HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-07 - Newport Balboa Press. ' .. .. Mesa Water Fight OYer Stock Issue Small Share Holders Ask • • • J • Added Power in District Small shareholders In the Santa Ana Heights Water Company diltrict have banded t ogether to oppose a proposed atocJc increase of 3000 shares, the News -Pres~ learned to-1 dJy. The matter ia scheduled to be taken up during the an- . nual stockholders meeting of the di11trict. Wednesday night In the Boy Scout ClubhOUllf' at the in the Santa Ana waler dlslri<'t. corner of Pallaadra Road and Ac· 111ud. "The board wants lo lncwue acia Bl. our pruent map. W e're golnt lo Clem Kiiox or 20363 SW A<'Rcta right that. We have a very good 8 t., Sant& Ana, who Is learting lhf' wall'r sy!!le-m now, and a bri;ger opp<>1itlon, reportM ll would t6kf' 1 d111trfrt would cause biggl'r as- • majority vote or the 11harehold-11l'~!'ment11. We'll hghl 1l tooth and era, or 1~1 volu. to PaA.' any nail." ruoluUon. /WhAl t he amall l'lhart'· Sl'SDAY ~Et:T~O -boldera hope lo do I• mu1 tnough Approximately 100 ml'mbt'rs or I HARBOR • PRESS i7th YEAR -NUKBER 78 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ'ORNlA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19M Phone Harbor 161& FIVE CENTS . Purchase of New Mesa ParkSoUght ballot.a, 1ncludlnf proxit'll, lo 111-the <IW!trlcl mf't la"t night in t he •ue only 2000 more 11harea and Santa Ana Hf'lghts Boy Scouts elect moA ot their own rl'p~lllen-Clubhouse to plan thelr batUe t&Uvee to tM live-member board against lncrea.slng the map. They In Ule diet.mt. ag-rC'ed at that time upon approv-NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTY OWNERS TO GET GREETINGS Board Recommends 7 .acre Site at Santa Ana River "Wa are wiWnr to 11111\le 2000 Ing the 2000 rnther than 3000 new more •hare• for developing and share11. tumtshtnc -ter to Ute land al-To add l!hare11 to the di11tricl. &n ready tn lbe dtatrict ," Knox r~ amendml'nt to Artl<'lu or lncor- J)Ol'ted. "But tr the 3000 11harel'! poratlon hu to be a pproved by thl' propoeed by th• dlalrlct board 1hareholders, authorizing the state WeN approved, lh•t would mun to ts11ue new alock. The State t&klnC In m oce terrttoey. We think Corporation Commissioner would our dl.ltr1ct ta blC enough now." thl·n have t o approve the udd1l1on- ' a8ilE8 TO ACRE al alock and set a price on It. lC.nos crplaJned there are 3000 According to one of the b<Je rd Part of a group of city volunteers is shown 1tuffing aome of the 9000 envelopes containing a copy of the Eaater Week housing ordinance and a letter from Mayor Dora Hill. The information is in malls thia week to all New- SCOUT COURT OF HONOR SET FOR. HIGH SCHOOL TONIGHT port Beach property owners throughout the world. From left, Mra. Nicholas Brettner , Mn. Verna Wadleigh, Mn. Richard Lilienthal and Nicholu Brettner. -Statt Photo tn th!._dl1trt~..!"ow...:, Az:i a~-members or the Santa An a rtr=;.:..;.;:.i.:.--';ifrtiffioiiilr"":l!OUrll'llleriirwiffit;1rOiftfM:~!1J!'~~~,.. .... , _...l&-4~~IJAl~~:x:...;;;iit;.wt0t..t1:-..1~11uu<i1H'l11& J.be AA~~~·" !'o7 v1d• four water ahare1 to the a cre 11hares wh1rh It ls propol!ed l o !Jo. Scouts wlll h ohl a Court ot Honor tonight at Newport R'aroor --:r BONELLI SAYS HE IS DONE Wlflf -POtlTICS Orange County Board'"Of Superviaora ia expected to ap- prove purcbue of 7 acrea of land at the edge of Santa ·Ana River for $32,000 a.a recommended by the CoRta Mna Park Ditltrlct directors, lbe News.-Press learned today. Supervisor Heinz Kaiser said the board would probably take the matter up Ult. w"k It a letter m&kln~ f lhe board atl.-mpta to keep pa.ee ~~ t~:~~n:.ndallon ru rht:t ~owth or th.i MrMa &r•'Ol. "It I , J ln Ule di.tnct. Thia would allow llUt" would not pro\11de !or enn.-x· Union H igh School at 7 :20 o'clock. tor aubdlv1dln,-, Knoit ••Id. atron or e.ny new property to lht' Troop 81, Balboa Island, 1s host for l.he event which wtll One Cost& Meea rMldent, who la coatlaued oo PaJl(I! S attract Scoute from Troop ~·. Newport Beach: 6, ColllJl Mella; NEWS-PRESS AWARDED 3-HIGH CNPA HONORS 17, Corona del Mar: 40, 63 and 80. all Ooel& Meaa; 182, New- port HNi.;111~ and 668 Coat& Mua. Slar Scout a wards w ill go to Gary Dunn and Mickt>y Wrenenf?a. tx•Lh Troop 8 w hile U fe Seoul award!I will go to Ol'nl\111 Cole, Troop 6; Allen Zamora, Tl"oop 63 &nd Cl11rmonl Sherman, Troop 666. O. W. "Dack" R ichard, 11ponsor, will give th• eventnc·a IHltlt\'Sll. Names LA. Pa~ His liCJCJeSt Enemy; Calls Kefauver Opponent The pru-k Aile. ae«:<>nd to be pur· lhln.:11 clln !)(' workf'tl out. we hope l'hll.!t>d by the Col'lta M.-aa l'ark lo r...-omrm·nd 11nothn park alte," D111lril't, 111 locAlPd at the .-ntl or Myers ,.11HJ "Ttn" ,,. ,.....matu.,. Vl<'lorla SL on a tnani;lr of land I riS:hl now. ho" t°\'{'r .. boundl'd by the n ver. An agr,~-The bn11l • h1urm11n a•ld<'d that mt>nt has been ttached wrlh owner no tll'ftnlt<' pll!l\ll hovl' h ... ·n made S&ndy Macl{11y and contraC'lS ha\le fur u~t> ••t lhl' prop<l.•Nl 7-a<'re bern lmcpl'cted by Ute <'ounly ruun-!!Ill'. "\\'r dt•• ad<••I w(''d tx·ttrr .t«'t By PAT MICHAELS 111'1. The c<onlracl calla tor $21\00 the ch.-11pc!N1 l1u 11l w.-.-nul1I rind down and lhrre yearly paymenl.3. rn th" vicinity," Myer11 11Ald. "The KINGMAN, ARIZ., COCNS) -The controversial fo nn-Rec~mnt{·ndatrnn for the pur-nNI down rop1111y." Ct?pyrlght : Orange. County Newa Sf.n ice -Radio KWIZ I HOARD llECIDt:s lt•rntrory avallabl•• I grttan~ 11lnn· <'hUO or tho ln.nd waa ma.to by the S upel''llWlr 1<11111.:r "8 d It rur- BAN l"RANCJICO, FEB. T·., t'fO Union and ll'M nt1 to thj! Oak· er member of the State Board of Equalization from the I ~h1111 J>Rrk bOllrd 1ti11t F ru1ay noon rhMI' of th!! r.-l'omml'n•lrel 7.,.r re (OCNS-EXCL USIVE)-Thru Or· land Trlb11M, two large. d:itly TAKES LESSER CHARGE Fourth District i8 tired, He's tired of politics, he said, tired tn )11\rbor }l.•ui<e. Mr111b.-r3 nr the 111te ts 11pprm-rd l•y tho rnunty Co h "1J nl'w11pa pers. ot battling through campaign after ca1'lprugn. For almost I boerd pre&ent were ChaJrman Ar· boa.rd, lntrntlnn t,1 buy w111 hf' a nr • unt.y new.papen, t • • The Fulltrton Nl'W!!·Tribunt' . . . l thur H. ,Myr!'ll, Sl'r r-et.llry Mrs. Ca.I-hdVerU11.-J rnr :lO tloy11 lo 11ll11w rnr lerton J'( ..... Tr1bune, Ule New· "on first honorablt• mention In D Pl ds G ·1t on 30 years tall, gaunt William G. Bonelh has been a favored la Vtllt>, FrlU\Jc 8 111111'11 &Tld Hu~h llny pN>ll'.ll!ll. 1ln1,., •.• rm •lrxl• ,. ... port H arbor NeW11·Ptell8, and the lht' dally 11erlion for t hP he11t WO• uran ea UI y poltllcal IOn of CaUlornia voterll. l control Southern CeU(ornla, but, I Davi•. Boa.rd Member Ted Neff made, the 1tUpervl1<4lr1< Wiii i::o U• San Clement. aun. were a wardl'd men's newa co\IPr&t:t . SP<·unt1 hill•· But during-tht> kl.8t ten )'UR, he l be uid, It rould not control htm. W8'1 ubacmt. · I head wath the pun·hal'll' 11n 1011- prl•H Saturda y monilntt at Ule orable mention w ent to the \'nllt•Jr> 'C 1 I M L eald. he hM been pecked·&!. hound-H e feel• he ml\de enemlca, t oo. My.-ra admitted lhe Pf!rk dl.11trkl dll1on11 or lhe rnntra1·1~ 11n11 ftl:r••r. awarda bnallfut of the callfomla Timea-Herald and lhlri! went !O oncea •1ng antz oot ed and berated b1' oppon«1ta, po-among p<>Utlcal CacUona. A. long· ha.a plana for another 4x:aUon u mt'ntrl al~ady m111lt'. New.,..,_. Publ!.IMra ~-tbe l!S&n Bernardino Sun. Jo"'ln1t Utlcal t>nemlu and tho11e who lime Republican, he 1wunc over - tlon. ClOllYeeed tn Ill e7th annual 1prlsc winner In this dlv111ion Wllll OWWOUnldm•<i_.l'~·u-rreoyotbftmarnelo. pin lheir j tto.helhR•eDpu~bmll~~-:1c .... ~·vuomw~~ arbtlemr West NewpOrt· P1y1·ng Due ~enUoll u. tM lbenloa·~alaee tbe l}allta Roa& Pl'el!S·DemO<'r3l SANTA A NA. (OCl"Sl-R1cha rdisuillJ' plea to concea.Uns and wllb· -~--... !lot.I hen. t.nd .econd wu the San Jo.e Mer· A. 1.Jurnn. ia. nt Fullerton, plead-holdlns atolen artlclee. The Dt• ~. "INC ...,. .. • ~an durln~ tt1• ~ -.Uon. More-than fOt •triM from 100 cury·New.. eiJ guilly F ndny on ch11rg.-s ot trlct Attorney'" office had no ob· old. He la wl&e ln thr wey of poll· OU1er peraon.s, Bonelli dou nol nl'Wspapera in Ule ital• w ere In 8AN C'IZ~U:~'TF. 81-S c11m' a.Jmrnt 11n1I "'ith.holdrng or j'cltOIUI t.o alrlklng' Ule word re-lie• 11nd the world. And he ia Ur-nl'C<'Marlly con11ldcr enemies. He t St rt Aft L bor D competJUon for Ole eward.!I, whlc'h Thi' San Clcm<'nle Sun \\On hon-pl"'p< 1 ty 1r1 ,onn!X'tl •n ....-Ith lht> ceivlng. Dur-an'a Informa tion be· ed. Thal'1 why he la quit Ung. Tl'feni to th1>m Ila 11-0rl·Of pollllral 0 a er a ay •~---~ ~~-Gooctwt 01TrtS'tltrlllenmmennt1trn:llil'lnllf'ilo1rmr?W!lt'"1°".tt-+-t-H~~,-{lg{f.Q.OO-bbu11.r,ni:.·11::iu1~~ l'lf 1•aul Mana· fore Judge Sllm 1howed the lime NO EXPLOSJOS opponent• In • n o-hold11-barred J Knight. lorlal paRe In the W<'C'klh'• 11!\1· li.1lboa L.inr d hon;. -fin<"llTTnt-.,_,..,U..~ "°"" fiff a.ow. ~Uala ..-rll'l · '• TOP OOllPETTTIOS 11<m. In prUC'nlinit the 11ward11 t 1r Uur .. n •l'kl'd Supt'rtOr Court Four olh~ra are due court pro-porler'a marathon lnlt'rvl~w w1lb CRDlE CO~~r; ,.,,. Newport Harbor N•w•· the t><ost w omrn's m:ws $<·rt111n In J ud,:e J ohn :-.h•" 1vr a pr<>boAtaon C'l'S."lng by the COUTU In conne<:· the much·llOIJChl figure at bl.JI J>ireM woa two a warda In tltt th• d111l11>s d1v1~1on, m \ll hl<'h th•• h1111111J: Th" Ht~:;c .. 1111c..J hr11nni; taon \\'Ith the Me.nu IJurglary. aprawllnc "Turkt y Track" ranch wttkUH dl'ttllon -N Cond pnz«' ::-.. ws-Tnbune Ahan d 11 .. nnr!!. \h" aoo.l ~ .. 11t.-n1111.; !• r fl :;o a rn. Ft b. Lloyd A.. Phllhp11, 33. Brea garage an Anzona, the former Uquor head t or the ~at froot pace and tm1t awa,...llt chR1rman fl'' rl• I It""' lb Th• 1l<f•·n1l0111t r-fnr on hall, of\"rator, haa pleaded lnnocenl of droppt'd bombAhtll atur bombahell llot1orable 1r1tntlon for i encrnl f'X· pr• pnrr1 lt>xt to m 1,11 .. n I H• 1u 11olanJ: thr h• .111ni; tlat,. lJUran a rect'IVlng 1tolt n 1tooda <"hargc. l"l'gardlng hl.t thought.a, lmp~•­ celleoc11 -and It •on t1rst honor- 1 rumrwtltlon In thr• dl\·1:<1<in '"'" 11r1,:11 .1lly t 1•1 l1• n "'• 11-<·d ,,f r .. -H e rs to go to !Ital March 7 on slona and opinion•. But t he la.rot able znent\on for th• t>e11t apol t ll<''ptionallv k• • n 11n1I It '' .1!1 , , 111• .:. ,., no 11ol1n;:: und "tlhh• hi· lhP au .. gauon. bombahelJ had no explosa\le punch new• p&ctura aubmltt.ed by all nt'rl'':<ar~·. ''lr1 HJll\. 10 t11s~ , ... ,M 11;:: 1' "I'' t I\' •l11IN1 111 the li11q;· Arr&Ji;nment or twin brothers, al ltut nol for Bonelli. U ndl'r lh1s c:laMlflc-allon cnmu Sena tor F:11lts K• r1\U\lt'r or T• n· nu aee. who bn&tf'd and pounded him dunng Ille Ki>fauvl'r crime c:ommlltt'c hr11 nni:1 1n C-alHoman. Al.!!o undt>r Ute-u me cl11•1<1fwat111n n•n1t'• A ltomry Gf'nrral Edm4nd G. 1 I 'at I Brown and l "h11•f Ali· s11<\11r l Allomry C••nrrnl Th1m1n~ \V. Martin. llriWl'\'t>r, H<ln<'llt ~11111. newapapen, -.•l!f'kly and d111ly. 1 to dl''l'mune whn "'"n ll1!l. i<<'• "nd '"' Y ur th•· ~l.111lz ho 111' rn l'."•Z. J•'rry enrt Thom113 HaMen. :?3. AJthough It may have acvere re- l'lnt pr1llof Wl'nt lo Ult' !'tin Da· anti ulhrr a ward•. I 11t>.1r I H :1·11ol ·r :-.:11 k :.t Y• r ft~· Cw ni .. tly or New port. now or f'la· percu11111ona ln OW!fornia'a poUtl- LIDO CLUBHOUSE IN REMODELING ST AGES An •nl•rlt""d L11lo f"l•ablHHI~" I• or tl•r 1 alao. n 1 t nllni; It• 1:·11 ii· n due bv th•~ ,umnv•r, al " .. ~ rt.~-11unl l r cln~~,,~!.•\' \'llh "''I WtoJk j,.1 '""111 "'"1 l•.ilur··~ I: •·1•• n u nderway on th• s :117~2 p .. ;r•l (",,nlrac'"r 1. • I'" 1' ~ n II I\· " ,. wtnnlnir b1·!d<'r nC Ct\,. Ultr ,..,,,.,J 1n lh<' Jtlb Work 1n,·1,1v .. I am mt• I • • \., r· h&Ultnj: th!' I I<'" I t lt to'\llt. I mv,,nl( ll'lnJ" rnr~ •I' l I•• I un In lhl' nm u .... ' ., I Snit th•' r n• t • 1 t• ., "' ' rr, r •u'• V ta Luln ~011 l \\ •' h 1rt1 n•hh ~nt mah rtKI A n1•w '""'' nr (1 o0r "' II 1 .. J>OUl'f'(J lllltl l."ll'h• J '>• '"' :11 C 11an• an1: "1 .1 •. 111 i:·· r''" • ,,, .1 •. 1 • .,iU ~ relllm• 11 "'"'ln I th• I' I~·-- 1 L. -- • ·'/ I, fle'\Y t l• h n ~' ! t I t iH• ... t h I · IT. •I Ill•. l '. J :• h 1 n t•'lt n t l1: ~: n ( • t •flt of th1' • lllt. \\Ill b• •' on• I I -.r J '· '~':' l '' •ti t • ,.. " )• " \\ -iH< ,.,, ,, •• • n f t• '' r t "• • to-•• l 4 • n tt I t tt•• fl•"· t: .·.t •' l t "'' ',,,,1 t T ,,. 11 • I • , ' n ' • F\1rt:t1 t:.,, •. u \\.It• t hl'"l h 11 • ' ' I' 11 T •••• I • I I .,, ' '1 If, 11 • ' l \\ill I •I I ' ,, I \\ I • "' 't \I • i ' \\I ·~ ,, 1 •t • &.. f;t I I JI It • 11 ltt• I •I .... ifl I t• ;u ,. I • .. --- , M"l l• •I 1h.1l Purnn \'"" c.tilv 16 r •·nltl\ a nd l'harh'!! F. l'r1nl z. 23· caJ c1rclt11. the atatement made by '• nr" o1J i•t \hr ttnll' uf l h•· ., ,. "'. Ur ra, hull br<'n ••onllnue.J lo I Lhe m an lhc y once called the "II· j, •••I 1 •' ' 1·-: • f :-.: .. 1. n l.'111 : H · ~ rh 11 Thry l\I r ~rg•~•I wllh qu11r cur" waa dellvl'red In a low ~.1 ,.1 1111, o1 11·111h111t .. 111111hl "" l 'I O· ~urglar•zln~ the ~tan\z ,p.Acc Cll vol<'e. He look~d up at \he ceiling ""'ii Ir J'll<'Pllh• '"11r1 ··111 E11"l Uny ~runt. H.ill>OA h · <of hi ~ •tnllll ll\llnic room -and I le->.ml. h 1w• ,., r, l hnl the ole-hu:d. M ny 10. 11),,z The t hree &rt· he said he would never agt\ln run rontlnu<'ll on l'•.t"' S HOCKEY ENDS r.-n•l.lt\l \\,l!'I wdllllJ: 111 Pllll r 8 ~~~tl~ll f'h1llop4. for f'UbllC Office. Tho decision, BonelU n1d. waa nol b1st'f1 on hi.a curTt'nl t rouble• -thf !IP ht' 11111d he plarui lo take < 11 re or wh~n he comes bar k to <.:ahfurn1a Lo I.lo hf11 • lllundry." L.B. Youths Caught Here with 'Goods' HAR30R WEATHER \\ • alhrr 1-.,. ,., ut ~, ... ,. ~ ,. ,.,,,.,·:· ~tn~th~ r\,•:lr th· ,,,,. '" 11• 1n1 'r11 -:11 , \\1llrq· ', I I t u ... l ~·: ·•1Y .:·· •\ I• • ~ l 1.11 • JI t.:h t •I l\' rl',H •I •t' 1· i. :' 1~11\ Mui· , v t i 11 :,, 1.,tur• rh·.u 6'"~. \\'ar. r ' •• ,.. t l rt11l"'"htr•'ll"' I'""' "Hk U1 1111' ll:trl>o r arra \\l'ff' • I lllfh l.n" Tu,.. ... la•. l ••h. I, , '''''"' ,: '· ' ••• ·,! ., !Ulf-'4.:\\ I t 't. 3 1·r .. t:n , I , h I 'f\tur•I.". I , h, ,, '""''·''· f . h, fi 'l uuil,,~, t • h. f M ~Ii 1 Local Shrine Sta9 I i-~1r.!ll annu11l 11\.1Jr 1hnnrr nnd •how to be h• 111 by !hr l'f'('l'Jl! ly rurm• •I Culrl CoaM Shnnc <'lub "111 b" h•'l I Th11r~r!.1y nii;hl at r o LmCAL CllASGt; ; I:'> ", J.>t k an ~<'WJ'•rl llnrbor It w.i.11 poltlu'a ll114.·I! lhal caw1- \"Jr hl Club. c K · J!'rrv· John· I l'rt the dcr1~1on. They·"e l'h&n1ted , -.... 1n the put 30 ytura. Maybe they ~ .n. pr•''"·' nt ann 11nrl'd t.,.,ay d .__ f B A • D" on a I •'"'Ht < tr•I Att•l 1J111-•f are h•r er -m ay.,.. Ml ter. ut ,,,, • All :-.hrmr-rs Anti tht1r ,. a81m1c 1 8 11 1 ltke for l.c•n" II• , h 1 1u, .. o1 l"" . d kl• I one I la no ongrr In hill ro-.. rn~n.1:-. .. r .. 1n\1ll'd lll atten lilt(' •• Cllrld!'. I t .. ·-n-age b<I} .. In /\In "'\·"· rr ..... Mavb41 IL was hlA enemlt'a that home Fr l<l~y tn 11>• • k their l 11 tun•·• A sk Robinson Probate forced the d~111on. Bonl'llt ha11 t'l34'whrr" SA:"'\TA A:-.:A 1(>(':"0::1 In plrnty. No man 1n the polittcal ll :\rv.pNl Bi-a <h r ·hfe Offorrr ~"J" 1. •r \ourt Thur.;ilay R.-ba D wll rld I• without them. Cmtsl Laurin 1<aw lh" pair t nr i;· II 1:-i~•n 11~kr•I lhf' prnbell' 11C thP Bonl'lll <'Dn~ldl'l'll the ~ An- 1 lns; alunft Ev<'n1ni: CJnVun l!1o111l \\1 I "' I <'r l111tv r \\'al:rr H. Rtrb· 1?:1'11'9 Ttmf'tl bLA blft'll:l'Sl t'nt•my. Il yt'11lrrday Artern•iun 1.1tr)lnl: I\ an~,.n. \\ho •I•'' Jan. ~-lr1w1ni: was about lhf' JJ-1 Angf'lt'" nl'w~ 1 c11rtr>n box h••tw• 1>n lh,.m. I f'"t.,•nftl p1 n1,.,1t\I \'111111'•1 "' SiOOO l'llJ'l('r that he wrote hlll bn<>k, The b<•)S wrr•· Wt'll 11t .. 1k•d lur irnd 11 b.-a, h h"u~r al 222 G.tm t'l 'l.\l1llton Dollar Blackjack." The mo11l MY "~cnr111l•. 1..n unn .•a 1fl /\ V<' Mw11p11pf'r, he contends, w ant.I t.o I the bt•x c"nt;un<"I "' v• ral ltl'm• o r roorl, 1r, r 111r1• or 11oit. ,.•x pr111• o r untlrr,.hflt l !<. a 11k1ll<'\ a n•l two J. MD&UT • & CiloT C -· --'-• -.. . I pllars "r i;loVP11. I l1nr1er q11r~t 1ontni;. the ho1y .. u1J. mittl'J tnkln~ n1<111l r.r tl11' ttrm11 from A ll·Amttrlr"n Mnt kr l. \'111- r,.nt'• f •ntl? 11nd ll•H 11:.ln 1:11~1\rt 1111 .. r r ,,r .. n·a ,,, I M.•r :' •n" or th•· Artlo I"" f'lllll•' liOlll I .. ,, Alt1111. lh1• Lm 1r1n Ml•I lh" luc11l 111 11rrif lrtf'n!1f1t·•I b" t h Lhr 11•ff1Y•·rt"I l?•lfl<lll An•I lhr h<ov• 'I h,. l1\ll11 Mid thrv t"'•k th,. m"rrhnnd•"" nu• unrlt'r t h•·ar c••J\t ~ and put tt 1"1 t •I• box 11u1 ~ulr Th• v "'' r .. t l'l••All,. I \• l,nnir PPnrh ,..,11,... 11r.t:I p<'l 111on11 Cnr l!Jlfll1<·.111on11 fllM sitnln•l l h .. m with 1irnn11r C-nainty J '/\'"nll<1 All· lhnr111"• D•livery Guarant••d ARCJllTt:CT'S ('0~CEJ71'10N-Thia ia bow Lido IRie Clubhouse vl'ill look when some 1200 sq. ft. of additional fllna<''" haa been added by remodeling work now under way. Better UBe of available land will allow club'• addl· tiona.l space, according to d.i.recton who recentg award· eel contract for job, 0f'h\'l'I')' ot the :-.M4'ptJr t Harbor :-.;ew•·Prr111 I• 211:.r· a nlttd. All 11rf':'l8 nf t11e ('om· m unlty 11re 1.ip1 lly 1,..1n1: placer:! on c11rrl•r d'ltvf'rV. Car lier bu)• "111 dP I\\ rr H • 1r papers before 6 p rn. rm Mun· day and Thin •tiny. tr ) .. ur papn 18 not d"ltVf'o rd hy \ hllt hour plru~ fllll Hart..o r 1618 &..l't1 a AJ>l'Clal rr>ul" -.c-.wlll lmmt'dlalely r ••p o n d with your copy of yo11r ~"•'T'Ort Harbor 1'ew11·Pr,.,. I FLORIDA BOUND, WINDS UP HERE SllghUy mixed up 1tM· tTaph1cally, but r:um\'!helr•,.s I.let C'nnlntd. V1r{:'1l Duane 1-:n- glra, 16, from <:rh1ly. W u1. t•1l'1 Jl".lh r h.-was l.11rhhlkln)o( to F lnmla to Jl'e his mothrr. lie wa1 11l •li'I" I !rto1n h13 a•I· \lrn\ur.-wh•·n p11 l\NI up h\• ln- ral ""k• n• r:11 .v l-"n •lay n111rn1ni.:. En~ll·~ "'''' 1. fl his '1•n .. ,n • n J.an ~·. '' 1' h th•· ln· t• n' '" J rt t•• F l f' l,a ,,.l ,,, )11, ru,•h·r I•''"' ~''"''~t nv.• hl" Y.1 IUHJ '1p ·ll ( 1ti• I .. :. Thr 111 I ' 1 ,11 I " \\ "" J " 1 .... 1 Ill' 1-·l• I'" I.· Ar,;. I • I· 11• ~ ,,.,, \\n .. t' I , • 1 }-• 11 t .... \\ ' ••.• ,,. •I I \. I , ,. 1\ I Ii~ JJ.• "1)1 h• I f ,P • t I' ''"" • IJ) I Bicycle Stolen n.: r \·, · 't ir111 w \\ .!, n s t ''i"''''' h•• ''"''J" "It,. 11.11 Jl lll I work to atarl on pavlnr; of allry1 and 1trttla eome Ume aft,.r lAbor Day, accordlnr;; to a ttport ma.d• al Ult! Jan. 24 K llllon. Arthur Cubbage', prultltnt. quot ~d Utrl Webb, r11y rni;lnttr, In 11tat1n1; lhnl by July the c-lty will httv(' all ~P"• 1fl• .1l111n11 r-rgar<11n1t the work IU'l•I l h1· prllJC'CI Will l hrn IK-prt's• nlrd I•> pr11perly ownrr• C••r .... on11•1l,..1 alu,,n Thi' Stnlr lkp11tm .. nt ot H11h· \\'I•)" lll\."1 l>N·n lllVMI 11-;11lln1t nl'f'd .. , .. ( rc1 ·•IOI: M~-nnl Kl (lran1• ,\ \'•'. 1111•1 .-•ll•t 11 IJ'h\\ &)', whrr• 111111\"!I '" 1111\'•• t11 \\•Ill II'\ !Uni( al 1 ·, It 'l~:J'• 1o1 f11 ('If•• l) .-y 'An ""'"' I 11ar 11 1!1 1.-''" ""' vn.t w 11 j.'1ve til ,, ( l i pr.ht r I h. f •rit~t..11·1• "heir" I Tl·· I "' 1· ,, ... 11 h· I 111.: 1 .. ,. • I I( 1U I I I, I ~ };• fl• .. ,.. t th• 111111 t \\ • I t 1 ... 1 h i\' I 11n•t I ' ,, I "•\ It ... ".,.,,,I ~ th .. •• \ t f : ... •1 J. I • '•I,, • r · ,. • t •·'-tu :.11 • I t t I 11 I ., ,, I 1Ml1 rt I t. I 1 .. •1 '" f lA• ,. • r I I\ I• 'I • ;,1 ''"I t :!I fl \'•' .... ,:,"1111\ • 1111 11 111 '' I lnr ,, .ti I• 11 " •ll' 11 al I\ I' 111. f I ''JI~· ~1 t t ' I 1 .• , • t ' h• ,., t .. ,,., •• ,t,,.. t 1r •11 \" ,,,,u••~I l""•nt t •t Ir & LOCAL RESIDENT HONORED Aw11r11 r>t a 1tr1ld Ill" mt>mbfor11hfp r11rr! In t h,. r·,.11t•irr1111 ;-.:,..,..,. r•r"r l'ulJll~lll't• A~"</( llltlt n to J &m•. G11•hr1,. W fU m•'1" IJV (lf)Y. r;,,, .. 11o1.1n J Kn1,.h' tn SAil •-rt1nrt ~N1 ov•r lh• w""k"n'l 1:111hn• I~ th,. p11bll1hr r •1! thr !'-.n P"'rn"r•ltnll ~un-T,.l,.trr1tm 11n'1 t All bi',.n 1fflliat1•'1 lo\lt)J I~,. r •-. ·•I r 11 h11lt r.11l•Jn 1 h,. 1;1Jth11,.,. rn11n - la1n a h"llif IH I II& \\ Co1j' ,\\I), _ t ;,,•,.,l l'rr\A 1'h•ilo ' - COOKING . UTENSILS SHOULD BE USEFUL I Ribbon Windows Save Wall ·Space Ring Molds of Rice and Jelly Offer Variety of Good Eating By CAMILLE CAM.BON Certain pieces o! equfpment In the kitchen are worth their cost over and o\·er again and one such is· a ring-mold. Hardly a Wf'<'k passes but what there isn't a use for it. And in selecting cooking a.id.8, that should be the tat. Will they .• fit into the cook'11 repertoire, ~r can a repertoire be built 11 round th"m i10 that they an con-1 In flavor w ith 110mt addltlonal l'IMlly Cunr11on1nr and are not auga.r •nd a lllll• lemon jul~e. 11llow ... 1 to langul.~h In ~ome dark Few de~rta ar!' bPtter •n cnM \Orner n( tlll! i t1pbo:1ril ~ WPl\thl'r than & feathtry light Clll• Crampe<I tor 1pacftf The ~ketch bf>low Ulustrath a practical v. ay to get moxrmum wall 11rta 11~ un aid In furniture placement. A row ot wtndowa hirh In tht wall dou t he trick. Thia leavu ,'if't:t ·Lu. TOOl.S tagc pudding hakcd in a ring mol<l, plenty of room tor a eofa. a belt, 1.t r•1ur,..·, thtrc-11re cert61n lllr cenll•r t11l el1 with cold nurry a tlble, or even a hlfh chest o f tll<M1l11 whll h ha\'e a sentlmen-11aur·"· or hot foamy A&uce. Gin-drawer• to be Mt ar&ln•t the wall hi \'slue 11nit lend gaiety and In-f~r bread and Whipped Crtllln\ 11 below. trrest to the bu•ln Paa ot entertain· a nothPr good combination. • l A• many aaeb u are deelred can l nic The heart -ahaped pnn1 that • .lt '8T TRY THI~ be l.n1talle4 tn tht. "ribbon"' a r- prrnlu1" th,. l!nnual St. Vnlt ntint's COTTAGE PUODTNC: N ow ran1ement. 1cltl\er alldln1 win- cake. or those t1111t make 11urh 1 don't turri up your no11e. Thl11 re· dow1 or awnlnf wl.ndow1 are cue· m •. 1i;n\f1cent thre<'·licreil birthday ripe has dtstlncllon and wear• tomartly UMd. Window unlt1 are cak"" fall Jn th111 <'&l1•i;:ory. ( "hrUl-1 W<'ll. Ci earn onr-halt cup of but-made In varlou1 atock 1laf'1, fully rnu r11okli> -cutterl4 ,11so. E ven It ter wnh one cup ot susar. Add auembled and ready to lnatall. they are u.ed but on1·e a year we I two well-beaten e11•· Slit two 1 The hl1h poaltlon of the win- would not like to be without lht•m . .:upll o r nour with four teNpoons dow1 auur" p1'1vacy. Hllh win· ln our preaent elate or reflne-,or baking powder IU'ld • pinch of I dow1 allow sunllaht to i>enetrate rnent we llkr to havl' our food s t-11alt. A dd to the butter mixture m ore deeply lnta th• room than t ral'tlw. nl'al a ncJ 1·onta lnt'd snd altrmately with one cup nf milk I 1ow wlndowi do. The Jona. b ori· qne, of the hPi>t fum1s uf all 1., a 11 room tt'mperaturel. A dd one tea-, &ontal llnea of ·the 1tr1p of aaah r ing, garn1!!ht•d on the out1111le nlHI 11poon of vanilla. make th• room look and !HI Jarf- fllleiJ with 110me delrghllul con-Hake In a well-J re&a.cl ring mold I f'T than It Is. cot'llon that bh!nds Wf'lt with lhejat 3!)0 degreem until It ahrinks m"trrlftl "' t tie rln~ 11,elf. from the 11ldl' of lhe mold alighpy , -------------- KPrp In n11nd the pnnc1ple of I and is fipnnGY t o the touch. Turn LOCAL NURSERYMEN variety In fll.lanntng lh• m,1111 and out on tl Hrvlng dlah a.nd ti!! tho <ln nnt p .. rm1t thi& 1hape to r•· lcenler with thla MUU: 1 TO HEAR GROWER J'l'lll lt1't'lf within the Mm<' meal. B<'at three egg11 ve'l'y light. Acid tclCt: IN A .SATl"R AI. '11luwly, whil<• beating one and ont'· 1 F or thl' main rnur~P. r1c-f' mohl.1 1 hl!lf ('llP• of sugar and conltnue uiuly, elth" In It" plain 10l•l", nr ~11tln1:. Flavor wtll with rum. •11 part or 11 mixture of egr and S tir In carefully one a nd one-half milk •·u111tar<I, or a. i;-1t•f'n rlc•'. mix-jcup•' cream whlflJ>f!d •tlfC. Chill f'll with herh~. or as ,.11ffron n rl' thurou&hly. H ave the pudd111g \'try I Jr t<'&ma wf'll with 1111 110rla ot 1hot e nd the 1aur11 very cQltl and I OTeamed 11111he.s "m'h u mu1h-I uae the 11auc,. liberally. 1 r <.om.s. 1!4'alv<>J, rhl"krn or Vl'l\tl· I A II' AIUL \' II' A \.'OR.IT£ I I -T )IAT El..L RJNG: Soak N l'xt mef'I in~ or tht> C°".tll- fornia Al!SOl"IBtlun nt :->urs. 1 ' - m,.n will ~ w,dM"'111y, 7 'iO p.m. et thr Huena P ark G1••1·n- ho11sr !<. J ohn A. Arm~troni: Jr. •If A1111~troni: l'>urs.-rlu "111 be gu••J't ~peaker. S1x1y 1111·mbtrs 11nd Rll••,,tll of lh•· j!'l'oup hr 11rd 1nfo1111a- Cine tor thrt'e Pn\';'IOJIPS or plajn gel1llnt ~181 (' 11rrltrr.'I Pave Stump, 1 in hltlr cup t:old tomato Jul{'f .. 0 111· j__Q0_~!)'.,!.~1 ). NEWPORT HARBOR •:r-. Clearing House G~ins $200,000 Over December HOME ancl GARDEN J1rn1111rv C'll'&rlnt hm1H ftl'U""I f, I =--•·lo'I"'' l 111\il>o r 1'l\l\\\f'l1 J:I • .< 11 ';'(}~• :,\, ", 111 h ·•f hu111n-. 1••'· , ol1 J111..: t•• ltull\n1I Wt 1irht. man11i.:· • r ••f th• llank ot A merit"&. Wrl111t s.11.1 thla ta an ln<"n-a 11• or aboul S2ll\I 000 unr the l>tcem ber ti.urt•, 1• Th" total n•cl'r,1rd by the CIHr • tn1: h11u...,· f• r Ill< t h1 <'<! n1{>nth& of <'p.·rat111n, .:-;,w .. mhl'r. flt'C'f'lllbt'r, Ami JanuAry, •~ S!l.607,463.91, WHJht Aal1I. PAGE 2-PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS MONDAY. FEB. 7, 1955 HERE'S HOW ••• For the irportmian'• deft a irun rack tan be a n attract.he an<i hanJy piece of furniture. The rack 11 made of %-Inch lumber, 1rlec:t.ed t.o match other wood furn1~hlnp. All joint.a are made wllb ftnh1>iinr na il1 ~rvi !flue, u1tnr S-~nny n1ll1 where two "-·lnrh farea are Jnlnt'tf, anli 4-!'f'nny nails for the other joint.I. Nail be1d1 • .SEC!ION MAKI A GUN UCK 1hould ti. _Mt for ftlllnr. The rad1 ahown In th• dra•· Ins will accummodaw h e r una. Add • lncht1 to lht lenitth of the e,..,., memhett tor .. ch 1dilitlonaJ run apace req11INCI. Round an aharp ec1,... and aantf th• con1pl•ted raclr llefnre ap1·1tylnc a fine •M1t\thed tin ah. COLORFUL MESSENGERS TWO-YEAR OCC EXPANSION, BUILDING PROGRAM PLANNED SANTA ANA (OCNS1 -Oran;;e Coast Colleg<' hu permluion trom the Or,ngc County Planning Commlsaion t o enlarge and re-arrange buildings on the eut aide of HU"bor Blvd .. a half mile nof1,h o! WIJaon St., Costa )fosa. Propoaed for immediate expansion ls the JI. brary, Within a two-y<'a'r ~iod the foHowing are planned: ' Remodeling o! a aciencl building into an agri· cult ure bullding, extension o! the technology build· ing for additional claaa and shop areas. The muter site plan !or the college wae per- mitt.ed wider C.83, approved Dec. 19, 1950. The }X'r- mlt application now goes to the board of eupervia· ors for action Tuesday. Zonln4J Amendment A Special Service SHAG RUGS BEAt"TIFULLY LAUNDIRID Thf'y'TI t'Olft4' llM'll ...... In C'olor and lls;lll -4 fhdfy. Resolution Passed comml&11ion to deltl• Mellon 111()3 .• 142 pa.r•(T&fh B ot lhe "ode whl<'h 1 JW!rmlta profl'lllllfnnal offlc-r11 In R-4 , Ill ...,..., ...,. ..._. zonP11. Th11 w ould r utrlct thtm to H OI Bo • .lfot11, 8allla .& .. Ruo luuon or intention to am rnd C·l zonu only. •••••••••••••• tlle zonlnc-lawa perllllnlng to pro----·::._------------------- r:s..~lnnsl ofrlcn wu passt'd Jan. 20 by the Newport Beach l'lan~inJ Comml11111on.· Currt>nt ly the lsw 11l&t ea profe.w· &lonal ofh ce11 are ~rmlllrd In C·~ REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS zont's and in R ·4 wnu w1lh a Ult RESIDENTIAL _ INDUSTBIAL CC!_f!!ne Hea --~_,,.,_.,u;;;l.L..~~=~~Uon-.5. oL~-1iii~~~-==~~~~ on1t:-Valentirie'S1Jay -CONCRETE !;;;;;;=;;;;;======~~ Srvtrol very good 1alad1 art' JM>lve In two cupA oY 11~ A p1111l1rk ~upp~,."'r04-•i'"·il.,.1,.,r"'11-.. -.~~- _______ )!11pl?..tJ.!!J>r m~d for sei;,\'!£,e on.J.!!i£'· 11~lr!!!'J 11nt1l ll_'1}Pl~!Jl.Y.J!i!'·,. ~ \\'edM"48)<-n~rtit'w1Tlf'l't• t hl' buff cl \Able. TfJlllMto J•'lly, hOl aotved. Then li'dcl two more cuprt Jnr . ~ I \ I .I .• • ii .. with t sbaaro and ln<"orpo1 atanl( Jn. I or rold t omato Jlllre. ont teupoon Satisfaction d ll\ r<>ll11h or a vn(•11(!011 a nd reluy, o( eall. tv•o teu poona or sugar./ Pl Or llhr1mp or dr\'lllf'il r1;i;-11. and MVt"I c ood daahu ot tabaaco annen Grant ~ln1·e llU"\'I s a rl' 118ld to 11r• alt I Yunan Rl'Ucul1ta11; C"nmf'llan-a flllf'll with m11yonn•1se anJ 1?".trn-111auce, a aa.lt apoon ot Ar'tent, onr ""' lunku 11;,• ,.f Ii•"''-'· ni.tny i..ir.1-I• •I a n<I white (l(!m1·d•Juble flower I J!4hecl with releey lea\'l'S or par11· tta11poon of Worche11terahlre 11suce He"ey p it rnn>< ,., e 111, 111 u . .an -at "'"·d 111 l \\11h ~uo<J kl'tp1ng qua.Illy: N oble )ry Is on('. Or the J«UY m11y be and the Juice of one lemon •train-erm 1.-t r .. ~ .... l<l.:ti• .1. l'lllll• 1(1.1 Ull i I hu-I , ..... rt, Ii \'l\'l•I Jllnk With shiny made !Jhlln 11nll the "hrinipli ur ed. I \\" dudtnJrun tila11t1t ~l'"uk tor t h• 111 ''"""'~ Knd flutrd petals MnJ I t>ltltS u~r.t all part or the t:arnlllh. I \'ou may like other 1ruon1ng. R lff'rvrv J.r. wn, i:r.i ~tl'~ tu \'Ill• nl mi ,, 1111y ~111 '" · , 1•1111111· c: .. wn. tt "'tl'lklnl! purple· POUR IT • T he old fll\'11rite known 11.11 "'Pt•r-Utie your lma1mallon and la5\l'r, a Ull(' permit !•n. :.tO b~ th<• :-; .. w. Jn ll.il4 ,. :i •un u( hni c r••lt n 'll "'th pin-:1\npt·~ or wh1tr. I fer t1011 S1 hul" m·•••I• tu he revived but Jo ..-aann lhe n11xture ruther poil H••ch 1 hrnn1111< t:nnam1~·11m ph•ntln" 11 1 ,.~,. bu h 111 un rd tlll A11111n1: tlw oth"r cnmrllia varle- ai:1u n. tor Its tnsh \a$te and ,hlghly. Chill u ntil firm In a nng I•• ron .. truit a n 8 <1.•'"'1•ry b111l.J-\'nl<ntllll!ll l >i.v i;•Jl•. t.."hV>I~•· 1111ni 11r• 111•· \'h11n1lt1•rl Elegan11. DalkA· THE EASY WAY AND SAVE e <'I t"Pf11'"8 go "'"II w1lh n11rny dish-mold. A nd 1C you like one <"Up or in~ "' ll<'V•·n Jl.Arnr.r•" " llhr:try tlw 11• :. ,\II '''""·' 1111 \\ 11111, 1,. 1 i:111.1, < • :II \\ 11.v in. Lady Clart . j f it 1 ln1l1a reh ah ur plcahlll may bt' 11nd atorage l(}<Jm un rear ot lots 'l'affnri\', 'Jiwi a E llz<1h• th, J lmtny l'n'. Juhhll<i Y11Ult , Shiro-Chan IU!\G Atton~u TIU; u :LI,\' lalld~..-Thls amount maku _. Jarst 11· u, 1~ 11.nd ll at H~bua Ul\•J. n 11 k,;1 lhll .,.j,,nJ«nJ rnvont•" 1111.i Mr. 'f1n~lry. I , In th<' 1kMS<"1t fll'hl. 11nx• uf trlnic anti i. e:11ct>ll•nl w1t.h mayon· anol J · 1 lchn1l1111c J\n11~t 1 u111 • l 'l•uc", M1r-1 1U-t11UOOt:SUROX COLOR.'4 • j <'llt• I f1u1l 1<1e 1'lrl\/t1rnt provld-n&1Ae and dt'\'lll'd egg1. o r ua a The"""' stnir lurr wlll hi' ll•rd ""'"" 1:111,·11, u 111,.,.11,,.;.. Ch1 v~fl'1 Ith • 1·111'-ndrun varlrtlr!I th at 1· I "''"'" 11( ll•l' 1u11n1rJ1en1J1 a.rr 1medium ln which tu tncorporatr :n {'tin. nt'~\lon w ith a r""1'1"n'" Iv-t111p .. ro11l hn J i-1111,.1 ,. {;,1!11 1.r 1 111,• i.1111• t .. pl••ft•l' 11n· Ahr!', a f 1 'ti •II• l th.. Jtlly " 1 e1nf orc-••d • V<.•lu•d or raw vvcetablae. I ni: the llY u nr1 lot nted nn 101 ' 4 '«11•111 11r ti , n.w: ·\ 11110 <-1to11n1t.•· 1 h h pink· l:!•·at1\y or Lltlleworlh. • and => ot blnrk 26 1.,,., "" .. 1.t• nl •.1A•·nh1.1wl'1, lt1·1l· "1.1t•• with cnm.•1111 dots. 11nd Pink 1 Gl.ngersnap Crumb Topp1·n· Adds i·nr. l.ll .lo 11 ... :'ll l•jll\'1", lldrn TIDll· I I'• 11 1, l h·· lllfl~l (Hlf>llhlr and moat • GARDENER'S Ix I a1i.1 L1hlx l. I widely known pmk va riety. Zest to Apple, Any Fruit Pie CHECK LIST Al.I~(~·~.···:.~;· ::~~: .. ~·":~""·>· sTEER MANURE • Hav11 ua .. mpttly your rofl("rrlf' wor k "lttl • 109d of prNllllnn·ml:llPd <'"mf'f•t ..• pr,.pa"'4 to )J)Ur of'CI"' at a aA\'htf . tlow ran"' 1u11rh lrnf'Hln•u l>r p:irkr,f 111 on,. riie~ Th" 11ncwrr 1• '"'"° r .. • 1 ,_., ,,.,i 1tl•I , ,t ",.,,,,\..(a tup 'I " t' 11lllni::. anti thr 1:1rlt'('t~nap Ct •Hl":\•llT• 1(,Jf'' •I T r' th.-r 111'••h 1°•1•1• ''r' "" "''" f r1111t rt••. tm n n th,,.,. marl" .. r rAnn .. ·I •hrr•I I''~'"'• ""I . I" 1ro1 h.1'" •, )"U 11 h n<I '' r.11.rr a ilv ""' ,.. •nc: A , .. 1, " n• w ,, 1 .... 11 .. r "'""''"'''' I· t .. """ ,.. 11 h tht 11•n1C•r r111111h \\•p111nl( :>dd .. •I •l•1r11•c l h• I:.•• I • n. 1, ,1 , •hf l0alo.1nir. 1;111r"r C'"ru1111> \ppll' l'I• '> run 1tr;i nu lat<'.f •ul(l\I '• cup L1riwn ~lltll,, '") lf':\,llnnn r or;rn'Otl l\11nly I .r~• I 1 "'"(I lh I nt ) •''I' r 1 ·•1 •1 np rrum1>t •he•••d U!'l'l•' ._, I' ), 11 I~ l •l..a~l4 r, f),. f I 11 \' l~"\.,.C".l f ~,. ;\11' ~1.1111.l .. Htl ,.11car nn<I rilln1mnn "1!h •rr!•" 11ntl rut In '"' un-i••~''' 1'-. il'f~1 p.\ ... 11\ J 1'11{ l ,.., t 1 t~ f1f" ltlt•\\O 'UV:\f a 11t C"IUrnht .• "tltl t.•ittrr '' t\• !\ ( \..I'\' r..-t ti nt I tt-,.. • ,. 1 ~·It 1'11\'•' rn ttlm•.d . ~,,11,,~1. "'"r 11r1•'H tcnrr 111 " hllt f'\rn ( 1:::.·r I lll•iul 30 m1nutn. •I.ii.rt "~" " """ pie. JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder &Oo <J-l Blvd. OOROSA Ot;L MAR PROSE RAJUIOK nq SMALL ENGINE REPAIR and SALES t"or Vow"' Mo"""' • l\Ml• • c·nntl'M'tonl t"qulpmrnt Arf'n t• for Rrtrp. ~tnatto• C'llnton, Wh1<"011•IA. L&WM>D F.aJ1-RARMATH ELECTRIC Ii MFG. CO. Pit. U MUI RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL i.,,o SOth St .. Nt,vport ~b Harbor 25SS I. Ynr rolortul borM .-.. ... hrrl· ~.,.._ lq a ple.gl'o• el ~·-w florlbuoc:Ja f'lu•lt·r ,.,......_ 2. Thi .. 1,. nn ,.,,.,.IJ,•nt llm•• to pl•nl tlN-hl111m" ""'" rlnr ..tln1,,.., ""'"h &A hr141al "r"10lh, M o" ti.111. """"rlnr qoln1 ... 111 .... and ""larlla. a. TIM-frarra.nt 1ta1•hn,.. "hi• h I• blnnmJntf no" f'IUI h•• planl••d lnln tlw 1r11rd1•n. t . TutW'rou .. hf-•onla bulh.. nmv tr• •pruult•tl lndnur,. ''"". Thry ma ,\ I•• ••·I uut lnlu I"" prlir n a.. ""'"" •• fr•"I i. tt\rt. :\. \l&llr l'arl,\0 p lanlln,.. or 1:1 ..... lulu• n•m, ttlrrf'tly In I h•• 1·•··11, •• 1111•1 l111W' 11111 thry lllJ~!i .' j .. •II hkt• lt11 I I I' IJt0 th• l htul11• fl1·n•h••O Uo·\• rntT·r-tn ,.,,,.h 61. \\ td•• I ···I· I w •!l 11L!..:ili.J1., u.n•LW"'lfil J:.l/.ul. tht•rt• I•' \11t 1•I}" <•r ''"''''•',." lt 1,tt'.,, r hf•f f' Hit'" rh-111l\111,J"" 0 \·nr•,.. 1 o 1 tit • t ~ .: '' '1 h \ t r. I n•t· 1 II• j '"' t twlr 111 1.1.,1111 I ll•t "''" flllll " o ft I t all \ 1111 t I• ' 11-" I 111°11• ,. ltl I h 111111.. llllh It "'''" • .. 1 r 11111 • "" I 11• ., 11~ h1 I• II n• ,., Jt ,:.,.:., t f•rh~t \'"·• 1 th· 1 •• ,.J •' 1.tl t'\ 11•i • r t int• , 1111 \,di•\' lJ'I 1• '' ,,.. l'1 t 'd1I •fl' t l ,.~, '"'!.." "" " .. 11 ., ni:: 11int ,., .. ,.,, 1ni: l'•lrf~'· .... h' • n tn It,. r f l'"' 11.,, r. •I :u-1 o•• n1 I · t\f" t \t''L'l•••J\ 'h,i""'" \111• t• to! t ti.. 1 ,.,. , In II • • l• '" r 1 1 m h -----1 fvroun11 1u>d WNd Frttl -40? sac• rio:r. ot:un:Rv Kl 7-2054 ,,.\, 1..a'\ n• ln•tAIW LANDSCAPING Ult•rty 8-2213 BAY Rt:AfH' !'llX l~C'. 711 W. 17th St. C'O!'TA M~A 1-Jt paya lo t l'ad the want ad1 OR.1U•t;tUf:S -l't'HOL8TERl~O -SLIP CO\"f;RS \\AU. PAPER -CAJlPETISO l'U'9t'U:TE L'"TEKIOR OECORAT1~0 LAMP LIGHT SHOP r a rtJ,.n. l '~'•h' t•w '"' :1·~ 1:uh1il1• Ult. --------------· ~I A.l'TIU~st;.., 2US •~. ('oial't II")"• Corona d.-1 Mar Ho•l-Uurn,,._ I ,. .. ,.,,.. I ~==~=;;:=:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:=;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: School Jobs Approved Appr•llal ""'~ J:l\'•n Tlr.· '' ni~h· b\ Ill :-;, ·'Jh•I \ l!1.11 h I ,,.. n>f'nl111 \ !:;, hOc•I !>1•111• t ll1•,11 •I , ( Tr11,tel'~ r .. r lh .. ti :in~r· r Of ~If' E<Sl~tina l<l'l•u t,1 po•ll tun of h .. I(. k t'o I" r 11 n.j .\I r • J • \\ "II \\ 1 I•.· l" lh,. P•-'1l '"n cir h••~tn"•" uffit ,. set·rl'ln ry MESA UPHOLSTERING l'plllol•llriD& A Onapery Liberty M-47111 !»O ~ .. pL Bh•d., ('Ollta M,... l rr,.i::ular '""!>'"' 1.11 ... rr' "· ':rn~ ("n•18 \l o·,.. \l a llr••'" ("o. 'Zl ~,41 :\r\\fHJtt 1lh1I flearly Mixetl Concrefe In •flllf' "' lht• t'<·nwnt l'hortair,. \~ ,. \ n· ~taklnr; L\ ,.,,, I''"'""''" •.1t11r1 to :o-stl"r'' th'° :\t•f'il• of Ot1r c;r11\\ ln1t t 011m111unlly. I or C nnc-r1'tf' -('all l"a. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE MAX W. POPE Inc. ••t" H \I. I O;'\TH.\('TOHS "\\ f' .\rrun~r nnanrln1t'' '' n ln1t i\11 Oran I('" ( ounl)' ttE:-410t:~Tl.\t. e CO)OU.tU 1.\1. e Ill.\ t',I (ll')tt.:'\T -107 BolM AH'. :'\!'\\port 8ea<'h Ju~t off .'\'pl. Bh d. at 1:.1h I 11 .. ''' i<-!;1\1 ROBERT FORBES Builder PHO:\T. HAR!!UR llnt R. DontJ!tl Hill Construction Comp1ny Ht:~ERAL C'OSTHACTOttN !:?:?6-0 \\'. Coad ll'"Y- !\ ''"'P<l rt ~M"h. Callt. TUBEROUS BEGONIA BULBS Ju•t rrc•f'h ·rd a tars;,. •hlpmrnt of """ bol'" from \ rttrrlf' A Rf'nr llL l..a.r.cr Z lnrh ~ "I'• hul"'-111 c·amrllta•, rufflrd, hanrlnr- bll"kf't or pit'<>.,.,. I) Pl''· i... paralr rulor•. Earll 4.\c'. l'imAll 1111111•, a• lfl\\ .. 5 & 10l' NURSERY 15' UIZI "o. St'\\port 8h·(J. -Tl l'tTI~ -U°"'d Thul'<Wla)'• ARCHITE -CTS Members of American hntitvte of ArchltKts J. Herbert Brownell William Bluroc~ Philmer J . Ellerbroek Raymd nd Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon . George Lind Richard Pleger Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.JACK BOYER - 2so1 w. Balboa Bo~'·an • Unoleum • Rubber Tiie • Cork e Asphalt Tt1t> • C~t e Fonnka • • VMht • ln11tallatlon Harbor 5~89 Newport .. leach GIFT OFFER EXTENDED , .......... _.._-'• ·-···--. ... f t.n.k ....... Cl.c• ...... ., • ., ., •• yew• ••• _,...,•I 11,000 • _._ Wo ,_ .. ,.. .................. Mllf914 .. -......... , .. ·~·,. , .. , ... ....i..., -···· •' uoo .. -· r ........ _.,. '" -'...., 1e4r·, .. -·· ~) GET. YOUR GIFJ-NOWI ANNOUNCING lnterett paid Quo"9rly Ofl '"II fle1d Cel14fi<O't Sov4ftot Account\ Morch 31, Ju11e 30, Sep1t;.,ber 30 011d O.celT\ber 20 (in time f~ Chrl1tmo1). ...,..,, wttr Y" , .... 14 Mft et (",. MtM S.W.,.1 1. Yevr ... 1,... ""' -•• l'>\' 1""'"' • r••• " the cu,,ent rote 2. Your Mvl1191 ••• Mfer focl'I otcov111 • ,,..v••4 ID SI 0 000 by lloe f tderot So••ntt 0 11d loo" '"'"'ontt Co'PO'O''O" 3. Your MWl1191 ere ro11•e11 i•"'' '\'011 "'OY ao•• by f'IO•I no ,.,011•• w~et• 10u l1y• Of •0'"' poy l>OtlOQt bolll •Oyt 4. y_, eccov"t ·~•11•tll "v tlie '0th of the "'0'>1~. to''" '"'''"' t.om tl.e t t• OPIN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW I U72 New,ert lf•4. • Coate ,_ .. , C.IN, u~ ._,,.., ._ ~ • "-t • ,_ .,. '•• '•·d C••••f,. .. , \o .. •o• M ...... / ('Ol'ST\' l'Al'EUS 11oso1u :n -F1vc· awards W('re taJ - lll'd by thrl'r Orange t'nunty n<·wspapt'rs in thr annual com1wUt inn bet Wt'l'll the :J!l!I rncm bcr news pa JI<' rs of t hl' C'alifon'iia Nl'wsp:qwr 1'11blish<'ri-1 Assod:Jtion. T he a- wards w1·n· prc·s<'nll'll in ~:rn Francistu Saturday morn- in1: I"· < ;q\'t·n 11 >r C111odwin Knight. Winrwrs Wl'r<' t~e 1-'ullcrton News-Tribune. the San Clem~nte Sun, and the :"J{'wpurt liar~or News-Press. Pictured above with their awards HrC from l<'ft. &on Reddick. Newport Harbor I" NewR-Pn•es: Robert Hancock, San ·etemente Sun ; Gov. 1.-uight and EJ F.lfstrom, Fullerton News-Tribune. -UnitC'd Pr('Ks Photo MESA VOTERS TO DECIDE ~MAY. BE PREXY , SOMEBODY GETS FREE FEED IF IONDS FAIL OR SUCCE~ It appears tbat somebody is going to gH a free dinner out of the Feb. 15 school bond election in Co~­ ta Mesa. Superintendent Enrett Rea informed th(' Mesa achool board Wednesday night that t he me('ting bad to be adjourned to Feb. 22, and then to Jo'cb. 23. Thia wu necessary to canyass t he <'IN·tion bnllnts. ''The law prQvides they must be can\'asst'll St'n '11 days after the electiun," he explalnc•d. "but t hi& i11 Feb. 22, a legal holiday. Ballots cannot b<-canvassed on a legal holiday, so we must adjourn t o Ft•b 23." Members of the trust<X's appeat<'d t•) pr£'frr a luncheon meet on that date. ''I'll take you to lunch," Rea offered. . President Tom de Forest countered. "If thr bond goes over, we'll take you. If it fails-you tah u.a. ... WAT(R FIGHT I qw11e ,.,,,.,,.; t"r JI" '""'ol.•. rany .. ,,.,k··~n Ill ,. •• h i • I H.1lhor lh.11\ lol•l"l~an.: c-U.DNI fn11n Flnit P•K"' mt>nl:< " h .. 11•·1 111t 111h<'~ company boundaries. Rather. he M id. It would permit lhf' devvlup· ment of land alrc>ady includtd in the dl•t rkt. f'Hlnlt ti fiUl \!'4!'-UdlU"t" Clf Rdtllt tn n.t\ ..,hO f '':" wo11ltl "T'ro'atl I ht"~ .. ~,.e~fnwnl ~. 11 and \.\·h,•n n (•,·'1· ·I r•11htO it a.:i· 1t· er numbt 1 "' :it1an·11nhlt•r:i 1.nt1 lh<'rf'fur,• r•·•lu1·e lht' HllWUlll 11:<· 1 Additional 11hatt11. if authonud. !!<'."-""'1'nl'" would be 110ld-u nder state 11uprr-j • Th" 1\1 t'11 1111 h11l1•d w1lh111 1he 1 vl•lon o nly to those ha\·ing land bou111Ja1·y uf 111" !'i.1nl.1 .\1111 and ne~ for the llherl'll. Hl'1.:hts \\'nt<'r D1s1n~t 1s, 1011 I he Som h 2:1r.1 St , un th•· wt>,.l Newport ni,·t1 . "n thl' niirth Accordinc t.o board memberl!, PaJ1sat1.·1t Hne11: lllul "" thr l'lll1t ihe com pany la fa cc>d with \,he n .. c. th<' l'ruddy 11ubt1h·1111011 f'1t11l o f eHlty of aecurlng a conn <'cllon I Pali1to;1tlt-11. to the llnH of the Metropolitan 1--.------------ Water Dlllrict t o prot ect the tu-§L rfs 8th y t ure wa ter •upply. No intention 1~ TG ear expre-1 toward abandonment or Sev1•n yl'an1 ei:n thl" 1h1te n\1b· t.n. eol'l)pany wrlla. Rathtr, propo· erts Jew('lt'r8 npt'nt•tl tor bu111nN•:< ntnta. of the MWD conneol'llon &!!· on Balboa Jiilentl. Todev lhr man- 11ert, would the connttUon be 'ad·· agemt'nl 18 welromlng ·old <rtenol" dltion&l liuurance for the future. I and nrw <'Wll•lllH'r" .turln):' t hi> NEWPORT HA RBOR N£WS-i>RESS -PART I -PAGE 3 MONDAY. FEB. 7, I 955 nr !he r•ll'Ollllltf' lh•I hu mute I wllh IOlll<'r~ J'4"rllnnally df'lll'"1f'll .,.,!'Ible lbe rl<len1lt'd length of r1r t'S &nJ f811111)' hl'1rloom ... lrC· ,.,n :lcf' prov11hn1t the Harbor •rea l1<1ll8. --~~-------~-~ Attlte Cracker Borrel ft)' ('A RO EA TOS Shatl<>11 ot 1.-1pling. Bul we were :.JH•n ni:tit btH k Into tho11e won- 1••r f11I Junj?lt' Hto11,•a. IU\<1 could tlmost prt tl\e lt't'lparJs 11loni: .11 1h Muw):'ll who•n we 11toppl'1I by 111 Ml'C' lhe 111arv .. lulll< C11llt't'llun O( rlk r«'rN•n prints at Sanol.v ·a nt1 O:lly Enf1l'ld'14 <'nll'k!'r B11rr<'ll. 128 \i;att· Avt., ~thf' r .. rr.v l't.l, Hui· 1 .... 1 l11l1tn•I, Th,•y and• thl' host 11 lllh<'r r t"lnt ~. Rll In I ht• mnsl \'l\'IJ amt pupllhtr c•olor• llr<' for ••II ln l'l't' 11ntl i<f'l<'rt at most rt>ll• .. nnbll' prlct>I\ A nrl Ille j1u1t tht •lung for t h P tir•·•I h11me' \\'h.'· not • .. i. .. a 1:1.111.r .. r. mnk!' 11 <'hnlr<' Anol 1 t>-<ln a room or two. or thi-t><', ''''""'' S• IHfl Uf lh•\~•' J11Ult~7 f:I· h' v. 1111111 1 .. ,... to hl'lp Y"ll In 111'- i.•1 t111j!' <'"""" i<l'llt'mt>!'I. ·anct ~rintl)''ll t1n1', """'""" frRmlnJ! wo11f.I J;I\'<' \"otl All l'lri:nnt "tnpil'al r1ece." A l th;-1'1111·k .. r Harri'!. NEWPORT SHOE REPAIR 109 · ttacl ITUE'r ---DEBT-- COLLECTIONS A CC!OUDf• -s ot.H -caaa-of any kind of df'bt•·U ,fl''illere In Amf'rlC'&. .. s 0 l'OUttUnoa -N. fff." \\11 od\'&nNI .ii ~oete.. C'Kt:l>IT Rl'REAll of \\f"tltf'rn Orance ('ountf fn m\f'rl)• Crf'dlt ftn,...u o f S ""JIOr1 Af'orh, Lap-~ ancl t'c•ta Ml'll.a. ~IM Rh•t•nildf' "''"" r.o. Bell ... !\ t:\\ .. OHT ftt:A CH, C A.LIF. Uptown Cleaners OF LONG BEACH Annou),ce the Qpe ning of their new store 1928 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach .•• .,..__~_ BORll-ISSUf=RS:--tS -'11~11n1 .~~~t~,~T~ ~r~·· f 1rlrnl "' lh" <~•"'ta M.,,.... L;nwo Carson Liq110r Rap Dismissed by State SAQ\A~LNZ.<?_<S!!_~~l- colm E. Harrl•. actlns •late II· quor 4director. hu di11ml-.d ' rherg<s lluat Thomu Cal"llOn. 211 !) ~frFKddrn Pl•<'f', NtWp<Jrt Beach, sold liquor to • minor. The Irvine Company, one annl\'Pr~11ry l'f'll'br11t1on ,Jara., It r ln ~the of t he water .. i: I I I ' ... Educators Claim Crowded Rooms in Request fot $875,000 Bond \1.1 .1, 'fl 1111 '4, .. ,. ·''' ..... l ~111•H :-;, t1••ttl I •1 .. t th. r \11. 4H ,,,., ... r•1un.• \\hdh•I th• I .lll.11111 \\Ill ll>t\t " 1 ... ,u tt• ..... 1111• ,l1nai: "r • '"'' "lU1 tu f)1• 1 l11•1t1 1 •hHll\ 1 t 1·\\il1 tl \\h1f1 tit•'\ L'n t11 lh1 1 ''"!°' l1' ltt• $'1\~f\ • (IOU '' !11u1l h111i1t 1 lft \'•U\ Ft<h \~1 ··"· n '" P••)Jn~ '"' t h .. it --•l lh•· 1.1!•' "' 111 I t•lll,. f'"I 1{14J to( <I•· ,, -"' \',d11Ht>1111. inll11rl1n1: lh" , . .,,, • 1 ,, •t• 1o 1 l••n•b and th•· la.•t l'llitl' I ,111 I i,, pt ••JH•pi.:,-:.t.J bu1l1hn~ p10~1 o::1n1, \\ 1111 h anc;IUil•,; (1111r n1•w M'hn<•I lt•• ~, ..... ;. b .. nd 111 t1 11 .. t •·.-1o "" ii•'\ c1\1•t a t\\n"'Yf'fU :-p.tr1 anti ""t"" ,.,t )st"lt 11 1..:h1 , ~1111n~uin nf t11ur 1•.)0"'-lin..: ..,u." 1 h"'illUI 11111 111111111 LJ hll ;l•I \\di ~·1~l lh<' l \_1XJH-\~t~r ii t •'Hl:\ att1C 1n fh ru11.,:k1 Ot•• 1 0.:htl1 gr.r11h1 ,,., IOO\·.duut1Pn 1 r ''"'""~Hll1~t;• .. hu,. k\\ .•1l1•d ~41 p1·1 i •·H1 .. 111•, 1'•~11 , .,, ~r\ :tu p• t ~-' .. • 1 h 1r lt)• u \ 1•11q;:•, ltl•' p•out.•.1 ••Ul l11 \lut• h 1 '•~tu I •~f ,1\1'r'. Thh •~ i••t t••t111'fH• nl llw11• \\• ,,. 1"117 ('11('11' Thr~ J .111 .. : lh•• ~1\7.o l>Ull b<Jnd 1""•11• Uftl\ 111 .. , .. "''' .11111 •111.J•nl~ ~T \Tt:tu:l'.\\'\U:ST T h· , ... llll1"t" '"' O• tuh• 1. H1:'6, o•, ;o.:., 1ou~ 1111•11t v. 111 b<• n1s1le on \lw i 2:7 1"01·11• ••r 1111 rr1rolln1• nl In· l'"'ll('l"'•I $2 :.!7!),000 •llll" l<'llln Ill\· r r•Hv '''"' lfl~11 nl 12~. r•r r rnl l ol lh< ~111t•' l•lll1 ••nth• ln~t h11tld· 0 0 1 IU.t ........... 111' II " . 111.: 1 •• ,, 1111 " J" l rotf ,\II\ II • 1u1tliril u1•1•.11 I / ri IJ11• ;.t~t~ J,-1Hn utP• •rlut:1tt \•,1t..,\\tll h·• rur :-;, h•~·I I 11•1 II• I hut h" 1 an'l ,.,,,. 1n 1111 Fdi I ~> boon I .-ll'• · \lt•n ~ll(IN onl• nd .. nl ~:,·, 1.-tl R e:< 111111 .. unc • <J l.i-\ n11 .. i.t that 1:1•"· V 1t'W ".. .I pl P\ 111 l t ha.." )?Un• 1ntu th,. :;o.:,.\\ 1~1r1 lif'a<'h Eh·- >rH-nt 11 \ :'1 '""•I u 1 .. 1 rll't I II\ I' I h• ,..-Dt• F nr e'I !'lttl•l "Tlll<l 1111 !U IS \'Oii t'>tn't Vt•I < 1n I h1• I" h''"' bnntl tit'!'\ 1nn " h1 \\IH !01lol . ll kl.•o mt'IH\~ ~1111 \\11n'l h,1ve Ir.> hc•lp pay 1111 l ho•m 1 r t hr bnnt1" 1 rr lifl· J11•1V••1\" Acquittal Move Denied: Start Jury Selection !4 U f "i:• 1nl 10 •h•· >1 •10111 !';,\'\TA A:o;A r:-F.B. 7. IOC:O:· The hearing' officer v. ho l ook t1>sllmony In the cue tteommend- t'd d111mlssal of the K cusauon. I Iles-An ' Matnt .. nance • ln.tallatlon. ST AFFORD & ION "NELS a nd UOC" t:LECTHJ<.Al. f 'O."THAC:TOHS Plloae LUw rty 8-14:\11 l lO IUverMde ,h ·«'n-!\l'Mpot1 8'-M'lt ITS In hand cleaning and pressing of ladies' and gentlemeM' ftne apparel • •• , • • 1 L. r 'ti•"" "' ttfl •l·••&h\1 • .,.. ~I I I'. H b '• I" I I IJ I • \~ t • .. t tt111b~. • I t • I J MmtY ,.,,.._ 1"' 1111 •f><<'1wl rth~""" ~'-"_,,,.i.\QiJ..C.-':..C~t--~-------- l h .. n •••·I 111u 1r1 h1 (",• ... \• n•'h E ~ltu11-...n th1~mnm1n~·t.-.. I" d'.. t f I '. I tfl "'I• ' t ·• II :..; h••11l J 11 .. 1 ru • F• l• 111• t A •I• ft"'"'' n11 l1,1n i11r a •lu • t· 1111 .. II \I• 0 ~ '\ ~ ., .1 , ' "I r t, t i · '" I •~ 1 • .11 1 11 nl Ht t :-:,. t ... 1 • ;l nc t1u1ttnl '1 11l1rt un f"'•Unl .,n~ II u I•• n 11111 \1\1 1 IJI u • '1·• o ,., u r~o·t hlHL'•· 1 n ,f t c-t m ~ n t I I , .i 11 'l"t If pt• \. . '• 1'0 •1 '-\\f I 1' \ t .u ·f lh.; • r •' '~"" 1\ '''"''· • ·,, nf r.1. n· IH '"' I I•\ , '"''' 'I 't. \J , ., ' :--;. t •••• \t ,,,,. \ ... t dl •. I H'-71 •II UI • L • t .. ' ,\ t 'J fl '," \.! .. "..'oil I tl(I I ., II' .. 1 ''" II ti,, I • • • I ' ' t,, I I I " • ' ~ I I ' ' ' ' \. ! ·I I I t f t f f If ll!i 1 t 1 ,f d I ,t 11. I t) • ~" d 11•11! I· ,,,,\f •1••1 ,,, ... ,.,H T)11 f ... f\ I \ I II If \ 1+\1 t h\ I''' I I It • ·~h!1111•1 ' '" H id I k" \\ I 111 'I' \ I t. \ llt The '~"~ .... '•J•t'• I 1 h• l 1•t ).t1•,, h tld~1._ 5111J:f.t f11 \.\U~ f•· n'ln1 •d \\11h •I 'r,,1 ''j•r•t"' nrtd lltNfr• HJd f1t.'(1'I\• ,.,_ !rl H •' 1l1•~th t Jt 1 I•• 1 h \, "' ' 1 tr I C II 0 I '' \ • ' t. I "'. ,. "' ,, I! ,. \' •••11 11 .... h I nl '1 l ,, r' 11 \ ~. 11. I \\ill ,,,,, \' I•* JO t t I .... 'I.,,,,, , I • ti' ~ 'I ~,, t I h ,., ·• ·•nJ \t ,ul•• h1dt·•l-. It•• th• •l•cllfln h 1\ fl., ,d;1,1U1' f It\ \\ 1 ttH1i; f ,; f )t•' • 1uu1 1.· ~llf•Pl lt\t••l\d• n l ''t "'J t\qrd"'- .,, !..\ tOIJ\ ,\rt., 1 I \·1111 '"° Hiit \ 1', k 1111 H 1••1111 I• 't• 1 ut I"., .. , ho1t1 '""· I ,, ! 11'111 ,. l";' '\ 'l u1iot1:1 \\• BILL BONELLI 11 . Ill Ii.:• Ill 1<!• h "' 111lin1: aftt•I "'•u •1nt ~ "''" t•••·vnl•••t 1n hi-. • h qr,lh '"' , It th•· '' •• n '• trhfi•f .~he11 • ' .1P. t \1rin '~'"" 1lf"1. tM'•n '" l1r 1 1-.n • •! l11r Jllr ,. t ,, I r_v t ht !".t• t t tit lll1t l11hh\ I l h.. h,An ''' ,, r. 1 .-\'t"'"' ,. Z B \\•"!It ii'1-;:1J• I tJh-. , t,Ar }.;r 11r rr1n1'p111u. ,. fu f iftunlt t h•• •l •J11t"' n( R~k1n~ n t , ,., o·I\ 1ni.: ii 111 otw Ii\· p11hl11 off11.-r• •11<01111 •.or 1 \ " 1111•1 11 .. 1 111·qu111 .. 1 \'•r•h•t /\l,tru .. ~··•t•tt ry •'{ lh•• C ii f 111 I 'I I\• r 11 1\••n Al "1 I' oh 111; I "1111 1:1 •n·I thofl 11 • \\ .1• 1n•l1< t • I l;y thr Ot anl!l' I" •1101\' 1:1:1n•I J o/f\' ll"t ~t'jlll'Ol· 1. 1 11 ·"~· 1 '<'•II\' unl11" full\ l•H>k Bernard Named to Chapman College Post f onllnut'<I tr11m f'fr~t f'11t;•• (., .o•o • • 1 \fo lot,, .. 1 •t<'I !'nn h•· J,. '" "" 111 " 11 I ' " I It••· n1r'n 1-t" t•·ll" I •\\ t •' t .er.rt+ t t ·•id " ..,:r11 ~· ,.,. ' n·· •', · , .,,n • •f \\ ·•' •• ,, ... •t,, 11 ..... , dit I t .. ,. • ?11 1• th •• t ,.., \ ~ •h\I\-U •l Iii.LI' t. !·~·· trt 'l''- ht11 ,f , •'•, • , tr t-.. , , ,I• k· 1 h ' • 1 •• 1, • 1'1 h t , .. .f "' t 1r ~ 11.u111 h .r •·f'• 1n'••r 1n 1••<ar, 1 r \'.'••lt1n.: :\n 1n·-•h L•O· • r ol I 1 r • · n·· r •r I'• r """" .. I r t I .~ I I' •111r \r I 1·•• q. ·111t• ,.( tl t , ~ .. n \\ I I ! I .. r 11 ~ ,. r • ' r •.:' ., h· ... • •'• 11 ., th, •·•• n t'-1\· \\" \\orthH•ttu1I J .,i•4 At ~·I·~ \ Af •f t \ • r 1f t ' ~ t I t , •• t. I .... ' 1!1.. ~ ... I '1lh "' H i~ """'" hu•tn• .. ,• ,·•·un"• I '... t .... 1 • i fW\ln1,. ,.,,. f''1 t•rf',1r1 ~t. '• "t * 11 \ , h, I 1u • n t , t 1 • h , • An ( lrt.:• <ln•n ~· "'~~•I•., t· t •r t:N1r,:• "\ U1·r\1 i" f•lll \\ tlh 1hr+ Ml'f'• tr\l It' 1' 11:1u \II\ 1 t • 1·· I I. J' •'Hi n ,, t~ ,·~ .u '- , ~ l I\ I f)t I ' dJ· I I ' ••r • ''. • r 1"1 1 ', t • tJ, .., I '' ti'' Ji,1-. f 1 I • ._ , ·1 t I< t '' • •'I 1' ti 'I I . ,,.. 'lt. I I Ol' ''• 't I ·1 •Pl1''''"d h\' '"' 'tu,1 1u •• n 1 ·.,1r,~ \\1•··11 hi· r~·1u1.~ 1 '"•'1f •r'•• t11 ~t'\Atri ,,f Tr"''···"' H• '"'''' '' 111 I I rt111 t ·•t1• 1 \ ,,, '"'I ..... n h,.. ... ~ume h 1~ """' llHI•• M \1•1 I I . '' 11" H •I•" •I n,.. R.,.,.,, .• ,u1n1•11n•• I I'·''':-.· •t•' ••1•' 11 , "1d ·' nf \\'rll kn""" 11 11•1 1111 '· ~' \'· •" Ill I •''.. o' t1 • 1 ·II 11i.: •trin1•'nt. "'"'""P•l't un1J 1t11td 1rn1f "'1 • nnit tl .. lJf •\ 1 1111-11•· f"lfl 11'9' t hnHlCtl 11' ~· !'Ji•ln •. d1· \\.Hl' ... ct hq l+I 1'J1 l l•,1 l·H •h t.i " fnm1A 1tnd \r1:011t ><•1nArd hn'( 1·•~1ri.: l'''1f~·~,·1·1 t .. ,,,, ~, for I:? "''H • ti.on !'" 1thr111 1·,.11.1" ,,.,,. 1 .. !1tl\• I '" A•t.:••nl1t11\ 1111°1 fnm.a-Art7nna 111~11 ... o•r f"I Ro1<11n l,111n Aro •·rl• ~ "" • 11 I h" \\,en!,. A l'1>111r1111" n.111on '"I· 1•1111 .. r t • 1p111 , .. l1t1 , hu111nr~-t'l"IO•llllAnl ~ ., ... 1.di711 lo' ~T \H '"" U l 'I In ruM·1' r.-1111 .. 10• llo h1• ·11 ... I hool'n ll 1,,11,1, r "' th .. K i\\,lfll' t T11o• 1.dl i.: 111111 111.111 " lh !frl' n b • 1)1 f ""' p( \\J1nkl1•• Al lltld I IA • \• • U I ru 1r n 111 1• rrnJrrl\1n 1" IC II' . T'1 k l' k ~ t ho!! Loa Ani;,.lo • 11 rr&. " t • II P\ r R• t If.< .~r,~ luf••'f> II·· l"\1' ••• It'\ \lid •f· A -=-r1ttfu111t•' • t ·1.., I n1\t r .... ,. '' •. , " 1 l • ~· .. r \'••hr c' t •*"tt, i. ~I t I\,. , .. r ••• , • 111. lull • I 1 1 II ' • •. , .. n.-1 '""•·rn rh,. ' i t ~· t t\ ,,,,.,,, •\ttl1mAn II I o • , ·~ · rn ~ t " · l •'lndrv .. t '"'· ,, ... kl\\''· n11ry· COOPf>r Ins: rid Rf. r a:m a.n 'Saratoga Trunk' ll umphn·~-Ros:art !"(>11\hf'l n I "Alo r .. 11 I H· I n.11 : •• A I • ti I °'\\'. -Tl.. •• or ),,. mflmh< r nf f'l 1 u, I • h. 11 I'" an I ,1111111 • ,1·1, " ,.r 1 ti , . ,., 1_ hrirl, l.a11rrn RM-all l 'hl lo\11pps 1'111 h• nn~ry 1rntrm1· 11 : It iltn h., ,, I ,,. 1 11 n • i 1 .... ,,,.. i:"n''"' •h•"rm "n "'t h• i:11 ""'""n c: n .r.111 ".111.," .. ''The Big Sleep" 8. C. Alumni F'l1n•I r"mJ'lll~"'n tn~I Ar 7 rt1 1 ,. 1 f I t •• t ~·r "" 1 ••rnra t•nr.-mnrt )'l'•r. •n I , .. Ill r rr• .. nt " n • .-mt" r • To I \ l I _ • • 1 I 01\ II In I \ of lhr' )~,.,.,.d ''' th»~. r . 1 •"nrrnl ~~Th~~··~n~t~h~e~·~!'~'~ll~r~\\~,~ll~t~h~f'~·~'""~~a~r;d~-~~;;~ii~ii~i~iii; A lumni A ~•"n \l 1nn i: Xo~· Jn·1n.,: 1,l ~, .. ) • ourh (•ttru~ I ---------- ~ A vt'. 1 ... 111 i\n111 It• Hl'1n11r •I •""I p.ou to mO\'I' ''' \lrani.ie ~)llnlY I Ill Lhf' nrAr ru1111 t• C"harm 1U1 c-.. 11 .. ,.,. ""h" h fvr 3.'I '9"'• w11a ll'lf'lll•"<I In :o-;01rt h \'o•r · tnc-nl A""· '""" An~•'lr11 hll•. 11m <"f' &.« ~""I t ··mhf'r "•'l'n nn II• n"w Orkn~o· <'1111111\' rnmr11-In \hi' City I ( I 1r 111~• 8r11 un & t 'o •111r11ny 1111n11un•''"' .Jo h11t'J'h 14 1'1 rn• k will ~111·1 .... 11 Af'm111.t 10 1t.• :-;. 11th•1rt ,. 11r .. 1n111 Ar1:t0n.. '"" n·'ln l.F"' l':· 11<1( hu t>Pc-n in It" ' rm ~-i,. .. '""' 1.' .. MdQUUter• offh t (M r .. 11r )t AI• DO YOU WISH TO IE A SINGEli 7 ~l.11la mc Lilly& Anderson \\I,> he..~ lntNl\/llh11101f f'XpHlenre IUI 11 ""Ht' tr111h('r in t.•11 •ll••"d 1111.i l'"f'lllAr lll'l11 e t1e1<1 .. rmu•n1. 11n U Kl\'• I• 'AliP in~l1 'I• llnn tn a hm~r'1 numti.r ul ~lurh1ntA. " IHTIO~ nu:r. OF CH~RGr: . . ::.:-------- All New. All the way tt.. ~L.~· •· powe r e d by "Roc ket " :zo:z ! l=OR IVIAKE A DATE I 0 TAKE A DRIVE I If m u·,,,. tlrivf'n a ''R l'M'kf't-F.njrinr Ol1hmnhilr bf'fon -or talkr•I °l'1lh an O t.ll'lm n hilf' ownrr-ynu h.an a hmt of ""J 1 '~ "ail infZ fnr ~ 0 11 m I hr ~''JW'' '"AA" fM '55. Out ""h • l11n1 . fl,..·1111"" rlii~ Y"u'• .. RCW"kl"t .. -the u citing nr" "ll •w·L.1·1" :?O.!-top~ "''l"n the f•mou~ "Horkeu '' o( tl1r 1'11~1 . \\,. roul•I trll vnn hnw it mdt11 •waT the tnilf'tl 11nol n .1tll'lh thr 11111,. fn•tn d. wr 01l lrt the ,.RMkrt" .fo th,. 1nll..1nc. ~" r .. mr in P'l(•n. Thi~ "AA" fM '55 i1 eum i.,rlwr 1h.in rt 1• 111\'rl~· ... •nil tbat'1 ..uUy aomi:thiogt I 9 II 8 OLDSIVIOBI LE Ill YOU I N I ARIST OLDSMOllLI DIALIR MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY • 1000 West C-'t HMJll-r NEWPORT IEACH Uberty 1-2261 DON'T Miii OL81M011ll'I SPICIAL·1'.\·MOUI ACADIMT AWAI D NOMINll SHOW • NIC·TV • SAT., fll. 11 --• Reciprocity Tea Held by Ebell Club M usical Section Program and Art Show Nearly all F edcrated's Women's Club of Orange County ere represented by their president and a guest when Ehell 'lub held its Reciprocity Tea Thursday at American Legion ;all. Mrs. Nichola s Brettner, president, welcomed the group :id introdu~ed M rs. F.. W. Reed of Seal Beach. county presi- "nt, Mrs. Vernon Cunningh11m, both members a.nd guut.e waa the atl' l'lirdrmnn of mualc and dra· art 11how by membl'r!I of lh11 clus •1. nmur.g otht'r/I. sponsored by Ebell Club uncter tu· .\ir11 Btts1I PeLe~n. program torlng of J oan Jrvtng Bra.ndt. Mra. 11a1rmn.n, presmted the deUghUul Coorlea Perrin had two oils in Ole u.~1cul duo, l\1'(1rg1-ry MllcKay, collection while water colors were 1<'ZZ<H•11prano and he1· husband, shown by Mmes. Charlts Eatnn. C. ia1 per MAcKay, pianist., 1'he two. M. • Deakin.. Lew I a Matlhlu . ho StN' appca1,nr tor thl" f1rat Fra11k Perew and I.he Kellon 1ml' pmgnunmert together. The chairman. Mra. J. V. E liot. 1eautlful s1ngu, wearing 11 color· AT TM TABLE ul co~tume, l'{IOg the Habanera The tea. table wu lovely wlUI ·rom Carmen. also 11evtral num-carnaUona ftlld atock In red heart 1ers from Song of Norway. ba11es. Presiding a t the 1Sllver tea PllOSE N\;MBERS and cofCee urna were, In turn, new :'>Ir. MaC'f,.ay ga ve musical ca.rl· meml>ers, Mrs. J. S. \,Vhyte, Mrs. i·arnr~s. including those of W in· J . V. E liot, a.lso Mra. Bruce Mc· ~ton C'hurC'h1ll, President Eisen· Bride. Mrs. J . S. Wt.yle and Mr~. hewer. Stnator McCarthy and u Jerry Bell. MISS MARiE ELIZABETH s~nTH Director of Elementary School Education at Chapman College, Orange. New Members Are Welcomed BOOK SECTION B..ASKET LUNCH :• Planning ta build a bome of your awn? ReltertL SATTLER HOTlii(W !888 FOii A LOW·COJT DSY·PAYMl:NT 8UILDIN8 LOAN eo.u .,, Jowr • ......... • cmale, or L1berochf'. H e a lso prov-?itra. E. A. Rogers waa chair-b M ·a e<1 \'Cry tnluUlnlng Wit h "mull!· m an for the tea and WU Ulliated y ertnat S clll pfiun<' number11." pla ying num· 1 b\)"'M me:;. E. a. Doane. Roy ~·-1 Book StctJ<>n Two of E~ll c-:11b will mef'l \\'t't1nellrlay at f2 .30 p .m. in Ebt'll C'lubhou~" !or a ha~ket lun1 hC'on Mt 5. Lrn f':ht-<'lt)'. ruy l1bri1r1an. will r<>vil'W "Far. Far From Hutnl'," b\' R uth Mr Krnny. All Ebl'll mt"mbns arr 1nv1trt1 '" llltf!nd. a.nnounn~ ~tn. s.me. " "'"'" • l"terut u darged ..Zr a loca" /..U. an MNM'4 .. br.rs g1vl'n according to keya. f:tien b;n Melvln Becker Holt Con<fon. Six new mtmbC'h werl' "'tlcom· weaving •hem into 1mprov18'd ' ' ed tnto the !\termaMs al tht1r • AUotoaM:• ii~ for themu. !Aon Sanborn and Edgar Carpen· Allract uig much attl'nt1on from 1 tt r. .. LINGLE-SWAIN DUO SAY VOWS SATURDAY MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor PAGE '4 -PART r -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 Bride 1n Pink Tulle and Chantilly Lace 1 t h .. 1.1p.c~n" R• ""~"r1,·• nntl r •11- 'lfl't •I I .. k If. ·" 1;. I !lo:h ~" .i.c l' •pl· ,,.., attt'n•!· •nJ: J't1 •r..1 t ',dt·~· 1't11 t..rul•'· I; 1 .. ri111 • :• , • lll"r "n•I I-< :i !Ill!· ,\\cd \', tl '1 I\ 1 ,,, ' lh ~· ~ !1 ,. r nat,· \\'t·a nng an exquisite gov.Tl of pink tulle and white Chan. Th.y \\111 1 11w1 1n l'"'""n t aft;·r t ill~· h• I.' ('ln•r taffl.'ta. lovely Anurea J eannette Sw;11n walki.'d .1 1101·• '~~ :_1~1.-\'1111. Y· tn th• .dt:1r (tf SL J am.:-s Episcopal Church on Saturday. Feb. • 5 t .... h··r \OWS with ~Ir. Donald HarlC'y Lmgll.' III. The Health Affairs II 1u~ht 1 r nf ~.Ir. a:ict ?.!rs. Frank Garland Swain, 322 Apol('na I r .. > 'l ,.( .\lr 8111! .\!~ SEVENTH NATAL EVENT KEYED TO CIRCUS THEME ~heh& ue Ml'Call, 2011 K1.11ga Road. Chfr Hann. ctle- hrntt rt hn seventh birthday on Thur~dRy, Jan. 27 at her homt. Dnnal<I Ha.rely Llngl# JI of Wb1l- i..1•ph T1111hl'll1.1rcl lh•' 111.1111• mil'"· of Interest to H Karen Fl'ON'lh, J c-anne Mc-I ~1-.r.n ,.,,J Barb11ra L1ni:1e t!<1:-1.·r District P-T A Twn hnurs oC game-playing and f'ntutunmtnt nn the IH"n 11r 1flOlpAntC'l'.l by mu11Jr. 11ttractl'd quite 11 b1l of atten· 11nn ll••m pu!\stng mot~nsla bl'cause lhl' gurs!s Wt're h11,·1ng .ou<'h a cood time. Reheahtnt'nla wcere eerved lndoo'9, birth· d11y rake and all thf' 'fi,11nl!. C11k<'. tablr decnr11lton11 Rnd par1y wr1" 1111 kt'yrd to o <'ircus motif. .. • \• f t.r ~. ! tn n f..ur o"r1ock ... · • • t.' ,,, ,. fl• 1.orn1••J hy I~ ·,~, J • -:t"•', i ur:'l.'r c1( 11! lfH' hrid•1t11 n11111. \\flll i;1>wnr d 111.ke 1n t•ornlh.-1 ry ""'"I"" tnf. Glll'!'l.~ wr rt' ratty and Peggy Dawson. Ca roltt Hall. :>;a m ,. \\'nlkrr, Pat11y Pardoll, Andrt 11 R nJ:l!\. Jimmy Strwarl. ,J 1mm~· \\'hllr. R 1rky Dawl'IOn and Cr•nt MrC'all. ~11 K>tr11ts \\ ""t home_ wllh " prlzr .!~ ~n1r t I .. • • "'°-' i:.•• n in kct pmi: b)' ---.:.:.,c, I ),f, •U f1 •<l py • • a 1 ,,,. b1 1 \\ r'f"'n . ' , Jn I 1 o ll ,. \\, ~ I .._ .... m.• In \\',tll \\•I• krv~ l•1 a 1 ht tr ra c .. k , "''H sn blllt:t \\'•1"' 11 '·~•·" '' ., 11 '' 0 • P\ "'". It 1,gth "11 h !'11" 1111 •k11 l1< whi h tJu, tt •I 11 ti •:::h I"'" 1 .!1 II-on al I 11l 1•lA'~t"ll tuu l. rqlh1,,:L'I an~__thr ~!h f 'l-'11•1 l'•"ltn)( N 1..'al1· •u11 d 11 ,,n111: r.11tf1 r(f "It/! tth k" I· frim l 1 I 11::+ ~ I"' P'fl'l"'ntlt 1Jnt1 fullnr ~-4. Al th• \\ 1tStl,r•. •~··h,.,·:-. Tr•(' J I ,.· 1•' n ';r'1'°" r11o1 \\ '" ·'"' 11 ... •k''""l' 11n11 ·I•·<''"·" , ... n·· .,, ". "' .. d ... St El. b th' ' G ·1d Pl \\t·n· In lht "•llll.lrtl'r len,1tlll Ill . j •• •, .... \\'ir n•n • 1za e s Ul ans I r 1 fi, C~nn· H· atlp.l'r<<;• w1·1 t w1 llrJ'«'•I h:in•t~ :!'.;~,':·\";:(. ,:",·:·,·~,:~~~:J card a nd Fashion Event l ~t-· r~ ?-.~t \t't-u! t .l\thl!1)! t11tuir \\~Uh fAr•~ ,,.J.., I:''~ .• :' \, 'h r .. ,J. ).1 1 ~· \'n~11t1r B t•••i<. ~hind v.•11h r • t. '1·1"·"" .1 111 th• 1111.ft ~.rn .. 111 II• Ill :<t 1111\n nnrl ' ' ' I 1 k 1 Il l• 1:11 '" "'rt• u•hct• ·I hy .\1• 1 T \ , : · tr 1. 'I> I !.1 n • 1· I 1• , , , r .\l \Ii I.ii· F 11H1I rtnnio fnr the llf'~llf'rt card ha.ms. 0<'bbl" &nd Mandy De C~· .. I· I I 'I .. 1 ' 1~" • h;.· \\ .ll1.11n IJ·•''• t \\ t1ll u u t;.,, ,., 1 ' • Pit· 111•1 II 1b• rt .\I• "1<'''· : ,,,,,, .\ t• h1n~ 1.1 t.·-n· ... 1a ;c t:I\ 1:11 r• I I •I I • ..: •,u• .. '"' \\f'l•••:nf'l •.. 1h1 •1, "' "·I r .t11-.h 11 tit ~: .. 1 h n,01111·1 • "• .... ·1 ', I " ·.1 .\Ir p.1 rty a r I fai<hu n shnw which St. ta an•I ~ll'h!\SB Ann H11rrla. grand· • (l1J111thtr r or the commrntatnr. 1. ff ,,, F:llz11hrt h" Guild of St. Jsm~11 , Atlt1llll will b.-~1,.,. nsn Pnttt· Ii 1· 'I L ''',. !11 ' <'hunh 1~ tu hrl,J nrxt WPl'k W«'re 11on. ~I r~ J nhn Gall' \\'right 8.llcl I I ' 11 t 1 11 11 't 1 "l•lf' \\)•n m• mhr1~ ffif'l f°f'h. 2 At .\Ir~. H• bnt 0\'lt'r . .\lrl'. Mo rv Lou :--I ,1, 11.1\ I II ,:'1 ""' ),.,,,,,. "r ;\II;. \\'11l11.1m Prrr11w. Turn• r. :llr11, . l'rH•<'tlla de .C'oMa ,, , .. ,,,, •• Z.:h••r tli•~ t•'•t\in~ 11: .. .,,.. ~frJit. S 1-\.;1· :1 HI '.I • \', ;1.tll ::1 1 l ... hr.:mr .. A\'t' Ttt .. Rl''".nnd ;\Ill\ 1<11 .. lH I !" r • 1 1 .\I•'"· l:.slrh I"••"<' "'" ... pr('l'ent. al! wrN' H1. .... r 1tl. 1 , ( 1 ~ .. • Ui . ttn•J \\t•J.rtna,t a ~l tt tl ·l n...,lh ch •.:-• 11t .... -.I 11 1 ••• \I•. .l t I h .\I· \I "· r; .\. J .. 11 ... ~\ .. r thl' mrn1hf.'rs. ... ,r 'd t o· tr•. 1 I }-''I '' II•~ 11:1 l TJ,.• f,.,,h!On i.how Wiii be rrl'· j "'\1erffial S mner ""''"4 t , ••• ' .... I I •• ~• ,, ,.; , ·tr· Ire white flam 1iok " lh tt<'C'<'!'~01· . , . \'a" ' • '11 1 n 1 1 11 "1" ·r "'"1' •I ;111ntly b~· two r ,irnna "t i The .\t<'rmalds, Ma.:iontc "'"'es I ' I 111¢ \Ult.RR\' ~ [ r-1'> Rnrt ;\l rs. l.1nglf• 1n c h11 mpa~nf' ,f, 1 ·•1a~111ni:. a l-.• -.tr .. • I• ni;!h. "1111 1• •• \ ',1 • z t , rt r 11 , 1 • ~ ,. ll.i r 1 1• ''"' :l t ~ .\tar '1"( 1al1v i<hop~ . .\I r:< ~lur· C'lut> m• t Wt'·~nc~.iar ev!'mng. Feb " 11,,, 11 1 1 J•hy "ill 1> .. C'nntml'nta ior lllld "''." i 2. for 11 pr>tlu<'k chnn• r mPetmg 11!.o» f : • •rt.l hr r C•\\"n C'h11dren S 11t thr h"m~ 11( Mr"· R<\y :'\1elll~n. •1r1i:in11l1'. 302 llolmwt.>O<l Dnvr , :'\ewport VI f AMINS BY KALASH <Since 19241 \ ''"'"·~ ~PECIAL1!>1\ • f'ndu t.n~ Mt1.uh '" • • •Jtts•n•I '«1mn~ ~••••h L•b(tl e1orlr• he• ,, .. ,,.ij P • ,,11 .,v t ' 1 • :..•, • 1 •1 t\• tv a p·f.-1 ""'J t,,,. puh ft • ' •• 8 L Y O IRCCT Al'O SA\l I fi'f 'H"t:,~ -l'CJ I L'CY -LOWER l'RICL.S ANO rf\11 101( PtR!>O'·" AlTL.'1TION THUt: Altl THr =~~t~~' ~1AJR; •H \It •\M"S AR[ SOLO O"LY I:>! KA LASH .)0 ltCT All. !>TOR LS I:>! CALtrOltSIA TO scs vi: YOU l'ttOt't.:-...,011:--\II l.T l -\'IT . .\.\tl:\~ A:'\D ;\tl:'\t:rtAL~ WITH !\ '.\IC c., o.-('Jlfl\'STALLI:\'t; fl.I '! l .. • f •• '"'"' • dar •'c.••d t h• "otu•<J n qui,.m•nt• of th• '-''""•I I(., ,..,, ~ Counr t •"d eup pty A-(At•teh l l>--t At' ""•I'd [r•ot t•r•ll 11-1-t THIAM"(. HI ORIO(! fl ' -t i<flll)~LA\ I' H .,. t I'\ IHl>0 :\t'I I tl 12-1trn !>TAl l.!"£1 ' -1A-"C.OllBIC ACID1 • ': \(" \"llDL t \Lt.fl.Al 10.noo l'SP l'n.., I 300 l!~P l n1h I M u •• ,.,.., & M1ll.1• .,.,, ' '1ilh •• ""'' "I M11 •••r••m• l 00 M1ll11 r •"'• 40 ,,,., ••• ..., ' P~'l'l lt0TH£'11\TL '\1111,,, • .,,, r -t"l.lHD TOCOPHE.ROLI • 1,.1 U~•" 'FA~T ,., '1,lltr''"',., I 1\ ER t(on. 1·20t M \.1111 •r•l'ft• t ,)PPtA tA• "' C•t•h•l f 0 f \i I 1 "''"' I I , • .,.fflf K P,ro,hoephele 1.\ Mtll,._t.,'"' \\\,G,\'trC>E 1C"M11 r ••l'TU 100 1.'t: 't>o••••lum lo4uht C"l 2 M1lli •,.•m• ""~~ .. L~~bfl" ••mh•r• of ttt• a./,_,:,;~,.f~ •·,;:n: "llu' al •our-c ,. •• I \-•• •1\4 Yf'••l ICH-.'.~ 700-4 2l'> !100-9!10 111()()-1::~ ..\ "'""" ""' fMT:,1. (b1•h" p.•h·•U;.t1>• -m•"• n1r•dtf"nh \ Hll " 'tl~ Al L 111£ r \\Il l,\' -I roR Cl11LDRI' 1 ro R .\OI I I • l 1\1r. lrnn a nd 1\-1! \ ltamln (' ,.,.rnrhir II• ill t lllO !\le, T:th ... t-1•10 I '!II !~O !\ff, Tahl.,1-1110 '.! ~.-. ' • I ,,~,, I • . ~ 100-1.~·. 0 !""n .. \ •'') "··'' "Tll A p.m. '!00 -:1.~.; \\ • P•• Po•l•s• Anr•·h*n "' L' ~ A \ctd .,.,,. ta• .,.. C•l1h;rn1• KALASH LABORATORIES OlltrCT llltA,Clff$ ~ 'o '4..... ~•nt• A"'• "-•""""''"' J 64~1 11-t :'th ..... r n~ I ·"• r .... 7r I .... --· I ,~ r\IO T O' \LLY 01~1URBL0 1 1'1R\\l l i ! AL"A'' llRl r>• "LW'WlEK ~Al,A/l:St IJ•n 11. 1 ~~, IU U" J ,--•pm f#'d tl\r ,, •"'" •Uf .. r •uf...,t '"'ult • cf ~Ctl.~l .f ,( TL~TS CO .... OU tl.D BY RUC<\RCH DOC· TORS Of lWO LARC.E LOS A'1~£LES l "\E.R<.11 1cs l Sl"C 111l F'\'TIRCLY "CW 'l TRITIO'AL RE.l'LACC\tt."IT ~ORMvl.A ,.;.~ SlJ l•Pt.lt:O BY KALASH VITAMl,'1 CORP. Thh p On1>t>r ..-~•••r< h h1>lp•4 1ntl"t,. h., m,.••'U of nutnt1on•l n p)ec•m•·nt•. Your-doi tor ma, obh ln < oplpt of th• t'H r fnal rf'•,.art h ltttra lUre r•pOr't•d la lb • Jou•n•I of P•ycbolo rJ' (Oct. 1954) from w•. FORMUI K-S• ••• «lt .. lop•d bo. r •u.. SO COMMLRt.IAL SL'PPL£. M l 'T 0 '1 Tltl \l;\Rl<.I r. Rll,ARD- 1 t ~' <It 1•R lf I , t ''"'" ,,,..d ti\• toll • "mrf,.nu nt t1I •II •h~ lood •oh•t<!lln,•• ftto11ft n~ """•' y iut 'h" ,. •1dr. obt~1111>d. It h 'OW "' fh1" \'Our pn• .. ,. t_, tUf\\ d• l "lut l•dv .. th th .. «'tC'JI mu'" 11 11• t "'! "-• n d iin h•1• fol in th" dtnu el •tud1•• r-rro•t'd 1n !\ .. -. ... "'.," r-1ertnln,.. f O• m eatn)11M h•.alt~ ._,,.~ "'' h "H_.,.,.d t-" nut t 4)n'I ''rl• #'"'"''· 1t u ••II ... '"'" t.-v"'' 'nu "" I'' Fn~'H L .\ IC,. 1L' s '''lf'r r r ,n1'1r.1 ''~"' Ii• "'lft,~t • f)lt'", p• 1\1\ "I C'r I' rtiO" OR "L' D COL r n'l ,,..,. f 1 ,.,.,.,m .. t "" 11nd honkt1>t '~ultd C'I,, .. , R1rl11i1 •m•,,,• ------- L < I 1 HI" COi f'Cl'll K •t"' .. h \It Am .,, ·"'" S. M•1n '' .... Aftl 4 A f\Jt (. t - r1 ..... u •nd '0Uf t*H(t~l,.t, 'Ufttt1tHu l ""Pl"< .,,.,,.nt~ " ( IJ' 7on• . .. Tht 11!fatr will be hl'lrt Ftb 17 B,.arh Th,. <'mnmlllte for th., rhn· l RI !he Pansh Hn11se a t 12 30 J'I m. nrr tnrh1tlt!l ~!rs t'h · le J ohnl'On I Chtlrt modl'ls will 1).-, C"rnl C'ar· ~lr:i. A n·1n \"n .. rhet.'11 11nrl MN wr, '"''l' rrr~son, MrJ hlln W1l· :'1:1el .... n. the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Construction COROSA Dt:L MAJ\ PHOSE HARBOR 163 I ~~~====~~~, BALTZ MORTUARIES COST4 MESA CH.APEL 1741 Superior Avenua Cost.a Mesa. Ca.Jlt Phone Liberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3320 I!: Cout Hh·d Corona di-I Mar, C1111f. Phone Harbor 42 ATIENTION PARENTS-ADULTS! ~1t ho•k. rl'la,. l<'t l":'\C'LE RAL.f'H ronillut 11nd ,.uprn·1iir ~ 01.r O" n, ) uur 01 gan1zaGnn,. nr )'('lllr rh1lrtren ,. hirthr1ay. \"&Jtntlnt' Or ll nlll\'M"!lllr~• part11'8 f \'I' t11tt! )'!'1lr!I Of t'Xl'Pflf'n•'C In 1 r• rr Rl1onol an1I r hwat1<>nal ri .. 1 :" "Ith 1111 11' !I 11nrt rhtlrlrrn. all 14;e grvllp!I, \\ 111 ll!'~Umt full rurons1b1ltly fnr rnlrrts 1n· irrnl. ~uprrn.•ion nt 1 rfrf'llllmf'nt rt1,.trtb1111nn F:111 .. 1tnmmrn1 rn11~· tnl'l11rte 1, h<'l11r m 11,1tlr" :ohn.,., i:11mf'I•. ~tunll'. r rr · .,., f' .fsnc·tnJ; or wl!Alf'\.H m11y b., 1trii1rf''1. l n'!ortr or out- d•.(lr p.1111rio. •·-$10.00 ('a.II l 'nrle RaJph at Harhor 40l\!l-W LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIU SHOP BAI.BOA TffE ATRI: BLDG. BAL.BOA ~n T~lay thna !'a.turd&,- .1 meeting on Feb. i , followi ng a pnt· luck dionf'r at tht home or i\lrt1. 1 Ray N°1f'l11en, 332 Holmwood 01 WOll r OIO!t labOf' totoof'd &At eout~tiotl Utt • p_,.~ (~ .,.t ... ) ,,_ The new member• a re Mmf'I' BvrCln \Vella C'h;urman JamP~ A. :'\'ewkirk. Jackson D. j · ' Harns, Edith ~t. Hoitt , Walter B. --------------- Gustin. Geori:e 1Blanr he1 B;-nz Noels in New Home pO\R\ER and Robert Otto. I A . pl11que wato pn~~f'nl.rd t.hn ~Ir lint! Mrl' Adrll'n Noel hav., rlub from sc-11tanng ;\tnYmtr move1l tnto tht•1r 11l'W horn!! nt 321 lodge for thr1r cont111u1ng tfloru Gr"' nvl• "" a:i~:s ;\!eNt ~t ra. X rlf'l tor the building fun<! of the nl'W wu m11n11gf'r of tht-Amt-nran Le· lodi;e hall now undt'r .. onstn;c· i:1on Hnll. 15th St a.nil \\'. Bey. tlon. A nt'w prOJt'C:t for the ,dub. Mr. end Mrs. Don .Munium have now numbering 48 mcmbPrs. I!\ u taltt-n over dutlo et th,. hall, ancl ' . ' " " :.•. : ... : .. . . ·'' ~\ ,•, . . . . \ \ •, ~ <. I I A,_,./_. ; State.Mutual Savi!J9S \ hope che~t tor the ~tssonic: lodJ;l' Bl<' now l'~t111Jl,,.hffi t ht1r to a id In furn1~hlng lht new b111IJ· f --------------- Ing. Other members prt:<ent v.-trt Mmu. Clyde C. Otto. Hairy l hl· Uard, Mnrsha ll McGutrf', Robl'Tt Say Jt W ith ; HI Lill &lllC&&llH ~ Amts, J11ml'~ Lorl-.'Wood. Emut f.J • Poupart . Lots Ceddes. Hazel P l'• l. 0 aJJJIJff".~ Cl11renc11 B11ker, Cll!Cord Lew111. br w .•• .•• tM .,....,., •• """'--"· U Wf'•f' oW ~lion tlla& "" llolpod &AoMHIMle •IJ:.';'; . •• ,. --cAftr -,, · ................................. , Le1Ster A. Sm11 h, Dan R<>f;<'r~.1 p rt , .Rf> taJ IU> P.alph H t rr Wllllam :">1rhol!'. H ,,0 , E ~· .\ t II D C m: I M A. Argabright, Robert S~th, • ' · °'" Y • oro1111 r . nr Clyde R. Jot'.J180n and Ray :->tela.-n. Harbor 5071 -Cluatned Ado .,.. ~ by tolka who •r• rea.lly loOIW\1 to bUy. by the fireside superlative food. codtails and service arr.id c:d c:i6:1sh ch21m HURLEY BELL RENT A TUX f'or thf' \"alentine Ball Major's TUX SHOP 1()9 11 t:. Uh ~I. :-.ant11 Ana Kl l·S~I• O!W'n t:,,.. h )' •1111·1 ~:=-::=:::----::::::::::==::=:--=-~~~~~~~~- I CDM FOREIGN TRA VIL SERVICE I 35421/2 E. Coast Hiway C<>rona c1.>1 Mar Harbor 4081 Colin(' Gibbons . Dorothy McKenna • Marguerite H ughes Specializin~ in indPPf'deot itlneramA. tou"'- rrui~" · · -AU pha.4f'S of torel~ tranl a..nd reM>rt ,·~atlons. COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE L-----·- · Evety Thousand Miles You Lubricate Your Car • • • \\'he'll \hi' 110:ur I,,, k6 ~""'"I, .\'"II Of'ti"r 8 t un ... Up, wt., n ''• r I • •n• ~ 1ut \\t•rn. '' 11 h·''-" th"m ,,.. I r,..1 I. r<e • 1• "''· ~ .r I !v 1~ an int.nrli'' mtrt:an1~n . •f,.,,i;,,f.'11 t" f 1.11, I tis f11nrU11n1< 11nrt"r nr1rrl tJ 4 ,., !11 fl p, 1t f .!·t \hf" p "lrf• .,, '="''•""rrl 1~rt ,.1 .. ,.l w ''"'H:!"" Ar,.V'•tarP,.,..,. th,.,mr •l I j• ,., • I ••f t t: \IJ•j J ,,\ ,r3J l+t !"'ll: t1,.,,,~:i~ ,,, • 1• r , 1 '" (11i.;t.•: ,J f. "' .,f "1r ""' Jrrn )lfr. fo( l ) J•"· \'·•''' \• p .. t J••· ••'..: ._. ~~·• t .. :,.." J,,., hr..u. uf r , .~. · .1,·1 ..... " ,• ~al IJZ),t, ,."',.f'"'r"''· ,,r,rt rr.c t . t J•J• • lhtn "" l11al r r u \: c '• r If'' l t•'lll ,\t If "!'1' 111' \A llT,.,. \•rut , 1r . ~ t.n\r lh"'Jn t h,·rk N1 I I•• 11 11 ,,n••un th<m 111 J>trl"l l Dr. Gordon 315 N. MAIN AT FOURTH Roberts Jewelers Jewelry 2231/2 Marine Ave. · Watches Silverware Balboa Island J I \ 1 ' 1 , •• 1 J . ~· ' .. Lt. W. A. Storum MONDAY, FEB. ! . 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE.: ~ to Marry Miss Wigchert Ceremony Set for March Church in Coronado Mi88 France!! Joann Wigchert. will become the bride of Lt. (jg; William Allen Storuril. it has been announced by her parents. Mr. and Mra. A. E . Wigchert, of San Diego. Her fiance, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harland Allen Storurn, 2451 Bayahore Drive, iir presently stationed at Naval Justice School in Newport, Rhode Island. Thi' Wt'ddlng wlll t11kt' pl11ce mt'n and Kel&E'y-Jenny Colkge of MIH4h l'i at • p.m. In Saqed Htllrt ) Bu11int:ift. Qhurch In Coronado. with the Rt. I LL Storum received hia dt'g-rt" Jtev. Mnn11ign11r J nhn F. P u r!'t>ll I tn pelrolrum ugint'Hin~ al Sten- offtrlating. ford Univ,.Nlty whl'rt> hl' was tlf. The bnJ,.·elec-l, ll grartuale ()f )I flliatPd with ZPta Psi Fraternity Coronado High School, 111 now 111· I and was a mem~r of the varg1!y t~111Ung San Dit'gn Cnlltgf'J for Wo-track anrt football tellma. Social Security Expert Addresses Mesa Grange Technicalltlea a.nd provt11tona of the new aocl&l eecurity regulatlon1 were outlln~ by George Miller. from the Social Security otrlee tr, Santa An&, wbo wu gueat speak· er al the bl-1nonlhly roeeUnc of the Coet.& Meaa Gran&• Ja.n. 27. He uplalned aome of the te<:hnl· caUUea and new provtalons. a1ao a.n1Wered queauona .uJced him by the membera. A pot-luck 11up~r preceded tba bualnua 111eeUng. New coml11ltteu tor the comlnc y.ee r were n.,,-ied by Muter Don Stt'&rn•. aa follow•; Home Econo- mics, Mrs. Ira Fox; agriculture, Ct'cll George: talr, Joaeph Raplt'r; muter, Stephen Tait; com· tty eerv1<'e, Mra. Cecil Georce: tar barrel. Harold Kyla; legla· Jallve and reaolutJoM, -Frank Par-aons'. .... Cf Vilfili' ·<!lit~~ Bradley Hucbea; lnve.Uptlng committee. Hugo Jklau. • TO SP&UCE CP Vartoua Unproveme.nt.a were dla· cuued for both 1n doora and out at the hall, lncludl.ng new aide.- walk., out.aide llgbUJlg, and new ottlc:ua' al&Uona. The deCTee work ln the tint and eeeond degnea Wiil be put on May 12. •nd tlle Nightingal~s Hear ~eport of ,_ General Meet third and fourth d~greea on May H . with Stephen T·ait in <jharge. Mra. Ira Fox, club chairman. prulded over the Feb. 1 meeting at tile hall. Tht' member• met a t 10 a .m. to work on their aewing project, and a <lellcioua lunch waa aerved at noon by the hosteaae11. Mrs. Frank Parsons and Mrs. Don Stearns. There were 21 members preaenl tor the business meeting. also Mra. Ernest Sl.mmnna. guest from Sant.a Clara . AT O.C. HOSPITAL 'The club hu t.&ken over tht retumllhln&' 6'C Ward 40 a t Or· anc• County Hoapltal u a wel· !ue project tor the year. 1\ew curtalils, chairs, lamps and Jap- n>bes are some of the Item s which will be donated or made to make the ward more homPllfe for the paUenta there. A fine tune was enjoyed by thoM atte.nd!llg the ca.rd party aponaored by the Gra.nce Friday. Jan. 28. lt !11 hoped that everyone will save the thlrd Frlll11y of each month to come out anrt join In the evening's tuUvitlea. The local Grange will be ho11l to OrMgl! County Pomone Ora.nr Feb. 24. raiaer to !ln&nce work of th• Tum· or Board a t the boaplllll. Tic.lteu are In charge of 'Mrs. Hal Dlke &rld may be obt.a.ined trom her at Harbor 2Z81·.M. Hostuses served ret ruhmenta IA lba ni.Une moue. Tbt. theme wu rurtber e&n1~ out tn the antlque cloth and nowera deeorat· lnl the te.a tablt'. Is Endorsed By Juniors Mra. Norman Watson, 2221 St. James Road, re<'clved the endorsement of Orange County Federation of Womcn'.s Clubs. Junior membership. for position of South~m District president (of Junit>rsl at a board mef'ting held in the home of Mrs. Marx Dressler. Seal Beach. Also endorsed wa.s Mrs. I Marian Spenc-"r of !hi." llt"nl nr pt11«'Ml<t' one or t..he"n••w.roart llllCTl• 1 grOUJl 11.s dl:<t rlct n<l\'lsnr put o,ut by Gent•fal Fedrrel1on lo f l>e rlB1···<1 at thr 1."nl1'8n('e ot f'Al·h I ThP b00rrt mt'el 1ng w1111 on•• n . i•tl \'. lllrs Arthur <.:rom, at ate I two important R<'i<~Hins f<ir count)-1'111nmun1ty M"rv1ce rhlllm111J'I, will I 1 J uniors Inst W<'l'k, lhe olh•·i· being I ,i-:-1ve one of hrr original palntln~a thl' prrsh.lr nl11' hrt•akfa:<t This was to the 1•ounty maklng the moat I held at the ho111c of ;\\rs. ueorge purrha..~t'.!I. I ~ay, prC'~1dent of Lag\Jna Bu<·h Juniors. "11 h ~! r~. 1.;:i1\ Rn melt. UISTR.ICT !'IEt:Tl:llU county pr"1m1enl, 1•n•s1d111g. The ~r•11th1•rn D1str11·t ''re n Orll.Ilg<' County 1s due non year ,hnal"<I m1·C'tl,llg will be lwh.1 11t R1v- to n•r<'iV" lhe Sou\ht'rtl Dl$lrlcl enirte on F<'b. 19. Mr.s. Bernett I I phlla.nthropir project nnd t he I w ill give htr re.port on what 1 m<'mbers 1He giving conlli<J••ration 1o rani;.i County Juniors ha\•o dune 118 t n cho1te. f;fU"h yl'ar th" pn•J· I h(s Yt'llr. • l eel mov.-s ~·' 1h;;1 f'•lrh rnunty hRs l <'minty JunlMJI will holrt ILl1 ..U· a "ha nre t o help its community. tlsy m~etmg ill Buena P11rk on L&Bl year lh•' prOJN'I was a F•·b. 25. with bul'na Park mem-) physiothl'ra('>y pool an ~"n 1Jt>i i:;1i bf'rs a~ hns1ei1...'>f•S. This merting , county. I will als1l Ile t'll'ctlon or MW of!i· All r·luhs throughout Ornl'lge ··r:i<. l;u,.st speak<'r for lhe doy County w••nt tosether to prov1d" will . b~J Mrs .• •.1. K111.ney, state the .)iull for the i;raduatmn of lc-h1sla¥Jlll chaJtman. Other hnnor- nur~s from Orange County H o,.. • d gur .. ts wlll !><' l mperl11l COlllllY pltal o'l Jan. l \l. The polio werd I Junior prcsidel:t, Mrs. L. J . Love; ot Ule hospital Is the county ph1l· 1:1vt'rslcle County prt's!denl. Mrw. a nthropic proJecL. Dan She<' kier. San Diego· prelll · I l.AGl'll\A OIL rtrnt. Mrs. Gt'orbe Krut·gt'r. Th11 currf'nl <>II we!I prohll'm of La~r:a Bea<'h wa11 brought up. G Ph• B t All mrmbers Wert' as ked to teke runma l e a steps to t!~!eat Gf!·shore dnlhng. I Eat:1 l~l('mbcr is a:<l<':'d to Write the to Hold Bridge state le-;tslature to vote a~aln5l • t he Public Resources co •. e Bill. I L h H Conwnt1on rl:lna !nr tilt' lorth· 1 UflC eon ere 1 co.:ilng tl111trl<'t !'o:w "n\1011 at the H untln:;-ton Holtl in Pa..~adena I Orange County alumna.a group Wt're <lt•cus;..•d. O:a.nge Cou. ty 'or Gamma Pill Beta wiU hold a I wlli be hoztesses st. 1 ae CJ nven· bridge luncheon at Irvine Coast t wn. !\~:-s. D.Hnclt wall b~ i;cneml MISS FRANCES JOANN w .1GCni:.1\.'r Tommy Lar k Photo cha!m1an, v:llh t he Fullerton club Club Dn Wednesday. I pm. Mar- in c:harr,-e M rc:;1st r:.Uon. San Cle· 1 jor.e Halti will commentate a ta•· mente In <'!lari;e or fllvo .1, Ana· I h1un show from sbops, both local STUDY CONSERVATION Girl Scouts Visit Orange County Dams A Boy for Grandstaff s hell ., ln !'!1ari;e o: pa.:;r!-, Santa a nd 1rom other clues. Ara in c:::ir:;u rr n ower• 's.nd all ' Pror eds wlll go tJ;wa.rt1 their C'lubs to help w.th decoratl11ns. ! phllanthrc phy, which la girls' d1vl· !\11:.'!I. Wi\T.;o:.; REJ•OR1::5 l :.on l•f Oreni;e Co1mty Juvenile The sta:e or new o.Clccrs for ilall. 1.lrs. H. B. GrabUu of Car- next y1•a.r wns preS<"ntcd by M :1. t.!t n G:·ove 1s gt ncral chairman. A aon. RoMt \Vanl. ,.,-as bom Norm,n \\'aL<1 m. c:1alrman of th" i ------------- Jan. 31 to the ltaberL c ... nd.st3fts nom!~a~l::;; co::1m!ttl'c. Mrh'· Wat-~'--""- arrived at Hoag Hospital w~lgh-boai..J a.l..:eUn:; In :..llll 1 •~.: S<"O. ~ ' 't l l Salea or 1090 Court St. Th" yu1mn.tcr 'son11 !0 &.1vc a t('p:>:10:-1t estate J ,., ,, i\\ 7 N'STV In 8 Iba . 6 oz. ' She a :w unced th? t : ! r .• Pc: ~•:I•i:W 1 '-'l ; ! ': Gari Scout Troop 26 I~ now help the i;roun<1, which wild flow· g of the lJeer~. R1;"..>U .< i· n11-,.:: uc.n under the leader.l'hlp or M 1 s. Fred et'!I ~hould he picked 11.nd which hn1 boen mu..!e an honorary mrm· .Smgtr. with Mri<. K . C'. Pt'lty I l'>h<•llht M l hi', how Anlmata and Is Honor Guest b~r of the C~litomla Fc-c:(•:'\1.1c,n Ltbarty 8·2228 aerv!ng a11 to-leader. Their fun ner 1 plant life deptllld u pon each oth1 r, o! V. omens Clubs, J un!or : :~m· leader, Mrs. Geoq;e Schoonov.·1·.1 nnd what con11\1tute1 soil t'ro11on. Mr. and Mra. Fted H. Joynrr, t>crshlp. 1 --------------=;;:---- has ltlt for Olympia, ·wa,h. to Jvtn • Ttl<'Y enJoy.:d a nosebag lunch Jn 1 120 :19th St. and Mr . and Mrs. I The need tor further le;;1slJ:1on her hus.ba.nd. v.ho l!I st11t1oneU ut l lrvln41 J•wk. J ohn Morrison. 1~6 Monte V1s1:1. rov.'r.r.:; the na 1collcs probll"m Fon Lewu1. Mr~. Schoonover '"' T roon iii prf\llented Rev. J ame• Costa Meaa. drove to Covina re· was h1 .. u~.1t to the a :te:1.ion of planning to tt'a ch In her nr~ ltlca· i St••wart ot Sl-A111.Jrew·1 Pre~by· cC'nUy where thry wt re gue5ts o! the memb•·!'ll and t hey were urr.cd t.lon. lerla.n <.:liurch v.'lt.h a youn& tree M.r. and J.tr... Pat. To l&nd. The t.o write Altorrey Generul Pal The 21 1tlrlll In Troop 26. l"'\i;hth In e ppt<'C1a1·1nn nt their belng al· I host couple t ook U1c pa.rty to the I Bro,·;n R!! to how ctub•t't>m<'n ..:&11 gTaU~rs ul Horac1> En:sli;n Sthnol, I lowc<I to use tho tacllll!\-s or t he Taco Kitchen in La \ <'rne to cl'lc· hrlp. \\>A rt.H tit.A rt:tus ~Alf\ SUV•Lt ••d J£••••$ Joe l?~,./,/CJ!tJ Pl.llMHINO IU"' •O •l• Cf N1 UOW'N Pt-.of'I• H a,t,,.., 8S30 111• NlsbUDple a.apter of H-. Awdll&1'7 mlt at the home ot Mra. J . Gordon Bmith, 327 Cat.a· U.na Drl•e. for tMl.r monUl.ly meet· IJll' oa Feb. lat. A#iatinl' >lr9. BmlUI wen Mmu. Wllllam Payne, F. N. MeCollom and Ja.mu T. Moultrup. rel'ently h••ld an electtnn 611'1 vOtt'•l , ch\itl'h for their meetln~s. hrate Mrts. J oyn,r·a b1rU:day an- 1 fl w:.s hoped lha l all club.11 in Mal'j;l'nl' Cunn<li as 1·r··~l1ll'nt. j At ti r1r nE'Xl seiuuon these naversnry. thrn11:_:ho11 t U r:ingt' County w1U Lutheran LaV1'1\Pn Shnrcm S1ni;er 1Js \'k" prtsldtnt,, rl&"hth gr;.11JP ~1r1~ will t1 a<'.h ~ . _ . . • • , '° . ./ -Ju<ly D11ker as 3"rretary and J enn (;BrnM to Mr~ W1lllanl 1"11ync" WOIU,l) TUA\ EIAh.l £ St.RI.ES 1 KE!!!T. T:; Hea.r About Altars le Gazt-oy-~ t1't'1rnll'l'r n111 '~~Brownies u pact..,ql "PORTRAIT CF PARiS" Tbe monthly meetin1 ot thr. IA worlong on their C11rvec1 llnrs, tJltlr wnrk on c-h1ld cJ-rt. Troop 27 BE SURE. INSURE ~' ltll M "·Kan•. "'TA.NI.ET ln•11ran,...• Ot1h .., .. The l'roup waa .nt.bU.SUUc 1n lh•lr report. or preaeat.&Uou ot th• TUmor Board a t the reruJar m"linl of lh• Hoar AWdll&ry, held on Jan. 24. Ticket aa.lea wer. announced u 1olns 11.lcety !or the comln1 Edna Stee.m• Dayton Mrlea or book ni- vleww, to be helt1 at the Lido Theatre. The Hrlea la a money Lutheran lAym.ena l4acue of v.i lh pcr~nal health, child <'O rt' !8 Wl\rking this yr ar !ur their A COLOR.FILM Of' A GI.AMOROUS, BEAUTlf'UL CITY Cbrlat Lut.beran Churcb wu held an<l cons• rvatton as thl'lr p11nc1p11i cllrv"rt bnrs. l C11rt..111 Nagel. Narrator laat Thunday evenln1 at the aubjl'( Ill. Thry plan 3 tnr t o 8 1 "·• I (' A~IP :<'KILLS n o Sol••. 11, bMdq" end b••q•• -,, ... d• lo C<>nco•o. -"" •• T•i•"'""" -• h~-. ot "fr. ~ftd Mr.s. Erwin Ton· Dam In Fl1llt'! l•ln ,,n F1•b. l2 In Th~ •Dventl1 •'f" , .. ou ls 1n Mrs l 11•• , .... -,., ..... o., -Nolt• o ..... -...... ,, .......... -,., .... i .. _... "' ... '" ... ~ ,., """ " "' G•tdtM -lou"'' -Cn•mpt E1yut• -,., t;n9 , •• t "Q~f t ft Movtlft •oqut , ne.. 617 Cenl~r St. The topic connctt1on with t hr11 C• n~<'rl.:at\on F'rrJ Jlunl's T1110f' 28 a1c wvrk1n1< ~01 •• h •q•m . . c;.,11 N•Q•, Nu•o•c• ''F&nilly Altarll'' wu dl.scuaaed by I ballg". on lhf·lr r••CjtJln•n11 nt;:1 fo; f 1r.<t :'\t:WPOflT lllGll !SCHOOi. Al'D., ~ton. 8:20, t'c-b. 14 Putor Loth&r Tornow. M1'11. Ken· AT IR\ I.SE P ARK I d a.,s rank. The bntli_..t'!> whlrh they Tic~••• at Lld• Tr•"•' Bun•u, Udo !lbopp.•f Ctotn. nelh Dutro wu acOt'pled Into . :'ttrJO. \\"11l11U11 Spurgeoll 11 Girl arc CArning a rt' ftr~l nld, cy<'ltng. an• u Bo• Ofllco at1bt of 11tm. • .ao. .to. 1.z5, 1.&o membership. · Scout Tr< <JP ::7 r<'<'••ntly ':• I• ol atJven:urer and • .11np c1 art. Th<'Y 1 ~=========================~ Refruhmenu were served alter l lrvl!lc Onni As r111 t Of th«lr "' ork llrl! pla.nnin'1 I\ trip to Hankill'" i _ the meeUn1 by M111. Robert Ea· on thl'ir ron11ervauon b.11Jirr11. 1 hr n.~ntb cin 1-eb. l and 19 whrr<-r cret. Mrs. Roger FortWle a.n<1 girl_, IP11rnf'tl rrom Mr. Spuri:eon thC'y Will cn1oy an ov<'rnll:hl c:amp· f FOR Mnt. Lawr?nce Fredrlklk'n. why wr h.1ve fore11tit, v.hy trc-e~ Jn~ t rip 11nd l<>1trn curopmg 11kllls MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 HOTOl<C\'CU ~KT • • STATE MERCH ANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Balboa Fun Zone I 1_ Phon,. llarbor 2•74 !1!'11 :I t:. ('l'IA!lf Rlfh"''&Y ("orom1 d1·l ~liar h 1rn1.-rly tilt.\l t L CHAl'EL I HI Hr..-dwa, -C:oel• M~ea Urw.rty l!l·x-43ll and lf..llUf ,'li . Ir. /...', _,., .•• ,,.,(' .. ~ ... ...-... ... • YOU SAVE 10% oa i·our PRESCRIPTION at Pringles tl.b & Broach.-a7 ~ant& Ana Tiit: ORU..\S \'OU CAS l'LA\' AT OSC'.1:! lbe \\ ODd('rful °"" HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Ttlt> Wiil>~ l"lunlly c.-a Pla,y ll \\1Uloul lA·.a11o1.111a! Now! No l\eed to raJte ~ona Come In and Prove It to Yourself We alM> IJn1te yQu to coaMI l.n and try the Dt'W flal11.mood 8pl1K't Or.can-Now AnlUabJe Dl4NZ-SCHMIDT BIO PIASO & ORG:\S STORE Rt'adquartc-ra tor ·AU Mock119 Hammond Or(IUlll KJ 2-:.uo 6'!0 l\'o. Ma.In HOME LOANS At Oren9• County'a Leadin9 Home lendin9 lnititution QUICK 2<4 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REO~CING " 1~e 11 r:sr RATU • EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FR SYMPATHETIC SERVICE wt IVY nygr on01 ON WELL LOCATED HOMU LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OeHn Avenue LAGUNA BEACH PhoM HY 4-1 In OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER TIME TO CHECK v / / See Page 8 -Part 1 -This Issue for MONEY ': SA·VING BARGAINS .. RIDE ABOU!'t'D THE BA V SL":'-PA 1·s HOUSEHOLD CRISIS? WARDROBE CRBSIS 1 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "8DO'l<.:E \\.ITHJ:\ HOVK8 -\\'Hl:.."11 ~-.:EDU>" COMPLETE LAl':SDt:RERS and Clt:ANEBS SEWPOBT BEA('R Your Gardening Needs Cf>mplet ... Supplies at BOYD'S Bamboo Leaf Rake• Sp. 66~ Redilite Plastic Hose ~ • .;;;. '.!.\ '' "r>· s1 n :.n '' 'JI· Jll.19 TRUE TEMPER LINE Loni: Randlf'd Row Rak" !i!padin~ 1-"11rl\ 1-Tin I" Cult lutor Oardrn ll<H' ~~.iR ~':!.fJH $2.!,~ ~i..8 1 ;\lll.<'Oll -l .Ar1;• Pickup Cart 5'.65 ( tt!lfnrnla !>iturdv '-tall lwarln1t WhHlbarrow 16. 9 5 ~h11r1 lftuul T rm~ "I• h 1rlo•, ( 11llhl\IO~ lea'"''• \\ 1-f·•t•~r" 79~ .. $1.29 II I\'" I.TO'\' Garden Cart Sl.49 Garden Gloves 85~ Canvas Gloves 50<' Hudson Sprayers -I qt. ,ize Sl.49 ~~~~-~---~ True Temper HedCJ• Shean Sl.95 Seymour Smith "Snap-Cut" Pruners $2.75 Tra.°'h Cans -11080 RerlA -I.awn tA.lgrrs St.ock up and Sprurt" up S. ~Ha rd W"iii·e ~ ........... ·-···-..-··-· -···· .. (}ov~rnmenl f:xcepl PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 ----------- "God grant us the 5erenity to accept the things w,e connot chonge: the couroqe to change the things we con and the wisdom to know the d ifference." IA. Anon.) °" 'llJ ....._, I_, "1 .-~ .. o0...,.~.6orl--.. ~">: .,,,; .... R..t ,_ .. EDITORIALS . ·' ,. ~" _,.,.,,,.. .t.,, "'- $ lrw, .,_, ~ ..... _,... ~ .,,,,J _,. -~ _.,, ~.,,.,, .School Building Bids Rare l, You probably noticed recent new• items in the News -Preu concerning difficulty Newport Beach E le· men~ School District· board o! trustee. had in get· ting bide on the new additions to two schools h ere. The board took several weeks' time arriving at the winning bidder. To underatand why, is to try and figure out our con- 1truction induatry. Orange County, like others in thf' country, has experienced a large construction boom in years past. But recently, bonafide contractors have hesi- tated to submit bids on achoo! construction. Reason 1s that competitive bidding can be suicidal because of costs -beyond th& average contractor's control. Just re-cently the Carpenters Union r eceived a 10· cent per hour fringe benefit for individual health and tVelfare. The contractor• pay it. The sum involved in the 11 southern counties runs into S7 million per year. Other crafts also are receiving similar benefit.a. Now this is not to argue for or against labor and employer but 't i1 another straw in the wind with which contractors must reckon when trimming their bids to try for a school construction job. Most of us would doubt it pos1~ible for trustees of a school district to beg-, practically, for contractors' bids. Yet. the local board had to do just that. Another school buHdmg m tbe Harbor area has gone begging for bicts. Seems unbelievable, doesn't it? Yet that'• the way our economy is bouncing, despitP prophets of gloom who last yrar this time predicted bad times ahead. ' Of courae, achools will continue to be built here at the moat economical figures po88ible lo obtain. Because alao of 11tatc red tape, we may see more refusals to bid on the job than le88 from present indications. Large contractoni are having trouble getting their sub con· tractors to bid the jobe. Too risky, they say. in light of other, easier work they can undertake. And pay- Farmer McCabe Writes ... The more I look at my lncome Tax figures, the more I realize that I've been up Salt Creek without a Paddle. You know, I've allu.s thought taxpayers had a voice in government going• on ... how some ever it ap- pears more'n more that the little guy who pays in the "lack" I• jest a B)"ltander, while the main Clrcu1 goe1 on under the Capitol Dome and over in India undt>r Merold Stassen. I all nrhui rtlfrved J ment of builders' bills is slow because of more red tape at the government level. Makes you wonder what 'a happened to American. enterprise. Salute to Our Boy Scouts Boy Scout .Week is with us again and it's time to take note officially how much good the training these youngster:s get does our city, county, state and nation. With a rapidly decn•asing out-of-doors in our na- tion, there's nothing quite like the camp outs, hikes and instruction in various Scouting Jore the troop members receive. These boys will be tomorrow's men, tomorrow's lrauN·s with proper training. We can think of no group off hand which has such 1111 enviable recorJ of self·less service. In Newport Har· bor you'll find Scouts doing a variety of services dur- ing the y<.'a r in addition to learning about woodcraft, boating, swimming and the like. Although New¥Ort Harbor' a .. vut rea.chea of land and water are not the norm for Scouts the nation over, troopt1 and Scout leadeni here are making the moat of the God-given bounty of opt>n spaces and fresh air. The Scout movement here always has been lively in action and accomplishment. With the huge Jamboree held at Irvine Ranch some 18 months back Scouts here leanr- ed much of their movement. how their fellows acros.s the land and in other countries do things. Nowadays the United States is deluged with this "weE'k" and that but we can subscribe 'most heartily to any worthwhile recognition of the Boy ~outs of Amer· ica. We wish only t hat all youths in thi~ntry could have the enriching experiences of Scouting that those in the Harbor area have found so rewarding. Only in a free country can so many boys have so much fun at so little expense and yet ~arn so many worthwhile crafts, all of which will make them stronger, healthier today and better citizens tomorrow. YOUR SENATOR WRITES By JOHN A. MURDY JR., Senator, 35th District : • ~-..,11 (" , • .. ~1· ~.'!'" ,,. 'r' , J /' .... .. , ,I/. , •• 4'· One Answer To The Problem SCENE AT THE CAPITOL WASHINGTON -The apot to walch In l.he Far Eutvn altuation 111 not Peiping bul Moacow. What the Red Capital elthH haa 10 say •.. or dou not aay •.• 11111y give thl' llp·oft In what the Red China Premier, Chou En-Lai, 111ay dn. Mlhtllry expe rts In Wash1n11;ton look at 1L th111 w•y . H RC'd Moscow i11 bf'lhgerent. or f'ven quiet, this would rnun that RN! Ru11111& 1s prepare<! to ba ck up R~ China In wh11 tevl'r Red C"h1na may do. On the o the r l\11nd, If there ta anythlnr concil~alory t manaung from Moacow It would be a definite Indication that Rl'd RuMla la no t inc·ll ned lo co a11 rar aa RPd China haa t hreatenl'd to go. all were or the opinion that the Pruldtnt wu right 1n calllnr for. a •howdown. Many felt the lime wu overdue. A number In Con· greq h&\'I always M Ueved that Mr. Truman • . • tarcely at the beheat of th Britl~h . . . mad " a aerlou11 Dllatake 1n prevennnc Cent r al MacArthur from bombing the Red s upply buea acro.u the YaJu In the Korean War. NOT ALI, GLOOM But all ot the nrwa out of WMhington i. not gloomy. Gen· ..rally •1>4"aklng. a tavorable Im· preu1on m ade by the Ptuidenl'a Sta te-of-the-Union m-1'' wu enhanrt cl by both hi• Budjtetary and Economic Report.a. W ti 11 e I.here wu wide.spread diaappolnt· ment over a contlrtued unbalanced budget. there wu recopltlon that I k llTHLF.8M RED)\ the P r Id t '""' ~fo1e leavin~ S&cn mento t or fln11nc1at I HI br d111conlinu!'d to ea t'n propo11..u an e<:o- the ltJ:illlitliv.. rer .. s11 the llUbJt'Cl c hild rare renlt'TA, But th1a ta not a ll. A number nom lc progr•m dealcned tn en· of m ilitary experta a re wonderinc cour•ge fr~ entt'rprue rather ot 1 hlld •Are renters 11o•u one lu a ruult of the forPgoing re-If e\·en Moec,ow can now rr 11tra1n than 1 overnmenl contro l. 1i:rea l 1:untroveny. Thi· ri·ntl'ra port. the G"vtrnor d,.leted thr 8p· the Chinese Red11. Cho u En-Lai. ore un out1~1owth or the w111 \\h•·n propnktwn tor l liild ca re c•nL•re Fnends or the Pru1deot on Cap- 1 b h ' • 1n C'hA!ttnging Pru1dent Elsen· 1 H 1 _.. p l1oor aupply wa11 11hor1 an1 ot I from tll• bu(lgr t for the com1n1r tol II conUndcu tha t Ille re.a· d d k " howu'• meeage lo lht COn&'f'C!N d perr nl• wl're ""t' f' a11 wor ""' year Thr11e d<'vrlopmrnt~ have at thf' verv llm~ ll w1111 bt'lng •ldent wu propoel"-an OI' erly in lh" w1u e Cfnrt Al tht' r<'t~ue11t .. 111111,.d 111,. mPt iopnhlan newi1JlllP· br·o1tih'a.'t to lhe wo rld. wiu com-re11lora tlon or the farm problem to and e11pen8e nf the . Feder&I. G0 v· Pr• 111 rullll into pn nl to iip~ol·' free ma r ke111 r ather thlln 1pon110r · a " u n1ltt1n1t 8 ruthlea11 arl the like e rnml'nt •lunng Worlrl \\ IH 11 and defcnrl the child cuJ.e (I( which 1~ urilcnown Ing a Brannan Plan looklnt to :J-rom " BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE rARK•~R (Ed. Sore -Tkl1 <'Olum• 01 H ora"9 t>ark''' "Ill .., tt1UI the Uttle·k•O"'W hl•Corlt'al rM"h h" ha• drrdl(l'd llf In hie m&JIT trtp!I lntft tit!' INM'k <'OUJlfry In tfff'ftf Y"•ra.1 Kids love lo hunt lmhan arruwheaJ:i alld J wns a11d a m no exception. A fine col1\'Clt1in of m111e 111 m t h1• :-;an 01eg11 Museum, colll'Cted around Tl'm•x·ula . Arrowhl'ad hunting ii1 a science in more ways than 11ne. you mus t first fttnt goettl hu.nting grounds and then carefully "~round :;lu1r<'" with your "''"" An a1·1d arrowh••11.I 1•C 11n,.1r nt 11111 .. 11111.I,• 111 ... mt.>~! hunter ·will 11p1•n1I h111111< w:olkln..: IJ1•11ut 11111 ' Hll\l .. 111111 . "p»111tit'' L owr a half ar r.• rx:1111111lnj: 1•vrry hn"" "''''" ,\1111 .. 11.:ll '""" Anz11'• lnt·h o f lht> ;.:1 .. 111111 H.1111 w1n1I 11n1I 111 ""\11\ls th•' "' 1 .. " 11111 t p111111• th~ ri&11w 1111' thl' bu11n11 u f thl' !1\·•· t1 11t .. 11 "\I'll. lnrd lo1 b"· hunt~r ltt•\'•' '' ht•n 'uu .... ,. th•• ,t.-uut v Psychului:u·ally the1t> '" nolh1111: "n••\•l.,.,.,i,. th•.• 1111 .. 1. Mc•,.t 1•! "" Ml re11lful "" an11whf·1t•I ll1111\1ni:. Ill }' llt •1111llnl,.<I \\ 11 11 Ill" :llul\\., •I Rttcenllv afll'r a thr•·e -hn11r 1<t'H1 c·l 1 1111ol l'l11111,. Hll.,\\h1·11.111 '"''' .,,. amt on'ty t11rn1ni: up a brok1•n I !hr"" 11w 11,., In h·ni.:th, l111 ~e and pnint nr lwo I It'll 1nentally 11•· 1 h1•fl\')' tre~hf'cl. I h".!I wRtl'l1efl a t l'ep-do11r SllOHT T\'l•t: lllr.AUS &p1der, a ll•J••llP-b111:. and 11 ·"link I In n•nlre~I th""" ••< 1111r In· bug" 1n-111 .. 1r dully J11b(1r:< I 111111 d llrn;i "'"'" ,.,,1t111111 h•ni:••r "'"" noted the l!an'I f11t l l1•1 ns untl"r a 1 lhP fl• "l J"lnl or " 111 .. n·,. 1111oi.1 ... n1esq111te, 11 <111e•I. •h:t1·a1•h'<I fini:c•r. 1\lu11 v "' ltw · '"ni.:s" ,.,. 11nake'a 11km made nte paUll•', bits b11 b11 as 1 11111 th1'111 "'" a1·l11Rl11• or brokl'n po ttf'ry an<I flint Wt'rl' httlP arn 1wpmn1 .. In thrm,.l'h'I'.<~ of lnterf'4 trut ._~nark1Ld.\'.ll_er! Tlffn11y'11 l'11ultl nolJUI\' .. 1lwir b1•J •• rootmalle nm nutrvPI al nal11n•'11 li,•r 1'h<'Y llfl' Ith••"' rron1 un~·11, rcmtemporary 11c11lpturrng. 'fht•I'•' quartz. qu11r1t. C'r.\•~lals. ob111r111111, ia entirely a new and 11t 1•11n-=~ a.nfl l'\'1'11 lo11r1111tltnl'l1, world. p a11111'\l over e\'e1y t11<y, th11t Tht•l!l Wt're no b1Htal11. l'lk, a n•I works. hvc:11 anti ll1t'll cto!lf' to th,. other la1gl' 11;1lnlf' clnw11 h,.rt-on t lw ground'11 11urfll<'e. df'llf'tl. Drt>r 1tnll mc1unta1n 11hr"p I w"re the Jarj.!t'lll Th,. bulk of t he C'HA~ll'IO~ f'ISOt:K l'lll'nl 1f11l t'lhlll•• ga nw w As rabbit,., W hile In t hi' liurt'l(O ret:o>ntly l , bin111. anti 111111111 rntlenll. Whf're was tohl or Mr. 1':sLerbr1Jok who thi' p lains Jntlian nrt>rtrd a ht>a \•v n~ighl be cla•ullfle<.I u,,ihe "1'11a111·) "nd lllr.KP h,a.t to kill the buff11i;1 pion arrowhu 1J !l11dM Of tht Do· the 11ainly hl'a•I nf Ht!' Durrt Ca· re1to Vallry. So K1trl Brnn1" nmJ hu1lla wu sufflt'll'nl for hlll am11 ll 1 took a <Jrlvt ovt>r to h1a home· alu <I in the ceont~1· of the vallry ga:;" one f'X&mtnf'll lhl'w bit• of floor and a fter a few rlose •hR\'t'll aooriinnsl a rt lhPrr mu11.t hav!' with 1tell1ng •tuc k in lllf' llAnrl w,. !wf'n Jtrt'Bl pt lde 1n their man11· arnvrd. Mr. F.11ttrbrook wu ha1le1l flll'llllf'. p 1111,.,n11 n( chlpplnic •· from ht11 neat llr~1·rt shack An r l· Ion,::-thr rdJ:'"" arr r 11rr1 ,..1 out the derly, slim. and i:111y1ng m11n hi' 11amr on tsch i1l•ll'. Evl'n the tol!I 111 of hill A r1zona <'owp11nr h· "wmi:ll" 0,. bl\rbe 11 rP arl 131 l<'&llv Ing day!!. Thf'n hr 11urpri8t!I me hy li11l11n<'rd a nd 1n most cuea th.e 11aying thRl he had hvrd m Co.11111 poml 1~ '" 2..,0 ,1 proroi l ion Mt'l<B and wu a fr1ent! or my \fAl' er: lAl~T ART friend or many years. J111l1tt Dodge. F:ach momini: )tr. Estrrb1ook and hi• two do1t1 roam the vallry hunting '1uert jac k rabbit• to fe,.d the doga. When he has shot two the doj!8 proudly csrry them home In their mouthio. It 1 .. llur· inc thue early mornln1:: roun1l1 that he kPepa an "Y" out ror ar- rowtiead11, and hi11 collection 111 onP ot the mo•t exqut11rte and r1n,..1t. Thue ~llf'rt Cabuilla Jndl11n• ln my yrar11 or w!lndf'rinx I ha''" )'et to '"'' a Lulvnn o r l.'ahlllllA romt ma rtc-I a m 11\lll wondtnni: it It la a IOJ!l art. Ae we Jl"-"' through lh" rrservaUnna 1 k""JI an eye out a nd an r11r cockt'd hoplnK to hf ar ot a n &1Towht111I m•k"r My olil frlrnd Karl B"n· nl11 hA11 rh1p~•I one out of a C O<'•· Cola bolt le w ith the &id of mod"rn day plit r11, but both he and I !!till wondn how the Jndiana of nur area "dood a~" c·h1hl r a1 P cPnte111 ~pranK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tu~r~tfhir~r~(injv~~~m~r~n~t~r~n~n~tro~I~~~ ~------------------------~~~-------~~~~~~1 mnUn11~~.Th" m,.m~~or t~ ,. ~Ina '' oo u~p v r a cll'f Pn•" pl11nl" Stnate Committ,.,. makin.i: th r rr· nu111 .. "· ""'f>('I t10 u aufferifik ·rro~ IUIJ M"•llrlne a nrt "'u back1nr a AFFAIRS 0 F STATE Tl'11r hr111, vr ~p1•,·1ally ""11111cat· pori hllve b<'r n acru~r·I nf h.tvin1t gruw1ng pn1ns ovf'r-innated plan wh1rh he bellt\'td would , "'I pe11pl1' "'""' hlr,.•I 10 .. 111 e tor !Ct' wa trr cour11ing throui:h l hrl r •·R<i ... i.n•I C'OnC'r1t ed he\'Ond all biork 11tep11 In I hat d lr ecuon • , . , <'l1tldn•n who~,. pnrenl~ were w ork-vc!n1'. 'fht re hAll b<'• n ~flmP Pffllrt ill'jtrf'P of r11mm<•n 11rnu ~" to 1111 Lha l he atron11;ly l11vore<l private By HENRY C. MuARTHUR in~ in lhr wer l'ftort. Children or 10 m llkP 11 "PPf'•r thAl It '" a own J)O\\Pr ll now ho i.o mur h bualnua dl'\'l'loping both eltc trlea.l ~AC-RAMENTO. tCNSl -Aa to1inr.: But t hn r arl' 11omt jfood D"m· clrfenlli' wor ke11'. whOl'lf! a,1(1'9 rani.-· City v• Rur1tl ArNr flj:hl llhr mnr>' 111 mllltar v tnl,R'ht than II an...I atom ic power rather than 1•<1 (r111n 11 frw m11nth11 tr. If\ y1>1H 11 r htld rare rrntr 111 bl'ing t1 lm f•i1t ,.,.<'r h11d before thnl !l t hink~ I~ pulling thr 1to,·emm,.nt further rntirrly in lhl' nllr~J. 1 •~ fllr 11tron11;rr lh11n il 1tallv Ill Into three flrlrlA ... an•! lhlll hla l wf'r<' <>h j:1ble rn r l\•lmtlllU\f'I', 11n1I \\'hethn lhr •••I-minute a rt 1nn nf <><'rll llr f"•ill 11'111.11:0 in t.hf' Srnat e, w .. rr bi 11111d1l tn the r••nter11 c•tirly th• •tt 1rn•le on th" rnnte11l,.d ruvl tu 11 r,.sult . 11 R"f\Ubllrs n In lh,. moruini:. ltd brl'ak fa111. n11d- Thl'rl' WC'rl' nn "lf11" a nd "An<l11" flllc1l poll<'il'll "'"ere ~hspt'(l to- Rollll hll\'I' n"" hrf'n 1nt1 h•hwr•I in th" P relltd .. nt'~ nu•fllllll[e to the ward11 f'Vf'nh1allv balancing b~· LC'1t:u1IAlor .. Wh•' rt'prr~nt u r-('on1t:r"&~. Th .. ;'th ,..IC'f'l Ill prr· budgC'l and 10 .... enng taxC'11 S,.nalnr J ohn F' Mr t's rthy. of f .. 1rrl 1t>n 10 .!'An J o anu1n rounl•'. murnin~ 1111ac k, l1JJ1r h •n•I an 11 ll'r· •• J Monn <'Ounty, <'srnf'd lhr 1>11 11 on t a ken 1mm1><llatt ly bf'fort "<IJoum-bt>ha lt of 11111 Dt mo<'rallc collf'Alt\lt'. nonn ~nnc k brr1111• lh,.1r r arrnt" n1ent fo r \hf' rnnl'tll11tl"n11l rr<'ella r s mt' fo1 t hl"m in lhr r vt•ninr.: r a n bf' conindnl'd • hsrbingf'r of RI C'K1' Rl'l.t:S OR01·r About no r•·r r rnt of thr full r n.•l thln1t to <'Omt In tht ffnrtle. ot McCarthy, bur k1 n1:: tht 11t rong (lr llb-111l HI l "nl" 11n hour 11''' 1nrrely • f(\ktn nf rfl'J't'l't t or 11 '11 n1I powuful nilt • committei'. was ''h1l1J """" b<trnf' bv lhe i:·e.rr m l 89"' mf'mbtr rrm11in" In he Hi>n I llna bll' to ltt'l the rrport to lht Govtrnm~11 l. 11n1I the bal11n ri> uf w htn thr 1lolon11 r,.lum here next iwnlllP floor, ao he lntrodur ed a two lo four r • n lll llJl h nur by !ht' mnnth I ru olut1on, which 11pec1f1<'ally d1-pArc>nt11. c ·0111 K"ll l.D the psirrnt~ Rf'.C:nl'ST OROEREO rt• L"d lhHt 11hC)uld be nn rtcount wrr .. b1u••ll on • ,11,Jtn11 ..call". tak· • unh l the Bf'nate had o pportunity to 1ng Into .-.. n,.1ol,.r81111n thr e1m 1ni:ic A part111l rerount of the b11llot11 \'(\le on the aubJt<'l. A R.epubhcan,, o r th" ps rrnt,, numb<>r in I ht f11m- ru l tor formtr s .. nator Vemt Senator Nel•on P . Dilw or th, With· 1ly. Pl I. Hoffm"n. Lodi. who lollt the <'lt c· hrld unenlmous cnnffnl to conH1· S1nrl' tht ronclus1on or I hf' war lion, 11n<1 Ah•n Sh11rl Stll<'kton. Jer the rf'llnlutlon 11l the lut min-t he rh1l•l rrtr•' , rn1.-r ... hll\'" r un· who w •ll """'"'' "" llll' ~rn•tor Ulf', whtrt>upon MrL'.11rthy moved tinurll, hut \\llh th~ F· .. 11.-1 111 r,.,, .. frnm \hnt rnunty f'llrlf th•" nwpt h, to •U11pend thr rult requ1nng the •m1n~nl d1•11• 1t"lnR 1111 p111i111n nf harl bte11 onlPr"•l by " "PftiAI tom· n:11<1lut1nn to ri:o tn t he Rf'publll'RI\ th,. co~l f'Rth )• 11 . A11 thr Ff'1ln11I millet'. lil:t111iznr.1 by t hr nilr~ 1 om· llon11n11t l'•I 1ult• romm1llet 11n<I (;t"'"I nn>t'lll • < ""' nb11t1 .. n I.Ir•'""-•· m lllt't'. tn tlll<" ""1'1""' .. In t he l'un11l<Jr r ll •l """" • 111 thr SIR!• • C'llntrfb11t1on In-,.,.,. Out nf (1,•r .-11nte•t"J eler· 110011 l'>ffor,. lht 1,.i:iai..turt !hll Twf'nlV·nn<' ioena lor• 11 ba rr ma· I' n·a~'. cl until In th" ra~l t\\11 \'f'llr• waa lhr noly """ In whlrh •• rt · JMlly, 1111 lu11111g f1vt Ktpublu 11011. 111 .. i'I •I•• hn' pu·k .. '1 up thf' rn- l'OUnt """ ord rrt•l vntt'<.I "'1ll1 MrCa rthy. lln thr <Ira.I t11 <' rh1·rk. "'Ith t h•· eMeptwn n( Th,. or.tt'r flf th,. "l'•'ll•I commit· !'•I tlir rcioulutllln, th111 1felllVIOK h.,,.,. <'•1n1t 1huteol rnll •"\II wh<'reby t h1• ll•'n"l" 11tlopl· t lh" ~mAll Amount lh" pnP'nt s lf'P, hnwr\'rr, WllhOllL llJ'J>rtl\'AI or thf' ~n1unt. proponl!ntll f\ll'ko't1 Up 1'w11 Yf'lll 11 lllfn r.11vrrn11r \\·a r · !h" u ne tf' il•o'lf, tllll not Sit Wf'll '11n11lht'r R"1'lllbhr11n \'Ole, Ancl thf' rPn rnl'nm1111>nrlNf th11! lhf' r•t•n· wllh a gcintl m nny mrml)f>r". 11.nd I ~·orf' Al no<I 22 to 111 1n fll\'nr n ( I t"'"" bf' m11rtc pr1m llnrnl. 11n.1 hi'· conaequ,.ntly • 111111 -minu te r11 m · ~ .. ruolullon. rnmr a p>1rt nf the St11t" ll•·r"rl · pa lfll "'""" f'n(11nel!r"c1 lo rrqu1rr a · ( ... T'" t I f h ( h Th111 wa11 the f1r11t lltnt' 1n m111y m<'nl o r.•h1r11t1on. rw '1:1" -~- vnte " t l\t •t>na I e " "re t " rnm· 1 . I 11re "'"" 11nw1lhn11: to follnw th" mitt"• r~omn1,.nd•ctnna wrrr ur-)tarA lhlll lhr Af'nale a11 a bntly 1 lied Mil. h1111 h~.-n •bit tn l'~ll•·ng .. lhl' ~!Air ""I f.,r 1,..,0 H•hlitionAI """,. .. I l'rc1•m111••n• 111tnn. hut chrl "l\trnrl Hoffman 111 a Rtpuhlit•an. and n 1lea romn1lltee 11U<'<'f'Mf11lly Th~ an•t llll'\horizrfl 11 :-<rnn1 .. Cnmm•t · 8hnrt a n t mocral. It wu, thnf'· <'omm1ltee, in h 1·t. wu "f'lll on It "" tn m 3 k,. " "tudy nr the prnh· fnrf'. th" l:>rm1'l<'r&t11. who fVf'n the \IOte, the tllrl'I' R•pobht'IUll lrm. 11nrl r"rort bllr k to th .. r r'"""nl with 8t\ort are 11tlll 1n • S•nate vntrn1 against tht r!',.,,lutrnn, and 11r•~1on T h,. !'"n11tr Cnmn11tt t" l"f'· f111nonty. who at..artf'd °'' b&1J "Oil· thf' two o .. mortt.ta in fAvo r. port. hrie fly 11tatl'rl. w811 Jfl!WPORT"" HARBOR RE-W~4 ~RESS I. Th~ emng,.ncy Ut11t n n&rfn· a lly n"r u111111tf'<l thf' rhnt1 r11"' r rnter 11 111 now J'A!ll 2 Th,. f"l'<lf'rAl Gov11mmtnl ill n n lon1rn· r11rnliohlnir nn1rn~1111 11a- sl11tancf' 3. Eiithty-1111 per crnl n ( tll" crnteT'!I a.re locat"d In th.. four m n!l populAted count1u . FonMrty the N.wport-BaJbo& N CWIJ· Tunt. &Dd ~ N.wpc>rt·Balbo& Prt'• .& o., 4 The COA\ at p~senl la atx>ut 14 '1 mllllon11, h11t It th• cPnt,.r11 are m11de permanent ani'l PXlentlt•I 1 Entered u llecoed..0.-Matser ac Utt Pcwt.olllce In Newport ee.c-. to con r th• f'nl1r,. Stat ... lhe r o.t 1 C&l.ltonlla t.ader UM Act of Marel\ a, 1879. w ould undo11btl!dly hi' ~v .. r11I P ?!' t1• ~ .. ....,, ... ftw llf' at Newport ~ o.111. 111J ... HllWl'OllT llAJUK>ll P VBU8RINO OOll.PANY T•1•••• ...,._ 1111 t1me11 that amou nt IUl d the ~111 1r Mddled with an rnormou.o "Xprn•r that wouJ.I b<• a rtded to an 11lr .. 1111\ •t•i:-irerlnjl' b111li;:rt ........................ N...._ ... AIY~rtiwta et .&JI llieda :I. C11hf11m 111 "the O:"LY alat• 8ir ~ .t .......... 0-.. el <>ruts-C... • Aodn Ne. A-U 7fl that hu t r.n11ni11'd ttlnr w.-rtlm,.. BEN RJ:DDICK. Publlaher WJUJ•N A. Mou:a, Editor OIU&OHD E.. l\OlJN'l'R&I:, AdYUllAl\J Dlrtttor euucarrnoM LtTES: N..,._. ...,.., s.-rr-.. -r-ic. 1''ttkl1 h 0ru,. c-ty. M.00 ,., year: ta.no els ftlC>9.; •l..60 lhrw - 0...... ., Orulc"• l.·.0••1 u .oe Pf'' ,,..r cn•lllf'<l 11 i:f'n• 1f'• II. P r1v11 t,.iy "P"rlll•"I rh1hl Cll r• or n ur .. •t v h1111.r11 a'\-e &va llabl· for r~r,.ntll ••• •frmi: lhltt .. .-rvi. .. 11t 11 rMt lhAt 111 nnt pr.ihlhillvr : If tl·l'rf' "'" rommun1t1r11 lh111 WMl t hit.I I .II,. Cl'nlt'rf', lh1'.\ llh••UIJ h<' t he rellponstbtlttv of tha t rnmm11n1ty not \ht Sta le fl Th,. l'lrnatl' Comm1tt"t-m•k· 1n i;: ! hi' l'l tidy nf I hf' pr,.bl~u un- 11 n1m .. 11•Jy r!'rommt nrl-l hal ~tal e f'Rt:E txo.so~n bl\n s rr u C"11llln1t tnr $:1 m1llton pArf'll tn fight 1( Rf'<! China rnovn Jlf'r Y"lH rnr lh•· • h1t<1 '81 .. pro· llj:n1n"l Formo11a or the Pe11('a · gnim Tht' blll• Wilt 11nilf111bt,.<lly ilnrr1t It ll' R formu1Ablr ntt'l •n<I Theee <'lain11 by Mr. pAM I he A «~l'mhly hPan· reinfor<-r mt nl• a re now hower'• lieutenanla arouaed mixed Grr11t .. ent1m,.rit will tw J!••nr11tt· I ~rt'r;lln1t thrm11t:h t hr Par lflc to ft'tlinge among Con~rv&tlVPll. but t'<I In ht>h11 H 11f lllr p111i:1 "•l1 11ntl I ba<'k It u p T ht won! "ten11.,:• i• even thla gro up prh·ately ftll that orat ory w ill be rt11••nl If th" mr•· '"""' 11ppl1r11blt tn lhl' 11llua t1on. mio.ny a ction• by the ConfTeN fn rm lhe lnxpAH'r• 'an ln.•lc ror· • . '"" I ., . !IUre bt-coml's '"'" In 1111 Jll Pl'Pnl I \\ \R Df:C I "RAT o""·. -.·o·:td be a p pro\'ed b.\· bUlltnflUI wan! t o .tn .. xpnnr1r tl procr1<m In On CRpltl'I Hill . In the ev•· and heartily d1sepprovf'd b)' lhl!' the y"a r.11 to <'um<' 1h11l will l'Xtt'nd n111K 11fl"r Mr. E ll1t'n hown 'a mu· Radica l• If the E l11enhowf'r Ad· •o PVl'ry rtl\'. Hntl p11obHhh• 10 llAl;f' hll•I b""" I •'I d · · mt'mbf'ra nun!atracron followtd thue wMd11 ""f'IY mt11111~t n i:m11l111tnl l11b•Jr nf t'on1t:1 f!~~. In Inform al private IM'l forth by the Pre11ident '" lh~ <'8 mp 11p An1I duwn th•• St:tl" I ~"~"'""" "'"' .. gnve. Nn effort Th~•" (,;no l""""n 111 brlll'vr lhlll ""~ 111Adr tn con<'t'RI lhr tart that Er onomlc Report th" ull1m111 .. '"'l will no1 ·m11"h· lhl' P r .... 1dP11l ha<I aiokf'<I tor what "A frte economy ha• grt'al ra· 1u11m In mAn\· llllll'"' th .. rro••rnt lll!lullnlf'll '" a la('ll Declara llon par ity to f;f'nerell' JObll anti In· ft1t11r1'. T~.111 inol1v .. 111 .. 1 •~ ~1111 <1( ,,f \\·ar r onlf'll it a fl'thnc or ronflflrnff lhP 1opin111n thAl th .. b• •I ,,1 .•••• '" ltut lhNr ...... 11n•nitn1t\· '"JOUP-1 rR1 .... ll n•I r11rt '"' 'hol .... " ., Ill r"• t ,,, I hr Pre~i.Jtnl " P"•ll•flf) in \hf' l'COnomlr r1Jt11re ........ 1 .. 1y the hntne hy l h• 1 hli.f1rn,. 11\1.n ;.;,, c·un,i?"'"'' rnuloJ h,. 1"•11 \l.a r-1 tth•rl'<l hy in\·t's!ll11'. v.·orkt'lll, tlll•I· pRrt nls 111110•1•'>1 lh~n lht p1 t~f'nl R4th hut ntl'IJlm •n. t1<rm"r• end rc1niuirnt1 .. •• , . "• I I I , I ,.. I , I I I I I • I I I f . .. • ' I -l.. .~ . I -- ' J v .. OLD ARROWHEADS-These white Desert Cahuilla ar· rowheads art' f rom Esterbrook collection, Borego Val· ley. -Horace Parkt>r Photo Sacramento Sidelight SAt •ttA~IESTO •CS S• l•Jt l\J111g l 1102 8110 II>", Lh .. "fair Id•·" 111 lhf' •xi"""'"" 11111111,1 r 1n valu• ' uf ·whu h. lhe 1rp .. rl ••y11. "'h11 h th!' ll•Xj'lo•) tlM ,11bi.iol17•· 111-a11111unt .. <I ti• $2.4 H 82~110 T hu• <111 .. :ry ~n•l 11i:r 11 1111111 •• 111 k" •Kil ""ll "'" b•g1te11t 11 .. r11 tJ1•t rth11lr1I b~ j:••lnc>cl rr .. 111 1h" 11111n1h ty 11•p•1rl '" .. , h .... 1. h•1•p1t11la ti n·I w .. ifnr11 of lht ~•Rt" •l•J'lt1 l11<•·n1 "'"•Ill· 1111,.111 1•' lhl••U~hout Ill" .•litl,., •'!l l1•111 ~ dl•'ll'l!'ln .. ( 1111rph1• prop· 14 11 h t h•• third lllrl(Plll t>-mg 117 rrly, "hi• h Ill l\f'ktll'J hV \\'1ffia111 I llrll llf pTl!I"~ rho>t'M80 (111 .. lin!( A f·arrrll, lh" ""l'"•lmrnt • 1h1rt I 71k 1•l<1 lh• v11h1..,l Ill S6&7,:\"I . 1111rplu11 r1t'J"'rt~· •1fflt O'r 111,,111 "I lh"'" r11< rllll.I V pr.,<IWJ ~ • D11rin1t lh" 111.111 )1,11( 11f l!•~•I ~ll!J•ll1<1 r"n• '""""I l)v th" '"'l"11•l a11•ot1llni:_ 111 th• r•1w•1I. lhl' i-t.11r ""''1 11111"'11 "''th thr lllJIJ"flV•r~· lllfl"Or\· I •or JllllJJllll' pr.,prrly I• ltlf11,,.\. "t11lo f 'A hi n1 nl" f1n1fo it (('l""'I 1u 11I 11hlpp••I m••lr rr••f"'rl \ ""'' "''\' ••r 111 lt>1111t ,.,, l h" n11l14 s.nd fh111 l,.t uft~ t~u•11 "' HfiV ••'""' !f1t.t r1tlt1t• r" •A\1 ''' ''"fll1t11J~ fn r t• ('O!l'lf'lltit lllr Jl"ll"d t•f I(, llJIO l "lti n '"'I ft l"W lhrl'llVt\ Wh1r)) lh• M \Ul,1.lO:"i 1:0-t 'OOll •I"'' 1• ''"'hlr•I I" r•1nt r••I lh<! IJu111111 1111• •1 ~·mnnll1 l" 1pwl. 'h" RJ?."0' \ th"'lf tb11lrJ f h • h~1hl, dun""' $7 Il l till (If< ""rth •I prnprrty or ""'' h nr11rl\ Sil 11111 hon V.'(u th ,,,,,,_,,., .. t of f," ... '"''u:I" f'r1~t 1,( lnttlcllli;: lh" d1•lph11l1 11. t h•~ r•·rnr1 ,.,.~.., ttu\1111ul ,••t t'' s :6:.1111122 l"J'f•• .. nt1111:" ... ,. 1ni;: I<• q,.,.,. r''"'" lf1AI 1n1: "' S•\ • ~:,~OIOR":' .... t •n•ll• I ,~,. f'•I'•' tul,.r ·'••l'I· phllt" " ·I J h• 1n,. rr ,., • 1 r , •1'4 ,J All '\f11 • t1u '°t• 11 1 f~ ''·P '' 1r,r 4il r ""' t11.1•. " 1·" r·i. Ji• , r •rfl' .tn•I t I,,., I ,, ,, ~ ru f 1•• 11 "' Th~ I •i''''' V.t II £lK•ft "~'t.1.~ r o ndt:t'•fl """ '1 nf I' """'' th•• r"Jl I f .. l!\l f'I" (>ti'''''" n( ,,,,., .. 1•r•ttJU1 t .- h 1 .. tr\ lt ·r• '''' \io 111 I •II •I· ( •110Ul•tdt1 ~ ... .-•II•' I ~.,... I f ' • I , I Iv '"I• rl v. I • lo 1 ,, I ~ ! c 1 \'4JU.. nf S:1 'tflf, i7'1 ~1 :• • ,• ,) l •1f Jh • 1 .. ,, l'fa 11+•1 1f t1~ ~ t 1····• Th,. f1....,11I t•,, "h· t l"' A11~ •.~ ••• lh ru ~T \Tt: "'C•ICOnL-. -r'hr "Jf1d11~ pr••J'"'•·' '" I .,,. ih"! t h• 1n~J<1t ll\ • f II• I " 1•11111• wtt r. '"' c·i.1ar111 t J . • r a11 ... , ... 1 .. in 111• f'P12 1a n 1 ,,,,.,,.,,ti t,, C'"' _.r""'"rt I . I I' , l•Jt I • ,,.,,,., ,, r: i.,,t,.,s " \, • 1 i:, • • , 1\10 w~r• IJ2 •carlo•d~ of bUtt•r. T'' ,, I A' t•t{IC t. ~t l'f'Ol<T Th•· '-''• •n•t 1-. t ~""t 't~·t nhut 1••0 "'"" 't • ·ul•'"''~ ''' r 11 nnr1t h,.,.f 1111 I f'tt.t\ \ l11l11l1111: ?. '.fl7.lllll lh• • 1111•111tl•l'•l111 S!•lrl'.r,nrii) H•r" 'ljlH111 »• P\1'11'11"' lhlll lh~ fNJerM #i!1;\ l•q 11tH·IJI h 1Pi tll'l'lf 'h'' t~ro'ty• • r 11 '""'' "' k~•·r ••f' '"" prire ltf )1•1 t 11n. f 1t••I ~,.: 1.n Lh ... •h"lnho11n n It•' P 1·!• •1 J• rt,, tw1'n" r rAtfin· • , ' .1 '"' ' • f , r1tr ,,. r1 v M U1 ,., ,,,,, i ' ~· tt11r , ,, .,., ... f""'rn111 • •r 1• ,, ''•'"''· , ·•hU• ,, ,.., •• ,.h•'JI\ J"f'•nul 1.1,1 •,1 • '"''' d p•'"' "ht>rt,.ninj(, I •t I ... , "•tt'"' If ~ ""''' lf)f'T\A(I) f•h •• \ I 111 •hhl 1p111nl1l1• • •.f ""'· t11 ~ ,,, •t • , •l1ill1t1•ll,tr1t w 1)J ~ 11 1 • 1\1fth• 11r r~ th ... n,.~l . ' ., ~ • ••\" tr ,. fl "orl. a.nit tt I t I r " f •• 11 ' f•IJlr H t &r\ ftif • 1• 1 ,• 1•,t ut•1 ,.,,,H 1,. .,r n e.. r1 • ·', l ' 1•1 l"'•'V •l1•Lribut• I .. ••i • 11 , Vo~-f 1f~ftnl 7.ll'tt .. Jt),.,.. •I"'•• 1., \\ rl·I \\<or II, prlm a n )y '"I" I to•I 1 I II I 11 <.f 1111rpllla lqlJll'· ".'I "I • •1 I h .. t• •t .. r 111 l(OV~n·· • • • I "I •1n I ~r ·I 11ntl In ,..,.. t h~l 'I• • • , s ',..,, f'••antt ''--'#&J 1r.1u ,, • , • r 111 'l111n n,.I• A l"fll f"n' • ,_,, ,.,., • ., ,.-t)o , ,,,,.,rthUt ton ,,.n ... '• • ._,~ t • "" .r 'n • .. nn.a. n"nl operation . ·' I 1 t i , ., , ·. ) WE'VE .pUl Especially High Trade-Ins on all Appliances this week • Compl~t. Line of AppllalKlM ·-from T~l~\·laloa ~111 to Lamr ftulbll A.itllorlMd 8enlte • , , l!lmaJJ Appl~ lffpaJr ohLU., 3424 Via Lido Harbor 4797 NEWPORT HARB0R NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PAGE 1 MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 Choose Your Summer ~ Wardrobe Now! from our di1tinctive Selection of Casual Clothe& ALL MERCHANDISE Y1 OFF Vagabond House 3426 Via lido .. 15% Dis~ounf . all this · Week · DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Carpeh • Draperie1 • Furniture • Upholaterin9 BUDGET TERMS AS WW A8 %53 down. No tharge for our Decorat.lng &n•let1 .•• Frff Eatl· mates cheei'fuUy gh·en Dick Macker 3420 Via Udo JIM WALKER W ALTE~ HOLdROOK "'Harbor 4328 DICK MAKER BILL PAPPAS VALENTINES by Norcross, Dolphin and Frevossi ferent Williams . STATIONERS Hao \1a Udo llar. UN t "Let them reach . for toys instead of candy" so versatile • • • 10 smart • • • 10 always in good taste from morn til night ••. color blended to mix or match 3412 Via Udo Harbor 3677 When Summer Comes Our Cottons Are Gone - The f'.ariJ' BUda Have FUt Them Oii $0 BUY NOW ••• wrappe'd it up in plenty of free parkjn9 space and pasted a r2..)V qf unnin_g. win· -' 'dow1 on the side-.-------:1:;~..,_--.-----f---.~:::::;.t-:f' LIDO FASH IONS UDO SHOPS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ••• loaded in plenty of service and so much willingness our sincere desire to be of help i1 oozing over onto the street • • • 3442 YJa Udo U40 \'ia Oporl-0 ArmM the Parkfnt r.ot nn \'fa Oporto Udo Isle Sales & RHtal Expem Lido Re&Jty Auoclate. '400 Via Udo -Harbor U« W. 0 . luck, Incorporated Insurance Agents S-100 Vla Udo -Phoae Harbor 4444 • Studebaker Dealer .Joe Nlckrrh Saleti -Service -Part.Al Harbor SJO RHOurl'H la l:c-nf ll'J,000,00().00 NEWftORT IALIOA SAVINGS amt•LOAX A~1(S. P. A. PA L~fk:R, Pr.-ld•nt ISM \"la Lido Jhrhor U OO :s•:\\ r o RT B&AC'lf. f'.\l.JF. Rttrh·e ,·aJuc-for ~our mon .. ~· and b(-au· t~· for ~·onr hnmf' ... from a t"omph-te maiu1Jon to a .ola pllJow, dlticu .. your dl'<'oratin~ \\'it.h BLA.~<..1u: n .:LKt:KSOS A.l.D. Hubor M86 -Lido Theater Harbor 2114 lladqaartfo1"1 for Udo hie Property p. •· paltner Incorporated Ole hll.l\90R CO. Alu mrmt. IUI rt. lldo 11&.rbor l SCIO Udo ShcavhtcJ MllCJ Barber Shop Appolnlmtnt~ AvLllabl,. Jih.ntcunn. by a ppointment Hamor ltM .. ,n 1'1dwrn'a" GDHARDT STUDIOS WALLY GERHARDT nae pflotoirrapt11 Barbor '406 King's Udo Richfield At the entrance to Lido Shop1 Harbor 4821 Lido's Salon of leallty Complete Beauty Service Hut>or 13'78 :Sow Ptar lnc ''TIU; BARF.FOOT C(ISTl:SSA" Th ru TuHday l'lt.vta Wtd~ "'Tffl:Rt::'~ SO 81'!i'l~T.!'48 Ull£ ~llOW Bl'81!'11E88" look in1 ide our hearts ••. in each one you'll find something extra special .•. just for you • . • something you've been looking for . . • for a long time. Search your Heart for Heart Research • • • hearts wm beat hap· pier and lonCJ•r If you give what you can. THIS IS THE DRUG STORE 41Lc~-G- LIDo DRUGS 3461 Via Udo THIS IS THE GROCERY STORE L.100 •.t.lltlT On• Block of Shopping Excitement BETWEEN "THE ARCHES" and LIDO ISU, NEWPORT BEACH Hearts 'N Darts BOXER SHORTS $1.50 Colorful Red and White Cotton Unden;hort.a Styled For \'alentJn~ Ghing 3428 Via Udo BJDWELL'S High Five in the Harbor Area I. My Brother's Keeper 2. Soldier of Fortune 3. Prisoner in Paradise 4. Noble Savage 6. The View from Pompey's Head Book Case 3416 Via Udo Harbor 4404 • .. j ~ ' .. , I PAGE 8·PART1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ! · MONl')AY. FFR. 7. 1955 ' .-J D~K DWYERS ON CRU~E Now cru1a1ng th«' Car1bbr an l boerd lheir new M·fool delael ya<'hl Gullanl Le11y. ere Mr. 11nt1 Mrit. Dick Dwyer and a gniup of tr1en•I.~. The Dwrrr>< purchase<! G111lnnt Lady last tall In F1or· !<la 11nrt hive bN•n antlctpa tlni;: brmi;:lng her "home" to Newport Harbor. Thl'y l'XpeC'l to leavt" Jam11lca about the m iddle of March en route to the P1tn11ma Clrnal and up the Wf'sl COut. makin&" ~veral stopa In M tx11·0. Cnllllinjt in convoy with the Dwyer• an the J . Rn~11 C'"11~tl'n<lyt ks al><.ard thl'tr Gallant Lady V. -Ray Purdy Photo Part r tanee1- on Outboard Thefts Here .... -. - "l-D" Flowen Now Possible IL 1s po111t1ble now to arlect fl•JwPrll h<'re ror fl\Slrrn 1leh- very from a "3·0" VIMual WlrP 1 111"rv1cf'. 11c<'ordlng to M rs. SANTA ANA 1Ql"NS1-Super· John M. Hsrlleln of Corona lor cOurt Jud1te J ohn Shf'll F t1d11y I dt-1 Mar. ll#ntfnce<l two Huntington Bel\ch , "Teleflora 3 D" I• exchalve youths to jail fur :lO d R)'ll and pla<'- •d them on thref' Y••llra prob11tlon e ft.er lhf'y rtpnr tedly a.Jmltl!'d etealing three outboard m~tora and a 11k1ft rrom the Nrwport '84-ILCh arta. They w!'re M!nll'nttd on one count o f gTand tht'fl. In the H arbOr area with Hart- lein Flowers. permlttlrr; the huyer to "lief'" and identify by correct name t.nd number the very floral arran~l'ment or native flower to be deliver- ed "l eulern points. Orange County Saving -ond Goal GrA.nted lhr.-r yl'ar11 prohBlton after they 11Crve lhl'lr jail h•rm11 Wert' Jo:ot•ph N . Grant, 19, Rich- ard A. Brow n. 19. Judge S hea ata yl'd thf' Mnt .. nce until today. A condition or the pmballon 111 th11 t Ut• ct.lf'nd&nl• m u• renltuUoo tor damag-e• d<m• the ttolen artl· ell's, r •<:h paytnK half. s ,f t S5 145 Mft Th" 11toltn irear 111 In custody e.. a f ,uvu <>f s .. wparl Bt't1rh pnlfrP for re-I tu ming to thf' v1ctlm11. Uated u I The Tree..sury Departm.nt. thla v1c1'.!!:'s ;!'err Alfrf'd A Amnault. year will earn al~ tor lnvul- 1 i08 t . fTth ~f : r-~ l'.Ull"A. a ' mf'nlJI !nu. s. SaVfni•" BOnoa or 10 hp outbo11r1I motor, zno. Eu-K• billion, 50() m1lhon In an effort If'"! KO<'h. !0100 Klni:ll ~oa~. 11 en ho<'l~t n1oomen1hlp and curr .. nt 1 $33. &klff ; C.. A. F:lhoH 6.1 .J()th 1<t1.ll's hy 12 ;11u r ent over 19:'>4'11 St. a S289 10 hp t•utbrrnrrl m"t"r fWll~I' l ime high of $4 ,889.000.000. VlllUl'd al $423 ';() J1'r11te Shl•a .,, "'''" 11 "'''" !hill T1t111 was reported today In an thlY' t1r fendftnt,. b<• 1111.," f'•I ln '"f''I' announcrm<'nt tht.t Or11.11gt' Coun- t ht' tr jatl tint,. nn """"k tnd~ a n•I I\' \'olunl rl'r Saving& Bond• eom- 1\oh•!AVll •• th••y r <>uld kl'"Jl thf'tr 1111!'"'"' h-"d srcepted • .r;oal of 16.· Joi>.• Cou nt twn <.,( 11:ran1i t hf'rt 0 1 .. OO<I u the county" •hare of •1otaln11t th!' llll'f"'' '" Wll!I •h•mi.,._ lh" nlltlonsl objc.-ctlvt>. td on ll mol 111n hv lh" t1 l•lr1rl a l-1 ('(){'!'llTV 00.A.L torn"'.'"11 offlr r . The l9!•l:> Blllt"JO quota r•·prc&t>nL• -1111 11w11•11!'le <•f S!M'• 000 o\'f'r llli<t N . M G \ollf'~ H"n l'!'I •; nnol II (lllr<'ha.'1<'!'1 Mesa avy an ets lhv 1n11 11ty n ·!'ltolenl•. 8.l.<'ONllni;: to A • H •• H••l11n1t A. \\'n1tht, rhlllrmfln of dYQftCe lft GWQll ""' •I 11• l t \!I Ir• Ill Newport Beach Hal"' in t(l:.~. hi" 11.111<1. t ola ll1;>d 1 Fr~~"~!; )!~n~~C~~ R;•rir~ J r. SI Obl:l 126. the huv1e~t volume of RI y y.-ar 111nr • 1949 a nd a r;a1n of ,.,.;, •. r :"\In-H"'Uhl H<'rtr k • ( ~-,q Ha m11lrrn SI I •n,..:a :lt"!I" .. net h11•hnn<1 111 1 h,. '"' "" r :111$" l":J.·n· "" :II ""''"' k 11( :ll ull}rr rv. K .tn.•, hft' h 1·n 1t I\ tr, t t l '' J'•'•t11JUitn :-t nllllt' ~•'·''I 11 1!1-.. l'S:-:. \\flll• 1unv1ni: st 11 " I ;.; ·"''"~'' ~tlll· I!, :1 p••r rt'nt 1wer I fl:>3. SA\'L'1GS t"P ~"ri"11 E bon•l" p rod u c e d $;\,11:1:1,6:.!6 of lht' y.-a1 -•·nrt I vt&I . ='l'rt•,.; H. S 1.0:>2.l:>OO. W t1a.:ht a.dded lh>t l lh!'.'11' ~lUlf'8 O( the lf'llt llVi:Jy manne 1:.,... f,,.,, nr,.· nirro nt income s .. rlcii H lit-1 fl, (nr, • '• 1111,: I' 1• :'lo'tJ\y In • llrtly wr re mort• than tw1r e ti'~ Novcmb• 1 1•1:.1 I. "·1~ li(rl'olURl· N l hl' prcc~mi;: yeAr, due pnman -1 ''' (r<>tll :-,,.,,!"•rt Harbor 1·111on Iv lo wulC'llJ'read 11\V('!llOr a rcep- H 11i(h F.ch• ·•I hi :"1•v.1 .. ,rt_H_"_'"'h _ 11\0('e.• I WHAT, NO Fl~ FOR DINNER 7 Trw ~. 1~ ~dent ol Ule 0cee.n F'labinf Proted.lft AmodatJOfl and Mn. JCldff enjoy a food ~ bfllore em· b&rtt!n« on thf' dinner plate January 21 at lh• Balboa Ans· llBC Club trophy p..-tau ona. -Kent H1tc:hoock Pbot.o ' Shop .. 1y In the w ... for money saving values. Check every ad on this paCJe for Outstanding buys. Each w... you'll find Items ad· vertisecl that will save you money. Watch the Spotlite Value ads. Early Week BARGAINS $AVEl $AVE! BARGAIN BASKET MAlKET • Olellc:!M 0 LE 0 ............ ·--·---··· .. -······· .. ····-·---·---......... ~~ 15 c: P"'9b 1- GROUND . BEEF ···-·············· ............. _____ 4 .. 51 00 (lh lb.) OudaliJ 8-u PICNIC HAMS .. -.............. ·-············ .. -·--· 35c 19th and. Placentia THSclay & Wednesday Feb. 1·9 Oaly Costa Mesa 0ope. of Art aad OU U" ll %8" ~ s 1 " PICTURES ........ -.......... . MM'• ILec. l6c WORK SOX 81ua 1~n 82l W. 19th (at Plaoentla) Special! 'Front Wheels Aligned and Balanced (IDdodtnir Wf'l«he:-) R&L AUTO CLINIC 8001 Xt "'POrt Bl\·d. 10fnC'ta.l Hri.lce fltatloa 400I) Bor~ 0 1"8 ~ Women'• s99s Harbor 4&>6 ~ to ·112 Off einerfs HOME COOKING Breaklu t from 8:00 Lm. LUNOB a 8NACIU HOKE-KA.DIC llOUP BOllZ-llADE OAllES a Pm8 8ANDWIOll£8 a FRENCH FRIES at Nellie's New Chow CCM1nter Ma-a Q •aon.&aa A.ND ll£EF 1'1tMB POULTBl' AND IWG8 DICLICATE88£N ORDERS TO TAKll HOME NELLIE'S HEN HOUSE 001'0NA DEL llA& S24% & CoMt R"J'. At.d. Crfll • J" ellow et" a,_ Waterproof s 8 88 MA TI'RESS ...,.. ••us BlrdN7e • ~-ta.II $ 188 DIAPERS ___ .... Rec· l$e _. Qtdltied n J( n CRIB PAD ---- - 1809 Newport Aneae Cottta Me. SALE snLL ON SavlftCJI en llnlCh en 75% None less thaa 331 % • W.t• fOf' 0..... s129 BATH TOWEL SPECIALS,., .•. ,. New 8Mdl 0. ftia Weell Ol'D .UNDAT It 'IO I . SPECIALS FOR TUES. and WED. Feb. I and 9 LAUNDRY CARTS r:. ... 1~26 SCOTT TISSUE ........ --··--·9c CANDY BARS,.,. 6c ........ 3for1oc ~ f/A\-~ ~C, DRUGS LIDO-l481 Vla Llflo. Newport a.ch "One of Ute Udo Rhope" DARBOR-SSOl E. Oout Hwy., Corona del Mar BALBOA-!18 E. Balboa Blvd., BalbGe FEBRUARY SPF..CIAI, Shampoo Wave ................ ~1 50 l•t:Kl'CASf;::io.~ locludlnl' lla.lr•'11t phi' on.-<'b..ck -up, shampoo ~ ,.ave '10''" att4'r 7oar JH'molMM'tlt • .. . .•••. Make Appointments Early CO!'CTA M f:SA 7ff6 W. J9th St. -CO!tta Mf'U -Uhf-rty ~.Jf).;1 A lkal Ooor Rm1tf'r \"aloe WORK SHIRTS KAHKI OR GRA 1· Nationally Ath-ertlfM"od Brand 'nil• \\'Hk ()lily 'l.49 VALUE -s200 ·-.. . ............. . WAS~MILLER'S 2004 W. Balboa Bhd. ' j . I 'l "' ;• ' j I t ... NEWPORr HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1955 PART T.WO, PAGE ONE THROUGH FIELD AND FOREST-Eight members of Explorer Post 17, Corona del Mar, exemplify the adHn- turous connotation of youth group through long hikes. Crosain the terrain to new vistas above are, left to right, Post Advisor Lyn Barton, John Van Dyke. J ohn Vale, Tommy Baume. David Harshbarger. Doug Unruh. Randy Pcel~r. Mike Gaughan and Ronnie Keeler.-St aTf Photos by Bill Phillips · ' NOW WATCH CWSEl.\'-1;..~hi_!l~ pales w!!_ile ~aJ!lpinf ou ar c D oug· ffrli~,.~e~~. ~-~-==-=-=·~=-==~~~~'2Mllii!a!£2iSlii~mmar&ii&iiia;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;::;=:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::::=====:I:d and Tommy Baume. Members of Explorers Post 1~ looking on are. left to right. Spen- cer Cole, Post Advisor Lyn Barton. Bruce Macgurn with the book and sitting. John Van Dy1<e. HARBOR HAILS SCOUTS' WEEK Forty-five years of Scouting in America Jack Calnon. Spencer Cole. Mike Gaughan. ·was cl'lebratr d in Newpo rt Harbor and Dave Harshbarger, Walter Howald. Ronald throughout the nation with the dawning of K~ler, Bruce Macgurn, George McFarland. &out Sunday. F eb. 6. Theme of the observ· Randy ~eler. Douglas RedJick. Douglas ance is "Building for a .Better Tomorrow." Unruh, John \'ale. J ohn \'an Dyke and Rog- " Jn step with the progress being m ade in -er Lal<e. -- all branchrs of Scouting, N ewport Harbor's Scouting begins with the Cubs, young- Explor rr Post 17 is helping to m o I d the sters or 8 years old and follows the boy as char acters, personalities and health of loca l he grows up to manhood and becomes a boys. leader of other boys and m<'n. Under the direction of Post Advisor Lyn-And ix-hind enry Cub, Scout and Ex- SPROUTlNG WINGS-Naturally, aviation is among the wood S. Barton, members a re trained in out-plorer stand several ranks of men and wo- door skills, social deportment, service to men, parents and community lf'adcrs who community, physical fitness and leadership. are responsible fo r the succeRsful develop- Membcrs of the post are Thomas Ba ume, ment of Scouting. \activities members of the Corona del Ma r Explorers Poet 17 delve into. Getting the feel of a cockpit in a trainer at Orange County Airport arc. left, John Van Dyke and, npt, David Hanhb&rger. , •K;l' ... W ~ --="" ----. ......_ GOD A~O COl "XTRY -The rchg1ou1 life or young America is an important facet of Explorer training. P o1t Ach-i~r Lyn Barton lines up members of Poat 17, Cor· ona del Mar. ready to mnrrh into Sunday acrvicee. There att 15 boya in the pott, all betw~n 14 and 16 year. of l(t'. • SKY IDGH -Strength and 1eamanship receive atten- tion In the training pro- gram for Amer ica's youth eel up by Explorcn1. Scampering &lcyward ln a rope climb exerciee for Ex- plorcn Post 17, are Ronnle Keelt'r , top man, and John Yan Dyka. LOOK Atn ·t: 1'1ATt:S-Casung mooring line from the Comfort. one of the veuela usC'd ror seamanship r-;tudy nl the SC'a Scout anchoragC', Newport &:>ach, i11 Johri Van Dyke. Other mcmb<·n; of Explorers Post 17. Corona Jel Ma r. are T o m my Baume, .ready to catch l he ro(l<'; Bruce Mac~m . handling the polr: Spenrer Co I e in the ha tchway and Doug unruh ato p the sail. Post Adnsor Lyn Barton looks on. IOY IN SERVlCE--Community Ae rvict' 111 cu.r rcnUy b<:111k d1inat1·d by Expl1Jrcr l'<>lit 17, by cleaning out the old Scout J amb<1r('f' hroadqunrtPn1 b111lding. Thr· Htructurr which wu used In July of 1953 i11 b<o in~ maolr· int11 tht• Cor11na drol ~for Cr1mmun1ty Yout h Center . Shown moving lumber from thr bu1hling are MLke Gnugha.n a.nd Ronnie Keelet' in the doorway, JOhn V&Je anu Doug L:n ruh outs1tle. ' '\ f , I 1 " ., ) \ I I f ·1 I •'I . . ,, LARRY CASTRO SMASHES 1.8 MILE TRACK RECORD; TARS TAKE TITLE Vanity, JV Teams Each Take Four Flnts in Cross Country Led by · the record-smuh.ing performance of Larry Cutro, Newport Harbor Union High School completely out- clasaed the field in running to q1eir second consecutive Sun· aet l~ague crou country championship. Tburaday afternoon at Huntington Beach Castro broke the course record for 1.8 m1la by 01,., 11econd• with a spark· Ung 9· IO :i Fulltrton·,. lnrllana edged Huntlnjtlon Beach for IC!C· onrl plarp t"CH 'K t"IK!;T~ :-.:ewport plued tour o r the tlrllt five men In the Vllralty competl· lion u thry arorl'd 11n unbellev· a bly low 22 JX11nta. Fullerton waa a dlata nl second w llh 82 pointa Soon atlt"r pa.sing Arrouta, CaAtro passed White, to t ake the lead for tht> first time. Wllh the runnl'1'1 moving Into lhe stretch, Olatro unleuht:'d a trrmendous kick. IC'aving White ln the dust with Arrouu011t1ll trailing h im. w hll• Huntington had 88. Th.: Nrwport sensation ront1~11- Santa Ana .-opped fourth with t d t-0 pull aw11)', evt-ntually break· 92 point•: Anaheim fifth w ith 100 1 ing the tape 80 yanls ,In front of and Orange 11t11th with 134 I \\'hit,., who deff'nled A rrouu by 20 T he J.8 mllt run 11.&rtt<l as an > ul 11.i. appa~nt two-man n et, with Nt w · f F1nu1hlng behind Arrours were a port'• Tpd White Rnd Fullerton'• pair or =-:twrort boy~. Au~ie Ostro Larry Arroue11 Milting an l'arty i.kt and Jim Schloe~l!er. F ollow1ng pace. With the tteld nearing t he the slxlh runnl'r, Alex L<lpt'z of halt-way mark, Caatro was 11t1JJ Orange Wl're H un tington's Jerry far beck ln 20th plact . Wor thy, Santa Ana'• Don Stevena CASTRO MAKJ'".8 BllJ and Anah,.tm's Dick Smith. ll waa htre he atarted to rake JV \'ICTORS hla move. W ith the race lua than Junio r vara1ty romptllllon waa two-lhlrda nvn. Cu tro 1uddenly a vlrt ual n •phca or the varsity vaulted Into Ul1rd po11ltlon, right with Ne,,.'J)Ort again grabbing rour behind Arrouea and White. ot the first five l'polll. With Whlt4! lt'&J lnc ..by acant The Sa1lor11 taJllPd 18 yarda, Arrow•• edged put h im . while Huntington l!nl~hed While rPgalned the ltt1d, only ·to with 72. have Arroun ag,aln forge aheMI F'u11t'rton scOr f'd I QO p oint• to ,,with thrP-·elghts or a mile to go. Anllhf'lm'11 225 whlle Sant& Ana , During lhl• rurloua battle for the and Orange did not enttr full lead. Cutro held f irm In third tf'amJ11. •P"t. Winning ttie JV race wa. Bob Whllf' tht>n mlldt hl11 tlnol movr P eell•r <if :">ewport. who ftnlshcd •with rutrn qt11C'kly rollowln g. ,..,Ith a 9 :48 llmr. S WATC By BILL PHILLIPS Et! Lane of C:111c;;'. Me11a la fight - ing a one-man battle to keep home-town ba..eball In the Harbor 11rl'a. Al bu81n@s11 mana.:n ot the Meaa McrchKnl1, he'11 done a pretty good JOb. too. Wasn't hartlly a yr11r a i:rJ tht' MHchant1 camt' up With a trophy embltm1ttlr of loclll d1nmonll 1iik1ll. Hut •tnre lht'n, l.Ja11ebllll lntere1t •eern11 ro hav1• lagl(PJ. 'C'M't un'· deratand ti, rlth1·r," Lanr musf"!I. we win majority or. our runc11, but wr'ro pl11yin,,-; bt'fore crowll• ot 3!'1 to i5 pi-oplc" I.A.SF. t.A~lt;Snl L.A('K Me.sa c&lcht'r, plans to try out tor t he Arizona 11quad. "J.taybe having a pro tt am 11prmg train hcrr will needle local lntrrett in what Is allegtdly Amcru:a'11 pa8llmt." Ed f'Xplaln•. Bu1de11, the Mercha.nta came up with Chuck Bunch who Jooka like a gond 1Jack8top rrplacc-mrnt for Forl1. KEEP TRI.SGS COOKING A bove all. at thia atage of the ballle. LAnP 11eek1 more young men lntereated In getting out for nine lnnlnga ot a Sunday. "It we <'an locate the playen, we'll try The1<"11 1rn111tle In forming a to organlz.. At h!ul one other f:CXlll t)11tni;1• County y!'Ar·round tl'Qffi, PVtD If It's a CllM o ( haYllll( l...,u•, to add lo I.An•'• Jamaal& J1 m-ro lb• out.tit," the ..,_ "A.AMMtlm llaAI a llke pN'k, but no ...... b&JI mautn> decl&Nd. • t eam," the 11tumpy Jillie hor.ehlde It'• e&.!!y to IN'• that Ed la •Imp· f'nthua1111L rtpona. ll'• llN'd for ly not going to give up In hi• k111 tum• ftnd, come a pnnc train-11erap t o ketp ba wball cooking on mg lime. pracllC'l' 11tr fnr the P CL thf' Ml'ta. If he can't find anybody Jtvllywuv•I !Hai~ c-1~" for the Mt rchants to play by Spike Schedule Set At College Tr&.1:k mf't'ls itet unJl>rw11y (o r Ora.nge Cout CollcJte against 1-:1 1 Camino on ttw rival ornl Fl°'b. '..:5. Coarh H ul.'alon Harper llnnour." .i todoy lnlt1al ht1me \'tndt>r 11p· pc•o rante for I he O('C t lilnd,1JJ11 t~ 11llltf'd tor Marrh 4 whrn thr 1-{1\ · r r/jf<le runnC'r!I 1111 the Mt'M1 F'or all home llll't>li<, H111 r"r said f1el1I 1•v1·nlll will ~tart ut .I p.m.', tra,.k 'vc•nts at :1.:rn p 01. All mr1·t11 will ht• f11·t> t n t h .. j•Ublh · I The hrim•· :.1 l11••1t11 .. · .!ll.1 r1 h I, Rt\'l·r~t<lt•; ~1'1n•h l :O, Mt. SJn An· t11n!o: ~1 a11 h It', J>,,-.11d•n11 ~111111 2:., Rllllll\ ;\ 1111: ;\pt :I :!~. E .tH• rn I C'onferent I' prdtnttnttn• ~. Apz 11 :JO. fo~:t!lll'tll ('onfl'IPl•t'•· lllllll:i ~te .. 111 11way: F .. b. 2:'>. CJ <"om· lnu: Manh l , l111rlwr Jr, ~hw·h 11 , l'llln U~mar•ltn(l: A pnl l, Ful- lt'rton . April ::2, C'h11ffey. .. -. _____ ...,,.. _____ _ HIGH SCHOOL SPRINT'R RECEIVES YROPHY Alh 1~·1 1· of tin~ Ye:i r Bill Swisshelm has just received the "Orange County Athlete of the YL::-r"" 1·• rpctu:.:I tru1 hy fn>:n Donn Spencer, R adio KWJZ sports editor, rl'.'prcscnt- in~ QC;\~ ?-lll>rls edit ors. S willi<h<'lm HI giving the trophy to his former high school principal. I: 'bert Farrar. nml his hi~h school track coach, Reece "Pinky" Greene. They will pht·t· thf.' t rophy in ~nnta An;1 High School's trophy case for on<' y<'nr. Left to right: fJ onn ~JX'llCC'r, Radio KWIZ sports director; Bill SwisBhelm, athlete of tlfe year : Robert Farrar. ~anta Ana H igh School principal: Reece "Pinky" Greene, Santa Ana High School track conch. HARBOR \).O~ PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MO NDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 Indian Swim Team Preps For Championship FULLERTON (O<''.':Sl -Off ru111t11 t urnt'<l In nt We !nt1d11y arternoon'l! 'JU&l1fvln(:' ro11nJ11. t he annu:-.J Fullnto11 l'ulon Hl,Kh S chool lntt r-rl:ii.:< 11wlmmlni, r ham- ploM hlpi< 1·n11ll1 <'8i<tly J:O to tht junior dtl~ll. ft"l'Cn(--cr'Klfll r!'.'.s·~"T1'1r'·-------...-~~.aa-~~~~..i , . I\. I nM nMH\.7 l:M Ur of 11rr1nt•·1•. thf' Junior t"IAM quail· I t<'d lf\\'1Jnme1·~ 111 18 <.11Hero:nt R ed R f 0 •pots on Uw l"vlurful 111x·cvenl . a~~.. agan 0 range tune lnnll' fli\'1n,1: 11nJ rt'lav ... 2' ''rnl.~ will be R•lth•tl for thf cham· r1on~h1p finnls S f tb II T t G If OS (ll•t:S J\ASIS 0 atl\'\ urns 0 0 Quall!) ms: \\'8" he-lei 1111 nn np<'n ""~'"· A s\\ 1mrncr <'011111 l'nll•r uny Hr :t \C t< 1m1:TT,t.1t \l.\lt( 11 cll't::i.--. rrnn.1.s •'V• nt. oio lt•ni:: i<io ht tllrln't rnm· oc :;, .... ;-.ta !f \\ rlt1•r Tl11• 1.11111..tti·~ Jlrl•Uehly \\Ill J•<'tl' m tn(Jf l' t h11n threl", onl.' bC'lng S,\:\"TA 1\:"> '· 1111::-:s1 ~-fir· r•r• n 111111.1 111 1111• 11r~t \\e<'k or 1 1•·! ,,. nni;• ~ .1:, 11111 1:11g;Jfl. th•• 1111u111111 .\t.111 h, with h·11i:11e J•lay tn ,;et Tnp Lim!' r>f t h!' d11y w"a Nl'•I J John Crl.ppen I'"" ... ' ,. ,,,.,,,.111 1nn1n; .. th-"""' 11rt .. rnn«n 11ca111..i ll•lljth r 1t11tl\lll l•• put thr l.1"11<'111'• Into the To Coach lynx "h'~· .. ,·.\;:.1.:~::~ I" \""'Ill , "'" , ...... I ~ 110\\n r .irh· 111111 hKltltC'tl t he I ~~~!1! .~!.1~ M•rl•• ;::.~.:::5~: .~~;.~: '.:.'.:~::~~ "8horty" Hiii. ITl9ragtr or the Ba11er1• 11 .. rsa a nJ r .. t bf''"'•~! Buena Park Lynx. a 11rla' aort· ball t ram, announcetl laat wrrk John C'rlp~n la• to bt hla ntw coach tor Ult t"olfllng 1taao n. I · Crlpp<"n. 30. 111 a phy111 a l f'du· caUon tn11 tnit"tor a t Ex.:tl!'101 H ll(h School. H iii Cll~o annnum•rd ('rq1- pen '"'Ill hll\'t "" a11a111t11 nt. ("!111r· lle Hall. a coach at e .. 11n11wf'r High. Hall 11 al110 30 yun (lid.' Both rtalde In Eut \\'hltlltr, Since Hiil rellnqulahrd 1111111'11 iu coach In 1948. the l~ynx h"''<' h"tl I (our cOll•'hes, \\"II h the ~1gn1ng of Crlpprn, h" mske11 lh" fifth I Johnna Moor•'. thf' blon1lr-h11!r · ed left tif'ldtr wu •lel"t'll u1 tum ca ptain for thf' l'ntlre sea..,on. Ll111t I ye11r the Lyn;"( ll<'ll'ct~J one prior lo f'ftl'h J:RlllP. ALL MEN Wh<'n \'Oii v1~11 \\"fill\ ~ H11rbf'1 Sh \0 1111 nnl uni I' ~ •• , 11 l.."U•· I• n tialn·ttt, )""~rt ~1111r ha ll 11 IRJ'f'•1 anti •I~ lr•I ar1·1,1·r1tng ti• y1111r hl 11 .11rn.t f1·111111·,.., Sp1•,•l11I· llf' In full 1•u1. fl•I lt•p, "41IC'h. l'rlnN"lon. 1lr•pl'•. A 1~11 l•1llu' hair 11hap1n1t WALLY'S RARRr:K ... u o 1• \?Get Harhur fth cl. C'O!fTA ~lf'l"A. RELl.ANCE ' . ANNIVERSARY Where ·You Shop In Confidence and Buy For Less SALE FEATURING . MOTOROLA FREE Buy a Motorola TV &rnt"~~a able anniversary gift plus our Special Service Gu~rantee 19.)a MODEU~ 1'7'~ Tahlt• )locM1t.-U9.M 21" Tahll" Motlt'llt 169.9~ 'iir"'~---.--· 24 '' Tahlc> M()(MM :?,;9.D:> -Ol:~_·T--TI-l~_-_.:;1 1'"11 l t ;,\,\" ~t:RMM We Rent Televisions ""·'· • 'I A t g K1srw1 '1 flL~h.\· 2:;,j d llc'k lnJt for ~~"""l"r. "'"'",...,... "''l'.+l"'H· ,~~'"'" _............,.J:1.\>Jl.;'-~u .... ·""· met m I pl1tnll 1•1 '''"' ··111 .1lc VII gulf afl 1•r nr t lrt'llll IJr • .-s ~h. 13 ln 1-"rtsno lhl' ~u yar<ls. lit' edi; .. u flon Gray· "um• , .... , 0 ,, IL'""" ,, 111 drt,.1 11~ t h• !l<'hf'dule bill. alao a Jttnlor, who t11rne1I 1n Th11 fl"'t twn month• rf'nt r an IW' a pplll'd n• t 1111 pur· r h-of any TV nr major hnmf' a ppllanff. H1 1 llt.1, •II p111 \' l:l 1 hn O; un~c Anoll1• r fll\'nrttc nf Bertha's, a 27.:i llmlnjt. ('11,• '"''' r ""!''"""id, 1 .. 1<.1 the b"" l111i;, 11111lml>ly \\Ill br rnst The 11uq•11~r or thP d11y was tht A I •I 11 f • h n am 1 :14 :Ill., clockln"' ln th•• 10-0-yar<I \\ 111.;', 'I 111 •h lllldl'I\' 1!1111 i>;h '11 ,. \\ wn " !l "'"'"s rr Q • ., 111111 , 1o1 >1.,1Jl .ii I• r lhtll ~,..11~.,11• I n~ 't"'IJH'lll11•e l'l'irtt on o ttaln· harl«trnkt' hy Soplwmurt~ Mtke Tit" 1, 11 ~: .. ,.11,. 1 .. ""'"J: t•J l11g "'''' "~" un th•· linka. H•rv•'Y· HI.~ f'l••le:<L ••nmpl'lltor w1111 111 1,.. 1 ,. 1, ,, 1 , • 111 ,q1, r Y"l.lr • l y,• tr• n ,!f,1111; :.i1111r bnwlln,;." Junivr <"l111u1m1n B tll Bt n-y ""Ith I \·''.'" t 1 , ' I ,, 'I l•n I "' , '" '' l • 1.111 h11\f• nt•\'t•r a 1·1111 . liming. hol'e l , . .,11 1,1,.,, ll 11,.11,.,..,1.,11,.11y. g ol t1w1 ,.,., ,.,u.4 e boul ll Jruloor I l'hll K••• rtolgt• lo1•k th!' IO-O·y11rd l'\'I' Ill'"" 11111111~ '"~"""" nn•I ,,Ill "f"U'I• nrvl'r tllcl •J'IM'KI '" brC'a.at llll"Okf' In I :115 !la with Rich· 1; n.; '" I r I.I•" 11 ul" r th•" Th.. :::: \<'.H·11ld rlghlhanJ .. r, iutl St1·w11rt • •Rht b"hlnd Kf'r· ,.,.~, • \\Ith n 1111•t111n 11m11oth Ill! molM~··•· rldite wa.t1 a doublt winner 111 he J.:,·ilhl\ I• •I• 1,,1111,n1 .\ tn iuall•• 11111 a11111-1ru a 1<lrlnJ: ,,( re<-on.b wo n t he 1n1hvl•lt111I m•·•llt~'. 1• ,1 11,.m 1•1, ., ''i' ,, .,,. fur lh• 111ln111 lt•"I Ii\' 11 n\· olher memb•r ?"\O UOl"tU.t : \\"fS ~F.1U4 l.1 I 'I• • I L \\lit •or I• .. r··~·~· l• I"' 111,r ••'( "" '"" 11nflball r1r lll "•~n .. r Wll!ll thf' nthf'r t!Ollhlf' 1l In 111 1 re :1 I II'•••' 1 ,,, i'(h,. h111 h11rlN! 1117 n;,.h1tt .. r11. In winner. 1-~ollowlnl{ hl11 win ln the l7" Teltle TV '•icetl Lew! APPLIANCE SPECIALS --.. THOR The Oran1oe a pple •J1tha1ll gou g(l)ly. thry'll play tllt"h olhtr.' (llll ltf h1111tnr•• I a1db1tll·w1.IC' I when tht 1pp1tiently mur\ popular l'PORT!SPl'l\R: ll'l\tP SllOT-Pa ul L<111·nt• un pops In a Jump tally r11r the Tars a gainst Anahl"lm be· for .. 1'14•r<'•ly Frt'nch, Anilhr1m i;:uard. "'" dn anv i;u:ir•hni:. nr11pltl' th" rr1•11l'nr•· tor Mike Ru.-h on lhl" Colon"t r~utnt• 1. F"rf'nr h ls r11tf'•I the h• t t<-r ballplRVt'r Rut !hr ti.-~t W'l*ll l gOOtl 'nn11i:h In this cn•r. , ,11,., r , 11 1 hi' .: """' d :-;•,<' 11 ""'" II 1t rn l'""'ng I••' II I ma y be foun.t I :.o, h,. 1 <'I um t••I 1111 .. r t o t a ptlur• \,,·•1 11 .i 1, 11 , II I'"'": 1:.1111·~ -no batlt·r tht> 100 In ~!l'h MODll 17T20-New birir-r fl:irtendtd Are. 17-:n. tube. D i1llnce Sel•ctor Switch . Compect ebony finilh a b. inet. No othn table 1V hat •IX'h bi• (eatune. M11hopny or blond all1htl y more. Automatic Washers SPECIALS J.1onf'ltf'1t llkf' o''"r '"' 11urtball Al Irwin. ta.nk tutor at Harbnr ThlA populArlly I• unde11tandsble. H igh. 1., •rrurrntly not a man to ' (;a111· 11<>f\b11ll n1n .. a "''" ay11 throw bf' f'aught 1<hort. He' a got his 11r· m orr curvr• J H not11 ru thi.i rlt<'Alltrn ff'9dy. Nhoultl • new h1i;:h Rt11ff l'hnto Ulr\.~O~U ('()l\tl't:TITIOS I .l'!'hf><i l bf' ('OMln1cteJ In ('0111.. • • . Then lhtrr. th•· rnulltplytng l\ll'llft ::u ('oata ~feaa get11 • high I W1nterburn H19h n umber oC TV u 11al11 un<l rabbit· ~rh•,ol. Al h:13 paft~f'd thP word, He malntatne bu eb11ll 111 here to whue the a'lhletu rome from!" 1 ... ,.. SUit, Lane rdu•u I •) HY <he., CO&!'hrl 11houlcl go lht're. T hlll'11 Score But Mt. .. tay, right along Wllh Dr•itn,.t and •.. Add ap t namu-H . w. K ra rt. SAC Victorious f,.male•. 1rn1I F.cl tnt .. ntl11 to rrovr H,. rt rently requuted a pollc" I'll· 11. 1 <'01 l to tr1nwport raring 11hrll11 Ron \\"tnl('rbui n rnur,.11 Z'< Among hi• hop1·M '" fut 1llllt1vn I frnm ocr to Newport Harb11r. pn111t11 through lhl' )l1P Kh F rlllny flf a aPverHtam Or11n1tt' ( '011nty Very Krafty way nr playlnit thf' nli;hl ror Orang" Cnruit t'oll•·i:· '9 8 1ll!tbt11l A•-nrla tlon • • 111p·•~"" ,,f nl<I .oh!'ll lt"\ml', wnull1n't you 11ay~ hr111keth11 ll quinll'l. hut t h~',, tun the Mtrd1•nl.•. l'h'''\'111111 IJ1 r11n I l"•ir I. I went t o Mt. R11n A11111n111 <.,•11"2•, \'i!'w. El Mu.t•n". s.111., An&, t:u·1 1 67-~16. 1n Jo:R11t .. rn ("o•nlr"n·•• , .. , ... 1"11" 11ntl l.n H11brn !.ftn·· Ill_,, Loe I Pair Cralh pel1l111n c htH II :-;,, hvl'i nnd J • 1111 fC.lrfftl forrn1tl11n Clf th1r" n1nee Q H'"ntlrr11on 111 1!11••1 Ill m1t k•t • In 1ht Harhur .,,.. at lalbo. Crossing 1 •f'll'f tl for .Ml ~AC' PASTI RF. 1•001. 1'1.A l t.I< The "1n 1 nntu1U• •I lh" ~luun· Mln nr 11r.-t.tr nt !lC<'Ul"T'f'tl \\'!'<inf'!•· l111nr••r., In ••, • n•I plnr,. w1•1t 1h,1r f:.1 s 11tuhl•11 nn• ~, 1n 1 ,, f.11, of mrai:1r !ll l•:i l.11"" 111ti•·I 1 •I" }'tt lll !>unJ11y fr•)• ••n tbr Me,..a I~ undt ntand11ble whtn ~·ou ""a· 11'1111' lhl' Jl'"nt • h1tarlmll b•u k· 1:1ound. It r;11tl'n•ll 1n1n th" '"nlv J>altUN: r nnl (t •nt t'~I • t r I h,. ""I I\' l POO'A Jn Parla. 0 . Lan I h• I I '"''" n ahort..atop an<l at>('or, I •II• k• r .,,,,,. •l.1' un B"lt>11a Blvd nr11r fl,.ln1r 111>.lh "•II i.1 ,.,., 11 l•"'I' ~t 11t• 1 .nn,. h"l "''•••·n 1·ar11 drlv"n by Kath· Thrv I .. 1 1 , i:: 11 ·1• r Lt " I 11111111 ti """ H Klnrt of 2418 l:ld11n In t hfl 11r1 1ontl 11,ilf "h•·n t h'! half. r'l11r r C'tlsta '.\fesa anrt Ut orgr I~. t 1m,. ,., ... r \\11• " 21 -21 d""'llOt"l! Hrartrord. 2136 E Ctntr1l An. With 0<·1 · /'. 1'1rl\t<'- f'OI"" ..-1ut1 Jn tl\ h"r F11.•1,.rn r .. nr. rc-nr<' llr.:i•lf••t•1 tul1l ntrwe1:s h .. wall play F'r1•l11\. !-1"'11 fl~tn11rtl•nn •··•n1tn1Z from :-.: .. v.-por1 8'uh ""'' do'""nt'1! S11n•11 An11, fl1).;,_1 Al the> 111t • ut rif 111\frll' In ra"" tit,. K 1nr h111r th .. ~nr .. fAW rr•I th•· v1r tor ... 1 .llr w h"n hr hump l')t'l'1ltrf'tl :18-30 a11 a l:'l·yt•r-nltl 11~ "•• , n" , ( t hree k id• ca r-bit' ui h 1l1linr t., :~ :.~~~·t~ 't~~~1"n~~·~·~.~:.t 1"'"'" WITH EAGER YOUNG MISSES, Tl:S Hot'R H A \' du:i:.~ ~=~· p~1/1~vi;;~·1::1~ 1;:111~:' HOW CAN LYNX NINE MISS? e r communltle11 "In thn~t rlR)~. around about l!l li," Lunr l !'fli>lt.!I, .. work11r11 h111I to p111 10 1 O-h1111r '1"y11:· Slnre thr ln1l11~t rlAI bi.ti .-1t1b1 en"bltd lh011f w ith 11l11mnnrl t alrnlll to work 11lx hn11r1 an•I J>l•y b•ll four hour11, IL wun't hard !or F.d to 11re that hi• 111hlrt1r lnlerrst r tally amountl'd t n •)me- t hlni;: · I nt''tr made the prii11:· Ed 11n)·11. ·but I had 10111 C>( fun and J'I l}'('d aaalnat ~ml' rrt't ly t"lf'Vtr bo llplll yrrJt " Ul!4t: PRIMt: \'Ol"Tll \'urnntly, tht Mf'rchanlll havt l l mtn donning m onllf'y 111lt• for t he Sabb11th itamu . l "nfort unatt'· h when Harbor H ti:h anJ Oranitr f't•ul Collei:e bf'itln ltart-ue phi)'. t he Mrsa nine w ill l(lllf' four prime ~"lllh•. Thf'tt' art prtp Lt• F lsht'r. "'ho J>laya a mun kty•tunt, and OCC p ro•pe<"t• \\'aynt' Cou1htr... pit · chtr, Bob \\'tl.ztl and rat RobfrtJI J uat 1aat wrek. C'outt htree chuckf'd a two-hltlt'r In but1n1 Placentia. 13·1. You don't hardly ever t lnd prwpect. llke that no more . ROR.llF.fflllF. RE\'O"AL Df'~lle the tac t the Merchant• 1t&nd to lo~t one ot thflr bl'tter performen. Lanl' Jonk11 UJ:t'rly forward to the arnval of Ul(' O lnbe· M tarnJ Cl&..-C pro club a t r~ion• ,,,Id thla 11pr1n,. Cary .-, rJ. the Fl'LLERTON 10CNSt -"Wc'rc going lo ha'·<' the Yl1U~gf'11t l('am wr 've ('\'C'r had 11mcC' wr• com- nwncl'd pin~·. back in Hl35." was I hC' wr;y Marion "~horty" Hill, squad managrr <'Xpl111 nf'd tht> typ<' of team the 1955 Buena Puk L~·nx w ill hll\'<'. "The girls say that t h<'y're g111n~ to win thl" pennant and with young. fll~er Rp1r1l l1kf' thnt prC'· \'Riling, how can we miss ~" Hill relatrd rN·<'nlh". The girls' softball team atut.q play Ma rr h 6 on thr~r home diamond Ill Recreation Park in Buen:\ Pnrk. "L<>u Mahoney. our I h1rd snrk<'r : l':i rnh ·n Brown, our srcond Racker ; and Dort11 Ra\", fir ~ t sacker ha\'e all announced thrir rf'l 1rtm<·~t nnd so will not be with us any mort'." Hill Rlat<"I. "Th<'re goes our inf1C'ltl . We'\'<' already lo11t Bobby McDaniel, catcher. who \\•ti! play wit h the LionettC's, so you llt'e ,,..<' ha\'e quite I\ rebuilding job to do.'' he concluded. The Lynx recently announcl'd the aigning or J ohn Crippen u coach. repla cing r ullcrton's Tony Piantoni. Crippen ha.a never WM kcd with a girls' team before. Mar ion Han ·ey, formE'r softball plnycr in Ful- lerton &nd with the Lynx. w&~ df'slgnl\tcd ns pub· llclty director fdr th~ tum and shf! l\"ill act n.11 of· fl<'ial ecorer for all ga.m~s plsrC'rl in Bu~ns P11rk. Sbt rtplace& Pat PiMtonl. '· ,_ ·It ""' ., 1 1• ,, ,. ·" . ilaff· 1, 1.," 11 ,, hmg fir, t t•""" Coach I.•" Arth lnllmat l'l1 that I In "'" ,1 ""'"'1 \\• \ 11 .. ~ Ill•".. t "l't-:'T \c Hlt:\'f:MP:ST tht '"r~lly tf'am r 11mp11rf <l quit• ~1tr 11.:ll• 1,,i \\ith 11 l~"·•tlll' 1111 I '• rh.qll htr 110, ~t ,., hlP\'~mt'nl. favorably with la1t )"''r _, \'Anuty ,.., • ·•• '' • •11111 111.: '' ' ... 1 .. -11 ,. I hi\\'\'' "·•·• ""' 1·w•tllll( uf l 13 :irtt11\1I In p<'I f11rn1<1n"'· bul "''&II I', l:••lll: t • ),• 1 i·li I 1,.,11 ,.,1,,, .. ,111\1' 1<1.,1,.1,.,. f ram tll <lf'ftnllf'IV IKrklnit in pr1~11nnfl Sn ,,._ ..,._, f.H. r ••• w...-,. Mndf'I 4M f tM .ts "'1th Quallfl,.d Tra&--ln 1·11 ... • '\ 1 n t I '• r'l •n·I with th• ni;nln"l thl' flnr'l , ••!llJ'• t1111on In r .. r. thrrt llrt' only futtr on thr :111111 •• \ .1l h1 II·•' \\ I 1111 111• h.11•1 \\1on,"n .1 •Ol tli.lll 1 l••llm Reconditioned TV's SALE PRICE ttt I .I' ' f!t•hn-: Ill lh" Wiik<' Cif Bertha's ll ftll J"Olnts Ill' (Or a itnn<l 'l'R· Th ptl'tl\ ''"""'"" Hlhlr1r •h•· 111\11111111 nn•t t1r• l••J01< r1t<'h1ng, Or· ~un for the B'• a.nd C'• with pros· .1.,~•·tl 111111 1 11,1111 •• \\, 1 ''" 1111., h uni;c rl\• 'k• ii "I' the nallonlll JWcl11 for thl' vanuty, In t hr nrxt ltlojlll•\. I "' r 1 .• \ \ '"" • I luh I h.1111pli.f1•lt1p In lfl~U. 51 • :i2. fpw ll•'llllOn~. In b<' on r 11r With I ,1 h, h 1 • 1 , , ' 11 11 .. 1 • .\!.i\ 11,. ",. , 1111 "" tl ai;rRln," m11ny other form,.r -•nnr1n•it In· l"Cl\U ; l.IKt: ~t:W Al..J, fit" AKA.STP:r:U Pm'«I H low u 19.95 s199ts "\\'111 I l ~·. •" • t ... 1·11 111 ''"Ii". I 111" 11n111<•11111tn~ "t"r ~mlll'•1. "H dlao awlm ten ms. I 'I I 1111 Jt\t• \ I I'•' I I ••\It' 1,r\ I\ 111111• hlll lllJO: Ill \ht.' rll(hl l I 1 • "' t" I ·II' : , • ·I 11 1 ,,, 1 1 . ·11 il ""' 1111 11.,tthlt· lll"t F:lrnrr 1-: ~li'C'nr·1I, l111yv.11ri l 1 .. 1 •• . 11 I 1• , , .: "I' ,, ,1 \\ h\' F IO·•nfl hrat II•. \\"t> mnt1111•t 'If •'\'1'1\nllr "h~l'l\'f'<f RELIANCE HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. \11. 't \· •. I ' 111..'11 ,., l, I •'II Jlll•11 ll11l S11111nl"v ;th" •.• 111r '"''" 'r mnnn••r• whllr 'I • I" '' \'. I ' I . ''' ' I n11 11'. t.111 I h ,. i.:•ll 111" hrPak An•l j "' lnni.: 111111 h•· .1 ..... "h,.n wnlk ini.:. I Kl S-'7IOO Kl 2-16.'SR !"•'" I, • ~. ,, . , 1 •1 •t ,, "' ",, 1., l u• 111 Utt' l•i•· 1 s l•ta• k<'t. :.;0 rftttni.: r•r wr1rk1n,::-. th<' "'' 111,.nt " \\ r. I I 11 I• 'I\• \" II I'' I'""''' h,L• ,., , r v. 110 the rhamplon· toll would 11wlndtf'" I 2102 S . Main St. Sa.nta Ana \ ,,, •· I • ''<r, 11 "' ,. f'\ t"n l\' 11.d· •h1 ;• 11 (Irr i:•·lnj: mttl the lollel''l! :11, I " hr:i•kl't ' _______________________________ .._,., NA VARRO PROVES PEPPERPOT 1·111rr-11:1:: fl I r ;1 IH ·Up «•r thl' :\"1•wport Tnr11 Jn a r rr,.nt hi\.•· k "\l..111 ~ 1 ,. 11 li'tlr 1-"r .. n'k :>\.ll\fi llQ, t:•l·bny tor thP H11rb"r Jl11.h ·:"''' ln ti',. rl11 r frAy a -.11nst Annhrlm, :-nvnrr11 wu th• Ir-nil If! r· 'J•ct n~ h,. r11r ll"rt up l hl'f'" burlt~lll 111 th" ( 1urth r-into .,., I.,~ I l:•1.!'"l1 J11I"• Ca i:c a i;11y1 their •Ix I' Int winning m:iq;:n. ~7< t, -~:"re l'hoto . '( ~Domes oaS.taFe Tbe ''Bit Dome" ••• Sofa seats for 57 plas Refreshment le1Dge ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ ~ Rli4X-ln solid, d etr-cushio ncd cnmfo" aboard • ~u1iful S.nr• Pt "D o me" cu . ~t nature r•ke ovt'r. unfolJ1ng the ~ury o( Americ.a"s colorful Sourh,.,t\I u you w11ch through peno ramic, full vision wmdows. Hc.~·s new advm111~ in crms-coun1ry travel The "Dig D o me" a-.irs yo u on both all chair car El up111n i nd 1he 11!-new Sa.n Pn ocisco Chief. Su~r Chief off'tn rhe unique "Plcu urt D~mc", complete ,,,ith in11m1re Turquoise Jfoom and a reining refrcshmenr lounge. All rrain1 a rry lounrc cm . Afld n~nually, Ill lhree tu1m nrvt famt1us FrcJ ll•rvey fCJ<>d - 1 Santa Fe a du1ivc I Neir1 time you ttntl Eltt, ,,.1, lff r.M sighu ... on S.oca Fe's ntw "Dig Dome." I (. u. u :-.u .... Y. T. I'."· '°'""IA •. ,. 1-...r-•t , IO:IR F: 4th 't, l'hon"' Kl 3-~~.H l.1 Kl Z-t lflt !'\STA-'"""· r\l.ff. , I J J , I I I ~ . I I .1 ' .j FOUL SHOT t'IRW-By Bill Wetzel In recent Harbor H igh basketball action against Ana heim in the Newport gym. It mC'anti'fone point for the Tars in a c!Of;c> frny against the Colonist s won 57 .51 by the local lads. No. 4 l ID till' f orc·~ruund i!'I ~uns<'t Lc;iguc high scoroing act' Mike Beach of Ana heim. Sailors in the picture a re i::du1e P~1ie, 3-1, OILERS DRUB TARS 80·63 IN HOOP GAME NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l MONDAY , FEB. 7, 1955 1Colonists Romp lover Santa Ana Mike 8'-Bch l(>cik .. ,I hll u•ual Clartl Hamilton Now J<t'lf •.:a1n u h i' Jrorpt>d In JI I A:"\AHEIM 1oc:-si-Tht• Ana· buutlrul sh11ta .iut of 16 •ll<'nlpU '" Airborne Unit lw1rn C"•llnnlhts h 11rdly <'Ven w ork .. J a t tha bU"kat fo r a ph•norneno.1 rt • ' ~ ~ FORT C'AMPBEl..l.., KY .. -P · up a i<wl'a t \\'<·Jm.'1 .. tay u thl'Y 6\:l J't'f .-.-nt on floor 1hoo11ng. J.llk<' \11\l l' D-2 Cin k R. Hamilton ec>ft 1111111w•I It> s ~·~·42 \'tt ll)ry o \·1•r • a1,0 .,,J,h·d 4 pomta on rrre tt111JW1 c 'I o 11 11 t a•o .... 1 Io •' n . ...ue arnr on o .. ". r11mplll'l\t t\'l'ly w,ak SRnta Ana '" t'nJ "'" tlay·s a(·t1v1ty "''1th a \'it tona SI .. l'ot1la Ml'&a, l9 c ur · Newport, Anaheim in Second Spot, H~ntington Leads League ~y MlCKE\. HASl(t:l.L A 23-point outburst by Center J eJdy Young Fr;1day uight paced league·leading Huntington Beach t o an 80·63 triumph over second place Nt'wport Harbor, on Huntington's own floor. Young'11 total bested the highest T ar accumulation by seven points. The win wu Huntingt on's sixth against no 1053('s in league play and lcfl them home .:llrn.,s on Tue.i.lay 1tfl<'r· in unaispult'd firsl place ahead oc I noons 1rnd Lht'tr away ~11m1's 0 11 Newp<1rl and Anohe11n wllh Jdcnti· ! Jo'rhfoy ev1•m11ics. Tht·v lllt'E'L Jo'uJ. cal records. Both tf'Rm8 seem 11"!1· lrrto n h Pre tomorrow at :i p.m . 11n1I t in~d ror a lower berth a11 H unt· 11n Jo'nrl11y th .. y meet l:i11nh1 Ann I qumtt't Tl• Cult>r11>l11 tti·tu.dl) :.!6 l"'lnl lttlttl. Hill Yro·nrh . •l.~o r«rtlly llbJlll;ll<'<l t n Company "A" I ktll• •I l wo 1111 <l~ \l'tth Olll' ~~1111•· plll) , .. 1 a t rNnl'nJou>1 'orteno;1\'e J I 88lh A 1rbon 1e Infantry Rl'a'lm,.nt tt~ ltit')' c11unl••.t 111<' 11lt ti. a ~1111· ):.r1 rul'. a 8 hi• pvurt'<I In 11 count ....... , of Ure famt•d l llh Airbo rne Dlvl· N 'l l.t·••gu~ JZ'~Htl•-. .anti ul"}\ n~ th .. 1 tuon. •111o•111nr; i.:1rn1t· ..,, 111 .. lk ,,.1 ly l ltll:1 ~·h·nl'li Willi .:ontlulllly lllt•allr~g the l'rlvute Jlamlllun rntel'f'd t h• ll1~l1 .:So"'"'' T vu1 nr111i.nt. I bull (10111 the non4.'·too-alrrl eer vic.-on J ulv 28 19~4 al whtr h contrnue11 rn their wmnmg th•'l'i'. w~~=~·port was really conking 1n I p----h----F-.---- lhc f irst perwd HS lhc_v hc.>111 t he ant er 1ve lt•ad by a 1:1-12 count. But. H unt· inglon couliln'l b>' aloppeJ for long a.. th .. y fo1ged back rnto tht' l~ad Ab b L tha~ l~lllled SllC pornli, iil lhc half, sor s oss as the s<'ore read 37 ·31. Aside Crom the lethargic C1rlrt quarter it wa s Huntington Kil lhc w ay as they lcn1;lhenf'd th<'lr lead w a h ev! ry stanza a.'< the iwo r" rl'ati al lhl' t>nd or tc'\H'h 5~-H and 80-63. t'l'LLF.RTOS TO:\IORllO\\' Newpo rt play., thr lr ArtistS Take Game from Garden Grove GARDEN GROVE <OCNSI TI1I' Laguna Bear h Al'ltsls wh•P· ORA:'\GE 10C'X S1-The Chap· m a n Cotlc.>i;e l'nnlhrts mana1:1"J to r k e out 1111vlher d.•1ea1 \\'t•1lnc~.i •• ~ 111 \\'hill 1t•r Rs llt<' p.,, l:. l Hok bolh ('lltl!! of " UO\lbll' h<'1Hl•·1. Play- 1ni:-on an unusual !f1'hf'lilll«, \\'h1t- ti..r I ro11nreJ Cal l'uly f1 I to 86 and flvP minutt>!I la11•r p1·1•r 1 .. ·Jt•ll lo hand Chapman 1\$ Hlh l•i!fs 72 to 711 to r<•j.'1Sll'I' a c ll·an !fWl'<'P anti an u11h,c11rrt of double ""'" in a 11111,::le nl1;ht 's p lay. TKAll. AT HJ\1.t · P<'<I the GardPn Grove Argo 1rnut11 S1arl1nl{ a rombo of H<'<'Olld and ris-62 Friday at Loguna rn a , thud "tr11\gt'r!<, the Puel s '4layrd t·harnpionshlp i.:amr. Scori• by rn the gam,. the ••ntir e f1r:<t hitlf q11artn'4 for Cotdc.>n Cro\·e wtt11 1 nnd trn1led C'hupmun hy c1nly 38· 12·21-39-~10. 41 at lhe midw ay murk. The Hh1t• t1:1 1 l :u ld "'Ill"•' 11•1•" '"' ~ti tnt~. 1111.t hrs bn 11 handlang waa 11 time h e took i1i11 ba1lc tralnlJlc a l V••I y 1;111•J IJt< I ho y "I'll• 1111 d t.o h•' .d~o Ii b1g a~~l'l l<l the C .. lo1118t Jo'nrl OrJ. )141 11 now altendlnf th1t 111•11c tdax• .1 ttn1I hl111>11th1·1· 111.1n """H" F nrt C11111pbtll J ump School, )lnp- tl1t•y h.1w li"•'ll pl.1~·111~ f,,.. •1t11t1' I Th~ r··~t nf the Anahe11n &C'or· I Ill){ ttJ n1ake the grarle It<> he wnl ""111t• t l111t• T ito• • '11l1111hl ~ I• .,11 o I m~ w.·nl l•k·· I hill L.•w Bush<')', 9. 1 \\"111 his p111·.,·hutt11! h11djtl', l'11111111Rnd1r.r: 11·;111 •. 111\· 111 th" 1:1•y \\"1•11\""" 2. G.1ry F r<'dc-nck 2, P rior lu bc.'\111{ 111d11r tt1t Into lh• "''•11111! 11111111,r n nd 111·1,•r 11·lt11· 1:111y Ju111•s 2. Gt1be Mata 2, and Army, he W>tM l"fllt!Ullt•d from <1111xhrd 1l. 1I10•111,1· 111•1~.·111. l. I H1<rbor Hfi:h S••hool. ------·--~--~ l'core by quarters for Laguna \\'1th lhf' ln,.n1lon o f fm1t string i 1 .-:-ur..... \~ ]6;'? -46·62. rorw11rd~ rn th(' 8i"tnnll ;;tanza, l"~--"""'"'"" ______________ ..., .... ..,"""' ___ :.. ____ .._ .... ====::::::1~~=-~::2::~~===== the \\'h1tlh-r crew pull,.d t'Ven and I and Paul Neumann, 2R . -Staff Photo I ,, I I l • ANAHEIM BOWS OUT FULLERTON FIVE RALLIES Colonist Hoopmen Downed ro TAKE PANTHERS 49-46 65-52 in Beverly Tourney A:o-;AH i,:1~1 10("!';!'1 -A nRh"lfll ltl.l'l ~· ··1 111~ t'Xh1b1l1·•1l Ill lhf' lhlnl lt.'811 knowk1'll .. 111 ,.f 111• B"'"'I I\' p1•1111d »Od • .:nd,.d t ht' l'"nl••'<l Wol h H tll!< 1111-:h !'11111111 1 .. 11rn11nwnt I I ,., unh'r" Th11n,1lny v. /l1 n htJ•l J.1, \'1•1 ly H ilb H. 1 "' Jy 11111, 1111'0(. Uo n \\'nlk1·r, H 1i.:h lf'11111 ""till tho· 1· .. 11101:.1,. I\ wa~ th•· r···:il •ttff,•1 ~n1·1· 1n lh• 11t11nn111i.: 6r,.:,'..! tkf• .11. Tlw h11l1111•-i.:""''' S1nnd111i.: ti·Cl. 6-1n . h .. wa~ p•'rJl 11)1,k un •'111'Jv tt•:td an th(· h.1JI flu r11u(t h tur 1 ~111 ''11n1pa1ufn 1t Iv fUl nt•• HU1l \.\'• r•• 111 \'•·r pr•·:.~1"'11 t ho 1 1dl 1 ·1 du111:-its. 'l'h•· h1~ ~··~11t,•1 h1t rol lo ll•'tfl 11 '""11 .. 111 .. t l~•lh Ollurd,., whtll' l'"lll'· Mtkt• ll1>111 It l••1k N (1J1n1; h11rt• 111i; lb1 n11~h 21 l"ll lllA f"r I ~ Wiii· 01 i< (.,r I h 1• i\ 1tllh••1111 ~'llllld All h1· lh I>< plunk .. •I 1n :lll 1"11111-.. 12 11f lh•"'' o (llht•r A naht•1111 >'<'Urer.i w••ro•: ('(>nung \'la lhl' Ire<' l hrow t011t•• j 1 :rit);'t Mnla Iii. Lew Bus hey 6. Hiii R r,.••n,. Qa1 v J o 11l'11 put 011 " on• • Fro nrh 2. · ST ATE DENIES NEGLIGENCE IN BEACH DROWNING CLAIM Father Charges Huntington Beach Lifeguard Slow in Aiding Son Tlw l'lrill' ll<'m1d 11( 1• llllol !111111t1 ,f .. w11 1• r .it n:-\\ 1 t ··d • Y. •ll , u n l t •· ~. tt" fl th.tn \fHl • .u1 t ~ ...... H•• ntuv h11h "' IHlftl th~·t ,, .. ,At, lift ~l lhf d \.\f't .. ''" 111 Jt 1•1 ft\\H,V !ff•IH \\ht Jt" \'11\1 nf"t.:11..:t'f\t ln rli•l C•11n~ 111 t ht• :o.t ictl'" w ill• June·· > nf,tt l~iv wh" •lt••\\ll•'d tn 111 .. •111f l ~r .. 1" 1-.1nt111llt•1 n .. 1,.111· K11l1- •t lt 11nlln~t11n M1·a1 h lrt ~t A1,..,11i..1 \\1., .. f ii hHfrJ tl Ill• n d1, 1 ~;ud h• \\ illt11111 T llh ind. 1 ... ~ An1!1·l1 •,, tlotaht· •I tt•• "'ti" 1 uultl h,. h• Id fA lhP1 .. r \ho• ol1•• «ni« •I. H11111oltl I"·'"'' t••r f'I• '''"' ,. 111 th•• pl,.1w Rh•n•J. ul~" ,., •r,:•d lh1• .. ,,.,,. \\'Hh ,,,,., JH•\.:•'. '"'"Pr·'"-~'·llv ,. 'ult1t1\! nr1:h1i1rm·o f11r n11I ,. 111 .. v1ni.: llw fP •l•I ,. ttttl 'rit~· f'l·tn" , r.i~h In Fl'LLERTON~(OCNS) -In a real s pine·ling- l1·r. h'ull<•rton'::; Indians pulled off the supreme rally of th<.' Sl·ason. as they "exploded with points in the ba:,J<t.t with only seconds remaining in last Friday 111ght's gamt• with Orang-c to defeat the Panthers in n !"unsc•t L<•agt1C' game·. 49-46. l'layc:l1 b fore a highly-partisan crowd in Ful- lc·rtnn's g~·n1. the Indians found themselves trail· mg at th(' <·nd of the first period 16-11 and at half· t 11nr, :::!7 -23. The Pa nthers even Jed as the fourth Jlt•riu~ .startC'd, 3 -35. Allhou~h the Panthers put a dampe,r on Mar- :-.h1tll Stl•nton nnd l<l'nl.. Pembroke. they could nol ('ttlllll 111 thl' fmc <"fforts of little guard, Pete Long. Th<" little fire ba ll, in perpetual motion all night Jong, broke the game wide open iA the waning m in· -ut1•s with hiR dC'ft shooting on Jong shots and ]Umps. Long t o1.k s cunng honors with 17 pointi;. He ·mad<' th re<' of three free throws and dropped ID SC'\'Cn f1C'ld ~w1 ls. ' Fullerton d1cl have a bad night frof!t_!!:ie floor. Tht•y altt'm ptC'rl 5 shols and made only 16 of tht'm for a percentage mark of .276, which 1s one of the p(lnr<'st of tlw s(•ason. flran~t' a ltc>mptro 55 shots and made 18 for a mark nf .:t~i. The game was won at the free throw Jin(• whl·rC' th<' T nb.> attC'mpled 22 s hots and mad<' 17 whi lt· thl' Panthl·rs could only make ten of 23. r 11r th<' flri-;l t1m<' in three games, the Indians Ul't•d a man·l11·rnan tlr f<•nsC'. w rerl<llJ:<' of A 1 111 h• d 1•l.111P "" I'll:! I Wh1rh lht h<\1' n 11 .. ~··oth-hPr 1ur1I' 1., •rt" I• 1 Ill"·' iufon au•t '"" nn :"\,"'I'"' t r:1, •I , (' .~i.1 ;\I ••-.a .. rnit .. n111n~1 .. .i 1111.1 ..... "'" .i I h11•ti.u111 ,,, 111 .. r"''"''" ;\t1..s ll·•ra Vacant Home Entry Th•~ Rhtnll h<,v dr''''n•tl AUJ... :!f• th •·'""'' 9..., •ttu• tl •·a..:•t · l•' f t ~K J 1-:Hco,l ,,f ~""" .. \11a, C'a hf , \>\·11~ A l·11cant ho u.se Al 20FiO N r -...·· w l11h• 11k1n •h\'tnl! 111< h·•I) "II' 11 .. 1-.1 i .. o .i.•111 1~·· 11.11111 1tr1 I n 11 l\11n1 .. 1 i.11 .t .. n. l. tn y1 .. m8n f.,11nd '"'' "'" .. ll\l•r nt :-;'"f"'r\ th•• '"·••l1<lu1•'. tl111d •I ••" l':-'I.. wtull' ~·nm:: pnrl Hint. \\a3 broken rnlo Anti Rl'llr h w ith 111,· s 1n11 lh:tt11111•orl• Ill 1;111 ,.,.,·ry room tlrrlled w ith truh &11'1 • °".\10 I.II t:c,I \tilt Kl.Cl\\ • :"\aq;I 1 11~!111 l It• <l .. l kl Ill.-l". S d <'h11s. Cr>sla ;\1el<& ('1tv pohrr Rhfn11 <"Mlll'n•I• 1 •hr 111, cuA,..I I Mesa Sailor Gains x •'111 ~· :i11"n h• r• · "" rr notiflf'tl recently. The own· ""' r brtn,: n. 11111·.i th.ti ~1>n11J.1 Advance in Alaska J .. hn • .. n, "h 1 Mil• rf'tl lh .. :o-;.wy rr. Lrttt er A. Bf.r ker of 2662 Rtd· wa11 in 1h~l1• ,.c h1· tv.o 11f ti • "'''"' n ~1 tr1 h, 1•1· ~. r~ 11 6;rH•hl ''" ..,, l1uvl!'I Unvt'. ('ol!I& f.-11a. 8A fd Ule ..wrmmm i; • ""I' 1111011. I .t tl••<I to I 1'0 1 •I,\ I-( A l.t• k>< 1FllT:o-;C"1 :"\t Wp<•rt 11.u n. r t "1111 n H q; h rnl ry thrCtus;h a brokl'n wrnr1nw t"l<I"'"'' In lh"' ill 1'1 I rrl•' I ' prl'• P.• I•• ti I. .l;•hf'\'"" '"n n( !\Ir. An•I ~. hnc•I f\nof wa_. cnipl r.)'l'll by n<•rurre-1 11-0mf'trme durlng lut v r nt lhr llrf'v.ntnL !\I r .. ~-,II k 1·. ·'•·hn .. nn "' Jf;6f\ x ,rmC'n, I nt. ,\\l'f'k. • Rnn111<1 F '11llr1 .,.1r111n ,,.1 , ... ''"" l'"r\h!' <>fh•r 1111 l h• ,r,-. clt \·1~i''" nf hi tt h· • u•,,t Jt tt ''' ;-U ~ a::u,...t flli:.A111't H htrtd • ·••"• r1 1nn.., Ht' '"11111 I h" Ill• i..11·\I I of 111 t h·• no!· I" th(-i:tl•1 rn lll\f'i•di.il•l\· h •• ',..,., hP WA' tlll lh• l•lo ph••lll' l l\llli: 10 I•" 11 1,. " \\·•lnnn • Jo•• , It 11 !\11'· l• r 11 1~• T'"'"'' d .... r lhnl •1111 .. lif1•· J:Ullrd" Jt r•• '"""'''·~··I lf'I nr "'\\•·r tl1•1 r!'~ll ,.,, lh 11111\• 1( t 1· • ,. 1 nn ;o·•' I hi> nf\ltnd1 rm .. I" I•• It 111 I hr \\II· ti1r 1• und1 r \\ ,,-· \\ h111 if ¥ J •• , .. ,,n tr• ... A.•k•·tl .1.,hn ~I f tnnn1 r •' rrrt••r Af, th .. MAl•f 1 '~"•rt r , ~tuf•'; , h1'1rn' '" f'( •:X< t ~t: < IT t.11 · \\ ~ 111.1v h· t., 1.tt J••u .. in •' ir nll'lh••1I lml II'• lhl' J'I" • d 111' 'lt.'h1rh our llfrr,:11Rrtl• <·"' 11 " :'\Ill· Suspects Try Boat Theh in Mesa Foq I Allt>rnplr•l l h•ll •f I\ r11t>1llv ,.,.111rl.-tr1I """I I 1111 fr• m I l' I 1"1brr 1;1'4 .. l 'r'"'"' '' I•,. "' 1711 I Anllh•·1m "''t ('"''" ~t .-.1 , f 11l••o! In lh,. JAn ~·\ n1.._t' '1 c Mr'' ri•l1cr ,.,.,,.,rted The l'U~))Pl'l~ !'1111111• J 11 6·fl, C'htlln 1111k f,.n, l' 1\1111 hrl • ,1 I hr boAl h ull vnh1t'll nt $1~(\ n\1•r t he trnrtt r>nto 11 I'" k11p tnrrk, 1m·· •· ltj;&lll\jl r>ff11 •'t11 '"Id A J'html C'llr 111-.•tlt>J t hr \'l'ht.-11• l••A\'ll,i; thl' ~·1nn1l\' MESA CROSSING SIGNAL IN SERVICE .l11io1· n~ t h<' J'" k11p r1 1~111 I" •1n •I Into lhf' f1't: thl'N' "'"~ " l••ll•I cr1111h, 1'"11",. 11111 I Rnd th" l'"ll"I r11r c-."n" 111'"1'\ lh<' 11-fl I •ni: I"·<' h ull "1111 hrn. k• l~ "111 l"hk• • 1 I I: l ;'lJI ~I. Principal Gordcin Imler introc'luG<'s Costa Mrsa Police Chief Art McKenzie t o Main ~rh1111! st udrntR in t he audit orium r ecently upon the city's receipt of the ne w $87~ crnR~111g 1'1gnal. Th<' sign:il, whi('h works r1thcr automatically or manually, went Into 11p1•r;1l1t1n durin~ !!<'hool hours t ndny in lht' middle of Ha rbor Blvd. at 19th SL The i:11-:n;il rt'plnre11 a tTt11'AlnJ? guar1.l. It w a11 a pprovl'd by Costa Mesa City Council Jan. 3. I. ']111 f ~h l't'll7.h' Ncpl:l1_11ed op('rntion or th<' si~nal to all Main Sch ool student.I yeater- da~', The ~--:l-lh. :-1~nal can operate Cur 15 houra before needin& re-cbarge. -St.atf ~'h1•t•• krpt far rnough ahN\d ID the f1nel I ~rrod Ml tha l n •11t of the fa r st fl\'f' wtrt' nut nt•t'dt>ti to hand C'hupma n lt11 latf'llt dtf..at. HOPES C.O CiU~L\IF:Rl!\"G Hangrng nn w ith a slim cha nre to pull through 1n the clo1nni: Sf'C'- ond1, C'h Rpman tra1lrd 12·7-I, but commlltt>t1 a tc-r hni!"ftl foul Rnrl All hnpl'11 Wl'nl ghmowrln~ 8J! lh·· 1 Poet captain calmly !lank thr"" charity 1os.0<•s 1n R row to 1rr lh" 1·onlrAt. \'.'1lh the 11tml'1tler br·pul< ttl h an ti 1 ChApman C'rnll'r 01C"k Arbr tz , bur kttl'd nlnt points for the> J'M1· ther cau8e 11!1 hr playi>d h111 finnl K"'Ylf' for thr colh•g e, and C"oRt'h Don P erklna ho pes thRt two ,.,.., .. ond eNllP14ter tran8f1'r11 wlll bt> 11bl<' to pick up the 11ys1rm in l1ml' t tl bring the team bllck to f 11ll I etren11:th. 1 / / // / JUST NOflTH •' POST OFFICf TPIPpho.n~ r~ll ,..,.,.. lar•rr 8-tH. Gus Holman, pointing above, of Butte Fou" Corners, Calrf., 1s a former who rt'ally values his telephone. Not long ago, he and his brother nreded a trat tor fa~t. They couldn't find one nearby at the price they wanted to pay. So tlwy went to thc•ir ll'l<·phorw. With one call, they found just what they needed ••• at a saving of S·lOO. Cost of thl.' cnll: only $1. "Our telephone pays u. back a Jot more in time and monry i;avC'd than it costs u"," i;ays Mr. Holman. And that's the aim of telephone people l'VC'r)'Whcrt'-to hrini: you the ~ood scrvice you need to get things done • , • and to bring it to you at low coet.. Pacific Telephone worb to make your telepbaae a bluer -.alue eve ry day. MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF THE MONTM tARN FROM ™E FIRST __ ... .-.. /" -~ .. Office ~rs: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 ti .m. to 8 p.m. • PAGE 4 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 .'IAR\. 'l'iillftX l~l.RGll of Costa. ~lcsa is shn'A'tl ha rd al \\·ork on a bloc k of avocado "'00'1 \\·i:h her 11cu!pturing chisel. A regist C'rcd nurSi:', ~!1 11~ Thornburgh hopes for !hf +•vent ual csta bll ~·hment of a studio 1n the Harbor arf'a thrnu,zh her pr1m1t 1\'C f1~ur.~~ :>r1!1ptur1·d 1n 1\·ood. The Southern ntis!I had displt1 ~1C>rt hr r :lrt '''1•rk 1n t'-.:h1b1l!I ht'lri IHrgl·ly 111 Los Angeles County. Currently, :\l1ss Thornburgh ha,; l'l\'rC's of hr r 11· .. rk !'1h.,n1ni: fn l-l'lg'\ITI& Bench 11.nd Palm Spring!'. -:::tnff Phnt., 50 1.J T~·l ERN MESA MiSS SEEKS BIG CHANCE V/ITH SCULPTURED WOODS R~· Rll.J, l 'lfll.l.IPS ,\ mnrlc•ni. r,. 1-1~ 111 "d nur;.c• '''ho ricu!pturPA pr1m1t 1vc.; in rcd1•.•," I!!\< ,11,n1Jy ,..,,•kin~ 1.h:1t b1J,: nppnr1 ::n1 ly \\'hich \l'dl r ··rnl1t hr r ln l'Slablish a stlJdJo in lhC' J·l.1rbur 11r. :1 ~h1· 1s !.J1s o1 :O.!;i.ry 'J"hornbur~h of ~SE. 19th f't . l:11st 1 1!··~a . ,\ r··~i,..; rt'd nurs<'. ;\f ary 1!! biding ht'r t 1m£' 1•n l'IJ\":1\,• '1 I' I •.•~1g11·• t.1 • llf ' ii her r.11t1Jrll •bo!H three 111nr,lh• I 'I •I') I< T ,..., ' 11 11 •'h !n!• I •.(11· t.:I HI""' I Or:" nuflitk•• .. rit I !'1"• '" "ill:\\ l '\11 HA:"i O S 11> thrO"'' thr ,..)()<l • >11 ,t. ! "'" '~ I I ~Oil " hf'·ll llj; h.o· l'I ! 1 \ :.0 I Hr.·• tr"ITI :O.t • r\" )11•1' ~ •, \\'o-I Ir:\ i; ' ,. " fr, ! of 1• 11~ .. 1 ' ;>I " ' -,l(, 1 '" I ·I ' I . ' ... " ' ..,, l·· J ., .... 1." , ,, •.: .o\ ' 11 ! '• • •l'i '. ' ·' .,, ' 1'fH • 1 t I '· '" " I r>r• I.> " "' -A T"k'"• U: ,, tl l\• " 1-: I '11! · " ' ' ' ~ ,. " JU•' I I 11 I ' i1 I ol· .,,, 1 1~111 ~· • : !" UL._l,1"1 1. \~1 11111"' 1~11t •!o -; t, 11 , I '· ,\I oi l T l.• 1 .. 1"·1._ " A:'11q[lo•,o , I I 1' 1\ ,q ' •I,<'._ l''w '•t•!. ) I l1k I I .. , ' '1 fl, ·10,•• ~' ~ I • 1: ' p ':r ' . • •: ~ f' " !l . t .• :.J DEATH NOTICE " ,, ' \ '"' Ri:GiSTER PAPER GETS HOT SCOOP • ------------, Tf'd,\)· :O.l11rtln.-z SvnJ11 R1d111s 1111°! 1--:------:'."""----___ L_E_G_A_L_N_O_T_l_C_E __ I Oa\'t i'vwe r~. Tuia /l u~/1,·~ 11nf!' LEGAL NOTICE HARBOR P.OJ:f'r . lianrn \\"111:--------------- nPr and \'an Pon1f'ro1-. Carol K111r. ('t'.tlTll'Jf"ATY. Ill' 111 ·_..1:'\t:1'-" :'\'llTf('t'. (II" ISTF.STIOS TO 1n1! J ohn E:;;t;lf l"l , t-ivl'lro T~yl..11 I t "ll"TITltll ~ 1·11:'1 :'\A\11. t.:"iliACit: IS THt: !'OALI. or I HI LITES and P11 ul l.or<"'na:cn, Brpnd 11 Hc1" I T . r. unoh':.-.,;tt• ,i d pt'" h.-1 .. b) ,,1.t'llllOl.11'' HE)'t:R.A<iE!I. I , l>Plt •nd 1'! .. 11 Blltt~. Cl11 w!1a G .•n· •"tlt•fy thL•l h•• I~ 1•u11°!11.-11nt: " TO \\'HO:'>I IT :\IAY C'UXCEftM': ti~lll•I AllA fir<' 11\h'l;a ~qU<:!I • ~ C I toaa and To 111 .. 1·n~ u a bllol<lllll; llln<t •·un ~tlho"l l<1h b11 .. 1r,.-~, l'llhJP•"t 10 !he l~!ui n.--a of lJI• .-he·I " blue that beg•n in .. 8 b p ''' "' , ' 1 n h ll)·'ll'.11.TTn:: Kt:TMIER Bf'ltr•n.• an" .o urn~py. . \at . . . "( :.;1 .. ""'II'" ~111 IL<'"""'" •r phf'd ror. a.nd r nmm-.ic· tlltl tw a!lnJ ~Y•l"m •I !hf! __ _:;;;..;.;,;,;;.;.;;;;'-';;;;,;.,;;;;;;;;.. __ I ('"O:'liC.kATt 1~·\TIO:'li lS Dl"f: \ahrornl~ un1!<1.· 11.1" 11.o r i..l(lU~ 111, n,>t 1,.M !hiln 111 ·1•.v• att•r .31tfllh Anll. R<:',l?l~!PI" J'llllll I I • I r '\LOI' II ' !LT Congr11o a11on~ •re n or fr o ,f ll'n1 . 11•n1 .. ul " ,. " lh• "''" .;,,,1 ... t, no!il"" ta h•r.by Fhonly t'IPhHr n0<.>n Thur1duy. I B•lboll lslan.t ""• the ~l'tti11J;: h ' , , d 0 , I S h I •- ~·11 ,·n\l'll 11111.1<1 n o t11uma te for II'" Garc-oylr 1nit,latlo n Jan. :! y Th Oh I r h ·"I ~ ,. .. • :\fer!1n COU<' , J U< ,v .,anc I 11n 1 H .1 . 1oral t H\ ~"h f1rn1 I)' n 1,,,11 !hit lhl' unrll'TRl..,l'd PM>· ' • I P)lylJ!a ·~·ooo:t. I'}' 1 re <' <"omp-O~• O 1 I' f.,. Ul\"lllJJ r'"ll<O""· l'~-1'~ lo -II •'f"OhOh<" beY91"9 .. • of o(l>llU•St "''Ill &\'&llllble bl.ti 11ft f'r ~rhoo). \ f"ar1ng '1lllljlr r·11 I ii• I I I ; ful I ' ~·~ -., new ml'mbl'ra of Tatty •• o &J "'hO~r nnmr~ Ln I •n<'I I'~""•" at lhtl'e prem1,.,.a,' de.c-Mbad •• 11 phnto -,.lel'ln<' .. n.r1v1ng all dec-or•t•d up "'1\ti pa!n1 . lar -1 r 11 , ~· l'llelftllay. ""•H r111·e ~re "~ o <(Wiii, n-11·11 : follo••· 111a rh1ne y,·99 ae1·rr,ly 11•mag-'l""r llJld g r,.~,. "''r". J im ·'""'" Y L OI " () .,.1·1 kirk. Bruce Bnrto11 . 1,,.e :O.lornt . \\'ILLIA:'>l \\",TA t. JR · -~:Z: 1 :!80.':i \\'e1t C()9.•t HlrhW'a¥. Ntw• :-;.-.. P•·l "''"~ wtre reported J erry Sanl•eJ. Gat.'' Cook. Buc111y LEGAL NOTICE. Occ14,n Blvd • l.'oro na o;ltl ~lll r, C'ali· rx>•l s .. a c:h. Ora11ce County. \nJ111·erl 111thoush an a1nb11l-Thompa<in. alld Ktn Boc!fnhof(,.1'. I ·---"•"-'--..;..;..;;.. __ ..;. __ •I fon~a. , . J•ursu1nt to 1nc)I 1nte11Uat1., Ua• \\line~~ 111~· h•n•l lh1~ i n,! <lay und••r.,gned 11 •pplylnr to lh• ti.• ance 11.tood by. c;11u P"r•hm r .. lf'hr11 lr '1 h•r 18th SOTIC""E OJI' f:Lt:CTJOS ot Frtn·u11 rv. !Otl:'o I' t tm nt f Alco holic S.~ I bJr1hrtay at her '''"'"'e in co~ona :-<otk e 11 tierl'by glvrn t h:U • 1 \\'ILL.lA~I \\'. TAYLOH. JH • " 0 irtaaJ 0 t H d Ot l Mac...--t:he next nichL Tho1a Central :O.lunlc!pal E:lec:llon will be STATE O F C'ALIFDB:-.'IA 1 Control for luuan~e on or..._ I Wens 0 ea I help>O• Gllll f'al tacoa 1<11<1 blow heh! In the Ci ty ot :\'l'"''JlOrt Bt11ch COL''.\'TY OF' ORA:"GE ·~~-•rph~etion of an a lc:ohoUe oul lhr c:a11d lea on her <"•kc "'""t"' on t~e t •_ll:V or· •re · '"" Of ttn~ z,,ct 1111.y r•f ••rti11111 ry. tollnw•· l' h I '( h 1, •• 1 · rai;e ltr•11ae for t heM preml ... •• Teacher Group Ete~tf'd pn•llid~nt ol the Cali- rot·ui~ Jnilu~1ri11 l f:d\1<"1t\1on A•- 1 .~0<·\1111un, 110ut11rr n >1t'l'tor, to r the ll!'l(t l\\'O \'•'HfS Wll~ J ohn S . Owrn~, I 0111n>:.-Co111t (:ollege, It \\"115 di&· c:lo~ed tod11)". t)w "n-' I~ ch1111·n11<n nf lhl! lef"h· noloi ~· il1'·1111on Il l CuM~\ and ha~ bern · 11 !eaOf!r in ind1U1tn1I l'd1J- c11 n o11 a c\h'!hP~ for " n111nb<:'r of vr11r1". He "'Ill! rnlltall;od !l~t \O."l'l'k ~t Et Cnrn1n11 C11UP(;'.e at a rnt-et1n.1: at!rndecl hy 6(10 of h1111 cnlle•~llf'~ Thr o rgantxatlon tmbrac:t!'I a mtmb~nlh lp of :?:?00 Industrial el'lu- <"11t!On fra('/ler.• f rnm Junio r high I lll·hool~ t hrnui;h coltl'i;r. In •rea. lt ·~ttnd,o from Sll n\a B11r1>11ra 10 I th,. ~1 rx lc11n hordrr Md include-a I nine ,.1!tup~. T'he purpo11t of the org11nii at1on 1,. lo lmpro\'e 1n<'l1111- rn11! f'l111c:e t1on 11l a l! 1~v,.l~ anrt '" .. n rn11r11 it" r otlf"'Tl ltnn in th~ Pr1U<'l!l!l\n~1 l'l'"g'tMm O"·,.n11 \\111 fall 11. m el!9!1ng <'f hi11 bo11r'1 1n,,mbera 11L On1ng~ Coast C'ol!"i " 1n ~bn1ary to plan fUIUTIJ 8Cl l\'lf1t~. he ~airl. I . , Child Escapes , Serious Injury Joann•• Hng,.11 "'"\ Oirk Ha tch. for the fol10"'·1ni;: offl cer1: A.O. !\):<:"> bc!ot't n1c, ROHt:RT 1 O:'\i.SALE DEER UCE.~SI:. George t.loore and Gail. Charlie SEVE~ CITY COU~CIL~1 ~::-; !-'. \'.'ILl.:\T E'S. 11. Notnry l"ubhc 111 Anytf'n iJ .. llrlnJe lo prot.Mt th<t • 1~ .. !c-h 111<.l Ann A ll~n. Tom \\"cb· for trrn>• In af"c:on!11.nce with l h<' nnd fnr lh<' ""Id ('011nt.I' 11.n<I St alt, 111,1118 ii<'e 1 01 auc h llr tnaa may Ill• •Ler •nd f>far,v Cuy Hrhn, Pick City Chart .. r. 1,, ~1•\lng lhl'r,·l n. ·~'"·" ron1nu,;;11on· a vrr:ftf'd f!rOle•t with the Pepa:rt• Campbell and ~l~rhn Couch. After The follov.·1ng n1e11ftur,• wl!l hr ".'! 11n,1 ~v.·orn !'"r,"n"~ly 1<rptar'l1 m rnt of Alcoholic Beven..c• Coll· t11nnt.t thry "''Blched t he UCL.A ~ubmiztcd al th11. .. !eC'llon: \•ILi.iA:'>\ \\ T A\LOH. JR. lrol 111 Sar r•n\ent o. c aUfoml•. saraa on teli·vuuon. l A. propol!.ll to <"Onflnn !t\<' l;r1.,w11 , ta 1n1• t .. h~ lh,. prr.wn i<!a llng i;rnnnd• for d11.n1aJ .. pro· Afttr Nc .... ·porl H arbor b11aket-pov.·cr of th" City <"~1:r.1»l "·110,r n:.,nr •~ ~ubafr11>c-11 t n the \"\<Ir•\ by l•w.~ premlNI ar'" ball tca.rn'a \"lttonou~ gan1t over to 11\oratc fundft tri tt1r "1u 1,n 1n~11·u1111'rl! Bnd IH'kno\\·· nO\\' hccnaeit for he Ml• Of IJ· Ollr rl••a! Anallc!ni ~·rida~· t11£ht . C h1n1ber or Con1m<'rce f •r l~c!,.:1·11 \o ""' t ~.>1 \ h.-""'"l""t"d t h,. .cohohc be\~ra 1_ , A•1le Birtcher ln\"1lcd a te1" ot h!" promotion. rubhc:lty. 111h•1·r-•11 n1c I YSIDRO SANTIAGO frlen<!~ O\"t'r rnr a p.1rtr . ,\mong tJ11i ni; 1tnt1 <"lltcrt11nmr11t In \\"ltnr~~ w ~ ... rr(I( I luu ·,. hl'rl'· :-Oo . .':it!Z N i wi-Pre• 2/1/~ those da n<"ln1; a nd 1"11.t!n1; 1hro11gh· purpo~ .. ~ rur lhl' brntr1t nr un!o ~l't n1~ h11.nrl Hn.1 11f (lkfd 111y I 0111 the tvenlnlil: v.·,.r•: ArUf' ind the City. ntt1r 1tl ""111 !ht' day nnd )rllr in A hunter-killer unit la compoeed. ("ar~I Call!&, J oht'I $\\•l!.!n an it 2 A propo~ul lo rfl<lnr t lhr \hi~ Ctt'l!fll'll 1r T•r « Ht.'""~ \\'r!l\,.n t X ! art \ln d teetton " ~ ll"'r:1·:f\T f ' \\'!!,l.\IES 1" ' IL\'Y a rcr w '• 'flowrr <t l ho• Cit y C'"oun,·11 '' d th aJ 10 1 1lora1~ .•nrh f•irv'l~ ,,, ~I" 1· n11"1••1c•n Exr1rrB rqu1pment and talroyera; • r · Jo.:inne su .. s.11. 8n1('e Kn1pr an<\ :O.farlan KO<"rn .. r, R..,y Danll'ill and Sue s"·a nk, Ro11ny Nl'V.'lon and De\'l'rly L und, B oh Tumtr 111 nd C\"n\hln. Bl'l!tllm , C'"herlJe \'11 nc\Pt• 1·.:.rt and Jnoly ll•indtll, Devt Brirknf"t 1tn<1 :lfona Bario\\'. T he Ovlo• ~~lebt'lltl'd ii• third 11nn1vP r11ftry F'f'ti. 2. The r h1 rter !ll f'm her~ \O.'hO f'MJO,V .. d II dl'h<"!('HJ~ •hnntr •l La Po51 & \\'r~· Sul' K~im, O\~n" G\l~nn. ~n1"" ?'Cl!•'· J 11<he Sl~rpcr, CILI F'ra hm. Ann Allrn. t.l•r:v Kay H"hn. S"'nd}" Schmidt. D11ne ~rand•l1. ['11.tty, Clrrnr ne ... P~rnr1a Rllrh1r. L\'n Bo~•ly, R 11 !h Dut!l"Y· T•J• To h11!. Ar!•ne Hurr a nd :'>lr~. B11l11' 12400.00 11nni:s!ly. x .. 1,.~\~"' 16 !''"·~ l r ra!I 1Pek out enitmy aubmar'lll911 3 A propo1nJ to rcatrict !lu• '.°':(' :.1 1 and rall tor dwlroY•n to mall• pO\\'('T nt 111 • Clty COll/"ll'JJ in '.\'t\.\'~·l'I "~" Z 7, 11. :?Z :!S, Irr.'!.~ the k!ll. a\locb.tr ·~urh for:d~ !o J~·. ---------------- (100.00 annually. • A propUaa l t o an1en.1 the cuy Chattl't to ptrma th" term• of "l !ca11t 'lll~ snrt not more than 1hrf"P m t.'!;· btrll of• City boerr! or cc,n1· m15!1lon to rxp1r" tn 1nr nn• year ~, A r rnrn!l.d fn l•U\•n·1 q ,.· _ C ity Ch11rt >'r !I• 1nrrf'11 .... !11" n1f'ln h• r~h•r .. 1 !11• PJ.,11n.ng \.,1nn1 ... •1,,n to n1nr 1,·no.- ti~r,. NE\\' PORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS t:'"'·" ·~1 on<1;oy a no:t Thurtw:lllly COA STAL -I l.inr111 ·I 1.lnr~ 4 l.i hl'!!o S HOPPF.R-\\'ednesday& P&JM'r :.? l'apt"n 3 l'apen $ .i5 1.50 2.UO I ""•la l "h"l'I"'' f l•,•Hl<"<I .\d• mu11 run In Iha -'lolldaJ "r _Thur,.d:I\" 1'11hllratlon '11:">1)11 ':'11 AO I:" • 1.1sr.s : ...... -........ DEATH NOTICE C~assified Index Fun,.ral :-0.ullrl"• '! ('•rd "' T h1&nk• • , .• ,.,,.., •• 11,,. .. , .... ,_ I ll llu•ln•·•• ""Id<' 11 1:111111\nt 'l•lf'r\nl• I ~ lh1lh!la1e S.•t \'h'I'• II l'••f'l'Ollll.h 1.5 1'ih1r11 t•our l "a r 16 Trll'l•IJ'l>rtallnn 11 Ko11ftnc I ~ lk·auly Ahl• '!O u .. allh ,\Id ' !'! 1..,..1 und I uun(f ~I :o>r h<>t>I•, ln•lr111·tlnn '!II t'llU•llun• \\ "nlf'd '..!'.I ll>·lr• \\ anh·•l 11u ,\ll'Ol..,llau.-.. u. ~.J.A ~.-.• ,.. 111-1\ A1>pll:in ...... :U \\:tnl l'il l <l l\o,\' .::I! I IHl111Uf" fUf 1'•1" 11!-A AnllqVI'• ~·1 11 .. ,: •• su111111 .. . :11 \ho .. lr :.ol, 1:.111 ... r \' .111 1• .. uu ry 31 l.h••l;ot•k 31! l'i~·tal Annoua«"IMnt 39 ,\ulo. \\ant,.d Ill ..\ 111<111 lt>t ~.,,. -IU·A Tit"" £: l'1<tl• 41 ADtU Srr'01<"9 4': Tt-.ll•r• &.1 Alrpi.n1-. 41 \\'•nl...t In R•DI •~ Apl._ & llou .. ·1 Int llral 41'1A-Apl•· for flf'nl 4Mft--Hvn-lor Ht'nt 411{"-Tra.ll"r 8P'M"'I 4!t Konn•~ '"' K,.nl l!I-,\ """' 11,,n,,.. t ll ·U kvom .t Bnard .,u Kc-nt , .\ft...-. .53 S t/\rr• ~ Olfl<'ft .~3 .. \ IJ11•ln-ll'l!•la/11 ~· ttuUA..-. Opport\lnltt,.. !'..\ '9f,,n,.~· ID 1-n ,,ff ,, ...... )' '''"'"11 ,,; 1; .. ,.1 1:.1a1,. ''••1.-d llol lnron•" f'r"J"'"'l.t 81 K .. al r..1.1 .. t:\r ha11p fi! n .. ~1 r.•1a1 .. IZ-Bulltlln~ Se n~ Garages, 18x20 =-'Tl '('('0 CH. SID l:'\G -C'O :O.IPLETE $!>95 (including slab) ~l 'J-:CJ,\l .I ST.S 111 room a cld1tion11 Rn rl r rn1nd{'lln); for O\'{'r 8 y r ll. FHA Terms -No Down Payment l.lbf'rty t--5 763 -Kimberly .3-8274.. 87(llH ="l'l\')lOl"l l·la rbnr r$. r . o. J~ . 1767 \_',.Ill' .1 ·'' ~ :-0'""'1">1' ll• R{h J::l"l)lod l"i! .. Jl, J:..,.1,·rd 12-Ruiklin.i:; S.-nlttti -------·-· -~· ~·-~-- Exper ienc'd gardener LA!\"DSCA!')JNG and CLEAN CPS Liberty 8·1659 I Z-KoUdlag !Mln'k9 FOR RENT Skill Si "• El,.c. Dnll•, Pollahar, •II IYf""I!. o l S1.ndtr ~. \\'heelbu• n:i"'·J, ~I t . BOYD'S HOWE. z~o \\" f"OA!§T HIOHWA.T Llb<'rl)' 11<14l.), N.....-port Bcb •tt• Specia(ized HOME REMODEL I' A Tl OS. (" TV'"l.J }'. pl.estertnc, •ull!'fr l • \O.u rk, l lllL •U.lllf . p•1n!1n1; -y1111 n~ie lL -~ do II.. FO:iTER l~r.os. ll•rb<:.r ;:~;6·R -W 11·293J ilplZ l'tu nUn,:; & J'aperhangin1 \\"e dr1 Lhr "'Ork ou~ve&. ,11 ~ \"11r11 l'l!f>"'Tlt'nra 1.·•· n~~'1 .. lnaur,,d. ~~·1,,,,..!••n J;Ulltant~ .. d. ,-.,,111,.·~., 1r~.. r .. a J flhnnlt , I .. I A.~1;~7 ~-J_,J 8-5289 81 ttc Painting. Decorating J'ai<t"r Hanguig GEO .. BU RKHARDT l.J• ~::-.-~~:JJ c u:-:T RAt."'l'UR ~.11 :1,,tn St, :-:_,-.,,rt BMcll 11 . .i :l 11 ~-\\' "' LI l ·fl&Jl ti• REMODELING ·•n•l 11• w r••fl ~t rutt!Ofl. f'I'• '"' ll ~r b•,r t l77, "" '":1 r•·r •• 1 , .. J:Jl,I. t '•th.l.I. 1.1 !-I.~ I ,,,, I PA INTING cu'1 l'LEn: ,.,\l,.TI": I E ARL SHEFLIN l~.1 l'1ln,,r l'~ .. t:o,t• M .. & 1':1/i-r l·l:in..;:n;.: ~··n·11 1• 1 , ,~ 1.J nt•'f 8·21fl!I a;uo E l 1.F ''I-, lo .,._1<1 '-:J•t'.H~ .--~~~,-,-,,=,,--~·~-,,--- !"•A)'Jl l ~-,~~ ,. ll(J IJ .. 1:->TJ-:Jt HllOS. II~• 11' 1 •1r~,4 :-;un.!:iJ-:R)' House Plans ;.; .... ,,. la "'·n. rl'a.<~onablt f,r, IT " yn1·r.l'~:l.F'-\\'J; TILL & 1 ;1~,1 1 .~: 'r'•o1 ·n ~F:F:D A~TJ P.•if.r, i ·:--r.~;r.t 0t:R Ot:Tn- ANC&. -U I -JC.ill. t4pt lO'Jc , • I ,.·l , "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY WW come to your home, take doWn 7CM1r nuUu blinda, take theJn to our Jaundr7. t.uad.r ~e alat.1. tape•, eorcS.. apukllDI' clean wttb OW' nflW ma.cbtoe proc.- met.hocl. Return ;ypur bltnda and n-IMilall Ul.n la U boun. Prtce nr, '9UOD&ba.. TM a.-.r· ace I ta,,_ realdntl&l blind- -Only $1.00 We ..-repalr ud rebUlld ven•: Uoa blind .. AU -.irork done by •P- potntl'De11t. Phon• n-Liberty 1-8701 or KlmMrlJ a-127•. ppttc PAINTING PallltJn& la Pt.per Hanging "The Beat Money Can Buy" Svmpson & Nollar 1{1 IJUt at., Newport Bl&c.b PHONIC H.UUJOR UOt lfo General Contracting JlEPA.JR8, remodellnc and aJtera- Uoa work. a.&dcmttal and eom- muclal bUUclinp. Quality Wal'lr Ouarul.Md Har 31~1 daJ9, ll&r. 2teo-J eve.t. , Httc t:S-81taatlom WuW ----------- Alterations RESTYLINC Kim of California 212 Manne Harbor 3481 Balboa llland 98pl3 TOUNG vrr, &llgbtly dlaabled. 2:\ yn .. war1ts job -Have ottlc• and aale• uperltnc:e. A!.o tool oont.loJ. P!l. Bar. ~7. 9pU ll!ll5PONSIBLE couple will man· •.ae lncome property In exch. for rent. References tumlah~d. WRITI': Box R.-28, this paper. lOpl~t!c WANT poaltlon H companion. Jl(ht houaekeeplng. C.8. nursing It d .. lred. Good r•farencea. Mi-a. O.Shon&', 806 SMta Mar,,uerlta, San Cleme:ite, Calif. HYac1nth 2·1M2. 10p12 CARETUL IftOf"ING m my home. Wtll mend. Phone Klmberly 3· 9074. l0pl2 29-llelp WanUid GIRLS - Good Good jobe - Good aalary - News with trequ~nt 1ncrf'aM11 - Opportunity !or •clvancenient. 90-B-AJ>l~----St-Fun11tun for 8aJe •• le laM NORCE .A.UTOMA TIC waah· I ELECTRlC RA.NOE, Cl'oalay lll:S er. The btg tu b mod..S. Jt 'a the r Detp Wt>ll cooker, a ulom.r Numbu 1 on con.umer'a report. •clock. big oven A broil ove n. Jt'a 1>nly been used 3 wc-ekJ!. Pd. Xever ~ed. Pd. dn. to 1168 7 ; ctn. to J l 77.tO t rom $260. No from 1340. No ca.ah dn .. Just pa 'I cu h ne«ded If you pay the the pymu. or 19.10 per rno. pa.ymta. or 19 ~• per month. SEE BauJ"l\n a !-A S \\'artohouae 8!::E &ughn• A • S \\'ar<!nouaa 220 S. Mato SL, Santa AnL . 6 220 ~. Main St .. S•nta An• block. 80Uth ot 4th St. Ope 8 blod<JI Suutll or Uh S t. e\'t>J tll 9, Sun. ll·~. Phone Kl n O~n evu. 'tU 9. Sun. 11~ 3-7201. Klmberly 3·7201. ------------ Washing Machine sz-A-Antl!uee SERVICE • W A:\'T to buy old tublontd dol 11 c. f' l·Yt'&r cuaralltM on Jobs done & doll head11. Ch1na, Blequc. et and on uaed wul\era 2188,4 Any 11iu or condition. PMvat (rear) Newport BJ .. Cost.a .. teaa. party. Har. 2098-M. JOcl ~ Liberty 84603 or Uberty 8-t327. · 64Uc SS-Boats, Suttliee KENMORE automatic waahlng mach ine, bolt down typf, $3!1. 489 E. 20th St.. Costa MeSA. 8pl0 FREEZER BY DEEPFREEZE. Tho big H 1t cu. f l. w ith over TRADE r. Beautiful '70·ft. aux. achoone .F'ul.ly !011nd, co anywhere. WM $30,000 equity In property. 122 West Balboa Blvd., l\"cwpor Harbor 3032. 3cl~ t 0 t. h r>OO lbs. food storage, color in-\\'AXT TO BUY good set or ST A t u1ur & loot.I racks. Jt's br:ind R .. nrw. JuM rl'leaSt-d from 1'tor· ROAT Bllil3. cheap. Write H. F. age. Pd. dn. to $2i 8.27 1 rnm t~ook, 2202 Cliff Dr .. Sant.a Bar bara • 10r1 S~';'U. n 11•h or pay the pymts. -------------of lt:!.13 pe.r month. SEE l:Ulughns A & ~ \\'ArPhuu.se 3-t-Muslcal, Rad.lo, & TV 221> S Main St.. Santa Ana 6 block:; SuUth of t th St. Open eves. 'ttl 0. Sun. 11 ·:1 Klmb('rlv 3·7201. . 3 . v v Check these Used Cars Buy Crom a loc&J deoal('r who will I)(> he,.. TO~ORROW to ha.cl( up what he aella TODAY I 40-Aotoa and Trocb -. UICK 2612 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH 195-t ROADMASTER Riviera. Fully equip- ped i.llcluding all power accessories .. $3195 1953 SUPER RIVIERA coupe .. A low mileage, one owner beauty ..... ····-··-····· ............ 2095 1947 PLYMOUTH CLUB Coupe SJ>("Cial Dlx. R & H, new seat ~O\'ers .. . . . ... .... .. . 395 1949 CAD "62" Conv. Xlnt. condition ........... 1295 19.53 BUICK SPECIA4 Sedan. Real sharp .... 1595 1951 MERC. sport scJ:in, R & H S, O'd 995 ' GMAC r'inancing SO~l E CHEAPIES 1917 BUJCK Roadmaster conv .............. -......... $m 1948 HUDSON Super 6 sedan ·········--····--.... m 1941 BUICK 4-door Super ..... ·-............... -.... 95 Many More to Chooee From NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE S MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 1952 Buick Super R1v1era t'OUpe. R It H. Oyn• • now. 2 tone paaL w.a.w. Ure.. Tinted & laaa. Or1•· 1 owner cu. $1565 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'al. Hwy. :\'ewport Beach Liberty 8-2UJ 1~ Hartlor eo.ta Meaa Llberty 8-:l&i RA ff, '51FORD6 DLX.TUDOR Sul Covtora. ntw lln-1. S645 COT'TON GOFF 2118 Newport Bl.. Newport Bch. f'hone Harbor 8 8cl0 U-A.uto &n1ce . Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN '8-Apta. a RoUMe RENTAL el SPECIALISTS Call Edna L't11t1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. Ill )farina AV• S.I~ lalanJ. Har. 1671 Tatro Orartfe, nt'ar A lph• Bt't.& Zon~ tor rt-1~rn11111 .t u s•. S6!1. mo. Mkt. bu~I· JAMl':S, Harbor 20U . Trt2 Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM .. 2 HA'r H unrum. h110. •,. blk. lo tx·ean 011 Jumlne, $9!'>. mo. Ulll pd. 1 Bl:DfUf. rur11. apt., clo• I() ~tan '70. mo. "Ill. )"M1. W. E. Fisher, Realtor: and ASSOCIATES 3034 &atit Co11at Hlghwa.7 Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2'43 PAINTING JNTEIUOR -~Oft LICJCNl!llCD -INSURED Sr:vne open1nc• now for young women tn ~ewport BeaC'h office : 19.'tl ()'f<£EFE·:\I ERR1IT Rangt. STElXW A Y GR.A.Jo."D. Like nf'w Bag 11av1ngs. Also Knabe. K im hnl. Flsrher, Mason 4 Hamlin Many others. P ractice pi11no11 a l! lovv u I~. See & Drive The Beautiful New 1955 Buick * with this ad * 6 Cyla. $48.88 UNFUM'. t bertrm. unit, cloae In O\ala JllU4 IO('•tion. l m mac11• latt'. Jll.). mo. Ph. U 8·67Cll ol" LJberty 8-2103. 8cl0 Glenn Johnston 601 • llll It. "'""°" 8.-eb Harbor ane uuc AJcobolice Anonymoua . Wrtt.9 f'. O. lloa Sil Newport BMcA. C.llt. Pliml• Harbor tTl6 l~bare l'our Oar WANT DULY JU.DE doW11t.oW11 L A • hOUtl ... =·~· Llk• to joln ... r pool nr would or1a n1M own. Ph. Warren. Har. tOlfJ. ll~tfc l >'-«''.lilt)' Alda Superfluous Hair , Perm11ntntly rcmolfec:I rrorn race ai-ma. let;• l!:yebrowa and halr hne llhape-O-No mure twfflin1 ELLEN I... BRYANT R E. L111n'1 Salo" of ~auty Hu. 2678 UC China .Painting Day a.no E:ventns Cw.ea lJrd•U Tal"n Now Phun.. LI bt'rty ~:'>648 R~el Esta·re School in Santa Ana MEN • w111'1~ p~pare m a,,.re 11m .. t11r unl1m1ted opportunttlu In l!•:il l:at.:ite 'Xrw clUMa "•f'" 1, A 1 Tyl tr ln3tructlnc At· lrnd 11111 •vrntn.c rree and learn 110.oul ltllt J:l lt•t fltld t:.11 or TELEPHONE OPER A T 0 RS. CLERICAL WORKERS (typing required). Apply &H ~ N . Ml.Jn 8 t., (Room 211) Santa AM MOlld&y tl!ru Frlda.f. 9-4 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE i 1fc -------------- Draftsman (Male) Tho nice CP aU a utomaUr. grid· di,., Jut top, Blmml'r burner• A: th11l grill broiler. Used 2 mo11. rt1 dn. t.n SIZ4.3J. No ra.,h dn., Jll.<ot JlRY 01,. f'ly mtlf. of Sfl 77 p;•r mo. SBt; Baughns A 4t S Warehouse 220 S. M111n St., Santa Ana 6 bl<X.:kl so. O! Fourth SL Ope.n eves. 'UI 9. 8un. 11·!1 Kimberly 3· i201 ('II ft . sF-n V P:L -n,.w 11n11, make o rrer lflr quark "'1e! Sp:1r r n~• .. IN1. :l2 t P 01n!'IPll l11. • <' n ~1 &p lO P'or work In beach area with 3 i yn. practical eicperlence In mech. drafttnr 11nd 2 yrs. col· ltf• or 9QulvaJrnt. Write P. O. Boll 1031. Alhambra. Caltf . ton· cle>eln&' a&mpla or work. ~Uc T\Vl:'I; OVEN O'Kl:EFE 4 MCR· RlTT atO\'e, gT!dtih• lop .. ell'<· WANT lady to do <'lt'anmg e\·ery momtn&' in small Newport hot~I. ldrel for w tfl' of working hll~· bant1. Art. ava1lablto. Harbor 2604·W. Ptfc FREE RENT of bachtlor a pl. in exehange tor part lime ca1 e of school &Je g1rl. Coron& c1PI M ar. Har. 0~2 aJter :>:30. Jll<-12 WANT eiqxrtenct!d ltgal .ff<'rt· tary for Ntwport 81'a<'h law firm. Har 2788. 10<-12 9xl2, I JO. 8:119. 1211. OVAL C H E:o.;- ILLE hrll..l<1ed rugs. lllll 2 Bl rin~ rue 120. Pada tnd. 9!)9 Dog· wood. r ostit Ml't"· U 8·46i7. 8r !O CHILD'S play 1llde 11:5. Phtlro telev!alon A table 17:>. wul\11\g machine 125. Chlnue scree.n 10 pr 2 Iron l&mf>41. Chln"'.,. rog J U. SaU.n lined rtra~11 110. !'\tw alligator pur~ $20 1:5111 Sallt.• Ana Aff . c-. M Uberty M21!). llplO aprw-ulnit ah.-lt. C-hesr. Ha r bor 3902· \\'. F, 10 . 10~4 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR Il'i1 th<' 1Rt1>11t one w1t11 no~s­ tnp I :-N•zrr < h••11t, ~rare for h"t · llu. butt tr, veg. & meat ktl'r"r. f'd. <ln t n $128 Ii. Xu 11H•h needed, Juat pey the pymtio. or 17.80 f)f'r month. SEE Baughns A A S Wa rtho11.1e 220 S. Ma tn St.. Santa Ana ~ bl()(ke South or 41 b St. Optn evu. 'tll II. Sun. 11·~ Klrnbcrly 3·7201. WESTCRAFT tra1l,.1. 18-!l. Eire. rf'frllf . hr11trr. kwn1ni.;~. i;Clod C'l'ntihton. rrunnRble Prll'I'. H11r. 26l7·R. Court"fV to lljrl'DI., l t1r H1 82--Fumlture for SaJe Bay Furniture brings you the newest with prices the lowest f"O R THF. Ll\T.'o:G ROO~f "rite now lt•r 1n1nrm•t1un. Bull· GERMA!'ll blnoculara. ortgmal co11t n<'H ,..,,•ttut,., ii!\'~ N Syc.a· r J~.-now S:?S. Frf'nC'h lhnlrl' m n1,. \-17~!1 74Ut' glaaMa. molhl'r or pe..rl, M 't 2 pc:. bl-d dl\-an lt club chair U 9.!)() valu,. .al Bay 89 M> .1 •• caponse to Popular ~mand ,\ l~ II Av I!: RF.Cr. :-O"TL y enlars~ m 11 Ill• 11111 .. ,_ l•l 11 rrnmm•Jd1Jtl' n.ro1e 1 11tlrPn There &II' a ,,.,,.. l~now 117 .60. P\."SHMA;-; S. 27~ E. <.:<>~L ff .. •y . Corona d~l )tar. Har 12t2 &10 MA.'.\'GLE. day ~d. Ha vHam1 China dfst:t•s anol a (. w pll'Ct'll or anUque furntlUrl'. 2 pr .t1ect, converb lnW l>C'd. 1011 :.o \'Alue /1 Ray J ()'I ~o DAXZ-SCHMlDT Big Piano Store ~.w Xo. Mii.Jn, Santa Ana HA~fMOND organ11. All model11 on.. only &lightly 111\ed a.lmo11 lll<e new. This Is & 11pccl11I l DJ\ ="iZ·SCHMJDT . Hammond Headquarter• for Or nn~e County. :'IZO l':o. Mein. S. A O~E O!'>'LY full 2 manual conn . l'onala electr ic, organ, demon stralor modl'I ~1th aeparate ton - r11b1neL Save S3~. ConvPnltnt term.11 a t- e ) SHAFER'S Music Co. (Sine,. 1907 421-423 .2\. Sycamore, Sa na An Phon• J<Klm~rly 2--067~ 8 Priscilla Matthewa Teacher of Piano Classical. popular by h&nnooy Fv11.tt'r/\· f '!,lfagn. Los Angclt-11 2 11 Tiatin A\'"'. :'llcwport Beac:h Liberty 8·39~ 07p1 2 Bl:A t:Tl Ft:L SPI:-JET PIANO!-\ Rf'nt to buy. All or term ren allowed. Practice plana. at1 low l 11!1 $!1 per mn. DA:"Z·SCH.,UOT Big Plano !\tor~ !12() No. Main, S.nt.& Ana l . BEAtrUFEL Electronic Orean blonde cal", 11lmo&t n~" Mus ~nrr!flre. on.. nnly, 8 111 u v lni;11, rMXZ·SCHMJDT Great S.le. :'i:lO :\"o. ~fain, Santa Ana t BEAl,"TJFCL r1•modele'1 eptn.e f~pe llflrlfhl r 111n11, Ilk .. new ' $290. • t I Tl".R..'18 SJ O t1n tl U O r"r. mn. a S HAYJ::R'S :\lia1c L'o 1Stn•a lOO, 4:!1 ·~23 N. Sycamor,., S&11t.a Ana Phone KJmberly 2-o&72 SPIXF:T PIA="O. Lov&ly looe and cu~ only $387. Terms. Other wnnd.erful bnr,i;&lns tn rl'nt.al re turns. tradto In on nrgan11. ~u: Sf'vl"ral mert'ly 8llghUy 1eratch . I'd In 1thlpmrn1 DA:'\Z.~Cll:\UflT -.20 S o :\!Aln. Santa Ana TERRY'S BUICK , Phone Harbor 5021 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach LOU REED CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburb.ill, Hy· drlv,, low mileage, heater. W S W, gold & wheat 2-tone color. I'erfect utility car for the suburban f~ily ........ -................ _ .............. $21~ 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powerglide, Radio A heater, bright red, black top. Looh ·• runs like n,w. Only . J 949 STUDEBAKER ciub coupe. Light green. Bought new by owner, low mileage, per· fl.'<'t second car 1947 PLY. club cpe. Light blue. Runs good a nd looks well..Jcept Jn good condition by owner ....... .-.·-····-·--··· ...................... ·-···· See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot ''Across from Port Orange" Ha.rbor 4070 or Harbor 25&1 124~ 395 SPE C IAL 1954 Corvette I I I Used Car V/ alues NEW CAR TRADE L'-;S 9~2 1'0:\"TJAC rl!Jc. 6 2-<lr. -1.an, ll 000 ml • very clean SI 04~ 948 OLO~MOBILE 4·dr. 8"· t111n. Hydrn 1 ranw, H It H . rll'an u a pin Radio, hlr .. auto drift, uru. lAu Ulan •.000 M11~t u ll qulc:-k $2535 w.sw. mt lea. Miller Chevrolet pll\U • ii\tlUIDbll' I lJO R~hutl'r, Costa lfl'N &10 8 Jl" matcbr<l wrought Iron JTP. incl. bt:d dtva.n, a:natcllln• l h1 • 2 •l..tP l'nd11. 1 co/tee table, 2 1ab1.. !Amps. 1 floor ta mr 2&n ·.o v111 111 Bo). b r<~ $1 b8 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO I 9•9 STUV£8.AK ER Comm. 6 R~g11I 11tdan, R & H !1j2 STUDEBAKER Comm. &•~ 1000 \\' C a l. Hwy ~ewport.. ~ch LJ~rty 8-2261 l~!I Harbor Coit.a Mf'M Liberty 8-~3 r1~;:~:~t~·~ )cu1r child ror kinder· _F_i_r_e_W_O_O_d_F_o_r_S_a_l_e_ ALMA OL~l:N QREEll:'S FREE DELIVERY HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL WRJUHT CO 17114 Newpc•rl Wvd . t:oat.a Ml'•• Wt><-rr y 8-2~:1 ••trc :tss £. 0.1 Mar. eo11.a Jtteaa Fresh Hearing Aid A~ts 2~ U b<'rty 8·37i1 A truh· fin .. ~llr•trv ~ChtlOI I BA'T'T~ 2c l!>b We Give SA-H Gre.en Stamps ---Gunderson Drug Co. ~IU.IJOU ~Uted Main St. at Balboa Blvd., Bitlb<'la ---• • ----• Harbor !>I:> D8trc WTLL C-ARE fnr 1 "r 2 sm&ll chi!· I -----------tlrtn in mv tinme. C'lltf H:wtn WOODWORKING machln")', nr. l'hOni" Llbl'rty 8-832~ 9pl 1 n .. w. Lathr!l. sawl!. t<andl'r&, etc --- ------Sutt.bl• ror horn., an1>r Rt1ll'un· '\'Ol":'\G mutl\"r 14111 babv 111t f'\'e· shit' \\'Ill '4'11 a ll nr by r 1eto • mnir• l'h Har 038-J . ttcc Ph. Hitr 4216 Cir Har. 432u Roy's Mainte"ance Hoiae clunillr-f"loor w11.x1nc \\'iLll •'aahin..-wtndow d tanlnc '°""'ll•n bllnda. t;rhol•IH y Jnaured. Frff ~t1matu Liberty 8·1332. ltrc RESPONSIBLE couple will manage •!1C-'tlnent houae in return for rent. Refer· encH fuml11hPd. Bond Jf required. WRITE Boll P·26 tbla paper. 4t.t . 8d0 FIREWOOD F'REE DELIVERY Dry wood. 141" • 2•" len11th Call 8 . R. ST AGC Phun" Harbor 1014 Ev1>nlng1 H11rhor :'.1391 •ooo coi,.on s .. vall11bl• in ap111)· l.nr e.nunel or laC'qul'r for-11utn- moblleii, traflt'rs or a1rcr11ft Sprlly g11n11 rot rf'nt Harbor Paint Ce.nter. Inr tJ2 3:.?nd St., Nrovport. Har. 28.18 8"11tde the City Hall l~l ~h "Results!" "Results!" "Results!" When you adverti.11e you want ~ult.a. There's no 1ub· stit\Jlt !or good rqpc>nae to a Classit'ied Ad. We are thrilJed to ncejve & constant stream of good report.a on our Cla.uified Section. "'Yoo "111 he latiP~"'d \(I how ta. .............. lrfU." 8 fX'. matched Pro'" ~rp .. choice 1•f 11.upl1•, \Hi<J<l 11rm c•r L&w· 11nn. ind. 1'0f11 l>t·d. rlub t'ht11r. plal form mckc·r. :? ~lrp t>nd~. I r•>ffN' l11blf', :? tlll)h lump~. :11:1 ~o ,.,., 111 &r. s r• 1n11 .~o POR nu; UE['R()(),.f ~ Jl<'. i:roup, lnci. 6 •Ir. '10•1lil·· rtno!\Mr, 3(1XHI nth rnr. llk'r"'" htl'bnnrJ. m• loll fr11m,. !JP :.n vnh1f' . Rf Bfty SAA II re 1•('•1ran. i;r1 p . tnt1 fl 1tr •lbl •II"•,~, I n11t I• I l>k C '1 "° hd bc"l rol 2 nil" ''•ni:•, nt(lul t r.i m" 1.ua • mn .. r•r1. mat' ~ hnx ~prantt Zll• ~o \~I Ill rll\\ II I'• l l!l ·.o BAY FURNITURE •:n ...:. 17th St. CMta :\leM t bt'twi"tn Tu111in t\ lri.·ln· • f"rr ,. .:0:·11r, .. ~h!P r·nrkinit Tnm• "'i'"" F:\'(!I ... , 8 -l P:!~ GA ~'FEKS a. SA TTI..f: rMl:'r It 1 th• er all •111ome11e, rid· •l:I' tn mtddll , u\.cn t.wa 1 & thAt i.:1111 brnaln . Ptt fin I? $137.b-• :-:n 1 a.-h nt1>d1'tl. J1i-I p11y the 1•.Ymt11, "' S8 u pt>r mo SEF. 11.nri:lln~ A & :-; \\'1111 111,11~c nn ~ :'>tntn St. ~11nt:\ An• 6 blO<'ke 8r.ut.h ot 4th St CJp<'n • v"' ·1 JI II i:;,.,, 11 ·.'> Klmbcriy 3·iWI \\'ILT(J;\" Hl'G. rMo b11t kl<':rl'Un •l 9x 12 .3mallu n1a11. s 1 t.o ~;. H.ir. 3Ulll·J. !Ill LA \\'50 X t -rt. da,•rnf"'ll. plaid C•""'J r1'ntlltlon SW l.'t1ll l.lt..!11\ 8-&.·,~ I Or I:? MAPLE )OUlh'11 bfotl. dbl t oit •rr. a: mllllt"'' on trani .. hk·· n• \.\' ~st ClfCc:r t11kt& Kar. U~-\\" b<'fore 10 or a fttr b lflc:l Z I l 18 <'oa sl f\lvd • <..:oruna deJ Ml.I 11'h110en lnll'rlur Bldg I H ar. 3387 68 Uc HA VE ht.>a 111r111 1:$rald11.1n ucrosonlc !'.11ln<'t. • yl"ll. l')hl. WANT TO 8\\Al' for grand pht.110 l'hnnr H arb<ir 1(){18.)1. H!c ~~~..:~-~·~~~ ~~~~~- \\ E W.\ '\T A BOXER ' \\" Yo 111 1pvc a i;o<>d born• tn • B .. ,.., r •In~. h.f\, l;:t Crn1·ed ) 11 Llb,.r:, b-:?7711, """ 8'10 40.-Aut.o" and rrucb 1949 Willys Jeep 1J '''"pH kllf> Wllh 4 w h,.,.I drtW' fh ol mA '' r nvrr•1a11t ll'n lhlln sm •!av' •i:o. $595 \\'e w ill fmMl'I' Miller Chevrolet 8 •·rtr, f\JUy equip. 1050 Terms t o ~ult You JOE NICKERTZ STl:Dll:BA..K!:R D!!ALER 3 <IJ:S Nrwpnr t Blvd. Newport Brh . 111. Ltdo Entrancel H11r. ~;o 1953 Chevrolet !'TA'tJO~ \\'AGO:'\ Rartlo. htr.• AU mclal body. Gno<t tlrea. \'ery lnw mtleai:;r. $1700 W ill f'ln&nCt' Miller Chevrolet ,:IQ FORD V ·8 CreatJln~r-R.adlo. hlr., fog lit.ea. WSW llrf'a. Vny low mileage SSD:\. Karbor 3U7, 1951 Mark VII 8cJO Jaguar. Salon 11t 1an. Ltghl blu" color Xew tltra Eltcellt nt ml'('h· antca.I condluon . Sl375 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C •t Hwy. Xl.'wport Beach LJberty 8·2261 1&:'15 Harbor Cost.a •1Plla Llbtrty 8-~-633 1 ~ 000 W <: ~I JI\.\\ 'f'•-port !k11r h • .Iberty 8· ZZ61 ,~ ... , Hft1 llor ~7 DE .:;oro Cu.tlom. RltH Sl"lll c ••!-iit i• ,,.,,.,. covtra. 1200 I 1 1 1.llx't:y .:,fiJ:l F.V"ll Hsi-bor •320. 8cl0 91 2 Drfo\OTO 4-'1r 11rJan, .iuln- m11l1c 1nnsm1~~111n Tlrto« b<1L· l"r)'. ltfolll COVf'l 8 Sood. $1:,0 l 'h. a fter 6 pm .. Har ~l·J. !!ell lllP PO:-OT IAC 8 r~nvrrL r .upe. Radio, hlr .. w .s w llrr1 .. ~F OWnt"r. $ .~1·-. 1 tt eni me. :->ever raced. Price • .. •• -_,,__ .. lll9!) Hausken Motors, Inc. 1!112 JJ111 bnr Bh·rl .. COMA M C'&a Ph11np LJhr11v 8·:10~.t .11rio 1(1011 \\' <• •l IJ\•, ::.;. \\ r .. n J.•·11•" Llb<tt\' ll·.!'..'.lil 1'1.-..'; H111 hnr r· .. ~rd :.r.·•11 1 Hausken Motors, Inc. Llbl'rty 8·!1633 J0:12 lfarh r IJlvd . <'.-•~ta Mr•11 t" 11 BL.,l:I' i <lu•1r ~eden ltet'\'nt· Iv llj)Cnl s_uu 1111 l•V\'I htt ul \'e1~· 1-· n I I r•m•r"' rt,, r n 1'1111 J'llCI' $1:?' CALI. CE:-; \\ lllT.\1,\-". lla1bur 1~2t·r11:uf>.tll bll\• s.·:o 'M )fl::RCTRY . t ,n .. rf'\' 1~011rr ~t~r1nm"1r r-.. hrA!•t.,..rc,t \.\.'in t'tf\lt:.1 c. ,. t ·u r t i:t"• \V. \V t rt,. • 1 11 11 t•,. ':: ,:, • \•, II lttk· I 1, I· •S6 E°l"l 1:.111 ( :.t·~ HJ< 1: l 'h••t1 .. 1.11 •• 11.\' x-~.o . .i i.. w 1953 Ford V8 C"11i.1 •ml nt> ~ <Ir " 1.1.ll I: A: If t I :1. I-Z ~v, II liu~ .•. '1. I un" hlll•' 1,. ' ti •n l " "''' " t •Il l 11 ,1,..,. S15i5 1950 Chevrolet 1 a tn n plrk UJ' R.ll•lln. Ch evrolet BEDROO:\f ~t. box irpnng A-mfl l· l!lll FORD-:, ~,r-~11~1 .. lrf'JUI. hMdboA.rd, 2 onm1110tt.-~ 2 '-' Miller Ch evrolef Miller Ooo' C'On•I ),:;, l•;•'l'I F: BA ,.,..,. )• "' \\ (' •1 If •~ l ,·, H1ul>r r 8 Cyla. $58.88 CORO!l:A DEl. MAR lnduoca botb labor and ,,..,-ta. UNl"URN. 2 bdrm. 11ou11e, .,, to "' New r1ll(•, wnat ptna, vaJvr carpet. Dr,.pu. dbl. gar., roverf'd CMnd, fitUn•• of lllaUI and rod pat111, 1100 mu. bear111c1. Expert motor tune up FITZMOflRl~ l'f:ALTT 1'0'=12sy or c,ooo •DUI cumautee. >-~-Ral'b0r21.. ~e--- (NO MONET DOWN> • REBllaT ENGINES UP to 1& MOZllTH8 TO PAY - Built tn our own rectory by Uillad m&ehJni•t.a Don't COlltend wllb the middle man. Bu7 dlnc:L REBUILT a.ad INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ···-·· IJ2UU <.!HEVltOLET ·------"t"4U9 &J PLYM. 6: D0D<JJ: tJ66 CRJUS 4 OJ: 80TO tl7U STUDE.BAKEP -· •nu ULOS It PONTIAC I 1110 BUICK --.. llT~ KUOSON •1711 Lo&n Car 1"r-. Towtn& NEW CAR GA.JlANTEE Bloc& muat meet our 8lalldarde Plua taua, ,..aiet.e and otJ Open 8Wlda) JO ~ to I p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 7 St.ate Bondtd NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. SA.NT,. AN.A IZ-Trabua -----------P'OR &ALIC. CaMna 6 ......_. rr lraJJer lJa e&ca1•l ooQd: )(OV· 1:-;G. M u&t lll'U. Can be aold aepa.ralely. Cont.a.cl Harry )t \\'eotztl. Ughllng Flllturu, 477 :\. :'\towport 81.-4 . LI M781 lOc.12 t7-Wa.~ to &e.t -----------Rentals Wanted We netd apt.a U d bou-ln all aecuona fot l>uU'I W'U!Let and year • lc&M F\lm or unJIU'IL lt you have • vacancy, ptlOM Coday The Vogel Co. 3201 w l'.aL HW}'~ Sewpurt Sch P nuoa Liberty 8-.;HSl 201J l>IAnne. BalbOa l•land Phune Hart>vr fH JOI ~oat HJW•Y. Corurui de.I Mar Phone H•rDor 1741 100 M11.n :St . S.lboa Phune Hart>n• 14!1 IT'S DIFFICULT BL"T WE KEEP TR YL"G. Want I or 2 br furn hou~ W1tl\ prtlf• acy, High reterencta u per- manent cnJplP No chtldren ur petA \\'hit h&\"t' you! Wr1l " Bo1t 0.2.i. this ~P"r. 1r E:LOEitL Y co 1ple w1tn rdr1 enetl', wo.nt to l"nl yrarly, 11nfurn. •pl or am all wttage with rr I 11g Jialtx.a or :'\ewpo1 t belwffn IJ. br ary e..nd 20th f>Ll an l!l<le pr r· fur ed. Jlar. 12!>-J. llJd 2 Choice Wint.er RenW. on Ba.Ibo& laland 6 Lldo Isle Small 4 coay or l•rs• 6 6-luu 17~ to '300 month VOGEL CO. JOI Marlo• .,,.., BaJboa l.tland Pb. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2J~l Rea. Har. 1716-RK or lJ 1-6297 &4lfo Balboa Island Cbolea ~rlJ and •wnmer nnt&J, now avallable. 00RJ S BRAY. Re&lt.or 218 Ma.rtna Ave., Balboa llland 11&.rt>or 20 ll~Uo -------SMALL rum. apL On& room, bath 6 kitchaDette. li:lec. l't'frtR., Thermo cont rolled he.At. l'c.rm. tomplo~ ptorl>On. I:\:'.> wlnl1•r. '40 by year .. uul. pd 12(! Mar- ine, Blllbo& l811Lnd. H&r, Oili l !II (I! ()Cg4,N l'RONT-2 bf'dnn. ~ar. apt. Very pleU&nt 16~>. .-.11 ultl. paid. l708i, W. Or•·an F r•>nl N •"'J>O rt. Ml I It NEWPORT J8L4N'D -P'tlrn. one bdrm. r•rart •PL Adult.a nn \' Harbor U2i3·W . &1 l I ruR.."llSl{&D new 1 bdrm fl J't. Nea.r Udo 8knpJl1n11:. n o I " yearly. 301 • 33nl l , :'\t \\ I' l ~arl\. PJ I I COMFORT ABLY tum 1 bc•lr m •pL. J4~ mo fli:rv"I r8frl~ . nic•· atO\'e. -I~ C..-11 P lar". <"'n•' ·1 Mua. U 8·2928. ~ 111 REAaONABl.Y pt1Cld, clea.n t A J bedm 1. furn a pu l 'UI r•t. Laundry room Play~rouno f•>r duJd,....n. Blue 'tor Apla. t nJ :O\rwfH.Jr I Ulvd., -""'"'P'•rt f$.•3r h. Above tt:l' A rchu. !l•lfi: CA:"'AL F'R(');>;TAGJ.~ 111>!11.v twn bf>drm fllrn .• lup),.ll AJ•l. Auto. WllAhl'I'. llT!lffr (lrl\1111" h1'11rh, $80 m11. Jnrl. ut II. llll July I •I. Her. :\!)1o-\V llfl"r & 311 p. m. lOtrr P't:-R.:'\ hn<'hl'trrr apl l' r ll rly. \\'11llc1ng •ll•L&nct tH b•<• ani:t bu111nr•' dt•l Hnr 121i ·J 10r21 ~on~:Rs 1 ti..<trm 11r•t w11 h l"'l •o 11n I • ... , .... rt It ·n~" •n•I IPfr.~. In• .1111et1 V. 111 he Vl\C"l\nl :\larch l\t. St-,. !'lle:r . A pt c· <lli20 Avon. :"• 141> •rt 1 ... \C t, or O\Jl - fl11 roor 11; i O· J i tff' I B(IH~I 1.~r•1o?• "P•rtmrrt -- Yr.HI) !>.._.,,. '" "8 1 'II"' :->ow b< •ni: rr l•C'nfulo·•I J.llO l·h•JI i;1111 :-;,, • hilttr··n, "" P"'" 111111 3 • h !'11 . N""'r .. •rl r.rnrh lhr 1·.11-.. 1131 l.ir1r I ll.'• 111 IV !...ADY WILL !-llAJ-O.: l••""•Y 1.111-- ~hlf' ••~W hom~ ll'l,.111 fr•r t~11rh­ tr, a 111~·. t tr "'r" i=ro11n'1~, $i ... m o. Hrr~r"n""" I ' 0 R"X ?•4. :"rwp· rt R1 ••h [.I 11"rty 8 · 1711i 10~12 l ".'ll"l!X 11>.,.•T'J tJl ,?ll81h$1•• )"111.)• .. .,, hr11' '••rll •I.; \ • ·'' l•f hA\ ~~ I fiJ!t!'• n !• \\ l y \\o llr•r :, .r .. 1 ON l!ALHUA l!::iLA."'lD Sl-.E l 'd t or yrar1y a:>d "r"-"''°"I r ·riUtla NF.LOA W E 'O:'ll. Re altor ALSO nu e 2 lklrm flln 11pt. gtir. i1;., n.11 yrl) Ter 1ir 1:1 r·" / ,),.,. rw11 y Lit\• r' v 8· 1 tn~· \l:!tr"a £A~TF;:'ol 1·:1cs A'ITf·::"TION ! :'\l'l~fl·1t l:11,• r1) 2 n !111 11pt. Sfl'• •• . t.. ' I A\ oll.1 1,. l oll J I y1t1 I :· ' Lii•• 11 v II'•· re " l 1t>ll I :-.·~ 1 ·n~ Ar 1111.111 h•, I IJ.J .• :·~ 2 1;111 , ll f" rd I .f;.1 ~ ,., ~~-• r. ,~· .. , t\11 • '. l:· .• 1 11 1..11,. t ly :i tc f-"1 J! ~\ lh' I I \'. 1 I : . .rt~ , I I · <t • mr• i Ill I I 1 ~ • 11.n°1 U.'• • "" ~· u .. .,,,,,,, L•. I IC• .... I , .,,, \\'. l.•.I l:.tllr· 1 I;,, l I 11 lh1 .. ,'[r IVll M11.r1ne Av,. Harbor •,01 1• \ \ ,.1·1 1:. r ur 1 I I.I, ~.-.1 .aoA ISL.A.Su 1lfc 1-n·~:-1.;J HI • , .. ~ .... 1 •• 1.·0 11 2 t1 Jr•r M; J \ ll 1 \ • •' 1r o\J\t Wl'itH k IL R. "' C'<imna df'I Mar -We,._. •r.1.at t.aaeta th,.l'lll. B IU li8lcl't, .~Z6 J."1111 .. r-1 Blvd AJ'l l" lll<'IY•r IOJ'I:! ;'\ •'I' 1t Jl, .1 f" ., :\t,.., ton A\.'ft.., NcWJX-rt H rf,ht•__ I Llt-o .. rlv i..:;:::r,1 t,11. .. r:v 1!-!'>6:n 1()()0 \\" 1·. ""> ;\°rWlY\rt fl"ll• h LlMrty /i..~71 I 1• j 1111i1,.1 T1\f j I ••• 1 ... I •l1;lp. 1.r.-A IU'•, I. J" ll \I 1:r,'1 (• • :\II I ''lrn1•r• l J Ill~ H I llt;;h lll!fll :llf .............. '-19d."' ~,.., c. A.. 0'8. of e.uao. v.u. - ..... __,'Sl~to ... lln• ,.,., ........ .............. \OM GE!IJERAL. ELECTRIC Tht 1951 D d c t I . . !~z.rr r r fnserator Nm b lnlllrln, 0 ge 0rne 1[1 ,,1 HILl.~fA;'I; cnnv\'1\. on" Cll!.'Tl· &Uto:naUc tlcfroilt. r• \' J\·1ns: Club f <lt1rr n11·ltn. htr • I Ul(). I rr ritr,.pl Iron l ily l I• IU1 lhTOU1<.1· eh,.I\ le. ahclv1 • In tht 1J. ... r & n 1ntlc t.11.vr )l.\nL t1rt s. (Jiii l9\I:-. two crilffl"•' tor \'• .,,.1"b1 .. ~ Jt,. S825 Hausken Motors, Inc . brand new. but pd. Ill\. lo $Z;6 l\\l 1!132 H11rbur Blvd. Co~lfl MeM f rom MOO C'"i\11:1 c r r 1y lh<' Phonr l..lbf.rty 8 .. -.1):.1 k lO f l~. 111 """ S 1h11o t ,~'"""' J.l I., i:1'1 6i: -------~ ~ ... r~y "··~,:n _ _ _ .~1:.1,1,J Al 1 . J n1. •l ,, .. uy --------------~ nt:r,1:11<1 \t 1-11.~.i.-111 r• u1 l rdkctor11•r.1 1 1 •. ,.., '' 11u, hrit'. '40 Cid.a Sroancttc 88 1•1.r::-.. ,. "·••II : : . l 1 • Jlh • w .. n ,, j( t• 1 •11tJ ~·'· /11Qftl.ll, F II P 111 .. I q "' . 11" .r ... 1• i (' ' l'l~· r .... I\ M"•"-u rice $495 :i.ti: .. ,,,,, 11 .. ..~ .. JI·· u •. , .... ~·-~ 8"10 COTTON GOFF :.;:!•·J. or :'>fl• W t111u TI •. Har ---•1" W. A. 8. of Ude! ble m..n .. ow ,.._...., .. a.II Ill -.. unq C'lwlf\r.ct aHlloe WI.I llrt .. T• ~ta, I-Oft. pymts. ot Sl33!) ptr monui. 21 1e Xewport ·tllll'd., Xpl. Be/I. SEE &Uj.hOll A .. !I \\'&l'f'l\()Wl.e ~ ~·.11er Chevrolet ·u FORD F·l pick up, :in llcenM. Harbor 8. llc lO O:'\•; BEDRM ,, ...... r IJuplrx rurr• z:l'li-\\" ~.ir Desirab le :Z:?O 8 M•1n St .. Se.nta Ana ' IVI n1tw braltf'JI A t1rH wtlll gl&M I Yi"at ly ..,aUo 11nd t111 pl•r« 11na 2 hf>tlr111)rn f \Jrri, apt.a. lf,1 •>11 ti.: 111 lht l•L 6 blocka South or 4th Sl 1000 W. C'aL Hwy . 1~ Ha1bor • plywood Id C'amper, new., ·•s A l'STJ;\" Tudor, vl'ry olct SM incl uul.llf'• O~n evrs 'lll 9. Sun. u.a Xe.,,.-port Des ch C-0.t. Mea• 1/tr..o , ... ,11 f;v,.. L1 ll-Hl29. I to .... ·n c:ar. Hu. Jl 78·J alu r :. 31, r. a!t,.r ~ r m or betor• II • m I Klmberly 3·7201. Ub9rty 1-m1 l..lber1.7 ~ Da.y• U 11-2012. lplO klO I Harbor 29113·M. klO I ('91 8.vbnr 1111 U4 Alllo f11r t1af-ed 14Mf4>r, i 7l 1n11 111 lf• "r 1' :114 f: ( H-•~n .. '""' l\ . .itna Comer o( t'lilin J llat. IW llklO I '1' '. ' I I I I I I 1 ,~ I PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ft-aw.I t"Atate MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 ' a •••~ a • .., ........ HARBOR VIEW * "The only available bome in it.a clua." Panoramic view of the entire Harbor Area from thU. ne;-f bedroom .plu1 den, 3 bathroom, exceed· 1 losly· cheerful, euily maintained Cliff home. Two balconiea, a permanent view from every room. Plate 11&• window• 6 aliding doors. Carpets. draJ>el¥ worklbop. Extra lar1e garage. 2 fireplaces . Ready to move in. A.king price s•o.ooo. Thia lovely home muat aell. To a qualified buyer we will alao finance with a real low down. Call John Macnab, Harbor 3297 or 5359 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ONLY $57,500 8 Beautiful Furnished Units Scheduled locome $9000 yearly. Only 51/2 yn. old. Beat rental area. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Saturday and·Sunday 1124 -1128 West Balboa Blvd~ ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5226 CAN YOU AFFORD -to pay more when you can get a nearly new Cape TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO 2 BEDROOMa and a 1 bed· room Wiit. Redwood and ebake. Excdlenl lnv111tment. 2 year• old. 3 car gara&e. Full price. U7,:IOO. ALSO 2 BEDRAf. HOME ON POPPY- Wontlerful vlt!W of ocean and hill• from up1t.alra. Nice yard 4': patio. F11ll pr ice 112.000 with e111y trrm11. S111all down pay· ment. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 303• Ea1t Co11t Highway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 Lots 2 LOTS, In bu11lnru zone , near civic center. 1750-0. ALSO R·2 lot nl'ar channel. Beach Homes 2 BEDROOM home n~ar beach, $MOO. MODERN 2 betlrm. home, flrepl .. atucco. l block to beach, $11,200. Channel Fronts HOME with dock ........ _ 120,500. ALSO duplex with boat. .N. B. C.-Raalty Co. 32nd St. A: Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. Har. 1406. 8c10 BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot, with pier & lge. float. Large liv- ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrms. with 1 * bat~. Extra large dinette area. Double ~age. ea.ai.ly made · Cod bou.e, knotty pine, fireplace, elaborate barbe- que and patio. Beautiful penna.nent ocun view. Pri- vate beach, 2 bdrm.a .• 1 ~ ~ batb1, tile, W to W car- peting, drapee. Partly furniahed. A BEAUTY at ~ uaual price for 1uch a home. Only $18,500 tma. Excluain Lagun& Ocean Front Location. -triple. $27,500, term•. SEE Ult. B. KcFarren at Balboa Bay Properties f19 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa-Har. ~86 or eve1. 2517-M Vogel Value Builders Look ! I We hne 1 Joli ready to build on -street. sewens, etc. All in • 1.nd only $~ per • with 'ood terms. Jn 1ood Coeta Men location. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 Cbarmiog Harbor Haven Apartmenll -Patioe NSW t l\OOM, 1trut lenl. N•&r .cbooU. eboppln1 dllllrlcL Quiet. pleuant. n cJu9'••· Oarb9s• dla- poeal, laundry, 1t.ora1• room1. Prat"•· $82.00 up. Occuplee •n- Un lt.rffl. Good wpervl1lon. M JT.. 1~1 Hann Place 1 BloCk South of Hl1h School At.SO r\JRNISHl:D APTS. WTNTt:R RATES Ille UN..URN. l bedrm. apt.. ,, .. w1y d~orated. Ste.I cablneta, aarb, dlsp .. 23 ~ ft. llvlnlJ room. Sep•· rate 1ara1• .t laumlflt room. UO lArlupur, Corona del Mar UNMN. COTI'AGE. $66. by tbt yur. UY. rm .. din. rm .. kllchtn· ell•. 2 bedrma., hot lhwr., waah rm. at 108 A.dams. No peu. Owntr. 308 Munt•ro. Balboa. Harbor 1924·M. 8c10 4&-Rooma for Beat NICELT fumllhed room. Pnvale •ntrance, private b&lh. Very de· alrable. 419 Pn1n11etlla Ave., Corona del Mar. Har. 3892-W. kllH ~Reat!.~------ HOR.SE CORR.AL F'OR RENT ACCOMODATES 3 HORSES 2007 Twltln An., eo.ta Mua. LI S-~28. lOclG klO ~~~~~~~~~~~- J\ATl'AN J"t.JRN. modun atudlo ~tores~ Offtcee ___ _ apt.a. ~ter of Corona del Mar. BUSINESS OJ."FJCE, u cellent lo- $70. uUl. pd. U l ·U2e. Hc13 caUon acroea the atreet from Corona del Mar P09t Office. 48~Houeee for Reat Ideal tor loan r•preee:ntaUve, -------__ __ _ __ contractor. wamatr..a. art or J BED~. unfurn nnr ly new. rub. dlap., car porl. Oood IO<' IT&. mo., yurly Jewelry bu•ine... Utll. pd. Only f40. n1onth. CALL Ben Whitman, Har. l8e2. Evea. Harbor H411 Hllc: TWO BEDROOM 1pt. 1tov1 and NOW LEASING. available bual· ntr11. only. Oarbai• dl1po .. 1. I nu• uttlce •pacu . ~ntu of Co- Nf'W .t beauUf\11, 190. mo .. yrly rona dtl Mar. suitable tor CPA. -di-nt111t or! Ll 8-1~•26. 98cl3 ONE BEDROOM nur Khv<>I, bch. • bay. IM. mo., rncl. utllltlea BALBOA ISLAN D-Bt1t bu11lnu11 J. M. MILLER CO. 2026 W. IJalbOa Bl .. Newpurt fkh Har .oil -Evea. LI S•3a711 PLENTY or FREE PARKING Mtf<: Newport Beach TEARL ~ R.l:NT AL.'J J BDRM. Untum. home I bdrm.. unfum. home CHARL.1:8 E. HART. Har. 1421 JOO W . Balboe Bl•d .. Newport d1al rlrt-Ma1 1ne Avr. O"'FIC"'E 11ntl llhup. PLlJS 'J bfld· room ttpl Harbor 20•12 :iclO OEJ.L;x~~ hlithway office apace, 330 liq. Ct. Center of Corona del Mar huJlnl'~ll tJlstnct. 17~. mo. utrl. mr l. ALSO 8"'' 11~ lur othrr bu·,,.anu1, office • 1n·oru1ional rental11. W. E. Fisher & Assoc. 30:14 i:. Cout Highway Corona 11~1 Mu Harbor 244:l !'lei RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport Blvd , Npt. Sch. Harbor 402. 9Mfc Costa Mesa Nice 3 bdrm. home on Broad- way. Has large living rm., large kitch en with garbage disp .• hwd. flra., Iota of tile in kitchen & bath. Fenced yard, newly decorated in- side & out. Owner leaving •tate. Thill week only $1000 dn., bal. like rent. Har bor 1862 (Har. 1461 evee.) lc:IO M-BuUetie ~rtuaWea SALE OR RENT SEA BREEZE CAFE on highway 101 South end of Hunt1n1ton Beach. Patio A: lot11 of parking 11pau. Jn h~a1 t uf oil boom, BER..'llE DO~ ALD. 308 £. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. Calif. Har. 424:1.J 8p10 ~Monez to Lou LO.A.NS TO BUJUJ. lMPROVE BUY, MUOERNlZE, OR REFINANCE W1 Buy Truat Duda NZWPORT BA.LBUA SA VIN CS .t LOAN ASSOCIATION UM Via Lido. Ph. Har. '200 Uc LOANS PROKPT SERVICE !>'~ flrat truat deeds 20 ynra Orange Coast Properties 1~7 l'ewport Ave .. Co1ta Mua LI 8·1632. U 8·1400 Evu. 9Stfc WOULD like to buy lit and 2nd Truat Duda. Call Har. 2328 48ttc LOANS for Homes I!~ -20 yr, Lo&na Construction Loans 8£E BOB SATTI..ER 2~16 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona <lei Mar Harbor .1888 Rep, POIRI~R MORTGAGE CO Metro Lite 11\L l"Und1 Kl. 3-5185 48tto :n-tWal l'AJtate Wanted ------------~- WANT from owner -a ho\1.M or vacant lot on Harbor, N'wport nr Ball>Qa Blvd. -or l ilh SL !n Cll!lla Mtlla. Pl~ue "'rile M . Lannnt, Bo11 N2•, lhll paper. 9elfc Blach. JcUb NICW BLDG · suit for 1toru and PR IVATE PARTY-W111t.a to bll\' otflces. 12'J124 ' .sch · N B h r .. 111rtenr1 lot tor c:&ab -Mm1t be ewport e•C 2032 PJacenlla. Coata M .. aa u rln9" in. :Sev•1•ort, Balboa. ar~a. Phon• Llbuty 8·2193 8c13 J BEACH HOUSU tor lta.e, I~ Kh .,. loralllln anti parllrulal'3 monUI each. No l\lbl•t. l!ITca· BUSINESS rm , 1737•1 Supenor _"_'_n_t@_B_o_x_Q_21_._t_hl_a_P4'_P"'f_._1p_1_s mo" •·1222. 9~10 1 Ave .. COlll• Mua. J330 liq. ft. I .-qulp~d J 10 4': 220 •I~ power. WILL RENT bra.ad MW I beclnn. Skyllrhta. JOOd parkln(. Har. I bat.b. untunL ·bc>IM ln CR~ 281 7·R. Courte1y to 16ent.. k15 Tl:IUlACZ at '200. per moaUI BALBOA INCOME 11-lteel r..tate ~---------~~~~------------ BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unita, 2 bdrma. each. 1. REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm .• 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furniahed. Asking $45, 750 and ONLY $5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apar\ment completely fumiahed and in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, term•. 3 bdrm. 6 den home furnished for year-round liv- ing on Little laland -Asking S29,500. • 2 bdrm. furnished &nd in good condition, to be 1old u ia for ooly $17,950 and get th1s, $1250 doyro. VOGEL CO. 208 Ma rine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor •H (Evea. LI 8-5297 -Har. 1786-RK) LIDO ISLE Open Daily 1 to4 P . M. -119 Via Yella 35' Lot -South Patio. 2 bdrms., completely furnished. Full price $19,750. Tenna. Also Open: 215 Via Mentone ExceptionalJy fine 2 bedroom home. Kitchen baa disposal plus dishmaster. -$21,750, terms. Exclusive -BayCront with Pier & Slip. S bdrm., 2 baths, completely furnished. $49.500, xlnt. ~erms. We also have 1ome excellent buys in lots on Lido. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE omcE - "Juat t o the right of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (evea H. 2999_) Have You Been Looking for This 7 BALBOA ISLAND: Small "Fixerupper." with am- ple rm to build in front, only $6000 dn., $11,500 F . P. 3 BDRM. and 2 bath, dining room, income apt. w ith •heltered patio can be your home t.nd apt. will help pay all expensea. • CLIFF HA VEN: Drive by 403 Kings Road and see new h ome, under construction. 3 bdrma., 2 baths and den-dining room. View of Bay, Ocean and-16' x SO' pool. Price of $34,500 will include landscaping and many extraa. WALDRON REAL TY 308 Marine Ave., Dalbo& hland Har. 0234 LID 0 SEE THIS NOW! 3 bdrms., 2 bath• on a quiet street to strada. 35-ft. lot. Nice south patio. Forced air heat. A really fine home. Only $24.750 Leu than co8l of replacement DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 NEWPORT BLVD., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 3693 Speculator -Builder -Investor N. E . cor. Iris Ii 4th., CORONA DEL MAR 150' on Iris 15 lot.&) 2 cor. lot.a vacant. 4 furn. bun. galows on 3 lots. Income will exceed S3000. .S5000 DOWN HARBOR BLVD. COMMERCIAL 2 leased atorea plua bungalow. inc. $3180. Out of t own owner w&nt.8 quick aale. McMANUS REALTY CO. 1999 Hubor .Blvd., Co.ta Meu LI 8-3333 (&nytime) COMMERCIAL INCOME One of Corona dcl Mar's prime busine81 corners. fully improved. i11 available to the cautious investor -four commercial unit.a on 85-ft. of highway fron- tage by 135 deep on sidt-street. oHera 1. solid op- portunity for excellent returns. For full particulars regarding price, terma. tenant.a and lea.sea, contact (No phone information) Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. 3530 E. Coa11t Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 3571 62-8'-aJ l!'.Atate -------------- TRADE Desert Motel NEARLY SEW attractive Pro- vln('lal dupl~x on Cliff Dr1v1. f'ICh with two nice bdnna.: Pll· atd ht1wd. noor11. u.aed brtck rt1rn'r ftrrplacea: at. wood kit., 7 unit.8 2 mi. ea.st of Barstow d11poul, Iota of c oaeta. RMdy on Vega1 hwy, Lot 162 x to move Into. 124.~. Marinen •OO Proposed Freeway hie Realt>· 318 M1rint, Balboa ·• bland. H.rbor 4181. lclO may make this property very valuable. Price ~ BY OWNER. eut 1ld• Coeta Me•. 3 bdrm., la'· bath, •pv· $37,5()() Hu lO&n Of $14,3()() ate ahowtr, hWd. flrl., ftnplace, W1UI 1 yr. leue. C&U Harbor ROUl!IE AT CORN3:R 17th .t '4tl tor tunllg ct,tatla. .. tic Oran~• nr. Alpha Beta )fin ., & UNIT8--0lder proput1 euitral· ly toe., t •~ bUu .. lo Mart ol 8&1· Submit your trade for my clock rontroll.cl heat, weat.ber boa UUI. rm. J\Yt l'tduc.d to .,,uity of $23 200 Wlll U· lllrlp~ Lhni out. •d~ TWO bdrna ~ • 1a,...... ~ .._.. ~ nnrl.7 d ecora&H. Trl7. rat&J untumlalled 1n ·19Us It.. Newport.. tplO llOned for rMldentlal A: bu•ln-. Ml mo. J4Ml:S. Har. 2042. 12 000 -, • • bntuway. Price 110.llOO--l:IOoOO 1, tor quick •le. N-000 dn aume on income property. down. lf4.U mo. tu•• ln.Nr. lcll Own• Ha11lor 'lltl. • T5Uc .Write WELCOME TRAVEL-lneL nu, ''9 ~ kl&n. U WUI ----------............. ,. ..tall 81-Ree:' EMate Es.-.f!_ TWO bedna. h-. Dle•IY tu"'. ER MdTEL, Rt. l.A, Bar-lcll •tow. Calif. 2pl5H CORONA DJ:L MAR. OcMn ytew 1100 mo. unUl J une l&. China F I t • RAVIC J l!V'I• I bednn. bom•e.. Cott. Corona d.a Mar, elo• to Or 8aSe UpS alrS dbl. 1ara1e. 1 lot ·MlllOO. C1oM -f'or a dependable u.wd car, - ... ter. IOO lq. It. Nllable for bualnuo. In. l!la.n J'emaado, 11'.000. I J'O'll' local dMJer who will be her• 0 . H. LA THAOP llludto or office• 6 llvlnr quart· WILL TR.A.DI: down fnr Butlor TOMORROW to ti.ck up what h• MM IC Oout Rwy. COM •n. 2U Marine An~ &I. r.. ll1"9a or Costa ..... llomP. wn. TODAT! Check th• ul't'd Har. & .. 2. w "511..J I En• I Uwnn 1311 K Bay Front. Bal· OW~E.R. C. H. Lord. Rte. 1. Bo• j cara &a UI• cluolt'-4 MOt.loa to-I \OCJ2 boa 181111<1. , t5pl0 I IN, Rlvel;lllde, C&hl. UpUb da.7. i • 4 unJUi furn. 1-t B. R.., .J b&., l·J B. R., 2·1 B. R.. atra 1f't.. UY. rm. Ovb. dl911. 6 p r. N.,,. paUo, llUll declr, nr. bell. Pot.,Ual tnc.. "'°°4>. 110 000 will J'Wldle. con· tact owner, UO A~ Har· bcw 0102. aectJ a • ..,.......,. ------ BARGAIN! BARGAIN! Duplex CLOSE TO HEART or TOWN on ICul aide. A !only J bedrm. • !Caal aide duplex. 2 car prose betwMn unit.I. Attracllv1ly laid out. Only 3 yn. old. Thi• la un· doub~Jy th• bell buy In town Priced at oruy IJJ.r>OO. Furnished Home 1h Acre VERY NICE 2 bedrm. home, com· pletely fumlAhed. Wc>OO n90ra, prag•. HouH la in excellent condition. Recentlv redecorated. Locat•d In Back Bay area. Su Ulla propnty lo appr.clatl' Terma can be had. Full price I• only 110,600. ,.,. Phil Sullivan & .George Everson ISM Newport Blvd .. Coata Mua (ac.ro• from Coata Mesa Bankl Phone LI 8-&781 Ena. Har. OU Liberty 1··2103 Ocean Front 2 bdrm ... -<IPn. dbl1 raragt. But buy A: loc:allon on the beach. 118.~00 -Tenn1 4 Bdrm. Furnished BEACH HOME. 1 yr. old on two lot.JI, h111 3-garagl'l!, b11ll! to han· die apts. abo\•e. '• blk to burh. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR ~ --lOe lrkFadde.n Plau ..11 • 'At the Newport Pltr" Har. 140 Evea, Har. l137·M Aak for Herald G. ,Bplea BILL'S BEST BUY Back Bay View Home BROWNELL dealcned Ulla ahakt roofed conttmporary 3 bdrm, A: den homt. Haa radiant heat. Quarry tllf' nool'll. Rl'dwood 111· terlor. Patio deatr:ned tor pool. need& lanll~•fllnl" It fencln6:'. Becau1e of Npu .. tlon In· tam· Uy muat be aold. Prlcrd at 1241,~. Wt will arranae tlnanc· 1n,. W. A. 'TOBIAS RE ALT O R "you'll like our friendly urvlce" 393 E. 11th St., Cotta Men Llbforty 8· 1139 Costa Mesa 4 bdrm , 2 bath, new 110 :\()() $1 ,260 Down. Newport Heights 3 bdnn .t den. rf'al clean 114 .700 Good Tt rma 1 n.'RN unit.a It 2 bdm1 rum home. Jncomt $8,640 yr. ll:\,000 down lnl.'ludu 1 10,000 turnlturt. can NEAL J . MARTIN Bay & Beach Realty HIW W, Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. Calif. Har. 1284 l:vu. U 1·1774 "Let U1 Locate for You" For Harbor pro~rty, bay and beach. Coala Mua. Corona del M&r, Sant.a A.na, etc. The LOCATOR of Calif. B"'1cb attic.. 1884 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a Me-. Pbon• u 1-u1e1. 97Uc Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units P'or 111,500, only 14000 down Balanc• 175 per month. 1 block to Bay or Octan 1 Unit Renjld at Mil mo. l-'HARLES E . HART, Realtor Harb(>r 1423 3420 W , Balboa Blvd., Newport lllc HONEST BARGAIN SEE HARBOR and Va.lley vlew- but level. 2 t>tonn1.. 2 bathR, family room. 2:1 ft, llvlng room. Owner la 191lvlni; Olf' Statea. and Ulla la hollul buy. CDM 116.000 l'OR APPT. lo e#t call - FORD VERRlNDER Har. 42413 (Evu. Har. 3477 J :lttc CORONA DEL MAR J BDRM. HOMlt, 4 y~r• old Lovely v11w 0< 1n A: bay. ll" Fenced pallo, dbl. 1ar11:t. r"ln· tor ~ tor 2nd tloor R·2 lot. Rld'uced 11000 acc't alckne• Owner, 506 Avocado ~ 4r l8 Jl.ALBOA .UL.AND-Cape COd I Br~ .J MUI hom•. O.IC. dlahw .. h • •· prll. dllrp., bkf1t.. kr, din. rm., patio, f\lmk•. cpta. anti drapM. '' blk. to bMch. In slnt oond. 123,&00. Karlnen llJe RMlty-Harbor 4781 Ill Marine, BalOO. bland l clO OORONA HJOHLA.ND LOT9 - Ct\otce 81t• AnJlabla C&U Harbor 2131 a !!" Eata*! 8=:-~~------- BALBOA ISLAND Open House Call for app't to see - 320 Diamond Ave. Delightful 2 bdrm. home witb income apt. over 1ar- age and guest room fumlshed. $24,600. Spacious 3 bdrm .. 2 baµi home -pine panelled, car- peted, dia~I, furnace heat and room to add In· come on the rear or lot a delightful year round home or excel. income. $26,500. Do you like provlnciaJ papera and wood paneling? We have a delightful 2 bdrm. home -loll of cl<>Mll, a nice patio, fireplace • garage and th• fin&ncing ii good. $19,500. On Little Island completely charming 2 bdnn. b()mt and 1 bdrm. cottage tutefully fumlahed showa $3300 income. $2:>.000. • NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Dalbo& laland Phone Ha rbor 502 • Eva. 2308-R • Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-round home colony. Only 1 block from 1he Club with ill lovely beach and tennis court, we have an ideal family home, in ex- cellent taste. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, massive uaed brick fireplace. open beam ceiling, lovely kitchen, patio and aeparate service yard. You can't do better at only $27,500. (Owner will conaiderlalting ln a Lido lot, as even though he is being tranaferred. · he wants to come _back.) Headquarters for serene Lido lale aince 1935. -. p. a~ -.,armer incorporafea - ole hanaon co., sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -har 1500 BALBOA ISLAND Plenty of room for all 5 bdrms.. 3 baths, large fi replace &nd barbeque. Sliding glau wall dining room adjoins patio. 2-car garage and perfectly located. This attractive, well-built home hu many extru which will pleue you. A value we are proud to show. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And ABa<Xfiatea Park at Marine. Balboa island -Ht.rbor 2462 CORONA DEL MAR $12,750 Small 2 bdrm. home with mmimum upkeep. a yra. old, nenr stotts. etc., raised hearth f ire-place, at- tractively finished, our ~t buy in lta clua. Exclusive Corona H ighland.a View home, drape1 A carpeting. modern design, 2 bdrm. & bath up and living-bdrm • with bath down, we are. just aeUing the home, thf' view would cost t oo much to chuge for. RAY REAL TY CO. I ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3444 E . Coa.et Blvd, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT HOME, pier 1.nd 1lip. Lovely furniture. waU to wall arpeta and dra.peti. Lot.A of extras. Shown by appointment. ALSO WATERFRONT HOME. select location, ·3 yeara old. Lot.s of tile. forced a ir heat. 2 bdmui.. 1 'a bath11, exce llent financin~. $26,500 f urniabed. Both are exclu111ve Ji15lrng11 with EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 1013 • DOUBLES FOR INVESTMENT TWJN DUPLEXES -2 full lot11. 4 excellent I bdnn. apts, F..Ach with own f1rcphtce & KRr11gc. Hwd. flooni. good heat. sm MChed. mo. mcnme. Loan pymt. $150 mo. Full pnrt" $27,:'lM OPEN S ATURDAY & SUNDAY 514 . 16 JARMlNE. CORONA DEL MAR MURIEL M. PINOVER. Realtor 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Reach Harbor 4610 . VOGEL VALUE Two New Duplexes $13.750 fach -only $3100 d nwn. N1ct>ly ltmdaeaped and fenced. RC'ntcd al Si5 per month. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W . Coa1Jt Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-318 1 BY OWNER j By Owner Corona H11hlllllrh -3 Mrm , 2 ('LIFF HA VEN $15,900 bath Carmh1tua• Ph Ha1hor "78-J :l Mrm . t.;1w 1l•>wn -4% k>aJI ~lllft l'h LI 11.t,417 ft>r app't.. lple --~~~~~~~~~~ CORONA lJF:I. MAR J BORM . 2 bath., hwd floor•. Ji' l'l<:E 2 BDRM. ho\ae, Ult '-l.I\, A hf'll llhl II." r '• hlk to th" h•l'A d n11011 n •.or fum"Ce. patio ncean Har 3021 1tay1 or H"r .a11 r•I(" • fenred yard By 0WT1•r. 30:1t·R atl~r • pm. klO U a.:,eoe. lhlO • '> "C' THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C" TBO~ "C" THO~ · NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL One of the BF.ST motei. in U.. Harbor. u. ·only T yra. old • 12 unil1 incl 2 dbl .. PLUS oWDer9 3 bdrm. home -Patio -utllity room • completely .. FURNISHED -SM.000 -TenM. LOTS AND ACREAGE t5 ft. lot on Lido 'lale ............. ·-···-·· .. -·-···--···"$13,MO ~ ft. lot ln Newport Height. ........................ 3,800 VIEW lot on King• Road .......... ····-····--·-····.. ~.MO 206' x 200' M-1, Co1ta Meaa .. ----···-·---.. --18,:500 2.86 acrea aoned R_. ................... _._ .. ______ .. 13,t;OO LIDO ISLE LIDO NORD BAY FRONT -Brand new 2 bdrm. & den, W to W carpeting throughout, F . A. beat, built-In range A oven, dishwaaher in attractive col- orful kitchen -Pier 6 float -$59.~. LIDO NORD -~2~ It. eor. Jot -Lovely 3 bdrm. rumpus room. din. room, 15 x 28 liv. rm. with fire- place, l % b&tha, garb. dispoeal Ir diahwuher, W to W carpetlnf It drapem. All lar1e room1, nt~ patio PLUS ll x 37 ft. filtered nimming pool. ·Priced at $42.~. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224' W . Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS · v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. 50-¥1'-;-LO~ --__ , . PLUS a 2 bdrni. home, dbl. garage -built on rear of lot and plenty of room to build another home ln front and U.M the pre11411t homll for income. Only $11,500, $3000 dwn. trill h&Ddle. Exclusive with ua. 2. OCEAN VIEW Stt thl• 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, excellent condition. carpeted wall to wall. Dra1>19 included. Forced air heat. Fenced and paved patJo. Bu.ilt.-in barbeque. A1ao built-in 1tov~ and oven. A real value tor only $22,!500, but you better hurry. ~ 20 yr. 5% money avallable. 3. HOME AND INCOME See th1I 2 bdrm. home pl ua lqe 1 bdrm. apt. built over double rarage. Fenc~ yard, cla.e in. Imme- diate poueulon. Only $17,&00. $:5000 dn will handle. 4. ONLY $2500 DOWN buya thla Immaculate 3 bdrm. home, double pr- aie plua extra room attached for work abop. Forced a.lr beat, fenced yard, pawtd patio. See th1a now. FWJ prlc. only $15,:w>O. Euy payment.a. PRICE· T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3H 7 E. Coa.rt Htr)'., Corona del Mar Harbor f 7 lOfflce located next door to Corona de1 Mar Bank) BALBOA PENINSULA Bargain -Outstanding Home NOW VACANT -VOVE lUGlrr IN! Ex.cepllonally well built home onrloolring park and ~~ block from bay bathing beach on beautiful cor· ner location. Lota of individuality. Jumbo 1hake root. Eltpen1h'ely carpeted and draped throughouL Outatanding feature. 1uch u uh panelln1 ln Uv. room and uh cabinet.I in a moat delightful kitchen. Lua• fireplace, 2 Jarse bdrma., .eparate Hl"Vic• room. Overalled 2-car range on a wtde alley. Only 4 month• old. 'nlU. home la outat&ndlng and la priced to .ell at only $21.500. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 186& Newport BIYd., Coal& Wea ( Acroaa From Costa Mesa Bank) Phone Uberty M761 Evea. Har. 4364>-U 8-2103 Corona del Mar Vogel Value Home AND Separate Apt. with Bay View HOKE 6 INCOME 1 aouaa o!f DAU. ~ A. 1 bdr9L • -h<lme wtlh 1i..ed la pats. ..... .,....UUll .... 2 llldrm. a.ou.. ,_tal at NO. mo. R009 tor anot.JMI' untL Sac. ~1 at llS,IOO. Both llo\IMa ln t~\Op eGIMl!Uoa. oalJ t )'i'a. old .... Pb. u 1·1841 . TRADE >wner wtU trad• I bdrm. J'rff- dom home wltll beaut1f. W-W tarp., vtnL blind•. &'&Tb. cH1p A: lawn tn, for larrer t or 7 room houae up to St8,000. Evta. P b. Har, 6298-W M-1 Hl!AJ\T OF INDUSTRIAL MC. M' on Superior. Haa I&'. 3 bdrm. hlle. Exe. oppotrunlty for 11mall mfg. tnterprlae with 1pace for bldg. ahop.t It have living qt re. too. Only 112,900 with tenn1. On aewen. -Evu. l"h. LI 8-5487. 3 Acres to Subdivide REA RT 0,. DOWNTOWN area. Nr ~oot.. churcll•. t.ranap. and .tiopp. W1U cut la to 22 \ot.. Sewn In, Will t~ for local Jnc. or aell on tenn1. Be 1u~ to aee thlt. BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT BUB. A: lNC. PROP. A money raaker. HambUrrer •land, paddle board. rental• It 3 apta. Gro11ted over $12,000 In 3 aummer monlha. Can expand It double Income. A real lnvel\t. at $36,000, with term1. Hurry before E&.11ter Wt~k. Evu. Ph. Har. 5298·W M·l ACR&AGE THE GREAT ORANGE COAST PROMINENT corner location for doctor, ellnlc or emqency boapital. New ' bdrm., 2 bath home. lJTtng room, halla It bdnna. c:arpet.ed, drapee, land· acaped. Area for off~t parkinr. No medical Rnice9 near. Full price $H,2M, term.a • DEN, 2 bdrm.e. $10,:SOO on. Magnolia. Cement patio lathe houee in fenced rear yard. Carpetin1 W to W ln Uv. room A den. G. 1. Resale. Very good buy. You submit your down payment. 330' x 660' Area of Back Bay. Beat 5 acre. in Co.ta Meaa at $3000 per acre. Term1. VIEW -HARBOR & OCEAN view home we are pleased tQ show. 3 large bdrms., i:i~ tiled baths, gravity heat, fJaptone F. P .. Solex view windows. Carpet.a W to Win Uv. rm. drape• alay. Thia show place ia 2 yrs. old and situated on beautiful Holm· wood Dr. Ju.t $26,~, excellent terms. COMMERCIAL sane on Newport Ave. downtown Costa Mesa -1:50 ft. at bargain price of $95 ft. tnu1. HEAVY ahake roof, built-in etove It oven. Uaed brick F. P., forced heat. 3 lovely bdrm.I., 1% tiled baths. Attached dbl. garage. Brand new and just $H,:SOO with $3000 dwn. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES ~ LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 Neytp0rt Ave·, Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-UOO Evea. 8 acre• -fut crows~ Induat. are& ---------------------Thi• la a buy. $40,000 with 29':\ dO'A"I\. Evu. Kar. 1811 * It's Diff ererit • Balboa Realty Co. Bay Front Home ! >N TH'S PENINSUI..A.. 0 bedrma s~ bat.ha. lJI good condtllon Pier rtrb~. JfT.~. tll'llU. Pehinsula Home ! EW U8TINO. 2 bedroonu &nil a cute home. ~Ice walled front y:.rd and a dandy patio, alto en<'loaed. Ellc~ptlonally wen built. Best of all It 11 on ly U4.000 and good trrm1. Balboa Home ! IEA.R BAY AND OCEAN. 2 bed· ro(lms, 2 baU.1. Room tor two more unlta on lhls Jt·S lot. f l300 recently a~t to brlnf It. UR·lO· dat~. $12,000, f 3b00 down. I Duplex! ~U: TO LIDO SHOPPING DISTRICT. f bedroom11, 3 •how- ert. Only 2 year• old . . . haa many e1tru. Cut from 122.l'IOO to $20,tOO. S4()('0 down, Ocean Front Duplex ON THE P IW"INSULA 11.11<1 only 1~0 f~el lo the Bay. Turit1c Oc•M or Bay view. Goud llom• wllh lncomt or a good rrnter. $22,300. with ttnns. Bay Front! DUPl,E.~ WITH 2 BEDROOMS VP Al'\D TWO DOWN. Private L~ach and pltr right.I. Seit ~nt• al area. Needft aome f111'ln up but owner hM aet price to com- peni1&t.e. ODl>; J29,7~, tenna. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoal41 Bank of America) Member.. .Multlple Llatlnr Roaa Oredey JCd Lee , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 7 MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1955 v JUST THE BEST! Be.t t or flne Lido 1Mnr that la and a "bMt buy" too. Four bedrooms and two bat.ha on a tarce loL An outstandinr one floor ahowplace with a modern interior with that expansive reeling. Wonderful built-in klt<"h~n. Ca~ted, landscaped and wallE-\1. Stone fireplM:e. Br~d nt>w for $3.1,MO and move , in to.morrow for $10,000 down. v HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS AND YOUR HEART will be with thia home when you •ce the magnificent fireplace-the outstanding kitchen will please you too. 3 bedrooms and two bath1 on a large lot. N<'w carpets, 220 power. A pt>rfect home f or $29.9~0. v NOT MUCH -JUST A LOT and what a lot . 50 fret running street to atreet. A wonderful place to build your new hoQle. Steal it for $13.500 or for a starter let us ahow you a won- derful 4 bedroom. 2 bath ahowplace that ~n be duplicated on thia lot for $37,500 full price ..... • v JUST STEP INSIDE this cheerful home and you'll want lo move right in. Provinc.ial interior throughout with paneling and a ueed brick fireplace in both living room and mu- ter bedroom. 4 bedrooms or 3 and den, 2 baths, per· feet tiled kitchen, Street to street Jot a 1tep from the bHt beach. $28.!500. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO . REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Jack Ptnkbam Jotephlne Webb BUILDING LOTS CORONA DEL MAR -those seeking that 700 I:. klboa Blvd .. Balboa ------------------ A wtdt Nltetlon of J:ut 4 Wut . • . Phone Harbor 3277. FEBRUARY SPECIALS stde lot.. A* cholc• Back a.y 'cozy atmosphere ln a amaJJer home with reaJ home .stu. charm, wilJ like this unusual offering: 2 Choice Properties H t R lty From the fireplace in the muter bedroom to the , . ous on ea mahogany paneling and cork floon ln the ta.ate-la Clean-- It ABSOC'IATES fully decorated gueat room, caretul planning ls re-lta Attrartt-aot Centu It. COllla M-Iu n~ar Beach, Storu- Pbont U "4t11 7c9 !Jected in every room. and tran•portatlon. CLIFF HAVEN Open Houe • Sat. It Sun. 1001 Cliff Drive PANOR.AMJC VU:W fl'Om Ulla nearly new lhake roof, S bdrm .• I"' bath home. Thermador kit· cben, 2 uaed brick flreplf.cet. Jure dlnlnc n>om-wa11 to -U cr.rpct1n1-cu1tom built home of J ,fOO mq. tt. tor $29, 760. A. real buy (not leuehold). • • • Roomy & Nice 3 Bedroom BEST EA8T81DE VALUE -I yn. oad. 8elttl bdWd. noon. bar ldtdltft, lO'alO\t' dlnill1-l4'1· 20' llvillr room with red br1dl fireplace. o.wl'lud dbl pr., l'Ubar• dlapotal. Lonly ndrtl· Thia "luge-bome·fOr·a·amall-family" bu full din-lta an Ideal home with tncome. ing room looking down into the beam-ceiling living 2 b<lnn11. 1n houae. : ~nna. tn room with lta attractive flreplaoe. Outdoor living· &&rage apt. Fully fuml1h~ a t terrace affords privacy and delJghttul country at· '20·000 mospbere on the 44-ft. wooded lot. We. haven't mentioned the extra half-bath; the other patio with lath bowie f.or lhade plant.a: nor described dad'• functional den wtth It. many built· in•. Not new, but ln excellent condition, thla home II of- fered tor the first time at a price much below what you would expect -only $17,~? Oh yea, the two-car garage la deaigned and ltr.eed for an apartment above. · Call ownera' qent for afil>OiDtment to inapecl or for further details. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E, Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 882 one of the finest homes on the Peninsula WITH MANY unuaual fea turu. Modern In drcor. Ideal home for you and your friends.. f l>ed.rnu .. dtn and targt rumpua room wtlh bar. 2 aun deck•. Beautiful car- pttlng and (Ira~. Built In at.ove, table and 8 chair•. bar, back· bar and etool• Included In un- fum l•hed pric• ~f S34,000. Cullom mad• t\lmltur• available. Balboa Bay Properties U05 W. Balboa Blvd.. Npt. ~&ell Phone Har !!JAi or Harbor 1H3 tlorbood. 414 ~ loan. Jl'\aJI pnce ---------------------Newport Island 111,730. Only $2.000 doW1L • • • BAY SHORES Balboa--------.t Pier and Slip Nearly New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home Private Beach, large patio Full Price -$32,:w>O '{'; f.l 'fr Open House Daily 1 -t4 p. . ~· 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. tr * * Large Corner Lot -Beautiful View Not Leuehold -$10,815() {r -tr -tr LIDO Bay!ront • Pier It Slip m. 3 bdma., 2 bath•, fuml.abed -S-C9,~ Large Corner Strada Lot 3 bdrms., 2 baths. ~ down. Shake Roof Beamed Ceiling (2) T W 0 (2) Open Houses .Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 2 BEDRM. ruldence with l bed.ml apL over dbl. ganage, $ HS.l>-00 BALBOA BAY and BEACH REALTY 8 UNITS com er lol, excel. Income 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport ~acb LOVELY !UNCH TYPE-built-In kitchen. I bdnn .. 11'9 bath, rala- ed IM1ck tlreplace, upenalve ca.rpetlnr. tldwd. tloorw. gluaed In dlnlnr a rea. patio, Mparate lhake roof dbl. rarap. Near Baek Bay. Only Sle.000. Ow'ner will coneld•r u UtU. aa '3.~ d11. You'll tall In loft With tbl• IM!auUt\JI home. Bay & Beach Realty ltH NfWl)Ort Bou.ltftJ'd Co.ta Meta, Calltonila LI 1-11111. Efte. LibertJ 1-SlN 2 B. R. Home and Income al Baltio. laland record. Half blk. from Bay and Harbor 1264 -Evenlnga Harbor 1856 puklnit fac. Clun. 110,000 will ---------------------New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raiaed uaed brick fireplace, diahwuher, diapoaa.I. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,WO, tenn1. AND Bay View Home • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Wall to wall carpeting. Electric kitchen. Lovely home for a couple with accommo- dation. for viaiting friends and relatives. Full price $29.~. terms. ha.ndl!'. A LSO BUSINESS bll1c.. PLUS 2 apta. OKLY $4000 DOWN Triplex, furnished f BEDiut. bouae. f>LUll I apu. 4 f~w l!lfpe from U,. tiey, F'ULL PRICE ll0.000. Coast Properties 301 E. BaJbo& Blvd , Balob4a Har~r 26~8 4 Har. 4800 8tfc COSTA ME.5A 3 BR . eulald#, lure lot. allfy pTatt't. but loc:atJon SI t.000. JofUST 6ELLI For preview abowinga, call H&rbor 1600 -ALSO 4 br .. compleWy furn l"MdJ Ev Libe 8 11::.,04 to move In, almo.t IJf'W, RE- ( H . rty ~) DU CED to .. ll2.000. Rock Bottom I.Aw Down BILL'S BEST BUYS 4 Bedroom Home One block Ea.st of Newport Blvd. Wood floors, Younptown Kit., floor furn .. garb. dl8p., 2-car gar. ~ ------···-·-··-···-· .......................... _$!~ dn. One Bedroom Eastside 118 x 140 lot Room for another home. Flve yn. old. A little fix.ing will give you a ruJ nice home. $3950 . ..... ... • .. . Terma 117 x 139 CORNER LOT Eut of Harbor Blvd. Lgc. enough for two lots . . .. F. P. $4000 W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR rr-s MODER!'l. acid nearly n-. Total price $19,500 -1th rurnac• heat. nr-wilace. di•· poea), wall to wall cf.rp•l and HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS CHARMING 2 br , tut.Ide, n.-.r Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach evuyUiln« · · .. 19MO. "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., CoBta Mesa Liberty S.1139 THE 1 BDRM. HOME In front hu lge. rooma. la completely furnished la very attractive. The lge. 1 bdrm. apL (with new range Ir ~frig.) over the g-arage hu ~rmancnt Bay View, lot. of wood pan· eling A: la only 2 yn. old. Then there la anc!ther bdnn. It 1~ bath below the apL The unit.a could not be duplicated at curnnt building coeti. Excellent financlng It low down payment can be arranged. THE VOGEL CO. 2887 E. Cout Hwy., Qirona del Mu Har. 17il-H77 Do You Want A beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home! Wood panelled livinl room lookins onto a t~·•haded patio - Separate dining room. rla.ned·in lana.l, doub&. pr- age -Choice LitUe I.iand. All-year livinl for $36,000. A. 2 bdrm. home with double pn.ge In exce.Uent lo- cation -CouJd be made inlo an i.Ocome propertJ of quality. $18,000. D 0 R I S B RAY , Realtor Nona Ryer Cbet Salisbury C\lrt Oolh 211 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Har. 20 or 64 co••red ratio. Double car~e. AND I NCIDENTALLY, a very nice apt. and th~ apt. I• tumle'h- td. A.JI for 120.~. Wt will be pl~ lo 11how-at your con-' vtttltnct. Contact HI.lb Pow•n J. A. BEEK, Realtor BY OWNER Dm.DlABLa a Wroaa. lll&Ul A "6. CORON.A ll'OllLAHD9 falll. u, Ila... ~ ... lllkll n,... ,..., nlNd ~ Cetnl IM&t. OJamllal blrc1l p&Ma.d ldtdM& Dt.,.i. eupNd. tee. ,ard. .i ...... fll,OOt .... u,-ura.. '°' ... drd ltoM.. &ell Bey Front Income I U•--' 6 I .......... ..._ .... neat Met,......,. .... 1'00 & .... 81ft11 11&1~ c ............... Olis· .., to .... tl'IL -UUe -...(" Phone Harbor 1600 (Evea. LI 8·~) NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BR., :Z baU\, view, on be.It 1t.reet. Drive by 176 Costa Mesa St. One yr. old, 2 bdrm., weU built home. Ceramic tile ln kitchen It bath. Lot la ~ x 1M, near downtown. Full price $9500. Beat oC tenna. Call to eee - "ART" ADAIR Realtor le6e Newport Blvd .. Costa Me.a Liberty 8-3792 Vogel Value Balboa 6 Units Only 3 ~ yn. old -all tumiahed • W to W carpet.a, rart>. dlapoeala. Very attractive bldg. ln Hot.spot location. $42,MO with excellent terma. See The Vogel Co. 8201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3•81 Everybody Re•da the C L A S S I F I E D IMP· dlnlnt room.. hdwd. noon. t>.11t buy at ..... . $23.500. t,.nna. BAYSHORES C'harmlnt: ll br .. 2 bath. 2 pal1011, ... ···-.... .. .... -··--·--... 12'.DOO. SEWPORT Vacant lot nr&r buch .. $3000 Claire Van Horn R&:ALTOR 17Sl \'-', <.:out Hwy l.J 1-4271 FOR SALE: Attractive 2 bdnn. hC'me lo· cated on PeniMula. Balboa. Beautiful patio, partially Open Untll So1d 280 Evening Canyon Road -Shore. Cliffa We offer this extremely gracious home located high in Shore CUffs where you have a bellut1ful ocean view. Thia home baa 2 large bdrms .. larg<' living room with a huge bfu~ fireplace and a den with fireplace and oce&n view. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. corurt highway -liberty 8·!>573 FOR QUICK RESULTS! covered with nlcminum U ST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with a Multiple awnings, completely cncloe· l.iatmg Brohr. ed. redwood and concrete DicJ you know thiM immediately put.ff 200 u~rt" to fences, lawn and brirktd, work on your proµcrt.y ? flowen1, ahrubll, out.aide ALSO. for your pt ot.ection, aJw&y1 buy lhru a lighting, c&rport. 2-ar rar-"Realtor.'' age. G. l. Loan, p11ymenta N H bo Boa d f R I ~:':e~·~1~2a.i~q~~reVi~~:~: I ewport ar r r 0 ea tors 9-U43, Loa Angele9. 9clt I 410 -32nd St., Newport Rueb • J CAP19'11U.NO BY THE BA l'ro'ftdlq for U.. care Pd u.t.. ~ of aD aenoua ~n. ta.~. addictloe .... -t'UMcmt -4,.--.. a.... ab&e ,.t.._ Write P. 0. Dl"a1"1' "'()" D&na Point. Calif. ~Dua Point • • ICIJa. bertJ .. de .- ... Au!!?!!! I ltM NOftO• ftErllU TOK. IU lM M6 1% c.&. ft. It bu HUY• thlnJ. IO lb. Cl"OM top trffur cbMt. abtl•• IA door, two nr crlapftw and .u. eold atoragL Beea ta ltonp enly. Pd &I to 1191 .10. No ea.lb dll lt you pay U&e pa~tl ot 89.M per mo. he wwehola., DO a. Main 8t. t l>kldu Bout.II of 4th St. Baal& AM. M . claily IWL 11·& IQmbw\y - APSX 1111to .......... m . •~ Co•· ta M.. Bt.. Colt& Mee&. Lib l-tl6I. 41c0 W:ATD Jltr to· pl. ~II cond, II B•e.. !!fl .. ff' CABIN '*t. JllUGS. hull. bot· tom MWIJ. ,,.tntecL J'ord I Ma- rtne mot.or, t.oUet. lledr ~. JD.Irr cow, fnlll Auc-t lat. Otne t pL per daJ. J benty ~ •ldl ucri. Har. 4004 ft.Iyer----------- Ave., Newport BeecL 41°'3 !•!;::~A~•!!!1!1~~!M!_.9!W!!., __ _ 81lLL or trade -40' COl'lllll• ftlb. E' l W ted Ing boat, dl-1, I ton, ,.inc.. 11 Orel':. &rl &n radio, D. r .. ptJot. ' , .... old, . op s Paid excel cond. U UpU 1950 Cadilla~ "62" Club Coupe $2095 0.. owntr, low mu..,.. M&Jl1 utru. VWJ clean. 1945 Harbor 111. • LJ~l 28-rt'. CRUUll:R, •l"pe I. eqlllp- per for a port fl.lhinr. Clll')'1Mr •II(., U>p~ ah.ape. 81700 tcw qll.lok l tale. AJilo U-tt. Tork aport tither, built-in .... llacrift• pr1a. 11100. run Zon. Boat Oo., _.. . --<>·. bo&. Harbor ' . . . UPT. 11 TO JULY 1-To "8pon-J BmDRM HOUU .\11\19nL 'Clan, albk ad\alt.a. ~ I bdrm. -t. 1"U 1-ted. ,_..y rental I b9th. I car p~e-SM ownn '4T.50. ... ~ Corona Winter Rentals LIDO ISLE • 1123 •lua ,.., lur, W.. Penn. del Kar. ITUc Ut -------~---I bdnn1 .. nletlJ rum .. TV. t-cu J'UJtN. yny. nntal, 171 mo., one prq.. lmmt'dlate ~oa • PENIN8ULA-Ytarl7 -\'Inter 2 apta. 1 bdml -e1 ... pr!I'.-.,.. Cl·RK - ~nn. n~ A.lAO for atuckllt or June l!I, 1".M. .mployed pe,,_, comp. tum. wtl.b ntr11. It hot plate. linen• etc. t room badlelor apt, JM mo. to Juoe lJ. Allade, Bal· lloa. Har. U cU PENINSULA Ont two la thNe bdrm. f'Umll!M4 hOuNf anllable lhpt. llJ. One la two bdrm. turnllltied-.,_.. wltll TV . .A.Y&llable SepL I. Coast Propertie1 307 JC. Baltlo& Blvd., Balboa Children Love Happyland Preschool · 115. 730 POl!J'), Corona del Mar.N --l:-W-18-. -,..--... -.....tlw'--- Harbor 39cU Mlt baUJDf cleck.-T Pbolie Har, Utte REASON 1964 o·mrs It MJ:IUU'1T ra11re Complet. coety"' Alina oa-Oreee., Dlnator Play .,..._~ acn enclo9ed iawn ~ beauW'UJ Baell Bn Cn.tt. 6 mualc daily. It.I UM btfreet 11 bNt one. Hu Ro~~ ~ -i.np, clock for Oftn, ~ THE Tnmp>rt&Uoe .A.n.i&aW. .. s . Del )hr, Oollt& x- i.n-t~ ltto China Painting Day ........... a.... 1'tl llWle ...... eo.t& 11 .. Pllca• Ll1Md)' Met. . ··--" ..... ----· LICll!fll!D llkipper anlJU&e fOl' the wtllltT tot' ftablllJ tripe to Maioo. 15 yMn apertm• t\abl111 Meatcan wat•ra In LA Pu aa4 AeepWec>. llar. MAN It WOKAJI w ~"' floor • dow e~. I wh!U. 0 bft-'It. p .. ADULT -pie w-o ma.lntala local proa llib&e, ee,,...., wnt ~r. COLLl:OIC .t.61nt, ve rl~. available &Item. nlnr•· Exper. 1111 .a. nel, public relaUona, . •ton man .. tment. 111 Balboa l1land. ff••. SOl WOMAN to l'att tor I ell gtneral huuMwork, I ••:r• Harbor MALE or FEMAl •·or rttilden ll al dnl.tllllJ la I' ooolclcetplnr. Salary plua. K 410 BABY SITTERS, HANDYM.Et HOUffworkua, part tJme Of' hl lime. UST wlth Ua for Jobe. Wt ,..,..... 1 your tranaportaUon. 8ERV1CE8 INC. 7731 W. Cout Hwy. Ntwport Bea. Phone Llbtrty -23'1TC .ei.H, Criddle It nice srille't'lltor }Y broil OftJI. Al.a ha.I glau ov• llOI .,. do«. Jtm bnDd new. Pd dll to 7 8ltlt.t3 from $3M.. No dn pa,. -t. Jut pay °" p:ymata "' 812.tt per mo. ... ~.no a.iv • blocka 8ouQ "' ·~ laata .A.aL ... ., lam blr))' .... .. llM NOl\O• ::1'' "°""" , APPOINTMENTS ONLY I Men and w~n to UN telrphonell I 111 nwn homl'. W 8-1524, 10 • 12 ._ a.m II • 7 p.m, or write Box Ihle paptr. OpU r BABY' carr1&««. toddltr, bulin .. u.. playpen A car M t , n worka, '30. All u ceL e«1d. l 4Sp4 ·.a CHICV. atdan dtl• .. a cel c; ~ UrM. Owntr will aaenf and lO'xJO' alum, conou ll&lld. J" OVUb&ll( four I lteu.. offtt acetpt. u T w Coet.a M-. SWAP SHOP ~ Stock H-6 Uilt'd BZAOI 00008 We may haft wlMlt you wut. YOU X., fta"9 What We "a&. 10A·107 Patm. Ba.lboa. Rar 12~ C<>wo-tt.e "-denow Ballroo1111 ,.,. Zenith Hearing Aid NWW TRAJ(llTOR. Caine lft tw m• trial. OperatH tor Uo par month GUNDERSON DRUG Maia ltt. a t Balboa Bl"'~ Balboa We st•• 8 6 R .,.._ ftUIJl9 '4tt• 11U n.Y:R., aJUminllln, oop~r roof, 27". I 1'lClfN. toUtt. E. ....tnr~ new apt. l'&llfe. 1796. CMIAder t~ma Rue. Annlnl•t•r t 11 11 ft . ~. !ls-4 Qu-......... er, u ceL f'Oad., f4G It.. Co«& M- ... A:. A "---CENTER ANTIC. 1119 Ceater I t., 0.. Liberty M41T SEA TURTLE I It ft. it.la. ~ boat.. ISO .. OIMS.. pl)'WOOd lll&IL Com· plaWy Karn.~ "1~ dw't· .... ~ D. r , or 41c0 for sensational growth • IS • • • • ' • J -mo. Hu.••- ' ~ •th· '6·11 •~po ""'""'· pd. HO 1147·W. •ten IM A LL fl•m. one bdrm. hou ... 1 1~ bib. to o«ll\. Ye.rly. Inquire 212 28\.b 111., Newport Bea,.h ot LI. 41cU .,Apts lnen. New alM, anil- lllOl ff& Ytll .. Ilda w::...,... tlOOd ·- BALBOA. 181...UfD l'\am. 2-room apt. Winter ,_tlll MO. m"' Co"1. -.ll llldll 09 L. A. It.ate 42pH WYNTER RENTAL -81& mo., { bdnn. apL J'\m\. on wat•rflolaC. YEARLY RENT~ 601 Jasmine Corona del Mar v., dellPttW t WnL ...... apt. Hu tatt«I &1r Mat. bw4. noon, in.kfut b&r. ic-.-. ltncU.. CIMrfla.I atm 1pkaL 1110 1110. c;.t:; Call Mr. -· · .::-:: l:art w. 8taai.,, 8-ltor , ..., Ill ODut llW)'. Oar-. ... MM \ W..t UU. .... 1 9DIUll.. ................ tit ....-. mw.y. n~. ~.-ta& lttle tll mo. Winter JM ,,... 410~ ....-') Heliotrope, ConJll& •.a Mu U -Ue« I .., Atte . rs .tr $75 & $85 Mo. Furn. 1 6 J Wnn. apta., 1tUl ,._ lam· •ry rm., pr.. pl&Js-4 for dlildNtl- BLUE TOP APTI. •Ol N-port Blvd . (Ju.t Abon the Arch•,. ,k, Rltr. A1"I'RACTJV• newly cteeorat..s I 200 llttt bdrm. hOUM. TUI• kitchen 11114 _ Unfllm. S-rm. beth. 1711 mo. y.&rly. Ne pet& £ba.. Oa11 Hyatt ___ mh __ •_t.._N_.wpon.. ____ u,. __ 4 aauc ona del Mar utvm. apt.a. • apla. lean I TT. old 1111lta with I pr. It laundry f'OOIM. Id yd. CIUJdrea ell. llUO llltll.. I W. Stanley, REALTOR Hwy .• C-a Ml Mar 41llc refttal. 2 bdrm. tum. car port.~. Wattr paid lalbo& Blvd , lltV play UpO ipt., ~early, uUllUN pJld. ' &. S.1-Blvd., UpO '1 earlv lease $70 mo. 1 BICDROOM unrum dupl~•. Nur 1chool1, bu1 11 tranap. 2411 Cat· &llna Ave. Nt wport Bu('.h Har 41cU ---WINTER f\l':NTAL -3 bdrm. fum. bOllSI', dbl fftr , $5:)., wtr. paid. l'"rom Stp\ 1 \n Junie ao. • -3llt a ... Ntwport B•&rh • '2< IC ON BAL.BOA ISLAND IU l11 for yearly al>4 MUOft&I rc.nt&IL NELDA GIBSON, Realtor . I llDIUIL W\llua. loww dupla. Car port, prb. dWp.. -· 8IO -· ,..,.1y ...... LOYl:L T uw l bdr-. apt. .._. --th. l BDRM. flll'L apt. a-. nwy.. uu.c. t.O m.oeth. I BDRM. bo\»e wtlb IArp - dtdl on Ora.ad CulaJ, Balbo& &. land. PO. month. J. M. MTLL.ER CO. 2023 W. Balboa Bl., N_,,ort lk" Harbor .• Utte St• ua on BALBOA liL.AND for t\lmllh~d Winter l'tnlt&la. . HCNH1 A apll , Jood Mellon. atartlnl' u low u "° ~ "'°' MARINERS ISLE Ill Mutne A•e., BeJboa i.laad Harbor '1tle LIDO ISLE Oner 1 or J bedroom turnlllled apartment&. A U ut.UIU. are pale!. Pr1•at.e ,.,.... and ate• peUf>. ~nable rut.a. P.A. PALMER lNCOR POR.A T1CD USS Vta Lido Ult <".out lltwa7 N.._port lffiech H&rbcw ti l Ul'RM unf11m. ll.>U~ Oarap. To rellpon~lbl" fl&rl)', year• round rtnl•I :Sewlv d• c-9r., wall h'•l"l"I, n"•r all tra.nofl. s ... ptt&. Av11I 1f ttr S"fl' 11 IJl>O'rtJ :Jwn"r •112 Orange Av,.. Ne11Vpnrt 13<-arh. 4k •3 Manne An. Ban.or ------------.~S 1 CORONA. DllL MAR nicely turn. B.U .. BOA l8.LA1f'D ?tie CHJi:P:IU.L'L aun.n v I bdrm. apt. -,11 J bdrm. lloue. Good loc•Uon, ?-:H t yar•1. Llttl• bl~ S7'1 per _,14"' ~ .. It •0n paUo It flnplaee. Ttarly il7 CHANNEL FRONT. one b<lrm. "'""' h w tnl•r r•l"hl 208 f"ry•· .ni rtP 0 • • ..., Jamilite Octa tum. art. utll. od Adult. H~ tel Avt 42r 0 ~ MtM I t.. ~ . 41 43 J Phone Har. c j LIDO ISLE ...-. L.llM~ 41e4 1 YRLT OR WINT1CR RXNTAL A 17 -word ad runs 111 an 3 pap•n on Monday, WedMSclay and Th1n· clay for only $2. Cal Har. 1616 ..if) tl&ni Gu BALBOA PSNJNIULA--2 bdnn., 17CI MON'nf bem r~d 1 b'lrm. SEPT 1., 1., Jun• 1 ·, Yum 3 a,..,1. .,,_. OICIU( 4-nn.. •r-IT~ .Oda deft home. nreplace, dllpoaal, home. KJiotty r lnt lnlc-r111r. ~;:: r0tim, z beUu, l(U b <lllp. wuh· ..-._ ,_,..,., UbertJ · • larr• pne pan•lled ll'ltllr room. location In H •lr;hu tr tl••p ti ~~r.• j(llTM"'r Grown tO" ICAJBl:R 'n'. 8l~ lt\do roue.h. rollaway btoc! Tard f\ll'll, Kenmore 'IFUll.IAI mMll~ Mire 1~n. ot.Aaafiil -is tip Jon. ... tnil.r. a.n.... ,... t&nlc. •rea.it .._di'--Wa&c ak111 .. ~ ...... TV Service 1953 uncoln Club Co~pe $3695 ~ A1TK.: hnl.. one I'--c1oc.. ... ~to lovely, toY• Av•~ ?'\ewport Beach. 41 r43 d ;tldrtn only.· Jl '.t) m" Her. ...._apt., fllll 1111.Ut. 0...-6 .,.. ,.Uo. tla. Partl7 rum. rullN. 1 bdnn. •pt. Hwd. noor11. 41p41"'" _.... ...... ,_ "1 _.., Aftll. Kar. UeU la 11 .....--l'llnL h .. t. tlle dr.lnboud rt'RNISH f:f• H• •"'•nabl• n u ..-10. ar. • u• ..W, " -... I ....... ...... 1 ...... b le •flO mo -r-aA.1.80•-em\_, &--n'll. --. CW-Ct. -y O " • lll>UAt au1l •bl# 2. at.<1 n•"4' dU• ,,_, r.u. eon- del Mar. ~'--' 4JHI Business ards sooo an~ _.,.. "·"·· 1000 •v•IC>f*. M.~ 1000 tlltter- h•da, tT.M. L. Wlllte.. P. O. Boll M, Coeta M"'' U • , , . Evr• Ln>ert,, ...,_ ' • AJ1 •tru. td pootr'9. T· , cs 11.b ..... , ....... ..-. .... 0.-M Ma JIM. 4llM t ~ .. I b*a.. I llatll • •a.tu Jl&lcl.. E. l1UI Bt., plu ~In,.. tn Ralln •. Oarbel'" W .. W ~. ,..,.... C-ta M-. J8tfc: dtapoaa.1, tum. Har. Uc:MH \\' Jlft9 aan"Jt..L -1 Mia ,,.. --.... 1'1'91-ltlt ., ,..,.,a .. OK.1'.,...,.. a.. .,... .... ..,... $9.50 per wk. & up Back bay furn apta 16.tr H-L--Blvd. • ._ 1111W, .... ...,..,....._1 "'*-.._ ,...._.. hmllll~ Apia. 3 room• and bath &d11ll1. No pet& 7"'tg SVOI" ..... .ae&i la • "111t41r -~. ~ ... pat.a Ctllld,_ -.1-lmaJI beby 0 K. lAundry. Ph. _ _ 0... JI&.-MM>Oll ........... •&&. ,.. WJa, Jt..dl&lt.a. Hk!a ......... .!Al .... WAONER ,..POrNT •-" 011JLP~._~fM.L 142·14~1 tno~ '*; "_. aw tot ._ i...-. ~ w ....._ i...,_ a ~ ~ ~ au. , a....i I'\., .-._,on ..,..r 111 ""' ~ own .. r. • ~KfttW)', k a.ti -..&. ....... .... ""' ..... attic HYATT •·2MO alt.er t p.a ttl< 1