HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-13 - Newport Balboa Press• • ' • l HciwtaorW~ r I •t ............. ..... ---· ..._._ " $ ,. l)ae. • -.:·--.. .. l\'i .. ~' ... ..,, ' •• -• --· • p · a I D s. D-. I ... .-.. --• ti •••r. ~ .. ----,. • 'h11' ,.~ .... ll -'--.. • -•' ,,,,-.u -• • \ ' , ' • • • ' • ' , • ' • ' . P~t 2 ...,. PART T • THURSDAY DEC. 13 1951 i~:e.-P:aissjz ~ ~ ' l J _ _ • "¥1 I RJt~g--. ' . __ .. -- j A.-~hW+et1;w~1"7attt11_ .. ,..,JNW.,tt,.B11da.°'''• a ' ---Prllltla&' at 1111 -----..... -I • , r lilt-U ~ m•ttw ,,_ .. 11, lNO, at tbe pool C!ftloa al • • Newport Buell, Callfotlllll, -tbe A.et of Ma...ii I, lift. • I I I .. Mmt1r OnZLr' 1'el:112111 P ?"Ora •r111'nt'm ._.. Ned 11 ·e-w 'N1•1t11m .. -.............. , t'In••..,...•011 .a- ' ~ •••' 1 ·4• 8-0 '" ... OI s• .o:a'1_. J '··~·.-:--~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~-..,"-~~..:.......,-~~~- ' ' . •• w o. UDDim. Oww ad pvhkstwr ; ROBERT F . WUJMU, --Kanqw A. ALl:XANDER B.UOLTON. A.dverti.llD_C' V.napr • • ·. I • ~ PRDFESSiO~Al :t ~ OIP.E(TORY ~ . BALTZ MORTUARY , 1AdJ' .&.n. • 7 & Hf 0oaet m_...,. COIW!fA DEL llAJl DAY AND NIGHT ,,. ... 1lollMi a !ERL W. iTANLBY •1 -Iii••• , I •• A 7 ..... •n·.,, •••·•11111 • • ' - • ' • • • tllusir Jlnuar . • Open Eves 7:s0 -10:SO l2SS N. Cout Bl\'d. Laguna Besch New owne,;,. DALE YOUNG Uld F8ED lll&BTIN Invite yon to come Ja and bl'OWIJe RECORDS -Extr•mely lerge selection L P.s '45 rpm, and children's recordin9s. CAPEHART end ZEN~TH CLOCK RAQIOS ~emous Penton Tepe Records Portable Pf'lonographs U,.tS up • ' 'J • I r I•• ~ ~ Make 'if Jr·Metry MLi'siceJ. Ghrist~ with one of our gift Certific:at•sl CH R 1 t ·T M·A·S DECO.R·ATIOIS . WREATHS -DOOR· SPRAYS . . CENTER eJtCES CHRISTMAS GREENS English Holly -R•cfwood PiM lo•gha Candles '-All ~ ... and colon Phone ........., 590-We. Jahv • • VFW Giv,, R.eport on · Recent Work Mothers Club . Has Yule Party • • • ' \ f "> • • t I • ' . ... ... • • I .·o T ~s1 ~·.: ' One of the Fine,f Selections in the , 1-farbor A:ea . MARX -HOLGATE -PLAYSKOOL IDEAL -GONG BELL -STRUCTO • DOW -GAMES -IOOKS · WIND·UP TOYS -. • Santa u .... fmnt % 'tJJ 4 p. m. SAT. DEC. 16 • Wbt Not i. Olft of . CLOTIDNO -For Infante to 10 year olds • GIFT WRAPPING • WE WRAP TO MAIL • CHARGE ACCOUNTS • FAIR PRICES Brat Shop :J.lj09 Newport &ve. Beacon·6959 COSTA, MESA • MBS. RICHARD DllL WAGNER ::.••••••~tt·•~·~··•••~.•••11. Wagner-Bridwell . Rites Solemnized i 6 • ~t EVERYTHING! i ~~~gL~~~~~~~.~~u~~""'"'' ~ WE MEAN .. Beach, Barbara J eanne 'Bridwell and attended Loyola unit l't'8ity. !e: . .. became the bride of Rlch11:_rd Emtl He 18 now In th«!' u . s . Air Force, • E. v E R-y T H 1 1 . N G Iii :;s:;~r ;,';.,9 ~:cl~~ o;el~~;:r;:; •talloned In Ma'°h Field. .. • , ~ the mase wa.s thf' Rev. Thomas F . ;o: .. Kennedy. The church was deco· Pendells to Hold ;e. • . . ~ rated wlth white fall nowers . • , ,.., • Th<' beaut11u1 •r••• w ... "'"" Open House Sun. ill-• in marriage by ber father , AlvR ~: F F ~ E . Bidwell. She wore a gown of 'Die Balbc:>I\ parsonage home of ~~ Q[ QI .. candleJlgbt satin with a· cathedral Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Roy Pen· ""'~. • . : : train. Her veil of Jllu!ion tell rrom dell wil.I be the scene ot a Christ· ""' · .. a pearl-embroide red la.c e halo. She mu Open Houae, to be held next WOMEN CHILDREN .. carried .• 11pray of white carnft.· Sunday evening, from 6 until 9 . .. tlona ar;id two white orchids on a.: o'clOck. Local friend~ &nd mem· • • ·. . • ,..; ~i) ... book. hers of the congregation a.re In-E1.9ht'h e.·rthday / "< l!P' ·-Md._ Bernard' Parkhunt, •lat.er vtted. • · : w -o"r'.llle 'b~ WU -matroa at-• .... _.__ _ __,'-4 .... '' '1s Sun.•~ ~em..·· for {)pela· -Every ?light . 'TU CkrisAl!as . Paa,,</~. 1838 Newport Ave. COST~ MESA BMcon 5353 · ~ honor 1n a gown of blue ·tat feta ['" • C 1 · • · CV .. :.: with mat.ehln' .hat. Sh• carried • t. 01. Bransom Maur'ine s· t~ater • ,,,., 0080""7 ol vane!& o"'blda and G f C · I' I = oman purple pompono._ • uest 0 . ar IS es B~atdo. Shldey Bridwell. ..,: a.nothe.r aiater of the bride, and Lt. Col,. Henry W. Bransom. ~ Geraldine Polter w.ore identical tormerty of Et Toro Marine AJr • gowns of Orchid and Peach rMpec· BUe and reaklent of the Harbor ~ .tlytly with matching hats. They area. bu just returned from = 'C&J'rlCd bouquet.I of ' pompona and Korea and wu honor guut Mon· ~ niJnlature roee.s. day ~•enlng at a dinner at the .. ~be.rt Wagner, brother of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Carl· W groom, waa the beet man. Uahen tale, 27 Harbor· I.eland. = were Tim Brunet and Andy Sey· Preaent wen ·Mr. and Mrs. Ed .-:; mour. ' Hume, Mrs. H. E . Bechtold. Jay Maurine Slater, a llttle girl from Australll., observed n e r eighth birthday Sunday when Mra. Roy Keene entertained for her at her penlnaula home. Iii A reception followed at the As· Carlisle, Jr.. and Perry White. llf slstance League buildlftg whe re The colooel b1 on h.111 way to Wuh· • ~y · ~ the bride's mother wu: aaalllted by lngton, D. C. and stopped over . w. the groom's mot.her. ln receiving for a few days u guest of t.he ''THERE'S ECONOMY fU. ftll'AUTY'' .II! their J>Ueat& Mro. Brldw•ll was Carllal ... _____ . : . . no.· ,."I'"' · II! In navy wt th J>r•Y a«euorleo. . lllt....,.,..,i ............................ wwww.www-• . while Mn. w..,,er .,... in "'""' M' p H I Favoni were paper hate In green and red, puUed from surprise packages which contained other small prlua. Each nut cup wu filled wtth Chriatmaa candles. The large cake was decorated with candle&, circling an "8" and the legend "Happy Birthday, Mau. rlne.'' Se~raJ games were played w1lh prizes going to Linda W&ltze, and David Huycke. Many wohder· tul gf!t.e were received by Mau· rine. ~:..:w;:w;:w::w:.:w;:w;:w;~:w;:w:~;:Y.'91;"11';19t;"ll';:Y.:W::.:•,. wtth gotd bot. black acceuort.. ISS . enny a ey , . • • and col'llq'e of y.UO'W ....,... and t b J B • d Pruent were Davkl Huycke, Ruth Slater. Cappy Kayer; Unda. Waltse, Sondra Lee Smith. Jerry Stapp, Jay Saine, O.¥Jd Bullet'· worth. ¥r. and Mn. 81.aUl' had arrived from Arkanau a few daya hefo~ the party and wtl1 make thelr. borne be.re. Al.lo preaent were Ja.ne Keene. Je.ule and Ted Bielefeldt. who came doWb. from Oamarillo and Bobble Smith of Lone e • a c h . Allllltins Mre. Keene u c<>-ho9teu wa. COMte Slater, Ma.wine·~ mother. 'gh Quality Pridfing...;...Ph.: Hor~ 1~16 b~~ ~=·table wtth ita ,11v•r 0 e an. r.t e igh Quality frinting-Ph._ Hi,r_., '1616_ :":ou-;_i;:~·~-~~~._:: ~=~~!.'1~·:;,:~3:~ !:d c:==~===~-,----.,,....,.,,7';.;· ,--;-.;;.....,.:..· ,,...:...,--,--ed b~wo white ceramlc doves comlng m_arrtage of her •let.er, ' - .••• fll •1111 •1111 ., Il l 11 1 111 i i iii ., 11• "' ••• r.' ••••• fl •• :i and dies. 'Ibe table waa pr· Miu Penny Hal~y to William o . ; =..wt~ smilax &nd wh.ite car· Citta.. Jr., U. S. M, C., eon of Mr. ••••• -· •••••••••• 11• ............ , •• -· ........ -· •••• GIFT SUGGESTIONS :~ !I = • Sweaters !l • Nylon . . ~r om ... 5. 95 !I Ling~rie • We\hable Slips, Panties Wool Shirts !I Gowns f 8 95 .. -aad Whit~ rom . . • !I • G h • Sport Shirts ot em • . Plaids -Pie ins l! Gold Stripe Hosiery . • from .. 3. 95 I Sfteer Gift G ift Wool I Nylons • 1.50 Argyles H "·Gift ·Blouse• from .. 1.95 ' Cottoni t • Sle cks Jl Rayoni All wools and H N1lons Blends -from •• !.. 95t from . 10.95 § • Graff · · · • Swank · ' Tee Shirts . Jewelry & .• · H ' from-•• 1.95 • Wallets · . h • Slacks · H ........ _.._. • ·King's Me1t .... *-· · '·.i T oiletr'ies ~ · f~m •• S. fl Hoateuea at the rece ption were and Mra. W . G. Citl&, Sr., of Mn. Wayman sawy e r, Mn. Omah.&. Nebruka. Wayne Rleener, Mrs. Grove Lee The lovely brkie·elect ta daugh· Ruse, MIM Dona Norria, MLN Jae· ter of the l&le Mr. and Mn. WU· queline Millet' and Ml&s PhyUia Uam H&Jey of this city and la U• Allard. ~ .sista.nt secretary at the chamber The brlde la lhe daughter of of commerce. She wu ·graduated Mr. and Mrs.· Alva E. Bridwell from Palm Sprinp High ecti._oot. of 32'4 Prospect street. Long Her !lance 1,a a &ergeant wlth "'be Beach~ She la a gradiaate of WU-Marine• &nd h&a aerved lh Kole&. eon high achool. ,, He will receive hi.a dlach&rge In The groom la the .aon or Mr. January. ~ and Mra. N!cholae A. Wa,gner o.( The couple will \be married on . 3711 Che.nnel Place. Newport. lie .ran. 27 In four o clock ritea at • · Cbrlati Cburd\ by the Sea.. Christmas Dinner , for Get-togethers The Get-Together Club bad tllelr ~mber meeUnr tn. the home ~ Woten Jlllrkovlch Ott Wednuct..,., Dec. 5. Lela >hcMUlan - Ille --In. MrVtq tlle clUb a --· holla.y dlniiu. Cbrloln)u came ~ f~ th1o CftlUP' .... u.e ··.ecret pall:" ... CIWIC<d lhelr Cluiatmoa ~ llllil I ' .. .....,.. tllelr --Kore f'lln ..... lldded lo the -tna wllll .a -blvot.tnr I.be .. _.,. lllld. u..itlll' G( nry 1-utltlllly -...... ~,uta.· ~ 'l1IJo ...,. 1o"°IY part7 -... J<t1ed "7 Ab&~...._ ...... ._.. llllllbe. KllclNil •on:tli. .... heQ ~ Mary· MocDaaald, Nina • W.u.r... J>oitoe ;,-_ OU'<e w.up -t11e W.: t 711. \ ,_ HURS., FRI .. SAT.- DEC. 13 • 14 • 15 HERE'S DOUBLE VOTES ~oa·raT BOYS' and GIRLS TREE LIGHTS Set of eight Rec. si.ze 98¢ PEN & PENCIL SET Re(. $1.96 $1.49 Re( .. SI.st doz. · CHBl8TMA8 TREE . ORNAMENTS 98¢ doL lmn'Record Albums FRED WABING lllAIUO LANZA D&NNIS DAY PE&aY OOlfO BIN~ CllOl!JIY. ' .Cliffitiw' WRAPPING PAPER ... ~ \ 13• . SUI-PER sOX , - tr LUCIEN 'u; LON EAU 'DET . ul:1a1 RUBINSTl0 UN DUSTING ~ CIDUllTlllAS MUSIC BOX DOLL '.tlO liET OF 16 . , TREE i.IG. ,, .. .. .., AD-'"A·UTE . TREE tlG . SET. OF J:JGll'I' • ,U~I E. U Hrs ;· • uvOi.wtq hi ._ · • I ' " , ·I ' I t I BALBOA YACll'l' CLUB'S M .... I electloll of of.lktn Md peeral llulblepm mr •r.. W aMt a.&ar.., day wu the oocuJoa for the ft-a ·~ of Hany Blod~U. rlPt. u aatl¥tt ON& a!IDre. At the condt1'1on of the ...-inc. Cocrumdo"' Blodle&t .......,.._the --ol ii•• 1151 "-l Of- nttrs. and. turolns hta ~~ c.ommctclore'• nae OY tt to tbe •ew Commodore. Ool\l-'ttal! Wu.rdemaan. joined thf! rank9 or BYC"• 8tatf CommodorM. As hlt11 nnt offk.BJ act la his MW" poeltsoa. ~ dore Wu.1*man.o (~ rrorn ri1"bt) p""9Hkd rhe rftl Vice-Commodore ..... to L&r')" Wlte\*r. wtlio, l.n turn, ptt8enl.M .Jlm Wb:y1e wt.lb the white Rear eoinmodo~a f1a«. (Photo by &<:kner) Basketball Clinic Jack Hostetler Slated for Monday • All Boys nf the Harbor Area are and Bride on invited to take part in the first • annual H111rbor Area Boys• Club ba.sket~ll Cfinic, M onday. Tuca· day and WeClne11day from 9:00 a. N. Y. Honeymoon m to JI :30 a . m . Coach Miles Jack.son R. Hootetler and hi!: ~ton of Orange coast ·College, bride, the former Miss JfJyC(' Coach Jules Gage o( Newport FCJOee are honcymooni~g in New Harbpr Hlgh school and George \ York City atter Tepeat1ng marti· YatdleY. formt!r All American age vows on Saturday, Dec. 8 in basketballer at Stanford" and A . I Hamllne Methodist church, Wa.sh· A. U . player of the year la.st sea· tngton, D. C. The ceremony wa.8 90ll, will akt club athletic director performed by the Rev. R . E . Rod MacMilllan in running the Leatherman. thrM" clay affair al the Orange Mlaa Foose is daughter of Mr Coe.st College gym.nuium. ,.ad Mn. Howard Fooae of Penn· The boy8 will be t&ught the sylvanla, who with other relatlvca, fundamentals of basketball with attended the ceremony. The bride-. actual demonstrations and prac-groom Ul 30tl of Mr. and Mrs. Ro88 lice sesaions slated In each furtda· E. Hostetler, 301 La Jolla Drive. mental. Newport Heights. The money you hide in a vault produces nothing, like seed In packages. Plant It in Defense Sa-.:· lngs Bonds and watch It grow! For the ceremony the bride chose an Ivory talllc sult with black velvet trim. black hat with touches of tvorY and matchlng ac- ce1!180rles. Her cor.sage wu of gardentu. Following the wedding reception, held at the Washington home of an aunt. the new M.rs. k • Hosteller changed lo a costume ln e It a ah.Ades of green for the honey· moon trip. ~ Mlsa Ruby Hostetler , aUnt of ' l>AIRI ~~h~~t~~~ n~:Vr ~~~: ~~ Bradtorll. Pa... for the ceremony. Jib~ !ly1 !1!Jil1!Si , JI!' .~ta Mellll_ m6.ny Umea and la .. well known C'h-rt"stmas he~e bride ill • regi8terep nurse and has ju.t complet<'d her train- tJp to $100.00 ALLOWANCE On Your Old Appliance Aslt.'about n"-w low terms -only 151' down 78 weeb lo pay t. -. ing in Pottsville and ts now in Doctors' hospital in Washington. Her husband was graduated from Harbor High. He enlisted In lb.c , Signal Corps. and Js now serving the extra year. He will be re· leased In August and will a~ist hie father In management or the Costa M'eSA Lumber company. They will make their home In C~ta Meaa. Mrs. Roger Neth Honoree .at · Stork Shower Jane (Mrs. Roger) Neth, wife ot a local police otflcer. wu hon· or gue.at at a atork shower hos· teased Wednesday' evening by Mr•. Robert. Alkinaon al ht>r home, 320 Fullerton Ave .. Newport Height..s. A stork etood pa.rd by a pink and blue baaslnet which held many pretty gift.a for the mother-to-be. Everyone wore blba and had lo be calltd by thelr "bib namee." Each wu given llalrue paper from which they fashioned dainty baby dresaea. Mrs. Beachamp, mother of the hondree. 'Yon a prize for the pr-ettleat dttsa. At the refreshment hour ln· djvldua1 cakes adomrd with atork.i were served with Ice crerun and cofftt, nut.a &ltd candJes. . Guest.a includ~. be-sides the bonoree a..nd her mother. Mmes. Merle Coe, Jack t'roughan, Don Burdaall. Harri:& Cott.le, Jr .• Dean Pollom. La Veta Lace, Ed Bates. Erne11t WaJtze. Virgil Phebus, Wairen Cassel. Dan Patch. Send- ing gift.a were Mmee. Allan' John· son, Harry Juper, WOiiam Stock· dale, Lois Price and Harry Lacot;. -Opportunity I• knOCklnJ In CT .ASSD'IED ADB. ' Yuletlde Par.ty is Jolly Event for Harbor' Players Music, comedy and dramatJc rcadln(ll were on the program Ja.st Friday evenlng, when 123 mf'mber& and gucata gathered at Balboa Yacht club for tl\e New· port Harbor Community Players' Chrilltmaa pe.rty. . Three players. newcomers, Lau· rte Barnum. Dl&na Margwarth and Lucy Ba.melt , drew a long rou¢ . of applauec for "Ladle• Alone." 1 one·act comedy directed by J~ WUder. Mrs. Alexan~r Renner' gave a reading from ~· df'.rsen'a Fairy Talea. Leq Craw· ford, EJden SmJlh and E. E. MllJer were hear~ ln . several n1uslcal numbers with Mrs. Renner ac- conlpanying, and Mr. Cr11wrord followed with three M>l.oa. Betty · Jarvis wu mistreM of ceremonlt-s for the evening and planned the party. Ethel Shirley was rf'freahment chairman. Mra. 0 . W . Richard and Mra. N . L . Mc- Laughlin poured coffee following thE'" entertainment. Player• President Marthella Randall gave out &erlpt. excerpt.a for "Idiot's ·Delight." three· act play achcdulcd tor production ln January. TTyoulll wrre he.Id at Orange Coast collt"ge this wee.k. ~gli.d~Y-_!teu~ton .. ; at Lido Home · Holiday tlmt!'" at lhC' Dr. Sllll\ley O. Chambeni home on Lido lale will be a. happy period for the family will be all together for the first llme In several years, Here for Chrlatma.e and arrlv~ Ing lhla week end from Stanford ls George, youngeal son. He will bf! bringing wtth him John Parke and Chuck Burkt> of Santa Ana. I John spent hi.a yopng€'r years on Lido Iele). The' following w~ek f'nd Bw:, now In the army al Fort Ord, \VIII !:Ko home o:i. a ten daye leave and also Van. now l.n hls second year ot lnlemship I special· !zing in pedlalriC8) at University of California hoapltaf Van has bt>en pc-ct'pled aa the aaslatant rcaldcnt in p<'dlatrlcs for next year at the hospital. ChriMtmaa will be a~t on Udo and afterward the family will leav .. lmm.-.dlately for lbe.tr home at Palm De.ert. They wlll be thPr,. for about nve daya. Oeorgt>, and hls friends wtll take in the Rose BowJ game. Class Parties for Christ Church Folk The Pilot cla.M of Chrlat church by the aea wUI hold ill -1\nU•l Chrl11lmu party tomorrow night at tbe panonage, l~ Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Tonight (Tbureday) the Fellow· ahJp cl.au h¥1 their party at l.be home of Mn. Eul&la a:.tea. 1711 % West Balboa BiVd .• and on Tbura- "1&y an.ernoon Mra. Wlnlh't!d Young ~tertalned Balboa Ctrcle at her home. 1118 Eut Balboa Blvd. On Tuaday eftlllnJ Ute church board ot educ&lkm met at the bon1e of Mn. 'T. Hord Seely, NeWport 11e/shta., • • 111e -Bm'te at UA N. Cout •..i.. ,...._. ·~ llas ...... .._....s. Tbo --rr.dMutlnud~Youns.- rllldeal<I ot .i.acufta .Peecll, were prom!Mnl In mllOlc ,clrcleo In IJl- dlanapoll8, lnd., and .... ftt ....... ot World War U. , The a... ~ In lmport'!'I ud domMUe cl•Hk, Hawa.tlan,. lloUUt Amorlcaa and poplllt.r-,__ -Id all ~ opeeda. Tbq will, lllo• handle re416". phon..,..pbl >nd c .. tom t>ultl lnlt.allatlonJ, MUa1c 1onra are tnvtted to bl'OW8e ud -durlaJ tbe cSq &om 10 L m.. unW e and eftnlD&IJ from 1:ao 1o 1o:ao p. rn. acepl Sun· d&.va.. - Marlin .-.ce!V<!d htJi bacllolor or IDUllc '<1egree. fl'Olll Dd'auw um. verafty and ia a me.mber of Pht M:u Alpha, Pi Kappa Lamda. pro- reational and honorwy muaic Cr•· ternJtiN and t.be American Oulld of Organ.l1t.a. Youn• holdt the muter of mu- sic degree. Alter hi.I graduation he atte.nded the gndua.te 9Chool1 ot Cincln.naU Conservatory and London Untvera!ty"a Trinity Col· DALI: YOUNG 1ege of Music, London. England Hts recital appearance11 Include many citle8 in the United Slate&, England, continental Europe, MuJco and CUba. He la sub-dean of the Indiana Chapter of. the .Amerlcan Guild of Organist.a a.nd a put president of the Indianapolis C."holr Directors Auoclatlon. He hu been named organJat at Community Presby· terian church, Laguna Beach. Piano Auditions An'nounced by Mustcal Arts Ctub . Musical Arts club of Oran~ eoun\y announce. that their annual piano auditions will be held AprU 27. 1952. The-8<'lectlon.a lo be judged a.re as follow•: · Junior dlvi.11lon -Opua 36 No. 6 First movpment (allegro con sptrito) by Clemente. Folk eong, No. 9. Schuman (album for the young). lntermN:liat(' division -Two part Inventions. No. 8, by Bacb. Ma'd With lbe Flaxen Hair, by Debuuey. Advanc'!'d dlvi11lon -LelbeB· alraurn No. 3 by Llut. March- OpUs 12 No. 1 by Progofteff. Any turther Information may be obtained by calling the piano au· dlttons chairman, Owen Tubach, Lex. 827$2 or the county chair- man. Miidred Marchant, Klmberly 3-2911:1. Trip le Play Bill at State College ' U~r the able direction of Dr., David Sievers, Long Beach State ~~AY 'LA.!11 DA! ' Plll8'r •UN I ·sulMAllNE ·COMMAU _ w ... Roldoi.. ·}(-Oloo• --.... "HAVANA ROSI!"" !luJlt Hofbort KIDDIE ~'ti.Nu' SAT. l:U 3 SERIALS SUNDAY -TUP:SDA Y TechnJciok>r • lat# Run RANDOLPH l!()OTl' "MAN IN. THE SADDLE" Wm. TnM!y -Joe Sap')·.-r "AS YOU WERE!" ACADf:)n'. AW.ARD NOMINEE-TO-BE! , JANE WYMAS THE BLUE VEIL Plua: .aoH..'' Dr::KEK 'SATURDAY'S HERO' Sun. -TuH. -F·lnrt Run! f'RANKl.E LAIJ\°E BILLY DA.."llELS "SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET" Lee I . Oobb • John Dettk "FAMILY SECRET" THE IOYD 17 jewel1. 'Nat· ural cold-filled $60.50 · case. Mc. kw. kdttol tu Wallace· CaldeJ1tead: .JEWEi.ER 817 Coast lllgh-y CORONA DEL MAR college will pre¥nt a triple bill I i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiliiiiiiiiiiijiiiii~ of one .... ct p~~ ln the campu... 49er lbeatre on the evening. of Dec. 1S and u •l 8:30 p.m. and THE JUNGLES' In matinee pertorqtance on Dec. EXOTIC FOODS 14 al 3 p.m . The tli.ref: pla~ a" v l 'fQ Cou.t Btvtl., So. 'Thorntorr Wlldent' '"nle Lon( . LAGUNA BEACH Chri.11.maa Dinner," Anton Ch•k· KATllLZJl!'l-DloUDJUIAhod hov'a "A Marriage Proposal," and Eote:rtal.n!qeat After NIH Robert Flnch'a "Goodbye to lbt" - Luy K ." On l.be production artatf are Jacquea PoJeltl of "Corona del M&r and LIU!an P'ox of Balboe !Oland. There la no~cbari'e fOI' adm.1aa1on but. alnce only a llmtted number or eeata ar~ ava.Uab'e UCket. m~ "" .......... 1n ad-.. n.-may be rMerV<d by colllnJ ~ C&mpua Book oloro at Lons Beach t006'19. • I ~GnME Plaee: a Def ~Ale S.'Ylnga Bond In every atockfng huni-over Ut(' fireplace thJ:& ctu19unu eve. W•""h the dellc~Ud e~ pop In Ille lnomln(. It'• itocl<lng lime-- lime to otoclt up an bonda! , ~ !lAALY ~lAN DUIJGATOB8 -'1>dJana ...... .11'1'1pllrok ""'"' Ulan twenl)r·fl--·nd ._ ol land In Ute Now Mexico ,._ arojUld ~ J'•aT 1600, OC- ~J fo. U.. Nallona! Au'-o- ~ CtUb. '• Hele Fight TB ...... . lllf . !WD,,. (J/f(# .,_.. . ...., .. COMPlm DJNNUS "'*" .......... TROPw&L ·DUNKJ!I .. Dlft9 ...... fMJwh• TAKmAH ;.«Yl00t4 l"rM PvldllS ,._.,, ' YIMT THE NEW HUT DGCoutfD-7,._ Pbone 4-.aool for &eeen>atlona ~···~· THE BEST HAIRCUTS s100 !903A NEWPORT BL \·D. 1''1':WPORT BEACH· MEZZANINE UDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 • PLA1''E 9 SIDP e TRAIN RESER\'ATIONS • Mutual Them• Ticket A1ency • Results come from conetant Practice! An ad regularly ·tn thl• paper will produce rea:ulta for yoli RELIABLE T SERVIC.E. . v ~~.,,. THOIU>l'l<ldi!.., '1'11..\JNJ:D A -i·~ .,.,AIDIEJ> . ELl'Xl'.nOJQC8 ILXl'DTll FULl'·Y l'JQOIH'G> .. 8EllVE YOOlt TV..... llADIO suuar !!I\"~ Con•l•!e MLlilw Ra .. S ...... and ... hrl•ll••• u. s._ GM" ••• I Ucl...W Teel h:l1nt. C411maowfwMrvlca ~-aoow- ... COAST-:_ PAGE 5 -AY , DEc: 13, 1951 • ~·~ Ji P-ES,S-lJ ' 1 • Dini"ll Rooflo j""" 11 :30 A.M. to • r.M. da ily Cloted Sund..,j end holidoy· !'hone: Kimberly 2-2196 Lot. of FREE PARKING. • • ~~RAM'S C ·(\ SIN 0 D'E LI c 11o ·u s CHINESE DIN~ERS I I I ' . • ' ' ' • ' • ' • • • • CJOCKTAILS 202 MAIN ST. BALBOA .. • I RBOR 937 ' THE lARQHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • Ol'ZN ll Al .. T~tlor I A. IL • .. ' 1 • A.lo -,.!' ,..... -. .. NEWPORT BLf ON CO&sr IDGHWAY . ·NJ:. RT BE~ • • 1. . . (WE ARE.cl.rOSl!lD ON THURSDAYS) • G~NE~S I R~~µRANT · ~nch. ai: 1 d Italian Cuisine Bud Phone Deeorated · Uarbor 110! WeddiDS e .. Blrtbda7 7~ Ooaal 81..S. CakM . Corona del Mar NOW OPEN J.·SATURDAYS a11d - SUNDAYS LOOKING for -SOMETHI ' 7 • •· • • • -• ' . l j NeWpOr+t •. • • • • • • • • , > I . • • J • ' , • • • • • • • "I" II .. PROPERTY OWNER$ ATTENTION! ' , Increase Your Income Potential. ' Remodeling and room additions a specialty. • • S. C. GRAD., 28, married. Perm. Bal-roa!4onf. lbp. In oal.es, office mgm~. Seri. at.at., boat repair . Phone Mr. ltlltler, Hu· bo( see:J. 11p1s WANT UcJ>t -keeping , ...0 lroninc, St hour. Ph. t.btnrtc>n •·2613. llp13 GRE~lN'S 11111 __,.BLVD, • OOllTA, ~" ia,.i· ~ 'au:tt , at."lfat.y~. . • ai.. Helrioom s,....i.~' Ooo.W~~,-~ -Olla-&bee .. ;:-.::; ::::: =-=~ -)fate • "l'Ulo Linen --2 Ooocl)tar ~oam Pillows . Giit Wr&!)Xd. .... l .. a:~-~hin~ .,,eoaTlla ·. ' llplS 11.: CbrlBtmas ~ * ,.. tM R19BT Tllllll . C. ED SOULE, Contractor. MAY I HELP You with yoU? entertaining? Ca II Mn. Mary Da)lidaon. Har 3001-J · ' .. UcllH ------:.,..----.,. , . at, U. ~ Pli.lcl:, . Qo to SH$LTON'S 1'1-ll. 17th 8t. Ooata - 217 Onyx -Balho!l Ialand. -Harbor 1'68-J 29-Belp Wanted NEW .. ._ IOM-W 8c13 ; HEADS WATER DISTRICT Jll•rt B. Diemer haa bHa ai._itd ~ po•t of C•n•••l U....s-... ~ Ee.1w .... of M•tropolltaa W.aar OUtrii:t. •ff•cti•e Ju•r1 l~Gul4e For Venetian ·Blinds, SllllAel and Drapery Hdwe. THE . SHADE SHOP Pree '8,tlmates Ph. Har 884 . • i Wanted at Once TOP MACHINIST Permanent Job ~pply at South Coast Co. • Newport Blvd. at 23Jd St . Bite I :!l~=.!!!!!!!:!!'!!!!!I~~~"~ ...... ~--IUlCSANICAL ll NGIN ll J: R, Newport Bea.ch area, exc.U.ent Sympson & Nollar opportunity. -working COD• PAINTING 8t DECORATING dltlona ROSAN, Inc., 625 Cout . Highway, Newport Beach or "The Best Money Can Buy" 5224 Soutl!ern Ave., Boutl! Gate. 1112 • 118tll St., Newport Boaci1 lOcU 11'\retlde Tqobr, per ~t ........ $ 8.96 Ml,~ ~ Tou:lot ~Je, 3· Plut!c eo .. ted arm cb!r · lf!!l4 _. lblt\, eood u-Bu Nducod to ............................ $l59.ll0 , ~ little -, -lilllT..J. Jenny Und -I bod, ma-• lOpU hogans!ttJ ~;~··x;;;;;;-$119.GO dtv:J: HDl untw.....i eotfeematlc . ' ~an-On Tools . USED l-oB. . CHRISTKAS CONSOLE radio • reCW<1 player Call loaN XD(8I.il, Har. lo&7·R comb., nieo oond. .............. $37.llO :till Miramar, Balboa Enflauder r or tun• Box 6c&H oprln• • "'"''"'" (-2 mo.) llollt to< $U9-75. Price only ............................ $69.ao IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Maple end tabla .................... $ 8.90 O'Ktefo 6 Kmttt &-llun>or apt. 1tow ......... -................ $2!i.OO PHONlll HARBOR :UOf 52tfa SALESMAN. So. Calif. m•Jor &itt Dale's :f'umitUle line, permanent. Apply A.II. li7t HUt>or Blvd.: White Ermine Coat Opera Length PAINTING EARL ·SHEFLIN 2091 So. Coul Blvd., L&ll\ln& Coet& M... Beacon 6'37·J Beach. 12p Want to Buy --et.. caota -Used Fur.niture ~-~-lWT Oralip, ~ K-9. 1Ui -Mli7·K Md Complete tNltallaUon, rep&R and MrTlce of all tnileT ~ea\. Painting and ORANGE COAST Size 15 . Never Been Worn Approximately Half Price $1900 '-lnL He •ucc....dA Julian Hin .. 'tlfh• ..ti,... on that date after 22 7••" •nice witlJ · DUtrict U..at aupplies Co101'ado Ri'<Per water lo 44 Southern California cities. • Paperhahging TRAILER SUPPLY Gl!Xl. BURKHARDT GOS· 31.et St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 208-W before 8 L m. or after 4 :30 p. m. 83tfc 1910 B..U\80R BLVD. COlta. II-. ~· Beaoon 112H·R TOOLS -0e Walt• comhlnaUon jolnt.er, table aw. Boice Cra.ne drill eaw. Tlfelv~lncb band aw. Kloc. -tbolo. ll:vulnp. jlMj Creatvlow DP., Bayollore. 10pl2 ~-------~ PPJ&'IT olec. -· -.. Dou U gperaUono wltl!OUl at- taelul!eo.._ Excell~ -.ndJU.... &a.critic• at ·~ ~ -4 For Information, Call Klmberly 3-2980 llcl~ Citizens Wait -.3! Hours Before • Pact Reached Kore than three and one-half boun were •pent in walchtul waiting by cttiun.s in attende.nce at the directors meeting ·of Ua.e ff!VeD Orange County Sanitation Di1tricts gathered in the SuperOe- PJ> chambers of the Court Houoe, ila'nta Ana. la8t nt'1tt., · . V :f.t io hme 'du\lulg-rtui 1111M 1nr ·would anyone have given an)' odd.I tha.t agreement could be reached thia year. • l'ftftkJC ~~ ln fine QGDCll----~-------­\IOll. Kloo..llo&t ~n. ~bl .. , ..... po TRI-COLOR CoWe puppld, · 5 Many & bl&: dMI bae been -l.llru a .m&ll Want Ad ' ()all o>U: or ,..... ~ &r. wka. old. $2~ each. WW hold W.lt (or Hw. Nff.J ~) tW Chrlstm ... Beacon 600S-R. DON K. BUTTS BOYS' 2t• blcyc.le tn -nice condl- UQJ'. MaJce otter. tl09 E.. Bal- boa Blvd., Balboa. Har; 2049-M. . ' lOcl.2 IDEAL FOR HOLIDAYS-Man'• dbl. breuted Navy French tl&n- nel 1ult, slu 38. U.ke new, $40. Ha r . 3099..J after t p. m. llc l2 TABI.E I.AMPS, Oii painting, clrop . ·Lie. Gen.erel. Contractor leaf table, electric ranee. Be•u- ---------~·~u_c_1s __________ u_p1_a ~STJCRN HaNrock ~. SN.ARE DRUM-In excellent COD· bra.pd n.cw. reaaoea"9. di x..,._ dltton, lncludea 1tlc.ka a: brushea. cJ.uua, Corona dd K.v. . l0,11 S24. Ph. Beacon 6098-R. llpl3 LIVING ROOK, $-piece eu.!te, ICE SKA TES l elze 8 % ) worn flaroe eotor, in A•l COftdlUo.o. ooce, electric train, 4 wheeled 11''5. 100 Jtut Bax Ave., •!Ma, M.tmmer, mecb. tnack, toy aew- Apt. 2. l0f12 Inc ma.Chine, like new. Heavy fll,ff')'~all truck. Phone Har'bOr GOO!> LOOSING -"'1lt uelJ. · 11<13 •Ii tt. oota. Jlx~eot -ii- Uon. Uta. ~ -., eta-.1, Uel.4 Rellde&\tiaJ · Oommercial Uful brown and white kid okin ...._ ~~-~ :~ ~1 ."' ~er~· i:!° ~ TWO PC: llYN -. •I, ehu-• ~ ..... 'Y'f\ -,,,..,--.. ' J llclZ tN71,. V~ f'Mlf''... excel. ....;._: :.,.· _..~-:~~;......,.. .... t~....;·_;_; --+'1""'~ If :;::::;:;:::::::--::::::<:::::i::::::-::r:::: J ,, ,,~f,~r-.... ,.~~1};·it:,!: · : ·ii\ ...L.jJ... • -v ~ l'OR'l'Aea;. ~RI)• J>LAm ' S!'ll$. .,, ...,.,. OH ~ Tone contror. le&tl!e...,tte cue. MllT·R. UclS . PAINTING Eicellent condition. reaaonable. MAHOGANY Dbl. bod. box opr11>c uc:;11N11I1:D -IHlnJ1ISD AUTO RADIO and. HEATER. IUld mattreM. $43. ,,ttad spread Glenn Jo"'-,..-n Fit any .... Good •ondlUoa. ""° oklrt '°' ~ """· \5. -.• ••-St. :_::::. -.,.. cheep. Bea. 3113 daye, Harbor Youtll'• dlnine cbalr, 13, 11armi., -_,.. .... -..-• 212 evet. l!p12 , '998-1.. 10cll s..-..,.,, -FOOT PEDAL CHUIUJH ORGAN #For threfi years, first one dW- trtct and then anolber baa hel• "P the operation of the County Banltation pla.n for which $8,300,- 000 wu voted by taxpayers of thft county on Feb. 28, 1949. B & y· House Movers MEDIUM OAK Phone Beaoon 9003-J. lMt night It appeared tllal -1 apln. •talemate wae at.haJ\d. Gene.~ Contractors The engineering committee, un-StiO J'ttwt .._: TUIUA. Callt. der tl!e chairmanship of WU!lll Pho~ ~borly 3-.u&a ·Warner, had brought In it& pro-(HODl• Piion .. JAaper t-2773 .,. ppeed agreement w ill! the engln· J.Aaper 9·Jll87) 9ltft: een to de.sign and su~ the __ 10pl3 , bull~ln.g of the huge ewer projecL -Cta"'"ad ... ue read bJ fOIJll ;:.1 ~; Amendmenta wer e offered. who an lnoktnr to buy. ~-,tJU&CftPhS substituted, word 1 , ... ~ed and a vote wu even ' tiken ordering lt back to COU'l· • • ,.. "'1ttee for Nviaion and alteration. ''~nu( meeting would havt beeh on Dec. 26. At thLI. polnt Braden Finch of NOll'PQrt Beech broucht tl!e proj- ect once again home. 'Tbe ftn6lt ' .t..,...gttt we could ctve to the ~I• w ~_,of Ot&nge County would bt th• .,. -.:ompletJon 0( a~ent cleanq -tll• -Y for the project." l'IJIClo 1 ... ,.told bJa pthtnd dlrectom. WUIJa Warner •.l<>Od l!P &Did • • uked to• 10 mt.Jtea wttb UM enctneen ...a ll1li c:ommltU.. • ..-la \J>al Ume Md-Oa..i .._..,, ~ppro...S oontnct. . °" Tu~ nlll>t. the eltlee -., •• _...,. -of the ...... 11 .....-appro..a a P"vkJoa ..t o1 'l".·--... t& of pnotl!er -aece·1:~ to pc~ ~ or UM Ocean Outfall IUld ~· aeetplanta.., •" ..,.,,"Wms IJI!•-'J\; ... J' 7 '2Ji(l Jcl. -~ ___ ,..,..,. m.lhw41J ..... •1171a . .,..., DllNS•wllocan~---.ftc1111 -_to_U.. __ = ' ' """" pollcJ to "'°"" .. .. -lA.~rs;ce.,:.~ ~ ------ • Cllq !lot -· •• a ~---.... .-............. 111'1••·---~ -.. , ... ......, ...... ,. .... h ... •w ••.. I # ••int.., • $10 WILL HOLD any PIANO for . CHlUSTM&S. dill very. DANZ-- SCHMIDT Big' Plano Store. Sa.n,.ta Ana, 6th St. comer. 520 No. Main, 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE l"ROM ! • FlmNISBED APT. -~rms. and Certified Used . Cars HA VE an okl piano you are not bath d u.sin•? Trade it 1n for ltl top ~-' a ~· no pet&. 0 <kink· 1950. stud~baker Coa>m•adef cash value on a Pacftrd..Bel\ era. Near oentet-of Meaa, . 0..-bu ty Televt.ton. Q.>nvenlent term.a on ~ $60 moeUt. 1876 run n Ave., ~e.:. ~\Im "u.,: any balance at SB.A.FER'& Be.aeon 5136-M. llcl~ hoL,, &\1-tO. tNDa.. rad.60. MUSIC CO. (Sln<:e 1907), ill N. -Be w1oe-te11 poq e-! etc. a.iv& ovor ···-····-····-'1000 Sycamore, Santa Ana. .Kl 2·0872 BALBOA PENINSUI.4 1 ll'urnlab-llM& Stv-kor Clo. a~ ACCORDION-Used; fllll 120 -· ed &Ingle apt. $25 (winter!. CODWrtlble, a beAUtUllJ • Will aacrltice for $95. Terrno. ALSO 2 bdrm. houee., trtctdi.Jre, w . Every J><*lblo .,.. Olhera low u $125, $145. DANZ.. laundry available, mo. in· tra.. A. s"ffctaJ at cml;r '1J95 SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, corner eluding uUI. to June 5. Harbor 11141 Plyvl,ouU. -· ~ 6th. Cbriatrnu Sale, Santa ADL 12'1()..W. 5tfc Radio. htr., etc;. Ill ~· condltioll Uuoupout- d a -1&1 at, on)}' ·····-··-·I. 895 2 • . ' ~~ Gk"'T.w.~ ... , "1.~tlh 311 Marine A.ve., Balboa Jeland 1 _ Ph. Haft 1&7t'or 1872 ~ ~ ... ~ BALBOA: ISLAND . • EXTRA SPllCIAL value in ea ~ ap:idu ~. · Charming living room overlooking patio. 2 lllee hdrin.., dOlible garage. Fumiahed apt. PiW tiw qqlclt ~-• . t . ' CORONA DEL ~ -· One of the most attracth-e ho,_ "9 ~ nfr of· fered. 2 bdniis., llrick,.t pat1o,.c11n1nr -. lltll1 ubuaual .features. Excellent terms. $15,750. . BLANCHE A. GATES -~TOR PRICED .FOR . I'MMEDIATE 8AL_E -,. ·Home and Income · ¥ Here la a S bdrm..' home of quality ~ri on BALBOA ISLAND. Large livlllg rm., ~· • Guest rm. with bath. Sepal"I!\~ .llll\I . WlllPI& .apt. ... ...... ' ' over ""'· g&n«e: Price $18,500 ISLAND REALTY CO. , Realtors Park Ave. at Agate 1 BLK. from FZRBY·LNDO. BALBOA ISLAND . BARBoR 37'1-W Wu $38,000 Now $30,000 One of the nicest 3 bdrm. yiew homes ID eo,_ • del Mar. 'u yw are IDterested in a home Ill W. price c1uia. DON'T MISS eeeiu& tbill one. . . . .... fl' HAS :EVERYTlilNG! LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Saleam•naa:er 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Harbor~ Extra Nice 3 Bdrm. Home Could be made 4 bdrms. Only 11/, yrs. old and 8Ull loon brand new. (Owner has no· childrm). Bwd. floorw, large fir. furnace. Near high school. Nb • lawn, lot 80 ft. wide. garage. G. I. Resale offers usual good terms. • • • '· • • -• Income Property C-2 . ' 1,.._~-two.itooe ..,.. liot ul a .oo, ...i jlro --Mio. !s""'-llfPIOIL JI.ti). ~. ~"°°· .... doW'!- M·l -Industrial , ' : hcblt~'.Bldi; Sood location, I~ ·"kit, floor lp&eo-Oftt 12,000 oq •• f '"''99· - 6 A-11-1-lndultrial ....... '8000 0. N. WEIJX.S, -Rltr. 6 AMoclatea 1790 Newport Bfvd. Owst1 .. .-~ Bea. 5181- out 6f°ToMl Owner ·Saya ''Must.Sell" - Jiit ' -.home. loftly --fl!!lplM<,• ·needa redeccrntlllg. Vnturniahed except .et.oft -~ dnpu. Fenced reor yar4, J'l1ll • ,rtoo '12.!lllO. -WW -tt . eft'lrl . Balboa Penlpsllla ·INCOME e I.,. ... ..,. alee ' "!'lfto .:._ 2 -.,, ft-an1y 116 ynr. oM. tscu ....,._ , '""°" 1 bdrm. unlta flunlabod. O..e 2 bdrm. \JblC lln~ Clnoe to bay and ~ awtmmtng. Excellent .. _. $36,500 Lido Isle I -.. t w'.th home · ww. naa- otone nn,Jace and f......S air llMt. btopcloa.I. -J>Clftb. -•Ut\11. enclOlled patio, 2-cu ...,.,_ &.«. of ,toragw. """'•· Onty •• llOO, t8l60 -... (Fu--.. can be plUd\aal If •eek Ml,> I • • ' a-. ii A LOVELY HOM& 0.. 11' Joto. Redwood'. • f-. 1iwoiy paU.,. Apt. tor llico-111 reo.n., Tbe, - -I hdrooftlll down IU!ll o dor)ner i:oom up for '"'9 -lrift 'avwl nuta.• The lilt. r.. moc1enl wtth dlohma.1- t.r uct ptbl.p , dtapol&L l'tm'·t1d ucept tor Uvtna room. Kuot -be -t8 bo 4fl-t.od. J'rieed at S17.00Q wltli ouy term& - . HERE IS mcoiar .... (rul lake ~ of ,.,.. IO &II - ha"'! to •"' to~ '"!'Ins Ills ,._apt&. _._ -loay. DCI:' tJD!T 1NC01m. Jlt.IOO 41111 yoa eon ,neUeall.r name ,_ ewa '""11& ow.. IMmr town .. BEVERLY REALTY CO. . '21l llUrt 8aJbo& Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1T88 • BALBOA ~SULA Corner B&lboa Blvd. Del Bel Vue Lane . ~ L .utl>,SEVILLBI • cu.tom Built -Furniahed BuUt b;t prominent Wilder for hia own home. You w!lf &fPreclate the muy quallty feature& . and trorie•abtp that make thia home· worth having. Lociated on Juae corn• lot 118 x 100. SpeciaUy de- a1gnid fl>r pleuureful Jil:ACB liYlng and relaxa- tion. • • I ~TURF.s INCLUDF;_: 18 11 SO living r0om ad- jointna '6-ft. covered patio with massive brick bar- ~. '1'1111 ~ ·mq. It. nearly new home baa 8 bdnna., 2 llaU NUlhll, 2 complete baths. PLUS maid's quarters_ and bath. • PRICE $49,500, completely furnished OPEN FOR INSPECTION Saturday· Only 2-4 P.M. H. H. SHAPIRO CO. 32 So. Garlleld, Puadena Phone SYcamon 37191, RYan 19070 ! Courtesy to Bi:okers) .. ' . . Rtal Bltate la'°"'.' Best lnve1taien~ -o- 'lfciitwt and Rental bF••-1718tlll. ..... ._IE bUJO'• .. -.... .... ~ ............... -. .... Id ...... __ ,.... ...... .. ~ baUt. ..... , ~ tilt} 0c-llTU ...... m:·· -. llvlns --111~·..... lJ' --P! ........... -... ---t ~ <*-to oll1'90ll". A Nlll-ltr "l,llM .... , __ , -o- Outstmding . , ~.V~w:Lot . om Cliff Drive In Newpllft llelOt!I o .. rlooktng Newport Hart>or. 'l'ltr. r. the bOot · buy In a YleW lot In Ihle area. Buy It for :row fl&tlOH -. • ...---o-' Lota and AcrH&e Avallr.ble -·-Let Ua H• You With YOIFI ~ iloto~ Netclo . -·i__ H . B. C1.ARK, J.--~·+soae. LaPerle Realty llM Hulror Blvd., i;.&a·M-. ,,_. B<&cOll .,... . .' . . EXCLUSIVES Prlctd to sell. Y oa -1 have complete lnformatlo11 ·by c&lling at our LIDO ll!LE office. • 1. A I llodroom home 0$\ lo 1:>11 U1Xlt In every ....._ ·, rlile ·-utY' lo beyont 4r•rtp~. If J'W wan\ .......... !'OitrillC. lonlY . plantOd pat.IO, .... h•t. llartlw-nooro, Mlge - -nwytfun, ~. -~ lty &U meana ... THU. .......... ; .~-. . ' ' • .. • • BY THOMAS • • • Manley Balboa Baysho~ off!ee and . . . . . Well known local Y t Broker aiid a new member . .. . . ol our staff . . They can help you. ~ yo~ new bome or yiicht. You are int>lted'to rp.irr an!! see Quot·~ Monn in th~ new office at • BA~IDil ~ ~j rom HIGHWA;~ ~. ~= .· .. Priced at •20,000 and worth ~A RT, W eftl7 ... L .-r.:::::-. • • TANLEY, Realtor : 2. Ar.a on LIDO ISLE what you Bayside Dr. ~ Cout Hlway have been waJllnl' for. A bom~ Newport Beacb on Ute NORTH BA YFRONT for om.~ th• ~ ;rice of '31,15-00. . llmcUM a . 2-•tory ~ with s beboema. 2 b&Ute. a&J11 room, 2 -r and _, _,,,., Corona dol Mar . . lStll and rmno:. Newpott Bee.ch; • • SllS Nftpott Bl..S:: Ne..,.t8-ll • • ' ( unit llt&t,·I sun decka, clreular --------+-----------:-:-; bar, clever >cJtchen and home -.. comp1ete1y tum1abe<1 tor only Open House,· 2 4 Iris, Corona del Mar :.·. $38,llOO. Thr. lo a BUY. Saturday d Sunday, 1~ p. ni.' : C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Coast Prope.rties I01 I!. llolboa Bl9d.. BalbOa Phone Harbor· ff68 ~--~---~--1 CORONA DEL MAR INCOME BARGAIN w .... tllo DEVELOPERS or UDO lSt.a where ftfte t.oln-e8 cu he aouctll for as iow u $16,.-. 490 Newport Blvd., Costa M-,B••n· t8l8 · · . . . IEvenJna;s Beacon 41•1~ l f-' ~. ·. IT COSTS' MONEY To Deal With Ilall6ra. ' Beautlfill Large· • Cd.mer tot ·· · ON -,,.., 4 • DR1VZ 11w.r&oJu.1 -"7 ~ CWba au la. Ap-,._ ,., nu. A wry rood . ...,,. Attnrctive .-2 -'bedroom home, onl31 4 · yea.rs old. ~ '°!l•U.. <JI! Narcielna Ave; Separate gueat · rm. & ·bath adjoining gar. (built to take 2nd story. · l:xoe.Deat Income l'ICOl'd but Owner Mu.st 8e.U. See your MultJple lhtf.qr BrolfeT or $10,500 • OOlt. Alee a -retilalitlng lota for u little. aa $2700 wttb euy tenno. GOING ..t. GOING - • GONE r. the llto'7 ot the LOTS. T~ -.r BUYS won't -forewir. Be.rt a uttle bu18 a L<Yr. Come lee ua ' 4 B. R. HOME, 2 Priced tD sell. Lo ... ·THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES TtlE POST all tD ~,carpet tliroeclM>ut, 20 OL down • P • A, P A L ¥ E R attached garage. mpletely feneed ·and · belluti-• It also coat. money to deal with ff:J W W SANFORD · REALTOR your lawyer. • • , · INCORPORATED fully landscaped. "ced to ~ $10,900. M ulL lMFUng ~. JUS . Orange County's Ouf~fandi'ng Real Estate Advertising Medium Park A.lWlue a\ Ma.tint · · Balboa Island. 3333 Via Dido · ; " ~~~;=::,.-to .~...,. Newp6rt Heights H.UUIOR 14&1 NewportB<ach.caJlf. CORONA D .MAR PROPER'f!_1i'.8 ;' All profeu!onal 11r•••11 -·Builder Must Sell &.lior 1~ Rentala -Income Properties -Tradell -_.es~. money -but prot-mei m--8 •Jltluualty -u llallt 3 bdnn. Chicken Ranch * * * * * * 1-----------'-411Cout mvd., na del.Mar. lJarllor 1037; bero opend tbne and money .;..,,, l.D41vldllallty beauutul A rool oppommlty ,for tho rllllt If y , · VOOEL VALVES · ' e<1uca11ng them.et* -. -"'8..U0... _,, wo~dortu1 ...a ....., to...,...-· ueto per mo. ou re a C d 1 M Open House, . 16th, 1951, 1 tc>5·p. m. ' your lnteresla. oootl7 footuru. Entry hall, lge. 5 acru, 2 houaeo, b&m .• ~. BARGAIN HUNTER orona e ar I ' "den bo • - -.. fir.place -water ... equlpmeat ,... dw n Can be used for e family rest ce, ya or.; RBAL JlllTATll: lo a ,....,_ I ..-i w •· • ·--THREE bdrm. home, b d. oors, f "--' Ii f ud ~ n-t u.o ~ i..-air Mat. oelected hard· 1&.000 chlcllena. $5000 down pi. . Look These Over l5 x 18 living rm .. (~piece, lge. old people boardin church or rateuuu l!O ac unc- ut type of HceMed re&! eotato wood !loon, l'l b&tllo, large ._lory. '1'lllo operoUoa MB kit.,., W. •Ink. Sunny break· tions; ideal for ac r, ali\hor, artlsta or·wrttars. operaton. ltltdlen. buUt-ln laundry. Street Oftr SGO,-&TOSS oat•• , .. 11111 .. ,._.t bome with ( --faot _.. Bath hao tile fioor T ~-No·--dy on-• ~-. " hetli• ... fire-.. ' 56-Momey Wutiod . llondo _. pol& Are )'<>U Inter-C... loo 1n--i. older. wtth ~ ~ ODCf ""11& llorterlor wld• ~· ~ .. ~ ·-~ u -.-mm. The c()!'llmfz rllll y«r ••a I lo r -111 -f T111o bame r. un-· ' Uoo that the low pt1Ce -Iala'jor Jlluler. Cedar llhlnsle placee, den, rump with bar, dining, llreekfut, •· Trust Deeds for Sale • .,,.. 1a -.i .., -1a1,. d...,_ •• lbe bu!lder'• ex-Moderately'Priced permit. Pt<r, floot u.s oo -roof. Wide P'>"''" i..wn. n..... · tillt fitrnace ud 1dtcben.. NET YU:LD I~ to 109': AMORE and tervice. • Qenae..-~ price J. only-oa water. Someone wUJ ntOS'-era.·•Qu.mtfty throughout, on a u y, , . . • "PLACE YOtJ;R ntOCEEDS y.., It -......,. wt J'01I "' $14:25<> INCOHlll HOME. New 2 bdnn."" -t~ vahle at $It.sot. good atroot. All lhr. plua a t , . rJlervants•hqwie, g~e,;~y house, barbecne ·· IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" aove mucb more,,_.,. u...i. ·l't·t lot. located cl::.!o '-di. Li * * * 1· hum..! th!iellJ'ock.-H'!ll>o~:etec.' i~1~ :ltQ\ise,. ~ )i.o ' corr&.t,:· .. dolut, roee gar-/Ev-~-•M•-I•••~ -· a 11111-t.,,_,.,. 1'· cosy'atU•ll>bilrAl.home.itfill&r-· otiw~lal !Olil4 ·IU~;W>!g·· 1 'i;i ·~-•.l• ... u~t .u.1 · 'g .i...n · ~r •f..Jo ..!.:='°"'~ .. dU ... -· -w-----:,!'.' • ~ ..... -'· Phil,Sullivan Ampi.....,.,. tor oddlt1ona1 untt. ~ klb:hen. patio, nrep1ace. ....i. add round .., .-. """· ."""" u,. -"". v• .. ........., '3.881-lot T. D.' pays UO mo. NI '""°"''llO. R111-"i dn. ,_heat and nicely fllrnlOilled, b..--1 oot. Price reduced to Duui,.on IO.allad.y ci.:aped ~cl<* to ocean. &~. all due 1118. 1. ~ --· -.... Geo. Everson ,.,,_1. · ua.ooo. '11,IOI. l:ltcellmt termo. cau It has ~ CH•;J!!;k ud OOMJORT. '3,GM-lot T. D. -UI ~ . plde )'OU. -bUJ'I-. -JIM ~l J11W.. ·Oall.a -* ._; * -y. o,!. It .... _.a.; l8tJa 1 to 5 p • .,_ ''"'· PllO -unt. . ..11111,. · • --~-nss Lid Isle $15 500 ean bna""'" -11111 3 -""" .....___,, '8,08G---lat T. D."payo $80 mo. 7" rmmo.,.,..,.., O ' -!:'.u home"~ ~Y -t TWO bdnn.;·...u furnlahed bom• at 216 Crest A e., BuntingtDn Beach, Calif. Free collecUon. oervlco. z. -Mft oelecl .. llotlai9 (Ac--ODota --I Wo aa ... J1Ur1 ...,pltt .. &a .tU-at Pf,500. Artlatlc Jl&P'ft ...S only ,9,600. OWNER MOVING, • ~1:::1::: 600 tor all i,.,.. ot ..,..._ 8vu. II&. S167·W -.-..J u-.-I htnn. h-with maay color-. 2 bathe, flnplaft, IOOd 00 hao price red!JCed to oe11. ice -euv, BOB SA1TLl:R; 1415 Coaat Blvd. U1e feature. ·-enclooed patio, heel. •-this one. Owner trona-Llvlnir rm. 12 x 17 With IFUllDy colt 00,000 to d11JAiale Conma OeJ Mar Har-lllln-J 3. Realloro hav. ·--·---.,111 ~ .._..__ .,..,., .._I A·-·-·-~-· .,_ -~~ llORTGAGE CO. to -... "'-••-•· •--ot--~ . arith • .,Jtnn Cash c.._ ;ur "· •---•· feT<!d. MUST 811:1.L!' ._. -e •~m-•-~-G·""".· B~· Brok :.-:r_~~. •-· l'w>do KI S-61811 tm' t r. ::,":.':.,. "r"" -"f1I _..,v claoo encloled tul>, •-' * * * fen Md 8Utlor et.ow, 9 ft. JWV , er ~ -~ v.. en ~·~~ ~ oale. You tan -111t<T Q1o 2 bdrm beamed celllnir bt II•. ""-co.. • ualto ... ""'-u.....,. -Pl1*o ..,... I x s• IWldt ,.u.. Pho• &.91?18, ta Alla Choooe ·-rea1io. ...i Ml! i. -.. BUiit s ynr. aco. JUot re-be boucllt -1-""'!"' P..,._ -·tion un1•· ---·-·~ 8ttd< ....... 1:xpeaa1n1,. w1111oc1 -. 1 · "--•-1w·-'--••111 ._I-. • lien ment of ttTM .... t value .., .-·-· ----· -t· ..,. ,__ --. n..t -. --• ..,..._ ......._ ~ ~~ • • • • ... the exclual~ propertJm now d~tod. Dbl, pr. uq t .... ·~ N-ao a pin. <>wnor ml&!! -~·-• .--:-:::: • ..!::.. a.ft•. --------+---:------------being han-bF --·· Joo&Uon ..... •~ G. 1 ,_lou. Bal· ~ ._ eonalder trade. , :::.:•:__-In =-"'."'Ti..r.la · LOANS for Homes Al>J' ot -... -....... .-1-*" -1. ~ • ~ ·-·--·---j REAL y ALVES. . 1<)1.-20 ,.. Loan. may bO ~ ""'°'WI'' ..,. -Bun.om -R&ldJ?'OI\ Ba. y .. Beach Realty · llOO oq. ft. on _, of - CONM'RUCTION LOANS reahor mem-of tJ1o Newport • 3112 Newport BIYd., &.-11511 ""! whld\ -la requlHmento for an BALBOA PENINSULA ~ ~Side Acre Lota at •. O'~'-(H -) Hartio.. Board of l'tallora. Corona del Ma,r . IUll 1~ Balboa Bl\ld., Har. 12e4 apt. -tal feJJee In mat. Attr.uve -I.... On ~-~ v ,..,. ··-~Ullo -0--lo>-with~-... -ll<IJ. .Only ftlll.... ..._.. WJI BU"( AND SELL . • WE .. A_ WJi: are Ooeaa v-...... s bdrm. I bath ~ - --by -dly. Ito good value, IOOd termo. Gvtp. flpL, .-Uo. ...... of . ' J' ..... ~ TRUST Dl!lEDS ""I"' -·· W t.o •W ~ ...S --........ to Jla7. ' * · * * * *. * lac" t1.110f -11'1111 for ltprlcll -. 'l'IFrlbll of l~ ma: BOB BATTLER your favorite broker!!! dnper "'. ,.,. lhrd. !loon, JOHN VOGEL CO. .,11ce ":; n2.MO.. -Full Acre for $2500 1415 C9ABI' BLVD. WUt _.,.,.. -•• ,.,_ -nr. l\Wau1, t-. pU!o, is01 Coal¢ Hwy. Corona clel Kar NE4R BAY -and. 11""'1 I eorona tlel --lt'IT-.1 we haw .. --.. ,... u opltoklero ~ • _,, eo· lot. Desirable Duplex $1500 DOWN P.l>one Harl>or 17U, H&rbor H77-beaclr. Attradlve, old bome • ACT NOW . Jlep. PODUER MORTGAOJ!l co. aU um .. -all -.!tot..... Ooll)' '11.oot, .. _ truofUftd. ""-·~ -..-'1PO -(Eftainp Barbo• atS-ll) ID Up.top eondltlon. H fb9., . -. . )(etro Life lu. ~ KI S-6181 &ft FRl:lll. • X.., In our oMqo. "Superifjc" Ci,;"M-. all -ult J&U. lOcll lrpt, 2 ..irmo., I ba palle, ~· $500 dCJWD ; ·~·-TO-~ DIPROV.. ' · --••A. Good Ooola ll----1-to ,nleo. •-• ..;.,;_. 1•.Bow-• ~·~ DU~, The only Une & ··--W, E. Fisher ·-••• -· ••• -ADU -~· ,_. -ll ..... -...-oa -n·.-·-.. •P~~-.. ~0D~,_ -· -·----·--u·· -·-money la --lloalaor TWO,.•--·-.wt.. •-"-~~t-_., .. ,,_ ~ 11\J:lJVJ..t.u"Jl!;;J" ...,_.,.._ -~wr-. -. - -I • Rlll'INA.NCI: Ma ,_,_ ti.. ei 16 Jlullrior -~ ' 111 ....... _ -~ w-•·-...,.. •-priOeo. Yr. eld, Sood -..,. .. we -1'n>lt Dooolr , ...... -·· P~~ •. bu•-' . two• 21ro, -·-. -Z11 .,ra'•1 Oui,-. Bii. ...-I .._ etPl-,,.. .., ......_ Ioli 16 m., •-. oi. ....... ....., ....... ,_ -~ .. , , -..... '8111: 9ltll ..... ....,.,, . • • _, _.... -... "'*wroa1' B••M• ,......, · ., ...... -"'1ru.r"' 'Ernie Smith ,...,. _ ..... .a. ,._. Newport Hetghbl . ~ .;,.... ,__, 00.,1< lllO lot. v.,.,. quiet ·- u.V1Nas ~ LOl-1' A-. n--.,..._ -·-1e aaaor •d'Sd --tor tlP a -· beme 1n slat. i-ttes Open for Inspec. ti.:: DUPrur;:1 ~':!. P..,..irl¥,,.. 1oc11ti.... -.... Udo...____ D'CY~rly R--Co -'-·-· •.. Kar ~ -m--1£. ,_,_ ·-~~ .• - . ...--~,,. • tll Coul Bl"'1. """"" --..... I '"I ' ~. ~·-! ~. ~':""' 1Ult -lll'tlflll, I ....... :r ---'1>WlleL ~L '$2000 DOWN-0 REAi. 1:8'1',&.TS LOAlC8 2ll 11:. • 1 •••.,.... . 91•• · -. !IUtMor ms lOl!c , __ .,_, -·-...,,_ va:w -Blftlt lrltcb•n. -.. 1-. "Pl*· eo . / . ' Interest &te 5% Phone !lar'-l'll8 .. ...._ -· ~ ~ lllo --~ -'bnq 'C!lo.io kJ ~ .,., oM I-..._ -..S. • --1 • OPTiUriAL "'--· s lrlr Ne.wport Val_....• •4' . -. .. .,.. ,,. all'i!M -J..wro..-. nra.. i-quickly _.. In Ule 9-1 Balboa Jt)and -• ~ w. '8llr -pll£ a .. ......,._ -..:-..11 9' ... ht ftl•••· ~ RW Wt;< • .a:. ...._ aad uc-· -.aw · ... ....;.. rrosaate .,.It -._._,....._-.11ro·... re-~. • Btlboa_B1alty • ·1•1· .-91, •1181nt !Mot .mwupi. 11111.to. 1'ew • a111. • 2 Lots, , Coeta )(.,_ Orrrlrl''• -. •-··jtl-•• "!!".~ --~led. ""1IL T .... In..--~la& • --t1Pe - -z..., Pr r tW 1aaa at "' ._ a. .,,, J W"olrb --la& ruu ..-...- wi.o ud •n 117 ~ .. ~··•· -·-n • ~ ~ llwd. 0oar&. -"' ---to Ira>'. -•d 1ji!,11 -.., Clllldeullr ..... d.L . . ~r;:t.-::,~:;· ft!RTBAT ___ IM!ld 11&•.-.11•n'* 'IWMJtlla* £:-:on..,•• w•ll•asalltp. _ n-= 1111-3. ._.. •&a.llr~...... B A. U9Fn~)# : • -- ..., .... _ ........... '11&262 -·-·-................... t st C ....... -0 a. .n~ ... . : ..,._ ~-= = I ....... ll'ln Re.a, ~ ....,. :iii -•-•--.as-....,. ._ --•--r••• U11& • Sic_... __ Sale , _.T:n •" 1 1111••'*'...., -' AA ID I iii• . . ... ti Q A ..... ..... •a P'UJS .. I 1r -~-...... II -AltiBUA .A.. KAT - -w a. -• • •z r;ni.,. 1-"* I .•> ._:.: .,. • -. 8 _, ,..__. __ •-• --= 1 , n ft. a mza. 8-a-.: • 't'•na M ~II I -;:-ra.a-....-... Ot'. ............ Oil ·r11ar. 1-. .. , ... ~ tu• --._..&as ·a..••~1111••••1mww Cfl& * ~-=::l:!\t.:ao-.i~~;;u;f~~~:!!! • I • • • I I t I • ' ...................... ,_,A ..... -JmCI. 11, 1911'. I -U:.S:··~ . , ·GOOD ~ . . • • •,.I' _ 1 • ..o-IOM • S cHUCK-1.IOM · 11sT cUT U. S. No. 1 IDAHO RUSSET Potatoes IEST 9UALITYI IE SUIE TO SEE THESL NEW CROP-LARGE ARIZONA Grapefruit • JELL~O PINEAPPLE 6 DELICIOUS FU.¥015 ' M I L K • GOLDIN STATI IVAPOIATID • DOLl'S SLICID N0.2 CAN 2 TALL CANS May'naise ... ::::::·: LBS. • FOR • • ' r Hemet Spiced · PEACHES - ... :c, lSc· No. 21/2 59c-C••- 25c • . t . lest-~ .Colored Nucoa · 0·1e · ~ • ol' I • ' • "-• . . ... ~-~ ~ 1-8'. ·Carton · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .-· · · · · · · · · · · -· · · · · · . LIMIT Z, f()UNDS PEI CUSTOM II Pure Vegetable .shortening 3-lb. Can · · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' LIMIT 1 CAN PEI PEISON - HOIMIL I ¥•·LI • Swift's Premium CANNED HAMS l'ULL 9UilT . 49~. 6 "9 '8 '_ . ' SPAM 59~~ • -r • S S · BRAUNSCHWEI ER .lli. MJLD. C_HED~AR 1 HOIMIL'S-IN 12..0Z. CANI NIW LOW PllCll ' .. 41c · Tomatoes . :~~::"' 19c White King.=::~':..'°; 55c Ripe Olives:~.:.-= 19c . ' . Fruit Cocktail .. -;°?' ... 33c I • .. . \Wi41e~ . 6)1Nl'J Dae. 13, 14, 15 nge Roll COfflE CAKES , • • 23c ..... .... 4 •. I ~I Sono a fe•lly of 51 • · " · • . ~ Deli~u . ·Purpose C ,. 1 .f # • - PICTSWEET / SALE! Plc;TSWID-10... I'll• ' CUT . I CORN YOUR . CHOICE I . • TOM & JlllT. , s412 'RUM & 'BRAN. Y ._ FIFTH~ .............. , ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • · 4 YI.At OLD STIW6HT !~~~~~.~ .. ~~:. ~~~~ ... · ...... sr . . I ' We Have. ih E" Not! ..... wlffl ,,... · .:.. Mll&-TrJ • tt 1itf • • *· • . _.., ) . -·-. • •• • • , • l l I 1 • \ • ~- I . HA.RB DI • • . OC C WB.L STOCKED ·WITH ATHLETES AND SCHOWS. SCRIBf SAYS ·IN · REYIEW . 8 1 ... 111-IGn ... Never bofo,. baa <>nmp Cout ru.ina-t tum they 'faced aD ~ colle.. been eo well ltocked with OU-tbeJr OWD ja,J-. cJu1t WU atlllet<e. In Ille oponJns d&J'll of Harbor jilDlor cOllep ftlch fell tbe coUep. b!gh ochOGI .,...iuates by Ille w~. d-1. Tllo fad tbat ..... -tant to attend Ille -they couldn't -\)nap c..ut becaU8e ft clldn't ba•e a ''name." pl&)'<n. couldn't tai..I thetn out OC Rwnora flcwed freely tbat It poo!Uon, eoaldn't ouuun Utom' would lock fta doora beca-of (except Oa ](Ima' 1111-yard 'ID luk of ' 1.ntere.t on the put di P\IJlt return), couldn't --- students. "Y>'f>o wanta to 10 to them and couldn't •top tbe Pl· acbool In broken down banacb !" rate ottenatve (wttfch wu only tD wae Ute famUfar queotion put yanlB f-tbon Ute Indlano' to- fortb by Ute "bupfnen." taJ ~ lncfud~ the 1111-yard T~ Orange c..ut Ill not only f>llDt run. book and Ute 12-yanl well •tocked with athlete•, (men· pau play to Jeter ""'-lcb.pn th4 tloned tint beeauae of the pertlcu-touted lndlona • ''luclcY' u -e far lnteftat ,.of thfll -ter), but win) eYldently wu for10t len by bao many otudente who l.bree .lbe Indiana when they looked yeva aao. would have 10fte to a back over the eeuon. And tt fOUl"-year ..,_I becawoe Cout abould bo, for ft WU Ute ottly wu unt~. , team that they played that wu Cout bu now 1Urvtved t.eatl: anywhere near their ability. In both oporte and academk!a and We will oay tllfll: Cout play«! Ill conoldenod a leader In both a sreat rame tbat ntsht-and In tlelda. Pirate aQJletlc team.a have our rnlnd deeervea to wtn u rnucb won eevenl champlonablpa and a. Ban llemardlno which aloo the collep bu be!n proved an played a pod pme but wu wen- academJe leader u well. ly matched for, aa we Mid be. Enn>ll.lng at OCC fa no I012ger f1Jre. the one and only Ume of the COMldered a rial< but Ill a "'""' eeuon. Cout only named· three tblnc aad. the ·practical •tuden players to tlleir aJJ..opponent team and conaelor of hip echoolen can from the San Berdoo dub but eee It u a Ioglc&J •tep in our edu-they bad to conakkr playen: from caUon 8)'Stem-one which makea Ottron Tech whJch beat them al\d tlle final hunlleo mU<b easter to outployed them H-0 aJld Bola take. ,, f Jaycee whiCb wax~ Bakeratleld A-~i. In the Potato Bowl art ... ptttns The Plrateo were proclofmed tlle bid by knockln& over ·Ute Pf. football champ• (and don't torgi?t rate.a, 35-19. In our opinion, both that they )Ollt only 14-6 to san. Oregon Tech and Bola wouJd have •rnardlno). The basketball team beaten San Bernardino. haa racked up five straight wina and Hueston Harper has high bopea tor a repruentatlve traclt teun. Coach Wendell Pickena look• like he haa the team to beet for the baaeb&ll btlntlng and Ray Roeao Ill predicting a IOOd teMlll eeuon. John e>w.... had tlle bi.- gut turnout ln hilltory for . Ute lhtto-Ume cilamplonahlp wreatfln&' team ,and golfu• of CXX: wtU ~ among tbe best tn the loop. Tile oafllnc team ha. conatanUy been the leader ln Junior college com- petiUon and laat week the Pt- ratea were represented in the Southern C&Utoml& .Junior Col· Bruins· Take on USF, W.-T e~as Over Weekend •1ege Bowling tournament at East Loo Allgtleo. ' •. . u.t Pirate Trio San Bernardino wU "nice" ~ to pick three Oran1e Coaot ~ "" !Mk all"'!>flOMtll teoi:n 1""1doDUY • II>.,-,.f....,_ that -il -.n•t take much to lllop tbell\- or are t.bne P"'1«o enough to otop the crack el°' whkh wu able: to ICOrt five or more touch· doWN DA every' opponent except OCC? Lfllted on the lndlon alf- op-"'t tootll&ll team .,.. guard Fred (All Soutllern California) Oweno, S'yd (aleo au Soutllem Callfornlal, Kannin1, and bO<:k John Black. Tiie .. Indiana otated tllat the FRE·E ' ~lb. TURKEY Yoa Need .Nol Be P..en& to Wln. COME IN AND ASK ABOUT rr ·Main Slaeet • Auto L.nclry 180 I So. Ma.in St. SANTA ANA. • · Combinetion Auto • w Owens & Mani,ing Make Star Teams · FRE Sporting • LA DELIVERY! ' , Goods +-Gifts LE MODEL 99'5' OT ·liE'S Post. Office A M~4 SAT.1 SUM • • • • • r. . . { • • • - • • llDI TAILI J\Ml;t • .01 lll'bv 14 auu..t.,y , "I>ecemller U -SU;ad6y • • Deeember 19 -M-y., Deeembor 17 ,'nle..lay ' Decembor 11 . -'---~---..... ... fll;UU-.r -t' Deoeniber .lU :!!'nl...-... •• • .... . ... .. ' .... l :tT ...... ll:Gt p. m. t :U a.m. ll:'8 p. m. •:12 a.m. _____ .......... O:St a. in. 10!28 .. m.. 1 :21 L m. 11 :0? L m. 2:07 .: m. u :aa a.m. 2:41 L JD. catl•.,... -I J&L I • • ~ ... a.a ... 6.1 3.G G.2 3.1 4..1 8.T '4..2 4..0 ,,. .. .. 41Sl .. .. -•:Oii ... .... •:II .. .. "" a.m. a:a·p. .,_ 4:20 a.m. 1,llO p. m. &:15 L m. 1:41 p.m. C:M Lm:. 7:17 "lh. 1:1' a.m. • l!IKW llOO!r Dec. 28 • • • . t.• °"" "' .. """ --== ..-.o.t7 "' tor.,. •• .,. • * ' ....... ~ .. ,. -o.t ,,._-. ._ a sz:Ct. 11 Oil Mt. --... .. -0.J 108 ..A ............... . 18 ........... -.. ..._ o.o d&I-Oil Mt. -.... 3.0 UttJe. llt Cl7*I. -0.1 11o11-dpUoo M a .,_ ..... > 3.0 at Bel-.,_ ---'-"~---~ o.1 we -~ i....-wl!ll • 18 ........ If ftN, wtll ....-tlle -• P7 -. Olrle w111 .,.. .. Pft\ll· -------wlll llo lo 11111ole bJ a ~.,W. --• t Cbaper-. wW i.. Mr. -- Little, ... -Mn. Cllarioe u.;jb ot Udo lllo Alld Mn. 8tawart. EXP,ERT .. MOTOR. TUNE· UP Kr. 8tewvt .. •till In ,Kal4o .-u..1r bo&t. tbo o.....-xe. KIM Nodd CU.. nleee o« 1'0'L Stewart Olld Roy Wan! of Udo lale will ...... -In chapel'GlllniJ tlMI 44 llarbW 'HJ troeh. P..-nt will llo Ann: Lewie ,and· John Swain; llariMU'& Utile and Clw'IM Lamb' D•1!1d .Comer and Sandre Schmid~ I>&vlll st...:n.. and Marla Plq~; Bill Wetael and Mary ,K&y Helin; John tlsle<t and Arua ,Allen: Bob Kilum and JCe-? Jll>cla l\oltllo1d; 'Glenn 'nlomu and .. Sally Pftot..r: J'.UdWd Pltp And ·, ,. / CHMOLIT aftcl OLDSMOlil . AU10\...'_, -REPAI G"-- • • ' • For economical transPQrtation w" suggest the following : Adjust and clean carburetor; adjust control roda, breaker poin~. fan belt ; clean gasoline filter ·and fuel pump and ignition ; clean and adjust ~k plug's ; clean and re-oil " air cleaner and breather cap. . This is a· special price for two weeks on)y.' Labor 5.95 •· . Culbertson Motor, Co. ' . 2481 Coast. Highway , RESIDENTIAL-INDIJStRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO ' JOB .fuo LARGE OR TOO SkAIJ. 2SO -SOtb St. Newpart lte9fb • · ..Barber 25SS . READY MIXED CONCRETE • SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY . XMAS · GIFf IDEAS • . 81 FTS • Pat Jlellnler: Kenny J.!'11.. and ~)1~ ... Toanne Aniit;' Anh Glboon and Mike Valle• Bob l.l'lolier and K&17 -."loll!o)" lCramer-i Loren Holm~ and Joan 8-ir: ·Bruce. Krupp, and Diane •OU.OO: John BnDllllC and Johan Hirth; Dick Ctatr and Gall Colllno; ·Tom Poot and Jaale Stet.IOn: Marcia MOOfthMd and Tom Webot..r; Patty~ and Kll<e Lons; Pat Ctowtll end Clln· ton H.-; fiJa Tohill and 8t.'IO Watcher: Joan C1arke and Ron,. nle New.Jon. • Firm Seeb Permit to .Dredge Upper Newport lay Aru Addltlollaalllred~•~ In • portloc "' 1lPI* . : B*Y 1o t11e ..,.i or, 8heJWeW:, rn •..• ~~nrm....­...... .....,._ rr-Ille u. IL Army Corpe "' ~ lo ,.. m-al>out t0,000 c:ulllc yUm 0( ; tbe dlaDnel. T!lellml----~---to~------· TIM eor,. fllf moat-. -¥'meed u.t .......... d rt - ~1o•-.•t. ... ..... of 10 feol---i,. -.,. I .... tlle ..... -,... -:l-·· -11-0( _,.111& • a.1 to ~• .... ----.... "' I SI 171 S 1 R , BUlr .... ...... ,... "' ···:: c»J1 Of J .. U.. I ' ...-....._ •••M .. an "& .. a •••• "ts••t• to .. 0.,. ., &.,•q'4Pt• ••W aua.a..J-T.2"' ....... , ,, .. ,,.,... a ............... , JI .... ,, nu,, . -. -' .... ;;.. • • . dadlf esttmat.e eGllbt of I . f • lmterlals, -!I a I . ~tnetor or help pa· Oblalll a 'lltle 1 "-9 Jer -~or• ~g. . [ . • < '. • • ' • ' • ,. . . • • • ur Scouting w .. I ~:01n!_Pr-a~ ~ 111_,-"' Otrl .. I'll'' • ..., ·-,_ -"'-·· = ~ -C-a.-:-.:=,·~ -•••-..:a"-,- 11c --~ for N-· port Bar1'or Ott! llcau\.0-U. "The ot._u. Ott Ollr l"'•kRi.- --depen<I to Midi ... -- palriotloD). -----oplrilu.I Yalu• of· CIUr_ y~ people1111at J-... Ille pubUc Will ruppon yau In every ->' .,... alble," Geu-l>wiPt-'>-~ (lo !he Gs CwncO of Greater. New York): "Girl llcoutlnl' contrtbutea to the morel and~ welfve_ofpda trom the agu of ~ lhrouOI 17.' I th!nk ScoullJlc la ~ It la Infinitely better lo protect our chllmn than to reh&blUtUe tllem. I believe ll>at a, gl<J -. • t!cularly 11ff11a Ilda ~ Iii' • &UO>T Em, IM -wuit ..... Os 1 ••-·.,..._a ... the teen·aae yean ... sen.torr.. .,.... • .... ~ wu~....e ...... •Mc •'rrt'1z of '9a lea Kefauver. ' at doe ftlrltt llbop'a ---• "rl ' f, • (f'HM Photo) ''I feel atrongly tJ>at we ahoul4. , r , ' ~=~::: :. '.ThrOOgs. vwt .New ' r~ Shop. . ~~:.:::.t:~ ':', :ro~.!: a· t Tuesday's fN9nal · ~· · -' · -· rapect for · the point' 'Of. · . VI I II , . '1ew.'· tHe ideal.I, and the rellgioi! . • • ~ • " 9? other peopJe", Millicent C, lie-· It · 'W'11:9 ..open HCN9e on o.;e. l -• • . ... .. In-. dean, Barnard college. at 605-I~ St., Uie ._.. ..... '""' -· H~,' 'Tllom&a RAl~tar, C9sta Mesa Man Out of Army Ing the openlnc of th. ·new Tbrltt Sahatont Monuo, Auatin lltl&l'le- Aliop W-·f----~ lli!W-J'illeU and BqlMd ere. _..._ lnril.ed to ~ • the """"'t.• ~ ..,.,. RW. p-t Ila ......... nOY bUlldlns UD 'all It f¥f Ule Leqlie. _. _,i. cJilW&>lr ~;-and to a11a..,.;ua,c:l\.alld "fltl1 llln. LoJo ~n· and )'asmc ooo1<1ea.aDA1.a-fri6>dly.dlat at 4a8Cht.or·Mollle ·r"""'.eo.-(!el S/Sgt. Ramon Bird, aon ot Mr. prettily a.ppolnt.ed tttteabment ta-Kar, wbile Kn.· R.Jchard' OMtJe and Mn. Walter Bini; ol -ble. . • · • , liuPoetelt u.e_ *>ii-lier loftly M-hea been discharged tl'Oll\ Elltllualutle wwltera --t .-. Mn. Paul Hauc!>- the Air Force alter ser"Ving ten the precfedinl' week in arransfng WilhtD&' If.om Clr1at:mM to YNn and la arriving home Fri-the aun.ctiv• m~ aq• J't N ~ mea.bet'li -.ltk• .,..tre day. He waa with t.be 452nd Bomb decoratlng the wlndowa ln hollday • I 'aDbe i..cue memllen Ma· Wing under Gen. Switzer. He mood. It waa renected through-. da.mea 0eo1'1"6 Yaidley, t N~n .uved •ix m.on~ in Korea aod out tbe abop,. tor a r~ cl-~ Peul Bopra. Qeoqt: Ptn- durlng that Ume new 50 mlaeiona. Chri.un.. happlneae and piety ·-· l'h!'ll' -tt. H. II:. Stalller, Sgt. Blrd Willi hlo wife and. prevailed. TOO, the Aal.ttance llimeat SattJc end D . D. McCaJ. daughter, Rochelle Ann. are Uv-League'a Thrltt Shop CQ.uld ve? ?um, whAll tp~ memberw lilillrt:• • mg at lllM Oranire l""'lue. Ooita aptly ~ ealle4 Santa'• W•"'"? 8opy •• Ka1'tn Burnham aad • Mea. f01" ,,_,. a 10unir pair ol ._ Ilsita Rogwri .-ed tllemal- ' wett alight at dlacw.,... U.. -tloe .-iea and tbe doll , BOAT PRICE REnlCTl!D shelvea end roorntW of toya lllat dlapla.y. City council rejected an offf!f' were kmngly prulided. ovet' b'Y "" ol $378 for the city's harbor boat, R&ftedy Arm an4 A.Ady While the .,.. Paddy, a.t the Monday meeting. .stern vlaaaea ot tile bulboua nOMd The city ma.na.ger wu lnatructed balloon policeman, K elly the Cop to. get a blgbtt price tor u.e 19-and Captain c..ey,' upt a ~ New BuOdJDC Tbe new building at 50!5 • 121td St. Ja a f'Ul/Wment ol the ...... anee Leape'a long standlna-·de- .ire lo h..... all of "" t>MJlllhtll· rop.lc YIQl'k at one locatk>0 and la a tine example or a wcceuf'U.I eo- operatlve e.nterpriae throucb the b9mdln( or. tlle ·tttwu ot __ .,,._ oi\e tn a community toward" an ulUmate goal. For the brlcht atar on the bort&on la the utabliahlng and ~trlrUa,n of the dental clinic for school children ot th• area., which at..arU operatlnc c:m Feb. ;1; 1862 and Wll1 be kncnn u lbe Frank R. Wbinaon Dental CllnlQa, """'"°red l>1' tlle AoMl· l"'ce i,oacue of N_.-t - ' foot cra.tt even if he h.ad to mar-watch over all. >r:et jt through a local boat Wee It ts throtigh the lnderatlgable agency. No price wu stipulated. efforta of Mn. Rod Bumh&m and nge Roll Mn. JWbe.rt ~ Ta,rlar ~ IUClit a -var f"e 4 ee1~t1on ~ 0( beauutul Chriatmu toys are avtJlable and to Mra. Victor Orace lhou1d go -CNd.lta for a -ci-& part. ol &lie 9UCCt'88 Of the Tivtft. Sbop t.JlrOugh. her dynamic l*'Siatence .. co- clalrma.n. The rnembe.ra of the ftrttt Sh~ committee that worked eo ttllmt.~ under lbe p.ldance ot _.,.._ WUJad Klllloo, cba1rman to- ward'; lte .....,.,:, ~=~ .... )Je1......,. i:.etd. · ~Y l.Utgenhe.lm, Cha.rlea SUllivan. Dale. Ramaey, 0 . W . Richard, Ed· wal'd. BRoka and Cha.rlee Wagner. It WU • & ~ oposdnlr rft:bt< lo cl~ time, Wltb Ml'll. _.,_Ottll' P"'"ldlnt at ttle punch bowl and lnalsUng that tt WU JOOd pllncll lo the tut d"'P· o-i, ennc Al<>odl• ..vHIBITORS INVITED ~ at the retroahmenl F-A COffEE CAK1S , • , 23c ~ble were )(ra_ Jooeph Boek. at TO ENTER FESTIVAL c.ne puqch bowl, and M~ea Arthur 8-t, Wllllam llarvey, New premlurrf Uat booklets for ,. ti• l!:dwUd BroOk.a.. and .Marlo< 0th· the colortul 1952 Rlverelde county mer. .A.nJonc tile I' ztl <$lattlnf fa.Ir and national date teat.Jval. ~!~~.._:" =~ .. ~~-:.:.. '=-~y 1n!~~ Costa M-Who ant"" ...... -... -..,.,.. ... -- with delicioua home ----to pu..-.., ah• .. -. .. .l>er do!satlon to -.f.c;t-; °""' .. r•111e--- 1161 Abel La.-.--Kin, WIW ........... Wlf1' --le Alao of Coste-; ... ~°""" .. •• 1 Ji, -ilOlllS ...... -°"" Krs. E. G. W ...... ol -poot bl'M•s la a -'8dot1' of- Beacb, loJlC .,..,.,.,... ~ f!•''ses, MdYdtns ttM: cht r=•ht ot U.. 'lbrift lll>op, and -Bo!· et I IJ ..... _..ajllt, -tt -· llr. and Mn. J . 4. v.,..,. .....,., Illa llrilllut dale - and P-1 Jo trom Sea r---1'de'M._ u...tocl< Uld ,.... Valley. l'Mal Jo ,,.. .....,w;ty ... ~!..' . , -------:---1 !.. ~ wit.II • --' """......,. ""--111\0W • w, 1 t1• '6t-•. 4 boalie whk:lt .sM. fOlmd mu....,-lll'llfRC· cir.au. kt• llU .. csts•4 ....... hr Im "" "" • • mop .. Utt.le Buldy t1lll -.... .. •• , • ... • to· attr.c\ --·- fl.... .. -,,_ Corona clal .,.,. --.. * -dis "' .......... ~ .... ":,. • .... difficulty Ill dec!cl"IC --........... ...,. ...... u. _ .... ~ red__,.,.. ...... --.... tO ............ -- Min de &AICeltll ftnill,. llocl-.t to ..... u.t -.... It ....,. ....... -& - poriant de<-to -a.. -ti ,IM ,.._ llat -. 11:1\jo~ -6olltl-~ ' ...... --all -It _.. tM tWo -'°""' iMla.. donas, _, • --l>y -t-at&:ro at the ....., ,,_ 1-iios 'Qie l.Uftr•to -Y talr and 008'l'A -· ~ Cok>rado. JCra. J. aa.t w•tm•• date ~· year-round 1100 NewpMt -WO-and ber ~. --"""-mt U.. O>urt Houae Annex, CORONA DEL.... Cobb. • . lllftl•llo, Ca!U. • tos 0oaa1 mc~wv Amonc the ........ u i..s- mem.._.. dlow1.nc" tile I'' Jt• A dollar aaved LI a dollar eam., 1.A.OVN• BllA.CB · aloiad. tJw' .._ Witt c ..... ~ Tbere•a no better way ot .. v- .. __ 1_1_5_"_•_-' __ A_~ ......... __ _, 1 M-.,_ ID. A. CNl7. -IDS tllan to put your dollan Into P~ .(Jeoop -.. ltow· Defeme Bonda. • ' ' J II •r ··-... WAU. ... I ' , ' na ' I . ' . From Satur!f • CLAUS • ' L11IH Aw1i11 ·:. Maple .•• ,. : HANSHA 'S FIRESTONE » -~~to Peat pi,j. c..--~ EVilmy NIGH'f 'TIL JCM.+S " • -~ . .. . . ' . ;. ... ~•·111.l'.)).' wUNA uMM ·am '. ; • ' -.V I • '-• 1' ' t-• .. ·: • ,. ' 1 • ·" • Y~, "J'OOl, too, will 6nd that you .can aewe bolli ;.;Oney and time b1 ahopping al ·Safeway. Not only are J>ri- on foods reallyJow but yoc will aloo find do1.et1a of itema that 61 illlo your Oiristmu ·gif1 list . , . saving you time in GilrSboppt' ' u well Visit your rby Saf!'W•Y today. Note the many low prices. ·Note, , the many grand ideas for gifts for nery meaiber of the family. To be sure of Christmas SavHigs ••• shop Safeway. _. · , . .... .. " , .... . . . ' PEAS ' . Del .... Edy Garden. ·1·BAOT W>by lonm4. kmcr tpdlty. f7-u. CM 27-tL Ft.a. 11 MIX The Mtt.. IUcult mix. 40-oL pkg<. . . . . . ·-. Dai.wood Yell ~NiNdan CartOned Union brand ,. COl!fOklictfine gronulotecl 5~ tJ, Del Monte Yell'ow ClinQI Sliced or Halved Special Low Price! . ' SAFlWAY CtJAHllNTEED ME/ITS I I ' I .. 10-lb, Ng • UTES ~llforrtla Deg\et Noor. Roady to ,,ship. ,3-t. 75c 11r1tl ' • • • , • •• YOU CAN DO BEl'IER AT Da,niger.~ FURNITURE . CO • • We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa le. 5656 ' ., =============:;, -.. . ' I" ' . " .. '" .. .. ~ •' -"' _, -· .. , ..... "'' ::,: 11 · ~.­.... :c. ., ~. <· • • • " ...... ITS NOT TOO LA TE! WE llA VE GOOD ASSORTMENT ·XMAS CAADS AND CAN IMJ'RINT IN H HOURS. JUST IN NEW SHJPMENT BOX STATIONERY EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OAMF-q -PERSONAL GU"TS -PARKER .AND 8Hr:AFFl:R PENS COSTA MESA STATIONER~ 1788 NEWPORT BLVD. OOSTA MESA B.EAOON 5113-R 26th Year with California GGrdeM . MAD MOORE'S NURSERY BAL801\ BL\'D. AT !lat. ST. CASH & CARRY NE\\"PORT BEACH CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 'DOOR KNOCKERS from ......................... 80c to$ S.75 DOOR CHARMS from .•.......................... $1.50 ,to 4.50 WREATHS from ....................................... 1.50 to 22.50 CENTERPIECES from ....• ......... ........ .. l.00 tc0 8.50 Also Made to Order CHRISTMAS TREE.S GREENS, CONES, GARLANDS, SMOKE TREE TRt:ES and BOUGHS SNOWED TO ORDER OPEN SUNDAYS ·. ';('·'.{' ' . , . ->'·. ~-9 :-,··.,.· . M~l>e. ifs outside ' • I t used to be that everyone talked about tho -tlw. but nobody did anything about it. That'a all chanpd, now. Paaeengers Ol) today'• modem trains have ,..U-tailor. made for them-at lea.t while they'N aboud. lt'a alwaya ''fair" on today'a streamlinent, thanb to t.M miracle o{ air--condit.ionini. Chair Can on Southern PaciBc'• '"'8t m.mllnmw baTII been built with your comfort the lint eo>"lidentlan Duot- free, dr1ft-free air-conditioning. No-Jlare lluorwatt lisln- ing. Soft.. .... a-cloud foam·rubf--la. Log ol .lor ._ and move.azound room. Circulaq loo water. hathlr- touch dooni. SpoclotJa wuhrQorm. That'• why Chair Can on Southern Paci8c c-...u.w8 are the moot luzurioua form oi all iow...O. tn·~tioa. unun .. 111r--.1w · ... ....,. lllUI! ' ' ' . . . . 111_-la..,. l'l!IUlt, an W 111 l'lilala .-r · 'tt 1 M ' a IMSllMTUMf ••• • S.ff 11"1111 $' £ ...... -119111 .................. _ IUOITlll •••• _ •• 1.-_Pct ·St J " .. llltlCl'I . Tic:ket' Office: 25th Street PhOne Harbor 4 - J. V. Antista • AMllT • I E. •• A.,..r.y -. ....... 'B.EEORI: ANL AJITUl-He~ i. plctun.d tM oetaal ..--i .. ol U.....,. Alt Oomter iliiud· Inc now under eoutmeUoa om ()raqe C..t Ooll.-e Oun.pot. B8oW '_.s. U. arehltect"a model of Ute oomplekid 1truc. ture. H'ARBOR . HI LITES Christmas Dance· at Ensign School . ~olber ot the pqpular Hora.or AT SHEiurrs Ol'FICE · . )\ra. Alma CraJ/, 17th St., bl now working at the At_erltCa of· flee ln Santa Ana. She wu for- merly at Balboa Bay club. EnAlgn scllool d&nc<• waa held I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lul J'rlday In the achool'• cde-W &fER HEATERS terta when 12:5 · aeventh · gr&den ,-. By JERRY JESKO danced lo recorde and pa.r:ticlp&t· '------------· ed ln the Chrl•ll\IU party. ' Saturday Nlsht Party Jim Pringle, muter-' ot cere· monies. announc:ed · wt:nDera of the special eventa taking place during lhe evening. boor prises, Aatltort9ed DeUer ticket.a to the Udo theatre, were .,_,.. a Nlpt lleaJen awarded to Jeuica Roberta and ' •"'-o.-'~"!11 H..._. Robert Reid. The lucky couple PltOM Banor zo.tt.\V In the epotltght wu Carol Blow·1i..-----------' I CLl:Cl'llfO 8Ul'rins u_.u.s ·-.......... -s .... PUU-Bep.ar. • • Sli ·p Now or Us~ Ou :Lay-A~ey Plan Supply HARRY M. WHETSR. COSTA MESA ·'Tl Newport_, ·~ Cloo&a '---, ... • .1 10 THE THRIFTY ijoME OWNER! I ,IF YOU AR£ PLANNING TO PAINT GR W~~PER l\'EX'l' SPRl:NG, WHY NOT BUY NOW AND SAVE DURING OUR SLOW RAINY Sl':A80N • - 15o/o ~~w°~ ALL PAJNTS-DUTCH J:I.PIT1'8BUBGH, and 11:0 .. 00LO& .. 25f11.0 D1'8COUNT ON ALL WALLPAPf:B;-IMPE NANCY WARREN, UNJ'l'ED, J:TO.: 71 BUDGET TBRM8 AIRRANG.ED 1 . . ' HARBOR PAINT ·& CORONA DEL MAR PllON£ HARBOR ~R BRING THIS AD WITH YOU; GOO' UNTIL JAN. l, lt!IZ : Saturday night, Dec. 8, Bob Cubblneon held a parly In hlfll bom('. Ea.ling the many deltcaclea and dancing to Stan Kentona' rec- ord.II were: Jann McGill and Tom Hender80n, Mary Stewart · and Chuck Babbitt, Jerry J e11ko ~d Bob Cubbineon. J onn NI.a.sen and Joe · Petter&an, and Barbara Hen· nings and John Kepper. er and t...arry Annan. Ward Pl«cb· ---------------------------·------------------...,..---. e r and Barbara Hunt were elngl-:' •; ed out ror sWI another award. · The chaperone•, who ai.o pro· T H B P I N B S T C A R 0 P I T S C ~ A S S _, I 1N vldcd the Chrllltmu decorations, Trtp t-0 Loi AJS¥f'lt'll ' Bright and early Saturday mom· .'I' H B WORLD ' tng at 8, 20 CAA Hockey ga.ls went to Griffith Park In Lo11 An· ,K"eles to attend the Hockry Clinic. The two highll~hta: of the day werr whf'.n Miu Slyh, advi8or to thr group found out that the cllni<' waa held the week before anrt when Diane Comer Pnjoyed th1~ use or nne or the ,l..p15 Angelel"I' Sherlff, De.p&rt.ment hofMll for "' veey ltmlt~ arriot1nt of time.· Ortf· rlth park otrered very many tn- tere11tlng spota: of tnt.ereat to all the girls that the da.y wu hardly loni' enough ror Joan Isley, Mar- garet Marshall, Linda Adair, C&r· ol Doane, Judy Stewart. Ertn O'Keere. Jane 08trander. Mvma Bouchey. Joev LAuriP. Dot Hor· ell, Yvonne Taylor. Nanci Loni(, Tlna Hught'11, Le Netta Richard· 110n. Glady11 Berry, Jane Nuna.n, Mary Hu-grove, Diane Comt'r, Jerry Jesko a.nd Mlaa Slyh, ad· vlaor. ¥.'ere Meara. and Mmes. Fayette-... . • Happy Bl& Brar! Right here t.nd now I wish lo extend to all my loyal ~aden •nd pals at Harbor & Very Happy big ~ar to all that are going to the ruort over, th" holiday•. to-Creal· line. Snow V&lley, l dyllwild or to l'lny other plAce that wlll have 11now, to enjoy every minute of the !Un. For BookwctrTllA You may not know but the llbr, uy at the h1Jrh achool 1s now open every day after echool except on Fridays. nu. 11hould give every· Birtcher, Robert Calli.., W. W . Barnett. an~ Kenneth Stare~. The Ru~rt Hendrlcka were chatr· men or the a.f(alr. Teacht"r~ on the gue11t Ii.st ln· eluded Prlnclpal Roy Anderaen, Wiiiiam Ritter, Hany Mcintyre, Ted Johnson and tbe MJuea Oen& Dulin, Mvtha Crooke md. JoAM · Recoryj. • • "· • Christmas Formal ~t OCC to Have Gay Winter Decor For the annua.J. Chriatmu for· mal •pon.sor@d by the Inter Club Council ot Orange Cout college Saturday evenlng, Dec. 1:5, the camp~ gymnasium will-be trans· rerred Into a 11eeoe or "'Winter Magic."-a.hnouncea Jack Ehlen. preeldent of the council. Varlou11 campu11 c.tube are acting u Co- 1pon.eora or lbe holiday dance. each club below responsible for aome pbue of Uie pr-epa.raUona.- Bob Froeechle'• band will pro-J vlde tbe muaic and refruhmenta wtll be aerved by one of the par· llclpatlns clW.. Admittance will be tt'tte to .tu· dent body canJe &11d Co&at. aJumnJ will be admitted ·tor a very emalJ tee per couple. / one • good ~"" to .~. """' 'AMIGOS' SET DATE ochool and gel .xlra wwk done I OF H o• maybe Just P'I"' pleuun1 to• C RISTMAS Fm finding IOllle wry tine bookJI for JrOOd read'tng. Mra. Ruth FlemJnc. Memben of Am.Jgoe Vlejoe wW Harbor librarian n.t.. the follow. hold their annual Chrlatmaa p&r· lng aa 90me of the new out.It.and· ly next Wed.needay tn Newport In~ book.Ii that mav be obt.alned: Harbor Yacht club. Reception will "Kon·Tlkl." '1"he Story of Ernie begin at 11 Lm· .• followed by a Pyle," "Uttle Brttchee." "Belle on butfet luncheon. . their Toea.."· "UtUe Prince.es," DI.rectors ot the club have been and the "Earth Abide•." 1 announced &a J . Lee11e Bteffenaen, -•Ii.II Party Ralph P . Mukey and Dick Rlel>- 'Mtu Adam.a. heac1 of the Oirl8· ard, all t.b.ree·yu.r terme: Heins Physical EducaUon Depart.mot a.t Kai8er, H&dd Rlnc and T.om NOb HaJWr and meQ\btt• ot the G~A ton, two yun; Judge Robert cabinet combtrn>d their •fforta to Gardner, H. r . Kenny and H&ny put on tbe flnt Oil Baaket.ball Welch. one year. 1 Party. on Doc. e. In the ........U.n hall on the campwi. The pu.,,... WAGNU GA.&Jnl80N • ot the perLy wN to \Mu.• awa.rdll A aec:ond .on. Cralc Robert. eanlt'I dUrlnl' U.. llukelball ._. ...., born Dec. 6 In 8L J-i>b ...,.. oan and a1oo· a eoc:lal 'lf•l·toc'•lhv pltal to Mr. and Mra. -Wq---. u... GA.Lputlclpanla. nu, Loo ~-w...,e. to a JlieoemlM!r SIN:Wlff' eon o1. Mt. and Mn. H. A.. w..-.. ~eNa OU'ford «•Ye Dene IA.w· ner, Newport Be'ehi Tbe t,aby --. combined klt.cben and linen wel&bod 9 .,...-. a ....,_, Pr.. -.. on Dec. 8 at her quaint mlly, Ille .N. A. W-are talc· -In Cool& M-. llallnlf lluf· t.,. cal'& ot lbelr Ollle< gl'llDddllld. ~t ~ W.re: Muiiyn 8cbllckm+ Maril A\an. Wlllle u.. new mblller moyer, Palay Bbd<Joy.Arli!ne,J'kY-&nd child ari lt&ytq In Y- • ward. Jud,y Heel--Im• Ian· ~ al Ute -ot Kr.,,,.. Mra. 0-Nu.a HllU&nl; l.cn Ila .ma.I -1, Mra. lloWrt:\Y'aii· Cla-aad Nmla. -JleM. ....... -la. 8elldlna' J111a .... c una....-io attend •-=======::;::====:I '""' Joan Nlmlut. Jfln'J' J-. r · ~ Tnul()', NarilJm ~ .... ~ J---. lludi -DIAM'C<lmff -Joan K<ca Doe Dee l!Mb-. "'h11 1'.Dtrrn 1 .._ ... Os tr1 ••• 'l'z r'ay JUpt. Dec. '-Doe JIU. Tbe -lo !Ml a -,_. er. a ~t fl'Clm Onace eo..t. 1or. W,z\laa ... _...·a .. __. ..... . ' • "4170 &t couW cities; f>lus loal li=>H and m SAN'tA in his -bountiful~ ,:ould not~· - poi(ea &Ad eodllria& &ift tlzl<i die diaiapJhcd Brililb.,...., Miik yn aedaA. 'Ihe Ja&uar blmd• ~"daaaic 117~ in liDe wl fiAilb. wilb amerirz&Jr "'fPlc pa6,,,,._..,.,,Japu'1 -oez1.-4zbility ... IUIJl<iaial -iD baridli ............. ~ apced~wida .ray. }l&w'slsurgiDIJ>OMf aow, from lhe 160·1\oaepo•er, _cwlo .,.,.rbad a.,Wft enw that, in~ XJC.120 spoas ~er, laolcls the wotl4'• produaioo car speed secocd ot ' UZ.6,milea per laoar. ' ' · • •· . l G;.,. llH ~ • t-fo! ,_ 1'"'"1-....., . ~·'"""" itP ,,,7..,_ ' . ' ' V'llic.ourrlzowroo•-.Nzlotyoarwlldioowi...a.i;.. ....,,1+·x )..--.J"!'lt doarba Owi-tlo csJ aa1'e ill;. "*'ss• ·• Opa•••• ... _..._.., ... I'•* WW.,neuoa. , • • " ' . • • \ / ' .. .,, . -... • • -,, .. ., . ~ . . . ..... .... ' ' ·; - ' ' ' . • • • ' .... "" . ... 1· ... Joal .... ~- cmiNGmw f ta RCa'n ax;;, .. ! • r .· ---cWr.-wwa1 s'\ .~· XJC:.UI IP I hli .. A I . ,.. .. ';t .' •11r-.,11 A J till'•IMD.LW ,•~Iii,.,. slln'ii •ii1ll ca l'cn a1•• llf!lrlioEI! 'VII ..... ~-I RC.., •• ,.... ' -~-•t•·+ ....... d., ....i z ' 'st -•.· ~ l ~"'''" OD111 .. lllild a ~'8$ 4'nn1r a-.. lt"'dr wllla a frella,, Ge .... rm. 1M OOC ft. Clbw Ba*ol· l4lt JloaL 1Jlllloi .._, ,_..., II W-Ocql•lza ... e--zW e. p.m 1111111W. ~ - -_, Doti ...... Ir-.. .. " fl .... fllla (OCC)-h&t;Joj)Q ·-~ -'IM•• )L• OIZI. •••• $.U P.&R . 'CARS .. • ~AM .;;.:,1, ::.::Oi.' z• Md = ':. : ii!. a~._'':.. ___ ..... DwjW• ... -,_ .......... J .... • l t' fOOC?tl ••-Cllzrw If -W ... ----•D ~--.TwMoMzrt-~-__.. .... _ .. =.;;.:,wwwla .. .,,.. a 71 11• 7 .. W l"IL .... ~..... . ... -....... ,... ~ ••:i. ·, • • • .. ' • . ' • • Methodist Chure<h Newport Beach · , '.'The Voice of ~.la tbe aennon topic.al Cb.Nt Church tly the Sea Sunday momlng ..... Mr. PendelJ. U.e put.or, brlJ:lP a pl"e- Chrlstmaa m9Uge. 'nle aanctu .. ary cbot.r ta rri ngtas Gaul'• "Ult Ille Cherub Most." and ".Jew B&mblno" by Yon. Dr. Herbert Jl'olmom has the baritone aolo. Chbral Vespers at St. Andrew's On Sunday afternoon; Dec. lS at 4 :.00 p. m .• St. Andrews Prd- bytertan church. 23532 St. An_- drewa Road, curr Haven, wrn ceJe.. brate ll'• ennual Chriatmu Choral Vesper eervlce. Featured ln thl!I traditional eer· vtce will be the ''Larkettea," the advanced girls glee club or the high echool. Under the direction or Klaii Marte Htebsch. the "Lark- ettee" will present "The Babe ot BethJehem ," a lovely Cb.rial.mu cantata by Bernard Harnblem. Th~ having solo parte · are: Frieda York, Sally Stewart, Ele- anor R:tgan. DoMta· Nelson. Helen Keatlng, Dawn Pienson and Ann CraWford. Mrs. Ralph Deaver will accompany the chorus and soloUsts at the organ. Capilla Circle Meeting to Be Christmas Program Capilla Circle will meet Wednea.- day, Dec. 19; 2 p. m . ln Corona del Mar Community church. De· votiona wtll be led by Mrs. Fran· cu Cox. Prog ram will be a Chrllt- -inu reading by Mrs. Edgar R. HUJ. Music w ill be Christmu yjo- lin aoloe by Janet Perry of USC, niece of M onla Perry of Corona ~J Mar. The M igrant supervi8or of the National Council or churches hu St. ·Andrew's Sermon Theme llennon tllemi ~. Doc. 18 at St. AndnrWa Preabytertah church LI: '10ur Llte a Trwt. ~ by the Rn. Jomea 8 . lit.wart. TPu. la a .ermon on Jsua' cballmctal' parable of the taJenta. • Cb11tth and SUlldoy ocbool ot iOL m. Newport Beach Baptist Church Al Ille N-rt P1nt llopllat chwd> Dr. 1,,,.., C. J:llls wtll preach morntnc and e.ve:nlng. Sunday >ehool Will be •l ·=~. Youtll ~awablp st 9 :80 ond eve- ning service at 7 :30 at 'tft'doh time Dr. EJlts wtJI brlnl" the third in a serlea of acrmona on the Chrl•Unaa theme, hi.a toptc belnc "Woodertul Name1." The mld·week meeting tor Bible atudy and prayer will be at 7 :15 Wednellday.' Christmas Service~ at St. James St. James Chrtatma.a Scrvtce!'I will be: 4 :30 p.m. Dec. 24, Beglnnera and Primary de pU. Worship ser· vice, music by the Cherub choir. Following the aervlce, the Ca· thedral tllm "Holy Night" wUI be shown. 7:30 p. m . Choral Roly Com· munion and Chri.8tmu Carola for lhe church echool tamllle•. Music by the Youth cholr. Followlng ~e service, the film "Holy NJght" will be shown tn the Pariah hou.ae. 11 :30 p. m. Midnight Candle- light Service of Choral Holy Com· munlon. MU8ic by t.n.e Senior choir. Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa· Ave. I to ... a& 0.-... 0..t Ooll<p (r... ftpobmc i.,.. lo ... dlotrt-ot Student Christian· Association Sets Up College Toy Factory • • Community Church Corona del Mar The third in an Advent Serles of IJeMTIOftl 01\ God'I Stewardab.ip enUtle.d, ''God G&ve the Prophets," Will be preac1'ed by the Rev. Paul &dw...-ct Babbttt next Sunday ln ~ Community Chtrch ot Corona ilel Mar. The Chapel choir will Mg the ~nch Carol, "Angel9 We Have Heard on High" in the 8:45 ·a. m. service and the Chan· eel Choir wlll 1lng Chrlsttamen'1 '1"oday Ther~ le Ringing," lJli the 11 L m . &ervlCt'. Mnt. Walter Spicer will play Schubert's "Ave Maria"' u a vtolln solo In both aervlcmi. Coffee and do-nuta will be served aner each 1ervice by the Young People'• Fellowship. Some· children ln Ora.nee Ooun· ty would not be able to re.allse th" splrll of Chriatmu It It WU not for "Opera.tlo~ ,St. Nlcholu," a ptoject being ""°"""red by Ille Orange c!out' Student Cbrlallan AlaoclaUon. M(,Dlben ot lhe SCA, -under cl\&.lrmanahlp ot Miu Marcla John· flone ot Colt& Me.a. have eel up a veritable toy r~ctory 1n X1u Jobn· 1ton'1 homi. Ther't' they have been bringing all kJnda of.toya donated by 1ludcnt.1". Aleo, Richard'• Udo Mii.rket ta contributing without coat all toya broken or unsalable during shipment to the store. 1'1'8t. the vaJ"ted aaort.menl la divided lnto "he~lhy" toya and "ailing" 'toys. Then the. ta.ctory ala.rt. roll- ing. Dolls and other toya tor HtUt' glrlll are being repaired, WTapped In gift paper and be'·ribboncd. by a committee or girla while a (TOUp of SCA boy1 are palnttnr and re- conditioning tr.in•, bobby hone&. and other toya for boye. Sermon Topic, Guest Speaker for Adventists "Foola, Wlae and Unwloe," Will be the topic ot ~rmon lo be preached by Holli.a L. Andermn. put.or or the Sevenlh·Day Advent- lat church on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 11 a . m. Dr. J . Holated will be gueot 1peaker at the MJaalonary Volun· teer meeting on Friday, Dec. 14, 7:30. He has a real m~ ror both young and old. · Island Methodist Church Events Friday Card Party at Mt. Carmel Hall Women ot the Pariah Council of our t..dy or Mount Carmel and St. John Vlanney churchee are giv· Sunday topic at Ba.I~ Jsland "Ing a' card party FrldAy. Dec. 14 , Community Melhodlat church u S p. m . In the parish hall. 14.f I announced by Dr. Harry White Weil Balboa Boule vard, Newport will be The Rea.aonable.ncu or Beach. uked tha t lmit cad or lhc usual HM9 Sclledula Among the voluntary worker111 engaging try the project are Con· nle Alarcon. Velma Pridham. Dar- lene Pea1'90n, Kenn&h Taylor. VITfln.l& stud.er, Karla Allred, El· len l«:k:hardt. Janel Baker, Ro- berta Hoke and Juanita Lumm. Faith ln God. Soloist will be The.re wtll be a choice of game11 Nancy Foz. wtth .E.telle. Brown and door prtzea wtll be gtven. Dur- M.111.s accompanying. She will •ln&' Ing the evening the beauUful cer- a Chrlatmu eong, Make a J oytuJ antic eletgh wtth Santa Claua and Nolae Unto the Lord. ttlndeer, donated by Mn: Colin . whJte gift..3. money be brought ln Sunday at 8, 10 and 11 :30. a whl~ envelope. This will be We-elt days, 8 a. m. Confeulona. u8ed for purchase or the "white 1 Saturday, 4 to 5 :30, 7:30 to 8 :30. gifts," but will save t ransport&· Sunday, before each mua. Balboa tJon expe.Mes. Thia wa.s &nnounced lal&.nd. Sunday, 8 and 10. Satu!'- by frtcmdly aervicc chairman, Mrs. I day, 8 a. m. Confealona, ame u W . A. McBrkie. above. 'The penonal touch wtll be car- ried to lhc end of the Operation,'" aay& Mts. Dorothy Dallu, SCA 1ponaor. "Wheft the lul package la Wr9pped, lheae SL NlchoW helper• wOJ lake the.tr 11rta di· rectly to tam.Ille. delepted to re-- Wf'dnesday, Dec. 19 wtll be fam• Brown. and designed by her Uy church night with planned pot daughter, Virginia Hatch, will be luck dinne r. On tbe program prellellted. Admlukm 1.g nominal atterwArd w tJJ ~ Chriatmu car· and re:freahmcnta wtll be servt'd. ola and recltaUona. The party will provide an oPPQr· Roet..ea&ca arc from g roup two and will include Mrs. J ohn Sadleir, chairman: Mrs. Sidney Blackbea..rd and Mra. K . V. Df1la. - •• "" ~ . Jingle bells-'°' Cant )CU 1e11 n. ~~re ftelinggay? ~saw.d (oh boy!). {or Chrisftnas joy iheMNKof AMERICA Wlff Join Now! ~lr'you'n: nol obar· • Radio Propwm D•i!y. except Sunday, Roeary hour, KFWB (980) 7 :30 p. m. For peace.. _,. HoJr:t.ro.io, •199 ... ~c (570) 11 L m. Catllollc HOUr, Kll'I (MO) 8 :415 p. m. KG~J (110) Hour ot St. Fra.nct. Clldlnp 4 othen. 1Costa Mesa ! Methodist Church C'e'lve ~." ...,. ._..__ ,,.,..,..gh "!he County Welfano Board and public echool Wmlnt.s- trator'9 J.he cOuep IJ?'OUP lt'a..med where their toya wouJd bring cheer to an ot.berwl&e cheerlcaa Cb.rt.It· mu momJng. Sunday Th!3me at-Science Church Biblical e.:samplc.1 of God'• ca.tt for tho&e lbat obey Him will be dlacu..ed in lhe lmaon-ee.rmon en· titled "Cod the Pre.server of Man" tn all Chrlattan Sele.nee churches on Sunday, Tbe golden text LI Ne or+ H b f rom the Paalma and re.ad&. •¥In ·'"Th• Return of ll)e Sbephenle" WP ar Or God la my ealvallon and my glory: 1. the .. nnon topic cbooen by Lutheran Church the rock of my •trencth and my Rtov. Joseph W . McSf\ane for the refuge, i. ln God." I Sunday momlng worahlp aerVtoe When J ohn the BaplUit eent hi8 · '"lbe Mesea.ge of God'' will be dlaci I J ••\rin ... at lO ::;p p.m . At 7 :30 p.m. a pro-pee to esua ~.. "Art gram or Chrietmu mualc: wlD M the theme o r th' ,ermon lhia Sun· lho\I he that ahould come!" IA.tlc:e·1 presented by the t...rkelta,' out· day by Putor Herbert C. Roth. Ooapel report. that "ln that same standing alngihg grot1p of 16 cirll The sermon text la 1 Cor!nthla.nl hour he cured many of their lnftr · tunlty tor pa.rtahionen to become better acqualnt«I, ·and a.U arfl ln· vlted to come and brlli1 their fl'leNll. IOard Acknowtedges City's QH Protest <>ranee county'a bo&rd or su· pervt.or. 'tut Monday night were on record with city councll u having recelved N~rt Beach's official proteat lette r In the mat· ter or establishing a proven. oil field next to the city. Advised by Cit)' .Managl'r J ohn J . Sa1Jora that lhe supcrvl80rl!I have promlMd 4o notify him when the propoeed oU f ield ordinance I• up tor action. thti council order· ed the lettv tiled. from Newport Harbor bl&b ecbooL 4 :l·5. mltlea." He then replied, "Go ycur Regular youth group meetln&• Sunday echool meet.a at 0:30 a.. way and tell John what thlnp wlU be held at 8 :30 p.m. precedin& m. wllh clu.ea tor all aces.1 ye haw. aeen and he&Td : how that the •pe<:lal musical propam. Adult Bibi• oludy m .. ta •l Ulla Ille blind .... Ill• lame walk, tho Christmas Program hour tor parent.a of Sunday IChool leper. are clea.naed the deaf hear Date set tor the annual Sun· I chJld:ren and all intettlted. f"tee the ' dead ra.M to th ' t L Ch h doy ochool child"9n'o pfOSTom I• bua traruopOrtatlon may be ar· Ill• goopel-:: preach~. Ande b= a aguna UrC Tbunday, Dec. 20· 'Ibe.re will be ranged by callJng Bucoo eooe-.w, ed Ls he. whoaoever ahah not be Next Sunday morning &t the presentation.a by V&rio{q depart· Schedule of church acUvtUe• offended ln .me ... m•••· f the Su •-y hool •·rt Little Church by lhe Sea. corne1' ~~ o . nu. ec · • •-• thb week la u toOowa: ~--Bak.,. Eddy ~~tes In Ing al 7 30 In the ch -"' __ ,, -•• · of Leeton and Through St.a .• ln · p.m. u • ....,~ Thunte14y. 8 P.. · m., Women·1 .. Science and Health with Key lo IAguna Beacb.. a •pecial pre· ctlmaxtnl" feature wtl1 be the ar-MIMJon 8oclety Chrlslmu Party the 8cTlpturu:" '"ll la ·not well t.o Chrlllma.a meas.ace will be gtven rival of Sant& Claua, wbo will ot -: Frld&y, a p. m.. lmaslne t.hol. J demonatn.led dlatrlbute cand1 to all ~e chil· .Atta Oo.n.&'rqaUonal meeting 'at 1.he dJvtne e~r to h-' only for by Rev. Frank L. Dowell on tbt' dren Parent.a ate tnvttied horn ~ '-~ ~bfect, "'Why Chriat came ... Th'• . · · e or B. Ellerman1 Saturday, a ll!'lecl bumber or fOT a limited wU1 be a Umt'ly mPeaace al Wat Methodist Women . in December Meet 1 :30 unt .. Senior C&U.Chl.em<Llaa. period or llmt', it.nee to all man-Chrlst.RJu acuon. Mr. c. Cyril 1:30 L ~ Che.nab cbotr for cb.il· kind and ln every hour dJvlnc: Ha.naon, tenor solol•t. wUI brlnl" dren, ~,e. 4 ta 8 ; 10:30 L m ., Love IUppila &» eoocL" ' • ~I IOlo. Special arrange-- JunJor Choir tor children,• •ll!:S ' · menla or lht' ravorltc Chriatmu, t to 14 : Sunday, S P· m .• Area h)'!!LM wlJl be featured on the Tbe wscs of Cllriot Cllwd> by 0on,...,rauono1 meeting •l hom• Musical Revue organ. the Se&.. met TUeld&,y at Goodell ot Mr. and Mn. D. Wedeking; B · Sund1y IChool convene. at 9:4~ hall with bualn•• -Ion In lllJ Monday, T :30 p. m.. Sel\'or choir to e Presented by o. m. Willi clu ... for a.U ag<O& upper room, MlN•Clara l(ohlltedl N!heuu.J: W~e.eday. 7 :30 P· m., h h Plan now to 8ttend Sunday ecbool pruldlng. Rop0rta from Ille bo· evwnlng Bible otudy hoUT. y OUng c UrC •men ond church n""l Bundoy. u.ar a.nd dlruttt held ll'le prevt'-no children's Chriatmu Pf'O· JunJor church mttt. at 11 !lS oua w-.ek ahowed It •to be mo.t i"M will be held 00 8unday, Dec. SL Ja.mea Young Churchmen'• a . m . tn the Jun'or church build· aucceutul yet. ~!..~ 7:50 p. m. The tradJUon&I U:que, undt'r lbe dlrecUon of lng. Rev. W. A. DoweU will.bring Tbe ooclety voted to purchue ~~•llgltl .. rvlce wtll be beld their odvloor, Mrs. A. A. H&mU-a tlannelgroph foU.,.,ed by lloncl· a bond tor the "I\IMrcu.kMll ~ on Chrletm.u Eve at 7:10 o 'clock. ton.. w11J preeent Ute:Jr third an· worJr for the va.rSoua age P'OUPI· clety ot On.nge Coun!J<. Mra. J . The ~wd> la <!PO" clofb' from nuoJ evenlns of Muok:&I N-Carol Doon will be In chorge of K . G.llott... cb&trman, ·reported. that • a. m. lo t P. m. tor private ft. ln the pariah holl9I of 8L Jams decora.tJona for the tree' th1a year llAnglnga for Ille oanctuory wc!Uld "'llono ond m<dltollon. Put.en'• churdl. Ulla comlns s.-y ne-and wtll ouperv\M Ille -.ung. be ln place before Ch.riltmu. office hOW"a &re trom t a. m . to nln.r, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. 1!boee altend.lna t.be Christ.maa Beginning Jon: 10 ond conUnu· ._, dally tor pe......i ......,..11ng '?bore will be rm-'fVled procnm lut ,..... will remember Ing tor •Ix weeka on Thund-•l Ille -neat lo Ille numbeft Oil Ille p...,........ lnclud· tlle 1ow17 bft ~ enllttl1 membe,_ will me<!l from 1-0 to church ot lo:tl Clltl Drin, New-ID& a ....p:iu. act, • -lbop "'1111 tlllnp Ille chllar... ~ .,,...., · ing in this year'a 127 ,000,000 Bonk of America Chri1tmaa Cub, join now for'S2! Save any amount per -k-from ~up­ aad •t the •rd of SO weel.1 you will receitte the full omouot oaved plM1 ~ i1'lere11. It'• theeuywaytoaavefor gifts ..• taxes •.. in1ur· ace pmniumo ••• and other year-•nd billt- 11 :30 o.m. tor .tU<ly of Ille Book port Haight&. qaortett., mualc:ol b1oo and ~ llirlpplntlon be&'Jnll ot 7;30 • of Acta. Tiiey will ...mble In Nld abort oklto Aloo II( feotllnd p. m. ~ evening. A oerrice Goodell hall. ·M W SC S -aumber ~ lbe' COW'• of buplraUOll and -.... You S.te any amount .. • M1m Elale Newlo!>d. cholrmato 85a . l.eoy of Pepito Md J-A<a6-are lmj~ lo come &lld etlJoY lbe. ot ........ of """"'" UJ'l'Olf oil -SI t A -I .,,.,. ot Doaclns-• --and ..iect lbe a-I men to rog1atet: befON Jon. 1 In a 8$ r.utnUa --will be --JOU laYe lo OID&. Rn. rn.a.Jt' tho natJonol roil ..U of -dUriq tM lnt.enllllolon. Tllo pro-L ~WW. brins Ille -ce- women Christmas Tea .,.. will bo -for lbe YCL -msr ,,., Bio •b.lect wlil..,. Rn .. Tbomu ~' -pleclp lo tlle -cllurcll eeilool '"l'llo Lardilo Ky Dopbml. ·-Tl& ed --•t Ole -0.0.ral ~.<>t tho Wo--· llancl. 11»111 ... 1o talim -lbe tard Oil t111a eomlq 8'-J e..UOC, _., 8odet,y ot Cbt11Uaa Ser-Jlf-bors, ot Ille ~CL cut b>---le ftl\ed .. ii\ at}rttlDil I to P p.m, wttll •-,_ ln1'1t· 91oe ol lbe OOOta -~,._ dude a,. Wript. JllU Dooto load.r.tllo~ooUI,· ed. · at~ ·~ -w10 11Jo a..tll 11Ml7, Huey llllJet. 8111 -•111:1 ldllll. Doc. .JO .iJI bt At ,tbe ,_ -Lao~_,__,, 0...: a. 4,,.,.. klilm. ~odt ·WU.:-, J-.,._ Illa. llflllt for~ ?"wt-- Circle -•eel ~· .. -to to -.onb a'lltlO p...: wtll pr-rtU. Jerry. ........ x.. en.Jot, ..-_, lloo • • 'I ..---. Ta-ud U.. -.. -U.. -o·-po ... oa to lie J~ 4llm, I>--, a.-I Ir• 7 .. 4 C?rr? ' 11 ~ • ...... IOJ'•'wltb ~ ._. ,_ ,.,.__, ,_ ot a. Col-ClrM?oy, Tcm8l7 8ofta, Jw 0.. "Qrrll Fl - -Al? le w.- dleo, --r' I ·p ph • .....~ Jlh' • GI ·~ ' cDo --1MIJr •1? tu. d k .... --..._ i • ' -w At the -I 11 ... -lloo a 1• .. -Y.-a GI --• 4. Dua • c:Jlr;f 7 I 4. J. llultor. -= .,,., 11, c .... ,.. RF ) Qllo •-· UWJIW1 w. ~ "· ti. • ._ ... .. .... 7 7 a -... a wltll MfZ. -._ml ....... ~ d lit ?Jl!JI. llo~pM a1 J t wct\1 Ill\ .. IPlz I 21.. .t.15 -... led la .. ,._. GI QI 5 $ I -a:.t9"' t?i* W9C8 - -Tl JC 'I. 1• ...... K ca. .... to -.. ,.,,.. ..... -.-.L&J:IDI...... _%n ...,,~.._., .. =llll1hll:::-:1°'? JllF la ""~'=• "=._.., .. • ..., ... ., 81 am••--...,.;\;I.,~';;~"'..:: ot -... • .... ....,, Pl ...... • 1 •1•*"' .. =~-·~-....!........_ • Clulll 01•1 ' Tiie ..... ol Jll!r, d •t Dq I I • -...S. -<Wiii." ' .;.:!.a:.r!f .:90: :.= :=•;.:: Cs~::"::!'S-a ____ .,, ... fl r •••• n••-• .-•»1 ,a\. I ..... WI 111. Dia.• ,.._ -• '7 I...... . ... 1111 au 11. . ,..,~,;;.,-,;, • • • , • t • • M11e RHebhs Elect Ofricers · PA6E I -THURSDAY,DEC.13, 1911 • • I • PART If ss--8 • ~, .............. a&ed ..... Ille l'Ulll ... -Doe. • ..,... • GI Piie -Rot 'o?t 1adcoo wlUI Piil ~""'' ... la l700r " lill,.!l..&P -··. ,...,, Ooela -Ol7tor -.. • ---... -•. ~ • 11• .... Onb ... WIDtutt; 'j • ~ ..,.... ~ 11"'7 TaJIOI', ._4-DI • '11t1W ciOO..;pr -~; sra,, li?al-. ft· ~STATE°"~ roddol -.,r; ,,.,._ Ol>n· ~ lANQ 'ma ftlll tlo•llifi'i -, tw; -Alma' Blllek, Monday llfll!l, ~ by l O&ANO& · . . 1n1oitee tor 11 _.., . Iowa and' ,.......... • If • • ,Three ...,.. ~ -Jt.teii Link club .,;[Q;v;i; N ol ;:~~~ ~Ila~:; .:,i,:1e,;. ":: ::.""•~a Bllort ~ ~ ~ J'otHt Ooulh. " t HlgblJCbl ol U.. otlllon •ptJo llold -.Jll• .... rt _'Pat Wllcoa ~,. .. ~ W drawln&' fQr Ille 'iwnp.r , ' ·• &nd Mro. Lydia aam. -llu broldered Nld toney In i>n>~r of the ~<ti 1-n a~t tor 1101De tlllle ....,_~ memben ba•e been wor LAr ~·CE L. MENNEl!!'ei.t ot W-le o1moo11 W,U -'1 for· aeYU'Ol .mont11o.· lmqwn u I,.. L. MENNl:I(,. to attell4....... winner ... GertNde w ~41 · It WU -lo Ila .. a~ Lacuna Btai:b, A -d Nb(;ce 18 ll•rebygj..,j' u.:;,::: maa party '"" Odd Fellawa, Re-• pair ot bed pillow• wu peUllj>n of _Raymond H. Jlf bekal!o aAd !,bell' tomWeo "'1111 a C&tllerlne Clark ot Ban Eucitor of the Ectate ot La ~t&Uve date 1et tor Dec. it. and a third 'priU of a peJ of em-re.nci:ei. L. Mennea., aJ10 known Ii Mn. C. I. CovlnSU>n ot Hemet broldered pillow -1\'elll to L. 0 ...1:1 Mennea, d-tor'. u waa welcomed aa a guest. Gertnade Willcut. A spki&J. prise ~,,_1 autbol'lz.ing and ~ l'ollawing tbe meeUnr members tor eelllng the mQBt tk:klrt. wu the 8!-ld Executor of the E4at. 41 ond gueata adjourned lo Ille bou_. •-Pd.eel lo Gladyo Bird. ~ uJd ~ecedent to convey the 1'1- quet h&ll where kmg tablea were. Pat Yorker wu report to be f"rly ~erelnatter de&Cribed to B. HZ sttractlwly decorated with Jer-IUD on the lick lilt. y Eastman a.nd Bemlta H ..._ ualem cherries and red ca.odlu teUcltatJona were aunc to 01~ lJnan Hut1ibend and Wit fn· ~ and. lndlvtctual Ivy potted ptanll Blrd, Iva Coe and Lillian ey. "'plla~~e with lhe term! ot tittt at each place. Birthday greetinp In January Mn. Beck tt will a~ment of Q.le and urcbue were aung to Flora· Harrll, I.11uan entertain the club Jn b home entered lnto by decedenf in hlll Smalley ond Iva Coe. •l 275 eyp,.... Drive,· Laguna lifetime, as oeller. hao been ael '"' Hoa:teu c.ha.lrman Jean Smith Beach. hearing In_ Department No. l qi and her assistant., Alma Black , the &bov'" f'.n titled court on tM and Gertrude Willcutt, served SAILORS oi:r LEAfE 28th day of December, l&:it_,. ~ home--made cookJes and coffee to City Manager John J.( Sailors 10:00 o"clock A M. ... the usembled rroup. wu granted a week'• yacatlon The real pro~rty lo be conve.;. effective Dec. 24 by the city COUil· ed la described as folloW11 : _ Island W. S. C. S. cu at lhe l!{onday meeting. That certaL'l real p~perty 10- H Y I L h . I cat.eel ln the County or o~; aS (I e UnC eon FIRST CJ1UBCR OF mbuST, State of Cafifornla, more par:! SC~ j llcularly de~ribed && rollowa:~ The regular m11r.ting of the W . A br•ncll ol The Mother Church, The The North '.t of the following: S , C. S. ot &Ibo& Island CommU• Ffr•t Church of Cbri•t, ti•t, In That potl!on of Lot 1008 oi. nity Methodist church W&.8 held Bo.ton, M•• .. chu.etta. Newport M.eaa Tract, County ot De<:. :S, a noon luncheon served SSOS \'la Udo, Newport Orange. Slatt' ot California u . by Circle One. The Lablea were .5u~y .School ···-··-··--······· :IJ •-m. per map recorded in Book ({at centered with a pretty Chrlstma1 ~:f1:I~,...~~-b;S";~l~·a1~1 ·,: :: :. page 1 of the Miscellaneoua tree with pa-ck&gea for all, ar· A-dins Room 1-w at 11 Palm Maps and Records of said Or· ranged by lhe chairman of Circle Street, Balboa. 1• op.n d•llY from IZ ange County. descrlbE'd u fol· noon to 5 p . m . ucept Su y• •nd • One, 4>retta Schenkel. There were hoHdmyt Z\lltionmlly obaUYad. Iowa: Begin ning at the South 28 present lnclw:Ung rncmbera and The public • cotdi.u,. 1'-"tted to East Corner or said Lot 1009:, attend the church aemc .. •1 V•• the guest.a, R~dJn1r Room. theq.cc Weaterly along the South The buaineu 5e88ion wu pre· Jinel.. thereof 135 feet: the.nee aided over b\-Mrs. Harold Fink. ~ No?"lllerly parallel' to the Eut Each circle chairman gave. a re· LEGAL NOTI'j'E line of oald lot. 82.5 feel; tllence port or the progress or lhE'ir circle. ... .. ... .. r::· Ea.stcrly parallel lo the South Mrs. Marcia Lowe. waa apit0inted NOTICE INVmNQ FS line of said lot, 135 feet to a key woman to the CouncU of Notice iB hereby given .that th~ point on the East line of .-Id Church Women. In the absence of Board or Trustees of the .Orange lol : thence Southerly &long aid the program chalnnan Mrs. Adele Coast Junior College Di.itrtct or E&...-t. line. 82.5 feet lo the point Bainea, the chaJrman of Jocal Orange County, Callforqla. will of beginning. church &ctivitlet, Bea Hansen, receive bids up to the rhour of Dated~ December 11, 1951. took charge of the program. The 10:00 a. m. on. the 28th day of B. J . SMITH speaker waa Mr1. J ean Inman, December . 1951• at the ftflce o? County Oe:rk and Clerk or '.uJd. who apoke on Panama: The re· sald school di.strict, localed al ' Superior CourL • maln~er or the progriun consisted 1995l s . Harbor Blvd~ Cost...i. · By H, M. HEAD, of poems and carol& appropriate to Mesa, California at wbif-.h time · Dedufy. Christmas. Mrs. Althea Shiffler Id bids ill 11 · No. 777-Prcs:~ .,. Jed t.he devotions during the pro· sa w be public ~ opened Publlsh Dec. 13·20, 1951. for the furnishing of the follow- gram. ing: The next mee ting will be F.ri· 1-MODEL "D" -vtRSA· day, Jan. 4 w1.._;., & noon luncheon LINER or equal . T served by Circle Two. Z2-ao· MET AL DRA NG CITY CONTRACT FOR DRAlNAGE PleE LET Southern Pipe and CUing Co. wu awarded contract for supply- irlg of 2400 Jlnt'al feet or corru· pled pipe to be used In drainage or Newport and Balboa Blvd.!. widenJng project at the Monday night meeting of the City Council. The firm wu low bidder with a price or $3812.30. The pipe con· tract ca.IM for 300 feet of S.lnch culvert and t:oupll ng11 ; 2000 feet or 12-lnch. and 100 feet of 18-inch pip .. -People do reao the w:a.nt •"£. STOOLS-(Amerlcan Seals \ Ing Co. or equal) ~KET.KL' OR W TABLET ARM CH (Vireo or equal) The aald Board ot shall be lhe sole judge or mer· It.a and qualifications ot t.tie equip- ment offered. and reM!rvu the right to reject all bid&.j and to wa.ive any informality ln I any bid. BIDDER MAY BID ON ANY . PART O~ ALL- Signed, BASIL H. Pl!RSON,. Board of tees ADV: December 13-20. 1.9 1. OPENING DATE: Dec. 2 th, 1950, 10 :00 a. 'm . · No. 776-Press Publlah Dec. 13-20, 1951. "jO'l'ICE INVITISG BIDS Se"1ed bids will be received by the School Trustees ot the New .. · ,Port IBaach School QI.Itri~ for ~P· ~otely 20,000 Plloruo of Ont and ~nd .gnide p.sollne tor tbe period January 1, 1952 lo Decem· bcr 81, 1952. Bii1s wm be received up to 8 :00 p. ml. January 8. 1952 at the Dle-- tl'Jct SupcrJ.nt~cnt's office at Irvine Ave. and Cliff Drive, New· port He ights. The Board ot School Trustee.a or the Nc»'"J>Ort Beach School Dia.- trlct r~ca the right lo reject any or all· bids or waJve an,y in· formality in a bid. GORDON B. FINDLAY, Clerk of lbe Newport Beach School District. No . 775-Press. \ Publlah Dec. 13·20, 1951. I GIVE an ACCESSOR for ~he CAR ."" for-Chrisfm s/ · · · < FREE Pf CK lJP AN_D DE\,J . EltY .. SERVICE e SEAT QOVDIS &.-.jr -• CAB Cu'8Qlbl'f8 ·L'l9 ap . ' 1 - • BACll·UP Ul'I: Clu'!lmo ·~--· ·• ~ Lft'D ~ ~1~ pr. • ~ UH& Chrome "tll .• • 8l'OT UDB cmO!ine n.M • . •'DOIL UP Bt1B C.US lt.915 ap· , • ' 7 , .. ., •> -: • ' . MoTORblA CAR RADrCU JUri 1 UW -.:- I I 1 • I • ~ lo • • ~ - " • • J • , • . .. • •• .. • ., • . lt'1 Wonderfu Loafin9-in '%"'· .ENJOY "srod<· ing·f00t" conlfaft. in a piir of• fa. mous Ripoa1! Washable pure soft wool. md • glow leather solos.· New 11yJe1 in many beaurif;;-1 colon and p9aerns for men; womtn md cbiklfta. WINGS -llMD-AU.OWaJnS S--.,0. lf•••' ....... r rt ,.., a •Stu& 41 , w ..,._ -111m,,... •u..• eaa 1a ~11d a M r fv lllltll'I I mett111S. Qn __ ,.,.. al Ulo dl;J m-sv. Wllo ~~ -opt o.t ~ -!Ian Jn-~ -.l;y Ul.Jlft't1111i ID pUI 1-. tJie ~ .,_ II>< 1-s-tee snurtod nsular at· • ftcen. -I • CllT &•••· u:ftllllDO Got don 11'21111la7") eont.n.ater. Wk -u. job "' -"....-... so --City Ball ..i .t.M_,... dtT -cu ~c Tbe ...._ wm ipdl out ~wpon -Clty Ball and will -u.. city $CJ8 -·- The IslCJllr/ers 214 Morine -l.1enue · &lboo Island OPEN 10.A. ... TO II P. II. SUNDAYS lt IO 5 " For Cblldre• ······-·--·----~ :• .ror WllllDM ---··-'---··-····-·'3'° •• , i;:oR KOTBER D18tb>JUlabed jewolry . . . A le&tller lftllet . . . . FllMo D&n!sh porcel&ln. °" Dulah etcllecl ,_,., •• OIMm· IAC caacl)eotlckl . . . BrtPt table mate or su-t. , lowe1I . . . Danish decorated tern· ootta ware . . . Peter Amd• book. "Ladles and G<ntle-; •arben loolery • I '195 Nl:WPO&T A VE. men.'' • r l' • COSTA MESA FOR FATHER Guanllaa Council J-· •• Beeeoa ~w Ol'EN ° IEVENINOS TILL CHJUSTllAS Bar a~uortu -.a ma.rtlni monorrammed C 1 a I I Ware, an Jee bucut . . . mano-crammed matebea, ........ ery . . • . "Bill JrLauldJ.n'• Army." DuliJIS t.M eta~ meeUnr tho e.euiel Guardlan Council for the enauJ.a.g yeiar waa lnataJled by ll<'I. All>ertlne Ryder, deputy grind guudlan. New ottictta of the council include Mra. Donia Rsgan, (1141'dlan: AJn. Gunn, u- llOC!&te CUUdi&n : Mra. Dorothy Bunllck, ...,,..tAry: Kro. e.;ttyo Fink, t.reuurer: Mr9. Vera Gunn. direct.or ot mu.ate : llra. Bette Smith. promotor ot aoclablllt¥: • THE HAMMOND ·' CHORD ORGAN ALL l:LIECl'RIO You can play rlch ·Organ muD: at once. wit.bout a atncle leaon; try one ln your own home all by yourself. PRONIE KL l-6140 FOR FRIEi: TRIAL roR DAUGHTER Crane'• tine Writ.inc papers . . . A harJ,dkercbJet or 8C&rf ... OeUsflttuJ HummeU fig· min• from Qerman.y . . . Ceramic -p "' deep. ltriktDc colon. P'OR CHRIBTMAS AT Jl.OME Hand..Secorated German lm· part candM• ... Huce ~it· t-. Cbri.otmu I:{" balll ...• amoitmu WtWtlla and conn. Clarftl••• ~ · · fOr UY manta.I • • . r..riy A-.. -..._ milk stooll . . . Wooden -.lad -:i:.:~~0 u;JVE WeatmoAJud milk Claaa . · Domelltc and lm'POl'ted cry.. t4l . . . a-.6 wroupt 1JfCJD Md ...... ..,.. . . . i'Nneh Qulmpor ~ and Wqowoad 'boae chlml • i •• Or a t.iA9 wlwne trom Of!l" boo!\. dopvtmenL ... .,. Otft .,..... pbtp, -and ileal .. ~ oel-, .. Mrs. Polly Owen, promoter of ~ pitaltty; Mrs. Ruth Dellttt, pro- moter Of epocba; Mn. It.ha Home. c\latodian. of paraphernalia; Oar· wln Home, promoter or fratem&l rel&Uona : W.. Carole<> Burdlck. -"" . "°"°' acti-: Ml'8. Miriam Tucker, promoter of ttnan~. • Carl Tbomaa. out-going ....Cl. ate-guardian, WU praeeted With lllo -t --.:14t.. guudl4n'• pin by the honored queen. Appropriate c.o the lut meet ing ot the term, X1u Sandra Sclunldt, BOthel U· brarlan, reed a lovely poem writ· t.en by a Job'• Da.u,gti~r tn the St&te ot Calitomi.a.. entitled "Whal Job'a Daughte~ Mean& to Me." It was eagerly .received and expreued t.M . Y~WI ot all "J~u" To Install tllel,r ~ dealr• aad "'°'°" llarmoa,J. MIN Mar<l4 rtylot will receJve the honored queen'• gawl · at a Danz.Sdunidt • public lnll4114tlon ot Bethel 157 .cheduled tor. Thunday, Dec; 20 P.. c Th e Islanders at 8 pm. In tho Cool4 M-Fri· . 1ano o. day Attemoon club bOUMI. Tllere '" N'. llala -Balboa ulimd will be danclns and retrealunentl . .OC.... 1t11 eMt,.,Aaa . , arterwvdl. Tbe practice for fhe l , , 11 ;: I-;:::::;::~:::~;::;:::;;;::;:;;:=: I lrultall&tlon t. to be held SVpday, , _______ ......_..._._.....: o... ia at the ctub hOWle. I Since 90me of the local ~rte are to ·act u l.natalling otfteere .Dec. 11 at tbe .,..•""Uon of Job'• ~ IWl>el 1&7, Lqm Bmdl, all ~ wtlo ue able to..,,.,._.....__ed to make a tipe'lel effort to attend tht> ---BEGINNiN6 SATURDAY DECQmi 15111 WE Will BE OPEM • · Froni '~-~to 9 p.m. i 1il .ctilllst·MAS . , I I t *SUNDAYS·9 ...... I0 1:30 p.ai I I I llT uie 1Wboa Ba.ra..iia ,.._ .... -... --..... CIMlelt Qmitea -.... - llDMt -rt ootfU nom -lftll'alllma'S_Cll_ 111""4 'l1'e OM& la a -VF - --......... bore WIUl cr"T---·11aep (Pho\O 1J7 Bedlnerl rient! ~ e inSP.ired es. ·J ear · \ . . . By ! .Kl©K RNI ~K- ... • . ' • cut, ··aide tdJ.t f'O WD •• ! .. Tbe oeckllne Iii -, fiat- • > terlngly round, and OM wide ·belt ra.tena with . aelf color frop . . . ' In coral or· .blue. LoYe- ly to Jive or •4N l"eleftve ... ---·····-······· ·r ... ~v ......... .- • • For ,,our momenta of repo1e •• . . io1ig iact·. .WCS. dr.op ·llhoulder.( pajama w I th tapered irou.... •.. zma11, ..... • row a: t a n d up caUar faatens with ~ • J. • ~ trop . . . In blue Ot coral .•• an ~~ ttcltfng Clft .at . . . • . l(atditnc ~ · ~. 1" (not_,... ' The Women'• Clvtc League of Newport Harbor I• havifte their Cllriotmu p&rty Tueeday, De<. 18 at Ba1bm Y•eht duti. ' 1•u o.iut Btv4. eon-1 iw· • LAGUNA BE.ACH FURNITIJBE· O~'S ' f. ,~r·e Christmas . • .. .t.putment lllu Gu Range . Cpntour 'l'>'Jlo CIWr. -.Fri .... One pair ot Modftu.Table Lampo. . "Flnut Quality ~ Lounp Cbalr and Otto>nan iln• Bed llrocatelle aov.r. ' Five Pl«e auome Dinette ~ Green. Five Piece pr.me Dillette ·s.L Yellow .• Euy..&11 Grey Servll)J Cut. One Roll (97 IC!· yardO) All Wool, H16h Quallly Wlbnn Broadloom. Bulltltlll Cocoa ~ Modem lligll-lpW Texturo. J1151)(1"1JD 'll'A8 TO $ 99.50 $ .-..so ' $139:50 : s '9.so · $ 37.50 $ 14.95 . ... $299.50 $239.50 $1 14.50 $ •.t4,$0 8~ ·s 64.lo $ 27.95 . $ 22.t5 . -to ' S.. Yal'd $ 84.95 $ 10.95 $ 69.95 o.. Pair Early A1MrtCA11 w~ Chai,.., Salem F'tnlah. Floral OO>nr. , .... ,., fau) Bir Six F.ot O.Juxe au Re-$" 12 SO ••-95 h1 tlr. ;o • _...,. &era (IJeft '7111 M 'l rtd ' Mtf.) i ~-Gullanp. Delu:u' $309.95 $179.tS ==-~.:.··--.. ~ s~29.95 s1".se Ill-01 .Tl , . . . . Two~ st,ie il ~alra. __ ,_rd! ,111~ 'Box sr·p ~-of-and Ianer Spring.Mata.as. BIM Only. , a-t. .. .. I ' SALE ··SAVE!·· $ J 99.5() $ 64.50 $-i i 2.50 ... $ 84.50 8,..W .M $11 9.50 $ 54.95 $ 41-'0 $ 7?.50 , ..... $ .. lt.50 , -$ 6UO - S 4t~ .$ 79.50 sa~•• • • ' • , • I • • , . . ' ' • I.IT IOllLE JIURNISH YOU READY MIXED CONCRETE ON YOUR NUT ~OB =~-:xiN 6540 . llJIAU. TRUOIUI - LABAlE 'l'BUCKll .. SATURDAY DELIVERIES QUAliTY OONftOLl.ED • OONOllETE • Dl:PSNDAJILI!: 81:RVICl!l MOBILE CQNCIETE. 'CO~ _ · - 725 West 17tti St. ·. COtrA ·t.mSA ·No'°" roo llllAl.L ·-N0·1oa ~.Y90& ... . .. ' .. , .. ID® W®W -D©V -. ' . . , ' 1hqt Corllliwoua s~I( Quotallw cind ....._ Newt An Avall.w,. .. _. . . LAoUNA llACH omCI ' . Bepk of Lepna ~Bldg. .Ph. 4-1156 C-p'le11 lmkenpfodllr!ee ' J • i Tn»lm S-X T_l<br latfith! m-, wl •...ii.is ••• , . Yaur otder to buy cc eell lilttd. Mo<b, bmi" tr _. modities ;.ru be tnClilell wicb .... ~ -*' cmr the atrioo-wide lnad pri•ue W. fyl1 • - neain& our 16 Califomll: ~ and. our New Yock c&e with principti l!ulrm tnding cm-. s&dt- tical &d1lties Ale maintained · fot your -....me-. DE~~TER.lkCO. "-. • ........... ., ....... ·h. ??fl .r . .,, '' ._. ::. ':.t. .::. ':::'' ;, .... I ¢ p ' ... lllill •7 • .... l'll..ltCllCl1 ... ,,_ • • Hern what follrs NY shout SanUi Fe's five creat dailf t:raiM bttwMn Lm An&elea and Chicaeo: -On$.-niahtrmmlhowl~ .. .. - , le.ve Clift tcltedul• in any ....,.hu ••. ~ 1 nlued ... anive telreahettl, ri•ht dawnlowt\. • ., ., __ ;_,,., _ ___,··· • ,,..., -toll lo _,,i.. So 1 mior $onla l'~• lriendly ,_,,. """ i . • ob.NrY.iion an.• --. ~· ... ·11~,1.«. ol wcnl.-lul l'rfid H...., load lot- /tom. • •11i1ce pr.iv er. -.1 trn&I $.nta te -b' ,,,,,.ti in • roomette or 1 lledtootn, or with.,_,,. IMfilT ht . a ~ or 4,..,,,;nf. room.• .,..,.-..,u.~ ...... ,,,. ,., -.i,,;,i,., ··-- --And "'"" ~ "'""' .s.v. '•'• colotNI ....... -- I No----tilot-lon "ID_,. ... ,....__ . ..__.i ~ ~,. ···-~---· -Otfl;Y SAll'Y<\ft _ _.,_ ...... .,Mp ecW• ... at.1 m faiw•···--'•I•,_._ V'71 t i IMtolc:llM,• 1 rt·Ht ... ...... ~e••:•·•' · -. • While deyoling a lot ot en .... :1'---------...__ __ to Cbl1otmu piano, workeno. t0< with the Newport cotnllllUM• u the Hoeg Memortol Hoopii.al. much of"tbe area oi both dlolrlc:t.& Pre.sbyteri&J\, are not overlooking has mutual mun.t... ' any opportunJttea to advance the NeWport ·Harbor's quota Of1&1.n.-• progT"Ns of the-tund ral.8lnC' c&m· ally set at $75,000 m->' l"tlleh the p&!gn whleb Le to f\.lm.lab and -.me amount u tor Santa Ana ... equip the hospital at & coet of Tullin ate& wttere the a1m ta to around n:io.ooo. ....... '90.ooo. Tiie 8'jnt.& Ana Ondually org&nls&tlo.. to di· committee ls planning '--t to rect th• drl•e ....., Selling In lh&pe th• hooplt.al 111• In the nut -it ln the Northern end of the COWi· or ao and Will hold~~ bn&Jd'~ ty. at Laguna Beach. and a .... u meetlllg al the "Port" -city ud JOINT PARTY S_ ET IY orpntzed group ls alttady time· then go o"r the holpltal alte and tlonlng In the llant.a Ana·TU8tln in.Peet Ure pl:J>I?• of Ult · work. COAST ASSOCIATION area. not to menlion the ftve A1reedy m.aJdns a.n tmpremln worklllg conunltlffo which are do-ob~. the bulldb>.J In Ila MS ~ a good Job In the Newport feet of lmgth will ot•c!l17 Ja• Harbor area. . creue tn appearance, make ~ .UU lteplat meettnga of the New· m1>re impreestw: p~pect a . tM port Harbor committee ,.... held' WQl'k contlnuN. • iveeklY at breallfut at the Dalbo& Bay Club at 8 a. m. Anyone In· 8TRl:ET N.&MINO SOUOlft terooted ls lft1colne to ailenil. City'' 11ngineor Bert Webb - TIM dlstriet ccmmltt-a1oo meet ..-Monday b!Sht by Ille ol~ NCUl&rlY at Ul• ~n of u.. council to ln,.U(ate feaalblltty ot ~ of -h dlatrlct. Dick namlbr, a.ateatln,r and controUn« Richan!, hMdlns the Nowporl ~ "" a l-runnJns t»- commtuee. ......Uy bu hla cn>UI> tw..., 18tll and 19th llrMla and meet on Monde.19 at noon. the Bay. Th• Bal-Ieland committee A peUUon from Cthel c. e - hoJda meettnp in tbe eventas MA. I.ADt•n R. Steven.1 and LdUlill with Mortie Stanley u &cling VWelle, properlJ' ow'nen, Mked cb&lnnan. WNley. D. Smllll keepo that the llCllon be talt<n. the Balboa coounttt.ee bard at ' work Cd la dolq a fine Job <II· 111VJ1:11S1DB "o)i~, llu!llnc h1a -ken with the Im· Sunday dinner ~ ot ·.Mh Ora~e Count.)' Coast ~la· lion wUl Join with the AMoclaled Cbambora ot OOmmerc• or .o.._ councy In a foint Chrlstmu partT. lt ,Will be held Dec, 18 al 7 -~· m. In -Newport Harl><>r Ya.cht Club, , A aittttmu tree .and ••santa Clt.Ut" Wt11 be on band. Tboere a tUndln&' ...., asked to brlAs a -t rtrt f<>< the tree and .u.- tributlon. TUB.D:T saoor · VISALIA, cilur.-The tint f.n. nual Oontral Collfornla Sporta- m•'a Tllrltay Shoot and Camlv.il will ..... held llllDday,_ Dec. ie, the V-Gun Club grounde un· der the oponllorshlp of Tulare and IDnp countl<a organlRd.. oporta-men. portance of lllo p<0jecL • A,t C.-. and Kn. Joe lil1lllil, -Rol:7 ,_ de! "'6<. Bob eaw., eJWr. and Mn. nar-c.o.-at u. HEME'I' obE8T8 ' man lo Mldilll evenln« -Kllllla home at t.o P'lnch. P1oct, Kr. and Kn. c. L. eo.inston Ud will •ol<olna •Lllton aJld bell>-Coat& --.... Mr. and Jin. of B...,et ft~ ...,._ ..-- The 'Lido i.te commlt18, beaded Don.Lowe and -.Pat and ,_ ~ of Mr. and Kn. L. B. Kil· "1 Hadd Rltlir, ls W<Jri<!ns' togeu..r Q)' of .U.ti 111 , • • lq ot Bparlta •lftet. Oaal& --. \ . IP 1 MAN .-X ' • .._ t'sa.-.. .... . ........... " .r .. ·•rw·~es>r )aiWNal £11l'O •a•. -........... -. *"'*"' ...... ...... ,.., -- • • ' AT ist:h NEW .. • *-•~ley f • .-.. f~ .-roy. gai-en ear .r-sr •. . . ASSOCIATE I , • ANNOUNCE THE F'.ENiNG ' . "OF THEIR NEW 0 . ICE ON -, SATURDAY, DECIMI .JSth Jilt WAY · Newpo~ Be•c: Phonlf Beec:on 7 31 I • • VUNCING .. . ' ~~ I • CA.Its so WONDERFUL LY D FFERENfl' TO DRIVE . ,,..,,Y'ktr&e C ................... ,, .. Oft JH.pi.y, Dole. J4rh -.JStl> • THEY BRI G YOU A NEW KIND 1111.5 • • • I • • , ' , . ' • ) ' . . , • • • • • ~ • • • • I . ' I • ' ' I ' : • • •• , . PAW£ I -PART II ...... THURSOAY,.,QEC. 13, 1951 -. . ~ . -=r PRESS~· I v · . , \ ' Ha~ Star Installs Officers in Jm~iye · .Ceremony-' ~t. ~Mesa . .Aalated by p-On\>d Ma • ~ ~:::' ~1~.i: ~r:~ Chr·1s· tmas Party t;io. Grand . Matron J;lvelyn Crego, ' retiring Worthy Matron Rutb !>elater and "'t!Jing Worthy Pa-Set f Dec 19 tron, Henry Dieater inltalled of-or . ncen of Harbor Star chapter, o. • · 11. S. at rtte11 In Frtday Afternoon . clu~-~ w~ ... ~~~;;;v.::tron by . Local Grange ftectna Cottle, Worthy Patron ' Harold Fink, Auocl.ate Matron SalurdaY, Dec. 15 wt1J: be the Lela McMlllan, A.Nociate Patron next meetlng date for NeW}.!Ort Corwin (Trader) Hom, Secretary ~hermen'a Grange at the Amert- r..ther Devtne, Treuurer Dorris can Legion Hut Jn Newport Beach. ~ COnductreu Ellyn Nell-Th.la la the monthly open meeting an, A.t:eociate Conductress Ma.bt-1 and will be Ute lut of the year, · Fltsmorrta. Chaplain· Bettye Ftnk. there.fore It t.s planned to have a Manh&l Irene Wilaon, Organist soclal evening lo the Chrialmu Jl1orence Anderaon: 2J)lrtt. Allo Star Points: Adah, Polly All membcra are urged to come Owen.s; Rut b, Evelyn Davi8; and since one of the project.a of F..ther, Bette Smith: Martha. Ear-the Orange ta to help thoee Jen (ynn Albright; Elect.a. llha Home. fortunate, everyone la uk.ed to . K&i-der, Est.her John.on; senUnel, bring one item of food that can be Milton Steller: used ln preparing Chri.etmu bu- . The ritea opened with candle· keU, and a.i.o a.ny such Jtema of UghUng by carol Fink and Kenna dlttarded but usable cloUitng that John.ton, members ot Job'a Daugh-can be provided where needed. ten, while the bethel chorus sang. Thoae ln charge of the procrt.m Paet .Matron Erma Lachenmyer. have p~pa.red tor extra ~au. u mistress of ceremonies, gave and hope to have a large pther- the addn!Sa of welcome. ing. hultalllng marshals were Delphy · On Wednesday Dec:: 19 the Hepperle and Put Matron Grace Hom(! Economica' ·Club of the Irvine of SeaJ Bt'ach. lnstalllng Grange will have their regular chaplain wu Past Matron Ida meeUng in the tonn of a Children's Naylor and iruttal1ing organllt wa.a Christmu Party ln lhe evening, Jtather Belau of Santa Ana. Solo-also at the "Hut," at which time lat waa Put Matron Edythe .J<em-1 Santa Claus will have a gilt for per. Little Bonnie Lynn Cottle ••• y child M mbe 1 B. 1 -H . r . e . ra are reques -wa.a the bearer and arrUJ Cottle I eel to contact any one of the of- Sr., wa.s tlag bearer. ticera and advtae how many ch11- Symbo1Jc ~ I d ren they have in their own fa.m- Colors chosen by th(' worthy matron for thr year are Ameri· can Beauty red and pale blue. A lattice arch in the Eut wu adorn- ed ....-ith the sytnbolic red roses and blue bella. A buket of red roees ai.o stood by the dali. and garlands of bella hung from the candelabra. In the \Vest was a large bell in pink and blue, colors ot the asso- ciate matron. Irene and her hus· band were in charge of deco- rations. Corsages ot red roses t ied With blue ribbon were made by Mre. Cottle for the ~peclal guests. Heading the r efreshment com- mittee were Ca.lla Viele and Doro- thea Kin.slather. Ushr rs we re Past Patrons Sa.m Klnsfalher and Cuba Mortis: Ray Ne·lw n. Melwood Berry and Kenneth J nhnson. Hos- te&lleB w~re P~t Matroil.s Etta )i<ae Coffman and Sylvia Place; Eva. Moore and Audrey Cottle. Preaiding al the coffee urns were Pa.st Matrons Ida Naylor and Edythe Kemper, Ruby Crawford and ~ Moore. Over 300 guests alteqded the ritct!I. Troop Rep9rts Announced by Girl Scout Assn. SummarizinJ: the Cxccllcnt wo rk of the organization commit tee of N~rt Harbor Girl Scout Coun - cil headed by Mrs. P, V. P eterson. chairman and th<' ncighborhOOfl chairman. lhe following informa· Uon 13 given : Newport Harbor has 25 Brownif' troops made up of third and fourtb echool gn.dea; · Eight lntennedlatt-Scout troops made up Of fifth, ailtth and eeventh IChool grades; One eighth grade troop, -one Mariner Senior tcoop and one Sen- ipr Service troop being formed . • Neighborhood chairmt'n have at- tended mother mf'e tings, hav~ helped from lroop committeeA. bandied ca.Jendar sale whJch has tteen m08t &ucce11&ful and In onP lnflance hu lak<'n over l@'ac.fer&h1p o( a troop when the leader bas rc- llgned. Enough pral.se cannot be ~ven the hard-working Neighborhood Chalrmen tor the'r out.standing work this f'1i-According lo area they are: Newport Beach: Mn. Frank Blaclc. ant1 Mrs. George Stevena, Mlilillt&At (Who h~lpa on publicit y com.mllttt): New port Heights: Mra. R. A. Oliphant : Corona,. del Mar:. Mrs. B. N. Descnberg and Mra. Daniel Ebbcrbl, usiatant fwbo too.k onr leadership of t roop when neceuary); Balt>o.,, Island: iira. Arthur Kramer : Balttoa: Mra. Fl'ed Woodworth ; Senior Scouta: Mn. Ed Hirth. llWA"D ~ORT BY J'(>UCE l>ELA YS. ·o.K. Otf P~R~ PERMIT ily, ages. and also how many wUI be attending the party. Each member is asked to bring one small gift for each child they bring, thereby assuring all of a remembrance. Extra gift.a will be provided by Santa Claua, and members are urged to bring the c hildren and join ln the evenings fun. F ormlll lnstaJlation of officers of all Grange units will be held the Jattt>r part of December, but a definite date hu not yet been determined for thia di.strict. There are nine Mlbordlnate granges In the Orange Coupty • Pomona d ls- lrict , and \hi.!1 formal lnatallatlon will be very lrnpreuive. and all members are welcome -to attend the ceremonies. Ample notlces wtll be mailed In 8.dvance of the date. and members are uked to watc:h the newspapers for the date of tho tnstallation. • Millionth Traffic Death Delay Asked by Mayor Isbell Mayor L. L. Isbell today asked every res ident of Newport Bea<:h lo join with lhe National Saletv Council in the nationwide ca.nl- paign to ;>o1tpone lhe mlillonlh traffic death. ''ThiJI tragedy, which wUI mark the violent death of 1.000,000 men, women and chJldren •ince the ad- vent of the automobile 60 years ago, will occur during the Chrlat- mu holidays," the mayor said. "unleNJ every pedestrian and ~ toriat uaea the utmoat care a.nd caution when walking and drtvtng. "The Chrialmaa holidays &Jwaya bring extr. huarda. Trattic. a.eel* denta reach lhelr peak durin1 t.hls per10d becalllJe of winter wd.ther, earlier d&rknea, heavier travel and holiday featlvtty. Tbe traffic toll wu up S per cent for the tlnit nine mOnt.ha of 1951, a.nd our streets and hlghwaye are apt t o become tncreaalngly dangeroua as Christina.a approache1. "It will be Ironic if the Christ· mu; seaaon -the time ot good will to all men -la the backdrop for the mMJlonlh auto tatalJty. I sincerely ho~ everyone 1n New· port Bea.ch will ~ especially care· rul tht1 Chr!stmu Ume and that no accident -not even & mlnor one -will mar any famUy'a bap- pinesa al this joyoua aeuon." Salvation Army Needs Materials Request. for wlnter dothlnc are piling up at the SaJvaUon ~rmy Social Serviee Center which ee.rves lh11 .area. Brtgadler Ra.Mon D. Gifford, mana~r. ~ tlll• week. The Salfttlon Army IMder aald the Center ..,.....uy needa 108,000 rann.nta dl all ltlndo &D<I -ror ioen. -and chJldion. . Application for • businf'ae ll-In add:ltlQn to wtnte:r clolblnc, .._ to operate a bUllard parlor Ille Center aMjla cllacuded lllml· ln Corona d•I Mar, coiitlnued from t"'"', lloroe appl..._., n-, bed· t1'e Nov. 26 council meeunr. WU din• dleh-• ' not ruled oa Mooday nlght bf City ~ u".d ~·-=r= 1o"':: pouncD •~ & report lrom lbe Cbk'f tinue lta aocial tth•Nlltatlola ~pro- of Police bad not bef!fl made on .tho grun.. . m&lt.r. -~ o( .. ..,, artl-• .lla,yor IoboD auggeoted U>at Ille cleo In Ille Oetltuo ...,.laobope pollce department nbln> a ~rt p~ded 136.0QO -ot wwk •f that the council could make a t.be'9py, M,151 who ... lt'IM ..a.. clodoion oil the appllcation. Tiie ao,1.a ........ --~ had ord-.Ulc zeport at aajl -lllWI nMMW aid ta ._ ,...nou. meet1n1. 111"'7 ••llr•ilo Ill_.., Md -· • • -~--~---· d'Clflled -...... ta. pul 11 ' AV~---·-·--•..tllo, ~ -d -• .._.. .. 1 ...---ra11 •.....-lio-tr r· 1o1e..a .-...-f'1l-sta .. tM ~~-........... 1 • .,.,. 'Dctr,. wm -. -ie .._.or -. ......... totbe ••••• --· ..... Ill l'Ulde• ...... T_.. -? ...... AN·-lllP .... t I ---·l•le• ' • • I • • • , • • Discontinue loc•I License Semces • PRIC IS lfFICTIYI DECEMBER t3tl t4iitslf TllUaSDAY •Pal DAY •IATUaD&Y • • PUDGl·GlllGl•·WHITl·DIYILID 99 / ••OMIDARY MIX r'~ll~. . G S 4' W -POUND JAR •LACE FRUIT CAllT1•8URY 21 oz. JAi 3'9 I MINCE MEAT ~t<. aut 1'fu / e ' aUDGIT PACK 2 LI. CELLO IAO 371 aA W SUGAR 11(..;a /l.CJ'f1"~ llOITISS J.ri ~ i/.•"(!)U_/J~ / I '.UIT CAKE 3 POUND~,. oz. 490 l'ICG. ..-;' PkO. fOOD CLU8 lJ oz. PKO. RAISINS ~.Wt~ Ill<»/ &1"-f.'- fOOD CLUI . ....,..., -· '· I DRllD PRUNES 9uJ:Vo·&~.w 24 19 AIMOUa 12 OZ . CAN C.ff'AM rr CHOPPID HAM FO.CI £4SY OISffE3 SUlllHllll POUND tox K•ISPY CRACKERS ~;,.....:~ OLD DUTCH IOllES CLIANSIR "Ua.lu ~ Jl-.a..l:lf/ • LAlOl IOX SURf "'71c 6 OJ!. IOTTLE WIZARD WICK ·~~':"' ... ~'! QUALITY ... PPODUCTS HO. 2 CAN a,· Sabtd U;aa.,/ •UPlfRUIT CTION I ' HI, YQU kNOW·LAST SUNDAY I WAS TALklNe TO • . TNl lADY NIXT-0001 AIOUT c 'NllSTMAS. YOU ICNOW, ALL THI JUN AND l)CCITIMl'MT THAT OOIS WITH IT. IUT SHI. JUST DIDN 'T NAVI THI srlllf IHl'O-ALllADY TRIED TO DO SOMI SHOPPINe. •011v1 AND PAIK,DllYI AND PA«k-U..klS A\1¥1, TNA.Y:.S All.CHllSTMAS IS NOWADAYS, 'Ulf 4 lOT ,, ........ :YES! THE IOLllA Y 1£110 11 IEIE, • AllD IT lllAllS LOTS Of SllOP• Piiie TO 81 DOlll. YOU CAii SlllPLIPY TOUa SllOPPl'9G 8Y PlaST TAK ... A TalP.TO YOUa • &LPllA alT&. Sii Tiii LAael DISPLAY Of CllalSTllAS TOYS, DICOa&TIOllS, Ta Ill, ITC. AllD eoo• fOOD TlllATS, TOO. /:JIU Ci" VITAMINS illW tlEEIE 8SUtn 11uKo. AMllll:Alt•lllCIC•PIMIENTO Zle ~ -tA...t e.. Gw4c.k ,.s,. .. ~ k6 ••u11u11 . 6oi. ""°'• . q.b«.,,,a .. •tv"-.~ 1111101 lllEYI ~--· ~,o'4;l .-, """' u-. ,,;·e+A.i!rt Ulf talEI 11111~!~ 41 11~1 ..... Al PACIC "'""'"''"'' ... ,,...., C: . . ..... ........ Of DllYIN,..AND PAllCIN'." IHI SIT Ml TO nllNICllfD TNAl MAYll YOU'ii NAYINO AIOUT TMI SAMI llNI OJ TIOUlll. NIXT TIMI YOU'ii .. MY ITHI, SPINO A LlTTU IXTIA TIMI llllf lOOllllG AIOUNI •-NOT IUYINO-JUST LOOklNO. • YOU'Li. .... NAT . WITH AU THI CNllSTMAS STUJJ Wl'll..NA.-..,. ,T111s.Tovs.c•NDY.1Tc .. •11af'tou cu••• aove• IAVI A LOT OJ"OllYIN' ANO PAii•• • ., , , . ..,._. .. -•CM..,.,.,,.., r • aaus "TAX ~•eta>°"-.-''"'" • •wn• .. .. •