Pl. DINNERS AUTHENT! MEXICAN FOODS ' os .·YO~ like th.em -not )ijghlv seasoned Mexli:.en -stbrn -Western Beer Tamales Enchiladas Tacos UOUllS: G:39-19 . M. '. • • • I °" Frijoles Chili Relle:ios Tostadas CWSED 8JQNDAYB NOW OPEN • SATURDAYS • anct · SUNDAYS BES I A. M. IUQ¥WAY AYSI • ' ·• • " ' • • ' • , . • ' •• ' l l . l • I • J r I • •• ' , .. • I C1L·A .. $S-IFIED . The Mighty'Midqet In .Adv~- ' Need Chriitmu KO.eyT Sell U.O. -1 4 U.U. tueb oc1..;.,.1a,.... ............ --c.u -1111 and tile .. Lie. General Contractor Realdeotia~ Remodeling -B•-IMOl!-W 17tfc NEW REPORT TELLS RISE IH DEER TOLL taker wm llelp 170u p I & c e 7*1' L------------c, •.. ,.., ·a41. rNTIRIOft -DJl!BJOR How Callfornla dffr hunten haw been able to tncn:ue .tbelr bee by m°"' tban 320 per dW'IDc the la.at ~ yea.rs, While the. ranks of hunters expanded 2SS pu cent, la graphically portrayed in the 194S..50 biennial report Cit 'the Dep8.nment ot Flab a.ad Game just off the presaes. • When legblatton requiring hunt.. en to purchase and validate deer hunting tags went lnto efffft in 1927, State game biologists were SUGGES'DONS able to chalk up an annual kW of CRIU8TllAS GIFI'S ':!~~ bucka by 11 O, 760 sporta-1 1--0-1'.!-1'.!-0-0-1'.1'11'.1'11'.1'1!'.H~~ far In ~e 19!51 seuoru just ended. 'L an estimated 316.000 IJcenaed huntera accounted for a yearly bag" whJch la expecte4 to reach 64.,000 bucJts----an all-time C&lifor- nla record. Several thousand ant- lerless deer. removed under .-peel al pennlt from critical range areas. -will sweU the 19151 take. GREEN'S 1825 NEWPORT BLVD. . COST A Mli:SA Ideal Christmas Gifts Jt.eoords .(',.ommon St. Mazy Blanket. According to the figures re-Bates Heirloom Spread.a leased _Jn lhe report, all:time rec-Geo. Wuhlngton Spread! o~ tor annual deer kills are as Pacific Contour Sheet.a common as wardens on the open-Cannon Sheets .and Toweb FAINTING LICl:NSlll> -INSURJ:I> Glenn Johnston 501-lhl st. Nawiiort Beach -•2197:J - . & y· House Movers General Contractors 650 First SL. TUatln, Callf. Phone Klmberly 8·1885 (Jiome Pboa.u JA.lper 9.2773 or IJ.oper 11-2'81) 91lfc Frank J. Moll Fireplaces, Barbecues, Fences Anylhin&' In l>lock ~ck or flagstone, etc. 437 E. 18th St. Coeta Meaa Phone Beacon 6M3-R 3tfc WANTED -Experienced baker or wU1 tra1n capable woman. D&y work. Nice condltlono. Ap· ply SNACK SHOP, 1619 Cout Highway, Coron& de! Mar. Tc9 Needed at Once . . 15 CARPENTERS Permanent Job& Apply at South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. Sttc ing day of the hunting seuon. Pequot Sheets and eues HAULlNG They have occurred 1.1 times .since Bath Mats ANY KIND-Traah olr'! SD-..~-M1acellaaeo119 RECLINING CLUB CHAIR with matchln&' ottoman. Le8I than 1 yr. old. Hair price. Phone Hao:· bor 12116-W. 8c9 BEA UTIJl'UL spinet piano, like new -big saving, convenient terms with up to 30 months to pay at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. CHRISTMAS SALE -Behrman Grand piano, u.sed . Lovely tone. now only $495, terms. Other Granda '495 to $2400. Wurlltur. Steinway, Ki.ritba1, Chickering. Behrman, Wegman, Petrol, O'KEEFE It KERR1TI' table top Story A: Clark a.pd many others. pa raJll"e ,~. lee. clrcu]&tln& DANZ -SCHMIDT p I A N 0 pa beater $26, 2 twtn lnner• STORE, 020 No. Maln, Santa sprln( mattru.ses and 2 aprlnp Ana., corner 6th Street. all for S2l.60. 1741 Pomona, ------------ Costa Meaa. lkL 67C7·:S. 8c!O CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -A the tag t't!turn records were kept, Table Linen ,. · ~ ~ In 1928. 1930, 1931, 1937 L to llMO Towel Seta Call Walker-1576 Placentia . FIREWOOD WESTERN .HOLLY ra.nge, 1961 Inclusive, 19<6, 11M8, 1 .. 9 and Goodyear Alrf<>&m Pillowa Coeta Mesa-Beacon 6372-J m-1 wltb lit.nap arul clock. lovely grand piano in perfect coruUUon. Formerly $785. Now only •111111:-Ten111. sao:u down . & Ul.28 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CXl . (Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kiln- berly 2--0872. 1951. Coal and Charcoal Grill bro~r and large 18 ineb Gift Wrapped Except !or the years of the deep · H W W · ht C oven. Ueed 3 mont.hl and 'Juat d•p .... 1on, 1932 to 1936, and H Fu · hin Fertilizer $2.50 yd. · · rig o. 11ke ....... AJao bu 11mmer burn· World War n. 19<1 to 1945, Ute ome rn1s gs Delivered. Phone Beacon 8372-J Phone Beacon 56611 en. And b&Jance due on con- State's reported deer kill has been Beacon 7236 74c7:SB 1784 Newport Blvd , Costa Mesa tnct $149.58. Pay cub or take increasing an average of &bou t 8p13 payments of $8.09 per month. SPINET Pia.no like new. Stunning 2,500 bucks a year. ' WILL DO that work YoU MAN'S wtnler overcoat, oxford See at 404 So. Spadra..ru.Uerton cue. Big, round ~lear tone. A Per.usal o( the quarter-century CHRISTMAS CARDS want done _ Jack of all black, like new, 38-40. Monte"'Y or phone 21 62. 8ttc ....t ·joy to bear and oee. Special kill record shows, however, that 300 SAMPLES TO SELECT from. trade&-maintenance work. plaJd 4ra~. 3 pr .. large Law· Clutltmu price S395~ One Only. the individual hunter'a chances of Prices begin •t 50 for $1 .25 In-aon etc. gu heater, wattle Iron, TWO Twin bed.I. drdler, vanity, DA?r(Z -SCHMIDT BIG PIANO b&gging a buck have improved eluding name imprint. Bave tools and mixers fOr GE mixer, mlac. ttema. &09 1tool and nii'ht at.and. $100 takes 8'1X>fpq, Santa Ana, 520 North only slightly. Twenty-five yea.re Call Harbor l~R tor appt. Callan\Jlf.~: Goldenrod, Coron.a del Mar. Pb. all. Bea. 679a or Bea.. 8989-J&c.lO Ma1n. comer 6Ua St. k talt -T Beacon '"51-W Harbor SO<T·J. 7c9 ago. there was one buc en ,..,r • c9 \n: ------------BAVJ: an old piano you are not every 5.7 bunters. Thla year, tag 67cll8H Complete lnltallatlon, Hp&lr and MAPLE bdrm. suite with double ualng! Trade It In fe>< Ila top returns are expected to abow" that. ONE LEHMAN dinghy in good aerttce or au trailer equtpmenL bed, S-40. Box sprtng and mat-caah valut on a Packard-Bell If You Want COME We Give The EXAMPLES: Used Car, . , 0 SHA VER MOTORS; , Away, But It's LemaJ! '38 PLY. "De~ux ".Sed .................................... $ 95,, '41 DODGE ' m" Sed ....... -............ -........ $ 395 '39 PACKARD " " Convertible .... -............ $ 290 '49 De Soto " tom" Sed ................... -........ $1275 '40 PONTIAC "61' Club ,, .................... -......... -.. $ 395 :~ =E. c~!biJ.;;;~;~~;;· c;;;;:;;~;:.t ... ·::::~:::::::::::: '37 FORD Ii? to PANEL ................................ $ .395 (Many ot!Jers) WE TljlADE FOR THE BEST! • · S VER MOTORS ·Your DO E ·PLYMOUTH Dir. one Beacon \s907'. ~ ·· :-:~ .,.. 1680 Newport Blvd Costa Meaa ~ , LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1951 HILLMAN an demonstrator- • ............... -...... .AT A BIO SAVINO 4<1&1>-radlo, heater, white wall.t. t . . -gu.o""9. Spot light. Low mileage ..... -.$1296 t••dr. sedan. Radio, heater, ·,walls, nylon seat covera. Low clean "." .: ..... '. ........................ --....• ll595 ' exclu.lve or the tbouaand1 of ant· condition. Ph. Harbor 1215-W. 14-Penonals ORANGE COAST t ...... $20. Bea. 7105-W. 8c10 'retevllton. Convenient terms on lerlesa deer taken ln special hunts, 7p9 ""-'--t s~ • -~·s ••• STUD~ ~ H•-ad.I full b k killed 9 TRATT ER SUPPLY DRIFTWOOD uran-~enta. an-any -•ce a ~-1~, • -~.. P·1 conv. ~., r o, new ~~te:. waa· tor every 4· WANT. TO DO KNITI'ING AND Alcoholics Anonymou.s1 Uquei and bric-a-b~.-ila.ttalna ... MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 N . • view top ... Mo r'overbauled. jRecently painted. How long can C&.11tornia'e an-CROCHETING -any kind of Write P . 0 . Box 20G 1910 11ARBOR BLVD. 324 Marine Ave., ~ la-Sycamore, Sant,& Ana. Kl 2..()172 Only -···-·· ·--:--·········-~· ···--····-·~·-........... --.$1~ needle work. Spectab:e in baby Balboa laland, Calif. Coeta Mea. Phone Beacon UX..R •--d A t 7 o..11 L-~ • .,. " :. · • nuaJ deer kill keep climbing! ~ · P · · .,., AOQ:.ORDION-Uaed, tull 120 ua,a. n-..-u~ garment.a, ,knitted d r e a e e 1, Phone Klmberly 3-!).393 ~"K Game managers and expert.a of LADIES" brown mu.akrat tur coat.. ... 0 .._.. ,.._ ... TD _ u-~••-Into Will ucrttioe tfor $95. Term.e. ''EIILui~~ D"' • • .....,,. atolea. etc. By order, pbone Har. 11 ·~Al'-~ ~ iu.u.ua ~ half a dozen governmental agen.. 'lfSl-MK. 7c9 atae 14-18. Reuonab . '-AV -.. 1cru.n,. chair or bed, with allp ' Otbere low u $_1261 1145. DANZ-. ci~a believe that the maximum 18--Beau!J A!da Ave.. Newport Hd&hta. 7c9 cover, $1.5. 1016 _ fth Ave;. -SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main. comer n1T><r\&T Au'too SAL~ ~ 'iuatalned yield h&s not yet been ROLLl'Af!T Girls' 2'1" blc7cle, In Corona de! Mar. Phone Harbor 6tb. ~';""'" So;I•· Sa,lta Ana. ''L_..!~~lJ;;~~'.Jt~-;~,N~~'.:~~··E~BM~~c~b'._-~Harl>or~~~1~4~07~-· ~ ~.~-~:~.'.':::,1.,~~-'~~~~'\~~n~~~ 1 ·EiffiEN'1WARD 80u!'~~.~ci.014'.!':.: aost-M. 9e11 SPl'NETP1AN6'L;pu,.11amaged !.'..I . 1 · ".!' . · , -, J ~ management practice• to protect Ave., Costa Mesa. 8p10 O for H&na Br<>ertnr at Bnllrinr'• lo ahlpment. A bargain. DANZ-• A-1 USED C l istmas Specials and Improve r&11ge conditions can Beauty perator Auto Semce, ~ lal&nd 92-A-AntS-, SClDllDT.BIO ~o STORE. · , ' be contlnued, the average Call· GIVE HIM lonnerly of ~. Tc9 • • • • • • • ljanta Ana. a20 No. Main, cor· '48 ~~d-~u' cR, & _ ' ,,. '"'~,I · if; ·1.ed .,T r::sed Cars •-fomJa hunter can ex-t to bring S 0 T ls , . PINE END tabl.., $29 each. nor 9th. Over 100 planoo &lwa)'11. • .., ·--vc U ~ • ,_. nap n oo I cmCKJCN EQUIPK11NT-Broo<1-Ro··-· "'"e ·-·--· tab'-•••. --L.-• h001e at least one deer every two -Helen's Beauty Shop ~ .-~-.. ~ .., -YOU • ., 1 maculate .... --... -~ .s.--s· b&I~ d FOR ""7<>•""""•. ~ era and coopa ·~ c~. have a p &no In your tude er t'llllW\ er _ye.an from 1962 until eternity. ~.l!tll.Aa:) WUl belgtad to gne· ALSO 2 akila. 392 £. Pel Mar Pair t-drawe.r pine chnta. .-.. ·home at Christmas for only SS '11 Ford· 8 dlx. 144~-$1695 •:s,..pua.. c ' ~ beauty. Call JOHN' KDIB' ~ ~--. 1-'-7.R -•~ -·• ·--·~-.,.· pr. each. All re!lniabed. 2038. N. Se bo t fin '50 Ford dlx, Hl<OD ... J15'6 Tull ,..-....-., ~ tH1 utU 1u:u,i. .~ ..... ""_""'.. Cotta K-. Beacon ~W or mo. e us a u OUI' e rent· r p 1 tny-up· 'Three Arch Bay 2152 . Miramar, Balboa tH .at her NEW LOCATION -con 8069. 9c11 ~aln. Banta Ana. epa al program. Rental appliel on ' :~ ~'!i ~~ dlx low "396 J>DL, auto; -: radlO, ' ''H 402 • 32nd St., Newport Bch. tuture puf'chaae at SHAFE!\'S mllo up, . ~ •• ., etc. Save over ......... -..... 1000 . . omes Parade Ph. Harbor 2258 for appt. RU08 -9 x l4.ll, blue,, .. x 9• SS-Boalll. ~ • • • MUSIC co. (Since 190'1)', Ul ·•o De= .;;.d.-w·~ :si 895 Studebaker C~&mplon * Ch · tm Tr * .. aoft Ji'eea, with pedo, I x 15 • No. Sycamo,.., Santa Ana. KI. ''I •. rJS a8 eeS !:clO rennSbl .. 6 IMlan .,..,_ fbr CASH DlP'f"!2t.ZNClt ror small 14"1 POnU&c .iedan..c_pe .. $r 375 convertible, a beauUtul ,;~ Three Arch Bay Women's For Ille RIGHT TREil modern home&. Betf!um wall <IQ eruloff., I ban " 15 ft. :µ)672. '41 Buick sedan, Rtil $ UI! car. Every -Ible u-~ ..... ving ~~:': .';;,o~'..':,,,':~: al the RIGHT PRICE. Superfluous Hair·. tapeottl" Complete dbdllC •t. whale llo&l •i U. 6 B. P. mr.<tne HAMMOND ORGANS! Tile great '39 Chev. cpe .......... '. ...... $1170 tra. A special at only ,1290 ..-G to SHELTON'S 8 chalra, buttfi,, • -~·· Inboard. What do you haw~· Huimood Chord Organ. U you '38 Plymoutb 2-dr. . ..... $ 90 1941 Plymouth 4-dr. aedan. ~tll)&a Tour on Dec. 15 and 16, Mm 0 Permanently removed from face. ema1l ~t Ir.. tahiae, old Ra7 l"qx. P . 0. Bos 33'7, go.ta don't kn"ow a note. you'~ play Man~ More to .Chooae Radi htr tc In nu '• .i,,p. m. until 9 o'clock. It will de-181 Ill. 17tb SL Coot& Meea U1M. lega. Eye'l!J'OW3 and ht.Jr. Spanlah atBJght le&lllor cbalr. Kta. Tc9 tbla! The Hammond· Splnet.'Or· Compare OUr Prices condition u;.,.;pout-... Pict the unu.suaJ in Christmas dee· · # BRcon 6034--W &cl& Une lhaped-No more ~-Drapea, spf'e&dl,. 'Dli9c. utlc1-pn. World's m 0 • t tie&utttul ·1 onl .$ 315 oratlorul for the home. Thla event EU.EN I. BRYANT R. II. 67 Ball>\>& ·Covu. PboM Bar. WANT TO BUY-10 and U ft. tone« Ea .-y tenno. DANZ-"for, Younelf ·'nl&t a special at '1 ... -...... ~ looallked rorward to by gueata AIRWAY ~ •acuum 'l'ueaday and Tb~y only U?a-W. · lell Wlsard din~ Ph. Harbor 8Clbm>T Pl""9 and Organ Co.. 4n J:.6:w4r. 1939 DeSoto 4-dr. ee4a11. •~m over the ooutbl&nd. Th• cleaqer w1~ com!11ete "&ttaeb-uc1o•a Salon ct 11ea11cy H.ar, :111?6 ··ll16-w • .J 7p9 Banta 4na, ll#O No. Main, comer .l'l'heodore. RO ;.,0 O'dr., radio, A fine .• <Pom .. will be lovely to look at, monta. ~bla ·bq. Eu.I· OJRL\I' mCYCL!:, aJltOn -$,II! S-t. 'tu ...., piece ot tranapo;t&tlon !l'"lftd tull of !deaa tb&t will be taken lent conclltiou. WlU 8ICrtfke. 2Z-Loat and Found racquet, U)!e new. Kake off~: SEA BOOKS ~iNi~Pi~~-:=Ji:;p;;;;;;;;;; Your FORD. Deal~·. for only ·~-·--·-···-:. . .-po ' llome by everyone to be UOed for feo. 181 l!l. 17tb Bt. Ooota M-. Plwme BMcoc · 11116-J. . .., ·• ~: --~ ~ -_ all -·~t-SPINET PliNO -lie 534 ,.... __ -t· Hi ay TERMS TO SUIT -Olristmas. At the end of the 8e&eon IOU·W. lclO 4 ~ ._.. "'---.. ,1-Just like new, ·f&mOQ.8 ' niake, \.AR:UI ... tour, tea will be served In tbe new ' ~.:!oli'!i wl~ ~tlala Ill. H . .,.. _ a .._ lllC aub~-~~ current -.iUIW ·cw. ~ t-. "On -~ Mile' wii NDID USED~ BADll( clubbouae. Need cmw-Jl-:pT on an eop IDOll97· ..,.....-....1!1!77~. bi>ok& 1 oi .......,-. Save o-noo. Ttirma. .DANZ-~ "°' Niwport Beach gtre Y<IU. a ie-t1ieL The tour will coruil.ot of three !loll -urN-"-tudr-. :!:"~:':!..id~,";; WJ:STlllasouu. t cu. tt. .;. • The Islanders llCID6DT BIG,PIANO ~ Roura: Weelr. Daya 8 • e:so I mean ~ -- •"lovely home1: Ute LewjB F. ·Moul-od a.....,. la,....... pnp.,.. -P-~ Balboa laland. Harbor fli&'er&lor wtlll ~ C-. IH Jlarbw. lla~la. Har. tMT S&hta Ana, 320 No. Main lltJ:eel . §-ya -Hollc!aY• 1 'tU 4 on .a•-~ - ,.lQI> home, 2276Z Vista de! So~ will -.<l&ll J¥rl>or 18Ja ...i tM ..a :teM-W 8c10 UJr.e -· .._-. port .. t, .-e; comer SUI. , . , lb. 11&.,. N'""'1Jl De .i "<!ePlct a Chriatmaa card Houae. ...... wtll 1oo1p JOU pl&oe 1-. · · Kelllnore ftlhlng 'Q!llCblM f1J11 ()iie ot th a ..... _ , '50 CHRYSLm Nwpt. lndaor, 0 ''--.at a .. ~ .. ta .... . -Tile chairman la M,.. George d 0 dftod ... LOBT-WOnet an4 checl< l>ooll,-pn,..ta pty. Ph. Lac'Una ...... , lie e ~r'a Finest i(&Qy ·a bis _. baa --radio, heater, white .....na. ,~Grant : tbe R. E. Bardwell bome, · Keop -......_ _ _,,, wai-• ft. echooner, sleeps !I lllru a liD&ll· Wt!at Ad' . . foam rubber ....., ...... De lus• ,Beturdai -I ' O ·""2282 Vista de Catalina, will de-J"Oft ~Two electrlc • let and -~-;;:;. dleclr. boOlt OOLDsPOl' ~· 1 cu. ft. }1111!1. O.W ... 000 for new aailj, cuab-, , • -• ' oqj>t. S* ..-r ·CO : Prl· • OE NJf"lnm>'llU' . .plct Mn. Claua' own home at tbe Man tralU al!jtlUy .....S. &e: • t Mt .,,_, 1118 Vllelle Ooocl .-UC>ol...Bac\'lfle. f.,...... -. ~ and ~ oylflt-tS--W-_._. a•~ "' ...te party. llai:bor !PU ~,.- ,.,.,,,... P I Tb ch-'-·-•-~-ce..,riu and -... Pllone B4&-o . -·-~" ~ I • U U.S 11111 Y__,_'1 toP crubi----• UdeL.. ._ l"'l...-1 ._ .... -· 0 •. •. -·-~ ~ -. -.----n Place, ?(H!J!Orl Beac• H. U70. ~ .~~ .. "!--L .. .... -----WW COMider B. . . • . . LA.TIC l.H? -' &11&&er ._ ., l~d Grime; the A. :S. Hill borne, COD .,. llclO -IOft-W. .,,. ----·· W4,NT TO -t a _. --~•~ Wlllll' H 'rt-..,, ..,., ...... ' ,9 Alta Mira Road. will be an Or-, II. • _.. boat "' lnde. CaD boo ~ ao-p · 1 -..I'll. -·;_j;.,,, ...p, l -~ -• .,.. -1cJ!id Christmas 1n tbe Squth Pa-LD P I -Ot111i1e 'l'mLCO Rl:ll'RIGJ:IU.'1'0a; UOl Ha.-t&M. . lldlll Harbor tett..J. ' ·?d =-olfer. 111 :.:::.. u;.:::-= · -~Kn. Hill will be her own 1• 18 mluUa11t'ulll model,.t cu. ft. ---o.' ' ,8c9H --··-....... • Cb;;:"~, J . n---· .. -· For. Venetian Blinds, KAY I Rl!:l:P VOil with-. '1!:!,IMA.'¥111'!.~ ..::C'::,· . . ... ~ • .,,, ·~1 --·-' or-· ... ~ ·---... ~ ~--1-:-....,...._. -. U Beat• ........ ' .... _ .. ,...__ -.,.,_ 2•=: *'"' -rs= ,eptrman. Tlclr.eta may be obtain-Shadem Uld DnPerJ Hdn. enta1alDillg? Call lfn. -~~~Alla ..-. 1 11 4 a;o,.IM, ...,, ,..~ .,..., "Ike .;_ - j4 a&"tbe dOOI'. ' -all -ollthM.,, tfiod I RllAL Dl'ATll l'W ci#eo ID ....... la,__ ...... * It -•l•e. 0... ..SO:· ft 1 W rt • -"4mon11 u.e int~ ·~ t'HE SHADE SHOP Mar)' DarilMoe,Bar.IOOl:J ·-u... au.~ on ··-...,.. --"m••·--. -••.., .11111117 1111 •·.,. . 211 Otnl •-. ••-.-.. 8 -. .. -,..,1 ;;,..; wm be -ot 1a MJaa hJe l'ree. •'wt. Pia. Bar IK ' nam .... _ '*·" or -,.. ...,."'-' • .. ,, tnt Xlrl -,;: ~ -•'-••,_. --·--Toi :-""". -~ •. ,;,jltttealoober, wllo II t11e •root--W41ft' Bmlll""'ll ~rif mnto al SU.U por -.... OM lit ..i Mrr ---il'OSD OJol; A ,\, • , ·~editor~ ~oc r-.,i.,.. 0c.t-r -.•Y. c••A, 'lUlliLT las-aa--• at 40t ... II '-.., h!!1rtiaa s _.... mf·ll. t w. ..... ~ Ct A ··= · ~enta. for tile Pett.er """• · •• ._ • .. .._ .. ,_ 1 •• 1of1 i1 1 • ..., a.ta ,._ na Ilk . 1,..... - -·r. •-·.,..ea· 11=.-~ -----.W.z&ee,. .. ·. __ ,_.., • • SI' pfee.--. ... _ ... _._, ' ~..._ 81 ~ ~,w 1·11•1111ir •-' 'r1 r, Cill~llf'.~ 'Ille - -al po 1111 .. p a• --Sti: I ~': .... ,.. ..... -·---Ill---~ :...:..-.. ~~ ..... ,;,.,. {,.-~ tM )'!-6 IN I ' ~I ftl·~l!I~~ • ' - ·- j : • . REAL ESTATE • • CORONA DEL MAR . · Looking for Real Value ? ? ? 3 bdrm., 2 .batiaa. -, rudling, ranch type home, CQ!'D.er lot on dellnllle ~t. Redwood Rate Jenee. Encloetd patlo i.e<U llble from large muter bdrm. living room and haJL All modern feature& through· out. U--.1 flreplace llJTllllpmeai. L&rp war• drobe ci-ta. ~ted In ~t taste. · . • J'all Price -$15,800! . -AI.9()-, . Best iqcome pro~ in Corona de! Mar! 2 bdrm. home of 1&1qe tyjle, PLUS 2 ~·garage apt. with .~. Separate l&Wldry rooa. and garages. J'all Price _. $19,200! : TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Cout Highway, Corona de! Mar Pbone Harbor 2774 BLANCHE a. GATES, Realtor FRANK L. SHUFELT J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Evea. Harbor '1671 • ' Balboa Island's Best Buy ' Yale built 3 bdrm. and den home plus one bdrm, apt..;dbl. garage and guest room and bath. $18,500. Nr. Vl!Jage shopping center. Let us show you this. BLANC?BE A. GATES -REALTOR Ct>ME AND SEE We Want Your Offer! St.rateqany located en Balboa laland. Large Uving TQICm wttb Onpiace. Connecting dinlAJ J'OOOl, Two bed- ~. p• additional .aiteplng room-flttordinc ~mfort and ccawnlence. --patio. Nice .rarU ... a twnw.d bome • • . Only $13,900 ISLAND REALTY CO. • • \ ,. $1000down I ·--.. llrtjlloc•, f-.,..., ~ ot,,.e. $TI09. - Income Property 2bdrm.home6'3--•f -Uon. Jfoncllly Jacome U15. Prke •U.OllO. '8,000 down. Lots -Acreage 5 Acreo •rrJculture -.. ' .. ----NOl!O 5 Acrea M-1 Induat~ ..... -... $f'009 Cbo1co Joto SlO~ SlilOO Business (C-2) Lot 40 a 125 A .oldier 2 bd,.... -. ..-.t ....... • G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & A-lat.ff 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Duplex, Pier, P).~t N-llbopJlilllr ud bul UM. Ea- <eHent «1ndltloll. Brick patio, ~. New IDG<kr1l Jdtchen. Eu.Uy converted to lar~ home. Pr t c e $1&MO, unturnlabed. Terma. New Lido Listing • ' ' \ ' L Net( f .... II ... '•Inf rm., foreed 'air heat. ""'• •11 •I, •IJ't ...... --I $11,CIOO 2. it..ir I ..... rwll f;Jp& hmne. hire zwi. lo..._ ~ . ~ -·-.,~ a. x .. ·2 ....._,.~b. e,.adtaJ bolpe wtth .. clCJti!d laml; m w Jot, 2 ,.._ Atb~- ly !anll11J.lil. 'ftla lo...ay 'IMlrne ~ be - to be ~. Sbon "1 ...,.etment O!!I>'· • OPEN BAYFRONT HGUSE 759 Lido Soud, Lido lale Suildy, Dec . .ah, 10 a,.m. to 5 p.m. - 4t ft, oo-U. water 'With double .-wall, pter ,altp, aandy --JIOtio wallojl tor 11!.1_,.· -bu ' bdrm• on _.. -· u,,.,. room, dlnllls .-, kUcllo. maid'• POOm anl klb: on lower floor. A. very livable ta.mu, -.. and -17 ura.o,..t. ll:x<:luolvo. Reduced for .quick sale to $39,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY l-1111-Blvd. Harbor m• ' ' J .. 4 ..... -111 ,.C ... I ... -. ·--•Ill l1 I If) ~ llallJ ·~;1 .. ... .~,---.... .... Uftmc room W .. l dt. tk91JtM. ,.... ..... 21'1 ... ........ -floon! l" ...... .. .......... ---loll"*F-- -"" pelll. ...... - --laftloa!'ililii-•-..FIO&d at qi.. ........ •· ""'"!· "'11 p~ lo """'"" ' $14;250 -·- , Sacrifice Bcautltul ~ tomer lot, . 7~ x 12'1. Out "" town '"""'' •Y• SELL IT. Make ui an offer. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson * * * * '* * ----------·------------111166 Newport Bltd., COola .... PhOM Be~ THI • Corona del Mar Income <Acrou rrom Cc.ta "'-Biaoi> , A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in good loc&tion on Narciiilua A •e. Larre guest room aJld I.th adjoinlDg gance (Garap built to take 2nd story) Front hollle n-mtted at $75 mo. Price $10,500. See any multiple listing broker or Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agent Park Ave. at Marine' ·Harbor m2 Balbooo Island Want Space Around You --• Eveo. Ha. 315T·W JlleL -.J )(()ORJI EXCHANGES - .INCOME, ()CEAN, FRONT, t onlts, ,...,._ delmo, ~ • come, $23,000 OCjlllty wNt '9008 Jst T. D. WANT door - PENINSULA,'3 bjlra., 1" -new houae, f750P -.Jly. WANT Bulldlnc Blteo bl t111s ..... 8 UNITS, Newport Beadt. Boy View Wll'Utrtcted facing paWlc beach. WANT modei'ate 3 wra. home oearllif that ii clear • • ' • -.THURSDAY, DEC. l,' 1t1a. '. a c , NA D!!j. MAR and 1*0IDe • ' • A .... 1lllllt prol!'ll1:y DD ~~-.... L a.. to •;w• c .... · JlCl'feet -•!On · wltla attndhe ltjillind8. • • Jl!IOOVli $200 IDO!lth, . ' priee Dilly '1"'°°. Low dowll pa1ymeljt to respomlble buyer. I ' ~ Bill ... at1'larllor ~74' . Cliff G 1 R le • • • • • • ven .. ~ . • S bedroom hom ~ '•ndee•ped. i.ige· · w 1ot. '2.900 Low tbli par-am In'··. dMl!Jc ••xei, ~iunmce andj illtere.L Call heel _ Jluter &t 5795 or ce-. Be.-81.19-J. --1· -Beaco 3 bedroom home -Complete! 6-t' mpart:ment. ·Bay Waterfront $40,000 ,: f,..arge \mpg room and dining ! furnished. fatio and Barbecue .•. ALSO -Loca~in Beacon fBaY -near Private • Beach'. BNU1d 3 bedroOm, l o/., bath home.'.: Beautifully fumls ed. Forced Bir furnace. 2 outaide •, showers. Lovely atio. Complete gueit apartment. CJ.II Barbor 1775 for an awilintmenf to see these-• . two lovely homes . 2112 A re OraJ\ge Grove BEAUTmJLLY ecorated 2...tory ntta1 'IMlrne.2 bedrooms, 2 bath&· and large den . Parquet floors, famace heat. web set baclt from highway. Com· pktely landscaped. ALSq horse and chickem. UN- nJRNfSHED at $25,000. Cal! Harbor 1T75 for · . . further details. • J Park at Apte Ave. a•-~ BALBOA ISLAND TWO bdrm. home, walled patlo, _,,,... eeill-Tllo ·-th__._ -....,. ... Lido hie( $15,500. Conalder reuon- al>lo clown JlllY111eDt. for a garden and a horse perhaps? neor1y oo. 1\1'.Ul'Tl'! · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor · l'IEED BAT AR&A HOUSB w I NEW 1 BPIUl. HOME, ~ 1tucco flnlah, $397~. 396 Vic· torta It. (Jtl!V Oolltge Ave,), Coatl Meaa. P!L Ilea. 5606-M. BOUSE FOR BALJ!: by ownu, 2 Here's a 'ttand new home among other nice homee 2 bdnne. and den, large fittplace, hwd. fin., gar. Extra large lot, excellent sandy 111>il--OnJy $3000 down, $.1(),500 full price. Boat for ·tn.000 equity tn ,_. 17th and a.at Hlwa1 150I and Irvtne · story bricll: IM•"-1• bldg. wttll • Newport Beach ~I Newport Beacl:i. , bedroom, 3* yr., old. \$1,MIO, Newport Heights tenn.s 01' '8600 ca.ab. 768 W.19tb •Pls up1talrs, $3300. Gro.e ln-Martne ATe. . St., Costa Jlaa. 91)11 New llllinC -2 bedloorruo &nd come -;;-Total price $32;-MO. 815 Coast Hlway BaJba& la1and 3113 Newport Bl-..!, · · (REALLY CHOICE INSIDE BAL-Corona de! Mar Newport &.cb , ----------------------c<>awrtibk don. l'l "'11>1. 3· ""' ---La ..... petlo. cape Cod -Ip. PT1~ '14,860. BOA ISLAND home S20,000 --------....:...------''-------~.:'P!>EP!~ w1 ...._. -~.;..._& ___ 'l'nlle ...... ~r..-s,...~...----i RENT AL y House Trailers tor rent , - · . ALSO 1up 101e with l4nrM .,,o Stock, Chicken Ranch SPECIATJSTS patloe, extra clean mt "°°""' 20 acres, 12 acre1 penM1>1mt - C. GALEN DENISON, R'ealtor A.·E. JOHNSoN, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 0698 (Evenings Beacon 6747-J) C:aD Edna Crall and laundry. This ll & tine pl&ce ture. 3 bouaea, 11ua. ••'''I, Linwood Vick, Rltor. '°Li~rty-...__,~. ........ eo111plotely lrrlpte<L A-• ----~--------. ------- 1.:: .&-raa.:;(" r...-a dwap watu. Equipment for BALBQA ISLAND e.J-fallUld. -· 1812 IM4 lllJJ:I BuW 8'!(d. lt.AltO chlcll&I. Will conolder • ~·n•• ~ewJv,•--ted. -. S...ta Ana · '· KI. :r~ law down ~t IO q••-·-•-• , -~·--• a 18 ~d One bdrm. -eottage_ ,_ sleeping· porch. ceptionally nice. Vnhant.. .: bed· P optn.tar-or u • e. "'°"' duplex. Many extra tea, G~ 6' ASSOC. z...,ar garage on full lot in xlnt. location. tui'ea. Near both schoole. Rea-.. 4t!:;:!R~-!:!!!· !!!,_;f~Ol'!!JBe'!!'!!!•!!!*:..___ B"1LDER -REAL TOR sonablc. 22611 Clay St., Clift -3112 N-.ort Blvd., ~ :m62 Haven. 83tfc ROOMS -Perma.nent, weekly , !Uc BALBOA Pli:NIN.SULA -•t· ' tracUwly turnlalled 2 bdrni. ®- plex wlth 1undedt. Winter or yearly. Reaa«!lllili!. Bar. 3D19-R 83tfc rental. Luge aleeJUr room. Private ......._, .,....... •11> THREE BARGAINS Wffk. THE BLIJll TOP, tot . Newport Blvd., Newport Bcb. C())fpAJlE THESE PRICES ljuol -· the ArcMa). 9tfc • '1.500 DOWN. Channtnr new Full Price $12,500, terms LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Maline Ave., Balboa Ialand. Pb. Harbor 2042 TWO bdrm. untum. home, 1 blk. from ocean. By year onJy, $75 mon_t.b.. 51-~ racb lJP<! 1 bdtm. -.._ FIM ----------------------locatioa. M • 13.:S lot. All fenced· 1110"11'<0-2 -~. -·Mll one. 22 n . Badger, 22 tt. Roya.J. Both good cond.itioo. and -p«I. A rooll)' W'tll built _,._ '7 '9~. LIDO Ist.£-2 lldma. f\mL home, 1115 mo. by year onty. Ph. Harbor 2552 or Har. 2914-M 3tfc Prlced ii--'79~. 234 Newport Heights :nower SL. c.wca lrlML Bea-""" -J. lclD TWO bdrm. bomo with dbl. p. TELEVISION NIGHTLY MAKE THlll ywr ~ away55 ___ M_•_-_! ... •Y_to_Lou_.,.. __ _ from born". Ccsy rooma •nd atngle apt. Newly decorated LOANS for Homes lobby. Win~ rsta. K-JO 71'· U-. OCEAN FRONT HOTEL CONSTRU=ION LOANS Fro Har 987 at 5-5\i" (H ,.....) 2308 W. Ocean nt. . rap. 4 y.an old; XlllL )Oca.. lkm. Loffl) )'a.N. front • J'dl'. $1700. Newport Heights Real F..lrtate Is Your Be.st Investment $l!JOOdown Nearly MW I bdrm. borne on Eaat 8l6t.. UT. rs., dk rm., plenty ltf UI. a kH... and Mth. Plaater~ ed -aecl ndwood and 9tocco dLltfior. DM. pr. Only '9{611. -·-Little Ranchette Out of T9wn Owner Says "~ust Sell" i" WrWI& hcae. lovely briclr nrepl&ce, neflla redecora.Ung. 1.hd'Undlbed UCeJ>1 .tove and dnpe& Fenced ne.r yard. F'llll prin '12,:SOO. -Will conalder offer! Balboa Peninsula INCOME clear. WANT ~ulldlng l+>ta w mn.an acreage near ArcMia - Monrovia area. 1a_.e -·Ran--mitata To tnde. U I doa't !lave ¥, I hayc ta .Olrltacta. , GEORGE H. MOO~ '. Harbor Investment Co. Har. 1800 ' 8c9 · $500 ·down : ' $50 per. month l bdnn. abceo 1licDe &ppna.. OM yeu qld, tJ1o _,,, PUii R9)' • ~ -Brand .nellliii: doub16. &ar,,. Eut Side. Full Price $6500 Costa Mesa's · Best Buy Large 3 Mnn. bllina ~ an .... cellent momrt.Ua Ytiew m llll"p comer lot, 191 x no. Over .. fruit -1-llW.C ,_ with huge naptone fireplace. Grounds are ~ompletely fe~ and nicely •· tt:Q•d Dofble garage, coftTec:t" pats. W"oacler- tul buy, only $311oo down. Will · consider Long Beach excb&nge. . T-~ B. A. NEftEsoN · -. 1982 Newport lllvC., CO.ta' -llctnl WE BUT ~ SELL TRUST D1 &1• FURNISHED ll.PT.-1 nM. &Jld llEB BOB liTn.D Brand new 3 bdrm. tH:lcDt. lh tM .-rsach type WW. nn- place. Beat ltwd. flrL Lot.a of w.,. dbl. pr. F\peat work.man- lhlp. J12.250. 'b: ., ..... My n1a: .. unit.a 2 ll'l>r liMXp<Dalve IJTln• -thla • OtA1tJ etucco. ~ 1 IO yro. oW. · -,,__ 1123 -ou IMlm>. homo on * 4-. p,..g.. ~ 1 -... .(._ Be&coo -) • batb, eclulla, -pota. No drink· 14.UI OOAIJI' BLVD. er1. Near eentu or o.ta Hua. Corona de'! Mar But>or 1077..J Beacon Hill Realtv sea maiith. 111'18 1'WlertOD AW., Rap. POJRIER MORT<U.OE co. .. ~ Bbd. <•-Arci\Oo) Be&coa 513&-M. lclO Metro Lira lJ1I. 1'ulldo XI 3-11181 P1L 11. 51U=R or ...... 11. lllSl-W _.., wtth truk treeo, dildcm uoJta fWnlahed. One 2 -.n. ----------- eq IS , mad plecty ot llP9el to unit untui-nlahed. Cloee t. bay TWO OPEN HOU~ PfJW .,..etabl• etc. Just $3llO and ocean awtmm,Ulc. JrxceUent SJ.Ma.&.. PO a mo. tllir1• r. ' · CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm. LOAMI TO BtJILI>. IMPBoYa. turnlalled &put.meat with . pr· BUT, MC'nw:RNIZll, OB age. Soutb of fllPWay. y..,.. Ra'INANCll Jy It dtalred. $70. B&rllor 117t. We Bu7 TnlOt ~ " 7c9 NEWPORT a,u .a'M. l'llDERA.L 8A VING8 " LO.tJf ASllN. 11333 Via Udo P!L .... 1IOO . Mr. Boatowner! See This! • Watedront v a I u e, com.tort.ably ~ cwpeted. Atlndtto ~ pine Interior. -- UNFURNISHED -3 largo bdrm.a... venellana Ntnd9, newly REAL ESTATE LOANS bmk ,_, two bo.Uuo, 1' I I ,,,, -o- ~ MS"e •-.r Mua Dr., Jn tut fTOWlnc &reL The Beat Buy tor JUIM) -·-• , t:i.·bpportul\itlel -·-a B.. Clu1I, Br<>f$er A.ac. decorated. R• '*'· Call attu 1 p.m. Beacon Tm-W! lcl.O LOVELY tumlahed t-roma apt. 1 blk. to Coat& Mesa ........ cllm-- trlcL Adults, DU peta. Sanor % ,_, bo>llt-ID tier. o..t - I Int.erst Rate 5 . wt.lb ..-m .... dr? 3 • 1a••• T -D--1-Realt Loans quJckl1' m-.. th• S., and .........,, Plw, Ooet, do< 'h .&..ll:&"llaAC Y -·- Area aad ~ Single or t.•111-<\ o-...-,...,_. ---Blod., co.ta J(- muJUplo ud.a. New or oM. Bo 8ouDdo SoOcl ud It lo ....... ._ Beocon 7''3 wtae and •ve by n-nn•Qeiac o.&7 '11.600.. Tenna. 1-----------• -lllM-W. 8c9 BALBOA Pl!:NINSULA-~· ed aJnsl• opt. $26 """ (-1. Al-'IO 2 bdnn.. -· frilldaltt, laundry an.Ua'ble, 11§6 mo. llt- c1Ud1ng uUl. to J'dlte 16. Barbor 1.2'10-W. l!Cle HAVI: 2 ... a bdrm. ™WCI for reot unturn-trom MO up. your p..-nt loan. Mlnlmtnn .,.. Cd Jolin Jlotlna, Har-1IOO penae. No cbWp fw pffilel· , aM'1' OH>raiaoL ~. 8uta P ' .... : p. T '""'° _.,,. Klm-ly S.-T ar write: • A. ~ mooRPO&ATJll> ARTHUR A. 'IU..Y sm Via Udo, Nowpo<\ -.. Mortpg'I Leon Corn.-pondent . Two cailf. Lite JU. Co'• HH l!lou~ XalA -ta AM ·2 Lots, Coeta Meaa Balboa Island OnlJI --.. ~ thla oldu r--ooa1'111- lot In.---KMUJ pm In-. ·-a flno I -P' ...... _,. ..... ~ .... ___ ,... ~ w.-. ., Sec us for .-&ts 116 llomy Waated Coastland Realt¥ Co. Trust 'Deed8 for s&.le P'Oft THAT --.,.,., ~ St Badf" Id ..,._._ ... m__ ·an_ le • Pflor.., Beaain S2M or ~ 67D2 1'mJ' TillU> ..,. r.. 1111 6' llORll .JclO "PLACll TOUR f 111)11 !!tCI '8 ----------......, --'---RIC.A.LT()~ _,. one or botll. On JSlh ~t 111 JO.rtni •9' ••t 11 11t• I -oomor ol Orup Avenue, • --• ONJ: _,_, apt&.. '4$ mo.. -IN OOOD !ROl'I' D«Clr yrly .• uUL i>'· ~ V-ol • -.q lo&a t1a1it 1UUrec1. • Priod Slt6 18th facing: \l>o "-F· -· 03T-ll II.Ill-lit T. D. -"° -I w 1.,;., an "'-na ~ a•*' ,.-utt o.,..cs ----'----~----NAM 1-. T. D. -IMI -• 9 e . ' . ..._ __ __ LI~ -.a•lm•e.1 aad . dni4 ol ....,,. J.l T. D. ...... - wOIYell! ~ J"l&I M la .,., ... ....,., _. ............. 111.J iipmqln mpt. ... II .. t D. ..... -,_ .... ....,.. I -~Y.-tt.-1 I 11,111 ll&T. .. ....... t)I• t.o1. --·· -• • ...... .,. ~ -m:a. 11111 ..._ ... ,,, • • $36,500 on ' . Lido Isle LIOO ISLE .2 bdrm., 2 bath -w1 ... na.-104 and 1~ Palermo atone fireplace and forced air heat. Dlapou.l Se""' -1>-S.tmdaj and Sum.y Be&utlfUI eocloeed patio, -pnJl'I. Loll of storqe Bp&CC. Dee. "th and !!.th Only S22,llOO, $8800 down. From 1 to 5 p, m. ("'"'1ture cm be purcbued It dealred.) ' Coast Prope~ sot E. .... r. Blvd., Bl._ --rl958 . I FOR SALE IN CORONA DEL MAR 4 bdrm. home, 2 I baths, 1 ~2 blks. to CD:Y beach. Priced to Bell. Lo down payment. • ' ·--~-< parate shower. Lge. living rm., · 3 bdqn. home. fireplace. Priced ,, 'gbt. Low ,down paymenL · ONE OF CD M' FINEST HOMES, . P&DOl'llllllc • ocean view. Ful'Dillhed or 1unturnished. For ap-· pointment, call l , _ " .. '.; CORONA DEL MAR ,PROPERTIES Rentals -Inco Properties -Trades -Sales .. '· 411 Co~t Blvd, Ocm""a de! llar, Harbor 1037 .: sMIAr,L R,4NCH . NW S. A. ~~y CLUB. 1\.<'i acns, mostly\ · in permanent~-Well feneed lind cnm fenc- ed. Seven padd corral, hay abed, three feed " racks. Cow' haa cement fl!>or, standaiona. . Good little 5 roo ranch .house. ·260 ft. T gal-vlllliDld irrigatl pipe. Ra!J?.·1>ird sprinklers: 15 . ~ S. A. H water lltoCk. 330 ft. on pavtd ilu,et.A Galti.' O , .!le'f'~ o~• ~'. ' •; '' ;: 4et ahow you rrooA Y ! : (Courtesy o Brokers -clip this .d) SEl!l STAN llllTH, 13U Coast Highway .' Corona del liar. horie Hu~ 882 for appointment ' • Desirable Du lex '"Soperific' ' .. • ... • ' I I ' I ' . • I f 1. I lest Foods "HOLIDAY" MARGARINE PUIE! COLOIEDI . c lb. "iin'ia sa9 .-·591. . I iiiiif"stEAIS ·491. Gold Medal FLOUR 10~LB. BAG .. ~· > . • '• ' ~ . ~- IUT FOODS PUii-FULL PINT ' Mayonnaise -·. , .. lilt·MONT!, Sliced or Holv-21/2 C• -; P!ACHES ( I . ~ ' ' I • ' 1( ;;, • IED LAIEL, SOLID PACK ' TUNA NO l!J FLAT CAH - c . - ' llTTY CIOCDl'S LAl!il Ptc•. - c BISQUICK •' . -~ -OOLI. NO. z ~· suc19. · __ , · -·: · c. PINEAPPLE .. . ' f. '1 ' • . , I . ' t /1 ' i •I ,, ' I . . .. , . ·"'I : I 0 0 I M.ilal..~ I •tel ~~~,~~ t First Qualify BUTTER c 1 lh. • ~ / . ~ . CAif Mii ... ' . 29c jlJ1CE~ .. J,'' i 23c t • •• ' · if ETC~ ~p 20c Dci'g Food 3 ~ 25c . ~ ' . ~ . ' ' • -. _ .............. ....._.... . -19 .fOa uulil 01 COOllll4f, PUii· ' : I • :. • . -:PICKLES . · _ c · ~ .. ~.:; 28.:·• .. ~;. 55c t · ··co~~Q:.IE SHGPPING c_,.1;...sl i . ···DOW~n --· i ... " ~1 IAIT ~.-. ODS:• ·, -.. II • ...,.. . • t •· ·wA• lfj.· • ...... ~ •• SAS ~'"--....____ .. • • ' . ' ' llST Cj)UAUTY &OLOIN YILLOW c;tNTUL AMEllCAN Ballan as U. S. No. 1 IDAHO RUSSET SPUD .. 59:::, •• s ... to . s .. Thsll . .-----_.., PICnWEIT WHOU ICEINEL GOLDEN CORN . Plchwttt FoKJ-17-or. Coes LITILE PEAS PICTSWEIT CllEAM·STTLI GOLDEN CORN FIOZEI FOODS Orlscoll Sllcetl-1Z... ·STRAW· 29c BERRIES ..... lllDS IYI _ PEAS ··1V 1Z... ..... •• ••••• . , '· I lh . ONLY II• IUYIN!i- POWll CAN lll N•- YOU SAYIN•S. Lltci THlSll llES, • 1 10.Uoll-. oliclay~ Ahead! l•J Now ••• UM O.t' • oeveeleet L ·AWll'/ Pl•I ; -HARD CIDER'-· FiFTH . 49c · • I • I • • • • ' . Coacla l(JJr• Eaton • more than pl...., with. early ..-n sbowtnp ol hUo <>ran.-eoui b&lketball • team. "I have never bad llUCb an enjoyable • openlns lhtte week.o," atated the bead pelot& man. We eee juattncaUon or Coach Eaton'• happln... with llUCb po- lentlalo aa Al Donia. Manuel Rulli. OCC SQUEEZES · CITRUS JC BY 78-49 SCORE Glenn Grttt1u.. Dick Davta, Bill Orange Cout Colle,-e buke.t· Feldner, Rarey Sehurch, Von car-ballen romped over C..'ttcua jay .. ney, Jack Clar)< and t.h e rest of Tuead& n1 ht, T8-•I t th Pi the boys of a.bout the aame call· Y S • a e • ber. Coach Eaton hu . 24 boys rate court ln a practice rune. practicing dally and doeen't mt.end ·Dic.k: Davia led Ute acortnc with to cut the aquad untu after Chrlat· 18 point.a and wu followed by ma.a. He then will lop oft tour ~ Kanuel Ruta with 13 and boya and run both a. Van.tty and rward BUI Feldner wtth 10. Junior Vanity. From the looka or Citrua wu never ln the ram• the preJJminary game• every boy u they Wied M-19 at halttlme. o<it there ~lo to ' play ball I Cout opened with a 31-polnt tint There l8 none Q/. the "l want to be I quart.er tollowed With 24 tn the tint at.ring or not at all" attitude J aecond.pertod, slowed down to 11 4.vh.ich waa prevalent lut aeuon. In the th1rd atana and dropped The Pica.ta Improved 100· per in. 12 in lbe tut pertod. coacb cent over their nrat gam~ although Milea Eaton ordered • .tWltch trom the opposition la hard to m uu the race:hone ball at halJtime and The timing, ball bandllng,e ~~ the Pirates couldn't .aet up their boa.rd play and ahootlng waa: much pla13 aa Cit.rue crowded them. better. AJ Deni&. from , a. small There were plenty of openinp town JJf ~000 1n Northern Callfor• for fa.at brea.Ju and other play nla., la th aurpriae ot tbe cam-dev~ion.1 as l!!e cttrua five play· paJ.cn :;;} Downey'a g{attt Ron ed a too cloee man to man. Act· Quigley could be creat ·when he ually they were 'tOo cloee but took get. the football klnb ouL The advantage of the tact that tbe e tt. 0 ln., 203-pound rreabman la Pii!&lea were ordered to atlck lo fut on the court and baa aprlng P ya. to go along with bt& height. Glenn The Pirate.a will be in for sllf- Grlfflth, too, Jlu ahown improve-fet" competition In came.a lhla Frt· ment and little Von Carney will day and Saturday aplnst Har- be ha.rd to k ee out of th line bor jayaee and El Toro Marines. P e up tn a preliminary came, Elmer it he contlnuee at hLa present pace. C ~ red 32· lnU t l d It appears from lhia corner that om aco po 0 ea the Piratea will have lt-t.bey may the Huntington Beach Merchant. not be number one In the league. lo a 63-43 win over the Pirate re· but they will play ball all the way. aerve.a. John LeOrou and John They won't live up and they won't Campbell tied tor high honora for the reserves With nine point.. each sacrifice teamwork for individual and Charley Black potted el(hL greatness. They are not that type. OCC '(lS) Citrus (d) Hca bor Boosters Sponsor Paper DriYe for Boys Tbe Bootlter club of the Harbor Area Boys1 club wtJI spoMOr a paper and rag drive to raiae !unds tor the purchaae of a leleviJlion set for the Boys' club it waa decided at the Booster club meeting Fri- day ni1"ht. Plana call for a contJn- ued dl1" UP pM:Jwps &U over --. . . fourth Wedneeday of each month. The Boollten. a ·croup of llve-- wtre boy•' clubbera, decided to put on the drtve becau.ae of the de· tapidated condition of the preaent .et whJch wu given to the club way back ln the days ot the "blrth of •.elevtaion" by the Davis and Gay company. The gTOUp hopes to get a large .:reen set to replace the pre.sent I~ lnch model which ha.a been one of the biggest drawing cards of the club. Tbo.e with paper are uked to ~I Beacon 5740-W for pick up ..mee. Rap alao wlll be picked up at th• tame tlme. 'Cutthroat' Game · for Lawn Bowlers On the public Lawn .Bowling Green.a, located at 16th and Bal- boa Blvd., Newport Beach, a "cut· throat" game wu played recently between pk:ked players of the Newport • Ba.lboa lAwn Bowling aaocLatlon. Tho a e conteaUng we:~: James Aapen, IJoyd Steves, Cot DeWitt Bauer , Al Oxland, Fr't'd Crosier and Libby Bauer. Two game.a ot 2·1 pointa each were played The first game wu Won by Jamea Aspln with a plus one. AJ Ox.land wu leading in the eecond game up to a 19 point ecore when Col Bauer, wtth a well placed running ahot deprived Al Ox.land of his lead, the game ~nd· lng in an all around tie. Tberi were aeveral out of town vtartore: preRllt, lncludlnc Miaa M. Ru.ah of Loa ;Angeles, the d&ugllter of Dr. E. A. Ru.ah and Chuck Stevena of Pasadena. In addition lo the "cuttkro&t" game there we~ three t.eama of trlpleo competlnc. The te&ll\ com· pooed o! Dr. E . A. Ruab. Joe Stamp. and W. ff. Roblnllon emerged vlctorloUL • On Saturday, Doc:. 15, th• an- nual TUrll:ey Tournament. wW be be.Id on the local l1'ftl'& Aa u.ua.I there will be • la.r1e number of pl&yera on band for thla popular evenL Kwe pel'80CUI are employed lD ~fomla •allllln&' lndua\ry todlP,y than IA uy .otber -accord· Ins to C .W . '"-ru. ~ coaat _,...._t ol the American Can.,....,_,. Petet"aon f2) F (18} Humble Oa.vis (18f F (2) Harn.on Griffith (4 ) C (~) Peteraon Ruts (13) G (171 Ba.rteU Denio (T) 0 (5) Elllo Scoring •ubl: Coul -Melquist 4: FeJ¥er JO ; Clark 4: Sch.urch 4: Quigley 9: C&mey 3: Shafer 1. Cil.ru3 -Muon 1; Venton 2. • Y ochtsmen Slate Harbor Commission • • • Members or the Yacht.am.en Luncheon croup of the Newport Harbor Yacbt club will hold a. 11\fftlng in the next !ew weeks lo wbJcb will be invited repruenta- tive.a ot the Harbor Commiaaion. The Yacht.amen wlU seek Lnforma- Uon about the plana for a ne~· but1ding and ta.cl.llttea planned for the area near lhe Balboa. Yacht club to have the Harbor Mister'• otttce. engtneera, ehOpa, fioata and Cout Guard. All elaborate plan for the lnatal- ta.tion hu been prepared and •Ub- mltted by the Harbor Comml•lon to the Countx supervteora tor ap- proval Spactou.a oft1CfJ.8 are pro- vided for the UM of the Hubot' COmmlaafonen. their enpeer &Ad hJ• .. iat.&n.U. Extenain sround&. tanUc:aped and prov1dlnlf a 111- able parklnl' area La aketched on the muter plan. In addition. quar- t.era: wouJd be Pf'lvided for the housing of Cout Guard penonnel and mooring lhetr boat. Membert of the luncheon gTOup dlecuued at 18\gth aeveraJ blJla be.to~ Concreu which would make mandatory the obt.alninl' of a U· cen. by perwona to operate craft o! any kind at 8e&.. Among tbotte attending the lunch.an were: preatdlq officer, J. S. Whyte; aclln(( ..,...,tary, Hay l..ancenhelm: Jim Webater, CUtf Chapman, S. R Monaoo, Paul HU· , ler, Harry A.abton. Urban Bey, Tom Holloway, T. M. H&mbrook, Clya.n. Hall, Con WurdemAnn, Walt Elliott. Tom Rutter, Bud Lan<lera. Stu Enrisbt. Lu Llvlnl(oton, Vince Healey. lluue.11 Crail' and Bob ChapQ1&11. ------ LT. MITCHELL DUE HERZ U. I J. g.) Chari.. M. Jlltcbell. UBNR. will a.rrt¥t Saturday mom- ing a.t Lonz Beadl a.boa.rd tbe heavy cru.laer U. 8. s . Helena wblcb haa'bffn opentlnl( betw,,m Japan. and Ko..-elDlce AprtL .Re wtll mtt h.19 molber. 1itra. Marton. Potter, ua Eut Ocean J'tont, Bal· -PUBLIC UiV,ITl:D , 'ftesulal; meollnir ol UM ·City Park. -and ~\Ion Com· mlu10n will be held a\ 1 :30 p. m.. Dec. ~2 In city hall. It la -to tlle public. Tboee wlUI , qa a1Uool or t.bqulfhla Oil mau.n ... ...,.., lrJ" the comm'w5cm are .. vpd to at-• tad. BRUINl· TANGLE ' WITH HUSKIES . IN PLA Y.-OFF. UCLA'• .7'1"thtw -.u.u I.um travola to a.ttle lhla ·-""d to battle w......-·. -an Hu.klaa in an .r'7J ~ "\' play "' -hdllo oout _, .... ..... play-elf-· bit-~ -twoteamalutKarcll. eoo...b 'nppy l>ye'a H-ba-. pncUcaJly u.. -_...i which whipped tll6 JlnllM II> two lltrafSht -1o..a1 and 11-M ID 8e&ttle'a J!:dDllUldaon Pavilion Jut _,, and tlloY'JI be heavtlj fa· vwod to rei-t tbelr vtcloriea thla ..... It. Ooael> John Wooden'• queatton mark Bruin team looked ptomlatnJ bUt m!&'hty rasl"d In W1nn1J11f tbelr Initial pnictlco ....... Jut week end. In. their tradltlonal ooener ap.1n.9t the AJumnJ AlJ .. Stan, the WoOdenmen rallied from a 25-26 halt·tima deadlock to d4· feat the old l'f&d•, 82-40. The next nicht the Bru1M outcluled Art- s.ona St&~ (Tempt) all the way to win an easy 8&-58 victory. At the eame time In Sall Lake City, the Huskies were 1plllllh.I' a two-p.me merlu with the &Jwaym potent Utah ftve. Wuhlngton clroppecJ the-flnst pme by one polllt,. 82-91, but came back the next nl&'hl to 1mothef ~ Utee. ~4. with the stx-foot-aeven cen- ter Bob Ho~brep sparkins ~· at- tack with 1o polnta UCLA'• counterpart lo Hou- brega ln height but not in experl· ence la M ike Hibler. who lhowed real poaiblllllff In bl• varolty de· but tut week. The aix-foot-eeven inch .,pho.more center trom North Hollywood led the Brulna ln acor- tng both ntchta. hittlns) for 13 ALL WOOL POL SHIRTS Specially price at • • • SLACKS -Part ylon Gabardine or. harlcJkin • BLUE ·s~EDE JAdKETS . . NYLON JACKETS -Nylo n! Fleece Lined . • • . . • IMPORTED CAS MERE SWEATERS-pecicil at • • 4.95 • 9.95 • 22.50 . 22.50 . 19.95 Shop and Sev for Your Men et The . ' 1831 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Free Gift Wrapping I S & H Green Stamps G&A~Lt.l' .'ltlli!'l~O. llll'l'·JJP ...... "'-8d.ll'-(11) !\'-rt -r'• lll,rW•I fol'Ward, ._,.. )lo0r ti.llf0!"9Mtlih-p•iiwi lloop .. O.W.Oy'o Ollbonte (II), M.O.gpu (II) and otlltra wait tor reboua4 lt be •lnea · (~ Photo by Robert F . W lllmtt} point.a against the alumnl and 16 IF'==========,,;.============= aga.lnst Arlzotia State. .. SAILOU· SINK .·VIKINGS BY COUNT OF 65·49 AS 'B' ·TEAM ALSO WINS Paced by sb&rpehootln& for-------------- wud.8 Arma1'cl NeWet t.nd Jim the Tan will t&k.e on Garden McCaugha.n, forward made five. ASf the score Indicates, the Tan controlled their . own backboArd most o! the; time ancl were usually to be attn giving the VIJcinp flt.a. In their own back yard. The Vik· Inge proved slow to 8et up their ottenac and wasted conaldl"rableo time pa118fng the ball around in Tar t erritory without making of- fensive trle•. In adclltton · to Hibler. Wooden hu aleo pleued with the pertorm- a ncel of two ruerve lettermen (rom la.st year'• team-forward Bobby Poundo and guard Barry Porter. Both theae hard-workinl' cagenr lndicated they are Coln« to put ln strong i>lda for eta.rtlnc bertha. Green Playen UCLA'• many freahmen and !llopb playen on the varsity 1quad look~ mighty green and. ahowed Women's B Team definiU need tor loto or playtnc experience. 'nils l'J'OUP Includes W • G If T h such highly reprded newcomers Mendon, Newport .. Harbor UnJon Grove·a vlaltlng varally which wu lnS 0 rop y u John Moore, 6-foot, 5-lnch froah Hlgh echool'a vanity bukctb&ll recenUy bca~ by Santa Ana forward from Gary, Ind.: froah The B team of t.he \Vomcn golf· forw'1'd Ron Bane of Alhambra •quad nUed away froro the Dow-Hich echool. era at Santa Ana Country club and frosh forward Don Brage or ney Vlklng• by • aconf of 06-49 "I tbin.k: we can. beat them," won the Soutbem ca.Jtfomla dlviJll· San Francisco. · Tuesday afternoon. ln the local Jltn Mlller. Tac varaity co&ch aa.ld, Ion of team play, the play--0ff be-I Following Hibler tn the tean1 V'1TI · '' , &ddlJ\C. that. hla equ&d la tnjury-Ing Friday at "lrci.nia Country ecot"lng a.tt.er the flrat two game.a OPENING SA URDA Y, DEC. 8 JO ELLIS ' q~e~ Se1We 'l/o~ fl~ Open House Set. ehd Sun. with guett star's , Garden Experts Joe Littlefield of Red Ster Co. end Mirendy of Bandin'! Fertilizer Co: YOU'RE INVITED ~ COFFEE SERVED ··~ • . ' ' NetU.. ~""°?¥ wJUI 3' 'f-·-no tam wW-con,,,.UniJQuiQefpla:llllyllJ.~CO.lub.8.' 1""" Buch. Tb• local t.eam comea Poljndo wtth 21 polnto, lof>- ·potnW. -~ ... "''bar --. t&f>t:oVt·of "f,"F;?!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~;;j~;~~;~~;~~~~~~;;;~~ second ~ wttb ~ home ''-nl ~.,.c.em.. be titated. Millv went on tna ~re Mmea. T . W~ton Jay, Arbofta 8t&te: 'Bue. wtth 11: and ... -.. ·• --ii went out In ~t In ihe ' n.nt t.o ay be WU Jlad to aee hJe~boY8 Tom Henderson, J . H . Grohman. sophomore~ Ron Unvtn.pton quarter and at ~ llrne· led th• 00trttUh'° t.tLe bucket In TUelday'a Ewrett MorTIS. Jphn Conley of and •eteran su.ard Don Jotut.:>n. Vlklnga by ll-l~ '\ game. and that wtlh average Lonr Beach, ~tn. Ira Brocls ot the on1y repiar back from tut Actually, the·""'ftra didn't face brtaka they ahould leave Carden Ora.ngto. T eam captain (who doe. yea.r't Bout.hem Dtvblon ch.am· the top Viking aq{i1ld .._ three vat· Orove hhldtng Ole bag. · not play on the tellm) ls Mn. plonahip team, both with 16 . •lty playera:, one & &-tt .• 5-ln. ctn: Other playenr acoring in Tues-Dorothy Compton at Long Beach. Wooden hu lndlcated he'll prot>- ter. were on tbe •.tck lilt. Thrtt day'a rame were Lee Jayr'ed. cen-TIUa La the flnt Umc in the club'a ably open with the same. lineup "B" playera Wtte elevated by ter, With stx polnta;· Jim Roberta. history that the B team hai aga.tn•t lhe Huakiea u he did Jut Downey to fill ~ the PPI· (New-guard three· I>lclt Luk guard brought .home a tournament week. Thia team lnc1udea 1ienior port's .. B" team anowed Oo"~'• three.' sur.l1tulea who ' acottd plaque. Tonight the team wUI be Jerry Norman uid Moore at for- by a 83-~ m.arke.r). • we.re MkldauCb &nd. Butte.rflekt. honored with a dinner at lhe club. warda. Hibler at center and John- Thl& victory pve the 8&1.lon two poln\11 ea.ch. son and Porter at ruaroa. their RCOnd wla. ln three .tart.a. The viattora' hlJh .core wu SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Th•Y are de!eQd!Ag QO-clwnpll>N r in the SuMet '-·-· Schlllch, a tbrward. who account· The monthly meeting of the -.._"'e. • 1 ea fqa-17 potntt, whUe J'Uch. cen· Harbor High 8Chool board of tru8· ~ 0,,ye, Nut ~. m•de 13.. Ouarda Crtat and tea wtU be hekl Monday night Tomorrow aft4mpon at. 4 .o·~ Oa~"'.,,,_,1a111,_ed_,._ .. _•_m __ .. _c_b_;' _w_hl_l_•_•_• _1_:a_o_o·_c1_oc_k_ln_th_•_h_;lg:_h_1e_h_oo_1. OCC Will face · Harbor JC, Toro Orange Cout Collece baaket· ballen get their final tun...., be- fore entering the Chaf~y Touma· ment ne•l week u they tace two tormidabla foee this week end en the Pi.cate court. Kiles Eat.on will aend hia M&rooi) and Grey club agalnot alwa)'O nicged Kar· bor Jun'or Collq'e Friday nl!lht and will go to the hardwood agatnat El Toro'• Marlnea Satur- day night. Both' pm .. an •lated for 8 p. m. w1lh prellmtnariea pre- ceedlng the feature g&mta at 1 :30 p. m. Coach Eaton will go forth wltb Btu B'tidner and "DicJc Da.vla u tor- warcta P'rtday ntgbt. Dave. Peter- .on at cent.er and Manuel Ruls and Al Dent& -the portalde klda -,at the guard apota. Early entrl~ ln the came wW be Jacll Clark, Bury Schurch. Ron Qulsley, Ed Vcm Camey, Wayne Melqulat and Dick Lane. 1 Th4 Plratu open aplnat' Eut Loo Anl(elea City Collece at 1 p . m. Wecllleeday In the tint l'OWld Of the °*-ttey,. T<Nmament and .C-•llhtt tile wlru>er or loeer ot the San Dl<JO, San ;Penwdlno -In tile ~ round -de-ptnclinl( on the outcome of tholr pm"e. . ' ' . a.un. <:eR'9 ftala ccu:utut.I Prectlool ""' ad roplar!J la ·IJd!I _,.will --*"'btt 1""' ..CPeople do N9!I Ille -- . ll FriendJhiR iJ our buJineJ1 SAT. SUN. I • . I Ke.rm Rime w uld lik~·~ ¥felcome· all of hi' men friend1 ih Newport Beech to visit im in hi.-hew Herd· ware store in CoJta M~1e. • J 1 ~l Where we 'a com~line of Sunbeam ap . , Gene ~c, . I • ' j Toaatmuter,~ nivetaal Jlanning Bowmall,, W boa.· d . JD&DY otlil.ia. I . -· j • .. , • ~ In Hard~ H for 'Uie 1 ome. . • ' • • , , - • • TIDI TAIL·t .,. • BARBOR Ill tlJfS • .. -. ... .. -ftt P •.,Io nllataa c a Ir 11 .ro · •· ... 101;~ ... ~.;;;::g=':_-._s.1•••1•1•ln p ... sz ... , 1 .... tr c .., nan,_ "' • .,.._ .-mt -= ~ c 1 s 11s 1 1. • .._ a 1 'tk 11r .._.. • a 'KAI.-. • ,._,_.,. I 4-:8L& • •-• ...,,.,.._..,... T 1:17'",.. ... • u LOW , U:ll !"GI. lt:le ,. .... U:lt .. m. 11 :111 p. m. '1~"7 p. m: 1.1 ·~·. -..,...__.,, iasa,o..<':::!~~u'~':,-.!!',':_••J:..s:J:..~11 ., 1! ----_._, .......... .-.. --· . -----al ... ---...... --·-· 1la•tt--••11· . G~ _, _..,, 1'&" a -..-5 .• I ~·~-. party KOY.Mat lier-· In CD--Al I I 0 Z IL ,L WWW I. f,tl"t•IANIS 4'JID .....-"_,I....,.,._ 3.1 • 2 1laturda7 1:11 L In. u • r--l>ecemblr I • • :IO ..... 1Je. S.8 • --. l!-y 1:'06La IS.I 1.f 'raaa<le!Jlu. 'noooeb)insto_.l ..... awa'M~ •t'J t I •Mcmr•t-IW. ;· ' ~.J a little -I> -~ Ball) -·a1•i-"' lllo -* ' :. ,,_ >B , .. la II 'SS•i wll -.-..... -lllo 1 ; • s• 'al beneby amended to read ' Doeember9 1:88 p. lft. &8 ----··-··· ' ~ Oomde· a.rib Cl&lstl m -...,,rs'"---.... .. ... fl .. £ 0 ........ ' t •• ... a t f •• ,, ttla It.. ... .. "'~=~~ .. , ..... 2.0M&ryAnnR-pcttUlidd' s!IU, ............... _ .... .._ .. 2 511.1 .. ._ .. __ : . . \ holAom • ..Lo.ii •-au• -ta -ar mu 1117, a 1 n "" - - -I ·~ I '1r • o Mil • t u"'v, • lSlO t • Ja1I 1aa '"" sa• UI 2.8 Then wm> ~ ii..rt.o.. m-,.,.,_.. "' t-. atria t a. trio I IU;t4J et 11i1o.-.. D 7 \ h•1 SPil' a .. 1311 1 · 0 Jall d8n (TemJ>Cht71, --0.v '°'" do.rlnJ the 'T'banlc"CIYlnc ~ lllllf flt Ills• •>. ~ ... -P'dfa - - -.... lllo Or 'r I 1-N IM ., u n~ J'lat Al!I• 2.0 boUde.yw. 'nturwl!a:r, NOY. 22, sd."t ..... I 1111• .... ' ' a :; ~ ...... ,~-.Ph ~~-0~\,~ -··---"',..'T·~ Sl!rl'lON 13. Jl fllHCRJ>b) l.entence, <lame, or plli."" --4.I tboeeef\Jojyl.t\S"themovle · .. Acro. --~ ... D J'WU;•et -,..,. _. ,,_ ~ ,., _,,. ...... thiiO.rdinance .for&ny llWtnbeunCon.stttutJonaJ in-_...., the Wide M'l.Qoarl." at the 'Mee& lblf ate who_.... illlJl':OW# Olillr ... JI~....., • ....,. twlD (I) ..a.,....,, a 11 .. _. 'di. aucb lhall not affect th 1 remaJaing -IJoruon of µii.a ~11 ::i ".Monday 8:111 Lin. 8.0 • • December 10 8:20 p. m. 3.8 Tuem&y 7:09 a.m. 8.1 December 11 9:09 p. m. S.8, ' Wodll.-y '1:40 a. m. f.1 • •• ~12 9 ,51 p. m. u -T!n1nday 8:11 a. m. ·e.1 December 13 3.5 , ... 10:211 p. m. 0:11 Lm. 1:57 p. m. o~a1 a. m. 2 :3' p. m. 1 :13 L m. S:lO p. m. 1:&8 LD1.. &:'6 p. JL _!·: .t.re: Ann BndtOld.' and Mll<• ~...-....... Dolin Ill~) -••111: -. M -QI Jo; 'lit>o U1e -~ SU{>mr1.oo 11•~,.Y ·declaru ft ......ia lraw ponol- . Doyle, Dawa Pleroon ll'nd Oory .__,_ 111 -1 -9J', a •• D -o6 ..... II R • ,....,, paragn.pll. ~-cl& &ad phrue tbeftot Irr Ii '11. tlle Rodeen. Barbara Eut a.nd Pete AT ..u.INllllp-••• ,_ • • ff••lfsl tW • 4 l&:lliDI' • ._ P ..a • ._ Ill fact tha"t 'any one ·or 'tb.ane9PfC'"'" ~ .. --~ • e Oralwn, LNll• G<rNto anti Doa T!llalaJll"'°'I' 'twlli*1 ealo1on 1'l lllo -"'l>d'• el ;1 , .. •-ho lit &B. _..,. '"'*td ffc:lared uncoastltwUoruil ~Invalid~ it~ ~ or ptnw be • Talmqe (CAL.) Jean 1'alotra, !lie J, c. llUllnp -.. c:-a ..... -.,. ........ 8"3' ---to ----ttee SJllCT[ON 1~. All and ~of Oidlnanca In «Sl'll't Nl:W lllOOlf Dec. t8 eam Kilner, ca,,,1yn Hugh.., :s-~Mr-~ !';":!. d'tw -q•ii'.., U.. -oetUon •-'6'1 a. -41111<> w!Ul tllia C!J'd!nanoe.,.. ' y repealtd, provided, bowever, 1bat t11e Cleorg\n& Dick. Sally Bu"1, Larey • • -'!1111"' -----<e " a .._ al -_..,, .. provi.liolUI of tllia eo rar as ,!lley .•re wbatantlai!y u.e - Dec. 5 Dec. 13 Dee. 21 Evenoon, Lu Lu Lanen and Mike Willia ~. da\Ollile 1-,,_ ._tel tor tlle II I ' lal .._. ,_ -I ••-ls u ~ting ordlnancM, uat be ~oil aa contlnuatiabl u..reof. t>rtacot Md eon.a PhUl:p anc: BW: and NeO etftW tu, tbe ~ w 2 1 I 'IOe ~' « a.e ftlil:lt. dLa.t and not. a.a new ena te. ·'" ~ · At the Lido, Saturday, Nov. 24, BllllnJa. -_,,,, .. dll -~ "':*'• &II el '!It - -•-~ l!ECTlON 15. 'l'hla rdlnall<e llhall take dfect and be In ;;,,.,,. "Oeeert Fox", wu playin• .. Eat-••wt "" • 9J: -ml I • -Ill. -._t o6 Uen llopUt-on January 1, 111!12, anil prlo!-to Ute expiration ot fifteen (15) ...,_ Salvation Army Seeking Toys for Children C. N. Association Enda,rses School Bond Election In&' popcorn and candy while en-~eople do -.a U>e f'rW -. --_to '* ..... 6 i r ~ '° Ueo -"' ...,...._.. ot llllil otter !be P"'•I• • 'lllis QJ!llnance aball be publtshod "'"* In joying tile ahow w.ore : Georgina ~-i:--""".., ~ flPO't. to be ~ed '° -•-at the Newport-Balboa , a newspaper printed fn -th• Coun\y al Dielt and Jotmn,y Coull.du, Jody NO'l'l<S Oii' t;HTSlftlON WO Ole • of Oruie' ABd u.e ~ of ~ ~ all the Orange,. State of C&llf ia, together with the names of the mett:Jt.taw Johnson and Dale Coleman, Andy ENGAGE IN na: 8£1.& Oii" ••RttilJ~ ~C!9.te. . · of the Board ot SUpe .voting for af\d _against the same. _ Swaln and Don Lingle Ellie R&-ALOOJ10UC lllWBRAGlie 4lQ' -~ ---!UmlO•« 1e:r tlee Oeanty (SEAL) Wrt.us H.IWARNER gen and R C. cnn... Lyn Smith Noftmber-. 1111 WO!· • ~ at U.. --and --~-mede Chatrmul ot the B<>anl of SUpent.n The Cenu.J Newport Be°'h (Jr). and Dick AthOTton, Jimmy TO WKOM IT MAT OONCIBN: !>.-Ills -_,.. ~ -or otange County,. C&llfornla . ' Community .Aasocla1ion at their FIU.gerild, Richard Tai.t.ra. Joe Subject to a..u.ance of tlle 1'· ~ OCNnt;t •tfl07ee wllO---'""ee fa • ~ty owmd· rsmlleece A1*1'ES'I'~ regular November llleetlng, held Petteneon,.Bob CUbbln!On and Earl .,.._applied for, ud OM""m:, .::: i:-.!,od,~of ~.ft.., Dolllrii (QSAll) per -th B. J . SllrI1f Wedne!lday, Nov. 28 at the small Mlller. Inc not lif9 U... ll d&11atter·.... _t9llc:t --~~ ~ e\ICll aeAS!llOC &OCmilMudatlon, County Clerk UICI ex-oft Clerk of th~ oB&f'd Of • Jn preparation ror heavy de-Legion hall, voted to endorae and Swpoloe ""rV date~·-Is lioatb)o ,-...,.._ dDdolGed. -• · . Supenoi-. or ~County, Calff.\mla. mand e>:pected dUtlnar the Christ-approve !be eehool bcmd project. A :rurprtae part.v wu given ror tlmt the ..-... u«r Pl.., 1 I to No-""'"" of Uee Oou"'r Hosi*al ..U 1'e mtlUed to laundry STATI: OF CALIFO , mu aeuon, the Sain.lion Army Each member was· U1"g'td to vote Millie Chamberlain by Billie Wil-.U ~ ._.,,_... a t...e_ ..,.SC..~ U. ~'at __.... ~ bl u.e COUl'We .. of hl! COUNTY OF ORANGE, . • • Socl&l Service ~nter wtUch aerves b\ the echool bond elect.Ion to M llama at her home tn Coat.a 1'oleu Pl""'""'"L oJ r 11a1• U fol aa: ~aMs.t. ... I, B. '.J. SMrrtl, Ooupty Clerk and ex-ofticlo Clerk ot the ~ the Newport Harbor area Is aeel<-held Jan. 18, 19112. It WU pG!nt· Frl~, Nov. 23. Lemonade, cake :Ml4< N&WiVKC")R.VD1 *9C'f'ION l. .. tlsct II al -ciratnance No. liM ls bettby or ~ of 0ranP. County, California, <jo beffi>y certff1. tleat Ing d!scardl!d toyw of ll1 kinda. l!d out •by the chalrmM, Edlnnl IUIUl<IWlcbea and <Weclne were en-N1IWP()ltt BSACB, uuw W "Y deletJlo&' --Uio r.Ro•ID&: at a regUJar me<t.tng of the Board or Supervtaon held on U1e :rnll Broken, caat·off toya ~ be re-T. Healy, that it t1 not neceuary joyed very much by Millie, Billif'. ORANG1: COUNTY .,._ x... I.Wiiie -... -..X1'1Ue ••RCS Ne.. day ot November, 1951. the foregoing Ordinance contaJnlna nrtMn condition~ ln the center'a work-to be a prope.rty owner to vote tn Valda Winters. Loraine Scblicken-~ t.o ~ tt.e J.,ftt &eDi9r" t..ecel ·Pllm,-.Odlr:. 32 (15) aectioM WM C(Jll.l1 red section by 1eetlon and tha.t"the *7:id Mope and U9ed to gladden the IUCh eJe.ctione. meyer, Lynn ScAakener, 8-cb&ra ~ II epplJinr to tlltt tUI lCtdJcal ~Of 8oclal Se.nice Ordinance w~ then p and adopted as a wb~le by the foll~.& hearta of leu tortunate children A letter was read f't'om the Brothen. Char Emlc, J erry King, Sta'te Board flt · "'4 Mata tor Uld t*t-pl.Uent Cltntca 40 vote: • at Cbrlstma.o, Brfc. -D. Standerd OU Co .• of Callfornl&, re-James Vineyard, Larry Chapman. !soUance by tranoff!' of an a1eo-1840 Planntnr Zb&fnoer -~mlsolon AYES: SUPl!lRVIS 8 WILLARD SMITH, RALPH J . JlcPAI>s Gifford, manager ot the' center, )tttlng the number one ttem of John Murphf, Dick Grower, Billie holic ~ Ucen8e for thelre Secretary ~ S5 ·DEN C M ATHERLY HEINZ KAISER &ltd WILLl8 said. the Central Newport Bee.ch Com-Goule. and Don Th.pmpaon. pf'emiJtu u follows: 2270 Specialist Jn RadiOlOfD' 42 .. , H w=· . . ' . He reported that there is need muntty A.Mociatlon. that they re-At tile RftMIM,,008 ON SALE BEER LICEN'SE and 11 hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: NOES: Sl,JPERVIS s , NONE for doUa, gamea, wagona, tricycle& move their above ground 1torage Dancing to the muslc Gf De•f Anyone desirlnK to prate.at the Item No. Table and hules 'l'We Raap: Na. ABSENT: SUPER ORS, NONE , '" ' and bicycle• and other artkllee tanks to proper zoning areu. Arnu and hJ.8 Le.Un American or-Issuance of such llcenH rnay rue a 0340 Aaoclate Ptariner 87 IN W1'I1'lEss \VH OF, I have ·hereunto aet Dl3 band and whtch can be rebuilt into service-. However, their letter indicated cheatra at the Re.ndesvous Satur· verified protest wtth the State 1897 Medical Supervl8or of Social Service affixed the offtcie.J seal the Board or jsUpervtsora of c>r..nge Count.J, able playthings. ~ that they are willing to plant day night. Dec. 1. were : Shirley Board of JCqu&l.iza.Uon at Sa.era-and Out·pattent Cllnlcs' 40 California, this 27th day of November. 1951. The IOClaJ llH'Vlce center also shrubbery and trft-• ln an effQrl. RllP and Rodc'er McKinnon. An-mento, C&llfomla. stating grounds 197!; Radiolo&Ut, M. D. 42 (SEAL) •. B. J. SlOTH ts seeking warm clothing for to obecure · tbe µnslgbUy appear-nete Whitlock and Pete Morris for <1en1al u provided by law. The 1~ Reference L1brarian. 28 Coun Clerk and u~Ulcio clerk of the children for wbJch there hu been ance of tbe installation, as well .Jette Gannon ~d RoUy .Pulaski: premises •&re naw licensed for the 2188 Senior Legal Filing Clerk. 32 of Supervtaor8 of Orange bounty, CaKtOirnla great de'mand ~recent wec!ks. u &Slist ln beautifying Balboa Ann MonU and Johnny Yale•. sale of aJcobolic beverages. 2495 TherapeuU'c Dietttia.n 31 . Publish Newport Balboa · • Bril'. Gifford Mid the cent.er bu Blvd. . Ann Rua and J ohn laley, George OORontY A . WALLACE and Items 0050, 0060, OCS70, 0810, 0811, 0820, 0821, 0870, 1060, 1310, Decerabcr 8, 1951 ~ experienced e..z:ceptlonally heavy The letter t\lrther stated lb.at Ft-ancea and Denllle Nile&, Barbara No. 773-Prea. 1311, 1400, 1401 and 2'20 of Sect.Iona 23 of satd Ordinance No. M4 are · "- requeata for tum.ltun, kitchen •P-they should not be expect~ to re· Baye. and Dick Lusk. Publish Nov. 29. 19!51 . hereby amended to read u followa: plianca and ..,. • .,,,._ mM=hinea move their tanka, ~tc .. jlll't be-S..W-Fa Item No. Table aa4 llMles 'J1Ue all ot Whlch cm.. be rebuilt bJ a&; cauae the neighborhood ha.a crown Dec. 2• Janet Louc.ka and Frank Ct::B'l LF1CA.TE OF BUSJ!\T.88 OMO CttJef Deputy County Counae.1 vation Army worll:en. vp around tbta loq establtshed Trautwein, Beth Chrtattil!len and F1ctttloua .,rm N'Mne 0580 Chief Deputy °'8'trt~t Attorney The S&l:vatW.. Army leader distributing planL Dick Smouse, SaJty Smith (Mark TI:IE UNl>ERSJGNED doe • 0670 County Counael urges local reeidents to tearch The memberw feel that thla le Keppel) and Maurice La.npdale, hereby certify that he la conduet-0810 Deputy County Counsel, Grade I cJa.eta and garais tor diac&rded not a •Usf&etory solution ol the Ronnie Engfe and Au,drey Berg. lng a (mail-order) "Laue barro'•" 0811 Deputy County Counsel, Grade ll articles and to call Harbor 0758 problem and the matter wu Jett Pat Newkirk and Virgil Packam, (R) wood ahop otfiee bualnem at 08%0 Deputy Dtltrict Attorney, Grade-I ifOr a Red Shield truck to call -'I open for f'Urther atudy and subse-Liviy W iide and Jack Smlth. Jtt:ar· 315 Marine Avenue, Balboa lat.and, 0821 Dt>puty Dlltrlct Attorney. Grade n !home-or office. quent action. llyn Snow and Bob Smith all went California. under the tfcUtlOU5 081'0 Dietitian • F olJowing the re"""''ar meefing, t bo firm n•me of LAZY MA.RY 1-· ~· Admlnts'-tor ..... o gganlng in Snow VaJley and .....v r uvu ,,.. ... ~ OPTIMJST PA.llTY tha.e In attendance jolned in play·· •lopped and ate hmcb at Big Bear. PRODUCTS \R) and that &aid 1310 Jail PhyaJclan • N Harbor mg ca.nut&. "" contrilNUoa of ISO firm ie compoud of the f<ollowing till Jail Pbyalclan (Temporary), u needed ewport Optlmi.ta are eento w.a made "7 mlH'JLof JM -Sta& Part¥ pe--... -namea In tuJJ and uoo IAbdra--llnlc'--_ ~ holding Uae.it"~ party on m-~ ••d ~--..:::._ for ••e fd't:t!T" ~ to~ 0CC buket· pla--( Id f JI ..... ~ ll!ol.I .... ......__ -....-er•-~ ............. _,_,__a-. ~ ...... 0 rea: ence are U 0 ows, 1401 Laboratory ~hnictan (T.,,,~~1 . ,inunday, Dec. 13 at Balboa Bay purpose ot paytng off the debt of ball, Saturday nlcht. Dec. l, Josie to-wit: u needed -·-J .Club. the uaociation'a noral entry tnto McKu lnvlted a few-of t}le k l~ DonaJd James Wl.bon. 38 Bea· 2420 Supet"vt.lng Laboratory Technician • llanp No • 41 40 48 ll6 39 !~ 119 29 ll6 Flat $800.00 Flolt '300.00 ft \ • tbe recent Arbor day parade. card over for & ll'llall party. Enjoying con Bay,• Newport Beach and door pl'ize-a were award~ tol-the cookies, punch and muaic Mary Helen WU.on, 36 Bea· SECTION 3. Sub-Section B of Section 34 of a&ld Ordinance Nn. lowed by coffee and home-made were : Jlm Mendon. Dick Johnson. con Bay, Newport Beach. 1>84 11 hereby amended by de!ettng tbere!'toin the following: HAROLD I, .iOHNsON ~ l'ropellrr Bepoln °'' ,. -.. ---cakes. John Kep~, Bob Cubbiaon, Chuck VllT~ESS my hand Ulls Gth day "'ltt-m No. No. of ~ ClaMlftcadon Ra.n~ No. Babbitt. Mary Stewart, Jerry .Jet· of November, 1951. PMlttou nt1e . WATER HEATERS Sales, Seniee -Bepoln /~B·loJJ PL'lllO(lllG A.at!M>~ &1 d1r Da7 • 1'la'll W t21a ·-lt'X, o-. • .n ..._.. Pboae-. PU-W Business Men Speak at OCC On two .eeparate occulona lut week a. banker and a proprietor, both ot tlle Har-bar' area. pve Or- ange Cout buainea 1tudenta ln· stgttt Into bustneas ptanntng. Kenneth Fowler of the Bank of Amer(ca, ,:;ewport Beach b<ancl>, m« With .... -1n sman au ... -.._ ... t to "*"• fl-•l'dn&' Md ... · .. nldnc ftl&tiona . -... c...!ey, -· pro-ptietor, Balboa Ial&nd, d!sellaaed techniques ln newtpaper adw-rtl&- tng-With student.a ot the Retail Advertiatng clua. "Each occa.slon marked· effort.a to make student trainlnl' in man· &gement both re&Ustlc and Ume- ly," commented R. D. Boyce, cOl- lege lnltructor of both couraea. SOOUT t.r.ADERS TO MEET Membera of the Leaden: Club of the Newport Harbor Girl Scout Council will meet next 'I"Ueeday at I Girl Scout HoU.e' at 9 :30 a. m. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT Daniger FURNITURE · CO. • We Buy end Sell New end Used Furniture • 1812 Nny.ort •cL. Colla ........ '5656 -READY MIXED CONCRETE SOUTH COAST . MATERIALS COMPANY NoJ.lt T.0 '*'•: NoJitl» T .. S•el •w..a• Lllt•.1•Jl'apwt .... • t'rr--.. OMT• -· ~.Jillrdl& "f"-- • ko, Lynn SrnJlh. Josie ~lcKe-e, DONALD 1. WJl..SON. 1826 1 Medical Supervtaor of Marilyn_ Schllckenmeyer and Bar· State of California, Social Serv1ce and bara Hennings. County of Orange, sa. OUt-paUent CttnJca to Caet Party ON nns 4th day ot November, 221'0 -1 Speclallat. In Radiology 42'', Membera of the Serllor Play cut A. o. 1951, before me, Viol& R. and b hereby further amended by addl.n.g thereto the foUQWtng: held & party Frtda.y night after Comee I, a Notary Public in and Item No. No. Of Ordt -ceo Cl:&Mlftcatton Raap No. the succeutul play "On Borrowed for the said County and State, POlloltlons Tltft!i TiRM" M1d. in tbe BJgh 0School on ruldlng therein. duly commission-1490 1 Machtntat Nov. 31, at Joan Marlnuccl'• home ed and sworn. personally appeared 1197 1 Medical Supervtaor of in Beacon Bay. A cake wu pre-DonaJd J. Wilson known to me to Social Service and ao aented ~ Mr. •We-ntz by' the cut be the per90n wtioee name ts wb-Out·pt.tlent Clintca 40 u ~U as other refrffhments Kl'lbed to. Uie wtUl.in lnatn&rnent.. 197!5 l 1 Radio!~ M. D. 42 ~re enjoyed by the many who at-and ~ to me Utet he 1495 1 ~· DleUtiaa l1 ten~ed~ Iru:luded were : .Joan and executed tlte ...... IN WlTNas and n.m. ~. tOIO, lA.00 ucl Hit Of 8u~ Bet ~·14 ot Tom Hendersen, .Jan McGiii and WIDltalOI', l ha~ llert!tiftto1 eet _.... c:::ll'Cla..nee 'No. OM 7C"f bet., -•did to rmd 'Q followm: Terry Welah, Char Slx and Bill my huMS &ad; a.tftxed lllY oftldeJ Ula Ne. · 111e. et"OI. 1 ·a ;n. ••c• . PF p Xe. Hopldnt, • la.nee Hume and Btu ..i the _,.and ,_.. bl tlda o.-. Pcslll ~ Gannon, Bub&ra Hennings and tllloa~ -.---Ol'l'I 1 0 ~ Dave sw.n.on: Lee J.a¥i'"d an~ (SEAL) , VIOLA R, OOlllNIDCI. 1-1 • ,_ nU!illmsli9torf j f Ann Morrta, Fran Ktme1 and Ron· Ky o.ama..ton Ekph• 11./lS/SI JtlO 4 '., .io., Tledmkriu nie othmtt, Joan Ntuen and Jerry No. 711 Prw UJo 1 IQ••"'8c' L&bontory Ev&M, Ann Brad!ord and Mlke PvbUlll: No.. a.11-n• 1 J.. 1\sd~D DoyJe. Ca..rol T'bomu and Dick Johnaon., Shtrley,Ruaa and Rodger McKtnntn, Dona Sedlnger and Larry M'cMut.tn, Martlyn Merrill and Johnny Yatee, Jody Jobriaon and Dale Cotematt, Otxl Thaden and Mac Henrotten, Ellle Ra.gen and R. C. cn.rte, Sandy Babbit and Bruce Brown. .Judy Tucker arid .Joe l!:'vanl, Pam Hoxie and Bruce Baird, Rolly Pulukl and Lynn Smith, Andy Swain and Don Lingle. Some of the slap were: Bob l!!ggert, Roxy Aarvold. Ed Beck· strom. Don Campbe.U, J oe Pet· terten, Annand Nettles and Jay Carfale. ·'. ,. as • • ac ... · '1sthiow!.alyoumeont .. • rittt. '°"• nest of 0 • Lit· PACIFI -- ybuil.Mg °iwnr . J ~oar · pl-. We w11 J PaillY" 1!1$" I le ... e( r :·-_. ... - II t!flzla ft)i(JU M81 ..t r; • ~ orllelp,.. oMabt a Title 1 lou hr ' Ls-- ·1RJt YH _... • • l .. _ ... _ s.no ~~ w111 mt *-·; 1 Says 1.'e•u ride P. f. llis ,... · - • 1' finds ear; slqlpiq rllfr ... fJOlll , f 0 ". 4 ... •A..Wfi971IONO• , • • • I '\~~a-.. ·CAl(I ••••• 7911 .. . a..•-> .. .. Yr~!~~·~ . 008T.t.ID!S.4 IMNew,_.~ OOllON4 D&L llA& -<lout lllP-.J LAGUNA ••CR fl5F_A_. GU.t.BANTEED NYLON HOSIERY ll Gaop u -.. ~ ,... ······--·····-···--·· . CHBin'llAS I SBEE'l!I Wrapping Paper 9' · !I CAllDS BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS tl.25 ·····-·········· ..... 494 $1 .~ VALUE . . Tu le.tide Specials . THURS.. FRI .. SAT. DEC. I, 7, 8 iCfCtES .. ·-········ ... 21c ColfOI~~ -~:-~~~--~=-= ,,, Av.tc>IU'BO f'W"IO& DB L11Dl S4 '5 TOASTERS .. -:·······-......... 18 iftJUY · DOlLS . 54" OiliiENTS ..... -· .... ·49c · ...... 2·-~.ii:Df.iH -·---·--···· .... 3"f Carry-All Purse 19' owr-P.t.OllA<IB -·Y.t.Ll!Z c LIFE SAVERS ··-··· ...... _ .. : 49 TIEE Orwww1w11ts WIND UP MEC.HAJGCAL. TOYS . . 331 ..... ---··--·- )DIA' lleS· "-ll WREATHS , ............ DIAS mL5 W cliliitiOi-rn .......... ~00 Reg-. po · . 79c PL.A YBOY AUTO __ ···········-··-·-·-- RNCTORS~_:_:= ............. -~ ............. 25c XMAs ncAiDs _______ .. ____ : _______ : ....... 98c ClllllSftl.t.ll • ftc: NOVELTY CANDLES ______ ... ii TAGS'.' ____________________ ... : ________________ 9c CJDUll'DIAll • ( llllON ___ ........... --···--·-·"-· -" •• i•AS.. W. )a.• $459 QUIDOOR J.IGHTS ··--···--···=-· £ ORMAM•·~:_ ________ ,_-_ _:__s1" AUCill llf --u:o. __ .... .....,c-'-:--::'·,-'1" 1EA SET ~-··----~--- :.....;;_.,,, _ _.,_~_J17t· • • NOB Hll I ·co•E "1•••1 quoHty , t~ 7· ·4· C 2-lb. .... , T • .O ... . - TOMATO SAUCE A. ..... ': 6' CHEESE -~!; 99' .• •= •" I Crisp, ~-watering slrips of bacon perfect}y ribboned with higlily nutriliou1 while and lean. S.rv., sweet, lasly bacon today-'°"' Mari>y Safeway has ii ·~· ciitJ1r pri~. ''"" ....... ~IUl.ln. PM&« BJ. ... ··- Wbdz ...... ""°"': . , .. LOOK ,q T THESE SAFEWAY t'Al. IJf..~ ILBCl MAC..6iRONl SHOIT911N~: . - Globe"At"iliancl ~ 1ftC' · ~X':,tc • i:.; l~c 2-lb _._ . 37C' -'7 . . . ·~ ' ..... . ;"; FEWA Y PNODUCE VALUE S' m ' e• !? •• I I 21 sH• 12 • 1 • THUaSDA T. DIC. 6, '1911 ss_a -· • ... • •• • ·- ' ' . ' • I PAGE ·ii -PART ' II ...:.. '"'THUASDAY, DEC. 6, 1951 a·~llss~. ' • EAL TY .BOARDS Kl · FETE UDALL HERE TUESDAY 1'femben of the Newport 'Har- bQ.r Board will act a.a hoet to \.be pl'e8ident..elect of the California ft.tat Eetate Aaaoclation, Jamea M . If4lt.U or l..os Angelea, who will &!"' rive next Tucaday for the annual lnataJJation of offt~rs to be held at the Ne'rJ>Ort Harbor Yacht Clu\ according to Barney Fran.c· que. president of the -t.ocal group. The-realty president-elect wilt be accdhlpanJed by Eugene P. Con- ser,;stale secretary, • Udall la coming to Newport Harbor direct from an ea.stem visit during the pat1l month ctl- ' maxed by the National Realty Convention at Clncln.naU, Ohio. Wuhington Committee. w I t h prominent buelne.sa leadera on cur- rent economic oondltlona. He la a nationally-known realtor, special- izing ln real estate brokerage and property management, and brtnga to his leader!!hlp of 'Callfomla ReaJtors during the enaulng yea.r a wealth of experience In this field. , . ' Balboa Bridge Winnen Revealed Mrw. Georse eurou and Robert Brawn were winntra eut-wect and Howard Brownell and J . r . MonUon were hl&h .core:ra north- eouth ln the dupllcate bridge gatne played ln Balboa on Friday eve- ning. · Runnere-up east-weet were Mr. and Mrs. AJexander Mitchell; Mr. and Mn. A. M. Tummel; Mn . ...,..., Rouuvtlle and Mra. Carl Be:l\IOft: Ji(rw. Charlee Jut.er and Mra. A. D. Wetherby; E. E. Bruce and Glenn. Ru.st. Runnera-up north • 90Uth wett Perry McAdoo and 0eo,... Mit- chell; Charles Jester and 4· D. Wetherby; Kn. Robert Brown and Harry Sprt.npeyer; Mr. and Mr•. C. H. Johmo.n; M'r. and Mn. Joe WUcox. Overall wtnnent in M9nday Af- ternoon game were M.ra. Cbarles Boardman and Mni: A.mold Gu- "Hr. Runners-up were Mrs. Robert Rau and Mra. C. E . lrvln; M:r11. George Carroll and Mrs. Amy Wol· cott: Mra. Robert Brown and Andy Mabley; Mra. E. T . McManua and Doyle Gilbert: C. H . Johnaon and Gerald McComber . . WKILlll: AJc AMAZ1ll:D ....... -'< oalu Ille• on-a,.,._., Kaye curttt1llJ tiarlq the._ beel, ••• al-U.. _.. ...;y ;., propue _,..._ i. the -te. of tine plotaN la_,. 8-11 o( dlji OoWMl'Od .&....., N-rt -b, wtlo WM MledM t. ~we Saye wlalle lie vlolted the tlllt -.(TPoplc LIPI ..... ) rr.W.... (U. S. Army Pho!<>. by Set-Thornu Weakley) ,, POI HR o·o .... v Coty Ciro Old S Colonia l De Dorothy Yerdle CAVE'S· DE ice •• • ' ' ' FOR HIM I Courtley I , kln9 '1 Men Old Spic e Sportsmen D'On ay Yardley MAR PHARMACY • "The P.rescription Pharmacy" ~ 0-l lloalevwd Corona del Mar Barbor ~ • " ' Partlclpaling with the local board in enterta1nlng the realty execuUve aTf" mernbent of the La- guna Beach and tbe San Clemente Boards. who are joining in one of the featured meetings of the year for local reattors. Winners of Muter Pol.JI.ta in Sunday8 game were Mn. A. D. Wetherby &nd Robert D\9Cl:\nPr playin} eaat-weait In Sect.ion A ; Mrs. Peggy Jotm.on and M~. A.m- old Gauer playing nortb-M>Utb Section B and Mn. Margaret Church and Mrs. Eleanor New- comer eut-west, Section B. SAM KINSFA THER .. ELECTED TO HEAD SEAFARING LODGE , . . W. J . Cowan Family Mom to lido Isle T ofedo Friends • "We feel extremely fortunate that Mr. Udall la vtstUng our com- munity ~arly in hlil heavy sched- ule of travel to lt>Cal realty board.I throughout California.," Fra.ncque said. Runilers-up eut-weat Section A were Mn. Charles Boardman and Mnt. Joe Wiicox; Mr. and Mra. Fred Johnaon; Mr. and Mra. John Dixon: Mr. and Mr&. J . Chrisney. Nortb-aoutb winne111 In Section A were not local playen. Samuel Klnafalher wu elect.o<t.,_ _________ _ Worshipful Ma.st.er of Seatarln& ''><'.!:i;'i4!o: .. We Intend lo Impress upon him lhr a.dvantagea of this area. the world's finest pleasure port. with fine homes and a great future In- dustrially in order that be may carry the meM&'e to other Real~ t ors throughout the state. Lodge No. 708, Free and Accepted "'''·~''' .. """ "We cordially invite the at- tf'ndance ot othf'r buaineaa and p roperty owners." Barney stated, "to hear Mr. Udall's Important me83age." Udall h~ bef'n cngagt>d In the real estate bus1neSl!I in Southem California for the past 17 years, with the exception of his four years' service with the Navy du.r- ing World War 11. He is president of the company which bears his name. located ln his own bullding In lo& Angeles. He ls a past presi- dent of the Lo& Angeles Realty Board, former reslonal vice preat- dent ot the California Ru..I Eat.ate AuociaUon, and former president ot the Aparunent Aasociatlon of Los Angele. County, Inc. Runner8-Up ea.at-we.st Section B were Mrs. Amy Kennedy and Mrfl Carrie Saunders: Mrs. Mlk:lred Lytle and Mrs. Fred Rounsville: Mr. and Mrs . Gerald McComber lying with Mrs. Charles J eeter and Mrs. Carl Benson; Mrfl Thoma.a Gill and Mrs. Catherine Smith. Runners-up north·south Section B were Mrs. Robert Di.8chner and A. D. Wetherby; Mr. and Mrs. J . Stahl; Mrs. Isabelle Patti.son and A-frs. Frank Toler; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lusk: John and Joe Wilcox Duplicate bridge players will meet next In Balboa on Friday evening. BOAT THIEVES A(,'TIVE A.wel C. r.oit, owner of North- wlnd, Udo Wharf, Friday reported theft of a galley atove, wrenchu, two quart.I Of liquor and $10 from the veaael, according to police. RESIDENTIA L-INDUSTRIA L-COMMERCIA L NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Muons, at the 'odge'1 annual elec- t ion of officers Wednead'Y ntght at Costa Meaa. He will aucc.ed Henry K. Deister, who served a• Worshipful Muter during lhe put year. Also elected to offices In .the lodge were Qeorge L. Bosley, sen- ior warden: Arthur Fttunon1a, junior warden; Howard R. Triuel, secretary and ~x .A. I b r I &" b t. t reJtSurer. Additional otficen ap. pointed by the new WorshlpfuJ Muter are: Raymond Nlehien. aenior deacon ; Vtrgil D . Smith. marshal: Oi&car E . Whit.. Jr., aen- ior steward; Donald Dungan, jun- ior steward; Hilmar R. Carlstrom. organist; Walter J . Peck. tiler: and Corwin D. Horne, cha.plain. Public ln.ata.llaUon ceremonler tor Uie new otttcen will ba IMlk' ,Saturday nlfht at the CO.ta Me88 Friday Afternoon club house, 81C' W. 18th 1t.reet, Coat.a Mea. In· stalling officer fOt' the 'evt.nt wW be w. Ben SOrrella, Laguna Beach. Worshipful Inspector of the 634th Maaontc district or Callfomla. wtth Edward L Moore. fi rst Worah.lp- rul Mutu of lhe Seala{inr Lodge acting a.a muter of ceren1onlea. Samuel K;nsfather lives In Co. ta Me1& and conduct.a a plumbing bualneas ln Newport Beach. He aerved aa aenior warden or Sea- faring Lodge during 1951 and was one of the group of Master Ma- .ona who worked to establlah a Muonle lodge In the Newport Harbor area. Sea.farin'g Lodge was cb&J'Ured by the Grand Lod~e of Califomla on Oct. 12, 1980. ScJ+. M. R. Hanks Back From Korea ZS0 -SOth St. Newport Beach Harbor 2'5s3 M .... Leo R. FUller, 513 Narcllo- ':::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~' 1 su.s Ave., Corona del Mar,_ lut : night welcomed home her aon. Sgt . .,_,._-------------------------1' I 1/c Michael R. Hank.a. who t etum- LIVING ROOM DINlNG ROOM NICK NACK8 BEDROOM LAMP SHADES WALL !IHELVES . Laguna Awning .& Maple Shop" '790 S. COAS'.f BL VD. LAGUNA• BEACH--43529 ed he re after aervtns 13 months 1n Korea with the Eighth Army. Sgt. Hanlta WU uaigned to Headquarters battery, :>Mth Field ArUHery Battallton. He left hen In Seplel'"l)ber, ID!K>, arriving ln Korea the eame month at which time be PW action 1n the fronl lines. particularly around Seou' and the 38th Parallel. Wben Sgt Hank• left the States he wa. • corporal. He ta a graduate or La· guna Beach High echool and San· ta Ana Junior college. A wteran of World War n. hf' re-enllated In Aupat., IHI and be- p.n ae:tvtce tn a med&cal anft When be got to Korea, be war tr&nllferred I<> Ute art.lllel'J' unit u he had eeen •IDillM' .,-.tee 1D World War-ll wblle wllll the nnt CavairY DIY~ SOW IS TBll TOO: 'lo reat ,..., -or l('L- l'IL ILUUIOa .... -,....,. ,.... w-... todall ~ ~1 , JO THE THRIFJY'· •'HoME OWNER! I - IF TOU AIL1ll: PLANNING TO 'PAINT oa ww-11m anmo. WHY ·JIOll' Mii' NOW AND SAVli DUJUNG 00. Ill.OW llADlt -•anN. , • ~ ...--------. l l:Gt.-Df800UJlT OJi ALL PAnm1-otm.;.Or-nr1S11UllOB. .-1Df OUMJS ;1r:JV p;Ell OOLOll& • , • t , • • • • N ffp•••n:; JUJfC'I' ··-· llM'I • HARBOR PAIT &-Will • • • I Kenn Rimas Buy Hardware Store Mr. and Mre:. Kcrm RI.ma have bought the Walsh Hardware store. 184.( Newport Blvd.. Coe:ta Mcmt from Frank and Millie Walah. Kenn Rima I.a well known lhru- out the harbor area aa he was fOT'- --IUllA merly in bue~ea:e ln Newport. Beach for a number·'ot yeara. A.ula:Ung K enn and his wife, Betty, will be Jim Buell and ' Mra. Loul8e "Mom.. Ba1lmEt. Tb e Walahe wUl ttmaln temporarily at the ato,.. I<> aid the 'Rlmu In eerv- tnc Harttor folk 1n u.,tr bardW&tt and~- Mna .MercllN •ls' to Hold o,.. Hollie Obie~ Dec. t4 Newcomen to Lido Isle &.."C Dr. and Mra. W. J . Cowan and their two chJ1dren, James Gordon. 21 rnontha, and Ian Geddes, seven mon~. He baa r<'Centiy become uaoclated with Dnt. T. P . Reeder aJld C. L. Smith. Dr. Cowan came here from Cold Sprlnc•. N. Y. where be practiced ror l&. yeara. A 'gT&dua.te of the Uni•eratty of Edinburgh and a. ll'e.llow of the American CoUegc of surgeon•. he wu one of the Iirst three America"" to volunteer for 8H"Ylce ln England during the war. Th'-re be acted u conault.ant sur- pon to the Minlatry of Health, Great Brfl&ln. hi old Reunion TEL VISION Asse.:nbllng a rroup 'ol friends, ' I ~~~~r~:r a '°;~..,.!°W:n'. ~~ .;c1 I . Mra. William Biro and E.,A. Mc· lT' T BLE MODEL Wethy of 222 32nd St.. Newport Beach. ente'rtalned recenUy with , a delighUul dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bird. who formerly r e 111 d e d on 99•s Flower SL, Ooata Meaa. returned 1 to the Harbor area Jut month after an ex\ended visit 1n Toledo. Bidden I<> the hospitality were LA 0 T T.E.' s :Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Ott, Mr. and Mre:. Clarence Baker and s o n George, Mr. and Xra. Ch a r I ea and Mrs. Harold Ravley and eon 1nr Harold Jr., Mr. and Mra. William C STA MESA ' . And. It wu in England that the Cowan.a met and were married. They are llvtng at ltl ZuMch. Tingley, M... Alpha Brown, Mr. Q~.._ Post Office Ravley and son Norman and Mr. and M ra.. Harry Clark, All or l l---'-------....;.---------------... Costa Mesa. ~i1R4 ~~~! / ' - ...~ D 0 D GI CUTS DOWN GLARE HEADLIGHTS ••• REDUCES DRIVING GIVES YOO PR01'EC1'10N NI $-~- ' . ' FATIGUE AND .· • " < ALLAROU?mf I • • • ! • • • • " .... '$.W,.tl1 .. AdvwntW Church .. uwwww tw•.1 "°" PASES -PART II THURSDAY,DEC:6, l9S I K.SpDlt .. ta ltlj( ..... ...,. "· ~ ...... •Air ....... -•. l < -•• ' ' .. tll Cl ft1 ~ .... IMo • ~ A " 1 "" -.... Gr "VllllM&l&I w. I" , ..... ,.. ....... I -.... °" .. P1'-ISS' -! a--•rt "i.. .c .._AM •• 1 '"' a& Gr .. , ;......, a m *1 ....._ ill Ilsa Ooaii -...,..,... tit UC. mrat1a el --WV as..t Ill.tu~ el -· 1--------.:.--f-----"-----'----- .. Chl'ist Churc:h • Cllf11111« lb the Creeks lo topic or °'\.be Rn. Tbomu Pendell. Baptist Church of Costa Mesa I apealdn.-l!Uncll>y at Chrlot CllUl'Cb Al the 11 o'clOCk WW10hlJ> Mr- by th• a.... Thia la the annwit v1,:e, Rev. P. o. Neumann will iiave Opportunity Service of the cburcll. u Ill• wbject, "Glory Tlll'OGlb Tile 'tholr will sin& Birthday of Buttering." Special mUOlc by the the King UK! Mn. Dolevan Fttltag cbolr. In the •venlns·at T:ao, ReY. will •Ing Tiie Roly City. Neumann'• wbjeq wllJ be the - lia w nl -9 ,.,. Cl9M at Iii M o 1 1• a " .,s •• -.,, a -1,r. , lfeou,..~ ._... 1 a.ta -0 • ll;J p dJ Dao, I, 11 L .... -........ .-....--!ta ...... _ Mmt:T••--NoW.M. ···~a• .. L. Art11 • ..,,. --...... to,....l'rak K.~ Tba -al et. J --IM;tlle ._ ---· w lmn .. uc.·--.., .... -ptlp-w\U -11mt on -v --'•--a\ a -ta .U. cate. ' ..... fw ....i-.... ,DI'. Ood. II>' • • - r· ~ •• ._ • -•--••-~ • Bio ~ IO lift ua --· l'iJwn <Buaal W l tin@&J' Dec. .9 at 7:IO p. m. In Ille cbUrdl. -.... • "'P ,. -.. af '°' WOl'd. tn Jt lo tJiie JU• _,IMlf!!IM: • a concert ot lacrod l1IUllc ID ,,,_. -In the llt cbapol at Ilsa -_ ., o..i ..,., i.. a..t A .,......., ., ...., w.... °'"'"11. no - Of'Y of O<lprp Mortbnu, tint or-QoodwllJ ~ OD W<iit ryi -· Flnt """"" .. CIM'tM.--re ,... .. of tbe clnUdl. na c11o1.r •Ill at.. with a ..... Blllinp pr111d--tt ta ta1t111a 11-u.. _., -......... _... . piano to ~" llils ftt :rear11 In tnr· Mn. Marlo ........ lod Illa a.. to do WllAt IC ........... lll)' Ulls -l'2a U'2a, N....,..t -bonor al Mr. llortWer~ Tile otrer--ill waa docldad to ,-__. -are ,...,.led, re-1,.J,.'7 ·._. ·-=-• ,,u a . .O. ......... ~-··1-..t ''"-7 ...... ~_1 11 .. ...... 1,,. p.-t.ed at Ut1a -rt WW the CIH1obllu putJ m Dec. 11, ........ --.;;-"' .., .. _ £ a tlaa ,, ..... . be -/.CW U14 0-MortilW In the~~. 1Cnl. HODlo lllo -<W Wont OI ute. ,.!.._~._~.:" ... at Ill - Mlft10lial 1A-7 ot IJacred M\IOlc. -and Mn. lftrtlt& l*lrq ...i:."' ...--... illllla llocl~ lo -1o J .. ~ !";;. ~ .!J Tiie concert will 11o _, Ille ell· will be -11011 &lld art.er Uio I\ w..-!t&J -" In direct· .., .... ,, ..-a,. -..... · ~ '°" . , - " S10CltS . . .. • • Q t:s11.._..,,,.. too ' ' • • ,J ' I • Ep!sc:opal · Women Meet Wednesday Ln the aertee of -n LI later than you thlnlc;' Tile mUt cbonla will render a number and UM WIU&1 slnS•Plratlon for the entire coqn. gltlon .. w "-the -- f'KUon of U. orpDLlt. Pearl blWn• ~ a lift ezchMp .. U. ':I: to form .. qr.# habit .~ C~ =:r ~ ~ S. ~'''"''"'"'1e-,.. • •1111.u • •1 w,..im.a . ..........,. will lie u fol-will llo a feaW... °'"'-~da~',11:_~~~1'Mdlq'.~~~·~_:--~R~_.~ ... ~~R~oa:::.:~==~~=-:1~=========f:==~=t::::::::::::::::~· Iowa: , An tn.iteu,a waa -4 from t11o -' • ... o.pn: rtnaJe.-">Jlopo mod-O&rdon Orovo Guild to attend • · • • . 'I "• The Women's Aux.Jllary of St. .Jame. Pariah wUI hold t.belr monthly meeting at 1 :30 p. ~. Wednelday, I>tc. 12 ln the pu- Llh bouae. Mn. Ruth Pattiaon, preSldent. wt.ll prettide. Tbe pro- pam wtl1 11.f given by Mn. Robert Horn, who .wW give a Christmas reading. Suncll>y ..,,_I --eo at 9 :46 with claaea for all acu. At 1:30 p.m. Prof. Walter w_. ed will continue hi.a c1au on Old Teatament llUdlea.. Th.la c.la8I l• open to tboae who are anxlou. to ~qua.l.!1l themaetvu wtlh t.beee acrlpt\irea. u well u the Sunday .chool teachens add offtCen ot the church. ~to"' from 8Mata NG. 2. hu.lllN. coafermce ln thatctt;yat the nnt TH EH E'S NOTH 1 ·1 1 · I ' I 'l ••· ~,::I~::::~ ~m=-~..: ::p= ':! l l·K E· A . 8 I 'CKE' ,I t·:_. manud .. , P•••n.,ns. with • din.no at. e:ao p. m. .out1d " . Pra~ P"'Je<:ta w111 be -· A.nthem; '"Greet Puce Have &!°"" beflN\lnl" the tour 7(n. • ' • • Tiley Wbldi Love Thy t.ew". J . ,...,. R<nlr<>W o1 thlt lndUeloles .t:',.'f' .IL f L. .I'· f D. II .I; ~.I ,,J Balboa 1.sland Methodist . Churc:h Dr. Harry White will ~ak on The Ught In the Darkneas thla coming Sunday at Balboa lsla.nd Community Methodist church. The topic i. appropr1aW to BJble Sun- day. \lera .. Williama w1ll sing Jesu, Bambino (Pietro Yon). Uit.3l Sunday aololst wu \Van-en Wbite. who song Steiner Cbrl1tmu aonp. St. Andrews Sermon Theme Thia coming Sunday ls desig- nated a.s Un1ve.rsa1 Bible Sunday and topic at St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church I.a "How to Read the Bible." The Re\'. Jam~ S. Stewart preac hea at 10 o'clock, with Sunday school at the same bour. Youth Fellowship will be at 6 :30 p. m. In the church 1ounge: • Thuraday evening at 7 :30 the p.-.f8e, prayer and BJble irtudy hour and at 8 :30 member• of the church will meet with the arc.hi· tect who will pre8ellt plarui for t.be propoaecl new sanctuary. Friday evening at 7 :30 the cholr will meet for thhir rehearsaJ. Friday afternoon al 2 o'clock &II the young folk.a ha vlng made re.- ervationa to attend lhe Younl' People's sno""·camp conference are requM:ted to be at the church. The transport&tlon committee pl&M to leav.!' promptly at that hour In or- der to gel lrlto camp before dark. For further pa.rttculara call Bruce Johnston, Beacon 869~. A very promising program i• beinl" plan- ned tor theee aeaston.a, u well u a ~lme of fellowahlp and recreation. God On ly Creator Is Sc:ienc:e Theme H . Ro«on : -. Zola Wrtcht. ........ lnlereotlng tell< on the be-FIT. tdl tll///111 IJ rlWlf, ·dl'llmtt'lq ~ • ; Jerey Hall. stnnln11 and tbo p-t wwlt ol 7 ~" . Orpn Of 1 or tor y : •'WhJte tile Ol'&alllutlon; M handicapped ti ' e1;:i-~~Au Thlna• Com• ol -:~~= ~m~:"" ~~ ::: 111 a sure, steat/y rit/1 011 l/J1 roatl I Thee". , communJUee rr-om Whit~r .outh Cantata: ''G&llia'', Gounod; Solo, to San Clemente. 1'be.tr weekly Zola WrtghL pay roll and bther ex:penMa run Paalrn. lrom $2800 to '2300 a WfflL Nunc DirnltU.. During the visit the grwp wu Prayera and Benediction. jolned by Mr. and Mrs. George Ruponae: ''To Tbff Before the Angne, head or the lnduatrie. ln Close of Day", Benedictine Plain-thla locale\ 10ng. Mra. Renfrow and her auiatanla RcceuionaJ: "The Day n.ou served iCf' cream and cake to the Oavest, LOrd, Ia Ended." Cutld •t the close or the nieettna. Organ: ''Allegro" from (\onata Attending were Meadamet Bill· No. 2 Faulkes. ln&•. Pearce, Howard, Eltubeth Members of the choir are : Irene Reed. Doris Wood,~ Janee, Boaomworth. Mr. and Mn. Dtck Ruth Barnett, Florence Jl'laberty, Campbell, Kenneth Cox., Mr-. and Eat.her Dodge, )U'Ud Davta, Klva M1"'8, Allen F\J'lh, Mr. and Mr9. H. Kipp, Virginia. Seal, Jennie Turne.r. L. -Oodwln, Kalhteen Gooken, Jer-ry fff'len Pohlman, Thelma Grlttlth Hall, Carol Mata. Iv)' Ormerod. and Gertrude Edick. Zola Wright, Jack Wilcox and Cerinl 1 Creeley. It ls hoped that the many frlentla of Mr. Mortimer wtU at- tend thJa program ln hla honor. Following the concer.t. the Rector and Mni. \\'h-eeler are enterta.Jnlng the choir for SUpf>'.Cr at the rectory. . . Young Catholic: Plan Carol-fest . .. • ' • •• .. • St. Jam~s YCL to Present Olio The 3rd Annual Presentation by the youth of St. Jamef!! Parilh ot their famous evenings entertain· ment and Olio, will be given this year-on Sunday evening, Dec. 16. in the 'parish house, commencing at 8 p , m . The Olio is under the direction or Y. C. L. ·advisor. Frances (Mrs. A . Alexander) Hamilton. Ttc keta may be secured from meniben of the" Y. C. L. or from Mn. Hamilton. The practical Bigniflca.net: or the fact that God ls the only cause and creator will be considered l.n the Sunday Je680n-aermon In aJl Chrlatlan Jkle.nce churches. The Golden Text from Genesi11 declare11 "In the beginning God created the heaven ud the earth" (1 :1). Luke'a Gospel record!!I that Jes- us "entered into the synagogue and taught; and there was a man Newport Harbor Lutheran Churc:h who8e right hand was withered. "Christmas Joy and Peace" will And lhe ecribe.s and Phariaee• be the theme ot the aermon th!J: watched him, whether he would Sunday by Putor Herbert C . ft.olh . beat on the sabbath day; that they The sermon text iJI Romans 16:4· might find an accusation against 1.3. A double -feature Chrl.lrtmas 1lng. to which membera or all Catholic young people's clube In Orange county are being invited. will be Apon.aored Dec. 13 and Dec. 23 by the Cava.Iler club of St. Joa- chim'• pa rt ah tn Co.sta Mesa. President Nabiha Anton announc- ed today. • The Dec. 13 party will begln with serving of potluck dinner at 6 :30 p. m . In St. Joachlnl"a parillh hall, followed by practice of the coral 'arrange.n1ent. which the combined clubs will aing at the Cava.tier outdoor carol-te•t Dec. 23. For the second event, mem· bere of lhe varloua clubs wtJl meet at e :so p. m. at the pe.rilh hall to leave at 7 ror alnglng In the &rea. They will return to the hall for a Chrlatmu dance and exchange of ~-cent gift., men · bringing rift. tor men, women gift. for women. &wl U. UN"'°" Willing ride of all! Ride Oldamobi.le's IUJ:uriotu "98" and ride the "Rocket" at ita glorioua beat! RiM the •mootb, 1wift •ur«e of "Rocket'' po,.,er that nwttpti you ahead ol trallic! RNle tbe."Rocket" oo the o~n rqad-atrong and •ure oo straight- away and curve-a brand new thrill u you top every bill! Tbi.. ia true higb-compre.ee.ioo po,.·er, "Rockft" F.n&ine pown-... paired wit.b the autom•tic magic ol014smobile Hydre-Matic•! See your Olduuobile dealer and try thi.a magnificent car! RUie Old1mobik'1 ~ "98"--,-ou'JJ JilOO«I' a new aJventun in mo1orin,J 0 L D S M ,0 B I l E St. James Vestry to Hear Cost of Educationa l Plant him. But he knew their thoughts Sunday school meeta at 9 ;30 and said to the man which had a .m . with cJasses for a.11 ages. the withered hand, RIM up and Adult Blble 'study meet. •t thls at&nd tortb 'In the . mldat--a.rtd bour for-parent.I and aJJ interest· looking a.round about Upoll them ~ trre .... bu.1 ~.-UCJll eay all, be sold unto the man, stretch' be arranged by calling Beacon forth thy hand. And be did ao : acd &OM-W. his hand wu restored whole u Our 9Chedule of chur-ch actlvt- the other" (6 :8. 7, 8. 10}. ties thll week la as followa: Mon- ln ''Slee.nee and Health with Key day-7:30 p.m .. senior choir re- . to the Scriptures" Mar-y Baker-~ea.rsal ; Tuee<lay-8 p.m., area Eddy aa:yw "Our Master treated Congregational meeting; Wednu- error through mind. He nenr en-d&y-7 ;30 p.m., Bible study hour: joined obedience to µie laws of Roman 11; Thunday-8 p.m .. Wo- nature. It by theae are meant men'1 Misllon Society: Saturday- laws of matter, nor-did he uae 9:30 a.m .. bake aale at Alpha Bet.a drug•. There b a law of God att-Market; 9 :30 a,.m., senior cate- pUcab1e to heallnl{ and it la a splr-chlam cl&a; 9:30, cherub choir re- ituaJ Jaw' instead or material" hearsal; 10:30, Junior-choir re- hearsal: 8 p.m ., area Congrega- tional meeting. , Stull Services · t o be Held Tomorrow The Vestry of St. James church will meet tor Ila regular month- ly meeting Tuesday. Dec. 11 at 8 p. m. in the pariah house. Pri- mary order of buatness will be to formulate pla.ns for the annual parl&b meeting to, be held ln Janu- ary. The rector will appolnt a nominatlhg committee to present names to be elected to the Vestry for 1952-3-; term. Wm. Holateln will give· the final report to the Vestry on the construction coat of William Samuel Stull of 1~40 St. James educational building. J Santa Ana Ave .. COBta Meaa. died Tuesday at Park Hospital. Long L d f M C I Beach. Services will be conducted a Y 0 t, arme Friday at 2 p. m. in the Grauel N$'W .members received Into the church thia past month are Mra. Elna Barrick an:d chJJdren, Don- ald and Lind&: alao Mra Ellae· beth Dutro and children, Kenneth, Jr., &nd Susan and James. The church ta open daily from 9 a.m . to 9 p.m. for prtvate de- votion.a. Putor'11 office hours &re Crom 9 a .m. lo noon daily tor pri- vate penoa.1 CO\Ul.lelin.g at the par-- ~n11ge. next to the church at 1027 Cliff Drive, Newport Height.a. 1 AA1 8 lb A Chapd with the Rev. C. F. Hand .,., a Oa V8 • officiating. Interment will be in I WE"stminster Memorial Park. Mass SchedWN A native of Nebra.ska, Mr. Stull Sunday at 8, 10 and 11 :30. w~ ~9 yean of age. He had lived Week daya, 8 a. m. ConfessiORs. in the harbor area for the put Saturday, 4 to 5:30. 7:30 to 8 :30. five years and until hla Illness h&d Sunday, before each mus. Balboa worked a.t Laguna Be.a.ch aervlce lsland, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur-station. Handel's 'Messiah ' at Coast College Sunday Ahemoon day, 8 a.. m. Confeastons, a&me u He is survived by hill wife. above. Ruby; a daughter, Elayne; h1a Radio Propama mother, Mrs. Mabel Stull; aJI of DaJJy, except Sunday, ROM.ry the home addre..; a brother, hour, KFWB (080) 7:30 p. m. Harry A. Stull. and family of Vet- For peace, ron, Wyo.: two siaten:. Izetta On Sunday aftei1oon, Dec. 8, at 3 o'clock, the combtned church choin of the H&tbor Area and the Orange Coe.at CoUere choir wU1 pruent Handel'• "MeMtah-'' TM 200..YOtce choJr, under tllie' dlrectlon of Yi4itlng conductor Davtd Youni, out.et&ndfn.s choral director In Southtt1l ~lfomla. wUI &I•• thla tndlt.lonal Quist· maa oratorio ln the Collece aud.J· .tort um. Sundaya Bedient and Grace Galusha, both Holy Ma.u, 9 :06 a. m., K'LAC or Nebraaka.. (570) 11 a. m. Catholic Hour KFJ: ----~-- (8401 e:•o p.m.,KGFJ <71o) 'Hour Patriotic: Meeting of St. Ftancle CUdlnp o& otb.era. Comm. Methodist In observance of Unlvenal Bl- ble Sunday, lhe Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt. mtnlate.r of the Corona del Mar Community church, will preach next Swlday on the aub- ject, "Cod gave lbe law." Thia iii: the second ln a sertu of Advent eermona on "Ood'a Stewa.rd&hip." Two services a.re held each Sun· day at 8:'46 a:m. and 11 a..m. Tbe cbape.l cholr will aJng at &:•~ a.m., D l c k I n • o n s' "Whlle Shepherda Watched Their Sheep." 1'be chan- cel · c.boi.r WW alng at 11 a.m. Bach'• "Brealc. Forth, .o !Jeaute- oua Hea .. nly LICbL. Mv:r Bat· ten Steffen.en ditecl.t both c:taotns With MUS&ftt llcharle at the °" gan. The lllP ochool Pll&1lm re0ow- a111p ..,_ coffeo and -pnuta at tho ..,i of both eerrie ... Tllq al8o meet at 7 p.m. for - WQntUp Ud bUldne•. Sponsored by County Methodists The On.nge County Metbod.lat ~ .olotmte have bee meJeeted Unlon; coropriolng ail the llotho-t-. Oni>~count,r s1n1m '!'¥7 dla"' ot the county, llolh l<lymen Include oopraoo, -La Rue and mlnilllen lo spon.soring a Morpn ol Bente· J\aa; C<J01tral,to meeting for-tbe general public I.a YvPnne Van . Liew, ot Oranp; the Communll7 Ile~ Church 0-... Albert OUk, A•abelm and In Coote M-, Monda7, Doc. lOL ae -acoloiat. WMle7 l(az_.i. al 7 :30 p. rn. . Llo,,S Holqrale, woll - Al that time they will p...,.t m"*lan of Orup -ll' Ud the well-l!nOWn ~.,., Jack J . out.llt.....,•s ...-toflo ~ MWer, w-SUbl°"l will be: "The 1'o. been .iecu.f 0. orianJA for Menace ol Co!"ftmdhlsm In tlle i... ---· -Vast ~ Stele of caJlloml&. • llJIO'fl'lt tor her ~-·.-p1..,. Mlller 11u tor a Jons uine been 11t1c Mllltles, ~ 11o at u.. . .,.,.. executlvo -retuir ol tlM ~-\-1lou<I o( tlle l1'Uld piano: ....,, at.eel nrm .... a1 QrUp County lui• ~ _ ·-ot ~ Wblle Jn lb&t .. ~ Mo ~ 91. ,lJldrwwa ~ -.. '17 acl!Ve In tn...up.ttnc ~ wtll ...,. u...-.-and expool•& OomimmlOm llotre. :rn cllolra of u,. Harllar -'- He bu boon In ~ ..... and u a -Jolnll!s Willi Ille 0...-CW dopealler on !be -Jecl lla-ria& ad-,"vD p -to pr +at -p.t --ldYlct, !NlHMI ... -. 'nlle ·li<Ulo -• lal and c1uarch poup&. " • pr 11 ntatlaa ot • Ht« t st" ., ~-... 117-p.-..S Ollo_,_.._ ... _ _. • l.050 11&.t.al ll08PftAU'tY to twd RCftta'1 I• an ot 8outlt· mHm .c1te IW Md a "f SJ Mt. -Mn. cad Melnt.. N>d ttll <?allfOn>la for Illa -~ ~ .,_ lo -· 1 ' .... a tae .... ....,.__ -oe aadf ~ of i..tlba A~ to Ula -'Eli lie lo ..... to -~ 111t a.ta-._, ti 1-s ..._ ---......... tlfle ............ ~ -lllo:r -......, i-,.. --:"" --· ---· ~ SI) 7 Ed -.,.,Mr. ad Kn. Uon .. ii ....... 9lllf..., ft. W"' ,. eme .,, 11.,.,.....,..,....,.. p._.,._.,....,._. am a ~.-.,• -...... ,Ula I I 4& te Git 11111 • !Ins '4K I I 2 A ...... ... ., ••• ·rn .,. ~n..fn&-•Mn1e t1.-. -0::?1J!,1 1b ... ez ... • '-,.~.·-. .fta ~ ... Ill\• ·a••• --· --... ...........,.. .,,,.,, Cs.,,,.,. ... -ft.a. ' For the poUuck -pracUce Dec. 1 '4 . women gueat.3 are u.ked to bring a hot d!sh, ulad or de.aaert, wtth men brlnglng rolll, butter or-relishes, each to tumleh hie own table service. Th06e from parlabes where reservation hu not been made through the ~ club planning to participate on one or both occulona. are uked to phone Beacon 8787-J\ or write Menv Hel1ley, 216o& Rural Pl., C011ta Mesa. Ml31 Anton le general chatrtnan ror both events, aaaisted by Miu Germaine Graf and Gerry Shannoo on the n!fr-eahrhent committee. Mi.N Dorothy Townsend and Chu. Evleth, entert.a:runent. committee. Six-Year-O ld Observes 6irthday Sixth birthday an.nivenary of Suean Yountone, d&ucbter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Youratone, 300 Fktwer SL, Costa M.eaa. WU the incenltlve or a happy t e 11 t l v l t y planned by Mre. Yourllone tor a C'T'OUP Of )'OUDg follt. A red and white color scheme prevalJed and Ice cream uid deeo- rated birthday calce were aierved as climaxing feature of tbe a.tter- noon. On hand were Steven Your .. 1tone, Nancy Lort.i.r, Dena wtnd· aor, Pe.rt Conner, Janet Spe.rma.n. Diane Davie, Patty and carol 1Ae Cato and Tt:rT1 0xarart. ' Sii YOUR NIARISJ OLDSMOllLI DIAL I • -·~ ·-~~.CQ~ER..,.-~O~ ll~T .B .:.~q. '•I" " 2481 Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH -OH llllYISIONI CI S NEWS WITH DOUGLAS EOWAl.DS-MONOAY THlU FRIDAY AT S '· W. STA.TIOH KHX-T. CHAN Grand to give:~ and to get ... AN ELECTRICAL GIFT! For refres hi ng rest, a.1,1 year long: electric ~ coverings Stt your tkdrical applianct dtaltr now! SO UTHERN CALIFORNI A EDISON CO Pho11e Beacon 6441 · k L l . COUITESY. OF YOUR OLDSMOPILE DEALER...! Cl ·. '"· -I v j . , . • for tt.e • ' • Bay • I • I' I I I Power Squadron Piloting Class Set 'for Jan. 21 ·. TM •~ tor the bqlnnlns o( tlle 1Prlnl' pllollnr claa lo being -by Balboa fowor l!quadron at 7 ::W p.m. llond&J. J&JL 2J at Newport Harbor Yachl d\lb. Thia coune, r;lwn twl<e a ;pear by the local squadron, la lree and open to all men and w~ ·'Dien lnteruted in learning more about ooat1ns. Inatructore a.re alt vohmteera, t:ra1ned in their wbjecta and e• pecla.11,y selected from the mem- berablp of the equadron for their '&blllt7 to teacll. Cw'tlll ~ o( ll&J.a.o& lt11nd 11 In chaf'l'e Of tbe-< coune. No adftneed ebf'Ollment ls~----tb• e•-tlca, glwtt at the e<mclU- alm of tbe JO--courwe, ...,. •llslbl< to join tile oquadron. 'no. tall claa la conclUdln&' now and wm be uamlMd next Moe~ . ' day af1!rt. Dec.· JO, Inatructon haft -Joeeph Guerin, Ra.y D<mAk!. GeNld Sparb, c. B. Knk:llerbocker, Unc001 CI a r k , u.r.hardhlm,Jun .. Edwanllo &Ad Qartlo Dool>. The cluo meeto Mo.-, nlabta at N"-Barbor Y acllt chib and it attended u..ua.1- Jy by 100 men and wOmm. The mema..ntltp l>f the eq\l&dron and of Ule c-.. Is usually aboUt half and lla1f ..n ...a power bo&t people. olnce tbe cou ... lo ot equal In-and "111\le to both. It ln- cluclee tbJ: .tundamenial. every -wbo a-on a boot -uld Jaww, .UC:h u .rety, &Ida to navt- ga.Uon, !'elC'Ue at aea. anchoring, boat law Md regulatiooa, d!stneo alpala. -paT!gatlob and'boat handJln&', light. o( boota and flop and lll&ny other undenrtand- abk and uatuJ oubject& ~ ~ 19 commander of u.. local ~ ..... of 130 ~t the natloCI. Herold Holta 11U -. electeil commutdor tor UGJ and will t&Jre office at the MXt meeUna of t.be equadron to be held at Newport Harbor Yacht c~b. Thund&y, Jan. 24. • Pi Phi .Pfiogtam by New Member ' Blodgett New NOSA President Kn. Amun Sturtevant en!«- ,, Wned 8o1lth Cout Pl .Beta Pill More than 100 membel'I' of tlle AJum-.ae -ckll> kov, 18 at btt Newport Oc•!'Jl 8alllnS A .-:la--· Jn Balboa. .U.latlft&' boot .. tlon dined at' the Salbo& Bay c.lUb Jut. 'nl\IH<l&y eveatns and held ~ --.. waa Kro. Georg• H . thelr annual election "of Ofncel'L JtOOl"e. -Seven1-l members we.re Harry Blod~ll. retJrin&' commo-~-. dore of the Balboa Yacht club, Prqsnln waa stven by a new wu elected ~t to· 1ucceeU member, Kn . .Jobn Bnetalnpr of Harry McKJ.nney, Jr. Lac'aa Beach. She LI a former Clift Chapman wu elect..i .--...,. ..... ol 9'nta Barbara Alum- retary. VICe-pt.idelllo pe Geo. -ql\lb Uld' ... ta)<en an act! .. Mlchaud, Udo Isle Yacht club; part In belJMc the n-ly fonned Paul Ketleilburg, San Diego Yadlt Pl Phi ~. calilomla :&ta at club; &Dd Paul Hiller, Los Angele. Sant& Barbara 'C&lft:P"a. Yacht clutt. Tile boar4 of dJrec-A.a chat.rrrian of the alum.nae ton i. COlllp09ed of deeorp L. CTOUP Pe helped Tal9e money for Carrjngton, Udo hJe Yacht club; ttae new cbepteT home and lt.8 RtchUd Jrenton, Balboa Y&dtt turalahlnp. She wa.. ai.o a mem- club; Ian Murray, Newport Har-bu ot th• cl>.&pt.,. ~ board, bor Yacht club; Fred SmaJ-. Bal--*Y 01wnme helped g!rlo In bo& Yacht club; and Dr. Sal~ llnim>W., tMb' ~ bablta oo Monaco, Newport Harbor Yacht tlM -. W tb• campu. In • . ' I~ ~s 'o occ ~ti:~' ~·for Army ~ B&l<inS and a.cor&Ulllr Chr!at- maa cooldea will be d........u,ited by Mro. Kay Gtboon &lid .Mn. Huel Stepbena at the .Dec:. 10 .....uns of tho -Ben., Hommnakero ohlb, In the home of Mn. GlblOn, W. Jeth lit., ~ MHL At the JalMl meet.Ins of u.e club held With, Joyce Hlj:tler, Jl79 Park Ave., Marian PreUa, 1lonte adVJso<, dlacwoed-Kome ~ m.-. Membera TUted to con.t:rll:IOte a certain 8UJn for ua tn equ.tppq tbe new eo.ta Mea .._.,,_ llar- ;.. 'Uldt.d .... ~ 'llU 1\:.--~ . ,,.,. '•• awaMtq ...-. WID PRJ:I · ... ,,, • 1"1•1••"' tbo WNl 11• Set for TCQdtt' -WW, "11'.''IM', dlem'Ali1 ~ _.. • tr s n oe torpm &ctiorcllllC te ..... •pp •llKl81M8t trom 8laUI 1!.19'/ ~at.tho~ ., .. ~. ' Tiie ooiiunJulono, Nnclnl' Im' .-from -ueui-t to capt•tn, nwru1re no prior eervtoe ta reccwn'_, eoJJece Ud .:>me ex· por1nco • u.e .,.c1a11rec1 lk!a tile "1llltaey, JM • ~ -• aft WSW")'. Each ,.at ot Coln• ' ,._ ....... toe audy at • ...,.,... -ooDese will -u aj>orl- -tor )llP• rank. -Moro than 100 vaconelu wUI bO nb.d by appUcant.o rrom tba e!Sht wMtun .tatea ot the Slxlb Army -v-. .-pt -..r lAe!r _,.., •' 'IV the oe.w ~r wW be or6orod to ~"9-dllty for a 'porlod Of -,_.. with a 3Godo,y cie. ~ prior to reportfns ror acuve ditty. . -thly I*>' and allowancei for a mpt&lft with .bO dependent. and ao .,.-military -total '430JIO; with clependento h• re- oet-'"6.llO. lllnCI• tint U•u- ~t.o with no pnor mllltary oer- nc. ud no dependenta receive pay ud allowuceo of PM.88, while U.. w1tb dependent. ..-Ive SH3M. Tbe monthly pay and &J. laW'aaou -of 99e0nd Heutenant8 With ao pdor rnllitary oervJeo ud ao •1...-Aenta tow 131a. n, wtaue Utoee wftlt dependent.a receive '330.711. In addition, tb< Anny w1U tum.s.h a buic allowance for the purcllue ot uniform.a and will mon the new officers' tamtlle. ud poi OOOAI poueuton.o to ,and ... -.. permanent duly tit&UOlll at pvenu:nent expe.n.e. QvJ.Scout hew4 1"-No. S1I ZBdO,_Bro......., I-•: Mn, Es (., A-., Kaie U.... 100 . NP.-latlft dU.U ot' Orup Co&at J- (lollap 'w meet-• taelat''t; ~.-.......... aitbo Ool1op trult--~ Uc! fa<ulty t.b dlseUIO ttie pro- -of Oran«• eo.at ·~. Walter· X • Loftlmoor,. •truot .. from Newport -1'.· will pre1'e at the -.-rneel:!llc to "'1· io.·. . In commenttnr 1!" u.. ,...,,... Of tile mttttnc. umpoor --. ''Oranp Cout Collece belonp to u;.~--........... t tbcl to --la ..... On. .::~=== policy P'l""'nlnc' tile Mure • at Oout Colllege." Dr. Bull H. 'P.U.-, preol- dent or· Or&ns• eout °"°""' wtn p-f-~ to th<, srowtll and tlMn<lng o< ll!e col• lep. lie will &loo ...;ort .. th< bulldlnS-- 0.. J&mft W. Tllomton.. Ylce- p-~t, w1ll "-:fbo --..... an ~n of ·llle lMtr9ctliona1 pr:oerun. Dr. BUI 3. Pl-.,, ... alltaat ._m-t, wlll 1rip>rt ':',.;,~ =.r.: Oillep l"ollbwlng ~.1>7 mem- lien of .tbe &din~ 'llatt, tb ... will bo•-ond.quN- t.loft period. Durtns dinner, DNOlc Will be pruented by ~ ~ "81ns· Ing Wallen" under U..-<llrectton o/ K-' D. ..,_ttdlel'. The "Slngl!lg Wal~" are memlien ot the llleri'a Glee ctyl>. ' ., I I . .... ., ... ' 'M ••trtW'aH ,~ Asift6t ... tr'IJ '.·, • . .,., ......... . .. , .............. . )l&a,mpq A tdi' 'f J In.,,,,, •• o..q t 9.zG. : • " ... ' -•. .oo .: NEW Nt71t8.l'&Y O"PEN8 club. ........_.,_ Dey <!Ull• !JP from Joe ElUa announces the opentng Chalnnen u.d committee. weH n-.r U. '9ottum of. the lilt,, ~ of bl.a new eerve yourself nuneey, tq>polnled for the Newport-Erme· atd, W'Mlt to the top and ·.u.yed \he Garden Center', tor S&turday, nada raoe wtlich ta to be run Ill 1-re. J<>rl• -will be In chl.rp ot det&lls tor thla project. A cam- mlttee wu appointed to tab bl~ r;ltta and corda to .. elduly p&Uent In the Oran.,. County '->ital. Comprtatnr tho committee ""' Mma Betty L&u- rtn, H-1 Steplma, Gloria TUft8 and Joyce Hlrtler. Meet l n g date8 ha.Ve been chansed to the oecond Monday of each roonth. Kn. Blrtler .ened r-efl'8hmente to Mmee. Pre.nU-. Glboon. Tutta, Morjorie lladcv. Stephona, Dortby Forbu, Laurin. Mary S..be, Rae Buell. ~ Robert.a Copenhaver and Betty ~. Under thelr leader and ualst- ut, :w:ro. Ralph ll<tcheloon. thMe B"""1i• have ~ ahtny orna- mente tor their Christina. trees. Ahlmtnu.m milk bottle tops &re fUtmed with cotton and lrrfr:ht yam. the printing being covered wtth ttnpr paint. Recently invest- ed Md hard at work on Ch1'lJ'!mu 1 gttb are: Sa..odra ~e Abner, Lor- e~ C&rswell, CN'dre Ra.en Conl./ 8'1dpt HWlMl<•r. C&.rolyn lllcli- ellon, Patricia Pilchard, Nancy D. SmJtb., Linda Stevens and Nlkk.1 A WOliClea ful Che:istl'nell 'Gift for All The Fau1ily! bee.. a. Open house wru be held May of 1t~2 for the a1xth coneeou-The.re wru ae no December Satunla.7 and Sunday with guut. tive time. Beside betnC' Ule tarl· mMiltC' &ltboqtl M!ftr&I manben •tu pnlen experts, Joe UtOe-eat, ln • tonnage and number of ve plann.tac to terw tea or cOf- f.leld of tbe Red Star Co. and Mi-entrtee of any oce&n race in Uw tee ift thetr , hOlllM ~ friends f"&Dd)' at the Band.fni l"ertllizer world, the E:Jl9enada race LI the may lefJ the ~ hancltcra.tt Co. Cof'tee Will be eerYed. and the only annual lnt~tkaal yacht t't'unl Ute ~ eetUem.enl pultbc .. brvtted to visit thbl mod-NC~ ..in.-. America.. ......,._ Tlltl mU8 Wlilque U\d em JNnery. 'l'tie Garden Center Each year the nuritber ot con-d~ Ckrlstmaa preeent.a. Th~ .. -ed at 915 Coaat BIYd., teellng -ts .... -u.. January -~ Wiii M In th• R<Mllta come tmm canotlllt Conm& de1 Kar, rfetl:t nut to the number entered in the pnTtou.I a.iame of ~ .Dnenon Kllhor ln Pl'acUce! An ad Nplarly ln tb1I ,All~~~A~-~--~~~~llJ~O~l~-~e(.~·:..__~~_:...!~Y'l"IJ'0.~~_:_•~•~·__:~~-:;:_•~··~~-~-==-~:!.3:14~S".!li~~-~·~,~-eJl,~-~·-'~-'·~~~~-p&~per~-wUJ~-prodllOo~~~""8it.~~-fl>r~-)'Cll.~ Merriam. ~N•U Z.SG...s..Browm.. ?llet.t. WedDelday a.m.. • • • British Motors, Inc. IN NEWPORT HARBOR -Under the e.n1esaive leMlershlp of Mr. Fre.ok Wishon, Br\ti8h Kotor Inc. brings the famoWJ Iqua!' dn to thia comm.unity, A complet. line of cars are Oil dlilplay at ell times. Complete · stock of parts is m&.intained here; eervlee 111:perf~ 1ly factory-trained mechanica. • 1MiU.U M.ulC VII S.U.OON. n.e . ..u.-Britisll Jacuu Mark VU is~ by dwic -II itJliq .•• bMd- aafled lppoillhmlts ••• &Dd ............... 1'bc Mart VllSedalliapoweredM!hlheaame b-1~ ' ~ n ... e aslheXlt..120Sporta. • • JoWJll& Di-I» ••r a. ....... II t I tr IFf:• .. '* ... ....... , ...... I .. Pl ll''P .. )ci 0 w .. tllE't 61 ' . ' I • IMJUAllXl:-120. -n. xit.120 5l*ta aJ•1•>, ..._. s'bt '11•*¥'1.-wilh--.-CJ ' Lllaldor c.. .... ''141 •-4!orpcocluctloe-.tuu.a. ,. ....... :xx.air• ....• .,...,rat 'bllllJ, ... •-'•"'*-*"· ·JAGUAR. CAa. Al'a .CaA&loSW B, LTD. • C v ...... '"""" .... • • , • ntth meeting brought the Brownie Pfn9 to these girli9 of Tr'oop No. 44 ~Pamela Arche r, Kay Andttws, W endy Blair, Patricia Jl'ort'Ml, Patricia Frisby, Nancy DMcoo, JUI D&vlo, Helen Manak, Wanda Westring, Priscilla Venn &.bd J~ Reeder. They have spent their preYiOQ meeUnp getting acquainted llJld doing-handcn.tta. Plne cones gay with silver p&lnt were ao successful that lee.vu with s liver glitter will be next meeUng. ""-No, 'Ill ttb Grade 8.rownJes J l.Aader: Mr&. L. Ora\.·~ The ten girls of Tt-oop No. 25 b.aYe p1"0\'e'.rl t.Mmaelves top sales- mell by aelling 42 or tbe Qtrl Soout C&lcndars. In their meetinp they have finished tooled leather Jlcy c:ue.s and attracUvely stencil- ed cocktail napkins. Mary K. ftet- me:lr 1.8 a welcome new member to tbls busy troop which meeta at Mn. Gravea' home on BatbOa Is- land . New 'Scout Troop on Balboa Island The tnducuon ceremony and gmeral meet:tnr wu conducted re- cet1Uy by Scouta of Troop 81, Ba'!- -Ialand, at the Methodl>t Com· muntty church. Ttie· enthwd.um -by the formation of the new troop was evtdenced by a JOO ! per cent turnout of parent.a.. ecout.J pluo many trtenO. and relo- .~ new troop wu. a.sst.t.d illl t)leir fll'lt ceremony by memtN:r• of Troop G, 'Ne~ -.:b *Ith Bill G1beon, 1M'et•n.t 900Utmalita, ocUJISUIUtnctor . F.-.C tbo _..maty """ aW11rd14 .,,.......,..._ bUsW to 1f of tho .,.., there -• -1.....i eai1t•nc bqdlect-b)' u.eir -&lldablo~Joa • sn.ra-u. ,,... "'"'tin' -eel el aatMe.1 .. --. ot_thl M• plus for Major neta ...., • 111M9,--~ T po. J• llri4I 77 "" arl_..,. .ftaT ... ---~ .... ...,. . --ll&ft •It II: Nd -..-Meem 19 U.U w a.Gp ....... ' ( -to ... """ of the llNt .. ta& -. ~ • 'INa't• --= Jim ........ l&en Ott? ...... 8 I A JJ s la Bl..._ Dae ......_ -11 .. ... Qlla -· -· '"' twt QI p'pp( D • W D fmic Jla a. -. , _, •tzts•>· ml* ~ ....... ·:=~~; G :i::..,o .... ~)Mt. I ' . -. RICA-ll!D11--Ll. •• ~. ~ plctn.i,..;,.. new Jlzatloit.ck J"oow cm a~ •twll-¥1ew' Ul&t -·.ii the .......... WIU.Ut <"1UaJ litf,.<!ii ... ~ ~-.-.. ...... ,..., __ _...,.'9. ~ M'J' •Of • ....artat, rcftntod Jllllt pte. - •alliiipL-! .. , 1'* ~ v.._,. •'+a 111M9 ....., of -&lid ..... la l*rfOet'JilldL. .. _ " -""*s autezu•u,-~ t:a&h -a.i U4" ._ -ooOdtoL ,.. t.e sot .... ' ' --••tlizi ' ' • 'tbat:• .iii , , m&O'ID1lL •• ",t fl mt•st II dp .t vtPdtM~ ~== pc-IMwf to a ,. ttf .,..ft&;la11 Fl ' '• , • • With aatltfaii m1J111 • JI *!, . ... • . COLONIAL · MAPLE CA•IT . air.x -..... ' ~ . . I • I ' " I ' . • • • i I '· ' ' • • , • ~Drery ~Its L L I 1 let Uled .Trade Schoo l Fb lk Nell M&rbar j angs P'ietwe ·· Must blt Returned ,_ X.•• Du••i•M H~re and Thei:e Visits Hunt ncfi ita lag~no G.aJlery , CDM 1111•11111 S.. Jet A1r1•11k a1w llul lloala tJ ~ dol Mar All old -as. 11111117 -. · • , 4 ·, • Mr& -~ di.I 11-• '1'11111 U.Ut wu fair play o-NeD llartlupr, 1 lb.pie . !iO\ve Parker, ot ~ 1 --', ... W lo ~ -.., -u.ai U1>ru7 lft of C1ui1CJW _,, WU ploo-the 'l'bullocl¥111S bni\!117. with l!lcl a-.e, bu nt...-a ~ ~ Bal-!•NI, - - L1 --..;;.....----------. ~-...,,---------111111«., .,.,... & u.i TJI. -'If ....... -be roU&rMd -lotft ed lft -t ol lloe --J.11.ad and J-LeJI-CCJi!l>q here -t b\ Palm 8fl'lllp , ll:I ~· loll;! .. art -- STATE HIGHWAY. 'Off_:l~AL'S ........ -UIQ' i;:=. Ulan -7. Doer 1&. TIM llllr-Pwt .omc. Lut•8-J, ... re-r.--rel l'leltl w,lllle tro -............ in --J ' •,l.l'Ylngilraadt. tor tbe.. All . --·----ror -. ...,. wlU be -to !be public ..... ~ ror doa&Uou i..ard u.o Kn. J-Allen --'rilll· terlal lbr ... -·uw .tlnje_ bp been oelect.d to - -..-Uc& _... ,..._ -w °"' l1rel of u.o 1"&1'· Aft«< the coot ot -.Uq MadDo • .,..,,... ed Mr. Allen. otud<nt at. U.. In-_.. In the ~ alley the of ]Iler plctwa buns In Ille La· • • • ~-~I ~ a.,,uac -. llollda,., Mntc. will be ,__ In 1ta ,anaual drw ol ..-..i Um&Uonal 'n'ade ochool. ao -. loeal writer called "" &I'd Jira. &"ll& Beach Art Gol1er7. ,_ -lGREE ON ROAD fASEMBf S U-. _,. jolDod "1 .....,. par-ac.-llle itn<t. abaft Jled ~ la.Jd7 . · u.., Ldl0¥"11L Tiie. 1u1-aloo IClwood 8-. formerl of Costa bi I• water color plctun ot tlltl I eata Wlllc:hhla u.. laadb\p and )leodqlairtora Tile cMace io ,,_ In ti.e put. UfO Bal-laland made • akl<trip to oraiid C...ycn. ~ , • I Jettx. • , • tajto-otto of~~ nom .... talecl b7 u... enJa<sinr of Ille --Aaoclatlon :..bU ' bOme Mr. ond Mr& LtBoven .,.ore peota "'Kr. Spencer, wbo be re-Hi1.. P • r k • r tO ,_..,.... · · G HOSP AL deck of tho ........ ~• pplao 8oa. Ubrary. U.. p>mplde .-ol Ille dk6r&t· ~.,~la BauJll wblle bore. membeted u a .forl!led ructor ~t nallonaU,. known ifUota JOINING HOA IT Doltn1 of U.. oupoNOllJc ....n i.,.. &lld ,....ny of. \be reoldents of · , • •t Oliange Ooul college apont two *'I~ tt'o an honor to have l' jlelat· tbrllled the op<etatora ao ~1 oot· th• Io1o.id baYC Y<>llint.,...i lbe!r NT; IJ!:FP13SON CHANGES years In Bouth America lcav· inll cbooen for eXhl'blL tied u-UM deck ol U.. tln.Y ap-IN IUCllUOAN . -llibutlontl, whlcb ....,. n.-Mount Jett..-, the oecond Ing hue ond la .,.,,.,Jou tcdent Her first plcl!'re to bang In -i... That Wp croup ol people Cft• ... -----------·I peariqc&rrler. JI/II~ ·Md Jh.. B. 0. Beath ._plod. Tl>lo ,. .. 4)) ~Jrble of Iha 800-acre Harold W. Hunt ~gallery WU al a recent fd ' t>o ~tal olte yeoterday nt01'1l-Womeh of ~ 'oose u-by ..--... the and -BIU and Bob. (ormtt17 of Iha commWllty , ... uh,, Ill• -hi~ 1><&k In Ongon. recaaU7 -noar Uo1tvtlle. ranch ~-She .. cbalrman of_ tbe Q marked an Important occa-M crull ot """ of U.. plaaeo on the l~ Tu9tln av111uo. OOota M.-. cl&Uon 11 maklnr It poM!ble fot cbalJii:ed Ila oppearance. accordlna spectal1-1n-purebreil tUe and Ebj!ll art eectlon. 11oa'wbon otote highway offlc:lals H 8 k R • · -that -tbo life ot tho pilot an now located at P'Ort Cuttu. all tq parilofpate In maktoc the to Ille NoUma.J. Automobile Club. la a OClloiltal winner of cbam· I '11.11ted Newport Beach to meet ~ar 00 8Vl8W u U.. carrlar WU retlll'lllna to MJdl., to whtclr poot the &ml)' man I !Joland -uUM '1'tU 0.. thi;tst• wb<C a rock •••lancbO broke lrol!l plonohlpo wbe,rewr Ila are ~ltlcd ada are read b~ follul with the building committee ol Ille About Founder San ote.., -r. bu -tl'&MIUTOd. •mu Ude. Ile w,atern ~.. abown. . . . '!'".<> are looking to buy. Hci.g Memorial Hoapltal, l'Tuby· I · tenan. to dfecU88 the amount of encroachment on the · botipital At tJie l&lt regular meellq of ~rty which la needed to cany U1e N~wport. &!J,ch Chapter llM, out the enlarged plans ot the state Women ot the Kooee. Ubrary com.mlulon for hlgtrway 55. chairman. Le£a Ma.Mey, lntroduc- in. greeting the state otticiala, ed .Mrs. Elia.beth BU.. Oo9ta J'9bn A. Murdy, Jr .. preaident of Meaa librarian. wbp pve a bri~t the hospital boa.rd, proml.00 that report on the book "lron Puddler" "81'ythlng would be done to meet by James J. Davia. the wt.shes of the highway people. Mra. Bllm has loaned thta book He augpsted that the best r00d to the chapter d>r two montlul 90 factUUea must be provided to a.a-that the cb-workera may read ll. Sure quick acceaa to the hospital The author, Jamee J . Davia, ta th~ when completed next September. founder of the Mooee Lod&e-Lema Under the enlarged highway Masaey then presented· Mn. Bl!• plan of the atate, the r1ght-0f-w1Py with a copy ot "Kon·'nld.," wb.tch mwrt now be 180 feet. Ori~ly, haa been donated to the Coeta tt wu planned to be about 120. ft. ¥es.a. Ubrar;r by the chapter· Some encrOaehment on the hos-Young Danny Sana played two Ptt.JJ property ls very necessary .accordion *>.los and Ollw Miller, but after cliacusaion and 8tudy of chapter P,lanlat, sang "BeautiCUl the revleed plan ll waa found that Dreamer. the area needed can be provided In memory of co-worker BlrdJc -y the hospital without lnterter-Ostrande-r, the chapter charter tng with the present plans of the WM . draped. Mrs. Ostrandet', al' hospital, qr with futute develop-'hospital chairman, had planned to t buy a wheel-chair to be loaned men · A~ Roa.dwi out to pcnona in need, and the L · Y chapter hu pledged to complete In addition to .the improvement her project. of highway M , directors diJ1Cussed With the visitors from the high-1 Mrs. Elate Buchanan, spouored wa_Y department the accea road by her daughter Elale Porter, wu from M to the hospital ,building. initiated. The initiation w a• 'lbla 18 a new road and w ill take ] named in honor of Birdie Oatran- otf' from hJgbway 56, aome dis· der. ' ' . • lance abo\111 the via.duct. Acree· Hosteuea for" the evenins we~ ment wu &180 reached on this J~ne Harrie and ~e King, who matter. served retreehmentai of lee cream A.pPreciating the ~eat need for and. cake. The table wu set with thla hospital by the people along Chr!ltntu decoraUona and UtUe... the Orange Coast, city official& at Santa CJau. favora, tUled wtlh Newport Beach together with Chri!ltma.s candy. were placed on county aupe~rs and other o!-each plate. f1ctala in Orange county and state 8lll')JrriMJ Party have been quick to asslat t.he hos-~n Friday evenin.g, Nov., 23 pltal In planning for a.n adequate fr1cnd3 of Jack and .Flora Vauglm system of highway connections t o su~rised . them on tne occaa.ion of the hospital from a11 directio!A. their anruveraary, with a pol·luck dinner ln the Mooee: hall. S\IJ'.Vl)' The county's plan r~~ the ex-Micha.ell had decoraled the table tenaion or Su~rior avenue, eo~th with a centerpiece of ~egran­ paat the hospital to a connection ates, . nut.a, pom-pon ctaYanthe- wlth lbe state highway aome· mums, o range cand.Jea a.nd pyra- Where near the Beacon Service cantha. They received aeveral StaUon were welcomed by hoa:pllal gifts. including a 'wool blanket, officials. aa this propoaed highway towei. and flowers. Will be valuable: to cout traffic traveling east and we•t. Representing the. hospital &t thi• meeting with the state offl- olals were: John A. Murdy, Pr .. preatdent: George G. Hoag. Jr .. vice-president; Stephen G r I s e l , Dudley R Furse and Clarence E. Lueh. all directors and building dommtttee memben: Mrs. R L. Bacon, purchaaing agent: H . C. Chamben, architect; Lester Hib· J>ud, engineer; Harry We.lclr, pub- )1.c relations. J . B. Webb. engineer, represent- ed the city al the meeting while Heins Kaiser. aupervtsor and Har· old Sprenger. road commission. (':presented the county. State officials In cluded M. E. Ceaana, district engineer and others. , f'olice look Pair " Grand The~ Rap • Newport police booked two aol· dlera Saturday on suspicion of -&rand theft. auto, and A. W . 0 . L. charges after finding them in a 4.welllng at the rear of 120 Apo- lena Ave., Balboa Ia land. ~Booked were Allen WIWam I?ooley, 19. and Nett. Emanuel Bodholt, 18. both of whom admit .. JIP(j they were absent without leave ttom F ort Ord. Dooley said they had been living in quarters owned by hls aunt. Mrs. Alys M. Pryor. .¥·Officers accused the pa1r of tak- ing a motorcycle from . outside e. Pasadena theater. It was regist- ered to Norman Nathan Steln, 1878 North Grand Oaks Ave., Altadena.. The p&ir had, been liv- ing-in the Pryor residence for tour 'da71,. they said. Police turned Uu!m over lo Pasadena a ulhorlUes. . Open House fo r Blanche Wallace Krampton Recovers; Lauds 9'olice WOl'll Rosa Krampton of 2812 Ocean Front. Newport Beach. bu return- ed home from Loni' Beach~ Com- munity hoepital where he bu been under treatment for inJuriea re- ceived Nov. 21 when the car he was driving waa lnvoJved in an ac- cident on Cout HJ.gbWay, Seal Beach. Krampton's aon. Chuck, 3, and his slater-in-law, Mn. Chet Foe- ter of Long Beach, a1ao wer.e Ln- Jured aerloualy. Krampton had b'tgb praiee for the 'Newport' Police Departmerit'a aid in getlinc Mrs. Kr&mpton to · the Long Beach ho91>ltal orncera LeRoy John.on and Frank Gluer drove her to the Arch ea.· 8Jt., Vir- gil Phebua and Mra. er.Jg Phoe- nix an-anged for Ot{nge1 county sheriff's oUlcert to take her to the county line where Loni' Beach police flnlahed the ruah trip. ·Final Rit~s He ld at St. James for · Bert B. Brewer · Final ritc1 were held at t p. m. Monday, Dec. 3 in St. J&mQ Epl&- copaJ chlU'Ch tot Bert B. Brewer of 004 South Bay Front. Balboa l5land. He p.u1ed away Nov. 29 at hla home ln ·Phoenix, Artsona atter a lhort U.ln.eaa and 18 sur- vived only by hla wife, Ethel Smith Brewe r. Mr. Brewer was bom 71 years ago ln Cleveland, OhJo a.nd became a mUllne:T')' manb.tacturer ln 'Ne'Or York. RA!tlrlng from Ille Hollend Hat Co. 24 )'e&rtl ..... be began conatructJn.g Iott bu11diap In New York. He came to Lola A..ft.1e.1e9 ln 19Jl whore be W"l'l Into \be ....i estate bualnea1 u owner--developer -.. Harbor area friend.a of Mrs. or an lndµetriaJ center ln Buf'baok. Bl&.ncbe Wallace will be interested Fi.ve yeara later !le· founded lhe Jo he&r that ~n house will be held well-known Lealie JamM wtaole- "?JK:. 11 to celebrate her birthday. sale MUUne.ry com~. He re- 'n.e allatr will be hooteued by tired from that In 1941 and came )In. Hubert Kidder ol 1886 whit-to malte hlo borne In the Harbor Uer avenue, dost.a Mea and ber uu. althOUp •penclinc much of pupter, Mn. A. Y. Ef._. Mro. hla lin1'I at Palm 8prlnse Md Wa11aN\ a former neighbor of Mra. PboenJ.x. lie WU oae of the found· IQdder'• lwl been confined to the ef9 ol Gl'e&t Neck COunley Oub. l<lrup COWtty boapita.I for •wr--, Long '•'•nd, where they made pi ,....... followtng a cerebral ~-llletr home. .Ia later ,..,.. be ~e. dropped all dUb m_.,. .,.. , ; Jira. Neille Bennett ol Fontan.._ cept llalbo& Bay CIUb. ""I.er of llln. Walloce. will bring T1Mt Jin'. Paa! .._.. Wbeeltt ~ to Mra. Klddor'a for Iha ""'1· ottlclated al ,ll:pl......,l rlteo. 0. '1tea"-of ~ WaUM>e are a.ok"'.d Willard11t111tt of -.A.Da wu J-91.111 ber at the ~r 11omo·for -and 11_.-.t 1Kra. lit A. · _,._fewmtnqlHcb&landcupoflM K.) lladwtt _....,._ Cvrr. ~-'-and fin p.m. on lAc I.be -et YIU. Ila ""-"' · ptc. tL r ,· • ordUcll ...... pd, •111e1 IL IL .iu.t. Pa!il -· Wlllll ,..,.., ')NsllMJllCB U!fl!nn UP ._,w. a!' 1 1, out w: , .,,. O.Uf8nda ta.rD.W.. rec el••• Lie1z1N: £'. ! . .J.C. Ullot ~.-,l)llllallf•---·--... , ..... •t n1~1aU..-alll& -· lllila• Jlf-••U. lit um ,.r. aapwra4 ,._ oat.: O t P1*I ... • a "tnA tft,I07 • .,0 In U.. wcn-6 ant Ill .... ,._ wM' I ..... ........... ot -,..., Ille.__ "'u. '-••• " .. ,191e °'. 1.ife ~ J'9POl'W .,.. Ma tO'r,ta.ela&ll ;~ --~ .. •••· .r • FARM FRESH CHUNK STYLE UIJS ClllCE JELLY· ASSORTED '2.t.8. FLAVORS JAR 29~ FOii Clll RED SOUR PITTED 19C I HERR l.E S 1~A~oi PILLS•URY ?st ~e CYIEllNIES ~ HTl/ll'k Cl.. pl t • flE .CllST Mil .9 oz . Pl(O . 19~ S & W "?,t'ch .,,...... <H<>H ?ltldf' C/d:e ; 43 I ILICI CllE MIX ONE POUND JAR c .:£1~ a. cbtdt. ,/"' CllCH CllE Mil PO UND • PKO .as ~ HOR MIL • :/%s 7~d ,.p.uea/Jl!e - Cllll COi ClllE 45 ~ 16 oz . C.AN •UD81T PACK . £cnur1•c.lcd 30~ lllJ IElll ?.a<k< /'Two POUND 80LD Ml: 'AL g,x, IAut,a, ur.d Mrxllu_/ 18J I I oz . PKO p1a MONTE 9,.~ "'fO ~I 20ri OlTllP . . 14 oz: IOTTLI :::::;;:::::: ;:: I SAllWICI SPIEAI 16 oz. JAi "'£~~'Cu~/ FlllT COCITAIL 1rs .. 11 3 1 NO. 2 ~CAN/,~ ErTRR 70CDI TOMATO .JllCE A'"""'.,' 2.5·~ ., oz. CAN COU<rAFL SAIElllAIT "'<KVP 14! NO. 2 CAN 1u.,-. Wi/YIE/2S ~ . ,2... . l\.fll ll~~1101ci ·'lb: ' • '