HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-13 - Newport Balboa Press. burglary; of the home and for receiving stole.n goods. ~irect Tax PETER "1ERRY" RAN8EN One of Ftve 8mpeda • • • PRELIM ADDED TO M41N GO AS TRIAL ATJORNEYS.~YSLUG The jury and 1pectatora tn the Cl'O"f"~ COW°'tl'oom 1JI the Ht.IT)' Lehman-Charlea I:. <Red) Devine" trial ln Superior Court TUeed&y roee t.o their feet ln excit.Dent wti.n the oppoelnr a tt.omeya encaced In tt..ticufta. TBOMA8 LAWUNCJE HANSEN CHAJlLES l<"REDERl(.;K l'&lNTZ WW. 11111 Twta Brotlter • • • llloo"kN for Burclary and ••• LLO'l'D~VIN l'lllLUP9 Recleh1•1 ~" Oooi9 ••• &1CllLUlD AJ.U:&T ova.ur ,.,_ .......... ~. --.. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. 1955 Phone Harl>C?r 1e1e · YIVJ: CENTS Mesa Homes Tax Wrangle Set Jan. 2l COUNCIL RACE ON TOMORROW 5 Book~ by Local Cops; Job Pulled 3 Years ·Ago By Bl~ MOSES Election Set Deputy Dlnrict Attomty DeWttte ChattertOll audderur Mnl two •harp Jabl Into DetenM .Attorney o.«se ClNl.a .. at.omach when he became a.orett<J by CbuJL· etrject ·ot UM outburat wu a bank depoelt book which Chula ..-n<Wed from the pl"Otlteutor'1 dealt to wave at a wltn-. Mn. ,Jean Mat· th-a. 8"1"91.ary to Sam L. and Sam ll. CoUlna. The rue for seven eeallt on Newpoffi City Council w11r begin tomorrow. opening lime for candldate flllnr ot nomlna · Uon papers. The deadline tor tiling 111 Feb. 3 Candld1tu under th.41 new C'1ty Chart.for ~ A Freedom Home. committee of must be nomin111r.1 from thvlr The $15,000 burglary of world-famoua Paul Mantz' home at leut four pe.-.on1 II meeting reirpf'ctlve (fist rlr ts here May 11, 1952, today wu announced U llOlved with ar· In the tract tomorrow night to A 1 Mondny'i. '•iuncil ~··~· reat of two former local youths now of Pl&centla, two Brea for NHUHS Chatt.ton twice pbbed the book back from Chula and lee.ped to hi~ feet and poked tlle detmM attornq. Jude• Ken- ..tll ThompMll'• p vd qlMIMd U. excitement. Ml up the order tor a ma.u prote11t slon. the Mllln ol S2:100 (or 'd Their d ..... 1.1 meeunr 1cheduled for Everett Rta the March 11\ ('lly t•ll'ct1on wu men and a Fullerton reat ent. . arr.ta an a-_. re- lkhool at 7:30 p.m .. Jan. 21 . the alloca ted for nl"ruaary l'X· cove1-y of Mantz' bel6nginga reportedly mashed a county· N-1-Pr.u lea.med today. ~aes. wld•· burgla.ry ring, after nearly Mant.s loot WU foaM 9" Prlnta The m &M meeunc 11 belng held thrrf' yran<' Jnt"n1lve tnve•UC&· by Van N~ F6f1ee dl~cm. he In an effort to find O\Al why many GOOD TASTE I lion. .-Ml. home purchuera ~elved nollfl-"' • Del Sgtll. v. I. McManJraJ and PIUNB BAD OUN ca tion during r~ent weeks that LeHuy J uhnllOn. Newport Beach, Van Nuya ottklen Jan. lt, 1~. CONTROL .OF LANDLORDS monthly paymenl11 h8d to bl' In-Many F1·ne .!l.tul Hwha1d AJbert Duran. 19, of found a hand IUD lD Print.a' poc- crewd from 2:'> rents to St7 to 120:1•1 E Chapman. Fullerton and ket and coa.nacated IL .A. Manta cover ta.xu. Lloyrl Alvin Ph1lhps, 33, ot ·~2 had no aerial nllDlben oa the Mull Main reaM>n for complaint from Jewels 1•n l'nion l'h•<'<·. Brea, were m Jail gu.na, monf,.ba p.Med Wore lnror· Easter Week Rental Law . May 20 Date for Voters to Decide School Needs Presented City Council thr hQme purrhuers In the trllC'l . 1111 •hat it"" or rece1v1ng property maUoa f1ven pohce ena!aied local ha11 be,.n the apparent 1ntqull1r11 "tul• n Ir om thl' noll'd aviator'• pollc. to coonect Prints and olh· m tht monthly lncreatW• "Where Mantz Loot ,,. -~ f:11/'I n .. y 1-"ront hom~. Balboa b· ep with the buJ"l1arl', McM'a.nl1aJ l received a Sl7 monthly payment IAn•I wd. lncrtue, my neighbor around th<' Amuni lhe ll•t uf S l!'I 000 wni lh fH RCll..AIU' ('O l '!liTS I •'1ltla CAM wu brou(ht to 1uc-· An ordinance to prevent over- crowdtnr ot rental accommoda· lion• durtng the a.nnuaJ E&ater HARIOI WEATHU comer had hU. psyml'nll lncrt'aaed or jewelry Rnd ot hrr vt1lnablM li•~k· d 1111 11tra1ghl -burglary ceMfUI concJutlon with th• com· Wtek lnnllll wu p.-d to aec· Orangf' County weather rore- by only 2:) cent.a." had been the !!plnted ulll or lhe raul ~tunlz < hn1 g,.8 >lrt' Chsrlee 1--redrlck plete cooperaUon U\1a dep&rt.ment ci•l of complaint" hnnl by the homf' In May, 19;,2 ll\' tht<••· hlll · I 'rrnl7., 23, ur 309 w . Elm. Brea rece1vl'<:I from Lt. Herb CUrtl•, New1.f>reu. ~lary lllltcprrt" nri• man\• 'hn11" u111I 114 in hr other,., Thoms11 and Fullerton pollce department, 01•· Membeni or the pre11ent New-Hrm1'. J, n y llRll!><'n, 1x1n1 23. formerly trlct Attorney lnv .. uraton Joe An election May 20 will be held in an effort to solve the ond readtnc Monday ntrht by City c:&11t: exce.sEli V<' growth prob~IT) at Newport Harbor Union High C ouncft. Jt could tie adopted at j Moil!y clt'&r today. I ncreaa!ng port-Balboa Vlsla tr act rommlllet> Included m lh" luit irn•d•• HI 1 h•• ='ewpor I 1 It elln Fiotnt. now of 60~2 Haye" and .. tank Oxa.ndab<iure !lf prote11tln~ ht>me purchasera are I lime of the burglaiy iue a )• llnw S l'l>t•, ni t•• "'"'. l'lac:enlla, ALI ~~:a !~~rl~m~nyve:c~: 1J1: • • I will k M d · dj td ti t cloudlneSI! tonight and Friday. School. the Board of Trustees announced tOday. l ta e on sy • 11 oum mff na "' lltUt' ch&nge ln tempera ture. High V E . MacC nrl,Jr. 930 Dogwood; Id cigar c:ase ~l't walh 2~ rnun.i ,h111 l 'h1lll)•~. 14ho 11oml' months .. P the RPv. c· E. Thurmond. 930 l~~smonds SJ{)()(I 8 i:oltl lclPntifuA· "!:•• \''" 111,11. ~1t·Mt1nigal ,,aid. on Lo11 Angelo poll~. Mt'Ma.nlfal Evergreen l'lsr e: R. S Sargent. t b ' 1 t l ith 1 1 j th" • Hnr , h11r1-:o• in <'onnt'cllon All.ld. ..., 1 h I I . f t ro r 9 a m Place concurr<>nt with th<' regu ar sc oo e ect1on o trus ees. Th d lorlay about 70. e or Inaner requ1rt.11• a 1pe-Hoped for tK '! new high school in the> CQRt R Mesa a1'a, as clal ltcrn@e fnr ''all per11on1<, tlrm• f11v<>rt>1l b'.'t 01s1nrt !'up.-rlntt'ndtnl I Art .till 111111l, ,11,. wtll lllllO be de· or corrorallnn, whether o"·ner11. 8111nf'y 1l11v1cl"'1n lJn\'ldM>n 1111ld h<' ttrmineil. lr1111ccJO. oci:upanlit or ni;cnll! ad- favnr,,<I 1111• .... 1111 lnn "''"I •"<J'IHI · 'i·onllnueJ lhe bour•I l!llllr m<"nl: Ing on their own beh111f or on thr 111011 n l lit<' r1•'1!1•nt 1'111' 'II thC' lHqUISlll~n or l'ilher the b>'hRlf of Olhf'nl who Hilt, leMe. 1111111 at 1••111< ""' A f'll) ··•~-~·1111·1:" ,.1,,ri·-menlionrd silrs provf's im-.. ,. •ub-ltup hvlnJt q11srt l'r11 from m rth<•ol l" (11.Kn••· 111•• 1t'qu11,.<I Jl<"'8tblt' the board wlU have no the JO d11y~ pn o r to Ea.Iler lo tht' l>u11rl1n~ prni;:rnrn ~' 111 ll• •111)11111· t1 1lein1<ll\t' thlln to bml<I addition-21 <lay11 rollowtnR Ea.st Pr Sund1y Leti '" thP l""'f•ll' (W'TTI11tl1n1: 11 d•· RI '""'hlle1' nn l ht prtsent high foe Jll day11 C)r It'"" In a ny tenant re<'l 1 .. x Ir\~ 1"1 1'"n~1fH•11"11 Jlllr· '" ho11i iolll' with 1ls &djolning 33 or <>«Upant " °l'OllP" rRl h1 r lhlln ~ h<md 1""u' 8r rtoli llcqU1red 11omt lamr ago from 110 Ll('t:!li~~ t•t:t: Jt W lll' pntnlr•I ulll h111Jrhh~ f'lC • tn• It nnr C-o · Tht l ppllcant for 8 llct n&e muJOt f J>f'n•I' 10 th~ ;h<.111• I """I I ht• ~-Bui whatt'\• r thr ~nlulion, Da· p11y SIO ror the ln1trumf'nt on twel'n 2:\ 11n<I 3J 1 • P• I <'"nt low· vut'<m mRdr It r l.,11.r additional mAktn1t appl1ca l1C)n, the mOnl'y to e r If I h1• •h r.,,., , .,,. n1t thr .. 1 wf'rt' , 11n,t ni<t inn will be n• .:et111ary tor he uM>d to defray COlll ot lnvesh· Ull•"I I•" 111 h111h ~chunl 1<lt1<leiltJI. He re-p tlnn a nd ln•pt'<'llon or the pro- Tem!JeratUh41 Ule paal weetl Ill the Harbor area "'el'e: • fltch Lo" Yrlclay, .Ian. 7 ... : .......... 6t 4S Saturda,\". .Ian. A 6" U "u.ndAy • .Ian. t 117 St Monday • .la11. 10 .n 48 Tn .. 41day. laa. 11 • t U \\'l'(jn-ciay. Ian. I! ... 82 •t Ttm~a,· . .Ian. IS .... 68 4'! Rainfall Ian. 19 ·······-·· .18 Jl&lafal1 laa. 11 .......... -.is pfua ion rai:e f 11r " 1 111111110. • f IVVW' TO ......... H .. R 2024 Rt'pubh<' an1I Nlrk M11.rdet1· rl bl Sl'""l lit 1 114•1h 1t $1011 111111 buqd1t1v ca.si> l Arv• u-..• •• lrh. 2034 Republic. an (lJ ""· '"' • 11 1'0 1111 •· 1 0 .1! h""' ·•tlmi11v:1 bnrKlu y ~nd rt'. ~t. Lt. Herb Curtl• of Fuller• lnvlt.allon11 to &lll'nd the Jan. 21 iw1th dlsmondll, Sl ~;OO, one 111111 "'I,, ,,·111~ 'hH11(•'" l1Hlgr1I. l'hllllp11· 1ton lllld today that lllOm~ of th1 ean:hps 11rt With dl11mon11JO 111t11 .. ,. l•>ol h d be t l b th mr~llng hllVt' br~n extended to a.nrl rmf'ral<b ,800 · , ,, • • 1111 .. 1 1\llh ,, hung JUry. I · a . en ten o a ro f'r 1 c-pr<'tentatlvu or the &vf'rly ' ' ,\II 111•,• ""'" ,.re held 1n N<'w-or Duran. rutdtnc In Jl"lorlda Cur- Hlll.11 branrh, Bank er A metlca, Also lilltNI wtn' "ever .. I "•11• h· I'''' 11. u•li • 11\ JIUI 1n 11~11 or tu• wa• called m by Nl'Wp()rt J>O- rtnanctr11 of the tra<'l , the Olobe P~ inr luJmi;: 8 f'lllrn<lllr "111' h. I. 111 ••111 1 .. 11111 Tl11•1r 11ra a1gnmPnt I lice lo inve11t1gate Duran lo d•lt'r• Elicritw Co. hMdllnK t'l'<'row on AJ'hl ""<'<>nd p.i<krt "'·•l•h '''''"'" i ... ·.iu• 11 '1 l••l .. v "r tom<>rruw min,. r1 h<' had a new•peper dip• thf' homeJO, the Republic l'"n11trut'-1r11rh watr h ll~rl "lh"'' ", 't11n'-ping m hl11 wallet tha t ml1ht lie lion C-o . bulldf'rio: Ct>unt y AMeJOsor A gold mt't1111l111n •llJ.;1.1\•'•I him in with the Ma.nla burala ry, Huah J . rlumb a.nd C~l& Mt'M 'From Amt>li8 Earhart . 14'a• .11"'• "'\I l"'t lt.U tU Rt:l'41 l.T Bul no s11ch d ipplntr WU found, City Counc:JI t11lcen A C'llll'cllan or gun• .-101• ~ .. 111<,. ol ~t 1•la( 11nn l<l Mo-Curtis rrported. 1 v.-r~ ol<I. 11nd 114'" J"•lol.•l•I I •rn• ~I on 111111•t-:"r\\f"•rt Brach pnhct l Thill wel'k JOl'IW thol!t! mentioned nn<' nr bon" amt lh• 11th11 •I b111•.• C"h 1 J hn 1·1· .... ri IM the burghus' wwoop dowri on. Co.ncl.I Okays 3 Ord1·nances """r" .1,0 11101 .. n 't "n~ "' ,11,. . , , ...... 11 :h•\ 1 ••• , •• 1 lhf' :.isnu A•uu~™ MAUI': 1lN11~ "' J"141'lry wq,. II"' '""""117 .. I I ., • 00r rill• .:1111~ J•'"" lry. dnlh· Prlnl:t, arruted Monda y atter- w 1lh th,. 1mt1111~ 'I' :11 In• oJ11111u1 <!• liqunr s11<I art1dr• noon on a Brea atreet in hi• ca r; \\ \!'\ T ill \C Rt::--f"lrl' •I th.. pre-"• nt HarbQr High poaed ~nt11I prtmlllU. The IJctn.w Chamber Funds for Ballot 1--141 ~· 11-1 run' :!I• 1nrh18 or llln· Ounan. Who W8S pick~ up aboul <.:bllmbt>r u! CullllllLf<:e r .. r prumo-!(I• "I'"'' l) p•ni: ( 'htl'( L:paon WU 4 11.m .. Tu..,.d•y al hl1 Fullf'rlon Thref' proposed ordlnancu r ov-WI.JI dratted by City Altt>rnl'y l hrn. publlrlly. &1IHr•i.rn1r anti • n-ii ,,, "''II\ .. ">'r!:PKnl when hi' l\nd home: both Han11tn11 Tur.oday Jn 8 SIAlfllh'lll 11( p.11fry &)'JllH\. "nrollmC'hl Wiii J'll'S lht' 2000 mark appllcanta and pt'nM>fUI renlln~ on I'd by the tnu1\,us dunn,1t " Mo n-bf'rnrt ""'' rnn,.1 rur t1nn ""n bt from them muat agree m wrill.n~ b )' m.-eting, lhe boftnl tl•cl•rNI , nmplrl,.•I that during occupancy covert<!. It would purl!111· \ 1gurou1o1y· 1t~ 4000 .1!'\ IO \"t:AR.-. !'ll('h preml&"llJ or llvtng quart~r11 'f<lU<H fur ';O l\nf'~ ot l!lnd ''" Th• •llJ"'•rtnlrn•l"nt Mlrl rnroll· llh&ll l>f' 111.1bject to rtaM>n8ble In · tit "Id Sanla Ana Army Air BMP. I f'Ontln u....J 011 p~,. S cootlnUf"d on Pase I I I 1' 1 .. " ·'1 t rJ l. I -·~ I } r----- . / ~ \ J () "' I ., 'j . { I ~\ tl...I l ... " -~ •• r.\... ~·~ ' .,.. . ,,> :>'., ., -~ \!,. . ... -..:::... -/~-~,·. --._ 'I • ! -.. . . ------.... ..--· -- - ,...- .. ·-. ~ - ' ;-. I j i4 .> / :;, r • ' 8A1"K t~XTf:RIOlt-GN'<'n gray rock wall s upporting plate glasA windows in new Marint'ni &nk will fat-e bu i:~Art.:.na,qt Highway. while rear of. new edifice will feature ' concn.'t<'·llte<-1 \'a ult fAC'<'d ~·11 h ronCTe~t' blocks. A rear entrance from· the par~g lot will funC't1Pn Ml ll ~<'<'••111 lnry front rln11r. ArchitN:ts Pleger, Blurock and Hougan have used 50-ft. width by 00-ft. depth o( interior for vanoua bank facijitiee. • ernmg the amount of city a dver· Karl Lynn Davia Rl bc-hf'lll or 1nta1nmt'nl pu1 P'"'"ll c111 thr h• ""· M1 \t 1111i: ii ""' k•••I I h· ~a nl:t ru .. mom lnit who, wnrklni u 8oulh"m ll111ng fundll l o b<• 11llocste<l New· l'oun('1lman Stanley Rlrldrrhtll Rn<I fll of t he c11y 11hall h• J1m11 ... 1 111 '" I ,1, 11 • 11.o•u11opt '"" Lh• Y could Ca hfomta E<llMn Cn f'mployf'f'll, port Harbor C'hsm bi>r or Com· I Wlll!I plUllled to lle<Ond rP&dlng It I t h,. 11\lnl or $2~00 11nnt1Rti\' , ' ' 11 ..,, 11r•o\. lhlll thf' Hirn5"n f'Otlll11u4'd -...... I mPrrl' wer,. pN'11ent,.d City Coun-11llnws the a<lvertulng rund1 to beo Urdmanc" B rf'1uls · ~.. 1•.,,1. hr •' 1 .. •• .1n•I 1 ·1 rnl :t wrrr t he burg. c11 Monday night. The ft nit two, I expen<led al dl"<:rf'tlon or th,. <.'nun-plf' "' th" <:1ty nr ):r 14 r••rt LINir h hu • Ordinance.a A 11nd B. were pul on cll. do 11rdaln 1u• foll<>wa: SN·t1nn I. i\11 MK111.: .. 1 unf11lt1 .. 11 a Lair ln- lht' March 15 beUot autom&llcal· Ordlna.ncr A reads. The people Thr fundll which the City < 'nunrll v11h 1n1: 111•111 ly thrf'P year11' 1nten• ly whl'n 10 per cent nf 1260 11l1t-ot the City ot Newport Bt>ach do mlly rn 1111 tH,.crelinn a pproprinte ""' 111 \'l';1t11:»t1nn "' th• ll<'Pmtng- naturl!ll on pellUons were df'C'lar-ordaln II.A follow11 : ·the run<1t1 which to lht' local 1·h11mhrr nr 1·omm1•rrt> ly · p••r IP• t buri;:llny, ll·lhng how ed 1t11fflc1Pnl by th,. city rlerk. the City Count' ii may in II.A d1t-l or pro111otlon. pul>l1t·11y. 11•h·r·r11~ "' f.,,,, "'"' f' 1 r1h111hlrrt 111x month11 Thf' third propo~c11 ordinance CN'tlon appropriate to lhe l()('sl contlnu .. d un f'•ll" ~ Al:•• F1111t phy111rnl rvltlrnte or the Mariners Bank Bids Called on Remodeling Bide hive wn <'allf'd ror ln- tl'.n or and txtenor rtmodelrng of th!' new M11 rtnen Bank an<l a v11 ult addition in the nar of prop· t>rty un1t'r ~.,... s t 2it 2 W. Coa1t H1i:;hway. It wau hnnounr f'J today by F'..rtp r. Hlll, bank p~!lhl!'nl \\'nrk1ng •lr11w1ng" havr • bttn completed by Archllf'Cl• Richard H Plt,;,r. William F.. Blul'O('k and Rumont Hougan. Winning con- trll<'lnrs will be announced lat•r 11-nd coastruct111n 111 exp.-cl"d to bl'jitln within a ftW Wt'Pk& The building fom 1erly occupted t.y Blllhelm It Walker. Stafford E l.-ctrlc II.lid Orange County Draft· Ing contal1111 about !IOOO sq. fL Plan11 tor It• bel!t ult! u _,,. com· munlly bank -have ~ prepared unde~ wpenialoo of t..he bank'• comm ittee. It lncludu Lymaa J'ar- well. Bandy MaclC&y and J•rTJ RJ~ u:ecut.J•• 'll'te.-prf'.al· dent ot the 11 .. nrm. V ~ULT AT KEA.R-Arcbi~t Richard Pleger, second from left. points location of Marinen Bank vault to members of institution's building committc-e. Fro m the left is Jen;r Richardaoo. executive vice-president. Pleger. Lyman Fa rwell and Sandy Mac- Kay. Bict. have been caUed for new Cout Highway bank. -Staff Photo School Dickers for Irvine Co. Building Site Nrxu1111llons a rr n'lw undf'rwa : bf'twr rn 1'l Jl\mf'll D•y 8 rhool An<t thr J rvtn" C"i for prof"'rty 1n I he Coro1111 r1PI Mu art'a t o bf' uroed for • psm•·htal lll'hV°I· It wu a.n- nouncf'd by lhe it.v. Paul Moore Whteler. fChool hf'ad Th,. achoo! 111 now localed In the churc h b111ldlng11 at 3209 Vi a Udo. Mr. Whttl"r i.allt the compeny w ltl p,...s,.nt maps tn th• next two " or thr,.,. wef'k.o. lndlca unr poH 1bl• I •1te11 for thr 11Chl)()I. It I• planned a minimum or rive er N'I' woul<I be I n~~f'IU•• ry ~ hr 11alrl ~livery ()( thl' N-porl Harb<Jr :'\tW•·l'r<>u II par• ant~··rl All e rr.ii 'Ot the Com• mumty 11r1• rapidly belllf plat.rd on carnn delivery • <.;Ar1ltr b<Jy11 wlll IJellver lh•lr rn•pt•r11 bdnr e 8 p.m. on Mon· •IRy and Thunw:la y. It )'OUr p114>••r 111 not tlrllvered by that hour pl"Ut call Karbor 1811 11-nd a 11pectal route man will tmmcd lately r a 1 po ad wtUI your copy of your. Newport Harbor New .. ~ ' ,. -. ' r ... . . .. , PAGE 2 ·PART I ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PltESS SEWl,,Y ELECTED-Memben of the Board of Direc- tort1 of the Newport Har'bor Chamber ·of Commerce are pictured above, left to right, President Maurie .Stanley; William O'Bryon, James V&n Dyke, Pete Barrett, Monte Grimes, Clarence Higbie, Hay Langenheim and Kenneth THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 • Albright. The directors and officerB of the chamber will be installed Friday night at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club during the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet. • -Staff Photo . .. USAF .ASKED TO ACT . . ON HIGH SCHOOL· SITE . Docl,-Letter UrcJ91 Land le Released for lullclJ111 ' ~ An appeal for tbe youth ot tbe Doqi told th• Air Force S.C· BartlOr .,... wu mad• In a letter ret&1'7 a Kay •lecUon for the rail· dJ.lpetched 1\&Nd&y to Harold II. tnc of fUJlda wtth W1Uch to buUd TJJbott. Secrret.&ry of tbe Air a new hieb a:hool bu been called Force, by Donald J. Dodi•, ~· •lnce "the t~t.ea of thl• dl1trtct dant ot the Newport Harbor Hlsh tac. a cnala ln provldln• &d9quatt School Dletrtct Board of Trua· educaUonal factUU ... " Dodi'• em· t.Ma. ' p~: "It ta ot paramount Im· In behalf of the boye and stri. port&nce that a .Ste tor UI• new of UI• Harbor UM., Dodp atron1· hip. school be deaipated a t the ly ur1ed releue by th• USA F of earllut po99&ble moment." 70 acree of land required for con· The letter, wrttten 6y Dodi•. etructlon of a new high echool In revt-ed clrcu~ta(lce• of t.ht a,.n. the Cott& MeN area. Dodie point· ta Ana Anny .\Jr Bue. The Air ed out the land wu needed due Force h.u tit.le to 90me f OO acree • made a fU1l appllcatJon for th• TO. .ere •t• March 8, 1863. pr1or to t.be Air rorca... acqulalUon, h• wrote.. ~ ~~t WU .-und Ulal once th1a laiid ta In ·'Nrplua" Harbor H'-"'• a ppllcaUon would be procMMd and t.he .St• JnoDted lo the dalrtct. NO llOP DELAY Dodi• Informed Secretary 1>.l· boll: "Coqnemwl U tt and Sea· ator Kuchel lbua far have ln(orm· ed ua of M nral da1-b)' whtch um. lh• ~Wion ot th• AJr l'orce •would be made. l:&Cll" Ume lh•re ha.a beeo an &dded «Way • . • we npw ~l)' urs• and will deeply appred a le ll If you will ~r­ ate wtlh our requMt." Boys~ ~lub Members . Go· To Pro Bowl to' "the rapid I nor-In popula- of land Ulere. The land wu ac· lnl*rut ln aporta alllfta trom Uon and 1Chool enrollment. In thl1 I qu.lred fl"Qln Ule Aimy Enpeera bePe.ball to football for a brtef area and aJ.o by t.he fact tbat In July, 196f. for the PW'J>OM ot pei1od Sunday u 75 local members 1peculatora and 1ubdlvldera have bulldlne a 1onmment-owned nu· 0 t.he Harbor Boy•' Club 10 te acquired every aultal>le 11ile other cle&r reeearch laboratory and In· lb• Pro Bowl l&m• In the Loe An· t.b&n the Air Bue.» · dut.r1&1 planta to aid Jn a1rcrafl pfu ~u.eum. CROWDED CONDITIO!"S production. The Loe Ana-el .. Soya' pub h.u Dodge et..ted Ulat crowded con-PJANT ABANDONED tnvtled the local.a to view with dlUone a t Harbor Hl1h had i reat· Dodi• MJd the ~h tehool them and lho111&nde of oUler lY reduced educatlona1 opportu11· board ~ bMl'I lnformed tbe In· Soutbem Calltorn!a bo)'I Wt an· IUea. flia letter concluded, "There tent of ~e Air Force wu to have nual match between th• beat pro 17500 note at e per cent lntereaL can be no •tron1er detenee lhan the Nortll American Avta Uon Co. football pla.yen of th• <:Ountry. They uk tor a judimenl of $7500, an lntelll1ent and loyal youn1 manutacture jet-propelled enstnea. An &dded event will be th• at· lplus lnlerett. and STl50 attorney'• AJner1~ for which w~ work 110 ar-Howe•er, accord1n1 to a tlate--tempt of Wee Santee to crack the fees. denUy. . , manl from Coqreeaman Utt and four-mlnut.e mile. · .. Rylng Discs PitY Retunl County . Call ., ',.f1ytn1 Mucen or meteorilH were ~ported over the <>nna• area Tuffd&y nl•ht. Althoqh Or~• police rec.I\•· ed only ~· call, lhe lanta Ana IWSlchbo&rd WU fiooded with cella u Naldent. In u,. northern San· t& Ana ..,.. Hported llMlnC what many deacrlbed u "two flre·b&lt." t"v1Un1 trom aout11 to north. One obMrver, Jerry Hayn. Oranse. aald Ule two brllllant ob· Jecta n-over at about I p.m. Tueeda.y and laded _J>Ut Within about tin IN!COndft"61' their ti n t lip~. Thou1h many reported the ob· Jed• .. "JIM9ibly n~ MUCen," accordtn1 to pollc.. Hnb 8uT or Garden Ol"OV'I. tower operator at the Ora.n1• County Airport who wu on cfuty at th• ume, ta.Id h~ It.led th• obJecta u mei.ortt.. Ban', a tra1Md al rcratl ol!Mn ·· er with 12 yeara n pertence, N lv he first IApted a a1n1l• object at aboUt 1000 feet •levaUon, pro· ceedln1 trom IOUthwest lo north· ... t comlft&' from about the vi- cinity of Newport Beach. He added t.be meteorite 9pUt in two •• It pueed wtt.hln a bout halt a mU• ot th• tower end l.mmedl· a~y went out. Name-Andersons in ·$7588 Suit ,, waa made. After 11500 wu aid Talbott: Special ctrcumat&ncea have been m.ada for Ule project a. m. and Will r.lurn by I p. m. C •t Ch h I Originally. a 115,000 note deal The let~r Informed Secret&r7 n-8Jl&per 1lort•, arran1•menta Loc&l bo)'I Will mMt at 10:30 SANT A ANA, JAN. 13 (OCNS) off, the new ST500 note waa p n .. 1 which have contributed to lbe rap. lo locate In Cano1a Park. Fat.hen will turn1ab t.ht t.ranapor• o m munl Y UrC Development bu ata.rted on tb• 1 pertence ln Orange County, lndl· Complaint for payment Qf • pro· . Id lncreue l.n IChOOl tnrollment Lil "'nlua," Dod•• ~le th• NCH· ta~lon and 1upervlaion. Zach dad at Corona del Mar propoaed 7fkcre HalecrHt an• cat.ea that t his. probl•m can be ml1110ry note wae tiled ln Supe.rlor , 1otiated. Thla 1' the one tbe ault th11 area are, the Armed Forcft tary, "lMotar u we are able to le allowed lo t.alte five boye and n~xatlon to Coat. Me•. Francia uvero01'11#," Bulot Mid. Court htre today aga1nat Al and conurns. loceled a l El Toro Ma rine Baae, ucertaln. ar.t.er sealoue lnqUiry, willalt wtt.b them durtn1 tbe pme. Th• Rev. ~ Oomke I• Ji Bul!>t. Con11ulttng Englne«!rt, "9Coata Mee& City eou"ncll called Elinor Anderson, Dalbo& Fun Zone Ute Santa Ana Lllhler Than Air the land In the Santa Ana Army Admllllon ten are taken c&l'a ot apeald n&' "On Splrttu&l BUndnue" BULOT WILL ENGINEER HALECREST ~ANNEXATION Inc. hes been retalnet1 by the tor the hear111g Ot'c. 20 when a, operators. In conl\ecllon with an Bov Joins Family Facility and the fact t.h&t a tar1e Air Bue appean to be un-ear-by 1poneon of lb• annual Rama· at both lh• wol"lh1p ~ rwxt Hale C-0mpany o( Garde.n Grove I petlUon propo&1n1 the annexation J •lleged agreement made a t Balboa '..J nwnber ot the ln-comlnl' ruldenta marked tor any tmmadlata proJ· Redak1n same eacb A~t. Sbnday In Community CbUtth. tn rto the rngi.neering work on lta waa rKelved, signed by th~ Hate Aug. 19. 19~3. • A bo j 1 ed th Willi M • 'are employee& of the Douslu Alf· ect of th• Alr Foree." Fat.hers who can talc• a sroup Corona d4ll Ma r. The cbotn ot tht J 76-acre rorttnn or the-proJ«!<'t Company and . Orange Cout CcJl. I PlalnUtta Cuy c. and Daley V. . Y 0 n • am c craft and other defenH eftat:mab· Newport Harbor Union Hl1h of boya are ur&'ed to contact Rod church are under the dlrec:Uoa of lrge. The two land ownera repre· Rlchardl. Beaum9nt, contend lbe 1Donald tamll)' ot lM& Ocean BlVd. menta." School, antlclpaUn&' u!lt land MacMHllan al the Boye' Club by Mary Batten Sutfeneen wttb Mer· Rntone-tourth of ·the land lnvolv-C:efendant1 faJled to pay ore on a .Sunday, Jan. t tn Boas Hoaplt&l. C&l818 l.00118 would be returned to 8urplu., Saturday. Telephone LI 8-M31. garel ~ha.rte at tht orpn. e ~1jiij~ii!ii!iii11iijijijiijii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii~ t e proposed annexa· j] i---~"1ii11Firg~·e~~r1'ir'f'fl'l""l!:~snrr'Vlrir-nnlrl'l~;.+.ci1ew_..;;.,.q1Uij~1*41-Mewfaot~lllR~~ r lly will ~ marl«!. 0Tht a pproxl· 1 Union High School 01str1et, Costa mat.-ly 2 8q11ar,. mllrs or land • Mesa Union· School Dl11trlet and hurs 11n u~ue<I valuation or Orance Coast J unior College Dis· St .500,000. Thr 1tr1p u tende from tr1cl. Adjacent to the strip of land the eruv1l C'lly llmlta Of Co1ta lo be annexed la the 110-calle<I MrM just north of Wllaon St .. Whittlu property or the Santa apprmwnately 2 mile. Inland to ~· •Army Air base which haa Gl11lt'r St The· prop.rty la bound· &pin been de£_1ared .urplu11 by "'I on tlie tut by F'a~w Ave., the s-o•em mtnt. L•ut we!'k the 1nt1 on th~ w._•t b:( Ffarbor Blvd. Santa Ana city school board asked Jncluc!l'd I" the attlp annexation for 30 at'ru ror a high !!C'hool Is a great expanae of vacant la.nd. •Ile. All property In the a n.nexa· lhi> tnllre Oranie· Coast Collese lion and In the Whlllltr area I• Speclals for • Carnpu1 and the Hale. properly. aeaward of the propoled St plll· The atrtp annexaUoo would abut :veda (Sa.n Dle1ol Freeway . on the eael the property of the E:SGD\'EDS' MAP Orange County Jl'alr Ground• and Accompanying the petition for the Soul.hem CallfomJ.a Btble Col· ennaatJon wu a map drawn by J,.ge. On the w .. t It would reach the SouUI Bay Engineen or Sant• the ruterty bound&ry ot the Fair· AA& ahowtn1 city llmllJI df Coata view State Hospital wb leb la now lk .. would extend to Olaler Ave .. ebuJJdlnf between Harbor Blvd.. and Fa1r· DR'IDU eia .LOT9 ¥"8w !Joad. Olalar at UtJa point wtll · become the Sepvlveda Freeway. The Bulot Comp&Ay Ml'ln•n The Bulot et.aft started work on Wiii plan and dull'n complete -Ule project tor the Hale Co. IJIJb- ter. aewer and dra.1nqe eyat.ama dl'ltslon thU werk. No date for for lhe Hale aubd!vtalon whJcll ha.a completJol) hu bffn announced. -been div1dtd Into 811 Iota, ac-The builder-. plan conatrucUon o( cording to Ro~rt C. Bulot. vie• tee of a total of 818 bqu11ea on t.ht J1rti11dent an~ 1enenJ manaier ot tract a t Ba.krr Ave . a.nt1 Collf'g«! {he firm. \\Ith otn cu In ~ st .. starting Feb, l M.-511 , Lo11 Angrlu and Puadena. Written proteata Crom any or t he Bulol organl.uUon bu a 41>' tbe 11 property owners In the year rt'tord of aeblaw.ment In the Halecrut area wm he conaldered rubhc work• field. by the MeM Council at the mrf't· "Dralnalf' of the area hu bern In( Jan. 24. Should final approval t .. rm,d by 10me •a major problem' t>. -1ven the annexation, It will bt I t.ut our prelimina ry 1t11dy of the t h• third addition to the city llm· l11nd. plua m1r knowlf'd1e end u· lta alnce ea.ta Mua 111corpor•l•d. Easter Vacation Set as Planned by High School County datet1 hi nn pffnrt tn rt· lleve congeallon. A ciltun's committee hearted by Mayor Dora Hiii ~fore •ht> took Offlre U Mayor of th!: City nt Newport ~ach l"t'eently a.,ked th" 1chool• to change the ch11.ta b11ck to the tradlUonal Euter Week to colnelde with Lot! Ang«"ll'11 County. Orrl~1on Monday night by the Prime ruaon for the-rtqu,8t wu Nt wpC'lrt Harbor Union HI r h the problem of r11nn1ng local Behnol Boa)'rt or Truatttll to go l<'hool bu11e~ rturing thl' conRPAllon 11lnnir with Orange County Euur I period • vae111nn d•'l"llr will kt tp 1prtng ''Wt had lo go 11long "1th V8"1111on All ortginiill)'...J>lanned by Oranse County aehool1 tor our. l lk~I .chools. •poru 1ehedult," J~ Hamblet. :"rwJ"'rt Br 11, h 11choola, both vice-principal a t the high 11chool «!ltmenuuy Rnd hlJ h ..rhool1. R l explained. "Our board ftlt the-only t he vua11on l hl3 Ytar for Friday, way to &1''e thlt Idea a trial,'' he Apnl 8 throu11h April 11. Then..,., I Mid.' "11 to co along with tht new Umin~ ta an e>.penment on the I vaeaUon datn " rart ot local and Ora.nsr County I Thr element&ry 00.rd 1<&1d •ar· 1chool1 to •tar~tr Ea.at.er Wtek llrr It would follow the high vacaUon ""lh tht Loe Anrel~11 11Chool'a decl,lon F~nl Harbor Boys' Club Dance Of '55 for Young Set Sat11rday "l..et's eta.rt out the yur with a 11ew record" la the theme of th• ------------- n r11l lltVtnth &nd eighth &rr&de dance of the 19:'15 yrar to be held at the Harbor &>ys' Club Satur· .da~· night from 7·30 p m. to J J DEA TH NOTICE itoBEKT E. McCA&\'ILLE J!:L TORO (OCNSI -Gravealde Jl· m fone"1 •rvtcee for Ule la te Mar· In ordu to bytld up a eelecllon lne Capt. Robert Edmond McCar· ot danceble recon:le the commHlet ville will be conducled at Fort I of Hventh and eli hth &'nadua .tn Rroectane National Cemetery In h f ~ Dle10 at 10 a.m .• J an. li. c arc• 0 the dane• hu decreed Ht la 1Nrv1Ved by hi• ~renta. Ul&t the adrplaal\)n t.o lhe alf&Jr Mr. a.nd Mra. John It. McCarv111e. y.·lJJ be a nc~· record I 43 pr.tel" Monrovia : hl11 W\fe the former M'd l. AnY, M Vtnth or e!ghlh Jfl.d• Barb&ra J. Trempe and their two •ra ww be allowed but they mual llOfl&. Edmond and Br1an. or ell have 'a da~·no 1tar• wtll be pe?" Larupur Ave. milted lo a llf'l)d Tbo11e who faJI CapL Mc:Carv!Ue. aa. w .. kiUe~I lo find lime to purchue a re<:ord 1n11tanU1 on Dec. 1 whe_n hla PJ-2 will be cha rsed S l a couple and "Fury" Jt t f l&'hl•r. Interceptor I the money wtJJ be uaed to p\Jr· flamed out on a landtn1 attempt l chaae new record& · 1 •l Ule Naval Alr Station, At.rug! The admlMIOn fH 1mont'y or Japeo. He wu •l&Uoned at z:i re<'Ord ) will enUUe the couple t o Toro Marine Corpa Alr Ste Uon • rf'fn-ahmf'nta u well aa an e\'e-prior to overMU duly. • ning-of f\Jn paektd w1th danclnr . Th• nut of kin have u ta blllh· I table gamN , pool. ahutnebo•rd. ed a memort&J 1n the name or table tennl1 and televlalbn pttp-Capt. McCarvllle for Ule Carl Her-• Ing Special m tert.&lnment la be· vey School, 132~ E . Fourth Sl .. Ing llnf'd 11p by prognm chairman Se..nta Ana. f'a t Hf'JmholL Jim R~ll Wlll A Marlne aince S«!pl~mbf'r of,~ .,. n 1lt> nvtr the var1olla dance con· 1942, MCCarvllle wu a wtera11 or • t•i.I~ <'h•rlty TaylOT 11 In chars• morr the..n 108 combat m1u1on• nr ruhllrl! v end Uoyl'f Forti.me 11 rlunng World War U arvl the K o- 1a k1n1 C't re or norruhmenu . run conflict. I • ,. .... Thermometer OnJ or -.OW Can. . ilOr&ted Oil 'OL Tr. Ben,.ol.D._.:1 OL Compound Saccharin Tablet.-1000 !4 Cf. VITAMIN "c• 100 TABLETS -2& q . Similac Liquid M.t:TAL WASTE-8~p-oD Cam BASKET Rec. 1a . 99c ~xbury HOT W ATER BO TILE 98c Batllroorn ~-1..&0 MATS f'oun RollMr, AMtcl Coloni 117 ---~ .,,. i ~ Spwi&e.x X7IOD 69 I . , ';-.... HOSIERY -c • l•t QU&Uty ~ ~ IU Oa. 15 Dealer f l.!t va.loe • • • Palr ' GIANT SIZE -· - BBC JM« v.aa. -100 Ell\oftOpN ENVELOPES aes. •.,e27c AJAXcLEANSER F, "On• of UM U do Sbope" 3461 Via Udo, Newport leach Thurs. HARBOR DRUGS 3301 L Coast HH)hway, Corona clel Mar Fri. Sat. Jae. IAL19A DRUGS 716 I. lalboa llvd., lalboa ~ ICE -CREAM "'OLD FAalDON" IULK STYLE . . . . ~ ~ HAND PACK .... HAND PACK ...... ... CONES Ciif1f Rif-.. ....... • .... 59c if 0iil0UND DROPS ~:: 10c CiioCOu"'fEs " .... --..,K w · l.16 al&e . '2'° . •1• •1 .. Clea...n u o .a. . . Cheramy Sld11 !:'!:ae . . . '1 eo D•lany Hand and~ ~~·1 00 Cara Nome Hand Cream 1116 63 ' 1.60 nlae . . . 1.t6 value . . . R•bensteln Rea. 1.00 value •~M r..tni'e• Rormoae Twt•• . . ;I a.,.90lda Wr.p FOIL n .. ~u· .. ~ . lk • . . . . . . . scon TOILIT nssur aes. scon PAPU TOWELS . ZIE PAPER NAPKINS ~ •. l lc KUENIX aoo·. -w . 11c SAIAN WRAP u n. • . . . . . . ' . . . 17f . .. 9' 2 for 25f . . . 10' 11~ 29f 13·14-15 leap -CJe....a BOWLS ··--... Uo • Cookie oi- JARS. e .. tw1c* Patun ... 'lk •••••••• 59c Polll& Dot RANGE SETS .. ,. Ne • 69c , Costume Jewelry ' ..... $1.0056! I Vall•. 7- Vets DOG FOOD 6 loY 35~ liquor Specials AT UDO Al\l'D BALBOA 81'01lES O!li"'Ll' SILVER RIPPLE Rea. 1.111 'f 1 TWIN OAKS R--a. 3.H 3s1 SHADY GROVE ""a· UI 2•1 HCHJrGftJI 1 Crown .K6.8 Proof Fifth * ~ ....... T""=cr- \ .. • I , .. Apl!fO_ve . Mesa Variance ·on New School NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 3 THURSDAY, JANUARY iJ, 1955 :?.":'. .:~: •. ~·=~=';4..:'. c ~F c ·FUNDS Murdy, Stanley Go Into Fast :.::~~ ~a:iff:£ :: ~ l•s ::::::n~= Action In . State L . ....tstn.n.e ;:;;~ .•. °:"LlodoaM.~ar.kye~l:§ DHiECT-TAX EASTER WEEK t.en tt. clearance and would not for th• benefit ot th• city ah.all be ..,..1 UIJll _ ._.,..,.. 1 PXtend forward of the property limited to the aum' of 1~.000 an-lltate repruen~t1ve1 from lb• tb«9 permlttlnc uae of rMt&r and tomorrow from 10 a..m. c.a..._. tr-,,_ ..... 0-ttaaecl "-,,,.. .... · line. nually. Barbor .,_ went Into fut 1911• •'fi4ence ID proeecpt1n1 apeeden. She reminded votera that rep apection by me111ben Of• ba. ftN Advt.Md l\ealt.or Neal J. M.artln SecUon 2. Thia ordi.nallce ah&ll Al.lo llltroduoed wu a btll by t.ratlona for the fortbcomln• cttv menta ln e&CMa Ot 2000 puptla Ul and poUc. department• ud any latlve acU!>ft lh1a aeuton. # • 1 --.. ~1 -'··t .,. ti al a variance requ.t. tor location of become etfecUve only la the ev.nt Vincent 'nsomu, San l'edro, allo-elec:iUon of aeven new councilmen one ,.......,., ...-. an ..... uca ·on • etate or county law t'nforcement A variance waa approved by the neVi Meta po1t office at Santa that the tot.al vot. caai ln favor of A bW by &ma.tor John Murdy c&tin&' 60 par cent ot Ud.elanda oil and t~ ordinancN wUI cloN Jan. ly undealrable and that ~tnmely apncy. Coata M.lM City Plan.ntng Com· Ana and Ol"IJ\&'e Avea. on 18th tbia ord1¥"ce lhall -"eed the to-wu tll• tint ona approved by Uaa rev1n11.. to the atate'a 1enera1 20. Voters aao may rectltered at bad eoctal an• dladpllnary condl· • Multiple rent.a.I unlta4 11letng al· rnlaelon Monday ,nlcl\t for con.atruc· St. woUJd prdbably be turned tal vot.e_eut 111 favor ot Ordlnanu St.ate 8enat.e. It t. one enabllnC tund, la par cent to at&t.e beadlM U\' city cler1t'1 ottt~. dty hall. Uona would ruult. He, eaUmated read.)' llcenlledl are ~eluded wbel'9 tlon of a new l(lt\ool at lllth St. down. even lf ti• wu 'awarded the A eubmltted conctanntly he,.._ <>raqe County to pl&ce lta $30 and 215 per cant t.o .tat. parka. tuch &chool enrollment here wtll lh"'Y ~ooal1t or thl'ff or more 11 ... and Ban~ Ana Aw .. Coat& Meaa. bWbe lnteoda to wbmtt the poltal With." million flood control bond 1.-ue on 8enator Murdy bu ~ named '-~ch ·the 4(IOO mark In UI• next· In&' quartera. _ by lbe Newport Bffch Elementary department 00 the property. TM paUUona were ctrcul&t.ed by ballot. vtca-chalnnan of the et.anding HUda Ret"'JI"' ten ytar1. Nnona vlolaUnc aey -provt.ion 8chool Dtatrlct. The Newport · Newport BeaCh Taxpa.yera Aaao-Bille lnt.ioduced 1n the lower commJttee on apicUltur.. He will Mn. Edward w. wat.klna hu The old Santa Ana Anny Air ot the ordlnanet> lhall be guUty or lkaeh School Dtatr1ct ovarlape ln· , ~ daUon ot which w~ C&ldar-bouM TUuda,y Included .a me&l\lr'9 ai.o aarve 011 th• labor ud water 1Ubm1tted her realcnaUon u Bal· Bue alte la no k>D£U dealred by a mlad•mea.nor, cor1v1ctlon of to Co1ta Mau·· city llmlta. County· Bond head, Corolla del K&r, t• pJWl~ut. by Earl 'fl. St.anl•y and to co-&U• l'MOW'Ce9 OOQU11Jtteea, U\11 y~r. ' boa Iala.nd poet.muter, affective the NortJI American AYlatlOll which ab&ll be punl1llabl• by a fin• Jhe comm1u1on rtqul.red .,that March 1, llhe hu announced: Corp .. for th• manufacture of jet ot not mon lb.an iso or by Im• the dU.trtct provide curb• and pt-• 1 • 1 alon &peed to Inform Coet.a 11 .. Named actlnr poat.maater April 1, enc1n• and aho\lld be returned to rtaonmtnt In Ja.11 of not more ten tY1nr Into exl•Un1 pavemen~ Issue Gets MANTZ YEftas Comm1ss·10· n Clt,y Co\lllcil by ~tt.er that a pro-1949, ahe received her permanent federal •uriilua, the hlgb ac!l.ool An 11x montha or by both. -. In otber action•. tli" Mua city U poaed 11Ui.tib.lte rwoQjng plan appolntmen~ Oct. 1, 1949. She hu board hu detennlned. The appll· NOi FINE oa IAIL plannen: and map would. tlOOD. be iubmltted. been with ·the· post ornce for 13 cation ot the hlcb echoolt made "lla~h ~ch ""'r&on ahall he Approved a bulldlnr vart.ance for Coataaaed t..-l"lnt .... D 1 M yeare , March II, 19M, would thaa oecome ..- Phil J Ell b k 320 w s Ok en es esa Reuona tor denSal of the ortctn· . ·tfecUve and the ~ocal dlltrtct ty of a aepuate offezlM for Coaet Highway. at 18"4 Newport were na ....,. a ·~• ~rac al applicatton were J1ven by · · 4. No overall plan ha1 been eub-would be tn line for •&Tant. pro-~ t.lld e•ery-~y durinc any me-r . ,. er rof\ • • ·f@te ' • ay b..__. 111 .. _ .... _ • t E L g ..._ . Blvd. buUdinr In county temtory near Pattereon, who moved the denial mltted for Improvement of lhla vtdlnc no othy federal acency 0 . portion qf whkh any \'lolatJon of ~nled • bu1ld1n1 van&nce re· lru!lerton; Ph.llllpe, arreeted in hi• R i . Pl , They ware: dl1trlct. . • • erta a priority. any prov111on of thl.t! ordinance la queated by Dave.,.Galloway. 189 Acting Governor Harold J. com1:1°1eri:lat 1arage, Brea, Tuelday ezon ng an_ 1. The DOJ't.b aide of the at.reel 6. Need tor expandlnc the com· ALTE&NATIJ ~E commuted, conunued, or pa°rmlt• • Walnut Placl'. f . Powers •icned Senate Bill 20 by at 6:).6 p.m. • loll uw of l.nauffl.cient depth tor merclal uea la queattonable tn•tbts In regaro to an alternate ltte, te4 by auch penon and &hall be ' Okayed c. H. McVay'1 variance Senator John ~· Murdy \May. The Until all men were booked, d~velopment of• ,.odem bulineaa area. Truateea Hadd Rtnr and Don punJallable accordingly." blll provldu that the bo1ud of grilled by lnveatlgator1 and ~di-Coat& Kea City Plannln&' Com· dlatrtct. • . &. The deaire of a mtnorlty group Dungan were appointed u a com-The ordinance takea precedence 11upervlaora may call a new elec-Uonal work to recover Kantz be-mi.Son Mood&y ntpt denied lha I 2. Rea.r acceea to the eouth aide for 11nanC1al gain doe• not ju1t.lty mlttee to negouate with the Vard over other local law• of luaer tt· T 00 Late . to Be lion on a bond IS1Ue for the. longing• wu well along, the c~ long d.ebated lltb Bt. ruoa1ng ap· !JI not plaueible without heavy con· erratic zdning. Company, George Capron and the atrtcUon upon person•, premt11ea or Or&nge Coµnty Flood Contror Dis-wu kept under-wraps. pllcaUon to chan&'• trom an R_. 4emnatl011. , Th& motion waa aecondtd by Irvine Company. This will deter-personal property. Classlflecl trlct. "We talked ·to l~da ot people reetdantlal dJetrict to a C-1 busl· 1 3. Abutmeat to reatdentlal di.-Barney Jl'rc.ncque. Th• vote wu mlne It there will be a voluntary ------------The legllll.atlon had to be pa.&111· but holding off th~ arreat11. un-neaa dialrlct. trict can only lead to a deprecl&-6-11 with Art M)'en cutlrlg the otter ot auillclent, 1ultabl• land The boud warned, thl1 may lat.er tl1 1>ecau1e there was 11ome money tll we were able to find more At the aame tbne. the c:ommls-Uon in thla d11lrlct. dlaaentlng ballot. without ni<:eutty of condamnatlon. become necuaary. ft-Lotiit aad Found tett tn,a fund from a previous bond physical evidence lmpllca tlnc the • • _. ___ _ -------------luue but not enough to accom· 11u11pect11," McManigal aald.' Hopea LOST: 6 mo. old male dark tiger pllsh projects planned. The blll are high to make full recovery of 1trtped kitten. Child'• pet. Call permlll utilization of former funds Mantz' guns. Soma of the jewel. Har. 0483-J a!l~r 6 99c u well u those to be voled. ry_ hP been broken up and etonea Z9-·tle12 W&;.n_ted ____ _ FIRST BILL &re m1ssl.ng, McMantga.l Mid. Ol'T OF STATE Becret&ry to Vice Prelldent Or· ance Cout Collere. Must be accurate typist; fast accurate dictation. Starting aalary 1260 month. Apply In penion Imme· dtately tn bualncaa ofnca or Col· lege off Fairview Ave.. Costa Meaa. 99c2 Tht. wu th~ first bill to cle~r the lec1•1ature and µ, be signed In aome instances, Mantz' be· by the acting J'OVe mor. longings hllve been taken out o1 Auembly LeRDy Lyon and state and u far north u San Earl W. Stanley both auJded the Franclaco, he added. bill on It.a puaage through the So f&r u the burglary, the lower houae. three auapeeta admit bru.k1fll' ~ front door or the Mantz former Under the flood control act u home al 301 l!lut Bay Fron~ then It eJtisu.d pr1or to thla bill' the law ransacking the. place ln from 30 provide• that whenever bonds had to 60 mlnutea of eome of hi. moat SO--MJeoellepeoQ9 for Sale ~n laeued and the proceeda there· prized po~aatona. Alter the burg· . ot expended. then the \>O&rd or SU· la u •• ld hi h d LEAVING FOR HONOLULU!-pervillora might by a tour-!l!tha ry' , .• an .... ao II .,ome, move Will sacrifice $&000 Na.tural vote determine that another bond to hls· locally moored mot.or uil- Ranch Mink coat,. vt>ry dark. li.aue waa needed u provided In Ing yacht, Pcz Eapada. Presently, Luxurlou1, tun lengt h. $2:!00. the act. The situation in the dill· h.e 11 overaeaa maklng motion pie· Har. 3029-J. 99<:2 trlct of Orange Co,unty wai that turea In which he dou the h11z· ardou11 flying for which he Ill fam· HOYT 20 gal. automaUc water a $2,:l-00,000 laaue of 1937 for the ous. heater . gnod ron<'lltlon, $16. ,.Pr:&do Duin project and others Following aeverat hour&' lnten· Ll 8·20t2. 99<:2 contemP.lated federal participation slve Interrogation, McManlgal and and part of the w.ork wu com-Johnson aa.td the three · burglar plet.ed. Rou&'hlY $300,000 of the suspects athn1tted breaking tn the bond luue remained unexpended. home, sayinr they had been drink. S DBL. HOLLYWOOD BICDS, box aprtnca • mattreu. Like new. Har. 3110·J. 99<:2 SUM INADEQU.\Tr.i Ing, were Ju.t drlvlng around the ,That aum cannot be apent be-Harbor, t.ryinr to find a party, cawie the amount ta ln&deqoate to then found lhem.aelv" ln Mani,%' complete the remaining project11. home c•rryiJ)I' out loot. ' Costs of work and lack of federal PLACENTIA BIDE-OUT tunda for partlclpaUon account Onoe they bad pac.Jled the good• llH 1 CHEVROLET club coupe. tor the shortage. out of hia home, they drove Good t.ramportatlon, 1100. 2112 The fund wu frozen thertfore around In one o! the Hansens' l!lhall, Corona del Mar IChlna &11d legialatlon had to be J>U4ed can, then went to Pl.acen\J& where Con) Harbor 3•2T·W t9C pemlltUn&' th•, ~ounty to ca.JI bond ,they hid It in an undlacloeed •pot. elecUon to ausment the monlH they told poUce. They "spUt the and oomplet.e their projKb. atuft," McM'.anlpl a&id, with • EA.BTENER'S ATl'ENTION! Suif Filed 01t Mesa Builden for S67D N~ Beed!, f\lJa. 2 bdrm. apt.. • UUI. A: pr. tncluded. Jard. A.vallabla till June 20. Liberty IJ.1~. 99ttc COMPLETELY FUR!'\ modem 1 A: 2 bdrm. apU. Utll pt!. $~ month or $111 wk. IZO Agate. Balboa bland. Har. 11111 99c2 ~B-llomes for Keat Alleg1ng they were unpaid for work dOlle on a.n Orange County 1111bd1vi.ton, L. J , Marich and RUii· sell Moore today. brought 1u1t a- COMPl.:.l!:TELY .l Newly tymillh· p!nat Meu Bullden and Eqn'lp· f'd 2 bedrm. bouae. 713 Poppy. ment Co. and Garden Grove E&- Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor tates tor $6728 In Superior Court. 6t30 or Harbor l lM·R 99<:2 The p.lalntiff'-'dotng bualnese u ------------Mulch-Moore Conatrucllon Co., claim they tumlabed mat.erlala a.nd performed work o.n foundaUona of P'URNISHED 2 bedrnu. A: ahower. a 69-bulldlng tract er~ted by the private entrance. B&Jboa. UnW defenda11t11. 1'\lne 16th. H9.r. 3264-W 99c1 The ;-Jatntltf11, 1111bcontractora In the tract. aay they ent.e~d Into M-Bualaeea OpoortuDJU. an agree.ment with the de' idants ---------~-----April 1, 19114. They cla im they CORONA DEL MAR need&.. a have upheld 'their end o! the bar· BAKERY. 1 have the loca-gain, but the deJtndantJI havtn't. I They ask foreclosure of a mech· tion. Call LI 8·6864. ~c5 an1c'1 lien on the subdivision. OPEN HOUSE . 1201 Cliff Dr., Cliff Haven Friday. Saturday 81. Su'nday 3 bedroom home. 11·:: baths. on nicely landscaped partial Bay \'iew lot 66 x 110. Large living room, fi replact". natural breakfast bar & kitchen with cov. ered view porch. Near high school & Jr. high school. Price $24,950 Good FinS'Tlcing SEt THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway Newport. Beach Liberty 8-3481 COSTA MESA 4. ONLY - 3 Bedrms.· Contemporary by Cliff May . , Move right in, $11.225 fu11 price No down to Vets $57.68 per. month. principal & interest Built-in Stove Ir Oven Forced Air Heat Fenced Patio MANY OTHER FEATURES .. SEE THEM THIS WEEK E~l)! on Center and Pomona St., Costa Mesa (Just off Newport Blvd.) GEO. M. HOLSTEIN & SONS, Bl'ILDERS Coat.a Meaa 'PrtnU &dmJtting he t.ooX mo.t ot the guna while the Hanaena re- ceived the balance. Ourllll led them to hll mother'• home~n Placentia where officer• rec~rl'd a quantity of jewelry and wat.chtll hidden there. While Phllllp11 wa11 Involved In the rl'ct'nt • trial on rlece1v1ng stolen gooda. Mc.Manipl &aid, he turned ovet a .300 Magnum rifle to off\ce1'8, •Y· In&' he bought It from a man he didn't know and h&d seen only t-wiee and not amc. the purchaae. The gun laltr wu Identified , by M&nti. MANTZ IDENTlnU When Print.I wu plcl<ed up ty V&n Nuya police who found Ule run In h.11 poclcet. thi. subsequent, ly wu Identified by Mants'1 aon, McManlgal a&ld. )la.t of Manta' clothln( hu been dNtroyed,_Jle report~. Georte Chula, attorney, told Jo. cal police be will repreeent Printa. McM&lllCal Mid, whU• an AnaM&m 1awyer ll believed to be retaJ.ned by anotb.er 11U1pecl. Yea •.• It t.ela great to have .rrtOrWf i.tt after thopplngl Ira ttle f .. lln9 yov 9et when you 1hop at Sof-ay ••• be<auae. the Safeway folka pfi~ ev1ry item low f0t e~ry day. That'a why yov ha~ moftel!Jeft • · •. when you ahop Sofewayl 1Mt:~~~Btlcfr:lt~ES 29?\f. .. :\TASTE TELLS TOMAT.O JUICE ": 19' ,. . HIGHWAY GOLDEN CORN ~~~~~.m 12: l ·OC· MIRACLE WHIP~~~c:.~:SING n~i:,. --=•9' CINCH CAKE MIX 0o1~~1~~~~~. ·~~29' ··.··. :·:·:·:·· ·.. . -::·.~.:····. , .· ... :·:' .... · .. · ...... ,· .·· ... -~ . · ...... ·.~·· .. : .• ... ·. --·~.· :· . ·.· .. : .·· .···.· SHORTENING I SPRY SHORTENING . ..,........ ,... c • a.Ila. c I·::: 31· ~... -33 . -90& CHUNK TUNA lreoat o· Chicken. n 1111111111111u111n111n111111111111111rn1111n111n11111111111n1111111111in11111mm1111nnnnmnnnn11n1mwn11111nnn111n111111111m11111111m11111• .. c.,, .......... Nob Hiii Coffee :=; '..! 9« AirwlJ Coffee _ ~ '.! 92c Penllllll Coffee ~ ~ l9c Bd-tllr F..Owte F .... 'r•mium quality ot no extra COllf "Mixed Vegetlltles 2:: 27c Pus ind Clnots 2:: 27c Frend fried Pot1toes 2:.; i7c Fhw hfsi• P"4•da Montrose Butter =..~ .. 77,c U.S. uniA,d Gtacle AA. Homogenized Milk :2lic Lucerne, Gtacle A. Concentnted Milk .= jl!c Clliclrellt ·frr frieaaee FRESH LOCAL 3 5c Evi1cerated.Cut-up. t. VEAL Rolls frozen,t~•'Y· t 45c . SLICED BACONf::::::~~kshlre .• · 4ftc Wllt0n'1 Corn King. • T . SKINLESS FRANKFURTERS s~:e:;~ ~~~ 45' ND BEEF Viilcin9 pack. 39c GROU Top• ii\ quality. •· BEEF tof\ele11 br11ket, 49c CORNED With "'ild cvre. Ila. f'sh 'ti k c.,.o.a .. ·,o.o1ce 39c I :J C S •·-'.4 , ..... ,... CHUCK ROAST TORPlDO TUNA chunk .ryi.: ...._ 25c flaky light meet. .. . ' ~Nif C1il'ff S¢ DEVILS FOOD LA YU CAKE Curby..,.._, IHCIA&. c.c.-t freltecl. 65c "Homelft9P'Ml'-t"' 1Mi6redl0.M,..,lfy ~with rich cec....,.. ....,.,. iwtc.,7~ Deep fry S111116ems . ~~ 1 Oc Deep fry Supr Donuts :!:: 2Jc Deep fry Crumb Donutst.: 2Sc Slndwidl Cremes "';:: 20c Jane Arden-Chocolole ~ Vol\llla. -Simi• Clleei·it ~ tk Pu1ut Chaten ~:; "'.: 39c BAND IOX ICE MILK Lucem•, eoch quart makea three quom of freah milk. L1'c.,-,.. riou '" locol mWc are4. ~ut• of USDA tholee beef. tound 4nc Seven bon• 4)' bone. Ila. 7 or blode. n.. loiHna Beel :;:.~.::.. .. 12c Short Ribs ~!°~~~ .... lte •· 19c A dellciova h.N· 39 froun deuer1. ...... C Strowberry, Vo"illo, Choeolote. CRISP SODA CRACKERS luay toktf brand. , ... 23' O.liclovaly dlfterwnt'. ..... GEBHARDT'S TAMALES With dllli aouee. 15~ .. z. 17' True Mexican flov0t. ftllt · HEINZ KETCHUP Made with Arlt-~~"..'. 19' to<rot 10,,.atoe1. mvYT>W GELATIN DESSERTS Jell Well. ~ -3 19c Au't flovora. . ,.k1a. CAMPIRl'S SOUPS v-.1ab1. 0(2 10% .. L 25c V99etarion. anti .;;;;;~~. !i!~-~ ..... 33' ~59 I WHM KING SOAP 1=29c ~::57' SURF DETERGENT , ...... 29c .o..a. 58' "'•· '"•· LUNCH BOX SPREAD _,_ ,o11.wrap. ,_...27' YBANK MARGARINE Gold•" cube•· """ SUN~ .... nn.........,nlt 10<-oftcoupOtl-. llnetable 12-eL4At Wer•"""""" ::-~. YRUP P ~·y· SLEEPY Hw.LOW S t;i:~~. ~25' KITCHEN CRAFT FLOU~ES wh~~ '°'°l39' STRAWBERRY PRE.SER H M~:·;~,.., ..... 29' LI.BY CORNED BEEF HAS 1(:;1c,:;_1. ,:;23' RITE W AXED PAPER ~avor·''"h. .... CUT· -. ..... 29' -....51' PARADE DETERGENT foam~~. loll•• :!:. 2 - TOILET TISSUE ,lnlc., White, April Yellow. :::::. 1U • "Stort outthe Hew °'9!'' · ... 85' DGET •ROOMS ... 1.h a''"" _ .. pi IU . Male.et houaehold chofll 3 '!9..!' 25' RIK IAK .. CLEANSIR eotleron~::•rl c ,~ .. ~.,, COLGATE TOOTH PAST! • .-63 ~=tA9 MODISS· NAPKINS ... ,, .... 39' •• ..... 11111m111111111111111111111111mm1111111~111111111111m111m1111mrn11111111111111111111111111111m11111m1~111~111m~11m111mmri ~~-, ~ Arinta GNpetnl~ I A NJ OU PEARS OHGON GROWN. I 0 0~)lcoOV> f1ovor, lb c _ Juicy o"d l"'l!OIY • PIPPIN APPLES Col.fornoo 11rown. · 6C UM '" p•H & souce a .•• Ntm ROM }US.. flt .. UT .. JUUAIT fl. U, 1S. 19SS. Al UftW&Y STOIU ,1• • .nm AIU. (Thru Sundty in Slore1 open Slind1y) l .. ht .. f~ ,..,...., Me ......... ..,, let.t te• t••-~-.d Ol't to .. obi. ti••• STOii HOUIS DU1J I a.m. lo Ip.& ( ll'rtdq tll ..... ) . SuclaJ ...... '° ... .. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa-Mesa PLENTY OF PAiKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT • • 1 ... . .1 I · . • ·f:xcepl. (}overnmltnl • 'Wlial !JI ,, PA61.4 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR f'o'EWS.P.RESS "God grant us the. Mrenity to eccept the thingi wrcennot chooge; the courage to change the things we can en~ the Nisdom to know the difference.'' (A . .A.non .) ED IT o ·R I AL S On Keeping Records Public Freedom of lnform&Uon bills will be prwnted at thll .-loll of your state legialature. A meuure, AB 27, by Amemblyman rr.nk Luckel, San Diego, would make It a mJ..c:leme&nor punilhatile by not more than . IMO fine for any pubUc offici.ala, state or' local, to re- fu.e a cltJsen'• reqUMt to inapect any public record.41t U.O dectare. any cltisen'a right to Me 8\lPh recorda un- i.a they have been declared confidential by~"· ·' Now thJ.a ii a worthy )>iece of legialation in any lecialatJve chamber. But we can't understand why it ahould be neceeaary: •To ua, reared in the American tradition that public recorda are jUlit that and open to any citisena, it eeema a ud commentary that we muat keep re-a.ffirming o ur righta u ctt.Uena. With the Connitut!on of the United ~tat.M, plu., tho.e of the aeveral atatea, &f OUT guid~ •. lt'hY abould au~h meaauru be needed! i' , Partly, we think, it la becauae our nation, our state, COUJ)\y ·and. city over the yeara have been infiltrated by 1polltlciana ~~o thia.k they know what's beat tor you and me -how much we ahould be told,'when and h ow. Thia, of courae, i.a the most dangeroua type of thinkin(. ~ public'• right to know is as vital u free. d oJJl of •or*hip, f~om of speech o r the preae. They· lie! Why ahouldn't purchase of real eetate deala be public when publit monies are committed in the-aalea ! Normally, hiring and firing of b~ineu pel'80nnel i11 private. But we can see where hiring and firing of 11tate employee& might well need tQ be done in public aesalon, particularly when employment of state w orkers ia a matter of getting the beat persons for the job and . when their diamiuals are a matter of politic•. As to real estate deals by tTre state, i~ccn be argued th.ere is n o reuon to Jet private land or building own· e ra ~ in advance where' state agen~ies will buy or how much 'lest the o neA to benefit be iempted to raiae their prices. T~e state still can condemn real eat.ate and usually obtain it at a fajr price. We call to m ind recent newestories in which pri· vate interests have been flayed for their deals on office buildings with the stat~. Had the deala been made in "--,mblic sesaion where ob jectiona could have been made promptly, the state would not be faced ~eara later w ith red-faced attempt.a at explaining why t oo much m one y wa.e apent the wrong way. There is no tea.eon why public businesa generally cannot be transacted in the pure, clean air of open meet- ings. · Figures Prove Business Good • .Animca-RussW's Fruslr11li011 SCENE AT THE-CAP-1-T-Qb B'RUS-H COUNTRY J 0 URN AL :JaACE PARKER (S.. Not• -ftla eohml• bf Haraoe Pwker "111 dMI '"'* tile lttUe-lmoW'8 W.torbl ract. .. .._ freq ... ; ta Ill.la ..., tripe ....... llMJl C!H8lf7 Ill ,,__, ,. ....... , The early Califomiarut, Mexican and Indian. w ere among the greateat horsem en the world has ever known. Stories of their nroweu on horaebaclt are almost unbelievable. In '"ltie "Worthington letters" reposing in the Huntine\on Libr1try and written in the late 1870. and early 18808 about life a round Temecula hi a.n interell· .. ' lnJ puuce on Indian honeman-on h11 horM'. They op..1wd l(atM ahlp. · · from honteback, lhf'y iat.bJred Th111 lt'ller wa11 written by Dr. wood with a reata from ~ne• Worth In ton from Temecula on back : walk Ing wu a sin and no Sept. 4. '88I: "There wu :'a beau-wonder lhf'lr. attvph1ed leg m1111· tlful dl•play or hontemanahlp. The eltlll a.nd leg1 tnok (\n the tor,m ••t youn'c Indiana rode b&tt·baclc.. • -wlahbone. Jn Pullman. \\ a1111 . without bridle and aecmed able to In lhe early 1040a Wh«'n I "'"" do &Jmo•t anything. I threw • .sll· drlvlng tax.1cab lo iupport a '"'"" vtr dollar l~e aand _ aevera.l lly while I 1ltended ac:hool, we HI• wtty1 looked forward to the 111 rl• a tarted tor I ull tilt: one of them val r th Al c d I.JI f < • II· leaned over and caught It up with 0 e r • e rom " hit teeth. hlll horea al full 8 ed!" tom1a. For tradltlonally lhf' Call• pe fornlan 111 a rour walkf'r 1tnd t \l•'I\ .. BllLL YIG~T8 BRUTAL to<la y J have a car alway11 ha1111y Tht bull flghta were very dl11· even to 110 1 block or two -the gu1t1ng a.nd bru\&l. Three or four automobile hu rl"plactll1 lht• ho1 se lndlAn• "bare-back rode wild hor11ea, of the early Calif om Ian A hi.IC• bull wu let l~ Into tht' • ACTIO!ll PIVJ'URE corral and on one of hla horn• waa lied a S20 c old coin. The object My thrill 110me monlha b111•k wu to take It off. After Jnfurt-wu lo obtain an action plchm· 11t atlnc the animal wllh red 1hawl1 • pine played on horMb. I<. one ot lh<' "llidlana auddenly coda A-rain-the horae wu lhe 1 IC up to the bull and In makln1 a "equaliser" whue lhe lllll1· iwon arl all interlocked. -· I Plllll to catch the c old piece he became u &ood u the big nuin S"ACRAMEN'J!O (CNS) -An· Diego county. a former publ11her, mlued ·but not before the bull providing he could afford a i;:rn11I Continued healthy busineaa increa.ae in Orange other battle ln the CaU!ornla leg· haa Introduced. AB 18, which ban• had ripped open tht' Horae'• bowela horae a.nd ride him w••ll. Th1l4 lslatu,:. to &Mure freedom oC In· I 11ecrel met:'tlnp by any atate agtn· a.nd pll~hed both horM and rider came wu known aa the "roosl· r l · Yet iihce our nation w as founded, hundreds of po· Utica! office h olders have been caught in attempts to defraud the citiunry "Of ita right to in.Jpect public rec- ords. Complexitiea of our over-governed aociety have added red tape .by the thouunda of miles and hundreds of little bureauc rac ieJ1 ·-bave mushroomed to wind the tape according to their rules and regulation.a. County during the third quarter of 19M ia reported ~y. Including leglalatlve commit· hlch In the air. A cre•t ma.ny pull," and 11 Mexican In 01 li;:in. by California. St.ate formation to the people o.f thi..a tee,a ~'~~aa~~i.---0"11...ihlll7-•--tttllft'•~IP4~~~!JJl~!l.'.~~~-ru.c~.u....llo..-----I ~ .... ~-4l._!IW11&.1.l:LU.lr.A.i~J1-.M1~a~...-~_j.. ...... ...--~. p ~ 1 ' p .a~~~n I I t ._I I ... cl•UJ• and I •··~ch-.. (or t .. -corr~t "' -released. They show Orange County buainee.t, judged ·~e •• •n•uwa:c u wn.n me " • peraonne or rea u ate acqu • • ed or 11erlously Injured In theH ~~ ,..... '"" ~ 0 troductlon of eever&l bllla on the Uon. barbaro1.11 amuaemr nt.a." for week1. l got 1\Jch on"" .. ~: fro m taxable aalea reports, increa.aed 5 .93 per cent over iub]ect. Hegland'• bill 11 110mewhat aim· Thl• bull flfht waa held In tht Tocllndo el Oallo; Socko la Ga llo; t he third quarter of 1Q53. Uar to lt(l•latlon that orlglna.lly corral In back of the Pala Aal .. and Sacando el Gallo. Flnally lhn N ow thia might not look b ig by itaelf. But take a Ba~~~;!~m-= !';,:~~~:;I h~! wRaul propo1ed 8by A1Ut'mblyman tenf'la and t'yen today one may ~0a7t:~~ one cropped up: "Sac• 1111 Although we do not understand why such additional legialative aaleguarda u proposed by Assemblyman Lucke! a.bould be needed, we will support them aa they bulwuk our ri1bt to inspect our own public records. May they nner be cloeed ! look a t Loa Angel~ County, the viant marketin' g ·-a. 1 d Ula ph Brown. !Mia au1 County aee the rttmalna or lhe old adobe ..... e.-...... bll provl lnr t every citl&en at the 111" iualon. The provl· wall•. In brief the came wu 01111 A I t wa11 up only .97 per cent over the 1953 quarter under hae • rtpt to llllpect a.nd lake a .ion1 ln Brown·~ bill a111n1t ae· PRIDE lN ffANh!J rooiter or chicken wu burled in .. copy of a.ny public 111rr1tlnc. t1tctpt l •• In ,... the Mnd until only hla head .. 011 study. Orange County's taxable sales hike buaineu-wiae u olberwlM provided by atatute ere i ... te •cucy, meet C• were A• a kid In Te,mecula I can re· neck protruded. Then the hor"' .. wu exceed~ only by. 11 c ounties of the 59 countiea in IUld hi• new meawr-e hu added to :,"~::;.1~ut1t!:!1';,';!ci;e91~tp•~:~~ mt'mber the pride wlth which the men 1wtpl by and leaning u1 er C lif ' It a provta.lon in whlch a public .... l n<lt•n• and ce>Wpu.nehera held endeavored lo pull the roolter 011l a o m1a. ed before committee• beann1 the 110fl h•"... a.nd am&ll r~t. Moat b W ortlclal who reru ... to permit r.uch _.... n of the aand by hla neck. The ~ll('· Thi.a meana aomething to uainesamen. e are in meaaur-ea and prote1ted auch lawa. puncher• ot that e~a wore •lo~ea ln1pecUon 11 JUllly of a '1' ede· B h di .. cellalul "pul:er" received a ca~h the top brac ket of the s tate a nd the way Newport Har·• meanor. rown, owt'vtr, d 1ecure J>U· In order to keep tl\elr han~ cal· prir.e. 'Thi• wu a aeriou8 lfllui., Banning Secret Sµte ~eets 1age &nil had written Into la~ • tou• free-the mark of the bone· bor and the county are booming ahead, the outlook i.a PROVID&a PENALTY meuure prohlblllllJ' 1f'cret meet· man. Alao 1 have aeen them In the some ~ to 76 yeara ago and 11111..t1 t · 't In ol 1 a.l time waa epent In training th& Come. now Auemblyman Sheridan N . Hegland, La Meaa, with a bill before the 11tate legislature, N o. 18, which would ban aecret meetings of any state agency • including legialaUve committee. So far so good. or even vre ater acl.lv1 y. The otrenae on the nart of a · g• oc: governmt>nt 11gen· Bumham 1tore tryln• on ahoea. If o· r-1 h 1 ·-hor11e1 to run •lralght a nd tru& While busines11 was below the third quarter 1953 public ortlclal would be pun111haflle c ea, auc .. bo1.t rdll or l!uperv 110r• their feet Cit In • •lze 8 ahoe yw 110 that hla rider could lean ov .. r h th and city councils. could rut LUured they would try level in 39 counties, it w as a ead of at period in 19 by a fine not exceeding S~OO. • Brown Mid that during the blll lo rorce It Into • 7. I have •ttn and pu~~eEr~t;~wt:o counties. Napa County he ld t o p h onors with a 19.67 With lhl• added provision. thi• Introductory period of t~I• l!C!I· both Mr. Bumha.m a.nd puncher t · I• the Mme bill that Luckel In· Ill th h tll per cen increase. •Ion, h" wllt have rurther l••gl~I•· pu ng away •t e • oea un It's good news to all o f us that Orange County ia in troduced durlnc the 1963 ICll!<IOn. tion algng the 11ame llnes. lt I• they flni lly forced them on. Al But AB 18 al.lo would allow "executive 8e88ions'' ol auch a~cl• when they deat with the hiring and ltrfDa' of penoanel or tlM parchue of real enate. Which pa&Md the le&illature and hr walkt'fl out Of lhe atore he the van of progress. We had a g ood idea thia waa the wu pocket·veloed by then·govtr-hl«hly probable that the lt g11la· looked like a.n o•trlch walking on That Jut paragnLp h certainly bears acrut.iny. Why ahouldn't auch "executive eeuiona" be open to the pub- ca.e !1'9m1 other lndleationa but it'a alwaya pleaaant to nor l:&rt W&.l'ftll. WIUI Governor lion or thr three Hsemblymen will egg1. Within 24 hours.• a 1harp have our beliefs supported by official reco rds o f the Ooodwtn J. Knlrhl'• attitude to-be 1lmllar In 110me ln8t•ncu &nd knife had •lit the llhoe,a at •tl'1l· ward lrl'tdom of lnt'Ormallon, leg· ... t 11 t 1 1 l d th val 'pok slate which lifts them from b usineea tax return•. .,,a t\•entua y, th•'\' will t1tt to· 'It c po n • an e n e .. lalatoni have hope. that lln act or gether and work ,, 1 11n over-all could a l leut walk a round. WASHINGTON REPORT 87 Your~ .IAMF.S B. UTl' I 1hapu lhc mttrut1 a.n~uplrl· office addrua la Room 122, Old U.ons of every Al"Aencan." House Orflc4' Building. Your re- Llkf'wJ ,e. paragraph nine la an quuts. comment.a. and crlllcuom1 outatamhng dec l1r111on. Agatn I arc invited a t either place. Our quot<', becau11c lheae fundllmentala home phone he,re 11 Lincoln 3_..&4. are too important to be for gotten and the· office phone I• National !or ont' mlnutt> • &-3120. Robert Grier 111 1Ull my thlt type wlll become law this blll whk h wlll CO\•er every phue Y'•t' Knight ht • announced that or Ule l!ubJect. he favon • free now or lnforma· lion to lhe public and that hi' admlnlatl'atlon wlll "' conduc;led r on a "11how·ca1e" basu1 A11aemblyman Sheridan K Heg- land, La )~. alllO · from Sa.n L The Bt&le of ti'• Union mHMft rupondvil.I. but that 1• no excui.e. •It 111 not .. 1tru(;gle merely Eitecullve Sccrtt&ry, a.nd Ml'•. Ann wu dellnred on the •lxth of Perhap1 they like to 9how their of el·onomlc theonu, or of form11 Wovdward rema1n1 •• Office 8f'c· H A R B o R January. Moll Of you have rod lnde~dence •nd Immunity 1" of governmf'nt, or or rmlltary retar~·. The rest of lhe office stllff aitcetpta trom ll 11nd commentariu civil courtuy. However, lbt'y do pow .. r. Al liuoue 111 the true nnt11r.-mcludeio Mn1. Jean Broadley llnd upon 11: However, It ahould not no honor to lht'maelvea a.nd du•· uf ma.n. Either man 11 the creature Mrs. Dolly t;oker. They are 811 1ttm loo repetlUou• If I gl•e 110me credit the crart of whh:h they llr" whom thr PMlml1l dt·11C'n bed ss hll(hly trained and ettlclent. ind H I L I T E S ..-rl!On&I l1npreHlon1. members. 1 do not alway11 a1e ree 1 h 1 r-'a ll tll" ow.-r lhan t e a ng•· s: join me in invlUng you to v11lt ua It la •lwaya a hl&h •point of lht with tht new Speaker of l he House, crown.-.J wl.th 'g1ory and honor. 11n<1 to &vall yourselve11 of thP fllcl· _.,. ___________ _ N .. lon. The v111tor1' aallerlu are Mr 'Sam Rsybllrn. but 1 ho~ 1 hold1n1e '(fom1nlo11 oveor the work:i' 1tt1es ()( the orfkt'. (... fty PATTIE RF.TMJl:JC full Ions before the hour. The pr.111 sha ll ttlwayi1 gl\'e him thf' r··~fl•'rt o ( his CtN•Lo1. OR man " a MJUI· 1 whl h h a th rr "" h hol<I Wedne1tdllr wu lht openini: r111y. I 1t•lln:y la overflowing. Mr•. EIMn· 1 ° 1' ' •n 11 0 1 11 9 1 .. 11~. 11nin1lltt'd mnch1ne lo be t ll· an<I the orgamution of Conit rl'M On Jan. 3, Zeta had It'• fi rst' • ti'nwer and M.ra. Nliton all In lht srt «'ntltled slav••ol ""t'd 1rnd con11urn\'d by th\' Wllll in accordanre with the ele<'· 1 meetlnir or the year, In which they Wut Oallery and 11,..w rnat •P· I As lo the mt811Ai;e l t~lf. Th" 8tRle ror 111 own 1tlon ru:11tton " I ion n•tum" or 11,.t Nt)v 2 N,.w vol<'d In ntw members. The lucky plauM upon entering. Mra. Joh.n P~Mldent 11howed a keener lru<11tht l.l'tH un J quvt.: fur 1 hl'r· "V l C'hlltr"lll''n ,,..111 t1tke over •II com· 1t•rh1 are· J udi H11rrl1 and Lynn E111entiower aita with her ra mout Into thl' eco.nomlc and poht1C'al the ~cneral 1100<1 11 .. our yardi!ttt•k mltteel!, which will have a ma-Schnackt'r Conirratulatlons! mother·ln•\(V•'. The aml>auador• life of lhle country than he did nn .. vny grt'lll lsllUP ur 011r lime " 't f f fl 0 i::ongratulllllons are shin 1n· lfrd-rtle under a 1trl!'t ordrr ot pro-two Y"Ara 100, H is m1htar)· con· Jor , Y 0 rom onr tn ve rnto· " Huwrvr1 . you • Ann nt .t•·n1111nc •' r i at on •a h Thf \\' 1 l'r to J8hen Grr t'n, J oye Ville, t~ot to rank. Ukewl11t, lhr CAbln· 1crnt, 11r courAr, 111 alw11y11 exrrp-, ' c ' 8 Yll ant ·~ ,, J1<lal1'm 11nd lh,.n 1r~omm1·nd 1!'141~-"I n~ (.' 111 111 .. 1 l .. ynn Mar F'arland. and Lynn St.at· et with Lhe Secretary of State t1onal HI" mesaage w"" a blue-"' .-i; • <>moi t'i' w uror tVP ll\tlnn th11 t ln·I~ 1111 t'clly lo It. Yn11 R• r bl csn d t.ak to llll I( ford. The~ 1tlrl1 are lhr new mem· flnt anrl Mra. Hobby, Sec,...tary print or 11pedal meS118gU to fol-ca.nnnt •lr noum C' "'K 181111m 8 n,1 u 1 11 an " un t bl'no of Lurs Kt •• of Jan. •· 0, H•all h, .... u•a tlon. a.nd \\l•Uare I low He laid do,.·n M>me funrla· '"'" 0 • mocrnt.. A11 I WA.o 11mon1? ~ ""' ' ' lllOPO"" •(H 11th~t•I" p1oicraml'I. You th I t (I I 111 h I.. Pl I II h GI •··t. •• tha t w•• the tu t "·b1nrt mf'nlal conc,.pt1 which are not de· " I\.• ''e. w not 0 " mv •Y ng • t " OMJ1n&I enn ...., --...-I \'llnnol 1 • • •JrrTTll"llll • •Nperntoon be· a,,.a.1....., t lh c tt b l .M II rd t .... h ""•h Off'~ c-at•". A ·~uon 11 rt ~--b11table. 11nd hr ffl JJome •oal1 to· ., .. men on ui nmmt et. 11 f 1 er Tt'CO 8 • 'V"' ome o...,. e ~-• • '" .,~ ~· • .. tWl"•'n llw F.'" • 11L1 vr 11nd Legish•· t t t l (" J .. J h Hirth ~ tor Ult Sen1lora and at 12:30 wart1 "':hlch .,. •U ''""h to move eXpt'f' e re um ln 1 11 • W>On II-OOp('r11 •n ·• """~ " lln . live b111nrhr11 111 u11r govemmPnl. thl'r .. 110 a vnr11nry 11.11 J hold my Patt1e R,.tmler, Pat R1lrh1~ Ann p.m. Ult Pruident ll ocort~ In to Some or tht' evrnuu by whlrh 11nd tn('n prupo:oe lt'g11lat1on tt11•t 111emnnty nn thr C'omm1ttee not-Stewart. Chuck F'rl1k, J ohn Coop- the Chamber by thr"e ra.nklng thf's,. rn&I• l!hoult:I be rrached ar .. wlluld dtstru.) \ht ~i:uslatJ,·e w1~11;o:1anrttn, • t .. mror11ry ...-t1r•e ier •nd Sam conp.-Y Tlll'V wert ill . mtmbfrt or f lrll ROU~ Vl~e· at-nl111ltnt With th!' fund"mt'n· brllni h u ( thl\l ~uve1nnwnt Eal'h . C'Plt>brallnic lhf' fa• t thal M1"11. ALL ON HORSES The early C'1111fomlan never movl"d without fir111 swlnglnf up • For yean now the game 11111' bttn "pu!lawed" and IJlt'Kal. Uwn IK'Cu lon ll II revived Wllnit a knot. ted rope •• the rooater'11 n"<'k nul for 11ome reaaol<! the old vim •1r playing With ari lnanlmate '"I'• lnatead of a live rooater h1111 th~· appeared. Tht. apln ll1 oor .. r thou b""' naahea into Ca11fo11w~ yesleryeara. touch. excllln& rind ea.rlhy -but out of up with prl'll<"nt·<fay llvlnc anrl phlloaorhy. ' - Pr••ldent Nixon ta.ku hi• po111t1on t 11rl for1h Th,.~ I llhall di•· n( thek 1nconi1111tt nf'11·11 was ap-C O~UllTTf:Y. HOPP:~ Cooper recelvt'd a nr·w ht·flilrllty be111lde the SpHkn nf the Ho "" 11t llOme lt>n11h a11 th" llJtt'<'llll pllr•·nl UJll'" clfls•· "x11mln1llon. a nd r 11hall !leek 11.n a~l~ment t)n thl' record player RF..8P'ECT LAC'IUSU """81C"11 comt lllong. l 11hall del&I with ,.llCh a11 thf' J1pec· Al"f"lcultutal Commtttl'I', h<iwtvf'r ,.. Carol Doan .. lnvttP\J Hc:ime uf hf'r At lhl• point I cllnnol rrtr111n A,,.,F,fUCASll'lM' 1111 meAA11~,.,. r om•· alnn11: th11t """"'" l'f'mote 111 J 11ee no from maklnr what I N>naldrr • 1 1 ·rhe 11Pcond para1traph or thr f>EK~OSAL fTP:MM v11c11ncy at prPs•'nl, Ag riculturr frlendi1 onr J an. !'I for a voll,.ybllll ju.tttned crtllclam of 90me of the rr.-~1dent'11 muaag<' llhc>ulil never I As th111 1~ my r1rat rf'port on thr Is a rouirh a1t11l gnment for any I gamt. A flrr th,. 1i•m,.. Lhry all ptt•L It I• limited to not more be ovf'rlooked. llnd J quote It: new 11rlll!ion or Congnu, 1 "houlrt C'11llrornllll1. bec1111.se that Commit· I enjoyed tacoi1. Thoiol' Po ting Wl'rl': SAC.\ DE OALLO-Fut run down Main St., T e m ecula. about 1904 drew mloy onlook· era u F emAld phot ograph of race for pou ltry head proves . Practice late r wu mod· i!ied to prevent cruelty t o animal•. tha.n 10 rw.r cent. but c••t• • r,.. "At the ouU!et. 1 .. _ll•v• It , brlnO' .YOU up to dB!P on nnf' or ter 111 In control of Southern •nd Dick Jnnerut, Chirlene Drake. r -"" ~ ' ., I Ann R.al1ton, Jim Evrr11on. Miki.' n AC(tiOll upon thr whole group. •·oul;t br well to remind ourulvu I two ile~s. Due lo lhl! fact Lhlt ~1dwelltern membera In whose dl11· 8.artlett. Jan Dulworth 1OCC 1 a.JUI When the Prealdenl or the United of thla Kre•t fundament11I In our Mr•. Utt• molh"r Ii• 11rr1ou11ly Ill, t 11ct11 are lfl'Own only thl' b11,.1c , • •• 11 8 l M • h .._ .... rry ,,.1 er ( an a nntca 1 tatu enten t e Cha.mbf'r every· nat1011al Jin: our common bPllf'r I Charltna did not u compa.ny me f'rops oC wJlf'a t., cnrn. tobacco, ('nt-i-.tan Wllklllrin I La Sfl'rra l Brue~ one !lta.nd• out of reapect to that that nery human beln( I• divine-to ~Va11h1ngton, but expects to be tl)n and pranuti< wbl<'h arr the I Hllrtwl . Dirk Callhllrft1 lln~ (~arol 1t1rh oNlce. The only onu not ly ,.ndowed with dl,nlty ancl worth I htrt within a werk or twdV allflp<l~crops with controlltfl Ao·re-d Dog H 'Ill 1t.andln1 wert l!Onl<' I~ corrupon· anrl Inalienable rlih~. Thls f•llh. I l left allrornl& lht' <111.y nft~r lllrl! Althn1111h th«'1'1' cr11p.~ 11·rrr -An ~na •m t)n . .. .den.ta.in lb• J>fU• .. r;ell.cl'...!h>!l'.'! ot J~HI\ _iJ• <'~l'.'Qllf!f1."7that to _g1·ow C'hrl~tm111< and drovr F. .. ~t thr 11enl only 20 pti:, c't'nl nf Amn1rAn On .Jan. 1 only• f"""' or lh«' "ar- tMm may hi¥' been ton lin cor-and Oourlah p.ople nlUllt -~--";;::riiOiithern route. g-olng hy Wl1°y ... iif iittll'lfllUrl". th'Y rt-t'~h·t> llO rer . bor bukt'LbalL ran. Wll"9·--~I .. to El Pa11011nd AUKt111t11.Georgi11. Th11t rt>nl ur 1he 11ttrnt111n or th" ('nm · lfO up tn Whittler lo""" our tum wu fortunate u lh<' travf'lera ua-mll tr1• anti I woul•I .-t1~,. un•l,.1 lw-lll C'11llfflrnh1 llll· l:l Thn~e ••hr,.r· JO!WPORTa HARBOR 1nir Highway 6e, throll1th Amarillo th~~ .. · ,•11t·11n1~111n'""' ~ ·~:.. .. ~ •. ' '""m '" vu·trn) , .... rl': e S a.nd Oklahoma l::1ty wl"ra 11now· Ir I .to nl'\l laml "n Ai;11111ltm•'. < 11111 <111111 11n1I lt•I\ 1>11nirli<. Jl\ck ' ]( w p Ress bound for llOme lime. 1 &rnved J l'Xfl('f'I '" l:•l oln ln:rro111 "Oii In-8mllh lln•I Jr111nn1 s, .... ~ Bruce Knlf"I' Amt" l'lflm Joy~P Votte. 1 17 here aftt>r five day• of hard drlv-111la r Arr111ri< It 1io 1mportnn1 thitt '"° "" ...._ lng. Jl I• 297!> mlle1 fr~ home to c;,11101 nit< hll\•• IUI mrin' mf'mb<'r • Mlktt V111h~. To<l'Whltt. lloh M1l11m. lfrf'e "'YI• lb• 90ulh, aome 300 mil" on this t'ommtll•-t' 811 pw.aibll'. "~ Riii Rln~ an<I 01ck lnn1>u1f' FOl'IDeTly Ult Newport.BaJboa Nnn·Tl.mu and the Nrtvport·Balboa Pr.. Dltencl u 8accmd.0.. Matter at the Poltotflcoa In Newiiort S..cb. Cal1tonUa under the 4 ct of Marcb S. 1179. rzar • • ..,_,. • ...., ... ~ .. N-,on 111eee1a. c.itr. ., .. lfSWl'OltT llAABOR PVBUSlllNQ VOIO'.un' ... ,....,_ .. Banor &ell 8&N RJCDDlCK, Publl.aher Mil.JAM A. M08E8, Editor ORMOND IC. ROUNTREE. Advert11tn1 DIM'ctor 81789CIUP110S RA TES: N ...... ..,._ N-r~. °hok'e \\H'kl'! I• OnaiW C.UtJ, .... ptt JMI; P.tlt •II mM.: •L~ OatllWe et ~ c.:-11 'tl.oe prr ,,.u ' rurtht r than th• dta1on11.1 •route. it tlrlll!O \\"llll I"! lam11t1nn ""'' Wll· Litle> "'" ..... 1hf' "'""llr Jan •. llESIDL'"T ADORESI'\ t,.r Mn~eivRl ton >1n•I ouo 101,.1.,,:. (t1r ,..,..,,n,1 .. 11ul r111l\ •I th~ hom e Our ~•ldent addre .. htrl' will In Cnl111 R.Jn R l\'"r \\llli•r 011j,t br 01 C11rlt1'n l>•"''"''" Th11 " tl11ncln1 1ttll ti. 200 C St~ 8. E., and 011r prot.-.1 ... 1 "•lml( 1tnt1 t11lkin)! lhrt1ugh lhe •v•nmc "'ert> C.rllon 11.nd Sut Dulalrr. Don Waldron 1nd Evelyn Taylor. Nell Metc•lt and Brenda Barnett, Larry Met<'alf and Tacoe H&yH. Bruce Knipp and J oanne lueaa. Anita Palm and Riii Wet· at l. Jphn 8waJn a.nd Donna Small. and O.ve PowPra. Farmer McCabe Writes . • • (all right.I rt'IM.'f''ed) January 13, 1950 In hie Sta~ of the U nion metl8age Ille &Med Con· greM fer 88 many things as a 5-year-old ask• of Santa Claus, Most of the Democr a ts and few of the Republi· cans had that far a w ay look In their eye. whilat bear- ing his requests. Meanwhile pore ole John Q. Public f1sh t'<I h 1s poke o utta h ia pocket and counted 1ta con· t('nll;, knowing full w e ll he'd haft.a foot the bill and wond<'nn ho w in the devil h e could , .. t here's no jokin about 11 •.. eal in' the cake is derned expens 1\'e. • The anow provided wonderful akllftC condlUMU for all I.how who wen aMe to s o up IUld enjoy It. Thoat partaktnc ln a.II th• anaw 11pol'UI at nrioua tlmH UIUI put ' waell"f!ftd wen: Tom Webrter and Mary Ka.JI. Helin, CM.rile Retcb and AMI AU.. 9'od 1.A8beU ((>CCI and' SU. 'nomu. a.._ Kiem and Victor Wt1-!<>CCI. Judi Soule, Dtane" OllllUll, Gall Collin•. Patty C1•· mence and Bott <Avtlan • -· . -" --.-------· ----------·-=--.-;::: -::--· ........ -...--..,J,.~~~ •• -.. : --• "Coinciden~bappenin1 or e ven ta at the ea me ume ••• without apparent ~ • \ ,' '' ... ' Bliven-Reeves Engagement whlch the couple wUI ro to NtW Raven. Colul. wben Kr. RMftlt will work toward b.la ·dOctor'e de- ane at YaJe Dh1Di~ ~ I • I Rev.e!}led at Holi.day Party /'. An encagerft¥t and torthcomln.c weddln1 of lntereat in ·11evt'r&l echool•. She la alflllated Southem California communlUu waa roe&led recently at an otX-n Delta Gamma 110rolty. houae hoet.d by Mr. 8,nd '1r•. Victor Simank at their home in Alt1&dena. Dl\'I NITY 8TUDE!\'T A• cue.ta arrived thl'y dil!COVt>red a holiday wreath decorating lhe M r. Reeves attended' H&nbor tront door of the reslden<'f' and in lt wiu a puchment act'oll M~rlnc Hlab school llDd. waa 1raduated the name• ot tbe l'nksged couple. Mlllll Beverly Blivtn and Ot'o1·ge N. fron:i Chapman CoUege whert' ne . . \ _ _was preaident of~~ !?tu<t~.ot.\Jody. ftH~ h . • • . · Ht> latt'r attended Y'ale Divinity Pl1n1i11 ti b1llil a hame of ' HONOR RECTOR-Members of the Woman's f.uxiliary of St. james Episcopal Church honored the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler and Mra. Wheeler at the luncheon meet- ing Wed_nesday. Left to right are Mrs. Harry Casey, vice-president ; Mrs. Whitney Wright and Mrs. J . H. Riggs. retiring an~ new presidents; Mr_. Wheeler and Mrs. Thomas Frost, secretary. -Staff Photo REV: PAUL MOORE .WHEELER ,,. . ADDRESSES THE AUXILIARY Women· Heaf~ Retiring St. James Rector Potnt1n11 out lhttl thP 1n,·om1ng pastvr. n~ yet cho11en, mus t be concl'rn<'d wi.th n•'«ds of the community. the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, retll'tnlt rect!>r of St. Jamel! Episcopal Church. gave tits farewell ad· dres11 to tht> Woman's Auxiliary. holdl11g first session o{ the yea r ye11· t1>rdav at t hl' P11rlsh House with ne,,.. oHlcer~. headed by Mrs. J. H. Rig-~;. Mr \\'h,.,.lrr lq to !pave F<'u. I for St. C lement"11 Church. H onolulu. Hi' 11tt1trd t hnl l)t. J a111l'11 1i; an tot parish 1tr!A1rs unlit a t'l"<"lor la evan1:1·hl'al .-hurc h nnc.I wnrk securl'd. 11ho11ld be cont1 n111 .. 1 11long this · SEW o•""f'J(,'J!:M llli'r· by tho new priest He m11sl 1 lntrodut'Pd were new Auxiliary aiJK> ta ke a capoble an<I ninvmced ()f!icers. Mrs. Rig-gs. rresldent; Interest In the Day Sl'huol and Mrs. Ha rry Casey. vice pre11ldcnl: m11'L belll'\'t> 111 th•· hP11hn1; rntn111· Mrs. Thoma11 F rost. secretary; try carri!!•t ·~n hy thr church n11 a l\lr11. Ma ry Hendrik, trt>uurer ; naturiil p111t 111 lhf· i 1f<> of th<' ~t i:., i!at•Jlfl H~·k. l'nltfl<l Thank pan:<h Offering ; Mrs. Marsh111l Keeler, t1t:A l.~S1l l.\ll'OHTAST l''halrman o( education; Mra. Harry "Thi~ h11n lln~ 111l11l1<try 111 tlu• Fellln&t>. public relationa: Mrs. Dan 11tren~th .. nd buckbon .. of the par· P1:1ttllwn. !luppllt•s. Mrs. J ack lsh. to mr ·· AA.Id the re1·t or, st.at· I r•111kham. chairman of devotions; lni; hi' nl"v.-r , . .,uld have ca\'"rted 1 Mrs. Arthur Aune. church perlodl- on a ll hu• 11111 b h dulu•.• without It. , 1·als. M r11. Jerry Hall. A_Jtar Guild Mr. Whet·l<'r 1ntrodU1'\·1l tll1• Rev. directre:<!I ; Mr:<. B1•alriec· Abell. Ralph l'('lll'!t' or ~'1111'-1 lun whu wlll wedoing hostl'llJS. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PARTI I.· PAGE l THURSDAY, JANUARY fl, 1955 MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Sociefy Editor '\ NEW HOURS, BEAUTY TIPS . . ADOPTED FOR GIRLS CLUB Two chan i:;ee in thr ~chedule of the Girls Club of the Harbor Ar•·a were adople<I at a ml't'ting of lhe executive board Monday night at the clubhouse. 1916 Harbor Blvd. The new Saturday houra will be 1 :30 lo • :30 p.m. Be· ginn ing FPb. 21 the club wm "be open on Frida y evening from 7 to 9 p.m. A beauty consultant will be ln the Chann Room at theff homs to aid thf'.girl• ln 11hampoo11, h alrdo11 and other beauty rrobleme. F rom Mondays through Fridays the club hours w ill IM! 2 :30 to 4 :30 p.m. . The brtde·elect la the daughter. ed in Salb-la until o~nm1 of the School, ls presently 11 student at of Mr. and Mra. Walter Bliven, college. formerly located In It>s the Pacific School of Rellrton In ~U. Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar', Angelu, on lt1 Orange campus. Berk l'ley. This past 1Ummer he and her flance 18 the ion of Mr. ,Miss Bllvf'n 'Was graduate.d l·.,erved aa uslstant at Chrl•t and Mn. Ot'orse Reeve. ot O'range. from University or California. 'Church by the Sea . Kr. Reevea. i. pruldenl of Chap-Santa Barbara cam v,ua. and le pre· A July wedding 18 plannt'd. after man Collese· and the family reald· aently a teacher 111 the Menlo Park Launch New Nurse Course at Golleg_e Th,e demand for well t rained vo- cational nurMs continues. Dr. Bull H. Peterson. Orange Coast College, president said toda y. In order to mt'et that demand. a new tratr\ing class is being started at Orange Cout on Feb. I. "N.UB81: 8RORTAGt: For the·paat i~ years there haa IM!en a ahortage of nurses. Dr. Peterson stated. Eatabllftled by the State Le&i1lature and approved by the Governor, the tralnln& program tor vocaUonal nurt1es wu 1tarted In 1961. Orang!' Coaal College hu been approved by the Board of Voe•· ttonal Nurae1 Examtnere to offer training. When the vocational nurse hu aatle!actorll¥ completed her courw, 1he 11 eligible tp take the St.ate Board llbtarnifatlon. Up· Of paulng the examination, ahe becolllff a Ucenaed vocational nurae and 11 entitled to use the letten "L. V.N." after her name. DEATH NOTICE ams. ADA MAE ~UTllEJlLUm Funeral aervtcu for Hra. Ada Mu Sutherland. 73, of 169 E . 19th St., Coat& Mesa, w1U be held Sat- uroay, Jan. 16, 2 p. m. at Parke· ;.' Ridley Morti.ary Chapel. Costa Mesa.' Mra. S utherland died Tuea· day 1t Hoag Hoiirltul nrter four months' Illness. She .had' li ved in Cost& Me<1a ainc:'e 1927 anl1 in California slnl'e 1920. M rs. S11thl'l'hm<1 was an a ctive member of the HermoM Chapte1· of Eas tern -Star In Santa Ana and a ch1trh'r member a nd Put High P1·1es~ of the White S hrine and a n1ember for several years of the Sycamore Rebecca Lodge of Santa Ana. She wa.'I bol"n at Schuyler, ~b. Survivors are one 8011, ,J 11d110n, P. Sutherland of CO~lll llfe11a ; thr~ daug hters, Mrs. tlifford L. Evans of Montebello. M i's. R ussell Shafer of Costa Mesa and Mrs. f Paul Walls ·of Biloxi. Ml11S.°: two ab1tera. Mrs. Lillian Young ·o! Bell- flower and Mrs. B. H. Patterson of Maricopa; one brother Arl.h ur C. Putnam ot San Diego: alx grandchlldre" and three great cnndchlldre]l. The Santa A na chapter of the E,_.tem Star ~ill handle the ser· vice With the ualatance ot the Rev. Jami's_ !t.-. Sewell of tht> Church of Christ. Sa nta Ana, I Graveside aervlce at Fairhaven I Cemetery wm be conducted by the 1 White Shrttie. Dl\.NCE AND SOCIAL MISS BEVERLY BLIVEN /ea luring ,. FANFARE COLD WAVE including cut, shampoo & set. $7.50 your · awn! ••rt&.. SATILER H "'"°' '888 FOR A LOW-COST USY·PAYM•NT · aUILDIN8 LOAJI C..a.enWIHr • ~ ......... • s.,.,,._ " ,,...,. • IJtt•rul ii eltarfM .. • io.-1 ... .,. .......... • A,,.._..il ...... ffW ~14rowa,_..,.~ ~,...,,...... .... • Pq-CM ... ,,..,_,.., ..,,,.., ,... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . : St. J.Qachim Women Plan Pre-Lenten Fete /) ;} : ......,,_ ol..orri -· ·St M oal"-.: : ~ ate _ ot JCRi!l!JS ~ beauty shop : ue '~ ....... ,... : A M ...... , G ... _ d 1 1 Lorram· e J ones Verla May ••· ••• • -... ••••rfl• ..,_ ! ..... ru ...,_,ce an llOC &J held •-the t0 IJ. lo a n'or e con· ~' · .. ..,..~ UI ~ • 135 E 17th St ~--·· M : ,, ..... -..... I ,. -: u prelude to the Lenten M&eon venlent time. All participating or· •. , ·•\..Alli.,. ea& ; .......... 1Ad1 rufr j.!::" : wu Important on the airenda. cou-ft"nw':tl~npos rtf"._~or such • change, Phone liberty 8-2362 \.,~.~-~-~~ •.•••. :'.) ~ed~thln~~UM~~fi~~=j~~·~-~~-~·====~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=========~=~ when St. J oachim Ladies" Guild met Jan. 6 at the home of Mra. Mabel Haye1. Sharltg hosteu du· Ue.1 for U1e evening were past preaJdenltl, •Mmes. Orri. Flmk. Ro· 1 bert Baher and Harrie V. Kandle Pla.na for the daJ!ce will be work· ed out by new offloen, who ln· Aervc' ns < un1lt• 11n11l 11111·h time· as l'ew Cuild chairmen ar.,. Mrs. t h•• ·-~1 1 wh•1 I A •• 11• .... n•,·tru· I l'a11l Ka11ee11, Sl Anne"ll; Mrs. Mar- "" stoled 11 ~.,3,. ro11 urutt<" the •j(\J'"nte Murphy. St. Cec:eli11's; cunate rnuld jtlVP r1111 time to dut-1 Mrl<. Thomas Fro11l, St. J oan·s: iu 11f t h#' parl!1h. hl'ln~ Rvallllbl\! Mr ~. Mildred OstraniJer, St. EUz.a· ror ,.1t·k 1·all" and oth<'t iJullt•" on bi>th'11; Mrs. Ann McAllister. S t. WCl'k .Javl'.I li>I w .. 11 "" 1n l11 ke rrtargaret"s. All will be installed t·har,:r ,;, S1intlay :1ervlce11. 'f h e this cl'lmlnll( Suno11y at the 11 a .m. Vistry. hesdl'd by Senior Warden 11ervlc>'. Two sewing machines in thl' 11ew111g room are av111lable e lude: Mr1. Anthony Palaferrl. 1 to girls over 10 yeara of age at all times. A va riety of gamo , serving u president for the aec· StartinCJ Thunclay January 13th a record player 11uppl!Pd. w ith ~recorlU, also are a vailable. ond term; Mrs. Ro!M!rt Winkler. ----------------------------vtce pruldent; Mrs. Willlam Green. Thomu Rutter. will hr rn chttrge t 'CR8T <.'O)L\IU~"IOS At the 9 :30 11erv1ce there will be Is Hostess to OC Dental Aux. rorpora t.e communion ror membtra of the cla.Ba confirmed by BIJlhop EHc Bloy last Sunday. On Ja.n. 23 a t the 9 :30 service there will be ma~" ba pt111m of children. This is a sp1•cta l service for pare11ts who New Parents Honored at Mesa Event Tht> Jan. 5 dinner lllPPting of hav.-1·xpre!184'd the desire that Mr. Mrs. George .l'auJ, 49~. 18th SL, thr Oranice County Dental Auxlll· Wheeler o(flr 1atr 11t th~ rite br!ore C M h t t h a ry waa held a l the hom e of Mrs. 1 he leavt's. osta eaa. was os CH a a 1 ow Walter L. Israel, Santa Ana. w ith I St. J oan's Cullt.1. ch81r~ed by l and eoclal evening honoring Mra. Mmes. Lawr .. nce D1cklMn. Milton Mrl:I. Thomlll' Brock, wa.s In charge Warren Collins. The llonored gueat· H. Andrew a nd Duane I-~ Rn(ltnnn or lunch«>on details which featured and Mr. Collin• have recently an· 1111 C'o-ho~te"3es • a Ha w111lan theme In decorat1on11. nounced the adoption of • aecond AflPr 11 bulf.•t 11uppc1. th1' s··~· ani.J culorful leis for everyone. Mr. ~ 111on Wit;< 1·111lt•<l to. onl1•r by th" I Wht'f•ler was pr,.sented with a gift boy. 3 h year old Michael, who hu pr<'stdent. Mrs. Edward A . Boy•l.1 of luggage by Mrs. Whitney Joined 1lx year old brother Patrick I Jt wa3 T<'portcd that lhl' rninmagl' \.\"rl1tht and Mrs. Rlgg111 Out going-In augmenUng the Collins" family ,.,.1,. "'"-' " financial .'lucce,.s a nd llnil lnrommg auxiliary preairtenU. circle. • It il' In b~ a yearly l!'Ven t t11 hrlr 1 while Mrs. Whl'C'lt>r re<'eive;I an Guests bidden to the affaU" In· fln.111 .... the auxil1ary's prime pur-1orrh1•J corsai,:r !eluded Mmea. Orrt. Funk. WU· ·poi.r an11 goAI that nf O<-ntsl With " two-monlh furlough llam Quinn. William Grtta. Robert Hralth Edu,•all<>n In 1 h• IJ•:lnt:e i "V<'I y lhrt•I' yeori<. It w~s '"S11ve \'{ink~!'., M_th9_ny Pajalerrt ~ Ctnrnry iri<r100 l' • --a-JtiTe f or "'5F from the Wheel~rs. be.rt Baher, Eddie Bann, Wilham 0 1.M'llSSIOn WllS hl'hl un lht~ luf\h· comm~ Spring Fl'slivsl luncht'on and fu h1on show tt• be hr l.J March 30 a t ,. Harbor Club, Mrir Theo· dor e F'.· Clark•• 11nd Mr11. Rol!,.rt H . Olander ,.,.., tu lw c:hR1rm,.n 11f tl11' t!Vf'nl. M~Ge!>rge 0 K1 rkehl' J r., M1113 Jar kle Smiley and M ills Su1111n Corlett<' wel't' name<I ll3 -the nomi- nating commlttet' fllr offlrPrit for 19~~-56. RELAX! AND loee those pounds and inches. too • • • You can do it with the Stauffer Sys- tem. Only 2.00 a treatment when bought in a series. For infoQDation call Harbor 17 42. Allk about our 1166 cm1tHt. YOU qht be tlMI ~r ol a UltUme _ .. lit C!09ln>I ...... 8PECIAL NOTI CJ;-yow __ , ao• all'• fnr J;,·,.ntn« Cna..- ~~ 3111 £. Cout 111" .. ,. C-oreu dfol Mar Lease ... Expires . .. . ·CLO·SING OUT all MERCHANDIS~ . V••• V2011 • • DRESSES • SUITS ' SKIRTS • • COATS • ,.. • LINGERIE -·BLOUSES I . I la Thia Lomtioa Slace 191'1 . J:a q;::J S~op 413 No. S , Sa11ta A11a .Ja.t Xortll of a..ki. . IUt-1• ! _____ _____,,, Palmer and Harry KanlUe. Invited bu\ unable to attend were Mmu . WUllam E. Brown, Wiiliam Van B ecmsktrck and Aubrey E ichhorn. Clo111ng a n evening of social ple&11ant.rlu' and the opening of shower gl'fla. the hostesa served refreahmenta. sechta.ry and Mr9. Ro!M!rt Baher, trea.unr. Mra. Hayea wu.lnalall· lnJ officer. Other benefit affalr~ are In the offing. all &!med at aurmeaUng church coffers depleted by enlarg· inc the church and fumi1hln( ...u.. Also taken under advl.wment was changing time of the annual ba· uar and pariah benefit, uaually pleasure for thousands of women who wear these shoes. *-----WOMEN'S GRACE WALKER Short. Lota & Discontinued Numbers Values to $10.95 • for • 10 a.m •.. \ VALUES FOR WOMEN SKI AND SAILING JACKETS BY WHITE STAG ORLON SWEATERS WOOLEN SWEATERS WOOLEN SKIR1S .. WOOLEN WESKITS Corduroy PEDAL PUSHERS Cordurc-y BERMUDA SHORTS Wool Flennel PEDAL PUSHERS HA WAllAN PLAY CLOTHES KEDETTES -ESPADRILLES WOOLEN PLAID SLACKS WOOLEN BERMUDA SHORTS BLOUSES ·-COTTON VALUES .FOR MEN ::tJ • SKI AND SAIL~G· JACKET~Y WHITE STAG WOOLEN SHIRTS, SOLID HAWAIIAN p~ SHIRTS WOOLEN SHIRTS, PLAID HAWAIIAN PRINTED"" TRUNKS SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS -- NYLON TRUNKS WALKING SHORTS, COTTON o·pen ·sun days • .1 .. ... ( L • •• . . . PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. JAN ,I l, l·Note Annive~sary Sq uare Dance Course Offered of .BP W President A IHll·plantl•d COUrff fot' thOM who h&\'C' ne\•fr t'X~n,nctd tha tun ot .quart' dan<"1nc In the mod· • • ...l •m \\Hlt'rn 1tylc 111•111 be atven Ablrttlday (lfl a111•alttd Mn. kc. Indian rrom lbe ?\twport tar· ll&rold Btrcl, president. al the Jan. bor B\lffalo Ranch who p vr • nartln1 Monday ntcht~ Jan. 1 la 1 t dinner meelln1 of the Newport nry mtert1t111c l.alk on Indian the 8&11l.a Ana YWCA cymnaalum Harbor Buaineaa and Profeaalona l CUilom•. •l un No. Sycan,or• In Santa ~=Cl~~; ~ ~·::.. ~:~~ ' Ouuta for the evenln&' werr I Ana . • MrUida cake which ah .... ihared '\era. F . F. Thayer Jr., Mra. Olen I The .claN 1a aponaored by th• th Y ben d p ta ll wu U1k. MlueF Jt&Jl Rabun, Theta Santa Ana YWCA and wm meet wt -•~em ,_ant M• •• :· A Loaan. Barbara Heck end J ll•aa every Monday everu"-trom I Lo a I'-occuaun or ... (llH Olllon Blolllqutat, too, tor ah• won the · lO:SO. ia1 prtae Of the evenlnc. an epnl •llbt piece •era1• M\ l)olultlom were voted for h• Tuberculoll&a AMC>Ciallon and the Oran1e County Phllllannonlc Bo· clety. Mra. Bru~ J . Handy report· ed on the belp ,.iven a needy ram· 117 at Cbriltmaa. Mra. J . C. New· Un J r. qktd th• club to help plan publfo ~UvtUH for l:ut.r weell. llASCll OP' DIMS8 I • . Mra. John W. Tubb1 announced the committee 11n .. up for the Bruce Martin ll'OR A.LL YOUR lNSlJRANCE "NEEDS ,. ~ Auto-'fruck ~Fire-Life • LOC-'L AGL'IJT ..- ••Ide-Otftcle Liberty 8-5063 Liberty ~ 1m Ne rt Ave., Co.;ta 11eea . . UREETING GUESTS-Gen. and Mrs. John C. M 1 greet gu~sts at wedding ~ecep­ tion in the Officers' Club at El Toro Marine Air Corps Station. Gen. Munn is the for· mer commanding-general of the •talion. His. bride i~ the former Major Ben Alice D!ly, commanding officer of the women's detachment at the base. The ceremony was per· formed by Cdr. Merle N. 1:oung. --OCNS Photo . 1 M.arch of Dim• campatan which cet• ~der way th1a week. The BPW took over th• Joi> of dtrec:U111 thll ampaip In Ule H.,-bor area atx y.an .,o. Mrs. Arnold Nae· ,.U repon.d on tMo. outcome of thi• year'• ,Chrlatmu Preview rJilch exceeded even opUmlaUc e.x· pectaUona and ahe wu ('lven a atandlnc ovation for the apl~dld Job the did a. c!lalrman of thl• annual event. INDIAN TALS9 Jean Howell. proiram chairman, I lntr~ct'<A Puahmataha. a Chero· FOR MERCHANTJ PROTICTIYI SRYICI r IN NEW~ORT HAllOR ARIA CALL LEHIGH 9· 1634 llOTORC\'CLE ESOO&T • • • STA TE MERCH~NTS POLICE DeVil's Islan~ 'Angels' In Coming PioduCtion CUTTING THE CAKE-Following J'llllit.ary tradition, Gen. and Mra. john C. Munn uae bia aword In cutting first slice of the confection. The elaborate affair waa white with pink accents. The couple plan to live in Wash· . ington, D. C. -OCNS Photo Master Point Open Tourney on Friday Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY SPRINGTIME Harbor Players Slate Six [)ates in February The act1vll1es or the Newport Harbor Community Playera are rtachlnf a peak or expel"tatlon and ex<"ll'm'nl •• the production dat,. Ftb. 3, t. !) and 10, 11. 12 ap· proachea tor the Clrat 1howlnc or My Threl' Angela. Director· Bill Fuclk report• enlbuala tlcally on the play'11 progreu and predl~t• a· nn1 hl'r l't-ll·out production to fol· low I ht ~U('l"t'll' Of l'lrange Bed· ft'llnw" . in the Oucottl ramuy·a Uving room back of a general store ln Cayenne. rrench Guiana. December, 1910. Three ancels dlagulaed I ? ) u three convlctJI from the 13land pre>- v1rlr the improbable when they lakf' a.n lntt'rest in the ramlly at· fa1r1 a.nd therein Ilea a tale or ln· tngue. aus~nae and murder. Heading the cast la J im Webb, producUon manager for the play· t ra H well as actor. He la a gradu· ate or Crambrook Art School of Bloomfield, Mich. and has 11lnce been an active participant or many omateur groups. Hla portrayal of the convict. Joaeph. will acore a hit among lhtalre·1oer11. A ~URDERER The convict, Alrred, will be play· ed by Jerr)o Evana, who portray• the handaome Y.Q»llf murderer to perfeeUon. He haa juat acored a recent triumph as Horace In The UtUe Foxts. He has a leo appea~d In 1uch pl1y1 u Gia.a• Menagerie, On Borro'Wed Time and Counaellor at lAw. Other characters are; Felix Du· cottl. playt d by Glenn Newman:. EmlUe Oucot'I by J eanne Eva.ns; Marte Louise Ducote!, Dorothy Pel· A hll pl&y Cor two yeara on Broa•:way. Rrvtt"wera credit this a. mong the bl'11t playa of t.lle 19!)2· 111:,3 seallOn. Loul• Kronenbergrr of Time wr1tu. "My Thrte Angeli 111 on~ mort 1·omedy that tlcklu con· vrnllnn11t mor11llty with a at.raw an t makrs rr~p,ctablllty tum out lta po<"kcts. But It 11 much leu 11 nnu-\him Jllll glortouely lmprob· •bl<'. It I' R ralry t.ale In which pe<>· pit' r<Jmm1t murrler a11 \hough It w,.n~ nror t h,. Handkerchl,f." llng111: Mme. Parole, J!atl Tambel· 1 11111 ; Henrt Trocb&rd. Jack Nel80n, THIU:E A..~Or.:1:.8 Paul. Ron St. Clair and thr Lieu· Anion r•r rhe play take• pl•~ tena nt. Michael Nell . . ADULT EDUCATION Mrs. Green to Lecture on Parent-Child Theme "S1>rnr1 ry the HackbOne or will a ttend amall children 110 that M,.ntul Health.' '111 the title or thl' p11renta can hrar the dl8CUHlons. 111 .-l lf'rt111r In the parent-r hlld ThHe la no char~e ror theaf' aer· f'('f1111onsh1p11 lecturl' · dllCU5 5lon vlcn of the meellng1 and all In· ,.1.11es t11 br hdd m th" Costa ~tesa tt're1ted par,nta are Invited to M111n Srhool. J an. 14. Ml'tlln~~ wtll attend. bf,Jitn 111 !l n m in thf' nurl1lor1um On Jan 21 Mrs. Grten will talk Of thr M111n ~r hn<1I, :'\l'WJ'Orl Blvd. on "DIKapbnf','' Md Jan. 28, 11bo11t a n•i \\'Ill "" o ll!Hllltl"d by !'>trs I' HflW and \\'htn to Give lnformll· A 1111.• r I 1,, t'• 11 3hf' will d1acusa lion Concemmir Sex." wtlh the th• 1mpo1 tAnrP or 11«urtty and lut lecture belng on Fnday. Feb. h<'w ll " t1"HlnJ'"d. 11 this first 4. on ··Le&mln~ lo U\•t' Toitethf'r aathl'rlnt: In the Family .. :\Ir~ Gre'°" 1& puenl·educa U11n Lecturea Q.'\ll end promptly al 1nhlt urlf'I "1 0 111ngr Coa~t Col· 11 a m In lime for mother~ to m"f'l lf'R• anil h-.s con•1uctr•I 11m1ler iochool bua5tll 'IA•Hll tn !hi' l\Tl'I\ si-.. hH Bll!O Mu c Orby Andl'T50n c-ha.lr· t1111i;ht cllu ... r11 ln th• 1t•1Ull t•lura· I men, p1tent-educallon all'I r11dlo I t lfln pn•gTam In Lo5 A'njt~lu. 11nd l~leYl•IOll c"fT\mill~~ Cnr lhll Mi" Ll1>nn11 HoehrnJ . pre111d,.nl Harbor Council nf Parent Tf'a<'hf'r for 1hr Hl\rbor Council n1 P1renl· Asaoc111llons. hu bl'tn working I T"•hhtr Afl'O<"llll1on11. anno11n~·"b cld!l<'l~ with par,.nt · ,.duration thol llrTll nl(t'menlll hl\'I' bt-en m1tde l"hltirmtn or a ll 11rea i<r hooll, 115 I for romprtf'nt babv i<lllt'r~ who Wf'll u Llliuna &-81'h Elrmtnt11ry ----. I N e \\' Memb'ers Welcomed 1 as Mer1naids Seat Officers -. J-'nur n~w 1111•n)btri< wrre wel-, 2~ menibf'rs wl>rr prrlM!nl. 16 c>f 1 comr<1 Into lhe Mermaida, Ma10nlc them haviJ'lg md for dannf'r a t , wivPs' or1t11nt111t1on. at the lnatalla· Harbor Houae belorf' adJflUrnlnJ to tlnn ml"et1ni;: \\'rdnr11d11y l'\'tnlng. thr clubhou~P. J s n ;, A t the Girl Scout HOW!f'. The rlrat act of the new pres1- Co11t11 ~tf!ill :>:rw mtmbf'r~ were dent waa lo dlstnbute to 1>el"h Mri<. Danlf'I D. Roirera. who wtth member r rt.Kllt a n rn,•c-lope •·On· ht'r h11!lban<1 111 a n!'wcomtr from t11ln lnc :'10 cf'nl111 tn bf' rtll1mf'•I G1111 m 11n1I Honoluh1 ~·h,re they al the MA y muting with ioueh 11.1. w rrr clo .. el\ ·arctllattd w ith M-.on· dltlonal amounts as f'Rrh c11n ri11.,. le or~an1&atlon1. Mno Lol,~du. In th' Interim. Rf'rrt'.•hmrnt~ 11nrl Mr-1t A P"tl And Mra. C. E. car<U followed the · merLLn,; T.,_ Bakrr commltttt 111 cheq:• lnrludtrl :\tr11 Afttr b(>injol J'rut'nlt'd -.,lh lht' Bernice Kme11 Mrs, Wllllltm H 1•vC'I by out·golng presldtnL Mr11. :Slchol11 ind Mu. S. A Pttt. Jhrry Htll\ard. Mr11 RAiph Hur. the ntw fll't'l'ldf>nl or the club. In Clarks Have Boy tum pre~nled Mra. Hillia rd with a bla ck Vf'IVft rhmutont-11tudded A boy waa bom S1turday. Jan 1 1tole. a gttt or a pprecia tion f rom 1 8 Into tht family of Mr. and Mrs. I ~ club membera ror her ende&· William Cla.rk of 430 E. 19th St .. wra on bebalr of Ult or11aalzat1on, Coet& w..... The l•d U Tlved In In IUI fl"'t year ol ul.lte,nce. About He>e« Ha.pit.al. I . '· I The Belboa Dupllc:et. Brtqe Alpha Phi Alum Club wui tlo&4 a M ... , Point 1 _ Open tournament on Friday en- ---lh.ri....-..... rt:~ CUlr'ltou.-rr Mra. J . H. RIJI'• WU hoatA!aa at a luncheon for a c roup of Alpha Phi Alumnae from the Newport Harbor area at her home, 211 E. Bay Front on the Lillia hi.and, Monday, Jan. 10 Durtnc the mom· • lnc Mn. Naden' Coplen IUpeTvlaed ,~, ...... , the dl1trtbutlon of clerlce l work • ~ that wu done ror the Loa An1elea ~·:-:.--. Headqua.rten of tM Heart l'Wld. .I,. •,.I Thoae who attended the lunch· 'l)t; "~' eon·mettlnr are: Mr6. Don Ander· , .. -;, . \ ~·> \ · 1 aon, Mra. Nadtne Coplen. Mra. H. ., •. .. , H ; •• , • ~ . Henahaw, Mra. T. H. Jame., •· '' •• < A Mn. Richard L&raelett, Mn. Oor- • ~·~ .. don RJchmond and Mn. Maraball • '~ ~ ~~-"·· Patton. 'Ille next meettn1 will be 1 •, •' • a t the home of Mn. Henlhaw. • 43• Via Lido 8oud, P'eb. 11 at 1:00 p.m. o'cloc. . · On Sunday Ule dub w1U aponaor Ill flrat champlonahlp 1am~ nt 19~ whm • lwo--lon O~n Pain came wlll take place at the EbelJ Club. Houae, the rlrat ., .. alon atarunc al 1:30 o·clock and the aerond -ion at e :30 p.m Overall WIM•r• In Friday fVt· nlq'a ,am~ were Mrs. l..loyd Sharple111 and Stan Huakey. Run- nera·up were A. W. Tl.Immel and Andy Tay lor ; Mra. Merle Mc· Comber and ~Tl. Edna Macku· ten; Mra. Marcar-.t Holmea and Tommy Holme.. Nortll..eouth wtnnera In Monday afternoon'• sam• Wl'r• Mra. Lou R~I and Jad< Powell, whJle u.at· wut l\ich acorart wen Mn. Paul· I.JI• 8&1f9 and Mra. P"red Jolln10n Runnera-up nort.h·.oulh )ll'ere Xra. Ha.rry Sc.llllllq . &lld .W "'· B 8 . Morn.: Mn. Mary Vu Zurs In 195 5 Depart New York -April 16 Return New York -June 19 '65 Days -$2,291 Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switurland Germany, Netherland•. Belgium, France and England l:xtenalou to Scotland, Lreland or Scandinavian Countnea on Requeal TRAVEL BY AIR -TRAVEL BY SHIP Personally Conduct.e-d by Julielle millilen • U O via Waz.len, Udo lal•, ~e"'PO" BrM'h OaU Barllor 191! or u a.un ~laUcl wlUa :;d :C:nao":"!i:i~ ~u.';:~~ World Travel Bureau, Inc. AN ANGEL IN CONVICI"S CLOTHING ia Jim Webb, right, who plays the lead in the forth-coming Harbor PIRycrs' production, My Three Angele, hilarioua comedy by Sam and Bella Spewaeh. Jim impersonates one of the convicts on Devil's Island off French Guiana, the warm-hearted stocl< swindler. Jost>ph. Seated i• Patt Tambellini, who makes her return to t he stage in the role of the tippl er. Mme. Parole. Introducing a new mem- ber of the group Is ''J o," the talented parrot. The play. directed by Bill Fusick, will be given the first two week ends of Feb. 3. 4, 5 a!ld l,Q. 11 . 12. Tickets and. reaerva- tions may be made by c&lling the Tommy Foster Ser· vice. -I. Mull Photo / GOOD READING # .. "' + ~o o+ Rf-ad Your Buk Book Each and Enry Day •.• Get in the Habit of Makln1t Rfigular Dt-postts and Watch i ·our Sa\in11 Grow ud Grow. May We Help You Start Sooa ! Mr. and Mn. !:dward Lewta of 990 Oak St., eo.ta Meaa. hailed tii. birth of a daUJlller Saturday, Jan. I , 1n Hoa1 Ha.pit.al. Runner1-up e&el·Wett were Mni. Ill Nortll Main 8t., 8aata Ana M. E.. Cleland and Mrs. le. 8tf!W· Klm~rty 1-ftTI art : Mrs. Henry E(gart a.nd Mn. Additional Ottlce11 lo Serve You 1n Gertruda Cox: Mrt. Merle Mt'· Pomona, RtveraJde. Compton. Whittler. F ullertc>n and Anahf'1m Comber and Mra. Dolly )fcComber. j ~--...------------------------J ••• Ask Any Islander • TREAT YOURSELF TQ_ EASIER SHOPPING I SPECIALS FOR ,AN. lS-lf.15 Don's Meats Clrde 9' 5ne BACON __ ···-·-· .. ---···• 7- ·········-·-··--J~ Ste c.,...u. FRYERS Groce9'y Departmen.t , .• l"IDOD, Maid Ll c SYRUP .............. !!..c DllltJ ·--·· BEEF STEW \\' ....... oocl Marshmallows .,... 8Uced PINEA-PPLE 0.1 Moat.fl PEACH HALVES U..,.-a FRUIT for SALAD. Bordo S.Ctao•• GRAPEFRUIT s,., 2fc c_... GRAPEFRUIT Lob! £8* 65c 8olJ4 OrMa • P~RK ROAST_-=··-.. . CA~AGE . COST A MESA BANK j "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ' ONioNS ... ~..... . . 3 '"' 1 Sc -"Don't forget the ' J.llMlll ,tDtUl 01'0,IT IHSU~HCI COllOIATION ··{]rog S~op" Our Clearance Sale Continues YOM Select Till MARKET SPOT--- • • Many Wonderful Values -.... -----------------·lMfies' A,,_., . - 1200 MARINE AYINUI • IAUOA ISLAND . . • • ,, .. . . CX>MMEMORATIVE PLAQUE honoring claws which gav~ a clock for the t&>wer of Newport Harbor Union High School ia here .being examined by ( L to R) Richard In· nent. Student Body pl'e8ident: Principal Sidney H. Davidson: J ohn Eggert, president of the clua of 1955 and Joh~ Hopkins. eresident of the clau of 1956. Harbor High Classes ·Give Clock For School ToWer Al.Ur many mont.ha or pl&nnlnl' a.nd weeks of installation prob- i.nu. the new elock on the tower of Newport Harbor High School waa formally preaented to Mr. Sidney H. DavtdAon. prtncipal of the school, by preldcknta of the partidpattnc claaaea. Each year the &'T'Mluat1n1 CHILD LECTURE STARTS FRIDAY clau t>! .the Aehool donates a Mlect.ed Silt tor the beauUtlcatlan of ni. t int claaa lD ~ Par· the acbool. Jn an excellent spirit lea. Tom Hendenion l.e now at Po-ent-chlld lecture 8eriet1 llJ>Oft· o f cooperation and with careful mona Cotle&'e. Rollie PulukJ al-sore<t by the local P·TA'i wUI oaaldu&Uan • ..1.bA.e'""' ot J.iA2s tanda the 'Unlveniity or Southern be held at I.ha .Ma1A_ 8dMlo1 '1' • · ,.. 1.,. th 1 c&rrromli t.nd Bm Roush haa been Co•t• Mesa M·64·M and "° poo ..., e r re--:-=n-.-:-n:=-'iir:-~~~~'""-.IUlo.._.....,._...._.... ...... uu....._~t--m'onr addition to the 11ehool campus. on the fi!t, said: "Thi• combined Mr. Davseon received the (tft on eftort of •Ix clueea to furnish behaJI ot the 11Chool from ci.M our achoo! w1th 1uch an excellent pr...._nu 'fom Henderaon. 1952: add1l1Q1l ia a auperlauve example of RoUle Pulukl, 19~; Bill Ro11.1h, the type ot cooperauve effort ~t ltM; John Ecgert. 19~; and John 111 JT'&Ufylng to lho.e of ua who HopkW, 1956. Becauae of U'-di... are Intensely Interested ln New· tance Crom Newp0rt that the al· port Harbor High School. These ready·cnduated pruldenta now youn1 people. members of the six llv., It wu lmpoNlble tor them tnvolyed cluses. 11howed clrar to penoaally participate ln the thtnklnl' and a complete wtllln1· prt"aentaUon, but 1.ll ot them aent neaa to preeent their achoo! a clfl commun1caUona for the cerernOll• of JaaUnc value a.nd great uUUty." Mr,t, guidance upert., Wtl1 lead the dlSCUMIOO. The flnt u1111nn will be devoted to a co!Wdera· tlon of aecurtty. Mra. Green will dl11ruaa the lmport.ance of aecunty and how It 11 dne- loped. P•ychological devices to be covered w111 be affec tion. conslatency and recognltlon. Arrancementa have bffn made tor the care of ptt• 11ehool children durtn1 the progrua of the aeulon. NEWPORT HARBOR t)IEWS-PRESS -PART~ 1.: PAGE l . TH0RSOAY, JANUARY ll. 1965 Lido Isre Club to Sponsor Morley .. Talk at Hi School1 To Give Reason Why Russia Will Not fight New War Undu the au..plcu or the Udo and heard ln the U.S. ud abroad· Woman'• Club. world not.cl cor-Ticketa tor thl1 event may be respondent-lecturer John Morley bad frOQl Li~. hle Woman'• Club bo&rd mem~u and from the ch!b-1 will appear Jan. 20 al a p.m. at bou1e office u well u at the door Barbor Hl1h School. The UUe of on Jan. 20. Studmta may obtain hla addreu wUI be "Pnc.e, It• ticket• tor. hilt prlc.e. Pro1pect.1 and It.I Price." M"!. Ke1ya · Cdrdrey, chairman Jn juat the put tour year• Mor-ot •peclat ewnta for the LIWC, hi.I announced that Mayor Dora ley made twelve tripa lnalde uplo-H ill wtll Introduce M•. Morley on 1lve lndo-Cblna. Korea, Near Ea1t. J!:utem Europe and other hot the evening ot the ~· spots ot the world, U> set the In· , aide 1~ tint hand. A• an ac· credited U. Ir. oorre.pondent, he hid acce11 to U>p 11eCret military br1eftnrs. war and emergency sonea, world leatlan. FO&EIGN POUCY HI• lecture wU1 cover eywwttnea report• ot Communllt couplra· clea. Allled di.unity, appea.ement .. peace... coloalall.m, &1oba1 rn.tt. th1t robbed vtcU>ry and ju1tlce from enal&ved mllllor111, which no ceneor1 would Jl9M· He d11eu.ed '8oviet pollcy with RUMian ortl· cl&la, Ruuian 6rthodox prlut-, former SoYtet a1ent1, engineer-. reP;Ol'tU1 &Dd dlaplaced penon1 now on our side and tru to talk. • From such factual on the 1pot o~~na, Morley will l!,r'--1.!!Jlt 11Jx reaaona why Ru111& cannot I • JANUARY I • SALE .. OR FURS Term•. of Cour .. -10'0 oOwn-Up To A 1!'\111 Year To Pay I SAYE 40°,4 to 60% CAPES-STOLES-CLUTCHES Sale Price. Regularly l18UO ~b~ l'll1,11krat t'tole • $ 119 .50 11~..W Dt ed l!!qulrn-1 f'tolH • $ 1 09 .50 Recula.rty :;ale Pr\~ 1516.00 Dyed II r:mitn .. ('lutl'h • $295.50 fl'6.90 Mw.krat .luketa •• , , • ,$129 .50 ., MINK~MINK-MINK The JIOlll 1'n.l>Mlotl• 111.VK V11/IU',. In 10 'Yrnr•! Regularly Sale Price '4.111.00 Mlnk $JS8 00 Cape ltoae • • • ~.00 Mlnk-Let Oat Cape Stolfi • . $391.00 Sale Price I TU.00 Mlak ~Jl.91 00 Let Out Mele ~ • ::a:. ~;$691.00 C.OA TS-STROLLEURS Re,.ularly s&!ePrlce 1!'5.Gn Ma.nnot. CMt .. $159 .so RecuJarly &le Price ITH.00 l"P"'tD $S4S OO Lamb Coat... • S!NIA~NA= £9MPANY Kl 2·0652 mmuntam, without ap- peuement of trlenJ or r~. with- out war, without, b&nkrupttnc Am· erica an~t.hout political prop&· pnda. N GBOUP8. JOHN MORLEY ---High Qualiiy Printing-Ph. Har. 1616--- Jobn Morley wu a featured l!peaker, &Joni' with VI~ Pruldent Nixon and Sec:Nta.ry of State Dul· lea. at the aQWl naUonal conven· UOft ot ~ Alhrtcan Lect<fi and Le(1on AWdll&ry. Hl1 wrttlnp circle the 1tobe In ht• syndicated column. "Arter Hours." Hts TV , ' Executive Director ------------and ndJo commentartea are attn January Clearance · SpecialS ,..,- of 0 C Philharmonic Mn. Kann M.aranta Bronin.I' of Corona de! Mar was appolnted 11 new executive director of Or- an1e County Philharmonic Soclety a t a dinner muting ho11ted by the 1roup'1 pre11ldent, 0 . W. (Diel<) 1 1 Richard on Jan. 5 at Jl:e'#1)0ft , Harbor Yacht Club. I Word had bff.n received from i 1aunce Harri• who ltft tn late Dtt~~r tor Honolulu that he w11ht d to ruign aa director. Kr. R 1<'h•rd ~xpruaed · regret that clrcum1tancea had forced one of the aoclety'11 moat ardeM worken t n realp. and npreued ,-rautude tor the trem,.ndoua amount of work tie hu done. l'llr1. Bruning hu bttn a mem· tx-r ot the board ot dlreclon •Ince t he 90Clety waa organlJed, &lid alto hud11 thl" Corena dl'l Mar ,;1oup of workers. Pla.ns for two comlflg concerta 'l..no. KAREN' BRUNING Wt're dlacuued, one to be held ln ~ f'l1llnton the latter pa.rt ot Febru· -Staff Photo "' 'Y and the 1econd in the new '"1111tonu'm at Oran,;t' Coast Col· or. Miu Fn~ Bellnlant.e, DT. 1,.ge Baell Peter.an. H. Walter Steiur, Alltndlnli: thr dinner were Mr. 1 :a.1ra. Fred 0 . Ferrey and Mr. and Richard. Mn Bruning. tt:e <tlrecl· Mni. Edward Mittelman. SCHOOLS AND OIL CivjG League to Hear Duo "Tax•• or Bond11 7" wtll be 1Ub-one which wlll explain subjects JKt ot S. H. Dav1d1on. wpertntm· 1 which attttt tvery cltllen of thl1 denl nf ::-; .. w-porl , Harbor HJ1h community. School c111tnct al the n'leeUnl' of The LMrue'a parka ana recru· t ht Worn~ C1v1c ~acue, Jan. Uon and community attain com- 18at Irvine Coa11t Club, JO a.m. mllltJa w111 hold a jolnl m.eetlng Binn• w• mul'l h11ve mo~ ~uc&· Jan. 2~. 9:30 a.m. at the home of t 1onal factllt1e11. the Leaiue feffl Mrs. Mary Wllaon, 60& A~a~·A ve. that 1u membrr11 11hould know how They will itudy acqulai£t6"n. met-much, wh11t 111 nttd,.'1. and how · rxactly this money will be uaed hods ot acqutrtn1 and c1t\'PIOplng and how the .obtaining of money [ 1anda rnr parka and recreation: by •lth"r mt'lhoo operatu. material aid to the Youth C,.n. John Salton. city m1nacer, will ter and a project tor 11trtet llghll al~.1 be a ~nt speaker, hill sub-ln Corona del Mar. Je<'I. oil lt&Hl!. Mr. Sallor1 ia tx· r•<'ted to answH all queaUona per• 1a1ninc to tl'n,lh. lega11ty a.nd 1n-Mesans Have Girl come from ('lty htld oil JU.a. He Mr. and Mrs. Huen MacDonald w111 a leo upl.aln propo1ed lefial&-of 2124 Tbun n An .. Cdrta M-. lion to turther !Jdeland and off· Abore dl11Un1 and t'xpl<1ratlon. welcomed the birth ot a J1rl Jan. 17'1• mHUn1 11 aimed a t bein1· t ln Hoai Jfosp1tal Mrs. Macker is Lido Isle Club ~d Hostess 'n>e Lido hie Woma.n·e CIUb boe.rd member• met Jan. 4 at the home of Mr1. Richard Macker for th& reJU)a.r monthly aeaalon, .Mra. I Ralph Tandowaky prea1dlnc. P'tnal pl&na tor the John Mol'ley lecture to be bekf Jan. 20 at Harbor Hieb l!lcbool were made. Tbe UWC I• '8JIOD90rln( the event under the chalrmanahlp of Mri. Keith Cord· rry. F or lb4I next three month.a be- atnnlnr on Jan. 11. replar' club meetlnl'• will not be held ln the Lido 11le Clubhouse, due to con· atrucUon which la Ill proJTeN on lb4I bulldJng. Newport Yacllt Club, ln1De County Club and Balboa Bay Club. In th.at order. wtll be the locations of the lunchton 1e1- uona. Mn . Lee E . .Bamea ta in charge ot the nl'xt meet1n1 and baa planned another popular after· noon of card pla)'in&' wlt.h pr1H•. Club welfare report. wtll be 1'1VU1 dw1n1 the bualne11 meeting. The UWC garden aecUon "," mfft at the home ot Mn. Irving Watcher. chairman, on Ju. 2!1. Ol'rald McCla lre wiU r·c;>re11ent the LJWC at the Boy Scout annual banquet which 111 scheduled tor the near future. ls Hostess at Holiday Luncheon !:ntert&lnlnr at luncheon a t hn 'me, 191 Bro&ltway, Colrt.a Mesa, on Dec. Z9, waa Mn. Marie V. H.owea. dt'a.n of women at OCC, aa11lsted by her mother, Mra. Ade- IUI& Vanderburg. Guutl were Mr11. Viol& Dowlen. M1M Loul11e Dow· ten a.nd Mias Annt' HO&~rs of C~ta Men a.nd M.lu Leon.a WU· l!On of Loi Angele11, Allo pruent were two niece•. Min Jeanea.ne Romberg and Ml1111 Sandra Rom· berg. Are You Up!l'To- Date? DeyeelteYe_...~p STATI FAIM MUTUAL effen .,, nllWetl _,... mt ill ... fie.._..";:~~= ,_...._.. . - c-,..., ill ltU. W. I. LANDIS L E. CAIRNS 133 E. 17th St. Co.ta Meu U~rty 8-1011 y STATI F• MITHL AIT-lf . hlSHHCI eilPMY. I LOOMINGTON, IWNOIS NOTARY Pt."'BUC .. S.s-ire • lilalllwa-'• SIAIFORD & ION "NELS mad DOC" ELECl'AIOAL CONTUOIOlla ....... UINirtJ ... , ... 110 IUnn&de At'Mae N..,.,. 8eM* HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7-- WARDROIE CRISIS 7 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa p .ura -u&VICS Wl'l'llDI 8Ut1U -WllEJlf IR&DID'" COMPl.E'l'E IAtnm~ Md CLEAN£8s IU&l.'n:ln IOL& RWPOllT B&ACB MAnRESS BUY Famous Simmons DEEPREST ·MATTRESS and BOX SPRING 312 Coll Mallress 80 Coil Box Spring Excellent 9uality Regular $99.50 NOW ONLY REMNA~T OF YEAR , CARPET SECIALS Here are juat a fe" of the many carpet 1pedala prltied to clear ••• excellent vaJUH at patty reduced prices. Any of this Group '149°0 •• lS' ll M' 10" llGELOW cocoa deep pile cotton ............. ~213.00 n• x io· llGELOW ~ grey "'••• . .. ..... 'V .-~-.. ._ I ••-•-•••-243.00 u · x ... r THJCK Ll'Xl'RIOl"~ llGELOW light beige -"'on -viscose 220.00 u• x 11· ARTLOOM beige frieze . 251 .85 .... _ .......... -.... -,. . I' x 11' ... llGELOW beige wool-rayon Hi-Lo loop pile 195.00 tr s II' !" llGELOW ~ool royal corday Hi-Lo Wilton 212.00 It° x 16' , MAGii green wool Hl·Lo loop plle .. 225.00 :sow 149 00 149 00 149 00 149ot 14908 149~ 14900 Abw> at l"f'MtlY ftduced priers are many p~ of flH Mokrn and Colonial Uv· Ing room. clba1llg room and bedroom f urniture -flreplace equJpment -lamps - aad appUaoces. Newport Furniture Co. . . CREDIT TERMS 2620 West Caut HlfJhway Newport leach Uberty 1-1111 ... .. I . . .. ... .. ~ .. NEWPORT ·HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -THURSDAY. JANUARY I 3, I 955 ------------~~----~--....... +----------------------------------------~-----------~-------~---------- ~~~ , ..... , .. , WITH •. .SALLIE , .IUUU')' 13, 19M Newport Beeeh. Calif • .. Now Mota.er ud Father are ••s la their beda. ud vWoa• of baakraptey dueiii t h·r o u I b tbek 1 ......_" 'quotethelut~o . 1 • bee of a poem tl..W ,.,_ u.e Day atur ChrtatmH , ap~ la the cUJftlllt •· 1 l';JQ!l'il!l!~ ..e of JlcCall'• mapslee. I Ab .luuary! The bmted bud&et mo•th ... The I moatb ef w b I tt II• 1 1 ~51Q!l:1J • aeeeMltln dowa to the warp ud whoof • • . Necft- llU. I Tb.a&'• mt Food! Ya 1otta ea&! Ollce more )'OU Ike to at ·aad you Uke to eat good •.• You doa't wut aathl but top quality Md yoa want thoee utra fuey tidbklta you're UMJd "' --to havta alo•I wttb yoar m.t'D potato. , . • time oat for a coupoa_ ••• ci-iala I ' __ _.__;!-'~--le -• __ , Week-end special• ( ) j' iSOJ~lil ·I Name --·-1 Addreu ------ Richard'• Lido Market Dept. N Newport Beach, Calif. I I I Our Pantry New• Letter comea out once a month and · eonaiaU of •Reeiala on fancy, uuau&l fooda, very rarely ad· vert.iaed . . . ¥tny are food Item• foµnd here exclusively • : . Thecie apecl&la lut for 30 da.ya ••• Gertie, who bolda 11Way over Mon. -rue.. and Wed • . • ee& "Nuthln fancy here ... juat good old ~· ti&I. like bacon n' egp. May· onnabe ·and Pot Rout ... .uictly eeeembul ! That'• me!" ... Week-end speciala are a reproduction of our week-end ad . . . a full pap of apec:W. that appear ift our local newspapera ..• All three are youra for the ukin'. " Tblll'llday of aext week. tbe ZOU. of .laa.,,. .loba llorleJ, FonAp Correlpoa- .S.t aad Newa ~ w1D . apeak at the Newport Wih • ~hool • • • He 'liomee vla the Udo lale Womea'a Club Ladlee wbo wUl be here 11eWa1 Ucketa at Sl a pleae thia Friday and S.turday. •.. Or you cu buy ticket. at the door ••. One of the woHd's fotemoat Corre. •poedea~Lecturerw. .Io ha Morley, who bu made 12 tripa lnMde lado-Chlaa. Ko-rea. Eu~n t:uro~ aad odler hot • l'polA of the world • . • "ill pret1ent a propoe&I for \ictory and peeoe over athrilat Com-maallm . ~. lnlroducinK "Big 32" .. . the voluptuous avocado .. . Eat fruit. and veget&ble. in MUOn to be a.uured of top quality for the leut price .. Avocadoe. are in! According to our Al "You realize more avocado when buying one for 29 cent. than you do. if you buy three for len cent.a." Pro- portionately the pita of larg-l er-ajze advocadoes are 11mal- ier ... The avocado meat more flavorful and more full • of the juat,right avocado lus- :ioumeu . . . In avocado 1 .a.ncuage "Big 32" means 1Uper coloual .•. Buy'em for l yery apecial price Of 19c I :hie weekend. ''Tis the t~," says Harry from our 1 GrMIP hoaM. .. ,.0 _Jlaat Ban Root Roeee ••. Queea flb&bfoth. U HOtio dark plak , , . 'IUfaay, a blu8b.lagly Ugbt· f'r plak • • • S1e11bbell. ..... ., aad pea.al~ ... "' whlte •. ·.are tide..._ •• erop of fa..tte. ••• AU Harry'• Bare Root .... are a.... A. petelled • . . Alld hf. hu aU the popular nrif'tt..8 ... , .. FARM FRESH· Because they're Quality Control/eel QUALITY OONTROL ·the 11eeret worcha of•~ that make a product better. ONCE. MORE we've fOWld It! ONCE MORE we've made the chaa1el ONCE MORE YOU BENEFIT In Health, HapplDeee aad Savtap at RICHARD 'S. We have proved. to ounelves. that Todda Dalry Pfo.. duels are above averaie. Their Herd, Raach, Plant uid Metbod1 are Quality Controlled. Y-. you be~flt from extr.freab 'better for you' product8 -when you buy FARM FR~H Dairy Produd& .•. at Richard'11. Rich Delicious Dairy Products -Farm to You I • iiiMiG:~a\tlLK · · qt. 20:c -. -------·-------..-.. ..... ~ . Mi.i1:ifti•.1N qt. 22:c HATUKDA\'- DaaWI Pl.-pplft SNAILS . 3ror 25C C011ntry Side Grown Produce I "Jumbo 32 aiae. A Richard's Special! .. Olllck.a el SM Llc•t Meat Clll}NK ' 'tftc: TUNA ................. ~:' 1.1- BlnllM'1e CHICKEN 7ne THIGHS .......... -.. -... ~~ 1..: CHil-BEANS~ lfc Ko&d IOiot ~ .BEEF STEW ..... !:.1.1-• AVOCADOS each 19c ~-A-_ii-=·c-e =2~·b·· 1=====9== .. c . APPLES 2 •b•. 25c JuiciMATO !~. 24c tlfaMeoo CRACKERS Ubb)''• Uardf-11 2 3nc: PEAS r~~-for 7-HY DR OX Helu Tomaw 21 KETCHUP !!. c 7.H-P"JM'r 2 '»Ge TOWELS ·:: fnr 1.1- ~rn'• ORAPt: 2 35 JAM ....... ~ .. c!:. for C DETERGENT IO-lll. 229 plclf. 4 ' ~ DrtM T .... : HM Fla .. r ....... JM .U. ... trW ... NON-FAT MILK qt.12c iUTiiiM•L~K=====q~ 1-=-=7::::=::::=c:c CiiOC_i===· 'L=A====;:TE==qt=. 2;:::::::::::::0==c ~ -~ iiiLF -& "iii'-9F pt. 3~ iiL ·pu·iPOS1 1·2 pt. 29c , .• ToclM : For a a-a Mala4I COT'GE CHEESE pt.27c . PJ.nt now • • • • For Summer Long S..utyl ~nloy halltiftll R•es ... EipKlally selected for you ! Patented Nuneta la Wrapped 8u'1' Root Rot.e8 an t~neh-ln at Rkh.ard'11 •.. ~ltttNI for cou1al irowta~. V~11 f!ad tbf'm hf'arty and euy to C'ar.-for ..• TIFFANY CHARLOTTE AIMS~ONG SLEIGH IEW QUEEN ELIZAIETH GAR Nm CHRYSLER IMPERIAL FORTY NINER LOWELL THOMAS SELECT YOUR FAVORITE COWRS AND BEAt Tl· FY YOt.R HOME AND OARDF..N Perfectly A99d Farm Fresh Meats-Tuder, Juicy and Flavort.I Gtteahow.e CloRd Sunday ! •c ll<»ec c .. 1. /or tr deacr1 '"" '""''''' Klnican's Eutfon 0-nttr Cut PORK CHOPS "Cont '~d l'rMll Pf"k """' · Klnpn'" -f'Atdt A11 Cot PORK ROAST ''P\.L'em 11peri11/ -for Doti" Klnpa'1t F""'h FMf4-m SPARE RIBS ,. l'rt1; .. , beot1t1/•f' Rath'• Blacldaawk BACON "Adt-.rftt~d '" lA/t" Ratfl'• Blackhawk Eastera Pork SAUSAGE 1b.69c lb.39c • I _lb. NII. 3 5c. Richard'@ Lido Marktt .is only one of a block of unu11- ual ahopc localf'd at t.he tn· trance to Lido Ialt. Ne•'})()rt Beach. SPECIALS FOB .IAN. lS, 14 AND 16, 1955 a • • I .. -. ' /.I ,. .... AUTO SHOW PLANNERS •USY · Free A1to S~ow Tickets Ready l'J-tioUta ! ... t.be Ullrd Aaaual lie.Ibo& Chab ~uto llbow, to be a..111 oa UM C!Ub (T'OUllda ~ 8&lu.rda7 ' and Sunday, an now • a..U.ble from a number of local aplldH. PartictpaU.Us dealer1 wbo ty!- n~ UM Uckeu ft t.belr ahowroom• are :·Millar Chevl'Olel, 100 W . Cout mpway, Theo Robina Ford, 3100 W. Oout Hisbway; John.10n and ao.,Lillccln-Mercury, 900 W. Coaal B&Pway; Jack H&Ulken MG and llnftllh l'ord. 193l Harbor Blvd.: O'Jtrien Dodst, 1~ Newport Blvd.; Lou Reed 6: A.-ociatee. Ohryaler-Plymouth, •Ha w. Cout lbpway. ~ Cott~tf, Wbo will 'Ila ~led at 211t eNawport Blvd. wttb hi• YoUttwasen-Porcha 8«eJICY abOut _Jan .. lT, hu made b.la quota of ttc- lteta available at the Chab'1 front ... . Convertlbl'*. 11pc>rta care. -llard· top8. 1t1Uon warona aad many other model• wUI be riapruented ln the coUecllon of 19:>6 domullc and foreign c:an on view. At lea11t one new car will be "previewed'' at t ha ahow. Scheduled for naUon- aJ dtepl1y later -in tM rnonUt, it will be eeen 't(lr the first Uroe In Southern C1Ufornla by. thoee who attend the club show. The event la f'Xpetted lo draw ovrr 10,000 people. In two day8. Mornin g houni llre now Included to permit a lrleurely look al the can. The f{atf'11 open at 10 11.m. and cloM at • p._m. both days. PUIUC INYnlD TO AUTO SHOW Tb& pubUo la la.n.d .., 1oe&l auto dealer'a to au.ct U.. Ullrd Annual 11&1~ Ba)' Club Auto Show th.la Baturd&7 and 81111· day. Adml. la ti)' ticket but t.be Uckeu an aftllable wtt.b- out co.t at any ol Ule auto dealer& Ulted thla pase. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 • PA6E I THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 Miiier Likes HarbOr. Area and ~ Dealership Location .. .. Wllat a wondcrtul C011J11blna· Uoa," nplalna Karl G. Miller, of Miller Chevrolet. •·uvtnl' lll ,th• Roura for t.be abowtns ot the latfft modela ln 1"5'1 aleek can wtu 'Ila trom 10 a.m. until t p.m. oii both Saturday and Sunday. • Hartior &rft and repreaenUns Olda- moblle and Chevrolet Ill Ulla tine J. A~ leek lwmed -S.RCll• Secretary New Volkswagen Dealers~ip Set lo Open Monday "We love It In the Harbor area." la the 1tory.behlnd the announce- ment of a new 1ulo dealership In NPwport Be1ch. ' Cotton Gorr. well-known auto- motive Clrure and aporta enthUI· last In Southern Callfom1a, 1poke the above word• rn announcing his 1cqula1tlon of the South Or- ange County dealer franchise lor Ute world-famou11 VolkoiwaJ:l'n. He will all!() tihow ..and reprtMnt the Porsche a uto In thf' n ewly a c- quirt'd quarters al 2118 Newport Blvtl. Goff wall bt• OJ>f'n Cor 11al"• and Sf'rvlce, Mori(f}y, J an. 17. He rr· 111des on Lido Ille with his fromlly. which h t> delJC'rlbes as "wife llnd city!" SACR.AMl:NTQ CCN8l -ltate After -cooferrtng-with hia jon, Senator Clarence C. Ward of IJib· Didi, and aale1n1anacer ''Tag"' Al· ta Barb&t.r" hu bffn re-•lected wood. Mlller continued, "19~ wu prMldent pro tem ot lhe Caltfor• a wonderf\11 year for u• and we nla 1tatc aenatt'. have every Indication t'1at ttll• Other orflc:er• elected by t.ba new year wlll be t ven bdihter.". eenate w..re: IJ ht •urveyf'd new anil u~ Vet.eran Secretary of the at.nlte, ear aale1 and 1111rvlre records the J oit-ph A. ee.k, Balboa lalaAd; local motor car dealer rxprf'ued mlnu~cltrk John F Lea. ..,... • f'Dlhu1I~ that reflected the fMI· -;.n.J.. .~ J h .,. N Ian. • lnp or opttrnTlm throurhoat -·htw' -&e..,, • 111• oup · o entire organization. Loa Ancrln~. eh•plaln, Dr. Tor· Miiier extended a "Q]"dial tnvlta· rw.nce Phelp•. Sacramento. lion to t hl' public to drop In hie ..o\• pr.aldant pro t•m, Ward wlU aitf'hty' tmd pick up the free Uc· 11erve u chairman of the powerftll kela avi.llable for lhe Balboa Bay sl"nllte rule. <'<>mmlltl'e. Club Auto Show this Saturday and Le1utt!hant Onv ... mor Haro•d J . Sunday. ttownA a utomatlrally became,,.... ldent of the Mnate. Incorporation Articles Filed by Tackle Firm Pedestrian EscC.,.. lniury In Accident Burton H. Terhune of 117t Orang e Ave., Coal& Meaa, ap,_... Artlclrs of Jncorp0rallon for a f'ntly neaped Injury at J :llO p.m. Ci11htng tackle manufacturing con-Dec. 31 when he wu ~ rt-rn 1tt 2633 W. Cotu1t Hlfthwayl down by a nr In front of 1121 tiave IX'en Clled with the Sl'cretary Nl'wport Ave., Meaa poll~ report• of St11te Frank M. Jordan. ed. Memben of the Balboa Bay Club Auto Show Committee th.la ear are: from left, Clyde Johnson of Johnson & coin-Mercury dealer, Newport Beach; Harvey Hien, Santa Ana .and Harbor area Packard dealer, the chairman and Harold Fogel who repraeota tbe Orange County Motor Car Dealer's AuociatJon. Gloclaker Car Hit Hit and run damage t. his car wu reported to police by EdwarJ Oloda.ker of 2227 Clift Drive Fri· day. He 1ald a you'll boy driving a bla.ck coupe hit hi• car while .,.tked In front of hia llome. • a pa tr or French poo,:lleH." • A )O:radu1He or Kansa~ Unlver· sity, G-Off has bf.en In fhe 1111to· mobile buiolnr1111 In San Petlro rend Santa Ana slncr 194:1. A membt'r of the lrvlnl' Coalrt Country Club. Cot ton Goff Cinda hl1 laat name In rhyme wlUt one of hie 'favorite pllst1me11. DJrrrtors of thl' flnn. which W8!< Driver of the auto wu Kannan 1tllowl'd 1000 11hares of no par Palmer Newlin, 18, Stt Olte"•a stock, nrr Arthur A. Kemper. 900 Drive. Newlin wae· not b .. d aad Ocean Blvd.; Wllllam A. Kemper. Terhune .waa not · ha.pltaHmed. 402 E. 18th Stn Co11la Mesa and Newlin 181d . he had Juat ~ Bnwe Card. 359 Ocean View . hla car at lb• el'OMW&lk .._ UM n ns See Prosperous ~ Year Ahead Clyde John11<>n and "Dick" John· 80n rt1preaent the p<>r110nalltle11 hi- btDd t.he name J ohnson & Son. lo- cal Lincoln-Mercury draler. Clyde, the titular head of Lhe ti.rm. aald. "~• are looklni.: for· ward with optimism to 1955 and Ui.' continued l(rowth and pro11- perity of U1e Harbor 11rl'a." "Dick" Johnl!On, Junio r 1>«rt1wr. told' of a mo11l 11uccc11"!ul yur In l9~t. He prophellll'tl rm even great- er n-ye'r b•:Ca111<e or the pub· llc'a acct'ptance or thr JUM m0<ld11 ef U-ln and Mercury cara. BoUa JotrnM>n• u o •ppredaUve cf the opportunity to Rrve more and murr Harbor area "'910..t.t &a worit I• 1<pr,.111I a bout romplete facllltlea avull11blr 11t Johnaon A Bon Boy, 9, Breaks LeCJ Nea; Arches Two playmates or Terry Lynn W11t110n. 9, ot 606 36th SL nn to Hoag Hospital Saturday to get altJ for the lad after he fell near the Arches overpass and broke his leg. Robert Arthur 0 11y. 13, of 35<>-l Mprcu11 Av•·-and J ames Wnluun McCullar. 14. or Newport Blvd were running up the hill at the norlbeul com er of lhe Arches with Terry when he fcoll and 1w111t· e<i hi .. lrg. He wu ru11he1J LO Hoa.: Hoqp1t8I 11Cter his pah1 enll11ted th,. al<I of 11n 11mbulan<'e at the hOMplUll. Uoctur!I ~aid 1l was a 11lmple brn.k or the lcJt leg. BB .Gun Boys Active Y111mi;:1ters with BB J;1ln11 11hool· 1ng windows out In the Balboa 111· land ureu Dec. 21' C'l<W•ed r•a\'o Martin. 330 Coral Ave .. lo call po- llcl'. He clalnw•I &n t>xresslve u- mounl of the pellet pusher11 had made rf'<'cnt ap~arance on the 111· land. P olil e are watching ror lhPtr l_lkgal u~. 11ccon h ng to Chief John Up11<1n. See the most SAUC·ER? Local Pair Sees Object. Report of 11ttlnc a nat, brilliant dlsc-11.haped object ln the ally early Snturday momlng over Corona del Mar was told to tti• Newa-Preu by Mr. am.I Mrs. F. ~. Prelton of Lido Isle. Prrston said l.hey aaw the ob- ject ubout 6:30 a.m. and watch· <'<I at for 20 or 30 mlnutea befo,. It Cadrd from the eky u morning light took over. He 11ald It moved from rltht to left for a distance about 10 Umea Ila width which he' e:itlmal~ at a quarter oC an Inch !com h11 van- tngl' point. The object would swing back i.nd forth for a few momenl.JI Utt'n It would hang 11laUonary, he aa1d. Once wtl<'n an all'plane .,._ct In frollt of the obj<-et. PrMtoe 1'111•1 they C'OUlrt ut 1rnate Uie rala· uv,• size of thr bnlllant object and the"" phlne'a light• which 'lftre pin polnt11. Beauli/uf Car:in lhe at the 3rd ANNUAL BALBOA BAY CLUB AUTO SHOW 1221 W. Coast HiCJhway SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 NEW HOURS • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily COMPARE PREVIEW: lfS FREE All tht> nt>w 19.;5 modPls, domM>tlt> and foN'i,;n. They contain th(' Jrl'e&tt'!'lt <'han~.,.. In thr hl!iiton • of the auto- mot in lndust r~· ! · It Is ('Xpected that 80llll" """' modtls, l'IChedul.-d for rt~· ular national showing later in th.-month, wtll bf' 11ttn for th~ Fl~T TIMt~ in Souttlf'rn <.:alifomi at the BBC Auto Sho\\'! No admission -Simply pick up tickets from any participating dealer listed bt"IOM': JACK HAt;SK.ES ~OTORS Mcl.t:,\S MOTORS. c·o. JOHS~OS Ii M>:ooi Unc-oln·"Cl'<'U'7 900 \\', C'MAt ff•T• X e•-port ftnlcll ' MU-Eairll'11 t-onS Hit Harbor ftl\'11. C~ta M..,,.. LOU IU:ED • AS."iO<'IATI:S ClluJ*r-l>t.r-Ut .a.a "· C.:-t t11ir11..-.1 Nt!WJ10r1 ~ FllANll. DAKU.~O 8t~f'r Lecuaa: .... C'i..11t 8-ta Aaa: ~u t:. 1 .. t. O'&R.U:S MOTORS Dodir..-rtymoutb HIO Jlif'\\pc>rt Rh1I. Ootla Mf'M <. adll'--Olc1_"°'oblJ4' !Ol :S. Main Sant•-"- HARRISO:S l'UXTIAt C'O-• l:onU.C Znd 4k 8yC'&more s-ta Ana Mll.l.t:K t lb.' ICOLl:T (.'bf'\•ro~t ·Ol1IM1tobllf' Ulll c ..... t HJirhway -'""port O.-ad1 t 'OTJ'OX HOIT \' olk•'4'•c•n-PorM'ht> 2111 Sf'wpor1 Rh·d. (&jt. January 171. Srwpur1 llAR\E\' HIERS PM'kard lff \\'. llth "''-, .... nta A- <'. E. l'llEllUSSMA Rakk llt llroedwa1 Lac-8-cJi TRF.OOORE ROIUS8 f"ord SIOO \\'. l'<IMt Blvd. SPwport &-M'" MOSTE E . PETERS l'k-~to-Pl)·mnuUI 6111 s. 8m.d'4·a1 !'ianta Ana Tbay Deftr' aoupt ID. Yaln that ~t UM Lord anpt! -aolMrt Burna The Kempen ere owner• of Art sun waa In hla eyea. Ht. ..to ~t & B111·,. Se1111porl tackle store at Terhune u N-llA ~ ..... 263l·A W. Coaat Highway. ward. report allow. \ 4 MERCURY EXCLUSIVES -FOR RNER V·S -PERFORMANCE •AL EXHAUST makea more of Mercury's po,;er uailable to you fM eYeryday d.riring. You hue two aeparate e.xh1ust 1ystefl1!! for lower eG8ine temperatures-resulting in greater efficiency and econ- omy. Only Mcre11ry Monterey and Montclair in their price clan ol'er dual exhlual u standard equipment al no extra cost. H18H·COMPRESSION SP~RK PLUGS-revolutionary D~ mti· fouling 1park plugs designed for auptr high-compression engines- give peak performance at aU tpeeds. No <Sther spark plug! available • • 11&Dd.ard equipment can match thia performance., and DO other cm iD Mm:ury'1 field bu them. 4-BARRR CARBURETOR gi•es you two-bane! eeoGOIDJ f09 normal drivinK. But "'hen ao eslra 11purt of 1peed or hill-climWag power is~edl'd, the t-itlra 2 barrels cut in insuntJy. ncu~ • 1tically. Only Mtrcury in il8 field olre1'9 a 4-t.nd cacbunlor • 1tandard tquipment oo every model. LONGER EXPERIENCE. Only "Mercury among all can bu an n clU!ively V-8 history. New 188. .;d 198-hp !UPD·TO•Q~ V-8 engines are the latest and p-e1test Mercury development.I. And Mercury baa put ove.r 2.000,000 proom V-8 engiii~ OD tbe road- more v.a·. than any other car in ill price claal. ~ llW 1HI MOCtlYS off'er high horwpo~r (188 and 198)-new SUPn·TOltQU& V-8 detign-for auper·pickup in tvery speed ran11:r. IT PAYS TO OWN A m ER cu RY FOR FUTURE STYLIN:. SUPER POWER Dea't •I• ........ , .... ,,._ Ml, "TOAST 0' "41 fO'#)j" •"' ... WI.._, Swolil•y ......... I p "'· ,_ ' p,"' " .. lo• lfNJl, Ch•-l JOHNSON 6 5.0N, Lincoln· Mercury - 900 W. C:O.t HICJllway NEWPORT RACH- . Across from lay Clllb . Liberty 8-5545 ' - - .. .. .. . ! ,. I PA~E 2 -PART I I I -NEW~RT HA RIO; NEWS.IRESS I ' THU RSDA y. JANUARY 13, 1955 YISITo• LosEs Reed Thanks Harborites . . .... '----------------~------~---$105 IN PUISE Fn~lhemJJi~~ee~: .. ~; for Welcome to Aaency "MISS MG OF 1955" Lovely Pal Bilyk, Huntington Beach High sophomore re&ntly pronounced Miss MG of 1955, is shown admiring new MG Magnette four-door sedan which wilf be on display Saturday and Sunday at the Balboa Bay Club Auto Show. Local dealer for this and other popular makes of foreign ca~ is Hausken Motors, Inc., 1932 Harbor Blvd.,. Costa ~fcsii. Robins in New VACATION$ ORDERED ! Ford Quarters Judge ·Resets Two Trials on Highway • G d J I d. t t 1'htodore Robin~. vctm n auto 1n ran ury n IC men s de1<h·r, 1s ~1 c1·ung many old -·• ~ friends 1inJ 1 Ulll um1e1"' 1n his m·w SA ~TA AN A I OC:-J9l -.Su~ The same t.hree charges .agalnst qua1 ters•11t 3100 W. L°OMll H1i;h· ior Court J udge Franklin Wl'11,t 1.;chman, Devine anr1 the ,<:ollinses wn \" Thursday ael two new trial da les were made by lhe grand jury In A l'h~wph•l·A for di:.pluy or new In ronnrctlon with lndictmenta i.11· the Duplelx case. Fo1 il•. th• 1<'1 cnl ly u,n1pld1 .i Hausken, Watson, Schwamb in Fo~ei_g_n Car Dealenhip Here .. Mn. T. w. Vlckfry of ' ......_ Lo~ Beach WU concerned. .f.A>u R.ffd, head Of Lou ftttd and ffl"Vl<'e racllltlU W111 bto bUJlt at ... Sbe told Newport polfce ahe Auocll&C..a. Chrysler, Imperial and j 1200 W. Oo&•t. Hlahw1y Wllh plan• Incorporation of H au ak en ' tcr. Hau1ken Motor• lJ\1. wUJ par· Motors, 193:Z Harbor BlvJ ., Coita I t1rlpate 1n the Bay Club auto show thl1 week-end. Mull, .u of, Jan. 1 ha1 been a n· loat. a coin purM with $lo& Ptymoutb dealer~lp for the Har· tlo. be In the new location by April ' ln bll1-nea r the n1trooma et the head of Newport Pier bor area, today extend~ hi• 'in· 1---------:---T--- wbm al\11• r ot out of her ca r. ce1,. apise<:1atton tor the hearty R...:...:.-1c1 ltOWe ~--a • -lc:ome off.red the new agency· UINI ~ ChamL--Chrlsflnas , Speaklnr for ht.a partnrr1, Joe Jack Hausken of North Bayfronl, .,.,. Corelco to Move "Country'" Wuhburne and Harry Japan on LeaYe .. nounced. The thtee dlr~tora a re Balbo&' laland: Gunnar II!. Wal.a Pecor Trophies Due .. Qar1tad .. Reed n lq, "It II moat ·. . of Little Ialand and Robert A. SANTA ANA COCNSI Rr• fl'atlfytnl' to be able to Uva and Pvt. Ronald W . Rowe, 21. ton of Schwamb, loc11.I attorney. Letter• ara -In the mail to H location of bulldtn11 a t , tl\I north· work' ln an area auch aa ?-i•wport •tu . Leona Jot. Keuhnert, 7 U W. Hauaken bu been a forelrn car wlnnera of Newport Harbor Cham-1 wut corner of 17th St. and Pia· 1 Beach and Its •urtoundln• oom· '%0th St., Cotta Me... recently dealer on the Me1a 1lnce July, ber of Commerce'• annua l Chri•t· cenlla Ave., Costa Mt'H area, w-s ~unttlc:t1.'"' _ spent a week'• leavt In Tokyo from 11154. The concern will handle MG. mu decoration• conteat. Hay Lan· approved l'eccntly by t he County I H}conllnucd, "We are more hi• unit In Kore&. AWJUn, Morris, English Ford, A ua· genhrlm, executive 1ecretary, an· ~Board of Supcrvlsnr1 on requeo"t th11.n leas<>d that the people In Private Huwe, a mechanic In lhe Un Healey aalrs and service with nounced today. ·-Io! Corelco. I thlic ea have acoeptt>d ao rapl•y 107lh TranaportatJon Truck Com· a complete parts department for P resentation of trophies 11 J!lated I Coreko operi.tl es & metal pro-' our forl11 to intrnduec the Ply-pany, entered the Anny ln Oc· all foreign makea. Featured will' for Monday at • p.m. In the cham·, <;.using plant. lt n •cen tly recel\'('d mo11 h and ChryMllfr line.,.. tot>t-r. 19112 and arrived OVtrHU be tree pickup and dell...,ry. A ber office. a variance. I Reed explained thal. complete lul F ebruary. ased foreigri car Jot I• located aero• the 1trerJ. Jack Hau.ken baa been In the auto business for .,30 years. 11erv· Ing ·'" a sales m&Tiager In P asa- dena. before opening the Mesa 11t:alc1.,;l11p. \\"at.son hu tlC\'n 111 U1e building bu:.inn• since 1947 here and in Pasadena.., . • '!'-\ ew a ports cars the concer n pl&llS to have A)n )llsplay include the MG Mognette (our door bl'dnn &nd Austin Hcalt>y sports 1011d1· Davidson Visits Tokyo on Leave Pfc. Sid Davidson J r.. who11e wife Marilyn, lives at 210 S. D St., Exeter, recently spent a week's 11'11\'l' In Tokyo f rom his unit In Koi-cu. Dav1Json, whose father lives at 338 E. Broadway. Costa Mean, 11 an ln:1tructor with Headquarters Seoul MlHlary Post. ·A 19~4. grad-. uate ot San Jose State College, he l'ntered Ute Army In Janua ry 19:14 and arrived overseaa ln July. ·FOR EXPERTS ONLY ! To put it bluntly, you have to 'be a bdte" than-averaae driver to fully appr~ciate the pleaswei a Corvette can.. give J "OU. For this it a wry 5pecial car. h is not a 1caled..Jown con- vertible ... it is·a spons car, with a crispnba or control, a solid "one-piece"' way of mOY· ing, that go far ~yond ordinary Up<'rience. The ,ooc1 driver. stepping into a Corvette for. the first time, instantly""ltio .. •s the differ· 0ence. He d0t.-sn't ride in this machine •.• he Mc;omcs a pan of it. It is a direct, vivid U• tcn,ion (If his will, an almo,1-living thing that answas a oudsc of the we, u fralht'r·liJ!hl pres~uro on-the wh~I. with etli;cr prccimin. The bud.ct scat molds it,clf 10 hta hnck and through it )le "r.:11Js"' the road ... he knows elUIClly the poliition or hil car, its balancc, the grip oo tbc pavcmcnt. No matter how light· ning-l.l\t the movcmrnt (If hand e>r foot, 1he Corvette resp1>nlls ... right J\UW ... and w11h hairline accur:icy. And v.hcn he punches tllu)e big bral.c.-s it' STOPS, in one solid chunk. H•1btnl!0 bu1IJ1n11 hmlM'll tornpl!'le fonlltlf'l! for 1la1bor &I t'& motor· 1st ~ i;m•1I by the O_:~nge Count}'. Grand J ur\'. _:;;....;;......;;..tJ-.. llill ... Mliilm ............. .., ...... ..,..,....,.., ...... ..a.:.:i;;oa;;x;...oa:;;.;....1&-"ltr_..,..,..~,,........,"".:':~::':=:;:S:~:liil"""'.._.-''-i111m1S1111!1t:i~~:l'.::--..... ~--~~---~~~0flrty--tftl?;;~~"c!J1~~'C!L' J~1dge West onle~ Sam L. margin of u fety built into so rt',p-OJlSivc an Thr I •tci.l •·qulpmenl wit h mod· ern fo1 lhtlt':I fur 11alrs, Mr"1c' M d part" 111 rmlliJ the Robina' ors:an- izallun l u provide evt•n snoeter service tu pal ron" of t ho 8).:Pncy whk h wa:1 <'St.abll:>htd h<'re In 1 ll21. Coll1n11. former Orange County s " · ~(/ impkm ent. But for them CV<'T) thin11 ahou1 the r11s1r1rl attorney and speaker of e t IA/ t he State Assembly; his llOn Sam I e, e rrOli Corvette is a lklight-thc t1gcn.\h 1ccelera11on !-":. Colll.ns. F ullerton Attorney : ~ of the special '"Blut·ffamc" cnJ!me fuclcd l'iy I !Arr y Lch in'an. cu hn&ry union three sidt-<lraft carburetor), the hquid smooth· n ·prt•:n•ntattvt-. and Charil's E I r AMOU.'" nes.s or the Powerglidc 1rammiM1on, the fWbins announ~c.-J the orf1clal groml opening or the nl'w rl!tab- .,. Ushment w ill b,. hr lfl Saturd11y. I Hed I Devine. Central Labor r '1f .J ' /), 0 ' utterly indiv1dual lmcs that echo no other car. t:ouncU secretary to trial Feb. 21 1 c./&Hefda-;P~ ~.IN~ ~/IU~ on t hree counts. J If you 11rc such a d river, let ua earnestly The quartet wu alated to go VOLKSWAGEN urge you to make a date for a demonstration on trial today but the current now .. We can pro.misc you a blend of excite-Lehman-Drive consplrRcy trial bu Jan. 22 Local Man Aids in Capture of · 3 L. A. Youths forced the vacation of the Jan. lO ment and sccurit)' that will change your "hole concept of, moioring pleasure. and the SENSATIONAL PORSCHE rlatr . Judge West also reset a rl'trlal srheduled for the Colllnsea Jan. 31. He l!et lhe trial 1lown for Mu ch 1 14. Lehman, Devine and the Coll1n•· ea are a ccused of the unlawful Thr•·•· • nr r l1111l1•r "u11pN't1 Wl're tak ing of $10.000 from Mra. Ella lnt1•11•1•t11! &t :"1·,vpurt Blvd. and Loui. Duplelx (Counaelman) for M l"l·'i .. 1ol1•11 l'luN• by police s,,itur-getUns an onAle general liquor I d11y 111~ht 111< 1 h1·y wrrr followed llcen9e for her Tualln bu. by a .\I 1 I·~"''''' 1· of 1313 W. Bay The Co111ns duo also IJI achedul- A,·• "11.y~ "I""'• tl the theft t o ffi the trial on the allegation poll•·" It took $7500 from George Under-J•·~·l'h l l lfa111111ond, 19: Ralph wood o! Buena Park In getting a n Wtlllnm 1;urrrn. 21, and William on-aale llquoc license for hi• tav- H,·nry Gu1nor, 20_ all of Lo• An· em A previous trial Jn Superior gt'le•. wrrP hr0"kr1! on llU1'plc1on of <.;ourt 0 11 the t:nderwood lndlct- lhl'ft. ment ended In a hung Jury. Fn•t•l11••" 11111.1 he '"'"' the 1u11-1 f"t•cll rt>mo\r hub r11 r 11 rrom n .nr WRIT 1:-."DICATED I"" kr d In rront llf 1~18 W. Bay A uy. Lloyd Verry of F\1llerton A•·e T'>'11 hub rnpa la ter 1dt>nl1· lnillc1t~I thia aILemoon he and fleet by Sa m llill or 1318 \\' Bay All\'. Char)PS Carr Intend to Avr .. own"r 11r t hr clnutrd • 111, i·arry s writ or prohibition demand I were fn11n~ un•lrr the front 11eal to thr Stat<' Suprl'mr Court In th" I or the l'll~f'"''lll' •·Ar, pohce H id. Duplel.x Indictment. GuerrR rl'J'lurt•·•llY told police he The Ol!!trlc:l Court or Appeals In 1 look I h•· hubrn p!! while lhe other San Bernardino this wrt'k refUllt'<I two WR lt'h•"L H ~ l&ld hi' u11ed a to grtlnl the writ or p rohlblllon. 11crewdrt\·rr. The detendanlll a~erted their a l· OCC Trio RaisinCJ Poultry for Staff legl'd co-conspireto111 were not speclftcally named. They c.-ontend· e<t It waa nece1111ary 10 do llO 111 the criminal lndktml'nl. Superior Court Judge Stanley 1"111 I 'hu 1-,, n . ..:ol!ej.?c b1 "1. Is a Mosk .went along '>'1lh lhe Collin!! r1 .. , ... t l• I. 1111~ •Lndertskrn by argument In the t:mlerwood t rial th1, ,. ·•I!''' 1111 111, sludrnt11 enrolled whl'n he loSM"d out the first "' llr:•ni:•· c °'"•~• Collrge, It v.·aa rharge ag&lnsl them--conaplr.cy 11 1;n1111n•, o1 t• >11w by Elgin Hall. tn commit the crtme of ,a.sklng or 11 i:1:oull111 . 11l'•l111ctnr. _ re<efflng & bribe by an 11dmlnl11· 11'\·· th••, Hu·!• nt.•. Tun\ :lllr· t1all\'f' offlcc-r or the state Thr Rn ... \11nh1 Im Hub T1°l1tn•h•r. ;111y \\811 hung on two other counl.I! <' .. ,1 .1. \I.··• 1111•1 ~ 1111 t~ln•l1•l>0• m., rn01Lplr11t.•· t n <'ommlt itrantJ <"•pi,. 11 r 1 1t•1nir litlll rrvrr• in thert and grand lhefl. I t h" I""\\ 1'"11111\ Unit a• ll I ll M pr• •. · I h• ~111 i"nl f.i 1 m• rs pl1111 '" •lfl''• tlr ll\•I• 1tn•I •rll thrin l ~JOHNSTONE'S I" fl\( 1111 \ I • 111h• I• •tllltlnC J .1n 21 I Hh• I h ttl• \\011 hr ""lrl "" l h1• t•i.:11lnr •!"" 111n 1kr• °th': ho~~ .... , ... 1 .. 111 11k .. 1 .. 11 ,,, th• hird•' within t h• n•"'<I '"'' 111· nil•• 11.111 Mesa Auto Wreckers ~nu! --; l "-S Auto Part• and A~M>r1N • Kelloggs Herald Birth 2075 Placentia Ave. Th" 1.-r 1lh K t'llOjtl( f11mlly o( 201 0 s .. ~ 1\nR Avr. t:o~ta M<'M. ht•r· 11ld· ol lht> blrth or n 1h11tj.thter Sal· _ur_d~1~_·. _J1111. 8 In Ho11g JI01<f>:_:ll_:t1:_:I.~====~=======~ .... Buy Your NEW PONTIAC ED from CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast Blvd. Laguna leach S.e Us Today FOR HIGHEST TRADE -IN VALUE . • Saturday a nd Sunday January 15th & 16th at the Ba/Zoa Ba'! Clut --4ufo Show e VOLKSWAGE~ e 30·40 MILES PER GALLON 65-70 MPH CRUISING SPEED REAR ENGINE AIR COOLED (' EASIER TO .STEER THAN POWER STEERING 9UICKER-MORE POSITIVE BRAKES THAN POWER BRAKES • World Famous German EnCJineerlnCJ and Workmanship • IDEAL CAR FOR THE BEACH AREA EASY TO PAR", MA NEUVER AND STORE Cotton r_Goff .. OClJ' MW loaatioii .laaary 1'7 2116 NEWPORT ILVD • Phone Harbor 8 . MAKE A DATE TO DR IVE THE Glass-/ibu-u infnrctd plastic body • 150-h.(1. "Blut-Flamt"' ovtrhtad-1·al11t. tltgint with ITiplt oarb1irttors • Powrrglidt automarrc tranJminrnn • 16 tn J • sturrnR ratio • Form-fitting indfridual seau • Jns/TumtnlJ inclrtdt' tachomtttr, oil prtssurt gaugt, and ammttu. Miller Chevrolet Co. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. -Newport leach Ph. Uberty 8-2261 Scene at ~he Balboa Bay Club Saturday, Janua ry· 15 and Sunday, 1955 CHEVROLET New look! New Life! (\"-8 "' •• New Everything "ftf:L-AIR" CO!\\"E RTrJU.E • January 16 OLDSMOBILE SUPER .. ,8 .. Holiday Coup• Splendor sweeping in view e nd vogue. Styled .. with new and fle ir Powe re d fl e sh with sensetione l new "Rocket" 202 ~ngin e. \~ .. , " •. ,' ' 'l • ·.1{; • MILLER · CHEVROLET ·co , . 1000 W . Coast Hwy.· . Liberty 8-2261 ...1 ,, .. CHILDllN FIND . DAD'S 'HOr CAI I 9'••••ri . Grallt larttett Yarlattce Eu.-. Bartlett ot 1615 1~• Ave., c.o.t& M-. Sol ql.llck ac- Uoia on a •aria.nee 1"9t1M•l for wrntar a prace into Uvinc quart· el:'I trom M•• City Pl&l\Jl!nc Com· mlaaioa Monday nl1ht. Obeerrin1 that the 1•rac• had ~n· eo converted H monlh1 .,o. t1'e planner• approved th• vari- ance. Aclults Can Stfll Retlster for New OCC Winter Tenn AduJll 1 may conUnue to re1later for many of the new cl.aaaea which •tarted ~ wH!t aa part of U\e WlDtar Term offerinc at Oranre Coul CoUece. Dr. Tho•. A. Blalte- ly, d911 of adult education. 1tatt'd. Twenty minute. atter Keith Oolllna of U Balboa Cov• n · ported the theft of ht. car to police Friday ni1ht, Illa c.hll· d:ren found th• car at tM op- poalte end of the C<i.vea, police aal4. Jt 'Wu parked In tM r4!_&r of ~ hoUH when taken. "It'• ellb~r· that, or l&lle -------------down," "th• comml&1ion a1Teed. "The preMDt tenn will continue 1t l<WIW ~e be&innlnc of Euler vua- Uon.'" Dr. Blakely aald. Student a· FOR OLYMPICS -.--!l " ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 I • ,A&E J THURSDAY, JANUARY I), 1955 d\llt• mat llUll reclater in ~ exist a,.. ~t educeU., 1117- courM.a a1 accountlnc. ~•bnl. chol<>t')', RU89taa. ~. •W- booklnepinc. buameM law, art· lnr. lhorthand, 8paniah. IC\&lptm-..., lnr,, tauo~. ~\ltns. ~ ware potte.,., cl!t.en.hlp, ceramic• and t A•• Ad It _..,..,.. and porcelain, china patnun1. crH-1 Y...-I· u 1 m&,J' ·---• Uve wriUnr. French . .iaMentng. for uy of theet QOurMe at UW 1eolOJY, Interior dttorallon, jewel· aduU education offtce In tM Ad· ry maklnr. lampahade maklnc. mln .. tratlon bulldln1 Mo• d ~ 1 mot1'er and baby ca~. otflce m•-1 thro\iltl Friday from I Liil. le I chlne1 and ortlc~ practice. p.m. and Monday thr'OQltl ftUn. Other cl&IMI In )Vhkh ope_nmc• I day eveninr1 from 1 :10 to a ..... .OC Lettermen Plan-Dance at Legion Hall THE NEW PACKAR.D OraJ>l'e Crout Collere lettermen come up with the nr1t major dance of 19M Jan. 21, whcm member-a of the collece Bloek oc Club pre- t their Olympic Ball, an Olym- pic fund-ra.lalDc dance at Newport' American Legion Hall. All pro- tteds from the aftalr will ro to· ward• the flna.lld ng of American athletu ln' the 19M'Olymptc1 at Melbourne, Au.trail•. SETl'lNG THE STAGE for the Block QC Olympic fund-raising dance Jan. 21 at ON 800IAL CALENDAR Newport American· Legion Hall, Club ~resident Wayne "Tex" Smithson_ OCC camp-The first tlme that athletu u ua. (left) and all-Eastern Conference LiUeman Bob Padilla, Anaheim, warm up the w ch have cracked thf' aoctal cal-endar at Cout, Pirate lellf'rmen -Legion Hall lounge in preparatio9 for the Co&J1l-sponsored affair. Pete H enderaon 'a are going aJl out on tile affair. Rhythm Kings furnish the m usic from 9 p.m . to 1 a .m . All proceeds go toward• fi. Music wlll be.on tap by Pete Hen-,,._ .. ,.._,ICGn PACl'AtlO ~A~IA/ltf­ •• Aea nte MAN WHO OWN• OHi" nanclng the U. S. Olympic teams trip to XYI Olympica at Melbourne, Australia, in :~~~~·1 ~~.tho:.:~~~·~r;~t: 19M. --)a'Cketa and Uee tor the merr, party dreue1 for the women. . ... with the fabulous Torsion-Le,vel Ride I Siemon·sma Veteran Buick Dealer in Laauna Beac~ Local Pair Hean Murdy Dama99 Sult Two harborllu Monday wett strvlng on a Superior court jury which began hearing tutlmony In a trial Involving a freak accident Clarl'nce Slemon11ma. hetul or C.~-k-..------------+-tU.,:~' ere ment.an'. IChool. rn : Clii\ina H rbor H..... Ba d Onthe}Ury were Mr•. Georgi• Beach. hu bttn alSl!O<'lated with Q • l'jll ft Bush, N~..,port Beach. and Julia D A I P. Landrr11. Balboa. Buick a utomobllu alnce 1921, t he year be 11raduatf'd rrom Santa Ana raws pp G115e School Tracht>r Mlldrrd F. Mur· dy sought a S!U,000 peraonaJ In· jury verdict, claiming a worker'• Special i11v1taUon1 have been ex- tended to the lettermen club1 or BW'ltlngton Beach and Newport Harbor high achoola and per1onal letteni aent to put membt're of the Bloclt OC. Here la the new car all America bu been •·aiti1111 .fort Two yeara in the makinr ... it w truly the moet impqrtant automotive achievement of our timl'. Imagine a car that can transform rough country · byway1 into 1mooth, city boulevards ! Imagine a ride that remains unbelievably level in spite of roacl or load ... with hardly a 1u1tttestion of •~·ay in t irht turua . . . T<'it.hout pit.ch in em1>rgenry it! op1t. But 81.op imagining ... it's a ll tr11t in thl' nrir Pa<'kard with the excl1111ive Torsion-Level R ide! And, there are more thrilla in •tore wh_en you drive the 11ew Packard. There w the thrill of abnOlt limitleM power from 'the world'• moet po-.ful V-8 engines-260 horaepower, 275 in the Packard Caribbean. The t.hrill of havinc a choice of It.art.a ••it h t he new Twin Ultramatic Tra111mi..ion. A<'tuall y t11•n in one .... it otfeni qukk retawa1 or r ruising glide at the touch of your ftncertlpa. Advan('ed graceful ltYling in every detail bespeab Pa<'kard di8tinction and timele. cood taate. ln fact. everything in the lltlD Packard truly reftecta your ' pride in the finest. Hlrh s chool. at OCC Assembly A native or 10 W8, Siemonsma I wu a well-known racer ln 1024. The 1"ewporl Harbor High '25 and '26. He dnlgned, built and School bsnd waa warmly applaud- ra.ced hi• own· cara and attracted ed tor the band concert gl~en ye.- the attention of raclnc enlbWllUt.l I terday lo student.a a l Orance both In t'-atand1 and on the Coast Collete durtnc a regular col- \rack. Ralph OePalma, one-lime lege assembly period foot knocked a chunk of pl&ater down on top of ht"r In a cw.room at 17021 Hunttnrton Buch Blvd .. Sept. 2, t9!'13. Block OC Pl'Mident Wayna ''Tex" Smllh10n, 11 general chair- man of the dance, with Pbyalcal Education Dlvilllon Chairman Wen- dell Pickens u ad1Q!K>r. Bob Mil- ler, Huntington Beach, head• th• dulc;e committee of Jerry Vaurhn, , OCC campua. Ron Wlnt•rbum. Laguna. and Dave PTldham. Co1ta Mua. L8CAL woanR~ The pub'1clty committee lncludea Alan Hatch, Udo lale. Rod La- Shelle, Balboa llland, 11 on the re- freshment& 8tetlon. Come in today ... LET tHE RIDE DECIDE Be Sure to See the ~ed king, wu and 11 now one of The 06 piece high 11chool band Mesa loy lecomes Fint Pollo Case J.n eight-year-old· Cotlta Mesa boy 11 Orange County'• nnt t&M polio victim. With the United State• one of the few naUOl\8 tn the world not 1ubaid~tn1 athlete., (the Soviet Union not only pay1 travellnr ex-pe-. but prcnidu Ume and equipment for her atll.letea to work out month& before the actual Olympl&d th• Ame.rtoan team muat rely on public · contnbutlorui to pay tr&n•portatlon and llvinc expen.HI tor the approJUmatflly IW>O. men and women competltora. coache1 and manager• making up thl' t . S. contincent. The United SLllll'll Olympic Commltt.N hU eaUmated that about $500,000 will be needed. New 'SS Pcmckarcl Clipper Clarence' a cloae trlend1. performed ·under the direction ot at the After aervlce ln World Wer 11. Clinton Sawin. SeleclJont played 8lmnon1ma availed hlm11elf of the by lhe band werP "Cowboy Rhap- opportunlty to obtain the Buick eody" by Morton Go uld; "Tr1bulf tr&r1chJae for the South Coast with to SouH,"; "French Quartt r,"; Ule dealerah.lp In lAguna. I "Buglt>rli Holiday" by Leroy An- E. L. Rwu1ell, county health of· fleer, announced today that Tim Patter1M>n 2~79 Willow Lane, ill und~rgolng trea tment In hl1 home by a phy•lcal therapllt. Balboa Bay Club Auto Show He J1 married and la a member derson and "Great Gate or Kiev" of lhil 8217tb Station Complement, by Mouuagonky. R~ll aald the boy baa a "mild n'on-paralyllc" condition. Hi.I on· 1et Wal' J an. 2 The cue w1111 dl- agn•lS»d BA pollo Tue11d11y. HARY.EY HIERS / A. U. S. ReiierYe, Ule kvint> Coul Solo f'larmetu1t with lht". hand Country Club, E lka, K1wan111. Am· wn Ron Wuntu, ronnf'r high erican Le111on and the Military I rchool etudenl now with the U. S. P,A C K A R D D E A L E R ~rder ·of World Wara. Navy. ... Orangr County'a 19M pqllo lo· taJ WU 190. 626 West 17th Street ' • PemdlJ IWaneM -perfectly proportioned -the new front end 1tyllr1« 18 amarU7 different from all olher car.. Lower ~ wider, wtt.h the dl.lllDct.1v1 , dlvidrd ~rtlle. th• hooded headUctit.. the nac•ll~ like outer bumper guards with deeply receued parking llghta, &r1d the bumper that exten<t. around the fender to the wheel opening. --t ,,,.· _.... I . j _, Chrysler ... 4323 W. Coast Highway • THE FlNEST CAR AM£RICA HAS YET PRODUCED ·~ ....,., --.... - COMPLETELY NEW MOTORCAR 250 H. P •. FllE POWER YI • 11Je extnordina?.'. reputation which the Imperial bu built in the luxury car field ia m 011t convin cingly testified to by the very nature of lta ownera _. men and women who, able to affor'd the finest of ~I m otorca.ra, are u.tiafied with n othing lea. ln the Imperial they ha vc found performance of incomparable excellence ••• the utmoet in riding comlo rt a.nd luxury , •• and Ute immeD8e prestige of a world famou.a name. Now, for 19M, the Imperial add11 new luttre to lta brilliant record. LOU REED AND ASSOCIATIS . NEWPORT BEAC-H (in our temporary location) · . Kl 2-8868 SANTA ANA f1\e HCP~ of Ule .uperb ltyllq Ua.roupoat the Imperial 18 very evident ln t.M innart ~ of lhe rear of the car. The lone. Wide deck UI rently crowned and beauutully proportioned. The dh1tlncUve new bumper deep -Ule cnoetul fender llnu are enhanced bJ' the waJque t&&Witlta mounted on chrome MOl!l-. Plymouth Harbor 4070 " ""\ ' •or -- PAGE•· PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY " ll, 19JS Stanley ~·est For Kiwanis Meet Jin. 27 Rites Held for ~ss Packard eight modela. Hlera Mid. rlvt are l~------------ M F M. S In ~lowe~·prtoed Clipper •r1ea., n. • • fronCJ Lhree In the hla'her-prt<l4!d Packard S JTOUp. The V-1 e11ctnea Include ,~N .OW ..UnnaJ eervtcee tor Mn. Fran· how· ·;i.g s t · 280 horsepower ror two higher- cla M. Btron~. 89, Of 3701 W. Bal· Ill . e priced m.odel8; 2f6 h.p. for tbe boa Blyd .. were conduc~ at 2 ··eu1tom" modd In the Clipper aer· toda B Cl b In; and 2~ h.p. for Clipper'• . A.eemblyman Earl Stanley &11d p.m. y ln Balta Mortuary, Cc>-a·t ay u "auper" and "deluxe" model8. rona del Mar Chapel. The Rev Roy Ht oUler public dlan,lt.ariu wru parll· carillon ot Christ Church .,;. Ute . en aald Packard'• new aue· olpate ln the J an. 27 KlwanlJ Se& ottlclated. Interment wu In penalon, which uaea \onlon bare luncheon In VIII& M.artna Reatau-Harbor Reat Memorial Park The new 191)3 PacQl'd, rutyled lnttad of conventional coll and rant, It haa been announeed by • Mre Strong wa t d d. d • f and more powerful Vian Jut year'11 leat 1prtng1, 11 belng offer:ed on program ohaJrman Bob Schwambl rfatur~l cauaea ~n;U!' 19:1 ~ mt>del, wUI 10 j" ditplay Jan. '17, 1 the t>a~kard and Clipper "Cuatom" 'Jhe program la entitled: ''Road-her home. Fr-ltndlt ~-·~!s n ~I ·to It waa announced today by Har-modela. Coupled with the torwlon side Cleanup." • ..-. po ce vey J:ll.era, Packard dtaltr at 826 Tb report ahe bad not been aeen alnce w 17th St. a --t& •na p .1 · ban 11 ·a new "leveli&er" device e •Oth annu1eraary dinner they took h ah · · • .,.., ·1 · 1 ce.1 meeUng ot K1wanla ln\ernaUonal phyalclan s!~u~ppml Uand !:i a are expected to be announced Jan. said to hold the new ca.re to a .W be held at '?::SO ...P.m. J an. 18 the Earl Gl'ahama Y~d 0M~~ Ela~: 18. Hlera aald. The n.ew Clipper 1 more level ride despite the load I In N!WJIOlt Ha.rborl' Yacllt Club. Newland, forced' a reu door of will be at the Bay Club Auto Show. 'they car~ .· It haa been announced a..u aoclal the darkened 1h&de-drawn home For the flr1t Unfe, Ule Packa.d I NEW TRASSM.18810.S evening for the ladle11. The dinner and found Mra. Stronc In bed tn car will come with both V-8 en-The new "Twin UI .. wULbe...ataged by Kiwanis member ht'r front M<troom. g lne• and wrap-aroun<i wind· . • tramatlc Georie Farr, manarer or the yacht A note on a mirror , I d b •~tldL Other htchltrbta reveated transm1111ion la etandard equip· club. the deceued told who .~:n~ah~ by Hlera Include improved tra.na-ment on Ute Packard models, op· CornmittH table meeting• will notitted In calte of her death. mlaalon and a new type au1penslon UonaJ on tha. Cllppt'ra. Miera !!!-Id. be heJd at the Jan. 20 luncheon Dep. Coroner Rojer Burnham aald dNlgn to S1ve a amootl:t'r ride "lt proyldea 'ror quicker and aeaalon ~ Villa Marina Reataurant, the woman had been dead f 8 hours over bumpy aurtace11. smoother 1tarta than ever btfore !:,':"'kh:n'l Roy l;wratone ~ounc-and from natural. cauaea. TOP HOAUPOWEB on Packard-built cart," according . . Mrs. Stronr waa born in Yreka. Packard'• 'hirher·priud "'cant>--to Hiens. . Cali!. She had lived In Newport bun bn't du. until early aprtnr. .. ... ' Local HMrt Fund· -Beach tor the laat 16 yea re. She Thia modil ot the Studebaker-H~ added, The new models are la rurvlved by a btother. Johll Pack.ant Corp. will have the hl&h· available in 17 11lngle·tone uter· Heads An11ounced. Smith Linton or Yreka and two eat horsepower of any 11tandard lor color 11chemes and 38 two-tonf' • e. R. Vincent and H. E. Stick-l\ieet!ll, .Mr•. Lucille . Wright of car In the lnduatry. combinations. Both the Packard ler •re --.L_,_ t th N Santa Crus and Mrs. Catherine "Th• cam I •t a.d I WATCH . THE ILOCKER ! •.'Pnttr Ron Wlnttrburn ot OCC Pirate hoop aquad winds up for hflok shot during recent ga.me with Har bor J. C. Pirates were !Pti Into brig by count or 82·~. -Photo by Fath NO A~PLES who paeeed out apples after ob· I tainln& \ building movlnJ permit. TeWinkle Gets ~arking Permit from Plannen TeW1nlle denied t'Ver havtng 1 pu~ <"lit 1applta. Gelling down to busme1111. he Informed the plan· nt'r~ his requested variance would 1 enable him to have six of· a rt>· quired ten pai:klng ,11T111ces for his I size store. "I have been waiting a year 1 for the parking district to f11mjt1h Whtn Pvt'n Cn11l11 Mesa's firat. my need11." TeWlnkle revealerl. I 1111yor 1rnd prPsent City Council· City Attorney Don Dungan in-j OQ-CIUW'UleJl 0 • ewport IM of Alameda . v pany •n re Y to aay and Clipper 1erle1 will offer Im· Beach 19M H94rt Fund C&mpalgn · ao, ' Hiers 11&ld, "but It'• known Which will be held ln February._ It · the Caribbean wm have around I proved power •Leering &Jld power wu ·announced by J Qll m. Preln· Mesa· Firemen Aid 276 horae1, o h.p. more than Cami-brake• and a nt'w four-way power ~er, Orange County Heart Fund ,.._ ... _ .., , fl d . _ _. lac'a Eldorado, now the most stat adjuster, as standard or op· chairman. • ~-.... eaa 11 rec ep ... ment fuJ , rod 1 .. · gave an ...i.t· to the Sant& Ana power C&l' .. n P uct. on. ' · tional equipment. dt>pendlng on the An army of GOO<> peraon1 wW G&rdene department on a minor Packard for 19M 111 offering I model. work ln the county drive to aupply blue 1"ee~Uy at the Tbm Het-· tund1 !or a continued attack on ferman residence, 17801 Fa!rvlew heart dlBeaaea, Prelntnger Aid: Road. • .. Studebaker presenh a COMP~ETE LINE of SPORT MODELS AVAILABLE NOW • See Studebaker for 1 55 at Be Sure to SEE The Beautiful All New et Balboa Bly Club Auto Show Displayed by O range County's Volume Pontiac Dealer 1 IAPP-ISO~I t1 P()NTl/\f f u . WATCH SEE STOP for announcement of bi91 1• Grand .Opttriing this month... " · ~ I \ .. ,_/ I l • , our t his the NEW '55 f ORDS at Cll)B the BALB.OA B}\ Y AUTO · SHOW Saturdav, & ' \. \ I l Sunday. ' anC:J let us serve . in soon you. THEODORE ROBINS- • l 'OU& FORD DEALE& SINCE lt!l 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 1-3471 m11n Ch11rl"s \\'. TeWmkle h&11 a formed the comml1111lon, "Col!ta parkmi; prnbll'm. thl'n you know M c111 IS In a j)«Uliar interval. We t hr Ml'sa parking situation la are In a poalUon \Wlere we baqe t ough 1111 nver. Te\Vinkle 11ucce1111• A parking district but no parking.'' fully 11pplted for a variance before Barney Francque mover! grant· lht' r1ty Planning Commi:sslon Ing of the variance in lllew. of tht Monlluy night m 1111 effort to ob· fact the property owner was 11up- tam p111 kmi: b1·s1de the store he plying 60 per cent of the parking 0'~~11 at 1807 ;-.;,.wport Avr. • required. "Since he'11 In a bona lltrl vn11 bring anv apple•"" 1mm,..d1ately lnqulrt'..d Comm .. n fide, formed parking dl11tricl.1 JOE NICKERTZ Your loul Sales & Servi ce 2nd & Sycamore Santa AltCI Kl 2-2375 High Qualify P-rinfing-_Ph, Har. 1616 Chairrn11n \\'alter We.imer. He wu l there's no fear the other !Olfr par. k· ~ rtterrtng-to a custom lnagurated Ing apacea won't be ~btalned," 1 rel'enlly by Councilman Bert Smith Francque 11&id. I 3415 Newport Blvd. Harbor 510 ·-S.ee It -'Now -New MCi Jr~!'k Ha1111krn. eeated behind wheel.of 19M MG. 11mlHn1ty Introduces new partner Gunnar \\Alson. stan<llng alongside their prldl' and Joy. New 'name given to local dealenhlp for MG and Br1t111h F'ord cara 11 HAUSK.EN MOTORS. lnc. Model• ot famou1 lmporta w1U be dlaplaved by Hl1t1~kE'n Motors. Inc. thl1 week-end at BBC Auto Show and also at their Costa Me11& loca· 11on. Now· O.N DISPLA y '. See the NEW MG ~ America's Best Sporl-s Car Buy -a·t The Balboa Bay. Club Auto Show-Saturday and Sunday •.. also at Haus~en Motors, ln_c., Costa Mesa. · · Don't miss the spectacular ney MG 4-Door Saloon .•. "The Magnftte" -_, NEW MG Hl<;H~R POWER -BIGGER ENGINE LOWER PRICE HAUSKEN MOTORS, Inc'. COlfPLETE SER \"ICE ALL FOREIGN CARS . Pick-up and Delivery 1932 Hclrbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty 8-5051 - Look under the hood ·! ........ , ······-... -----.................. -.... co/If 111 Ford Triple Economy Trucks THI MONEY MAKERS FOR 'SS. .. ~owl T,HEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 3100 W. Coast Highway N•wport Beach Liberty 8-3471 TV at lt1-..1tl Don't Miu •ford Theatre' KRCA (4), Thundoy, 9:30 p. m. ~ .. I J l t ACCEPTS ISLAND TROPHY Herb Kenny, veteran Ba lboan, left, offered hia services yesterday to bat for Balboa island's third place award at Orange County Coast Association luncheon in New- port Harbor Yacht Club. Leland Valentine, right, chair- man of affair, presented trophies won by cities and com- munities for the annual "4-0 Miles of Smiles" contest. -Staff Photo. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PASE 5 .. ~ THURSDAY, JANUARY •J, 1955 First Annual OCC f anners field Day Due Tomcmw Tht tint ¥•ual Oranp · Cout~ for the event &N betn&' b&Adled Collece Future rakier'a Field D• by a&'11culture atudent. of Oran1e to rt:ow 11 expected to attract ~l College under the direction mo of mtrtn Hall and RtcUrd BarTett.. ~tween 1~ and 260 hl&'b IChool qTlculture tnat.ructoN. . and junior collece &&'riculture atu· 1 • • dent• from t..hrOughout the county. Student.. and a.dvt80ra trom eight hl~h achoors Jnd three junior college• will participate In tha field day atartlnf at 2 p.m. on Orange Coast Ollll'g11 campua. Contatl , wlll be ht'ld for student• In the judging of beer. 1heep and utility &-Meet .Sales ~oune ·Starts Jan. 17 at OCC I hens u well u In feed lllld plant ''Secret. of Succeutul 8elllng." j ldcntmeatlon. P rizes will be ~ven to the flnit ten 11tudenta In each conldt. A· wards will alao ,pe made to the wlnnt.ng learn • and to lh11 high point man o ( the day. Rdreahmant1 w1JJ be served rol- f lowing the field day In the Student Center a t 4 p.m. Arrangementl Irvine Assessment ! Request Approved SANTA ANA (0CN8) -The Irvan«' Company hA11 asked the board or 11upervl110ra to call for the tax aaael80r to aU.as Linda Ille property back to 1950. Supl'rvlsora granted the request wh~n It w111 l~arned the oompany waived noU~ CoUJ1ty CoUJlsel Joel Ogle held I.he aaaiument waa In order. but that hla otflcl' weuld have no part of who la, the fee owner of the lanl'.1. a aix-meetinr coul'98 on modern aelllnr"' 'lJleUloda, Will •tart a t Or- an1e Cout Coller• Ju. 17 .. ac- cording-to Dr. Tho1. A. Blakely. dHn of Adult Education. The tint 11ualon. to be held from 7:30-9 p.m . J an. 17 tn room !Ive of thl' Tecim9logy Butldlng-, will be on ''Ret&ll Sellin&' Metllod.s at Mid-Century." The 1peaker will be> R . Dudley Boyce, ln1tructor In 1alra technique• •f. Oran1e Cout. On Jan. 24 tile topic will be "Selling One.elf-The S&Ju Per- IOtlallty." The 1peaker wlll be WU· ll&m O'~ryon, Manager of Mor· gan le Co. The meeting Jan. 31 will be ' devoted to ''What the Salesman Should Know In Pre· paraUon for Sellin&"' with IC. C. Ml .. lldine, Manac.er of the Sant.a Ana Branch. s.&r1 Roebucll speak· In&'. Feb. 7 meetinr will be on "The Sales Tr-anactlon-~t- qun that Sell," conducted by Ray N. Shaw, Mana1er or Bultuma and • McLEAN MoToR CoMP.ANi - .. 1955 t " ,.,.., ~, .. ' " ·-........ Cad~ has established a new ltyllnt trend wtlh the 195~ BdaPCNlo ID..., •elftt I '4,... demand at the 1954 GM M.oeof'w fer a tNfy d~ car lhowilll the _.,Miu ad _, Jllf MOit Mdoncll design dlaracteriltka. 'ftM MW Bdorado la ~ by a 270 Mrll' UW ..... CIOIUlpresaion V-8 Cadlftac engine, and haa a whMAHrM of 129 ...._ ...i _.,.,... ..... ti 223.3~ 0 . W. "Dick" Rtchard, owner of Richard'• Lido Market. Introducing a Great New 250 KP. Cadillac Engine The courw l6 beln1 co-.pouor-(270 H.P. in-the Eldorado) lmpicived.ll)'dra.·M•tic Drive • • ,. . • ~-----;:;;-.~;;~~~;;:;;:~~~~~~~~~;::~i;i~~i==~~~~~~~:;~::~;;~~~~~~~~~r~o~f~Comm~~~er~c!ei=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~:.=~~ . (If Motor VehlCll'll, Sant& Ana. will van ower Steering LEAGUE RECOMMENDS C'Tl ran -----·---~-----4 be-open Saturda~ from a Lm. to Perfected Air Conditioner noon durlng the annual vehicle HIRE RECREATION J EXPERT ~~811~t~;1d:~~8;!~. ':."od wh"'h Luth Women Hurt Finer Power Braking Paul Maaon, Director of Motor ,I " Vetilcles, eald the Saturday opera· In J-Car. Crash / Letter Asks Purchase of Six lion•· ln permanl'nt offlcea would Include all typu of vehicle re~•-A lhn:e· vehicle cruh ca Brt. c?/~d?~.. • L h 0 d b G C tratlon eervtce. and dr1•er llcenH tol Ave. 1000 feet aouth of Baker ~~ 0 wne y as ompany examining, Ave. resulted In two •ll&'ht Injuries ~I The effective date. for I.he extra to oocupanta ot one or th• tnvolv-Authorized ~-Dealer Ll'tttr11 In Newport City Coun· ar tson w111 purchue or the lots 11ervice are Saturdays, January 15• ed car1 Tburllday D 11' b t. Olive ell rl've&I t h&l tht' Lo11;ue of C1v1c 1 orrerl'<I by Soulhl'm Counties Cu 22• and 29 only. T. Luth. ~. and P~llia Lutb, 19, Al!l!ormtlon.!1 favor11 h1rln~ of R Co T hi' lt'ague clal111ed t hrre Md.Int wlt.h Olen R. Luth, lf. ~ Rf'~'rl'ath.>nBI Di rector all.C.l:. pur· 1W3li consallcrablr oppoattlon from ter to Aa1embl~ Earl St&nlty Walnut Pl., Co1ta x-. received IL01MDllL£ chue of alx loll for parka, ")ark· aome member organlu tton1 a· requesting clarilicat1on or the minor lnjurlea but were not boll-_.,- log and recreational are&.ll. The gaanat a plan for uslna MunlcipaJ 111.&te Jaw, or an .amendment, to pltallMd, accordlnC to the patrol. h1rio1 lell<r wu tiled, thl! other 1Traal!'r Park IW1ds ror thla pur-sllow a city ordinance replalln& Other lnYOJ•ed can were oper- rl'ferred to the park. beach and chaae. They 1tated thatliiile11 a apttd hmlta In '1111eya.-.nd 11treeta. ated by Donald L. Piere., ie. 368 rer reauoo commlMlon. ldellnHe date la 11l'l /or abandon· Jl cla imed aueh rf!S"Ul&llon I• par· Bay SL, Coeta KM& and Peter Tht lenrue urrently requeat.ed ment or the tniller park and un-llcularly requi~d • tn con,.eeted Wood.a, 33. 2179 -ru.t!Jl 1. .... Coeta hlrine of a qualified, pro!eu lona.1 leu montu collected from Ill w1e part. of the community to al.le~ M..._ recrc8tlOn .11rector. u 1pecifled In wu allocated to a fund tor Park late danger to ehUdren. tht' City C'hnrtcr. to plan an!I l'O· land Recrullon racllllle. s. they The lu,ue comrruttee workJni orthnat" c1ty-ownl'<I recreationa l would continue oppo11ing a ny on bettl'rment. of public ~1troom1 areas a nd to plan tlev~lopm«'nt uf lchang<' In the present lime limit wlll make Mother tout of all In· Muir Bo,. Born those J>Urchased. , existing nn trailer park u11e. stallatlone and report on each to ~ l'Tll.IT~ LOT PVRl.llASE . WRITES 8TA~l.El' the City Manager, It wu announc- Mr. 1111d Mra. Jaydee MUir of •OO Kings Place announced the birth of a ion S&turday, Jan. a ln Hoa1 Hoapltal. Al•o .-~cummendtd for council The league allo dispatched a let-ed. AMERICA'S MOST ADVANCED NEW CAR· 1955 MUCURY BUI 'M11fll~ of tlle .All Am,.ni:nn Murkrt. /Ol'atrd on Coa1t Hlgltway 111 N t'tl'f'Orl BNJrll. 11rtf"pf~ dtilhv:ry of 1111• ,.,.,,. 1955 /tlo11tr~1r J1'rr11r11 /ro1n Dl(I~ Joh.118on of Joll>taon nnd So" U 11coln-Meret1rJ1. Years and Years Ahead· 3 New Serles, 10Models·198 H, P. Su,.rTorque Y-8 "O JIAL.FWAY MEASl'llE::l' hc•rc' :-;o holcl n,i: to th.e put in 1ht h ··~h n,.w Jll,,rcury. Tnk•• ''"''"'' nc\·cr before such a bve-n.•u or llnf, T l1kr• .. ,:c. Tilt-<.' <1re lrmi;<'r. lower. bigger Mer· 1 1ry~ Take p• r form1J11n ~n ma ttf'r h<1w you mtuure It, FOR A NEW LEVEL OF MOTORING PLEASURE • THE NEW 1955 LINCOLN Lar ry A ,\f~1rn, 1n11'1• r rJf the 11·, dern Sl/1 • r t'11p Snt1111111~ A ll!Ord f or .•llOfl crn f l.smr11 n rr ol't'I t11r kt'!Jtt fo llt.f 11ew L1111•ulit Capri /roin Clyflr J o/1 11&011. Me~ury'a got IL High V-8 horMpowcr for all aer1u 1aa and l hp I. ' barn.> I carbu.ttt.or performance, super compreaalon. ~uper pickup ln ~·rv 1peed ran.re. See It now a t Johlulon Lnd Son. at I.ha BBC Auto ShoW. Mercury'• .rot 11' lon9er, Lower Appearance From Front, Sides or Rear• M..,. LIYlnt Desltn LO:'\OJ-:H. UlWER Ll:'\ES from the new C'OmblMtlon bump- "r-i:rid. to lht c11ntrd tl\11 lamp asl!l'mblle11 m&rk Lincoln'• """ "" aJ nmct 1n ext ht•I\ <' modrrn ll\'IOS • :,.i<lfin. Premium 1)111\hlv, "'"lt!I'(! •tf'el body giYe ~tl'r safety. lu1mn· and pleu ure of th11 fine car. Take tha Capr1 Cou~nverUble l'flyle With ooupe tuhlon equal• nneat taahloh. There'a a bt1· ger. more powerful v.a e"C'1ne too, and many ot.Mr raaorw why Lincoln 11 lhe fine car b\Jy of the ~r· · See the 1955 Lincoln end Mercury Car& at the BBC Auto Show ·Saturday end Sunday Johnson & Son ( ·l\tcLEAN MoToR Co~PANY 201 N. MAIN SANTA ANA KIMBERLY THRILL OF THE YEAR l·S BUICK ( NEW . STYLING-NEW POWER and MILEAGE plus, A WHOLE NEW FIELD OF ACCELERATION to give NEW PERFORMANCE with VARIABLE PITCH DYNAFLOW When you depreu your Byick foot throttle the result ;, • surge of power comperable to the way en airplene guns down the runway for • take-off •.. wotds cen't describe it. It's • NEW SENSATION --M>mething YOU simply must try for yourielfl The •m•rl thing to do--i.I you went to know wh•+'t what in NEW automobiles is to get behin~ the whHI of a '55 Buick. Mey we Hrvt you soon? SEE! DRIVE THE 'SS BUICK THIS· WEEK . ... . et the Balboa Bey Club Auto Show Seturdey -& Sunday, January 15th & I bth . C. E~ SIEMONSMA, BUICK Your South Coast Buick Dealer 2-7~'7 II I ol'm I Lincoln -M~rcury 310 Br9adway LAGUNA BEACH HY att 4-1047 • 900 W . CbAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH PHONE LIBERTY 8-5545 MARINE NEWS PAG E 6 . PART I I I..!._ NEWpQRT HARBO R NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 , 1955 TIDE .. T A ILE 0.tAt 1'nM Rt. n-Ht. HJ1tll I.ow Friday 1 '26 a.m. 4.6 7·M a m. u Jan. U 1:09 p. m. 3.3 7 18 p. m. 1.4 Saturday 2·11 a.m. 4.6 9·36 a. m. 1.7 Jan. 16 2.~ p. m. 2.7 11:02 p.m. 1.11 Sunday . 3.:13 a. m. u 11 :1)9 a.~ 1.3 Jan. IS 6:01 p.m. 2.6 9:03 p. m. 2.3 Monday 4:12 a. m. 4.8 12:12 p.m . oi Jan. 17 6.'2 J?· m. 2.8 10:21 p. m. 2. Tuesday 6:oe ,., m: 6.0 12;65 p. m, 0.4 Jan. 18 7:32 p.m. 3.1 ll:2!'P· m. 2.e Wedneaday ll:M a.m. 62 1:3lp.m. ~'O.o Jan. 19 8 :0f. p.m. 3.3 Thur-4ay.. 1:32 ii. m. -6.6 0:16 a. m. 2.6 Jan. 20 11 :30 p.m. 3.6 2:01 p. o.\. -0 4 \' f'actilc Daylight Saving• Time ~ Ci) (f • .. nK8T FULL a.isT Nl!:W QU.UCTER MOOlli QUUTER MOON Jan. l Feb. II Jan. 1~ Jan. 23 LADY ANG~ERS . - . '-. FRENCH GET$ JAii.. 1IRM ON . LOCAL IUltGLARY CONVICTION SANTA AN.A. (0CN8) -Pw belp&q ..... a Ill.JO bur11&ry, ·cun~· E. Fftllch, 11. SOt Monte V18ta a t., eio.ta Mua, Friday found blmMlt OD the wa, to the CaUfoniia TWU. Authority tor placH?mt ln one of tu~ fM J Uldetennln· ed period,. • P'rencti admitted work.ins wttb ~ Juvenu .. In bree.klnl lol11 the Coffee Haven. 102 McFa~n Place, Newport Beach, Dee. 4. The quarl•,t took ~11 of tUmea. nlcklee and pennlu from a cuh t>Ox. Superior Court Julia• John Shea denied the younr man probation and admonial1N him: "Wu It wocth It! We don't want yoe In 'jail. We want you to IMd a_ dece"l, reapectable life. It'll be up to you how you are trf'atf'd \iy the youth authority." HARIORMASTER RECORDS Big Decrease in Resc.ue. ·Fire Calls for ~~·M Told A 1ublllanllal decre&ae In fire I the Newport Beach Qty COuncll and rucue calla durtns Jh• put and Oranp County Harbor Com- mlulon, Included 2&117 calla com-year wu reported In 1964 re-pared to .1878 In 11~3. There weA cord1 dlacloatfl by Harbor Muter 20~ calb recorded Irr December Ruaaell E . CraCa . The report alao ot lut year. ' revealed a co~derable lncreue LE88 PUE& WORK In larg'~ veuel1 liven aul1tan« Tbe ofnce of the Hubor Maater be.U. Otftcwa aa.14 tMy fo&Jow.d Hood'• plck-up trucll trom oi-u,. ""· -Cout HiPW&l' towardm Newport. Tiiey aa.14 h• cl"OMed lh• double Un• twice -.wened from lane t.o lane. If• wu •top- ped at lupertor Ave. an4. Cout Ril'bway. Hood w~ al*> dted for not bav-lftl' an opentor'• llc«lee. By STELC (Mrs. Ray) llARSHALL and old'derellct rowbo9ta remov~ noted: "Total decrea .. In calla for from beaches and de1troyed. 1964 i• due mainly to ellmtnattnr are quiet! There wne no fire reacue.., c.Ua unneceuary written report.a." · ~ reconf•d by the Harbor ~rt--The Uecember breakdown: &11· ' ; ment durlnr Decembet. The yea r'• alatance ~dereti amall boata, 11: ' ~, Quiet u a litten. Ampng the mo$l lmport.Mnl par· total tor tire calla wu 11 compared boa t.a broken Into, 2: arre1t1, 2: yt· liut there'•• lot of UH on the party line llclleduled 'CLEMENTE NAVAL to 17 In 1953. The~ were t reecue rowboata lo1t and not recovered. !~°', wildcat action ia thoee , thla monlh In the Harbor la the call1 In 1964 agalnat 22 for '63. 2; rowbo9ll held for JD and re· ~~~ rugacl, dependab.le Sea New_port Harbor Lady Anglers an· GUNFIRE WARNING WINDSTORM BLAMED t um , 6: rowboat• found a nd re-,:~$; HOrMI. Coma 1.11 aad SCORES WIN nual trophy awal'd banquet 1J1<tln· A 24-hour wlndatorm with ru•lJI turned, II; apMd complalnta, 4: : :;.•°' U.tu to the four greet NHYC SAILOR 11tallatlon of officer• Friday, Jan. Naval cunfire and bombln1 exceeding Ml mph wu lar1ely re-other complalnt1, 7: ruut veaaeh1. ~\~ modela. SJ.i to 2S H.P. Saint Cicero. wtlh bla J)l!Ute w1fe, Lou, a• crew, aalled t.o victory 21. The M'Hlon will be held In New-will rock aome San Clemente 1pon.slble for 49 lnatancu of ¥· 11; offahore moorlns• lnatalled, 1, 0 f Port Harbor Yacht Club. b land area'.a ·lhla week. Coaat 1i.11tance rendered lar•e boat& dur-and mlacellaneoua calla, 94. tor Newport Harbor Yacht Club lut w~ek end In their I · t. ' . ,. T hia will be another laviah af-Guard official• warned martn-Ing December. Thl.11 brou1ht the Breakdown for 1964: ANl1tance IAhman Dinghy Satan. ln the annual Manning Memorial Trophy fair and enry member and hi• ere today. Caatle Rock will be year'• total In tbla category to 80 rendered email boall. 90; boat.a aerlu for dlncniea .ailed al Alamllo• Bay lut Saturday and hu.t!Wnd and frlend11 are looking bla.t!J4!!1 <!\lily through Friday compartd to 33 •rrvtcu of this broken Into In 1llpa. 22. In moor· Sunday, the Cic:er~• took first place In the Lehman 1:lau of th• forward wllh a high deJ(tee of plea-from 8 a.ni. lo midnight and 1ort by the Harbor Department in lng1. ii; 1peed arTuta. 91 ; other HOME LOANS At Or•119• Co111tty'• Leo4'i11r. H~~i"t "'ti I QUICI 24 HOUllt SElltVtcE Low · LOW "lltEOUCIN6'" INTEREST lltA ns EASY UONTHl.Y 'A'(MENTS FRIEIDLY SYMflA THETIC SElltVICI WI IU'I' TlUST DllOS ON WIU LOCATIO HOMU LAGUNA • five-race reratta. -~ckner Photo 1ure to when the gala 11hake off during daylight hours Satur-'53 •rreat1. 53: rowboat• lo1t and not ~~~~~~~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==;;~~~~~~!~d~~ ~Y ~·s~~ ~~ ~~,~~d~~ro~~re~t~~~~~dfor . 'lRAFFI~ malea. CoV'e will be under f ire today totalled 178 lut year. Dec4:m~r'• ID and return. 225: rowboa t• found FEOHAL SAVIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHR Av"" ~ ~~~~--u-~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~-~~·~~~~=-~-~~~~the Ha~Depart~~~~~g m : ~f'd c-IL--~~"r.llH~HI ~~~U~tl'l·...-1-' ar 11 an n uence n 'W a e alone equalled the 18 rowboats re-plainll. 107: rue1t ve .. el1, 118 a1 I (laherwoman will wtar but what c b p bl · moved frorv beachu &Ad dHtr<>y· compared to 103 In 1953: offahore LAGUNA BEACH '11011• HY 4·1177 TOLL REDUCED By PATRO' they will receive from catchln1 a ana ro em ed In ""· Cralc reported. m;::ortnga lnatalled, 2~: ahore moor· the blggul poor fil!lh In I.he ocean. In all, Harbor Department actl· lnp inatalled, 19. and ml1e•Uan-l meaning trophlu. Yu, dupite a Vexes Mesa vltlu for 1964, aa aubmltted to eou1 calb, 1202. poor fl11hlng 1euon. there 11 a long 49 U de ,53 U.t of trophy wlnMra. 1954 Fatalities ft r New offlcer1 to be ltlatalled In· ci•ty p•annen South Coast Co. Z3rct & NeWport llvct. j \ elude Mrs. Ray (Stell) Marahall. I Despite Increased Hi..1.way Use pre1ldent, succeeding Mra. Ned ~· (Pipey) J ohn\on, Mrt. Hub (Dor· ./ la) Powrrt. vtce-pruldent: Mr•. Boyd to · Fly ·-East for Power Squadron ft1eet ORA NGE (C>CNSI -The Or· ange County aquad of Callfomla Highway Patrol apent a buay year In 1954. with patrolmen traveling 830.260 mUea on rural roada 11Uld hlghway1 aa they reduced traffic fal allUu 49 undrr lhe total of 1953. Jerry !Dorothy) Adami, aeerPlary; Mra. Wllllam I Mary Belle) Toblaa, lrl'&11urq. Muter of certmonlt>11-'for lhe an- nual banquet will be Hub Powen. lnvtta:lona already have been &ent out. Capt. Herbert W. Null, com· A 1 BAC mander of the Orante County nnua l'f'OUp, point•• out the reduction Robert L. Boyd, Commander of ID fatality fll"J.re1 came u more What la a cabana T Jf you know, you ti&"' the State or Callfomla, t he County of Or· ange and the City of Coat& Mua beat all hollow, the Meaa City Planning Comml1111lon learned Mon· day nlg~l. Sure. It'• 80meUlln1 attached to a trailer. But beyond that, ext1t· Ing Jaw.11 covering the 1tructure giv4'' llUCh a vague aMWer t o the que.sllon that the pi.nnera foun!S lhem~IYH headln«" ln an oppoalle direction from-the Meaa City <;oun- c1I. t.he Caltlornia Olatrtct f1f Ul• can were reglater~ tn the county T ph A d United lt&tea Power Squadron and heavier traffic fllled the raods. ro y war . will fly to New York today to I Ul5 ACCIDE~TS THRASH Tltl S OS OL'T a ttend the annual Nallonal Squad-Luckily; City Atto~ey Don D11n- ron Confertonce at th• Hotel Shera-Patrolmen lnvHll&ated Zll:I ac· M t J 28 gan waa pr·eaent to fnfcfnn the ton·Aatd( fan. U and 15. Boyd. c.ldent.a duz:ing the year, .of which ee an. commlaaton It had bettf'r lhra1h who la a Put Commander of Bal· 70 wer• fatal acccidenta wllh 79 things out on trallera and cabua1 boa Squadron, will repreMnl the pel"llOna klllt'd. 1073 Injury accl· w1lh the city councilm•n before eight California Squadrona making denta wll.h 1907 penon1 Injured. Awardlnc or the City or New-ltaktng propoaed action on • trall- up Dlatrlct 13 of lb• LI Dlatrict.a I and 1172 property dama ge acct· port Beach Club ChamplO.£!,llhlp er rboluUon. t.nto which the IM Squadron• are denta. trophy will highlight the regular d ivldf'd The patrol alao made 10.411~ ar-annual dinner and trophy pruenta-The ruoruuon which came be- . •a 000 MJ:)IBERS ruta durlng the year, 837 of which lion of the Balboa Angling Club fore the rlty planner11 Monday • ' fol.lowed accident 1nve11Ugatlon11 00 Jan. 28. night was otrrred tor 1ubml1111lon There are now 23,000 member. with 1~9 arreata•tor drunk driving'. Due to the huire advance ,.lK'r· to I.he CoYnty Board of SupervlJ1· '--· In the United Sta tu Power Squad-........ •nty-nlne 'elony arre1•• In· ors. It "'-1nted out the conflict In• • .. ~ .. ..., vatlon1 fll~ to d11te for the din· t"' ., ron11, ./< non·proflt and volunteer 1 ded lne f ca th ft standa rt.18 bt-ln~ set up between national education organisation, c u n or r e · seven ner. Preeldent Fra.nk Sawyer of found•d in 1914. One lbouaand for dnmJ< drivtns with Injury, four. the anglln& club announced the proposed ordlnancf'll regulating ~ for hlt ·alld run dn vlng w ith In d h e ti trallen and cabnnas 11nd exisllnK rnembera are enrolltd Ill I.he O..ll· · . · • dinner An trop y prl'tlenla ona fornia dl•lrlct, which lncludn J\lf)'. ~ree for man11laughter, five would tllkl pl•cl' In the Clock lantt UM! orQlnAncu and bulldlng Squadron• in Ball><>•. Lons ~ach. for na coUca violation and one tor Country Club. 14000 E. Telegr&ph corte regul11t1ng nth4'r lYP"".I or armed robbery. Patrolmen alllO Road, Soutli ,Whittler. 11truct11re11. San Diego, Santa Monica. Loe An-made two arruta for aex offen1e1. Sawyer 1&id no ptace could be Dungan pointed out that JU!lt relea. San t'ranclflCO, Sant.a Bar· ... o·-· ... ""'\'IE •o H aboul the only thlR" lha C•>Atll bara and Oa.lcl•nd. ~ .. ~ Rr. found In the arbor area to ac· .. , MARKSMEN! Tars Average 61.3 Points Per DNGllwr lurgl~ for. 2 llankeh Burslary of the boat Dreamer moor.ct In front of Chrlatlan'a Hut off ICdgewater Ave. and or--ned Practl.Ce Game by John 1ngram of 1:12 w. wn- aon St., Costa Mua, 11 beln1 ln - veaUgated by police. Averarlnr I0.3 polnta per pr•c· i· Two blanteu were taken from lice game. the Newport High T1r1 the boat, lngTam ll&ld. and liquor racked up 863 marker• .against I oppdnent.a 11.36 In ..,, ll·tame baa-wa1 consumed. Officer• aald the kelball practice -eon. forward hatch w .. pried up and · Ope.nlns wlt.h a '8.-M victory two wlndow1 on the forward aky· over the alumni five, Coach Julu IJg'ht broken. Content• ot the boat Gace and h11 cuaba runnera hung were alre~ around the cabin . po- up •l&ht wl!'-' and thrff louea. In-lice aald c:ludin& UMt alumni ram•. the Tan -------------raced to •ix •lralcht tnumpha, downing Excelalor, M·~l: Laruna. 111-47: Bellflower. 77-64: Garden Cro\'e, i0-4~; and Valencia. .13-43. A sudden dulJlng of .tiooUng eyn accounted for narrow defeat.a In the follow1n1 three tray1 u the Tan lost the trio of tu.111~a by a total or 11ev1>n pol.nu, ICxceliilor ga ined revenge. 39·38; Tornuice lrlumphed. 4 7 -44 and Par11motlnt won, 50-47. JIM WHYTt INSURANCE 1 Ocean , Ma~e and General Insurance * Offt«l": Ooa .. II-11&•11 Bhlf. Ubert7 1-lll t Rea. t ll Buel. ()orou 114'1 ••• ...J -Clualfled Ada are read by folks who are really k>oklnl t.o buy. New lealltfful COCO MATS -Wovtn Designs in Full Color - Siie 22 x 36 1n. Re9. 8.95 ·····-····Sfeclal S.95 Sixe 18 x 30 in. Re 9. 5.95 ··-·-..... Special 3.95 Hea''Y Ga.Iv~ R. F. D. Mail loxes Re9. 2.95 Sp. 3.95 Rea''Y Oalvuabed Garba99 CaM #' -I Gal. !!JI.,, Re 9. 3. I 9 Sp. 2.69 l11Hcten Hardware YalHS Schla9e Keyed locks, Re 9 . 8.00 ...... Sp. 5.95 Quickset Keyed locks Re9. 5.95 ...... Sp. 4.49 Sash Balances. Re9. '95¢ .............................. Sp. 77t Oueat offlcera from I.he C&na· Durlnl' the y;.,. Ult patrol re· commodate the Hllmated 500 per· Mesa communuy bo<.11"" appt-•red dlan Power Squadron•. wlU attend cove~ 33 atolen cani, made 28 10n• expected to a ltend the annual Ito agree upon wiu, "Cabanu are Coach 011ge figure• hi• boy1 are ready fur tht lea.cue opener here Yrlday agalnat the potent Hunt· tngton Beacb.. Ollera alter 1harp- enlng up on Long BeAch Wilaon with 1 111-~2 vll'tory and Ca ttfom la High. il-41 HEAD9UARTERS FOR WINTU ACCISSOllES the conference, along with top aafety apeecbu. lnapecied 200 fertlvitlu. In the put. the annua l here. Let'• regul&tl' them .. M"tUSE UPHOL8TEIU~O rankmr u. s. N.avy, Coaat Guard acbool buaea and licensed 400 achool dlnner mret.AI were held loc:aUy. I In \1t'w or the d1!rerl'nce.11 ot ~ llOAT OOVll:AS and Merchant Man ne offl~ra. The buA drlvera. Durlnr t he dinner, ftnit announc-opinion between the planning com-I . BALllOA C"-""" • menl will be made of lhe new of· ml1111lon a n•I the councll. Dungan Ao P ower Squadron• do not have any SHOP offtctal connecu"n •1th any r ov-Off fleer• elected by bitllolJI mslled In oJJUggr1tetl they 11$r<'e not to take •mment •sency but do have the iCefS Al.d-advanc• of th" annual meeting. action unttl oppo111ng vlewa on the m~ .. ~1:\. cooperation of all Th• ~ .it't'tf'd o!flcera w111 be aubJect could be utt.IP<l at a di•· I Nfwlo •1 HACH The ~~e~~~~:::~~;&quAd· Registration 11n•t::_at~=n•r. ,~::~~;st7~::~,:~n~~ :0~S.:7.~:a::. ~ H --- rona •rt .-cattert'd •cron lhe a ...... .,...--.ntmeftt d p a rold I. J ohn5 on United Stat e&. from Coast to Collll F a· I lnlUlCc. I an n In ~ C-omm1 .. '41Qn I and a re all!O reprl'•t-nt••I In Ala.aka. or 1cyc es Hein& K11llll'r. mtmber of the ChR.lrman \\ alt~r WPlnlt'r pmp<>e-J.?v PropeUu "4-pllln Oran-• County Bo.rd of Su""'r· ed a letter be wrlltrn. ukln" the Columbl&a and f"pdf'raJ Ha•·a11an hh1nd11 and the Canal ,. ... j 11 d AKf'll<:Y Zone. Kennrth 8 Chtunp or F'inrt-A crew of two orr1cer11 rmm the Vll'Or" from the Harbor area, "-'U counc to !'fer further action un· Pll._ Har•cn ne )--... O., hPads t h• 11l11le of off1l'rr 1. ~Pwport Bearh police drpartJnf'nt Tu«"!O<lay 1tppointPd hPlld of five l UI the talk wtth the plAnnn• •J !Al I \'Illa \\'ay. N-1M'1 ........_ to be plac•d befoie thr N1t1onAI I "''II ~ iwnl to H11rbor Rr•• achoob county l'Ommlltf'"A by \Vlll11 Wsr-.Comm1l!'•lontr Bub \\'1l1111n" •1P· Conre~nc• Champ. th" .-n~umbent In th" next two or thr<'e week• to 11er, t•hairmM of the B<l11rd.o(, Su-fmlllCln of cabAnA" w11~ 11 lttth• chJC!f Comm1ndl'r, hM hf'ltl office aid ynungater• In bicycle regilltra-p!'rv1110M1. He will head up hoap1· d1ffrrent. "Th11< '" p11r1 or the r\'n· dunnr th• put yPAr 11ncl 1 .. l'X· 1 lion It w&• IUUlounced today by tal. probAtlnn departm<>nt, Juvenile lulion Clf tr11t1,.r11." peclt'd to be re-eiectf'll. Capt. Harry Lllce. hall, Harbor dl~\rkt Md advertlJJ- B&lboa Power Squadmn ia fur-The men wlll v111lt Horarc En· lnK rommltttt.11 t.hn r('preMnted at the Dlet.rlcl 111._l"Jl School Saturday. J An. U -------------OnP out or every llf'Vtn workl'r~ In the United St11te11 111 empl(lyrd I In h1ghw&y tranaporlAt1oon 1nri11~· triea, a <'rordlnit to the N1111•1na.I Automobile Club. kvel. by Oeorg-e Fox. a local mrm· from II a.m. lo l p.m. On Satur· ber, who la Dh1trlct Secretary. a nti d•y, Jan. 22 lhl'y "''IU vl1ll Corona by !Aon Ware, Lido lale, who 111 del Mar School during th• ""'"' l>hrt.rlcl Public Relatfi.ftls Of fll'er houu. Nf'wport Element111·y Sr hool 1Vllllam Thomp80n. 11180 a Be.Ibo& will be v1111ted Saturd11y. Jan. 29 tnember. 111 a member or the na-the same hours. tJonal .c:ommunlcationa commlttre Children are &1ke4 to bring their and Jamee Stodda~a la a member blcyclu and W centa to one of of thP national Junior nav1plor the. echool• on t~ a bovl' datea. ~ committee. From Balboa area Put letter of uplanatlon la belftg di .. l>toll'1ct Comrnanden Include Harry trtbuted to parent.a through Ult .ullton and Haro&d Tracy. achool&. Lac. aajd. RESIDENTIAL-INDU STRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO IOUa a&.. Newport 8eer.b Barbor WI No reprorr 11 ao potent as the all~nt ltuon ot ,ood u a mplr. -Mary Bakf'r Eddy PAY-L~~S ACIOM HIGHWAY "OM MOAG lt()SflfAl .......... ~r.-oa.--.·1-JOI NEWl'OltT l lVD.:-CC'STA MESA ~~ ... ~ .. ~··· -~----~ .. -.. -------- Save With Safe ty on DU NLOP DeLUX E • and SILVER FIRST QUALITY KING BATTERIES TIRES Dunlop De Luxe Tires 800-18 112.96 Exchull• 67(). 16 ......... ....... ... Sll.95 Exchu1• 650-16 .................... 1 16.9~ Eschaall• 710-15 ............... ..... SU.N Eschui e 78().15 .... ,........ 11'7~ Ext"haaie PU'!ll,TAX 30 MONTHS GUARANTEE FIBERGLASS INSULATED' 6 VOLT 1395 ••. • tit .. A11y ., Arnl'riNlll ('ar TIRE CHAINS If you·ni 1ot•1 lit tM _..,,_, ~Utt ~~ H.-\')' 0.ty ('laalM ...... ;, ... r., PR~~~ .. ~Tl-FRQ2E ..... 218 MEMB E R G omn1 unity. C redit' Plan UNTY MOTORISTS SI. 1177 Harbor ihd. Costa Mesa Uberty 1-6411 .. 1- / .--( ··' ,- I• -OCC Tr1stees Adopt New ' I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE7 Hobby Sllow Plalll TH~RSDA ~· JANUARY . I l, 1955 . .. >.. l'me"'I ln'lttaUaA to au ('()1· lec1ors, hctme artieta, bobb)'UIU and• ~raftam~n In Boutbera Call· rortlla to partlcJp•t• In Ule aanu.al Hobby Show to be beld ta con~ Junction ••Ith \he torU.U,. Nauon• al Onul&• S how ln 9an Beraatdlno March 17 tbroo1h March IT ba• *" elft.end~'d by member• ot th• Hottby ~w Committee. HARBOR HOUSE OPEN HOUSE At the Harbor Howie Monday night OWner John Majuri, ehown nearest to camera be· hind buffet table, played boat to some 900 gueeta. Partly visible behind Marjuri aer• ving the free buffet dinners are Manager "Pete'' Hector, Chef Kenny Haase and Ba.k· 'er Thomas Haddon. Majuri and Hector report that many new faces joined the happy crowd of familinr patrons to launch the Harbor Houae, "get acquainted" party. Music for entertainment was provided by Barney Lantz and Sonny Budd. -Beckner Photo Placentia Ties Mesa Merchants Cost.a Mesa Mt'r<'h1nl11 baltll'd to a 11·11 len·lnnlng tie aga.ln8t the Placf'ntla nine on the rival Cltld J an. 9. IN EXCELSIOR TOURNEY ' ~ L. B. Poly "Freeze" Puts Tar Bs on Ice by 47 -27 Pl11J for 12 "1ajor Sports · ' The Boa.rd or 'l'ruateee of Orange Cout College at their last l'eiUlar meeting approved a program of intercollegiate athletics including 12 major aporta. The sport.a to receive t hi• recoenition are foo.!_b&ll, basketball, bueball, track, wrestling, tennla, water polo, crosa country, swimming, aailing, crew and golf. Thia decision by the board establishes a pro- gram of sports of auch ~readth that fe9' colleges can match. It baa been eonaiatently the policy of Orange Coaat to provide competition in sports. tor the gr,eatest poBSible number of students. Major sport.a at Coast Coltege are given recog- n ition by awarda and through financial backing. Those winning a letter in a sport for the first time receive a monogram. Earning a second letter in a given sport entitles one to a jacket. During t he past seven years of e.xistence of ~ Orange Coast College, the competitive sports pro- gram has gradually grown to include a large num- ber of activities. Because of thie growth, the Board of Athletic Control asked the Bo11rd of Trustees to make a decision on sports to receive major em· phasis and recognition. The trustees indicated that if there was a · necessit,Y to reduce expenditures be· cause of the broad program of ath!eSics, first. cuta · should be made in t ransportation costs for long trips. . ORIENTAL IRON CURTAIN Giles Brown to Exhibit ·Color 'Slides on Japan Color~ altdea of Japan.· take 1 by Dr. GU~11 T . Brown on his l fp , last aummer, will be shown Jan, 20, In t he .6-rl Center Callery of O~ Coast College. "Japan. &n Ally of the Fulurl' !" la the title of the llluatrateod l~t· ture which ta the first In a aeries or four to be a1vcn on 11uccesalve· Thursday nights under the general beading, "Focu11 on A11l1." Other lectures In the serlea will deal wit h Thailand, P 11klstan and Jndla. Dr. Brown, who Is chairman of th~ SoetaJ D!vl:11on uf the colll'gl', took over 1200 colorl'd 11l!dPt on his recent tr Ip alon~ the Oriental lron Curtain. He also wu able t.o Interview mt.ny leaders In polllle1. education. and the prorN111lrm.e. ln· eluded In the lecture on J apan next Tb1'rsday night wilt be pie· turn of pagodas, Hybya Park, Tokyo slreel 11Cenea. rice tlelda, lb• DR. OILU M OWN MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS a., .1111 llAmENY ~ Anyone for bt>wllng! There muat be a lot of local bowl- ers, according to BUI Klots, manager of Van'• ~wling· in Costa M.~· Bill aaya they kee8 the place open day and night to accommodate the folks who like to ~WI before and after eating. Or after attending a movie. Or after a ride 'round tbHe part.! aauce o\·er-all, ~but -anyhoo, thf'Y Bowler Klota al.lo ket!pa a bit .. Y ''When you want good JaUan • ot chow handy, too, for thoae who dlnnen ro to ROSs1·s ." That'• Jn Coron• del Mar, wttere the htr h· build up an appetite ... ltt'lfa le way meelAI. thr eurf. almGst! with their 11eoru. Jim KARAM'S bl'sl booatere are Were you one of the "900" ! Iota of ,people who don't even know Guesa the 110Cial regaler hall di•· h.lm. But when thl'y have 9ten In carded the old cltche about "•OO" hi• ,Balboa rl'&taurant cine or more for now it aeemi tha t V-00 (approx-tlzn~ they tell nra.ny anot her ltnately) madf" the bufret dinner about the menu Ill KARAM'S. at J. o h n M&jurt'• ~HARBOR Paraphrulng a 11loga.n. "ask t ht' HOUSE Monday tve. 1n cue you mt.n who'a eatf'n t hne.'.' didn't meandf'r up that way on ''Look for me whl'n you ... , mt. Monday we·u rub it In by remind· I'm not C'om"1g b1ck until J b11g Ing you that It wu ror F REE! my limit." 1111""1 Johnny V1lrll«' a11 "Pete" H•'<"lor and J ohn"y M. he dl'putC'd the ARCHES for tried lo coul)l th• "give•" but they duc-kK and 1tee8t> In Mexico. I ICost rount.al About 850 and KNOW , Accompanied by J ohn Brulty, Utat another j~ or 110 took atln\n· the ARCHES maJOr llomo heRded tage or the gel·acqulllnted buflo't. Into the w1ld11 11outh or }.teiocall Aecordlng t.P all hand.I •l H AH· tut Saturday and all .are await· BOR HOUSE ttre tvc v.•a1 a howl· Ing hi• return over at the J>'lrJUll'lr In~ sutl't'81l In all dep11rtmrnts. spot on Coast Hlg~way. You don't Be.mcy Lant z and Sonny ll•llld ffave to wa il for J ohnny to comt' f>layed rur entertainment 1111 they back. The food and Hl~tion wlll will continue to \lo Crum now on. kt'ep coming 811 long a11 )'OU aak Tliere·s dam:1ng ev!!ry Sul urdity for It! out 11l HARBOR HOUsl· 8" you Tomorrow night 11t t he 111 roke don't have a n excu!M! now when or 8 SEA F'ARE L.AOGE and RF:S· the Lii' Lally 1111ys, "la ke me lf'AURANT will pn·11ent s J9M 11omeplacl' nice and hanily." ll'a i-~uhlon Party, M11ybe you'd llke H . H. lads. to parta ke of the entl'rtafnnu~t. • In cuic you wonder.-d wh)' lhe •IMclni;: and glancl111: a l the laVe· 110mbrtro o\'er al HENRY'S, on ly models? Ju~l In cu e you dldn·t the ('oa.'t Highway, w .. 11hakln know, SEAFARE I!' do111o•n the·roa<I likl" 11. maracu lust Sunday eve a plecl', juat aouth of LaJ:'una we'll tl"ll you. 1t wu a 11Wrll rare· Beach. wl'll party ror Senur Louie u he Aa you drive through Corona siud.-"adlo~" ,to his plnno and ut del Mar and see the quaint om sail ror Peru. Engllah t avl'm down near the end Sf'nor Mo1cno, beter known u ~ lhl' vtllaf:I', let ye be not d1 .. Lou ... , left the gMg at HENRY·s mayed. When you walk lniude the for a 11.hort 11tay In llh'x1ro City I old· look In~ w•yl\lde Inn you·u find wrom whf'OCt hi' takt'I u1r for vrry modtm food. be\'eragf' 1111d home. Home t o him ta a little VII· 1,.nlt"rlalnment. All punctuate<t lage. not rar Crom Pen.r'• capitol with a crowd of modf'rn run-1erk· cltV. L1m11. Bon \loy11ge. Loulr: crtl al the HURLEY BELL. w;·u aJI miM you. Hurry b11ck to Don't plan to 10 to CJiRLST· Hf'nry and 'l'ony 1111d all the gang JAN'S HL'T for that yummy who'll I>\' walling for )'hU m N<'w· Chln1>H Oven-Roasttd Prime Rib port Harbor. un Mon day. T hry're d o1'ed on A11 une llkl'ly lady put Ir, M11ntlay1. But the HUT i• o}>t'n tor "spaghetti by ROS.SJ IR llkt' a food and KTQg on lilt Bay the yeur gown· by Dior." l'cr!!On111ly w.,·ve 'rounrl.' t\'l'ry tlay txrrpttng Mon .. l never 11ten a femme dr11ped In day. 11paghetl1 anll niut blrtlll with Jr you don·t wish to bowl or tr you don t fel'I hke 81pplng o.r 11up· Award of the Year. Rcllrlnk prtlll· pinJ bow·1 about attendlng a lo- denh Hatfield of Klwunl1 a.nd ~I movi,.• H•rl'·a th<' rlnema a t· Mn1. H~nry Ha U or Lftcly Kll11. trac-tlon1 locally: at Ole WDO.L..!!! The Me11&J1s were luding 9'°" Lonr Beach Poly employed the A ion had 7 and r.rktn had 1 point. temples at Nll<ko. vlewa of Kyoto, r uin( lnlo the elghlh framt', but " I Buddhill templu, &Jlcl Shinto with two r111crntla out.11. a-dropped "fl'fft.e to defeat the Tar Bee• 1 The Tar11 play their next p me shrlnu. The lttlure. ~hlcb la open Thura<lay afternoon. 41·27 at lht with Huntln.:u)n 1;1<'3ch next Fri· I to the public. will be&ln al 8 p m. were pruenlell with· ~lft• rrom Newport Beach. "Cannen Jonu ': F t Utclr rt'llpKllve croups. Mri1 Wll· al thC' BALBOA, down Balboa· Ores tr.rel Courtney ~·111 1otrodur ed u way. "AU th~ Brolhn • Were Val· n"w lacy K1ll1 pre11ldl'nt. j ta nt"; •l lhf' MESA, In Coat.a Mr 11nd Mrt< G Wtll111I BuJO.etl M~11. "Vtr1 Cruz" and •t thl' Cnr· of Sanla Anl\ wnt In cha1 gr oC Iona del Mar r ORT 11f EA TRt:. Tom De Installed as Kiwanis ·Head pup-up fuwl R.9 ve th!' i lvlllt a Ult E:xcl'lsior tournament. Shoollng a 1 day al HunUnKtll ""a g~!:'·dThl chOH· I Parklnf will be po1>s1t.ale In the Which l"'"nllte•I lhrm to k not lhe trtl a re itt'nera . Y c~nc,"e o ave lurrld 76 per cent on ttielr floor ' the bf'.l!t c-hanru 1.,r IM le&gue student parking lot. This can be counl shola in the first . half enabl~ champlonllhlp. The game alaru al reached by dnvlng ~hiou>.;h Coata 8LAl°K Lt:AU:ooi them t~ r el off to an early lead 3 o'clock. Me .. on l'ewporl Blvd. tum ll\R C t I Id a b "I k ed d · left on FaJrvtew Ave. and ma"'ng en er It er u "'M pac that pro\le unbeatable In lhe lat-•L I f h the Merchant .. by 11mashintc out a anower r l turn onro t r <>ampu• the f'nterlalnmcnl program. which '01>1'<-p In My Heart" lncludl'tl v(l(lll numbt-r11 ll\' tht I Make tvtry day "S ·D 01\y" and BaMt'llJI, 11 111.rb<·r ~hnp quartet I k«p 11U\t' rn ·~. Have !un. and c:t1rnmun1ty 1ln111ng. Arthur -- t:.inrrt>n w11s ac~omp11nleL t:nlt<'d Slalt'I 111ctor1u p~oducrd one hundrl'tl and right million mo- I. I D 0 '/lca.:tu . .. :SOW TlllltJ S4T. ono PRC~'lllGCR ..• ".""' ...... . .-m BELAFONTE·DANDRI08E rua BAILEY "JESSIE JAMES \'8 THE DALTONS" IUDS MAT MAT I : .. "Tarzan Tri ..... '' /'ITAHTS S >:XT MC~. Coatlnuou• Mua. "-I :IO TH IOST TWA· ... T STll MOW II etCl MIST ElCITllll ~IU ..••...............••....••••• M-G-M•• octlon..-.lt In tropitol COLOI oncl au .... ull STEWART llANIR lllAllKB.LY PAUL DU,.,. .... ,,·~~-llF' "CRY VENGEANCE" homer, double ruul two arngle11 In ter part or the r ame. TaxCll»le County at the studt'nt perklnf lot 1111:11. f ive ll 1ps t o the pla t... I The Long ~b quintet jump· The Arl Callery ta locllll'tl on 1 ht \\'aynl' Cough tree dirt the Meaa <'d to an eu'ly lead in the first Sales Up 5. 9]Co/o northwHt rorn~r or the parking I Lt. C<>v. L. o. CUip or-Fou1 lh chucking with Cary )o"orcJ catch· quartl"r •• they rolled off a lead lot. I Olalrlcl, K1w11nl11 1.ntrnwttonal. m· Ing. For r turntla, tM batlt ry wa.. of :'.I polnUI by t.be end oc t he l1ral SACRAME="TO, rCNSJ -The Atalltd Thnmu Dr For~'t as prf'1'r· tor Vl"hlrlu dur1nJ: !ht pa11t ~ ~=;~;;;;;;~;;• yeara. rl'f)Ort1 the Natrl)nal Aut<r I mob1lf' Club tMiIDJ Tf'd Htrrl'rll pltchrn1t. Le<I• lln\81\ quar~r. The Tant manaced l,O Mak......u In Craah I ·h'nt l)f Costa Mu • K1want111. to· calr hini;. 8core only p point.a Jn the tint 1tate boatd or equallr.allon report· _.. • J • 1-{t'lhrr with the n•·W corps of of· Mitniiger E<l L&.ne rep<>• led the while Poly aco~ 14 polnta. rd lod~ that the \lolume of bu.ti· Autos chwen hy Wenrldl Lnrl<' f1r r11, 11l a rlinnn met'tlng tut MrrC'h&nlJI would face Orange at 1'7·POL"liT ADV.u-iT AGE nesa aubject to Hies tax In Call· M&b<"JTJ, J~. or 178 Flower !it., J an • In Harbor Houte. Re· COllla Mu • nvn Sunday 11t 1 :30 The Tani ecored e 1n Ult• per· fomla 11et 11 new record during tht CMta Me1111. .111HI Robert John Ur1n.c pr• Mdent, A. 0 . Hatfield, p.m. He added t.hc local nine m· 100 while Poly dropped In l lJ. Thi• third quartrr of 191)4. 011.mer. 21. or 602 s. Ulrch. ~anti\ w11s in&tallNI "" pa•l pre111dcnt by lendrtl to keep playing rlg hl dl1<lribullon gave Poly a l7-polnt Ana, W<'rc lnvolvt'd In a property the lmmNlllltf' plllll ll.-uten1tnl g11v· through the wtntu . ha lf-lime ac:tvanJ,age. Taxable 1111lt11 In Orange county damage accident a l 19th St !l.ml einor. Enc Uur1on. !\IOKt" rLA l't:RS NUUE U Going lnl-0 a modified rreue In amounlf'd to $8:).512.000 tor the :"ewp<•t t Rlv•I. In t:n11la ~'""" .Jan. I Scvenl)'·•lx pt'rllOn&, tncludmg · ' ' the second bal! enabled Poly t.o third quarter. an Increase of 5.93 7. Tbe Me.berry vrhtt'le h11 <I to Lad)' Klla. were l1rucnt ror the rf· "We can wie addlllonlll ballplay. k 1 ~ ff th per cent ornr Uie corrt'apondillf: ~ tllken to a garage. Mr1<8 police fair. which nw lhe following ad· t rll, .. Lane &Jrnounctd. He 1uued ma e many po n ° e new period or 19:)3.. rtported. 1 dltionitl ofrlcera •rated: Willard an lnv1tat1on •to an)' mternted bonull rule. Tht' bonua rule en· T r 1 I Courtney, vlct'·prealtlent; Robrrt a thte1!!'11 to contact him. ablt<a Ute fouled playrr two 5hota I ax 0 r t'lllls m!'allured the •alee A ·1 awfurd. trtuurer, Ht•tb<'rl ~ 1 1 cJ t I( he makea the flrat ooe Siner t''<rhanae Ill 11"'r $3,800.000.000-p $10 J.-L f ~ a -: r:r ;··Tu II rc:>por I they wer~ well out In rro~l thf'y lht' hlgh .. ~l J ul)' l hroui;:h Sf'ptem· urse, uaen War!1, l!t'crcl11ry and dlreet11rs. .;u~ lh'I Cl~~M~aml. ~t:::-. ~= tell that It would bt' a good ldl'a I bfor f1~111r In the atate'.11 history, Harlf')' Burnell, Charin Lt-w111. .... ·ti I b hi h will II t n I to u11e the "fr«ze." '1 lllX·lenth11 of one Jlt'r c~l higher from Mesa Worker l>llvlll G111llntr Ro~rl Andrt'WB l "" c u w c pnn.tr ,.., than lhe pn·•·tou11 ,...rord sf't. In rtn•I J . C' Humphrln a t LIQnl )o·teld. Stet'I!' reporte<I the GOOD TAR Qt'ARTER J'l:'>J '"''I• ''h" hilll tlnn• •llllstandini: tu m would •la rt local lr&Jninl{ 1 The third quarter wa1 the only l . A pliri<r eontamang $IO In rui • wr.rk "" h"" I nf lh•• youth com· Mar• h 20 and remain here unlll n od In the game that the Ta!"lll Tran!'AcllQn11 rhrnng the period l rtn~y "."'1 Mlvt'_: w11.; ,.toll'n flom mill•". wA• i:1v1•n thC' Klwan'-" Ap11l 10 Stet'·~ _plans to leave for pe ed l lllCO ed th 1 \'1f'JclM SI H ,426,6:l0 to the 111ate Art s <a.fr. 22. :-\rwpurt l:Uvll. -~-____ _ sow fiiff0 \\1."<J "DMp In My Heart" !fl Blir ~tar- ~AT. e !O'S. e MOS . • Tl.t:"'- 0..an Martin -( .. rry ''"1• "3 Ring Circn" l'hl• Aflttte.y \lulnn In "The Long W•it" Stare. \\rd. Ja.n. 111 (4 l>tt>•I "Desir••" \ lc-lqr Matu" "Suddenly" ,. rank i-lnal NI Ar111na ·Jan ·~) and return w1lh man,agTh e~u r ........ 8 e rl 0,P_po1·1 lhl' tx111rc\ rrporled, howrvc:>r, tha~ betwrl'n 4 ·JO an•I 11 JO p m J un ";. • ni-n !L e • ars !ICOn;.v po no.a n a tompltte eprtnc tralnlng playing that rtod anll Pol acored e. ta.x returns or $328,419 OO<I tor the CMtA >-tr''! p<1lirr n •1>')rtr•I Thi' •<>hedulC' 1 i:;. f rth ~ Pol be I tin t nine mon1h11 or 1954 w·ere purse I>-lonll,• •I ti\ ~I Rn, l'aullne THE ARCHES · n eh 0~ qu e~ Y d ~ larglng H mlUlon behind those tor Stebb1M 2 . or :1ri6 F: 21.'!l St. i;an toThs 00T again All _,.fl«lf"t' lh~ 11n rnl' period of 19:13 Costa ~tl'Y a •h>h\\il-hl'r a t tlv- M0ore In G•Hty Plea on Drunk Rap ro1nts.. f' al'1! m1111ag..., to •rOrt . af but 4. c e. I Cafe and Cocktail Lounge Roy l>11n1el wu the S&J.lor11· tup I Conawnplfon of gu ollne tn tht' Police 11a1d th!' i.11•r"t t rnt""'1 •('Ott'r He made l i> polnl.il imd wu United ltate1 ~ached •90'87,100,· the rPar d•,nr ""'l tul•k t h" p11111(1 I ~"° the <wtra11 game top acorer. 000 ganon1 during 19:,3,•rrporta from a rhiolr Rt the icar or thf A plea o ( f Ullly to drunk drlv· Ing ch1<rgc wu made Ji"rrclay In N1•wpo1t Ju11tlce Court by Slanle)· Le<' Moore of Loa Angelo. He r aid a $ill0 tine levlt'd by Judge JJonald J . lJodg c. 01mlel 8C:ore-c.I r>5 per cent or the Ule NaUon .. Automobile dub. C$fe. =-:l'wport poUt'e 11rrf'11l ed Moorf' T•·u~day aft•'r r<>llcc ob11erved h 1111 111 h·ing • 1 r11llc11lly 11vcr Bal· boa bland brnl~l". Tht'y 8a1.t hill car almo11t hll a concretr llhlll· rnent. Tars' total R<'Orlnc. Tied for ICC• ond hl~e11t Tar 11coring honor w're Dave Tamura and Jrrry Kemper with 3 point• each. Bob Martin follow~ lht>ee twu cloMly with :I polnl!I anti Buddy Thomp- son and Bruce Knipp followed him with 1 apiece'. ~CORING Dl\'WED P oly·a 8cori.ng w .. pret C, w..iJ dl\·lded up iunong their pla.)oer1 u Whltlltr, located In Loll Angelu Eddie Chavn and Ronny Brown County, II reported by the Natlonal lied f or hlgh·polnt honora with 11 .Autumobllf' Club to hll\lt been points each. Paul IOm had 10, founded by tht Quakers 1n 1687. I John At.klnaon and J ohn Ste"'?"· HENRY'S -MAJlE IT A art:ST -... -Spanish Food at Its Best- s~ LOClE A T THE NAo"liO COCKTAILS ::':' :.'~:;:: IX :SCtlEOS 8 A...''D DL,_.St:ft.S NOCHE OE RONDA 8PA~ISH OIS SE KS -ALL l"OU CA..~ EAT s11s t F.\'l:R\' THl"f~DA \' -& le> JO P. M.) 2530 W. Coast HiC)hway • Newport leac• FtlDAY NITI AT 8 P.M. 11 G FASH IO."· PARTY Entertainment • ~I ' Beaullful Models 1955 FASHION "MOTION PICTUIF' AWARDS ~larrl~ LIDO FASIOONS nFATA FA.SIDON~ W ALTAR CLARKE'S HA WAllA.~ H AZEi. CRAWFORD'S HA~'AJIAN ::;::. latare ·· Jof\1slc by J O LANTZ and ~ft IN rtltHJHf RILL SKILES .NU._,,. Of._..... llACM -.. OPE~ 10 A. M. TllHOl"OH 1 A. ~I. • Se"pott Bh·d. on Coe.al lllJ h"&f SE WPORT BEACH • ''Superb Footl" PAJt•J..NO SDVk :J: AOMI ot'tl DOCJll • by the fireside superlative food,. cocktails and service amid old engltsh charm HURLEY BEU In Lone Be1th V1srt ihe Clacv•ao•• 111 American· Ttl 7·1091 !'ITAKTM FRIDAY Two tlN"et llltan .CIAHV ('()(lPP:R l'll'RT L ASCA!'ITl:R In "VERA cRur· In ~UJW°r!H:tlpe AIMI ~l,.'"1,..., l"hor1• l'rll'..,. for thl" .-naacMnrnt A<11111.. 1.00. '"· '74<-, t 'lllld. U c T111oo I'll""" 0.11)' '7 a 1 :1& ( onUnunua lllun. ,,,_. ! :M Kid" M"I. !'4al. 2 p. m. "TORPEDO ALLEY" BALB OA/A'c.1n, . . . f"RI. A 'U ~AT. f(o~rt T•) lur An" ftlJ the "All the lrothers "" Were Valiant" "Feartess FaCJGn" ,.\1l11lt• ,\tit , (J1lltlr,.n I ltt.£ "''" l'1tr,.n1~ New owner JOHN MAJURI reminds you W t: NOW II \ \ t DANCING t;, ..ry Sat 11rd11}' ~l~ht 9 to 1 :!\ti a.m. BARNEY LANTZ· & his . mus/C ']{~~~~ '"l:t~. { R•/d,,wu.J tMttl (!oc/,/od ..tOM,.,. f&i!fEft liA 2260 H ubor.B o ulcvard • Cottt.l Mua, C.lJoruia . lliow OJM'n 1 Da~·,. A \\'~It( Music in the LounCJ• Every Evening r.xcp,1:r1:-:o ~MINDA y Manager ''Ptte" lltttor WIU Make Specla.I Arran•f'mnt4 For \'our ~ARTIES, IANQUETS, or CLUI DINNERS Ptto~r: l'Ol"R nr.~•~tt \0ATIO~" sow Harbor lhd. at Wi110n Uberty 1-5543 . - .. • , ... ,_. . " TAR· OILER QUINTETS -· ' HARIOR ' BATTLE HERE "fRIDAY no~. __ ---"t" -< .. Newport llUbor HIP 8cheol'1 cWtDdlnr 8uuet i..,;. bll\:ethell cb.ua119 1umeb clef._ ol tWr title ac61at the l:':M~'M"J · . ltroDC Hantlqton Beach Jnv&den' on the toea1 court to- PAGI!. 7 PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ESS ..-iow DICht. 0... time la a:u p.m. A. Junior VU'llt;y THURSOAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 pnUmiDary tn.1 bet1reen ~ two 1eh00Ja atarta at 1 p.m. 'n.. ~ Mfend a brief lol91wwd 18:~ ou.n are kllldeclt• . • Mesa Ponce Get Report · on 'Sniper' Receipt ol a NP0rt at 1J:M . m. 8Unda)' tllat a ~ Juvenile wu canytaao a pa bl eo.ta Mea Mal .,... pollCll aearchlnc for a pOMlble .....- la the Bay Wand miper .,....,.. Kany wl~ I.a tbe.,.. °' Bay lJland wtien the abootaaa' broke out 'nlunday ~ gave deKriptlou ot a red·lsa.1nd youth aeen ln the YidAlt7. . Reported ill Ule 2000 block of 'liturin sl. Coat.a x-. ~7 _,. Uu'9e aubJeeQ bl a ~. OM of the llUbjec:ta ,,.. dMcnMd .. 11 or 17 year. ot ac•. e· .. '! In helcbt, welpinl HO Jb& wtUl dark reef• b&l.r, carrytn1 a bollller at.rapped to bi• waa.t. ~ poUce converpd on the UM. bUl found no OIM unrwtac th• dellcrlpUon, Police Cb1ef Art Mcltume J"e'POrlec\- MESA UQNS °TO SEE OCC Tbe CNta M-Liam Chait wW aneet at <>ranse Cout OoUep oa Ju. 11 ancl M pat. ot UM coU... at tM 9cc • 1\tllertoo buk•Ul&ll pm• toUoWtnr Ul• dimer • Tbe aemce dub mem...,._" wtJ1 di¥ In UM 8tudeal C.· t.r. at e:ao p.m. Dlllner wtJ1 M prepared by Tntte Coltria. Saterta1nnumt will COIUilat of drunaUc reedinp by laadra Thaden. Jerry l:vana and ICul Vorbeea and mu.le numben cll- rected by KenneUl Boettcber. Club memben will adjouna to the sym tor tbe buketll&D pme ~t I p.m., betwMD Or- ure Cout and 1'UllertoD. n la e.pected that 85 club IMID• bere w1u . be pre~L • Hwbor Hoopsten Confl~ of Win et...u ol tbNe .tnAPt sam• .... ,,,.. .!Rmatlart-Bead ·.-1or ' eentl)" aft.er copplnc t.belr ftnt .....S ll ntecl la tlCllfte ~· U. ...... _. · .... t JP,,,,... ... pnCtSoe ...... But tho9e ...,,.. ~· t ... la tM .................... ,.......,., • - Hllladla WWft ~era-..a -· lldMA!rf, -,... .. •• . ......... ,_ polnt defeat b)' JCacelalor an4 a p.ir ol ua;...po"t clo.tee lo Tor- rance ud Paramount. BJ ~ of WU11Mlp for Ule loop opener ap.tut' Huntill~ BMeh, howe~er. tile Tan knocked ~ ~ Beach )Vllllon, 11.U. Uld drubMd ~tOC'lli& Rl&'b. 71-n. TM Qllen tote a m9Cb. more BALTZ MORTUARIES OOftA laaA CBA.P11L lT•l ...... • .... ea.ta ..... OaUf. • ....... LDert7 Wlll CRA.Pa. n .TRll 1m. IUO A Oout 81\'d. ~ del Mu, Calif. ........ Ba.r4.or d unprelllln practice ae.O. Into town than the l'IY• of Coa.dl r----.-----~·-~. _______ .., __ ._ __ ..,. =~:.:::-~~:'ta!; CONCRETE ILOCKS Kl 2.0754 aetb&ck. And even t.IM MU1&dl la taapre..tn. comiDf at tbe Madi of Mt. Carmel, only lut 7ear'a Cir champtouhlp •utat.L ~ u.n. ta tbe know, the rmo-aa.oca 0011P.un -· 1111 a. .......... -.... ._ PUIOam -CJIMDM ARD OONO&m BlA»O&a amxrollCINO ~ _, auPPUD ANNUAL IOWLJN8 MAIATHONS LADIES MIN I 0 G•rnes 20 "'-•inet Feb. I lth 11 :00 a. m. Feb. 20th 11 :00 •· V'• Hl&H AYIRA&I Fii. 1, 1955 Btl'onl' u tb• HunUnstoa 8-ell l /l 1 IO -Min. I lO. 2/3 190 -Min. 150 OUera are, th• Newport HuW ILKS swma quJnt.t Me DO doubt~ UM ft.l-Y---" .& .. __ ..... If .. ..:..___ .. .__._ outcome ol Friday ntpt'a.....,.. , ... ...-I"" ..... v.... .....,. ..,._ Ann11l lowling :::..:~ Clpeft•r on the Tar'• u.1t·to 11t 1• 1ow1en · TJptcaJ of detendlnr cb&mpe. E~TRY FEE $8.00 ENTRY FEE $12.00 Hin ..... ,. ' the prediction ot the ttnt.... __ .ams. __. !.![!!JIL!!JDL-.J.!!!!ou~tcom~•ur,,..i.m..,,111o11aa.a... ...... 3J k..o--llOMAJIDcd.UGN50ll •ti ........... Feb. 5 and & ... ,. and eo.ch Ju ... a....,,.. y -. BING ftA&, OCC forward, plants both feet mid-air for thi8 lay-in shot during Eut- ena Conference opener with Mt. San Antonio College. Bill Inloes, Pirate forward at . lift. loob on. Pirate. 1<>41t by 7~ count. -Eddie Hall Photo PAUL · GROVER WINS OCHS SPORTS SCRIBES' HONORS Mo•nties Whip occ 75-55; . Th• -_ ..... _. ::.;:~-:..~=-~ _ 4 N~S B 0 W LING ::':~P ~·~forllwhb•ni . ..iel'ool iva.iiTbeii .. iiiiin~··iinoiiilidou~~~~abou~·~t ~tt~I iiiiiiiiii~1~1iOS~8aillpi~ i181i~~i· ieo.ta~~i·i-ii~iiiiii~lllLL~iiiJD.On.ii~iiillcriii·ii·iiiiii~ilAertJ~iiiiiil-llllijiiiiii~ and e, accordlnc to Bal IDota. manacer of vu·· Bowltlac. eo.ta x-. •Pt of u. ABO---U..S eftDL Klota &dvt.ed aD ...,..... to ,... Spencer Presenh New Trophy to Colonist'~ Top 9um terbaC:k 2 Games on Tap (WUr by mldDlcht. ... L Dltrie9 llllUl ti. aent to BW Allbott. Bowl- lac Cbairmu. UM-Via o,orto. By aoo JllMMJJ.llUf Tllen wm be a cllaMr-duce • Orange Cout Coller• braced for Batu~ ~ cturtllc U.. da9- a tno of bukelb&JJ ramea t.bla le. at the ICJkl I.ode• -u.. bay Dimler la tree to all ...,..... •t.e~ w.-ek after dropplnf a pair over ed 111 all n•t.. lndud1ac wUe _. • &.UfTA ANA. 61)CNe) -TM _.... _________ _ lhe wukmd. Friday nipl •• woman gueat. ..-M.111>ri.led football player at the annual Anaheim Boo1ter'a CJWI banquet M".ond&J Dtlhl ..... Harri.ars Drub cham1>1onlhlp hunlT)' M.l. San An· Dinner wm be from a:oo to 1:00 f1j t.onlo CoUeite dorm by the locall p.m. For t'urther Inf-Um W-55 111 the OJ*!~ Eut.em COD· bowler1 are ur~ to pt ta ~ 0·1 15 5D terence pme at the Pirate sym. with KJota a t Liberty 14291 er I ers -8atw'd&y atpl Pc;, ...... Juaklc' emltacl .Abbott M &.M --LodCe ..,,.. t c)! VarcHy toelr a.tr m...are Ol-4J ~ Paul Crover, the flaahy Colonist SUD aportlft• a oa.t and crutch· Marklnr the 27th• conaecutlve at P epperollje. ----------- .. from hill accident in the Olen· cr()llll·Country meet won by New· • Friday nl(ht u.. •~Y roee dale Hoover pla.)'-<>U •&me, Crover port Karbor HJJh Sc:hool'e hilt· out of contwwe for• match wtth Old m.tabUmbed IWwe wu .urprtaed to Jeam lbal Orange rlere aince 1952, the Tar pl1lon· rur l:"ed Compton OD tbe 0CC floor ACeDC7 OOUnly Newe Service aporta edit· pin• drubbed HunUnston 8-ch'a S.turday night they ro to p~ All UDell wrttta. ora bad ch~n l\lm aa "Football runnen there 16-50 Monday. mitr tor another non Je&(Uer. BOW ARD W. QEBBIBB Player of the Year" for 19~. Leading lhe way u the Tars eenl the Cln l aeven men acrou lht Center John Hcnderaoa polled UI08 Newport ISWd., Co«& II.Ma PLA'l'EB OF l'EAA tlnllh line of lbe 1,8 mUe courae, 23 polnla ror Mt. SAC and Georr• PBOl'OI LAert7 •110 Re recleved lhc ~auUCul per· wa.a 'rod White. He wu rollowed, Billhc>p and Bill Jnloea. were lope ============· muenl "FootbaJI Player o( the m order. by Larry Cutro, Don for the P lratca w1lh 13 and 12 Tear" trophy m11eribed w1lh hi• Beatty, Bill Pirc. Augle 01troeki, point.a ru pectlvely. Nelaon VIMJ name. I Olla Bohng and Jlm 8c:hl041Uea. drop~ In 10. The Mountlu hid Donn Spuactr ot Radio KWIZ Coach Ralph Reed a&ld t.bJa wu • 37·2!1 lf'ad at the end Of the repreaent.ed Orange County New~ the ttr11t rei'UJ&r Sun•t Leacue Orn hAlf: Service aporta edltora In pruenUnr croaa country compeUUon of the Saturday nl,hl t.be Plratea were Ute trophy to the atartled younr ~uon. Today, the Harbor harrlen In the game for the flnit halt 32· ·------ PABU:S • RIDLEY llOBTUABY r....t:r OD'11:1. ClBAPEL ..... .....,_a.ea __ 1Alil11 ............... q~rback. took on Fullerton there. 23 but could muster up only io Grover won the coveted honor Harbor HJ1b runnen al.llo cop· polnla .. er lntermiAllon. ::=·······••i=-~ ln compellllon with Darnll Ro· ped the Jwuor Vanity meA l :>-Ron WLntlrbum acorec\ U polnla berlll of Ful~tun, J ack Hart of IH, from Hunu ngton Beach Mon· a g1.Jn11t the reaerv. "Pl'pa" t or Garden Grove, Mlcke'y Oouyd ol day. Gary F~ll fln.llhed ln flrat top honora. AA&helm and GU Rodrigun ot place u the Tar Junlora (Tabbed ----------- Sant& Au hil'h .chool. the tint six pi ice.a. court. ~lude Fullerton, Ja.n. ts: .J:Jy Winnlnr the !ootbaU award, I Grover &tao became dJ,Sble tor I ---Hoop Season the "Athlete of the Year'' honor. ......,, He wUJ compete asalnll BW Swlu-ol!llAIK Wlttl Olen Jlelm of Banta Ana Hlg'b School, r-··- Dave Hau ot Fllllf'rt.on J C. and Ted Herrera of Orange Cout. Col· S.re. They won the 19~4 tropblee tn track. beakelbaU and bUrbaft. TIWPHV TO S<'HOOL The huge perpetual trophy wlU go l o llle achool from which the •lhletf of the year u cho11en. It W111 nom~ln 10 01flr po-Ion for one year. Orange County :-.~·• 8ernc-e will a.nnounce the 19!'>4 wlnnu ot "A lhlete of Ute Year'' award within lbe next two Wl'ek._ len'tee· ............ Call DAM's·rv ' Newport Y.arlety l'OU& .... II ft'UU W• Utft c.... a....,. 0-. ,.._,Neu,..., HSW1'0ll'l llEACB MBA UPHOLSTalNcr usa1••·~ ··~ I.a.tr M11l ... fll .... ~0...~ NIWPORT SHOl l•All •.• ..... 8'l'llm • A hom .. and·hom• teacue b!Y- ketball aeuon feta underway here Friday night tor Ule Newport Harbor 'filgh Tan qulnlet apinat the Hunt1Jtrlon Beach Oller&. Ptaytnr on Tueed&y and J'T1d&ya. Lhe Tan collide at home w1lh San- l• Ana Jan. 21 ; Anabetm Jan. 28; Fullerton. Jan. 8 and oran.-e Jan. 1~. Fraya to be be played on rival HARTLEN FLOWERS l401 £. V-.l ff"7. l!o..-del Mar ILUUIOK MU Parl7 Reab.I. ''Telef...,.. DellnrJ l!lentca" MATl'BE88E8 ....._H_tralMn a......., ..... UMrty ........ OMta ... Ma&a;,.. 0.. tlat N-..n B1Y4. w .&ftl& IJS&ftU 8AJ..&8 · ... VICS-llU'Ama )11~~!"' ......, t• ... aun DOWW ..._ ......... . BE SURE • INSURE ... 1Ut71UC8 ftAJfLST Saa nm a..y ............ 111 ......................... Or&nff , Jan. 25; Hunllnrton Beach, Feb. 4, 8a.nta Ana, Feb. 11 and Anahelm Feb. 1~ HIRI IYll THIRl'I MORI THAN MllTI THI S.. fw Y ...... f .•• come In fOf o f,... demon-.. atrotion of this home ~ that gives you · o 9" sow, 12" sander, 34" lathe, 16~'' verticot drill press ond hoiizontol drill In ~ C0ft'4>0(t unit delivered C91",...., lncludin111 . " h.p. motor ond bend\, for_,_ $ 269. so IAST T9MI As Low • $2i.SO clown . CIOWN STAMPS I Z 'PAlllN& '111ars ' ' 1 His F1ture In . Your Pennies The newsboy who de- livers your Newport Harbor News -Preu may be atartin9 his first million eve r 'y time you drop some . .coins in his hand. ·And even if he's never a millionaire, he will be • better business men: • more valuable member of his com- m u n it y w h e n he' 1 grown -for the ex- perience he's gaining now. • Cllp ..cl _..tWs co11p•to2211 .... .... llwd. Cit ... .. ~ .. ,. " .... ..... , ~ , .. , ............ ,. .. • I -- . 50c ONLY-.... PER MONTH • •IN&S IOTH EDmONS OF THI Ri~aPREss TO ' YOU ·-IY CAUB 01 ·IY MAIL I...._ D _.. .. ._ Jlf_,... _._ R.....,ua. .......... ,.,,,. ..... ... ,.. 7W'• , .. • ..... ,. . .... \ ( . ' ' • .. " I NEWPORT 'HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I '' ,.. . ' ' J •• . " ., ; i , • 1 .•• . , . ~. ·.~ • :. •'"'-'') )>. ') ' ) ', ;.-· ··'l ·••t l ....... # ~. '. # ... ... -·1: ... ~ : ' • ' ' ,. (; ... I fl ' ·.·. T t ... I·• i ..., .. : -1,j, .. r, .; , . : , ' 4., -. •"-'. . ,_( . , .. \ "! ••• .. PEA()~ PATIO-With the church stee!Ae and c1'088 rising above St. Jame. Epi.. -ilOpal Church, pa?UlUonera pt.her in the .secluded patio following Sunday eeryiee i.D a .•Pii'it of goodwill toward men. -staff Photo. WORSHIPPERS-Expansion of church membership neceaaitated additions to the church, the lat.eat of which wu recenUy completea. Through the determination, guJd. ance and foresight of Mr. Whttler. the church has grown from a small mission of 60 families in 1947 when be came. to a parish or 564 families today. < • .THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, .1.955 PART FOOR, :PAGE ONE • -, '"·•·. , F~ 8CENE-Warmth of hia friendship and unden(andJng q,ward the comm.unity of Newport Har· bor and ita reaidenta ia one of the qualitiee of the Rev. ' Paul M~ Wheeler which baa endeared him to the. hearts of all Foltowtn.-tn tbree SWidiy Ml nee. at St: Jamee Episcopal Church, he greets the concreiatton while the Rt. Rev. Eric Bloy, Biahop of the Di<>Ce9e of Loe Angeles, meet.a parishioners on a recent viait to the church. -AU Staff Photoe THE REV . .,AUL MOORE WHEELER-A civi~ leader as well as a churchman, Mr. Wheeler is known and respected throughout th'e ·Harbor community for his leader· a.hip, spiritual guidance and understanding pf human frailties. At right, he is pictured just inside the sanctuary of'the church Nov. 2, 1952 when Bishop Bloy entered to be· gin consecration rites of St. James. -Photo by !daggie RECTOR'S SERVICE ENRICHES HARBOR By PHYLLIS I. ,JACKSON A small mission in a sandlot at the entrance to Lido Isle has grown into a strong, consccrJ ted church in seven years under the hand of the R<'v. Paul, Moore Wheeler: rector t'l'f St. James Episco- pal Church. He has given freely of himself in Newport Harbor to become respected and loved for hil'I 1spiritual leadership and civic C'ndeavors a!'I well u for his church guidance. Although his leaving of the Harbor ar('a will be a loss t o au. his understanding of humanity and strength of character will long remain a heritage of the community. Mr. Wheeler recently announced his resignation a.s rectc1r of St. J ames . to be~ome· rector of St. Clements of Honoluh!, effective Feb. 1. He came to Newport Harbor Nov. 1 in 1947 as a vicar to find a tiny and youn~ l'JliSSion of only 6~ families. Through courage and faith he built the membership of St. Jame~ to 564 fami- lies. DA'V SCllOO~Moet recent addJtion to the ueeta of the church ia the St. James Day School which started w1tb the f1rat thfee gradeti in 1952. The following year the parochJal echool wu enlarged to include kinder· carten through sixth rradea. This vear the eeventh ~d Progressively through the years. a cloister was added, the church enlarged, a parish house built, a rectory purchased, a two-story educ·at1on building constructed and property acquired. in Costa Me!'la fo r expans ion of th.· i:hul'('h and i:;chool. Growth of the.,, 8t . J ames Day School over the past tbtee years foll owed the pattern of the determined development of tht• church. In 1952 the school was opened with only Lhc f1n;t three grades and prayers of hopt'. Leadership and per· sew•rance saw the paroch ial school grow tri in- clude kindergarten through "uxth ~radf' tht> fol- lowing yoor. This year the srhool pro~rcssed to encompass the se,·ent h And t'ighth gradeR with over 100 studmts . The hearts of many in Newport Harbor are full with the mixed emotions nf :;corrow at his leaving and a pride for richness of the way of life with which he has endowed thos<' who know and love him. · . ; eighih grades were added to ~lete.,. the el~ment.ary achool level and accommodate over 100 Newport Ht.r• bor children. Scene abOve la Mn. Frank Wilk1Mon'1 upper grader& , . .. -. .1 } ' • -· • St. J ames Guild Meet Set Ja n. 19 Chtirch Council to N arhe Man and Wolnan of -ye·ar· A ml'etln"g or St l\larga rot'• ouud, st. Jami'• Ep11copa1 c hul't'h G lendale Man woman·a organlu.tlon, will ~ held Ju. 19 'It 10 a.m. tn tho Arthur J. Aune homt. 2\90 ltural lA.ne, Cotta Me~n. The guiJd held a special meet- lng at th;.> home or W. H. S~lty. to Speak at Church Banquet 219 Mua Drive. Co1ta Mesa, wt /Ille a1tnual Jt'tve-Dollar Banquet Jrrlday when th .. Rl'v, P1111l Moore of Chriat Churth By the Su. Is Wheeler Introduced lhl' Rev. Ralph 11ch•duled for Wf'1lne~d11y. Jan 26, P ea11e. cunltl' who wlll b" In chergc al 7 p.m. On~ of lht• out11tan11ini; ot the nPW Sund11y lkhool te be events er tht' year. thl11 banquet ..Ubllshed In Co.,ta Mtsa. at the Community Methodl~l J.lr. Pee'S<' alll<J will work on u-C hurch attra<·ts many fnrndb In Annual Meeting to See Officer Corps Installed Annual 111t't'ltng M the ?:J1·wport Harbor C'oum·il 1•f Churl'hra will be hrlJ Tu1•1Jay. JIUl. 18. 1at St. Je.n1u Pariah Howie. ll will be a dlnnu se-"''1011 at 6 30 p.m to which tht publ1t.' Is tnvilt'd. Thr Rev. Jmw ph MC'Sh1rnt> will 111 ··~Id<' at elN'tlon and lnstallatwn or "f. r1ct1!! for lhC' l'Omlni; Y<'•r An- nouncement and l't'g•>gnllton will be made v"r 1ht> churr hman .anf 1'11u rchw.umm or the yellr, p.ir"""' 11.-l•·•·l•·•t for uut11tandln1 s.-1 Vll'1• ID d 1urrh wurk. 0 , Mrat \\'hit n<'y Wtt1ht. 111,•11ldtnt '(If St Jllnl•'lt \\'1>mAn'.c All)(l\IA ry, hn,. 111rp111t-.I lh<' flt lig..t Al)I 11nd will prl'~l"lll 1t11 l'XCrllrn, "lw"l"'r, flc1<o'f\'1.tl1nn11 llhutt1(f br nlH•ll' \\II b Harbor 312 1-M ur Harbor 11311. tabl111hlng or the new mis111on lo the Harbor area. I ~~=~==~=~=~-~-~~~~====!!!!::!!!!!I:=,.....--, Coirta Men which St. J11mes Epl11-An out11t!!.nd!ng speaker will be 11 -. COMM1$SION RITE-On Sunday, Jan. 9 mem~ra and friends of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ~ici­ pated in the sen·ice of commissioning and installation ·(If Miss Helen Hop-. Pictured above in the reception line following the service are Webster . Jones, .elder of ' -si. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ; Dr. Herman J. Sweet. area secrftary for the Board of Christian' Edu- Methudists Launch Attendance Crusade "'l'hc Gu1din1: L11:hl" will bl' Uie church members lo Q.ltend church 'rrmnn st1hjr1 l 111 Rt' Hny A. m"1 e regularly. &nd to f!nd t he 1·ai1 ... •n 111 t"h11i<t Chur"h Ry the 1-p11ltuol re1>UUl'C'l'S A\•aflabh• In l'ra •'n .';11n1l11y rnormni: J ,111 16. th• Ir rPf'Pl'Ctlv•· rhurc:h,.,." r11rther Thr 1 Pgutar morning church 11er-3tat"11 Mr. Carl11on. :\ VICf'll arl' Ill 9:.4 5 and 11 o'clock ~EW ME~IBt;Rti Tho Sanctuary Choir, drle•led by The tollowll!'( new membrr hnve cation, Los Angeles; the Rev. Jtunea B. Douthitt, Mount Olive Presbyterian Church, Whittier; Mi.as Helen Horr. director of Christian Education, St. Andrew's Presby- teria.n Church ; Dr. Donald G. Stewart, profeu~r of Ch~istian EducQ.tion, San Franc!isco Theological Sem.i- Jlary, San Anselmo: and the Rev. James S. Stewart, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. -Photo by Gene Ross PAGE 2.-PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR-NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 coptil Church hu undertakr n . Dr Eve,ett (\•. Palmer. mlnisttr Some 2\ guild rnrl'tlben were or the First MelhodiMt Church In pse91>nt at th~ Seeley homt to meet Glendale. His chur<;h Is the lari;l'st Mr. Pell:IC'. Rtfreshmt'nta were In member11h1 p in Southtrn Call- served by Mr11. Srelt y. I tornla Methodism. Interim Pastor at CDM Church ~e~. Edwin C. G<>mke, who ia supplying the pulpit of the Corona del Mar Community Church, Congregational, il!I officiating aa interim minister, suc- ceedlllg Rev. Paul A. Babbitt, who I left the first of the year to accept a call to the Congregational Church at Shafter, Calif. .r.tra. A. J. l'tutter. will J'llng. "AriJ01e, 1111ltt'd with Christ Church By the -----------------------------Shine. by Fred C. Mak<·r. A barl· Sea tlurlng the put month: Mr. Mr. Gomke, who was ordained in f South Dakota in 1942, will leave I shortly t o enter the University of California at !As Angeles, to re- sume his studies. He wa.e commis- sioned fn t he U. s: Army in 1943· 44 and served in Italy in World War II with the 10th Mountain Division. In 1951 he was with the First Cav- lOlle 1010 In the anth<'m w ill be 11nol Mrs. CaJvin P. Slllwell und 1un.11 by Wild11.n Thomas. d.1ugt\lfr Linda. Mr. and Mrs. 1-;. . Thia church la now rngi.i;t•d In an /\ Mahon .. y, Miu J ean Whllmu1e. attendance crusade which 1., a na-M r~. l'rAnct-s lloyd, Mra. Margaret tlon-wlde pro~ram of the Mt•Lhvt!· Grr<>n. Mrs. Cruc" Mtrlens. Mr. Ill church trom Jan. 2 to Easter. I and Mra. J ohn D. He1ku. Mr. and The theme ot the cruude 111. ·God ' Mr•. Charlu Den)llA. Mr11. Jamrs la Our Strength." The minl•l<'r, ?.iorrh1on. l\fl11s A llH Morrison. 111ul Mr. CarlAOn. atatca thal a ll church I Mr. John M. Harper. Membc1 ~ tamlllea and trlends are urged to 1 ar l' regularly rectlved at the atttnd church c:vu y w etk, and to !church ~erviccs on the tiril S\Jn- pray each day. ""The purpote of day vf u ch month11 1tatr1 lhl' the cru.udo 111 to enc:ouraJtt' 'llll pastor. UNIVERSALISTS T O N OT E BIRTHDAY OF SCHWEITZER S cht.plain at Fort ~nning, Ga. an~ In East Africa. . . "'Albert Schweitur, Ll~ral Christian," wllJ be lho aubject or lhi: 1ermon)>y lhe Rev. F redt'rick Rlngt' at I.he Unlvtr .. Usl <.:onimunil.)l,'Fellow11hlp this coming Sundi&y, Llbt'ral Chrt11tl•ns throughout tht world ort honoring Robert Schweltur, noted mtdlc:al mlHlonary I.rt" Afrka. who II ctlebratlng his 80th birthday on Jan. 14. • THE REV. EDWIN GOMKE At present he !s residing at La- guna Beach with his wife. Fern and 10-year-old son, Douglas.. Mrs. Gomke is a teacher in the public sc~ools there. Eternal Life M cCardle Heads H arbor he u t4, Young man, 1 H Y unto I thee. Arl11e And he that wiu dtad l.,.l up, anJ btge.A-tn aru.k And ~o delinred him to hla mother." l\lr. Mllrlon Thompson will play a spec:1a.J violin numbu anti Mrs. Frederick R tnce ~·Ill 11ccompany hJm at tho piano. A llf"·ctntcrcd Sunday School await.II people ot all agea at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday morning, and morning wor1hlp beglna at 11 a.m. Is Theme of \ In "Selem~ and Heall.h with Key to the Scriptures·· Mary 88ku Eddy WT1lf'll. '"Jf'!!US utabll!'hl"lf whlll ht• ~llhl ~" 1 J,.m11n~l1 at1nn The Fellowlhlp mtell a t the E~ll Clubbou11e. Dl~ Balboa Blvd., lklboa. • Lesson-Sermon Luther a n Church ·G r oup Roy MtCardle. \997 Fullerton meeting 'ot the new council trl'. Slt>wardtlhip and flnancr. Roy Mr · AT ISLAND CHURCH The llfe-glvtng heallngi accom· thu11 rnakini: 111 .. 111·tl' 11( h1,;h1•r plU.hu l by the Master l'hrl•t.lan. I importanre than h111 wu1 d11 Hr• Christ Juu,, high light ~ the Le11-,provct1 Yohut h~ lUUl(hl Thu• 1'1T1e *>n·Sennon on ··Lire·· Jn aJI ~Cl('O<'t' nt f'hrt~thrnlty Jl'su• Chn •tlan Sclf'nct f hUfCht'll Sun-r1 0VN_!h .. Pri111 1ph whu h hl'Alll A \'r , <.:oala Muo, waa elrcted ch•Jtman vr :>:rwpo1 l 11arbor Li1111"r•111 Cnu1ll\ t.l the rtc:<'nt an- <.:ar'()le. cha irman. Wllha.m (."Ar· nc-tl a11d Clyde H11rtwlg~n I twu to be appolntl'\I); tvangtllrnn •n•I n11~I 1111•1•t1ni;:-u( the con&re¥&llun 1p11 lluul icrowth, Oe<>rge Kle<l•l6Ch, a111J will head lh• n•w church col.In-cha.1rman; McCawex. Rulb Hardy «.II &Mo e-.Cted at the -Uns. and Oa.478 aowm-,_ to be Narcotics ·Man to Speak Here day. I the 11lrk rond rA•ts 011t "r ror. to !)<' 1.llke'a ~Oepcl \ l .l3·HI) 4 teUa d1vinr·· r £'. ~ 7:1 I McCardle who &Uo aerv• aa appointed); ~rlah educ a t Ion, rhun·h treaaurrr. waa olteted u Franklyn Hruu, chairman: Thl"O· cholrman from the ll.11t ot 11 coun-dore Hlmleraker. Lew Hods.eon. c1I 111"nib1·1" Theae lncludt d · Don-I Pat Coatt'llo anti Mae Roblnann, a id Wedrkin1o;, vice -p1e11111lcnt; fellow11hlp, WU1on Lewton. chAlr· Geu11..• Htlmer. secretary, W1lllam I man: CiM>rRe Relml'r 1 thr,.. •to be C"ntJl•• t f1na nc1al ~•·trC'l1<1y. appoinlrdl, l(>C'C:l&I 11ervlcr~ ~d tha t when Jesua aaw the 11on ot l The Gold<'n Text from John .... h d o1 N_~1"· Mm1hf'ft out. I 17 .31 tll'dAn••. "'Thi• IS life l'll'r• nt a coni11aa .. un on rr. and aafd unto her, Wt-er nnt And he n .. 1. thRl they u11i;hl know tht't' camr and touched the lilrr· 11nd theo only Lnw GtHt and Jt1<us they that bar,. him .11tood 11tlll. And CbrlAt. 'whom thou hut 9ent." ., 111111<1\ n llruz.1. Sn11d11y School Mc:orallnna. Donald Wf'dekl~. Balboa 11land Is to~ havt the op-ro,.l to combat inrr,ulng delin· , At Costa Mesa First Baptist .. 11p••1111 t1·n•f. nt. n <'u1 ~". ~ur kh11rdt, chalrmnn. Fem Mllltr. Clyde port unity of hearlng one or the quency and narcotic UJI'. Young. Mdv1n l-~1 H·k;1111. !'\y.ir llartw1s· )..()uck.11 ttwo to be a ppointed); I moat outstan.dlni; platrom1 11pr11k· furcrrul,.antl an exr t>llent sptAkrt. •• n. \\'tllon l.cwlo11. ONH·nn11 11nr1 b111ldlng and 1mprovemrnts, C::torgo era In Amtrlca . Ht nry B. HAii, hP gwu an up-to-date minute ad· I Ir J11111t-:1 ~kl"aulry 11nd c . ori:-e Burkhartll. chalnnan: Oen11 Pitkin-who hu traveled In 47 of I.he 48 rtros with pr1ct'IH1 warning that K1r lnla,h. trustc,. ton.rrn•I .\ll'h'ln J-:rlrk&0n '1two t0 1at.atea. la to ·~•k In thl' Commun-larrly rings w ith 11 challr nge tor 1·,,mm1t tr1•• f,ortnr1I et tllr fl r11t !>P ltflflOlnf,.d 1. \ lty Method111l Ch urrh on Wrdnts-a r uon. At the elt'vtn o'clock Lord"• Day lllly evening, Jan. 19. 11t 7 30 r m BrcAUlll" 11r the c•xcellenl work worship IH'n'lce ln tho f"lrat Bap- Hl3 talk w lll follow the r<'IPilar '•lone by lhr organ1ut1un headed by t11t Church or Coat• tol e.a, R .. v. monthly famtly night 11uppr r whlrh Hall, r;noat m a jvr denomlnatlon1 P. G. !l'eum&11n will havr u h11 w111 btgin at e. 30 pm have tndor11c1I tho program. Thi' IUbJe<:l "Ble&llnj(S Jn Dl11g11111e .. Men's Brotherhood to H e~r : John Brow~- Hall I• thr , xuutl\'e IM'Crl'lnry mes~~t' to be &ivf'n the Balboa There wlll ~ Ape<:lal mu11c: Sun. of the Nucotlr 1-:duraUonal Foun· hland Co n1 mu n I ly MtlhodLlt day ScJlool will cunvrnt at 9.•5 daUon of Amrrk n. •n flrgan1zatlon C"hurrh will bl.' of lnlrreat to every 1.ni. wtlh cla.11.11!'& for 111 &fltll. A w orking with thr pollre JPpart-mother. father. child. 11nJ ctlliea In nunery la OJlrll ror lh11 convrnl- ment1, the rhurchr11. and the ellll· 1 !hi' a rea. f'nce of pa1ent1 wHh small chi I· 1" .. 11n•I· r of '''1 •.11'ri\m•1h 3 II t ht$ e\ani:,ehsl-rtlucator at Ila peak caton In evfry 11tatl' In united r:r-Tho public Is l.n\'lled to 11ttend .. dnn. """I"" "' h1••!• ihc-I'' "t 11 11 11lr11l· with tht "rc>ml;q-ut •\·•n "'Tl'at•r I ,. ~ ~ ., ~ At 6.30 pm. the pa11tor w II con- t•t J i•hn ~: 1;,, "" "11h 11 I'" •I"· a11d1rncr" fc>r lht rnmlng yf'ar11. • • fluct an lnstruc:llon rlt.111 for tho~ .th Rl l' I l•• 4\l1l•'tl1 ~n \Ulll h. Wiii "" mor .. and mnrr lllllfnt'rll lt11m-M lSSl O ll Pla y i" s Sla.ted who havt made dtc:l11lone for 'f"r"I< ti• lh•• ,\11·11 • Hr vlhr1 h1~"1 .-J ot the •urr tn1th brln~ bro•d-ChrlAl anll h11.ve fxprt'1t1c\I a dM11r" '1 Ftr•• 11 •r•1 1 1 '1t•11 1 h "' c·,.~1.1 '"~' . • tn rst11bllsh lh(' Chriat1Ar(11 walk \lr .. A 'u \f• • ·' '' .Jnn i; nt fir J t: 1\1 l'h t I u b I I d C h h y h Ii 1·. I' II Ii.tor or_ thr r.1111e Ml!morl•I Mtl-y s an urc O U · c ee t'rs, OllJl me l • t with the Lord. Th111 cour~U bl' . tau~ht from Mr. Nf'11mann'1 boak. \· • 11·.111 ,.( 11111n ' ln1"!• ·•~ h"'1r!ot 1 hurch g11n Ftonclsco. "How to S1•cceed In the Ure of "' I "' r•1m11l,.l1111rnt•. Mi Hrnw-n Wt\lr'< "Cir. J.-.tm l:: Drnwn 111 nnf' A onr·Rl't play which lell11 th<' Hl'n~· Ferry ls the narrator. C "• • IM.t 1"11 h 1" •I" '' 11 h 1" 11" of thr i:r .. 11tr•I rv11n1trll~t • of fJllr story nf Chri11t111n ml~lons in Jn. I Thi' prr!'.tntaUon w UI begin at ~it't;· 30 p.m. the yout~r the 11'1 •ri;h• 11" I'•·' 'I'""'' 1 ' nt111 v. ;.-.. nr•rat 111n. 1-'e"' m rn h11\'e tvtr ob-dla will bC' pr,.srnted by thr youth & 3~ pm It foUow .. a rdreshmfnl chunh v.-111 ha\'e ch11r1tl' of tht In 11':7 th· .I '" J:tt•\\ 11 !-'• h•'<•I• t11111r.i •li'llnrtlon In~ many f1f'lil• o.t tht Bnlt.. a l'l11nd l"ornmur.1tv ~nOtJ a t :,.JO pm. and a.n Inf orm-propa.m tu11frr truprrv1 .. on of Biii 1" C·•" 1" I· " "k "' h I'"""'" A,. I 1r Br"" n As an educa tnr ht Mt lhodl•t t:hu11 h 1t thr ~·nn;I 11 hymn-s1ni: al e.1i>. The enUre Acton, dlr~rtor of th" vanoua "'~ 111 1 1"1• '' th• n I 111 r 11''" I• tlw h ~.i c r rive i:reat arho<1b, 11e&~1on nf ll~ S1 hl'>l•I nf ~!1•.!1111n• rm;:n1m 111 free or ch&rf'9 u d youth group11. Spf'clal m1111tc' wlll -r 11o11°' "' t• • •n 1111.i •. ,. • n th" 1w •• In ''\rk11n81111 anti lhrl'e In to be hrltl l'und11y "''rning. opt'n Lo the public. be a f~ature. s I• Ill ~1·1 I '•n I',. f'nhf11rn111 A" ''" l'\'llnll,'l'lt~t hr Th~ JilR y. ''Thr DlllCc>Vl'I'.)' ur ______________ ..:.._ ____________ _ \ ·" I 1 • • • • •• 1 n 1; I • 1111 Ir hnltl• fl"•nt rAnk A 1 11 r ll•lln min· 1'rl'rt1i."' '" ~ ntlen by IH-t.-.v s. 1'•·111 IN\! 11 n-I 11 l<tn" n " 11 r~· "'' r hr 1, """ c>( th,. bt-"I knnwn \\'oUe an•I 111 b!'ln$: dlr'1 t,•I hy ~·il:C'' 111 r "ol ''"" ' tor 11• 111h· 11 anol hr•t '"''r<I Mr11 l..ennAn.I H1u1tr•''"'· 1 halrman '-ri11 11 t•·1 • • nt• 1' th• ,J11h11 "'""' n . I hnnrr wlll be 11rrved at 6 i:>. nf thl' .-,1ur&liunal 11enunllr ,.0 In· 1 :-;, hn• 1, '" •11111 • d " 1 """ ' •' •' in 1 11 k.-J,. lllll.\' h,. llt't'IHl.'d from Any dla bl.'lng hi>l!.I tnch Sunrtay C''"n· ~ .. 111111•rn l 'nlil• 1n1 • f->(:1-:11 t111• mi mh"t uf thP Brc1thrrhood. 'T'lw lnll.' in JAnusry Barblli11 K~n· · ~1111,.n "' th• .\m .. 11 .111 ll"n••' ' M"n 11. t"h""'~ ot thr r hur,.h will n"dV w ill s \!'r In UH·· p<'rfnnnAn~e in l"'"I Hra• h .\n.1 !'fl llll" nnol l'lni. lln•ll'r the dlrl'Cllnn or the ,..11 Premi, ,. """"" lltndu Yo liluw u1·, .. ,,,11n11 th• r •• 'h1l '"'"'"'t I\ ,,( fUl4'"1 ,, H f"\ l' G ~ • ., -------------' · ·. · • tumann. The 11uprort1n)C r a8l ln\"llllll'A !\lilt· EPIPHANY PAGEANT St. J a m es Yo ung People-. Sl a t e Feast of Lights Annual Fe~t of L lghu pl!lgt11nt ]!I"' rf lht' Yllung l"eoplt's Ftllow~hlp .. s t ~t. Jt.Jlltl Ep1acopal C'hUl"C'h Roy Alan Jr. "'111 be htld-Sunday at 7 pm. nos• Born t o Berrys •~ " pageant commPmort1tln1ot tht' 1111rf ad of the Light ot l'hn't thl'011ghout the world and follt•w• ~fr. and Mrs. Roy A. ~rry. Ul Er tphM_\", which tnrtr<l la1t Sun· Eut 2tpt St. Costa r.teaa. are 1 ci•Y parent• of a ntw bo)•. born Dec. garct Fni!'hRn. l'remr11 molh• r. Diane Rlll'y. Eun\(',. Porttr. " rhr"tl11n m1Mron11ry : Call C::nnf'M Snroju, A Bl"llhroln ~rl : 811tl =-.1n· cy Shoottr. Tara, an outca•t J:irl Ser mon Theme at Island Church . "The Nature of lhe Friendship." I the third In a aeliu ot sermons b&Md upon Le.slle D. \\'eathi-r-head~ book. ·"'The Transforming FmncWllp," ~ill be gh·ui u ~h the it:JO and 11 a.m. 11ervtcei or wo~hJ p Sunday at the Balboa h - l-11d Community f-l ei. h od I 11 t Church. The meuact11 Wlll bf' J;IV• en by the Rn. Donald G. Sapp. ~1kf Mlchaul w tn rutl thto I 28 In St. J os..ph Hoapltal. He tlp~d a• r.JHllral back(TOund. Jane En-I thi' ecai,a a l 1 lb .. 2 os. and hu nUT O~~,~~; CHRIST 'rlith1 will portray Ma ry and Cent brtn namt'd Roy Al!ln Jr. HI• am "'" u.. "•• ... ,_ .Are We liberal about· Sin? rt'• nitht'r am1111lnir lo be accu11Pcl of wing "llheral about 11ll'l,"' e1<pul11ly wh('n yuu btlong-ln a rhurch Wllh the a.ncl@nt tracll- tlcm~ ot the Erl,.ropa.I Churrh a nd IU mnt htr rhurr h, the Church of E ngland. Thr re1u1on tt0ml!I people get the ldta 111 quite simplt. The EplKopol Church d~a not believc thAl tht lf0<'1d things nf life are put here lo be r('ft1J11t•1I or condt>mnl'd u evll. We he- llr ve thnl God hM glvtn us all things to t nJuy, It we uae thtm ITtg1lt a:rnt ~ cnat tliey do nC1t l.ecome 'n.1,. In thtmfflv"tt Ep111ropaha1U1 are not obliged by lhf'lr churrh t•• holtl that many of our amu11tmenta a nd putlme11 are '14-ronic · We belie"e l.ha t there' a not hlng wronir abr.ut "having " gOOI\ time ·· 11\ll "''rong como In tho ml1<lH!e l'lf thou «~ :hlngA God hu gh•en ua. T o Insta ll · on Sunday All newly e.lede<l officers of th,. Woman'a AWdlluy, Altar G·ulld, Vutry and Younr Peoplt•"• Ft llo-1 •hip will be lnataJI~ Sunday al the St. Jamu EplacopaJ Church I by the Re''· Paul Moorf' Whttler at the 11 a-m. Hrvlce. I Thret vutrymt'n w ill be rlected lonlghl at the ann11tl mfl'llng oC chul"C'h ?nembt'r1 In tho Parl.t}) I /J;a110 .!Jn~lrucllon TER-ESA RENN ER I Mrs. A. Renner) ,, Ooncer1 l"taftl•t ot l'llll'M C.JonL1-ta Oniduat.r Htndrnt of Bt'la HarWll · UR Serra l>rtn Pb. Hu. '!0.'9 . Corona Hlr;hlands -Corona drl Mu Lecturt' • l>lac1111•lon Sc-rll'tl "Parent· Child Relationships" . preaenltd by ORANGE C'OAST COLI.LUY. ht rooperatlon wfth Harbor Coudl of Parent • Tl'M'hf'r AUOC'laUou J:inuary 1', ••Sfocurtty-thr Ba<-kbone or Mental Hl'a.1111." .lanuary 21, "Dlaclpllnr" .ran. is. '"Ho"' I< Whrn to Oh·r lnlormatlon C'onN"nilnr ~, .. Febnaary 4, "l.rarnlnr ro U '·e To1ether ln th• Famll~·:· ~,.,._ AJma 0 . G,.....n, ln,trurtor ("oata MC'llA Maln"lkh1111I. Ttmr: t :00 -It :00 a. m. ~e"•port Blvd. Arrancemf'nt" for amalJ rhlldrf'n durtnr IHfUrPS. TultJun t"F"f'f', -·-- THE CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ' -'"S(!JESC E OF ~USD" R l'Y lrl• Turk. 011mstt'r Topic: 11 a . m. JIUl 16 '"What Relll(lous Sclt'nce D<>r• For Y"11" 10 ·20 Healing ServlC'I! 1l 00 J unior Church Juttklr l'ltkrl'lt r"11lrur• A flll n?rtl obm•r Kh1d• ryo rtt,. nnd 1• h• l•f nt Girl Scout l /r11<11r, f/lr1li Dm·r; nt Llndr tt Thurs. Jan 20 8·00 p. m. ~lu• "What Are Your Plua t:eaturu ?" LAOCSA Bl:ACH AKT OAi.l..T.R\', 101 CUit Orhe Hyane 4-'J!llt Sacred Music SRrred music hu a quality which makes it an ins<.'par- ablc part uf the final ntcK. No musical instrument ts bet- ter suited to the cxprca.-..1on of thiJI quality than the or· gan. The music oC our lmpres- iive Hammond organ i8 avail- able to everyonc we serve, a11 11 ~gular part of our servi~. -...... ~ ,_ a ·-- i1 ...,,,_~ ... t>ll OJIDUI Of n<l GOlOftj ~Ull • s. ,. '"•. tA t t O A . IAL'°" tSlAHO . l lOO f.Slf . NfWl'OtJ u,., .. . CO I ONA Oft M"I RuhbAnl ... m l•kt the p&rt oC Jo-mothtr ~ the ronner MJN D11.11e • -.-,.. -. ...-.,.., S::,...., no. f lt1' lll'ph. The lht'ff Wlee Mtn, who \\"allact . tormn employte of the ~., °"',., k 1•••1,. 1" a.,-. ....... ' .,.,11 elng tolM ,..UI be Mary Mar· B811k or America. Ne...-port branclL s...... ~ t;il • ,.. • 1t 11 true that the Epllcope.I Church hu n 1lt11 anti r!'ll,'\1111. tlona --however. they are lo ll'rve a.s gul1lt po8l11 111 I h&. In. dlvtdual'a coruiclence. The J:pla('OP&I Church r"'rusu ti\ ti.. t h,. COn.acltnCO Of Ila me.m~ra. lt expe<:ta t'aCh lll tltv~lop A t'hriM· Ian ronarl,.nce a111t a aenae of lndlvlduaJ r(•ponslb1ltt v "hl1 h w111 UH God'• (lfll w!Mly and u Ood would h&\'e ua u~" th .. m. T ........... ••• lf'I• 2 .. ,-,..r .,.nlf'lf" pl• Ire• :1r 11.,.. ~in('(' 1931 , Pad fic T eleJ>t:tone S~it~h~ard ln11t.alle_r J im Ba il~. lt>ft, h11t1 work,.fi l)n m()qt r-vny tdephone joh at United Atr 1.mM San fninrt"<'O offiN., Tiw pc(Jpf•· t h• rr• <.:iv th• v'\'•• llf•n1m1· M u<toC.•ti tl) Jim's 11:ood wnrk it nti rp1i:k sm1l<' thitt tl-w~· think nr him n~ 1,n1· of llw·1r J!rflllJI. A<1. 3 n 11ult, they l'('('c.>n~ly award«'o htm ,onf' r1f thc•1r 2~·vrnr •·mplMt"·' "'·r\'w•• pinlf. \\'r· lwlil'vP ,Jim'11 pretty lyp1C.!I of 1111 t~l<>phonP 1ni1ta1Jn,., hir ~r1ur "f'1•I• J}h•1ru• Man " "''''k" to do the ""•i po6Sihle job. to hnng you ttw goorl l11w -c-o <.I Q(·n H ,. \ r111 It I.• , .. 11 ntl tl1x.·., 1t wi lh a snule. Paclftc :relepbone work.a to make your t.clepbooe a bi1ucer value every d~ • tlllra. Clark 01mtner and Bc>b Matl"9llaJ (Tandp&ttnt.11 a.re Mr.,......., wm. 11• .. " I Sf 1-Church B~rrym8JI. lan<l ~fr•. EArl F WallaC'r, Z321 •-'-' .. _., .... ,.. -•• •" • WCWl•S Tt'rr)' Jay a.nd Gloria Chanman 1S.nta Ana Avt' tor ..... ~.-I' 11 I ....... •-••uteo "1 11'' ~· L>•• 1 ~P•L f ' •• 111'U\Mn ~ .... ..,.. lee<,9' '' .... •M• tie,.. ff"O"' ~ ~ n.. "''111 "l"O 1til1Jl 80ln3 11n d DaYIJ A l· tilt f1n!l J:Tan l••"n l'atrrnaJ r and-ro DI .. "' .. \• a "' "'•••-•" Ir-na Ude a& Udo t• anq. lrn will light tht Chrl~t c&nd1e.1 J>Arrn·~ art' Mr •nd Mn . W11ll"m I:!,!.; ~~· ._ "'· '-4•" •-1 .. ' PAUL KOOR.I: WHEELER. R«tor ltr~ A. AJexandfr Hamilton. I \\'l«i;c-r. 122 E.ut Edln,r" st.. I n.o -••le It --.1,. -,. -J 8aada7 ~ ltll • t :H • II: .. a. m '1'0UP Ad\·i!IOr. wlll direct, ~anta Ana 1 :::...~<• '"""-ee4 -.... ,.. ..... ,._ ___________________________ J • • , • ' t .. • l. ' p ,. j .,. ., I t''1 whlrh w~ a '1rma~ Of 133~ Hvmohreys Glrf '°"' .. e~~r1 D:iCe rf:. IVI y II•;~ •• ;~· ;:: 3 a::.UI.(' Jt•c ruse ut A ba~y girl joined Ult' houaehold r In erl)' t.lllmage lnc1Jenta report· of Mr. &nd_ Mn . Rol}erl L. Humph· for 1954 Shows Increase f :d ~or lllM wh1C'h 11aw 140 agaln•t ·1 ~::~ ~~•Pit.!i~~an~tio. by way ot lHl fnr 19:i3. FUteen m llelellane· ..,\. t l I f 13 143 11 , · oua accidenta lnvolvtni bkyclu I .., . , 0 • 0 · ca 11 WH an· ring on r 1ty street•. Only one llnd hit -and· run round.ct out the 'nle Lord• Prayer conlaln• tht 1w~ by the Newport Buch po· dtalh occurred In 1963. Nlnt'l)'· I bu•lnes.'I foT the yrr.r, Lace re-I sum total of reJIClon and morala. llce department In 111~4. 'Accord· 'five a cu11Jent·lnjune.11 were rtl)<>rt; ported -WeUln&tOG tnc t.o • i::eport t·ompllNI by Capt. -----· LEGAL NOTICE t UGAL ·NOTICE 4 Each bid mwrt conform and be RllJIOM!v• to lht. tnv1taUCft. th• plau, IJ*:lfkatlona. and .all ta,. ot!Mlt' document.a comprilllnc th• put· lneAt contract documenta. Cop1u or tbe Contract Doownent.a are now on ttle and open to public lMJM"CUOn t.n the Mid oftlc• of the OWner, and ot Und • Piefer, Architect., k>cated at 2515 Coaat Hl&h~ co- rona del Mar, CaliforDla, and ~Y be obtained at the latt4'r place.. l:acb bld ahall be made out on a form to be obtained •~either ot t.be'aa!d otflc.• ln which the Contract Documeht.a are on tile. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-.PRESS -PART IV • PA6£ J . THU-Sf;>A Y. JANUARY I 3, 1955 LIGAL'NOTICE UGAL NOTICI ' be at time and one-tialt. t.•cept In tlle foUowtnl two ~: H arry Lace. Th.ii 11 an 1ncre.11e of 1683 calla over 19~3 bu11lneu, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Each bid &ball be •~ompanled by • oertltted or cuhler'• check -------------------------------------------~P~tolh•OWn~~Mll~u~ryb~~d~~wr~th~Own~ (1) Sunday• and Holidays; (2) Where th• equipment oPerat.or ta repa.lrlnic hi• equipment on a unit of the projfet where dlNbk Um• la belnr patd In t"-t calendar day. When the Opera~ ~ la working on a project u an IJ!tetrnl part of a c,.... WMl"9 aaotJMr craft ta rt'<'elvlnc overt.lll'\e p.y by virtue ot a hoUd&J ~ ..,ec:&ned In the Muter Labor A(l'ftment. tberf the OparaUnc Dlctaeer llaal1 receive the aame overtl~~ rat.~ M . \be_ otber cntt. he said. Of tht' total, 89t arreal.JI wer .. made. ot which 122 were tor tel· ony counts. There were 280 lel· o~lea reported In 1.954, an lnereu., of 119 over 1963. REPORT OF CONDl'l'JOS Of NEWPORT RARIOR IANK LOCATED AT CORONA DEL MAR. CALIFORNIA Newport Beach had ltd Jxlon.>•t )'ear In many for l~fClc falatlllcs, Lace Mid, wlU• five deittha occur- 1'S Of' T ut: CIA>!Jr.: OF 8 UIUNE88 ON THE Ila! DA y OF DECEMBER. ltM Pnhlltlbf'd tnA ..-c-ordaeC'fl wUb • caJI made by the 8uper1ateade•'-"·or Baaka ' A~!ol~"< C'OMMERCIAL Caioh, blllanc<'R Wllh other bank•. lnl·ludrng i .. serve bal· ance. 1rnd euh items 1n procesa of collecUon -· $ 657,578.12 u. i:;. Govffftmrm-obllf:11t1ons. direct ana fully guaranteed l ,378.402.94 DEATH NOTICE ~ S111tto. t·uunty, munl<·111al and school d1slTh:.'t obllcau ona . 309,99!'1.49 ~tR!ol. MARIAN C.'A.~E 4 laru; tl.lld 1tlscounts !Includes $1.110.33 overdra.Ct.sJ . 850.325.90 8HVICl':1' rur Mrs. Marian 'lilil", Furniture. thtlures and 1'qu1pml'nt -··-···-... _,,........ 30.497.1:1 411. of 308 36lh St.. who died Th11r~· Othf'r 11811ets ............. -....... _............. 3.136.73 •day tn Orange coun ty Ho11pltnl fol· Tola I A.!l~•'ls . . ................................ $3.239.93!'1.33 lowing a ~hnrt llln!':s.~. wer" held LIARILITIE~ SundCahy "'1 1 Pa.r .. kl'tllh·RltRlley JM~l'lUh· 1 Con1merc111I dePo.stl~-flem11nd I lnt.livuJual3, parlnershi.,,s, a ry ape w1.,, e "'V. C1t1ep "7•3 1•3 21 ·w M Sh ff 1 • corpl! .... -... , . ·• c ane • CJt clatingb. nurn· 1 Othei Jem1rnd deposits IN'rllC1~d and 11ffker11' check11 • rnenl wu 1t 1.~elrol'le Ab e.v. , 1 " • :.!C>.4.S.:l8 A nallvl' or Lo~ Angele:;. Mr~ 1il• · 1 Cl<ll(' cttm• here two munlhll 8J:O. s~vin.i:s d~fl(>S ts -............... ; ... .. She leaves her alster. Mn1. Marie U S. GnvC'rnmenl and po1<l11l MVll11:" de po., I ls .................... . Lan t N 1 8 h 1 S111tt' m unty «nd rnunlc1pal de1X1s1l!t e 0 ewpor esc · 8 niet'• Olhr r0 hab11iues 66,76d.OI 177.500.00 37.761 68 a n<l two ntphews. Total L1ab1ltt1es 1 ex1·I. 11\1bordinalc<1 ot>ltgaUona t'ft&~K ALOI~ SHELES\' shown befuwl .............. -.......... $3,650.609 68 R.011ary for F rank Alofs Shl'leny. C.'.~PITAI. A('('Ol 'NTS eo. ot 2060 ContinPnlal St .. Co.•tlt <.;Rf)l,llll pau1 in· Me1111, who rtiPd J.'l'lclay 111 his b. Com1111m (!oc•k 2.100 sharl'!, Par $1>0.QO ...................... S 7!'1.0QO.O<l h ome. w1111 t'f'CllNI Monday nt~hl Sul'plu~ ~. .... ................... ............................ M,000.0<t at Pukl'&·Rldky Mo11uary ('hft· Umllvlti•'d pr11t1ts -net ....................................... -....... l!U.263.0T ~I. MAN! wa11 celebrated Tu1whty Re.,,rvel! .......................................... _..... 20.062.t>8 al 9 a.m. with lht Rrv Thomas T otal Capital Ac,·ounts ............ A ............. --.. -......... 189,325.6!1 J . Nt>vin ofliciatlng at Sl. Joa· Tot11I L111blllUe~ 1rnlf C11plh1I A1•rount11 ........ -.. --3,239.1135.33 chlm'11 Church. lnterml'nt we"' In l ~l:.\IORANDA: H oly SepulchrP Ctml'lcry PlcJget.I ll.iSet.s 1 and 1$fCUrllH.~ll luaned/ ( bo<>k value I : A nsllve of M11nlatlor, N. [l , ht a. U. S. Covl'rnment obhgallona pledged to St'CUre de· cam•• ht'rt' el,1rh t ye~rs 111:0 H.t pusil.a anJ other llabihtlrs · 2H,000.00 ;:;re~ m,.m~r "1 SI J oa rhim 11 b. o 1 1her aS11eU plettged to secure depolllls and othl'r and 11ecurit ie.s 11olt.I uQller repurcha.se agreemen Tc1lat Slat1• of CallCnrn1a. County ur Orange'. as. 322,1374J9 8AVINOS 192,741.19 ~~)81.~ 573.312.03 l ,170.23U7 997 .734.47 127,:iOO.OO l , l 2~.234.4 7 30,000.00 l~.000.00 4&,000.00 1,170.234 47 IM.781.25 1!'>4,781.25 COMBINED ~.319,.31 1.782.MUO p.99~.49 1,428.837.93 3!'1.497.10 3.130.73 4,U0.109.80 2.743.143.21 25,H0.28 997,734.47 &e.7M.61 3M.OOO.OO 37,761.68 4,176,Stt.15 100.000.00 70,0Q9.00 39.283.07 20,062.~8 234,326.M 4,61 0,169.80 401 .781.2~ 476,918.64 'Shtltny, ot the li11me adllrP!t!C : his 110n•. Phthp. North Dakota. l.t•On· a rd of Mlnnl'J1ola.' Dttyton 11nd F:tl· munll. l>nlh or Costa Mesa, his da1i1thter11. Mrs. L. 0. Ladwig and Ml•• No"I Shekny. both of .C111<la Me111\ 11nlf Mrs. C'linton G11llai;:hrr. Mr~ Rt'm11n1 Mnorc an1t M111 Rockwrll Jl'nl!l'n, oll nf Mlnnl'~n111. Mr11. H11rvey Oll!On. flllnn111, Mrs Don MeF11rland. Flonih1 J, T . Van Oyk~. Prt·111dent H. L. Ht'lnck, Serrelary of Newport Ha1·bor B8nk. btlng duly sworn, e'sch for himself. IN!Y• he hu a pt"raonal knowledge of the rnalten1 conla1nc''' 111 tt>e forei:o111g rt'porl of ··omlll ion and M'hedult:11 pert&ln1ng thf'.rel-0 and that every allegation, iotaterp,t>ul. lnlltter And thing tllerl'm t•ontslned 11 true to the bell or hla knowlcdJt" and belief. Sev1•rallv sub.!c.r1bt'd and sworn to btfore me by both dtponenl.Jt, this 7th .. day of J1rnu11ry Ill~!'> J. T, VAN DYKE Susan P. F'oley v Pnaldent H1-brothera; Jam<'>1 M Nu1 th Nola ry Public 1n 11nd for 1<a1d County uf Or1U1ge, H I,,. HETRICK State of Callforn11• SecrelaTy Dakota a nd J Ot' of Mlnne.110la, hill lllaten. Mni. Dt'nn1s Brophy or Callfomla. M rs. M uv Marhkoblch. My Conim111111on exp1r!'11 Aug 4 19:i6 Cor~l Attest: Dlrt'ctor1 other than the otticera 1lgn1nr the report. anti Mrs . Augw.t Gl're:r.eh, both Jl;orth D11kota. Mr ... F.<1 Kaspl\.r"k and Mr~. Emma G11Tr1a . both of Mlnnt~rtU and 30 l{r1tn111'htldrll'n. LEGAL NOTICE No. 1281 Nrw11-Preu-1/13;~!) F11lr Oaks Avtnue, City of South Puadt na. County of Loa Angelu. ~OTICF. TO CREDITOIUI State of eaurom1a., which llllld ot· ·SI). A·t5nt0 tic• the undersigned select• as • Est11 tt' u ( Al.l<'F: J OAl,L plaC'e of bul'intss In 11 11 matlera dl'l'l'a•l'd. runnN'ltd wl\h ..aid tlltate. or l o !l:ntlrl' 1~ hertbv ~·v"n by th' flk t hem with lhe n«t'1111Ary und,.1 s1i;nt<l Dorothy Dall \\'illt!On vouchtr11. wlU11n six month5 llflt'r ancl GM>ra-e W. w11111ori, Co·Execu· 1 the llr11t publication ot this notice. t on of. the E:otale of-AL.ICE J. In the office of the C'lcrk of tht DALL 1lt1'f'l\Md, to thl' Crt>dl\onr Supt'rlOr Court ot the St11te or at. anrl 11.ll p«'rl<Ons tvwl1t.g ,,1111mx C11llfon11a. 1n and for lht' County aia1n1t tht' 8111<1 rter••ul'd, to prl'· of Oran~<'. 8"nl thf'm with the necr si<a ry DlltNI Drct•mbt·r 20. l954 voucher11. within llUl m nnthll Aflfr ,,. D orothy [lall Wlll~on the flrat publlc•tlon of thlt1 notll'f'. /K/ C t'Orge \\'. Willson to the eald Co·Exttuton 11t the or-No. 127:'! :-.Jew11-Prns flee of Snydfr and Flelchtr 1124 12 23. 30. 19~4. 1/6, 13. 19" Acme Plumbing Co. of COSTA MESA - Congratulates Hoyt's Harbor Enqraving on +heir NEW HOME PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 1737 Anaheim Uberty 8-1177 CEOROE J. DAVlES BRADEN FINCH B. Z. McKINNEY AD\.ERTl8EMENT roa BIDS Bank No. 890 Notice 111 hereby JlYen that the Board of Tfu1teea or the "Newport B<'•ch School Dtatrtct ot the City of Newport Beach hereinafter re· ferred to 111 the Owntr w1U receive up to but not lat.er than 8:00 P . M. the 2~th of January, 19~. 1eaied bid.I tor Lhe award or contrect tor t he conatructlon of muvablt ca1ework foT .1.he Harbor View Sdlool. 900 Goldenrod Avenue, Corona del Mar. Such bids w fll be received In the office or the Owner. 1400 Clift Drive. City of l'\ewport Beach.' Or· 11ngf' County, Call!oml& and ahalJ be opened and publtcly read aloud 11t th~ 11bove 1tated time ln Ole office or the Owner In 1111.ld building. CONGRATULATIONS to Hoyt's Harbor EnC)l'aving on Their New Building We are proud to· b~ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Les Nott Electric NEWPORT IEACH 2821 Newport llvd. Harbor 258 WE'VE MOVED NOW IN OUR r.,lEW LOCATION HOYT'S. HARBOR PRINTING ... u 1-6161 ENGRAVIN·G PLATES co. HALFTONES-UNI ETCHINGS-COLOR PLATES-ART WORK-LAYOUTS-MATS Member Photo Engraven ,}-n. of Southern California uecu ~ ~e bidder u Prlntlpt-1 Uld a •u.!UW)' aurety eo~ u aurety, ln an amount not leas than five per cent of the bid. The cbecll or Wd bobd ahall ~ Jiftn u a ruarant" that the bidder wlU execute· the Contract lt It be awarded to him ln conformity with the Contract Document.a and will provide the surety b011d <ir bonds a• speclfled therein within tin daya Uter nottr1cat1on11 ot trte awal'd of the contract to the bidder. Tiie Owner re.eervu the privileie of rejecunr a11y &nd all bldll or to waive any lrrerularlUu or WonnallUea in any bid or In the bidding Pur1uant to the Labor Code of the State of CalUom 1a. Lhe 1111.1d Boent ot Tnutl'ea hH u certatned Uie general prevailing rilte or pt'r diem wagu tor eacb craft or t ype of workman nel'ded to l'Xecute the contracts wblth will be award~ the aucceufui b1dOe1 s. am\ the.s<' prevail~& Tath u• contalned \n ~id 11pec1tlcallon1 auopted by the board, and are aa !ollowe: CLASSIFICATION FOREMEN: .All foremen not herein separately cla11111flecl i<hall bl' paid not lea• than $1.00 per day more than the J011rncy1111rn rate tor tbe craft Involved. .,. APPRENTICES: May be employed in conrorm1ty w1lh Sedron 1777 .~ or tbe Callfornla Labor Code. CLASSlFICATION . Carpenters, journeynvn . __ ....................................... .. :.!.i7~ Laborers. bufldlnr and un11kllled ..................... ........... . 2.0i5 Painters, bruah ..... 1. ....... .. • ........................ ~........ .. 2 i 3 Painters, spray ............ ...... ....... ............... . .... _.. ..... .. 2 98 Tht rat11 of ptr diem wait"" for rach or the vanou11 cla~s1t11..tll1ons or work shall be the hl'telnafter set forth i>tev1Lllng IU l"" nf h11urly wagea mulllpUed by eight 181. F.lghl 181 1four1 fh&ll constitute a day's work; ft being undcr1tood lhat In the evenl that wol'kmen ar·e elll· ploytd leu than elBht I 8) hour11 per da y. the per Jlen~ ws1:1•s 11h,.ll bl' d111rned to be that fract ion of the J>t'r dll'm wui:e8 h1•11"1n e"lahlt~hcd that the number of hours of emp10"'11rnt bear• to t•1ght 111' lwur.s. Where a 1lncle 1hffl 11 worked, eJght 18) t:vnst•t·utlve h11u1;1 be· lWl!t'll 7 A. M. &nd O P. M. !!hall con11lltule a d11y''I work at 111 riu~hl Ume. All work pt'rfonned ln excellS of e1ght hours pt'r d11y ur f1•rty <-tOI houn per week or on H olldaya and Stmdays. 11hall be Jlahl IOI' ut th<' rate for overtJ e of t craft I v Iv . Except a1 noted ln tll• war• ~hedule, Ul(., rate ot per diem wasea for each ot the vanoua claaitlcaUOU ot wont. alaaU be th4t- htrelnbefore ~l #ortb prevatun, rate• of hourly ..... multiplied by l'1ght \8). Eight h0Ur9 llllall conatltut• a day'• -k: It ._."« underatoo1I, Ulat In the event that workmen ar. employ-1 leal t.baft elpt (lit houra per day, the per diem wa ... ahall be deelllild to be th11t frar llon ot t.he per diem _,f'a hf'retn eat.bllahed t.bat the number• of h oura of employment beara to eithl ~aura. Overtime 1hall be pad tor work performed tn exceM ot UM l't'gular day'• or week'• work and at the rate tor o•ertlm• ot UM c..-atl Involved. • Holfdaya aa tiereln referred to ahall be IMmed to be New Y .. r ·1 Day. Uf'roratfon Day, Independence Day, Lebor Day, Armt.Uce ~. n 1ankaglv111g Day, and Chriatma1. lf any of Ole above hi>!lda)'a tall (\n SunJay .• the Monday followlnf ahall be considered a leral boUday. ll 11hall bl' mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contnct t• 11ward~J. and upon a.II 1ub·contracton 1111.Jer hlm, to ~y nOt MNI than 1111\d i:ent't sl prevatllng ratr1 of pt'r diem wacee lo all workmea emplo.ve•I lr1 the c•xecutton ot the contract. No blfl,lt't m11y withdraw h111 bid tor a period ot 30 day1 after the date 1wt "1r \ht' opt•nlng or b1d11. -- B~11rd or Tru1tee1, oranre Co.ut Junior <'ollege Dflllrtcl, Oranire County, Cattr. S1~ned: B. H. PETERSON, Becr.t.aq P1.lbli11h : J11nuary 6 an<l 13. 19~ Open· Janu11y 2l, 19a:J' 2:00 P.M. No. l277 AD\'ERTI¥ME!''T FOR BIDS ~ollcl' 111 hcr•·by g1v"n tlis\ the Board of Tru•teea or the Newport Bea!'h Srhuol Dl11U'1cl of the City of Newport Beacb, benlnatter ,... fened tu 1:111 the "Ownt'r" wlll r eceive up to· but not later tMn a:OO P . .M. 0 11 thl' U1ttl of January, J~. ae11lt'd blU. tor the award ot eon• trllt·t f1Jr tht• cunstrul'tlon ot adcfitton1 iond alleraUon1 to Ho'raee 11:n:. ,1gn l:khii(ll, LlOO CllCI Drive, Newport Beach. and addlliona and altc111t1on~ to Hurl>or View School, 900 Goldenrod Avenue, Coroa& ~ Mllr localed 1n 1ald d1slr1ct. Such bid• will be recf'lved IA t.be ottic. ul lht• Owne1, H OO ClttfDrtve, CJty or Newport Beach, O~p 0omat)'1 L'11htom1a and will be optned and publicly read ~ at the aa.o.. ~t:1l1•1I tlnu 1n the ofllcf uf the Owner In .. Ld bUJ.ldlnc. · Earh bid n1u11t ronform fllld be reirponllve to Olia lnYit.aUoe. the I nl'nl rnntra1;l .41ucument11:· t'l D«wnenu an .ow Day, Decorauon Day, lndtpendence Dey, Labor D11. y. Arml:sl1t.·1· Dey, J 1 ·r ' 1 bll 11 th td -•i•--~-·..._ .....__ • ~ Jn I ll anc up,•n u p11 I' 1nspcl' on In f aa -..._ vr·"'"' ...,.,.._, fhankagfvlng Day, and Chrl11tmas. If 11ny of tile a bove ohday>< Call I d ( L d ,,_ J'I A h 1 1 1 a t d 2 •• ,... __ _. ui--. un <J . 111 ... q;.er, r~ 1 ec a. oc f' at .,1.., ......,... --.---., on Sunday. the Mon<Jay following shall be Ct'ln11ltlt>red 11 "~"I lloltt.la Y , . 11 1 ,1 C 111 1 d .,,_ b 1 _... • ... ,_ •-.. .........: · -.•11u11a c "ar, a 01n a. an may .,.. o la n .... a t u ... -t.-..--It ahall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a 1·11nn ttl'\ l~ t> 1 ,... t , ... 1.,, t h t Th d 111 ..._ tun ...... ,,. ... _ y • 1•,.,,~1 1ng ~.,. 1\1 or eac ae . 111 r poe1t w ..., re ..._ aa .... awarded, and upon 1111 11ubcontractor11 umt!'r him to pttv not J""~ lh.m l t t ,. 1 l r... 1 d 1 1 t _ ... "; st• or s•· ~ u "'on 111l' ..,,,t•umen 8 e 1ver1..: are ,., um ... ln soocS 009-u.id (eneral prevailing rates of pt!r 111l'm w11gc1 to 1111 woi kmen em-1 tu Ill f .• Ct 1· h bid 1 I I 1 It \\ 11n IVC u l\Y'l ll er e Open n,, ploytd In the execution of the runtral'l. E111·h bill i<hall be made oul on a form to be obtained at either ol No bidder may "''1lhJr11w his bid for a pl'rluil of lO •lay~ atti•r th" the ~•Id r.lf h'"" 1n wh1rh the Contr11ct oOcumente are Oii ttl.. · jate ·ut for the Of't'ning of bid" 'f ~11d1 bht shull be a ccompanitd by a cerUtted or caalUer'a cblc)C Bo1u•d vt rustecs pay11bl•' to the Ownrr, or 8llll11Cactory bid bond ln favor Of t.be <>wMI'. No. 1280 Jan. g, 13, Nt'wport B"Ml'h El••nwnta1 y Sc•l1<•olic" Nrwport Bt1'Ch. (Jrnn1o:c• C:ounly t'al11u11111t. By: HARVEY 0 , PF.AS J-:, Clt'rk 19!'>:>-Nt'Wll· Ptt'M ADVl.:RTltl.E~IF.NT FOR BID1' Not I~ 111 ti ereby (lven that the Boanl 11f Tru11te"" uf the Or an1:•• Cout Junl<>.r College Dlatrlcl. Orange County. hl'rtllltdl••J' re}1·1 red to a.a the "!>wner" will rl'celve up to, but not l11t.•r 1h11n. i 00 J• M . January 21. 1966. Haled'\itdll for the award of \"Onlrad for <me balll.'· ball bacj•top, 64 feet high, 134 fl'et long ron,.tructed 11( <'Ont'r t'l<', neel, or creo.oted w~ polea. wire cable, w 1rll' me11h an•I cn11in link fenclnc" Such bid• 1haU be received In the office of I ht Owner In lh" Admlnf11tralfon Building, Orange Cout Collegt . lfl!l!'ll 'Sc1uth Hltlbt•r Boulevard. ntar Collta Me1111. Orange County. C11 lllom111 1tn1I 1<halt be opentd and publicly ,...ad aloud at tht' ahov•• 1<tllH!'ll 11111 .. in the offlre of thl' Owner in 3Uch bulld111g , i.1•1 11lc•J by lh•• b1dt1 ... r as P1 mc1pal and aatlafactory aurety oom~ "" •1.iely. 111 •• n 1m111unt not le11:1 than five per rent of the bid. Tiie rtl!'• k 11r bid bond sha ll bt g1vl'n 111 a ruaranlff that 'the bidder will ex• c.•111<' the ~vnlr&ct 1f 1l lw swarcled to him ln confonnlty Wt\h tM t.:c..ntr11c.:l DoC"u1n .. nl11 and will provide lhe eurety bond o~ boada u ~prc1f1rd l ht1t!1n within tl\•e day1 atter noUttcatlon of the award ot Lhc 1 (1nt1u1 I.. to the bldfltr. T he Owotr reservu the prlv1le'e of rejec:Un1 any and all blda or l() w111vr any lrrc•gularltln or Informalities 1n any "'d OT la ta,. blddlns. 1'111 ~uant to the Labor Code or the State C1t C&lttorDia. t.be aid Boaid ot rru11teu haa u certalned the r eneral preVJJlln& rate per dlem w11s;:e11 tor l'll<'h <·ra ft or typt of workman needed to uacute the ooa• u 1u ·ta wt>lcll will be •wan1ed the aucceatu.l .blddera; and th.-,,.._ vatlln~ rall'lt art' cont.A.med In aald 1pecitlcaUon• adopted by the boUd, 11ncl a1e a s f11llows. Each bid mu11t conform a nJ be rll'5pon111\'f' t11 th1" lll\ll11f1•>r1, lhl' 1 ·1~A"'SIYJC.'ATIO~· plana. 1ped flca tion11, and all other documt'nts r11n1pri••oi: th<' r• rt1-I FORF:MAN All turt'men not herein M!pllralely claulfltd ahaU be nent Contract Document,.. Copltll of the Cont rRt'l q n1'11n11111' nl•' n~•w pe11l nc•l lrM thtrn t~ prevalllni; ralt .' o~ tile and Opt'n to public ln.spt>«llon in lhe 11s1d urfl• 1· of 1 lw 01\ n••r l\Pl'ltE:~TICP:S. May be employed 1n conformity wit! lecUon and fn the o((tce o ( Parker Z••hnder end AMt.k'l11t1·11 ""'I nrny b•· ob· l 777 ri ul th,. Callfl)rnl& Labo~ Code. talned by request In pt'rton. Completion time lo be -t..al1·d by hlCl<ltr s nd wlll h<' " f•H·t11t 1n l'l,.\l'\Sl t'IC 'ATIOS KATZ •a llOUll letUng the bid. Oepo.slt of JO•, 11( the tot11I b1d by 1' 11 tf1• d 1'11"' k I Ai<phalt lllkl'r and Ironer ... -...... -.. -...... -........... _..,...... __ 2.W or bid bond 111 rt-quired with ~111·h bid, lah•1r a n<I m11tr•11111~ '""'" nntl H1t<'kll•yr11> .................... -....... -·-·-----U O performance bond required of contractor aele~lt'•I Hi 11·ktend1 r . ·-· ............... -----2.fO Each bid shall be made out on s form tn bl' 11hts111et.1 "' lh• 11ff1" 1 ,.,1,..01e1,., JnUm t')'men -......... --·-· 1.27715 of the Owner or at the ortlce or'Parkl'r Zehnder 1enfl A11•n11111. ~ <.:t-i· .. nt Ma'li•n . .. ......... ·-·-·-· 2.70 Each bid ehall bf> accompa nied by a certlf1.,.1 uT l'i.~hlt't s rhec-k payable to lht Ownt'r. or 1111l111fs ctory Bid Bond 111 l.c\'or "' lhc Owner, executl'd by the bidder a 11 prlnc1psl anJ ,. sal1~fadory 1111r• 'Y company 111 aurety. in an amount not Th~ than ten pt'rC•·nt 111 lh" r bid. The check or bid bond ah&ll be g1v<'n as a gi11uantt•• th111 th,. bidder will execute tht Contract Ir It be 11w11rde<I to him 1n t~•nr.arn•· I lty with the Contract Document• and will provl<lt' th" 1111rl't v· hnn•I or bonda aa specified therein within five day11 11ft<'r nnt1fin1l1t'ln (It the •ward of t he contract to the bidder. The Own'r reaervu the privilege of reJ«!Cllng "11Y anti A.II bilb I or to wa ive a ny lrrf'gularitle11 or lnform alltlu 1n any b1el or tn lh" bidding. PuMJUant Lo the Labor Codl' o ( th«! Sl&lf' n! C'"el1forn1:1 th•' -'!lid Board or Trustee hu u ctrlalnM lhl' gt'nl'ral pl l'\'Alhni;: r1He u( ,,. T diem wa.ge1 for each ere fl or type or workman ru'l'llll'd Ill rx<>1 utr the contracll whleh will bl' awa~d U1e 11uccl'10llful b1dclr1. an•I 1111'"1' preva.Jllng ratea are contained In taJd •pectflcat1on1< adnpt,..t by the Board, a nd arf' u follow11: CLAS!'rPlCATION: APPRENT?CES: M11y bt' l'mplo)'etl In C'Ontnrmll\' "'Ith $1'('· tlon 1777.~ of th,. Callfom 1a L.81>o~ CnM Cl:MEl"T f'l:"'l~Ht:RS: Cement FlnlAher LABOBER8: L&boren . General or Con11truct1on Opt'r•tora •nrl T,.nden1 of Pneumatic 11nll F.l~trm Toolll. Vlbralln~ Machines, 11nd 1111n1l11r met h11n1< al tools not 11ept1Ta lely clltll8lfled hrrt111 .. Miner (Hand or Machlnl' t Motorman Cement Dumper I on 1 yd. o'r larger m1xer11 and tisn•lhl'J: 2 ,,~. 2 26 Z IO :l t(I bulJ< cementJ . Z 21; Concrete Curer • l mperv1ou11 Mf'mbrane ........................... _ 2 2t 0.?i:-::~:~~.~~':.r.~~t . ................. ....................... ..... I >-fl A-Frame • Boom T ru1;.>< .................................. . Air Comp,....Mnr Opf'rlllt'lr 2.:HI Bollm&.n or Mlx.-r B<11t Opert1lor ( roncrrte or ""rlt11 It plant) • 2 i j F.1"• t11< 111n11 .............. -.. -··-·-·-· J .20 Fli•11 lll)••rs . . ........... ··-· .. ·---· 2.9715 (~JJ•t.at•t ~ -··· ............. , ... ,H••••••·• l.,&ll 111•11 "'111k,.r•, 11t1ur 1ural ..... ___ .. :.-.• -. 1.10 J 1,.11 "'urk<>rs, rrlntcrr1ng ................... _ 2.IO l.,1\11•·• .•. 1111·1111 ............... -... ·-· l .6a71 l..11 bo1 er,., h111hhng anrt unskilled -···--1.071 L11th .. 1~ nail on ..... , __ .. _ 1.171 L1n11I• 11111 11nil soft 11111 layera .... .. ....... _,, _____ .. _ J .01 Up"111 111r lint.I tl'ndtr of pneumatic and electric tool .. ••1b1 Al1111o: mochm••s anrt 1um1la.r mechanical t.oo\1,' ""t ~rJ111r1Ht'ly clauttled herem ...... _________ J.115 r 1 tntr1 •. bi ll•h .. .... .. .. ... ........ ··-.. --.. ·• 2.TI J'91nlc1•. tcprH) .. -........................ ·---2.N f'l:t•t•lt'I' .... ~ ....................... --·-· 3.4371 1•11,l••rt>T ti•n1ln11 ......... _............. 1.1111 l'lumb"r.. . . ...... . ........ ·-·····-··"--·--· 1.21 l't•\\ • 1 1'quq11nf'nl llf)('raton1 /\II l'•Jlll JHlll~I~ .................. ,_ ... _, __ ,,_ 2.af T11Ht11r'. "'•lh aLtarh ments --......... ·-----·---2.11 r.1u >II r .................. ,_ .. _,,.__ I . 7& Sl11 t'l mi>lol wnrkrrs •. _ .................. -··-·-·-1.00 Tl'rre.uo a• llt-r ................. -......... --. 1.711 l r•11 HUtJ Sl'll •'t ht'IJlf>r __ ,, ........... _ ...... -.. --. 2.•a T11r ~,.tt•.. .. ................. -.......... --·· a.oo T• I• F• ltc 1 s h••lfl"I • ... ,, __ ........... -•• --.. 2.21 frlll k flJ IVl'r•. ~d('f fl tOnll ... _ ...... -.. -·-·· .. ••••··-·---2.1. l'ru1 k •Ir h Pr M, fi tu 111 t11n11 _ .......... ___ ... 2.21 Tru1·k 1h1\'• r ... 10 to l"l ton11 ............... _ .. _,, ____ .. __ 2.2' 'r1 111k 1h1\'~1f, I ~• lo 2(1 ton" ........ -................. ---.. ··-2.34 T1 11• k •Ir"''" to, 20 lulls snd tn'1rt ..................... _ .... _ 2.:le 'l'r111 k •lt '"''''· I rnnell muc ur11l,.r 3 y1t~ ........ _._,,, ___ 2.42 T 111• k •h '"'" !', ta on~lt rn1x. 3 yd~ onrt 1nore ...... ,_ ......... __ J .:le \\ "t•lr1' ,.h11ll r rt•Plve rste p1 t11erlhNS fot era.It per· 1111111tni: upnetton lo whwh Wf'll11ng I• Incidental Concrete or AJ<ph11lt Sprtadlnit'. M•r h&nit "I T&mJ)•n i: .. r P'lnllh Machlnt Operator :! 11.<o \\ 111d11w 1 l111n1·1" 3 226 Concttte Mixer Opt'r•t<>r • p11vlnr type •nd mob1lr m1x,.r 2 7~• I 1'11,. 111!1'11 of pt·r d1Pm w~gu fflr o c·h ot the variou. claletllcaUOlla Ccmcrete Mixer OJH>ratQr • Skip Type . 2 !'I•' 1! '""' k 11h11 ll hi' the hf'rl'1nbPln1 t' ll('l forth prtvallln1 r.tea of bourly Concretti Pump or Pumpcrpte Oun Operator -········· ... 2 ',o \\ 1'~•" nu al\ •f\h.-u by tight •St &a~ tu c 8J hnura "ha ll conaUtut.e a d&J"• Tow Blade or Grader Operator ... ... ... :l •,fl ,.,,1 k . 1t 11< rnl( 11ntlf'r1110<><1 that in the f'V,.nt that wortunen are em• Tractor Hl·Uft Shovt'I Operator . . 'J s,~ I ptowd 1-•• lnAn l'll(ht 1 .Ii l hot1r11 p,.r d11y, the per dlem wap1 llhaU be Tractor Opt'rtlor • B ulldozer, Tamper, Scrap1·r nr nrai: IM 111, d 111 .,,. 11 111 fra< 111111 of thr f)"r dltm w•~u he.rem utabllahed Ty~ Stlovll'I or ~.m.fittachmt'nl.lt 2 6~ thnt t1r,.. numb--r of ho11r11 of l'mploymenl bean lo eight ti ) houri . TRUf'll mtn"l:R~ ! ' ~ Drivers of Dump Trucks ot In• than 4 yrl1. w&lf'r )rvr l 2 1:1 \\'h"'' a ~lnl(le .11htft 111 work•••1, elRhl (Ill conMCUUve bow'• ._. Dr\v.r11 of Dump Tnirk1. 4 ydll. b\Jt le111 than 8 ycli<. wa-tw,..•n 7 A M 11 n1l r, P. M ..11ha lt cunetttute a d11y'1 work at ltnJftlt ttr ltVf'I 2 l fl llnl•'. Drlver1 of Dump Truckl • 8 yd& but le1111 than 12 ~·dio All wor k pE'llOrm<'d In ~Jtceaa of el&hl hours per day tor tort1 (.0) water lf'vel 2 21 h1>lll ll P"r wr • 11 or c,n Holl Jay11 and Sunday•. shall be ~ fer al Ole OrlVf'rl of Tranalt·Mlx Truck• under 3 ydlt:. 2 .1i rel" flf O''"Cltm,. <it thl' rr1fl involved. GM A Otl PtJ)f'itn~ Workinl' Truck Dr1\'rr, 1nrlut11ni: 1 ltr,ladllYI' 88 hHtlll rdrrred to •hllll be deemed to be N.-y.,., W~ch Truck and all at&M or Truck• 2 no CEM~NT n.NlMHl.:M: nme and one-hair fir the ru~ thrl'" Di•\'. IJ,.r11r11 t1un fJay, lncl,.pendence Day, Labor Day. Arm!Aie. Day, hours after the "l'llarly conllt.Jtuted i tnalr;ht time ~hltt. a nd 111 Thank•1t1v1ng Utc)'. an•I C-hr111tmaa 1t any of the above holida7a f&U other' overtimf' ahall bf> double time. '>n Sun1111y, lhf' Mnnday folluwlng 11h•ll ti.. con.tdered a lefaJ ~,.. LABOREM: Time and ont-h11tf exctpt Sundays 11ntl lf•1h1!11v" It ,1ohll ll ti .. mantl•tf!ry llpon lhf! Contractor to Whom a CCllltrM:t whJc11 are double Ume. 111 11wur·l~d. s n•I 11pt1n a ll 111.1bcontractora tinder hl.m to pay Dot a- OPEllATINO EN0L"Ull8: Time a.nd one·hatf fnr all ovtrllme j' t.han 111<1•1 1ern1'rlll flr"va1ling r11t ea of peT diem wacu to all worlanea •cept Sunday• and holidays whll'h are doubl,. tune. Whn• Orn 11t· rmpl••\'• •I In lh,. c•,.1·ut1on ot th1i contract. tnc Sfll'lneere, dunnr; any OO• calendar day. ar,. worklnlC 0''1'rtlme No 1111Ml'r may w1th,rlraw hl11 bid ror & penod ot 10 da,. an.. U.. on t.be ame unll of a project on which another crart "' work1nr; 1 1 r th r blrt oonrttme a\ the doublf' lime rate. t.hen ~e Operalinir Enirmeer.• • e lltt 11r t rirl'ntng 0 • • oa wch un{l of work •hall alao be paid at the double ttm,. n•t.. A ~ard Of Tru•ltO Ulllt ot tbe pn>Ject mean1 a11y 111nrl" bulldlnr;, facility, utility. or 11o11v :"ewport Bl'•Ch S<:hool Dl.11U1ct otMr •nrl• •tructui-e whtrh 111 1n~pll'nd,nl of a ny olh"r 111u t ·•( ':°l:"wporl ~aeh, Or1nge Qlunty, O&U16'ala \.be proje<:L The operalh111 nf a crui1h1n1t pls nl fur •ll~k Jlllt-11n•I t h,. e y H ARVf.:Y D. PEASE, Cl.erk arvtdn1. rtp&lrln( and mlUntt'na nce of e<ju1pment on a proJe< t 1hall :"o 12-;9 Jan e, 13, 195$-Nnva-rreu ' PAGE 4. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 l, 1955 CLA551FlE .D NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Evu y Mortttay and Thurlday COASTAL SllO~PER-W.,ednesday~ 4 U nee 1 Paper i .76 4 U nt11 :! Papers J .~ 4 LineA S Pa~n 2.00 ('uaal&l 8 hop.,.-r Cl&Mlfted A.lb muat rua In tho Monday or ThursdAy Publlcatlo• MINIMUM AD 18 4 UNEt' All CIM•lflf'<I Ad• m111t i. .-.id tor Ca1h In adn.oce of pc1bllcallun. --. Th· p11bl111her:i wtll not be rcaponsibl• tor ' more than "1u1 1ncor ri·.·1 tr~•·itlon or an ad. reaen·e the rliht to corr~tly clas11it.'/ 8ny 1rnd 1111 a t!':! and tv Njecl 11ny atJ not 1•on!ormlng to rules 11nd regulatlonl!, ·---DEADLINES tor placln1 or r.ancelllng ada are: For Monday Publlc&Uon ·-Monday 9 a.m. F or Wednea<lay Publica tion -TuMday 2 p.m. For Thuraday Publication -\Vednellda¥ 1 p.m. • NEWPORT flARBOR PUBU8 KING <;O. !:?II Balboa Bh•d., Newport Beach, California. ' . Special Notice& " Mutual Funds Explained 0111cover now JUlll how mutual tund 11h11rea c:an be uud In your own flnanc:lal plannlnc. Fo r free booklet. write Box J t o, this Newport Har bor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meeu ever} .. Tht1rs<1ay 8 p 111. V111 Opo1 to -Ctntral Ave _ :-;ewpo11. Beach papu. S-;'plH ' Elwood Shell. Exalted. Ruler · 12-BuUding Stlrvlcee WEST ·-COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS . Garages;· 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room additions and remodl!ling for over 8 yrs. FHA TeABS--N~P.aymettt -­ ~==~-~-~-~-:::-. -.v+1 .J>r•~~Q. ~J~~__......._. . • _ _. ___ .,..._ !!::::-!!!_Udlng ~·Ices . COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service • EUCEJl:E 0 S A lJ!llDt:RS ~ :nat SlrHl. Newport 0.-ach Harber 2976•J. O Q4 HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? P AINTING P-ainting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38th St., Newport Buell PHO!llE HARBOR 2404 ttc • th%~1~ftx.~~~-~e1';~ E.:xperienc'd gardener o8c99H LANDSCAPING -------and CLE AN UPS CARPENTRY uberty s -1659 MINOR REPAIR WORK ' 05p9h -ev•·"''~'~ 1'0 JOB TOO SMALL House Plans H. O. Anc!erson LI ·8·9006 Co11ta Mua 83Uc BRUSH OR SPRAY E. F . BARTLETT NOS-UN10:'ol WCENSED 1~6~ 1rvine, coata Mesa Speciafized Liberty 8·U•O 70p34H HOME REMODEL CA R PENT ER PATIOS. ca~ntry. pluttrin~. Repair Work . concrete work. u1e ~111n1r. Oou Your Home :\t-e<I Rep&lrln& painting-you name It . .,..., <lo tt. or Remodeling ~ FOSTER BROS C&JI f"rank, LJber~ ·8_6951 H arbor 3!li6·R -LI 8·2932 !l8p12 All \\'ork Gu:iranteed Htlc ----------14-Penonals BUD & BARN~Y P AINTl:'\C -ent:SH or SPRAY Non-1.:nlon Llce'118e•1 1~!'> lrvinr. (",,~ta ~1ua Ttrm~ Ll 1!·4:11'14 ·LI 8-1:,15 97t\ ~~~~~~~~- Alcoholica Anonymou• Wnte P o 8o:a ~•u New·port Buch. (.;&Jtt. Phone Harbor 479:'> Uc General Contracting 1-~ha!!_~oor Car._ ___ • JlEPAlRS, rt>modelln11: and &lter a· WANT DAILY RID!!: downtown Uon wr>rk. Rt11ltlrntlal and com· 1 L.A .• houn 8·4 :t 5. Uk• to join mercllil bu1Jrlln11:a car pool or w ould o rJ;anlze own. Quality Work Guar11nteed f'h. Wa.rren. H11r. 4016. 9Mfc H11r 3151 1'111 )~. Har. 2460-J ev ... ________ 8_~_es_h t~Be&ucy __ ~•~~~ Painting, Decorating Superllu ous Hair Paper Hanging PermanenUy removed from ta~ GEO BURL' DT a.rnui. leg-a. Eyebrow• an<! h&Jr . £~HAR Une abape<l-No more t weez:ln& Ll<.:E:'l:S F:D <"CJ:\"'TRAl."TO R El..J...EN L. BRYANT R E. 511 3Ulh St :\'r"°T"ll'1 Beach Wdo'a Salon of Beauty B.a.r 2676 H ar 2418· W .iJ>r LI 8·11632 Uc: Uc H. H . HOLBROOK Budget Special DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Permanent Wavea $5.95-$8.50 Repair S1'1"'\1c-e Maintained Dottie Elten's Beauty Salon Phone· H11rb<ir 4624 l H Eut 19th SL, C09ta M"sa 1801 BaJl>l'll Rlvd .. ~rwrort Bt'&Cll l..lberty 8-8111 P9p2 J>4<l> ---------~--------. 22-Lo&t and Food ---FOR RENT Skill S11w1, Elec. Dnlle,, Poll.ehera. LOST -Large, white It black all typC'JI of S11ncJrr11. Wheelbar· male cat. Niuned Dl•blo. An· row•.' •tc, l!Wera to anything. Wu wearing > BOYD'S HOWE " <'hue chain. MlMlng since 2630 \\'. t'OAST HIOHWA•Y ;:anksglvlng. R£WA RD. f'hone U t>erty 8-343~. Newport Bch 28Uc a rbor 7oo9. 8l(tfc . " FOt""ND -Someone's pet es t. ,.1. P AlNTlNG rlnlty eof :'\rwport Poat Offlrf. CNTERH.1R -EXTERIOR Owner may ld1>ntlfy .t p11y fnr U CEl'{Rr.D -1:-;~t "RED lld. J'h .. LJbtrty ~-~l . !l9r Glen n Johnston eo1 . 3111 ~L :'\f'wport Beatll 24-&hoo~ lnstrns tlon Harbor 3176 t 3Uc Ch• 'p • • -1na a1nt1n9 HOLLISTER BROS. Day a.nd Ewntnc Clo ser NURSERY Order. T&k•n :-<ow Nc11: lawn. N'asonable Phone L.fber:y 8-!W1'8 94t1c or ~c~A~~u:~f~v;-~~ ~ Real Estate School RoL1.. t·:\'oi::R oL"R c lJII). in Santa Ana A:\CE. -LI 8·1692. IHpt PAI NTING EARL SHEFLIN MEN It WOME:'< prepare In sp111 Ume for unlimited opportunlt11 In Ru.J Enate. New cl&s~· weekly. AJ l)•ler lnatrucUnJ. Al· 1 273 Palmtr St.. Coat& Me• tend nm evening trM and leam Phone Llbi>rty 8·2928. 61ttc abOul thla rrut field. Call or • writ• now tor tntormauoa. Bu.41· .JOH N ~HARP · PAl"'TlNG ,, N'M'RAt...v"\R nua l.naUtute, 415i., N. Syc-1-n ~ • 1 \.J£V more. IQ 3-1753. 7Hfc Ll('t nM>d a nd ln6Ured 1st CLASS Paperhanging _Accordion Lessons ~v R r . Lt:CAS • 30 yr11. e:itptr MR. HALL. HARBOR 3002-R 'l<U61"dh•n Guar E•ttm&tt'..i F"r•e M•t M S d• l Lt s-2681. w 8·~289 1 ton ann tu 10~ • 11Uc tapl .. • GRANULATED SOAP-GIANT SIZE GO~DEN ST A TE PREMIUM -Va &AC. " WHfn ICIN6 WATU ' , ICE 'CREAM ' •nne ALL-AMERICAN GRADE A FRESH LOCAi! --~ .. U UUU ft•u•uu. FUUYT~~u:r~~------~ \ . LARGE EGGS WALKER'S AUSTEX TAIALES CHICKEN OF THE SEA GREEN LABEL: ~ ~~·;fEiiii rs·1 Ito · NgA~oo21 • CHUNK TUNA~ RA TH BLACKHA WIC -12 OZ. CAN LUNCH ' MEAT 4 SWI~ STEAK • ' • 4 PAiCiiE : ;;~··33· PiDCRKLOELS ~~~ ... ~ CHEESE SAUCE BEANS-300 CAN '~ ROiiiiBEi iREFA K ~~ ·~· --~,WcAHLK,ERL·s,A.U~= C.\RNE, . 2.s· · e c:I~ ·CORRN BEZEf 43~ ~ U. S. GRADE GOOD °' IEmR, FUUY TRIMMED 4CLUB STEAKS ~ GRADE GOOD ~ IEmR, BONEWS, F'AT FREE ~BEEF R.OAST ROLLED ENGLISH CUTI 'Gl\ADE GOOO °' BETTER, TENDER, AGED ,SIRLOIN T·I P ST~Al .or ROAST! e GRADE G000 °' BEnER, TENp ER JUICY -~\\\?efusE S;TEAKS -... • PRBH, L1AN ALL.AMHtCAN ''Tt,.Tor· HOffMAN'S Fi~ST QUAtlTY ~ Ground Beef Pork Sausace Sliced · Bacon • 33: Uf. 3 LIS. 51 S~ED~~-57· 1r~z. · CRACKERS I.LB. .ir -:; ___ , ·. TOMATOES Nc,.w· • ~ . -QENNlS.W HOLE CANNED CHICKEN 1N Pu:io~~11cKEN $ H I ., 4.oz. CAN DELSEY COLORED, F~CIAL-QUALITY LIPTON h8pMlxe1 (llCDI llOOMI !:: 3 5c nuTO YlllTAU=: 35c TOILET TISSUE --2 ph.31c ... YlllTllU 2 ph. 31 c ~ 2 LGE. 2 ROLLS • IARDEI GIOVE 9111 GARDEN 6R0Vf I L VO fGard9tl Sq.I DAILY 9:00 A.M TO 10:00 P.M. • NEWPORT BEACH ·.j. -... _,; . - •NORWALK CORNER FfUSTONf I "ONEii OPfN DAil Y 'Tll ._.IDNml • COIOIA DEL MAI 3049 COAST HIGHWA Y AT JASMIN~ DAILY 9:00 A.._. TO llt:GO ,,M. • SAfl CLEMEITE M>2 El CAMINO HAL •••~,A .04' ~••A 2600 COAST HIGHWAY AT TUSTIN OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. DAILY OPI" ,.lllOAV & t ot.TU"OA\' 'TU .. tO p "1. 9:00 to 9:00 P.M.-Su.Wey t .. I, .... ' ., ... / ' • 3 BIG SALE DAYS! THURS.• FRI.• SAT.• SUN.1~~1~1~ ,. s.1tct sir)cf1, ,,..., Tlllllir . KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING. MIRACLE WHIP FULL QUART HUNT'S HEAVENLY HAL YES PEACHES . NgA~12 HUNT 'S FAMOUS 3 21 ' TOMATO SCE. ~~Js ·HUNT'S -NO. 21/i CAN PORK&BEANS 17' 2. s-NO. 2'/i CAN HUNT'S WHOLE, UNPEELED APRICOTS HUNT'S -GIANT 46 OZ. CAN 21' TOMATO JUICE flAHNING'S ME.AD I IUTTFR 1-LB. CHLO IAG PICKLES· 1~fR~ ' LIPTON TEA JMi~·Tu l·LI. ;KG:' 35C • LIPTON,.-... TEA BAGS ' tMl~'TIA ,,(,.:o;:-., 57, • .... ·' -~.~ Chocolate Butter Cream SPONGE CAK£ 19« ... lie,. 91< M.) 4Sc WI Um de Kamps X 1'4kllll \":);fl t' ... , ~ Norwel~. Gerden Grove, Newport Buch, C oron• Del Mer HOFfMAN ALL-MEAT FRANKS or BOLOGNA YOUR CHOI OU ARMOUR'S CIRCLE IC • RA TH'S Ol.D FASHIOMD CERTJ.FRESH FISH STICKS ROSE ltu >.&ED WISCONSIN BREADED SHRIMP. UOUORS S. YEA~ OlD IONOEO -F411TH CENTURY BOND . HAlf QUAU CANS as· LUCKY 4 CANS' 1-Yl. OU> SlltAIGHT :llUSYCLUI AFTH . .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART V. PAGE 5 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 !8-Sltaatao.. Wuted-10-•._..1 .. ,.,.. few a.a. ----- Landscape gardening TWIN BJ:De complete, Stoo. Da: bed. P5. MaJlos. dtD. tabM 114. rr.. ~t.M CblDWe power lhaoehlM, dull. Win.II.~ feat.ber pUJowa • m.lac. l C&D ll&rtm •TN. llcl Rocb..ter, COlrt& Neu. U 1-6621 Ncl .u . .N a WOM.Ut WW 6o ........ T}'IO ELICCTNC rwcord pla~ra, boaework. noor WUSQc. wta. dow cJeantna rut "Wortrers. 71 rpm. s10: • n .50. Round W'btta. lM e IOUl 8t., ea.ta drop I_, bNUtut table. SS. Ah•. U I-MA Utte a pr. dra~ a matchlJ\I' chair 110. MJac. dhpee. 11 a 12 pair. Yard Maintenance ~IUl&Uon It• baNetba.11, back· ltop, J10. Bpertl wn l&mp, $15. Clean up jobl. O&rde& bench 6 patio chalra. ,..,... 6Um&te SUIO Mell. 2 .tlalt metal uUllty LI'berty 1-3759. IOpllb tabla, $3.50., s way td'leoctor . llland lamp. u .. anuque nddle Painting back rockar, SlO. Hammock with &lumtnwn llland, U .50. Harbor By 'r>&y or Hour JJll·W. Ncl Beet of WortunUllblp Fresh Hearing Aid Small joti. ok. • ~ l-21J7 ltcJ BA~ LICENSED cblJd eare. yeu roWld Wa 01~ 8ltR Or-..n lltampa In 11Jce depen dable home. Phone Gunderson O~ Co. Liberty 8_.829. 99p2 Mam at. at Balbba BJ • 8&1bo& HOUSEKltll:PINO wanted by d&y Harbor Gl~. 118tto . or W9ek-or baby .SWD1" Firewood For Sale HAVE own trauportaUOD Phone Liberty l-2Me. 88pl FREE DELIVERY P.4.RT TIMJ!l~otnce worker -· WRIGHT CO. PCJ1eneed lnooa'la Tax t,ypllt. 11'4 N_.purt Blvd., Co.ta w-Gw~n Schwan, Bar. 1'91·M. Ube_rty 1-2&06 •1tt• "' 87p19 . HA Vil '!Jt plclc·UP truck and ap-Movie Proiectors pllanc. dolly. FOR Rl%NT WILL haul anythlnc &11ywhere. do a.MK.: ,. H-MlC 13-JOI any kind of work. Tiake mac. ltema tor wace1. LI 1-28114. f' ABT COLOR P'1LM BICR VlCll . ~ 97pet HOBBY and MODEL JJRPL.ANIJ 8UPPLIJC8 Wanted -Spray pa.lnttnr. Mears Camera Shop exterior or · 1nt.r1or Alao Bruab coaUnr. 1782 NfWJ>Ort BJvd ., <:oft.a w ... RatAa reuonable. Phone Liberty S.-7M2. Pnf Harbor 102•·W, lifr. Git.on. DININO ROOM tabte, buffet, NC• 95pHh upholstered ch&1r, porch tw'nJ· IRONING DONE ln my home, SL tun. Comb. COMOI• rad.lo and an bour. Uberty 8-7~. 81p1 record player. 1'1ahlns polea, 1' Ct. mul wtlb -1.L 117 IC. 8&7 Alterations · Front, Balboa Ialand. H&rbor . JOM..W . Hc:N Rl:8TYLIN(J FIREWOOD Kim of Califomia 212 MArlne Harbor 3481 FRO DICUVERY Bal boa-Ialand 88pl3 D~, 18" ·It" leqt.ll. WOMAN W&At. bou.e-B. R. 8TAOO Phone Harbor 1014 work by lb• hour. Have own Eveninl'• Harbor 6381 tocl tnuportaUOll. cau LI 8-6137. 88c1 •ooo OOLOR.8 aftll&ble lu apray• lnl' nJ&mal or laequer for auto- !9-B~ Wanted lllObllea, . trallan or alrcratt. 8pray swaa for rut. Har¥or Paint c.nur, Inc. IR.L8-il2 &2nd Bl., Newport. Har. 2111 WANTED BeCde u.. Clty Hall tllc:UI - G We b&ve opea.tnp at our N...,. PRINTING port . Bu.di otftce, 111 I:. BU- boa Blvd. for 1000 llU&INES8 CA.RD& p .N. Telephone Operators All 1tu1e11 .. .t&Umel"J at law ~ -Appl,y -~N WJIJTll Monday lhf'OUJb f'ridq Ph. LI. l-44lll an)'Ullle. •w. t :OO un. to •:OO p.m. ~l•~lz No. Main St., Rm. 211 S0-8-A~ Sant& Ana PACIJl'IC TELEPHONE t7ttc BAUGHNS INC. OMAN CH!:CK1!:R, part Uma. JANUARY Apply em·, Manet. 509 wui Clearing Out Sale Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. 981-:1 p;E ft.ENT of room for plumb-19M O'KDrl: It Ml:RRITr lnr work. Phone Barbor OtM-J. raqe. Chrome top. pd. dA. to 88c1 $117.'8. San you 170. ALJCSLADY -Age 30-CO. Muat 1854 GE1'"11R.AL ELECnUC r .. tr1cerator. 11 cu. fL Pd. dn. to s have knowtedce of MwlnJ. s X f P .t STITCH, Balboa lalll.lld, J281.H . Savu y ou $17&. Ph. Ha.r. 6233 tor appet. 98cl 18M WEDGEWOOD ga.a dryer. Pd. FR EE APT. In Corona det Mar to dn. to 1218.78. Sa vu you ftlO. rt>Uple <no children) under 36 In 119M INTERNATIONAL HA ft-. exchange tor part Ume help ot VESTICR retrlf(erator. 12 cu.At. wtte. Harbor 2!118-W. 88ct Pd. dn. to '287.88. SaYff you New Jobs Daily $100. BE SURE to rtl"•ter with . • • . 18M WHIRLPOOL auto. wuher, fJS3.81. S•v~ you 1100 . June Farrar Agency , l:lnployment •0211, -32nd . Newport BM.ch 98c99 19~ H OTPOI:'\T a uto wa&Mr. Pd. dn. to $1~9 88. s av .. you l 120i. N ANT WOMAN ror cenual bouae- 19~ AD)URAL refrigerator. t:p- 1lde do""'?\ model. Pd. dn. to $358.78. S9Vl'8 you S121. work. 2 dayi per wee.It on Bal· 195-4 P HILCO electl"lc ranee. Pd. boa hl&nd. Write Box l,22 th!I dn. to $187 ~8. Savn you $200. pa~r. 8~ AVG S300 • l lOOO _111ft. P'REltZ ER. l~'T£R.~ATIO!llAL . mo. -.. HARVESTER. 18 ~ cu. n. Pd. v.·ha t e~eryone needa. Part or dn. to $277.81. 8avea you $290. full lime. Leads. repeat.a 6: re- f l'rr.W a.wture l\ICCe&a. No can· 19~~ OAFF'ER8 BA 'M'LICR ra~•· v&Mlng. HYatt ._7301. 87p~ Blf 40" Pd. dn. to 1238.74. Sawa Drafts man (Male) you Sl~IJ. PHILCO TV. P d . dn. to Sl!Jt.~ Save. you I.JOO. For wor1< In beach area wlt b 3 yrs. prad lc&I experience _in mech. drllftlng and 2 yrs. col· 195-4 PHU.CO refrtl'erator. Baa ltge or equivalent. WrlU! P. o. 9 12 cu. !t . deluxe. Pd. dn. to I Box 1031. Alh.ambra, Calif., en· '228 .. 96. Sovee you $120. cloalnf 11ample ot work. 85tJc 19M .TAPPAN r&Afa. •O" Pd. dn. IOL!SEKK E PER, child care, room l lo 1198.~8 S&'f'M you 110. • prtva te bath, u lary, calJ w~k The11e don't tut lonr ~ we have cJlly11,, 8.30 to ' p.m .. Kl 2-41241 • bundredJi com111a 1n all lhe U111e • Ext. 693. 81Uc SEE Bau111na A 6 9 war .. bou. 1 s 11-\U .. c·r lla.oeoua ·ror Sale :->Dt.:ST'RlAL SWEEPER-Model :16 Tennant, JI!" bru.sb, vacuum 1utnmat1r r o r ~layground, • nrklng lot, rte. Har. 4289 Z20 8. Ma.In St .. IU.nt.a Ana s blockl So ot P'ourt.h Ill. Open eves 'Lii 9, ~un. 11·~ Klm Mrly 3·i20J , I ~ttc r:J( ROOM fJQuirimenL Modnn vheel cbtJr. RydraulJc: Uft. eu- ly nperaled llO that lnvoluntary 11Uenta may be mo'f'~ t.o any pa.rt of the hoUM, allowtar o• Lhroom pn v'llefea. PracUC&lJy new. ~"" than halt OrlC1 Aa l roat Har. 379~·R. &&c2 '( IRN !Cits -NICW. Ona 11 ft .. •">" ,!onr. one ,. JO" lonr. \\1dlb ~~... CHEAP. Hubor tJ748-J. 99c iAR equipment. t.ncfudff bar, bM:k har. atoola. caah re,Ut.er. rrtnr· r raUon Ooocs oondlUon. r..-:m· ·able. P h. Hllr. 272&. ~ -~~--~---~--~ ------COLDS POT retr11. arn.11 family 111.ze ln !; ood runn In ( ()(JIU~ I lion. m . 20fl C'rywt.al Balboa b land. Harbor 19~·R. H cl APT. !IIZlt ntTliera~ • 't.on , nice c<mdlUon. ~20 Orcllld Co- rona del Mar. 9~ttc 19~ NOROE aut.omatlo waaher. Tb• but 6. neweet one. Hu ~· lator, ~If tub, .t sud• return. JUI bwft uMd only 1 Wtell Pd. dn. to SlM 71 from $290.00. No fin. pymt. Jult pay the pymt.. l'lf $10~ mo. 8£1!! Bau1hna A 6 8 Warrbouae 220 9. Main 8t., 15&nta A.Ila ' blocb S.JUUI ot •t.h 8 t. 0p .. 11 ev... 'tlf 9. Sun 11 ·II Klmberly 3·7201 ( TSTO~t Bt.;ll.T •O c:u tt. freuu s~:RVEL Wondtrbar ,..,n .eratt., • compartment., BA.RGAIN.l whJlA; Nrver UMd, $100. PbOIMI Hllrbor OH. t&ltc ·LI'bettJ 1-5784. '· tkl I'.' I .• ~- PAGE 6 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ate. ud Ttueb !~-~'.!~nA 911.t '!~~-- ·• THURSDAY, JANUARY 13,' 1955 ~ ------ JAN. CLEARANCE GAFFERS A 8A'ITLER 1'Ul1'9 IT .. , top cover, beauUful cond. ~ 165. !! !!!!ma •• , .. JfOOIUKO -OU ObNttu'1 But, . S1A ,....... It dMind. Llblrty MIU, 9Tc9t BENDIX l!:conomal waaber, acelL NCW 12 rt. row boet, eedar plua.k· cond ................ ~···········---·-Mt.llO 1n oak nJ1a. With oan •126 O"Kl!:ErE • MERITT ran1e 86", ··'be. uau.r. 165. LI i-Mu: pract, new ·······--···--... llO att. 1 · Hcl DEEP i'RJCEZE.R, uprttbt. 20 cu. p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~-t t., al mo•\ new .................... $269. CE refrl,., 8 cu. ft., very clean fQ. HOTPOINT el.c. ran1e, delWte ~" many featuree ···-····-lltt:llO BENDIX auto. wuber, ••eral. wmow KVBT 8~ 12 n. ft.ah· lq boat, all 1n JOOd condltloa. WlLL TA.ICll BD1T OJTJ:Rl 186 llut. J:ltMr, Colt& MML Lt l-Jl1L • McJ suaranteed. ·-········· •29.60-i4UO WHIDGEWOOD, 38" dehme nq9, lfrld4le, top cover ··---ITUO ..._. ....... !f!!!!!, A ~ V • MAYTAG wuher. clean -. 139.~ LAUNDER • ALL wuher, &'004 condluon _ ........................ $69.llO COLDSPOT refrlf ., 7 cu. ft .• 49.llO l!:vu ythlnJ Guarantee<! Free Delivery 8TROOTS TeWI;NKLE HOWE. 1.8o1 Newport Blvd., CO.ta Mel& Llberty w.ie. 98c9t Washing 'Machine SERVICE BmAtrl'IJ'UL 8pl.Det plano, blotlde j\ut like new, ••e •200. M.~ hOl'&n.Y Spinet 111Ptl1 damapd lD ehlpnient, "87. Good pracUce plano1 from Mt. $It, •126, •1 T6. Bee lb-at ~e Great DANZ.. 8CllMIDT Piario Sale. Tb• blf Store, 620 No. Main, Santa 9na. 100 plano1. We have no branch 1torea. . Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS 11T9 Barbor, Co1ta Men Pb Liberty 8-2301 77pp-Uc 1-year pa.ran.tee on job9 done and on UMd wubera. MU 1" (rear) N.wport 81., Oaeta Ke9!L- Liberty Ml503 or Liberty 8-Q27. • ~ MUc ------------RAlOlOND ORGANS, A.ii mod· -ei.. One only •llgbUy u.ed. al- THOR AlJ'1:9MATIC, bu 1% yr. mOlt like new, Thia la a mpeclal. ' warnnty, reduced to _,, __ 199.60 DANZ • SCHMIDT Hammond NIJW WBll\LPOOL auto. S1n:110 Headquarter• for oran,• Coun· TCIUI' cholAle of two UMd Cold.mpota. ty, 620 No. M&in, Sant& Ana. ... m 1« UMd "1'lqw and auto--------------matlo .......... l'UI .... We ... , nqM. wuheN and See Baldwin Piano ntrtpratorw. cau ua tor repair Mrvlce on r.. & Organ Display T°"" too. I WOODWORTH PIANO 00. Ja~e 's 'App iances u11 eout Blvd .. eorona de1 Mar 1Ut Harbor Blvd.. Costa Meaa (Tba4en Interior Bldf.) ,A Sneak Preview ,. of our _Grand Opening use~car specials 1950 FORD • 6-cyl. cuatom 4-dr. aedan ........ $ 695 19f9 FORD V-8 custom 4-dr. sedan --~-·--···---645 1950 NASH 2-dr. aedan. with Ov~rdrive ........ 596 1~1 FORD 6-cyl 2~. ~an .............. -.......... 745 1953 FO~ Country Sed, R&H, Fordomatic 1995 1~2 FORD 6-cyl. Ranch Wagon ···--~ .......... 1495 DON'T FORGET! everyone is cordially invited to attend our Grand Opening J.an. 22, 1955 ' .. I -THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER 3100 W. Coaat Highway -Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8-34 71 LOU REED-CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 4323 Coast Hwy., ~ewport Beach 1954 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DELUXE Light blue. 4-<ir. aedan. 235 hp., Power· flite trana., radio, heater, Solex glass. WSW tires, only ·:··· .. ···-···········-···········:····~~ -1953 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Radio, heater light gray. A truly fine car .::: .............. $1295 • ~J\.pt& a II-tor._. --- 0L~Re,;?J~-DEL. Mil---- M I • 5U.,. • IU9 l; .A. .oc&do 2 bdrnt. untum. bouae. Stove and retrts. turn. ll'lreplaee, prbqe .diapoal, ...,... •• BeauUtul p&Uo 1100 mo. Newly decorated 1 bdrm. u.nturn.. apt .. 1tove • Nlrlf. Ocean view. Oarb. dlap., uttl. turn. 116 mo. 1 bdrm. tum. apt. WW be deco- rated to 11Ult tenant, turn., jar., dlq. Ocean view. 185 mo. Har. t318-or ev•. Har. tt63. aeuc RENTAL ..' SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crate Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. Balboa lalud, Har. 1871 72U: BA YFRONT, new luxury 3 bedr&. .2 bath, apt., carpeted, tlreplace. Unfuni. 1 yr. le ... , 1320. per mo. Walk to complete Udo ShopJ!ln& Cm ler. UDO BAYVIEW, lovely new 2 bedr1n. unturn. apt. l yr. leaM, $125. ~r month. P. A. Palmer Incorporated OLE HANSON Co. Salea Mrmt. 3333 Via Lido, Harbor 1600 98clj ON BALBOA ISLAND 81:11 llll tor ,_n, Uld .. 90Dal rutala. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor SOI J4a.rtna It. Ve. Harbor l5oa BALBOA l8LA.HD ftlo Balbo~ Island ·-- Choice yearly and llW!lmer rentala, now avallable. DORIS BRAY. Re&ltor 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 95tfc LIVE: •• Where you play Outdoor Patios 8RAHD uw apertmenta, near Harbor, . acboota. ahopptns d1• tnct. qwet pleuant and a.c1.i· live. Qui)qe di.llpaM1. i.undry uad .iorqe rooma, 1arqe. MU Uld lap. liton~ OI' yearlJ. SM w..,. lllOl Haven Place, C!ilt Haven or phuee UbeKy e..atN ( 1 Mil 8o. Of Bl 8chool) LOVllLY VIEW from thla larre up!ltail'a untum. 1 bednn. apt. ldHI tor couple. Yearly rate, 720 lrla, Corona del Mar . Harbor 220l·R. 98cl It. TTENTION EASTl:RNllRS .... - Newly decorated l&rf• rum. 1 bdrm. apt., Newport Beach • Panel beat, .-rare. Tenant pay• eledrlclty, $80 month. Liberty 1-UOI. . 113lfc JUST REMODELED -1 bdrm. apt. Good location. SM mo., yearly b&aia. EARL W. STAN· LEY, Har. 1013. 98cl Desirable 1 and 2 bedroom turn. apltl. lnclud)ng uUlltlH. $7~. and up, yearly OH E. Ocean Front.'&.lboa Corner of Palml Har. 3238 98c10 BALBOA ISLAND -Bay Front apt., Sleep• 6, $70. Rear apt. $1>0 101 N. Bay Front. See laland Realty or call Hollywood 3-8671 97c3 SMALL FURN. APT. Suitable for 1 or 2 adult.a. Utlt pd. 426 Gol· denrod, Corona del Mar. Harbor StH·W. 95t fc It ._ .. ~~UM St:-Ba..._. ~~, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SHOP -WeU eatabliahed. Owner must leave area. Rent $1!50 mo. 4 dryer chain with com· plete bootha. Equipment and improvement like new coat much more than ukini price $3500. ... ' . BOWLING, POOL It BEER -Establiahed 15 yrs. Gro-. ~.000. ~ouJd be increaaed. $7®0 down. BAR Ii RESTAURANT -Grou $90,000.'Rent $300 mo. Well eatabllahed. Full price $37.~. BOA.T RENTAL and other income. Total average groaa of $36.600. A well established golng opera- tion. A good inveatment at $60.000 with reas. tenqa. SEE THE V066L CO. 3201 W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 -Eves. Llberty 8-3580 tgB-How.ea for Rent. Newport Beach :l .BDRM. Fum. home and 1 bdrm., bal!helor Apt. 67-Real Eet.ate WuatM Acreag~ Wanted 0, 10, 20, •O or more acres. 1\'lLL PA y CASH. CffARLl:,8 IC. HART, 'Har. U 28 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., N!wpur t . Call Mr. G11ll•nt, Har: 177t Earl W. Stanley, Realtor 2:l6 Marine A\'e., Balboa uland 117c3 Beach. 88tlc UNF URN. C0'17 AGE, hv. room, din. rm., kitchenette It hot ahow- er. Gas A: waler pd. 15:'>. munt.h. No child ren or pet•. 308 Mun- tero, Balboa, Harbor 1924-M. 118ol WANT from owner -a houae or w .:11nt lol on turbot, Ncwpurt nr Balboa lilvd. -or 17th St. 1n Coat• Mu-. Pleue write M. Lanner.l, B9x 'N2•, I.hi• J>•per. -IHIUo fSC-l'rall 8 WANT TO BU'c' -FOR CASH, _____ e_r_ ~----lot arvrox. 50 ur 60xl30. No. of 1 SPACE available for trailer up 23rd A: E. of Newport. -V "'• .,,... to 30 tt., with 100 r11 private C ARRIE FISHBACK Cb . WI te Re •-•.a A...-..,£ FURN. atudlo apt., fire· -~ ·u 1-3989 &Iler 6 eve.. , ' ' ' ! I - , I LDerty a.lilM.1 Hc99 Bar. 3382' 68 Uc ltM PHILCO retJ1ser&tOI', Late.t ANTIQUE walnut Eaty Cottage 1952 HUDSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really •harp. Radio, heater, O'dr. WSW, all the extras. Only -···-·-······-············· .. ········· ...... $1246 01ce n r D..aw OD place • view. 817 ~ Poppy. Co· b&Yi. Sam1y'11 Delu.x.._ Trall.l!r Balboa Ialand It Lido lale t:::=rona=::d::e::l::::M::ar=:. :::L1:=8::·::21::t::7::. =::86:=tt::=c·-+--P-ar_k-l>.._.U __ 8_· 1_5_2_i."-----=9-7-cll9-l1lffW~l;;"JUl~H'O~R:-'i:V'T1A~THi-' • .,.R9eal~t~o'.'.!'r~) r.:9~8r.:pf"l -----I Small A c.;&y or !arr• A deluae-_ w ANT ·ru BUY Desirable loL erou top treeser cb..t model, orran, $160. Mr. Martin, Har· 176 to •300 month FRICE APT. In Corona del Mar to flf--Roonl8 for Rent In Newport Heights, Upper Bay ct>uple ino children) under 36 In ----. ----. -· --or Corona del Mar for eaah trom ..,.ce tor bo~UH, butter, and bor 2m .J. 98p1 aice • .,. Is m•t keeper. UMd l mo. Pd. dn. to •IM.IHI. No cuh needed JU1l Jl&7 the pymtL of '8.J7 per mo. 1951 CADILLAC : Light blue, 62 4-dr. sedan. VOGEL CO. exchange for part Ume help of SINGLE ROOM with hOt &. cold owner. Write P . 0 , Box· 298, wife. Harbor ~18-W. 98cl water In the room. GOOj:I bed. ' BaJIXJa bland. 99c2 n:1D BaqblW A Is 8 Warehome 220 8. Kala 8t., 8uta All& • blocb South ot •th St. ()pm ...._ 'fil t. 8UD. 11-8 lalllber17 1-TJOl. RllN&' an organ or piano with rental to apply on future pur- cbue at- SHAFER'S Mualc Co, (8ln~l9071 t21-il3 N. Sycamore, Banta Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0872 WSW tires, radio, heat.er, Hydramatic. Best buy in town, only ----···-···-······-········$1995 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Hubot 2561 208 Marine Ave.. Balboa laland Pb. HMbor 444 or Harbor 21~1 Ru. Har. 1T86-RK or. LI 8-6297 et Uc 1 BDRM. front duplex -Nicely tum. Ocean aide of Hwy. Cloae to tran1portaUon A: shops. Yrly ren~l. 807 Femleaf, Corona del Mar. 88tlc BALBOA PENJNSUL.A -2 and FURNISHED LIDO HOME SPACIOUS JiOME wltb 6 bedrma., $160 mo. to June 10, or $260 yrly Lido Realty Aaaociatea ' 3400 Via Lido., Har. UH. 97c99 CORONA Dl!:L MAR-So. of hwy. . Bunny 2 bedrm. garase apt. Furn. In rock maple. TV antenna. Good wardrobe 6 •torace •pace. ~ge patio. Har. l4!15·W. 951:1 P rivate entrance. $6. week. A.LSO doublci room at $7 week. l 23-211tb St.. Newport Beach. 80dlh FURN. ROOM, n<'wly decor&ted, extra nlcP, near bu11., private en- trance, 1043 Oranee Ave., CM. Llberty 8-3104. 118lfc M-St.orett & Offices ---- ~Money t.o -~-----­ WOULD like Lo buy lit ud 2nd Trust Deeda.. Call Har. 23211 4&Uo LO.ANS for Homes 6C)ii -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8-2237 Specializing ln Automatlca AUTOMATIC Waaher Enterpriaea 60 USED piano• wanted tor our rental Mrvlce. Trade In your old piano on new piano or electronc orran. High ca.sh allowance. DANZ · SCHMIDT Great Janu- ary Pi&Jlo S&le, 520 No, Main, Santa Ana. 1947 DE SoTo cu.tom 2 dr. sedan. 3 bdrm. rum. unit.a, fireplace, carb. dlsp.. tUe bath. garare. 1 Yearly leue. 1620 Miramar, BalboL Har. 2188-W. 97c3 BEORM. modem apt. with car· are. Rea110n•ble. 802 ~ Stith ilt., Newport. lnqulre 801 • Stith or 6lt • 3GUI. Har. UH-R. 112lfc BUSINESS OF'FlCE. excellent lo-tlEJC BOB SAT'I'LER cation acroh the street from 2616 EAST COA.8T BLVD. S2-Famlture for Sale 83Uc Hammond Organ, Lealle Speaker FOR RENT i'OR SPECl.AL occulon•. paruea, wedding•, etc., at home, office, . church, with or without or1 an· lat, Including move In 6 out. Liberty 8-1208. HUc G.M.C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS RAH. YJuld drive. Seat Covers. 1250. -Pb. Har. •218 or Har. 4320. Hpl NEW untum. 2 or 3 bdrm., ear., near Hieb School. Phone Liberty 8-lf>U . • Hc3 Corona del Mar POllt Utflce. Corona Qel Mar Harbor a8ll Ideal for loan repreaentAUve Rep. POJJUJ:R MORTQAQJC L'O. t'ontraclor, 1eun•trN•, art o; •Ketro Ute Ina. l'Unct. KL l·OlM CORONA DEL MAR -Modern &a 1941 BUICK t door aedan. Recent- ly spent $200 on overhaul Very &'OOd tl'1lll1portallon. Full price. $126. tum. apt. Incl. utJI. ,70 yrly. or jewelry bl.lslneu . Utll. pd, Only _u o iao ·uu June. • J40. month, Dale's Furniture 8T A.lN LESS STEEL diah pan. $5. 8talnleu steel ladS.. ~ IJ>OC>M· Bunk bed• -·· --·~···.. .... . . 120. Several &pt. aJH.rangea 127.60 up Lee. selection good mattreaau , .. ···-·····-· $9.95 A: up Lge. office du k ... . . ... . $40. Frmch piano desk A: chair $29.00 1874 J:t"rbor Blvd .. Coat& Mesa -98c99 • ll~RNlTURE, Oriental rug, T V H t. elec. retr1.g. Other ltema, call Sat. or Sun., 2i_8 Vt& llh&ca , Udo hie. 99c ONJC ONLY-1.ngle manual '.Min· ahall organ, like. new. Save $200. Conven ien t tenn1 at- SH.A.li'ER'S Ml.Ille Co. !Slnce 11~0'() Ul-'23 N. Sycamore, Santa A.Ila Phone Klmberly 2-0672 · S5 PER M O. rent.a good practice piano. All term rent allowed It you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano Sale. 020 No. t.-t&tn, Great January Plano Sale. Wanted to Buy MAPLE drop le&! dlnlng table. UPRIGHT P l.ANOS tor our renl'.al nat.a 10, $60. 4 ladder back dept . Highest CUh prices a t- cha1n, sio.-u.. Provincial qum-SHAJo.ER'ts Mu11tc Co. 1S1nce1907) ed chintz bed-dannport. maple t 2l-t 23 N. Sycamore, Santa An• a mu, like new. S120. LI 8_6297 Phone Klmbtrly 2--0672 eves. 97c99 BB:AUTif'Ul, Elect,ronlc Organ, •r;3 GMC 2 ton, 2 1peed. 8 :25 tires. Xlnt. oond. 1 owner. '!)3 GMC ~ ton p.u. hydr. t ran1, ·ns GMC Model 102·24 Hydr. t ran11. Many l!Xlr'""· Low milea ge. '51 GMC Model l il2 •lk.. bed, % ton. ·r;2 Intl. tractor L185. 9 x 20 Ure.. Full a ir. 6th wheel A H. V, ·52 Chev. 1,, Ton p.u. 4 1peed. '48 Chev. C. 0. E. 2 ton, aux. tra.ns. long w. blllle. 8·25/20 Urea. We Carry Our Own Contracts W.W. WOODS CMC DEALER 619 E. Hh ::It. Sl\nta An& Open Sunday a.m. Tr uck Hesdquarters for Oran11:e Co. 118c99 CALL BE N WHITMAN, Harbor 18412 or Uarbor 1481 ev... Hcl COKONA DEL MAR -2 bedrm. untum . duplex. Fireplace, 1ar- a1e. 1. i;1k. lo market 6 trana. 176. m onth. yearly, -------------MURIEL M. PINOVl:R. Realtor '!12 DE SOTO FIREDOME t ·d.r, P hone Harbor 4810. 95Uc fluid torque. tip-toe overdrive, power •leering, low mileage. GRAND CANAL, Balboa .talarld. Perteet. Sncri!lce wholua.le. 2 bdrm. furn. houae, $70. month H&rbor il89. llltlc: I . -- 1952 CADlLLA.C .62 lcld H . TWO BEDROOM apt. 1tov• and an. Y retrlr. only, Gubage dlspoMI. dromattc:, radio, heater. Nylon New ., beautltul. $90. mo., yrly. while •Ide walla, back up U1ht1, _ etc , Local car, carefully driven. ONE BEDROOM near 11Cllool. bch. Clean -Barealn 12800. UI CALL TED REED -Har, 2681. A: bey. 150. mo., 111cl ut tlea, • 98p1 J.M. MILLER CO. SALE OR TRADE New 'M Ply. Belvedere cunv., Hl- Drlve, loaded, 122"6. WlU accept amall forelin car or clear lot in Santa Ana or Ha rbor aru In trade. Har. 1303·M. 93c4H 2026 W, BalbOa Bl., Newpurt Bch Ha r. 4091 -Eve•. U 8·3378 PLENTY OF FREE P .ARKING Mttc ONE BEDROOM tumlabed, rental $&11 month. ANOTHER emaller, iultable ~I CALL Ben Whitman, Har. 1802. one or couple. 160 •Incle, 1$0 Eve1. H~rbor Hfll 98ttc dbl. yearly. Adults. LOUISE DELUXE highway ottl<'e epac; APTS .• <.:amatlon nr. Seavlew. 330 aq. tt. cent.er of c orona dei Harbor 4018. 87c:l Mil' bullnes11 <llatncl. $i~. mo. FURN. bachelor apt., .J4o mo. 7111 Wut Balboa Blvd. Ji'or key1 and lnformaUon See Bay A: Beach l\eaJty, HGQ W. Balboa. Blvd. Ph. Har. U84. 86Uc Ult! IOl'I. W. E. Fi11her Ir. Aa8oc. 3034 E. l '•J11:1t Highway Corun1 del Mar. Har. 2H 3 118<:1 BA y FRONT LJDO l SLE NOW LEASlNG. ava1l•ble bu11- F URHl8 HED, newly decorat.,d 2 nesa otrice "pacn . <;enter or <.:o- bd.rm, a pl., garar e. Year leue. I runa d•I ~tU, au1l11 ble for l.'PA, Adulta, no pet.I. Her. 1288. r denUlt or . U 8·1526. 118cl3 119p12H YEARLY beautuul new 2 bdm:a. t urn. apt., garb Cll1p., tormlca llnk A bar, gar•&'• ,. wuhroom. 1 blk from ocellll, Newport. 176 Eveninf or Sal. A: Sun. Harbor 2181-J . 97cff FACTOR\' <Jr watehoUl!I! •1>11ce tor rent l.n Cu1tla Me~a. MAR CREl:IT CORP. Har. 1964. llet2 MARINE AVE., Balboa 1.tland. 2 bdrm., Uvlnac rm, with fireplace. Encloeed patio. AJllO room tor ofClce or ema il bu.eluea.. ll:t~ me BALBOA INCOME :i UNl'rS-Older property centr•I· ly IOC., l ,,, blk.a. lo h•rt of Bal· bO& Ulll. r m, Just redueeci to 123.600 for quick Hie. l6000 dn. Owner Har~ 18!8. ~ _ 7bUc ANNUAL INCOME 14320. -2 duplu u . Street becomJ111 bu•1· no• a rea. Extra Iota tor f!X· pan1lun. 1218 E. 17th St., Sant .. Ana. Kimberly 3-082t._ 2p3h 60-A -Comme.rclal, laduat.l'ial --~-~~--~~~---LIGHT INDUSTRY EX\.:ELLENT locaUon,, W iii butld 1600 l o 3000 sq. Ct. to •ult. Rn- lt()n11ble rent. Lone l..c"'l lcaiu• 1f deal red. GORlJON S EVICRTS REALTY l 3b Ea.st 17th St., Coata Mu a LI 8-1073 or Ll 1·311&. 05Uc MAHOGANY dlnl.nf rm. aet, Inc:. bullet. Quality tumlture from Lido llle home. MOVING - MUST SELL. Call Hsr. 134f>. blonde cue, almoot new. Mu•l ucri!ice. One only. Bag aavi.ng. DANZ-SCHMIDT Great Sale, 520 No. Ma.m, Santa Ana. • 97c99 O UR QREAT JAI"UARY sale. 1961 OLDSMOBILE a aedan. A bea uUfuJ clean car. Every posel. ble extra $1275 19H DODGE custom 1edan. Un- usually n~c<', R -' H, etc. $ 380 1938 FORD V-8 2-dr. Runs very t2-~n ~---------------------TW 0 -WHEEL TRAILER. <•a ti) ORANGE COAS T PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport Ave., Cu.ta Mua LI 8-1832 -LI 8-1400 evea. t 8cl CHANNEL FRONT yr, rental, turn. 2 bdrm. 176. mo. Water pd. Stnrle apt. $50. mo. uW. paid. 1 blk. t.11 bu• A: Lido ~nter. Apt. 2. tvea., 81a -H lh St .. Newport lkh. 98pl FRANK JAMES -LL'JWOOO 61 VICK. 312 Marine. Har. 20•2 JtM NORGE Automatic Wa.aher., 1387 buys lovely Spinet. Stan- The very beet one. Big 9 lb. tub, darcl maxe, Mirror type Spinet qtt.ator, 1111.fety •pln lid A that only $235. Ba.ldwm Acrosonlc tUum.lDated dial. ll'• onJy been only U89, Pracuce plano1 from •to~. bul pd. dn. to $218.37 $119 up. Baby Grands from H9~. trom '310. No cu11 needed, just Dozen1 oc others. Thue lnslru· ~ the pymt&, ot 111.12 mo. ments &re tn1de-lns and rental· S.. Bauctma A a: s Warehou.ae. returns, Ma.ny J1u1t like new. 8alM, .22b So. Main SL., Santa BeauUtul el«tronlc org&n, Save A..na. t bloc.kl aouth ot (th. Open 12:>0. DA NZ-SCHMIDT Big Pa· daily tll 9, Sun. 11-0. Kl 3. 7201 ano • Organ Store, !>20 No. Ma.ln, Banta An11. ltM O'KEEFE A: MERJUTT ~e. Its the latut CP all auto- mauc, llfl top, griddle, •lmmer burner• A that gnll broiler. UHd 1 mo. PtJ. dn. to $126.24 . N o caah needed ju1t pay the pymt& of ST.78 per mo. 8&1: Bauchna A • s Wardlo1.11e 120 8 . M&1n SL, Sant.a An& 8 blocka South of 4th St. Open ..-'til 9. Sun. 11·0 Klmberl,y 3-7201. TPll:R.MA.DOR elec. -ra.nge, compl. a.uU>maUc, fan, deep we)I, $120. SJCRV!:L apt. 11.se rd rll( .. _ $80. SMALL wash, mach.. with 1pmner, $30. Clrculatine heater ... -............. $1:'!. Br ... fire ecreen --··-.......... IJO, Wardrobe, .................. ·-·-······ 17.00 122 Gr1U1d Canal, Balboa Island, 9&1 LOVJl:LY •in&le ma.nu-.1 Minshall electronic organ. like new . Save $100. Conven1Pnl terms at- SHAFE.R'S MW11c <.:o. l::llm.-e 11107) '21·4.23 N . Sycamore. Santa .Ana .Phone KJ.mberly :t.<0672 • Priscilla Matthews . Teacher of Piano l:laasl~popular by ham 1011y It onnNly L"h1i·11go.· Loa AngeJPs 211 T11~l 111 Ave . :\'ewport Beach Llb<'rly 8-39~:, 9ip12 BEA lJTJlo~UL Kimb1111 studio piano Sllg:htly 11se1l. Save $100. Con· vo111ent terma a t- SH.A.Jo'ER'S Mu•ac <..:o. Smee (1907) t21-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmbcrly 2·0672. DESK t or living rm. or ctrn. Nee(ll fU--Au&uM Alld J'rucka refinllhlng. $3:'>. Call Mr. M&Ut, 1960 FORD Tudor "II", rsd10, heet- Harbor 4181. 98cl H . clea.n. $!)75. Arter 6 p.m. ph, H11r. 1S51·M. 97dh99 gOOd . . .. ' 70 JOE NICKERTZ ::iTULJEBAKl-~R DEALER 3415 :'l:ewporl Blvd., NewporL Bch rat Ll•1•> EntrenceJ Her. :no 99c2 il-Aut.o &rvice ------Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. -----$48.88 8 Cyla. $58.88 lJlcJul.lcs t>otb labor and part.s. New rings, wr11t p111.1, val\oe erut<.1, Cltl.Ulg• ot main and roo bearu1ga. £xperl motor tWle up. 90-day or t ,000 mue guarantee. (NO MUNEY DOWN). R.E:BUlLT ENG~ -UP lo IC> MONTHS To PAY- Bu1.lt ln our own factory by .-1uec1 machlntat.a. Don't contend with the middle m'1l. Buy dJrect. R.EB tJILT and INSTALLED SHORT awdc FORD .... ·--·-······----I U ll.OU CHEVROLET ..... _ .$Ull.5U PLYM.. .. DODGE ••. .u o:i St.alnleu eteel we and l-Ongue. !116 El Modena. Newport Hu., alter fl p. m. 80U 26 FT. CONTINE:'\TAL HouM lr&aler. 140a.. CabriUo Ave. or -466 E. 18th.. Coat& Meo.. Uberty· 8-40 13. 98cl Rentals Wanted We neea apt. u d bou.e. ui all eecuom tor boUI Wlllter and Yu..r'e leue. FUrn. or unturn. U .you have a vacancy, phone tooa,y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. <.:&t. Hwy., Newpor t BcA. Phone Uberty 8-3481 208 Manne, Balboa Laland Phone Harbor U4 1301 Cout lilw'Y. Corona Ciel Mar Phone Hubor l 741 100 M11n ::It., Balboa WA Tl:RFRONT YEARLY" l BDRM. tum . upper, almoat new It freshly palnteJ. $7~. mo. incl. utllllJea A rarac e. 611 3eth St .. Wk. end• or Harbor 2313 .. 98p99 48A-Apta. tor Keat CLIFF HAVEN SPAClUUS 2 bdnn. duplex, lota of clo•et.a A: UJe, fenced yd. Oar. $87 .60 untum. ){UR.lEL M. P lNOVER. Realtor Phone Harbor 4810. MUc 2 BEDRM tum. apt. on Bay i'ronL Winter or yearly rentaL 6<14 8o. Bay Fron t, Balboa lal&nd. Ha.r. 422. Ml Uc UNFVRN. APT. 2 ts•. bdmw., cor- ner Wlndowa, gar. dl1poaal, rar· •Ke 4' laundry room. Liberty 8-1843 or U 8-2428. Near 11Chool1 • 118c6 Phone ffarhnr t 45 28Uc .,.-------------....:"' 1 DEDRM. FURN. APT., all uUL ~Apt&. & HoU9ect '-p&ad. $36. month, 212 29Ul St., ----------~-Newport Beach, Harbor 1012-M C D M -702 Begonia. 2 bdrm. or Uberty 8-2162. H d t un.tumi8hcd ·duplex. Farcplsce, RATTAN FURN. modem •ludlo F. A, heat, hwd. floors, Sepu -1 apltl. Center of Corona del Mar. ate patio. Adults. Hu . 168<1-R, $70. ulll. pcJ. u 8-1528. H c l3 -9ic99 -------------11:;:1 mo. 3 rm. nicely turn apt. DE.ARBOR!' HEATER. 6 rad1ant11, 120. Bamboo 3 8ect1ona1 ,cuul!h. 135. -Har, 3~G·J. 98c1 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEA.'-' 1948 CJlRY.ti. A OE SOTO 117u Pn11Uac IJ eedllllelte, lulone, STuO&B.AK.ER ··-· .$17U C d I !105.!:a Poppy, Corona dal J4&.r. orona e Mar I Phone H•rbor 882. Hcl 2 BEDRM. apt. furn .. newly <lee-NEWPORT ISLAND year rental or&l,.d. Above Chin1t Cove, $90. 1 unturn. 2 bdrm. 'apt., new!y month les11e. paamed. laundry II: exti-. room MAPLE DINETTE TABLE & e ch&1ra. Weh1h dre1SSer, Phoenlll maple rocker, 1 blue f r14'&e covn 1 3 ma.hog. tal>lea. Harbor 2529·M. 98cl l'REEZER, 19114 CROSLEY. Biii 13\' cu. ft. Hu llt'par&te •helves, rolor lnter1or, 6 pull out ~et•. l t1 returned unuaed A pJ. dn. to UM.tl9 from or1gtnaJ l :.19. Caah or pay llle pyml.9. of Jl2,19 pn month. I EE Baurhn• A A S Waretaou•e 220 S. Main St.. Santa Ana . ti blocka South nt 4th St. Open ena. 'lll 9. Sun. 11-.5 Klmberl,y f .201. loade<.t \\'Ith extru , pnc:ed t.Q &ell OLDS A PONTIAC • .$170 Ha.r .. 3906-J. 1H1e2 BUICK --· .$17~ 1. bdrm. P"l'tl,.lly fum. 1o:; 1 in earag~. endoaed patio; Watu 1 bedrm. apt , tum. . 160. :~: pd. 003 "'-,38lh St. 176 mo. Har. 19"4 CA IJILLAC 62 aeda.rt.. like new, 6•00 m1le11 Power •tee.r· ang, power brak <"•, R A: H, euy ey~ glllll8, automatic dlntml'r. I l rt~ blue, Shut& white :op, $HM, by OWTlf.' .. Har. 2337-R. , 9ec3 SACRJ.flCE -'M Plyinoutb Bel· vedere converUble. Ht-CS.rive. U rhL blue, tan top. Rlt.H. white 1l(fewall1. t urn ala-nai., back up llf hta, Auto wtn(ioll\tehl wuner. • mu.. old. 4QOO mllu . Will ll{'Ct'Pt lradl'. ~ke offtor. Har, 1303-M ' 79Uc HUDSON --·--··----Sl76 Loelt Car Ff'ff Towtna NEW CAR GARANTEE Blodl mUllt meet our 11tandana Plu. t.uea, ruket.a and oll Open Sunday 10 a.m, to 2 p.m. .2 bcdtm. hri118e un~irn Flrepl. 2!>83-R. 97pt9 eara ge. • · · · · · ···· J80 mo. CORONA DEL MAR -Beauutul· BEACON BA y Jy turn. 1tudlo apt. 1 bill. t rom 3 .., ocean. Fireplace, bar, M6. Har. bedrm1., furn. bouae, Fenced 6680. t7ct9 pallu, 1125. mo. BELLES ENGINE W. E. FISHER REBUILDERS 30:'~.~00:.!:.1 Open Oa.IJy I to 7 Stat. Bonded Corona del Mar Harbor JUI NEW LOCATION ' _____ . __ •_1 310 East 3 d St BALBOA -Modem furn.. apL. r • 136 "o. It up, uUL pd. Near bUll 8ANTA AJ<fA •toree'"' bey. Har. 6344, t1ttc NICE A CLE.A.N-rtJRN. 1 bed· room apt., 166. mo. Laundry facWU-. Wat. and 1U p.14. 2029 Har11or Blvd.. Coat.a Kua Liberty MTtl~Ra. LI M711) • 'tecl l'URN. l bednn . .-,.,,. apt. Oil a.a.. Nn')lbrt~d. AduJLI 001.)'. ~. mo. Harbor 02'7S·W. lkl 2 BEDRM. FURN. APT. down· atalra. 1Ar1e fenced yard. Ut.11. pd.. $70. mo. until June 16th. 109 Park Ave .. Balboa b land. 98c4 488-How.ea for Beat. IOE .\.L OCEAN FRONT winter rental to May 16th, l bdrm . fur· ntahed ho1.11e. J80. Incl. ulll. Ph. Harbor 2313. 98p l FURN. 2 ~rm. houae. Water pd. 180 .. yearly. No pell. 244 JC. l Olb. Co•ta MeN~ Ll 8-0920 even1.n11 or Sat. 98cl 2 BDRM., dflll, paUo 6 pr. Un- f\lm. or parlly turn. 718 Helio- troJ)e, Cor·ona de! Mar. 98c911 VERY NICE 3 bedroom borne Ee.et 19th near lrvlne. l" balb•. fire- piece, 2 car 1•race. C&U Liberty 8·8781 or l-210i. 98c l THR.l:lt R OOM HOUSE, unlurn. Hu auto. wuher, fenced yard. 137.50. -1680 Sant& Ana Ave., Co1ta Men. 98pl NICE 2 be<lnn. untum. hOUM with etove A reJrlr . 428 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar. Har. 3414 -W. 96ttc 1 BDRM. cottari.""n1cely furn. 16<1 IWberty 1-3239. t 7c99 2 BDRM. furn. to J une 16. Dbl, .~.. nr. beach. $70., UUL pd. 122 4l•t 8t.~ Newport. Owner on pr•tnl"-Sunday, Jan. 18. 2:30 p.tn. • 97p99 T\)'O 8EDRM.. HOUSE, w to w carpets, flrepl., dble. 1ar .. fenced paUo. N-i>0rt Ht.I. I~. mo. un. turn. Liberty l·alOl. , 97ct9 --I Newport Beach I BK.A.CB BOUBICa for Jeue, l l'IO lllOllth each. Nt» IUblet. 8Tca- mon wm. 9:Xl0 WILl. IUCNT brand MW I bednn . I baUI, UllturD. bome lD IRVINE Tl:ftAACll at •200. per morilll "1th 1 yr. 1-.... qtlll Barbol' u.a I« t\lrther det&Ua. Mt.tc 118ca For lease upstairs 800 Sq. fl. 1ult.able 1vr buslneu, 1tudlo or otflce A: llvln" quarl- era. 215 Marine Ave .. IUI. 11, Owner 1311 :'\. S ay F ronl. !ial· boa bl•nd. 116pl0 6t-lka-1a!"_!l~~purtwal'~ BALBOA OCEA N F'RUNT -M.ln- latur e golf coun e and concee- alon, all equlpt -r eady t.o go Har. 2188-W. · 117c3 GAS STATION, GARAGE Newport Beach Inventory AIXlut $1700' Phone H.a.rbor 16.SJ. 86c99 . ~Moae) to Loan ---- WA.Nb •v ovlWJ UlPROVE BU\', MUlJi';KNlZ~ OR tu:Yl.NA.Nl:E We tiuy Truat Ueecs. NICWl'UK'l tJAW:KJA !:IA V lNGS 6 WAN ASl:IU<..:JA Tlu N 33M Vla Udo r h. Har. UW Uo LOANS PROMPT SERVlt:E 5'~ first lru•t deed1 2U year1 Orange <..:out Properties 1~7 Newp<>rt Ave .. <.:c>nta Mesa LI l ·l 83:l or U 8-H IJ<l i;vea. 115Uc REAL E.S'l'AT1' LOAN~ lntereat Kate f>..-.:) y~ '1 ~ quickly maae 111 I.he Bay Ana ana ~ta M..a. 1Sln1Je or mu1tJple unit.a. New or olll. & wt• and ••• b)' re-fln&nclJI& your preeeot luan. Msntm11m ea· penH. No cll&rfe for , prellml· n&lJ appra..iaal, P hooe Santa Ana Klmberly 3-4taa or write ARTHUR A. MA y I Mor1pfe t..o&ll CorrelJJ)OnOent Occidental Ufe lnluranc. Co. ISi 8o11Ut Maia Aanta A.Ila pp WlLl, exchanre Lacuna Beach house. on 4 luta (Bluebird can- yon) u •. ~. WANT Income unit.I or T '!' Phone H Yatl •·il87 betore t • m. or HYaU •-3123. t 3cflH Beautiful Home 1.N SANT A CRUZ. CaJlt. for In• • eomc-property. Laguna, Corona del Mar or Santa Alla. 0 . H. LAT HROP. 383:1 Cout Hwy , Corona del Mar, Harbor l)U!l. Evu, Harbor 3~1 1-J. llk l New 4 Bedroom DELUXE ra.nch •tyle home, fea- turu 2 baUu, beam CeJll.llg,._, forced air heaL Garb. dJ1poul. EJl./l&u1t tan In k it. Rea l w<JO(I bur111na.: tlreplaC'e, with c•11·1011 llghlu and many other luxury ltNllll. $12,Y50 F'ull Price £1000 Down OP!::!" 0 .AlLY-10 a .rn . 'l1ll duk 480 Holly Lane 1n Npt. He1 r hlll! ( N .. ar tr vine Ave J e=-uc EM.ERALl> BA Y-Ju•t So.. ot HI· w11y. w1U1 t''-'-"Y actf'BI to beach. IJellirhUul larm hOUIM!, only :l )'r1. old. 2 lle<11 m11.. !l bath•, :l f11 t'pl&.c.:1'11, lge. llYln11: rm., 11ep. dtmn1 rtn. UARUAlN. \.:all ··ott11 VER.lll.NDKR. 34u 1•um.-ctl1a, ~rorui del Mar Har 4283, evea, u u. afll 79uo ' N'EW. 3 ~room. w1w cu petmc. 20':9 P r"'td!'nt. Pl , <.;. M. J.400 down:' no lmpoun!l11, ™ month pr anti lnl. ur 2·Hl~• a!trr fl pm , lnclcwli<>ll. 9•pl0 <.:ORUNA DEL MAR ..:_ Nice v1ew Fuml11het1 !l l>drm . l ... bath homr. Living rm., dlntna-nn., kltch•n, g1'rt111'I' Har 2298.-W. 9•Uo l\'EW 3 JH:LJl tM. HOUSE c,n lot 80 ~ :IOO •tSll:iCJ. 111:>0 ,down. 2&3 A v0t:adu t:c•11.& M""" Phone U~rty 8·i8(/7. 96Uo CURUNA HlvULA~"lD UYI'I - t:hmce !!Ilea Availa ble c.;aJI Hubor :l3:M I ' • • CORONA DEL MAR. All Good Clean 'Values l . 2 bdrm. charming cottage, ocean side of hwy. $10,850 with $1500 down. 2. US-418 t:.: Marguerite • Open each day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 bdrm. home plus 1 bdrm. apt. over cx-lge. g:irnge with dark room. Owner movt>d; must sell. See this! 3. A really clean. lge-. livable 2 bdrm. home in best loeatlon on 45' lot with 3-car gar. Want to re- tire? This b1 the place. Reduced for quick sale. $17 ,950, Will trade for small home or lot. 4. Top location • 2 bdrms. & den, W to W carpet, lots of buJlt·in features on expenaive lot. Only $19,950. ·COSTA MESA 5. Near High ~hoo~ • Quality, 2 bdrma. & den. ( 1355 sq. ft.) Dining rm .. hwd. floors, li' A heat, fenced yard. A beautiful home for only $14',750. \vm trade for house trailer. ' The Vogel Company 2667 E. Coast Hwy., .Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 • • • • LIDO ISLE • • Ba.lboa Island Bayfront' A dandy at t.h• price of 142.!)()(). O bdnrua. 6: den turnllhed. Prt· vate pier .ti: float. Excellent Jo- c:aUon I Ike tb1AI Dow. We have the key. iido Ranch Type 2 bdrm. 6 den, 1" ~Ula. 2 yra. old. Very lovely home juat re. duced to $24,9~. IMAGINE • Only $5000 dn. Bay Shore Ho~ · · Owner tranaferrea, mu11t atU com· fortable 2 bdrm. adobe brick home. Nice location. Spacloµa rooma, breakfut bar. Ideal kit· chen. Only $111.1100, $:)000 down. $1311. month. Newport Heights 519 El Modena 2 bdrm. homl', nice condlUon. a. I. Loan, 4•/0 lntereal. Price $9950, $2600 down or will leue tor $811. mo. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Laland Har. 4H (Evee. l.J lj-11297) Har. 1786-RK) CHANNEL FRONT 2 UNITS, 2 bedroom• each, prlvatl' .-, tr~Keal YAtate ------ BALBOA BAY .COVES I" Waterfront PRJV ATE BEACH -Pj.er & slip privilege. 3 years old. 2 bdrm., i 14 bath, IQL! or t'ile. Parquay firs .. dbl. gar .. F. A. beat. Now is the time to buy for next 1ummer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at This Price. $26,250· ·"----- LIDO ISLE OLDER 4 bdrm., 3 bath home on beautiful 60' 1Pt. Trees & shrubs in profusion. Owner lranaferred and must sell: See this today. Terms can be arranged. Asking-price. ~24,759 ' I LIDO ISLE LIDO NORD BAY FRONT-'Pier & slip. First time ·offered, only 1 yr. old. 3 bdrms .. 3 baths, elec. kit., built-in dishwasher, garbage disposal. W to .W car- pets, drapes & new 20' Century motorboat Inc. in · · _ price. This is a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newp0rt 0 Blvd .. Newport Beach. Har . 1013 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION C'osta Mesa Values t BORK .• bdwd. noor1. Lare• kit· cheJ!, dbl. pr.. paUo, barbecue. $9.ll:IO, l~nn•. . ·~. 3 BDRM., hdwd. noor1, larce ~· room•. patio, barb«ue. 4,..,, G .1. loan. $10,900. tenn1. • • • I, 3 BDRM., bdwd. tloora. F lr tpl1ct , dbl. garagt>, fenced. 4 'ii '7c 0 .1. • loan. $11 ,000. term•. • • • 3 BDRM., l ~ tile balhs. forced air ht>ut. fireplace, full dining 1vom, be•t hllwd, noorll, fenced and lllllll•i:aped. B&ck Bay uea. $16.~00 -$3,000 dn. Near nl'w. . . . . Newport Heights 3 BDRM .. den pita bar, full din· Ing room, fireplace, panoramic view pf entire h~r-not knse· hnld: Obi. gar., lge. land1Kapcd lot wlt.h room tor pool. 3200 1q. rt. living area. Owner muat 114'11, ' name. your term1. Replacement cost $46,000. Only $30.000. - Bay & Beach Realty l.A,9e Nt'wj)ort Bo11lrvard Costa Mesa, Calltumla · LI 8-1181. Evt!a. Ubrrty 8-31~8 EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS N 1 · 1· · ~ac:h. pier, float. plua 2:) foot Attractive 3 bedroom & 1% bath Newport Heights ew eXC US!Ve IStlng boat, $22.600-Small down pay· home. Built 1·n 1953, Near schools. It has white oak FIRST TIME OFFERED. Vtry lovely three bedroom i:uatom L•d N d B f t mtnt, corner lot. floors, bright sunshiny kitchen wit h breakfast area, built home. Laree muter bt'd· I 0 or ay ron COSTA MESA. dbl. garage. A good value. $15,500. room 11nd bath, µlua two btotler than avl'rngl! s1u-bedroom11 with Compl~tely furnished 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Wall 3 BEDROOJ.t HOUSE', needs 110me H S LO S 2nd bath. Living room hu 111r11e to wall carpeting, TV, Weatinghouee auto. wash· fixing, '-!. acrt, room for more NEWPORT EIGHT T firepl"ce und rudwood p11r11'11n1:. & d Di h h b di · L 17 '' h c:I ( buy "67'0 Re O 2fJj 1';)(tre1rwl}' l'Unvl'nll'nt kltrh"n -er ~r·-. :u;,~'!.~M'4~~-...Y1!1 ... an--~· :._• --f.""""'IW01A111&ell...._ • ...,•i;,.:~ -·-~ 3 lot.I -,llll level -e5>SO~~ xl!eet._ • -~in .. i.-ctrw mn1:e anti thtr· ....., _____ "'1 L. """ t"'" ca.uu <>ut' for quick action, ---Prfoe8 s38oo. =-$4000, -$4 • .---... ma.tor OVt'O, bi i'Ukfll~t blr llJ~fl· Full Price S63.~. terms. See us for the best selection of tots & acreages. ha:: Into " •·cz.v 1t1nlni rnom · 4! ACRES Living 1·oum and kltcht'n have M ZONED LOTS ac..-uis tu t'nclo~d pallo with WELL LOCATED tract, ripe for -1 bnck barbecue. Hu1111<1 LS Ranrh • 1954 Tra iler & Enclosed Lanai aubdlvislon. good drainage, nc-ar % acres and acres _ $3500. and S6500. atyle with bl'&\'y apllt shake ro"t. buslJlras district, $1:>.850. In· Oversized double icaragr. lntt>r· on Waterfront! LUXURIOlJSLY FURNISHED . . veel<>l'I can m&Jce money on thll. lor rs complt~ely r11rpr11'\J w11ll BACK BAY LOTS to wall 1;nd dra pu a rc mcludt'\l 1-'urce•I air furn11rt>. \'i1•w uf Here's the best buy in the back bay: New sub·divi-owrn anJ landsrt1~J. 1.ot t>."*· N. B. C. Realty . ., NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PAGE 7 THURSDAY, JANUARY ll , 1955 C-a-J FAtate THE GREAT ORANGE COAST KINGS ROAD -Home with panorama view. - Move in this adorable 2 bdrm. home. hwd. Cloore, pullman bath, formica kitchf'n, dining room. fire- place, forced air heat1 lanai, patio. Full prico J ust $16,900, wit!_0et'ms. CORONA DEL MAR -2 story. 3 bd\·m., 2 bath view home. Modern design with W to W carpeting. Large porches, bandmtnton court, dbl. garage. T~nitlc value at $29,t>OO, t<'rms. SUBDIViDERS A'IT&NTJON. Close in 45 acret, sewers, paved streets ~~C-duwn or submit your deal. • lilGH LOCATION, lowest pticcd lot on Cliff Drive. Build story and one half for best vie w. $6000 buya it. LOTS in Back Bay -Restrict ed -AU improvement.a in. From $3250 - Now a ch oicf'. 640 ACRES virgin land near Lake H odges. · .... Swap for income property . ORANGE COAST . PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mua Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8·1400 Eves. , Lido Isle Some selected lot bargains 35 x 8 on Xanthe ___ ................................. $10,000 38 1 • x 88 on Ithaca ....... -................ -........... 10.750 45 ; 88 on Mentone ··-··-····-·· ...................... 13.000 ~O feet on the South Bayfront .................... 36.000 Nirr, 2 bdrm. home on Trieste with glass enclosed dinin& area with indoor b1trbcque .. ...... S21,500. LIVING ROOM -2 bdnns. and bunk room. Din- ing area. Clever kitchen. Bricked outdoor lanai with barbeque. Garbage disposal. A DANDY! 32nd &. l'>ewport Blvd , Newport Brach. Harbor 140:1. 98cl sion being opened -10 lots left. $3250 t o $4000. 160 1-:x. ht•th ' with 11-t 11n.i wt All new streets and utilities. rrotect1ve rei;trictions ha\'c th~ k"Y· ,. BA YFRONT. on the desired cast end of Liuo. Per· \ Full Price $8500 Shown by app't on ly HARBOR I NVESTMENT.CO .• REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 (Eves. Ll 8-5386) CORONA DEL MAR OtJR SPEClALTY i1 low down payment homes. No dogs ... These ·are all clean cut modern homes under 4 ye;rs old. 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home. best residential area. Hwd. floors. Iota of tile, dbl. garage. $1000 down. 2. Vcry·clean 2 bdrm. home, hwd. planked flooring. Lots of tile, 2 '~-car garage. Close to shopping center. $1000 down. 3. 3 bedroom. home _:Large living room with fiteplace. d ining room. nice kitchen. laundry rm. dbl. garage. Completely fenced. To qualified buy- er. $1000 down. Balance at $85 per month. SEE THESE TODAY. It's a little late for Christ· mas , but we still h~e the holiday spiri~ Ben J . Whitman and Associates • "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 3542 E. Coast Highway at Orchid, Corona .del Mar Harbor 1862 (Eves, Harbor 1461) CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. horn<', sgl. gar. Comfortable &, compact. ~~ PartJally furnished home on R·2 lot where garage apt. could be added and get view of Harbor $10.250 FITZMOR~IS REALTY COMPANY Renltort1 Business Broker . 313:> E. Coast H ighway Corona del Mar Har . 2152 COST A MESA SPECIAL New 4 bdrm .. 2 bath borne. Corner lot. $1250 down. Full Price $10.250 Call Neal Martin BAY 4and BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evenings Llberty 8-1774 VOGEL VALUE Indoor outdoor living In one of the best locations in Costa Mesa. Three bedroom home with swim- ming pool an9 'BBQ in patio. $15.600 full price. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 · Attractive Bay Ave. I BEDROOM HOME. CorKtollf bay '\i tw, r••lurf\11 artistic wAll· PAJ>4'r df'<'llr. lntulor b11rbfor11t Lc1~ly r 111t10. l'an b' ''"" mnm · tng 11nd e vtntng11, Ill:! W BA) An . :-.'rwrort Utach. ll~·9h LOTS FOR SALE 3 BY:::A t 'Tl F'l'L.. LOTS. one 6~ f l. nn,>Hrt Drlvr, Nrwport Hclghll One 30 it. lot on Dijon, Lido !,,fr A l1t0 -4n-rt lot !"n \'1• Gt'n· ''"-Ll.f•• I ~.. ''all own<'r. Har, n19\, M writ<' Mra. Ahrf'ns. 422 LArk11)111r. Curona dl'I Mar. 91c6 F UR!'\ISHED 2 ~drrn., knotty pine Interior. Extra large patio. Single garage '• blk. to bay. $15,000. 30 x 90' OCEAN FRONT LOT. West Newport, t'xcellel)l terma. Balboa Bay Properties 1~1011 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Harbor 11188 Harbor 1983 Ba yshores Barga in ! DREAM HOUSE of 3 bdrms., 1~ bath. Exlra lge. patio. Price of S:l7 ,!)()() lncludl'S Servel l ee M1&kl•r r!'frlgeraror. W to W car· pctlnJ;, Wedgtwood GrlllevAtor, dl11p011&1. Interior 11hutter.. SEE· J:-:G IS BELIEVING. Let ua sho"'' tt to you. and YOU BE THE JUDGE. C&ll Isabel Herron THE BEAUMONT CO. 434 32nd St • Newport Beac:h Hubor 4299. 95<:1 "Let Us ' Locate for You''" PRO PERTY ANYWHERE TO BUY OR SELL, CONSULT The LOCATOR of Cali!. Rt'pruentallvc brokerft In all com· munlllts throughout CRllfornlL Brantll ofl 1Cc. 1884 Harbor lilvd. Cent& Mtsa, Phone LI 11-1661. llit!c ' Ocean Front Income \':'\ITS r ornrr lot. exrc-1 In come rernrd. llslf blk. Crum &y l\nli Jlllrkm~ tac. Clt'an. SI0.000 will handle. · Bldg. wllh •lore &nd 3 unit.. Good buy. for 116.000 -14000 down. In t he ht'Arl o( B&lboa. Coast Properties ir:isure a high quality of homefl. sl~ lh<'se now. tjl.ELTON BARNETI Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. (1 block nbove Hoag Hospital) Llberty 8-2772 or evenings Libcrty 8*7156 Balboa PENINSULA TRADE Open Sunday 10 to 4 2041 E. Ocean Blvd. 3 bdrm .• 2 ba th, one~1tory, Iese than 2 years old. Completely furnished. Forced air heat. Built in barbeque and nice patio. 2-car garage. plastered and heated. Can be used for a rumpus room. This is a \'cry fine home with carpeting. drap<.'s. and nicely furnished. It b as a $15.000 ~~" 20-year Joan. Full price $24,650. Owner will trade equity for boat or Harbor area property. DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport &h. • H arbor 3693 BALBOA 'ISLAND 3 bdrm .. 3 baths. Well built home with large ll ving room, patio, on Little Island. -$28.500. Stunning North Bayfront-Knotty pine, used brick beautiful rental apt. with fireplace. Perfect cond. Well built 2 bdrm. home with dbl. gar. and the ' price is right, $18,000. D 0 RI S B R A Y , Realtor Nona Hyer Chet Salisbury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Curt Dosh Harbor 20 CORONA DEL MAR Modern 2 bdrm. home. beautifully decorated, raised hearth fireplace, !enc~ tor privacy, minjmum yard work, 2-ca1 garage. Near markets. $12,750. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Fred J. Crosier . and ASSbc. B!l:JU Ea~t Co11:i-.~~w"y t't r11na <kl Miu T'lcphon1• Harbor 3~>71 BAY FRONT On Newp.ort Islan d Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot. with p1l'r & lgc. flual. Largt: liv- ing room with fireplace. 2 nic·e bdrms. with 1 :1 1 bat hi;. Extra large dinette area. Double garage. easily made triple. Sli .500. ter ms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport Blvd, Npt. Br h. H8rbor 402. ll:lllc COSTA MESA SEE 463 M AliNOLIA -phone f<)r oppt. 3 nice br .. tiood hv. n•11111. w t'l w carprt. Ven. bllnds. 1.;:t" )'Ud, dbl. gar. on aJll'y·pat10 O\.'Tler m11at ~II. REDUCED lO $1 1,000. I SEE 134 ALBERT PL. -Phone fhr appt. Cham)fng pink aturrn, 2 br .. on large lot -rrull trt't8 $98."lO. Good t~rm11. BR.. FURNISHED. 112,~>00 I VERY LOW DOWN . .Nl'wl CLIFF HAVEX-2 br • conv. 1len Compsct kitchen hu everything bulll tn. 1lldmg glaa1 doon to Jnvtly patio. l~e. llvtnr; l"fX'lm. din ing arta. Own,.r built W!'ll l&ndsca~d. J.(UST SEl:. $24 .000 TPnna. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Coast Hwy. LI 11·4277 115c97 007 E. aa11>oa Blvd., Balboa Nice Family Home H arbor 4600 97 tic ~CX::ICICCJOl:CICX:x::llCX:CCXXJCX::ICICCICll:X:ICX::x:lCXXJCX::ICICI LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! WELL BUILT, complete ly furn· l•hed 3 bdrm., 2 b&lh home on luge loL Cork noora tn b&1.I • m u ter bdrm. Lovely carpeted living room with large Ureplace. Pretty kitchen. 126,llOO _!lu:plAh· ec:t, ~ down. J:~ymenu °" balance. Call Har. 2170 to att. -81Uc BY OWNER DESIRABLE 3 bedr6om, bath ~ '•·CORONA HJGHLANDS fam- ily home. Cozy UMd brick tlre1- placr, ralaed hearth. Ce.ntraJ heat. Charmlnr '11rth paneled kit chen. Dll!poal, •rpeted. L1r. yard, view. $18,1100. Thia houae a.lao for ~nt unturn. See any· Uroe, 804 Seaward Roed. 98p89 Bay Front Income a UnJW. ·I A I DeCINOllJa. f\11'11 i.bed. Pier. float and pr1ftlt be9Cb. ll>OO .. llllalboe ~ e.Jboa. ~-...... °""' teq to lllFlll-llU• . A TRUE STORY The h11pp1J1ess of a young ~rt.• gay )';ew Yu r'B Eve wu turned t~ dl'tp diAtre.1e when 11ht' rcachl'd home and reallied 11bc had IOlll the brand new p!Ur of glL'8f'I aht had ju11l purchlllltd that da~. Thj l K!!l ~-a .• 1.e_nl_o..r:_ ... at !l:cwport Harbor Hlgll School and very dependent on her gl&..."-""'!I. So htr moU)er put 11n 11t1 In the clul(tl'd al'ctlon as tollows; 22-~t and Found LOST -Black vch•et e'•enlng purllf! with ladlca gla"Ma. Fri· day even1nJ;. 9 · p.m. to J a ni, Rcw&rd. rhone Har 9!Jc9i The td ran W~dneaday and T hurMJ1y. On Frtday momtnr. Mra. 8 . called and 1111111, ''I'm 1'<I gl11d 1 put the 11d in the paper. 'Juat 11.t we thought I he purte a.nd gluae11 wcre dropped aa 1he wu getUng out of the C-ar. Now they have been found and we are very vatet\JI." l\'1aawver 7o~r ~ u .. a. oer llvf'IJ ~laM&flNI attU.• w1l' brtJI• 1'* ,........ too. ·~ Call Harbor 1111 ud Mil fer llle .. tellu. NEAR N~port Harbor Vachl Club. 4 BEDR.M. turn. home with per· ma.nml bay view. $3:)00 down. Coast Properties 301 E. B1lboa Blvd .. Bt1lbna Hubor 2658 It Har. 26117 83lfc Newport Heights 3 BEOR~f . I 'i balM. nrw hurur~ home. F'1r!'pl11cc, be11m c• lllnl(- Oa.rbatte dl•po111 I. f'orctd 111r hut 1&nd m•ny oth'r f.-a turr• Don't · m lu th11 one' Only S 11,950 full pri~ · 11000 down OPEN D AlLY-10 a m. '1111 dark 489 Holly lAne. neai· I rvtne A v~ ll~trc: BY OWNER Corona R lghla.nda -3 ¥no.. 2 1 bath farmhouw. Ph. H a rbor T~-J I 99tfc STX-TltNTiiS Acre !2 or J lot.-1 1 le\'tl with exct-llent oc~a.n v1rw. watrr and l<'W"' Lol.llll'd R0\1th I of La.irun11 18200. 1.1 8·:1111 i .a::x:icxxiac::ica:x:1ccx_::iccx::ica:x:1cca::x:icr:::x::ia~'"'r:xx:SJ alter ~ pm. 90r:. • feel family year-round finely fimshl·d home. 5 r"'.# burn1i;. and ~ baths. Terrific family r oom with bnr and burbeque. 54-ft. width allows pit•r ·and slip plus flfmc tx•ac h. One of the truly oull\t:indmg Harbor views. SJH ,500, with reasonable terms. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -phone harbor 1500 BALBOA ISLAND $3•IOO down ~ $100 a month ! 4 b<lrm .• l bath hr•me fn xlnl. conJ. ~tone fireplac<'. P anel Ray hrttt; THIS WON'T LAST ! Full price St0.500. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 5 No. 67 Yawl Road, Beacon Bay Charming 4 bdrm.. 3 bath FURNISHED hom<.'. Flagst one fireplace. Birc h kit .. Therm. range: 1ots and lots of xtras. PRICl::D RIGHT with xlnt. t l'rm11. $33,500 • DON'T MISS THIS~ LIQO ISLE Bayfront Beauty! Pier & float • 3 bdrms., 2 bRth, lots of good furn. and appliances. $55.000 • Owner ~.iXYR ~ELL! Submit on terms. ,('ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY! MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine, Balboa Island • Harbor 4i81 Corona del Mar Vogel Value Charrn _.:_ Location -View -Value Walking dlj;tance to beach. 2 bdrm11. & den. l ':. bath home. View li\'mg rm .. W to W carpeting, brk. fireplace. dining rm .. n ice Jen. muter bdrm. with ocean vi<'W. Cuet<.>m drapes. colored fixture tile bath. handy tile kitchen. i;ervice porch . connecting ':.: bath. Cyclone fenced beautiful yard. Brk patio. 2-rAr garage. Room to build extra room with l'!Weep· ing view of bay & ocean. Lot 185' deep. You will look, compare & buy this home. Only S22,500. THE VOGEL CO.· .... 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Ha. 1741 Ha . 1477 BALBOA ISLAND · Bayfront with private pier. Large com fortable home with 5 bdrms. and den -well fumiRhed, d1Mpm~111 and dishwasher. Finant 1ng can be Rrrnng1·d. PritNI right at ..... . . .... ....... ..... ... $il 2.;i()(t Delightful 2 bdrm. ho me • f1n>pla cc" !urnr1<·(· lu·at. Good location . ··-······-··········· . . ~1~.000 NELDA GIBSON , Realtor 306 Marine A\'e., Balbor• Jslan<l ·Phone Harbor 502 • Eves. 2306-R OPEN HOUSE 301 Broad way Sat. & s ·un., 12 t o 5 p.m. Cornn k.cRlion, hwd. floora. 2 b<lrrru; .. t ile· k1lrhc-n and bath. lt'R a little jewel. Full prlt·1· ~ 11 ,;.oo. Only $1500 down. 3 bdrm. home. 3 yr11. <Jl<I. U111p., refrig .. 11tovt-, hwd. fJ ()ors. Full pric<' SlO,f.sOO. "ART" ADAIR Re altor 1666 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Lfberty r 1rn • . ... • .. 1::-- . .--. • -.. ... .. I I PA&E-1 ·PART IV_.:. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS a ._, m.e.te ~·~!.:::r!!.!Jr.~llla~!te!!._ ___ . ____ ~11!!::~9!•!!!'1R!t!'!1!!_ __ :.._ __ , __ !11!::;9!!!!•!'2B!!dll!!!!tl!!_ __ ...__,.,,;_· a .......... a-a_....._. j THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 • ___ ;....________________ Peninsula Home! 11 RN I f'Atat.e a RNI .r..aate BILL'S BEST BUYS 5 BRAND NEW USTING.S ~yshores -''P-acture Book Home" REDUqED $1500 for _quick sale! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MJ;MBERS 01' llULTIPLE L18'11NG 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor USn or 1972 BALBOA ISLAND '3600 down· 4 bdrm. tum. home. 1% t.th9. SlOO. mo. Total price S.19,500. Hurry f.or thla! t>OOO down. Home and ipcome. 2 bdrm. furn, home and 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Total price.$27,500. Thia la a BUY! No. Bayfront;pler Is fioat. 5 bdrm. and den home. ll'umiabed. 142.500. Let ~. llhow you thia NOW! COSTA MESA READ THIS AND CALL US: Let Ui"lhow you th.la property Zoned M·l. 102 ft. frontage x 145 ft. A 9 year-old 2 bdrm. cottage with gar. Boom to build. Owner going bac;k Eut. $3500 dn. Price $12,000. 3 bdrm., 1% bath beautiful }lome. Thia home iJa built for rraciou.. living and it will be a pleuure to abow you. Price $15,950. CORONA DEL MAR NEW 3 bdrm., 1 o/.& batba, spacioua rooms, dining rm., garbage dlsp., Weetem-Holly 2-unit stove, Ben- dix wuher, elec, fan, hwd. floon, F. A. beat, open • beam ceilings, theee and many other features. Sweeping view of ocean. Price $29,500. Xlnt. tenm. Don't fail to let u.e show you thia. ' BLANCHE A. GAn:g.1 Realtor , Owner Says "SELL THIS WEEK!" Thia lmmaculat~ 3 bdrm. home located in Corona del Mar, forced air heat .. fireplace, garbage dia- poeal, diahmuter, fenced yard. Large paved patio. Extra room off double garage for work ahop or bobby room. Priced to aell quick and low, low down payment. Euy terma. Exclusive with ua. OCEAN VIEW I Thia new quality built 3 bdrm., 2 bath home in Corona del Mar plua large basement for rumpus room or wock abop. Magnificent vieW of ocean and cout line. Hu hwd. floon, forced air beat, fire· place. Separate d,lnlng room plua large kitchen with abundance of cablnet space. FIRST TIME OFFER.ED & priced to sell at $27,500. • Exclusive With Ua. PRICE T. McCUISTON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 <Office located next door to Corona de1 Mar Bank) DANDY J bedroom. turn1abad, lluceo bome. Nia patio ud dM. •~· TO.. mlMll ... at yuoo. Peninsula Duplex ! "ON' THS POINT'' ud M"'1 to I IN COST A MESA . Duplex -Bargain rtnd. I bedroome up ud two • 1 TL 0~· 2 .bdrm&. aadl l&de. oPmr aouas aUND~ T 1 to • Claee to new mbopptns cmtar. kloola It trauponaUoD. Pr1c:a at 1111 .. ,.._.Dr., ..,...._. _.._ fll MO. tanna. I bellrm., 1 • lll&Ul IMdarll ....... doWn.. J'WnWMd Ud neenU1 ,._ deeont.d. New drapae ud car- patia,. .A.-1 COltdlUoa. ur.aoo with termL Open House _, ' "You mu.t -Ulla."~\ locaUoa It niw. (Mr. ftum wW be OD tile pl"ellllMI). • NJ:W I llDl\K. Drtft '7 1111 'l'mo NewP.ort Heights ::.:.:.~ y':,_'° ,:_: U: =. Home I J'orcld aar beat, 1~ Mu.. ........ BA TBHPR.1:8, delwte home oa ~~Dr., '"917 ai.y YleW and daM le>' pm.~ ...... 2 ~ U,.ta!N wttll 1eparate draellns roG1N It a..th- l'OOIU. a,.ctou UY&as room wttb w.11 planDad clin1n1 &n&. • noon. p&'t». dl9p., I ear pr. NICll ocmAN A.ND BAT VIEW. fa.IOt, ft1A t....... ' lpect..il .A.·1 ooutnacUon. I 4*!· • rooru. 1 ~ MthL cu.tom bull\. pe11ed noo,., built ln kitchen tbennador et.c., a ~y at f21,· 760, terms. • 4 Unit Income ! IN' BABBOA. AttzacUn 1, bed· room apartment.I. Good tumi· lure and cloae to Bay and Ocean. Good' Winter and 11UDUDtr rental record. $36,000 and only l7600 down. Balboa ·Trip lex! OWNER HAS Ctrr PRICE FROM '18.000 to $18,500 for quick ac- Uon on lht1 A·l property. Two .,. unit• r~cUmllhed . .,. Bay and Ocean l~tlon. ••ooo down 11 all It takes. Balboa Re~lty Co. (Oppo1lte Bank of Amet1cal Member•. Multiple U.Un1 Rou Greeley , Ed Lee Jack Pinkham J,01ephU1e Webb 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Har~r 3277. A REAL STEA'L A WONDERFUL BUY ln a very nice duplex. Two blocka to heart ot town. Off J&ut 18th Street. Only 3 yeara old. 2 bedroom• eadt11lde. Cleverly lald out. Two car prage. Jndlvldual utWty. Full price ta only- $12,500 Opportunity in Business Location TWO BEDROOM HOME on West 19th Street only a couple block.a from Harbor Bl'l'd. 3 yeara old. Garage. Thia la an excellent buy. Property zoned C-1. Full price- $9250 BUYER'S GAIN G. I. RES.A.LI: -$HOO Dowa AL.MOST NEW 3 bedroom bolne., • Top East Side loca. :=: !::n.. ~·...:_u. rut; I llDRK. ROM&. Jldwcl. noor., encl. patio It ~ On11 flnpL, Ulermo ccmtnlled beat. U.5,900 with eacallat t&l'lna. lltalJ lbowar • .eloead ~· CLI1'I' HA\°SN Vl&W HOM&. PaUo. On tna Unecl ltrML __ .. I ._.._ 1111 ........... • cuni. • paved. s10,119, UOOO ;:;: =an ~ ::; dla. fN.N mo. lDcl. td • W. of the MJ It OCM.ft. It'• t.ba.t Two Homes Large Lot 2 BDR.KB. Mell. lldwd. noon. Co"4 llnoleUm kit.chm.a It Mtb&. Form.lea dralnboudl, toed mow- ers, attacbed pr..-. Jll.&00- 8ubmlt down. • • W. A. TOqlAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "YOU'LL LIKE OUR FRIENDLY SERVICE0 393 E. 17th St., ea.ta... . Llberty--s.--u.89 See Model Home _Now OPEN .DAILY 1-~p.m. on RAMONA PLACE in Costa Mesa (3 block• South of 17th St. ott Santa ADa) ONLY 15· LEFT of these new custom-$1esigned 4 bdrm., 2 bath homes. LOOK AT ~E FEATURES: Garbage diapoaI. Natural Birch Cabinet. Tile Showen Large Lota Steel Sub Kitchen Fana Glut Shower Doora Slab Doon Elec. Bath Beaten Temperature Control Formica Kitchena L&W!W Ir Shrubs Garages or Car Porta Cloee to Scboola and Shopping Center Plumbed for AutomatJc Wuher Curt», cuttera. paved atreetl Is .ewen lmtalled and pa1d for. 3 Floor PI¥a and 8 Elevatlom , Full Price $10, 950 with only $795 Down Randi)' Type tbat you'll adore. rore.d air baatia,. 1&r1• ftn- pl&ce, w to "' carpatia, ud a pJu)' ot aSca f•tW"H. •suoo. wttb pod tarma. BUILl>INO LOT 60 ll 180 OD St. Jam• Rd. ln a1tt Ha•• •2&00 (laulbold). VJ:l\T CllOICZ eaauo R-2 Jot • Cllff Dr., for M.600. Frank James Unwood Vick 0 B. ftu.m, Wm. O. Schmidt. A.Noc. 312 Marina An., Balboa llland Harbor -.2 BEST BUYS NEW 2 BJ:DRM. HOME. Hdwd. noon. patio. i..a. fen.,... ........ N.IC. ColrtWC-. • one, '"fA'P Good terma. M·l .A.CREAGll, I acN parce•, Near Blvd. A. l'MI bu1 ln (ood locaUon. WZ HA VIC IOMJ: of U1e "fut dlappeuinJ' acre ... " for .Nb- dtvilion. Well loc&tad. Good dratna1e. See tht. quid! GOOD BUILDING LOTS -tor lin1le A mult.lple dwellln1a. Kut A W"iat aide of Coat.a Mea. Priced ri(ht. In ('OOd areu. Call UI to .a&. Houston Realty 609 C.nter, eo.ta Mt• LI MIU. (Ena. Har •. 0211-W) ---------------------2 bet.hi, 2 car range. l:uUlde. • NOW $28,000 BeautltaJ Interior -20 x 26 living rm. with fire- place. plate SS.. doora open on patio. 2 bdnna., 2 bat.U, thenno kitchen. Heavy ahake roof. Lars- prare with. m&nf cablneta. ,. "Bargain of the Season" o~ BALBOA ISLA~D 2 atory, • bdrm. houae on good 1treet -$19,500 , BALBOA ISLAND . 'l11IS IS A HONEY! 3 bdrm., 1 % batha. Large Uv· Ins l'O(Ull. Separate dining 'rm. PLUS ~ractive 1 bdrm .. apt. Covered patio. Cemer location. CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. Ir den canyon view. Owner eager to aell. $23,500. 2 bdrm. Is den· ao. of Hwy. Small dn: pymt. $18,500. . . BALBOA PENINSULA A real home on comer lot. Sunahine I& -.pace galore. 2 bdrm. home. Separate dining room. 5 )'?"8. old $21,500, exlnt. financing. · FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on aU theae fine pro- pertle.. call Harbor 1775. ' EARL W. ~TAN~EY, Realtor 225 ,Marine Ave., Bal'?oa Ialand r IT'S LESS THAN $5,000 Down! ..... ~ t"' _,.,. ·-·--... .1--••.&&&&13 -·--- fine Lido Home. Full price ia $25,750 for a apacloue 3 bedrooma and 2 batha on a large lot. Uaed brick fireplace and wall to wall carpeting. Stove and oven • built-in are a feature of t he extl"& nice kitchen. Appreciate a call tint to that we can arra.nge to llhow. r JUST THE BEST! Bat for fine Lido Uvi.rig that ~ and a "best buy" too. Four bedroom.a and two bath.a on a l&.rle lot. An oui.tanding one-fioor ahowplace with a modem lnterlor with tbatr apanalve feelinr. Wonderful built-in kitchen. Carpeted, b.ncDcaped and walled. Stone f"uepl&ce. Brand new for '83.600 and move in tomom>w tor $10,000 down. r A SCARCE ITEM! COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' cloee tn. Paymvit.a Include t.uu and lMur&nC~. BarpiD .ale Pbooe Liberty &-UBI da)'11 or Harbor SSM-M Ewe. A Real Home ~nvestment price of-----------------------rC>R YOU wtw> ban a modut 'nlat'• what~ lou are oa r..do -...,. t.. left at any price and here are the two belA.. They are 40 x 118 and llide by side ruulac It.reel to .treet. One on a central at:r&da ~ Iii sie,ooo and the other la 518,000. Cunently UM owner wfll aacriflce both tor $29,&00 which la a buy. Come ln and let NEWPORT BLVD. -C-2 buaineaa lot Ir bldg.~ fl frontage, nm.a tbna to alley, right in the beart . of town. Price i. right. $~.750. Large duplex (approx. 3000 eq. fl) on 2 choice Iota in Newport Hc;igbll. S12.500. 2 1maU homes on one lot, near Blvd. Eut Side. and market, $8400 with $1500 down. 3 bdrm. home <1 'h yrs. old) hwd. floora. sewer in Ir pa.id. A-1 location near Catholic Church. $9500 with $2150 down &. bal. on FHA loan. $60.26 per mo. including taxes and inaurance. · Lot M·l Indu.atriaJ, 60x126 ·--·-·-·---... $2950 Lot R-4 Rcaidential. 80x234 __ 2750 Lot C-2 Buslneaa. 50x150 --~---··--·-· 3500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mm LI 8-1601 VIEW HOMES Choice of Five Fines~ Magnificent, view homea Crom $25.000 to $80.000, two to four bedrooms, each the choice in its claaa. Olff Have.n. Corona del Mar and Shore Cliffs. ALSO INCOME The Penlnaula'a two top rental units, both money- maken, $60.000 & $95.000. .. VACATION SPECIAL A sturdy little three bedroOm Ocea'll Front, $13.~ Call Jqhn Macnab, Har. 3297 or Har. 5359 anytime. Viaitors, let ua ahow you the Harbor Area. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE • Bayside Drive and Cout HJghway LIDO ISLE Furnished 2 bdrm .. 5 yrw old, on 35-ft. lot. $19,750 3 bedroom on 45 ft. lot • Very homey, La~ covered patio witb'BBQ. We Have the Key. Beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 full batha, large l~ Wool carpeted and drapea Nearly 70 ft. lot on 2 Stradu Shown by appointment only. $37.000 BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to the right of the Lido Bridge" , 31121ayette, Newport Sch. Har. 3643 (~ H. 2989) . ~ . ' . $l2•500 BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS = p:-~~ :ds:~~ ~~ Phil Sullivan & 1 • You - - - ua ahow t.heee and outline eome ldeu for development. George Everson PIER AND SLIP 1~ Newport Blvd., eo.ta MeM Excluaive area, modem 3 bdim.., 2 bath bou.e, nice- ( &Cl'OM from Co.ta .... · BanJc) ly furni9hed, acellent financiQI. Price $40,000. Phone LI 8~7411 E•e&. Har . .,.. * * * ·-tr· \ LJbert7 8-210S -, REAL VALUES $500 Dn. SANTA ANA HTS., Good two bdr. 1tucco home. On ~ acre, com- pletely fenced. Double gara1e, excl dlllt. Full price only $8,950 and S76. mo. on blLlance. SM lhl.a today. • • • t'lewport Hts. O:>:LY 8:>.250 for thl1 lllUe 11\lm• m~r cottag~ located In lovely N~wport Hta. Lot we t>O a 1~. Thi• le an o~r pla~. but very llvabte. $~ down and monthly paymenta or only '50. Try and beat thi11. BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bdrtn.. 2 bath home. $3500 down. Bal lllte rent. * * * * $2600 down. 2 bdrm. home, large patio . Balance lille rent. * * * * NEAR BACK BAY AREA $1000 down. 2 bdrftI. home, forced air beat. Many extras. LancDcaped yard. Thia la not a tract home. - Full Price $10,960. * * * * . BAY and BEACH REAL TY · 1450 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport B;each Harbor 1* -Eftninp Barbor 1856 nus TWO STORY •• bdrm., 2 a.th born• at BaJbo& uland i. ln unUent cond.lUon and aV&iJ- abla turnlahed under 130.000. A Jo .. ely paUo. ' • .A.L80 HA VE A ruu: DEAL on a J wut. rental lncome. Contact HUB POWERS at J. A. BEEK, Realtor BALBOA. ISLAND 50S Park A. v.nue Harbor ea Corona del Mar 2 BDRMS. -Small b\lt llnblel Flrep&mce, 1arac•. thennoatat heat, SOOd locaUon. S&500 f'U14 pnC«'. Flnandn1 avallabte. 2 BDRM. DELtJX»-Ba&m eeillns • CONSULT US .FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 fia Udo Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MAR.KET ENTRANCE) .. OPEN HOUSE 12 -5 Sat., Sun. 280 Evening Canyon Rd. Beautiful Shore Cliffs A magnificent home, 2 bdMM. and a den with a fireplace. plua a beautiful yard and patio arta. It you are looking for something dilferent be sure to eee thia. It ia priced to .ell and ready to move into $1500 Down B. A. NERESON • -----~---------,--r---------Forced air llut. w tow carpet A dra,pa9. n 11, ~ dtapoaal, conred paUo, fU'eplace. fancad and land«apad. Total price - Sl&,750. 3 Br. & Guest House REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd.. Ca.ta Mua Phone LI 8-1872 JCvea. LI 6-6487 Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. 2 bdrm. houae .. e •lnsle turn. unit., on 2 Iota. Excellent view or bay. Older but ln (ood co.n- dtUon. Within walklnJ dist.an~ of downtown ahoppln1 &nL ll&.000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Iota -$12,000 "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS ".C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Beautifully turniahed 3 bdrm., 3 bath. pier Is float. Will coneider trade for Kood Income ............ $68,500 I LIDO ISLE - 3 bdrm., rumpu.a room, 52 11~ x 88 street,to atreet cor. lot. awimming pool ·--·U.2,500 --BALBOA ISLAND NO. BAYFRONT-Furnlabed 2 bdrm. with rm. to add income unit ........... Pt,500 VIEW LOT ON KINGS RD. -80-tt. 1lide. Owner will consider aallboat u part pymt. ···-J·-·---S 5,500 FOR BAYSH9RE PROPERTI~ "C" THOMAS, Realtor Coast Properties . m w. Cout Highway, Newport ee.cli Liberty 8-6527 601 IC. Balboa BIYd., Balboa •-c• THOMAS "C' THOMAS UC'' THOMAS ''C" THOMAs Pbolle Harbor •IOO Uttc ., OOROMA D&L KA& nnt um. oaenes-~ bdrm., llwd. noon. ftreplMe. cn.L pr .. wtth n.a llnrr. k °' RJctnray. • ,._... old. llt,000. WE .A.JU: AG&NTS for llrftral bom•• unckr coutnlctMe. ~Y now and meleet dlolc9 ot colon. et.c. R. L. 8TIUCKLll\, ~ 1111 &. Cout n.y .. Con.a Ciel mar. Bar. m• NJC'IC I llDKM. bout,. We ·a..t.h. bdWcl. noorL P1oor tumac.. patJo ..,..._ A ft.need ya.rel. BJ OWl'tt. LI I~. MclO ~------------------~------------------. ~ALBOA' ISLAND VALUE -~·~ Multiple uc1nr No. 521' Attractift I bdrm., 2 bf.th bome wttJa GDe bdrm. 11*t-apt. Nice pat.ID; COD'Mlimt OGl'Dlf' locaUon. rt .... ,. penl&Dlllt ...... Prb .. ,T&q,--. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor ADd •eoc:tet. ~ Pvk at llartne, Balboa lalud -·Barbor 1412 I THIPL&X aboft China Con, two 2 bedn>oru and a 1 badrm. untt. Redwood and shake. lbtc.llent tmut.mant, 2 yra. old. I e.r prqe. Jl'ull prlc. SJT ,600. W. E. fisher, Realtor Thia home is located in the t>eat reeidential aru of Costa Meaa. It 111 trim and neat and hu all the requirements of a real home. Term11 are made to fit your deeiret1. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co .• sales~management 1700 w. coaat highway -liberty 8-5573 and .A.880Cl.A.TU ----------------------- IOh &ut Clout Hl(bwaJ' Corona del ..... .Pbone Hatbol' 2HI Nd Ocean Front I llDRX, 2 baUl, lauftd1'7 room. OnlJ' 2 yaan old. 8-t WJ oa OcMft trollt at 811,000. I Newport Heights I BDRX. 11om .. on dw>lca ~rnn. • Rdwd. noora. fi.raplaca, rari.ce di.p. Ud ~-. Complat. 1' ~ IH.600. J. M. 'Miller Co. ~ W. Balboa Blvd. M...,ort 8-cb, Ph. Hat. '°91 Me&r tM Newpor\ Pier- PLICMT't' or 1'llft P .A.JU<JHO BUSINESS PROPERTY BARGAINS CORONA DEL MAR BUSfNESS BLOO. -Showt good return on low rent.ale. Total price $68,000. ,, $30,000 cuh down. COSTA ~A -21fi ACRES -partly improved. Room tor addit ional Income. Rctum1 16r~ ntt. $25.000 cuh down. -. NEWPORT -101 Hwy. to BAY Property -for ale or leue. Can be made into a gold mine! Priced at $90,000, ...W corurider 110me exchange or re&80nable terrmr down. LOOKING for a Mole!? Have any al.ze and location to -rtt your puree. Ca.n ac~pt exchan.Jite on aome. For tbe.e &lld other income bargalna In the bay U.. SEE RUSS FORD . BA\:X BAT -(llaata A.D& Hta.) .A. Mrp.1n at •••.te0-1 '1Crti: ~ J ........_ matt l.NeL WI.re tanc• ad. beGma &om 1 hOUM MO rno Oall Bar. 1m..J .• LI 1-llCM. 41 Mel --- VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout HJgbway, Newport Beada Llbert1 W'81 I . ' - . • '