HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-27 - Newport Balboa Press• .. •• Limell. to Run for Congress in New District • C:indldate for Congress from the newly 'ereated 28th Con&re»- aional Diatrlct wllt be Frank M Unnell, Attorney and ctty Judge of Newport Beach. Llnnt>U ~:Ill ~tk the nfftce f(,r the U.,o!W dialrkl of which all of Or-.ngP ~<.ouuty t.nd tbE' eoa.t.ai preCincta oi San I\1t¥"o t:ounty ue a part. . No newcomer to pollUcal IUe, Linnell served three terma u Dta- trlct Attorney in Floyd County, lowa, and La now tn hJa MCOnd year aa City Judge of Newport Beach. Linnell counts as b1a hobby flailing of all kinds. and h<>ldo membcr"h lp. ln most of lb., t!:port· ftlhertnen'a cluba of SOutbem C&ltfornia. He la an extensive property holder In Newport Stach, where he haa maintained bt:. home for the put 10 yeara. He tlaa been a reaident and practicing attome)· est Southern California since 1923 A Republican by reiwratk>n. r.Anncll atatee hla belleh Unnly and without equlvocaUon. He •Y•· "I believe that the tu.tnc power la the power to de.troy and that we a.a a NaUOn mut .top -pt--' money anJ men for e wwl:! or w6 wUJ deltroy oun6'vea. wtthLUt . atbck: ttom any foreign pc..wirr." Llrn•eU says he ta running be· came be reel.a lb.at b1a b&cka'round and experience qualify him to .terve lbe Dlatrk:t. the State ot C&lltom1a and the NaUOo u a C.ongresama.n. IRADLEY CONTINUES SLOT MACHINEIS' HEARING TO_JAN. 18 Hearing by U . S. Comrniuiooer Art.bur M . llradley, S&Dta Ana.. on. cha.rgea ot IUega.l poueuton and tranaportation of alot ma· chlnea against 51 pereona. many ot them of Newport Beach. wu continued recenUy to Jan,. 18 it 10 Lm. Tb.la marked the f1flh con.tlnu.· &nee granted federal at&.om:e7a ana defenH couueJ &t their re• quMl. Thoae arni.te:i oa tbe alot machine oounta weN ·appNhend· ed lut Auguat aboe.rd local ..,n.- flohtng" boat. whlle otbon ....... taken Into custody In lloi> or.... TJD 1'111:118 A m.Jnor ol the mOlt rapidly devetop1nc area ot the CaUtornla South Couta1 Empire VOLUME XU . Newport P. 0. Christmas Mail Up 25 Per Cent QuanUty ot local Chrlatmaa -mall thla ,.ear waa spread over a longer pe-riod of lime as com· pared wtth last year's postal rua.h and luted longer than It W1U&lly doet because of IJtormt bloc.king surJace communica tion in the Eut. William H. Ajiamt, Newport Beo,ch poaitmaater, said today .. Con-.ervatlve estimate!: put th!.!! hoUday·11 mad at 20 to ~ per cent rreat.er volume_over la.»l year, he added. Newport Brach P06l Office WU cleaned up each day with no tMlck· loga hanging over to pla(Ue post· men. The office uaed 14 temporary add!Uonal oul.81de carriers. JSarcel poet deliverymen and lnllde mall handle.rs to expedite the rush of bUal.bep. Cancellations for December u • ot today sbo'l"ed 25 per cect more than !Qr lhla t ime laat year, Adalns •lated. Receipts •bowed a 11mllar lnc~. A.dam.a aid h.la atatt appr.ciat· ~ loc4I ,ruldf!ll.I.' mall~ll•r 1i diUil'. of jNl(ffla . • lo the eut cout. Theae be&an abo~ Dec. :S. Thll year'1 receipts we re heavier from Dec. 1 to 1~ than laat year between Dee. 15 to 30, be Mid. Poulblllty that.a r-......., jury lndlctment may be nt.umMI. ,. mal!IJtg a prellmlaary ._....,. •· neceary bu bell\ OM r..aOrft ad-- vanced for the oontJBU&l delas over the put few months. PORTIONS OF-3 LOTS ' BOUGHT IY CQUNCIL Autho rity to purchue pertJou of Lou 30. 32 and s• ot Bloc!k 38·A.. Co,.ona del flbr, Wu ltft:D~ ed City EnJrtneer Beti Weblt _. lenjay by the Cit)' Oouncu: All· oth•r piece wtU be aequ_lred In ~ 7, Jillock 143. ,C.DOI Section for ~tpurpooee. ' Webb a id Ule J'OG!ld WM need- ed aa <M ell)' Jlad ~ i-"4 aide wallt owr the loU atlected. A 01UD of '41iO wUl be otferecl: owntt1 ~feeted. ------ NEW YEAR HOllD~Y WU .. 01511¥9 Stur m.,,.bera of tlla illw,..t Harl>or PubllohlllJ "11>. will take • two-dl.1 N~ Yet.r'a hD&ida1' oa -1 .....i· ~,..,no MtlOo, 2111 Bolboa -.. • -.,. __ -)'&ncf~ro.-- .411 ---and -..., -lie tllo-ID~ Qoe -11 I ,.._ -t ("" ,u.o Jl(-nme. .,,_ ,.. lie poQM # st • .... lttpnoae.: .. .. llcabor ..... > ' -. SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN. O~GE CbUNTY • • • • ' 'TWELVE PAGES . . FIVE I ' . ' • HUMBLE . IL ~Q., .. lWO ·- NEW .f JR 5 TAKE OVER . JERGINS'. dtTY LEASE · City Cquncl~ m .. Ung /.i adjourned ....ion yeoterday, VlJled lo ,.....lgn the .City of Newport Beach'• tldF.landa 91J rlgbta teaaing agreement from .the Jergtnal Oil Co. to lbe ~umble 01.l and Refin.$ng Co. and two newly crnted !Irma. The leue appll .. lo alant drllllllJ for tkleland.9 afl west of 53rd .street. . E. E. Pylea. vice· prealdent ot..------------- Jercinl Oil Co., submitted a letter aaklng the reauJpment , and ' apoke_on bebalt of the matter. He broug'ht ovt that the iergina con~rn WM bought for $31.000,- ~ 000 by a J!'OUP of New York in· ' ve.tment houaea &bout a year a.go. Because of income tax l&'f*, he ; 48-ld, the purcti&aing combl.ae de· clded to form two new companJea, ' the Monterey OU Co. and . WR- . mtngton Associates, Inc. T h " Monterey nnn wtJI come tnto ex· latence next June, he. aa.td. The reuatgnment granted give1 Bumble an undivided 50 per cent tnterut tn the leU"e while\ Mon- terey receives 35 per cent snb Wll- mt.Qgton 15 per .cent. • 1 ~~-.~«&.;@Qr ~ ' from any oil recoveey lt and when Con~ aw&l'ds tklel&nda lutJnr oll rlgflt. lo Rrl~l< enterprlae. ''The Humbl• on and ~flntnJ RELtEF ·SOUGHT · ' . BY :·GOROON IN LIBRARY BID Col}.StnictJon o1 Newport Beach"• new clity lib.-ry Will have to wa.it at lea.at unw Jan. 14 whea. the city council will r u I e ' on whether to force Irvin a. Gordon A •Son to PfOCMll With It. $39,908 contra.ct. A lltlle matter of 'ieoo I.I In YOlftd. ' .t.t .. . ;• ;,.,IUICll -!l!at inJ tik-"°"!.-actor, lllfontulll the council .th&t "a very ee.rto ' mis e had been made" in ch a IR.I • tor's lJ brarj A1'Cff llltTS l iNISH .. flRST I SKETCH OF NEW COM SCHOOL Co. ta llle largeat producll\g and . "'fining company In the United ·stat.ea," Pylea Aki. 'They have out.at.anding reaearch and-tech- nique for Udelanda ~r&tten.1." He added that "Without any que•· Uon," lhla would be a goqd deal for the city. The ortglnai oil leue granted D . W , Elliot by the city Nov. 1. 1943 will expire l"eb. 3, ahalvlng waa iiJhl. The OOUll'- ctJ. accepted Gordon'• low bid tut meeting", Dec. 10. In uklnl' the council to reject hie client'• bid, A:ra.a.t ~ Jlla contention QD three· tenuoua lecal point.: that tile bid waa submit- ted on a <:0J)y of,· not · on the mlmoographed fonn provld,.S by .the d4'; that an alt~UYO bid Of co.t plu.1 10 per cent waa me.di; L~ queatiOn of which .bld waa baCkeCI by the ""'P"mpanylnJ $(&00 1 .corporate surefy bond. 117 Rutb HW ' CITY OKAYS SEWER. TRUNK . SAtE 1952. The new · a.greement gives the Mont..erey firm and Wilmington the· i-lght to absorb each ioUter'• lea.te percenta•ea ind to rruairn to Humble, if de.aired. Under u.e city'• 1eue. 1'1-"' Beach coffers would rece.lte U'4, per cent of the tint 80 1barrela of oil recovered, 15 per cent of lh8 aecond 80 and 11~ per /c~t Of the. third 80. Over 2.0 ~ the city'• llh&re wob.ld be a.ccor\dlng to the eatabU.hed 1tate formula.. SINCIAI& HOUSEO~ Grace Bird, '"""°"late (l!+tar of publ1c echooll, Berkelef, • been a holiday vtaltor at the hbm~ of her nephew, Porter Sinclair. She left toct.y tor the Bay area. M&yt!I' ·tabell aald. "I hate lo aee 'anyone t&ke a lou, but there are ce~ ati.te law• whJclr must be followed.!' COtincU.m.an Bra.den Finch' a4ded that It waa "a dfll· cat. •tt1lalkm " City .\ttY. Harey Bloclce\t told the cOuieU that Arant'• fa c t • we"" r!Cht. but aald he d I d n • t ltnOW' lf'hetber hie lepl cooclus- lona were allb. He &eked ~ to 17ludy the matter and n1port baci. j,;, It al ,U.. Jtauary .. ulOI\. Pennt•lo,n ~I C"&nted by the councl.1 when A.rUlt, for ht. client. agn!od to waa .. · the l<Hl&y ell· ecuUon clau. .Iii the conrtact. . - '. • ' . • -. ~ • .... ,, tss 0.-.... Jlwtri :s1• ,..., .... Aw1e1tUe . . "'* •• •·ur 71 Mto«W A I !I#•~ ---~Pr.-bu~~· ....p.por of .-enl ~ bJ • of U.. Superior Oiniit of 0...,.... CQ1111ty U14 11 fUJIY ... .,... • I I l I • • • • •• 1 ,. 14 publlob all -of lepl --and ~Ill. . SIGN I HERE • I IMF &i/1~ FtlrH"F ~R~-~ Tb~ QUiit FaEtPo• ~ • • -. . -Dl8URANCZ · ~ SURE-tNSW · -~ l ~I MfllWD ...,.,, • k " ....... , I --. ~-"''' ~ -.. ....-....... -a e 1·~ _, I .tvz~·!.::. .... ;--C--=-·I~ !h .,, • ............ . ',, ... • ' • "f ' 4 ' • • • • • .; • Daughter ·Porn to ·Dick Har.pen ' WEEJl END GUESTS Mn_ Hrleb\ Girvin of Hollywood and Dr . .and !¥n. Franklin Ham of 'lan..N-l!<lll be ,sueata of Dr. and Mn. -Bonc>Ug-hA ~•'boa, over the . wffk end. Tbe ls will l'O to 6eYerJy HWs and Chats.- Wurth for Na.w y...,.. Eve and New Yean Day partiea. GtT 111S TO BE : SURE -OF . QUALITY IRIS FINE TINY PEAS . . " NO. SOS CAN IRIS GRAPEFRUIT SfCllOttS l c: NO. 303 CAN UUS SOLID PACK TOMATOES • • • . 3ic NO. IY, CAN • • • • • Jl'JJl8T BBIDZ OF WINTER a. ¥ra. Bob w.,._ BeMe .et, tbe f•mier B-2"" _couple .._w vowa Dec. H la au.w.-bf Ill• -. Oeorrta Chrh1tlne (I . Mull Photo) Candl~~ght Vows ·Repeated by Georgia .Briscoe :_and ti !Bethuun Civic League Elects Officers et Christmas Party -\ Qlr,.. •• , 4-11, • 7 &M .._1 21 -·llr Jll: r•,....s--.. w ... >»': ,J a r ~~ tll8'-lllli:ll w ••i. "' .................. ~ ~ ~ ... ,.. 9-tb ~ .... ~ ... lll1tb•1 . -CldieO all • • •• ...... .... .. .Jo & poll8y ~ ... fn,,. •2¢f N ll\f r.JJ. IJ ........ -..,. .......... ~ pe Mln«0 '•1t ,Jiad.--., Jn bin, l!Ptb. .. w at ........ . .:J'.wo l1t &M ~t·e·~ 1Mft ~ ~!'Mer ,...,...,.. ln ·ti> e OOID1JlOrd -_,.._. ,,,. --~ .to .¥n. ~~ •• oif.a-!rl.llo ......... .i .......... ot .-. ..... """'"'" ~!11111•· --•• _. Jt • --~~ •-Iler -t~-t~. :i..t. ~ -y .-..W.., tile~ ...... cur> Jc>ua allOut It." nporlecl ¥ro. un- man wbo • .....i8d tho blllky _objeet ll'l>Pl lAPu ~ cl!ltoina, and onto the plane which new ber back to BalbOa. ll(la .Allee . Rall went to Tl•· Juana to &'et an a uthentic plant& fo-r her dua. 'Tb e one •hie brou&'bt back, a boat detlgn, wu one JJf the only two to rbe found In the town . 'Mle pink pig which Miu J<!ul Be.h's atronf-nrmed pupl.la brok e on the nnt swtn.r ot the bat wu a. pluter ot parla ltrUcture cov- ered with paper tJowen. Miu Beh alao helped Hiu Jean Bonnet create ~e brlcht Colo~ parrot plnat.I for her claaa. A proanm of Mexican dances 80ftl'S. and recttatJoni ln the ln- tdlvldual rooma preceded the gen- eral a.uembly 1h the oourtya.rd where the pinatu hunc. The chlldrrm wore the aerapea, hat.a. and belt.a which they had made during the ·study of Mexico. According to Miu Beh the Chriat,nas party waa really anti- climax. The highpoint of t h e Mexica.n atudy wu reached the week be.tOre when the four groupa enacted al bull fight complete trom the mayo:78 mat&dora and pica- dors. 'T y Mlner, who took the part the bull, fell to the matador' swo'rd and wu dtag- ged trom the courtyard. T h e .pageant lnc.luded the enUre bull· fi(ht enteurage and an aucUen~ of puptle who cave forth wtth thf' correct reaponae (ole) ole! ole!) u an exce:ptioully good paaa wu made and the bull .wu killed. The cl••ees a.l8o were treated to a Mexlc&n diJlner by the t.ea.ch- ers. The sta.tt Is planning a tran- sition from the study of Mex.lco to California when the atudent.J return after the -holidays. • Women of . Mpose Take Gihs to County Hospital RadlanUy lovely ..,... Georp Tuesday, Dec. 18 the Worn~·• Christine Btlacoe, daught.tr of Mr. a ca.cade ot garnet roeq ln which Civic League of Newport Harbor The Women or the Moose, Chap- and Mrs. Orlando H. Brtacoe, 320 burned a aincle white taper. held thelf. firs t an.Qua! Chrlstroaa ter 1168, al their meeting held Diamond avenue, Balbo& llland Brldeamalda were Mlaa Barbara meeUng-at the Balboa Yacht club. ThJ,U'aday evening, Dec. 20, bad when •he ~pealed vow• Saturday, Ha.ncoc.k a.nd Mlsa Loil Bethurum At~ a short buslness meeting tbree eeparate tablea holding Dec. 22 with Bob. Wayne Bethur-lrl.rter of the bridegroom. TheY el@CUon or officers tor the com-gaUy wrapped Olrl.ttmu pack- um, son of Mr. and Mr•. ~ were gowned alike in nUe and lng year waa held. a.ges. One table contained the Bethurum, 433 South Greenleaf :ezneraJ ~ Jrrldeacent net over I The officers who ~ave served rtfta which wtll be taken to the avenue, Whittier. The etrb t o'clock emuald. taffeta, topped with lace for the put ye~ were unanimaua-On..nge county ho.ipital and farm candlelight service wu beJd at boJeroa:. Ltke ,the maid at honor, Jy re-elected. They include: pru:t-for diatribuUon to the elderly rai- Chriat Church by the Sea..M..tb the they can:ied tapers in p.met roee dent. Mn. P~Ul 0 . Dalis; tlrst dent.a there; another table helC Rev. Thomas P endell ofbcj•''~· cucadea.. Yice-pruJdent, Mn. Carl Wal-''White eJepftant" g1lU w hJch were The double-ring ceremOAy llll'U Ronald Va.n Bct.hurwn ~ deck; •econd vtce.prealdent, Mn. distributed to the co-workers at· ulted, In which Georgta ttwaa.S'fven h!a brother u .t:>eft SQM and vah-C. A. ·Hlc"ble; recorolng .-ecret&ry, tending the meeting: the third ta- In keeping by her father. Mar· en were Georg lklau4owt J Ma. Forrut All!nder; COJ'?"e•pond-ble held the "secret pal" gift.I . quisette lace covered the bod.Ice LoveUe ·Book ~ur Ban~ rd Ing Meretary, Mrs. Kenneth Cool-which were exchanged. At the of her Ivory satln gown wW\.folda Max atodda.l'd an inl': treNuret, Mra. Artllur Gatea c1oee of the evening refreahmenlt of marqujaette set benc&tb the i~ .,."'"'*' &DCl &Udltor, Mra. Cbal'Jes Shoff-were eerved by Junior Recent scalloped eweetheart neckllDe. "rhe The al1'r. WU ~ed ¥1th atall. Clara Leach and a comrn~tee Ot (/iu.e. ' . elfl, ' ; i P~ '-IAAitlt. e~ll!lli'i.~ (;. ·Loma 'Linda IUSlffS • s-= 16c .BOX •.• There 's a P rize in Eve ry ·Sox· --,. " .. ,. • • ! ; • ruu ek.lrt tell In folds to a &ona ~olua and c.hryantbem~ In 'Ehe _ membership adopted the co-worker•. t.ra.ln. The tingerUp veil lllU ~ bridal wltJte. Candelabra ,.,Jltch lutJon aupportlna' t.be ecbool Before .all thla te11Uvity took I '~====:;;===~=====~====~;;;:;;;;:;;~i• , by a shirred heart ~ brim rn&f,ktd I.be ce.ntw -a.I.tie were bcmd elect.Ion and ai.o cantributed place, Ritua.l Chalrman Fiora It boupf> ~ ... billet· Shh.Ile~-~-~~~ aned---W1tla bolly ..,and 1'hl~ _!O ... ~ elhelpU detr1ay th~ expeneea Vaughn conducted a very thor-. J ~ .• ~ .c ....,-u--o .. -w e ~~_ca. .. Un bowa. WbUe the tranee-'waa U1. ..... ec on. t waa announced ough ritual practice. AIOI THE ddlng l!llu of tM, nlle,y. d.c:o,.lfls!. wtth poin:,UN. ~la that Mn. Kenneth Cooling wtU On Sunday evening the men t • '-1~aet .09tfu ..... -· -Bbde e.lttt· et mw WU'lk ~Ull-..tb.e.-parliament.ary ptac-ahd women ot -Moose h&d a 1 . ~ · In keeping wfth the -.on the ot the eat book. Uce ciu. aponaored by Otange Cb.rl8tm.u party for thetr eblldren ...-' j' brtde'a attendant& wore trockJ ln John ':a.et · "O Cout college. It wtll be a 12 week tn the lodge h&Jl on tbe Ooean -• ' .. deep jewel tones. K1u ae.erly Aloae," .. ~~ ~ • .,.: coune and college credit will be Front. Herb Shoemaker and ·~ 8f I .· • I Looper, mald ot bOftQr, WU in deep Lord'a ~er." 'He WU accom-ctve.n. • committee made elaborate plalu 1 , .• £ a• . red net over ta.tfet& wttb mar-pen.... by tlle eh\IJ'Cb There 1a no charge and all ttsl-for lbe event. There WU a . hu.ce, ' >. • , r ·~ -· . :i~~~~=~~===~~=====:=*~;;;::;t~q;u~loe~tl~•~la;c;e~bo~l<;r-o.;;lll>~•~card4d~; 1iWJ .i>.n, wllo aJoo la"l!i""::!; dent.I Of Onnge county .,.. elltrl· bet>utlflllly decorated OhNtmM · , ,. __ _ ~ rr\al'ebel P Y ble and moet welcome. The clua-tree l'raclng the hall· and the par-' , · • -~ . f ' _,,..... The ~pt.Ion ;.,.. h.eld In tb .,. .tart Jan. 7, 1952 and are trom ty waa anot.ber MO<Me trfumph. sa1 W'Judow room. °'-Balboa Ba• t :SO to 11 :ao a.m. They Aft beld As usual the men planned their club. 'TJie Ue:red weddlac cak~ at the Corona del Mar Community dinner and da.nci for aa.tuns.y S.L IP S ·· BEG. ~ l.60 to 7 .96,.-.--··"· Liii to 11.88 • .P. J's 11.96 to t.115 ... -... ---·--, .. • GOWNS' , A880&liW VALtl'ICll D&A.llft<IALLY aEDt1CED IRAS ~ PANllES ... .-.... ~·-. . - -., , .DIE .SSE'S JIEcllJIA& . • ' ,, MP I FIS 10-115 to lT.16. • • -· -··-·-.. --·-----------.. .69'--"' 00--·· .. ---~-i..--... ~ lit.Ill to,-.00.-~--.lt.11 SKIRJS lo..81...----·-----·· ....... ________ - 10.911 to 1'•---···--·-·---·-·------'--.......... ' lT.11 to 11,00-------------~-----1.l•.ll 1oa r..,a . .JcA.CKl;T.$ . 11.911 to .. llO._. ____ ,, __ , ______ ,, _____ , ..... - ; c .o ,A,,f -$ ,.,._ Stock of Coals Ptk•ei ILOU 's• ' HOSE -SCARFS • • RO.BES I SWEAT.ERS .. fl ~ ·PURSES. AND 11.11.-ni*:=:: MtSCEUANEOUS ITEMS AT REDUOEi>~ • • -__,,.,ed wllll IP~ of ~burcb. nigh~ Dec. 22. l -JaoD.y .-.-un ID ........ ~ membera of the 1-• ------• MM. 'nm Bbal~ ~~-....,.. .,. -11'11' food and giving their .LI vceu-o¢ .s.u,. .um. to ~ .• wcceu of cth• 'l"'lonors Parents ..... her ~· -11ervtcem .... Oonter which wllJ be ~ .r:<i--..Ll-• --.-. • ._ ~ gpen Mon~. ,Dec. 2f tn the eve-en -v-p.vn T"R1USe -"' « --alJIS and all da7 Cluiatmu. An7· -a ... -1 .,_ A _. -dtt ..... to -•lllllile food and Honortnc Mr. and Mn. Jobn B. Ila '9t"mf , C: -11'1111 1bo •tartaUunent ot Tate ot Ql<ndale, -ta ot U>e -._, .._..., --Mnloe.,pu" ma,. coma to~ X.._and Mro. l"IOJ'.d Buell ... & • _ •-the 1:n.1p b<_.,. at 111e .,..,,.. --·w-.,. .wiu. ,... ------· ---. --r W. ' ,..,,_._ D t-.11 a . O. "'1f IH o, ---·..., ~ -l'-Je11Jle•ottr1001peie In open -at U1elr IM>me, •I ll 'nla ___;:~ ~ Coo a dal Mu. TIM -IDS 19 OCMn Blvd., C::0....4al·~;"lbe at ~ · Ai """"--' lloll,tc -ted .. a -lllllt1' Tatao ban been ,-_ .,.... Cl t '· Gl!•t ~ ,...,._ •t k:e. 1 & boli4aya. , · & l'W ...... -~ ~ A Jl...i,. !ildt "S'Qll. ol oan~ WU Am-~ -p<~ W Ofl' e ~ ~:;----.nd ..... Iii by -ot Illa m--M--. &Dd --Deft)' T ...... wlU. ....... Mi'• --ot.&M ·laque. -"Obar.loo -dooapUr, <Arinr ..Jfal'U. ~ -* --Cut .,,_ 1'1-anlt Bl1"Chtteld, °""Siu Bu,ell, WJolte_,11 a • a _..,_t.ed the Jundtl I tallleo ta 'W. ~ lV. -!'. ~. K, ,V. -fP ..... 'tll '"· a-....._ ,,v.-. ~ --... Dl}t.I; Ulo J(r. and -. ~ ........ ...J.,.. F Y ,... .... 9171-"...,.,_ ._ ~_..,.... lhore &ad l\Or me4l'w. Kn; \!'lid ~ ... ,_ --W-; "'-'· -·~ --..; • ... ;... .. ... ,..._.,_,,"'8 ____ ...... --. ,,, iii .;a ·-~ • al Illa Ballooa •an -•& '"..... V115J.Jiice :~ ... ,..., J..1.--t \,&>I d h.1-~· v ~··:.....-o.-.._.._., ... .., .. • Dr • .-.¥111. r . ai * ao...-r;m tv -......... . ..,.,,c a••• ,., ...... ,. J11l11 tlo IL UJ) tlml ••11:. .,....., ., ........ -.. , .• .., .. az :: • • .~imtllf ' . . \' ~.···~ 14 OZo lolfle .•.• .,, •, • • 1 ~I ' IDJ ' • > • \ -.. ~ ,. ........ ~7 }'~ • ,. t-~ • .. A -~: ·- 1 ... _ f " •' ;f .• , woa . ' ' l ; • t • ! I • • ' ' , ' • • 1 • • , . . fl • • 7 ' • ~ . -,~ -' I ...._ .. ~~GAL Honc1 _ Ne~..t Harbor "Ol:ICE OF 8ALZ OF KEAL "~ I . .• f11Q~EBTT BY TBUllTEB • M _ Ch. . t 0 . _ ~ :-uHDsa DEED or, nun ar· o 1mes Santaldita 10' ·~­ Qpeo . Friday ·: With ~ew Race I • ,, • • '~ ptie•a i;ladly 1111'Jnle*!l'ealk'.Of ' . ::~~~~-~N. · .. • .. , $~e~~:. = :nd~ Begins Jan. 2 lloptewber lit, 1949. tn Boo)\ 18H, · • llanta Anlfa Park bu ........,, extra attractloM for It& 16th and ,l!lltrfft raeblg -... l>Penirjg tllla P'rldo,y. Doi:• "' wllll I/le. In· aucurat ot ~ 1111.0f!O 'Lii.i Fiom Handle&' 'tor !lllleo. and· .........._ Oft BatllMly, 'l.Jl unp~en~ "Pan.le or. Tllrt Cbamplono" !rill ~ place , In tbe pa«lock at' ..-Uma l<)d oonlln&' out on ... ~• .. ~ ai 12:15' to ~ .... runnll>g-of tbe 135.000 Breedeta Cbamplon Sfakeo ana u.. '20.000 ~.~~-... . . ' r.oatlktor ~ Wp ,.. • 7 Jtce 3t5., of Official ReCords of Orange County'• 1Dft2 March of · ~ 0ow\ty, California. did Dtmea campalJm, spono«ed by the f!ltant and convey µte property Bualneae: and Protealonal Women ~eretn and hereinafter de!ICJ"lbed In the M4'wport Ba..rbor Area. will the Orange .county Tille Com· get ubdel"Way here next Wednea- .Y.. u Trulltee, to eecure, among da.y. er obUgatlona, the paymot ol · ~'1e Grider. chairman of the ni;>t.e dated May' 18th, l!M.0, local drive, aid the mi.n.lature iron Db1e to D. D, Dunlap ·and lungs ~hJch have become aymbolfc ~· Dunlap, h~d and of the· campai~ wiJl begin ap~ar· Iii!, '&a joint tenant.a, or order, lng tn bullneaa utablllhrnents aU t+r t.fle· principal eum C]f $4500.00, over the city on that date. A OOUPL& 011' POLITIOAL BAD .BOYS. """4 till• ... to Lea 1alldl Ud -...... aa iaey ,_.,.., (Itta at tlw' Cout A111)e1at1oa '•ee'6kd O.mlt. "' ot · Connnen:. party ~y. ~. 18 at N-n lhrboi IClll.t cl& -llPt ....,,-d all t:llo90 .,.-1 wtlll -·'°" about then>· ..iv.., Mr9. blleD lo pie-at tile tal>le lletw.,., n tile two poUtldaaa. (Preaa fboto) witJr .Jn.lereat from date at Ute The drive in the Harbor Area ~le of 6 per ,cent per aftnum.. wUl open on the' aame day that p,tt.Y&ble semt-anl\ll•Dy; said prln-commu.nitlea throughout the na- dpal svm due as follows: $500.00 tlon· it.art giving their dimes to ~ or OO<ore November 18th, 1949; help the Na4on.&l Foundation ror L $llooo.oo on 'or before May 16th, lntantue Paratyola fight It.a baltl• 5,000,000 Ceil ds Final TouateS fo . ADDW Dlll\'ING HAZABDS Paloo vera ... ~p. ·· ' A fP"ClaJ Ul'd II~ to-be ~ Monday to p"'vlde .outatandlllg eportlng actlrity tot . tile m&n1 thousands gathering · ior nearby · obtain • Title 1 lou .,. DeW eolllltrucUoa or. :ft moclelldg. • ~ I • • , 1951, · and $2000.00 on or before against polio, a crippling disease , .. ••y~sth 19~2 . and which etr1k .. poor •nd rich •Ilk• to be Mailed , Rose ·Tourna111ent. 1 Hore--hours ot darkneei. alfPJ:)ery street.a.· and poor vtatbUUy during tn~e-nt weather are now add· l(>g to the normal clrlvlhg haar"8, obllerver th~ Natton.al Automobile Club. Thek"lncrea&ed haU.rds call for lncttaeed care. Walk more eare.Mly. Drive more carefully. You wtJ• help keep younelt aa.fe. Pasadena'• Touraa:m.ellt of Boee.t momtng parade ~~.;the Role Bowl footll11l 9laaalc ID t.l>e· atte;• noon on New -Yu.r'1 day. rea- tuttd wW be the $1.lSOO Arcadia Bl0800m J'esUval and 'the $5,000 Arcadia 0>unty Pa.rk. The c;:b&n.p in the ICbedule will have no rae-,__ Th J · Bomer Mello~ Mapapr u 16 on Wllday, an. :t .. New Year's. Do.y, alwaya 1 gala OTBEll YARDS: ,., , \vffEREA.S, default hu occur· -requiring treatment. for wh!ch lh th•t lheprlnclpal 1rum due only t~· very rtch can pay. s. tate Car Ownen lei-Prepared llakl not on November 18th A March or DlmPa 3-Alarm ••'2 'flt'"& not epa.id when due; and 1· Ball," starring ~e "Ftre HousP Five million potenu,1 re.gi.IU. PASADENA -Lut mlnute occ,..lon at Santa Anita. will ... ~~Laguna~~~Bel<lh~~~~Ban~;ta~Ana~:;~Full:;;~mon::::;:::::La:::Ha:::bra~~;-~·~;;· ~ the running of ttie 123,000 San Paaqu&J Hand.l~p and the $20,· 000 Sant.a Ynea St:akea. ~AS D D Dunlap and Five pills Two, n al 10 n 811 Y-tio"·C::ardl!I wUJ be maJled to motor prepuat.lona were Utlde-r way to· ~~-i>unt~p ~~ere: and hold-known television and radio enter· \'ehl<"IC owhe" ln C&ltforn.1& On da.Y for the tamed Tournament of ets of &a.id nol.e. heretofore ·de· lalnera, \Vtll be held Jan .. 25th al lhP day alter Cbr••tJnU. RoeH parade and Roee Bowl foot· m.anded that said Truatee sel1 sald the Ba.Jboa Bay Club, wilh pro-Thill repo~ wu .ubmU.ted to ba.JJ pine here on New Year'• Pn:tert•y and on Apitl 26th, 1951 C~l!I ~Ing lo the coun~y chapter Governor Earl WArren by A. R . day. duty r«:orded In the office ot the 1 of the NatlonaJ Foundation. Hr-nlf .... ""11nn, St.11t,. Dirt"eto,. of Mo· Tbe following Jrlatlat.ICI and In· Count,x Recorder or sa.id County,· Dr. ltdward Lee Ruseell, c::ounty tor VPhlcles at the monthly meet· 1 tonnaUon were rele&Rd by Leon In Book -2180. page 495 of Oftlcla.l heaJth officer: and, chaJrman ot Ing of the governor's council. • Kin&•ley, ptt$ldent ot the tau.ma· E thereof, a notice of aakl tt:ie county chapter" medlcaJ ad· The rtlre<>tor 1tated that lbe an· ment: • · and of their election to VU10ry committee, sa.Id that money nual vehicle registration Mne_..1 Time: parade, G:J~ a .m-. luting ' said, proPerty to be aold and donated by Orange countlans In ~riod will extl"nd from Wednea-two hours. ROl!le Bowl game: 2 than three month.a p&ve now put yean h~ Dlade poasible a -t:tv . .Iron. 2. J952. lhrourh Mon· p.m. Parade route: from E1lla St. paed since lhe recordation of program which . . day. F"b. 4, 1962. S.-rvic,. wlll b"' ind Orange Grove Ave., north to notice. The sum of $4500.00 l. Provides a oontlnu1ng treat-.. vi-'l•ble to "II bn'lnch officff of Cot lor&do St., eut on Colorado St. prl'ftclpal Md lnLereat thereon menl of an amount and quality the Dan1:trtmf!nt of Motor Vehlclee 0 Sant.a Anita avt'nue. north to · · that otherwise wouJd not be (IV'..Lll· Sierra Madre Blvd., northeast to fl"f)P'l September 1st. ,1949 ia now able from 8 to !Ii. Mnnd:iys lhroogh Victory Park. ~ owing an~ unpaid on aald 2. · Util.fzes tbe re&'>Urces of lht• F'rid"'.Y8. and 8 to 12 on Saturdava. Poet parade Ai ....... tay: At Vi'c· ote and there 1a also e:e<:ured by r 11 In t 1·. th ll l throuKhout the re.1ewa1 ~rtod ...._., ~d' Deed f T h T t • am Y rea. 1ng t' pa rn . • · tory park from end of pa.rad(' to o rust t e rua ee • tberefore holding down the COflt or Travelln~ CN"W• of St&te Motor 10 p.m. J&n . 1, and rrom 9 a .m . ee.and 00 expensea of aa1ewleatlmated treatment. Vf'hicJp R('prc-~tatlvea wllJ be - t.· U .00. together th any 3 H ah 1 .• th ~nt f:-orv Sa.cramento and Loe to ..!,_O p.rn .. Jan. 2, , paid d d ed b th . aa or eneu e uveragt• ~Umat~ attendance: 1,600,000. _..,_ an a vane Y e lo3pita1ization ror Orange Cou nty Ano:Plra 10 serve certaJn areu Entries: 63 noats, zo banda, 200 wner of 88.ld note ln ~eordance r . 7 1 wherr thel'f' are no permanent of· ilh the proviaiom of Mid Deed ;<> 10 pa~icn~ lo ... ·4 day::i -lhl' flcr14 of the department Schedulf'& boraemen. Queen: Nancy True Jtt Trust, with Interest on said t~wea:..tfigurc for any county In ()r surh vlslb wtll be .;,,idely pub·· ~~met'. 17· P~dena City Colle&f' Jast menUoned sums. eThsl c. t•·1n--• d ll<"IZcd In advan«, the director emu end, who '' a regul1r sum·· a average wu a ...... '-"-' ('· Id er an week end viattor at homee '-..NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE 1pitc three caaet1 which requtrt'rl 88 · 'or her Corona dcl Ma.r relatlvel!I I~ HEREBY GlVEN that the said & total of 146 days ln the hospital. Rt>n('W81 servlc::e In banka will · Orana:r County Title Company. There have been 61 cues of !le l"Xpan,!1P<1 to Include oommer· -People cio reaa the Preu ada,. b)l-'vlrtue or the authority vealed polio ln Orange county during <.'ht! RJ11 Wf'll as prtvate paaseni;rer )n Jt as Trustee under said Deed 1951, as compared to M cases dur-1 vf'hlcles, Hender90n reported. The of Trust. wl!J sell al public auc· •ng 1950. There are 177 paliC'nts 1 ~O bllnk stations in populoua cen· DUCK8 &fOVE lN ~ n1tmtY.-rft ot dUCkl }\ave been moving Into the San Ber· nardlno County atta during the put two weeks. reparta tht' Nat· k>na1 Automobile Club. 1Hunters working in the •f"E'• have been bagging many lim11.a: . Sa.nta Anita will toUow the cllltom of ottier yean Ln opening the gates of t.hc park at 11 a.m. a.nd having pdjlt time for the rtrat ra.ce al 1 p.m. There -yrlU be no increase In ad· riilae:lon prices. Take care to buy Detenae Sav· lng ~nda and some day they will take care of you. READY MIXED ·CONCRETE SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY No Job Too Large; No Job Too Sm11.l.I UI Wat WllAOD. between Newport and Harbor Blvd& COSTA MESA -PHONE BEAOON 6:M8 RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCJAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMAfJ; '' · 230 • SOth St. Newport Beach ~r 25SS ... High Quality Printing-Ph. Hot. 1616 High Quality Printing-Ph. H.dr. 1~16 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har., 1616 t,inn to the highest bidder for cuh, currently under home care in the 1 lE>rM throughout the state. wlll b(' J!rWful money of the United Slates county. aulhorlzf'd to hndle renewa.la on or .America.. on the 21st day of _ _ I potential rl"gistrtllion canb only. 'January, 19!i2 at the hour of HI .. 81E PEN H Automobile Clubs also otter tt· eleven o'c1ock A . M . •Of said day G O OlfSF. nf'wal eervice to their members. f the South rronl door of the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Higbit", ThP law authorlz.lng use of vehicle ange County court House in, 328 Amethyst. Ba1bQa lsland, are (llalel.'I for five-year perloda it now Ci~ of ~nta Ana.. Calitomla. Jloldlng ~ hDuee ttom 2 to 5 In f'fff't"t a.n!f tabA wlll be 1Y1fed of the Interest conveyed to It P· In. OD Sund&y for tfiiti nia.nY to make the l~t plates valid for A MOBE -GENTLE BLEA CB , I aaid Deed of Trust ln and to friend.a. continued use. hat certa.in properly situated "We are reminding car owners the County or Orange, State together with any sums paid and to be on the lookout for the po- California, described a.s fol-advanced by the owner of said lPntia.I registration cards In the : note ln accordance with the pro· \Vf"f'k artf'r Chrlstma3," Hendereon 9iil' e West halt of Lot Forty· vlsiona of sa!d Deed of Trust. with !'lilted, ··anfl W(' arf' urging that 'lit"'five of "Fairview Farnl.s ·· as 'ntereat 011 said tut mentioned thf'se carrts 1'hou((I nut be c::ontua--~lown on a map record~ in sums. t:d with the bulk of holiday mai1.'" _Book 8. page 71 of 1t.11scellane-NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE ous Mapa record.a or Orange IS HER~Y GIVEN that tht' salrl roa· WINTER WAl8ES' \ ., ):!aunty, Ca.Jltornia, Orange County Title Company, by o• ~so much of said property as virtue of the author\t.,y vested in 6~1 be neeeasary to be sold to it as Trustee under said Deed of pr°"1.dp a sum sufficient to pay Trust. wt.II aell at public auction the. total amount secured by said to the highel!lt bidder ror cash. New Claims Rules 1 Effedive Jan. 1 I . r11~":::1':~':;~:r 1~.':.~al~c~9~~a~: QUARTS • • • • l&e Dc-ed of Trust. lawtul money Of the United States Dated : D~ember 21st, 1951 . of America. on the 21.st day ..of (Sal) January, 1952 at the hour of ORA NOE COUNTY TITLE eleven o'c1ock A . M. of said clay COMPANY at the South front door of thP ~ By GEO. A. PARKER Orange County Court House in • President the City of Santa Ana, C&Jifornla. • ~y c. w. BAXTER all of the lnterest con~yed to It , Secretary by sa!d De€d or Trust In and lo lat publication December 27. 1951 all lhat certain property situatPd 2nd publication January J, 1952 In County of Ora.ngP, Stat" of 31:11 pubUcatlon ·Ja.nuary 10. 1952 California. described as follows: A.o. 780-Press • The Eut 60 feet of th" West 180 feet ot lhe Soutb 170 feet OTtCE nt~ SALE OF REAL of Lot Eighteen in .. Tract No. PROPERTY BY TRUSTEE O." a.a shown· on a map record· ...,. e<l in Book o; page 9 of Mis-- UNDER DEE.u OF TRV8J' ceUaneous Maps, records oi , TRUST NO. 15!9 Orange County, Cattromla, WHEREAS, HERBERT LLOYD or so much of said property as d JOSEPHINE M. LtbYD. hua--•halJ be neceasary to be sold to d and wife, by Ottd of Trust provide a ~m auffieient to pay t~d February 9th, 19-49 and re· the totaJ amount ~cur~ by aald rded February 17th, 1949 In Deed of Trw:t. k 1802. page 504 or Otncl&l I Dated ~ber 21st, 19:51. cords o r Orange County. Call· 1 lCorporalt! St!aJ) ~la. d'd grant and convey lht ORANGE COUNTY TITLE &perty therein' ll:fld berelnaftl'r COMPANY ,ubject lo a new provision of the Ct\lifomia UnC:mploymE>nt In11ur. 1 8!1Cfl> Act, Ray Mathewson. i:nan- 1\i?'Pr or th'? Santa Ana office ot the State Of-partment of Employ· men!, as.Id today. "HPretofort', an indlvidua1, It otherwise ellglbll'!, could file a claim for btneflta a.nd draw out j his awar<1; and on the annlverary <tale or his original claim, rile an· I otht:r clain1 and draw addJtionaJ I benefits without the neceultY of I having worked during that year," , MatheW80n said. "The new amend-I ·n1ent makel!I this impossible alnce I It I.& now mandatory that a claJm. ant earn sufficient wa~ee during r the year he drawa unemployment : Lnsurancf' t>eneflta to quality for a claim durlng the followlng year." I MADE BY THE MANUFACT"RERS of TREND • • Y2 GAL. • • • • 26c GALLON • • • • 45c, \ ... ,.. . •• ~· . MADE BY THE MANUFACTURERS ' of NEWS _, , ' ·-described, to the Oran~ County By GEO. A. PARKER 1'Ue Company. as Trustee, to &e· President aufe. amonb other obllgattona. the-Dy C. W . BAXTER Local 11caaonsl workera who fol- low a pattern of employment yea .. 1 after year usua.llv earn enough each year to qualify for lnsuranc::e I p'tymenls Undf'r thf' n~w provision, I Mathewson 8&.ld . "But." he added. I ··we expect there W111 be IOme per· sons who w1JI fail to qti&llty under .this new amendmenL~ 1':':":~~~:::::::::::::::=::::;=::~~;:'.:::'.!:'.::~~~~~~~;::;~~~~;;~~::=;=::!t=::!::~~~~=:~~~=:~~~;:~~~~=:~~~~~~~;::~=:l J.fat.hewson polnlf'd out that· th,.. , eayment or one note dated Febru· Secretary try 9th, 1949, payable to Newport 1st p~tlon Dtocember 27. 1951 Ji?-tb:@a Federal Savinp and Loan 2nd publlClltlon January 3. 1952 ~saoctatlon. or order, for the prln-3rd publlc::&Uon Jant4&t)' 10, 19:52 QJpaJ sum of $4000.00, wtlh inter· No. 781 -Preaa: -ft from <if.le at the rate of 8 ~r 1------------- ~rlt per annurni principal and ln· NOT1Ct: OF INTENTJ.ON TO fereat due l:n moblhly installment.a ENOA.GE IN THE SALJt! OF •1 $tl).00 each on the 1st day of ALCOHOLIC B'EYEBAGES ich and every mo.nth, beg\nning • .December 27. t9:)1 April 1st, llMD and contlhuing TO WHOM 1T MA. Y CONCERN: ameridmtnt 00--a not apply to the "ttipt of ~oefila uhder the dJ.a. abtllty lnsuT&nee provialona of the act. ..J · He a.l9o ulced peno'11 Interest• ed In f\lrUler tnforrnatlon or ln· '1'vid\lal lnterpreta.tlona of tbe ne\\· Mellon to contact the Departme'Dl of Employment ()(flee , al 70t North Flower St .. San.ta Ana. tll lUlly paid: and Subject to tuuanee of the 11- ,, WHEREAS. default has occur· cenee SJ)plled for. and commencing J-d. tn that the lnstallment of prln-"ot Jew. than 15 days after the Tntftc accldenta In tbe rurw.• C~ and ln~ettat due upon said date poeted. notice ts hereby given area.a of Callfomia d\ll"lnl" Uae lfll• on May let, ,111$1 has not that_ the underllgned p""'°""" to !Int. ten month& or 11111--od ' t<!n pald; and ..U alcollolle beverag .. at t11 ... '~ lllc:reue -COftlpai:ed with ,,; WHltllEAs, Newpo\rt' 11.Jbni 'p"'mlae.I, deocrtbed "" Collowa: \thnoa during tha ..,,. pvlod of o:e<1era1 s.vtni;• and Loan ~ :zoe.oe Pall>I 11trttt. Bat-,i µieo. rtpnna Ill• .Natio..111 Auto-~lallon. owner and boldeT Clf ,Nld Newport Boaell, ~Oounty ,,.,blle 'Club. Durtoa: Ibo ti r .• t hw. h....,totnre <lemanded' u..t Punuaat to -tnteauon, tll• •.an monlha or 11111 u..n . W!"I !P'.lc! Ti'UBtee .. ii -propert1 u-°""""' to ~ to U.. U.030 ~ M<~111*. 31.· ,. fiod oa lJept...,_ Utl>. 11111 .,..q --..i ~ ~lion tor 1131 po..._~ &1141,ttl.~ i"°~-od In tile .me. "' u.. ~ ,,..._. -_.,, "' • a.too-""*'" killed, ~ Ibo -.,.... 11eco-. or Co,i1al7. la "!lie ,.,.,.,_ -.. for ~ Ind of ,JM!& then -. ~ • It' :ma. --Al,. ol otrldil Pl'"!!' ...... _, ..._iai.i. -~" P,.111117 per:. r<1s tberedf. • -"' l!llld .O.·Mlot 1>11 1ra1 ~ ~. tnJ......s. -1,na ,.,_ peCIWll -til ......... • -"-1 '11&' to pqil..t Ibo k.._ • -: PIVP"'~. to llft oold llld _. -ot -U.:-~ 01- -....,._. ...,. --, ~ll:lod .,..._ w1t11 111a atate l'OOlll.T uomo o.ua p-'ad .,q,c. Ille' •-lloc\ uf d ,.,..11p11oa' at a.en.-Don't -wt~ _.,. ,_ JIOllCe. The -Clf ·-·· .-le, ~a, Dllaa' .-porh'ftl liPta ol. ..... I k Of 'jio-ipli~. and ·--.. fw ~ U J>!OY,ldod"' 1&1J. Tl>e ~ -OM ""''* I ..... -7 lat, ltlil to --, prom-. --I-tnr U., ~ CID.. A I",.., 'SI h• - ........ ,.., ..... ..i ....... ----1-~ale-tN: ,.... \_ .... _..-... •• -e ll -II 6MI '1 --.AJt'l'llua 111L\'a wllll ....... al .. Jr ~ ~ tlM ,..,,.. •• '9e -... ""' --- -.. .,,, -• .., •• 111U1•1 l't«atUn.gt. Wi>oc. IT, tMI -h-. ~ . • • , ' ·I • ' • • • i:-1'1*1 ~-21 _,. _,. ~ . December 30 ~ ,.1 n-Dll>er 31 TIDI .,. l:U i:m. JO:D p.m. l:G9 LID. U:Ol 1J. m. 9:'9 Lm. Jl:ft p. m. 10:39 L Ill. ----- ruu. 1100!1 Jlil. 11 • T.J .... T.1 ~o u 4.1 u L4ft' qu..- Jan. 11 • -IOW J:ft LIL-· J.1 a:• p.m. -1.1 l:U Lm. U f:J<I p. m. -LI ~:Ill i. IJI: 2.1 ·' 1:10 p. m. -Lii f :taa.m. u 1:111 p. m. Food. DoJlarl~. \;, , / -. Saved . on Meaf· , • " , .:1'Low-pli~ Cut. of Meat ~:ft '·· Uie ....,. food ...iue Olld -'b. nia4e .. tender .. ~pl'teed ...u by prvper cooklng. • ! • Ia· rt.me I.Ida advice t.o ti-- makera with llmlted ~ Karlan Prentlaa, home ad-· tn ·9'uP. county for the AJTlcultirn "'tanilon llenlce,. --Ille· Im· jlot1allt point in soocl -t. --trY, i. lone-Um•. low temperature 6ookiq' ln motet beaL She Mll'- • . ' ~ ' With a Hew ........... ,.,_.. .............. """"'"~""""""",,.,,,., ....... ,._. _ _,,. .. *l#U~ ......... , ..... ~,, j eot. moi.t heat can easllJ be .. \abied by wolng a _..,. conred P9ll on the •love top. wttb a Uttle water. tomato juice, or otber llquida . .' . Zeal.th: l ~ ffOW"ever, •he w&m.11 that tow- prteed cut. are nol . alwaya the inoot economlcal. A low-prle<d cut tram a top-quality caroua may be SUPER X " .. ' Sp\i nds Vacation Wrth Husband , Business Girl Plays Sama ·iiulte tatty. 1n· UU. ._ tbe pro-CHASSIS . . -. Back From Ko rea Tuty Touches -tlnexpen11lbe!) A jar each -celery aaJt. garlic salt, oft.ion aale. Jf you wlab to gel M•ry Lu Jones returned to her fa.ncy, add •h&lcera of the new •--•· th'-week u -ptlon aec · uci:JA .. ........... 8.JllOky aalt or monoeodtum glut.a· ret~ry al lhe L ido Center office mate. Wrap each In tissue paper: at P . A. Palmer, Inc .. real eatate then tie ln a red-cbrcked napkin ffrm. after a Vllcatlon spent wtlh b,..r huabel)d, Marine Corps Mu-and ~ on a atrck-hobo taahlon. tt'r Se.rgeait< James JI'. A . Jones. Holiday Touting -Two bottles ronowtn~ bis return tn November of el'sn<>C dellvered,, with yodr trom eight months flying duty l.n datty milk. a large peckag.e of Korea. J g\ngeranapi, and a aha.ker of nut- ··w e're ''cry h"PPY that he ha.s meg. Skol ! b-en &Mii:ned lo dut~ at El To"'O... Mornini;r Toast-Combine :",4 t.'Up rt"p0rta Mary Lu. The couple live granulated augar, 1 tablc&p. cln· tn "Newport al ~11 36th street. ! n&mon. an<l""..4 t.eup. clovell. Plac~ Sgt. J ones ie a j)Uot and tallied. In 11ale sM.ker of .11ale-a.nd-pepper t nough phofo rrconnataance mis-set . ., Wrap set. The shakers arr slona l'rom the Pohang-dong area practical gifts and can be used ot K"Orea to·earo three air medahl. att<?r the supply or spiced sugas In 61 mlsalon& into enemy terri-Is f'xhaualed. to~y. be flew Corsairs, then twin· American Tratllllon -Can o' cnfrtncd Tt~t!rcats and finished his . ch~ken fricassee: packagl' of duty in Grumman Pantherjet.8. 1 noodles, precooked rice, or biscuit He rt"Ceived a 6-wttk leave, part I mix; dlll·plckle •lice.a or apaced or which the two spent ln San peaches. Wnp in comic section of Fnulel.lco. Sunday paper. and tie the package Cockt ai l Party Precedes Da nce of Comus Club with green ribbon. Snacker'a Special -Assortmf'nt or special jam&--&f"Cdlcss red rup· berry or blackberry: da.maon plum: boysenberry or loganberry preserve: or com b hone.y. Place ln ~readbukct lined with red pape:r napkln. Tuck In & few pine cone5 . ['II Ta.ke Vanilla-Tie five jara of sauces for Ice cream -butter· mE BRJD.r.o&OOM-~. OOnton EaRlnaA, Ir .. of Baltr.J,,, tM Ills d&y at thl9 !lhoWN" 'and bnanc.h., held at the h9nMi of Mr. aad 1\-1.~ Paul Murphy , Shor""t'98d. Olrw~Jo. Orr((Oll. Tbe bridr-to- bt• ~ l\f)lMJ Barbara Let-of S:.n M'lU'lao. The couple wlJI ~prat '°''~ Mr. Kuckenbers. .. portion of edlble meat m1gtlt ~ ~te Jpw, retsuJUns in relatjvely hlP price. Mn. Prentlsa advisee economy· miDdect women to buy meat of Oovemment grade. "U. S. Prime Beet''• la the finest &nll l$ always high-priced. Moat market. handle "U. S . Choice" grade with Iese fat but. yel a very h ;gh.qua.Uty meaL Th8· .. U. S. Good" grade, which J:i nexi in line, will bave still 1eu f•l. While "Commercla.1'1 la Jaw-priced beet that ha.A just u much flavor but Should be 'cookOO &lowly and a long time. Buying these low"er fradcil wilt glxe •you more food value foe your me·at dollar, &he stales. . . ··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~-Santa Ana Heights R·esidents Injured C lint on Eastmc1n t o Repeat Vow s in Pas adena Of intcre11t to mnny Southcn1 CalifornlRn" Is A w('ddinJ:". slalf-'<l. for Jan. 5 in St. Phill tp's Cat.hollc church, P11NdcnA. wht"n VOW!'I will be rt'pcatNI by MIM Barbara Le~ or San Marino and CUnton W . Eaatman, Jr .. son of Mr. and Mr•. Clinton W. Eastman of Oewego, Ore .. and Balboa. 7000 Pamph lets in Mail to Resident s ~fore ·lh1tn 7000 booklt'la wen m"l}Ml yeaterday to restdei:!_ta of Nf'wport Harbor, tellin)? a brlt>f 1TIC!'SSAJ'C about Hoag Memoria l ho.~pitRI, Presbylcr~a.n . STANFoRD~ CAL-.. TIED FOR . . . FIRST IN ·1NTERCOLLEGIAl~ · RAC-ES; ·SAIL OFF SATURDAY Harry Wrich, hospital public re- lationlJ, eald l~ men.age is vital by .lacquc-l:Or 8eck.oe1' Dr. G. EmmeU RaltL 57, who baa juat retired u medical at.arr al Santa Ana Community boeplt&J, W&.lf one of two peTBOrul injured in 8. cra.M Christmas Day at Pall· .:Fl.des Road &nd Acac!a St.s., Santa Ana Heights. Dr. Raltl. who lives at 1971 Mesa Drive, eutrered a bruised shoulde r. Driver of Uie of our local sailo:-s, 11tnce all three other car, Mn. Frances Summer. are NHYC s klj>prrl'I. 38, of 21G2 ·s. E . Pall.aadea Road. to all bfocaUEe only \ahrough co-The oJdt?r atLIJor1 or the Newport Indlv'dual h.iJ:"h~pol nt scqrcs art' I :·eceived a bead laceration. SON FOR COM OOUPLE • t . v. only at In the Heart of COSTA MESA ., Pho nes: Beacon 5737,: • Open Beacon 5653- ,;,·ery Evenlnc 'TU 9:00 HA ROLD I. JO HNSON;' Prtllude to the Comu8 club dance on Dec. 21 al Santa Ana Country club was ~ cocktail party h0&tcd at the club by Mr. and Mn. Harold Caldwell, Balboa bland: Mr. and Mra. Don Har- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Al Childs., K r . and Mra. Tevis Weatgate, Mr. and Mnt. Cllfr Nolder and Mr. and Mr-a. WA.rren Fletcher. Corona del Mv; f rom Balboa.. Mr. and Mn. Doan Campbell. and trom Santa 0Ana DT. and Mrs. 8t.an Norton. &eotch, walnuts tn ayrup, choco· Mr. anc1 Mrs. Erullmfln will lt"RVt' late.flavored fudge. c r u 8 heel Portland 0€c. 31 a.hd fly south rur cherry, and crwahed strawberry the event, ren1alnlng for R week -around two boxes or sugar or ten daya. Thirty or fl>rly Orr-· wafera. Ronta11s arc a.1.M> expected to nt· opera.lion of Ole people c an open -Hnrbor Yacht Club definitely took Ing, r-quipplng and furnJMliig ol a back aeat last week~d when the n1\tllon dollar 8tructure be-the coUt:glalc contlngronl took come a reality. over for the annual Intercollegiate He hoPl'!I the p&.lllphlets mea-Re~&llA. Twelve colleges 11 en t sa.gl' will help Nc...,']>Qrt Harbor t.hJoe<> teama each to con1pelc for A.gain t o rrpt'at Its 1JUCCC'81 reputa· 1 lhP Pacltlc championship In th'l'I t1on of bf.Ing n.,.t over the lop popular NHYC event. k,..pt throughout the ser 'es. !!ll<.1 F~clo.I a\va-'1R art' l':lvffl'I to thC' three lop colll'J:IQl'? ~kip{>f'rs. Lt~o nard Sntith of Califor nia.. Puu' Merril of Stanford, and Larry Shep of C 1lifornla, arp !ceding at this point pending Lhc run-off nexr Saturllay. • Mr. and Mra. James MouJtrup, Jr., 716 'h Poinsettia Ave., CoronR) '.ic l. Mar, welcomed a 80D., born Dec. 24 In St. J oaeph hoe.pit.al The I ,1ad weighed 1 pounds, 13 ounces. ~ Prupelk-r Re.,.U.. • Columbliu A PM'7 ~ PboMI Barbor .. · Nearly · all of the 200 memben attended the cocktail party and d"nced to muaJc by the Ftve BJta O'Rhythm. The buffet table was a lovely affair wflh potmetUu for adornment and Chriatmu deCora- tiONI throughout ~e club. Jndoor Barbecue Two botllc!'I tend lhf' weddi ng. The brt<k'· of barbecue aauce tied to a pastry l!"room-eleel has m.adf! t he Ba.lhoa In all cornmqnlty ]drives. I Usually sa.Jtcd a.nd etltlcd In th<' two+day serle8, this year's races wouM up wtlh the firat and sec- ond placee tied. which means there will 1)fo a run-off of a single rRCf for e.&c b place next Saturday. T led tor flttt were Stanford and the Unlver3Jty or California. Fighting it out for second will be thl' Uni· verslty ot Southl!'th Callfo:nta and P omo.na. brush and a pot holder. Peninsula home h 1a headquurtcr8 LI I ! v· it For Bride Next Door-Buy u-for the paat atx years but h.8.3 DOW r;i o no u ans IS 90rled c:,,anned foods (fMJ.fta. vege· completed a new home at 5731 t Ch H t.a.b~. tomato sauce, beans) In Aladdin atreel. ln the Baldwln a Ung Ome the k.itchenetle a!H-•bout 8 oz. Park area of Loe Angclu. ~ Pl&ee in a rrYW on alrlp of heavy One of the Important pre-nur· "Tht> more the merrier" I• the cardbo&rd, cut to ftt; top wlU\ an· Ual E>ven~ wa.-. a brunch and orde r of lhe holiday Rf>IL80n at the other atrlp . Then you h&ve a mint-shower hOl'lt<'d lfy Mr. and Mra. Costa M.t>SR bo1ne or Dr. a.nd Mn. a tu.re pantry abell. Cover with Paul Murphy 'lf OIJW~RO when John . K. Chung, 211 E . 18th St. ahel! paper, bavtflg one aide ex-Mi~ Lt-c rece:nUy vl,.itrd the p&r· ArrlVlMJ,; by plane from Honolulu posed to show can label•. Wrap in t'nls or h('r fiance. The buffet ta· Sur.:idav was o~. Chung's alece, ceUo)hane tit" with bow,. ble ~'tL'I c•f'ntrrf'd with flowerl!I In Mi&t Julie:tc Chung, who b en· The 12 cQllegcs compeling were: Califomla , Orange Coe..st. Arizona, Ca.llfornln Tecil. Stanford, Pasa- deha City CoUege, Pomona. Cali- fornia Marltln1c, New :P.fexico. M uir College, Southern California. a.nd Santa Barbara. Bt.'RBANK YllL£TIDE till Vllbt Wa 7, Newport ~ ~!!-;_,._,,. ;i.. • • • .. .. .,. ~~---·.!~·~ ---; jjt: = , _.:;, 2 . . . . .. -~_.::....,-&..._al _~ .SAT. SUN. SPECIALS TIUS. WEl:ll. -J>EC. !1 _TO JAN. 4 90 lb. ROOFING -$2.90 per Roll at •.. ABC LUMBER; 1"6 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa Beac:oa 11681 Nlfhi-H~rbar 1!'64..J Housewarming for C li~ H,aven Coup le Fruit" Stand _ ll'lll at\. empty a bf>a.ut lful s ilvi·r rpergnc fiankt·d rollN.I es a rrellhman student at plnt or quart berry basket with by lapt_'re in Ulll 8;tv cr cantkla-th" State Coll<'J;e or Education, excellllor. Arrange two avocado.1 bra. Grttlt>y. Colo. Olher hOU&e guuts or a bunch of big black gra~s on Sharlaz ho~it dutl'c'!'I wt'rt'. Mr. ltfclude Mrs. ChunJ:'a brother-In· ft. To make lt look gay, paate and Mrs:1 •. C. L.1vl\chef'll and Mr. l:•w aJul !'lit er. Maj. and Mra. In addition to the regula r aerie~ or racc8. &J>f?f'l•I f'VenlJ'. lni·ludl"<' the excltlng "Betty Co-Ed" race and the "Afterguard" event . Ob· vk>ualy. the "Betty Co-ed" Is schl!'dukd to give the gale an op· port.unity to d1sp1a)' their sailing •bllUy (whkh the bOy• wUJ admit la 11 o m e w h at frightening at times!>. This event was won by Ba.rb&ra Turner of U1e Unlveraity of California. with borne LeWia of Southern Ca.lltornla and Marci.a Mae March of Ari&ona giving her a p;ood run ln aec<>nd: and third t:-pot.a. AU ·three girls are well known N~rt Harbor eiki.p~n. ~f r . and M -i;. Van J;>. Robinson of 824 W. l8tl1 St .. Costa Mesa, motored to Burbank Sunday for • 1 Yulet1de celebration with lhelr son -in-law and dau,e:hter. Mr. and --------------~-------------- A aurpri.ae houaewarmlng wu ("ivcn Mr. and M ra. Paul Moore in their new borne, 315 Driftwood Road. CJiff Haven. oq Saturday evening. Dec. 22. Guests arrived. brlngtn.g a hoJiday dlnner whJch _... aerved buffet atyle. lmmedl· ately put lnto use wae gift for the new home, a set of eight fold· ing tray tables. Vla)llng the couple were their daughtera Pat and Marilyn and huabanda. Local guest.a included ·Mean. and Mmes. Arthur Best, DaJe Ramaey. C. Lester Jonea, Ben Baum, Paul Davta, Floyd Buell, ClarMCe Higbie and Robert Kln•- man. gold atora on truit. anr1 Mra. H"nrv Knc kenberg. I Charlrs Youni and children, Nor- The Gourmet -TlgbUy wraj a ~ lhr shower W85 for both ma Jt"an and RogC'r , al&o of H.ono- bottJe of herb vinegar in crl"pe young people, the ho~ts determln· lulu. paper. Place an inexpenaive lamp-e<t that fo r once lh<' man Mould shade on tt. have hiA Innings and al1 thre;e ·•P· Chri.etm&a Bounty-Fill a cor· pe~ In raincoat.a and hal8, wav• nucopl& (or cone made ot ~old tng pomponned bann~nr and an· paper) with large W&lnuta. The nounctng lhe fact. Family Christmas at Island Home recipient may wblh lo hang It on On Chriiotniaa Day al the hOme the door, IJO •U who come ca.n help WNG TIME NO 81':.F. 1 ot Mr_ &nd Mrs. Stroijer Wblte. themae.lvea (Chrlatm&a la the tim e Mr. and Mrs. C&&u. B&A:.kea ot 211 Abalone, Balboa Island, th• tO ~Wl . Short St., Coat& Me.-. hatt·been family plhered for a holiday It'a • Date-A package Of ex-I mtertalnlng &I houae suem. their dlnner. "Included were COualhl of tra·large molal dales. extra-large' COUllna, Mr. and M n. Loul8 Rem-the host.en, Mr. and M..ra. W. H. ftp. and a Un of mixed salted don of North Plattf', N~b., and >itcKeown; Mrs. JOiiie W ht t e, nui.--.e.peclally nice for television Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon of mot.her oC the host and bl• si•ter, parUe1. Loe Angeles. They had rlot .een Ml• Lenoni White, aJI of Lo8 ca.ch other for more than 4.0 yean. ! Angele3. (lid OtD.d• Aatlve .. The "An~rgutml" La n Ued by "old ,rnda" who a.re no )anger el11'1ble for the eoUeclflle competi- tion, but juat can't seem to keep their hands off the Ull~r. Grant 'Ba.J.dwin came out on top In thUt one, wtth Bob Allan &eeond &nd Mrs. Al Carney. The Robinson.If I were accompanied by another daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Helker and son, Jan1es Dale I of Cllrf Haven. DON KNIPP HOME In the continsent, of collegi! young people home fot the Christ· ma.a holida.vs is Don Knipp, son et Mr. and Mrs. Harold KnlpQ of Costa M esa., a. sl.Udent at Fresno Slate CoUege. ' GRAND t·ALLS • • Grand F&lla. located soul.beast ot oameron on the bltt le Colorado river In Arlzona. arc reported by the National Auton1obile Club to be fatle and rapids of great scenic beauty. Christma s Sens Born to Mesans Sons Born to Rich~rd Employee s IUn;-SlmP30n third. nu.. loo. . . , -----~~--:----;---=--:-;:~-::;~;;:J;-.;;~iri~&r;:;j~;;•~r;o~Y'ed the m pcrlor helnu!:manshir.----------~-- Mr . and Mrs. Tbo~u Mayfield, 379 Hamilton St .. Coat.a Mesa. arc parents of a 1Chrhltmu b&by -11 son, born Dec, 28 tn St. Joseph. hospital. He weigped 5 pound' 1~ '-9 ounces. / Another Chrlatma.s n was born IMc. ~ In. m ~ n y hoopllal to Mr. and HoUowoo1, ~:; w e.t on s _t..-Cotta Mesa. He tipped the sca1u at 9 pounda., 4 ouncee. ' Sorui were born 15 m 'nute& a1 Krt on Chlilltmu eve in Com· mun1ty bolpltaJ to twu e.mp!oveMi of Rlc.hard'11 m&rkel. and mothera a.re now occupying the ume ho&- pltal room. David. son or Mr. a.nd Mn. WUUam Schmlla, 280 Mag· not.I.a Ave.. Coet.a... Mesa.. welghietJ 9 pounds. 6 ,,. ounces. The ron of Mr. and MrA. Ker mit C. (Cy) Per· klnD. t04 New1><>rl BfVd, Coat a Mea, -lj:hed 7 poundo •. 8 ~d % oun- ""~;THANK YOU FOR YOUR • •· PAST P TRONAGE - AND SINQEA.E GOOD WISHES FOR THE COMING YEA R! .ROllRTS' JEWELERS Ill~ llartM Ave.. P '11 ...... j· • ' • Shoea -Sportswear Clothes for Men, Women & Chlldrcn Yardage- \Vork Clolbes Featuring Nationally Advertised Branda SERVING THE FAMn.JES OF THE HARBOR AREA FOR 37 YEARS. OPEN SUN. 10·5 Ph. Har. I 85 ----"------·---· -··----- "1JST ~ pF ME NEWPORT PIER . s2so-wATCH. CllAMIMG~$2SO W1'1'11 TUAD MJl1'er Jewelry Co. la:.offertng thi~ big money GJ.vlng value as a spect&I get-&equ:aihted deal. Any regular \vatch front 7 jewels up to 21 jewels. ~n be thoroughJy "Ch!Wled and oUed, for S2.ft0, wltb a fU.U one year written guarantee ... Ta.ke adwmtage ot. thl9 money .sa.Ving val\;e at onoe. M. MILLER & CO-t JEW8LRY 1148 Soatll Mahr -• 11.1 ~1381 Nm to -..0 la -.N-.&.teadc l!hopo. S~'ITA ',&N·A }D)@ ~@@. ~@\W 1W ~lnvow Stock :~ and Lal9 N.WI Aft A~e ·91 eur • u:-.•~~ Bul of ..,_ Bwti Blilg; I'll. 4,.UM _;_ ,, . Ctttpw~ lfehtrs11 f tcfljri-. t ,._._ S..... Tlcbr 111 i.bi Li11nr1 111J1 l ... !.11 L i • . ' .. ' J " :\' Ollt Order I\> buJ OI Rf! u.d 1meb, Dando ar ~ , . . . $ditla will lie nea11ed .icfl ~ lflll _,,..., Oftt·t!ie ... riCft:~ .. 'Jlif " .... Witt ., .... - neuiftt dot t& ~ u•.-,...t oiw MftrYcn cllt'Q ~ ~mcif,;l ' I Pik ll ""'kll m11111. ..... rictt' ~ --~ fer JOU1 cmftil)ON - r -' ' I. • • • • ·PA6E 6 -PART l -~. DiC.2:1, 1951 -~.m-S~i:ss~ .';fine Costa Mesan for · Drunk Driving Joan Jrunliey -On v~ation Sentenced thl• morning by city t-FTnm Germ·eny Court Judge lo'ra.nk Unnell on three c bar ( e I of latoxlcatlon, Helpin( clurlnC Ibo holiday ruab d r u n. k drtvt.ng and operatlnC' & at her pa.rent.' Balboa I a la n d motor Vehicle with truapended op-drvg •tore and find:IJ!I' thia a erator's 11 c ens e waa Uhl Lee good place to meet &IJ her o)d Lovins. 28, of 203 Ea at 16th fr lend• J• Miu Joan Hlnldey, Place, Costa Mesa. dauchter of' Kr. and Mn. Doll For tntoxtcatien, LoVing is aerv· HlnJtley, 1012 Welt Ocean Front. •• , be l& daya in ctty Jail and tor Mia Hlnkley went to Geml&Dy _; ' drunk dri"Ving, he wu flned 1360 in tiovember of ttso and ff r alt er 90 days and tor operating a studJed &rt &nd French ln Pa.rl& vehicle with a suspended license, She wO?"ked tn an artist'• studio he was stven 120 d~ya ln county and S]>eCla.ll:r.ed in etchinp. IOme jail. Tbe latter eentence had ·80 of which were used tn travel pub- •,. ~· suapended for one year on j Hetty. ". condition that he either pay the Later she went to work fOlt ftne or aerve the 90 days jail the stat)! Department and bu aentence and that he have no been a'.t Wiesbaden in the ottloe vtolaUon of the liquor laws of ot the Jan d commlasioner for the 1tate of Califomla fQJ' one Hesse, under John McCloy, u. S. >:ear; aJIO. no driving of motol' High Commiutoner for Germany. vehicles for t'1!t period of lime. Change• are being made under The jail days are to run con9e<!U· the transter and on her return Uvely. _ she wtll tie at the American con· -C. S, PERKINS ILL. Gou TO HOSPITAL Ta.ken to St. Joseph Hospital from a Balboa J&land physlcian·s otttce yesterday by Seal's ambu- lance was Charles S. Perkins. 61~ illa.J::CUerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. He had suffered a heart attack and wu given 'oxygen on the trip. "Ho• p Ital 1pokesmen reported Pv1tlna tn better condition today but stW under an oxygen tent. , ftlE COOUNO SYSTEM ~ year to year· engines are a designed that they are more ~nl for their cornet ope- ration upon the efficient tunctton· lng of their ccol.ing systems, points out the Nation.al Automo-. -bile Club. Thal is why it payt: more than ever to have the system "fluabed out at least twice yearly wtth a 30Jutlon that will have a scouring effect upon the sea.le lbat collects in.side the cylinder water jacket.a. Sal*soda still ls a atand- ard cleaner although there are rpany apeeial prcparatio~ on 1.he market. DUCK 111:.\'Tl.\'G FAJR Duc.k hunting has bE>en fair late· ly ln the Williams and Max~ell areas in Colusa CoWlly, reporta the National Automobile-Club. QUAIL HU,.,'TJNO GOOD Quail hunting haa been a:ood recenUy tn the Na'lada County area, according to the Na.Uona.l Automobile Club. sulate ln Frankfort. • Miss Hinkley arrived home MO'D· day, nnt stopping ln Kan.lu City to visit her sister. Marton (Mr .. Robert) Hodges and two small nieces. Sbe will be here two or three weeka before returning to i her lntereating position abroad. W aniki C lub Skips Meet for Dinner Newport Wanlkl club ,will have no meeting on J&n. 2, lt I.I an- nounced, because Of the 1natalla· lion dinner on Jan. 3. Th.la w1.ll be a joint installation of Newport Harbor and Costa Mea Klwanll ctube and will be held at 7 p . m. at Balboa Bay club. The Klwa.n.11 Lt. Gov. of Dlvtalon 4. FrankUP. Sullivan of Buena Park ""111 be present and will be tnatalllng .of· fleer. H. A. Naegeli Not 'the Late' H. A. Nael'tll, Sith atreet, In· sists that "report. of his death were exagerated.." Whether from m Isl n format lo n f'f!.:elved or through typographical error, the rather ot Dr. A. E . Naegell of Lido Ille wu named u the "late H. A. Naepli" when it should have been A. A. Nae&"eli. H. A. ls a brother ot the doctor and la very much alive. 1 /W .J,A8 'VllClA8 -• • I • Collins Christie and Bride Now Honeymooning · at Santa Barbara . CiliY PA\'S $84 ·FOR SMALL LAND PARCEL · bne of the city's ama.qeat land de~ of recent record was made yesterday when the City Council authori!.ed purchase or 168 aquare feet of . privately owned. property tor $84. ·Owned by Emily and Susan Wtlleta, the parcel ls a comer piece al Channel Road and New- port Blvd., City Engineer Bert 1 Webb aaJ.d. It.a acqulaition, Webb .a.id, la neceua.ry .to lhe Ne.wport- Balbol. boulevards street widen-lnr project. In 19~. there were moce than 24,000.000 consumers of all kinda of g:i.a aupplled by public utWty compaolea In the U . S . or ·~eae. 14,267,000 we~ coMumers of na· tural l'&a. <'> '-Opportunity la 1mocklni ln CJ .ASSIFIED ADS. CoJllCil Asks State Man to do 'SWvey G. Mennen' Wlllla1na, governor I of City tecreatlon ' . of Micbipn, has been invited to City Council overrode .M.a)tor keyoote th• sixth aonual National I L. L. label!'• ''Do" vote yutorday Marina. Forum, to Jle held ln oon· 1 and invited Arvid O. Pauley, et.ate..,.. junction wttb the it2nd National recreauon expert, to study the· Motor Boat ah.ow, accord1n.g to city's park, beach and recreation Joseph E .• Choate, abow manager. needs. The forum wUl be held at the Bel· PauJey'a study will be made mont Plu.a hotel Jan. 16. free of charge and the city I.I These annual forums ae~ to not bound to accept hia recom· disseminate information to com· menda.tions c 0 u n c J J man Dale munlty and private groups con-Ra.maey sUied. cerned with the development of Request that Pauley be invtted boat basins. Tbey are attended by to make' the survey wu tnade to ~embers of . city planning coun-the council l?Y the city park. cibl, engineers, boa~ yard and ma· beach and recreation Commiuion. rine operators, legislators and "Can't the city commiuic:m run members of the armed force.a con-it.a own attalra w i th o .U t the cerned. with adequate mooring fa.-state?" Isbel o..aked. He reca:Ued ciUUes for the na.t.!on's small craft. difflcuties encountered ear 11 er CritcheU Romtngton, editor of wlth Pauley. Ram.Ny replied, "l Yachting magazine, will serve as can aee no ha.rm lt he made a chairman of the fonun. survey of certain plot.a of ground. Impro~ equlpm-e~ and ad- vanced dr!lling practtc~ in the oil industry make tt ea.sier to drill a 12,000.foot well today than it was to drill an 8,000-foot well in 1935. $ -ctassltled ads are read by folk.I who are looldng to , buy. We have to do nothing on tt." He added that Pauley had a rreat amount of lnformaUon available to him on . recreational a-ftairs. Petroleum and petroleum prod· ucts &PCOUll(fd for 36 per ctnt of all fqbt traffic oWclnated on Cl&11 I rallwaya In the U. S. In ip50. There are 20 million acres of forested land in New :P..1:exlco, ac- M.r....and Mn. Tl'.n'Ye Bua. Weal Bay Ave., spent the recent holi- days vUlting friends in Laa Vegaa. Nevada. • Honeymooning ln Santa Bar-.... --------------------------- bara are Mr. and Mrs. Colline f Chriatie, who were married Wed- needay, Oec. 26 al four o'clock in East Whittler Friends church. The brtde la the former Miu Carla Cook Tower, daughter of Mr. and Mr:s. M. E. Tower of La Habra Heights and the brlderroom LI .on of A-tr. and Mrs. Clem Stud• baker Christie or Newport Hts. cording to the National Automo-. -Cla.aa1fted ad.I a.re read by folks . bile Club. 1 who a.re looJduc to buy. . ' .. ... ·- •• . ._ .. • • , • .,J • • "'l"W AS A WONDERFULLY a!IBOrted. repMl 1aAd • tlle baffe:t Friday for the DOOOday ~ party. l'lctured .......i a ponk>ll ol the table above a.re: Mark Pierce, Dick DraJtie Mid Bndee. FtnclL Tiie ptllt1rlnc was or the att.rnden of ttw; laforma.l Frida)' JuDCbeon STOUP tbat bas met at Geae'a for fOQJ' yeen. _(Photo by Gerhardt) Christmas gTeen.1 and poln.Mt- tiaa decorated the ca n d I e. 11 t church a.nd the recepUon room. The bride wore a.n Ivory lace and satin <t,reS1 and a Juliet cap with a short illtalon veU. She carried white orchids. She was attended by Miu Beverley Holloway of Fullerton who wore red lace and carried a Aheaf of Chrtetmu holly . The bride waa civen ln ma.r- rlal'e by her father. The bride'• rD'olher wore g r e e n lrrideecent taffeta with a white nowe1"8d h&L Mrs. Christie, mot be r at the gTOOfll. was gowned ln belfe Ja.ce and wore a matching hat. Both mothers wore corsages or clmbld· luma. l-tary Sue Gray u.nr ·~uae of You" accompanied by Kl.a Joan Gampbell who &leo played the weddln( march and the l"e4»• alonal NORWEGIAN 1 lb. ahelled mixed n.uta 2 teup. butter or ma.rp.rlne ~· oup butter or maqartne 2 err wl>ltea 1 cup rranulated sugar % teup. &Ill I teup. clnrwi>on. Heat · oven to · 325•~ P". (mode- rate). Anallp f'Ul8 &Del 2 "-· butter ln 9b&l1oW be,ldng '))&D. Bak• • .umn1 ~11y, .at m· r . ror.2S min. or µn plden·-· Cool. Meanwhile, -it 14 cup ll!'t· ter In ~ ~ or jell;J'- roll -· In, =· I', -8-1. en whlt.eo wr ""'1' f-_. PM)al. °""'*" ...... -... clanamOll. l!'old ----Stfr in nut.I.. Sp~ mat ., .... ., Ott!' melted but.tu. ..... at m• .... 40 min. Qool. ...... In ....... "-Ile a -" or -In eoHild -. CHRISTMAS PABTIES.JUST A&EN!T FOB (JD ,,atJNd--la_ Or~ . ..- ea.terlea of t.be Harbor area. Gene's ,cate of Col'(t -del 1-MaJ' waa i:l:le loc9le .for the ~ ~ Mew .wlaen • ·h&lt fualred local busln:el8 DMm. ptbered ~•er the Friilay Aftemooa 90dal. ~-C lbooe In Ille plc&vno ....,, tr. W-~ay, Oeorre Lind, J. kl. .Uel-. lllhc -..--ka &ad . Harvey -. ' (Photo by· Clerilardt) . et dae Newport Be•bar .Ana , ' • • • U.L T E · • .r ' • . . ~'·.~SS~ .IVllY~ .· ' • . . t3.SOA t•IP 0 c. .. , ' . ···-I • . ' I , • • r • • • I ' . ' • as-~ ! II!?;.! ---CL .A: SS IFIE D o;e~~.~ Over Jll,000 ,,,. -OalJa, .... n. MicJltty Midget In Adverliaha9 ...... _. .,... .-pl<to ~ .. . ' . u.,. Ulla 7...--~ Cor crui. IDs &11JWi.e. WU! coMI-R.J-------.--------------ft."IMJl8 ...,... Eftry 1 Tall fay _ &. or _. boat ID tndo. Call NE1fl'OIW a•Y POST-w+ .... ,. Jlat--· lc;IH 'NEWPeaT-B.\.UllOA P.ES8-Tlutrada19 u ~! 1i;!!wt&oa11• Newport ...., .... a n,c Ao!!.~~) ... .,. 'h•t~ Balboa T..Ja•·d ,. ....... f ortlle~Ptw , ..., .irp--.A.~ All~ ... ~~~:..... .. Mc •a. el'.->•~ doa. We .ban •v.!'Nl &ttnctlve ~ • 4 ,,.. l ....... .. • , ti .'26 and ho"-t<S" wtll\tt ....,tal • Ian I Pa..-'J,.111 n-.. al ...... aDd • row .. -. JAi ,._." --c al $65 • • ''1'\' 8 .._,,_ NeJ .. -n:hlon Rltr !be DUlllllltola pill-. ........ -"' ---........ -""" •. ! . . lnw6oit-o1 ... -11 ,., ...,...._the ,...i.t to. -•oatb' •-itr soe lllarW. llaJboa -. Bat. 002 ...,. ....i:. all lldo .,,.., lo ~..=111 adft--<mlfonnlns to llltt< -aDd ,..W.tlGM. "''" aDd --w1lJ "" h---...-~:o:~-:::--:'--:-,-,:--;: UC.pledJCK':p~ .t!:.O:"rot;'°N~a !;;';'!"t ~Uoo.--~=!!,"!"'!:~ n! • • * • • * * • We 'H"'9 • •I • WE HA'J,S IT * We , '· .lt . * ~ HA~ IT BAY FRONT" mm. STOJlY . . With lliFr tlDd float JJo ~ l• ... 11 • frk .i. te-11. -On . Big 1lay • • n j ,W.. S<J~.EY ~ti;.-~ ._ Har.' 1111. -f .. "!:I za: . tr -.. '& .. p1-ce. Barbor 91t. 17cUH ~=~=·~n~Z:~:'~l~l~Q~:~"?•~:r!·~&~~·~· ::':~ .. ~~=~·~:~0'~441~-·~·~·~,~'-:-...;..jm """°I· lllltUm. -· 1 blk. , i,_ -113 year on17, S7~ J . M. MUler Olodea ,hy J RfiillA .EiM -- BILL st11 W J . Cliff Haven ' m•th., • 2S-Sltuatlou Wan!M LIDO ISL&-2 bdrm. lunl. borne, 1450 BalOoe. BJ • ~ ' ~JlARI{ER ' .EXPERT WASHING aitd ~· sµ5 mo. by .l'-ot111. Mn. Fulton. _, lo 1q;1 !'II. Harbor 2MI or Hu. 2914·111 .. VJJelle Platt, If~ 'Beacli. ' 3Uc AT-~ j Ba<bor 12M-W. lOpaj .I "'-"'·'°'~;ii · * '* • • BOB DENNISTOUN R~TAL , Bay Fr.ont H•f·4w:l,Ap,artnient FD"1ll IRONINO, Curto.Ina, •tc SPECIA,LISTS on .,,e exchialve ,,. .. ...,... •·.&.•· l".fl.".""": of J.rn'LE. Pick up and dollnr. B elp Wltb ... ....,...,,,.. .. "e"'..O . .,_,,,., !~=:!!!:!!.'!~.!l!&~.~·~lee&~.!....--1 dinMt paffie .. Mn. w ul(ama. Call Edna Craig ISL.Al'ID, No U... M.e .betil.. ~ to make • Bayside Drive N~llt l3each • ~ )lea& ~ BMt: 'lll• on Earth • Beacon ""8t-w . lllpH LiftwooQ. Vick, Rltor. thla ui lnC£J~nA\cl-bQtllt 111~ enoQ&h fD.r. DON, K. BIJTFS CARPENTER Bal-IolUld Har. 2CM2 32c54 griceful entertalnlng and am•IJ enough for ser- Lic. Ge-qei;a! Cqntracto;. Alteration& aad ~ CORONA DBL MAR -Furn. 3 vantleaa li!Qpg. The pier '11114 float 1lill pliea!le Reaidenftem~~g Ph-Harbo< 2901-M b<lnn. houao With pra~e. For<:· the d ... ~ yachhdnan·. ·l'jw ¥eu $peeW': . -.. (at O>a9t. m)!ilay) CARL THOMAS NO)¥~- JIA&lj Ji>l,CJSON' ljJµL C1'~0N i4p10H eel .. r hf-at, ftreplace. $100 mo. Phone lleecon MOS.W ----------yeady. ~WN BY, ~Ql'D(Dl'l' l 7ttc Furn. l bdrm. apt .. fireplace, .a. .~,;,• ~ · -------..,-~---~ Waa!M 'of hlway, iso mo. yearly. ST~ HADF'IELD,.ReeJter INTERIOR -EXTERIOR BALBOA !SLANI) -I bdrm. apt. 216 . · e Ave., Balbcja ~<I, ~81bot 20 P A n..,,.,.,,..G Wanted at Once 1<8 mo. ~o Juue iolh. Phon• ~"I. .Ll'f • · Harbor 1"77·J or Harbor J289·1t ---.----.._----,.--=-.:---• .,...----,.~--LICENSED.-INSURED TOP MACHINIST lik:20 .. Glenn ~hnston Permanent Job '501 • Slat SL N...ipon Beach Apply at Har bor rm-J 36c88 South Coast Co. LIDO ISLE B & Y Ho~· MQvem General Cont,raot;O(S 850 Flrat SL, 'JlUo!la, Calli Phone IOmberty 3--la&s (H ome Phones .JAspu 9-2773 ar J Aoper 9·2681) 91tfc Newport Blvd. at 29rd St. Site Clever 1 or 2 pedroom furniahed 1.J>&rt.mc!n.U. All u Ulltles a T r- p.ald. Private garages and nice I IM'l lo. Rcuonab .. rent.JI. WANTl!:D-A·l ---·r. P. A . p A L M E R familiar "1th _.:at ......,.bly lNCORPORA'tED wade. Only top men apply at ...... y 1 .. I.Jdo HaTbor IMO N o. 1-t BalU'lllU', Udo Traller ~ - Parle, Newport a.tte .. 7 :00 p. m . ___ N_•"'+po_rt_B•_•_c_h._ea_11_r. __ · PAP't<''D U A 'Ml"'n.TG BALBOA \pENINSULA -Al-I .J.:.l.l"' i~'~ ~ Mitlft!llaneous tractlveJy'TUrnlahed 2 bdrm. du· & Painting, SpraJ .Painting ple.x wt lb 1 sund~k. W int er or IU.PP-Y ~ 1raAB from BAY ANQ. BJi,.\~H REALTY . Wilija;m. :f. Y988er, Realtor J . M. M;Wer Q.liel Shirley • Gloden Fa.y Dick Fay 1450 :ea.tboa. Bh.ci Harbor 1264 ./!; ff¥py ancl Pr~. Nllw lear to 4111 . . G. N. WEU.S.. ltltr. ;. ti111oe1Atl:@ 1~~~ eo.t.a. ¥esa. ..... 5181 ~-~l!· $12G& ~'IQ Includes. lfn~Q.ds ~oalsl&i)d ~¥AROON lj:TNA EMiIGH ~WA;RD NEIGHBOR . t\f._ You Alt A V.eJ;y.. M,appy • a.ad Pi:osp4H'e.us New Year K eth ~• GOLi!' CLUBS, pracUcally_ new . y-1)1. bl>. Har. 3Qll>-R enn Complete aiat lad'-lllc<lre&:or-83tfr 1016 ~ AAa A-ODCa LouJM SUga ~ ,pllttar -------T---_ T W O _ Pbon& Btr C'GD ~ and b&c-Phone Butlor 144~)( BAL.BOA PltNJNS -FurnlAh-• --* * • * * * ... llkllm. alter ... m. U Uc ed .olnrle apL Sall mb. (wtnter).156-lllolley wan-.i !•~·;::-:!!•~·:!'~':..!'°!!..I--~~---of Col'QIM!,. del' MA.r 's most. beautiful ---~__:_____ ALSO 2 bdm>. -.. frtgtdaJro, • -LOANS f H · Full Pr¥ie-$10,906 u~~. F <:!~l COMPIZl'E BOIJBE ouu.NIN~ FIREWOOD laundry 'avallable, 'M mo. In· Trust Deeds for Se.le or omes You c.,.. Look_, Now On. . ... ~ or .._e . Furniture.and l'Uf• allam.-4. Coal and <:hareaal cj\I~ ut11. to June 15. Harbo•..,.,.... nm.n &'ilo t.o l O'ilo A JIOIUI 4'\t 'J -30 yr. LoMa But You can:t ·Jle•t Thi•! Have Panoramic view of ~bor entrance and bay, Free utlm" .. -Fally tnsu...i. H w w..;...1.t"' 1270-W. 5Uc :.p~ 'fOUR ~ COlC8:1'11UCTION ·LOANS B~-a~ reasonably priced .. Al's.Ho•..,.. "-0 ,....,, · • • •.oou \JO. • ·rN GOOD Tlll/W D • ~6 -&lolo 'ilo <H Yro.l 4MJI\ .•• .., ~ ..,,;n • ...,., .... ni-b Ph .., ___ """" c u· a T. J,.nd ..... BUY AND SELL Phil ""--»v,. Qwners ................. ___ to accept ofiiera, ............ ~ve ,,.._ . C one __.a """" ~ 'P~ J..'j. • • Eniy 1..,. l:luo • •• ..._ ..,. ~un..._-Q.._ .:.~~g-n °~ .. 7Nc 17 8" N~ ~·>Coo!& x..-w..t <lid ot .... _ ..,.,.,_ Bat-'3.381-i.t T : o. -fllO -~~": ~~ -Geo. Everson uii: 11 t9 Jlll!ll!9nsible parties. • th. t ~ 'bland. & ""· cott.se apta.. all d 19118 TheSe are •·-.r ~OIMll 8,l!d sujtabll: .to e m(l8 WEDG:SWOOD RANOI: -·19111 -•-c.IJ 0'!0, ue · , 1'15 COAST BLVD. 186& N ewport Blvd, Coll& M--....~ p AINTING. model wlth all automatic cook· =~ ;;.::;.fh11 ·-,-$3.886-tat T. D. payo StO ,_ 0.-. dol Mar Harbor 11177-J Phone Beacon 7123 fastidious buyer. ~ Ing oi.n,.........i.i..,.. ovoo wlui &%. '360 dlac:ounL -ftep. POIRIER MORTGAQS CO. (Acroaa from Coll& M ... Ba.nit) ,.Sh9wii by appt. only. EAJtL SHEFLIN l&mp a1\d extru. Aloo bu U.. BA4JOA PENWSULA -Furn. $6,080-l at T . D. paya $80 mo. 7% Metro Ufe Ina. FundJI KI N18'1 llYe& Ii&. 3157.w Bea. MM-J * * ... * * *' 273 Palmer St .. C<l•ta Meaa frlll brollu. uaec1 I inc-., c&n •;ngt• apL n o mo. to June 15th. .._ "II cU• _..._ '~-TO -m n IMPlll0-1.-----------WE YU,NT TO WISH. AU.. OF YOU Bea. 5457.14 94c9 h&v'e Cor bal. ot contract, SWl.113 urn. incl. Laundry • waah ma. BOB SA'I'l'l.U, 1'1 15 ~ ..... --WT Mai>Wii-:u·~ .... ~TA =r . .,....... YJj:AR or take paymenu of $3.116 par chine avallabl•. l!h. Bar. 1270.W Corqo& dal ~ RLIJl!Or I.II'~ _ . • AllnNANCE' ""'~"'~, ~ .Ali<IMl'I A ~J: !JJU?PY AND PROSPEROUS ~--;, · Sympsoa & Nollar :,~:-; :tr:.0:0S:·P~·P= i 3uc Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE . wa 11uy Trust o.-. 2 :eplU(.STUCOO ¥<>• -* * * * ·~ AINTIN &: D"""'n •TING Metro Life Ina. Flmd. KI MW -~ ... ~ •• ..-_ £"€\~1'7 A. n1"'I'. ~A 'D pD.Q P G ~ · 2102. HUc A'l'l'RACTIVi; tum. apt. 00 water. ~'l llALBOA nDICRAL al<l<I ot l\lct>-• ...,.._,...,. -....-. ~~ .... , ~ ..,......... .-........., ""' . ' "The Best Money~ &y" · paUo, gar. Adults. w m leaae , _ llAviN'os A LOiJf ASSN. en, 41111 ,....... ..,,.. 18 v...,. · Rentals -Incom!' ~perties -~ -Sd,ea 612 • ll8lh .St.,' N-~ Beacll RUG -10'3" by 11', Wilton. HO. It deolrod. Cl-to bUL Rkharde ~~'?Ji! 1!:~, .l£ 11'!;( • .. "" Udo Pl>. str. 1llOO nice. $14.500. (Owner transfer· . '' '. "·••+ B'"d,, Co~ del Mar. Hacllor 1-087 •-:t'!H .. Com.to.rt.er, wool fWecJ. b&ncl· •• S • -r ed) · ~ "-"'-"" ·'I' • ....._ P RONE ·u .,..,,,,R Z<CM ~ "'0 ~ n-.. A Ml<~ a.n d theatre. 11.17 . -th t., .... , • ""'"'A....,. LOANS· . ~. ---=::::..:_:_:_:_.:_.:_ ________ ~--....---~~ ll2tfc u~. -· --·-.. e ve., Newport Beach. Har. 181-W , FCJR 'SAf:.E• n...u. ...,,, • .,. Coot& Mda. . 77lt. Interest Rate 5% 2 BDR>l, SSJUC00 IW~ N----P-'-a-in_t_m_· _FS __ an_d __ SEVERAL •1-new buk: block YEARLY-N-ly d -ted. Ex· AL~ HO'PBL Loana qtilolll7 made in the Bay • ~:'.~:t' 0"1t:';;:,~~ l?aper.'-...amng d........, (all aiMll . .,.ltable Cor -tlonally nice. Unturn. 2 bed· (Huntingt.oa.'Bel!J:h ) ....... Laruna. Stn1rle or w •hopping and theatre, $12,600 'lla.i.115i;u.1. New Years at. W'lann.ltt Graham'• room duplex. Many «xtra Cea -mW*fple unlta. N.w. Ol'.Old. Be -.....__ GEO. BinUmARDT =)~~.,:~<a~7~~ baru. Nea r botll ,.iwloia. ~ •Completely furnished =~-~~;.:i:,:c~-W E ~r 608 . Slth st., N'!'!I:~~~ •---•---• :';.~· :l26S Clay St.,_astte Sm•ll Apt. for2 peo_ple ~· Np~ for prellml-&nde;-~altar Phone .Bvbor Zj..._. ~ "'""'ore Comp•ete Vwte11•t--. r...---n&!'l •.PPraiaal. Pbobe Santa 8 a.m. or alter' 4'30 llL"'-13tfc Mrriee ot au --1f>U\011t. IN HUN'l'ING'l'ON lHllM lH _ g RenW.., :-'" -llllnllolrly 8-tll27 or write: Ernie Smith ~G~i.ngs W • Ee~t Wi$hes tp Our Many Friei,;ds ORANGE COAST TWO F"URN!SH ED APTll .. 11' :I Sioe\I• llelli.i $i1.... ilTIJUR A. MAY l'ra.nk J-. Moll 'l'R.AlLER SUPP~ Y = ~':_; :.;._ 0~".:,~ f Do•"'~" l'ellW $J.ll -.j -~Cat~u~~'!:°t. ~wr . ;-7 ~late . . Qlld. ea,f!tr°"'s A New Ye~ ltesQlution I !lrolniee° to iuestigate the Sollthland's. DlOlt ,bfiautiful la]apct community where my family can ehjoy the ultimat.. i.n ltaag.- Firep~, Blizbecuea, i'@cea Colt& 1:!..~i:i,:":m._R UWWeo paid; MO par mo. I& (Summet ~n&!\,9,·'•Jre . ~4H South Main -Ana ,_ An7'11Jn& Jn ~ brick 'llllre 1~39 w . Balboa, Harbor above ratW ' or llaplon .. etc. 1·974 or 621 Main. HunUngton All ·Oublide ""zj I 51-Trailtft( SUMI PER MONTH tnc;ogi, r.or •Ill. !:JI• JlUl l"llf· 437 E. 11th St. c-. -~--!'JI!!!!! -<A. ~ngton 11367. 1'1p1ll All fiwi•• ;949 c>:B>:NI 22 ti_ h.-tro,JJ;. , :,u~~e3 ~~ ...-i ~-= ma,;,~' I ' ...._ •• de1 ~ ->' • ' I ; ' ~r-.,.. . ;....,._ -· , i...s:~a· ,~~\11 ·i\ , .. ,.~ ' IP!! ~ .. •. J. 1 ~. lf&~~ I. . x ... W1n~ · ow' )IOli i re talklng, ~ JllLE ;,h1? otter1 II tli<t'"'°'I. '' jriw.te •ll<!Ub.._ ~~~ teAnl:I courte. under- sroutid utlliUeo,..plel'll, f# .. • ·-BZTCOOJ -Bl!lNl>l.I< 'WA8JQ:R Lot• 18'1 BALBOA PENINSULA -Charm· • Newly decorated, $950. htqulre ~ Harbor Bl..S.. Coou, ._ • al7.e Jtqpe tll ~ -__________ :ru_c that ~~-~ ,!~ut1 _!:.!:, lnt'IY fllmlBhed ocean vi.., apt. Bot and Cold water at Bandy'• Trailer Coorto Spacel-~------~~~· 0 ., __ .._.ce to you in '"""· lutta. -.----•--c-eutt•hl. toe two. ~ mo. UUL in Mell l"O(l:D. 19, 6S8 Cout Highway, New· i. ~ .. , .i.,puQ :aAULING ANY KIND--'l'rub. or! Call WtllrB-167.6 Placentia Costa Meu a.icon 6372.J d e•ur, water l&ftr tW Q>ekel A garage included. Har. 3019-R. port Buch. 18p20 wulWac <Ma-. Maa I boupt J7d8H <:!--..:~ Pr' _.._ · It ltom will ..U-It. for you .._..........,ce lC:e ~-_.. ~ peopl....-rtiao! It you P&JI me -flm.a9 '!' R.BllP()NBIBLS Bo.I-bualneu A take payment. of '8.911 Ptt mo. couple naed 2 bedroom fuml.Bh, ¥oMy ~a':°':;. t..~.::.tty..=: :,.~.;"b::,~~:~:::;: SY, yr$60. ~JWlut Fe.....,alZ• er ~. .50 yd.. toq. D a.m. l;e 8 P""· or phQH 1'f<>& 1\W>. 15th on yu.rly le-. lleJ' mo. '"""' ~ 21 52. • l fttc ~--""".. • ... w r1•-p o Delivered. l'llone Beacon f!n-J -----------ii:,. "';;."~"'oo:".~ ~ 1i.U . IDqme llarbor Mf• • 1#1611· • Alcollolics MODJ!l!DOWI Write P . 0 . liq& -9'1bo& li'MIUd. c.al. ~e KimMrty ..._3 • lltt-W. IJize,. Mqapor\ · . Studebaker Dede&' eERruna>' USED qARS • ' Mr. BoatoWJ).er!· See.-Th~' • ~ U1c N-~-~blr liy In• ve•llp!"« ~ ~ w"°"! y-aUU -.,, .. lot ... -t1i11 U'1GI anf-.q ~ We hp.Ye --ivq ...... ~.,., u '14..900. ~~ace now -atart tt.e -'!'.-¥ i;I~,. P; -~ J!AJ~ ' INCOJU'01U'l'JD 3~ Via ~clo, Newport lleach I . ' • I • - ' • • ' ..... l ·-lGiWWWWl-B••.MA .... -.lleO. St, 1N1 -1! I ..... . •• . SA.LE. DAYS! ·, · ~ THUR·FRl·SAT-SUli \, • I Wt .SPUllWI II DOURTESY. DEC. 27;.21-29~30 • ' . B~EAKFAST CLUB -ALL GRINDS VACUUM PACKED YOUR CHOICE •••• ~ . DEL IOITE URLY llUU ' p EAS' OR .. ~· ...J. DEL IOITE GOLDll lllTll ~ CORN ~~J',l , . 17-0Z. CANS • FOR SALADS OR COOKING WESSON OIL' PINT 29' IOTILI PURE LUICH IUT. SPAM HARPY NEW YEAR! 1 ~ 41'.; Poultry DRESSING 39• ,q. ia.,. a. ,t,J • ClllGGRIOft ROW 39'-. ..... ..., WE'LL IE OPEN ,NEW YEAR'S DAY . TO SIRYE . JOIU CHICKEN OF THE SEA . ~ ·o,i- T u NA SOLID PACK 'i ·.'I '\ 29' NO. 'h FLAT CAN -q ' ; I RED I.ABEL .• .-. • -.. ----·- GOLDEN STATE e/AP. -.• MILK . , ,, All-AMERICAN MEDIUM 6RADE-A ""; FRESH EGGS ~:r~ KRAFT'S AMERICAN CHEESE 'VELVEETA I ~~ 55' 89' TERRA IEllA EXTkA-W6E RIPE OLIVES No.I 21' TelC... ' • APPr1303 Sluc1H9' ' TAILIQUEENSOUl>PACIC • 1• TOMATOES ~~ l 7 < • • • I ALL THI MIMllU 01' AU.-AMIRI· PIWIUIY'S nLLOW WHITI or .CHOC. FUDGE CANS POUR. STOW WISH YOU A MOST HAPn A PltOSPIROUS 1tl21 CAKE ~1' MIX·-;:~: _, ' -THI ALL AJllllCAHI SUN ¥ALLEY PURE MARGARINE COLOllD 9UAlTllU IEnY CROCKER'S BIS(i)UICK~ LAR61 •••• ' . DEL MONTE CLING 1 PEACHES ·, llO, IJ . CAii 1 KRAFT-PHILADELPHIA 2 25' CR. CHEESE ~~t I . DELMONTE FRUIT ~~C COCKY AIL N~V. .,., SUNSHINE HI-HO BUTTU WAFERS ~~ CIRCUS • • PEANUTS ~ • . llUHlll WHOLE SWEET P'CKLES ~~"!u ·3f' rorw · .. , SOAP for HORMEL GOOD FOOD.SALE! HORMEL FRANKs·55:. HORMEL FRESH • LIVERWURST as~- HORMEL'S 600D BOLOGNA LUIR'S ' .Cotta ~aml · OR 'llJ,.JMORI LOAFS · 6-0Z. PK6, ... 29~ IMPORTED LUTEFl~K •• _lb. 39c . lRIOUR'S HAMS NO SKIN ,. • 5\ Cll•ED . . Nio w~~ .LO .. GHQRN CHEESE •••• 49c llRDSlYE · CIT·UP FRYERS , . . I-LI, 10.0Z. Pll .-• • , ~.;.....;.-=-- ,llUSIY_E, ... L .ORANGE .JUICE • FOR -. , , 1 • • .. . , • ' • ' \ " ·-1. • • ' ' -.·- . • ... ' • ' • •• . ~ • l:N THE MIDST of l'IHJged bOuld.rs along the, road up Mount Rubidoux, n••~ Riv~rside stands ~rod-built Peeu T-end archwey, dMiuted in 1925 by the .!!rte mnk ~ihi-. host and o-' of~·, Mi .. lion 11111, to the """ of peace ~mong "*'• riations. MOUNTAIN RESORT-Mineral water at•a temperature of I fO cl19f"' is pi~d Into this bath holl$e at Glen Ivy Hot Springs from en adjoini~ hil. Some of the Old tinie edobe walls of original edifice st.11 stand in the mein building. CuratM :pr.p.nies of waters are said to have been known by the early Indian dw ... rs i~ fhet community. ' . -I I ' • • • •• / ; THURsoAY, DEC. 27, Jtsf 6--r:C::: .. ~i.~ -~ ' . . Riverside. ·Ruhl~~ R~on Abounds in ·scenic Interest , . ·~ , • • • HA VE YOU-;,ver been to River.lide, Mt. Rubidoux and the Orange , Empire? ~are nearby, easy of' access and highly Interesting. Moreqver, the area jay be the goal of a one-day or two-day cxcurs!otl. · Our Jjrst stop wa8 made at Mt. Rubidoux on the-summit of which for the last 41 years Easter sunrise services have been held. In fact. the custom· of holding hilltop services on Easter morning has spread from Riverside to other parts of the Southwest and eventually to almost all sections of the country. Last year more than 20,000 attended the Mt. Rubidoux Pites. • ' It is said that Carrie Jacobs Bond, returning from the Orange Belt after having attended these services, was inspired to write her !:iest • kn<lWR song, "The End of a Perfect Day." ceonu.a....i •D Pa~ S) ' CONTENTED-Two pelomi~~ hi>rses in . corral. et Gian l".Y. H~~prings •njoy the attentions peid them by Alice Moller (le~ of Long Bea~h City CoRecr, end Natelie Fo.ote . of W ash1ngton Scihool 1n S.n Gabriel, '.91*~s •t" retort. • • • • I • • ' ' r ! L HARBOR HI U1ES ~ -. · .M N...,..n ·Barbor La- Dec. 7, ..... tb.. ...... at tba ~l!ng Club h~ their Annual popular anow ball p..-nted·bJ' tile ~ 'tU<by,~7 oil th~ Sophomore c-of Harbor Hl&b· ~ Lawn Bowling Green. on Tile many students daneln(, eal· S&tul'Clay' last. The even£ la one "'«•:l> Ing and enjoying them.elVU WOl"I: that la looked (Orward lo with Lee Jayred and Dawn Pl..-, Dl'Uell inur.irt each year u It la Carol Sc)llcltenmeyer and ir.r.. an .occaaion tor local membera ahall WOTJey, Joan Nimen and only. The weather condltlon wu Jerry E'vano, S&odi• 'l'bam1 and per(ect and the ("Hn WU fUt Rolly PulUkl. Jane Mm&n and Vic whidl augured \ftU tor perfect Wu.on, Shirley Rua and J\Odller bowling. Playln&: ·c:Ommen'*4 at Mc;Klnnon, ],(a r 11 y n Schllcken-10 a. 'm. under Ille oupe...,.ion of meyer and TOID Holts, Kar1Jyn A.J C>al~d and .tb~ w-erce K com- Petenen and Leo curtia. Manoo petitlve mem.Ml"I on· hand to ·p&r· Bayer and Dan Tucker. , Ucipate. . · Alao Glenn '.I'homU and Sally The·: games Operied q follows: Pfhister. Barban Hennlnp and N<>. l rink· -Nick Oretr\,et' J'\hn Kepper, Mary Stewart and (skip). c. ¥· W<laon •&nd <Jeorl" cti\1<1< Babbitt, Barbara St&rege WU.On • winnlng tlielr flnl game and Gary · Red.-, Bol> lAlnau by: 18 points lo• i\lne•ovei Ci>l De· and , Phy.U. Yarwood. Uvy Wild Wi1J. . ~uer (M.IJ>).-.ta~~ Kl~ _........, • ... ,,. .__ . ..-• • ;t'"" • .. Md Jack Smit!', PatU Dwyer and t!Jlger anNWalter R'Oblnaon. ....._INBW'•OH • -·=•111P _ . ._, · -· Bruce Baird, Joan Nun.an and Don "No. 2 . fink -Berb Wbeeler ~ fato ,a.ee "7 c:NW IMt .. W'Mk. .... /'!. i ' I TV11 ... P....!on, Blfbara, Sari -and 'Pete (8Jdp). Joe Staiiip '&iid ~ era.: -~ •;,, •iW'•h ~':fla.i8P;~ LiM_t~' · Graham, Jol"'I' -and J . ltt i!efellllng ·~1 .Oxl&nd (lldp), l . • • , ; Mlll'JlllF. 0&7 ole ltap -re: ll'IOrenCe Cart aad . Lloyd sieeVH st· I . • • Hi < Nit' I F . , . Jack Nerdnml • .-'CUbbinoon. by 17 po1nts··io.~~· , 1 eTCK s · ~gl · . .'*P.1£ lfl-II ;: . Jay C&rtole, Don Po~ Gleave No!3rink-.J!Jn·.#Jpln((lkipl.,1.ll.. ,. -., d · ~ 1_,.m..,; W Loon!, Gale lk>en>.,Ardlle Hor-Cot Taylor~ and~ Baum; ""ftl•lf VY ---• , ,Ill ...... ·• -. V&th and BQb ~ Dr. A. E :Jt.u,lh and Walter Wodd • . ~ , · • r • •. ,. ., 7 ' The Builor HI Lite of the PY g over ,lrroCI ~ ~lklfl1 for ~Arn•· d Foras 'l1t,&t ~~y ~ evenlliC wu wtMa ~ce F\al-by. a ecor.e ot ~ pointa-to.tlve. · ~ e4~\ld! ccCnm!J'll ~1CJnc11me brlgtd recelftd Ute honor of beln&' ~r teams com~Unc;-etfded ,1 tn OLU.tonita'• .. tum.era and cu~" 1"~ s&rbor r!Rdetzb; ..,. , Qu..,.. o( the -Ball. •. tfe. 1 nero 'll&ve tuinJohed 'nMrli J.oo ot •wto,om oa14 ·1t ,w.:r.lhe - Madp la -of the -popu-In the aflemoqn . play-off, the mlliloft ·~ of mdto -... '.C ..... tlit)" bad ..v.,. ~"lion. Jar gtrla ·~ Barbot"ltjea.Ull& of her team compri~ of Jbn A.epen taWe. 'for the 'arm9d fOl'Cell· ln t.be 'f,be e&rth . deftnlt:elY. n&inhled... 4 wonderful ~ty, 11...., ...... ,,ldp).·Loeie Crool<!r 'and Geora:• pUt -· 8«onting. to .: Jalnt 80lPe.)leld. . ' • ' ·.-. ' •01 v~ ' ot humor and beln&: an all-around Wibon, emerged,.-~n._Loeie repart'bd the st&te'o C&Mlnlr·W Xr.·IUld Kn.~~ --,.:w, .. ;: gal. Madre ia better known u be--~,r. was top 8C9fer wt\}i « frees:lns'· ~ by Callfomla' 1ff0 ~Aft., ~Meo.,' an ..._ ...-.. .,. ..... '~ tr Ing one ot ~· peppy --plU8 of 32 polnta, Jilli Atpin with Jroc-ro aftd,Growen, lab., anG fl'Of". _thdr l!YlnJl'OOln 1 -to -19 • . · · leaden, ...,.,,t.17 ot lier,,_,,,.,, a plua o!, 30 point. and Georl" the cauton>la Slate Co\lncu· of whether ~ tremor b-4 en.died ''C•l!Vf!.ll!'UftNDS'. and eophomon '!''m11, eecretaty ~n: :-vtth one o( 18. The nm-eann · · -~ .. -. · ·· thelr·llWjmm(ng pool. They fdWld ~-WI , · · or Girls' t..e.cve, a 1 member af Mrs u~ were Clarence Wlllon, -~ ;..~ .. .L·--,..,:11, 1 • the pool'e water ~tng in. \Qr~ '1\1 ' ' 1l1r GAA, a member of the Lura Kl'1, [.\&by .IJ"uer ·an~ Fk>rence Carr. • -l~"'"!" total of _..Oil'"' lent fUblon ln&ide its %f by. 40 and juot a wonderfUI .pl anywb"IJ' Geqrse. WU.On, the ' club'• preli· tood.d.~"' '1J&$k.ed ~ .:: toot' gw>lte rectangle. In r.ci. - she la. CongrattiJatlona, Madge! dent,'""'. fqllawtng ·the games, p~ &nJ\: .~,,_Jupr t Mm.· Sch'lemolt, ''tbe water wu By the way, her date wu Tom -:rited the , wtitnera w Ith. the ;!.cx~~the ...... ~!f! vege~b~ 8tW toulng t~ inlnute.i after the Lange. .w..rdf, . con,n.t_Ul&ted Ule rec~I-r ~:...~-;:;;-;; ~rl,. n: e quake." F'relldl CIUb pt.a vporr their~ and cotn-yeaz, tl?'P~ "'· · . a------- A new club bu been added to men;ded ·Al Oxlaad ~ upon the etn-cltlc d{IUtr .tee ~ent ot the Harbor' a • atl'9. _ cunicUl&r actJvt-ctt:Dt mCnner' in which he' had con-Amertcan . Oua Company. which u-WI ..._.__the_... ___ dUcted the toumam-. ~·~.:'*-17'11lilllo111 of lbe -~ -.. __ ., -·--~ -bY -1eo. !tin· lzed ~ -. A1-d7 the • pbutalat tbe importance of thio French Club --thelr New T:rpe .Fill!· I ag contrllriillon • 1o the n&Uon'• c1e- oftlcera and membeft. nae ot-..L-Fi Id T ~ ten. ettPtt. Roberta po_1ntec1 out t lcen of llle ll"rcch club tor '61-to -1 estvG that allout iwo-thlrda ·or an rood ·~2 are: Jan XcGlll. pn:eident; Bob . eaten·._ American troop8 durtnv H lland --_. ... _t J r< .. ti4'ornJa's lon•-uaed button• "'7 • 0 • ... .... "'I:: -..... ~.UICD ; oyoe ~ --World warn was Canned . Sands, HCrelarJ'; •• Martin Green. type fish tag ritay IOOn be re- Bob .Y•cl(i•Y Ollt fop ,U.-fll C.a1niclo Bcilli4ttb.ilt'.a., Bob Yardley, Jun!O.. <o~ tTanaffr from Orange· CoaJlt "col- lege lllld br0ther of George ,y a.td- ley, all .America buketball pk1er at Stan.ford, te rated., .... toP .. of --.-.---....hl'a lfl*T'I-........, I .... ,.. WORLDS ·ca•=r -.... .() ..... ,..... . "ntE TANH - 'A.• COMING" treuurer, and Barbara Brothers, placed with a hydroetatic marker sergeant-&t-erma. tn'vent.ed in Non.Vay, flMiery 'blolo- The l&rpat. shipment Or cann.ed foods to thC 8ervl.cea waa made in 194.4 wbep.'28.~27,000 ca.sea of the farm product.a went to military kttchent .. nu. wu 49 per.cent"of all fr\lita · arid 'vegetables ·packed that yea-:-- ~wcomen On . tbe tintvfra~ty -Of ,..._ Wl!!d. .. Colorado bUketb&ll .team. ~ OUft, The purpo.e of. tbe ~ch club ~ of the State Department ot is to learn th speak. )tetter French. Fllb. and-Game report. In time, A ii-e student.a trom,, nie· Norwegian tac, now bein&'. tlnrt·year 1l"'re.nch wm be · able to tried cut ln Steinhardt Aquarium, jotn the club, ba1 at pnieent the wilt be field-tested next 1prlnl' on membera "a.re MCcm4 y.ear French etri~ bass. salmon and other !ltudente. Memben b:aehlde: Chuck spelclia. accordln&' to Dla:trlct Babbitt, Jun A4alr, C&rol Adair, Biologist Alex Calhoun. A letthar\ded · JU'rni>'' Bhoot>r, ~ .T~•lor • Yardley Jacu lellp«!Onee.·,.t >the ' uni..ntty ...... t . 1a "'-""~ .... ••• , "•;., .... CE promll!Jl&: player.· ii?;a-y go out . ~-~ .,- 'Thia Ye&r-the state eent an eetl- mat.M ,tot&! ot. 10,.875,000 cues Of thhe toodftutta to the milttaey, about-14 ~ cent of all fruit.a and ftgetablea packed by canneries. , · , · IJf THE ··su ....... ,. tor. the ColoNdo terutl.8 . bWn. n Yardley· calla Bal-laWlil · llll hoi:ite. Georse Gum, Cyntbia Mar:Un. A printed mnaage to fiaher- Barb&n. ~. LeRoy Glbeon, men in a tiny, air-fllled, number- Chrlltlne JCbmcke, Blbnbi Button, ed cylinder, ia featured in the Nor- J o 4.nn GeuYlon and Raymond wegta,n tag. Self..bouyant. it add• \Vhite. Kn. Jr&zy ~Richmond no weight to the awtmmlng fish 1.s adYiaor to· the ll"Nmch. club. and apparenUy last.a longer than lbe metal or pluttc diaca now TM.._K•-11± Tau Rho Kappa, otherwise known u the l'Uture Teachen Club held' a meetbaf durtn.a acti- vity period TuHcf.y, Dec. 4, on the campua. Shirlq R._ Pat Alkln- son ond Kary· Ann Rulo, told of their txperlencei of. th~ir vtait to uoed, Calhoun ...... 1 The water-tight cylinder la at- tached to tbe fbh'8 back by a wire bridle. Fiebermen can eutly recognlu lte bright yellow and blue coloring. Newport ~h Elementary ecbool pua seem• to be .Joan Nunan and Nov. 29. !olnetime ln the near tu-Don Preat.on. Good luck to two ture, the ..,rollP la. pl••ntq to Vi.tit wondertul people! the Ooeta lleaa E~mentary school Although John K•pper ..00. Bar- and compare the'teachtnc methods bara Hennlng8 aren't going-steady, thfy have ob9er'Yed. they're doing all rlgbt. Ilea PwtJ' ~ Kl.Ming Harborite.a who '\ave Friday N'ht, Dee. 14, Marian dJ.sappeared either to get mart1ed Diemer gave a very nice party at or moving to anotht!r pplace seem Jerry · Blue : N~w Serving ir:i ·Hawaii Se~ With the Fleet' All Weather Training Unlt, Pacific, at the U . 8. Naval AiJ" Station. Barber'• Point, T . H .. la Jerry 0 . Blue, airman ._,prentlce, USN. 8011 of Mr. and Mn. DaJlu K. Blue of 406 EJ Modena avenue, Newport Beach. Blue entered the Navy June 7. 1951, and received hill recruit tnUntnc at the Naval 'I'\-atnhtr Center, ·San Ole:ro. He i.. a former 9tudent of 0n.nl" CoUt college. D•i:k 51111411 oe T1I Jm.S•Colalwda • The duck 8ea.JD etc.ea Dec. 24, eicept &long the Colorsdo-"river wbere it n&na until... .Jari .. 5, the Outing SU.... of the Auocoolille Clab of &!Uthern c.Jifornf& ll&ld today. The Colorado rtver area contin- ued to be the only spot where ~ rods have found duck bi.mUn• fair. 0.-hunting hu ~·poor there, u elMWbue. . awtcu: TAD.N • Theft of a ..WI, ....,.1y painted bicycle Mun ber h'ertt po re b W-y n!pt WU repoeUd to police 'nlunday by Vn. J . o. Garrtty, 901 Bea;onla Ave., 'coroba dey Mar. he r bome in ea.ta Meu. l:aUnJ to be: Sh.trtey -6tahler, who ta go-BJLLFOU> L08T everyihins in aleht wn-e: 'Barbara inc to private ecbool: M.aty Reed, Lou of a brown lMther blllfold DtJOlt llUlrl'l:&8 IN t.UCX Starege and Joe Lel'ter, Ann Brad-now going t& ~: Shirley Pick-containing $16 and kienuncatJan Duck bun.ten enjoyed eome ftnt ford and )(1ke DoJle, Jttrry :&:van.a ertng now going to Santa Ana. papen WM reported to poljc• rate sport dUrlftc' the put -f@W and Joan NI.win. Jtod t.Sbelle Marilyn Hamm .la married. Dene Tueeday by DelVtt A. Hyder, 236 daya In the Butte County area, and .J°"1 Klma. Yynn SmJtb and Lawver now ma.rried. Rev B(od-Ogle street., co.ta Meea. He atd ~ordl.nc to t.be NaUoaal Am. Lee Jayred, J)tane Bartlett anc1 · gen now married and contented. he thought be bid lost tt ~ne&r mobUe Club. lfoet ot u.em haft Bob Gallvan, 1!&rbari. Earl onc1 Ann Boice now at private lchool. the Lido Shopplna: dllt:rict. · ~ t&ktq lllDIU. Floyd Swanoon, Jllad&:e Fulbrtgpt ~----------------~-------.:.-----~~----~- and Tom Lange, Bally Newland and Ray Kldd&ugb, Marlane and Bob Burkhardt. w-dhrq. . ' Use Classilied Acls • , tolll!ilyovcar • CD lllld a •111er ror :yvv llome • • . to ,.._t ,..,.. apt ... to •••pose or farattare aild laawJellqld goods 1• .. longer --. • • • .. ftlld • '-! Jtib (In 'CW A • ft""::! ...... ·-... .-.. ----, . u.. . Classified Ads Ne.,ert Hmbo r , 0 l1J>1 Co. - ll I I Belboe llvd. N.~rtkec:h · Ph. Harl>or I 6 I 8 •• llllll'-tlW 011 •• ''.J ~n.:u· -~ .;. =:nt..~~t' . ---771 ~--~ - ' • t tmllrS • .. ·tranl .... . . ~­ UllO. lDIAHI "11 :' . . H '1r 1146 ' . • • ....... _. ·-..... '· . .•. ' I a.-1 Ilsa .,,,. a . . . a LIDO CIANI J .............. OOft£ ... ........ QUAIL WWWI I Many quail hunten -~ ID the neld tn the Kun Ot Jt:c 11 &re& during the put fnf d&ya, acooodin&: lo the Na~ Asrto; moblle Cldb, ll..t of ~ -_ ... ___ ..,...._ •-Uia1'o't 'nle aame nlaht. Jack Woodhull gave & mnall but atW juet u nice a party . .Dan<:in&: and eating the re~ta were: •'Cb±.r and BW." Don hWt and Lou Alm W ll•m-on. Rolly Pu1uW and Don.a.a '. ~. Jack NerdJ:llm !Ind !,ynne -YOU'U INV111D TO • • s ...... Jack -Andy -It an)'Olle wu over on th. 11t•nd Monda)' 'llfllbt. Dec. 17, they would ban heUd lrmlD staw1cld, Bart)' v,.--Tb&rp, Dlclt Luak, R""7 Aanold, 8i-¥ )(kl •• don&!\ J97 Clorliale, Don Pettit, Rolly P:ula+\ Bn.... Baird, Larry Joh.,.._ Dick Job-m. L&Wie ~.Lou. A,,nll. .}"·~ Ban· dl Tlladen, ~or:l•'I. Donna • Price; Cll&t am, ....... RUy N••M h&'l'IDc a t-t time &1 Amy -· .... party. . It -~ rece.IYed a '"reel" \ft· velope _. __ .., it wao an m_ .. 1o Alm _. a.... JDM1'\lrmallobe~atu.. SUia A. 0Nnl"'1 '>'b I bopl · ru -111o -rw ,_ au. ........ a '\,•• '\. ~ '"Clllar .............. 11111:' ''a the .......... -•••• a. .. Sia--·--........ n.e: a.s..n. • ._.. 1r • r · r .• • • at n ••·...,,,,........-Jo a. t • a._·-~1•a.t•IL'll ·-1--c.c·-··' ~ c.tt ; ... ..,._. ?8'·- t no.-......... . :Al ,, .... ,, ... -. • • • ' • ' • • ,. ? •' .. • ~-1~ • • ••IW.:l;t lllt•-.. "'1'111: M<l!U:T"' -Allit- • _...__ t· rm~· t •• ,-. ..... ~ , rr:····--·. v.-u·.tm . . . ...,.. Dec. .... '• "8TAR UllT" • _All_<**_ -.Alie -,. ·--., flaoU ... "llAN JN -SADDLE"· --.....w "ft:u» a.t.FONllT -.&Ille -J.., . 'J . -...: ·war a:.uir ...u. ti.CZ ~:Tw ' .· ... NO·W · OPE ... 'SATURDAYS , ........ F ~ • • l 'SUtmAYS ' • • TR£,A&~BES Cafe and C~ail loun<Je • • OPEN 1. A.. .. ~OOB I A.. .. ' . > NJ:Wl'OBT 'BLVD. ON.·00.uT mGBWAY NEWPOBT-.<B • (WE ARID CL()l!l!:D ON THtlRSDATS) - · GENE'S RESTA-MT _..••••u . ft••c• ad 11• z Crlr'ze . .... . , ·.· . ... , .. - • • I I'• · .. ' Dew t I Wzt•z'c~;.. r -Ull • •tt' a Olilml ~-... •• -~111 ... ""'-del ... ·MRAM'S CASINO CAFE < 'jc • * ' I ·F. \ f~ CPMPJ;ETE .. DINNERS ...d . . •' . ·COCKfAH$· • c • • • .. • .· ,.WE l ,.;-Mlt TTf-lHURIDAY, DEG. 27, 1911 , ~ .. · , · ssa . .. iit-•"i:"" --... "!111r0 a 'I' a' r, ., . Qair .,.. mm• -., al -::1.~~::.:::~:_,:~~~~~~~~~~:!::;::: ::-...... -... ?z rs?, Ans'' ••••• '* ! _., ............... . ;-.:....,.~ "'";= Z'!:._,11e...,.1n.::.h;1!11'1' ........... , 01 ;.•-.... =:'cna ;,-::•1 S, H l'·,f Pl Bill W ellyns · . -• .. . -::, _ _ .,. .~ ,,•--.·--w-. •u.~•w•• 11 -'•.!: = 0>, : o 1oay ons · 1 ew · : U Gil~"•'---.... tlr~b ... -...... ...., -..• 1% j • I' • • =.zn::.:-... t.i~~=·'••~= .. .,.._ cr, ........ -.. ::'.=r•ot r"'~ :_or Me~·Rebe~4hs AMOunce Son ;.· ·":'J~l l p;;:.._ --1 ,--· r n Js? 1• 1?'11 .-.... _ ·-·a 7 11 ._ta .. . ~ • '. .. • •• toAO lo --1 ,..,., -._ -te· .. S -4o a .... a. .a=·'·" $ -•• l'aWnc pnlloh"IS -ca ar-Mr. -Kn. BID u.w.u,n cit- fOot ,._ ~ 1'111111 .-.ii,,.~ t14r.al, -Ame. _..,_. &el:ta'I M-.. o..lfl2la...__ ........,..ln r .. U1elr' ._, Mai<o~are~ofa-' Jil!WPdBT BAllBOR YACJft 'CLUB'!! eon.--, "---· . ...,. ...t, to "'v?olttnr 19)'9lfJ.•' -t-t ~ -, ,._,,.,'(lo,.,_ 4d Mar ......... "')~ (Pett) -~ .bn OoWqtiam, had--tile Pac?tle fnter colleJllate 'Cliam!>' loMhip Recatta from the bow of the Oommodore'• boat. .. Tm'1TAL PUNCil ' TbJa la a standard frilit punch good all year round. Make a. syrup by boillng t% cups water tlnd 21h (Photo lty lseckntr) .Realtors Discuss School Bond ksue . . cups sugar together for 10 min-The Newport Harbor Boa.rd of utes. Add to this and allow to Realt~ held their weekly meet- 1labd for an hour. l cup len1ort ilfg at the BalbcJa Bay club Thun- jUice, 2 'cups orange 1Ulce, 1 C1:1P 4-Y moralng, at whlcb time there strong-tea. 2 cu~ wlllte ~ wu r. dlodlulon In rep.rd to the juice, 2 cups commercial rupberry coming School Bond Blectlon. !:'::...~n~! i:: = =~~,,.:_ M&":; a a 1• £5;:=•=:,·~·~.:':: ,.:.•~T:.:'t;w_..n~ ":: er..w:;.."i:. ~'; ~~-:,::t',:.i2:1 -.toat. ..._, -o1 11-.f-•tu• 1op• ,,. ,.... • ....:; ,._ -""' IU *'!!".·*•a a6o • ata••tl•Doo, lt"p1 'WI_. 'thla -. ,,,. u.. lad'• ,......s.': tbo bis -,.....,... Ill tbo - ' 0 llS. -.. ., .. • la •-i. * "11--I& -~ '":'.:,.~-W Pu~,...._ snM. ID motllor, tin, G~ Bewriey,ot' -· 1•¢'ft-, ... ,..., 9 qt, ~--111 ftF I Jal!J Oa --· llr -• l&L --• .. tlM JllOll'bllll.'Colta -.. Ba11>0a. Rle-lolarfttt- ..:..-.::. to ~er:·•:: It -_, .. ,fto 1s,1at := . /ta ... a -a • I 1s ='utR, 'z:' :.:it::-d m,:;, TOW. Ill U,. ~Mil_.. ·pa;. Mr. U.W.U,,.. lo ott"""ac . ~ -·~J'~ ~ oil & --llSI nR a --a -oi -c;:~ • ...: ;;. -nan el P~ -e1nsz; plM -Xoxtco City Oollqe wtlel'e .be,U. • JDmA*J •J. ... ,.._.. -.pero ..., .... YlfW' adaew ,.._ • ...... • .,... . ....-·a.I Pwt-FWW ,1 ...:.. ..., pWfJ. RetM 'c'ellta were. ·~s comm.em.. MN. BR•leY· -..oftbeWd-tlMNloaa Wo_IM!l._. llZnll.Or•• ·'lillle w-..-.... .-,-, • .,.--.•Ted llJ ' -ELSI . .,_ plabjtogoanll_ber..;;paa11s• taterM'QC .._. trfN!' ud ~ ~· _,,.._ W.. m GI•!• ~a 12 z.:. c. As i. '* sad ::we, r:-.:: :9"U:::.~ ....u.. • ..llU8...D$1•DllC, Pu1lne -aome ume bi J....,, . ~r._ ~ .~ ~~~the-~ CMpel fbr' ftlr 1MI a; I 4 ~ ~~ GI -.. a if k r0114 atd.; _ f r ~ RaJna and l'IDunce SpetJman " ~ ~~ --r~ •vw .. ,ca~ Tayloe-waa II _... of ... ._. .ror-!ft the '1Sllted Bta• · · .._ ' a,' ' I d eel ID HllS by the Iato l!'rallk Mu. -bom cm .. """"' In Di ...... '1 ~ lo• .. -at the -. Ooebna, '1141ar W'lll cu--~ au-o1CJ -' i Ome~-'p e ge ler ot M1a10n lDn r.me. to the ty, NendL !le 1a ooritftl bJ..~ .,.,...., taldnc a ~ -¥!'· """""4· a lee --o0opt. J-'JI. Rvnunlc-at ,!17 u ' ...... ot ,,,,_ -ce amonr brvtlm11. It. Pnn1' Taylor al 0.--.. '. II> a·---the llml>. -..... -A-. -r-. .... at Sai;ita.·. arbara . me11 and nation&. ta._ an<1·Jo11rrH.-Ta1'or...,. ~ the_~· -boan1. 81u1 WM ---... ..-Uy arr!•' Nut 8top Newport: .... one • .:.tu, Ka. ~·SAN 'OSI: takOil. to '°'x.""'""!_tY_,hooplt&I fcal ..... -l1'r0Dclaco -th• nu7t Loul9e Ford, 213 a.- Our nut otop WU at tbe fan YPrstnl& -ell oc:eo.ta ~ -.K&'7 AJP?ero, ... ~lor at\J. tretltm.... • " , ~ 'lnnoport.WOOdfMd."""' buw; B&l~·x,ianc1, la pledg1q IPOU. Jflakf.a. Ina. In or:1pa, It Gfavulde terviCM Will be bel4 dent at-.JGM:~c;ta:1p. la \ • , othen· from Orange county allo Ch1 Omega aorority,. It waa .... • d&tea back to 1814, w:-c. c. S&tllrd&Y at Indio wjth tbe Revl enJoYWs -~ ._ .-.. 'I'll& ~ · . , oirrl-l>ome from the Fu J:ut nooJced ot the &llllual ~ Pre-• Kiiier, Rl"""1do'• tint -"'""'· ~1 .. Hand oftlcallnJ. Inters will\•"-J•enla. Kr, and lllra · 'l'e .-,_.. • ._ or api.-tlleatu u put Of tlle "Hane for .. nto Ball held Dec. H at 8&illa boran .-e?riilr ,....u .at bill ment wW be ID Coecl>eU.. ceme-Waltor ~ lf4 ,Kmto '1Wa ft. u•--. llM,&11(.plaee ,._ ~· campaign or the Bar6orii Oqllege o't the u111 ...... 11y . adobe :"tb.Glenwood Col''-teiy. Ave., &It&-.• , , , . •-ad today! &1111ed torces. . o{ Callfoml&. -~ I •I•' ovontU&lly hup boeteirY ·-~~~~~'---~~~---'~-'-~~·.._~~~~~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~ Mlalon Inn. Le&vllle Ri•eroldo oa mpway 60, we tranlecl over -8prllpp erode.' At th<t aumm?t we ~ • richt turn where a o?p NaCl: "Lake Mathews." There ia a di'tva completely around Lake M&thewa whk:h i. one of the Larseat bodl• ot water 1J\. t.be are&. It la named -for WW1a.m Bur,_. M a t h e w a. tint ooun.el of tbe Metropolitan l Water Dlttrtct of Southern pall· torn.I.&... Th1' · ruervoir t t qr e 1 water .trOzn the Ook>rado RJver, com1n1 via Parker l)un. • • .. syrup, and 1 cup chopped man.a-Jan. 1&. The general arreement chino cherries and their Juice. wu that 9Cbaola an needed, and Add to tj1LI enougb tee water to the only rnilable Jnean;t1 for pay· make atfout 2 gallons ot Uquld. Ing for them will be a bond Issue. A qµart of cbarged wa.ter, added The questtana asked concerned juat .before aervtng Ume, may be the neceuityJ for proV'idiJlc acbool aubstltuted for a qua.rt of the Ice busees with radloe, and who it to water. Pour over block of Ice in determine the amount.I to be spent punch bowl Serve wtth tea Mnd-on each lndtvidual ,nn.r structure wiebee and pe.tita foura. Serves 50. -whether this wU in the ha.nda of ' the School Board of three mem- We made the complete c!J1ve ot 14 milea around the lake. Alter paain.6 the outlet, we t u r n e d rtpt at tbe nM p&ved crou- l"'DIMi and aft.er a littJe more tban three m1leo. we rooohed Rllhway 71, about ftve biJee from CoronL ..,.._ In our party wu' Elmer Wol- fer, Loa An.relea sportsman, who should be a member ot this area'• chamber of commerce. Pa.&eing a glaaa plant, he stopped to show ua the ~ ot aand fou:rid there. He declared it the lineal ln the country a.Dd expl&lned that the glaoo la u.oed In the manutactUN ol blnoculan. -People do read Ute want ad& ber8, or whethtt the State Board Povltry DRESSING 39c,." 11.,. 43c N-l • Clnncunon ROUS 39'. ... • ~41<-) ' . _ ..... -~. ;,, Devil's Food Deluxe ""'iSQUARE •• , •• 63<-. • llO< •> "' ~ • \WR de Kamps ,'."" •-••11s 008TA MESA . 1'09 N~ BI..S. CORONA DEL MAB -<lout B!p...,.· LAGU>IA BEACH %'15 Forat A venue ' had the control A c0mmlttee wu appointed to make a 1tUdy of these que1tions a.n4 rrport to the next meeting. Mesa Homemakers Have Yule Event At Glen Ivy Hot Sprillc• wre were met by pn1al Alex SprinJ"- borg. It waan't lonl' betore we were ateeplng in the hot mineral bat.ha, really rMt.t.nc a.nd relax- "'«· Glen Ivy,'a biat.oey data back to the early 1800.. Ma.Qy of. It.a adobe walla are •Ull to be seen 1n the '""" bulldlns. Sprillst><>rs G&y holiday event for manbere ~wed ua an old advertiaement ot.-tbe Ceola x-8-&llen wblch 'Pwl oppoond "1 a Loo An· WM their annual Chri.tm paper between 1881 and Project leaders Be~ty Nlcbola and l&80t' whea. the pl&ce wu oper- Emma Poupart made and dec:irr ated by w. G. 3ter. It promlaed rated several varieties of Cbrllt-load a~Uona tor hones mu cookies which were enjoyed an.d de<:lared ample at.able room during tbe potluck hmcheon tn tt.e had been provided 80 that picnJo Costa Meaa Community church. parties could have their hones Bright red ribbon•, holly berries watered and fed., whJle tat In r and Chrlst~as stocking tavora. their l\lnehejl.. the work of Pauline MJ.thoff. or-Our party .tayed OTer nirht name~ted the table in cheery at the 1'e'IOT'l. P'nendl1.ae9e an.d Yuletide motif. -.-..11t .a-•flcant t ''Appreclation.t,'' the Family ._...,.-...... Y are •• ,... ea- Life topic, was read by EatlEr turee of & Glen ITJ 9>journ. Pridham. "Buie MutrttloD" will 116! Jacuar be the topic w1llch the County lhadln&' back on Hlehwoy 71 Home Adviaor will preeellt at the toward Corona. we stopped our next club meeUnl'. A.n}'Ofte wiah-1952 Japar-. 8eCUred trom Peter tng intonnatlall conce1"111nc tut1.1re: Satori, popular En•llah car dt.- activttiee of the orpnlaatk>n may tributor La. southern C&litonlia, c&ll Jolra. 0 . R. l?(ltboff, club chair-and whlcl> bad performed per· man. tectly throqhout the trip. far a New Son Born torfel'ghts ·Couple Mr. and Mn. Ra.Jph Hoyle, 2332 Clift Drive, are parent. of a IOD, bom Dec. 22 ln St. Joseph hoe- pltal. He weighed 11i>t poundo, eight ouncea. AT ALTA. LOJIU. Rev. and Mra WUlillm Ban· nister, Stnd llt8et, ~ CbrWt· mu guests of tlMlr -·ID·!&W ond ... ter. M:r. a'4 Mrs. Carl StallQ>s of HollJwoecl. at their Alta Loma taad> home. Mr. l?tal?· Ing la with Warner lllvt7ien. chat wtt.h Ftando Steorna, one of the tarre lemon ra.nchen of that a~•. _A. Rancba'a expect a fliOd ' crop Ulo year. St.earu' ,..., ... ""8 un· tou<hed by the free•:,;:: ,...... .... -bi'011Jht ter to .o many Cl1J'U9 .U & ..,..it, that -be re-°""'ed ''·87 tor a fle?d bolit. To- ~ tlio oame omount -.. but 18 ...a . • On. our return to Loi A.nplel after an mj~e t"o--day out- ID&'. -conault4d tllo ~ ter. It lbiowed that we had t:n.v- eled. a Mt under 200 mUu. And ewry mile WU tuU of IDto~I Covering 'the Entire Harbor Area, and More \ * • c T no • • • IUTTD; ·utCE FIESB :ECCS ff ' • Creanr o'.~ .c.op Bzukfani Qmo. , •' .. ' 1 . I &Ulllu . 67c ..... , ·65c lAHE I •.. UISl .. . ; -' I ·' , UllOIEON MUt . I . Deiry GJm brand. . L~cart~ 7tc I •. I Rath Block tlowk. . ! ti«. ~ ..,, 1 For qv~ meolJ. .. Cll. 'lt.1 ___ ..,._ --------- 1 . lOIG SPAGHml:~:. I Royol Solln. 1-lb. -· 31c 1 · Globe ~A 1" brand.• 12-ez. ·15c I (2-llz: .... ; ~S:)-' · ...., SAFEWAY YEAR,£ND MEAT VALUES mAJO' CATSUP • . =16' • . . - •• , . • • , 3 , 7 • . .. .., .I 3 . . • • News-Times ' ' I Newp0rl Bay Post and Shopping News The Newport~Bolboa Press ' 3 • * Orange County's Greines# ' AdY•rllsing Buy ~ • • \ I ' Ci& Qazza 3 • • . . • • • • • • • CLEAN ·UP . ,. . · •nd SHINE UP for the NEW YEAR - WIZARD WICK ~~~~33c 9uarts ... 59c l//pAr;, Bela FOOD MARKETS Wll>ere Soul.brr• California SA<VES r 0 ,ff fN'if'9S Aid Foreign · M°1Ssions • Sabl>i.J.h ocllool mombere ol Ille Sf""ntb-Day Ad-tl•t cluudl bave ~ 1.-lgn n>IMlon olfer- Jnp" tO(&llna $142ll.22 durlnr HM •tated Hrs. z...ic Mellott, oocff- tary of (he Sabbath acbool. ' A opectal qu&rUt'IY collectloft wu taken lat Saturday whtcb w1ll be added to that amount and will be U8ed ~\aid medlcal &J\d educational work tn X..Un ~ert­ ca. Approximately ~.000 of th• offering' ta.ken in North A}nerlca la eannuked for co.wtruction or a surgical unit in Montemorelos, Mexico, miaaion b08pltal and new buildings for the denomlnatJon'• training Khool at Mandeville, Ja- maica. Since the MontemorelOI hospital opened four yeare ago, . t~ pa- tient.a have been hospitalized and more than 30,000 people have been cared for in the out-patient service. she atated. With the akl of an a.lrptaue piloted by one of the miMtonarles, · t.he lngtjtutlon serves the remot- ~===========~~ est villagea in a radl\18 of 300 ~ miea. The Oytng pu:tor brinp emergency C&Ma to the hoapltaJ and carrie• doctors and nurses out to hold clinics in 1urroundin1' areas. . The I Sa lyat_ion Army • 18 in urrent need of your diacarded cJolhJng, shoee, fur- niture, appliances. Bi" paper, maga%ines, a.nd any other house- hold commodity. PHONI: BEACO!f 'J Z l ! and a Red ShieliJ truck will caJJ at your door. SHARE WHAT YOU CAN SPARE WAT~ HEATERS l!aleo, ~--Beflllln ju /J;.c'lclo!J PLUMBING AaU.Ortr..ed . Dealer Dll.7 a · NIP& Heate.ni IE.IMS '"" 0-11 .... n ""••'•" Pbone llarbor %64%-\V MA TrRESSEll Boata-Homee--Tralten , lrrcruJar Shapee BEACON ' li08l Otsta Me.a M.attres& Co. %100 Newport 81,·d. IELIA!LE T SERVICE v TBOROUGJn.Y TRAL'<ED & t'ACfORY QUALIFIED ZU:CTRON1C8 EXPERTS FULLY l:QVIPf'l:D to SERVE YOUR TV and RADIO SEBVJOE NEEDS Compi.te Marine Radio Service and l11Stallations U~ S. Government licensed THhlliclans CaU us now for service TZLl:PHONI!: lll:ACON 6183 COAST . . ELECTRONICS co. 915 Coast High_way Newport leach The lnfluence of the hoepltal LI being felt all over Mexk:o through the work ot th@ nUnee who have recetyet! tzalnfn,r U'lere.. Ten c:lty cllnke are already in operation md the churct. plana to expand this medical aerYice u fut u trained Mex.lean doctors &nd nur-- ae. are avaU.ble. The hoapltal ta part of a medi- cal mlasionary program begun 81.x )'ears ago in Inter-Anterlc&. To. day the church operaJe1 four he»- pllala, 11 clJntca. a medical Launch and a wet"kly "Home and Health .. radio broedcu:t ,In• that area. A new 7S-bed ital will open in Puerto Rico~~~ year. Loyal Workers Entertained by Hostess Duo lt wa.s a real old-(uh lon~ Christmas party P•£ktd with hOfli- pitality when Mra.. "Edna Nic kell, 221 Broadway, Coata M esa. entcr- talnl'd the Loyal Workers clue or the Costa Mesa Community Meth- odist church on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Mrs. Lucille Fernande• a.salstcd In hoslc&l reeponaib411Uee. A apark- llng Chrtstmu ~tt. candle flgu- rine.s a.nd greenery created a gala holiday mood for the occplon. A pen and pencil set wu pre- sented Mrs. Flort'nce Harrtaon. teacher of lbe c:la.-, a.a a gift from the group. Birthday greetin1'9 were sung to Mrs. Ell.zabeth Loesch and Mrs. Luella Olaon. Af- ter a short buaineu seulon con- ducted by ?.fn. F ernandes, mem- bers ex changed gifts llnd enjoyed r cfreshmenl.3 of punch. dainty sandwk:he8, cookies, candy and nuts. . Included in the gat..Ht!rmg Were Mmes. Georgia Grave11. Edna Hart, Edna Zinn, Blanctie A.nder- son, Clara RoJllna, Loul~ Rit· schcke. lea Clark, Callie Klrk1'. Neille Ogd<"n. Kate Hirller. Luella Oleon, Ruth Barnett. Dal!!I)' lkn- nett, Alice Nirenberg, Martha Moore, Nora Zirkle, Hattie Jenks. Geitrude Edick, El.i.zabeth Loeech and Billy Dtlvia. At Costa Mesa Baptist Church "God's Leading In 19~1 ." will be the topic ot the Rt>v, P . G. New- man speaking: Sunday, at 11 a . m. at Bapti8t church ot Coat& MeY. At 7 :30 p. m. Rev. Nrwman will preach on "Striking llluatrallons of the Providence of God." Special mu.ttlc b' the male c horua and the W1ual 21fngsplratlon by the cqngre- gatlon wUJ precede the servi'ce. Sunday &<:hool convenes at 9:t~ with cl.asseJI tor all ase._ At 8:30 p. m. the Baptist Training Union will meet a.nd ai.o at lhe •me hour Prof. Walter Weut0I will ht teaching on lhe O!il Te.ta.mmt. Nuracry i.a open durinc t.be Var· tous services for convenience ot the parent.a. AJJ pel'SOrul desiring to become members of the church and t.tto.e wishing to be bapliaed are ,... quested to meet Wuh the ~ Friday night at 7:30 in the Edu· C4lional unit. On New Yean evi:, •tarting at eight o'clock • 1watc:b ntpt ~ vice wtU be held. Tbia wU1 be a praise. prayer Md b9ptimn aenice tOUowed by a · fellow.Mp l:pbU.r. A f<>rdlal lnY\laUon If'-to all. Christian Science Lesson Topic ''The glory or the Lord •ball be revealed, •nd all Ocsh .rta.ll .aee it together: for the niouth Of the Lord h•th e'pokell It." Thl1 p°l'mn· lie from the book of laiah (t0:5) St. Andrews Church Method ist Pastor · conaUtutea the Golden Text ot the- Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "Chris· t.i&n Science" In all branchca of The Mot.her Cburch, The P"trsC Church of Chrlat. Sclentist., in Booton. Presbyterian Heads Youth Camp "Key to a Oreat-New Year" la Sunday subjkt of the Rev. James Stewart. p('t'8chlng at St. An- drew's Presbyterian church. ~r­ vtces arc at 9 :30 and 11 a.. m. wit~ Sunday achool at 9 :30. Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave . MMe Sctledulee Sunday al 8, to and 11 :30. Week days. 8 a. m . ConfeNlona. Saturday, • ~o G:30, 1:30 to 8 :30. Sunday, before racb mau. Balboa. lal&nd, Sund.a~ 8 a.nd 10. Satur· day, I L m. Conteutons, aame u abon. ltadlo Pro......- Dally, u.cept Sunday. Rosary bour, KPWB (98Q) 7 :30 p . m. For peace. Sandayw Holy Mau. t :oe •. m., KLAC (370) 11 a. m. Catholic liour. KFl (640) 1 :45 p. m. KOFJ (710) Hour uf St. Francia CUdlnK"e 4-others. Student Sunday at Christ Church "What the collfgc ttudcnt ex- pecll of hl8 church" and "What th" church expect.a of It.A aludml.8'' will be the topic of two t.alk• Sun- day morning at Chri81 Chutth by the Sea as Mr. David HuRhes. a gTA.duatc stud('nt at the Unl•cr- slty of Southern California. and Rrv. Thomu Ro)• Pcndell. a tor: mPr graduate student at the sam<' univer8lty, exch&ng~ view&. The program la part of tht" an- nual student r ecognition da§ pro- ~am when stuOOnl.8 home tor thf' holida}'3 from collcgt>s A.nd uni- versiti~ throughout Sn u th c r n California are 11pcclal guest. of thl' congregation. Mrs. Phyllis Fields will sin~ the Appalachian carol. "l Wonder Aa I Wander " and the Sanctuary C hoir present.a Bach's "Now Let Every Tongue Adore Th<-e." Community Church Corona del Ma~ Stndent "ttecok"nitkftl Dlliy will ht' oh«!rved next Sunday, Dec. 30 in the Community church of Corona d(') Mlr. ~vcral atudent!!I. home from college. will participate In both the 9 :45 a. m. and the 11 a. m. services. Mias Anne Freeman. student at San Diego State Col- lege, will have the caJJ to worship and Invocation: Miu Perdlta Hom, 8tudent at. Pomona Collc!Ke. will read the Lit.any for atudenc..; Don Steffensen, at\ldent at Ort.nge Cout-ColJt'ge, will re.ad the ectlp- t.ure lt_-uon: Luter Barret._t, 1tU· dent at Santa Ana College and U. S . C ., will otter the prayer: Jim· Steffenaen. atudent' &t Pomona College. Will apea.k on "The Church and Education": Pauline Babbitt, R.udent at Orange Cout College. wUl opeak on '"The Church and Mtuiona'", and K«'-n Well.a. atudmt al U. S. C. will .speak on ''Tile Church and Freedom.'' 'White Gifts \Theme for C~pilla <;:ircle n.ocna.. Roy PendclJ, putor of Christ Ch~td> by the a.a. la at Camp Seefey th.ls week where ~ Ii heading up a ~p of 180 Junior high boy1 and s:trll and 1.l:teir Iced· e"' trom throughout 8outhcrn C&Utornl&. The camp la one of five lK!inK JJPOnaored by the Meth- od.lat cburchea of Southern Cali· tocnia. Catholic Gu ild Elects Officers • Actlvltlt•a of the LAdiea' ot St. Joachln1'11 Church, ea.ta MeN, will be undt!r thc dlrccllon of Mn. Robert F . Baehr and ber newly· r lt>ctea atatf of orncen. Named to Aervc with Mrs. Ba~hr, who :.,uceeeds Mrs. \Yflliam Brown u preskJ .... nt, were Mrs. Loula Scheop· pen11. vice president: Mn. William E. Brown. &ectttary; J.tn. Willlam Palmer, treasurer. lnataUaUon is scheduh.'d for Jan. 3. Christmas Pageant at Christ Church P&w :f"i.,• In Philippi.ens. "I count not myael! t.o have appre- hended : but thla one thinR I do. forgetting th09C thtnga which are behtnd, and reaching forth unto thoee .thlnl'!f which are before, I prea.a toward the mark for the pttze of the hlJh caUlng Qf God tn Chrlat J esus. Let us therefor(', u many aa be perft.'Cl, bf. thua minded: and ti tn MY \h1n~ ye be ot.herwtae m inded. GOO shall reveal even lhts unto you" (3:13· 151. Mary Baker Eddy pys in "Sci- moce a.nd Health with Key to th<' Scrlpturt!a:" '"ThC' divine Principlf" of heallng hi provC'<I In the ~rson­ al ('Xpc!ri<'nce of any slncct<' &e<'k· er of Truth ... No intellectual proflcit"ncy le r~1u11Utc in l he lt!a rncr . bUt .sound n1orala are must de-sirablc" (p. x i. St.Andrews Women Plan Year's Work Mn. Edgar R. Hill, rrl trm~ J>rcsldent ot the WomPn's Fellow· !Ship o ( St. Andrew's Presbyterian A Chrlslma.a pageant, Th e church. ent ertained both the out- Olhl'r Sht·phertl, wu feature or going and Incoming board at the Sunday evcoinlf rrobram a-l luncheon Wednesday at her home Chrlat Church by ~he Sea.. The on LJdo Isle. tour 8CC'n~ took place on a 'l!&lb-'Luncheon fyllowec.I a buai~c~ way and b~ nr11.r'Bf'thl~m .Nt _JllolltJnS at whkb Wt"?rn ex- Uleytory wu uf bow Ethan the d'li&npct ._. fOl'·thr com1nJ: yfar. fourth Bhf'phenl, reallsed a d~am New oftlcc!ra we.re tn:tlalk':d by thr o( hU. youth. Rt-v. JUM:a 8. Stcwllrl at lhc Otht'r shl"phcrds were played by r@SUl.ar mecUng of Dec. J 2. They D~avld Holtb.f, Robe-rt McDonald Include Mrs. Thad SarnuclB, prcsi- a.nd Robn"t Glas.a. Raebel RebriPc· dent: Mn. Webliler J onc8, vlce- ca and Deborah were played by president; Jrlnt. Kenneth FtJWlcr. Mrs. Ela.le Hargrove. Mn. Lei eecrt't.a.ry and Mra. Clarence Mc- Nott and Mrs. Haga.n. Carolyn CUUoch. trea.aurer. Woodworth wa,, Amr&h, Ethan's The new board w1ll be in chugc ~l11ter lnd David Vaughn wu at the tint meetl":'g of the yea~, Reuel. hl'r son . Fred Woodworth Jan. 9, 1 :30 p. m. 1n St. Andrew s waa J oacph, Mary Lou Hirgrow louna:e. It will be a d<>sacrt and. waa Mary and Mr. Rutter wu buaineaa aeulon. H08be88es for the· lhl• otf-atagc Voice. · day wtll be Mmt'a. James Cowie, A prograni of carol.a preceded Webe~er Joni's anct...Harold Kahn. the pagl•ant. Devutlona will be led by Mrs. Nl!:l'MAN8 Vl!!IT MESA Mr. and Mr8. Ha~ld Neun1an and aon. David, are via!Ung their parent.a 1n Co.ta Meea during the Christmas holiday&," Hoets are Mr . and Mn. R . Nt"uman of TUatln Ave. and Mn. Elva KJpp of Whit- tier Ave. FRO:ll CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luter of Carmel a re bolklay gue11ta at the home ot their son-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. John Ge.I· r cr. 101 Via Ravenna., Lido Iale. Jonea. Al .this 1neeting the group which attended lhe Los Angrlt·s Presby- terial Society on W c>dne.lday, Dec. :fe will give a report on the in- formation they recelv('(f there. PEARCE(oo NORTH )fr. and Mra. Jame8 A. Pearce of Broadway, C08la )tea. have 1tone north tor the holiday season to visit their daughter and family. )fr. and Mrs. Joe Nightingale of Silnta Marta, and their son and ramUy, Dr. and Mrw. J . A. P earce ot. 'acramento. DIA1K NOllCD • lll.'Oal!l GRAHAM Mn... Jennie Graham. 81, ltiecl In Oranre County General ioopita\ O\ri.et.mu day. A native of Kart .. Jtakee, 'Ill., she bad Uved for &))out 'io years fn Cost.a · x.... Bbe ,... aided at 1910 Newport Blvd., Coe-- ta X-. . She leaves Jter daughter, Mn. Vernetta Montgomery ot Loa An- gele.a: her 90nS, F.e.11 'H . On.ham and Harokt T. Or&ham of Newport ·Beach, Kenneth H. and Ly1e of Loa Angeles and 8tanle)r Graham of Wilmington; her sllt~r. RW9. Bell of Denver, Colo.: 11 grand- cbild"'n. add eight, great·grand· cbildreli. Funeral eerviceo wm bo beld a.t Grauel Chapel at 2 p.m., Friday (tomorrow) with the ReV. C. F . Hand officiating. Inte rment wtll be Jn WeBlminbter Memorial P•r k . . . MRS. LIZZIE •IORTIZ Funeral aervicca were held W ~­ nceday In Santa Ana for Mra. L iv 'Zif' Mortlz of Riverside, mother of Ollie C. and Kenneth S. Mortlz of Costa Mesa. She wu 77 yean of. a~e and died Dec. 23 In River8lde Community hoepltal after a long illness. Interme• wu in F-1r- havcn cemetery. Survivors Include another 90n, 14dward B. Mortlz or Santa Ana: tour da.ughtera, Mra. Nancy Moyer, Kanau; Mrs. Hazel L&vE'rne Paul, Riverside; Mfll. Marjorie Taylor, Santa Ana and Mrs. Alberta Nelson. Fullerton: on(• brother. Edgar Grover, Ka.n- E8.!I; 11 grandchlldreii and two great-gr&ndchlldren. INt'ANT PIMEN1AL Th~ lnf&nt da1:1Khtcr of J . M. and Mt"f g08ll Pimental of Co11ta Mrs.a died Monday In St. J08<'ph h~ilal. The infant ts survived &130 by three sislC'r8, Marguerite, Carmen and Antonio: four brothers, Ru- ben, J oseph, Macedonia and Lula, a grandmother. M.ra. Cecila M . Mclgosa; and an uncle. Jcaus Mel- i:OM . all or Calla Mesa. • Fttnent\ services and u\tcrmenL w ... re ht•fd Wednr-.tKlay at the Ccn1('l<'ry of t.he Holf Sep'tlJcher. Orange. Orauel morluary, Costa Mesa, was in charge of arrange- ments. 'OHN I''. TRITAIAN Funeral . services for John F . Truman. 79, of 20102 Sant& Ana Ave., Co.ta M esa, , Who died Dec. 20 in Orange County General hos- pital, were he.Id today at 10 a.m. in Grauel Mortuary chapel, Costa Mesa. Re v. Charl<'11 F. Hand, pastor of the Contmunlty Methodl.at Church of Coeta M ea, officiated. Inter· ment WIUI In Little lAlke ce.me- tcry, Norwalk. UTIWG".,._ MllllfO. ..... ~kACU = VD • --~- • • · l:lp1a · _w1ilg I · Mi1le · s•op 119 & ;<x)An ~. · iA liNA.:.EAce 11¥9 , • Se~ Just Rigbt· i_n the HORMR. ,KITCHENS . . HOllMEJ. \ ~LI -C-ON CARN~.',~~ HORMEL CHILI CON CARNE WITH BEANS 111-o .. Can LET LIBBY LIVEN . ' ·• . I YOUR M'EALS. .. • LlllBY ., CORNED· IEEE. HASH ··.4~ ,_ LlllBY SWEET ~ MIDGET PICKLES ~ .. 31~ LIBBY CREAM STYLE CQJlN ·~ ' A native or Downey, Mr. Tru- man had lived In Coeta ·Mesa tor 20 years. He la survived by one st!l'ter, Mrs, Mae 8amow or Bak-I ~~=~=~~~======~=~~~====~~==~ ersfield. ! MILDRED G. WILLIAMS Mildred G. Williams. 80, died at St. Joseph hospital on Dec. 23. She re8ideq at 509 myt Balbua Blvd.; had liv@d here for five years and came from Ohio to Ca.ijfomta nlrie years ago. She lJ ·survived by a daughter, Mra. Jean Brooks, 1730 East Ocean Front, Balboa; one son, Walter M. Williama of Wuh- lngton state; alao by her father, C. A . Gager of Lo8 ~ngeles. Friencb may caJJ between 2 and 3 p. m. on Saturday at Baltz chapel, <;orona del Mar. Private eervtces will be held later. Remains wUI be forwarded to Ohio. · JACK WllLIAH8 Service. were held at 10 a. m. W edFleeday lo Melroee Abbey for Jack Wllllamo, 61 of 119 % -Uth St., Newport, wbo died Dec. 23. He WBA • naUve of lttland and no survivors bave been located. The Rn'. WUlia.m Bennbrter waa . affict,.nt and Bait.a M~rtuary ""'" In charge. · OANADIAN \'llll'l'Oll . Let.on Eaotman of iro.ut, On- t.no. C&nadw;-18 flaltlnc bJa COU»- Jno, Kn. Gertntde ICdiek and Blan· •Jey. Eutn>u; 18 ·Kapolla Ave., Coll&M-. . • •• Your party-line neighbors will consider you • reOI fiiend if you remember that. often, they, or 50r.lcoilc in yeut. • fainily may be e~g an important lncorpipg teiepbone call. These ot_hfr simple points will ~. bcJe llO insure better service: When you h~vc a -!e' cl~ to mak~ allqw •£ct minutesbctWcen them ··~the n:CeiVC! ~~fi after calling • ~ nialre. lliln • the tine 19 clbr before.yw !Jl'ke yoar alls. I . _,,,, • --~Mri.'°*---c:oil be~ f ifyooJgiffthcopcr-tlic~ .... 11 .. l · w1~ you're calling-rim. dlM just the -aid ..idns. n. ...,..,._ yJi; ...... 't have m,,. wliik.~ ... 91ll die lnlnM t,_, fz tlH" a ~ « i*' '°'\'JI >'~ 115 'I· • • • •