HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-10 - Newport Balboa PressP.A. PALMER W. 0 , B UCK Final NHUHS Building Plan Meet Feb. 21 Oener&J m~Ung of the cltlsen• •Wdy group &ldlng high 1.:hool ex· pan11on plan• was called for Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. as p&rt of bu.91ne .. transacted last night by the g-roup'• committee at Harbor High School. The larger group, con11lat· Ing of 8-0 citizens rrom Ni-wport Beach •nd Co11ta MeH. will hear recommendations on prcx:edure methods. IAe Waltkr. group cha1rm&n, •Id the rrcommenllatlona wJJJ be In th.al form for prurntallon to lhf! high 11ehool trusteu who w111 •ti.end the aeulon. Jt wlll be helc.l a t t11e· wchool's llQCfal hall SttfMy D1wldaon, supertntend· ent, laat night reported rKl'lpt of letters from Sen. Thomt..11 Kuchel a nd r.onj!'Te811man JAml's B. Utt, pled111ng their a h! In 11C'curlng the h igh 11rhool a l'ltP on the old Santa Ana Army Air Base. Need for enlarging the pre!lent achoo! or buildlnR a n!'w plant at 11lte WIUI dl8CUl!.'led llut night. A 11 lntercl'ted res Iden ta of the high l!ChOOI clu•trlrt Are Invited to attend thr F'eb. 21 ~"l!Slon. A ttt*'n•11n£" Ja10t n ight 's meeting were IA-liter Miller. Mrs. J. P. 811thcrlan<1. Mrs. John F'celey, The<>. R.,,glns. Bruce Martin, Mrs. Kennl'I h \onllng. Wfld,.r. Mrs. John V. Nefr. Arthur PeterS<>n, Grant Howald, \Vrmer Carl11Un, M~lwood Berry. E W Milum. 11nd Mno. non"lil P11npn Palmer Suit ·Names Buck in Def.ault Bank Accounts Attached; Counter Action Promised A high-level Udo legal battle abaped up today between P. A. Palmer, president of multi-million dollar Newport Bal- boa Savings and Loan Auociation and Wilbur 0. Buck, president of W. 0 . Buck, Inc. The Newa ·Press learned ex- clusively Palmer has filed a "buried" complaint ag.a.illt Buck 's enterprl~• e.nd attached there promised pl&Jntltt to pay hi• several bank account..ll a.nd at· uld wm of money to bear lnter- tached certaJn real eatate holding•. e11t at the rate of 4 per cent per Buck '11 attomey11 announced a a.nnum, payable $80 or mo~ per croea·complainl wUI be filed today month, Including lntereal or tomorrow. proml11ed a $~0.000 "Said agreement turther provld· diamage action, ed that 11hould defe.ult be made ·The rlrt between th• enitwhile In payment of any installment• bualness auociatea broke Into when due then the whole wm of legal. warfare whJ!n, according to p11nclpal and interest 1hould be- Palmer'a complaint for money fiJ. come lntmffilately due and pay· ed Feb. 4 In the county clerk'• able. That the defendant made omce 81\d eerved on Buck last monthly p1tyments on sald obllga· Monda the defendant talled for Dec. 10 1953 a.nd there more than a ycer rem mon • ly p&ymenta to Palmer for hie 30 share!!< 111 W. O. Buck, Inc. Tlw complslnt stat~•. In part : S HARES SOLD BUCK "On or about March 31, 1951 In Orange County ddend&nt W . O. Bm•k. lnc .. wa11 Indebted to the plaJntiCf in the 11um of $8100 for the 11ale flJld pur('h&JI(> of 30 aharc·s of caplital stock In W. O. Buck, Jnc., 1ald 11tock at aame time belnir bargained and aold by the plain- tiff to the dt'fendant,. W . 0 . Buck, Inc.. at 1t.11 rt>quut and being 10 lndebtt'd, the 111ld riefende.nt In con1ldPratton lherl!<lf then -and Is now ~ue, owing an paya e to plaintiff from the said defen· dant I.he 11Um of $6562.13 plu11 In· terest from Dec. 10, 19~3." AUZ,OED ACJCOUNT The eecond cau11e of acUon la In the> 11um of 110,769.41 on an al· legt'd account, the complaint al.et· ed. ''The third cauae of action that Buck. Inc., wu Indebted to Lido 111le Propertle11. Inc., In the 1um oC 1294.32 upon an account 11tated and that Lido lllle Proprr· tle1, Inc., a11lllgned the claim to P&lmer. Through hi• counsel, Otto A. ConUaoef.t on Pa1t"' ' .SEN. GOLDWATER SPEAKS BEFORE GOP WOMEN HERE Republican Calls Upon . Voter Decision Between 2 Parties Senator Barry Goldwater (Rt'• pubUcan. A rlzona I today called upon the Amencan people to d..- c:lde by thr record which of the t wo parllu 111 beat pqulppcd to lrad this country an tha deya ahead. Goldwater spoke here at the Orange County Ff'<IE>ratlon of Re- publican Wllmen't1 Club41 luncheon. nn:.~ CO~fPARJSON He cited the romparb1on bPtween the RepubllcRns and the Dcmo- crat11 ln the fl r ld of ~ace. point· Ing out t he Republlr aM broug'ht pe11ce In Kor('(t. whale the Demo- <'t11l3 hs,·e bt'en In power during thl' start or thrre Wl!nt In this C't'nlury. He rlllimed under U!• Repubh· ca.n11 the country hu hllltorlcally been n!e from lhe lnllltraUon of Communll!ta, citing flnit the Re· publican's refusal In 1924 to rec· ognlu Soviet R~la. compared with the Democrat.a' eageme• to do ao In 1933. ' The aenator at.ate<\ the Demo- crat.a were not aofl on Commu· nlllm becauae of any Communist• &mong the leadership, but rather because of a reluctonce to disrupt the party by the dlac.loeur• of tlfto t'Xtent of ln!lltraUon. NOTt:S ECONOMY LEAGUE ORGANIZED Senator Goldwater called allt'n· tlon to the high level of economy Achieved tn the tranlltlon from war to peace in 1962 to 1964, com· pared to thf' ~ri'ld of confualon. lntlaUon &nd unemployment tn the' tr&nt!itlon yea" of l!H8 to 19'7 under the Democrat.a. Mesa Taxpayers' Feud Touches Assessor Office Bonelli Back, Faces Subpena of Grand Jury P'eud1na continued thl1 week be· throughout lhe tract 1tnd 12070 foT twttn OranJe County AssUo!IOr 'e the complrled homc11 for the t9~H­ oHlce a nd the J'f't'('(lom Taxpayen 6:1 t.a.x pt•n od. The tlgur·e of 13:10 Former Sou t b • r D California League nf Cost.a Ml'lla. n11w In p~ for l8nd ~'Uluauon, In Roldltlon to Stille Board of Equa.llJLatlon Mf'm· t't'M of lnrorp()r11t1on. I he above. 111 Ulll'd in both cMr!I." b"r Wil h11m 0 . Bonelli 111 eirpected The leagur. formed by hon1e While the les gue mf'mbe~ ti-It ttl telltify in Orange County ne,xt purch!IJ'era under Chaim1a.n V , E. that the S1 250 figure used by the weei.. Ma<:Carter to lnvf'!llllJ:atf' re8$0n• aues11or "woulc! ba.lan<"t' ou t fair· for Ult incre~e.<1 which upJ\t'd 1.v·· · nn lncomplrtt hnmrs In the Oranf;!'e County Grand J ury at· monthly payment11 In the Free•lom trs('t. they <"ontrncled that only 174 tarhr9 say they feel •ure th• f'X· H l t h Sl7 h homM• could httve bPE'n 88A"!<llt-d e l liquor <'hief will anawer a au bpena ome11 rile "" miw as · ~ ""' railing tor hla pretence M.ond•y. cloaim!'(I "lmpropr r 1'."'3<'Sllmenla" the $20i'O Clgure. 111111 w 119 thr 1t I• bell1>ved Bonelli will .urrend· by the -.-!IOr'a nffire. numtwr. they ('humeJ. of th~ 8(17· home I ract whk ti wrre rnmrl••lt>d er on 8" indlclmrnt reportedly L.EAOl'E ~TATEMl:ST 0 or Mllr('h l , l !l:>~. ,. nRn11nir ham, l.'l!!Ued by the San '"The Jl'rttdom T • ll pay P r 1 SOT , 'O\U'J,f;Tt:I> fJfego County Grand Jury. League." &C'COT<llOI! l(I a releMt I "The 633 rrmaoninJl tnromplele It Is un<krstood the "Liquor from MrH·Ca"rtt'r ... ft'•'l11 that thl!! home~ <'Olll<I 0 ,11 havi• hPr n u · Cur .. will lhtn be 11n ved with the matter I• the b11 .. 1 .. for m11.ny of l!•'l<l!C<l 118 MmplN<'tl home.•," Mt1c· OrRnJte County eubpenll requeat- lt. tn•ubll"ll, comrllrated by the I C'uter·~ relr1t1<•' llllHI. "ar.-ept1 n1i: ing htm 10 a ppear. m.ny errors of the D1U1k n! Amer· thr M!M'Nor'e AlfttemcntA a.. <'l'lr· MeMwhlle. Ora.nge Co 1.1 n t y k a and othl'r llitt'nr1t'11. The 1 rt'cl for this pur po~e But thr"4! New A Serv1c• C(>nlactM 11ev,ral amount In YO I Y t ol In dollars mPmhcn of lhe rommlttl'e of ftVI' persons ·Who have 1een Bonelli ant1 C'!'nls to t&Xpayer1 who were In atten1lllllC't' at thll' meeting ha'1 I11unng lhl! past few daya. Yeat.er· Improperly aut's!lf'd Ill 1~6 22 In rrcl'ivl'tl tax h lllH fnr $164 for I day. Attorney A. Brigham Roae eaoh IMtancl'. We fl"el th111 money 111:\4·:'>~ ta" ptrincl ev<'n thnullti we rxclu1ively revealed to OCNS •hould b(o retund<'d without f'urth· hs'1 pMltlVI' e\·atll'n<'e> from F'HA. 1 Bonelli wu back Jn C;aJ. lfornl. L ln •r <'nmpllcatlons. Since there llrt' BRnk of Amrnt·a an'1 rmintv r i>r· &n effort to contact the on&-Ume m&ny. m11.ny home!! lnvolv('(I. thl"re ord~ th111 th1>tr hnmu Wl';t not politician. OCNS reacllt'd .everal I• a ~1uable amo1.i.nt lnvolvf<I in .-omplrtetl until mnr" t han two pl'ople who had t&lkfd to hirn. lhf' nvrra ll plt'turt . I mnnth• d t.-r tht 11.Mt'Mment datr I F'rc>m thf'M convel'9Atlona It la ap· Superlvll()r Heinz K11t10l'r. who M11rrh 1, t!lM ·· · pannt Bonelli I• ataylng ln a Call· a ttendr-<I a recent mretlng betwPl'n I MMC'artrr reported 11notht r fomla tel90rt city, "under wrapa," a lea~t rommltl<'f' 1md cc>unty of. m11.ttt>r of proratlnir tA:otu harl bf't'n untll Rcae cu d!'termtne ll ~ flclAl.'1. ~"Id there WIUI probably rlrarl''1 up r11r hnme owner11 In the report~ Indictment a ct u a I I 7 bua rnr compkltnt by the hnme t rl'ct who <'nmrlt'lCl<I .. !ll'IV\V after n•mea h.la client. purchA,.;>rA. HnWl'VC'T. he told the July t, 19~~. y<'l "'"r" bllll'd ror ROM told OCN8 yeate1'da7 he News-l'reM, 1'1\\' rrror• "h11ve tn a full )'f"llr ,,( 11\Xtll "The lt'ar;ul' -..,-ould not wrrender BonalU If be •11h11t•ntlatl'.t, and •lnre lht' he• at hllft<I a lt'llt'r f rom thl' the tndlctment wtr• ln •rror or Chllr!(<'ll 11re airra<1y on the AA,...• Gl•'be Esa ow C'nmpeny that It 13 ob9cure In dl&rfe•. He char,..CS anr·,. roll•. lhey ...,,11 hAve to ~ now proratln~ all tlleae •<-coun1'1 San Dfero Dl.trlct Attonwy'i ot• coUP<'l l!•I bfofnre any ~t1111°1.-onn anti w1ll ref\Jnd by chPck &JI over-flce official. were w .trertns b'Clftl be marlt .. chl\Tlf"• of lflM~M tll.Jtes dln"Ct to "vocal dlahlterta"• ln U.lr etforte t:RRORI' n .Al'.'CF.O the purchu er," Maeeartera "'° to "blackmail" Boeel.ll. Al lbl' ml'l'lln1t J.an. :I I In th• C'>fftr e of County A•11e"'"1r ffllJh J , F'hunh, Mar<-11"er ••Id In h111 l'rll'"8C. hi' "['f'lhtrd out I he II•· ~l'nr·1 offll'I' hl'cl II.ON ! 0 the •.C· 11n11mrnt flirurr11 of J l\!4\) fror 1n· comrl~e thl'ff • ~droom homo le .... lltated. Suffen DOCJ lite C'11•t.a Mua <'ll)' poHce Nport• •h""' that T'i.lriC'la Lnu<!e n of 1~1>1 , E 18th St . wftered a do( bll t 811t11rd1v. ROM •Id a..111 W &Q wd "fTMl ~UlflteUcn" cnw a copy- ript.d ..... ot lton. appearo In« la C>OllJI papen • 8oMUJ l&•t week. ..l(r. ec-ut told ... lt .._...,.._~ .. - alcl • HARBOR PR:ess . 47th YEAR -NUMBER 77 NEWPORT BEACH, ~R.NJA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 19M Phone Barbor 1818 TWIN CALVES OFFER PUZZLER Which is which i• the question as Harbor High cQeds Barbara. Tt.ompson, left and Linda Cleary1 acratch hea~s while attempting to puule out identification of the twin Aberdeen Angu• calves in the high school agriculture department. Even John See· · ly, owner. of one of the lO·month-old calves, isn't quite sure. If n. wasn't that his own calf, Little Duke, lost hill. ear.tag while Ron Christen.son' a Howie retained his, it would be a lot easier to tell which twin hu the Toni. A«Ticulture Instructor Bob Perrin re· ported the achool got tbe t'c\'.in..Qly~Y.~l"Y. uncommon )n beef breeds, from the JUver· mere Regiatered Angua Ranch near Bakersfield. ,Judges at the Orange County Fair JiiiiY have aa much trouble aa the girls above in placing identical twins when the calves are ahown thia •um.mer. -Staff Photo SAN DIEGO FREEWAY THROUGH 'Snap' Kauffman ORANGE COUNTY ACCELERATED Dies En Route to SANTA ANA «>CNS) -The State Highway i:n,ineer·a County Hospital office report. right-<>f--y acquilllUona wUI be 11tepped up lhl• yt'ar to clear the propotied San Diego Freeway route through 11 1..cster L. Kautt· Granite County. '"8Jl, 61, long-time 1 .. eldt!nt of Bal· Already, nearly $1,000,000 has been apeni for pro1>4'rly bOa. died enroute righta. from h111 apart· AMl1tant Stal~ H l1hway Engineer Paul Herrling M id • ITil'nt to the Or· part ot the Santa Ana Freewl\y'11 llfllllbflalerl route will 1011e • a n g e C o u n t y • lt1 ld1>nt1ty when that port.Ion of U. S. 101 from El Toro 'ICnap' Hn11plta1· ynt.er· Road to S..n Dleg-o County line 111 San Clemente wtll be known Kauffman da y. Kauffman as the San Diego Fl"t'e'lil'ay. wu a native of Eug~ne. Ore .. and $200,000 BALM ASKED Local Folk Sue Mesa and County in Damage Action SANTA ANA !OCNS) -Three 1ler rr portedly had removed the per1<>nal Injury suits totalltnr ap· allfll. proximately S200.000 were com· The count y and city contend baned m one tnal before an l'lght· they weren't notified the a1gn wu woman four-man Superior Court mlsalng a.nd stiould have ~en If Jury here ln•!ay. they art to held liable. In the middle were Orange Coun-All tour penons lnvolvl'd In the ty and CMta Mesa_ colhslon autrered 11erlOut! Injuries. Ballia or lh~ rru113 wa11 a ~runrh· nccord(ng to the mforma lion fllpd lnic two-<'11r ac~t1ent at 17th st.. in court, R1ck1e Hu trm"n wu Im· anct Irvine A,,,., Coi1t1L Me88, Nov. pall!d by tht gear !!hlrt tn the car J , 19:0.3. 1 In whh-h he wu riding. F.ACH CLAIMS RIGHT MOTHER TESTIFIES Each of the drivers hu lodit~d 11u lt a1taln11l the other and Oranite County lllld Co11ta Meaa. Ear h claim11 to hllve hac! the H1tht of way at lh4.' C'1'811h lnterser tlon Pa..uengel"l! with Mrs. Paul Huffman were Mr11.. R. J . Huff. m11n of C'e>r ons <lei Ms r "11d her &-year-old 110n Ricki!'. M1'. R. J . Huffman, her hu•ba nd, R. J. Huffman and 11on l'l!<'k A tol.31 o! S8S,!'>OO d&mage11. Mrs. P11ul Hurrman &nd her hu11band, P11ul, llllk 1106.586 dam· RF.~O\T.ll Sl<lN Mr11. Onininrom ant1 her huit- brLnd. A I. IUlk l :>0,207 ju<lgmrnl. In the 11r tion sgalnst the coun- ty It 111 r lalmed there was no atop 11lirn l'.ln Irvine. A Rallow~n prank- A :lll-yl'Ar·Old Corona dcl Mar molht>r today took tht wltnel!ll 11tand In Superior Court No. 6 and ducrlbed a 11pllt·11e.:ond a cctdmt which nearly took the life o( her 8-yea.r-old 110n. Mrs. R. J, Huffma.n. 708 Ju· mine Ave., wu the aeventh wit· nus caUed In the 1200,000 peri.on- al injury 11Juit ~Ing trl"d before Judge John Shea. Actually, three Injury 11ull11 are romblned 1nto one t"rlal before an elght·woman, four- m&n Jury. Involved ca.t"I werP operated by Lola Gnmstrnin nf Gardi-n Grov<' and Mr11. "-ul E. Huffm11n or 23.0 SILnta Ana Ave .. COlllA .Meioa. •ls· ter-ln-law of Mr& R. J Huffman. Mr1. R. J. Huffman tod11y tes- Cntattau"d on Pa«" 4 MESA FEDERAL CENSUS CALLED BY COUNCll Coal& Meaa City Council Mon· moualy appro""9d. Coffey nid he day nlg'ht decided to requNt a ho~ th• ce~ would be com· •~clal federal cen!l'IU whlch la e:x· pleted by July when re-.allocatlon pe<:ted to tncre... alloc&Uon of of at.at• monlH la made. ltll4 tu and In Lieu tax monJea. lft ot.J'ler bustn... Meaa city The move waa recommen.ded by council· Clty M"1tacer O.Orra W. Coffey. Aulh<trised •tart ot atreet open· Coffey &aid coet of tha ce:naua lJIS'I of Eltller ~· and Walnut would run approidmately U OOO. St. llnd Albert. Vlrstnla and CKll "But lf my cbecll of the eornmun· Place& wtUl lh• clty enflnew and tlY'• tncreued population ta acc:u· etty att.om.., 1Nltrvctad to make rate," the city ~er Inform«! .-ry prellnWaal'J -ctnaennc cowaoQ. ''tbe tax mqnie9 wU1 otf· ~rte. · Mt Jt tllfte.fold." 0.. tu ud In A.warded Md • a l·t.. OMC lift tu IDoalae l.l"a ..ao.I«! -...,.a trut11. to W. W. Woode OJI t:M ...... of popol&Uon. kn\a A.na tor $22tt.2C ptue-aaJea IUL Y OOllPt.&'l'llOJtf tu. TM truell wtU be u.d bJ CouncUmu A... L PtUJq mond U.. ft.re c1epvt.m111t tor rwua that Ul• ejt:J elerlt wrtt.e a llltw equlpm1111t. The ~7 came from to U.. Oell8WI aw... Midas for $1008 .._t.ed by th• Uona Club. .. .......,_...a........ ~· '•"---' ha11 ryo surviving relatives. "Ole Snappi>r," ... he WU al· fectlonat~ly known around th• Fun Zont and entertainment cen· lf'r11. 11urfrred a hurt attark ll<'V· rral yrara agu and haJ become quite 11 IPlsurely habatue of the pier hPad and w1lt>rfronL Al one ume be wu a1111oclated In buatnoa w llh Rob4-rt A. Murp.hy. and l•,~r with A I Andt'r80n. He 111 bellevP(1 to aUIJ own one of t.he conceulona In Ule Fun Zont. Kauffman. waa a charter mem· bcr of the Newport Harbor Lodge of Elks and WH very active In the orgMl.ullona charlUet. Funeral Mrvlcea wtll be conduct.· ed at the Ba.tu Chapel by Ole 8«& In Corona rl<JI Mar on Monday at 2 p m. orncen ot th• Dlu ~· wi ll conduct the tunual aen1oa and the lnt..rnment r1tee M He&- ro1111 Abbt'y Board Approves Park Site Sale for Costa Mesa Purcbue of a t .3-acre pa.rk alt• for the Wetl"l Costa Mesa a~a at • cost ot $33,420 h .. been approYed by the Ora.nge County Board of Superv111v.·a. The acUon wu re- commendi>d Jut Frld11y by th• Coi.ta Mesa Park Ol~tnct direct· or11 SupervlM>r Heinz Ka!Mr moved the board a pprove p11rchue from Sllntly"'F. and MAyb"ll 8 . MacY,y Tuudsy In Santa Ana. The park -"Ill', 8f'COnd to be purch•~ by th,. Mua puk 1ll•lrlct. 111 ICX'3lt'd at the end of Victoria St. on a trl· a.ngle of l:uid boundl'd by the San· la Ana Rlvrr. ChlLlrman Arthur H Mt'yu1 of thl' park district u ld lhe contract call• for S2000 down and thrf'* yearly J'AYmt'nlA. lll&rt· Ing ID 19!'.>6. The board chalrm •n Rid no de· nnlte pl&na have been marle for u.ae of the pr--,.oaed alt•'. Meyer11 added the park dl*lrict la con!lldPr- lng another park )ocatlon tor fut· ur• recommend11Uon to the au~r­ vtaon •• the district d lrectora a t- tempt to k"'P f'f'CrPatlonal Pll<'e wtth lh• cOt1Unu1nc JTOWth of Ooeta Meaa. Mes. Hospital ••• aACRAlmln'O (CN8l -The Ital• ~ ot arddt.aotun an- no~ tt will ..U for bid• UU. wwk oa IMt&llatioa ot elect.nca.l sent.ca coanecUoM a t ratrvtl'W 8tatA B09pt&N. t. e011t u .u.&t· .. PllOQ. Cops Shoot Local ·Youth Tom Clay Hit in Wichita Tbomu E. Clay, 19, of 119 29th St., eought by Newport Beach po· lice on chargu of attempted rob- bery, murder &nd kldn&pptng, wu crltlcaUy wounded late Tuelday night In Wichita. Ka.n. Oetectlvea bt that city cornered the routh In a hotel room. pre· sumably In an attl'mpt to arrelt him on the Jan. 22 robbery of • South Cate service 1tatlon. A.n &l· tendant -wu lhot during the rob- bery In which Clay took part.. po- Uce recorda ahow. ~FElT INCRE .... - W ATER CO. SHARES Small Sh !t1t•1n Hr,py: One M••• ..... ..4 .. Dlrecton A quon.am ol ..._........... a .... _. 1m a ._ el tM ...._ 4'-- Santa Ana HelPt.a tV...-0-.. uttt.. la ~Pf'OPOllUlc a looe pany da..trit't 1ut ...,.. .,...., ...,.. Ulc,_ ta eorDJIMJ et.oc11. propc»ed inc,.... to tbe ,...... die -11 ..., ...... tall Uley 3000 ~ dunns the ....a ..,. ....,..... ...mes.at -lat' .t.ockholden maetla& m U.. 9oJ w .,,_., MN fll a.114 ta U. pne- Srout Clubbc>Uae at ........_ R-4 lmt dM&rict. .and Acacia St. Al the aune time, llbould tM dllltriet'\ wat... 1U- one new•member 'wu elad.e tit u&Uc. ~ .-., X1101t told the dlltrlct'a fln -me11 boud.. U.. N....,..._ .......,, & -..cl&I CMm Knox Of 20MI aw Aaeta eleeUoe -*! ... ...... ~ lb• St., Santa Ana. who 1.-cl the npt lltocllboldln ~·-tor fUr-or .mall aharebo.ld.ra tn Ute da.. llMr--. trlct at the ... Ion. lntormecl the --------------Newa·Prft• today, "We didn't pt what we Hl<ed fw, but ltf'ft.Mr did they." Knox refel'ftd to dat•l of • prop0t!l8! to 1-.le aooo ad· dillonaJ ahare• In the dl.atrlct. u lnatlp ted by the five-man board of director•. and of a counur-pro· poaa1 by the •mall 11hareholdera t.o lllMJe only 2000 additional ~ However, Knox rt'ported a vto- tory tor th• am1.ll ah.a"'holder force• lhroug'h election ot Paul Martin of 1982 SE Palaad•• l\oad to the w!ll'r board. Defeated WM Prealdent OU'l Mock of Santa Ana. Knox •aid Harry Erown, ~ board member, wu counted u an ally 1lnce "he hu a.Jwaya worked tor the lnter._i. of the 1111.U atockh~der." Other ,..._.lected board rnemben Include Roy Creenleat, M . C. Cumming• and Herb Thoma.a. Fear of th• •mall aharaboJden tn oppoa&nc lltocJt lnett&M at 1000 ah&r111 waa that It would mean an HAllOI WIATHB' T_,_.._ • .._ ,_. __. • ·~-.... ............. . ..._.,,r.e..t-• f!I..._, r• • -·--• M...-1,Fd.1-U ,.._..,., P• I . ·--es w~.r••-•• n...-,, Feb. 11 -M • .., ., • • .. • COUNTY TURNS . DOWN WIDOW DEATH CLAIM Mesa Womcin Seeks $301,432. Chsges County witho Ne«Jllg1nce BANTA ANA ((>CNS) -A lhumpln r '301,432.U clalrn waa filed .,.-alnlt Oranse County 1•• terday by a Coate M-widow IA connection with the hlg-bwa1 death of htr hut1balld. BrlnKtnc the ac- t ion h1 Mra. Adele B. Klrkpatrlok, 2:'H 4 Falnvay Onve. Th,.e Orange County Board ot Supnvlton promptly denied t.h• r Wm &11d re~rred It to Collftl,J CounMl J~I Ogle. She blamea the county for the duth of Curry W. Kirkpatrick on :\ov. 24. l9M. She clalma th• coun· ty wa• negllcent tn llllowtnc dan· geroU11 road cotidltlona. The claim allegu Kirkpatrick rece.ived lat.al lnjurlN a bout 12 :30 a m. When hi• ca r rammed Into obatructlon1 wht're Tu~Un A.Ye. dead·enda Into 23rd St.. Coeta Metia. The plalntlff allegu there were no warnings. Furt.hermore. It 11 t1"811rted guvel waa permlltt.d to r•maln on th' •lreet maklnr; It •I· most tmpo1111lble t o 11top q1tlckly, Kirkpatrick wu dr tv1n1 a pane.I truck wben tht ac<"t1'ent occurnd. He wu northbound on Tl.a.Un An .. accordlnr to the chum. . The d@«aH t1 wu a pertn•r In the Mua ft&llcil Mark•t. 1978 N..-port Blvd., -d th@ ~ell M.ark~t Laundf'rf'tt ... 1970 Newport Blvd., br>UI Ill Costa Mel&. Ra Wit tine ·~-. Oil Drilling Discussion Set Problem. a n.tn,. fTom ott ~ oil well dr11Unr propoaala will M dlae~ tomorTow llOOT\ at Nt'W• port Harbor Yacht Club Where Orange County CO&St A .. octatfoa m«mbaa will b~a.r coUttty lelf' .. lat.ora· report. on tldela.nct. drilr. Inc off lhe oout. A.Nt'mblymen Earl Bl~Jey llnd LeRoy Lyon and knator J oha Murdy wUl d1acuaa pendlnc tect .. laUon and v•rlou" usea propoHd for Impounded oll funda. The auo- clatlon a lrea.tly hU aent a tel .. cram to th" St.ate I.Anda Comm1 .. 11on. warnlnrr of ti. dtaapproYAI ot any drllltnr ln lldel•nd• that would rnar the oout.&l M&.uty, Herb Kenny H id . Delivery Guaranteed DeUvery of Ole Newport Harbor N•W•·Pre• la lfU&I'• anteed. All arM.t al th• Com· munlty are rapidly beln~ p laced on C&IT1er delivery. Carrier boy• wlU deUver lb•~ pa~n bef<Jre 8 p.m. °" Moo· day and nur8day. U your papet' I• not dell·Hr.d bJ Uw.t hour pleue ca.ll HuboT lil t llnd a 11~1&J rouu man W1lJ 1mmedla~ly re 1 po• d wtua your copy of yeur If .,,,.rt Hubor N-•·~ --------~·----··-------• PAGE 2 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 1 • BOARD DELAYS DECISION ON Magee Appoints Trio to OCC Welfare Board rlub, U\t rl' wa11 ('on1ld,.rabll' 111~· ~n<trrecn h•a h,.M1t<1 the ...-ry ruu1on r•c•rd tng form11t11111 of l<\r "''"'• llm• v.-11h • &t'ner&I JI. " aepart.tt' !'\rwrort unit Mot<" , ,.. 'rn~ .. for f11~. raJ11111t" and dle- gard1ng 1 hta w ill ti. takl'n up &t 11b11t1.r 1n1urance and •UN'lY banda. 'COPTER PASSENGER SERVICE SANTA A NA, COCNSl-The Orange Coun(y Board of Su~r\isora Tutsday d•layed acUon on whether to r«ommtnd the Loa A.ngelea Atrv.•a ya bf' &llowed to ln1taU p&Ml'ng11r ll'r· vice on current mall runa to the atrport In Orange Parkway. The e lrwaya presently atrvn lht. arl'a by hl'ltcopter. It a.ski'd the boerd ot 11up<"n·lson1 to author.tu the t'&tr)'ll\r of p u sengers on Lhe 'coptt'ra. The a trv.•aya a l:<o wants Uie rounty to blacktop the arta around tht l&nd1Ag 11pot ntar S\lntlag•1 St. It also 11el'ks a new gatt. 'Coptt'l11 •re utlUzed to 1•a1Ty puu ngel'!I bt'twern Long Beach and Loa A.ngelea Intemattoi.l Airport. LA Airways want. to extend the eervlce Into Oran1e. The m•ll-carryln1 company did not aay how many pu- aengera would. be ferried or how oftt'n the n.m• would be made. r laue11. Chief operatora are Char- les Berner, Santa Ana: Frank Dottnr. Huntington Brach; Hurh Tyler, Seal Beach; Nell BllU~a, Costa Meaa: and Art McLaqhlin. La,runa Beach. a lattr datt. I · --- Ot.lt' V. Boil. prtl'ldtnt. 11pp<1lnt· ed Allt.n Rt ld 11( Corum• •t('I Mu u t'halrman o! the NU<'ll ttun1I romm111r ... Thrtt nl'~· appointments madt' J . E Walkt'r. promlntnt ~ant• to the Oran1te Coast CoUt&" \\'rl· An11 attornf'y, ~·Ill "~"k 011 F•b. f&re Board. judlrtal branch of 610• Ii at th" Mt.In School raft'tl'rla d"'t ionmment. "''ere aMount'fll I on the hutor y a.n.1 phlloM>phy of Ult. wuk by Don r.taiee. l!tllitt'nt ~.h11 OemorraUr party, u.~drr tltlt body pru ldent. Diane )loorf', Gar-Why I am a DemOC'~&t. All per· d~n Grove : Earl Ca~nter. Bal· I"'"' living In the ?'\l'wport 11rea boa : anrt J anr Cowhn1t. Hunting· arl' tnvltrll to atttnd thl'l'l' Ml!· ton Bcal'h. have bt'en n&mt'd to slnne. I th,. t hrtr varant position~. Thf' new nwmbt'rl!, all !tt'Shmt'n. w lll Gets Her Ucens• St'rve until the Spring or lSM . Mr11. J. E. Sanderson ot Lido Jn• Other board m11mt>er1, who will 11urance Agency, JnN•rporated at 11trve through June, 19116, &re Bob I :>:ewport Balbo& Savtni:s and Loan Gralla rlt, Co11ta Meaa: J im Bum, Assodatton has 1u11t rt>cf'h•l'd ht r Orang11 ; and Harry Llddlcotl', ltrrn5.-118 ~ li re 01nsurilnce itnd<-r·· Costa Mesa. I writ Pr. 11ccordlng to Ai<t!Or latlon Mlft Moore has been an Orang«' Prt'11ldent Paul A. Palmer. Mrs. coa8t eong lefMler and was a prln· 1 - ceu tt>r lht OCC Homtcomlng Dance last Fall. MIN Cowling. a M W S t WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE? Reod th• '·page odvertlteo l'ftlflt on Stote farm ~ -famout "carefvl driver "'- sura.-ce" cOf'llpany-ln the Januoty 31 -.of OPTl·MRS. 9UEENS FOR A DAY CENTURY MARK OCC Amateur Hams Contact 188th Nation Equipment uaed In the am&teur radio 1t•tlon t\u. been largely built and wholly maJntained by at udenta eru:oUed ln vooaUonal e~tronic:a a t the coUere. pre-teaching major. 1, vice preel· I ay e u99e1 dent of the Aaaoclated Women St udent.. a membt'r of W. A. A. 1 and of the Student Chrl11tla.n As- sociation. CllTJ>entrr Is vice preal· I dent ot the Bowling Club and a member ot the Rifle Club t.nd the Campu1 Conduct Committee. LUSH . LINGERIE Members of Newport ff.arbor Optimist Club and ~ir Opti-Mra. counterparts saw A.. K. Phelps, club president, second from left, give male club's gavel to his wife. presi- dent of Optl-Mn., Tuesday at ladies day event in Villa Marina Restaurant. A.t left. Mrs. Phil E . French, Opti-Mrs. director and at right her husband who is secretary of Optomist Club. -Staff Photo Amat..eur operator• from radio st.atl~AAJ at Orange Cou t Colleg~~ juat made two-way radio cont.act with their one hun- dredth country, according t.o Sam· Irwin lniurecl In Car, Cycle Crash uel T. McNeal, Orange Cout ln· Newport PoUce Officer Gerald 30 Attend Mesa Democrats' MHt Conell Candidates' Panel to Meet Public on Feb. 24 Th• :U.asue ot Civic Aaaoc:la· uona ha• called an open meetln1 HARRY WELCH tor Thurl!day, Feb. 24. at 7 :30 p.m. at the C'lty Hall at whtr h all Clln· BOOKS AT OCC tlida t••!I ror tJ1e new C'tlY r•mnctl havl' bcrn 1nv111•1l. E11ch rantltda tr I A number of books from the will b .. prf's .. nt('1I fM 11 hrlef 11Uj te· personal llhrary of the late ------~~~.-.~l"nrt "'fl. ... ....,, W~• jtuf Will f111l01\ l h" 1lir11un on Manh J~ will b• htH111. ! 101' It 111 lht-flrlll f'lec '"'" ttnd4.r the n1•w chartt'r. Tht• p• opl•• "Ito are f'lerted at this t 1m•· '"II hnvr the rr1pon11lb1llty nf putt tnl... Into effec t the cha r ter t:-t.tt w ai; ,.o O\'rrwhelmt:igly adopt· rrl l1y the ctt 12en8. Tht ml'tltn(11 of the W1·5l New· I'"' t Jmrt"V• ml'nl As!!Orratton and I hr l'11r. na dr l Mar Crvl<' AJlllOClll· I.Jon "" 1 <' bnth N·hrr1ulNI for tht' •. ,.nw '''"'ntng 1 ht' \\ 1•11t :-.i<'wrort AS~u<"llltlnn hotl rrtalnl'd the coim· ~II chnmb"r" for thlll ('V('ntni:. but In v1•·w nt th" more grnrral ap- pr11l, r1·J 1nq111shrd the rPst rvallon. Th!' Corona llrl Mar Assoc111tton 11IM 11gtr<'t1 to rencf'l lls mt'etlng 1<H 111 .. mlwi-1' could attend the ,en· rrnl m•·•·U~ Every votrr In the \II\' 11r !'\rwport Btach who wa.nlll tn ,.,.,. 11n1t t11lk to th• ~ople w-ho 111 P ntn:1111i; frtr cnunrll Is lnv!tl'd In &l!1'n1I NEW HOURS Savings-Loan Growth Rises S8 Million port Bt'&!'h resident !or many Y"•ra. have been presented to the Orange Coast library. Wtl· ham Haar.otJld disclosed lClday. Among 11ome of thf' book• ptt sented were t he complete Wtmlon ChurchJIJ srt on Worlrl War Il, t;p Front by BrU Mauldin, Everybody'a Pn· lltkal What'• Whal by George B. Shaw. and Tho Sevtnth Crou by Anna Seg hers. Public 11$(' or lhP library , collection 111 invited. Hu ratad atal~ The library ta n~n during Ule wt ek from 8 a.m. to t .30 p.m .. and f rom &:30 to 10:00 p.m. -...I LA. Man Gets Jury Trial on Drunk Rap Ple&dlnr IJ\J\OCent thl1 morning to a drunk driving cha.r,e, Nolan WlDAcm Hunter, La. .AnplH, wtU face a Jury trial March 23 In New- port Juatice Court. He poeted $250 ~~ bond at the time of hla ar- 1 Hunter wu arru t..ed Sunday morninc by N«""'"J)Ort police who ea.id they obeerved htm drlvlll' erratically at Marine and Bayaldt Ave11 They 11&ld hfa car croaHd the doubll' line while golnt a crol!.'I the Balboa lshlnd bndge. H untf'r waa a.Lao cited tor drl\·lng W1th· out an o~rator's ltCl'nSt'. p1 e ... oJen t raul A. f'•lmrr of Lneu rance agr nl'y cu~tomerl', P al· :o\• "'I'"' t H11ll11111 ~"' 1n1;1& an•1 Loan mu said A,,,, ,1111, 11 th>• \\,.,.I( pubhi;hr.J "The change advancta n11r 11<'· 1 11 ""'"' •• h~•111lr nf 8l"l'n11nt inr .,,.. rount1nir; rlrp11 rt ment dosing tlm" t'~l l m• 111 t>u•tnr.· • hnllr'I (or thf' onf' hour," Palm~r Mlr1. "Thi!' a•wl11~s 1n,t1111•: .. 11 toi;rth!'r \\llh 1th•ra nur 8 rcm1nttn1< ~laff 11n I'll· •h~ .111no11nor i lf'r.l or a c11nlinul nf: I rn t11ur •·11111 1t1<y lo h11n1llf' a I .l•nun-y i::,.1 u\\\h wh1rh tirlnits tota l 11let11lt ly 1nr reu.1ng volumr of Pav· I tl'ant11ct'• t., u ""'" ht1th w~ll abovr Ing• a1·rnunl 11nd to11n pnymcnl U 7.l'I00.0.'0 b11Klncu. Thi' t'XI ra hour wtll be an S 1wpoo1 ti ilboll S11 ,·1nga· r,.. 1 1mponent one to Che acrounung I ..ow-."• ha\•e p uwn ntuly '8 mil· ala!(. who mus.l ba lance and 11udll 1 hon 111ncf' J im 1 111.·.1 All tra.n111r t 1on11 rach day btfore S tw lloou1 a fo r 1 .. 11. r~ Mll•l lh" 1!'9\lnJC "' • nunliniz •lq .. 1'lrt1t'lll will b.-"\\'e ha\e Jl{)lleu n1any or our ll 111 a.m to :l'JO r In MOfld&y I ru,tnm1>r~ ·· Palmer cont1nu,.d, I l h11•11gh F'rld'ly •n I tl a m to noon ·11nll rtn•I that thry can JUll as "" S8t11rt11t) n ... nr\\ l('h .. 1lule e&l tl\' r••n their 1!3Vlngs 11nd lht'lr Wiii ..... rr. I ft\• F'rb I t O'hn lnim rnn<a cllnns br torl' :i ::or m •l"("lllml'nl.JI will obMr\'" the aamt Out branch o m re In Corona rlel S•Htmlay hQ11r.t. but will r,.mu.Jn M11r w ill l'Ontlnue on a 10 a m. tn "f''"n until 4 30 rm M11nday 13 pm. arh,.•lule :O.londay through 1 t hrnul'h P'rldny fnr th,. h,.n,.flt Tt11r!lt1a~·. an•1 10 11 m. to 4 porn ttf r-rrow loan. Mfr df'p.:>~l a nd on F'ttd&)'." Palmer concludt d SHADDOCK AND THUNDERllRDS Mr. an.d Mrs. Ma.rlhall D. &haddock. Lido 1•. Newport Bt'M:h. •re 1rf'ndln1 l 0 d"Y• vlllltlll1 fttenda In I.be winter reaort or Phnen l.Jl, ArU. and t he Val&ey o! the Sun. Here Sh~dock, a Lido ll'lt rrhllnt.. lt'THt• PhOf!ntx Thurderblrdt Pete I1toe and J im S..-r• '1<111• .r ltH1 A r111\na f'ountry Club. Hft '1alttd t he 1·lub to wateh 01r llti l'()l'I r1i~ .. n1-i (ll"'n Of'lf Tournament. P h0flru11 Chambt'r ot Com mt re-.. P hoto • I $245 In Jewelry atroctor. Be.rnard Irwin, 29, of 703 Hello-The oentury mark wu puaed when a contact wu made with trope Ave., wu repoz:ted 1n I~ ILBNU In Trleat.e. The Trte.tt condJUon today al Hoac Hoiplt&l Taken from Home operator aaked that he be remem· where he WU treated !or COD· At Main School, Coat.a Meaa, on be~d to W&WNH, Joeeph J, Mas.-cuutoa' M.onday night following an Thursday, Feb. 3, aome 30 mem· The!t ot her jewel box contain· I enikl. 2162" Canyon Drive, Coat.a accldent. Irwin, on hia own motor· ben and ,uuta i•t.bcred for a Ing S24G worLh of uaorted jewelry l'tleq.. cycle and ott duty, wu involved meeUng o! the Cout Mua Demo- wu reported to .police Monday by Ma.J.nt&.lned in conjunction with ln a col~lon at We1tml.nat.er Ave. craUc Club. OUeata included ma.ny Mu. Charlu Mastera. 900 Break· vocational electronle1 clu.1ea at and Newport Freeway wtth an from New}>ort Beach and Corona er a. She said the cue waa ml11111ng Orange Cout. the ataUon la o~r· auto dnven by J!(dward Rlr•• Rob· del Mar. Lester Van Tat.enhove. since the time llhe~moved from 41!) &tt'd when atudent. ve n.ot tn IOft, 71J, ot 1015 W . Balboa Blvd., sant.a Ana, a.nd 'onn D. Carrick Iris Ave. to her present addresa · police reported. of San Clemente were apeakt'ra. during the lut week of January. N G la h Son Robeon told police ha waa at· Van Tatenhove outlined the Mlaalnr are two gold ntcldace1, ew al . CJ er temptln1 a left tum onto I.be tree-county Democratic aetup and Car· silver necklace, gold chain wit.b The Michael Gallaghera ot 1971 ..-ay l:lto ao th~d traffic when rick reported on tldeland1.oll &cU· medallion, (Old U!Tln~, .~.!!lu~•;m.26~· ~Ch~ur~c;.;h~~~~~~'"'~"!fl~"t.LllA..-1¥.ul..._.•un•~!!;i-_..,.~l'tt,r-~ 18' --·~art!tlf . aboclced h• could not ducrtbe the lhore wellll. cUn1 band and other Jewelry. accident, police MJd. w ;th many NewportAra FREE GIFT WRAPPING on a11 VALENTINE GIFTS -· AJAX 2 fM ltc 100'1"1' ,.,~ -' TOILET "'lt.··- 3 tor 25c .... -.;; ------· Tl DE OIA..~T SlZE 59c Z!B WAX IANDWIOH BAGS ZEE LUNCH BAGS ZEE WAX PAPER \\ nodl'n CLOTHES PINS ALl"~tl~t·~1 FOIL l.ap-f:je.d-l""M'h l'lrnlr FOLDlNG TRAY Ladits' Plu t1c WALLET Reg. Sl.00 69c l .tt \aJUe ·-·- l'lutlo ("oalf!d-Aaet. «11lors DISH DRAINER nr~. ellc' ~-- • Rt.by Buttl-Wblt,. .t Rlack tDantt-1 5169 2 for 25c STERILIZER Rl'tt. fU9 ....... -... .. Sroul naahllsbt IATTERY Rf'lf. alu ......... -.. .. 0 '04"dar SPONGE MOPS Re1. u~o Alwnlftum--4 f 'up t•aPM'ltY PERCOLATORRc-,. &sc Port-'ile, "lib h,.u·y <"amu ttt..,f . LAUNDRY CARTS Rr(. SUB I r-onl Ill' Mt. nl PAD & COVER;i.• ,aJur !iilllronlrrd t" Ill C'M'"r and h••o'' knit ii-d I DRUG NEEDS I FJ:VJ:& TH!RMODTEJl Or&.1 or 67c &ect.al ----- EPSOM IAL Tl 5 11... 1 f C Iaoprnpby1 -~OBBINO COMPOUND PT. lJC !IT. B1 TABL&TI 26 ~:· f7C VJT. 1 1 Till.aTI 60 :-:· $1Af ---- 100100JIG. $-2.79 VIT. 11 TAIL&TI ------- VIT. A 21,000 111'1'1'1 lOO $1. f7 LIDO DRUGS "One of Ute Lido 8hopa .. 3461 Via Udo, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS !SOI E. Cout Hy., Corona df'l Mar Jewelry Boxes Smart IA'etbentte &MM Maaleal Assort.f!d Colon 1/1 OFF \\'HJTMAS Rect Lsc Heart ·• 11>. ~ ROSE RED HEART BAUOA DRUGS 716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa VALEMTINES lag of 10 1 ()c lag of 25 19C BAO 01' 68 WHITMA~ Heart ~, 1b. WHITMAN'S HEART l 1.B·3"" OellDI' Aa4t. WHITMAN'S Clft Bo11"<l I \\Ith Dnll MARSHMALLOW HEART 29( Ct.AS~rr HEART \LL RED \ ~':'a~~~ HEART 1 LB.2 '" CANDY CINNAMONS 19( ll .... OUNCES VALENTINE JELLY BEANS Red and \\'hlle Paper Plates 17c Paper Napkins 17c Paper Cups 19c 13 for a ... e.4 ... ".,.., _ nan •••• A VALENTINE For Your Best Gal .... 11,,, .... , ... .......... ..... llOllaAMCI W. I. LANDIS L £CAIRNS lSS E. 1'7tb St. Coeta M- Uberty 8-1011 NOTARY PUBUO THURS, FRI. & SAT. FEI. 1 0 • 11 • 12 • ToHe+rv Items ITOPETTE IPJLA f DZODO•AlfT Free •9-day Miniature $ 1.25'" bottle . ······------ TRUSH.A Y LOT~OJJ 0 49• l'ree purae 1iJ1, both ---·· Reg. $2.00-16 01. -------.. ~ .. LtmoniJe .98• SHAMPOO • amu -·-··-······ Set of 2 Jlei. Sl.00 aiM • Dorothy Oray "Super.Stay" s110 · UPITIOl:I . aet for • Rtg. ·2 00 Vaine---- AQUAMAIUNI LOTION Reg S2 50 Colonial Damu ALL PURPOSE CR!AM $1.25' s1.25· Woodbue COLOGNE 1.25, 2.00, l.50° Lenthenc TWEED BOQUET 1.so. 2.so· 2.1s, s.oo· t nr98c" White Sboulden CO LOO NE 20 Envelopes per bos BUBBLE BATH -Liouor • Dept. PRIDE OF Indiana ~(\t:ttr~' ~:1A r>1• n i. ~r, '~ ~· ."1 \f• ... , 320 'Ill? ,.,• I -~ ... ,,, ------Kl'NTUCKY Host DR.OBNY Vodka ~/) ,.,,.,, ]67 "Wll Ito "' •t p & T Reserve "' 11 t t 4 yr, o.•l M r·•nr ' ' \ \ COPELIN GETS . FIRST ULTRA VISTA Getting checked out on his new Ultra Vista Studebaker from Joe Nickertz, 1 o c a 1 dealer, right, is Ray Copelin who has owned the first such 111odel sold in the Harbor area. Copelin hat1 owned seven other Studebakers -Staff Photo open on Saturday• durtnr the noon ~~ .:.-::_~',!!• ~=~i: =~ COMMISSIONER MEYERS GITS ~:"~ ~:~hor.r~~y: ;:;:~~SIMILE SNAPPY IN DEIA TE lar and buey. Ninety .,one hot dop and 120 110tt drink.I ud milk were COMUmed laat Saturday, TIU.JNINO roa BOYS Tb• Harbor Boy•' Club II not jutt a time conlUJl'ltnr recr .. tion· &l agency. It la primarily lnterMl· Clcy P1uaDIDC OommJ..ac..r Arthur H. lileyw1 Oii O.t& M .. sat IUn1Je _.PP>' 4m1q ~ E. 11th 8L ..-1q debat. befor. ~ cdl7° cound1 Manday a1pt. Raf•niq to u .,...._., ~ the raolliq, ...,.,. eommated the cqmmuatt7 aMd..s It "u Md u aa llQtmo ~ Meda a BUdal MWq .WL" ed tn training boy1 to be rood .cW· ------------------------zena. Many boy1 have learned h on · uty' and respect for property rlJhtl at the Boy1' Club. Many more bo)'8 han learn.cooperation and the n.Jue of teamwork. Othen learn to be tolerant. to •her• and lo re1peet the right.a of othen. All learn to be 1tronr and enerrettc and Yie for a healt.by Ute. Many become aldlled becauae they leam to u1e their handa and bralna. The lkUled Boy1' Club eta.ff membera are conat.anUy on the lookout tor boys havtnr trouble fltUnr tn or finding aomethlng to do, ao that some Individual fUldan~ la a l- ways available. Car Cover Snatched UPPIR IAY B1ptilta Ask Permiaion for Site Near Mesa by 90 f"t. Unit.a I and I an cODllldered tor the tutdn. Tbey would be •o by eo. Propoeed m.u· lnlUm .. tlns capacity .. IOO jM1'80na. • ou .. tnet ,pul<iq la ottend for 100 carw. Th• condltJonal pe~ mlt application wp tUed by .. ent i:uc-ti• Bre .. 1 of Santa Ana. 1ANTA AN• <OCN•>-• pat>-look Local Woman Uc baartn1 wu 9Cheduled ,.,.W· d&1 by th• 0ranr• ~t.J for Drunk DrlYllHJ P1anll1nf COmmlMlon on IDl appU· cation by the Upper Bay Baptt.l A cSrunlc dliYinl chul• wtl1 1le church for pennlNlon to Ml&bU.lb J~ed FrldAy l.n Newport JU1Uoe • d;lurcb on the eoutharly earner COurt by Jevelyn Ka)' Killer, ot Palladal Road and C)'Pna Mwuctw Trailer Park. St... Northeut Coeta Mea II-'. Bho wu o.rruted Saturday b7 Ttao h .. ri.nf will be held In t.be l Newport police at Balboa Blvd. oomm.1.Mton chambua. 11.lrth &1&d and C.Oronado SL who aald oho Birch 8ta., at 2 :30 p. m., March 2. fall~ t..> heed the red U1ht and NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PAGE J THURSDAY, FEB. I 0, 1955 Council Rejects Vaccine for Costa MeSa ·Canines No rallt• 9Uelut.loa tor Mo.a dop wW -..t•blillbe4. Oo9t& Kea etcy c.ouncu ladtcatod K•· day nt1llL OouDd1 nw a nport made b7 Clt1 ~ a.or,. w. Oottey Oil the wbject without tak· IDI' acUon. Cotter aald he cMckod 1' Or- a.nae C.Ount1 dUM and the <>r..,.. county Health Depart.met. Only Saa Clemente bu an ordinaDce reqwrinr tDDoc:waUon of dop ., ~t rabloe. aa.na Park· and lallta Ana filled to reply, Cot· tey aald, but 11 reportAid Uwy had no IUch le1l.llaUon and did not propooo 1Uch a law. Jaw b&adled the altuallon up to the p,_t ~e. C.Ottey eald. Tbe ctl)' mana1tr'1 report wu ~!pt.ad ta January by curs.. r. Zimmerly ot 2103 hnt.. Ana Aft. Zlnunerl1 told the coancU~ • .-he thoUpt lnnoculatlon of dop In Colt& )(Ha WU a s(IOd Idea. Two Ccn Tangle fn Fer.cler lender A fender bepder occ""'94 Jaa. 29 at Newport Bl~ and ~ IL b9twMla can drtftll by Robert DoaaJd L&prqutlt, II, 6U A.Ueo at.. and Theord4re WWlam Mad· OUJ'CU, •6. Lons Ike.ch. poUoe a1d. BOYS' CLUB GIVES CITIZEN TRAINING Theft ot a 22-ft. car cover from her ear whlle parked In troot of her home Friday night or Satur- her home recently wu reported to poltce by Mrs. David Geary, 120 faclllllea had been ruerved until closing time. Jn the library and televt!l'lon room there were ncvtr less than 20 boys watching TV shows. plus an add1Uonal 20 par--' tlclpaUng In 1ma1I pmea 1uch a1 Monopoly. Clue. Rope. 6' Ladders. Cheas, checker! ind m~y ot the olher 1ma.JI games alway..-vaU. able. Cor&l Ave. • The church la planned for 1.11 llren. Tbey followed her from acre1 tn a developed l'MidenUal I 10th St. and Balboa Blvd. and MCUon. Tbr.e unit.a are planned, aid ah• drove erratically and Unit No. 1 would houao the ma1n wilb'>Ut car U,hta. She poated u.nct11&17 and '8 mapped at 12 U80 bail. Tb• county health departmellt adYloed tho pick-up of· atray can· tnea ln th• county pnrrtdad wt, n clent protectJon, C.OU.y aa1d. <>r- anee county ratea hlP tn l'Ulel control, l\1ff¥lnr only one rabloe caae ln Nch of tho Jut two ,ean without a 1ln1le rablN cue tn the precedtnr !lve-yoar IP&n· J\illfttoD repllod It. clt7 lea.ah La&'erqutat t old omeer1 he wu comtnc out ot an alley benn.D nth and 10 th $1.a. and d.1d DOt -Ma.dourou1 comlnc out of a arytoa ltaUOA onto Newport 81~ More 11tan Recreation ~eeds Furnished for Harbor Youth Archie Loeke, the craltahop di· rtctor at the Boys· Club. reported more thll.n :-;o ~ys completed pro· jrcts In the wood worktft&' abop. Most popular project wu "Llttlt Leal Saturday, Feb. :I, wu 1 Boy1' Club. or cour se, ta open Toot," the Dumey tugboat of another record breaking !lay at I every day n't•·r school till 9.30 which 3.'i moc'lel11 were comple~d. the Soya· Club of the Harbor I p.m. and Saturdny.i from 10 a m Thc-y w"re painted In all colors Area. Jt wu record b1 cuklng m till 2 p.m. Afler 2 pm. many of Imaginable. I L waa quite a 1lght all departm~nt1. St"ventern new the m..,mt>crs "omrkte tht'lr day to ace 110 many varicolored "L1t- membera jnlne<J or hu l their ml'm-by at t ... n1hng the l!t>>"ll Rnlln Rink tie Toot3" bt'lng proudly carrr1tt1 berahlp1 renewed. All member· nr tht' sr• c1al young pt>uple's out of the shop every few min· 1hlp1 expire In October each yur. 1111.•tmtP at t he-:\lt'sa Thu1t1 r utu. N1•xt week. Locke la con· ln the four months 111nce last Oct· Ol'ERATE Fl LL CAI'.\( IT\' • crntratlng on kite makinr and will ober, 1008 mC'mben1 have )olnPd In the four houu that the Uo\I> help a ll boys who care to make the Boy1· Club or have renewed Club was op...n lut Satun.l:.ir. :\111 kivs. For the oldtr Boy1' Ch,ib their membe1 ships This Is about boyi. l!nd vourtg mm porllripnlr•t I member11, the wood lat.he boltls 17:1 members more than Wt'rl' reg· in thr 11,:uvitH"S off.-red E.vl-rv I quite an 11tlractlon and ls con- lat~red Jut yf"ar Al th11 t1mr. depnrtmrnt w:is nrl.'rnlln~ to full stantly busy. A kite tlylng con- U the pre1ent rate of lncrt'Ue ci parlty. ~cal Bearh Youth <'•'n· t4'~t in the C-Osta Mua Park l~ boldl true, the Boys· Club will t f'r brou~bt ovrr two t>it~k .. tbnll I being 1chedule<l ln U1e n~ar tuturl'. have over 2000 m~mbers by nut t r11ms 1,. ploy thP lnral Hnys' This w!ll bt' o~n only to kilts 8eptembcr. Club qutnt,..t~ L;it<r in tht> ,10, •• made 11t the Boya· Club. Laree number• of N+>wport Har· Fu llerton Boy1<' Club arnn•'1 with Rtn('e the Harbor Boy1' Club 111 bor boya from Coron" del Mar, two, more ba~kt'lbell trem11 to Balboa, Balboa lal1nd and Ncwporl match sklll~ walh the lot·el oo~·~ Be&cb are joining the Boya' Odb In thf' Comes rl)flm <11.'partm1,nt. to ftnd new frlenils, advc-hturea al\ pin!( pong t11ble:1. billiard tal>- and MltivlUea, partlcularly on Fri-IM and 1hum e bo11rd a Ue¥" '""r" daJ ~ta and Salurdaya. The In constant us ... By noon nil the~r 'MEN OF MONTll'-Hal Tanner. left and Art Tietz. center, put so much effort into signing up the most Multiple LiatJnga during J anua.ry that the listing &er\'iC(' Monday night waa forced to declare the monthly contest tied for flnt place. Hub Powcra. chairman of Mult iplC' Listing, right, awarda both men letters notifying them of their tie. -Staff Photo '- Feb. 10, 11, 12 MMOND TWllf COFFEE CAKE .... -2JC , .... ,,,, MATft MILK CHOCOLA Tl CAl<E ............... -7 .. , ... lie) .... Valentine IUTIER COOKIES ......... ,..29' Valentine CUii CAKES ....... -5' ( teV•••-'911·....._) ....... _k_ ...... I .. Red, Gift Wroppecl CHOCOLA m '1" I~. CO!"T A llO:SA noo s_,,ori BIY4. COROSA 01:.L MAa 903 (·06llt Hwy. ACORD'!" LAOfTSA BEACB tll3 R~<Mad-J l'l,\LBOA IS LA..'"D too ~art.lie A•e. ST.WPORT Br:AOll M!O Coeat H.-,. ••••••••• BUILD oa your BEACH LOT NOW!! and hne rental • • • • • • • • • • C'OMPU:TE . s11,9sr: THIS llAUTIFUL : TWO IEDROOM DUPLEX • lncludin' ~ amuinit 1.-.turH Pltrn: • • AttrvtJ,,. Rf'dwood l'ktJnl' • Oar'-Jt Dl~pc"8l • :\tai:lmum Flnucila1 • • Alumln-Cavl'IH'nt \\lndo"• • BlrTlt 81U1('k Bar • ~Wf'r Con~ • nl"t'place In I.own r nit e Beam C.eWnir e \\ atrr l'frt,.r Co..,,..._ • • lillldt11ar 01-PatJn Oonr • Dnuhle Oarar • Til4'd Tul>-"hower Com~ • • CARDINAL HOMES • • • • • • OJlf'n i °"Y' 119 r.. 2~m ~t. ht c~!.' "f"a LI~ • •••••••••••••••••••••••• . .. • CHERUB Evaporated H~mogeni%ed MILK :~. 10c SA VE AT THESE_ LOW PIUCES SPARERIBS· MEDIUM SIZE 3-lb. to 5·1b. cwwoee Select Eoetern 'otic MARGARINE 2 !;! 25c -Coldbrook Yellow lb.29· SLICED BACON GoA<f . , ••. 39c Coin plcg. .FRESH PICNICS E=m •· 29c ~39c TOMATO SAUCE ...._ 5c Taste Tells Special Price can C_OFFEE IDWARDS 1-lb. 95c VoCVllffl Pocked can Sliced« in Pi.c. BEEF LIVER FRANKFURTERS~ FRESH FRYERS c~ •. 39c •· 47c 1108 HIU. 1-tb. T OP6 in Qvollty bog AIRWAY 1-tb. Mild ond Mellow bog I soc 79c Captalns Ch~ COD FILLET FISH STICKS c~=~· 1-•. 35c plrg. 10...45c '*•· ICI MILK FRISH IGGS FRlllCH FRIIS IAND IOX Breakfast Gems &rand Frozen French Fried Potatoes Vonlllo, Strowbeny, Chocolm. half 3 •••i..t 5c carton LARGE SIZE GRADE A cloz. ·~ IEL-AIR lttemlum Quality AVOCADOS LARGE FUERTE 2 for 19c WHITE 10P=n 35c ROSE Poper lo9 POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT :c::8 YELLOW ONIONS CRISP CARROTS TOMA TOES e-sa:; APPLES CA~~ 4 GREEN CABBAGE .._ 5c •:=-)Sc .... 2sc ... 5c Shortening CRISCO ROYAL SATIN !;~· 75c !;~· 6~ PINEAPPLE '~ 1:.;:z. ~ Heinz KETCHUP~ I~ ~PPLE SAUCE 2 1!:-25• IOHWAY MAND Macie"'°"' A let, 1um1 hlry--....... w- ,,,,, Quaffty •• s ~ SUGAR fine Granulated 5-lb. bag '5c ~b··~ I Detergent• TIDE SUPURB ::. .... s~ ~ ··~ ·PllCO lfftCTM TlllB., Fil~ UT .. f1lllM'I" 11, f2. - AT OU. CMn WIWAY nom mn ... II -... SllJ .......... __._ ................................. ..... ~,.SAFEWAY STOIE ·HOUIS DaUJ ....... ,,. .. ( FrtdaJ UI I p. m.) Sanday 8 L m. to 6 p. .. I , 1722 Ne•porl Blvd., Costa Mesa PLINTY OP PAlllNG ON LAIGI PAYID LOT • ; PAGE if· PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSOA Y. FEB. I 0, I 95! Chief Pushmataha, Cherokee lnd~~~h~ u!~~~~ Y~~:z:sh~~~~~hich contain 1ebool auppli ... Meaa, bleues a group of third grade children in recent toys and health articles, are needed. 'Kneeling in front clauroom visit at Corona del Mar school. The children, of Chief Puahmi.taha are Carolyn Kee1er and Barbara now studying Navajo Indians, told the chief about send-Bennett. Others,. left, are Tommy Yonkman, Ricky ~rp. ing aeveral hogan kite at Christmas time to NB,¥ajo In-Chief Pushmataha, Eric van Hall, Pam Meyers and Mra. dian children on reservations. Mrs. Fred Lang, teacher, Lang. -Staff Photo ~-----~ ~---...:'--------------------~ MESA COUNCIL OKA YS EAST 18th STREET ZONING LOCAL FOLK I NEAR GORING conua~ from First P ast Buffalo Butts t1f1ed lhat "u we approached the lnters..,ctlon. my left arm wns Cl k' H a round my boy. I saw another car ar s orse ·" Suburban Residential Area con11ng through the lntel'9ectlon. I pulled """ up 11gain.11t me. hl8 tact ,··n 'Stampede' wai. aiz11t1111t my 1odf'. Thr n !ht cra.'lh occurred," The wltne"-" 11atd she did not Gene Clark, owner ot the l'\ew· Changed to Light Business keveralng a City Planning Com· ll'llHIOn recommendation, <.:011ta Mua. City Council Monllay night a pproved rezoning of E. 18th St. f rom a 1Uburb&n re1ldtntl11I aru to a llchl bu1lnea11 dlatrlct. The vote wu 4-0 with Councilman Charltt TeWlnklf'. a re111dent ot th• area concf'med, d1•qualltylng htm~lf. It a ppeared to ~ city plannt>r •u city planner during the p11bhC' h earlns on the alx m ontha delayed rezonin( requested by a J>4!tlllon ot re111dent11 In the approx1m11tl'ly two btO<'ka affected belWC"1'1 New· port 11ntl Orangr AVt"I'. Lt'ading th, flitht tor approval w11~ A r· thur H. MC!ytr•. member or th!' c'omm1111ion Spearhudlng com· m ission rorcc11 against the r('zon· lnJt u preeentec1 wu C"halrman Walter WP.lmer, • re111dl'nt of 182 E. 18th St. P:XPA!llSIOS tU.AT£D Action by the council ap~ared lo pave the way for up1uu1lon ot the downtown bu1lne11 dh1trlct znnlng from 18th St. to 19th St. ~tween Its pru••nt location and OrangP A\'I'. Pla.nnlng Comml1111· lont'r R. L PattP.raon told the rouncllmen, "If th~ zoning la ap· p roved, tht'n It 11hoo1<1 be exttn<led to M11.ino1ta, Broadway, Flowtor and I !Ith SI. Wc-'ll havr pt'tllions within lhP yr11r f<lr addltt<lnlll re· 'lonmr " Ml'y,.rs sa1J he tavor~!1 ~UC'h a concentr11ted buiolne1111 11rea "l don't like a l<ho .. 11tr1ng buicmeu 1l1;1tl'lrt one !itreet w1d0 11nd five m1 lu Ionic," the <.'om mlii11loner dP· darr<I. Ht' dt~rrlbe1l hlm!ll'lf u the only membPr ot tht Clt,v Pl&n· n1n~ Comm1111ton who vt1te1I In favo r of t.hr requt'flt~ rt'ZOnlnit. "l'm !!Qrry to ha••t to vote In op· poaltlon to the majority, but you cannot atop rrowth In Cofota Mu a bf'cauae 11omeone (etot. In t he Wll)' or C'XpanNIOn. All ball all It Ill, pl'U· pie havt' to move out ot the way," OPl~ION8 F.XPREfoltlf:O Am on)( thoae vipresalng opln· Ions In the packed Newport J us· tree Court Monday night were A E. Long. ~-44 Irvine Ave.: G. W. Crntt. 180 Broadway: G. C. Ba1- lty, l 66 E. 181.h 8t , Randall Mc· Cardle; G.-orl!'e Gardner. 2341. Sa.n· ta AnR Ave.: Comm11U110ner Bar· nty Francqur, Alton Huizh,.11 anrl Mrs. M. Lingerfelter ~ · . _M~Car<l le 11ummed \Ip ~Pr•rt>nt fe1•hnit or tht 11ud1enre wh<'n he 'a1t1. "I bellrvt" by far thr large part ot the pt'ople art' 1n favor nf the rrzoning. If thr cha irman Ir• .. ferr1nic tn Welmeri 111 prrjud1ced. I hellt·VP ht' ehould dlsquallty h1111· &elf. tr thP majorit y w&nt" It, prob11 bly the rnmmunit ;v will bf' bell<'r oft tor hA Ying It " CmmC'1lman A L.. Plnklty point- ed out the ~tttton had befn 11ub- m1l11•d tut August. "T hey paid thPlr mon<'y." the councilman n id. "lhPy 11rt' entltlt'd lo an an3Wer " H,. moved the rez.onmg a11 rl'q11el!ll ed. Tht• .!lecond came from St>rt Sm!lh. 11ttrndlng the meellnit des· p1te h11vmg hi• ltg. rect'ntly brokl'n tn tnur places, ln 11 ra at. Andersen, Principals to Attend Conclave notlred ~peed tlf t he other ><UlU port Harbor BuffaJo Ranch, nt r· ''r the one In which 11he wu rid· 1·owly avert~ Injury yeatt>rday 1ng AJt,.r the cm.sh, sht' 11ald Mre. when a rampaging buttaJo gored Puul Huffman. ht'r 11ll'lt..r·ln-law. the-horse he wa11 riding, wa. U11own out or the auto an(l Clark and Romer Jo'Ollter. cow- h(·r aon. Rickie, wa11 thrown poke, were riding herd on tht buf- again!'Jl the duhboarll, falo when the animal became en- <'HILD IMPALP:U .raged. The charging buffalo a ni1 She iu1id Rhe 11uftered a brok.en three oth•r11 atar;ed a small 1tamp- ankle. cul ovei' o~)'e and n deep ede. knee ,1re11h. Ricki,. reportedly Wa.'\ The pair tried to cut the anger· lmp&lt•d by the gearshift or 1 he ed cow from Ule other three Clark car · snd the COW Were caught In a •Six othi-r wlt.neaM• preceded small canyon when the buffalo Mr11. R. J. Huffman to the w itnen towered Its heart An(! chsrged. 11t11n<l Thc-y were Mra. Paul Huff-Clark'• horse wiu 1tored In the man. Cerni De Loge. NPwport right hind quartrr and knO<'ked lo 13<-&l'h high school 1tudent wlio the jt'round. throwing Clark tree. hv1:tJ n•'IH th•· &l'cldl'nt 11cene . (' R1·x Albright. ra.nch rorenran, In H. Mc V•JY. her father: Thomu W., a truck aiding In tht' round-up. Clnrk. rPt rrl'd a1111111tant 11upt'rln· drove Into the path ot tht' charg· tent1enl In Orange County road dt'·, Ing buffalo before it a ttacked partmf'nt. Leo De Lo11 Rios. CaJl· I Cl&rk. The r•n<"h ownn jumped tn fom lll Highway Patrol. and Mellon his feet to run to the safety ot the M11.xwl'll, who tre11ted Rick It' at I truck, P.11eaping Lniury. Hr1a g Hn11pltttl. Tnl\J lA now in to11rlh day anol Is l'XJlt'<'lt'd to rontinul' through next """"k S 1500 in Clothing Taken from Cleaner Too Late to Be ' Classlfled 12-Bolldlag Sentjcea CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats SA NTA ANA tO (' N S I Ap· pmxlm11trly l lti(lO worth nf <"loth· 1nir ha.• br"n 11tol1•f\ from a 1 le&.n· lni: f1rr11, tt932 Newror1 Rlvd. ~hr r\f(',. t1rr111tiu r"porlet1 T'Ut'll· +lny Sup<"rmtendent Roy 0 Ander· I Ot'pUllP11 said the e11tabli11hmenl 11en 1tnd two principal• ot the New· I w11 .. lootPo1 so1nettme dunng Mon- port Bt•ach EIPmtnlary Sl'honl ni,. !IA)' n11tht Curtis L. Dlllo, owner lrlct W"'" a ur horlzt"d on Fl'b. I J nnd op<'nHor, said a rear. door hup by th., board of trustees to 11 ttmd 1 wa ... pMNl eoft lo gain <.'ntry. a l.'Onf Prence in Santa Rosa Dillon wu una.ble to de!ll'ribe Th<> Annual Elementary Admln· the 11tnlen arttclPll. Tht' <'IU!h relt'I .. !11trator I! Conference wlll be hel•J I ter was broken open 11-nd 12 worth the Wl'ek pnOr to local Ea.liter Of penniea lRken. C'lothtng WU vacat ioa which le A.prll 8 through acatter ed a round the fl~ of the 0 Homt'r Har~Ovl', W 8·6770 12c211h l.OST -Green Pa.rakttt naml'd "Pretty Boy" In Coat.a Meaa. Re· ward. Ll 8·4827 or LI 8·3031. 17. place. J2c l4 28-81tuatloaa w .. ~ GARDENING NEW LAWNS. rt'ne>vating nr mto·' tilling. Yard ullJS"'-'P by the mo Frei' eatimate11. Earl <'orrnnrii. Harbor 2791-J. 12f1H MAPLE dining eoxl. t11blr 11n<I II <.'halnt. Suther llt'Bt8 IV hn<'kll lnfm·rt'd ftltlndarrl h\mp. rri;:u latnr It humt•hri•'r f••r OXYR<'n tank. Har. 37l3·M b,.fore II am or aftr r II p.m or all day Sun. day. IOcH PAYNE pan .. lalr Jo' A, healer 1(),000 BTU, Jrt gla11s 11lmost new. Thermoetat control, 40'Y ~t.. U 1·7ZOO. l2cl 4 O'OEI"& • MER.RM'T "'"'" I rood tondlllon, 14!). Rar. «24-M I ~ 12~ '"'"" ss ,...., 8aw6e! 10-fl'T. SXIPT, with oen. Sood 10ndit1oa. ••o. Har. OIZl-J l:ZCU STAR PINS FOR MOTHERS UA-Apta. for Beet Pinning replica Star Scout pina on their mothcn at Monday night Scout-Court of Hon- or are. from lefl. Gsry Dunn and Mkkt>y Wienl'nga. both of Troop 6. Coeta Maa. -Staff Photo ' • ·1 l"UR.N. NEW l bdnn. apt.., _, Udo 11hopplng, S70 mn yrl y !\03 Uni 8t.. Newport Rrit• h. l2eH ONE GOOD IU TOPS ANOTHER Walttr Weimer , claalnnan ot fosta Mea City PWminr Oommlaalon, wu topped by Oeorp Gardner durins lb• I:. lltla SL reaon.lnl' dell&te be- fore Meaa city cOllftcil Mon· clay night. Wtimer, •lthoush oppoalnr the ruonlns. pointed out, "l ahould be ln tavor ot It for ti.nancial reuone. I pald only , JOQOO tor my home on E. 18th St. and would be able to Mil tt for three tlmea that much In a bu.elneaa sone." Gardner, of 230 Banta Ana Ave., roee t o aay he thought he bad beat Weimer. "I bought • hou.. on a half acre for MOO." Gardner declared. MESA CENSUS C•tlalll'd f rom nnat Pase MOO by the flt-e department and the remainder ' from city tire fund a. MAPS APPROVED Approved tentative and final map1 of a alx·lot Dike and Col· grove aubdlvlalon on Bay St. at A..nahelm and Mapl<>. Accepted wtth reg-ret a letter of realgnatlon from Willard B. Mel•tt of the City P lanning Com· miaalon. Mellott pve hl1 heaJth u the reaeon for realgnlng. Moved City Attorney Donald Dunsan makf! nece.aaary changea In the land uae ordln•nce lo term- inate varlancu (T&nled w!th In- dividual occupancy ot premlaea. The motion WU made upon re- queet of Cottey tor clanflcation. Author ized the city attorney to aet up delegation of authority tor f r&ntlng permit.JI under the bUlll· neM license ordinance on money· ra11!ng benefit aale11 where t•ea are waived. "DIVIDED HIOHWA \"' Pa.aaed a re90lutlon. u recom· mended by Coffey, uklnc the State Highway · Commlrulon to rescind deetlnatlon ot Newpott Blvd. from 20th St. aa a freeway and, instead, declare It a.a a divid- ed highway with limited croaalnga and without aervlce roads. "Until the freeway de1Jlsn•llon 111 chang- ed," Coffty told council, "It can't be a nylhlnc else:" Tabled until the next council meeUnc a recommendation by Cottey that a proaecuting attor· ney be 11amed for the city to ex· pedlte court work now bandied by the C·OUnty. Gave pem1ls11lon to Coftey to attend the annual mPettng ot <'lty manager• at Santa Rosa Jo'eb. 23·~. Call~ an adjourned meetlnr next Monday nlsht ao Boy Scouta could take over council ttutlH In ob&ervation of the 41ith annlvJ r - sary ot Scouting. YOuttt Enters G•Ht Plea in· Dope Case A. sullty plea to poueaaion of marij11ana wu entered In Super· lor Court Friday by John Edward Stevena. IA. 219 20th SI. He rl'· que.i.ed a probation h.arlng Mt by Jullg-e John Shl'a for Fl'b. 21\, 9 :3'1 a .m. Stevena la free on $1000 ball. Steven1 waa the ninth youth a r- realctd by Newport police ln a re- ctnt marijuana roundup. . . 'It's A Bl g World. Locky Finds on Rrst Trip Alone Bond Sale Gives Mesa New Sewers When a younr mu l•v• home lo encounter the un known world which Ilea out.aide hl.8 front yard, h• mu.t be prepared for all even· tualltl•. Locky .Aal!lam knew thla. He carefully prepared hie departure, aelecUnl' only thoae thlnp which '4fould be moat Important to hla exleta.nce. The adventurer travelled llcht. A bull-y aultcue would 900n be· come a burden to a man depend- ent on hi.I own two t~et to take him Into adventure. waa everyol\e T No Urhta wa.rmed the empty, black window• and thp dark wa. rapidly robblnc him ot u y deelree to -k new cool!· A Sl00,000 bond aale was •P· nent.I. proved by the C"<Wa M<'aa Sant• He turned ~<'k, relut"tant to &'Ive up hl• bold (!}an, but anxioua tary D1Ktrk t Jut Thursday nlsht. to 1url'ounc1 hlmaelt w1U1 fanu har I Bids wt>re opened and the ront ra1•t thlnaa again. H la feet picked u_p awardtod to Tayh1r 11nd C'ompanf the tempo of h.la heart and he hur· at a \•ary1n1t lnte1·••11t rate. rled back -'?ver the dlnanc-e, tug· , &'Inc at the plllow caae which wu The bond sale will cover 1n11talla• al~ady crowtng heavy. lion ot new aewl!r llnt11 In an an· He waa tired and the toy1 In h la nnahon rovf'rlni; Harbor Blv1I. pillow caae were heavy. He'd I from Vk•torla north to the clly walked u far u Horace Enalgn PlLLOW CA8.E t:l!IED achoo!. a far pl~e Cor a lad of 6· llm1t1<: Wll1<.m St. trom Harbor A pillow cue woukS do. Locky who llvem at 1706 Clay st. Evm lo Newpoft Ave ... Avocado from eelected hia equipment carefully, the 110 nntJt and the allp of p&Pf!r College to F)llrvl<·w; Falrvh•w droppe:! lhem Into tbe ca.ae. Then In hla po<!ket with hla name and tro'll Victorhl north' to 1he 5lty he checked hh1 pocketa-eve.ry addrt'H on It had not been very llmlt11: Collr)te Ave. between Vic· thins wu In ordtr l<>' meet all reaaaurlf\g. torla and Wllaon: wc-5t 011 H1utw.>r emercenclu. MOTHJ:R WAITING Blvd on Victoria St itrul Inc-hat· The young ma.n qulell~· lf'ft I \ 'h<>n lw 1ca1•hed hie own yard, 'ing I.Int•>< on Pomona 'b.,1""'''n lflth home, He m•e hla way down there WM someone to, greet him-I St a.nit Hamilton. J.11-yf'r b••· the at~t .... t tamtllar land· hi• mother. When he aaw ht'r 1 twnn 10t h and tt11m1lton . 111111 marks. He tound hlmaelt ln a Locky forgot thr spankmg that Anshc-1111 hetwef'l'I 19th rtn•1 B A \'. bewildering. mase of huge build-, afternoon which had made him 1 Altnrnt'\' Di•n n un ,1111 "' 11;" Inga, hie f1rat city. But where think of nmnrng awa\'. I 11 d. 1 1 ,.. ~t 1 1 ------------·------------·-----sHn ary l!S rac· ~tllu Ul f'I'•'~ r a ··~ on lht• bnno1 Mir wnulrl lw fhl•'" PALMER BUCK ., I trn building. 3t00 Vhl Lido, tac-'I per cent from tflM·'l\!l, threl' an•I • Ing the old and nl'w Palrntr quar· a quuter from lll70·'7.'I. A pn•· ler11. • mlum of $311 will 1:1(' p1wl. -ContJnued from '1nat Pas • The former otrk t of r11.lmer and ------ Mesa Man S..ks Battery Probation Jacobi!. Buck told the News-Prellll tht loan •·ompany are nt·cupltd the agreement under which UuC'k by a11 aftlllated rl'al estate firm, entered Into with Palmer stated P . A. PAimer. In<'., anct Lido Prop. that neither P . A. Palmer nor r . crlil's, Inc. For the most part Lido A. Pll&mer, Inc., waa to enter Into Isle an(I the Lido propertlu dtVl'I· Pr11batlon hrsring for J nhn the il\llurance bu1ineaa ln comp4!tl· oi-ment wen! developed anrt ad· Richardson Turnt>r. 30 . .,, 21 90 I wt h w o 8 k In 1 mlmstcri-d by P . '?\. Palmn. Ii i~ { ton t . . uc . c .. ao ong firm h8.11 promoted ent1 dPvelop•'d Orange Ave .. C°" a Meaa, ha• bN n a.a W . O. Buck wa11 alive or In the Ud 1 1 ( h Mt for F,.b, 2:'>. The 111~pe.·t pl,.1111 -. 1 o ~ e or mor·e I a.n a qul\r· in11urance bualneaa. ter·r~ntur" Palmt'r 11 the fourid· I ed gullly to 11 ball.try chargo• '" • MONEY OWED BUC'K tr', presld;nt and sdi\·e ms iong-er Nt>wport J u11tlC'r Court M<inofay. -The defenda.nt'a attorney aaid In I ot the Newport Dlllboa Savlngll I Hr _'A"•s reh•oioed nn ht• own N·•·· accordance with a wrlten audit rl'· l and Loan As.<1odation. 'rrgn1zs11ee port, P. A. Palmer. Inc., waa In· I T urnl'r. a C'81'J'l'nlrr. we11 book- debtt'd to W. 0 . Buck on Del'. to. • <>d by Me1<& police at 2 :40 pm. 19!13 In the aum Of $1137.80 tor Clayton Dies SaturllRy aftrr a romplaJnt Ill'• which Buck hlld received no credit. ('Using him of u1111ult wu 1llflll'd Jacob.I aaid that In answering 1 H •1 I by his wife. Palmer'• complaint, counsel will a osp1 a ------------- tile a complete denial of the doe· f lhl' 0 . Ht'nry lshort •toryl AwaN1. ument and ln addition bring an 1•1 p d• Since tli<'n he authort>c1 thr••e acUon agalnat P. A. Palmer, Inc., I es en 1ng b<>Okll. Sill Ant:l'lll on My Bark. and P. A. Palmer Individually, /or w 111t i:;0n, Oi·tob••r Is Nl'&r, 11n<I an lnjunct1on lo rutrain Palmer John Bell Clayton ll. 48. 120 Walk Towud the Rainbow. He from continuing hla actlvltlea In I Rocklt>dge Terract, Laguna Bcar h, 'tla/J rrcf'ntly been working on the lruru,..nce bU1lne111, either di·' novella! a.nd short •t~ry writer. another nnvPI. had ju111 complC'll'd rectly or Indirectly There wlll be dlo·d 11ud<lenlv this morning In Hosg t ' h l 1 _, M. th · • , IVI' s or JJ 011ea, 11ny o l'rll another action filed, ht' dtclarPd I Memorlul . H o 1 p I tal. :'l:ewport have i>l'rn published In "alk k" agaJnat Palmer for J!I0,000 In dam·' Bf"Rch. sfler an lllnt>1<11 ot three 1 agee allegedly su.etarned by Bu<'k. l we .. ks. mllJ(R7. nt>s. ADDITIONAL SUIT &!rn In Cra1gvi11P, Va ., he was I He movt>d to l..ajtUna Beach "Buck ha.a been adviaed that the ii·actuattd fr<1m the University of ab<>lft two y o>ar1 ago With hu• •tachmentA which have bee.n plac· I Vlq:m1a and startt'A.~ref'r w~. Martha Carmlchatl Clayton, ed aptnat all hi.11 bank &<.'counts I a~ a rrportrr in Washingt on. O.C. 11lster ot 110n~ writer Ho&JtY C11r- and property &rt' Illegal and upon I whl're he worked wit h the !amou11 mlcharl of t he aame addren. 9,.. complt-tton or thf' present law-w1tr corruponrlc-nt Ernie-Pyle and i!ltlea ht1 wife ht 11 1urvlved by a ault, It I• Buek'a Intention to tllf l Drew f>t>urllon·,. partnn. Robert eon, Clldtl John Bell Clayton .n1. an additional a.ctlon for damag,•11 All••n. <>f t hr Wuhlnitton Merry· who will be graduated trnm \\ ••JOit qaln1t Palmer tur w rongful a l· i:o·ruuntl Ht> bera me 111anaitlng Point Military Acad,.my th1- tachment." Jacob11 stated. I l'tlltor of a new,.pa~r ln Charlot· •prlng. a.nd a •later, Mrs. Mary A bout the time ~lmer moved lt·~vlllP, V.,. later W31 a&l()c-iated Bartley of Deertlrld. v~ hie loan ast1ociallnn to Ila new, I "''1th the San fo"rancll!<'O f:umlnl'r. Strvlceii a re pf'ndlnr: In S11n pluah b&yfront edifice, Buck lran11. 1 Entering the tlfld ot fiction, hla Jl'rancl11<'0 with La1'1na Be1tl'h !erred hiJI bualneN from the form· tlr1t atory, The White Circle, pub· Funen.I Home In c:harre of ar· er Palmf'r ottlcu to hia new, mod· llahd __ tn_. _H_arper'• won,1 for h_Lm--~~~enlll_. --------- PAY-LESS OfllN MOHf & DAY & HOUDAYI aCllOU HIGHWAY JIOM N0A0 MO»nM NEWPORT-JOI NIWPOltt 11.w.-COSTA MESA \ YOU TOO CAN FOR THE BEST USED .CARS LOOK FIRST IN THESE PAGES, WHERE QUALITY GOES WITH PRICE We mean it: O• classified ads are hll of wonder· ful bafCJCllM 111 top-qHlity llHd cars ••• Dealers bow abotlt ow bit circulation and the q11kk mutts 0. •• brlat . . . Let • help yoa sell your car I • SELL IY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS Call Harbor 1616 • HEARTS GALORE were in the making at the fi..na.I work party for the Philhumonic Society Ball, to be held tomorrow night. Meeting at the home of Mni:. Jack Com, 1061 ~ North Bay ..Front, Balboa Island, were (L to R) Thelma Paddock Hope, in charge of decorations; Mra. Alfred Payne ot Laguna Beach and the h0flte88, Mra. Corn.-Staff Photo HARBOR GfRLS 'interested in a 'nursing career 'attended a tea al Orange County HOl- pital with Mra. Normall Gamble, Left to right are Mines Dort. Backu. and Caro I Rorick, Mn. Gamble, Mines Pally Grant and Brenda Albarian i.nd Mn, A. Norton Donaldaon. -OCNS Photo Naiad Mariners Plan 'Criuse' to Big Bear Nursing Career Attracts Young Harbor Foursome. Philharmonic Ball TomorroW-s Even-t The·courwe hq -bffn cl'l•rt· t'd for the Mariner Bhlp Naiad 1.11d the Mariner. are looking tor· ----------------------------·tward with keen anU<'lpatlon to Valentine Theme SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Kon and olher organlu.Uonai r&!Md th.r.n 100 Oranl'• County bJgh moNI tnan. •zooo lut year t o make ldlool (irll who arw lnlel't!•led ln It poMlble for 14 (irl• froin tht. a nur1ln1 caner attended a tea county to begin nurw•' tnlnlnr. T!luraday &tl.emoon ln the santa 'Ole au.Utary Interview• and .tie· Ana Community Clubbouae. Four l«t. 1tudenl.a to whom the .cholar- Harbor (irLI attended, with MTll. 1hlJJI anll aponaoral'ilpa are pre- Norm&n A. Gamble. aented. Jt wu annOWI~ tllal-ap. <'Omln,lt' evt nta. Firat will be when, welchtng anehor under .. 111ng or- OOarl'I "land yachta" and erulae to After a movie on nunlng Mta. plleaUona will be aecepted after AUeM John.on, director of nurMI April l. at Or.r.nga County K~ltal. con-InlerHted (irla may cont.a.cl ducted a dlscuulon perlod on the Mra. A. N'lrton Dc:lnald&On or Mra. for kl'a. a. T. Cl•~"' 42T Ban Bemardll)O An .. Newport Height• la <:Ubr-Unl' ber IOUr. blrtJlday on "'1day, Feb. 11. A .urprl.M blrtJI· day pUty .... held In Mr honor la th• form of a buff.t 4laMr al U.. ham• of her daUl'hler, Kn. non GuldJard, m ~Ur. SL M•inlM'r1 ot th• family p..-l -rw: Mr. and Mra. a. T. Cl.a~. Mr. IUld Mn. Ha.roW Jam•-of lcM.&Ui. Gate. Rona.Id H. JamNOft ot !19rkeley, Mr. an4 Kn!. llalph 0.Uy and dauchter Ctndy of Dow· nay, Mn. Clara Harny. Mr. and Kra. Jl'tnn Ouldjord. 8~ Aan· dra and o.r,. Guldjord or New· port Beach. Mesan l!.ecuperating k.rl. Jl'red Coleman or 20J4 r.d· •ral Ave., Coat& Meaa. 11 CQnYll- .c:tnr from a Mrtoua Uln-of mort than two mMthl. Mr. and Mr._ Coleman obMrved their 4tth weddlnc anni~r..ry on. Jan. 1. STOl' DREAMING OOME IN TO•OIUtOW '1t ·lo -f .. tio -.. _.., - ·--' • ''"" ff. ..... 1 .. - "''"' ,,... ...... Off .._,, lhl«ho . .· ... WU!Kll·-----· Plwaaa for a P'NUmlftvJ "'1Jrt Anal)'ll~ Harbor 1.742 Sll1 E. c-t Blvd. c.r.. del Illar COM FOAEIGN TRAVEL SBYICE 35421/z E. Coast Hlway c.-..... Hart.or 1246 Coline Gibbon•· Dorothy McKenn& • Marruerite Hurbea SJ'""'alhl•l la lade,_-1 1-rvleo,-lotln,.-'----- e"°9es • • • AB pbuee. of foretp tra,·el ud rMOrt VM*Uona. COLINE • Bir lffoar for an overntg-ht camp- ing trip. Thi• l• ara annu•I e.vent ·each wlnte.r. overall nursing picture. Joaeph L. Root ot the Au111llary 8 DOROTHY MARGUERITE for Benefit -On·Mareh Ii th• Marlner Bcoul.I. will honor 1.11nJver111ry of their S,ON CE w rt•o ReT {H A'JR e o R '"' " •••pp .. '·-·· th• <'•'• founder, Juliette. Lowe in a <'ere-Or1i.:ht \'i.lcnlln<' <1l'ror11 Uon• In mony al 3 p.m. In Ntwport Har· l~ W.M reyealed •m1c..•_.sJ,Y..~ite ~lJ,!!l!!!,.l_J_~~~~l:!_e~~"~;;;-;;;;;~-;;·~-~-·~-~·~·~~~· ~~:;~:;;;;;;;::;;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;~-~- St. Jam es Auxiliary Board ·Entertained ahnrku1g pink and 1<1·h1 te 1u1d lh" OOr Hlfh School. The publie 11 ln- nai.•ir or 1-'nu ikl.-Ortr i:a and hl~ MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor \i ted. or1·h1·~1ra wlU provld<' 11 i:ey IJ>u·k·t -----------------------------1 L&ttr in the apring w ill be the gronn··t ror "ron~ora 11nu ratron~ NEWPORT H•RBOR NEWS PRESS PART 11 PAGE I '"Oam" of au s outh!'m c 111rom 111 o f !h• Orrini:<' County l'hlltiar· "'l • -• J.fat!11<!'r Shipa, to take pl111ce Lhl1 ninnu: ~)(ll't,\' an•I !heir gur:11~ THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955° year at H11.n1en D111m near S11.n "'·hen thry 1CllU11·r Fnd11y ~ven!ni: Fernando. Thia 111 mot1I Im portant fnr th,.1r ftt"X\ "l.:11·e Yuur Hc11 rt to II'" l'h1lh;•rmnn1C"" Boll Cue9t!I TRITT-ROSS ENGAGEMENT <!'vent of thl! yo:a.r for the M111rinf'rt1. i..•111 h•• 1·n1u111i;: for t h1 11 .. 1•rnt. not onr !\'("" n~1111,v 11ro•1111 or Orang1• "'"""· '"' """' ,,., '"•"'" •· IS ANNOUNCED IN OHIO v.•,.11. 111111 110111<!' fro1n llJI fll r lt.1'1'11~· a.• '1""·'~ , ~1 r 11n!I J.f ra. Charita c . Rosa or Cuyahoga Falll, Ohio This ll<'nefit tlinncr dll MI! ri·r>-''~"" 11t11•u1111c<'<I thr <'ng11n11·nt of their d11.ughlr r. Uura Le•, r<':o<'ntn !II" fi1·11t· tllaJur rund·r1.i1-1.., \\'illuorn ~·.Trill, 8011 nf ~f r. a.nd Mn1. \VUUam 8 . Tritt of lnlC' Pffnrl or Oran(r Cnun1y'11 o .. ·n Here Relatives For Funeral Walker of Mrs. 11yrnphonv ,.0r 1ct>·· "'hl<'h ""''~ or· L>1lo 1 ~1<'. Th" v.·tJ(llng la to t11.kt pince !eter In the 11.prln.-. «anl'Md t•1~l "1111)' unrl('r 1hi-lead· L11 11ra 1.t"e is a gra•lua tp or Culorado \'Inman'• Colle1e a.nd ).fr. and J.1r•. \\'alter Hon<!':vcutt er~h1p nr ~·r1f'(l11 H••hnfa11\t of Kent SlA \f' I 'n1\'f'r11ity, Ohio. She 111 a m~mber or Alpha Jert F riday mom!l\iif for their ho111e C0ron1< del '-lnr 1 .... ,.~ 1 tu1n a }'<!'llr Ga1nn1a Delta in Trlluri<le. Col . .11rt"'r comln1; to Desert wood, hung with red Valentine h eart&, wa.s cen· ter adomment for the luncheon buffet ~able on Wednesday, Feb. 2, when Mni. J . H. ·Riggs entertained at her Little Is- land h omie, 211 Bay Front. The hostess is new president of the Women'• Auxiliary of St. Jameg Epiecopal Church snd gucet.1:1 were board and committee membera. ~l me!I. H111rry Ca"e>·· Vic!' prr1i· (!f'llt ; Thom•UI Frr•1\, 11CCtr\111ry and l'hslr m11n or St. Ja.n'• Gu!ld: Har- ()ld Hl•nrd1 k, trt MllUT?r: H•tOl<I IJl!ck , UTO ch11 ~rrnan ; Mt1rlltH1ll Kttler, cha1 mu•n of MX"lal rTl•- Now • the Time to have your FURS RESTYLED Ynur outmoded fur eoat rt"- 1tyled lo a amart alole-or clutch eapoe. Thia la th• alack period and to k•P our work· room buay w• an otfe-r!Jll' VEBV 81'flCIAL "Off • Seuoa" PRICES SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY &1~% oL•I. l h•• ">"n!/>honr i:roup h1111 , 81 11. a third grn<!'r•tlon C8 Ufom lan. ""'N grandu.ated from the ro111sl for fun..,r111 l or ).I r. f:~(\- •"""n r''l'!•!ly t" " n'""'l)t'nth11• IJl 'LA ,,.·iirl'•· II<' w.1111 pt~lli<.lent of lhe A'-IS, a membl!r ot Var-ward '''11lk1-r. 27th St J.l r. H11ney· or 4C><• ,.,,,.n,,.,,.,. 1u "l p•lron• anJ •lly Club. Phi Oemm• Della. J"I Dalla l:p.tlon, Alpha Kappa eull I• th., Min of Mra. \V111l ker f<Jnr ,.,,,,,.,.ti ~ ~'' fnr h.11•·e ~n and a rorn1!'r Harborite. Jotra. Riggi r"ported on the tUI· null.I m~ting of the \\'oman'a Aux. illary o! th<' Loe Angelea DioetRe, held •t St. f'aul'a Cath~tal. She also gave hlghl1ght11 of !he Hiit· more Bowl luncheon honoring Gen. Oouglu MacArthur. Alao all"nd· lnJt lhl' dlocuan m<'f:Unr were ~l111e11. Man1h•ll KN"l<!'r, Arthur 11on1 and educ..llon; Harry i;·l'l· 308 Nortb aro.dwl.J S..ta ha !OOfl. IUflply: Ja("k f'inkhlll'll, dt.VO-ILnge. public rrl11llon11: !Jan l'att1-1 l~~::::======~================~i Aun<!'. Jack f'lnkhem. Thoma• !J. t10111 : Arthur Aunt', pl'riQd1r11.l&; Froat and llarry C111ey. J<!'l'ry Hall, Allar Guild, l:katn c• 1•.111 fr.11tern1tl<!'11 end Gold Key, He ta MW ••M>Clated W11h RCA · 1"h••11 111 \'ll1'!tll1'! ,-nn11nu11l!1"1 Al.a comink tor lhl! funerlll Wllll 1..·.,11111ul\1·1: <'!\a11·1H:111 h11•·r bt•en \'t•rpc>r!IHon . a COUAin. Ar<'hle Krep of f'anni<. wo1 :1:n~ ,11<Jus111ou,.ly tu 11u1ke l-----------------------------IId11ho. "'ho ~tu rne11 hotne S•lur- t ll"ir •l»tlr"" ~11r• "~"-~1 1~11 Pl·l.':.i:Y day. Mr11.. 1-~rM Ab•IZ ot Pecker KlnJt u( Xl:t: '" tu t>e thl' "•'•·-M B 11 D Dam h•a boeton With hrr mother Plana wer~ ln•u~raled for the I Abl'll, 1"'1•d1hng h011\e,.1 : M.11rcu,r· July Jlllft:V. lhe A11lli!\ary'1 nn" lte ~t urphy, !:>t. C,.,.,.li1'11 Guild; H. fund·nlllllng f'Vf'nl. I~ 011r11nd1>r. SL £t11.abeth'11 G1old; Sharing ~fni. Rigl!:•' luncheon Ann MeAIU•ler, Mt. )lar~tt•• hoe.p ltal!ty were 11'\ .. rollowtng: of-Gulld; l'auJ Kane»n, St. Ann'• l k•n1 a nd ("l\a1rmen; G111!d, and Mary J..ou TUmer, pit· Uptown Cleaners OF LONG IEACH --.un~,. !< ... Ut<'<l l>llj;~I'. "hllf' II • ason·-a uo and l lPp·flllht r Jllnl'e Chrfalnll8. ){)(:al <\;,nee tr11m will pru\'hl"' In· ltfl la.a t We<!'k ".'Ith h"r h1111b111nd 11·rp1 r 1.11 1.•n~ .. r bftllrooru <1111ncln,;. --------------IL•h Vl a!tor. for hom~. '"""'"" ...... ,, .. , ............. "'" Un1·te Ta·lents #Vtnu1,1.: "'I ll b<• th•· 1'111n t1n~ of 011 por1r .. 1t11. d"n~ on lh•· •P...1-lln<! ··"·n11r \'OU 1<1·1oit" by Thrhna l'ad· tl1M·k. ll<Jpe, "'~ll·k 11o"·n Corona de ~t111r !lt'1 l~l an<I (ot'l1>••r ~t11 rr 11rti~t • ff1t ,\II ;~l r:t: .... t.I(\ .\Tio~·:-; ~I ··~. l\lllr"n l>l ~rKre1a BruntnK. pl'rM•ll"nl l)f th<' 111 n1 r•hnr1y hu11rd ,,f 1ll TM'tnr11. "!fl nnv" 111 t ht'r tatilr :-.1 .. 11nrt ~t r~ .1 .. 1111111· ~l,..rrf'r, J..Jf\n 1,.i,. i 'h111I•'" t·.,1,,u n, .,n,J Allan G1.• 1. .. ~ An~"lo '"· '-1 1~. t:. M Jt,l.1•\, H~1·erl,1' H:H •, )Ir and :>I r-1 •1n1 1I~• :)"·•n<h•n, 1'11,.adl'na : :O.l1$ !.11hla (;t'\l,l:hR~en arid ).lr!I. lll Marriage D~signer Living 1n and Artist York New ,..,.,...1 Ftrry. Santa Ana : ~I r. Lr<:I Rosemary Ball and E . Gilbert lolason were married Jan. "hun.-. Fu11 .. r1on: ~1 r. Tti1"n"~ F, 8 at \Vayfarcr's Chapel, nC'ar PortugueSe Bend, a.nd have \1 .~ .. 1 An•I J.tr An•I :>tr .• Ch11rl~11 bcrn honC'ymooning in New York v.•here they are now living. ,, . .,..,.l,., h f · B h f C F n. . f )Ir~ Al\'n•· ~'il'ld~ wtl l bf ho~t· IT <' onncr 1.ltss all. daug ter o 1o1r11. . . 1.1Cnn111on o ._ .... , .. T;io:,.,, ~uf'•I• )Ir J1n1"" Balboa and C. R. Hall of La Habra, is well known in tht! Hi.q ... r, Ahd .. r11 . ~1 1 ..... • E. v11n•t!'r (area for her water color pn intinge and ceramic d"8ign•. Her M•llo'r '.'o\1 l..,.n• llr r1ry. :.i r. Rn<l "'llll<'r ('Olo r "Clan1ming" ""'on ~fll)'· Greeley Daughter 1'11 · Carrnt ~h .. !by ,.·1t h thelr 11H'a ('hOl("e. ,1,.,.1 priu. ki-•t ~ley l nf the Nl.\'Y Kno11 and many •llt1•,.:h!<!'I' "n(I 11un 1111<\ 1'111'11 st.111ll')" 111 111., oull\l\f\r 111111w 1,, l..11guna nlheN. He also d!'!!ligned motion Rl'!i'l>'rt •, 11!1 "' J)1tlla11 . ~tr r U, n,•it• !l She hlll' ··xhihtt<'d 11 t lh<!' pic!url" aetll tor !olO!'l ro-Goldl\')'n· \\'ovot1rurr nf \\'1rh1ta. F11ll•. Tt>.111!'!: F,.110,.,.1 ot AtL• ll tl<1 1,11 nif'nibrr 1'1ar"r 11./'l(I 111ppl\r.nctJ1 and rurn\- 1111,.., )Ir. v~i.~ Sn11l h of 1 .. -.,. ,\11· of \hP l..1-1"""" Hellli'h Art ,\11,....,. lure for mi.nufacturera. A daurht•r wu born to the Al· Ian Gre.tey11., 20i0 NaUonlll Ave .. Cnata Me• on F'•b. 1 at Hoar Hoa· pl ta I. i;:r!t't1 111"'' J:'.U<!'•l )111' ~·1"!11.• has riAt ion. H"t «erft1n1r~ h1n·r bf>rn A• 111n areh(t ffl. hi' hu dtali!:ned <:"h"rtt'tt'•1 11 pliln<!' to tinng hr r l'i<.nihlt"c! in n111N>11n1M .. rv! "'I ,Rn l. m11ny prh'lllr homf'11, cnmpl<!'U. to &'11<'111 ~ t" 1h" l'Julhnrn111ntr Fi.ill lt•ri•!I o1 1 .. 111.i.n,.-rlllt .'I ~,, ..... 111 turni"h1ng1 i nd lnt <'riOr decora- 'T'h1" RIJO<• n1•rk:< !h<' '"~'""..-." of ~···•r.'I 8,_0 on,. "f h<'r hir1:t hAn!\ !Inn• Amnll,lt' lhrafl ~·<!'rie homee J.1 1•,. \'nn•l"r '-1 1llrr ~ hu·thdl" thn>Wn I'll~• mild~ th<' n311nnAI fnr T•:i1iu nil m llllona1 ~. Callfor· \\ ITll <••·•·u·t:R.s t our nt the s~·r10cu~. ~t'"· York, n111 motion p1eture ~t1r1 IUld \\'11.JI A1 t h<· \11\Jl r ••f :-Oii 11nd ~Ir!'. ~fu~r11 n1'11 Annul\\ r .. 1·1un1<· 111\ .. w. Strt<!'l <!'Xecutlvr .. 0 \\'. Rtrhard l\•Jll f)fj l.!1111 Fn••d1t. ~I r. :O.llJll\n, e 1>1tlt<>ll11lly knny,·n n .. t-n r .• nt•· .. ~vn1rh,,n•· 1n111h1t·tnr, ln•h1:atr1111 dr~11:nrr. Arrh1 lt•.t And ~I r.•. h •· l'r11.;u·r . ol l.ag11na rr.g 1n~l'r. hA• "J""flll!t•d off)("f'' ill D,.nrh , ,\ft \\'11lr10 \\'1n(ltr lllnd Nf"' )'0rk. L(l1 .,1,n,i:elea. FL "'orth Jt,l r "'lr1 111n llnllan11 "' I.A ,. An· 11n!I Up11111 on, T••Xi\11. He h!lll bren KP<'~. ar1<! ~Ir anrl :'>l r11. B1·en-\'i,.itinK hi~ Jllll rf'nl11 ~l r. and )lni. hnuw<!'r ,;,r """'' York, Mr. Rirh .. rc! \\'. ~;. ~!111110n , L.oot;un• Be1t.ch. en· la r>n•11!<1 .. nl or th• •ymphony joying 11 ,.,, lltinn btofono JolnJnK all.]OO)<'"IA'I""· A mer1("an AJ rUnrl In the ne1<i·ly Natal Party A family dln-r party la11.t w..111k '11'111• 111 tlt>Mrvllllc .. of !hr fll"Cond b1rlh1ley of lltlle Kr!',e-E!at'rtt, llt'ln "' t he Rob<!'rt Ca("rel~. 211111 \\'11lo Lan.-. Coal• Mesa. F.n;O,\'ll'IJ lh• bi,i: &nJel food blrtholll! •1ke IUld «lft un~pplnc tt;"r.rr 1:11~•l1 Mt. and Mra. ftobeT\ Hoyt 1>1d di.ugh· t<!r Linda. ("re111ted Jl<'Sl or di rt!<'.to.. ot Indus- trial dt11gn at th• ll'llPl'llllVr otfll'f' In :-;"'' York City. Aa C<lfl!lllllant lo Doug-la& Air· err.ft, h111 dl!lllJned the Interior of the famed oc..e .r.nd th• tnl<!'rionl nf Important alrpl&11e1, Pl"f'llldient R(){l11evelt'1 .. Sacl"l'd Cow". Pn•I· d•z1t Trumui."• "lndr pendl'nc•" a.nd th111 Oy\"$ h~adquarte ra for O..n- eraJ EIH.nl'low•r. Gen<!'rai MacAr- thur, 0....-1 o.o.un., &tt.~tuy He 11 a m11mber ot lhll BocietJ nf Inr!u~trla.J Del!l(Tlet•, the Socie- ty of AutomoUv11 Engineers, a.nd 1he lnAlllute ~ the Atronautieil! Sc:len<'r •. Ha i• ll•ted ln Wlto'• \\'ho 1n C<ommf'rre aM lnduatry, \\'ho Kn011·1111.nd Wha.t.. Who'• Who tn the \\'etrt., .r.nd Who'• Who In the South ... ":::~.--_.,,,.. ;;, ._ "J;;""..., 'lr ... --·-·~­-----·r :a":..'='= :"l,-...... .. ----~ ....................... ,,..._ ....... .,-. . -'4.91 -'l.'5 -. For the WOMAN with 01'19lnel IDEAS in SPRING SEWING, we offer: Spring woolens 60 inchee wide. Silka. Silks Ir Viseo&e, creu.e resistant. Nylona. Nylon~ & Acetate. Yam Dyed Ta.ffetu, Parchment Taffetas. Colto111, Tebiliz· t!d. or Stabilized. Cotton 80 Square., Broadcloths, ttc. Sail Cloths, Denim11 .• Linen11, and many other typee. Price1 reng• from 49c to $4.95 yd . BARTINE'S CALICO SHOP t t I F..ut 18th, Cottta M~ Mid WI- ..., .. .. ' ' . . . ----l / "J •• \ . -..-. ..... _,., • Family Reunion In Illinois _ Announce the Openin9 of their new 1tore 1928 West Balboa llYd. Newport l1ac:h • • • • announcing ••• new travel bureau service in Newport Beaeh ... ~~ Only Authorized Agents for all scheduled Air Lines .•• A1i1tltorllecl A91nt1 for Steam- ship Cruises-Tours •.. NO SERVICE CHARGE P-----PHONE----.... I HARBOR 4100 I FOR All YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS ' Harbor Travel Agency JIM HERMAN end BETTY McCULLOUGH 0.. 4ool> ..-of tin M&Uom "' Ille Udo -p .... c.o ... Newport Beach • PAGE 2 ·PART 11-NEWPORT.HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THUR SDAY, HB. '10, 1955 OMICRON RHO FETES SISTER CHAPTER I 11r"'"n. 11r111 n1:1 1"'1'1&•1 0on"«0 I ·~· 11~1· 1' di oil~< U•/, "ti.It l.\Ylnli C~I\ 1i:.111nn ·· HONORED AT TEA-Afembel"S of }.fu Epsilon Chap- . ll"r, Bf'ta Sigma Phi, ~'ere ret~ at tea .h<'ld Sunday in Lido Soud h(lme of lira. \'ivian Bodman. J.~rom left. ~lrs. J ames B. Taylor, Corona del Mar, president Jr gu~st chapter; f.frs. J ack B. QuiL~enMrry. Newport Easter Seal Campaign Headed by New President Mrt. Geor11 C. TllJQ(:k of An11 · h"tm ha. bet'n appoll!ted r-ha1 m1an or the 19~ Eutt:r Bt>•L C11.mpa1gn. i,..r.r11n<1 Spencf'r of F'ull,.rtnn. pr,.l!ld,.nl of th• Ora.nit County 8ot·1 .. 1y for Crtppltd Chlldrrn 11nd Arh1lt11. ha~ •nnounc:<l'd. '.°111'!1. Tnt!ock. a mem~r or lhe Annhr lm Eb<-IL f'"lub •nd Or11n1;e Cnur ty Art Aa.'W>!'ia tion. ha1 IOflg b<>en •rll\'t. in Ille "°"'"'Y· Ht>r hu~ban,J, Gtori;r. 1• 1111 \'lt,.·flr"'"*" dt'nl. Th,. t"•mp•l•n. >A"hlch ~r1n11 )fan:h JO 11.nd t:ii:tencla t.hrou1h l:'\.o.ttr Sundll)". Af'rll l Cl. 111 1he onlv fun•! 1q1peal Jn ""hich tile Orun'e County So1:1tty partlrl· p11 te11. J.lr1. T1Uock t\u l't'malntl· •d Or-.n.i;• County r .. 1d.nt•. H rad']llllrt rr11 hll\"t> been t>•t.llb· IJ11hr•J i t 2:?2 ~: i.:"nttr St., Roc:>m 2\fl, An11h.-1n1 .\IR!'i. C.t:OKGt: C. TATUX'& NDGW Fashion Card Luncheon A 1•Y faahl.on 1ho.,.,·. Luncheon Girl Scouts Sell Cookies This Month and c•rtl party k•ytd to !h• Valtn· Th<! a11 nual Girl St out cookie 1111• lh,.me Wlll be 111tgfil fo'rlday ... 1 .. In t h,. 11 .. r l><ir "n'll I• Ftb. 11 .11 t JZ noon 1n An1rr1e.in VglOn lh1"u11j;h :.'' . .\!r1. A. o Ooc-rg.1H•ll l'l11.r,.nr1 a. hy ri:inch1ta Par· cha1rm1n annnunr .. <I at the month· lor 2it. =-:DC\\', a.'I r artlal bt>n,.•t ly b<>&r•I "1l'•\1ni:-r«rntl)·. 1ft\r lh,. Ch1lnr .. n i VOlln·!atlon• T h,.&<' ·l,.lh 1••1:.• cookie• .,,111 .ell I wtuch 11 11po11110r!'d b» =-:auve for !'lfl r('nt11 11 ho..; i nd l'ome tn D1u~h ter11, Thia i~ .11 pl.1l•nthrop1c , •-t 1 proJf'Ct to •Id rh1ld rt>n nf middle 1v•1r JI frrf'nt •artr\lf"J Th"Y are 111ron1r parfn\1 1n 111ny "·:.y ,..,:here lh,. UM~:it f1!!('d ...,,dwlrh t~·re a11d "•e•ulv<I' ritfwn'e 111 nf're~.-nry. th .. r '.aln ~llr>rl f"O(Hllf I f;.1~ a ne .... · T he pttbtre ,. ln\"llt tl. •ui.;.ar \\ll[•r an,L •h'""\Rte en\··[ ~I n• Rlldr>lph f>eter·w n. chair· tt.-d mint fl111'!!rM g1»11... ~·a m11n ot the WI)"• and mtlUll col'll· pr..-order1 "'"Ill bt t1 ktn \\'h'n millrl', "'!II pr .. sent • !uh.Ion I untform9d Bro"'"lllt• anti GI r I ahow by )Ir•. Betty Y."at.90.n. M.t1. 8cou!.JI tine 1lnor ti .. 11.• !hr \' >A"ltl ) Don ?.funcr y \\"lll t;t tomm~ntator be prrrarr<t 1n <f .. llvrt ., ... , .... of 1111<\ modr!8 w1IJ lnC"lude :\Imes. cQokl"" Cht-.altr Pollard, t.a .... "Tenc• Berge·, B \' t"l\1." r,.,11 ~, .. ,.11 foun<l auc.,ron. W11lttr Nollar, Biii Ed .... rdt., ce.,.ful tn frl'r %P and k('"P u1,.1r 'Frank Ro l:"f>Hl. \\'lllla m O'K.,,.fe cooklt11 for lr.·ng J'l't•O<b nf tline 11nrt :'oll11s Pat :'\"ollar. 1 Th<> rn tlr~ pr<><""''• nf thf' Girl Tha C"Qlllmlltl'I' 111d!ng '-lr11 l',.l· Jkolll , o,nkJe .. ie lt<l 1oward lh• t'rmcm >11cludr1 Mme•. \\'\lhun I fun•I. thnt La 11:ra<\U•ll Y it r"""i ng J.lekher. H,.ltn Col!!n.1. John Jae· tor an .. !U<l•l1~h('•I l111n1n1,..r r 11 n,r Obll('n 11.nd fl \\". Grahsm , •·ho \1 tar H11!·bnt \:1rl !'rout.• All 11 '"· r .. ""rv•ll<>ru rh1irm111n. our ,irirla 11rl' n!IOWl'\1 lo •·1~lt 11un1- mer 1"!011"11'11 or other Counr ll• onl,Y Vet Valentine Dance 1ttt r th,.1r o, .. n mtmb<!'r• &r• !1krn nUC' nf s n,I Qf\t'n lhl' drll!t· :\'rwport Har bor and Oranii:e &hie rr-rir"1~ nr .. j;on" :O.t\\'f'OI t r nunty vet•t&n~ hive beef! 1n\'ll· K.Tbor Counr1I b11.• ),.111: •lrt11n1•d I rd lo 1. \'1.1mtlne•1 Dur <! ol ""·nrnjt' lfll own 'un1n1tr ra mp. d~y nl1ht 111 the ~un ... 1 hopr~ It Tr R)' t>o ro.•!llb!t l'Omt Vetl'rsf\I Club. A 'A'e1trrn day "'Ill pro\1d .. mu:oir ••• at your own time ••• 9:00 a . m. ... +.o. , 9:00 p. m. JOHN •. hair stylist arren9• for evening appointment or atop by lor consultation •• ALICE OF LIDO lo. P9't Orfltt ~~t\ 408 32nc! Har. 2844 Valentine Beta T\VO Groups Tea For Phi Sigma \lfu~J h)' • r•<I h•·11rt nft!lll' 1.1:; irll"iU<!<•,l fl'Jlll '-!U Jo:\l-=l•lll, .1 •l,J; J uhn ~H Uii ~~ JAnlr~ T.:,lu1, l!n\'o· a rd t·11.-....·rU, J••·k Q111.,~11h ·r1 y Rodn#.\' Tr.,tlcr, 0 .... 11 r T.i, ·•'1' t",\ll h.t:."i . 1(11>1 .t:l' M'•KT11ARV ""'"'"rrl.'. 111t.,l1t:L l'HAPU I !O Mro ... t ...... ~ -("-le .. _ l'.lhoo>rt,· M-ll4U e.ad ll·a•lf Ulll "~~lllbl L•l\r(I Ln•Utl n<;O 1 Charlr• H11lry. anrl ~l:F::-o ~1 •1"1· Astnry Omh;ron Rho Chapteii'o( Bela Signla Phi, social tl()ror· h" OthlrrkinJ: 11n11 R~• Jo)' L1hk· All hnr• ••rittt1n. lty, hoetesaed a courtesy tea fo r members of ri!u Epsilon t'}'; fro rn On1ku•n lth1;. )\111"• l lt)\\'AHI) "'· Gt;RRllH Chapter on Sund'ay at the home o f rilni. \"ivian Bodman. 653 1:n1i1 .. r. R<1~r1 Htont!~r.~ou. J,,. k !~u; :-;""'l><>rI l:lll•t1 . Coll!•.,._ Via Lido Soud . Mu Epsilon ia firs t .c hept e r to be e stabliahe':I St'<IU . s . T t\"1,·krr. l)"ut:l11~ H••s· PttusE 1.it...rty 11-1111 he~: Omicron Rho the neweat. Red 11nd white carnations in 1 k in. t'rB.r k !>l norr. Ira Ront\h and !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • 1llver bowl ctntert.d Ule bf!autl· l'd by !>tr~ s .. n1uel R . J."n1t1rr. I :0.\1s.• J•an \"11tan11n1ut•k tully app<itnted tea t•blt, tJ!ll!am rr~.~1!lrnl or On1 itron R ho, while' I with aUv•r l•• nnd coffee um~ !>Ir~. J"ck Srott. ""crcuar)' nr Hw Vetffans U--11 &lld Of.l'ldll!labr•. Ttny A&ndW\("hell llllllP l'hllpl r r. prtlltdf'cl at !ht> !("I\ rftW'W n9 and. peUU for. c•rrlrd out tha 1t.el'\'l<"r . !>11L1tary 0 .-.1 .. r of 1hr \\'r>rld V&!enllnf theme. Cofft.t w .. pour• t Gut11ta. rt.('h of whon• v.•111 Iden· Y.·1r11, Or1 11~r County Cha pter, >A•ill hold 111 rri:ulo.r donn••r n1rel· iView P-TA Delegate HS Advisor Group Ing tonight 111 ';":JO o'•·lo,·k 1n "f.:;.,., .. pvrl H11rbl'>r \'11.,ht Club. Gile• SMALL ENGINE REPAIR and SALES t ·or l'o.w .. t Mn11•fll • Koala • t 'nnlrerlo"' .. ,n111111rnt Ai:rrit.. fnt Hrl&J:"'• !'ilr•llun l·llnlun. \\'h .. ·on•ln. 1 ... ""IOll r.11.1:1n .. ,.. The regular boar!! nleeunr of Ip. 111. This \\'Ill br Youndtr11• ri11y I.he ltarbor View P·T. A. "'"Ill held and Life :0.1tombt>1·8hip and tl10·11H1 \\'edne:!ld1y mornln1. Feb. 2nd 11 for the n1e:run1; 111 ··veaterday. th• home of'J.tn. Ralph Troulm•r'I TQ(!ay und Ton1orro1.•:." Thr aft••!'· In Coron• clt>L :0.lar. !.1r1. IA'arren noon ""II tnrtu1!e f'ntrrt e~nirnl hy Cletneni::e pre11lded a t the bualneaa the :O.lotheraingera • JUHi ll trll<!- mtt~lng. Jt wu T<l'COllll'tl<!-nd!'d planttng cerrn1ony. Ho•leut1 wl!I Lh•t 1-lra. J. Hl'rbert Brownr!I. \\'Ill bto f!Tl!I grade room mothf'tll. w!Lh lhe approval or the P-T. A., repI"l'at'nl liarbor VJew School on 11 • .\R~l . .\Tll t:LEC.'TRIC I:: '.Wt'G. CO. l'h, I.I 8-tt•t CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 I th• Citli:ena· CommLttte for High School Expanalon. The P .• ·r. A. benefit lho"'· "The Bedr•g1led Dragon"' dlrtcled by MarthelJa Randall "i ll be 11how11 on Friday evt:ning. !.tarr h ' and S.11turd11y a!ternoon. ,"larch &. Any. one deairlnc • turUler in!o~lon about lhi• production may rail l'llra. J. L. B,.a!J, Jlar. OOM·J or .\Ir.,. Gnrdnn Mr )lahon, LI 8·6310. Toastmasters' f able Topics l'VM10JUAK.:tl. CO~ll',\N\' -l:J:U s. Main 8t~ Santa 4M l'l"Mll!E -C.:I Nl>CR A.. ..... D CON(:RETE llLOC.'IL& f{!:l!'\.t'OIK't=-:G 8Tt;l:L _., surrUEI Heights; !llisi;i "lartha Oehl('rking, Corona de! Mar; Mn. Hov.·ard f.f. Farn'ell, Corona de! lfar; 1fni. Bodman, hMt- css. SC'alcd is J.lr.a. Samuel R. Frazil'r, Cost.a 1.tesa, pretii- dent of Omicron Rho Chapter, while ?.lrs. Jack f.f. Scott, Corona del ~far. adds cream. -Staff Photo CIVIC LEAGUE TO HEAR ALL COUNCIL CANDIDATES A1< • <:(JlntnunHy urvicir. t he \Vri1&r1'11 Civic IA•1t1e ot :\'t\\'PQrl Uarhor at il• 1l!'Xl 111.-cllng" y.•IU ha\'e ·~ 1peaker1 11U c!lnd1da te~ fllr r1tr col.Inell in th,. 1rpro1ch lng f'll'ttlon. Tl1 .. 1111hl\(" I~ tnVH l'd to Rlt1'11<1 lh .. ~~~Inn in r!ly hi ll •I 10 ",.,_ f',.h 1 ~. Tht>rr "'"[ll be 11. qut>~t1on 11nd •n~wt>r pt"rtod a nd lh" propu.~111nf!.11 .... ·111 tt.-t>llfllalnt>d. ~1 .. n1bt>r1 .,,·\II ha\·e luncheon 111t• '~'·nr<!~ 111 1J11' lr\•1ne Country Club. T h,. Cl\"lt 1-"ill;UI', It .,., .• , •nnouf!t ed, hw be<:ornll! a mt'1n· bl'r (lf Lill' Con~t11l Arl'11 P rotrrt1Vl' 1 .... ague or lAgwia &lach >1nd \\'Ill ,,.·01k \\'1th lh .. J1>1g\111! If! fl.tlHu1g for pn,.r· ... aUon Of 1h t> t.OO&llll Tl'!;lnna. The f'11rk an•1 R .. r r1>at1on 11n<1 ('nmmun1ly Arfalr1 com- nutt,.e1 "'ll! lll"f't 1\ 9.,10 I n1. fo'l'b, 22 at the home of ?.frJ. II \\". \\"nn.J. 20i lrl11 A\·r . \\';)l\ .. r lA.1ngm'lDr. r h•lrm11n o! 1h" Clly P l11n nln,i; Cl}mmb11lnn. "·It! di.•tu•s a11nrx1Uoci. Petrol for Bl ankets, La\vns Did you knO'IY th11t • blanket for ynur lo."·n tn ,.um 11iPr 11nd a Th•!>t m•n·made tabr"lta m•k• the drt11mlt!lt blankt.U you'v• •Ver aeen: Th•y'r• bl'1'ut\ful to look •I a.n<I whar·~ morl!', th,.y wuh q uickly, dry In i.. wink and ki!'tp \.htlr lu1-e1oua colora. defy moLh,1 11.!!<I mildew. bla.nktl for ynur hoed In "''Inter Blsnktt.•. pl.utic 11tor1ge l'on· hoth r11ml!' t r<>m t he Mme aource ~ ts!nttl'. &.:ill ,·ond•t wn•·r11 -Mem· AC"f}'lr>/Hln!~. II pt'lroleum·bl\:!t'd !hjtl)', lhr.\' roUldn't h1,·e lt.a11 In [ cht mlcal :,·on m11y h.11ve aplink!e!I rr1n1nl(•n, But lok~ !Kl m&l'\y nf the! on 1!1,.. ~mun•l In 1ummtt ti s a 1 familiar lh1n1t1 1n our da.Jly Uv,1. 11r>1 I r onrlil1onr r, I.• IM,.d 1n making lht>y·r"-el! made from tll"t m1r11,.Lr tibtr. like rl)·nr l and Arnlan.llngrrd!tn!, J)l'trolrum. PRESJmNG THI SLllPSTIR llDDlll&'S MOST MODllll lllllOVATIOll • A Combino1io11 lop qvolity i1111•rspri1111 ,..ort•fJI o"d bo.: lprin9 buib 01 011• u"i' • Feorv1;1111 doubl• i111ulotion with lamou1 Fl1•alotOI' 011d t1'11e1· loctd 1<101 pod1 which oliminote coil feel. • Syncror>'r•d te.u iot1 •lirn;,,ote1 ,.,alt•e11 lufl1i11g. • The 51-.psrfl' ho1 o poten••d 1•i•I equipp•d with 1iP91'1.d do1u11u, hold1 bedding 111ot1y ond li•mly iR ploca. A. Truly New SIHp Value • • ALL IN ON! s3500 MATTllSS AND IOX SPRINC , ..... •• .... PATlNTlD ZIPPlllD SklRT HOLDS llDDING NIATLY IN PL.A.Cl ,... ,.,, ,, .. ,.. ..., Am11tka:1 mod e<~mieoF 11-.i -ml:Je You en in..-J '°ow itor. fat o wrpri• 0.-ltrGtiolt OTHJ:R ~,\TTRt:~S ~t:T11 )fattrr:o~ I> l'los llp1'11ia ::·i:t!° .... -.. '44" =· ~':~-····-···-·-.,,.. Al,L QUAUTY MI .. UST rrk'!ille at tMlr LOW'DT ........... ..._ Our ..,._ -·---""' ............ ""' ._ ..,.. CARLYLE'S FURNITURE I 990 Hall or llYd. Tho n,.xt P.·T. A. meellng will bf! on \\'tdne~tay, F tb. 23 at 2 Boots & Saddle Riders Win Four 111en1 btt11 of th<! Coat• 1.fe.u. Boot a and Saddle Club "'tre winner• !n thr hor!M! an!I fltld 11how 11111;~ 11 the ft<'ld of the T!l·Clly \\"rani::ler& In \~'t,tn11na· !rr \113l Sunday for \ht bt>ntf1t of the r ounly poho fund. \\'111ner1 W('re: IWb!n Er••fn, l1r3l plaoe ln ple&aure hor!IO'! r'- open : Ralph E.-....·111. f1r•l plar .. ll'I pole btnding; •nd fourth In tn.H rl1.1111: .Anne Smith, hlrh point "''Inner nr lhe day In J unior dh1· •l()n ; 8hel't'i!I Holme•. fltcond pl11r" In JUlllOr atock ; third In ktyhoLI\ and touMh ln pol.i bending. Lido To11~lm11~ter11 Club c1111eu115· N timely topics v.·hrn \hi')' ml't Tue11rl1y tveninJ; at H11 tbor Hou!lt'. Hugh !1-lynalt presldf'rt Ln 11h~rncl' or Ch1rl!!y Ary. Toaiitmll&tl't tor Lhe f\'rning "''IB Sandy Stelntr. Topic onr w111 "\\'hat Jte1ulu wUJ '-11lenkov'• RrBlgnatJon Brlng ~" and t opic two ""•• · "'Should C!rrum1t1nt111 l Euldt>nre he Outt1 .. ·ed?"' \\"Inner of the 1pea..ker1· cup wu .Jun.J>cru!! · ... ·noae aubJeet waa "J& Cap!l•l Puniahmtn us • rt.11blt ?"' Other &ptt.kf'tll w .. rr Jack S..drrlund. O...·!glll \\·eaver, Tom Soule and Ray I,'EC'lu•r Con· atruct\ve C"r\Uelam i.·er(' 1:1ven by ev1 lu1 toN1 Bob McClury, Harmon \\·1ndham. J ohn Han B.nd J CH1 M•r· tin and .Stal Lot-11t r, he•cl ev1!u1tt· or Ralph Hrrr. 1'<!Xl n1Htlng on ,.eb. I.'), 7 p.m. at H•rbor H ou"". Call DAN'S TV lwTb . --~ • l!la»e Uberty 8-2228 • • STAFFORD & ION ... .. NELH ~d DOC" t:U:L'TKll "AI. C(INTRACTOU l'bo-l.J-rty 1-143• RJ\·enlcl• A1·enue .s-port BALTZ MORTUARIES - COSTA MESA CKA.PEL li-41-Su~nor Avrnu• o-na-11fft1:-eattt --~ Phona W~rty 11·2121 -CUon&...deJ !4&1-CaW· Phon• H&r5or 42 STEEL<A~~ FURNITURE Boyer's OUR STAFF Will HELP YOU PLAN & DESIGN YOUR OFFICE Bo I boa Linoleum Co. -JACK BOYER - 2SOI \\', Balboa Boolr.,•ard • Unnlfoun1 • A•pbalt Tile • \"M'ht • Ruhher Tile. • Cork • Car~t • FormlC'& • lni.tallatloD The a l!-dny meet 1t1rted 11 to a.m. an!\ t oncluded IJ't itr ::'i fl. m . All prlte• and monfea wt>re turn· ed over to the polio fllJld tl.l'epl tll e to•t c f the nbbon1. Judge-• tor lhe d•y wt>re Cllrtnrt Htncler· 1 1t011 or Cl'ilno and M. v1:. Log1 nf t.aru~arll. ChaJrman o! Ult allow li"rank \\'1r,.. Keith Col· !Ina d •l ti fnd. Harbar 5389 Newport lwh • • • Asli Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPECIALS t'OR FEB. 10.11·12 'Don's Meats Lom EM cut 54c PORK ROAST .. ,~ .. ,,,... sfte CHICKEN ····--··· .. -•~ 7- PORK SAUSAGE ... St= DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ''/7 the (7/ ~rog ..Jhop Grocery Department """'' TISSUE P\Ut.<l'r't Coc-.lri.JJ PEANUTS Laree KLEENEX BOSCO ,._t Hald SYRUP Del llo•t~ i'U4'11!!d PEARS Del Mo11&.e ffa,l\'f'I PEACHES K a "' Florida G-FRUIT JUICE TIDE DICK'S G .... n Grocerle• Le· F ey. (._.h .. ua GRAPEFRUIT Fl'1· D'~ PEARS TblM Jl..ty BA!'fA.'."4A SQUASH Speciali1ln9 in Cj)uallty l'rodloc• You Select •.. We Deliver l'olt.10, 11, 12 -""" COffH CAQ .... -2J< ....... ...... MILK CllOCOLAR CAKl ............... -79' ""'9-lh.I ..... Volonllno IU1Tlll COOKIE5 ............ 2f' Velentht• CUP CAICB ...... -S' ( ....... ._ ........... ) ............. rtl •• ,.,. Reel, Offt Wrwpp1d CHOCOLATU ..... THE MARKET SPOl--- 200 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND ,. S IDNEY DAVIDSON, auperin\endent of the Newport Harbor Union High School; William R. Ritter, principal of Horace Enaign School: Robert L. Bruns, principal of 1 .. indbcrgh School, Costa Mesa : and Gordon Imler, principal of Main School, Costa Ji.lt'sa .. all of the above attended the February meeting of the Harbor Council of P-T.At; at which the history of the Newport Harbor Schooi. wu presented at the annual Founders' Day program. -Beckner Photo History of Schools For P-TA Council Red Cross Orientation ~lass Date A ReJ CJ'OS5 Ori<•nt11l1on wtll be given \\'ednt>sd•v, F,b, 141 tron1 9;30 frl .n1. un!il i2 noon al <"h•ptrr hrt1dqu11flers. 110<! \\' 8th 8t .. Santi!. An•. • I Anyone int..,reate<.1 in ter\"tng In any of the Volunteer SJ>i!'cLal Ser· vlrea. 1uch as Grt y l.a.dlt•, Motor Serv1t'e. Nu1·1e's Aide•. C11nleen or Staff Aldl'11, •• in\'ll'd t o ltl~nd lht• CJlld. I Ony Ladle• t re urgf.ntly nt.d· ed to work at Loni Be~h Vet· el'IJ\'t K ot p I t a I. Metropolll•n 8tatl!l Hospital at !'>orwalk tnd at Santa 1'n11 Communuy Hoepilal. Toastmistress Unit in Speech Competition Harbor Touh;n1trtu Club "''Ill me•t J.lon(tay •vening. Feb. 14. at Ho11pttality HoUH, Balboa. at 1 ;30 p.rn. Continuln& the Inter-club rompeUUon In tpeech lrnprovemUlt t..clmlque•. the •Poe•ker• will be Mmu. A. E. Johnmon, Arthur Mle• haeli, J . E. Wolf .lid Nadine Hill. Toutmletrep ot the e"'11nJ will be M:ra. Clyde JohnllOn and •Wards eha!rm1.n, J.lra. Ray Tnut· we!n. The lnv0<"11tlon 11.11d pl~~ will be by J.lr•. J. A. Pearce. ~u­ ca lton talk b>: Mr11. Hue! R. Risk. IUld the Pearl by Jolr11. Edward \chool at Se.nu. Ana e.nd 15th St. Mlrkov1cll. MRS. ALBERT KELLY, second vice-president of the How They Grew Over In Newport Heights llOOn to be At the laat mttUng • ruest H-~-Co built. and there Is ple.nn1ng for evaluator, Vernon AUtn, lne1n1ct· acuur uncil of Parent-Teacher Agsociation i11 giving ..... t hi h -·-1 re n1t1 ll.nd •·ea er g -.......... c ee or at Herbor High. gaw many 'Vn. Oennia Hogland, council president. a pin signify-Per1"od of 85 Years-another mehooL helpful hlntl and vaJuabl.e llltlruc· ../ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. ·10, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR BUFi'AW Ranch wa1 ,:isited by Browni<' Troop 62. Bcsidea the uau1.I drive through the range, each girl had a burro ride. P!"Jhmataha, a Cherokee Indian. invited the party inlo a large teepee where they aat an buffalo rugs and li&tened to tale1 of early Indian children. Hot chocolate top~ off the trip. Adult members were Mn. Thoma.a Rafferty, leader : Mmes. Leonard Gr&vet: and Euton Rhodes. Browniet were Ann Wlnterbothun. Carol Grave., Liasa Jaycox, Cathy 1.fichelsen, Peggy Ann Muller, StephanMJ Myen, Joyce Ogle, Chri1tine P~rk, Kathy Rafferty, Unda· Rhodes and Melinda Silman. Brownie Troop 32 Making Tiny Dolls Brownle T~oop 3Z under th4I lee.- derllhlp or Mra. Da vid Xaf"U11. and J.fr11. Jame11 H•ug •I' 1etun1 rrady tor Intern•tlonal Juliette Low day. Ee.ch membet l• maJt:- lnf a plpa rlra11t!'r tSoll dreued a• a l"frl trom one or th• me.ny ooun• tr1ee wh~r11 tcouUng txiltl. Tbty hope 1o di.play, the doll.a a l th• Girl Seout Btrthda)' celebraUon IQ Much. ing an honorary life mMTlber~hip in the P-TA. :\f~. Mrt. Boyvey h.ad talked with tlora to the croup. The award tor !:'.'.'.~~:~~~~~~~~~;~~~-~d~::·:~h:::::·:l ~~h~l ~h~I~~~~ old·timera In the IK'hOOlt. Such the ewnlng """nt to >.1r1. Johnt0n o t e C<?unci , v.• c 8 ~fJ!#i~;lM~~::e:~~~-~~·~·~"i;;'~-~ h~~Bod~·iimE~~-~-~K~~~~~!~~~j~~;~~:~~t~------now one ,!!t.9,l<!. ;!1~~1;;! r aJ2 .Y •Ml 1"11et Mlgnor>." About ten club c pas , r escn an ure o e In Newpo , .,. Mabel m 11-riiber.il •t~nded 'the-mlf!'rttnl" eot your HARBOR tt-lff-for ~ Alesa schools as they observed Founders' Day at Newport 8t.&n.111y, tourth 1T•IU te&.Cher dur-Toutml1tre111 Councn No. l Mrui· -· Coast College Ll"brarJ"aJ1 Harbor Union High School with acboola head• aa honored tnl' the earthquake. She al.-o day tvcnlnK et Gru nbrhar Jnn. quoted from the "Hi11~ory ot New-Garde71 Greve. guests. Alrs. Dennis Hogland, president, conducted & short port :Be.ch." by Shll'mian, and ------------- Reviews 'War f W • t b11t!ne~3 1ne.;>fing. tollowl'd by pro· &y1tem. 1lie Horace Ensign lkhool other .eource• of lntorrnatlon. 0 I ts gT~I arr11n~11d by '-Ira. c . >..Hoff· WU built In J948 "1th Harbor Activities For mtn. f1t!l vu:e pr,.~ldenl. View School. Corona de! Mar, nie orsnge cna~1 rollegr !i··1nte111i;:~nce "''nrk .. ·hir·h rN•ulle11 :>.lri<. "'11tf'(>!rn RP··Tld. prt>11~dent o< hf>lnit e•t•bllah~ tn 19~. Mothers' March 4·H Ramblers brary !t Of>"n lo the pub!io:-:\fon.11n the t:hn1•lln1t ,,,,.,.n .,r JH f'H!l~C' E•·~rf'\l A Kt>a • A. in uer hi•· ,Sldne1 Da-ri.S-, llllpertntenti.nt d11y1 thr<>1u;h Fr1<'1Rye froni 8 •. m. Adn"lii·al Yanil\n1n1,, in !he reriru: tory n r hPr rommunlty'11 ..:.hon\11 o f Ute l\'('wport Harbor llnlcm High Tops Last Year Munbera 01 the Goat Hill Ramb- t o 4.30 p.111 and :-.1ond11y11 throu•h in J!d ;t. u l<I 1he l<"1:n v.·•.• 01>r,. naml'd ~hool. 111.w the Union 8<:hool ""H .. d h h 1 , lera. t ·H club, held thtlr monthly Thur9day11 fron1 6 to JO pm. ,\nr,nir r hi\rrr~l!ni:; µhlliu: "r the •rpi:-r l\n l nt l e e emen •rY Dl•trlct or NtY•port Harbor take I , Y1"1:1m l!mr l(l th11e b11uk rcv1ev.·11 book •h·al"' "'Ith l h", .. nt• nt;on of ~rhr~il hll <I SO ~tudenta al!,n!llpg rorm '"' "9 rly 1111 1929. \Vlthln one in!"",;ni ~::;~ :dth;i~~i'ti·:1;; 'Z:i:etJ:o~~··:f S~~~:~: :~~:c:~ I or nev.• pu!Jhcatlou" \\">11 he furn· the <1u1h"r that 11 s11nng-t•ll••ll1· .!uring Ul e yellr t!llO. ~l•!n School ye•r and 39 dar~. U1e land ha<'! Jan. 3J brlng1ng tn a triumphant Mur~y, 316 E . 16th, Place. Cott.I. l!ihed by \V 1!h111n /\. lh111r.~t11r!, ~<'ti{'<' 11go>11ry 1:0 nrcr"l'ury 1n till" f'!ltnP into •·xi~ten<'e in 1923 and bPf'n purcha'91!'d, a board ot lrut· &3.~2.63 fnr th11. }.larch of Dlmu, M:e1a. Dian.a Rkhard~ !1 prtaJdent Orang11. c;.,a~r f'ull•·g.. J1t1rar1 11:1. country t o •~~•it.t 1n th<' bstll<' in 1933 the ~cture waa nft7'0 1Y tt"• forml!ld an!S the rim bulld!ng betttrtnr lut ye1r·1 march by ovtr or tlle ~up and Chleklt 11 e.c· Thia t1ml' hr hlls r!h'~"tl \\·ar n[ ~gu•n•T lnt.'rnA\U'n"L •'n"nl~•'"'· All· d""lr<'IY•·•I hy th,. esrthquake. $ .• romplttPd. Judi'" Pon11ld Dod~e $1000. The Harbor area we.a di· ~lary. Ma.ry Lo\llM Jolulton wu \\'!ta, by Luth.~:nio F11 riog". •·r •·>1 pla1n1ni; 1ht 1 ·, ::!1111 In t• Ill· (l(IU \\"ft" borr.-."·cd froin thP K""" \\•llt a mtmber er the firat bolird v1!Std Into 12 dlatrl.c:U, "'" head. I eho.en a.sl'latant letder. N'ew mem· 1 ,.rnl!H'nt. s.111J "'r,.., R11hl, fo 1·e· 11l11n a member or th., rreeent one. Th,. a urhor. 11 for111rr J,.•lunlili!ll, i:enr1: A.1;<1lt".\' v•Al•'h "l"'rtl!"~ tn d " by • o•ptatn \\'hD choN her ber11 v.·tlcomrd were John KfHI. , 1 • • ~ <'" ..__ <"lln~truct the bull lngt, and Wlll Supt. Evel'1'tt F.. Rta of Cn1ta ..... born 1n lluni:J ry 1U1£! hu lh·· 1 \hi" .,nHfd Stu\,~. "" \PL' 111 ..... ut workeri from tht P·TA. the BP\V. Richard Ke11tl t nd Peter Oliver . · ju~t Ill.lit y~ar r ompletely 1111.td oft. M:t• t chflol" wa11 fir11t vice Jlrlncl· rd in \'~1 1n11.~ •·1un1nca. Among th,. v1tn !1u" int~lllJ;t•n•·e .oppiora· T' k h d th d< , volunteer mothers anrl thfl Olrl After !he m(''''"J • d•m""'''•-1 , , I I I .. "e 11~1. tr " uwe e au encr pal nf th" ·hll:"h ~<'hool. v o1her accon11>l1~hn1rnt~ hi!! 1• a tUIW'I o ,,,,~ v.·nr ! po-..·ert . n lult S-"ui• II g1 b J d "-·• , 11 .. ,_1 ''"'''"'· '·urln• Wh•< w• -. I appralAlll he nott's r•rtlcularly • photopaph or lbe original L''"TO FtJ'Tt:ll!; 'V ... on w11 ••rn Y IJ )' ..... ~.ne. -" '"' ·~ hool T h "" H•-•--1 M n.<d d •1 Bo The money from the ?.lother11' Plan1 v.•f're m•de for 11 11k.au:-., rrr tn es \\'n1ht \\'nr JI he 11er\"ed the 1111 thOd11 o•m plnycd in the Com-ac · e ~0 " -,-r te•....... ra. an .~ rl. yvty took w ith t ho: '"'"Llll:"n•,. tlr•n•·h or \hi' niunlit Uominat'd countrlell. v.·a1 buUt In 19t9 and the EvtreU the council membtl'll tor a quick March aupenled by contrtbut1on11 party at the Httrbor R1nk laUr u1 il<>S ~chool. thr flr•t lntl"rm,d!a te l(litn5e into the f\lb irt. whtn they from the elt.mentary tchool ch!I· February and 11. tuturt trip to thf' U.S. :-;11\'}' Thf' h<K•k l!I l1ml'ly 11n<1 \\"Ill i:1•·e h 1 ' •• 1 d _._ dren uwt the elwnft'I•--tchool Exc.e\alor Oalrl"' '" G''''" Gn>-.1 isc fl(>. c11m .. nto """ng u,.,,, remtnded P·TA p~11\denU and --cs •• ,.-WEDGEWOOD • e \RANGES e 'CLOTHES Liberal Tracie-in DRYERS Terms Allowance STROOT'S HARDWARI HOUSEWARES COSTA MESA 1802 Newport llYd. Liberty a.3426 Thr O.• ·k II' 1111;111» 1nt.,1·r1tini; rr&•l"I 11 ll 111• tur~ th•·Y ~houhl 11t·r , JP:iJ. m~btrt that four more school• te&eheT"a aaoclatton. pha other The ne1'l mHllnr wU! be March I In !tun It •1• I\'<.• 1nlo Ulfl d!Nc1· & plcturE!. M• •·11111'"11ur\"!1·1oL. st:"•PORT J'CHOOUS are nl'eded In Cnfta ;\f,5&. •a-80W'Ce1 1uch N coin container• .'I t t th• homt of Oe.ve and Jud7 ent l}"S"t~ 11! "Hr11: .. gic .. mett.od• ~lri. HlllfOld Boyny, council ---------------land malllnl' el'l .. elopet. mad• up• 1 :°':;..tn;;;~·:.· ~'~';',"~· ~l~O~lh;.;P~I~•~•~•:.· ;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::~:::::: f'nip!V}<'d 1., 1111 th• r ntlional rte-l"rand total ot $7.W .43. M t P • t parhamc.nll.rl-.n, surveyed Ui. hit· •lre•. Equ.11 llU"r.tlnn 15 g1\'1tn 10 as er Otn B&P"W Mn J ohn w 'I'Ubb.I &I ceneral tntt!Ugt:r.•' • ~J>.••nngf'. 1111Ml 111j.";~. ~~)~~:hlh~:~:~:1s~~ -;::7~1~, omen ~h11.I~ "'P"~tlng U\e Bulll- c;ountPr·<'~/ l"n"°J:C "rJ'1 rropa~un· Games Slated 1n11J of l3 1tt1df'nta •!tended the Hear About .,_ a.n!S Prot'eulou.I Wo111.l!ltl'e da. Eafh •;t.P 1~ ·'ludud c•rctutly Club who conduct the local drive, en<I dlMe< : .. ,/ wilh ~:udlou i calnl. , """·fOoOm fnu11e huUd!ng. whtn h B 1· lhe 11ro:oa ,.. ... a poort ot Lo• An~lf't npttMld lhaJ'llu, on bthalt of UI• In h1• ,.(t,r)' l· ~ 1111thor citr •.ipt· at a ooa County. Orang .. Cnunt)' ......... round· Saulk Vacc1"ne club. to aJl the eaptaJn1 and the.Ir r Lr.c <'ll~f'• 1'11• h 11~ I~' fine :-;, .. ,1 1 ed fn lS8P ln IDl.l the ellrtJ'iquake worker1, the police deputment ·----~I ra. G.:ur~r Ca rroll an1 ~lr1. j levtlcd !he two-9tory ar-hool build· Mrt. A.nnabt-lle Hiyr1. pbyt lo-pert0nne.I who cave 11uch •plmdld t,.. G. 0nr~b1ui; \\""f,. "~nn,.r1 • f inl! on \Ith ~t. •nd tla-11 \\'!'re thtrt pltl f rom thf' !\'.aUorur.l Foun· COOptratlon. Ule tervlcti clube. the HOME LOANS At Or11"19e C ounty'' le1din9 Home le,.di"IJ lnititution OUICK 2<4 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY UONTHl Y PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMl'ATHETIC SERvtel r--:-..;, """ """' L:. ~ LOCATfO HOMlS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATtON m0c .... A- LAGUNA BEACH ,,._. HY 4-1177 lfit~t .. r l'.,,n1.~, rl1r1n,.. •'••·'l·W•~l h<'\d ,nth" mrJrlunry nn J.'oth St .. daUon of InfanUle 1'11.raly!l\a ad· P ·TA. the 11ehooll and the entll"f' tn th<> ~un.lA y 11 1\•·tn•~m !•1urna· 111 !h,. ro t}· hall and Goodell Hall. rtued the :-.ewport Harbor Bulll: community who Wtre ..::i 1enerou1 1nent in Hnlli.0:1. "hll<' t.1~h worrn< H 11rllft' t:n~ocn c1trr ... to the achoo! lll!.M and Vroret11lonaJ \\'omt11 tt wtth their contrtbutlon1. north · !'OUlh "<'ll' "Ire H;irrr dutnc~ In l!.l l~ anrl t.tr11. Grayce Uwlr dinner meeting held on Feb. 8rhdhng und E !{ .\Ci,r1 i~ IU1n· Sr vier. rrtncir•I tJf Coroiaa del a at the l"ewport Harbor Ya~ht n'r~·up ··••l·Y> .. ,.l wrrr l>lr. 11nd liar S~hool. mad.I hbtory by be· Club. )tra. H aye•' 11ubJecl v.·q thti '-Ir•. J II lln~l "w . :'>Ir an t .\I r~. ~1nfl\l'I.': In l!l1S \\'I th thr IO<"al Dr. Saulk v11cr1ne tor polit>. Doui;la" Grnh1un :i.1 rt H . .\I \\"1!· 1--------------It "''19 voted to con tr1bu~ $% aron a n"I ,.-rank f', i.:• I. :'>!!~. :\l,.r· per member to the BPW Ne.uonaJ 111.r .. t Holn1"~ .~ntl 1 .1111m \· u .111.('9 Mrs. Hazel Risk Bull41rLs Fun<! t ov.·ard loc•Un1r the R11nner,.·up !!•,rth.,.."utti \1.,•re Suffers lnj"ury ne.ucme.1 !u~e.dquarters tn \\'.a.shlnl'· ~Ir~ 13 lJ :-.1 .. rn• un.! l '•·rt~· :\le-ton, D. C. Instead of Z..:ew Tork, al Artoo , !loll ~ Annr .\h:chell nn.t :'<lr.r H11z1l F'. Ri.sk. 1986'i the bustneM mt:eling conducted by Frrd :.lf>l 1 u .. ,,,, .\!1 ~ !IP! l fl11>""tl•'r C"htu·eh St , ro~l l\ llr~11 . w11.11 In· prr111drnt ~1fl. Harold Bird. 11 11 1 \'tv1an li11tnnl·•nd :.!1 • .!"111ly Ju r,.,1 r 11 rl\' :'>lond11y 1nnr•·ung al ~Its De11d L. s ... ·11180tl led the l:iT""·n nn•L l!<iho 1' 1.11,.k Oeltl1 Rna1l Kll•I Bn~l"i 5!. Just fl&(; MhltP &nd the e\'etung'1 prill:t Fii· tla y •·•·tninir; .. ,,.,.., "''' '.\1' 11nd ~1 ,, \t· 1\ !'t 1nhr1.; .. ·nor .. h1~h ~cOf"I~ n•,rtn .~,,u h 11 r1, ..\n,\y Taylor 1nd ~·1».J .\l1>rr1,, .. 11 Hun· flt.'15•Ufl ,,1.•:•\\• ·' ""'" \It .ir,<I 1:.ti a. ·""1"'' '"1 '. )11~ .. 1. .... 1>" F0v.·lr1 llTI •I .\ \\" Tun1n1"l ~Ir. 1 •nd :-.1r ~ J 1111• • l'."11 /lb<'f r111T.•!d,. t~r ro~t ll ).f"M city l!m· ,...~,\\·on b.v r new member. Mfa. 1:,. ll1.11. RlAk 1u•tamed ,. fractur-1--. F'. Thayer, Jr. Oue•t• •tl.f'!l'd· e'1 lt r: "'T11'J. 11.nrl d,.m111ge11 thf' Ing the dinner wrre Jolla1e11 ~r1 n-"tlt kn~,. nrcr5.s11>1t:11g Bufgery Bryan, Be.tty Hoffman ano:l Hele.ne vn Tuf.lidt}' mom in,t. She ...,,~ \V•gl(Oner. t.r1llrn !? Hoag ;\frnll•r!Bl HO!!p!t11.L '.\1r1. R18k I~ pre~1d.,nt of the Ht,.. !)[.r Tl'lf\st mlsttr""' Club. I Rnnri•·r;,.111 • n•·1 1h·•u\ilh ""f" nrr1-up nort h aouth \\'•rr. P•trY J\lt~ J',.i;,;:r J.,hn'!'tl 11n.! '.\oi '\. Crawley 11nd .M11r1hall Ketchum: )ler l~ ~l··l·.-,n~l~ t '.\!I,. 1 ... ,, ... ~Ir•. An~ ~Utchell and Fred Mor · W1•hh1'.n~ nn I .1 .. ~ \\-11, ":-. !'.11 :r n . ..nn; :'>Ir~ PRUl\ne Sayre a.nrt }.Ira. Br o1«n an•l .\111 Li 1:;,.»<-1 :'>It •· I f'tPrl J ohnl'W"1n: P.lf• G""'rge C•;'T'flll Thf'm1ts Gill 11 n•I )\t F ,. ~: h\tll 11n<1 :'<11"1'. H ]>! \\'1lµin I \\'ere r1151 ... · .. ~1 \\·1n•"''' in :'>l<•fl·!~• I T h" i.:roup \\'lll m"et 111 U1e Etirl! I 11ft1·rnO.,n • i;.ur,<> "h.!t' 111i;:h .., ''f-Club H,,.,~,.. in l\~\llf16 <Jn Friday I r r5 norlh·~<·uth "•f" ~Ir 1, I\ "'"n•n(;~ w ~.rn 11 fVit luck .r;up(W!r MolT\1 and }\r~. I.nu H.,\• L will I><" 1rt"\'P ! Ill 6 SO o'clock. prt· 1 I Runne.r1-11p ra~l·"•'Jl l "'t'ff' )1 1;11, r .... t,ni: tht )Iuter ,l'olllt &I.Ille. Robrrt Ro~• an<I :'>fr .~ F"r~n k ~«·i:-On :i.lf·nrtay th .. r\ub wtU bold el : J.lf•. }!. E. Cl<'\Hn•I ,.,.,1 }l r~ . .\I ~ \'11 l"nl1n11 rarty •nd ~1 .. r Sttwart: '.\Ira. A. G l~OP~hnrl' an~ Point J:l!.TT1e Ill tht f:bflU Club M.rw. Henry Ei;~Pfl , )Ii~~ 1..-.~u.-Hou ..... Rf'frf'.shmf'nta W1U be """. Fcwler and 1'fni . .\labf'l Hu.le!. l!1n1· f'd at lZ.JO JI m. Spread New Charm To All Rooms or 2x3' 3x5' All WOOL . $7.95 $19.95 w ith Beoutifvl, lrnporled Hand HoOked Rugs 2x3' . . . . . . . $4.95 3x5' ....... $10.95 6"9' ....... $39.95 9"12' ...... $69.95 BRAID RUGS ' ... . $67.95 $129.95 HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROIE CRiSIS 7 Tb Wf'flr ;., i" JltP Trftrure • S.. our complete line of Maple Furniture Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "KllVIC& 1'Tl'llL"f HUl1Q -WaJif JrKSDGr" OOlllPl..ETE l.AIJ1'"DEBEllS ud cizANEa MAKIXF.K'S Ml.IL Th. Cho"" of 't'"wy.or The Srwl~ of T odoy 91 '1111 AICADl.NDT TO llLUI 1111 s.,... ....._,._a M4l.f Full SIM 36" Ra"'J" llCLISIYll "l .. ehfll"hrMl"I -ti•• ,.... ,,.......... •' t...,lfty, atc.w,et• teekl11• ••.e•ll•· Specl•I lle•lf" Mllll• tt Ml'( .. ch .... the ...... ,........,,. ...... , .... ....... , lliklLll<tll ,....,, .... r ll<LHIYll , ....... s,..t ...... De111t.le ••!'•city "•,.41••. ... ltlftot1I IH•ill"9 jlh .n It lllCI , , • hHlll Ill llLll l,.lcMll,te""'-dctte,1"4 ....... ., .... ,,,., .. tftltil ••• ..... , ......... _ ....... wtfh i114eet cefl•••'-1M•I 299.95 Jake's Appliances Onlr No'le DMleJ' .. l~e Harbor Area LOW DOWN PAYJU:NT e EAAY TDl!lll! .. l'oar Harbor Area Appllalwe S..nit.e Cl!nte,.... 8ALE8 Liberty MM I St:R\'ICr: 1 t37 Harttar lllYd. Cooia Mesa e We Otfl!I' Complete Wl11'1"&tloa Se1 •b e \ / , ........ . WITH SALLIE &lddle: Wlaea ... a po- _,, ...... like .. old moth- er Ian! Amwer: When. the Grocery store bM IM!ea fNlheriq: tta DNl for. aev· Pa y_e•r• waltill& ud ~ for .ome mon s&orn to hatch all uond • . . They've laa.&ebed I Some of tbeln are mot1t · M blK u the Grooery Store . . . .............. y ........... .. , ....... -pay lri- R&e t. the G...-1 PM and • Gr..d ... wt.o MIN the .......... .--... Tllo Udo n-io. ... P. A. __ , .. ~ 8helekk-r. Udo .....-........ s-. ,._,......_s. ..... a ·i-. Tlllo,'""'P of Lido _.. .. , .. ~ bKk of them all ... _. ....... .._ I pt a toothache or rt"'g . . . thell I •tart 't--~-~-=~I ... I alway• ftpd f-L...t,.._._JJdo ShoJlll Uni .,.,.,.u.t.a;! ... No .,.. • • I ~ I j . • ,. " • ' -· I • a.I ha tbl"N d .... 8hOp11, Klrla • . . all .,..prouttn11: ..... llp .... ! Ri1ht this week-end Dick Macker ii; giving • 15 per- ttnt diecount on all his drap- ery and upholstery fabrics .. He bu a~rained decorator to help with &elections ... Vagabond Hou&e is offering all merchandiae in the shop at one third off , .. Vaga- bond House has nothing but usual cotton clothes, AO it might prove economical for you gi.rla to choae your aum- mer wardrobe now . _ . Lido Electric •. your G. E. d@&ler, is giving ~neclaJ1y high trade- in• on alf appliances ... re- frigerato"'. 11toves. waaheni, drien1 and televieion set.a __ . I don't know if they will take rour old Rink in on a trade ror a new G. E. kitchen orl not ... Wouldn't hurt to atik . _ . These kids have ev~­ thini;: you need in the way or1 bud~et tenn11 and low down l payments when making large pun:hue11 ... Mo11t fun buy ofl the week ... Jack Bidwell's white cotton underKhorta with thf' hf'art.11 'n d11.rts 1111! over lhrm . Our OWD Dick IUch&rd, the owner of th .. Grocery St.ore, hM jast hfea ap- polmted Cha.lnnu of the Ru,·ial Commlttf'f> of Certl- f\rd roce:N , . . "" you kJtOW C..rtlfkd 0M(lll!r'8 hl thf' world!' l•rltnl co-oper- &ltvf' Food dktrfbutor .;th fMMnf' 1800 membe"' ... NatanD,· Rkhard'11 k only ...,. of 1800 Grnten that ha\"f' baaded loJCf'lhf'r u a Uir;le huyla11: pol\'f'r lo fOl'ftl Cf'rtif'kod Gmeitn ... Wlthoat thlA Mair;Wo buyln11: ,...f'r, I .t.addP.r to think what M,._ HOCHM"•·lfr •·oukl pey for some 7 ,202 ltrm11 tbat arr found nn n11r """""""' ... ~t"1 )ta\•e a ball .. baJla to be exact .. , Satur- day night at the Rcnder.:ous I Ballroom, t h e ARRe<:iat~ 1 Bo)."11' Clubs of Newport art' I putting on the flcart Fund ball ... Those kids arc tCJ be patted on th~ back ... Two members were picked out of each of the eight clubs to put on thia ball ... They've got· I ten everything donated . , . The Rendezvous Ballroom, the Rhythm King's music, I the printing from Hendricks Printen, e.ven the door prizes 1 ... So that the St.00 ticket ! purchued will be clear profit I to give to Hf'a.rt ReAearch Samclay nlrht hl th" Phn- taumo.~ btn.-flt dlnnf'r ct..rT at the Balboa &1• Club • f . The Ucktle .~ $10.00 per penlOll •.. Ptor- ir;,· Killir; from the Oeorv Cfntw.-1 show will ela& • . , Chf't t'arrar Md lreDe SclaU.r from Arthar Mur- n.y'• .tu eta.Dee ••• Got u ttrh t-0 a-o! MN. Paul ltoir;· erw.. Harbor 2971 lit the OM to NII ..• The numhtt of ""'""8U... .. thnted, but l'lw .,.. me there an a fpw lrfl ... Chuh Cobarw ... hie t.ahle l"tllllf!n'rd . • • A.ad Al,-.e FWch bu char- terPd a pUe to hrfna: a lnMIP of ~r lrif'ltd• up '""" y,... . . . It M'lll '"' NlflW' part'.'·! Sontf"'ta.H!'f'! Rii:-han:I'• ii. the Grocen · \ I • PQPULAR FOODS AT POPULAR PRICES Folger'1 Funoe. COFFEE Blcbanl'• Q ... ty - ·DRESSING c.mplM.ir.101i ... TOM. SOUP Hut'• SO-. PORK•BEANS Dole'• Faacy Sliced PINEAPPLE l'AM&y Wuhday Solutloa TIDE BAKED FRESH ' EACH DAY • THURSD.4. Y ltPltCIAL8 pou•d89c quart 39c HEARTY IDEAS for Jo ••. 29c riant 59c Gold '-----I ...... DINNER ROW .4.MOr"o.fld l'Mf'nUltfl 21' COOKIES _·-·····-·"•·~· t"KIDAl' St'FAIAUI !And Y-Heart To The HEART FUND ifificiiOICEs ........ 2 ... 1F e n.,.. .r.a1q, 1''.-M•c• Dellclu- !Wr•'e wllh ll'<'I c~ BOYSENBERRY l'IE Honry CORN BREAD ·············· ,,...., 23' Jlaaoe for a Dollar to tM tune of the Rhythln Klagw. Saturday Nlte at the RendesvoW& Ballroom. All Dollan donatrd to the Heart Fund court.eey Harbor ""'* 8oy11i Club&. Make It bl& for a Blc Doaatlon ! APPLES ·· ··· --. I I• pltoMlm ... 4 5 C IJ. 8. S•. l 8WM!l, 8,-.6di ONIONS . 3.0L 14c .M'l;l"RDAl' Sf'lr..CIA1, Almond t'lll<'d l.ar• .. \"alf'ntlllf' 31' COFFEE CAKE -·• Sur1.rl..-yuur famlly wllh • df'C!oratf'd \"M•Uan Cake: VALENTINES ON THE MEZZANINE IWmembrr your lo\·ed oaes on V&leatlnH Day, MON - DAY. f'ebruary 14. 01,·e a Hallmark Card If you c&n' to ~,·e thf! \•ery h8t. Ahlo, a complete t1e&ectlod of card• to cul--0ut. 1eifta, and VUenttne table df!OOn.tlon!l. BE 11 ER BUYERS BUY U.S. CHOICE MEATS "lwlff• CMrice: S,llovld~r c .. r.·• Squan Cut Neck Off 49c LAMB ROAST lb. ••LH""'-·~or riWd"' Swlft'• Shoulder 59c LAMB CHOPS lb. """.\ile it "1•1•" TMty with tender cookf!d ve~tablee 19c LAMB STEW lb. ../f'rull •fl l/M na..c.\" Pu RMd1 ·Cut Up Stewlac 49c ENJOY BRANDS YOU KNOW ••• • • ST.RAWBERRY PRESERVES~:25c 35c -........ --·-·····-·-'' "'· 1.arura ~-. ru .... PEANUT BUTTER l .01 C.Wn SYRUP , .......... ~··-·····-·•·••·••••• ••••• 1 ....... -••. I t <IL 27c KRlSPY CRAX ,.. ... 23c . '"''" PINEAPPLE JUICE -.. ,. 2sc ·wii'PAPER :__ .... 19c AND QUALITY DELICATESSEN TREATS Ii.raft'• Pllli.df'lpbla CREAM CHEESE . Rod'• Moor ("1'""71 SALAD DRESSING ··-····• .. 33c .....•.. 33c l>[i~-Piciils _ .... 33c • iAco' SNAX ---··-········----·-· _33c \ HENS ., OW.cf tr-IUMi-"' · Ka.pm'• ltellable 8tbd BACON ORANGE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC IAU Friday IA'Mhlc. February 11, Balboa Bay Cluh, A ~rful evetdar of e.M-rta.lammt by Pf'&O Kloi;, Chf't Farrar and lh'!IMl 8chltler, ud o&ller notahle nele.brtffN ••a.lta yo• • .I• Ill the fan, emjoy a ch-· Uclout1 Ba)· Club dlaaer UNI help 11poMOr thr ORANGE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC. SOYE A YARlm OF FllOZEN FOODS 1'"0-a'• Fried lllce -E99 Foo Y 0111MJ -l'ork or ChlckH Chop S..y ~fte ........... -··-··· ~7 w....,·. 11 ........... llotlr 4nc l'ORK ·-···-······················ ,. -7 lb. lb. 59c '4f>n·" 1 ... c ,_ .,rtnkW W'IUI l 'Mtfl1 l~...r1,. <>r ,._,.,,l:t_ C'0<0lil,.. to!' ._,..._ Rlf'•an .. • t·1-1 Qu&lllJ ICE CREAM ,, ,...._ 79c Store IUTIOfl~ tht" 1.idn Shop·~ at !ht' ~tr'Rnce tn Li<ln T!ll<' Newpo ach. sl't:t 'IA.l.S t1>R t 't:B. 10, II and lZ. IW ., SU... tu eolkded -····" ....... j 1 • ' ' i ', 1 " ,: I ' J I , I • NEWPORT ' HARBOR NEWS-PRESS \ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 AFTER THE fl.Rt~ IS OVE~ean up or all equipment i• u euential a part of op- erating a good fi re department as ia know;-how in f ire fighting. After every call i. an- swered, equipment used is checked and cleaned. lloses used must be hung in the hoee tower to dry t horoughly before being rolled on hose wheels. Here Capt. Roy Jehrua, center, takes e. I~ at the motor while Bob Starke, left and Bill Citta, right, clean ~he truck. -Staff Photos by Phylli.a J. Jackson_ • ' • • ' '· 1.., •• ' -11 •• ' ~· • L ~-- ' ·., ·i.: • •• , AND AWAY WE 00-'lbirty aeeonda from the time an alarm rinp at ni&ht, ti~men are dreued, down the pole ' and at their •t&tiorui on the truclc. Sta.rkty mt.arta down thlt pole with Citt& doR behind him. Tbt pole la the abort downw&rd route from sleeping quarter• on the WODd noor u me tru:eu. Fireman's Life PA.RT OF THE JOB-Fire inspection from blueprinU and of the building itself is part of the job. Fire ~far­ s hal \V. C. Noller, le ft, and Chief Jan Briscoe, right, look over plans for a proposl'd commercial bnilding in the ci ty Junita. \ -••••?'-'t ry,.:;w BOOK IARNIN'-~·o and two ie 11imple«:ompattd to thciie formulu. Aainant Chief P, N. Pellett at the black board explaiM the hy'draulica formula t.o Starkey, J ehr118 and Citta. It is a formula ~"hich relates lbe element.I of Water, preaure, noale 9iM ' Mid b-len(th. ' ·r Full of Action By P1IYU.l8 I . IACKSON When a man becomes a fireman, he d~ more thali fight ti.rel. Nor doee hi.I training atop once he has pa.as- td hi.I six-month probation period. He ia a man. who muat alao know how to prevent fires, know fire laws, the city map, fint aid for drown- ing and uphyxiation victinui, fire chemistry and hy- draulics. Newport Beach'• fire department ia operated un- der civil aervice. A rookie'• training ii intense during this initial period, Hl1 day1 are filled for correct ho.e· laying technique at a fire, uae of equipment auch u forceable entry toola, multi and othen, fire fighting met.bodl and cbmilstry. EAKLY TRAINING But hill t.ra.ining bu only .tarted. He drill• at leut 10 houni a month with practice making him familiar with varioua part.a of the city. If he 11 a driver, he muet · know every atreet and alley, how wide they are and whether they are one way. The location, of every fire hydrant in town ia an- other important part of a man'a training. Periodically a company will inapect variou1 building• in t own to familiarize the men with layout, content& and any pe- culillt'ltiee. ' · Firemen are on duty 24 houn and off 24 houn. They live at the firthouae during their houf"ft on duty, cooking their own meal&. Within one minule of receiving an alarm. a fire truck iJI rolling with ill full crew. Thia means a fire- man mua;t be prepared even when he is asief'p. From a ttound aleep, he can be dreued and •liding down the pole wltSin 30 seconda. I UMP INlJ'O CLOTHES lt'• not a legend that firemen llteni.lly jump into their clothn on a night alarm. They do. Trouser tops are pulled over boot tope llO a man ia completely dre&e· ed when he ateps into troueen and 1hoes in one motion and flip. auapenden over hla T l!lhirt or pajama top. Coat and fire helmet an. at hla atation on the truck. Dil:pet.chen are the fint to reuive a call from the pubUc. The town ~ d.ividf'd into eight warda and each ward into nm, dl.trict.I. Depending on location of tbe fire, the dispatcher calla a crew from Nt>Wport Beach, Balboa, Sitlboa hi.and or Corona del Mar ala· Uon. U the NCond ala.rm (Dell out on a fire, equipment from another lltatioll mo.e. up to cover the an.awering otatloll, Tbe •IP'!"' el. ftN flchting II comtantly ch&ngtng u .. equt~ n mean. ~t ltudf and practice .. tho'"""' .u -lo -oop. fll'I ~·...,. nob. • .......... ' ' •• PART THREE, PAGE ONE ~CTION STARTS Ht~KF..-Diapatcher Hugh McMWin radios a call to a company, sending it on its way to a fire. A dispatcher must know the town like the back of hiK hand and must kno9.· which company ia clo.est to the b\111.e. llcsidenlH are urged to call Harbor l~ when requesting fire assi.stance. SMOKr; MTF.K-Up the ladder with hil .elf contain· ed ga11 mask and tank goes Citta while Starkey anchor1 the laddC'r from be low. The men make regular training climbs into s mokc chocked arcal!I. The hoiae tower doubles for this operation. • ONE OF llA."iY DUTIDI -Re.scue calll for drowning and uphyxiat1on victim.a fl.re a big part of the fire de- partment'a work. particularly In the Newport Harbor area. The resuscitator hu N Ved many livea, u dem,oa. lltr&led 11ero br sw-k•r. .r .~ • : ·I I ' I ( ' '1 ti I •• \ ... (}over~~enl f:xcepl :Jrom '' PA6E'l ·PART 111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~HORSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 ON FEBRUARY IJ. 1156- I "God gront us the serenity to accept the thi~gs we cannot chon ge; the<ou raqe to chong, the things we c:an ond the · wisdom to kpow the difference." T~. An~.) • __ r EDITORIALS BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL :~RACE PARKER School Trustees Plan.Future_. and paralleling the coa8t11M, certainly u far u Nlpel Junction, it would make a good natural "barrier" to adopt for planning and development of boundaries . CM. Net. -, nil. C9lulu 1111 Hol"Mle hrllln "'Ill .,_, wt~ t.M .__bowa Matorbl flleta M -. ~ed up i. Illa -.., tltfl ....... Mell-~ ......... , ...... , .... .,... .... ~ Toniebt at Orance Cout College ai:l.min1atratora and board members ot the tour school board.a eerving tb1a area w:lll 'meet. Repreeent.atJvee will be on band from the etementary 1ehoola of Newport Beach and Co.ta Meaa. the high .chool and Orange Cout College district.. The educatoh will tallt over the problema and plana of the future for their district.. , . Each diab:ict will be uk~ to project it.a plana for futun!' development for the benefit of each other unit Ju the growth of Newport Beach and Cost.a Meaa ele- mentary. achoola cootinuee -ao also, in direct propor- tion. doea the future of the high acbool indicate a con- tinuing growth. In fact that growth ia e.xtending onward and up- ward with greater rapidity each day. A like growth ia cuting its lengthening shadow ahead of Orange Coaat College. Although all th~ aeniora graduated from New- port Harbor and Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach high achoo!. will not attend Orange Coaat College, an increasing number will. , So growth of our community ia a source Df con- stant concern, a cause of atudy and pattern for future planning for all the districts. Even though the diatricta do not have int.erloc~ing directorateB, nor in fact do they have any hard and set plan of cooperation. their eUorta to benefit from each other's studies and plans is a com- mendable effort. • The not too far distant future will dictate that there should be even closer cooperation between the mchool boards and certainly between the boards and the councU.. of the rupective cities. Only thia week at the behest of the Sama Ana City School Board did that city'• council atate publicly it would project it.a future plans for expansion to the nat· ura1 boundary being created along the route of the San Diego (formerly called Sepulveda) Freeway. The Sant.a Ana 'City Council aaid that it planned only to parallel the Santa Ana River for ita boundary in we.tern expanaion on the southerly aide. Thi.a la a welcome and healthy commitment. It per- mits the Sant.a Ana achool board better to plan ita fu- ture need.a. It alao permit.a the mcbool diatricta of the Harbor area to project their plana. In the expanaion of the Santa Ana City Limit.a aoutherly aoon they will encompua much of the land.I now served by the Paularino School Diatrict. In the ea- ' pansio• of Costa Meu toward the aame boundary It will Mrve to overlap the amall diatrict. When tile San Dieg'o Freeway J. built the Paularino School should ceue t o exiat. The area °'the Paularino School Diatrict, preeent- ly a part of the Sant.a Ana High School and Junior Col· lege Dlatrict. ahould be apllt down the 1 Jdle, on the lines of the Freeway and divided between the Sant.a Ana and Coeta Meea Elementary School Diatricta. At preaent thla doe.n't aetm too important. But, u time goee by, a confusion ot boundaries can only hin- der growth. We have aeen with the friendly understand- ing between the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa ele~ mentary achool board.I how well two auch boards can work together. We pruume the aame cooperation has existed between the Newport Harbor High School Dis- trict and that of Sant.a Ana. Such cooperation ahould now be extende<l further to eliminate any poMlbility of future compliclltlona. · We are not certain whether the San Diego Free· WAY could properly eerve u a natural boundary west- erly of the Santa Ana River, but euterly of the river Fanner McCabe Writes .. e ~ebruary 10, 1955 While I MU leaning over the Mu.le Lot fence the other morning atudyi.ng about tbia Foon<>K situation. it suddenly dawned on me t hat one of the reuona the free world I.a hU'ing aueh a tough time with the Red Chinese it that they're u unpredictable u Mulea. Facta is, you can't tell what'• coing OD In· the Red Cbineee minds any more than you can tell what'• going on in a Mule's mind .•. and when it come. right down to it, ._.hy the Free World I.a agonna haft& treat the Red Chine!le aorta like we treat them critters . . . we've gotta keep the upper band or we're agonna be in for eome trouble. (all rlfht.a reauved) JQ!WPORT~ BARBOR ..N.E-W.$l4 J?RESS 4 ~. ttb IAe9I ........... ,., °"' f'wtJ ...... EntH"ed u Seoued-Oam M&tc.r at \be Poatomce ln Newp>rt 8Mdl... cantonUa under t.ll• Act ot M&rc.b a, 187t. -----............ S.W, .. ...., ... n_...., at N_,.n Beedl. CalU. llJ UM HSWPOl&T KAJUM)ll PUBU81DNO OOllPAHY r 111' ......_ •••• JllCH RllDDJCX. Pu~ "I u ... M 4. Mo.a. l:dStor OR.MONO £. ROUNTR&E, AdvUU.inf Dlredor 8lJll8Clll.PTION M TU1 Newport 8-bor s .-p,_, 'l'trim Wt!ell.IJ la 0nac-0-'7, ..... ,_ ,_,., SI.II lb ...._: fl.It 0a.-.. ., Oru.I• ~, ,, ... ,.., ,.., As time goea on It will be neceuary to re-align the present flexible boW\dariea t1tiating between Laguna Beach and Newport Beach and their high achoo! dia· tricts. Plana for the fut ure ahould now be made, all of course, lh keeping.with the ~d anticipated -plans of the Irvine Company fpr their use of their vast ranch Janda for subdivision purposes. No sooner iii one achool built in our rapidly grow- ing state than two a re needed. T~at same formula is evident here. We recently completed the Ha.rbor View School and have just vot~ bonds for the Newport Heights School. No sooner will the completion of Orange Coaat Col- lege be anno\l.Dced than taxpayers will be aeked to re- assign the "super-tax" used for its building for the build- ing of a new high school in Costa Mesa. · Our hats are off t o the school administ rators and the boards of trustee. that are trying to anticipate the future· artd plan the facilities needed before an emer- gency situation dictate. less careful conaideration. In case the naming of all the achoo) diatricta aeem.a like a compli~ated mess, perhaps we can, simplify the matter. The Newport Beach Elementary SchQOl District is -to all intents and purposes -com~aed only of the City Limits of Newport Beach. The 'Costa Meea Elementary School District comprises all of the rest of Newport Beach Township west of Upper Newport Bay. The two districts comprise the Newport Harbor Union High School District. Orange Coast College District is made up of the Newpo rt Harbor Union High School District and the Huntingt9n Beach Union High School District. Orange also extenda its service& to Laguna Beach and Capistrano High School Districts, but they are not mt'mbers of t he district. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is familiar to the American peo- ple in many ways-as the boy reading by firelight, aa the young lawyer with an endless collection of funny stories, u the gaunt shawl-draped figure pressed by monumental problems and agonizing decisions, u the man of incomparable eloquence in his Gettysburg and Second Inaugural speeches, and, finally, at the victim of the assasain's bullet. The admiration a.nd reverence which have grown for thia man over the decades have obscured much of the hatred and bitterness which were rampart when he was elected in 1860. A Richmond newspaper declared : "With Lincoln comes something worse than the r ag and tag of Western grog-shops and Yan kee factories .•. with all those comes the daring and reclcless leader of Abolitionists." Blft despite the constant barrage of hatred and re- viling heaped upofl him, despite his periods of indeci- sion and bewilderment, Lincoln never lost sight of the real issue: tbe Union must be preserved. The price the nation paid for that preservation wae a ghastly oite. But it was worth it. The talk of secession which had been voiced by Northern States, was forever silenced. And along with it. the iSBue of slavery waa settled, for all time. Because Lincoln made the right choice, though an agonizing one, because he st ood firm when the world seemed to collapse around him. he made eurc that the "government of the Pe<>ple, by the people, for the people, ahall not perish from the earth." WASHINGTON REPORT CHAPEL IN'l'ERIOR-.A.iatencia of Pala draw• "Ptg· ia" McNally to mua regularly. -Horace Parker Photo , Today I met one of the real jewels oi the brush country Aiwl, ·like a Jewel, one enjoys the o\·erall exquisitivent·sM of the gem rather than the individual facets. So when you ai;k for a deta.iled history of this wonderful lady I can't lo:""<' it- bat to me "Pegia" McNally is the "Wh ite Motht'r" ur Pain. Her Ute haa been IO f\111 and 1 00<! I fo'or yura Ah,. al80 r111 r1,..1 lit., only & book could do her Jt111lkl'. m111l on l'alomur Mu11nt11l11~ In h•" In a wheelr halr 1lnce hl'r "ac("I· twcf'n ll111r1< 11he r 1111<t!d a f111111lv dtnt" thl1 little, blonde lady exud· of 7 ~hlldrrn. ~ l>"Y" 11nd 114'<1 1:11 ll!, u lhe Jove and usl of llvlnic with "Rr ady madl'," 11hr cslls lhrm In• By '°or Coagrwmaa IAllES B. tJTr Aa thla report will appear a day or two ~tore Lincoln'• blrtllday, I tell that It w ould be proper lo aet forth a few Lincoln anecdotea &nr;I quotallons. Thry wtU never CTOW old nor wlU they l'ver ht' mll- flt tJnar. When Uncoln became pruld•nt. lhe Democr&llc party had bffn In power for many year21. Every pao- tronace job had be<'n tlU~ wtlh a Democra l and now Republlcan• buelged the \.\'hite House demand. Inf appointments. One day a senntor callJ.nr on t.he president noticed t.11 exprea· aton of arutlrty and dtJtcllon upon Llncoln'1 face. The aenator Inquir- ed : "Hu anyt.hrng 1 one wronir; Mr. President t H&vt you heard bad new1 from Fort Su.mler?" "No," requled lht pretldtnt eolemnly, "lt"I the µo1tomce al Joneavllle, Ml.&11our l." Abraha m Uncoln once recelv~ ll lf'tler a.aktng tor a "•enllment" &nd hlll 1utognph. He rtipUed: '"Dt'ar Madam. wbui you u k a 11t.rancer tor that which IJ! ol 1n- terul only l o yourwlf, alway• en- cloRe a •tamp. ABRA.HAM LJN- COl.N." A woman C'llme lo the White HouM one day on an unuau&.I tr· rand. which Pttsldl'nt Lincoln aua.- pected WH a prel.(!xl, but hr took her at htr word and gave her the toli.w1nc note lo Major Ra.n111ey, of lhr QuartermMll'r'• Depart· ment. "My 0 "6r Sir, lht' lady burn ot thlJ1 aaya 11ht hae two 11on.t w ho want to work. Set lht'm a l It If po1111tble Wa nung to work 11 llO rare a merit that It 1hould bt en· coun1,d. A. LL!\ICOLN. 1er wtU\ whom Uncoln had been talklnJ, "you cannot aay that wu a Hlllab act." "l:xtnmely ael.tlah," repll~ Un- coln. "It I had left l.b&l lltU• fel· low In U\are, the m•mol')' of hla 1qul&lln1 would have made me un· comfortable all day . That la why I fl"ffd him:• In 1132, when Uncoll'I WU • 1uch a po1IUvenee1 of the here· M<muC'h a11 thty Wl'rr all 1ttl11ptt••I, candidate for lhe 1Utnol1 le~-after that des th I• Ju11t a "8tt~ and a number of lhf'm 111 r 1l~v11t• tur., h• Mid he held It "• aound lh .. 1 h I o maxim better only iomtUmea to a.Joni e way rather lha.n an njt' t r1r llvu n van n11A 11lt1a be right than a t all Umea wroq ." orf'U'llC t.nJ chemlcal flnallty. ot lhl' C•lhollc Ch111 t It. • --Her ale&&nlly tumlllhed home of Thi' story 111 tnlol huw rl'g and Secretary of War Stanton wu ma .. lve, ft.mil helrlooiiia d bombard~ with complalnll of the Y rupll hl'r ch1hlrrn 111fha'na'l'1I m 1u•R st otflcera under tum. J'lnaUy ha one lnt.o th• wor lll of lht !'arly, the f'11la t.f l11luun. FA1 h Sun•lt•}' 1Wrote • lt ltar lo a 1cner&.I who C&llfomlt. Don. Al un<' end of hrr Uity rode over the n111un l•m. 11· had abulled him .,,d acc\IJI~ him dlnlnf room 11 a tiny Catholic cr~a the Ran Lula Rry Rlv,.r l'J ot favoritlam. Hf' read the letter Cha""I. about 12 by 20 fret com· to P?-ealdent U ncoln. who ll1tened ,..... Pila to ~hun·h. a nd excla imed: pletely "f\lrnli hed." BELL Rl~O 1n:1.A \'l:U "Tbat 'a flr•t-rate, St&nton You ha ve 1eored hJm well! Juat rir ht !" .Aa St.&nton folded lhe ietter Int~ 111 envelo~. Lincoln quickly uk· ed: .. Why, what an you l'olnl to do with It now 1" Stanton repU~ he wu 1otn1 to aend ll to lhe general. .. Nn, no, that would 1poll all. File It away. That I• Ul• klnd of tiling wh1rh kee1>9 It llbarp-&nd d~•n't wound the olher fellow!" 1111ld Lincoln. "The way I• plaln. peacef\&l. pl'l· rro1a, Jwtl-a way which. 11 fol- lowed. thr world wtU torner .P.. plaud, and Ood muat forever blu11." I Second Annual M--1• to CongrtA, Df'C. 1, 1H2J "LA'l u1 han faith that rt1ht maJcu mlrhl. and ta t.llat faith lrt us t o the end da.n t.o do our duty M WI' undel'9tand It." (Coop· t r lnaUtute Addreaa, N"" T ork, Ftb. 27, 1860) '"I l>f'lle11e f'&eh lndlv1du&.I ta naturally entitled to do u hi pl,a.11u with hlm.et.t and lhe fruit ot hlJ1 labor, llO fir u It In no wlM lnterderm with any ot.h1r 1TMU1'1 nght1" f Sptteh at Chl~o. Jul1 10. l~j trNOF.R PA.LA M18810 S One Sunduy murnlng ll wt ~ Thia la one of lht' hllh~ C'h1tptb nt 1u ly trme for M111>11 and fo'11llt• r und.r tha wpervlllon ot the 1 ood Brawn came utll lmp11t1rntly 10 Ptmrea of the P ala MIN lon tha t confront th!' •lid ln1ll11 n twll 1 trlit"r my wife and I dldn"l know f'•l•lf'd when we made lha Jndla.n Ch apl'I 1111.a of palntlnc1. It la known u Ula "Ml11lon Chapel ot the Sacrrd Heart " t.nd 11 open to the tallh· tul Calhollc1 of Valley Center In San 01110 County. A• w• tntertd Mr . Mc~ally 1''U buaUy doing Ram•jo L111;1t "Why don·t ~"" nng th• IJ• ti Rama.Jo~·· aak•·tl 1'·n1h1 r 111 "" n. "You know ho\\. >111n 1 ~ 0 11 • • "Yt11, r•atlr•: 11111.i <1hl H1111111Jn, Thfn hf' p<1lrtl1 ti l•1 I '<111'11J If 1111 ot duirt on l "P ul l11c I• II '""I h aome "alalnt d gtu1'' w11rk tor th" (If I ht Mu.~1111t wlndowa ot the llltla Ch11 ptl ot "SN· llrut it11~1 I''""'·· 'I lrnt 111 the Sacred Heart. Peic1a antl I h•• 1 1111.i,. 11 If I 1 mi: Mr1. McNt.lly la the d"cendant the b,.Jls n11w ""' ""I lw 1,.1,. r .. r of Ju n Plene Buma t 1Boo'maw l Ma..-. But It I "'"" 110111 11hc who at'tlled on thl• apol on lht croH"a Ute llv• 1 111 1111i; lh"m thvn Pt.la Mlu lon land• In 1818 a t the ahe wlll I><! nn 111111 ' lime Father Peyrl of San Lull Rty wu oon1lruct1n1 the Aaiattncta al P ala. He bulll a two-1tory 1lone house, which In later yrara wu F1ther B rawn ,•111ir~1 ni; I•• •111 .. prrH .. 11m llt'. 111•·1-1· I 11• ... ft•I '" a gTttm .. nt Lio lh"' ,,J ! lrt•h••n 1t ~1111· pit log ic. lorn down atone by •lone In sea rch AncJ for )'1'111 11 111~ '"II• of l°t•I• ot tn&111r1 1&ld tO be co..-aled ""ver r ani; fl•r M11 •• imt 11 I'• I tr\ croutd lhl' rl''\r .,.,,,, hrt 1htltlr•11. In It. Thi• wu about 1eoe or near- Jy to yean &!~er the houn had !UH' 01· f A.\lt.ttA been b\llll. Only the old 139-y«ar· 'Nt> amount 1•r • 1111 .. 1n1: • •111hl g11l old atone wine cellar •llll r xlsta p,.g 10 fl03" f.,, fl I'" 1111 • · "''m" day I hopv ""' •1 .. "111 11llnw and ll I• an lnt•cral part of lhf' 1>nl' t11 bf' 111 .. 11 F••r 1111 , hr 11~h Tribute to Island's Ralph Harvey Rollins Lincoln waa pilled, u a lawyer. against a con .. arue who pu!ftd and blew ln a very windy manner Whf'n he 11poke. Uncoln 1<ald or him: wall• Of lhl' p~nnl houM anr1 ,co11ntty mo1h•1 14h•1 h••~k• into "A majority hald hi ~•lralnt by aen·u u pantry lllld laundry room """a nt th•· 11l1.i,:l1• r1f hl'I ln•ltu11 "The l'efltleman reminds me ot <'OIUIUtuUona l check• a nd llmU.a· a lltUe 1le1L1nhoat 1 knew aboul Kr.PT HF.R Bf'!'\' fn~n'1' lrt l'Hl.i. """''1'1 )l'ft\'•• • Uorui. and always chanl[1nt eully hk1 n• ·~ f• t 1111• , ",,,, I ,, ,. hr r BJ '0 8EPll Al.LAS BF.EK wu known not onlv lo t.he •cqua· on t.he Spoon RJver. Sh" had btt'n w1lh rlell!).,.rate <'hanrea of popu-Pee Mc'Nally wu t;om in S•iulh rven thflUlfh ,11, ,.,.,. 1 lllkr A Ba.Ibo& Jsl&nder11. t'llJ>1!1"11l lly l•r ~J"•l l ~ 1lf•111n111in rltmbanr . P<JUlpped w1th a whl11Ue dlJ1proJ>(lr-A frlca on an f-~1eh~h Army f',,•l he.a 111i1" pi• 1,11, thOff to wbom thl' ll!land h11s hrt'n •ktlnll' snol t>xplorang were alllO to t1onate to hr r capllclty of st('am· !Gr opinlnn• and Hntlmf'nl1, IA lh• From thllt da.ota nl stlHl ~hf' hll~ I home for mA.ny ytsrll, were Rrl~ll· h111 hktni: Jl(lwer and every ttm.-J!ht blew <>H 1 l,..111y trul' 11overelgn ot a free peo-at1ned In ui .. Unltec1 Stal•• 111 a Th•· ~1·11111wl ""'' 1n•r1111t •11.n11 1 ed lo lr&m th8l nn Sunrkly mi1rn-A m1111 M ~l rengU1, r"llOUt<'tCUI· it stopred the boa t!"' pl ... \\'h~vrr rf'jecta It dou . o4 s anl& Fe Slataorl Ajl;tnl, .,.0 ,kl'•I "'",' •prnt "n n,. M1:-.•ll11 lti11tr h Inf. J•n. 23. Ralph H Rulllnll nu11 .,,d dignity. ht will be but I I lo d-' • ntctMlty. fly to anarchy or tn d!'· for ye11ra Wll ti lhr l'lr kwl•k St11~ II 1 111 .. m~k· II 1<'11" r••••).~• •11111· complrted hL, Ms1immPnt and rr mf'mbtred for hi• uniform tern· n rep y a ... ep t1on of bank 1 •• In Callfnrnts, < n,. tif lh•• '"'" I po•r1I hy I< 11 I 11~11n1' 111' t1ra1Jlh Join~ that long r11ravsn rif thol4! rerance In all lhln~ and hla rare prealdent.a who ur1eo Whtlhtr "I potl,.m. l nanlmlty '" lm~lblt, runner• of t hl' r.it\h•·lln'1 1.rn•, ' •m in• •"'"I'"'· •1 "'"'I 1pr• Tl(1a1 who have th.Vhllrli(NI th<'1r earth· quality "' pat1rnce, ('OUrtv~y and WR..\ not llmf' to l(IVr up a.II the rulf' vC a minority "" a perm· Sht hu •Jnn• 11.ivnll~lnJ.;. l'hi 1,. • n ur F "' h• r '' h" .., t In II•,.,., n ly dutJu a n'1 g11 wll h •aim <'llprr-kln\lllne~~ thought of preserving lhe Union, 11.nrnt 11rr11ngrment hi wholly lnt.d· paphy inti JIUbltttt) wr.t k 1<n•I <·IV• ••~ th,. H11• h I• lrn.,,,I 111 • h•nl ltmcy to hf'IH thr 'grr·ellni: "'wt'll !'11/'h w1111 his rhs 111t tl'r th11t to Lincoln told the follow ing lllory; ml•Nble. 8o that, rtjtttlni the when I w&. a amall bl')y. 11h,. wu pra}'rt e:~:·t.hou good and falrt1l!11l Mr· know him ca.aually wa• to reapl'cl "When I waa a young man In m ajority pr1nt-lplt , anarchy or de· runnlnc a "frl'I' IA.II<'• • l,,Jd<ln1t Our lll'f"dll 11rr known to lh"8 him. 10 know him well wu to u· llllnole, I boarded for a lime w1lh pollam ln 10ml' form 11 all that Le I l('rv\ce In the brush t-ountry v.ilh I And "°· ,r;i•Y yQur de.lrn . ti. a. In the min11,, Qf tho!!t who <'n· lrem him hlihly snrl to knuw him the deacon of the Prfsbvttrle.n .. &n old R.eo 8 pet<lwa1on. thy ca rt. joyed the fncnrl&hlJ" or lht11 out-rlo11 .. 1y wa11 to lovr and honor him. Church. 0 0,. night 1 wu · rou11td I left. I Fll"lll Jnaucural Addr-. ~ standing clt1zen11, I here IH dl'finlte Whlll' h,. wss """ po1111PAAt d of a frnm my i leep by a rllp at thr March 4. 18$1 l I ~......, ,. . , a .. ura nce of A rrward well r11m· 1 -""n"1\ A • n·--vf hum •r tr1v1sl \'. 1~ ·' r ~· nr ' ' • dnor and I heard lh" dtsron'll "The doctrtnt of Mlt-~ovem· ed. Hl1 lt!e and 1111 h111 work!! wrr!' 11y ws~ Ahhorc nt 10 h11n, frlvoltly 1 laJ I A '"' " au ch ., lo mark him 1111 on~ o! 1 ,.o Cf u c m ng. ' .. se. A br11ham' ment I• r1ghl-b10lutely and tttr· 1 rorrrJOl tf'l hll'I nat1arr Md dll!ll pa· The Day of Judptnt hu com,.!' naJly rif ht " 18J>ff<"h at Peoria. I' unueuaS c11plrlly. dl't·p p11lrlollsm tlnn lotnlly 1:nknown to hl11 w11y 0 and a degne <>f 11ltru~lm ri1rtly of life. So Mn~1~1rnt w11~ hl111 d,._ "[ •pranr from my ~ 11nd 111·• ct. 18• l&M) I revealed. vut1on to th11sr lhtni:s he brllewd rusned to my window "n•I uw "It there I• anythlnf which 'It Ralph H. Rnllln&, wtl h h l11 Y.1(f', ti\ br r1Rhl lhllt thr term ''\llrl•· l!llar9 faJllng In JTl'•I 11howeu; but, Is the duty ot t he whole peoph• one aon and t"'·o daughttr~. ti<-1&n Grntlemsn · m11y wrll bf' 1111('(! IO<)kln~ back of t.ham In lhe hr11v-lo never •ntruat to any !landa but tabllahed a home on Turquoise to rp1tnmlu hi.!! ch11rac1rr. tnJI, I uw lhe JT&nd old con11lel· their OW'n. U.t t.hlnJ la the pra .. An., Balboa l11lt1nd In th1· urly T o lhoi1e who knt'w U;t1 fine. laUon• with which I wu 110 wtll •Mrt.tlon a nd ~rpetulty or their 1 1920.. A atrong ~·1mmer. an (lllrlll· gen<'rl'Ull .sr111t, lh!' fl11wC'r.s on acquaJnt.ed, fixed and true In their own llbtrtlee and ln1lltutlorui." I man and a 11111lor. ht !Pd ht.~ lit-Turqu111~r A'""' will bloom " lilllr pla('e8, 1Speech at Peoria, 111., O('l. 18, U• brood lnto lhr rlt'H w11trr11 nf ll'llll brtghlly.~ 11tar41 11hlne w1lh I "Gtntltm•n, lhl' world did not 1864 I .1 Newport Bay &n•I tuu~lit thl'm tht I· 'II hrtlll.u1cl' An<t lhl' w11trr nt c-nme 10 ao !'nd th<'n. nor will thr "If the ~ple remain r11ht, I acquaUc aporl:1 In whk h tll"Y wtr!' the b1y v.111 "'em a 111 lle lrs11 blut I L'.nl11n now " I ye>ur public men can never betray later to earn d111lln<'lrrm I for ht.'1 11b.!!cnn. __ you •.• C\.lltJvate and pn>t.ect that I A.a •ngU\Cf"r by profession, ht B!'r~rt v! a IH:&.ultful daugh.ter. U n<'oln often l!lald thtl~ there ~.-nument (that Ula l>rinclplaa ot I waa kKnly t.Jerl to lhe problems his 1,ld,.11t ch1\d. mnny y.-ara Ago, W&3 no act which w u not prompt-ltberty are e~m.al), and 1our &m• that ~ltd lhe community In hr wore lt.al an 1r wtlh t•11t1!11dl' r d hy aome eelftah mot1,·e, hlUou. leadera Wiii ti. r.duced to tboM ear1y dsya s nd w11s elt <'ttd I 11nfl n''lhmatlon. :>\ow In pe.."lnr. Rldlnir In a 11tare from Srrtnlo?· th• s>09ltJon ot "rvanta ln9'Md ot a l niat.e oft.he Balboll l sl11m:Jt1m· h,. l,.s,·u t o hl.11 wld•Jw, Grace field tn " nrlghtior1n!f town hP mu ten." (8~h at LAWT'9nc. provemtnt. AMOrlllllon In 192:1, H00\1 RulllM , lhe memory ot de· 11aw a •ma.II plf caught In thr 'mud h11rs, Ind., F ab. 11, lMl ) ""lrtl tor over 20 yeArt on th11t vot ... 1 c11mpanion11hlµ In & ltfto well bc"lde the road aqurallng an1l I board. He wu tor m any ~et.rs an 8Jl('nl To hl11 ann Rnbt'rt. the 1trug111n1 to tr~ h 1m,,rlf. M11ny I cloH w ith • JdCer110nlan U · actl" partklplUll Jn lht Tourna· 8n'.'hitect. hi• dauihter P ftrontll&,. or tbe pe.alt~era laufhed hurt· lorn, tor Uncoln wu d•voW to maat of U,~t.a and & member or t ht' artl•l and to h111 thrtt grow· lly. but Mr. Unc:oln asked th,. him. • t.be Be.Jbo& l ar ht C"lllb whwi tht.t lnl( ~andcbUdren. he bequeath.a driver to ltop fM a few mom,.nta ''WU9 we dlNCted from_ Wuh- ot,.anlMUon ._,113 younir and I.ht not only A record ot con1trucllv1 1n,.ion wban lo eow and Wbtn to rolnr tia.rd. Hf' wu & conal1tent and artl.11llc worlc but an nampi. Let.pine f rom Ille •l&gr. he reap, W• anould it00n want br9&d pwt.lclpuil In th" •rllv1Un of the of .-ectlf'tide, honor a.nd clluity ....i'lted to th• dtt.ch, over hll! •h<>t'· 1 •.. When a ll 1onmmtnl. In Utlle Woode Sh~ n!'N of <'athoat1 whlrh 'llo11t ever be an lruparallon top1 In mud and 'Pldtt'd up the llt· 1.u In (Ttal lhlnp , &hall be clnt.wn ""1<>1.1e alls of cr ntru tlng color• aiw1 • Mered memor,. Ue animal. •ltlnr It on .alld to Wuhlnrton u Ula c"nter of a.I.I f'H't Ute bay a r l'tlnbow hue tor "J..&rit• ... Ilia t.owa&¥ and bl• around. I Pf1Wer, It will become venal an<J DI.any 1.an. H t• t.lhleUc prow ... 80ul A4ncare." ''Now, look -.,·· R id a ~n-1 vpprM!ve." COOL OF Cf:LLA K-~ntrance to olrt Bumnt wine cel- lar on Mcr\ally Ranch of Pala ~h<JY.'8 how It IMk1 t.oda7, Cellar wu built in 1816. -Horace Parker PhCJto ONE WILL REIGN-The "Queen of Hearts" for the benefit dance apor\sored by the A. W. S. at Orange Cout College on Feb. 11. will be selected from this bevy of fem- inine charmers. Shown (L to R) ftont row : Stevie Belcher. Sunset Beach; Ola Vay Harris, Newport Beach ; Elaine Unzelman, Orange; Edith Frederick, Anaheim. Sec- ond row: Jane Nunan, Newport Beach : Barbara Johnson, Garden Grove: Jacquie Se- wall. Laguna Bearh ; and Diane Moore, Garden Grove. -Photo by Fath '9UEEN OF HEARTS' Marine Admits OCC Students' Dance Set ~obbing Cabbie·, ·1n Center Tomo N. ht Asks Probation • rrow 1g SANTA ANA COCNS) -Camp The Quwn or Heart:! Danct'. I with all proc·wh• goini: to World GULL GRABS BUCK University S1•rv1ct'. will bl' Al11ged F rld11y CV!'nlng. 1n Stud<'nt CentPr FLIPPED IN AIR at Orange Cnn11t C11llt>i;•• 1t wasi LACUNA BE ACH tOCNSI disrluacd. Somewhrre alnng the CaJ1for- The danrl'. th•• first to br tw lt1 tho" semester. will U1k1• pla< r tr"on fl tu 12 fl.m. PrP81dlns.; over thc dance will be lhl· Queen of lh•a1ts I a 1'0-t'd to bP 111•lf'<'k d by mean~ "'" shore lhl•re 111 a s!'a !:'Jll who got d1ang.-tor h111 bill. A bl'\itch 11tr11ller wa~ thr - r1111: ll 1olve1 llolln r In thl' air when along came a n a gull nn<I snalch!'d the coin~ or vnlPS. ·rho~" running In thr --------------Quern NmLest ate Jane Nunun. ~.:;~:t a!:~~~. Ol~ac~~v ~ea~~I~: College Exam Newport &a<"h. F:lalne Unz:('lm11n, Orange. E11ith F'rrdcrlck. Ana-f A h4'1m. Stevlr llekhcr. ~un~Pl or wards Bear h: BarbRra JohmlOn. 0Arden I C rov". &nd D1a nt' Moore. Garden Giove Set feb. 26 Members or the A. W. S. board In charite nf the event are J11ne Cowlo~g. H 11 11 l I n J; 1 0 n licarh. A nnnuncemenl wa11 made th is Qut•ens chairman. Ka t h t rlne kb h h 1 h ' It Soul wud, ,,11•lw11v uty. photo-l r Ch C Ii t th h • ,... J"'"''' y t e :ic oar s 1p comm - araphy Suz:annt Ballou !,.Bin.ma •'•' '' apman ° egP o t B.-ach. · deror11t1tms, Joa~n•• Mn-nrict .. xammatlon to be given can· roll. CMona drl lltar. tnbll' de< uNt-<hJll\t'l! for Chapmllll Collt>ge 111'.hol- tlon11· Jarkie FuMln Mlllwlly C-1ty. er>1hlp11. The examination" for Nrw- toyf'r. cll'Coi·atlon ; H~th Pl'r<'~. Co>'-putt Beach are 11ch<'Juled tor Sat· ta Meu. Q11een'11 nowna. Jan ur<llly, F t'b. 2&. D1thH1tth. Coron1< tlfl M11r. re-\IAS V 8CHOLA&SHI~ f,.•11hmrnts. 11t.1ry Ann Bnwlf'A. «n· A total of 12 11cholar!lblp11 wlll 111n1< 11<'1 Mar. (,Juc"n s c111wn be l(IVl'n 10 to h1i;rh 11Chool 11en· P l'n1w Kr"'" r C-cornna 11<'1 Ml\r """' 11111.l two tu J11111or colle11e MIU· flll hlo11t v 1>0111lvn ~11<ndt 1<1111 •h-nl ~. Th·· 1whulR18hlp11 thrm1h•lv- IAI' t>rl •'"lo Or11n11" •If'• n1Ml1nn1< e• will 1'1-111:<' ft um S i:i in valul' F ran•u• Hl •l\•n ('"l'IA M"""· '"to StOil Th" Mhol"r"h1r PX11m1na- Jt.-n·r~l <hn11n111n tllml'I 11re 1:1,en oulh year on a Thr '1"n•·r 111 11 • g111 iu.k h<">v'" cornrct1tlv•' ba11111 And are part or 11rrulr wllh 1"ln111••1nn ,,,.,. tor a m111•h laq;rr 8Cl,l0lllr11hlp 11rn· thn:«• with 111111l•·nl hodv l"!lld~ i:rnm. In udllltlon to thc&e thf'fr are oth1·r s1>4'rtal 11Cbol&nh1p1 fo1 Martin loy leatln, Mother Tells Cops AllrJtrd br111lntr: llf hr1 "4\n .lnhn. 11. w,.,. it'fl<•lll'll F"n•l.11,· '" rwhre hy ~Ir• F: C Mnrlln. !l(l(I :o;out h H11v f."111n1 ~·"" ~hl•t JtJhO rrnol A r1 1end Brllln C111wf.,1 •t 12 2'..!(l D1a mnn1I A vr W l'l l' wo11k1ni.; 1n Ill,. M111tm lo!•r· llJ.:1• Wilt ll I hr ln(l.Jrnt o'lt'('UrrPd. J ohn ""''I tw .. I l·)""•·ol·I ooy11 Jll111r•·•I him 11nd i.rMv•• him "bl oody nu~ .. 1 ·ndn polu:I" que11t1on1n11:. one of tllr ra•r .1lllltl ht hi\ J ohn. partlrular llblllllrs 111 mu111r rt>ll- &H•n. e.h1r11tlon antJ nthrr rtelt111 Condulalo for thr 11Chol&rt1hlp11 "hould n111ke aprllcatlon r rlor to one Wtt•k bdor .. thr exem1 nal1oni1 arc ftl f en Written applk11t1on may be nu1dc to the S!'holarsh1p Com· Pt'ndlelon Marine Pre. Jamu A. Snapp. 18, F riday pleaded guilty to robbinir a cab driver of $13 m rn11h and a $60 wrl11l watch. He >t!lked for a probation hearing. Snapp wu ~tore Superior Cnurt Judge J ohn Shea. The judge M't h1•armg anJ llt'ntencmg down ror 9;30 11.m. F'eh. 18. The deren· danl 111 1n custody In lieu of ball. Snapp and a 17-year-old Marine werl' arrested Jftn. 23 by Newport Beach police arter an aa11erted wevk t'ntl of crime'. They were aJ. lcged to h&vr klilnaped and rob· bed rour ta.xi ra b dr lver11, three m Los AngC'le8 County. Th" blonde 18-year-old eervice- man adm1l!J!d l.ftklng the cash &nd watc·h from H . L. Bra.n11ford, Long Beach cab rlrtvrr. lying him and leaving him In a ditch along Smeltur A\•e .. near Bol.8& Chica Rnad. A .32 n:1l. 1&utomallc UIK'rt- l!dly w1111 ustd by one of the aus- pecls. Or1g1n111ly, thl' ra1r wu accui<t>d of k1Jnapp1ng. They never wt re charged with lht> abduction alle· gat111n In a formal romplAl.n t. mlttre. Chapm11n College. :133 :Sorth OlaMrll St . Orang~ BA~Ql'ET SET Schnlar11hlpa gr&ntrd th rough lhl' l'ompl•t1liVl' exa.mlnRtlon are pa1tl ror by thl' proceeds rrom the yc11r- ly Foundt'rs' D11y S<:holar11hJp a,.n. quet. Scheduled for M11rch 4. t h111 yur·a banquet wlll proYidt the 1'<'holar~hlp money whlrh will bt' gninted next yrar. or lnte~"t to acholarahlp can-I tlltl1&tl'8 18 the fact lhsl Chapman Coll4'1lt' la the only tour-year llb<>r-1 111 "1 t" rollt"e In Oran11e County lhnl 1e rnnt11 a. bachelor'• dl"Jrl"t'P ;1nol 1,. "anrtionr•I by I he Stale ot C"ahfurnlR lo g rant a t eachlnri: cre- dent 11<1. Starts Sunday "Vera Cruz~' BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY Oary Coopt"r ., ......... wperlltiw iDod. coclttlits Md ... amid otd ...,,.. dWa. HURLEY BELL In PIANO LOUNGE (aft.-r 11:30 p. m.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Liberty 8-3071 ''Superb Foocl" gg PARkl:0-0 SJ:R\"ll"E no• oua DOO• Contemporary l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 ,, MATHENY'$ MEANDERINGS Music Course 1 FIRE DAMAGE IN cou1.rY AREA Entries Open L~!AE~A 1.~~, ~~~.E~!t!~~ .. 1.~!~···~ .. dam11i::e In unlnrorporalt<l Oranfl! "'" modem at ref'la of New O.lh1. Roees are red, violet.II are blue R eg 111 1 r 8 t I 0 n n•malns 01'<"n County tern tor)· durtnit JllM wu the Red Fort. and aome of the Now'• the time to uy "I love you" ~.hrough Feb. l:"l for " courKC In tnr 11nclf'I" that re<:ord"d In the pre· leatlera ot lnrtla. H . , Appr._clnl1on llf Cont.•mpornry I vh>t111 12-mon lh J>f!rioJ. eart.a and flowers will dehght MU111c·· whkh J-l"icda Urllnfanle, J . A. Srherman at"le foreat While! In India Jut 1ummer, O r. And 1IO will dining-out one night C'On1lucfor of Ut 1tng1· C11unl)'"8 l'Anj!•'r. •at.I prope.r4y itamAJ(e ln Brown Wall able to lnlervl-two Or even dining-out one day with au the family will• a. dd I new .Phllharninnir ~ociet~· otchcs-, 111!'i1 fi res WH S302.9~ u against membel'a ot Nehn.i"a cabinet and th V . . , . tra 111 gw1ng 111 :-;ewport Bt'ach $S!'i2,891 In J!)f13 Thf' put ycar the vice prt>11idenl of India who to e alentine spint. J ohn Majun out at HARBOR HOUSE 1 this sprint:: cor L'nlvl'rs11y or call· I was :irrond lowt·~·l In thi• tut five formerly hAa hf>m the lndla.n am· la featuring a week·end mt>nu, ao come home party·· almotl t'Vtry rorn1a Exll'n>olon, Rf•i•o1ni1n,.: 1n yNirs. (.(Is" In l!l:\O wa~ 54 81!,0!'le; b1U11U1 dor to fluMtu. A pl<'lorlal re-· we .,-e told:. to ~.ppeal to family night. Miss M1<1io:n1N w.1111111. ht·u~ {if l!lOI. $384_421 . and l9!'12. $2&1.966. view will be Included with ~n<'• pthertns•· Pele Hector'. rental J ust l o jog your memortea, re-cl•s~•·ll. I the lowest. front the previous lecturea on Ja· front-doorman out at H. H .. aug· member that ROSSI"S uver In Cor· The 10 we,·kly I• t:t ui••s at 7 I H0 .,..,., • .,r. mor<' aneaKe waa fl&n. Th•iland, and Paklat&rl. Th• reat1 a Sunday dinner u a real ona del Mar la clo-1 on Tuesdays p.m. i.n .''00111 130 of ~''"Pu•t lla1-burned tn lflM 1111111 In any year lecture begin• at 8 Q"clock and I• treat for mom and dad and kid· and CHRISTIAN"S HUT down 'bor .U111on Hlch School nn· 1t1 br J ~incP 19411. A totnl of S:l&& a cre• Opl'n lo Lhe public without a.harse. dlea. Ba.Ibo& way la c109ed on Mondnys. J a d1scusswn u~ nun·lt•1•~n1t·:.1 Ian-was sron'hl'd. $(•ht mlllR broke the Lillian Caruao la l he atar of the i;uage <If lht' 11."Slhetu·" nnll 11111,-1-hlllZPI! dnwn lnm 129 Atructural piano lounge out at li(ajurl"a Further jogging: when you are I cal styles uf r ontempu1t1rv co111· 11 1 vehic"lt> 91 ref 77 Im ' aARBOR HOUSE In Coeta Meaa. In &l~a. that'• the home of posers. bci:mnlng with 111•· imp11•.;· mcnt. 1~5 ·forellt ~1:;· ra:111 P;:;e~ Speaking of femme entertain· KARAM S flne real aurant. WIH'.11 s1on1.s~11 or lkbu~sy. <'nl.l1ng "Ith tota l alarms <•f MJ. ~hf're were t>ta, DoroltJY Neabtlt la maklnr a you are In Corona drl Mar. that 8 tlrn Jaz7. ..r c:,•r ,.hwrn nntl thl' u1011-13 1 r11 l•I' n'll\n 18 anc1 8:"1 lot of new friend• down at the where the HURLEY BELL keeps a .iUty or lkhonbt'1·i;. :m1J Miss Bel-calltt In. 19•,4 ' re11cue BALBOA INN CAFE whllat ahe log tn l.he tlreplace. 1 inft1nh' · • · lead th old ....... ,0 ed c JU11t In case you are Interested r In s11hm1ttm1:: hit rcport to the ~ e • ...,., n ommu-. er!<oni int•, ,.,.:.•J n1.1 v •'nroll Ornn •r c t , Boa Ii f s r.1ty Singe each Saturday eve. here"a the movie menu for currN1l ror tht' l°nlv1•1•1ty l•·•·tu1 .-~ ,.. · 1111-I! oun ~ r o UJ'lf'r· · Harbor a rea showingl!: al the · i.;. vlllflri< lhl' rMiirr estimated $1.· IALIOA 1"11 Dick Dent mlxea the old fuh· LIDO 1 N '"Th . N 11·1111 or fltt \"1uu" nH1Nll'~1 I l 1o1u1ni;. 234 .089 wnrl h uf properly wu en• lqna and otht>ra whllal Ch~f Hen· 8 1n' n Llk ews':rt. 8 1 ere~.. 0 The lt'l'lun·~ will ma ll<' 11~ an rt!'· JllllJ:<'l'l'd bv flamPll. • CAR ry Jonea over-wee• the Culatne La us eu e ow us nea" • 61 1.rt'd1teu 1wo-unlt 1•011rsl' -----~----------- Loulal&n. Oh yea. Kate Dent la the ME SA;, In Coata Mesa,. "The · · the "hall -fellow . well · met'' who A.merlc&no : al the PORT. In Cor- meeta and greeta at the FAM· ona dcl Mar, '"Saratoga Trunk." OUS OLD INN on the Ocean T!)ls 11 "Scout Week" and time Front. for obeervlnc It by performin g your dally deed behind the whr~I and aeltlnr a good example ror tomorrow'• moUSrbt.a. Hv.ve fun: Have you vl1lted the pl&no !ounce a l THE CASTAWAYS? You mlshl well find aome of your frlenda alltlJIC and 1ipping In rhythm to Buddx_ Rohner 'a mualo. Buddy playa nlgbUy up on top of the hlll a t J olly Coburn'• unusual reatauranl-bar. Harry Lee-. down at the CHIN· ESE CASINO In Balboa. cla lma he ha.11 a Dc>luxe Lunch lh6t will f ill any appetite and take It eaay on the budgtl. With the help of hla pertner11. J oe Yew and Wah Chong Wong, Harry features a "big lunch" from 11 ayem 'lit 3 p.m . Then the CHl.NESE CASINO atarta lta dinner hour and contin· ues until J 1 p.m. F ood lo lake out la available whtn you w&nl It. W ithin rPuon, of courae! YMCA Enrollment Drive Nets eS4481 With 442 Members Enrollment drive of Orangr Cou t YMCA totalled 442 members at a J4481 valut . It w&11 llnnounced this week by Duke Cox. gent'ral eecretary. Awards were made at 11 Victory Dinner In ~l. Andrl'W'~ Presbyterian Church. Newport Heights. Monday night, High producer for lhe er.lire en· rollmenl w1111 Sen. J ohn Murdy of Huntington 8 1'ach with II+ mem· 'Portrait of Paris' Fil..-Set Feb. 14 The Rivel' St'me with 11s h1slnr· le bndgt>R. rurnous l'ariJ111J11 restau· rants and spac1owi boultv1trd11 are a f ew or the 11cenes In the color film "Portrsit of Pans·· tu b1• shown a t tht' Newport Hur•bor Union Hlgh School on Mnndny fo\•e- nlng, F'l'b. I+. <'urt ,,. J1;<1g1•I. the pholographl'r. Wiii !lflpl'n r 111 fl<"r· Mn as narrator. "po1111or,•d by thP Elmer Wll80n ··~vorltl 'l'l"avl'logul' Ser tri." Many iwenet1. 111dut1in1t Bulllle lJ&y parat.k. 1'181'•' 1te 1.1 Con1'ords. E1rrr1 Tow1·1. rhute1111 .. built by the f.~r.·nch klll)(ll 11nd the city or Venuullt11 u e 11hown. Mr. Nagcl"a film tour hes lht gay life of Pad s in photographing the Follta B"rgere. the Culno dt Par-II! and lav111h Pa ris night lift. plu• 2000\ yrara ot P arts, e nclent, rnedlevaJ and modrrn. When Grace Woody a1&yl'I there irm't any '0newJ1" over Jl THE ARCHES ahe meaM lh4' regular petrona of J ohnny Vllelle"a are pouring In the Hl&'h-y rrataurant every night ( exoeptlnc Thur&day ) &nd having the Um• ot their llvea. Thal really lrm't "newa" al that! P eople ~ enjoying THE ARCH· ES for many a y f'ar now and thf')' contlnl.le to do ao f rom what we bera at a $~5 va lue The two 'i~~iiiiiiilll~;;r• olher high ttlv111ion product>rs were Vlrgll Jltt"k8on of Co11ta Mtu wllh r~ ·~-a-a Ia:'m 34 members &nd $299 1111d Buck • • • """~I~ Bean of Newport Bc11ch with 43 member!! and $393. I.AST TJMY. i;!AT. Total production of t he enroll-Cllt•nn t"orol mf'nt by commumt•u round eoata TH Americ:ano hear. Take It f rom Louie Moreno, "th .. la the llfe !" Alter hia extend. ed tour t hrou(h Mexico and to hl• native $ipulh Amt>rlca t be popular p11l11il1t 11 ao glad to be back a1 H.ENRY"S on the Hlrhway. n aeema a lot or people are llO glad to welcome Senor Louie back to hla piano that they at&rt a "wel· Mesa hitting 174 member8 al St ~.~. Huntington Burh with 88 membt>ra &nd $1011.l'IO. 11nd Newport Bn ch with lfl!'I membf'rt1 and $1&19. The ~pecl11I l<'Rm reach· ed a ~00 value. The high team wu under t~. Ya.mell or New port Beach, con· lrlbullnic 40 memb#>n1 at a $47!'1 value. Al lhc dinner ml'l't. Cox reported on the YMCA µrogr11m for the balance of t he yur ~~-----~------- THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEN lO A. M. TRBOVGH I A. M. • Newport 81"4. H C-C BJ,c'lt-y NEWPORT BEACH • (We are CIOMd oe T'lrondaya> HENRY'S -MAJLE IT A lllUST - -Spaalsh Food at Its lest-~ U:..~OR LODI& AT THE PLUiO COCKTAILS :=:::.'t~S:: LONCllEON8 &ND DINNER8 NOCHE .OE RONDA s11s Dan 1>11r) •·:1-lnhn Pa)"" Silver Lode s......, TOtfY CURTIS Ill ADAMS ~~~NADER ABftOT't .um C'~TF.LLO ''Meet The Illustrated Talk On India Tonight S~biect at OCC '"India. lhe Oepital of N<'ulral· Ism" will be the topic of the l&11l lllu11tr11tC'll Jrcture In lhf' .Mrle8 I 'Forua On A11la" lo be preaenled by Dr. Cllea T. Bmwn tonight In the Art Cenll·r Gal,.ry, Orance 1 C'oast Collrge. I COCKTAILS Dinner 5-11 p.m. Deily (Cloae<1 TuHd&y ) • SA TU RDA YS • Dorothy Nesbitt leeds COMMUNITY SING IN BALB OA The r rrlbll'ms IUld opportunlt ie.11 rarlni:-t he 360 n1llllon Jndlana will ht• 1lli<<·us11t'•I and rolored alldra will I be 11hown of l!U!'h 8l"t'nCI U the Bnla Hindu temple, Lhe Taj Ma· -------------- music •lthtlY 9:JO to 1 :00 a .111. ENn:RTAINM:J:NT A.ND DANCINQ W1TH lo ... aitcl ...... PHONE BYATr ...aol l'OR RJ:D:RVATIOMa speclal ... c1ay btlffet at J p. M. thlftday Is "c••ck WCMJM" ..... ALL YOU CAN &AT '1.11 • OPEN"ALL DAY SXCllPI' Wl:DMmDAY DINING ROOK OPE.Na AT I P. ¥. "1•1wp .. ce .,, ... Cl I S" JUST SOUTH or LAOUJU. BllACB DELUXE LUNCH I I 1IO a. a -1:99 p. m.. CHINESE DINNER and AMER~AN DISHES S:ot p. na. -l :M a. m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME CHINESE CASINO SPANISH DlN~f;JU) -ALL l'OU CA.N EAT (E\'Dl' THURSDAY -I te II P.111.) _ ~e_ys_tone -~ops._"_~:::::1::::1 =t =M=a=ln::S:=:t:: .. ::Bal=:hoa:::::::=:=:=~~~=H~arbo==r=nos~~ 2530 W. Coast HICJhway • Newport lwh N Q W JOHN MAJURI reminds you FRIDA\. and St'Tl'RDA\. DANCING BARNEY LANTZ & his music 9 to 1:30 Lm. "]J4rbor -lou.s~. -:Ct~ . 2260 ~ Bo.J..ud • c.t. M Caliloniia .... Ope8 "1 Da)'• A Week BPICCl.AL Wl:J:K·ICND DlNN!lR MENUS Brtnc lll• f'amlly for Sunday 01i;in1ir Miiiie ill ... Lo•ve l•ery l••lftt P'e&turtnc tbe WUnc m•k>dlee of l..11..LlAM CAJ\U80 at UM plMO A11 •llW a......._,_ PAITIU. IANCi)Um, or CWI DINHBS PllONa 'l'OOll -•.&noNa JfOW HaaLar .. cl. llt W... 1AMy 1-SMJ NOW SHOWING : L I D 0 71ta .:tu -: . .,. ('nntlnuoue Mna. ,,_ l :M t:vP . .-11ow Kiana t;~ I ,,._n _ _.h F..-4'. W-k 0.7a LO'S GO ON WITH THE SHOW! , ' -· ~ I I I I ..J B A LLS AWAY-Harbor Boys Club Athletic Director Rod MacMillian made the mis-- take ot saying, "Oh , shoot!" to his third grade b asketball league performers. and this w as the result. A m ob o f 28 3-ft. high 8 and 9-year-old lads le t fly at the lowered 7 ft., 6 in. hoop a bove Rod's 6 fL height. The third grade leagu e goes into a ction in the Costa Mesa boys' club gymnasium every Mo nday afte rnoon during the current five-week cage aeuon. -Staff Photo \ H A R I O ·R ,o~ PAGE 4. PARY 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS >-THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 SAILOR QUINT TRYS TO DE·HALO SAINTS · Game at Santa Ana TomoWow Night: Tan Whomp Fullerton ~ . Figuring o n n ailing d own their second-place spot In the S unset ~sgue b asketball rac<'. Coach J ules Gage an d hia Newport Beach Tars travel t o Santa Ana t omo rrow night. The S ailo rs p retty well cinch ed No. 2 post t o the undefeated Huntington Beach Oilers w ith a 68-60 triumph over 1'\lller· • ton's Jndlnns here Tuesooy e!ter· noon. P01TI~' t>Al'UI HOT l F'leawe·1·hts Allhouch f'aul Neumann copped & his u11ual lop M"Onng honor:< with B It' B 20 rl1_g-11s Jui m~ t h(• Joiillerton a er raves !ray, 1l wa11 .i hot hoop Bl reak by another Harbor High pott1J1' raul, y d •a21 , Lorenu r n, U1a l furnl11hel1 wlnnlJ\I ues ay '1Q- margtn tor the local lad11. Lorent· --Bft'SY. BAL~-ltrttie pattern orr*'jult·lbl:mt'e\'et"yl)lay"'duMt'ilttllfpott!h My hf Harbor Boys Club gym any M onday afternoon. In this tray, the Spiders d e feated the Vitamins, 9-8. Unde r Athletic Director Rod MacMillian, the third grade youngsters play four 5-m inute quarters on a one-baske t court. with 1-minute r est session between cantos. The ref with the whistle to his lips is a sixth grade veteran of the courts. -Staff Photo 'CASABA COMES IN SMALL SIZE BUNDLES AT HARBOR BOYS GYM Lilliputian Lads Let Loose Shooting Eyes on Half Court Orange Panthen Slaughter Saints • ORANGE. I OCNS) f'1uhlnr By BILL PHILLIPS 11 brlllt11 nt offen1<lvr anrJ •ll'ft n&IVP I Midget buketb&ll in the Harbor area is becoming d own·, ~~~1~hht~~:d ~~:nr;~~~o~~8 ~:~:-; right Lilliputian. That's becaUMJ 28 Harbor &rea third grad-I''"" quintet 112-29 Tut lld11y 11l Or· 1 era are playing intramural casaba every M onday afternoon •ngr. · H bo • Cl b · · C M I ln lhe far11t qu11rttr , the gamP lD the a r r Boys u gymnasium in osta esa. lookf'd as H It would t>e clo~ I l L'• quite ~ 11igbt> to llt>e the J·fL I MllUan rf'portPd the,.. art :>:>O all the way t n th" tlnltl g'Un. but high performer:o. all chul In rourt yn11n,1t11le~. rangln,i: from the third 1n th.-11econt1 an•I thlr!t quarteni uniforms . .hlnvmg tor bu<'kf'~ un-grarlrr11 thrnugh r1ghth ~arleri<, the Panther lf'&d Martet1 In grnw. der lh" \\'Olr hful ":V'-' ttf 6·fl. ht.1th rPrfl'rmlnit In bal'k..thall lraguP11 OrAr,1te hf'ld rlnwn Santa Ana Rod .:lla l".:ll1ll1an. Boyi;' Club alh· at lhr Harbor Rny.5· Club t his tn 11rvl!'n fteld i:o.~ls an the entlrl' let11 Jin•• l•'r Tl.I'\' pl1ty nn t1 ht1lf yrnr. ,i:aml' In th" tharrl quartl'r, San111 <:ourt walh nnr i fl . 11 in b11,.krt · Lollf'I', we II h11ve games with Ana hll tor only onr f1tld goal .:l!Pmber~ of lhr 11lxlh Jt l adl' all·! r1v111 dubs lhr1Ju1t h the Orange Lt'&dang the Pa11Lht•r ':JU8e wu .Jlar tram l!<'r\'•' 1111 &Mllstanl l County J unior Be.~kttba.11 lA>a,iJr." I Jerry Walker who sn~ed J2 poinlA .:oa• hP!< nnrl nf!1dal:< , .:ltac M1lhnn, a n n!ficl•I ln the Then <'•me Jim Mntler IUld Tt'd .:lln1 .:lhlh.~ 11nnnun1 ed the KC'R· Mllnly loop, reve&led. "Even the I Pul.3 with 8 each. E\'f'ry Panther I ROn for t h" Hoya· Club "ally billy I lh1rrl gr111Jt'r1 will have an s ll-l'tsr hit lhr arorlng rolumn budchf'-"'' 1<l11rt,.rl li<l'l Wl'l'k 11nd "qun.f to play Ill le111<t a ('oupl,. Lf-ud1ng ll<'Orec for thl' Saant five un hit COl'~ven mat.ke.u-ln-Lh• ~port .liarbot"'1 acm17tn~ t:.'- rln11I two minut~ of the game. bukPlhaller• <'Olleclt>rl a.nolhN' Jn •11. ~rtnlZen racked up l:'l 1 trlllniph .1111 thry downed ~lle1 • polnla to I 1r for ntnnl'r-11p po .. !-1 lion to NPumann elont: with lhl' I Ion Tuf'11d11y afternoon, 34·21, on Br11veii two ta.Hying warnor". Joel Fullerton's floor. Nf'wklrk and Gerald Runyon. The Tar nt>awelfht• rarnertd IU\'ALS CATCH FIRr: The Sailor• l!Vo'ept into an Parly In lhe point• early In the !ln•t lead and maintulncd ll by a 29·21 hair and htlrt a 12 point lead at margm a t hal!llme. Then the Jn-half.time~ 18·6. T~ Mcond halt tlfiiif".rrtti-Jrktnen.-fadght"hre-anrrt waa much 0 the Mme~ Coacti°'Jtn-;-- 11ur1ed within two polnt11 o! the I lllllltr clt&.l'ed the btnch In an Pf· Tar&. The Gage g uys fought 'rm I ore howf'\'l!'r and built up 8 JO-fnrt to Rive everyone a chanrc poi~t lea d. ' • tn Jllrk al ~j!Prton·a alrta.dy fr•· A full-court Jlrt'l!oll by t hr l ndhlns lering wound1. I hrcatened t o d1organ1~ the Sall· Top man tor Ule Tari wae Cec- ors for a ragged time an the fourt h tt'r Rlch Palafen with 18 JN>lnl• r11nto. This WU when Lorentun John Henrotln follOWf'd With 8 went Into hill n<'lllng 11ct to pull and Bob Henderahol 1hpped 8 the H11rbor High nt'w back to· t hrough Ute hoop. Top lnt1ta n man geLhPr. I waa R.ogrr Stull with t ma rken . The local Junior Va.n11ly fivl' Tomorro• the C rave irnta tn lhr 11utrered 11 68-3!l 11etba1"k at the i poal aga.lmt formidable Santi hand~ (If the Fullr rton JV11. I Ana, herf', at 4 :30 p.m NONI llTTll AT ANY NICI t?r~ SILYll KIN• IATTllY POI ANY CAI cau.'8111M4 ao _.._.. .., .......... 1877 Harbl•r fthd. w\11 ('Ontlnu,. for ftvP wePkl'. Anti of Jtamr11." f.1embt'ra of the ll"a gue "'"" Bui kwh•·at \\'11111011 with ~1x.1 the !rayi< rrally furna~h tough 1 1nclt1Je Boys' Clubs In Fullerton. Th111 win put" Orrtn~e In a t1r wllh com)')f'tltlnn. Lruof l\1nnd11y, for In-Uunlington Bearh. l.Aguna, Srulta Santa Ana for lut pll1re ~Mc~ Brrry ~mon~en~ Rplden 1 An11 and Annhf'im. ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trounc.,•lf R11•tv \'e .. 1·,. V1lnmln1< - 9·8. Thl' nfhr~ 1nnl•.!1t going on l o·1 a· F. cro111<:•111t tl Ill the 10.tllll' lflnt' Cuund I I er 1ve !hr f tJ:Pr.!1 l11rn ling lhl' Rnb<'lt~ 1hr1r hamrt.. 2-11. Beals Newport Ai< )'vu I<• r , I h<' tiny lot•, rllO,lt· In!' m ni:r frnm 8 to 9. rlon'l hit that hrxi p w1lh I he cnn~111Lt'ot·y of h,. ohle1 l111li. llttt IC at wa,.n t tor .Ul In\ 1·nlln1 h\· Cull ta .:ll"M 1~1111n· ralmnn Brrt ~math. he with the hn•k• n ltmb, thl'st' "'"" ont'11 wnulll lH\'t • \ • n mnrf' trnuhlt" with the 1r:-r-i1 1,1ni:- llunlm,..lnn Bl ach hand~ =-:ew· port Harbo1 ·,. 8 quintet ats thml defl'al n! lhP Rr&l'nn 88 lhe)' nut· !l~orerl th .. TArs, 4!1·36. 1n a thrill· rr at thr S111lor gym la.<t F'r:1lay 11ft<'rnoon It W A'> f'ln!oe all the wa~ BACK C:Ol'R1' AC"TIO~-A nd here are the backs lo pro\'e 1t .lS tiny t nt :: m l h<' Ha1- bor Boys C lub third grade basketball league battle for th<' ball. This Rl'Uftll.' w:is o-ent. 11ally won by the ~p1ders. 9-8 o ver thr Vitamins. T he baskrt , ll:rni;lmg frum uppt'r lc·fl 1!': i f l . 6 m. high. T he playe rs average 3 f~t. ~lembrr!I nf 1 hr ~pirlr~ includr Capt Be rry S1mon1wn, J immy Shipman. Jimmy K eeler. Billy H :111n, Frank Durant<'. Te rn· ~kClelland. ~Jtrkey Roberts and Michael N e ff. \·11amms are Capl. Rud~· Vest, Tr ~ :'rrmak. Gary Po wers . S t e\'e Ver plank. J on Wells, Tim ::)wanso n anJ R obm Hamvf'lt -Staff P h oto until m1 .. w11y m the llrcond half whrn Hun11ngt1'n brukf' loo~e \\,th a bar<aite of roantl' it.at !a11rd tn end unlll the ftn'll buu"r Hunt lni:ton t:.r1<1 h11t a Z point lr&d at the fm•l nud·"·ay 1ntl'r· ml.uton. 22·20 Fr11m the r1r~t tip \\'hci· He~t •hcl WA..• IO\'Pnl a wmch 11y-: rn 11lt11.che•I to <'at'h har kbna1.J Tha .. u:;h the usr of >-a!rl y p11lhl'~ t hr harkhn11rd~ r11n 1,.. lowerrd from their natural !O- ff . h<•1ght u r.•l a•IJu:<trJ p• rpen-dl(lalar l o the floor. evrn a l the In th" third pl'rtod the Tar quantt'I ; .ft , 6 In. p.-.~ltion. I WU hot Tiwy wrnl lrll' lhe lt'a~ "\\'•· n· !hi' 1 nly on,.11 with ad· a11 Bnar .. Knipp who 11tored 1, I Jll:<t.thle bArkboard3," MACMllhart point.a, dro\'" In (CIT 11 l11y-up 11nd repol'led. "Ancl al's 11 wnnrlrrful WIUI foull'cl. I Sailor fi Lower Boom Onhllerton Ry >UCKf;\' llA~KELL ~.·wpo1t H.irhnr downed Fuller· I• n lll!fh School'• B caN b&men 11 .. " Tllr9'1ay 11ttrmoon. 29-28, ln nr,. r the clo~e.st l'UJlff of the In thr "arl)· minutes of the Cln l hH Ir the Tar quintet had Lhe run .r.f 1 hi> floor, running up an 8·2 1 I• 1 I Fullerton 1oon MW lhe f'rror or hH ways , however. a11 they r .. 111. 11 on the l"OAI anrl llt'd the "'on• by the half. U · 14 u :Ao CHASGE!' HASDS thing. t,.o Tht 11rn11ll kld11 m11kr Knipp rlror~t1 in thP ~1ta.rity ftw ballkcts All It 18• Bl'lng Able I marker 11nt1 lhP T11rs hel~ , , onP that put Harbor 11hr11c1 for good. 1 a11 he pottl'rl 8 fl point Acrnmula· to furni1<h them with a l<•W••r h<>np point 11dvanlnf?t'. It wa11 :<hod llvPd F'nl"\.\"Ard Brurt• Knipp af!dcd a tlon. Out.~tn n•hng clPfrnoivt'ly \,., r<• 11.llo\\'JI th,.m t ri .in mnr" 11roring hriwrvrr Huntanglnn 11<)(ln 11hot ln- rh11rlty toi<s 11nrl F ull1•rton wn~ <:1rnr1I Bitdt1y Thl•*nf'Mn. Ii rlii;l h anrl lhr:< H1m11lalc•!fl 111tn r 't 11 mnni: tn " 1"11'1 lhl'y nrvr r A~•11n rr· 1 heat en. Fullerton '11 tnp 1'<:<. rrr Kl'n 11 nil .J rr1 y lo\• mr• 1, 3 ma rkl'rl' ~«or-th rm " llnqut11hrd Worley. P roint11. nddrrl 1<n unt1· l\'llrtl Bn1<,. Knirr f'"Tl"olAtl'rl with Tl 11< 1.o1 lhr frr~t -"1.'Mon the Ltl· climax 2 poantrr frnm the kt'y but i rountrr,, 1 urut:an h1<l1< ha\'r rlnycrl in Ule1r ll did no goo<l. I . nwn mt1.1r..11r11l I• Al't'\U'. Hod Marl TA.\ll.RA TOPI' :Sexl T1t r conlr~t 111 With SRnta 1..A.~1 ~·,.1r. thr th1rrl and fourth Dave Tam1i1ra. wa.• lhl' t1>p Sl"Orrr "na here tninnrrow aflrrnn(ln. I g-rn rlrrs pcrf<•rmld tojt'cthrr. Mar -for relaxing ANNUAL BOWLING MARATHONS LADIES MEN I 0 Games 20 Games ..,..,.. .. Fe.b. 13th 11 :00 a . m. Feb. 20th I I :00 a . m. HIGH AVERAGE FEB. 1, 1955 2 3 180 -Min. 130 2 3 190 -Min. ISO This Year's Average Used H None in look Limit to 1st 36 Bowlers ENTRY FEE $8.00 ENTRY FEE $12.00 PRIZES DONATED BY SPONSORS and FRIENDS HERE'S A Bonded LINING NO RIVETS - • • • or work FOR YOU! • -for 95 FOR fl C'HEVROLY.T Pl.l'MOt.T H H~·draullr onl~ Lining and Labor lAll'S Men's Navy Blue or Brown KUSTOM . SHOES MADE : I • Canvas Top Shoe with Non-slip Rubber Sole!. •299 • ALSO OTHll MEN'S SHOES '1••""4.t frnm U .113 \'aJupe Tllr t!("ON' 1ee-sawrd blll"k fUld f n1 th 1n the third and fourth per- lodll u the lead chanatl'..I l'land1 m11n\' tlmu. · It wasn't unltl Ult Cln11I minutes of t he r•me when I t hl' 1<r ore wa... tied at 26 aplt'ce that the fin.ti 11lroke l'&mt . With I but one minute lrrt. Center Terry Hnll (11und l'llm~tlf alnnt undf'r the I "•~k"t. He dropped in the polntt VAN'S BOWLING 1703 Superior, Costa Mf'M Bn.L KLOTZ, Mgr. Next to Safeway. Costa Mesa , .. s.5 .. ' "'' I • , r ' - NEW CRAfT HERE-Pictured in local waters after exhaustive "shake down cruise" is Playboy 15 Perform- er, 100 per cent Fiber Gla88 boat manufactured in Cos- ta MCA by U. S. Fiber Glass Products, Jnc. South Coast MARINE NEWS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE5 THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 l>atf' Y11t11ty f'tb. 11 b.:I urt1ay F'l'h. 12 Suncl11y f'eh 13 Sun<111y ~·f'h. 13 Mnn1111\' •·eh. 14 Tu•ll<lay F°l'b. 15 Wf't1nf'1ulay f'•h. Ill T h•ll' ... IAV r rh 17 TIDE n-Hip 1138a.m 0 10 L m. 12:29 p. m. 0 ·!\2 a.m IM I'm. o ~2 a. m. , ·llfl r ni I 49 ll n1 3 .0• &. n1. 7 .04 p. m '23 •. Jn 1 2• r 11• ~ 2a" m i 4n r '" TA ILE Ht. 3.li 47 3.1 4.3 a . ~ 2!\ .. 4.3 2.9 . ~ :I I 4 11 :1 4 Tlmr ttt. l.vw ~ :'>fl II. Ill l 2 !1 1~ p m I I tl :'11'1 .i nt I 4 II P:l p. 111, IR II 26 I\ Ill I ~ Ii 211 a m ::! I II 26 a. m J :> a 2."> r m. 2 t 10 19 •111 13 11 .39 1. m. ll::Jfl p. m. 12 37 p. rn. JI ,., rm 1 n2 p. m. II~ 2 " (I 4 27 00 f>ac111c Daylight Sa\•Lar• Tl.me ~ @ rutsT f"OLL QUitKTEll MOOS Mar. l Mar.~ (f LAST QD .utTER F eb. 14 • N!:\V MOOS F eb. 22 Co. has been appointed Southern California distributor for the Pcrfo'rnu!r line with a'1thorized dealers establish- <'d in a ll leading marketing areas. The 1955 line ia on dis play now at South Coast Co. and at many dealers. South· Coast Co. Named as Distributor of Performer S11111h \nH><l Company ha1 bern n•nl Fiber Gl11s.1 boats. Sevl'r&J\ee .. , I• 11"1 A, !'nuthrm Callfo1 nu• I pointed out there 11 no f'Xpoeed 111 .. trtbutor ror thr Pt•1!Mmer fiber wood In the IOM Perfomit r line. Drscrlbed u a ''flmlly l!port.I izl;,..,, h<lftl:< In 11 JOlnt i>latement boal. Ideal tor both skim~ and fro111 :Ila it Bmul. Prt·~11l1•nl of U S. fu•hlnr." Perlormen a.re 1Nltable ,.-lb• r G le es l'r<><ltH'l1>. Jnc .• C<1't11 Cor a u outboard motor11 currently Mr ... 11, m11nur11rt111.,.r. a n<l Biii Se· \'P1an•I' ••f Sc.11th Coa 11t. the n!'w lfl~;f\ lin,. we~ announrNI thl1 wrek. 1\ tlrai. .. r nrs:on1zallon 11 ors:11.n · 1z•'<1 10 cu\'n Mii ms Jnr mukellni;: .. rrn• un<ll'r lhr loral t1111trlbuto1 hea.dquarleni. The Performer lme is rr,·11lullnrv1 ry with t he 100 fll'r produC#d or contemplated 1n the nea r futur .. Bo,..I ...ured th.a dealer organ· u:atlon lllld public that the ntw Una of Performer boatA II avall&ble now and may be setn At South Coaat Co. and aL authorlaed deal· rrs. HORNETS, NATCH~ IN THE END Fullerton Comes From Rear To Def eat Mounties, 58-50 FT LL.ER TO~ I OC:->S) -Show· ~am· got OUl Of hand In the p~ ... lni: il!'finlle lmprovtment u tho 11Ure cookl"r. One Mountie '"a.' ban· gamr r r o it r" 111 ed. i'"ullerton'.~ ne<1 trom further compeUllon In Homer-. came . frnm bl-hind In B the rui:i;l"<1 frny v.·hllr a tt'<'hnlc&I real thriller Tuc11<fay rn the hll:h wu U.le&A"d ai;:11insl another. ~rhottl t;Ynl t11 ti• fc11t lh•• Mt. S.1n -------------- Ant11n111 :'>1nuntlPI! tn an E 1111ltl'11 0111·cers Named Cnnl• II n ... c unt,."ll :>e-:.u. Plri,, ol h1 r<11" the lari;e .. t \ row•I or th,. ,,.;i•11n, the '1<t11n1llnll room N onh· h lj.;0 \\'1111 out .. Bil). with OVN for New HUHS 10<i.1 r •n• 11nm r .t In lh• ltn\ V)'m F u •l f •llll: In thi lc•1p "11' Al l'tllkC' • • l tnr lhl' v rnn< .. J'llll'" Mn11ntte11 ... Sa1l1ng Club the pr•'""'" \\all nn hoth "'ltllld!I. 'r .. 1Tott-. 1;it.\R 1.t:.\I) I Fulh 11 in ., . ro I r11 •1 "hrn Membt-n• t1r the newly formed Chuk lir••r ,i1 .. rrr1 111 rwn frtl' sailing c-lub of Newpor t Harbor '; thro\\ '· I ut 1 t. , , ,1.,1., h 11 Union Hri:h School wrrr Ileen U· lr.rouJ:h01 .t 11. •~t t t thr 111 t h~lr, ~~Ing thnt' &kill,, in thl' Lido ri. \'.l111n,11 .it 11" '' . ••! lh• I' 1 •·I '" n:cent Y· TV TO STATE COMMISSIONER Ant1y Kelly, conductor c>f a trlrv1~1"n flllh1n1t 11hc>w And hi!! wtr .... wn1' part n( tht lori::r r.umht-r M t1~h:n1: l'nthu!ll"-'t" whn atunded ~cent Mnusl dlnnf'r or lhr BAlhn" An11:lln!f Club. Kl'lly I! II newly elrctrd ea11roml11 :"'1111' Ft~h An1 GAmr ('om- m1~~1nnrr. -Kent llllct.C'nck Phot•' PO\\ l:R ~O\\"f:R'i .•. Reo. I 11 h. p. •-('yC'lr II" r11ttln,; "ldth ..• hudaf't pr1 N'tl !OCOTIT Dtltu;e Runabout 'Z ' 1 h. p. . . • . . . , • : : :r.: roROSA ~HF.ARI' .•• rnmpletf' lln,. . . • • • •~.'?!'I ur ftAflt: ROOT TRT.f:"' •.. Rrd Bud. Blrrb.. !"~ t'&mn"" "1Uow. f'lm. 11nl1 ma ny fn11t t~. BAY NURSERY • -48..'; E. lith (n l'ar lniM) Costa ~~ :l\1-211. l'I." \\n .. tilth• r f'" r. "h.1t Tho11e J'f«''rnl Cor t he Coral out· with th•· 1 l~\·•r~ ·11, in. '" t• n .. · Ing of thf' yrar wtrr Jane Efl.1 an 1 ~trJ,n• • I right. rt1mmodorr: D11w· Grant. A fl rt , 11 • ~ n • 1rn 1 h• ~1erhn '" ·Urh. J udy Furgeson , :llt•ur,• 1,, 1••1111 up 11 hi.:111 lr111t. I Carlton nawaon Suz.~ Stnnr. Er· :;7 .,.11 ~l·m ly. thr H 1 rn I• (11111(111 nPH Mlnngy and Mlkr Or111k,.I. bnrk 11n.i 11• th• ~111 1 • ,,, tht• rmnl The cluh undl'r thr 11dvtsin1 ot 1 tf'n n n • , : I•·" 11 r '" , 11 1n 1 Paul Caldwell. ha~ bern meeUng wr 1, 11,. 1 41 ·I l semi-monthly un.ter lhe commo- ll•Ht~J:TS I:"' :-T,\l.L dorellhrp <•f Gr1ua Othen ortlC'er. ot lhf' club a r,. l!eCrf'lary-trea1• urn. J11nr Enn,rht Hntl '"rgeant· at-arm"· Carlton Oaw.,,n. flnh F.r.twr1lr: ~r"r"t1 "n a ""I duplt1 'H• I I• 1 1 111;orn "r:ll Tom ::--:onn11n f• llO\\ llil( with 11 hook, g1v· 1n.c Fullf'rton .. 4 i ·4 I lead. Then th•• Horntts "omt rntn their !ltall. Huwf'vcr. t hr :llvu nllet m&.naiad to <l1;il th!' hnll anll with flvr nilnutl'S lf'fl In lhf' Jtllmt . lraJled C'OI\' 17·11>. :"\r·cl l'tnnct gnt off a lrnr J>~<!I I • f;n•er. who stored on I\ ll!V "" thf'n Jimmy HICk OX br011J:ht 11 .. wn thf' hn11s11 ,,,,th hi~ !K'l •h11t \\'Ith 30 !4'cnn '" left l.n thf' game an .J F'ullrrtnn It l!dtng ~-:>O. the Officials Will MHt Su~nnll"ndtnt Roy O. A.ndcr• 11en. AMl11t11nt Supertnt.endenl Thomu Woodwu d and a.ny mt.er· estf'd mtmber11 of th"' ;>;ewporl Beach Elementary School Dl1trlct Boerd n( Tru11tcr10 Wl're a11lhorl.%ed lo atlcnd thr Annus.I Bu8inl'll9 M&nlllil'U Conf('lt'OCe April 13. H and J!'I In Cornnatlo. SOUTH COAST CO. Uni A Sewport Bh·d. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO Sl4M.L • 230 30UI St..' Newport 11-.rJa Bart.or 1511 CASTU ROCK IN NAVAL. IOMI ARIA Cutle Rock aua of San Clement• !al.and will be d&n- ceroua to navtcauon UU. week becau.IM' ot Naval bombard· ment. Coaat Guard of!lcial1 wam martnari to 8taf' clear or the aru. to<l&Y and tomoi> r ow from I a.m. to mldnlcht •nd dllflnr d&)'llstlt hour• 0>f Satw-day a.nd lunday. Harbor High C Quintet Downs Oilers, 37-34 BT MJC&SY •••KEl.f With F orward John Henrotl.n stvtnr the .coring punch, the New- port Harbor C baaketball team de· t•t9d HuntLnrton Beach here Jaat F'rtday aftem qon, 37·24. Henrolln Jacked but one point of tytnc Hunt· lnct<m'11 total team effort u he potted 23 polnts. The bulk of IUa ma rkers e&me from long aet ahota and drtv1ng lay-up11. NEW AbXILIARY OFFICERS The Tar quintet.. held the ad· vantace throushout the •am• with a lead of 8 point.a al the half, 20- 12. The s econd half Wiii "Tar 1111b time" as Coac.h J im Miiier clrared the bench in an effort to set every- body Into the pme. Despite the Weal<l'r oppoeltlon. Huntington 11Ull couldn't out.core Newport. A dinner meeting held at the Harbor Houa Feb. 4 by IMotllla 22 ot the U. ~· Coaat Guard Auxiliary featured imt.allation of 1955 ottlce.,n and plans for varioU& patrol duties by the USCGA in coming regattu"llUch u the Mid-Winter at Loe Angeles H~ bor and the Newport to Enaenada claaaic in May. Shown from left a.re: Worthington Lee of Balboa Island. 1955 Training Officer : retiring commander Cy Tucker of New· port Heigtits; 1955 Commander Dick Hunt of Los Angeles whose boat la berthed ba Newport ; and District 2 Commander J cas Caplin. -Beckner Photo Huntington'• top tally man wu Jan Thornton with 17 dlglt ... T hornton hall been the Oller old faithful in every game u . he re(Ularly 11oores almo11t 70 per cent ot thf'1r point.a. OCC Schedules Photog Display The f1neet eu.mplu of lntenia· Uonal photogra phy will go on pub· Uc dllplay-ln t:h1J .,... tor th• !lnil lime when th" traveling salon ot Photo(t'&phy M11ga:i:1ne opened al Cout CoUegt' on F tb. O conllnutnr through Feb. 19. It will be apor111ored by the photo· graphy department of the collt$1'. The Mlon featurea over 100 orl- g1nal print.I. lncl11ding lhf' work of leading protumoJ\&J and a mat,ur ca.mera arUete trom ell ovtr the world. Most, however. are Am,r· lean. The pbotopaph1 have all been p rU.e wtnnera In the 12!>.000 &ru1\l&J magulne photo contut.11. the blrgeat yearly event In Int.er· natJon.al phot.O(Taphy. NEW SEAJIEN-Albert Rylett, chairman, left, proudly presents some of tho mem· bers of his fall Seamanship course, to whom he awarded their certificates l\l Balboa Power Squadron's dinner meeting Jan. 20 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. From Ry· Jett on the left a.re J ohn Dever, Worthington Lee, Le Rand McCollocb, George Meach· am. Alexander Hamilton, William Ryan, Gene Van Dame and Roy Dahlgren. Women •re. from left, Mrs. Leonard Hostetler. Mni. Bernhard Palm, Mra. J ohn Dever, Mra. McColloch. Mrs. Van Dame. -Beckner Photo I Stanley lntrod11en loat Harbors IUI Harbor Department Handles 166 Calls During Month of January lduUncatJon and n lurn. On• (Uel l Vt:>-1 WU aided dUr1ng Lh• month. Harold' I. Johnson Hubor Department activity SACRAMENTO. CCNS l -A during Janu11ry amounted to 168 eer11'1 of bills aimed at llll' ulab· 1 calla a.nd ml8<:eU1111eou1 work, Ult Uahmcnt ot amell boat harbor• • a.long thr California coul "''f'rt: monthly report nr H&rborma11ter ottered 11\ t.ha a.uembly r9CenUy by Ru1111 Cra1g <h11d0&~ LO<lwy. Earl W . Stanll'y, of Balboa Is· With 21 cJt>rPh<'t.a found and de· land. stroyed topping lhe lnrll\'lduAI cal· The bllla wouJd .et u p a dtvll!lon I of ma rl.ne atfalni ln the lltale de-ecory list. lh"rt wu e 91 n l'IC,11- partmenl &t natunr:l reaourcu . Th• ancou1 caJl.11, l l rowbollt.11 found dlv1alon would admln.lstrr the 1 a.nd relumrl.I 1rnt1 10 compl11lnt11 ams II r raft harbon of refuge. I compared to four 1perd com· Stanley Nh1 the me&~ures pro· lalnls !'\Inf' lar jtt' boats tJJld 11m&ll vldr that the harbor prol[ram ~ P tl11a.nced by perwonal propnly boat.a were 11lvtn u a111tanct', one t&Jcu on light veaaela which now bo8t \UA enterrrl •l .Jl" slip a.n d co to the t ounllu. kl addition. aJI another at Ill! moorlnJ . - unretundcd t.axu on 1a.ollne used I One 1rrP11l tor 11peedlnp: WILi' ln bn11t11 w ould be uaed. m1tt1e while 11e\'tn rowboa l11 were MUlllDYS ARE GUEm OF ANGLERS Sm. and Mra. John Mu.rdy check their pla.c• cud• at l he &ru1ual banq~t and trop.by pr,.ll"nlatlon preaented by Balboa An,;ling Club. -Kf'..11l BltchcO<'k Jhoto STOP SUNGLARE Door Hoods Merchant" Wbtdow We Awnlnp SpN'iallse Patio Coven ln Cu Ports Store <'ADoplee AWD1D1a =..:=-.," €~ .. ::.~ Protect Fwnlture, Carpets. Drapes SAYE-Buy Direct from Factory AWMl·AWNINGS OF HAmNGS NT W. ntai l!U.,. C"Ollta N"" C.atf . For Fr .. latimate Call U 8-3351 reportf'd lost without recovery. Thrl'e rowboat.a are being held for now ,:I' the BIG · are quiet! Quitt U I l 11te.a. but there's a lot of wildcat actio n in those ru.Qed, drpendahlc ~. ll~t. Coml" 10 and li.!tcn to the fou.r !!'"Cit modds. Sl'J to 25 H.P. . J South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. At:TBOaJZED FACTOR\. "Ell\'lCE ~...,.,.. ... Ool_ ...... &Dd •• Nlf',., · ..... ~, ... •11 VUla Wa,. Newport ~ Yoar A a th orh e d TRALCO f1MrdaM ~r in the Harbor UM. Brtni; your llbf-r· ~ p~~rm to us. Pacific Flbertlcm NOi w. c-t e.,.. I'll. u &-%4'TS ACl'OAI t1'om Atl-Amertee.n Mlct. JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean , Marine and General Insurance * Offtl"f': C<iata 11-~ BW1. Llbf'rty &-1119 a-. tl8 Haul Coroea del 111.u JOHNSTON E'S Mesa Auto Wrecken • 2075 Placefttla •••• Buy Your . NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llvd. Laguna leach S.. Us Today t·oa HIGHEST TIADI ·IN YAWi • I , I . I ,1 ' \ . ' ' _, I' Ir I ' ' 'I ' I ,_.,. PAGE ' • ,ART 111 -NEWPORT Hl'.RIOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, FEI. I 0, 1955 FIRST ANNUAL IO BIG DAYS OF VALUES!! Thurs. Feb. 10th Thru and Including Sunday, Feb. 20th Due to !he tremenclon ...pons. of !he people who -HIGH QUALITY MEATS at low "PACKER TO YOU WHOLESALE PRICES," Y°" may have a short wait for service -IUT IT'S WORTH IT! lonelou Top 6 5 Portemouse 5 9c SIRLOIN c FREE! STEAK lb. STEAK lb. STEAl45•~ STEAK 39•-_L WHOLE SELMA No. 1 Quaity Mldpt K!)SHER STYLE SALAMI . Rib 39c Sirloin 59 •. W ith every purch•s• STEAK · lb. TIPS of $5.00 or more CHUCK 7-IONE-CENTER CUT ROAST ROAST Fully AC)ed and Trimmed IOIUNG C ~.~ 15 BEEF 2,b .. s .... ..., . ROAST 39•· ~11 Meaty SHORT RIBS 15•· Full Center Cut -...... ~.1o .. ~. 45 IEEF c STEW lb. M1m101 9 -g •. . iilf5,".89c c lb. Gracie "A" Colored Eviscerated c lb. , Ready to Cook GRADE "A" EASTERN-SLICED 39c BACON w':,... lb. 45•. . ' . Wholesale and Retail-18581 So. Main ~!~[d.Santa ·Ana I • . . . ·1 I I I -I _, • j, I •• 'I ' • • -. • A check for $250 is handed to youn g 'Eddie Fredell~. left, by :P.1rs. Nonnan G'lmble, president of the Junior A s~ist :1ncc Uague, in Harbor Boys' Club Tuesday, Looking happily on, center, is Bobby Sif'gcl, like Eddie, an active participant in the annual Bo:.'s' Club midget bascball league. The money was presented for th~ purchase of uni· forms tor the coming summf'r. Albert Spencer, executive director of the Boys' Club, reported 500· boys took part in the midget league program last sumn1er. Rod Mac- Millian, athletic di rector of the boys, said he expected bctweer. 700 and 1000 youths in the baseball loop this summer. -Staff Photo I IQ a low ner 1ot1tl or 67. T\-\-·o teams! ~hip v.·111 be plAyed thl• year •t ~ 1 th"1 fo t v.•ith nPt 64 '~ lluntln11:ton !::lea ch Colr c ourbe -..-0.,, th"Y •er1•: Grn. Stun Hidderhof. with 1'1·1.,1 Valenr.ano. I.a Habra. ~ II'-S c1< 1rt Heights and partner Jin> thf' !lerendl'ng champion. TI1l11 ~~~~iVi" J" ~ Hu~h. Santa Ana a n,! Ille team of lournument i~ playt'd every ftpring ~)) J:n ·k Colbur·n und partn~r Lllrr~· at tilh1•r \\'1ll01v1ck Golf Cour&e, Ho,,~lttr ot SantA Ana. '-leadov.·lark or Jlunttngton Beach. ' /'/J -t'ORE--Thia event brlng1 out goiter" from YA'• The 1~;., Cou• Couol<y Clob bolh ''""' '"' Pn•••• <O""" , / P'/. •' _ Lir.Jif·JI' l're~id.,nt Cup t'ournllment end the El To ro 1'1e rlne Ba~. /./ ~ -• con11Jl••ted the ([1·1 t ro~ind or play The \\'Jll o\11ick Colt Club Ll1!Uea' lh!5 WO'ek v.·lth the tourney mcdul-Be&t Ball ot four110me wu won ~.··.' ~/iil;l~i;.. ... __. ut 1'l r11. J ohn \\'rid or Laguna by the te11n1 or Mr•. Art Burke, 'lj · e,•ach a •TVlnclng to the 8e'e0fld Long Beach : Mr1. R,ay Arguello. ij0 round of play \\·\th • r!<'Clllvc v.·in Orange: 1'lr1. J u(fy ·Thorpe, Lqng , over 7'1r•. Jac·k 'Vilson. Lagllna Beach an<J 1'lr1. 7'fFte Allen of Beach, by 1he. More or eight to Anahehn v.·Uh a net 67. M B d c d I d I l Second place v.·a11 won by the __ :x:. liCVfn. r11. u awar , .I o a e t t'am of 1'ln1. ,\'!llhun Bayu, u mg downed Mra. i'·orreal :'\'!til, Shore The Santa Ana Country Club Clifri, five and thr,... a ~ Mr,.. J ohn Beach: !tlr1. Gomer Simi. Meadow- J.1HhcF1· Tut'11day B<'al . Hall of Drur-y, Corona d<'l Mar, look the lark; Mr8. Sue Covington, An11· J.'u11r1ome toumey found !he team meaaure or Mra. 1'1ytord Irvine or h'°lm And ?.Ira. John Grohman ot of Mrs. Gffiri;e FruehUng, Udo lrvlna tv.·o tonne. Mra. Don Har-Balboa. l~!I'; lo-1 r11 , ltay 8mlU1, Conina dcl wood, Shore CUfr1, drop~d Mr1. ·------------ Mir: Mr,.. H•rry Bakrc, Hunting-Nor m Hagan. Nev.·port e "ach In.come Tax A-nt ton Bt'llCh and Mra. Sttve FnllFl&l· from the r unnlnti: with a tv.'o and ~ ti of Santa Ana carding a net low one 11core. 1'1ra. Tom Hendefiaon. D H Feb 25 ball or 70 to take top honor!>. The Lido l11le. w&1 carrll'd lo the 18th ue ere 1 l••am of 7'l r11. Eldon 1-:dr1. Garden i:reen bt!rore d!ff'atlng Mra. Jim _,, Grove: Mra. \\'. B. Dlckenaon. McAttt, Laguna B<'ach, one up. Internal Re\'enue agent L. H. Shore Cllff1; Mr~. °""'·ltt CheniP-y, Jn ttic cloaellt m11t(h ot the op<"n· Fergu10n will bl! ln Newport Santa Ana •n<I 1't r11. Stuart D1f'hl. 1ni: round Mr1. HKrold Ayrea, or Bcoac-h Feb. 2.'.l to a id tupayenr In Corona del Mar, plac .. d aecond with Lido l alc. had to KO lo the 19th I I ' 72 making out and rutnr their re-• ow net tota o , gTetn before downtr1g Mr.a. Mar- -t'ORE--11h111J Ntldttkfr. Lido Jalt. turn1, It waa announced today by Th11 lrvlne C011..rt Couritry Club -1-'0kE--Hay ~grnhelm, f'X ttutlve aecra- 1..ad!~a· 'TIM«l1y Match P lay tour· The Oranr• County Golftri will lAry. Newport H llrbor Chamb!'r of rur.ment in Clu1 "A .. endt•d in e be atarllnc thc!r practice se1111lona Commer<:<'. lie bt•tv.·cen Kary K. lirnv.·n. Lu.· more d(Ugrntly In the rn.!lulng He will an1wer que1llon1 at tbe g-un11 Hea ('h •nd Mrt! E lale. Miiler, week! a _.. v1rlou1 toumamt'nUI arc city hall council chamber• fron1 liafboa, aa both nf lht-liC lady on tnp to• ,., .,,, '"'"''· -, ' ' • t d i •h n " '" a.m. o .. p .m . Pxcep urng e ...,..·1n,.:er.• were lnur down to par , Oril.l1cc County men'a champion -noon lunch hour. for 18 holea or mat(h play. 7'tri. i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J.larco Anich, Cl1 lf Jlaven, plM:ed .,.c:-on,1 bt'lng rive. down lo par. Jn Cla11" .. B .. Ho,.alle Vance. La· a unt. IV11r h, led the pack bf'ln g llP'>.·en dov.·n !I) par aa 7'fr11. J ohn l'hic<', liantA Ana, (ln1~h<'d lll'l""Ond 111 Flht v.·a;11 •l ~ht dow n to par. 7'1!-11. r·. C. llenrle. Laguna Beach. 111,.,.,.d lhir<i bt'!ng ~1ne 1tnwn to J>ll r. In Cl1<.r1< "( ... '-Ira. Ruland Vall· e!y. ~11.lbna k htn,1. t urned 1n l.hr bc1<l pcrform11n ce or the day aa 1he. llnlahed )u11t three down to the old muttr, J.lr. Par, In winn- ll'IK fir"t pl•cf'. Mrs. Myt ord lrvln• or ltvlnr, took .~c(lnd pl11(e bring riv .. d(IV.'n to par. In thf' 36-plu• Cl•aiJ Lou Q wnn, Ba.Jboa, w11lked otr v.·ith the top hononi. -FORE-- The SAnta Ana CC1untry Club Ur.dlca' Friday ntne hole 7'1Nlal l'lay toumcy roun(I '-!rs. Orval Stcwa1 t. Corona. deL )!ar, taking top hon<:>ra v.·11.h • nft :lllh a.a M.ra. Ben Hrrllni;er and )lr1r. Merle. Hot- hamley vr Santa Ana Urd' ror "t'<"Ord "llh n<'l 4J'a. !tfra. J oe Kno x, .'>anla Ana, placed third y,·l(h a n .. t 4J -P'ORE- The lr\·1ne Coluol Country Club l.a•loca' Fndll)' Low Mtd11l tOUl'llf'Y In ClaM 'A " WI!" v.•on by '-t r~. \\·a ... ·ne J-1,.lL Alharnbra, "·1th 11 net 83 II& !\I r~ Jnhn Sl•huma~h<'f, llroy Hh"rr~. f1nl,.hr!I s .. r<'nil with " ntt " In Cl11" "B" M.rl. Robert Ga n l- n<'r, Shorc CIU!ir. v.·on tQp honr>rs \\·1 th a nf't 87 aa :O.tra. ft(ly l.ymlln, Cliff H AVf'n. f'lll<"f'd ~<'C<'n'1 v.•tth A n .. 1 !J2 . ln Cl aw "C"' 7'frm. Don Ander-"°"· CO!<ta Me.a. µl11ced nr~t .... 1lh 11 low n"t \otal of Pl. -f'ORF..- Th" Santa Ana f'nuntry Ciub Men·a ~tUurday llf'~t B11tl ur P11rt· n<'r! lnurfrt)' ".,.,.. won by lhf' t rain .. r Jt'rry l?1teh1r. Corona dcl /.ln r an<I partner Bill Foote. Santa Ana. "'·>th "combined nrt tnt..l or l! I. 11 undr r par. BUI lllld .Jerry mu!t h~\·e been on !heir 11tlok1 a m an J 1 und"r la • g-re11 t arote for two n1t'n I " rost. In· 1.-con<l pl.11'1' l h•· !eRn1 "r \'an P omeroy, :'\'e,.,._ p o..'rt Bl'al'h 11-nd Rll) Sn1J th. Co· r11na do•l !ltnt, nnllhl!•l ~rcond v.·Jth STEER MANURE 40< Sack Kl 7·2054 LANDSCAl'ING ' RELIANCE ANNIVERSARY Where You Shop In Confidence . and -luy Far Less SALE FEATURING MOTOROLA FREE Buy a Mot oro.Ja TV and receive a valu- able anniversary gilt plus our Spe c ial Serv ice Guara nt ee 17" Taltla TV r ric-4 law1 MODIL 171'20-N-blpef €at.mdad A.NII 17·in. hibl. Ol1tanc1 ~ .. lector S wit.-h. Comf"'CI .. toon\' fin i,.h ._..Ftb- ilM't. No other c.abloe TV h1• 1uch 1'-iit fe111ur~. f>l•hoeany or blond ,1:11hl.ly m(ln . ,,... ...,..,.. htl. r ••• w,.....,. Reconditioned TY '1 SOME Llkt: SEW A L.L 0 1 ·A.RA. !'lfTU.O Prb.tl u low M 19.95 RELIANCE 210'? S . :\lain !i't. 1955 MODELS 17 .. Table Models $149.9~ 21" Table Model" 169.95 21" Console. ... 199.95 2.fi" Table Modebt 259.95 GlA.:\'T TRAJlt::.f:\"H EASY Tf:R:\IS We Rent TelevisioM n e nr.1 t•o moalllm 1-l raQ boo appUf'd on l9ie pmr- <'l'I..,... "' ,..,. TV or -Jor h"""' arp11 .......... APPLIANCE SPECIALS THOR Automatic Washen SPECIALS Model '64 .... ti With Qnal1""4 ~-111 SALE PRICE 5199'5 HOMI! Al'l'LIANCE SERVICE CO. Santa Ana 1U ~'7100 Kl 2-l&i.>A WELL OILED Anahei1p · Splattered By Ch~mps ANAHEIM (OCN°S) -The H untinrton Be•ch OUer1 Ylrtually 11C1wed up the SunMt Lff.g'Ue crown Tue.i:iay with • cru.htnr 71-~ vie· tor-y over the Anah•\Jn Colonl•t• In the Ollera C}'m. The t riumph ktpt the &•ch rtvf''• record clean v.•Hh a perfect 7-0 mark. Anahelni now 1port.'I a four won and three !Ol>t reeord. HITS. FAS! Tl:MPO The Ult atarttd out a_!: • fa.rt ternpo. and it n,ver' l'hl4nged. The Olk r" Wltlt their alow movlng zone deteru1e, &11d the ColonlBU with l.h .. ir hustllnl" man to mlln, made a unique comb!natlon. The Hunt·· Ing ton lkach co11ch, Le<" Mos.'lteller, decided to put Dean Phl!llpy uri Anah<'lni'• ll!'oring i.c naat1011 ?>tlke Beach. and the h ttle guard did a pretty fair Job aa Brach V.'RB hrld to only 13 point>1. Elc•·en or thf'."<C cnn1e on tree lhrowa. The Oller• almo~t found them· aeJ.,ca In real trouble at the atart of the 111.,t quart•·r. when four of their f1rst five m en had four foul• on them, and the firth man h•d three. 7'foasteller Is famoua tor only u.•!ng five men • game, and h11.d hl• flr11t 1trlng fouled out u a unit, the nffr v'• m ight havt' had a rough lime on their handa. H,:..'"K STEA.LS 8HOW Anaheim's aecond atrinr ruard stole th11 show tor Colon!1t fe.n1, • SKIERS IN KNOW REPORT THINGS PERFECT IN SNOW • The word among Orange C'ounty 1kien In the know ii that thinp are perfert in the .now. So greue up your barrel llt&vea ILDd head for the fro1ty higbland1, kid&- we're in biz.. Harbor &rea anow lovers )Vho have 1pent recent outinp in the frigid white 1tu!f at Snow Valley report u many u lMIO akiera have u.ed the Ml llfll of & Sun· day, The Helter.Skelter Ski Lodge wu fiUed. over the weekend, . Roule, Virginia, Arlene and Kenny Huff, Newport Heights; Forrest, Margorie, Christin ~d Craic Neal, Shore Oiffa; Patty Clemence, Corona del Mar, David and Bill Palmer and Daren Groth of Costa Mesa all have ta.ken recent llcka on the slants of Snow Valley. Kisner, Kerridge Lead lndiaft Swim aa little Henry Herrera Jwnped ort the bench to play the outatand- inK ,;ame of hl1 car eer. Herrera pl•yr.d a 17cat dcfenidve c•ml! and allO find In 15 point. to top the Anahelfn acoring column. FULLERTON ·(OCNS) -L!d by lhe double vtctorlea of Nad K1a- Jeddy Younir led the .coring n"r and Phil Kcrrldge, thiP-F'Ullf'r· for the Oller1, u he connected for Ion Indiana• annual lnter ·cla.ira 5 fi eld goa.la and 11 fro'e throwa 11"1inmlni;: and diving champion· ror a 21 polnt total. Gary Harb1n ahlpa got otl to a rtne llt.a.rt Mon- waa ril'ht behind h\m w llh 19 day aflemoon tn the Indiana' pool. eountera. Butch· Coopman tallied Klaner'a pair ot ,1ctor1r1 belped -"-'-'-'-"'_•_w_"_"_'_'_'_· ------Ith• jun!or c~ to take the tltla Tustin Triumphant thla ye11.r. u they rolled up 94 points. Tha Junlor1 aJ.o captured both r('lay• to completely odoml· nata the one-day maet. Olher tram acortng wu: sophomorq 61; treah· men, 28 find the llf'nlora, 73. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·,AGE 7 THURSDAY, FEB, 10, 1955 For One Wffk Only GALLON PAINT SALE!· LOW-lOW-PRICES WAtLHIDE .... ., •• , ,w ..... -----~445 l1d,..rior R•~r ...... Wiil.i l"al9& No .., or...._.__.. 8uproof HOUS,_ PAINT Mdl.Nld l!l'-Palal CEMENTHIDE ....... Z7DOlfW! RUblM'r 8Altl> PATIO FINISH .,.., ,.a.. SAVE $2.00 \\"Ith 1 1allOn or m1>ro !'&hit l"ur~ ltepl&r f4 .N -' lnc:-h $19§ BRUSH ~i.~L~ :~::~~·-······ ... ·-·····-I. -- PriOI!& E ffl'dtft Felt. l TUl·Ztt .. GARDEN GROVE \OCNSJ Garden Grove \OOk 11. bl'atlng rrorn the Tuatln Tillers Tu~ay at Tu.11- Un when the .Tlller1 handed thf! Argonauta a 60-41 dereat. Ben Shaffer p11cffi the Tlllf'ra In lhalr queat q111r the Argonaut1 by rack- lnl' up 28 potnt1 e.nd pme hononr. Ke."rldge took hit pet event. the 100 brea.irt In 1:20.1 and returned later to win th• individual 1r1edley. Klaner captured hla double when he raced horii.e tll'llt In tba JOO. , .. ___________________________ _. lmmedial• Occup-ancy-· ----- For 60 Days 3 BIDROOM NOMI 26 priaclpol and ....... $ 00 \ PER MONTH DOWN -- MODEL HOM E~ AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA VETS or NON-VETS •7995 ~ULL PRICE! l111111ediate Occupancy CHECK THESE 9UAUTY FEATURES flrnnln<' lat h ... p ... let J-IMdml. -114.i aquare t .... t llftder roof Therma.dor <'l••(:t rie ~t.r!" ID .. u.. AfiA apprO\'ed I M hMt ~g. !ltl Compo rO<lf Plrtnrf' ..._..,,_ ,......,_ lot alze T100 .. iaanr r ... 1 AllCl11 Realty-Sa111 Aig111t1 -LI M565-0pen 9 to 7 Dally • • f ' -· 1 ,, 2ND & FINAL BIG WEElf FANCY FRESH U.S.l>.A INSP. FRYING CHICKEN PARTS • llUm ~ TllllS YM !Ivy ONLY tM -.ty ... ,. ti-Yeti prof'9r, of lllMo •· • DIU.,...ICIS ·-"'· ""'E•>4 coi • ..-,,yon, ••I Tiiie i. • .Undout 1t111 I • A Wll8lE IEW STGR£FUL OF SPECIALS • II THIS SEU·A·TllOI OF THE YEAR! CHECI EVERY ITEI! .. PURE VEGETABLE I SHORTENING I SPRY ··· SMOKED SHPICNiCS . ~ ~~~ 7 9-: ICIUMPTIOUS Dtllll Pl"" dellclou1 TIENDUUHD pie ""' ' AT I ,......... -lltl/ll "loa to -wltll !llrldo tonight I • .UW~I rnt"5 Yory ff-~•lft.,_.., -rMI LNn Grind! .. 1 ~ii COT 'AG. E BUTT ::t.R:.-:~; ' -~:;,\t/, "~ .. ~·~u~:d e.k~ " ~c"'-t.b-o't-~ i--=--~-~~--=--..;=---..:=--.;::;:._..=.---""'-=~......___---~ ----... I I I I I KOUNTY-KIST CREEi PEAS 2·~:s 27' KRAFT MACARONt · DlllERS 2 PIU25' I NEW SWANSOOWN CAKE MD . 1 AIGEL FOOD I ~~. 47' I . c~t--{!I \ '\ c• : ~~w • Al-Amwic.n Oven.RHdy ' ~" ' ' 1 • f W6o&. fK H.lf T Omt-v ORICIOUS V2-GAL. BACON SOUAllS Luer'• 29' I LAURA SCUOOER'S PEANUT 49' lta 11 so,,, ~ . " ~~~: .. GREEI BEAIS I BUTTER GJ~~ . -~~ SO,,p I~ ~ SLICED BAc ftN 59 2 c~~s 25c I GOLo rOP -NO 211: CAN 1 sc 'I.~ I."' L·i;~;;;.. • 1 TOMATC>'Es • . -\ NORTH COAST I AUSTEX -WITH BEANS-- SAU SAGE ~;.~"~~~::~-35' APPLE SAUCE I CHILI 24-oz. cAN 39c · '"\ c.ao Roi 2 ~ 23' I SUNSHINE ICRISPIE 23' · ----. I CRACKERS :;-~. HALIBUT fi .... so!!~· 39: 1orSEiiEil1Es: PANCAKE ~i~ 33' Pii'iE LARD 19:. l Of siiS 55:. ~i:, 23'. I ~·E cRusr PKG. 1 0' FROZEN FOODS FRUITS and VEGETABLES D E L I CAT E SS E N Morion's Apple:r-.ech or Cherry ~!l~~IZ!Of !' 2 .OI APPLES w~~:~:~ISAP 1 o~ ·ORANGES ··::: s~ AU-AMERICAN PALE, DRY LUER'S ALl-MEAT 45 BEER 6 79 FRANKS I-LI.PKG. , CASIOHA ••• SJ.11:: ' CHEESE 2·~~-27' ~iifc'if NEW CHICKEN OF THE SEA ', ul NN AN ER c: ~, P.ttie, P ... & "°'4•.hed Pote+o.1! ' 4 FISHERMEN FISHSTICKS 10-0Z. 39' PKS. LAICH. PANCY, AlUH ARMOUR 'S LUSCIOUS CANNED $299 PICNICS ~~~~~, 9VAUTY MAIANTWOI BLEND s339 · RFTH LUER'S SLICED GIANT 4 5• B 0 L 0 G NA , •. o~ PKG. ~:~~ s311 ~;;,~ s3• RFTH FIFTH Artichoke 10' UClll BANANAS ~~ 2 L~ 25' LiiiGHORN 49~ -~ ~-~---..ml!!i---··Uilii~~ ~ · · FIFTH FIFTH * IEWPORT BEACH * COROIA del IAR ~ ........ 2600 COAST Hl•HWAY lMf COAST HIG.HWAY * SAi CLEIEITE 602 a CAflttNO HAL • LEARNED ABOUT MATCHES-Mrs. Louis Smiley, two-week resident at 140 Cabrillo ' St., takes a look at the .damage caused in her garage Monday afternoon when her 3· year-old son, Allan, played with matches. Costa Mesa Fire Prevention Officer Ralph Lee aet dama.ge at $400. -S'aff Photo DEATH NoT1cE I Tot Playing with Matches Said ~:~:~~ .. r~~~~~!~A~;~:i~~~~ .. -Cause of $400 Garage Damage ley Fram~. :Ill M l8H 1" PRrk A 3·yea r-old boy playing with , i~ F. E. J{1nR~bury of H 09 M-•tha Av,.., Cn11t1t M<·AA. W•fl! h1·ld at 2 t L111w, Snntu Ana. p.m. tnd11y In thl• l'llrkr~·R1dlPy I matehes cau~ed $400 flamnge tn 8 lnvea1t1gal1nn of lhe blur, Lee Mortuuy. Thi· Re\'. G. W. SleJ:tl'ns ltllntg P at 140 Cabn llo St .. Co:ita I SH1rl. unrovr rer! a number of of· thl' R1vPr111d" Fn111 "~~rn rr Mesa. 111 2:3() p.m. M•ftl<l:iy, arcord-nrnkhu. The Smlley11 hove three ChurC'h offlc111t 1•1t. lnt1•1nwnl fnl· r h1h..lre11 . 1 months. 3 snt1 2. Allan, tow1•d In Harbc>r Htl.'ll llfcmor ial ing tu Ralph Lw. flre prevention 3, was playlnit In Lh,. patio be.side Park 1·PmPt<'ry with thP llf11n111' nffln·r. R1·~ident11 Of the ho1111e are lh<' t:Hrag,. a t the time. Lee ~port· Lodge of $Jlnt11. Ana handling Mr. 11nd Mrs. 1 .. ouia Smiley. Ownl'r •d. l°ravealde r ltt'e. WHIU'S ltOS17 NOIODY KMOWSI 'Inside'-Mesa . Master Plan 1Advocated I An •1naide, not an outaJde j-.o on a city master plan t or Co.ta MN& wu advocated before Meaa city I councU recently by Go rd on Whltnell, Puaden~ plahnlns con· eultant. former ptt•ldent of tlle League of CaJtfomla C1tlu and founder of the Orange County lea· ''"'· Costa ·Meaa'a major problems. aa IJst ed by WhltnalJ, Included "main 11tem" congeaUon &Jons Har· bor Blvd. and Newport Ave.; "II· 11ble" land, where undeveloped af'C· tlona pay but a port,jon and a·e· cei VI!' l 00 percent tall paid aer-vkt>~: u tilizing' 'empty acreage. f'll· t11.bll~hmtnt of echool eltea In un· developed areu ; p&rklng. zoning, public uUlllles, public building• and recreation provam. W'hltnall advlaed much of the legwork ln complUnr muter plan Information could be done U.rough hl&h 1chool and JunJor collere 1tudenla. Mr. Frame di•cl T11e1K111y in Or· a nge County Hospital after an PX· ----Ll~IF.ll..w~"l'lll~.A native t Jlfedin11, ----..:T4w.isr.-...t1¥•·~·"=""e'4~ M~~lls Tell Uoju Standard Wins School Gas lid f. -· ., - • 1928. He lived for the pu t 14 yur1 In thl11 community. a pttlnl- er by trade. H" was a mrmbo•r of Mooae Lodge 1021\, Sant& Ana . Surv1vor11 lnrl111Je his Wldow, Mary a nd dau1q1ter. L1nd11 , of t h<' home sddrt's~ j11trt'nt11 Mr a n•I :t.frs. G. W. F raml'. ( ·ollta M!'sa: and 1lx 11!.-1er11. Mr~. R. F. Plt•rre, Csrden Grov••: Mn1. J . B. LtlllP. Sant• Ana, sn.1 thr Mmr11. J. H Dlmlap, J. M1llf•r, B11b l'.1r1lwl'll anrl R. J e\'ln,., all nf C-osll• ~1rsn. . Windham Wins &up With Talk Lido Toutma 11tf'rfl Club met 111 Harbor Hou"'' on Ftb. I with 2 1 mt'mbC'rs &nrl i:ur~l J11ck l:lr11c1 mi: prn enl. Pr" 1 Id,. n t C'h111•k ~ry presided and Burton Br1 k was topic master. H it! lhoui.:ht-prov11k- tnf 1ubject wae ''l'.'vulll 11 bf' w1~•· t o have a n11tlonnl l11ttr1y to r•'- duce the n1tl11m•I d(•fklt." To1111lms11ll'r Wf•>< l 'llrl J on•·" Harman W1mlhnm lfK•k lh1• , up with hJs sprl"t'h iin "Mon1•y." Othrr •peaker11 were B<Jb M1•l'lrary, Ralph Hur. 11ncl U oyl.I Flrn11n1: Chief evaluator J im l't.'nnry had Rugh Mynatt. El Souh'. ::11\nuy 8telner and V11ughn Taylor help Sn constructl\'e cr 1t1C'l1<m. Next mertlni;: will br 11.t the •me cafe, 7 pm, on Feb. ~. to Son. Car Trip to Mexico Injury of their son .'.'\orman in j wu 6. Mitchell Kaid It 11 11t1U un· an 11uto 11cciclf'nl 0 1'1'. 16 anti an del er m1ne•I how the broken hip Unl'xpected trip to a hOSflllAI IO Wiii 'h• Bl. M1'x11·0 to s••e him wero• told Frl· M1ll'ht'll w11s l111:h in praise for <lay to the News-Press by H11rold the dnNul" 1tn1l t1111rr of lht' M,,x1· E M1t1·hell or 228 Jasmine Avf'. can ho~pilnl Wht•re h1a son 11 con· Mitchell i<uh.I he anl1 his wlfr Cin••1I. rt>•'<'IVe1I a tt'lephonP call Dt>c. 16 Thr Mlll'hrlls 1mhl after vl11lling frc1m a Mexico ·city new:1man, t he11· i.on. I hry 1lrove to Ml'xlco ;m,\'lng on•' boy was klllNI In 11n c·11y whc1 t.' I hey ~Jlt'nl Christmas n11to accident and son Norman t<:vc with hu1 f1 lt'ndll a nd were al· MHchel w1111 iwn1111~ly h111·t. The 110 i;'llcsls a l thl• frtrndis' .Acapulco ll•'l'Hlenl occurn ·d a. AP"-Rll Call-hom1•. Pnl i•s, 300 m1leJ1 nc ·tr of J\frxu:o City. B•·cau"e of the holiday rush ror plane rcll<.'rvalions, M1trlwll 11u11t tht'V ll1•c1d1•d lo dl'lve tu Agua s Cn1\1·n1e11 whcr ., 1'urmi<n W&ll hOll· p11allzed. H e sn1a in El P aao \hey a l<<'<J ,a l1 aHlc otrlct'r ·the bt't1t w11y to l••lephone thl' hosp1l11I .. Thi• polkernun ha1l1•1I a pullce rar which tonk lhf' Mll<'hells to the ><t11t11111 "h"I ,. the •l,.sk lk'ri;:l'anl put thruu,::h n 1hre1·t l'Bll lo l ht' ho!!p\181 ontl 11rlt'd as 1nlerpr\•lor .'.'\11rman wa" )Ost coming out of 11hn..k whf'n Uw r11ll w11" plac1•ll. \\'hen th•' M1lt'hell11 8111\'ed at the hosp1tnl. they round their sun J1uffrr1ng rrnm com 11.s:-1on, a •ll'•·p fill O\tf'r one eye and a brokrn hip B<'cau.~•· of 1:-1 o-.-r11t1onA pl'rCorm· ••d on :-:orman tor poUo .11ince he School Districh Juggle Boundary SANTA ANA IOCNS) -New- port Bt'ach and Costa M l.'aa 1chool bound11iu wen• sli&"htly ditrerent Lu1J11y as a rrsult of action by the C.:ounty &a ni ut Superv111ora F t b. 1. • SuJ)<'rvisor11· spproved a p•llllon wh1rh •'llllt'll for lh•• annr xallon nf thl' 11r,·u betweoen l ~lh and 16th Slio .. n111I Irvine and Tustin Avu. fr11m the c o,.ta ~h~a .11ehool dl$· 1111·t to thl' l'>rwport school dis· lt irl Cnunly Srhool Supt. Linton Slmrnonl! ctr t1flc•d t he a.nntxation. Ht• 1'81d both 1t hool boards agrPed on t he new boundary. Standard Oil Company wu a- warded tlle Coeta Meaa Union Sc.hool ~iltrlct paollne contract n-cenUy w ith a low bid on Ethyl of 20.63 centa per saJlon. Lut year the district p&Jd RJchfleld Oil Cor· poration 21.8 centa per gaJlon. Buainen Man&&"~• n San· born eatlmated th I t would ui1e approximate} 2 gallon• thl• ; ~ar. Ahlo 11U m1tt1ns bid• were General Petroleum, Richfield, SlgnaJ. Union, Shell and Tidewater. 1n other bU8tneae. the Meea board: Approved hirlDc' of Mra. Blanche F . Merritt. NCOnd ·srade tMCber, Ma.In School; Walter J'. Richard· 8Cln, lhop, ~a 8dM>o.I; Mra. Jean Steck, aecret&ry, and Clarence Crippen, ciatodlan. Accepted tlle realgnaUosi of Mn . Dorothy Reid. MCOnd srade teach• er at M&Jn School. Heard Mn. Emma B. Mora-an. Main School teacher. report on the 1lxlh crade procnzn. Grant.fif a alck leave t.o Mr1. Mary Jean Lambert. epeech te.cll· er. from Yeb. 1 to April 1. Her 11ubatttute will be Mra. .Alma Round. Approved a moUon accepUnr 10 acrea for a echool 1lte a t Wll· 8Cln St. and PlacenU& Ave. at a COil Of .2e.325. Row many "horses" wou/J you lihe? 1 IO "·'· Created for driven who demand blaz.in1 accclcr1tion. the "Surer Turbo-Fire VS"• offer~ com- mandin1 plus-pcrfor111ancc. 162 H.,, A ailk-lincJ cycl<lnc Cl( J'X'wer. the •Turt-o- F1re VS" b<ln~t' the 1hor1cs1 stroke and h ighest com- rre~s1on in Its field. ,/ 1 l6 H,,, W ith Powttglide•. the .. Blue-Flame IJ6" giv" the cue or 1u1oma11c shifting at lo""cst price, with 6-cyliDdcr economy. UJ "·'· Loweit in init.i.al cost. ultra-thrifty. the "Blue- f'lame 123" 6 is the 111orld's yard~uck for \aluc and durability. •OptiD-1 ot rrtro 'o•t No matter wtiicb eneine you choose. you get Chev- rolet's aparkling new l>Nfy design. You 11\t a velvety ride you never e~p«ted in a Jow·rmce4 c.a}. the ca~y t1e1in1 of Olide-Ride front suaj"°OSIOfl, rhe cffonleu- nca of b11Jl-race steering. You I/Cl your pick of tbrtt modem drives. a full range or power u~ists .•.. Bur drivt a Cbcvrokt and kam die whole b1& 11oryl ... --..... t ... __......_.._ -" motoramic CHEVROLET ••11'.1.i"' MILLER CHEVROLET . CO. 1000 West Coast HicJhway NEWPOIT 1!¥H E. G. HOFERS TELL HOW TO STAY MARRIED 65 YEARS Fortt•r Newport Pair Celebrates Weclcllng Annlvensy In S. A. SANTA. ANA. ((>CNS) -The tonnvl& tor a wcce..tul mamap that )Mt.ct 16 yeara wa.a reveal· ed 1 today by former Harbortt.e• Mr. aad )(ra. Edward G. Holv, u they celebrated tll•h' weddln& annlveraary. Tiie Sa,nta Ana coupl-ploneer9 In Orange County hletory~ele· braled their annlverary quietly Friday. They realde at 60tl JC, Santa Clara Ave .. In a comfortable 1!11- room houae. Mn. Florence J . Hof· er 11 M today and her huab&nd Edward will be 9:'> Jn October. M YEAJUI IN STATE them dUrlQ6 their ~ mu- rled life, 'NU the tact they ca.me to CalUomla. She aa!d, "I wteh we'd come yeare before ... HOW TO BE HAPPY M.ra. Hofer baa aome deftnlte ldau about a 11ucceuful mamas-. ''Never qu&rn'l with your bwi-bafd." ahe admonllhea. "&Sfte with averylhlnr he .. ya,'' Mn . Hofer aleo .. 1d "I h&Vf' never quarreled wtth my bulband. lf he .. Id black WU White, I ag'Teed with him." Another Important factor, ahe claim.a. l• "never s;o to alMp at ntcht without maklnr up. It you should have a little epat." The couple tlrat came to Call· V.'llt n aaked -ror a comment !om!& In lll<M. Thfy lived at La· about the ch&ng'ea that have t ak t'n runa Beach for aevera.I yeare, place during the paJ1t 8:1 ytar•. where they owned El Dol&no A · Mn. Hofer aald "When I wa1 a partmenta and a downtown mar-youns g'lrl. your face and word ktt. They uter moved to Santa waa worth more Ulan mone~·· l"ow Crua wtlere they llt&yed 11.Jt yeara, money 11 worth more." then be.ck t o Ntwport Beach. In More tllan I.ital hu rhanged for M&y of 19:'>4, they moved to Santa tht' couple-but their lov• h81! Ana. never dlmlnllhed. "When we werl' Mr. Hofer belonr• to the Odd married," 1he 1ald. "l thought It Fellow1 IA<lge, and hu hla mem· woull1 be wonderful If Wt could 1>4- berehlp m lndl~poU1. Ind. He marrlf'd for at leut 40 ynn. Joined l h" orranlaatlon In 1884. But now It hu been 8:'> years ~ He haa nrver been delinquent. "l I've loved every m oment tJf It." &\Ire waull1 like to 1ee aome of tht NO Clt.LEllRATION 0111 memben I met at the, Coeta There waa no celebration at the Me .. lod«ie," ht aald. I Hofer hou11e t hla year, the elderly MrL Hofer aald on• of th• nice-wife l&ld. "My hu1band haa high 1t thin«• that ever happened to blood preaeure and l111't vrry well. I.., AGAIN ... ' NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PAGE I THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 MARRIED LONG TDiE -Mr. and Mn. Edward G. Hofer, former Newport ocean front residenta now ot Santa Ana. celebrated 65th wedding annivenary 1ut week. -OCNS Photo eo we will just ait around lhe hoUSC' and l'DJOY the company of a fC'W of our cloBI' frjends. Mr. Hoff'r spent his life aa a.n apartment 11n!I markt l ownrr-but nrh though his l'alllng requirf'd htm to mana ge 1>uslne11 atfaira. Mrs. Hofer statts "l alway• a· greed with everything he nld." Howevr r when she becom'~ t·on· fldenllal. 11he 11&ya of hn hu11band In a whl.spered v~e. "He alwaya came a round t o my way of think- ing, eventually." Mnans 111 Colllsloll A fend"r ben1ln traffic a.caldent nccurrt.'d rrcenlly et IC. nower St. and Fullerton Ave .. Colt& M- poll c<' rrported. Involved were aulo11 rtrl ven by Robert J'loyd Templl'. 28. of 429 Ftower St. and Donalrl Cut111 Foell, 22 of lU I:. 19th St. Th,. Tl'mple auto WU driven from tht' acene. Th• ""811 vthlrle hl1d to be towl'd. A WINNER! I .. For the ThirJ Straight" Year in the Winners' Circle of C N P A Annual Newspaper Awards YOUR Newport Harbor News· Press received high acclaim from Contest judges who awarded the News· Press • 1. Second for lest Front PCIC)e, weeklies 2. Fint Honorable Mention, General Excellence, weeklies l. Fint Honorable Mention, Best News Photo, weekly and daily newspapers. The News -Preu is proud to merit iuch state -wide honors. To receive them year after year means making each iuue outstanding. This means YOUR NEWS -PRESS must have top new• stories to get three consecutive Best Front Page awards. YOUR News -Pren must have excellent quality of content and diiplay to take top General Excellence awards three years running. ANO, last but not least. YOUR News-Press, always the Harbor area's ouhtandin9 NEWS Photo newspaper MUST present the best photographs to have such reco9- ~ni,tion in competition with best pictures in daily or weekly new5papers throughout the state. We ere happy to r&ceive again more recognition from CNPA judges than any other new1paper in Orange County. A gQ9d reason for you to subscribe to the Harbor's top newspaper s6• per year by mail or carrier. -.... -"! , Lincoln's 1"' eeon·tru, 9 4:1 •nil l l o'rloclc Church School claaau for aJ1 a,.• are provided at the II U hO\lr. Films Show Christmas With Navajos I Birthday is Noted Abrabm Llacoln'a blrt.J\dr.y. hb. 11. bestal A.merlcanbm Week. ftM purpoM Of thSa period betWHJI Uncoln'• aM W~on·a birth· da.1• Ill to help the .unel14:an peo· pie to redMlcate thelnaelvea to Pictures of Indians in Monument Valley • Anlertcan ld•la. . . Planning t~ build 1 boine of The Navajo Indian Chriatmu party, made poajble by the reeidenta of the Newport Harbor area, will be nilived Friday nJ1ht when Clinton C. Emmenon will ahow plcturea at the Newport Seventh-day AdvenUat Church, comer of Broad, Bolaa and Short St.., at 7:30 o'cloclt.-Mr. Emmerwon, u .. l"Mtdent, ~ lDteNet.ed area ruldaiu had d0C1Ated many la Ole ~t ot the Navajo ID-ol th• artJcl-. dlana toW' yeal"ll ••o when he first Othera proir\µlent 1n m aklnr t.hta Chrilltmu puty 11UeeeuruJ. "the attended Ulera u vlsltlnr dentlat Jarre11t of o y th1a year on the a t the Ct'nter malnt&ineJ by the ~MrvaUon," according to Mr. Sennth·day Adventlat Church In Sleeth, m~er of the Hatt)' ).fonument Valli')', Utah. Gouldlnr trading p<Mlt, were: WU· The Chrt•tmaa party, held Ott. llam Kimes. aasl.iant super1ntf'n- 23. wu attended by approxlmalel1 dent In cbarire of bu.ineu at 800 Indiana. To each tamlly wu Orani-e Co~11l Collere: Senator S IVl'!I one aack or llma beans, one-John Murdy, Dick Flemtnr, R1ver- thlrd aack or poi.toes. one-sixth I a.Ide citrus grower; the Smtltzer of a crate or orangea and a do&· Bean Allsodatlon and Ila manager. en a ppl... plua canned rood.a. WLlllam KeUer and the Soulhweat Clothln&, •O lo 60 trlcyclea and 200i ICxploraUon Co. of Huntington dolla were artlclee a.llO Included Beuh, who repaired toya and fur- ln the tour-truck loart. Harbor nlahed transportation. SEVENTH-DAY AD~ST clinic and achool in d•o- late Monument Valley, U . These buiJdings, with a trading post and hogan for use of the Indians, is center for wide- ly scattered Navajo families which inhabit the valley. -Emmenon Photoa PAGE ·2 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, -FEB. 10, 1956 .Mna. Walter, Adventiat miulonary, hu stveo th~ Na· vajo children a wonderful toy, will give ~ mother po- tatoes, beana and fresh fruit. clothing if needed. Supplies were taken from .here at Cbrlatmu time .}>Y Emmenon and Kimee famille.. Noted Methodist \ LaYman tO 'fell About Hawaii One of Special Series on Missiqy. Churches <>n thl• opentnc lat\.ll'd&y, P'eb . • 11, P~r R.lchard J'. Berna of the hwath-day Advenuat church, will llpeU Ob "Uncoln a.nd the Ma.n from Nuanth'' at th• l l o'clock •mce. H• ..au uae Matt. 6 ::S-UI .. ht1 tut. '"nM Faith that Hew" will be th• toptc of th• leuon of the church u atudy, which be(ina at 't ;:SO a..m. Th• vene to be comlt- led to memory la found 1n Luke l :•I: "AJ\d He aald unto her, Daurblet', be of rood comlort: thy raJth hath made thtt whole: go In peace.·• Peace Sermon for Newport Methodists lleltert L SATTLER Htnbor 3888 fOR A LOW·COST USY·PAYMENT aUILDINQ LOAN CHU.,. lotHr • ..... ,.. .... Dr. J. Hudson Balhrd in Return Lecture Series ISLAND PASTOR ATTENDS SCA CONFERENCE SCHOOL This week the Rev. Donall! G. Sapp, minister ot the Bal- boa Jaland Community Mdhocilst Chu1·ch, Is attPndlng the Southern Callfomla-Artzona Contr rcnce School of Evangelism •l Trinity Methodist Cpurch. P omoaa. "J:.:rotherhood --A Way to Peace," wlll be the aemwn topic for I he mPm ln1 aervlcu at Chrtsl Church by the Sea on Sunday, "MethodJam and Ita Work in Hawaii" will be the subject Feb. \3. Thi• wlll be th• first Of of an illustrated. talk by J . Wesley Hole at Christ Church by 'ra IHl~IC!I or aermont l>y Rt-v. Roy the Sea on Sunday evening Feb. 13. The Sunday evening A. ~nrlson In "fuch b()rn.-possl· . ' ll\'O hOJICa for r"a!'t Wiii be l'lt· program will be the second in a special aeriea on Miuiona plortt1. • s.me. " ,,,...~ • /11t1r.,t ii thorgld nlw ea loa11 /M'IUU or• Cld110J&tecl • Ar&ln thla year the Harbor Area will have U11• opportunity to hear Dr. J . Hudson liallarrt when he comps to St. Andrew's Presby- terla.n Church for a scrlu o r popu- Jllr leclur.1 on lh' gent'ral theme or psychology and bettt"r living. Dr. Ballard will 11pt'ak at b<llh the 9 .30 and 11 o'clock morning .,..orshlp servh.u on J.'t>b. 20 and e.tch 'veninK during that week. Evening lecture on Feb. ::o wlll be "The Psychology of Love and J.larrlage," and the serlu will ron- Un11e Ule theme. Lut year Dr. Ballard'• lectures mi't with tine rupvn11e. Family Night Church Supper The regulllr munthly Fa.mlly 1'1ght S\1 ppcr or the Balboa. hl&11d C'Clfnm11n1t ,. Mtthodlat Church Is ~dh'Lllllrd 'tur w ... unc11day. J.'c:-b. 11. Thi• po1lurk supper. to bei:in at 8·Jo pm., as l>etnir arransed b)' m .. m1>er11 ot the Woman'• Society of <'hr111t h•n Service. A pro~m or 1•ntr1 l1Hnnwnt I~ planned. Both thl' ~lll'p!'r an•I t ht• prni;ra.m ts op•·n '" lh,. 11ubllr . After the Game Party for SYF A Val"nlln•' p11rty t..ir mcm~n ot the S1·nlur Youth Fcllowahlp ot the Bolbua lllland Community Mtthod111t Church wlll H hrld l'rulay rvrninl(', Feb. 11. al thr home of Dick lirl\Jgma.n. 124 Opal A ve. The parly w\11 follow the high lk'hool b1u•krlMll ga~ In Sa.nta Ana. commltlt.'emen arrM(lng the al· fair lnr lmle Sharon Waidelich, Vic- ki C11l'nat, Marilyn Shooter. Henry 'erry, Dick Bridgman. Bar bara Harpu, and 811111• Stonl'. DR. J . H. BALLARD Community Church of . Corona del Mar The ft.ey, Edwin C. Oom~e. In· ll'rtm m1nlatt-r of the Community Church of Corona dd Mar, will apea.k on "The Chr111t Whom We Preach" tor the duplicate Kr- vlt•u Sunday morning Mu(Anlt &harle. church orira.n11t. la play· Ing 8"1KUOIUI by Dubois. Mr. Sapp wu nomlnatt'd by his district superlntendtnt. th<' Rev. Dr. MaUJ tee C. Ballrnger. lo represt'nl the San Dltgo District al the schooL Training sessions b••itan on Tues\Jay find will continue throughout F rnlay. M1nlat1•111 attending Wiii l t'l'tdvc Instruction 1n vls1tatlon evani;elism rrom Dr. Eugene. Golay, llirector of the Department Methods for the C c:-nt•ral BoarJ of Evangelism. N11shv11le, Tl'nn . Mni. Sapp wlll spl'nd the week m San S.•mar\Jtno visiting Wllh coll<'i;e friend!!. ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Young B.I. Methodists · to Hear George Ward Mr. Georgl! Wl'rd ot the r~m· 1 Thi• Tnterml.'llintc M,. tho d 11 t ~llll'I' Of Publ•"ll~lonit. l'lll<l Youth FclJowithl(l, a j.:l'OUp for jun- Church ur Christ. Sc1cnt1s1. will 10r hli;h }'l•Ulh. Wiii Ill~<> mt'et S un· speak lo men1bl'r~ oC •lhe Wt•i1lry I 'lay <'V<'nmjl' al :; ·:10 o'clock. F t."llowehlp of lhe Dalb"a hlanJ Community Ml."thodlsl {·h11rch at R R 1 • 7:30 p.m .. Sunday. I ace e attons M r. Ward Wiii dlllCU.U "Whet Chrt1Uan Sclent11t1 Bdleve." 1t Is Sermon Them' e tht' second In 11 11rrle11 of 1llscus• ' 3lt.ma planned by th<' rolli•1:•··111'e I Rac1· Helatlon11 Da will be ob- ot different Chrtltl&n denomlnll· lft'tYcd Sunday •t th• Blllbo& Ja- during t~e month of February. The spe.a.ker will show many I "Durtnr the month ot February colored, plcturea or both 11cenlc 1 348 Methodist churchea In lhl• MethocJlsl rhu~t·hes throuii:hout .and lnlonnatlonal nature. or par-aree.. t the country will bt" consldenng llcular lnLerut will be many vlewa A th h h 1 th H _, ChriaOan cuntrlbulloJ'll to world of Methodist J.Ualdon ChurcbN and Ian 8 1 lae-•c urc eel nl •la ~!" .... order and peace," atatn Mr. Qul-s nus are c OllC' y re t~ to II II k oo AU010011te u "'4d• /cw wo .. r 0 "'1t tobor low1ard iA• e01&1lnctioa w.C • Pow•Ch-1>.U. their leaders In the lalanda. I Method1sl ..>tflclalll In 5-0uthem llOn. c WI 11pea at th m om- Mr. Hole ls • noted Methodllt Cahtornla for 11upcrvt31on, Dr. Hole layman and church leader ln the as well a cquaJnted "Ith n11Mlon- Southland areL He serves 611 ari~ and Mtlve le"dt1 a 1,t the Ha- trt'uurrr for the Southern Call· w&1111n Methot.ll11t Chui..•ht'a. ln r•· fomla • Artzona Conference of the Ctnl vears he haa made ~fVf'rr.1 I Methodist Church. His admll!tstra-I trips to Hawaii. I tlve work keep11 him In lCIUch with I Th 5 (..-elln rt•Cnt) 111lott " unday eventnr mlulon provams be'1n al 8 o'd ock with la.nd Community Melhodl1t Church. a annck supper M>tved by one ot The Rev. Dona.Id G. S app hss "4!· the women's rlr<-lea of the church. lected aa hl1 sermon topic for both Thl're arc 11tu\Jy group11 tor adult• the 9:30 and 11 a.m. 1erv1ces and youth beg1nnlnr at 8:30 "The Word With a Holluw Sound." o'dork . The 11pcclaJ urvlce and A 1peclal arrani-emenl of .. On· speaker then •follow In the aanc- ward1 Chr11Uan Soldier•" will be tua.ry at 7:20 p.m. "The publlc i. 1un1 by the choir under the direc-cordln1ly Invited," 'ttlllf't the pa.- lion or Leslie Van Dyke. tor, Rf'V. Hoy A <Alrl1111n. A t both strvlcn nc:-w member• will be received Into the fellow•hlp ------------- of the church. Tho11e plannlni to Newport Variety Join are Mr. and Mra. Edwtn Dn.· per. Mr. and Mr. Wallace Flffr, Mr. and Mra. R1cha.rd Park, Mr. am1 Mr11. RtJbfort Moody, Miu Ma.r· vtllee Moody.. Mre. Lawrencl' Brorrlng, Mra. Vern Smith, Ml., Jean Smith, and Mlaa Donna Smith. l'OUK I Md 10 8TOU "• Oh•e Vniwa lt'--pe Oaa.a to•..-t Near rte.. NEWPUKT llEAOll MESA UPHOLSTERING Vpllotnert•1 A Drapery ..Lille rt)' l·U Ill IUO NwpL Blvd~ t.Joeta 11- Say lt W1tll • . AlnN f.., . ~State Mutual Savi~s ~ ,...... 'flowers :· HI UH llllCIUl-1 : l>f Wlro : , , • IM .......,. •JHN'teeld, : Party Rental ltem11 : " rnr •lei ...-.u.,. cllat : J•O.t I>. cr .. 1.d lly , ('om1111 d1 I Jin,. ; AM 11,1,,.d tllou.~ •'1:::• : Harbor 6071 :. "'-• ..... cA.W... •· ; ........•..••••..•.•...••.•..•.. ~ Bruce Martin FOR A.LL \'Ol.JR IXSl!RANCE NEEDS g1uup on the l>l'hefs a nd prncllct's I Y tlona. The 1•ve.nlng'1 progrtm will r::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::::::=========;, aoo lncludr worship. recresllon. a.nd rtfmhmenls. THE CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE BE SURE • INSURE ~ Auto-Truck . ~Fire-Life -------------------------------------------------~ LU(;AJ.. A OE..'-Y Children to Universalist Plan Instructive Show t:rot"l Uolmft, fou.ncler, auUlor ot UM tll•t"°°lil "SCl£.SCE UP' ML~O- Rt v lrl.s Turk, mlnJ1ler Topic· 11 • m. Ftb. 13 "U.ina The Law ot Abundance" 10.!(J Heallng ~el"'1Ce 11 :00 J unior C burc.b J 1l •11or Cll1<rr ll rnillrlH·•• oil n11u oboi.~ K l!Wltlr!Jnrle" n"4 ta ~14 o r r.lrl Scv>1I Ho.uc, Hlgt. Dnt•c at L•"'1e" w1Ut llAUKIVE 16TA.~U:I' ·-~.,.,, n-Harbor H 1' SSl5 r.. Clout-RJ•ll-1 Corona d«-1 Mar MA'ITRESSF..8 lloal_H_ J'ralle,.. 1,,....,...., 8MpN a..&4eDClll Otnc. Uberty ~ Ubforty 8-MM 1798 New rt Ave .• Co.ta MeM The sermon topic al aervtcea of the Un1veraall11t Community Fellow1hlp on Sunday will ~ 'The Courage lo Sa.y No." M. H. Thompson or Balboa will play a violin 11elect lon accompan- ied by Mrs. Fredertck Rlnge at the pia no. The Swiday School I.I working on a pup~t ahow depleting good race relations to be part nr a fam· lly Night program on Feb. 2i 11nll all puplla art' urged t o be p1 l!l!· enl to pl•n this evrnt properly. I Thurs, Jo'eb. 17 8.00 p. m, ;f'Mll "\\'hat'11 Your R~PQn•ll)lllty" LAGU"SA B~ACH ART OAJ.l.f.:Rf, 101 CW1 Ort" H1att 6-'f!IM The Fl'llow"hlp mrets 11 L th,. Ebell Clubhouee. t>l:'I Ualbon Blvd. ~~;;:::;:::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~;;~~~g each Sunday a t 10.30 for Sunday ~ School and 11 o'clock tor mt1m- ln1 worabJp. Rc>v. FHdertck Rlngt of Coron& !lei Mar 111 minil'lrt or the r ro11p. RUMMAGE SALE UllerfJ "· Ill.II C.:-&a M-Ila&&"'" 00. llN N_,.n Blvd. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 llOTUKlJ\'Cl..m r;scuaT • • • STATE MERCMANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of Sierra Madran to Preach at Costa Mesa Baptist On Tburedr.y, Feb. 17, beglMlnri wtth a dnlM'rt lunr heon 111 l ::\0 1 p.m .. lhl' ASIO«l8tlon or t:nlVPf• aall11t Woml'n will mt'• t at 1 hi' home ot Rt'V. and Mra. Fr rf'Jert("k Rini•· 234 Hazel Drtve. Corona dr l M.ar. Mr. Rlnge Will 1tl•" an Ill· I uatratt<I lecturt' on Hawaii and al the buainus meeting rollcrwlni;: lbe ltcture 11 number of impor· t.anl Hema ot buatnrll~ will be •hll· Friday • Saturday Feb. 11 -12 ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Thi.I comtng Lnrd'1 Day ~lar· ence C. Twl1r of Slerni Madre. wtll occupy thf' pulpit a t 11 a.m. ln tht Flriot Baptist Church. Coirta Mesa ln the abMnce of the pulor, &v. P. 0 . Neumann. who I.I con· duclln( 11erv1cu al th,. Flr11t Bap- Uat Chun'h of Lodi. tll11 •ubjl'ct w\ll be '"Tllc Orow1n~ Christian:· Special mualc by the Youth Choir under the leadtr11hlp of Merle Va.I· du with f.Jnda Wtckry 11t tht' org-an. The paator'a lnatrucllon claa• f\:>r new converh Wiii mtet at 8 :30 p.m. "i th the> Rev. F. W. Bartel 1n charp. Alao at 8:30 p.m. the Youth In Tralnlnr wlll meet under UM direction of Bill Acton. At the 1:30 p.m. 11ervlce the meeUng wtll be In charre of Mr. Acton. and tll• vutou1 youth ot the church Soul Will be Lesson Theme "Truly my 90uJ walteth upon Ood. from hlm cometh my salva- tion..' Thia ver1111 trom P1alm1 (82.1) W111 be th• Oolden Tut ot t he LeMOn-Sermon on "Soul" In all Churchu of Chmt., 8<'il'ntl1t, •Sunday. Thal Ood la Ule Soul of man waa demon.llrated by Jeaua In Ule her.Jin( of blind Barthnae"9, u "lattd by M.ark (10:41, •7. •t. 621. A• he "aat by the hltrhwa y 11tde bt11U11." h• cried out. "J..ua thou 110n ot David, have mercy qp me • . • .A.nd Juu• irto<>d aUll and commandl!ld him to be calll!ld , •• A.nd J MIMI ..W uato , hlm, 0o Uly way : U\y fr.JUI tl&UI made th« Wtlole. And lmmedlal41y be recelv· f'd tilil •lrbt. and toUowed Jtw• 1n Ule way. Mary ,er ll:dd1 writ• in w ill ~ tr.king pr.rt. Spedal mualc. On Monday even.In& Feb. 21 at 8:30 pm. the Brolllarbood of th• Finl Baplllll ChUr1:h or Costa Mesa wtll have Ila U\Onthly din· ner and i.rurplrallonr.J pro(T&ITI. Rev. Stanley Bf'lland. vtce prell· dent oflhe Hospital G<>"pel Mln- latry Board Wlll ~ thf' maln 11~aker The subj~t of h11 mu• uge will be "Close Srrape w ith Death.'' Mr. Bella.nd hu a most ln11plr· lng muaage. He 11 one of the l~ chaplaJna, together with three crew members of the C-4e who w ere enroute trom Sacramtnlll to Burb&nk. and were compeUed to bail out from the bluing plane over Nt whall on StpL 20, It~. The dinner will be pre.parcel u u.eual by women ot the church. CUllt'd. All women lnter.at.ed In lhr 'lll'Ork or Uberal C'hr1~tlM F'ellnw- ahlp arf! welcome. rt any on,. Lacki mran11 of t r&nl!JlOrtat Ion elthtt to this merllnR or Sunlla ~· lfrvlru <"all Mr Rini:"· ll11rh1;r 181lJ,J and It at "II ro~s1blr " way will be provldrd !or 11tteontl1rnre at the meetlnJrio. V. L. Behnken New Lutheran District Head "Science and Health with Key to ORANGE fOCNS) -The ~"'' the Scriptures". "Knowlnr; that I Victor L. Brhnken oC lrnm1111utl Soul and Ila a tl.ributu wrre for· Lutheran Ch11rrh I• lhe new prr~t­ e\·er ma.nlfeat.ed lhl'oufb man, the I dl."nt of th,. Southern <'Hilfom 1a Muter hMled the alck. rave 11lght Dlltr1ct of Ule Luthtran Churr h to the blind. htr.r1n( to UM •Mt, I MIHourt Synod, It wu announrr<I ff'ft to the lame. U'IUa br1~nr t o today. light the a.ClmUflc a cUon of the I Mr. Behnken'• appointment "'1111 dlytne,. Min d on bu.man minda and made a l • dlatrlct conrerl'nce helrl bodl .. and 11~ a belt.tr under-Moncsay In WhllUer. it.and!~ of Soul and lalvaUon." The putor, however, "''Ill remain Church Guild to Hear Pastor Th• Church School Guild of Co· rona del Mar Communlt.r Church Will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1 • ID UM dlurcJl ~ ball. Tb• Rev. l:dwtn c. OOlnk• wt1l pre1911t an IUu.trated l.ct11re on £rttrM, North .Aft1ea. MembeT'I and trtftlda an tnTlted. s-..-wtll .. Mm-. M. J. Sllannoft, l...owlU H..-. J. Ke.n- ntt.ll Hamel ln th• On.nf • pulpit. h f' ••.It! thl• morntnc. The dlatr1ct dutlu wlll be an add1Ur>n.aJ obUpUon. ARCADE BUILDING 1808 Newport ltvd. Costa Mesa Sponsored by "Opti. Mn.~' Just Anywhere No matter where the need may arise, we can make com- plete arrangements. due to our connections with other dependable. moderately priced funeral d1recton1 all over the country. Call us FIRST: we'll relieve you of e,·ery worry, and we'll alAO eave you time and money. PARKES· RI OLE MOR.TUAR.Y 11 o ••O"O•A.Y co ......... ... u,..,y 8·3433 ~ -p· ,,.? , ~ 0 .. _ • ntl OIU>O OfM 90lDlllUI • s ••••••• IAUOA • IAl.IOll ltlAHD . - ~· '"' HIDDEN TRIASURI OP UTlA VAWI C-M.-4 ... •• 1lve yev ~ lt11!4e ator,I GM 11 rh111c-Uf1 lr•ok at th<' k l"fCl of St udr· b•lrcr ~ v1<'tor1u 1n thr M •1h1lcu Econ· omy Run. FtnJ nut why vn11 1t•t m r.re for yrru r morvy '" I Studrl>.Jrcr. ~---~~ (~ ·~ THI ULTRA Vl8TA 8TUDl•AKIR 'Stud~babr ... so 111•tll kiter made ... wortlt more wlten ;ou lmtk I t t t I ...._ f/I' 'I 1 ......... C.,...._ ... ..Vt..._ i...., ..... ._,..._of.-. ....4 .._.. JOI NICKDTZ, Local Dealer MU 1'". Newpen ..... (M .. ..._. .. Ud.ol ... l 'bone U...W 610 • -. I I • I . . J • VOCATIONAL NURSES "CAPPED".-Capping exer- cises !or 18 vocational nurs es at Orange Coast College laat week m arke d conclusion of their acade mic training a t college and their entrance into t he h ospitals. Regis· tration for a n e w clas s in Vocatio nal Nursing w ill con- clude Feb. 11. First row (I t o r ); Mrs. G eorge E. H ar· k ine, Ora.nge; Mrs. H a ro ld Cunningh am, C o sta M esa : Mrs. James M. J a c ks on , Santa Ana : Miss Gode lie vc ; N o ppe and Mrs . V . Emerson Hawley, Mn1. Lo~ Y oung and Mrs. H arold Cooper, a ll Costa M esa; Mias Beverly Cooley and M iss Carolyn Scott; both W estminster . Sec· ond r ow : M rs. V ictor Charney , N ewport Beach; M rs. J ames R. W a rkentin and M rs. Bruce M. Parsons, Santa Ann: Mrs. Virgil Poage, Huntington Beach ; Mrs. C la r · c nce Farrel and Mrs. Lewis Chilson, Santa Ana ; M rs. Ray F. J o hn son and Mrs. Ric hard Cookerly, Co sta Mesa. R • c • 9\ G · Woman: Snow, Great Gale!I and I Last or the Great Cowml'n: K ii· a ln om1ng." et Dir~ D111aster11: nnd WaM!'rman, m&n, Hugh Roy Cullen : O 'Ca.Mey, Mortrrn PolltlC'al Phllusophlea and Sun11et amt Evening Star ; Rici'. What Tht>y Mean. The Tumult and the Shouting, My B ok t L • b l~1t1•nllure shl'lves have, Hoya· Life In Sport; Stegner, Beyond the 0 s a I rary kawn. LangOege, Mt:anlnl{ end Hundreth Meridian: n1omp11on. Mnturlty: Stunclard Hantlbvok of Assignment: Churchill; and The An unus u ally large sc>lection of book s has been ch oRcn f'rrpn~11111n11, Conjunctions Rd R-National List or S ociety 1954, gift. llvl' l'ronoun11 and A\lvPrbll. There are two reference book11, for the N ewport Bench Public Libra ry recently, a crnrding D~lxon, T rlbvtes and Forms For The A merican Annual, Encyclope· t o M rs. Lin S heeley, librarian. If the w cath'c rma n predict s a Puhlw <w"'s'"ns: Einstein. Ideas dla or the Eeventa of 1953, 1954; siege of rain, be fH't'par ed w ith a few \'o lumrs, :rnJ Opinloni., lh!!<'n. Play11 of Ht>n· and Compton'a Pictured Encyrlo· Nrw In ri<'wm a t<' Al::i r( on. . rik l hs<'n : Qu1•<'n. The Literature pe<Jla and FQct-lndex. -MARILDL nmows CURVES llonortog Jllorilyn lltoni oe's arp• ar:i111·" tn I 1 \'tn); n 1'1 lm'11 111111'1 · •Bl. "Tht'te'a !l:o Bu~m<'ll3 Like Shnw Bui<o:w'"·" 1 .. 1w s t l.11lo1 T hcalre. 20th Century-Fox relr:i~r tl lat1•"l lull·llP lll' p11r11:11t 11( blonde 11l&r who llppoea rs m Ik1hn 1·x11av.1i::11117.a \ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.fRESS -PART IV· PAGE J THURSDAY, FE~. 10, 1955 1 WANT AO will cost you only s2 and it will run in all 3 inues A Minimum ad is 4 linH. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Ne.,..Pftu TuHd.ay aad Tbunday edJUou. Pluei Newport Bay P09t aad Coutal SbotrPer SE\\'PORT HARBOR Pt'BU8111!"0 ('(). %'!11 Balboa Bh·d., 1'iewport Bf'M'll, CaUfonala. -------The p11bl11Chrn1 will not be rt'apon111ble for more than one tncorr«:t ln~rrt 11111 nf nn :Ht. rrs<'r\'e the right to correctly rlaulty any and. all arts anll to n •Jtcl llny ad not conforming to ruin and regulatlona. DF:ADL.INES for placmir; or ca ncelllnc ad11 are: For Monday Publlr11llon -Monday 9 a.m. F-.1r \\'<'dnesday Publlra lion -Tut1d11y 2 p.m. For Thursday Pubtlcat1on -Wtdnt&day 1 p.m. NE\VPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • Every lllonday and Thurllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unt'ft 4 Unt>!4 4 Llnl"f!I 1 Paper $ .'75 2 Papen 1.150 S Papera 2.00 Coutal Shopper Clualftf'd Adi muet n1a la U.. MoedaT r-~-'IJtu...aJ ~ MJNIM{;M AD 18 & LINF.S All ClwUled Adll m1111t lie paid for C'aah ln a.du-ol ,.llll•U- Classified Index .. st PouJtry lll l.J\'fttodl TRlrt1 from th•· Sp:ou b h 1:irt. <.11>-•'. lll'l1 th tit tho • iRLhmus. s:tft~ •>f C'..{1mc: R 1l·hnrdson, We Bought ..)J.lacellaneoUJI Include~ .Arthur, Rl\rkr r, Tomorn>w th" ;,, w :'-1"'111. ~.t ,•kin.-. Uhl Mr,.,, U11111111nrwv. r,. n 1iil&n1r: SoulfiworTh,"Xw<' Mila-Let:S Go PrespecUng ! , Botkin, Baron, The Cohlf•n 1'1 mr,,•i-. c 'nl· 11'"'11 Hitt·~t·~:o Slf'"P \\ 11 h em Amt'rir~n f'O<'tll; a nd Wnttra' Sidewalks of New York: Cleland, ver. Thl' Ml'&llllr•· of lht Yl'urs.,St1ani::ers. O t'Rrrell Th» u,.,·11,antl Art1llt!I Yr·Rr Book 1954. A History of Phelpe Dodgt', gltl; Enters. Among l hl' uaught"ttl. l h~ lllll', ~imernn". Tht> Moi:!rmn Now In hljjlory a,rl'. Cooke. There Corbc'tt. The Temple Tiger: Cro· Garth. Three HnRd1 ll) A St 11r . ROtl ~he \\ 1dow. l't 11111.i:•'. l Rt l h Ill Nu Ql.11111. Cruemng, The Stale Wl'll. Cavalcade or Am<'MClln Grol131111rd. The \\'11m11n \\'1th No the <.uld ll1111: end \\ :ir,• The of Ah•lku. :llldtllettin. The De· Horsu : Engel. Tht Tl'chmque of P1111t. Hall. l'afl"r Moon. H .. y .. nx. C'hllt k .. M<'mni lfol r.-n,., of \\'l'lotCrn E urope; Solland. Ca.sling ; How to Manufaclurr I . The Advrnturtrll. Ltnklnto'r, The In th .. non-r1ction thrre l\ft' two The SllJ;P uf. l'l'wport Bay and J ewelry. Toys. Ceramics. Plt\Sllc11,! rv1ne Park's Oaks Sycamore Sultan an!I lhr Lntly/ Ltu ini::. I volunw11 un P"Y!'holoKY· l'reslon. I New poll Harbor Yacht Club. gift: etc.; Feyer ab end. Budgeriga r t 1 •'uM'ral Sotl<"H 2 Card of 'l'llaft.k11 4 •·uDl'reJ Dt~ton IO Bual-Oulde SA 8,..na.I Aaao.e l'"Wa& 39 Auto. Waat.ed . &O AutOll for Sale .0-A 11.rH A Part. Take Thla Man, Madnon. l'tay ,The> Sub111an1·" of ~tenlal H1'alth , and U.S. l'a\'Y War I'hotographs. Guide, gift: Fh1her, The· Story of For A DrB\'t' Hc:Rrt . Monkll'WICZ, and l'ro~off, Juni;'s Ps):r hology 1'rll\'1l 1nd0tlt' ... Caruthers. Lo.if-the Sadler Wells Balltt : Gottlieb. I Trees to Be Saved Under Plan Trial. Matthl,.Mr n, The s 1ni:1ni: anti 1111 Social Meaning. l<t'Y•'ll to 1ng A lnng Ocath Valle>y Tra1la. TablP Tennie: Jaml'11, The Tt>xaro a nd thr Goltl; Morrt11, The l1•1mhay ! 111,•nts.1 healt h a re, Alvart'Z, Nerv· i;1fl. Clark, Mnrr htng 'V\'1nrt; Er· Story, gift ; LoeMr, Animal Be· Meet mg: Murphy, Uruh.• F •1r Nt•w .. u,.n..,1111. l nd1i;;estwn \I.IHI 1'11ln , "t•·ln, All About .Ha w1111: Pan havi<lur, L o we, Experlment11I Orlean11; Nt•wh1•u,.,., T hi' Tt•111rt11· lk llt•I. t-:v<'ry11111n'• llh11s1on, .. not Anwrll'an \\'orld A11-woy,., :'\t'W Cookery from the Chemical and tion or Rogrr H1 rrott: 01 month:, ~t&n•hf!!I. The Prayl'rs of f'ttcr Hortwn11. Hsnrl McNully, World P hy111"-l.l St.Andpolnl, gift; Mr Minn, Solomon an•I ttu.• Q•lt'f'O of Shrhn. Mar11h11 ll Atl1ti1. i;1ft . Thomn11 Brothers. The Theater of the Golden Erll In 1311u1hter. ThP H<'all'r: T11•k• II, AJdo•!l 1n ~•X'1al l!l't•·nre11 arr. Popula r At18JI nf l...<111 Angeles C'ahfom i11, ~ft ; Murchie, Song or The Hrro11 or So1nt Rni::-rr. Tnl· C-u 1ry. Conslltul1<m of the Un1!1•d <'•Hint~·: and Thomp11on, The Ris<' thP Sky; Sunset Magazine, How atoy, M.oster 1in1I Man, C tft. \\'111· S tal1·11 and ot the Stale of ('oil· nml Fnll or Mayll <.:1vlllzat1on. to Build Ftnce11 and Gat.r11; Sun· lop, Thl' Yr11r tlw Y11r1k1•1•11 Lo11t rorn1n. g1fl: Duvall, ln-lnws l'ro fl1oi;ruphy, Aldri('h, Gtrtrude set Magazine, How to Build W&ll!I, the p ,.nn11nt , 11ntl Wh1l<'. Ar1w11a nntl Cnn: Fllulknt>r. t;nta~y Mon-Lawrt>n c•• \LI Mr11. A.; Andct8on, Walka. Patio floor&; Wiiis. Llvln11 N11:1hs, Gift PY. Hullf111h J::duC'&llonal F r.·!'· Tht> \'l'orl1I or Albt rt Sr hwl'llzer; on the Levt>I : One-11tory Houllell: l I Bu1Jd.ln1 Matuta.la 12 BulhUnr{ sen'ian ... l'f'l'110Dal11 4l Auto Servb U Tral.kN U AlrplanM J.'or mv11tt>ryJ1. thC'r" llrt Arm· llom in A.o Age M Anxlrty; L<•h· R.PnllOn, Qurrn Vk torla; Barno, W1lson. C\lt Encyclopt>dla; &nd atron1t Thi• I •r1·11111 \\'11lkP1 , 1 · • .r· 1111\Jl, Jcib11 After R«'llrt'ment: Shn-Thr Llldy t•f F uhion: Bolton, The Ziegfeld, Education and Ar1, A nae. The Man in the Green Hat , I man, Thl' Chrult'nlll' or Being a Sllvr r Spa dt : Hunt. Cap Mo1111man. Synposium. ' ... ,~ ; / ;" JUST NORTH ,r ..asr Offfa . ....-- " MAKE -•>c. 'T -~ .~ ' ......... ' .'t ~ THIS YOUR OF THE All FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF TME MONTµ EARN FROM THE FIRST . -~Y For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9: 30 a . m. to 8 p. m. S A!'o:TA ANA tOC:'\SJ -Hop('s ~1m1hir 1!11t1•·~ 111 th .. m11trrn1!y I tor 3av1n.: Jrvtnt' Park'it maJ<'><ttc w11rd of ,.;1 .lt1 •1 ph'~ 1111,1111111. native oaks and 11ycamor l's l11omeJ ·t·1w J•nt •·I 1111 1 1-'l .in1ll1111lhr·1 wu br1ghl toc111y. ,11n tho• ~C't'flC• wlhn thr \'htlol wu~ A report 11ubrT11ltl'd lo the Or· h11111 angc County Boa rd or Sup!.'rv111ur;, l1lh••1 rbtldrl'n hu111 tn thP fnrm· thl11 week by F F. lrvln. super111-...,. w111• \0u1 1 ··~111111.(1 nt 11nd h1~ w1fr tentlt•nt o r p11 r ks. l 'll"t' cau1w rnr inr 111.:1• Mnry Kul hh•••n , 11. 11nd optln1111m. K11rPn P 11tnr•, ti -. 'Thi' immecltl\le ruture hftlo.l.!4 I Thi' r.11111ly r1•811ll'S in Ga1 Jen mote hope or restonng U1l' or1g1na1 Grow• IX'auly and allractivenesto o( Ir· --------------- vine Park than In t~ last 20 Y<'lll it.'1 he 11fthl. Freeway Contract to Griffith Co. U Share \'011r Car 16 Traniqiortallon 11 ltooflug II~ lkauty Alda '!O 11 .. .ith A.Id• '!'~ Los\ and t"oWld 'l-1 l"c•hool11. lnatruc:lloa 2H ~lluatlona Wanted W Hr lp Want.rd :m Mlr.ttllaneou• S()..A l'WAptl !IO·U Appllancn :u Wanted to BQf si f'una.lture for Sale 32·A AndqUH SS BcMala, Sul!!!: 34 Mual-1, , TV 3~ Ooc11, <'a I•. Pf'I• n Wu~ to &Mt 4K Apta. • Houiwe for ... '8A-Ap\a. for &eat &8B-Ho-for ~a& 480-Traller 8pece tt Roome for JC.ea& &t·A Ree& H- 41-B "-A Board 60 Rent. MIM:. llS 8lorM A OfftCM Ill-A B.a-Reetala M Bmt._ Opportaattha 65 .. _,to._ M 11-1 Waated 11'1 BM.I leataa. Waat.ed ... _~ e1 ._,....._Ss=h•p H RMI F.atat. Out• lo the rhn118hmg water sup- ply and t he 1la rnmrn1e up or San· tll\go C'rl'ek. tht> decline in nal l\'e oaks a nd 11ycamores lro the park,. S Al ·nA ~r l':="Tt> w:-;~ 1 Tht 12-Buildlng Sfon1ces FOR RENT Newport Harbor ht1!1 bc•n BCt'f'l<'rBtl'tl Thi' rrNk 11t:i1e lleruttmtnl t•r publl' wo1k11 formrrly flowed lhrough the p111k a nnuun•, ti n\\nrt1111i; "' n .-i•1tlrll• t and replrn111IH''<I t he 11n<ler 1eruund to 1:11111111 1 ·.. 1 ... , ,\nJ..• It·~. fur ba I Th la -" r th Skill Saw11, Elc<". Drill•. Pollahara, ~Ii n~ Ill l'WI 1nc:u one o r i.:1 ·1•hn1.: .111 I 11 t., on;.: ~ ; 1n1h·~ d t th of t oak 1 nil lype.<1 or Sa ndt r11. W heelbar· B. P. 0 . E. 1767 l'nll<'li grow a na IV<' 11 O """ • »n•l 1111 11111.: , .. ,., n ht 11!•·1·• I ... t 1 h ~ ro'•:s. elc. """ n11m fin)""' et,.. 1111 th" l'.tnl11 1\n11 f·n r\\ll\' hf'-, Muta every Tburaday I p .... Th" \·ompll'l1on nrthe MNrnpiilt· t'""" '·""'' :-:1 ,1riJ U1ti1t•l\\:.t\. 1n BOYD'S HOWE tanW11t<'r Oli<lr1C't ~ant1ago rC'rd!'r 1 1h1 '''"" .. , 0 111111:,. 111111 sr,111.11 . ' Vl4 Oporto -Central An.. ltne m M&V, l9r16, shoulll mllkr 1tn Amt Th· , .,111111! 1 .,11,,.11111,.,1 10 263U \\. COAST HJGHWAY 11mplt supply or WJll<'r a ,·111lablP S'.l, li.~•l!t. W brrty 8·ll43~. Nl"Wp<>rt Sch 28tfc Newport Beach Elwood Shell, Ex&lted Ruler for lhr th1r11tln~ trt>Pi<. ---------------------------- It 1~ propo:!P1t to run wttto•r through thC' park in .., st<'ady atrtRm for 11 number o( monthi< l'ach yrar If ll Ill ec01nom1r11lly f'981blr. Th111 would help rr~torr !hr undPr~ro11nd reNllnit hll!4ins of the i;:1ant treor.<' r110t11. Thr wa tl'r would be rh11.nnl'l1'd t hrough San· tl11i:'b <"rt>ek. Irvin rxplalned con1ldcr1lble ground h11s bM?n n •clalmed. Rr11d- tl1 And plentt-tl. RC'plart ml'nl or dt'lld fi nd dlstll~ed lr~l! by nt"W plantlnit hllll bl'Pn l\rrompllsht>d. • County Engineer P. H. Budd Dies SA:\"TA A:'\A ICX::->SI --Orange Coun ty 1--100'1 Control Engmter P. H. Budd. 69. <JIM une.'C pe<"tedly Monday morning Budtl "-M a t"ounly Pmploye<' 11tnc" 1934 Hr 111a1t1'<1 h1.s car .. •·r in th,. rnitll olrparlmrnt A rt••r el~hl vear11 In that cl1\'11uon h" went t o l he t•1mbl n11t1 on ro11d an•l Ooo<I r onl rot rlPp11rlm<'nl on A pnl I, !949 w hrn he Wll.!1 namt'!1 BJ1s1e· tant floorl rontrol enirlnP.l'r. H P WIL~ 11rlvanr!"tl lo flol')fl ~on· t rol t ngln,.rr Jan 1, 1 9~3. Thr rngln,.!'r wa11 nn th" JOh 1111 tiny Tllt8'111Y. H<'T"Or<ling lo hi!! orr1~e. a~d l'l'!'nled hl:ot U.!IURI ~l'lf. Th,. C'lllll•<' of 1lr11l h rl'port<'tll\· ws..~ a hrArl 11tta<"k Mr, Bu•l•I 1tlpd in h is S11nla Ana hrime "' approxlma trly 8 fl m Thr hotl_,. w1111 mO\'t'd to \\'tnbli:lPr :llor111ary. S11nta Anll. FunPrfll orra nr;remenls w<'re penolng. Survl''""' ue a "°"· Edwin C. Budd of !l:ewh&\•en; two <la ugh· tt 1'11, Huth C. Culburn. nr El Crr- rtto11. a.nd Mr11. K11lh<'rlnr l!t••1:1l or Sanla An•: a brothl'r, E<11rar C. Le11hrr or !\'.ew Y<>rk 11 11°1 r1111• ~randchlldren. Mr Budr1 wu a native of Nrw York Michaels Makes News as Fallter LEGAL NOTICE .~OTH t: CW l.Vrt::\llt.U l'<At.t: AT l'I HLU' .\I ("TIO:\ OF T AX llt:t:ut:u ttt:At. l't<Ol't:HT \' J•L;BLlC :->OTH.·~; IS IH;H~:IH' GIVE::'\ that on th•• ~th thiy of March rn :.:1, 111 1 h•• ltut1r "' 111 o'rlurk A M of 111111 ""' 111 th• offtt"C ,,, l ht' Tax \'1111··· 1:,; l•I I h< Co11nty ••( 01.;n1;1 St11I• "' 1'1111· rnr ni.1, 1 l•e 11nol1•1 ;1. rw1I I tom s M111.lf') "" 1 1lx 1 '<•llr•o 1 .. r , .r th• 11111tl Cu11n1 y of Onini.:• . 1n JHll ~II· Anre or I&\\ nn I thl' w11tt t-n &11t h· '1r1Zllll·•n of lhr ~tntr ('1onlr11ll1·r or lh" !'I 11<' 01 C-1lift•tnlll. 1111•"' :'\ctvt'mh,•r 21. !!1'o'1 A"•I h 1v1ni: bo »n ..,, tl11 r1 '"" II\· r he ll• •l•I d ot SuperTt.!MI • 11f th., ,..,,.1 I°• 11nt ,. of Orani:•'. ml• n•h t•1 .. 11, will """'" r11r 'dlr 11ntl ·•II '" pr"' ••h••l by lll\·1,.ion I l 'art 6 rt11ptrr ;, or lhl' Rr\•ro111• 1111il T1tXl'l111n ('1Kle In 11-'pllt"R I• I"'" "I• MI I 'l'Ul.ll" ACC "'l'IO:'\ tr. lhr h1i.;h11<t b1dtlt'r r1.r rR~h In '"" f11I monrv or thr l'nltr I Stllll'll, 1 hi' rr11I prnpl'rt)' "lUf1lP!I tn I hr 1·.,11nty or 0rAnl?". Stat" <lf ('11llr•irn11> nntl cl• ~··r1brd 88 fOIJnw~. tO•Wll P roprrty l11r11t N1 1n Nrwporl A<'lll'h C'1tv, F 11 't Add' to ;\'r"1111rt ll••ti.;ht ~ A• r"r Mnp 11•rnril•'<I In Bn11k 4 l'HI:<' !H 11( M1~1 "ll"n""", MllJ'• I PC urrt~ or ( 1r11 ni:r 1 ·011n- ty, lnllforn111 L••t I Hlrlf'k :111 I A l•o dP!!rrtht'tl II~ A p •fl·O'll · 10 CO<it' 7 nt t 11r tllxini.: p111· ro~r.-1 ~f1n1m11m '"""Pl l\hlr HttJ s:l:iO (IO If r"ilrm pllon hf I hr prnp1 rty or t he ln1tlnl l<•n ft( 11n 1n•l1tllmrn1 plan cor trtl' mp! ton 1 ~ ll••l n111<1" bf'fnre th<' prr1rrrtv I• •n !f(llrl, th" ri,eht of r ,.<f, mplltin will c-1•rt "' ;\'I') bid wtll bP ar rr pttwl r•ir I•"• than th• f11tnt1n11m Amount •hown and ""l fnrth r"lt""'"I: th" lr i., .. 1 t1 .. •rr1pt1nn .. r "'" h l••t '•r 1lro11p of Int~. "r p1trrd nr pntr"I• nf l11nd a s d<'•<nh•·•I 11h•1\·,. Th,. p11rthR'" Jlrlff' lo hr p~l·I 111 f'lll Al lh• 11me of Jlll~fl'lll•f' 11t 111<> 11h<I\'' :ialr !ANTA ANA <OCNSl -Ralllo After 111110 AAI,. th" un !rr•i1?nrd KWIZ new.cu ter and OCNS re-&A 11ur h T11x C"nll1 r11.r will rxr• porter. Pat Michae l& ill thr f•thrr fUl(' 8 df'P•I to I h'• pure hn•,.r or ot a 7-lb., 4-oa. baby boy. bnm ea<'h Jot or ri11rri I on Jan. 14 at S t. Jollf'ph'a fJat1'd this 21! tin~· 11f J&nllll l")' HolJ>ll.at Orance. The oft11prlng 111 t9s:>. t he third for Michael• and hi• DON 8 J.fnzt.F:Y , tu Wife, LolJI. T u Colltrl'lr or th,. nmnty By an odd colncldm ce, the boy or Orang ... ~tlll<" 'lf <'111· wtU be p&rtlally ca~ Cor by ht11 fnmlA. irrandmot.htr. Mra, Henry Bell of D•t" of Slll,., M&rrh ~ 1 •,;,~ Santa Ana. Mr8, ~II I• a form"r f'lal,. l'ff P11hll<'11t1'n f'<'bru11ry Orlln~r Cn11nty Hn11p1t11I I r11('tt('Rl 1<1·h. 1;1h ""I 24t h If•'•·'•. 11\U'M wbo onl,J Tburtd&¥ \.ook up, :'\o. 12!S:i l'\ewa-Pr,...,. 12-BuildinJt Sen ices WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO O R SIDING -COMPLJTE $695 (including slab JI. S PECIALJ$TS in r oom additions and rem odeling for ove r 8 yra. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 -Klmberly 3·8274 87plH 12-BuUdiDIJ!e_rvleee 12-~g l!I& ttwa Painting Decorating Experienc'd gardener ' . LANDSCAPING Paper Hangmg and CLEAN UPS GEO. BURKHARDT Llberty 8-1~9 LICENSED COl'\TRACTOR 611 30th St .. Ntwport Beach Har. 2418-W or W 8·8632 tfc COMPLETE PAlNTING & Paper Hangrng Service E UGENE 0 SAUND~RS 1100 :0111 Hlr<'el, Newport Bracb Ha r bor 2976-J . OcM House Plans LJBERTY 8-62~1 1 ()trc . H. A.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rt>palr Sel"Vlc• Maintained Phone: Ha.rbor 4824 2801 Balboa Blvd., l"ewport e .. ch pltp HAULING REMODELING n nil n .. w confltroctloa.. Ph""" Ha rho'r 41 77. 501 PAINTIN,G INTERJUR .-&XTERJOI\ LICENRJl:D -lN8U'RllD Glenn Johnston • 3ht 81.. N~rt e.eJI Harbor 3178 Utt• Gene ral Contracting REPAJRS, remodellnc and altar•· Uon work. R<'eldtntlal and com• ml'rclol bulldln11. Qualit y \.Vork Guarant.ed Aar 31:'11 daya, Har. 2480-J ena. tttro P a inting & Paperhangin1 We do the w o rk ouraelvea. 30 y .. ara u :pulence L l!'l'nll"d Ir lnl\J~. Rllll8ract1\jn f\Jl\Tfl.lllted. F:11Mm11t,.11 fr"" Call Johnnlt. ANY KIND-TRA S H OR ? LI 8-2687 & LI 8·5289 81tf c Anythmic. Anywh~r" S c ratch Rem()ving and F'urn1ture R e finishing l'hnn" Llbl'rty. 8-214:. Ph11nr· LJb1 rty fs-214~• , PJ>TF CARPENTER Repair Work Doee Tou r Home N"•r1. R4'p&Jrlng o r Remodeling? I Call Fr11nk Llbrr.y 8·•11:,.t AU Work \.tarantHd HUc A SPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 1n11t11 1l th,. Ml-"'" chl"aper Ulan m .. ~1 AIM 11r ll Tlh1 A LJnoleum. ;'-:1111-111111111, ~!'! yP11r11 expertence. 1·,1mpur,. -.nil 1r.- 1111 .r. l 'OKl':H Ll 8.f204 Ttto PAINTING , EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palm"r Rt., f~ MMa J'hone Ubert1 I-1121. t 7t1c ' .. . .. \ PAGC A • PAP.T IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 ~hlatioG8 \\aa~.-~ R ESPONSIBLE couple will manage apartmen t house in return f or rent. Refe r- ence. furnished. B ond if required. ' ~O·Jl:::!Y.Jl!l:i!'('':!' ___ _ Firewood For Sale j FREE DELIVERY WRJGliT CO. W a shin a Machine SERVICE V V CHECK '"fHESE USEP CARS 1784 t\ewpt•rt ~l\'d.. Coat.a J.feaa 1-yu r SUtr&nt~ On jOba done and on UM<! wuher• 248314 t rear) Newport Bl , CO.la MH& Buy fro m a local deale r who will be he re TOMORROW t o back up what he sell1 TODAY f 40-Aatoe ud 1'ioucb U berty 8 2~6 47llc . Llberty 8-4503 Uberty or VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 19~4 PHILCO fref'ter. 141~ cu. fl. 8-4327. 64Uc ------- Will c-ome to )'Our home, take down y our wnetl8n bllndJ!, take them t u our Jaunt1ry. Laundrr the al&ll, ta pl's, cords, 1parkhnr clean "''llh our nPw mach ine proeH 1 mNhorl. R f'lurn your bllnda &nd rt'·lnstnll thl'rn In 24 houn . P1 Ire.> v1>ry ru11onable. The a v!'r· lll(e 2 tap• re11ldentlal blind- Only $1.00 y.·,. 11lNr; 11•palr 11nd rebuild veM· l1nn blln·:~. All wurk done by ap· pninlmrnl Phone now l.lberty g.r.101 Qr Kimberly 3·8274. pplfc PAINTING Parntmg & Paper Hanging ''The Best M o ney Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 1112 :!8th St., Newport Beach PHO:\E HARBOR 240. CARPENTRY ltc MINOR REP AIR WORK :-:o JOU TOO S~fALL H. O. An<!erson LI I·~ Costa Meaa 83ttc HOLLIST E R BROS. NURSERY N e w lawn, r~asonable or DO lT YOURSELF-WE TILL ck GRADE YOOR SEED AND ROLL U':':DER OUR GUID· ANCE . -LI 8·1~92. 9•p9 Specialized HOME REMODEL PATIOS. c11rpentry, pl&aterlnc. concrete "01 k. tile aetlinf. p11lntlng-yn11 name It, we do It. FOSTER BROS. Pd. dn. to 1218.59 trom SHO. Pymu. or ca.sh. WRITE Box P-26 thiA paper. s 4tf l'e Baughns A .. s no s. Main, Simla 9. 9 Kl 3·7201. Warehou~ . Ana Open Alterations RESTYLING 'Kim of California 212 .Marine Harbor 3481 Balboa lal'1l°d 98pl3 Roy's Maintenance House cleaning-Floor .waxing Walt waahmc-wlndow rl .. anlng Venetian blinds. t:pholstery Insured FrPe Estlmall's Llberty 8-1332. llfc RESPONSIBLE rouple will mon- ai::~ Income prop•'• I y In Pl< Ch ru1 rt>nt. Rcfl'rences furnlsheu. WRITE Box R-28, th1i1 papc1 10p1:1tr• \\' Al'T pos1L1on llS 'ompOlll• II light housekerplng C ~ nur•in;; If dc>1<1red. Good rt'fc1 em ~' ~I 1 ~. DeShoni;. 306 Santa ;\lnq;-u.·111n , I San Clf'menle, Calif. HYa .. mth 2·1842. • lOpl:.! YARD WORK WA:-\TED- Treel! trimmed or removpd All Yar~.f11nlPn1tnrP. CALL Liberty ~;J~48. 1ip1 1 Painting By day or Hrn11• Best of Workmansh•r· Sm11ll jobs o.k. Liberty 8·21:t7. 111'13 WILL 00 PART TIME i:ho11lff'I· ing nr prov1<11• r~co1 t nn 11nv orca111on. Ret!'renr ts on 1 equt>!<t Ph. Li berly 8-1648 l IJ'l3 ~IIRROR T OPPED dreutng table with 1oklrt. $16. Tank type vac. r lean"r .. attachments . $1:1. 8 pairs embrolt.lertd unbluched r u1·t.aln11 and valances. $18. 3 llfexlcan hand carvt<t rha lr11 wtlh ru11h 11e11t ll, $:S f'llCh. l:S IO Kings Rond bl'fore 9 a m. or after 5:30. or by appointment. Libert y 8-6H6. 11 .. 13 Fresh Hearing BATTERIES Aid \\'e Give S&ll Green Stamps Gunderson Drug Co. ~fem St. kt Balboa Bl\·d. Balboa Harbor 5 1~. 98l!C -l!,j :'J G E. 1tuto wushN. Pt1 dn. In $23 !l6 f1 om $3:!0. f'ymt:1. or '8bh See Bu11ghns A &. s \\'a rehouse. 220 s ·;\lain, S11n1a Ana Open 9·1'1 Kl 3·7201. - :ll AKE OF'FER OX :i STAX0 $ OF BEES am1 a ll .-qulpmen t. mr lurhnJ' separator. 22:i1 T11stm Ave . C'Mta Mesa. Jlc-13 J!l!H PHILCO TV con1<ol<' f'•I. 1tn. tn $l:?e".!l!! n ·11m SJWT'ymtl< o r • nsh. SrP 1:!011ghn11 A & s \\'a rPhoust, no s. Ml,ltn, Suntll An11 Open ll • 9 Kr :Vi20t. FIREWOOD FREE I"IELl\'ERY n 1 y wrrr•d. IG" • 24" lc>ngth. t:JIJ B. R. :HAGG SZ-Funalture for Sale ----·-19154 PHILCO ~fn1erator-frHUr combo. Pd. dn. to $193.48. No dn. pymt. See Baughns A A 8 Warehous~. 220 s. Maln, Santa Ana Open 9 . 9 Kl 3·7201. LAWSON 7·ft. davenport, plai<1. G ooct condition SM. Call Liberty 8-6589. 10c12 F ULL SIZE coll spring roll awoy he'd, almost new. High chair 1981 Ma pit', Costa Meaa. l :?c rn:H :'\'ORCE auto wuher. Pd. dn. to SH8.56 from $290. No dn pymt. Sre BauGhns A .. s War,house. 2:?0 s. Marn, Sun ta A na Open 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. MAPLE youth's bed. dbl. box apr .to mattres!J on frame. like new Best offer takes. Har. 120&· \\' before 10 or after :i. 10cl2 TWO platform rockers. S2:i for both. :108 W. Bay A ve .. Balb()a. 11<'13 2 SECTIO:'\AL COUCHE3 $2:'1 en. 4 c:hrome breaktast chatra w llh red plastlr upholst,ry, 15. t arh. Up ho I. bednn. <'hair. $6, Ftlnl locker full of drape11 &: <'Urt11ln:<, $TII-=-cilT I'll. trays. Haronr 42$!9. 121'14 FREEZER. Crosl'Y· 19154. l~ tt. Pd. dn. to 1239.66 from $600. Pymt1<. or ca11h. See Baughns A cft S WarPhou11.-, 220 s. Main, Santa A ns Open II .9 Kl 3·7201. 19:5:1 HOTPOl:"l'T auto w1111her. Pl! dn. to $2:?7.46. P9mt1<. o r 1'a11h. Set' B:iughns A & s \\'ar.-house, LOU REED CHRYSLER -PL YM9 UTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburba n, Hy -drive, low mileage, heater, WSW, g old le wheat 2-tone color. Perfect utility car tor the suburban family ............................. . $2195 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powe rglide, Radio le beater, bright red. black top. Looks & runs like new . On!~ ............ ·-........ . 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor C lub Coupe. L ight I green, R & H , low mileage. A perfect car for you ~.. .. . . ....... . . 1954 CHRYSLER N ew Y orker 4-dr. Sedan . Radio · H eater. power st eerin g. medium g r een. A one-owner car. Looks like n e w See These Cars a t ·LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange'' Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 1245 1795 2195 ~~! Su~!~C!---­ TRADE &0-Autos and Truck• Beoulifut 70·tl. aux. M:hooner. Fully found. gu anywhere \\'ant $30.000 c.>quity In propHty. 1220 Wen Balboa Blvl1., Newport. Horbor 3032. 3cl :Sh M-Mmdcal, Radio, & T \' ----------------- >-LAMMOND org11n11. All mool,li;. Om unly llhi;thlly used a lmost like nf'\\'. This 111 a "Jlel'lal DA !\'Z-!';CH !\!JOT --------- 1950 Buick Super 4 doo1 :.dn. Hud10, heater. Dynn· flow. Whitt paint. wc<w t11·es. Was $995 Now $895 TERRY'S BUICK 2612 :'\J'I BJ\•d :\ewpon B··•rh C~tAC' TERMS H 111 bor 5021 LOOK NO CASH NEEDED Just good credit. Check our pricea and check our c ars -Our aaft-Buys are good buy a . '51 Mere. 4 door Sedan . • • • Radio. hrater. O\'erdrlve. Ntw baked enamel paint l:x• ctllent rubber. plastic ant coven It run1 Sood. Saw Only $999. No down payment ne«>ded. $51 per mo. -• ' . . '53 Ford .Victoria ~ . • ' • $1799 Radio. hratf'r A FQ_rdomatlc. ~·o-tone (Teen It low mu .. age. ~te walla too. Local one-owner e»r. Your~ f'lliaS1'l'99. !"o down paymrnl needf'd. '53 Chev Bel Aire Coupe • $1699 111,000 11<'1ual mttrs. On" owner, htaler, electronic •>" Nylon and 1,athrr Interior It looks and runa Uk• new. Sav' at $11199. :-.:o do~•11 paymtnl need~. '53 Mere. Hardtop 5 pass Cpe. $189' Radio. heater, overdr1,•e 61\d only haa 17,000 actual mu ... A real huy a l only 11899 . '48 Hudson 4 door • • $499 Hat.110 • hea tr r, 11<·tu11I 40,000 miles. one·ownrr 11nd motor In llJ1 tor conr11L1.-.n. A griv<l buy 11 t J~ll9, $211 pl'r mo. BEST BUYS IN USED CARS BEST DEALS ON NEW '55 Mercury's Low as 52092. AT Harbor 39i6·R-Ll 8·2932 98p12 Phunt' Harbor 1014 ~:\'• nin118 11'111><11· ~:u1 :1cl8 LADY wtahes day work hy lhr hour. 14-Pef'*>Dals AL..'>0 baby silting l'\rn1ng.~ nn•I -- wrek-ends. Llberty 8·7060. llpl:i I li F:\~llJJtfo: 1111n 11nf(hrt $30. ---------ll' l••1lhr 1 hnr • 1 •h•pla.' 101ml· 221• ::; ~fain, Santo Ana fl . !l Kl 3· 7:?01 Oren - H1mmond Hudq11a1 lr1 s for Or· flni;e (.;ounly, :,20 No. !118.lJl, s.._.~ Pris cilla Ma tthew s HCA ~;; l'N'Ord ph1ye1 &: r11d1n t·n111b . lo bl .. model. xlnt. .on•h· 1 , .. m ssu. ~1111 ~1on .... 11 •. <'0 •1.. Teacher of Piano 1~2~~~.P.t'r-n'i~~·1rl"l\~COl1Pf'~: I _JOH_N_ s,i\LLLSON I IOIHI nwnr1 J 1v1, Cl 1 SH95 LINCOLN . M ERCURY YOUXG VET. shgl\llf d1sabll'<1. :?J • I ~·.11 J 11 ~·· • h1rfrrohf', fl tlro\\'- ~-r~. w1<nls JOb -Ha\'e offw•· • 1. ~2!• C1•m h J.10.r aort oonpl" a.nd l'al!'s t>Xl'f'rll'Orr. Also l11•1I 11hl" ~" 'l 1111<:• 4,,!i. $."I, J:!'(l ~t ~~: ~{lf:S~~;:R~T~~c. ~~,~'..~I Clas~lc11J, popular bv harmony ""'.>'..u·1~· 1 ,,, 11g••. Lo~ Ang~les 4!11 Tu • 11 '''"'. :"ewpo1 t s~"<"h Miller Chevrolet UOO W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-~45 Sign up at once F 11l-O-Soft w ale r soft<'ner to b(' ~l\'Cn ABSOLUTELY FREE t 111stalllttion includ- Mntrol. Ph. H11r. "~i. 9p12 he" 1111: JI'•. I.I ~-:tl\ll:.? 11r1J Yard Maintenance Clean up joba. Free ~tlJnete Llberty 8-87~9. PAINTER 80p8lh Movie Projectors FOR flF'N'T 8·M~1 1 6·M~I :~:1-MM FAST COLOH FIL~ SERVICE HOBBY anti MODEL A IRPLA!'>E ~l.Pf'LIES hui;any P 11ncan Phyfe 1hn. l..tM" 6 1·h111r.' $60. Gafrf'• • It S111lltr Wb,rty 8·39:1:) 97pl2 i;a11 i:1n~· • $ ·' :n11 Vin ll1Jnn. B-E UTl""l'L !':f"l~ET P IA:-\OS. L1rlo l:o-11'. HBI . 2249-J , 12r l I A r ' • 191'14 NORG!!; J ll, cu. ft. rt'Crlg· t·r <11n1 . Autn t.le(11}1;l. Pd. dn. LO $11H :is from $400 No dn. pymt. Rrnt lo b11 \ All ot 1errn r<!nt &llowed P rii1·t 1r .. r111n n11 u low 111' $.''l r~·· m n DA:\Z·SCHMIDT Big ''"'""Stoa. ~•20 No Ml'lln. ~an111 Ana C'd 1 lo lucky stub h old er by WANTS WORK~ 15 ~·ean< e),ptr1· tnre. Non unton. Hourly Mears Camera Shop See Baughn11 A & S \\'11rrho1111e, 2Z•I ~ Ms1n, Sitnta Ans Open !l. 0 Kl 3· 720 t. BALBOA HOWE. 11 J c. Ba.lboe &Ivel.. ..,.,_ C :-:11 r 11rd111'" Xereio1111r)•I 12c l 7h Alcohohcs Anonymoua Write l>. O Box 381 l\°P.,.·port ~a<.:h, Ca lif, Pnone H11rbor 4795 Llt>rrty 8-2722. 2or21h MA N cl'. WOMA!" w ill tlo gc1wrol h'111i;ework. Jloor w11xin..:. wtn· ,Jn\\· l'lu nin~ F'a.iot "orktr~ ""'"'"· 194 It. :aot.h 81 • Colt.a M~N. LI 8-2883. pplf T hrel' baby 1<1ller11 llW\llahlr 118:! Newpurt Alw l . Cona Mt>MI Phonf' Liberty 8·'i042. Pr U IP."11 l'HJl,C'CJ H"lf'litrrAlnr. Rrot· 11. 'r'" • 1'11 otn '" ~t21! fl~. No rtn. pyml. ftf'I' Bftu&hn~ A 4' S \.\'arr houAe, :120 ~ Mn1n. Sa nta Ana Opt'n !• () "' .. 72lll for e\'eningit Phone W~rty 8-2722. i opZ I h H/Oo I '()I.ORS 11 vaclnhlo in "Pray· --------------•ni.. •·i. 11 1t I ' 1 l1u •1uPr f 11 trnlo· 29-Uelp Wanted~---I ,lJJ,~ ft lff·r \•I Rtllt""O!f. Dale's Furniture :-1•1 !\ 1.•111 I •1 I • nl uc WANTexpenenct-dmanne me•h·I lht1hq 1·,111, '"nt11 In• --------------Onlrll, pt>rmanl'nl 11:! : . .!rt·I ~I, :-;, \j I' lf.11 zi.,.15 Gc• lfl "'lt'd lOn Of 1tnd 111att1 e11l>"t 1<,;1 H111boi Blvd. Wbl!rty 8·~i 14 ooi.. ep11ng~ $I 9.MJ " "I' .CQ1la Mt ..a 11c12 l .>-Share 1' our Car ----------------\\'A :-11' DAILY RIDF: downtown I. A . hours 8·4 I ~. Like lo Join r8r ~oc•l nr "'''11ld OIJt8nlu uwn l'h. \\'11111•n Hai . •016, 9~trc I Superfluous Hair GEORGE J . ~fEACHE:~J :! 13!1 \\' Jl, i•k th•· 1 'ti\' IC.ill l•k I '•h Coair11 H1ghwa,·. :\t'\\)1ot l L ili .. , ELE<"TIHC r11ni;ir . (.'rnsJ,.y. I>""r · "'II l'rl !In 10 $127 11(1 from Llbrrly 8· 1343. I h J'I 1•1;.i \\El 11a:\\'OC11l 1..11> •JI)'• r $.iJ t1 ;\11 rJ11 f•)m l Id Ir • Sl77 ~ot 11 ... 11 s.:oo :-O:o • id11111:hn11 A • i-\\llro ho11~r • 11 I• I :!711 ~ ~ll11n. ~a 111 1t Ana Open ~. • l ~11 1i;h" A .~ l' \\',111 h1111•r. II · S• Kl ,;.7201 :!.!11 !lo ~l a1ri. :-.1nl.1 A ria Op< n -- See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PlANO CO. \\'A ~T • Jnk·lyp11t1. r 11-r. r "11 h 1<nm.-"XfW'rlrnr l' In 1nli11tAn• r ,.((11" ro11lln<' Fot int• n '"". "rit e T'. () Uox '";6:1. Balbe•ll Jltl• " !) Kl •;.:::111 REDROO~I .H·t. tx>x itpring & mot· 1318 <.:out Blvd., Corvna del Mai _ _ _ _ _ t '' ,,. h' .u'lh-onrd, 2 rrom mndc.-IO. 2 IThllden Interior Bid& 1 WANT good ~rucl'ryn11tn '"' J 1"· 1000 ''"'I•. Btll. Uo.k• 1, ~126 lo'ulll'r· ·Hllr. 3382 M t!c t1m·f'. rhl'ck111~ 111 !:'"" ,, .. , Bu:itnr:-.s t·anl:; .. 3 !If) l"ll A\•c.-. :"1·"·ro1 t Hr1ght1o, -------------- 1000 W. <""'l H") :-;, . .,. pn11 R•· 11 h LlbPI l ,. 11-:?~I\ I 18:'15 H111 bnr l'n I\ ~l l'<a 1.1 h,.rl \' 8·~6J:l 1954 Roadmaster Riviera 4 iJ1 . _.,In 1.-11lly N1111 rprrt f'ov. n 8 1'1.:lftl!Ol l<'I! 2 l"n" p111nt $3195 IWd Rl.'H'l-\-I d1 old11' ..c0l1n f'\ 1111tlow f<&.H \\ !'\\ i; (\(~! m1lr 1t HEALLY :-.wr-· BF.ST OF'r'r;H :, 11 1:1"1 '' I• I A,.,. , Nrv. p<H t 131"•r h I.I FC-20711 I i 1 JI 40-Au~ for Sale ~ ------. ------- 1!111 F'ORr> ••mw•rt1bll', l!H8 Fnrrt rnr,1111' N~w lle81 <'II''"'" ,6' 111- t,.11nr Ru•hn f11ll h<)r1t Xlnt top gcm<1 111""· n~"l1~ Jnw i;t-a r. 11811. Will t1n11rw ... Call H11rbnr 2121. l lt'l:l ':'14 !-'ORD <.:rnintrv S~•tnn <1'<11 R&H Tlnll'•I jo;I;~ i "'"~ 0111 T••r c<>n•l1t11m P1 1,·n t~ pert~· ll111t>nr061l ·M llr ll\ Jll 11 FORO ~11rl'1 d • Ju~· ' luh { Jlf' G(K1d con<l s;:, JGW £ U&lb*•A 81\•d . Apt (,;. Balbuu 10pl2 l<••li" h• 1tr 1 tlll •'l ll'>n .J ·ti. nlOJ~ \\ onol•hi• l I I• A Ito ; :.J" I 11~11\ ti pl\• Ill<'• ··~hi ,,, , ... "'"' 1.m 1--: ·' 1. w SI 7QIJ L'OITON GOFF' \'nlk~wa~<m-l'llr~chC' Dir. &0-Auto. and T rucka --- G.M.C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'I& DODGE. e, T PlC'K·\..'I' · 111 CHE\'ROL!;T. e. T. r 1c-k·11r ",If OOf;<:E, 1, T l"A :'\EI. ..ot FORP 17 T PJC"1'·l I' ~:! 1;M t', •,, 12'1'' \\'R , r 1o lt ·11r llVCIRAMATW TRAN~ ',d (;~11·. "• T ~TO<'KRAl'K 'I" 1·1n:\'ROLJ-7r, I T STAKF ·;111 CHEVROLr.T. 1'1 T .0 rn1' \\' R DON'T WALK See Our Cheapies JfllT Buie)( 1n11v, 1!•47 Plym11111h !'-lrr111n 1P41 8 1tl('k ""tl11n 2fill. 611. r ,•rntuno nl(y 111rn1,.-.J lroin lllCe Hnnr11t , t. n1•l 11lrn1d 11r \\ •ti< ONLY """'Jtlflll slngle manual a rms. lt't-;• r:y<'llro\\e anCJ nalr t C on<! wurkrn~ , nnlli!lton '.'\u BOOK ~I ATCHER 111."•I n 1\EEn: & MERRITI Ml:\SHA LJ, rlf'c-lronlc organ. Un" sh11p•·d ;-.i,, more tweu.ln11 £;unday Of' mt.tht (;<11111 r 11\ ~" 1 I .. \\. \\'ll lT~ l1'lni:,,. <"I' I'd '111 10 ~I \JI :'18. llkl' nrw ~ll\'t' $200 Cnn\'ent~nl 19!.J <'HEVJHtL.f:f B•l11 111• Aflt1t l l'J'•' 2 l••nr f't&H \\'S.\\ 1111·~ l'nwrr1:hrt,. :: 11'1 '.'\f'l Hh ii . ·'""I" II """I h 1038 :\11Ah '"''!An 1111. ELLJ-:N l... Ult\'A."IT R. E. ml*'f'\1!'\\', c:all LftJ•rly i.-1:17::. J,J 1\-IO JI 1E\'1" LT -.1 1~0 1 :-;,, t1n . pymt trrm' Ill Lido II S11lo11 ot B1•Auty H11r. 2:176 l\l'k for ~11m I Ii I~ l prttr 5,, llaughn' A & S \\'urrhe>ui<r, SHAF'ER'S ~lllllll f'" 1 !"inr" !(•071 lfc ------I :?:?n l' ~lain, ~ants Anl\ OJ""n 1:?1 .473 ;\' S \, .irnrirr S11n1a Ana --------------1 J OBS OPEN ;-.;ow FOH I:!''" AE1r.1-· Hl'1 ; "''''' ., .. n bnr· I !• .f• K l 3·i:?OJ i'h<nf' Klmh,.th· ::-tll\i? 1000 \\' r· •t Hw.1 1011 ~Intl><••~ 11 " 1 :1 1 ·TERRY 'S BUICK l'••I f-l•ill• \ ~ ~''"1 ''1 ''11'"'1 261" :-.: Bl I !;MAC TERMS t.J,• H ... If F"t•ll.m111 , \\ l'\\' • • pt \'• $1i45 Mi ller Chevrol et Bk'kpri<. slcnn'i;, ic..r1l't"'"' b ·r ·r f..•:, 71i \\ ll:ilt> ·' Rl\'I ----------------------· _ 1 -:-:1,q>< •t 1.:$1 "h 2'!-1,o .. t anil Found It post m a ... h ••rr1.1r0 h ··1' ll • l.;'\t.\\' I lrl:? 3?-A-Antiquf'tt SPl:"f:T f'I A="'(l Lt"r ly tr>ne wd Llberi.· 8·2261 1 ,,.~ 1 ... a 111,.n lt •l~I" ".11,. """'!"rt fl•ll•h Harbor :0.1121 t ·•""''-' ~1 · "' f.lbl'rl I' "'·l'l•o.I' ------• • --------·----k"r rN':.!-& rn<>I'· ---------------, VI" r nly SJ/07 T>'rm• Othr r --------- • 2245 Ln~T -1,.,..11,., """ j.;tolol F:h.:in AF: RL'RE TO l'HEC'K \\lrll l.l J:1TRl1 · 11n11 l'I Ii" l ••n1hl,. \\AXT tf\ buy ol<I tu.hlonetl l1nJ111 1 \\Ontl<'rful b3r~1ln• 111 r-nlnl re-~"'a •lt'JwnJabl• 11••·•1 c1H .,..,, ,.,,H \\a••h•n :>Alllrlll\ F•h r, J F ~ '•·• I I 1l:-I• ~1 ~'1 ''> fMm & rt•ll t:r111l:o <"hintt. Rl•qll" t>lr tinn .. t rfl iif' In •n N"l\n•, rtr )l'>11r 1 .. 1aJ •h·H•r w t111 w111 1,.. h•t' Un e arral• r~g"nC\' • 1• ."'•••Ir J '" • -• J " 'f 'J',l<>P.l'.IJ\\ I•• b11ek Uf• \\h,11 •,• IO<K'I \\' C lll Hw) Chevrolet Miller 1 .. , .. ,,,1 11111•· r 1 .:0.•1-.J t".r ll '-J ·' \n\' •1Zr • r nnv1t1on •nvate I I h h • -' ,,~ · F~.,\ll'LO\'\J "'.XT ' !'1·v1 1AI 011 r"'y 1111: tly l'•ra1r • •. , ... TUlJA \'' ( 11,,~ thr lJ"'d X•'.'fl<'rl Urnrh r. ~· J: 11:J.I' \ A !' \\<1r1 h"ll"''. I ·11 1\', lfllr 2<1!1<1.~f 10r l2 1 f' I In •htnm, ,,1 ~ " n I W..__ ,. 21 I Iii~' Huhor t••M« ~lr!'>1 1.11 ... , 1 y 8-:mn 1 11~·1• :l:tnoJ ~I '\'.p H1 ' l I .:.!11 :--.'I 1 • :--11 1 1 ,\·,11 Of"n ,. • ~"' 1r u, .. rl>1._ f1t '1 ""' l•"n to-..... r ty ·• • •·!• 1-\I ... 7_ .. 1 DA:\Z·:i< 11:'.llfJT 11.,. --------- China Painting Day a no E' tning Clalll'U Orrlt'r.11 Takl'n No\\ Draftsman (Ma Jc l For wo1 k 1n bt'a1h llrt''I \\l\h :; 33-Boats, Supplies ;,i 11 !"n ~11111. !':inta Ana I l FOR !'Al.I~ F.1thcr ,.-.. ,rt 1912 11r "''"11 '"' P•• k 11r• s;, 111 11 .. •t \\'A:"T TO Bl.Y E;o1l •«>t or STAR HAVE tin11t1fuJU.,Jd.,.1n 11cro1'0nlc J9:i.3 f'Hfo:\'R<IJ.~T t •l• v•lit n nff•r Jl!02 \\' BJt lh"" 81\'tl BO . .\ T •:i I• 1·he11r \\'n 1r H F: ~ptnrt. 4 yr• • 11 I R&lf ''"" e · i:I . I t 111111 "' t 1111l he• k ,., f·llrk I lf'l2 ) r' 1o str..t lldl •'flt 111 t 1 ... P hon" W l><'rty ~-:.61 9• Ltc llll'•h 1hattini: nr..J .:. \1 , I· J'"'.t 1~ F; l~· l• L rn: .. r 12 ru (' I •• •'·• •,tr , I'd dn ''' S~R' 7'4 r ,,rk. 2~n:! <"I.rt Llr , SllJlUI 8Jr· \\' \:"T TO !"\\'Al' fr.r l!ran.1 r :a:"n 1111tr~ h111A 10pl3 Phone llu b 1r J(l!ll!l-~I 11!•• $1 4!'.l!'l Real . 1n Estate School Santa Ana J,.ge ur «>q111\·ah·1.1 \\ rtt• I' 11 Bux l\IJJ, Alh,.t11b1a. I ..ihl • n e lu.>ing M n.pie 111 " .. 11< F'REE RES T "( hat htl••t "'. I I $1"11 I I h "r J•.I\' r\n,1- l'o n o111:!11·• \ ;., .._ \\~rthr•'IV LATE l'•~I MARK XX Mrrr ury :::11 :-. :II e • i:: , nt 1 \ r .. \ ( iprn 1 L•k" n•"' 122.-, Jl1trbo r ll:l80 .... ,,, ;-:.;!Ill 11('13 r xd rnni.:• 1n1 p ill t1•1.r '''" '" 1,, 1 \\JJJH I l'Clll(, 8111,, wn.•lt.-r :!tlSI~,.,_ ( RLt:.ISE 1 H ..... Y"llr11 ol1I )fEN & \\'U~1t::-O prr1,11rr In 11p11rc .•r h<"• l "~" "Il l '"•rnn.t 1!1 1 '' ,. N•n• 4 lnru n J,,;: hp 1110Lnr ~ " h i ol'l 1 ' (1~7 "i~ ;\'.l tin 1•yn11 · ,.~ · · t ime te1r 11nlm1111 .. 1 11ppurtun111~11 lll'lr 43:.2 nttl'r ~. '.111 '"' 1: Hllil sri·11·• cl w ith f1hl't r<ll!Jll' In Rl'nl E~tn te :'l/l'W 1·1as.•t'!• ~. H "'i:l.i ' ~ ~ \\Ir• hnii•" 11 l•l ~ r0 1°d1~. ruhb!'r Ill<' ~a~, Wet'kly Al T>ll'r IMlructrng. 1\1· ~:XI' \\U :\IAX c·nllJ' I• 1 11. 111 111: l ::·~n :-.; ;II""' ~:ir l' "1'11 ''P' n 2·60 gal Cnrl tunkl'. 40.ga l. \\'8 · ti•nd tlr•l evcnin~ ll <·e •n1J lr11111 ~h1:1 I 1' • 11 J{I :!.';':.!Ill 11·1 1ank 1tntl 111 ~.!II. sll11nli'~s t1 hu11l 1/11 • g1N t flf'ld C11t1 11r LIPO f'.\HI-\ I ',\ I 1· ~.;,, 1·1111..n i T \' 21 l'<l. tin '" ~'""I be.t t..-ink ~l11M iorll now, w1 lie now tor 1ntnrmatlun. 1311111· 211f1 1 31 •' !':. ·•t I. .. t •• Tt id· 1 I 1111 ·"' • ·1; 1 , .. , q :11 l'ymi. , , sr1;.on ~· t' it at l•ll 1 E Balbotl Honest TV Service S TEVET'S & SONS Mille r Chevrolet Jfl•ll'\ \\ c· t II\\\ JS7tl llarb<ir, l'ust8 ~tr1<a :"· wr .. r· U• '' h t•11•1 u ~f .-'3 l'h Wl>eily IS·:.!:.101 77pp·t!c Lll'INI}' li-:::.!Cil ----_, U h• tly IH1A.1 .. Ht:Al'TJF'l 'L El· ilrh!'w Or~~m. ;\"J;\\ 1•1,.1 1·11,;\'IV1l,ET "'""'I'· hl11n i' ra.,.. oi:11ci•t n• \\' ,\l11•l 1111" 1 If" 1 \\ "' S;J11fHI I ~nrr1f""· C1n1• "nl\' llit.t 11>1\'· :'\'•" l'11r 1.1111 1t11!t·1• int:' now ~2:?115 1$1'12 fo~(l){fJ 1 l II f 11 k 11p H,.1,!t r l'J'•l'lll• C:n I thl.•·r ~. W no'I ~!!65 Miller Chevrolet !Ill") \\ I •1 llw,y .'.\• "jM II JI,.,., h 1.n .. re,. ' .:1•11 ) '> 1'. JIH I ll"'r l 'l•,.lA M""ll L ll•t 1ly 8-r1tt~l3 I - -11'.t ~11H J• \'.II V wt1or111 I,,.,.., .. uf rJr Pt1\\"f r Ji.lt-1·n·11: 1r11r• MER<TRr • dr llf)Ort ... rt11n, '"'" ,...ne!' v.11 h ra.dlo, h~al• 1. (> 11riv,. \\'SW ur,a ~765 Miller Chevrolet 11•••1 \\' C 11 H wy. :\• "'f'<•I l 8#'111 h l.llu Jly 8 ·221\J 18"1.'i Hat h-nr '°"'"'• M""" 1.ltH-rty 1-~:l:J l ll'ol MOHRIS C1 nvrrllblf', on• "" n• 1 .'ltfln m1l "1' UIO r-.t111r • ,,,,, Hauskc n Motors, Inc. J!l:l:! 11111 h. r Hl\1'1 . Co11t.a M,.,a l'h• nr Ut>r11v li-'.{l~J. 1 l r l.'I lll~•:l M F:lt< 'I' H \' lll"'tl "'"Pf' R& H 0 1lrt''" ~ .. 111 ... , ... ,~ y.·gw llrr11. $170~ Mille r Chevrolet nrio11 lniotll11tr t l,'1•, ~. ~\',.II•, 11 Rlvrl, 8alboa. Hllr 24!\0. J2t•H morr Kl .t-177).1 7Hf<'J GIRL!" k .. 111.. h: A Iv s \\.1 ri h"U~•'. .~,, !' ~i111·1, :-= 1111 • Arv1 0r0 n I•· 11 l'I ,..7 .!HI l'A'.'Z-SCllMIDT Creal l'ale, Mil!er Chevrol et I"•'''"' 1>1 a krP "n" ''" n• r ~221 .'· 11100 \\ I ~I Hwy ~•Y.f•"IJ ll•l'l•h Hausken Motors. Inc. "'"'JI\ ,..2211 1 I R.'1S H 111 .,.._r f'n11l-M"•"' l.l~rt y 8-~11131 Jn Rt'!'.'p\1nse t o P opular Demand \\'fo: HA\'F P.l::<.:E:'-'.TL\' enlar~ed our t11r1IH ,r• to 11rrommod11tr more rt11l<Jrt-n fhrr,. 11 re a fl'w pla • u " , l:l l•I< P RF:P Rt-; """r r h1l.t for kinder· ~11rttn 1n ALMA Ol~f:SE:-> GREE:-\'S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL 398 ~: Ori Mar, Cotta Mell& Aftei. 2·1) l.lbrrty 8-3iil A t ruly finr :'\'.urs«>ry Sc-hool 2c1~h .£8-..Situabou Waated ---.. Good New s GQocl JO~ GootJ salary - w ith frf'q11rnl inrrr111" io • Oprcrtunlly f· r A•h a rc"m"nL - Some "rl':Hnc~ nnw f, 1 ~ n11"c womrn '" :-OP\\ ron Bt>.lo h I I: .. I TELEPHO:'\F: OPER AT () ft :- I:••• ••l\t.FJ-1'. <\. ~IEJ~nl TT I in.,• Jl •~ h i JI• I, Ct.r"'llo• I r J I ol: I ~I ••'''•~ :-\u •I:':. J ~. I ~., Ht 1:: ... ' \ -« S \\,..r h, ·1"' ~.!'' !' ~t 1 ~ ~tr' 1 .\~1 •>rrn !• !• 1'1 •• ;:. l l.LERICAL WORKERS '''J lj: [lt-:f:l' ~11FF7.F: frtnrr 11 •. '"ti. ttqul~dl f'. !'ti .n 1•1 t :?:?7 'd frn"!.I ~ 170 Apply 111'4 1., :\ ~lain i::t • I yn.t.• • r • ,.l ~Room 21 I I Ssn111 Ana !l.t'I' R1111~hn • A "' ~ WAr• h I ... ~lond11y thru Friday. !l-~ rm ::211 ~ ~l111n ~11n•11 A"'l ClJ"'r. PACIFJC TELEPHO~E !•·P '" .1 72111 7Ur l!l'ol lftlTl'I tl:\T R "lfl1-• 1a'. r 12 ' \.A' ..... --t I'd l 1 I ru IL., 2 ti" r h i. oln l•1 S ::'~l '•~ "' eX J>t'r. enr rir11 •••I•. fr •nl ~·,1•11 I vm:,. 'r ' i.•h t11rv for 1't>w porl Bl'n~h l.1•\' S II urhn A. •. " \\' I · -,.. t r 11 ~ • '-"' • Ar• i'IJ~• firm. Her. 2188, llkl-~21• s ~1 1.1' t'.'lr'' ''~·" llf>f n l 9-ff 1\1 ,;.7111: 3a-Mf8Cellane-ou• for Sale 1, ........ \L L•L·i'."'-... -,,_ ·-n."':P. Yot·~G mvtllt'r wtll bllby I ll 41\'e• --------------' r r r ,,, ·~ ... I r, nini;s. Ph. Har. 4138-J. 9ttc IPll4 TAPPAN r1111gr f'·t ti n. II\ 1 l l.J?' 'I'. I'd ii~ tu 11 ~'-l~t $1~8.76 from S:iiO ~.) oln l'' n. I ·'O dn J•\lnl C'AR~:FTL IROXl:\'n In ml' home I s,.r IJnughns A & S \\ 11r II ''" ~· ll 111i;l 1o4 A A :-: \\ .. r..i1 .. •~• \\'111 mend. J'he>nl' Klmb,.1 ly '3· '.!21) S ~iain, :..1nla AnA VJ'<'n "J11 :' \J11.: :->•Il l\ Ar i\ l •p"n !1074. J0pl2 9-~KI 3-72o1. I ll ·!lhlJ-7.:111. "Results!" "Resul ts!" "Resul ts!" \\'hrn y o u a dn•r1.1Re y~ w ant r es ults. The re's no sub· stJtutc for good r r spo nt1e to a Cla 11s1f1l'd Ad. We ar(' t hnlled to receJ\'C a constant strum of good rr pu rt.s on o ur Clasaif1ed Sec tio n . "\'nu "Ill IM' lntf'r~w to Imo,.. th .. ""ponv "&II en-at." "rlt.r • R. R. R. of Corona dl'l Mar "\\,. found ,.u.,11,.nt tf'n&nta lhrouirh our r""tal ad.'' Mn>. C. A. 0 ' R. of B&lboe tf'Jla 1H "!'old my '.)\? (*IU&.o &ti thf' flr,.t party wi.o an· 11Wf'~ the ad." •111 W. A. I . of Udo 1918 \\ hat,.\'f'r ynur DH'dtl, -Ml In our bYd1 ~ MCUn .i-111 brtllf 7ou "'8alta. teo. C'all Harbor It'll Md Mk for Ullo ed taller. 1'•'4! JC11 •h 1 J lv•J ' •11 ~l"''I --------- l'h• nr J Iii• 1 \ )> ,11:.; 11• J'I .1 M .. :HC'l'HY Mnnt n ,.y COllJ'"· IOO<t Y. (;'st H•" 111~.-. 11 1r lrt"1 X"'l'"tl H"»•h r.n .. l A ~11'11 1 1.11 n• \' x-n1.i tl ti.~ry ~-M'l 1 l '•I'• C'Jlf:\'(tf)f.~0T rltl•I'(" lolh 1111!• ~<iHI • I 1,1 ~· rl •n '1. 1~&11 ~-," r11.n• J' J. •1v1 rtlt \f' $5!15 Mil!er Chevrol et Mille r C hevrolet 1000 \\' C1L H") ;1;.,.,.1>0rt Be8r h Llhert v 8-2211: 11>:.:. Jl=irtJ<>r l!JW \\ C ,\ II\\) cn~t a "'"\8 :-<rwp Jr\ r;rll('h Llt>->rtv 8 ·:1t •.• 1 Wbcrt y 8-2::61 I\,,:, lla1b< r Co~l" M,.,a l.lbf'r ? v 11·7'633 ·ri1 l)(>DGE. Coron1 l re nv. "•' h r.)'Tnmntlc Drl\'C, \V S \\', 13dtor Ont-owner C'llr. SJ09:i. Harbor 11287. llclJ lll16 DE SOTO <·u.,rom 4 rtr ~edan. R&.H. A11lOmll\Jc drive. Runt I like a m1Jllon~ $265 19·,3 F'<Jf:D \'·8 'ounry 1<e<h1n R:io:tr1 t1~·1~r1 p-.,r Jom:UI<, onr ownn, low n11lraflf'. S ift{<~. Ha usken Motors, Inc. l 'l'.:2 Jl nrb or l!lvJ. f ri11'1\ !llr ~11 l'h11n1 Llb~rl \' i..~ .. :.i I Ir 1:1 l fl.~3 HILL.MA:'\ to11vr1t. onr own· tr Excepl lnn11lly cl"'•n throuith· 'j Miller Chevrolet out, -Sftll~ •. I 1000 w . c ·at Hwy 1~h~ H11roor Hausken Motors, Inc . l"l'WJ>Orl Bu ch Co•la Me.tta 1932 H11rbor Blvd , Cr,~:a ,Mn• Ubett.Y t-2261 Wbertv l ·M 33 Phone W bcrty 1-:io:,1 le 10 \lr1r .. met1c l h ll• h,.a trr, ,.1,., 1. " n•lrov. ~ ,.,.~, • 11n\'tf &111~• \. \\' tit• • !1•1111'1 m11~,. S2r.i•:i. \\'111 111k• Trsrl,. 1"1 F:11•I 1°.1h. ( Mr11&. !Cit IZ 1 •.-l , •LI ·~~ltJHI I.... Su~r IA I •Ir .,.'1an H&ll Jlyd1a. Po"''• alt-H ing 2 ton" Jl'lnt. W R\\' r-.. tlr,.A. SQld nrw by ua. I . $2695 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W, c·~t . Hwy 1806 Ha11,,,f ~l'Y, p<1rt Ji•lll h Colt.a 1'f"I I l~lb,.rty 1-2211 1 Ll~rt1 1-r.11~: 1 111:1 I OLD~.MOBILt. 118 H ollr1R 1 V-ry <'lean All "lllrCa g,.,. •' 2:'114 :-."ewpor t Blvd , Npl B• ti Hllrbor 41128 12pH 1111 II (JLDS 98 Af'dan, H yttra., R..C. 11 . pothtr whll,. aw ltxo.ptlonaltv '"""n (Cff()•I 1114'~. MAl C'•V"I '· l~7:,. -UbO'rty •Jaa. 11 p13 • • 1949 PONTIAC a convert. coupe ~lo, htr., w.a.w tlru on' owner. • .............. _................. ~9~ . Hauske9 Motors, Inc 1932 Ha.rb:or Blvd .• Coat& Me• Phone Liberty 8-~1 8cl0 1950 Pontiac 8 ' door adn. Hydrarnatic, R A H $795 Come In a.nd dr1ve th11 FINE CAR. TERRY'S BUICK 2812 Npt.. Blvd. Newport Beach OMAC TERMS Harbor ~021 1961 PLYMOtrrH Belvedere hard top convert. R.t:H. Like now In . 1tde and out. $995 Miller Che~rolet 1000 W. C'at. Hwy. Newport Beach Llberty 8·2261 lSM Harbor Cost.a Mesa Llberty 8-~33 41-Auto &ortce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyls. $48.88 8 Cyla. ----$58.88 Jndude1 both labor and parts New rlnc•. wr11t plna, vaJve crlnd, fltunc• ot me.in and rod be&rln&•· Expert motor tune up 90.ct&y or 4,000 mile guarantee !NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES • -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- Built In our own fac tory by akllleo rnach.!nlata. Don't contend with tho middle man. Buy direct. REBUILT a.ad CNSTALLED 43--:~pt_a._&I Hol19H ___ ~P~-~-1!~~~--- F URN 1 S HED $40 mo., 1 bdrm. apt., bayfroot. till June. 50 mo .. 1 bdrm. apt., incl. gar., tlll June. ~O mo., 1 bdrm. apt., inc. gar .. ocean fnt .• till June 75 mo., 2 bdrm. apt., inc. gar., ocean fnt., till June 65 mo .. 1 bdrm. apt., yearly. · UNFURN I S H ED $85 mo .. -2 bdrm. house 65 mo .. -2 bdrm. apt. ROBERT V .. BROSE, Real Estate 1920 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4072 12.d4 ' ~A,ets. &I HouseA for Rent ON BALBOA ISL.A.ND SEil Utt for 7e&rl7 and aeaeonal re n ta.la NELDA GIBSON, Realtor I t8A-Apt8. for Rent RATTAN FURN. mo<iern 1tudio apt•. Center o( Corona del Mar $70. utJJ. pd. LI 8·1526. 98e 13 3 oe Marine Ave. Harbor ~Ol Fl'RS bach~lor apt. Yea rly, Walking distance lo bus and • BALBO A ISLAND ltlc busln<.'SS dist. Har. 1217-J 10c21 ROOM U?liFURN. DUPLEX. rar. $6~. Hdwd. floors. lllu hath ~ sink. garb. d1sp r10,e 111. 2~7 E . Broadway, Costa ~l e~u l.Jbnty 8· 1921. I 2r 14 SECLUDED hillside view apt. Spar lous grounds. Furn. or un- furn. $7[>. month. 2919 Cll!f Dr .. !\ewport Heights. LI 8-17~6. llr l3 -I M P'L'RN. t1a<'i11•lor 11pt . M ::> m o. 719 Corona de ar "'•'St U11lbQa Blvd. For keys a nd 2 BEDR:'>t., Z 13A Tll 11nfurn h~,.. lnf<irmatu)n J I See Bay & Uea ch Realty, H!IO \V, 1, blk. t11 orean un nsmuu'. 1 Balhoa Bl\'d. Ph. Har. 126'1. S95. mo. 11tll. pct. 85ttc W. E. Fisher, Realtor ' aAv FR0!'\1' Lmo 1sLE FlJH:-;ls HED, newly decorated 2 bJrm 11pt., garage. Year lease. Adults, no pt'ts. H ar. 1268. u and ASSOClA TES 3034 East Coast H1~hw11y Corona lff'I Mar Phone Harbor 2143 CORONA DEL )!AR NFUR!'\. 2 bdrm. house, w to w carpet. Drapes, dbl. gar .. cowrt•d pallo, $1 00 mo. FITZMORRIS REALTY 99pl2H ~511. MO. y~arJy. F11mlaht>d llv· 111i: rm .. Jmett<', k 1tl'hen, bclrm .. brt th with shower & tub. Ul!l. pd Ocl'nn front, clowntown., IJalboa. Har. 2517-M. 12cH Phonr Hurbor 21 52 2r16 BRAND ::\EW unfurri: 2 bedrm. If You're Not in a Hurry We'U s~n have new ._ bdrm., 2 bath bomea avail· able (2 loc.ation.a) at $9750 Ir $11,450. Small down payment Ir bal. le11a tht.n rent. We can show you compl~t.ed homes and you can pick your colon, if you reserve youn noY1. P. S. -We think that they will all be aold before they are completed. W. A. roBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Coat.a Mesa Llberty 8-1139 VOGEL VALUE FEATURES GALORE! 3 BDRMS., 2 baths, f orced air beat, hwd. fioore, rear living room, beatru!ul fireplace, indirect light- ing, t ouclr-pktte switches, built·in range and oven, garbage disposal, kitchen exhaust fan. Heavy shake roof. Near schools, shops and transportation. All this for only $3195 down a.nd the balance on an FHA ~ · loan at $75.58 per month The Vogel Company 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN ' BAYSHORES FIRST TIM!: OFFERED. C'harm· Ing shake root, 3 br , 2 ba~h. t11n· lni· area. drape1, w fW · carpet dtshwuhcr, durpoaal, nice kit chen. dl.lhma.ster, encloaed pallo dbl. &&rage. Phone for appt. to tee. Ull.~00. BALBOA BA YFRO:'\T, private beach. roorr. !or plt r and float. $38.~00. .:OSTA MESA ~ARLlNG 2 br. pink stucco 19960 Acreaee for M-1 ground le&s!' Acreage !or 11ubd1v111ion w. 1Jd<' Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W . Coast Hwy. Ll 8-42i", BAY FRONT._ On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot, with pier & lge. float. Large liv· ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrms. with t:I~ baths. Extra · large dinette area. Double garage, easily made triple. $27,500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport Blvd.. NpL Bch . H arbor 4'>2. 95ltc .... . THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART iv· PAGE 5 ANNOUNCING • the new location of Paul C. Jones, Realtor Member ot Multiple Ll11ting NOW at 2620 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach (formerly at 2307 W. Balboa Blvd.) ' ALSO featuring all types ot fneurance Automobile, 'Fire: IJ!e, etc. Notary Public Phone Harbor 2313 HARBOR VIEW * "The only available home tn' Its cl&u." Newport Beach Panoramic view of the entire H&rbor Area tram this new.( bedroom plua den, 3 bathroom, aoeed.- 11pl. V"ry lo vely. 3-16 Catallna D1'1\1e. LI be rt y 8-~98!>. U c I\ See this beautiful home on Cliff Drive BR. F UR:-:JS H ED. Nesr beach ingly cheerful, eaaily maintained Cliff home. Two 3 bed 2 b hs Th d k·tch d. h h A bay. B<!i<t lorat1on. Choice Winter Rentals on rms.. at • erma or 1 en, 18 was er, $7~0 _ s2~00 Down balconies, a permanent view from every room. Balboa Island & Lido Isle ~XS-Houses for Rent garbage disposal. Many other excellent features. P late glass windows A alid1ng doora. Carpet.a. s mall cl cozy or 1ari:e & cteluxc 1 yr. old. A real value at '$23,9W. OCEAN FRONT n4!11r Npt . Pfor drapes, workshop. Extra large garage. 2 ftrepl&cM. $75 to $800 month ,.....~OR LEASE --:-lice 2 bdrm. 4 br. furnish~. 2 Jot.I. 3 gar&&t'&. VOGEL CO ./ -home In B11lboa. Furn. or un-• COST A MESA near beach & bay. $19.!'>00, 1, dn. Ready to move In. --. S HORT BLOCK ~---_~I'"O'R.D ... -/.::.:~----· 19:"~ • rurn.$1~ -------~~m~er~-.-Sl-h_a_e~.~--~r~ng~p~R~~~~~Jyb~m~~ !!U&~fl'lffl>We.:-BifJoua ••uum ..-J:lct:Mif;r;m;:co-1--_~=1"~1·-----'"'l.-~linekm·g-.; a~ gOOdabdrm. family home. non i -I __ gj~Y~C'-'"G.61 J'LYM It DODGE ... ----·-·$1 5" 1..: ... HYS It DI!: SOTO ----0 70 STt;D~BAKEP , ... ----1170 P . Hef'bor"<t«""nf'"lfnl11t.r-1'1m" 20:!!'> \\', Balbna BJ., Newport B1•h we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price $12,~ To a qualified buyer we will ai.o ltnance with a real Rc.!I. Har. 1786-RK or LI 8.;.~97 Hi.rbor 40~1 1 --r,;,·es. LI 11-:l:li'S uyv REAl.. TOR 6ttf 106 Mc-F atlden Plac~ low down. c PLE:-ITY OF FRE':E PARKIN<• Call Llberty 8-266.t. (Eves. Liberty 8-7056)) ------------1 lcl:lH 'Al the Newport Pler" BEDROOM FTR~ISHEO l•l '· Har. H O l<~vea. Har. U37·M Call John Macnab, Harbor 1776 or 5359 &nyt1m8. UL1.>S &. PONTIAC 8 ___ ,.$170 liUJCK .... ·-··-·-··· ... -... --.. $1 75 HUDsnN ......... _ ... $1 7!'> Loan 1 ·n Free ToW'lng NK\V CAR GAR.ANTEE Block must meet our at an1111rd1 Pina taxu, itukcta and oil Open Sunday 10 a.rn. to :.t p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Oprn l)~uly I.I to 7 Stal<> Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. S \NTI\ ANA z M PLEX, Corona •f<'I Mar. •"lllh n( H away. ~I J(l 11111nl h. In• I 111 I R~. KAY. H8r ;1112 111 H.i :. 3779-J . or Mr~ W 1llta111> llnr 2397. \\', :.1 f • Balboa Island Ch oke :yearly and l'ummer rentals, now ~· thsble DORIS B A Y. Realtor 216 Marine A <' BAiboa l~lon·l Ha 1bor 20 !J~lCe T\ \ 0 "' I h1 •'< htlrni <l1111l1•x 11n· l11rt1tl'ht"I. ' -l>Jk frnrn H ti:h Schrml. G1tr11 ge LI 8·1:14:!. 6trc R ENTAL ,1 SPECIALISTS Jo'< •R ~A l.I': '"thA ~ 1 /It 1':11•1"1n ?7 ltatlr t tn "X• rllrnl cnn1l MnV. l : 1; ~1u~L ~·II •'un or ~t•M Blanche Gates, Rltr. ••I'" 1t..J 1 '11n\a1 1 fli.11 v ;II I 3 11 ?>~nl'lno Avl' \\!'It• I l ,1r.hl101, l-"1111 1p·~. 177 1 Bnlb<>a 1.slllIHl, Hur. lf\71 i2l!C ' ~ \\I"" I HI\ I IJ 1!·6illl ---- 10cl2 . . . . .. I ~-A 11ti>. tor~~'----\\~.::<fl HA 1.-T I I '1 '' l~·fl El•• NEWPORT HCJIT!;; 11nf111 n. """ rr(11,I; hf'UIPI . il\\OITI):•• f;:OO<I h1l1 m. 11rt flak flru1r 1< 01'\.\l y •··~n~t1:u U~ C• ,,_...uuuh)ft ptl••• llAt .. 1 t!~4 (U'Btrc1 •• A '-llJlll', nn p•·l~ '~J,, .o l .-1! < "111 1"~Y 1'' "l:"":.:.!'k 1·•1 :1301 1r,th ~I I.I S·!'>:n;. 11• l:I ::1 l r 11 \:'\ A~f P.:RJCA;\* trn,lt'r. ---- ' """' o11 11nn"t1 111•111,. & n111 Hr· Charming Ha rbor Ha\'C•n •llh 1•11 111 Sif\11 t"r •1111r i\ Mir• A rt p II.'>~:. lilh SI . 1 ... ~lfl M t.011 LI pa m t'nts. nt1C1ti ~ li!lti"I l 1< 1:1 "" I', 1'1\:\' .\.\I F.Hll' \;\" :i rm & h'tl h J 111L ••d ~I I SJ;'tll IA~s (<n "I 11 '" 11' 3· 11 1 i.. ,..ilr Call l l pl :l --------- 47-\\unted to lkut ken tals \\'anted \\'e n1•1'1I 8pt s &n<I nml""a In all IWCll<ln:S for l><Hh \.\ tnt<'r and ytar,. 1riu.t-l''Hrn, nr unrurn. :-:EW •I R00.\1. .11 ,.,., Jrwl ::\rHr ~"hool11 .... 11npru1i: dbt11ct 1,,/111..t rlr a•nnt. l'X< h.1~1\'I' (;111 tJlll(• 1!1~· 1 f'Pllll. l11t1ndrv. 'lo111i:•' 1 11nm~ i:.11 ;ii;~. $1\Z Clo 11p O ru1p1rs rn· t1rt ~ll<'d G\Httl ~11pt'rv1slon Mi:1 . 1~10 1 Haw u l 'h11·1• 1 Bind< S 0111h nf H 1i:ll ~l houl ALSO fT H:-;l l'HEP APT!' \\'l:"Tl-:R RA TES :lt(r If you h11 ve a ''at·a.ncy, fo'l'R:-:ISHE D lf'111h• l!'n'al ~ h•f11o1 phone today ;i pt.~ \'(•ry ; <1111.: l•'n1 l•H All":!, COSTA MESA -On( hdrm. un- 111rn. ho11.~e. newly de1..01·a tcd f'l!'an. nl•e ren<!ed yd .. ' pnva,y. 1 !lO Costa ~i.-sa St. Trnant will .•l•h\lo'. or .·:ill Har. 3038-J . llpl3 ---------- u nf11rn1i-h,.<I. $i~. month. Sea Breeze R ealty Co. CQrner 19th .t-Placentia. C. M<"sll 1111vi1 & "''t':<. J,lberry 8-3663. llc12 T\\ o h<lr rn. haus' ii. 11:ar11gc-. G1t1 h. d1•f', nrwly de<·nn•te•1. Yearly rcntlll t111Curn. l 22-29th St .. !'e\.\"J)('lrt 8eA<'ll. llcl3 FOR LEASE, nh:t•Jy rurn. 2 bdrm. ho11:<e harCfw(){1tl !loor&. rurnace h1>11t, bnth & Fhow er. $8~. mo. LI S-6020 e"""'niis. l lci:l L::-.'~ l ·H:-.:. 1 .. t111g<'. llvtng 1111 •• thn· 1ni. 1r11, k1trh,.ndtr, 2 1)11drm. lf(lt N: ""''! ,,hower, ;:II" .It wat..r· r• I · $~•.'> V"llrly. 1118 A<lam11. H>trbor J!l2~·M . l lc l3 J R:\I HOL:St: t urn. Adult• only. s.·,~. month -21.,8 S•'"'lXl''I , (',.,.l•l ~lri<ll llc"l:l --------------:"f:\\'IJY OECORATED -:-O:trl' ~ hP.frm. t urn, or 11nf11m. hOll!lf> & .:11ra2-. $7.'l. mnnth. 1 ~fl H-Jtotrnpto. Corona drJ .\fnr lhu !)Or l ••il-\\'. n r11 t":-;Fl.R:" ,l h"olln hontr, ,. n• · 11.1n hlinllli 1h1 uo11L $!10. mo. 111 ti~• nn 1~1·<' -· 2121 1'n1nn ('n,.;t a M"!<tt <Balboa \'t"Uil LlbNlY 8·7till 12c li ·; \R l.Y 2 tx-<11 m". lfarai:~. \\'11- 1 · I' I 1 rh tl•f o k $1;~. mnnth Llh~ll V g.!)QS'I nr I.I 8·:!310 N cw port Beach YF:Al<I,\ RE:"TAI.~ 2 RL!IU I. t"nf11rn. home 12•:.- J bdrm .. unrurn. home f'H 1\RLF ~ F H RT llar H28 The Vogel Co. •M fln•'I rrn.,1 fin :lfi'h !'t. :1 120 \\. B«fn11n Clvd :-;'"1"111 3201 \V L'~L Hwy . .'.'ewport Bch EARL '\\-'. STANLEY B1 '" h l c15h Pttone L1b<>ny 8--3481 208 .\lannc. Oall>Oa laland RF:A L TOR Phone HArbor H4 :i 111 :\'nq'l<•lt I !111 :-;. ''I" 1 · ll• h Phone Harbor 1741 \\ILL RE:'\'T hranel new a be<lrm :l b,1l~. unrurn h1Jmc tn IRVJ~E TEHHA<.:E at $ZOO per monln "·1th I n . lrn~e <.:nil Harbor 4 118 t• r · f11rU1Pr detail~ 58tJc l ao1 l:vMI HlWRy, <.;oronR del Mar I Harbor 101:1 l ,, !.. rno Main Sl. linlooa S;l.IAU. f·trn .ip (111 .. r1 • n1, trnrh Phono ft.ulv•,. 145 28Uc & k ll• ht'n• 11' )-;j,., 1' 1 II.• f\\ 11 lwo11n1. h1•u,r. mr~ly furn --------------Th• rm• "'11111 •IJr '1 1 "'1 1 '"' s 11;0 ''"' until J unr l~• \h111a IT'S DIFFICULT I •lllplol l'd ,,. r~• I 5 1" ! $\II b\' \o.lt u lot I d l~tl \l.11 • Rl .T \\ r: K P:F:P TR\"I:"\. \\!Int 11"1• R~11".11 f•I•· I II 11:.11 .\t ,.,,.,I <~ H l •• \THH<IT' I nr 'J hr. futn. /1•1115(' w 1tt1 priv· '" • • f I .l6 ... , J. I , '"' Hw~·, C'D.\T 1'1\' h t.,;h lf"t'l '\fl('t~ 'q "',r• 7 I '"' t nu•nf'nt , . .,11,," ~n <hlldrPO n r :-o;E\\f'OhT 1:->L \:"I• l"utn <•'''' 11 '11 ,•,11:: r·r !1'11-J 1F:vr11 I prh . \\'hnt hA\"<' \"<'II" \\':ti•' b•lrm 1.1r1i:t' llf•l. A 1111•· • \' H>• 12 l"l<•x u.2: .. lhi~ r ••rr1. ti I HAI h• I ".!7,;.\\ "' 11 'r\\ (• HF:PKUOM 11£11 !ltnve 111111 -A "'AI ''R ''1 · I rr f1 ti: ftnl\' 1:111h11•c 1tl~poMI FLnERLY M llJ''" Wllh n•f•rrni r~ c ·' . r \),, A1 1 .11 .• x. , .. I , S"W ~ ttr1111tHuJ. S!lO. mo .. )Tly \\f\nl to t•·:• _:..,atl}1 Hn(Um. h••• n 411rn I·~ '-\I , • ,., 1 ·, n·.nn II< I ~l.i r. r lri~I' tu EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor A11k ror H erald c . spin at 15th and Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach FOR QUICK RESUL lS! LlST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with a Multiple Listing Broker. . ' Did you know this immediately puts 200 experts to work on your property? ALSO, for your protect.ion. aJwaya buy thru a "Realtor .'' Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 · 32nd SL, Newport Bea.ch BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOOD CONCESSION -Gross ~18.000 hi net. Lease 10~ . Short hours. Full price ~8500. terms. BOA '. & TACKLE RENTAL -$8000 mo. poten- tial. Gross. Least. 10j(. Full price $25.500. Tem\e. See THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 50-Reont. MIAc. -------HORSE <"ORRAJ. FOR RE?-"r A r roMOnATF.S a HORSES 20;,7 Tlll!lln AVf'., Coela MeM LI ~-68211 !Oct~ PARTNER ACTIVE or not I ( ynu hA Ye $3500 • Duplex BF:ST NEWPORT R f.:NT AL 11rt11 :-;,.a1 bay 1111d ~ach. CMnf'r location. Built to tak<' 11nolher art. 3 l'Jll" garagr. $21.~00 full rnce. 2!\'' t1own. HARBOR Investment Co. 301h an11 :\'<'wport Blvd .. :\'rt Sch Phon,. HAr hor 161\0 !}r ~Mone~' to Loan LOANS PROMPT SERVICE ~re t1r~t trus t dctds 20 years Orange Coast Properties 18717 :'llewport Avr, \o~ta Mc!ll' L1 8-1632, Ll 8: 1400 E'·l'11. 9~tCc 57-~al t.:state \\'ant.erl -------------PRIVATE PARTY-\\'ant11 lo b11v !'f'lllrlence Jot for C1U1h-Mu1<l hr r lMI' In. Newport, Blllooa. a rcu. itlve Jocalfnn Mil f'l\rllrularit Write Box Q27, t h18 pa fl"r. 7rt8 WIL1, EXCHA:\'GE tar11t lr1111t d~cds 01 pay cuh tor 1nM mr properly 11howtng 10 p••r crnt n l"t r"l11.rn. Prdc1 b UJ!lnf'll.8 prop· erty or 11fl11rtm<"nl hoUl'U 11ncl<-r m11111i;emr11t Jll•x 213 B:'llbl.111 l slund, llp13 60-lncome Prope~ BALBOA INCOME <'¥-ah. good cha l"llrter rf'ff'ren<"es !) &: ability lo rrcogn1i.e opport11n- 1ly Wht'n It kn(l('kir, hrrl' 111 your r henrc lo bf'comc 8~11or111V<1 wllh 11. br1nd ntw bu111nM~ that U'N1TS-Older property centnil· ly Joe .. 1 i., bike. to heart of 811J. boa lJtLI. rm J w;t rcduceo lo S2l/\OO for qul('k Mic. S:lt'IOt'I dn Owner H11rbor l!!ff8. i:ittc Bl ·sr~E$~ rm . J 73i ', Buiwrinr \•~ • rl)~ll1 :lltSA 1:131) ~q ft. , rp11pp<>d U O & :!20 t ltc. pawr r. ~kvhi;ht.-. g00<1 puk:ng. H ar. :.?flli-R . C'nurl"!<Y to agenu. 9cJS offl't!l ae<:urlty .. rermanrnc .. Shouhl eu1Jy nrl H 0.000 thi~ ~·:'_: ~~~erclal. industrial ldrftl Inca· t1n11 • n ~IA1 1n1 Air. o tr:rt1 or ..... r Pl~l'S 2 hdrm ftpl All r •r SJ?'\ mo. liar 21H2. llttc f1EL l -XF. h1i:hwa:J<it ll<'c 8p&ce. :1;10 1111 fl <'t•ntr r 11t Cornna rlel ,\1•1r b11~1n.-,!l th~t11rl. $7~.' m o. r:td in•!. A !,RO 11• e u" tv r oth1•r bU!'l neu. ui (11 c At prnf,.,~lon11 l r1'nt11ls. \\'. E . Fisbt'r & Assoc. ~·t11r. Drawing a ccount If 11cttve. Will ~land rlfld mvuUg&l1nn A b<lve at.a teml'n ta proven a 1 first interview Ab801UlrJy nri phon~ information. No time to rarl!y curiosit y 11eckers. For personRI app't ph1me Kl 2·4:?:i8 10 a.m. lo 1 pm. or 7 p.m to 9 p.m. dally. 12c l 1 :10;11 I':. Co11M Htghwey M-_M_o_n_e.Y. to Loan «nrnnn rfrl .\l11r 1-tarbr r 2443 ---- -------~-cl LOANS 1·or Homes INVESTORS A TIENTION ! STORE BLDC , tw>t r.,rr>na tl~I Me r 10<'. N 1•t,. l•l~~ after axe• Xl.;>;"T ru1tltnt1nl ln<·om•• un1\JI, G. H. LA TH l ' P, J63:i E. l'11a.•l Highway. c .. , .. nll del Mar liar- b<tr M42. Evt8. Har. ;{~1 l·J 12r l4 TRADE Desert Motel EARL W. STANLEY,. Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa !Aland VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Feb. 12 - 1 -5 SWIMMING POOL Builder--owner bu put m&ny extras in this exclu · 11ive location 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, 100' wide patio and pool area.. See thia at 436 Esther Place. Costa Mesa. Full price only $1~.600, 4 ~ ~ loan. See "THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 llc12- Speculator -Builder -Investor N. E. eor. Iris & 4th., CORONA DEL MAR 150' on Iris 15 lots) 2 cor. lots vacant. 4 furn. bun- galows on 3 lots. Income will exceed. $3000. . $5000 DOWN HARBOR BLVD. COMMERCIAL 2 leased stores plus bungalow, inc. $3180. Out of town owner wants quick sale. McMANUS REALTY CO. 1999 Harbor Blvd .. CoelR Mesa LI 8-3333 (anytim~l CORONA DEL MAR Ht~h on th<' hlll w ith Ocean view from Jh·ing room . 2 bdrrns. & den. Enclosed covered p&tio, obi. gar· ·a~e st ressed for second unit. Fireplace in cicn & liv· an~ room. Minimum yard work & up.keep. jl8,500 RAY REALTY CO. f ACROSS FROM THE RANK I 3H4 E. Coa5-t Bl\'d. Corona dC'I Mar Ha rbor 228.sJ NEWPORT v 1sTA RESALE I Costa Mesa 4 h11rm 1111111 .. 2 h11111,., 111ndj0<"11P· 1•tJ. \\. l•• W •·•)r•t 11,phall ttll'ILAHf:f: w1·JI h•1dl rill"r hum~. l! 111111 •olhrr r xll.)' ()nly f lll,7',I) blrt<'k. 11, • • l•'rr "' l•o\l'I\ :l 11 .. <J. $2:lM1 1ln. r11•m1'. Ii;• Jlv 1111, lll1• k 1'd1•n. rhn 11p lit• ,,kf11•l 11n . ~· r\'I< o ALSO 3 b lrm h"m"'. $111~•11 $!!lUO 1111., h. , ,..,,, ,._.1111 f111 1 Im ., l1o;e. t.Jn~vi~ •• , ••• , ra111t •'. 1,n1 1,\\ ••• t It" n . """II OPbN HOt;ST·, SAT. & ~l :\. 1.i wall r:H j»·• t1lr lrn1 hen n111t J'• !I 6.· 11•~!1 I .,r11r~n1 .d A \" h.1·J, \' 1 !),, II I,.,.( 1 111~ 11vrr. J\ ... l..fd' l I • {It 111111 S • .> ",1;.tt t1n. 1111 '" •mnlJf'1•llllJ:"Wllhnt11s= w11•t.r1 i::-•~1t" :,.:1 1· Itr i JI tlh'"' 111 ~t'"l"'I t hr 1.""•'rl ... 1 ~·"'' 11 • ~r· I 11' ' I .J, • I O:"F. REUR<JCJM nea r ~chooJ. b('h. Bt:Sl:\'ESS OFFICE. excellent lo· ~7• -20 yr. Loa.na 7 unil.l! 2 mi. east of Barstow on VC'i;as hwy. bot JG:c! x 400. Proposed Fn~\vuy may make Uu~ property very vaJ uable. f'nre S37,500 Has loan of :~11.:100 FJ~Hr:R & CO. :!3nfi :-;, .. r •rt Bl\'! :-;rwpr,• t Reh 11 J t; 1~'1, « ~l. J• llAI f111r i l'.l<I LI 1)-:1217 J ·' "" ::•11 t hra ry 11nd ZOth. Ou· an ~) Ir f'l 1'· Hn r. 1 'I • · \\ ":" I •' ~.. 1 /.. h11y. $?'!~. mo .• incl. utllltlc• <'1.1t1<1n B<'r<ISs the l!lrect Crom frrrrrl. 1-tHr. 12!50·J. 10.-13 I •", RF::"J'O:-o;!'JJ-!LE p11 rty i!e~trr~ ,_:r. RE/\~fl:'ARI Y · r" I .., ti•lrm. llnfum. hoU~f' nr apt nn c't 2 1'1r1l1m llllM !<Jilli. l t f• • Pr ntnllllln with yr11 lc1U1e. Cnll t L.11 1111dr,\' 11111111. Pl 1,1 .:r 1:i I · LEhlJ:h [l.;l;lO. 11<"12 • hild1cn Jt1 ,r r i' .\J • I • '-'"wrnr t Hh· l . '.;. ""'• 1 • 1 .. 1 h Abnv,• t hr Ar< h• -I'"' Newport Furnished apartment I BF:DR~t Yl-:AH.LY, $6~ f'lll!l 111.l C ir .• ~11th ~l & H.tlhn.1 Bl\ I l d••il l (r r r ullf11• 2~Z·" ~~~!LB~.~~w~t<?c~ 1-lnr 41'191 -E\'es LI l\·3:ii8 PLE:-:TY OF FREE PARKJ:\'G 86t.!c -19-R-Ooms for Rent :-;'J( ·Et. Y fumi1>hf'd room. Private l'Tll rllnrl'. J'M\'1111' bRU:l. \'ery de· strable H!I Poinsettia Ave~ <"orona d('I Mar. Har. 3692·\o'', 12cHh n ally lnilf'pendrnt 'J , h1ldrrn. 2 yrs. cl ll yrs. thave h,.Pkpr l d<'· 111re.~ 2 or 3 bdnn. 1.1rt. o r ho11!le. ~·Nu· a round. F'urn. or 1.1nfurn To SJ i:I month. "IU J'flY tnlH'P tr destl'llblr. Mu11t h11v11 11tm1111- J'ht're <It pr1vM'y. Jf fum 1t1hed niust be nkl'ly done. Eltcf'Jlenl n-ference.1'1. Phone dll \'11 ~110111 Monica ~rook 4-"943. Eves ARI.Iona ~·H90. coU~t. Ruby Marrh. 1Zp17 CHARLES E. H ART, RC'aJtor l..ADY WJLL S HARE lovely hlll· ~Apts.&H~ H11.rbor 1421t :1~20 W . 81\Jl)<\A R l\'11, X ew f'Orl 11lde view home. hlral tor teuh· ,.r, artist. etc. Nloe p:round1. R eferrnrr11. P. 0 . Bor 284. FOR R.E:\T Furnt,.hNI Uny rrr-nt :\r\\-port Beach. L~rty 9-li46. 2 f>drm. 11rt 30.tt hn11t ,11r 10c12 ~!l.111' 4 nlft!, \nll 617 F:1l5'r· ' • waler RAlholl I lpl2 81.NOLE ROOM WIU'l not " cold Ct.I F P' HAVE-:-;-f7~. 2 bednn. · • -1 wa ter In Lhe room. Good bed. front t rfplo. un(Um. F'irf'plar e, L·:-;n·n:-;. :I b01rm i.~ 111 1763 Private entrance. le. week 1111rb di~. A fa.n. neu H S & J r I AnRht'lm S"<' riwn~r. l i ;,;, Ana· AL~(l doublo rooi:n at 17 we-ek H1 Owner. 272 Brns•!way. \ M. helm. t1 1"l ' Me1<n. l'h U b•·rty 123·28th SL. XtwpOrt ~ac-h Llberly S-2;'i6. 8ttc 8·1322 Olf<' I t!Ol:8lb Core.nil <tel Mar Po8l Office. lt11'AI !1.r loan rrprc.11enu1ttve, •on rnclur, seamstrrs~. an or Jr•weJ1y nu11111ri1s. lJllJ. pd. Only ~40. month. CA LL Ben \\'h1lman. Har. 1862. £,cs. Hart>or H61 li6ttc XO\\' LEASI."\G, 3va1Jable bus1· n~ss o!floe 11pe ces l..:cnler ot <,;o- ronll <l<·l Mar, suita ble for l:PA. denUsl or? LI 8· 1~·26. 98cl3 ='EW BLOG., 11111t. Cor stores a nd o!Ctccs, l 2'x24 · rac h 2032 Placentia. <.:o~t& Mesa Phon' .Liberty 9-21 9:1. 8c13 M-MoDf'J to ~---­ LOANS TO BUJ.l.JJ. DlPRUVlt B lJf, MOD£Rltf l.Z.I:, OR R.EFLN A..NCE Wt Bu7 Trwtt Deed8 NEWl'URT BALDUA SA VINOS • WAN A8S()(.."1AT J(JN 3386 Via Udo. Ph. Bar. t.200 th Construction Loans SEE BUB SA TTLEP. 251~ EAST COAST Bl.VD. Cot una <WI Mar li&rl>vr .>ll& ftcp l'UUU.LK MUHT<.iAUE t:U Metro Life Ina .• Fund• Kl. 3-:illlil 48tH K.C:AL ~·fA'ft. LOANS interest Kate ~h9'o Loana qwcXJy made tn th• B•> A~a and ~oeta Meea. Single 01 muJllple W\JLI. Ne..-or olU. ~ v.'1ae and aave by re-flnanctng your pre_,,t loan M.Uumwn ex ptnae. No cbar(e for preUm1 nary apprala&L Phone Santa Alla Klmt>erly ll-8933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mort&ai• &..oan Uorreirpondent Ocddentaf'<Mfe IMurance Co. tU Soutll M&lll Sant& An• pp WOULD tlke to buy Ill all() 2M Tnwt DHda. C&1J Har. 2328 {48Ur I ' SubmJt your t ratlc for my equity of $23,200. \VilJ ago. su~e on income prc:opcny. Write \VELC0!\11; 'ft{,\ VJ::L· ER ~IOTEL, f!t. J,\, B:.i r- stow, Calif. 2pJ5H HA VE 2 L':\ 11 S on l Jc.t in La:,ur.a llbl<'. (Ua@'e, I b:N k to i.111,r . A.n rl OC'l'Rn Sl!l.:,0<1. huoee. Ji< I i I J. 1:1 ''------------- Buy a Lot 6~"<1:!-, ~:;·°'·' d·1~,--:, szo r ... r mo r 1.1,L l".:1< C: ~If,, 11 ALSO 1~ nr rr, $2rl).1 r&~h TME L OCATOlt <•~ (" Jltf. Leaving State 8 1·: IT ,.,,, 1. r 111 1 •• " ~t··~n. Jt,\~,T ,n l"•ll J•r ' "'"'"' '\•,. r ,, t J • ~'It• • 11 I r•lt '· •I t • ''"Y C::, LI, Ji',i;I H111b•ot l.lvtJ, C ;!ll.a :.1rt11 1 J,J f.·lfi6l I lc l:l I.I 1.J1 rt .v -------~~-----WILL EXCH. tor alngle Corona del M&r. HYall •--42U8 BY (J\\":\El~. ra,,l ~1de C:r,.\ta CORONA DEL MAR !ip6h Meao.. 3 bdrm., lg bw.: .. h, aepar-:t J:;l.JHM HOM E, • y~n nlel. ~-----~-----~ aAVE S larc• 2 bedrm. home.\. &te ,.t-,<,w 1r .t.\.\1f tlf',f.trpln ce, l.••···v \'r"'' ,, n & lia), l tle. dbl. garag@, 1 llrt OOxlOO. Cl08" l'!l)Ck controllrd h,a l, WUUlU I r rr. ef) f>ll ' llbJ. .:anore. 1 r m· In, SAn Fema.ndo, $18,000. 1<:rippMJ 'hru out. rnrl'>•••I I• 1 'l f I 2~·1 f ir,• r g .:,i JoL. WJLL TRAL>E tl<">wn tor Harbo1 breezway. Pnre $10,!llJO l~:i(l(J I l:N1U• r t S111vu ••c L att knr•. a re11 or CoMa Mr1111. homr do~-n $64 H mri lRxra & ln8ur. O\\t:-O:EH. c H. L.<ord, 1n e. 1, &• tncL F H " • •, ·~ loan. w 11.:1J2s 1 Owner, 506 Ayocado Gat, Rivers ide, Call!. HpJ~h 6cJ.I 6t l8 l • .. I......_ . , PAGE 6 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE SS 8!-Ral r...tate THU RSDAY, FEB. I 0, 1955 a a.a t:etate BALBOA ISLAND Here'• that delightful 2 .bdrm. 2 bath home you've been looking for. Floors fully ca.rpeted. Near South Bay, all conveniencea for year round living plus an excel. 2 bdrm. a1;1artment 'for income, beautitally fumiahed, $39,500 There'• a email amount of work to fini1hing thjs cute cottage. Large living room, bedroom dressing room, double garage. The rrtaterials are allpplied in the price of $15,750 Here'• CERTAINLY A LOT for your money . 5 brm. house with large playroom. 3 bath• ·and double gar· age AND a real cute 1 bdrm. apt. We have $2,000 rentals for summer on it. Near t he bay, near 1hop- ping. Furnished $35.000 Looking for Bayfront Property? We have a 4 bdrm. home with pier and float $33,750 A apacious 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plus 2 bdrm. apt. that is almoat new and a delightful,.place to spend the rest of your days. Pier and float. $68,500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 502 -Eve1. 2306-R LIDO ISLE Do you need a lot 1 We now have 3-30' 3-40' 2-50' 2-70' ~· 2'L45' 1~21,::· 1-80' Al example 1-55' -$15.000 on corner 1treet to street. (All subject to prior sale.) OP~N HOUSES DAILY 1 -4 P. M. 2 bdrm ., 119 Via Yella -$19,750 2 bdrm., 215 Via Mentone -$21,750 LOOK what you can get for $3500 DOWN THREE bdrm., 2 bath, very luge living room on a 40' lot. On two Stradas. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFF1CE "Just to the right of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eves H . 2999) VOGEL VALUE Open Daily 1 - 5 105 Via Waziers Lido Isle 3 bdrms .. 2 bath• Another Vogel Co -d us1ve · Liberty 8-:: VOGEL VALUE VIEW HOME The m<11:1t 1m1p1rin~ view of entire Bay-Jetty-Ocean in Harbor Arca. 3 bdrms., 3 baths, bar, beautiful drapes. 24 x 20 living room with an "out of this world" view. With the reinforced steel construction thia property at S50.000 is way below actual cost. By appointment only. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. C<last Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-3481 LIDO . OPEN HOUSE 2 bdrm. house near clubhouse. $5000 down. Full Price S22,500. OPEN Saturday & S unday, 21 1 \'ia Kornn $1850 Down 3 bdrm. h ome. near Post Offire. Business zont', bargain pric1> Channel Front Home on the waterfront. only $19,500. S!')500 down. N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd Ii Newport Blvd .. Newport Bch. Ph. Har. 1405 HI , POP ! "G~t out from i~t of that Television and get a couple of g811}'M of paint and a bru11h and malce a little money ~" LOOK AT TlOS ONE - COMMERCIAL 1 z acre. cute 2 bdrm. stucco, fire- plac~. well bullt. need.a redecorating. Only 's6ooo. S800 down. CALL Lila B. McFarren at Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd .. Bal6oa Harbor 3786 or 2517-M One Large Bdrm. Home in East Costa Mesa ruLL L~NGTH living~ -dining rm. combination . W lo W carpeting. Large kitchen, bath & garage. Stucco, oullide, plu tered inside. S7500. 1: cuh. CALL Har. 3838 FOR ADDR ESS OAY OR Jl.;ITE. I . ' • ----------- Holmwood Drive A atreet of Beautiful Homes s:z 1.950 buy• an exceptionally nk larcl' three ~room, two bat hnme lu. than three yean ol In the cholceat •ectlon of th e h d e Height-. T e HERE I• over 80 feet front•I on Holmwood lnaurlng mu mum privacy. The ground• •~ prot~ionally land•caped an the rear area I• completel 1- d y fenced. T HE CRITICAL BUYER will ap preclate the top gTade oak noor Ing, the very but In forced a ht11llnK and thl' ceneroua amou n ot tine C'U8tom cabinet work. -. . Ir t e 0 THER Jo,li:ATURES are larg amount• uf glaas lncludin 11lldlng ~la1111 wall on lo the Ion ly patio, Uled bath•. f1replac and a luge <"heerful kltcbe with lovely view or thoe ocun There Is also a laund ry room an 11n unusual dining room. g - e n I.I T HI S HOME repruents the to "'dollar value In lhe Harbor area p d 11ewers are In and paid for an I he property Is locllled lnald the Newport City limlta. You e r lnllpt'C'llon I• Invited. W. Stuart Foote,.Rltr . 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., fief' Har. 24, Ruirtence LI 8-1'.>49 0 or New and Modern BI GGEST Balboa laland value In comrortnble living in well pt.n nl'd 2 br. home. Sunny patio wall to wall carpet. fireplace Ir rurnace heat. Obie. ga~age. With private romplf'tPly rumi11hed apt over rear. Loada of wardrobe ~pace. If looking In the $25.000 10 $30.000 renge, M aure to •t - f' thi8 horn<". c O~TACT HUB POWERS - J . A. BEEK, Realtor H8rbor &:I. :103 Park Avte. Balboa bland COSTA MESA w I E HA VE A CLIENT who w ll P•Y "" ca11h tor vacant bu1inu1 proputy 1f priced right. SI 000 tJown. nearly nl'w 4 bedrm l ~ balh home on large corn~ N p I I 11ndll(.8ped lot. . . . r r EARLY NEW 2 Mdrm, r&nrh 11yle home, ahake roor. hdwd l<1ora. Flrf'place. Landacaped It rnred. Very 1•lo8t to ehoppin~ .tr 1 ranll11<1rt11twn. Submll '2000 dnwn. UR~ISH F.D DlTPLF.X on Broad wny. 2 l')Ptlrm ... 1'11\'h unit. F'll'I' r lH•'e. lhlw11 flo11110 S11bm1 - t J.10(10 <lnwn 17 . ~·x300' 101 zon~<I C· I for bue1 nl'S8, nrlll lQ Ct•mt'r (lf !9th • r1"r••nt11\ Sea Breeze Realty Co r l!lth A Plllcenl1a, C. Mesa ~ ~ & ew·~ rh. L.lbr rty 8·366:1 "99 llr12 Newport Heights ! urnished -$10,500 F $ 2500 On. -$70. Mo u. :>:USUALLY g<'Od buy 1n 1 nl<"e v f 111 n1~t11•1l 2 h<>dronm home nr- ••nni: Htlwtl. floon , auto. heat -I ( . I ~lll6 l>P1lrm. I I f A II b.'llUl1Culty lleC'Orlltl'd In •lee~in1o: ('nlors. n11•rly fenced .t 11n•l11r1~c.l and 11itusted In tha holre~l p1t rt of I hr Heigh ta F'O R THE BF.!;'!' DEAL In th1~ lire a rnnt11t'I - Roy Greenleaf Jr. & ASSOCIATES 311 2 l"ewport Blvd., Newport Bch. Hubor 2~:'12. l lcl3 .. Let U1 Locate for You" °' Harboc' property. bay and t>Hch, Costa Me•. Corona del r ~ ,a.r, Santa Ana, etc. The LOCATOR of Calif. Bnuich offi ce. 1884 Harbor Blvd. Cotrt& J.ftM. Phone U 1-1661. Iii Uc BY OWNER Co rona Hlfhla.nda -I bdrm.. I ath rarmhoWlt'. Ph. Harbor 7 ... J b 99tfe F IRST TIME OFFERED! BY OW'NICR f"Ll FF HAVEN 3 bdrm hnmP, rep la.ct., dbl 1r11 r , lure lot. li.~:....4'< G I. loan M4 30 fl • ~r mo. in<'I tax 6 int. '3 000 •I own. -Wbtrty 8 -J84i, J2rl7 < ._ ------------------- v Check these for · best values CORONA DEL MAR 1 .. A TI'ENTION B uilders, Speculators We have a neat 2 bdrm. home bwlt on rear of 50' lot on Marguerite Street. with double garage. fenced yard, brick paUo and room to build add'l unit on front of lot. Thit1 i• a good buy. Priced at $11,500. Only $3000 down. 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm . home. Hwd. floors. carpeted W to W, baa separate dining room, 2 paved patios. Nice yard. beautifully landacaped. Drapea inc. and only $27,000 Shown by A ppointment. 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean View • This choice income property less than 1 block to o~ean and beach, owner 2 bdrm. home PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. PLUS large 1 bdrm. apt. with ocean view. All units furnished complete. Located on 45 x 118' lot. Better hurry on this one. Priced at $40,000 & $12,000 dn. 'fill handle 4. A SCARCE ITEM! VERY attractive 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, carpet- ed wall to wall. Nice dining area, overlooking large paved patio. Completely fenced. G. I. loan. REDUCED from $16,000 to $14.500 for quick sale. EXCLUSIVE WITH US PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two units. 2 bdrms. each, a REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view 'from every room. Completdy furnjshed. Asking $4~. 750 and ONLY $5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely furnished and in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, terms. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be sold as is for only $17,950 and get this, $1250 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island Harbor 444 (Eves. LI 8-5297 -Har. 1786-RK) OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW HOMES 306 RAMONA PLACE -A new s trect betwe<>n 15th and 16th o ff Santa Ana Ave. 9 Beautiful 4 bdrm., 2 bath homes left. $10,950-$795 Down ALSO KNOWELL PLACE 2073 MAPLE ST. -One block West of Harbor between 19th and Hamilton. 11 lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath homes le ft. $11,575 -$950 Down If you want the fineat features at a reuonable price see these fine homes every day 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (Across From Costa Mesa Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Eves. Har. 4366-LI 8-2103 (Was $10,500) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar COZY 3 BDRM. HOME on good stred. close to shopping center. Has fenced yard. patio & double garage. Owner leaving, has reduced price for immediate sale to $8950. Exclusive Agent BEN J. Whitman & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 3542 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar (Eves. Harbor 1461 l CORONA DEL MAR Har. 1862 Summer rentals are beginning. We have choice locations. ln Corona del Mar -On 4.5-ft. lot all fenced 2 bdrm. home of redwood. St 3.500. Fl~M0RRIS REAL TY COMPANY Realtors BusineBI Broker 3135 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Har. 2152 Open House Saturday & Sunday 12-5 921 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ideal for retired couple. DUPLEX. one 2 bdnn., one 1 bdrm., PLUS a bac h· elor apt. rear -All furnished. Downtown Balboa. Income $175 mo. F ULL PRICE $17,500, $3000 dn. ''ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Bl\•cl, Coit.a Uua Liberty 8-3792 I ~a~B~Ml!!!_~El~llea~te!_ ____ 11-.;___R_teal_btll __ tt ______ n-__ Ree_~ -~f!_!! __ $4250 FULL PRICE l BDRM. FURN. hoUM. BHullful J:. •ide comer. It 11 an old clunk · er and the termllea 1 0 with It ., BUT it la LIVABLE! Furnished Home % Acre VERY NICJC 2 bednn. home, com· ,pletely (Urnlllhed. Wood tloor11, garage. HnUIMI 11 In excelltnt condl~lon. Recently redecorated. Located ln Back Bay area. See lhla property to appreciate. Term.11 can be had. Full prtre la only 110.~00. ' Phil Sullivan & George Everson l~ Newport Blvd .. Coat& J,Jua tacroaa from -Co.ta Me• Bank I Phone LI 8~761 Evu. Har. 066 u~rty 8-2103 There are• oppor tunities L'\ THJS OCEAN FRONT PROP- ERTY. Al pre.ent there are 2 rum., J bdrm. unlta It room to build 2 more unll 11 In rront. L.ot'1 11quare fool&J:e will carry 3 living unit• $1 5.600. Owner will llnance Ir consider boat •• par~ payment. VIEW OF BAY AT "INSIDE PRICES'' -ii· tractive furnished home In ex- clusive ·Bay Shorea. Near Bay Club rear gate. 3 bdrm1., I°" bathsL 2 patio1. All nicely furn. '27.~00. Ownl'r wlll flnanct. VACkNT LOT WITH GORGEOUS BAY AND ocean view. Cliff Havf'n lta11t- hold. Only a few •Uch location• , remain. Balboa Bay Properties J!I05 W . B&lboa Blvd .. Npt Beach Phone Har. !1181 or Harbor 1983 CORONA DEL MAR RUSTIC TYPE 2 bl'tlrm. homeo. stone firepl8ce. Panel ray h!'al. Early American decor. Dl•ublr R'•rage. Patio. Redwood fencf'<I 'back yard. 1 ~ block1 to Carna- tion beach. Low down payment Reasonably priced. TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO 2 BEDROOMS and a 1 ~11- room uml. Redwood and 1hake. Excellent lnv111lmenl, 2 yeara old. 3 C"ar garage. Full price, '27.~ ALSO THE GREAT ORANGE COAST LARGE BUSINESS LOCATION Harbor Blvd. -Conaista of t'XCf'Ut'nl buildi(lg 60'x 108'. L&rge cement patio. BlacJ< t op drh•e & parking. Big area tor open storage or parking. C-2 zoned. Suitable for contractor • woodwurkmg -warehou&e - lumbe-r yard • clothing mfr. Bc.>aidra abo\'e hav~ 2 parcel• rented Ii leaaed with excHa of $250 monthly income -2 acree $69.SOO full price. Good tenna. SMALL RANCHO NEEDS PAINT . 66x330 • 1".! acre with good 2 brm.Alomf'. Extra lge. dbl. garage with hobby room or 3rd bdnn. Plumblnc roughed in to make into rental. Child'• play hou9t', patio, wired for el~tric stove (stove stays). Out- 1ide nee<b painting. &>st fix up buy in long, Jong ti~.,!1850 --term1. _ . . G I RESALE Bank a ppraiAI of $9150 makes this 2 brm. home "Value Hard to Believe". $24.50 dn. with $53 a month includes prin~ipal, interest, taxee & inAurance. Hwd. floors. aoae.to golf counie. See today. ACREAGE INVESTMENT 5· acres close in and Back Bay area. Steal at $15,000 HOLMWOOD DRIVE Beautifully planned 2 y r. old view homf'. 3 lowly brma. 2 baths tiled Ii heated. Tinted view windows. Guvity thermo heal. W to W car1><'t in liv. & din. area. Expensive custom drapes. Built in breakfut 11ook. All charming appointments. Could please you. $26,SOO. Good terms. M-1 127 foot frontage on Placentia just north 19th St. Parcel is ''L" shaped & is 103' to 290' deep. $70 front foot makes it 19th & Placentia's buy of year. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUU.DERS 1857 Newport Ave·. Costa Meaa Liberty 8L1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. • BAY SHORES (2) T W 0 (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings Corner A~r. & Vista Dr. Bay Shorea' Cleverest Ranch Type Home • 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplacr, difthwa"her, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23.SOO, terms. AND Bay View Home • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Wall to wall carpeting. Electric kitchen. Lovely home for a couple with accommo- dations for visiting friend8 and relatives. Full price $29,500. term~. For preview showings, call Harbor 1600 - 2 BEDRM. HOME ON POPPY- Wonderlul view of oc:ean and hills from up11t.alr1, Nll'e y•rd It patio. Full price $12.000 with euy tl'rme Small down pay· ( Evea. Liberty 8-5386 I • ment. .J HARBOR INVESTMENT CO ., REALTORS W. E. Fisher, Kealtor Newport Blvd. at 30th St .. Newport Beach and ASSOCIATES 303t Eaat CoHt Highway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2H3 Newport Island 2 BEDRM, ruideMe with 1 bedrm. apt. ov'r dbl. rarage, 118,500. BALBOA 8 UNITS comer l.ot. excel. income record. Half blk. fnlm Bay a.nil park-Ing fa.c. Clran. 110,000 will handle. ALSO BUSINESS bldg , PL.US 2 1pta ·ONLY U OOO DOWN Trip lex, furnished 4 BEDRM. hou•f'. PL.US 2 apt11 A ft w str's fr<>m the bay FULL. PRICE $20.000. Coast Properties 301 E. 831boa Blvd., 831oba. Hart;or 28~8 It Har. 4&00 8trc Cl iff Haven Home HERE IS ONE of thoH hart.I to a-et lhrel' be(lroom hom.-~ with flr•placf' llnd lllnln« n111m F'rf'11h ly red~corated thrnu1thout •nd weathPr~trlpJlf'tl. Buu11r111 oe.lt tloor11 and lovely l11wn11 en- hanre the vallle of th1• tint f8mlly homf' PRJCli:D FOR IMMEDIATI: n le at 113,9~0. Buyer• ca~ uaume 1~00 • ~ loan. Paymenta of 164 a month lnclud, tu'" and Ina W. Stuar t Foote, Rlt r . 2117 W . Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Bch Rubor 24 nr Llb.-rty 8·54110 Bay Front income I UDJt..-1 A I llec!rvoma, tun ~. Pier, noat anCI pnHte bMcA. 1000..S. Balboa 81"1., Balboa. Crwt.-i-11846. Cow-· t..,. to brollera. l ll.lc -CORONA DJCL. MAR 2 BDRM., 2 bath., hwd tloora, F. - A. heal, dbl. l•r. i., bllt. to the oc,.an tt.r. 3021 day1 or.Har, 30541·R arter I p.m. l lr l3 CORON A H.lOl:il.A.N D LOTll - OIOICe SIU. 4Hllabi. Call H&rtlor il2t uuc ' Pbone Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-5386) FOUR UNITS Corona del ·Mar SOUTH OF T HE HIGHWAY T hia is the first offering of th11 choice virw f'""P<'rt ~· One 4 Bedroom uml One 2 Bedroom unit Two l Bc.>droom units Five garages Three unjts are rurnished All are occubied Beautiful yard and planting Add all thu• up and see if you don't a~ee with us that this is a most out.standing oHerini . Priced for quick sale. $34,950 -% Down p. a. palmer, inc . ole ha nson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -!Jberty 8-5573 "YOU JUST CAN'T HARDLY EVER" Find such a good buy on L11lo. Older homr, 4 bdrm. and den. Beautiful 60' l<it. Th11:1 pru p<·rty haa xlnt. possibilities. Be sure to Re(' it. A 11king pm:c $24,750. AL SO WATER FRONT HOME Selrct location, 3 yrs. old. Lot1 of t.Jlc. F. A. heal. 2 bdrm .. 1 1 1 baths. Xlnt. finanr 1ng. $26.500 furniRhr•d. Both ue exch1s1ve hstin,::11 w11 h EARt W. STANLEY , Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. New1 .ort Burh Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND A 2 bdrm. home w1lh doubk' ~ara~c in ·~x<·r·l•enl 101 r ation -C~uJd be made into en incoml' property of quality. $1.1\,()00, ALSO Choirc 8Hy Fr<in t~ & lnromP J'rnrert1e9 DORIS BRAY , Nona Hyer C het Salt!!bury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa IRiand Realtor (.."'u rt Dotlh tl:1r. 20 or 64 • . BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor . MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 Balboa Island THREE BRAND NEW LISTINGS! One of the fineflt homee on Illand. 220 Coral Ave., ·la dffered 'for aale for $3.5,000, Open for bupectlon every day from 10:30 to 5 p.m. Beautiful grounds. Double lot. See this today. WATERFRONT INCOME! 2-story duplex on Grand Canal nr. So. Bay. Wonde rful location and WHAT A VIEW! New and modern 2 bdrm., l bath lower, with 4 bdrm., 2 bath upper. Xlnt. terms. Furnished. Don:t miM this! A HONEY! On Ametby1t nr. No. Bay. HOME & INCOME. Charm. 2 bdrm., 1 bath home with extra guest room & bath AND a beautiful modern ). bdnp. apt. FUrnisbed. Newport Hts. $2800 down. This lovely 2 bdnn. home with extra guest room, large landscap<'d grounds, for only $10,500. Owner says will be interested in trade on 3 or 4 bdrm. 2 bath. home in Harbor area. Corona def Mar $12.WO. 2 bdrm. artistic home So. of Hwy. Plu& guest room. Garage s tressed for apt .. This is an Xlnt. buy. LIDO ISLE a smart address A few choice Lido buys 1. Newly painted 2 bedrm. home near club. Barbe- cue in diningroom, firC'place. nice patio. $21 ,500. 2. Brand new 4 bednn. 2 bath home with full for- n ace, disposal, fireplace, nice cabinet work, Iota of storage. S26,750. Remrmber, we are the den'lopers of L ido Isle. We have many goo<l buys in homes. lots and rentals. It ia our sincere desire to help you. p. a. palmer in~orporated ole hanson co., sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -har 1500 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' :J Br. home, Hwd. n oors. fireplace, Dble. garag1'. B R.q., sewer in & paid, A-1 location. ~11 .500 with 4', IORn ( $0000.) payable $70. per month including tax & in!I. Owner will &ell with small down paym ent. 2 Br home and LARGE GARAGE & WORK SHOP '\ (approx. 1000 Sq. F't.) near Alpha Beta. $10.850 with terms. fURNlSHED 2 Br. older home, garagel Excellent location NF.WPORT HTS. $7500. with Sl500 down. 1 l -8 ACRES -3 Br. home, storage room, Dblc gar- a~e. work shop, sewer in & paid. $13,500 with terms. 3 Br. home, 1200 Sq. Ft. • Lot ?OxHO. A REAL BARGAIN. but will need some cuh. Price $8250. M -1 l ndustnal lot 60x 126 . _ •. ... . . . -·-· .... $2950 C-2 Bu!linei-s lot 50xl40 . . ...... 3500 R-l Res1dercc lot 49x150 . ----··-· ··--·-·· 1950 A· t ARriculture TWO ACRES __ . •········-···-··· 6500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. LI 8-1601 . LID 0 SEE THIS NOW! 3 bdrms .. 2 baths on a quiet street to strada. 35-rt. lot. Nice south patio. Forced air beat. A rcaUy fine home. Only $2-t.750 lA'ss than cost of rl'plact'ment ALSO 2 bdrm1 .. 2 baths, extra large living room. carrct· ed thru-out. 4~' loL Be1rntlful south patio. Full prict' $26.500 with excellent t<.'rms. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 11-'EWPORT BL \'D., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 3693 '°' ------------. OCEAN BL VD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY. 2 bdrm., 2 11 bath!, 111.rge ll\·ing room, &eparRtc dining ronm, large knotty pine den with built-in bar, loungt', 2 fireplaces. ba.sement with 150,000 BTU furnact'. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. CRrbaJ,te dispoat1I and dish- washer. House 5 yrs. old. Large double garage with laundry, rad10-controlled door. Lot 50 I. i42'. Well lands<.'a~. One of the most c.>xpenAively built homc1J on the front, locate<l at 3312 ~ean Blvd. I formerly 610.1 OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY RF.ASONABLE OFTER Shown by appointment only Phone Owuer. HarbM 3 135 BAY .AND BEACH BAYFRONTS . .... EXCLUSIVE LISTING. 60' on Bay Ave.-Pier and Slip CORNER LOT -Walled for privacy. Nicely land- scaped in tropical plantinga and fruit tree.. Thia th!"ff bedroom, one-etory home waa deaigned by R. J . Neutra and ia one of the finest homett in the Harbor Area. The living room ii 1pacloua, with Iota of glasa, and an unusual fireplace that also adda to the charm of the dining room. The kltcben ii all electric with a brick BBQ and electric spit. In ad- dition to the three bedrooms and two batha there are servants quartera with a separate patio. Thia ie indeed a home tor a discriminating buyer who want8 the best. Shown by appointment to qUalifiql buyera. Partially furnished. $125,000. BA YFRONT -Near N. H. Yacht Club Only people who live in glau houka can fully ap- preciate the view from thia one year old modern four bedroom, thi'ee bath home. The design ia moet unusual. Ther. are two living rooms, dining room, three fireplaces and a wonderful kitcbeh. There 1a a wide aandy beach and pier privileges. ~er wants a large cattle ranch in Oregon., Nevada or ! $68,500. BA YFRONT -Near Jetty . Beautifully furn. three bdna., den, 3112 bath home. $69,750 -Excellent Terms. LIDO ISLE BAYFRONTS Exclusive Usting. Pier and jlip Large Uvin1 room, fireplace, nice kitchen. s bdnu., 2 batha, furniahed. $49,500. Pier and Float One ltory, 2 bdrm., den, 2 b&tha. Nice living· rooip, fireplace, dining room. Partially (furnished. $55,000. Lido Nord. Nearly New 3 bdrma., 3 bath home. The unuaually large living toam is moat attractive with the warmth of wood paneling and brick fireplace. $59,5QO. Balboa Coves. Pier and Slip NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 7 THURSDAY. FEI. 10, 1955 BA YSHORES HOMES 1. 2 bdrm&., 2 b&tba, lge. Uv. rm .. Thermo kitchen. • PRICED RIGHT!' 2. 2 bdrma., 2 baths -····-·-········-.....£.---.. $17,9M Balboa Island BA YFRONTS Bayfront home on 60-ft. lot. Ideal for bullder. (1.lot vacant) Pier It n oat .......... -............ See thll! Bayfront home, pl~r Ir noat .......... _ .... -...... $33,750 See ua for a good eelection of Bayfront homee. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nice family home nr. bch., unfum. 3 bdrma $25,750 2 unita, older, good income ........ --···-··-····SH.900 Balboa Island Income 4 bd.rnu., plua lge. apt., nr. beach .................. $26,9\5() On Little leland, 2 bdrma. plua 1 bdrm. apt. $26,500 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrma., & den, canyon view, NOW ....... ,19,950 2 bdrm.1. It de~, So. of Hwy. Small dn. pymt. SlB,600 2 bdrma. on Avocado ·-·-·····-·················~·-·····$10,900 I BALBOA PENfNSULA, 2 bdrm. home ...... $21.600 FOR FURTHER INFORM.A TION on all theee fine propertiee, call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:5 Marine Ave., Balboa Ieland Owner transferred to Louisiana. Muat aell urern v JUST THE BEST! 3~.,2~~ ~~ ill~fu~or~--~~=~~~~~·~d~li~~~·n~~tl~1a~t~i~s~a~n~d~a~··~~~t~b~u2~~·=k=J BA YFRQNT -Pier & Slip -Bay Ave. 4 bedroom 4 bath l e rum ua room, attractively decorat . too. Four bedrooms and two baths on a 111' . $65,000 -Firm Price All offera will be conaidel'ed. An out.atandlng one floor ahowplace with a modem BAY and BEACH REALTY, REALTORS 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1264 -Eves. Harbor 1856 BUSINESS BROKERS MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CLIFF HAVEN Open House • Sat. & Sun. 1001 Cliff Drive PA NOR AMIC VIEW from this nearly new shake root, 3 bdrm~ 2 's beth hom~. Thermaoor kll· chen, l! USl!•I brick flrrplac,1. large dining room-w&ll t~'tlll <'•• fl"U~-.. cu~torn built homt- o ( 2.400 &q. fl. tor $29,7:.0. A n"&I buy (not leueholc.l ). . . . CLIFF HAVEN FIRST TIME L.ISTEO-tht.11 lnl· rno.c11ll1le 2 bdrm and bath hom(' with large llvtng room. dining erea openlng onto t>eautltully lan<JscaJ*! fenced backyard and awning covered patio ... wall to wall orpell.ng throughout. corner tlrtplace. disposal -a r'ally fine home· and the prtct Is right at IH.~ wtl.h a 4 n ": FHA loan. • • • Panoramic View . "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOM.AS BAYSHORES 2 Bdrm., low down payment -·--···-··--·$16,:500 2 Bdnn., 2 baths, view of bay ·······---·----18.750 3 Bdrms., 2 baths, w to w carpet ---19,500 3 Bdrm., den, 2 baths, m~m .. ······--·-· 32,:500 CLIFF HAVEN 3 Bdrm., ranch style, low down ............... _. $13,750 2 Bdrm., modem , carpeting & drapes ·----· 16,500 3 Bdrm., 2 N.ths, VIEW, new . __ . ·--·--23,500 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, VIEW, carpeting ·-···-····· 24.:500 3 Bdrm.. 2 b91ths, TERRIFIC VIEW -···-····· 36,500 COSTA MESA 2 Bdrm .• East.side. 60-ft. lot ········-····~-···· $ 9,750 100 ft. C·l PLUS 2 bdrm. home ········-·-.... 19,750 2 Bdrm., ranch style, shake roof, excellent location. 4 1:: '< loan, pyn.b $67 .90. KAKE OFFER on DOWN PAYMENT. Priced at ONLY .... ···-·-··· .. ·····. . .. ·········-·· ........ _ . 12. 700 Bay Front Homes! TERRIFIC VIEW. 15 br, S~ ba. good condlUon. Pier rtrht. 147. 600 -ma.ke orter. ~ BR. BAY FRONT, with 2 br. rur •pt. All furn. Exc4'11ent vaJ IU ,!'>00, halt d11wn. Peninsula Duplex! ON Tffll "POINT .. with 3 br. up. 2 down Nlrely tum. N..w dra~.11 11.11rl cnrpettnir. "'"II b11lll And only ~ yra. old. 527.~•00. smi.11 mrinlhly paymtnLI lncludlnf tnt. tax~s end w uran<'f'. Balboa Triplex! \\'ITH l BR EACH. Mn•lly 11ew tum. Cut from 118.000 to SI&,· 600 Jpr quirk aalf'. S~OOO do"',,, Peninsula ·Homes! OUR ''BEST BJ:TS" on Ule "point" Actually our but "buy." 2 br lge. 2 cu rara1e. Dlncllt. nr,. place. Patio. AU tum., SU,600, S4000 down, interior with that. expanaive feeling. Wonderful built-in kitchen. Carpeted, landscaped and w&llod. Stone' fireplace. Brand new tor 533,:500 and move in tomorrow for $10.000 down. v HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS AND YOUR HEART will be with this home when you eee the magnificent fireplace-the out.at.anding kitchen will please you too. 3 bedroom• and two baths on a large lot . New carpet.a, 220 power. A perfect home for $29,950. " NOT MUCH -JUST I A· LOT and wba t a lot . 50 feet running street to street. A wonderful pl&ee to build your new home. Steal It for $13,500 or for a at.art.er let ua abow you a won- derful 4 bedroom, 2 bath ahowpJace that can be duplicated on thie lot for $37,500 full price. v JUST STEP INSIDE this chet!rful home and you'll want to move right in, Proviocl~interior throughout with paneling and n used brick fireplace In both living room and mu- ter bedroom. 4 bedrooms or 3 and den, 2 baths, per- fect tiled kitchen. Street to street lot a etep from the beat beach. $28.:500. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST'' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400· Via Lido Harbor #44 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKEi" ENTRANCE) •. , trom thl• t>eauUful. epacl· OU.II t bdrm. t.nd dtn CUrt .0rtVe egta!t'. Just 2 yra. old and W1lh n,·er 2 000 11q, ft. or lfv1ng area. this ruetl<'. redwood pa.neled Newport Beach Motel 2 BR. It d'n, 2 betb.8, beamed cell· ---------------------Excellent Motel on Coaat Highway. 12 unit.a incl 2 dbU.. PLUS owners Z.bdrm. le den home~·Com­ pletely FURNISHED and in top condition. OFFERED at $55,000 • TERMS tn11. L&"e tlreplfce. Patio: Well f\lrnJahed. ll5,80c>, te-000 dQWll. Ctrn: 2 BR. and d.a home. Ex· cepll~Uy well built #\ucco, Walled paUo. Recently npAinl· ed. iu.ooo, SMOO down. · home la one or Ult ftnu t In the entire an•11.. It you want the beJt In view. lot itnd borne (not lru .. hold I make an appol11tmenl to 11ee lhl.11 hou~e now' The price Is $42,:SOO and the tenna are "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22-t w. Coaat Highway, Newport c each Liberty 8-M27 Balboa Realty Co. ( Oppo11ll• Ba.nlc of America) t xceUent! ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" TllO)(AS Mtlnben. MulUpl• U.Unr • • • COSTA MESA 2 LAROE bdnn11. hdwd. nooni. dbl pra~~nly 2 ~ yeara old anr1 In a nice eu hllde locaUon. Only 19,9110 full price with u· cell11nt ttrm1. Bay & Beach Realty 1898 Newport Boulevard C'nsta Mn a. CaJltornla LI 8-1181. Evea. Liberty 8·31M REAL VALUES Owner Transferred An<I mu8t •tll lhl1 lovely lllr~ bdnn. home. H""d. tlnora. ca.rptt· ed. tlrt'place, tilt kitchen and bath. WUI !rave drape11, auto- matic wuher and <!ryer. Beau- lltul l&M9C'apec1 ya.rd. a I rnpl- e&I parat111!fl ftncf't1 for prtV11ry 8" lbl1 today, tuU price 114 .~ Terna. Corona del Mar Good VOGEL VALUES- Check them over! No. 1. Charming 2 BR. le den, 1 Y~ bath•, ocean view home. choice location. W /W carpet, cUllom drapes. Colored bath fixturea. Fireplace. Cyclone fenced yard, beaut. lawn &t flowera, lovely patio. 185' deep R-2 lot, room to build ocean It bay view apt. The price llJ right. Ownen are moving aoon. No. 2. Lg. comfortable 2 BR. home plua dbl. garage It rm. for guest. Full dining rm., fireplace, HW floora. furnace, service, bandy kltch. 45' lot near atorea It ocean. Priced to eell. Low down payment. No. 3. Attractive 2 BR. home plua 2 BR. gar. apt. Many, many featurea too numeroua to mention. Beat location. Looking for a nice home Ii income! Call ua--you will be surprised at price & terms. Building Lot THE VOGEL CO. Oood location 12!1 • 1113., cloee to 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 the Blvd. Ideal locaUon tor 111· --------------------- COIM untta. Full pr1oe S52SO. B. A. NERESON . REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd., Co«& Mesa Phone Ll 8·1872 l:Yu. L1 8-6487 COHO:"A DEL MAR. Ocean Y1r w 4 unit.a turn. l-4 B. R., 2 ba., 1·2 B. R., 2·1 B. R. a:tr& 1,.. UY. rm. Garb. dl8J>. II pr. Nice• patio, 11111\ deck. nr. bcJI. Potential tnc. $6000. 110.000 wlll b&ndle, con· t~l owner, '30 A•ocado. Har- bor 0102. 10c22 BALBOA ISLAND 2 UN1TS ON nIE WATERFRONT. Nearly new, 2 bdrm. eacb and very attractive! Thia exceUent income will build the equJty for you. M L .f920. REASONABLE TERMS. PRICE $38,000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor • • And Aaoclatea Park at ltUine, Balboa Ialan~ -Harbor 2462 \ Rou Orttley Ed 1- Jack Ptnkbam JoeeplUDe Webb 700 I!:. Balboa Blvd., B• ·:'O& Mione Harbor J2T Sell or Trade NlCI: a br. bome on now.r Bt. Bdwu. fin.. dbl p.r .. 111.750. WIUI 11~ dn. or trade tor a to 4 br. But.a Ana. 0 . 0 ., Anaheim "ricinJty. FACTORY SITE 8 ACRJC8 M-1 at S:IOOO per acre. 21% dOWJI. HOME It INCOME I BR. 6 DICN HO~ plu. 2 br. apt. Good E. aide looeUon. Lge. lot. fta.IOO "1t.ll t.enn11. BACK BAY LOT wtlh view 13•50. NEW 2 BR. HOMIC. Rdwd. nrs . Paved pa tio, ~ar. 11q. lot. CIOM l.o tranll)>. It mkt. 199~. BEST BUY IN VA CA.1'1'1" on ... t 11lde. corner 18b330. cuu 6 Jot.t.. 18600. 8ff Ulla. It. won't lM1. Houston Realty A A 8SOCI.A T!".8 ~ C•ter 8L C:O.l& Mt1a L1 e.a11 S"Yea. Bar. !'>298· W HONEST BARGAIN 8Ell ILU\BOJt ud Valley 'f'lnr- but ltTtL I bfdnu., 2 bet.ha. ta.mUy room. %'~ ft. U'rinr room. OwMr la leaYlA• UM Bt.at•a, and lbl• 18 bottfft bu7. CDM 115.000. J'OR APPT. to -e&l1 - FORD VE1lRlNDJtR Bar.'* (IC..._ Hu. 1477) lltlc Corona del Mar Vogel Value Open House Daily 12 to 5 p.m. 232 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Salesman on the premjaea to ahow you thla lovely 2 Bedroom and Den home. Located juat 1 block from ocean on one of our nicest .atreet.. Large rooma. fireplace, expensive wall to wall carpeting, draw drapes & curtains thruout, disposal, 220 wiring, lot. of 1torage. P riced under $20,000 with good !inane· lng. See Thia. . VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Cout Rwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1H1-147T COSTA MESA EARLY AllERICAN, ueed brick, 3 bdrm., l 'h ba.., beamed ceilings. bar kitchen, dh1muhter , dl1poul. Dbl. gara.ge. Near Back Bay. $16,500, tenna. Lovely 3 bdrm., 1 h batll, parquet flrs., lge. k!t<:ben. on 83 x 236 R-4 lot In fut-growing area. Very clean.-$15,500, t.enn1. FOUR view lot.a acrosa St . from proposrd county park. Nothin' like it in uu. Approx. 1.7 acree. $6500, Terms. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland H&r. 02M Forget About the Taxes The rent from the 2 bdrm. apt, O\'er gar. will more than pay the t.axca. in1., & upkeep while YOU live comfortably in t.hc 2 bdrm. le <len house. Hwd. f1n., 2 fireplaces, BBQ. garb. diap. & other Extru make • this a real Home. A pleasure to •how. Pleue Phone.I Our exch..utlve R. L STRICKLER, ltealtor 3622 E . Coalt·Hwy., Corona del Mar ' . .. I PAGE a: PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Mesa Officer . THURSDAY. FEB. 10, 1955 A . Warns ga1nsl tlrf' unit• rHrorullni: and l'h• paJ ur \0olunt<'l'r f1remrn," 1.-"<! rl'v.>al· ,.J Thia WAii a r\thng (10111 Cit,)' Allomty Donald Pun11an. LH Slllll. Court of Honor Monda,y night 11aw three mothers re- ceiving their Life Scout pins from theiT sons above. From left. Allen Zamora, Chuck Remley and Dennis Cole pin them on. Cole arid Remley are from Explorer Post and Troop 5. Newport, respectively while Zamora is from Tr<>Qp 63. Costa Mesa. -Staff Photo COUNTY REPORT SHOWS-UPSWING OF JUVENILE CRIME FOR 1954 Lack of Parental Care, Autos, , Alcohol and Weak Laws Blamed ·SANTA A"t'.A fOCNS) -The1 H igh iichool and junior college rapid rl~ in Ortinge County juvtf-1 atudents were furnished material Jnih-erlm .. wa11 reflel'ted r t>rtntly and Information on delinquency, In an annual rrr)Ort by the Sher· crime and narcotics. lff'• Deput1u Juvenile Buruu. Campbell bl&mea the up1wlng In .. 1t·11 In And 11rount1 the h oml' th!' dangrr 1le11." Meanwhllt, Campbell pledgt>d tne full weight of the j11ve111le dt'parl- n1C'nt agam11l crime in the year llhl'Rd, Hayward Approved Building Inspector as An alarmlnl' totnl or 2471 Juve-crfme to lack or pa~t.al care and Al Hayward wa11 approved on Lathom Gets 1 ao I Days on Dope Rap 1 Blonde David R. Lathom. Ill, 800 W. W1llion St .• Costa Me11a, wa..<i ordered .to jail for 111x month11 Md placed on thve yl"ilrs proba· lion Friday llftrr admitting poll· ses.~1on of marijuana. L8thom wa.. arre11ted alnng with 11ix ot heni. five of them juvenlle11, D<'c. 30 by Newport Bcacn police. OfC1cera said thry round 30 fre•h· Jy rolled mttrljuana clgt.rellea In a house at 104 25th St. Judge Shea told Lathom "There still 111 some hope you t'lln get straightened out. However. thu1 thing you·v£• d~ne 1s the flnit atep to complete degradation. You'd ~~:~;_f_~~ ~!'...!Je right truk." nllc invt>stl!'allons were l"Onduct.-d legtslatlon, f'JCcu.alve uw or auto1 F eb. 1 by the Newport Beach by Sgt R111111ell <:ampbt'll. head by Juven!lu and the consumption F.lemt'nlary School Board ot Trua- or th .. d1v1~1on. und his 1tarr dur-1 or alcohol tees u a bulldlni.: 1n11pecto r to RS-progress on additions to Horace lnit 19~~. Th,., .. probes rC'l!Ulled in "Of cou~. the a dvance In popu· 11l11t Chnrll'I Kyte. building ln· r.n.~1gn anJ Harbor View St'hoola t he ult1mAtt' 1t11•·•l a11d •lelent lon la tmn maku thf' figures run ~pl'etor for the d1atrlcL 1rnd pro1rre11.s of the new lk'hool of !'!~Ai. 1nl'l11d1ni: I 02 111r1... high," Campbell explained. "But I Thi' m'n will w&tch bu1IJ1ng I wh'n It goe11 to con1truct1on. <.:ampb.-11 "~tinmtl'tl a bout 686 1 filed 1nt•·rro..:at111n11 w1•re h,.ld and nev .. r r.-c·onll'tl T hf' l9r1 1 toral w.1s in lnt'rl'wn• of 28!> , aMll nv!'r wr.:i. 1n 11p1te I of the fA t l Hu .. m 1 l'a1 k nnrl Cos t3 Mer.a &rr• """" 1u111 •·•.nni.: their own juv!'11 1I• ~ ' 'The b11o; ~urjCI' UJiY-lll •I 111 l<ld crlm,• c1m b·· ,.,...,.n 1111•1 •• 1 trarly on a y1•ar-lu·year •·ompar1s1un. In 1947. tor 1ni1t.11nct>, tht' JllV•'n1IP de• partmcnt hllnttll'd only oo:i 1'111 ... 8. Jt Jlllll)"''' ,,. ti:!~ Ill \flll!;\l<t79. 1949. 16GI. U•:,u, :Ill/\:!, 1f1:<1 . ~\JI. 19~2. 1<n1I :?\~Ii U1 \!l~>I Slxty·lh1 ,... "dull>< Wl'r•• J•ikd I last v•·&r for crimr11 1nvolvini;: Juve- ntlP». ••r 1n whk h th~ Jll\"rnllte Y.'tfC l ht' \lt't ttll' C11mpb"ll 1 .. 11 I h•~ •lt'pllnment prorrs~rd 16~ 1un11"11 y or lnl1'$ln.: boy11 11n1l 122 1:11h 81'vf'nty·l"''o b1kea wen· 11tol<'n "11 h a \'alue of $2~911 !'IO. 1-·1tty f'IJ.!hl w•·r•• rrcnver· ed &nd not11m l'\I l•> th.,1r ""''lltrs. Burclnry ronu nut.,l ti• bf' a lf'aol· Ing 1trm on th•· JU\'• n1lc pohee blotter. A IOIAI or 24';' bUrj;'IUrl"" Involving JUVl'nllr 11 W&/!I rrpor'lf'd. Out or that batch 112 mall'!! and four frm,.lr11 Wl're arn•,IP•I IUld df'tame•I. '43 b<•y11 And ttiur 1t1rl11 refrrrrtl t•• t h1• pmbatlon llt'J'll rt-1 mmt. I Sevf'nh" n r. luny .ex o rfen1>e• 1 werf' rommlllt>•l by Juveniles. One h undn-d "n<I .111x hnnwl' wrrl' •le· clarf'ft un(I! 1•1 rrA1KJn11lbll' tor cl\lld nt'Jo! h•t l. Only l 3 Jt1Vtnill'11 wpre prcwe~•ed on 011°rt'OI le rhu rl(t'.11. cam,Pl><'ll po1nttd out the utab-1 l11h111f'nl of the J11vrn1le court hu offerell 1rn l\wnur In the handlln1t 1 of Juvon1ll' Jlll'til-•' Thi• t he1>ry i undt r the n•urt l&w '' th"t " <'h1l<I who ro111mUa IU\ ,.,.t, ""h1ch H ~ommlltl'd by an A.lull WOllltl con- aUtut1• " cnm r. 111 not a r nmlmtl anJ1 rt>q11lrl'• t rftinlni;: not punt11h-' m'nt Howf'\'tl . in 110mt' t'trt"um•tMeta a JUVf'n\11' m&y be de<"lare•I unfit I for JllVf'nllt.· Clllll l. 111• lhl'n ll! I r1f'd anJ punlllhttl 1111 a crlmin&l c arnpbt'll and ht11 1>lllff are out to ,111 l'\"l'rythmir; in lhtlr power t o meet the < halltn~I'. Thl'y put on a comprehrn111Vt' , nmr prtvf'nt Ion program during 19~•-t. Thry prr- ~tl'J 11'2 proi:raml! in 11cn0<1I 8JI· 1 Mmbllr:i. l '-TA'11. 11rrV1re dubs. ci1Ul'('he11 11n1I othl'r ~ nuth Anr1 par· ent. KN11p~. 'T'wenty·twv ,,tu.lent ~roup11 wtrt' takt n on 1vur.t1 1•f I hr Jllll and ahertff fKe1l1Ut's. J uvl!'nllr oW cf'r Earl PuNtll hu aJ1111sttd lo or- sa.n111nir lhe , . Mtxh.:•n·Aml'rican I Oounrll iir Youth nnd rtie "BAI'· ron11 Car C'lOb " He Acts a11 ••I· Vllklr fo1r the 1:roup11. n .. f< .. r\"ini: 11ntll'rprk •ilr1:4'J boya I ,...,., ,. t::l\'1'11 r1 ,.,. r11ntf"'r~h1r• 111 the H '' I'' 1 •• ,. llo~·· C 101p 1 . lk• 11n•l .,,,~t un \\• ,.. \• ·~ H•' Sc-uut>. 1:111 1:,, ... :,. ul•: \ ~'· STEVENS & SONI HAS ITI NEW 1955 :Emerson • , .. I IT'S DELUXE-POWERED IT'S ONLY 1499! HVOUIJI_,. .,... ...... CMAlll' CO&H ~ AS ••c:tt 10 OPlllltfl ... OT"'I TY tnll PlllTt LUY llP TO It flMU lOfilelt I e rtll YOll TMI Nl•MTUf, CUAlllT, MOIT ITMll l't(fVlfl Mt I • The flonl is tlf.9Clfen I • &11!·'" antenna! • fasblon-~ tabintl in rdl decorltDr finishts ! (llOSfl ltl(l l lJ t-1..slldlllir),....t .... ·-._.-.. ~ .. f'f'-Ot'ffld!ltMlll .. ,..... _. _,.,._.. u-•·Hoont•O.· .... _ (i) STEVENS & -SONS :Emerson ... Over 15,000,000 · Satisfied Owners ••. America's Best Bayt Television ancl Radio WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 1879 Hcsbor Blvd. Costa .Mesa LI 8-2301 DUTCH LIFE STUDY SET FOR Careless Fires ST. JAMES' CLASS FEB. 15 Thrff unit• anJ 22 mf'n rNpond· ... 1 t<.1 an &Xplo•lon rf'J"•rl 1,•,·ently. 14"t' npor'lt•t, at thf' r.•ar or lMI Lire In l.ht :-."et.htrla.nl!a will t>to desc11bt'd by Mr .and Mrs. J ohn Ftt lcy. former f'xchanic:e ttat'hc>n1. at thl' World P ol il11'• Cl•~• on F eb. U at St. Jan ... s E piscopal Chun·h. Feelty, an lnstru•·tor at H untington B.-nch H1i;h School. and Mrs. Fttll•y. a teacht•1· at Newport H:u bor High. apt'nt last yen In E11rope while 01 . Oudei;"Ul~l,e from Holland taught al Huntington Beach H li;h Schuol. While her1·. Dr. and Mr•. Oudeg"U1ste told the Or1U1ge Coast Colll'ge poht\c3 da11a abo11t t he rnct1011s ot a Dutchman to America. Tht Fet'lt')'• will give the reAt'llon• of Amerlc-ans to Holluml. The clas1 meell at 7 :30 p.m. and is O)>f'n lo the public. PLENTY OF BADGES-Dennis Cole, right, .an of the Walter Coles, Newport, received 12 merit badges at Monday night's Court of Honor from Troop 5 Scout- master William H. Gibson. ~arr Photo Test .Drive the 9~ l?@[illQ) ·,. toda9.' Coat.a l\lf'S& Ftrf' Pr..vf'nllon Of· Tll•t1n Tun ml'n \'•''" u1in1t a fl<'t'r fblph ut tod11y 1s.sur'J a .-ultlnr; l•"' h •Ill " • ''' l11r Mra. w11rnmg d1recttd at iwrsona \\ho Lnn11 AJ 1,. wh.•n un rx1"11111111n oc• Jet nrH 1et out or control. Th<' •·urr,..i. :-\? on•• wag hut t. Lcoe aald, warning wa1 tsao~ on the hf't'ls 1 IU'ld thl'lf' w1u n.1 ,Janil\.:I' rrportl'd. n( two 11lmllar blazl'• 11tartf'd dur- ing rf'Ctnl Wl'f'Kll by cutting up • New Laftunan Born' t'al' with a t orrh. ,, "The person who lets a fin• (:l'l our of nmt rot could be hablf' ror any proJ)t'11y de11troyed othf'r th11n th~lr own, and for the uptn~e of l'uJllll1tllOn Of l't1U\h UtJ'Una wu~ rnl1'•'<1 J "n. :Z!\ \\hen the R ob- ert rt<•1lw1l1 fa1111I~· n111101111red th • arrl\•&I nf a boy • • Announcinq •ff"tive Monday, Feb. I-4th Tellers' WindoW9, Accounting Department Only 9:30-3:30 Monday thru Friday 9-12 Saturday -"II Other Departm•11h 9:30-4:30 Monday thru Friday 9-12 Saturday Corona del Mar branch 2407 East Coast Highway 10-3 Monday Thru Thundery 10-4 Friday WI MPCtn tolll'I • COUf'OM 900NI • ~--IOC* ..-u~ t.GlMC"f • • c~ ltetlOW UllYtCI .,.,.,CAN ""'" T11A•1u.. cwsovn • -n oe9tlll Ut41Tl0 UUll GO\'&-IOHDI COUICYtONI NOMI PVllCN4H LOU9 • COMITllUC'TICM I.a.NI ~an IWllOV!UllaNT ~ U'll.... ACCOUNT'I ,.,,. ... c..t-, ....... !f!!!~~~.~· L•I D 0 • I I ACM, MAllOI 4100 CALlfOINIA SEE NllW 8TYLING 'The lonpr, 1o ... '66 Ford hM captured the public'• fancy. And you've never .en iiuch lltrikinc color combine~ inlidl and out! ~model you .aect, you'U drive your new '66 Ford with a lp8cial pride of~- TRY NllW ..... Tric.-· Torque power-that' a the kind o1 i.mtant .up you pt from the ll"Mt new '66 Ford enfinea. C~ from the new 162-h.p. Y-block V-8, the 182-b.p. Y-b&ock SpedaJ V-8 in Fair- W-and Station Wqorw with Speed-Tri1 .. FCll'Clolutic Driw •. or the new 120-h.p. 1-block 8iL Ford bu built ovw 14 million V-8 ~ •A••'•..._ • • r.a.A.1. -- THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford D..a.r SIRC• 1921 3100 W. Coast Highway Newport leach Liberty 8-3471 • . •