HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-31 - Newport Balboa Press• I I l ~ l j I 1 , I --......,~~ GATEWAY TO REFUGE-Some 26 miles above Kingman, Ariz., on U.S. Highway 93, thia aign hangs at the glteway to the Bonelli ranch. Six miles away, along a dirt road, lies the ranch owned by William G. B<?nelli, former State Board of Equali- zation m·ember for Southern California. It was to this ranch the f onrier ''liquor czar" came after his ill-fated bid to retain his board seat in last November's elections. OCNS Photo BONELLl'S HOME-Former Liquor Chief William G. Bonelli has spent the past three months in this tiny, two-bedroom stucco house near Kingman, Ariz. The house waa recently built, but the ranch land on which it stands has been in the Bonelli fam- i;IY for. the past 72 years. -Ol,"N~ ~hoto by Pat Michaels MORE TIME FOR MESA 10 SOLVE DRAINAGE Stanley Bill Aids Problems by Giving 2-year Fund Extension A.n auembly blU co-authored by 40 per cent of the popul&tlnn live• Sari W. Stanley ot lh• Haroor on the ea.al aide of town bf'tw,.en area haa affordrd the City nf ltlt h St. nnrt 10th St.. lrM thin a Coeta Mua more t imf' on drsln· fourth of the city·,. t1otnl nren. &&'e probl,.m11. There la no <'llPf'('IHI d1111noge prnb- A1111embly Biii !l:n. 1700. rtatr1I lrm 1n th1ll 11r~i. But in the th1n- Jan. 18, hu j:lven a two-yeMr •·X· i ly populat!'fl norlh1vc11t iwt;t1on fl( t l"n11lon on allocation nt state runita the c111. lh• <Jra lnng1 prubll'm 1,. to local agenC'1u for the conatruc· 1 M>noia. to pniperly planned fu· tJon of public worktc. lure i:rowlh of the <·ommunlty. BONELLI REJECTS OTHER NEWSMEN Hundreds of newsmen have huntrd for William G. Bonelli 11lnce .hr bC'came the focal pomt ot Southern Cahfornla'a liquo r llcelll!e lnve11t1gatlon. One national magaZinr nff('red the former liquor chief $12,000 for hl11 story. At lea11t one re· portPr on each·Southem Cali· fornia mttropoUtan ne.w,.. pa~r has been aalgned, fUll- tlme to tcacktng down the Ji. qunr czar. At the lime OCNS 1 rp<>rl ••r l'at Mlchuls inter· v1• WNJ t r!e much talkl'd about cx-hqunr h rad. Bonrlli "how- NI him ovt'r 100 lellt'r11 from n1•1\·11ml'r;1 1tro~d th.e notion e:<klng tn br grant"d Ule In· ll'rvil'W. InvolVl'd for Co11tu Ml'K& HI $H I.· 1 ORAISJ\Gf: llt:AOA('llE 000, ACC'ordmg tu C'1ly M•lllfll:<'I On t tw nm thWI'.•\ tu·•·tl••ll nf I GC'Orge \V. Cofff')'. UPft111' th<' • X· l<•W11 thl'rl' 1;r•· nw rt> then SITO HALECREST tenalon of time. corr. y l'ft1d. C'11•111 ol'r•·ll <•f Jnnd furni,.hmi: Mt'su ot- )J~ wat l<Uppol'NJ In h1w 1> llS hr1als a drl\lnRR•• hl'11darhr. ThlM 47th· YEAR -NUMBER 74 MORE COUNCILMEN COST CITY $400 Newport Beach'• two ad- 1lltonal councilmen, whomever lh«'y m&y be. will co.st the city $200 eaC'h. • City council passed an ap- propriation of U OO I.hi. morn- ing tor nece11sary remodeling In the chamber to accommo- lJ11te the additional two re- presentatives. Freedom Homes 'Meet ori Taxes Due This Week A meeting ot all chairmen of l he Frredom Taxpayers League In Freedom Homee tract will be held sometime th111 week to dlscuia n1•w lnfomiation obtained ln ef· forts to S(l(ltllght exact re&AOna for a pparwt lnequitie.11 In monthly payment11'for tcact home purchu· rr:o, the News-Preas learned today. Slnre the public protest meeting nf more than 1100 home ownenr In the tract at Rea School Jan. 21. a 11evl'n-man permanent committee hu been formed, 11.11 attorney ob- tained, ond Incorporation of the t a.xpayers league waa 11t.a.rled at t he end of la11t week. ISC'ORPORATIOS MO\'E The in<"orporatlon action wu launched by At~orney William Adam11, whn hiu donatl.'d his "er- vlcea a.. a home purchaser In the Frerdom Homo tract . Olher actions. members of the league in· d1cate, will take pace following incorporation of ~e group. Treuunr Frank C. Owen of the pt'nnanent committee reporl· ed $1:11 wu conlrlbutt<I by the home purch&11er11 protesting in· r rea11ed monthly tax collectlona in· r ludet1 In their payment& at the Rea Sr hool 11e1111ion J an. 21. Since then. the lrt'W1ury amount has risen to $382.44. Owen aatd. AREAS DIVIDED The FrPedom Homea tract haa been divided by the committee into 19 acrea of 3:1 homea each. A cha1rm•n haa ~n appointed In each area to rontact members ot th• leque. The permanent committee la compoeed ot th• rollow1ng: Pre111dent V. E. MacCarter, 930 Dogwood; Se<'tl'tary R. S. Sar· l('ent. 2024 Rrpubllc; Treuurer F. c·. Owen, 934 Evergre.-n; X lck Mardesich , 2034 ~epubllc ~r,s. A. E. Wells, 979 Linden Place; Je88e C W iicox. 929 Cedar, and Mrs. Leeming. 909 Arbor. a pplication for ua1n1t lht fun•lll in Hrl'n ll'f'n'"'•nl:< th,. i:r•'Ol('•t I by Junf' of thl" Y«llr and lhr T''."" 1<our1·t• "' putrntrnl i:rnwth 1n ANNEXATION j"t completMI by J 11nt' nt ll'.•tl t'Mti; ~!••"1, It t1r1< bl'lwrPn H11 r· 110 1'1'.:D t'OK •·•·~ns 1> .. r lllv<I u nd l'l11r1nt1r1 A\'• In· MeM city C'0Un1·1I hflJ'• -4. tn in· '""" llw 111r hmlls "ff \\"1l•••n l'l FIRM ASKS 'HEARING elude tht' 1<lele mc1nl•'~ In thr n111n-In th• f.td ,.f Int rr 1u•rtl (:t.Jt,"I· bt'r one r rnJl'Ct rnr ini: lh"nl t l11n, A ron11ni: "'' httt•I b<t01I tlert1nn Rrnnd1ni: most of the alleg a· a d. equal I' dralnai.:•' M•l11111m C'tt y I""'' t ht• llnntirrn I 1<rt b1trk .. wh11'11 t111n~ m11\ll' Rt the r"re nt Hale· Englner r R. I .... l'sllf'r•nn tnf1)rnt· 1o<•• ur 11l 1h1• <11~1 nf 111.-yenr. it <'''"I 1u111••\11 llnn prote&l hra nng .<S thf' rnunrll l\n 111Hn••h.tlf' •11 11111· """ nh1•·"""' I•• llw 111\' l.tlh1·r• th•' 11~ 11ntru• ·· l 't11 tt'r Ll111nrll. 1rr· age projrrt to hrnn•·h ~·•l•1t1oon in Ill I'• I • ••11 11( II" I'' 1•111,., ,. n •I 11•;.,•111a11\·•· of lhe Hale l·ompun~· lhr~ major '"""~ v. .. 111.i '"I pnrt11 11i>•rly H•n<'11n"1l \\llh (l,w .. 1 1•! 1;nrtlrn <.;rovr. has requestPrt 1260.000. , oond1tlNJ" d111ini: r111rs m1i:h1 <1t· i •11•11ll1• 1 l"•ltl1<' h!';1nng on the Patter&on e.11t1nrntrtl thnt 1( 1<11 rr .. t nn\· h .. n.s 1~1'11r tn11n1 hf'rl t•"' · · avallablr u i<11<ta.n<'<' w11~ ,.1Jt1111wd 111111 k l~ • i"!\rn•·ll t old the ?\ew11·Prri1~. throuirh rnunty And ~ll•I"" (1111°1• Thi n• ,,. IU'.•l·mhly hill i:1i·eii on I • •· • ·• .. r 1h1• prntl'st hearing thl' dty would n<'P•I a1l1h11 .. 111ll\ nd•lt••l '""•\t'IH lt•t>WH\0 'h••Ul1I th<' I "'I\' llll•h-m•><'IAll(' J\l"O('e('ding 181.000 tn IA1mrh 11 ~tnrm <lrn111111:• Slll lllltt in "l lllP mom·~ hr r1r-1 l11 n111111a l f'l•><·1·f"iin1tl!. we "ho11ll1 syatem th&t wo11t.1 hnn•ll" ~I""·' m11 rk•"l tty Mr"a "'""' 1hnen for <11 I• n.st h.1\ • an orpor tnnlty to l'roWth for 2!'1 p•l\r~. th•• or111nRI(•' pr")''~l nnol t h•·ri th• f'rt'M'nt <•llr ~not> a nd corrPct r<>r- However. tmm,..tllllr prO!!P"' , .. tl<1nfl tl'l'UP IX' 1lf'f••ol1 ti It would 1.1111 .11l"~·llti•n8 wtuch &re nut on the two-third~ arrroving '°"''' l11rnish city C•ffirrnl~ 1tmplt> time 11111· ·· 11ece111ary to 1'Pat 11..111 v-w1<I<' h11nd 111 '''~""' out a nrw 1l"'inai:e &l· I Pl.AX TO COSTISt"E luue mlitht ~ 1hm 1nni<murh "" 111< I<. ThP H AI<' Com pa\· plan11 t o con· t lnue th" 176 ·&('re subrtivlslon north or Orange Coa.st College. Uarnrll snHI. n1!'rely wlthholdtng the 11tnrl vf h•mw rnnM trllrllnn un· tll final a .. 1111n on t hl' annexation la llPflnitrly known AB tn rxprr118lonJ1 matlt a bout th1• 11ub1llv1dr1,. • lln111~ I h I' I r J"lt·ketio," l ta rn('ll 1111tcl tht're \\·a.., no bu111 of ts.1 l. "If 1h111 prnpf'rt,v II' 11:10t'Xe<I 111 lhr Cllv of l 'nl'la M• ""· the tut>~ will b<' lnnel\Sf'd. T h111 nirans tt,,. m•intnly p11yml'nl mu11t be lnrr,.as~I. milking the home that mu• h more difficult to 1c-ll and re<luC'mg t.he number of rnntlnuPd on P~I' 3 .-/' . BARBO~ PRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 Phone Harbor 1616 FIVE CENTS COUNCIL -APPROVES OIL LEASE CHANGES .. With only lwn quf'stlnn.s ralsrrl l ln(ervenllon from May 31, 1945 to from the meai:t•r a urllence which the s igning ot T hJetands Act In &Al In on the djoum ed city coun-19:"13. Th111 llmr Wl\11 lost to thr lily comp:inv brc111111;-of the q11e11tlon c1l meetitl'f" fh1M m o rning. rounrll of l•lll' · members a pproved unanunously 1 .. t am onlv lntl"restt'd that the the 11m1mdml'ntl! to thl' F.:IHotl 011 clly not g.:l tnlo thP 1tluatlnn Cont reel. Han~ Broering w111< I he 1 whu.·h nnw exlstii In Huntington nnly ab."!cn t rounc1lman. I Sf'arh." \\'1ll18m1t t1A1d. Arthur W1ll1am11 questinnl'tl lhr Tht-sPrond q11 .. 11t1o n was ralaed r xten111nn ot lime whu h the bv J...I n .-oly .,r Jrgahty ot not a.mendmtnl g1vl's to Montr1 ey 011 r;1tlm" the amentlmenlA to the Co. und whl'lh••r or nn1 the l'lly voti• .. r t he prnplc. 11hould "up thr l\nte .. for the ex-.. The c11y Chnrtrr provldrs for tenn1on perlnol renPwals t1r f.xtenswns or •xl11tlng Tl!\IE U>t!'IT lrnsr:o1." Dans ••xrlame<I. ..This C1tv Attornt>y Karl Lynn Dav111 amf'ndm,.nl 1s not a leril!e In the and Ernest Pyl<':< or Mnnter('y 0 11 1 first ln:<t l\nCP ni1r I" It an extl'Mlon Cn. explalne1l lhP extens111n n( Inf right~. only an t>xlen111nn of tlmr was brnuj:hl Hbout by fedr ral lime." DOROTHY GRETTENBERG. SHIRLEY RUSS IN CRASH Ridge Route. Accident Hurts l Cal Students En Route Here I County Grand Jury Didn't Accept Liquor Czar Offer (Editor's Note) -OCNS Reporter Pat Michaela became the first newsman to find William G. Bonelli, former State Board of Equalization member for Southern Call· fomia when he interviewed the 'mueh-sought figure lo Arizona Sunday. For the first timE', t o any reporter, Bonelli told his side of the recent liquor license lnvesti· gations. Because of the immense amount of extremely important information learned in this interview, Orange County News Service is bringing you in the Newport Harbor News -Press the Bonrlli story in installment form. The ser ies will run for five days. Aa a condition to granting the inter\'iew, Bonelli would·allow no direct quotations and refused to allow photographs or himself. He said he did not want people to think he wu look· ing for publicity.) • By PAT MICHAELS KINGMAN, ARIZ., JAN 31 (0CNS)-William G. Bon- elli -often reported as the moet hunted man in California- said today he is soon comjng back to the art>a whrre hr reigned as Fourth District State Board of Equalization mem- ber. And. Bonelli said, he is coming back armed !ot actwn. The l'Xt'lus1\•e announcemi-nt was mail•• •lunng a rnf\rathon In· 1 t H'\'l1·w held at the Turkry Trsel< R11nrh 1n h'.lngman. Anz. Omnge County Nt"A·s Srrv1C!' found th!' much·talkrd about forml'r "liquor Two l0<·a1 gll I~ and 11 • l11.•~111111e B.1k•'l lif1elrt. T h1•1· werr admltt,.tl 1'7.&r" living ,. quiPl, i;lmpll" ltfe '" lh•· rmc-rg .. n1 Y 1011n1 w ith In· 1111 the JO.OOO·arrr <'llllh> r11n r n J•trt"" .tP:w11bt«J ll" ><f·rio111< All 1 nr!llll'd in lhc ffll1th1lls 26 mllr11 al 1·111vCr1<ily nt Cahfurn1a \•l'rf' mJ111ed seno1111ly Sat1111l111· llfll'r· nn<tn wht'n tht rAr 1n \\ htrh lh··y wtrr drl\·ing hrre w1111 rrpnrtr<I in I\ hr111!-1111 1·ntH111on wllh a I ru('k "n th•· Rlrti:e Ho11I•· nt•ar 1-<'hrr. At• ordrng to C11hforn1a High· Patrul rt'p.,rls. I inrothy t:rPI lrn- bf'I g . ctaughlt'r nf t hP [111 I c;r,.tll'n· bl'11ot•. B11ll)f1a, her fPllnw 1<t111lrn1Jt Sh1r h y JN111 Ru.•11. Hay Shnr('io, an1I Ann I ll!lgtr Mo lc•r, BrrkPlt'\'. w .. re t1<l<en frnm thl' wrr• I< ,., •·ne to Kem ('n11nl \0 r.rnl'ral Hn•p1lAI. ' Council Honors 'Pete' Nelson . on Retirement A C!'rtlJk&lE' of gnot.I <'II 17.Pnllhlp was prf'l<enlNI tn A M ' I'• l• :'\f'l11on. r~tlrt<I hu1ldinJ( •lqmtl· 1 mrnt ••mplnyl'I', this mnming by thf' :'\pwpnrt 1:3Pnr h r11y l'u1101·tl Th•• r••rt1f1('R lf' n •11tl • ·r11, .. is to t;<'rl1fv lhtlt J\ M. :--;, l~un hl\s rendt>rl'd. vnhrnbl" An d dl11t111;:111llh· I rd ll('n·1c" 1., tht• 1 ·11y 11f ;.; .. w. port 1:3,..11rh n• hull l tnK 111•pf'I t nr (n r t hr pR!<l 2:'l ) t•I\ t'< 11nol in <tilt> anti r>n•rer 11'rn((nil111n 11f ltw• ex,\mplt' of c1vw I" 1dr· 11n.S 1111rrrllt llOtl A, A F10f "'" ''XJlrf",,..~tun n f t111r 1lr•'ll 11pp10•11111 l"n uf th•~ t'••1pr111- l111n lllld 111d An•I lnl•·rt•)<I 11',prr-rof. "'r I" ""'''nt • h 1• t •·tt 111<"1\f •• 11f J:nntf , II 17• oi<tur M1 mlwrs nt tho• 1·1111111 11• 11nd thnM• 111 lht i•uJ1l'nre 1<tr11"I t111nn~ the W8\'P .or ArJ''"""'' Whtl h fnl-I lttWl't.I th,. rr"•"nlnl1·•n b)" ~tn~·1or 1 Oora H ill thr•" g11 I:< a1 e :?u yrars of ag" .-btJve K1n1:rn11n Th·· GrPl tentx-ri;;1t left fo r Bak. ,.1 ~f1,.fd. on being intormrd nt th,. I At tht r11nrh at t he lime of the . , mll1 Rthnn r,-hllur 111tervi.-w wu a • rid· 111. L iii reports ~lid no1 j Mr~. U•rn• 111 ll°Blll'll "molhl'r" by ••J<lulila11h lmmt'di&tf'ly which girl her hu1<band 1 10111 '"'"· 111. 8 .-n w111< d rl\'lng. nor RI\'<' th" namt' Ron"lh. 8 S<inta U&rbara "l'l<'rlln· nf lh•' trur k thl\0"r Grr tt,.nberi: ,.ruin. Th•• 1<on hll•I clnvt>n trnm ''"' "~." numhrr l'lf llr>Btl! Ill Ual· Sllnto Bn1 hAra 111 1nfor m"'hll! fa- bo11 ,.11nzunl'. h ... I h d Th•· Gr<'tlenbl'rg:o 11\·e Ill 2219 t "' l1111t a """° J:rllnr ""n II Ch1111n•·I Roat!. w hile Mia-to Ru:os· bern bm "· ntl•llf',.• WJI! g1vrn A~ 2:'1~1 Bay- ~h"' •1 J lrt\"I• HARBOR WEATHER ~)IAU, llCl!\t t: Thr lntrr"l"W \\31< h..tJ in the qu1<'l rnmfnrl of I hr 11m11ll twn- hrtlroom r11n rh hnu'I' w h•'rt the Bf!Ol'lll~ pr1'1'!'nlly hVt'. The livln( room \\"II• 11huUl 10 by 11 with ll ~mAll p111n•1 11nt1 A hUjtl' flreplare M 1111 unly 1h1<1ln• tlnni< Mr" H11n1>lh rro r>nr••J lum h f•ir WILLIAM 0 . llOM'EU.I • (Tf'O• m. ~tory) T"m~ralUrM Ille 1>9Al Wtt' I.II tbt1 Harbor a"'11 "",..: UJch Tul'1'day. Jan. :?l ~9 \\ "dnl"da~·. Jan. 28 . 8.f Tlumwla~·. J8n. a; 68, Low .... 44 4% 41 u ., hn (11n11ly 11nrt th111 rPp<trtl'r. Th,. Le<lly wlthhtltl when t.hLll Hporter lunrh l\1lllajl' fart• 1·110•1.~lini;: of quo•11llnn,.•I him about prraona ln- lllf'W1·d bP••f anrl n1111 Ar11nl WRll 'chf'l ,.ti 1l1111ng th<' liquor probe• In ~,.n.,..I nn 8 ~m>1ll ranch t11hlr In OrAnl{(', l'en IJll'J:O a.nu Rlversldt lhf' ll\·10,; roo m rnu·111r" H" i<a1d h11 <ht. not want Frida~ . .lstn. ~II 13 !"alurJa _, .• Jan. 29 ;1 Sun.ta~, .Ja.n. !Ill 81 ~londa~ • .Jan. Ill ........... 67 Rainfall ... tnrm ..... -···-· '' ·" 8-0nf'lh tnM ht' lllory qu1,.tly \11 pr1'·Jllt1J:P any nC the C.&.eel Ht ,,,,, nnt I!"' I"' lll'tl And I llH•· Ill h••.Jull'fl t n bt tll<'tl t lllntll 11 .. stl\tf'd only flll'lll, IW• 1.os•; TOU: OWSIEO 111d" nt 111" ~tmy 1tnd 11r11 n1on•· 1 f'iri1t-otf, H11nrlh llMred away Hnwf'\ l'r, filflm" <•pmlon!I h•• 8•1mll • rf>nllni.rd oa Pace I 1 Divorce Asked REY. WHEELER AND FAMILY Pariabionen and friends o'r St. James Episcopal Church gathen!d after the last ~en·1C'e Sunday delh·ered by the Re''· Paul Moore Whe<'lt'r tn pay thrir respects to the reparting cler~mnn and his family. Mr. Wheeler and family left Nt'wport Harbor today for a short vacation in San Franci~C'o bc<en• flytn~ to Hon<llulu whE'rf' hE' will b«·ome the rl'<'tor of .St. Clement·-.. .i..H-v Wb-1.r HONORED AFTER LAST SERVICE . young son of the rector. gleefully unwrap1 a gift while his sister. Francine and mother, Mrs. Wheeler, watch.• Others in the picture are, left. Lym&n Farwell, senior warden ; Monte Grimes and Dan Pattison vestrymen. Representatives from many local civic clubs attended the sen.;ce. -Sta.fr Photo , . \'rra l.111 all nf \ ·u~ta .\I• •o ha11 fllf'<1 .!!Ult IO I Ii llORP t · .. 11nty ( 'mrr t • ho1111e. a..~k1ng •lt,11n,. f1,.rn R1rh- 11rd L11rn~ Delivery G11aranteed • Delivery of tht Newport Harbor New•·Preaa 1s gullr· anteed. All a reas o< the Com- mun.Hy &re rapidly beln1t placed on carrier dehv!'ry. Carrier boy1 wlU deliver th~lr .,,. papera before e p .m. on Mon- day and Thurlday. If your paper fJ not delivered by thAt hour pl-call Harbor 1616 and a l!J>eClal route man w ill Immediately r •• p 0 n d "'1th your copy ot your Newport Harbor Nowa-.Preu. RESIDENTS, COAST GUARD SA VE BOAT H WM the combined help of Ocean Front rl'S1dent!I nc:i r 10th St. und the O>n~t <:uard c-bo:it last night which saved the 31 -ft.cruis<'r ~ally l\ay from b«mi.:-hattl'r•·d tn thP surf. Sevf'ral people who livr along the frnnt heard f'nJ.:lnl'S cA the· lY•~l <'111~· t1i !.hi.re and aidl'd rc!lcue operations by Rt:indmg •n th•~ rr1ld and turbuJ1·nt 1mrf fr1 r t hr E'" hours whlll' holding onto lines in an effort t0 '-lf•ady th" boat r1gaini't th•· rntit111n of the water. After thrrc r>fforL'i by th" Cna!lt c;uan.I to f1rr ;i ltn<' tnl11 ,.h,•r•· falll'd, a sailor swan to shore with the lmr-and th1· hoat wa!I haul<-d <1(f. 0 11(·r.1f••r 11( th,. boat, Jack Higdon, 2.08 ' ;! Marine An· .. tnlll the C•1aH Guard his l''•rt <·ng1n,.. rut .. ut ti."I he ran past the Newport Pier and the boat w11s 1•ullf•rl into shr•rc. Thn -c 11lhn p<'riJ1lc were aboard. Damage t o the boat wos not cldPnnin<'d. but tt m:irl1· pnrt unrler 1t" own power. Among the residenL'! whn a1dPd w• rl' ~tr11. J C'KH !'kf.c·n. l 1<2i Balhoa Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyer, 111)11 John. :mrl ~fr!I. L uc11lr Sharir-. llll of mo~ Wetit Ocean Front. -Staff Pboto by Pbylli1 J. Jackaun l ' INTERNATIONAi, FRIENDSHIP-Lt. A. Tortike, officer on .the Dutch mine sweep- er which recently visited Newport ltarbor, is greeted by Jerry Johnson, Balboa, a.s he comes down ladder to shore boat. Seamen Second Class Louis Von Wiederhold, Fireman Second Class Willem Van Otterloo, Fireman First Class Jan Van Beem and Herb Holker watch the greeting from the excursion boat. Familiar to Newport Harbor rc- aidents and visitors. excursion boat was originally a U.S. Navy shore boat which saw duty in 1908. -Staff Photo Balboans. Elks Aid Fete for Dutch Naval Visitors Mn. Scarrone · Gets 38".'day Twenby·flVI' sea.men of the 1 All!Olntheparly wasEns.R,S. Rap on Checks R oyl\I Nelher!Anfls Navy werc> Dunhnm. nnvnl liaison off1c~r from feted ThuriH!ay hy the Balboans Long Bl'lll'lt 11llache<l to 8rouwers-1 and the Nfwpwt Harbor Elks haven while ahe ia in this area. SA~TA ANA <O<.:=-:s1 -A L9<Jge. l\nd otht•r mnltary reprrsenln· pretty 26-yenr-old bnmPtle who J erry J ohnllOn, c .. cil P owrll. Art tl\'t'll. I formrrly lived m Nrwport De:l\'h Gron~ky, Herb Holkc1· and M<)lltt• \'an Hrukelom ~utd thr mine Frida v \\'ltR scnl1•111·rd lfl Jilt! for an C rlmee entertained lht• I ad a 11weeper wa." lhr rormer A,\t:S-1:10 ,., ... ,. ·and placrd on thi·r 1• vcurs Thutaday Afternoon. That 1'\'en-whfch lhl' Dut~·h crew look O\'Ct~ • Jn J ohnioon o ·ne<l h111 h1ime to in San 1-1·on!'isl'O. Th1' vcsMI Jefl probation srter adtnitting P8 "51"R l <'Vt'p o e you .11 <' ore a 1ng . r wprn ar '"" rt< a.v or ell 2~ to . the Elks Club where Long Beach naval yard. On Feb members feted the seamen. l~ she will go to San Diego to Earlier In the day. Lt. \'an plrk up " <'onvoy ot Rpnnl11h. llal· Heukflom. comm" n de r (If thr ian R.nd f"rl'nr h l!hlps. HNMS Brouwer11haven. and En· H er cruise wlll ll\ke hl'r through 11lgn Anthony Bykerk wcrll feled the Panaml\ Canal to ~orfolk and al a Junrheon al the 1'ewport from l11ert' to Bnm11da. lhe Harb<'lr Yacht Club by thf' ('ham-A7,ores snrl Hnllanll Sht' "Xf'l'<'t~ ber ot commerce and Mayor Dora to arrive home lhe middle of Hill. April. Hoffman Girl's Injury Action in Sl0,000 Settlement Request SA:'\TA A':\/r', 11/r':\~I -S11· r•·rt1•r ( 'n111 l h•'I" F1 I if AV waA H•fldl I" fl \•J'I"\" :t $11),(100 l<I l· 111 1Ut•fll Ill f •nn··· l J\111 \\'ti h " :'\t\V• r•>• l Rew h • t I .-ti I 1!' )ti:. 1d• nl. lli<~l'rt<'tll.v WA~ struck hy 11 r:ir opt-ratt'rl by Harry C \'aui:-hn .. n M1111 h 23. 19!>4. Bl H111hw~y 101 :tn•I 17th ~t ':\l'wpol"t B1.,1r h V1clona L. Snirrone, wlln~e for· mer addresa wa.-1 1201 Cllf1 fJ1tvt'. Informed Superior Judge J ohn S hea through hl'r attorney that she had ma11e full resl1lution. Tht> seJHng nt thl' ho1111r 111rlr<1 In milk· ing the checks good. it wus brought out. Total amount of t I:~ bog11a l'he.t:k~ was sd al Sl.MJO Th"Y wer,. r&11ht'd In Ornni:r t'ounty, Lonit BraC'h anti Lo~ Angl'lt'.'l<. Mnst uf Lht'm wl're pn!<1ted In cxcl11~!vr wonirn's wenr 11hops. Mrs. SC'n1-ron<• wa11 nrrrst,..11 hy Newport Br nrh pnlrr" for S:.nta Ana pnlin Shi' w111< rlll'orre<I from hrr husband Mnnn Srqrronl' last Jilly. A.•k1n1.: 1t)'('" 1·.il 11( llh· ~"t 11"· _ mr.nt J~ 1•11.!<' A. Hntrn111n nt 2.'>111 V1~tR Drl\ r. H11y&hnre~ H ts d1111.:llll'•'. l11an11 r. .... H••l (n1Rn. 16. Th .. plaln\lrf Mll\'l< \'nui;hn hA" ai:r••r •I to ray SI0.0011 H11trmnn 1·nnl1•wl~ II\.\ t "' n fall' ftrt ti<>· m,.n~. !:fr M ui th" j:lrl wn:< hi)~· plUlltzetl 10 d11y:<. Ht~ bill~ were h ... t.•tl 11\ 11 10181 (Jf J2[,:')7 58, The defi>ndBnt rrpo1 Ir lly h"tl pas~r<l "rp1ox1mat<>ly ~70(\0 l>8•1 rlwfk>-1•11 h"r h11,.h11nd ~ Onl.11111 fi rm h• '""" their rn11rrl11r~1· })'l'nl "n Jhl' 1ocki1. Th<'Y had tt•• <'hti· 1lrcn. J11dgr Shra to ld th" young wo- nrnn "Yo11 jlll•t Ilk•• 111 live h11:h wld•• and handl!flme:· SEAFARING MASONS TO .LAY CORNERSTONE A 1•undlt ion nf I hP problll hon w:i~ t hfl l I hr <INenol:int krq1 a 11wn1 hi~ inl'c>m1· And I xptnJ<r llrl"l\llnt r .. r rht>rktn): hy the prnbl.lll"n d1·ptt1 I · mf'nt ! Swigart Files $18"905 Suit nn Car Crash See.terlnrr; L0<1ge 'i08. Frcr An<i A ccfpt•d Muons of th<> Hai h••1 Area, w lll hold corn,.r11ton<'·l11yH11: cerrmonlu Slllurday rr.r th" new Maaonlc Tt>mplr Al l ~•lh !'\t &nd St. Andr ews Rnnd.. Cer<>1110n· irs w ill be rond11 rtNl b~· off I• rr- ot the Gr11nd IAl<lrr;<' of C"nlrf•11 n1u led by \\'0Nthlpr111 nrrrnd :>fo.•t "' H Pr ry C. Clausen nf Si,n Frnn· clM'll. Ll"SCH EOS ~l • .\Tt:O The ofllcla l dav wtll start al 11 2 p.m.. Junchron • tn fn•:ne C"nAs\ Countrv Cluh hnst .. <1 by MnRl<'r Ray N.1rl!'<~t1 11·111 !'rnlnr And Jun- ior Wardfns o I:: 1Hui:h1 \\'hll<' a nd Le.'!tf'r ~ml I h 11 ntl honorlni.: l lir G ran1t Lorti:(t 11'!1• ~ r~. ln'CJ'• • t• r'"' arld commllt<'emen. Alao e tltnd1nir will ht' m.-m hPr!' of Seafllrlnrr; MA~•nnlt Bu1lrlin~ A ~· 11<>clllt lon 11n1kr R Aiph ~IA11kry. head nt lht b111l<lin1t prng1 Am. Sen- ior Pa11t MA.!ll •·r ~:. I. ~lrt"fl' 11nol htS rorp nf fffr P,1•t ~flU!l!'rll \\'Ill 11!!!0 be prl'•<'nl 1111<1 11n"1 hr1 ir:i1e11t , All~cm lllymAn Earl \\' 81MI!'\'. whn !PA!!('I th<' C'IHI 11 :1· vrn 111te 111 a n"1111n11I , .. ,. Al 3 P.m. Crllnd Me11t f'r ClllU· 11en will open Grantl Lodsre In Sl'R· f&rlnr ·s prt>l!ent QU>irler~ IJ\'• r the COllta Ml'M 8Ank. All MA.l<tc'r MA· 1on1 h•"l' bePn fnnlrrl tn Attrnd thle cerfmnn;v ancl lhPn A>ljourn to the 11lle 11r t h" C'f'remnnh'-" Al 3 :30 pm. The nrw s~:i.ooo l<'rnpll' will rl~e oppostt" ::-l""'P"rt l111r· bor l:nlt1n Hl,.:h s. 11•"'' 11r11l thr St. Andrew'.!I l'r .. ,hyl<'rt11n l'hurr h It le bttn1t butlt by \'1th1ntl.'er In· bor h l\'f' fl •t .. x 6;). (t. lodi:r I OO!ll, II ;111 x 11•-rt 111111111: ;. .. 0111 """11ni: 1 2~, f" <•J>I··. a ktt,.hrn n nd lnunge r• '"''· lrwk< r ·ronr1" An•I nffll'l'"· SA:"\TA A~A 1nr·:-;;;1 /1 V.111 · Thr> h11 ild111i.: ":111 <lr>~li;n•-.I hy P~111l Cl I IR\'I~ H nl<'mhrr rt( the )r,.li;r Mo~t nf tht WI\ d r11mr (1<•111 ""' Army 1ln1 rar k.• p11r· 111 11, .. .i hv thr lrnl i;r trn:u whl• h h1.:1 11h ll1 hnit Iii ·I "'lit 111 ~"!'• r· ·:" r1110 ,,,1 1 "' h1111b1•1 wn~ slll· iur C-11url llt'l'ktni: $ l\),{111~. d1111111J:1" \ ·•1-:r"I 1 ·1 nw11t '"'~ oti· a1n<1I nt In connrclwn \\'1t h 11 lr11(!1e 1111,hnp I 1.,~'t • an.j ht h k~ Al ktln f'· '' "· ''" llii:hwll~' :Ill flo) '""' N•ll\h rot It 111 11nt 1r1r1t~ I th<· ~11urt11r•· will llll7.ard Aw J1tl~ 1:: Hl'd '"'' ~r11f:11 1ni: l.odi;r nnly fl'I O!lil I J"hn J l"w1i:n1t. •lr.,n~ h•1·1n•'-• ~lt'n:h"r~ hn\'t' l1mi: nwMtl'fl the 115 thP J ohn .I l"\\li lll t {'o ( 'A<1\ ,•nt nf thMr own b111l1hni: anl1 Rr>' lnnklni; 1 .. n,·ar1t tc> 11~ com-<iranitl'. has loris:"" ll··· t'"lllf'l;11111 :'\f\fll<'d a.s ti' !t•ndunt '' J, "' 1.,1, t: pl••\1•111 !l .. mett m~ In th>' fnll V1nra Jr 11f B1" 11.1 l'it1k lni1i1ries Claimed By Woman UsinCJ SteppinCJ Stones l n jl•rt•'JI "l'rf' ; IAtmrtl ti~· M l~ RH. H1•lllll 1l M 2no t'lay St on JAl1 11 Whl'n llh<' 11/lld l<h<' W\'l!I ctUtnJ'• d -nh • 1t11rnf' \.\·11lf"1 nl Pi·)1pv A \'e, an.i L',.ast H 11thway •HI 8hl.' WA!! t rying lo rrn!lll t h!' 1tr<'rt. Shr W8l! trrRled !or 11klnned and brule· erl nnkl<'s. ~I r!I Ra ct 81 d !IR lcl shr t ried to rrn!<s the floo<lerl e reA undtr ('(in· 11trurlion on !lnmr <'t'm<'nl blocks \\'h1rh llh<' .<;IHI l•wkcrl h If thry "'"' ~ p)llCl'd f11r l'lrpping Slflllt'S. Sh.-:<Aid nn~ ~t.,nr tipprrl when t<he ~ttppl'.! on It snd sp1llrd hr r tntn t he w11ter r nhce wh<l 1n ,·c11t1i;nt<'d tho:-area Swii:11rt <1111111• \'1••1111 s ··111 rlu\\'• d l htu lfllt?h hrtt 11t ·ad..-... 11n Htg-h\\liy :l'.i lln<l li!lllM" I 111" ., ptt1e o f h1,, rqu111mrnt. ~w1i:-~1 wn~ 11 11ub1 .. ntrMt"r r.n hlghwfl\ 1mrr1wf'm•·nt. I Th,. pl1<1n1 1rf A~•r• t • th• hlo11 k· arle WA~ ltithtrd >'011 "// ,,(' SITIING PRETTY on an EASY· REST LA.RGF: TP.'1Pl.F. !'at<! thtrP 111 11 2·fl. drop In 11o mr \\'hen l1111iohrd s.•.11111tn2' Lnd~e 11r' thr con~lni(•lfon 11re11 !mm the will hll\'I' R b1;ll•hr.g r!'nla1nin~ ~1r1,,w11Jk rnd down to tht preaent 7000 l'q. (t. of llOl'r ~par<' And will slrrrt levrl. JOHN S. ALLEN M. D. . l:,,nrral r 1 <t<'.1! t of ;\l1'd1rlne I :-;,.\\ rnr• II,.~<)· C'111ifl'I 0111 PhnnC' Harbor 4022 If nn 111:~wer 111 d Llhr 11y fi·223~ • -1 An Eo syrut posture choir is eos.ly od1ustoble ... g ives you maximum comfort, soft· ness o n'-dorubil1 tv. The cushion ;eot Is vpnolst11roed w ith 2 .. co iled srring•; the sl1f'I fra n11t has no projecrion or rough 1urfoces. Eosyrest i1 today'• ovlslond ing value In oHice choirs. 902 Netth Mah• ICI 2-2165 r" ~T I -t 1r"1r-0n Hi\R~OR t-!E'•/S PRESS Standard low l!dde• MOMDAY. J/\NUARY 31, 1955 Sta.ml111 J vii l:v. >A'a.. low blddtr Costcs.-Mesa Chiamber to Hear Visitors t ... • .l \, .. , .. ,,.,IJ)., o. \, -o I o .. "' New Lehman.' for thf' city &&aoline contract with a &allonege pnce ot .1969, City Maneger John Sallore Informed city council Monday n ight. Coun- cil awarded tht firm the bid which <-a.lied tor 117 octane Ethyl raeollne. In COit.a Mue, the ·mf'f'llr1 wlll FULLERTON, tOCNSl-DU\lne ff'atuH° tallu on Mnchanta· D.v . CO. AIRPOl!lT ~gN~':::0~~E . Devine Trial Bona.nu Air11ne rm1w11 Set Feb. 14 W lnlf'n, pr9elde.nt. and llUiWll Brook•, N crelary-manaaer of th• I .ion actlvlllu. the lndu•l~lal pro· Fullnton Chamber of Co~mer<:e sram. and the Fullerton Chamber'• wlU be sum 1pe&kf're Thurllday aeneral proa-ram for lht year. CAA recertification uver Ill! presC'nl enllre rout" 1111·1u,1. Ing Ora.ngl' Count~· Airport, until Dec. I ~; 19~17. Edmund Converst'. announced. al rime pres11tenl, Services waa su.-;pendrd 11l Carson ('lty, l'\ev .. Death Val- ley, 01•eanside. l ..rmg Brach &lld AJo, Ariz .. Gabbs. =-:ev. was added to the Lu V1·g-as· Reno 11egmenl Cor a term M on·e year. Converse rl'pnrlerl. A new route from Phornlx lo Lo~ Ani;elts, lnrludlng Bly· the, Indio. R1vcrs 1d1• 11.nd On· larto, was sf'l up f,.1 an ex· p<'nment: .. d pt>rto•I of o n•· yra1. jo:ffN'ltve lla te Of the n1•w ..:er· t1!1r1tte Is April 1. Converse Stanley at Hoa9 I I SA!'\TA A':\A. IOC':\St -Har· rv ~hman and Charles E. (Red) t i..:vant• 1-'nday :<aw Supenor Court J11df~t· John Shra ~et a nl'w t rial t>d ln court by Allye. Gt'ora• 1 Chula and Jamt e Monroe. Leh· man and Devina al.eo are eched· ulrd to go to trial hfre In Febru· ary wlt h Sam L. Colllne, former Aaee.mbly epealler and hie eon, Sa m ll. Colllu of Fullerton an • three-count crand Jury Indictment. dale fur them on a r hargt' of con- ~rlring to cl)mnut grand theft. T he (!l'f<'nr1ant~ will go on trial h••rr Fr I>. I •I A Superior Court Jliry here-r<'ct'ntl,\• emtrge<I "hope- Jr·~sly c1eac11nckcd" to rltmax a t hreP·Wet'k ll'ial of the duo. The JUry found the palr nol guilt~· on a ron~pirary t o com!lllt 111,.. r rnn<> or a~ktnJ! or receiving R b11br fnr 11 public official. They ""''" 111lv1~\'d by Supt>1·1or Judge Raymond Thompson lo bring In 1 h" mno•·enJ (in.ting nn the court. L• h111an. Culinary Unaon r1•pre- s1•nl'!.,live. end r>evme. stcrel a ry- ll <·:1s11rrr or the <Zenlral Labor At The Cracker Barrel N otlll to C&ro Eatoa who l1 a "fuddy-duddy Early North Attt· can Colon ial" type: ahe ahould come .)n to THE CRACKER BARREL 128 Agale. (the Ferry St.) Balboa lllland, now we . have . ' re(·elved the rest ot our shlP,ment oi snk-sc!'fen print• from (naaty word) Florida. We're sure she'~I C'r111ncil, are ll<:t·1.1sed or rnnsp1r-lng to t1nlawfully t akt-Sll.OOO find something to 1ult her alightly rr11m Al \\'eddersponn or !\l'wporl contused taste There'• v er y L<·w1ll Stanky, ClllJ Haven, en· B1•ach for obtaining an on-nle Ea1·Jy A merican. Colonial. French t<'r<'d Hoag Ho!lpilal Wednesday , J:t·nrral liquor license !or lhe Lido Provincial and even the North MID-WINTER SPECIAL Feb. I st to Mereh 15th Reguler $1 C)OO PERMANENTS $750 A New Specialty "Patti-Nail" a1 'ad\·f'rtllle'd In Uff' M&«aalne An Work C'luarantf'f'd BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON BALBOA INN ARCADF-PHONE HARBOR 811 •for 1111 opernlion. HI' t!I exJ)ectrd Rrst1111rant. African 1tutf ! E. E. E b d R d th C LA 5 5 I f I E O tn hr releusctl shortly. I Th,.. defrnrhrnts \\'fl'l' rrpresrn~--Ad\•. • Very 0 Y 88 I _ 8 · ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I I ~DOUBLE CHECK! OF THE HUNDREDS OF ADVERTISING MERCHANTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA .92cro RUN THEIR ADVERTISING IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRESS COMPARE THE NEWS COLUMNS -NEWS PICTURES - ADVERTISING -AND COVERAGE • • • • you 11 reacli/y unclerstancl .HY! 2211 Balboa Blvd. The Leading Newspaper ·of the Newport Har~r Area PhOne Harbor 1616 An Experienced Salesman is ready to assisl with Your Advertising Problems . - ···············-~·~············ ,. I 1· 't I I I '( I· I I I • I ' . MARINE EXHIBIT TO VISIT RICHARD'S /The 8 1.'ll sistl.'rs. Cynthia and K ay, just back from a tour of Korea an~ a visit lo th~ 1st Marine Division, sponsor<'d by. lht' Hollywood coordinating commitll.'e, are prepar· ing; to grr<'l thC' U. ::;. M<i rinC' Corps Tra\'eling Exhibit at Richard's Lido . Market in Newport Bl'ach tomorrow at HI a.m. ThC'y arp shown hCl'C' with Capt. J9hn~ M. Ter-• rv, Jr .. Jnspector-ini:;trurtor. 15th Rifle Co .. Ll~MCR . Seal Beach. T~e exhibit will d~monslrnlC' t o t he public how tax dollars arc used in the Marine Corps. ~~~~~~~~ BILL BONELLI WHO KNOWS LEATA OSBORN? ('nnllnurll frum t<lr"t f'ai::r 11 .. · 1t1)ll1 111,11 11, 11.1o1 I'"" "''"·1J th,, hUJ,1• 1\11.,;11n1t r.1nol1 ro•<11111\·. H " pfl!O l• •I t n a luni: H•1f1• Iii l.ir11· lly h1i.t11ry "rn !ht' 1· .. 1 .. 1 ••111 1:1\l'r &11;1 11( A r1211nH ;u 11l lld lh·· I Alll'h hlHI hPO'll -"I 1~11111 lh p llr· 1·ha1'<'•I hy 1o1,.. g-ran•ll a\IJ, r ·rtil" Missing Woman's Ill Mother Urges Daughter Call Home r.<n• h "HI< 1111,.1 11.111d• d ol .. \, 11 ;\ •l hl 1.w_hl i.n.t Ill 1n11lh «r RP· I -1h!o.U1Ul..h•ll I 1lh•·l4 1 .. 111111 11 .. n -. l"''""d 111 lh,, ;-.; •• w,.-l'1t'N! 11,.Jay to r ill "111•1 11 ''"" "·'" ·• ht1J.:1' ll•t1.· lo"ll' 11 .. 1· 1111'1 ho•r d1111i;h1.-r, Mrs. (~UU·u1•t•· r.u n1 hut n11,\ ••111 ... 1 t ~ 1 1 ,. (>, .,-\.\"hu 18 Of :lU.t10t) u~r·•._ 11l !"'• 1tihh\ f H fh ll ,i>;1 '~ ,t.tf •• ~.iuiu, ""1 1 h u 1•I whlt'h ttt·1 i11Hl1lt•d tH• "'I Hf11y ~ h1·llt•\ ••d ln hr· wnrk1n~ tll ll ?\'P\\'· on•· h1ad .. c 1a1tt. J'•'t • q.:ht l•t'J•<o( po 1t l la1l11w t ilt•• 01 •lln1111ly 1-lu111·llo '''"I 5l111 twntl ~I r" :-:11 .. 1 m.111 l'1lk111Kl•01l of nl ' •Ill•· MH' k"f'l .. 11 • 11 .. I "" h. ()\ 1'1111... I. oh r . •••Id thl' :-.:c•Wll• bu1 h·· 111!n1Jt1 .. 1 rh111 tit•• I''''' Ill pupu111 1.,11 r " un•I" lha r 1'1"" 1111 •la111o:hln 1·11llt••! at l'hn,1111.1'< t1111P 11 om Phnenax and Ari'tHln l ' I •unn,.; 11,. i11i.-1' ,. '' H .. n .. 111 l<•lol """ 1ol11• w.11< "''n1111~ h11111t>. flll'!'•'lllt d au • 'f'h.1~1\'f• "''"' 1\i'ltl T\\u \\•••·k~ HJ.:u. ~tt ~. Pilk1ng· J"inn1111lly '"" h 11"lll Tll\· I ir•t l••ll ''"" 111•1 ola11i;h\<'I' 1•11lh'll .a h"mh•h~ll '"'~th.it h• \\Ill 11 1uin, I trio nd 111 l n~h \l•Hnl 11111 that 18 "' hue t•\.\O ,, ,,1, •• 1 1, ~ ,11t ti. ,0 lh• ln:o-l h1•fl r1l I r' 111 t h•• \\n1l'lan. c·i11rurTH• \Ir:• 11~1100111 Rf't1 11•n ll\' fold the 11• 11.i t1lw hall 1111 n1111rtm cnt In °""\\(•ooll B•a•h '""' 11.11< \\"011k lni: l 11• ',.l11111oir t hlo•f f11ld 1111\\ hi' 111 11 I !If(" htt, hn •ll '"""1.Utf l\' :t l \\'Ork 'UOt .. Tl,. 111u•~ini: \\10111 .. 11 I~ olt•i.t·11bt><I h,._ tlt'Uflf"' .,,,,, 1ullU\\'.IH' lht '.,;,,_ Jl:f "'•·fl. l U·tn. \Rll. \\1 IJ.:tUn~ about ''••nlhet ••It• t1• fllo. "' lu .. \ ,, .. ,, •laot 1 •• r. fH11t1t•L' !"-ht• hul\ h~ht t'OIU· 111.r 1l•·ol ,,,,1 '" k· • 11 lu. ,. •l ''" vi• ""II. hh1<• <'\<'S 11nol ht•11na hair., th. l ~1111rol ·•f ~· 11rnlo1111"11 h<' :-;1, .. 1, 111 ~,..I io <'llll h"r hPm<' In Jtr•1d, ~.,,., h1111 ,,zf 1 .. Hh· t "" tl ""''""" ttr tfli ,..,\t u r n hon1c lmme· '" ''''"·1· 1uul 111q•r•1\•r· It ff•• potnt· l~lutl••I fJt1 11Ut 1h11 H11\\ \\ t1tl•• 11til tt1' th•• ::'}~; ·::.;~:: ....... " ... :.>:::;.,;Mesa Postmaster Expects ~1111th•111 •'1lif11m•i1 1\11\. l••rn••·r' ~ ,, ... , •• ~ .. " ··I '·"' 1" 11"· ,,, • ,, '" Bu·11d·1ng Ru1·1ng Tomorrow Af l l\ • :1 11.~ ••ti ' UH •' r nnv••t "i-•1 "'"' \\ 1tJl t r A na:~I,..~ ht·,,, r • \ \• -.,. 1 '. Inc ,, I I 1.11\t.I. \I I IO' Bondl '·"'' ,,., \\di • ""'' t11 Ill• \\tlh ttw .t\1n111 ,., \\ •• , \c.. t. I \' 11f I• L. If MJI f > h ii 1 d \\ '"' h h"4\1• fW• '' t IP• h1 nc1t•ltr• Utt ''"'"" t • "• I u1 tt •· I ~, u .... 11f rt. , .... Jo111\ fr H• I,.,,, .. I''""' n. I ., ,,. ' )1 I It f I •• I . "'" I Ii•\\ f!l \ I f\11 11 ii I f1•f ll1~ ft I I t! I t°l\'• I ' h1 .. ~,,I•,, th •t ,, l q I 111 fl \" nt h•,. I 1 ;f.... I ' J tw• •t 1• •In t • •l h\ ._:J"'tl!t~ )IH I•·, '"1 ~11fl~fhtl t •1:1• '"' n • ... I 1~1 1 1 ·1 l•t If• •. •••I •tt l t1ql1I r 111 It t th•... I t h I •I' h I· h t llrd ltl u k ll,..1 • d '' d 1 tlJ• d h··· l~""""' ,,f 11n If-ud ,.q h \\ '" t h1 I ·~ti I t t ... , .. \fl~'', ... , \11\111• flt• hlv n,hh •. J 11·lh~ t • ''" r 1 ., t••• \\tot U1h1 l1d 10 ~tn l•l•L•• \\,11• n••"""·' lt•I! t t • r •~. ' 11.t 1 ., h~1td l'ttlU1••d q ,f "lft \ltlloll t hr l••ti:t'l 11"' \1 •' 1• lie t • 1 •'.I <"h~J ~1•,i I l I •ii "tin 11 &; I t •tol(I I d• 1,..~dl • 1l••P·lff.:ll ... 1.t11h111 111r1~ l11r h1n1. h•· .,.uld r1•' h , r • ... p111i..1hit' I I I l~--'- \It 4 J 1 .. 1. 1 1;111 \I· .. a J><••tmn"· b111hhng 1n11pC(.tOr. hoped to w ind "1 11· 1111111 .. .i c .. t11 ~•··"' 1·11y u r th" prO<'e .. sing n r bids on the '" 11n• 11 M .. no1.1y nt~ht 111. 11• "a" M••iu''" >1lru1·111re this we,,.k l'•1••1t11ht\' 11( a •lo·• 1-111n 1111 11 n•·" Th,. pn1<l11l llt:>pftrt mf'nl h1u &<'· f'"'' • tf,.,, .11. h1· T11· .. , •I "'"" 1 11•ptP<1 hirt11 on t he nPW buil<h ng • 1n1 1· I. ,\l,l\l•• l·I I"' 1 "''""' in '"••kin,i;: a 1!'ntrally loCAtPd ... , ... , ..... \\Ith B•tf'qURlP floor 1,, 111, 1, .,1 .,1 "hu h ~h•rll• •r"" end >llrfll'1l'nt parking 1, ,._t,t h"'' 11 in 11,.,1 itw t/u.ni .. n I In "'""r husin,.••, thf' council : Af•p<11nt• o! !'; R FrAZ:Pr In tiif 1;.,,' Iii •I I ,.,.,q,. 111' ••n" '111"" 1'111'\fo M1••11 PA rk1n i: 1'1!ttr11·t Rn11rd 1.1J1111ol11r11hi.·th 111l•l\10'\\ Thtl ,,r 1111 .. l•·I• In plllll' nr Rn. •1••'1t 1'1 •u "• I • 1 1 ~11• 1 .. 1 '1 k F l.1h•'tfV \\hit d •·e·ll n,..11 th,.. fWl"I· 'ti ft, I JI \ 1 t111 il1 \ Ii• n l''""f'll\ ,. 11. "'"f•I lu 1r T1.1n •l••••·1lal1 C'11,ll\~lt'~ap11Ik· ..... 11 111101\1•" 1 .. ..: .. 1 l!·n•lh 1n••lul1o •f1 11m thr r1 1 nn11'~"om· f I I I . ol h1• "' 11•1 lo 11 lr·l di II•' "••·l·•n In \hP r1"k1n1: d1•trtrl ..... 1 r• 11 • \1 1 t), n h uH•• h 1·•1h· h••.qd II• II\' ho•• n ... 11 1:0\0 II '" Ill•' Iii• t 1 n. r.·rr · I I\ Slll•I\' 111 l •1101r h07.· 11111 . 1-11111 Jll f\ "''°1"111~ h i\• '"" 1 .. 1h1lolrPn 111 An8hf"1m Av•• h .. I ....... 1 r I 1 .... ,, !" •n J11q:rd And 1'-lh Sl to Pnlkr C'"h1Pf A rl ' ,r,11 ''' u •• •"411u f • t' I 141 .ti. ~t K• 1 71'" 11llrt k lrtlrr f t()m H 1tr .. p • '> ol I , ....... I tit , •• '•··· ,. \\ th 1'f1 • tr' .. , 1! tlor ... J f '••d ht ,., lllf,lt r I' 1 , I Ufl• )11 I.I 11t•t If• fll!lh rr.11111 lltJ•·' hill \\ 1,. llU 111· I •J ,, r. 1 ... ' I '" r luh "'tlJ:J!'• ~t,..,t Ol• \'tnE • t, •·X1•t nc •I •P '""" frnm An 1- 1 .. '" I' l"'h )o;t \,I fOi\'•'.f l <'nlftfl1'P nlltJ' nr l ht' ,, ..... 1,11n.t Hu1 l1tr111 lnr 20-lrit ~11h· .f1\'t• "" h• 11n•l"<I h\' E:~ihPr :in•I \\ """' !':1 .. An1l Or ani:P 1tn.1 R1H'· 11•1 ''' • \\llh ,. ZO-ft allr' • \ •111 n• ol ti) 7 :in r m Ja n. :ll I "h• n .1 Jntnl m r rt 1nJ?' t11krio pla r ,. \\tlh lh" pl1H\nl..2 romm1•11inn in :\'°Pwpnrt .1 11~t11'" 'l'ourt Kni9ht Signs OCWD Bill by Stanley :O:i\l.HAl\IF::>iT O 1C.NS1 - "'""r t:1111rl w1n J Jo\n1i;ht hAt'l'lf.:n• r I .\~I<• m h l\'llllln F..11 l \\'. • .;l(tn· I•' ,. hill w h1rh prn\'1111'11 t.hat o b· h1:1<t1on;. ut ian•I t 111n11fcrr<'<I to I h" O r.<nJ:•' Count\' \\'1t ll'r Dis trict 11h,,ll rrmBln RltAt lt•.,l In sw·h la.nrt Th<' H11lbn1t l!tlllnd ll'J:tslatnr 's tn• 11!1111 <' Al:!'" pr0\'111<'" lh1tl a Rrre· I m"nts , M be mad!.' bPlween dilO· 1 II 11111 • .. ncerm ni: lhl' ma ttt·r ror pn~·ing 'r <JUlstRnt1in~ obh~t1on11. T~" m,.a~11rP "'"' m 11t1e nt cP111111ry fn •il11 11r,-band ftnd a .. 10~11smPnt l "hl11: 1•1· n• 11pnn lotnd 11r q 11irr d by th" 1wwn DEATH NOTICE \\'o11J hR~ Jll~I bl'<'n re"""'"d by 11· i. .... L ( 11.r .. r ~ •. ~OIJI l ,,.('l'l ()('l'Hn F i nl nr t ht> oll'Alh In P <'l\M('Olll "' h1 " h1 .. t1wr·m·IRw. J,~,hn Burn· h11111. nt•\',\' p1lnt NEWS-PRESS STAFFER HONORED H'..'1 nhftm fl'mH•1 ly r,.111ded hr re Al' f \\Ill rn r lhrrr ~tAr• II f Parll'r 1n 1'11 •t 1-hurt'h of 1 'hn•t. !'lr1l'n· t 1•\ "°"" r "1 l R<'Arh llf' 18 llllr· , ''""'' "l•n hy h11< u ·1rt find tllrf'• Ph,lllt J J:uk'f"•n. ,,,.,,, ·''1"'" t•,, ... ,. 1·rnr11~s ·rh•' .,L114f'}ttr. \\A' 0•'• •' J fl c; t~·rn t (ti•,,•' ,. , •. I ... t•111h .t I ••• , n T ht1 t 6'!t\ r 1 .. h t f'Krf" I'\ '' • \ \: •• , ... ,.,,, ..... , h" \\A'4 nan1.-·ti vtr..-·r•"~• 'r,,..t 1tr I 1··· • , • 1 1•~ 1 .. • • t,1,, t, n •~r. \'' ),,('Int" n l'A I h J'ft • ..,_ rf\li Ir.; t ttt"' "' t • •I ' " I I I t rtU UI ft, 1·hlldrrn. n1... f1<mtl y J:11 k~nnvrllo'. F IR. Ilia r"lthC'r. th<' 18t• J ohn Burn- h11m, RA lbda rl'altnr. and ru. mot.ll· o r l'1'n~l l\nC<'. \4'CT'° Wf'lJ knl'IWTI lluhr r •t'1lclf'nt11 Mr11 Burnham I• •1rle1 In Soul h P111adenL HAVING TROUBLE GNASHING YOUR TEETH? READ THIS! You d on't have lo wait until C hristmas to put.., It your order for two front teeth. That 11. It you recently lo~l a vlUl Item on t he bu1:h In vlc1n11y or 34Lh St. ' F o r the Newa-Prus re.:e1ved 1h1a po•tal card tnturmaliun, dated Jan. 28: "Dear Sir: Sunday I found a partial pl,.te w ith two upper tePth on the bt>ac h .it Newrm t a l abvut 3Hh St. I would like very mUl'h lo tlnd the owner and It you have any lnrorm1H1on please let me know." The plate finder IS ~!rs G. \\'. Let' or l.o$ Angell'~ who bas a cottage at. }21 37th St. for I he be111~l 1l of tht> net•ily party concerned, Mra. Lee rnldu a l 4:117 Alpha St .. Leis An· gele11 32. phone Capito l· 1·7619. Burnham. ·Fienstein Homes Sold to Hutsons. Mrs. Grant Two of Udo lale'a fineat water their families are 1111.11ing and fish· rront home. have been aold. ac - cording to E"1er~· S. Hanson, v1ce- pre1<1dent o'r the Newpo rt Harbor real estate f irm of P . A. Palme'r Inc., which represf'nted both buy ers and aeller11. Blanche Harvey, 111art member, handled both 1&le.w tor a Lota! In excess of 180,000. ~Ir. and ~trs. Hugh Hut110n of "Chef's Inn" reataurant purchas- e<I the R. J . Burnham h'omt at :IH Via Lido Nord. Mr. aria Mrs. Burnham and family are on an extPnded two year world t our and are pres ently in Switurlancl. Mrs. E. J. Grant ot Sto ne C na- YOI\ Road, We11t Loa Angeles. bougt.t the Harold Flensteln ho11ae at 627 Via Lido Soud. Mra. Grant will divide her Ume b«tween her two homea. H er four aona and lllg enthusiasts a net n r11 well- known In ·1oca1 boa11ng I'll cles. Both homea have p1era, alips and terraces. Call Water Line Bids Bids !o r a wat.er line to be laid along River Ave .. skirting the Ban· ning Tract'• aoutherly ectge be· twt•tm Balboa Blvd. Rnd Coast Highway, have been calltd by the city tor return Feb. 28. .._ City Engineer Bert Webb Mon- day night preeented pl&na and epeciflcatlona tor the line to city coun cil. He estimated $18,00-0 cost wu lnvolnd. HALECREST NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART l -PAGE 3 MONDAY, JANUARY 3 1, 1955 Co•tl•twd from t 'lnt PaC'f' .II' :~~:;.that can qualify to (l\l r· 1 RobePI \Rule in l Darnell adllrtl, "th~ rC'atltll\ lh1·11nnocenl Plea 22 acres bet Wt1Pn our exu uni; pif't'f or r ruprn \' All(I H&rb<1r Blw1 A I k R was n.n 1nd11e:1 Ill t hf' ""?l'<l!l•I on I ac a p annexation was lhdt we don l own Kinder Files For Council r ourtrvnlh r lln•liilate' tn rllf' f"r th111 p1t'1'e or r 1,.pPrty YPI. 11'5 SA1'TA A~A IOC:'\$) -HAnd· , 1,, .• -..11n1·il t h •• 111<11 n111Jl w 11 .. \\·11- slill 111 ,.e,•row .. l!Olllt" R obert Ruh•, 21 , son M ", • • ,, 1 V ~ATl'KA I. nm ·s o AK\' proit lnenl Nrwport BelH'h bu1<i· 1 1111 111 C'". h.1n•k r J 1 .• !\, o f l\9U~ \ , nP:i1<man, F riday plPacled lnnc~t·nl 0 «1'•111 V1 11111 T h i' llull' ,.Jk•k .. s11111n 1'111111)\l'nt· to ,thr<'t' attark l'hargf'°S whl'n h P I Th .. J •"'"ll""I 1·11nd1'11tl<' '" \\l•rk· l'tl 1 h:it Ill Iii.• 1•pl01t•ll lhl" 31~· 8(\peareJ b1•fOft' .SUp••rior 1'0 111 I 1111: r,1r his m11st1•n1 tlt>jtrc•e 111 bulli• nexa t1011 \I uuJ.I 11u 1y Co,.1a ~ksa 1< J u J i:". J otm Shl'li for arra1gnnwnt n""" a dn11nuil 1 at1o n at lht• Un i\·· CllY h mlls to its nR turul. north .. rn 1 Ruh.> entered hia plea s thrnui;!l , rs1ty or !';011thi•i-n Ca\ltumla an•I. ~111 .. r -llw Jll<ll"'""" ~an 1 •1··~0 Ally. Geori:t Chula He u q11r•1ot"d 1s •'n~llJ:•••l th prn pPrty manAj!"'· F ri•,·w~.'· 11:1.1 f 11 1 n •"he d » a jur~· trl:tl Tht.> j11Jgt Sf'I th" 111 .. nl m :>:1·wpol'l B1>111·ta. t 'r•in eh111H'•' ,,.,. torst" l111o,. 11lanm 11i; tnlll for ..9 ''80 a.m ., M1trCh 21. l\'<'t'l\'1111: h1>1 •ll'J:l"ff KmJer f'X• "beno f1t 1.1I 111 1111111.• p11n•1111,.i.'1 li " I Rule is arc11>11'll <>f forr111i: his pl'cls to rl'lurn t o Unlvt•r.111ly o f In lh<' l••llr r ,..,nt 111 111 .. ~h·11a inlrnllons on a l:l·y »ar-oltl A m•· Ca hf<•rma 111 Loll Angelt.'8 to l'Om· c1ly <'nllnlll. l •u1 n"ll .. 111•1. .. A ht'1m girl htsl Del'. 3 1. pll'lll wort< •>n h11< law de.:rN'. statem,.nt \\9,. 11or"I" llm l The• Th•• g irl IPi<liht•J at prPhml· A bnd~lnr. J.h" youni: rnnt11· HR h• t 'mnp1111y \I'll" <'Vil un;.: 1\i' nary ht•anng thl\t Rule lwi.t he r dictate h<IS-l(v.•J p<>rmanently "'"l'"nMbllil1<'~ un ol1 11 1n11~·· b~· this wh"n she 1"1•f11~ed to submil to in Newpnrt a .. adl Klnt'P 19~0 Ito ann1•x11111011 Th" 11111.. l 'ro111p1111y hill ntlv11,m•es. Stw rlamled they Is a fourth i:••n1•rallon naltvti Ca ll· has t "tnm"d " prom in .. 111 •'lll!ln•'•'1 • Wt'rt in Rult's parked auto ~ht'n fomlan. m g ,· .. n1panr Frun•" It Ku1 .. 1, ·lht' attllcks occ11hed. · l>RAF'l'El> TO Rt ·s L'1in~ull1n,.: Eni:•n•, 1.~ Tht·~"nK· Rule Is a 80ldlrr atatlonf'S at inrc1" h.1v .. , .. !!IJlo• l• :1 1 .. 11t•,.1i.:11•·•l Ft. Lewis, \\'ash. 11no.J rl'·t'n1-1n1•<'1 "d I ht' ,•11bdl\·1s111n. ancl w .. h1·h<'\"' 1h11t 1h1• tiount\' or Or11ni.:•· \\'Ill ~Ill\\' l.il'\'i'Jll lh.C' trart llt>:<1gn." Council Spends S 150 to Keep Poles Away Olli n1•1l 1·on rhidl'•I t h.., h 11 .. 1. · J Sum or $1:10 will bt-spent by behe\'t' that bll 11n<l<'111111•m 1..-ac· the t'1ty council to k et>p telf'phone lion wa s taken 1.J1• ~ ""' .-11y '111111 · 1 poll'8 oft the blurt on Ocean Bh·ct. c1l aga111,.t lh• lll'~l 1n11•1,·-1~ u1 th1• The mo ney was aulhoriud thl11 l'nt1 rP c·11y or l 'o~ll\ Mo's11. 1t111I 111 morning tn lhll adjourned 11c1U1lon fRVOt' or II (o•\\' l'll'"r'll' w h1l ObJ•'•'I Bl request o r Councilman Andrew to hav1ni.:-I h, 1r 111x"" 11wrea~..,.i Smith. 1 be llf'\'e that lhe unheaf'cl vo11 "'' He to ld councilmen the Ed180n o f 600 futu1 e pu rchRS<'l"ll wPre n111 Co. was planning to put poiPll considered by the rlty t'Otm r1I l along the bluff to Hrvlce homu would like to have-the opporlum ty below the bluff, but would a (Tfe to prl'Kl'nt all of th;• t111·1.-1 l» ~"lll to place the polea below the bluff and t-0 the prote11tant11 Ill· anothPr if a roadway wu extended by the public meeting." city. K intler'11 Cl'ndhJa,·y <'&Ille to " hea d ynltrday morning , Ill 14 'neighborhood meeting at the lh J . Chrtsthrn home, 7100 W. Ocean Front. wh,.n he w&!I ctrattrd to run· for o tfil'I' 1.n Dl11trlct No. J. .. It IA with <'IVI<' prlcte that l aecept th is nom ination u a ce.ndi; date for Pll't'tlo.n of l'1ty r ouncil· m an. 1 am proud to be a resident of thla rommunKy and If elPcte1J I will J:IVP my beet efrort1 to rf'· present lht> lntereata and well bf-Ing of Ila cltlzrna." K lndt-r uid. Sponso rs are Joyce Wynan11, Dorothy C . Roth, H a rry H. Gant. Deloe Abrama, Ida Ana Abrama, Maxin" Duggan, Leland Cllrt.1t1an, Ne111e B. Cl\rl1lian, P hyllla M. Gill and 0. E . Walker. Immediate Occupancy $ PER Until April Isl I · 3 BEDROOM HOME 26 principal and Interest .$ 00 plua small cloe1q ooeta MONTH DOWN VETS or NON· VETS •7995 " FULL PRICE Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE QUAUT~-FEATURES I • I .---I ---. .,...,..... .. _...,.__._ l MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA l \mf'r lra n :-1an1lard M>lnr.,•I l>ath fl"'"'"" ~l ulltf' o\f'r to ll' \ l'luna'll'I" n •t,...1 kltrbrn rahlnl'I• A'phall tllP In kllrhrn and hath t-ormh-a kllrhf'n "·nrk arPM Th11rn stN·I "lnl!m"' <.rn11Jn,. lnlh anlf pl.,.lf'r ,\(.,\ llJll'rO\ I'd l &tl hPat :-.-n. ZIO Cnm J"l rnof l'lrturf "l.ndo"" 40-ttal. \\ at .. r hP&t"r . __ ... Andes Realty -Sales A99nts -LI 8-4565 -Open 9 to 7 Daily I -· John A .. Miller Weds Heiress, Ceremony Held in Las ·Vegas MR AND MRS. JOHN A. hflLLER Staff Photo Kickoff Luncheon Will Start Heart Fund Drive ·Daughter of English Couple Elo~es Here A romance which reached from Newport. Harbor to England ended in marriage by elopement to Las Vegas, Nev. for English heiress Josephine Stuart Henderson, 1S. and J ohn A. Miller. 32, Balboa Island. The newlyweds, at home , in their attractive Balboa Island residence today told how M11lt'r. a yat'ht broki-r al Rich-• Pl!£~ rectpllon much to their ard&0n'a w•·nl to Englan'1 to metl J surprise. They put up at 1.Aal his bride-to-he's porenta a fort· Fronllf'r Hotel while In La.a Ve· n li;hl 11g11. Her fat her, wealthy 1 gas. Blrmingtuun. England hotel owntr I Since their marriage thty have C. S Henderll(.ln, opposed l•e eabll'd Mr.l. M1llf'r'a parents In young couple who fell In love after England, Informing them of the met't1ng al s1ullng racl'll hPre. marriage. She listed Newport Ht>r mot ht'r, !-tl r~. Jobn Bur· Bea C'h as htr place of reslden('e on roughit of Lonilon and Ho!'11ham, lhe marrl11ge llcen11t' while M11lu E ngland, wu nol c.>nlh1mastlc gave his as Balboa bland. He hu about the mutch tht'y said. So. het>n a res1denl hrre 111tennlttent· wh<>n English law p1oh1b1L"d the ly 11mr t 1947 set lllng In Corona prttty, brown-.-yl'<l, •'Urly brown d~I ~tar 111 19 49. then recently haired girl from mar rying the m0V1ng to the lslli.lld. man she loved, lhey left Engl.apt! TO HOSOLl'Ll' and tnplanPd for the Slatrs al The newlyweds, very much de· Shannon. Ireland. ~I r.:. Miller Le1m1ned to make therr marrlare camt' to Newport Beach tu t Jun work despite her partnts• doubt•, to visit relntlves. phin· to go lo Honolulu In July, IN LA8 VEGAS ~!illtr let sail ovt'r on Pt't.er Oranl'a ~•Vl.'lg EnglMd Ja n. 21. the li~hl displacement 11loop Nalu 11, young couple wu wed Thursday which was second In her clua or ln Lu Vegaa wnere Justice or the the last Bermuda race. S he will P eace John Mmdoz otrlr1aled al 1 fly to Honolulu and join her hU.· rite•. then rave th~m-& chan:i_-_l_b_a_nd_. ___________ _ PAGE -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 ' MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor Studios of CDM-Artists Visited by Club Group Edw11rd \ RMenow J r . past pruull'nl o( tht' Los Angeles Hearl AM 1w1at111n. "'11' &"UH L l'pcaker at t hr Ht>Drl F'unti l<lckoff lunch· ron 1n<!.11y 8l the Waterwheel re11tn11rant In AnehPim, ln wh1rh many Ha rbor P•'Opll' nre Interest · Newporl Hett;hts, Mis. =-:trhola~ Breltne1·, Bay Shorr~. Throui;h arrani:emtnl.! made by Mrs. Thomas Baum. r i-nny Art chairman tor the J unior Ebell Club, interUlt'<l ml'mbrrs pa1 l1r1p11tt•d in a ftrld l np Jan. 2t vl•ltinc 1tudlo1 nf \\'ell-knnwn Rrlt~l3 in Corona dt'I Mar. C'tl Sp,,1tk11v; nn "~lodern T rends in l hl' rrr.ttlll<'nl of HN11 t Disease.' Mrs. Frank Carlton I~ 11er\'lni; u eecrc>lary tor the H ea1t Fun I committee 11nd M r11. Rnl11n•I \.\'1i ghl as l1 t'n~11rcr. Working on 11perla.l c1,111m1ll<'rs 11.re ~!r!I. Rohe.rt l~rpp•·n, 11lm~. ~!r!I. Har(lld Htpes, thealre, Mr• Th"o ~I Hamll1ook tll'corot1on~. Ros••n11w ft1ltlrt~S•'tl Heait Fund Harold l'"'"l'Son. >:<•If t n11rn;1111rn1 C11mnt1t1P1, troin t he :m 1 1t1r~ and 5 tevt' \\"atl'h<'r 1>1\ol fl.Jrr('ll Jl av romrm•nil:rs In tl\I' <ountv which ,.rrll'lti, '"''" t!anri- a1e '"'nductlng Ht'arl Fund cam· pa 1i:n• 111 i'"ebrut1 rv. • • ,h:~·11,·;"::;.:~rtll,~·:.'";~ ~::~:;;·\~"; ~~ Miss Reding LJ•nnl" H V1ncr11t Rn•I H1trry E I l'l11'kl .. 1 Bus111 ......... 'lialrm .. 11 Are Honored at ~lt:< t:•h\&rti .Alkn Jan D11v1s, ~II "'"I .'\11. Rry11r.i C"h11•1• n~· 11 on I ll11gll Hudson l'ltt•ll• Ht•!irt c·•1· 1 h1111111r n arf' .\II• \ 1ni·Pn l e n'1 M1!1 ~1 1> kier: ~Ir '• !'1rln"" r .-ck or c nr .. n 1 d,.I .\llr 111 pubt1111y chnll man Hr •rt S11ndt1v l hn11 m"n 11r" .\In Jam,.~ StrHtd11 '1. 1·nr11n11 .tr l l\!Ar, l\lr11 A11:-Jln f;t11rlr \·11nt 1<n'I ~I ts. Bridal Fete. An a fl r rn11on w as !!pent for tht' tour which: 1ncludt'rl the 11tud10 o! Rex Brandt. through w)l1ch they were ehown by J onn l rv1ni; Hrandt. 11 prominent arUet In her own rJghr. Burt J'rnrtri 'io l\ludln and thRt nf Thf'Jma _Pa<ldock Hopt'. Those whn mn<11' thP trir wr11' grn tly arprPc1i1 t1ve or the d1ff,.rcnce ln etylr or tht!l'e a1 l1st11 wbo hav,. made :-;ewport Harbor their hnm" !-tlemhl'1s nf th,. J unior Ebell 'partlclpaUng Wf're Mrs. F'ret'ii:-11n F"l1>hf'1 Mrli Ru thPllyn ~tlle11, Mrs. Morton Mllltr, Mt• Strrhn" ['<u 1it. M t:< Jani~e Hampton en<i Mra. Vera B11111nii:;in, i:ur''"· 11n•I ~Ill' Ba11m CORONA DEL MAR PTA •+----.....,:\\:"-' . ._I:.::<~. "'"Vt rn n• '" H11 I hon . ~II •. Geori:1· l.1ne, l311y l•lanil, .'\!r!I. J . E. f'r,•1111ni.rrr. 1..1.f" 1•11" . .\Ir. an:! Mr~. I-In rold 1\rll111r :-.:t wpo1 t Rearh . .\tis. II• i• n .'\11 F.ldnwnt~', Mra. AKll"i< Martin, Mr1<. 8 11<' Mar- tin an'1 .\Ira H11wthome Barnttt, Balbll& 1 ~111nrt. l'>!r•. :-;,.wlnn Cnx, I \ \ I ' Ray Reeves' Return From Caribbean Nightingales Give Progran1 for Auxiliary Al ,,..,.,,.,.. , · \I - me!. r 11 ' lo 1 • • 11 f1. • Hu., ... i: H· ~1 .. :.11 Aux·l.1•\ -• • ·r· ~ .. '''· tnca kc 1 i~ • i t t .. , tr·t • t? pr"J! 1 • • • l ' I • ."'-·· •'• • i; or Ll't' • ·" dr,."· y. • t '·r ' Ch111. · ,\r;- '••'I" ,,.,,. J-t l \I" I i>n the Tun "r R"nrd 1lr11ded t hr ""' O~''''U 'R" t r:• .. t t '• I tt)r11 I ro11~11llant!', ~ I! .\I n~· n And I Fil•" \I , .. , ,.. · "'l'I" • • 11n·I jtfllio:\\tr rr r 111 I •Ir.: I t ,.,"""' ' •i··n • t ~1 1< El' 1 tf t ••'"' -..L:t • t:-\t I ... l'HUl rt• ! I'"< ~ ',,. I ' t• t • '. , .~ ••• v .t.:i-_.,I\• •I t ' 11 11... I• ~ ' <'0 • l ~I 1,. Jl.or1 q ~ F • • ,.. U.11 t.ni:. I In· .... I ,..,,.,, I X ~ht ' ·,, ,.. ~ .... i-~!' ~t . .• l '"'' \.,, s· , •' ·r· . i' I .... r ti ' \ .. -' \ ~ HI I I lt lj'"rl \', ooililt \J r ;i f ;, I ,:•1 \ I• II ~n, \t •hu•1:•,,,.:, H r\I L11k< ,.,.1 ,\r:n111 I-<'" • LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS . ' ._DAN S BARBER SHOP BAI.ROA nn~ATRE Bl.00. 8.-\1.BOA Opeo 1'1MMa)' ~ 8atarda7 " \\~llL~C l'.\G 111 1. Ii ~ \111\ \I <1F Ol H <H~I C:I:.:- "1 f I \ F \\ \ \ 11 I \ In , ER 1,1 l \ RTE RS :\ T 3425 EAST COAST HIGHWAY JCOltONA DfL MAI •I ,1 tr'1·;i~11rr n11mhrr rf'mr11 n.1 th,. '' HA r bo r 212 1 LESTER, RYONS & Co. .. 1.urs "fW YOH t •OOt llC>'•NGf IOI •HOILll SfOCf u~·· .. o• .... , .. ~ lT()(J[ POV.lfOI fUIOC ' I°' \Nl:LI H er \H \1(1~r C:OI O.llA OtJ. \H I CLf'fl)ALI H••' 1,\t l, .. ,, tl1\• '" ,, ,. '~''"''' ''"'4'.n'~ IHOl 4\n~ ~ \ lUllll J "H "\ H:.t A WO\Jr \ Brothert Marmon Troth is Surpnse News at Tea When Mr•. Charles K. Boerd- man and Mn. C. E. Wlll1am1 en- tutained a few cl~ friends from Pl!:O Chapter l"Q re«nlly at the WllllJma home in Shore Clltta. tl was to honor the fonntr Mra.. &nd Mra. Georre J. D&v1 .. poured durtnr th• nr9t put ot th• alt.er· noon. with Mn. Willard ·lt. BaJ•r 'Cit Ontarlo and MiM Helen Port.er -led at Ule u·ma for the lattn put Of the day. , Gladys Brothers of 122 Pearl. Ave. Gif Q h•d and lo ma.lee the 1urpril•' an-. t re 1 nouncemenl or her marriage eomf' time back to Mr. Claud F . Mar-Wins Award mon or Santa Barbara. The new Mra. Mannon hu known her hh1b&nd tor many years. ·she will tin.lab her ye&I' u teacher ln the CJ)1t& Kesa schools, will then go t<> a lo,,ely home In S~nta Barbara. She hu lwo daughler11. Mra. Rorer Baier ot Ontar1o and M1aa Barbara Brothtra. · A cake decortt.ed in the bridal theme centered the beaut.dully ap- pointed tea t&ble. Mra. L. C. Sawin 4 Ctmtt.mu ittt which paid a Jenuary divld. tn th• form of a bronae medal te-.,.OUd property of Mra. Jamea AaplD of Newport Belrht.a. MrL .Upln.,wbo la prealdant of Newport Hubor Zont& club, di•· played at th• Friday •••ntnr m .. Unr of th• club a pink orchid, Trail'• End, on which were three blouomL She had exhibited It at th• orchid ahow ln Long Beach and It recetv.d a bron.&e aecond award. Coun~y W om,en to Sponsor 'Freedom to Learn' Film ' Orange County women, wlO lead jn .!!!!_Cuaaton (t'OUpa Immediately art.er 1h0Wffi'a-ot the n tm. The public la lnvtted. "if'ret'dom to Le&rn." the new, much in demand film produced by the California Teachers' A.uocl&· lion, will have lta first ahowln&' In Orange County under ·au.ptcea of B'nal B'rith Women. It wt.U Maintenance Suit be ahown Wedneaday, Feb. 2 at BANTA ANA, (OCNS)--Orace 8 p.m. at the Temple Beth Sholom, o. WhJt.e or Coat& Mesa Thuraday Eighth and Bush St.I., 8.nt& Ana. tiled a ault In Superior Court here Mrs. Irving L. Wieder ot Loa aaldnr tor aeparate malntenanrt Anrelu, tin t vice president ot Her huaband la Wllllam A . White. Southern California Conference ol a Newport Beach ecrvtce 1ta tlon B'na.1 B'rlth Women, together with operator. Jr. Ebell Welfare Party is Benefit for School, The J unior El>ell Club held Sta third annual Wf'lfare party Jan. 13 In the American ~gion clubhouae. As In the put years, the proceeda \Wiii (0 t.o provide for deaf and hard-or-hear1nr chlldren of Oranp County at rr.tiklln School In San- ta Ana. Dea9Crl wu .erved a t 1 p.m. and cards were P'-Yed for the rema.in· der of th• attem oon. OpportwU- tlea were ottered on a watercolor palhtln&' don.ated by Mr9. c. M.. Deakins. compUmentary d&nclnC leaaona, and costumed doll. M,.... J. A. Gant claimed the pelntl~. Mn. Ruth Vedder the danclng lea· aona and Mr.. J ohn Klmble won th• OC'll. Mn.. Geors-Dauphine, Wel!att ~rman, wu boetNa for th• par- ty and waa aaal1ted by Mn P'rM- man F!Jlber and M.ra. li. V. 81m- mona. Tb• nut major money-raJ~ IDc project •lll be a rununar• l&l• Feb. 6 under the cbatrman- llbip ol Kl .. Jam• Whlt.e, MCOnd '1C6-prelildent of Junior ~11. C. F. Foundation Las Amigas Is Project of Circle Hears Beta Sigma Phi Book Review Mnl. H. C. r'oe1 Jr. and Mrs. Gerald 84-11 ahand hOt1tesa duu ... when mtmbera or Le.a Amiga.a Cir- cle were entertained a t the Foils home, 17'1 Plaza del Sur, Balboa. Mra. Harold Glua p~11ldcd. Mrs. C«ll f'owell lu d tn d,v,,_ llona, ualng two 1nsp1ratlon1l poem•. Mn. ,Earl StonebaC"k urv· ed a.a t.rtuurer for the f\•entng ln the a bl!ence or Mrs. William Mr· Donald, new mother of " thlrt1 aon. Mrs. Stnneb&(:k also c ave tht W SCS report. Arrangementa were complrlA!d for tho cir cle's pa.rt In the F'1v,. Dollar banquet. hald Ill Goodtll Hall We<lntsd&y evtntii11 . Mrs. John U'R.en gave a botlk review of Mo.n llnd Got! In th,. City 1Dr. Kenneth M1lltn . A ao· 1 clal hour follnwrrl, wit h rf'frt'llh· menta 11en ·Nt by thr hOl!teNI 1l11n Next meeting will bf' on Fth I~ tn the home ot Mr11 L \\'. Kt l· lo('g. 1338 Wesl Balboa Bl\·11 PARKES • RIDU:Y MORTUARY FomterlJ' OllAG'EL CUAPCL UO Bl'094waJ -Coeta Mr .. Liberty &-SUS ud 1Hlt:l4 l:xamineJ You'll do• better job and feel better when your· vision is better. Good .-ye,ight is an important tuet for tny work you do. Reasonable Prices -C0ttveniet1t T enn1 Open All Day Saturday Dr. Gordon ,· OPTOMETRIST -315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- Santa Ana Phone Kl 3-7133 ' Show Tahiti Films to ·Kamaaina Klub Mra. W11Uam Whitt', 20!3 Maple Av• .. Coet& ,. ..... WU hO.U. Wedneeday neninr to Kam .. lna Klub member-a. Mn. Norman r u ,. Gerald prulded for her flr9t au.Ion· alt.houl'h the immediate pall Pf"Nldent.. M.ra.. Robert Boyd Jr. wu unable to be preMnt to tum O\lfr t.h• pnl. Other officer• alao took up t.hllr dutlH. Old bu•ln•• wta completed and new atfalr1 diJlcua-Prulopeky of Newport and M•· Md, of particular lntenolt belnr Wendy O'Brien ot Balboa Illlan .. an Alona partt for Mr. and Mra. Omer Darr. The cou ple 111 lta vtna thia aprtnr on their achoontr vva for Tahiti. The once-blal'k. hull Ve&a la now beln~ ee.nded for a new coal or paint. She hu betn overhauted complt'tely, lnaide ant1 out, f or puaenrer crul.se service betwHn TahlU, the 11malln la- landa and Hawaii. After th• refruhment hour Mr. and Mra. Pearce Marples of Bal· boa bland ahowtd Tahitian mo- tlon picture& with na rratlvt'. They were taken whll' the Marplu liv- ed In Tahiti and weri-In color, aome of underwater 11cene11. othtn of homea. luaus anr1 \"flrious 111- land beauty d'pota. The 1'eb. 11 meeUnr wllJ IM h4d at th• Aloha Room or 01• K .. • ruJdenc• with M'ni. Robert lmt.h .. ha-t .... HOME LOANS Prevlou11 to the K&ma.alna l!how- lng the Marplts h &tl run the f1lm11 at the SM Emmrs horn!', Villa Way, where 11on D11\'1d \\"IU ctl"· br&llng h111 16th birthday llJ1Ml\'<'r· sary. Mra. E mmtl! 111 a Kam&atna membtr. ' I 1 Attending other than the Mu-••• .. --------'" plu and the host couple \\'ere Mmes. FitzGerald, l.A-o-dfo lo~ Rlo1, John Fuller, Robert Rlckl'tts, Ed· ward Kelly, Rober t Cha.mberlun, Omar Darr, Robert Smith, Luclllt Smilh, Roy Keene and Miss Lola Lyons. Guut.a were Mrs. William nut Honored at Driskel Home Mu. Dan Driak<'I, 227 Golden· rod Ave .. entertained laat Thur~­ day afternoon with a dellghlfully appointed tea ln honor of Mn . Karl Ptler11meyer and her mothtr. Mra. Bournt, who Is vt111llng frnm Canada, and her 'fuiibiifd11=nTo - er. Mrs. Edgar Pett'r11mt'yer. Mr . and Mrs. Karl Pctersmeyer and their thr<'e 11on1. Bob, J ohrr and Tommy are pt>rma.nen:. wtntf'r r'111de.nt1 of Corona del _\tar "" I lhe Edgar P etl'rsmeyet11 spend each winter In Laguna. They have adjoinlng wheal !arms in Regin,. Saskatchewan. Among the J:\l('JSl.• Wt're Mr11. Ray Grlggl' nt Ba lb1•t• lllland a nd ll!mes. Stary Morg11n ant1 Sldnt'y P Pck nf Corona del Mar. Stevens College Alumnae Group I Stevena College &lumna" or Or· I ange County are fnrmln g a group here a.nd are ll.•kt'd to ll:ot thrlr 1 namu and Ult phone number~ nn ) a poirl card and &'1'1re!'s It '" Mr~ Michael Lawll'r, 70 2 F t' m ica! Ave • Corona d"I :Mur H,.r t,.1.,phnn,. numbt'r 111 Ha r bor ~676-\\' Th<' group plans tn de> fhanty wnrk , have aocl&l affairs &nd kttr up j the Stevens aplnt. ) At Ora119e County's LHdin9 Home Lendin9 ln1titution QUICK 2-4 HOUR SERVICE -.L .. OW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST ..RATES EASY FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVjCE WE I UY U UST OHOS ON WELL LOCATED HOMES LA.GU NA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oceen Av1nu1 LAGUNA BEACH Phone HY 4. I I 17 LU'S TALK ABOUT FEES ••• • IN THIS DAY AND AGE. most of us ore faced with timilor finonciol pro~lems. Even though our in- comes moy be derived from different 1ovrce1, mo1t of our money 9oe1 for food. clothing. shelter ond other e1~nM1 including medico! core . YOUR DOCTOR'S INCOME it der1,,1d 1ole ly from (1 his feo..-fees which he bel1e,,e1 • 0 ~ from hit yeors of erper1onc1 ond ~ tra ining. to be foir 011d equ · table. t:io.,.,e•tr. ahould you e"cr hove cny finonciol wor11u con· cemin9 needed medico l core , •• urge you to discuu the matter i11 od•onc• ,.,th your perr.onol phyJicion. He will be g lod to oni1t yo.J in mokin9 o rrongemenh for the btst of medicol core on t ha moat reo&onoble financia l bo1i1 pouible. THE BEST MEDICAL SERVICE ia boa«/ a11 a lrie11tJ/y, m11f110/ 11nderrfo11ding befwH11 Jodor and patie11f. w. 11r9• yo11 '° di1c1111 1 ... in ad.,anc• witli yo11r perso110/ p liy1icio11. OCCASIONALLY, however, our Public S.rYice CommittH is coiled upon to review a mi1under1tond- in9 which rnoy hove de.,elo~d betwHn d octor and potient. Jud9in9 from u~rience, w• beli..,e thot mo•t of the .. mi1unde"tandin91 would not develop H the patie11f ~glfld di1c11u fo1011c io/ mCJffera w"rllt lii1 doctor j11rf 0t lra11Uy 01 he J oet Ms pltyaical a i/me11ta. SHOULD YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, mo~• a Mriou1 and sincere effort to rHol"• it with yowr pert0nol phy- ticio11. Then, if you a re u11oble to 09ree. write to t he Society. We are determined that, in your interest. hi9h stondord1 of e+tiicol rnedieol c.ore be mointoined. A .. , •• ,. '"•lie Service ., ... ORAN(iE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1126 Nerfll lrMfwey le••• ... •1,.1Mrly J-1127 I " J ' I 11 /} 't I I \ J I 'L.d p k 37 c b s uts I NEWPORT HAReoR NEws.PREss _PART,. PAGE s 1 0 a~ U CQ MONDAY, JANUARY 31 , 1955 Let Advancement Awards T. 19 G~l S H Tb• J a.nuu=). meeting or Cub Scc>ut P11ck 37 WU hrld at the L1t10 1 oop Ir COll ts ear ClubhoUM. thtme t or the month ~Ing · Ra1ll nading .. ~n 3 • unt I .. i·ve Ileen worklnr on the Railroad" and Oen 2 aarig the Cub Seoul I Ab t E ·1 · h G • l' G • d .Onr: '"J M!l an Engtnt on a H iii." Clo~ing <'l'l •ntOny wall, b~l'n 1 0 u n fJ 1 s 1 r ll l es • T hree new Bobcatl were we!· ners Wlr•' Charin Tr•Ps, Jd! I ~ \ oomed by cubmasttr Herg Riley. Clark. LArry Ellman. Mikl' Shuc-h_-Memben-of t i. l ~rout Troop 19 nl1o11i; with their k :'1lrr. '1111 ~. T'11.1'("1lta Rrrw, E w lyn !110r-- They wt>re Bobby "Chacon, Grt g· lt-r. Ronalu ·Dodmt1.n.· _Jnlm 11''1~\): ~tr~. Wild·m Thu n ::is and co·k'atit>r M rs. Arthur Remlt'Y. \f't'r~' '' ""''· Ltn1! • Hn ... 1. :'11 1.111 fl" Mu- ory Von Hof!11111n and ~1lllam ~like ~lan.i;1rn. L!i111~1 LA'ej ~111~· spe>l!ho11 nd \A. ·~rn t hC't r !"(lC'r 1al gu<'<;t ~tr!'. ~idll<'V :-£:tn'1<'~ l,•11, B1 i.ii: .. 1 H un~••kll1 . l(,•ne C&J'9 Welch. Other awards preseotr•I Mai;:rl'r. t:hiults 6 1tni spo!·C' of t tw nc t1vil IC'S of .. Girl Guides in 1-.:ngland;, At ·1 r" ~" rll ~:·11 ' tn:i n .... ,., l'i:Ilrlope n r IC n -d C ti Ellm Donoho«'. Servi<"!" Pms \\'I'l l' a\\'11111· . ' · • ,. I I' • s 11 I J w~re: no ..... ge. ur 1 ore. 8 McCI , . J !f <:I k 1ccnt ffit"ltn(T ~lrs. S anders said G irl C.uld<'S Are ma<'l' up 1f " "11 ' ·" ~ .A\\••'11, '"'" Bill L lndeke Charlr:o, J r!fery rd to rllCI'. 3 ir. (' Ill r ' . ,.. r h . I l l.11 ·~····II. I 1111.11.1 )II\\ fl<lnllld. Clark, J onny Seal. Gordon Forge~" 1:nrry Ctb~nn, s .. ott G~tt>.1, Mt._!' <'Om! :l!}:l s r·~t .. t'r t :in t'.':10"'5. as _m the Rcout~. In ch:ir"' _.of 1, 111111,. 1111.11111<, r. Ji .. .\nn Rf'm• arl•• Bell, and Mike Shuchter: Ku tm>r and R1C'ht11d \an tn'Q1l the c omp:1111 ...... are c:i pla1:1~, s~mtl:tr to l~'ld~rs of the G irl It\, n 1,.i1,, t\·1., ~tui y Elo!M If arrow!!, Charlea Tret's. Larry On Sut urdoy, J11n t hr 22 th• , Scout T1 oopi;. ~ft-t rnant tl~eUlC'n:lnl I aa title of the p"r· Th1tnKli<. lill•I An1tr1 8r<'yt'r. GI !!On Scott C11le11 Jonny Seal. Pl\r k tn1\'rlr<1 tn Hollywood to ~t'c Ison who worki:: \':1th thC' r ;i11tain to hC'nd thf' CCll'l;)panv. The FOR GOOD WORl<-These t hree Costa M esa s chool nurses received plaques from Newport H arbor Lodge of Elks No. 1767 Jan. 20 for their work in helping make the &nnual Elks ChriRtmas charily program a !iUl:CC'SS m the Harbor area. From left, Al- bert Matthews. Leading Knight in charge of project, Mrs. N orman Myen1, Mrs. Anne H . Church'. Miss Ruth Ryden and Exalted Ruler Elwood F. S hell. -Staff Photo 2; Cba~les ~II. 3: "ftkt' Shuchtrr. "This h Cinrrama." girlR :\r,' th:-n J i,;ded into p'atr ols. • 2; J ohn Shlrlds, Jeff Clark, am February Pat'KI l\C-DliVllieB lnclU.'1'' I C irl f.U!Ot" u nif<'r MR ('llllRist of ft light blue . blouse durk Llndeke. the Bin<' und Go d ann('r to<"~ I'· hhl" >klrt 11111! bl'r. l T lw pnt11•I ' Bear BadgP, Richard Hom . brste the_ .Cbt h ftb1rthd~y or S1:out· 1 ci ,.~· : , a 1 •, •• ,.1 ih:it , < " 11, .... Thl' t i;onp 11u re•·tnlly !ulfallt"<I Lerry Ellman, Buzzy P erson anti mg on Frh. 11 at \Illa ~h11 1n11 d.re·I hy th" g •Ii< iin t h<'ll uni'· lwo s t•,0 1111 .-!ts.;,,1 rt'quirtm<'lll,.. A i<now trip Is l'<"ht'1\ll t'<1 for I h<> ~Mn 11 y ,111 1 r 1~111 !e.~ "' t' •·r·•wn Tht' r• qulr<'~ter.tl' nrl' lntr n lR: 1 .. n. John Robinson: Bear 11rrow, Larry ... v Ellman: Lion. badge, Mlchael Kut-19th. Ow~11. Oltll'r I ;u.!lo>.< hk<" l"nJ: trip• :ii Frirnd:oh•p l\ntl llon.1'maklng V tn F1 :inre 1111.1 \\'nl« An f:n"h~h I Shortly be1ort-Chr1l1tm11io t ht ner, George IUldf)l"vort, Andy .. I h Sral and John Parker: Lion ar· Housewann1·ng 1'11/lltllll t h:n 1:0 t11ughl (0 lht' i::ir 8 tn\'llt'd l l'l r mc>thrrs lo th<' G11111~11 1~ 1'1 <'.It with 111, !ork 111 nnn11nl b11'lh1lny pally. Fl1'.111t1r11l r owll. Michael Kutner .. 2, George lht' h•lt hund: 1 •·Prarnl<' girts Jilli•.'~ by the i;arlis Va.nden-ort, Andy Seal, 2, and 1·s Surpn·se for 1¥.\R'.\" OT~(·t; were gl"•ll to lheu· mothrrs. Tht' J ohn Parker, 2. , s~o t A C'h •· t t • GI ~It~ !'a n•ll'r~ 1:111;:ht t ht' [!1rls 11 • u ou~ r .. ~ mas r"~ wA• a Larry . bson, Jett Clark, Larry Club Member Swiss !'lorg ttllf'•I "Jo"r1t'ntll\'" anti l<('lf'("l31 trt'lll du11ni; the parly bto. I EllmRn, Rlrky Jaek10n. Michael · h a &""'lash dnm·e 111 thr roni•lu•u,,11 l'&use t <' fifth J:ttidc lr•tnps h 1d ShuchLf'r. J ohn • Shields, David Mef'tlng Jan. 26 at the home of ,,! th<' mt•"•'·'!ll1" di,:ra!':<Hm Frol· r.n le th•• omnm1 nt:. 01111 ch•,·oratt-.1 Schnelder, Andy Seal, Chules ~II •t R b t T k .. 38 Tu .. "rs. o er arnows e, " 11• 11o"'tn'' t!lc met'ttn" punrh ,11111 the tree. A ioperint lhnnks frnm and Bobby Sawytr received Den· t• A b r th Ht h "' ... • n Vt, • rnf'm er~ O e g · I <'Ook1('s w!'rr prPparr,1 a nti ~f'I n~d thP t roo wt>nl t o Sa a.uel Hill to Kenneth Dutro Tells Cub Scout Pack 187 About Webelos Dens ner stripes while Assistant Dtn-lander• social club went to the 1 by the j!lrls p r ----------------------------· hom. e of Mrs. Carl Arthofer for · taking pictures u! lhe girls 1tnd a surprise houaewo.rmlng. · thtlr guesl11 and then bt•tng so HEART FUND TO BENEFIT TIUa WU a luncheon event uid I Investiture by g!'neroua with thf' photographs. I !or de11aert a big cameU1a·dcco· I Girl Scouts 1n thl' troop are as FROM TEEN AGE DANCE r11ted tray or cupcakes was st'rv· B r II -ed. each b?.rmg the legend "Good I rownie Troop 0 ows: Luck Dons.'· Hoate11eea were TROOP :\IE.\IBEBS The 19511 Heart Fund Campa.am tor Newport Harbor was ln· Mmes. Tarnowskc-. William Chari-Brownie Troop 11, under I.he Nickey lternam, .Helen 1t1a t.ed at a recent dinner held at th• Newport Harbor Yacht Club ton a nd Ra~mond Mllchell. leaderl!h1p or ~trs. Lewis, held a Cyndy Farnswort.h, Sandy tor 38 guests, Including J oe E. Pretnlnger, Or.a.nie CoWlty Heart Pre11ent were Mmu. Arthofer, deltithtful birthday nff11l r 11t thr I;:=-:;;·=::!.::========: Fund clwllrll\&n. Lonnie R. Vincent, who presided ovt'r the meeting, J\11tcheU, George Martin. George S~out House rect'nUy with an In- and H. E . Stickler, co-chairman of the local d.r1ve. gave pep talks. Sttvena, Charlton, Jo.Mph Robin· vesture 8ervlce 11nd the 1t1rls rt· William Spurgeon Conducts Ceremony. for Ronny Noble Steve Watcher announced plana for a benefll teen-age dance son, Edward Fenton, Keith Rima; celvlng their one year pendanta. Don Ives. EmU Daum, Clyde Bee-Those Invested were Mary Jan!' to be held at the Rendezvoua Ballroom. ~lboa, on Feb. 12. Steve l be &nd Tamoweke. Boy<1, Paula Gardner a nd Sar11h and0 h1s committee of high rhool atudent• are handling the whole ~trs. Tarnowske presided •l the Krdle. affair and rven furnishing the muak. They hope to 1nter'5t all bu11lneas ae1111lon when the Jan. 19 Gtrla rec#IVlng their yur pen· 1 high 11chool students throughout the county and raise enough mon· meeting waa held at the home of danta were a.a !0Uow1: SUZllnnt t-y to give a good boolt to thr Heart Fund during t.he local cam· Mrs. Robinson, 2 Balboa Coves. A Brubaker. Sus.an Cltment.s. Chris,. • ._ Railro~~\!i palgn whlrh will extend from Ftb, l to 20. donation to the .March or Dlmea tlna Cotton. Carole Jtan D•ighl· 'Ill! voled. man, ulk Handy G1ul r I , C:~t ~cOilri:sae: o o . a talk by Kenneth Dutro of Costa l\l ci:.a. The opening cerc· m ony w as con4ucted by Den 8 w ith a p raye r to be w o rth y le&ders. Members of Den arc Jamie Cro wnc·r . Chrts Elms. ~h11s Nndinl' Symmes, 'exr~ll\ o 1ecretary -0! tht Hearl A.1soc1allon, a.s commrntliltor. · Brian Cam ptx-11, Richar d Andl'rsnn. T o m A nderson , Ricky Eb 11 Cl b J ohnson. Cary Packer and J ohn Macy. Cub Scout songs w e r P I e ll ' IC'd by Lawre nce Brown. A hobi·at <"•'rrmony w a11 hcl<t "on, Fritz K r.ti Robh\' Olanil,.r. Pl s • for 'rralg CUI l1.11 11nrt Richard f .M11c Renfro, Bill Spuri:ron LH.•n ans pr1ng llolmel' Pack inspection wos won I b (:.tVe nn rxplenut1on ot t'll<'h r ar 1 b\• Den 1 0, Orn )!other. :'\ancy,of a tr11tn )f!'mbcr11 !lie John l Fest1·val CN!uro: Ttwy "'t!I e awarrlrd Ille Bol•~tranc Tom Gambll', UC1n I p ark flag for the month. Clockn,.1. M1ltnn Ml\n1ton, R1rh· . f'nck leader, Bob Campbf'll. In· •r<1 Rvlt"tl. rtl<'k\' SIC'l'IP, ~tlli t ~tllnit off to an early 11ltU1 on h o1tucr<t )fr Spurg t•on. member )t1llt-1 . C'tatg t "uri .... Mark While· plans !or the annual Fotlv11l nf thl' Ora.ni;:e County Council or fi t-Id and Ronn\' :'\oble evPnt, Mr11. Amelia G&mblt' enlrr· Doy Scouts, who s poke on "A ROl":-."DHOl"SF. TRIP tatnrd her committee of Ebell Wehelu11 Den In Our P11ck " He Club m1>mber11 with lunchf'On 11t AnnounremPnts by Park Lender h It t Co .. t M 1nt1ort11r4'1! .._,.n nutrt> rat Bo•· er ome n ~na ut 11r on J Bob Cam pbell st.aterl that the en· J 17 l'nmt Taoop l "~· who h1111 hnrt an. · lire P11ck was lo vllnt Ule South· A 1 21 I t.h de Joni: "'~rtrnre •n 1<rriut111 ,... 11nd •1 n Pac-1f1c-P~lt1ndl101i•• In Gl•n· pri II r te set !or I.he ·h 1 " . ~ ~ ' lunchl'on. program and cardA al· "' o ""P ame<I thllt 11flt-r a bo\ dslr 11111 that :,1 "Urent• aml bo\'11 t·' b h Id '"" N h h I h h ll • • -• · . ...r to e e at .,,e ewport U gone l rouit 1 t t' I r<'f' p !l.St'll Wl'~e pla.nnlng to go. "Thank )'OU" American Legion Ha.IJ. Tbf' theme of Cub Sr,,111 m,t. wnlt, heur and le:tt•rs "'t're n ad from 1J1e chll· 1 ae auggut.ed by Mrs. c. ltL Dea· lion. he 11' 1111tomatlrallv , ready drt'n ~ clrntal c'1mr acknowlt'<lgm~ kins w11l ~ "Pol o· Gold" with !or Uie transit ion into \\ «'hr loll ba11ktl11 or food eamP<1 and donated rainbow d<'<'Or. The food pantry Thia m9kr~ rl <'lll't<"r tor ham 1" go t)\' lhe l'al'lt .it t:hr111lmll" lime. I will be Wl'll 111 ocktd wilh dellcloua into thr H"Y Scout~ 1•11 h111 I Ith ll "'1\8 anno11nctd publ1r1t v for the home-rooked, !ooda for dle and h rth•IA\ I l'lHk w1.1ult1 bl' h11nrU1·<1 by Ma r v ~t.\\ \\ t-.8 t.UJ"" C.:hri11lt'n11en. , " • WA ~I r l'pt11J::""" rnnr111r1,.r1 " w•n• -lll•n 7 r!>nrh11 tr'1 t.he rloam1: SALU ~~c~r:=l~~u ln1r 1 "'"'"" \\ • hrl< • r• 1 •·n·nn\' tor I Cl'r"mon\" b\' 1:ngin1: · 1;00<1n11:ht r:nnn\' ~c; I•· •''" .. r )~ .•• I 'I• •• Cub l'l"t\lllll )lembo r' 11rr Alan J n I I /}I II :'<Ina g·•n ~' t'I'• i•n·I "'"'' '"'r of I linrt1fln, Al\·1n Uomon. C-harlPll oe V.)eclr old nf l •rn ~ •. \\:1•rh II" It• h'•I 11 ~•It· lfr l1r ann. JR1"l<'S llumrrrl. l(<'\'111 PLtlMBl:SG n1t1r nnt "' r'nn"llnn or t h" Bo\' \\"at~11n, Sroll Smith, Rslnrty fUMi 10 'fl CfNl OOWN f;r11111 1'lllhtr111 !'pnl(n1olrlli, Tl'rry LJ•lll<t~ Phou Herbor &»O ,\w11 rr111 thrrr I •l'n 71, Fritz Koll. I ----- t>r"r 11wt bur 11:01 1 111 row. !"ll"n 4. lhe ever-popular costume Jewelry booth wlll be o~n. A home-le.lent prog'r&m vdll precede an 11,fternoon of cards with prtzea and there wilt be apectal door prize.a u well. Proceeds of this benefit will be Ustd for acholarshlpa. Pre~nt with the hostess ~re Mmes. Clarence Dodd. Alic• Amyu, Melvin Becker, Byron Wellll. C. M. Deakins, BuU Pete.r· 110n, Nlcholu Brettner. club preal•' dent: Mrs. Charlea Eaton, Mra. I Thomu SmJt.b and Kn. WW!am Trilt. Don Grupe. wolf, lJt'nn111 liond. wolf: Alll'n Cr11y, wolf. aJ111lat.ant t1tnner at nre, Bn 1re Trotter. wolf. Bill Downing. dt'nner 11lrlpe. ()(!n 6. Marc lll1l!er, wot!. Ron· nv :'\oble. webetos and 3 year ser· \'lrt •l11r: ~lark Whltt flrld. 3 year srr\'irt slllr. Den 7, Charlu Ho!· 1 m1nn. 2 .\'ear u rvlC'f' 1lar: Dt'n ~. 81 ll.ll Campt>--11, wolf gold arrow; Jamie Crnwn!"I bur. Chris Elm~. ~·u· Of'n Jn. Jamll' rhristenS<>n. "olf anrl Sll!ll~lant tlenner 11lr1Pf. 8.11 8 11rn1":t lion R.a lr h Skinn<'r looking for a BARGAIN? 1lr nrr l'ln,'r .It• "',.: • orr•r e<I t>v Prni< .l 11 -I II. Dtn 3 Piil Into I CllOn tht' i ·1 n~ l.1:111' 1 1~ n 111,t i:"< II C:n1l•1 Mrmbc:or!l 111e Bai h.rr R lrk Brar1fnrt1. Tim B -'''II r.. k Dswa-0n. r r1tz Da" · ~'\VE "n \our PERHAPS A USED CAR? v' ~he Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 senled with a birthday gift and game pnzrs went to Mrs. J\'eS an<1 Mn1. Rim&. Re. ruhmtnla were . aerved by Mra. F enlon alfd Mrs. Robinson t o tho11e named abO\'f' and to Mmes. Frank McGulne. Robert Sherpe. Jack Geyer, G. D. McMullen, Lu· C'llle Smith, Cal Banks. Don An- drew•. and &'Ue&ta Mrs. Lorrame And.rrwa and Mrs. Jamee Moore. Le\...-11, Diana Lewt.on. Patrtc111 Tandy and Paget •Weatherby. Cake and punch were 11ervl'tl by the gtrla to tht1r mothrni with SU· san Hill I he hoste~. MothrrA 111 trnrtlng w"rt' Mr~ Wiiiiams, Mr11. Krellt-, Mn1. Boyd. ' Mrs. Hill a,nd J\lr11. L<•wt.on. Mra. Lewis was &1111111ted by her co-leadt>r, Mrs. Cottpn and by Mrs Lindaledt, troop chatrm\ln. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MES.A CHAPEL 1741 Superior Annue Coat.a ....... C&llt. Phone Uberty 1·2121 CHAPEL. liY THE SEA 3620 E. Cout lilV<l. Corona del Mar. Calif. Phone Harbor t l RENT A For tht1 \'alrnt1ne BaU Ma.ior's TUX SHOP toe•,, E. •t.11 St. Suta Ana Kl %-117H 0pt'D p;,.... by app't THE ORGAS \'ot' CA.~ ['LA\' AT o~cr.: the K'ODderfuJ aew HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Tbr Wbole FamU7 Can Play tt Wlllloot l..eaaona! Come In and Prov• It to Younelf We allO lavlte you to -i. and try t he Dt\9 U&mmoad l:'lplat t Or&an-~ow AvatlAble DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIASO A ORGAS 8TOJU: Hra.dquartf'n for All Modela Rammond Orsam • 1U 1-&ltO HO :So. Mala Santa·- .\ P?E5CR'PTION a& t the Wcint Ads You'l~ ~·• 70U• i!iFe&,"Cie&t; help every wa.ahday r.o...-•hl• aa~mado GA• laundry M&m &:h Iii "'""d" ay S.nl• Ana AN ATIRACTIVE RENTAL? (the Want Ads , ~ ~h~y~u Nmhang cqiu!s Gas fur srtt<f Fnr r• ample. Gu huu ·~rt'r three 1imcs 1 .. , r dun an) ocher au1om111c f,.r) ru \I " ' .1 ( I \ •\a \t < \C-r I' n 1 rhr v":>dl nF laundry ll• "', r ~ 1nJri• I 1·11urt' n( a New by the f.ireside st.perlative food, cc;' IJ1fs and service arr.id old eni:il~h charm \\'hf'thl'r ~nu " .. nt to boy or "'11t to Mlll, thf' Ca...tfled Mlomn• of this DP\H•P•1...-r offr r th• ht-st opportunJty for rPtmlt. •.• A four line ad will apPf>ar )lonrta~. WPdn4"1iday and Thunday ln ove.r 28.000 oopiH rrood u • f'"COClc o( rour work -• IY n )OU h1vr 1n 1umma11c Gu •artr hnrrr inJ an au1om1i1C Gu cloches dr)~r reamtd ,. 11h )"Oul aurom.atic wuhu Th•! lt'tm 15 •ht found11100 of a Ntw Frttdom Gu u undry-IS lrnJ'(>fllnt I pan of moJcrn homt\ u a :-ltw Fr~m Gu l<J lthc_n. k'!'t'fd ur •1th lM ~' Cl( any aurl'marac •-uhc-r lu.•1 !'It sure. •heo te!c.-11011 a r.c• aurnMAfl< Gu ••l('r htat«. ro p-cr 1tw-r·r'.r s.zc for 111ur £am1l1 ·, occ-h. Yr'K.r df1tlcr h" in •ri!•"c•l s1z111g chur m ,1:111.f,. )"U Gu IS your •ixedi~t •-ay 10 Jr)' clo1hr•, • ,. r 1:~\' (,,\ , • 1~Fr dt,,lrr nr <,.n c,,,...r•n1 .. 1: ,, ""l•1 · · ""•'t' dt-o I• HURLEY BELL for Only s200 • • • ( this VALUE ! .NiW~~Ress Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker ~ 1 •OUTH•"N COUNTr::• Q(S C O"A•-·4v Only GA.S 9gfve• "66U •uoh modern auton,ati o a.P}>liancea Norp-Tappan-O'Keefe & Merritt Gas Ranges . J~ke' s Appliances. SALES UIERTY 8-6641 -SERVICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ' -· - (}overnmenl Cxcepl PAGE ' -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 ''God grant us tht aeren?ty to accept the things we c annot chonqe: the courage to chonge th§ .ib~qs we con ond the wisdom to know the d iUerence." IA. Anon.) EDITORIAL .$ Parking, Key to Progress There wu an impirinc pre.ent&tion of hopee for the future of the Newport Harbor area made before a alleable rroup at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club laat week. Occuion wu the preNntation of the plan for "Coeta Meaa Plua.'' a million-dollar developme~t in the heart o! the community. Gathered to bear the preaentation were the friend• and uaociatee and neigbbon of Howard Lawaon and Harvey Somera, the developers, and of.Blayne Hutchison of tbe All·American Marketa, Inc., which will be the tenant. It wu Howard Law11<>n who drove aome interesting point. home. , "Why did we choose thia location," wu 'the quea· tion he quoted Somera and lAwaon of aeking them· aelve•. "Becauae it ia the bub about which the Men could eventually turn." Then he' aaid, "Why thia piece or land," and the anawer wu, "Room for parking." ' T11eretn Ue. the heart .at the--.tory-for-thia great abopping center which will begin to take ahape in a matter of daya. Removed from their present foundation• will be bUndinp and homee and a great v•riety of structure.. Almoet two aqu.,re blocks will ),e incorporated into the Coeta Mesa Piasa property and an out.tanding feature ia that already aurrounding properties are being improv· .. local rea1~ent made a challenging presentation that ahould have been heard ~y a joint meeting of the New· port &ach City Planning Commission and the city coun· cil. Lawson could have well been painting a picture for ··Newport Beach -u it ia -and aa it may be. We in thia city can witness to the h orrible example of bad planning, bad aubdividing and bad municipal adminia· tration of building area11. We IJlould put together the experiences and ,wam· ing of Howard Lawaorr. resWent o(Ba y Ave., Newport Beach, developer with Harvey Somera, resident o! Eaat Bay Front, Balboa, of a aizeable property in Costa Mesa. They choee that area because parking could be h ad. Several ye&n1 ago when the muter plan of the City of Newport Beach wu preaented and the planning and zoning ordinance wu being discuaaed and wu aubae· qut>ntly adopted after changes: the planning coni,ultanta recommended that key Iota in Corona del Mar adjacent to the busineu district be made available for use a.a parking areas. Thia, they point out. would benefit resi- dence aa well aa buaineu a.reaa -the city u a whole. There wu a great hue and cry. The plan wu laid a.aide because of this objection. However, there bu been a conatant and continuing atniggle to bring auch a plan into play. Actually in Corona. del Mar buaineumen have-.. been forced to acquire·the key lots -to convert them into parking Iota in order to serve their mobile clientele rea.identa of this comtnunity. 'i:' ~:"~ i .>, r; MOF.5 ~ IH.Uf¥tNlS ~K.£ .,.~ M0~5 J~s' .,. YOUR SENATOR WRITES By ilOHN A. MURDY JR., Sea.tor, S5tb Dlatrlct Jrom ,, BRUSH COUNTRY r- JOURNAL By HORACE PARKES tl'A. Note -n .. C"Ql11m• by Ho,...,. hrk•r "Ill .., wtta UM Uttlt!-k8"W• lllaln rtl'al faN" IHo llM d"'41"4 up te Ille _, h1pa tl!lte I~ bWk l'CMUltry la ,........., y•an. I Father Jose Sanchez writes in hia "Diario" on September. 23, 1821 : "ln that part where canada (canyon I begin• to descend more gently on the otht•r aide, wns discovered a atone which without doubt had served and still st>rves these unhappy lndians as an occasion of ain. One look aufficed. owing to its many huite tlgurN and the adjoining thicket. to make It cll'nr what 1t m1~ht 10!g-nHy. The Rev Fe. l'ufel'lv l'Ommandtd Fr. Peyrl ;o ha\•e ll drs\royecl" Wit~ lh111 bit of "ru•qur" lnlor· ma lion wrtlt•n by lhe good Plldre 10me 13:) y•an ago 11 they March· ed for new locat1on4 tor M1u1on•. my curlo11ty burned From F•· lher S1nchu' deecr1ptlon there rou•l really bf' a 1orgeou1 hunk of alone IOntewhf'rC' in the c.anyon ludlni from Pala to Temecula. For WMk11 •• l went alther up or down the Pala vade 1 11op~d and looked a t rock• and bouldera and belltvl' me therf' an plenty alonr thl1 g-rade. With my hna11I· nation I could eee all eort• nr wi"lnl .lhln11 but nothlnc •• en- llcln1 &1 the good Jl'nther would lead you to believe. ODD BOl'LDER Tallltwl~· f ell madly In loVt'. Jn• 11tta1l of "11pook appearancea" he wOOC!d th• maldf'n In lh• form <>t an or1Hnary ln•hlln mAn Th• maHI. hl•"''«'V~t. "''•ll lr1 hwt' wilt\ a man trnm J'ala ~n 11hr tflld lh• 1h•KUIHrt TaakWI(' to ··go pt'ddl• hi• ma_rble11, aomewhf're t1IM'" With lhl11 Taakw1c re11lly "fllppt'd hl1 wig," end chan&inr lnlo nn• of hi• "apook 1hapti1" told th• young rirl who hf' wa1 and It eh• didn't "so" tor him hi' would ""'I· ly "throw • apell." AIM. If th• man t ro1p Pala i'nrw what wa• c oort tor him ht'd blotter 11tay away The maid from Temerula final· ly (Ot word to hPr boy friend In Pala to the effect 11he would 1teal away frnm Taakwlc and mf'et th• boy frlf'nd on the' Pala grade a nd them they would run away wher .. Taakwlc cnuld n tver find them. RAN ALL THE WAl' •--··----~-WJ'~l~in( wit!iJ!'!~~· ---- Bul parkinr iii.a the reuon streaeed by 'Mr. Law- I a1ked one or my Indian friend• In Pala and with a "cute" twinkle In hi~ ey1t. he M id hi' thoucht he knew what I wu look· lar for. w, drove a way11 up the irade until 'A'f' came to • Indian marker In the graM, which h1 a rock or two .et on top of each It waa late a t nll'hl befo,.. llh• finally dared leave -r.mecul"· town and 11h1 Uterally ran all the way down the Pala (rade 1he wa11 N> afr11a of Taekwlc. Neer t he root or the grade 111\e met hn m1m, 11he wu exhaui1ted and It wu nearly dawn. They decided tn ma ke a bf'd, lay down a nd &Pt AOme rf'l'l bc'fnr• fleeln1 on In t he ). 1 aon. He traced hia experiences over the pa.at quarter century in ~verly Hilla and Hollywood •nd the Miracle Mile development on Wilahitt Blvd. In each cue the anawer to a auceeuful .community, whether residential or bualn~. wu parking. We abould adopt a realistic attitude toward the mandatory requirement of off-atreet parking Iota. Not for the protection of the businessman alone, but for the protection of our capital investment in our town. blll1, a mounllnc to approxl.mately fiv• thousand. While the number of bllla lntroduc.cl by en lndlvld· ual lesi•lator at the openlnf ae• 1lon I• not limited, only two bill• ma y be Introduced by a le1'i1lator after th• receaa and h• muat have the conaent of two-third• ot the member• of bill hoUM. one to apend any time etu yin( "•pot" bill.I that do not chan~ the meanlnr of the law a t all. but a con.1Clenlloua lel'l•lator who I• attempt1n1 to adequately repre· eent hla dlalr1cl, mu1t make uae of them, beca uae of the llmllltlon on the number of bllla he l• .per· milled t o Introduce after the lee· l1lallve reee11. He muat have a "•pol" where he can amend In needed e~rrency le1Uilallon that may have developed In hl1 dlatrict 11UtN!equent to the blU Introduction period, and prevent a lapae of two yeara before the lf'gilllature meet.I a,ratn for thla purpo11. J'{•l llllow It wu the durndul· A mlt1llt looltinc p1eoC'r nf CT&nit e boulder much llshtnlnit. fir•, Howard 1Aw11<>n recreated the picture in the mind'• eye of the diat.reu that baa ov,rtaken Santa Ana where buaineee bulldinp have been bwlt door to door and back to back with little provision being made for accesa, ev.!U• or uae o! the propert.iea after their occupancy. La1n0n pointed obt vividly the aucce11 of the Lido lhope area and described why it wu aucceuful. The READERS WRITE January 27, 19M Newport Harbor Newa • Preu Newport Beach, California ~nUemen : Oui• file No. 2832 Undn date of January 20, 19M, in your editorial column you published a letter to you from Clyde F. Rex. Mn. Stefanie Batty hu come in to aee·me ln ref· erence to her connectfon with the article and ahe in· form• me that the a.rtic le, insofar u it concern• her . ie completely ~ronr. She tells me that she haa at no time known the Hanten boy; that he hu never slept on the boat, ~at ahe haa never gone fishing with him and that Qthn referenc~a to her are' entirely erroneous. The article in my opinion ia libe.loua and a demand ia hereby made that a complek retraction of the publi· cation be made by you and \hat you atate to your read- era that the article, inloftr u It appliea to Mn. Batey, ia entirely erroneoua. I have alao talked to ),Jr. Batey and he likewise tclb• me that insofar aa it ref en to him the article ia untruth· ful. Th11 matter ia c,ited to your immediate attention with the requeat that you publish a rf'traction aa pro- vided tor in our 1tatutet1. The city council and the planning commiuion of the City of Newport Beach should undertake a careful re-aurvey of t he busineu area. and the adjacent real· dential property in order to carefully eatablish a plan of deyelopment for patron parking. Such a plan will protect' the invettment of our en· tire community, buaineu, residential, and all in the in· come from the aales tax. AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENRY C. MacA.RTllUR 8ACR.AM&NTO lCNS) -The lh.rou&'h aavlnp on lhf' num~r of number of el~n contHla flied peolle blred ror the electlcm with th• CaJlfornla ital• lephl· boardl. It would appea,-unnecee· lure thl1 yur demon•lratea the ~ry to have five people on the nud tor eome kind or a mechanl· bo&rd and law1 could be cha nred cal vollnr ayatem, whlrh wtll re· to llandle th• ballollnc with di· duce the poealblllty of error In mlnllhed outro on ptr110nntl. cuun1 balloll to a minimum. In comlnl' yeera. electJona prob· Only In the city and county or ably will be much clo11er lh•n San Fnuicl.co, of all the M coun-1 he"tofore for 1everal reuoru. The tlea of Callfornla, 11 there lnatall-Democratic party, w1lh a much ed a ~·•tern of vot1n1 mac!1Un., hlcher recl•tratlon In C.-Jlfornla which 11 htld to be vlrluaJly. fool than Republlrana. 11 m1kln1 p ln11 proof nd which mal<ea a vailable In th• final ballolinic, particular· the corrtct tolAla e lmo11t tmm..-ti· ly with the J>Arly dralgnatlon 1ttly •fltr the polla have clo11ed. I alonrlllde cand1datu In the prl· Tht pou lblllty of huma.n f'rror rnary election. Thl11 -~ ~hown at 11 pruent at all limn In tht arch· the primarltl!I lut Jun•. e lc voting ayl'tem ueed by the Jn addition, Nl•11ts of 11en11lor11 •late at thf' pre.enl t ime. Thie and &1111emhlymen h•vt bf'en In· 11y1tem, which lnvolvu birln( five I creUC'd to S500 per month. plu~ U · elect~on o<flciaJ" in every precinct ! pense1 whit• they are In SICl"!I· and which k"rr11 thtH workera up mento and ll 1p~ar11 a11 thou~h moat ot tilt' n•~hl. when there II! there will be m nre bllt..r conlellU • heavy hallnt, might have been In the future for th,.~ ""at11 11t1alactory flHy year• ago. But 1 In cloee raru, It 111 u11ual to r•· today, with lhe lncre&.M In popu· 1 qu .. •t .a rnount. Five cnntut11 lallon and lht ruullll\lr mcre&H In wrra filed with the l"Kllllature the numbc'r or voteni In ea.ch pre· thl• ytar, but 1t wo nol'4ble that ctnct, IL 11 a machine job, rather than hand work. 8MAl.L MARGIN Th• purpoee of lhe rec•• 11 to allow lhe 1tat1 pnnter, and the other le(lllallve att1ch•a. time lo &"et all the prop<>Md lesi•latlon ln torrn to prHenl to th• var1ou1 In· tere1ted pereoo. and orranlu tion1 and, theoretic.Uy, to allow lime for memben of the l•rt•lature to 1tudy the propoaala. 8PlJT 8U810N Undoubtedly, the theory of the "blCurcated." or· 1pllt 1ualon, wu a 1ood one, deel~ed to outwit aome acn.mm1 lobbyill.8 who oth· e(Wl8e WO\lld attempt to introduce a.nd pulh throu1h bllla too rapidly durinr the lut day1 or tii. ae• 11\on, before they were adequately w nlldered. A• u1ua.I, theory and actual practice are two different thlnr1-The limitation of allowlnr only two blllt to each member at· ln the recee11, ha1 made It necea· 1<ary for neerly every member ot the lfitlalature to lntroduct a num· ber of ao-called "1pot" bllll al the opening •t sallJn. ao that out of th• rive thouaand tl1ll1 prt· ""nled probably two thoua&nd of them l'ome undu thla clau. A. "11pot" bill, may be one that aim· ply chanrra or .ubetltutn ont wnrd In a iwrllon of the pr-Ment J have ever 1een. Thtre Wl'tt lWO (l&nl "IW&lea"' on It ael\'arated by & 11arrow g ran· Ile rld(e Whfn I.ht India n point· ed out the man and woman 1urn· ed to 1lone on the top of lhf' hill the old legend came to mf' with a rush. and 1urpr l11in1rly enouich he h•o..I 'V'ver heard the t·omplcte 1tory Tor thf' 1tone bed a nd the 1tone fl(Url'•, E8TABU81lED PRINOlPAL Th• forecoll'l6 ha• become aJ. moat a n utabll.ahed pracUce. The practice 11 confu11nr and expen· •Ive to the 1tat1. Literally ton• of paper are uaed In prlnlln( "•pot" bill•. • larre proportion of which a re never u1ed. If achem· lnr lobbylall. araJn1t whom th• pruent 1y1tem wu ~1lped, care to do .o, thf'y, too, may UM "•po\:' blUa for lul tn1nute e mendmenll to accompllah their aelflah pur· poae. Jt would aum thlll a turlhtr chance 11 In order to remedy th• pruenl 1ltuatlon. Moat membeni of the ler11lature welcome) letltra from their <'On· 1lltuenu l'ivlnl' v1ew1 on pendln1 1._ialallon. BecauM thoM bill• may be amended In 1Ut'h a way u lo completely chenfe their mean. lnr. betwun th• lime ot lntro- ducUon and hearin1 by t.111 com· mltlH, may I 1ur1rut when writ· In your repre1~ntat1vu you 1tale wha t you are "for" or "aaaJnll" In th• bill: otherw! .. , you mlrht ti. conveylnr the wronr lmprea-1 lion. due t o latf' chan1e1 In the blU by amendment.. The Indian devil of my l.ullll'llO frl•nd• wu known u "Tuakw1c." Hl1 prlnclpa_I borne waa on Lily Rock a pert of Tahquita ( Ameri- can epelllng I Peak above Jdyllwlltl In the San Jacinto Mount1111B. A most un1111vory rhantrter wa11 Taakwlc:, horrible to look at In hi• many formed 1pp.'1r1m·r• with ll(hl nallhft and the likl' hi• main hobby in llfe wu •'attn' people and atN.Unr .-xila Jn ta ct he uaed to STind up the body of hi• \'ICtlms un Lily Rock. Pl IOr lo r onvertlnli,. -\hem into eoup or ca_mt NC&. 'lt he wa1n't eatlnr peoplf' or ateallng-80UI• he had a numbc'r ot . other little "apook trick•" he indulged 1n a.nd one of them concerned the 1tone. Bl:Al!nF\'L MAIDF.N There Wh a very beauUtul Temecula maJden with whom Farmer McCabe Writes . • • January 31 , 19~ l'moke and horribl• 10h1p..11 Taalt· wic attn m1u1nc the maid Mt out In uarch of hl'r. A• hf' roareod a round Southern Cahfor1111. th• younc lovrr1 werf' ttrrtfltd. She be((td her man lo flee a nd lr,;ve h•r, whlrh woulrt app•"""I' Taakwlr a_nd no harm would -come lo him. Gallantly h• rtrUM·ll. Clo1!l'r &.1111 rloJ11n ram,. Taakwlr, untll f1n11Hy h,. ~pied th,. rowerln~ r11uple •• lhfy lay nn th,.tr crude bed. fi'rom hlll crn.t ht.i~l hi! roar· ... 1. "I •hall turn you b<>lh to lltOnP " ftt:D TO !'TONE When they hurd l hla the m11td end h••r. man ran and the "10pocik l'hot" rame 11<1 nf"ar to hlltln« them It t unwd their bed Lo •torte even before the deprM11lon1 l"fl by thtlr bodlttt had a chance to fl&tlen out. The 1moke wu ao bafl trom thla "1p<>ok •hot" Taakw1r didn't rf'lllze he had mJIRd unlll It cleared away. By then thr y hud reached the h'P of lh• hill whf'n Taakwlc uw them. thr next "apook 1hot" w111 a btJILteye. Antt lo thl11 day hllh on thf' brow of the hlll 1• a tall rcxk and a ah,,rl· er onl' •Ide by lldt all ttMtt 1~ ldt ot lhr maid of Temecula ""'t htr lover from Pala. RTW :ae Your very truly. Rola.nd T. William11 A Nmple of how an irA(Ular· lty c•• effrct the final outcome o< a race for a partJcular ocrlce 11 11een In the Dickey-Crown c ... which wu decided In f&vor of All3emblyman RIUldal Dlrkey on a cloee race in San F'ranct11eo was not conteeted becau11 of lhe tally ~Y that clty'1 vot1n1 machines, One 'Otheor San FranclMo contnl -• flied. but thl• w11 on 1rou n1l10 other tha n the final count, lnvolv- thr residence. Been thinltin quite a good deal here lately about the folks who move H.e.aven an Earth to git their namt'11 1n the Social Registers and ~rhaps in Wlto'a Who .... The thing that git• me i-. that it'a aorta atrange that aome of them same folk• exert practicA.Uy no effort to make shore their names a.re put down in the "Book of Life'' that the "Big Bou" keepe up in the skiea .... No Sir, they ~eem to do all of their atraining in the other direction. I all nrhta rMtrnd) LEGEND IN STONt:.-Picture ahowa ''atone bed" of Indian )oven.i fleeing from Taakwic, -Horace Partcer Photo Ed'a Note: Ae we pointed out to Rex, he wu mia- taken In the boy. The error wu noted in the aame ar· ticle. However, there waa in our opinion, no libel of anyone. B. R. JllJ!WPOlll' ~ HARBOR RE-W_$,7PRESS tht bul• of !54 votee. In precinct No. 12, located In San U-a_ndro, a part of the uaem- bly dl~trict, lMtlmony before the &Nembly eltrllon11 committee lndl· rated thtlt th• riectlon ln1pector took the b&llot boa home w1lb her befort thf' final count and that 1he and her l(ln tlnlahed count· Ina t he votH th• neat moriUnr and they were returned to the county court hOUAI' durtnc th• aft ernoon •h-they weN cCNnt· ed apln. A °'' 0 ... a...i 1&11 .. ..._ ,_ 09er FertJ 1 ..,. 8ome uaemblymen on U\e com· m1tte. thou1ht th• p,..c1nct 1hould Dltend u a.cc.ct~ Mattu at U.. re.tome. ID N"'Jl(lrt ~ have been dlolreprd.cl In the t1M.I Canton.La ad.r UI• .Act of Warcb J, ll7t. count. which would have put .......... 1t9W7 • ..._, ... ---..... M N--rt -....... ,,_.... Dickey ahead only ten votM , In· ·----r--.._. •lead ot 64. 8'tt It wu ltlown that -... N&WNAT llAJUIOa PVBU811Df0 OOllPANY 10me ot the eltctJon worker1 be· Tiii•• HI llutlM 111• came Ill durln1 the count and L qwsc ..... W ..... Jllf..._ ... A~., A.II ILllldil.. then wu nc:JthUlJ •lM to do ex· \ , 8J' .,_... el ... 1111..tp o..t el Onlls9 C.. .111 AeU.. NII. A·llHI cept cloM up for the night. The ___..1~ • . •tale'• election law1 don't provlde - for lllneu. which can ha ppen In• any of the thou1and11 of pnictncta . .lJ throuahout the 1t ate. /f,_"4 .... -. ~---, . ..ti.;,,·. " MAC'HrNl:f4 8A\'I: A\ 111-< ~~'t & ... -..-.-,- Admittedly. Uit ln11taUa llon of . ~ ·~-.-.oir::v. aomt type ot vottnr machinery I .? .. "'-~ _,,......... ~ d. ; '1 • ,.·oold CO•t the taxpayen a lot °'I'-~:flJ-i;----r ·' .H ' monfy. On the othtt hand. the ln· ~ ~ ·· ~ ' ""•lment probably rould be amor·11 tiled over . a period of ,_,. "lt .eema I h11t ahortly aft.er midnlsht.. 1 made .ome nreepinJ reeoluUona. ·• HARBOR HILITES Ry PATTlr; RF.T'flt.~R Bu'1dy Th<>m p'OCln 11w1\rl! • '""' nf h1a fr1tnd11 """r aftl'r th,. 211 mt •1th Santa Ana F'rl<111y ,., ... n1ng Talk1n1 e n<1 danr1n1t thrM111:h thr ,.venln11: w'r" Bru•,. J<n1pn •n•I P11t Smllh, Roy D•ni"I ~ •nit !'111,. Swank. Rll h l'•lAl•ll l 11 n•I S11r Maniton M1k• v .. 11,. "'"' fin kf'n ltjt, John Swain. R"n :'l/rwlnn Too V.'hll,. B11•1lh-•n•I .lu•I \ '· .. 1 r man. f>han~ J•1\,. 11 h••lf•" .n t ·,,, .,11·• 1J, I Mir"'''~ lh• '""'"K f.,1 a •lln••h• • pitrt y F11•1• v Th .. ~• "' "Y"•fl: ~­ wait,. 1111 n1~h\ wr r• 111110• J.,,,. J tlllnnf s ...... ~. MMr uon K o••ll)O'I , Carol C'r11n ... !'11r<•I K111l· HAf'P\. ftlKTillH \' Bob Gnllvan. Sue Kf'lm 11nd Viet Wllaon. Arlr11e Huff'and Bob Huft· 1 m 111. Man In M•'l"r"h•11•I an41 ~n· nv 1''11 r;p•tnrk. J nhn l:1t1ert and I J111llr !';lrt•J'"'· Attn 411nnrr lht>y all went, ln lh• hokf'thRll 21me whf're th~ b•ntt 111•.1..n 'HA J1JlY BlrtMay" anti th• ~1 urlrnt ~ allnK to our bhll'hlnf 1 h•·• 1 l,.11'1,.r ·rr, attrl tn hrr am•&"· m"nl •ltl'r th>' irame mor-. 1ur- Jlrl~"" camt from Sally Pfllrtf'r anll J t>hn R1 unl{1n, Alan Rypln•ltl a ntt Jutty l'4•nt1~. Tt>m LA.rlre antl f',.llrla Bf'llrnm. ftARTO:"ii PARn """'h"' p11rty •rter th .. s•m .. F"11•Jny \•J'•k plar,. al Brue·,. Bar· 11,n'" h1111u• In C"11a\a Mf11a. Kav· •nK " "''"ot 111n .. t111n1•1n1 •nd eat - 111ic WPr e f 'h111i• Rf'lrh ani1 Ann A llr n. lt•~I l.alih,.ll nn•I Sue ThO"}· .,. c;,.,.1 icr M'"''" an1I Rp·nfla Bar· !1"11 Jlt'l• !'lktll•rl 10n1I JBannt Ha11:· • n J,.11 v ~""' .,.1, l'hll K llm,.r an<t M1111.. T"""" K••n 1:$111'1•nhofrr, r:.1y l'r;1ok l>lf'k CnmpbfJll and M•rlrn" tfl,.km•n. ntr k Hatch, ,11111 :.: .. wk11k a nt! Mlk• Hand· - • NEWPORT HARBOR HOME -and GARDEN ni .. armamtnt-lii>f lhe tint v.1. l'\l\'V d, strovtn mcludr•I thrff nir1'd ta...... brec-ch loadlnl rttwi and l\\n or thrre G1tl1n1 gu ns. Ready Mixed Concrele PART I -PAGE 7 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRESS MO'NOAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 COLD WEATHER CALLS FOR CHOCOLATE DISHES with one cup br'O'#n cnu;u. Add one tu spoon ()( V\l nlUa anJ une well-b<'11Len <'S8'· S1rt unt' 1rn.1 ••1u1 -half cupe of eake nour with one h!upoon of baking J>O\Hlt'r and Ont-four th tea!<potl11 of im It. Add al lf'rnatrly w11 h ont•·halC rup ot milk to lhe rreamed n11xtur<'. Melt two aquarta of choc,)lult' o\•er hot watrr a.nd· add lut. Planners Propose leach Lot Re1onint Rttonimendatlon was unt LO Ult d ty council on Jan. 20 by the ~ewp<irt Brach J'l11nnlng Conimas- efon le. rt'ZOne Cave Iota at tht tn· trance to Bracon Bay f rom U to R·l. Throw Diets to the Winds for a Fling at These 4 Delights 1 Approval came after the ~cond Drop from a dcMert sp11<1n quite hearln on Ult • llcallo 1 ot tht' far apart on a wrll-i,;rt>1111ed •'l"1k1e 1 gC Lot 1PP 1 d 1 "''o WELCH' I By CAMILLE CAMBON rvme o. 1 nvo ve are ., a. 11hrrt, Bakc-at 3M d .. gree~ Thry 1 thl'QU!lh :I. trart No. 2! 72 on tht will spread q~1te a .~11. but 8hould east aide of Harbor bland Roal! be aort ooJ cakey :nsh!"· Froll t betwetn Rudde'r Road and Bayald~ thinly with rhoeolat.e lt•lni;. Drive. City council Monday nlrht READY MIXD CONClm This is chocolate weather. Peaches and strawberries are only a dream and a remembt>ring. But who cares? Wnile they are resting and storing up energy for a big time to come. we can enjoy the heavy, luxurious flavor of chocolate, so velvety on the tongue and so devastating on the hips. Cool wtathcr m'1cu for llharp GARDENER'S CHECK LIST Jl"Dflltd the application. The Mar1nt< Corp• lnclude1 three Marine Dlvl1lon1 and three Mar- ine Aircraft Wing•. I S6 eo-ereW Wa[ __ 008TA MES.\ U .._, QWnc1 a HWJ •J& Hua tta(to11 Ilda. Lea. Mll9 . appetltea. with all our machinery top of the double bolltr two-thirds working a little fut t r. So we can 1 cup ot au11;1r, six level ~abltspoona -------------•-----------------------..,..._ .. atoke the furnace with richer fuel, I of flour, and one-fourth te~sp<<()n and ulde from whale blubber, of ult. Add two cupa ot mi.k and thf'rt la h6rdly anythlnr richer two 119uarea of chocolate, cut Into than chocolate. 1mall blt11. Cook over hot water AZTEC t:SE until thlrk. A.dd one egg-yolk and Among the A%tecs. chocolate a , halt-Inch a11ce from a bar of wu a savoury bitter food atuff. 1 butter. m b1ed with p~ppera and spices. Rt'move from the flrl', and whtn and ul!led as a beverare or u a AOmewhat cooled. add one tea11poon ~uonlnf Cor meats. Rtmnenta of of . v1nllh1. Cover and chill before lhja cookJry allll uJat In Mtxlco, serving with plain or whipped when turkiy:1 and chicken!! are crum. One-third rup of chopped llt'rve-d with mole aauce. one tnrre· walaut11 may be addtd. Thl11 tor· dlent ot which 11 chocolate. mula makea a fine tllllnr for a It ftll to th.e Spanluda to di11· chocolate crtam pit. but In thla cover thl' llftinlty bt'tWPl'n choc--t'Me ust atven level tabltllpoons of late and 11ugar, and thi11 84?cret w -flour ln11ttad of 111x. guarded with tht utmoat care. But ll elso •• uaerul u a filling ~­ eventually It ll'aktd out. with all twttn the l1ytr11 of a chocolate ot Europe partlclpatinr to 11tart cake. Ari utra egr-yolk may be thl11 dt'llclo11:1 comrRtlble on lt11 di%· added In the ca.Ille of the pie, thus zy 11plral of popularity. leaving two err-white• fClr the I. Plant aJI the amall fruit• 11ow, 111K'~ aa rupbf'rrtee, boyllf'nMrries, a.nd etraw· lwirrlf'll. !!. An upuque Ii.cl c-aa ~ plalltrd n°"' wlllda ""IU laat many ytanl. I. For .-ardr n• of vrry llmllff ap.M'<', trt a c-omblnatloa fruit t ""'· 8rvrral ''rtf'tlf'tt buddl'd on thf' aam.-t rN" "Ill rxlt'nd t.lle frulttn1 -..on. t. Dormant root• of bu11b pro- llltt and bk-f'din( ht'&rt c-an hr plaat~ -"'· Dil'tetlcally 11p4'1klng. chocolate meringue that crowna Ila top. Is Mid to lll'rlou!lly lntrrlere wtlh HANDY FA\'OIUTE D STAIR CREATES INTEREST 5. Spn1 bo1walwrrtes -d blac-kbc-rrltt now "1th a 11-0- lutlon of caklwn polyaul- pfl~ to control milf'•. ""-m.118 prt'n nt. the lwrrtrt1 from rtprlll.nr t'vrn- ly ovrr llMI butlh. the ab.orpllon of ailclum, and 110 CHOCOLATE . SAUCE : Mell Is not h ighly de11lrable a1 a food thret equaree Of bltttr chocola te for young' people whoH rapid over hot water. Add alowly one- Jrl'OWlh maku IUC'h hnvy dt· fourth cup of watt'r a nd lltlr until rnsnd11 on thl11 tlemrnt. With this llmooth. Thia will thlcktn ll very hor rid thoo«ht. ll't us procf'ed to lg-rut dt'al. but do not worry. for I rtvl'I In I ftw rtrlpf'll. , Whl'n you have adJed one cup b f T&Y TJU!f QNIC 1111p r a nd one-half cup ot whit.. I CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: Thia 111 com iyrup. a amoolh liquid re· very atmple to prepare and u -sultll. tremely (ood. Break up ont-half pound of dark sweet chocolate and Boll t o a firm ball when dropped I put It Into a heavy pa.n with nve In cold wattr: Rtmovt from lht tllbltspoonll of watt r. Sur ovtr low fire and add one 11ma.ll t•on of htal u ntil the chocolate i. melted. tvaporated mUk and one tr111poon Then add five unbeaten egc-yolke. of vullla . Uee on Ice-cream and Blend well. Remo,•e from tht heat. pudding. . I STEER MANURE (Ground and W"'4 t'rtt) 40¢ Sack Kl 7-2054 The living room atalr of the Dall Loughbridge home, 2691 Bay1horc Drivt. la deaigned primarily as an open cantilever type suspended stair of oak to complement the con- temporary interior in lightnesa and simplicity. It consist.a of a 6-inch aquare stringer support under the center of each tread. Single treads are 4 by 12 inch oak planks pro- ject ing from the walJ and resting on a triangular block at the stringer. Each tread is a cantilever from the stringer to. the handrail. Carpet ia wrapped "muffler" fashion around each step. Rail is of wrought iron with an oak caprail t o present an ornament- al but uncluttered fllagree pattern. One problem was to prevent young children from climbing through the design without closing in the rail too solidly. The ecrpentine lact'work arcomplis hcs this task with the h elp of vertical round rods bent and drilled into the cnda ot each step. Under the stair is an Ojai rock plant area and landing with conct'alro lighting to illuminate inside planting and give a aolid base for the <'~re com006ition. The unusual stairway was designed by J. Herbert Brownell, archtiect. -l. Mull Photo J.'old In cardully fi ve •tlfny bat.en BOFT CHOCOLATE COOK1E8: LANDSCAPING l'&'g·whltu.c =~re~am~;;· ~o~n~t-=h~al~f~cu~p~a~h~o~r~te~n~tn~r~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ When wtll-blended apln, po'1r r Van Every Lots Re-subdivision Set Up 60 Days {'rmtrnuanrr fnt 60 Jll)'ll w toi. Klvl'n Mr. 11n1l Mr,• J11mr~ \'11n E very un Jan. 20 by the Ne"· Ji('rt Bearh l'lannin~ C"omm1:<111on on tt.rlr v•naflC'• :1ppllr•llon to n·· 1 •ulJdlvlde a p1t1crl al 3130 Se11vlt'w A vo· Th" comn1l•J<lr.n wlll ron.!!11l~1 lht 11prllcatinn At .th,. MArrh mt l'I· Inf;", Cnntl"uance rtqu,.st w1111 madf by Ven Evl'ry. Thr p111•• I rtlllllllllA M l,nt :-><l I an/I th!' 'nuth" ,.st,.1 ly h111f of A•I· J•cf'nt IN :'\o 3. \'an E vtry •l.- ~lrt • I n rc1ubdl\•1dt the 10111 tnto t,...,, b11lld111g 11llt'll. ""' vdlh a 4!1- ft frontAJCt •ml the other with a •i -ft. fr,,ntag" Tht t1r"l p11'1pos•·tl Int wu11l1I hllH I\ ii-fl <Jl'plh, lhr 1'<'\'0ntl would have a i :'>·fl dt'pth Thi' r O<J, T"""""" 11 ~•0-rt fn)nt ttntl 80-ft d1 1 I h end t OOO ~q -.rt E1tC'h ot lhP p1 .. po~t>d Iota now ronta111~ a d" r lllni; unit -Jt psy1 to read the want ada. A Speci•I Service SHAG· RUGS Bf:A t'TltTLI.\' LAUNDERED Thf'y'll rom,. ha.4'k hrtrht In c-olor and ll1tht anJ nuffy. ''The !'Ooa1111laal'• Fl-t Slace 11111" !16 Mart.,.., Ralboa lalaod 11,111 Sn .• \111111, Sa11ta A..a SMAU ENGINE REPAIR and SALES t'or l'o""r Mon,.,.,. • Roat• • <'nnl raC'ln"' ,.qulprn,.nt A(f'nta for Rrtcr"· l'\fnillnn ntnfnn, WI~'"'"'"· l.aw110n r.nrl'"'"· HARMATH ELECTRIC' I; ~F'G. CO. Utll W. <'out Hlrb"ay :\'""Port R<·arh P h. I.I ll~IU MAX W. POPE Inc. OF.S"F.RAI, CO:\'TRAC'TOR!'4 ~n1n1 All Onlltrt County RF.~IDF.:\'TJAL e COMMF.R<'I AL e Df:\'F.l.OPME~'T _.Oi BolM A ,·e. lu•t nff ~·rt-l\h·d. at UU1 Ne"-port llH<'h l.Jbc-rty l'-Ulll RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO S~fALL UO SOth St., N•wp('rt ~M'h Harbor 2.~3 L W. Allen Setback thf' m<lUUr Into amalJ tndJvlduaJ "'rv •-r rtl11hea and M!l ln the rt· frlgerator tor two houn11 or more ~fore urvlna . Rtmt'7l~t t hat lhl11 la rich, ao kMp the 1erv1ngs 1maJI. CH OCOLATE CREAM PU D- ORAPEKIES -VPBOL8TElllNO -S LIP 00\'EJUJ WALL PAPER -CAkPETISO COMPLETE 11'\'TEJUOR DEOORATISO Harbor ll!st LAMP. LIGHT SHOP iui t:. Cout Hwy., corona dt'I Mar • Application of Louis W . All,.n tor 11. rl'aryard setbllC'k C\I five fr<'I on the i<M:ond 1tory tor a housf' 111 117 0. St. wu approvrd on Ja.n. 20 by the Newport Beach Plan- nlni; C"omm1ulon. O ING: Thia oht time favorite hlll ~========================~ I Rtcommendallon recf'lvctl city many Ultl. Mix lOg«"lher In the council a pproval kut Mnnd11y. -Live mettnatlta are Uloae who advertl~patronlle them. R. Dona/J Hall (onstrurtion (om,,.ny GE.SER.AL CO~'TaACl'0&8 2?H-D "'. Coaat Hwy. Xew•port BNcll, Callf. ROBERT FORBES 1.nc1er P1101'"E llAJUIOR 11 ot ROSES ••• We haw a nice 111eltttlon of the pld fu·orttff ONLY ....... ·-··············-···· ............ . Bf'tt4'r att them wllUe tbfoy laat. w hile "'" •tlll have the 1'arfttt... 1ou Ukf'. Patented Roses at Reciular Prices 5 & 10~ NURSERY 14121 80 . .Sewport Blvd. -TUSTIN -ao.M n.,,...,_ HOUSEHOLD CRISIS ? WARDROBE CRISIS ? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "b£K\.ll.E \\ITW...' HOLMS -M11£~ ~'l:t:UEI>" OOMPl.ETf: I A UNDERER8 ud CLEANER8 MARl~"l:R'S MIU: NEWPORT llEA<.'11 JAMIS D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 600 Coaat Blvd. CO ROS A DEL NAJl PRONE llilBOR OU • • l•tallMlo .. STAFFORD & SON "NltLS and DOC" ELl:CT&J()A.L OON'l'llAO'l'UU .-.0... U1lertJ ... . &lftftNe A.--H ....... a.ell REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CALL HAJUIOR 0 131 FOR ESTDIATE. "'ITBOUT CRAAGE IOI E. BALllOA BLVD, BALBOA Time for •••. Weatherstripping Stop those drafts - Save Oft heati114J bills - WE .HAYE ALL KINDS For door bottoms For around .doors and windows SPECIALS THIS rWEEK '' Coil Bronze Strip 1 inch J[ 18 feet s119 Reci. $1.60 roll SPECIAL •1 Door Bottom Strip Brau •nd Felt fU"1,, 30 inch -...................................... 88~ 32 inch ................ ·-···-·· .. -······ .. 93t 36 inch ................................... $1 .05 42 inch ................ __ $1.23 ...... ( . l'lil h 59<" 65 <" 79<" ''" Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER - 2301 W. Balboa Boulenrd • Linoleum • Rubber Tile • Oorll • Asphalt Tile e Carpet • Fonnka ~ e Yacht e ln1tallaUoo Harbor 5389 'Newport lea ell ARCHITECTS M11Rbenof Alllerlca11 ... tltllte of Arcllltectl J. Herbert Brownell William Bluroclc Philmer J. Ellerbroelc Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger LIST 10 DAYS FOR FREE Gins "" wf1I ... " ...... -.. ~ "•"4-• ..... ..., Mel'dl '°'"· ....... '" .... ,.., --....-........ _. , ........ ...--~. ·--·"' '-'-Pectrtc .... ,, ......... , ...... ,_ -_.,,, ..... _ ... ,.,.. --. ..................... _,_ .......... , ... , .. ,_, -_..,. _ _,..,..,_ , ................ ....,,, ... _.. ..-,t.1. GET YOUR Gin NOWI ANNOUNCING '"'•rnt poid Qvonerly on Full P'aid Certift<ate Sowi"V• Accounfl March 31, Juno 30, Septe""ber 30 and O.Cember 20 (ln time I~ Chrism.en). ....... wiry , ...... " ....... Cettw .... s..t.p: 1. ,..,, ......... --· 3''1' 1_,..,, 0 '"' le .... <11rre11t ro,. 2. Ye11r ••wine• ore tefel foch o<co111•• ~\,...,,.d 10 SI0,000 by t+ie '•d•rol So""'ll' ond loo11 ln111ronce Corporollon 3. , • .,, .... , .... ore ,.,. ..... 1enll Yov '!loy oo•e by Moil no "'o"•' wt,ere yov f,._. or wor~ poy Potto90 both -<rl" 4. Yo11r occe11flf epo,.ad by th• I 0th ol lhe "'O"tt.. OO•M OPIN YOU• ACCOUNT NOWI 1172 .... ~ ... tll •• c..te .... c.Mf. lllteny 1-34'1 ( I r - PAGE 8 ·• PART 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 RICHARD TREGASKIS, author of Guadalcanal Diary, ia hard at work in the workroom· of his Costa Mesa resi- -• dence at 2185 Slate St. The globe-trotting reporter re- :..cently returned from a three-week trip to Jap;rn on as- aignment for Nation's Business and a one-week stop- ·-over in Hawaii to gather material for an article on beach • ·ooya for Sport.a Illustrated. In his spare time, Tregaskis worka on a novel and material for Hollywood studios. -Staff Photo tREGASKIS NOTES LEFTIST SWING AMONG JAP YOUTH . Local A~ on MaCJClllne Story Warns U.S. of Communist Dangen Ry RIU.. PHJLUPS H111 bor an a rt'porter-11uthor Richard Trei.:a111:111 ,.ta rtt'd to walk tj.to " T1okyo nlghtdub a few wet•k1' eg11 when h•• was at oppl'd by a w ry polltt but very po111lvt' Jw ~nl'S". r.1~nr; Trl'~Mkla th4' "l'<' ""' ry·• tr utm<'nl. I he Tokyo l(entlema.n blfot1n4'•J him. "Only Jttpan•·iw allowt>d hert>." Th•• lnrll1f'nl servt•I to point up spPCl!lllu.> In .11ubtly taking advan- Ule bli: <'h&nl(e that ha~ lllkf'n la!(•' oC l11!ICOnt,.nt 11mun1: youth.. place 1n J i.pan with the w ith· This '" ~methlni; Amt'nca ought drawal of American troop11 a.nil 4':!· t o wi.trh. I IUIW the ume thin& Jl('Cl•lly 1unc .. the time Trri;t><llkill, (')(hlbl\Prt by lhe youth or Chin• nn u 111gnf'ml'nl for lhr Sat11r•t11y wl!h their 11tudenl p1:1r1:1dN1 Ir:' Evening 1'1,ll, wto a board thr l 'SS 1 111~" lfl•anun fl)r thr l'UrrcnJl'r l'"rl'-IS\'ASIOS l:XPEllT mnnlra after Wor ld War 11 Treg .. akla la an t'Xp.-rt on mPt· "Whtre To kyo 1111ddt•nly !:Mo• 11mr hoJs oC Communist lnva11lnn. On on" of t hr g!ly••11t rn~mnpttht1111 n~nmtnl tor Trut' M RJ!'ll%tn<', ht' t own11 I C'\'t'r MW." 1'n·gukt" 11n1d, "l"'"l 1'Qme tlmt' on thr Ouut "l foun1l th•l now th,. Ani11 111<n~ IH•nt1er of Jnn<·r Mongolia wht rl' )!evr t htnnl'd out 11ntl thrn• 11 r.· th" f(•rcu of C'htang K•l·Sht'k /ewer ~1i:nt1 In F:ni;la11h Ami tli•.-·: .. 1111i:ht to halt thP ltf'd udvanct' . .. 1r-n11 a1 <: pr4'pond••1 nnll.v. 'Only 11" Y. IUI 11n ev~wltn•·u tn balll<'ll Japan,.1•·.' and ·urr L1m11~· ' ""~"ii throu~hout th<' t-'ar E311t HAW A.JI ~TOl'O\ f:K 1n ln•l<>n4'"1a. Malayn, lndo- Trr1:ask111 Alld ha~ tnw·lv h111nd•• C'hin11 trlft rrlllmPd to 1hr1r hom1 at 1 Th" lanky. bespectacled glob• .. 1.18:> State St .• Costa ~lraa. Jan. \rollu who ~11lnrd hl11 lnlll&l rt'c· l6.aller thrt'I' WC'Ck!l 1n J a11nn 11ntl n1:nil1n11 "1lh 1;11ada lcan11I Diary. a wttk'• ato povrr in H1<w1111 lJn 1 <·•1111r1lctl 11~ a "·ar rorrr11pon1l<'nl M lllJ(llmtnt for :-\all•..:i 11 H11111nl'!UI I with lhr Fifth ~hlrmr llt>glml'nl, to du an arllclr 1•11 Amr1 1r11n· 1 .. wh11t he calls a "r11tch-e11·rttlch· JapanPtw 1r111le '"'"''""~ T1• ll••-r 11n" wrllrr. He work" a11 the 11plr· kl• lrft bv air °"'" 11. 1'1111ni.: thr 1l IOOV•'" him But In h1" Mt'!lll Hav.-1111 ;t•1r .. vr1 ••11 lh• I• h11n ""1k1 .. vm. t h1' lnPlhnd """ITI" to l11p. thP v.11 l• 1 1:11111,.1111 11 .. 1r11 ti ''"' f• hi~ hnntl In many on•I var- for a ,,, ... ,. ''" lhr b.•arh "°"" for l"tl rr11JrrlJ! 8port" lllur1U11lt'd 11. •ltlrs lhl' rurrtnl arllClf'I' Of major <:onrrm tn thr 1 'nilr'1 h< nir dunr f11r :"nllon'a Rulllnl'~ at11tu. T!"f'gukl" not"'1 v.h1l• 1n 1rnol ~pnrl~ llll111t n1tt'd. Trega11kl11 Japa n. I" thr lrft111l trrllni: "''t>l••nl I• •'\;••111•••1 hi' 18 rtolng do~umtntary urion1t thr yptmift'r r"opl•· •Thi~ film w11rk tnr C'11,.r11!11' Stutlioll In ta unclrr11tan<lt1blr." thr w 11t• r C'ul''"r "1ly and "I'm workln~ on aid. • wh4'n "''" '""h:r.r 2.'I ono I" fl t t1nn novd with my lefl hand." ab1•leot• ~11rt11QJt frnm thr 11m-rHOTf>Ol':~,c \nFT. ,..nltlra t'Vl'rY ;>'<'Ar 111 " n.1t11tn Tlwr•'" nn Q\lt'!l\IOn lhlll Trt- ~th a h11;h 1.1wn1plt•ym• nt 1.1\r. i:-1uikfJI hu ttw but-lookm11: phn -HI' •"n1orlty Ill lhl' n111•l 1111· l n1?r•phrr In th,. v.-r1tln1t b11stnrS11 jiOr tant f11ctor in JOb l?t'lllni: Thl!I Thnl would ~ hi-" v.1fr, \\'lllton, Sl\PlUI• a <li"(nn lrntr"I j(n>llp uf .Ml·~ South C'Amllna ct( Hl:10 . An J'OUnlf prnplt ·· 1111 t111n 11t i-wardo•Ju• ~l'fnrp marrt· -Trrira.•kls pntnlr•I out thl• furn-"I?" l'h" hu h1ntllt'i1 th" plrturo tihra an 11pt r.~unc11111on fttr ('oin-• n h"r hu~band's 11191 five arllclt's 19un!Jlm 11• hlui-pnnl•·d 1n StAlin" f,,r 111'l1t1n111 n'Al!'nztn" ~k . F"n11n•ls1111on• of Lrntnl<rn. In 1!'~>0, art"r 11 two·y• nr wnrltl •d c-arr1r1I 1•11t 10 C'hin&. fluml & 1 .. 11r 11~ rrror1t•••I tn hi.• blm k St\'· '-'tontllll, whrrf'\ .. r lh .. n .... 1. h l\ ,. r•n 1 .. 1"11<'ll tn P .lfA•h•n Trl'll'll· tiktn O\'l'I k1• • h•'"<' lhr H11 rbttr 111ra 11s Utf' , 1"hrsf' youn1: propll' 1111' lhl' 1 l11•1••l lhlnl: In J'llrntl1.ce nn the •der• nf t he f11l111r.' Tn•1:11~kl", i.:l1lbf'. Hn hA • mad!' thl• hl11 writ• -me1I, "1m" th" 1"nrnrn1 m1•l• Ing h••111tri1111 rt!'111 "'"'r 101nrr Press Attache Warns Reds May Return to Guatemala B UENA rA.R.K tOC':-.:S 1-"C:11R-I J'n"•nt 11t11lfl nr mind. thPy nno a..i1.ta. tn 1111 "lllwar,1 "l'l'• It~-thM•n 1•11t•'d an<I .i~ •1ff• 11nir th" '-"NI '" f"'A l't>ful 11011 t rnn<p11l t'nmnmnllll!I 111 V!'r~· ftrtllr f1tld In iila1·,. th•' rro·rnmmunlst l:"''"r n-whl( h to 1.-tum and fO(•I lh" rro - ,.,.nt nf J11rnb<> Arbt-nz wa11 "It· pl• with t heir llllpport nnly t n at- ~<Mltd" by a rf'\'OfUtlr>n Wt t rRC\ .1hr m )0 lht.>lr f'lll ly,' llhf' ,..r. •A h l. -''Thfl pl'Oplr ""' f1ght1ni fr>r ' \\',. arP np trru.I hrfnrl' tht Deir ld4'&'3 and thry w ill r .. 11tm1a.· w1•1ld, 11.ll<l wh111 .._, 01011>. 1111 dt'rn· tt do 90 u long o thry un hold o.-rlll':V Is on trial ~Core l ht worlt1 . •t. Howrvtr. w ht'n Pfl<lf'lt' a re In nur i<m<lll rtpubhc. Thi' 11ub- )wigry and havl' a f11mlly to 1111p· 1'lantl8l Konom lc&J aid of th~ t•. Jart. evrn 1r thtlr ldr&L" are 11ln-S. wilt be the maklng of a fence ~· lhty M \'e no othl'r c-holct'." f or 1111 lh<' c-onlln4'nt of A mtnca ital.ct Mra. Stell& Ch~sman. IJM'-110 the R"'ds wr>n't com,. b&<'k. Thi" tlaJ p~ att&che t o th• Guate· l llme tht'•r coming b11r k won't _.ian Coiuul. to OCNS. She w11m-mu.n • tJk111g onr Guattma.M.. It ed Ute Rflda mtKht comf' bA<'k t o will he. for t hf'm. a victory an thfl lier CO'llllry. It ont lnf'nl." l'Bld th• dark -tyl'<l Mr11.. C'httaman hu rttently r.-Mn . Ch<'t'Ml&n. turnfd trvm Gu•ltlllft.111 br1nlt'lni Th• Chtflaman family, which "10! bf'r Ult apJMlal for l'. S l'Up· I nnw rf'!'idP11 1n Buf'na J'11 rk. mov- fiD"'l. I rd to lhfl e. s ILfter th!' Arbf>nz ' Shop early In the w ... for money saving values. Check every ad on this page for Ouhl&licfing buys. ~ Each wffk you'll find items ad· vertisecl that will save you mdney. Watch 1M Spotlite Value ads. $AVE! $AVE! 1•L·t ·t·1s ,oc BISCUITS pq. 01 10 GOLD rors SLICED BACON 1-lb. ............... Oello ROt'SD or !ilWl~!S STEAK 11: 8. Oood .......................................... lb. BAR~AIN BASKO MARKt:Tlil C08ta Mesa 19th Ii Placentla Corou del Mar 3347 E. Cout HWJ. tl/N .. HOME COOKING ~~&kfut from e 00 am. Lt1S CH a MSA<.'K8 HOME-MADE l'IOl 'P HO~MADE CA.ICE!i4 a PR9 SA:\'l>Wl("Rl';8 a FRF.~Cff FRJF.!11 at Nellie's New Chow Counter BA.Jl·B-Q BROILERS ASD BF.EF FRESH P(ffLTRV ASO l:OGij 01".:LIC'A ttl'~ES ORDERS T O TAK!: HOME NEWE'S HEN HOUSE C'OROSA DEL MAR . 3242 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor 39-IO 2 End Tables 1 Corner Table J-pc. Rattaa a Wroaitbt Iron F oam RubtW'r s113so SECTIONAL ~PUJAL E::-THE LIGHTHOUSE JIM &-SAl,J.Y NEWLIN MAPl~F. &-MODERN Fl'R.~ITt Rf; l :\'TF.RIOR OECOKATl:SC. a15 F~t BaJboe BouJenrd 65( TIDE, Giant • • • • • • ZEE PAPER -NAPKINS 11(' scon TOILET TISSUE 9( .••••...... 22< RJ:\'SOl.D~ ALUMINUM FOIL CLOTHES PINS, closen •••••••• ·. 5' ''OIM! f'lf ._ Udo .....,." S-161 ,.la IJdo Newport Beet-ta "U we ha'·• tht mnnfl~', we ran iro,·trnm .. nt matlf' tht 1r ltfe mlter - aart bulldin.r roaJ• a.nd publJc obk ~lni. C'ht'flJ!ma.n·11 tiu11ba.nd '"'rka and lloh'fl nlhrr pl't"blr l'Tlll. a1df'd In thf' Ann1111 "''°olt. 111 now llii8t lmmedlatfl.ly, Wfl n•fld to J'i\'I' In 1-:11Attm llll\ II' •lirrct.or O( :iJ1. 1 work to all lhl'N PflOple. Jn t heir ~ t1onnl Ka1lw11~ 11 l h1·rc. • ___________________________ .. Early· W .. k BARGAINS RCH''l'I K.SIT PAJAMAS BOY'S T-SHIRTS I ('ORDl'KOl' PEDALALLS K~IT SLEEPERS • • • • • • • • • t • • I -t ·1 ·~ ~· t.oe I· It 88' ttl'• t.N 1809 Newport A ftll1le Costa Meu ILUOIOO RAKES Ill ll II HJT ~ llU88 Rl'G8 1.ADl.'R NYLON PA.~'TIE" MIHll ll • t • 1, Pink or \\'bl~ • . GIRL'S Nl'WNIZED PANTIES --t -11, plak, .... wlal .. , 7.a- 821 W. 19th (at f'laeeatla) OPD St:SDAY HTOI SALE STILL ON SavllM)s as m11eh as 75"l'o Non• less than 331 % • II ~ t•sa K~t*"9 pat ln 2.98 to 3.98 %!rid a Ottaa F..,,.t. Newori llMeb -Harber 185 "-- FEBRl' AR\. SPl:CIAL .,.._ Wav•--.. " .. ~1 50 Make Appointments Early ~TA KEM 186 W. 19th St. -eo.ta JIN& -Llbf.rty 8·l6.1U llo)"li Girt.. Ii Womea•a Shoes % to % Off einert's DEPA.aTXt:~'T 8TO&f.: Hit s_,..n llh'4.. C-t• 11 ... Flan•I Sleds Special THIS "'EEK ONLY c· SLACKS R#ndarl7 IU$ ••• MIL PRIC'J; 1195 SLACKS 1tr,.1ar1,. n.•~ ... ,. \l.r. PR1c·1: 1495 THE MAN f1-("lot..,._ for !II"" ...t ...,,.. ~-" ... ,. l'ri...-d 18.,1 NM1VpOrt Bh·d. ATl'P:,'TIO.S: f'ariw-111rf9, M-U.i,..,. ........ "-.-.,,.....,... ,..,...,.,.._ l\Tl"RD\' -Tt'PT -C'OMFOllTABl.I. WORK SHOES 1t1 ,.,.,,.,.. alMI w .... ..,.,.._r F.ory Pair G_,..*-41 WASEMILLER'S 2on:t "··Balboa BIYd. I ( I • .( NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-·P.RESS .... •• SMOKY REFUSES TO IE TREED won 't pu11syf<'10t with you. ll'h like thl11. 11tt B<>lng a 111 r-ay Costa Mu• fellnt> namr ut Smoky, J recl'ntly 11urft11'<1 an lnJUrt><l paw. Ne-ow a bad mitt mean11 I can't be 11ure of 1toin~ th<· trn· round rl111t11ncr with certllln aggreulvP c11n111e ch1trncters lh;it frl'qutnt the n<'i ghborhood But lh•t clldn"t put mP up • trt't' l'\e-ow, l!lr: 1 plckl'<l ou t th11 likely looking roof and h<'rt' I "tRy. 11afe while lnl1rm of foot. How~vr1 . J must admit to l't't t&rn hungtr pangic. due to a lack of mict'·rnl'Rl, l!O if you rould glv,. a (UY a handout-Ne-ow you're talking: --Staff l'hoto11 ' .. I M9NDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 REY. WHFF1 ER HONORED BY LOCAL ELKS A time to remem~r ·wu the occasion in the Newport Harbor Lodge of Elks Th~­ day night when the mem~ra of the antlered horde paid their respects to a brot er Jea\'ing the fold. 1be ~. Paul Moore Wheeler was presented with an engraved watc when he wu summoned before the altar in the lodge rooms. Wheeler is a charter member of the Elb Lodge of Newport Harbor and high tribute was paid him by Past ExaJted R~r Ben Reddick who made the presentation. Pic tured left to right above, Esquire Hmry Vaughn, Reddick, Rev. Wbeder and Exalted Ruler Elwood Shell: - Staff Photo PART TWO, PAGE ONE . . .. GORDON FINDLAY GIVEN AWARD A citation wu recently aw!U'd Gordnn Findlay, local con- trarlor, by thr Soulhrm Calltornia Cha ptl'r, American lJl· slltut.I' of Architect. for structural work on two bulldlnp Findlay was the contractor tor • Wl'tk l'nd beach hoUlle at Caplatrano Bt'ach which waa dulgned by Archllerl• Caug'l\t'y and Tematrom who were among 34 Southland archltf'r t& riven certlflcatu ot rnt'r!L Findlay wu el90 cltrd for hit enginttr• Ing work on the Pachsppa Ell-mentary School In Rlvu11dl', alao du lrned by Caughey and Tematrom. .. NEWS IN PICTURES PV'ITL~G THEIR HEADS T()(il.'Tllt:R-Ad\·ancement Committee of Newp0rt Beach Boy Scout Troop 81 gat hers around the planning table to ouWne procedure on the up- coming Harbor Distrirt Court o! Honor. Left to right are John Turner. L. E . Cock. John J. Shields. Mur\'m Long. J. Gordon Smith and Chairman Bruce Handy. -SWf Photo. NEW5-PRESS CARRIER BOYS FETED . AT 'DINNER A recent carrier contest under circulation manarer Jim Scbae(u resulted Jn tllil JDaM turnout from tlM 58 younglllena 'invol\·ed. Standing. front-eenter, are the two boys .-h,, paced the pack. Bob Lieb, Ifft, edged Donald Gordan. right. to become the winner. Cloee frienda ID 11ehool, the two lads became th<' clo8Cf.lt of rivals for'thc out.at.anding carrier UUe. Aiding Schraff'r in cond ucting the chicken and bean C'Ontcst was lJ1c k Reddick. dis- trict 1uJ)('rvisor. -Staff Photc ' ~ . I - f i • i ' ) I ' I 1 I ' f ) I . . 1 I PAGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS AND THERE THJ:Y GO !-With the c ameraman bring- ing up the rt9llr. There's sport.significance in t h e lens' focus-point, u Coach R'alph Reed's eross country run· • nen conclude H a rbor High harrier activity a~ the Sunset League Meet in Huntington Beach Thursday afternool'I. J UAt h ow far c ross country these leather-lunged lads MONDAY , JANUARY 31 1 1955 .. have to t ravel is revealed by • bayztack and a couple of cows far in the background. Winner of this particular race against A naheim .. kt.e.r.e 1 Thursday was Tod White, -third from right. Second w'as Larry Castr o, right, start· ing in the post position . -Staff P hoto TAR HARRIERS RATE AS LOOP FAVORITES Tod White Castro As Takes First Over Anaheim Defeated Following an undefeated dual me~t season, the New- port Harbor H igh School harriers of Coach Ralph Recd rate as ov<'rwhelming favorites t o d efend their Sunset League m eet c hampionship on the Huntington Beach 1.8 mile course Thursday afternoon. The Tar runners concluded the dual meet s<'alOn hf'ns Thuraday with I a 1Cl-4CI trlumph o\'er Anaht lm. $ PaC"lng the pack to tht tlnulll hoe 25 To Go wu T od White-, who toured the --------dlllt.&nce In 8m. 19. 6a. to pln re· venge over uammate Larry Cas- tro for a aerltl or rectnt defeats. Whitt'& llmf' WM •till ahort Of Cutro'11 but mark thla yeer - 8m. 17 tis. l'lllng up a n orly 50-yd. le-ad ovrr the fll'ld, ',.\'hlle WAil In front of the paC'k a majority of the dl11t&11~·r. C1111tro C'Rme on fnr l!ec- ond 11pol followed In order by Tar runn<'rll blll Plgg, Don Bt11lty Rnd Augie 08lrow11kl. f'lgg ww1 a aur· prise lhlrd. Olympic Donation Wednesday It Ora11gc C11n:.t C'illrl{•' C'&n rome up with $2~ to ~o with th~ $7~ Olympic F'1tn•I rl111111Uon rnl· Theo first Anallrlm harrier to c-ross lh•• fin111h lane was sixth phl('P Di1:k Smith, touring thf dis-ll'Cll!d by the ore LNll'rt!IAO'' t11nr• In 8m. ~211. Jn 1111, H11rbor Club. a 11tud,.nl "''II ht> •hlf' I ll High cr1ppNI 11"\"tn uf lhe tnp lPn 11pol.11, T11r runn""' Ol111 Boling M •I Don Per ler n11bblng eighth 11n1I ninth. atlen•I & $ 11111 f"'' plut<• tltnnrr 111 Los Anjt• h''4 n•"'(l ti.·tnh• 1. j College ~pens I Arroues Breaks · 1 1~seball Drill ·;: ~~ • .. l.l.LERTON (OCN~1 D1a mono1 pn1c-:.1·t' l'llltt•··I 11 .. 111y !'I Urangl' Coui<I l'11ll,.i:e '"' ('""' h \\'i'ndrll Pll"ktr.. t n<•k hr:< f\rJO I At r<Hlf'• Thun•·l•y bnokt' t he Flrl· I lo<1k st b .. tball ~Pt""P''•"' ThP luto~ Unu•n Hl&h g, h•••l •'"'-~· 1~ achedule or 23 1 amu r•ta t'ountry tt<'Ord u hi' 111,, o1 11,., r underway Ftb. 1:1 at Comr1on. Finl home fray 11 1et for Ftb. lh• India n•' 1 8 11111t• • •'"' '" In 2~ aitatnat the aame ntnr. 10 03. la doln1 llO, ht lf'il 1 tw Trrh" All tllta wilt' be rrr.,t to th<' rub· I va ratt7 lo a 21-27 \'lt'l••ry owr lk, Picken• an.nllunC"f'd All homl' Sant& A.na'll Saint• . 1tamu will b<' pluyt(' on tht OC-C j , I diamond. Tueollda)• ronte111,. wHI Arrouu t ffort br.1k,. by '"'" •tart at 3 30 rm until DAvlli:ht 11econdl. the formf'r roar k of 111111 Saving, lhl'n at 4 p.m. Frt1tay 6a lltl In 19114 by 11 ... .,.,_ .. R.1rt1•'"· el.11rttng timt will ~ 3 I'm. The lr&ek rt'curd on th<' Fullr r· ,... Plckt'nll 11aid ht I" llllll seot•klni:: ton cour" I• lOn1 flat. ~t lwu lo book a p&tr of gsnh'A during wetk!l a.ro by l.Rrry l'l\Mtro 9( l:Ustrr Wo•el:. Olhrrwi11t, th" honir Newport Harbor H ljl'h. M'hl"illlf' 1,. All follow11· In ht• rtcord run. Arn1ay'll l<•11k : ~~t'h 2:1, Compton Marrh t . lht' lead after a q111u1,.r M a 11111•• I H11rbor; M11r1•h 4. Lon11 Bl'arh and htld It thr r<'lll 11t th,. "''•) C('. M111 ~h 8, Palon\a1 : Mi;n·h 22, Tl\roUC'lnul the ;c(rr, h<> ""·'"' 1 Ssn Brrnardrno. March 2!l, Santa l!purreJ on by th~ fl111nt 'i• lvp 111.on, I Atl'l: Aprtl l. Chllffr_\ April 19, C:-hatlu Clark,. C'l111k lht,.l\ll'll1'1I Ml. S11n Antnnto: Apnl 26, Fullf'r· 11everal time• to pa,.,. Ar1 N1t11. hut ton: April 28. El C-:rnun ... M11y Cl. rventu11lly 11ni.hl'd 110111r 3!\ yarols n 1v.·n•1tti'. I bth1n11, tt• iwrond 'I'"' I r.aml'!I Rway F .. b I~. Cumpl11n ; I rtul !'ill ,,.d thf' ...... ond l'ltllli(ht Feb. 18, l,ori:: R<'ll• h: F°t'h 21. Har· awttp 5<'0fad by f"ull•'tlun'a J\'" bor, :\l11n·11 11. l '1'l..\ !ltan·h UI, Bll hf' tllrn•>d In a lt"'"I 111 :•!'I t11•11• El CRmlno !lta n ·h l . !Ill Sal) l'ln lel1 lhe arco111I pl.•"" wlnr1o•1. Antonin, :\tor. h 24. f'\aln11)Jfr: Char lf'll \\'amt'r, by :!1111 ) 11rda. A prrl :1 Rl\'i't~utr: A p111 8, l-'Ul· 1 lrr t,.n, Ap11I :!:! :-;1111. Bt'rll'ardlru': -------------· ~lay :i, Ch11rtr~:: :'>lsy 10. S11nl11 BE SURE • INSURE Ana .nett Coast Swim Colle«Je Schedule Coa<'h J oi' Kroll'll Orangt Coal't M."'KH!E i.TANl.E:l' ln•11...-Orth Phnn,. Harb<1r 2n t 331!' r.. , .... , tfl•h\\tlf ('orona df'I ~tar Tiit; WI SN AH !-C oming into the fims h line with a final k ick is Tod White t o sC'iu-first place agains t A na- heim Hig-h for the H arbor High harrirrs. Whit<' built up a firs t lup 50-yard It-a d and n cvt'r n·hnquishcd it as he defoatcd teammate Larr~· Castr o. H anding the Tnr ruQn<'r hrs N o. 1 marke r is Newport l\1~1t·h K.wlph Rcrd. • t ('ollrgc 1<w1m !!'am foces a HI· rne<'t J,a.n k 11chedult before the 11lali' r h11mplonsh1p:o1 slated for thr ore pluage May ~-6-7 Tht "el\· I l!1m t>ptni< In Cosl11 M1·11a Fr h. 1:'1 111:11rnl'I Mt. San Antonio. R('· marnller nf thr '"'hrdUll'. llA T'l'll.r.SM t~S Boat& -H-ee -Trallna lrtt1a&ar ghaP"• LlberCJ 11-illOll CO~TA Mt:/ol..\ HATl'Ht:ss ('0 . l l:IO !'.'ewport Rlvd. -Sti'ff Pho to \ GALS' SOFTBALL TOURNEY GIVES ORANGE BID GO BY . LOt·1s v11.1.E, KY ' 1 ~·:.;. \\ 1111w n ·1 s ort ball \\'orltl Tou111nnw1.t w 111 b,. playe<I In Portll111•I. 111 •· , lhf' ellt't'Ull\Oe conm11ttre nf thr-Aniat.:ur Sof\bAll As,.oc1Al1"11 1<1111oun<:ed Satur· day aCta rrnal \'Olt'll wrre C"ounted. 01an.;l' ~ti<• of t\l• !!!'ii : ••111. 1"·111 und l'•••1rta, Ill .. W!'re .the ot h•'f strun i: rnnlt'n<lrr!i I u1 Lhe J !J:,:, tqu 111,•y, whH h will be playtd fru111 Sq 1l. :l t hroui.:h !). ' l-\t run~"s\ uf!~r \\ h11 h :iwunv lh" • h1•I•'<' l•1 1'111 tlund w111 thAl lllY'" bill .. r three meals a dny for t~am nwn1b•·1 •. plu11 $4000 tr a· vcl •'llfl• n,r and $100 111luw&t1l'<' c .. r f'ad1 t l'\1111 (lmngr bid $4700 tr•'"' 11llo"11n1•t', $1 (Wt nllownn<'t tor each trnm 11nd nnr mc·al u rlay. r .-.. rra. whlr h hn1I 11,r f1nunr l11l 11upport c1( a trno Int rnanufll• turlng (arna In that • 11y htol S IOOO tra,·el tll· I"~'~'•. s 11111 t•·1u11 Rllll\\ 11ni'e 11 n1t nnt' nv kl " 1t11y Otun ···\'""fl• ...... nilUy 1t 1''•'N 11lr'f1 -.t l>h' ~,\ tn1t·Un!e b.v Fr""1 \\ 11~111111. f 1r11ni:• 1· .. nt1.1< l1•r who wuuld htt\'•• htn1lt•I thl' 19.'>~ 1111111111111rr11 1'11rnr1111t<'r 1r thl' ~,.rll'll hflll b<'"n pln)td In Orang,.. Feb 17. "' f'Ull•'r\011 . f"eb. 24, Sou1he1 n Cal JC Rel1ty.11 at La Habra H S , Much ~. 111 O<rld!'n· !t<I , :'>fn rch IP. Long ll•':tC'h CC and 1 1o·ullt'rton at OCC, ~"-'" h 1!'.I. San· 1 1 Ill Monlra CC 111 OCC. March li . nt 1-CLA Freshmt'n; Much 27 tll"f' 111 1. .. ,. An~<'lt'~ CT Ma rrh ::!~ t•uninnR·C!:tr• n1ont sn1I t•cu Fr "'h a I OCI". ~hi re h '..'!1. \\'hit· t1tr a l UC<.:: Mut'h 31, al ML San Antonio; April 12, Compt on al OCC; April 13, at Cal Tec-h; April I \9, at Pomons·Clartmont ; Aprtl 20-ZI. Eutern Conltrence l'harnp- lonahlps &t La Habra H S ; Apnl 28-29-30, Southern Cal Cha mpion· ahlpa at Loni Buch Jorda n H . S. AIHJlinCJ On Increase SACRAMENTO (CNS) -The at.ale department of flllh and same reported anglln,; llcen11e Hlt11 for 19M totoled $3,581 961. an In· creue or 4.3 per c~nt ovtr the prevtou11 year. MESA UPHOLStERING l pllolal.f'rtlll .t 0NSM''1 Ll~rty M'Jllt t S60 N"pt. fth d., C'°"ta Mf'M MAC'S CAFE OPEN ALL NIG~T Leavlnr Newport nurh towa rd Huntlnrton l\f'ar h. F1n& Cate on th11 rtirht. ·--DIBT-- COLLICTIONI Tt<ll')IPllA:\'T TOl'R-Of the Harbor High Junior Var. sit~· crc1~s ccrnntry co urse against Anaheim JV harriers 1~ C"on:plc·trd by Jim Schloesscr. Due to Schloesaer's finit pl:irr t 1mr nnti that o f t1<'cond place Tar Bob Deal, C o ach H,tl('h lt<'<'d. i;hnwn handing Schlocsser h is No. 1 tag abo\'I'. anno unc·rcl thr parr w ould run \'arsity in the Lea- ~IJC' ~l<'<'I :it H untington Beach next T hursday. Jim jog· J?NI thr 1.~ mile d istance in 8m .50.5s. -Staff Photo KC'llLOF:SSt:R F'IRST Junior var~lty runner!\ Jim Thh• "1111 t hn II urol r.·• ••1\'f'1I hv l'oarh \\·rn1ll'll I'll k,.n,. llOlll Btll I Srhrvt>•lrr. n111nng111g dtrl'1 ltor or The department aJllO rf'p<>rt!'d lhal hunting llctnae .. iett for the flral •Ix month• of lhe currrnt fler al year wert runnrnir S.CI per cent &head of a year a10. Fut paid durtnr lht period amounted to $1,&28.91:1. the Hehm• A 1t1lrl11 Fo11n•t11tfn.i -----------------------------~c-hr<oi-ol<'r "'II "l'l'""r h"rt \\' .. •f· ----------------------- A__. -Noc.. -(.'lalm1 or .., lde4I of 4ioM•Mywtwre In ~"'-.. No eoUec"tJo•--~o ,_.. W• ..t..aee au C'Mt .. !'1·hlot1111er end Boh D<'al turn"<! In btltrr urne-11 than Boling and Ptl'I· rr u thl' Tar JV'11 11ownl'd An:i- htlm 1~50. !'lchlotl'lltr nahhN1 firlll wl\h an Sm. ~ ~11. dock.nit Thi' flr •t 22 junlora lo tnme In wort the Sailor bluu nc>11tlsy M .an Jl a.111 .. ~nl>Lv rn lh<' collt•i;r J:\ "''"'"'""' 11 .. v. "" on1t1nall\' In\ llr<I to "" 'fll t hf' $~!'.> ra1'' I h1· lh" C&T11p11~ 111i.:,.ml· ut1nn thtt•llJ:'h a r P• r nl ,:,•rH t" anJ a <l•r rnlo thr C'lub 11c:olll't11)'. OI~ ~ t:K " U tt I "; Rtel1 annnun<'f'<l h111 ""'" n Har· b<>r H1..:h reprC'ot'ntatrvcs 1n the l"agllt' ml'f't w ouM M While' (",o• I Hut with llu 11111 I'"' t•llll" din· tro, P11t1t. Bl'llll\". OlllrCIW~k l, n<>r In llw 11lf1t1.C 1'11 k.-11~ JOahl ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Swisshelm Chosen for Orange County Honors 51 hlfo!'~""r IUVI l.>1"111. l udl<\ 'l lhtnlc \\ •• t Un ll110llftj:1• lu tllU\I\ \Jf' ~tth l !'Jtl "'1fU U\•••1' \'. SWANSON BACK IN INFIRMARY P"loyd Swason, first alrtni:: tackle on the 01 ani:r Coalil C<>ll"Ce football tom until " Bill Svdr;11htlm, Sant& Ana Hlch School track 1tar, l• Oran1t mid • 111,8~0 injury. w1111 r"· County Alhll'lt oC thl' \'nr for J9~•. He WH chOAt-n today by OCNS I JX'rlf'd In ",;ood" ronrllll(ln at sport• tdltor11 l rMn " pnup of a thltlt.1 com~ ot T~ Herrera of I Ho•!' Ho1Jp1tat todRy follow- Orangt Cout C'nllrJ:e, hu .. ball: Dave Hall, P'ulllrton JC. )>&Ak•tball. tn.: 11urr;try . and P.-JI Gr1\\ tr, An•hrlm H igh Ira.ck ethltte In Ult United Sta tu . The Plratu' HI· yt•r · ohl School, football. Hf' .,, ... lltltttfi1 tor lhl.3 honor by honorary JT!d cap111tn of tt1.- Rea..aon for lhllt 11tleflwn •Wt'r " \'lrlue of hla fine ~orde poated yur tnttrt'd the ho•p1l11l JTOUp of out11tanrl1nir 11tar~ in lht In the 19~4 track -.80n. Tuu d ay and 11\tri:ny, mM tly •uioua aports <',WJ:Or1tll I• tuy Bill had \ht thlr~ but high made rtece.11aary by th!" fOtll· to underwta nd. 'f'htrl' waa no ont 1 llchool tlmf' In !ht nallon with hi• ball Injury, wu perlnrmtt1 "* In OrM![f' County. an., ''tr)' p 7 tlmlri,: In tht JOO nin at tht W~n,.llday. Swaneon 11penl s. few In th" t nttr,. t"nlle•I !\lair• C'A· :>outheorn Section Mml-flnal.11. rn lonir 11tlnt amid thf' r thrr llf· pable of compa11i1<1n With S"'IH· thf' 220 yat'd duh. ht tumf'd ln lhr tn bf'tnir Mriously hurt In th" ~Im In hi• tr1'1r k "nctf'11vur" numbtr on!' time In lhf' nation. RIVf'rsldf' JC r.am• pleyeod at In thtot 111•• \\,l\llt' :-m1lh•1111, f>rf'~l•frnt to( I tin 1."t It I 1111111 I' I 'l11b w1o11l I Jill• n•I th•• •tin·'" ~.hr 1w1IH Int"' hv·1I 1'11 k1 n" hy let ler lhf' tltnner WIL• plrtnnl"ll for 'the .Moullu Ro1t1tl' rr~t11ur11nt In C1rtoli<'1 , \\ 11"" th" Lr111 Ani;:C'll"I! !'<'<'<"lion or the-Olym r rr F un1I canir111gn \\011111 11ll~mp1 tn ra11t l \00 ooo an on,. n11:ht Thf' OCC dons llnn wm :lrl b .. tn• l111tc-d 111 lhtll with Smllh1'f•n al' \h<' cull"J:'' rr p· reoprt'"l'nta ll \'t'. MARC ti ot· Ul~U:-4 Al .'0 Al•n 11<hl'1!11lt'tl f"r lhe \\'Hlnl'Jl· day a!lllrmbly. l'lr krns aalrl. wlll bt-rarult~· ballk<'tl-1\ll gemr w11h u ch 11turl!'nt 11tt• mhni;:-ch11rgl'l1 a mlrurnum nl 11 l11me for lhl' Mllrrh o! Olml'll Oppo•lng r11pt11ln1 "'Ill I>" .!<>e Kroll tllnk mrntor. 1n1I CasDIT &UKliA H .,f W•..,.. 0Ne1e <.:ounly 1•1'9Mf1 Cnidlt Bun-au of Newport~ Lacuna llf'•<'h ... C.la Me-M. ,_. .. ft ...... A•e .. P.O. Bo• :ttlt NEWPOaT BEACH, CAI.It". ._.. ... .llG ...r.-M\. fM'I() · kiG.U • l\IA~ · "f.WM~ ~~~~I~7~:;~~;os@ pl11• or.sr. Kt:t 1.\' 1: C:HAMPIO~!'tflr C.\ URRF. j J'<>1•t1n,. " 20 8 mark. whk h Incl· Huntln1rton Bor h Hr was m1ln Eatfln. ba!lkethall C'O&c h For U\eo pai;t t,.·o Yt'Rn. Swl!'&-llantly w~ only onr tt"nth of a a blr to rrtum to ll«hOOI for The f1nsl 211 mlnlll!'I nr th,. helm took tl\lo C-lf" rh•mf"on~htp~ .-..ond ort th!' w orld'• rerord htld a •hort tlmr, r rport11 i;how. sporu aAArmhl\· "111 1 ... 11 ., 11 1 Mrs. Chl'rles E. D onnelly. Balboa Island, receives keys to her MG Magnet le &edan, ln tha ioo a.nd 220 yard d11llh"" hy Jf'l"~ o wtna Swan90n llvu with his par-rr11v ~'"""nth.-on··'""' ~ '~r· f1n1t of its lYr<' sold t o a H Rrbor ownrr. fro m J ack Hausken . co-owner o f Hausken "Crest of the Wave" nanr lo•tnir • rarr In ~nut hrrn FL.UIHl. ~PRJXTT.R "nts a t 2!\HI Falnny Drive-. •Hr JUlt1 the All· ~tu lntra· Moto rl'I. J'nc .. distributors o f Mr. and Aus tin-H <'aly. 1932H .~ar~bo~r~B~l~,,~d~.~-------~!!~!!~!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~ Callfornl&. Ht> hu nnlv lwrn br,.1-Co1tA Mua '.. mural v.,.u,. oC U<.'C' _ en t wice In var11lty tr11r k r om111 .. , At thP Compton PAP Jnvttstlon· • tJtton. Both dPfl'at11 ,.,lmt In thP l\I R<>l&y!I, Swl!'lflhl'lm aoln hll lhll Stockwills Welcome "" whn llpeonlh "11 hill )lfp In I I 1 h h w· I b H t F II rt N b ,port 111 Ilk .. Onl' who wr11 r11 no· I 19~t •t•. le mt'rt RI Berkf'lr .. \' Whf'n I rme II( I w C'n he nin the l80 IR er urn 0 u e on a s New Baby Dau11hter I 1h1n1t but lrlngu. And f'lllll noth1nir I Bill "'U bf'Rlt'n In the tfl() lln<! 220 yard low hurdlu In the llmt' of ~ , yard daahu. 18.i to Mtabllsh A nc>w national r!'· B 1 occ L • • • :'>Ir nn1t Mr11. F:ljny ~tockwf!'ll but "8Ul"U. Jn t ht lfll\J llt'AllOn, SwlMhc-lm rord for that tvtnt. Bill Wllll na -u oses R1vers1de Win lor :I~~ !'!\J1[1hlr" /\V~ w<'l<Oml'•I .•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia t k th ,.. 1 ". h 1 hi 1 lh turally a chol .. for CJF hononi In 11 l~1l>Y d1111i.:'11,.r 111 Full,.rt•m Cut· 00 r ' r " Ami' onll P n " thr 100 flnd 220 yirrl duhea. Ron Wlntcrburn emphMlud thf!' lAJ:r H11•p1l nl Tur·~,111'" She WPlj:h· JOO &11d 220 )'&rtl d1111ht11, and lhf'n t.:nder his hi h l!Chool h mnrt' torrid portion of hl.8 Mm<> Lcagur lt11dlng F'ullc-rtnn Junanr 1 r•I m 111 JO lb~ ~ ,.z, went on t o M <'hor the w inning re-· r; . ., coac ' Friday night airatnl't San Bl'mAr· I r ollell't continued t rlumph11nt w11y11 ley team. In l tl:i4 lie c11rl llJ1 exart R.f<rre Grttnf', tht fluhy •printer dlno on the rtvaJ floor, tVl'n tho11i:h F~rd:y rtlJ:hl O\'rr hn~t HI\" 1 '.''1"· I ,.,. .... ....,.,,. ..... _.._~ __ .,,....__...., rtput. "n•1t1tln1t thl' 100 and 220 ~~~'.111~:,~:~e~or~• ~~~~~ry "'~~~ Oran•e Cnut Colltge dropped 11. 8• -~ ... tor An u~v 1-.. i•t,.rn < ''"· Call D lN'S TV and onct a~a1n a nchorlnr; the rt'· lt>ndlng S11.nta Ana Junior Cotltrf' M ·M t;utem Conftrtnce 1riw f<'rr•nrc ''tl'tr.r;· It wall t h" II •r· .~ l11y tum that !hi• llmt had thr "''htre put thlnJll ar,. f'llptCltl1 \\'lnterbum acorchf'l1 the ntlll in ncl•' 23nl l'lr111i;rht \\'In NEWPORT~~~ SHOE REPAIR lot t'!ed 8TKP:ET l><>l't ff'<nr.ttd t lm,. In \ht nation of him In the comlnr track aea-irwl11hlnf Ulrough 3• countns for Bo!) r.Alzw11lPr. n rll\<lnl>! 110i:i1-1 S.-n·lu • ~ntat• ·Sal..-I "llh a I 2111 time tor lht 880 ~on. rn lht future. 8 111 hoprl' to 1 hlfh point J>Oftttlon. l11r T·•nr =-:oornn f• r J-'ull1•rt un ru•l.11 lrO to the Lnlnrwity Of Southtm After dl'fl'atl.flr; Cht.fft'y J C hrrl' C'OJ'pi'rl hlJ?h point l'J'<'\ ,, r th" \I<: I S.\TIOSAI. Rf:('O(;s rnos CahCornl& ~d continue hi• lrtck lut wet<k t o go Into a ti" f<ir tors w1t11 Z2 point • II• wA.~ "f,1:f'd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~t~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~wt.,•lltlm rtr rl\'"<I recojtllltlon r11rtf'r th•rt. But rera rdlell.• of lhlrd plara In the loop. Co111 h fnr ~'"" hnnnr• h\' flttl'k"r .,( Ill · - nn lh,. ~•l lM1fll Honor R1'll In wh11t Bill Swallholm d0ti In the Mllu Eaton'• lad1 werf' f&\'Ml'<i ,.,.r•ttl" with 2:l thi:1t• 1 !<~:l an•I thrn rn Jll:\4, Btll wa11 fUl\ll"I' Soulhtm CaJlfom la aporta I to forrc San ~mardtno'a qulnt .. t Th,. ""'""Ill h11'' '"1" ti r 1r """' J:" t'n "h11t w11~ probably the fant, u 'll'f'll u t&11a all o\'f'r the to walk the plank. HelCllmt l'<''lr~ 2:\ ronfc.>reonrt 1tM11r• "h1IP lhr Tl· i.;l"l'alt•t 11w11r1I n( hi• ca,..,.,.r Whl'n cnuntry. will l""mem~r him s.11 ont tfavored the rivals, 33-27. I!• r• hR ''" I •• 211 •'rR•J:ht hi' w1111 n11mr!I hy th,. honor roll I oC the truly mat a lhletu of th~ Thi' Nrall'11' nut league t'antrlll j till-". H~lftrmt 11<01 t farnrl'd u thr "ut11tl\n'11nr high tC'hool century. la at Santa Ana tomorrow nti:ht. lerton. 4~·23. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOI AllA CALL UHIGH 9·1634 MOTORC1'CL& ESOORT • • • STATE MERCH,NTS POLICE Uniformed Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENC)' f Bruce Martin FOR ALL YOt:R INSURANCE NEEDS Auto-Truck Fir• -Uf9 l.OCA.L AG.El\'T R411ckoc. OMce Uberty 8-5065 Ubtrty 8-MM 1793 Ne rt A\·e., Co8ta Metta Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER • RIUP: AROl'SO THE BA\' ~··soA ,.8 the Richard Beeion Company Landscape DeslCJn and COMtnletloft OOKOSA DEL MAR PHon HAIUIOR 161 Coming Soon ... Fine Italian Dinners Pizza Foods to Take Out WATCH FOR OPENING 511 E. Balboa llvd. Balboa / I I ' I I ' f ( I SON, GO OUT TllERE AND DO YOUR BEST-Says C. T. Wetzel, le ft. t o his son Bill before the Anaheim-Newport High School basketball game here Friday night. It was Fathel'8' Night aa Coach Jules Gage ha~ t he varsity p layers' dads on the benc h beside them u bis guests. Bill Wetzel waa captain of the Tar quintet. C ag e guys gar- nered a thrilling 57-51 triumph to retain lecond place spot in the Sunset League. Staff Photo -----·-.. HARBOR HIGH REMAINS HOT ON HEELS Of SUNSET CASABA TITLE Gage Guys Pull All Stops as Anaheim Downed Friday, 57-51 Indians Revenge Santa Ana Loss I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 3 MONDAY, J ANUARY 31 , 1955 THE SPORTS -WATCH By RILL PHll.IJPS llASTV llARR.Jt::RS -Muyb{' 111111n pin~-r11111p,•r b1•11t the 811 111t the Nl'wporl b!Ulk••tball Tara itre l1111wr111 hy !!!\ yn11ts 111 Fullrrt .. 11. goln > to fac1• plavlng l!•'C11nd fu1<ll' I Ttnw 101 Ari.iu .. s w"" I Om. 28• K • <'ilslrit. lhl' b11r1>f1M11 1nst1~111 ,,( lo Hnnlini;lon BettC'h. but th11t bi 11-bolt•llllril l'inilor 8pello•d dneim'l hoht ln1e nC the Harl>nr :<a1l1-r. hn11 h11·nl'1i 111 ln"I' l••w High Hai nt'rs. Cna«h Ralph 11t•eu·~ I 111111' .. r t<m. Ii :.~ '' h1lf! Wh11" runtwr~ have lt"l IL And 50 far. I h1111 R11k t. 11 I h<' 1tr. 11 n: t11,.111 """ in 111. I !l. ~"" f11r lh• T111,. nob<).t:v rn the Sun"<'t Ll'llltU<' crn•s , Ttl \T 'S t' .\.ST, sos 1 hl ,.,, , ,,.1 ('nunl1y 1-.1lf'J:•>1y hall bvl'n lllll• l'\\'11 w11lk1•il '1 11111.i r1•• •'lllh"' Th•'n 10 l'Rtl·h thf' Sa1lo>rs a nd t11kr 1t from them. • \\'hat th<> r"put R<'Pd·ml'n hll\'(' Y•1U kno\\• thitl.:t ,·11\·1rtn,,;" Jrtr pt• et~ fu:i.t Hut <·nit' h ft •• ,,.,t s.~··1na lu hit\'<' It \\It,\ \\ ll h hh • hll l ;:r" tlrnt """"''" 11w111 111 k, •I' l'll"k n' f'lll Up MOjl luytt1' 0t'fU 4'01\\ 0 f'\ t•n 'f't't"tlh·r 1.1k.• 1'hut ... .i,... "~"" 'l !111\llo•rl thl•I •k"ir<' lhal tile T1H A I l••.tm nl 11'\llh••r-lungo•rs hll\!' J.!"11<' llll ll'llll. 1>1 1 llll I dll\Jllf)lltn~hlJI tlP~IN'.' Sn (11 Pply h11,. t hr wily ll't'nl or 111- umll'fr11tl'1I in dual tnl'"t cnn1p1·11-I \\',•11<lrll 1'11 k•·n~. 1 ''"~ 1 .. 111111 v l ion sinn• 11!~2 Tlw rr"Jl r11nth<>r!< '""' h 111 ·Orn ni.:1• I '.111-t C 'ullt•J:•'. hll\'•' <'ll'Plnrr•t 31 1<t1:11i;ht 1r1-1wa11 •Hl Hand, ic1111ply '" R "I'"''· 11rnrhs f•lr lhubor H1i;h. · I ~1w1 l11tnr ln,IRnlly, th•· w1I.\' Rl'<'•I -. "1·1·tp1rst1•d \\'t'f1•t1•ll h'I to<•'l\P fi l' lh•' llOS'T t 'IS U Ttlt::\I !ltO !\IOllt. t 1111rr. Th"n ho• 111:.11.1· f•1t~M'll I h!t /;11c·h lt>11m11 arc hard t'<1m~ hy. 11· .. n l 1 .. ht• l•·n:•:•~ "Tl11M guy •~ l'\'ell 111 1•nll<'i.:1alf' 1111.i prOlt'.•Nlllll· 'h••rt• t u ~··•llll )""I " Th111 h111l1 ~'" h 111 l'fMrl tteltt.~. So 1m1111l wnnd1•r" f1rt• 11n111'r Tnd \\lull'• trur k• ft1•1·1l'11 r n •w 1s overwh1'lm1ni.; f11-1h11 t "" dustwd intu 11 l•ll·l'Kl(t lr!l•I vnr1te ln lllH'l'Cssfully ti<'( 1>n1I 11>< du nn1: t hr 111 >1\ 111 p ,t11d ,:., ... 1111111- h11rnPr rhamr1onshtr Thursdn~· ai:ctl 10 u11l"11"h 11 t1n1.,111n~ kll'kl That·,. whr·n the 10111> mP•'I will hi' 111•1tt un Huntinj<lnn Beach H1i;h C p S1·hm•l'ft l ~-mile rourse. 1 00pman aces Ba~t.\(I tlf\ l Ulh':it t Ut~npd tn • e 1111ou$:hou1 thr 1r11gue dur1ni.: 111 •. Oiiers V1dory dual mN•t 1eaS-On~ lol-al !ans ILrc I c:11mrtl'lely runfult•nt of \'rclory Unlt h ('oor111an" ti\ !'>(11nf11 CllAl .• K 1·p rAn UIGIT.:: r-;cl·ms tu bt· CC'urge Sch uitt's exp~cssiun as he lets fly w ith a j ump sh ot l'om l~n fet l out. lla rbor Hi~h har·d w oo;J g ladiators waiting t o see the certain rC'!'Ult as casaba plops thrOuJ!h hoop a rC' Paul Nc•umann, 2 , who is m o re o ften do ing thC' sht o t ing hi1TJ;elf. and Captain Bill W etzel. 3'.!. Newport got by A naheim's Colonist s. la.I by migl~· M ike Beach. 44. by a 57-51 score. -Sta ff Photo Panting h ot on the heels of the front-running Sunset Fullerton's 1111118118 not only In fll\'I. 1t wou1,1n·1 b.-lhr 1 .. as1 r.a~·.~·!!_J111nt1.N~l•!,.n_l}_e:fslL.UJiC.tLlA. ~· Le_ bask~tbalLOilan from · • --ga_lned J:even ~ tor .1&.U-cad1~.ae · eat but IP fl It f I 0 I h t hm1l1t•lf It lht• Tars l<C'll.l'd the l"lr I I i.I 01i.;hl Sllt1llt'l Ulljl Uf' bor High Tars pulled all the stops in defeating the strong battle for ba~t'm~:t ~~: ~:11th~ fir!lt fu~r "POil' A Mf(' pret11«1rnn b1tl'krtb11ll \'tt'lrtr\' Ol'('r Wl'llk-311 .. Anaheim Colonist quintet here Friday night, 57-51. The SunS('l U8$:111' hB:.kPlball r.we lihoul'1 the lo. al IRds l'Jl•'l'd t n1e l<'r 01.U)l(O' "" 111 .. '""" lr1ut .. rs' ·n t 'nglm' g f,.ay waa Undec1'ded Unt1'l the fin' al three min to M'81'C•llftl fortu, would flntl Liu-t'tllll't ~'l'lolltl' nwht. ll!l·•ll \\'Alkl'r Spl e-I. • .... -Friday ni&hl hy lwtttini.: S1u1ta '" t t I y u th reaendo of 1Y L'a•l1<1, Tod \\'hit<'. Aui:ir o,.. 11( Ourni.;.. oln•,.J" d t~ dl.:rt• u es o Pa e c I the Sailor dropped In one of two Ana H1<>h Ft tdav _n•"hl. <tfJ-211, a 1 k 8 d o 13 1 t I s pectator 11eream11 and atomplnp ftnal free lhrowa. " -" ~row,. 1 n on t'A Y "''"' ini: th111111:h ttw h•><•I• '" Pl oc ow_ TO SAYE TWO MARKERS , \h 1111•11 .•111 ,ni.: lh1hnr II ~Ii• t (har:i..1 n,1 ti .1 ... :• 'h•• -·.,• .... 1.01t h•h· ft ~1,tr •• H•k•l t • n•h 11 .... ,,, •• c ~.t' ,, .. I •H • 11 Paul :-;. 1a1•1<nn ~ :.'11 1• •nt~ "••\In •I I\ .,.,, .. t< fnr that h,.11 H' d 'l\TO ..,,, t t t lf1 t t • t • I I I• l I•• ·'·' 'tANK DROUGHT ENDS I 7 Water Churners Plunge nto Swim At Coast College BOWLED OYER Mesa Alley Team Captain In Accident \\'t11 I(' MI .'I. ('flffot II Orr ii. Ulleol tu b11wf1111c 1the 111 dcf1n1Lely not 11>1l'J lo l)•.,ni: l)nwl .. d over, 11he fo11nt1 1111 1e111111 or 11 tr11ff1c 1u'- '"'l•·nt Thu111day night "'h1le re-. 1111 n1n>: hnm<' lrnm a Coi<ta Mo•sa b••Whng ttllt•y. A rl'•lt11•n1 nr 111 .. Mt>'UI until a m••nl h "J.!" wh1•11 ,..he mnvl.''l to Oi<Ulp· ~tt 11 <hr 111 rap111rn of l h1• Mo'"ll l1u11flr rs r1>ll1>ri1 In T tmr111111t· lllJ:TIT 'WT!mf'TT'lor tnmdr~ , .. ,,. Jr 11:11" hu .!Iv t 'Olt('f:U Ut I" ttOAO i-:11n1a J\n • polu • iuuol .\tr,. Orr b• • 1t111r '"'"lw·tl in the ac:c1drnt \\h1fe 1111whn1: Aluni: Hri1'tol St. tn :-ant• Ann "'h<•n 11.n onrnmmg 1·111 f••r1 • d h<>r Hf( I hr roeot. Th•' rwxt 1111111: ~h" kn• w M1 "· Orr 1!' I q1111! "d a~ ll•l \'lnj! ... lh' W<1k<' llfl 1n :. f11·l•I H•·r '11r .. 111nrtrn1: right· l'lil" llf' sh•• 1 1 nwleot l>11ck to h"I' '" h1t I•· 1•1trnhNl tn 11nd dr1n·p '" th" n• nr1·•t hnnir wh1•r" ~hr td•·1•h"n"d """"'" O(r11 "I" lto"I< Pn" J1~1k Al the 0 1r '1tr 11nrl -.. w 1t wn.<1 11fmosl J I, ••lllf•I• l1•lv dC'lll••h~h,.•I. It hnll r<>- r•11 1• 1ll\' t1•tl•"I O\'N' l'•l't•ro l tlmP' 1 111• 1 .11 \\ .1' l m\'NI RWll '" Offlrrri. "h"ok U11·1 1· hf'n•t.. ll "~' ~illtl, \\OOd•llfh! h H\\• fht ··o r had ll AV• <'lt'•l fr•1111 th" 111 • td••nl 1-1·rnr ~· t'Ft:1:s t1Hn1 !'>H()('K :\t •~ r ltr \\II' tnk<n 11) thr Cali- f •rr11 • II i:hwr11· 1'111 N•I nfCtcP In <Jr nni::" "hrr • 'ht· man11i;r<1 to t• 11"''"'11 t hnl nn rtnrommg l"ar I 1ol (.,,., d h<r n(( thr rn11d n1>ar RRk• r !'•. ~"nth <•( Snnta A nit . Th· n th<" w"nHln rrpt1rtf'dh· r nl- 1 'I'" I :O:h.-\\'II" ta k"n '" ~t. r '"'rh .. 11r>~r1t1tl whn .. "t·wr 111- n• •• "n' drr r1llf'rt 1111 i.hork. f rom bolh mdea of the court tore GREAT FROM FLOOR Thi' SaJnts prt'\'1t1u:.I\' •lh"' nr<l lhr up In thnt niJ<'r ah•'tt<I n ( th.. Thi' untlrf1•11\l'•I 01lrr11 ran llJl " al l heo s'ama of the N t wport rvm. Tnbl'. !17-!13. m lhr C<•vl1111 lnv1111-Jlllf'k. 1o 1., 1 11 ""' A t II N l I d I 1111 naa1~tn 111 w 111,.L q111t.r-B11lt>d u a scoring duel between Bea~huafr~m t~~m~~r. o~r:;P~~:g t1onal 1011rn(111w111 durin~ thr llARK llORSt: TllR t:ATS IPt'. 23-1:1 lfolft11111• tllllv 111noo lithe Mike ~ach of Anaheim and Uiroftgh t1ev'n fl<'ld goalt1 to fi\•e Chr111l111aJ \'R< a111111• • l'hun1···~ are 1f that tnrt1·a1<1 '" :14·:.!i HI t nvur of ll11nt1ngtnn Jll'llling Paul Neum&Jln of New-for mighty Miki'. The Anaheim Nl.'wk1rk nnol i':t«t,.11n tu•d for rh"nJ:"<'1 Al tlie ,., o·n1>, il will b" 1:. llt'h port. the annual Falhen' Night star'• 11cortng margin over the lo-otho•r rnemb<'rs of the lornd T11 r;c Jn nv1•1whl'lt111n1: fh 11111:r. th" rmwd WM tr~l'd lo much more 1•11.1 gunner c11.mr on foul lihol.3. ln<hlln lt:>p i.rarini.: hono11s "'"" 10 ~nt>11k11:1:° r11st th,.1r uwn t••a m-lli1Pr11 l''''l'l'"•I f11r , ... q Fn•lny lhllfl that. Bespectacled Beach BeBch connectf'd for H lo f!VI' for marks ar1ece Hur I I'~ •l n uf J lllltleR. Thi' only rival hurrwri1with 1111ghl ·, 1•11111 frnm thr ill'l'llt1<t plllr <> llWlAhed through 24 point8 against Neumann. Santa Ana i.a l\'8l:C1'1 hls;h d1~1t I All (1Ul~11ll' rhHll('(' or Jllllllng lln 11111 hor l11~h f l\'(' Thi' T11 n1 fro111 18 for N r umll.1\n, total11 1lmlh1r lo ~ach remains the leading Sl'or-g11therlng honor~ tor ll1r 11 ... 1· w11h "l·~1·l ><re Lllr1y A1 roU<>11 of Ful-I X»wport 111 e thr nnly lllop rpdnlf'l their !lfla.sonal per game digit do-er ln the Sunset League, going in-11. l1•rt11n t.nd Charlr11 Clark 11( San-r11trtl 1111 h11 \·tng 11 <'h11nrr to knnrk tn~ll. But it W81I t4!'rrlor size pep-to the fray al a 25.3 clip per com-Halftime 1wnre f1wn11·d F 11ll1•r-la Ana. over the Rl'11r h bt1>'" per-pot Frank Navarro of the l•ll· bat. Neumann continues tn second tun. 23-l!i. Tlw ln1h11n .l11n1nr Arro11r11 dons rhlef dark hur1H• 1·he Huntington lll'nrh Junior or!' who prov<'d lh' go-boy during pl11 re, nacktnr: up an averaire of V11rs1ly beat Santa A 1111. 31-'.li. In roll!' clue lo a convtnnng de< IJ11tnn Vllr111ty 11qua1I r1Pff'nt •'<I Or1111g'I', the vital goings-on. Ul.3 J>f'r conlC'lll. the prr•llml11111 y r 01111• ... l ''''er t'lark Thur11t1ay wht<n Lhe Jn-:l:l· 17. tn t hP pr1>h111ln11 n· fr A,\' !\IERIE Bl'CK ET LEAD ---- With only a bucket lea d. 38-38, going Into the fm&l canto, the T&r• of Coach J ulrs Gagr almost found thPmMlve11 .strung from UH' yard- arms until N avarro w1>nl mto h111 11.ct. He becnme a ball of fire, of· ftns1wlv and defen11lvely, The l'lt 0 11 yn~g go•boy ~ f1n1tl ~nto taJl),ng w ith thrl'e field goaJ11, managing to orr.set a parr or net- tmgll and a number of frtt throwa by Anahe1m'1 mighty Mrke. Led by C11pt&Jn 8 111 W etul, lhe Harbor H1i:ti Hu11llrrs lnok the flOClr lo 11trut their eturr befMe their father.I!. Coach C.age'1 jt\JPllll on the Sailor ~nch. "'ired up fruru thP dad11' pre11ence. t hr 'l'ar11 11ttl'h· etl into a quirk 111x point ln•t A flurry of b\1cket11 and foul "hol3 n1•1•rcame Neum11nn'" llhllrp 11hnot- ini: and Aoohelm edgPd p1111t lhr ~111l<1r!I, l ~-14. But Harbor High 11qu1•1tkrd b8<'k Into a 26·2~ h11lr- l1me margin. TllREf! Ml"Xl.Tt:fol TO c;o There werP no more lh11n 11 .!!lnj:'le b8,l!kt l between the tornd t.-11ma until the final three mlnulr11 when Neumann and Nevarro pacel'I tl?r G~" lt'IY.!! Into a ll2-4i lead F1um thf're on. It WILi! & w1ld- scrambllng nff&Jr. Newport !It · lPmJllln!' to <·ontrol the ball. the ("nl1>ntl'l.!! 11tnvrnr to get t h!'tr mills on It 83 the crowd went wild.' The decl.111\·e mon:ent came wtth I l"' ,, mrnutei< to go when Beach f.i•I• ti on a p11.Jr of foul &hall! and I rl'11n1s Fltzp11trlck of lheo Tar11 m111le a beautHul midair block of A Sportsman's Dream Come True KOM-PAK TRAILER The KOMPAK trailer is a complete boat, camp kitchen, and sleeping trail- er all in one streamlined, rugged unit. A beautiful 12 ft. laminated fiber,las attaches over body to form a roof. boat -----·,, .. ,..-.-,. .. ~ar \'H>w S ho1'1n1t BuJlt-ln Gallf'~· ) a 'Prtll1n An3helm n~ll ll\g. Fitz· C•met.ry Addition patnck came nght down lh• noor 1 Sklf' \'iew Showing Boat Attached t:Ql"IP 'IEXT -St.aqdard <-quipment indurie11 combinatio n tall hght. stop hghl, and turn in<l1<.'ator unrtl' m 11unted •on each frmlcr srction. l n tc-rwr C'Ontroll<'<l ven- l 1lat1on po rts. 1mJew all lamps , <'anvas C'anop y for roof wh<:>n boat 1s 1n use. Ru1lt-in work table. cab1n<'lR w ith inci1· Y1d1ual lock arran~emrnU., 5 1 cu . ft. ire refrigerator, and 8.4 gallo n water lAA.k. ~1\!"TA A':'A tOC':o\St En-~· n•!~ IAltr tn Ill\' rn thf' f1n11I IA r~"m• nt of " l'<'m<'t,.rv lllld m1111• ~l\ll"r bo.11ktl. G«>rge Schuttt end- "' I• 11m o>n I h" iw1u1 h~·,.•t <'••ml'r e<1 the 11c<>r1ng for both lllde11 ._. nf 1":1•lrr Av<>. a n<I Hl'lrbor Blvd \, north C o'110111 MrM Arr11. v.·11~ 11p: J.t Col. M. }( Morrlll (USAF' \ AREODYNAMIC DESIGN ••. a i~ing of heaufy! I rm.,·d \\'rtlnr11th11· bv the r ountv R('l ), Snrto--'·Therl' 111 no' 1111ch plnnnrni.: ro111mu11<.1on.' H11 1 btJr RP;t thin~ as too l'tlff a fine 11nd 11en- 1"'llH'I 1•11· rt11n1< to put on a 20 by t<•nre for drunk drlver11 or thoH :!I-fl nrl;lttlrtn to !ht' wr11t 11lde nndjwho ),Ave the tcl'ne dr an acct-Lh•t \'• ,., tlt un..:•· •·uu"'t ,·,.u, a.• ··11• ''1 ti ,,,.. ftt~t -. ••. _, .. ,n "' intt1tl· 11 t f ~"" l\\'f'~ o lt11 prQ,....rty, dent" • c"llf'i!ht" ""-tnn11n1e 1111.i \11•1 l lh•• 1 !11 11 1· l•l-ntt••·t ~· h• oh1t .. \\Ith o ,.. · , THf~ KO M-PAK iR no t a utility trailer . It iR not rt boat trailer, no r a house trailer. Yet. it is all nf th('~I'. KOM-PAK is a n('w and d1stinrt trail<'r typr. th<' KOM-PAK is a sportsman's trailer designed llnd built excluRively for the o uldoorsman's WI<' b~· rum- bining into a single c o mpact unit, the m o s t <1rr\'1c1·- nC't>d whethe r., tt be along lhe r<111d. tn the camp. o r aflc1al. t ~tAl rf 'hi, t nwn ,\ \\ • t k u..:n • ···o• II .J 1•• h:rull ,,.,I•• 111•·d ~'••h<" 1; I 111t1n l• tt ,. tr•1 '' Hll1 I' 11 "' •"' ;•' • 't \1•·."'K Th• Hi-. ~ .. ,,.,, t ht 1t1t.: t u11•d t 1111tt ,,ta (",_I 't1.-'Jit•" ... , II·· r, 111 •• h1·tt t r ti' ~1:tt1•. r• ''"· Thrv • t I •I• 111• ol· 1•1h Hut t• 11 '' •r ""I Jlll11 , , , II• i.:• 1 .. ,.,. c·"A•h •\r1llh 'll f ttltl t11t• l•rurr. r .. •.• a ltl•• •hnn1pun-"'hll' '"" .. 1':$: ~I>\•• h •li\'t•l'I" 't· 1n I '. I[ I 1 · .. 1 T ... 1 and c .. mp1 1.,n. 1-'\ll- ~· •.,. ul •t tu 1· '1t:tt111nAI rt h'Y \i htlr '" f" r JllMI r • II• j;• :n 1 .. , <"A hft\"' IA ii I "' "·"" '.,, I I I'll< \Tt: 111'1'(1,t.~T ... lltt' ~ .1t1 IHl ll1t ''•I I' Ill ,, .. I 1·1·1 \s fr••ln11n. l't1111n•111-0l'C' I'"' I A)' :-.-6-7. • 'f.1r•" · l \\hi' 11• r O•'' 1. nt.al •:1-'-I · THll'l.t. \\I'' t.H · r I,, C' H• l• •1, :-;!\nt.1 ~1 .. n1rll 1"Jd H4"'"" II ..... ,. 11•1 • ""' \'I ~1· SAC~ ,ll's \\Ill be the r..f WI• .. lrf lr \\lOno'r o!:11 "'"' •111 'ti.• •Ii n•:'il• (ll'C \\Ill ,,,. I f, ... ,.1\l1·l' ,-•• ~ti•• 1•'1 ,... • '"I'"• Ill thP s .. uthcrn L'al Ht'· ii lh•' bJ•t,.-rn \ ·nnCrr.•n .. • ~.•11'1 • I", al l-11 H.lbrn H S F'f'b 2~ &nd t rn C .•)•nt1 -tt\tr ni•1t~t~ 1.-.:i-t ~· tt l'· ... tft'r•nt r-int IA Habnt \_ 11n.t 11"1 l••r !ht' Ii· Int' F .. 111. I tlll 'I :-.. ll h· 1n ('ti 1:11 u •ni: R'Rt;h J nr-1 }>1ch-~rnl 11 .. phy Ill "''I 11,.., I -~.,.. .. ,.., l\ll•l •tl\tO llll OCC-1 111"1'1.0 \<.'111 ('II•• thr l'1rfll•• A\ln• k. 1\nd , •1 , 11•• • 11• '' ,, "'' rk rndll tn !nit• J,., .• ll•ll ~!ttl•' 1h\t1 II 1 I• I' •r \1••11 ;1r I •. 11f\· ~!Ry. I f nr Cl1 'l 11. k 111 l'•lf• b•: ' 11.. • '1•1, 11 11•• 111 Ulll•' llh l11d01 H1 l- TI11<" I ' ' ·• t ''" •11 .01\ ln111111" rr1• ,1 11.: J t. k 1'1• ·nn-o1n Alan li?t'Hlll. ,,. ,.,,I t 1 ~·1~•'4•1 tt•, .. '' '' Jf• ·l.._, .... t;, 1r1=e '~'· .. n~. 1 ~,r.t y ~t"· a11 a ... ,,11 .. mure. I<.. I'• k H11ni~11n, :-;,,. I J; •r'"''" Mr ~.n Al11 .. n1•• ,I<' k11r~ "'~!~'"'"' 1:. >11 1'11\1· n.,~Jo·. n uddy the 1:1' \ • "'"'' 1>11111· \\I• 1 lh< • 11. It.II Tu,z 1;1 .1hHni \.1hlYin.o. Mn11111n 1"•1< 1111\••f t11C-"'" \l.•a \\,,,., tl·p ·,r, Ht•ll lbh••l~in Jnr k SPAGHETTI by ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompanimenh ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE •corw c1e1 MS m5 E. CGMt Hwy. KW. 1184) .-a.~le fcatures..o1 all.tbree .tr:a.ileLtypcs. ~:hcl.hcr he be an angler. a nimrod. o r one whn just Irk«.' tn g<'l o ut for c amp ing or boating -KOM-PAK 111 read~· to go. The KOM-PAK will g o any place that 1R ac- -~lble to a car , and properly equippE'd and p r m·i· •i.oned, will provide the true outdoorsm an h i!I PV('ry A 12-fo<>t laminatcrf f ibergla1111 boat of pr11vl'n cf, .. sign 111 atl a<'hed ow•r th<> b ody sn tl111t tlir· invrrtNI hull pro vides a r o<>f f 11r th<> tr;1d1·r. Tlw d l.'11ign o f the .boat compl~At11 t h P &.r(jlWr w~lh·lh~ ''"e h\jll hnrs bring carrir<l into t h1• tratl<>r d1·iogn T hr boat t!I C'as 1ly r rmo,·abll'. and whrn in H''l•ll ratc usr, 1l.8 protc-clt\'(' <luty 1s assumed by a winrl-rl's1s tant wa- terproof co ver that rolls up and ov<'r the top in a jiffy. . , This Great Trailer Is Now On Display At Forgit Hardware 2205 w. Balboa lhd. NEWPORT BEACH Tue1tt1.1v V1•h I'• F111 .. 11 ""' r H •" ''"•t'.ht S•'t"\' n to•k ~l•rrk'- mrrt.< r' "' I• 111 tho ,, '"I 11 'h1<t I' f:, rq11m1n °,11nJ Mnn11cer OPEN SUNDAYS HARBOR I· I ,I I \. 116 I· ,. i l • PAGE ... P.\RT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR Nl:W!>·t'Kt:>:>l'UTT NAMED (1-!iAl~'AAN MONDAY. JANUARY 31, 19ss 11 n1•1 CY.K~:~~T~: ~~::.~~ ... I ,,,.,.~~~~.~. ~~~·:~~.J OF AG SUBCOMMITTEE t 'ICTITJOt i, t1Rlt .s.on: navmi; b"l'n rt<'oroeu as 1iro\'l•tcll I \\allhlnrton Spttlal Wire to ocss THE L':<:DERSJG!'\ED do here· feir by law on Septtmber B, llt~I. \\',\SHINGTOl'\, O. (', -Jan. 31 -IOCNS) -Rep. Ja.mu B. by c~r11fy thi.t they a te conduct· In Book 2~13· page 64 nr orrwiul L'lt w hvse 28th D111tr1ct 1nclut1u all ot Orange County. today was tng 11 aervlce 1tallon and ga1are Recordsh of thoru~c c.;~~nt{, •rn 1 1 an;ed chairman of the Calltomta conrresaional delt&atton'a •rncul· b , ' :-; l Bl r1 more t an rte mon 11 .11 \ .ni; · Ub.nc..i1 at J,• II • '"l'nr v . elapae•I i>iner •uch rc11Jrdat1"n tural oubromrnlllt t . CoHa :.t"~"· t 11htllrnta, u1111"r lhe I wtll sell at publlC' aul'lion 1,1 tit<! Chalrman Carl H inshaw ot the delega llon announced Utt'• •p· DOcftcti t.tS~us ..,~1.11~~.1~3 m~ ~'vi{"ELlX ~ hlgh!'i.l b1d d,.r !u~ l'a11h •PAY· rotntmenl. "'"' ""' .s an 'ABLE JN LA\\'F"t;L ~tO=-:EY UF" --------------t:tt 1ald he w ould call a aub· t hat i-iwl !11111 '" compo~rll ut lhc THE U.NJTEU STATEti u1o· committee rnullnC' llOOn ao the followln11: pcr'lnns, "'host namu AMERICA AT TIME OF SALY.1 .1 LEGAL NOTICE croup would be ready t o "help In full 811d [ihicu or reatd<'nc c are without warranty txp1 ess or tm· Cal1fom t& tarmera, ret aupport fo r a!\ f'lllows. t11-wtt · d L" ... Llv v l'nADDf phe1I u to !Ill( pos.•t'~s1on or en· Tha t • sale, transf•r •Rd asil""'· thrlr progr.ma,Jn conrr•u an r r. ·" • '" l'Umbrancra, the tnlt're~t C'On\'l•ycd ~ ~· "" try lo BOlve their problem•." 2r..rn Oran~r to and now held by tl Ill> b\ll'h menl of the aforesaid stock In Calltornl& cotton farmera, for r ri .. ta ~1""3· rlll!f<irnia trustet·.· tn and to the 1olluwlni; tra de, fixture&. equipment amt example, are faced Ult. year with CLYDE i'. \\'HIT!:: d~scrlbrtJ property 111 the t'.01•111y good will ot t t:e uld bueinr~s will a 7i8,6M·acrc allotment compared :?OOl Santa Ana AH'• or Orllnge. Sta te of C:illfnrnia, be made, end the eonJider;itinn with the 936,•08 acrea marked tor , . .,,.,. :.ti'·~. CaJl!omta Lot :i 1n Tract ;o.;o, 1346. re· therefor tog4:'thcr with the con· production in the laat crop year. \\ IT:\"~~SS our hanrt I.his 7th day corclt>d ln Book •11, P•ge 3 ot '~lderatlon tor the ti'an~ftr and RI!· Several b1ll11 have been Introduced nt J anu.iry. l'l!l"i :.11~c~i13neuus Maps. He1'01ds ~1gnrnent of thC' aforesaid llcenae In the houae and eenate to boo1t • CLYl•E I'. \\'HITF. One O'Kr~re 11 nrt Mrrrllt gM February, 19!1!1 at lO:OO o'clock thus ease the bite on the cotton· I 2 SPECTATORS THEFT VICTIMS 'Two lherta of hub <'llP• \\"trt reported to police Sa turda y by ap~tatora a t the Friday nl1ht Newport Btach·Ana· heim basketball rame. Glenn Thom•• of 21!11 Jr. vine A''' . Costa Mua. told police tour hub1 were taken rrom hla C'&r parked on Holly Lule. fWrer Ear\y Jr. ot 2111& E. l:lth St .. Coata Mna, aald the tour wire wheel• wrre taktn from his car parked . ln the area. ·' FELIX V BRAOOJ o r UrJni,>t! <.:ounty, L'ahfurma. I w!ll be paid on the 24t ll. d•y ot the Jllltlona l arreage allotment ¥d STATP: OF C'.·\LIFOR!\'IA R '1 d t CP'6n ~1 11 UO A.Jr. or at a rraaonable time nngc. ·' u " • " • • proctuclng stalH. ""'Cul':\"TY nF ORA!\'Ct: I ~~ Une KeMnator Refrigerator. &! . the licenl!C has been l~sued The •&rlcultural aubcommiltee Claim or another •nlpl"I' Incl· OF 11irn 7th day nf Janu:irY. I 7 • ub1c fl'tt, ~lode! XR·R to THOMAS CARSOX •nit In the mus} determine whether It wtll denl which occurred mldnl1ht. Police Delve Into Sniper Reappearance A D. HJV, hdnr.: m e. ROl3ER.T U80.00 I namt of the trnns_f1>r<'e, 11t tre law support thr movt to Increase tht Jan. 19 on Balboa Jsla.nd but w a 3 F \\'11.L~!ES " Xotan· P ub!w 1n Cior th" purf>u~e rlC pay 111s lhe ob· J ntfires of Hiu-..,itz &. l~urwllz, national •allotment. a pproved by not reported lo police until Mon· and tnr th" ~alt! !'•rnnt\'. nnrl Stsl(' I h(;.11 .. n;; seo1rert by iund Df'ed of AllOml'y~ At Law, 21il 1 !\'E"wport v. s. rumen in a referendum J.aat day llftemoon 111 be111g ln\•tali1at· 1 e!'HJing lttf'l'r•n , ul\· ~·nni m1,~111n· 1 Trn"l 1nduding ires ,·huq;ea and Bnulevard, Newport Beach, Call· Dtctmber: ed hy lorlll oftlcer1<. · .. 11 11nrt >l\\'Oln , f'"l~•mnlly uppN•rt'<I I t•xpr n!-('S Ot lrUll!Ce and vr sale fnrnJR. Other members of the arrtcul· Charles Frank Burrm. 19, of F F.Ll.X \' HRAPl11 u11 1 C'LYrn: JJ11tN1 ' Jr11~uu1·y l:J. 10~::1. DATp;n: J 11n1111r.\' :?6, HIM. tural 1Subcommlt1te include: Reps. 21112 Marine Avr. claims he was f'. \\'Hf'l'F. kn111'.n \11 nil' lo 'ht? lho l SUl.'TH\\'EST TITL~ A:"\l> l'l:'ll·L'P CAFE J:'\C. Bob \\'Itson. San Diego: John Phll· Niol at twice by an un.aeen a.s· J•"t • n' ''h"~" 1.1.mc·s 1111· 1111hst.rlb· TAX <.:O~fl'A:"\\', Ry: J OH:'\ L. Lp;AHY hps. whose 29th district covera the seilant while ata ndin&' in front of ,.d 111 thr w11hin 1n~trt11l1"n1, 11nd as Trustee V!'nrtor 11nrt Llt'l'ns,.,, lush Jmperlal Counl)t !arm ares 2H Marine Ave. He sllld he wus arknnwlrrtg~rt 111 mr thul lh<'Y ex· Dy M J . \\'a11c THO~!AS f'ARRO:-> anrt Riverside County: Scudder, .llla.ndlng wtth a Robert Huttman "rtl'"" 'h" ~llllll' l:'ll \\'IT:"F.!;$ •.• \'lce·f're:lldent • \",.nll«f' enrl l nll'nrlrd Cubstr, Teagllc, Englt>. Sisk. Hl!g· when thf"',fftged shot.'! were fired. \\'HF.HE<w : I h "" rr11• 1ntri S"t By Robert J, La Point !';TAT~·r;;~!<~~r~JFOR:\"IA rn. Moss and Roollevelt, th<' latter Bl'RG~'S STORY rnv har;rl 1tn•1 111 Ci'Cr•I 111 v nrt1r1al 1\ss1s1unt S\'<.:r..te1y !lve being Democrats and t he firat B ur&'ln told • tale ot hearing ~"tt.J thr d•q 1Jn<I \"11r 111 .lllli< C('r· 1 1CORT'ORATE SEAL! C"Ol1:'\TY OF ORA:'\GE )!!!!. scrlts RepubUc:ani. c ne ahot a.nd another aoon aft.er, 11f1,.u lo> f11··t ;1hn,'e \\'lltl"n :-\11, :'>"Ill New11-Pre~s J 17·2~·31 M On .f11nu11ry 26. l!.1-':;. h""lt me. which he .said rle<>chet.ed ott the r:Otffl' f r \\'II I \!ES -----· 1 the uni1,.r~lgne<1. ll ;o.;'0!~1 .\' Puh!ir 111dewalk or buJld1ng close by. Q(. ~ly r'. .. mn '~''"" 1-:xrr~;~ • ~OTU't: ot· :O-AU: OF' ~TO< K 1n ant1 fnr 11a1d County 11 nt1 Staie, DEATH NOTICE ttcers Investigating the scene tlve :--·nvrin h• r 111. )'1.~'i L" Bt'LK 'J'l'r~nna lly a ppt'arPd J OH:\' C'. ct.y!I after tl'le alleged Incident !'\o ~·.i and t.EAHY. known ti') rot lll be t he failed to find any bullet holea or :-;rw.-.f'r,. ... 1 10 17 Zl 11. lfl!'.!'I '.\OTI C'E OF JSTt:SUEO TRA~S-f>r<·~M<>nl. .11n'1 kno"-n tn m,. to hf' Edward G. Walker, 84. of lHI tmpty shells in th!' vielnlty. They FER Ot ' LJQl'OR LICE'.\'SE lh•• !';rrrrt:iry rif the Cor poration I 27th St. dlert Saturday, J an. 211 l'lll<l the itlreet tiad bt'1tn l'Wt'pl ~i.!., :'\Ol'fl'E IS HEREBY C IVE:X fhllt t>xrr1n;;rl 1111• within Jn~trll· In hill 1olerp. He ha d restcted hHe since the ihootlni; ~Ql'I< Y. 0 1 .. I l!f"STt:t:•s l'!ALE rh '' l'IX-l 'P C-,\F'~~ l:\t' • \'rn·:M' nl••nt. known to me 111 he th11 f't'r· fnr ~! years an~ In Ca.lltoml• fo1: Tht 11lleget1 \'tcllm tC1ld poltc!' =""· 111~ 11n1f l.u ,•n•""· \lb•..:r u•ltli .,.s is ~rn~ )''ho rx .. rutrrt 111 .. withl:l :?~ .'•Br~. He ''a~ born In Ne\\ he and H uftmM leaped to tht NEWPORT HARBOR NE\\'S-PRESS E:\·cn• Monday a nd Thuraday COASTAL SHOPPER-\\'ednesda,·s .a Llnf's 1 Paper $ · . ; :> • -I Unn 2 Pa~n l .!'>O 4 Linrs S Pa~rs 2.oo <.:oul&I 8 hoppe!r Clualt1t'tl Ada mu•t run In the .\loncl•y or Thuniday Publkatlun >USUll'~ AO IS 6 USES AU Claaalt1ed Ad• mu11 be paJd for ('uh In adnnN' of publlc~tlon~ The publt•hera wilt not be rui>onslble for mure than one tn«nrr,.<'l 1natrtlon of an ad. restn•e \he right lo correclly clalll!ltfy anr 1n11 all ada and to reject a ny ad not conformln& to rult!1 and regulallons. _.. ___ _ DEADLINES tor placing or cancelling ails are: For Monday Publlcatwn -Monday 9 a.m. F or Wednuday Ptlbllcatlon -Tuellday 2 p.m. For Thuraday Publle&lJon -Wednesday l pm. Nl':Wf>V)lT HARBOR Pl'BLISKL~O «O. 1%11 Balboa Bh·d., S e111·port lk'atll, CaUfornla. Classified Index l Funeral No&ION ! c~ of. Thu.k• 6 F'Uaeral OINetora 10 Bualn-Gulde II Bu1Jdln1 Mate rial• II. BulldJJlr Servlcea lt Peraonala Ill Share Your Car II TMUlaporlatJon 11 Rootlnr 19 Bduty AJda !O Health Alda U Loat ud Found H Sc:bool•, lnat ruction !8 81tuatlou \\'ul«I !it Help Wanted 30 MJ-U..-3~A 8wapa JO-B ApplJances 81 \\'anted to Buy n Furniture for Sal. at-A All~ a~ Boata, &uppU• M Mualcal, Ra4Jo, T V 16 Dora. Cata. Peta IZ-Bolldlng Services 38 Poultry S'1 IJvt'llt.ock ~ ~pttlAI Anno1,1ncemtnt 39 •lhoa \\'antf'd •O .\utoa for !'lale -...f&-A 'ttrl'• I;. l'arta •1 Auto ~n1C'e 42 TraJI,.,,. U Alrpla.nN n Wan!Nl to Rt nl 48 Apia. k H ouM-a for Renl '8A-Aplll. for R~nt '88-llou-for Rent UC-T...Uer Spare 69 Ronma for Rl'nt 69-A R .. •t Homo •9·8 Room lil Board &I Re.ol, MlltC'. llS S lOl'f'• t;. Ofnt"H llS-A Buatn ... a Rental• M Bualnns OpportunltlN M Money to Loan &a Money Wuted 61 Keal Eatate \\'anted eo ln<'Ome Prop41rty et Keal E•tate Exchallr• 81 ReaJ Estate ' lZ-BulldinJC Servlce9 XI >Tl• 'E I!'\ 1u :r.En Y · CIVE:-1 1•17 . :!I •l ;:;~, ... 1, :'\.wp01 l 01..81 a. 1n~1 rnmrnt on h"h1tlf nf the Cor· j· Yo1 k . He was a former rutavrant r oof of bu~fn"se buUdJnss. Two Tl it .. :1 wi .. ln· In \ 1·.1irnMi' ft l"<111r1y ,,; Orl'lf1';1", SI ti" of l 'al1· pnrillinn therf'ln nll mt't1, and owner llnll hcfnrf' rtt lring workl'd olher fn<'nrl~. Donalrl Hovi3 llnd 1!17'.!\ hi 11 "II 1, .i1.~i< u ri1. al· 111,. ,1,1:.oJ, 1ntt•111I~ 111 sell. t ran~t4'r I ior kn .. wl,..rl.i:-<'tl to mr that such I for the clly. H e w11s a lllt'mbt'r o! Charlts Dami'!, :oped awlly in lht So11th tr••rtt •h• r nt t he (1ran10t•' •r.•I r ... !l n t o THO~IA!'> f'.\RSO:'\ CnrlV'riulnn <':otrt·11tr1 th" sam" ~todtrn Woodmrn of Am erka cu In "'h1ch th" tour h.i<t ju.•t W£ST C..QAa_.BJJIL.C>ER.S S14>erfluous Hair. Perm,.1• 11lly "llHH e11 Cmm lac• arma, l"i;• £~~1>1uw1 a nd hair hne lilt i'•'•l-!11(1 m t>re twee.ans . ELlf:-1 I-RRY A~T R! E. Liilo'• Sah>n ol Buu:y Har. 11178 .uo C•ina Painting Day and Evrnln1 ClUrMe U'dt!ra Taken Now Phone Uberty 8·&8'9 Ntlo ~eal Estate School in Santa Ana MEN 6 V'OME.~ pr!'pan IJ\ 1par• lime foi unlimited OJ?portulllU .. tn Real Eatste. New cl&ue• weekly. U T)•ler lnatrucUn1. Al- ttnd flrt: evtnine tree and learn a bout Ula &'rtat fte)d. C&ll or w rtta no• for tntormaUon. Bual· neH 1n••tute. '16111 N . Syca- more. KI 3·17~!. Htfo Jn leaponse to Popt.lar Demand WE HA VE f.ECEJ\'TLY anlarred nur facllltl• to accommodate more chlldre\. Ttltre are a tew phtt'U avalla1le. PREPARE you~ child tor kinder· garten In- ALMA OU:EEN GRDN'8 HAPPYLAND PRESCHOOL 899 E . Del M•. Colrt& M .. Agu 2·6 Uberty 1·3771 A truly tine 1'\lrwry School 2cl:ih Accordion Lessons MUSIC AND INSTRUM.J:llo'T Furnlahe<!, 10 wka. Hu. 3002·R ~p7 r·~n:y 1 mrl 11 ~ ... ~1111 , An 1 • V·~·h • ''~~ Jn·~nd•1t Tian~~,,. \V1tn,.••. m. v hAn1 ~nrt rirnrls~ He 1~~ur~ved byh1sw1r~ Del~: arri~.~~J:::~~~~-~~~~-~~.~~~~~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R~A~~~~~?ft~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ._£:.l!lJ.!':l ::wu:.u>a.:rr . .:tJ.lJ..l,; '1h~ ...w...w '" 1" :t11."> ;111 Fa.t~ ...-....,.. . -• ~a1o1gM-~.\~1:l!I....--""iiE'L~ t Ro'9 ROOP' . i::=:::;::::::i?ji~~~~~~. f'Pi~. ~""::frftrit, ~~~~ . °!\'T'\\'-p~M'!i'n,C"i)1iiify nf H ELF."-' T TIPPF:lr !'If S11n111 Anll ant1 Mrs. Aller Abllz He MW wW. --11@--nm~.. • •hilt . llH E 20th SI., Coat a ur.d•r un,t r1 .. ~11~111:. '"" 1't•r.t !l1Jn ,., :-.;11" 01 c.:a11!01nrn. 1h1> X1H.11.ry l'ubu~ m and....JAUJl~X,:....&.....&11.l.\'~'-n<mtc:aTcar:-w1lh&1<pot hgh1 Garages, 18x20 MeM. LI 8·21B3 u u c ·or 'l"rUPt· o(.•:1:-r I n" ,\ L \'I~ I'. full• "11.i; ''''~' Ill>•' I f'f'I ~"11,1! 1°11111-s111t1 C-ounl \' 11nd Still,. Hon,.ycuu !'If T~llurlJc. Colo.; 11180 start up ti om In front ot the mar- HA \\'t.: 1.-.::-; 111 .. 1 LCJL.\ .\ HA\\'. e11~-. l1J·\\ll STATE Or f'Al.IF"ORNJA I l'l~ht giandrhill1rrn enrl thrt't' ket u tht comer oC J.'.tarine and STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLF.TE Kl="!=> 1111.h.11 .. 1 rll\\l \\II« 1n l.1\'IJr All •• , 'k •n 11 '1'1<' r1xlur1•1'. COl":\"TY OF ORA:->r.r. ·~~ i:·rr.11l-j:'.rllnrtchlhtun. P a rk Avea. H e 11a1d peraona in t he . $695 (. I d. I b) Alterations r.1 l ':\I'll :1 I :-; \ v l:'\r.8 J\ :-:o "'l'"I 111• nl 811tl l,'l><hl "JI! n1 a ... I. On J Anuary 26. 10!1~. brfore mt I 8NVll'f'~ will be condut·ted Wed· C'ar swept the hghl u ound and inc u 1ng s a Loll=-: A!:':'Ul"l,\•Tlll:"\, 11 .-~rpor ... 111n h11•111ui-l<11tmn u .. · 1·:s-L·1· tht un•ll'r11ii;:nt<1 a =-:Cltory t;>ubl1c nesday 11t 11 tl.m. In Bait& Mortu· he and Huffman dropptd !lat Qn SPECIALISTS in r oom additions 11nn. ntlw n" n"d nnrl ht·M h\· FEn. c ';\FE I:'\•',' 11 ... 1r··•I 111 I U7 · :! bl in nn<l for sal1I County 11nr1 ~lllte. ar,y, Cnstll MeM ChA prl. w ith t hl' the root. ERAL XATl():'-1,\I. CllOH'rr.Ac ;E !'ll t rl, C'1t,v 1'f ~;r\lflJI R1 cd1. rrr~nn11ll\' 11rr~rirNI THO~fA S Rev. Ch11rlcs H11ncl otfkls!lng. Burginthenaaldhlatwo frtends and remodeling forover8yrs. Kin. RF:ST\'LJ!"G of California ASSCWl ,\TI••S rn•ric ,,.11 ,,r· C••11n1y r.t 01Jng1· !'t.Hr rit 1·1111 . CAR!'O :\", kno"-n tll m" tn be th,.l lnurnmf'nt wlll be In Melroae A b· came back and JU •l .. the pair FHA Terms_._ No Down Payment J? 1• ~ I 1n I •"' Ion r•11.1111 t ' tu1n11 11 nr1 t r11n. :r r lit" follllWln~ perl'<ln whnse nam!' is a11bscnbr.I bey J\111uM1leurn. on the rooC jumpe<1 ocr. thf' car T11lt· Ill t•f ""' :"\1H 11111111 Hnt111tnt.; atr holtr h"l'rtllJ'«' hr rn•I' O:"\ to th<' within tn!'ll'llmPnl 11ncl with the tla.shlnJ spoUJght return· Llberty 8-5763 -Klm~rly 3·8274 87plH 212 )'artnc Har txir Jt~I Baboa bl1nl1 • 98p1:1 Al'l ,,, /lint ""' 1, ro•rc11 drd "n SA L~: (; F:N l~n I\ l4. p. I 11 Tll·A fnr ac·kn11w1 .. u,..rrt lhnl ht !'XN'Ut I'll l h!' Rest Tricycle Gone ed. Burgin Ulen aald he Jumped Ar1°1I 6 !!•~Cl 111 li >nk l!l(l:'l, Pai;r thP p1l'ml1<"10 lora tt't1 111 IOi · 21l'l ,ll1tnr biM"k to the root while hla fnenda 111 o• U!f1• .ti l:ro r rit11 (I( Orans:,. 3 ln .-t C'lly n ( X"Wf'Oll R.:11 h \\'lln,.•s my hnr.t1 11nr1 otflci11! Th!'tl llf his l'On'a trlcycla Jan. took ott ln their car . .He l!Qjd he r ,.111.1v. t\· l•d"•n ''' tlt>filult tn ("nunly nf OtHnS:". S1111r nr rah· llf'Of. 20 "'U repor!Alrl to police by saw the car wilh the apotUJht 111• pn\ m· 1.1 nr f'"I rorrnBnl'r n( ob-fornrn I llF.:LE;I: r Tlf'l'F:TT Emmett V OMrd Rest ot 128 •3rd le&\'t the laland vta Ul• bridg e. !11• 1•,, ',, 11 .. 11 t ht'n •hy. 11 ncl no· A mnr111t rit r11rC'ha11,. prlre or !\'t1tllry Puhllr tn and for St. He l!llll1 the rrd and wt\lt e Tt}e allered victim M.ld h e I• a ti·~ r 1 t1~111•111 Anti B~nr:r. 1arv'• ron~llf,.11\lll)n With M id cr,1nMer uf r111<1 C-01101.v s nrt Stale I whtel wu taktn from the prop· frlelfd of Pt.II Kiimer. one of two f In 11110 1 1 t' 1115,. I "I bt 11nld lh" ~a11'1 hr!'nse Is U!e 1111n of $9 :'100 00 :"o. !'160 Xews·l'1 r11a 1 3/:15 t rty. vl!'llm11 In the recent Biiy b land .. .. _ .. 11mplng rue and that he liloughl lh4t someone wu gunning !or him. When que•llontd by police. he could g1ve them no reason for being 11hot at. P AJUlER REPORT ~peclaJ N oticee -------Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meet• every Thursday 8 pm. VI• Oporto -t:e.ntraJ Ave. ::-\ewport Beach Elwood Shell, Exa lted Ruler CARPENTRY MINOR REP AlR WORK NO JOR TOU SMALi.. H. 0 Ancerson MAKE THIS YOUR Horace Parker. 217 Grand Ca· nil.I, reported to police nerng two youths In white 1hJJU on Ulc roo.t ot buildings In the area l4•tltre Burgin 11ald h,. was. Parkef 131d hl' MW the pair a t 12:01 • m. JM, 20, thl! u me time Burg1n told of· flc,.r11 the "lleg .. rl l'lnlpln it lnr1r1t nt ncc;url't'<1. LI 8·906!1 Costa M('1<a 83ttc .. OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH ~ARN FROM THE FIRST .- Monday through · Thurs01y 9:30 Lm. ~ 3:30 p.m. Police 11a.ld when they rhecked Burgln's 11pa rlmtnl Ulla week lo quu llon him furth,.r, It apJX'&red tn be var a l .. d Specialized HOME REMODEL PATIOS, Cllrpt'nlry, plut,.ring. concrete work. tile 11et11ng . palnllng-ynu name It, we do 1l FOSTER BROS lillrbor 3!l76·R-LJ 8·2932 98pt2 Croxon to Head County Group F"rtd Cro11on. 11Sl'11ta nt loan of· fir er a.nd f'scrow and UUt tXJ>f'l L Wllh Newport Balboa Savings anti Loan AsllQCtallon. ha.s been named pruld!'nl of the newlt re-actl\·a t· r d Oran11e Counly Chapter or the American !'&\'tng1 and Loan l n· ll1l14t" E;xperienc 'd gardener LANDSCAlSING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1659 0Sp9n ~pruentativea from all 11 of the county 1 aav1n11 and loan U · 11ocla tlon11 met lul wul( t o ley tlnal plans Cor • COOJ>"fall\'e •f· fort to renew cha pter actavlly The lnst1tute Is " eubJl\'l61on <Jf t.he l:n1tet1 Stale' S11vtng11 and Loan League. Training or 11avlng1 and loan personnel la a maior part I ot t03lltute actl\'tt)' CARPEN TER Repair Work Doe. Your Home :O:!'ea Rtpalr1ng or Remodrllng ? Call Vrank. l..ll>erty 9-695.t All \\'ark Guarantred 7H!c ASPHALT TILE LINOLE~t ~l1tl1 the abn\'" cheaiw-r Chan most Al•o ~rll Tll" It L1nr,1r nm .'>rm·llnlon. z~ ycnra exptnenct Co-pore and 11re - Oll.L COKER LI 11·6204 7trc COMPLETE PA.INTING & Paper Hanging Service EIJGE~E 0 SA UNDERS ~00 :n11 Strret. Newport 81'8ch Harbor 2976-J. •lcM House Plans BUD &BARNEY PA[JliTJNO -BRUSH or SPRAY l'\on·Unlon -Lke.naert 1:,e:1 Jrv1nr, Costa :.te~\ T•rms -L1 8·439• • LI 8·1' t:I IJ7t l Roy's Maintenance • H ouae c .. n1ng-Floor waxing \\'all waalng-wlndnw cltsnlng \'rne.lla. bllntf• Uphnl,trry Jn111rec. F ree l!:attmatea Liberty ~1332. l! r ,. G IRL WA?"fS BABY SITTl:"\r. In Cltt Havl'n ar!'a PHO:-:E .lberty 8·i 1!'1!'1 General Contracting 2:\ sru.,. c·1,tomm c.11 REPAIRS, remodeling and al~ra· Han1lym1n l'hm, Hu. i8.'8 lion work. Resh'!enl1al 11nd com· Yard work -plllnl -dr•nins: mercl11l bu1ldlnga, I A rtlsQ., )11nd1l1tplng Quality Work Cuaranteed Fut Work: I v ea <'n•t' Har 3151 daya, Har. 2160·J ""es \ ~r 7 99ttc -------41·------- PAINTING rNTERIUR -EX1'EfUUR LIC..:ENSED -L:-:SURltD l::F"FJCJE=-:T <:loltca mtndtn~ ai.·. and all klnl1' i:unom pell11 o"l • t1ecor11tor p1llv.11 C11ll Lib•"' 8·3006 between t 6 3 !'ip7 Glenn Johnston w w "'"I 31 s ... Bea·... 29-Help Ul >IV • •t t.. .. rwpon ,,,. Harbor 3176 13lfr EXPERIENCED N:AL ESTATF: PAINTING .EARL SHEFLIN 273 Pa.lmcr St., Co•l.A Mell& Phone Llbtrty 8·:l928 67tfc FOR RENT Skill S11w11, Elcc Drilla, Pollahen, aU t YJ>ff oC Sand,.rs. \\'htelba.r· rows, tic. • BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 \\' COAST HIGHWAY Wberty 9·3435. :-.;,,,, .. pon Bch 28ttc HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY N ew lawn , reasonable or no IT \.OL"RSELF°-WE Tlt.J. .t. r:RAnr. vrwn ~n-:n AXD P.nt.r. t·:-:or.R n nt c;1·1f1. A:<:C'E -LI 11·1~·~:! fl~J'9 .PAINTING PainltnJ! & Popt·r Hanging "The BeRt Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 512 :!'Ith St !\'rwpnrt Rr8ch r110:-:E H ARBOR 2404 Alcoholics Anonymous Wrfl e P <J Box :~81 l!c 1111le11m11n Wan led In •n •blt•h• '' 1•fllre. Ca ll Bob Jonu , H 11. t. • 2313. 6r'1 TELLER N. C. R. or bankllg expen· ence required. Personal interview .nly. Newport Balboa SaYings amt If>an Association, 3366 \"Iii. Lido, Newport Be.ch. i c!I CIR.LS Good r,tW)l'f Jol>A - lioc"1 a.&J 11 ry - Nevs with fn•qu,.nt lncrea.•a - Opportunity fr.r &dvanumsit. !'lrorn!' '•P"n\nir;• now for )'OUn ll' '"'m"n In :-;.'"port &al'h :(f1r,.; n :LE:rllON'f: ()l'f:R AT) R $, \LERl<'AL \\'ORK!:R5 (TJ>LnJ re11u1rrd >. ~ Af·ply 011 1-, •• Main St. 1 Rfl<orn ll 11 Santa ~Ill Mon<111\' l hru P'r rlty, 11·4 1-111· r ACIFIC TELEPHO~E l"ll EF: P.E:\"T nf .,,>tiel<lr 11."Y., In l'Xl'hlln~r ft·I J'l<!"1 Uml' <art of l\C hllt1J ftg11 1orl. l'•'Ona d1I Mar Harhor 3!'1 7-W 1ftJr 5 ;u. Tr 9 JUST NO~TH of ~ridey Croxon 11 the only executive of· fleer named lo dote. Othtrll W111 be chosen at l&tl'r mttlln111. He aN1ounct1I th111 wtl'k the Ora.nge County Chapter wlll conc.lucl a u nu ot tr&Jnmg cliuae11 m""lln1< Monday evf'n ln11:s ~g1nnlnir; tn f"ebruary. Thre" •ubjert!' "111 bf' rovef'1'<1-1'<'row11. 11ppr1111111l• anr1 l!llvllll!:t! IUI!\ lo11n pr1nrlpl~11. C'mxnn w111 l"l<'h ont llf thr <'llUT.Y'• Clan enMl!ment slrelldy 111'1,_ atllff representatives from all county u· 1'0<'llltlnn11 , Prr11.clrnt Paul A Palmer nt :"lewp<>rt Balboa 8"\1nga announr· I'd th11t ,.arh nf t hi' thrf't l'Ollr~('~ W111 br 111ten<1tc1 by ~l;if( mrmh"r" fr om th!' .. _,sflcl 1 tlon. LIBERTY 8·62"11 N,.wpnrt B~llch. ('ll llr. \\ <\:>:Ti:IJ 2 nr •A ind u.,,, car P.'icll Ph•m e H11rbnr 479:. •al~•m"n F.:11rnrni,'~ wn!lmtl'd 9:30 1.m. -8:00 p.m. POST OFFICE ) - "\\',. &rl' i:l.1111 to 111.l<e pi1rt In ~tl\lftl1>11 or lh~ lllvlng.11 llnd lolln IMt ltute," he ~Rid. "T~llll'lnce snrl tr1<1nlng wl'lch It m-ir• h"lr• k"ep u' abrtll~t rit the nat ion~• at'tlv1tlt~ 11 nt1 tht ln•plr!nit itrowU! nt our lncluftiry. 11nrt nirlln11 · W f' can i;r1vr bet t"r '"rvtcc to our 81'V· enl l ho11111u111 customera through· out Or&nJ.!I' l"ounty." ~iring Causes Fire . t>r!ectlvt w mng b,.n,elh th,. Edward R. Robaon home a t 101!1 W. Balboa Blvd. caused a fire Thursday In which no damagt occurred. fir~ departmrnt ~•Id. Engtna Noc. 1 and 2, tl'le aquad car and Alllll1L Chief Phil Ka, .. df'n anawued the ca ll. f"lr•m~n Wied A 11mok" ej,.rlnr to tint ac· eumulatt d smoke from under th,. hame. --"'). - --1 l!c ~ .. p Hill Kn1mp'111l1 Painting & Paperhanging --1-N-C_Q __ M_E_T_A_X __ L<ll' HEi,:11 ('hr)'~l•Pl)'Tlouth We do the work ouM1el\'eS. 1 1 ,2:\ ,.. 1 '*"t lllthw~. 30 years tJ(Jlcrltnre LlcenM!d & lneurPrt 8atl1t11ct ion gusr11n tr "rl EJttmatea f~e C.111! J r.hr.r;1" LI 8·261\i & LI 8-5:?~9 Xl tic p . . D t ' I amtmg, ccora mg Paper Hanging 1 GEO. BURKHARDT LJL"E:"!;EU <.:< J:"\TRll l '""I I 1H ~It 30'11 ~. ~""1"••1 llrr11 1 Har 24 111·\V nr W 11·6e:::? Uc PAINTING R!:ASO~ABLE REF'E RE;;\'C'f.;S • Klmb,.rl\· ~-8603. "P7 -Yoor AdvertJalnc Dollu 1 go I' ~r.11 \\Ill 1'• l • 1•' 1n 1 "n•I \\ ·• nt \11 f r( t \ •' 1 • .11 •\.' ._.,.. ' 1r Ir T I• 1 1 1n rAP.l,'1 . Jt '" \n'.r , ~ht ' A ,Jn•,·1• ~ 1, ''' ;•p·' I"•,. 11'}1~ "''"r·.· ,,,., m• LELA:'\D J . FOGG t , r ' • 11 1 .l " 1 • ' 11 I ,., 1 •11 • \ ( r.1(''' r , t l --',.1 r.,t: ft•\•r• •e ~·1 Hi\J~t;l 1H Hi.\ l • I.I t;. 1,r,1, l." • I.I li·'••1~4 ;' :-; •" J"'lrl ll• 111 ti 7rll 11 \ v ~: f>l'F:;\'1:-.'0 rnr k"I FJ·11t• Hro·l-n nr i::otl1 :01'\ 11n rull Off tr " •I I' r' I 11 f"I r,r;,. 'lli'lh ka w. l• .. li: .. ••f h~~<h 11nl1 Or•1gll O.:n• I\ \'Al 1~• Fr "d J . Croi.1rr & Assoc. ;jf\U 1-.1<•1 f 'l')llJlil H\oy. I·, 1c.n11 ... 1 Mlir Ca ll fo-nla 1 ~·"rh•me Harl.or 357~ \\'A;'l..T •:.IP•n.1in • ""'""~ f()r cl•an- v I w I ' II H 11• r II rea. r t ~ .. l ~\o\harr \''1ur Car 111, ,,.,. 1Hr11 1 •··'I ---------· ----,_ \\·~~1: /"~;~L: . .r·~1.u'i ..• :'~ ~~1e'"1~ Draftsman (Male) r'\tr ,r :-• .111 • •"'"'"'''!1 ~·h Wl tl "~ If I 1•·:11 !•'II farth~r. t1o morr. ~·II m •1 1. "'h"n <AR r''">I ~:; 1,.. ""'ri·1o r 1. A you Arlvtrtt~e In th1a r·at rr to ,Jlo • r !"HC J... A : 'iV J "f' r ""'~ 1n r,,.11~h arra With .r· 1111 '!'""' "Jtperltnce "'"'" •lr-"rt1n1t 11nl'I 2 yra. c• 1· '"Ir" 1r "'1'11\•ll"I I \\'nl# p I/ H•111 111.JI All\IUTlhre. C&JL!., 0!11· cJot1nr aampl• of worlL ~t!o Pbcm.t ll&rbor 1916, Har. i&Jll·J. ~i, . . / _sB-__ ~_U_Mie_ll_an_t!O_u_•_fo_r_sa1e __ · 32-Fornlture for Sa.le__:___ 1 -~Aatol and Trucb tn-Aotos and Trodm REMOUELEO! SELLI:"G CHEAP 19[;:, GAFFERS & SATil..EK Breakfn&l bar. cupboardH a nd range. The very latest k'P a ll •ink. wuh bosln & mlac. bldg. I automatic, gnddJe, almmllr burn- m1tt~n11ls. Har. l:J74-~t. 5p1 t't'!, that oven timer &-irr.11 I bru1ler. Only be<'n store<). P•J. WOOUWORKI:-:G machinery, nr. tin to $138 82 ~o <'ash dn J u:'t new. l.alhu. saws, sandtn. etc. 1 pay the pymts. ot S8.•9 per m•1 Suitable tor home shop. RellHOn· SJ::E Baughna A & s Warehouse •hie. Ph Har 42HI or Har •320 I 229 S. Ma.In St .. Santa Ana 5c7 6 hlocks 8-0uth of •t h St. f IREW0-00-Open eves. 'lll u. Sun. 11·:1 Klmberly 3-72CJ1 BEAUTIFL"L olct i ·drBWl'r hlith FREE DELIVERY ~ry w ood, 16" • 2-l" length. ' CaU B. ~. STAGG · Phone Harbor !OH Evenlng11 Harbor r.391 5cl8 1:-;Dt;STRIAL SWEEPF:R Moll!'! al\ T .. nnant 36" brll;.h, var umm automatl~ .. · F or playground. P"rk111g lot. t•tc. HM. H89. 8tfc BIKE. l..oys' :!6'~ Schwinn. $20. j Table Jor 1·k«tr1r tratn. \\'alnut tr111·;p•! rlr111J lr~\·r~ liiH 2!1:'1 ·J 6p8 Firewood For Sal~ FREE OBLIVERY WRIGl;>T CO. 1784 r\ewport Blvd.. Coat.a Mesa Lfberty 8-2:IO~ Htfc Why 11tancl in line? boy, 5125. Ph. Har. 3760. ~t·i b>..VENPORT. d ean. Makes g ood double bed. Very reasunat:>le LI 8-~90. rici 19M CJ'KEEFE &. MERRITT r1tnge CP all automalJ<", nice. ~ntltlle in mlcMle, simmer burners 11n1 lift top .• Has that nice b'l'lil brmkr Pd. <Jn to Sl 27 20 & 11s .. ct onlv 2 mo. :>:o ra:-h n··rrl.,tl. ·Just pay I he p) !lit:> CJ( Si .83 pM' nvi. SEE Ooughns A & S \\'ur l'l1o ust> 220 S. .\1&1n St.. Santa Ana ti block~ S•1Uth of ~th St Open eves. 't1l !l. Sun. 11-5 Kimberly 3-72()1 BEAUTtF'L'L r1111pl" sec1e1a1·y. 5 mo11 oh!, S7:>. 2:?0 \'ta Eboh, L1t10 Isle. Ph. Har. ~:166. tit 8 33-Boats, Supp!~-"---- TRADE LET TOM;\fY get yu11r 1955 license Prompt servtce 29 llJ E, Cout HigtTWll). Corona del Mar. Har. •79:,. fwi Beaulll ul 70-H. aux. 1><.ho .. ncr Fully found, go an~•whrre. \\';int I l':-\1\'ER~AI, range. autf)ma.t1r S30,000 eq111ty In f>l'"fH'r!y 1::20 c 1'11 k, xlnt. cond1llon, l3end1x \\'e~t Halbon Blvd.. :"><.'wpo1 t. . TERRY'S BUleK 2612 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH Opening Week Specials 1954 BUICK Roadmaster Riviera Sedan. Ful- ly loaded including all power equipment & new, U. S. Royal Master tirea : .... -..... $3195 1953 CHEVROLET "210" club coupe ·······-··· 1295 19:53 BUICK Special 4-door sedan, immaculae 1495 1950 PONTIAC Chieftan Deluxe 4-door, Ra- dio, heater & Hydramatic ..... _ .... _... ... 795 1950 OLDS "98'' 4-door sedan. Fully equip- ped, new paint ... .. ......................... ......... 895 1950 BUICK Special 4-door sedan. Radio, htr, Dynaflow, new paint & seat covers. 795 1947 OLDS 4-door sedan, Hydramatic ........ ·.... 345 1948 HUDSON Super "6" 4-door, radio, beat- er. bigh compression head, a real buy . .. 295 ·1947 PLYM~YTH Sp!. Deluxe Seda!), R & H 295 Many more to chgose from, including good trans. cars ' See and Drive the Beautiful New 1955 Buick TERRY'S BUICK Phone Harbor 5021 I 2612 Newport Blvcl. Newport Beach "~~hl'I'. hNl!'lead. dll'ap. Liberty Harhor 3032. 3cl5h ~----------.-,..·---1--------------~71 2~ bt>fnr" 10 "' nrt~e7 j 1 l ·l'T. BCHCli\RAFT, ·, 1,,--hp .l!-l-~...t..!'8dlo, &! TV 41-Auto &>rvlee Fresh Hearing Aid outooarct. i!11nd d"llY. tor ron'll· HAVE beautiful &ldwln acrosonic BATTERIES lion, ~::~:-.. H ar. 31101-\V !1c 7 Spinet. 4 yno. old. MOTor Overhaul \\'e C:tVP S&H Crern Stamps \\'ILL TRADE lg rt. lnboe1(! h•7et. I \\'A:-IT TO SWAP fol'-g'l'IUIG-J»ltno NO MONEYOOWN r Aln n. ~J1t1t t ankii & lrail~r Jot' I Phone Harbor 1098-M. 4tfc Gunderson Drug Co. ~1111n St at B11lh"a Blwl . Balb11a Har·h .. r ;o1 • 9llltc lltlf mnrl• I pic-lrn~ tiiwk r.r MUELLER-HAlliJ;S 4 ft. 7" babv * With this ad * VolllS\\'R);<'n. LI I<-~· .. J:? ~. 7 .• 'lllh • G 11' jrr8nu piano. ,, ogany. oo •'••ne11tion. Phone Har. 29-J. 2<'7 ----$48.88 ------ ----CHARTEK hoat for i-:df'. All l'ler-6 Cyls. 8 Cyla. ----$58.88 A('HYLlf' f'Al:">T, on,.. of the lat-N\Ulppf'tl f'IZ•' :11 by Ill hy ;1 ti . I -t Mvrl'lp01Pnt$-In lhc painl in-1 all r.ew l>11q~ain s;,01)\1 l'af'h PrisciU~ Matthews lncludu both tabor a.nd parl..s. dll!<tl,I', I:< nmv In ~tork at your \\'nte f~r 11pp I E. C'. Garrn1o11 Te.acher of P"1•no New nng•. Wrilt pin.I, v&lve ll'lrbr.r Punt Center. l:sed for H1ghgrovP, Cahf. 6pf! .,. '"' gnnd, fltt1ng1 ot main and rod • 48-Aeta. ~ Bomee __ _ CUFF HA VEN, 1 yr. old view home. 3 bednns., 1~ batha. Un- turn. except for nC'W drapes. 1200 month on ll'aee. BAY FRO:'\"T apt .. turn .. % ~d­ room•. 1 ~ balh•, on Udo Soud. 1171'>. month to J uly lit. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 15M W , Balboa Blvd .. ~pt. Bch. Harbor ~188-Harbor 1983 ., 5cl WEST BAY A VE. Duplex, 3 bed· room, 2 bath. furn. Yearly l'lr wlnter. JU9 W . Bay Ave. 5p7 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna OraJs Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. Balboa Jaland. Har. 1671 72tfc lN BALBOA. nearly new rum. apt .. clo11e to blly & tran11porta- tlon. Yrly Jeur or until Jun<• 1. Apply 312 Island Aw. 5c7 Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM. apt. furn .. newly clPC'· , oralPd. Abo\•e China Cove f.90 . month IPUe. W. E. FISHER & Assoc. 3034 E. Coast H111hway Corona del Mar Ha rbor 2H3 :'!c1 Balboa Island Choice yearly and summer rentals. now available. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine A\te .. Balboa lsland Harbor 20 95tfc Choice Winter ReqtaJs on Balboa -l&land-& bid& Isle Small & cozy or large .t: deluxe $75 to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa lslanJ Ph. Harbor '44 or Harbor 2151 Res. Har. 1786-RK or L1 8·5297 6Htc CLU'F 1-{A VEN -Newly dtc<>- .a8A-A pta. for R~nt ALSO nice 2 bdrm. turn apt .. t;ar. $~. mo. yrly. '!'ena.nu pa.y electrklty. Llbuty 18-U09. 0:1uc EASTENER'S ATI'ENTION! Newport Beach, .turn. 2 bdm1. apt. S66 mo., utll. A ,..,.. Incl.. yan:i. Available till June 20. Uberty 8-HOO. 09ttc UNF'l'R.11\JSHED-Lovely two btd· room apartment with ii11 the conven1ence1:1 ror comfortable llvlnfO. F lrepla.ce, d1spo111al. wall turnact>, plenty ot closet~. wash· roo1 .. uncl sarai:l'. Ste ll 'jl lSO~ Clay Street, Newport H ll' :k 8 CLU'F HA V!;:N larg-e :! bdrm. un- rurn. Private i;:arai;e. Flrepla t'•" garb. •ltsp, Vl'nellan bhn ls. Llberty 8-a8:H, alter ::i p 111 r>··t YEARLY-I br. gnai.;" npt turn. garaJ:e. View S7:1. month. 7308 W , Ocean Front .. !\'pt. B1·h. H 111 bor 3002-H. :,p; NE\\'PORT ISLANIJ, yt>nr rt•ntnl. t:nfurn. 2 bdrm. apt . nrwly pall\led. 13U1Hlry "' PX lra rO(ltn in ~arage. f'nclo!!ed patio. \l'.'ater pd. 603'~ 38th St., 'Har. 2~83-H. r1p7 -U!':Ft:R=". 2 bdrm. apt. al l:CJ Anahr1m. See nwncr, 175:1 An:t- heim c,,sta l\!esa. Ph Llberl\' 8-1322 ~tic Charyning Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NEW t ROOM, street ll'vel. Neu srhool!I, shopping distri<'t. Quiet, pleasant. exctusive.'Garbage dl~­ posal, luu!'lc1ry, storage rooms. garage. $8:?.50 up. Occup1ee en- tire 11tr•"-t. Gn"".1 supl'rvieloQ. Mgr.. t:'>(lt Havt>n Pla<'I' 1 Block South of Htg.h School ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RA TES 31fr NEWPORT B~<'h -\'early one bdrm turn. apt., f.60 mo .. ulil. In cl.. garage. Har 0839·R. 7p9 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 5 Mc;>NDA Y, JANUARY 31, 1955 -~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~--- ~~aJ Estate 62-Rt-aJ F.state CORONA DEL MAR I $12.750 Small 2 bdrm. home with minimum up.keep. 3 yrs. old. near stores, etc., raised hearth f1N'pl:1C'l'. a t· tracti\'ely finished. our b<-st buy in its class. '$22.500 Jn heart of R-1 distract, 60 ft. lot, lots fruit lret>s, hwd. floors. This one is just asking for someone to pretty it up. Exclusive . ,. Corona Highlands View home, dr11pN1 & ca,rpf'ting, modern design, 2 bdrm. & bath up anrl livi~-bctrm. with bath down, we are just 1wlhn~ thl' home, the view would cost too much to charge for. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Bh'd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 'Boat Rental and House Home consists of house trailer with attached buiM· ings. It contains a living room, dining room, kit· rhen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Business consists of shop. pier. floats, 26 boats, 8 outboard.a, 13 bait sleds, misr. tools anrl equipment. Everything goee for $15.000. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway .:-liberty 8-5'573 NO! NO! NO! 111t,.nor ,.,. ex1e11or walls, pins-____.,,.....__._ .s;;uusiqi.I l)Qpt••ar b,¥ P,a n:nony bearuigs. Expert motor tune up ...,.. ___ ~ 3 . .i-~l u~ic'al, Kadio, &: TV F"1 n1crh· l'hlrs1;0, Lo11 Angelt-s 90-day or 4,000 m1le iuarantee. ::1 1 T11s:1n "'''"., ~ewport Bea<"h (NO MONEY DOWN). ra.ted 2 bdrm. duplex. garagr. -IMB--llouses for Rent Fenced yard. 910 Clay St. !'ir7 It'll not on lhe waurfront, doet1n't have a pi.fir or n oat, BUT you can raise chickena, a garden, builrl another h ouse & really LIVE in this cute o"le bdrm. stucco at $6850, only $550 down. LE>t me 1bow you. JiiE::;;;:;;:=....,~~~c::""i~~;=,;;;!'i?'l""';;;";'~i~G"~~~~'lpttc:~ ..... -"1~.nt@ol...,..,"808..,.. _______ ....,~tJMir~~""iPi~~~M'ili,__~;;;::p;0ft--ft~~'P;-Ptffl-Nl5H-Bl-i ' . . <"'onn. Goo<! <'ondltfon $90. l'h SPECIAL •'NTIL J•" .. 'E ~~· 3 BR , unf .. $i~. 116~ Gro~" Pl . flalhoa VIRtH, ("'n~ta )le~ll Immediate 0t•c11p11ncy, chtlrlr<'n n le -Kl 3-2821. i'p LILA B. McFARREN, with .. I I I .• t .,,,!I(), rlrl\'P por t ft bl<>. ffn t' ronrl , L Jh < ··-·-_ !l I " "'' l~t ~ er'l'' ".., a -UP lo 10 MU.NTHS TU PAY-2 4 l'Om J'lete 2fi0 E . Waln ut _s t .. 1 _, , • • • _ '·· 85-Dogs, Cats, P~ts bdrm. house. I :I mo .. duplrx ~ Built In our own factory by llk.illeo ~3• ~• 1 • E B · u 1 ('ol~t;i ~11·.,.;i .p8 J!AMl\10 :-\D CHORD OHGA:>: likf' --w h apt., ,, :J, ~ .. . ay-St. H . __________ . . 1 FREE to a good home-tis machlmsu. Don't contend w1th boa. Ph. Har, 0350-\V or Ll . . ' 2 & 5 b. ll nP\\, H)o; ."l'l\'lllp. . lh lddl B di L \\II.TO=" r11~~. !l hy I ;, . OA:">Z '-'C'H!\llUT P . c t<'rnrr type i;payPd femah'. e m e man. uy rec 8·3217. ltk1· n• w. !';m11ll rug11, SunlJ<.'11tn 520 ':\. M~ ·8 Arano ·~· 111 I \\'onrlerflJI P"t. Ph. Har. 4248-J. REBUILT and INSTALi.ED FISHER AND CO. nrnt•·r· & Jl•tlf"nH1l 1rnn llarhnr • 0· ain, anta na " 51·7 SHORT BLOCK :iri11->-J 7cS 21" TV ('():'\SOLE. n<'n" n<'w, w ith REGISTERED A.KC Chtneaa pug. FORD ........... -.. $129.&U ON BA.LHUA l~LA.NO ROTARY rnn\•ertor, 110 nc: tn I rlours & H'lll'l1" cunti ol Dr.uglnll 16 months old, SSO. Kl 3-H80. t..:.HEVROJ..ET ....... J149.liJ 8ICIJ Ult for yearly and l IO ,\1~ FIX IT SHOP, 6tJl East cu~tom dias11ls. S111tahlt' !"1 ic9 PLY!.L I& DODGE .$1M •-..on&I re11t.&Ja. Ph ~: ~ <rta Ana Kl 7-2163. b1ult·in 1nstallut1on Prl<·r S'.?7~. CHRYS. I& DE SOTO _.$170 NELDK GIBSON, Realtor 6r8 I :\ew rnsl $Ml~' I STU DEB.A.KER -·-... 1170 308 Marine A.ve. Harbor 50:i I 13:1 Via WnlerJ<. L td" 1 ~1c 40--Aatos for Sale OLDS I& PONTJ..AC I •110 BALBOA lSJ...AND Tttc F RE:"\CH Prun nnal fn11t wood I Harbor 37r,8.J. i'p9 1941 BUICK 4 door aedan. Ref'ent· BUICK 1175 .ntf,.,. t111llt•, ~tai:-1c C'hf'f 6-bum---------------HUDSON ·-·$17:1 TWO or th~ bdrm, duplex un· 8 HA'tl'\tO'"D ORGA""S 11 d ly s pent 5200 on overhaul. Very , ~ <>r It~~ ~t n\'~ Har. 608 6t' · " ' " •' · A mo · Lo&n Car 1"ree Towing fuml11hact. '"-blk from Hwh I 0 nl l h I I good tninsportatlon. Full price, ~ , " e 5• ne 0 )' 8 1.!: l Y used. a · NEW CAR OAR.ANTEE School. Garage. Ll 8-l:i43. 6lfc most like new. This 1s a special. $!25. DA:-:Z • SCHJ\ODT Hammond CALL BEN WHlTMAN. Harbor Headquartera for Orange Coun-1862 or Harbor 1461 eves. &c7 ty, 520 !'o. Main. Santa Ana. rn:.;, :"ORG E a11tomall<' w1111hrr. 111" nnc.-that dot's e\'eryt htng. lb· to1i.: ll·lh t11b, ag1t'ator anll .,,,.,,,.w 11n•r 1·~··d 1 11'1<>. r1 RE:">T an organ tir p1anu Wtth orn to1 SI i i\ ii froin ~:!80 :'\ 1 rental to upply on future pur- 19!'H CAOTLLAC 4 dr. gny seda.n XlnL condlllon. Phone Mn. ~ bert Forbes. Har. 3106. 4c9 BlocJc mi.at meet our atanda.rd.I Plua t&xea, cuJteta a.od oU Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 3 BEDROOM FURNliHEO DU· PLEX, Corona !le-I Mar, 11nuth of Hlwav. SlOO month. lnrl. ulll MRS. i<A Y, Har. 1'102 nr H ,.~· 37i9-J. or Mrs. \\'!!Bemis. Har 2391-W. !ltfr FURN. bachelor opt., U:> mo. 719 We.st Balboa Blvd .... For key• a.nd Information See Bay le Beach Relllty, H~O W. Bulbua Blvd. Ph. Hnr 1 '.?64 . !ij t!c BRAND Nl':W 'l brlnn, unfum She.ling gla ~~ dnnrs '" lenc1i<C'11p· ~u patio J86 E. t!llh. Costa Me11a. rip; t:XFUR:-..0 • COTT AGE, ~&~. by thl' yeer Liv. rm .. din. rm , kllrhl'n- ett <', 2 htdrm~ .. hot tlhwr, wa~h rm. Rt 108 Adam5. Nn pet11. Ownt'r. 308 M ontrro. Balboa H.~rhor 1!l2'l-M !lc7 Newport Beach 1 ,~1 .Jn .lo; t 1111,. thr. pyml~ • .:it I c:haSt" et-1 19r;1 OLDSMOBILE 98 Holiday. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS . 2 BEACH H OUSES for Jeue, S~O Open Daily 8 to 7 Stat. &ndcd Balboa Bay Properties -119 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa-Har. 3786 or eve~. 2517-M DELL'XE hrghwa-y ortir e "\pace. :r:o l!lll· f t. \'t•ntrr of Corona d~I Mar b11s1ne ss ct1strlct. $75. mo. Ul•I. lncl. A L!';O 11f'e 1111 for olhPr business. o!fti-e & prnfe!~inn11l rentallf. W. E . Fisher & Assoc. 3034 E. Coast Highway CC>rona del Mar Harbor ioa ,BRAXD :-;E\\' b11111nes11 ottlce. «d l11r allon J bl!\. to city hall a.nd poH cdt1cio •30 3tsl St, Har. 31 43 nr Har· 1~12·J. :1<'7 LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! \\'E LL B UILT, compll'tely fum- 1ahed 3 bl1r1u., 2 bath bomt on large lot. Corle (loora tn haU It mruiter brtrm. Lovely C/lrrwte<l Uv1~ room 111·tth large hrt•pla1:c. Pretty kitchen. $26.~0 turn.sh- ed, $6:IOO down. Euy pa.ymcnla on b&l&nce.. C&ll Har. 2~ill to see. ol trc HONEST BARGAIN $" 111 1, r 111, nth· s.HA~~R·s ~1~1e Co l~tnl:e u10. I V1•ry clean. All elltrae. See at ~1:.F fi,. l~hns ,\ ~ $ WOtt'house <l:ll·H J N. S)Camore: S&llta Ana 2!°ll4 ="ewpcrL Blvd., :-<pL Bch. '.!~" ~ ~l!lln St . SIUllll Ana I Phorte K1nib11rly 2·0612 H arbor 4828. ~p7 NEW LOCATION ·310 East 3rd St. RESPONSIBLE c. ouple Will 1 nionth rach. ;o.;c, ~11blt>t ~\',~- manage apartment house more 6·3:!:!2. ll:::ic lO 53-A-BWiineM R.f'otals SEE HARBOR and VaJley VIP\\'- bul level. 2 ~orma., 2 bath~. family room, 2:.t It. IMni: room. Owner le leav1nf lhio Slltt•·11, 11nol this 1:0 hottei;t buy, CDM Sl:'.>,000. FQR ·APPT. to .... , c11ll - F(..lRD YJ!=RRJ~ l>ER fl hl1" 1,., ,;;,n11 h of I th St ~o USED t f !l Ir. OF. SOTO .. ct R cl 1 ,1 .. n ''"'"' 111 9 sun 11 ~ .., • pia nos wan eel or u11r 1 ,, • ' .. r. sc an. a 10 l !''."1 0 l°'l'F.:FF: ,<.-MF.:RRITT rank" • 1·" IAl"•L ("~' ·•II alltc•mBUC. < '"'I<. IA111p. \l'it:>l h:i:h t,roilrr. h,~ ,,, .. n & th""" H111p1•1 ~imml'r h11rnr1 • It ~ nnl\' hrrr. ~trirrrt. l»J olrt to $1!16,'19-.'\0 • i.11 tin .l11•t I''" lh" p~·1r1l!1. of $10,S:l p1 r fl l"nth ri>nlal i<~rvtl" T ra•!c 111 your old & heater. Valve11 rtcently gmd. p1anu un ne"· plar.c• ur rlcl'trunc Brakt•s re11"-'1. Tire~. bau .. ry '& organ H1i:h c111<h allm< unc''. Hitt rovers good. Mechanically p.A:\7. • ~Cl nlllJ'l' Cr.,at Janu· ~<•uml. !>nven carefully by one 11ry Plano Salr, 520 X u. !\fa!n nwncr :"'o need for 1<eco11d nr Santa ,\nil. I now. Price $650. LI 8-7141\. ~cl Hemmonu Or"~· Lchlle speaker 1940 FOHD Pickup. 1n-1 Ford 3 FOR RENT \\'tndnw COllp<', $6S(J, rrbu1lt hke s~:F. Bflu11:hna A A S \\'Ar<houAe f'Ok S PECIAL oc.-as1ons. perlld. new, hyclranltc hra.ke.11, colul'l}Jl t<htft, Old~ V-8 eng1"e. Hsrbor us u -.J. 4it 31st st.. .Newport s~sch. 6c7 ~~" s. Ma.in S t .. SimtR Ana weddings. ~le .. al home. office. '1 blrn·kl' :5vuU1 nt Hh ~I . < !rnro h, Wlll1 or without orgtul· Clpen tVU. 'tll 9. Sun 11-~ 111t. tncluaJng move ln & uut H'" tl 1 ·HRYSL!i:R l!l'dlln. hrater. I' Imbert} 3·7Wl. W bcrty 11·1208. Ht.!c 2 t•m1;> n" am &c brown. Xlnt. rt l'ITOM Bt.:ILT 40 cu (l. freezer BEA t 'TJFt:I. Splntt piano, blonde I <'on1!lt1l'ln. Or1gm111 ClWTll'r. S8!l~. I 'vmpa1 • ;nent~. BARGAIN, 1 JU11l Uke new, save $200. ~la-_H_a_r_b_n_r_2_8_9_·_\_\·_. ______ 8_r8 Hur~"r 4~'-!• 61fc hogaQ)' Sptnt!l -"lii;htly ddnia;.ed 1949 :-tASH Amba.saa.dor 4-door, SANT A A.lllA 4'7-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apts and housea ln ail eeellona ror bOt.h w1nter and year'a leue. Furn. or unturn.. U you hav1 a vacancy, phone today in return for rent. Refer-WILL RE:">T bra..nd new 3 btdrm. ences furnish<'d. Bond if z bath. Unfurn h11me In !.Hv1:-;1:. For lease upstairs required. TEE{l{A<.:F: 11t 1200 per month with I yr. IPllSC' Call Hnrbt'lr 800 !'q ft. 11u1table for bu11lness. \.VRITE Box P -26 this papt'r. H~8 for further details. 68lfc I ~t uJ10 or ulfH'" & 1Jv1ng quart- 4tf <r· 21!. Marine Ave .. Bal. Is. GRAND CANAL, Balboa lslanct. IJwnrr 139 :\'. Hay Front. BaJ· C. D. M. Deluxe 2 bdrm. unfu rn. 2 bd1m. furn. hou~. S70. month bm& Island. 95pl0 d i1pli-x. Forced air hrut. !ire· place. &••pnrJ le pauo. tlwd. fl l''. OC'e&n ~!tie H \\'Y HBr. 1681-lt 4('9 TWO BEDROOM a pt. $lOV• ani.11 ";'>.-\Ion v t Loan r,.frlg only Ga1·bal.'e d1spo1111l ~~-O ------ :'\cw & heaulltul, $90. mo .. yrly LOA~S TO BUlUJ. L'vtPRUVE o:-;E BEDR00~1 near SCl\001, b{h llt'Y. MODERNlZE, OR REFL'> A.NCE The Vogel Co. 3201 w CAl Hwy .. )l;eY,'J)Ort Phone Liberty 8-3481 208 Marine. Balboa Island Phone Barbor U4 HQl:SE AT COR:'\E R 17th anrl It bay. $46. mo., incl. uttllllt>5 Bcll Or&11gf'. nP11r· A lpha Rd11 lllkl Zoned for re .. 1d11ntu1 J It bu11I· J M MILLER CQ \\'11 Buy Trull't Deeda NE\\'J•11HT BALOUA SAVINGS .I< 1.0A:" ASS(H'I ATlU!'ll 3366 Via Lido. l'h. Hu. •200 ltc 1301 Coaat H.lway, Corona de.I Mar Phone P!arbor 1:11 nes11. S6;,. mo JAMES. Ha.rbor 2042. . . . 202"• \\'. Ba lboa Ill . Nrwpurt B1:h Jl;)r 40l!f E\'o;!o LI .;J:l:~ PLE:-ITY OF" FREE PARKl ~<} 86UC Ha r. 4263.IJ!;vu. Hu. 3177) &lfc Bay Front Income a Urut.>-2 • a t>edroorn.e, tum• I.Shed. Pier, !luat and prtvatAt beach. 1000 E. Balboa Blvd.t Balboa. CreatYiew 1864-6. Cour- tesy to brokl!J'L 13U'a Attractive Bay Ave. 3 BEOH.OOM HOMr:. Gnr11e••1t9 hay VlC\V, C'Olor!ul artlsll<: wall- pap1'r dPPhr . lnt.r>rior barbuue. Lrn·tly p11llo. Cun bu ae"n nwrn• Int= and eventni:11. Ill~ \V. Ua.v A\'r .. :-\cwport Buch. 11:ic1Jh C"OHO'.'"/\ uEI. ~!AR :: ROH~t .. 2 bath., hwd floort1, F. FREl::7.1';H !'•'ii ,1,.,.p 11.,,eze, 1"i'I; In shipment, $18i. <.;ood pro.cue" radio. heater. overdrl\'t. $2119. , 1 ,, i'.:i. All culor lntenor r1anu3 fl<Jm $1>11. $fll, $l :?i>, S l75 Hnrhr•~ :l162 6p8 21Uc RE="TALS 100 !\loin St., Balboa Phone ff&rhroP 1 •5 Fl'R S . em.ill houi<c nr11 r nc<'an _ '" u1 ly, $4:i mo. LI b-2 ~"\:!. 6r ':l j LOANS A hfnl. nhl Rl\r. 11 hlk. to the t)("an. H'1r, 311:.!l day1 or Har. " .1;.R 1111, r Ii J• m . 6r7 Iii• k:< ~hlll!"I !rf'rZP '.ompa1tmt•nl See the!•' ;it the l;tr tt DA:'\Z· 11 Bl'lt'l' !!·!1111\r !'t'fh;;;-l"pe( r a~ --1-T-'S ___ D_IF __ F_I_C_U_L_T __ CORO NA DEIJ ~!AR t Sl.'11)111.JT 1'1ano ~llh' The ht!: ~-. 3 ..... f t h I "' :: 'r 1 '"1 protectwn I' an li:<JOd co nd1tton. Radio & heater. .....rm. urn! e• lloJ.b "'"'' ~·ti" Ill~. ll>Ud r 11 •Jn ~t<ore o'\:?0 :"to .. ~tam. Santa On.1 I Bl"T \\'C" L"EEP T"l\'J'.' ·c \\'ant z hdrm fuim~hed .. O< \\ h b h S\1'1, t•u,i:utn °713 \\'. W1l11on. "' " n ·' 111 $:!i8 27 f1,1m i.180 i"li•h M ' 1 1 pianos e "''e no rnnC' 1 or 2 hr, f\irn h•lllSI' wtth pTI\'· l b!lrm rum l!'lhrr! · I 11tu1 :1 1 ·r.1-l,\ )h!'\1 1.1 S-1:!17. 61 'I r ey th,. r vmt;o. t'lf 51 Z 7:1 ~r mo. ---'-----------Arv. Hl~h refer,.nrN1 8!'1 per· CORO:" A HICHLA~DS ........ l\:i 3 UEl,iH~I , 112 hath~. romr111t:1hl\'j {•I) 11:rnt•ho>d hc1me In BrnC'on H:t\ Ava1l11hlt' 4 mrinlh>, F'l'b. 1;, ·' I Jun.-1;,, $12r> mo H .1r. 4:26:.!-\\' SEE Bau.i:hn ... A & S \\'a1, hnu~e O~E O:">J..Y f\Jll 2 1 . , .. 1 BLACK CA DILLAC convertl- 1 manl'nt ro 1plr ;:\'o rh11'11!'n nr 220 ~ ;\lain St.. San a Ana · · mamia conn hll'. \VhltP l op, w1rt' wheel.~. l,.a. pr::o \\'hnl hll\'f' you 7 \\'n1r f\ t>lnr)p. :', tJlh nf 4th St ~(tnala rll'c:r l(• .. ri:l:\n. tlrrnon· thcr llll~'l h•r loaded Wlt..h xlra11. Box 0 r. lhls P•lr• r. u 11prn "' > I I i' Sun 1 1 -~ strator nilld"I "'1111 ~"P8181"1"11~ Llhert) !--611,89 atter 4. 6p8 --------------1\:l:t~o~!ly 3·7201 ranini:I :'a\'e $-..,.-,() WA:;\TED TO HE:...'\T -J t;ST Washing Machine Conventitnt LPrm" 1:1t-;,1 .!\IERCl.P.Y M1tn1 err,· Ccupr. ABOl:T MARRJl':D' ~llA FEH'~ .!\IU.:>1c l"u 1 Since l''IJ7 I ){1'1 nin1 at h". rnd1u. hel'tr r, o>lrcL ~21-t:?3 :-\ S,\lamor" !'nrita ,.\na "in low:i. prat!'I. 11ntr o i;la.<~. Phone KKlmbi>rly :?-0672 \\'. \\". lu-h. ~000 1111le,, s:::i!l~. nr"<I~ furn. ~rt Prrm l'lrast Call H11r. 4628. Bnt'l11'1or $<!0 mo. T.hanke! \\'ill ta kc Trad!' 6pi SERVICE '48~ E~ ... t l ~th. C".o,ta Mesa. i r!l I-year g-uarunt<'e <ln Jobs rlPnc and on used \\'B3hl'r.S 21881,. (rear t ~ ewport Bl., CO!lta .\I ua.. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8..f327, 64Uc See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 48--Apta . .t H~~.--­ CORO:'\ A DE L MAR UXF t.:R:'\. 2 Mnn. house. w to w T\\'0-\\'HEEL TRAILER, (j x 6) r arpet. Drape5. dbl. ga.r, CO\'Cred lflll·I PHILCO r"'Cngrratnr: 1 .. 1e31 1318 Coast Blvd., Corona clel ~tar Stainlrss 11tecl a.xle and tongue pl\ll•'· SlOO mo. rt''"' tup !r1·,.u1 <'he~t m odel r Th11d~n l ntrrlor Bldg. I 510 E l Modena, Ne\\'port Ht11.. FITZMORRIS REALTY l'p11o·1 for ~t Uu , butter. VP~ l Har, 3382 56 ttc after 6 p. m. 80t! PhoM Harbor Zl 52 2cl~ .it mpa t keep+>r t ·~eel only 1 mo. . • I ~c;:x:x:;c0:xx:caxi:ia:xx:0:::::xx:;c::xx:0c:x:;;:x;0:=~ r .t tir. to $1:f• !16. :'\o C&!Oh on BEAL T IFl L Ell"l'lrQ!ll(' Ori::an. ,,. J u;.t Pll\' the p~·mt8. O! $8 'l7 blonde CM ... fllm•Ht nf'w )lust I II ff f d I I l'"r month M l r:flcf' \)nP •inly B ii; '11\'ln~ I an e ective means 0 a vertising' SEF: R>lu"'"'1it A It s Wareh•u~, DA:-O:Z·SCH.\UDT GrC'nl ~~I<'. :.':.!n :;. ~Am st .. sa.nte A na ;,zo :"o. Mri.n, $an:a """· \\·e were very pleased lo recei\'e the foUowing i; i-1cx-k11 s "'uth ot 4th s1 letter from a satisfied class1ficd a<h'ertiser this week. npe.n e\'e .. 'Lil 9. S un. 11 -~ O:>:E O:">L\"-i11ni;le m11m;sl Min-l"c2 I ·1~11.•t ~'.treAt KJ b(' I 3 -.,o 11hall nr1an, 11.kr n""" !'l:i,·r $200 "' , , ,, ., ,. m r y • ... I. Conventenl tem1s at-• I'ua<kna 4, C«llf. 8'.t-f'urnlture for Sal~ OVERSTI"FFEO O!'CA.!\H'•na.I Pla t· form rocker $10. Pro\'lncta l llght wn ln11L <'llffee tllbl.. 1tl"'"s l"I' $10 Har. 041l-\\'. 7pll 19:14 HOTPOTNT rl'frli;er11tur . bl,!: JO•, ru. rt rrr•M tor freeur C'he~I ~h~l\·es tn di)<'·?. rnlor tn· tenor. Jwo '" "· <'fl~f't'r~ l "st'd 2 w~ek' Pt!. dn lol SIA!l 73 f!Y>m I s:uo. SEE Baughn' A &-S \\'errh()U~ 220 S. Main St., Sa.nla Ana 6 bloc.ks So. ot Fl"urth SL Open C\'t'.11. 'tll fl. Sun. 11.:, f<lmb~rly 3·7201 MO:-.."TEREY t11ntn.tt l'~I . t11Mr. 1 <"hl\ :• & tnltrl, 5"•' ':'16 ~-· '" r r 1 ,,•11 .\l ... •n l.lb~1!\' X·l ~'~ ~-7 I SHAF~R'S ~!U.~\C Cu. I :itn~ 190'; I January 2f1, 1!1~·~· 421 ·423 N. Syca mor<' Sana Ana Phone Klmh<'rlY 2·0672 SS PER ~fO. rent~ i;:ood rract1ce rtano. All term rl'nt l\llCiW('t:I If you hny IAtPr. DA:-;Z-SCHJ\!IOT 01g Plano ~:1lc, M?O ?'\n ~llltn Great. J anuary Pum (l Salr OL"R GREAT JASlJAR\' 5387 huy~ lovely ;;:plnrt !'l11n- .1a1 I make. ~Ill rcir tyre SJ•L'lrt M:ly SZ:lt>. Balnwm Arro~rn1i­ onl~· $~8~ l"ra<·l.lce pianos from 189 up, B11 by Grl.n•le from SlP5 Do:t<'M <ot "thH:o ThPM Inf ru· mrnts llr" trn.l<'·lr.~ n"l•I ro•n'nl rl'turn3. ~!any )"" 111<~ t • "' B'llUl1~111 o'lN'rrnl-1 .. 11·1 :: ''' ~-"•l I .\~7.·"•"11\'ll I I • I 11n.-. & 0··"'\ !-ol·J,. )l ,tn Sll11t..t ,\tt.t :1. I :"- Gf'ntlemen: \YtU you plea.ee c.nc~I my st! in your pa per which rearls H follows: :-EWPORT BEACH -2 b~alh hnusu t1ir lt'u e · SM rfr m o u c h. No 1'\lbll't.. Sy 8-3222. I hlld the e.d put on 11 monthly ba.111 , and atn!"t th• property 13 now rented. \\iU no long«r need tt. Pleue lel me know wh.at 1 ·iwe yoµ for the lime the IHI ha11 run. I fi nd your f'll.J'!'t a nry l'ffPrt l\'e ntes n• .i( 11<.lvcrt!smg and lt hu been " ple.uure to llo buslnt'~ With )''1U. 81nrerel\" Ju11nl!A ·~t \\hat"' rr ~('>Ur nHo1111. •n ad In our lh,.ly r la.aalftf'd ~M' I Ion "llJ hrln& you r,..,nll•. '""· <."II Harhor ltU6 and uk t nr t he ad'-""'· ~I '(:'I __________ ~ ____ 3• 8 3 bdrm . \'Jew, l ~ r. )Mt~•· P. A. PAL~!Elt INC. 48A-Apta. f or R~nt ----BAY F'RO~T LIDO IRLE Fl»RNISHED. newly drcora :,.o 2 bdnn, 1pt.. garage. \"t'ar lr>1..•e Adulll!, no pcu. Har. 12611 9(tp12H RA,TTA."1;' Fl"RX mod'rn Blud10 Apt.a. Crnler of CM<•nA I.lei M11r 170. Utll. pd. L1 8·1~6, 9>.kl;J OC"EA~ rRO:"\T 2 berlrm, t urn WlllH & ht.:< prl Pat l11 1'P<' RI 730~ \\', O•·~an F"rnnt. Xrwport SM mn. 1111 July L. A. Ml 1861>. C'ORO~A DEL ~AH -Furn 2 TWO bd r m hnu.N & J:arai;re. Gar· l>a~e d1sp .. newly 11,.<"oral"•I Yrly r<'nt..J un!urn1~herl 122 211lh S1.. s ""'r"1 t 01110 Newport Beach YEARLY R.EXTALS 2 BOR~t. 1."nfurn. hOmt 1 brl•m . unfum. home CHARLES E. HART, Har. 1423 3420 W. Balboa Bl\'d. =-:e"''l>orl Brach. lcl~h 49-Rooms for Rent ----------------- F t:RN. ROUM. newly rlecorate•I. txtra nt!"r , ne11r h11~ priv11t t rn- t ra n c1>, J;,41 Oran8e Ave , C :'ot Llbnt y 8·3104. 98tlc bdnn. duplex. f11m . hot . ""' t r 1 &. ,::at< prl. $6~1. mo. yearly on h•r 53--S\.o~t.:,.•_~~f!~~------ 2526 Seav1ew. 7pl:I HOl "!'iE AT COR:'\ER 17th & Or11J1ge nr. Alt-hll Htta )lkl . 1.'•nrd f or re.!'l•ll'nt1AI &· h11•1n•-• $66 mo. JA:-.tES. Har. 2012 6• 11 )f0DER."I;' l bt'rlrm s pt with patio a nd CRrport. Ran&P Rn•1 rPrrti; lnrludtd Will I)(' v11rant M.arrh l~t. See .Mgr .. A pt. r. Zll20 1\ """ Newport Br a ch or CRll- Harhur 4670-J 7lfc Ut:SINESS OF'FJCE. excelleri1 I"· ration ai r••M l it" ><t r"l'l fr,.1t, Coron& tlel Mar Post (Jfr1c;e. lrll'al f •ir lnan rt"prN1r.'n!al l\ 1', <'ur:tractor. aoeamst rt~~. "'T or J"wclry tlU11ine8ll. t:ttl. pd. Or.ly U O. month. BACHELORS & GALS. Y"srl) \"•ea.lion Jo~um. co:i:y b11ch,•l•lr apt. Sundt ck. view of bay. t;ut Incl. S40. mo. LI 8·HOO. 7tCc Desirable and 2 bedroom tum. a pls. Including utlhtie~. $75. 11nd up. yearly :114 E Ocf'lln F ror.t. Balbna Cornl'r of P11lm l H11r. 3238 !•8<'10 CALL Brn Wh1tm11n, H nr. 1«e2 Evea. H l\r bor 1461 tt6ttc :-;ow LEAS L'\G. available bUAI· nu1 office spaces. Ccntrf of C'l· ronll del Miir, si1Jt11 bl~ for CP ,\. dtnll!it 01 ~ L1 3·1 ~•28 98r l 3 : BEDRM tum. apt. on Bay Front BALBOA 18LA!'D-f'Wol'l t-1111n••~ \.\'lntn or yriuly rnnt11l MH ~'' •11,tnrl -Marin" Aw Bay Ftont. Ba.hoa b lan'1 H.ir r1FF!r~: >1n•t ~h"f'· PLl'S 2 h1'1!· '22. l'>6 tCc ' ruron. nf t. Hartx>r 20•12. :>clO rRO~ll'T SER\'l lE ~t;, t1r:or. I ru•t """ti• 20 ytar~ Orange Ccrn~t l'rop<>rt1eR JA;,7 :\r\\'pull A vr, Co~t& .\lr .. 1 LI 1'·16 .2, LI .!<·HOOE\'(·~. ri:.111 \\'!JCLD llkp to tiuy ht anrt Znrl Trwt Dre<l& Ca ll H11r. 23:16 •&1.tr :l?C -20 yr. Loans Construction Loans 23 1:'1 ST COAST fjL \'O. SE~BUB SA T'TLER Coruna Cl I Mar Har b•.r ~8&8 Rt'p f'U RJEK MUIH GJ\lil.:. 1...U Metro Life I n.s. Funf'I" 1<.l :l·~il ~ .. Hstrr l!f If \ \I k <! t11r linm1,. &c 011rd1 n11 r,..,, urrtl ~.t,ll.'IC l'nvate bN1t·h, i1 "k 1111 tl1ll''• fill H"u' on B11v. J•q r1•,1 11 )ittuh ht:•n'' R \\". ~I •I . ''" ·wr I I' () ar.x l :i~. :-rn ''";: , I? r>r •1·n hrokr r" TRADE Desert Motel 6c!i 7 unil s ::! mt. rest of Bars.tow nn \'r~as hwy. Lot 162 x ·1'10. l'roposerl Fn·eway mny --mnl<" th1s property ,·•·ry \·,i!u;1hJ1., l'nce •• :r;·.~,1111 llR :-11i1:111 .. r ~1 t.3oo :li-~~-~!'~t!_~~~~~~l ___ 1 :ubm1t yc1u r tradf' f11r my \\'A:'\T fr••m ,,wni>r -a t. u'e nr eq11Jtv u f ~2:~.'.!111). \\ill a.s- '""'~l 101 •in H 11:b<•r ;-•. ·'!• r• i-llme 1,n IO('l)mP prCJpCrty. • r B11lh"11 Hll' I o1r 1·11 :--1 'v\'t il,.. \\'EU'O~fl£ TH.A VETJ" In r·n~l a :.1riu1 I 'Ira,.,. "rtlf' .\I L•\r,nnt 1: x :"1 1, ll 11 f•llf•t r J-:lt ~JOT~;r,, \,~,:· ~tnv.~. c_;n Ji f. Ht. l A, Bar- 2p1511 \\' A='T l-;rt l () h11y !l nr :1 b<:l1 1 h•"•"'· "':tt ~1 111:" 1•r•h t •r 13 Unit Furn. Apt. ,r,t ,,,1 .t ,· ;",•\4.·ti•·t H• ,,;t'' f-.~t f-~J r.Y"\J' liro· •n l!'l f\lt-i1'rr.· '•f'l "T!:t k lit\V ;'\: •t ti\'"r 110 ''\fl•• t.t • f • • k.L l ••' 'd f llr1n t. ~'" brnk,., 1 1 1111 .. 1vr 6 .11 11111 '.:''1" I! 7,11 l111r.1. $11 :,,.,, l"rh• ~.fl()l 1, ------_ _ r1\'. ."I •. ,.. l '' , r • 1 • ,n 1.;,,,. Pltl \"ATJ·: l'AR'l'Y \\ • I t-' Or' '" i \' •l Ill i .:·.iofM IU 1.a.11. !Lr.'~ '• 11. v f ; J t J • ,, 1 l Ii! ( 't . I • ,1' : t J • • (_'(;A~ t r•., "" ,. h t f 11 c 1u h .. I ii~: I·'" II r I ,. II r 1 •·• . , I / y , ' r Lil .• •"qU a "" •• .. ;\;•Wf"''' r ... tt ... n "''I I. ( 11 . 1·.11 I '·"" Jeh ·• l•v 11t1nn 111 I p11 •':r1ln1 • 1- \\'11•t· H·~ '-'~7 t 't• trn r~r 7~1 ~1 WILL TRADE 60-1 Pl'l rtv l'J 1 ·• r Ir' .,.,, •. rr•:•h .. 1, ! 11nr1 2 ~!:~!--~~-I 1, 1q • ! ....... 1n 1 .. 1111t1r111 BALBOA INCOME ~~.::. l'.rt".0.IT\I( •nmrrinnitv nf Vl! \"1 \ • t f ~.I j 1;.1 ~: ,,,.,,, ~ • ' 1n ~ l"XITS-OMn prnprrt ·: ,., n• r11 • 1 , ., 111 . . ., Iv In<". 11> hik~ t o b•Att ti( B1tl· ., t>ol\ 1tt1. rm. JUJtt rr1tJ•~·1 tA> SEE ME-ta Neh~on J.211)1"' f f)r rp1lrk &11 n. $Jf')(IO rln I 27'•1 f; r '•ll•t H1chw11y, U\< n~r Hartx>r 18118. ';:Otte Con.na del !'lfu. liar. 161(), tx. 7 I I J I • j ' " 11 " ,, 11 .. PAGE 6. PART 11-NEWPORT HARB..OR NEWS-PRESS Ri-Rnl .1!-!ta_t_e ____ _ ____ MONDAY, JANU~RY 11 . 1955 Cliff Haven * It's Different U-RMI f'Atate ------- CLIFF DRIVE VIEW . HOME, PERSONALITY -PLUS ONE OF THE MOST LOVELY HOMES in New- port Height.a. 2 bednna., plu. study, 2 baths. Fire· }>lace. Cuatom built for in and outdoor living for owner. Permanent view of Bay 'area. Lovely p,atio. located on a beautiful fee 1imple comer lot at 2816 Cliff Drive. Open House -Call for App't. 1001 Cliff Drive I CORON A DEL MAR -those seeking that PA NORAMIC VIEW from thlt.I • 'cozy atmosphere' in a amalltr 'home with real nearly new •hake roof. 3 bdrm .. I h · lik h . 1 ff · 2~ bath home. Thermadore kit·, c . arm, will e t i11 unusua o enng: c:h•n. 2 uaed brick tlrtplac••. I From the fireplace in the muter bedroom to the larrt dining room-wall to wall mahogany paneling and cork floors in the taate- carpettnr-a custom built hom• ~ . of 2.400 IQ. n. tor $29,7:10. Uy decorated guest room, careful planning 1• re- A rul buy lnot lea~hold>( fleeted in every room. ' • • • Thia "large-home-for-a-small-family" baa· full din-Costa Mesa ( ing room looking down into the beaim-ceiling living NEEDS PAINT r oom with ita attractive fireplace. Outdoor living- AS IS -terrace a!forda privacy and delightful country at- 3 BDRM .. hdwd. lloon . Eutaldt>. ' mosphere on the H-ft. wooded lot. AT Dbl. gar. Redwood and atucco. ,I\ Ftn<'ed. G. r ..... -$10.!\00. We haven't mentioned the extra half-bath ; the THIS HOME BEING SACRIFICED $32,500 • • • other patio with lath house for shade plant.a: nor 2 BDRM.-Dbl. Jt&r., hdwd. tloor11, INCLUDING CARPETS AND DRAPES firepla ce, JtOod · location. Nur described dad's functional d'cn with ita many built- Cllff Haven. $1000 down. in11. Owner moving from Harbor •rea. Low down pay- ment to q ualified buyer. Owner will carry bll'lance with 5% interest. . . . • Not new, but 'in excellent condition. this home i1 of- I' PHONE HARBOR 5226 4 FURNISHED UNITS -BALBOA A REAL MONEY MAKER on East Bay Ave., and eu be purchued at a real barga.in. $5000 down. Bal. $110. mo. Full price $16,SM. PHONE HARBOR 5226 3 BEDRM. FURN. R 3 LOT 1 door from ocean, acroaa St. from bay. Only 2 ~:.: yn. old. Fine view of bay from upal8ir8 living room and deck. -1521 W. Balboa Blvd. PHONE HARBOR 5226 FURN. DUPLEX ON C 1 LOT 2824 Ne"'20rt Blvd. Out.atanding buy with only $1500 down. Bal. $80. mo. Full price $9500. PHONE HARBOR 5226 OR COME IN 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach ART C. KISTLER CO. NEWPORT HEIGHTS An Outstanding Vogel Value OPEN HOUSE Call for app't. to see- 357 Catalina (Formerly Old County Rd.) I Newport Heights Beautiful View Location, 3 bdrm. ~ Den. raised fire- place, partially finiahed 18 x 2'-Tumpua room on lower floor. Nicely land9caped It fenced yard. Xtraa incl. W to W carpeting. Garbage di.apoaal. 2 fire- place., Venta Pane windowa, dbl. basin and dbl. Pullman. Lge. 8Qu.&re t ub in bath. Price only $22,500. Good financing. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Llberty 8-3481 DOUBLES FOR INVESTMENT TWIN DUPLEXES -2 full Iota. 4 excellent 2 bdrm. apta. Each With own fireplace It garage. Hwd. floors, good heat, $295 ached. mo. income. Loan pymt. Sl50 mo. Full price $27.500 CALL FOR APP'T TO SEE ~14 -16 JASMINE. CORONA DEL MAR MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4610 Channel Front Open Houae • Call for App't . 3806 River Ave. I BEDl\OOM hom•. pin 4 no111, $5:1()() t1ov.'TI, only $20.~ CIRCLE THIS-- For Sale by ~wner f 3 bfodrooms 1 Beamed rellln~· , F1repla<' .. A New Dandy 2 BDRM .. hdwd. floora, dual hut. Louvered window-• rul gem and pricf'd to arll today ot only $8.000 with low down and ex- Ct'llent termll~ We have the kl"y. Qay & Beach Realty Hl&e Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa, California LI 8-llBl. Eves. LI~rty 8·31~ BILL'S BEST BUYS • OWNER TRANSFERED to Japan. We have 15 daya to at'll this lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on East aide. near Back Bay deve- lopmt'nt. It has evuythin1l Fire- place, hdwd. n .. dining It break- r .. t room a. Service porch, l t'pa- rate tiled •howu, oversized 2 car caragt', and 19 wired 220 tor elect. 11tove Ac dryer. Paved and curbed 11treet. Sewer In .tr paid. Steal at 113,950. 4'7r , 110,850 loan. Pymt. of $77.81 lnclude1 tax, Vil. It ln1. Should .. 11 Sn three daya. Hurry! LOW PRICE LOW DOWN NEARLY N.ICW one bdrm. home. with oc•an view tor only 159~. $400 down, $80. mo. It you want a small home, Me thla. Now Being Built N E W 4 bdrm., 2 balh homea being built. Ru•rve youra now. $850 down, bal. approx. $67.50 mo Inc. lntf'rrst, taxPs It In~. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "you'll ll kt our fnendly urvice" 393 E. 17th St., Coata Men Li berty 8-1139 10 Acres Industrial Zone SITU A TED adjacent to Santa Ana city limit• In an approvoed iont by both City and County and prrt1enlly planted to 16 yl"ar old Valencia or!lngu with a good yield record. 11,, this Ideal ln· vutment. Propr rty 111 bt1rdrred by a major Blvd. and the South· ern Pacific Railroad. Price ol $4!\00 ptr acre I• far b!'low 1ur· rounf11ni: valuu. 1s r11~h will handl,. lnvr~ll~ttle th1a at oner Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. :\:,30 F:111<t Cou t Hw\, Comn11 ol"l Mar. C11l110~1a Telephon" Harbor :1!'171 COSTA MESA RANCHO Hfrt'a what you grl '• IH'rl', l'aAls1de Of lO\o\ n oc7 ALSO acvenal othf'fl on Ille <'hitn· lltl. Me ua fl rat' BUSINESS A HOMES HOME In bu1ln,,.. dl1trlct with ntra varant I'll 2 to rhOOM' from. BEDROOM two beth modnn home with oak floon, wool! burning f1rrplact, large pan t'lf'd din. rm . plu1 butlt-lnt1 GALORE! , RedwooJ A alurco tXlf'nor 3 on lovl"ly land&capf!d lot. 8 months old. Coala Mua'1 flnPat at1f'et-Banjo It Ideal Cor r hlldrtn. In an "11ltta" ne1r;hborhO<X1. c:l'llle to ahop- p1nc and 171 h SL Hate1l to ltavl" town-1t'11 vac11n1 Move OUTSIDE there arr TWO iJouble carar;u and one hu ~n txtA rOt1m i nd b11th .AL&O amaJI houw It •hop Ii~ hall down. All 1ood .,,.culatton bu.v" N. B. C. Realty Co. 32nd A: Newport Blvd. tn Price $! l.!\00 ALL KJNOS or tnea and ahrub1 5'1&bmll your clown P•ym•nl. and the property 11 fenced front OPEN HOUSE S aturday & Sunday, 2-5 237 Rochester, Coata Mesa a nrl r"11r. PRJCJi:O AT 117,:,oo which IA lees Ulan the M"t of thr Impro ve· n&l'nl8 11 l(ln!'~ Newport Bffch. Har. 140~. l'>c7 Har 4:118 D1ya-F.vu KE 1·1248 I &c7 W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. "Let u. Locate BAY FRONT 2117 W. R11lboa Blvd , Npt Sch. Harbor 24 or Ubt'rty 8-~>490, On Newport Island cosTA MESA SPECIAL NEW 4 BR., 2 bath home. fered for the first time a't. a price muc h below whsf you would/expect - only $17,500! Oh ye11, t~ two-car garage ia designed and atreued for an apartment above. Call owners' agent for appointment to inspect or for further detailll. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 882 THE BEST FOR THE LEAST IN THE HARBOR AREA Costa Mesa 1. 2 bdrm. home, bwd. floors. fireplace, fenced yard, 2-car gar., nice garden plot. l blk to stores. 50' x 150' lot. Only $8950. 3':4 Cal Vet loan, only $40 per mo. Any Veteran or non-Vet. can buy. See this. 2. Near High School. Quality 2 bdrm, & den home (1355 sq, ft.) Dining rm., hwd. floors. F. A. heat, fenced yard. A beauty! Only $14,750. Will trade for house trailer. Corona def Mar 3. Open H ouse each day at 418 -41811:.: Marguerite.. 3 bdrm. home & lge . .unfinished 1 bdrm, gar. apt. Only $19,500 with low down payment. 4. We have 2 of the finest view homes in Hbr. area. A-3 bdrm., 2 fireplaces, 3 baths for $56,500. B-3 bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, very beautiful. $50,000 full price. Will consider smaller homes or income -What have you~ THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 v', Check these Exclusives For Best Buys, C.orona del Mar l . Very attractive 2 bdrm. h ome. Firepla ce. car· peted floors, nfoe dining area overlooking large paved patio. Dbl. garage. Reduced from $16,000 t o $14,500. G. I. Loan, E Z Terms. A Scarce Item! 2. Thia immaculately clean 3 bdrm. home, double garage with extra room attached for sto rage or work s ho p. Fireplace, forced air heat, garbage disposal. d ishmaster. Only $15.500 and $2500 down will handle. Payment11 like rent. Looking for a Duplex ? 3. Thia well located 2 bdrm. home plu11 large 1 bdrm. garage apt., built over dbl. garage, fenc· ed yard, paved patio. Priced to sell at $17.500. Immediate posseBBion. ' PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR .. 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha.rbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) HARBOR VIEW * "A home must be a joy and not a mere utility." Magnificent view of the entire Harbor Area from this new 4 bedroom, 3.J>athroom, exceedingly c heer- ful Cliff home. Two b.,llkonies, A permanent view from every room. Plate gllUl8 windows It. aliding doors. Carpeta. drape8. workshop. Extra large gar- age, 2 fireplaces. Ready to m ove in. As king price $40,000 Thie lovely home MUST SELL! To a qualified buyer we will alRO finance with a real low down. Call John Macnab, Harbor 3297 or 5359 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Exceptional Opportunity Ll'TTLI: 18'.-A~D-Out of town owner will trade • ~lrm , 3 bath furnished home tor hi or 2nd Tru1t Dffd1. No CHh ntf'd· ed. Better ae• thl1 today u to- morrow ml1ht be t oo lat•. OPICN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 3 at 21131 Bay•hore Dr., Bay•horea. ~ bedrm .. I !a bath modern homr. "You mu1t aee thla." Excellent location It view. (Mr. Ru111 will be on the premlleal. N EW LISTlNG -Lovely Ranch home ln Bayahore1. Extrt la rgt fireplace and fully f'nclon d pallo. $22.5-00, fumlahed. BUSl:'lll:SS PROPERTY In fa.11 g-rowlnc Ooata Meaa. We have 2 nice proprrllra 1 ~ blk11. h om the ntw Thrifty on 17th St !At ua ahow you. INCOME PROPERTY-Just hAl ' rd a n1ct one year old TRIPLEX Pri<'t d low at $21 ,500 with only $3000 down Frank James Linwood Vick f>EALTORS c. B. Ruaa, Wm. G. Sdlm1dl, AalOC 311 Ma.nne Ave., Balboa laland Harbor :ZOO Newport Heights $1000 down Ft.TR.NISHED HOUSE In rood location near Cliff Dr. Old, but r lft' excellent condH.lon. Only $7:'l00-$8!\. per month. Ph. Harbor 40!ll Li berty 1-3378 • • • Costa Mesa • BEDROOM', 2 balha, nearly ntw, $11,l~ -$1000 down, . . . Newpo'tjt Beach 2 Br. hom~. turQl•htd, Clon to ocean, $79:'JO. term•. \ J. M. Miller Co. 2025 W . Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach -Harbor 4091 Near the :-\ewport Pitr PLENTY OF FREE PAftK11"G OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM • DEN DOUBLE GARAGE BE~T BUY on the a,.al'h' $16.5-00 NEARLY NEW 4 Br . tum. bfoach homt on 2 101 ... hu 3 gu agu , built lo h11ndl• apl.11 abovr "' blk. from beach 519.:100 Homer E. Shafer REALTOR !Cle McFadden Pl1 rr ;\°f'Wport Buch Harbor 140 1Evu Har llli-M J A•k for Herald G. Spit'" NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo. FURNISHED BEA UT. furniahtd and lmmacul111e 2 bd m1. home eltu11 t•d In choice Ht'lght1 1rct1on. Ru attr. kit· cher. nook, hdwd. floor. ele<'lr1c contr, hut, a Hxl6 bdrm , and n lr~ly ftncl"ll ground• Sl0,!>00 THJS t!J A NEW LISTJ NO and a down LO n rlh valut Roy Greenleaf Jr. It. ASSOCIATES SJ 12 Newnort Blvd .• Newport Ben Harbor 211!\2 6c7 Costa Mesa Nice 3 bdrm. home on Broad- way. Hu large living rm., large kitchen with garbage di8p .. hwd. firs., lot. of tile m kitchen & bath. Fenced yard, newly decorated in· aide It. ouL Owner leaving elate. Thia week only $1000 dn., bal. like rent. Harbor 1862 )Har. 1461 evee.} 5c7 for You" For Harbor property, bey a.nd l>M<'h. CoN Meaa, Corona d•l Mar, Santa Ana, etc. Exclusive Comu lot. 1i2M down. 50-Ct. bulkheaded lot, with F'l1ll pri rt! 110.2:'>0 THE BAYS IDE OFFICE TRIPLEX Bayaid e Drive at Coast Highway The LOCATOR of Calif. BrancJI ottlca. 18" Ha.nor Blvd. Cotta MNa, PhOfta LI t-lMI. t 7t1c Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units r or 111,&00, onlJ UOOO dowa Balance 171 ,,.r month. l block to Bay or <><:.an I Unit R•nlH at M5 mo. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor Harbor lOt ltJO 'ft' aalboe BIYd, Ntwport Ille HICE I 801\Jl. ttou.e, We bath. bdWd. noor.. 1'1oor tu.mac•. patio ~ A ftnnd yard. By o•'Tltr LI 1-&eoll. MclO -4 pier & lge. float. Large liv-. . . ing room with fireplace. 2 NPT. HTS. SPECIAL nice bdrm1. with P 4 baths. 3 Extra large dinette area. Double garage, euHy made triple. $27,500, terma. BR , L&re• den With ti.arn,d celllnft. ftreplac•-- 114, 700 -Temlll CALL NICAL MARTIN RALPH P. MASKEY Bay & Beach Realty R It t46U 9•. Balboa BIYd. ea or ' :-;.wpori Bffeh. c&1ir. 3tll Newport 111¥d . NpL Bch. Har. 1264 Ev,a. LI 8-177t Harbor t02. •~ttc CORONA DEL MAR I BDftM. HOtoR, t y_,.. old. Lonly \'lew oc ,,n 6 ba y, tile. f'•nced patio, dbl. praae. rtln· tor ad tor 2nd floor. J\.2 k>t. RHur9d 11000 acc't airkn•• Owner in Hospital MUST SEL..L 2 ti.drm., 4 yr, old home ln C'orona <lf'I Mar. r:xccl- lt nt vi'"• R· 2 lot. C'11n bull ti more Ft.n.L PRJCi: 114.000 0 H LATHROP, 363:1 F., Cou t Owner, 506 Avocado J.fwY\. rnn•na c1t l Mar. Har 1'>442 4cl8 !:vf's, Har, ~11 -J. &r7 ----------------'Above China Cove Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-ro'Und home colony. · Only 1 bloclc from the Club with ita lovely beach and tennia court, we have an Ideal family home, in y . cellent taste. 3 bdrms .• 2 balh11, ma.uive uaed brick fireplace, open beam ceiling. lovely k.itcben. pa tio and separate 1ervice yard. You can't do bet~r at only $27.500. (Owner will consider taking in a Udo lot. u even t h ough he is being trana!erred. he "'.anta to come back. I Htadquartera for 11e~ne Lido lale aince 1935. p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha.n90o co., aalea mgmt. 3333 via lido -bar 1500 TWO 2 BEDROOMS and a I ~­ room unit. Redwood and ahlLkt !::ilctllent 1nv1111lme11t, 2 year• old. 3 car carar•· P\tll price. 121.&oO. W. E. Fisher, Realtor a.nd ABSOCIA TES IOlt lta.tt 0out HIJhWay Corona del Mv Phon• Harbor 2t43 BY OWNER Corona Hlchla.nda -I bdnn , 2 beth fannhouM Pl\. Ha.rbor 78-J tllttc CX>RON A KIGHLA.ND LOT8 - Ololce Sita AYallabla C&IJ H.arboT 23H Utfa THE GREAT. ORANGE COAST BEST 2 BDRM. HOME BUY IN COSTA MESA - G. I. Resale. $9150 full prire. $53. a mo. Includes taxes & insurance, prinr ipal & inte.l"t'st. Good nl"igh· borhood. Takes $2450 dn. with quick poeeeuion. BEST 2 BDRM. DEN HOME BUY JN COSTA MESA -Wa!J t o wall carpeting in living room A den. Cement patio, lat~e hou!M', 1prink1ers in front. Sewers in Ir paid. $10,500 full price with good terms & 4 ,.," intereet BES'rll>T BUY IN COST A MESA -On Del Mar ju11t Eut of Newport Blvd. 2 -50 x 140 @• S2000 each, terma. BEST C-2 FRONT AGE BUY IN OOSTA MESA - 150 ft. ,pn Newport Ave., right down town. @i $95 front foot. BEST ACREAGE BUY IN COST A MESA -I acres close to Bar.Jc Bay (330 x 660) only $15,000, term1. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -Btm.DERI 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu Liberty 8-1632 Llberty 8-1400 Evee. LIDO ISLE 2 OJ>('n Houaes Daily 1 to 4 p.m. 119 Via Yella Furnished 2 bedroom home 35' lot with South Patio -$19,750. 215 Via Mentone Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm. South PaUo Large kitchen, di8posal & di11hmuter -$21,750 EXCLUSIVE BA YFRONT With Slip To settle an estate -Completely furn. 3 bdnna., 2 baths -Lge. living room . $49,500 xlnt. terma. ~ 3 bdrms .. 2 bath home on 40' lot . $27.500 with $3500 down. bat. like rt nt, BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Juat to the right of the Lido Bridge'' 3112 Lafayette. Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (evea H. 2999) BALBOA ISLAND NOW 1s the Tl.ME to Buy. Beautiful home, 4 bdrms., 2 baths. Large back yard & fully fenced. Double garage. Fully !umiahed in Salem Maple. $29.500. EXCLUSIVE One or t he choicest properties in Co11ta Mesa - 3 bdrm., i ·11 baths. A 1550 11q. ft. Jewel, ranch style. shake roof. $20.500 wi~h good financmi. Do R 1 s B R A Y, Realtor Non a Hyer Chet Sali11bury 216 Manne A v('., Balboa Island ------- Curt Dosh Har. 20 or 74 RUSTIC REDWOOD OCEAN FRONT DOUBLE Compl<'lely furn1s h<'d -ldcaUy located. Terrific income p0t>.<11bi11ty, Last year gr068 wu a pprox. S3600. Let u11 show you th111 attractive beach prop- erty and you'll agree it 11 well worth the uking price of $23.500. Good terms, SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coe11t Highway Newport Beach Llberty 8·3481 OUR GOAL IS "EIGHT FIVE IN '55'' I $j!,500.000.00 that i11 I REMEMBER THIS. when eellmg property, the 8ell· ing comm1ss1on charge 1.11 amall compared to the many advantages of having the sale IJ\ the band• ol experts. Commit your Multiple Listing Broker. Newport Harbor Board of Realtorr 4 1 <I -32nd St . Newport Beach OPEN HOUSE 1249 W. Balboa Blvd. Call for app'L to see- 2-story view duplu. 1 b<lnn. ear h. Jnrome $2000 yr. Panel Ray heat. redwood fC'nce. nat10 & i.hrubR. Nice· range & refrig 1 ~ blk. from nrcan, 1 blJ< t n Bay. xlnt. lncatinn. Full imrc $17.500, tenn11. "ART" ADAIR ReaKor 1666 Newport Blvd .. Co11t a MeM I.lbrrty 8-3792 VOGEL VALUE Lot Bcaul1ful~y lcocattd 60 x 330 lflt on nnt' nf Cf)11ta Mesa'1 rine11t ea11t em 11t rf'CU! $11250 va lu~ for S3750 SEE THE VOGEL CO. Newport Beach ... I ' I I ! .. . I I I i ' . , , '} • 62-Rnl l" ... -.tat~ &'>-Rea.I Eatate -. . r1---... -,--· . . . ------- ' "£'' T HOMAS "C" THOMAS "(;" THOMAS "C'' TIIOMAS CLIFF HAVEN EXCEPTIONALLY nice modern 2 bdrm. home in tip top condition. Large liv. rm. & din. area .. fire- place, IO\'<'ly pat io. completely fenced. W to W car- pet ing & drapet; incl. in ASKING PRICE o! , ~16.500 with pymts. of $72.10 per mo. • COSTA MESA HOME and C-2 BUSINESS PROPERTY 100 ft. on Anaheim ave. with immaculate 2 bdrm. home, (lnly 7 yrs. old. Owner now ope rates auto- motive' electrical garage. Room to build additiona l bldgR. This is one of the few available C-2 properties. ( V Check this for R E AL VALUE P riceq nt $19,750. .. _ ' NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL One of the fines t Motels in the Harbor area . in first class condition -12 completrlv FURNISHF.D units incl. 2 doubles PLUS owneis ·2 b<lrm. & den home, garage, laundry room, patio -Shows an excellent INCOME an<l priced at ONLY $55.000 -"" rms. LIDO ISLE WATER FRONT. pier·& float, 3 hdrm .. 3 bath completely Fl RN l~HED S58.500 ON LIDO NORD ·-521:: ft. lot. 3 bd rms .. rumpus room PLl S swimming pool ....... .. .. . $42.500 BAYSHORES BA YS HORF. Dr. 2 bdrm .. 1 · 1 bath-view ::; I '.750 F URNISH ED 3 bdrm., din. rm., Attracti\'C'-$22,750 "C" THOMAS , Realto·r 224 W . Coast H1~hway. N~wport Beach Liberty 8-5527 62-IWaJ f'Atate .,-----------~~-~~- HOME & lNCOM~ 2 HOUSES O N BEAU. 1 , A. 2 b<Jrm . • 1lt-n hume wtth ~luJIJ!t'd 111 p11110 .tr w1J. pa nt-lhn1t plu1 2 hJr m. house nntal at $8:1. mo. fl•>(1m tor 11nolhl'r unit. Exe. buy at $13 800 Both house. 1n t1p·tvp rondltlon. o nly e yra. old E\ u . l 'h. U 8·2$U TRADE Ow1w r will t rade 3 bdrm. F rt'I'· dom )lum e wllh bcautlt . \\'.\\' earl>.. vent. bH nd11, garb. d1sp. • lawn In, tor larg ('r 8 or 1 room hoWle up to US.000. EvH. Ph. Har. 11298· W M-1 HEART O F INDUSTRIAL eel' 85" on Su1>l'rlor. Has lg. 3 bdrm. h~e. Exe:. CJflpo tru111ty fur 11mall mfg. entt rprllMl with lip.ire tor bldg . 11ho pa & hnvc llvlng qtr~ 1110 Only $12,900 with t••rms On MO'\\'l'r-1'. E V('I . f'h. LI g.:, I 7. 3 Acr es' to Subdivide HF.ART OJ.' DOWNTOW:>: a rPll. !'Ir 11rhnol~. 1 lrnrr h1>11. t ransp and sh11pp. \\"111 cut 1~ lu 2:! luts. Sew1•r In Will l1 ade ff'r· lo .. ·al Im 11r 111'11 on trn1111. Bt· ~ure lo l'i>o• tlll~ BALBOA IRLAND OA Yf'l'tO!"T Rt'!'; & JNC. l'R<)P A 111urwv 111al1l'r Hnmbu1 gPr ~1 ·11111. J'l;1ldk ho.t r•! rt>ntals Ar 3 "lpli< C111"1\< d lt\l'r $12.000 111 3 ,,11n11l1 .. r month~ .• Can f'Xpand & double lm·ome. A rral fnwst. At $:l!i.OOO. with I Pr n111. Hurry bd••I'<' F:a-1 .. r \\"<'• k f:\'(''4 t ·ti. H111 ;1:;!!11\-\\: M-1 ACRt--:AG E 8 11rrt•11 -flllll growing ln<lu~t. arffi Th111 ls a buy $40 000 wlth 29' i F.\0tJ1. l·fo r. 1611 n u n .DlNC LOTS A Wltlt' f • h·rt1nn· or Eai-t &: West !11th· l<1t1<. Also l"hnlce Back .Bay homf' 11111'~. Houston Realty & ASSOC1ATE8 ••c • THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ::.o'.l Center St Phone LI 8 -691 l • • Open House Sat. & Sunday 1 -5 • New Exclusive Listing CORNER ARBOR DRIVE & VISTA DRIVE Bay ~horrs· C'll'\"<'rest Ran('h Type Home '1 bdrm., r au;cd u1wd brick f1replac<'. dishwasher, disposal. Chunnm ~ly J c·corated. Crushed rock lawn. Full prk<' $23.500, tt'rms. For prc\'IC'W s howing. call Ha rbor 1600 - • I Eves. Uberty 8-5386 • • • LIDO ISLE • New exclusive li sting Lido Nord Bayfront • Complett>ly furnt~ht'd 3 b<lrm . 2 bath homr . Wall lo wall cnrp<'tmg. T\·, Westinghouse auto. wash- er & dryer. Dishwasher, garb. d1sp. Lyman l'i 1 ~ ft. boat. new pier and slip. Full Priee $63.5(10, ter ms. Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. 2 bdrm. tiousr & e 111nsle rum . unlt<1, on 2 l11l11 Excello•nt vlt!W nr bay. Uldt•r uut •n i;oorl ron- dltlun Within .. ·1t1k1ni; distance ot tll•ll.' n1own 11hopp1ng a roe. $IC>,()(>() d own. BALBOA P E NINSULA 2 Iota -$12.000 Ocean Front Income 8 l' :'\IT~ 11111u•r lut.' I'><• l'I. lnrnmr rernr\l 111111 Mk from Uay and pa rk 1ng fa• r•t,.An. S 10,()0() wlll handh• BhlJ.: \\Ith t<ll•r•• anrt :s 11n1111 <l<>Oti hll\, for $16.ll(lfl S411'~J 1town, In th .. nurl ar H:\Jb<1B. Nice Family Home !'\EAR :-.;..,11.·pon llarbor Yacht • I Club HARBOR INVESTMENT co REALTORS • En;mtM. rum. homl! w llh pe.r-•• mnnrnl ba v view. S3:•00 l)u11.n. Newport Blvd. a l 30th =-'t .. Nc>wport Beach · Phone Harbor 1600 (Evt>$. LI 8-53861 Coast Properties LIDO TRADE ... 130 ft. Corner MOST SPACIOt 'S CORNER on Lido Isle. Opposite finC'i-l jiwimmin~ b<-ach. 2 bdrms .. 2 baths anrl sleep- inJ:: <lrn ~para t r lar~e chnm~ mom. Lar~C' k1tl'h"n with brt>akfast rnom attached. 2000 sq. ft of ll\"- lnJ:' arra :.! wallt'<I p11t1os and extra l;irJ!c-~-ca r gar - a~~. nmplP parktnJ! spat'C' C'ln 3 i:;trC'cts Has $20.0''t(l h•nn pnyabll' at .. 11)0 per month. Full P nrl:' $45,000. Ownr r will tr:td<' l:'quity for boat o r rlt'ar Harbor nrea pr,1perty. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 26():! NEWPORT BL VD., Nt'wport Beach f'honC' Harbor 3603 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN ~f'l' t his lx-:i ut1 f11l h11me n n Chff Drl\"C' . 3 hedrms . :! ba ths, Tht•rmado r k1t('hen. dishwasher, j;a1 bage d1spoi-al. M1rny oth<'r exrellent feature11. 1 yr. 1•ltl. A rrnl \"Alue at $23.!l!">O. Call Llbl.'rty . -2664. 1F:ves. Llbcrty R-70561 I EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine A\·e .. r\ewport Beac h BALBOA ISLAND Only $5000 down If you a rc luokm~ for a gtxx.1 3 bdrm., 2 bath hom r. 1'1C11'1' t11 :'\(lrth Hay, don"t miss t his one. The price i:i s11 rl'asonable it will surpnse you. WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMociates P a rk at Ma rine, Balboa l11lnnd -Har bor 2462 301 1-: ll11l11C111 Oln l. Bnlboa H111 b<1r 2()6~ & U 11r ~1500 Hie BAYSHORES H t.nt; 111 " ,..,.11 rr·n~tn1clN1 two b<'•lroom arlobe brl• k hom,. Con- '"""'""t ll.ICAllon, I 1tr11t appoint- "'""'~ Yr111 tlln r1ttrl1•0&ll\" n11m r ~"lu ''" n t• nn~ I Lido Isle \\()l"l.0 )•II hk1• 1" h.,..n L1•1o 1.1 .. ,. f1n••I !\ft\ 1111111 Hom.-" Thi• .. II Tlll •·I' la1.:" 1.,,., ly b1 d· llK•lll~ :I b.\I h ~"('llrllll' !Ill\ fl ,howrr11, larl(t kltCh•n 11.1th sp11 c· ht1111 r11h1nC'la Uu ul1Cul 11unke.n 11\'lnl.: "'""' "1111tu11.·:111 r11q"'1~. "'P"ll'I''" •It ~I"• l'~rfrc t r x - rl11'1\"P \"II'\\ plU~ l'I ,\'R!f' p1r r 11 r1•I lln11 l l'lt 11•r ''"" t mli<11 l h111 l•n· S11nni1l IPrntll Ill s~., ouo H ErtKS a u no llA Yf'RO:'\T )'OU 11111-t l'>l'f' l'r1mr1rtrly rur n1~hnd :i be1lrnom, 3 bnlh homt'. 3 yr11 11ld. E xrrllotnl t:unstn1ctum I lun l m111a 1h111 one e1thrr: Only s:,7.- r,M ~uit•bl~ ltrm• 11rren11rt1, VOGEL CO. 2011 MArlne A vl'. Balboa l!!ll1nd Jbr 4H (Eves U 8-!'12Pi Har. 1786-RK " 2trc LID0-3 bdrm. --·-·$29.950 -4 bdnn. -----·· 42.500 S HORECLIFFS 2 & den ... . . .........•. 33.:100 3 & den . ·······-·····-·-34.750 CLIFF HA \.F:N 3 bdrm. . . ......... 24.~ Claire Van Horn l~EALTUR l'OHO!liA DEL MAR -Nice v1~w l>'Umllhed 2 bdrm., l"' balh homr L1\'tni; rm . dlnlnit rm . klt<"hen. i~race. H•r. 2~~w SIC Uc ' .. -~ -- 112-&eal !'.atate 62-Re&I l'.atate ---------6%-~ Eetate NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I· PAGE 7 MONQAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayfro.nt home and guest apartment. 3 bdnna. and 3 balhl. Private pier & float. A bargain at $68 ,500. ·• So. Bay two units. 2 bdrms. each. a REAL buy at $37,500. $10.000 down. { So. Bay older home that needs some repair, fixin' and paint. Ha.R new pier & float and a million dollar view. Only $33,750 & $7500 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bMh home with view from every room. Completely furnished. Ask ing S45,750 and ONLY $5000 down.., Near new 4 bdrm. home ~nd apartment completely furnished and in excellent condition. Full price S36.500, terms. ' ~ 3 bdrm. & den home furnished !or year-round liv- ing on Little Island -As king $29.500. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition. t o be sold as is for only $17,950 and get this. $1250 d own. This is a "sleeper," a little cottage on the rear of a 30 x 85 ft. Jot. SU.500 -$4000 down. Here's news for you. Just received it. A 4 bdrm., 2 bath home in fine condition. Also furnished. Full price $19,500 and $3000 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave ., .Balboa Island H a rbor 444 (E ves. LI 8-5297 • Har. 1786-RK) BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS BALBOA I ncome -N icely furnished duplex, near library. 8 years old, excellent condition. $18,950, terms. . fr -t..· ~ OPEN HOUSES . DAILY 1-4 P.M. 1701 E . Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. Both are good values on comer lot.s. Don't miss eeelng theee. * ·fr ~ LIDO BA YFRONT Pier & slip. 3 bdrms., 2 bath1, furnished. $49.500 -Term11. $3500 down buys attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on 40-ft. co rner Strada lot on Lido. Balance hke rent. BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evening• Harbor 1~ We off er an Exquisite Home In Exclusive Beacon Bay ... Open House Daily 1-5 p. m. No. 67 Yawl R oad This is a b<-aut1ful redwood . gla.ss & flagst one home for year-round lm ng with private beach & pier pnv- llegcs. Sunny. large glass walled living room wit h huge flagstone fireplace. den. 4 bdrms .. 3 baths and deLightful C'nclos<'d patio. Every built-in fea- ture. in(')uding The rmador range & oven. Ideal for your entire family's cnJoymC"nl, and esp<'Ctall y good for the children. Prict>d amazingly low at $33,500, furnished. • Liberal Tenns. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marin<'. Balboa h1land Harbor 4781 New Back Bay Subdivision Highly Restricted 10 Lots Sold this month ONLY 4 LEFT 2 CORNF:RS i 2x101 .......... $3950 each 2 IJl.:5'InE 72x 101 S3450 f'ach HURRY, These Won't Last! PHONE Llb<-rty 8-1 I 1 A Word to the Wives is Sufficient! And the wives a re bound to like the huge kit .. t he breakfast area. the scr. porch. the din. rm .. the 2 spacious bdrms .. t he big bath with both shwr. & tub and the lovely large li\'ing rm. EVERYBODY will like the lite. dbl. gar .. the 45-ft. lot, t he fC'nced yard. the privacy and the xlnt. location, a blk to the ·Ocean. Phone to 11ee thi11 Exclush·e R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coa1t Hwy., Corona dcl Ma r Hnr 2774 Balboa Realty Co. A Selected list of "Best Bets" Bay Front Home! 0 1' THE PE!'l:I!'>S\ LA. :\ beJ· room s. 3,, ba thll. In g0<>d r 1111- !tltlon. 1'1t'r rlghla. $47,C>OO, Peninsula Home ! A NEW LISTING 11n(I a t:Ul l' llt· tie home. 2 be1trooms. \\'Qll<!tl front yard, n1rl' putio. St11c1·o1 exterior u11d pla11l1•1 <'d, s.,~t ,.r all It I!< only $H .0•'0 w it h ll'lm~ Balboa Home! N EAR BA y ANO nrEA X 2 bel.lroo me, 2 bath11. Huolll lo•r :.! more unit• on th!e R ·3 lot. s1;mO apent last )!Pllr to m odt'I mu. 1..lsposal, etr. $12.000, $3~00 tin. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED I N A H OME WITH 11'COME OR FOR l~COJ.fE O!'iLY ... LET L'S SHOW YOU T HE SE DU· P LEXF.S! F or lnsta.nce: th111 4 bedroom du- plex. clo1<e to the LAdo Shopping Center. 3 etiuwn1'. lou or !lit and dlspouls. A gv<HI HlUl'dy Sl\ICCO building. Cut from 1:12.- ~oo to U 0.-&00. u ooo down 1s all OR THJS DANDY PENJ!'\SULA Dl.'PLEX with 3 'bedrooms 11p and 2 down.' Redecora ted w it h new drapt's a nd some ca rpt tlng. W ill make a swell hom e with In- come, too. $27.~00, term", HERE'S A DUPLl'.:X. r ight on the Ocean Front ... P r nlnaula loca· !Ion, Terrific Ocran view. Sleeps 8 above and 6 do11.•n. Ha" Jl"''d rental re<"ttn.I. $22.:,110. Trrm1. ACT 'JI 'IC'K ();\; T HIS O;\"'E , BAY FRONT DL'l'LEX with 4 be•l· rooms. Prlvitlf' bl'3C h a nd f\•f'r rlghls. Clo~e to 1<hoppln11. De Al po.M<lble ren\111 11rra, Nf>r\111 aomc t1x111' a nd palntin~. b11t look •l the price ... only $29.7:10. with terms. Balboa Realty Co. 1 0pp11~1te Bank o r Am er1ca l Members. Mulllple L1,.t1ng Rosa G reeley F:d 1,. ~ Jack P lnkh11111 Joaephlne Webh i OO E. Balboa Blvd .. Bulboa Phone Harbor 3277. Holmwood Drive (Newport Heights) For thn"" 11celung 11 bceut1ful hnme In a qu1cl. h1gt1ly ru trlt·t · 1 ed ntlChborhOO<I "''I! Tt'Af'l!CtfUlly 11ugge1Jt an lns~ct1on o r on<' of the Harbor Area'• finer rhl· d••nce~. Slluatr tl un 11 \\ 1111' I iO t IC\'•·I Int thl~ ICll t'l)' hllllll' 1~ 1111111 11011ntl a huge rl•>WH -J>lutf•I• •I r1111u OOTl1Plt.'ll w11h n1.1 ny l llf\' pl11n111 11ntl ahrul/11 A frw of llol" mi.nv ll'.1tlln 'll Ill'\' \\\fl Wu()ll·lllllllln!': 111"111' t8, t he vrry h•••t 111 ll.1111 tu \\1111 t nr- ~llni; 1111 .xt1rrnr lv r lt'"' r 1n· t!t1or ,,l~l1S1u r JUl1lf'\l:4 1'"'0l llr-ea.m kll<"hl'n. l'l.l'S 1t t•ornplt•lr Jllt'•l •pl r .. r your fnt'n•l~ """l'kl'lltl Vl!<lt •' P. s. OeMp1 IP the grt&t br euty or I this p1oiwr ty i nd 118 maximum arran, .. m ,.nt for pnvnry, th,. yard y,•ork Ill 1t l 11n '1tb11olu11• minimum. f'rlrt'll ~ t J24 .rioo whlt"h 111 wi.'11 ht' low rt'plAcr menl. Exrellent I •'rrns 1{ d1·s1 r1•ll. W. Stuart Foote. Realtor 2117 \\", Balb'11t ttl N,.wp11n B ch Hnrb<1r n or 1..1 bnty 8-!'>41>0 6c1 Terrific Buy 'in Duplex \I ..OSF: to hl'at t nf tin" ntown - 2 blofl<' t•• .flh11pJ11ni: 1en1,.r F:1e:<1,.1;)r I lnl\· :t '• 11 r• 111 I 2 b"<lro• m• l'ar h .id~ 2 1111r•1tU · w "II built 1 'l••vf'r ly 1 .. 1d o ut F\J:: prlcf' on ly - $12,500 G. I. Resale $1500 Down 0 1': EAST 11>th STREl':'T-Vr ry J!:l)<1<l ltll'Allnn :I b•«lrnomll 1i111d· WOO\! flOOrll. (;a rl f:I' 4' < )nan. Exr r pllnn11l huy. Full price - $10,500 Phil Sullivan & George Everson · 18:>6 Xewport Blvd .• Co..la M<'"• f •crCJ.11s fmm Cos t11 Ml'.11• B11nk I !'hone L t 8-8761 £,.,.. Har. 4M8 l.l bl'rly 8·2103 BY O\VNER DESIRAOLE 3 b"nmom l111lh A • •• C..UHUXA lll~;JtLA:"U.; C•m· llY huni•· C:o1y u•,.•1 1.r1t k rlrt· 11i11rr, rlll•t<I · h··• rth Ct nlrlll h.-.11 Chllrm1n~ t111• 11 I '\n• '"'I k it• h • n ''"P"~nl, 'i.r1. ,,.,, I.I!" ya r.t, vlt'w Slfl tiou ~t<' i.1n· tlmt . 60 4 l\u w.rd R.o11t1 :.rJll BY OW!'IEH. r11JOt ~1olr ('u ll!A ~ Mna. 3 bdrm. lg b1tth. M>piU· at e ahnwrr. hwd n n . flreplA\.f , clork controll,.ll hl'at, "''flll hf'r 11tr1p~d !11ru 11ut, f n<'ln•1>'1 b~UWll}' J•n cf $1(1.:,0!J J2:,()() do..,n, flH.H mo 111110 A inaur Incl. P'HA; '•, ·~ loa n Ll 11·3:1211 6d 8 6~Rf'aJ t~tate DENNIS HE'S NO MENACE NOT in this Lido home -A largt• 1•11rhH\<'J l:inai off of t he ehildrens' bedrooms kl'<'l'S l11m happy 111111 yet from undt'rfoot. -t h<-dr1)(1ms. ~ baths w11 h a pun · eled 18 x 26 li\'ing room with f1repl:H'\• and t1<'pnrato dining ar ea. A buy nt S:!P.500. v NOT tV1UCH -JUST A_ LOT .. and what a loL 50 ft.'C't r unnini; st r1·1·l 111 Rt r<•rt. A wund0rful plaC'<' t1> builJ your n('w hnrn <". :-;lent 1t for $1~.500 (ll" for a i;l:irll-r kl u~ 11huw Y1'1I a wnn- derful 4 bNlrotim. 2 bath i;h1)wpliH'•' that 1·nn bo dupl1t·nt NI on th111 Int for $37.500 full pri1·e. v JUST STEP INSIDE this chC'l'rful humr and you'll want to move right io. l'rovinC'i:ll interior throughout w ith paneling and 11 usNI brick fireplace in both Iivin~ room and mas· ter b<'dr11om. -1 bedroom& or 3 and den, 2 batlut, per- f N't tilr cl klll'hC'n. Street t o street lot a at.ep from th<' best beach. ~28.500. v YEARN FOR A YARD easy t o keep up that is 1 here's a nl:'w Lido home with a pa~Lo plus a lawn -all walkd. Pleaaant in· terior with t1scd bril"k fi replace nnd fine-woodwork. 4 bedroom and 2 baths for $31,150. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) ~ALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier & slip privilege. 3 ye&r1 old. 2 bdrm .. 11 'a ba th, lots of tile. Parquay flra., dbl. gar .. F. A. beat. Now ia the time to buy tor next summer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at This Price. $26,250 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BJ.YFJlONT-Pier & alip. First time off.er~d. nnly 1 YT· old. 3 bdhns .. 3 baths. clcc. kit., built-in dishwasher. garbage dis posal, W to W car· prts. drapcs & new 20' Century motor boat me. in price. This 1s a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIYE Ll5TINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach. Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND NOW IS TIIE TIME t o buy that Bummer homr . o r that home for year-round Jiving -We've at\'cral t o &bow. Cottage on rear of lot ..................................... $11 ,500 Duplex • xlnt. location --···············-·········-·-H .900 Cottage. $1500 down . ·····················-·····--·-· 17.950 2 bdrm., gar .. fireplace. xlnt. buy ·············-18.000 2 bdrm.; fireplace, gar .. very cute ····--··----19.500 4 bdrm .. watr rfront ···········--······----2A,OOO Duplt>x -Bayfront .. . ........ ·-······· 35.000 Manne A \'e. businPss propr rty .............. 35.000 Corne r Jot. -1 5 x 90 .................... 15 ,000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island P hone Harbor 502 • Eves. 2306-R Open Houses Call for app't. t o see- 502 W. Bay Ave. N icely furnished 2 bdrm. home and studio apt. Nr. beach. 11tores. library. trnni;portat1on. Apartment rents m summr r at S50 JK'r wcl'k. Price $12,500. 811 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven With panoramic \'iew of bay & OC'C'Rn. Bt'autiful yr. old home. 4 bdrms .. :l b:iths. 2 f1rr1iln cc~. 2 furnaces. :1200 sq. ft. Cnrpf'ls anrl drnprA included. M0.000. l..E'nsch<1ld. Will conimkr mc<imr as purt payment. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Ra lboa 8 1\'d . Nc·wport Rrnrh P hone Harb(Jr fi18R 11r Harbrir 19~3 The Very Nicest 2 B. R. Home a t Balboa b land IT'S MODERN. <inly 2 ~Tl!. young with furnare heat, fireplace. dl!~l "'sa l. wall t•1 w all < n ri .. ·t an1-I l'O\'l'red pa tio. AJ'l:D 1:-.:CIIJE:":TALLY. rt v1·ry n1n• Apt. a.nd the apt. 111 fumtshr·d All fur . :.!!l.~110. Contact H ub 1'<1wt r11 J. A. BEEK , Realtor Harbor 63 503 Park A ve. BaJboa 18la.nd . = ' •I • .o . (' e e .e Better Than Ever! ·rwo Newspapers Combined In One Big , Pu~li~ation I To Bring Complete Coverage to Residents of the HarbOr Area Published Twice We~kly SUBSCRIBE ! ·NOW! • · JreWPORT a HARBOR Coming Your Way ... the .NE-W.$, a1PRCSS "CARRIER BOY" with his Home Delivery Of 1our Loe Paper - PROMPT EFFICIENT DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY AND THURS AY ' . IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NEWSPAPER. YOU WILL WANT IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FO• THE LOW SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF$600 PER YW. <BOTH MONDAY AND THURSDAY PUBUCATIONSJ ONLY per month · Brings Both Editions to You by Carrier or Mall for an Entire Year! ' . - More Local NEWS and FEATURES COLUMNS THAT ARE PACK~D WITH NEWS OF CIVIC ACTIVITIES, CHURCH AND SCHOOL AFFAIRS-NEWS OF WHAT. YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE DOING . . More Society News WEDDINGS, PARTIES, SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUB ACTIVITIES, ALL NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST TO YOU AS A R6SID&NT OF THIS GREAT COMMUNITY. More Marine News NEWS OF SHIPS AND SAILING ••• YACHTING AND FISHtNG, YOU'LL FIND IT ALL COMPLETELY COVERED. . More Classified Advertising I . WANT ADS, YES, MORE BY FAR, THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL PAPER, AND BAR&AtNS GALORE IN THESE COLUMNS. More Local Pictures OUT.ST ANDING PHOTOGRAPHIC COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE AREA'. YOU'LL FIND . LOTS OF PICTURES IN EVERY ISSUE. \ t r ---• CLIP AND MAIL. THIS COUPON TO • - - - , I I I I I . I Oil CALL CIRCULATION DEn. HARBOR 1616 I 1. 2211 l•l l'OA ILYD. NEWPORT •ACH, .CALIF .. I I I I I I I I I I I I ...,..., MblcrlM to the Newpott Harbor News· Press, and , 'I ...... to,.,~ tor a,.,... ... llblcrlpt1ott. 1 I. I I ~m-----------------------~ I Street-···-··-····--········ .......................................................... _._ ............. _. 1 _ ............ ___ _ I City--~-------~~~~_;__~ I I I L-----·------------~