HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-27 - Newport Balboa PressDEMONSTRATION-Mn. Farrell F. Spang of 406 E. Bay Ave., plaintiff in a $106,· 000 damage· aait against J. A. Beek, the Balboa Island F erry and Oi)erator Evan Jonee, showed the jury this morning how she approached the ferry. S h e claima wooden gate of ferry hit her on head. Superior Judge Kenneth Morrison, r i g h t, starts to walk across the stern end of the ferry, while jurists on the opposite side watch Mrs. Spang. -Staff Photo SUIT ASKS $531.000· IN YOUTHS' INJURIES Easter Week Tragedy Sees Fourth Damage Adion The Ea1:1tcr Weck traffic tragedy last year which took the lives of two youths was recalled yesterday when James Doolittle of Santa ,\na filed a-S531.000 personal injury suit in Superior Court. It is the fourth law suH filed involving ijle accident. The plaintiff filed on behalf of h-IS daughter, Diane Margarl't Doohtlle, u~ .. &nd he hit the a1·r brak.-s but rould aon, Jamu Car.1111:1 Ooollltle. 13. n11t anml hilling· th,• car. Poht·e The fa.m1ly llvc:d at 1209 E . lialboa l'atd tht'y rr mo''"d l:J c.rns or beer Blvd at the time or tragctly 111 rro111 thc bar k Mat of the dt'elh whk~ both children wt'rc m1ured. t·ar. Balboa Woman Sues Bl· Ferry for $106.000-J Judge Krnneth E. MorrlllOn, a Superior Court jury, attorneys, court t'l!'rk. reportH. bailiff, IJe· !endant and pht1nt1rr vl11lted the Bulboa l~lt11ul ferry this morning. It was a move lo acquaint the court with lht' srent' or an ttllt•g11d ac-ddt>nt which he11 alimulalt'd a $106,000 damag•• suit a gainst the Balboll lslll1ld ferry J . A. Beek, owner, and Evan~ Jo~es. employl'e, ·~th YEAR -NUMBER 73 . ~ig Annexation 'Denied to Mela by .·Protests . , In the face of Tfolent. proteat.I from the majority of property owner. lnvolftd, the proPQNCS 740- acre Balecreat annea&Uon to eo .. ta Meaa wu dJapproved Monday nlcht by the city council The an- nexa'Uon ot any portion of the atta lnvo.lved cannot. be reconalder- ed for one year, accorclinC to lawa goveminc annexation of un- inhabited territory. ' Prote1t. orally delivered before tht' city fathera Included lnalnua- tiona of off-color complicity by council mernbera and an attempt to circumvent anne.xal!on laws on the part of the Hale Co. su~lvld­ ers. At one point In the protest hear- ing, Mayor Claire Nelaon request· I'd that ''pl'tlKlnalttlee and accu11a- ll(\Jls" be t'llmlnated from audience remarks. He added, "I-hone11tly ft't'I the annexation la a good thing, both for Costa Mt'll& and, the per· eons protesting." DIOSE PROD:.8TIN Prote11t8Jlts, written and oral. Included property owners Mr. And Mrs. Donal!I R. McCllntock, Mr. anrt Mrs. Clarence M . Mcalnlock, Geor~e H . Capron, Mr11. Melchor& Colombini, Segeratrom Bros .. Wll- lfam \\'. A rm strong 81ld Stt>vm Gnst•l. u gal rl'presentatiVPll for the prote11tan ta Included Charita B. Swanner of Santa Ana and W. v,r, Morningstar ot Anaheim. The petition for annexation wa11 eoaUnUf!d on Pase I Schools' Bids HARBOR .PRESS BEACH. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 19M FIVE CENTS LAY ~ Bl<i MESA OIL BLOCKSA ANNEXATION I, .. • ... I OUMI. C..A•T C:•U:•••·· • Halecrest Subdivision. OCC Denied City Status A huge. hitherto undercover Mesa oil play. reaching from the community's northwesterly outskirts and northerly along Harbor Blvd. to Segerstrom Brothers' property be· tween Orange Coast College and Halccrest'a proposed Costa Mesa annexation was discovered t oday exclusively by the Ntw~-f'rPM. htld the lea11e on Seren1trom'• Rlt hfleld 0 11 Corp. spokesmen property.k f RI hfl Id 011 A spo !'ROian or r e admitted Mesa leuing activity i• -COf'JI. rn O>rAllCfl'lH ffpc>l'Ud It• underway bul 11&ld the firm ·WOUid exploration department wu en• Jlsclos" nu drllllng plans until the gel{ed In a l<'runng progrftm adja· romplete block of land wu under cf'nl lo and nru Costa M f'llL The \\' d b k .Rlrh oil company ls oltempllng to pu~ conlntl'l. or ro e on 1-. • to~ether a binrk of propt'rty. field's ruup de main followmg When this 111 complNe<I. definite C11l:ll11 M•·sa City Council's refusal drilling plan• will b<• drawn up. to ><llOw annexation of OCC and lnfor111allon i;-<>ce1ved by the New11oo !1111t'rn•J1l'11 618-lot subdivision . Prcl111 wsii to the t'ffttl complr · lion or the block on the Mesa le A Iler alto.mcy.:._1w:.,pj~~Wl:.11!._ ~'f"~..._....,_.. .. ¥1&'-:s.&.l~-&..w.~c----'"-'-.. brulht>rll, \\'llllsm W. Annstron1t. .strpht'n Grjst'l and ~orge H. ORILLINO PERMIT Thr ac·c1dent took the Uve11 or J al'k 1e Y11rnell. 1r1. or 1579 Rert· !antis St . Costo M f"sa IUld Robert Hoth~ Mallhr w11, '16, Hunt lng'ton Bc·ar h. E11'tht ulhtr yo11n.:11tt•r11, In· eluding th.. 0 0<1lllt I<· 1• h1ldr1'll, 11 II ridini: in th1• :<m1tll •Ullpt'. Wl're lnJur<•fl. Art:lflo'nl l)Cl'Urrf'•I Ill Coa11t H1ghw11y Rn•I S11rH•r 111r A\"(', STILL n~C:ONs<:lon; Plaintiffs claim Diana DoolltUe :1uffere<1 a laceration o( lhl' brain nnd ha11 never n•gained consc1oua- n .. M . A total or $506,000 1a uked t"r h1•r 1nJUril's. Her brotht'r 11uf· ft-rt•d a broken leg. Mr. and Mr11. F'orrt'U F. Spang or •06 E Bay Ave., lodgtd the au1l against the ferry and Its op· eraton1. They userl Mni. Spang, a Corona del Mar 11tock broker firm employee, wu lllruck on the head by the ferry gale u 8he boorlled it June 11, 19fl3. • The defense claims Mr11. Spang attempted to board the pol'tion of the boat r est'rved for vehicle• and wa11 guilty ot contributory negli· genct'. u~~~M·~·~n~J <Oft• I Capron lhri.'atened legal oct1on 11houlf1 thl' l'ounr1l vote for an- nuatlon !'-tnnday night, an oil 'urvl'y b<>1ng conducted by the S ews . T're1111 fOCW!SCd atlc-ntion on properly owned by the Segt'rstrom Bro11. of Santa Ana. Authontalive ~11urrf'11 !n(hC'ated the land, which w111< p.trl of the prop_osed annt'XB· lion, lylnir betwcc-n Orange Cout Colh•gc 1tnd thr Halt' Co. aubdl· vl11lun. had been !Pa.Md to Rich· Wlu fe Ru:hflrld wants perml•· illon t o itlant drill beneath eo.ta Ml!sa city limits, 8 permit would have lo be obuuned from the city council. 'J'wl) Coat.a. Ml'aa ord1- nancea pr11hlb1t 1rny type of oil a ctivity within or underneath th!' city. • City Mftnuger George Coffey 11ald totfsy no oll company had applied for aur h " pl'rmlt to lufll knowledge. A pril IU 19:,1 TASKt:K \ .S Al TO An oil tanker 1.rnJ I r uiler own· ed by Armour ()11 l'u. 11nd iJrln•n by t:h1Hl•·11 ;\ lll'n Benn ell, 2U, <>( Nallon,11 City, was t ht' olhl'r ve· htcle Involved In the n1111h. Bennett 11nd llw oil 1·mnp11ny are M mt'd by l..>uohnle 1u 1 di'frm1Anl!4 Plaintiff 11llt'gr th!' dl'ft'n•lan111 were reaponstble, t'h11tging nt'tc h· ft'npe anti c11rcle~1mt'1111 on the pa.1 t of Bt'nnt'll, Thry ea11trt his lanker tn1ck 11hcrtt lntn th•• ll'C'n-ai:;rr11· car Al the tun• 'tll lht' .11 n d• nt. w 1tnu11e11 c-orrobor11lNI B•·nndt'11 atory th8t the coupe metll" a IPtl tum 1n rronl or him Jui<l .._.. ht' was 1n l ht' int f'r~ect1on H• 1111111 Construction Underway fQr Auto Aoency Thr••e other law smts have been filed by ~1renls of youngsters In t h<• Jpa th car. Mr. and Mr11. J o- Mt•ph Yarnell, parenlJI Of Jackie, ftlC'd a Sir>:> 000 wrongful death suit •n Nov~mber, 19~4: naming ltw vii rompany, Bennett antl pnr· enl11 vf John Kellogg, Hunt1nl'tlon Bench. drivt>r of lhe death car. ti.I! cO-dt>fen<lants. Mrs. Amy Kellogg. molhr r of Jl)hn, !lll'd a $45,000 plus damage 11u1l 111 Supenor Court for lnJUr· It's to ht>r 110n. She nam~ thl' oil 1•ompany and Benneu u defend· anti .. Hollis \\'. ':O.lalthews of Hunt ing- ton Beach, parents of Robt'rt ;\htlthews who ":U-kTITt"{l. 'iao fll- e•I s1111 again!<! the nil company and Bc-nnelt l't'• king $10,000 wron,,;:ful <l~alh 1lamagr:o. Set for Court S ANTA ANA. JAN tOCS St -AtTl.tl't'd with bf'tng linked to a Sl:'>.O()U burj!lary in lht' Balboa Is· 12 CANDIDATES IN COUNCIL RACE Headed by Mayor Dora Hill, all Incumbent city council· mrn a1 of pre111 time today h1td f1I~ nomlnatlnr papen fnr re--electlon March 16. An evtn doun c11.ndld11tu now art In the racf'. Th"Y include Co11nr 1lman Gerald Bennett. Lawr .. nce H. Bergeron, 401 38th St . who f1lrd today, Councllm11n H11ns Bmn'tnr a11rt e. ~. 1f'lpr~. both 81\lboa lllland. Sandy F. Mac-Kay, Halboa , Councilman A. W. Smith. Lee W1ldrr and IA'w111 C. Walkr r. all Dlstncl 6. J11mes B. SloddArd and W ll· hum G. Perrow. both Corona 111.'I Mu. Counc-llman Stanlry Huldrrhof. Nrwport Heights onJ Mayor Hiii. Lido llllt . l~adllne fur nomln11llon11 11 tractoni' bid.a a.nd aum1 r reater than bond tsaue a llowancea Tuea· day night c&Ulled trualt'ff of New- port Beach Elementary School Distr ict to hold contntct11 on Hor· ace Ensign and Harbor View schools' addition In •btyance. The boa.rd 111eet& al 4 p.m. today lo try and award contra.eta If flguru 1ubmltted can be accepted. Baae bid of Ml'&n• .tr \Jlrlcb wu low at f 3U,688, while Younc and M'8ff7 bld N3UH ..id Pa- c1Clc4' Contractors 1339,000. Only $ll5,000 waa allocated from the $900,000 bond l118ue for Harbor View's addition• while Horace En- 111gn .School cont!lructlon ~·u hrld lo $1M,148. Sc~eoH1ftld&Y-MtuucWo uc.h~ ...-.4M--~-----..,...--,_ 1leclll the b1dJI and problem of cutting co111.a to match fund!! avail· able. ~nenal reluctance of con· tractora to do achoo! work wu noted. Construction coil.a were ea- t1matrd at about $11 per aq. fl. tompared to $8.62 per Coot on Santiago S chool, Santa A na a nd $1 l and $12 per fool co11ts on new GardPn Grove achooll!. • ·ALLEGED MESA OlL AC'Il\'ITY SHOWN -News- Presa J.D!ormation indicates oil companies seek property block fo r drilling northwesterly of Placentia· Victoria. Wilson-Harbor intersections in Costa Mesa area and Segerstrom Bros. parcel north of OCC, east of Harbor Blvd. !lclc1 011 Co. Hf'nry St'geralrom. who voca.lly opposed tht• wrnexalion t o Costa Mt•M Monday night when que11- tiont'd about h•aslng kind lo Rich· field said. "W e'd rather nof make any public 11talement on It." He n•fu11ed further comment. The orclln811cf'A which prohtbll oil play within the city llmlta are No. 14, banning oll wella and oil wen drilling Mel No. 60, whlr h prevc-nta any excavation, lunncll· Ing or any typo' or con11tru1·t1un wider a.ny city 11trect. No. 14 w1111 en~ted for the publtc'a Wflf&rl'. The wordlnc of No. eo coveni any RICHYIF.LD OFl"lCIA.L akl.nt drllllnc ~neath th• city. E E . Ell toll. Richfield land dt'· Cllpron told the New a • Pre11.11 ln· p111 tmcnt M fl t•1a l. informed the day that he didn't look tor lhe ~ewa. Prt-ss at noon that hla oU company le&3ln.r land alu11j,\' firm hll.1 a 7!)0-acn.' lease to min-· Wilson to Victoria lo drlll, "I neral rl1tht11 on sta te ml'nlal hOll· think there's a HlUe 011 thf'rr , p1t11t land. bul not on Seg•r11trom'e though," the landownu aald. H,. pitrt'el bPlwe .. n OCf' and the Hale add!l'd, "There'a no l.eulng bC'yond c-n J111MW111lon. ~ITffitt-lliliJ he arbor Blvd. bttauafl tlla Pf>Ople thought a geophyalc-al c-ompany e.roe oppo1ed."' HUGE NEW PROJECT FOR MESA DISCLOSED 1t1n11 h1ime of world fftml'd A\'1alor n11<1n, F1•b. 3 FOR COUNTY p A WATER ARK A hu~r. nt'w All·Am•rlca.n Mar· bulld1ng1. one 4600 aq. fl. th~ . H l.RIOR WEATHER krt will bulwark a m1lhon dollar-other about 16.000 1q. 11c., w ill b'! . l'aul t.lunt:r., ft\'e su~pecti1 ftrf' ------------------------A erectrd in the f'l11u The lsr11rr ~. hrolul··d lt'I arprar In Sup1'rior l'<'nllu , Lloyd Alvtn Phllllps. 33, c ' u I plu~ lrllljllf' t'Ommerc1al devrlop· bullrhnlo( Wiii be 1hv1<led lnlo J() l'•J111t here a t 9 30 a .m. tomorrow Rl"l'll i:nrngt' t•pt'rulnr, Charlrli 'F·1rm ontract on pper Or&nl\'fl County Wl'Blhl'.fore· llll'llt 10 11:.<e nn lhl' KOUlh sulc or or 16 11tnrP>1, Ji•Jl''ndlng on the tan· I l 1-~1cdrrlrk Pn nlz. 23 nf Brea 11nd · IP1h St bt't''''"'n Hurbor Ulvd and l • rm,.nt11 • third edl!lr• ron~l1 11c-Uon w11t1 un;lrrwuy 111-nr llrraignm<'n · • · r ast -Sunny Frld11y w1lh 0t't &~1on·' • an II rcqui · " Thi'\' er•• Thomas an•I J erry R1chRrd A. Dur11n. 19, nf Fuller· . l'R1k Ave. l'oi.t,. Ml':oa. Joint an· will conlftln 8 0uut 12,000 11q. fl. dily nn I hr n~w Ill rurlurr Ill I wn Htlfll't'.n. twin b1"1'1thcrs. 23 or f'la-ton. All are frrr on $ 1000 bal~ D d d b c al high r louill nrM. ;>;cwpn1 l BrH\ h n .. \llll't'lllPllt b.\' Jluw111 d t .. rn suo "' rhHlr 11pa re 11nc1 bl' d lv1rlt'd Into w Cnul Ulghw11y wlHt'h wtll Bay eman e y ounc·11 -:ounny tnJ11y Hli:h lr1111•<'1'11tun· Hn·I lta rwy 80111 ~. 101-.11 t'Om· 1 s to 12 11t<irc11 LO llUll ltnanl& house l.<HI Ret'<I An•I A..,.<l('1atr1<, I I I s I Bl ynr 0•1 c s • s t a bout 74 W11tN :i6 I "''''I •a 'Pvo· opr "' ' " Ort -street, in rrunl parking fl)r C'hryllll'r·f'lym!lulh. tll!•'ll facltWY I ontract ess1on e ll11trh11>11n. J11Pl<lllrnt und .:ene1al I 3()( II b h>-::·~~r"u,~~r:.r~'.~.':~111;~ .. ~0\~~~~: I Dt'mand tor a "firm contract" I ment or the proposed park." H111 rempuatu.rM Lbe pul wuk 111 nu1nsg,.r of th•· All·A•nf'ncan I ~~r:~~"111~; ~UICt.' ~l~;~a;,'.d d~vfl'I· I from Oran.,.e County Board of lf'ller continued. t .. e R••bor ..,~• •ere: r h;un •lrp1rt<'d thf' nf'w ma1·t as upmPnt Two <'nlranr"" with lwn-burne and Harn· 1~1'rl<tad pl1tnll 0 H e " • --I 1 b f th II d II lo mon• from 11•.tt•m ponu -y q1111r·I Monday for pen·1ng ea' ring Supervisors to lhe City or New· "In order lo clear lllll' lo th1~ Ill' hll 0 .. m1 ion u •• r pro· wayt1a!C1c w1llht'prov1t1rdon llilh ters e t 4:123 \\' 1·"""' llii;:hwRy port Beach In exchange for th' property. It 111 dP11lrable that we tllrh Lo"' J·,'' In bP kni•wn "' c·n•ti. :lf<>~ll SI .. ne , xtrniltni: ~;ulh t hmugh by Apni 1 Lily s title claim to the p1t'·llh&pe•I havr the c1ty'a n ght l•ll" and m· j M; 10 1 J.oui t h .. him k II) 1·,·nl• r St. th .. olhl'r I h I t 1 t area between Olt1 Country Dock le rest to the 11mall ple-~haped aro·a Frida)· Jan. :? 1 C'un'ti-ud1•m w ill IJ<ogtn 1t!' soon ,ct f<ir llRi hor IUwl h<-twrrn 9117 The and O!< l• • n "'~"' rum y 0111 1 n11nlf' to A.ck q,1est1on:o rrl mf',•llng all perl!Ona w111hing to d •~t rt Ut A rch h h 11 bt'l tt: t s t d .I ·•2 Go '° A• pl1tn~ n,..w 111 Jlr<" I'S• a re 1 lhc-Irvine Comr11ny rnr 2~ yv.ar11 r1 .. -1ut. umcn"ments tA \h• Elltnttl hrw <' a n.v part of the contract r x· a n s ... c prope y near e • w I<' u wren .e ruun )I • a ur "~· an. • E/lcrow C:•; and \\'r11t A11to Supp y. b I I b ..,. u .. '"' rs overpass was city counc-1l'a ~-dork and t he> 11tate or t"ahfom1a •ll "" n 1 h" A 11-Am•·rn an :ll•Hk• t and t hr u1' in..: IS <'Ill~ '"n· pl11inr1I .11h•iuld be preSt'nl al t hP Sunda~. Jan. :?~ flll I.! ( :l:l r·osta ;o.1,.,.ll l'l11:r.a <'On •111t • of atrucled for INUlf' h\' P1tul H 011 Conti-all the r1ty 111 p.1rty tn ad joumc-d meeting of lhc> council ply Mo~ay night to a lellt'r from Hl~hway property on thr Hram· '' II ''""I'~ 2~1.IM•O Ml Jl. o a · .• l&.r ()()() ~· (l "' l1tn<I "' "hu h c Superv1snr Ht'1 nz Kai11e r. Thia Is gan I Arche111 overpass Thcrt'fore~ 'londa). Jan. :?& 6 1 ~9 l>Hll ~<1 fl bu1Jd1ni: A mru.Antnr •. Lamport and A""'h latc11 Thf' con· with :llont,.rey '•I C:o for slant Mnndn\I in l'tly h8ll .. 111 '-... , ••nta in-it in Iha l.'"l·l80_ 6(111{)() will be 11t 1 ,,. ~pore. a llow• I 0 rl B F l l La 1 brcau.se lhe council wanl1 lhe we uk that the City nl Xevtporl T __ .. _ J i • 1\11 ~ " "• • • " I k trartor • or on . nay m·J,tn lllnJ: ur 11!_\·0\'o n .. 1 t1•trl>tnd1< A \\l't'k ai:o c-1ty off1c1als an-u...,.....), an • .., ..... • fl •lrutttur 11 will fat .-IPth St. mi.: a two 10 onr pa1 1ng r11t1n. port dc-111i;n•'•I 1 hi' nuHlrr11111t1c 1 comt'~ :O.lon•la\' et 9 8 111 noum ,,,1 the 011 firm Wtllhed thr county to earmark dO<'k ita le funds Bf'ach r•mtr1bute lt11 11h11re nf the 1 u h h · r r " r B•y work pronnaed park 't• •--d 11n I other \\"rdll<'Mlay, lan. !IJ . ~ U from Ill' mhl·llln1 k l'il" anoJ rll'l' u hl)ll" Hutr rll(;n RB s nn .. unr• building "'.hlch "Ill hO\'f' 6000 AQ On .~fl)n•lfl\ lll>'ht .• •II'' l'tlUn.11 C'•nlr0 r t amcn•lt•d to make It mOt•· 0 v ppe n • ,..... • '~ ..... I I ... _ ,.. I .. · "' ·• ' ' ~· K t th 111>.1ut l~:'I ft·;t b11r k t rom thP curb. "d appo1n~mr11t or R r;n .. tl "•.;Ar ft .. of floor 111'111 ' 1t1ecl1n" lh,. r1rm" n •qul'st rnr r1•lant11bl• to currtnl operations. t1t11<•r wro e e !!Upervieorll c:onU•UC'd on P&&f' 3 Thuniday. Jan. ?7 .. 61 U ,.. " ~ h 1 led " nroaram fo Jll'1tltlr~ lhl' mn r'k"t. two oth,.r !'nntlnurd on Pacfl I Complete sttlt'll 1'11•1 11' 1 vie(' w111 amenolmrnts w11i1 prt i<t•ntt'd aml It wa11 flra!ted 80ffi" yeArll ago a nd five a• op u a ,. ,.. r be offered by th•• L"u Hl'•'d igen· t11k<>n 11nolcr ad\·1~1·1111rnt Mayor mod<'led un t he Long BPllCh city d<'V<'lr1prnf'nl the area known Al cy In Ill! new J.,r111 l11n. t hP part-C'om Holl 1tnnounred aft Pr coun· nil r onll"lllC't. lhf' Oran~e County Water Park" nrnt announn'd _ __ and have instrucl<'d t he c-ounty plai;inmg romm1~11lnn a nd Harbor 0 1'p11rt01ent tu prrpAr" wor king drawings onrl ro~t CMllm11v s. H,. 11tatrd 'the lrvmf' C"o. i11 1n "full acc-orrl with thP propo~rd· drvelop· men!" fnllowi111c consldc-rable dl11· c11Mlnn with the 1<11pervt90r11. IR\'ISE AGREJ;.\fl:ST ''Studlea for fut ure development of the Coast H lirhway have bt'en undl'rtak!'n by lh'e county. Irvine Co. and State of California. and a re aub11ta.nllally ln agreement on the proposal," Kal1er wrolc>. To complt'le the project. the co\JA{y "lntenda to utlltu the prop- erty 'known u the county dock .. and monlea rrum the aale of thJ1 property will be ul!ed In develop- Delivery Guaranteed KA.JUNG Pl.ANS by blueprint ar~ Lou Recd. right, ·:country" Waahbume, left, on the 11ite of the Lou Reed and Associates Chrysler-Plymouth sa.lee ~d 1ervice location at 1200 W. CoaRl H ighway·. The partnership. which also includ<'t Harry Gent.ad. hOJ><'S to m O\'t' rrom iltl temponiry lncat1on at 4323 W. Coast HJghway into a ne• modernistic structure with 60CIO t1q f t. of n oo r space April 1. -Staff Photo • Dt'Uvery of the Newport Harbor New1-Pre1N la guar- anteed. AU arcae of the Com- munlly are rapidly be.In( placed °" earner delivery. Carrier boya wlJI deliver their papera before e p.m. on Mon- day and Tbunday. I! your paper la not deUYered by that h our plea.ae call Harbor 11111 and a special route man will immediately r • • p o 11 d with your copJ of 70ur Newport Harbor N-•Pnu. ' "AND THERE IT 18"-That. waa the announcement when partnen Howard Laweon and Harvey Someni at left unveiled the depiction of lheir new development i" Co.ta Mea which will have a new All-American Mar- ket managed by Carl Hutchi&on, aeeond from rig~t. a.nd of which Blayne Hutchison, right, will be president. The million-dollar development will necessitate the ruing ot buildings in two square blocks of property off Harbor Blvd., al Nineteenth SL ~ SW! Photo ' , ' , .... PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, )955 Teacher Control Bills in Hopper SACRAME!'\TO, ICl'\81-A 1er- lea of b1ll1 by LeRoy Lyon. of FUllert.on; hu been offertd In the asaefl\bly which would provide tor dl11cf p1Jntni.: or t eacher5. Lyon aald one (If the meaaurl'I. aponlK.red by the C&llromla Sch09l &>ards .A-asoclaHon, would a llow achool board• to dl11clpllne tea<'hera ahor9 or firing them. Another, Lyon '11&1d, would allow teachers t o dlA1Clpllne membera of their rrofeSJ11on in much th• aame mann'l'r as doclora. lawyera and other proftsatonal groups. In a prtsa release trom hi• of- fiel', Lyon said: "The children of California need to be pr·ol~cled from unfit and Incompetent t.each- en. "The vast majority of the te&ch· Ing profeaalon 11hould welcome leg- tal&Uon that wlU make It eaaler to remove f rom their mid.st. the alUll fraction of one percent that la not a credit to lheJr profellllon. The pruent law which requlru achool bo&nSa to tile a complaint In tile •Uperlor court. hu Joni been out-moded. No other atate tn. , the United Statea hu thl1 require- ment," Lyon aid. OCNS A WARD-Santa Ana Junior Chamber of Commerce D i re ct o r ~ill Winter- bourne, right. presentA Orange County News Service with an award certificate of ap- preciation and recognition !or promoting civic and secial advancement in 0 r a n g e County. The award wa.a accepted by OCNS Santa Ana staff members Gail Bauer, Pat Michaels and Jack Boettner, left. -OCNS Photo OCHS Honored by SA Chamber· ·==~·M~~y :':'~portod for Serv·1ce to Commun·1ty ;.~'1·t ~~.~n~r~~c1:~~1d:::t0~ Ha rbor Blvd. Clarence Andrew Rains. 49, of 2099 Federal Ave., The Santa Ana Junior Cham-Orange Daily Newa, Allahrlm Bui-Costa Meaa, ll&ld he had juat pull- ber of Commerce Jan. 20 preaent· lehn, Fullerton Dally News Tri· bune. Garden Grove Nr ws and et.I lo the aouth curblnr when an ed Orange County News Servlct Radio KWIZ. I eastbound a uto at ruck hi• auto "No other profe111lonal peraon- doctor, lawyer, dentlat-on the publlc payroll In Call(omla hu auch VirtuaUy complete immunity from the conaequence• of hi• own mlaconduct or untitneaa Jn hi• po- altion," he concluded. Breese Named Member of Force Gerald Breeae la atartlnC' his 19cond week u a new probationary police officer wt.th the Newport Beach police force. He replncu Orvil Hoover who real111ed, Chief John Upson aaJd. Bre.eae will be on prob&Uon for 11ix monthl a fter which he may tit.- com., a full officer. KEELERS SNAG SAILFISH IN FLORIDA; JOIN CLUI THERE 8pecl.MI to the Newport Harbor New .. Pre. -Stu.rt. J."la. -Jan. 26 -Mr and Mr11. Frult Keeler of Ullt Finley Ave. have becornc-member• ot ~he Stuart Sallflah Club, world ,..nownrd ron11Hvat1on group. 1'1.shlllg In the Club'i. F11·1t AJlnual Ll&ht Tackle S&J.lflab Tournament Ule Keelera ca ugh.1 four aallfllh while aboard tile clla.rter cra.tt Bahama Bell' with Captain Jim Lovvorn tn watera at!jacent to St. Lucie Iniet near Stuart. Tbeme of the eveni.w:ia.to catch lbe fiah on ll1ht tackle. then rele&H them alive to turniab aport for othen aa a con- Mrvatlon meaaure. The L11hl Tackle Tourney wu 110 aucceaa· ful IL "1U become an annual event. 10-POINT PLAN , OFFERED Council Hears .Control Ideas on Easter Week City council Monday rri ch t received a poulbla solution to youthful exhuberance• du r 1 n g Euler Week In a letter from E. F loyd Hubbard. 478 N. Newport Blvd. The lettrr wu· fllfd after re&dlnf. Hubb11.rd ~ug1eated 10 means of making lhe tcen11gen feel wel- come yet occupied wtth coruitnic- tlve actlvltlea during their Ur.le here. His auggeatlona follow: 1. Plan daily beauty paradea for both ~ea. wlt.h a rrand finale at the end of the week. 2. Have da'ncea each nl1bt and have conteata for each type of dancing . 3. Have water meeu crwtm- mlng and divine) wlth prlu11 !or each. _ "4. Have all aclloola compete u acboola or aa ~UJ>fl. ' 5. Have rowln1 races In differ- ent c roup1. e. Give CUpl lo the bell looking care (owned by via!Ung youtha). 7. Have a abort para.de in co.- tume or comic every ct.y on the m11ln 1treet. .. 8. Gin awarda to the aChool lh&l glvea the leut trouble 10 lhe police depa rtment. • 9. Take candid camera ahota of people on the 1treet or on Ule beach and have cueaslng contest. P&Ch day. 10. Invite by mall 1111 thl' sur- roundl.ng schools to partlci patr ln all e venu. "I do believe that a busy bunch la a happy and well behaving bunch. U you can keep the young people too bu.y to cet lhto trouble. the)( are euy to control and won't have time to think about getting Into trouble,'' wrote Hubbard. Woman Hurts Finger .Mra. C. L. Schlueter. 68, Tue1day morning wa1 treated by a loc:il pbyalclan for a amuhed fingu which ahe received opening a win- dow In hu home. 535 Santa Ana Ave., police reported. HE'S SURPRISED AT DINNER A aurprlBe dlnnt'r Sunday honor't'l1 :Jilme8 A. Guthrie, 1116 W . Bay Avt an<I edi tor and president of the 811.n Ber· nardino Sun-Ttlegram for 11 hair-century In Joumall1m. Mote than 500 friends and colleagu.. ga thered to ft'tt' "Ihm al the National Qrange Show grounds. President Ell· f'nhowt'r and other not11ble11 imrh as Vlce·Prealde11l Rich- ard Nixon. Chief JuaUce Earl WRrrl'n, Governor Goodwin J . Kn I g h t and Congnaaman Harry R. Sheppard ll'l<'graph- td him rongratulatlons. Gui h- rle got his first 1tart ln jour- nalism as a high achoo! cor- re~pondl'nt on the S1in In 1 00~. He SO()n bf.'came a full, reportl'r and rose to n<'w~ editor. managtng editor. edit- or and president. Ctd» PGcl& 17 Geh3 AwcwclsatMeet .. I • .· The monthly 111rr tin1 of CU '"-ck 17 w .. h'IJ at :he COron1 I dl'I Mar 1<:)1001 on Jan 7. P'oUow, In&' 11 a ll1t of th(' award• made Ne~ Bobcats -~orl R..ce and Arthur Klepp1n1r1 , Al row Potnl Servlcf', 1Wolf.1 -John Pettn· nieyer; Service Star anil Tra.aartr Clrd •Michael Obrien: Won Bad&• and Service Sta r -J ohn Hubbard. The Fla( MJute WU led by l>eA &. ~n 3 presented a very clewr akll featurlnl' a thrllllnr train. r (•lectrtc.1 hold-up eitecut~. tn the bfat wntc-m tradition. It waa re-· ported. Cubmaatt'ra J&rne1 ~lrer end Howard Richard• presided at th• oeremonJe.. DEA TH · NOTICE • ( Funeral Aervtcea tor Tboma• Cav&Z1au1h John50n, 48, of 227 E. l 23rd St.. wrre hr)d 1ot 11 a.m. YN•lr rJuy a l B&ltz Mortu11ry. Cos· tll>feaa l'hapel, with the Rev. Joi<· eph McSha ne offldatlng. !IOewp<irl Hi;rlx•r Elk:s LoJ ge officera per· formed gravt'~lde rll<'l!I. Jntennrn t waa at Ha rbor Rl'~l M11morl11I P1rk. Mr. J ohn&on died Saturday at Palo Verde Ho•pltal. Blytlle, after a b(lt f lllneu. • • !11,CHOLA.ll RESDl:llllAal :'\lrholu Renderba.ch, '3 reUred b11nk ... r from Miiwaukee, Wl&C'., dltd an Hoag HO'l!plt11l Monday after a brief lllnel!ll. He h&d btc-n vl&ltJn r Jrlen~ ror thrH weeka In the H1trbor ar.a. The body wta forwarded to Mii· , waukc-e for 11f'n1cH and Interment at For<'11L Home Cemrte~Ball~ Mortuary of Corona del Mar wu In charge or arrangement&. a n 11ward l erttflca te for promotlng The aw\ird was made by Santa and tailed lo atop. civic 1~ social ~nn~mtM ~ A naja~ttDlncto~~llWlnte~ ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Orange County. The "recognlt1on boume. Ed Van Deu11en and Bnl ~ -&Ufillri"clallon" award ~ ac-J 1jt1m. Acoeeun,g _t~~---t ngraved rtp~;r-l,Y"f1i7 S'a nta Xiia-OCNS <focumenf •wif~1f111"Cmef:· b11 1•·nu l'tarr In brief ceremonies Gall S.uer a nd Pat Michaela or .... a t Ksrhu KWIZ. the Santa Alla OCNS BurNU. The I Th•· cert1f1cate state• that bureau 111 heallquartered at KW IZ 1 ON.llgo County Newa Service bu where Mlcha.el:t Is aleo news 111· "bt<'ome an incakuable force In rector. The new11 service alM> 1 the promotion of our national wel-m.alnt.a.ins aub-otficM · at the f&r'~ .. Orange County courthoulie from J\lembera or OCNS Include the whJ.ch Boettner covera courthou1e No•wport Harbor ~ews-Preaa. activitlea. Th.aJland, D r. Brown obtained per· 80na.I interl'lewa with both Pre- mier Kllenjat PibW.On1gram a.nd Boonyaratapun. Forel111 Mlnl1ter ot thla fabuloua land of the "Klng and L" Stevens Held on One Charge. Other Dropped RPll'a~ by thl' d1atrlct attom- e' ~ 01111:,. "In the turthera.nce of JU•t1rr · t rom a charge ot tuml11h- 1n~ manJUSna. John Edward Ste· "'"~ I . nf 219 20th SL waa held tu A n~wPr <'11 & Chllrj?t or potae .. ..ann u ( mar IJ111ma. Deputy DI•· t r1n Attornf'y J ParlPY Smith inadc t he mot ton in prtUmlnl.rY he11r1ni:: In :"e"''J)Orl Ju1llre Court !-lnn•l11\· Thalland 11 a potential target for red arreaalon. according to Dr. I Brown, and i. an Important mem- ber of the South Eaat A.eta Treaty Organization. Aa a •trate1lc Soulheut Asian country. Thai- la nd la a key area In Amerlca·s 1 plan to defend Asia . Mor• U\a.n HO &dult a attended the tint lecture last week which • wu devoted to Japan. All lt'c- ture11 are open to the p ublic with· out charge. ~t r wn• "Ill rare arralit nment In ~"I" 11nc· C"ourt r eb. 4. 9:30 L m., t~• 11 :. 11 .. poi.t••d $1000 ball bond. Rear-end Mesa Crash Injures Harbor Chef A rear-end traffic-rruh a t P ia· I ~'"'r""' wa11 lhe ninth youth lo hr an'" I\• •I 1n the r~rent msrl· J""n·~ 111 rh l.4 made by ~ewport 11 n1r !"hr rir! s nlflcf'ra. HI' waa a r· I"' 1 ... 1 11t hi~ home where local of· ft• i>r .. "" 111 lh"Y fnund A c-ache of m11r1 111nn.1 111 a burrau ti rawer AL thr llm" e>f th,. an u t, hi' 1111en t · 1'111\• t"ld r nlh"f !hi' marlj\1111111 ,,.ntla Ave. 11nlf W . 17t.h S L at i 20 p m. Friday C"au:ortl m11Jnr an-• t11rle11 to the arlvrr of onr of lhr autoa involve<!, Coeta Me~a p<rlK'e rr porteo. Thailand Topic of Talk Tonight T&k<'n lo Hoa g Hn~pl\111 Wl•~ :i.111ur1<'1' Auguste Pnv1d, 1>3·Yf'll r· nld 1' e"-port Beach chrr, or 201l9 Ffdera l Av,. .. Costa M l'llll He 1111f· rtrf'l1 five brokrn r1b1> nn thl' lt'ft ~Id~ and 11 ooubll' fracturt'. of thl" rl11v1r l• on the lf'ft •1'11'. thl' 11t-" t~nl'ftnit phy1<1<'111n rercirtet1 Pa v1r1 ~ Thi.JI.ind. th• Brrar1bni.kf't of wu dl~<'h&rl(t'l1 from thl' JiMpll11I Asia" will bt' lhe tl•plC' of t.hr 11· Satun111y 1u~trater1 lrclut,. to ht' jtWt'n b} Invest1ir11Ung ort1cfr!I M lrl th" Dr Giit• T Rr,.\\'Tl tonl"hl 11t 81 P11vM vehlcl'! was 11trurk In thl' o'doc k. In the Art Ctntrr Gall~r). rll!hl rrar by an 1111t n rlrav•n l>v Or ~ni;t> Cv:ist C·~ll• ::• Mary JM e Hcn,I<')'. 27. of 221ii S1, nr• in full C'f'ior wall h1• Jllf'• :"'twpnrt Blvrl Sh,. w11• t r1wthn11 ,,.n1,.,1 nf Thl\t ptr•pl,. rt!'I lhry J?O wrH on 17th St . P&\"ltl nrirth on 11hn11' lh,. r WMI<. Orn11l,. Bur1ol· Plart'nlla hiat ,,.mplf'• 11nl1 a::1Mrtl p3gnt1•"· The coU1s1on ca uM'd Pa vid a V"· ~ 11nr1 lhl' tf'11m1ni; 11rfh'lllf''" nr t h,. h1cl" to travf'l 96 !L from t he f'Olnt r11 n11I 11r~ flt Ritni.:k"i< ot unpar t and ovrrtum. t hrowin1t On hlf r"<'"nl rn11nll· h"·worM the dn~"r out, police •-'ltl &th '1111:ht wh1r h 1"lrhrll''1 s ,1~1t to rara hl11 to be moved lJ> t;a rages. -----...... -........ ---=-=---:========~---i Bay Nursery Open· House Saturday, Jan. 29th 9 :00 a. m. -5:00 p. m. Celebrating Ou.r First Anniversary In Our New Building With lncreat!ed Facilities and Larger Stock Anniversary Specials 10' -u· T""'9 '2'° WHITE BIRCH reg .... 00 • Special 1 &' Top Quality ~AGNOUAS I gel. FREE GIFTS llH Special A 59( REFRESHMENTS ·- Hear Famous Radio & TY Garden Consultant l8 peraon JOE UTTLEFIELD 11 a.m.-"Bare Root'Trees & Roses" I 2 N -''Evergreen Trees" I p. m. -"Camellias 2 "A I " p. m.-nnua 1 Ul; F.. lith (nrar ln1nf' Avf'.) C08t& Mtta t ,.,, PAY LESS .. ' .. ' KITCHEN WASTE IASKm "~TF.P • OX" -Red, Yellow TuUp Dealp ~,. t.lt 89c OBlLDllP'I JIG SAW PUZZLES ~: 21c IC°' PAY LESS. , •• I . • f:Lt.\TRI<" HEATING PAD ~ ~pH'(! ('onlrnl ""'· ...• 229 KLENZO FACIAL TJSSt'E \lllltt1 -Multlcolol1'd ~oo·. 16c \_ AJAX Cleanser TIDD IPSOULI roa nrou., Fil. -UT., Jan. 27.~.- i THREAD Jl.ei. 10c lpoola 2'°1Sc LAllOI AAO&TmT or Ill.APEi and ITYLBI. · Reg. $1.98 Rt>frigerator I BOTTLE1 1 qt. itll.88 ~g. 19r 12c .VALET/NE SPECIALS JEWELRY CHESTS Smart Leatherette Assorted Colors -Styles From $2.lO 25«yo Off CHILDREN'S VALENTINES Pkg. of 42 ~ith 42 Envelopes eo.,. ___ ,.. 100 ... Die 2IO .. _.l.lt 39c OIL ''One of the Udo Shops" 3461 Via Udo, Newport leach HA.BOR DRUGS 330·1 E. Coast HkJhway, Corona del Mar BALBOA DRUGS 716 E. lalboa llvd., Balboa COMBS Aaet. Colora f!I~ \'&Ju,.,. to ~ 3c. COSMETICS AYERS Luxur1a Cream, $2.50 value CARA NOME $2.SO value $1 .25 value Hand Cream REVLON new superbase FREE wUb nail polh•h both for YARDLEY English Lavender ToUf't \\'aln FRr.:t: "It h box of 3 bus soap CHERAMY Skin Balm $2.00 value DERMATICS S. A. Cleanser $3.75 value $2.50 value $1.50 value .. STOPETTE .. miniature bottle f'REE "11h !arr~ hnttlr both for RUBINSTEIN Hormone Face Cream and H-d J,ollon $5.00 value for COLONIAL DAMES AU Parpoee C,.,..,. $2.50 value I HOU: FILLER PAPER For I or I Role Blftdrra REG. lOe Sc Asplri~ Taltlets l'l.A~TIC. Knife and Forte TRAYS AHt. Coloni 69c ..... ,. ·~ Reynolds ALUMINUt. F 0 IL 22c GUM 3c 6c liae CANDY IARS 6c lbe 3 1• IOC SAME BllAND Boxed Chocolates Creama. Fruita. Nate Milk oir Dwlr Res· 99• 1~ .. , 7'AYLES~-. . . DlPO&ftD IRIAR PIPES ~ 63C K-W llOMOO&AJJ CIGARS Box ol 60 $2.29 Henhey Fudge Topping 1 Lb. 34C Ou ICE CREAM BA.ND PACK, Qt.a. BAND PACK, Pit. SCJc lOC BUU ITYLJC ~-GAL. 7'/C Early Tim• ITIUIGHT 6th o .... s4a1 Keulocky ROBT l'J<>nd..ct BourboD I\ 1·,..,.. Old tt.1. •.11 &tb Gal. PRIDE or IND£ANA ITliIORT u \ ra~ Old 86 Pr ~th Gal. l ' 1 . ) PLANNI~ YMCA MEMBER DRIVE I Discussing Orange Coast YMCA Annual Membership Enrollment scheduled fo°t' kick- / of! Friday are IL to R) Hal Dike, Newport division chairman: Virgil J ackson, Costa i Mesa. co-chairman: Jack Murdy, Huntington Beach. division chairman : Don McCal-l-lum, Costa Mesa division co-chairman : Milo Lacy, chairman of t>nrollment and Duke Cox, YMCA general secretary. Kick-off dinner will be held at S t. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. -Hugh Mynatt Photo I ' DOCK / s~ ~oast News $15,000 Suit Joins OCNS Group f•I d A · I rrom .,rat race gu~~e .~~~~ ~::~ ~: ~~ I~ galOS 1nteresLs arorrml•ntloned and tn· uvenlh member of the Ora.nge Max Crocker dlcated as city property on the County :-.=ewa Service. a coopers· ottac)lrcf Exhibit 2." The exhibit ••ve ncw11 cover&"e network blank· • I · " s •NTA ANA \0 C"'"I _ A ml'nt oncd referred to the water e ttnc Orange County. ,.. • --~ The Laguna Beuch publtcauon 111 $1:).000 personal mjury damn,.:e faclllly described on a print pre· tho 11txth new&pa rei to join the suit was on file in Superior Court sented with the letter. 24-hour lrasN wire tel••type cir· here today against a ?\ewriort Y.XPLA~ATORY LE1TEB c111t. The IHIVt'nth ml'mber 1:1 radio Beach property owner. 11tation KWIZ, !';anwi Ano. Lodging the suit 111 Bernice A. Cuuncilnwn Stanley R ld(le.thoC Im rn <· .t 111 l c 1 y mov,·d lhe city arknowlc·di;1• l'uli<er'll I et le r lh11oui,:h the city manager but that he be not1ftcd a "firm tontract" Wfllll•I be nl'l"lh'd from the board bt !urc the city acts. H11 motion Othc:r nwri1ber new,.pttl:>cl'ri 111 r Mus.sn , t'mployed as a 1·eccpttu:'\· thr Fullerton ::'\ews-Trabune, Ana· 1s t tn the Studio de la Mt'r', J 1~•2 helm B111lt>t1n, Urnngi> Uatly :-:ews Via Oporto, Newporl Beach. Newport Harbor ;\t'w:o-Prf'~tl an.I ;l;am!'1I deft>nrl:i nL l!I ;\la x Crut·~· Car1lt'n Crovl' :-.=r",, t r. The plllUlll!f says she w as work· Orangf' ( '1,un ty for oc~s IUI mem· b!'r11 nf 1 n .. m,.ml)rr •' ~lRff~ par· llCIJHI tllll( In udol;llUI. uvxs ha,; • IUll· area. Too.Late to Be Claaalflecl .. n as a rece llontst !9r F r itz • 11sser !'C . 1 '1. • e a e~"6 she frll on lhe ··unsalf' floor" ot t he up11ta1rs studio and blames Crock· tr And 1"'1 snns unknC•\\-n tor :l.e floor·'is condition. The plaintiff clam.s Crocker wa.. .. mployed by 11nidenttf1t'd dt>!end- ants. However. .she aa.~crts .he h•11Slnj( O( Lhe prem111t'S W88 done by Crocker. read w it h sorrow uua week of tbt death of Ralph Harvey Rollln1. 76 ot Alhambra.. a.nd 1JUmmer and week end resident on BeJboa l!t· la.nd at 113 Turquoise for 34 year!'. Funel"ILI aervlcee for Mr. Rollins Wf'l"e ht'ld )'Nllt'rd.a.y In Alhatnbf1l . He l.!I aurvlved by h111 wife, GraC'e Hood Ro1Ut\l! a.nd daughttr, Petro- nella Rollins. both nf the home addreas and 11on. Rnb.-rt H. Roi· nc ... • EXPERIENCED REA~ ESTATE lln1 o! Arcadia. r.tr. Rolllnt! wu formerly with 11&lum-n wanteti In ntabll11htt1 l'lfllce. Call Boh Jone,., H&rbor "IL k8 lhe Orange County Road Dtpart- ml'n t prior to 1920 et )''hlch llmt' hto 11upervlMd Ute coMtrucllon ot -------------1 Orangethorpe Aw~. He wu alao I with the Lo• Angelo County Ro11rt SU-MteceUaneowa for Sale I DPpartment and a mem ber ot the Los Angelu County Plannlni.t ROTARY convtrtor, 110 DC to CommlMlon tor 10 yur~ CO~T A ME!\A n oo Se"por t Bh·d. 110 AC FJX IT SHOP. SOI ::ast While a resident o( &.Ibo& I~· 4th ~l ~ml .II Ara Kl 7-2.63. la.nd, he servtd for 20 yt an u f\ lk8 truateoe of the &lb<\!\ 1 ... 1and Jm. COKU~A DEL MAR 90$ ('n.-J Hw~. ACOR0';4 l.ACJL SA BEACH 2113 Broad"·~· BAI.HOA l~l..A~D F RE:">CH f'rovmci.al Crutt wood cofttl' 111111 ... M11i:1c Cht! 6-bum - tl ~u l'lO\'f', Hsr 608 6<"8 to--."u~-0tt aod fruck.it 1919 NAS H Amb3N1ador '4 ·'1M r. r11ct11>, hcntoc. ,·rr•1rt\r H~!l. Hsrbor ·,111z Rpl! -11 lH."IL"t-; 'l·•lvur .!l"•lan Sr•' 1al. "'"1d cond1unn , $1!~. b11r1t11in. 7 l:l \\". \\"llllfln, Co11t11 M"s11 6c8 ·~1 BLACK CADll..LAC r onvc.-rll· 1:11,-. white top. wlr<" wh<·els, Ira· lh•'r 1ntuior lo11ded \\'llh xtrns I.I Ol'I t ~· 8-t\6°11!1 11./l"r 4 6p8 -1 '!-l' nuh: rs zo. FT .U.;\lA tnllf'r, g<>O<i condl· t 1Qn. xlnt. homt f!'lr nl<lt r pe r- ""'n Sl:'IO. Hnt. 1 37~-M Rr8 HOl"S!:: AT COR:SER 17th &: 01an~t nr. Alph11 B~ta ;\fkl. z,..n~·I for re111denllaJ A bUPtn!':tP 11\!'I ml" JA;\I F:8 H11 r 2042 6cll pro\'emtnt AJisoc1aUorL He wu a 11ponsor and director oC the annual Toum a.ment or Llghlt! and a mem· brr of the Balboa Ya.cht Club. 200 ~lauine Ave. S't:\\ l'URT BEACH 11'.!0 CoMt HWJ. 8 ~Ho rd W"a·r·e ~ .............................. . Time for ...• Weatherstripping Stop thos• drafts - Sav• on hHting bills - ·NE HA VE ALL KINDS For door bottoms For around doors and windows SPECIALS THIS WEEK •' Coil Bronze Strip 1inchx18 feet R•CJ· S 1.60 roll s11• SPECIAL Door Bottom Strip Brau and Felt REG. 30 inch ......... ......... ..88 c' 32 inch ...... : ................................ 93'( 36 inch ···················-········.$I .OS 42 inc h . . .. $1.23 !'PEC. l'IM'fl 59( 65¢ 79¢ 88¢ ANNEXATION I NELSON'S AD UB 'SCRIPT I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE ] THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 CoatlnlH'd from Flr11t Par,. -------- .,1pm1 by the Hall' company of FRACTURES HEARING TENSION and 1 1pro~mtnu. wu u~1$1'\1 I NeWS .____ Seh Garden Crovl'. 11ubdly1df'r1 ot 176· al S698 340. Thi' protullnll pn•r-.,..~ aero north of Orun~e Coa5t Col· Mayor Claire Nelaon ma.naied 10 lnJl'ct a ht1le 11'\"llY s··,rt11~:.24o0wn,.;.~ wl'N> a~,.""J. ..1 Church Coy.arw l!'ge, a.nd OCC. Had the action gone into Monday nlght"a Coat& Melia City Council l!e!lt<lon. 11tsp1te • 111>1 -~ throurlt Co11ta Mesa'• ctty hmll.8 t be trnslon of a heated protest hea.nng on thr propuh•1I Halt· I Swa nu aa1d. "l woWdf't llke to I It wa• a tH'nJ·o! thl' u.m. w1.,•n would have moved northtrly rrom 1'rr11t annn(auon. H• thc.-r1ty 1nvoh·~ in a manJa- 1 c ,,n,rra.>.111 •• n J an.,.• U L"tt 1 I: I WllM>n St., betwc.-en Harbor Blvd. Wht n I.Ant.I Surveyor Jack S. Raub appt"ured to a:.k 1t • nlll!< a1•tton ·· Thia l'au~.t Counnl· fr1•m trua ·h~tnc:~ . waa re.:• nt I\· a.nd Jo•alrVleW Avt. lo Cl1ler St. subd1v1der at 16th Plarc.-and Irvine Avf'. coul<l proc•ted with ""'" A L Plnklf'y to uk Dungan f'lt1·t.,.1 tn ,,..n ,. u ~r .. llll' ••t along which tile San Ditgo Fne· 1 .... ,_ . whllt auch a aull would m··•n th. 1•1 s\, •. Hr• ·'kr••'• •'•r·•u1• ••t atrcet mplO\'f'm<'nts, n f' ... on punned. "'\\ e'rc· 1 t11dy to be M M . • way will' extend. Raubbcd.' shiJuld tht' council w1te fo1 th!' th• l nt<'I n.111wrnl '"•>unul rur Chras- 0<'0 EXCU 'DE D 1 1 ann .. xallon 1au1 1 .... 11.lrr•htr 1·1 w.,hln11ti'I\. •Later, m tile .n tlatmi a c0Uccl1on to aenll a twuqutt of • Attorney Swanner, repre..enun~ Thf' r1ty attom<'y 1nrormeo ti 1 • flowers to Counctlrnan Bert Smith, rf'covn ms from a s•·r1ou11ly p kl Id h Ule Seger11troma, Armstrong and tn t'Y 11 wou prev<'nl t ,. &n· 1 \\"1th th.-, 11ntr) & l<'a•lf'I> fol· Crtael, clalmf'd Orange Coaat Col-brokf'n ltg, :'\el11on said. "I suggest anythin1t but 11rrle bins-nu11t1110 from itnmi: Into !'fttl.'l ,,,wm~ th<' •h111kini.; ur l'r<'alJ<'nt lege was not "prope rly that 't'an aoms." on thr bas1:s the rounr1 l had no Elf<'nh,,.,., r lh:.t n.-.n\ "' "llr 1nr· be Included In Ulls acuon. rrop· Smith galned apple fame r~crntly by Pll'~l'ntlllj( i<prrl· JUrlsJ1..:tton 1n the mattt'r. lll'nl 111• UIJ pr.•blt nlll <"IJUhl ···•Ill• erly ui1ed exclui11vely for i<!hool nicns ot the fruit to council members for approving a hou1c \\'hlle thf' coun<'llmen conimlt rrd I do~r to 110lt1tton 1hr.1ugh •rrl11 a· purpost>:i Is not taxable and not moving p<'rm1t In hJa n&me. lb1:1. ;\lct:llnt.ock demanded of lion of rt'l 1~111u' jlt11111rl··,. th• Included In &Sllessmenls. Thia board --------------------------t hem. ··\Vhat 11re you after " A re 1 :-:ews·t'I"'"" 1~ l>t Ulitlllft 1h .. t.1 •• bu no alternative than lo take I te!l'tanta they repreiented were • y11u l:l'tttni; pn1d for It ~.. d1,wn io thl' h" .. 1 1 .. v.1 no further action, s1n'ce without pziepareod lo take legal action McCIJntorl< llliked Duni;w. I Mayor Nellon aa1d. ··1 hoj>\' I It wtll t!bortly "p()nl(lr a n· n- the college. ~ore than r>O pt'r c~nt lihould the a.nnexatton proceed. C. Dungan said. ··Yi•s, 1 tlo." The thrrti will be 110 more remuks 1u Jenomtnl'taun 11I s up r o r t th.• ot the a.sse111ble property O\\'ll!'rll :\f . 'tcClln•~Ak ro•a ln I.he audl· ci~y attul'ney !l~ld while :>wanrr •t u wr ong_ 1ntl'nl on the rart ••r \hurrh" ••"" rll~lnl( rr•'~tllm pn·· are proteallng.'' l " """ ~ rtkd 8 sun lla i legal Che ri•gu n.l· t hr councilmen. Spea.ki.ng fol' my· par.._l b)' Uw Kf'h11c'r Advert 'l>ing Alt M 1 1 tnce to a.ak the council to revea.l Ing an annexation corr•-<·tly, he ~el!, It 111 not my thou1:ht lo Jo Se1''tce 11t :'ttll~bm», \ • witll orney orn ngs ar • rt pre· It tho ht !' l t d to ll lh n 1entlng Capron, pointed a.n •ct·ua-s · ug 11· n g ec e mrn on t' icovern· that which the maJon ty will not Jll'rb!'rt G. ltfa,t "" r•rrn1•nt.111''"· lng flnger at t.be 11ubdlvler1 favor· City 'Attorney Donald Dungan· ment land involveil 111 the ra11e want. This uea w11l be devdoJ>f'd He will be t olhni: 11n '"'al b\1,.1- ing the &J1J1exatlon. He f&ld they ll&ld, "'What the councilmtn think was ~eased at zi•rn. I v .. ry 111}ortly. Those prot .... tmg will ntss hous.s to t-"f l.1111 th•• .,.n ,<"r. bad ··cleverly left out a small seC'· 111 not lhe problem al this polnL ''\\'hnt did the land hPl'o: rosl In th!' future find ll Vflry advan· Q\•er 9:-.0 n"'upapera 1n aa many lion ot land lo ~t under,the un· They havt to deter mine whether Coal!t Colle~c !" l\kClln\ock u kt,I. 1agrova to be part of C<.iatll Mesa oomn;iumu ... lhr.iUl(hout th!' roun· Inhabited law for annexation." He more than one·hal! of the valid The only tlgurt!'I avallablr at tile j CQunr1lman Charlu Tc\\"mkle try arl' usmi: t ht1' rr,,i;ra m. wtii. I\ added. "I don't Utlnk the rity property owners have fill'd pro· s&slon were lhost taken f\"om tie I adt.lrd hi' wu not attf'mpllng to LI! l'n<.lorsed by IN< h jtT()Upa .,, th• should . bopscotcb .fanlt land to teats. 1f th<'Y have. ~roceed.'.ngs county as.'11'..Snlenl roll by City put 11nyt hmg o\·er on his n..ti;hbors. :'\atlonal Coun.:11 of th<' Chun ht• benrfit a subdivider and• a non· are automallcally tenntnated. Clerk Arhe Swartz. The tulal for 1 .. 1( the 11rea W<'r l' mhab1tecl. J"tt 1 of Christ, and thr n .. nn111 BoarJ taxpayer." I "Do you disagree with what the propo~ed annl.'xatton was S98i,-be 1n fa\'or of a vote ot the f'N>pll' of Evani:ehm1 or the M"th1"1l1t Both lawyers indicated the pro-1 Swaner said about the college!" 000. Orani;e Cout. lncludlni; land on the que1Uon.'' he said. C'hurrh •l••rs rt!Nftd Ir• Illa rolSI ~ S.ftwl'f. A "''"· juKt·~· i1t 1,.,., If flt II lddld 11 !\Is poiltl Fleet Biscuit Mix Betty Crocker Bisquick Pure Lard ::~ .... Del Monte Catsup Campbell's Soup !::'" Pancake .:. Mix =:;- Sleepy Hollow Syrup Sunnybank Margarine Showboat White Rice !:: 16• L~bby Pears = ": 23• ":-35' C & H Powdered Sugar2:.!:.25' Wesson Oil ~ 34' ::: 65' Mayday Oil ..= 34' :::.:; 65' FINE conn 't'-'IAJES! .. "-t4. 95' Top Quality-•~·· Orlp, Fine. NOB Hill COFFEE , ... 90' .... Top Quality-Rich, Arornot1c. AIRWAY COFFEE 14. 89' .... Bro1illan-Mild , High GfOWf'I, PENNANT COFFIE , ..... 87' .... Selected Blend, Low Priced! INSTANT COFFEE (cf .... o.-cft , __ 59' l()()"I; ...... ... Rich, economical ond quick! ~-----~-~-- RIB ROAST 7" Cut from 1st Five Ribs USDA CHOICE Beef USDA graded ~HOICE hef ia top quality meot. In the Sat.way Meat Aging Plant, It goH o atep fvrt+.er . • .. becoml"9 the . . eut the fvU tenderneu. the rkh, juicy 4'ct¥01Hio,..__.._~...._~-"'"4 .... l.ib..-- on e~ ~P*-' tdmm1ng of .. ,.., bmtlt o.ml~ before weighing auurn you ..-e eating _, per pound. At thia w"kend'a e11tra-low price , Mrv• the f\rwwt mdney co" buy ... a Sofewoy Rib Roaatl SLICED BACON SWlfrl (Morrell, YOf'llshlre a1 W1fsoet Com l<h•, 1.ftt .... 49c) • CORNED BEEF ION.:;w::· VEAL ROLL GROUND BEEF IONILISS. VISKING PACKID. f-"'Y .... . ,..,. ..... cM . . FRANKFURTERS OCEAN PERCH .._ ___ .,. Al .... , Co,toln'1 ct.eke. •. 39< QUAKEf' ~Hts Q91dcerl ... '-• ~17' ·~;:37' Lucerne Holf rn1lk. holf u-m. Homogeni1ed. For C"ereala & coft ... C.::::.18c ,:: 35c WHITE LA YER CAKE COCOANUT tcl- Wlth thert-heme-balre4 ftufty .. ., UN becaVM IPKIAL It'• 1Mtaie4 tho "ho- 1,.Ndlent" weyl 65( t-.vlerty 7Sc. Q•aUly .,.. •• 'Val•-! Slender-W1y ~::' ::. 2Sc Muffl-6r1in ~~:' ~ llc Wonder Sliced White !· 2k Fruit Cookie \/•I.es! 6rih1m Cr1cken ~TU '! l1c Tu Timer Cr1cken ~ l4c •c Whell Thins ""::; 27 c U.S. No. 1 Idaho Russet• IOMPSn. ......... SOlE FD.10 c:.pe.!11'• a..-. APRICOTS .-..WA'f ca..ltty 294S-25' u..p..led Ha"'-- nova HONEY IMNllSPeMy ..... 12t! 23' 244;43' G01.1)£N CORN ..u.anv-.._.. 2!:19' 2 1~ .. 27' Pocked in 'oper 109. AJAX CLEANSER 21.ka.17' 1.-.0a.10' con con , ... ~ 9f• d•lf •<:;••' '' ~., • lli ,,..: • .,,. TIDE .DETEICENT PARADE DETERGENT SURF DETERGENT "A 1" MACARONI Elbow ttyle. Good fdf salacft, tooi , ....... 19' 32-os. 37' .... .. .. 0 ,t:69' ~:58' 1~;:29' ·~58' 1~29' , ....... 29' .... '7e·, 1k-I CHEE-ZIP Spreacft, mix .. , melts '-; 27' '6t.:; 49' Fuerte AVOCADOS 2 • 25c , ldOI SIZI. H&el!.ly dl .. 1tiW., llellcat.fy "--41 "ICU DffCTM Tllm .. flt~ UT .. UIJUY 21. 11. 19, ltSl at WIWAY STOllS • TltlS llU. ITh r11 Svndl 1 1 r\ ~ lora operi Sulldly) t 1ettt .. l1fll'lk ............... H• to'•• 'O ... '9•t. \o .. t to• f,.n.t-• • •• ,.,.bi. ... -. I ..... STOii HOURS OalJy 9 L m. to 8 p. m. (Friday tUI 9 p. m .) Sonday 9 L m. to 6 P· m. ~ 1722 Newport BIVd., I Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT • I L .. ~· -.. (}overnmeQI f.:xcep/ • 'A6E 4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. JANUARY 27, 1955 . . "God grant us the serenity to occept the things we cMnot chMqe· the cour~qe to chonge the things we can 0 1ci the wisdom to know the d ifference " (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS .(_ Another Oil Grab Proposed .. 437,000 for parks, inc inerators. atorm draina. hoapitals. airports and highways. /"(,_ Here la aaotber lafonnatlve new• atory out of Sac· runento that we feel lmportaaf enough to Include In our edltorl&I ooluma becaolf' of tt. relation to the re- ce"t attftllpt to tn.clfl off the()(..,... Rnch to the Stat.f- ot Oallforn1L The supreme court s uit Lil baaed on the grounds that at is unconstitutio nal for. the legislature to give away. pu~lic funds. as the state is trustee for au the land.a o f California. A new m ov'! to aecllre rich t ide-land oil revenues now a ccruing t o t he City of Long Beach . tor the S~te of C alifornia, waa placed before t he California legis la - ture late yeaterdav (Fri.) by Assemblyman Brue~ F. Allen , San J oee. Pointing o ut that hia bill contains a potential im- mediate revenue to the atate of California of approxi- mately $200,000,000, Allen said secur ing of thi• revenue immediately ~ould obv iate t he neceBSily for new taxes on cigarettes, liquor and h orse racing, balance the 1955· 56 budget submitted by Governor Goodwin J . Knight, and ueue a ste ady income t o the .stale from this source. He alao pointed out that t he· potential revenue ove r a period of yeani amount.a to approximately t hree billion dollart1. A case before the California S tate Supreme court at the ·prefM'nt time· inv olvea the· s ame question:· -Ho wever, t here hu been no decision in the ca.Be although one is expected during the legislative interim. The case was filed by a group of farmers in Tulare county, which u h r eturn of the funds held · st to the state to The. oil land8 oft Long Bea.ch are said to be p ro- ducing revenue in excess of $36,000,000 annually. ' Decision of the s upreme court in f avor of the stat e w ou ld in all probability make Allen'a bill unnecHA&ry. H owever. the San J ose legialator said it ia important to h ave s uch an act bef<>tt the houe, in the event the de- cision is unfavorable . Jury Verdict's Liquor Smell Our stomach is sWl slightly turned each time we think of the verdict laid befo re Judge Raymond Thomp- son in the recent liquor trial held in Santa Ana. The brazen e ffrontery of the liquor interest.a and their ever-so-disconnected hand boys ama.._ ua. The verdict. after many, many, houn wu 11 to 1 for con· viction. Yes , you gue~ it, the one hold out wu a man in the liquor indu~ry. Coinciden tally this migtit happen on ce in a while. But 'we ch oose t o believe, h owever , that it ia no coin- cide nce that on ev ery jury picked in Orange County - whether by men of the District A ttom ey'a office - o r by men of the Attorney General's office -th~ is a lwa s that ho ld out. The re is alwa a ban er read ·" 1 I do not ~ a a.ook wtuch pee "'~ ~ and pHtie ,..,. twrT .-. " ..... *• • ttw 8iW.. I o F""'o"s Russun.'s EvalfUl(ion Of Tbt Biblt AFFAIRS OF STATE ByHF~YC ... ARTHUR SACRAMENTO ICNSl-Appar. although a great de&I of lot·al enlly the trend oC governmental 11utonomy 111 retained act1Ylt1ea during the &dmlnistra· SC'HO()L 8TAT£ AIU lion of Governor Goodwin J. Ptrhape the achool1 arr the :Jrom ,, BRUSH C()UNTRY 8)' HOHAC't; PARKER JOURNAL I~. !\ot• -l'tlho , .. ,1un1• b) S111r11 c.,. u .. rk .. r .-111 de8.t ._ .... Ute UU! .. ·kiauwn hlatoru. .. 1 llM'h 11 .. na• drr·d••'CI up 111 hie n-.r trlpa l•to lb,. bll1·k C.ountry 111 rl'C't•nt _,.,..,,._, LlJst year the wife a nd I Jrov1· uver 4000 m1lt:'!4 and spent more than 400 ho u rs pninting "Indian C haJl('ls In UI• Brush ." She ls a watercolorist, a s tudt>nl of R ex 1uHI Joan Brandt of t·he H arbor lirca a nd . sign11 ht'r pnint ittJi!M "imply ''Lav<'rnc." ln nt) ..e11i ch '"' h111tortc1&I Jal• I w111 thl··~ 1tu1J tlrnl n11 "1111,• ma.a on the Tenwrula, L1ttl1> T1'1H<'<'ul• I WMntcd. U111· of th1· 111:-t uf tM 11n1t 1'11ubll Rttlh h•I:\ I h111I to I •'11ncli1•'Kll l'atlr11o1 t" "4'tV•· t.J'I"• 11i ...... k t11p ... 111 .. l'au11111 Jn1llttn M111iuon Indian• 1n tttt•rnt ~o&ra rt.ci.,rvatlon, Thi:< i~ a sm11ll 1<'· wa~ 1-'ut hcl Jult1111 Clrardt•t. nd lll'l'V&tlon on tl\r '".South" 1<id1• of ht• UI af11•1•t lun11ft•h• k1111wn 1U1 he Palomar Kount:un, with the muun· "o:onen-tPpne11t.·• Hr '"built ma,">' tatn !tiif'lf A N ll bat:kdn1p. 11nJ Of th" 111\J. lln•I l!Ootr• 11\'W llt~9 compnso sumt 200 •~res ma,. y lntllan ('hij p.•I,, tn I h.-b1 llMh "'· tri" m611oa. lt Is s1t1111tl'd '" th" mouth during ronrrt'lt', a l11M tni;i n1011u • of !he Paun11• <'reek The onre ment to thr bt!love1t f"alh<'r Julhu' brush coverl!d valley an.1 hills of of thC' M11131on lnJtAn• thC' Paum• valley now support In a h•llrr trnm hrm •I hi~ JX•Nt hundreda or acrf's Of Clll Ull llnd at St. Anthony'• C'h11rrh In S1<n awlr&d1o trPe~ P'ranl'lll<'O, h" "lnleo~. "In 1!147 hr· \Al.Lt.:\' TUl k The fellow with whom I made Ihle t1rn r of the Pauma Vallty •·x· preaaf'U ttie aenllmen l of lh1-ln· dlan and his lands f rom the Aml'I'· ican standpoint. I will admit lh11t thla tiny ruerva.t1on, bnu1h anti caclU8 COVl'red, stick.a Olll hk" a llOre thumb 'midi! thr gTffn or eurroundlnr avoc11do1i. The Indtan i• ctintent to kO't-p II "as It wu" primitive 11ml allurlnl(. Th" Amer · lean "l'hafo at thr bil" to burn thr bl'\l~h. chop the treri<. r lf'11r lhf' ·irround. and , .. 1 tt tnlll 111 o- Juct1on. It thl11 waa M) yeoar11 "go. the rematntnK few Indian!! would torr l l'f'ator .. d It 11'11uma 1, the 11'1obe w11ll11 wneo bKclly l'l ll«krd, and thf' roof 1n b1td ror1thl1Nl It. had blown off !ll'ver11I time" m the Y"11 r1< irone by, an1t h111I h""ll r •• r1a .. 1•rl by the htdl•nft, •• "!:.o In 1947, Wf' look 11own parta • or the wallll th&t wrr.-In bad cor· dltlon. put In new wlnclnw,.. 11d<lfo<t a 11ac-rl11t ry an1I f't'IH morn, ond · • COUrJlt'. a nl'w ' I'll rong I .,, 11 now a b<>11ut1f11I c-h111•1 t _ 1'ht"rl' 18 one-11nP1·Jot.• 111111 h1111 K""" nvt'r th1• wlr1-11 qf tlu• hru~h ('ountry t"ltgr11ph m11ny 1lr11,.,. 11 nd thOUjlh It may be ~Arblo•1t I think II OC'l'llrr!'ll h!'rl' at Pa1111111 ISUIAS (T!>4TO \t ~ o c e e co lJl o J ice. I ahulion or problems. ralMr Wt-----...11o~-~ I I .,. .. lilJll . • -Hd* "f6rt&1lfi~1,lfil~cmt™riliA~m-, ·~-rou ht-'ti>tne-·~loRi~lt'Ml.._~,,...._ ....... -..114i-.i.-.i .. 11te.e1~atttel'..+UM---....,-_,-t'811'1--a.i""'t~r:;";;:""n~~~f~i'i:'::'-:t~-;r.t;---~ r.t-her tt:a:: he Pl P 1; :gs__· -~ .. -. --_ -~-~ ~--· :~w.-"· -• . g of nearly four hundred million a muttnlng under his bl't'\ith. "'Louk Originally, the "'Bliltg°i-an-te~d-:Lo:----ng--:Be:-"'a'""c-:h:--u-s""e-o"".if:-".'iitir.s---clie'Ifaunfing o(theliws ore ey e tnlly an.-.ta~ for llOlvmg ynr tor average ~lly attendance al that land, that watf'r Rnl1 thu:-e nrxt n10rn1ng ""'' lhr\• llrl' "'I v j 1 tidelanda for the PU""""" of developing a harbor. and tic m easure w e do n ot know . But, we do know this. that Thia wu made clear by t.he gov-aupport. there 11 lhe additional aid lazy. damn lndlans " ~111,.1 ,.bout thtM Al """ ,,, th,. • • ... -~ be eed f t he ir e of the aroused populace ia one hard to ~mper emor ~eally when he announcw given loca.l achoo! district• Which The httlt' <'h•pt•I taMo:mat"J """ funt't8t' htlf1 "' P1tum" "~ ""·' pennltt _ _. revenuea from the tidelands to u o r have bonded thern .. lvea to capa-parttcuhtrl)· 1t11 b .. 11 i.>wcr orr 10 h h cu be In r• th t h •-T ...... t • •·u•tom thr j!r1tvt ad nnt "'" n S b '" ·1 d " ed or ar. a pre• con ~rence " e .. city, but atilt need more funda to onf' 111111'. made or ,·.,mrnl and the harbor pur"""""• only. u sequent,..,., 01 was iaco ver , dui: 1111111 thr r1nal .,,.,.~ ha•I 11 ... ...---You and I have seen in the naort few yeara the eom-DOt tn favor of aiavlng the atate keep up with growlng numt>era of dome ruhioned r 1uc1 .. 1~· hy thl' m oney flowed into Long Beach faster than it COUid be ,...-.. take over the •amor probltms of f h I J jtlln hy thr l(Ol.tl 1'11drf' lnumti• h pletc o utlawing of slot machines. Not just the offering, " atudenlt ni.. entire •tale h&11 h11nds ,, t e n tans '"' '"" '"'"ll"''"r' 111 l'11um11 i· •n U __ ... on the harbor. with.the resu.ltant surplus. . any ArH In California. bonded illlelr to provld" 11chool ll wtt~ 11 hot s •. pt.,i11h«1 .1 .. y 1h11t IK"U th th y-off but the ~on of a alot -'"" wttsh. <111tiiini: •~ 1lrtr1r11t1 h · e use, or e pa -rc=m Hla comment wu In relalum to bu1ldmr11 for theAe <ll•lr1cta.. tilt' wir .. 11nel l -4'tto1 nrd t•J h11w S I f ds h b held l. trust and the city Cali .. ('ll lll•P nf th.. Ill r1:1· hnirltlt•t. • II· urp UI un a ve een n • mac h ine is a fe lony under the "fomia law. a MU Introduced dunnc thr fl rat And along with the 11tNdlly 1n-h~r .io • w1..ier,·v1or "' H Wh11, I ro11ntf>r1•1I Thr gr11v .. •ll~1tl''' , 11-of Long Beach has made repeated attempts al the stete We wonder h o w lo udly the liquor intensta of Cali· half ot the leclalallve ae11111on, creulng amount of 1tate aid, the l4Rt In the rt.>lativ'" ro111fort of th" i·trnnter.-e1 1111 .. "ll"l"lt•I oh~t11,.1,,~ n legislature to permit use o f the funds for municipal im· f would scream and ho w deeply un..1--er thei·r which la not .. yet In complete atate department of education, ac· :1h1111 .. 111 the rat sh,. br11ved the thiii (Ill~' nnl.I Hlthuui:h lh•·y wt1•k· o rnta uo:aw• form, for the Loll .Angele11 are-a. cording to survey• made b) 110me hot aun 1<.nd ht>1tl l•l do "'hat wr Provements in the beach cit y. It has been indicated that sniveling• h irelin gs w ould crawl if 801De bnve a.-.;_,__ The bill '\n brief provtde11 that the local d1atr1ct 11un.rlnlen<lenb. Ill lnll'ndetl to tl4' 8 rouuh .. k .. ldl Al I'd t}llr.1 anti tht• llWl'llt WllM !'"111 • ... .,_ ..... ... IOI( ''"Ill thf'm t h .. .:r11v~ WRll .1 .. w no ne of the funds has been uaed for pu.rposes other tor w ould propose such a bill agaimt liquor. .tale ahoUld move on the ·smt11r' moving more and more tow&rdM a lhttl tt1ne we never mtrnoled to Jo '" fMnllnl(. 111 ,1 .. 11,,,ru111111 lh••v than the harbor. which is developed as one of the finest F or instance: W e the people of California do d~ =~~ :!;°'~:: f~;' ~~.~:~; ~~;~~7~'.'°~:,:~~~~/~~t~:r~ :, "~~::\:.:~ ~t~he"0;~11 ~;1 1P~:~,~ •ll"l'••l•'h"·l a 1111111 lnr hl11~t111 1: d · · C lifo · desp1·le the e ffo rt of F p11w.t.·1 1tnd '"''' tn "''"' "' 1 hi' an moat expensive m a n11a. clare it to be unlawful to have, con.awne, to meU, offer Uirou&')I •tale-Wide control hu no conir·ol over the atatr •u-·1n11s tl 11pp•·•r11 t·n1rt•« .. v .. rworkert f · I P11tlrr lo "keoo•p tnlklng ' Long Beach to divert l'IOm e of the funds o r munic1pa fo r sale, o r l o o ffe r for consumption u.e or poe11e99ion LOll ANGELES CONTROL penntendenl or public 1n1truct1on, anrt "muddy" in t1pot1, but be:· \\'ith the ,11111 brnini or blH •tln.: · t · k' d. Ex b who 11 elected by nar people and cau~ tt wu tht> f1r1't we rroh11hly 1 1 1mp rovem e n 8 . . an y alchphc beverage of any m cepl. owever, Connr-.ely enouth. the meuure who ca n do Juat about u he wilt ""v"r i·hanoe it ""' t 1 •. '"ll'R•ly t11lk1n~ nr 11 .. w-·• .. --· •--1 t lb .. Ptt•lr .. th~ tuneral ""'""'' "'"' Long Bea ch , it wu pointed o ut prior to filing of the those m edicines d uly prescribed becau.e o f alcoholic in ......., r ..... n aome..,.. con ro Y chooea 1n torc1nc local 1chf)()I di•· ·-.. 18.: <'tlAPf:I. h.avtnc t he board of admtniltra.. trlcta to toe lhl' Rlt1te·fl.1<ed mark -" nt'rvmu1lv (IO •'rnm t1m•· '" 1u11 .. Ult l·n ''e aupreme court had actually budgete<f ~38 · content. t•-aJI f • --·-1 Thi" 1 h•JWI wa.. r1111111111«P• •I "" tn1l111'n woulll , nt• r th•· ''""' ,., • u i ' ~ ' "'"' rom ....,. ~ ... cc " coun-of conformity. t v It th ... t ... lh "'Ontl' bll \'l'Hr1-io.:1• 0: """"" Mn•I thr C"h11pl'I nn1t m111t11n !ht• F11ttlo'r "' w... 11 "'a C:aWI""' e In ad·'1t1un t 11 ~hoola. th•r· ts ' I l d la I u -• • I~ known 115 tho t•h11p,.I 11f SI tu k''"I' 1:nini: •·1nalt.\• ''""'' hnrr r tradl.' lll:rl't'm1•nt1 it they &rt' trulJ s ovemor 0 eoc re n no uncer-sl•le aid ror t>eache• am.I nark•. Co ta t th t h I ,. Jamel! Thi' h .1111 i0<'1111 l '"'h··~ ur 1w11 11ltr1 thl' .. 1hp;l11 1,.•I ••·•· r"ctprcx·al. •o lonj:" •s ncreaa EADE RS '" ermL a e • not inter-for hospttub, publtr heaJ th. toads ,. Co I nted m .... , •-t ron1'truct.-d th1.,.. o IHtp<'li< "' •• ,,.. vtrt'~ tit. "1111 cl,.ar" .. 11:na1 "'"' dorl' lll•t surrenul.'r tlt nil tu· .,.... "I over on a •..-e· and h1ghwaye and man.v oUltr ~ I ,,,h,.~•u .. --··-• _...._ •·~·• lh• n•Ahi•m• n• trncia• t ftl'r lhl' fall 11( lhl' MtlO· tvcn •nll wllh ~"'t\a f>LJrlJ.c.lJwm. t1ona "~...._Lo.:-.. ·-.-.-.,-. ~ _,.._ _ _..~ ~tt~T!I'~-..._~ --- u'iiiJ.;r 11 l'OmmlMl<lll c~led by fOVemmf'nlll which have become that t hl' burdf'n of :"ov ··mment lfrOJflllllf'lrU r 111'lJlln Wll.o <ftl\'rn • lhr pa1 llrtflllOl'" the ilrHll """ WRITE loo , th 1 I I n ~ hark ·nnt•• mt'llll 11111,. plt1t• 11( (tn11llv 1111'1 In '"'t C'unicre"" un1I dlreclly n•1ponal.ble onerous or • OCll Pf'OP e cannot be h1111ded wholly to the lo. I to it. 11nu '" which manufa<'tu~ to hand~. ca.I community. be it city or coun· By WALTER CHAMBLIN .IR. You may recall that on 'thf' fl rat 11 1n Amenca will shp 111lt'nlly. ers, prutJucci11 and ls bur can ap-In maktn( hi# announc('ment. ty, but lhat tn 110mt' mstance1t • though plltnfully Into th•· ,111rk ply fill rt'llf'f from Injury undtr however, 1t waa underatOO<J that at.ate U41latance 18 both Justlftt'd '111y of theo 83rd Congru•. the then I aie.o tht •·ar11p" ttlltl ~nl point d&Ullt'.!1 1 January?•. Jll~ lhe 1tatr would continue m It.a re-nnd neceHary. 1·halrn111n of the ways and mean11 ;\l••~l 01 tht' so-l•alll'd hbentl/i 1t •I· t" w .. 11 "~ und•·r the ant1-dump1nt; I ... ar\'h work and (We all us1st-On t.he other hand. continued re- Nimmtllt1". Hon. Dan Rrrd nf Ntw . . 'hi h IU 1 1 . C'lause pro,·ttlt-•I 1n St•ctlon 22 or Dear Mr Rr ddic k ance polJJible to not only the Loa aolvln&' or problem• through the . 'tXRle m,.a.,urE'll " <" u mat') th" A"rwlllturHI Cll<lr A•"' lea b l l "'" ~-h 'ork. 1ntrod11c,.11 H R I. calling "'uuld Ind to a.na.rchy or dictator· " The Ex.ecutive Commltt"' f)f the ·-..• area. 11 0 a:.~rx f'r 11tate government by local i ovem· f • 11 a"'a whlrh 11 attemptlnc to whip m•nt authorltl•• r •" a Acomplliah tor .. n 1mmt1Hatr tf'rt11rt1on or pn· 11h1p. whtll' many o UM! .re ca · ~O Kt:C"Ol 'K Ht: ~1 htln 1 ,..,._ t f , .. _ A I ~· ~~ -· ' • g it• ' ...... p "r 0 '"' Ull • the '•mor( rmbltm. little but accentu&tr the trend to-aonal ln .. ome t11xt11 by 10 pf'r ctn! I'll rr1t('llonar~· bec11uioe wr dPmAntl ~nt .. nlv wouM HR. I lftkf' tltr II r th H ~ I H I I Ila\ Hll lej!"1i<l11Uon mu~I 11h11lt · • •ry 0 e oec -emona Oii· Thf' •late" cractua.lly ha1 tMlen Wllrd an evrntual centrallud gov· Yc:1u may al110 recall what • within 111,. frAm•·wor k .,1 our ~ •11n· I pmn•r llQtl tluty '"'*Y rrom <.:9n. p1lal Prf'.11bytf'nan w111h"• to l!'ll· •ccumulalln« the prolt>m11 of lo· ernment and th111 I• a trend whlrh .otormy ,·our11~ 1t 1111vel•••I. nn1111y •tltlltion i;rw<~. 1t woulrl 111,.,., rem 0\'1' It press th,.1r appre<'tahon ror your cal 11:ovemment throughout the not only aµpllee tu cltlu t1nd •lylnc II\ tht rul"" r11mmi11rr TRAIJt: Rt:Gl 'l..ATIO!'\ fr•rni yo11. ti,. li"oplt• No lvng~r mol!t generou• contribution and ••· yeau . Some two thlrd11 of the cou nt1e11 ln11ofar •• th,. 11l ate 111 atatl''a annuat"' .. xpendlturee go 1n· concemtd, but alllo towaril lhe 10 the l'c:lffers Of !oral (OVt'm· federal ftOVemment ln80far U the ment ..,. •ubeldlu from the atate, 11t11tes thPmselvl'.o ar~ concr rntd On lhl' f11 rot Olly trf lht~ &t'l!"IVO Arlldt• I. Serh on 8. o( lhf' c 1111. <'0111!1 you 1tpply lfl yuur ('ongrC'llJI· su1ta.nl'e 1n !he pm motion or tht th• ntw l'h111rman 11( tht ways !\Ut\ttron , lt>trly lltatl'io thst <'ttn· 111t1rt 1°11 r1'llr1·~11 111 •'AM' nf tn· E;Jna Stearn11 Dayton book revlf'w 11nd ""'""' .:1111m1ltt•·~ Hon Jne gr<'lll< shllll ha\'•' the power tu r<'I(· J•11y l••I h•• lto~•''4 ..imlplf'lt JUrul· ~n,.s for tne benf'f1t nf l ht' Hf)&g t ·ooper. 1ntr1l<ll1t·1·J H.R l Th111 ul8ll' tr1td•• with fvreti:n nillwns tlwt 111n \'11u woul1I have to 11r-Hosp1tio l Tumor fl.>arJ mf!f<81trr prop.111t• lo tmpleml'nl 1.1111,,1 ='l••wton'" 1""" that tor pe81 to non·t>IPdl\'1 ci\•tl "ervant11 \\'t know ,. it.. 11uch t'llCt"llmt th,. adm1n1"t ration'• fort'11tn "''O· f'\'f'r) 91 twn the rt mu .. t be 8 n·· I wllu "tr•• n111 111 the l'l'IUJI 8"'~-pubhclly and ci••1c 1ntrre•t our nom11 p.•hry It 111 t'l lhtP JW'ltr)' I"'"""· 11 t"OnKr<·'.~ h"" tht> P'''''"r II\~ to \'nllr "111h··~ \\·e j!"o before 1to•I ,..,II be r .. ach'l'd thal I now 11r .. 1rf' lo <J11t>1 l your 11 al~., hll" th .. dut). I 8!1 1 ntt'm· lh•· flt'•Jl'I' t\• ry '"v ye11r" anJ Scnc!'rf'I). attention Thrr,. 111r • t'•l111n J>fll • bi r ,,1 <'iongrt'!IJ<, ""or·n 1,1 i•phold "' n•·• ""'Y "''"l I>•· rtSJ•m1'1hlt to 1)lrA 1 VERA (:QFFEY \lon11 ol th1" lrg111l11t1Un Ill which y11111 wi~ht'•. ""ti •1111 huV'I' the I I can ttUba .. nlk!, hilt th•·" 11r. 11110 !ht' i·unat1tul1 .. n. •·.11tnut '""1" lu 'M r ... Gf'Orll:f' \\' Cofft) 1 I h I .• I OUI 8~·· ff\ \·otP t.1Ur ('flfl\'lt t1uns '" .. contalntd thrrein •eVf'ral pr(•Jl<.•· ti•· •'1(1tlt> I '" P<•"•'r 8111 ulll)' '" I nrre$J!Ond1nr: ~notary 111t1on• which fly dirf'.th '" lllP th ... x,., utr,·· l>ran• h ••f ""' K"'" mi.II~" ,.f prmnpl• I ="•rhtlnit"•lt Clt•ptrr fact nt ""' t '11n•l1l ut1on ,., nn1o·nt 1<ny °''"" 11111 11 1 , a.n H H I .,u •. ,. .. ~ .. n 1u1 th.-1 ll J.:t•t"t:Kl'IO~ f'KIS( ll'l.t.i-\ut .. l•• 1lt'lt!ga1 .. t .. ,, 1h.-'""'"' 1:'"111" Hlllhunty l(I make mll'rna-D .. a r Mrs. Ba.rbrt d I 1 ... nal 111ulli 0ll\t .. rnl htnl11n1it lllP"ff'- 1 lllll whlll ollljthl Oo .... 11 ...... 'lo• ~ .. , 1'4X~ll ,,. an ""' "' uny n1 .. lllll rr .. m "hll 11 "'''" lh•· .. Xt'C.'U· I "'ant ~thank you pc191>na)lv J4'frer ... lnltlll tc. ! •ihlt. l ll l'hr l•flll· '".'h• I ,.f lht' f'l!l(hlt'• n I'""'"'. ••I ., I I A I 1 ,. l l\'I' •Rnnut r"ll't'llt. 1f tho .... 11gr~· f••r your wonderful coo,_..allon ttplflA ot Th ·1·"'' Jt•:r, ...... o i l t "'. "n..:rt .. ·~ fUOYlt~I ,,. I It f r-• n1<·nt11 f'Pr\•' 1111.il "·11110111 th" W•lh my pre.u rommitttt thtM my bo< k, •1111 ''" ,,..,, lr•ttmti .. nA 1" ""' ·»~1•·111 0 ' IC'"1 ~111"111 ""•· '''"~·nt .,r R 1111\J••nl\" ur lhtrty·1pll11t mootha. Our w~ au:iulta a nu ~XIOll"t '' Ii lr•'f' ........ ,\ If ,,,.,,.,. '" ol11n1• to tht l 4•nl'lllllthm I t I l t I IJ ry , Ill"• '"f'll(ll n11 ton~ m1111;1n'I' 1 .. m•)I! .1"rate u , u we a11 th~ lhC't<• "Vr r "''' "'"!"' ltt .. n '1"11 1"1•''" \\• •llb~ttlule th• X•'•IJllV• thlll ' y .,11 llO /\1Tto•r11nn l'lllZ.,n. r)An'nlll and debutantt'll. J l'ffrr110n ,,. i11r111ly ·'~"''""'._ h•· ,,., tl1e 11 l(•~li<li\'1< vut<'•' tn 'ni ry· 1 "·"''' ' lru•I» p:i·•~111.m, Y'''' wnto> It ._ • muvelnu. 'tffltn to ~·h tlll . ,.,, .. 1•1· •h• ''" ''·hit 1111 """ •r n ··111 lh" " '"" ti' r r y11u n e " e " .,..t' ave JOOfnl'Ofle like It t hl• or an1• o•lht'· "nni:rr·~. 11t· ... ., ••Ill lh• '~spon.!!lbiltl tt' ... "h1t•h 1 I r t th ht f I kn w that h IC I l[tnll 1 11K 11• 1 lft "· >: • ' 1 f1 ··x•••·lll "''' h,. 1 • f••r,. you I•• an 11r· you ~uppnrt1nJ "llr effnrt11 t.,_ dutlea, pr lnClplo•A 0~ l.1rt ,u:u ••. ' .if '1111 ' ''' 1 ""l=H'>~ ~•tn1zuth•n •'illl'tl 1;/\IT 10rneral "·ard1< l hts worth,.·hrlf th11nt1• nur Conat1t11t11111 tu • p11111 1 •\'h• r•, ; ""ultl h~ lh<J•I'.' '" ~"l 'I'"" ti\• A!'rl'• m""' .,11 Terirr l\nll Trade I I II bt't'Onlf'A ,. hollow •!i•ll. ltr".l ·'""''nl~trAt1t111"§ l'ff11t1lro111~r•'8"" •itlln.: 111 1:,·n•VR. !:.wttzt'rla.rut, Most sincerely I rlom aft Wf' h111 r """'~ I" "llJ••V '""''~" irs!1r lh11111si11 rN'lf't•wirl 1 ~.1,..11• i\ur•'IH'R ha" ""'' vote Elf'a nl')r Thay~r -----·-----'---l nmPnjo! :ti 111,mhrr" Wh11l 11 tra. 1Mno H r11~·nf'• f'ormrrrJ~· lit" ·'"•wv..11l tAulivll ~ew1·T1111e• and lhe :'°'iewport·&lboa Presa I" ~1y upun Mir 1(11\'C'rnmenC ThJr· ;-.;,." l'"ll H 1thor '"' 11,." 1 h•I· 1 \'·f hrt'•' 111111 .. n• llrd1r11tPr! 111 tht' •Ir• 11 , ~·, ,: , ,,1 ( .,.11 ,., 11,, I 1111rr"' .. "' •'>pturinir; '"'' AmP11· r ___ ----- '" mnrk1 ti' I Our 11nnu11I f'ltpllrtio •mount to pvrt• ""ult! ... thrf't• per ll'lll Of (Htr n ational grC'B '. bUto IO•IU•ll •• • '"f j rroctul t, our 1mrort• a1"' Just un· H It I g .... ~ 11 .u1 .11. 1 11 1 dl'r thrtf rer Ct nl. A am11l1 dollar \'II.I"~ !or Ill! ... '"' '' i: ... • '"I t1\10 1t"Slu •·••r-J' '"'"' r. Int u.~ d o!ll ___ .&_ Depeecl&bfe l.o<'M laet.U11Uo• for Onr t·orty ,..,.. I Rt•P ex1•l11 which Wl'!Uld f'a111ly I><" lor .. iirn '"'' t•·•· nL-..... icmi:. 11 Entered .u ~no-Clua Matter it Ole Poetofttce in llit'\•llCJrt B h c-lfJ~C't1 by a s'"lfcttvr tnl'reL"r •n mu1.-•:t••d•'• ,,, '"'·,.•: _. •Ur Callfom1a ander lhr Act ot ;\larcn a. !87!1. eac · · import quot~ "'ilhout cumplett•I)' ••''inga .abroed than tu f'llpand I --1 ~urrtn,terrng ConpC'Mton.11 tontrol Amen.an plant a to pronde aJ .11· h~ E1'erJ lloeclaJ' AM Dunclay •t ~'"''port Beec'b. l:allf. Rnd ,1,.111 nl\ '"" rum pl trl , r1 I llonaJ )Ob• at horn• The Mme JI"(>-., tlte Nl:\\'POkT ltAKJ'IOK Pl. 8 Ul!JHISG COMPA.~1' • " " ) <'e iun plr whO aCC'Ulll'd ua !aat yeer of T•,.._ Hanor lilt I ~i'j(tn .. nt~ •If .. ui t\vnu111y g1v1nc l&JI rehf'f to corporatlona 1 ~o t:~l 'IT\" •rt llle wocaJ aupportna of lh1a.. q..llftart .. l'9Wlall Lf'su .!ltotk!N aad Ad,·ertlaemedta of All IUoda BJ' Dae.. of &Ile 8upertor C-rt •f oraace co. IJt Ac&lot1 So. A·Sl70S I .,.~ .. ,,, ·'"u that th,• 111rmber11 rhey •re playtng dt~tly Into lh• whu "l.l>•n~••I thl• ltittiil~tum have han<h of lntf'm allonal benkt'"' Ill-lier c.arora.&a 111-~r a·~ A .. OC'latlo• Member Satlollal Editorial A-.daUon Member or O~e County Newa Service • "" lnl t>nl r .. n trf ht'i nj( ..quitllbif'. •·horn they 'P f'«'ft!Uy duhhNt u 1· .. 11 .. n, \\lwat sugar. <urn and onC' .-c:imomic royallat• "' t"" 11thrr 1trm11 on the 11 .. t or Thie r.port 11 alreauy 1 ..... 1urt1 . r11r1 iri1ft11rnl ruya lly will not be IO I ••IU report furthe.r upon U111 BEN REDDJCK. Pubhaher f 11tf1•rteil. Thr~e 1pon11<1r,. control matttr 1111 the near ulure WllJ u M A.. MOSES, Editor OR.MONO E. ROLiNTR.EE, AdWrt.!•lnl Director 1 ··nough v11to 1(1 preJ!lf!n't tht1lr •la· \'l8ll'OIUJ ------------------------------tu,. ll 1• thOlleo 1trn11 not protect· Mr. IWJl 8arTy ol South Laa"una 8i;BSCRJ.PTIUS llATES : "'I by rrlrC' lllpporu orrnd quot.a.a and Mr . .nd Mn f'. Pa t.rno o< Newport Kar'9r se ... 1•,_, l'wloe "eek.l:r tha t ... 111 11Utfrr. Remove all ,.... Santa Ana were ta to n.t me hi 0na,. t:o..t7, M.ot ~r )'M r : "·"° .t1 moe.; ••M tbrM ~ 11tr1('tlC1na on rotton and au~ar Im · durtn1 th~ J14U1 w~k and I rrn- 0.talde •f O~e (.'1D1u1ty 11.CIO per ,_, pe•rll and In ten year1 !ore11 n lm· J07ed &ttUI& \Mm ""'Y muclll.. Farmer McCabe Writes ... J an uary 27. 1955 Accordm t o a ll the health ads I've been readin h e re lately. Fat People are 'spose to be un·h('althy. F or all I kno w they may be ... how some ever . from a ll I've aeen of Fat People. I've com e to the co nc lusion that un· doubtedly they're tbe Happiest un-healthy folks I ever aaw. • I a ll righta rel!'rved I [] " ... R emind me in the m orning to h ave the rNll estate man put 'by•appo intment' o o t he 'H ouae open tor lnapect1on' advertieement , , , I r I ;f \ .. hearsal are (L to R ) Mrs. Vernon Edler, 120 Via Quito, chairman ; Cub Scout Gary Magner, little Nancy Nick- ertz, Mike Ohler, Mrs. Norman Hagen and Girl Scout Patsy Obert all of Lido Isle. -Staff Photo Secretary of the P rayt>r Bruktut Gr<'ur of the lnto>rn11t lonal Co I for C hr ht11m L..u dH!!hlp In w .uh gton, D. C'. L Prayer Group C'Ompoaed of U. S. Re• t'INtnl lvn ·.- Congreasman J amee 8 . Utt I ht'Ars Inspirational tal.ka out Ide ( R·28th Diet.\ waa t>le<>ted to eerw llJW'&k cn H Wl'll u by mem bt'r ot aa .ec~tary for the year l.9r.~ of the grolfp . . ~~~i I E L E CT 0 N E 1 :4..., _,=tf=jJ .., .. Ji ~ L .. iii -~ . ~ ""tl!U ,:\~~1~~ Sclecto~ rolors plu~ Old Co lony ~ d t'pt'nd11btlity mean long-lasting. new bt·auty (Of your home. And Sd('("tont''s 408 rotors !\Te prt'·h:irmoniLC'd for rure rt'sults, mat.:t' color selection simpll·' Thi<' C':lr, mClrt' tli.111 ('\•('r, protect "hnt . \~1t. li,1vr with Fine Old C olony paints. · Call on us tocfay. \\'c'll L>e glarl to hl'lp you. --:::::='=""-.J Crown Stamps I:. T "'!'!ii'Si.miiT El!!!W 1-N K-L E1 a ·I HAADWAR~ i. 1K02 Newport Bh·d., C~ta Mesa Llllf'rtl K-8426 l+o---.JPHfiH~~f'JfiH-;A'WES of Newport Beach are shown aboard the Furness luxury liner Qu~n of Bermuda just before sailing from New York Harbor. The two-week, winter vacation cruise included Port-au-Prince,. Carta- gena, Cristobal and Havana. Lowe is administrative vice commander of the United States Power Squadron. Furness Bermuda Line Photo ~~~........_._...~_.,.._._...,_1--t~ftildren Will COllect Dimes on Monday March i . Lease ·Expires APRIL 30 WEEKEND C of C Women ·Set Garden Tour Sp1111~ .:11111 .. n tou r Will b1· hl'hJ April 30 11n1J i\lny I. a ct·ordmt to annuunrt'O'l••nl nf Mr s fl11nr A.n St~w1u L. t't11l!rm11n of I h" \\"<>m<'n " Commit!<'" <'r lhe <"ha mbrr nt rnm- m err•\ un•ll!tr \\"h•>~·· n us-pu~•'N t ht• tour "'ill b.• ,•omlur tP•I Beg111n1ni: as 111 last )•·ur, l ht' sh11wn 11n1I plans at I' n I"° und1•r way fpr ll tea to be 11erved al l'Olll<' ~pot on the tn11 r. Ganh•n.~ ltf•' to ~ 11hown for lh~1r good form. 1(0011 11i<r 11f rolor. un u11ual SJ><'<'llllt'nl! a nd for lhr tr u11e of 11Mt .. r111i lltnlablt• t o th!' roa_.t ~arolrn ---~"~~·Ul. bis..a ~0o .-----G-~...!·~~-1a cbaw·mjO_n- utar fl'atur .. or th" • "mrmtt• •' s nf the t<i111 unll lh<' lh•l,.rt1on or work t11warot b••111111tu-111111n of tlll' the ):aritrns .:ih<' will lw 1H1s1,;tett H11 rbor ArP>t. )1 rl<. l'tl'w111 1 s1111J lly ml'ml>fon1 or thl' !'nmm1tt<'r t hat t h!' hnl'" of theo r o mmtlll'" 1~ ~pet 1al c•h,.1r1t1f'n are "ttll to b•• t ha t th•' tl'llr wait rnmblnP pl• a-i.pJYlintl'<I ~lrll Stewart anil Mr& rrun . ...:u1 nlwn 1u111 m~r1r11t1nn l'•'a"" 11.r" prc. .. hrtmg that t he tour for t hoi;e who nttrn•I wall !(row tn bP Rn 1tnnu11 I 11 t!111r ' • l , 1 J . Plan11 arto bPtnl: mrult' f.,r " bu" nf 1101vf'1 sal anl••re1<t to th.-Hn~­ tn f'1rrulatr thrnughout thr ""'" bor reiwtcnts anu will al.•<;1 altriu.·1 etoppl.nfot •t th•· g11rdPn1< l•o he \'ll'ttnrl\ from nut of t(l,.-n. ·UCLA E xt ensio n Co urse Music A pprecia ti o n • lil Beginning Tl1t>aJay e\·rnang. •"t>b 8, the Unlvt'rlllty or C'lll1forn1>t al Los Angclu • Extenino n dw11oon ... 111 ofter a course 1.n A pprec1a llon t1 &min11 15 1 i>qu1r1't1 F'or thost In· tn ,t'l!lt'd tn Cllllt'ge u nit.a of Wl'lrll, Ult <'laSI! w ill ofrf'r 2 unilJt of col· ll'Kf' work at " rnst of S 18. i\1111." Rt'linfante sta rted her sue· of Contemporary M 11101<' 1.n,.trucl-rl'sl'ful rnrf'er an F:11rope a,. a crl· or of the class, wh1rh w ill mel't 1n hl'lt ""'' hrr i:rr.11 l lllPnt for cnn· the choral muAlc r(l(>m of ~t'wport 1lut·tin11 b<>ca mP 11pparrnt whr n she Harbor High &hool. will bf-~llM start,,d ,. ,ct111t.·nt orl'heMra In Frieda BeltnJante. Ml!!l'I 8Pllnf411te I '\mtHerdarn Shi' .!!oon b<'cam<> 111 Wt'll kJio,,.-n m lh1.s ar('A 11,• r:-on· k nown a~ 1)i .. fll'l w nm11n with d•1cto r of tht' 1'1'centlv lorm•'•J l)r-,h•r nwn <hamti"r nrrhP.!'l l" anc1 11ni:-e rnunty S,vm phnny nn h"J'll" •ub;ll'1Ju1•nth· ,.h1• wi.,. tnv1tl"d lo 11 nd also &JI an out,.ti<ntlinl( •'"11" •·<>n<h art lite 01rhl'~tr11 lfp 111 Sm~· l'OIOll!ll and mul<u·ol<Jl:IJ'I ~· flomAndt> Tht' cl&llll. w1t11·h wall 011'• I un I ~• fturrnl? th•• w i<r •he """ a mt•m- con8eCJ tlve Tut'l'<l.ay rvf'nin11~. 7 ·I b<•r ,,, 1mf>()tt11nt imdrrgrounrl 9 :10 111 f'a talc1gt1PtJ R!o A •h~ 11-ti110n ,.-:1 ••lll'" anot WH~ r11nolemn"•I t o bP 111 nnn -t<'chnu·a l lan>."lWi-:•· ••t th•• f :<hoot. ""' 11 pm i; lfl S\\ 1 tz,.rlnnd la tt'r •r~lhl't l<'l' end nm.llH'al .ityl1>~ uf tn t11k•· 11p h<·r m11:<1c itnd <"nnducl· \"••n tt'm fl'lrary compo!'!•'rs bt'gmmnl'( I tni:: She \\·n11 i:"e~t t'onductor of V.'ilh lhP 1mprios.~tnm1tm of [)~but<-thr Putr h f«ldin Orrhr stra -a Jj." a n•I tnrlini;: "·1th t he J<•ZZ of l n u.-Appo intment for " woman. (ifr~hwln and lht• aton11hly o( ~hi' 1-l hP nn ly wnmAn 11ym- thl' (Ar t that no pN'vlous musical t<lf111~ Sr honl><'qr. ThP •ln1vcrs1ty 11t re~c• 1 ph'!ny r nnol11rtor in hP t'nunlry I Winter Cottone and Taffet.u DRESSES '5" V alues " to $25.00 CIMlnc Out FA\fOl"!I" U~"f; llRAS .... .... ' at Oftf' ShoJl 0n1,· -!?13 So. Broadn·a,·, Santa Ana -- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 Will Cover the Island " NE W P~RT Joete HA R BOR l'I MRS. WINIFRED BARpRE. Society Edito~ • During the Dinner Hour By M RS. M A TT OHER olR. L ido 111le'9 streets and 11tradas will teem w 1Lh pl'•l\Jl act1v1ty nl'Xl Monday even lng . Jan. 31. when ovl'r 40 mothl'ni, Boy Srout.•. Girl Scouts and the older young11tt>rs of the 111l11nd M't out on Lile annual Mothers' MarC'h l.n C'onjunctlon with t he 19~i0 drlve•fo r Lhe Ma rr h of Dimes. Brownie and Cub Scout t roops .;..ill hit the L1rlo t r1ul Monrkl~ a/lernob~· to remind a ll hoUM"· Mt!l\·1 n \\'at~on, J oMc.>ph ~1rkert7., hoCdera to turn on porch UK"hla J osc.>ph Carve'" Georg .. M1rhaud. 11lgnal of their willingness to con'. Paul Butlrr. (;..,,rg" Honf.:' II and tribute to t h is all-important cam· John Cln.!lll. FI ELD WORKERS NEEDED IN palgn. Olh<'r~ wall he l\lllll'i>. f{if'hard DOOlt TO UOOlt l ... Jv.-h111ol, Lynn Will111n1.•, Oa,·1d MOTHERS' MARCH OF DIMES ('Un nmr:hHrll, J.1111t'" .\hutrn11 .. 1 ... '-, C"an\'ai<ning will commt>nl'e an \\'11liam 1(1•111pton, \\'111111111 i\lr ad, M1 s. John \\'. Tubb~. general chairman of the J\'.ew purt ellrnellt 1tt the dinner hour whe:: Smith :\ewbt·1 i y, If \\' 1·awar11, . the mothers o n•I f'htlrlren m11kc J h F" \ • \I ·h •I H ai bo r Ma rrh or Dmws t;a mpalgn under. the direction of the · , I ni.Pp "rg-11,. .. n, '. t. . 1l• • . . door·lC1·d~1r t•alls. L1olo s alt-out R H Kirb\' \I A AN[r·r~ .. ,, ~t ~Jlflf' Ha.~. r>-Bu•tm!#--aftd-Pro~_ a1 ~Wo11M1oJ1'11.-Cub-.-~to -,.n-r,... .,.,butromo n ~-·---k '-' --r · ~-·.·1 · · J. t...>1· 11<'\' i\rn rr:a1Pt \\ hll". whtrh ha.'! hand led thiii work f<>r lha p1u 't 11lx year!!, announl'"ll ab"t 11ranoe c~ount v's voal nf c· 11 1. 11• lh 1 ,. . L" 1 . .,, • " r< tn 1r1 1 an• \.,,-.,.t ~fl'rrtl•')· that t h•• M"thPr's ?.la rch on Ja n. 31 hu bem w <>ll orRamz•··I Sl ~O 0()0. Each LhiltJ wall w eiH llni;: 1 but 111 11till an nt•ed of flel!l workers. She asks that volunteers tdrnt1C1cat10n badges a nn wait br M nlal'l th<' IPlldt'r' m their area and 1010 the porch light brlga1I,• aC'cpmpamecl by o n a11ull. I . •if BP\\""· P-TA m<>l h rrs anrl Girl Sm uts. It that lg lmpn11nibl1· The ma.rch '" a portion of the IngJotts Write ~he uri:es r rople lo tum their porch lights on and gw" all manth·h'llg JWhu mert·y appeal. Fun<lll ra1~ed wall be turned uvl'r l.ot·a l frh·thls 11f Mi 111111 Mrs 1 h••y r a n tu ki.-ep t his vital work going. tn the Ora ngr County Chaptrr o f I Vi<'tor lni:l<•tl uf Li<ln J.<tr httv<• \.\'oni<'n tn charge of the 12 s N'linns of the Harbor ar,.A the l"atio nAI F oundRtann l<>r In fan· I b<•• n l'l'l'f'lvang r""tc-a rd!' r1 um th<' Hre a" fol111111·11 : Liie l"'Hralyl'lll to h<•lp poy for pohn cnuph.• from t'1rnada. ~1 ... ~t l'C'· Mra. Ray Rln•1erknerht, Har. 38110. Prm neula to 8th St ; palll'nt ""'" snd rPM&r•·h in the • n•ntly lhf'y wer" h»ard finm In I' c L 0 s ING 0 U T all MERCHANDISE to • DRESSES • SKIRTS • LINGERIE off • SUITS •COATS • BLOUSES We Still Ha\'e A Good Selection o( ~ LARGER 5 I Z E 5 Blouses-40 to 44 -r>rc-s~-mnr-si.us T81'?. 201.~::. 22'\'z _ J!a (}race S/wp 413 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana .Ju,.t. S or lh of Rankl.n!l Kl l!-1089 In thJ., Lorallon sin<,... Jtl'J ~!rs. H•·nry C'. Va1q;hn, Lab. 8-HIS, 8t h SL t o 30th SL. Mrs c:-mmly l ~·1nnipr11, i\lamlot111, Ca111t d;1 Rose Fl'nton, Hnr. l 170J or Ha r. 3003, 30th SL to the br1rtge; Lt:AD GROl 'P I ------------------------------- MrL RAiph Tandow~ky, Ha~ l~~ L1do l~e. Mr~ GM~e ~ M r& ~ph TM dows ky ~in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • !'trwart. Lido Park; Mrll. Al Horvath. Lib. 8-358 1. New po1 t <'h&rge of the Lido workers with H eli;hts; Mt!<!' Marilyn M1lltr. Lib. 8-2261 or Lab. 8-5774. Bay-Mrs. \'em on Edler &ll <"hief coor- "hn res 11 nd B11y11hore C11mp; Mr11. W. E . 8'lwlrs. Har. 1382\\', c1an11tor. Marching m othe rs wall be B11lbo11 l llland. Bea ron Bay, Ha r bor Jl!land ; Mrs. C. E. C hap· Mmes. W. 0 . Kreiger. Hugh man. Har 2631J or Lib. 8·4433. Coron11 del Ma.r and lrvlnt' Plum b, Norman Hagen, Pi>rry Clark, J. I... St.awlcki, C. E. Va n-Trr r11C'e; i\lr11. Marion C. Dodd. Har. 3608M Corona High-dervort. G. I... McCla.ire, J . R. Ca r - _18n11,. and i\lrll. Jr~111e Hilt. H ar 3640R l'lr Har. 23~9. Shor~ BOn, w. s. Me.uenger. Don Edler C'lltfs. J . E. Gouvtan. Em ery Han10n'. Wilcox Son Born ~fanne T Sgt. and Mrio. Ber· narrl W ilcox of Costa Mesa on J&n. 16 tw•·ame pn rents or a son at Co· rnna Nava l Hosp.Ita l. FINAL WEEK CLEARANCE .J < > -I "'ee Ryans Have Gir l Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan of 1603 Haven P lace w1>komt'd a baby glrl a t Hoag H041pltal Ja n. 21. i'>.9a to I 0.95 SKIRTS -c1-1n• 8.H to Ul.96 •• '3" Rou.rlt! f:\'f'al~ S 4 85 BLOUSES .. 1•1nc at SPORT SHOP . . . ',' All Sales final WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SAL .E ! . FINEST QU~UTY NYLON HOSIERY 66 gauge--:-12 De nier Very Sheer Kant Runs ~ Black Heels Outline Heels 3 pair for $245 Next to Safeway Costa Meta ' , last weelr .. ~I ends saturday HUGH J. LOWE & SONS 67th ANNIVERSARY S LE bro/ten sizes -selected groups HART SCHAFFNER & MARX AND OUR OWN SUITS LAST · WEElt' JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS SPORT COATS LAST WEEK SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR remember: e FRIDA\" A..'lw'D SATl 'RDAV ARY. LAST DA\"S e FREE VALIDATED PARKfNG AT 5th &: BROADWAY e OPEN t"RIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. Hugl\J. We & SoNs CLOTf-llERS t09 W 4T• ST. SANTA ANA_, CAL.IF. ' • t • USC Cl1oir to E11tertain lln Anaheim I PAGE 2 I . PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 'Yo'utl1 Sttnday THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 . I ,, ... ,.<1,,n 1111t1 F"rr1I !':t lllini11 ri-nd· l.11. "'" s. 11J1 1ll <' 11, .. , ~hannt1n I I I \Ill 1• 11 .. n I > j,. I\ 111.: 111" MANl'EL :'IJ-:(;~:J... WITH <.:ARLA. a ward of Children's Home SociC>ty, personifies warm. frtl'ndly ~taff r,f Hrlnptinn ag<'nry. Siegrl is tri-county area supervisor, w ith hradrJ11<1 r'tf'r~ 111 !'ant::i Ana. I "The A Capella Choir of the t:n1vers1ty ot Southtrn California I wfll be pruenttd In a dtllghtful prog-1 arn on Friday even1nr. Feb. 12.5 a t 8:30 p.m. in the· Anaheim I Un)or. High School auditor ium. Anahtif1l. Alumnae and the Marywood, A uxilia ry or the Marywood High School for Glrla located at 407 1 West Broadway in Anahtirn are 11ponsorlng thl3 renowned croup of I 11ln1era. under t he chalrmanablp •~it.l,lr.c,::,;.:~ or the ways and means committee Mr,, J ohn A. Larson. 724 North Clemtntine St.. Anaheim. heads the Marywood Auxiliary way11 luld ' 1 mean& committee, while Mias Mar-, J~rle Monnlg. 6 07 North Lemon S:. Anaheim. 1s In rharge of thl.6 I comm1ttre for the Marywoo;t I Ah1mnae. I All mu11lc patro ns are asked to I remember thla Important date, Feb. 2a a t 8:30 p.m . and plan to be pre11Cnt to hear the magnlficlent voices of the USC A Capella Ch oir, which Is dirl"cted by Dr. Ctlarlu C. Hirt. I • OCMAA Group Hears Attorney J ohn Allen , Los Angeles attor· ney t1pok• recently on "Malprac· Uce" to over um member• and guuta of the Orange County Medi· cal A111l1tant1 Auoclatlon. gather· ed tor a dlnntr meeting a t the I Anaheim Elka Club. In re1ponae to aucgutlona for ahorte.r bualne11.1 meetings. Preal· dt'nt M11ry Kinn prepared a run· c!own or boarcl-meetlng J'l'Oposat11. MISS BARBARA BRICKEY Vard V. Stockton Photo Miss Brickey to be Bride HOW NEWPORT AUXILIARY AIDS UNWED MOTHERS Foremo11t ot the 195.5 program 111 the annual meeting of the Cah· form& M,.d1cal Aulstan ts Asaocla· lion at San Franci11co. April 30 end ~!av I, ut which tlmt M n. Kinn. A~ahelm. will be seattd a11 prt>1<1dent or the l!ta te UllOC'lallon. Thr i.tate executive committ"t! When a small group of friends was invited lo luncheon nnct boar<! of directors met rerent· al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth William Brickey. 212 ly at th,. Hotel Laguna and an· Via Quito, they learned that inspira tion l or the. event was nounced thet. the 11tate a.MOc1alion hud been alloeattd a booth at the the engagement of Miss Farbara Ann Brickey to .Mr. Gerald Girls and Babies Cared for Under Sponsorship BOOK REVIEW FOR ZONTIANS ~1ev convmtion o r the California Arthur Fults. son of Mrs. George Arthur Fults of Manhat· llted1c11l A11:,oclatlon. The Oran2e tan Beach and the lat<' lltr. Fult1., County group plans to display Its ··Table decorations revroleo the • pubHcnuons and literature a s Wt'll H } d Th 8!< C1v1l De!en~e meterlal, and to n~Wll. Little rlo8"d pahl!Olll llUr· 0 1 ay eme have mPmbers pitM'nt tD t1nswtr rounded the centerpiece, a bowl or any q11el'llon11 relating tri the As· white !lowers &nrl f rom th .. 11) a for Bridge Tea ~1111-~I C Shf'<•ly, :"\rwp<irt soc1atton anti Its a im8. Oele~stu cord ran to e1tch f'llacf> t!etllng. Fa.\· was onl.v 15, but she was facing an adult and har· l~··ach n 1y hbra1 1an 11nrt mem· to thi11 convtntlon--o.rllt b" llf'll"Cltti Ju 'l wall pulled by the guest, th•' tn Febr1111 y. parMril openect and a hntrt fl'll .:"\ln<'lt('n t ables Wf'le In play at rnwm~ C'Xl)('l'icncc alonc. Fav was t o have hnr child within bt'r Of thl' Zont& Club or :"\eW• t 0 ll . '"-d • the bridge a nd ca na•ta tftll ut SHn ~ J " Plans are 1n the ma.lung for a ou . n wa11 mscn""' nsmp,, ~ ~ " ~ • th \v .th 1 th d 11 . h h d' rnrt Harllnr. \\'Ill rP\'lt>\\' two f th d I A Co Cl b T bl 8 mon . 1 ess an a o ar In er purse s e arrive Mothers' and Daughters' banquet o e engace coul' e. ta na untry u . a I' tteo- a t a bcach city from a small town in Wist•onsin. S he tried rurrenL books ton ti;:ht when m :.tay. to int·lucte both molheu The bride-elect was gradu1tlf'd coratlons were g•y rl"d pyracan- dt>Sf\C'rat<'ly to <>'Cl a J·ob. but no one would hare her 10 hcr lhr rtub mttts at t he homf' anti daughters nf medical a1111lst· rrom Alhambra Htgh School wherP t ha b('rrltll, poinsettl&I! and tllll r-M Mr s J11mt!> R11y 1n Coron& ants she wai1 P rom Prlnct'N<'. social (••n<llll'>n 1 girl went home With her a rlopll\'t 1lrl ~fal' · The next regular m eellng will cha1rmon or the Student Body and green laf't'l'S. carrying O\'tr !lrimr· F111ully ~he took hl'r rrohlem l <) p11rent.11. e couplt who could n<'H r br hrld fallowing a ctlnnf'r at T actJ\'e in oth,.~ club11. She 111 pret1· 1 thl.ng of the holldHy 11eason Mr11 a <111.-trir in .:"\ewport. ll was t hr have rh1ldr<'n or thr11 uv.·n They "\\'cimlUl I rom B('rhn;· an p.m .. Tuesday. Ftb. 8 at t he Im· en Uy a sophomore at Mt. San T. V. Page anrl M n Theodore •"• n nrt lime t11m ng her preenancy not only toveod thtlr 1tdoptf'd 11nnnymou11 11crounl of condl· pena l Reataurant. Garden Grove. Antonio College. Cage poured. 111111 Fay had medical attention. daul(ht.er. but they could p1 ovi.ale IJ(i:is in Bt'rlin al lhl" lime the All i:irlR workiag In docloni' of· Mr. Full~ atended Unlver111ty o( Mn. F rt.,man Kinzie was chiur· 8 111 Ill' w31< unable to heir her her with opport11nltlei< her l~·yr11r-ll11:<s1ans entt'r"d the city tn ''""~. nurse!!. rectpUonla~. book· c aUfomia, Santa Barbar& camp· 1 w1tt1 f" nlllrm~ ''' lihCltPr, ho11pl· old mother nevt-r could. I 19~.'>. will bt• the rir11t book kePperi<. laborat.<>ry and X-ray us, wht're he w8t1 erflllated v.1th man, Mrio. Lee Metzger and Mrs. t:1l17.al 11•11 1tnd In working out 1 Fay 111 typical of thl" uriwed 111'.«nbed. Thll4 will be fQllow· technicians ue Invited lo atttnd. Sigma Alpha Epllllon. HP hu been M. A. Llndlt>y v.rre hol't e:111es. fut Ur• 101 her!ldf 11n•t the ba by. mothr n1 served by t he Ch1tdrf'n'1 l'•I by a n omlllllO): bOok by 01nnr r rPAt'rvatlons musl be m8dt in lh" U. S !llavy for 8t'VPn Table prlu11 wtre boxts uf nntc Th• .tu.-!01 tnl·I hrr lh,.r<' WM a Home l'ociety. Thl1< yt>1H the adup· l<lllh ~tcKmny cnllrd "Far. by F riday, Ftb. • through Mr&. monthA a nd 111 pret1ently Atatloned pllper. ptt\'RtC' 111;rn!~' that hntt no re:il· u on 1rnct parent·counMllng n1ot1•nc-y, F11r from· Hrimr' Lorraine Gullckl'on, !'.>26 West 17th at Monterey. -------------- 4'>-n•·e ,..qulrem&nl.a .&n4 would I IJll"Olll{h Ila-el•·IU of.t.u:u... in-Ul._ °'' a.-"'"" ,,,. dd d t h be t " ~ ...... ta.~._ .. o we ing a e aa en,se , Ill\• hrr lrit'nillv 8NllAtance. With 1tate. will htlp mor,. than 1000 ---------------------------· ---·=--~ hrr h11pp~· • Onl'ent. th• lloclor rP· 1 naturol parent.~ in pta nnin1ot for • f,.rr"tl h•r '" l hr rh1hlr0n'io lirimr thrir <'hlll1ren.1:1cconhng to ::;1Pgel. HIGH SCHOOL P-TA TO 8 w1rty. I Se\'tnly pt'r C'eDt of tht'l!C pnrt-nts, B11t Wh!'ll "''·'· 111:-1 met lhe like F11y, bear a chlltt nut or wc:'d· 11111 l<'I~··,. tn·• n11n1y <hrt'• tor, M11n· tock ~,:.' .. ~::,."\,.~: :~:riu~"~~,/::ra~: SUl h ·~:l~~t;~:::~ mnlh·I HEAR EXPANSION PLANS She hmtn't n.a.te ur h•'r mind to en 18 made poulblf', Siegr l po1n1. Cl"<' h• r h11hy ur rnr 11clopl1on and rrl out. only brc11u~e nf the "ma11t· •h· do•ln 1 " • .,,! ""r f''lr<'nt:o 10 b,. n1f1rl'nl work · or thr women's tnld a11x1ll1u 1u In t hr tri·rmmt~· 11rra . !\.ATI H,\I, l'·\tU,!\.T~ It \\II~ thr Nl'Wfltlrl Httrbtir AUX· Life Memberships to be Awarded Teacher, Parent S1egl'I r,·a11,,ur•"I 111•1 lh..it the ' d1arv lhul 10 19:)0 1n1t1111ri1 th•• a~· Illy l' \\• l k \\1th II.• I hrnti< ·~ fun1i I•• rr11v111~ nl'rtl\' 11nw.·<I kcJ•I m .. 111<1 •'•l 11mfi.I• nn II• mnt he1 s "1th ho111-1n,i: l!•od. pn· t xphun• •I 111.11 "hit· • 'h1ldn n 11 1 ""'' :Tit'•llra l c111,. 111111 h•"f1ll&hza . T h•' p1npo,,..•d n• '' h i:h '" h1•ol Wit!'< MlbJCll or d111cuss1on at the Hon11 :--... 1• I\ 1• .111 a do1J" '"' 11i:• n-11 .. n The monc•\' 1" mail•• hv thr h<•al I m• ... 11n~ 11! the ;'\"" P"' L Harbor l'n1on High School Pai <'nl· cy, 11 \\111!1 \\lih 11.1·111:.J 1·11 • nt" .111x1lu11 \' thr"H~h th•• h. m·1'1t• n T1 H h~r ,,\,.,., 1ul1•in. htld 1 n )londay , J 11n 21. Mr:<. J.P. Sutherland, ''' I · !r 11.. "•kt> th• hN•t plan -r"n .. ,r~ 1n the Harbor a 1t'\1 To1· f'·TA pres1cltnt, and )11• rhr·1111tt1 1-~1 0.•t will 1eprt11rnt the P·TA "n rnr 1111 tr'""'• ""'' lh• • h•t.l A l· otav the 11gtncv'11 ,,ft1ce11 in every 11-,. Cillz,.n•" l omn •Ill• \\ h,• 1 v.111 m<"'t Fl'b 1 a t 7 p m. at Oleo h igh lllO>I h.itt •' 11 .. 1.:.:11r 1 1 •1•nl• ,1r•, hll\• ,<t11h 11 funol, thunk:-••h""I : .. ,11,,11,, 1 , ibl• ,..'I'• entl mt'tllooll' r;t finllnctni: thr11111.'t1 lh•· :1g"n• ~ ~ hdl' '"' Hllh Ll"lol p.11t. tri lhl' Pl"""' 11n1; of bsc-h and Clinton Sawin. musical lll r11. Harvry Prasc' g1Hc a rt· pm t fnr M r11. White on the com· mil tft' for improvlnl( r,.c1 eatlon11I f1tr1lltlti<. whlrh was 11rprovt>!1 by thi' boarct. Mrl'. Harold \\'lll11ry of thr• v. ays nn I mtan-. •'Offi"llltee ~t:ilt'<I th111 $7~1(1 worth or &d\'l'I· t1~1ng W&ll l\U)d for tht d &i<S ph1y anrl 1hankt'd th• local mr rchll1lt• for their cooperation. to I• •k• •·r 11 .. I'·' I •Ill• t I 1111 II 1, ;-.""Pott Aux1har} Al the l•'Jll_'lar f'·TA_ .11.1•rt 1nl;' c·ont:.ct ~I r:-. Harold Kmpr. LI ch1l 1 \ti· 1 • , lo.oh\ • ,.,, .. VJy \!" H Pavnl' Thav.. 111 ~•· on Tur~ I.I\ 1"h k Al ' .ln rm· 8 2 bo IM B rt W bb coul I :: .. d« "'' I I. •·U> I whrtht'r do nt ~·. thr . ~tety,; .''('\\ IV\ft P rtn1 1ral !-1 !nr\' II )l.1nl-n \\'Ill : 67 •·r ~!rs John Tubbll, Har r rs. e e I " -.... p ·' , •. 313t·R Contnbutflrs 11houtd leave to lo•r1• h• r hilly " 1 tit•' •l for H111 lMr Auxiliary !Ind n lrndrr 1n nd•lre:cs lh" 11"' "11\' ' H·ii t>or porch hghlJ! buming. aflup111.11 :'11•1:· I. 1•11.1•h 1:-.~"d I hat l'~lllh\IJthin,i: t hP fllnd [ol R. Iii l)f'Nl.V H.1.~h Biii~:~. 10' =-'• 'l'.ll: (lllthninit is Honor Guest thr ""' "" 1,. 1 ,,., 1.,,). h·r· mnth•t¥ l'>ll\'li 111111 h·~au.-.c ••f lhi!'1 1•.1~on~ \\h\ 11 """ .hrpol mul!t Thf! Blood Barlk, tor which the at>lf 1,. i:rrun ... ~ g r, 81 number Clf ·i;.rl• •hnrtly be. 1 ••n.-tn•r"d n!'rd la 11lwlly• gTeal, will bt1 at the ~1··i:1l llllJI ~"' I• rMy to h \l' :I · Munl ~ :11.t 1111\.llY frno1 the HO~llf< T\\O . A merican Leg1on Hall. l~th St. on Anniversacy w1111 ~I r und ~Ir> i: ll mit'ldll"· 11111 h"r Rr~a h"'" hcen llbll' tri L1r1 mcmb• 1 ·h1p.• '"II br ll\'Jrt1· and Bay Ave .. on Friday, Feb. 4. ag•"I , .. 11pl• "'t ... h 1,1 1 1:•rl1 thrrl' 11: 1, <' lh~lr hahir,. rroprrly ·"<I r •t one far11lly m.-mbl'1 anrl nn' from 3 1.0 1 p.m. ll ~advisable lo chll•li . , : · h• 1 "" Th<'y 1m ., 1 h gualr<I ,.~l'••tani t' 1 r111 rnt to bt' h11nr? "" fr.r 011bt>111ll· make tin appolntmrnt in advance m"•h>1•· h 1,,. " \lorn an•! Srttng ,; i..irl thi .. uirh l.rr mi: wc.rk w;th ~-11nc I '•'PIP 1!•11 · thro11i:h th.-An1rnr11n Rl"d C'ross, "DA I 1 .. r 1'. :-: •• ).:•I \ .~1 ·r.i \\ l'h Jlrf'L•'•••I h .. 111 111 nr('tl ·•r•l h1 11 .ri:; 1ni.: \hr f'A•l \I ... Th· ht·· 11\l'ffi· Hin hnr 186.'I. Hononng ~tr11 Bert W rbb. wife ot th.-rity r nirlnrer, Mr11. R. T. Huhbl'll. 434 ~11n Bl'mllrdlno A n .. cntcrtalne<I a l h<'r home with " The ·Time - NOW! THE PLACE L<>11r thu"r 1 'CllA poun•I" a 1t•l tn<'hts -be ,rudy fdr your Spring toge. It ·s lat"r tha.n you think ' ' ~ Com" 111 anti d1oe u"s '' o 11 1 F I g 11 r !' Prublt'lllll \\ 1ih 11~. F'rt'!" t''Cptenntnry tr"11\mrnt l"I al"'a' s g1\·rn to cvr1 ~· lai1y \\'ho raJl11 a t nur Salna. Thrre 111 no ol.1tg1111or Phone Harbor l'H2 for appoln~nt 111 7 E . ~t Hl.-.. y C'orona dt l M.a.r OPf:l'\ E\.ESISGS at COM Church I · \' .iut t: Sunday "11! '"' llh:.4'1 , .. td at Con1m11n11y .Cht:rch t\111 n11 'drt Mar, Jan 30. Th~ P1li;11n1 F"1· low~hlp mrmbl'r .. will p1ut1\'lp.1l~ 1' '\ ' r 1' . \\ U\ • • • : ' l • UH ... , \ n 1..., 111. '·''''' \I Ill ~l'<'fl• • ·1 llu• 'l'n· ., 1 '"~ Jnri111·n•·r 11.c• 1 'h 'I'' I Chc.u: " 11 !11116? lhe 1.11 'It ·u "' 1h1:11 ~.\ ,.. .... , ... nn.t th• A1l111t l 'h••ll' l\'llh thr .I 1,r111•r Chou,.. ''di ,..1111: \) L.>111 ~l11d Holy .. by ~MA URIE STANLEY Announ1·es :'\E\\' LOCATI0:-0: of T'~E STANLEY INSURANCE A.GENCY 331~ Eut Co1111t H1ghw10y Corona lif'l Mar OPENl!'G Feb111a1y l. 19~~ l'\EW PHO~E HAltBOR Mi ' GIFT OFFER EXTE .NDED IY llQUIST OUI tlfT onu ts nmeoo nu flllUAIY 21, ltSS y.., ..... M "'-,,..... -ef • ,_...,. s..1-f'-"4c .i.. ... Clec~ •h•• 1•• ., • ., ,.., ., •• -•I ef 11.000 .,, -•· II'• ,_ .. .,... A .... ..i .......... lolllfel411,...,. free •"'•• r•• •P•" revr ••• ....i,... _ ....... "°°.,, -·· (Aveileb&a la .i-... led-r'• .. _,,., t~I GET YOUR Gin NOW! ANNOUNCING Interest paid Q\IOrterly on Full Po1d C.rtificotil Sov11\91 Accounu Morch 31 , Jwn• 30, Septe•ber 30 ond December 20 (in "-f~ Chriatmo1). ........ ..., , ...... ,ti ...... c ........ sm.,a: l ...-Y-....... --· ~'\. .__ • ,.... 11 lhe cw,....trote. 2. \'eur Mvl,..a •re Mfel fodl OC-It --.. S 10.000 by Ille fecMrol So""'9' ..-41 l-n lt\lwronce '°'"°'""°"' 3, y..,, .... In .. we C9ftVettlefttl Yov tl'Oy ..,,,. by Moil IOO -· '"'"••• you 11,,. or worlo - poy POfloO• both woys, 4. y..,, •«OUrtf ........ tty .... I 0th of 11\e "'°""'· ..,,,.. '"'••H• fro"' "'9 1,1 OPIN YOUlt ACCOUNT NOWI r 11y rrr•111111ll.' II; 1•11 lwr r t Ill" h•I 1 .. "•lnhh:oh hrr•rlr 1n II nr11· b'l'lh1rs \\'Ill he rn· •nl•d m lhr r TEAM.'1 t •t:n cnm11111111'' 1· -.11111•r~ 11v111lnhlr 191 m11l hf(' 11f1.,rw11rd 111 :i ,.,.rv 1,.. n11m1>5 an1I will g 11 t••w1111J !ht' •lllle Thllnk• wPrr PXlrndl'd to :'Ifni, canasta lunch~n. Mr a.nti ,Mra. F a v 11 '"' "11,l•'il to k··~r hrr w"rohni: ,.,.,rrnrnr·,. f"r rh~ wnnirn ~rhlllar~h1r fllntl "11111b11tP1I o,v Stinllt'I \Vhil" fr om thr high \\'ebh "ere n•I• b1 a l1nj: their 1111· bnhy a nd""·'' i:1n11i: "I' 1-rr ha· of lhr ~l'\\jY•ll Hnrhn?' .\u~.h ll\'.'l lh•' J'·T.\ 101lh•·l'•·1-'lll!= mto the 8'-hnril fr;0tbll ll cnarhr:o tor hl'r ,.f. ·\•Pr wedding &nnlvt1111ry. IUld l NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. by fill >1•ll•pt11 r. \\HUI•! mrt1n tn l ~l rl'. Thavri l'Alll. lt> 1ch1ng p o(f."•111nn T hi! hPnorary fort• '" rnn1dlng fO(li1 artu th~ ta ll!., ""corat1on11 wPr~ kl'yi-d to hr r •llld 1hr ~Mid. • llfr mt'mbt'rl'hlp ch1.11rm11n 1s )trl'. l ll mP!I rnr tmth tram1t This hU thr t hl'mP. A'f' gift from hn i-tw rnn1 111urtt '' 11 h 1 h,· 1<1nc1ly IS A t l ' F ' l Rnhrrt <'nlh!>. 11•:o<\l't rol hv Mr11. hrlp"rl lo rrnmnti> itriod fef"llnit frlenc11t, Mr11. Wt'bb ruf'lved " l'll· I l\ll"WJ'<"ll 1)n1l"r An•I lhl' ~fll ll't~· ee us ra la } ffi Ho11'1ltl l:jriy\'1\', ~ltl' }lenry 1-:°X · b•l\\l'i'n th'°' lrllm• llnct othPr Vl'r mnnry trtr mail, pl,rn .. for Fa y'1> bt1by tn br Tuesday Evening i:• • l 1U11l M1 1t 0<-nn1!I Hr01:l11n°1 si-hnnl~ 8r,. b .. r .. mtn~ lntrrrllted PrCMnL to enJny the hoapltah1y j d,.JI\, I <'ii .11 "' prl\·at" local hni<-1 llthrr h1ghllght.s nt th,. met>t ini;: In thf' 111,.,1 were '!'-1mu. Wtbh, W illiam War· rit.11 But ti b•llll '4'1'T<' 1~w1 ''-'' 1 he , . Tr.wrl .Ser ti.•n ot E b• II Cl uh Ill 1 will hi' m1111lr by thP l .. nrkrltrit, Thi' I'· TA hmirrl ex rr~rcl It~ nerkr. Ch ff Vamn. Robert Ohr·, 111c wty frnm (Un.ls pru\'IJl'd by Lhe I rroml11tn g R 11 rnl tri membn11w1th )lrlodt~I ~. a nd lhP :.tnlr Ort•t. rh· p · l h11nt, Frt d Culb.-rt~on. Mar11 New · wom•'n ,,f the ll l!Pn<'\''s :-;"''port Qu11nt1:0 A1rhn"'t1 C1lm of A1atral111 I 111 let1 l'I\' llt 111i1 )l11r1P Hlf'h~rh 8l'rr••ri 1llon for 111<' Christmas l11nd, P11t R11bb. Ooyl., Cravena. I H1111l••r ,\11x1ha n It wlll "" r rr:of'nl .. <I 'I'llrllllily Ft h "OTllF.R~ 'L"R( H rroi:ram to )!HIS Zatha TaUma.n I Le11 Nolt~ C'..-orir" ~lnnPy, F.1~ !:"' ,. l•1rlh 111 11 l rruy Ill· l Al 7 :lO pm. In F:bell Clubhou~'" I T h• )l.,th11~· '.\!nirh. tn "n· crio11ll nator, and MISll Man e Hie· Carl MrCulla h. tic g,'1 \\'hu .•h• ldt the ho~· :')tr, R:ilbo11 Rh·d Mr:o -.~nt1•l11n1•r l nr<tl•>n \\It h 1he :.l arrh of 01111••.'l,1 --: p1t 11 1-,.,. 1.1ur.1cu ~"'t he B. fam· Je)red, 11rrl1on chalt n~an. ln\'lt,.~ will tak<' placr :.to ndoy Pve11111;:. =·-------- lly , 1 ... c ... , a rrnm her orde.U. Uie public to 11ttend The film 1s JM 3 1. from 7 to 9. Anyone wll'h· F R I' · )leo11,\\l .. !1' h•: hub)' .,1tl was carrd !!Upflllt t1 by J ulia Hyf'tt'. tnll to \'OluntcPr Ill! " ht'lfll'r 0111\' ur esty ln9 for h\ 1.111• • I th• l'u1. ll'ty·~ b<>nrd· '"I 1 11mlit ~ 111 llnni:e C11un1y, • y1111ni:: 1'• Uf It· "1th twn -n 1111 C'hll- dN'n nf I ""•r owll l.IKt: .\ 001.l. \\ hr n I '11 n.1 hv \\'II! 11 month nld Fa" n~kr<I ~1.-i:~I If 8he could att hrr h:ihy ~1rs;:1 I !'111tl. 11( f."nur~e. 1t .. ·a11 h'r hnh~ Fa~ playt d w ith the llltl1 girl lnr almMl nn hour, "a Chllf't rla)'lll!: \\'Ith A !11111 ·• !':ltl!'el n caJJ:<.. "!'he IO\'e•J h• r bahv 80. Shr "antr1I to kl'f'P hrr. but l'hl' rPt1hzed 11 \\C1Ult1 t>;o unfair to the bahy F ny w11ntrd to iro b8ck hM 1r, rrturn 1n I'• h1wl, makt p!'llCI' 10>ilh h• r pRr•'nl•" Fay 1uirnr·I a rrltnq111:-hm• nl., 41"1\'Jnj:' thr hah\· Uf' lrg111ly rr-r a l.lopnon. A 111;>1.t h 111 tl'r tht-bl\bY SPECIAL! D ur\111 th.I" •IM'k putnd "e 1''lU' rf'slyll! your nutmodf'd tl'lr roal lnle> a amart Stole or Clutch Cape s59so SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY S08 ?!forth Broadway , Kl~2 Janualy CLEARANCE LAST CHANCE TO SAYE •2000 On Nationally Advertised SERlA HOTEL SPRING & MATIRESS 1 !(AU: PRICI: .. reCJ. 79.50 59'5~ LAST CHANCE TO SAYE •3000 t-IA U : PlllCt: on Famous SIMMONS DEEPREST . SPRJNG and MA nRESS reci • 99. 50..-7995 LAST CHANCE TO SAYE • 4000 t;AU. PB1( .• ~ on12x15 NYLON a"d VISCOSE RUG r•CJ· 159.00 11900 other sizes at . savings 2620 W. Coast HiCJhway comparable Newport' IHch Liberty 8-111 3 ,I \ ' ' i I I I ' . • Child Sex Training P-T~ Lecture· Topi.c ,....,. The problem of .eJt education I made for the care of pre-achoo! for childr1>n will ~ dltcuaud by children durtnx the umr the lec- Mrs Alm a O. Green on Friday 1 ture is In progrt•as, NEWPORf HARBOR NEWS-PRE'SS - PART 11 · PAGE 3 THURSDAY, JANUARY 27. 1955 Tea at Orange for Retired Teachers Calltomla Retired Teacher• A.a· 80ClaUon, Orange County Dlvlafon. will hold an lnfonnal tea on WC'd· ""~'lay. Frb Z at 1 :10 pm In th• f:{i1:1copal r hurrh. 21~ l'••Uth Orar I AVl" •• O ntni;<' Mra. \'a n,,:elana ·Rainey. ptt~I· dent. hu arranget1 tor a lll>f'-&k• r and mu111rnl r roJTllm fn1n1 Chai · m¥1 Collei; ... al 9 11 m. a t the Main Schoqj. J Al the last ll'cture. J.trs. Green Costa M&. This will be the third poin ted out the nectss1ty of con- lecture prut>nled by the p . TA of I sltlency and aecurtly tn rC'laUons the> Costa ~1esa. ="e"1>0rt Beach with rhildren. An a ttempt ehould. and Corona del Mar schools. I ~e marlc to r·11111• the ll'Vl'I Cl( cun- M rs Green will du;cuss parental trol from that ot force and coer- ,allltudts concerning ~x. ntces· c1on to one of 1dc>11ll111l). tfr.. Creeu ~arv mrormatlon that ahould be, stated. -· giv~n .anll readmJ ref!'renee~ for I CommlttC'r. membc·rs who have parents and r hildren. au1sted with the> plannlnjt ot the ~lorP than. H O parente attend· M'rie11 inclu<U ~tra Jac k lvrrson. ed th~ last lecture by Mrs. Green ! Mr~. Helrn Lum11x. ~trs. Andtr· at the Main School and an even son. Mrs Vrrn Lthenthnl Mrs. MISS MAR 'f ANN MOREY Richard Se~ley Photo Morey-Bailie Troth Told PARE NT EDUCATION LECTURER -Mrs. Alma 0 . Green. ccnt <'r. will speak Friday on sex education for children. The meeting will be held at 9 a .m. in the audi- torium of the Main School, Costa Mesa and is being sponsored by the Costa ~tcsa, Newport Beach and Cor- ona del Mar P-TA's. Committee members shown above arc ~1rs. J ohn Neff (left) publicity chairman and Mrs. Dennis Hogland. P-TA Council president. PENINSULA WOMEN Plan Dance and Swimming Classes Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Morey of Torrance are an-Thirty f ive members of the w n-In favor ot sflch a proJtcl. nouncing the ('ngagement and f orth-coming marriage of their men's DaviMon or Peninsula Point ~leelangs ot the gmup are lo be daughter. :'.\l iss ~fary Ann ~forey, 113':: Apolena A\'e., Bal· A;;soc1allon mel for ;\fond11y morn· held every t wo month~. it was de-. c1ded. boa Island. to ~Ir. Will Bailie of Santa Ana. The bride-elect ' Playgroun<1~ \\We a lso talhd mg coffee al the home of Mrs. ie presently a-teacher in the Corona del Mar Elementary about. one bNng nttdrd on thC' Loul11e Oa1l11gher. Enst Balboa Srhool. ShP "ai. i;raduated from Angeles Athletic Club swammang point. members ff'lt. P lans were Blvd.. chairman. DiscuSJ!lon cen· d l f I tered on a supper dance to be Un lver1<1ly or Southern Cah101n1a 1 t ram. m11 e to i.et up 1 e saving <' al'ses held 111 February or March as a whf'rr thl' \\'ii~ 11rf1h8ll'<l \\Ith ~Ir U111he also rCCt'IVf'cj his di'· ror pClllnsulA children this Slim· means Of allowing membcra O( tho Kappa KJPI'" Gamma ShP was gi·ee u om L:SC \\h.-re h•' ,\·us ... cc· mer. t his umlcr the Red Cros1< association to brcome bt!ttc>r ac- active 1n Tn1J,1n Amazon!<, Wal< u cretary of lnt,•1 -c:olleg111lc Hed Crosa for th· v •!'I Angelu area rt>tary for his fraternity. Phi Ori· program. qualntrd. ta Thl'U1. H <' wn:1 for two veari. IL w1111 .. ui,;gc~led that a r11 .,1 Easter week p roblems were dlS· a member or 111 .. \'IHl'1ty track Ill" ,·Ju•.• 111.-~ b·· •t"rtrd. m•m"~r.• d 1 " ~., ~· , n u < ..,.-n CU~151' • W th pOS!'llblJllles Of con· team. rxprt-si<1ni: thl'mSl'IVl's 1111 greatly lrol and cooperation of citizens. An April weddln~ 111 rl.llnn!'t1 --------------------:..._ ______ _ and wa11 " 111rmbn <if t he Loe BPW Meet Honors Past Presidents Newport Harbor Business and Professional Women honored their pas~ presidents with · a dinner party on Jan. 20 at thf' Nt•wpon Harbor Yacht Club. Gladiolus corsagr11 were al ea.ch place and centerpieces of toasters adorned with calmdul11t1 HnJ snapdr~an.a were Mrs. David L~ S.wansmi's iln8\\'f'r t .. r•r•>l•l•llt ~trs.. H11ruld \1u •ll~lll\l, \\hO, 1151':111.'~l ~1'•'1k1r. B1nJ'~ '' l~h I·• hll\'l' ~vmethlng oklincaLtcJ lhc rnp1d gr owlh ol reah dllll'l f'lll lu l"a."t the put Ul'\\' clubs. Thr l<1q;e atlt'nd<1nl.: yd l ul lhe met~lng lcll no room ror prf'SI l'll >o • MN'. l'aivh ll w,.tJ,•i. a pai.l a p1.ino bul versat1Je ~l rs. \\1ll1111n alall' HI•\\ I{;• M•h nt. guvc ll rea· Cutem11n wh1pr1•J out h"r 11kul,.le ume 01 th• >:""' 111 , 1 the :-;cw· and cntcrtalnl'd w1Lh music in Lindbergh P-T A Plans Duplicate of 1931 Program Students Will Pose as Famo11s Livin g P ictures On !-, h n, 'll i p 111. in the high i;rhool audJtonum. Lindber~h t:Joonwnlll1 v ~L<fl09I P· TA wl!I holrl !L's annual J<:O)rUld.ers' Day p1 ogram It IS hop1.,l lhl'IL former 11tudtnt.'I and thl'lr paro•nts all Wo>ll U long t1 m• I Hawa11an then In Amrrw11n styl.. port H11rb<•r l IUD " lllh \\IU ur-. .. . rr,.hlo 111~ en I n~'-'' .. 111r1l' \\Ill alt• nrl 113 •hr me• tan.i: wall a ll!I) .sen• osmzru 111 1~·.1~ "" i<hr inairnlU\"l'•I followed h) ~.uur ~ing1n1: nl thut . . • • . olll pc·1ennaal Old \hH:Donlad I Ml A I• 1lnlrin. rhr ldth i;1.i•lr rJa,,Jt 11( 1931 \\OS the lll~t one lD graduat· lht fo111;r1 I" 1•:.tll<'llt." • · Ha<l A Fa rm · from tht N:h!M'I 11nd manv r1f I tt11rhers 11nt1 mC'mbers of the bou1 ti l'..\:-.1 (It Hl t.H~ b Mis" .M.ug•i. ntc \\u), ~tr .. L .\tAK.1 . .!\t. .\L\K(.11 tho ~< f"'' pie, tn 1t•ld1uon to romwr of tr:u~tl'P:I will "au.-ntl1ni;: ~!rs fir nr) Hub<'rB, FoumJl'1 ' L. labell. ,\tr~. J ••hn K l'rle<'. )f1Ni ~1111 John W. Tubbs rc>port.ed on I Da y •ha1rman. hnl! prepared 11 Agn .. ,. Uluniq1111>t :11r• Homt'r G t h<' :llorih of Dtnll"ll·l<flfln!'{l rt'•I progrnm 111 whl<'h ><hi' w all rNtrl lh• Loc kha1 t, ~''"· t:.t1 I ::>t11nlt'). :111 .11 )lannt' ;\lan·h·· thrc.ush Corun11 lu:;tuly llf lh<' 1t.uvl iv " .:rour J ohn \.\'. Tubb~ :II r•. l\I. C. She.-dC'I .\111r u nd )la llnet s ~1111' lit rs • or Ill• :,th p ndc c h1l<lrfn Sh< ly, Mrs. G"rtru;Je t'ollver. Mn• .• J. Al l'<•I \ 1<lh ''us congrnlulute1I Jor pomt,, 0111 th.• tn• l u ial lhe &ehco0I P Sulh"rlanJ. .\Ir" B1uce J . canung hN 11•0-hour pin from is th" tol•lo'~t lll hO< .. I bulhhn~ In Han<Jy. ~tu l K \081 ne1 a11d Hosg Ho!lp1l11l A i;urH. a ll•<'tn• Co~ta ~le•,:. ln1tl! an l930·'ll with Mrs. <.:. t:. Ch11~•n1.1n .\11!1" Lilly tier llntl a ra~t J 1c>~1Jent \\On the addllH>nto en I!•:.& ""I IUi& Th• J...a.htt, Mts. H1111 )' \\'1llram..c111 . .lo 11r rriu~ lll 1~~ li<'llY Huf I man Mn1. Vers Cll.opm.m, ~Ira. B\'rl " 1111\'<•r hull• 1 1J111h, :llrs Cvhmnn Morris. Mr.-,\ r.: F1tzmo1ns and •• Stll•bhlr li:•TII<' 1rntJ .\11~. H . G. Mrs. Kobert t \\ 1llmt" \\l're un· Lck1thart A 1111r 01 • rna m<'ntlll able ~o all ~d :It rs. John \\ • 11n1tll'~ Tubbs 'has th<' •l1~11nct1on ot be> m g 1 ;ut>1<1 ~ ..., "' c ~Ii~~ fhrta L.oi;an. I the only •hart"• nwmbtr now a<· :llr~. Olen 1.1,.k ;\11 .... • Grre Bryan, \IVP. Pro.: ram o 1,.111111 .. n .. \11•11 Jr an I :llLM1 t , .. , .. l 'u1~. II, ~lni. DonaJd A. Howell 1nlr1hlU, e,I M1,. Ht.th \'oung. ~I r' J T ~I• Cl11'~nly end Spark.~. p1• •1o!rnt 11( the> San Ur· :1ils:i B1 • ~y H .. 11111 ... n. EB~LL TO PRESENT Musical Duo and Art Show Annlht1 nr1111t11n1l1n,. pH•1:rnrn II' nwzzo Hup11in .. 1111.f h• 1 li<len trrl announrtd hy Ebf'll C'l11b for its j hw1b11nrl. H&rrrr ~hw)<(a~ Reclrroclly Tr~ 11n I A.t t Exhibit I Margi 1 v ;\IH• KRy i, 111 anterprl'l on Thurl'<ln)·. ~~I.I 3 fn Amcric-" famous ope1.1t1c tnlo·i.. m rnatume. lAglun Hall, 1 lh pm Mr!' B111111 J ll1ld numbtr11 frnm n111 ... u·e111ucce111'· Pttc>rson. rrog r 11111 chsrn mM . •~ ts in wh1rh she hilt! played an Lo11 prl'ioentlnJ< a husband An.I \\'llt Anj!rlc:< San Franu1<,·o 11nrl :'\f\\' :lun, bra11ll!11l ~l&rfi:<'I")' ;\l11«Kny. York Stie has bt'< n a. .11111 NI with I ~ARGER \' lUCK.A 1r t hr 1-011 An j::l'lo'!l l'l\'1<' LIJ:ht 0!>"rll. 1 the Oper11 Guild ~nil more rectn~ I ly with the !'ll'nni• l'n .11how c>n telc>\·1~1nn Hiit pPI ~18• Kii,\". p1dn1 ... r. Is II C'Omposer an1I acronipamJt who hu bc'f'n feet111t>1l on Ire !mg radio llnd rv 11h<>w!l Hu orchr~tral an.t cha mber rrtmro111llon• hnve been play~t1 hy Ln1 Ani;tlr1 mu~lc )<lroups 11nd ht llas toured wll.h ~1n1:rr l'11rl Bra.Mon. Hr will gwe mu!1rft I c11nc11ture9 of w.orl1!· famous personalities and Ital ure 1mrro\'1i<allon1 In atylea or \'llr· 1011~ compol!f'Tll on lhPmu 'U~· ~sted from the a udience. I The art aho\t wall be Yt'Ork of 1 I membc'n. m11ny of whom are I ~turll Ing w fMl J n,,n In tn i: Rrnn•I' 1n the Eb. II a1 I "'·' rnroll11111nt in Msu ch 111:.1 wa> :.!32 student~ and 6 1 .. ac..t.l'r • 'fht present enwllml'nl 111 i :!2 "tu•lent • and 2.1 t• nrh• 1 • Th .. f1r .. t l rar.t • pal 11nrl ;.th s:1atle t~"' h1>r wR• ~l rs Emd Jont·~. C Rt:ATl\'E AHT ~!rs J, nc ... " •• H ~·NI' cxp .. nt Ill o! t~w t h:·rr I~· but 11he a lso be· lJl'Vltl lL8l I h.lolt ' tl i.hcrnlol b.i\ .. lh" • 11rurt11111ty l•• explore lh.- C1eld 01 • r<'al1vl' a11,.. in ;\tar. Hill .Mrs J oni ,. r1 ........ nt• l It :lltJlhe1 • D11y p11'l<:t1tm in w l h h th" 1 h11<lr, n partu 1p.1t. ti 1 h• r. wtre (ulk 11<Jn11.•. ti'"'"'~ .onol ll\1.n!, p1ClUrt 8 or well known pninlln>:a po11ed by I :'>th ~rHJ• H11d .. nl• 'fhr ,,.. paint· 1.l'lg;:, \\Pt• A..:1 C•I Jun,1c, n•" I"''''" I r1I h) A IH ,. I I• rnd"n :'nni;t • 1 Spr inj.. lty Bl11n1 ht• ;\I• liht hry "Song of the Liit k." B<"ll' Vier~,. 11tatueo nf lhr Th1nkrr · l..Ullan Wiison. ·Torn "": hy Elm 1 Homcl. "Str11wb('r)' r.1rl." hv Be.tty !\CcC'-0rkand&lt. "Plnky HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 1 Pe rhaps we ha ve the answer Beca use we do everything here cas.a pura "SEK\ lt:t: \\ lTllL"'ll HOl.Klt -Wiii:.." NEJ:Ol:.D" CUl'lPl.J:.Tt; LAUNDERf.88 and CLEANt:RS M.\l<l~t.:K'S IUL.£ SE\\POKl BE.\t'H larger crpwrl 1s cxp.c:ted tomor·, • row. arcord1ni; to ~lrs. c. Orby 1 Prggy Wilder, Mrs. John 'Netr, AnderMln. parent education chalr· 1 Mrs. F. \\'. Scn•ggs and Mrs. J man. Arrangemrnts have been Malcom Reid. MONTH-END Belly Ll<mdcrtop and "Blue Boy," by M11x Virle. TO Rt:PEAT f'l\'f• uJ these pamt1ng1 wall n· gain bl• t1cp1cl!'d by rrrsent :>tit i;rad1'1 !I. ''Age ot lnnoci>nce" by Kerry ~kClelhln, "Blue Boy" by Randy Roberts. "Tom Hat" by Rex Swlnfor11, "Strawberry t;1rl" by Xanry l.aunr. a nrl .. Plnky" by :-.:anry Luc·kert. Help ke<'P your M'lt a.ate wh1ll' , <1r1v111i; by •'Xto>nll111g t o t hose othrr •ln\'t·rs th" ~amt httle· l'OUr· 1es1l's that yuu ext .. nd to your fnf'ndi. in homP nr office 11dy1ses the ~1111onal A11tomob1le Club. SPECIALS! The 1931 ~•lh i:1ade cla..~ was ln Lindbergh thrrc months. then went back to M ain .Scheol for the 6th i:rade Tc11lav the school l:i tlursting Ill tho> ~cams and some rlas5es must attl'nd halt dsy 11e11· s1ons. Jt is hoprd that ttlt!'r the F ebruary electlcm Lmdbergh may again look forward to haVlllg a normal eompltment or children g·olng f,1.111 .<lay 1111 dirt thP rl11ii11 of 1931. BLUE BOY WANT TO SAVE MON~· ON AUTO INSURANCE? 1 Read the 5-poge odvertis•· ' • m•nl on Stole Form Mutual -famous "careful driver In· 1uronce" company-In th• Jonuo 31 Issue of Te k4 ... nau •••• If, ...... A 4••"''· cell ye w• SteM ,.,..,. ..... h INJUIANCI -W. I. LANDIS L. E. CAIRNS 133 ·E. 17th St. Costa Meu U~y 8-1011 NOTARY PUBLIC Table No. 1 Women's and Growing Girl's Pumps, Straps and Oxfords • • • · All White, Black, Brown and Red low end medium heels • • • Values to 6. 95 . • • Cl.oelJia at Table No. 2 Grace Walker and. Hollywood Skooters High Grade Dress Shoes, Pumps, Straps, Ties • 4•s • High, All White, AH Red , Blue, Brown and Blac k •••• l ow and Medium Heels . . . . Values to 10.50 • • • , • C1oalnc at 6'5 Phone Uberty 1·2423 • • • Aslr Any Islander - TREAT YOURSELF TO _EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department SPt;CIALS FOR .IA~. 2i-28-29 Don's Meats t:nfl ( ut PORK CHOPS \\ holP nr :-.hank HAMS ._ ....... -.. --... nrr le K BACON DINER'S. CLUB HONORED AT "' /? tho CJ1,_ . -~ " yrog JJ ·or \'·B APPLE SAUCE Martlvlll'11 Apple CIDER & JUICE :'\lblf'lt'" "} MEXICORN . .£ _ .... :Slblc>U'11 WHOLE CORN R~)I BAKED BEANS . ( b.lrk~n o· !'>l'a GN'f'n TUNA . \\ .... ..on 0 IL .. ... qi. Mary IUICMO Rout BEEF HASH (r.>bbardt'11 "1tll s-n .. CHILI CON CARNE CLOROX •1., .. ,. 29c DICK'I Green Groceries 4 lb. l'llnfllm Bar; 01;u c 101 s APPLES Artznna 39c 61or 29c ...... 2 ,~23c GRAPEFRUIT D'AnJ1111 / PEARS SpecializinCJ in Ci)uality Produce You Select • • • We Deliver Von dt "4m~s fPU\~s l..-!Jo:n;·~2~7~,,2~a~,':--­~ ::.:./ ,,. -;:,,]; ~\ .. .. . ~Jr~-'""" ......... ~--....._ -~,; .... Swedish Twist COffH CAKE 29' ... ia ... J7t ... 1 • Devil's food DELUXE SQUARE 59' ... THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND I , I I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, I 955 ~~ ,, •• MA1i11T WI rt-1 ·>ALLIE , .. ~ 2'7, 19M Th~ of dolla,. from UWe dlmea pow .•• Keep marehlal' Utt~ dJmee •.. By younelf you'Ye Ollly a tbia dlJDe a-JPdbaK among a baaeb of key• •.• But wbea you dlmea l{.,t to- setber l Wow! Wonder how many dlmM we'd have tf everybody reaehed la their poeketa, alngled out the dlmea fro • ., the reat of the looee chaDite and malled or took them to their local Jlarch of Dtmes headquar- tera • : • Now don't ~t the dllltM wrong • • • thtiy're aot a bit fuaey • • • they'd juAt u .ooa march with a fifty cent piece or a hun· dred dollar check . . . "The more tbe ~rder!" they / •Y~ "For a ireat many WI• ~~I fortunat.e "'4>ple." Freezen ! How to buy meat for them! Now our Carl Jone1>, head of our Meat De- partment, would just u soon propt!rly age half a rhoice Manning'• beef for you, cut and wnp it for your fr~zPr, according to yo1.1r taste . . I! that ia your usual P'"~­ ure · buyin~ 'lleat for your freezer . . . But Carl alao wanta everyone to know that be will gladly freezer wrap a.ny cut of meat purchued at no additional coat . . What I'm trying to aay, kida, 1s thia ... \Vstch the w ·ek-e11d ape- c:iala . . . When : ou . see pot routa on for 39c, buy up a dos.en or ao . . . Carl will freezer wrap ' hem for you .. Call him on the phone . . . He'll have .hem ready for y ou ... or deliver them ... lf you watcl. Carl'a speciala week after week ... you'll have nothing but the cut.a you prefer ih your freezer . . . no wa.ate hert, because you're only paying for trimmed meat ... Watch Carl's apeciala .. he rotates them . . . Last week it wu round and sirloin ateak and ground round . . . the w~k before Pork roaata ... a couple of weeks before chickens ... But don't think 1ou're buying anything infer- ior . . . When Carl runs ape- ciala ... it is the aame choice quality lC"anning·a beeT, Eiit- em Pork and Chickens Crom our own ranch, that appean week in and year n11t in our ahow ca.sea ... Notes from '".l .... ie "What'• New" Book .. . C r o a a e and Blackwell'• Cock-a-Leekle Soup, OH of SootlaDd'a oldettt d.iahH . . • Cock·a-IMkle meaaa Chicken, delkat.ely flavor- ed with LHb. a native ScOttiAh hero . . . PMitlve- 1.y, but deflaltely th~ m09t •vory t'hickf'D aoup I've 1'\111 acl'OM • • • Hearty too, · wt&b bis bite. of chJeken ehaablg tlae butey aroancl ••• Croeee a Bladrwf'U la u old u the hllh ... M09t people are famlll&r with their caaaecl fruit cakeA, poddlnp ud breadtt . . . 'their who~ line of Mups wt1J aot dlaappolnt lbotte wbo want aotb.la~ but the flaeat . . . Crab a la Mal)·· lud. Cram of Shrtmp ... of Vlchyweolse ( p o t a t o wtth superlatjvf19 ! ) of On· loas (tr~· thkk.-aln~ It a Utile for an epicuttaa cream aauce) . • . Coa1111m- me Madrileae ( uttllent bue for meat, ft8h or n~­ etable aalada) • • . Cl"09fle ud BlackweU'a llOUPf' att aot coeeeatrated ... you talmply pour ID a MUC'e pan ud beat ••. do not dilute. Shady Oak Frozen mu.h- rooma ... Ah! Tbey don't tute exactly like !rah muah· rooma but they don't tute like cUtiect muahrooma either . . . They have a mushroom . taate all their own . . . No wute here, whole muahrooma I all cleaned and ready to uee in juat a matter of minutes when you thaw them under1 the cold water tap . . Not new. but back again . . Tropi-Paya Freeh Fro1en Pa· paya Juice, Cocoanut Ju.ice and Pineapple juice ... TbMe tropiw thil'9t quenchera are tb• baby of a llr Koeeel of Anaheim who bu bill own papaya crovea In Hawaii and Mexico ••. And what lnter- .Unr WU. appear. when you blend 10me of theee cte. llghtful navon with other juicea ... . . laked Fresh Today ••• \ THUISDA ~ SPECIALS OiitfGf ' ROJLS 6 ... 19c DufciiCRWkH __ ~ 24e FRIDAY SPECIALS SATURDAY SPECIALS o.1t1 •ll•ect anc1 ~uctou. 3 25C BEAR CLAWS ................ to,. GQ[D"'(,\fEif{AKE .... 97c I I I . I ;l IUchard'• ta one of the Udo Sltope. located at the e•~ to Udo lale. N••· SPF£1AL8 FOR ,AN. 2'7, %8 AND %9, 19.1\5 pot1 BMth. , ,. Choice Meats "Tile Poptt.la,. aOIMf ••• •-1 all'' u. s. Cbob 'J-Boee POT ROAST "VIMl4.nfMl toU• ,.,.... w1etcal>lu" u. s. Cho&ee 0-BONE ROAST "Dt!UcfoM • ~ 11°" -tc" Freab a...t'Leu •. 8-t Quilty GROUND BEEF """°"' flMI laltCI of con." Rath'• Blackhawk , SLICED BACON ''llfllk of h,.e •cut-Pork" Rath'• No. I lb. 39c ·. lb. 59c . 1b.-39c 1b. 63c lb. 39c FOODS FROM RICHARD'S •re "t•lked •bout" the world over. Distinctive qu•lity MHts, Fresh produce •nd • mile long selection of F•mou1 Br•nds give c•use for such wide spre•d · enthu1i11m. Shop tod•y •t Rich•rd's •nd you too will h•v• rHson to "t•lk .bout" food. Jlaxwell Houe or Banta'• Youn, COFFEE 1 lb. 89c Dwlpld Grade AA. 91 Score ·BUTTER 1 lb. 59c c unpkU'• 3 29c TOMATO SOUP 1:~· ' for TOILET TISSUE ........ 2roll• 1 tc . Kf'na'a 2 25c: CA TSUP u o&. bottlf' ... . for 1-i'AcHES ~~-~:~r: }I 4 '°" nc- Tuunnll 17 MARGARINE 1 lb. ... ... ........... ~ Hua•·· TOMA TO 3 19 SAUCE 8 n&. Un ............ -..... for C C:RE:AMED• TUNA a lb.Un 36C Real l'ruue 1 fte PRUNE JUICE u OL •. ······-······· 7- GIVE rHE YMCA "MOIE DRIVE IN '55" W"H YOUR SUPPORT From Our Delicate11en • . . rkllAdd~ ~ttam 2 27C CHEESE : :~ lie . ···--··· ' 0 " MACARONI SALAD .. 23c TILLAMOOK CHEESE ss:. CANNED"' HAM••;,."" 5675 Dl!rtty Brand PIO'S f'OOT 4 3 C TIDBITS •. L ,~r . ···--.. ·········· ....... . . and Frozen Foods PEI SOUP . ~~ 2 ... 27c Hw-..o• !~~~Ji}ilE :.. ~ ... 9597: DINNERS .· :~ - ORANGE JUICE.~ 6 ,.,, 79c i(I" CREAM .~.: ... 79c Sunny Goodness -Green and Fresh Goldea Ripe -Ceatnl Amertcu BANANAS 2 1b .. 25c Fancy, Sweet, Arbou GRAPEFRUIT 8 1b. bar 39c Fneb, Crt.p, i..oc.I -ROMAINE 2 f•· 19c I .· • \ ' f. , I .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS T~URSD~Y, JANUARY 2'J, 1955 'PART THREE, PAGE ONE TBEl'U BEAD LADY ANOLEBS-New officers and membeta of Newport Harbor Lady Anglers board o{ directora were installed Friday night at anDual trophy award and m.tallation ot officers banquet. From left, Mn. Andy Andreeen, hoste11& and entertainment cho.ir· man; Mn. Lawrence Piper, correeponding secretary; Mr&. Ned J ohnson, puliamcntarian; biu, treasurer; Mrs. Hub Powers, vice-preeident; Mn. Ray (Stell) Marshall, presid~nt: Mn. Jerry A~. secretary: Mrs. Jim Slemons, tournament chairman; Mrs. Ferd Lansdowne, trophy chairman; Mn. Glen So- den, membership chairman. AH Keat Hitcbcock Photoe FIB8T MA.RUN OF YEAR-This trophy won by Mrs, Ray Call, absent from dinner while {isbing -in Florida, was preeented by James Karam, left, to Mn. Soden who ac· • . CLUB CllAllPIONSBIP-Winner of Lady Anglers club championahip trophy donat- ed by J. A. JJeek, wu Mrs. Hub Powers, rigtit. Trophy wu preeented by Mrs. Ned Johnson, left, with Mrs. Lansdowne, trophy chairman, in center at Newport Harbor Yacht Club banquet. "· LARGEST ALBAOO&E-llra, Cbarlell Hopton receives trophy for ·t.altln, l&J'selt albacore on 20-lb. test line from donor William A.. Toblaa. LADY ANGLERS GET INSTALLED, TROPHIES UVE BArr TROPBY-Receiying trophy for catching. largest albacore on live bait club charter is Mrs. Sam Kinafather from William Tallman, donor. CLUB'S GIFT-Mn. Jobnaon, Jett. outgoing preaident. recetves 400-day clock Crom her mother, Mr11. i...wrence Piper, who pre8<'nted timepiece u gift from member&. BySTELL(MR8.RAY)MAR8HALL Newport Harbor Yacht Club wu the scene of a brilliant social affair Friday eve· ning when the Newport Harbor Lady An- glers staged their Fifth Annual Trophy Awa rd and Installation of Officers Banquet. Over 200 members, huabanda and guests were on deck for the fi.shergals' important soiree of the year, and to share in their great excitement and fun when 31 magnificent tro- phies were presented. Proves the prt)weu ot women when it comes to fishing-no doubt. The girls also proved their adeptness in mak- ing theD11Jelvee beautiful to look at -how the men ogled when the decollete' gown1 appeared on the scene. · President Mrs. Ned Johnson in her usual gracioua manner coverep all our activitie. for the yea.r of '54 and followed with an elo- quent retirement speech which will long be remembered by her fellow-members. It wu a grave and touchin' moment indeed tor Youn Truly when "Pipey'' hand· ed me the ganl and installed me aa the new president. If I am not being immodest. my acceptance speech in part: "Truly I am over· whelmed by the faith and confidence you girls have ahown by selecting me for the preeidency of the Newport Haroor Lady An· glen for 1955. I realize the die bu been cast -for me to endeavor to measure up to Pipey'1 outstanding tenure of office, u well u tboee of our put presidenta. I shall iJl my capacity do what I can toward further· Ing our club's reputation for being the 1.arg. Mt and best lmown of Lady Anglers grou1>9 anywhere.'' Hub Powera, acting in capacity of em· cee introduced eeveral distinguiahed gueGa, some known for their writing or sporta· fishing. For a more complete awry and liat of trophy winners eee the Marine page. ANq.tllEB Ji1Bfff-Tropby for larplt albacon OD IO-lb. Ult UM nil slftll Kn. JtrrJ .Aduna .,, .. KIMtatMr. . . LARGEST YELWWTAIL-Winner ot Rlchard'1 Lido Market trophy for largest yeUowtail caught on 3().lb, le8t line was Mrs. J. Albert J acluon, recelviiii It from Mra. Marshall. SECOND LARGEST-Winner of second largest alba- core ta.ken on JO.lb. lest line wu Mna. Howard L . Sm.Ith. In ~r abeence. Mn1. Lawr<'nce Piper , right, a.c:cept.a ' Wood7 Holder trophy from Mrs. Holder. J .. ' • PAGE 2·PART111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS :THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 CHAFFEY WIN SHOOTS ORANGE:BOYS' CLUB ARCHERS IRING COAST PIRA·TES INTO THIRD ANC!n~~~• ~~~~~ln~~rt~~d h~~~ well N rt. 8 5qllacli fir t ... r A n11hrf<111•. r aMi<'l'na. ewpo_ pr1·. C11l Tt1:h •'Thi' IO'Ol IJ ho Wcues Oran~ by unly .. """'•' rha n""" of ·blund.·nn, ~-l lhtuui;h IU ptl'JMfll tl'\lubk~ but 54-4l Tally Here h ... ~··u1 .. tw p· .. , th111k111i: th .. m th1·•111:h . .... TIP -IN -A prodigious leap by Ron Winterbum (2~). occ·~ lanky Hlar. gives Coast a basket against Chaffey. Ch::ifft'v plu~·cra are Lammin (22) and Heimer (20). <1:. 11..:1· < · .. :i t "d:•1·d the• Tigers by one point. 58-57. It , .... 1 :1. ·r )-:1•1·1111d h·a~uc victory. Coac~ Miles Eaton's d1 11~l'li m:11l•· Llw most of their free throw attempts, l11t t·ni.: llw b tlik1:1 for 78 percent of all t ries. San Ber- 11,11 ,.11,11 1s n•·xt l 11r thl' Pirates in a contest away from IWllll' "" J 1l1l. :.! laton Five Favored ACJClinst San lernarcllno In Friday Loop Fray ' Onns• Ooalt Colle1• mbot Into 1 a tie lot thlrd pl&ct lD l:utem THINCLADS Conttren~ play rrlda:y n1r ht with a 9111.De-ttnrttnr 51~7 wtn o.er Cbatte:y J unior Coller• un Ult Pt.rate noor. The loca1a tvldenU:y UMd their w"kend eupply of ener· t:Y ln t bat 1am• u they took the noor the followtns nl(bt t o drop a M-~ decllllon lo Cltrua ln a non copference 10. l"rtday Coach Mllu Eaton takea hie vuUy Im· proved club to San Bernardino tor k leaiU• match which he Is favored to win. • Th• Chaffey conquest waa a de-· tlnJte u,Mt ae far u the books JO· Coach Eaton pointed out after the game that It was the well rounded ecorlng that brought the Plratea' w in. Ron Wlnterburn poure-d through 17. and wu as· &lated by Bill Inlo,.11 with 14: Gay· le He-rbel, I~. and George Bishop 10. It wa11 one of Ute few tlmt's this 11l'ason that more than two play· er& broke thr ten pQlnt mark In the Mme geml'. It wa~ a ~omeback for the Plrt\lt s who tralltil-.Jilt halftime, 34 ·2~. lnloell pc1t1r1l 10 of I 1 fr'f'C throwtc in the finol ~1x mlnUll's to CIO!!I' the gap. Saturday nli:ht's i:umt• w as d1tll" 1111 the wav bul tht> P lrat<>11 fl'll bark an th~ old ru1 as onlv Win· terburn. 21. 11ntl Jnlnc>!!, 16, 0l'•bhed In more thnn 10 points. KNOW WHERE COOT SCOOT? Rl>r11\l!lt' lhe at.ale depurt· mrnt M Clsh and gaml' has a nn1111nl·rrt the 11ea110n Is OJ)f'n In lhli1 nnd 27 othe-r Call· Corr1111 tountle11. The 11cllon wa.~ tnktn, the departml!nt l'Blrl. It> prevc•nt rrop de· prrdat1on You uun'l even havt> to worry About baggln11: the limit h1•c·:111s.. there Is none. So 11.-0111 : ~t11 rt shooting your coot! Crandall Signs Brave Contract FULLERTON, IOCNSI -~I C'ranl1all Fullerlon'1 contribution 10 th,. niuJor leaguu arreed to OCC Sp.ike Candidates Turn Out Track p1·011pcc·ts hnve tuk• n entouragang turn nl Orange <.:w1~l College as Coach llu•':.t1111 H.l'tpl'r greeted 25 canoul.•l• :< 111 thl I",.. l11111nary turnout 1 .. ,.t ""''" \•tlh five or six m o1 e •·Xp•·l t• .1 n• .'<t 11emester Coach Harpt r "''" hllUl'olu l in h1:1 romnll'!\I.; :11> .. ut 11 .. w 1111 the Pirates m1c;ht 1:11 111 t1.Hk 1111~ year but h1• ,·uul I "' t ••11nt·t•11 I his tk llghl ill h ;f\'lll.I:" 'Vllh:. hl):hly lalt>nlrll fre•hm .. n in umf111111. LE>•· Taylor, all 1'11n.·•·t · 1..-.1i.;11t• ,;p1 rntt•r from:'\• lll'l''' Jlj1u111· H1i.;h s .. 110111 ho:-po>Ht"! pl•'!' tttllo '!l ,.f lU l'l11t and 21 !! 1n •he 11111 u1111 :.i:rn. ~110Tl't 'T 11 t:nmu Gary J 11111\~un, I'' uni.;1 I I 1gh School, hvld1< t he Sun, .. t L l.'f<J.:llt' shut put I t'l'unl of :,., I• •·t 11 111..tt• c s. ;-\all' Vu1 n1·). ="•'\\ pu1 l lk :u·h, 1:1 nn 1tll·11111n1• (l•·tfurmrr with 11 to ft. 11 1n htgl, J11m;1 marlt. 21 lt. i 111. broad JUl11p anti 11 tlntc uf 15. 7 11) the luj;"h hurcllts. ' Amuni. tho:-.. ft um L.ai.;una 1 Bea~h t1lgnlng t..he ro11ter were Ron A rrrlstroni;. middle ll1Rtancr run· ner. Fred A rc\•alo!I, miler; "Punk " Burton, pole vitultH· Bob,_ ,. Other condldate~ are Lee Chris· tensen, Newport &ach. shot put ; Sam F ujita, H untington Bf'ach, hurdles: Larry Gro11J1fleld. Hunt· lngton Beach, ahot put and discus; Biii Gustafson, :'\ewport Beach, quarte>r·m1ll'; Alan Q. Hatr l\. di&· lances; Roy KunlM•.a ir mtlng· t on Bt'ach. distances, Bill Lamb. Huntington Beach, pole vault: Rod LaShelle. Newport Bl'a ch, h urdles; Bill .Mc:Kenz1l', Orrrnge, 11prlnlll hurdles; Nelson Visel, Costa .Mesa. discs and javelin: MORE C'A:SDIDATES Dal Ott, Brea, discs and high jump; Dave Pridham. Newport Beach, hurdle1; Ronald Sabo. Ana· helm, pole vault. Glenn Smith, Or· ange, broad Jump; F red Vareln, Hunlangton Be a e h, dl11U1 ncc>1>; S tanley Weanr . H u n t I n g t o n Beach, hurdlt1, Dick Williama, H untington &ach, hurdle•; 1rnd Vic Wilson, Sewport &ach. rel11y. ll'rm11 MontlKy and I& now I n offl· Oningl' C'Oal'l will stoat thrlr nil-OF TRE YE rial 111e-mb<•1 of the M1h,aukl'•' cumpctat u.m ei;•nnst El c;amlno In 1lr&\'•·i1· hH .. Pb;1ll t"am for the Hl!\5 1 a ntl'•·t th•,, .m F t'b. 2:;. The Hui ~ '~---.. T!l\~t tn Hftl"bm' Jmunr <'nllf'~J ( "It's by fur, the b1 M r•mtrntt I f11r a mf't>t vn Man h 1 and m akl' Ted Herrera Competes as Star Baseball Performer l'm11p• ll11i: "1r h 1111 ,.,. 1•lhPr 1<t h· 111nlngs and giving up only 81 hlU.. lrtf'• for t h•• Clt\•n.:1· ('011nty Ath· In the lOi Innings, Herrera (&VI' lf'tr nr th• \'r111 11w11r11 is Tf'd up 82 ra~C's e.nd accounted for Hrrrrrl\ ,,f llrirni.:• 1 · .. 1.-1 r·,illrge. Ht'rtl.'lft w 11• ><•Ir• l••d Ha~t'l)all Alhh•l<' of th• Y•·nr by OC:'\S 120 11tr1keout11, which Is rather phl'nomenat, averaglng better than o 11trlkf'<1Ut.per Inning pllchecl. Tttl 11111.'llh~d the 1953 aeuon with a i won 11 nd 1 lost recor<I for th" Ell-'!lHn Con!erenc~ aeal'Qn. ilnt.l Opptl111ng Tt•d f, ,r the honon wound up the year with fl 3 28 sic 1'uw llttll. 1'"1111. r lon Junior MtnC'd run average. During thP CtollP~•. b<~~kl'lbnll l'.1u1 t;ro\'er, l't'Mon 39 runs wr re l!CO~ll on Anoht>ll)t lllj;h :-le '""" !oothAll, Ul'rrrrll ~n I ll11l ~wt •h• In !'llntA Ar~ SOT SATlSFU:D lhgh s, h•~>I 1r111 k I 11 I ll~-l. not s a tisfied wt th the a lrl·ady ouutanding records ht had Ttam Clll'l"ll "I ll r 1!•:11 Ur· 1 po.~lt•J. Ted Wl'nt on to bPltt'r the Rn1te Coa11t \°Qllq:t' bit"' ball t ""11 pr1•\'1C•us year rn l'\'t'ry-category. 1-JerrerR "a1 unanim• 1.,, ~· ll·i t iun Ht' lowerrd his l'amtd. run ;ave· r •. , ,11.i-;,,,1 11 , , 01 1, 1 , 1 , 1, '"I:" 1 .. l 61 and nnly 22 runs were " , , t 1ti;:a1n~t h1111. Tr tl "1\ppt•nrt'u 11"111''" "'" 'h• 11' '111'"•~ 1 11" 111 l'• 1·nnte~ls.. ptlchell 123 inmrg1<, I 11.\• t!ul t' • ''' I'•' 111 1 • \' , .... ui1 ,, .... tu t unly 6:\ t1n'"' hn A l1rg~I\ • It,. i.r111 It •l Ir''"''' "·" ti t>! , ,,11111, "" r,11,1,.11 \•I\' 1 utublP 1mpr1t\'•'menl ovr r • •1 "'' 1,,,, • 1, .• , ·r, , t , '"', '' h'H \Yf\11\ a1rC"\'il~· • Jtt'Ofi n1nrk ltr .._, , 1,, , , , it 1, ,,. 1 ., , ;.: • , ., , •" 1 •·• r1 ""o \\Hix~ du r\n1t the-p.,,.t ~:, .i,,, 11·:~'\1 ''.';',,~., ,',',1' ·, :•1;,1 ,'.:;:•.i .. ~~:lr~',:'~1 1::.~1~';,~,~~1~'.r'~~:;: (lA k lllntl t lrt k • 1 •1 Twui 1-·1111... I 14•rr~rll ))1lchecl 6 sh11to11t.oi dur· Jdtthn 1:1i: th1• ,.11rr Ea9tern l'.onfl.'rt'nC<' t ' '"' 1,01 !" c \IH .t:Jl 1 ""'flt'llt1on , :1 1•r lhet:n I hlllrr,. llr•r r<'l ll •1,.11 .. ,1 tu• l1th1t l•·t1• AR1tln11l l'hofCC'y. he elllnbhllhl'd I\ "'"""r 111 1 trail),"\' H a~h :-;, ltriOI, n1•w !ll'hn,11 tt«t1rd by whtHlng 111 w h<'I t' 111. "'''I' 11 •lllfldoU\ , hth ki r hilt tl'r!I 1\110 the~ latrr 1n the. 11ea· ,,., 1, th• 11 1 ·1,,.11 i•nlrrtnJO: C •lll!ll.. '!<ill h,. btoke his own rrlark 11nd Crnu h \\i•rd•I! l'hk•tl• put ht ~ .l't1uck ()Ill 17 11g11ln11t Palo• Vf'r· ,.111i;I• "'. , ,,. T···! 11n.. with h1~ ti•'"· whtlt> C'hllckang onty 8 n( the ht lpful i,•11.S '"' •. llrn "flt hcc11nu• I 9 Innings. Ted Is 11chellulrd to gtt on• n! the Ol'·' In t ht t onferencf' " rh11nce to try out Cor lhC' 011ks • whtll' ,· 1~ ' • .. •"90 1111 In hi" hrlit . ----····-· · · .... ,. . 1 thlh yesr. and ll wouldn t be too ~11na•• whll" lu•tr11C uni'.' ~ H" ap· 11urpr111:ng t o &et' a lol or Terl Htr· vea1 •t LUt<1': I nt "j;~. I'(' won l I I p"u «I tn 21) gamu. p1tcninlf 107 rna In thr PCL thsa yur. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 rt"Ml·BU.X:li COM.PA.~\ -Utt 8. MaUI SL, S...ta Aaa rnuc:E -<:1:-0 DER' A:-.-o co~CRETE BLOCU ttr.l 'liYOftc'f ;\'11 STt:EI and !>!l'PPl..IES FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE I IN NEWPORT HARBOR 'AREA CALL ,LEHIGH 9· 1634 MOTOKC\ CL& ESOOBT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE I Uniformed Divi sio n of L sr_A T~-~~1 v A r.E~E rEc11vE AG~NCY I hlt\'C' t'Vt't hlltl " th,. popular t h1·1r huuu .!rh111 . ., ... 11n1>1 HI\ 11 • 1·atrher t l'\'1'81<'•1 Tht t ••11111 , a p· ""''' 1rnd <"ha r 111.1n "n :i.1:i11 h l l llln <•I the l1ra\•ei1 11·pc1rt•"llY I------- 111gne1l " contrar t Whit h r11ll1••I rur I Sp n f"shlnCJ Club " Mlary In <'XCl·M or u o.ooo I I 111:-1 n uRo ~t:Ai;o!\ Formad in Newport C'r"n<ll1ll runferrr1l with M1lw11u. krr ·,. Gf'nl"111I Mana1eu J o hn Quinn Th•· 11li:n1ni: 11rn1k" lit• third l'l'B1<on l.'rnndall hn.• "'J:nt'd t n pl'fty w ith th<' Hravr11' \'Orlllly, The powPrlul iolu#:g.:r. wht• hll 21 hOn11'1 I! llUll ""IU!IJO, lll\'4 •p1•nl thr..t• anrt nn• .. h<tlr ,.,.flioton• \\1th lht• Brn\••·i., 3,.,..,ndrn.: half ••I th1· l!l 1!1 ll<'l<l'-011 \\ llh lh• Ut llV• 11 \•.Jh•n thl'y w('r1• 11 rf11t 11trd 1n llobtun The 19:.1 anll '62 ~ .. ,•nn~ rouml the proC1'•~111nal ba,.eob•ll play!'r In thr Army, flrAI at i-·ort Ord 11n1t k.tl'r fl\'1•r•••A11 an Ja,..an l 'RF.P Pll t:sn~ By ftl.-ntng f<>r lht' 1~:.:. •1'11."0n, 11 "}"•k• the :-1icth Y"•r h,. hll• ll•itn•·•I 111 pl11y ba10rb11ll, 111• ftt"t !lN<lmn br1n1t 194 l'pon ., .. ,n.._ Fw n1 at wn ul t h•• !-;ru llu1 ,,. :::pin ~·,,.1uni.: f'lub w1<~ ni1n'""" '"' '" duy h,\ ~.1l\'1tl1 I" ~1 .. n.11" n .• 11 .... pl• i.11!. nl ul lli• 1:1 1111}1 lf,11 1 I l >c•<'h••t :\°>'\\[>(II I \\" • ll 111,1 I f lrl'I \l•.<'·jllr'~hl•·l'11 llu1 ,.J.! 1 11111 writ, Ua lh11a l11l1111d "'" """ \ 1 <' I""'•'" n1 Mr· J, ''·' ,\ol11111-1.1 h t ~J,, ,...,., •. t.11)·11 • t"t1r•• IJ1r,.tl<•l.i a1e !'<lrs ll1t\• l•rnl M " Sam K1ni.rnthPt H"I 1!11« \'" \\ 1.lt:on .. , Tht· • h1b "111 h .. 1.1 , ,,_111,11 "'', 1 In~' th•· f11 •' Tl.nr• l.1~ 1 ( 1 "lt munth In t h1 tonf, n. t , 1 u 01 •' th< ~ l11flr ' 1 l1111 ("11•111 :'-I· • ;\t .t1n purr• ,,. of l hr • lfth I ptc.mc·I~ •J In r .. h1ng 11111•1111:; , I~ )rrs nr lh·~ an 1\ grtttluste-11 rrom i-''ulltrton 1 •uon Mrs Schumach•r Hl11h S< hool an 1114 7 ( runda ll tnk· • trt hli< nnmc With lhr Ur&\ .. ~ >lnt.1 1 Cops Blind Nine """' ll"nl to Lca,cn"'nrth. J:.(an l,1t•hr• 1.nlf plA\ Tt1• "l;I\ hi II From thcrl', he move•I up tu \'In" <"«u nl r\' !'lah with hnl' h~a. I. E,·an--·111· 11nt1 uni~· l'ipt>nt h.11' ,.f , ,,1 < 1, 11,..i \ti. Jnhn s 1 h 11 1, t· lhl' "<''"'''n I rum "h1 '• •:•· l""l""' Pr '' f'l'1n~ l ti• Rimel ;-.: n• 1 ·1,1 • to !he Ru11tnn Br11\'rl'. :-;nw fl\" I/\ ''"''~'"'' ,,,.1,,ml ""~M i• 1111111 .''"A'" IAt('r, h,. 111 not only thf'lr 111111 , 111 .i tt.11 .i ,\l" \t ..... , flr,.t l'l 1 rni.; C'Atr ht•r. ~t lhrtr lr.1n1 I,, ni• 1 c·apt1<an ,\l.1111111 !-,11.alh 11 .... < t .. 1 .. H Ill' IN 1 urrrntly t•mpluyttl b~· thr hnn"'" \\'ii h ~t 1• .i. hn I '11• 1 , '"' (:11y ••f Full"rlnn. 1U1i<l!'nl'd le• lh<' inc 111 ~,., 11nd t 'l11•• (' lank• \I• 1•n1k Rflll lt'l'll'Rl1un -l•·1•nrl111• 111 '""' ,, ,, r 111 .. 11 111 \11 \·I"'' t"111n•l11ll f•X(H'd~ '" ll'H\•' 1''..t1 ,J .. 11•' \11 1: • .i1nl I.a._.,,.( \'.II 2/l Cnr llrri•l<'nlon, Fla .. alte nC tht' ~tC'ond t..<111 (.,1111nn r11pture•I Cl111111 HrR\'l'I' ~prrnir tr11lnln1t camp. D !1r11t Buy You r NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC· 1402 S. Coast Blvd. Laguna leach See Us Today roa. Hl~HIST TRADE · IN VALUE aa thl' most ano11'nt b betnic addl'd to tht• program or the H ar- bor Aru Boy!' Club at Coeta Meaa. Ji:very Tbuflday afltr· noon In t.be park 1n front of the Boya Club will be ~ m any future William 'fella a nd Rabin Hi>od. aa the new archtry club I• belnr 11tartrd. Sparkl'd with an an<Jnymoua SIOO gift for equlpmrnt and with tht donation of time and leaching aervtcu of Sergrant Dean Rehder. the rla11a started •t 3 p.m . toda y. ~oys and youn1r men of all age.a ar411 welcome to c•nter. If Harbor art a aJld Coeta MHa citizens have old u r hery f'(}ulpntl•nt lying around. ll cuulll be used to expend the Boys' Club 1r1:hl'ry group. Such ·equipment will be ~rolt•fully-Tut't'lvcd, bel'RU.•1• the cla111 promt!ll'll to bt very lnrge. Sgt. Rehdl'r 111 lht' U. S. Army recrulilnK 11erJ;f'&nt ror this area. lfe..u lnll•n•stC'd In 1111 l>t>Ye and LI helplng at tht• Ha1·bor Boys' Club 6!1 variuus ways~ Thuraday night. hf' 11how11 movleii In the Boys1'tlub movie room. Rehder llvt·• In Gar1len Grove but bring11 ht11 family to BCly!I' Club e-ach week. ~ SONGS FOR TAR WINS Cute llt ll<' E vte Taylor, Harbor H igh song Jea~er, cloae~ htr ryl'I dreomll~· 1111 ~he 1;t1-uts her 11turc during halftime acllvlllea at H11rbr.r 111i:h b1hkt'lball games here. Local rooter• had plenty to 111n~ al>li11t h"•t F11d11y night whl'n Newport beachC'd Santa Ana. 69·29. Stair Photo WaJf Newport Hat bor's B b:t11<'b111l squad deCea:e1I Orang" Hlc h I achoo! htrl', 04·"1. Tueeda)' after· noon. Bruce Knipp pla)'ed out · atandlng buketball .. he le-d the Tar l'uab&nleno with UI polnl•. Newport Harbor WM upeclaUy hot In the flr11t hall, u thl'y hl'ld a 12 point l<'ad of 30·18. Sub•ll· tullona wne high In the second half. Center Jerry Kemper, 8 polnt1, W&I the out~lancllng · ddenelve ph1yrr. Roy 01111lel pla yed Wl'll al110 u he buc'kctl'd 11 dl1rlt11. Knipp'• running • mate. Da v e Tamura. played hi• u.aual tine game u he t&Bled 8 marlcen. Othe-r 1core11 ..-e-re c-halked up by TPrry Hall. 4; Bud Thompeon, S; Stan S ehonl"!f, 2: Jim Schonu, 2; and Bob Walker, 2 polnta. The local ll1Jhtwelghta go lo Anaheim tpmorrow ·afternoon for their next ganlt'. Harbor Higll C 's Beat Indian Five Led by Rich Pataferrl and J ohn Henrolln, the Harbor H igh C bH· ketb&ll tum best Fullerton here Jan. 11, 3:1·26. The little T ara l'tarted fut. rollrn11: up a 10 point le-ad bef.,1·•· 11 pdinl waa scored 11i;alnst them. The Sallor11 held a 19· I 2 ha !Clime lead. In the third quur ter. the lnllsans mon1t within 3 points or the Tar11. But l he local ladii managl'd t u pull out the l rlumph. Palaferrl and H!'nrotln tnlll~O 11ntl 9 d1j:ll.3 re!lpl'rllvrly. Othr'r 11rnrPr": Bob Hendenihot. 6 . Billy Haye~. 6 ; R IC'h Morales. J. and Wade Ran· tl11ll. 2. Bob Mr~amartl w1111 t ops for Fullr1 t un with 8 H arbor Hl1h'1 Tar C'1 deruted Santa Ana'1 !lywel1ht five 38·21 there Ja.n. 18. Coa ch J im Miller of Newport wu able to 1end eve-ry man on the bench Into the fray. Tar hl(h point man wu J ohn ljenroUn with 12 digit.I!. Center D ave PC'llt. did • f t"C'at job oc filling ln for Injured Rich Palaterrt, tally. lnr 10 pomt1. Followlng-were Bob Hendt'rshot. 6 : Bill H ayes, 6; Wade Randa ll. 3, Dick Mor11lt111, 2. and Obbry H owze. 2. HalCtlme ta bul11llon favored the S•llor midgets 19·4. HOME LOA·N-S At Oren9• County'• ·) lHdin9 HOffte lelMll•t lnatitutlol\ QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIElf DL Y SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE IUY TlUST DEEDS T LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oct•n Avenue LAGUNA BEACH Phone HY 4-1 I 7 7 ST AFFORD & SOt.5 "NEL8 and L>OC" ELECTRICAL CONTRA<-'TOK8 Pttone U bertJ 8· I '3t lit .,__.. A-N-..rt. ,._.._. • LAID \\"ITH BEAl 'TIF l "L TIGHT-WOVEN COTTON BOUCLE 5.95· Per Sq. Yd. INSTALLED ABOVE LAYING \\'ALL TO \\'A LL PRICE COSTS INCLUDES ALL DOUBLE WAFFLE PADDING TACKLESS lit -HALL LIV!~G ROOM 11·G.· • ·•··o· I a • PAY NO TACK STRIP REPLAC ING REMOVING AND ~ WORE BASE SHOE -:-ALL -1 I 'SE,A:MING AND BINDING NEC-.. •========•• • ESSARY TO COMPLETE WALL • TO WALL INSTALLATION. • SELECT FROM 14 DE CORA· TIVE COL°ORS. • NO SECONDS OR ROLL ENDS. ALL FIRST· GRADE TOP QUALITY CARPETING - GUARANTEED. • ANY SIZE ROOM AT THIS PRICE-NO MINIMUM YARD· AGE. Average waM to pad . ~. living room and hall laid wall over double waffle Complete $19&35 Pf.I °' MA l.r;,.. TAX NO MONEY DOWN -18 MONTHS TO PAY T his Is not a !'&le or l'JM'<"l&l-t hl111 h1 our n~ular l"ke. Simila r sa,·ings on all other types of carpeting Covering 541 Center s t.reet COSTA ~IESA P hone l.ltwrty 8-4-UU I i I • I I • .. ' \\'llU'S 1101· ·r11~; lt\1.1:~-:SinL" the s t·vr" 1r,1:-. 6!) f,Jr Hurbu r H igh. ;:.19 for the 8an· ta A1111 ~11 in ts, IL v.1as cc•rtainly a ;..:oo<I hfot thC' Tars had possf'ssion most o[ thf' timc\ But. as the picture-:1tt,·st i>, t herl' \Vas buskrtball a<·!il)n. <:age g-uys taking part jn this pa rticular action ar(", lc·ft to right. Paul !'t·unin nn. r eaching into the maelstro m of arms: I.arry Hr11·1>('r, g1ling :-.ll':iig-hl 11)1 ft1r lh<' c•asaba and, "'aiting for il to coml' do"'n, Eddie Po~. -Staff l'llp!o . · . ' PAGE PULVERIZES ALLEY FOR NEAR-PERFECT BO:WI.fl'IG GAME Ke n Pa11e tam• Jlrithln a flrat frame No. • pin or rullin.« a po!tfet'l 300 1an1e •l \'11.n'• Bowline, Coat• M taa, Fridar. Bowline tor F<Jrgil H11.rd,,.•ar .. :\'o. 2 teun, Pa&I!' pud!l'd a :l90 i.:a1ne in the 900 Diamond CL11:<11lc Lleagut. Stlckln;;:-"'4 pin In the flr11t trllttle, P•ge.pulvl'ri&ed thl' alley w ith 11 atralght atrikf'•~ He WOW\d up hi• 11iffoM11 "''llh 11 729 acrll\l·h 11.-nc11. . ' OUi .. r Fnday bowlln1 11er11tN marka tn~luded L)'nn Ar- n.-l\. 6W, 11.nd J ln1 Valentin"'. 837, for Henline. Mena Shop: Ed Harpold, 838, and V.'ally Goea, 814 for F'()l'sit Har.:Jw111'(' No. l t<'am : 1tnd B ill Coe. 22, for ttle Villa Marina tf'1n1. Upcoming touml"y1 1Jated for Van'• Bowling Include the 3rd Ann~I Bo\Oo•ling Marathon, 11tartinc at 11 a.m. Fl'b. 13. l..11d11'a lO l!;Rnll'll al lhl• time heve 24 lema entered and room '1ur 12 more. In the ?llen'1 M11r1thon, atarllng at 10 11.n•. lo'eb. 20, tiler" ar1: only two apota open for the 20 ramea. Both event~ ire on • hllndlcap b/ll!i•. Conlact V•n'• Bowhng fo r entri .... Harbor Boys' Club ·Q .. intet Beats San Pedro in Finals J 1n1 Jewell polled"& buket lo gl,·e Harbor Bo~·11· Club a thrllllng 38·36 double overtln1e bll.ake lbll.ll 11·in ovt'r San Pedro In the flna\a nf the l'OWJOl•llon fhan.1plolll!hlp of \11., l.nng Beach Boy1' Club l nvl· lat!onal Tou m•m~t Jan. 8 at l:lHn l'eilr<>. High point n1an (or the local• .,.,.,.,. Churleli Taylor wllJI 12, fol· low rd by G<'ne Bl'yant "''\\ h ii The ,.,.gull\liUll ga.rne endeoi 34-34 Ill! Br_,·1u1L ""orf'd the Ueing hasket \\'Ith 1<'1111 than lll 11l!<'und11 rernain· In,!!'. S1;1.n P e..Jro 11eored flrter llllr- 1.Klr took the tip ror a go11l 1n the llr11t l.'ttlr'll period to forre annther 111!.lillon of tirne. Thl1 \Oo'llll 11. "11 ud· tlo•n de11th" 11111lll"r "''Ith the flret ba:;kt'l detern1inlng the winner. J""'···ll i!Corl!'d 011 ,. drive in ·fron1 il r! lot v.·lth 11. jun1p ~hot from abou\ i.ix feet ou llt:t::-i l.:01' lll\M.t: enne -piMl>l.a h·all 1 he lJre t e1un to a 32-30 \l'Ln n\'t'f S11n Pl'dro in a pr<'<'l'<'d· lni;:-i;:an'c "''hich det .. rnunt"CI th~ .-00S<ll11.t1on "hampion11hlp of that di1·1~1Qn of the Long Beach Tour- ney. The lora la werl! In front by • ~!hn niargin 1111 of the gan1e 11.nl.I lf&d 17-16 a t halftlme. MIDOET~ TllR1'~AT1':S The locaJ mldgf!U open«! up thl! triple hl!ader by bowing: out 32·23 to the Ptdro club. Ho"''f'«rt they were proud of the f•l't lhat the ltl!Ort: v.•un·t near lhe IH-ll'l tro1np- lng I.anded thetn by t h<' 111une team only 1"''0 week11 11.go. ln fact. the Harbor club outpl1t.1·ed thfl w1nnl!'r.i 1n0.11l ol the g11n1e but gave up t.!n point.. 111 thr second period 11nd_ «ouldn't pwk 11 up. &ti Sil'gt•I "" .. hifh for t he locala with eli.;ht roinlll 11n(t Bill T"'•i11t 1tnt1 Dirk Llulterworth ea~h got four. A total of 17 player11 1111- pear~I in the gan1e for H11.rbor Boy11· Cl11h. OCC Swim Team Practice Begins 1111111111 p1ae~ Ornn~e Coa11t Lut wel!'k "'·ith t1. turnu..n' of 11'1 c11.n11ldatea, according to Cruicfi J~ron. The tr am w'IJJ be Jell by Bu<l•I)' Bl't11hl', rf'turnlng l<'ltern111n, "''ho v.·on the S tate Chan1plon.ihip 1n t he I ~. 44 0 11n•I 220-yard dl~tanre11 ht!ll yeQr antl thl' Hl'lm11 trophi"~ for high .cortn i;: J>O!rformance 1n both lh<' Snulh .. r11 California 11nd St11te mttls. TARS READY FOR ANAHEIM ~l1he wl!l havl" more help thl~ y e11.r thM he did ll •l ye1r "''hl!n he 11nd tean1m•tfl. Bob Atkln:«in m1de up lhfl enllre OranKe COA!l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE 3 College complement for the m11jor THUR SDAY, JANUARY 771 1955 part ot the ff•llOn. Locals Rack Up Orange for '-----------! ,,w,om"' w•~om•• by c~'" L -Joe Kroll th!1 Yl'ar lncludf! J11ck Th. d L v· T d H A R I 0 R Stelnn1an. d!1tance ace from New-1r oop 1ctqry ues ay :i:ite~·r:::k.~~:"' s;:hhr: 1t :r~~~ A !!O-pol11t 11uri.:•· u1 Lhe ~··ound Tr11.i l1n~ ;-.;, un111nn 111 Siallnr • ~ Huntlngton Beach ; George Lyon1, J·l1i.;h School b1111kcl b11!1 \r:on 11 111iu II•,,. ,,11,J I• r11nk :-,:-"""' '" with 11trokl!, back11troke and indivl11ual 64-41 sunM.t 1-~ue victory over 10. medle)' rron1 Huntingto n Be1trh: \Oo'Pak·!Ols!f'r Or,.n,,:e Ti•"l!d11y night T h·· l lu1l1<•r Ji•ni••r ,.11rs i11· r11·r D;>nny MA.eon. back•troke and lo- in !he Ch11pn11111 C•dll!I>:" g1n1, f••11 t>o 1 .. ,,. th•· c 11 .1111:•' ,J \'·~ ·,n t h•• dlvldulll medlry 1l11r from Ne"''l)()rl Knipp Nets 28 'to Nip • THE SPORTS WATCH 8 y BILL l'llll.l.Jl"S Santa Ana d' V''"",',·,.,,'.h'" Kall llv11nr1·• Thi~ a nu•··••"""''" n·11-'ll •'Ill~·. , IO!'"h' lo~•k.• hke ltun!lnRl"11· r"ll""'"'! by "hn! !•Ill•"'" •'\'"'!' Dearh"• }'<'&r Wllh lh• h1•ll!l("t' h"IJ I rl•1i;n --11 oln1ui.;llt. ,;,,I:•' !•Jo:\•r•'~ C°"~ Lee 1'1nAlljf'ller's 1111 • ••"llt"I the Tllfll \\"llr h .. UI 1:'""1 ~h1tpe 1•• Lf.1l by Bruce Knipp, lhe :'\PW· •1u1nief h•11• the •'X l>l'fh'D•"<' and th.-j 11101·1· r'lJ.:llt 1.1, k 1111 .. 111t· ,·h11n1)'- p<1rt H11rb<1r U b11ok~th11l!,·r•1 re«»rJ. Uut !111rt)ur High n1<'nlor l 1onsh1 1J b1.,,·k•l dnibbed !he Santa 'An11 Sa1nl'!. ~,;1. ~ul 1•11 G11.i:•· r:< lfl • !"'".' ,11h11nd1')11: 1'1ol11 11,·,,;1•!\o• 11,.. L" \ 11'' I'"'"~ 28, on the rival_ flol<lr Frhla,v. 1~~ th., 1<h1p "''Hh hi~ S11o.t•r 11nn 111~ t.111 i;1uui . 1· .. 111 :-,:,111,,,,nn •1.,1 Jn UI'!: f1r~l qu111t.,r, Ow T1tr 'r"" Jlt•nny 1''1 Lzpal rHk, ,.1,,HI{ wllh l1ghlWi'il{hU 1'ullt'•I up 11 ~17.Ni blo• "lt'li a , ..... ~ 1/( th1• k1;I~ ho•lnjl 1111! \\'('U:"I 1u1.t F1111oll :-O:n\'11 11" lead Of fl pulnt ... li<'urJJlg J \ lv lnu~t' ltj:l\in"°t \\,e Olll'I" "''lh'll 'l't' I J,.•fl L~ >llll h l{•••d ~•Ill•\ llllo'lo•11:1 Santa An1<':1 :?. !Jut Lht• Snnla Ana lllnj.:l<" _1t1 th" 1k<'i>ll!'r." f;lll!<' ub-1 fnr n"Kt ,....,.,...,11'1> ~:11J.1r I!\'<' 111 Eol · ll<jUt.d lounJ llb ~hou!in :;: err' 1n l":r\'1!d'. follow.in.: \ht! Snn\11 AllK ol'f•. r 1op1•. l \1~11 !,.,,.,.~ll r••l1. l.~111 the ""~On•! 4ti:•11t·r :>!l•I ,,uq;"d 1n· .ll<'!Or} hPr" 1'r!l.lny. I llaq..,_,. nnd 1.,;,..,1.:•• ~.huttt ~.H,,:•· to . one ll•unt Lt'11<I. Th .. THrll ASAllt:l;\l l'HOHll:\l 111 ... >l•K)klll•ll"ho'IJ'!l "!I' [lol~)'t'lll':< hUnl{ on "''llh ll f\('ld i:\l"l l)••f.,t•·' . II ·'•IUIU\ nnd 1h•· J(U\h>1 \'11r,•ll\' hlllftln1e t" llMt•ak h:u•k In fr,>t1L Of C"OU1·~ .. th<'l't! II II ht Ur UlRl· nUl hi. • • t,..r Of g<'lttni; hy A1u1h;>h11 h<'rt: . 17-16. t on1'n'r'UU"'" ,\1t,.r1.1ll,!ht•!;un;c<'I ... purl•pu•n•• Alhlr !" o f l h • -..:!:_ll)Y fin;.! \"'u •tlUll'lt'T~ """'" lU<.>f• 'dlllk·hnn..,• \'uhlr.i~lll '-~iltlt! lll<)11{h Ml t-liuhur• l lLl{h l.~" r'luo 11, MlLKnipp I<.~· 11 .. b111_·k,·!ed 1h.: 1n1•-Wll/1111 l1Ll111!10'~ .. ! kH L>1'k1n,i.: ""''TI l..11rr,\' C'H,.ln• Th. 11111'<'1""( 1'10''" JOr!ty <Jt'-his 211 1'0111111 lh.• ''""" 111 .. tl•l•'J';o lhlb .••'il.<"11 Willi.: th'(' <'UUn!ry h"Y Hllkio'd l11;c ""'' 111" 011· u•11~t1111d111;: "lf··n~•I'<' pl11yo·1 T ;u;o 1111,1 JU;<t 111,,1 kun.·k.,,1 out uf l n""' r •• , ... , ... 1 .,r1'111.t:!;c i:•r lh" 11!1· <JC Clu· j:>or11t'. Roy Dunlf'l \Oo'1l h ·~ cl\,·ni by cti,· fll"HI Ho•llt'h bU)'"-lnJI,. J.:11llnp A1:111n1<l :-\anln -''"·'· .11,i.:1L ;c, "'"S !ho• n lv~t !<pl ,, .. 1 .. n~11·~ 1;""" Jin.~ 1'<'1 tu !l!l•I ••Ut If hl ;c thl.'n 111\0o't'l•\I tlU•1 llUllk t,. ""' 1:. prrf•n:nrr •!n \h,. \·uutt. ,i.:uy,; ,·nn · ,.,.111 ,.,,, hli:h•llt•oriug :">.•. 111:iun~t Or11 ui:•·. c·,, .. ,.1.' •rr Folluw1n;.: Kuo)'!' 1111<.1 nanu•I /ll ih•· 11 .. :u·h. the i\nHhl'HI\ h<'lll'\'11111• 1uunt-h I~ "<l""ll'' ,,n,·11.\' ~"''' "''"'"Sc an Srh•>n .. ~. ~.Bu<! Tln•tllr· ! wh<• ,,.,.k,.,J up ::!I l"-•lnla ;t):lilll~·t I Rnl1•1t H,•,•d, lu~''l ,••I tlLo• har'rl"I~. HUil an,: !'>11v" TAn 1111,,, .I, 1111'1 I ll'l'llk·sL. ~··• '-''"'">:•· la~t w«t•k 1-kow n111ny Hthl• ti• 1>',llll~ •!" \"" J,-.1·r1· li:1'l"I" 1 an•! l'l'h• \\'1h•vx . t • k t k11<1W lhal h""'' lo:•''"' 111u10•1t•11i••,1 · . I :s111. t.•ai; .. 111u1 ,, t ,,~ ""' .. ,~ , •• ~ with 2. Tr•p :-;011'\l .~e .. ,.,.,. "'''"Jun-, T ~uie•• 1.l:t •. 1!•·•~1~ ,,,.,11• lllfl'"'~ • • · 11tr1('t 1· l•!'t\\'l'•'ll 1l1r nr~ 1u u1 011-1 • lo~ Gun(•'• "'l!h Ii puin1s. E·r~-Ii,. >.Ud "Thr llunlinJ;l<lll h0a\'f' .-!('r .Ill ~lt"'.~·t.1 w1.11~ ..• fhf' T11r B'~ p!HV 61·1111~,-. 11\ >' ' t 11\r ,...ng lt"1tdl'T.~ ;<.;:<11• I ' "'"f'L~·ll, H11rbQr l-!1,e:h M\ :1 prn 1nn1ori·ow l · . ¥,l'•'l\'ll Tu 1·lo11 , [1,,nn" /111111111"11 • ><'U•h •1•11nl ul J•lll•·d l"/:<"lh•'t "~I ' ----------·-·----1< t1tu 1 :..•t """"''"· 1 lu')' h,.,.,. lhl" ""d 'r"""" 0\'n•n•· huoi 11··•uhl"~ 1 .. ~ ritg,• "11.1'11 1"" •"Xpi·ll"11•<' 1111.J .,hi"',. 11h' :SRl1!ll AnH ll'I<\' Thi•\' o!i.l11 t Harbor Hl"gh B'S ph~·"'1 111 •n•·1 .. toui·u"1"1'"1 ~-11"""' 11ll th" 1 .. ~1 11:1111111• lhc har ·I B111 ><i.:a 1nH! Ill<' Uol•r-• \u th11\I"''"" i:nuii: 1" pl.or "'"' ,.( !h••n • • ,;'"""n "l"'llt'I "11 t!lr T1.r hnro1-""·~ Hll'k 1tr1<l ,.n,111w1 luri.;<>l h•·r Edge Fullerton \~"'"I o:.oi.:"' I!".'" hit "II " Ul•l'll 1pn•\I\' f)tur ;,nol "tut·. '"·'''""'· ::1 l'•l ••Ill"' 11"'" ~hnt~ l ''"".j Hn! ,:.,..,.n .. 1· "'"' ~:"'" 11111111.•· ,, .. ,,,. . ' I'·"'' \Ill" "'"""'"I .~1 1'"' '.-nt. n ... 11i.:··ol 1,, ~\nil ltWI! ~h!TI K~ 11.••ll•I f f'ndlng ()ff II lK~l (jlll<fl•'t "''"' .S.t1l<l1'1i '"'"l"l"·! 11."HIU,.I F ull .. !'· \ I • ' I . T . 1ni.: ~uri;e by llh· F ull••rtu11 H ~ I 1 1 1• , :· ,, . 1· '"' "II 1>"1"' ·•• 11" · !<Ill 1111( I H' · • P•T t('nt"~' Ml!""l~I "'''' "l•lll' '''l'l'"•I t"I' h••n••r~ 111 l h<' Tar llghl\Oo'f'ti.:ht~ l!d):l'<I nlll 11 :-;, t· \ 3937 i , · '" '' '""· 1!11<' l"nr '""'I 1!1,. .. 1,.~ 11"•'1 ti\ 11ir , · th~ llPr Jan. 11, .A\ on, !"""'I 'If ltu·y h•u~r/\ lll' l1k•· 11Hll 11 ,.,.1 ,..,.,. ,,1 ti•"1,r111,.1. M''""" .. In the t1n11I lr11.n1 .. , ~ul!t·iton ha•I ,.,-6,n;ci ttf,. U•l•'I ~. • 1;11,'c 1HUl<"tl. h " F1~un l •l•'k ll,\'lu11ol ~ o'o>ltll\Hl llO \llo• ll c Rrt<:,. tu tie Uw tA lly ~11h "I "llh•I\ ""'JI Jun ··· " "!111n«•' ''"''" t 2~ L A -r,,,,,, 'l'nl'l"r \\'ii· fr,. .. l'hot. but n11,.,., .. 1 • "" ltu·1r n .. ,,r " ;,','.'.'.1,. 1,..,11.tl :-:11., \'all• 1• uriol Tho• T"rs \Oo'inn1n,i.: n n1ri.:1n Wll~ A '"("I ho 1. lh •ll'•" r, bi.,;•·<! "" k ( I011111111,R 1:111'1". ha~ lo•'•'l1 Ill I"" 11 r11· l.'d up ln t h4• l<t'l·und qtrnrl<'r l tht' o•.!!p•'l l""'" <h11J'l•n1i~l :t11•l llll' lhl' "''"k .• , wiui i,. '"•~Ill ,\11'~"" who•n 11. l!I· tnt ''""1 111): l<J'>1••"1:"'"' l•1 r1'1i.:n !L•~11 !• lln1t the Suri,, l ll··rh Jo·nk~ ,.11,t J ~··· llar-1,.1' ln 1ulk th~ loc11! lac\" " ·"f'"ln Ii l l.. ""l' \\') \\'Ill• TIJrll!'rl"fy--TT'l":"';;:i"'"'~'.""-O:"",,_'::' ___ "'"'=""---~· lefld . Dave T11r1111rn art•! Jr1 ry K"'"· I" fl!'!'-!le"'"'" OC'.'i'S ~"r''"Y ·•1 the 1 lio~' o, .. ,;. J!I"~~"~ ~ pt'r tleJ !o r g,.,J,.r hlt.;h point hnn-. h•il.,i.:1h' •'Hll\'h""' tn1·~~ ,,. Uun\111,,:· j ------__ ---- or11 with 10 ,.,., h. ton H"'" n. :-,:,."'.l'"''l 1~""' h A 1111.· Oth<"r lurRI ~<'Ol'lnt.:. H1H1<11•·1h,.1t>1. Full;>tlOn. S1<n\., Aini niv!I l)r • .l1<1 11""' \\'. l!1 olll(l1<•r St, I ~ Thurnr»J••n, i , Brur 1• K111 pp. fl: ltny Oriuii;:» A. r"t11f"<I 1111n1 ~t"1 "If 1'\<'t\'••11., D11.r.1rls, ·I. "lld ll<1h 1'!11rt 1n . :l \\'alt Till S•·~I l '1•1&t Tll<'l'r'>' "'"ll•I 1.,·hu·1·,• !hi• 1th!li1y tu l'l\JHV l-'llll('rton·,. f\~n \\'.,rl".I' l<l<'l k ~""'" n•·xt ~· .. ,.r. t hot1,1:h. The 0 1ll'rll lu~l' h19 "'"irk. \tlPn hf' "''uul<I IM· "l.lle hon"tll Vl'l\h 16 n1111•k,.1 s lh.,ir 1tll·"•'n!or l"-a rn, "''hir h nu•An11 lro h1·e <'hf"••rftilly 1111 1he t 11nr" Fullerton Runners Beat Loop Rlvols ¥'ULLER.T0 l\'. •CX';'\'S\ -!11 ~· playing !h••ir b~,.t running of thl' !ICAJ<On. Fullrrton Hlgh'1< l'rOM l'Clllntry •qll"ol~ ~"""Pl to 1·irtory in !tl<'•'IJI with ,\nhhclnl 1tnd Or- 1tn,i.:e 11t Anah•·n•i '.\lond1t \' flrte.-. noon. F11llerlon "'·un the ou·.,., ..... ,.~. lllt'fl w ith 33 points, lollowed hy OranKe'1 43 1<nd An11heirn'11 4i . On \he dual n1r .. 1 h111<l11, lo'ullerton lf"f••l01f'd An•lu•hn :!4-:ll "nil hlo •t Orah,,:e hy th" 11_an11l Rl'Or~. ,,,,..,.. ,...11a I TolloNcl to Y-Cor. qu <1 rl ~r 8"'"' \h<' S""·r~•rt llarbur ~11 .... 1 111~ t'"'" 1-'.d•h" ,.,1,.. "''Ii 1:: \)0 ven1atilr perfonnrr In !hf! br .. a11t --l 'llJl) ~S~:!n'!-''r th•• "l'lif~ 11t«I !''"l'''''"·'''• 1111•'. ti l·I:! Harbor ; Dick H"n:.l110n In the B .. ac/\, Hu11\cr Han11nund, =--~111'\}()lt J•·rr.1· \\'11lk•, ,.( tf,, ..,...,'11!11'•lf~" -.::::--t11t··~;;;~:::~::::;:::::::::;:::i::~~':;:~===:;r,:;;;========J"Prlnt11 11nil Jnek llrll. 11 rPU1rnLn~ IJ~~e/1 \\'\)'"•' lllu11"r, cv~111 ~t''""· "'\th ~" 1·•ll•Ts I"' h•l.'tl "' 11· • Oran " Coo11t 11!udent \Oo'h.I' pr•'· !lob lt!b•· """• ,'\;,·w 1•,1! J;,.,,, h hull<>•• 'VTOu ;c y omp Mtr""tll'f1TTt'•"""nr-•J<Mlk-.l>b~~ l.!~>11 , K r11,,:hl lr "'"~ th<' lh•r•! .•\1,.11:!1\ !uur• \'"tut)' Iv •'"':''" J11t··~ •:ni:··~ gu~·11 Su,,.,. th•·11 "I" 11• r 1 .. ,..\ 1'1 h 1,i:h·fh·111i; I (11r111 n):.•111 II•· lo• h , he11· "l'l"''''nl 1,. !ll" <h'l •·n•l111:.: t entrr<nll' Ule llf'n'ICl'. !"''".I'. l.lol!UU•I J~o·n• II ,.n,f"' r •i; le ' .. 01 h"r.'I worklnl' out for th" 1'1 r · 1-i!i" lo:··~'. :'O""'l~•rt ll•'"' h :""'! fll•·~ WhQ pri>m111e In I'll• k 11p ~·,r,.t nw1•!1n i: fur 111" I'll'"!<' \\JI• ' plent.v nf polTII.'! Ire : Nori 1J11rl11w. l~r <.hurnl!r11 1~ ,..l "''h Mt s .. n T1<r~ ct1.111•1H••ll>lltf1 tl1nin• AS.\llt:l.'11 St!XT To1n """" 1111.;ht , ll"· ~, .. i. ,,. •I 111•e tu N~~IU" I ll""ll" I,.,.,; <>! It•'• 1u1<I l<IM•I l'I 11"' 111_,•I .'!it1<·1in,.:> "li.·n 11,.·1· l"t•i::, •1 1111 tlir 11"'\.oi-I 111)! A nah"'''' l01JL•Jll•~t~ •+n 111., 1 HnrtJ<.JI' l l1th t l\L1ol A \'l•'l••rl' "'"llld 111•'Rll 0 '"h"l ;1[ A t•tt :1111p"•tl· 1d11p t ie ~tuiul•I tl1t' 1 .. , .. 1 I nl~ ~'" • , .. ,..-11n knn1 klni: •oi l !t»"•'1l•·r11 nn th•• t'l\'a l l\/11•l"r~·I " ''""k IKl"I'. T u1•sol11.\· ut1:111. u 111ni.:" "''! .,fl to a grP"l at,.rl 1n Ille f1i:ou 'l"ar-· tcr, v.·hwh .. ndt'<l JH·"ll \\'ulkrr nellt'<I Ii ,,f the Jf1 for th•• I ,,·al11. T h('n ="•'"''f~•l'I. »1&l!Jehl , ru:e 11n11 \, ("Onn,.,·tftl t"r t11" .1 .. , 1~"·" 1n •l1g- l111 1n tl1r ~r,•ont! <'11n tn Mesa Nine in J County Loop An r>rK11nlu1tonBI n,.-.. 1111t: 01 l hr Oriint:e l'ou11ty lla,; .. 1111!1 A~­ anc:1at1on \Oo'I~ h rl,j Bl 111 Miil." ln.•I n1ghl. it "·,..~ 1• 1•u1l"d !,.,\.ol h,\' E . l.i. ,...,,,,,. bu•1rl•'~ u11n.•1._•·r· ••I l he C'OlllH M••M ,\1. I'• h11111 .~ •I'll• n1ond ninr .• f'nnn~>J "'"" 11 ~'""''"I'·'"' l··i•· 1 ue \Oo"\th 1. ""h"!!ulo· bt•i.;11111111 .: a ,,. • ..,ek fro111 ~Un•11!)'. 11,.,.,,1'.• l •l·t n J>! .. llA, thl' ltK•p 1" ~"llll'"M"ol "1 1'111· .. rnt1u', I 1.., •• ,.11 ,.,..\\ Fl )1,.ol• II•'. Santa A n1t, \"Pr .. nK i<T1•1 I ~• 11 o!•rr+. l..l\ne 111ti<I. FAST ACTION AT HARBOR HIGH M,· )llCKI':\' 11.,\~K.t:LJ, T11.r hUJ><'R lor 11 C eh11.n11uun~h1p r!ln1n1td Tu""'lo<Y 11.~ Ornng,• h1111d - l"<I the lfll"lll n1 .. 1getl'I thP11' !<i'<'nnJ leai:ue 101111, 3; -l t N""'"p<1rt nnw hol•Lll It two 1tnrl two l<'agu.-re<'••nl. !-!•·orlnw; •n \hf' f1 r11t half "''all f'tt"<l"•n1111<nl ly T11r. Th.-y n11tn 11ged 1n lln\'f' " :"> point li'1u1 t1l thr end or tt•·· h;,lf 1111 th"' ~("1>rr rr11d :zn. 1;,. 1 Jrl\111(<' ,.,.,.n~•I I h" !l<'or" 11\ 2J· 2~• 111 th~ th•r•I r 11 11te>. It \Oo•11:0n·t nrt1I the f•nAI !'<'('Onrt.~ whrn IL l"<'h nic11 1 foul w111 l'l<lled nn 11 TMr 11l11.y"r that th<' preMurr w11.~ brokl"h. Then 1t took but nne ~k"t from Bill s .. 1m11n of nr,.111:•• lo ol<"ridr !he 11111~le. ! f.1tllr J ohn u .. nrrotln ~ ...... ·rd lll"r" th1111 o nt•·hAlf nl h111 t,11 m '11 t .. tnl l""nt11 <111 h•• ~11, k"" up 18 Billy tlR)ll.'.'I 1!>11<1 l{ich followrd Hf'nroUn with ,•, P'"n!" f'~t·h. H"h l-l••nfle r11ho! 11nrl Dav .. f'e\111 r,11,.,1 In the rrn1a1n1ng mArkrr11 11~ Tt1e~· 11.-nr··rl ~ 11nr1 2 I JM('k ~l'hl'<~'d"r "'611 tup !11U!I !tl r Oranil! "''1\h 12 pnlnlA. a nd Doyle f'hM.•e """• nrlrt v.·l!h !fl Schroeder "'A,,-on,. u( th" Tare' biKJe•t ~U1tnbling hi"' k'. ho't·,.u~" .. r hi~ !l'l>p<'rior height I Tnrnorro"'' th .. Tar nywel11:ht11 1 1r1nrl In An9he!m fnr th .. 1r ne11t j.!'.l\nlf' . Sherrill on Board S ANTA A;'\'A 1nC'NS1-(:eor1t" f' Sh.,1·nlt. 11 N<'\Oo'f'(lrt 8"arh LAn" r.·1,,•rlt"l th" '11111111•"''"1111• I of ttir 1-n11n1\' \\'uo\•'T ! .. ·0:.:11• \\'Qlllol ,,,. d•••d••I !I 01,,.,.., \'1•'" l'1"1l l ... >r··11ll•h ~''' !1j' "'lh " jµ\,,k :>hHt ...,, IK"l lh!i\ ~1·"11 !ti• • h"n11r111 rnglnef!r ha.• he-en •r· 11nintr f1 lo the rounty air pollution f'nnlrn1 he11rlnl!' lloar•I hy !he r1cr.~11 ~ 1h1tll).." :o;u nd"~ ~h•,uld 1,_. ·• 1, , •n t ~! p !1 111. t• ~•"l'P' 1 th• •1n ll )l, ..... , '' i, ll tir>un"'"1 I C•rlln~l' County 8(>11.rd nf 8upt'P'1~· "r~. ~hcrrlU \Oo'll1 rPf'lllrf! Jamf!~ 0 ~1 ... ,1.111n:1. Oran,i.:•' rnun:1•h. lh•• \\l!l!o r •!•~1·! •ii.:'11 l"•l l flll• hou \,,.t: Th" i"ll"ll t .. ,,,, J'I"'" h"r·c 111 .. t Fri•llil ""'Uhl tt-thr"" II l!lt'' " 1)1 1• "." "·' t ,, '" 11 11~1 !.,. 1 11 . 'I 1 t ,·111 1,.,j ~ti !11 An'\. • "·~'•, ;.. S1>1ff f'hnto I ll! llllh•llj: ti" '''""" """" l •t ·I ~-- - -~ , ---- •Ill'>" •n•I Sant" ·'"" !•''""~· l..ll."l :"IHl•la \·, (h,. ~:··~·• .\1• I l • fl lll>I 1tru1'P"ll ·,. 11·/\ t.;n111t> t" ~:l 1'1od<'no un !h,. tn1tl J11hl I!\\,..• El .'111"1,..no~ J1r,.t "•rl ntl•'t I~ ,.,1. bl\<'klO. Thi~ :o;11nd11y t h ,.. .11.•1• h"n l"- rlay I'll\• fn!:n .. ,, ~!··~" 1. ... ~~ Jo"'1rl!'I. G11i11" l111•r •• 1.30 p Ill b<'~<h ANNUAL BOWLING MARATHONS Feb . LADIES MEN 20 Gemes e.m. Fob. 20th I I :00 a . m. 10 Game5 13th I I :00 HIGH AVERAGE FEB. 1. 1955 2 3 180-M;n, 130 2 l 190-M;n. 150 This Year"s Av'!ra9e Used H N-M loolc U111it to 1st 36 lowlen ENTRY FEE $8.00 ENTRY FEE $12 .00 PRIZES DONATED IY Sl'ONSORS and FlllENDS'' ...-~"·rort Bf'11t·h; •·r11nk Be*ll· Antoni .. L\•Ll•·i.:•· 111 thr hH""al l"'''I 1Cost/\ :-,1 .. ~11 ; Qa\'!d ll<lyt ... l...l!i;!llOH fhT F··b I ~. "·a:h .,.,,,,!or lht> ~,.,,. e .-11,.h, Huddy ('oRn<'. "'''"''f!<•rl 11011 "·nt I'" 'Iii•· ~1 1th• 111,.,.1 wl11r h R<'1trh \\'IHi 11.n1 T 1n:r., B11!h••11 111-t "'·11L h,.. h~ld t lu~ Y~"' 1n !hr ()1- l1tnd. <:1 1th11 n1 G1bbon11. ;<.;cv.·port "n!;" Cu~~t c .. 11.·a:c ri ~·I Styling that's stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars! The 1rylin~ 1potligh1 blazes down on • loM·-co11 car thiJ year-for the fl,to1oram1c Chc\·roll"t is stealing the shQw from the high-priced can ll>'ilh ib 1ubtle '"''l'l'p o( line, !he brilliant !Oph i,tication or iu Europcl!n·t)'pt grille. the bold rake of it.' "dttp-<uf'ftd windshield. And the~·s even more e:teittment in the "''ay it drivct-the velvety comfon o r Glide-Ride fro nt suspcn~ion ind outrigge r re1r -'Priogs, the handling_ cue of 8911· Raee ~leering, 1tle flashing performance of the oc• 162-b.p . "Turbo-Fire V8" _________ _.,, ... _ engint or the two new "Bluc-F l:1me" 6'~. All thi~-p]Uj the C~!rll<O~I or11on5 of r o ... erglide or 0•·<"1dr11~ :ind a lull r:in~c of powe-r as~i~t~. Try a 1955 Che,·rokt- now-and you'll ~•rr•w v.tly it i~ _\le.dins the thunder fron1 the h1i;h-p occd (.1n P.IORE T llA.:S A ~EW C AR ••• A ~F.W COS CEPT Qf LO\\'..COST !llOTOHJXG • 1117T Hart,.., Hh·d. .. ····-··············· .--" 1l url " ·· .. i f.".; JW ll'f"l'f'fl fo run rt'n.'!S around lf1c rest / "·· ........................... ·· L•un ~111J t• • ti< ,L< J, '·' 1n• h"!"d ror • 01<qu1•1t1 ' n 'lnolt't 111,. ·~1111 " dl\'1111un .. r bt 1. I·~ Rn1l J •a r lt~ r1,, • yrAr r 1ll~\"r 1·1,1r Tlll' I""! h "'" 1.1 hll'" .. , ... ~ •• 1.~. S11n~rl it,~.!, flea<""ll ,, ·r ·,.~· 1-• •• ~T •! J 11111' I ~' VAN'S BOWLING MILLER ~HEV·ROLET CO. RIU. KLOTZ, Jltv. ' 1000 Wnt Coast HICJh-y NEWPORT BEACH Phone Uberty 8·2261 .' J •' ' ' ' ' ' I J • ' . ' U. S. GRADE GOOD OR BEmR, FANCY EASTERN GRAIN-FED STEER BEEF : S.WISS STEAK RUMP ROAST I~ U. S. GRADE GOOD OR BETTER, EASTERN BEEF ROUND . ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN TOM HORMEL MIDWEST GRADE-A SLICED ALL-AMERICAN 'TIP-TOP' PURE PORK SAUSAGE . '3 5 1 35. LIS.·,, FINEST NORTHERN STEAKS OF . UOUORS TRIKENA . VODKA :~~ s3• CHAMPAGNE .,~~e-=-'~ '3 21 TABLE WINE v:~2t~ 75' , WHISKEY . 1.w-~~~t~ 52• SMUA 7.Y~ OLD • CANAOIAI< 0.UI 6-YR.. OLD I 1-U . OLO WHISKEY IE5T CUTSI WHOll Ol HALFI Zl +. Zl-tb. AVYA5E • 3 SALE DJVS! · . • THUii. ~ NL• ur . .IAll.u_,, S & w -ALL RINDS COFFEE . JUMBO VALUES! • • ' KRAFT SALAD DUSSI~' MIRACL . ·WHIP ·' ' ./ I I ' I • ' CESSB> AMERICAN TE PltlMIUM _ v..&AI. CTN. :>LE SWHT NO.JOI CAN$ Olan RIPE OLIVES lilANT RIPE __..O. I TALL CAN 23' MAMMOTH 27C P1mD- NO. I TALL CAN l 2.LS. PKG. 24-0Z. JAR • ARDEN" COLORED ~--.... • iloito MORTON'S! ~ ROUND •. IOt) -~ ) --\ . Ka1~e; 1<" ~ KAISER FOIL •DOWNEY • a.11. DlllB COllNU FIRESTONE I DOLAN NORWALK 0.ly 'fl Midniff, t •M hi 10 pm Swft. CORNEii: Flll:ESTONE & l'IONEEll: • IARDEI GROVE • coo""' DAILY 'Tll MIDNITEI -&ARDEN &ROVI llV6 I& .. •~ s. ROil DEL MAR DAILY •:OO A.M. :O rO:OO lt.M. J 304f COAST Hl&HWAY AT JASM : • flEWPORT IEACll • DAIL y '""' ..... TO 10<>0 ...... a:: COAST Hl&H.VA i AT TUSTIN SAi CLEMEITE M•N .,',;~ .. ~~.!~:~., ~T~L eA~~J t:OO f 8. CAMINO llAL so ..,,,.. '" o..i.n _ W• ~ .. ., P.M.--s...dr, t .. I P.M Ju.Pl 10 U1111t Qunllll" ' U.S. ... I WllM ... • . . · $OlD "l.llDAI. INIUCHID SAVllBS UIE TllESE - lllll'T PUllTS! l>elicatessen DUIUQUE CANNED PICNICS ::,™::; $299 4%..US. LOWEST PRICE IN YEARSI HOffMAN AL.1.-MEAT 60l.D£N ST A TE RINDUSS CHEDDAR RICH, CREAMY OREGON BLED CHEESE . ioiiGNA 39:. WILSON'S CERTIRED AL.1.-MEA T SMOK-UNK0< SKsiusioE ·~~~ 49: 39:. 55:. '1.U. PK&. IMPORTEO FROM DENMARK IEAUYAts -.HAMS . NO REFRJG. NEEDED iOiESR JDILLS ~~ 2lt 2.lJ .• $229 ' CAN FRUITS Jno'GREENS llW CROP OWPllllllll "MlMOllll UAR" l.U. CELLI WllDOW IOI \ lltn .,,., SWMI S.11ldlf .. , ... • .. • j - I i (1 1 l , , NE\\' MEMBERS-Joi.ning Balboa Power Squadron at last Thursday night's· dinner meeting in Newport Har- bor Yacht Club were these 32 men of the 45 new mem- ' • . , ben1. They are shown bci11g sworn in by Robert Boyd. district commander. profile to class. -Beckner Photo WIVES-Husbands here praise wives for receiving certificates of qualification for passing Power Squadron's Piloting cours<'. From left 1m~ Keith Cor- drey. district education officer and Af.rs. C.Jrdrey; Mrs. L<'uil WarC' wirh Ware who is district public relations officer : Mrs. Elmer La Lanne with her husband who is chnir- man of Piloting course. and Mr. and Mrs, William Ryan. Certificate<; were presented at squadron dinnet,. in Newport Harbor Yacht Clu~. -Beckner Photo I i' I I Newport Variety. .t'Ul'K 6 ... lO 8TOU \\.. HI\.. (.Jrowa !Hampe .. °""-Yro11t NMt Pter :\'J;WPOKT BEACH MESA UPHOLSTERING l'pt1ol11t,.rla1 A DNIM'rJ l .lho'rtJ ll.,.1Kl 1S.">tl :\"pt Hlvd .. (lueta MNll -- M\l(l;\t. I l'HOU'1't:IUNU ~ ftOA1 CJOVEK8 UAl.t\OA t\~!\\'A8 .!!ltlOP ,.,., ... JOJ Ni~lo./'ii:tH r--~ (!!_P~~GI~ SOUTH ('OAST 00 •... tllrd 1; S e"·port Rh'd. --- PAGE 6 -PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSOA Y, JANUARY 27, 1955 ' 75 ENROLL FOR SQUADRON'S PORT SECURITY ' UNIT MEN FROM HARBOR TO GET A WARD raliforn1a has a greater dw••r- slty uf natural economic rt-1<1111 r<'e1t ll1an mo~t Euro pean count rlfs. 1 •'· pnrtll th" N11t1on11I -A11t o nl11h1le Club. ran DAN'S TV I Liberty 8-2228 MARINE NEW·S Frillay Jan. ~" S11turrlli\' Jan. 2!1 Sunday Jan 311 ~lnnd&\' J11n. 31 T u!'l!Clay Ft'b. l \Vedn<'11day 1-'eb. 2 Thursday F'eb 3 TIDE TABLE Ttme Hlch 11 31 ,1 ru 0·27 a. m. 12·35 p.m I :HI a. 111 2 11 p. m. Ht. 4 I 2 ·2• •. Ill !I.I • 4 31 p m. :l.7 3 ·JS 11. 111. !'1.:1 ll 14 p m. ·:t O 4 :49 a.111. fl6 7·09 p. Ill ;1 ~ ::i:ril a. n1. I; (I 7 411 p. 111 3 8 l'ilne Low !):r,1 a . 111. ~;50 p. m. 7 03 II, Ill #! 27 p. m 8 .3fi II. 111 i It> p. Ill 1t1·111 a. m 8 31 p. lll 11 ·J6 a. 111 tO I 1 p. 111 12 3~1 p Ill II .12 p. m 1 19 I' 11' Paclilc OaylJg~t Savtnp T ime , (f • • ,IP'Ut8T FtJLL LAST St:W Q ll&JCTE& MOON QO&aTER MOON F f!b. 14 F .. b. 22 Jan._1 Feb. 6 H t. u 0.1 l • I 2 I.:.! I ii O.i 2.2 (I I 2.4 !),:, 23 I.II nRST \'f'.LLOWTAIL, SEASON-Mrs. Charles Hop- ton, winner of Lady Angler's contest for first yellow- tail of the iwa.son taken on a boat out of Newport Har- bor . receives Earl Stanley trophy from Hub Pow1·t !I . -Kent Hitchcock Photo LADY ANGLERS By ~Tt:l.L (Mrlil. Ray) MARSHALi~ SPRING PILOTING COURSE Balboa Power Group 45 New Members at Receives Session I By ISABEL (Mn. G. N.) PEASE Sl'venty-C1ve men and wunwn Fla.. Walter H. Harris, \'t>r11un huvo• enrolled in Balboa Pow"r Ko1•1i~cl, Wo1·th111gt1m Ul', R11:ha1u j S4111tdro11'.-; ..,p1111i.: p1lot1ng .. ours'! IA'tne1-. Lcumd M\'C.:ollugh. Gl'oq:e whk h o perwtl /B!<I M onday nil!(hl Mt'Bl'hein. 1''111nk Richmond. W1l- al Nt>wporl H11rb<ir Yachl C lub, IJarn Hy1m, G<'n" V>1n Dome, Wl'I· and will continu" (n r ten wePk.q. don Schwo1 .. 1· anti Roy Dahlgri>n. I ~tu1,. an· •·xpectetl t o .e n ro ll n .. xt A new <'01.11 s.-1r1 Seamansh111 ;,. M 1mday 111i:ht. accurdml( to Elmer now lwJ.:111nrni: fur lhO!<e who h!IV" La Lunn ... 1:harr11111n ur Uw .:ours ... •pas.~ed P1lo1111g , cumrnand .. r Curlis Oo;ih intt•>· Boytl n ·porleJ his re!'Pnt Ytl'rt to tlucetl the 4:, n1·w squadron m em· t he· na\111111;1 t'unr1•1·1·nc••. Ill r-;.,w oors, 111 lk sl Thursday'!< •hnner York. of t h .. United Stato:s P•lW•'I meeuni; 11t ;\'ewpor·t Harbur Yacht I Squatlroo!I, saymx Kenneth Champ Club, Mm t' 1 han 170 mc•mbers nntl th~ re-eltil'tNI ch1d commander, g!J•'"ls stood while Rub••rt Boyd, I would com•· lo the l'Oasl t o attend rtislncl <'ommancte r ... r.nchicled "1P the th11t1 let sµrin~ •'rmfert>n!'t! al 1n<lll•'liun i·t•r .. m on l"" th41 Hotel Stflllcr m Man ·h. Entertainment or exceptional m- 1-·oun""" . Wlilll"ll ttlsu r«cc1ved tere11t wn11 th!' ~howlng of the col· 1h .. 1r rerllf1calp11 fur passing the ort'<I film. takt'n aboard the f11ll eilollng couri<e. M rs. Stuart ll<'hooner Gnodwlll. Ralph Lara• Bu1r1t, w ho ii1t><i<t'll ••very ruur.<e bee's 19:'13 Honolulu Race first to the Squadron g1v"s; wu• >1sked to finish w1nn<'r. The picture h11s pre,.enl certlflr1tlt'>< In th•· nf'W n ow attaint>d national fame. hsv· women Pirots Ing been s hown In many plal'o:.,1, A Ibo> rt Ryl..t t, >1e1:1<·t.11 y of lht! alway3 he1 ni:-a i-c;ln1m1·d for 1t4 Squadron. 1md .Cha1rrnan of the techntcal a<'<'IJrsey 1111d Its very Seamanship <·nurse• a nnnuncPd. thP lnrorm1111vo: r .. utun·~ 1111 w .. 11 'IS f11ll •·Our1<1· Pnrnlh·es had par<!<t>d II !I i.: Tt'llt a rl 111tir quo 1111 .. ,. M "111· tht· .-1rnmmat1n11 too 1wr,.1·11t. H" b1·r~ 11nd ~Ut'i<l!I 11111111111111\l~ly ox- Jll'• .«·lll"'I I" rllfw alPl< lo th• ful · pr .. s.~1·11 llJlJllPlllllH'n to J.11r11b1•e IOWlll)( n••\\' M'lll1Um : Mr:<. l..cunnnl for prvv1dm)r th1:< r1l111 ln1 th" H o 1<lt!IJ1•r . M rH. l..t>land M cColloch, squadron mt't•ting Mis>< L.-tu ~ke• n. Mr11. 0.-ne Vsn CommnndPr Dc,11h anno11n1·eu D cunt' Hob"' I B1tllt'y, Mrs. R .. rn-t he largr-11t rlss• ot new memb1>r ,1 h111 1l 1•.dn1. Mi:<. J ohn Dt>ve1 , !lo-In the l<qued1011',. h1:1tory will be bf'rl Bet l<o·1 .l ;im"~ Br1wy1·1. 1.ylt' larg<'ly ah!«11 be;t in one of thP nt'w Buq .... -.-. <'ha1l"s IJavrs, J1it111 11 .. v-s11r1 111: rt>11r,.e>1 n nw n rwn t n tl\l'm , 1•r, Al1"<.""'"' Hq1 .. 1tlun, who 1,i a So>om11nship \\'<'11th1·r and F:n.:111,. n"w 11 an~1 .. ,. Crum :,;t. 1•1 t .. r11h111 )(. Mninl1•n11nc·1> lb I•', u1 ,.,.,·un J 111 rg .. sl .t1ba- ro1.. 12 ll•. Mt ~ ·rnhrn,. i;, lb 6 ••1 L.11 ~· .,l \ • llto\\ l.111 .Ill tit , :\Ii,, Al .lal'i<>un, Ii lh 1:1 u7. ""'"'ntl l1Hi;•'·'1 \1•1111\\ tall an lb. M r11 A t1tlV Br1td!Plll. l ;, Ill 1:1 OJl. , lat._, .. ftl .':ellm\'ln rl. :w lh . M rs F'ranll Ke1•lo•r. :n lh 1 'l uz .. •"<'•incl llHl?;f'.~t yl'llt1Wt<o1I, ;!(I Ill . Mr" H nplun. !It lb. 'l 1~ en.'. 1111 l:"-"l '''hit" "1-a ba"-•. 30 lb . Mr.11. W111l"~ l'llll'w'. 13 llJ 4 nz , :s··~·un1' lat Jtl·~t v.•tultt 11i1•w lm1<.~ :Ht lh , Mrs ~Rm K m•fRthe1. 12 lb fl llZ . IRrl(Nll whit<> ,., .. , ba111<, 20 lb , M r11. f'rank K e!'l<'r. 2:1 lh I;, 1; nz l'l'<'0111/ llll"j.:t'RI Whl1•' ~ .... hlllll', )(\ lb . Mrll. Antly Rr11•lf1,1,1 :1 lh ti 11r., lar)("~l 1·111ak·, M1« <'all, s lb. e1, 11z: ~•'1 1m1l ln1 ~""' • rru1kf'1 . Mrs-C-:111 I lb fi'1 117 .; 1•1-:c I.\ 1. Tttl ll'tt u:~ fo~11 '.'ot n1 ut 1111 111 )'(•t1r. w1nn•'t ,\1 1:<. I '1•11. 116 '; lb., larJ:t.•l 11lba· ,.,,,,. 1.1n\ l1it•kle>. y.·1nner. ~1 t " li•tplt)ll I :!II lit linl' I , ;lij lh. j I07. t'lnh • ha11 rp1nn•h1p, wlnnt't, MrA. J•11w•·1. ·,tl I•~ ""'"'•· F lri<l mPm· 111 r •" '"'"hi y 1 .. 1 dub rh11mptcm -! "'h111 ,;,,, r!f1tnt1t11 ~fr~ K'·•l,·r ; now the BIG are quiet! Quirt a1 a L.tll~n. but thr rr\ • lot nf w1l1k 111 dr linn on 1ho~e ruwd. i1~1oerulal1lr ~­ tlor~· Com~ in anti listen to th(' fou• 1rr~a1 modrl• . ._,'to :!5 H.P. lr<1 i;,•••1 ,dhHl'llft'. Ii\'" hlltl • lllb ---------------------------~-t.111 il-;1. ~'' "· K rn.-!Rther, Ii' lb. 6 Awa1•J,. '"llow by I r•1phy 1111• '•l7. l.H i<:""t l 111h . l'lllb chart'°r.30 lb. Tht' ~<'"1'01t H1t1bn r Lsdy Ang· l•r" annual trophy award a.nd in- .. 1.1lls11.i11 h1rnq11<'t. hc•l•I at :\'ew· f"•I t Hn1 bor Y11rht l 'lub. laMl F ri· da' "''""'"~ 1><>11rs .•p.-1·1al .<11rn1- flr0a1wt' ur 1 hat 11/'"t"tl 1111r C1fl h &11n1v,.r~A 1 y l-..i~, .... In t he'""' sho1l yt'arfi s11Ht• ltlP club "'"" urga.n1:r.•'<I. th(' f1i1hrr· (!Rb hllV!' Ctl\'t'fN\ I\ hit 11r Oll'llll- 111 ~h111l. thl'\' 1<'1tl1\ -1 111 .. 1 Ihm~' up 111 th•' •111,.:hn,i: w • ., lot un. ..r •'Hr bt~j:f'~t hunll··~ w1u1 hl .,.;rHn l ho• n'"'f'<'C I 111111 ><dmirlllll?n 11f 'h" 11lltlt> r1.•hc>l ll\• n Ot't 'l('l,.\l:t::-< AT ll(l"~t:R r.r1 t111):' hack '" t11kr i& p c·ek Ht c>111 14nn11al n1;am, t he mollt import- 11111 p11n .. r r.how the 110J)hy 11- w unli< ~I r~ f'r<'•I Lan11d11wn!' r ~litry Jo> 1 1n hPr most r h11rm 111g 11n1\ witt~· J'rOCeuui.. ofr1r 111ted In thP prP!'f'lllllllOfl nt thP :11 8W&n l• f:llo h 1lnn1•r prl'~nl Wll~ R~ke1I Ill m 11kl' hill r rt'itl'nlat 1nn . f: .. ,·h w tn- n ,.n• t'xpre1V<1on of J"Y 111 hf'I 1111pr••m• moment of glory wa.• "'n 111~p1r11t1orr for us hard·hl<'keTll to w nrk a hlllt' hnnll'r th18 r nmmi: """"""n. I \\' ,. w1~h t o thank f'lH h 11n1t •vf'1yone-who 11h•r1•d in makrni;: our l'lllrty nnt of C'llr nw l't 11urcl'~S· f ul and oulJ!tandtn1t ll0c. la1 e nntw , .. l•·:-l. \Vlnnl'I t<Otl Wt'1ght11 111n .. ,,.,I, Mt. A1!Rm ~ 21\ lb 4 1, L8rl(e1't nrn1l1n. ;,11 lb M•~ }foll 11z large,.l fl~h. 1 h1b r harter, 20 Powo>r11. 103·\ lb11 . laq:te"l m llrhn, Ill llno' l"'lll. Mis. ~·ram<'s P ula,.k1, 30 lb . ~lr:o Hay <"1111. 126·'· lb 17 lb Si 11z fm•I tn break y .. Jlow· larl(P•t tune. 30 lb., Mr>1. :>:etl ta il r"t"ord. 2n lb line l e.lit, Mr~. Johnw n. 11 lb. 4 •, oz.. ,.f'l.,lnd Hnpt11n. Ill lb z rJ oz . i.:;resl .. ~t IATJ.!l'Bt tunA. :10 lb . Mrs. Bill To-number nf 411allfyrng f ish . Mr11. bil\l'f !i lh 7 .. ii:. larl(t>l't nlh&Nir•· H1adford, ftri<t ytllowlt1il o f !'<'8· J ll Ill . Mr~ .lt'l'I ~· ,\1111111• z;, lb l'••n rP:ot1·irtr<I In holllll out 11( 4 1 1t7. , .. 1ond hll i:•'•I 11111.,.•or.;. :>:t>wp11rt H1111l11r. M r.~. Hoplon If! 311 lb ,\It • Ho\IB rd S mlfh, :l:! lb lh 212 nz r' 10'0 11Z , 1111..:P:tl 11lbaco1.-20 lh pf;RPF.Tl "AI~" Mr" {'harltf' Hopton. 26 lb 7 M . First mRrhn of • )'t'a r. ~1i:ht ~ .. ·onrl hiri:r.<t Rlbn1 ore. 211 lb l&cklf'. MrJt. C'111l. 126'!. lb: f•r~l M rll Tol'Hll!'. 2 1 lh. 1\17 or..; ling"~' 11lb11core or yeitr, Mrs. Powr rs: "'lbnM rr, 12 lb. M1i;. A1h1m!I, I:> gold slbarnre pin. 20 lb. line teiot. Harold I. Johnson Propetl&r RepMn Colu.mblan and Fed""'' A~f'Dr~· Phone Harbor 8!0 '?"ll \'Ula \.\'ay, !'>•"1>0rt OMcll Mn . T ob1a11. 2~ lb. 6 ~" or.. I South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport Blvd. .\ ''TllOI< 17.t:O •· \r r'i'" "'t:1n 1e t· SOUTH ~ORST JOHNS TONE'S Mno Auto Wrecken l'Md Auto Part• and A c«'flltlC>rMMt • 2075 Placentia Ave. .. conSTRUCTIDn [0. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 3otb St., Netrport Beach Hart.or Ul33 : fo'our Newport Harbor men a n • 1unon~ thul!e who lw lung tn the Orga111:r.ed RPM'l'VC Tr11i•11ng lJnlt Port ~kcunty 11-:171< to I><' honored Ill the 111r fat'lli\y Tt11•M1ay. al 8 r .rn. Commanding off1ce1· oC I h.-11n1t ,,. LI l'll1 k. C. ~" ""l. local ya cht broker. Ric hard D1!11vcr. 117 Apoll'nll Ave. Oavr<I l 1ru1kl'l l. 2'17 Golcll·nmd Av" and James H .. Edwards, 1211 G. St. will tnko? p art 1n cer1•m tm1e11. The I Ith Coast t.:11111<1 LJ1;itr1<'l f{(';.,.rv" t rophy plaque Ii< i: 1v~n ""1111-nwnl hly tu th<' lllllt w 1th th•· most po111t11 in .1tslra·t-wul.· compd1tHm Ill alll'l1•1ani:.-, ·•PP<'ttl • lil\C'I', p1'1'fo111111.nre 1111tl lr ainlnK and •1t.hl111111'11ut1ve "'"unlri. Ulo AU llOWAR W. GERRlSH 1808 Newport Blvd .. Custa MC'1<a PHOSE l.Jbercy 8-llllt \\ I\ n ;u ttt;A ·n;K~ ~•lH \EIYl~l ••d tf,All~ Joe Bet·~lofc/ f> Lil ~Ull :\ U fUM~ tO 'El COil OOWN Pho•u H•rhtH IS30 BE SURE -INSURE "'"" MAI Kit 't. Sl"AN l .Y.\ lnu1..-n<'" Onh Phonf' HMrh11r '!•H :tlln P:. ("o•~• Hl«h"a'· t'orona dt•I Mar ---~·-------· PAIUO:.S IUDl..EY MOKTllAR\' t'ormt1rl.1 tiKA I t:I (;HAJ'El I IU ffrt1•d"·ay -lAnata 111.- Uht'rt;\' 11-:l4X3 Mid ~-S434 OHN MATTRF~ES Boat_tt...,, ......... ·1·r.ui.n fr,.,.rular Sllapt'e Uher.ty ~-I lMlS t.'oata M,... Mattrme C.. tl30 Nt'wport fQvd .• JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean , Marine and General Insurance * Ofttllf': Cotlt.e Mt'IMI llanJI BM•· LJberty K-ll 7t R.-.. t lfl Hue!. Co.-a clel llar SHOE REPAIR Iott 't%Dd STKF.ET NtOMT & DAY & HOllDA YS A(IO~ MIGHWA'r llOM HOAG MOM'ITA\ NEWPORT-301 NEWIJORT llVD.-COSTA MISA " / I JUST MOrlTtf ol POST OFFICE (' OF THE • ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BtFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH tARN FROM THE FIRST OHice ~fours: .. .. Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. -8:00 p.m. l . I • 1 ·' ··I AVA'S AT UDO THEATRE Artr,.'lll Ava Cardnf'r; starring" In the title role or ''The Bare- foot r.ontena," the 11tory or a Spanl•h danrei who becomu Lhe w or ld'• moat glamorous woma.n, can oe l!l'en In the Ttthnicolor film now 1how1ng at Liilo Thutre. Sparke Pleads Innocent on Heroin Count ton Ave. Arre1tlng officer• claim- ed, they found approximately tour g"ram11 of narcotlca and lnjeclln1 equipment on the defendant. • The! drfendant Is conf ined In Oronl("' C'ounty · Jll1l In lleu of $6000 b&ll. Mr. and Mrs.. Archie Horvath of th•• :,11 Fullerton Ave. addru1, I 1 NEWPORT. HARBOR NEWS-PllESS -PART 111 -PAGE-71 THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 19SS I' I MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS , By IOI MATHENY I Already pe0ple a.re talking about buebalt• apring train- ing ~pe, resort wear featuring summer attin.' \·alentine heart.a and Lent.en menus. Even with time flying pa.st. there'• always_ need for excellent cuisine, auperb aen •ice and sparkling entertainment. No matter bow you like your ahare of lhla potent trio of ~fferinga UM' go to. THE ARCHES lor tl'Od or chancea a.re you'll be happy wlUI ~ you·re not rcq!UHd to the Harbor area'• ahere. of auch knocl< 1;tud. all y<N 1:1&\ t to do is provtatona. e-nJ?Y yoo~U. JWlt lo ahow you bow ~· Are you the lllnd ot CUY who are l'Olng a.nd what 11 VtpKted U.kea to sonr in t~ aho"'·er et1rh take a look at ROSSI'S over In ayE"m ! Don't k~p that tal.nt to' Corona del Mar. They're maldns yoursel!'. Sb&re It .,,,,,n the rest more elbow room 80 that you cu of 1he Harbor. lolttt r<.n,;-lovers enjoy your dell•h l talllLn tare. ga.Jore dotrn al YE OLDE BAL.- And another entrance and exit la BOA DO~ a.ny Saturda)' night ard ' belnc..._~Jt-nged for your comfort. "give" wllb OoroUly Ne~b1tt wh1lt• I l<?O· A~ll there will t>t>. a .""w 1~ lt>ads t!:., 'lid' t:t~t.•on ct"~1~v..u- look tro01 now on at ROSSI'S • , ni~y sl;i~ing. I ·-.. NEW. CHINESE CASINO A new Balboa location h~uscs the Chinese Casino which is undl.'r the tsa me managc- m{'nt and operation as in its original spot. Harry Y~I.', J oe Yew and Wnh C~ong, \\'1111g continue their specialties al 111 Main St., just a few s hort steps t uward the pit•r from their former site. -Staff Photo MAC'S ·CAFE " et~ ('out Rlstawa7 OPEN ALL NIGHT ~a\'lnir Newport Bead\ tllward llunllngton Beach, t'l"t c'"'"' •m the rlcht. , ................... .. ~-llllCllOll .... ..._. .. -- ST \HTS l\l 'SOA\' "The Silver Chalice" Herc's the ace·ln·lhC·hOlt. \ ou I Bi<"n .-en1do Smor Loult . Tu.._ can .see all the new retlnem('nlli ooy·s th.,. day whtn llll the gan::: ut Ull11 popular llallan re11t.aurant I ~then at HESRY'S vHr on tht I tonight -T\iURSDAY --wh1'5t I hagb11.-a)· to roll ·iu~ t!:e Wl'kome I attending the FREE BUFFET! mat for Louie ~10....,,no. February !:;:m1i·,::~::::l~:!~~e~te!~~: = the=~3~~1~;~~~~~~ I c--U--R--F--E-W ___ c __ R_ACK DOWN In. why doncha ? ,. this e1'-t tlM'tt'a a gr&h • buffl't For he'a a "Jolly G.ilXt Coburn. I on 1he boUM' all l'Vening I -r----~ ·.;__ --- !! ~~~~.OA?kt~I . --: -~ --· .. FlllUA\ IUlll ~\Tl .lll>A\. llh•liurd \\ i1lmarl. In c lnrnut~f'"l'r Ir \\'arncr Col«IW \\Ith \•lltc;l.SI \ !\I A\·o ~:~;~~~f ~f::~e~~ ~z:~ ;~~=~: ~e gs~ PLEDGED B. Y POLICE lion time. '"olly" Is abllent w1lh 1 fare that la for f~. Shure 'nu!f ! luve from._the hill-top rend.,z-HARBOR Hot·sE conllnut'.J 1·11-1t .\ ''a:u ,J \l'K .PALA!liCll 'Take the High Ground' .loan l 'r u\\ fore.I "Torch Song" yous. but tt:ie popular spa keep• I ~ith it.a poller of <ian..tng l>l•lh going and from what many ,.y I Fnday and Satur.l&y n1ghu. J ohn It ia th~ !:.':'>rite stage atop along MaJun also mtroducu llOIO<' vf the highway. • hia famoua spe<'lllll~a for lh" lwn· McKenzie to Supp_o ____ _.-Adulla-~~·h ::~~~::;~11 ···•f•··· Upson, Parental -LI\'~ 11wr1n1rntl! are thoae wbo ncl\'<'1'1 lll•' p11 tro111~e them. Slop looklnC for a root late efit o( Jocala v.·ho'n nn·er lllstt'd place to t'at. \'our aearch l.11 O\'U I them yeL Such as la."3gnl', veal when yov aee , MAC'S out on the scallopl.lll and pizza.. Resp·onsibility Law •. \.. i'h0\\'11 !i4ta.rt • :46 ( "•nlln1111ti" Sun. frnm I :SO .\11111.'" r1,.nty r ukln1 !"ho\4 lnlt' t'rl1l"y Thru Tu,.Ml.n)' at hi• Alex Guinness """' In thr ("om1•dy "THE DETECTIVE" Highway headed t oward Hunting-Didja att f'bni•here 1n ttu.~ p•" • 1 S A:-O:TA A':'A (O('':'S1 All 1 tem Ri so was propo.o;f'll. It pmb· ton Bellch. MAC'S t:AP'E 11 OJM'n llcation that the ")lart'bmg :'I• • Orange County 11rmll or Lh•· I •w ubly would b,. ael up at the >'h<>r· all night, '° when yo•.J frel th< rlnes" wh'> cu ... doin11: "° mul'h for plellgf'd thl'ml!el\'P" 18Sl we, k to 1rt'11• st a lion '' he1 c ll "ouJ.I he urge for eggs. bacon. buttered thf' Mareh of Oimu took time put tht' c-larnp on 1he loilenr~ a\·a1lrtble for all on a 2·1-hour ba· tout and hot java you knowITI out and aat down while Lht'Y ate <>t juv,.nilC'll. Among thnsC' mt'etlng Jilli. wm!11! n: tw! -• om-a~Aft!IOl"P"'~~ •iU1 lihpui-''OUC'l ... 14~:·;-.s~:::::::-:: .. ~===~~!:!~+-------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if!~:!!!~~cs::~t:::::::::~=1 Been In the HURLEY BEU. week end~ • lneth Morrh1on wm New pmtChler in "MASTERSON OF KANSAS" lately! You ace • lot ot familiar Sure there'll danc.1ng at SE.A· John U. pl'lon and C'olll11 :'lt,.1rn l'hief ... ----~-.... .,, •• races. all at y'>ur liervlct-, in tbc I FARE LODGE A...'110 REST AU-I Art Mll<'Kenr.le. ~ Kltl'K l\litt. Sat., I :4:> "ARROW IN THE DURT• ·rump room." There'• o •• llver RANT. Jo Lantz and BUI ~k1lu Pl'nalt le~ llWUll \'lulatna·P 4.11y -" Scott a t the piaqo, "Rusty andltry lo makf' enryone'a fret tap parent, gu11rcJ11•n or othrr adult ' I STAU1'S \\'t:DNt:SDA\' t•OR 7 HA\'S "Jack" at lhe bar and J ewel aerv-tbe smootJi noor u. perfect tem-1 perl!On ha,•mg the r an• 11nct 1·1111-" lng your table. All have "am~ I po •helher Ila a mambo or the tody or a manor roming within · • ''"''"' (J/t/ 7/1e 11or/tfs Jfo.~t aervke stripes well beyund lhf' call kind of "Z4t4'p )'OW' aiater uw,:ht Lhe prOYl'10ns of lh" Cur few Or-tt of dut:'. Th?''·~ t>ee-i k-)••I a lone y~ •·hen you were• baJthful kid! 1wnance No. 720 v.-110 ,·iolAlts tne IAllOA INN Oeout!ful Animal/ 1' time over t ere. Sunday bufff't starts al 3 p.m. prov1slora of il 11h11ll he linr<I nol tt you've bf.en In THE ARCHES "°"'-n by lbe blue rar1fh: ju.ct put I more than SlOO or put In J81l for the past ft "' da ys and haven. 'l La~ ~ach. • not mol"t' th.in ~O days <>I both ~· CAFE acen boss-man Johnny Vilelle Wbai you ff't the urge to set' "\\'e are gomit to do all m c.u r there'• a rcaM>n. J ohnny hu 11penl a movie may.,._ thia wo:l'k l'nd power to support Jurli:<' Mon1-~ hl11 apare time, if he cv.,t i "ll! any, clnf'ID9 fare wtU come lll h1U1dy: f'IOn ·a program aml Wt' will enforc·e • .#.t>~ ~ ~u ~ lulocklnC-off clods of )tf'JUe&a al the BALBOA. in Balbol" '"Torch lhe parentol re11pon111blllly phallct.._ ~ mud from that lx'hlde which car-Sonc'': at the LJOO in ~ewport o! this l11w to the utmu5t.'' Chteo<s rted him on hi11 recent hunt Inc ~ach. "'Ba~foot Contu11a··: at Up!OOn and Mrl<••nzle sa11I. COCKTAILS tr~k. But, remember Lhla, if yoii the lolESA, 1n C041ta l>l f'llll, ··s ign The c·urfrw law lllktf'I eftf'cl Perrin Wins Udo T oashuaster Cup of the rapn" and at Ule PORT after JO p.m It -.•M l'Xpln111l'd th•• m Corona dt'I Mar, "f'hfrtt." tv.w does not C'ft4.>•·t leg1llrnale ju· Aa the SOllC" says. "Count Your \'Wile act1vll1e11 prc1p .. t1y supen 11>- Blt-uincs'' and obMrve all t he ed. but thl' JUV• nlle 011-1,'!t be with trait•<' oreplatlona Mon« With ap-a lti;a.I i;up!'rvlsor. Thl!l dOf'l! not plication of common IW'NI<' and ml'llll JIL'•l '" ,. nllult. 11 wa<1 .. m. Dinner 5-I I p.m . Daily I ( 'IO:l!'tl T11••S<!:t ... I • SATURDAYS • SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Don tso wt're arrested on narcotic Thomaa 8parlH, 26. ot Looi chars .. • and have betn convicted. ~ach, P'rlday plead.cl Innocent Mrs llorvath, guUty of Ulllng her- a nd lnnoct'nt by reaaon ot lnnn-oln ll'I M r\'lnR " &O·d&y Jilli trrrn. The Udo Toa.st.muter• Club lly o! a ht-roln pouualon cllRrge Her husband hai been sent 10 met on Jan. 18 a t Sra.'q>Ort t.:afe when be •ppeared before 'superior P h t with Cha.rlea Ary preeldlnc at UM you·u kttp C"OUnling more and ph1t..5IZ• •I more longer and loniter ! A rcfrr•'" uf t h•• JU\'t>nilr • n111·t will be appointetl to handh' t h" trartu• 1nrrad1onl'. l11k1ni; tht> load ort the probAltun cl• IHllm•·nt, Dorothy Nesbitt leads COMMUNITY SING L'ourt J udge John Shea. Chino rlaon tor t e ·~m pre-0.,..nlng, Vlce·p~aldcnt Verne Al- ai. aerlbed by law. ..-He will undergo a p1ycholo1t1c -------------Jen tllklng over after Ary left. IN BALBOA the group J eeldr d. l A r~nttlfl juv1'nll" lll!'I~ ey,.. ..._ _________ ~......,~, exa.mlnallon and a hearlnr; •>n the errin won the <'UP for ~lit lt---:ri:'le:'6a:n"'--W'm',r-Mll'!t-'tft-i~--l-J1:1.~i,r...LAl.-...,.._•*""'*'~""M:-:8:;;· fe~l-~h~o~r.:.:lt he 'tvrn r n i: ;' "'""la 1Us <.:ourt Monday, Feb. u . leans make their vacation trips hy . Ice BrnkPr" /lf'f'f'"h. ' . I f ~ l f I I Re waa arreated Dec. 7 by New-automob1ll', ac.:ordlnit to the Na· port Beach police at 1111 Fuller-llonaJ Automobile Club. T oRt1tm Allll'r tor the enntnit wa.a I DeW1ll Wore-eater. T abll' tnp1c i======~==:==~=~~==~===~=::1 mutn wH Otto Goelht l. "''ho ' po11t'd the !'ontrovrr11al quest ion. "ShoulJ the Cn1trd Slatf'11 take firmer a ction l o rell'alW' our O)ers ., a. fimWe superlative food. c:ocktJits and sef'tlCt •id old qf isll charm. HENRY'S -KAAE fT A Mt;ST - -Spanish Food at its lest- s1:soR l .Ot;I£ AT THE PIA.SO COCKTAILS ~n·t'd •l Ute Ptaao Bar or lo the Saloo• l..l':\CU.EO.SS A."'D Dl.SSER8 NOCHE DE RONDA s11s !OPA.'llSH ' DL.,..SEKS -AU. YOV CA.'li EA1 (1:\'"l:Rl' TlfGllSDAY -II to 10 P.ll.) 2530 W. Coast HiCJhway • Newport leach NOW JOHN MAJURI reminds you FRIDAY and SATURDAY DANCING his BARNEY LANTZ & . mus IC 9 lo 1 :SO a.m. 2260 Huhor Boulevard • Coeu Me~ c.liEonia Sow 0P"n 7, Days A \\'ttk May We Suggest Our New F.atures \'!:Al, P'CALLOPl.SI LAl'AOSA Pl IZ A SJJ"Cial Accommodatloas for PARTIES, BANQUETS, or CLUI DINNERS rRO.SE \·Ot;R RF.~t:R\'ATIOX8 .SOW Harbor Blvd. at Wilso~ u~ 1.5543 . , tn Red China.·· Speaker. for lhr eveninit -.·t'rl' Ed Soule, Vaughn Taylor. a.nd Bob Perrln. Evalua tor» were l>Avt' Hol- man, :-l'al Loon. Owl1tht Wf'anr while genl'r&l evl\lua lnr wu Tom Soule. On Ja.n. 2!i, Lido TO&J1tmuter1 "i ll be ~ruHl• of lhe l'\t'-.'J)Ort Har· bor Ton tmastf'rs at ':'ewport Har· I bor Yacht Club. Surc)ery for Steia•r Sandy Ste1Dcr, 440 Rl\·era Ter- rac-l'. on S11ndar 'A111 enter C"t· taite Hospital In ~&nla Barbara tor suq;:er y. Ht> w11s thrrr a Wl'f'k ago tor ob~rrvation, f'X~ll to come home Jan. 30. • THE HURLEY BELL - Cafe · and Cocktail Lounge Ort:.~ le A. llL T1180l."<'oll I ~. M. • f'ew-port BmL -c-c HJcllnra1 !'o"J::WPOltT B£AC11 • (We .,.. ae-d -'lll•racla.ya) special t•clcrr lwfht at J p. IL .._...,·is "cll•ck ...,. .. lligllt AU. YOU CAN EAT sue OPEN ALL DAT EXCEPT WED~"2BDA.Y DIJtl'IlfO ROOM OPICNB AT 6 P. M. "sllo-.,lace of ... coast" JUIT IOUTH Of' LA.GUN A lll!!ACB NEWPORT HARBOR co~·MU~;TY-PLAYERS-~ .. ·1 SUGGEST YOl.I DON'T MISS The new hi'9rious comedy . . .. ·MY 3 ANGELS" at Chapel Theatre, Orange Coast Colleg~ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Fe b. 3, ~. 5 and I 0, I I, 12 For Tlrkf'h an•I IU• .. f'r\ at Ion .. C'all Tom,.,_y t•<><ttn 'r n 1,.,., llarhor 4195 l Ii -••••----..---~·-•-•••I ---------1 BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY In PIANO LOUNGE Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Liberty 8-3071 ''Superb Food" l'ARIU~G SER\ !Cf; t'l~O.\I Ol ft IJlll ltl ' ' ·~n -DD1 O'lllllJI ·MW 8 • YIOOllA CllmA • EMii mllJ ";\t:\\' tlORIZO ;\~"-c...unoo:\ -~t.\\1' t;n•. l"how111 1 p. m. ( '11nl lnu1111" ~un. rrom % :S.0 j Sllr SCE~'\!..i ,IOOlW ...... ....... . " .. ,, tilt .w.w1 u 1tH • •tttn,..""' -1',1·_, U•lltl>.lllllJTI Iii 111 ••I\ I. ,\\\ \ \ I Ill 11'11 \\. If II. )! 'h"h "Iii •1..rt 1tt ,, ~'• -f ••••at' • .,,,1\ -2 ,.._hu"'lop lJrirnln& "Ill he a l i :?G •. ' ( l J )· . ' i I { (• I I l , ' \-../' l PAGE'S · PART I I I -NEWPORT HA~BOR NE\VS-PRESS I THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 SO~NY TUFTS MUST PAY $600 FOR ALLEGED ·11TE ON LEG SA~A A NA (0CNS1 Loa Angelu Superior Couit iudge Victor R. Han11 .. n J an. 17 l\•llled a $28.000 damage IUll a p msl Screen Actor Sonny Tut Is t or ,!WO. T he 1u1t was brought by l!l·yur-old Dancl'r Marg~11i' Von of> Long Bl'1t<'h who chui;e<I that Tufts bit her on the up· per thigh while aboard a )1111·ht ancnort>J off Newport Bellt.'h, 1--eb. :!O. 1954. Judge Hansen ltm1ed the aetlltmen t tao' low. Mlss Von'11 a ttornty hllll the l'ourt lht> chance of winnmg a juugment Ill lrl11l 11eemed poo1 brc111111e Tucts deryft'd the bit· lng. The attorney alll-0 11&fd otht>rs. aboard the yacht wt>re un- willlnit to testify. Mlsa Von told the court >1he wai. •boa rd the yacht In the hopes or getting a part In a piC'lure being rm1rte at the scene. Attomt•ya for tho pretty d11nrer 11ay 11he will have to pay 12~2.l'iO legal feu out or the ~800 ;wtllement. }'IONOR COURT HarbOfBoys to Receive Scout Awards ~ireworks Sale in Mesa Okayed . J:limlnatlon of a portion of t he fire ordina.neto which prohibits sale or fireworks wa.a made by Coslll Mt•11a. City Cou ncil recently. At the saint time, it wu indicated permits to sell the tlreworJ<. for The quartf'rly Boy Scout Court the Independence Day celebrattoo of Honor for the H arbor District I would be larcely limited to chult· will be held Mond11y, Feb. 7, 7:30 able organizations .• p.m. In the auditor ium of the New-port Harbor Union High Sohool. The aubject was brought up by Troop 81 will host the evf'nt at Jim McMahan. ~present ing Mesa which local Scout11 wlll receive Boy Scout Troop No. 80 .• He re· awarda from second clue t hrough ported proClta from tht sale of fire· eagle. w ork• lut year ena bled eight boys CHOW CALL FOR MARINES T he four "March of Dimes" marines and van crew which accompa11i<'J them on long hike from San Diego to Loe Angeles we.re dinner guests of t he Harbor Hou:;<' 111 Costa Mesa on Jan. 20. With 111 milNI back of them and $93,000 collN·ted for poliu fund, the boys were ready, willing and able to partake of the "he-man" spn·ud provided by owner-chef John Majuri and manager Pete Hector at Harbor House. l<~rom left: T/Sgt. J oseph Vandermark, head of van cttw; marchers Sgt. Wayne A. Sands, Sgt.~ Warren F1ourney, and Sgt. Kenneth Womble; Majuri ; ma rct)er Sgt. Harry Or:lish : Hector; van crew &/~gt. Hubert Brinkley, S/Sgt. Edward Storm, Sgt. Don Stashi. and Cpl. Frank Murphy. From here Marines continued to Santa Ana. Garden Grove, and on into Loa Angeles where they arrived at Pershing Square J an. 24, with $156.000 to contribute to March of Oimea campaign. -Beckner Photo Bruce Hll.lldy I• chalrma.n In to attend summer camp. a.nd cover· cha rge o! the adva.ncement com-ed t roop expenaea. He said he mit tee which la making arrange-was anxious for a ruling eo plans I a ttitude of other Orange County mcnts. Those aervlng on Handy's might be made for t his coming cltln on firework•. Only In New· committee are J ohn Turner , L. E. July. "The money would go. quite port Beach and Laguna Beach are Cock, J ohn J . Shields. Murvln a ways taking care ot the -30 boys , firework• ouUawed, he aald. All Long and J. Gordon Sm ith. now In the troop." McMILhan A id. other Orange County clllea allow SMALL ENGINE REPAIR and SALES For Power Mowera • Boal• • ('ontraC'tono flqulpm!'M Arent• for llrt«c., St rattoa ('llnton. WlaM>naln, l.a1non ,..,.,,_. filCOtJT W EEK City Manager George 'Coffey re-1 their aale and do not propo" to The court or honor fall.a during ported on a aurvey coverlnr the I prohibit their H ie, Cottey A id. Scout Week whlctt begln11 F eb. 8 with 11peclal llt'l"V1Ces m the loc,.I c urc • lhP flfly-f1Cth a.nniven1ary of Boy Scouts of A m.-r1ca. Special dis- plays of Scouting a cl1vltlu will be 1n many loca l merchant wtn- Vincent's Window · Shot by Rifleman HABMATH. ELECTRIC II MFG. CO. Pb. LI 11-•UI Police t oday 11<>ught the rlne· man, not believed to be the Bay WHY.Rt: DIO IT GO '!-Ask Santa Ana varsity baaketball players. center , as they l.llland "sniper," who put a bullet· with a view.' RC'C'k the C'lusivc casaba. Just like the pelota, the Santa Ana S:iints were la rgely up in hole through a. plate g1a111 display window al Vincent's ,Lido Dru1111 t hr ai r Inst Friday du<' to a 69-29 s hC'llacking by Coach J ulC's Gage's Harbor High on Jan. 13 al 5:46 p.m. Damage Tar quintet . Looking on, left , is Paul Neumann, hig-h-scoring Newport gunner. Goin g wa~ e5t1mated at 1100 by Lonni• up fo r the ball in thr m1rlst of the ~aint performers is litt k Frank Navarro, Sailor Vlncenl, proprle~or. He called pdlice when a m!Mile go-boy. -Sla ff Photo , believed to have been 11hot f rom a Opie Seeks Laws From Leniclature SA:-:TA 1\:-\A 101·:-:s1 ('n11nl\' C'oun~tl J n.I l lj:l• Hll JHn 1:! pol hoard u( "u per\'l'\111' IHllUl ... "'l••n , .. proc"l'd wrth "''""'' 11111 '-'hllh t'\'l'll\\1.111\' \\Ill l1o• r11 ••nl. ol al lht• ~tat. I• i.:1~1;11111 • lli,:11 ' '"111:1''''""" \\Ill L· ,, .. 1.1\•·11 1 .. A~~··mbl\'1t1en ~:ull !'Wn· It•\' r u t poto• • t U i• I t.'l''Hllf1'1•n1ht · loon'\\ tll hi' tn fll••o•l l'"•hl•·m~ lh.nt ""''" 111. n 1n t lw 111111 t .. r ~11111·· I 11111', llj.; lo• I I "" p11111t• " "''' 1)1.11 '''"''I all• I ll • bill t1.i. 11 •II 1h:tfl1•d ll • JU1 tu• Hllfl ""' d l tt ti.lhl lh•• \l<-\1' 11f •t ho •111" I\ I Ill (Jlh• tH lh1• Utt .1:-.11tt•.,._ llL'l1 "''•I,"' I~ an •Hdln111111• \I hh h \11 ulol 1•1 r. U'ttl th,,,' 1•Unt\' to• untlnu1• .. f'• thl· u1~ in 'l•'\\I\ '"''"" .,,,i..I , 111 ... ltnlll lhll' '., ,, 11\ '" l.1k• ' hlll ~· 11;.I• ''l'ln,r .. llol •lo111,111111~ h;•\, hf't n .,",,.., 11 "' ···l trl 'h(" •n· t•oq x11 Hl1on ••I U111•n,, l 'Jth nn•l t"n~la MP•,1 nn.t 1•11 h1hh "Ill ho-11 <:ar1l1 n <:1 0\t• '"'"rJr 1.tt1" fh•• nt· 1.-t r •. , 'Ma•t tth t tt11·' ,,. n t J.:• ••· .. ., 1 • h11n./I.• •111 h rl11nc" 11• lnw rnt11tt•1thnC l •>n1J \\'u1k a nti bu1\fl .. 1ni: fl• 111111 .. mm11•1lln I• h Ht• '-II 1tl th•• 1nunt~ hthl hr••n •nntr1u l•1l ln t akt• t .11, ''' lht•"• 1n ... k.1 un11I 1h• lH I"""' tnUhl t.&kt ~•\•11 1 liorl" NUl.!j:•••\!'if It ~l°'"t 11 ll 01 lhfl• IUl«· I ' )( .. , I' I h•· • 1111n1 .'' In the DEATH NOTICE Jot: ('l.Al(K r llnt'lll l ~"l\'H·~~ loll ,II•" ('111111. 67. "' '..!1~1 lln rbPr Hl vtl. l'1"1s. l\1.-"1· "'''" h1•l1t \\'1•dn1·M l1n HI t pm rn I '111 k··~·Hhll1•) .\1 .. 11 11111 .' (.'hllf'h I. \ht' H•'\' <'hnll• ~I-H 1n I orrt. 1!1 l1n~ Mr 1·1111k "'"ol , 1111 1S11nol11\ m1o1111n1: rn hti< I 11010 11110·1 " 11hn11 1lln1•:I, lfr wn~ 11 nl<l I\ o· 11( .. t ,,, l 'h• r"•n :-\I'll nnol '11m1· to t 'p,t ., ~, ....... , tn 1 !• .n t ••) \\ os 11 , .. ., I" n·· 1 h\ 11 nd· nnd \\011 k .i f111 I "11:111 II tit II \\11~ 11 111t111· h 1 r I ·,~,f t .\11 t ( \111 f1,\lf1\l \ 1 ·111111 II II I 111 ...... ,, 1.11 \ II • 1111 .. ·1 I Ill ' If" f •,I.,. l I\ etl J.,.H ul 1 1•.t. :'\1 f\1\1 1 -. .t1 1• h 1-. \\II• J...Htnh .. : } t.•J ,,,,. h rn• 1t I h •• ..... lhl•, 1iuua.;.h· 1.1. \le. llnrl\ II tl•h .. 11w 1· .. ~- 111 '•I• ,, .\1 1 • II o1 l'nri:hr• n. I • ·.,.q,, .\f•·:-.tt .ind ;\fr... Hi•fh rfA lf11-.h •I ''" .\n):l'f1>. :1 'l•l\'I M•· ll 11 l1n """ "' l.11 \'rrllP. lhl''• h i< I h1 "· 1 'I\"'' •fi"l'l:rlnt k ,_ .. , •·d ut .\11•1, .~.t nn.t F r.-\nk ttf (), n· "''' • < ·1,I • nl•o , 1i:l.t i;1.1n 11 t11f.lr1•n Jnt .. rni.111 ""' tn llnrt>"r H•••t )!1 111<111/ll l'.ll k C"i Ill<:. I ~ Schaefer Skis Gone TheCl ot a p111r or ~'kl11 11nd 11kl P"l••J' from 11n 11111•'< k 1'<I ~irn !:1' I W iii! rrp•!!fol I" J"dt11• •n .Inn 11' ~-;\Ill'• Diu ,/rr Sl111rft>r, II H nt· 1 bur Bl\'1!. CroMman C0-2 gun cruhed 111 '"" r·~ i;<'al 11111 11 the city fl;H•sc~ l1111lol1•1 s lo dinnJte their approved I through the glu e 4 fMl above ,,n mtl1n.m<'•' J 1vr.1t1ni: ll~l'lf from t1·n1 11llvc ~ubtllv181on maps l'IJ:hl (lfound lew t In the third w indow '' unty rontrul. Thi,. n11i::hl b1• don<" up to lho• tune 11f final 1nap filing. 11oulh or the front door, facing one <l,.parlmM l st a. time or all R!'llro'ment pla ns and new pay I Newport Blvd. ·nl nnrt•. · I ,c(llc11 tur lh!' tl111trict attorney. au-The shot came acroaa Newport The rnunN.>I a.J50 8<'~ks an 01 Jin· •lll•1r 11nll s11pt•rv11101 s also will be Blvd. on a line w ith Short SL, l\Ol'" lo pe'rm1t t he supervisor• ur 1nl'll1<ll~I in Ugle'A proposed bills. Otfico;r Rudy Va1enU reported. WOODMAN MEATS iNC. Featuring U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STAL&: FED STEER IEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" Steak Sale! F\JLLY AGED AND TRIMMED T -BONE STEAK Porterhouse STEAK 591h. RIB STEAK 39~. CLUB STE.AK 45n,. c lb. , FILLET MIGNON 89c I TOrslRLOIN 59~ lb. S T E A K lb. BABY BEEF LIVER • • • • • .29•. :'\O. I ALI. :'IU:.\T SKINLESS FRANKS t :.\!"TF.R:'\ !"l 'H.\R ~no ll SLICED BACON • • • • • • EXTRA l"o\Rt a ; FRYING SHRIMP 3 L8. BOX J!.1~ '\UHTllt.11~ :-I.It t.h SALMON STEAK 59•. Y01UNG •:TO:M\·39c I ~fuER 1C'i~ vsy49c T U R K E Y S lb. YOUNG HEN •• . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Budd's Fannent Mkt. PhDe Kl 1-8111 18581 SO. MAIN In Santa Ana ,:,. . .. Thia couple who are buying a home today are the ones who opened their Savings Account with ua in January a few short yean ago. They hJld a plan -and the lnapiration to carry it through! And bow their aavinga grew! They added to their account from every paycheck. We added to it with regular dividends. When they cboae their home -and' real value it waa, too - we gave them a prompt loan commitment . The home is in eACro• with ua now. They made a doW'O payment and bad a good bal· ance left over for extru -all from their Savinga Account. Thia can be your aucceu etory. too. Regular savlng11. u rn· ing our liberal dividends -and you'U soon have the mcana !O own your OWN home with a view! WE HELP YOUR SA VINOS GROW -Our l"eKQlar dJvtden<h, now paid ~vtry quarter on a0 acoount.11, wlU make thOlle •vtn~ GROW I Earnln11ti. may b4'. compounded and added t.o your account on Mar. SI, .lunt" 30, S.-pt. 30, and Dec. 20 -or we wlO mall a C'htt.k to you foor Umett a yc-,ar. At our <'Urttn& rate of 3~3 per 'fNt', dMden<h acid ap faetl , NEWPORT BALBOA 54 v ·1NGS •nd Lo•n A11ocieti~n • p • ". P ol mer, P re ~i de n t J 1 6 6 v l. L:tclo H e r b o r .. 2 0 0 NEWPORT ll·ACH CALIFORNIA ecwon. del Mer brench et 2407 Ee st Co.st Hi9hwey. Herbor 6220 · . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 I I 4 t ~ ' ..,.) . f , , I . . Broadening the Coverage of the Orange County News Service . With LAGUNA BEACH and its &iiutlt ainnst N ttu11 As the SIXTH NEWSPAPER Joini~g, to Cover the County with a Mobile Corpi of Reporters and Photographers to Give You 'I Accurate · Better Complete " Dependable LA HABRA BREA YORBA LINDA ' PLACENTIA • ... • Auu~tbu iullttitt .GARDEN GaovE NEws .. OARDt:S ORO\'E BL\'D. "° 9 GARDEN GROVE ~ ,;. HUNTING.f ON BEACH . . ~ I ORANGE DAILY NEWS IRVINE & ut4 O!nust N rms SAN JljAN CAPISTRANO SAN CLEMENTE PART FOUR, PAGE ONE • DS More than half a hundred newsmen & photoCJraphers make up the corps of reporters available t~ staff the latest news for members of the OranCJe County News Service. DAILY NEWS TRIBUN E t'•lkrle•. Califorala Anu4rim iulbtin ORANGE DAILY NEWS x:eW$;ci~REss GARDlN GROVE NEWS &nutlJ C!!nnst N tlttli . I K~~._~. • r • NEW OFFICERS-Installed at the iµtnual meeting of Harbor Council of Churches, held U1 St. Jamee Parish Hall, were (seated, L to R)· Mrs. Whitney Wright, sec- retary and Miss Clara Koblstedt, treasurer : standing, the Rev. James S. Stewart, vice-president and the Rev. M. C. Cronic, president. -Staff Photo {· Rev. M. C. Cronic _f _ _____,_ads Officers· of Gouncil of Churches Group Elected and Installed at Annual Dinner Meeting Ttw 1: .. v. M C. Cronic. pagtor of As:>ernbty o( Cod Church. Coste M,. .:. 1111.I 11tho:r n~w u(f11·l'rt1 \\'l're t'll'cted and tn'ilalled a t the ann111tl 11111111• r ,.,,.,•t 1ni: o! Hn1 hor 1 .. :11unc1J o! Chu rcheg, hl'ld rn St. James P a r· 1 h 11 111. ·1111· Hl'V. Josi ph Mcsh ane. pastor ot Custa Mesa Community ~I· t ""'11i.L l'hur d 1. 1 «lirrni;: pr l'llldcnl. prei1idt·d a l the buslnl'~s ~.·,.~11111 111 .. 1 111 •• all• d the n,•w off1r~r!!. who lnclud,.. I ~!1 . l'r • 1111•, pr·l',ident , the HP\', I . . . ' . • 1 ....... :--·O'\\llll .. r St ~\ntlr1'W'S \ca.r tu :llll<. Ha1vl'y Som1·r ... ur Sl J nmr11 anrl :ihurd1111an ur the '\' • :11 lo Hoy .\1i'l'a1 dlt> u( :-;,." p111 t H111 • bor l~uthcran. ·1 hrs 1s a sur r ru1c 11wa rtl ond h1ghhi;b l of the e n· I ' , .. 11 t• 111111. '1u: I''' •1 t. nt . :111 l! \\ h11111-y \\'11;.hl u( ,:;t, J.1111o " E p18· '"' "· '"1o·t111y, Mi...,. t'lu1u Kohl· ,. • .,,l "' C'hll t 1·11111111 hy !hr S l'a. t•" 1· *Jlt'V ~111lho fl .... 1. trrasu11•1 nu.tl :,e;--1'-l<.>n. Ht.\ lt:\\s \\O llK Th ... (llOlo:ldlll (t'8l\llt'U a (11111 ·11.,. II•,, J>ll •l••I. 1:. ,. J',iul "Thr HtoJrh-n H.;trl.' wht<h lnlphlh :11 ....... \\ II• ... I ;rnJ :'-I I' \\'htt h:t ~•Zed bll•I hl I hood 11nd !<l4'\\'d nl· ", ,. l'"'"'"nlo J Mr \\0 ho•t 1,•r, was l ,;t11p, 8l:io two :;olos by :llrs. liLu I' ',,, nt th" , I j., Ollll• I• 0 I U1o• • Ooltll· Wllh :ltr~ ~m1th al! Ill cnmpan1,.1 0 II 1111 I h•· .. ,, I\\•'"' ~ •1111' "' th·· 'lt:'.\lllt:K ( lll'HCllF.S \\1>l k 1l h11.-llH•1mph,..l1o'1I throuith Paslu1,. anJ lay mf'mbf'rl pll'- 11nil1· I ..rr .. 1 t "" , xr• •"'"I pl,.n· i.rnt repr.-~entf'•I th" followrn~ ;.111·· 1n th1· 11n·· •1\1111 .. 1 • '"'l"'•d· 1h111rb .. s. Balboa J:..lnnol :lletho1I· 111111 aml ·1.r1i.t1.111 (•II 1\\xh1p he 1 .~t. <:11rn11a 01,1 :llar Crm>:n ·i;nl1nn· h11~ "b'<•n ·11t htr• 1111t1 tol•I b1 tt'I· ul, St. AnJ rew·s f'resbytr n an. ;;1 I\· ••f th!' wo11 k 111 t, h11 h II• hn• Jd'llH·s E p1H1tpol, :'\cwp.11 t Bf'IH 'l l1<·1·n 11tlh.'d a. •• • 1 .. 1 111 !'r t 0ll'· i; .. µu~t. Harbor l.11t he1 .111. l 't1l\'•01· mrntll' l'arl-th In llunol11l11 1 :.ah"'t F1>lluw:;h1p. t\ista Mesa :111•1. l'rrM•nl11 t111n w11>1 lllol•I•• uf f'•·r· h111h~t. Custa 1-1'·~8 AsM•111bly ul t 1r11 air~ "' !'h1111 t.w .. rn:in .. r ll1l' t;11rl nml Christ c11111 rh by th" s ... n. I SALVATION ARMY SEEKS CASTOFF CONTRIBUTIONS· J111nol11J1H uf •111\·~-·· llMl<'l l'tl' by rl'sldents 11f l111s a n •n ht lpl'1I rnAk• Hl'd lt•o• tiw~· ., y1·u~ 1n tho' h1,to ry of t he St1lv1 .. lion Army Sui 1.tl .:;,0n ·1o • c. nlo 1 that :<i'rn·~ thi~ n1111mun1ty Jl1 li..d1ho r \\'1ll1to111 J l'.11k111~. 111 .. nai;tr, ll,!1111 He·I Sh11>hl t ruck!' t1 a\ rlr+il Z'&"', '~"' nit• .. ', 11 ... , tin'! :;_!"10'7 2-;~ r ounds uf t hroW·ll\\ ·1y arll1 I··• Thr r11.1l<r1:1I • "'I• I 1 .. o • ... 0 .. 1 In wor k:.hop• u( th" t.1<11 I ctntl'r, J 111\ulanr.-z.,~.:.;"1 1.11111" 1•f ••C'<ur11t1••nal t h11 Bpy fur net d\1 11nt! h~n•lh 11 f'• I 1•1 •n:t Th• I 1·urt •h• •l\ ,. I I I It Wt)I kf'I • r• 111'1'$Aed Bml 11>p1111 ,,J a \t1\,,I t1( J~ f 'Uol ~·"Uh n•._ Rn! :(2 -;-,0 rillr'l U( ~hOI'"'. l iJ.flOO nll•• • 11·111•·•••• al II• II'• 11n1I Th< (01nl•1 11•1\1•c, .. 1 tillJ O 11\l'e l,.. Z(J.1~.o ludJ:lni;:s ancl paid ll l<it II uf ~ l!lll oon In \,:\);C" l•• 1111 (l\lf'gOnt'.'I 0 r W1•rkt-r1' st the c ..,111•r 'I h• t• '" '' u ·. dcrnl wo rk• r" 111!m1tt<'tl !•1 th<' Crnlrr. R 1il'.::l1h• I l'arkin• '"l"il I"' 11 r1•.1.t1 nt,. LO rnnttnlh' nu•k· ln1< .. int11b11llon8 11! i:1>l11ll ~111l ~1111 us<1hll' srl11 lc11 L•) the 8nl\•(lliun Arn v .. 1 1° , .on• .. n11n11 to 11, •1w1al rehabtlRllo)n 1•1••· j.tTOnc, :"1'1 01'•.J l!IJll·i.•~ lll1,llloJ1• 0 lnlhtn,: ~h•1o'~. f\111111\11(' llHll'!,. hfl l.J 11J'll•l1110f• ~ I• '111 , h"•lolmi.;. lll~~. dt"h<"l< \ool'.•. tll\j.:!! l\nol ml~rl'll11no·1rn11 11rlh ll':c. A trltphonc , .all l11 :'\rwpru l HN11 n 1 'hnmtirr oC C•>nlrnPr('I' t~t h1 rt r 8·11~rl will hrano;: .i l:NI ~h:P)•l tr11rk t 1 h•llll" nr nff1C.I' Day Scl1ool Fact1lty to H o n or · the Wheelers I 'Mission Stt1dy P1ogran1 t < .... , and Sunday Eve Suppers MEN OF THE PARlSH formed a double line of honor to his excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy Mann- ing, Bishop of Los Angelei;;, who at ·1 p.m. Sunday. Jan. 23, administered confirmation to 29 children and fi ve adults in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. Picture shows start of the processional into the church just before the ceremony. -Photo by Colleen' PAGE 2-PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 'SOULS IN CONFLICT' n1yRSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 and SPECIAL MUSIC SUNDXY AT UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP L .. w111 llt1lh•1', ', lli>l, 11«ulllpu1111·.I a1 l hl' 1111<1111 by 11111 m11ll11·1, :111' 1{11111 I ' :\lill••f IJ•,lh ul Looni; r •'U• h. \\'Ill 1111 ni,h lh1· 11111,11• Ill ~1·1 "" ,. u! l11•· l·nl\·1·1,.,.d1;.f t ·111.1111un11~· ~ 1·llu\\'· ship. !'il r1 \\'. I .. tlh '·' 1:1\·J, "n .~11n;luy m .. 1n 'lk, J un :w T l1,· 1nl111.,11•1 . I:• \0 Jo 1l'ol1 11<'.1< Kn:;.•·. \\.II s1a .11< ••n · \"1 °11 Ill•· l'ullll: ll!•lll 1 I. .111 \ •• t Thrnk.' :->tm 1:iy ::'1 l"111l w111l" ltfo·· c1•nl1•1('J 111111:1.1111 IJ• ~111:1 al Ht . .;v <1nd mv111111" \\ul>ll•p lw· ,;rn11 el 11 o m. Ho·l1);11>1111 llhfr11ls arr 8pt>f'111lly 1nvltP1I. HARBOR LUTHERAN Request Sermon_ and Coffee Hour M.-111b1•1;1 uf :'\<'wpu1( 11111 • •1 t1ull \\Ill 111 II!" 111,111..;111,111 .. 11 h\' Donn Moomaw ---- Stars in Film Young Jl'-'OPI" uf the Hartior I Area w rll Sl'e the !ormt'r l:CLA p} d s • All-American roolball &Cl' l>onn I • e ge erv~ce llt1111111t1\o\' In a ne\\· rhll' when the · t Ch • t-Ch h (elm "Soul>< rn Conflict" Is ~huwn la rlS urc \\ '''""'"'loy et i Ju p. m. 1n Cost11 "When A re We Rk n ?" w ill be :11,.,.a Frn•t Hopll~L •·hurch-. th!' ~ermon topic .on Sunlloy morn· Tiii' colur f1l111 has rui back -m;:, J an. 30. at Chrl~l Church 1:1 uu111l Evuni;rll:<l Billy Graham's By lh.i Sea In =-:1•wpurL Ue ach. :.il1u11,11.. l.-'Hl•lun l '1 usade. :\too· T he pasLor, Hev. Htly Citrlson. 111w.. I'll•) i< h1111s<'lf. anti !"hares wall s pea k al both murnlni; ner· honors wtt h Coleen Tow nsend v1ce11, ll :•~> amt 11 o'C'lvf'k, T h11 t-;, ,tnl!, 111 :ibu hrr:st'if li8 a former Sanctuary Choir, rtlr&'Cll'd by l\lr1. !tullywuud motion p1ctu 1 e 11r tress. A. J. Hutter, will .slni: the anthem F'or1w•rl.'' with Wnmer Brothe rs "The King of Love My !ilwphl'rrl 1111d :!11th (,.'(•11lrt11 y-Fox. bhe gavt' Is" by Shell<')'. nt lhl' llN'nnrl srr· 11p 11 llnlh·wooLI cnrl'er f or rehg· vice. 1t1w1 "111 k This SunJay will a lao be th<' OC'· 1'ho· 111111 11< R t r1olo1Q', telling ca sion ror m 11klng Rnd 1enl'WtnJ: lhl' 11lorll'!I or a JCl p1lt>l. played pledges for lhl' w ork uf lh<' churrh. b\' 1-:t lc M1ck lewood; J o an Win · A bn l'f 11crvace or 1ll'.'dlc11tl11n will 111111. ns a youn.g aC'trcss: and ChRrlt-s Leno, u Tom. a factory wMkl'r. Hilda Ft'nemore t.a.kes tit,. part of T om's wlte. Sermon Themes at Costa Mesa First Baptist g1Vl' ear h mtmbt•r a n nppo1 tun1ly to bring his pledge to thr a lt a r personally. Youth gToup.11 of Junior high and M'n ior h1i:h youni.: people meel at thr rhurch on SundAy evening each wcl'k nt 6 ••'dol'k T he y outh (rll.,wi1hp pr<•i.:• Jill p.-.1. v1d<'i1 a vsnl• y ot 11<'l1\·t11I'', \\1>r· ship, 1h-... u11~1nn, 111ni:rni: ond re· cr,.atlun Exchange Pas tor For Islanders "Adventuru In Mlaalons·· wall •tonft uary ""Ill p1 r•a•nt th• •!>"• ~ the theme of a rpecial HNI feature U <'h wttl( ot Mlaalon Study pl'OIT9JTll at Plannl'•I b\' the Com1111 .. ~1"n vr Cbrl1t Cburf h By th• SH, Nf'W· Mlaa1on3 1n °lhe IOC'al fhUh h, thl> port Beach, ea ch Sunday evenln1 IN'rtu llf Adventura • 1n Miulon• lla F ebruary. S~dal feature 1peak· hu the purpoM of ·~haring lnf.>1 · er. and fllma Yt'ill hlith-ligh l th<' m:11 1on. r .. 11nw11h11•. 111111 1n,p1111llt•n pro~rlnl. which each Su nd1y w lll 1·11111·ron 1111>: 1 h,. <'hllrl'h ,. 1011111 111 h begin with L anack supper at 6 m l'Ur d 11) ·• ~l ate" 1hr p11 .. t111, I<<'\' o'clock, followf'd by 1tudy Jtru11ps 1 Roy A C11rl10n Thi' •t 11ot~ th• 1111· tor adulta, youth and juniors. A will a't>nld ar,H111ot 1 hr w111 l1 ,., closing auembly In the c hurch t h" l'hu1,·h In -r11 .. c'11y" Film at Church Fourth a.nd final proirram for Balboa bland Com rnunltv Chure h'M Sunday evening achoo! oi nal11lon11. an educational Mmtni.r on l11dla and Pakletan, wlll bl' helll Sumtnv at Cl:SO p.m. In the f'hurch. It will prut>n l a rnlor a~1t 11ounct nlm·entlllt'd, "Vlllajtt> of thl' Poor " T h<' film dt>picts t hi' wo rk f'f Christian missions rn India. Thr evenlnJ prog ram w ill 1n,.111d1> 11 retreahment period and lnformal hymn !!Ing In addition lo pT<'St'n tu· tlon of lbt' film. The publh: Ii< w .. 1. l'Offil'~O ·~----~ I • H ar. Mlll I d.~rs I Io...,, ·~"~ f~ ~ SINGULAILY £NTHTAINING SPlltlTUAll Y Uf"l.IFTING .•• .. ANO OOUllY tfWA•DING -a..,...4 ... , ....... 1 -,.., •tt w: .. ! ••• ,,., .. '''""'"' WEDNESDAY _, FEI. 2nd 7:30 P. M. First Baptist Church OF ,osT A ME~A C'orMr Ma.-noKa I> Santa Ana ALL SEA TS FREE ! Planning to build a home of -· your own? • llarhor ,,/IX8 FOR A LOW-COST EASY·,.AYMENT 8UILDINQ LOAN •rt • ~or•_.. • Servit• v prom11t • ) htterut u claargtd °"'' cu loa1t /11.1td1 art cufro,.ucl • A UOlCIGllU i1 mode /or WOMr OM/ll labor to11>0rd tlac co1t1fruct101t co1t • P•r-tlac-bwu ('llOtUltcr •r•t.-J plo" •.• t.\e 1trftl1, e1tpf'ri1•c•"· 64 ~f'•r old utoriolM>" a.\el Ila. Af'/pf'd tlioaue-41 of /•,,.. . W I , .... lli•ir ... ·-· .. · ................................... ... THE CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE E rnHt Holm,.., found4'r, author of lbto l<'\lhook "SCll':St'E UF MIS U" Lulh•01a11 C'hurrh \\•"I" hll·••: tlw :'-\. 11 • 1:1nth•·1 l1<00 d ••I 11n 11.· T hi!! c:on11ni: 8un.Juy 1tl l'ostA lhlnl<111i; \If' "'llllhll l"J'll'" r001 1111 I (•Ill.Ill •0011•" I" II•• I ( •1111,\illj: ·11 .. :Il l'~(\ Vlr:<t B11pli-l l"hurth ~u·mon mrn1Mt1•r l h(' P·"L \\t'• k Th•· ·• • 11 ••;Im I< ~· r Vt•• \1111° ol I•• 1111 · ,., th" r l"\'"ll ,, c·In. I\ >"'r\'l<'P by t..'ltti&lfH\ \\'h~ a ~P· t wl ~e1Jn1;n uu • ll•t1t• u \\.ttlJU l111•n1lt11,•1'-< :tnd ln H• v ... (;. ;-\t--urnunn \\"JU br "T he tnp1r 1cqu•·111•11 I>~ th•· •110).!I•· •· •l\o>11 l U·· '0111'<11111.: .. 1(' 11ft,r 111,.dpl111r of l11t· D1~agnwablc:· t 11rn t 11 hi p1 ,.,,, h1•d t h1" !'11n° l.1 •. 1' o trnn tt """ II h11•ol• 1 • l t1••111ll 111•·», Tlw11· "111 lit' 1<pct1al m11~11 . IJUth the 8 :111 anil 11 o 111. M 1 \'I• Lii" • .. 11°" I" 111001 will 111• lt· Id 1 ooa;\1· 1\ t the i 30 "''''\'ll'C. ,\!1 :-;I'll· 'T h<1111:h l h:l\'•' b<:o•n p11•.11·'11111: 11"' l_v 111•• 1.1;ot ...... ,..1.,,. n1 ··•1111 1111111n w ill hR\'r as h l11 topic ··cod's <in the i.;111•p1•I "'' Lt••n>< '"' ll !'t1r'-11111111 h l'lun Fur th" Ag··~" The ordl· tll<Y from lhc ltl'Vll<l'<i !'l:111d111 1 :-;t'\\' "1Pn1b1·1~ \\all bl' l \"t'•'l\0o!J nunte Of l\aptc~lll Wiii be ol>sen•ccf, \!1•1111011,00 Pastnr l(nb•·rl II 1;1 .. n· 1ntv th" 1h11n h S11nd11~· nnol Koth· H11nd11y i'c huol will convrn•• a l lun•I explR1netl. ··n """ •lt·• 1 1 ... 11 r ~n Ann H ruz.1 Infant dn11~t1tl'r • t !l ~:'I 11 111 wllh clUl\S<'ll fnr all lhHl •\rry 111111• th•ll wu~" f1ltll S11nd.1v :--.t""ol H111 .. 1.r••nl0 111 uni ai:•·~ :'\111•1·1\' 111 pr11n1lcr1 dur:ng ~11nd11y rn a 1w nth '"' w.111\d " .\:1 .... Frank l~ n !11111 .. w1JI hr l1op· 111tl the .. l'r\'tf'. es lo 11llnw the pa r· Balboa i.~111n1I C'tJITllhllntl \' Mt I· ho1Usl Church !'undR,\' ~,.r \'H"l'l! Rl 9:30 nnl! 11 R 111. Wiii l•·Rltlrl' l hr ttev. Rlrh•Hd "" I ':i let "1111 I~ mlnlMl!'r or tlw Stlv1·1111lu f'&r k I Community M " l ho ii 1 8 l <"hu1 r h. Rev lrllt T11rk. n11111•to·1 T oplr 11 a m. Jan 30 "Rrll~tou• ~1 ..-111 " In Y1111r l.1fr ' 10.20.Healin& Ser.·1co 11 .00 J unw r l 'h111 r h /!111111r Clw rrll r mhrttr n nil nqr.• n /Jni•r 1(111•1• "''"'' 11 11 1t1/ •• hd•I 11/ Girl .1'rlll/l N••"I", //111/1 /Jr111 ol /,1•111•" pi.rt from our 11-11.d ur1IP1 .•· I ,,.,.,J t'li':o to \I Ol•hip. prP>H'h a ;ot'1m11n · h~· I• qll<'•I · 1·.o·t 1 1;1 111J1111ol UI> • .111n,.11n• ''" ,\t r, ::n p rn l'a:<tor :'\eUmRnn SPlf'l'I 111n 11f I h• I "P" ha,. h•· •l I"··' .111111 h• I 111•111 I' I~ 1-1 r011p hrt0l \\ 111 0 "nolun l h• 11pel't8I rnslruc· ma.I,., hut w ill nol h• 111•• l"·o I lu •II '' •l '• ' 11o '1• i: •II• 11 :lt .. n· 1 .. 1n , I•~~ u•lng hi:< book How to 11nt1I t h•' I IOI(' or 1 h·· !<•I \'IC .' :-<11 . •ll<Y lit '; ·: .. I I ' 11& • II·· I '.11 1~!1 Slh \.f'C'tl tn th1• Lift' for Chrl~l. •1t1Y !lull" .\II ". It n;:: I I• nrn n101 !' Yu•.nJ.: p,., r·lt'~ Tia ming l'naon Anolh•·r •pro 1.tl t"Rllll" l'un ·• .1h•••1t tl.o l.11'h• 1 on C',1•11 1 h nn• m1•"t" a l t h<' same hn11r. Ill lht> :-;,."P"ll H•1g1.1~umc••-·· 1n\,1 .. 1 • .. R'l•nol 1-'11.to\', .Jun :!'i \\ill be dei11g· Reception for Wheeler s a nd Dedicati()n Service 1-'o•llH\\ lllj: I h• I I .1 111 •I \,, 1 111 i'l JflJlH•• ~:1·•·· "I'•" t '11111. I 11 • ' I w ill hi' <l"dh .ill• 11 • t \\ • I It l I I In llhllH•lloll '"Iii• l.1l•• 111111.\ \'I \\ rlt h n11•111ho•r nj .•t .l.1111• ,11 , It I ('I. ~1\1(\J1 l•ll U1t• It t It I j, I ••1 f I nlll<'I 8'< f"n11I\· ntJ:hL Wl1h pol h11 k ilinnrr lo be ~en•td a t 6 :30 p 1 1n thr 1 hufch llOfl;tl hall. ,\JI 11rl' 1nv1lrtl :-;rw me mb .. rs ,p.-• Ill tw hun"t' .J J:11f"~t!C E ar h p• 1 '"" a!I to l111ni; hill or hf'r own t11hl<' "trvlrt· T here will he fun nn I !•·ll1tw11h1p for f'\'toryont'. lh•· H"'· !';111! ,\!""''" \\h• f•1 r•I M I~ \\ ""fl••• l'h· ., ...... I I " \\ I •\ Outsid'C of Costa Mesa ti hu\ ''a~ pn"'tf1u11• : h1 1 ., 1 1 1 • • fntf t•d nh ... q\'<• i r :'\11 \\ •11 l1 Thr 1"" 11 •n t• 1 \I r 111 • .'.\l \\'h•·· l,,1 •1• t 1 ,\tJ '"' nd • • H. rourlt• n11: • nl\ f htllC I I I,, I I • hU' ""?\'If •' tlUh #4)1• •IU I •• I ti rn 1 h•' • • 1111111111 1' " I h ". 9,c111 IA!• •I \\ ti II~ '.\l••lnh< I• 'r 'h• ·'fl - -,,,.,,J,,.. TM( O ROftl or ™E 6'0l 0( 14 ltUl ( • s., •. ,.,. 8 A l &O A . &Ateo.. ISL\~ T ..oniz BPac h. 1111 1•xchi.n~·· p11~t111 . T h t' Rev.-uon11ld Sapp. p11~111r 11( Balb<•a Jslanrl·Cmnmu nlly :Itel hod· isl Church. will orc11py .:ll r C11in't1 puipll lbat t111y Th111~. F~IJ :.I I< 1111 J' 111 • 111,,~ "Sf'IJ'll h S1•tf l'101p•·ll1n1: l..ACil'S.\ Rt:Al'll AKT OAl.J.t:K \. !tOi l'lltt Drhr llyall •· 'T!ll4 --. . T hr Ho•\ .tn<I \It' r· 1111 ,. " I• !'•II •tl'I K R.11 Iv a lm a•trc n ( !'l \\lol'lol \\Ill"" h"'l<'rl'•I 1-'i diV J ,111w,[':tySr hool,t1n.J :lt1• Brll. A11x,h.ol\ \\Ill lu• J,., .......... 1 :II ~·~r• 11n • ;\lm"l' Rob• rt P••t t ". ".".·' nn• 1• tn\ P ••I '" t"· 1 t"' • ·:t rni:N 111 " 1111• \\I'll ihni • 1 i,.l\rn \lllll'h:ill ""•Irr, Fmnk \\'1lkrn· P 11 r kf:;-l:1d lry s~r\'l{'C - ('m;ta ~wsa·!'I ~upcrinr sn- n rr -1:-1 n ·ad11\· ll\'1t1labl<' to fam1lil·~ n·:-..1ol111~ m the• i;ur- rnundin~ r urn I 11 re:1. t rn1, When W•' n re called frorg th ct area sur r11und mg CoRt a ~lei<a our r~ponsr 1!i as prompt ns if thr cnll came from JUsl a few blnc ks from our mortu- ary. 1100 ISLE . C o me in. O rder yo ur own pau'-\Clt in~ Ultra ViMa !-tudchakcr now- thl' hc\I \•alut! an yhoc1~··A auromohill' m o nt!\' t'ver hou~ht ! llt'rc's 'a far· a<h anc<'d nddicional line of l 9H S1udehaltcn- eno rmou\ly incrca\t'd in ,.i,ihili1y-uci 1in~ly tteppt'd up in power- oo increase in prices! I•\' lhl' fl, 1:1 \ • , s• ·'' • I••\ II \\ .olt. t TAmllhnR• 1onol \'11 ~ I :111 • F:ui:rnr A .I •hn .. I I. \ ~.t1,111l ·' th• 1'11· h ll 1ol \It \\.,1(. <01>111...-111111<11 I »ll1•f;t1•• r v \\'hl'o'I• I I;,,, 11: 'I .. I I h"_ P'' ·' I nt hl'I < ('I( I hr racull y 11n°I l'I aft I 1011i.: hf,. '" l r11 .. 1 .ni: 1n Ill\ L·•l<I Ill•' , ( s· l 11•111o nt ~ F.1·•·• I 111 wh•• will 111t"n1I mrhulr :llmr~ who h11..• bi" 11 111, sl'"'" , .. 1111 ,111• , h1111 h rn 11 .. 11 .. 111111 II•• \\Ill • •111· l-1<·111 \ l'rl:<1'. :11111 y l-"11 narnrr Ion all lh!'ql' 11•1. vr111, • ph•tr /t i" 11t1·1·· .. ,,, !'I .J.111. • • n II• J," ln~I·· :llRq:o1• t K· lllrr · 811nolt1). ~°'rnrt l'Ol'prr, '.\h~~ t''lnl"f'nl'" nR!'T Cltl t<l'll U f-CllKll'T Tho•~• \\I~•· \\Ill 1111• 11.I tit• .t,11· :->.iri l• r :It ri' 1'1•.11 1 \\'to Im.in. Mr' S('lt;;\TIST n• r in• h1 I(• H•' I{ il1•h 1'1.1~ ••I· L•" , s ,la1·k~··n 1111t1 :'-11!1., f'hyl· r llte "' ~t .11111• -1111.J ~11 • I" n" l • J J:11 k .. ,..n BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A l\IESA CHAPEL l 741 Supr rlor A '·rnuo Cos ta Mu a. <.;a.ltl . P hone U bcrty 8·2121 c C H1\PE:L 13\" THE SE:A :.l~ZO E:. CoB!!t Bl\·d. Cllrt'na drl lllu, Ca.lit. P hone Harbor t2 • A .,.~~ .~·•,"!'".:o'"'~;·~:·,t"~·•r<:. ,.,,., CPit.1r(fll of c .... ,, t ,1.,.1r1,1 '" l o1to1t M•u• dhn•"• S••d•y k-• t IS • "' Sw"4•• \enlce t l -00 • "' Wt d ft .. dtt l•tftlftt Me•tlnt -I 00 o "'· •••d•"'t leom •oc:•tea et )JI$ ¥1• L•do Hewporf a..cs-, It OP.• .... dlU fro"' 10 00 • "' to $ M o f'ft Wed"••d•t• frol'PI 10.00 1 "' to I 4l o "'· '"''dh evet 1 to t Cio•od H•lldo" f\e ...wllt•lc. 11• (eifdl•llt ln•ttt d to etttftd .... <:atwc.~ s.,.,q'" ••4 "" th roodl•t PARKES· RI OLE ........ ~~ .. __ ' MOR.TUAR..Y 11 0 e•OA OWAV c.o s r -. ... , s ~ LI 1u.r Ya8· 3433 (-.. NtWPOtf 8f •C>4 . COl ONA OH MAI THI ULTRA VISTA -STUDEBAKER Studebaker ... so muc/, /Jell" matle ... wort/, more wlun you tmtle I JOE NICKERTI, Local Dealer I (At Entrance t11 l.fdo) 3415 W. Newport llvd. NEWPORT BEACH Phone Harbor 51 0 l ( J \ ~ I ' l " ~ I , • . , J I 1~ l , ' I, J . I DELGATES TO .CATALINA !~LA.N O YOUTH MEET-Youth leaders from Newport Beach· Garden Gr<J\'<' ar<'a S'c\'enth-day A·cfrentist Churches wl.'rt' recently stranded on Catalina Is lnnd by ~tunny W<'allwr. N••W homl.' 1u·~ I left t o rii:;ht) Mrs. Donald S paulding, 3200 Clay St.. Newport Reach : I::. L. M inr hin. c1f Washi11~lon. D. C., w11rld youth director for: Lh(' Adv<'ntis t Church; and Mrs . D. A. May. :!18 Wth St.. Nl.'w- po~ Beach. Thr loc·a l delegatr:-; wen· among 350 directors o f Advrntist youth work given IHI <.>xtenlii\'e threc-da~· training <"oursl.' to fit thrm for C'hurch work with yuung people. Rl.'ports <>n the• mrr·tin~ will he brnu~ht to C'h urch mt'mb<'rR this week b y the delegat es. Girl Sco uts Aid r1 ves Fund Brownie lrOops J t ;1rl Su 1ut1t of Nt-wpor1 "Ill h1 .1,.,,1,11111: a." u1111.RI in two • 1 \ ·Wld•· prOJl't·Ls. ~lnrch Thud Ur.1,J.· H1u\\U1t ·111u ft="•• '"' ·""' iott H •II~'.,\• --•kt ,),-, "' 11, ol I •I01''K IUUI IJl'urt 1-"tHUJ •lrl\'t•. 21 "' J<lllt t.llk1111: .1h1111t 11 .. t 'l11 1~•-'"lh .:"'' llttl.-Hr1o\\n1•" "'"' •olv· •>n ~·.1i ~ llfth g iad .. ~cout.s 11111' "'"'' "o" "'!ht· 11111 •l ''" .. 1 .,, th· I•" 1o1 , ~Ir-. l,lon J ,.hn· will pl.111· Jll l'Jlllr"d pnstr·rs for hAol Tl·• )!Ill• h.11111\'llnl1h1·11 •l•ll •Id \11• ~Ilk· 111111..l.ttl•h. th" Ho-.11 1 F unll 111 v11 11ou11 ar.-as mvtht'IJ< 1., ,1 'I'""" l'hrt,tllq• 111 ~''"Jl"r t ll<t1 h111. l'art1r 1pnt111J: I ,1~, •II ·" 1111~ 1,.,,,1-,, ""''' h• ''" \\ill h• T ru••JI 19 11111lf'r the leod· prni:111111 111 lh•· h"111' "1 ~I I• 11 "11l 111 II)" 1·11i1'111•1l':• \\':11 ol Ht th" tri<hlp "' l\11 s \\'. I; Thnntt1s, F.:. BI P\\'1·1 wh" \\lllt ~It• I( L 1'r~mbl "'" "'I'" ,,, li•Htl• 1 """"'' It•: I'''·" h~· S•·•·•m•l c;111d•' Tr01•1• :16 with Lctttli·r Mr11. Jo'ran· The•l r"•'•l••'"llll••I W1l h ""''lll•I H111""" '"'"I' 1\1 H1·I01 1' l h<' •"'' !-i1 h11llo1. T rO"JI 3~ with M l'l! / 1 ll1ol1° ,,,~•'·"II 1:11l ll11d 11rni1,. n bo"k 1,, • ., :-.:ott T ro"I' :17 111Hll'r co-lt'ud· ms!I" hy 111•' 111 ""'"'"~ ''' d 111'' 1\h1111·"·'" lu r1•r f1l1"1 I w ith C'h1h '· • r l111 1t Mary M1trl111, Troop Ci 11rnlll~hl llN "111·h .:111 10"" 11 "11' 111.1~ , 11111• Tiu· I> Rd"r", Ms ~ :-ivl· \\It h L;;•111!1•r Mr1<. Jr111 Hughes and thP 1r.-.. hrr i.:in lut 11"1 1"''1111'r v111 .1 .. 1111"'" 1111>1 ~11 • C. A 11:.,. Tru11p I:.! >ind l1•11drr !'>!rs A. lit. Th•'O 111nt h•·1 i.ind it:au~ht• I IU '"~' b • It 1,!\lld••d tl'• a,:u l1.. In t ht It l n.\IU nrw ornnllw nl1< '" 1''11 hlH I< "11 1111 1 I'' "I•·• t Tho· !'-11111 h u l l 11111l!S n1ulht'r" tr•· .. , Tht•n •·•1t1•• th1• ''ul t1J\' T h• 11 ,.,. "'"" lul<•·n 1., 11;,. 1,. o1,,.111, I 1 ... 111111 • ;, 111• i .1 .. wn1 .. t 1 .. ••1• , \\Ill "" J"ln<·<I 111 th• Ir ll1•k un J1111 Wll1tl 1,1 ,,..1 Jo.•i·ph,., u 0 ,.1111111 t .. 11111 th••.'\• w y, "I '"th" 1,.1r. ::1 lty ~1xlh. ""''1•nlh and c·lghth T hell· th•· .:HI,. Nlini: 11 ,. , ltll•I· t.1•1·111 11t till' 11'1111•' .. r Jo\'n K"lrll, 1o;n111 .. 1:11 1 Sl·outM (1um the f11l- tlwv I "" l>o•1 n 11•h .. n1.•111i.: ""' ' r II• 1111 II Ii· I . T IH• 1111 al •• r luw1r1.: \IO<tp,. nnd leoadcl'll : .. ,:h·· J..:IJI -. tll nttn,b,, .. u( !"\~ • t ·1 •I• .... it,1d .end •I··" •·rt'' 1 :-\u1nlw1 ... ~" ~11 · Ji"rt.·cl Hunt. J t1.tthllli .Si h trol \\ifi "'1:.tih.ua ,111ifl• I ,ind 11111at••tl hy th•• j..;ltl 1-=-· ~ll'-Jul• A tliJ.ltU•, I<. ~lrs. J0t1 H·" 1,. ,11,11111, 1:1111, 1 \IJdal\u \Ir 1 .. I'• l\,.:111 11r1 I ~I •• I •I h l',1.-.1!.1. 1.1 !'-11'< Juhn Pu rte r, 29, A l\in.u i 1 •,,uu•J,1 .. ,iu ,, :\l't 11~ Ht •n· .\ 11 if I h 1 \ • •'I\• •I u I• .44). r.. n \tr.... Ht,~h • :1 d\\ 1H. 2i. l\.tt1'. \\'11- hiu i: ~I "I:'"' 1 :-;11 ,.11 11, ri;. \\'ui· I'' I \!1 \I \ A11ol0·1-.. n tlnol 11,1111 !'111ri:• "" 11, Mr,., C. S 0 11• , , "•. tt Ju.I~ 1_.,1 •·', !'h •· ~11 )t·tl• Jo.1• •I \\ t\1 u ... ,.n • I 1 i-1 ~. tuu JI, 1 ••'itl " ~''' I ••U IC. "'"._ \1· I in I h p f11r 1•1'";.. I :-;. hour'"' t'I ...;ttllllt rr t'ttihl1 t:111., 1•r Thu·• ',, •••• ,, , T trn•I> '>o Ill 1ol1h1 •It•( 11• (II I h1r thdl1\ ti\ Ill\ 1111\1-; Ill• II 11 n( h• I. l•t 111111 ID 11 ~11111•1•· • • j, l'lt•lll"rl 111 Card Pa rty i ~ Anno unced by Gra n ge H. E. C. A puhh« • 1<1>1 p11t1y lv lw h.J•I F r11l11.)' It l i. :1>1 JI 111. ID e ·,.,,,. ~I 1•..,11 tlrungl' llnll "''1ic plt1111w.1 wh1•n t lw H nnw l-~l·o11011111 .~ ( 'l11b 1111'1 .Inn 18 Thi· Rr11up 11w1•I ~ • 111 11 111 "l a nd tt11r<I Tu .. 1<1111\' nt 10 ,. 111 1 .. Jtl'"" 1\ll w elfr•rr u 11..-1 •. , 11ml 1111 thr 11nnual ll.1U11or ,\ h11 .. 1n, ~- mttt io.: '""'"'" l11nt h•~m l.unrhl'""" r.rt' 1 1th• r "'"" 1.11 A.nil I hi' \In~ \\A~ ••nJO) ·~I h~· .!' nh.\mt>-•1" ttn~I ~f'\"t n \ ,,.,,,.r, \\ hu took 111. 11J'f>"1t11n1t' 111 i.:• I ' hnn1r·nw~k•• t lun1 h•"••I\ ,• " '••1111• nH-1 pt 11 r \"1•tl t1f4t Kl •• tt h \·Hy .... \\'•I• •·on11 An1I ""'""" 1nlf\t1·.ct• •t t• ,., ,,.11 th•• 1ho. 1111 n \1 1 I•• lo • 1.llw-1 ty 8-11•1•. •·nr-ty·• t):tll tuh1 • , "t1.u11p ,.. \\#'f'I" oh'lllllMl h)' th• 1 l11h <11 th•• \\n1ur11 • \\Anl .tt (•rur .._, ,·11\1111 \' Ht1•p1t>1I """ .. r lh1· 11~:·. I n•J· ...... tnr th• ~·II 0th• I r ' ..... "'rl' 111al11 kll""' 11~•1 \\tll ho •tk· c-11 1 Are 01 Mr•. I •••11 :'to 11111. 1111.t ~t 1,., Frank f'arrh)n" \\ ~11 h•' f!H .. l• .. ~,., Rt the Ftb. ~ 111"l't1n,.: Bal bo a Bridge Winning P airs J\11,,, L1ntl.1 llllb•I rnil J/\•k I ll '"'n Wl'I •' o•ll•l ·\\••I w1nn1 '" 111 F 1 ,. I J"Y ('\'• n1ni.: ~ ~nnt•l fl t:uthot 1 While not I h·•llll\ ll hli. h , •r • ' \\'l'rl' l\11 • :-: Ill~· lllfl\\ 11 .uil ll•• tw rt Lta--k l !•1nn', -up i'·'''·"~ ·· wrrf' M i 11nd .\11, I. \' llr11\\,, ~tr s G<'Or!f<' e 111• II 11n•I \11• H• n- 1y E1a.Prl \I· •· ·• \to . \\ ' !'(l'I nhl'q, Runn1•1>-llf' t ''h '""''"th ' 1• M rl' I 'rt:i:~ J 11h11•o1n irnd \I 1 .. H \\a.s h brn•k l;l•nn H1-t 111 .1 1• Jo~ .Mortl'n •t11 \1 1, E· 011 ~l .t• !'>tatttrrtt a n J !'>It• ~It 1 Ir ,\1 1 < .. r111 l'I. Mitt Cf'or~I' l'11 11ull nn t \11> Cru I Rl'nl'\OO \\ t 1 • , ..... , .,, • :-t '' ut nri .. In thl' Mon.i11, 1111• 1no1.11 1.o1111• while north·-0111·,, l111>1h ... ·u1 r 1 • werl' Mrs. l 'ri;i:.' Jllhn"'"" .111.J F 1r d Mor n J111n \ H11nnc111-u1•0 l'11~l · wrst Wt'rC' Mi 1J t-:J ~lur,..,1 110<1 Ralph Cra"'"' M1,.., I. II, \\'11.h- brook &nd ~1 1• Mai ~ t'll'l,1n1l Rull11r r11·up 11o11 lh . .,1111 h ""r ,. ~I r1< Retty Coomh.i 1111.f MIJl. P lllVlhS Hnrrll'Qll Mno 1-•• I. \\'1• kman An I Mrio Lnu R~ol. The 1o:1 011p "oll 11 N·t ••n !'>t.111.J:I\ a ftrmnun Al '4 t t 1':11~t l)r rnn ,.., ,.,.. H11lbn1',w1tl11l•1 '11!.i.:1111: u l'lc\I I< Annou ncing LEE'° WILDER Candidate for CITY ' COUNCIL 6th District, Corona del Mar Election March 15th Harold E. Christler Donald Hotwood Grayce Seorler Dr. A. E. Stocktoa Jamr• T. Von Dyke SPONSOftED IT Duncan Stewart W. E. Fl.aber Wolter N. Loavmoor Dorothy Barry lluJ"rt N. lleadr1clu • , ../ ·St. Joachi·m Women valentine Tea NEWPORT HARBOR NEwS-~REss -PART 1v THURSDAY, ,JANUARY. 27, 1955 Calendared by I - rSlate Fashion Show Bethel Mothers Review Series I i"allhion·w1~ women of \I}" Harbor area will bt' affordM an u~-I Febniary plans "••re on the • porl11n1ty to feaJ!t their eyu u Wl'll a1 their a ppt'tllea when the St. at:emla wheon the Mothrrs' club J ou ·him Motheor11' Club, Co11ta M f'113, 1ponaora 1t11 annual fuhlon she~,. of Job's Daughh'r" met un ""•I· In ronjuncllon with a lundteon at the Ssnta An a Country l'lub on n t'sday, Jan. 12, at 7 :30 I'm., In iS Benefit For Fr10Jay, F tb. 11. at 12:30 p.m . tht> luvely nl'W home of l\lrl. rn .. nn I Vlllln' fa.hlon.. Modeltn" 11_ .. ull Dy:.a1 t, •ob lt~anda A"" Co-T "Fashion Weather Vane-Spring " " creations , will ~ Virginia We~· Ho11te1111u were'. J.t n1. W1lh11 81111· 1 um or •:i:;," has been chosen 11~ the theme d •t J hl'I M •t •11d li:,y, Barbara \Voraham. Bell;,' ger an ,. rs. o • r,. • ,n, for tl\e 11,.Cfalr whirh will 11polll1thl Morae. Dukie H ollaway. :'\ao Th .. b11sir1e1c.11 ITI<'<'lmg was <'ull· I Board -PAGE l C'ltlog du1play of womPnll 11nd Barbara Shencrc.>r. Chlldren·s ap· futlph H err. Plans were 111111tc and A 10111: •·ho>l l~h.-il drc11n1 of lhf' Nljthlini:MJ.•s, lh1• r11n~ulllve T'\m1n r fnr tht>_ fl.rel time thl1 ;rear a n ex-Brouc hton, Prg1ry NlsMn an•l Juctc,1 by the ne"w p11•~hh•nt, M r~ I · Parrcl -will be modt'led by "Muf· cumn11tte1·s app<:Hnh'tl ror thl' 1111 -H1,,11~1 11( H1>11i:-Ho~plt•l 111 at IR.•t ll 1·r111lty, h:winit br<>n 111 011er11t1nn chlldrrns' 11prln g and 11um~r 11ty-tet" Dubach. Mclame McClunt', nunl Mother and Oaui:htt•r Val11n-fnr ~"''••1111 1111111th~ The .\O 111•t1v1• 1111•mb<'I.• .b• """'" i;l\'ln!: l11Ju11 nf les Crom a Santa Ana store. W o· end H enry Femandet. llnP Tea. This year the t ea will bt-volunte1·r w1•rk 111-:ct'I vie<> Ill th" .h11i;1t1tttl, 111•r 11ow l111 nlf\i; tllt'lr eff11r 1A men present will view molht'r-Nt;\\' ('KINA hf'ld on Sunday, F t•b. 27, In tlw to 1nnk1r1i: a b1i: s1w1·e•s or th••lr IH"'" nt F:rt11n !'l••111 n,. lln~·ton B•"'k Jaughlt>r combinations tlf!d 11port1· Tt1bll' llt'ltlnKll wlll feature fine h~ome or _Mrs. E . l. Knox, 2 2011 1 H<'\'li·w Sl'i Ii·~ whi<'li wtts so P"l'lllur l1<~t ~«·nr. W<'lll', ran~ing from swimsuits to china in frt>sh, new spring-arrani:P· Evenll\Jo: C.anyon Rnatl, "'0111 to This t•nth11~m:<l1<> ,:rour of wo-rr .. 1111nv1•1·. R J t'"' n~. HRI f11k<', ca.sual and ccxktall coordlnste11. &II rnl•nt11. A 111.Unple of Fr .. nch per· 4 p .m . AU 1?8111 und Jll e~cnt ni.-ni· lll•·n 11• ronf1tl••nt that with the La\\0rt'r.•·l' Jo:. Sptll):ll<' Jr. an1t I 1 • well as tlainty Valentine· party fumt'. "Femme," will be presen!l'J b<•r,, of .lubi. Daui;ht«rll enol tlwir .:••HI \\Ill 11nJ :<11µ1~11t uf th .. 11· v1ni: \\ntrt1 .. 1, 1\11 ,., Ot\',tl \\',SI•'"· to each woman. Door prizes will mothers will ri'Ct•lve lnvit1*lll~ 1" 111Hny 11 1 .. 11J• 111 th·· Ha1h"r Aro·R Rlt 11r .. 1111t,.111 uf th .. :0-:1.:hllnJ:Rl"'· )(Owns. spring prinlit, short COlllA, .... ( 1 h .. . tht• It'll. Dour prizes will h" 1(1\'Ptl tho•\' will 1111,.._, lht' ~2l•ll0 whwh 1,. Is "" ··x-ottll 1,, 11111111,,.,, and !\Umme r cottons. Fresh white .,... urn 1th"d by 1 11' .-x .. ibitin~ durinl(' th1• an .. rn11Ql.l I 1 store anti sl. Joach1111 C11thoh,• t •• hrlp 111 th" pun'hllll<' of Pqu1r-Th<' Tunu11 Ji.1111 o1 1:c J,•,,1p1• • · RC<'l'nted with shining black, Iliac 1 M rs. l>t'1t.n Suuth. lwlhd i:unid· 111~11t (111 t h.-T1111i.•1 lll•t11 1I. T lw pt 111110 1lv ''" .-.111 .. 1111.11 Inn "' " Church. ;an. "'llJ:l:C'Nl~"'I I 11111 l'Bt h I• 1111 .. , t' I I -• to pink shades, plus many othtr Otnerul chairman for lhc evPnt t •"111•• \\Ill '"' h•·ld ••n tlw fn1111., 1:111111•" """"' ,, 1tWl"r" '" "'" • new nAstels and bold 1hada11, w ill tlWll' .. 11 Y"1111 th .. •·luh 11111-thl Th111•1hn· of ~-··hnllll\' l\lar1·h 1lnol 1t•lrr11•1l In llw h•llll'\I h\' lr<'<'ll"'' r· ~ 111 Mrs. Waltu Mllll'r. Co mmJttee purc h&Q s: t n ·111><> f th · · · I · eJlhRnct> the collection of gar· ·1' 8 '1 1 or ,. ""'" A1111I ell th1· Lhlo Th1alrf' Rt to·:m phy,1r111 n;. 1•f t h•' •11\ff 11( thP ll"">: chalrmrn include Mni. J ohn Scelsa. ly ••lect•••l 111111,.11111. nn.i ,i. .. ·1-11111 11,.~l•llnt trnol 111 th•• 1.0111111111111,, ments <1t'lSt)WPd to tempt Milady's decorations. llJld Mrs. Ric-hard Was an th•· 1tf1rn~11tl\'1• " "' l'hy~h urn«. '""r i 1111i pttlh'nta I•• fashion appetite. f Torrence. publicity. Mrs. 0 . E . \\ h1te ei..pla111<•1I lv l'ltOt't:~·'IO~ Al.S 111,. b,.11 1,1 fm , ,.11.,,111"11110 r t 1·1•1,,. D l'AL STAGES the nt'w mc·mbt·n prt't<i•nt 11b1111t I Th" 1•1 or. "'l<lnRI m t>mbo·rs o r th" I\ \\f lll1•n 11'1'"" llf till' rm1hni:-P rovidlng an attractive •et tin~ Fred Palmer tht> trip to thl' snow tht> Jub1r:< nnd Tu111u1 Hu11i.t a11• iudf'd 111 t h1·11 ur thP 'l'un•"r ji,,81 ,1, 11n,I ita , , . tor the style show, beglnnlng at 2 rounc1l member11 havl' pl11nne1I for w111 k by a .:1011 p or 'I 11111ur Bot11 ti 1 nmu•l'mlltl i•in J or 11 entnw nl. ri.m .• will be twin stages, each Jn Hospital F'l'b. ~. :;, a.nd 6 A lod1>1t-to i<l""Jl voh111t"'''" 1111111 lh<! :'\1g1111ni:ah· with a backgroun d of white ltal'Cb· 34 girls h1111 bren rcstn•t>cl 11t Fsll•' l'h11ptrr nf tilt• A11x1h;-1n ·. 'Tlw~t" ed lace screena. GillJlt umbrella11 Fred B. Palmer. long time S<'a· V&lt>, three m1le11 b<•yon1l Furt'•t I vuh1nt<'• I,. \\u tk 1111•h·r the dir•·c· or white silk and bla~k lacquered aonal resident or t he Mumcipal Homt>. A d<'llghtful week-c-nll 1s u on of !'>Ir:<. Ell,.wn rlh E. BNts. bamboo, invilllbly suspended, and a nttclpatl'd for all who attt'n<I. I <'h1t11m11n. and Mrs \\'lllmm D. ac1:t>nted with sprin g flowers w ill T r1&1IC'r Pnrk la confineod to the Mrs. Hl'rr anno11ncel1 the nt•11t Humnson. a >'s11•ta nl t•h1um1an. Mr11. add a note of Interest and bea utv San A ntonio Community H ospital m eetint: o f lht• Mothen' Club will Donal•I H. Hull 111111 !>trs .. Arthur lo the decor. • In Upland where he Is undergoin11 be held on F'<'b. 9 ttt 7 .:to p n1, in Cnm'••ll 1trn"' 11~ luy :<crrl'l11 rll'1t. Commentator for t he occaHlon 8urgl'ry. Ttie Palmera are rt-Ill· thP home of Mrs. J1 .. ·l<Rnn H1u 11~. M 1 "· \.\'11ltl'r H. S<>lbt'rt ii; 111 1•har~1· will be Mlsa Verna Miiier frorn dents of Pomona where he la the 32f> -t9th St., CoMR Mci<8. C:n· .. r f1nan«l' an11 accou11l1ng . whose achool of ch arm wlll come generatl manager of the Federal hostesses w tll tw Mr~. HRruld Ot h rr Tumor Board volunt1't'r• the model• dlsplaylng the capU-Savlngr; and Loan Assoc1at1on. Beeobe and Mrs . C.R . Chumb.·111111:. 'ure Mmes. O. H. C1·urn Jr., Ju~ Cl1111t·11l rt'1•or1ll', l"ro111t rndri..1 '" 111111 ll•llOW•llfl I llf'!I on l'Hf'h <';I ... ptl'>'••nl<'il /111• llHllnlttlll• 11 Ill II •111!" of n~11d111t'1t1t for lnMP"'l'tl•Hl h~ 1111• C"nlifornla Ml'dknl A~~"'· 1:11 1"11 I '11ru·1·r rom111l1t1t1on. Thi• pn·f··~x1on11l nu'1\llH·1" or tho bo111 ol Rl'I'\'<' w1tho11t pn,1. ll1,.l'llni;J1 Rm lw ld t'l\C'h T 11i'1tthl\' nt 8 11 m. In tho U1ernpy roo m e,f ·tho h1111plt11l. when you can own a 3 bee/room home for $ 26 $ 00 princip_!ll plu and <Jmall in~rest c'°8iDJt ooets PER MONTH DOWN VETS or NON· 1'ETS MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA .. •7995 FULL PRICE I • / Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE QUALITY FEATURES All 8'•1lro11m~ "h\ In ~17•"' 1h rhalt lilt' In kllr h,.n •ml tmlll t 'o nnlra kll••h,.n "urk arraa ThMn t lrt-1 "lnil""' ;\llnlmum lot -1u aoo 11quarr ,,._,., Ancl11 Realty-Sales Agents -LI 8-4'65 -Open 9 to 7 Daily I I J J r· J u I I I I I ,, ., J l 1 I J • • P~GE 4 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS SpedaJ NotteM --------THURSDAY. JANUARY 27, 1955 MURDY TALI SET FOR JOINT OCC SCHOOL . MEET FEB. 11 • Tru•tee. and ..munlataton or the Harbor Area echoola will meet at <>ranp Cout C'.oUep Jeb. 10. for dinner and to tliaeu• matten ef mutual concem. High· light of the meeting will be a piwentation by State Sen- ator John Mqrdy. He wtU dilCuu iulport&nt educational leci-latJon now beinr coftllidered by tbe .State Legtala· ture. RepreeentaUon »f Newport Be&eh Elementary Sehoela. Cceta MtA Elementuy Schoolt, Newport Har· bor High School and Oranp Cout Colle1e wUl be pr-.eent. Other matters for ~onalderation will be Implications of jolot tranaportation aurvey recently 1ponaored by the four dletricte, projected development plane by each di•· trlct, propoted change ln 11ehool diatrict boundariea, and projected rrowth of the coutal area o! Orange County. Thia will be the fourth joint mteting in the past two yean of th• 1ehool district le Miera of. the Harbor arta. They meet recularly to work cooperative1y in aolv- inr educational prc;>blema. llG KIU Police lnvntk)ate HOIM ·~ of $238 Police ue lnvut1plln1 the burglary of $238 cuh from the home of Ralph P. Morrill. 304 J.,. mine Ave. · ' Newport HarbOr B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mecta ewry 'nlutwday I p.1n. Vla Opono -Oantra! .t.ve. Newport Beach J:Jweed lbell, Exalted ftuler CARPENTRY. MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO l)ofAU. K.0. AAd4trlon U l·IOeO Colt& )\N& PU~ Speci•lized · HOME REMODEL PATIOS. carpeok)'. plutertn1. concrete work. tile Mltlnf. palnUn1-you name It. we do It. l'OITU BROI . Harbor llTt·R-LI 8·1NI Npll Experienc'd J?&rdener LANDSCAPING ,and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 911p9h CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Your Hom• Nffd Repairtn1 or Rcmodellnl ! Call Fr.&IUI. UbertY a.GM All Worll Guaranteed 7flfc AJcoboUca A.nonymoua Wnte P 0 . Boa M\ N~wport Bcacn. C&Jll. ' Phoae Harbor '1t6 INCOME TAX If you wlll c•l a refund and want to re«,lv• It u rly. c•t your lncome T9x form lll EARLY! It la your n1ht to t&X• •vtry allowable deduction. 1A\ me t1t!P you. · LELAND J . FOGG : for ov.r 12 y .. r• a De~ty Collector of Internal Jte~u• 18M HARBOR BLVIT.'\ LI 11·1&61, J;vea. U 1-3"4. ~T 15-Sbare Your Ou __ _ WANT DAILY IUD~ dOWW1toW11 L.A., houra 11-4 :4:1. Like to join cu pool or would orsanlM"'bwn. Ph. Warren. Har. •OH. Htfc OAR pool arrive downtown L. A. 8:30 a .m .. leave L. A. 11:30 p.m. Har. 2131·J. lic7 !!::BeautJ_~~------ Superfluous Hair PvmanentJy removed frolll cac. ·arma, 1e1•. Eyebr-• and ft&lr tine abaped-No more tweusn1. ELJ..JCN L. BRYA..NT R. £. Lido'• Balon of Mauty Mar. 1671 tic Cars Cause 91 Deaths In County Mrt1. Morrill aald ahe pl~~ th• mon•Y l.n a bureau drawer laat Monday, but ll WU son• Jan. 18 when' •h• looked for It. Police aald tltey coul<S H e no evldenc' of forced entry Into the home. Val· U&blee In the houae were not touched. the Morrtlla Mid. H.H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 2%-l.Allt and }'_o_UDd ___ _ •ANT4. I.NA COCNS) -The mo~ v9lllrl• one• a1a1n wu the lt..Sln• lllller In Opa.n1e County, acc.ordlilc to th.-1904 report If· LIGAL NOTICE· A Prompt Repair Service MalnlaJned Phone: Hubor 4824 2801 Balboa Blvd., NeWJ10rt Beacb """ LOST-Penlan eaJlco cat, mo1tly white. near Npt. arammar echool ALSO FOUND -Blame11e female ca~. Phone Harbor llHS·R. •ce FOUND -Bl•ck cocker puppy near Oran&• Cout Coll•I•· LI uuu.a- WANTED we 11a .... epea1n1• •t our N-· pclft ... eb. CJNioe. au &. -... bcl9 llJ\ld. for Telephone Operators -Apply - Moaday \hoU&ll J'rtday t :OO &.Jll. t.o t :UO p . .m. SHI,; No. Main St., Rm. 211 eanta All& rACinc T&U:PBONJ: ITtle Stenoe 6 bkkp1. needed ,._ J"9 Daily J\a1t1ur How. ~ for Sele ---Freab Hearing Aid SA'M'DJD We Otw MR Oreea lt&mpe Gunderson Drur Co. Mala It. a\ a.JltM an-cl: ... ~ Hanor Ill. Ntfc 4Ct\YUC P.UNT. OM ot Ult '-t• ..i c1e.uopme.11w tn u.. pa.111t ta· du.try, i. now ta alodl al your Harbor Patat Cat.h. U.-d for Int.nor or ut.ertor W&lla. pia.t- ter or atuceo. UI Hnd I t.. New- port -ftoae llarllor 1111. lc:Tl\ Appltance Specials FIUOIDAUU: e.tt. tt0ae-l011 f,.... er ,.. .. . ...... . • . ..... SJll 93 Your cllo1c. ot I Coldepoll Mt.~ ... u. for ~ wnager a nd ai.no- mauo ...... ,. • r&llf" ... We ....it r&J\l'M. w.Men and re.frig•r•tora. Oa.11 ~ tor repair ..rvtoe on tt• rn.-•ralorw.. too Jt1ke 's ADDli•nces lPT Harbor 11!.l.. O.ta M ... Wbert1 1-3641 kt llll\Vl:L • Cll. ft. nfril • suar. l'MaOnable. Har. aat·W or liar. u1n.w. 1111 It aa1i.o. •lvd .. Bala.a.. 61.-t 11-WuW to Buy ----JUNE FARAR ~NPLOYNENT A•ency, fOl',S 31nd St .. N-· port Bch l acroea from city haU) ~ Kenmor. wnn.-r wuher, 1ooct COlldlllon .............................. IH,80 w ANT TO BuY I • -Ill tip. John· IAunderaJl •uto waaber ....... Gt 60 aon uutbo&rct motor. Mu•t be In WANT aala•min. driver for clean· Ma.y~ JWMnpr ck&n .......... at. •Int. condltlon. U •·TIM. 6pt lnr route tn Harbor •rt•· Phone Servel refria., T cu. ft. cl .. n Gt. Liberty a..60~'· 1p1 OOLDIPOT ~111 .• • ou. ft. o . D-Jl'uraltun for a.le RotpoU\t eleio. fU119, ..-WC•. 11lnt. aUILD aecure 1tea4y tncoin• '300 , condition .............................. N . to 11000 mo. within I !11,,._ Part .a. S. tiff. __,. "O"v IN'Ud D- or full tJD\I . Your ewn bu.hi~: (WU l'lt> ........ --······-.... Jnt.IM> no 111vatml : reUrtment plan. a. E. dlall~aaher, ltn.nd new JtY.tt •-T301. •pt (WU JUI) ftOW ................ Ut. a. &. refrt1 ., I cu. ft. ........ 11.IO w 4HT ll:XPaui:l'fCED Wem&D Wedftwood deJWll ~ 40" u cook • houaakMptr. &Milt ......................................... ...... tt.IO motlier. I 9dM»ol·&f• cltlldren. O'KMfa 6 M•nltt r.n••· cl.,_ Uv1 In. food ..i&ry. Clo9t l~ •O" ..................................... .. at. tranepori.ttoa. C.U tveJ\inp, O.ffera Is latUer ran1c, xlnt. liarbor 4411-act oond., top oover ................ tt &O OmtDAL maJd fvr 1 woman. muat be 1 C>Qd. plain cook. Call att•r e p.rn. 11Tatt 4·T02'. tpe Draftsman (Male) For work In beach area With I yn. practical upwlence In mac h. drattlft1 and I yiw. ool· '81• or e41ulvalent. Wrtu r. o. Box 1031, .t.lh&mbra, Calif., en· cloelnc ~~·· or work. ~tic Vacuum elaan1ra. .. ..,.ral 13 to tt.IO. Everythln1 I• 1111rantttd l"ree Delivery • Terma STltOOTS 'f«WlNKLE HDWl'J, • 1103 Newport Blvd., Cona Meaa Liberty 8·3428. :X:6 w~~: I~. ~.~~~-~itur~ I&~ ~pu. .....• .. . . . $3 pr. Ir up Auorllllent of tools, 1•taaonable. Al.80. 1arden tool•. mop•. e11· Od. uMd tnneraprln& mattreuee. Braltful 11et. 6 pc ..... 119.llO Apt. alae atove ... $24.9~ 1174 Harbor Blvd .. Co.ta Meaa oce 11114 HOTPOINT refri~ntor, bi& 101, cu. ft. no11s top 1rerzr1· cheat, •helv .. In <loor. color In• ter1or. two veg. n lapen Used 2 weeka. Pd. dn. to $169 73 from S340 Sl!lE Baughna A A S \"ltarehuuM 220 s. Main Sl., l)anl11 Ana 8 block• So. of Fourth St. Open evu. 't11 9. l:iun. 1.1·:'.> Klmberly 3·7201 St:~~'1_ Radio. a T V HAUTlrlJL 1,U..t ,a.nu, blandm jUat llke "aw, •Ye QOO Ma• l\01•n1 lpiA•l ettdlY d&ma1ed ln ab1p.111•a\,, 1.a~OoM practa~ pl&An• '"°"' ....... 1116. '" .. a.. U... al u.. O....l IMHS- ik:HMIDT· ,,._. lale. TM ~ ltw.. 6IO "'°' ............ "'6. 100 ~ W1 _. .. tie ~ at-. ONS ONL. Y l\lll I IMlllW OIU• IOC\tt.& •ltotrio ....... elem•• 1tre\or "'°"' WlUI .. ,..,.,. '°"' ~~t. ......... Con¥t"lt'll t.•1'111• ,,_ IHArlDIU Nu.to Co. (e&t\OI ''°'' u1 .. u N. 1~on. 1aa14 Aa. PllOM KKltnberl,y f..Otft •• Baldwin Plano & Organ Diaplay WOODWORTH Pl.ANO 00. 1111 Ooaat B.IYd .• OGruu ... .... (Tl\aclea lat...., .... , tl&r,e~ .. * _µUTi.ru'b' Electroaio Orpa. blonde cue. almoat ntw. Mu.t eacrlflce. One only. Bl• avtq. DANZ·BCHMIDT Great W.. 1120 No. Mam .... l& AaL ONll ONLY-alnat. manual Mta- llhall or1an, like new. lav• 1100. Con Yenlent tenna at- BtLU!'ltJ\'8 Mua10 Co. tll:ioe 1901') 42l·t2l N. Syca.mon, 8anta Al\a Phone Klmberly 1·0872 Honest TV Service STEVENS &. SONS 1879 Harbor, Co11ta Meea Ph Liberty 8·2301 f1pJl•ltC ~ today by Coroner Earl Ab· Nl11ety-one person11 were killed '" "'ot.or vehicle 111·c1d1'nll!. Sui· ~ took 44 live11. Thlr1 y-11ix die<! ill ,.Ua: 111 by uphyxiataon: 10 by pkne11: 10 frem bum11: 10 by dt'OWJllng : (ave homtctdu , twn In· ctuatrlal: lwo undet~nnlned and six mi.ctlleanowi. NOTICE or INTENDED SALE NOTICE rs Hl!:REBY OIVl!!N: COMPLETE P J\lNTING I& Paper Hangln1 Service EUGENE O. SA IJNDERS 600 :net Str..el. Newport Beach 1·6378. le SO-M19eellueous ror '8ale 1955 l'lOROE automatic waaher, the one that doea everything. Hu big 9·lb. tub, agitator and overflow rlnae. U1f'd 1 mo. Pd. dn. to 1118.71 from 1280. N" cash dn. J ust pay the pymla. Jf $9.10 P'r month. SINGER sewing mac-hino, w11~hlnR m11rhlnP, nw~r. hn11sehot.1 r111•n 1n f'I. <ll11he11. 11ntlqu••!I. H&1 hnr 28il·W. 11•6 $:. PER MO. renta 1ood practice piano. All ltm1 rent allowed Ir you buy lat". DA!':Z·SCHMIDT Big Plano 8ale. 620 No. Main. Great J11n1111ry Plano Sale. OUR GREAT JA,1'\UARY ~ale. $387 buy• Jovt•ly SJ>lnet !'it.ail· 11artl make. Mirror type i;:ptnl'l only 523~. Baldwln Acru8nnlc only 5-t 8!l. Practice pl11nos fn•111 $89 up. Baby Orand11 from $ l!lll Oo:tena ot 011lr1 s. Tht11e ln11 na· 1nl'nl1 a1 e trude·ln• and 1en11tl· return11. M11ny Jll11t like n.,w. At>aullful rkcl!onlf' ur11en. S.o\'r $2=>-0. DA NZ·SCHMIDT Bag Pl· ano A Organ Store, 620 l'u. Main. Santa Ans Altbey·a depart.m•nl handled !'>i5 cSeath11, 3~ from n alur11I ca1111n. That GERTRUDE DUBEY, 11n 11n· marrlt-d woman, Venrlor. whoac addre1111 Is 1221 ~) WHl B11y Ave· nue. ln the City o! New·port Buch. County of OrangP. Stal• of C'all· fornla , intends to Mil to G. KELLY THORPF.. a alnglf' man. VendP<'. Harbor 2976-J. '1c:M House Plans v.•tiose arldrtH la 7208 We11t Ocean 95c9 Front. In the Caty of Newport ·------------- S.ach. County o! Orahre. Stele Painting & Paperhanging of C1111tomla. the follow ing de· I ~ acrtbed property, t<>-wit: ....-ne do the work ourselves. LIBERTY ~8251 All stQck In tr•de. hxt11rPi;. 30 yeara experience equlpl!l""t and 1ood will of a I'"'" LlcenNd Ir lnaured. U-Schools, IDstruetloa China Painting Day and Evenlnf Cl ..... Ordcir• Taken Now Phone Uberty 8-MU NUc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN 11 WOM.£N pr•,..... us apare time for unlimited opportUJlitl .. REMOVELED! SELLING CH.UP Breakfut bar, cupboards and •ln"· wull buln 6 mll!C. bldg. mattriale. Har. 1174-M. OpT WOODWORKING machinery, nr. new. IAthu, •w•, 11anders., ate. Suitable for home 11hop. Reuon· •ble. Ph. Hu. 4118 or Har 4320 ~ BABY·TENDA, 1111: 6 baby crib, e yr. 1lac. flO, -.Olh In good con· dlUon. Ph. U 1·1032. lk6 SEE Bau,;hn• A .. s WarPhOUlle 220 s. Main St . Sant• Ana 8 block• South of •lh St. O~n f'Vtl<. 'Ill 9. Bun. 11 ·11 Kimberly 3·1201. Washer Troubles 7 CALL LJ 8·2237 Specializing in Automatlc11 AUTOMATIC Wuher Enterprise• 83Uc BEAUTIF UL old i·<llBWt r h•i.:h boy. $1 2!'!. Ph. Har. 3760 !'l1·i 19~5 GAFFERS RATTLER ranse. T!le vf'ry 111tel't f'I' 1<11 11utomRt lr. grllltll,, 11lmme1 1>111 n· en•. lhRL O\'f'n tlmf'r 8t gr II bn:ulrr. Only lw>f'n stnr!'d f'<I dn to $138.82. 1'\o cub Jn J m.t pay the pymts. of $8.~9 (>f'r mu SEE Bau1hn& A c!lk S l\'a1 f'hciuae 220 S Main St.. Sant.a Ana In U'le auto accident de11t1111, 12 -N ~Htrlane. Abbe)· Mid the Y9&1'• vehicle tntal WM a decreHe ot 41 from 19113. however. Sevt nty- 11111\l died In rural col1111lon11. New. port S.ach wu th• _n,. o! flv,. trattlc death,. lain China, Glau .. Sliver, L1nf'n., Satisfaction guarsnteed. and O'co.ratlve Accesaorl"a bust· Estimates free. Call J ohnnie. In RM! Eat.ate. N.w claue1 ------------- weekly. AJ Tyler uutnactJ.nc. Al· -FIREWOOD 39·· TAPPAN range, d1vldf'd top, oven broiler • .rorare 1pai:e. l11Ull. II blocks Svuth ot 4th St. Open evu. 'lll 9. Sun. 11 ·:I Klmberly 3-7201: HAVE btaUllfUI Bul<lwan u...rc>IM'n1c l'plnet. 4 yr11. oltl. >. gun11hol wnund In the hf'lld wu the a\'enu!' of H <'ape from Ull1 lift nf 20 pereon11. J!:lgtit end· lid their 11w•11 by r e rbon monoxldl' ... pol11onlng. nc1a. known u DUBEY and LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc tend nrat evenlng me and 1 .. m Amonc the cau11e11 of death were thua: falhnK ltd ol • ur trunk. f'ltantng fluid. bee 1tlng11. irpon· taneou11 11bnrt1 n11, cerebral anox· .. mla 1ton111lectomyl and rsrdlac U1"91l durtnir 11urcery. • ,.rtt Sftep ,..,..., ... rm11111on to opuate a ~blnf't abop al 290t W. Newport Blvd. wee r ranted nureday nlfl\l lty the Newport BucJl Planning Oomlftt .. alo.t to Ralpll a . Tilton, He •ppl1ed for a uae ,.rmll. Clly Council rnated the P9f1Tllt Monday nl1ht. THORPE. •ncl localed at tlM>l Wut Balboa Blvd., In the Clly of !'llewport Be11ch. CQun ty of Orang ... State of Cahfornl11. 1nr1 that 11 Mle, tranafer a.nd 11ss1gnment of th,. aame will be made. 1ind the con1lderallon therefore wlll be pa id at 10:00 o'clock a. m . on the 18tb day of February. 19:>~. at th" esnow df'partmertt of Bank or America N11tlonal Trust encl Sav· lnp AHOCla llon at 34U Vl• Lido, In UI• Clty ol Newport B•ach, County of Orange, l!!talt of C11ll· fomla. DATED January 2~. 19~~. OERTRUDll PUBEY Vtndor O. KELLY THORPE Vtnd-. 1'16. 1114 New .. Pru• 1/37/111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Thuraday COASTAL~HOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unes t Paper g • 7~ 4 Unes 2 Papers 1.50 4 Unes S Papen 2.00 C-tal a..,..r Cl.MUiied Ada m•t rua ln the Monday or 11111...., "'-WlcaUoo , MINIMUM &I> JI ' UNES Al Cl-afted •• mut lt9 ~ for C..b la a.h·.-of publlcatloa. T9'e JUbllahera wW not be rupon•lble tor more than one tncorrf'cl 1.....Uon of an ad, reMn·e the right to correcUy cl1US1fy MJY anc! all ... Uld to reject any 11d not confomung lo rules 1111d rcguh1tlons. DEADLll''ES tor placing or cancelllng ads are: For Monday Publlcauon -Monday 9 a m For Wednuday PubllcaUon -Tuesday 2 p m For Thuraday J>ubhcataon -Wedne-~ay I l> m. SEWPO&T H.UUSO& Pl'BLl!§HlNG ('0 . nu ..,~ ah·d.. N•~?Or1 a..cti. c.a1.1rorn1a. Classified Index I,._,., NoUe. I Card of 'ftao.k• ' f'u,Deral Dtrect.on SI e-a--Oalde U 9'dldbla MatertaJ• II 9aUcUDa 8en1cn ... _ ..... H...,.. v .. rear II Truaporcattoa ., at aoonnc 11 9datJ AW• .. •-iu. 4.lda n l.09' _, Foeed N lldl"'a, l•trudlo• U lltu&Uoea "·aat..t It lldp \\'u~ It llhK-ella8Nu• ..... 8'111'apl .... AppU--11 \\'uted t4 Buy It hnalbir9 for 1'a1e ll·A AatiqwN .. ...ta. 8ttppl)N N M-'cal. Aadlo, TV U Doc-.. C•t•. P•t• 38 PouJtry 37 Uv"todl 33 l'J>f"C'tal A..anoun~ment 18 Au ... Waat.ed '° .lat~ for ~le 40--A Tlrtt II Pule •1 Auto.S.-n1ce U Trallen 0 Alrplant11 '' ~&at.eel lo Rut •A Apta. a Hou .... fnr Rl'nl fllA-Ap'--for R.-n1 "'&-Boll1N'9 for Rf'nt •3C-Tra.ller Space U Room• for fl.ellt '9-A Kett HomH 66-a ._a Bo&l'll ~ Rent. MIM'. H Ito,_ .t OfftCH ~!-A Bualn-R.ent&J• H Busln-OpponunJlle. 55 Mn~y to 1..-n M Money \\anted Ill ICaal Ea1atf' Want~ 8() Income Prof"'r1Y It a-I l'AWtf' f.:sr tian,.. I ! """1 C•tatf' 12-Boildlng Sen1cea ~----~~--~_...--------~ WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garag~s, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room addition11 and remodeling for over 8 yn. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llbuty 8-5763 -Kimberly ~8274 87p1H ' Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT U CENBED CONTRACTOR 511 30UI St .• Newport Beach flar. 24ll·W or LI 8·1632 ttc PAINTING INTltRJUR -EXTERIOR LICENAED -lN8UJUID Glenn Johnston • 31st tll. Nn1>0rt Beacb Harbor 1179 13Uc BUD&BARNEY PA.lNTING -BRUSH or SPRAY Non·Unlon -Llcenaed 1116~ Irvlnt. Coat.a Meaa Term11 -LI 8-UH ·LI 8·111111 97tl General Contracting f\EPAJRS, remodeling and aJtera· lion work. RulOentlal and com· merctal bualdirlf•· Quality Work Guara.nte•d Har 3161 d11y1, Kar. 2f80·J cvtlL 99lfc "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come to yolif'homt, talc• down ynur venetian blinds. t11kc lhern to our laundry. Launder the slats, ta~s. cords. eparlcllng clean with our ntw machine proceH method. Rrlum your blind• and r1»1nsl11.ll th«'m ln 24 houn. Price vuy reuonable. Tbe a ver· """ 2 tap" ruldenUal bllnd- Only $1.00 \\'' alAO repair and rebuild 'ffne- tlon bllnd11. AU work done by ap- pnlntm•nt Phone now Uberty 8·11701 or Kimberly 3·82T4 . pptrc PAINTING REASONABLE REFERE~CES Klmbf'rly 2·8f03. !5p7 PAlNTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmior St.. Colla Mua about t.hia gTe&t fleld. Call or WTlle now for Information. Bual· neu In11Ututc, 4115~~ N. Syca· more. KI 3·17113. 'Hlfc In Reaponme to Popular Demand WE HAVE RECENTLY enl•r1ed our far1litle11 to •<'commodatc more children. There a re a few placH &~liable . PREPARE your child for kinder· garlen In- ALMA OLESEN OREEN°S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL 391 I:. Del Mar. Cotta .M ... Agn 2-6 ~rty a.an1 A truly !Inc Nuuuy lebool klllh Accordion Lessons MUSIC AND INSTRUMENT F urnished. 10 wk11. Har. 3002·R.. llp7 zg....s1tuations Waated ------------.......-.-. MAS 11 WU~ WW do pa.nl bou.aework, noor .,&JOJ'I,. "1D· doW cl11an1n1 Fut worllar& wtilte.. 114 E 20th St., Coet.a Meaa. U 8-2183 UUc Alterations flESl'YLI~O Kim of California 212 Marine Harbor 3411 Balboa Ialand llpll Roy's Maintenance Rouae clu.ntn1-rtoor waalJlf Wall wuhtng-wtndow cl'anln( v ,nellan blinds. Upholltery lllfllrcd. f"Tee Esllmatea Llberty 1·1332. ltfe Y atJd Maintenance Clean up Joba. Free E:atlmate Ubarty 8·37~9. Pnone l...lberty 1-29lll. 67Uc -GIRL WANTS BABY SfITINO FOR RENT Skill Saws, Eltc. Dnll•. Pollaher11. all type& M S-.nde1"9, Wbee.lbar· rows, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY UbertJ 8·343:1. Newport 8ch 23Uc HAULING In Clllf Ha ve.n area. PRONE Liberty 8·419~ llpT 25 Btea4y Cu1tomel"9 Oa.11 HandymM 811.m. Har. 4121 Yard work -patnt -claanlnc A nlsllc landacapl!\• Fut Work! Lesa Colt! llpT ANY KINI>-TRASH OR EFFICIENT clothu mending, any Anythtn1, .t.nywhe.r1 ? and all klnda. Cu11tom petUcoau, decorator pillow•. Call Liberty S.300I belwun 9 Ir 3. IJpT Phnne Uberty 8-21'3 98c99R HOLLISTER BROS. NURSER¥. New lawn, reuonable or DO fr YOURBJ!:LF-WE 11LL A OR.ADE YOUR SEED AND ROU. UNDER OUR QUID· ANC!:. -I.I 8·11!92. 9'p9 PAINTING PainUni A Paper Haqinr 'The Betit Money Can Buy" ~~e~~r:.!,,~~r PHONE BARBOR HO. HA V!l OPE11nNO for R.ul M.ate Broker or l&ltmnan. "'11 otttoe 1JUpport. prefer one wllll know• ledp ot beach and Orange Coun· ty nlucs. Fred J. Croale.r & Aleoc. 3MO Eut Coaal Hwy. Corona del Mar, Callloro.la T•leph1111t ll&Tbor mi -Your Adwrtla&nl DoUu9 fQ tart.ber. do more • ..U mona, whom you adnrtl.M In tht• ~per - .,. .,..... ..... 1111. --~ -------- l"REE DELIVERY Dry wood. 115"' • 2t'• len,th. Call a. R. STAGG Ptiona Herbor 101' · Evenlnp Harbor N91 llclS INDUITIUAL 8WE&PER-Model 36 Tennant, 38" brullh, vacumm automatic. P' o r playcround, parkJn1 lot, etc. Har. 4289. ltfc BIXll. bo7a' M" lclr#tnn. IJO. Table for electric train. Walnut teacart. drop 1 .. vee. Har. 2"1--J . lpl Firewood For Sale FR.EE DELIVERY Jake 's Appliances t83T Harbor Blvd .. Coeta Me1111 Liberty 8·~41 5c6 UIM O'KEEFE .t MERRITT ranaie the latest CP· all automatic. Clock, lamp, waist hl&h brollt'r, big oven A thoae Ha r~r •lmmcr b11mtr1. It'• only been 1torerl. Pd. dn. to 1196. 79. No cash dn. Juat pay t.he pymta. ot Sl0.43 Pf' month. 8&11 Baughn• A A 8 Wardlouae 120 S. Matn St .• Santa Alla -tllocka 8uuth of 4th SL Open evu. ·ui 9. Sun. 11 ·6 Klmberly 3·7%01. WJ'llGJiT 00. COU>!POT refrigerator. l~O Ex· 1114 NtwpUrt Blvd., C~ MeM cel1«nl condition. Phone Ubtrty Liberty S-2* '1tlc a. uaa. ace 40" DELUXll clock • controlled WANT TO SWAP for granll p1n11" T'hone•Harbor 10fl8-M ~lf.J BElJRM. 1et. inc bunk bedii, dbl. t"heat, xlnt, cond. ro..onabl' MUY.LLll:R·HAINES t fl . i " hub\' Har. 1374-M. ' 6µ7 1rano p11no Maho1any. O•><>•I condallon. Phone Har. 29·J. ~< ·, MONTEREY dining set. 111bll', 4 rhalr~ .t buff"t, $!50. 2~~ Jl'tow· f'r. Co11t>1 Mellll Llh1•11y 8-1 488 lki DAVENPORT, rlu.n. Mako ;ood double bed. Very ru &oneble W 8-1119(\. 51'7 19M V KEEFE & MERRITT r11ni;e rp all a11tomat1r, nice, .:riddle In middle. almmer burners 11nd llfl top Ii•• th•t n1,t .:rail brollrr. Pd. dn to $12i.20 & u1ed only 2 mo. l'\o cut\ nttdcd. Ju11l pay lhe pyQlt.a. or 57.S3 pu '"" IEE Baughn• A It S \\'arenou .. 220 S. Maln St~ Santa Ana e blocka lk.luth or Hh St. OptJi eveL 'lll t . Sun. 11·~ Klmberly 3·7201 . Priscilla Mattbewa Teacher of Piano ("la1alca l, popular by harmunv F'ormc-rly C.:hll'ai u. Lo~ Ani;rlt'• 2 I I Tu~Un Ave., Newport Hr 111 h Llbf'rty 1·31M 117rl Z UU8H WATE'ft SPANIEL want,.rl Stud dor. -Ll ~829. i rl\ F"REE to a g~ home-Webh lf'rrltr typt 11peyrd fl!m a lf' WonlkrfuJ P91· Ph. Har. 424fi·J ~·7 40-Aato. for Sale 1000 Bu.sineae carda $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. w. WHITE chrome top, frlddla, 11111 oven BEAUTIYUL maplf' H cret.a.ry, ~ door. hlftl broiler. T.ppan · mo1 old. 1711. l20 Via Eboll, Lido ....,,.. A •laal a t Wt.86 lale. Ph. Har. UM. 6c8 G.M.C. U 8·t 01 I ( Evee. LI 11-5150) pptfc Movie Proiectors roa lll:NT 6-)04 111-M.M 35· MM F48T COLOR FIL.M BERVlCID H OBBY and MODEL ADU'L.ANE 8tJPPLlP Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd., Coata M .. Phont . Liberty II-70U. Pr tt TABLE lampa 12 eacb. 3 way n- nector floor lamp $3. dt11pea. 11 II 13 a pair. txU rose A.a· rntamr ru1 110. Rattan chair II coffee t.&ble 11~ eL Maroon upbol. chair SlO. Uphol. ch&Jr Ii mat.cbln1 ottoman $12.50. Ma· l\opfty Mdnn. Ht $100 2 red· wood c.halae loun11.1e•. n•w pa.d8 $17~0 eacll. Lewnmowcr wtth &TU• catcher iu.50. Garden tool& I UO t. P~ 111eh. 3.11 h. p. ouU1oerd motor S40. Har. lMl·W. kT TA..lll.E top wlllte e.ntamel 1t0Ye, $211. Portable ww.ahu, 17. Buck rabbit, $3. Lt 8-,836 alter IJ Ii week end1. •c• Why 11tand in line? LET TOMMY get your 19611 llcen11e . PrOP\pt Mrvlce . 1918 &. Coe.et Hlfhway, Oorona del Mar. Har. 47911. car kT UNIVERSAL range, a utomllllC clock. xlnl. conc!ltJon. Bendl.JI waahtr, bedatuc1. c>laap. Llberty 8-712~ before 10 or alter II. &cT FrM delivery II lnltallatlon. Jake 11 ADDliances lPT Hanor af vcl .. Cott& M ... Liberty 1-M•1 ace CUITOM aUJLT 40 cu. rt. fl''IH•r • comp&rtmanu. 8AROAJN. Har~r 1111. IUc !"RZIZER 1134 dMp trtua. 1t \a eu. ft.. hu aJJ color tntuior l'M:U. tb&rp f,..... computmenl It a YT· food proleciUon pla.n. Hold• Oftr lltO lbe. food. Pd. dn. to UTl.IT from Stto. Calh or pay the pymu. of Sll.TS par mo . SEE Ba1&1llnl A • 8 Wa rehouae 2>0 S. Matn It • Santa 4na I block• 8ouUI of t t.h St. Open evu. 'tJI I. Sun. 11-:i Klmtat'ly 1·7201. Washing Machine BERVlCli l·YllU p&rantee OD JObe dOllt Md on UMd wuberw 3418" (nar1 .Newport 81 , eo.l& MUL Liberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8·4327. 64Uc -------19114 PHIU-0 rt>frlgerator. l11t,~t rross tvri frtuer cheat mo<Jt L Sp11cr f9r bottl,.!, butter, veg • meat kecpl'r U8ed Qnly 1, mo Pd dn. tn $134 96. No 1·11~h 1111 Just pay the pymt• nf $8 ~7 ~r month. I EE, Baughns A 6 S Werd.•U•t 22~ S. Main St . Santa l\na 6 blocks South of nh St Open evta. ·u1 9. Sun. 11,:1 Klmberly J·i20l. From $18 , to a Successful Business One ol our ,.,war adv...U..u atopJ*I by to chat U\t oUaiar ..,.. "T• air" tte eald, ··1t wu Juat about 1 year ago I ata..rtl'd In UU1 INUella. I maintenance worll 1. Had only 118 lo my name-~ughl a broom 11nrt a mr.p and put an ad In your ,...... .. You know thla paper ct 7 oura aua ftl• arountf ·I 've advartl.Md olher placee too, but 1Llw11y11 1tct more Jobe out Of the ad In J'OUr pa.,.r than anything ,._, ··Have a men work1n1 f<w me now M d every one of them malt• a dam 1oo4 l1.tn1-u wf'll u myatlf' .. , ........... ,..._ -I'll be , ...... ~ , ..... : .. ~r 1"r ..,.... M "M la oar llwly eJulllftf.d MCu.. "111 wta1. 7ou ........_ tM. a.a a.r..r 1111 8M .-ror Mia .. au.. U-Boata, 8~J!~i!t!. __ _ WA.NT TO BUY 28 tt, power boat. Mu•t be top condition, ful and pluah lnalde. Write Jimmy Bumi. 12.U E . St., San Be.rnarddno, Cal. ~ lp6 TRADE ... ulltul TO.fl. aux. achooner. Fully round. 10 anywhara. Want 130.000 eQUlty In property. 1220 Wut Balboa Blvd.. Newport. Harbor 3032. 3clllb WOOD nutEMAN 12 volt •Uto· mallc pilot. eilodlent cond. $200. Bee at 27411 W. Coaat Harhway, l'•wport Buch. Ph. U 8-4141. 3c~h U ·FT Bt..."RCHCRATJ', 1 \oi hp outooarcl Nlld dolly, top condl· UOn, 527~. Har. 3'01·W lk7 WILL TRADE 11 ft. Inboard boat. rabui: ball tank• A: trell~r for la te modrl pickup trurk or Volk~w1111:en I.I !1-[}7:12 ~~ 7 CHARTER b0111t for &al" A II i>lec. equlppl'!I S IZI' 3~ hy lfl h.)' :1 fl alt nrw tN1gain $.''10<111 • rt l'h Write tor •rP 1 E. ,. t;arm1°n Hlghirrove. f'111tr "Ph M-M~lt>aJ, Radio, Ii TV HAM.a.tll~D u R<..iAXS. All mur1· el11 One ,,nly llllght ly us•<l. 11 1· moel like new ·rh14 u a Fpc<.1u I lJAX Z • SCH.1\t WT H•mm,,nil H~llquarters ror On•ngc C.:oun· Ly. ~20 :O:o. ~faln. Santa An11 TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ·u OMC. " T. PICKUP 01'10 000011: ~ T, PA.NICL ·110 FORD "' T. PlCXCP ·~2 CHEVROLET 't T. PICKUP ·:1:1 Ot.1C ~ T Hydra. Plr kur ... CHEVROLrr I T. l :U uru. 15' VAN Jk>DY. 'fl CHEVROLET IT. 1711·• WB , C 0 11:. 8 /L TRANI . 8 :13 ttru ·112 INTERNATIONA L Ll S. ... Trar tor, 2 apef.d, 8 .00 ttru. !M th• lara ut 'YOlwna truck dealer tn Oran1• CoWlly for lhe l>f>•t buya In ~d truck&.. We rarry our nwti rontra.cta. W.W. WOODS GMC Ol!:ALER 8 19 E Hh St 8anl& Ana 0 1>4-•n Sunday L m. Trur k. Hr-11t1ri111u tf'rt !or Oran&• Co. 190 Bt;ICK 4 <Soor nda.n. Rec40nt· Iv #J>#nl '200 on overhaul. Very ~'"''' 11 •n,.porletlon. P\Jll prtcer $12[} CALL BEN WHITMAN, Harbor I 1162 or Hub<>r HIH evt'3. Gi:T 1 0~.J CADILLAC t dr. 1r1y Mdkn. Xlnt 1 onrlltlun. Phon' Mra. Rn· ~rt Forbu, Har. :uoe. 4r9 19:ll OLVSMOlilLE N H0Ud1y. Vuy t'lc&n. All exlru. Sn a\ 2~11 l';l'wport Dlvd., NpL Bel\. Ha.rbur ,.828. :>pT 1949 DE SOTO • dr. ae<lan. ltadle> It hfll! er \'1lvu recently srnd. RE:'\T 11n or1t11n .. r flll\O() WI! h ljp1lc•' 1 l'hnec1 nru. baller}' • rt-nta.1 10 apply on tut urr · p1r· Hal 1 ovua &UOll. Me1:1tanlcally chalf' at-•'•lln•I Drivt>n c:.refully by one SHA~ ~;H:. :'ll11s1c Co 1S1n1" 11•11, I owner :O:o need f•1r aecund car •21-1\!:J :.: Syc1m111rP. s .. nta Ahll nuw .-11ce 5660. Ll 8·714$ llc7 l'hQn .. Kimberly 2-0672 1 --------11 & 1<1 FORu Pickup 1134 Vorel 3 60 L"SED plano• wante11 tor our "ln•low roufl', 16!>0. rebuilt like rant11J MM.'1ce . Tradl! an your o!rl fi f'\to , hytlr1ulll b11ikc1. v 1lumn plitn11 un n .. w p111no ur rl!'1 IH1nr at.art, <ll•h V·'I 'nratlne H11 rbur .organ. H 11:h •·A~ll 11ll11w""''" Ubll-J Ul :u .• n Sl, Newport DA:'\Z • ~<:llMI L•T l;lt'llt J:.n11-B•arh Gc1 ary P 11111n Sa l". :i:?IJ ='"· :.fo111 -S•nta Ana 19MI CHRY~Ll!:K •"•Ian. h"'"ll'r. ---1 2 tnn .. Cfft m • hrown, '<lnL Hlmmond Organ. I.Ashe $pl'Rk"r Mnrllllfln Or111n11J nwnn $811r. FQR RENT Harhnr 289t•W. 6f'I F'Of<. SPECIAL occu 11m,, 1 11• !If'• wec!d1n11. etc .. at num•. •1f:1• ~ rhur<h, wnh or. "''' .. 1l .,,._.-r. l~t ll\rh11jln1t move In • 111 Llbthy 8·120!. Httc t0.A-T1reA & Parle ------·--··------~~--~ TIRES. ;o.;o. 818, 2 whcela and 6 tubu . 111 1 ood coed. •U Tu11un" A vc , !'pL Ht.a. •P' ... , . I I ' I r I ; 'f ~ : f ~ \ J l ' r ) I I , ,/ I ' \ i I I I 1 ll'l .. '3-.\11to. and Tneb ----n-__ Real __ FA_ta_i. ____ -'"~~~ -~~-te ____ ~~~ta~ _ NEWPORT HAR~OR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV· PAGE 5 CIRC~TmS-THURSDAY, JANU~RY 27_, _,_,s_s __ _ "8A-Apta. for Beat ---- TERR'l'S BUICK 2~12 NEWPORT BLVD. Charming ljarbor Haven Ap&rtmenta • Patioe NEW • &OOM. atreet t.wl Nnr 11ehoola, lbopplJlJ ctt.trlcL Quiet. pl~t. txclullva. Garbage da- poeal, laundry. 1torq• rooma. ,..,....., 182.50 up. oecupM. en· Un atrMt. Good aupervtaion. CORONA DEL MAR F S I b a-a.i ........ a-a-.1 r..au. $12,750 or a e y owner ------ Small 2 bdrm. ho me with minimum upkeep. S yra. r' 3 btdrooin1 • ' BALBOA ISLAND old, near atorea, etc., raiaed hearth tireplaw, at-~ Be&mect ce1U1111 NEWPORT BEACH Opening Week Specials tractively fumh~ our best buy ln ita clau. ~ ~= • '•tuooo uurtor $22 -500~ on loftly lanclaupM lot. e M&'l'.. 1501 Haven Pl&ce • montJ\• old. ()oat.a MeM·• In heart of R·l district. 60 ft. lot, lot. fruit trees, flftlal atniet-lkn.Jo • ldu.l I 9 1ocll lout.h of Hllh khool . 1954 BUICK Road.IQuter Riviera Sedan. FuJ. ly loaded includ.ins all power equipment ALSO FURNJSHE D APTS. hwd. floors. Thia one I• jun aaking tor 10meone ror chlldH•. ln an "ultn." to pretty it up. neighborhood. oloae t.1> .bop· piJ}g a.nd 17th St. Hated to WINTER ~Tit& 3tfc & new U. 8. Royal Muter tires ............ $3195 1953 CHEVROLET .. 210" club coupe ·····-····· 1295 1953 BUICK 8peclal •-door eedan, immaculae 1495 1950 PONTIAC Chieftan Deluxe 4-door. Ra· UNJl'UllN. 1tudio apt .• wtth falll• and refrl1erator, newly deco. rated. cloae to ewrythlnc. No children. or peta. 111<>. 613 Gold· enrod. Har. 0689-R. kt leLvt t0¥.-n -lt'1 vacant. Move Exclusive in. Price 111,500 Corona Highland.I Vlew home, drape1 & carpeting, submit your down peyment. dlo, heater It Hydramatic : ..... ~.... ............. 795 1980 OLDS •igs .. •-ctoor aedan. P'ully equip· ped, new paint ..................•....................... 895 1950 BUICK Special 4-door eedan. Radio, hlr, Dynatlow, new paint Ii seat covers. 795 1947 O~ •-ctoor lledan, Hydramatic ·-········· 345 1948 HUDSON Super "6" 4-door, radio, heat- e r , high compre•iPn head, a real buy .... 295 1'947·PLYMOUTH Spl. Deluxe Sedan, R & H 295 Many mere to ehooee from, including good trana. cars See and ·Drive the Beautiful New 1955.Buick TERRY'S BUICK ·Phone Harbor 5021 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 42--Tnllen 2i·PT. PAN .\,MJlJUCAN Trailer, ,...ooftdllloned lnaldl A out. Re· fluced to $700 for quick Nie. See at HI JC. 17th :t .. Co.ta Mua. Li-..rty a.eua. 4ci T\.\'O·WHEEL TRAIL.ER. (• 118) Sta1riraa 11leel axle and tonrue. mt> El Modena, Newport Hu .. ofter 6 p. m. MU 41-Auto &rvice Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN '8-Aeta. t. Rouw ____ _ ON BALBOA ISLAND BlllD ua tor 1ear11 and IMIODaJ ftl't&la. NELDA GiBsON, Realtor Sot Martne A Ye. Harbor 602 BALBOA ISLAND 1tlc TWO 0 1 thre!' Mrm. 11uplix un· furnl11hed. 1 z blk. from High School. parage. LI 8-1M3. 6ttc 2 BEDROOM FURNISH.ED DU· PLEX, Corona del Mar, eouth of Htway. 1100 month. Incl. 11l1I. MRS. KAY. Har. ~02 or Hu . 3719-J. or Mrs. William-. H11r. 2397-W. 6t!c ... Desirable 1 and J bedroom tum. apta. lncludlnc utlllt.le1. '73. a.nd up. yearly · 31' i:. Ocean J'ront, l!lalbo& Comer of Palm) Har. 1251 Hc10 2 BEDRM ru~ apL c.n 8-J l'ronL Winter or xee.rly rental. 604 So. Bay ll'ront. Ba:lboa Ltl&nd. Har. •22. 61 Uc --ATTENTION !:ASTERNICR8 .... - Newly dtcorated larce tum. 1 bdrm. apt., Newport Beach. Panel haat. 1•r.ce. $67.:IO yrly. ALSO nice 2 bdrm. rum. apt., gar. '8:1. mo. yrly. Tena.nu pay eloc:trlcity. Ubtlrly 8-1409. lloStfc EASTENER'S' A TrENTION ! Newport. &-'Ch, rum. 2 bdrm. apt. 16& mo. utll. 6 gar. Incl .. yard. Available till June 20. Uberty 8·U09. 99ltc UNFURNI8HlllD-LoVely two bed· room apartment with all the conve.nlencea for comfortable living. Fireplace, dllpoeal, wall rum&C'e, plenty ot cloaeta, wuh· room and gara1e. See ll at 18().j Clay Strtl'l. Nrwport Hu . 3c8 CLIFF HA VEN larre 2 bdrm. un- fllrn. Private garage. Fireplact , 1arb. dl11p. Venetian blind• Llberty 8·38M, a fter 5 p.m. lki YEARLY-1 br. 1arage apt. fum. ~arage. View. '7:1. month. 7308 W. Ocean Front., Npt. 8'-h modern design, 2 ,bdrm. & bath up apd living-bdrm. with bath down, we are jUBt selling the ho me, the view would coat too much to charge for. RAY REAL TY CO. 3444 E. Coast Blvd·, Corona del Mar Boat Rental .. and House Harbor 2288 Home consists of houae trailer with attached build- ings. It contains a living r oom, dining room. kit- chen, 2 bedrooms and b ath. Business consists of ahop, pier, floatJI, 26 boata. 8 outboards, 13 bait aleda, miac. toola and equipment. Everything goea t or $15.000. ~ p. a. pa'lmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast hi&hway -liberty 8·55!3 NO! NO! NO! It's not on the waterfront, doesn·t have a pier or float, BUT you can raiae cJtickens. a garden. build another houae & really LIVE in this cute one bdrm. stucco at $6850. only $550 down. Let me show you. LILA B. McFARREN, with Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa B lvd., Balboa-H ar. 3786 or e ves. 2517-M OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, 2-5 237 Rochester. yo•ta Meaa Har. 4318 Days-Eves. KE 8·12•8 6c7 BAY FRONT On Newport Island . Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot, w ith pier & lge. float. Large liv· ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdnns. with 1 :~4 batha. Extra large dinette area. Double garage. easily made triple. $27,500, terma. R-ALPH P. MASKEY Realtor JUl Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Harbor •dt. 86ttc Channel Front Open H ouse Sun. Afternoon 3806 River Ave. 2 BEDROOM komt. pttr .\: noat. 111500 down. only S20.5ll0. ALSO aeven•I othtra on the chan· ntl, M?e us first! Bl'Sl:O-:Esg 6 HOMP:! HOME in hu,.1nes11 d1str1ct wllh PXI ra •·1trant Int. 2 to r t11n>llt Crom. 1-with this ad * 6 Cy l.11.' ----St8.88 8 Cyls. ·-----·-~.88 1 BDRM. apt., walking dlat.ance lo " Harbor 3002-R. 5p7 Richard'•· $42.~ J)#r mo. LI 8·H92 days 1H11r. 212 ew11.1 :)<:6 49-Rooma for Real ALSO 1<111111 house It a.hop $7~00 M-Mo~y lo Loan ha If 11own 1 111 1uu1 ,. ooth lal>Ol' ano puta. RESPONSIBLE couple will manage a partment ho use in return for rent. Refer· ences furnished. B onrt if required. STUDIO APT .. fumll!hed. Thtrmo controlled heat, prbace dlapn11· al. 1110 mo., utll. pd. 426 Oold· l!nrod, Corona dtl Mar. Harb(lr 3434·W. 911tfc FU&.,,.. ROOM, newly decorated, extra nice, near bu11 .. private en· tranct. 1~43 Orange Ave., CJ.I. Uberty 8-310-t. 98lfc LOANS for Homes All g<X>tl 1pecu1at1on b11y1. 6,,. -20 yr. 1.oana N. B:C. Realty Co. N• w r1ng11, wri•t plna, ~alve cr1m1, 11tun1a or rnlllD ano rod bear111gs. t::xpert motor tune up \hi-clay or 4,000 mile ruarantee. NEWPORT ISLAND, Ytar rmta.I. unrurn. 2 bdrm. a pt., newly palntt!d, laundry A: extra room 1n garace. enrlOMd pauo. Wattr SINGLE ROOM with bot 6 cold water In the room. Gopd bed. Private entrance. 16. week. C • L ~l2nt1 .t. l'i-wport Bl\'d, onstruct1on Oans Newport RP•••h, Ha r. 140~. ~(7 \.:'<U MUNEY OOWNJ. REBUILT ENGINES -UI' to It> MUNTHl:I TU t'A Y Bu1it 111 uur own raotory by allleo WRITE Box P-26 this paper. 4tf prt. &03 a,. 38lh St., Har. 21183-R. ~p7 ALSO double room at S7 week l23·28lb SL, Newport Buch. 1-0dlh SEE BOB SA'M'LER 2:>16 £.AiT COAiiT BLVD. Coroa.a Cit.I Mar Harbor 3888 111achrn1•ll1 Don't cont.end wlUi c. D. M. Deluxe 2 bdrm. unfurn. UNFURN. 2 bdnn. apt. at 1763 53--Slores t. Otttoe. llw inti.Idle man. Buy direct. dupltx. Forced 11r hrat, fire-Anaheim. Set owner, 1763 Ana-- Rep. P01R1ER MORTOAGJ!: CO &ietro Uta Ina. F\lnda Kl. 3·1118:, 48Uc Rl!:BUl l T and INSTALLED plarf'. 11rparatt1 patio. hwd fll'!I. hl'lm, CC•AI& Me38. Pl\ ~rty BUSlNESS OFYJCE, e&cellent lo- SHUltT BWCK 0C'Un i<lde Hwy. Har. 1684-R 8· 1322 6ttc cation acrou the 11treet from 57-Real Eat.ate Wanted . 1' UIW .. ······-··-··-"'1'19.t>U 4c9 Corona del Mar Poet OUl.oe. WANT trom owner -a home or \'a.cant lot on Harbor, Newport nr Balboa Blvd. - or 17th SL In Cotta MeN. Pleue write M. Lannert, Box N24, thla paptr. 1 'Ht:VRULJ:.'T ... ---'1.•t 6J ------------4SB-Bo111ea fo r Beat Ideal for loe.n tepreaenlaUve. PL\' ~l • ouuaE -· .Sib:, Choice Winter Rentala on contractor, M&Jnatre.1, art or ·~1H\'t) • L>i: SOTO --··•11u Ba.Jboa lala.nd & Lido Isle GRAND CANAL, Balboa lala.nd. jewtify bualneN. Ull.l. pd. Only Ii I l L>l::BAKEI' ...... ---·UTU Small 6 cozy ur tar&• 6 deluxe 2 bdrm, tum. houae, '70. month $40. montJ\. uws • r u NTlAC • __ .. 17u •70. ... ()() ... -CALL Ben Whltm&n. Hu. 1M2 l:H .. 11.:h. .. ·-·---·--··$17~ •., to .., monua l"YIO BEDROOM apL atove and Evn. Harbor H41 Mtfl 96Uc H I ·us11~ ---·--··--~ .. •in VOGEL CO. rdnc. only. Oarba1• dlspeaal. NOW Llt4SING. a v1Uablt bua1 Loa11 l '11r f're• Tc: •• ;al u -_,_ ~ 1 1 d Sew • bu uUtul. S90. mo .. yrly. n••• office .... ac••. C•nt•r ot ,.. __ 9M ltAITEJ\N built 38' tra1l!'r, fully insulated. 2 bdrms . full b11th ma.nv u tras. For sale or l~ on 3 bdnn. home New. J'(lrl nr vicinity Sacrlflc.. Har ;-4~\V CAR QA.ft.ANT?!:~ 20I --..u1e Ave., blla a an ~-.,.. ~ ~ ~ ..,., Bl~ .. m"•t meet eur 8.__........ Ph. Harbor 4U or bor 2151 rona de.I M.ar, swt.able tor CPA ·~.. ._ ...,,_,_ ftu. Har. l7M·RK Ll 8-b:r97 Ol':E BEDROOM near acbool. bch. 98c Plua tun. gaaktt. azio oU 84tlc • bay. $~ti. mo., lncl. uUllUu dtnU1t or ? U 8-1526. 13 Open sund11y 10 am. to 2 pm BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opcn Daily ¥ to 7 State Bondtd .. NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA AJtlA ,,_\halal to Rent Rentals Wanted \\a need apu and hoUMa ln &U H CtlOl'll tor INU'I wtntu and yu r'a leUe. J'UJ'D. or unfiun. U you have a \'&e&11cy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 \V t:sL Hwy .. Newllbrt llkJI' Pnone Ubtrty 8·3481 208 Manne. Balboa Ul&nd Phone Hubol "' CUP'F HA VEN -Newly deco· rat~ 2 bdrm. dupltic. ganigc Fenced yard. 910 Cley St. 6('7 FOR RENT, FURNISHED SP!;CIAL UNTIL J UNE l11t 2 bdrm. house. SU mo., duplu apt., $3~. 4 lb E. Bay St., 8111· hoa. Ph. Har. 03t!O·W nr LI 8·3217. FISHER ANO C~. I~ BALBOA, neuly new furn a pt., doM to bily • tranaporta· t1on. Yrly leue or until Junt 1. Apply 312 bland Avt. ~c1 Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM. apt. turn . ntwly dt'("· nra Led. A bovr Chin!! C"rw,. ~llO month le&at" W . E. FIS HER & Assoc. 3034 E Coast Highway C-orona Ml ~lar Harbor 2~ 13 l 31H Coa.i.t Hlway. Corona de.I J.tar B lb I I d Phone HarDOr 1741 a Oa $ an 100 MaJn it., •, l'9oa Ololce yearly llJld 1ummer rentals, Phone H&rtv>• •I 21Uo now ava1lablie ------------DORJS BRA\", Realtor IT'~IFFICUL T 211 Marine Ave .. Balboa l11l1nd f\T 0T W EEP TRYING. Want Hal'bor 20 P51fc I or 2 hr urn hollst' wit.h flrlV· CUFF' HA VE:'\, l yr old \°IPW 1<ry Hl1th nilarancea aa per· home 3 bet1rm11 , 1 '\ b&Lhs, l"n· n111nent <'oJrlr No t'hlll'lrf'n or rurn. except tor new dr11rf'11 p!'tio. Wh11 t ha\'t :;ou • Writ' 1200 monlh on li-ue R!'IX 0·2&. · pit per. t! BAY F'RONT 11pt . film 2 !>e<I· \\ A:-:TED TO HE;<.;T -J UiT ABOl •. T MARRIF:D' Bllchelor """'I" furn 11pt. Pum. S40 mo. Pl""'' r ail Har. •8J8, Thanka: 5pi 43--Apts. a Hou.. REl'TALS roRONA DEi. ~IAR 3 bdrm. f11mll'hril .. .. -Sl2:1 2 bdrm. fum111httl . ---·-... ~ 1 bdrm. fum t11hrd -·· ... -.. 90 CORdl'A HIGHLA~DS " 3 bdrm .. ,·1tw, 1 yr. lt1111e $135 P. A. PA.L.M.ER INC. LI 8-~73 !'>ri co.lto~A OEL MA..R t:r-.1:-tJJtN. 2 b!1nn. ho\u1e, w to w c11rpet. Drape•. 11bl. ,;ar .. c:ovu9d plltlo, $1 00 mo. ; FiTZMORRlS REALTY Phon~ ft11rbor 21'2 !C'lll 1 BDRM. front· duplex -Nlcely rum. Ocun 111dt or Hwy. Clo•e to tran11rort11t1on A 1hor•· \"rly ~nta.1. 607 Fernle&f, Corona del Mar. 88tfc ----. rooms, l '\ bath~. on Lido ::;n11d 117~. month to July tirt BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~06 W. &lboa Blvd .. ;<.;pt. Bch. Harbor ,,188 Hnbor 1983 ~c1 WEST BAY A V E Dupltx, 3 bed· room. 2 bath. lurn Y('arly or winter. H19 W . B11y A\'' :>pi S3&. 1 brlnn hou$ .. unrum. or rar1. ly furn. Adults only, no l'l't" 1824 Park Avt , C:oMa ~l rs...:'>I 6 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna CraJ it Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Martne An . Balboa llland, Rar. 1671 72ltc "8A-Apta. for ~nt BAY FRO:-:T UDO ISLE n JRNIBH.ED, ne•·ly dl'corattd 2 bdrm. a pL. garagt Yur lt'Mt Adults, no peta. Har. 1268. 1!9pl 2H RAIT.\:0-: FTRJ'\. mmtrn stut!IO apt.a. tAntt!r or <:oronll t!tl Mar $71) utll. pl! Ll 8-1:•26. 98r t3 J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. BaJbOa 81.. N-purt Bcll Har 4001 -£vu. W 8·3378 PLENTY OP' '1\Ell PAltKINO 18Uc P"UR~. 11mall hnU8e nl'ar oce.an. yearly, S•6 rno. U 1-21&2. 8c8 3 BEDRM., H a batJ\a. comfortably fumlahed home In Beacon Bay. Av&.Uable 4 monlha, Feb. U to June 1:>. $126. mo. Har. '26Z·W. 3c8 P'URN. 2 bedrm. home. tlrepl .. car- pttlnp:, newly painted ln.ide oft DELL'XE highway nftice 1pacr. 330 aq. f t. Center ot Corona <1,1 Mar bu111ne111 d11lr1ct. I 75, mo. uUl. Incl. ALSO SPt ut tor othtr bu11neH, otfk e .tr profeulon11 I rentals W. E. Fisher & Assoc. 3034 Ii: Coan H1ghw11y Corona t1tl Mar Harbor 24''3 ()c7 972.5-l!pm. lipl&h· BALBOA INCOME !i u11aTS-Older property central· ly I<><: • 112 1>lka. lo hearl ot Bal- boa t.:lll. rm. Juat rt ducea to $23,600 for qulcle Mle. l bOOO on. Owner Harbor 1898. "i'!it.tc BR.A.."1;0 !'1£\V buainua ortlce. 1d. 81-Rea.1 Eat.ate Exchange loca.uon. l blk. to ci ty hall and post ortlce. •30 3ht St.. Hat 3143 or Har . .l5l2·J. !k-7 out, SJ()() ptr mo, l61·22nd .. BAUJOA ISLAND-Beet bualnesa TRADE Desert Motel Costa Mtaa, Calif. ."ir6 d1strtct-M&nne A \te. 7 unite 2 mi. ust of Barstow on V cgae hwy. Lot 162 x 400. Proposed Freeway may make this pro perty \'ery valuable. Price - $37.500 Hae loan of $H,:mo TWO bc1rm howie "' garqe. Oar· ba g" d1i.;p., newly dttoratl'd Yrly. rental unfurnished 122 29th SL. Newport. lk7 Newport Beach YEARLY RENTALS 2 BDRM. Unrum . h·ome l bdrm . unfum. home CHARLCI I:. HART, Har. l428 3420 W . Balboa Blvd., Newpol"I. Buch. lcl:.h Ft;RN. bachelor apt., S•:> mo. 711! \\'ut Balboa Blvd. Jror keya and lnJormat.Jon Sea Bay A Beach Realty, H'O W. Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 128-&. &:ltlc OCEAN FRONT HOUSE, turnlah. td, yaa.r-round rrntal. 3809 See- llhof'fl Dr . Newport Bucll. •c-6 BRAl'D NllW 2 bdrm.. onrum . Shdlnf 1laae door• t.o landacap· ('d pat.lo. 188 E. 19UI., Coau Mtllft. 5p:' L":'>F'l.RN. COTTAGE:. S~. by the y .. ar. UY, rm .. din. rm., ldtctl en· atte. 2 bedrms .. hot 1bwr., wuh rm at 108 Ad•m•. No ~l.8. Ownar. 308 Montero, Balboa.. llrtrbor l924·M. oc~ Newport . Beach 2 BEACH HOUSltS for leue., 150 month each. l'\o rubltt. 8Yc.t1· more 8·32%2. 1111c10 WILL REST brand new 3 bednn. 2 bllth, unrurn. home In IRV!Nl': TEtlRACE 111 S200 per mont.11 wHh l yr. INN. e&ll Hubot 4448 for further deWls. 88trc 49-Rooma for Rea& TWO r<'fln,.d (lrla 1.\111 ahare ntw home. Pri\'at• room, garace. Woman only. S40 mo. Liberty 8· 7208, ~ 30 to ·10 p.m . •ct OFFICE and ahop, PLt:S 2 bed· ro<>m 1pt. Harbor 21H2 ~('1 0 For lease upstairs 800 Sq. rt 1u1table ror bu11neH, studio or office A living quart· E'r!I 21 ;; Marlnt Ave., Bal h ~-ntr lJll :>;. S.y Front, Bal· boa l~l11nd O&plO 5.'>-Mnney to Loan ----- Submit yo ur trade for my .equ.ity of $23.200. W ill 8.B· aume on inco me property. Write WELCOME TRAVEL- ER MOTEL, Rt. lA, Bar. at.o w, Calif. 2pl5H LOANS Tl.J BUUJJ, lMPRUVE Bt:Y. t.too &R1'1Z&, oR 13 Unit Furn. Apt. REFlNANC.:E &XCJo-:LLi:NT locatlon In Alham· We Buy Trust ~ bra, Chllf, all have unit IV'Al NEWPORT BAJ..BUA SA VINOS Inrnmc $11 .500 Prlc\• S8!UJ0fl A LOAN ABSUCl.A TJON OWNER w1I laccrpt home In C'n- 3364 Via Lido. Ph. HIU'. 4200 lte OWNER w11t accept )lomt In C-co- G. ti LAT HROP, 363tl E. Cmist LOANS H"r, r ornna del J\11'1.f H11 r ~>H2 :\r7 PROMPT SER~ICE HA\'£ 2 larre 2 bedrm. homi>• 5'e first l nrst cletl'I• 20 yeare dhl gnr11~e J lot :\OXl OO Cln,~ Orange Coast Properties In. San ••mando, s 16,000 1857 ~twport Ave , COllla Mr '"'! \\'ILi. TllA(IF: down for H11rbot LI 8-16.12. LI 8-1 mo Eq·~ l!Mfl lll "11 or l'u•t a ~tt1~11 hnmr I O\\'~ER, C H. Lord, Rte, l. J:V,x WOt:LD II.kl' to buy Ul lll'ld 2nd 6fl6, R1\'l'•rc11lt. Celtf 14pl5h Trullt Deeds. C&1l Har. 2326 I 48tlt° HA VE 2 \I:': JTlil on I lot In La11un1t __________ _, • .___ dble. g1raae. I bl~k to ahop• REAL ESTATE LOANS &n l orn n,St:i!'>OO WILL !:XCH. for &1n1le h110,., Coron11 drl ~lar. HY11tt ~-,2u& !'\pfih Interest Rate 5-51/21o Loana qu1ckJy me<te tn the Bay Area and Co.ala Me.a. Sln.gla 01 muJUple unit.a New or old. B• w111e and nve by r e-tlnanc1ni; your present loan J.ll_p11num Cll penae. No ('h&rfe f nr ptfllml nary appraln l. Phone Sant• AJl.a IUrnberly 8·11983 or writ• AR THUR A. MAY Mortgace Loan Oonupondent Orr tdental l..llll wurance Co. 933 Sout.b Mam Santa Ana pp ~---=--=-·---- WILL TRADE 12 U~IT8 11nr11rnl~h<'<1., l and 2 bf'•lrm11., 11pt honlle In beau11!11l tut growing :-ommu.nlly or U ll1 Anit"le.11 W A:-.'T IKCOM.E or ? ? ~ In Coutal 11ru SEE ME-ta Nelson 2i"3 It Coaiot H1ghw11y, Corona del Mar HtH :i~o. :.c7 "Let Us Locate for You" For Harhor property, bay 11.1111 beach. Costa Ml'.t111. Corona del Mar. Santa Ana, etc. The LOCATOR ot Calif. Br11.nch office. 188'4 Harl>Or Blvd. Co~ta Mesa, Phone LI 8-1861, 9itfc Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units For Sll.r.-00. only $4 000 down 88lan1.e $i $ pe1 month. 1 block to Bay or Ocean l t;nit Rt ntcd at H~ mo. CHARLES E . HART, R e a ltor Harbor 1428 3420 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport l ltc llDO ISLE Move in Today ! WELL 8 {.;ILT, completely tum · lshl'd 3 bdrm . 2 bath 11om• on large lot. Corlt floors in n1111 Ii 111ule1 b<lrrn, Lovf'ly < arpr\ed Jiving room with 111rg' !lrtplac~ Pretty kitchen. '26,&0o turn1 &h· •Cl. ~ down Euy pa)'llle.nt• on bal~ce. Call Har. 2.8711 to KC. &l Uc HO~EST BARGAIN SEE HARBOR and \'dllt y v1tw- out lr \•el 2 bulrm~ , 2 baths, ta.m1ly room. :?:l It hv1nir room ~-ner I~ lea\•1n~ Ult ~llllt•. 11nd this 111 hott!'llt buy CDM 11 !'I 000 P'VR APPT tn ""r ca ll - FORD \'li:RIU~D£R liar. 4263 1 E,·u . Har. 3& 771 ~Lt .. Bay Front income 1 L!nt:a -2 • 3 Dee2lvoma, tum Linea Pier, Ooat ano pr1vate t>each. 1000 P.: ~a.Jbo& Blvd .. BaJboa. Cre.tv11w 18846 Uour teay to brukera lilt• cc~u:-.A HIGHLAND LOTS - <..1lo1l't Sito A vallallle Ca.JI Harbor 2326 48Uc LoTS FOR 8ALE 3 flEA t;TU-T L LU'l'S. one 66 tt on Cliff Drlvt•. r-:~wport llrl~ht • Ona 30 ft. lol on Dijon, L1d~1 b le. AlllO 40-11 Int on \'la t;l'll· 08, L1<10 4 1e Call uwnt'1. Mu 011!1 or wrttl' ~lns A hr~n11. 422 Lllrk!lp11r 1-. rona ''"I ,\1tlr lllrfl CORO:O-:A DEL MAP. 2 BDR!\f , 2 hsth hwd fl"°ra, F'. A . hcsl. dbl, ~"f •, l)lk In the ••·Nin Har. :11)21 (1ay• •ir H 1r 3U~18·R 1tf1,.r 8 p m :\r :' ------------I BDRM S<>ller II 1nit~ • r.arrttna ff'flt\Jr .. ,I hnuJO,. r nvHlt b.·11,h ell" k tsc1lltl1te 66 B"ACfln 11~ V I>u nCJt thaturb 1,.,nant.t. R \\" ~1co1 1nwnu 1 P () B'll ue 1'11n Di,.Rn 12 or '"f' brnk,.r~ S..8 61-IWaJ FA~2_E_:'~J_!__ WILL u change l..AlfUna Br11eh hiJU!r ()n 4 Int.a r Blutblrd Ca.n· yr•r. ' S 2~ ,!'iOr'I \\'A ='T 1nrome Un it.A or ! ' P hone HYatt •·29117 bffore P a.m. or HYatt •-aa2J. tJ~Ji - Thia 4 bdnD. home. and 3 bdrm. income apt. hu excellent income record. Fi~place. good heating, and lovely aheltered paUo. ONLY $&,500 down, pymta. lea Ula.n rent. Fun price $26,9~. (Near N . Bay) Juat a atep to N. Bayfront. 3 bdrm. home, 2 batha. fully fumilhed, and Income apt. ONLY ~.000 dn., $22,500 Cull· p~. ) Have you been lookin1 tor th1' 1 A real all year home. with three bedrma., two bathe, all electric k itche n, dishwuher , huse patio. $1800 recently spent re-decorating . All thi• and top location for $24,500. Term.a. COSTA MESA 1 b acrea on the bluff with aweepinK view of ocean; Catalina (clear day). Ample room for ' Iota. Builders attention! $6,500. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave Balboa laland Ht.rbor 023' NEWPORT HEIGHTS An Outstanding Vogel Value OPEN HOUSE ll'ri., Sat., Sun. • 28th, 29th, 30th 1 p.m. to & p.m. .ce 357 Catalina (Formerly Old County Rd.) Newport Heights Beautiful View Loc4tion, 3 bdrm. A Den, rai9ed fir&. place. partially finished 18 x 24 rumpu. room on lower floor. Nicely landscaped A: fenced yard. Xtru incl. W to W carpeting. Garbage dlapoul, 2 t1re- places, Venta· Pane windows, dbl. buin and dbl. Pullman. Lge. aqua.re tub In bath. Prtce only $22.500. Good financing. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway. Newport Beach. Liberty 8-3481 BALBOA ISLAND NOW ia the TIME to Buy. Beautiful home, ' bdrma .. 2 bathe. Lats• b ack yard & fully fenced. Double ga.rqe.. Fully furniab.ed in Salem Maple. $29,500. EXCLUSIVE One of the c boice.t propertie1 in Co.ta MN& - 3 bdrm .. Jl.i bathA. A 1550 11q. !L jewel, ranch 11tyle. s hake root, $20,!500 with Sood Cina.ncinr. DORIS BRAY , Nona Hyer Chet Salisbury 216 Marine A\'e., Balboa lal&nrl EXCLUSIVE CLIFF Realtor Curt Do•b Har. 20 or 74 HAVEN See this beautiful borne on Clilf Drive 3 bedrma .. 2 balhs, Thermador kitchen, d iabwuhe.r, garbage dispoql. Many oth er excellent featurff. l yr. old. A real \'alue at $23,950 . Call Liberty 8-2664. ( Eve1. Llberty 8· 7056)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach Corona del Mar On 4:5-ft. Jot. w ell constructed 2 bdrm. ho m e . ltoom to build more o n lot. Ma ny pos11b11itiea. Full Price $13,500. Exchange -7 unit.a in Arcadia rgood income) for home o r \·&cant lot.a in Corona de! ~tar or Newport. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors -Bus iness Bro ke r 3135 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona de! Mar Harbor 2152 VOGEL VALUE Lot BN1ut1fully located 60 x 330 Int on on<' of Co11ta ~ksa's frneal eastern atreelti. $4250 value for $3750 SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway N e wport Beach Liberty 8-3481 , f~,~?r~~~,!?,~LY·~~.~ I Costa ~esa L.••\ • ~ "'." °' 1n & ba\. tile N 11·1• 3 b<irm. home an Broad-~ ""' r11 I ,, u tlbl ira 1 age riotn· t• r rol t 1 2ncl !10<.1 ll·2 lot IV.,! le '"' t Jro11t1 llfC t •lf'knrM Owner, 506 Avocado ,, ·~ Attractive Bay Ave. 3 llf:llRllUM HOMF: Gor 11r1,11 ba \· v1f\W, cvlurtul artl1t1c wa ll Jl" r"r 1Jc, t.r lnterl•ir but ber uo way. Has large ltvrng rm., liu1.:1· k1t r hc·n w ith ~bage <h~I'' hwd. nrK., Iota of tile In k1t1 h•·n & ba th. FC'n ced y ard , newly decorated tn· s1tlr & out. Owner !r av ing i.la te. Thia w eek onJy $1000 dn . bal. ltkc N'nt. Harbor l b02 f Har. H61 e vee. I 5c7 1 ... wly 1111ttll. r·an bl' .i•tn mu1 n·1 lni? a n11 eYrnm11t11, 1116 W Bay Av,., :-.-.. v.·pt.in Beach. ll~!Jh ------------- SELL or trtldt fnr h<>•l -17000 :0-:ICF: 2 RDRJ.t ho~. Ule hath ' oq111ly S11nla H11.rbar1 Tr1plu . h•lw•I n• .. Jr~ f"l.,or fum11r~ p11 1•1 ln<t1rt.• l lti:, 11,1111 110.8'>0. Own· 11111111t" & ftn1.ed yard. By own"' 11 :l2(1~ <"lilt 1J11v., a.tit.a Bar· L.l 8-~00. H clO bera. "111 ·' w r I I I I I I I • ..ti J I I J I , AG~ 6 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS fi'l-~al F.11tat.-, 62-R,.al Y.!4tatf' 62-RtaJ FAtate &!-Real FAta~ ---------------_____________________________ , ----------~Rf.al Esbt8 62-R~aJ F.atate THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 Cliff Haven Open H o use -Sat. & Sun. * It's Different I 001., Cliff Dri\'t' ~ORONA DEL MAR -those seeking t hat • l'A:"CIRAMIC' VIEW f rom thi., rwtt 1 ly nt•w "hak" roof 'I btlr m :!1, 1!11th h11111e. Thl'rm11d111t• k11- "l:lt'n :! us•·•I br h'k flrt>pl.1• t>;i;, 1111 gl· l.llnrni.; morn "'all I<> w1<JI I 1•ft qw11n...: a l'tl'tum built h11nw of 2.~00 sq rt f M $2!•,7~•0 A rrotl buy 1 nn t ll'll~f'h11l111 'cozy atmosphere' in a smallf'r hom~ with rr•al charm. will like this unusual'offer ing Jo'rom the f1rcplact:' in the master br<l rocim t., th1• mahogany paneling and cork floors in the tastl'- fully decorated gue2'l room, careful planning is re- flected to ,,,.C>ry room. ThiR "laq~e-homt·-for·u-smalJ .family" has full din- ing room looking down into the beam-ceiling li\'ing room with itR attractive fireplace. Outdoor Jiving- t frrace afford8 privacy and del ightful country at- moRphere on thP 44-ft. wooded lot. We haven't mentioned the f'xtra half-bath: tht' other JJatio with lath house for shade plants: nor <lc!!cribe<l dad'@' functional den with it s many butlt - ins. Not new. but 1n exc<'llent condition. this home is of- frrerl for the first time at a price mueh below wlrnt you would <'Xpcct -only $17.~00! Oh yt•s. t he tw<J-car garage is designed and slrt>siwd for an t1partm<'nt abt>\'f'. Call nwnC'rs' ag<'nl for appointment to 111!•prct nr for furl hrr drta ils. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del'Mar Har. 8~ :! PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTLNG REALTOR 3447 E. Cc1ast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Harbor ·Ii I Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank I LIDO ISLE 2 Op1•n Jlu11>irs Daily l to 4 p m 119 Via Yell a Furnished z· bedroo m home 3!'l' lot with ~outh P:itio -$19.i~U 215 Via Me ntone Exc<'pltonally nt<'<' 2 bdrm. South l'at111 L1trg1• ktt<·hcn. rltsprn•a l & rl1shmn~l1•r -S:!l ,i :lO EXCLUSIVE BA YFRONT With Slip To ~eltlt' an r~tall' -Compl~t1•ly furn 3 bdrm~ .. 2 b1llht' --l.J,:1'. lt\'tng rn<•m . Ul.~00 xlnt lrrm'I. ;$ bdrnts. 2 bath hnrTW IJll It)' lul. :':!i :ino w ith . 3f1llO dmrn. h:lf IJkr n ·nt BAY & BEACH REAL TY \"IA Lll >O RHlfX':I-: OFFICE ".l ust 111 t h•· ncht 111 tltt· l.1d11 Bndgl•" 31 1:? L .if.tyt'ltt• :'\1•\\p11rt B1 h ... H.ir ::1)13 ll-\1'~ II :!!>!1!>1 :>UR GOAL IS "EIGHT ,FIVE IN '55" r '' :-11111111111 Ill I I h;i I I' I ~E~fE~IBEH Tiii:'. "h"n :-<'lltng pr1111t·n~ th1· :-1•11- mg comr.i1ss1nn l'ha1 J'?t' ts ,.mall r11mpart·d 111 1 h" many :ld\',IOtnJ.:•'" 11f ha\ rn~ 1h1• !l:ilr in tlw h.1n.i .. n( eXJ l(•rts Consult your ~111lt1pl1· 1.1:-11111~ B111k1·1 Costa Mesa AS I ~ -NEF.DS PAINT I :I BOHM • hdwif rl•)(ll'i< ~;ast.s1d1• flt>!. gur. H<'.Jwond an<t ~ttH'<'•' I F 1·111·ec1. c 1 ,,., s11i.:.oo I 2 HORM Ohl .::.1 . h1h\'•I. 11.,.,.~ (ltt.·plA•'t'. ,KC>ot.t h,•t.•at11•n. !':•·11t 1 'h(( 1-tuw•n. $1(/lkl 11 .. wn A New Danay ' 2 llllH~r.. htlWd. flo<Jri< . .tuul h .... t UJU\'>'I 1•d wrnrtuwl' A n •»t 1:<'11• I .111>.J fllll'•"I tu""" 111d.1y ~ll univ $!! 1100 \\1th lttW tl11wn ,11111 ,.,.. , .. 11 .. nt IJ•r Ill" \\'1' hAve 11w k • ~ I ay & Beach Realty lli<16 Nl'wpor t Boult'vard 1 (\•!>111 M1·><A. Cahfnrn1a l~I 8· 1161. J-:vl'S. Llbt>rl y 8-,31 ~8 BILL'S BEST BUYS Now Being Built :\'Ji:\\' I h.t1111 2 hulh hrtfll"ft b"'nt: hu1 1t H•·:irj•'I \I•• yuu1 .I(, now $H:10 duwn t.11 I 11 pp111x Sf!7 r,o 1110 l1w 11\f .. l r •I l1.,c1·~ & rn~ W. A. TOBIAS H 1-: A I. T n H 'v .. 1dl l1k• '"" ti l••nolh "'n ••" • '.1(1'1 E 17th ~I . <'•••lk t>t"~k l.tti.'rly fl·t t:111 10 Acres Industrial Z'one :->ITl'ATJ-;11 8tlJll11•111 111 ~anltt An" I lf:V 1111111 In <on lljlJllHV.-1J 7<•n• I•\ t,.rlh t "1t \' •• n.1 t 1111ntv 1tr1'I f"' "'rtfl\' pl .. nl• ti tu tt1 ~·'"' •·l•I v .• r.•n• "' ot.1n.:·· ... \\tth ,, ~,,.,,1 )t•ftl Jr'1Ul tf h•.111 tttltoi 1tl•'ttl 10• \ • '-lllt••nl l't ••J•• r \\ '" hcir•J• ••·•t It\ " '""J"' Ul1.t nn•I tll» l'uuth· •rn l'u1UH H 1t1h1;h•I f•ru•• o( $1 ~tUO f'it\f IH t•• I"' (JU lu ltJ\\ lttll 111111\rhlll! ""'"'" ""~" \\ 111 tuult11• In\• -.t1a,;1d•• lht •• t 1 rH , Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. :1.:111 ~;11,1 1 '11n~1 Ill\\ t '11111n' "•I ~1 " r • •l1f••111111 t .. t,.ph1111•• 11111 h"I I ,; I COSTA MESA RANCHO II· It .. \\.fHU \•••I ••• I I It I ,,, ..,, J1 tll f U,\ f1 fH :f1Jtft11\I 1.-• htfh 11 1•11 .. •rt I "t h tti•l< rl111 t • \\f•U h11n1n., I •·11" l 11p• pnn,.f• I 11t1 !•hr• 1111111 "'' t; \I llltF' 111 ·1 .--111~; lh•I" ,, .. T\\11 •l1111t>l• .:n t rt ~/·• tu11t ••n•· h '" :•n t"'l(tt.t I '"1t t""d li1rt 1\ I.I. h'. I~ I •!" •I t 1 "' ~rut 11111h Newport Harbor Board of Realtors r,;,~·-:~=:,::~:~·,:·::'.~:11:·,::,~.·~·· .. '':~I:~ I tltllfl t II•• •••I <1( I h,. 1rnprrov1· I ""'nh· nlnn r RUSTIC REDWOOD----1\\'.8tuart Foote, Rltr. I i 11i \\' l!tlfw,A 1111 .. 1 :"\rt H<h l1111ht r ::?I ••r l.1tw111 'l·~ol'•ll OCEAN FRONT DOUBLE Complt'tC'J~· furrnsh1~1t -ld1•ally 1<w:111·d Tar1f1r income posflibihty. Ln:;t yf'ar J:!rll!<S w~s apprm: $3600. Let UR shr'w you thtR 11ttr:H'tl\'l' bf>:.tC'h prop- erty anci you'll a~rl'<' 1t ts Wt'll worth the t1i;;k111g pn<'e nf S23.:.o<1. Cooci trrmi- SEE THE VOGEL GO. 3201 \V. Coai.t Hig hway Newport Beach Liberty -3181 COSTA MESA SPECIAL ·' ~:\\' I Htt , :! hath h• ,1111• t ·, 1 nrr l11l $1 ~·.11 fl'I\\ n. h111 r•11 . sin ,, .. :'\PT. HT~. ~PECIAL '.I RR . J,11r~I' 1trn \\Ith h<-1111 r·l '"111111: fir• r••·,. S 11 71•0 ll·r m• C \1,1. :"F:AL :.tAHrt'\ I THE GREAT ORANGE ·COAST BEST 2 BDRM. HOME BUY IN COSTA M ESA - G. I. Resale. $9150 full price -$53. a mo. includes taxes & insurance, principal & interest. Good neigh- bcirhood. Ta kes $2450 dn. with quick possession. BEST 2 BDRM. Oi-;N HOME BUY IN COSTA MESA -Wall to wall carpeting jn living room & den. Cement palio. lathe houR1\ sprinklers in front. Sewers in & paid. $10.500 full price with good terms & 4 r; intrresl REST LOT B6 Y IN COST A MESA -On Del Mar· j ust East nf Newport Blvd. 2 -50 x 140 '" $2000 each. term~. BE~T C-::! FRONTAGE BU Y IN COSTA ME;SA 150 ft. on Newport Avf' .. right down town . <" ~!)!) f mnt fuot. BEST ACRF:AGE BUY IN COSTA MESA -5 aut•s clost' to Bar k Bay I 330 x 6601 only $15.000, terms. ORANGE COAST PROPERTltS INSlJRANCE -SALF.S -LOANS -BUILDERS J 57 New~ort Ave., 'Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. We o.ffer an Exquisite Home In Exclusive ~Beacon Bay Open House Daily 1-5 p . m. No. 67 Yawl Road MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marin~. Balboa lRlanJ Harbor 4781 LIDO TRADE 130 ft. Corner MOST SPACIOUS CORN E R on Lido Isle. O ppos1tr frnest swimming beach. 2 b<lnns., 2 baths and sl~p­ mg <len. ~pHralc large dining room. Large kitthPn with breakfast rc>0m attached. 2000 sq. ft. of lh·- mg ar<'a. 2 wallf'd pnt111s and extra large• 2-c-a r gar- age, ample parkm~ spAcC> on 3 str<'t'ls Has S:?fl.000 !nan r:i ~·ablr at $160 rwr month F'ull PnC'~ 45.000 Ownf'r will trade eq uity f11r b\1a t 1.r d 1•a r I larb11r area propt'rty. DUNCAN HARDESTY. Realtor 26112 NEWPORT BLVO .. NC'wport B<'ach PhC1nl· Harbor 36!13 Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-round home colony. Only I block from tlw Club with 1ls lo\'C'ly lx·ach nnd tennis l'Ollrt, wr ha1·e ~1n 11h•al family homr. u1 1·x· 1 <'ll<>nt tas lt' ~ b<lrms . ~ bathx. m~1m e US<'d brick lrn•pl:tt·e. 111 ~·11 bt•am <t•tltng. 111\'ely kitchen. pat1n ;tr1tl srp.lra te i.r·r. H-1· ya rd Yo u can't do better <1 l 11nly .;::!i .:»oo t Own1·r will nm111dt>r ta kmg 111 n Lido l•tl ;is l'\'t'll thriugh hC' ts lx•mJ:! transfrrrN.I. h1· ".tnt;. t u coml' biwk I p. a. palmer incorporated <lit· han!lon C'CJ., salP11 mgmt. 3.333 ,.,a ltdo -har 1500 HARBOR VIEW * "A hum<' must be· a Jl'Y and nnt" mere• utility." ~l ngn1firf'nl \'11'\v 11f the r·nl1 rr· Harbor Area from this new >I b1 ·drnnm. 3 bathroom. rxr<'edingly ch('er- tul Cliff l111nw Two bnlronr<'s. ;i p<'rmanent view fr1•m 1•\"C'ry room. Plat(' gln11s windows & slidtng dl)orR. Carp<'ts. dral'<'R, workshop. Extra IRrge gar- nK1' '.? f1replar 1• ... R<>Rdy t o mm·r in, Ask mg prtr<' $.\fl.000 Thi!' l11vf'ly homl' M l"ST SF:LL '. To a ciualtfll'd buyr r W<' will al!ln fmanr1• Wtlh a real low rl11wn. C:ill John ~1l11·nnb, Hnrhor 3Wi nr 53."19 1tnyt1mr , EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE flA YSIDE OF F ICF. Bayside Drt\·e at Cnnst HJ~hwa ~ Bay & Beach Realty 1 ---DOUBLES FOR INVESTMENT TWIN Dl PLEXES -2 full Inti.. 4 excellent 2 bdrm. apt.JI. E11ch with own f1r('pl11 ce &-)!an~gc-. Hwd. fl oorR. g 1lnd heat. SW5 per mo. 1111'omr. s~ooo cinwn. f ull prir<' ~2i.500. OPEN ~ATCRDA Y & St:NDA Y !'>14 -16 J.A!'MINE. CORONA DF:L MAR MURIEL M. PI~OVER. Realtor ~ .. w ro11 n .. 11c h <\i11r H AI 1 21>~ F:vl't' LI 8·1i71 Owner in Hospital .MI ·ST 1' •:1.1. '1 h, rl rrn . 4 yr <•l<I h""'" 1n t '"' ''"" ii• I :\tor . F:xrrl· I '''"' \I•\\ H ir1 ,.," b11 11·• uut •• I FTt~l· l'RIC'E $11 ()(111' 1~ II l.AT HH<r l'. 363:> f; Cn11~t I II\\\'. l'or nnR rh•I ~hr ll11r ~H2 :,. i OPEN HOUSE 1249 W. Balboa Blvd. Sat. & Sun. 12 to 5 p. m . '.?-sto ry view duplex. l bdrm. eacb. Income $2000 yr , Pa nE>I Ray heat. redwood fence. pat io & shrubs. 1'f 1re-raoge & ref rig. t ~ blk. from ocean. 1 blk to Bay. J1tlnt. location. Full price $17.~. ter:n"· "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa l.Tberty 8-37~2 Exceptional 0 pi:>ortunity LJITLE ISl.A:"\0 0111 111 l"" n I uwnPr "''" 111111" ~ ~11111 .I b•t h fur-nllhetl hume In t 1111 ''' :!nd Tn1~t fll't'tl~ :o\o ••«II II• ••1t· ed. B<•llrr ,...,,. lhl~ tud1<1· 9, IH- morn•w might be '''" lat• U l'E::o\ H0ll8f: xc:-:PA y I 1 .. :. at 2~3 1 Bayshor~· Ur . llot.1i.lw1 .. ~ 3 bl.'l.lrm . '"• butl1 flll•d•••n h11111,. "Yuu 11111~l ~"" lh111 .. ~;,_,.,.11 .. nt loc1H10n & v""'" 1 :.t r Hu .... will bl' on the p11•1111~,·s I Ni,;w LISTl !'>t.; l..t1V•·ll· l<ttm II t;u1nt1 u1 liay~ht11 .-~:ii ,.~,·t nt h• r~·· f 1replot·P anti fullv ""'I""''" pnl 1 ... s2:z,:.110. r11n111<h1•d !Bt "S l ~F.Sl' l'IH;•~:HTY 111 1,1•1 i:r11w1ni: Cvstn M1 "" \\'>• h""" 'J lll•'t' pl VI'"'""" I'. l!lk.. I ll•lh tilt' n1•w 'f'l111ft1· "" 17th ~I 1.-t•I u~ ~lu•\\ ..\'VU 1 r!'lt'OMF. l'HOl'~:H•n• Ju-1 11,1 • t " ,, ..... ''"'' \>'HI uld 1'1l 1l '1.E' l'IU•tf fO\\' .1t J:!f .~•IHI IA llh 11111~ $:1000 1!rm·11 Frank James Linwood Vick 1n ;ALTllHS C B. Hu>-~ \\'u1 t.: S1 h1111dt. AAA<>t' 3 12 Mar111t' A11•. B11lh•1K l1<lanu Haf'b111 211 1:! Newport Heights I F1 ·1t:-:!~,~011c~r~~;'~, ~ .... :, ltw!lllun ll>'llt ( 'hfl lk 0 111 bill In >'x1·•·ll .. 11l • 11n1lit11111 01111 $'i~10<1 $6~• l'"r mont h Ph H 111 IJO~ IWI t.lh<'rlv 8-:t:t7H . . .. J. M. Miller Co. 2112:. \\' l311lb11a Hlvr1 1'\""""'l fi• lll h ll111b<11 40!'1 :'\t'MI' lht• :-; .. wjoull 1'11'1 1'1.E:'\TY OF FHJ.-;1-; PARK!:"\<: OCEAN FRONT 2 R J.-:DROlll\f & 11 .. :~ P!Jl" HI.~; 1; A I< AC: t-: HJ.:ST Bt:Y 1111 lh" h1·111'11 ' SI 6 . .'11/ll NEARLY NEW 4 Dr !111 n b""' I\ hw11,. un 'J hol ~ h." :I j!:lllllJ:<'• htult In llarul11• ltf>l• Rbtl\• I hfk ftnlfl l/<•llt h $Ill :itHI Homer E. Shafer ':\:1t\\1Jlt•I t Ht•ott•h 11111 l~H 1111 1 t:"" lhu 11;1;·.\l 1 ""k (01 ""' 11 lol t; s,..,... NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo :' n·RNJ.S HF.D I --· --------~~~~---·----------~~-~--- "C" THOMAS "C" THOMA ~ "C" THOMAS "C " THOMAS I -~· r CLIFF HAVEN EXC F.PTION Al.LY ntt't> motl<'rn 2 bdrm. honH' tn tip top cnnrlition. Large Ii\·. rm. & dtn. 1\rl'a , firr- pl:lt't'. lo\'f'ly patio. compl1'tel~· frnc1•d, W to W 1•:t r· J'lt'l i n~ & rlrapC's inrl. m A ~Kl:'\G PRJCF. 11f ~ltl.!lOO with p~,)1ts of $i:!.10 JWr m.1. COSTA MESA HOME and C-2 BUSINESS PROPERTY HHI ft. on AnahPtm A\'e. with immaculul1• 2 bdrm. home. only 7 yrR. 1)ld. Own<'r now op<'rate& auto- mntiv<' l'll'l'tncnl garage. Room to build additinnnl bldgs. This ii; one of lht• frw :wailRbll' C-2 properti<'s. Chet·k this for REAL \'ALUE Pm•1•d nt $19,750. NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL On1• nf th1· f111f's t Mott>ls ~He Harbor an•a. in firi::t l'l:iss 1:11nd1t inn 12 complf'tr ly FURN l~HED units ind 2 doubles PLl S nwnerR 2 bdrm. & ckn homl', i::itrag-1'. laundry ro0m. patio -Shows nn ex1·C'llC'nt 1Nl'0~1E iinc1 prke<1 at ONLY $55.000 -Terms. LIDO ISLE WATF:R FRONT. pi<'r & float. 3 bdrm., 3 bath <'11rnl'lf'tl'ly Fl1RNISHED $58.500 ON LIDO NORD -521 ~ ft. lot. 3 bdrm11 .. rumpus t nol'll PLl 'S sw1mm111g pool ... ' ... $42.500 BAYSHORES THE BEST FOR THE LEAST IN THE HARBOR AREA Costa Mesa :! bdrm. honw, h~·d. f loors, f1rr plare. fenced yarrl. '.!-1·ar gar.. n11·1· garden plot. 1 blk to stoN>s. Ml" x 1;)()' lot Only $S9!"10. 3', C:al V<'t loan, only S·10 per mo. Any Vl't eran or non-Vrt. can 'buy. See thtR. ., N1·ar High ~t:huol. Qualtt~· :! bdrm. & llt'n home t 1355 sq. ft. I 0111111~ rm .. hwd noon:;, Jt'. A. hf'11 t. ff'nred yarct. A beauty~ OnJ~· $11.750. Will traci<' f .. r h1111-.1· Ira ill'r Cor9na del Mar = ~ Of>t>ll l111us1• t>arh da\' :it 41 -41 1 • !\farguertl('. ~ -~ bdrm. home & !gr. unfm1shC'<.1 1 bdrm. gar. apt. Only ~ Hl,!'>00 with lt1w rlhwn payml'nt W t• ht1\'l' 2 of th•• ftnt•st \'lf'W hom('N m llbr. an•a A-:J bdrm , :.! I lf'l•l'l:u t•s, 3 bat~s fnr S.56.500. B 3 bdrm .. :! ba th. 2 f1r1 •plar1·k \'rr~' bl•aut1 ful. ~:-10.000 ft1ll pru·1" Will rnnsrrit-r 11malkr hom .. s 11r 1ru 11m1· -\\lhitl haw• you ? THE VOGEL CO. :!6tii I:;, Cuni't Hwy .. Corona dl'l ~fr\r Har. 1i41-1 l"i7 . HF:A t •T f ill ni.11 ... 1 11nd lnllltll• 11h1t• '2 h.Jr fl' h nlll• "'ftU•t• ti tn 1 h"t' • "'I ·ht• """'" H ... 11111 k 1- • ht•r. '"'''k .. h,h,•I f)1.-1t ••111 in1 •111111 hrat "l l l<fll h 11111 tnd 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' I "" d\' f· "'' •t "'"''"''' $Jil '•trll THIS IS A :-\1-:\\' LISTI:"r. ttn.f ,. 1lt1'4°n t h t•Atth \'f\h11 koy Greenleaf Jr. & ASSOCIATE::> J I I:? N• "'"'''I Bh'<I, Nt " port f(rl" I HAthnr '2:'\r12 •1,-; Balboa Island Income ~ \\ ATEHF'HO:-:T 1'·2 NF:Alt 1-'~:HR\' l.ANt1IN<: THKE ~: fTR:'lilRllEI 1 A l'T!\ r .. mpl• t • ly rqul PP'"' HAMB 1 'It• <:f;n. & MAl.T l'TA:"ll & l'All l •Lt: HllAHIJ IH::"TAI.~ "A l11t uf h11u~1·" approx. 121)() i..q . fl .. lut i5 x H 0. Tw11 bl• 'I k:-f1 (Im I hl· t 1 nlt•r <•f town. Down phy- iTH'nl S:t!.)fl but full prti·P only , "250 f rt'Rl ,·alur I . ~l."111 ll()\\':'\. ·11.'· l:'\T. l\'1•11t, wl')J built onr bdrm. with laundry and garui::r ,f)t :10'' lfanlwrnrd f111.,1s • f1rt·1•lacl' · 1·1•d:ir iihtngle roof -_, d11ublr ~aragt· -bar-b-q -wide 111t • ~·nut1ful p11lm In···~ • n•'\.\1•r 2 bt·drrnrm -$111 . .1\:')(I -'2250 down. HalHn1· .. 11t .. i !l Jl"r m11nth L A H (; t-: duplt•X on '.? l••IR ttl l\'Pwp11rt lk 1~ht:o1 ~12.:>flll, c•n1111~h i..n1d " ~1 -1 -l nclu:->trml. fill x ):..!fl ('-2 Bttsrn rss. appn•X. '/. at r1·!'4 H -~ RP srdrnl uil. kO x 2:1 I $ 2.n:,o l J .500 2.7M G. N. WELLS , Realtor B11,.w•l •V<'Al111n •>n l~liond Cr """"rl I uvl'r SI :Z O<Jo 1n 3 .oumm,.r 1n11• A real lnvr11tmrnl &: r1111n,.v-1 mllkPr Rr11• r ''" ,.xj.,111.01nn U;·t 111lo th111 ht'f11r•• EA•ltr \\', o·k fn r (11'1 1u•1t•on $1 t tH111 h11n1ll"• nr writ tr""" '"' .c•~•'f 1l11rl•, •n I 1RI0 Nr wp<1rt Bl\'fl . Mlf'A 1'1111 1)-If• ~" l--------------------------LI 13-1601 1 Houston Realty '>(lg c .. nttr St r-11-ht M,.,~ I LI &-6!1! I F:v• • HIH. ~WI\ \\ TRIPLEX / Above China Cove 1 TWO 2 BEOH00:.1s and. A I ,.,,,i r•.om •11111. HNlw .. o•I 11n.t .<h11k,. F.xcrlf,.nl 111 v,.,.tn1f'nl 2 1 ""'' nltl. :1 111r a~nuc,. 1-·un -pr·rrr S27 ~•<tll W. E. Fisher, Realtor ~n•I ASSOCIATES :m.H F:ut Co1ut Hl1thl.o.'sy Corona drl M11r sut.0 1 2 41:1 !\ti Advrrt1s1n~ Dolhir11 i!u dr, mort II• ti mn.r" wh•·n you 111 ~ .. rtt11e 1n in,, pnptr - P hl'lnl' Jlitrbnr 11116 The Very Nicest 2 B. R. Home IT'~ ~tOD EfU°'. nnly 2 yrR ynung ~·1t h furti1t•'P h1·~1t.1 f1rC>pla1·t'. •l 1~p11!.!1l. waJI to wall 1·11rp,·t i:tnd t·o\'rrf'd pall•• A~f) J:'l;('llJI.;;\;TAl.J.Y, a very n1re a1•t. anrl th,, apt 111 furntflhrrl All for $~.!Y)(t. Wr will hi' )'l"llll"fltc, 11h11w lit ~·1,ur ronvcnwn1·r . Cnnl11 C't Huh 1'11w1·r,. . J. A. BEEK, Realtor W3 l'1trk Ave. Jl alh•1:. li;lnnd ..J , l . I . I , l \ \ J J BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MurfiJ>LE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE 1 to 5 p.m . 220 Coral -Built for gracious living. 60-ft. lot . Beautiful grounds. $3{),000. One of most charm ing houses on Is land. l 31 To~az -Charming home ahd income. Both units u nusually well furnished. This is one· of our very best tiuys at $27,000. $5000 d own. 304 Ruby -Attrac. 2 bdrm. furnished home. \ $19.500, xlnt. terms. SHORE CLIFFS SEE T HIS TODAY. 4 bdrm., two-story colonial. Magnificent marine view. SEE THIS TODAY. Beauti. 4 bdrm. (two up • t wo d own l two-s'tory colonial home. 3 baths. Ma gnifi- cent marine view. $42.500. Terms, of course. NEWPORT BEACH DOL LAR P ROFITS -Look into this NOW ! Business building on corner lot. 5 suites all ll'ased. Room for expansion. Paved parking area. 1 short block from City H all. A TRULY FINE INVEST . BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayf ront h ome and guest apartment. 3 bd rms. and 3 baths. Private pier & float. A ba rgain at $68.500. So. Bay t wo units. 2 bdrms. each. a REAL buy at • ~37,500. $10.000 down. • So. Bay 5'der home that needs some repair. fix.in' miUion dollar \·icw. Only S33.750 & S7500 dov.-n. No. Bay front m odem 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furnished. As king $45.750 and ONLY ~5000 doMt-., Near new 4 bdrm. home a.n d 'apartment completely furnished and in excellent condition. Full price S36,500, terms. 3 bdrm. & den h ome furnis hed for year-round liv- ing on Lilli<' Island -Asking $29,500. 2 bdrm. fur nis hed and in good condit ion. to be sold aR is for o nly S l 7,950 and get t his, S1250 d own. Thi!' i!'I a "sleeper." a little eotta'.ge on t he rear of a 30 x ~~ ft. lot. SI 1.500 -S4000 down. Hn<'·s rwws for you. J uRt r~eiv~d it. A 4 bdrm., 2 bath horn<' tn fine condition. Also furnished. Pull pricE' SI 9 ,500 nnd $3000 down. VOGEL CO. 208 ~larine A vr .. Balboa Jsl;md Harbor 444 I I::v<'R. LI 8-5297 • Har. 1786-RK) BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRI\' AT E BEACH -Pier & Rlip privilege. 3 years old. 2 bdrm .. 1 t 1 bath. lots of tile. Parquay firs .. dbl. gar .. F . A. heat . Nuw is the time to buy for next summer or yearly occupancy . A Real Value at This P rice. $26.250 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOC D BA YFRONT-P icr & slip. F irst time o ffe red.only l yr. olil. 3 b<lrms .. 3 baths, elec. kit., built-in dishwashrr, garbage disposal. W to W car- pets. drap<'s & new 20' Century motorboat inc. in prirr . This is a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXC'Ll ·srn ·: Lt:-;Tll'\C:S EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 N<>w port Blvd .. Newpnrt Beach, Har. 10 13 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm .. 2 1• baths. large lfring room. f4('PRrl\tf' dming room. la rg<' knotty pine den )ith b uilt-in bar. ll1un~r. 2 firl'places. basement with 150.000 HTl. furnarr. F.xpe nsiHly cn r peted wnll t <1 wall t hru-out. (;arbage dispos:il and dish- WH11hrr. Hou!'e 5 yr!!. old. Lar~r double ~arage w ith lnundry, r1uiin-controlled door. Lot 50 lit H 2', W<'ll lnnd!'ICAp<'d. On(' of thf' most <'Xpens1nly bu1ll hom ri; 110 th<' frrint. hwated at 3312 Ocran Blvd. t for m<'rly 6 10 .) OWNE R wn~L ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appoint ment only Phone Owner. Harbor 3435 A Word to the Wives is Sufficient! And the w 1\·es art' bound to liki' the huge kit .. the brenkf11Rt nrea. th<' fl('r. pnrch. th<' d in. rm .. thr 2 11pae1ous bdrms. th(' b1~ bath wnh both shwr. & tub and thr l<wciy lf1rge h\"lnK rm. EVE RYBODY will hke I hE' l~c. dbl. ~11r .. t hr ..J!'l-ft. lot. the fenc<>d yar<l, the 1•rh·ncy 1111d the xlnt. location , a blk to the Ocran. P hone to S<'e t his Exrlus1\·e R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor 3622 1-;. Ct.1.1st Hwy ., Corona drl Ma r Ha r 27H Balboa Realty Co. A Selected list of "Best Bets"' Bay Front Home! O!': THE PE~lKSULA. 5 ~I· rnom11, 3 '-> bath•. ln &ood con- cl1llon. Pier right.I!. $<17.:iO<J. tt'rma. . .., Peninsula Home! A NEW LISTINO and a cute ht· tie home. 2 lx'drooms. Wallet1 fron l y11r1I. n ice pllllo. St111:c•• e xterior and pla.st .. reol. B1·st M a ll It 11 only $14,000 wlth terms Balboa Home ! NEAR BAY A!llO OCE AN . 'l b~r~m11, 2 baths. Room f1.r t mure units on thi.11 H·3 lot. $131t0 11pent l11t.t yP1lr tu mndnnlZ('. d1RpnSAI, etr $12.000. $:1500 iln If' YUU ARE l;'l:TF:ltESTED l ;'I: A HO!\I F~ WITH l="CO)IE on E~R l;'l:('OME 0:-.11.Y .. LF:T I 'S 31-mw YOl" THK<;F: fll"· 1•1.F:XF:S' F ur 1n1tam:t lh1a 4 b~•lroom 1lu- pk x. rl""" lo the 1.1.lu St111rr1n1: C"nlrr 3 8hhwrrs. !Olli 11( tile and dispO~RI>< A ~O<>•I 8t1t1 fly slu1·ru b111!1lln1;. rul from $:?2 • ~00 to S20.400. $4 000 d<"'·'Tl I~ 1111 OR T HlS DA?'\OY PENl;'l:Sl"LA Dt "f'L EX with 3 bellrnom~ up a nd 2 down. Redecora l«>d with nr w clrapu ond !'Omt' carpeting. W ill make a HWtll home with In- come. too. 127 .:-ioO. tCJ"llU.. HERE'S A DUPLEX, right on the Ocean F'ront ... P enlneula loca- tion. Terrific Ocean view. Sleep! 8 abovl' tncl 6 down. Hu goo.><1 rl'nt11l r.-rord. $22.500. Term<t. ACT <./UICI< ON T HIS O:"E BA Y FRONT DUPLEX with • bed· rooms. Private bear h and pier , 62-Rf':sl F.Atate ........ __ ____:_ CLIFF DRIVE VIEW HOME PERSONALITY -PLUS ONE OF THE MOST J.OVEL Y HOMES in New- port Heights. 2 bt:>drms .. plus study. 2 baths. Fir e- place. Custom built for in and outdoor li\•ing for owner. Perman<'nt virw' of Bay arcu. Lo\·cly i.iatio. l<:icated on a beautiful fr<> sim ple corner lot at 28l tt' Cliff D l1 Vl'. , THIS HOME BEING SACRIFICED AT $32,500 INCLUDING CARPETS AND DRAPES Owner moving•from Harbor area. Low down pay- ment to q ualified bu~·rr. Owner will cnrry balanrr w ith 5'; interest. PHONE HARBOR 5226 4 FURNISHED UNITS -BALBOA A REAL MONEY ~tAK ER on E ast Bay A,·<' .. and c:m be purchased at a real bargain. $5000 Jvwn. -'Bal. Sll O. m u. ·F ull pri<'<' $16.850. PHONE HARBOR 5226 3 BEDRM. FURN. R 3 LOT 1 door from ocean, acroRs St. from bay. Only 21 '..'. yrs. old. F ine view of bay from upstair s living rnum and deck. -1521 W. Balboa Bl\"d. PHON E HARBOR 5226 FURN. DUPLEX ON C 1 LOT 2824 Newport Blvd. Ou ts tanding bu~· with only $1500 down. Bal. $80. mo. F'ull prirr $9500. PHONE HARBOR 5226 OR COME IN 2901 Newport Blvd., Newpor t Brach ART C. KISTLER CO. ti'!-R.-lll f:l'tat11 ------~·------~~~ Excellent Income on East .Bay Ave. 2 bdrm. huuse .t 8 •lnj:lc furn. u nits. 01\. 2 Iota. t:xuillt•nt v1.-w ot bay. Olll<'r bu t 1n f(U\XI ron. 11tt1on Within wl\lklng clu1tanc& ot ctm\·ntl'" n shuJlping ar.·a $1!).VOO down BALnOA Pl::N IN~l LA 2 lots -S12.000 Ocean Front Income· 8 l'!"IT~ r111 '111•r lo t, C'K1•1•I tnc·nlnr r\'H•l".J fhllt lolk. fl \llll 1\11~· 1111,j l'"I kllll: flW. ( "l,•.111 $10 111111 II Ill ha11•lt.· fll·I~. \\'II h ;..\oll o' :ind :I 111111!1 l:111"I h1l\. f11r Stil n1•1 ~llllhl -'••\\n. 111 lh•• h<·111 l l•t ll.1!1,.111 I Ni~e Family Home 1 :-:F..\Jt =-:nqw11t 1l.11 tw r \"A•'ht c.:luh ~ Hf-:111{.\t 1<1111 nun1e "1tll 1wr· j m.1nl'nl 1> •• v \'11 )''· $:J:.oo ,1.,wn I S0t~~~lh~r~l~~~'.1:~ Jl;llt)n1 :.:ll~!S k liar ltillO . ll ,,. BEST BUYS lll ·I HA t.F' AC'H t~ Ct'nl "r 11( 111\111. '"'\\'• r 111 11tr~..t < ;, .. J :; hdrm: ohli·r horn~ room r " l•ld.;-<. or1· f111n1~~t·. 1 ·11.·cJ llj'ilt. lll·l 8 ACIU:S 12 hlk. t u lll\.I In IJ•h minµ 111 ra . :llO.U\l<I. l•llll~ rights. Close t o shopping. Bellt 5 AC"HF:S _ R-~ po11111ble renlal area. l'eed! aoi11c p111111'r1n .. I •b• 11, I. 2 h•lrm. hMlll' 1lx1n· &nd p&inUDg. . .hUl JoWLJIJ :W\f.~·"9-_. t he price ..• only.JZ 7~ wilhr--f''W'i"'iJ-~ttvt+--f"tt--H+-+i~flrtiflt -yr.rtftt"'iftftll'tJn~--rt(t'('fl" Balboa Realty Co. IOppoalt.e Bank o f America) Members. Mulllple Listing Rosa Crl'eley Ed IA~ Jack Pinkham J ouphlne Webb 700 E. Balbc>a Blvd , B!ilbua Phone Harbor 32i7. Holmwood Drive (Newport Heights) For those aet'k1ng a beautiful home In a quiet, highly rest rict- ed neighborhood we r e11pecttully 1ug&e8t an lnapeclion ot one ot the He.rbOr Area·1 finer resi- dence~. Sltu&ltd on a wlda (70'' level lot thll lov,ly home 11 buill around 1 huge rtowr r • atudded patio bordert'd with m any r11re plant.JI 11nct 11hrubs A fl'w (.( the many reaturu a re Lwo w ood-bumtn1t h rt'pli.cu, the very ~'t Ln wall to wall car· pettng, an u trt'm,Jy clevt'r In- door outdoor rumpu11 room. tlrnm kitchen. PLUS 11 complete (\IUt apt. for your fr1.ind• Wl'~kl'nJ VIJii' ! I'. S DHp1lt' the grt'llt ~auty ol this propt>r1y 1u1tJ 1t1 maximum arran&l'mt'nl for prlv11cy. the yan:l work la a t 1111 sb~olutc minimum. l'rlCi'tl 111 '24.()(\() whk h ts well below rt plllc•mrnL Excellent t l'rm11 If 1lnhf'd. W . Stuart F oote. Realtor :?117 W. 811lboa RI , St-wport Bch Harbor 2l or Liberty 8·!:i490 t>c7 Terrific Buy in Duplex Cl..OSE to heart of downtown - 2 blol'k• to ~hoppln& center - Ea1tt~11lt' Only :\ years oil!. 2 h<'·lrooma u ch aide 2 ga1 llltt l' W~ll bUlll ("lrvtrly l'ld out Full prlC'r only $12 ,500 G. I. Resale $1500 Down o:--: EA!lT lllth STRF.ET-VPry gvod lucal1on. :I bedro<•ml'. Hard· wMd floor• (;11 r1~r. 4 'i lnen f:xC'rptlonttl buy. F'ull pr k e - $10,500 Phil Sullivan & George Everson IS::i6 l'\twport Blvtl. Co.1l11 Mt.IA t acroaa from C<>ata Mu a Ba.o.k ) P hone J.I 8-8781 EVf'I Har. 4366 U berty 1-2103 BY OWNER DESIRABLE 3 ~tlroom, bath A 11, CORONA HICH l..A."\'OS tam- llX homr C"ozy uaed brlC'k flrt· plaC"e. r11l•t'd ht'llrt.h. Ct'ntra l hc-111 Charming birch pan!'ltd kll<'h"n D1~ro1t•I, t"Upt'tr1r. Lgl' ya rd. vll'w $16.500. St't' a ny· 111111'. 604 Soward Road. ~cl8 UY OWNER, u .st 11lde <..:o&ta !\fu ol, ;i bdrm •. fg bath. &epar· ll!t 11howrr. hwd. nr11., ttreplllCI', clock controll•d heat, wulber 1trlp)>t'<.I t h ru out, enclosed brt'Uway. Price 110.~-SU>OO down. $64.H mo. taxea It ln1ur. • lncJ. F'HA, 4 ~ '< loan, U 8 -3329 6cl9 BALBOA I ncome Nicely furnishr<l duplex. nf'ar library. 8 years old, exccllent contl1t ion. S 1 .!J30, trr n1s. .A. • • 'I': OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1 -4 P. M. 1701 E . Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. Both a re good values on corner lot s Don't miss seeing t hese. fr i '; 1.r LIDO BA YFRONT Pier & slip. 3 bdrms., 2 bat hs, furn111h('d. S-19.500 Te rms. .•. . .. $3500 down buys attracti\'e 3 b<lrm .. 2 bnth hnmc on 40-ft. corner Strada lot on L1Jo. Balance like rent. BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -E>venmgs Harbor 1 56 • Open House Sat. & Sunday 1 -5 • New Exclusive List ing COR NER ARBOR DR l\'E & \'TSTA DRT\"E Ray ShorPs' Clc\'ereflt Ranch Typc Homr 2 bdrm., ra1S<-J u11cd brick fireplncr. d1shwashrr. disposal. Charmingly dl'Coratcd. Crushed rutk lawn. Full price S23.500, tr rms. F or pre\"iew showing. call Hnrbor 1600 - I E..'\·es. Llb<'rty -53. 6 • • • • LIDO ISLE • New exclusive lis t ing Lido Nord Bayfront • Completely furntsh<'d 3 b<lrm .. 2 bath h omr. \\'nil to wa ll carreting. T\', Wt•st ingho1.1se aulu. "'ash· er & dryrr. Dish was her, ~arb. d1sp. Lyman 1 I ':! ft. boat, new p1t·r and slip. Full Pr irc $63,500. term!I. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., R E ALTORS Newport Bl\'d. al 30th ~t.. Newport lkaeh Phone Harbor 1600 I E\'es. LI 8·53 '6) Open Houses Saturday . & Sunday J a nuary 29th & 30th , 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. 502 W. Bay Ave. N icely furnishc<l 2 bdrm. homr and stud10 apt. :\r. bt:>aeh. i;torci;. library. trnnsportalton. Ap,1rtmcnt rents in summ<'r at ~50 pC'r werk. Price S 12.500. 811 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Wit h panoramic \"irw of bny & oc<'a n. &aut1ful yr. olJ home. 4 bdrm!'. 3 bath R, 2 f1r<'plal'es. 2 furnnr1·::. 3200 sq. ft. Carpets and <lrap<'l1 includr<I. $·10.000. Leasehold, Will consider income RS part paymrnt. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport B<'ach • ( t ,. ' /Jt ::kl •114 \ o'Jll ~ ro I \\.I) J 1 .. 11 l 111·:0. 4 u \~•1:-.. Lu\\ 'h•\\U t,•t ttt1. \\"J-: JI \\"!-: .\ \\"llJE t:llUl<'I:: ,,{ 1J111l•t1n.: lul~ Ml •'U:<I &: \\ ,.,l ~1.t~ !it.ilU1 11_, J•1\\ U:t: ~.!UO. ll\\ n (\1!( lu M•• Houston Realty Ml\! (",11l1 1, <:o•tR ~l<'•I\ 1.1 8·•1:•1 l. 1 Ev."· /1111. ~i91!·\\" I REAL VALUES A Doll House T HI:) :'1'1\l.'l(ll 'S I btdnn. J.1•1111 I• t rulv 11 tl•1ll h .. u~·· ll•lw11 I h T 1l1• kite 111·11 (If louth. l)Odlt'.• ,.f 1>111lt-1rn.· l.1·11ul11ully fund~·,.,.. • • .t sn•l t•·n' t•I )ttr•t p.11 ,u J h1 .. I• 11uly ft q111ht1· 1111111 lhtlll<' ~fll·l tu ... :t• ,.n tu 8 J1pl .. , 1tt\1 F ull 1•111• ~.,;:,11 t•111.~ Buil ding Lot t. ~ •. x.::•11 • :nlJI • \\ t-.ST SI [If: lru ,. 11c1f\. Htan t ""'..._,. 11 1h\c111·I 1t1u.hl1 1:•11»1..•. A ll~) 111 1• 1tr I II•• c ·Ill h. u,,., !~ uttn :! • 11uJ rt&t,·•• lJi.11•1· int.: J.,1, Full p1 .1 ~ s ·:~·.11 B. A. NERESON l9 1 ="<'l~J'Oll Ulvtl . t:u~lo !\l• •II Phunl' 1:1 11·167'.l Evttll, LI 11.:,1117 BAYSHORES H ERt..: 111 k ""II "'n~tr11rtc•1l two bech oum 11111 •ht brick horn•·· t '.in- \l'nl' 11l li•cnt11111, latr~l "Pr• int- mr. ... 1 .. Y .. u •Rn pra.t1call_v nnn11 ) our uwn !I'm'~ Lido Isle \\ ()L"LIJ ~ ''" like in u-. n l.il•• ht•J flnr•t Jlev l1onl 11 111 •' 1 n.~1s 1t I l11 • r le 1i:;r I<"• 1y 1 .. I· t u1 fU_,: ~ blllh. )ilf'tf·"IHtt •'BJI •hO\\• '"·I 11.,e k1tlh• n .... 1111 ~I'"'· 1 -.11~ r 1hml't• H• 11ut1ful ~1111k• n ll\·tri:11 11' \\lllll11\\nll1111p1• "'l"'n~l\·t •liar•• l'"rf"•t .,. r ! 1~1Vr \"I""" Jol11, rrs\'RI" r11 f Rn·I ll011ll l'll'll~e ""n l m1·~ ti..,. n• Sut11T11l tPrn.:i at s;.~, Nl\.I llF.rtJ.:s II Lll lO BA\"rHU:-:T )1111 mll•l •.-r l" mr•ll'tl'IV f11mt8ll• ol. :J ., ... 1r1"1m, 3 IJlllh huml' J yr• col r t:" · llo nt uin~t 111cl ft•n I 111n l m1•,. 11.t • ""'' t·lth • r! Oplv s-.7 · ~1111. 111111111Jlt! l1•1 nu 111 n111i.:"1 VOGEL CO. 2M .\l11r•n~ Avr . Jl~tlv•ll l•l 1n1l ll11r • 11 1 Fvr• I.I 11·~·21'7 L ID0-3 bdrm. -4 bdrm. SHOP.ECJ.lrF~ :!&iln 3 & dt·n CLIFF HA \'EN 3 t>Jrni. ll.1rlilllll<I\ ~If S:!!l.!t;)O i 'l ;)(Ill . 3 .!"1011 3·1. ";° ~10 21 .)110 Claire Van Horn ClJllV;\i\ IJl:.L MAH -;>;11 t '""' f· 'Hl.J~I' !,.' hdr IH . 1 \~ hh t I h 11.• L \'1111-: r 111 i.lrn1• ~ 1. kt•t•n ~t111J:C lltH Z:.''• .\\ !) I· t.- BY OWNER Phone Ha rbor 5188 or Harbor l9R3 c,..ri n,, 11'"' lnn,t• -~ t1,lnii :. ba 'l f111 n.hv•J ' l'h II 11 t• '' 7• I Just Phone HARBO R 1616 .t o Pl•c• Your Ad on ThiJ Peg•' l• •u ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ESS -PART IV · PAGE 7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1955 BA YSHORES HOM'~S 1. 2 bdrms .. :? bat hR. l~t' liv. rm .. Thermo kitch<'n. .... • P RIC'J::D Hl l:l fT ~ 2. 2 bdrm~ .. 2 bnt hs ~17,950 Balboa Island . BA YFRONTS Bayfrnnt homr on 60-ft . Jot. Ideal for builder. (1 ).()t va rant I l'ier & float .. . . . .... $6S,OOO Bayfront C1llil'r home . ....... . .... -.. -· $34.500 . Sre ll!i for a good _iiele<'lion nf BRyfrimt hcmH'fl. . Balboa Island BARGAINS One room. l<ikhenette, bnth, good location $11.!'lOO 2 unit~. oldrr. gnnd income . . .................. $14.900 4 bdrms .. S3~M down . . ........................... ~ 19,500 Balboa' Island Income Two unit:-. 1 bdrm. ~Reh ............. ····-·· .. $18.250 2 bclm1s . plus 1 bdrm. apt. . ... .... . $24.500 On L1ttll' b lantl, 2 b~rms. plus 1 bJrm. apt. $26.500 CORONA DEL MAR " bdrms. & 1k11 <':lnyon Yirw . . S23,500 :.! bdrm & .! ·o ~ ••. of Hwv. Small ctn. pymt. $18.500 ~ bd rn1!i. ,;n A v111·ado ...... : ........ _ ······-········· ...... $10,9QO BAL BOA PF.:'\JNSULA. 2 bdrm. home ..... $21,500 J.<'OR FURTH ER INFORMATION on all these fi.ne propertie~. call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:1 Marine A1:e .. Balboa Island v A 100°10 BARGAIN- Is WHAT THIR L IDO H OMF. JS. Not even a year 11tct sc•t ,111ct1~t r1oorpriffi"'Wiffi ¥.-BM-:-"·"""' ____ ._. <'rs ad1kd mnny impronml'nls 1111d now a promotion takl'S them away-so you cnn buy it for $25,900. Move in for SG.flOO and pay only Sl 27.50 monthly. LESS THAN 20°10 DOWN- T111N1\. OF lT -$4. :10 down for t h is excellent 3 bt'droom. 2 bnlh home on a large lot. Full price is $:!~.1!'>0. Stl)W and o~·t·n arc built in. A convenient • fli •<•rl'l:in mak<'s thiR most th·able. HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS- A l'rn YOl'R H f-:A}{T will be with this home when yot1 s1'•' t .,<' mngnificent firrplacc-lhe outstancting k1trhr n will pkasc you too. 3 bt•d rooms a nd two baths cm a large lot. New cnrpcL.,, 220 power. !-p<'rf Prt homP for $20,!l!"lO. • A PLACE IN THE SUN- JS YOt ·R~ wit h thi8 brand n'·w h c)mt·-supcrb sun- d,•1·k OJ)t•ni; vrr I he largf' mastt>r bedroom. 2 more bt>droomi;. 2 b11th>". c·aqwt€'<l. rtil~hwasher, d111posal, and th<' full prire S'.?9.500. POSTSCRIPT TWO LIDO P.-3 l11ts. 40x1 1R l'a<:h. SidE' by sidt>, 1111c> .'.'lli,f)()ll th1• 11thrr $1!'1.000 or $2fl.~ for both. 1 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( ACHOSS FRO~t RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Two Open Houses Sunday, Jan. 30, 1 -5 126 Amethyst , Balboa Island 3 bdrm.,'.:! b:ith hr>m1·. Fully rarprtNI. Furnace heal, g:ir:i:::<> l111om to build nn rt'a r of lot. F.xccllrnl lo- cat111n. Furnishings ind udP lknd1x & dU1poeal. ~26 500 A :'\D 1608 P ark Ave. (on Little Isla nd) '.! bdrm. cottai:r Qu:.lmt paJ'<'rl'I anti pinr Fireplace. !'\w1· patio, garai.:t'. SI ~1.500. BALBOA ISLAND l"OW IS TH E TIM F: In buy t hat summer home, or th(lt home for p '11.r-round living -We've several to show. Cottn)?e on rt'ar o f lot ....................... ···-········~500 Duplex • xlnt. Jrwat 1<tn ............... ,. ···········-14.900 Cc1lla~~. $1!'100 down-. . ........ ~ .........• 17,950 . 2 bdrm .. gar .. f1rrpl:icr. x'nl. buy ................ 1 8.~ 2 bdrm., fircrlar<', gar .. vr ry rulr ········-···· 19,500 4 bdrm. waterfront . ............. ·········-·-·· 2~.000 IJuplrx • Bayfront .... -·······-······· 35.000 ~f a nnt' Aw. b11i-1inri<!I pr<•rrn y .............•.... 3fJ.OOO ·orm·r lcrt , 4:1 x HO . •.••.•..••.••• . l~.000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor :J06 ~farine Ave .. Balbm\ IRh1nct P hrinr '11a rbc.r 502 -Eves 2306-R BALBOA ISLAND Only $5000 down If you arr' 1•111k111.,; f11r n g11ml 3 bdrm .. 2 bath h••nl• c !11. ,. l11 '.\'11rth lt1y. d1.11't mti-s t h1~ r1m·. Tl11· 1•nrr· isl-'• , .. 1, 11nablt• 1l \\'1ll ~11rpr 1sc ynu. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A1;M1(]atrs Pa rk at ~!arioc, Balboa lslan<l -Jla rbc;r 2102 \ '· . - PAGE 8 PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY p, 1955 COUNCILMAN SMITH OPPOSITION A tUssle for the council scat repr .. senting Distriet 6 dcveln pr·J )fondav when 1-ewls Walker, left, und IA;<' Walder, roghl, lJoth fllad. C'ity <.:lerk Char lPS Prt•·sl. <.:"nfu , keo·ps R f11·m grll~P ''" old No. 6 whtll• \\'a lkPr and L.oe rnM1 t r11•s lo tug ll toward 111111. The pair f11< .. 1 nllminatmi:: pilf't•rs ~lm11l111.n1•n11:-<l.v m cl1·t•k's c1I· fin" -Starr Photo c PAUSE.· MacKENZIE LIQUOR TRIALS NOW SET MARCH 18 Judge West Orders Cont~1nuance~ hrGrand-.Jury lndictment·-Cases-- .Utt Lands on Interior and Insular Affairs Committee , WA.SHl:"GTO."'J. D. C. (OCN'SI 1"90 much legial.aUon of vital con· -SPf:l'IAL S ERVICE -R"P· cem to California and the far Jame:,. U. lJtl of Orange County west." Thia year R ep. Clair Engle landed a phu·e un the llou.se 'ln· I • R. Cahf.) la chairman of the in· terlur and lnsuhsr AffaarR Commit-ll'rtor commllttt. Soon the com- tee Lh1s w"o.>k a.s X.epubhcan le11d· 1 millee \&ekl« · two controveuill\ ers hanJl'<I out GOP co111111lllt•e ntea.su.ru ,which w ould autborl:r.e as.~ignment:i for the n('w congTt'Ss. government construction of the up- ln the 83rd Congress Utt 1!4!rved per Colora!So River atorage and 011 • the t ax-w rltmg house W•Yd the '"frying pui-Arkan ... " water ond ~ft>nns Commltt~. H e was and powu projt'Cl11. Califo rnia wa· b11rnp<'<l ufr that committee when ler lnte~su art' oppolled to both D1•mocrats took over contr->I of the measures. Sith Coni:-rcss this year. . Both projects were blocked in t;tt sail! he 111 pleased with has Congrellll lut year and are ex- n!'W commlttre as~lgnment be· peeled to touch off a new region&! cause the intl'n or g roup handles battle lhla year. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE AD\'EKlJ'ISE.wt.:ST FOR BIDS Notice 1s hert'by given that the Board ot Truateee of the Orange Co11>1t Junior College District of Orange County, henlnafter reterrfl! lo 1111 I ht· "Owner." wtll receive up t o, but not later than 2 :30 P .M., 1'\•bruury 11, 195~•. S<'flled bids for the award Of contract for a 640 aeat c·upnt·tty t ra<•k bleachers addition to the stadium of concrete on com· pnett·d fill with wo1.HJ scats and s teel pipe raill.ngs. Such bids shall be r!'tt>iv"d In lhe office-of the Owner. in the Admlnllltrallon Building: Ornngc Coust College, 1991j! Soulh·Harbor Boult'vard. near Costa Mesa. Ornni.:e County, California, and shall be ot!enNI llnd publlcly read a loud ttt t he a bove slated lime in the Board Room of the AdmtnJ1tr-,llon RufldinJ..". F.;frh bid m ust conform and be respo.nsive to tbla Invitation, the plans. ~pl'cif1enllo11s, and all other documenla compnslng the pertinent 1·nntmrt documc-11ts. Copit's of the Contract Documenu are now on fil~ uni.I "fll.n ln public lnsrwNion in the said offices of the Owner, and M Htl·hurd J. 21'C't1lra and Robert E. Alexander, Archltecta, localed at !l:li!I GIC'ndale Boulevar d in the City of Loa Anirelea. in uid County nr1rl State anti may be obtamet:t a t either place by depoeitlng $25.00 fqr ••aeh >'<'l. '(his deposit will be refunded If the aet or aeta of Contract Oncumen ts dellvcre<l 11r" rPlume<l ln good condition within five day1 a(tcr the bld openinJ':. t 'nil prices rcqllcl;ted for excavation, concret., ateel, et,c. Comple- tion lllne requcsl"d to be set by bidders. A statement of financlaL con'· tlllion and dl'posit of 10~~ of the total bid by certified check or bid bund Ii-z·equlrctl with each bid; labor &.nd·materiala bond and perform- ruwe bond r equired of eonfi-actor selected. ER ch bul shall be made out on a for.n t.o be obtained at either or the said offict's in wlueh th'!' Contract Docwnel}ts llTt' o~ me. SA:-O:TA A:\ t\ I O(.':'\S l -l'u· 1 t'\I Ju.ti;•' \\'i•,;t "''"tinuc lh .. ir «Oil· F:1wh bl<! sh111l be accompanied by a certified ·or caahler•1 check H r----....... ,..,..,,.,....,..,.,..,....-+r~i:;1· F 111nld1n \\"l''l 5f'1r:1i·y •""''l o J 1 •l.m., F t itlrt.\' pay!lblc to the Owner. or satisfactory Bid Bond in favor of Ule Owner, ?.tondhV ,,rtJ1•J·~t ,•on1 1nu,uu·,·~ 111 A n111Lruvt·1 ~y a11H 1n~ 01to1ncy:; • ~-~~~~-~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r"x~ .. ,c~u~tr~d¥b~y~t~h~c~b~1~d~dff•~ru~~~andaPU~~ry~~c~~y I' t t · • • • ~orteM-i:Flan len percent o1 [he ,..I~ • c ec C"HM\"' untl •111l•·r•ict :11tttlh••1 lt1 t:u Wjfz \\_f,nl1•tl C11 t 11nt1n111• \•' 1·u~t-Do.. ~ .J 11.ht•nd us sr·h•·•lllli·tl (u l'. two 1111mths. \\'tdl Sl••11wr, 1.1r bid bond s h11ll be i;:tvcn as a guanuite.e that the blddt'r will exe<:ule H. E Mart.: .. nw' ~11.,1 .. 1111, .i hq· 1 l11111dl111i-; 1'ttkt'IC1"h1 ·,, .-a,.,• "llJ"•·t· file Conl rncl If it bP 11w11rdcd lo him in cc;mformlty with the Contr11Ct · uor , h1t>(; 11,,11111111 1•1111,.,., Vt .onb·· J •"I. lfr :1~k.-t1 t I.•· I rlnl ~··l 11111h·r-Document.'! und will provide the aurety bond or t-onda .. epecltled l·n11ntv's ~u.-pi·nil,.t! liqunr '""". "'") nut latPr thnn F , b. 7. JIP s1111I t h1•rl'in w1th1n fl\'t• day!! a ftt'r notlficallon of the award of the contract irnrl .\i11ko·y .1 .. 1w:-. UJ.11""""k'"l'·1 fak1 kn~h1 is f.tl'ini.; l11:t1 Ill !;1,; ti> the b1duer. er. ~aw th" .111•IJ.:" '"nt111111• lh•·tr Ani:elt·s nnd \\ant• 1h1" 1•11 >•· 111 h•· Thr owner rese1·v~:; the pn v1lege of reject ing any and all blda or t rlnl :-.• t 1 .. r l•iduy lo '.\tl111 h :!'I. tak• n \lf• ft1.•t 10 .wnlvl' any irreguhlrit1Ps or lnformalilie1 in any bid or in the bi<!ding. Atlorh•'V" r .... tho• "' '"'1tl:t11t• I ('O:-.~•·•tt .\( ,. ('llAtu;t:O J'ur~uant lo lhf' Labor Code of the State of Callfomla, tbe •Id 11111!1 l h1·~.' ·n~qlo-tl 111 .. 11• 11111.• ,,, Tiu· lhrt:' .. •umu• 1" 111"'11"•·.J <if cc,n· Bna1 d <tr T rustee8 has aRcert11..int"d the general prevailing rate Of ~r puntul' tht>11 "'~ In t h•• 1q •pl'l:a1 .. , "l'arni.y lfJ "b~trun lht' du•· course t11 .. m w11i:•·11 for each craft or type of workmen nttded to execute the c.,,11.,l and 111 th~· ~t1-1 l t· -"llftl•tn•· •it th•' 1 .• ,,. and l11JUfl' puhlh' n1or ... l"cttirt Th•· 1,,,. hn" ""'n .1,11,...i :ii:< 111 tlw 111111,.,,, 111 Japan!'~• l"11nlracts which will be awarded lh• auccei111ful biddere; and theff a w i tt "' J'l•llululi1on 111 111,, "l'P• 1., h4~1rw Ii• t•n:o.<'-< r1,.vntltnl{ rat1'l1 arr ront1<lned In said speciflcatior.a adopted by the lnl•• C'llllll Ht sun H,.rnaiiltnu ,\I.ill Sl•'lll"r "''"'-'"'t"d th• ,,,.,. lit> l!oar<I und Brf'.' as follows : H t1t\\'al:t 1,,1.,, ~• •lllllj.: l'.tll~•· II.ind· <'•llllrttlt'd tu ~'t 1dU~'. Thill W•111ld ['l.ASSlt'ICATIU.S: 1 ... 1 ni11~t •·t 111.-.ttj(llrtJ•nl· j("'" h itll 111, .. · 1'' j(•I Ill•• I"'" An· APl'tU ::'\TIC ES : M11y he employed in conlonn1ty with Section 1777.5 1 .. \1 K OI' I:\ lllt:~l't. 'J i.;o·l,.11 trl~" .. 111 11di11 •-.1 llf th•' t'1tltforn1a l..a l>or Code. PaU""I\.' Hfht t ;lu\•I l l••,lt.h · ;..:u1- fl.un\'d/ ·'''' ·• lt11ar1H>' h•lut" la 1\ru,nn1~1t "'"''''J•jlt • •lllHt1\1•, thl· !\littP ~UJ'lf'tlll' j ,,UJI 4'1ttlldn'l t wnl\'t'd l h•"ll' 11•••\Hll\ Int t 11llttt111- h1• 111t.uJ.1 d b1•t1111 ~S.u1h 1~ 'llh uni. ••t :1 H1n~p11,1·~· t 11i1I .-od tl tt1'!11Jhl.11ll'll (J '-IH) !ht• 11\•'•4.'UUUl IH• \\Jlf ).:it "It .t-4 1'lilt1•J j n i ,Xt ~1 t11Pf.t \' •lu t1u1 nl ,,.tUIOt•d h,\ lh•• t nuntv I J11wkln" und t'u11kt• Hit' tuf·trf'••·f ~,.,,.,JU I\' J ,,k·tl .11ft 111 1 rt t\I• fll ···n ... p11.1c ,\' lo uh•llUCt th. dUt.' d••IH • •••lll1\£' ,,( lt.•' '11" and 10 111111 1Hth· Th· t i ' ,, I •• I •I \ti 1 I IJf1· J11· t1111111I la"flll [.111111>.: o1! ~.l,,UlJU 11'1111 !(.,,., 111 llw i 'lt11,. 'luk.•)< .. ,1 .. 11n•I (;t ,,. of lh•• ''·•J'•'"l1.1n•> Jl11l• I ••ll•t • J-;blt .-.1 tt Hl••1. lhtJ\\'1ti ,_1-..u il''t··d $';;,,Ml t111tt1 .1 •• , 1, ""'Hh·d_\, ~·o-Clt lh t• JUtlo ,. l •U H ,.1 ('.ii.tit l1 ull ,,., 1'l1·'-1t h t1 •·\'-ll' r t11r t.:1 ttlf1&.: on nn. l'uU""•' "JI th1• J.:HHU1d• .1 1 •' \'1 t1· n Jl'(ltl•· .,:• 11• t·11 I 11 I• 1 J • P '" f• 1 4,f lO:ld11 J Jnn·ht "' ,,,. tn fl'' JU•h1 ,, t h1 rn 11,.-th>.•· Fldr. d '"'" J,., •t • 111 ,,_ J1fe\h•1 , Ar ihu1 1. t,1J1• I l 1IUrll· pr1 ... 1•n IHI t i••tTI ~J fq oh"S y.~ ..... 110 f'tl ht>lf' I J•rn t"htllif ltH"llf°l ~1on·1._trt ntl tt\f'(t nn't r •r J.:''r \' t1Ht\l1- d ay, ltrl•I 'f.1k1n TRk••k.,•h1 \\11l1h· I l1••TI'< · Coasr Athletic Women Host Southern California WAA M<'n•llt·1,. .. r \\\·n•• n' Athlol1c 111 11;: th1 • v!'nt. '°''"'uni: th" r•· A11sor111t1u11, ••r th• ~ .. 111h• 1 n (",t ll· f'a"•• r1t1tl1.-1 ~ 1111t1 ~' 1\·1111: a• h• •• fom1a .Jun11•r (\ ll•·l;;· .A·,.~.,. 1.i t1un l• """''' \\•'1•· \\ /\A l 'r• ""'' t••nt ~.!ttall• 1'n711111.\11 I II Hfl)-', .11111• \\'I'll' ~11• t .. , l)t .an .. (',.,, I c·u1• \1111111\k;t ,,,, 1h··in1 All I II ,, .. 1 )t'Jt(t o· •J. ,, u r 1 t11.: t1• 11 .Jan J; !"\h•v•·r, t)t anl:' OU1t r ... t111i• ul.• \\ht) >lt'f\'1 .J \\• , .. 4 A11 11111..• l '" u1 1.1 1· pla n th• l'r11 '1•11,, ~:1"an.:• 1. t:alh•, l•l.111.i l'prlni.; ~· '• ·luh·~ f, 1 '""'" 11 • 11th· \'tr g n111 \\ .11..1111. 1111\• 1:111h Jett~ l iHlll'-"th t:I• llf 1tl' h11h·d P1•11 L t 'u .. fu :\l1 "'•i. Hiid 1:11!-tt' t wo lt'fll•''• n lt'I\•. ''"" " '·" llfl\ ~I.or!• St .. ll111r lhlnl1ni.:•111l 11 ... ,, h 8th'"i1'0 1 II"''' ••nh ~11H1hitr1 t'llt· tlt,.lt1h11te.J OiillH' l,l~"' :-;,,.,,, H1•l· fom 1t1 J111111•1 ,·,11,.,, "'""I"''"" 1111.._ l'tin;.r t ll•.J•ll. Fll•·n ~1th. ""t•r• 1'1•l f,.r t"r\'11,.. t1.1;p\1•1tJ• Ul!'l. ('•·\Hll.l 1J• I .,\tH1 .ind .lura• .\J1.iu · Arf'httrv rn . ,il~ \*Hil• \t\atl u nd ~orl .. ,,~a ,,,,,,11 1111 \\• ,,. In f ''·"~ I r hkll ~port ''" •n t 1, ''"ttl nc yi ,. • / " t ,,_,, "·' t-1 I• 11 \I,, mrf'l,.. 1 1'•11'•7.tt 111>1 1 ·1111111 n• \\ 11 .. 11. ()rRn,:.~ 1 ., .. ,l \\.A.A ni. rntwr."'. Jl11nt 1n1. .. 1• r~ 1h·a· ti :.•,,,it 1• rt• .1. u ntlf\t t ht d11 i't'l 1on r1( Jl, VttJ~· 1111 nt :"''•th !"\•ult tl1,r.t1r ""1, ll- Cflmph•~ll J1h~"'u •I 1dU• n t.1111 IH· ,11, .-h n+l fo'r .,1H .. 1:1'"'n t , •, l'ilnl!'l<H , \\•I• 1n thltrJ;• 11( pl.1n · l ~h ••I \\t H• I• p1 <t'nl1411\'o SECOXD 1-.\RGt~T Tl0XA-R<.'<.'('i\·ing truphy for Sl'C· ond l:irg<'st tuna. 30-lb. test line. is Mrs. William Tnb1.1~. right, from Mrs. Claude Hannon. lrft. nt :innu:il :'\r\\-. po rt H:irbor Lndy A nglers banqut'I last F riday 111ght nt N1•w 1•t1rt lfa r b11r Y a1 ht Club. -?11 l11l i.:hcnt k Phi.to ' CA ltl'~::'l:TERS: C ·11111t•nl•'I' ............................ -···-.. -· ... ·-····--·· ... ·-····-·-·-S2.775 l•.l•11tl lll,\l'I ............... -..... _ ........... -......... -.. _···-.... ----········--2.975 :.11l11'J>;hl ................................... __ ........ -.... -······-·--·· 2.97:1 Saw l"al1'r ... -·········-----·····--··--· ... 2.M6 TalJIP Pnwl'r S11w Opr~r -..... -:._··-··-··--·--·-~-·-2.~ C'~:.11•::'\'r Fl~l ~Hl!:RS. I·, 1111·nl 1"1n1~h1•r . --.................. -..... _ .. _ .. 2.70 '""Uh·nl F1ni~ho·1 1!'1.n1pos1l1<1n or Mutlc• -·-·-·····-··-· .. 2.82 1·,·111. nt Fln"r l'1nt~hmg MhC hme O~rlltor ... -.. -.. --··--· 2.82 HlCI:'\ \\'t)l<J-:HS · l<•·•nl1111 1n!: Jrun \\'rn k .. 1 ··········-·· _ .. _.-· .. ···-·--··-·-2.85 .\f f'l ·11 l'a n s .. 111-r . . .......... -··-····· .. ·-·· .. ·········-·-2.38 ;11,•t11I l'an 8 t'tlt 1 W!llkmi; ForemRn ··-.. ·-··-·-····· .. ····-·-· 2.~ .\l••l11I l'un S• ll1 r Hrlp1•r . . ................. -... --··-···-····-2.17 s l 1 lH t 111 al lf'on \\'ork1•r .......... -··-·-·-·····-· .. ··---·-······· 2.86 ~"Ill •' 1-:r r1 tor . . .............. ·-·····--··---..... _ .... 2.85 (,.\ TlOHl::R8: l.obrn ,.,.~. Genrrnl nr <:oni;trort1on ..... ···-···· .... . .... 2 075 (Jp.-r11tor10 t1n1I T<'nJt>J :1 ••f l 'nu,•ma lic and Electric T ools, V1 hnit1n~ ~t:u him·~. 11n<1 i;1mllar mechanical tools not ~··11111::ilt'ly t '""~1f1,.cl lw1e1n ....... ·-····-··-.. -··-········· .. 2.285 ,\1111• I' 1 Hant.I or Ma.<:htnt•1 .... ········-·--··-····-·--·-····· 2.-tt:; ~lot111 ma11 •. . .. -····· . --· ... _ 2.t 3:1 t "emf'nl l!1ampt r 111n 1 y1I. or l11ti:1•r mixers a.nd hsndllng l.Julk 1 l'UHnl I 2.28.") 1\RphRlt Hake1 1t.ntl l1nnt•r ···-···-· ......... _ .. ··-·-··-···-2.W Uuc~) niubtlc Man ... ______ 2.™ 1·un1 1<"1 1! 1'u11 r ·-lmpf·n ·wus Mrmbrane -··----·-2.28!) I •t 1 II• 1 w L < 'or1. D1t1 mcm<I. nr \\'agon ' ........... ·-·······-··· 2.5o2!> • I •1 tllt-11< I All 11lh"1"' -................ -. ·-···---··· 2.365 Cu• & U1I l'lpo·lin>' Laborer ......... ·-·-.......... " .. _ .. -·--2.071j l-'lni:11 ,.111 ·-··-··· -····· .............. -···-·-·-2.07$ 1:w1rd i1n1J "r \\'11khn1an ........... ·-···· .......... I 97 c;,., & n 11 1'1pPhnt• \\'rnpprr-Pot Trnd"r a nd F nrm M11.n 2.28:1 1;0• & \hi l 'IJ•.,hn~ \\'rnppt·r-6 m• h plflt• anrJ <•ver _ . 2.41 ~; St•\\'11 I 'II'" l.i1) 1·r 1 rxclulimi: <.:auU<•r J •• ··-.. ·····-· 2 385 ·"'"'' l '•I" t ',11tlkrr 111~1ni: (';rnlkm~ tnol~I' ............. _ 226.~ ~-,..wrr J•11w l',tull1••r '" nwnl J<>inL~I . • ... -···-···-·--·-2.12:> T,111111111 .tntl :.1 111 tarm11n .. .. ....... ···---···-.. -·-···-2.1 2..~ \\ 111.l•1w t 'h•An,.1 ................. _ ....... ·-·-········-.. ···-···· 2.2~ OT'F.rtAT JXr. ~::'\l~l;\'Jo:~:P.8 l< .... m Tru• k . .. .......... . 2 88 \If t 'o111p1•·~ .... i·r t lf" 1·1tc1 r .. •····· ....... 2.37 tr.'mrrett' er a11ph1t.ll B""""JI nr ~1 ''' 1 l1•>ll I lf•rrnto1 f'l.ont I <"vn• ••·t•• l'r A ~11t1.1lt ~plt>flilini:. ,,, F;m•h :.1:u h111r op .. 1111111 2 62 :'If,., han1cA I 1 amping '"'"' p I• :'lllX"r l lp• 1Rt nr -r 11 vmc IYJ'" t '<1111 1 • I" ,\lixr r tlp<111 l11r m11b1I•· nwc"r . .. •·•·n< t1•!•• :.11x11 <>1·•·n•t11r -l'ktp 1.\"f'" f 'nn1'J • tt• f-'unip , .. P 11nq1(r,.h· Gun t.1r.--·rnt~•r -.. -.... . H• "'Y J•ul) Hq•.111111><n . ·-· ........... . II·;\\'\' 1 •nty H· I'"" 11:11.n -H"IJ'• r .......... ·-······ .. -..... .. Eli ''"t"r H111~t \lp1•r.•l••r ll1.-lilar1•· 1'11 hl1•\\t1)' ClJ"'l8lor . \J 1t••riod l..<11111•1 o•r 1· .. ll''f)••r ()pf•rntnr ,\)r1'•11 1·.,1r11l t •;wrS\'• r, Jt '1udtn~ an~' h;;~ h . l~'pe nf f'C"""r t l•hK ·~h nt ·1: .. 1;t 11• .1pull tlf" 1 .. t. r ,t•r 0 \\"10 I 1;1 ' • 111t·nl HH :ii<''' Pi'' r ut11r 2 68 2 91 2 82 2 52 2 52 2 i6 2 25 2.60 2.82 2 3i 2 82 2 82 2 60 ..J:11-.1:a1r11rl•1;''' ··················-2.52 11"1kr Oj•("tAl11r . . ............... _,_ 2 60 Sktl' l,<• ... l•r l lJ"'ll•l~•r -whrd lypl' ... -·· 262 8 1 t1'<•U U1•1'rRIHI , _ .............. 2.37 !··'tnt1"i'" v I '•f'" \\'t appang Rnd Cleaning :'llllch 1n" Oper. 2.68 s11r!.i." 111 a t••r trn•J l'ls ner U!'1'rRtor 2.76 T"" lllnd. or lit ad~r Opo lllt•t . .. .. -............ .i. ..... 2 52 Tro, tr1r H1·L1rt i:<hn\·l'I 0r.-rator . .... . ... 291 T rA• t•1r llJ>t·1ator -Bullduzu. tRm~r. Kl'llJ'C'r or d rar l~ r" ~h•l\'i'I Ot U\>om a ttac-hmenlp --~··--2.68 r1 '" t• r :-riap• r or nrag Ty}>(' 11hoH I -tancl•m __ 3.09 Ti• n, il1ng ~lat hin" Opcratnr .---..-2.71 Tr:LT K flRI V l-:RS · l:'twf'.'ts of Oun11• Truck# -I, 119 than 4 yda. water lenl 2.11 l lnv,,r.• 11r D•m>p Tn.1cks -4 yds. but leu than 8 yda. Wiil er Jt vt l ........... -· ..... ___ ----2.21 f1rlv"r~ n! Dump Truckl'I -8 yM but l~u than 12 yd.a. w11trr lt'wl .. 2 2e Dt 1\-.•rs cif Dlin1p 't rurk• -12 yJs. but lu1.U1an 18 yda. ' LEGAL .NOTICE-LEGAL NOTICE 111ater level ···-........ -· ... ···-···-··········-··: ........ -...... ···-··· 2.3t Driver. of Dump Truck• -16 yet.. or more wa~u level 2.!)6 Driven of Truck•~le1al pay/oad capacity leal tlum 6 ton• 2.18 Drlvtra of Truck8, le1&1 f>ayioad capacity IM-tween 8 • and 10 ton1 ... ..... ...... ... .. ....... . ................. .......... ..... 2.21 DT!vera of Truck•. legal payload capacity ~twun .. 10 and l~ tons . 2.26 Driver• to Trucks. legal payload capacity ~twe.,.n 111, and 20 tons .. 2.34 D rivers of Truck11, lt>ga l payload capacity ot 20 t on• or more ... . ... . ... ..... . ......................... . . .. 2.!)6 Dr1vera of Euclid type Spreadrr Truck• ........ : ................. 2.!)6 Driver& ot Dumpattr Trurk.s ... .. ......... 2.!)6 Dr1vera of Transit-Mix Trucks under 3 yda. 2.42' Drlvera of Transil-llflx Tn.:ks 3 yds. 01 ntQ.Te ......... . ... 2.!'16 Gas Ir Oil Pipeline Working Trl.K'l< Driver. lnd udmg Winch Truck and all 11i:ue of Trucks .. A. 2.36 Boot mtn ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .... !.! 36 Oumpcrr~e Truck, leu than 611 yds. wat11r 1 .. v.-1 ........... 2.42 Dumpcrett' 'l'ruck, 6 l 2 yds. water level and over ............. 2 ~ Rosa Carrier Driver -H lghw&) ....................... 2.!'16 Wattr Truck driver -under 2Ml0 gal. ............................ 2.2t Industrial' Litt -Trur k Driver .......................... 2.18 Water Truck Driver -2!'100 g•I. or m ore ............................ 2 36 Trut'k Grea!ler and Tlreman ............................................. · 2.29 Truck Repairman ... .... ·· ............................................ .!.... 2.7-1 Truck Repairman Helper ............................................ :....... 2.29 \\'arehouaeman -.Clerk ........................................................ 2 24 Aabe1to11 Worker ................................................................ 3.1!'1 Bric;klayer and Stonemuon -.............................................. 3.40 Brick Tender _ .............................................. -......................... 2.-tO Ti.le Layer or Setter ..................... ; ..... -......... -....................... 3.0~ ELECTRJCIANS: Electrician -General Foreman ............................................ 3.92 Electrical Foreman ................................................ _.............. 3.:16 Electrtcal Sub-Foreman _ ............................ _.~...................... 3.38 E lectrician ._.. ........................................................................... 3.20 LEGAL NOTICE L£~AL NOTICE Cable Spllct'r -................ ~··································-···"·······-· .. ···· 3 .'.\O LATHERS: Lather ·······-······-· .. ······················-·-····.,···· .. ··-·· .. ······-··············· !l.46:'! For•man Lathf'r ....................... -............. _ .............................. 3 i i~ PAfNTERS: Reg1.1lar Bn111h Painttr .. .... ..•. ... ... ~ i O Brush Swing Stage ... ·~ !I.'.\ Iron. Slttl and B1·adft' :i 11:1 Iron, Steel an<I Bridge Swing St1<1t•' ..... ····-··· :1 211 Spray Gun or Sand Bla :stt'r ................ -. .......... :.! !l.'.\ Spray Gun or S~nd Blaatt'r swini; Stai;1• .......•................ :i 20 Paint Bumere ··-·······················. . .......... -............. ,_ ... ,. 3 7<T Papt-r Hani:ers .. .............. .... • ....................... ·-··········· · 2 l!:.l.'.\ Carpet. Linol1•um ··-······-··-·· .................................................. 3 UI Glazier and-Cutlt'r ............................................................. -.. :l.!>11 Plaster•ra . ........... ..... . ..... :_u 37~, Plaster Foro.>m11n ... 3.61!70 Nutt': All or the aoove 1·rafls 11rp 11t1lJJ1't'l tu 11 tnJ:\' b1•nPf11 ~. O\'EKTIME RATr:s FOR SIX B:\~u · TH.-\llt:s: OvC'rtune 11hall be 1n11d fur wN·k pr 1 f11111<t"l 111 "X•'<''~ 11f the rei:ulAr day's or WE•ek'B work and al th., rate f11r 11\·e 1·1a111o• 1•1•h .. 1·au11 inv\JIVN!. Holidays 11s hert>an tt'ft'rted t" t1hHll bi' l11·.-111 .. ,1 tu he, ="""' 'it'a1"1 Day Decor1liun Lotty, ln1Jtopc•nd1•n«c 1111,v, Lnt.,.11· ~ '"). A 1inbl1e1· I 111)', Thanksglvini; Day, and Cha 1s lm 1ts. Ir :my 11f llw eb.1v1 ho1hcl1ty11 !nil on Sunday, the Mond11y folluwln~ :<hall I.Jc .-..n,111,•1,.,1 1• lt-ptl lwhtllt~'. It 11ha.ll be manrlatury upon th.-I \Jlltl'lll'Ltll' tu "'Jwrn a 1·1mtrnct 1s awurdt'd, ancl upon .. 11 aull.-,•utt 1n t .. 1,. 111111<-1 h1111, t1• pny n"t le ... , than , s<tld g1•ner11.I p1·<-vaallng rn t,•..i of per .. !1<·111 w11i.;1-,; 111 All w11rk11w11 i-m- pluye1t In th.· •Xl"('U\11111 Of th ... ,., •111 mo'\. • No b1d1h'r miiy w1thclraw his b1J fo1 n 1'"1 1 .. .i or :10 tluys 1<tl1•r the dale t!l'l for the opt•nini;: of Utt• bids Board of Trusle••li. Or11ni.;,• t'11a11t J unior College 0 1strkt. 0 1 an~1· I ',111111~·. C11llfvrn1a S1i.:ne1I: B. H. l'F.TEH~O:'\. Scat"\:iry Publish : January 27 and February 3. HlMI Open: Ft>bruory 11, J9:i:i. 2:30 P . M. Nb. 1283 New11-Press COMPAR'E • • • WE tNVITE ··- comparison of the Newport Harbor News -Press ,with any and all newspapers circu· lated in the Harbor area, and you will find the "News -Press" COMPLETE Yes, complete in every detail: Local News, well written end reported fairly and partially ·by our editorial staff, 1911 residents of this community. THE f INEST PICTURE COVERAGf im- Pages replete with interesting pictures of local heppenin91, wh"ether it be an acci- dent or a wedding, or perhaps a Feature pa9e of the local bell dub in action. REPRESENTATIVE ADV.ER TISING The columns of the "News -Press" carry the advertising m~u"i9e of representative merchants throughout the area, ooth in clauified and display. You will want to check these advertisements for values on all commodities. ·· .EDIT1lRIALS Every iuue of the Newport Harbor News -Press carrie1 an Editorial page which deari with both local and National issues. Editorials expressing hopes for the future, com- mentin9 upon the problems of the present, and endeavoring to offer a solution • y ES -WE DO INVITE COMPARISON BECAUSE • •• After you 'check paCJe by paCJ• with ALL other newspapers circulating in the area, Y°" wm want to subscribe promptly to the comp_l•t• newspaper, the BEST newspaper in the entire area. .Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of each week pays for one year's subscription which brings both papers (Monday & Thursday) to you by mail or carrier. P1eue enter my aubM:rlpUon to the NEWPORT ltARBOR NEWS· PRESS for one year. I undentand I shall receh·e both Monday and ThuNK!ay iAeues for ooJ)' $6.00 per year. NAME ADDRE88 I CITY / 1.