HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-17 - Newport Balboa Press... 'I Nor IN IAIL-Myateries of the police two-way radio system are explained to Explorer Scout.a Ronnie Keeler, Post 17, seated, and Roger Lake, Post 17, by police Sgt. Ed Batee. The boya were guests of the police department yesterday· aa part of activities of Boy Scout Week. -Staff Photo Newport Scouts Take Over City Jobs for Day Boy Seoul• and Explorer Scout• from Newpnrl Beach umta par· tlc1pa ted ln "Scout City Day" ye11· t .. rday, 1lttlng In on m&ny jobs a long\1de city omclal•. Thoae who took part were Troop &. Garry Glle1, city clerk; John Cock. Harhnrmuter; Ch11rk Rem· ley. fire chief. Troop 81. Oeorgt' Hau8t'r, fire captain; Howard G~atrap. finance offict'r; Biil Ferry. city t'ng1neer. Troop li, Steve Blllll'rworth. counrllm11n, Jim Jnhn:«>n, CI r «' m11r11h,.I. P. E. CONDEMNATION FIGHT AUTHORIZED! Council Okays Resolutions Preparing for Acquisition City councU legal a clI'on to con· demn Pacific Electric Co. prop· erty from 3oth Sl. to McFaddl'n Place betwttn Balboa and New· port Blvda. was voted una nimous- ly at Monday night's meeting with a<1opllon of two resolutions. Jury Weighs $211,111 Suits NJtWPORT BEACH, . CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1965 Phone ~r 1816 Air Force 1111 • Jo Check N_HUHS New Site Nee~s New bope tor B&rtlor 11.lP lchool truat.H' nquMl for 70 ecru of old B&Dt& An& Army Alr Bue land for & a.w ICbOOl ail• WU Men today wtt.h ~pt of a letter from AMYt&nt Becntary of th• Air Force Roser lAwia to Judge Donald J. Dod.ge, bo&rd pruldent. Th• letter uld, m part: ''Ap- proximately 409 acrea of l&lld fOl'- mlrly part Of the Santa Ana Anny -------------------------- Alr Bue were tranlfernd to th• AJr Force by General Ber-rice• Ad- ministration Oil July 19, 19M. A• you have lndJcated, there la now & diallnct possibility that thl• acre- age will be declared aurplua by the Air Force ln the near tuture. At th.at polnt dlapolllUon tlon would be lnlUated immediate . COST FOR SECOND SPECIAL CENSUS FOR CITY STUDIED Another apeclal federal cenaua for Newport &ach may be upcoming. City Manager John Sallora Mondfty night re· celved city ·council permiilslon to find out the <'Olll of an- other head count.· In November. 19~3. a special cenaua, netted thf' city l!Ome 11100 new population in three yt'ara. Thia, ·in tum, boosted th• amount ot revenue the city could claim u lta due from var1· oua atate tax dlvl1ione. ' "In the meantime I &m making arrangementa for & local Air Force representative to cont.act you In ordt'r to ~ertaln what the mini- mum amount of aerea ge would be that might be required Jn ths event 1--------------'-------------- that a portion or th11 land could ASK $200 0001· Huntington Beach. lodaed, the be released. I w11h to call to your I ault. attention to the fact that clear-Named rltfendanta ue the M. ance would have to be obt&lned Bo s Barratt Oil Co .. M. Barratt, It, trom the Army, Navy and <Hneral yveys ue W. Byuhe Jr .. Parlflc Drllhng Serttcu Admlniltratinn befort' Co .. Ruas Watkln11. Ch&rln Howe any part Qf the property could be o·i1 Firm for and William Christman. relf'&aed. tor any purpoee." The plalntlffa uaert the deft'nd· The truattt1 plUl t o -k build· ants erPrted an nil derrick and !.nr !unda for more achoo! buUdln( otht'r 011 drilling equipment on faelllUu In th• May 20 election • Tresspass·~ng· and acroll their property. whether or not & new att.e la ob· The plalntlff11 allt'ge the defend· tained. They wW rrteel tomorrow ant• moved In w1th ln~nt to In adjourned 1euton to t lnlah SANTA ANA (0CN8) _com-cheat and defraud them by tak- Mond•Y • meeting which dealt pl&lnt tor lnJuncUon and $200,· Ing po1aeulon or a portion or their with routine matter•. 000 damagu wu !lled In Super· land. . • ' • 3 Squa~ Mile Parcel to lndude Some 2100 Acres By BEN BEDDIOK Annexation of more than 3 11quare milee of UPI*' !(..- port Bay ~o the City of Newport Beach wu atarted ~ legal processing tod&y by action of the city coundl al • adjourned meeting. The propoaed annexation will doublil tllll aize of the city and add 2100 acres to the corpor&t. limit. The e.cllon waa taken on the .,.._ 111• of & petition pruented t.o the council bearing lh• a1gnaturu of Edwl.n Munlt'y and Georg• 0. HO&C JI, ownen of paroela on the Uppt'r Bay. Included In the annuatlon &re 90me 1400 acrea QI l&nd belong- ing to the I"lne Company. Th• company, however, wu not • •lgn- t'r or the peUUon. Pause-Dockins Jury Choosing Moves SlowlJ BA?n' A A!fJ\-tecN•l-----·--__.:::.m J'n~l 17. Robert La.kt'. Jl"hce caplain, Rnnolf' K>'tlcr. c:b1>f of Jl"l11·1·. Tim lJrl11kell and K!'nly Harvt'y, both councilmen. Resolution No. 4303 announced lhP city'a Intention to proceed with condemnation of tht' right-of· way Whll<' Re11oluuon flio. 4304 authorized eXt>c-uUon a.nd filing or a petition with the State Public Ut11lt1e11 Cnmml11sion to Inform It Of the \.'Q ndemnatlon proceeding1. S ANTA ANA. Feb. 17 COCNSI -A Superior Court jury •tlxlay welghrd the reapon•lb1lllle. In a------------- have been argued before the Jur· ors ln Superior Juq. John 8hea'1 court. lor Court yutt'rday by a New-· Acc<>r.~1111 to the plalnUCfa. Ute port &ach couple and another derrick l• to be u11ed to drill Into pair from HunUngton Beach. ti1e prJperty adjact nt to their•. The annexaUon will atraighten out conCual.ng city boundartee alonr Bayalde Drive near Beacon Bay and Balboa !Aland and will take Into the city & l&rge area ot Jrv1ne Company property on either aide or the Cout Hlrhway weeterly of Marine Ave. tedloua eelecUon et tM ,_., .. hear teelltnony 1n tM ~ cue ot auapended <>rans• Ooull\7 liquor control ott\ow lloennU Nov. 3. 19~3. two-car accident at 17th St.. and Irvine Ave., Coat a Mua. Poat 0, DonaJd Gordon, building lruipector; l'k'>uglM I.Ang. rlty at· tMnf'y a nd F.ti Glhaon. mayor. Three peraon&I Injury aulta to· talllng approlllmately $200.000 HJ...ttcOR WEATHER Orans11 County weather fore- cast -lJf'rrtaiolng cloudlnt't1a t~ night bf'C'omlng n1011tly 1unny Fri- d ay Tempera•un.e tae .,.., -• Ill ttll• Harbor ..,... werei Council action on the ruolu- Uon11 marked the most concrete work toward actual condemnation proceedings noted In rt'cent years. The rlght8-of-way Involved have been Rllbjt'ct ot numerou11 pl11na dulgnrd to ftmooth out bad tr&f· fie t:nnJ(r11t1on and improve th" Newport area throu("h which r .r:. tr11rkage runa. ., ftlSll Low Friday, Ft'b. 11 ..... 89 4 1 Saturday. l'"eb. 12 •. 63 43 Sundav, F'eb. 13 . . . 6:'.I 4 1 Mon.iay. Feh. 14 66 .s T 11ri.d,.y, Feb. l~ 67 47 \\'"<lnrMlay. Feb 16 62 ~l Thunday. Feb. 17 67 04 R"'"'"ll total for Ft>b. lf and With eom• •too,ooo -nn&rked for a cqulaltlon ot P.E . property In city coCCeu , preeent plan• call ror evacuation or the right-or-way and then relocation upon It or hwldlng11 now fronting on Newport Blvd. The atreel then would bt' wldl'ned Crom 32nd SL to a proJX!r lntt'r9t'('tlon Wllh Balboa Blvd , 11oml'whne near MrF!lddPn Pl11c• MESA SCHOOL BONDS GET 6-1 APPROVAL! C-nata M1·• 11ehool l'lond1 c&r• rir•I hy mc)re than 8 to 1 In Tuu- d11y'11 t'l1·rllnn wt th • t olal of 1388 yea on the bonds t o Z 18 no votu a nd on the question of borrowin« frf'lll th" alllle. Bonda of $876.000 Wf~ tN•lliht pill-the lot1n C>f $2.- 22~,00Q from the 11.Ate. Sy pr#clncta h,.re ar. the re· IA.Illa: P reclnrl No 1, bonds, 601. yea. 113 no: borrow from 11ta tl'. 600 ¥e8. 113 no l'reclnct l'\o. 2, bon.U. yr1. 274, nn. 28: borrow from 11ute. yM 2~. no. 211. rre<'lnct l'\o 3, bconda, yt'I. &13, no ii; borrow frhm 1lalt'. Y"•· :'.>113. no. 7i. The bo9rd of t ruatH• w1U can- -• t h" ''Ole Ftb. 23 a.nd thl'n !nrv.·ard th1 N!IUlta tC> lhe bond· lnp:. •t tnmey, SuJ>"rlOtf'n<1ent Ev· wW go toward four new 10Chool situ a.nd exp1aM4on of four e?il11t- lng prop4"rtlce. erf'tl R N l announced. The Aged Mesa Man Recovering from Brutal Beating Sheriff'• depullu today con- tmuffi lhJJlr tnvratlgatlon or t ht' brutAI t>1'llng and robbing of a 90·ytar-olc1 Col!lll Mesa pt'nalon"r. Jr>M'ph Mus. 84:'1 W. 16th Sl . rl'portedly wu In good condltl(ln today alter he wu attacked by four young men In ht• home Sun· dav night. Ma.u told depullea be wu half ule"P on hut bM when the quar- ll't ot l'uapect1 enterl'd. p A c J /. • Orange County and C09l& M ... V-UalMMl-Pac•' ' .. ' . ' .. .. . Plalntlff1 Mr. and Mra. H. 0 . T ht0 d('ff'ndanta' lan<1 wu <M-1lg- Boyvey. 1139 W. Balboa Blvd .• and nlllt>d u lot 17. block 202, H\Jnt· Mr. and Mra. Walt.er JC. Draper. lni:-ton Beech. Pauae and mute '9o& machlM operator Ok>nr Docldna eoeU- ed thla mornlns. 'l"'9 ead wu aot tn lllpl. ' 's \ • • ·: ' PIJ'OP0.$60 i.INE P A.BALLEL8 MESA. Wnterly boundary of th• pro- po11ed annexation to Newport Buch parallela th• city Umlta of Coet& Mua and leavee a corridor ot aome 600 feet between t.b• two cltlu . Thi• lln• parallela Irvine Ave. lnland from 17th St. to 21at at. TIM p~ -boundar1 lln• o6 ~ Clt,y ol H~ 8-11 would tht'n follow Jmne .A.vr. ln the ex lens Ion or th• t nf'W atreet to Meo Drive. The ln.l&nd boundary would par- allf'I Mua Drive eutnly to the ruterly boundary or l"Pwport HerbOr union Hl(h School dlll· t r1ct on the far euterly aa!1e of th" U ppt'r Bay and pra.cllcally parallel with MacArthur BIV'd., t!Qlf way between th" l"pper Bay a.ntt MacArthur Blvd. Tht' propert1u or Mu.n11ey and Ho.it are locate<! at the rsr ln- lan•1 rl'S<"hf'll or the propo11r<I an- n'"x"llon. Munftl'Y 13 <LI the north· f'tJ!t comer o ( flf'I Mar l.tnll Ir· vlnP Avu., Ho"g at Me~a Drive and Bl rrh Sl. A!'iNEX.ATION PLAN The phm Cnr annexat.ton will In· C'l111le within tht prop<JsPd eictt'nd· f'<I hmlll or th" ('1ty OC Nl'wpnrt Beach all the prupoAl'd \'pp•'r D11y cl .. v('lnpmPnt or both the Irvine l C-o 1101! the County oC Omngt \\'h"n lnr<irpo1 ated Into the Ctty of Newport Beach It w111 pt"rmlt Pau. and Docki.na are ~ of commt\Ung acta tnJuriolaa to pubUc moral•. penwUng juatlce and obtltrucUnc the due a.dmt.nta- tratlon of the l&w1. They .... rtedly worktd tog1tb• er In mlahandllns a.ttaln conned- ed with 8D&AS H&rllor Inc. Dock· -~-............. , of tlle arm. l au.. la a.ccu.aed o r uamg hi• ottlc.o U> lnfhamc. Ole ltau Board of EquUuUon. He .-rt.edly had a.n lnterf'tlt In 8nur Harbor Inc. an4 profited from the t"1lafer and lnu&nce of beer and wtne on-1• r eneral Uquor llcel\89. P auae allo 11 awaJUn• ti&t on another gnnd Jury eoMptraq bl• dlctment. DeliYery GllClrGRtMtl Delivery of tll• Newport Harbor N tWl·Pr•• l9 1\1&1'- anteed. All ,a.reu of tA• c-.. munlty an npldl7 belaS placed on carr1u deliftrJ'. Carrier boy1 will deUYer th.tr pa~r• before I p.m. OD Mon• <111y and Thurlday. It 7f:A# paper 11 not dellvertd by U\&t hour pll... call Harbor 1'11 ·• !lnd a. special route man wtll Immediately r • 1 po ad wtUI your copy-of ~ K...,ort Harbor N•w•Prea. ('011Unl.lf"d on J>acr 4 ------------- TllE NEW LOOK-Expanded limlt8 of the City of Newport Beach will encompue en: tire Upper Newport Bay If annexation proc.-edings mit1ated by c ity cnunr1l thla mom· lng are carried to conclusion. Stretching along margins of th" bay on either 11ide to the bead of the body of water at Mesa Drive, the annexation, "" propotK'd , will add .more than 3 equare milee of area to the city. Almost doubled will be the aize of dtJ by the 2100-acn addition to exiating 2700 acre• n<iw includt'd in thP City of New- port Bea.ch . The annexation wu Initiated upon r('(lUeflt of two property owners in the UD'!I" S., .,... ~ L. ~ ud Geor,e lio&1 • • rPAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -------- ,t THURSDAY, FEI. 17, 1955 Oil.ANGE DllYU CUPS COP CAR Damar• lo t.h• riirht fender ol a new police car occurttd Tueeday nia;bt In tba perking lot of a drtve-ln when a car driven by Scott Delln~r 8<.'hoonov.-r of Onlpf" clipped the police unit. Schoonovn told ottlce.-. he dld not. ae. the pouce car en· ter the lot. Otrlcer ~raJd D. Br-. driver of the police car, aa.ld l;I• noticed the other car coming toward them and tried to ~t hi• pati;pl cu Into r.verrie before It hit. 'PAPU H.ANGU' Police Warn of Check Artist Mesa Soldier Enck Anfty DHtal Cowse FOftT SAM KOt'STON.. TEX. -Pvt. C lifford D. F'ott1er, 19, eon ot Mr. and Mrs. Guy D. For<'ter, HO CabriUo St., Coat.a Mua, re- cently wu 1raduated from' the I Arm\''• M .. dt.'al f' I f Id l'f'n·I<'• Sch,-.01 al t ort' :-;11 111 U11111•ton, Tf'll Prl\'&te Foti'lf'r ""mrl .. ted the achool'a df'ntal 11ASl•lan1 1 ourM. Ht' ente!'f'<I t hr A 1 rn) I ••l July and romrletffi ba. .. tt· t1e1nm1 at Fort Ord. F UN"lf'r la a\'h•'<lUll>tl fnr &a1111 n- ment In the t~ar Eut U LT ft...--ph au• Mo. c·-• 111¥4. • • -I "'"1a0 ' -l.Aot'SA ftF.AC'B I LECTURE T ue1.1 Feb. 22, 8: 15 p. m. I Subject: "KARMA -lt'1 Scien'tific MHnin9'' l'uWla la lavltf'd Admluloa nn:r, '.'\O ('OLU:C'TION MAKE us PROVE IT ------ .. We ... , .• alto"'ll m-y autO!ftoblle drivww •ow to aav. moa•y th• ~tatt1 Fann •e:t• .lust stve us t11t1 opporhinlly to prove to yoa u.e -y a&\1n~• lldna._.... of tM ...... dltr.ft'Dl plaa plo~ lty l'ltate Fum. in Harbor .Area NEW DIRECTORS FOR AM_IGOS YIEJOS Four flctltlou. checks for $~7.26 State Farm Insurance Co. •• have been paallt'd t o date on coa-Touching candle-lighting ceremony gagged up. by Emcee Les Steffensen, left, yes.-llLOOMISGTOS, IU .. w.1.~• ta Mesa merchanll! by the Aam<' terday, saw J ohn T. Boyd Jr., holding candle and Ted Hambrook, far right. inducted L I.. C.lr .. bad check artist, P olice Chief Art as newly-elected directors of fun-loving Amigos Viejos, do-nothing group of civic and ISS E. 17th St., <A>st& Mt"A& u 8·1011 McKenzie of the Mesa police de-;;;;~co~un~t~y~le~a~d~e~r~s~. ;~S~t~a~f~f~P~h~o~t~o~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:::=:::;~;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ partmenl r PpOrted toduy, The r ----- latest palr w u.1 taken in by Vin- aona a nd Sam Cox markets, Mc- Kenzie 1&11.l. He warned, "others LIBERATION FLAG RECEIVED Harry Campbell, TWA pilot who llvu at 229 Orchid Ave., ln- sperl.ll the h11nd-made Ameru::an flag which he delivered to Dick llmk1·, r ti.rht. 42A R1vrra Terrace. 11'1e flag waa made hy M r. &nd )fr 11. Theorhllr Perrier of Par111 by candlelight during the G,l'mian ncruJMltlnn or World War Jl. It wiu alltched from -1<er1tp!l "' n11\lrt1.;1 ll cinalt'd by friend.II. The 11lars were painted may ahow up." Each check 111 toked agalnsl the CAiifornia Sl11rco <.:ompany Of 621 King St , S11 nla Ana, aml llrnwn on the Comml'rl'la.l Natlonnl Bnnk ot Sant• Ana. Tho chrckl4 are made pRyl\blr to J ohn R. W1lltams who gtve1 his addreaa u 386 E. 23rd St. Sgt. Roy ~Mani or the Orange County Sher1H'a departnlt'nt said he , h:ii1 definitely linked the "paper hanger" with a bad cherk pa1111t•r who operated In this area In 19:)2. D!'~fan explained tlt.&t type on lhr rhP<·k fRce Rnd the l!IJ:'ll&ltire were &1mllar to Ulo~ us!'(t bark r--· ..---..-. . on the blue f1fl•l by hOmt'madt' pa.int m1xl'd u om w hite gelot1ne 41n1l tur~ntint'. Thf' fl11g flew from the f'uner's apartment win- ttmr-trr'i"lm!"_.,,,, tf'l'l'-"'dwr ~~-llbe• a~ ~-· ocn1p11t1r.n by Ame11t'11n troop•. T\VA flrw the flaR to lnlrr- naUonnl A i1 purl. J"gll'wuod, whtre It WL, delin~red to Capt. Campbell who In tum dthvt red It to Drakt'. Drake 111 a lso holrt- In 19:,2 by a btld rhecJc f'~""..-+--.,,__-­ who us1 •I th•• Anahrlm M11 <"hlnP "~Jl"lf!I II' blind. -·-~°"-• The <h'pllty al"° d111rlnsf'd thr de~<'rlplll'lns are nr11rly ehkr. ThP l\Ul'P<'<'t 1~ flel'rnbtorl 118 about ~ 0 Y<'llfll, 6 Cl., 7 In , w ith 11anrty h1ur. lng t he r r n1111 or I.nrr.1lne which the PPrrtera made fnr Ute Hb- •r111 lun. -Atllff T'hntn Ila. f'xrrllent 11rhools prompt NI me I to df'cld•• on permazi1•nt resl•lt'nrt' j hrre with my r l'l1rf'mPnl," r .. rl••• 1 • llllld. nurlnit t hr pll.!!l Wl'('K thr New York Stork Exl·hange &l'crpl·J <''I him 1111 ll rei;lstf'rrd rtpresentl'l- t1v<', {Ol1<1WlnK !'Xlenl'IV<' tl'~lll. -.. -· .. \\ 11 I I \\I IC . l't .t .1.t:ll HOME LOANS At Or•nqa County'• Ludioq Homa Lendin9 ln,t:tution QUICK l4 HOUR SERVIC E LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHlY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SUVICE ~VY TIVST OHOS l lOCA no HOMES LA Ci UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOClATK>N 212 OcHn A,;.-. I LAGUNA BEACH P\oM HY 4. I I 77 t i Peeler Joins Local Stock Brokerage Firm WlUll\m Randolph P cckr, who Ju.l reUred u commandln&' offtcu ol UN N aYal Air "-rv• Traln-tns Unit. Santa Ala, has become 1 ullllOCllllt<l u c11stomPrs repre~rnl· alive with the locaJ ShrarMln, Ha mmill &: Co. office Al 3331 \Ila l.ldCI, It was 11nnounct'd today by ~forl'lMd Lfolthnlll. managl'r. "Lo\'e or the Harbor arf'a &nd l><'eler. a rl'Mldcnt or 712 l'nppy Avf' the p1111t two year11, lt\'<'S there with his wifo snd their 1mn and dnu~hltr. A 1rrMduate of the U. S. Naval I Ac~ukmy, Annapc>U8. Peeler reUr- ed u a Commonder, having Mrwd In the navy 1>tn<'e hl11 gnult1Al1nn tn 11134. llunng \\'oi Id \\'er JI h,. 11erv"'I In lht• Soul.JI P acific nnol In lhf' Mi'dlt,.n lln<'An. !';om" ot his serv1rr hu h1rl1•tl w•1rk with r-c-1 ur a · l ion for('f'R In J apan e nrt llaly. TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America r - Newport leach Branch Rofond A. Wright, ~ "-.,_-._ ... " .... WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? The face char cwo famous prt1idenu wett born in Ftb- ruuy rtmiods us that lattly sonw of our friends h.,.t bttn opening ··birthday" saving accoun u -.rithtr fo r thtm· nlvu or a member of cht family. TM idn i\ ro savt a rtnaifl acnount nch wttk for a Jpt<ial purpott>. stanin~ on c.ht ptrson'• birthd1y. ~ chiu it'• 1 fit1t idn-buc .,..hy WliC fOf • birthda1 1 Why noc start righc now? iiilll•I SIGN Of THE ~TIMES ••• ~ 7inup/M -L J.dging b)' t.ht nwrwbn of Tuntplan aueo 6naocing con-,111111111! trlcts ... ,,. proc..ed 90 fu ~ chit year, cht 1955 models •tt goiog co ouc·~ll any prtvious ynr. Tlwre·s a tftMMI for thiJ., of <ouw. t~s ·s crop of an noc only toe* good. they•~ ~ -undovb«rdly tM bttt 1Utomobilft "'" baih. And Timtrlan i~ a good 50und .,...y to buy-throu3h rour duln or rJW 0... ol America braacb. ? Bof A OtL1z ~M ? DID YOU KNOW TMAT J'O'I no tnMt.r a 8 ol A ••inp 1C'COunc ·from your branch to 1n1 ont of Senk of Amttica's 550 bnnchn in Californii-wicho.c bi1ig a ptnft1'• wonh o( inttrnt ? This is i""' ont mort of tht rwt7 1Ch111taga of doing besinHS with Bank of AIDeric:a. • ANTIHIStAMINll 1uun lelle¥e ,.,......_. I • .. cold•. '50'17 .. I =-c :: .. -, ASflROIDS ~, coW capsules _;, · fet.e.,.• di,c.o~to••• ol cold• Jo• .,.. ~ 47' - LUCKY ~·SALE FEATURES =-SWAIS S!tri111t0 fGllOll ftolfbl I Ott OJ 700 3 7( REG. SS• 2-Clll SPOTltGHT :!: 1.17 ..... & lMift' As odv.,._, ... U .. • LOOK • POa'" cown·s • llT1lll .,AIMING fAIM JOUINAL 1t1 COMIS. thO!Ce ol s•m ................ '. ............ 2 ftr 41c MlllaOR. 1t"011nd-tt1t-neck style ............................. Ile WHISll IROOM, 10' sire .................................. 57c U.SO HAIR IRUSH, nylon brislles .......................... Ul "COMET'' GOLDFISH 11 AQUARIJM ,_ ... ,.,..,..",,,1"l••• ..... ........ ..-!'~......, •oL• .. 'k' ,.,., 0..-•t flll!IM .... offe•I 10 ...... 77c .... s1.u "COMET'' GOLDFISH 11 AQUARllM POOCO COMI 110('' """ IOcV ...... '1D & COYER sn '°' inlllift&boltf. SiliooMnd .. u ...... 1.n ROCKET IAllOON inflllts to «· ............ k '"'" 2ft1 71 SCUW OAIYEI SET S bfldes, lllndJt ............ tic nf1t 171 KITCHEN HUSHES St! of Sin baa .............. He..._ 47c k SHOE LACES mtton, 27.incll ................... 1'81nltt71 MEDICINE CHEST BUYS t t.IJ (~lJON MONACn AK. fAl&llJ ... llN •• 100 71 ••dH ( IOfM h••"J 57< llO ... LIDO DRUGS I' OlllOSoll OUOM SYIUP -::.!!" ·a"'1··~·· IOJW ( GUS·UNOS "'-Asnc A014UiVI IANOAGfS ..... ,, 37< 110.Jft .. OM of l h~ l.ldn t'hnJ>'" Mel Via Udo, Sf'wport Bf'uh HARBOR DRUGS SSOI E. Cout H~"· C'orooa drl Mar BALBOA DRUGS 718 r;, Bafboa Rl\'d., ftalhoa Prescriptioft1 Our Specialty DORMITORY CHECKED-Here'• how Roy Yountone, Harbor Kiwa.nt.. Club presi- dent, left, and Superior Judge Kenneth Morriaon found the Juvenile Home dormitory Tueaday. Kiwaniana are sponsoring April turkey shoot to raise funda for pro~d new boya' ranch in Trabuco Canyon. -Bob Childa Photo Gorton Named Juvenile Boys' Ca~p . l~terests in S300.000 Newport Harbor ~·.~~~NA~~~.-.... Damage S ., TENTH HUI CAP ~i:o~e ~:=y ~:~:o:.:u~~ UI · TAKEN, HE SAYS •ending of a requeet for co·opera· Theft of two hub capa from tlv• !un'111 to lh• Callromla Youth SANTA A":\A IOCNSl -.A hia car Tu-S.y la-the Villa Authority. traffic accident at Cout Highway Marina parklnf lot wu r~ The monlea would be uaed In the and Dnlbo& Bl\'d., wu the bull or a $300.000·plut per1onal Injury damage 11ull !1lrll today. r1amlltf• are Willi• and Mar· (&rrt Pratt, 20MI Thurin Avr· .. Co•· ta Men. Named aa defendant 11 K. W. Gorton. 217 20th St. The plalntlfb charge Gorton with drlvtng nel(llgently and cau1· Ing hl11 car to ram Into lhelr1. The collllflon &aMrUdly occurred at •·t~ p.m. Aur. 18, t9M. ported to police by Richard operation or & buy• camp fur t.le· William• ot 411 Ja.amlne A\•e. llnquent.a plann~ tor the upper H• told otflcer1 these werc-Trabuco Canyon &rea. Supervisor• the tenth h ub cap1 to be have not aa yet approved the pur· taken from hla ear In the lot chue of the 270-acre "Roche11tu ln the put two monlhl. He Ranch" at a $37,1)00 price. An •aid he allO had three Ure appraieal by a county. a ppointed tubel ruined Ln the lot durlJll' man 11et the value at about $WOO the 1ame lime. lcu than the figure uked by own· er William R<ichcat er. N C\\ port Sixth Vogel Co. Harbor Klwanlana are inten :sted In aJdlng the ranch project. ---~ .w .. ~.~~~~·~-+e~;m...-Ani11.--Nere ment In Supf'rl<'r Court ht>r•' on a However U1c county .1111pen ·111or1 lndlcatc\l they hope to get U1e ranch in operaUon by m1d·11ummer felony dnank Jriving rhRr(• In c-onnf'ctlnn with I hi' 1rc-ldenl. He wu to b1· 1H1°1\illn"'1 Frld11y, but u krd Judjtf' J nhn ~hea tor a con· tlnua.n<'e Thf' d .. f,.nJ 1nt 111 frre on bull. Announcement or a new Lido or t bl1 year. A 30.boy capacny orrtce IOr the Vogel Co. ttal es· 111 anticipated by J uly J, 19~. late lnternla wu m ade tod.ay. The Youth authority tunda are used orrtce 111 at 3418 Via Lido a nd wlll ror operating expenaes only. It Is are Myrlie Davy and Bruce We....i. provided al a maximum of $90 wrllk11own local rt•al estate folk. per monU1 per boy on a matching auocl:itn at the nrw qu&rlere. fund bull. Thia markl the 1lxth otflce for -------------DEATH NOTICE C'l.A l'DF. \'.GRAY F'uneral 1en•lr"s for Claude Vnlvero Gr.y. 87, 18i Mai:noUa the Vogtl Co , olhen beln~ 1ltuat· ed on W. Cou t Highway, Balboa hl.1n<.1, Corona di'! Mar, Lagun& Bra h ant1 Collta Mu a. Aw.•. Cn11tl\ MeM. wert' h•·ld Mnn· Savidge Cam•ra Gone ctav at 2 pm. In rarkf'l·Hulll'y I Mnrt11ary Chapf'I The Rev and Theft or a $12~ carnua from .._ __ M1,. \'. (' 11m1r,.z or the Four· her. car parked In a loclll dn\·,.1 llQlllHf Gn .. pel Church l)f Coat& an WU rl'ported to pohce Tuu· r M .. ,.. f.>fhPl•t~. Interment wu In day by Mr1. Samuc-1 h Savidge, \\',.•tmlnatn :Memurl&l ra.rlt Cem•· 312 3)th St. She u ld the ramr"' If'• 1• bfolonited to Mn1 Joan 15av1'1~ ~11' Cr11y dl•'<I F'C'b. 10 Qt 11 ht>Ut I who 111 vi•ltlnjt from W uhlngton. 1111111'-nl lfr "'1111 a n"llvt> cir 1.1ma. Oh1u 11nt1 hA•1 II\-.'<'! rn C"o~lll ~f,.'W Chap• I "'1:h the Coit& Mesa for :Ji "''" hll•I "c" k,.fl In thf I Grangc> otr1clat111g, aulat.ed by lhe pr°'"h11·t11u1 1lc>parlnwnt "' St11nd· ttrv Ch111l!'ll F. H&11d. Mr. Fox 11rd n il 111 Huntlni:tun UcnC'h for •llrd Fri.toy at Ho.ag HOIJpltal :JO ) r;11 ~ S11rv1'""" .. r,. hlJI wlf". aftt r a 11hort lllnu.a. He wu a C1u rt,. M. or thr horn" 11d1lrf'&1 nauve or •-r.donla , Ka ' and came two •l1111i;hl• r~. Mr~ Alfrr<I H,.nr)' to thl11 11tlltf' In 11113. He had lived nrd '.\I•• J11• \\ •• .. •~II'. b<1lh or In Cnata Mu a for the put elrht l'neta ~hJll\, hnr hru'h .. ra. ttla1n4' )'"Art . He wu a bulldlnir contra.ct· \\', r.ra v .. r 1 .. 1111~111 na r lo)d and or anrt member or Cotta Mesa Vlqo l or Mwh11;11n, Harry ot Ar· Grange S11rvtvor1 are hi• wife. I k1tn•i.•. 11n•I thrl'" 1;r11n1khl11tren. AllC'e A . of the home: two d&U('h· ICM.l.S •••••••••••• 23' .. 17c,_t ,_.,, IRA C". ··ox •·•JnHI' I \C'l\'l« JO ror I r11 C, Foll, 7~. 21fl:l fo~Mr"'""" H<>ad, Costa Mr~•. W l't• h,.1,1 1\1r~<lAV At 10 00 • m tn l'.11 kr~·Hirll .. ,· • Mnrt11a ry t4'r1. M r 1. M&rjorl• McMurtry o r ~rkflry and Mra. LucWe Sta.II· lnit• of Durham, N. C.: a al•ter. 1 Mr1. Jva Roe ot Colt.a Meaa: also lour (T&lldchlldren. P rivate lntn· menl wu In Harbor Reet Mtm· orl1tl P ark Cemtlery MESA BUILDERS BARE . $1 MILLION PROJECT The homea wm cont.aln ~tw4'en 1800 and 18~ aq fL l-O lncludf tl~pla.ce, hardwood floor1, alldlng rlu• ••ll.11. bullt·ln range and n~~~~~11'd. oven, lfllrbage dlspoeal, ceramic lll• lhrou1thout, a.Ider ,..ood cabl· COROSA OF.I. MAR AJlnoun<"emrnt n ( a Sl,11()1),000 4 :·home r11nch 11n1l f>trm 1tylt ~ub­ dlvla1on 10 go 1010 rr•nlltructron nrxt wMk on ("abrallo SL be· twttn Tu1t1n 11n1I lrv1nr Ave.a. wu e nnouncrd in.111y by &n Kinr. p~11ldrnl nf M"J1• Bu1ldert1 and Equtrm,.nt Co or Co.tta Mu a. T hi' th~e and tnur·bedroe>m homts will all have two batl\.9, Klnr: AAH1, and wall be prlred be- twt'f'n f li,9~ and $19 000 "We ~h~''" lh,.ae homo tt> be thr fin· ""t qu.Ully <'onatructlon enr bulll In thl• an a tor the purchaaer'1 dQlhLr value," K.Jnir uld. tos Coaol\ Hwy. net1. forct'd air heal and all plHl· 1 ACORD'1' l..Aflt"SA Rf:ACD erf'd and pa.Jnle<J wall9. 2tlS nroadway Weatnn Ora.fling ot Newport 1 ft \I.BO.\ l!U.A.''D ~&ch deAlgned the homea. AJI fl· 200 Marine Ave. n1tnc1nt; on them will be handled St:WrORT BEACH lhrourh Newport· Balboa Sa,1np no Coaal Hwy. and Loan AMOClaUon, with aalea '-::=:=:==::=:==::=:==::=~ handled by the M~ Bullder1 aalea ...; dep&rt.ment headed by Ja.ck Mc· Call. -It paya to read th• W'IUlt ada. ••••••••• BUILD oa you BEACH LOT NOW!! • • • • • • • • • • • THIS IEAUTIFUL OOMPLETE • TWO IEDROOM DUrLEX Pilla • . '11,95000 : • • • • • IncludlD1 thfR -.nulD, f.-turM e A~•• ""4woed 8'4la1 • AlmnJawB <:--.& "18doW9 • f1~ la t...-Valt • l'lldlas O.._ PMlo o.or • a.,._. .. Dt•pouJ • 111.rC'll "IUW'll ... ....... ~Ulll« • Do9We a.,... • S.Wer CoaoHtloD e Waler MeW ColllMltUoa • 1'H '1'1ab-8Mwf'f c.ab. CARDINAL HOMES • • • • • • Op.n '7 Day11 119 J:. 2Srd ~t. In C-Mta lie. U 8-&t&~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE·L A. ·HELICOPTER PASSENGER FLIGHTS SOON ORANGE, (OCNS) -Helicopter pauen1er .ervice ~­ twetn Oranl{e &1111 Lo• AJlgelu will be In etre<'t wlthln 30 day•. Thia wu annount·td yesterday by Gene White, pre•l· dent or the Or&llce Che.rnbt-r or Commerce, following a meet· In& of city &lld chamber otrac1aa wtth ot!lclal9 of Lo. Angele.e Alrw•Y•· White atao announ~ the Oran1e County Board Of Su· pen•l90r1 rave pem11 .. 1on for Ole company to ln•lllute pa•· ..,.njl'er wrv~ on Ill• heliport within th<' Oranre City Umlll betwttn "'-rku and Gl.-ll Sta. a t SanU1.4ro Creek. All.houih th• port ua 1n Oranr-e. the land 11 owned by the county, Whit• o~ maJtlnr It neceuary for the hell· copt..r company lo complet. a contract with the county. 1 'IOUI IN IUSINESS' Mrs. ·ADCe Burke Buys Island's Clothes Horse for the put H yean. A 1elt·d•· Krlbed "down-eut Yanlcee of FAnch-!:ngillb anoe1t.ry" the new owner )lu remodeled and redecor• ated The Clothu Hol'M Shop. NEWPOR\.HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3 THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 John Murdy Re-elected as Hoag Hospital Board Head Senator John A. Murdy Jr .. wa:i •Beach and Ralph Pringle, Laguna re-elected chairman ot the Doard Beach. of Hoar M,.mortal Ho11p1tal, Pre•· Public !WlaUon1 and Carnpalfll bytertan &t Jtl Clrat meeting or U M.' and today an.nounced hi• committee a ppolnlmenu to f\lnc· lion durlng the ci.rrent year. The board of dlrectora of the ho1pltal 11 compo.ed of repre!M'l'\J· atlvu 0from the Hoar F oundation. and the PrHbytertan Group. Mra. Goorre Hoar ot Balboa, le the president of the Hoa.r FoundaUon. The commltttt1 cho11en by Mur· dy are: -Executive-John A. J,1urdy Jr .. chairman; Dudley rurae, Loa An- geles: ~orie Hoai ll. Newport Beach; Cliuter Hawk and Marton Youel both of Sant& Ana. Financ-Martoa Youe.l, chair• man: Ralp~ Kohlmeier, Loi An· gele1; Gordon McGowan, Long -Wm. F . Klme1, l'\ewport Buch amt Dallu Turner, Laguna Beach; Joint Chalnnen; Stephen Orl1et, Sa nta Ana: A. V. J orcMwn. New· port Bea('h; Prtncle. Bulldlnr -Grtect and Hoar. Joint Chairmen; Dudley Furee. Loi A.n1elu; CJannce Luah, Or- anie: ·John A. Murdy Jr. • Thia ITOUp, alert to the beat tntnut. of· the hoSpltal, and lt1 paUent1, 11 busy with plans to cope wlth the IT'OWinr demand• on the ho1pltal, Murdy aald. South· em Orange County ha.a rrown eo fut, and conalat enlly In the laal few yeara that the new ho&pltaJ. opened ia September 19~ with 7~ }>ed• 11 now being' taxed to cap&· c!lty, with lncreulng deman,t1 for Ila aervtcu , he added. Utnally '"bom " In the taehlon a nd apparel buslne111 Mr•. Alice J:IUrkt>. ut Balboa bland. today an· nounced purcbaM! of The Cltithes Hor11e. popular Jlldle1 wc11r shop on M~ranll Ave. Born In Cunnect1l0Ut v.-hero her parf'nta comluct a department 11tore and rai1hion ehup, Mrs. Burke ha.I been a res 1\lent of California Mra. Burke plan• to enrich by Gard& of Milan, Italy plus available llnei ot fine ~ar With many additional Import. for Har· the addition or auch famous names borlte women who are acllve In as Jaeg,.r, Ltd. ot London, Davtd ll8lllng. golfing. t ennis. "besrh- A. Church ~t New York, aweater• I combing" and other 15eu ldc sports. About ~o pel' cent of th• land area of California 11 publicly own· ed. accordlnl( to the National Au· tumoblle Club. DEATH NOTICI F'unf'1 al 1n \0lcu tor M1-e 811998 Blanche 8 ,.lyo , ~. of llS La Verne Avr . Eut Loi An,.ie.,. were held In l'ukea-Rldley Mor- tuary Chaprl. C-0.t.a M.eaa, at I p m. tO<lay. The ~v. Joeepb W. McSha nr put<•r of Co.ta M..a Community Church. offlclated. Miu BrlyPa died Tueaday monllnS artrr a t1hort lllneaa at th• bome of her nt'pht'.., and only 1urvt.or, Robt'rt A. ~lyea, 4'8 TUatln A'"' Mll1 &lyea waa a naUft ot Upper Milli. New Bn&awtck, Call• 1da. She came to Cautomla IA 1923 and had Uved In Loa An,.- lln<'e 1930, comtn1 to vtllt W neph•W • month aa:o. Raymond Munoz in Minor Acddent I.n an Oran1e Couaty rural road accident Monday attemooe, CUI• ford L. Evenn&ll. SS, a.nt.a Ana. 1utfered minor lnjuriea. Hla car collided with one op.ra\ed by fta)'- mond D. Munoz. 21, ITt W. WU. aon St., Co11ta Mesa, on Vander- lip St. about 40 fe.t eut or wtncS- 1or Place, Sllnta Ana areL tv .. ·rm111 did not require b09o pltallaallon, accordln1 to the ... trul. COFFEE SHOP SA,IWAY • • • SAVI Priced lo : at Safeway MIRACLE WHIP OI DUCHESS Salad Dressing 39'. 6~ Ste ~~k~! 8~!~: 13° vELVEET A quart J•r KRAFT CHEESE FOOD Use in sandwiches or for cooking 1111rt """ ~~m!ck~~!~ ~~·81° WESSON OIL ~2~:~·p:;'"d !!!~,~~~ ~76° SCOT TISSUE~~ 5r~k4tc CHEER DETERGENT=: 59c AIRWAY Mild, mellow Brazilian FLOUR Kitchen Craft. Enriched white For alt balcing :!~b. 89' FR OZEii FOODS lel-olr brand Premium quolity Choice of Cut Corn, Mixed v .. etoblH or Prench Pried Poto to•• 2 plcgt. 29' TUIA Torp.do brand GRATED style Special price 6-ot. 17' can FON THE FINEST IN MEATS AT LOW PRICES ... SHOP SAFEWAY SHANKLESS CUT FROM USDA CHOICE LAMB LAMB CHOPS ~~~~~::~.Ste LAMB BRWT n.. 9• LAMB SHANKS 1b. 35• -RIB ROAST STANDING 7" CUT 73 FROM USDA CHOICE C BEEF. AGED & TRIMMED llt, CHICKEN THIGHS Man~ HouM brand, Grode A SKINLESS FRANKS :iomel"M'f btond, • 1 ciuolity I~ 79' •. ,~. 43• it kc. CORtlD BEEF "' l~.49· .,,,...,. btir.ltet. with mild cvre PORK OAINTEE , Roth Block Ha-41. ~u Smobd llt, 69 -----SpeeU.b •• S•oked •~••• ----- ~~!~r~~~an~~ F~.45• ~~~~onl~UARES PIECE BACON SMOKED PICNICS l1t.3g. u •. 33• family wze. Popvlor bronda Ally tin ple<e EGGS lr.alcfast Gems Large site, Grade A quality :;. 49' con AGE CHEESE lloMOm nme Fruit Salad, Chive Cr.am or Farmer pint 1 nc ctn. 7 - PEAIUT 1unE1 leverfy brand Chunk or cr9Clmy Special price 20-oz. iar 49' SAFEWAY'$ Ille BEST Place in Town to Buy PRODUCE PINEAPPLE AVOCADOS TOMATOES LARGE FUERTES Rich in oil S,,.ciol Pf'lce FIRM HD-RIPE Ju•t right for sliclng Pocked In Cello 3,.,25c 15c • 10-oz. tuH POTATOES WHITE IOSI 10 35c U.S. No. l quofity Poper bog pock Hts • ANJOU PEARS ~;"O•OWN •. 10c GUPEFRUIT E~;..k 8~ 29c PllCU EmCTM TMUIS.. rat. UT .. RRUHT n. 11. 11. 1155 AT ORAM" COUITl WIWAT STOil$ (T"1 S.. la st1rt1"" Sn.) ........ ""'" .._....._ Moe ..................... ~ ........ , .... _ Lalanl Sliced, Hawaiian 2~1. 25c 3~1. 2fc TOMATO JUICE Ubby brand Sunny Dawn 4!:'· 23c 46-ot. 1 ftc~ con 7 PIE CHERRIES Suprema Honeybird 20-oa. 25c can 20-oz. 23c can ZEE NAPKINS Regular or Dinner tit• per 10c pkg. STORE HOUIS DU11 e a. -. to a p. .. (Friday tlb • p. •. ) Sunday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., -Costa Mesa PLENTY OF rARKING ON LARGE PAVED LOT PA-SE iC • PART I -NEWPORT HAltBOR NEWS-PRESS OBDINANOE FLOUTED-Traffic control aigna mean nothing to huge trucks carrying oil field equipment along street. of Huntington Beach. Carefully nurtured palm trees are being uprooted, houses destroyed, and derricks erected side by side in Orange County's late.it and big- lrendezvous Purchase for City Discussed by Council ' PoNible ,,urcbue of thP Ren·! hall's use for civic recre&Uonal dnvou. Ballroom by the. •·ity ror I U!ies should the murrtclpallty buy UN u a civic auditorium wns dls-, the properly. cwi9ed Monday night al city coun· Co11ncl~man Hana Broering aald ell. A motion waa approvf'd, in· hP 11n1lerslood owners Al Ander· alructlng the city mana~e1·· anti 111on 11nd f'lydt• R. "Jerry" Johnson city attorney to Investigate pMlli· werP willing to st'll and that he btllty of buying the large danc" would hke the city attorney "lo hall. come up wilh wayll llnd means" Councilman Gerald Bennrll sug-lo buy the property. The Rt>n· seated a survey be madl' by lol'al duvo11s was bought by the pair STOUP• aa to feuibiltty of the about a yf'ar ago. UPPER BAY JURY WEIGHS Ooetbnled from Fll'!lt p~ Contloued from nl'9t p~ 1111frrred what wen c&lled major lnjurleJa. are defendants In all of th<> •11ll1. a morf' proper policing or the area. Mr11. AJ Grun1trom ot Garden according to City Manag••r J ohn Grove, op1'1'8tor of ono of the ln- J. 8aihm;. volved vehu:les. Mkl $:50,207 jmlg· In the preliminary report lo the ment ag1un11t the drivt'r of t he eounrll on thfl petition for annex-olhC'r rar. Mni. Paul Huffman of ation. city Allome-y Karl Lynn Cost a .Mesa. Davis Mid at this time the city Mri1. Paul Huffman and pas· might a.s well romplete the nn-si•ni.:N·s In her car. Mr11. R ichard nellatlon proposal .as plannl'd for Huffman and •Ix-year-old ltOll 80me llmr tor th• admlnlatratlon RJcld• or c~ron• del Mar, -k o( the watera or the bay. d:uii ag••ll In aeparate iults. naming All the atta of the proJ>(lllo'd 1 ~ln<. Crull.l!lrum, the county and f1PW ann1>x11tlon tt.a well as the 1 Costa ~lt-1!8. City of Newplllt Bt-arh 111. In thr .\li ~. Paul Hultman, al1ter-ln- Mf'tropollta n Water D111tNrt an<I law or :-Olrs Richard Huttman. 111 thP County SanHaUon Ol~trlct. I after s10K.119t> dam~ell. Th e ThP city rouncll at Ile mert lng la ll,..r and her aon attk an S8fl.600 thla morning ~ a re11<>lullon I tollll. tranamltting thP map o.f lht pro· A 11 pQM'd anneutlon o.nd the ~Utlon THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 gest boom -another oil •trike at Huntington Beach. All the derricks that dot the akyline in the picture above are new in Huntington Beach -bustled into the area to puncture a new sand from which oil ia being produc· ed. -Staff Photo PEACE, BEAUTY LEAVING Black Gold Rush Again Swamps Huntington Beach 1Ed. Note: The following article la first of a eerlea which. will appeu in the News -Presa) By BEN REDDICK Years ai;o, In Orange County, there was a peaceful city. 1l wai1 an ever-so-small city from whose high bluffs people from inland areas found Inspiration and a re- surgence u ( falth as tht>y atared across t he Pocir1c Ott'an toward a misty offlrhore island. So p<•at'<'ful was the small city that 1t became known aa "Tb.e Gospel Swanrps." On Its broad plains sects or worshippers bullt their <'ampg-rounds-mosl famo1111 of whic.h wa.s the "Methodlat Campgrounrl." The peaceful little city waa 11oon lnrorporate-rl and bt't>ame known aa Hu.ntlngton Bra1•h. Ql'll:T \'ANISHE8 No long-er quiet. no longer peaceful, no lon.trer lhe "Goepel SwamJMI" I• Huntington Beach. All that ls long gone. The rh1nk. creak and clatter of drilling n g11 once again hu rent th~ 1ur of all the area f rom whlfh the ocean may be-seen. Home11 have been rle11t ro ed by th.e simple exf)t'dicnt or cl Ing a g!Mt trac- Lor thrm. usine~ PStllbli11h- mcnU. have c.-n va rntrd llnd r e- moval of hen 13 planned. Huntingt.on Beach tried for yeara to rl!cove-r f rom abuae11. legal and Illegal, that indlacrlmlnate drilling and oil production had brought upon their town. F'or each one who had a royalty there were dozen• of blighted propertle8 and lost fortunn that plagued the city of the "Ooapel Swamps." :O.T.W OIL, STRIKE And then a new oil dlat.overy. "The Jone-a 8Md" It 11 called. And drlller1 from tar and wide have lnvad~ the peaceful city by the sea. Legally or illf'gally they ply their trade. Hou1ea are demollab· ed. Carefully nurtured t reea.. ao- cllmated lo wilhatand nit 1praya and air, are uprooted. Street. torn up by the rotary trenchen to lay new pl~ llnu rrom r11 to rig to refinery Md back. And elCna &lonS the etreet.8 t.bat .ay '1Clty Ordinance-Heavy Traf· tic Prohibited . No Vf'h!clea In excess of 2 ''I tons" mean nolhtnr a.a huge truck1 ply th.elr way with a load of f'Qulpment tor the con- l lnulllJr search for oU. The uncon- trolled eearch or a town lot field where all that I• needed la auf· tlclent 11quare footage upon which to ert<'t a drill rig. ti 11 CANDIDATES GIVE CAMPAIGN PROMISES By HRS. WINIFRED B~BRE Eleven of the 15 candidate. for city council pre9ented their qualificationa in person Tue.day when memben of the Woman's Civic League &nd gueat.s crowded the city council chamber to capacity. In the question period which followed, there wu only one QUery," How do you at.and on offahore oil drilling 1·" Each expreaa.d blmaelf u a- caln.et tt. Said L. B. Broerlnc. the crly ha.a C011trol a mue1 out; and Clarence Hisble, the charter l&kea care of ll. STODDARD TALK • J. B. Stoddard, chemical enclne· er, "I am 1t1&1n•t tll 'lalan<I' jlrilllnr ottabore and will peraon- ally lead a aabotare pns If any are. erected. I know all their wilea and waya. They're allele. and you have sot to w•tcb 'em!" lt I• to be noted that city-wide votlnc wtlJ be on cdic1atea from all dlstrlcta. Candldatea were heard in order thualy: Dtat. 1, Weat Newport-Incum- bent Quaid Bennett aent a letter telling of his lntereat In city pro- jects, and hla put record; Leon· ard H. Bergeron, vice-prealdent of Newport Ialand, Inc., and member for 22 year• of Loa A.Dgelea Fire Department, advocated reuonable economy, a atudy of departme.nt•. con.Wt the I*Jple and abide by wtll of the majority. W. C. Kin- der, I.aw atudent, not preaent. NO BAC&IN01' Dl1t. 2. B&lboll Peninaul.a - Sandy MacK.ay, lnaurance man. abaent becauae of lllneaa; Jay StotUemyr., barbf'I", "The polltl· cal power tn Balboa la not back· Ing me. I am rlngmg doorbell11. Wa put men ln, thinking they have the qualltie1 of Sood councilmen. then they do ju1t the opposite! It l am eltcted I expect to use my own good ·judgment." Dlat. 3, l.Jdo !ale to Irvine Ave -Incumbent Mayor Dora Hiil. '"l favor opening of P.E. property and oppose oil drtlllng. I am ad· vocatlng a park and recreation director and hope It will be lnclud· ed In the July budget." The may- or advocated a long range city· wide plan for park•. reactlv1tatlon Of civil defenae, vigilllllCe acalnat bay pollution and continued plan- ning for Euler week. Dist. 4, Clltf Haven-Newport Belght..-Incumbent Stanley Rld- derhof wrote, "I am not 'running' for offf.ce, I am offering my aer- 'llcu." Mn. J ohn Neff. preludinJ with a story, u!d. "I would expect to handle all problem• palnatak- tngly -.nd with faimeaa, etrtve to do my pt.rt to keep unity tn th• c-0mmW1lty." Dial. II, Balboa laland-Incum· bent BroertnI ·o]>tned lhere-are Iota of problems, with •ltuaUon1 lo be met aa they arlae. Import.ant. he thought, were,Eaater .week and recreational tacllltiea, and givinr attention io actlvltlea of youns people. AGAINST t'TILITY Clarence Higbie lawyer lllld forml!r banker, wu lntereeted In youth work. for city beautification, against off1hore "lalanda" and wantt>d P .E. out. Dial. 8, NE arf'a of CQrOna d.I M'ar -.Jncumbe·rit Col. Andrew Smith; "Here I am, you know me and my put performance. I have been cla11aed u a deatroyer, not builder, and I have aeen to it that aome Illegal practlcu have been corrected." Whereupon be quoted auma nved the city through ell· mlnatlon of duplicated tax col- lecUng, loaa on water met.era and 11ewt'r connections, cleanlng Iota free, expen11ea o! councilmen and wives attendlng conventloiu, and many more. "I have made a lot of people mad but I am not vulner- able, have no bu1lne1111 which can be hurt. In 33 yeara of army Mr· vtce my training I.a to dlrf'Ct ac- tion, not diplomacy." SMITH OPPOsmoN L. Gordon Walker. realtor, !Ikea "the place, want to fft It &TOW and expand, but In the rlgllt way. I will do the beat I can for the moat, not for a few." Lee Wilder, public relations man and former lieutenant commander In the navy, .read a citation from Navy l;ecretary Jamea Forreatal com· mending him for mllllagement of a naval air at.atlon Iii Arlington, Wash. Said Wilder, "I am not going to fi~ht anybody. I want lo help promote harmony In the council. I don't intend lo fight the chamber of commerce. I am a bual- nesa man and I tblnk our admlni1· tratlon er funds to the chamber of commerce ha• been aoW1d In prtnclpl~." Dl•t. 7, SW Corona del Mar- St-Oddard, member of the elemen· tary achoo! board aince 19:52, out· lined u hla principle• 1 ) to be eully avail.able to t"veryone. 2) to keep J>t'Ople fully Informed throucb the presa. 3) to avoid I (It not. ,......,.. l\UlJl'l-. 41 to ,....· spond al11>quately to the majority 41f the peoplf' 11g1lnst a "amaJI but vocal" minority wtilch "take• •11· r "rb judlfll1ent" and II l to be "~ honeet u I know how, fair and fearlea." PEUOW Pl.A Tl"OllM William O. Perrow, "not a roll· ti clan." former weatern manager of a Spokane cement company, waaaplMtoU. He aened u part time county deputy .... ..,r, I• member of Harbor CltlMn•' Le•· gue and waa one of the J'reehold- era who outlined the city chartl'r. Only ambl~lon, "lo maintain th~ city In the WA¥ tt ahoul' be.'' JOHNST9NE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers llMICI Auto ruta Mid A~rtea • 2075 Placentia Ave. Ullen.y 1-11111 Coeta MN& -ClaHUltid A<l8 are relld by tolke who a.re ually looking to buy. JOREIGN TRAVEL SERVICE 35421/:z E. Coast Hiway corona dfol Mar Harbor 1246 Coline Gibbons • Dorothy McKenna -Marguerite Hughes Specl•lhlng la 1-depedeat ltinrrariett, tourM, c"11aeil -• -All phlUM'8 of foreign t.ranl and retM>rt \iM!&Uons. COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE To the Father of our Country we owe e debt of gratitude that can only be paid by our steadfast dedication to· the ideal of a free people living proudly in a free country ••• which is what America meant to him ••• and must always mean to us. COSTA. MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" lM'f Newport lllTII. l.Aert7 I-Mn MIMHI JIOUAl OIPOSIT IH$UlAHCI COIPOUTIOH ~an~y~aec~~re~t~co~m~.~m~l~tt~m~e~n~la~o~r~d~ea~l~•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aAHTA AMA (OCHa1-a-8 . r Gilmer, vtc~prealdent 1n cllarge GOrner Talk Slated of operationa for lb• Pacific Tele· phone and Telesrapb Co. will ad· dreaa lh• monthly senerai mem· berah.lp of UI• .A.aaoctated Cham- bera of Commerce of Oransr County Feb. 12 at tlJ• Or~e County Farm 8\1.reau'a n-audi- tonum. jtl!_ W. CbaP1?1an Ave .. Oran it•· t o the Orange County Boun<tary Cnmmlaelon for delermlnln11; thP deftnJteneaa and complt'lt'n<'lll or the annexation propolltll. SO El..rA'TION No election will be necUNU"y nn the annexation u the Mun~y family la the only realdmt In the area to bt' tUlllexed. The ft801U· tion.e of annexation and tran11mit· tat were both unAnlmo1111ly J'81181'd The county and City of Co11ta Me:<a w1•rf' brought Into the pie· tore whl'n it waa contended there wa1 no 11top algn on lrvln• Ave. A hallowecn pra.nkaler reportedly removrd the llign. The county, through Attorney Stevena Farg'o, contend• the county ahoulrl have been notified tf the aJgn wu mi1111lng and ahoukl not be held llal)le. Final ~menu. were romf!l«'l"rt ye11lerdsy 11ftemoon. I 11•1~·· ~11<'& ln11tn.i<'ted the jurors Lhlll momi~. T he "<lollpt'l Swnmps·• once again bcgin11 to look like abandon- ed battle l lell'I• de11ecrated by the pusinK hon:la of t11n.lu and gun11 and bomb11. An<f the ml.aty Island off11hore. No longer do people talk of L'!lla· Ila or refer to their municipal hallroom a.e "the Pa\·alon" 1t con· trat'llon of "path to Avalon " No, the oncf' beautiful Pnvalon is now j\lst a clly builfllng In the-w11y of a drill rig. Soon the Stnlo' of California will ra.11 for b i<t11 for tldr land apots. otrshore In the ocean, for the creat Ion or man· made l"'Clds from which to drill for oll. Bail Bondsman Files $3297 Suit Against Lois VOgel by the rity council. Passenger Suffen lnl•ies in Crash Mlnor lnjurlea were 11uffered Jan. 29 by Mary Mae Vander- pool.. 15, of Compton when the cu In which •he wa11 It p111!lt'n11;Pr failed to make a <'Urve In front of 2808 Ocean Blvd. Ronald Ka~·p Willlamaon, 19, Paramount. lold police he was l'OlnC aouth on Ocean Blvd. when the car failed to neKQtiate a lrft tum. The auto struck a curb and broke a whttl. Too Late to Be Classlflet1 · 56-Monel Wanted .-OR SALE-Flr11t Tnat Of'ed. Joca.l property. w~U a~urf'd $32.· 000 at gr;. payable $3~. per mo. Liberty 8·2S32. Utfc LEGAL NOTICE XOTICE OF INTE!\"TIO:S TO SELi. Notice la hereby iriven puraua.nl to the provh11on• of SKtlon 3HO ot the Clv11 Code of the State Qf California, that VA UX'S INC .. Vendor. of 810 E. Balboa Boule· '\'ard. Balboa. Ntwport Bf'ach. Or· ange County. C'11lifom la, intend to aell to RAY~MOND A. NAYLOR of 812 We11t 19th Slret>t. C'o1ta Mf'l!a, Orange County, Callfornla. all that certain property ooulat· ,f Ing genuaUy of all at.ock In trade. f1xt uree. equipment. lllld rood Will of Vaux'• reetaurant at 810 lil. Balboa BoUlevard. B&lbo&, New· J>(lrt BMch, California, a.nd all capital atock of Vaux'a Inc., aad that the purchaae priu .t.benof will be paid at 10 o'dock A. M. on the 28th day of 'hbruary, ltM. at the office of Robf'rt IC. Walker, 708 N"rth Main SU-t, Santa Ana. Oranre County. C.allfonda. 0.Wld: Ff'bruary 18, 19~ VAUX'8 INC. by ROBERT E. WA ua:R Vendor No. 12111 .Newa·P~• 21 li'1 ~ .. -· Chamber Board to Meet Monday February meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nwport Har- bor Chamber of Commerce wiJJ be Monday, Feb. 21 at noon In the Aquarium Room or Villa Marina.. Hay Langentu~tm, •«N"tary. an· nounred. All regular members of the chamber are urged to attend the mef'tln~. Maurie Stanley. pretl· df'nt. 1111IJ. He aald ~ver&I Import· int mattel'!'I are on the agenda, Membeni should rt.II the chamber offlrer for re••"allon•. L&nren· helm aald. CIJ.AX-l'P F'OROO'MT.S Once lhe people of Huntington B c a c h t'mployf'd a landllcape archlt~t "'·ho perfected a system for growing pa.lnu and other t reea and pia.nl11 that would lhrh·,. on sa.Jt air. ln the city parks IUld parkways. Resldenta of the rity took prirle ln several propecu th11t re1111lted ln the-filling In of old sump holea; rf'moval of abandoned atn.icturea in the former lumber y ard arM. Even city erewa were uaed. legAlly or Illegally. t o f'limJ- nate eye3'1r~ In Hunt I n gt on Bee.ch. Lea'allY or Ulap..lly clUs.ena Prices Slashed ON THE LABGF.ST SELEcnON OF NAME B.RAND APPUANCE8 IN SOUTHERN OALIFOBNIA! c::::» ·100 [!] SEI these today ~ '{:( NORGJC 1t Omo:RAL ELECTR.10 '{:( W!l8TDfOHOUSE 'tr PHILCO tf MAGIC CHl!P' -{:f CROSLEY '{:( MtJllTZ '(;( GAP"P'l:M A 15An..l:R -{:f WHIRLPOOL '{:( BICNDDC "'(:( ABC "'(:( ZDTl'H ti ftCA * ADMDU.L <fl MOTOROLA 1:1 EMllMOK <fl X4 TS H.A.LBZRT 1707 So. Main SANTA ANA (OCNS)-A 13.- 297.80 mont-y rf'<'ovrry ault fill'd In Superior Court her• Tuesday named Mni. Loia T. Vogel. Harbor area rt'al est.ate broker. She waa namrd a.s defendant ln the a ction by Bnl.I Bond.WlllLll H!'nry M. 1Ha.nk I Williams. Wllll&IJ\!I aaacrl• the real Nt.ale woman barked up lbl' bond of Ar· thur Gordon Eldrt'd. recently con- vtcted and lmpr1SC>ned on grand theft and forgery cha.rgea. Mu. Vog«'I wu a ~1tneae for the drfen11e In Eldred'• th,_.count grand theft trial. Williams alleged he entered into an agreement Nov. 11, 19~. whereby Lois v oreJ would become aurety for Elrlred. Sht> uaerted.ly promiaed to pay a ~ premJum, Thf> ball bond8man contended tho defendant rttUHd to make good on the UMrted conU.Ct. He clalmll only S22S2 ttu been paJd. Wi1Ha.m1 llAld the contract wu ao drawn up that the defendant wo would bave to pay atlorne-y teu If a court action were ntte11· aary to collect. Wllllama a.aka 12748. plue $549.80 attorney'• feu. Eld~. who crf'at~ a $1.000.000·a-year bu.einH• In Santa .Ana. la doing a ~58 Ye&t' priaon term. He alllO IA a~Ung tr1al 011 a coneplr&ey In· dlctment. TWIN BED SALE! 2 lox SprllMJI q.llMd Top -Poetwbed aJI 4 fot> •4990 a..•1 ................. ,... .,......._._. ~ .,. ..... to• ..... .................. a.-.. , •• 20IO . .... ..... AM 1111 ...... Here's the Man of Tomorrow Of courH you know him. He'1 the youngster who delivers you your newspaper. And he 11 the one who's studying herd today preparing for hi1 role of tomorrow's bu1inH1man. The work he does, the accounts he keeps, the 1aleaman- 1hip he learns are ell leuon1 in his book of 1ucce11. Keep your eye on him end watch how he 9row1 and develops until he reaches NI goal of Independence end 1ucceu. 2211 lalboa llvcl. Harbor 1616 ' . . l>ORTRAIT OF MADAM MAYOR-Mayor Dora Hill aita for a portrai\ by Thelma , faddoct Hope, who donated the price to the PJ\Hhannonic fund. At left are Mr . 0 . W. Richard, president of the Philbarmonic Soc!iety, whose wife'a turn to "ait" came next. and Mr. &!gar R. Hill. -Don Bu.ah· Photo • Gordon Imler is Honored by School P-TA Life Membership Given at Founders Observance In a aurprae preeenUition, Principal Gordon Imler re- ceived the honorary life membership awarded thia ,.ar bf ea.ta Me. Main School P-TA from the pr.ideal. Mn. Frank Chapman. Giving quali!icationa of the man who two yeara ago took over duties at Main School. ahe apok• of Jove of work, klndneu to chlldrm ln her Founden' Day --.. ¥d ability to -both •idea or • Mra. Charlu Beecher outliaed ~ problem. tory of MaJn School IJl4 Ile P-TA. A ,nduale or USC, Imler haa and welcomed put pr11M .. ta. bffn In ~hool work ror 17 yean, Thele Included Mrn•. Olutee la &ctlve In local arralra, ia a mem· Yount lflnit prealdml), A.. L. ber of Klwanl• clu b, on the board Plnklt!y, Clyde Otto, ICmelt Mc· of Chrtatlan ICducatlon at St. An· Clellan, l:dwud MJrtuwlch. o..a. drew'• P resbyterian Chw ch and Hofland. Ray Tr&utweill. .,...._. chalrmana basketball toumamenta Sulh11rland and Mrs. BeecJMr. for Harbor Area 8-0ya· Club, H E ALTH nLM Mr11. ~rtrude Myera, ~ REPEAT PERFORMANCE nurM>, ahowe<I a heelUI ftlm and l lreued • few ra.cta onen ... ,... lookfd by parf'nt11. 'nley lnciludM 1n1l1tlng a child e&t at leut one bile of a food which ha dlallk• each tlmt-It la •f'rved: a.nd u, pro- vide an adequate bttakfut ol hot cereal, ere• a.nd oranc• jul~ la· atead of 1weet roll and & drink. / -...- MRS. KAREN MARGRETA BRUNING, Conductor Frieda Belinfante, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Hill. -Don Bush' Photo Lindbergh P-TA Turns Back Program Clock MRS. WlNlFRED BARBRE . Society Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 PHILHARMONIC BALL RECEIVES ACCLAIM Prise• were donated by Rlrh· AT LUNCHEON Golnc bac-k almoat 211 year• a10. Llndbertt h Elementary School P- T A of Coata Mua btt•ed Ila Found· era Day progT-am on one f1ven when the 11Chool wu first opened. To former t u cheni and 1tudent.a Invited to the affair, held WednH· day, Feb. 9 In Newport Harbor Hlrh School 11udltortum. It brouchl b&ck many pleaaanl memor1ea. Young People Inspired to Form Junior Group Another milestone along the way toward complete real- ization of dreams was the successful ball given Friday by the Philharmonic Society of Orange County. The society haa tried its wings musically and found smooth gliding. This bril- liant affair, att its initial social event, mirrored in its gaiety thf' enthuatum with which thr or· planed rrnm Ttxaa, rnjoytd al im· ganlz.atlt>n t>f a Phllharmonu· ~<'·I m ,.n,.«"ly and annoum ed It wi-11 c1,.ty h"" i,,.en rrcl'lved rounty· worth th•· trip. Coming down frum li''l•lr F'rl'1mn, Mr11. Lar" 8a111lad 8atd. The V!Uentlne motif, old (.uh1C1n· "~fllke my rt-11ervlllrnn11 """" (or f'd nndy ht111 i.. and a n t'xtr1tva -the nf'Xl Phtlh11rn11m1c Hall. It ww1 1ot1tnu. of 11hfk ktnlt pink 11l11•1unt-r~ worth pvery btt &nol murr. nr the a n•I balloon~. <1re11111rd up a nd t'X· mtlrii 1 e11rec1ally t ra vl'lled to a t· erute<1 by Thrlm& 1"<1rlclock H11pr, lend ... b"1•k11:roun<1NI a ps.rty lhttl ws..11 In R81'1 th~ Hay l..anJ:t'nhPlms, l hl' word:o or m:iny ltll'"''-"· "one t..'Ul'lll• nf Mr11. Kart'n Mergreta or ih•· lnvl'lte•t yet . ht'J.I lo<'ally. Urun1ng-. !Jail l"hatrflll\n tint.I M ad L:emal ("harlu <'nburn. 11o lH1!1t of the board of ohr('l°lnra or the pre""'""" r•>nt rtbuttd much to thr Phllhumonic Sixiety, ··o ne ot the aucuu or lh" ev.,nt, confeJWle-0 moat elf'S&nl and enjoyable par- htmaelf u havlnf bren agt\Ul al lttll w.-have atlt-nded a t the club." t he lo~ lrtp d11wn but 1lnn<'ln1t The Jat k Cortu1 or B"lboa J11kuld down the foyt>r al the flni&l c. ex· were otht rs who pralaed It hl(h· pn•,.eed htm~l"lf 8J!I h&\"lnR }la~_on,. ly. of thl' plra. .. 11 nte11t of n-c"filng•. "The warm th and receplloo W t'rf' .a p'ea.s&!)~ we enJo)'ed t<Yery mo· ment."" he aa!d, and further t-X· clalmed that he -. already look· Wiit turward t11 nl'xt yur a party. Pl.A..~ l'OUTH l 'NIT ard'• t.farkel \Mr. Richard la -------------Mra. HPnry . Roberti, program chairman, read a h11tory ot the 11chool to a group of fUUI grade children. The achool wu complel· ed In 1931 a.nd a gTOUp of atudenta from Main School waa movt-d to prt81dent of the llOClety 1. and 8. Q. R. •tore of A naheim, while lhe Im· port.-<t <'l')'lllRI punch bowl ll't do· n&tl'd by M ni. Bruning Wl'nt to Mr. &nd Mr•. Mort'land Le1thold of Balboa. Two Chipmunks Achieve Ranks Junior Ebell Features Speaker and Film on Oil Keyed lo the subject of pera-chairman. hu arra.nced with the lhe n"w 11lte. They cho11e th• name mount Importance at preMnl, oil Rk h!teld Oil Co. to provide this for the achoo! and compoMd the and conaervallon. t. the color mm. film and • •Jlf'&ker who wtll out-school song. "Olli!om la'a Burled Tteuu.re," line the hi11tory of t.he atate'a A m 0 l her 1• c I u b wu rorm· which wm bf' a feature or thl" "black gold." Becauae of lnten11f' ed and they helped to tumiah luncheon m1>ettng of Junior Ebell local intereat regardtnr future the buildings with much needed Club. t o be htld Thuraday. Feb, 2• Two mnrf' m t-mbns or the at 12:JO p.m. In the banquet room driUlnr operallonll, early reaerva -equipment. Jn May or that year Fl tf'ndly Chlpmunk8, Camp Fire at Karbnr Hnu,.., t Iona for the lunch_ton are requeAl· the children prtS4lnlPd • program Ctrl~' .:ro up in {;(\l!ta MN&, have Mra. Fttema.n Fleher, proram ed in which llvlnr ptcturt11 of ramoua pa~ 14 rAnk, It 18 announced. --------------·-----------palnllnga were uaed. F1v,. ot thne April Qutgl"Y 111 now In the TMlll Hme plcturl"• were a,.,aln preunt· Mesans Attend denla. The bnde 111 a graduate of ed with fifth grade 111udenl• po11· Ft~re r1t nk and Lynn Peck In the I d o Harbor High Schoo. &tten ed r-Ing tor thf'm A brlrf h111tory ot Woodg1tlhertn . At the flrat roun-0 a ange Cou t College and &Ta uat~ the artl1t and the palnttnr wu ell Fire ''° Feb. 18 the (TOUp will Wedd1·ng of trom lhe Huntington Memorial given bl'fOrl' n r h picture WU ecqulr,. their ranks and Mada hon-I 9 -c. N •-Hoap tal u 1ool ot urauif In 1hown. Po.ting were: ~ p d Sponlll'nt IJ\ attend&nu wtu be M ·ss Sh.rley aaa ena. Terry McClrlland, Rex Swinford. Mts. L. p Pttk and Mra. o. B. 1 . 1 Those a ttendln& the weddll\f :-:ancy Laurie. Nancy Luck,tt and H<lf'g. Th,. IC'f'OUp a ttendf'd lbe barn A croup of Coata M~ at-and reception ft om here w ere Mr. Randy Roberta. The narrator• pu-ty a t 116 a.. Sbd at. aa. rrt-~ u.. weddlr\1r l&9t llwMl&Jr and Mn. Char._ W. Te WlnkJ•. w11re , Nathan &e,n.-dlcl. D avid ttay evl"nlng. bein1 the only Camp a!tt-moon ln San Gabriel of Mia Mr. and Mni. vRoy P. And4traon, Kut, Mamie Oray, Shartn Lamb Fire icroup In attendance. s.v.raJ Annette V. Shirley to Mr. 'Wayne Mr. a.nd Mn. Harry Burdick, M r. a nd Jtnlyn Ogden. Dunne the (irla arc abo malclnc paan. &o at-J. Whlltler. The new Mra. WhJfl.· and Mra. Carl Steven•. Mr. and program lb• achoo! chon11 11&11( t•nd the Clnt-ram~ at HollJWood ler la the daughter or Mr. a.nd Mr•. Mni. J nhn 0111 and Mr. and Mr11. 1 the IW'hool M>n~. In March. John B. Shirley, former Mel& real-Don McC&Jlum. Mra. Charles Jacobla pre9Vlted doll ·cl Mn . Arthur Kltta, pru1dent. with an honorary life membt'rship an P·TA tor her untiring work In the organl&atlon u well u for hf'r many othf'r artlv1llu In youth work a nd r lvlc llCe. Fla.g aalute WU It'd by fCIW' Brownlea frnm Troop 14, B&n..r& Horton. Pamela Parmenter. 8\l9&ll HulK'roft, Judy Ar'blao aJld Uwtr leader, Mni. H C>rton. C-omm lltH elected to n~ otflcna fur the new year lndude9 Aftler the meeting evuyone rr· Mmr"' George Parmenter, P'Nftcll Ured to the aoctal hall for a coffee e. Smith. Tt-d Nert and Doa Iii• hour, to renew old at:quamtancu Chntork New chairmen raUfted and mttl nf'w friend• · wt-re Mra. Fortt•t O'Ha!r. wa,.. KAT Alumnae Slate Luncheon Kappa Alpha Theta alumnaf' club of Ora nge County w ill h41111 a lunrh(O()n ml't>tlnit a.t thl' home of Mn. Edwi11 Goultl, 204 South Ba- Lavtl'., Orange, 11 a.m. FPb, 24. Fnunder• D1y tor Kappa Alphll Theta wu Cf'lrbritled recently at the Grrl'nbrler In Garden Crov' by the Orange County and Lonit Beac-h Alumnlle Cl'taptf're. (;11,.•t• at the arta1r were Mri<. Chat lu Burn•. fl"<1f'r11llon pre11ldf'J1t and Mn . Jamu Oliver, district' pre•I· dt-nt of Kappa Alpha Thel". All Kappa Alpha Theta a lumna e who would like to attf'nd th,. com-tnr mtttlnr &n Hk~d to rall Mr•. MJln Enitlr . at LO 11-~9. One ot the !!rs~ cltrua ATOVM ln the world la located jual out- 11lde the city llm1l11 of FuUerton I ranee County, report.A the N "kl:ltomobtle Clu.tr.' and m11an11 and Mni. Wllllun Bl. 1'llllr, room mother. ftV FIRST GRADE Entertainment waa turntllhed ~ Mr11. Kate Hurtck'• tlrat ~ Kl\'lnit their own \"l'ntlon of wllaal the future hu In store for poor hu#t11rn1. A f!lf'&Mnt anclal hnur followed with rdre11hmenta Hrved by aodaJ <'halrm&n Mra. 8. H. Emt-17 and 1 ... ho,.teJIM'a Mmu. Philip Bur· rnw•. J \ C"urtl•. Jea.n Bldnner, R. W Horton. F. A. Brown. W ii- liam K Patnck. J ohn Allanaeh. Jtlck Ro~re an<1 Jona EYana Out ings For Mesa Family Mr. a.nd Mra. K. I!:. Mdntoeh. 1949 Whittler. Coat& Me•. a nd their children Boott and Tina. an enjoylllg many e•curalolta durtn«i thue daya or nke weath.r . .A wt"ek aco tM f amU7 ..,..it Ule ~_.. a t 81« Bear In th• anow. lA•t Sunday. accompanlf'd by Mn . M c· lnlo.h"• mother, Mra. Maud Dry· den, they epenl tl\e clay at UM San Diaco r.oo.. r day Mr. and Mr11. Jlar<old Be,.nhou. wn of :-.ew Ynr k, rue.1111 of Fnpda B,.llnfa nlt-. "ntver attendl'd a lov- lter party · and were so pleaaed ttlat I hey ahoweJ thrlr apprecutllon by lmmf'<llately becoming ,.~,_ or the llOC'tety DISTANCE NO llAJl The E ileen P'lelda party, which Ot-ligbttully apontaneou. wu d!llt:UMIOn of a fTOUP or TQWIC people at Johll Bnmhlp table. 8o enthueluUc were they wb«I Aparkf'd by RJchard Dorkin. wtlo knowa and appreciatP11 aympbony mu1m·. th>lt thf'Y took up the plan of J ormlng a Junior Au.xlllary to the Philharmonic Society. Sharing ldeu on the subject were I>Mkln, Bruning. Richard rlqer, Clint Hoo...e · and MIJl .. ea Xar,.nt a.nd Low~ Ferrey, Unda Blower a.nd SaJJy Pflater. 4th & Sycamore, Santa Ana ••• super -values storewide ... free parking at' 5th & broadway ) CA L..I P'O .. NIA Wtwta:M appoi.....,J'i ,..__ ..,.,., .,,.. diM Cbilb .,, '° l l 41. f t I ; 1il .. P1~ ; .. All New Spring Shades SALE PRICE THRlLL 60 -I 2 $I.SO pr. Box of 3 ..• $4.JS AIRUNER 60-15 1.32 pr. Box of 3 • • J.10 #723-51 -30 1.21) pr. Box of 3 • • • J.45 =414-51 -40 1.08 pr. Box of 3 J.10 lfart»oro llOI 1111 r.. COMt Blgbwa)' Coroa d.a Mar ACCESSORIES I .SO reg. value, "nn*lllane" hosiery, first quality, new spring shades ••• 3 p r. for 3.00 special! beaded ropes, spring colors •• 1.00* special! assorted leather end plastic . bll- fol•, pau case, coin purse 1.00* special! handbaCJS, spring colors, styles, sim- ulated leathers and patents . • . 2.98* values to 5.00, costwM rilH)S 1.00* street floor •p1ua lO'C fed. tax TOILETRIES values to 3.00, nylon halrbnshes, Mohawk "tynex," professional, half - round or club styles, p ink, blue or white · 1.39 values to 3.00, lucite lland-mlrron, two sides, individually boxed 1.49 4 .25 Schiaparelli apecial, 2-oz. bottle of dou- ble-strength "shocking" colo9ne, with free purse-size perfume . 2.75* 1.50 nylon batfa bnlSla a11d Rail brush set, clear-tex handles, pink, blue, whHe ••• 1.00 street floor •plt1• 10·~ ff<!. tax Sl»ORTSWEAR 5.98 Lee Mar 1tylon blouse, 40 denier; button front, white, apricot, avocado, pink, 32 -38 3.98 special! 2-pc. pedal pnMrset, tapered pents and italian-styled jacket, turquoise, orange or pink, washab!• cottonJ I 0-16 5.98 values to 14.95, wool fla11MI skirts, tailored by Loubelle, slim skirt with fly f ront, flare skirt, charcoal, blue, light grey, beig• • 10-18 • • 11.00 5. 98 capri ,_... poplin in turquoise, pink, black. sizes I 0-18 • spec lei! pe ... pmhan. tapered legs, or navy poplin, white.stit ching, I 0-20 strHt floor 1 navy, 3e98 black 2.98 DRESSES 12.95 nylon prints, famous -name; nylon tri- cot, slightly irre9ular, 12-20 & 14 i -22 i 8.98 special! Kay Whitney Cottoll5, 26" zipper front; prints, st ripes. plaids in auorted col- ors. sizes 12-20 and I 2!-22 t 5.95 second ffoor LINGERIE 5.95 slips and petticoats; white nylon tricot lace-trimmed slips. 32-40, nyl on net bouffant petticoats in whit e, pink or blue, nylon taf- feta 4-tiered petticoats in whit e only ea. 4.00 2.00 to 3.95 bra5, nylons a nd cottons, 32-38, a, b a od c cups each 1.00 1.69 nylon tricot briefs, 40-denier weight in ·white only, sizes 4 end 7, on sale each 1.00 second floor YOUTH WORLD 6.95, 7 .95 "wear-a-blanket", I 00~0 estron; <!I non-aller9ic ; full-len9th zipper, quilted foot coverin9 reduces so ilin9, blue, green, yellow or pink , small, med ., l9 e ., ext ra l9e. 1.00 off . special ! seersucker crawlws, for boys or 9irls, ladder s~e, checks or stripes 99¢ special! girls' straw punes, basket, box or barrel, flower-bouq~et topped • 1.79* 1.00 tirts' iewelry, assorted ••• 2 for 1.00* 8.95 to 17 .95 l•lor ....... euortment of style~ & fabrics, broken sizes 6.00 to 10.00 19t tlrts' cotton palltin, assorted colors, bro- ken sizes, special third floor • 2 for1.00 NOTIONS & NEEDLEWORK 2.98 shoe racks, "mr. •nd mrs." style: two rows hold six p r. women'1 shoes, two rows hold four pr. men's shoes • left 1.59 aprons, floral or novelty prints • 1.00 1.00 plastic blanket 'ba91 with zippers, each holds two blankets or one comforter • 79• I :59 kn itting box, plastic cylinder, IO" 1.00 90t pettt. knittint wonted, I 00% wool yarn. for making stoles. sweaters, 30 colon to choose from, 2-oz. skein . • . 69' lower-1,vel FABRICS 1.45, 2.45 miracle fabrics, orlons, rayon1, silks , solids and prints, washable .. ycl. 1.00 1.98 Mallinson 'pipinC) rock,' c rease-resist•nt washable rayon in spri n9 colors, ~5 " ycl. 1.00 59' to 79' cotton5, 80-squere percales, color- fast, auorted p rints, 36" .•.• 3 ycls. 1.00 1.00 cotton chenille, color-fast .• 2 ycls. 1.00 89' to I .19 cotton fabrics, solids a nd print f, (some do not require ironing ) •• 2 ycls. 1.00 lower-level ' BEDDING & LINENS 1.29 MarMx clacron .. clcJ• towels, specie!ll reinforced dacron edge for longer weer 1.00 Lady Pepperell sheets, superfine muslin, tyJ>e 140, bleached white, specially priced: 2.89 72x I 08 or reversible bottom twin 2.29 3.09 81 x I08 reversible snu9fit double bed bottom 1iz&, on 1ale . • . 2.49 69' pillowcases, .. 2x 36 each 59• IOwer-level DRAPERIES 1.69 to 9.95, shower a11d wiftclow c.nalm. ell plastic; prints, stripes, plaids in 9roup; 1.69 to 1.95 values each 11· 3.95 to 4.95 values eacll 5.25 to 9.95 values • eacll lower-level • ., PAGE 2 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 HARBOR HIGH SENIOR girls hear about the advan- tages of USC as an educational institution when they attended a coffee at the home of Mrs. Carl C. Hillgrcn, 2716 Bayshore Drive. Hostesses were USC alwnnae and i;peakcrs were from the university. -Staff Photo !Harbor Players Cast Comedy . . ' call and will bt' dlr<'ctri.1 '' Diil Fur1k RHdln&• wlll ~ hc•l1t a l Orang• Cou t Co 11 r g f' Chapel Thul ~ un )ton1l11y. T11f'...Say a nd Wl'<lllt'•day <'f nf'Xl Wf't'k, ~ Ill ReadJJI&• will be open ror tht' Ip ';'.h,. l•rit" C'aat wlll lnl:ludt' five -play, "Mr. A ns t l." announ«O nll'n, et1:ht wontt'n anil a l•·n )'f'•r· Harbor Community Playl'ra. It la I old ctrl, wtw w ill havt' an Import• a eom9dy·phantuy by Harry s ... ant par t. MID-WINTER SPECIAL Feb. I 1t to March 15th Regular $1 ()00 PEIMANENTS $750 • Hair Cuttlq IDC'luded A New Speclalty "Patti-Nail" u Mnrtwd ID Uf,. MacuJ• AU Work Guanai.ed ~ ....... ___ _ IAUOA INN BEAUTY SALON BALBOA INN ARCADE-PHONE HAKBOR 811 MRS. DAVID MAX STONE Candlelight Rites Unfte Balboa Duo· USC Dean of Women Talks to Harbor High Senior Girls CUSTOM MADE CHAIR SALE WINGBACK Tells Advantages of Sout ern n1vers1ty A colorful block letter SC, done in yellow chrysanthe- mums and red camellias, was the table centerpiece at the morning coffee for 50 guests on Saturday, Feb. 12. in the Miss J oAnn Israelson N ow Mrs. David Stone , home of Mrs. Carl C. HiUgren, 2716 Bayshore Drive. New- port Beach . Alumnae of the University of Southern Califor - nia w ere h<>11tuaea to eenlor girls the celt>bration, which has b<'m trvm Harbor High who are pla.n· named "!l's A Woman's World." ning t o go on lo a university a!lflr A ll are al~o in\'1ted, in<'lu(!in~ the their grad uaUon n ext J une. Moth-mothers. t o T'rulhC'llcnlc Day on er11 o( the gtrla were also gu1>st.s , Uie campus In J une. as wu Mrs. R obert E. Harb ison, Mn!. Geo rge H. Moqre wu .ren· ~~e flowers and satin ribbons adorned Christ Church by t he !-i<·a. l<.'nding accent to pink gowns of the bridal en- tourage when Mii;s JoAnn Carlysle Israelson exchanged r ing:; and \'OW!! with David Max Stone. The Rev. Roy Carl- .on performed the eight o'clock candJeUght ceremony whJcb umt.·d I h1• tlAui.;ht,.r nr Mr. a.nd 11rd Nf'wman .1111ng "Be<>llW!t'", "I MN< t:nrl I 1111·1"'"· 22111 Ch11nnt l Lo\'I' Yuu Truly" and "The Lord's 11 .. 11•1 n r 11 t ht' '"'" nt M no. F.l.111" f'Tayl'r". F:1:1:..i1 I :.!• 1-· 1~t RnlhnR Blvd The n•r eptlon W'ftl! held at tht 11. ii Mt .I l.11 l'-t •I•" or Altatlf'n&. home or th,. brtde'a p11renh . Roth Tto,. 1•1 I• i: ,., ., In krl'p1n i: hy molhl'1 !I 8!</llst ed In reCl'l\'mJ:, Mrs. "• ,. • ,. • '· '' • • •" • '1Jn•4'tl J:O\\ n t"'ntrl· •n v:f'anng toa.."'t Ja( ~ 1n u: t :•t •• ;, 1 11 • 1n p'll•·~t I' n k hall• 1111a JPni:th w ith matchini; !IC· 1111 1 t 1•·••1 • it ·o ,I••• I 11'"'"1<t'SllOrll'll &n<l p111k r1rn11llon t n1 h"I I I•· • 11 · • I 1 . • r tq• '' 11. i1agt>; w hile Mrs. EitJ:f'lt ma rr n"d A "1, '• • 1° I I. " ·· 11 hit• 1 with a1 <'e~rlf'A to hf'r trc blu" frCl< k. h· r 1 11woy .!IUll • r n11\·y blue, with note of ronl ra.~t In her p111k c ,.,.,, •. I I rr :-how• r 1, tl•Jtl• l , nm att .n cors.tl:P ...... rt.R 1\ 111 ,.,~ c o•·PLJ:'S SC llOOLS 1 1. t ~I• ' , \\' f I .. 11 i ,. . ' l 11 h ,,., .. t-11't1, '.\11 t t' t , "' t ,,, .1 ·•I ~,, .... II 1 1 , t ,, t• ·t .11 1, \ • I I I I h I 1 "k ,I,· 1 ._ ; f ' It \\ 11 ~ \ .. I·-l 1 It ilh t (•I k :tj.:f lt l.• , n r•t ~' 1•1..:-n : h"'' n11d l ,~ t \ \\ .... "" J\1 1 , I; It 11 o1 \' 11 I ". I • 11 "" 11:; 1 I Ill• h· Th•• hrlr1r "'"" i:ra•hi:ttrt1 f rom J nhn 8 111 rnu1:h!< H1~h S• ti.it'll 1111rt t tp1ni.:• l ·na!'t C'111l1 I:". hl'r hll'hAn.I 11011. :'\• wpnrt Hffrhnr H igh St hnnl, t'll•:«lt•nl\ <'11 y 1'nJIP,1:1• Rn•I CJr.1.ti.:• C'•,.t1"l C 11ltftJ?P. A rtrr a honeym oon 11t ~ll'1lll HnrhArR , .... ' ~an F"t'1nd .. ,,, ·h·· \ tlupll' \\'Ill be Rl hl'll1C in ~Ion· P •\.'11'. dC'WI ot girl.a Ill Ha r bor Hls;h. Pl'1\I chaJrman ot the coffeu and T iny Trojan hor11ca 11r r ved u lt.J,.ntWcstlon tsg11. each one bea r · lnJ; the n8.11le of a ho11ll•s., o r sen· IM Mrs. E dwam& Whitt', clPan of women al USC:, apoke Informally and UrTed a.II th• youns women prP11l'nt to rhoose fl. colltgt' or uni- versity whl<'h r an offtr thl'm 11t lm· 11lntlon. bolh lnlt'lltr lually 11nd ""< 1111ly ; a n1t tor e11rh to r 11rry wit h ht r tnlf're11t and a w illing · n<'!I, to l:f'l !hf' mo!lt l'lllt of ht>r Troj&n alumnal' who 8.'1.~1sled we re the .Mmrs. \\'11llam A tla11111, Jack \\'. Carl" in. \\'. J . l'l11 r kl', A lien CrlSt:'ll, Martin .Fnrre11t, Thom u n. F'roel, G. \\'. Grundy. t:11rl C. ~ren, E dpr Htrth, C ha1Jen Landeni, Richard LA.rsalf're, Rob- «'rt Ll'nker, J amr11 E . 0wf'n J r., Ha rvey T'Par><on, Herbe1 t J. P~l'T)'. Howard Pctfr11en. Eu1 I Petr r11on, 11.nd W11lmm l'puri:eoa Jll. r1.llPge hfP. Shi' l'lrt'l'•,.d t h" dt-· COM w :<lrl' for ead1 ona to "be yn11rJ<o·lf omen tr.u n from tho"" 1u ound you, but not get lo11t 1n the hud." NOT TOO LARGE to Honor Laguna Group Mni. Whit!! ~fUtt'd the bt'llt>f tha t \;SC, with a total enroll· mcnt. or Hl.0<•0 ta too large & 11chool. S ix thou11a n11 allrnd mi:ht Thi' \\'omen's Ff'llnwl'hJ p or t h,. .1trhnol, 11nd the rem aining 10,{l()() r ommunit y r·i u11.h. C'n1 ona :I· I a.re dl\'1ded Into l'PC'CJllll:ietl rril· ~lar. w ill mel'I \\ Nln••1<•l·''. ~ ,.b l"IP'll. aurh 11,, law. rtenlllllry . r n· ,.3, 2 p.m In the snclnl hall nf th" 11:1net'r lng. T h,. ColW'ge o r L1ber11l I "hurrh. A pnu 111111 pros:: m m "ill Art11 hn11 2(Hf0 11lu1IPnh 11nrt the ' bi-g 1\·1 o w1th ''""11u111·q h'aturPd "l!mlnL!ltr11t 1on 1, rtr•ltl'Atrd to se•·· I Valentin• I.in• .111 11mt \\'A.1th· lnj;' th11t lndl\'ltluaJ111m ill nnt lniot lni;ton l1H•t11 "·111 ht• "''("! In t1.-rora- li011pll11llty o nd rr1r n11llnN111 nrc llnn!<. C:hlltl1 en ft nm l'1.iroU1y J n 1<trei.Mtl a.nd tllch per1on'11 w orth I StuJ1os w ill 110 a ml nu el. TI1,.. ,Cinen1a Club Is rt'cognJut1. F rllnwNhlp w lll hf•n"r i:w·~t" fr<Jl'll """" met'ang heM at v111i nu11 mem· Also rt prl'"'l"nllng lhl' unlvn iolty I th,. f .AJ:"m11 H•·11r h CnnK"re~A t lnnnt 1 11••1 ' hnmPs .1ml lhP t hin! 1\1t'•· Wf'r e .Mt1111 Ja n J ohn1<1>n from the I C l111rrh. Th•· Fr1t-n1tly ~1·rY1rr 1 tl.1y a 11ocl&l 1.1telln1t ls htl1J 11.l offlrt of ArlmlM1nn11 11.n.1 Mf'ds lr:ri>11 p Wiii 11er•" t "A I P lan · COJlte ·t 11,.. :-:nnta An11 J unior Cnll""" Ml1'9<'11 M11.ry l.Ainl, B11r1><1ra S t..'\r· S S 1 'l:>,,rwim A. "htre thtrP Is 11~11· t'J;<'. San1h Prrlltl'ln l'ln•I Dt11n11 Th.. 0 1 t • 11•', t ,n. ·1.n , ,.!'..\ a Fhow1n~ ot members' films Green. The latt,.r thrre are local I Mack Elected to Post ('!•oh n , • • • • , ~ "" r \I 1 • ..r I h 'I'" of ll"!mC'l8 t rr1 film duh• rt'~Mt"n ll. A moni; th" thu teen ,111tu•lt nt:c r., 11 ru.•,. :\I' · ,I .' 1 t l-:1n •I' •A I l:'\\'fTF. ('Ot:n~ 1 rlf'rtl'<I to rommli1slontr 11 poet r1" f,. ,, I II 11·1 \ ,, r •• They Learn About Snturt1ny, Ma rl'h 19 11 l·' be r rntly 81 l.llnl' ll•·A•h Slate Col· l. I • H1i.;h S1 hoot l •11 v f•>r corll& e l l • • '1''1 .•• 1' • •' l' ••• I tnt; I Metal Policemen L·s« nr1tl :\tr• \\'h lte offered ll lrge wa. .. r rt'•1 H :O.l'\l'k , 1~ '' • l hf 11 •'•I 111r1h11l ln\tll\t.on In a ll 11rnior Oc!'a n Bh·d. whr1 ... 111 11t'n·e al! I I "''"'' I• I I ,. I' 11 ••• A lrMun <11•rus. .. 1on of t•nll :l tn i;1rlll whn l\fP lntrrrsle'1 ••• Rllf'n•I 1omm1si11nnrr or r11lhrl' I II•·• \\ • · • II •. • "'"~" JI"""' U i:htmg. fell· I ;;;;;;=========================~ I. I t I • I '.' I I I ,.. I \• flllf>d lhl' r .. b 8 mrrtmg nr t he tr. ... f , t I • ' • ' \' 'I-I "I ·t.11· 1' \\I •• I "' I lh!lh· ~-,,,,. Rll\\'"'~ Ill thr htmr of <;ary •I i\,~· II.Jn\ I'•'•' 11 ••1!o"lt F'rrdrtk~•·n,l86«11br11lolo;L,C'11~t 1 lr tl the :::1 i:uc .. t, I 1 .•1n~111i; llH 1 .\lru Ml'tlll pnllcemt n a nJ fuse.w, t.:r:h111y "'' 1.. m lh,. 11.:111111.; 11y11l1>m w"re 111 '· ,\matrur n\C!\'I•• m11 k"r', c 1thrr 1'1lll!U'cl. A n .. w Mr mhPr. Bill Hatr h. lln1111 or lG1m11 111trr1 <I• d 111 th<' <tub plC'n~ •. r nnl 1, • 11 iny l '••t r i.11 w11~ Intro luct>1 to the group. The I 11t J7t';' Cltff 1•11\•', pl11n" l.lbrrty n••iil m~t"tmic "'IU be a l t ho eamr f!.:i '61, 11r :'-ff' :>.t, t ':'Ill, l.lhr rty pl11rr . F'rh. 2:! from 1 30 tn 9 p m . 11·1002. , l'1t'.!l<'nt wn~ Bud Bro...,'ll, Hiii . Me<'lln ~s At•• l11•ld lhr ~,,, onol I H11lt h, H1d1nr.t 11 .-pprrlr, llrun• 1 11n•I third 1'11,.11tl&) ~ o( ""' h m onth. N lrhols and club lt a dtr. Paul Dun- The ar rcm I 1 11c1<J 1y t~ thr hu.s1-lap. Jte!reshmenta w trt Mrved. We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! ,. -1 ,. our coat will be u lbeaatt1'11 u f'Vf'r, attl"r _, speclalb• l'.'ftmpltff' their liliMd-,,ork I s3'° Uptown Cleaners 1928 We9t IWboe Bh·d -Newport BMch "'.' ~ In ("1-nln« and Raad Pttuill&' of l.MJH' and Gt'ntlf'mf'llll' flllf' w-nnll' apparr l .~ Lease Expires LAST FEW DAYS • DRESSES • SLACKS • SUITS • BLOUSES Price • SWEATERS TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL FINE LINGERIE Fixtures for Sale I lo ThJs Location Slnc-e J 9S1 J ofa (;ace Shop ., ( '413 No. Sycamore, Santa A11e1 lwt Xortlll l'f RaaldM Ill J..109 111 tlll• Location W-. J 91 '7 Zonta Party Benefit For Two Projects Two Zonta project &, the Amf'lla Jl'.at hart Fund and th .. Ftowera for Friendship Fund. w ill benf'fil from thi-\'alt•ntine canasta party hPld F eb JO In Ha rbor HouM by mrm- bC'rs or the Zont.a Club of ="t'w· port Harbor. Cr,11trd In ml'mory of the famed &vlatr1ii. lhl' Ami'lla Ea.rba.rt Fund provldu l<'holanihtpa to outata.nd- lng wornt'n In t h1• field of acronau- Urs. Tho Flowers tor Fr1endablp Jo"und. project o( the governo r of District 9, will a11s111t a dt>lt ple from the ZOnta Club of S"·f'Cirn to atti-nd lhr lntPrn11 llonal convf'n· aJd Havm 11.a.U. UIUUd by Mn. Jame9 A spin. pl"t'Sldent. Jin.. Tom and Mrs. Jamee Ray. Door prius -re won by Mmee. E. F . Sbf'U. Paul Dun.lap. Jamu C~r. Pamela DaD.JeLI, J. C. Payn.r. Jll"na Stt.k&mp. Al Tbtrkf'- JJaen.. Xa.!t'ne Coplel. Darid Swan- ton and Gert.rude FtM'ler. Darrell Berry Out of Army RttenUy home ~r J~ months lD Japan andharillc re«lnd. bi.I c1i«ba.rc• from the army, Darrell Beny, -.a ot Jlr. and Mra. Uoyd Bf'rry, 869 Arbor St.. Costa M-. ta 'Planning to n'O"ntn K hool. lion al Sun Valley. Jdaho. nt>:&t 1be Bf-rrya' Ja.uc~ter, :Sorma ,,_,.. 8-T>' ................... "' .._. The \'lll<'ntlnl" t hPmt' w a11 c-ar-from b#r .stud1ts e t Uw Bibll' ID· r1e1I out 1n deC'ora t1ons. Tables statute Ul Loa Angele•. Two yowi1 Wf're gay with r ••<l a.nJ w h.itt> , •• ,. hoWltl'gutsta al thl' bomt' fo,-two t'ntlne rlttlls o\•rr a glaJU of homl'-•·ttka arr Franklf' and Larry m11d .. Jelly. the decoratlnna aJ~ i.t .... ru1 or C09t<& Mt>M "'hi> art' l'f'- l'en1njl;' 1111 t11bl<' p n z i-s. Thf'y '1''tl'f' ma.1ntni: L'°l"r" whtlt thr1r mntht r dl'~ll?nf'r! nnrt ma1lr hy )fr:-. Don· ~ In tk:l' boFp1'al • • • Ask. ·Any Islander LARGE ENGLISH LOUNGE l'loltt! llart1wooll ~me. HI~· llory d<>,. •led_ Chui<• or '" u lO ~ov.ro In llll pat1.,m1 &nd colora. lt :r••r iru,.,..,11 •. 51149~ U11ll•ltttr-ed $]995 '"otc:lllftg Otto. "'·"· ..... to,., •• Th• Charm of Yetleryear The S.rvlce of Today IN THI ARCADI NOT TO HAH 1750 S. Main Santa Ana Kl J..4454 TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department SPECIALS t"'OK FEB. Ji-18-19 Don's Meats C>.rtU' ~fa) f'r I I lb. pk_c. LINK SAUSAGE H unnf'I llalry ftr.nd BACON ... .: ___ .. LAMB LEGS ·-_ DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT '' 1'7 the ~/ ,, \jrog Jhop ' ,_ c.: ....... PORK & BEANS :.!. Ori )loeJe SAUERKRAUT FrilWTtla .YAMS Drl )loet,. ('ut GREEN BEANS .Mart1-IM APPLE JUICE b tMrif'y«• Hah Ml APRICOTS 0..... P1 Xt : .\l'f' I .I: JUICE Ori ,._ ... s.16ttd PEACHES . WHm KING Rird_y,. t'rol"n Pt:Al'4 and CARROTS DICK'S Green Groceries I.e. t•t y twrt" AVOCADOS .... ,. CARROTS l'•t"f'f l'PA:\,,_ff ONIONS -·-~ .... -- You Select ••• We Deliver Cinnamon-:.. • ROllS .•...••.•••. 23' ,.. ... THE MARKET SPOT-· -- 200 MARINE , A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND ,- I " ( -, \ .,----.. MISS JACQUE GAUDIN Photo by Maggie Price ... ·-- HEART FUND POSTERS are being made by students in one of the 7th grade classes at Horace E nsign School. Left background : Mrs. James B. Stoddard (white blowie) being ahown a poster"by the t eacher , Miss Beth Terpena. The posters were displayed in variou.a places to acquaint the public with the coming Heart Fund Sunday. P-TA SERVES TURKEY ON SATURDAY ENSIGN SCHOOL Spomor r.d by Main School P·TA, a turkey dlnn.r will be aerved a l Colt& M~ Am· Foreign Students to Speak on P-T A Program -----------1-...:s•.-.:•-..--...... -~.u.:lM..t.l~·~~-~ unique ft\ 11rogr..,.,....lt tlrrfe*11 of ttte 8"1eN M • . G d • St., on Sat urday, with aerv-Ensign P·TA Foundf rs Day uNJ1on being hl'ld In the achool C&fet.erta . ISS au In ln( from II so to a p.m. Re-OD WeJnesday. F l'b, 23. al 7:30 pm Hlj(hlli;htln( the meetlnr &lao will aervatlona c:aa be made by be the 11urpnse pr<'st•nLAllon ot an honorary life memberahlp lo a well calling \ll'aya &nd mea n a known and pop1,1l11r }lsrborlte who hs11 don!' mut·h to promote the Ideal.I pereonable &nd a c c o ll\.P l I a h • d 9J)eakera and their colourful de- acrlptlona or life ln their native countrlea will provide an outatand· Ing program for the memben1 &nd trlenda of the Horace En.sign P· TA. chairman, Mra. Fornal o·-ot the P -T A throughout the corn-s t F J I Ha.ir, Uberty 8-2966. or lie-munlly. e Or U Y k ela w iU be llOld at the door The lnternallonal prugrlitn belng u long u food la.al/I. It'a a ~re!!t'nlcd~as a at.mulus during "N me -u -you -are aCfll..lr," B~d "'""k which la beln& Lido ,Girl to Marry Raymond Andrews Jr. calico or levl.a. Eve:ryooe le ln-obsuved nexl week throughout Vlted to teat good home cook · the nation, w1U have y oung foreign Ulf. aludent11 attendJng Chapman Col- Area Republican --Mr . .and Mrs. George Gaudin of Lido I.ale, Newport women Elect Beach, a'n nounce the engagement of their daughter Jacque Newport Harbor Area RepubH· to Mr. Raymond Andrew• Jr., llOD of Mr. and lira. R. D. C&A Women be1d elttllon of om - Andrews. of Sierra Madre. The announcement wa.s made at ttra oe rett. to wtth th• fttllllt than Mra R ichard Tearhout wa.s a cocktail party held Feb. 12 at the Gaudin home, where elttted d i.airman: Mr11. Viola lege m On.<nge as the main epeak· rrs. Tbo young men are J ohn Soh from Korea, Dan Luaa from Italy, &nd Ayo<l~I Tanlmowo from Ni- geria. The la tt"r will provide a n t'Xl.ra llpllrk or l'nlrrlRlllnl<'nl When he aing11 l\J11 nat1\'I' 1Wn1j11 accom· panytn a hlrnlMl It on t h" 'u n rl• dn1ms whlrh h,. hruughl with htm from A!ncs Ing their lime In th• Un ited Slate• to pn•parini; tor v&rloua protea- 11lon11 whlt'h "Ill enable them lo re· turn to their homeland.a to Improve conJltions there &nd lhua &lao brln1< about a b• tter underetand· Ing belwern UIP pt>oplea or the Camp Fire Chipmunks Elect Officers According to Mn . Jllchud 1.1- llenCial, prealdent, l ht> m.•etlng will close with retreahmentJI ca rrying out the theme or l-"11undf'r~· day. Theee will be aerveJ by Mra. Fred \Voodw orth &nd h~r committee ..,, a.rd Dawson. :?128 ConUnr>n1.4'.I Ave. new of!lct'rs wt.'re i-lecteJ t1r the coming year. J udy Hague 11 Ula new prul· dent: Madeline 1>11wl!On, vice pres· ldent : fWs<'tta l.ov,.11. t reasurt>r : Carn I A mp1r~hry, srn<'t ary. A p· ril Qu1glf')', l!OClal chalrm.n, Ja.n At UM lat.et roeeUns of th• Jl'ro•t. 110nir lead,.r; Lynn P•ck , Friendly Chlpmunk11, C&rnp Ftrr 1 scnh< Apr 11 Q111i;lt>\' 111 h11!0lt'S8 Cira club or Coat! Meaa. me4'tlng with t wo h"lpt'ri. Kay An'1,.rit•in • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PAR' 11, • PAGE J THURSDAY. FEB. 17 I 1955 Make Posters Noting Heart Fund-Sunday ' Lonnie Vincent and H. E. Stickler who as chalrmE-n· ot the 19M Heart Fund in the Ha rbor area have bttn busy re- cruiting an army of workers for the campaign. are fi ndinl that age h as nothing to do with inter<'st in heRrt problem11. da~':ha~~n~~n31r~~<l~~~.;l~~~~ ~~. which nuw ntlw be t'N'n ll\ 1<1ra1 through \\'ilhllm• R. Ritter. pr1n-slo1e "'in1lowt1 cipal Clf Horace Ent1lgn Sfhool. M r. \'inn•nl and his ro-worker9 contacted MIM Beth Tt>rpena, art hop<' t hftl the m~"'"'J:e cur1f'd b1 t eacht'r, who 1111~11 It l.!1 amu:lng thf' p<>altra will rt111 h all the peo- how conrerne•I 11n.1 wr ll-lnforme<I pt .. "" lh"t thl'\' "Ill wrlt.:om• ,the ll<'ht'><ll l'hlldr<'n 111 ,. rejt&rdtng thr1r HMrl F"11nl1 n1l11ntrtr oo thr tmttle a1;ain~t hearl dluase. H.nrt Sun.lay, Frb. 21lth an1! rive 1'hs:l T r qwn11 askl'd for volun· 1renrmusly. leers from hl'r thrt'e 11evl'nth· g ratle t'IHSll•'ll 11f bClys a nd girls &nd hl'r thr<'«' f'll(hlh-i:rode cla&w~ of g it 111 Io 111ukt P<•"·"rs to help publlc1it• thl' <'tt111pa1:;:n. All were t•ager to h<'lp nnd IK'l 1hllgently to work creating the dr\·tr po11ltr11 liARBARA JOHNS0:-1. S. r. hl~h :..:h1•1•I t<tml .. nt "Juv .. nlle 4- hnqurnn· '"" bo• m r l 11nJ f'Um'- natf'd when we trllln our conKl- encea .•. tlnd co11p .. rate with clv1l 11uthorlt1r11." Now 18 the Time to ham your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded fur coal re- alyled to a smart alole or C'lulch cape. Th111 la the •la<"k period anrl to kt'tp our work- room busy we are otrerlnJ" VERY SPECIAL •orr -Sfouon" PRICES SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY S08 North Broadway Santa Ana Kl 2-0652 TRAVELER'S CHOICE TRAVEL to Europe this Sprin9 for FUN and know the world about us. TRAVEL in COMFORT and without care. TRAVEL AS YOU LIKE IT For lnformaUon • aom,. 60 trienda at °'" mcqed J'nf'dm&n. vtce-ch&lrman. Mrs. couple offend tbeu-~ Mark Soden, ll'tuurer: )fra. Sld- tlon1. n•y P K k, •f'<'retary; Mrs. Robu t Thrse youni; people 11rc J~rtlrat-"t the home of Advbor Mn. How· a.nil Fr.mt r l' Du" JOun. I about the moet delightful tour at the tx>st time of the y~ar with charming people Harbor Star to Participate in County Event Mls8 Gaudin I.a a sradu&le of Damn. corrupondlni: aecretary: CuteUeja fuustunr acllool in PMo Uld )Ira.. V \11'1!1 GarrlinPr. parha· Alto and N'«lved htt colWse de-m.-nt•ri&n. gre-e from San J oee State ~ The mtttJn& \Ila.I held at the WIMre llhe wu alfillalH with J:>d. bom.i ot Mra. Kenneth AJbright ta C.mmL Sh• I• preM!ntJy teach· and wu a ttended by t>O RepublJ- A larg~ lnntrn11:ent from Hubor 11\1' achoo! ln the Newport Barbor can women Who continul'd U1P pro- Star OER, ll'R•I by Worthy Mat-attL ptm of the rC'gular Thursd11y rem Mr!' Arlhur F'1t:r;mnrn l' and Mr. Andrewa att.en~ ~na meelllli by luncJUnr with and hs- Worthy r 1111nn Hl'nrv Delater w ill achoolll &nd re<:«'lftd bta C'Olkre d~ terunc-to tbe Llnt'olll Day addrt-~11 allf'nrt th,. h1i:: "'''''"R 11t Santa ~at lhe tJnlw ntt y ot Oalltor-g1ftll by Sl'nator &rry Golilwa- Ana ~111~,.n,r r• 111rll' "" Monday nla a l Santa Barban. ~re he tC'r. l'Vf'n lnl{, Fr i>. 21 Twrh•t Or&nJ.?I' wu • Kappa Ri1m1a. He I.II f'nP«td Th,. nl'.llt m<'t>lrng will bl' held County OER r hap11•1 11 wtll partlrl-In aaJu work for th,. HeJJweU Tool on St. Pat.rick'• Olly, March 17. pa te 1n 111 .. ••rtw1a l vl•lt of Orand IComrany In Los Angel«'& TbC're wtll bl' lnat.alla tlon or ofti· 1'h tron MrM ThPlrnR Rl'rnrrt Wsr-The young couple planll an ear-«-r a a n•I a progn.m tollowln1 the ren or 011kh.not nnil r:r1n1I Pntrnn ly July weddm ic &nd !utu"' reM· ltm«'he<ln. · Phillip Fr .. •li•r1• l.l'llhy nf \11no11;11 I d~nre In San Cabr1t'I. Park. Many n11'11'b••r11 1rnrt vllllUng d11t- KNITTING YARNS NEEDED BY HOAG AUXILIARY D<lnat1nns of k niltlng yam• are urgenUy n~dt"l by U111 knltlmi; • t1rnthll l1,. of HORJ!: Hn.•r1 tnl A11't1l1a ry Thi' nll'mbns 1n Lai:11ni• H• "h h11ve m11de th1e1• 1<1i;a1111 fur t he hn11p1lal, \\ tul" uw 1"<'111 ,.;mup hu1 1quarf'11 enoui:h for tw11 mort'. liut yam i~ n•'<"l"d both to Jom the aquan•s, a.ml to maltt mi.re l!fghans. Any cnlor, M y weight, r11 n bl' UllC'd, arrordlog t o Mr1. J:imea T. Mriultrup. U bl'rty 8-61!4, w ho wlll ~ h11pry to collel'l !hr m11l t'rlal.11. nltari~• "ltrnilr•I \Ill' 1-"rb 8 ml'l't·1out-of-State Guests lnl{ ot Hnrh<>r St11r f• r lhl' orf1rls l t \V tk• H JAPANESE DEEP FRY Vi•lt l'lf P"f"ll'· (~rl\n•I M&trnn 3 a lnS OIDC Mr11. Ernt •I Sltn•nn • r Or11ni:f'. A Valt'nllnf' th•"'" w.1, riuT1~.1 out tor the ,.,·enlni; 1n 1 "n<i ~hit~ cupid!!, h,.11rt11 l\n•I fl 1· •'t ~ 11n11 rt,, and whit~ rr r ••• hn rnl. Announr"mf'n t "J• 111 1 !" ,,f thl' OF.S n1mmn~ .. ~1 .. i<l tlf' I I t F• h 2:\ ant1 26 al ti« \ t llnw hr""" n<''I to the Cn•tl\ ~1,.•' R11nk ~lrmbf'r• 'IO.'llh d• n11tlnn• r r th,. aale are a11lcel1 tn """:"'' • Mrs. Corwin Hnm r. I.I ~ ~··1!1 f• r ptfk ·up of the a rtJr Ir• Island WSCS Canasta Party Friday Evening An lntrrf'8tlnir And Informative proirram w1u prretnted by Clrt'le tour WhC'n thr BlllboA lal&nd Wo• men·11 S11drty ot l'llrl1tlan Ser- vice m rt a t the ("nrnmunlty Met- hodlat Chur<"h F:lalne Andeu on ' Dudll'y Af'Ok!' on thr Onodwill elory. Shr it•vr ma ny highlight• In the hl:ot nry nt th" Goodwill Jn-1 duetrlu from It~ bf'!rlnnlnir In Boeton tn the prl'l!lent d11y Two Ac1ult lite n1l'm bPrahlpa In UI• Wom,.n'l' Sn<-h~ty of \hrlattan t •rvice Wf're prtMntrd by Mn1 Percy Balnl'I on behalf nt lhe So· 1 claly, to Mr• !'t .. phl'n SmlUI anrt Mni. F ount Lowr The bwlnta.<t 11tu lon wu al ,1,.. I ftD o'clock Yt11h Mn. Percy Ba.In· .. prealdlnt . rl'f)('lrt1 fmm n rloua otttoen were l'lvt n. Thi' chaJrman I of the clrclu l"fJ>Ortfd on mMUnp lleld Uta Yt•ttk pl"fvtoua. A nomlnatlnit committee waa appointed. ron11lsUng or Mnt. Neal Donkar. ch&lrman: Mm"'· C. Door- Jue F&l'T)', Dona ld Sapp a.nd B~·­ ""' Nea.I~-. A canuta party wUI be (Inn by Ute Society In ~rbom b~ tomorrow, Feb. 18, at I p.m. The quiet hour wu lleld In lll• . 1anctuary a.nd ltd by Kta. Sara Bowman. Hf'r wbject wu "'J'&Jt.11 a.nd HopP " Lunch~o ,., .... aarvf'd by Circle Two al J2 30 pm. w ith Mrt. Rob· Vl~llln~ f(lf a ff'W da \ .. nn thl'lr w11y In Palm ~pnng•. Mr and Mr11 Mac ='1f!!Um o! P.onnan. ;\1,,nt. w,.,... lht hrru~i:uHl~ of th" J"hn F: Watklr ~ tam1I~· al 1961 j i.·,.d,.r•I A"f' c. •ta )I~ Al~ ~ta\'mi: With t hf' \\-alklns IS Don ~I< Clain r•t Rurkf'. Maho ..-hn 1 plane tn H>ttle h,.r,. upon •rr1.-aJ of h1a family JleautLfuJ a n d rtf<'Ol"llll\'t' "'Ith hullt-111 dmln rack &11 '1 handy perforated 1 a d I ,. Portablt', Ilg-ht and •&Jr)' t o Yc:>u'll In\'(' It tmm ti,. Sff ll ln the •.. «'rt l bbotS<111 u chau·man. The lablea Wf're a ppropnatf'ly decorat- l'd 1n a patr:nttc th,.mt for \\·a~h­ lng1on'11 bl rHda~ Th.-Mlt table wu prP~d .. 1 over by C'1rrlt four. The n~ll:l mtttlnr ..ru be )fardl 9 at the dlurch. MEZZANINE SHOPPE IUCR.All0'8 UDO MAJlllF.T Romance in Springtime Colors MARJORIE MICHEL'S latest Creations GLASS SPORTSWEAR in Charmeen G•berdine BLOUSES by Rene• of Swiherlen~ LANZ ORIGINALS (udusive wtth the Clothes Hone) • fashionable skii:ts of imported fabrics the Clothes Horse Balboa Island Her~or 0707 l'lan!' "• t •• • umplttl'li fur the Cnunr1l Fir" p1 .. i:111m 11n F rb. 18 at the hnm,. nf J 1mrl J(on• ~ where honcon• lln I 1nnk1 v. ill ht> 111 ~tnwtt1. It wa~ d,.111.h•·I thDt rrrr r&hm,.nu fur the Affair wr>uld be "eom,.. ml'lrf'11" 11nd l"monadr. ~&y It WltJl Party ~ntaJ Items J41U I!:. Cnr1.•t /Jy , "'"''"" drl llM Harbor 6071 --------~-------~~~~ -.' . ... phone : UG \1a Wader&, Udo '*· S f'WJ>"rt ,.,.ac-h Call l:lart»or Ill! or LI s-nn ~l&W "ltb World Travel Bureau, Inc. 618 S ortb MaJn 81 .• Santa Ana Klmbrrl7 2-'4473 A<ll'1tlnnAJ Ottlcu lo Serve You In r o mona , RlvPn1l11t., Compton. Whlltler. Full,.rtnn and Ana)lt'!lm SEW IF YOU YOU CAN SAVB w ith S implicity Printed Patterns, our sewing aids and notions SATIOSAL SEW ASD S.\\·t: Wt:t:K Ff'b. 19 to FPh, 26 .S:r,oi6., '9WltD ,. rt'l..a 10'8 • New Shipment Spring Yarcla.-Just Arrived I We Giwe S&H Green Stamps OPl:J'll I UNDAT II TO I Open Sun clay From 10 to I - -. • .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 • ~~ COffEE ··--···-----................................ 83c BUY , •• 0 MAlll1 WITH SALLIE Ne"·port Beach, Calif. "So I abook all the 1 pound cana of coffee and dldJl't find a slap gurgle!" Funnletlt foodecdote to have happged · since the oae about tbe gal who M~­ ved her gueete a raw ton- gue and told the buicber It WU tough, W;M the one lut week whenf the CU8tomer oomplalned that sbe bought a pound of coffee here and when she opened It up found It tu1I of water • . • .. Why!" ahe uk~ our Clarence Dodd, who as you know Is our Grocery Man- ager on the fioor ud the proper penon to aak such pertinent qUHtiOD8 • • • Clarence couldn't think of a .tngle reason, except per- haps maybe the hea\'Y rains down V enesuela way had ~thin« to do with It •.• IUrllaard'• o.-Certoa 55c LARGE AA EGGS ............. w ........... ~ ... -- ~ Dutpld , 5ac AA BUTTER .. ~ .. --... ___ .. ____ ........ 7 -':J.J.».l~~~~~~~~-H~~t-~~~~ .,.._ ___ ,, -.18e toted home a ,·acuum pac.ked pound of watt>r ••• " The big switch is about to begin . . . I've heard tell of coral produce cases and pale green frozen food cases . . . Or was it pale green produce and coral frozen foods? ... Xa got me ... Then there·s to be a wing added on the 1§11 back . . . or J"ll! it on the I ' f~nt '! I've -n blueprint.a of ~~:lll! •team tables where one could I .elect ready-cooked foods and I a roUseerie for buying the 1 ill noble bird right off of the 11pit . . • Brand new check I stands to make for easier and faster service ... Complete new abow CAM9 to dJaplay meata. and dellcateuen •.• I MY I've heard ... F rom what I've ~leaned through the gro- cery vine tht're isn't goi ng lo 1 be a Rin~le counter, gondola, display section in the 11ame 1 .place or darc-ct ion it wu be- f ore ... And think of the can 1 ~~i Bakery Fresh TRUR8DAV 8PECIA.L For Khool lunr!M-tl -d l'D&rk• OATMEAL COOKIES . 2 35¢ ..... doz. FRIDA 1' SPIXJJ.AL NATIONALLY .t.DVEBTISED SALE DA\'8 ----------------···~~ San • to 20,/o of yo. llldtet Dollars dwint ow first Sprint .lit lraad Ewetlt. Fii yos pwse ~with eal1y spring savlftcJI and stock ap yw c•board wit11 favorite Natlof!Cll lrand Foods. Select from this compl1ta variety then •nfoy the superb flavor of expertly picked and expertly packed Ubby lrand Foods. luy Libby's today ••• at Richard's Dellcloua for aal.ada. cleewrt aad ...,.ka $4 00 ~ FRUIT COCKY AIL ................................ ~:. 5 for I For Bl'Mllfut aad TMi'Y Salada $ 00 ~ GRAPEFRUIT .................................................. !~ 6 for 1 ~ PEiriL _... ..!: 4 ... 51 00 Clllll Md aerve with cookJN for df'tlMrt 4· s100 ~ PINEAPPLE JUICE ................ ~ .... ::. for Starta )'M off ••• ~bt ! . 4 S4 00 ~ TOMATO . JUICE .................................... : for I e For B..-llfut or DIBMr 111 4 s100 ~ CORN BEEF HASH ........... OL fnr ~rve on • toothpk-k 6 s100 ~ VIENNA SAUSAGE ...... _ ... o!. for Mkl-wttk lrtiat : 8PAGHF.1T1 and 4 s100 ~ MEAT BALLS .... _ .. _, ................. ;: tor Bak~ .. __ ,. ,_, with 4nc ~ PINK SALMON .......................... _____ .!!. 1- or aern • ~Id dlah wttb 6tc ~· RED SALMON ..................... _ ....................... ;: e ~ frEWfb'"ToMATOES .......... !: 6 ... 51 00 joggling that will be involv-1 ed ! Look wh at yo u go throug h when you unload $20 worth of groccriel'I from the back of your car! Rroth'""8 and sistc:>rs wc·,·e got aome can mo\'ing ti" do. but we're 111mart ... we're goin g to let you mo\'<'0cm for us ..• right out t h<' front door . . . Big remodeling food !'alt' n.-xt week -end ... H11ndre1ll'I anti hund reds o[ foodA from a ll departments ... lf you ha,·e not alrc:idy r(•r1•1\'l•d a copy of RENCHvoAtP!PLE PIE .............. ~b 51 # -.... "' f1ll , .. tbt ~ DEEP ""BROWN BEANS ..... !! 9 ... 5100 :mr WN'k·<>ntl "l'<'Clals through ~Ill the mail 1u;k fo r 1t whc.'n you , come in . . • 1 Thf" hi!!; !'Witrh 1''111 &It be o\·r r hy our M'\'rnth annl- Vf'rMr~ ~lar1'h J.'l, "<> It !I you ''ant tn i.trt In on t hr fun of tripplniit 0\f'r rar-I ,ml )>f'nt••f'I. f'l<'rlridaus, paint-~ .. "' and """h ••• tw.. 1!11 I ~~~ your C"ha.nc'e • • • ~\'('n I ~~~ yra" ill a loni.t t imf' ..• \\'hat c h a n J: • " It hu I ~~; hN>u~ht ahout In the fYJ"'1' I of fond WP Pat . , . f ,ook- lnit huk o\ ,.., tht'M' pai-t IV\'r n ~-f'af'M !Untt our OJlf'n-I ~~~ lntt In 19-IR, thf' mOt1t \•Md j ~~~ nf'1'' food lnC'idf'nt I rHol-I ~~~ lf'cot, "'M m~· ft"'t tutf' of ~ frown oru1.,;f' juke . • • Can you hna~lnt not ha,·lnit l frozM oranitt> jui<'t"! That's I "·hat I m4"'an h~· <'han1tt-1t .• Whoa vou thef e in front of the packaged cookies ... This is the time of ycnr you·rf' suppo!K'd to buy them from the Girl Scout.a ... Girl ~cout cookiet1 are good n chl'r than regular cookies. tht'y nre bak<'d by a BJM'Cial formula by our Own Langcn- :iorf and Weeton B&keriee 11nd wall be in the girl's 1 ~ii h1rnds within a few days of baking . . . Thia cookie ule is a National a.flair ~I over the United Statea and Lii the one money raiaing cam· pa.ign of the year to. maJntain and develop the Girt Scout or- pnization .•. 8.\'n:'llOA ,. srt:CIAL.1 Moraine T..-t: PINEAPPLE SNAILS . 3 for 25~ IA.lrf' i " i layf'r JH-vtl• •"Ud&'f' 87¢ LA YER CAKE .. -·-·~ ..................... ncb Delicatessen -fGAtt ~~~~ ,. ,., .... 11,11 .. ,, k ...... . _. •• 111o ......... .... .. ~ ......... .... en ., .. COPY ,... . ., Lurr"" AU M1>at FRANKFURTERS .. ---···· .. ·-··-··----·-.... Jlt. 45c lnlrlKhl<'lnc Jf'rT.r M cl<IN"11 53c SALAD DRESSING ..... -...... ·--· _ ................... ·-·-··o~ Jlr-aft'" ~~Plmf'ntn ..ac ·CHE.ESE WHIZ ··-··-... -............. _ ....... _ .. _ ............. ___ ! 1.1- Kaub•-C111h A11-ortf"d 35 CHEESE LINKS ·-·--·-···-·--·-· .. ·-·--····--··--.. 0~ c lt'e bade ID alMk ! • ~ TWANG CHEESE SPREAD ......... ~.-... -.... o: aJ- Clean and Fresh iYOCiDos ···h Sc MiJjtiiROOMSpkr. 29c BadptPwJI ........... PRUNES 2 lb~c;n• 39c \·lslt U1• bt1t ••if<'h •t Ri<'hard's Udo Marktt. oaf' of the Udo Shops. located al th.-f''nt ruiC'f' to Udo bit>. N""·rort Bf.uh, CalJf. SPECIALS FOB FEB. 1'7, 18 ud 19, 19C56 81111D,Y ·"·flf't colclea 7 s100 ~ CREME CORN ...................... . . ........... !~. for Amotlter 'Wteett ! 7 $4 00 ~ SAUERKRAUT ............................................ !!. for I Tender Tasty Meats "W• k"ote ym•u bs 11"'4Aed" (] ••• CIM>&ce 8tMk PORTERHOUSE "Erlrti '7'~11 !JM l'vR o/ 1'"1t'M" l T • 8. Qlok-e T ·BONE STEAK "lllart, wMt 11 dMll" v . 8. Cllok'e SIRLOIN STEAK "T"" Boc0tt trlr 1' t 1MJ B"'olt~ Tlo\•or"' 8wtlt'a Pnmtmw SLICED BACON lb.89c •b·89c 1b.59c "J...t B~t orwl Bot• 8wtn'• ..,_.. .... .,.. SAUSAGE a ••. 49c OYSTERS 12os.jar 59~ •• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSD.AY, FEBRUARY 17, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE r .... · COW AND PASTURE CLASS-Bob Perrin, head of the Newport Harbor High School agriculture department, instructs a class in the field. Holding the calves on dis· play are Ronald Christicnson, left, and Gal'y Barker. • Of the 80 students, freshmen through seniors, taking vocational ag. 100 per cent belong to Future Farmers of America. -Staff Photos Harbor High Has I . Y eat-round Farm .. ~ f By BILL PHO,,UPS CURRYING FAVOR-Tom Dethlefsen d<>E'8 hl1 dairy heifer a favor on the high school farm by currying her while Don Meredith does Tom a favor by holding the animal. There are 25 head of cattle at Harbor High. Dethlefsen plans a dairy herd as his future buatne.a. Meredith intends to start hjs own beef ranch. Orange Coast College h as offored its farm facilities to local Future Farmers ~nd donated the eervicea of ita reg· istercd Hereford bull, Boca OUke. ............. T '1 Under Bob Perrin and Charles Fu!1-~~i_,.c_u~lt~u_re __ ~~---~• instructors, about 80 boys. are currently participating ----.... .-..---------------~--~..,,...~--------~---- DIG THOSE DISK~Harbor ffigb Arriculture Instruc· tor Charles Funnell points out a necessary adjustment of disks as Bill Trusty on the tractor prepares to plow up gardens for replanting. The gardens are located on 32 acres of lnnd across 17th St. fro!" the campu~ which the hi~h school district is holding as a .new buildin.: Nil<· if desired creation of a Costa Mesa plant is not pos· aible. -----------·-- • in ,ear'"!'OU'ftd-FutU'l"'e""1"8nncrtyT'Ol~~--·­ Newport Harbor Union High School farm. As a Mas· ter Chapter in the Future Farmers of Amer ica, Har- bor High has extended an invitation to citizens to visit the ag department during National Future Farmer Woek F eb. 19-26. Out of 800 FFA chapters. only 225 hold the Maater Chapter rating. Included in the ] 2-month program arc gardening, animal husbandry involving cattle and sheep, chicken raising and floriculturc work. FARM TO BO\' Since the youngsters have no home facilit ies. yet must have a project, the school brings the farm to the boy. The school farm consists of approximately 12 acres. including 32 acres whk h the high school d1~ trict is holding aa a possible building site if crealiou o{ a Costa Mesa high school is not feasible irl the future. There are two freshmen classes plus single sopho- more, junior and senior tlassC's. Older FFA members go into the sophomore and froi;h classes to act as as- sist ant farm managers t u Perrin and Funnell and aid the younger boys in various dult<'1:1 and training. How- ard King, a senior, became so \'aluablt: tn the agricul· ture department that he b(-came a paid cmplo)"'.'e. over- seeing fa.rm activity of the whole student group. AID INSTRUCTORS Asaisting the instructors in freshman classes :tre Richard Gould, senior· and Claude Barnes, junior. Soph· omore class student managers arc Irene Waggoner. senior, and Don Meredith, junior. Adults visiting the Rchool farm during the obsen·· ance of the Future Farmcn;' 27th anniversary nf'xt week will be able to witness first hand the training of youth in occupationAI compel<'ncy and citizens hip as the boys demonstrate the Fl-'A motto: "Learning to do; doin' to learn; ea.ming to live; living to serve." TEMPTING TIDBIT -The· tempter is Bob Casi Ilia.a, Harbor High Future Farmrr. Tt'mpte<l is Pollyanne by the succulent morsels of hay. Tl1e horned cow is a reg- istered Hereford which h:is )'roduccd three blue ribbon calves for the Newport hig h school agriculture depart- ment . ... IT'S 1 ·r TO EW~EspcciaJly when the time comes for judging of breeding ewee at the Harbor Hi~h srhool farm. Lining the sheep up for the judgC8 are, from left. Br m11rd Burton. J erry Shafer. Ron Miller. Richard Balley Rnd Bill Tnu1ty. Tbeee an· ima..ls arc part of the block of 10 ih the high achoo) agriculture department. BO-BO, 80!',ROE!-It'• off to work they go aa mem· bera of the Newport Harbor High School Future Farm· U'I take care ot ifriiating a.D<i •eed.i.Dc activity, The gudrn11 :ire tillPd and tended durinJ? rf'gular clll811room wnrk ar rni;s 1 it h St. from rnm pus. Su pcrvi8ing the chore ia Ag instructor Charle11 Funnell. , I r (}overlimenl f:xcepl PAGE 2 -PART 111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 ''God gront us the serenity to occept the things we cennot chenge; the couroge to chonge the things we con and the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Railway Figh~ Our Progress During the put aeveral moot.ha there bu been a sizeable group of buaineu men and ciyic worlu:ra of the Orange County coutline which h.aa worked Jong and hard in an effort to achieve a goal for the benefit of the whole coast. The aim bu been the removal of the Pacific Elec- tric Railway from the beach along the length of the cout fr:om Long Beach to Newport Beach. The intent of this grQUP la not to take from the Rail- way that which ia theirs without due compensation. Ra- ther it has been a plan to improve the coast, provide all facilities now rendered, AND, MOST IMPORTANT, LEAVE TH'E RAJLWAY COMPANY WHOLE. The publisher of the Newport Harbor New•-Preu Is proud to have been a worke'r in this group toward thi• routing the utility line for the building of their AlamJto1 Bay Marina. It will cost them hundreda of thou.aanda ot dollars. They recognize that they will have to move the utility again in the matter of a few years. It will mean building more bridges, acquiring more right.-of-way, apending untold thousands of dollars. The City of Long Beach has indicated that a way could probably be found for them to s_upply the money for th~ new line in lieu ot Long Beach rights of w;iy and relocation. So what's the b<>cf? • The 1,1tility company, illegitimate step-child of the Southern Pacific, is not interested. It values not !ta community relations, nur Joes it have a twinge of con- science at the bLight it has created, nor is it interested • in progress. No, SOUTHERN PACIFIC RA lLW A Y AND ITS OFFSPRING are interested only in Orange County Oil. It only can extract from Orange County its tithe aim. for oil so long as it holds its rights-of-way. The rights of Mt.ny long and tedioua hours have been devoted ln· way were given with reversionary interests to original di\·idually, and collectively by the members of the com.: donors and thereby would revert to the prime owners. milt<'rs. Any other rxcusc the railway comvany would give 'fhe aim to remove the railway right of way from 18 ba re falsehood. the beach la not a plan dream<>d up after a foggy flight But the committee which has worked so long be- on Cloud 18. No, it is practical, possible, and eaay of lieves there is a solution. achi<>,·cment. L<'l's look at the list of tho11e who would benefit by The committee h as proposed an enabling act of the such u 'move: Tho City of Seal Beach officials inspired legislature permitting the miserable utility to retain its title in the intC'rest of the public gootl. Thereby fl could this l:tt<>st plan when they stated they wanted to remove continue to <'Xtract its pound of fl esh frum an area it the unsi~htly lines of ,t hf' railroad from the heart of their docs not serve by th<> wrongful use of land lo which it town. has no right. LS'r8 INVKST MORB IN' TRElll TMiY 'lti OUR IEST t40PE fOR TME ATOMIC I "FUTURE. Sacramento •'· Sidel~ght SAC"HAMF::\'TQ (C.:-:'!'l) -Somt' 1111u·rus111g by lo Jpll 1tnd tx11tnl.l:t, ot the plul11soph11•s ot i;o\·crnmenl lhe govern1•r ~•Id thlt! la due t 1 i.t by C o \'<'rllOI' <:uv.lwrn J larg<'ly to l hP for t thot tl:e popu· K r l..:hl Wl're expounJi•ll 10 newly hltlon . lnn·te«es 1to 111Podlly nn1t -:Jrom '' BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HOKAC!; PARKER " . (U Noto -Tille C"Olum• by HoraClO rarkn "'W __, wt .. UM Uttl .. llDOWll t1Jat~r1<s.I IM't• lie .... drf'daNI up ID Ill• ......,. lrtpo lato U.. •d1 C'Oaalry ta ,_., )'t'&n.) lndit.n petroglyph11 or "paintings'' have always f~ln­ ated me. l have spent hours cogitating over them. Even the Indian• of today can 'give no clue as to their meaning, and the big-•hot scientist.a are at a losa a• to what they depict. I have only three concrete leads. One waa given m~ by an lnJlan In Aguang11 who showed me Ln~t w eek I t ook oome more some painted dot.11 on a rock In a "11hot1." ceremoni.J dandnr arra whlrh he The palnt1n11 ahow an ab.trac'l aald repr-nted a kind ot "acor~" or lmpru1C1011l1llc drawlns; Of a or thr number or lnJlun adolt•,. man 011 hor!IC.'back "'1th aome type Ct'nta that had gone through thll a( bl'ulHI bl'hn mod i hat, and t~ adol•IK'ent rllu. Another o ld In· horsf' nppl'U8 lo br'"'pn1ncln1 ..,llh dlnn al L.a Jolla 11·11crva tl11n a111tl h111 toll oulatr<>l<'ht'(I. Ania '<'amtt lhal aCter lht' "8'\nc1 b11k111g" r1lr11 throui:h lwrr In t 77<1. or the Jr.d1an (lrl 8ht' went In se-•"AIOIE" 1•1 .. ow "RADA&• .. 1uslo1n Ill a prul<'• 11-ol b11ul•l"r n ntl Alh•lh1•r lh•11i: 11( lt1t<'11•1<t th11.l drew what1 v;ir t'Mme Into her Mrs. L'nry 111""' •'<I 11" was the cru· ll\1110. Clf1X. l'ITIU. l ':'\DJ!ilTt'RHF.I> l 'nl''y wn:1 pl"" IOI:' wl11•11 ha hea,.J I lhtnk t hat t his 18 true. becnulM! .•0111t thll11:" 1:1·01 .. 11n th" plOWbher ... h11\'e h1•en in a 1rr.,m111111ll 1•111)•• ::'\11w u f:1111w1I"11 lilllll\' ltl'nw, hn l"l !ht Ap11u1s:n C'o11nt rv whl'rr th" k r.uw:1 U\' thi' frd IHl•I 11ound "' 111.i • 11·1 1 .. "' ro11·k Sl'Ats 1• l't1ll ''"' pl"""l11\11• J11:1t'wh .. t"'111 hnpprn• u11111~1u1 b• cl lln t h<' s11rrro11nd1nh Ill,::" \\'h• tt hl' hr,1rd thl~ ~>c-ruhttr n1rlo1 31 1• 1·r11dc huornn fij;llr•·• );t'olllfl):, h· 111 'l'l••'d 11111t 11lttrl"'' 'Ill h n:< n );r11m11111r ""llt'l•I kid 1 .. o1)1111i.; 1)1 111111.i 1111d th••r•u In the wo111J1I tlra\\. 1111 .. ~1 M•ll """ n 1.1r11h hl'·I 1·rud· M y t1<·~1 11'141 )\11\1'('\'1 r I 11111' r1, It ,. 11IH111t :: t>I :i Inc hts lonl(' (rum H11llon':< flrM \•111111111• "' 111111 nu .i .. 111•1 l11•l1•11..:1·1I to• 11 r11s111y. "An:ia's t'11l1l1111wt Exp•'<ltla"n• · \\ tr.11 1< th•· 111 .• 1 .. , \ ••( thll'I 1•n11'I· It r.•1Hl.•· "If """ will tl11111J th• I•'· P t I 11 111 loni; ·, .. 11o1111« "'the 1HJ;h c·li(( tn th•· lof:hl n( lh1• J'il··~. Anr a 10:111 11·~ \\.oll 11th<' )'1•11111 be· hi' \\'Ill (111<1. Ill II (II\,. Ull<k r th" J .. ,, .. ,,, ••t ""'"" l11d1un. l•I' Jlllll l'hrlto•r 11( lht• rtt<'k.-. a i.:1 1111p .. r ""'' '' .1..t 1 ,,111 .. 1111111" It as vi'rv l11d11rn 1ltnw111i::~ th11t :<lll't'ly t•" "'" ·'" "'" , 111 c .. 11 hy lo<>ktni? n't l'Ord l.he Vi I ll or I hr~e 11tr1U1p:rr,., It Klld ll "A~ fnunol 111 nn,. f\r the unnolstakably Sp1rn1e r<ls. · l'ah f"r n1 n. Bt>llon 111 1tp1•11kfng 11( l hl" ruf'I'· Alh•l ho•r ~11111 C'rurlfllt WU (uund Th<' State Highway Commission would be able to 1n the pas t few days the uew manager of the South- --..... -_...~'~!:!!. the ~_ll.!t hi hwa <l-· __ ... ...-· .... --·--·----"Je"tn'"il'i Mrn!'11'a;"'6een ma\Clng the rounds of the chambers The pl'ople of Sune<>t B(ach could clean up their ot commerce 'with his retirmg prt.•decessur. In 1uch a phenomtnal !uhlon. ('lt•<'l1•tl ll\Jf,)('l'VISOrl by lt111 1;<1n~no- or when th~y met here n ·.:ent ty ' H<,wevr r ," lie l!llhl, "we mu&l Thty r"fl. r1•!1('nl mfn 11n hor~tba1•k. I 111 .. .-t I 1•111111·111 "l"•I:> 1n Su11thl'rn ta De San C'nrl°" In t he An7.tl on lh<" B"r' i:v y r11rs aJ{o by a Mr. ro11n try noor the nl1I F1 t'd <'lark l Hl'ally. /\8 I i;l'l tht' 11tory It wu p lace •. Some months back Knrl. I foun•! nt·Hr lht• t•l•I Horc~o ~prlna• my "lfe IUHI 1 marle thl' I rip out IVl•I IJ< ll I 1 r,.;o r t run fax or a whit• to the An7.a <'•Junt1) The c·ary nw1 .. 1, Th1 1< rll.oo wn!I fOUIJd on ranr h bo1111r I• m•ar t he mo111h ur rc1111" ur th,. Anz.a party and 1a town. The railway men lie when they say that the lnler- T m Can Beach could be widened 11ufficienUy to state Commerce Commission gives one hoot in the hot mak<• it interesting to the State Park Commie11ion-thi11 place whether their cOalil line continues to run. They the County of Ornnge has been trying to do. and the commission know that a ll the area coulc..l be ade- T hr Huntington Bca<>h State Park could be enhanc· quately servt>d from t he inland points. keep pare with the ~rowing r e· to !lU!ly t~e pro bltml! or county qulrf'menta or the 11tate. But we manai:emtnt. j i.hould :allO t•mlcavor to rulrlcl The i:-11vem or aalit he ts a firm our expendlturts lo u1enllala Un· bcllt•ver In homtt rull', i.nil • 1 I>•'" I tll lht populauon h1&s 1rttled It · i.elr 1Lnll wt c11n lake the lonrr view ln ot1r approuh to & alabal· lied l~ alructurt. tho pu 11. 11nol hC'r or th<' "An7.a" t roph1r1 I ~HOWS P/\JSTISGH , hn J'" '" .,.,. 111111 photoltl'aph. Fortunately Mrn < 'lll'y wn" hom<' 110\\' J'/\l~T MADY. <'d by th<' rxtrnsion of Its boundariee Inland and the high-The railway mm he-a~ have th~ir Sout hern Pacific way MUld also be widened there. cohorts for gel1l·r:itions-WhC'n they say lh<'tr service 18 llcve that t.he stale i;ovrr nm~nl llhoulo1 not lnterfrre with c11y or co unty .:uv.,mmenu 11nl1•i.!< t hr c1U1•• MJ the C'OUnllu u.:.k fo r And with 111'1' l'<>n ns gultlr we wtrr Th,. uld l111h11n •l La J olla 1ave \'1UOROl'8 OROWTH •huwn the p11lntlng'. Thue la no m ,. tl'I' f1r3l Inkling o ( how th& doubl lhl'y are or mrn on horM· paint wru n uulc for the adnle8Ctnt "While t he population lncff&al' Tll<' Railway Company would be rid of some 20 milee eucntial. E v(:ry user of the railway in Newport Beach of trar ka~e difficult to maintain. atated he would b<' servrd by a complete rclocalwn oft.he (.'AHU\" OWS l'ROOU:::\IS Ccrt:unly the city of Newport Beach would be great-railway-excl•pt one. Hr went bankrupt ond the air ot bArk, anti tht're 11r,. • nurnhl'r of pPlrn11:lyph11. ll m ay not lllrf'l'e lmpotell many tlh(f!Jl'rlng !inunc· (alntlv p111nl<'•1 r1 udC111ea. 111 ed· wllh the ~d<"nll11la. He Mh1 that 1al pr•Jbll'ma, fortunately, tht'llt' cllUnn art the othrr t.l(plr11I In· thry cut Into a tr"<' until the problc.-m11 arts" from vigorous 11 ly b<>nrfited. the Harbor area Is mut h ckarcr sine\? his f1m1 ceased lie r1<>111lcd oul that 1·1Ut•s sht•uld n••L 1111/\lt problems along to lh•• cuunll• 11, nvr \'II e \•rn.a. umf that m•1lhl r should e.xprct lh11 111..n te lo bear their burdl'na Whit,. th('y arc capable ot carry1ni them. j.'TOWlh and 101411d clevtlopmtnt. I An prlrni;lyph1. I dlrln'l l.8kc any "pitch" 11111, •not thtn 1111lng rl'tl tt.nd not from d t'terlorallon or de-' plctllr<'•. Later 1 went back wllh clay mixed the two to1teOier mak· d ine." the Rolll'I ualn• "peanut bulb~" Ing a •ttcky, IHllng paint. 1 do and got aome loW<y ahota. Tht know rroro ob11ervalloo and not Now whn would be hurt? to exist. The railway men lie when they attempt to intimi· \\'1·. and the committee, aay no one. How come? date Chambers of Commerce into passing resolutions Dltcuulns; lbe al&le taxation al-cavea are 1mall. bailly flrutalntd rnutllatlon, that thMO abor1(1nal • luallon. th• governor ..a.Id that bf'· by• aborlaln11l fires and It Is a plirm<'nt3 hav" "80akf'd" deeply In· C'&uM of lncreu ed 11ubventlon11 to tough place to 1tet a good plr t11N!. to the porl't or the rO<'k. All <1f Orangr County, including every user of the supporting their grab of a truck line and their endeavor· rail 11111• rnuld bf' 11crved by pre.ently existing llnea--ing to kglslate oul of eidetenc~ small truckers by fr n· C'Xl'"flt 0111· But hl'ro is the anawer. chiae. regulatJOns. /.. .'.\: .. wp111 t &aC'h could ~ adequately served by the We laugh at these crawling creatures who will soon utd11.111on uf the Army Air Bue spur of the Santa Ana be soundly slapped by Newport Beach. m1111 1l1rw 11f the Pacific Electric. The City Council of Newport Beach voted Monday I luntln~ton Reach could be served on every line and to unanimously paRs a resolution of transmittal to the rail b~, th<' operation of the existing line from Stanton California Public Ut1hl1<'s Commission of the city's suit ;ind thr Santa Ana main line. for condemnation of the utility right-of-way in central 1 Ttw l)nw Chemical Co. at Seal Beach, the only or-Newport Beach. gan12:1l111n ni'<'Cling the facUity at Seal Beach could be Saturday th<' C'oast Affairs Committee of the Asso- sc·n ·cd. How? By building about 5 milE's of new rail ciated Chambers of Commrrce of Orange County voted alt)nJ: l he ~an Gabriel River Flood Control. The line unanimously in fa \'IH' of the removal c•f utility from the would bl" built in an llTell already blighted with power coa.at line. They reit <>ralt'd a s1m1lar nwtiun passed some hnel'I. pnw<>r plant11. and to be pAralleled with the San time ago by the Ctll<'S of Seal Beach and Newport Reach <:abrtc•I lt1\'l'r Freeway. and by the Chambers of Commerce of Newport Beach, Wh<'rt" would the money come from? •Seal Beach and Long B<'ach. Long 13t':tch h81! been \\Testlmg with the 11a.me utility We salute them'. problC'm fo r year11. They are now in the proceaa of re-Next timC'-try a plane or t1h ip by truck! WASHINGTON REPORT B~· \'our C'oni;n-!l!lman .IA~ES B. UTr Ot;,-.SIUE the Ttnn<lili•" Valll'y W••ulcl cum" Crom bonrls a nc.J nolrs watrrl!hr cl Thrl'<' t1m1" l'.,ni:1 r•~ 11Mtl the bal.\lll" would bt• th.-n.1k retuaed l.o a pp1or1 llll•· lhl, ffiltn· l'llf•lllll !111ppll<'tl by thl' t\\'n r11rrnt ty M lhe 10<.-ul\l w n" N OT with 11 111mp11111r1 lht' jurt•lllction or T \. A I T hi' uonlr!lr l rro \'ltif's a C• 1hn1: Th" Dirrllor t·t 111" 1311 l,:l'l ~•·I: '"l \' h.11 tt11 v • 111 EAH:-0 h11t n•1 I 11m tn-.r II• •I In rn<1kr 11. r~ wnuM ""Y· "Yt'~, but about abnut ire:<tt"f1 th11t It nn2ht II-• r"""1t1 .. t" (J., r Th• H' I • O•• J:ll IT'\lll• •ii 111· , ,, • Th•· c • 11t1 i: 1s Lf:SS th11n llnrt ~,,me rnvnt~ tn•lu~try I•• t1U 1'· th•• 1.illl 1 ul "" r11i;c ro1 p11hlll ply lht1 Lnl1c1p1t.l"d •hort•ti:" T. ullllllr,, Th" rnrq.ry clw\rgi> wlll 11lmpl,. r"mark" 11l>c•11l th<' l•,xon· IJ1xrm·Yal"•'' YAt .. Cont"'c t brc11u~ It llO bt't~ f'()\\'f:K tu:Ql'IREMr;Nn- V. A. hll.a lon11: ™'"" unable tn SOmt background 11 nrcu11ary l'r le!"' t11An T. \I t\ nflw ch11rgtA "And It Collow 11," 11&ltl the gov- ernor, "tha t our 1l&te l:0\'01 nmC'nl should nol lt1u1 1Jn 1111r lrllfral government for those thlnK• that tl 11 well able to do their·• Such a policy, he pornt•·d out, W<•a.ken11 ll1e pnnclplr uf hvrnt rutt-, which l11 tmport11nt lo the lt!'htrne n ( J:'OVt'mmrnt In this statf a.nd na llon. '"lii.t pracllrr." ht dtclared, "encoura~es Stal11tm llnd 1«a1lll to pa Lrrn1t 111t1c uver·rule. and lntvlt- ablr tn Sodallsm." F'urlhl'r. Govrm or Knli:ht wa.m· ec.J lh1> n<'w 1111pervtAOrs, who hold IUl ann11.1l confrrenc1> In Sa~ramen• to. lo "beware ot )Our rowe r nC lil.Jlal ion." urf:lnit them to "u~,. ll "parlngly" local 1overnmrnu. ll Is now nec- t>H&ry lo lnc1 t •H elate taxea to brln& the alale budget lnto bal· ance. All.hough he did not refer 11poc:Ulcally lo the nature of the tncre&Hd aubvenl1on1. he ha1 pre· vloU•IY rerorred to the lncreaud 1t.vera1• da lly lllt<!nda.nce allot· menu to th• public 11chool1, which wero vot.d by the ~opll' atter a 11tron1 campaign by the Cellfo mla ·reuhera A•110rlat1on. Polnt1n1 oot tha t he h81 had word from 11enotor. and aMembly· ml'n th11t th•· new t11Xl'1< nrt• Ob· jl'c tlon11bll', th<' J{IJ Yr rno r 1IN•l11red "we must hav" t he ~t' a t1111 tlonal monlr1t tr> turn1"'1 the people the ~•rvirts th"Y 111" dtm nn!llnto: .. TAX l~nu:ASP:S ARit.iTV TO PAV "[ l'h11re thf' (1•elinira." ht• 11nl<1, "Remf'mber that ynu 1<houlrl "()( our ltgislators In the-Ir N!luel- to<'V<'r • ncr1urag, any ,.x~nd1turrs a.nee to lnr rt'ase l&xu. But l 1'•&nt w hich w lll rc11ult In conCllcl with 10 ca ll your a llcnti11n lo the Cnct tht people'• •blltty 10 fllly, ur th,.lr willlngneu to pay," h' llaocl thAt I( we do not lnrr1•11se la.JI"" 'All of ua •lioulot co-<>p<'rate In the l now, the dny will <'ltllH' "h<'n we r11ovrmcnt l•> cdur11.ll' lhl' publlr will br Correll lo rut 1111wn on many lo t h" ft<r't that t Vl't)' p1 .. po!>Bl ~ervlt't'll now r ro\lldCtl bY th•• ll l&tt' "h11 h rrll'an • aolt.l•"I <'Xptn•llt11r"s Jl.t th.. 1n .. i.;t<'t1 <'P 11t thr f>i'Orlc. nr f1tn11 .. 111.... 111•u•1llv ntf>Rn!I ""-· tui:hri 1,111 rA l<' .'l<·mr"h~r l' aloni; !The only all4'1nRll\I' woulol Ill' kb· th•· 1a x i;t rurtur"" rupt anr rrri,..e In thf' rf'al prnrrrly J'otnlln,_ out thr ''"ts or rlly, llUI 111tr. r.11 11( "hlrh "'"uld ht • mmly. 1111d ~111te ..:o\lt•rnmrnts arc;, 1 your n.-~pon111btllly," ~uppty t h .. A i:: c· " lh ,, .... 11 ... 1 1 11,...rt by aom • u a .oym~I or .,,·11. t l t. lht' bone nf ronltntlo n In lht CoJ:'hl of lh,. Snc1&ll•l• lo dt•rn>y In ortltr lo un1<Ser'ltand how ~e ener.no at the r'arlura!i Atomir ~,::nt tr•:\'<~~ :;,~~111~11~h:•~:.; YOUR SENATOR WRITES contr11<"l oaml' nto exl•lenct • "' Enrrgy p\Ji.nl, ll.tl ""ltnf'~ lht' h d rrl\'Alf t ntl'rpMll<" Th"Y Ult It M Atomic Energy CommM!Jilon II the lhftt lht' Comml&alnn 11n<1"r lhr h ctnr An•J 'f'tllklnit or taJ1r• II th~ ofC·111'•ll 1ng a.nswrr t•J "''l'ry· larg"tl •In f lt' u.11tr ot <"lc-ctr1c en-1'nlman admlnlat rat.ion ,,, OllAlf<I •hnulfl br nnt r<I l h11l the tallr1 t.hlllJ t h&t la "'""' \'f'lu ma kt tht I tr"')' In thl' u s a nd by Car Ule I ,_ t 1 g ,..11 rn1•1 bv f'll\111" r l!'rlrlr ut1lllles for .. · two con .... e1.11 l)r prl\'n r 1111r,. •"' 1 , ... By JOH~ A. Mt.:RDY .IR., Sfonator, S5th Dl"trlct caa111\J N>mllrk lhAl lnfla l Inn hu 1 larirut ruatomer or the Tr:nnuere thrf'e tlmell In exrrll" "r the •·Ur·, tn1·"., 'tnl,., a nti ""'er11l tµe<1 In been ;~ppetl ~d lht' 1 1 '1'l "~.~I\'· \'a.Ill')' Aulhor1ty The T. V. A I r~nL 11ubjr:< t tnnt r 11ct Theel' rnn· !~" ~ S. la\·~ra,:e, 44 pe rl cr~t ot Ot more lha11 pa111ln1t lnlerC'tl lnll' . own. " r <"p v 1•· ... u . crunr to C:onirrf'.u a few yeara aio trac t11 wt,... nl'itnllattJ without <' , rnM Ill." ml' rom 811 e n t n· tn a ll my cnnstatuents In Ora.nge bu t haw a bout Dtxon-Yatu . j Md aald I.ha t by 19~7 thf'y wo11ld MY n ( l h,. 111'Un1.I and fury "hlrh ,.ru a nd whllt T. V. A. claime to You conllnur . ''The natlona.J In -be ...iiort ot rv>"'tr by 80m,. rtve acrompenlr 11 the Dixon · Yslf'll nl'-P•Y t11.Jtt11, lhty amount to only ('11llnly, -1n ''"I, the tntlr" Call- r nme la irotnir up a nd luu a rl' or 111x hundred lhnW<a.nd kilowatt ir:nllatlf'lns f'Vt'n though lht rntr~ fnur Jl<'r ct nt or lh1>lr JTOIUI In· Cnm 1a C"r.11...-t are lhr> four bills r nmln& llnwn " Apln the rtply ts I hour11. The A . E. C Ima flr1t c11ll t htlrg l' w'a. allr;htly hlithl'r tha.n rnmt from t ntrgy 8.tlll'a. n<1w 1><-for1' thl' SI.II.le Srnatt that "Yte. btit )low A))!lUl (lll!on-on entrl')'. and private Ullt'ra would t he one now conlempl1tt'd. ~•~AUl":\I OR f"Rt:r: \t't1Ulll permit aff·•hore lltleland edly ~ conaldl'rably lncreued. £\''" though ll .,..,., , do11bltd. J do nol bf>llevf' It would be tlr11lr,.bll' whrn th.e rUk or 1.1,..11pnllon1t our btarh,,1 I• lnvnlv .. rt F:11prrlally tii lhal trJf' In the hl1rhly devtlrifll'd rr crullonel 1nc1 realdtntlal 1t rC'U of Orance County. Yalu 7" Tl'l11.t rtply h11..• btcomo Ml I h11.,·e lo be rattonet1. Thty a.sked ..,0 Of\'l:AWAV ESTF.RPRJf'F. ,,11 drllllni;:. The law at 1)rut nt 11nlve~ll.I ttw.t If you wtrf' l•lkln,; for SIOO m!llion nt FEDERAL •• t n Chou En·IAI and 81.Jd, "ll I~ • 1 mo nl'y to build a atum plant 1t The ffO\lrrnmrnl r11n 1:\ncrl The '111"-llon arhe!I: Are thl' p rn\'1'11'11 In l hr r v&r1t a pool or Jf lner• are areu wherf oll \•tolaUon or the Korean A rmtatlct Fulto n, 26 m llee north or Mem· t he•e rf'lntrsct.t on thn!e v<'a r11' no· f'"Ople nf lhl11 country 1ro1ng to "'I tr1ni;: 11nt1H \he tldC!la nd1 la rlirhtrully ~lonitlnr to lhr Stile t nr you to hllld our pr111<ln"r11," hr phlll w hlc.h le nurly 100 mllu llrf', a nti lhe pr1,·a 1" ~o:npanl,.11 11upporl th .. j.lnvrrnmrnl, or 111 the b• oni; 1lr111nrol tiy t0mr a dja ctnl 111 belt\( dra ined by al1jar•nt on· llEWPORT"" HARBOR x:ew~~~RESS Formerly th• Nowport·Ba.J~ New ... nmoe and lh• Newport·Ba.lboa ~ E t\tu-ed u S~nd...clua Matter at tho Poetotflce ln Newport Beach. Ca.Urom1a under Ule Act of Marcll S. 1a1:;, PubU9Md En17 ll09da7 ud 111.,..., at N...-port ..._ Oal1f. b7 tbe 1'"1:WPORT HARBOR PVBU811Di0 OOllPANT Tele,.._ 11.arMr ltlt wnuld thl'n h11.ve t o rtnd a mil rkl'l Kl"'tmm,.nt going-to aur~rt thr 011 ",II, thP State Landa Comm !•· 1hore wrll•. undoublel11y l he rnr the 11urplu.11 t nerlt)' •o unrrl· l!'d ciut. Thi~ In 11,...ir woultl be no ~op1<!7 TI1" a tta ck on the Dlxnn· 1<1011 "~hall" g rnnl 1u1e1 to re· Stal•'• lnteretla 1hould be protrct· amllll ta.sk. Due to the po~lllbllily Y11tr11 Contrac t ta nol bo11ec1 upnn Cc•Yrr lhf' ~hktt or oil from 11uch t'd and developl'd. Expul,.nre hu or r a.nr•lhltlnn. it w1t11 fell th11l fllel.ll. ll 111 11. diversionary a. t111n. a p<inl t h•l n~htrully btlong11 lo proven that by the u,. or . nn- ll "'ClUlll nnt be fl'ulble In rnn-whllf' the r,.111 a ll11rk 1~ AjtAln"t the !itlltt-A l~" undtr con1tdua· ahore. 1lanl·hole drllllng. oil can crntrale 11rld1tlon1 l powtr nrn1rn'1 'radur&h. w hich could not l>4l 11.b- 11nrbc>l1 b.v nthM cu•lomrr.11. but t hat any 11.d1UtlonAI ~nr:rlt)' 11hnulll be grn.-ratt'c.I 11t • point w hlrlt. If r 11.11r<'llaUon 1hotlld come. the "llf'· pll,.r couM rind a ~&J<Onable r-r Mly market tor the rnergy, prh·ate tnlnprll"t. The Sn1 lnll11t tl<•n ,.l r rr•• nt bf'forc the Appel· be drained from a dlalanrf! of two pla.n I.• for gov<"mm('nt own"'rllhlp lal~ t '1111rt 1~ a re1 enl decl1lon of mlln ott •hore. Ntw df>V~lnpmf'nla tlf &II Nlpltal. l'llhllc: pow!'r lft lht the A tt .. rney 1;cn,.ral that would may rvtn lnc reut prurnt ctl•tanc· lfJl<'a.rhead or thl11 drl\'f" 11ntl be· prrn11t 1 .,,. 11~P •if "l-land11" or "'· By U-'lng thl11 ml'lhOl1, th• T A\&>e ll 111 lhl' f''Vllr~t llf'lrll1"111 nt 'follr•I Ia n I" •·Ill In th,. 11urf In the Statt'I lntt'rut •houl'I b" al11'· lnt1ustry tn n11 tlnn11llzt. lht Social· l'\'rnt ,. u h le1t1<t" &rt g ra.nttd.. qoately protectfd. and the beauty l"U rannnt nCrnrd tll lrt lhe Vix· ot Ule beach u m alntalnt'd. It wu Ce-ll that a plant locatl"! near Mtmphla could bf' built f\nc1 on-'l'alr11 r ontr11< t go unrhllll<'nir· "1~1.i\:\O J>IULUSO" T~.P 1 .. u, )J1ll11 ti..rore the Senate th• enr rgy exchanr•d w ith T . V . rtl, ('\ltn lh"ul{h It would &upply A t I•• I .... t wc111li.J tlt lonllr l;v pr l1'Yl!t 1uch I•· o cover .... gTI>W nl' .... or •I"· the Bhort•gl! or <'ntrlr)'. f'ncour11.gt Qna.ll~ to PoMIU Lf>l(&I NotaoN .... Ad~u of All &.a.-The A. It. C. "'ould u rhanl'e k ll<'· prh•a le In luiotry. llnd lil\'e lhr Ian I tor r l1<1C111 m drill Inf ln Ule p,-J Oeor'M of Ule Stlpertor c..rt et 0rus9 o.,. a. AC!ttee N .. A·llTft wall tor kUo ..... ll with T . \'. A ~urr plnr" 11 1'1111nnal powen 1n t :XTt:IUOR OF CA \·t;.' These lndi!WI Cavea arc Rll11· ated al Puerta de San CarlOtl. -Horace Parker Phrito AFFAIRS OF STATE ~ Ry Ht:NR\' C'. ~lacARTtn:R RA CRAME:'\TO tC':'\S 1 Sum,. IJ,. r<ll ltl h" """"r hl\•I 11~• .,~,.,j rlltil'ltr f1"Cull1r mlln,.11vrron2 "'"r th" btlh \\flh Burk·" 1111 I !• 1111- th,. eppro111m11.trly 77 bill• """' 1• ll'A l•rl' c,C l h,. c••ltl•·nl ,,( !hr 111, a.· tnir unemptnyment I n" 11 r 11 n ,. • wh1rh wur prl'~l'nt,.d 111 lhr J,.i:i•· 11urr11. l11t11rr hy thr ~l.lllr Orp11rtm•·n1 nl Jlow l'vr f. he h•• nrtl , 111•.tl th" P.:rnploymr nt, lit un•lrr wAy Ill lhl' """r lo• run10trlf'llll lloll , , 111 .. ,..,.,.. prr~~nt time. ~u1 r !f, hut 11trr1ng 1 .. I· 1·1.-1"1 ""' T h4' bllll' 110me of whll h 111• •l11'1v T"'Tl11•I wolt •l• l•h '•I\'"""'·'· lar2tly t ~rhnlrrtl, And pt'llll ln '" l otr t/,. ... nrrnt ,,, 11 .. 11r•11•""""· prnc,.tlurl'~ In lhi' •l•p11rtm,.nl "'" "r I ilrt .. 1mlnr wh• th 1 111 11111 """ fl JllHl or !hi' prng rllm ()( \\'ll11At111 1i( l ht·m Woll hn •ll lJ•d /P l1t111i l•ll U• A. Ourkrtt, dlr"r tflr c;r th~ 1l•pnrl t l••ri 1111111' nt 11 1111.1 '"''" m,.nt. l o C'lll down lh,. hug .. 1111 .. 111n1 ( r nr Cradulr:nt p11ym .. nt• .,.11n Ill• I l "'111 .... · "''"'~"I Ml\' <•( ll ". tiy "°m" ttJ b" •• n 11:h AA s ·1n '"""11··• •\•·1 1 ·~·11 11 .•. .,,.1. milllfln annua lly j ""' ' ""•k 1 ' "'I!' ""11 •· r• " I;·~ I 8omt> oC thC' hllla. hnwrvrr I •1-'l'I• • 1 I flt• lod I llll • lid\\"•" 11 r jdt111t a n,I f11t 11 t'•" '' fd••<111 1·J t At V''4 poee 11ub•tlnll"" rt111nJ!' ~ 1n th" ""' n ti , '''"'" '" , • ,. J• 1 ""'" • f un,.mploymrnt ln~1J111n1·1· li1w In· 1 11 nrrupl'•\NI• ,.1 111, ,1 ,,,. , 1,,, 1.,, 1 cludln1t an 11 I tr mrt 1., In• c •·A•r I hi' h1t~ nrvrr 1 ""' """ ~ , 1 , 1 1 "'"It•· b a11e per1111 r11rnlni: 1rrp11rM·1'11l 1, in• • "'" 11,r, "', 1 11 ,. 11n,.11 • or employ""" Crum s:mn 1 .. $~f111 t•I"' n rn1 in•otr an•. " • "''"' ~. anc1 thl!O b r1111i.rht dnwn th" "r111h iloir;.,.,1 ,.11,1 I• n"' 11~, 1., 1,, r• 11, 1 of lh" C11llfo111la St11tr ,..,. Ir '"''"" ll nl lhlo 1111,1,,0 or fAtbor 1)0 th" pr11p11~;rl•. \\hl~h a nnounced 1tlrd11lly thl"li.Rh P• In oth"r w .. rot• 1111 111"•• h hll new• l"lt"r ,,.,.,.nth". th•t · r.•1v-1 f,,r llt.thl•nlnte 1111 •·•• h'lir.111~11 11- ,.mor Gnotlwln J KnlJ~t 1!10<1wn· 'l••n I l•l "\•llt 111 1 ~· "''"'lnl• I r t t1 th,. ·~rk,tt rt11n' ,,,, 11mrn•I-11nn• ...... , \' lit• II•' II.,, hv Ir·. lnith•law... t,..,,,,,. th.-n r ra\1 •, •'•11 pl•\• Meeiber CaWorma N--..per ~ hrw A.mooeladea M .. "6 N&UMAI Edl&orta.I ....... • Member ot Oran... County Newa So~ '. BJCN UI>l>JCK, Publlaher w J.L.L1.AJI A. wou:a. l:dl tor ORMOND E. ROU'N'I"IU:E. Adnrtat.n1 Dtrector 111 l ' l\8C lllPTlON llA Tl:8: Tha contnict provld1'1 thAl thl' 1fovrrnm«'nt from borrowlnt a.n-th" s1.11" 1..11n1ls cnm mlaalon and 1">Vemm•nt <"&n buy the [)IJ1:on· i otht"r ont htµldr,.11 million dollar11 YatH plant a t any t lmt', or c11n I •m irlad that lht Pr('•ldent Ill g1•ntrnl r• 111.x re111tatton1 that ca.nrct e t any Um41. Her"' I ehould la etandln« rtnn on th• IMue In deal with t 1Jrl11nd oil drlllln(. H Y that Dixon a nd Y11tr1t &rt' The Slate hu bl'en r ecelvlnc ap· Juat names. F..ach Ii• th• h1•111I of ft "Pile of the a lla<'ka. The opponent.I prox1matrly 110 m1ll1nn l'"r yti.r larlft irntnr J!llbllc 11:all1y In tht have don• a potmt Job ot obll<'ur· 1n t11ll'l&nd., oil f"\·r nuf . Tv Ul e 12 .,.,."' """ th" two romr""''. fnrnl· Ing the prO\llltlon11 a nd pUrpol'e• mllllon pt'Oplf 0 ( C:\l1Com1a t.hlll t •I U\l' ~u11~1Mlpp1 1 ~nt"ral 1n1t 1 or the cont.reel and we who aup-would mran about 8.\ ('('Olli earh CompMy t • f1n1111~r the 11111Jt'l t I port private enterpr\H ahould bt If the lawa are c hanged to ollt7W Apparf'ntly. hn"'"''"r. th"r" \\tu '"· v.hw ~·' I " •I • '' 1111• • IAWI that wttl a dequately protect anmf' d:inCuolun u t11 w h .. lll"r Onv· I lh• I" .I"' th• .i ''"·•II•' '''" "'"' UWI beachu and prevent oil drll· "rnnr Knotht rttt1. n-r rl1•1 not m~· Pn tlrl' <>l h,.r l'fnn<! t~htlr7.r11f111n:lv llnr out 111 Ult tldelanda l'\or wlll won th• bill>. •.Jl<l h" wa11 1111r•ll••n· I 11 1110 1h th" 1~"• v t I I'' 1 tl4 in • • WO' Yott' tO grant lt•hJ,llor.111 f ..... l ,.<I1th Ill fl• I 8 ' II JI •.'' 1•r't1· f 1 I'" '11• 'Ii ·I\' lhto' q,. .ra ll'I U1f' Stale L&n1la Commll· 1 rm e "'1" !lo,. ''"te r .. 1""""n •' ... , "' Y •1• "'·ii 1~ I f<.r II,. • n · rol1 llRI' " 10 l••llr I jl . • "I t • ' • ' 11 J t. "' I alon. unlf'aa thUIHI powrra a rt' a lv· •I r•n I •t,. '"'n 1111)lhln.ll' I r""' !h•I lh• ,, '"" " 1 I \", "t• ,., • en aubJect to l•1rrtl n11:ul11tu;n1. own"l1 t i!" 1("""1n11r H•m111 I • J t ., ... , I , J 1\m•'I '• • n 11 t• "'" I h· whnr th,. will nf Ila 11t•oplt' r Rn 1•n1I h,. 11'J'l111nr ·I llo •1'11~· • n 11• •·ti I· 110111 1 ,,,,, l"fl·d ~ u .e I bf'lleve tt I• aare lo oay that a.II thrf'• Oranr• County ~pre· Mntallvu tn the 8tate Lerl1la- ture wlU work for lh• puurt ot Sr"'port Hruhor :\f'\\-.-rr-. °h'IC'9 WttkJJ In Oranie Coont,-, tft.OO ~r 7t'ar: J3.00 "II m~.: fl.50 Out.Ide of Or&A1• t:oual7 U .ot per , .. , • • tll"" mna. whlrh Mi< an r11tlmll l!'d ('Ml or j1111t u eoft,.r llvt" In prl'1enunr the 11tMltlt1MI l'irplnntif'l n 11lon1t lht- Jlfl;,000.000. On• hundred m llUon C~tt t. th~r tni• llf ht. ~out, thal t1J;Ure w ould unrJoubt--makt It.Mir Cell. ftJl1ow 1. I .in.,,Vo) "' • • Hine Scouts Interviewed on LA Radio Sine Harbor area Scouten wert- heard on a recordPd program over radio 11tatlon KFI. Loa Angeles, Sunday. They mdudl!d Ll'wi11 Cork. pu1<t advisor of J'oat :S, and ell:' ht \'Olunt '"'18. . The vol11ntt>t•r11 lncl11d~d Star !'kn11ts Mickl'y Wl<'nenga Gary Dunn of Troop 6, and Da Gib· 11un and John Cock, Troop I'>: fe .... -. ---------------------------011,•.r pleb-up ant1 movu lntn MATHENY'S ME AND E,lUNGS By 'IM MATHENY February. is the month •of president.a, ao we are told. and it therefore behooves one.and all t o "eat like a king" at least once before the 28th folds up! hereabou.t.a, just a short and putt from home base, one can find ·quite a few fine restaurant.a to satiate one'e appetite. Including a brand new o.ne, too! HUT rt>cenlly &nd 11aw' Marshall WELCOME I hMd at work In a rock garden. 'Born on the ocean, In Bari. Italy, Hi> explained in detail the plans Mr. anil Mrs. Frank GRAND· for txpandlng and lmpro\'lng the OLFO open wide 'their doora thli popular outdoor llUlal on the bay week-end to welcome lovers of front. a t•orrit'r spot In anolh~r rvom a nJ at&rta right ort "'1Lhout m1uln& a note. KEEP TUE PlPES \\'AR.'I Now that we'rf' "n the 1ubJt>ct nf 8lnging. ltt's talk about D1•ro- thy Ne.bill. She h'\lds the old· (ashlont!d c-ommunll}' 111ng at YE OLDE BALBOA INN f'\•try Satur- day night. 'Tia only rumoured. but "they say" tht 1rrunlon c-nme up on the beach and lend lht'lr llltlt' tenor voices \O anme oldt'ya ..,·hllat the jolly gang enj1•y8 Kiil" &nll, Plt-k D<"nt'a fsmed ho1tp1t11l1ty on lh!' ocenn Jrunt. Then"!I d11n1•1ng 11t SEAl<'Al1E LODGE AND RJo~STAl'RANT down Luguna w11y. Jn Lar1IJ: ancl Bill Sk1l"" up the t<'mpo or Mlow the beat aa y11ur 1110.111 sd11 the pare for your d111nly f e<'I. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE3 THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 DEMOCRATIC CLUI TO HOST SPEAKER J . E. \\'atlteor, ot ti&nl" Ana will 11fl"ak before' th,. (\>.<la )lf'JI& lkmocrat1c l"lub at Main School toda)· al S pm. in <"afet~rla. HI' will llipt'Ak on the hUltory a nd phllN!Ophy or the D<'mocr11llr r1rty und(r the title, "Why I &m a Dfom· ocrat." A II Harbor area rea1Jm ta Brl' tnv1lf'd to atlf'nd, D•I~ V. Bott. club preAldt'nl, aald. 110 good we hear. t o eat ln their new Balboa location, or to take homl' unl1 en1oy In your ''wn romfy chaif'! the L.100 a nd "Sabrina", comln1 Saturday •I !ht' r ORT. A~ yuu f'•I like a 'k1n1t" rf'nlt-m• ber It a 1r .. at In h.• a.hv<' an a r:reat "''untry h .. ailf'J by f'Ur lnnr line I f'f J;rt•nl rttslolt'nUI T•kt' c-a.no c>f youraelr an.I ,., 1y all\'e lo t"njo)' 1t all. Havt" fun! lly the fireside superlative food, co'Olltails and service tmid old enalish charm. Sc;uul Ch11rll.'11 Hemley. Troop 5: 1-:11gle Scout Dan Plrrce of Post ~ .. end Stanly Dl••nenger, first class Scout ttf Troop 80. mRSOS Wl!\'IS TRIP Ed G1b~nn of PO:il a won a ten· day all l'X penl!e trip Into lbe High S1t'rra11 ioponson•d by Ea!'! C. An- thony. fine tood. Site of Balbo.1'1 latul ROCK SPA addition to a long line of ru t.au-With Marahall'• artl11tlc toorh rant• is ~11 Balboa Blvd .. just a &nd hi• muscular application. lhe few steps from the Pa.clfic'11 11pot promise• to be mighty fine shore. As J.'rank put It, "once for 11top:oven1 come 11ummer. But you're aecuslomf'd to the ocl'&n must you Wftlt until summer to il's mighty hard to get away visit Ct!RISTIAN'S HUT! Sennr Louh• holds ('OUrl 11l HENRY'S 11nd dO<'s a rhvthn11c jnb of keepin;: t>V<·ryunr· ·happy. Anyone for the c1n11ma ~ Here'• Have you beo.'n In HENtt y·s late-the "ll'apmg tintyp<'" sked for th11 Jy for sonl.I' yum111y S)'tftniHh fll\'<.I ~ wttk-1>nd·~ "Cahbmt' W1lham1" at Thert's always a gflng at THE the BALBOA: "Six Brid(es to ARCHES anrl manv fanul:ir fl\.-,.11 I en-" at the Jo!ESA; "Tht'n:°s No keep returning. ~rter all thue Bu111ness Like Show Bu1&neN" at HURLEY BELL The pn>~ram. Stout J11mboTrl', Is broadr11st over KFI at 8 :30 pm. e11rh Sur11lay. covt•rlng l!Ome phase or sroutlni:. ~w1s Cock was chos- Pn to ·r,.p1 e111'nl the dis trict a ftrr b"'"R' ••lr<'lt•d Scouter of lhP Weck at thr D1llt r1ct Round Table. from it. Thnt's why Gina and I Or J im KARAM'S fine food decided to make our home ln beau-headquarters also In Balboa! ywrs. so tt1jt 11ounds lok•· ,.I•••-.••••••••• mlghtly fine rl'l'Ommendat1on. •'THE FAR COUNTRY .. COMING Fighting adventur..r Jamt's Stewart a nd ~oldfleld opportunist Ruth Roman are a dramatic pair in t:.:n1verS11l-Internalinnal'11 T e<:hn1color '"The Jo~ar Country," starting Sunday al the M;l!a Theatre. COrtnn e (;alvt rt and Waltt'r Brennan also are sl11rrl'd In th11 Yukon story. Co-fraturl' Ill "The Bob Mathias Story." Joint School Boards' Meet Outlines Common Problems Mt mbe,.. of the ll<'hool boards high school. He said the board wall of :-\nvport Beach a nrl Costa Mellll llllll hopeful or getting a school elt"mentary, NeW"J)Ort Harbor Union 11ite on the grounds of the former Jf1gh 0 8<-hool arid Oran.,e C0ttat Santa Ana Army · Air Base. If c .. 11eoge dlatltct.ii met last Thurs-succrssful this would save ap· day rught on lhl' <"Ollegt' ca.mpus. proxinuhely $200.000 lanrl acqms1- Theo joint meeting wu for theo pur· u on l'OSl. p.J!l4' of acquainlln.: each bo&rd By lhr time the school 111 built • ••11h tbe probll'ma •nd .:rowlh u-am.I paid for, amt oocup1e.t. RlnJ: p.·1•tancie1 of each other distr ict. pointl'd out. lhf're will be a nPP<l Roeiul p1ch.tre wL1 palnterl by ft•r a i<ecnnd new hi(h school m11k· Basal H. Peterson, pn ~udent of Ing three in all. This. he said, be· Coalt Co~ge • ..,•ho 11B1d his insll· cau~ of the a cceleratl'd growth t utlon w ould :umtsh Ila bu1ldmi; of U1e ell'mentary school di!!tr1cta. program next yur •nd ~ able lo THUtD HUiH SCHOOL cope with t lw forwPa ble growth WhPn the great Influx of pre- •·1thout further appeal to lht! vot-sent etementBry school children ers for extra lA:iu•s or bond,.. Pt!l· rPach high school they will fmd eraon said hla institution alrf'ady the proposed new Costa Mesa la two )'f'&nl ahtart In its stucl••nt School to capacity an!I plans will enrollment pattern and that the lh<'n be l'XlenJed !Qr th!' third chart of education aml SUl'rt'llS <Jf ~lil!h Si:hool. its .tu.Jent& proved Uw curr1t·ul& l'lfim1 for joint buying of lir<'•. offerf'd was fulfilling the netd. bus p11rt::s. and gssohnc were dis· Dl~~AL ~OTE cussed by the admlniatratora anrt MOt!l d1•maJ note expre~d wlUI tru!lteP!I and they agreed to extend that o( }.'veretl Rea, auperlnl<'n· plans 1n order t o create ns many dent ot the Colllt& Me11a Unlnn 111w1ngs a s JKlt1s1ble tor the tax- 8"hool Oistn ct. who said his pllyl'rK ot all d1atrlcts. An ex· ayat,.m wu goin11; to lhe voters tor pert 11 survry;of the transportation a bond iMue of $87~1.00(I Kml whllhl problem11 of the districts rrvettled Ht'k more than a m illion from that no savani:& would be create;J the State. Thi• he 11&1d would build by ullhzini: a iungle traneporta· thrtt new IK'hools. todd claa11ronma Uon syalt'm tor all schoolll. t o thrtt and pn1v1dt! minor Im· Howev<'r, 01 ange Coa11t Collegt• prove-menu. Ho"' r\'•·r. hi' 11111d his apok~llmrn did point out that It .acllool.8 had ><huwn a ~aln nt 32 could makP ava1lablr to the f'k· p<'rl:'fllt th1• year a nd 1t was 1m· mentary sc·hools the Ullf! of two possible to kttp bu1ldmi,: 1<pace bUlll'& o n part time _ oft peak o( ~rowth becau8"' of the ""~·11!!ed hours-to l'&:le transpo rtation dlf· valuation ftf the 1hatrkt I ricullies 111 the 1.,w .. r gradt'I!. A There "'''II ht! <lnublt' &es111on up rentol arran11;l'ment will be work!'d to -.nd Including the 1u•v,,nlh a nd out. according lo \\'. 1-·. Kimu. eighth grade• from now o n out. b11smC'S11 m11nuger of Orange Coa11t Supt"rlnlendtnt Re-a stated. The Collefr school head pointed out thrre wa" an 1nc reoaae or ~ childrt'n reg1s-~n;sA At't"IUATIOS t f'red on the first day of Khool Proposals to the prlnl'•P!!l and COCK s rt:AKS Lew111 Coc·k spoke on lhe a<ldl· tlonal 1l11lll'S that hefall a po.st 11J- v1sor on yest..rday·11 p1 oi.:ram. ln h111 ca>•<'. COl'k 1!'1 Jnstllulional rep- n ·11rntotlve f.,I' Pa!'k 181. :'\ewport; etlv111ur f!lr tht> Adv&m'•'mt'nt Com· m11,.tPe, Harbor D1slnrt. and mem- bl'r ot the Order of the A<frow. The y•mth!I 11pokc on mC'rlt barl· £:'CH: \\'1ent:ni;;11. nw.1 k11mt1n11h!p; Dunn. Rw1mm1n):' a nd life aavlng; Rr mlc•y, st.ump 1•0IJ N:l111g; Gib!lon. cltlunshlp In the nation : J ohn Cork. hlk1ni:: Pirrrr. photography, and Dlcneni:t>r, cooking. NUT HOUSE Judge Rules Foreclosure on Nitespot SANTA ANA (OCNSl-A chat· lie m ortgai:e fore-closure ordl'red h!'Te by Superior Courl J udge Robert Gardm•r F'nday helped ctrar the way for lhe rl'·Openang or a well-known Balboa nlJ('ht 11pot, the Bamboo Room. 108-112 Main Sl. J11d1:c Gardner fotmd tor the plelnl1rt J<'11~111 J . P erry a ga11111t J11m1•11 G. Hutt•m and DlllJ Brl'nr- man Hutton. thP f<•rmt'r w ife <'f ra1ho •llir Tom Brc>neman. A promlsory nnte "lltr11ted by the dl'fendanta April 30. 1M2. had llful Balboa." You are Invited to lounge by Frank and Gin~ GRA'NDOLFO I the piano at THE CASTAWAYS, were married In their native town hlith on the hill overlool<ing the and came to the UnitPd State11 entire Harbor arta. but ll'.s 100- in 1928. After a few years In bu•· lo·l that you won't find Buddy tness In New York the GRAND· Rohner lounging. He plays s.nd OLF'OS decided to head for the pl<1ys nl~hlly for your i un at tl\e West C011st and made their new C-WA YS. Try it for 11lze some home In Loa Angeles. eve. It waB In 1946 that GRAND· S~aklng of plllno11, Oliver Scott OLFO'S famnus Italian rr11taurant pre111cles over 176 kl'ya down at waa opened in Hemt'l, the 1wcond the H URLEY BELL. It seems that weal collSl home of our newest when the singing crowd gets lo purveyors of fine food. the point of bulg1nc out the wall11. Now, here they are In the H11r· I 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiilii bor area, close to the ocean and o p era. t 1 n g lhl'lr own plaeil. GRANDOLFO explalnl'd that l he local spot Is really a "family Af· fair." He explained, •·my wife. Gi.na.. 11uperviaea the k itchen airled by her 11ister. laabella Mastro, a.nd brother-ln-klw, Perry Maatro." "I.'' <"Ontlnued the t tallan-born Balboan. "am the front man •nd try lo keep buay providing our guests with the finest In pizza, luagne, steaks, sea foods and beer and wine." GR.A."'IDOLFO'S will be open de.Hy, except Monday, from 11 a.m. 'lil 10 p.m. Yea, we underst-.nd lu.nchea wiU be aerved a.a well u complete dinnen or food to t&.ke home. Meandered by CHRISTIAN'S Starts Sunday "SABRINA" Humphre1 Bocart Audrey HepbUm WllUam Holden -Plu1 - 'The Golden Mask' Van HefUn Waada Hendrtx What? t:AT OR TAKf: Like barb<'QUl'1l ribs? Like them "out", or "ot hnn\('~" In l'lthPr ca.se the CHl~E!'E CASl:>:O r:in fill your bill. Th"Y have b·b-e ~·~ , __ ,,~ IALIOA INN 4J CAFE COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m . Daily {Cloiied Tueadny) • SATURDAYS • Dorothy Nesbitt leads COMMUNITY SING IN BALBOA agreed to pay $14,260 w ithe J>9rl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~i;;;~~ ct>nt Interest to the plalntlrr. The I 1 -· .. ·--· .. --·- note was secured by a cha ttel mortgaie of the Bamboo Room'• fixtures. The judgment by Gardntr ln· l'ludea principal, tntereat and •t· tomey rcrs. Robert (Bob) Murphy Connerly owned the beach area ttsl&uranl and cocktail lounge. On hla d.-ath 1l waa leued to t.he drfend-.nta. I The placl' later became known u the Nut Houae. DELUXE LUNCH 11 :llO L m. -a:oo p. m. CHINESE DINNER and AMERICAN DISHES ' S:OO p. m. -ll :OO L m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge lh1• year a.nd that t:> n.-w l!turlents trulllt'"S o( tht' Paulerino School enrolltd ln t he month or J anu11rv. dtstnl't th\t they 11fflhRlr with HIOH M"HOC)L \'OTt: • lh!' c;o~ta llt1•11a Union Di.strict &n!1 l Radd Ring of th., b01trd of trua· thus clarify boundl\rles I• to be t••ea of ?l:f'wport Harbor Union mitrle by Rea. OPEN 10 A. M. THJlOUOR S 4 . M. • CHINESE CASINO 1 t t Main St.. Balboa Harbor 2203 lf1~h ~hool. which provides 11('<"· ------------- om1an · education for 11t11drnts of Dog Nips Neighbor h<>lh the Ccuta Alul\ and N t'Wp<ll t Beacb elementary dl10trlrta. 11tllt~I that h1a boerd h11d lllltt'd a ('all fnr a 8pecial elttt ion for Moy 20. At thst lime lhe board will hk tor probably U .!l00.000 to be raised on a pay-a.-you-go tax mcnoa1te to Pf'Mnll the building or a ff~ond J ody Allkam. •. daughtrr of !ht' F.arl Askams, 1705 Clay St, w1u b1llt'n by a dOI? on Jlln. 24. pohre reported. The 1log. owned by Phyliss GMton. 1703 Clny St .. WI!.'! quars.nllned and the bite de· KM~ All not very iwnous. , it = 5 ':. m~e -= 4 BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY '" PIANO LOUNGE (after II :SO p. m.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Liberty 8-3071 Coming Soon ..• Italian Dinners Pizza ·fin, Foods to Take Out "·' WATCH FOR OPENING 511 E. Balboa llYd. Balboa Newport Blvd. on Couc ~11-1 NEWPORT BEACH • (We are Cloeed OD Tlnlnd&J'&) HENRY'S -MAK.£ IT .& MUST - -Spanish Food at its Best- sEso& LOa:E AT THE PIA...."'0 COCKTAILS ::V:':.'~~ LU!'\CBEONS .&..~ DC\~-,;Ra NOCHE OE RONDA SPA~l8R Dll"i~"E.118 -AU. l'OD CAN EAT (E\'"l:RY TBUll8DAT -6 to It P. M.) s11s 2530 W. Coast Hi9hway • Newport leach .. llAL MEXICAN POOD [LA p o_s TA l U JOll pref• to •1 at home to 11ee yoar fa"°'"8 telnWom propam "7 oar hosed Muku dbmen or .... Olden to take oet. Tbe,...... readJ to ..... ............. lllM. COSTA MESA I lllodl ._.. 9f "-ala A-Country a. a fa re··'*H'• LOD~I AND llSTAUIAMT music nightly f :30 to 1 :00 a. m. ENTERT AI!\.MENT A!\'D PA..'\Cl":-\G WITH io lantz and bill skiles P}\ONE HYA'IT 4-6608 FOR RESli:RVATIO:-\S special sunday buffet at 3 p. m. thunday is "chuck waCJOn" night ALL YOU CAN EAT $1.91\ OPEN ALL DAY EXCEPT WED!\"ESDA Y DINLlllG ROOM OPENS AT 6 P. M. .. showplace of the coast" JUST 80UTH OF J~AOUNA B!:ACH ''Superb Food" •. t"RIDAl' ASD SATl'llDAl. .lunf'll 1't .. '4&rt ••carblae-\\'Ullams" !ilpenc"f'r TrM'J' .. Pat and Mike" Adult1t ;,o l'f'Db L I D. (f 7h<'.z;: Ht:l,P O\'t:R THRl' SAT, ~ " t. • ... r t:".:::0 • -::-.-• 4 • ''There's No BoslnefNI Uke Show But1lnewit" Donald O'C'u•nor, Marilyn Mhorue", Dan Dtt.114'1 - .lobnnle Hay, lllltd tiaynor, f:thf'I Mf'rman START!ol St'!\'DA\' -Contlnuoo" 1'11n. frnm l :lt The suspense story of the year about a town that hid its shame in a reien of terror! c.-.... SPENCER TRACY ROBERT RYAN -MDOAV AT , 8lACK ROCK •.• flt t ' .. j , Wlflta·Uflll·ml ...... 1• u ·s f;clmoM O'B"'"-"'8IDELD roa llU&Dl:ll'" IUd'• Ma&. Sal. 1:'6 -~ -"!liOllTllE&K PATaOL'" Th.1.1 Kld' a Show la llJIOnac>r..d by th9 Heart F\111d ui;iT TDUl UT. r!ti!D TOiiy Curtis "6 BRIDGES TO CR088• Abbott -' <'<"lf'lle Mxr..:r TRr. Kl'a'l"TO~'"E aorr .) \ AHIM ALASKA'S FIRST YDBfT DAYS CCllES THE STORY OF THE S11AN6£R WITH A GUii! ~ .............. tM~ ... ,.. Mt .... llrl ...... a. t.dlst -·---"" ....... , fl CouNT~ ~ -"""' 1• llTllU ."iUi .~ .... =--..... •at. llllea. I ,_a "MAD WT.DN'F.1'DAY" .,__. ..... ll'1Mlw "' ..... it•'• .. rtW.., I ,_. "Tllll ......_. ~ PAGE 4. PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 17. 1955 I· O. W. RICHARD TO SP.AK ON SELLING TIPS CRYSTAL TO AID OCC .GEOLOGY STUDY O. W. (Dick) RlclUrd w!U be the apeakt'r Mond.ay e ven· Ing. Feb. tl at the final mNl· Ing ot the le~ture aerlH "8ee· ret11 ot Suc«111ful Seolllnr" conducted by Oran«• Co&1t Colle&e. Riobard WUI 11>Hk on •·eulldblg Goodwtll~Brtn&1n1 the Cu11lomer Back.'' The lee· ture wllJ be &1ven In .Room a ot the Technolon Butldlnr al 7:30 p.m . It wm be follow- el1 by a general dlaeuulol\ period. All leotur.11 are open to the public without charge. Mesa Pair Booked for 'Resisting' · SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Two Costa Mu& meJ?,. were boqked re· cenUy In Oran,-e County j6il on charrea of resiaUnr f"'Ut and belni drunk. Jailed we,.. brothera Hilario P. Ruiz, 22 and Mart!n Ruiz, 20, both of 1878 Placentia Ave., 11herttr11 deputies aaJd. Thia 1:K>-lh. selenite cry11tal was preae11ted to Orange Coast College thia week by the Orange Coast Mineral and Lapid&ry Society. The crystal will be used in the atudy of geolory, according to Jamea Pitton, imtructor. It will eventually be displayed in the new science building aoon to be constructed on the campus. Left to right are Herbert Brown, member of the society, James Pitton and Mrs. Joaeph Biescar. Depulie11 ll&ld they were •um· moned te 833 W. 17th St., Coat& Meaa area, about 2:20 a .m. to hall a tight. When they a rrived, dep- uUee reported, the acutne had aubslded and Coat& Meaa oftlceni we~ 11t&ndtng by. Deputies 11ald Hilario wu In hi• car and when they tried to arrest him. he became bdltrerent and real11ted. They a .. erted he had to be take.n out of the car by force. They also allered Martin leaped PRIEST RETURNS FROM FELLOWSHIP STUDIES OCC Administrator Visits 15 Countries, Attends Columbia Returning tha wffk from a semester's study at Teach· er1 College, Columbia University in New York, Dr. Bill J. Prie•t re.urned his dutiea a.a assistant superintendent at Ora.n&e Coast College. Dr. Priest waa granted a Ford Foun· rtation FeUowahip lut year to do research on public rela- 11on1 In adult education. H• wu He viJlllad N,wroundla.nrl. the gr&llted a leavr or l\bsence from Azoru , French Morocco. Srllniiih Or&llC• Coaal Coll•&• tor one ff-Morocco, Spaln, Cerm9.ny, Orn· m .. ter to do work at Columbia mark lcel&lld a11d Auatr\11. l 'n1ver11Jty. \ In 'oenmark he was l'llprclall~ C'OLt.:MBlA OOVJ\SU lnlt re11ted In the Danish F!>lk Schoola, one of the"'bldeat type of a <I u I t 1ducatlon1l movrml'nt1. Theae 1chool11 evolved In an Ill· ternpt to prepare Danea to u1ke their place In a democratle clll· R nry. Wh1l1 al Columbia, Dr. ™e•l 111 tended t1f hl cour .... lncludlftl n1ur1u ... u1ht by Dr. Paul l:llM.rt, rrealdrnt of tbe Adult E ducation A pocla llnn of th United ltai.&. He aleh vi.1t1ct many public rela· 11un• d1v111on1 of boaln•H a nd In· •!1111try. u wtll u JUntor collt ru n lhe l'll1ter11 ala tu I• 1~ i:i-nr111ll\' •tt·repted. Or. P1 ,r,t •lated, the first euentlal in •l•·\,f ·rm~ •II eft91 t1ve prov-m of r 11hl1• t#l•llon11.. 19 to dn • 1upe.r1nr J'•"' eit hrr <•( produrt1on nr edU· • ~''"" Th• ncuntl eu~ntla l, 1a t.o ... th11t th• ma.ny pubhc1 a re In• '"I mf"I 1bn1H the JOb ~1n,; done There are 60 1uch achools In Denmark "'1th an averare rnroll- mtnt ot a bout 100. Located In rf'l· atlvely laolated area11, the achool11 a r,. boa rding ll<'hO<'.lla "''hf'rl' 11dults come to study bbenil 11rtll 11ub· jl'Cla. Adult.$ ll\'e In •tl'IU!li<>n With lnatnit'lors for a p<>rlnc1 11! flV6 monthl!. from Nov. I to Ar nt I, during the peri0'1 nf cnmpRrattva •rncultural inarlJ\'11}'. \\'lUTr:~ REPORT1'1 little time t o get the. expedition on Deputy Tom Durh1!.m. , underway. He mu1t be In Switzer· The suspects were handcuffed. land a.nd haveo hi" team and equip· While officers were breaking up I mt'nl a:os embl<>d by March l~. the rest or the crowd the broth· From Swlturlllnd. the team will ers hopped out of the car and mude 11 tJ l N 0 lhl 1 di a get away try. Hiiario reportf'dly go 1 rec Y o • ew t' • 11 a. wa11 easily apprehencted but It I Hnd from thcrf' 10 the lltartrng took approximately 30 m lnute11 to point ot the climb. The actual I flnrt h. Is brolhtr who Wl!.3 hidden ht' made <>i th•r from Katmandu. m11rch to the base or Lhotse will in a ditch. I carltal of Nepal, or f rom 11. point _ on the lnd1an·Nepal border. Thi• Avilas Welcome Baby I will be d"lt>r mlned srtrr the party M ,, •1 rcacht'e New Dtlhi. ' r. ''""" •• ra. Artemlo Avila , Costa .Mesa. wrlcomM the birth But wherever lhr stArting potnt, Lhe f'xh1bltll>n will hll\'e IJtlle tlmt tn complelu the climb. Attn a thrfi'-Wllf'k walk from tht' 11lart- or a aon Feb. 2 at Corona Naval Hospital. 1ng roinlt Oyhrenturth rt~~ to I c ID -A-'S l"!ltahlillh " hlll'I" r11mp Ill the fool a I N TV or Lhot.,e by A pnl 20. I Prrim th•' b8Kt c11mr. the expe- rl1t1 nn will e1<tHhh1<h 1turceaalve l'\UTif"lll up th~ lure nf the moun· taln 1111til It reurtw11 a µoml from &emee ......... 8aJM Uberty 1·~228 wh1rh lh•• f1n111 11.,,..ault will be ;==============; ma.ir. Thr 11Mn11lt cam p. aecordlnr to pl111111. mu~t he el!t11bh8hed by May 10 to l!llnw l~am11 U> make the tln· 111 rlimb b"lore the monsoon• cnme. SA Pair lniured in Local Crash :\tmor 1n,11 11•s w .. rt 111f(eri-d rrt rnl I~• hV two J'&.•~C'nlo?"Tl' lnVOIV- «I in 11n 1111tn 1trrt'1!'nt st 23rrl St. an•I B .. !h1.a Bl\'ll Old l".etabl.lahed wurance Aceney All Unea written. BOWARD W. GERRISH 1.908 Newport Blvd .. Co•ta Mua PHOS"IC Ullert7 IJ.1611 P A.RKF.8 • RIDLEY MORTUARY ronau11 ORA O!:L CHAPEL 110 Broachu1 -CO.ta M- Ube rt)' 8-lM SS a.Ad "-SUt n11~1nrl'll 11ni1 1n1111strt111 ll'lltlto .. 1,. ~· n111nrl\' 1ntrr,.~t,.l1 In t t1ur11 · ''"" ''"l11v ···Or. Prlot w 1d, "end 111,. wlilins lu hMk up !he lntn · T.t•11nnr f"inJBlua. :?i. nf Santa A no Hll•I ~hl' woulrt go l<) the doc- lf•r ff r t rt 11tmtnl "' a cut IP(t h1o•I 11nrl Rrg1n111>! 1'1 r"•IB, .3. 11-.o All a ruult nf his rP11l!'arrb, nr ~8nt~ AM. waa to be trrAlerl tor MESA UPHOLSTERING ""' with rl\r1t11I · Pn ll'lt hu pr,p1red 11 numb1•r nf I" hun1 p on h1 .. ht>11tl Thrv wr re reporte which will be wldrly d11•· 1 r-i ~•l'ni:rr.. 1n " l'llr rlrlvt>n hy semtna led. H e will conlinul' 8l G0·n1 i::r r . :-'• r«-<111, :II\ of \\·riot . \'llillT• N~r: C'Ol'NTRU:S 0 1"8n1te Cou t u 111119tant 1111p1 r· mlnMrr I t:pbol1tert11c a Drapery Uberty 84'7111 11.:MJ N"'l'L Blvd., Colla lhM \\'hil" "" h•A\'I . nr rrtl'l<I hal1 lrt .. nrlenl In 1·h11rgc or 11rtult NIU· Elmp1 Bruce Wh1lar•n. 110. or 434 "" '•l'f"1 rl 11n1t v In mak" ll I l\-1!11y I r 1 t1on. ""rat inn" I •dur11 I Ion l\nd !"11 nf II J\ n.o J\' r tlrl\'f'T M 1 h,, ~,. ... '1~11 In n•nr rn1tnfriP~ 1n Eur<'J'l'. aummer 11rhnol. rind c nr 1 .. 1.i pnllr P hr n111rtr ll full Dyrenfurth Leaves Orange to Lead Climb on Lhotse O RANGE. FEB. 14 IOC'NS) -1 climbed hlg-her than 11.ny other Nnnn1n 0 Dyn n!uM.h today wu ,.nrout, tw pl&.n• !or :>:tpal to lud a rhmh1'.J; r•rty In e.n e ttemrt to •cale Lh,.IN, 27.8110-ft reak In the H1mel11\'11 II 111 th• ·~nnd hlr h· "I t 11nchmber1 m"unta1n in the world Dyrenrurth ltft by pla.ne l'\e turd11y on hl1 .. high" &rWenture. H11 r,.rr 1vrd prrm11o11on to malle 1111 1111,.mr1 r,.r,.ntlv lw t,.l,1T11m tfflm lh" :'\1'111 f?N 'rnm•"'' W"m•n in Lhe wnrld [lyhrt'nfurth".• r ,. r m I 1 a I n n. lhoutth long '"''111t,.d. p ve him Newport Variety l'OCTa I u4I 10 8TOU \\ •. Give C~'• Stuapa ~ l"TV9l S•r Pkr NEWPO&T BEACH '''I' nl :I.lid SI l'ln'1 B.11hna Fll\'t1 ""'I iotar'••l 1H1n•• lh" f:,olhoa Btw1 wh,.n 111• •'•'Ir 11trnrk the ::itpPda rar \\'h1t~nn H ll1 ht rtlrt not Me 1h11 othtr car. • • laataUaUou ST AFFORD & SON '":'\"EU~ ll.lld DOC" l':l..ECTRJCAL CONTl&ACTQRS Phoee U~rt;y 8-1'61 110 Rh"era.lde "'enlM! Sewport ~ BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A :\tESA CKAPEL 170 Superior Ave.nu• Costa Meu.. Call!. Phone Llberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3~20 l!:. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Phona Harbor U Oyhr,nturlh •Oll1f• hv h11 mo11n. Ii~~-~~~~,~~· 1 a In r II m h1ng a 1>1 II t y n1 tu r&J ly I ~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ H11 r<rrnt• Mr ~n'1 Mr11 011nt,.r • J)yh!"'nfurth. In 1939 wnn thr Olymrtr mrd"I for t heir mnunlAln r llmbm)l ex1,lo1lll In th• Ha.ma.Joy· 111. H111 mnth~r. H Ptt111, now "rr"• 11ry tn thl' rlr11n r>( f"'hapmftn Col· lec•. hnlt111 the rtt'orit r<'r t\llV'Ulf FOR MERCHANTS PIOTICTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HAllOR AIU CALL LIHIGH f· 1634 MOTOIWYCLZ ESOO&T ' • • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGtNCY r()I\ A.IL YOUR tNIUft.A..NCE NZEDI ~ A ... -T,_ls ~Fire-Life LOCAL AOEHT om. Llbuty M06I ~ USM tT9S Ne n &, . .., eo.i. Mna Boyer's Balboa Linoleum -.JACK BOYER - 2801 W. Balboa Boule\'ard Co. e Unoleum • Rubber Tllt1 • Cork • Al'phalt TiJto • Ca~t • Formlra e· \'at·ht • lnl'tallation Harbor 5389 Newport leach HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROll CRISIS 7 Perhaps we heve the answer BecauH we do everxthing here casa pura. "SE&Vl<;& WITJIL"I BOUU -WllL'll NEEDED'" COMPLETE LAUNDEBEU Uld OL&&.Nm llAJUJfD'8 am.a 1tewroa fl&M"' I Tbf! LucHt .,. __ 8tot'kl Of c; fl a u I a ,. Army, ~.,, .. ~I a r&a 4' Air t •ol"C"f! ~urplu• In Ulf' Karbor AF'f'&. ••• 95 l '. 8. SA,·1· SHIP'S llLL c·r:nta I Radie let. .·omrlete with cry1tal 11n.1 cat·, whlaker tun- rr . •1.&1 t:ar11h11nl'•, ~Ith conl- fort a IJIC' headplK•: a m"H for l'ubblnr P .• T ,. I r 1 r a p b K•y ~r Morae coda practice UM Bell Wire \'ou Ka\"f! MoMr on i:\'M )' ltf'nl Solid b,.__ I " UlnNlt C°lf'a r rtn I', for boat patio or p...S-. 2 contluctor Plu· 1 C 11r covered, uaed by SIJnal Corpa. • {lC'r ft. SPRJSG SPECIAL CHAISE WUNGEPADS MuUJcolor cun·-•hiped; ta" 11: 1Z": waur IN'pNl&nt; bo11114l ecll"N· SS.95 u. s. 11urplu1 r old·plated of- ficer insignias .. llk- A bru lve Slip Slone, U. S. aurplua; new; "Wisconsin"; $1.10 value . . ... 39<· Compa ...... , 9r Mexican Sliver Rtng1, larite men'• 111u .. ·~ . Ne t.000 t;U :CTROSIO 1'1\\'ITCHt:s 1ome ('Osl l '. S . Govc>r· ment 18 high u $9.00 ! Your Choice 39c each HOODF.D 8\\'EAT SlllH'I' 13.89 S·!ll·L·)\L. l"'Y• l'f'd HNdql!Arte" for U:\'1'8 & \\'R,Uli<il.t:IU§ BoH .Palalf'.;.' and (1arpt>nt.,.• <h'era&i.. J'ndt uf th, Loom f'ndenhlrta ud ~horta. Alae T· l!lhlrta.. H ... ee I 'ndl'rw•ar. QuaUty HUNTING llNJFE Me Bone laaadle. n-t ateel blade w&Ul leatMr llbeat.11. ?liew MoroUne Hair OU, rtg. H e. f;\'t:R\'THINU ALW.\\'8 KOLD \\1TH AN 80\' 8COUT KNIFE • • • lk SIUS!\'1.NO KNIFE ..• JUt lmpo.rted l!J~ haadle Wit.II leMller U.•th. Sew. 1-.power ~ Olua. r•t th.II today .......................... .. ~ GlaM, auper 1pedal ............. :: ....................... ...... Mee Grant'• for complete aelac· Uon of optical lnatrument.s. SWIM FINS Adulta ......... ~& C'bild'• ........... 1 H Diver'• race ..... _ pure cum 2'9 rub be·· Coveralls (USl'.:D) 2e49 Blue; ,.._ Lit.al.,,. 11.ae tor ml!dlanJn. \\Ork around the bouM• and for bobblf'11ta. Can not. be bC'et : . now , ltc Foo• Po"·der . l~c R&wr Blade., db edse. : for I&<' Jaaect. Powde r . 8t· Unconditional Ha1Jsooe W a t e r Purlncatloa Tablft, bottle of 100 .. 9c G. L ChapatJclc:, nev.·, 1urplus .. _... . .. 8oeo•. Telescope, 30.power $1995 Ooa~ left•; ueellent apottlllc aeepe with eol'recled Mhro· Matfo tf'llMll that. rive clear • aharp lmar,... M..,n1n... so Umee. 29c I '" • Canned Heat; only •.OOO can.1; hte welc ht cook · Inf tut I; eo1oke· less. clun flame ~ Ufllt Lubrl- catlnr G,...&llC' l:?l' lb. Alrplant'I Bucket S..at", lamtnatc:d wood, body ror- med: light cl atrong; ror hot rod racers. sport r u1 a.nd boala '3.H • A l". s. :'ill\ y 1urplu•, l'llulot1 \\'I 1!1nnlt r ; " Ith t'Uoe • • • ems....-De· ~f!Dt Oua Oil. 2-o&. can 9c; .• •'· ne OunGIPIUle ! fur 6c Carbunt ... ra- <'11Jor1de i'~lre Exlln· r ulsher F luid SUOpl STt:EL TaPf' MPUUN', 72" automatic re- "ind .. :Siie HA<; Ii tJAW Bl~•. IO c vlll. I for 20c• NAJU', new; &1111'ted I l)c lb. 89c Maay nthf'r lliuo Cil111-r• frnm !9r 1-tbu '11IMJ•• u t ra lon1. beat quality . . .. lie Re\'olvn C lea.nt._ & o •a, varioua else•; 1peclal cloae· out prire no .... BJnt1 Bore (.'leaaf!r, can be uaed tor ~netraUn.g oil ..... ,. Pulle) • and Rlqa, calv ed : ra.n be uaed for l&ah or outboard boat controla lk C&a\'U WATt;B B l ' <' K E 1 8·qL etu C .\!II T EY.N, alum t n um , new; . plutlc cap; l ·ql. ca- p11rlly Jl.41 Pmtec:ttw Cloven t ' •" w lien •praylnc or for 1•roteeU., now«"n. and youo1 tref'• from I ro at We haw l900 otUa-. r: ,Jn•t. 4'L ............. ~ U. S. Anny Medical Corps lla1tkets RUCKSACK ................. ~5 96 Que11terma1ter larracks Paint 100% \1rrtn wool 'uet a '6'·~ '""' of thf'M beauU. h•ft Outaldf' "hit•'. Un"~ .,11 half!. UmHNt •upply. \\'nrth many ttmP• rnoN! than •1'9ra1 .lumbo Siu 120 ( 'A?\l\"ON 1nu;r;TS •••• "41.ffl fram,., du<·k blncUnr. adJu•tabl,. •trape1 a.a lt8n that all hlllen, M"~hh and kalrllte of tbf! open reM ellould ont be "1tllout. MnAL DANGER FLAG ... -............. 10c F;uJt of thfl i.-m-11 ... •1 '1 «Ml HA~'l>KF.RC'HIEl"8 •• I for . Bomber Wah:h .... SJ.95 'J • .-l "'~"'P W<"ond h-d. rum.inoth 41191. 11t&tnln..' ell'f'I band; ahOC'k ~•t· ant; cuanat.f'M 1 )'Mr: ~· •• .,. .. .... - Ski ~ka, heavy u.nd wam1. gToy cl whilP. wnol 89<' pr. c·u .. hlnn M>lf' Soek• 39r pa.Ir Cotton Wnrk 1'•1rk11 II for fJ.00 Dre.e bo<llu, r11. Mc now . 3 for I l.OG Rf'lt. Ptnk. L.a\'endtr, Oran((e "flr•I Cone·Crazy Cnlors ' AIRPLA~'"E S A.n:T\' BELT fnr r ar. hnl·rod. r11rln1t "9'\ nr 11k1ndlvlng . 6. G. I. Flashllcjht HEAT PAD ............................. 49c Cht1mlNll; a ff'~· drep11 of •·atf'r wUJ k~p th.I• pad warm 1111 ct.y: A raw1rtt.-with ~M"hl~ Dlf'D, motorlat.. buat('n , fl•hr rm .. n • nd r ampcol"!i. Quantity ~trktly llmlted. Brand "'"" CAN\'A!$ WASH IASIN ......................... 19c Wortd Famed Super· Power linoculan One nl t I.I' \\"rids r1nCl!'I I\ n •I h .. II I k """ n m :i k t' • ~A\'f; (Ill , llU\' H11y n"w "lnlt· r11i1 ~f 11rk11J Klfll run1ptrtr Hon u t 1f u l han•I· niatle p1g11kln r11.J<r11 wll h rh111h 11n1ni:- 2 11Lrap I BtnoC"ulor11 11nld nnt,v "llh ,.,. •• $3.flr> lltlll ·~ 0(11 . 6\'.11~ ( oat .. d: sn .:\11 'llh1,. ~It .II.\ 6d0 ( oatl'cl; $6.\.oll '11h1c· I :..11.; '•ll.l Coat~I 10.M lllr2.'> ('natrd l;\.nt\ 14'.!ill ("oat 6d Iii.ti~ h .ill ( uati-cl u .e: • All hinntular .. Ull' ~nl<t \\lib l·Yt'Br Wiii · ten and •1!fol'd g1111ra.ntl'n 1111 nul <Ml· !11!18 with blnoculara ll"ll1n~ tnr 11 tr-" dolla.re lf'H ThN e a r,. i;<-'n•1111" ' •I '• - f'OWfPT With l'IBmJ'f'tl·ln pr1•1l1• n .. 1 i:lul'<I or p1nrht'l1 Mon~· nl ht'r l'<'r11111r A .. '9 head. 1·"8!1, kit dip, bllnJcn. noa~rrodlng pluttr: ldf'aJ fnr ,.a1,. \\I\· MO-lb. 1 ... 1; ~ 16" dlamttf'r. RUBBER BANDS 1 .. r or· ' 1, .111.; """r 1.noo l"'r ""' loxlnt Gloves 98c pr. All thtl hlf bnuid lllllft,.•: •DJH, fta•lla&a, \\'IJaon, SpeuldJq; war 11Urplua. u9M ~1 ex. profN&louJ ty pt>, MUI 1-: read.)' to twoat up on 1oor mottvr- l11·law B&._"l'ball Bat• B1i; Lf'll~\le Lou!IV\lle !'lhr~i;•r ~avy Surph11t .. J>al•.'' Air Rifle, "'I· 5.'\.?& :llnw t •. 1. Au" "" llJlllllratAd; olive •11 ah ra1n1el1, .... 1th unva.r. car· ning rrue. Finl' fnr f•nilly ar· "umrnts Ilk f'l,.,.1 Alt1 Kit, f!1r car, boat. h!llttt• l•f JlllHll', t •IMl J'l<'ll' . 91k ·'•'rr> ( 1tn :-.pu111 . (l,.x1bla •lee! 11h•fl. "'1ltl l{&aollne strainer 8tc: 2c ft. ~olor Ftashli9ht . .. $2.89 iZ.i.' wb.lt,. and ~,...,.n: with bllo.kr r; 11 '"'1't fnr •lpa.lln1t or «"m"r((e11cle91 a. ceft, focu_'1n1t bf'IUI: mf'taJ C'9~"t "'ctlon: w11rtb man,· tlm"• _11 .. lo~ <''""'. G. I. Unen braided Halyard Rope lust ~ 1 ic ft. Flashlite Batteries 2 for 1 Sc (i, 1.; nt'w, frnh ttO('k, cuarantttd p<'r- f,...t. SHOE PACS. T { ' F'lf'ld lilhon, gem1- tne Army. b r a n 11 n<'w. wrre $11, I hr world'• ftneal work t1hou; mAde fnr the h11rde11l nf 11rn·1r", all allPI!, \\'3'•rprnn(lf """ nf r Duhhlng . f ")!ll\ ii, FREE . . ;J • > S2.t5 pr. f'. t'. Army aurploa; leatber tnr-. "'°r llottom•: ~"'-1, II, 9. an. w·a tf'r1un1of ruh- 11. I'.!. Ill. 14 ~'400 \\1.lt~ Mileti"\\ proof, braJl'lfod -:?. ;110.u roll. J S.,,IW) TENTS I '~ '\~1 ... Pup Tents ........................ $4.95 Deluxe Pup Tent ......... $8. 95 \\Ith flnur : •h111f•I•· •·ntl . :.,-; !·"'·'" Mountain Tent ......... $14.95 'P \\ U•fn (1unr. '":Ip rrt•01 tl•1nr, tlpf•"r ln,r • I n .. : · !l,!1 Umbrella Tent ........ $29.95 TANKER JACKn '""" 1111fll•d. """t ltnloi;. ,.,,,.. ".1r111 "10.Jhr,.ak• r;A<nl ll•"I 111tt• and ""'I. Slndded Foa111 lubber Jtc lb. For pllln1'1'. paddlnlf and r"u'IJhl,. plM'kln& matf'rial. "'"' t.1 .... ,., vn11r llnf'JI ~Iii' I ... GRANT 'S '""·· ~o~p~ .• t ••• , .... ~ • .:~.~-..::· ---- Glft Lugga,t.-. J&.S:S l'l'AIL :\"f:t:DL.r:S v...... • ....... and alu. )()e --------LI M241 WAR SU ·RPLUS_'·.~~;.~~: CORNER NEWPORT ancl HARBOR BLVDS. COSTA MESA . High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 . ' . .. I ' • t ; • FRESH, LEAN . PAlr1Es29~ NABISCO SPECIALS iiOifilK'Es . 23· NR.a.lcJZ·, aunat WAFEttS 31 C 1-ll . PKG. •FM IEWTOIS • OREO • SWISS CREIES I I CUDAH't"S wtCJ4DN·IAS11lN : SllCEO 39• ' . BACON~~: : Our Own F.mou .. Mtkt Cou""Y-Styi• PURE PORK 29' SAUS'GE .. PRESERVES MUAR 35' iEA;r HUNT'S UNP£REO WHOLE 25 • ~ -Bo::. s7 =-----,.. __ ........ APRICOTS 00·2~CAN • ~PPL£ s~IJCi Be::. s TOriiTOES 00• JI/, CAN 17' c Dir -1 .1 -- All-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN 33~ KtEliEx_ 2 ·00" 43' : ii - -6 c::. '1 =G·ANG1 ::i:: HsottPMAR. MLUNCH~2~~~AN 39' .. '-IS~ 'Ell B!Alls So::. '1 GROUND -BEEF .......... ...._ JUJ~C -~d:TG;~~·~ ~ IETTY CROCKU Sptoed 2 I C At.B'S £ ~ .. C.-S~ ,1 ~NORTHYH HALIBUT STEAKS 39~ 'uut1$•COHu sfo,, f}f CAKE llX YB.LOW CORN ~ Non..t lk, Gtrden Grove, M!AL 40-<>1. FROZEN FOODS SIMPLE SIMON 'PIE FOR FOR' • APPLE • PEACH 3 9' • CHERRY • PINEAPPLE • BOYSENBERRY • 1-U. 4-0Z. SID BIRDSEYE • 884BROOC ...... IOLJ SPEARS • FORDllOOI Ulll I • BRUSSEL SPROUTS •BUY Ulll 2 .. .s.39• Newperi S..dl, Coront def M.,. FRUITS and VEGETABLES IXTIA·FANCY, WASHINGTON DILICIOUS APPLES ~~~. LIS. ••. NICI .•. 1tc U . aTIA-L.AIGI FINUT MADI FUlln AVOCADOS FOR HG. l'c IA.I ORANGES LIS. HG. 10 LIS .... 7'c DELICATESSEN FOODS Ml~l, .... ,~~,11~r11~:'1 .. - ALL-BEEF SALE!----Avll-AOMEfUCDANKA-,~INT s214 HOFFMAN ALL-BEEF ..,.rl'I'-""" FRANKS ~g~-IMPOftTEO ITALIAN CHIANTI FIFTH 99' iiRRY WINES Fi™ 69' OR IOLOGNA -- SALAMI ~~~:e~N 49:. ~STAn HORMElSlaD £1i1iy11Mis~5481 CHEiiAR 45:. Hii ~ 49' IN NiW HAlf-OOAlT CANIS' $' 48 SWIFT PREMIUM MORREU'S NEW -12.0Z SCHLITZ .., . SPREAD ~G~ 29· :SiOIEEf 49' GTN 90-Pll()()f Fl~ s32s * IEWPORT BEACH * COROIA del IAR 2600 COAST HfGHWAY lCMt COAST Hl6HWAY ~ * SAi CLEIEITE 602 IL CAMINO UM. • I , .. JOHN LAFFERTY COMES UP WITH SUB-MARINER TOP CATCH Members of the Newport Harbor Sub-Mariner~ admire ~--·tlfe1r"'"t:atchcs Sunday arrer Mmpt~ttM ror top ponnrt- age speared by the men off Ladder Rock. Left. Lyle Richards of We!ltminst cr. Bob Crane. Midway City, PAGE 6 . PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 MARINE NEWS Friday F eb. 18 Sal1111tov • F'rb 19 S11n1!11.v .. -.. h. 20 Mnn•lay .. -l'b 21 Tuei11l11y f°l'b 22 Wednl'l!<1R~· Peb 23 Thurlklily .-fb. 24 TIDE TABLE Time Ht. Hl(b 6 l!l II 01. 7 ~II p. 111 6.•9 a m. 8 II! pm. 7 26 II. m. II :\9 p.m . II OI H m. !I 111 r 111 8 38 a m 9 26 p m. 9 16 11 m 9 Mr m. II.I 3.6 2.1 39 11.7 4 II ~I\ ·~ 117 4 j :\:} 6 (I Tlme Low (1.011 a m. 1:31 p.m. 6 '49 a. m. I ~K I> 111. 1 24 a m. 2 110 p. rn. 2 no a m. 2 [)fl p. Ill • 2:lfi8111 3 16 p 111 3 II) a m 3 H p m 9-!'ri a. m. ~ 11 8 ~IS a. m IO 26 p m. 6 2 <I 12 p m l'ac1C1c 1>:iyl1~ht Savln~s Time t"IK~T n ;u , LAS T :n :n QllAKT l:R ~00:'\ Q t, i\HTt:lt MUO.S .\!Ar I M111 " .\l11r rn Fl'I>. 22 llL 2~ ll3 CH I):\ .l j -n 7 J 3 -11 7 J " Ill\ 06 -n :\ 0 4 111 holds two lobsters; Blair Smith, Santa Ana, runner up tl>t tbp 1ttmonr.-;J-ohtt t!a'ft\:1 ty, 26? Onyx spearman for the day with 8 j>ounds of fish: J ohn Mil· !er. 1552 Miramar Drive, third place ma.p. -Staff Photo LI Y ACHY CLUB'S .SEASON PLANS SET BY DIRECTORS Officen Attend Meet Regatta Dates 15 Flag Establishing fl}' ~lltl'I. MATT OHt:ll I 'tulr: Dinner and entertainment St1111~1l\lt1ni: plan11 dol·kel«d to1 ~<'lllnj;' 11rl up fur late March o r , L111<1 Jsl,. Y:u l1l Clutl°!I ·~:i •r.t~un lllirly February, Euler egg hunt '"'Ill ruNr•·nt1'rl a nd il1>l'll~~··•I 111 \la b<lat for llw youn.:-len1 In lhr 1)q:um:rnUun 11 lstr~l bo"rd Ap1ll, hh1pwre< k p&rly &lated t or m••••tlng. Mav 11nd lhe Commodort'1 formal l "ommorto1 •· M. A Anof• 1 • 11 re· I 1hnnn 1n Jun<'. The traditional bl· ro•lvi"lt rr po1t" t10111 en111 the m"nthly "uppers are plannl'd for 1.; 1 l.1J: of flt 1•13 and •1111 • • 1n J uly anti I AUl(UJ!l. Prov1111onally al11•1111t1n1 ,. 111 thr """'(' 1ol ,\1 1~ phtnn"d fot: Scptem brr 111 a trea· I t:lli<\\urlh ~ll:!, r• lonni; club &• c· 11ure hunl. a Hallowtt'n party for I 1tlary. Octolkr and the a nnual dlnner- Ttlt<t:t~ TOt' E\ t:STS llll'f'llng wlll bt> a Chnatmu party Thr rnt m.i ,., h· •1111,. i• lui:h· m Dec<>m~r. Kingal"Y announced t11:ht11l hy th1 e.-l"I' "'" nts. Thl' f ll SEW APPOIST~U:STH l.lYt' ••)..<fi ll •~ 1l11trd fur J un•• 1· .. mmo-lorf' Anolen<"n prt'Mnlt'd I ti· I!• th•· < 'h.1mb<'1 ut ('vnom••rre n •• m .. , of thrl'e n"w appoinlmrnta. lWf'h'· 1.t••' w1ll t11kl' plar,.. Jul)•'Th•y w,..r,. Se<"rr tAry Mra. C. L. Ill und th•• Au1-11•t 11'1(.ilta I:< Smith fhi;hl 1J1ugeon. Ralph M. 8l11tt••I f111 Au~. 13·1 I, 1l wa~ an· Tamlow,.ky 11n I publl<"1ty cha ir· nouriud m11 n, Mr:o. M. 8 . Obfor Jr. Ll\'C' ju11lor R• l1vtt1t•• w1ll 111:•11n AJ'lpolntment11 for radng com- h .. 11nt1.·1 1he 1lr1r111 .. 11 of lJil·k m lt l•r 1'ha1rm11n. port <"Aptaln. Swo, 1, '' llh r,. nn \\ ure d•·~11:· fl<'l'l r11pt11ln 11 ncl "nlt'rt111nment n111 .. 1 A' ol1r11 tfl r In rhn11tt" ot th(' rhalnnan 11e to ~ macle tn tht' Jlll11"r pro 1;:111111. near tuturl' High Q rt p. t• Ph H "1616 J{•'llll•lh K1n1;~lc>v prr~nte<l lhC' Attr11111ni:thl'nll'C'llni.:wrre H8y ua I y r1n 1ng ~ • or. I follnw1n)! trntRll\'t' 1111('181 Rl"hl'· Lanirenhrun. ('harlt'll Lllmb. G1•nt It S His Business ... Yes ..• it's his business to deliver your N•wport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monday and Thursday. It's his business to do a good iob too. Your paper must reach you promptly, and in good condition. His iob depends upon th• service he renders his custom•rs. If you are not a regular sub- s c r i b • r, fill out the s u b s c r i p tion b.low and we will start de- livery at once. ,.-.----·--···· -----......... -.. 0-............... -................ . ~irculation Dept. Newport Ha;bor News • Press 2211 Ba lhoe A\f•., ~r«port Bf>M'h I hert'by subscribe t o the Newport Harbor :'\r wi; Press and agr<'e to pay ~6.00 for a fuU year·s 11ubscri)Jt1on. Same .... ······-······-············-····-·-·············· ............ -............................................. . . r ur . ···············--······-····-·······-·-··-····· ' . ' . ... . .. .. ... .. . .. . ... ... . .. ... --..... -----------........... _ .......... -· ... ·----· Watts. Severance finish First in PC. Rhodes Races • I 'CLEMENTE NAVAL I FIR!~~ £~"~~~"~~!? c1 ... mC'nll' 1~1an,1 wnt makr <'C'r· Lrd by three Thl•llu In thP an· n ual PC·R hodea race from htrl' to Saa P tdro, n PCs and seven while Ed Van• Hom of NH\"C ta1n Brf'8a dan~1"1 nu.~ to ·••vi· came ln fourth In' Lollnda. it•tion th11 wr<'k. l'..iast C1111rrl Leadn of the Rhodu waa Bill offl<'lllll rtpo11 ... 1 <·11 .. tl,. Rr1rk RhodH Claaa racing craJt batlll'd S~vrrance ot :-;HYC. NlllnJ Han11- l& out In ll&ht 101ng. hull St"fonrl wu S tra t Enrlghl nf Kenny Walla m P uff. a PC. ot I NH\'C m Wltrh. while H1,.;k Loa Angrll'a Yacht Club, flnlahed Beardsler, all!O NHYC. In Su Bfe tint, .tollowed by Bob Lamar In was third Rnd, John ICf'wtll of BYC Slnbad. Newport Harbor Yacht waa fourth in F lr,•fly. Three K - Club, wlth Bill Polkinghorn of.JBal-38a !l!ao joined In the rl\ce but re- ~· Yacht Club In Sltpatlck third., aulll!l. were no_t avall.abll' MARIJUANA IN, CLIPPERS? will be blaslt'ol lokl.oy Hll+I ttl- morrow fl om 8 al:'ln 1 .. m l1l· nl1:ht "nd rlunn~ d&~ 11,l:hl hours 811t111·.J11)' 1tnJ ~11nd11y: ~'yraml1l l"'<>J'.! •. will t:i.tt .• unol"r """ to.la~· frnm 7o m. to 10 p 0 1. 'Island' Oil Well Hearing Feb. 24 Bissonette Sees Dismissal St:1~\:~~:E~:~n11~::1bnnou-:.~ rd It will mert In Los Ang .. 1r,. Denied-by Judge John Shea 1 ~:::{,: :~:·~.~::::::::.::::.;;~~ ·.:! BANTA ANA (0CN8 ) -A 52· J Udl'e Shea hrld there was oil drilling pi~rpose:.. ~Id Co.i,& M-man who al-eDOOl'b rvldence to hold the Coat• I Thr con1n1ts>1hln hos lldi>landll iefedly had mariju&na lodced In Meana. o,11 ~d gas leasr" undt'r i·on~l<lerR· hla talae teeth Friday aaw Super-A jury trial -. 0 11Cheduled tor I.on for '"3 u•nrr. lor Court J udi'• John Shu deny 9:30 a.m., March 7. hla motion tor dlamlaaal of the Arrutlnl' •ortlcera N ld tht>y Greenleaf's Ship char,.e. stopped Buaaonnette'• car at Chtsl· Donald J. Btaaonnette WU .,.. nut and Milin St. RAiph CUnale Now at ·G.bralta rested IH<:. 30, by Santa Ana po-claimed a marljua.na clprette W88 I r lice on a marijuana poaseealon found In the told of the car'a con-1 GlB.RALTAR FHTNC J .h count. Atty~ J a.mea Webb arg\led vertlble top. I J u n for dlamlaaal of the ch&rge Friday C r1 I Id th I tt S. Gre<'nleuf. .:unnr1°8 mate lh1rcl u a e aa e c gare e waa . because of lack of evidence. put back In the top. _,. short time 1 cla... USN, lt•in ti( M r:o. G: A Costa Mesa Marine Ends Combat Course · CAMP PENDLETON, (FHTN· C)-Marlne Pvt. Alf red L. Sianez of 2183 Orange Ave., Coata Mu a. wu alated to flnlah four w eelur ot Individual combat trainlnl' last month a t the Marine Corp11 Bue later, he claJmed. the clgarcUt I Grel'nlnf of 218 Collms Ave , Bal· waa gone. He a Urced he aaw 81•· j boa !"land. 111 aboard the battle· aonnette working With hla mouth. 1 shtp USS l ow11. whl<'h arrived ht'rl' The auapcct·a talae teeth were re· Jan. 16 tor I\ threr-month training movl'o1 and studied at the rrlml' and go<"ld-wlll nuh11-. lab. They a-rtedly contained por-Tht Iowa Is tht' f:r11t or 1111 klnrl tlona of the drug. to v1alt thl' Mt><llterrsnt"an in :01·v- ----cral yf'ara. hert-. Gordon Boy Hurt In Scooter-Car Crash The courae or lnstrutllon at thia huge training base Includes the C tat • • I y rt!eenUy while on hi• demolition, field fortlflcatlona, and scooter which wu lnvolvrd In a advanced ac:hoollnl' on weapons. j collh1lon In an a lley behind 800 The tralneu learn that all Ma· w. Cout Highway with a l'ar rlnea are bulca.lly infantrymen, I driven by WllUa.m E. Hartaon. 30. whether they aerve a.a coolur, typ-or 3131 Fairway Place, Co11ta Meaa lat.I, t ruck drinra, or with avta. pollc r•port d Th bo 1 t-llon unit e ~ e . e y waa rea a. td by a phy1lclan. The traJnlnl' Ii &iven lo Marlnu H arUon told police he wu tum- acheduled for duty ove~u. and Ing out ot a private drive whtn I to all ST&duatea of recruit train-tne crash occurred.. He claimed lnl' before they are u.igned to th th hi •• new duty atationa. e you NW • car too .. te, hit It In the left rear f,nder area. &ow. Allen Criaell, H owarC Lew-.-------------• 11. Rober t Hill. J ohn Carr, Jamet Martindale, Keith Cordrey, Sweet. Wan, K lnpley, Commodore An· der110n, M n . Smith and Mra. O~r. The next LlYC board meetlJ\g wUJ be held Thuraday, March 3. al the Allen CriaeU reald,nce. \'our Author I a e d THALC O FUK"rglue ~r la the Harbor area. Bring your fiber· Klue problems to u . soum COAST co. Urd a Newport Blvd. JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean , Marine end General Insurance * She will join thl.' U. S. Sixth Fleet and nther NATO Navies In Joint m aneuvera. Columblaa &ad Ff'd<oral Afl'IM'Y ,..._ Harbor ao tAll \'IUa "•1· Newport 8-(-lt MARISE lJl'HOL8Tt:JUNO llOA T OOVEU BA.LllOA CANVAS SHOP H.,. Jl7 ..Wlloal'~al'at I Accident Hurh Young Mesa Boy lll'll<'" \\"~b~I· r 7 of n:to Nrw· f)"l l Ill' ,1 "" 11rr '"' m t nor 1 nJur- 11'1' "h"fl hr 1111<',:Mlly ran Into • 1·1.r l" •: 1 h· Ill 2311! 8t tnol 0.-an,,;.• .\ "" 1 ·,,,t" M<'M, r<•h•• ri-po••l···I f\11\•·r • ( thf' auto "'u Ch 11 I·•• F J •111•. 47. M 2:'1112 \\'Jlln Lant". (·, .... to \\1~ ... 1• ht\'• !-l! 11• 11•i: o•lfh'l'r~ Mid the \\",·b 1 ~1 h 1•Y \\1111 t>1krn h••lllf' fnr ll•'.1f n1t•n1 l;y l h» Jlr\'. A. A. K1hl· Pr:ic J 1•l t~ '''l'••lli".I l'f'\'t tAI boya Wo'll' \\1!lk111i.: in tlH• iott l'l"I u he ~1111 to •I t,, 1t11\01· '''"" The 1njun•1I Y••llllt:1ol1•r dHl'llf'd ltltO l ht' aid• or lhc• 1'.tr Jo1u•111 f"Hh l. are quiet! Quift at 1 k1t1en, hut 1here't a lot of w1ltlc1t action io thoet ruwd. dependable Sea Hor11e1. Come in and lillen to the foor grrat modela. 5}i to ~ H.P. South Coast Co. I 23rd & Newport llvd. A l 'TftOIUZr;D r A C'TOIL\' 81:a\'ICIC . Pacific Fiberglass HOI W. Caal Hwy. Ml. U 8-UU Ottlce: Coela ·-....... ,. UkrtJ 8-IU• ...... Buel, 0--... ..., RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL AcrON tram All-American Mkt. %30 30t.b SL, Newport Bach llU'bor WI Even the air you breathe is better I Chevrolet's new High-Level ventilation system gives you cleaner, fresher air, and a ll you want of itf .. ~:······· ........... "·· .. ·. . "' ~·,,. ,_, _ . : Gtl!OJ /r<rlft •Mfl Ir-al, /wJM1 .' · .. ., a1ld d""' .... ········ ......... ·· O nlv C'}w.!vrolet and hJ~.pricl!d ea. Jiv. you a vmtilatinn 1tynem lilte t.hill! A 11pe<"i11.J ch1tm'her undeT t.lle •entilattae &ouvt'l"ll It~~ rain out of·the car and llUJJPl.Mw you wilh a more cvt'n ft ow of nir. And it a1'1o act.a All a girdeT, making the cnr nrnnirer. 'l11U-ill jWJt one of tht' l'lllc-itinl( dW.00.t!riN ynu'll m11ke when you drive the Motoram.ac Chevrolet.! Come in and 11ee. EN"Wting'1 """° '" dw motoramic Chevrolet -. • MILLER CHEVROLET CO. NIWPOIT IEACH 'TRACK OUTLOOK SHOWS STRONGER SPIKE SQUADS AT HARBOR HIGH tf ARIOR ~o~ PITCllERS' HUDDLE -Two memben of the Orange Coast College pitching st aff diacuH strategy for the nine game pre·seaaon practice schedule lined up for the Pir- ate• by Coach Wendell Pickens. Clifford Loftis, Huntin'gton Beach, is right·; Don Leigh, Anaheim, left. The Pirates opened their aeason against Compton Tuesday with a 5-4 win and will play Long Beach City College tomorrow. 1 \. Cinder To Win In Look for stronger track team• from Newport Barbor High School this season. That's the word from co-eoacba Ralph Reed and Don Bums as the local prep 1pikeiat.en pre-, pare for the campus interclasa meet Wed.De.day att.ernoon. · ''The varsity was third in Sunaet League competitioa lut year," reports Reed. "It should be ltronger th1a year. We expKt the B"11, who were third Jut yeu. to be right up there thla season. And our <..:'11, aecond lost aeaM>n, a.re now the atrongeal track squad we've e\·cr had." l PO~"T ·-on RELi\ \'8 As tor lhe annual Santa Ana relay•. echt>duled !or Mar. 3, the local thlnclaCSs aro polntlng for that, just a.s lh<'Y ha,·e In years pll!lt. Since 194:!, the Tar track· men have rnpt1;red fm;t plare honors upon eight o.·ca,..11ns. ha'"c been second thrice and fourth l~Ct'. L&Bl year, the Tara captured the relaya at Santa Ana with 19 points, paced by Tod While a nd Larry Cast10. retllm lng cinder \ aces. White aµed t.he mile tn 4 :39, unofflcia.Jl y breaking the school record by 7 secondM. Cwslro trot· led the SsO In 2:04, halt a accuntl oft the 20 ycu old school r<•con:I. WHITE t.t:ADS MILE Already this sea.son, White 111111 ankled lhe mile fl lst.ance In 4 .37. He'll receive varsity backJng from Au&ie Oslmw1:1kl who h11a tn1lrl'•I the oval with a 4 :62 mark to tlate. Ca.stro will rcrel\" haJt mile h• I' from Don Bea tty. The Ttlr!I h ,., atreni;th In the H O With Oll!I b.il· , •• ----~- J,AKK\' CJASTH.0 Tar Kall Mlk>r BIG'UN NEXT Tars ·Down I ·,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE1 THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHILIJPS The N~wport Harbor High C' ~wlin l••u11111 t h111 , .. tl11011." Ha Bcllool ch11n1.C'I r hurncra will con· hlV' L\\'1) l<t""' 11'lU!t1n1< fur hi• o~ unue w1nnm~ wul••r w ayn thts t11111s111 1•••rwer11 t1111 a Ttlr var•lty 8890ft. Th&l'a the way C11a r h Al vh-lory Kl11n._: tho• .SllnlW't look tank JrwlJ\ calcul<lt t>a the 111l uatlon. &n) .. l 1n1111. I\• r U11°h•nhcifor and Jerry way. ConFIJ;or tht~., are 117 ml"r· Fa • q11h .,. 1"111 •111h1r. 11n'aat1trok1 men thriuhlni; ab.111t the IOl'lll prr'p nn.1 h11t \ .. 1111'1 ml'<llt'y a\·e. I• a tank 111 a ballle to make room for X11ll .. nRI J111111 r Olympic rt'C'OrJ I l.h•mwl\·,s on thf' varaity, H or <.: ht'.'ld1•r u .. "'~"' l>OR11t,. one B an.J I n:h.1 equn<ls. aml It b<'comes evy It wn llnr"' 1· 11.,;h "1U"•llY marl< a. to a1Je alon.i with the ml'ltlor. 111 ... 1 .. nj.01. r 1 .. hnltlrr of the Sun• --------------1 llesit!rs lnvm pcimt"' out. '"\\'t' ~··t I.• •r"•' :IOc•·yar.t freeatyla LA DAMSEL POSTS HIGH IN BOWLING I hll\"l'n't lo.>11t a uUl\I n1e.-t m ~unst'I lllou I< 1111•1 •' 11111~ tw11 tlllrbor Rlgb t.....aJ;"Uf' .-.1mpN 1tlon •h:rln~ l hl' \.&r"•lt,· 1111•! lt101r U aw lm record•. pe.11l thr"'' l"'D""ns I 1<e•• no r·1•11· A 1 .. t · 111•11·11.!-< .. 11 lhts boy'• total I son fur u1 to start no~·." co J"m 111·"'' 1y l1t•ll1 " rerrn~ 1rli.:e ot r111, I w1lllnl' to Nth k with & .wln1w r. Jrwln 11d11111,.. '"H•'• jllft DOW I Th~ lhlnr tlbout wrnnt'rs 111 \h"v "11t1 t1n11 tc• rnund ha.-k Into a11ape.•• 1lSU11lly ~o the cCl'I. h ronl1•ll'\l. T.\~"1<~ ron ~~0Rlt:!'4 l.IC.HTWF.tr.HT8 LOADED Dotty Crouch or Loe AngeJ,_, A Httlt d1;h ·1n.-lnlo lrwlll'!\ C& .... urt'd hi-MJ1n or 199.. • Nur 1!0 the l1iohlWt't&ht.a pluap r· •" m~mo1y <.!i.srlosc• th t triumphant I ... N t In the I.a.din Bo•·!m,. )tar&· !11 unt .. aJl'•t 'llCll'f' w•• ewpor " lRnk rc1..urJ et•VC1 s lill lhrl'e t••ams f t I Bob thon al \"an·a ~·Jlnr In H'1 lhl11 t<<'t\~L•11 11re re411 y er " undrr ,\ • • tu!d:ig1• But lhr truly J h • t t k "'-·~ ,.. ___ .)I-Sundav. Sh~ re-· I o n r.< 1111, ••l'NL~ • ro r r _ _.. ......,.,.... ·~ J llmll7..n" r,•,·01,1 id bou.11l<'1l by the Ct'l\"ed s:o phu a trophy for " ,. Twnchvll RnJ hack11troker Jlm B ar11..a n:;ttalors al llu rb"r ll l?~h. \\"ill T l ,.. I f d..,·~~ her alley ~ftorts. 11\11111. H.• ' IOj)PI nr ---"~vC'n r huugh the Tars 1111 ve had a nf the I,. cro\\'n rut upon tre.• Other lop bowlf't'11 In the home pl~ni:e only six ye"rs. the l!tylf'r Gllry Conk. hreut.atroker maratbor! mdudt'd Jun I • Ui;blwc1i:ht Sa1lora haven't IOH a 1't>rry tlallfl$ um.I b"rl<r1troktt J_. Crawfon!, Santa Ana. S:!~: a <lual duel In 11evt'n yca .. a! ry \Vhllakr r. tie ~·wl'<'n CostA l fna"a F.vic The rxplanntlon Is that prior tu Jn all. tht're llre alJt lettennea Vinton and Dotti.-CWman. posl!f'aaina: their own pool, thr 011 thP h•'UV)"Wf'll{ht IW1m eq.4. SlT.25: and AU« Flnd&, Lor.g ~allur l'W1m 11quad~ truvrh>J lo 16 on the u·,. a.net nine amonic Ole ~a.<"!\. SIL the HW'llngtor. Brach tank for Or awt'lghti . Anll Juel to ah.ow you Ad.dlUooal prtua Wftll I .1 lralnlnf . F.Jtcepl fur the !&els who how tn111:h I hlr11t11 are t.&nk-wtM, PIRATE NINE CAPTURES FIRST ~........,......1fC ~RA¥-MOM COMl?IO ---a :iu. m•n. ~!>VNI. ~~~mf'fQl--1."'11 E lt.a WhJt.aker. Loretta Star· plckf'tl up ferry f tt:. plytn~ b,•. GV uf the ll rbor lflxh hopetula -------..,..-~~;--i1.-+--•·-"'•"INl••--•.-·1111•~·"'"'4..;..;.a&•a•.1o1uav&·-·...i~",.;,1_fi'li"01'""'t0'1ntifihc i([l(!f\fO'""tfi Pldrens Crew Takes City College On Long Friday SHOTGUNS LOADED -WITH $25 FINES SA:"ITA A ':\A 1f/C:'l:Sl - Violation or C1::1h and ~am~ Orange CoHt's Pirate baU club overcame a 345 foot l11wa FrldBy cost two Costa homer by the first Compton batter who stepped to the plntc M•'AA rn .. n $~·, r1111:1' In l';n.nt11 "' Tut'sday to capture its initial practice frav. of the diamond Anll·(lrsn~ .. .Mun1< 1P111 r ourt H. D. Sil'o'f'H'r, a nil How11r•I 9e1l!'• n. 5·4. Coach Wendell Pickens i;aid it was a good win. Ann· J r . rl•·11dt>d gullty to "C .'llon baa Rbout as good a tfam n!I we'll hit this season." r11nylnl:' ln!lil1il ~1n1g1111~ in coache9 confe!!s, ls the aprlnling departmcn L H owe\'cr , help Is ex· pe<"lcd (rnm R frUl')lllan by t ht' narnl' of PcarilOn. P l'B r110n hold11 a 10.i liming In the huntln'<l yard dash. Other var;,1t)' al&11dout.a f r om t his C'.irly In lhe beason uppt>1<r to be Charlie J;i>rry. w ith a 5 fl. 11 In h'ap, H.Ild Hoh G rallam tn the high Jt1111p: T••m Murrh, poll' ,·;11111. nn•I Urur c Knipp, I lcm ~lert'd11 h and Howonl M ltcht'll Ill the hurdle~. h,. 1,,p0rted. I , thr lr vc•hk le 11long a public T omorrow, thr Bur ulnr lllk<'ll nn ruhher. I.e1,i:'h Is a highly thou~1lt thomui;hfnr,., \" \R~IT\' Xl'Cl,l:l"8 Long Beach C:ltv Coll"!:" un thr ur n .. wcumer from Anahelln. As you may ha\"e gathen.'<.1, Tnr rivAI flt!ld. P lck;na .. 1d he would I ·(JI her hurlC'U who w ill be UM•I GAME SUNDAY nr111ty hopt'R a ro butlt In tho 1Hs· probably work h1~ pitch••• In the In the future are \Vayne Cough· tance races around tho all·trium· eame ordrr a10 l\jtRln1t Cnmpton -tret', JN ry Rice. Cliff 1...ort_I~. a nil M Pl phant croas country 1111ua1t. L"ml< r Don l...el.h. \\"llyne Cnui:hlrte a nd Al S&ntllll. Olher pl&yere IO>ho will esa ays Hcl'd's tutt'11q:;1•, the S.11lu1 11 av.<·pt John El!t rad11 I """ a.-tton lntrr In t he l!t'llson llt • iLll ~unst•t u :.i;ue llual mt'cls nntJ c:rnri:e Ut11hop, lr tll'nnan third o • ft('(,l>I l.STO l.F.J\ll I bol'f'rntm Crom )ll8t Y<'llr. llnd Cayl•· cea nv1ew wra)'pl'd lip t hl! l.engue Mt'Ct bt'· hlnol Castro lllld White. IAl&h. a freahman fl om An"· Hi·rbo 1· lcltnnuin third biueman. ~latnlv tor that rcllJ!On. the Tan• balm, ..... on Ull' mound Tuuduy Both boyll &rt' llllU out for bukel· N1· ne Here nn· ton°C1tlrnl lhry Will ca pture -"'·n .... J•ad·ufr '"o•mnl"n nlnyer ball. Allron )taldonado. Orang!', -"~ .,,~ ~ "-• ,, v ,, tlir S.'\lltll Ana rtloys ror lht llt'C'- buhed out tha t homrr. &•fore Wlll ll"t' action ~hind thl' plait' Cos'!\ ~frion'tt MPrrhant btlll on•l 11t night yur. • \\"e"ll be ultt· Lf'l1th left artu lhrtt rrame ,. how· a nd should ••Id batting power to •tub Jlla\':. O<C'ar\\'l<'w·a th:imond appomte<I If "e <lnn't, Reed 1 ,.. !'Ver, the Plraln h11d 11one Into a th" teem. nml' on Lions Fl<'hl In ("01ta Men ,.C'alPd. "Thl' t rack tl'ama ha'"t' 3·1 1 .. ad with a t1111 of t11lllr1 In Sun•lay, It wa,. 11nnounrt'd tnrta y brought hom,. a trophy ~very Y• ar th" MCOnd lnnJnJ: A h • Get bv 0 111lncu M11nagc-r F..J Lent'. 11tnt,. lht' Mrhi<C'll Wlb formeol m ('f>ughlrff. a Cro11h twlrlrr from na e1m s Ctlmc time Is I 30 P m. 19311 La.At Yt'Br we mlMe<I 111 Mont,.be.llo. '"''orkf'd th~ nut um~.. Th,. ~trnhant~ 1,.rl' Cr!'Sh from th• Les!{Ue ~fl't'l. but got thC' rr .. n ""· with F..J1lra Ju. 1111<> a f~llh· • a 13·3 victory ovt"r El J.forll'na Jut trophy 1n th .. Santa Ana 1t>la) • ·• man Crom Montl'b4'1111 mounting B Fullerton ~un•l.w l llghllght or the fray Cl:'\Dt::R SCHEOl"LI: th .. t111l for th" r1nal two canto11. y w,,. the pll• hin.; perlorm llnrc of The •ama w :ui rall"d b"<"llU•" or Al Santini. Orang,. Cout C"olll'~e Fo.>llotA1ng the relays, the 19:11'> darkn,... 1n thl' 8th. J'ULLl:RTON IOCNSl _ P'UI· J'll'rfMml'r frnm 1..a,::iina Bur h. cinder 1whedull' looks like-this Th" Plralu built up a r..1 l~&d 1,.rtnn 8 apu mollc cager• ahol !'Anllnl rh urkHI lhfl IMl five Jn· Mar_ 8. at H unllng"ton Rear h; .Mar tw-rnr, P 1rkrn11 •tartl'd frfc-ly .. ub· bogies and blrdlu al the Colonl•U ninl(•. 11llt1\\ Ing no 1111 • 12, Southem Count lei< st Hunllnl:'· 11tltut1nc from l ht brnrh. A MUple I Tutl'dav &ftrmoon on the Jndlan•' St11rl1n1r hu rlr r ror lha Mr.a ton Bt'Acb, ~tar. I:'!. 1-~ullrrlun of outnl'\d misru.-~ 1111owC'd l"l'mp· •1 b b 1 wruo Al Jlorr1ng't•in. ll nrw pltrher l hl're· Mar 18, at S1nt11 Ana; :!\tar · r t'l.,rvllt on, ut tnu many og "" lh • ' ' ton '" narrow th~ r;np lo the !I·• proved to b their downfaJI, di'· whu ha.11 been algned by e C:in· n. Orange here; M11r. 26. Chatrrc mul(ln 1 r 1 e h h 1 1·1nn11tl Ri>rl1 to 1rport thl11 spring. ln\•ilallonnl· April J al Anahrtm: 11P 1" orC' "!l l " ,Ana e m ratgler! lie t\\'11 ll'<l the flrll four Inning..., April (> ope0n April i:1. Sanla Ann CIOOO l\i\LL CLl'B into a l&ll" rap or an ovn ml' 1 11 1 A h "lh I ' ' ~cwport l::larbor HJgb School'• vnr1>1ty bllskctbalt quintet wannf'd up for tomorrow n igbl"a big-oo. al An!\h<'lm by euily downinr Or· ange her .. Tueaday &ft.emoon. 85- !12 Thi' (' ilonbt.a fray g-ain• the "'l.H~ one" t.lcslgnaUon tor two re&· 11on11. F1r~t, It will cinch aec.ond plaoe In the Sun•et Le11gue for Coach J111,.,. Cage and his Hubor (11)'1. SN·ontJ. It will eliminate nece•1ty f or n plRyort gome ""1th Anatwtm to tlt'Clde which club •111 enler Cl!-' tourney play. TOVOHJ:!JT TZ.UI Ashl.-from undefeated Hunting· ton i.;, arh, loop champa. the toui:h· c11l C'\Sal;.i lt'am tJ1e Tar11 bavf' phi) etl 111 loop rr•m!X'tillnn thu1 Ml\aon has been t he Colonr.st..i. Th,. Snllurs rnannj.c<I tq l'dg~· lll""' out In thP Cln11J minutes vf plsy, 57· 61. 1;ut lh•t ~ame took pla.ce on t.hl' Tjl"!I home court. A atufl lo the An!\ht'lm gym mli;hl mean the dlffl'rcncr :'l:n~ It Paul !'\c-umann and Com· pany hl\Vf! their ways. h,,,.·evcr. 1'i-uinann ronUnued hi• 20 point 1>4'r rnntHl acorlng IJIT'ef' with n · l\C:tly that number agaln1t Orang~ T uu 'ay Right behind h!m ,.... Bill Wetzel with 19 From that polJlt . t he Tar markua wi>re rack· ed up like lhl11: Georg.-Schultt. 12 : IArry Harpc·r and Of'ony Fitz· patrlrk, 8; F.ddle Pope, 7; Sonny <.:011nr nnd raul Lof't'nlun. t ; aDd Frsnk ~avarro and Sedan, 2. l'<>t"R IT OS I w1111 n llll e w '. a.n,. w At ,,., a J Jm•itallolHll; April 111. Torrance ·It wu • Yf'ry ltl'Od ball club,"' •'nnl,.lll ftw rr1 flr~ h••hin.t h' ;;a\'I' up And Excrlslor at E'<rt'lalor ; A'prll H igh man for Orana• wu P l('k•n• aahl "A~ '".o.J 8 9 wt 11 An11ht>lm, with Lew Bu8hry and r th bl 1 Oeo•gc Walkf'r with u . fWrume ' .. "'" runs on r~ ng t'& 23, Co mpton lnvltatlonaJ: A pril hit w1 UI th• po•~•blr txrl'pllon of Mtkeo ~ll<"h lrAtlinft th .. way, out· Pn• llllt the pl.ill r power for 13 a nti 20. ClF prC'llll"UI: April 2i . ..cort' f11vort'd the Tars 39·14. The Wanda Ka.Ina. <AM Goff, cour~f' home Jl<'IOI. ·~111t1 e 11re only Ill to Dona A.uUon. \"I Bally, ~lorn r:oot:o Bl' OILE.HS ~•'vrn hml"~ to fill In n Vlll t&nka." Emmona, \"id& Amulh.. Hel~n Untorlun11lt>ly, lhe annual Lell· Irwin f"'lnlll out. '"llO I c11n only Riclrman. Helen Bellcwa. Lor· ~ litttt ls not a dual mcel. An•J tttkt> twu bu1 .. loaJ11 of 9WlmmeT• raine J~ Betty Hlctta. Inez HuntinJ:t<n 0.-arh c'dlt••I out the '" lllt.'<•l• llw11y from home." Now Milln-. ~"ld Ved T--Sy. ~ilor vanity In lh•l one 1.utt 11<'8· d~Sll·l \hat ll'Or at your ••et' aon by ll 11ngle point ln.-in •I In I 1 · 1 ••t • F o• bl•h Kratcb HTll'S out " nn If· ov n It'~ • " d~&n"t l'X!X'Cl 1l lo h11p1•en &J(a ln. nf tu.;'b>tr money, Sl6 went to '"The Od.-rs rllll" the favnnte role. )(,.rle .t.latb-• wub 18t7. just ns they 111d during the blUI· lCUlle Thornton ~I\ '<I SIU ketblll aruon." the Nrwport for I.ow """"' Oona AnLlon It'll< ho r 11ay11. '"but "'I! lo.ik ior lln ,.at $S for hi.,cla Kralch pme 11r ut thl~ _,,.8 r." out of lbe ~y. Th!! l•>r•I (' 11pluhen coppe•I Prizea were donatt'd b\" l.l\o 1 .... na-ue Me"t champlontlh1p F or(ft Hardware. B ~a ch b11t t.•u on. but lhP Hnrbor l:J'll Amu..~m<:":\I. ll~nry C ar;.. we1 .,,··,.,l;t~ J oul by the Fullr r ton .\. }I. P. Sh~. \"an'• U.-"' J. rrall~r!'I. '"That l:J lollS 111 •·u 1ly I~. Jo Ltt o.--Shop. ltlll· ~111pla1n~." lrwln ~xplt11nt"d. •·r bQ;.; ~fer. Guru n Hurrk pulle'1 -""vl'n B"s up tu th~ A Part.Jr. Janf'S ()r~ ~ht•p ~qUA1! l<>cikml!' for & varsity \01<'· f·ra-."for<t Oruit• )l,.rr<.iry tory. 1 cutr"""'I m~·,. .. lt 11nd wr Clt'aners. Mardt'!; s lS t' au t y dropfled both vtlr~lty and B win• SaJ1m. Lido &-aut r ~<ilon. b1 one rw>lnt " <"tu< ken l '•e Shop an.I T•JU.•I) 'n\"O GOOD RF.J\~OS~ Lll.vlt'um. Adrl1 Jn, in. ··1 look for C"bllm· rloruhlp-. for our vnrslty, B 11nl1 Tank Team l.oHs FULLERTON. IOCNSI -C.p. turlnr only four flr•t placn out or a pC11111lble rune, 1-··uUtrton Union HIR'h Srhool'a ~wlmmrra fell In a clOl!e mt'•"l to l>ownl!y Tul'1day •f· l cm onn In thci wlnnc-r'• pool, 41 ·34. \\1nner11 fflr C'o11ch LI'• Arth'a ~wllllnll'I " werf': Nt!d ~aner, Jerry Hiii, l'hll Kel'rldge and the tour· man rrlfly -------------- Cummin4Js Son lorn Mllrlne Capt. and )fr,., \\'llll•m Mltt'hell Cummlnp of COl!t..a M~iua &nnouncN1 lhe birth ot a aon YC"b. 3 at Corona Naval Ho.plt&I. A~NUAL BOWLING MARATHONS MEN Co•lllg 20 Games Feb . 20th I I :00 a. m. HIGH AVERAGE FEI. 1, 1955 2 3 I 90 -Min. I 50 1'WI Year's AY•rGCJe Used If NOH 111 look LIMlt to ht 36 Bowlers ENTRY FEE $12.00 PRIZF..11 DO~ATf:D BY f'PO:\MORM 1111d F1Ut:SDfJ Sat •• S.. Feb. 26-27 Elk's lowlin4J Sweepstakes lh• pltchlnf t11ltnl " The diamond I blUll'•I Ole 1tllm" Jnd 1tln11 lo cap· th" ~tnrhnnts WR~ !lob Wf'lzel, Soulhrrn Ca llforma fmtlle; June S1ulors poured It on In t!'le ~d ml'ntor polnl"tl out on,• hact but turf' the SUN't'l Leal('Ut' C8 ftl' rlvh. ()C"(" tt!11tll'nl \\ h1t ba11hf'd 0111 4. Callrnrnla ~·Rtl.' m~,.l. ha ir. lllllyln.: 2t\ point.a In the third two practlt't l'C'Nlone pn 11r lo lh<' 69·'54. but n'll Ix-Corf' lhf' lnt11an~ thlt'I' hlt11 In fl\'c tn p11, tnrludlng cantn. 22 ln the. final ~riod. I prullt e aam" Tu-lay w hile I eta ... .-d their way thrfl11gh a rt'•I 8 rlnubl,., Sewpnrt Hli:;h'e J unior Varmty Compton alrrArly h•'1 a c•me eplne tln(ler Lefter From Stars squad wt'nl down before the Or- BILL llLO'rL, Mgr. l.Jberty 8-3211 unrlrr It• ~It Rl "SYO~ llJ. Rd" C "IM GA~ES CKUV~ tOC~Sr-llni;n JV"~41 ·~1nt~p~I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~iiii~~~~~~~~~ The Plratu , "1nnf'ra ,,, thf' . a 10 ounc1 en . . . I ronlr•t Tvm Hou~on of lh4t Sa.ii-I "'-~1·m Confl'r"n•" l'hamp111n"11n Pia\ Ing without the nl'rtll'•I a. nd I for H bor N d (.;ar.Je11 lint\"<· s Jark Hnr t 11ntl CINI 'A"llS h•"h ll<'Orer w1lh 19 dlrtt.& LOI, < ,. f c t ( ar ame Bu.J Hn" lin.. hl"'h M"hOOI bU tbllll .. ... tor the Wt two )"ar• ap~11r to nerf'•qry i<~n·tre• n en er ,,.r. " ,., I ~ loaded w ith U lrnt air:ain this 111tl-R11n.ynn. whn w11• home lll. the l'oulhrm CAlltc m 1& M 9 r In t pla\"f r,. hll\ •• rC'rt'1n ·<l a I• ttl'r nr enn lhou...:h m•••l ••f thf' bo\ll I Jndli\n11 mn""'' M>phnmort' at nU· Rl\lll!' c .-.unrll mi>t Thur;.fflly night frc.~1 th!' l'C"L llollvwooct • lant Hornets StilH) UCLA !n hi• atartlni: nln" are fru hm,.n. I lion Kf'nl P.-mbrcke Into the pn·ot at San P r•lro Mr1 appoint,.,.! :'\rw· &.~klnR' the pnop pair If t.hry W(•Ul•l 1 t..OS A."lO!:LES, 1 OCNS i-WiUl <A>ach Wt1ldf'll P ickl'nl hll• a an•I h .. "ho .. ·•• I h1tt 1rat1tud" by l"'rt ll11rh-ir rrprrsrn•nth"tll to thl' be lnt<'rr111,.J In trying out for tht prt"nure-ort ruuerton"• Horneu hl,;hly talent,.d turnout plAylnir: th"' finut Jl•ma of h.11 ca · pl!r~t ht)rlv !'ltll~ll a !l<'r J;r11lust111n In J unf rmm lone ronr..rence win ~ t'oiu·h Plckrn" h•t1 a nine g•mr Ir,., r . I :"am" l hv Cnuncll Cha irman 1 1.>o\\ lln..: I~ a !<horl~top. Hart "" lllld playln• Ul a came that had pr~·•"'\.llOn pr•rtlfC' iorhrdulr lln~ I Coach J ohn Val~ntlno • ca1rr• Howar•I Hiii "'re Jim Bartell. ouU1eldrr no bl'llrln( on a tlU~. t he FuU.ert~ up ror hi• ~" Tht' n<"Xt hom,. 111;aln r11mc up \A•lth a rTrnrd· ON1n ~i\lml\nl', both rntlln m,.n, C"t\J;f"rll lnn.•,.n"<f up Saturday nl(lit w nteat tor lllf r 1r11t .. ,. will ll" brra klng pen .. rmAnc ... '1 r a P I t,. .Linc:-nln 'rr•f'.1'· ~'",ht•man. mu , Softball Division In " fttt·wh,.ellng pm,. In t hf' with Harbor J C-nn Mar.-h I lh,.1r loJln.r lt'I lhe Colonlalll Their Thnmp!'on, I . l'I I "'" r s p1,1•l· fam"'1 \\"!'.!-lwNld ln'lTl II.ti th~} ltt1thliiht t'lf th" prr1n 1r~ ~··•~Inn 2J Cll'Jol i:<•Als hrnus;:ht t hl'lr tt<'!i· ron1, A rt Oronaky, ~portll•her· I Fl"LLERTON 1 UC~S I -The ea. .. 1lv Otw to an 8'· 70 vklory n\ will ™' 11 1111 .,.1111 tht' l'<'LA I ""n tot•I lo 3!W. bruklna lht "lrl ml\n Am&teur Sntlbs.11 AMO<'l&Uon or er the l T LA Fro•h. \"aully nlnf' •m Much l I. Jn two mark nf 363. trl In the 111~3 11r11· Tl~: oo~cll I• a liaison l'roUp Ca~1fomla m11y bt• 11ph~ Into two --- pr"\"lnue I( Ami'• with Ult P•clflc i on. bt'l\\ • rn ~ arhtlng &n•I boa Ung In· di\ l11lon) t his 11t9-•1)11. A< cording tn 0 t " i t Z0ll9 Meet Cout Conft'rrnf~ slul{gt'ra, th" I IN.DIANA ftllt:J\.K ~AllK ltrr~t• to the J.~l'<I". ral Commun!· Mllrion l~hortyl H~ll. msllfl.gcr nf P Im S u u.-11 hav• •plll. with one win a.nd A tlem ling 24 frte throws, thl' rnttc1n1 CommlMlon. It 11 aet up the Burn& l;.'ark L) nx Girls Rtlft· A Optiml~t Club z.on. Meetin on" ICIN tdlllttm L'Clnf,.renr e pl"'' J ~ h th t 1 lo 111lvanee a nd protect lnterut.a ball tram. A c!<'C'li<lon I!' t'Xpcrtrl'I la ~ch"' du I e •t tonight al Uu ,..,11 ir tt. •in•ltr ,, .. 11)' 11n March 8 ~dl:~·b ,....~,. t hrl~ •Ml.-on °1"J or m nrln& rarllo u11er11. The coun· Saturt1ay Ill a ASA rn nfrr l'nt'r In Fullnt••n Opllml1t Club. Pnin a plnllt Mt. R•n Antonio "r 4 6~:· r1"" ln1t1 t eh 0 1r9"!."3r rrc:or <'II wu orga.nlz.ed a bout a year Frt11nC1. The 11ehedule will be dr&wn dent A. K. f'hl'lp11 of Ula ?l'e<KJK>r • · n 4 r . a .,, Ml n I t' "• Nll-•nn '' u Sunda H bo 1 b -A t_.a l'TARTISO "''F.t'P B!'lll rrrord cit lht d11y thouith. • " P y. ar r cu announc.,.. .,....,7. T k ... w111 tht'lr ra ntuttc: tlt>ld •cia.I pr r· a. ln( .,,,. r1,.l1I In ~hi' 1111.rt· t ~ntairr lnit hneup for Oran~e <..:ua1t <..:ul· I F'Ullrrton 11tt1"mpted 44 1holll ltg1 .. 111 be T!'ny Lclmb&rdo, fps 11nd m Arlr 24 f• r ll m11rk of ~22 I Anl~IH. •• <"lllC'hc-r Lt>mbutlo Th11t wu needlue to ""Y· a ntw •·aio a n oulatRnoJ1n1< playrr In thr ."r honl mA1k. An1the1m 1.itrmpt,.<1 C'athollc lAa1<Uf' F't r •I Oamho•· 171 'h"lll rind mll rlt' 2S for a mllrk Lant' Pine. •·111 •t•rt at ftnll ba"I' of 38~ Buddy Pler<"r. Or •nitt. ratf'J l.he I H"ri Una uown the home at retch. be.,l lnfleld•r tn t lfl' Sun•el Un· thf p me turned Into .... relll dog ~" 1 .. t y .. r. w1ll ~ •t '~t'ond. f11;ht. With w ronds l<"rt In the Jol\n Taylor. Or11n~f', will hold 1rnml' Md Anaheim ll'&dlnl( 42·tl8, down tNrd. B<lbby "r uel. return· J ,, .. I :'\t'wklrk llrop~d 111 t-.·o bu · !nit letttrm11n 11 nd "Ouutandln1t k,.1• 10 ... nd th,. p ml! Int" over· Pl.ayer·· In lut year"• C°ll&tff'y time. Toumam~nt W111 be 11t 11horutop ln the outtl•ld, Nr karu wtll atllrt Roland Hiil, r1f\llar ahort· atop from RoHm .. d HIJh"• phe· nomrna l tt'a.m which won 22 atr•ilhl cont•t... ,Th• olhrr t•·o ciutfl•lden 'Mil be Pat R.obf'rll. letterf'han trom Oranr•. and Hank Ot'Cuu. ll'llerman trom ValenclL HALF l>OZtx IU1U..f;U \\'1th the htghly·pllrtlan crowd :irrlllnit CN'"ly 11nd l'll!C'lltdly, An11· I h"lm ,!c1m1n11t~·I thf' ovuUme per· lod. M lh~ Tribe Tf'Wm~d t.ht'lr 1 tlr't ftw m inutes of play when I lhtv got orr At'Vl'ral bftd PUIH'li. Hoth tt"Am8 1ont all out ror the Ylctory 11nd n•lther rave an lnc-h. It WO a Cll.U or Anah•lm "• VI• I On lh1 mound. Ula IUrt.JnJ hurl· J"'f ltnc,. a.nd b111k1'tba.JI tradition. , tr rn117 bl John Elllrada or Oon The gaml' did not ha.,.. one .ltf'1i: ~tra<la 111 an all·round ball .-pe<"k or drf,.nH. 8\IAh~y wound up I p)11yn from Mont,.bl'llo H1i;h I pl11y w ith 23 polnl11 while hi• leem l Sr l1<'nl ,.,hn hu l'J"'rll l!'d 111 11ht1rl·' "'Tllll" R"""" """'I" 1• Newk1r11 •top, In the ul! H IJ lln•I ~·:i t)tl' , n o•d· I I , •)' v. !h H. buy your NEW PONTIAC lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast lhd. Latuna had SEE CI.A..~CY TODAY FOR WGllEIT TRADf:·IN VALl"'E • CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pantiao Dtmoutratlon l:\·ttalap: UbertJ' Miii Contractors' School I EXPERT INSTRUCTORS ~~an,.._. •f .....,.r. nlf'r 111.t~..-la Al I . T,W, C.-.1 ........ c-t~ ..... ,. ,....." ... ~. ,._, -ua...caac •Pf'Cial· ............. .._ ~ .......... ,..f .. ..--_, .. rtal ,.........._ ~o •ffwt w • .,.._ Mn ..._...,.. ......... u.i. ''"' n-e ~ M' 'M _,,.......,, Attend First Session FREE! NOW, FOi' THE SECOND TIME 1a lb.l!r an>a. a 111-ah. prM'lll'aJ rt11J,_ for""""· Ir"''' l• ( nn't ruf"U09 !hf' In- l,r.arn all ahuut hull1llor . l'r .. pa,.,. for ( 11n· I r•C'fnr'a lfr"n"". 12-WEEK EVENING COURSE Starts Feb. 18 at 8 p. m. ,/ ~1 .... 1, t "rl•lay F:'l',.nlnp A TT END Fl RST SESSION FREE 1U••• • ' ~ .,1 Co11ty leceiwes I PAGE 1 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Harbor C Five American Radiator 1-standard Sanitary· f01' $119~119 S~are _ THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 Beats Saints ' ))JI ;~:~~~~:~; ~ m <'lllJI uf Highway l:wnt T~ lD . , the amount of 121.9t 3.088 t or U» ··· • month 4'nded Ott. 31. Thu f1gutt ' ,-. v.·u $6i 0.376 undt'r the ~DC / ' 9'onth·11 apporuorunen1,.; but IL49.- .,.,-tner Sid B l11C'kbe11nl or Cornna deJ M.ar t ot>d ror third plat>, w1th BE SURE -INSURE ... MAURICE ISTANlL\' ·--Ollly .... ._ Har"9r u ·a U IS F-"-t Rlrhway 2Tl abo\'e w apporuonmeot for the u me ~nod lut y~r. 0 ( the 121,943,088 a~ the rounllu ~1vt'd $S.190.921. Orange County·s &hare-,. ... I U>9.· 089 l7. The SU,te •HJg'by.·ay f"\md for <"tt lt'll l"f'N"ived 12.008.%33 ajJ>d t ht• Stat«' H1g-b ... ·ay Fund for E:a- pt'nd1turt' on H.J~h,otays rfl'riyed SH.743.934. The am ount ru.tnbuled wu • rived tlunng the m oalh of DecJem.. bt'r from the foUmnn.g ~= :"\:et gaf'Obne Tax. $19.279.03': U• 1D1e,...l 1 Fuel T...x.. $1.428690: Tnuafer from llvt.ar Vduck Transportat ion Tax Fund. Sl Z U.· 'zl8: llnd .MUICt>llanC'O~. 11.JH. ~fan· Lt'ona F~r of 403 3!1th St. told N_,port pobce nae.. day her car '!!t ruck a p&rttt'd car .. ~ Ma nou& llnd 35th SL$. Stw A.td thr uoldentl!1f'<! park<'d n r waa n;:it da.magl!'d, but minor "dama«e • wt•urrf'd to htt car. PRICES! :-tow th1't •• .,., 0Uiclllll7 0~11 ~ qu•"<llon lhal I• probnbl1 la tbl' m1n<U or ma nv •hould be artc•W· r·-d. That qu•·•t1on ia pri('e. Wull tM .,_.auty of our h r 1hUr11, one ~uld Yrry ~uily fona the or1n1t>n that our prl<'H are-blllh for the Jl'rv1ce we rrnder. HOW 00 <WR PRICES COMPARE W1TH OTHERSf lit._ &:J &JI Important qutatlon to hsve an.•,.·rr<"d ln 1'dV&n~, for on('t' th# IM't't.I a.ru• •· one doea not h&\'e lime nor the lacll· t:J\llllft to comptre cost&. JI m1r;bt se. ma log1caJ to presume. bec11u1e ::'110Uelr1 and PHii )fortuArtH ffp rHCnt lh• f1nm In the area. that our coeta .... uLJ II. hir;bPf. The actual lruUi i. quite t he r~ne. 11.nd tor • very r ood ,.von .. A bunaJ comm1tt<¥. 11r rolntrd by one or t he llHlrC'Jt 1n.oumnre comp1'nlt>• rPrortrd tJrnl runerol co~u are lowN In "'"bl,.hmf'nt~ h1t.ndltni a largt' volumr. ~ tep<>rt wt-nl on to 811)' thnt the avn 11ge mortu&ry con· dort.o nnly rltt.Y·llf vrn ""rv1r4's " yt'&r, whlr h me&nA thnt nb,•1- 01Ul7 th" ,.nlir" cMt of nrrrntlng the establlshmE'nt m ust be bt,rn. IJy )uAl tlrtt ·t.evt'n (t1mlllr1. Moct~lr• ond f'l't'k Mortu1tru•1 Cflnduct m&ny more than lhll 11u111~r "llch m nnlb ••• m11kln1r It poll.'!ibll' to pro,'ide m1rny ttmH lh,. 1tn •rage ri·tin• tn•·nt ,.nd penonnl a tlrntlon 111 a rf'duced ro•t for ""rh lanlll)'. Bv dwidlng lht" ovnhe&d I'll· rf'Mff ot optr.1tln1t • mnrtuary among auch " htrire number ol poeorlr H rh fll1?:1:> ·• 1h11~ la n&tur&lly 1u rpris1n1tly email. Ju a t •'•ull •• <•n. 11nd do RJve our fn rncJs full b<-ne!ll of <>Jr 1upn.or tisnhue1 .•• pro,·ldlnit a maximum •E"n·lce at a lllln tm U111 C09l. Wttb (n ,ndly lhoughlfufftUI to 1\11. (h r price 1tructur1' b<-cln• at $7000, 11nd s bt>ve lhlll fbere la a prlC'I' brar k1 t dl's1cn• •I to fit the In come nf the lnd1v1dul\l1 au.le .,, th .. arrl\nl!r mrn• For r -tAm('lt"· aPrva.·r' m11y be arn·c-"<1 tnr $WI $1'1\ s:·I) :tnd up .•• yE"t O:"l:E lmrnr1Anl fact m ast ~ mnde .t• u ""d th"\l II ••• lhlll tht' pri"• we qtK>I .. J':'\M .l"llf':S &JI d Pmt)'·f1•1 rn aen!c<"s rendno'<.I by ua. )Jl'l(:"ll"• .-n·r• mA,.Y hmiltrs ... hncr f1n11ncia l ('(t('Um· lltan ,... a re qull" hm·tt I and In "'mr ('A• .. tht>v h1Vf' nn fl· "-'""""' ,_,,Uri'<• It m y lnlHrll you to know llinl Mot· 1,.1: • and l"t'<'k Mnrtuu1• • hll\.,. nr vrr lurnrd •"ilY any f'Vn· I • l!Hl ,.... • 1th,,ut tur>ol• .•. nnd at thr 111mP l ime h " .. nl· ,.,y• NQ'td•d tbr J1mr hli:h •lnnrt11 rd "r •n VlC'e to t hou h m II,. u ll d""" to lhn••· '"Ith 11m ple mcAn8. \JI th• Rr•Ml'nl·Otr~rl"r "'"" 1 vu r nd " rer~onsl l11Vltl\l1on to all lo YUll our Cnlt1n1 11 f'unrr"ll Hnmt'. MOTTE.L'S AND PEEK MORTUARIES ORA:Sf1t: ('()(":ST\· B RASC'H 7801 East &lta Annue llllltweily "'-'' of Wl"ltmia•t .. r 1'tfmnrlal rut&> Phone W Estmin ster 5231 or ZEnith ~231 (Toll Free) •••• Annual Con.a df'I Xar AFTER INVENTORY SALE WA ft& KEA 1T.k8 IALH. SlaYICI ••<I H •AlU Jo11 B.c~lofJ PLV~O ,. .. ~~~·.Je- n.. r.nt IArly Aawricaa MAPLE FURNJTURE SAVE NOW! 11An'RES8ES ~ (,,.......,..,_ U..., 1-ISOJ O..ta M-Ila"'°"' C.. t t• s.,....rt Bh"4 ' By MICllEY RA.81lELL Sparked by J ohn Henroun·a 1 clutch ahot.a. the Newport Harbor C bMketbaUt-r.a defeated S&nt& Ana herl', 29·2f, In a n overtime period. Hr nrolln Ued for hl1h acor- lng honor-a with R ich Pala.fer! u tx>th Tar babes collected 8 polnta. Ne" port held a nice 111·11 lead Ill halrt1m4'. but wit h 2 m lnutea of play remaining , Rich Mor&lee h6d t o 11lnk a long 11hot from outelde the key to even th(ng-11 up. A jump 1 &hot and a free throw put Sant.a Ana ahead with but one mlnu(e r .. 1111alnlng. lt wu al this point that the Thr11 came throu gh u Henrolln deposited a lay-up and Bob H endershot droppf'd In t he serond of tw o free throw11 to even I the srore. In the overtlmt'. N.ew- port controlled the bill! until H en· I rotln dropped In a jump shot for t he drclder. Missing a Tricycle 7 Mrs. Lort'tla Bt>ach of 487 Flow .. r SL. Cullla Mesa, rf'porled an abandoned tricycle to Mesa police l~t M onday. .. Good Income Excellent Growth Prospects StronCJ Finances Moderate Price I •Our special rep~rt t~ll1 why this outstanding company would be a good inve.1l ment for YOU. Call or write for your free copy today. SHEARSON, HAMMILL g.,Co. ftU••U Ill ltff ........ #.., tr.4rl9d,........._ .... f'r;.;,.llMG9'C.-..~ SSSl Via Udo, Newport Beach Harbor 4650 Loe ABJ 4'1M, &<Yerty Rllla. P .... na, S..ta ~I.a l olla New l'ork, CllJ~, K oetrMI, Hartford, O.U... HOU9toa 8aa Aat41111o U1ten to ''Private Wire" every Sunday at. 5:'6 p. m. Oft Radio IC.ABC (790) High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 FRIDAY and SATURDAl: February 18 & 19 COLLIER'S SIGNAL SERVICE STATION I I ~ l ~. • ' L 32nd & ·Newport (acrou from City Hall) NEWPORT BEACH free Gifts for · Everyone SPECIAL GIFTS TO BE GIVEN-SATURDAY -i ·P. M. 1. Wrist Watch (Ladies or Mens) 6. One Free Lllbe Job 2. 25 Gallons Signal Gasoline 7. One FrH Lllbe Job 3. 20 Gallons Signal Gasoline 8. One FrH Wash Job' 4. 15 Gallo:ns Signal Gasoline 9. One Free Wash Job 5. 1 0 Gallons Signal Gasoline 10. 15 (ea.) s Gal. Sipal Gasoline FREE . with the Purchase of 10 Gals. Gasoline 5# SUGAR or 2 Pkgs. CIGAR~EnES FOR THE KIDS Suck•n and Soda Pop -Cottoft Candy -Saturday 1 to S P. m. \ . FREE PICK· UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Phone Harbor 5550 ,,..,, SIGNAL GAS ""' C....,etw·Clt• ... AdtN A totally new,.;,,_ of ootOflno. Stops 1tolll"9 -Booth ,o..., ond Mli.o~ -glvo1 SMOOftl ldliftg. Both "revvfor" and Ethyt doo" corbureton ond kHp fhHI clOOft to 9lve bett ~one. oftd Ml~. hf • ,. ,. EX11IA MILES ,., 1•"'11 if hi Signal 10-30 HO Motor OR reduces friction IO l'ffoctlftty, it helps cor1 1tort foster, lncroo1e1 power, 1crvo1 oil and glYft up to !Q e11~0 11111!1 pet' IOfl kM of 90'· lest tor Oft'f tar, NW Of old. .. Damage SuiJ 1Lodged for 1Mesa Crash BANTA ANA (0CNS) -A traf. fie a crldrnt which occurred a t 22nd St., and Tualln An.: Co1<ta Mua, June a, 19:W. wu recallf'd F'Tiday aa a $&1,(139.33 damage eult was fUed ln Superior Court herr. I Lodging the •ctlon were Prl'n· , tis E. Morrl11, B1•tty Morrla an•I Cecil Kester. 1'&m1.•d rlef!'ndan111 were R obf'rt& A . Hnk t', E. W , HokP and Myrtle Hokt, aU ot Wt•t· m\nl!t er. The pl111nllffa claim Robert11 'Hokf' drovr a plrkur truck ownt'd by ~ . d Myrtl!' Hok to In cal'f'lesa and tnl m11nntor. T hr ph11nt1((s nllri; h.,. <'II the vi-hicle to plow In ' c11r operatrd by P r<'nt it E . Morris with Rrlly ~lorrli1 11nd Krl<ll'r a ,.. flll1<Seni; .. 1 ~. A II cl111m lnjur1"s HS a rf'sull. Kl'~tf'r rl'pnrtt-dly wa s thmwn out o( th•• ve>hlclP. Prt>nlls 11e•1>k1 $12.236 :1:1: Bi'\ty, $8.162: Hnrt K!'l!tn, Si l H I i Lanning Booked 1on Battery Rap ! by Mesa Police Alvin Patrick l..annlng, 29, of !'lJ.l S11n l:lernarcllno Avr .. :\'.ewpnrt H l'ighls. wu booked by Co11t11 Mesa policf' Monday on a 1·11mplainl charging disturbing pea ce 1111cl 811· raull and bttttery. llC'Cordlng to I Pollcf' Ch1r f Art Mc Kenzie. McKrnr.lto llKl<I Lit n nlng i111·h~rjl .. Pd w llh a11-uullln~ a p11ir of ~·.,etB Mea.8.ns. F rank C'h11p n111n 11n1I R t'- 1 gene Shannon brlwt'r n I a11d 2 a .m . today. Chapman 1111:n<"I the batltory complaint a gainst him In Nrwport J ustlrr court. Lanning a lltogedly f'ntf'rr d a _..._ __ ._. _ _,.._._~11 lu l;h8n· LOCAL CAMPBE~L PiLOTS AM~RICAN CLAN TO GATHERING non'a w1Ce, a nd got Into a ,,C'rap w ith Chapman, hitting him 1n the r ight eye, police aatd. Santa Ana poller arruled Lan· nlng In a aJX'edlng l'llr with two other men after ll'suanrr of a.n &II-points bullel1n by t hr Mf'sa ro· lice cltoparlmenl. McK~nzll' 1111ft1 contemplatf'(I drunk chllrgr11 "'"ft' droppert against Lanning'• rnni· pMlona. Among the American guests of Inverary Castle in Scot- land recently was Capt. Harry Campbell of 2'.!9 Orchid Ave., one of senior pilots of TWA. Campbell piloted a plane-load of American Campbclls from New York to Scotland to be guests of the Duke of Argyll , titular head of the clan. The vast halls of the castle, as pie- t ured here,' rang with Scotch brogue and American twang. Campbell is standing beneat h the crossed awords, ~enter of picture, talking to the Duchess of Argyll, seated. The Duke is standinr with the group to the right. Paul Buhl Joins Mortuary Staff as Veteran Advisor Paul 0 . K Buhl. W•·ll kn own among• Vt'lerana 11.ml 11ervtre or· ganlz.allon11, nu JUlllC'd the lll&f( of Mntlt>ll'11 11nd Pl'r k ~tnrt1111 n r •. •• al1vl110r of vrter a nit ""n1r11. It ·f STUDY GROUP TO HOLD MEET <:111zen11 Study Group lur thl' h11:h •ch11•)f • xpanioon plan \\ 111 hold 1111 "I" u mi-..ilni;r Munday. Feb :!I i p.m in thf' ><)• 11<1 h1•ll 11f ;l;cwporl Hitrbc.•r l"nwn I h~h !';. houj, • BurtJlar Gefs $26 But Misses $2000 Faulty Incinerator Blamed for llale $100 Watch Taken from Ken Watts Use o( a ~O·gal. drum 88 an While Kf'nnl'lh J.. Watts, 28:>1 Burglary ot $IS worth ot d1mts lnrmerator caui1ed 8 blue a l the Bayehort•ll Dnvt', was playing ba11· h um a J&r on a ahelt and $20 In rPar o ( 386 E. l :llh St a t l 19 ketball r f'b. 4 In the N<:"•rmt bills from a manila envelope ln a on Mnntla y, F eb. 7. Damage •· Haroor l 'nlnn H l11:h ~chool i:vm. t·he11l drawrr M a cloaet In tht' mountl'd to $100. Hrl'unllng t u •nmebo1ly Htole his $100 watch. R11i;er \\'. Hardac rt' homl' at J 11 HeJ ph Let'. Cu"lla M<>1t& flrf' prt" I he h •ld pol.tcf'. P••mAett1a A\•e 1s being tnv«>•ll· \'t'ntlon .. rrirl'r Owner ur th" Yuung \\ 111111 111111 II •• cuMorn· gal• d by =""wport police. prnrwrtv 1,. H n Smith •ry for llllld"lllll lo put 1h ... 1r bf>· Hardrwr" 1>l'l1tl the lntrudtr dltl i.-.a1•l 1 11 rk• from tht' "im· ltont;inl(' in their ~1"' ~ Wllh rlu • · I> Ing p1h·d on 1 .. p "hill' pl n ·111i; NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PAGE I THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 195S STOP SUNGLARE Door Hooch \\'Ind ow A "'nio its Patio Co\'t'nt Car Ports C~opk-tl Thi• Awnlns · .. G uaran I f'f'd by Merchuta We s~ In Stoftl AW!llnP Protect Furniture, Carpets, Drapes SA YE-Buy Direct from Factory ALUMI. AWNINGS OF HASTINGS 6U W. l'lth ~t .. C'osl& Mf'N. ('allf. For Free Estimate Call LI 8-3351 --- LET Harrison Pontiac Repair ; • Your Car I Outline of Harrison's Policy)' • Repairs complete when Promised • LOWEST PRICES • Latest MODERN EQUIPMENT • Free ACCURATE Estimates • Factory TRAINED MECHANICS • GENUINE Factory Parh • COURTESY is Our Watchword • Established since 1940 • REPAIRS, PAl.NTING, BODY SH Ray Ftld9e -Service Manager Fred Cooper -Assistant Manager R«>y Johnson -Service, Sain Al Truex -lody Shop Foreman OranJte Count)•'1 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE CF.NTER wa.a a nnuun• <'d th111 "'"'ck by Lon F.. Pef'k , prt•J111ll•n1 of lht' tunt•rnl o ri:an1ut1un Huh I htu• s• rv• cl fo r rn1111y ~'t IHI< I In illl"IOlft r apnrttlr• 1m11 hll l"Xtm· j aivr knov. l~djtr and ''"'I'' 11cn1 r 111 I VdC'rtlna m &lll'r11 will b• ava1l11blt> tn all Oran1:•• ('.,unty r.·~ulo•ntll .,. an actd11iun11l rubl1, ,., r''" e ):)Vl'n I by Uu• Mottrl1'11 11nJ l'trk oq:·11ni· r.atlon T hn•• "111. n( • uuri"' bf' nu r•h1ui::r' fnr th11t ll••r\·11·r. l'Pvk lh ·• ••lll1t.t•n.t,1t11Jn11 un build· mi: pl.in \\ 111 be l'fl'"~nlt>J to 1111' l>"ild 11( llU>I" a ll th.: 111••1111~ Tlay v.111 h•.ir l• .. 111111111111.fut111113 1111 pro1\c.l11re 1111 I hod~. Ill 1"'1Jt11K to Lfoe \\1:rl•1. 111111><1.H\ 1h ... rm.u1 .•u1wr 1nl• 1111 .. nl S1.tn1' J>a,·1.t· ""n '"II a l.-o b" lit eflt'nl to au~\\' r tt ny 'JUl'l"l lf•tl'I nol IOUlh a S2000 d1smond anti proper 1nr ml'talor ' i,ta1t."J a i;ra1111 •m Th It 1 (l · ir-.. ca " t 111-•rt " '" a I C m 2nd I< S.)·cunore Santa Ana JU Z.2175 ~pph1~b~N~t1n ano~ffd~W· hr~ \\1lh damagf' nc~ur1ng tu a ~m.ho~i~d~~~~~~~~~~~o~·-r.r~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'r. OfClcen b1·h• "" entry waH I fl'nct and glal's hot hnuoe. °""I _ made throui;h ~ unlocked d~r pum~r ~d 13 men anawrnd ~e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan. 29 ur :10. I call. 8.8lol i<A W .SA \·v IWT\' Buhl 111 ,.. 11'1 11tol n11v11I otr1rt•r w lUl " rol111·f11l lmrll1;r.1und ot l'l'Y· v ice whHh hn11 i:1v1'n him lh1• 111lr of "T ht' V<'tc>ntn 11 \', t1•r11n " .. :n- terlng t he J1t•rv11 (' In \\ nrlJ \\'11r I. a l th" a i:e of 17. ht' """' 11rll•in tn 1'lrllral(11a Hntl 1 'h1na I PAUL 0. K. BUHL Juins mnrtuar~· i:.ta ff. 1 1 Two Mesa Drivers Involved in Crash I A n1111·111,111 y lc31la 11H11lo·nl 1 "''" I• P<•l l col hv l "'·'la ~l!'8U I'' .lier .1 t :-. • "I'"' l Jlh .i nrot t lr~oc \\"I nut ' s t. "l; 'J I p m. l"11tluy. lnn •l\'f•J "' 1" "lllu~ dtt\• 11h\'L'11 rull \\'ad· d1 II :,!II, 11( ;.:11;~ ;>\o•WJl<lrl l:l\'d l 'u•I n ~h "·' · 1111d 1111\\ a 1 J J <n•r- Tud., .,f of :.:1, tDt1\1ew l«•ul.1 I' ""'II Mli-11. ·--~--- Jn Worl<l ~\'Kr 11, hi• fll 111 r"m· 11111.nd ~camto a fRmuua f1r!ll. H 1:0 LR~ wa.s lhr Clr.l·l to r nt•·r thr Medit.-rrane1<n nnJ ~ "" ru ,t tn br alrafl'ol, a nd fll "l lO bo• tOrJ'l"olo~ tn 1ubm11rlne a olon. un lhl!I 1.11. t.,r ocnuncm, a llhuul!h wuun J<'d hi' IUJ>i!rv•~•I lhr n•mn\nl nt l'Ur\I\'· ors and m t n1t1 n1t \ ti l r!l1JI t111n. Cou~ty Share of Ike Proiect Set at $157.700,000 wa.a IA11t to )f'a Vt h111 ~mk1ni: 11h1p 1 ·.,~1 tn Ornni::1· u111nt) 1w11p1\N 4 OU1mlPIN&;-NYLON VISCOSE -L..trr, ht' \\'A~ • '' llll\'t' ''"" • r for t hr SliZ 111!. HOH'''"' " 1. 1.11 ot tht> t:SS Thomnio Sto n• nnd krvl'J :lll nper><l con 11 ll 11nrn;: u(. ftl'f'r of th" i\n1ph1b1t111~ Tt!l1nmi: Baft. Cui• natf11. ""I'( n ·1 •m,.; lhP ... ,,,n•hns;: 11 ,..,,,.., ,, .. fh•·•I l !l.•tt 11ub1111'11 I In ro .,i:r• ~ l" tlto• l'r• ,. l•lt nl on J.lll I j \\l I r 11 h <I ',;· tra tnl.1~ 01 twrr 7tl0 off11t'I " An•I 70l1 0n-O, l'llllfurnl T1'J'a )1 r• ll •- 80<'0 rnl'n ror a mph1b1ou8 flln•llni;~ l!Or 1a11 .. n , •llmat•ol l t••f,1) carpeting ln l'lt' rac1hc theu<rc. fo~or the P""l'll' o t ~· .. 1iro1 n1a n• :o-Pr:AIU:\U ~·ur:ot 'Lt: a wholf'. co•l "' th" fe<1rral 11pi•ntl· I Buhr la 11 l1t>J.1lr cl lu ~~ak b•··, 1ng prupu"'*I rur lh1.• r11n11ng hAca l forP numeroi.11 Vl'len1n11 a.n•I etr· I vice t.rgam1r1~1nn11 tn 0 1'\1..ni:t Coun· yrnr will rrat h s-:.. OOJJOO UOO. I t y. lhe d11t .. , ot w hlf'h will b" irn· Tht> $j,800 1\00 1)00 wtll be Call· nouncrtl by t!,,. 11p•m11<.1r1n11 f(roup11 rorn111·,. shAr•, If no r lurni;r• t>y Ii!' Wlll Ria, bf' r.vhll•ble t11 llll} ccini;rPl'~ f'lthrr 11pw111ol or 1lowii· a;r oupa lnt~l"t'Bltd l.1 1•btain111~ 8:.J· w11nl IHI! n1111le in the f'1 r•1tlenl • thr nUc ln(.1rma tlnn 1t'l1tl1ng to th., C'itprnrt1tun> pll'l"•!<fll. lhr T .<XJ'8Y· -Installed with 40 • 01. PaddinCJ Complete FRF.E E~TIMATF.~ nn:r:RfTl.I,\' mn:.s- COASTLINE FLOOR COVERINGS veteran11 11nr1 1trrvlrr m l'n f'r:; 11,.s.IC 1n11o•n p••ml('d nut 541 Center Costa Mesa DEATH NOTICE IL°"· O!'Ot\OR:O.t: H. \\'ti.Irr O•bor nt• 71 1lu><I Tut>Mlity Ill h111 rr~1 ·if·n1,, 2:.1 flnrtwO<'d Rn11(1, l':hore C'h(I,. HP ""'"" b(\rn In l;1 Rn1l lt11p1.r,. ~111 h· 111an. had """"' 1n c111t111m1a :r. )'f'a r11.. in lh111 I'll~· ollt' y.•11r. Ht 1• auntivt'd by hca "1fr Ann "' th• h ome ad<lrf'!I,, 11 ,. •n J11nw ..... r Grand R11pld~. $1'1 n ... ~ "f'r•• h"l I tol1ay 11t 12 noon In R11llz. l't1rnno d r l ~lllr l'h11~l With th.. Hf>V. Jam<':< Strw11rt of11n111tn11 F:n· tombmuit v. 1111 to f·•llo" DA~IEI, \\ t:R~Tt:R STERl.ISc, St'rVl('f'I Wl'rt' hrhl yr11lrnl11y 11t 2 rm. for DRnlrl W<'b,.lrr ~lrrl1n~. 83. oC 26:\ $anta T omaa St .. Costa )ltllA, who d1rd Sundey at Orlln~' County Hospita l. Rlto-11 wt re con· d urted in CC\11ta M r l'& <JhAfX'I nf Ba.It.a ).tortuary ••1t h r1rm11t1on at Mrll"Ol'f' Ab~y. j A native ot Ml1U1ourl, Mr. 8tttr- 11nr; had llvPd l1f'rl' I hrre yra.n anti ln Ca lltnrnla !'l;\ yu r11 Ht w u a retirr1I machlru11t. lie l•v• DCI 1unh"Or1. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~----~~~~~~~~----~.---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........... ~: HUMPTY DUMPTY Gets out of (tx ' l'Vf COME APART Af THE Sf AMS AGAIN FAL.llNG F~M THIS tiEIGHT -~......__~~ BUT THE HANDY YEUOW PA6E5 WILL HELP ME ~UNITE FOR GLUES AND ADHESIVfS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE "Ct.ASSIFIED"PA!n' OF YOUR TELEPHONE 800K • SAVE Sl 00 On A New NORG.E • SEE JAKE TO SA YE • Was 299.95 Jake's Price Now s199~· Full Size 36". Ran9es from llUISIYlf ·wett,.a".....,. .-9 lwe y•11 the11••A4t ef thrifty, •<cv•••• ceeliiAe ., ...... s,ec1.1 ...... .. ........ It ••ay te cheeM the ••"'• h ... ewery t1 ... e l 9CM1t yeur liltcheft <_I_., tee. - llUUSIYlf , ................... Deu.,I• <•111•<lty h•A41•• "" _., .... -.r.m,.. , • .,, •ti •• eAc• ... '"'"' ovt the jui<IHf, teft4erHf <hep• •ft4 tf .. h you evft t•w.4 .. . .,.... .,.. ..,...._ --. ... , with l114eet <eAVeAleAcel Jake's Appliances • Onl~· Xor~e Dealrr lo the Harbor Atta I.OW DOWS PA'\'MEST e F:ASV TERMS "Your lla.rhor Aru Arplianr" 8ALF..S -Llbut ). ~GG n 1937 Harbor Blvd. ,. Sen ·INI Ceatn" Sf:RVICT. Costa Mesa Wf' Offf'r Cnmplrff" RPfrh:ni1tlon "'ervlf'fl • • .. I 1 Psychologist is Presented . in Lectures Dr. J. Hudson Ballard Speaks at $t. Andrews The members of St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Church &re presenting Dr. J. Hudson Ballard for a aecond aeries of pop- ular lectures on psychology and ita relation to more abund· ant living. Speaking at the aervices ot worship on Sunday mom· Jog, Feb. 20, Dr, Ballard will take the subject "Light in the Dar kvesa". On Sunday evening an~ ,continuing for five ·- BUS DRIVER BOB SUDDENDORF patiently waita aa the children frdm Newport Harbor Lutheran Church board t he Sunday School bua which la operated by church for both SatW'day and S'Unday School as welJ aa for the summer Vacation School. The bu.a waa recently purchased u a re(llacement tor older model. -Bernie Alden Photo night. he will pre.wnt addruae• u follow1: Feb. 20, "The P1ycho- lo()' of Love 4Uld Marriage ;" Feb. 21, "Faclnc F ear;'' F eb. 22, "Are. You RlllUllnf f rom Lite!;" Feb. ----------------------------Baha'is Schedule Lectures 23, "Reteulng Our Unuee<I Re· aervu;" ,.and on Feb. 24, "Con· atrucUve Aut°"'Suggi!aUon." Thi lectures will begin ea.ch 1venlnf promptly a t eJcht o'clock. Church nw~ anJ AnnouncemenfJ Dr. Balla.rd hu ·a dl.atlnguh1hed backgTOWld both u a putor and teacher. Serving church1;11 In. New York, California and Oregon, his putorat .. were dl11Ungulahed. In addition he served for eight yeare u head ol th• Department of Phll-l----------------------------1 PAGE 2 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. J7, 1955 The Baha'i• ot the Harbor Area a nt co-operating in the obMrvance ot Brotherhood Week, Feb. 20-27, with two lectures, the tlrat on Fri· day evening, F'tb. 18 at the ho~ ot Mr1. ·Edwarlf Mirkovich, 144 Rochester St., Cost& Me1a. Charles McAllattr, IU\ educator from Los Angele•, le 11puJ<lng on "Human Relations for World Brotherhood." On Feb. 2~ Norma n Gauerke ot San Bernardino, high 11cltool teach· er, will 11pe11k at the home o! Mra. J. A. M~cDonald, 621 Lark•pur Ave. On the !!Ubj l"Cl "Thi' 131\ha .,, F aith and Wort.I !Jr(llhn hood " Thai "Thl' 1>l1trl1n)( 11t•lnt w ith brolhcrhood I• un1tv with God" I~ a 1undam1-n l11I IN •Cntni; of thl" 1 flaha'1 Paith. Jt furth1·r h'<lrho.~ t hnl. ·~;vrry m an wh" t11•11, :• <:ud, turns with n~w (')''" I•• ht~ frlluw mC'n n11d th··ar 1•1 ohl<'m~ The oll11n lll" 111 hil'\'• mrnl 01 611 11\\'HK('nf'll ~pirll ,,f l)111l111•rl111nd In t hlll dRV muio t br u wnr ltl or·! ~nnlcllll,1• unified tv ulsch&rge the ! pnllllclll, er onom ar Md n 11\11ral 1 n1·t>rls ot an evrr·a1lvanclng hum- nnlty." DR. J . H. BALLARD Sermon Sees God as 'Mind' The fact that man exlste in MlmJ lndeatrui:Ubll'. active, hllr· monloua. wu lllu1trated by Jes\18 when ho calll'd L/lZRru!I from t hr t omb, 11a ya the I.e11110n·Sermon on "Mind" 1n &II ('hrlsll11n Sl.'1ence churchf'l! Sunday. 011<>phy and Religion a t Occidental College. Alter 11 yea rs u head of the Department ot Christian P•y· cholo()' of the Pre1byterlan Sem· lnary In San Arulelmo, he Ill now emeritus proteeaor In that 111bject. He holdal the dec-11 of bachelor ot an. from th• Unlven11ty of Southern Callfo.mi&, maater of art:. from Colwnbla Unlnralty, master of pedq'ogy and doctor of phlloeo- phy from New YMk University, 'and doctor or divinJty from Occl· dmt&l Colleg-e. Dr. B&Uard La a "PsychologUt whom you can understand." thua everyone I.a ur&'ed to bnng frlendll to t hue le<'turea. Thent will he no a.drnl11s!on charge Ina.much ...., the rhurch le underwriting-the co .. t of lheae Jecturee u a contr1butlon to the rellgloua and cultural lite of the comrnWllty. Ma riners Slate Dinner Meeting Ac-cortltn~ tu J ohn's Ci-0spl'l when Jeau• came he found that Lazarus hnt.l lain In the grave rour days. lln•I he said, "Take ye away The Marinen clau of St. An· t hl' Hlont> ... And Juim• llrtt!d drew'• Church wlll have a polluck tip hui t>y('/!, anti 11ah l. Fnther, I dinner meeting in t he sorlal Joun· thnnk ll'l'r !hat lhou hHt heard ge on Feb. 21. F ollowing the d1J1· me ... An1I wh,,n hi' thu11 had nrr and bu11ine1111 meeting, thl' 11pokm. h..-cried w11h a loud voice. &'TOUp ""111 Join the cnngni;ation l..azaru ... ,.ome forth. And he that In the aa.octuary to hl'ar D r. J. W&.'1 d..-ad rame forth, oounil hand Hudson Ballard lttture on "Fae· and toot with gi-aveclothea: • . . Ing Fear." Juus saith unto them, LooM him, At lhe January Mariner mut· and let h im 10." (John 11.39, O . NI~&'· Clinton Emmraon and Dick 43 44) ewman rave an ln1ormal t&ll< ' . and showed alldee of their Christ· Jn a cornlat lve p&Na.:e from ma.s trip to the Navajo Indians. "Selene\,< lllld I l• allh w11 h Key to I the 6cripturo" Mary Haker lo;ddy d.c:huH .. lf Jeaua awaktned I.Alt· Brotherhood to a nu1 lr.•m th•• drf'rtlll. 1lhu11nn, ut dl'&th, this prov .... lha l t ile <"hri~l H Ch } • ('Ollhl Improve On a fa lae ~t'nM. ear ap a1n \Vh'> 1J.•re• to rlo11ht thl" Co'n,um· mn1r l•·•l ct t h1· I'""'' r 111101 will· On Feb. 21 at &·30 p.m . the tn1:nr>1 1 r , 1v1r.. ~11n<l Ill hol<l I M 111!1' Brotherhood ot the churcl\ mun t••r"\. r 1nt1r t m h l.1 prrtrct Wlll hold Its m onthly meeUng and "'"Ir. unol '" ~, 1·1'111 m1111 ,. , ntlrf' dlnnr r. An exceptlonaJly lntert'rt· ar llon" If'· 1t1;; •. I mi.: talk will be g1vrn b)' Chl'IJl· Thi! Gnhlen T ri.I ,111.,,,.11 J aniu lnan Slllnley Belland. (1 •.a, • It env "' y•••I 1 ... k w iM1om, Th ie chapla in, together with H ll'l ham :uk · o( c; .. 11 11, 11 i:avtth oth1 r chapl&1n11 M<1 the three t o 1111 m1 ·11 11h,•a,lll\ nto 1 11nht:1tol· nwmtxor~ or thr p lnne erPw, wa.11 l'lh not· t•nol ll i:hf\Al h1> ,_,,!'fl him.. 1·11mpcllcd l-0 ball out Of t ho bla.7.· In)( Air Force C-4& over Kewhnll YO MACS to Hear Noted L ecturC'r O n F t b Z'l tl.r p• • 1111 k o!tnn.-r a nd bul'tnl'!IK tn• •'tan.; r.f thr Y1ouni; )forr1"\I Cnupl1·~ c r S t An lrrw':c Prc1byter1an l'hur•h will t .. • h• I! ln the 11ocl11l loun.it' The n,,1111n.t• • lng commltt~ w111 be 11ppoantt'if to 1tlect thl' off11'l•re tor l he C'om· lnK ~ar. Followtnr dlnnl'T ant1 lhr bu•I· neu mHtlnf, lhe \',1ma r .. will go Na body to tl'e sane 111 • .rv ti\ h,.ar Dr. J . Hutl!IOn Ball1r I •ru k on "Rele&alnf Our 1 'nU!f'tl n 111erV1'll " San Diego Visitor Kr. and M.ra. Jl're nk r-. Owrn of t S4 Everr-reen P iii<'•'. Coat& Me-. have betn fnlrrt11lnln1t hOUMf\IHt.8 from San fll<'j:n, Mr. a nd Mra. Kenneth Lockr. on Sept. 20. I 9!H. Thl'y were en route from Burbank to Sacramrn· to, when thr y h&d ordt'rs to "hit lh• allk." <:"haplaln Belland 18 vice pree!· dl'nl Of the board ot chaplalna of the rounty hospll&UI In Callfomta anr! al"" a pasto r of W.,t Loa An· i:rlr5 Cllmmunlty Church. AU mtn lH,. cor h a.lly lnvi~d to alt.and and hl'a r a bout hi• t'lfPl'rlencee l.n ~ f\('Jtls Of l&bor. Surprise For Mesa Pastor and Wife The e<>n~eg&tlon ot Ha rbor A•· u mbly or God ln Co•ta MeM lllSt F'nday evening staged a 111.1rprtu double birthday cell'bratlon tor their pu tor and hill W1ft . Rl'v. and Mrs. C. E. Thurmond. Mu1y g1rt11 were preeented. al110 a hugr C'&kt. An evening ot ~11mes and fellow· llhlp followl'd. Brittanica India Films Sunday at Christ Church 1'ivo moUon plcturu will be fea- t ured la the Sunday f\'tnlng "Ad· vrnture In )fl .. lorut" •t Chrl:ct Ch urch By lhe 8tL Thi' F:nryC'IO· }'1"•11& Brlttannlca fllm11 ''The City" 11n'1 "India..,,_ P akistan, and the l. 'n1on ot Incua " will be 1hown at th" worahtp prrl<>d at 7 :15 p.m. l hl11 Bund&y, P't~. 20. The ".Adnnture In MiMl.ona" ta a 11pedal •nee ot proiranu each S unday ~ftnlnf In l'tbru&ry. The e Yrnlng prog-ram begins at &·oo pm "1th a "!llnaC'k !upr>-r." This 1• followfd by a 4~ m lnule·Pfflod FIRST CH UKCB OF ClllU8T 801£.,'TIST ,,.. t'la Lide. .. .. _.. I~ A ~·-of .... .,._..., Cltwtdl ""°' C....t~ .. Owlrt, Scl•MI ... I• .. ;to.,. •-· 6"1.tta Ed•• S<A-• ,,,, .... d•• '-nice 11 M a. 111 -· ............. 1 .. -..... Ill. h edl"t ·-IM-• et Utt t'le U"-~••Mrl ... ,... ,, ·-..... ..... ,_ 0-to e,"' lo l • .._"' Wed-•" "-......... 14 ........... -.. .... 1 ..•. lo••d ~olld•" Ti.. w\111 It t .. dlellt lfr<rl•ed .. • ....... .... a..ca. '-"lc.. .... ... ·~· ,....1 .. -"' ' for youth and adult• on var1ou1 arttv1t1u of Mlsalona Work In the church today. The tllm1 Ulla 8 un· day will portray the two ep«l!lc area• of Miaalon Study Ull• yM.r. The Senior Hll{h Youth 11 In· cludlnr thl• MLUlon 8tu.dy In their nruw 8unday ~nr pro- (T&m. A• pert ot their 1t\ld)', the youUI ..,... plannlnc a trip to Loi An~elH on Slrturday. P"eb. 19. They will visit aeveral m!Plon· 11Upported bletltutJona ot the Met· bodlst church. Thue will Include.' the Church of AU Haltom In East Los Allrelee, and the SJ:"nlab· A.rnerlran ln1Utute la O&rdenL Both tnaUtuttana reader apecJnc 8e"1cet Of trt.i.nlnf and (Uldance tor ;youth ttom underprtYiler~ anu ot the ~tty. OreJM ot Ua• wsca In UI• )Ocal clturcJa are su~ •upper ar· r &Al"emente each Sunday. AlllO, trtudy lMden are pro'ltd~ by the W oman's Sodt t)' wtlJdt hu a W1de tntere1t In Mastona Work. .. NEW COMMqNICANTS A~ SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH On Sunday, Feb. 13. In 1peclat aervicu of recognition,• t he following prr11ons became communicant members ot St. A ndrew'• Pre11bytl'rian Church: Mr. and Mrs. RobC'rt F. BeaJchamp, Richard Beauchamp, Bob Beauch11rnp ; Mr. and lfrs. Don11.ld K. Butts. Wayne E. Corban, Richard L. Crulcher . .Messrs. and Mmes. 1.-ar1 L. Davi~. Thom11a W. Doan, Ger11ld E. E ll.s, L'h:u IC's Ha n!-• n. Rupert M. H entlrlcka a nd Miss Lsune H1 nd m:ks: Me•~ri•. 11.n•l MmP11. Y.'1lhan1 A. K.-n,1wr. Kcnn.,111 C. Klni:11· l~y. Curry W. Ka rkp&trlck, St:.i nh·y L<>La .. vn·, t'. llowarJ .Mt'I• lor, t-:dward W . J.11lu1u, !\Ill>.'! St11rh y J. !\l:lholl, McsKn1. a nd Mmes. Ak xand.:r t'. Molll:.on, l la vid Olin· ate\!, J ohn !\t. Pell.it!er, Mra. Mil.s .. n £. S1h·r; Mllllsrs. lllld 1'1rnes. J ohn C. Swal'tz, J CJhn \\'. \\\ ,1, \\"u1 • ren Wll11tin. Rorln,.y J . Wll11on, \\'a..[l'en Wiison J 1 , !\11. an•I Jil ra. L,.wl11 W. Wni:llt -< SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST -- Elder C. D. Martin In Pulpit Sunday Eldu Chatlrs 0 . M&rlln, form('r o dock Rervlce ol Uie loc&I Advr nt· paator of tho Newport Harbor 1st church. Scvt>nth-day AdvenUil t:hun·h.1 Th111 ~m1on will be based on thr ftorv or Gideon 8nd t he At>C'rtt of w1U deliver & 1ermon entlllc•I. his -power llJld 11urceu . whl~h 111 "Look On Me and Do l~lk1•w1st." I P('<•rd•" in thl" bouk or J udJ:U , I.hi• Saturday, Feb. 19, at lhe 11 ch11pt,.rs l'lX nnt1 ll"''"n El1kr Marlin re1ldf'd In Coeta Mel!ll from 1946 to 1 9~8. 1u1s1stang Eltier Glenn GMC11r In hml linit the preM"nt church 1rnd then cont1nu· ed on aio pL'tor. · •At the presrnt tlm~ h,. Is ac tlnK l\S Youth Lf'lld<'r !JC ~· i-:011t heA11t· tm f'allCom la Con '" • k e of Sl'v· enth·tlny Ad\•,nllsts . The loplC' for d lllCUlllllOn or lhr rhurch al wor11t1lp, whtr h ronvenM Tow11rd lhla nbjrrllvt' th .. sbovr 1p,akc>1 ~ will ~xptilln, "The BAlla'1 Faith lnll ll l"d tw() yrar11 ago 11 1elob11I lf'n-year ap111lual cn1Ratle to pr .. n11 le the llat'sllDJ;<'• "' the oncn< ·~ or rn11nklnt1 nnd 1h,. fun· dnmrntal onrn<':O!I n f rl'll.1?1on A Mind For Peace is Ser mon Theme I • A Mind for P race" wilt be lhr l!Pn nnn 11uhJn-t al t he m11m lng w nrll hlp l'r rvlc,.s of Christ Churrh By the Sn. on Su11day, Feb. 20. j Rev. Koy A. Carll!On will be prl'a th I Ing a l bolh llervll"l'll, 9:4:1 a nd 11 .00 • m. The S11nc tuary Chnlr will 111ng. "God Sil l'°ved lht Wor M" by S tllln!'r a l th11 l!l!cond I 1<ervlrr. The Junior H igh Youih C"holr wlll sang at U1e early •er· vl1 •·a. Uolh C'holrs ar•· dlrf'ctl'd by !\Ir.~ /\, J. Ruller. Mrs. LAVl'ml' Jac<Jblt 111 the church orl(anlsl. ut 9.30 11 n1 . Is "Trm por11l of -------------- ELDER C. D. MARTm At Costa Mesa First Baptist Thl8 comlnc Sunday at 11 Rm. Rev, I'. G. Neum&nn wtll ocrupy the pulpit of the Flnt Baptist <.:hurch ot Coeta Men , com n Magnolia and Santi\ An& Avre There wlU be •JX!<'lal mualc. Sun· day School will con\•t ne at 9 1~ a .m. wlUI cla.sau tor 11U ag~s. At 8 :30 p.m. the \'011nir PtoplC''• Tnlnlng Group will mc,.l a.nd at the 8&1T11 hour t he Pastor'• l n· etrucUon Claae ~r new com·erlll vdll ueemble. The WMt.mont ·eouege Jlfalr Quartd w1ll have rhar1:1 of thl' 7:30 evening urv1cl'. There will be nr1owt number. "'1lh musai;:r11 and tHtlmonlala rrom theae youn1 men. who are eludytnr at Wesl· mont College Santa Barbara. and are ma.Jclnc their Ute work tht Chrl11t1an Mntce. Mllll'lbera of the qua rte I t e are B7f'Oll l!Yan.s, f Ir !It tenor, Roy Price, NC()lld l~nnr. Richard Ullmaru\, be.rltone, John Felton. b&8e, while their 11ccom· panl1l la J&mH De 8uf'ler. Mrs. Niemiec Ill Sp!r!tue.I Faith " The verse to br committed t o mr mory Is found In J(lhn 6:3~: "And Jf.'11u11 llllld unt v them, 1 am the Bread of Lite: he that cometh t o Jiit' shall ne\•tr htlJlgt>r: and h<t tha t b~ll,vtlh on Noel Daug hter Me shall never lhlrllt." ?'\cw &rTl\'al Ill & 6 lb. 12 IJZ d11ught,r. b< n F<>b. 8 ln St. Jos.·• 1>ph Ho~pllal to !\fr. end J\t r'<. Don·• aid D. ;, •tl, 412 Snug Harbor Roal1. THE CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE E rnl"ltt Uolmee, fOWldrr, author of llle testbook "SCU:.SCE ot· Ml.SO" Rev In s T urk, m1n1sttr Topic 11 L m. Feb. 2t> "The CceaUvtty of Spirit'' 10 20 Healing 8en'1c1 11 :00 Junior Churcll Junior Chu rch r u11Jmrra nil IJ'1CI nt>ni:,. Kl"'1rr?11Tt"" nnd l! .held al Gari Sc011t l/ow1r, ll1gll Dnn . or Linden Thurs . F.-b. :'4 ~ oo p m. r lua "r11 n \'n11 R."co~nlu Your Own F.r ho'" LAOV.SA l'IF.ACll ART UAl.lZR \', 10'7 Cliff Or1ve u, .• u 4-7i8• Thoughtful ... Ma.king arrangemcnta in ndvance is such a thoughtful thing to do! U you DON'T make arrangements ln ad· vance, someone will HA VB to TRY to answer msny ques· lions that it will tx.-almost Impossible for that prrsnn to answer. Let us help you ..• without charge or obligation. PARKES·RI OLE trI -,,,,_'-.. t)!( OllOll Of 1')41 ~Of•.U • s., ...... t At aOA . t lOO ISlf . NfW'()Cf t f ,.CM . Mn. John . Niemiec. l &I 1 W. Balboa Bl't'd., l• bom• alter a~nrl· lll'llll·1m111~~ .... - lnr HVtral day1 In Roe~ HABJ>ltal recuperaUn~ trom a bu.rt ailme.nt. Did JOU think 1 1ou/ wae lnvtalbleP Did JH ev111 l\llPtct tn.t 1t wu a 1hto1011cal conc1p1 that onlJ aunuttr.t could underuand 1 nm CHUllac roa AU AU. roa nm • • • Th arvaac '°' • C'lowch ta the oreotHI l1te> ci.."" eorih for Illa i>ulldi119 el GOler ... d OOOd Olliff le • ••oteho.,.. •I •Jlltlluo~lllr.· It W11hou1 0 aarong Ch• "" UH, demoorocy no' Urch, ,.. .. ..., ourvowe Th C1Yll11011on co11 ',, ! i i > I > , ~ Well, looll ln10 1h11 boy'1 t)'H I Do JOU 111 happl-neu •.. lht cer1a1n1y tbu hfa 11 full of beauty and 1ru1h11 Do you 11• hope ... th• a11urance thac evtry • 1omorrow will bt bttttr than a very Coday 1 Do you H• cour•1t ... tht fonltuda thu wilt look throu1h def111 to victory1 Do you aaa faith ... Iba co11t1d1nct lhal Cod bun, and llnow1, i nd carat, and bt lpt1 You't• loot./af iaro • '°"" You're 1t•lnc tbe t plfll of Hlm1tl which Ood hu put int~""' cnt of u1. And you're ••••nc It 11111 unblaml1hed by tht uraa and dlu ppo1n1mtn11 of lift. You can H t • 1oul thro1&1h your own child'• ayu . But unlt11 you 11va that 1oul • chine• to 1ro·~ up w11h lht body ud mind IMI po11111• It ... l >on r•Claona· whr ·:~.,c;.r•Plfour """4 a11end ••r•ac•1 ••oul01;;":,.dhould port Iha Churd. Th •up. ror h11 ••n r~, ·~ ore: Ill <lllldren 1 oake 1j1 r' 1 for Illa ot 1111 <0111au11111 ..,d or the tab ror lhe 1a•e ot lh Ch MllO• 10 which n•ed• Illa • ~rch 11 .. 11. 1•11al 1uppor1 P~oo~a loorod •a· church '•oularlr d oo 1• 81ble daily .., read ye.., .... Clla '""'"' R •tw V•rtet you'll" no Iona er II• h in your child'• ty•t ... and lh od1p .... :i:i:~~:. II 1·11 ptrhap1, 1omcday, you'll no lon1er Ht It in hia lilt. T u .. d1y . t...h It J1 1t ,. ' Tht Church. throu1h carrful rell1iou1 education dcolop1 •hat 'p1ntual 1nnt r·bt1nc which ••call th~ 1oul. Your child du uvu tht 1d.-anuge of the Church'• 1n11ructlon. And. in church worahip, you •rill rrd11covu lht bu uty end 11rcns1h of your own aoul. W•dft .. d' • II 11.11 Tll d p •<elt1l111t1 II I ·10 1'11::• op holm• JO I IJ ..... ,:., ~· .. ~·••II••• ' n .u . • ••• IJ ll·J4 This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Busin•ss Firms Allee of Lido IHuty Salon llalr lit) ling fl't lhl' ln•l111d11al CM S?nd (on the PO St.} Harbor 2844 RUSSELL W . BANGERT Ul 31st St. Harbor 4446 BLUE SAILS STATIONERS G 1 <'te! Ing I '11rd11. Hook•, Art 1111 ""Pl'hea 306 Main St., Ralt>OL Harbor 678 .( · THE CLOTHES HORSE ' Shup or I 11~t111 1. .. n · 213 Marlnt> A \f'., l\alboa b land II 1tthor fl"m; General Sheet Metal Works Sheet .Mo t11t 11 .. 1111 n~ \'• nlll11t101(" .ao.; Sotb Slrt·t>l, llarhor 2'.? I 0 HARTLEIN FLOWERS F'ur A II (J1 1 I\.""'" S403 E. Cout II")'-, CDll. llarhor 5071 KOPPER KmLE Balboa Ii.la.ad Mann & Smith Shell Service Your Corona dt l !\hr n""l~r• 2801 & 3600 E. Cout Hh:hway Harbor 6368 ........ & . .. Jlarhor 2i l0 MARGARET'S CAFE Spe<:tallz,. In Sea FomlM -0"1,.r• lo r,,., 2614 Ntwport Bh·d. llarhor 2286 NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry t:1,.a.n1n1 -Laundry ·-Prt'o11•1nr 106 Tuatln Newport Beu h NEWPORT HARBOR IANK Corona dt l Mar ROSAN INC. SMenft DMAioa & Forelp Mot.on Yh•c•nt's Rexall Drug Stores Th~ lOf'a llnnt lo Srr''" \'t.11 ART'S CAFE 3036 W. Cow.t llw~'. Lll>er1 y S-9062 BA YSHORE -«ICHFIELD ..-1Pe P1rk 1,1• It l1• ll\·ery J.lhnty ~-9H!\ Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. Llnolt'Um Till' 11 J't I r .. 11111• a 2801 W. Balt>0a Rh·d. llarhor ~3M9 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER . STATION F rte P ilk up k d••I. -\\ hrffl llahrnre S30l Nf'WJ•Ort. Ul \'ll. llurhor r.r.r.o GEORGE M. GRAHAM f< 1c .. u r d t UJ"l• J :?'.? Ai:ah• A"'·• RaJl>03 b land llar hor 32.-m HOUSE AND GARDEN 1 ·,,,, f 14'1•• llu111c J• urnlahlnica I" lf'C'll•' lh111• 3flli \\. ('oa .. t ll"t.. l.llwr1~ x . .-•. 1>18 MAC'S CAFE Fl1'1'l on rli;tht U•'-' i..rd H o.Jnlang1on ~11ch 6204 Coa.t llwy. Harbor 2%:\2-R MARINE BEAUTY SHOP Prr~tin1111~ .. rl t-"f\'I• e In fla ir Ht) l1n1>r 8?7 Marinfl A\t'., Ball>0a bland llarhor I.'\ I MARKET SPOT 200 Marine Avf'., Balboa Island llarhor 1000 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. C'""·I f, '" I 1•011 e I •11 111ah1ni.:~ 2620 \\'. ('oiu.t Jlwy. f.Jh4•rl~· ~-1 1 1 3 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store • Yt•'" I-nn ii\' • 1°11 e :'1111• ~ 11/1 4 0<-f'an Front at 22nd. llarhor l fl~ SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ur,.an Jlart)Qr 91S N r wrort Rrarh R. WASEMILLER 'T f,•· Wnr klnlt'mllll'• Sl1>r11 2004 W. Ralhoa Rhd., Ha rbor 688:1 "Hi,C Quality Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 r I Mixed Pairs 'f ournan1ent On Sunday Thi' Hnlbna Dupllr al; An•l1t" Club '"tit aponlKlr a MIX!'t1 1'1111 • \It v C'h11mptr1n~htr 1r1111 n11nwn1 "n Nunl111y, r l'll. 20 Ill !he Ebell C'luh I Hou.oi: 1n B11lbtl11 T h•· (lrM llf'l\· lll"n will 1ti1rt al I 31) p m and thl' ••vrnini.t l'('lllJIOn al 11x o·t lork Trop111l'11 11n;I m1t,.tn rninls will br awar<led th" wlnnrr11 r Mra E<lyllt• d'Erlsngtr 11nd ·Mr". Libbv Luwt" w~rr 1•11llt-w .. Hl winner!! Of ml\8Vr pntn1 ~ Ill Fri· rtay evtntn)c'11 111u1 namt'nt while high ao·orer11 north-south WPre Gordon Gsrnl'tle an•I A11~tln Be· Vll'r ftunntrt!•Up c1ul·w•·~l wM c Mr!'l G<'Orl(e Cun ull amJ Mr;i. Chi<rlcs Boa1dm11.n tying with .Mri1. H11hP1 l R~• and A. W. Tummtl . Mr11. Amy Kennt'•ly and ~t.~~ l.eslw Fowlt'r. Runn<•rll·•1r "'" 1h-•m11th wert Mr•. A . W. T urn111PI anrl Mrs. D M . Wtl.vin: Mr. Hem y F:gi;1•rt l a nrt Mrs. <'. Jo"!. lnoln , M rs. Kalh· en ne Smith 11nd Mrll L<111111e \\'A~h· br<lf1I<. E ighteen tablrs wf're in play al th<' Valentlne Mast•·r l'v1nt l(lltnf' on Monday alll'rnoon. W1nnen1 of mutl'r points were Mn Thom1u Gill and Mra. C. E. Jrvln: Mr. and Mrll. W. A. Sternberg: Mrs. Roma Lebe,. and Mr1. Lou Ryel , Mrs. Anne M1tcht•ll and Mr11. Elling Thy~eson. Plachli: sect1nd Wt'rP Mrll. l~e.11 AT COSTA MESA BAPTIST CH URCH Friday, Feb. 25, 1 :3 p.m. World Prayer Day ~~~~:~ ~~ ~·al~hercirR~::; ~~~~ At ~t1• st Church M . E. Slc>wnrl and Mr11. M. Cle· land. ln thtrd po111llons wer<> Mr11. Pei:gy Johnson and l"rctl Miirr1· 1 Traditionally held on the first Friday of Lent, observ-aon : Mr11. Georgl" Carroll Rn•I Ml',. . . A. G. Doe14burg, Rohl'rt Ros~ snrt ance of the World Day of Prayer will this year-be held on Mr·s. A. w T11mm,.1 Feb. 25 at 1 :30 p.m. in Fin;t Baptis t Church of Costa Mesa, Pl11clnJt fourth "'"r" Mrs. M I Santa Ana and Magnolia Aves. lt is sponsored in the United Brande a ni1 Andy Mnbh•y. Mr.-. , . Edyth" 11·r.r1ang<'r antl :.1 r11 .r 1 ~tates by Umted Church Women, a general department o! Slot>kmar; Mr11. B. B. Mornl4 nnd the n11t l<>nal Council of Church1•11 1 and w(lnwn of vamnu1 churches Mr11. E. J . \\'11 kman. Th,. i::1••11r of \1111111. AmE'ru•uns in as l"~tl· will takf' part In lhe program. A will mt•el on Frftlnv f'v .. n1ni: 8l Jrlllt"d 20.000 c·o111mun1tles will Join nursrry will be provided for small -414 East 01·rsn Front In l$:i lhna I thr1r fpllow Chrl,.l1ans a11 111 l :!:l children. T11e public la Invited. with plav 11arttns: 11t 7 :30 u'rlvck. •'••Ullll h < 111rntll'aJ or s11111lar SPr· • \'ll'•':S Ill.Ilk tile 68th Observnnce Serv1·ces at LEGAL NOTICE l'\OTIC"F. OF IXTF.~TIOX TO £SGAOE I~ Tiii': SAU: OY A l£0HOLIC" RP:\'l':RA<.t:s TO \\'HOM IT MAY CONCEHN: Subjt'rt to l~suunrr of the h· cenaP appllefl ft11-. Hnd cnmm,.nclng n•lt hss than l r1 doy1< aflrr L111• 1ln11· ro~t!'d. nolln• 111 herrby gtv1•n l 11111 thr 11nd1•r1111o(n~1I proposi·s to il1'll a f<'ot .. hlc bt•verll)(•':I at thf'~•' pr1•m· tae11 rl•~rrlbf'c1 Ill! follow11: ~·i.;:u W. Co11Hl Hwy., Batbnu/ N~wporl Brach I Sportfi11hlni; Bli.tl "S •1hrn"1. 11f tltll! day. l:ki;1nntni; •S the sun r 1srs ov"r • the roni:a 1111antls a t th~ lnler· Corona del Mar 1111t1onal Oat.• Line. rites of lite I \\ 01 lol Day ur Pray.·r ('11nt1nut 8· On f'e'b. 20 the R ev. Edwin C. round the i.;lobE' 11nlll tlarkne~s set· 1 Gomkc will have as hi.ti sermon ties uvo·r Alaska 21 hours la~r. th" I topic at both servJCPll, "The 11naJ 11b:1ervanre Ul be hthl on St. Christ \\'ltom \\'e Lovt•." At the Lllw11·n<'<' Island. !J 4~l 11rrvtt·r the C'hopd Choir will 1;;.u h yel\r the :wrvlce 1& l'.om-l i<tni;, "ldc< gl 1 oni.:" by A h•c Row- po~"cl by (lne c•r nwre wunwn fJ om , lt'y. A t t hr I t o'd o•'k •trv1ce the 11 •hlfrr1'nl nation, 1s then tnua1· ('hnnl'c•I C'hCJlr will ~In~. "l \\'111 h•l••cJ Into score:i or l><ni.:uagl's un•l 1.:'\••l '"' l,c•lt ('<1mforlleu·• by into Bi etlle. Thig yenr the progrnm THron1 b. was In charge of M1511 Jor~eltmlt1 \\',.t1m•s1lny. Fl'b 2:1. the W o· L<1~ada or Bu .. nos Al11•s, n11nt~lcr ml'n'11 F1>ll1iw11hlp will mro:t 1ot 2 nt l h•• D:M01ple8 of l 'lt1 1~1. Tll,. pm In the Soc111l H all. Th• pat· J\rgenttn1an 1s rc1:ogn1zccl in Rll 1·1ot1c prngrnm. undrr the thr<'C· 1'11rs11Rnt to 111rh Intention. tlw C'•1unt1lt"S 85 nn ••f\tn1rn1tal lru1l1'1' t1nn C\t M1 11 R . D. Mrrf't.lllh. will undi•t "q.:rwtl ta epplyini; .,,..t•> th<' 1 l\J\rll<'lliArly In the rh•lcJ of rrlls:· b1· I'" ,.,.11lrd In rnstum ... The Fcl· D•·ria111<1t1nl or All:11hollr 0 "Vf'YO •'' urns rrJ1wat1on. lnw:il11p will honnr 1r11rKLll from the ContrGI for ISl!UAncc on or1i:;111 ii I M11. l.icor1;e Davit II will b<• ('11ni.:reg&ttonal Chu rch In Laguna a r r1wnt1:>11 o f 1tn aJr•1hnll<' bev•·· • cha 1nnan o f tht' h>\'sl ob:irn-nnr·p B a h ra"" 1 ..... nte !or lhl'~<' pre111111••11 as e r · {rllow,· (J.:'l:·SAU-; BEt:R I IN ST ANDREW'S J\nynn .. tle-~1111.i: in proti·&t th• • luuance d sut."n ll<'•·nn· m11y t1'•• ------------------ • Vt>llf t <J prut" I With lh\' [), pO I, me11t ••f .'le t-c he I ""•'I" I:•' l'nn- trol a t S"1•rar11·n·11 • f'Altforn1a •t•lln(:' g11•11n1ls for •'<'n1ol 11s pc••· vlrled by low 1 hi' I re ml""'' iu, not now hrt'nll<"I for the l!Ale of Annt1al Silver Tea of United Church Women a tcolohu· h• "' r.1;.:• Bl-:~ J. AR:'\1-:T An exrept1onolly hot' mu~icul \\', komt wlUJI J:l''<'n by lhr host r1<>1:1am WIUI ··nJO)<'•I by tht> many Ptlll tOI. U;eo n ,v Jamt'll ~ StrW· "'''"'"n who 111 tl'n•lc>tl tht> annrnil. '" t M111. \\'. A M rliritl~. v1te ~O'Tl<'t: ot· l.'TE~llEU l"Al.E lu•n•-fll t,.a /:l'ld bv l'ntvct C'hun·h rrr .. 111• nt nn.r p1ogram chairman. AT l'l flLll' A I (TIO~ Ot' T \X • 1nnuun1 t>d p111·pn~1· (l( the t"11.. nt.t:Dt~U Rt;,u . f'llOPt:RT\' j \~'l•men u{ :'\e" r1•1 l Hi.rb<>r on Th111 Is lht" f111un1•111t 1111pport of Pl' liLIC l\'OTH.'F: J!; HIWEUY ~11 hAIAy I ln ,.111'1'_ n••bw t 91111"1"'.1h1 Y •1•f I ho• \\'1'1•k n11y Rr lli:to1111 f-'c111ca· GIVJ":o-; h 11 ~ =-11' JI'\\~ res ' •·llan t 1iro 1 l1nn proi:re1m. 11n1 l " 11<'hnl11r11hlp •· 1 ,~l on l " I. th duy 01 J'h., Strini; 1-:ns1•~1hlr from 1"1•\\'-(11r m1i.:rnnl workvr,., hnth of ~~ar<h lll.i.i, 1tl tit•• hv1tr uf lfl 11"11 ltarbol' High S11l1w•I W8!! rr•·· whirh 1111• p rnJrcta o f t;'nil<>d o r lo!'k /\ M. u( ll'llH •luy. In lltl' I ,. l 1 b ('I l e , <>fflce of !hr T11x Collr 1 tor I)( th . l'> 11 r< Y In on ''11'" 1" 111 n Vllrl· t'h11rrh \\'c1m••n. Co I f 0 ._, f ,,. 1 1 I ''d 1•r111.r1U11 rani:tn.: tro111 t hf \\'u1111•ii Cnmi lt•n churrh('~ Pn· Ull y (I rani:,. .,,,.,,. 0 ' II I· I I fom t11. the 11n1ltt ~l>!llf'll 0 <1n ~ 1 a~s"'" to mnc «rn ""1"1 'tonll nnJ J<>.""11 t ht' """''" hour. hl'lrl In the M I T (• 11 ' 1 '~"'"'''" m111 h 11rrlnt111 E<11111llv :<rntn l hnll. T111>le11 11nd the rnt1re oz f')>'. 83 llX n f'l'(C•r llf l If' 11111<1 County nf Oi:•nll"· in pur ... u· pit'B!ltni: "'·'~ the• i:rnup "t fnlk ril<lm writ' f.:AV w ith l'flnnJr flnw - anre uf law 11ncl the written 11uth· ~~ni:ll, nri;in ~ptrtl 11"1"· """'~1" anil er• 11nt1 lhf' f.:1!'8m of r ry11t.1I 11.nrt o rlz:allon of th!' St&lt' t ·nnLr(lllrr lllfl•l••m s11n1: by ll11· 21 L.1ukc-ll1 ... I111lv,.r. P <1111 mg Wt're Mme11 M I.. O( the> Sta ti' or Cahfum111. tlUtf'd 1tn•lo r •llrf'<tlon "' Miss Mllrtl' I Kt't'I< r. Rl\lph WRt.~on, P. L. lialn· Novt'mber 21. t~~.1 l\n I h.Htn" H IPb,rh r"' An1l Gl'Oll!t 0 &\'lt!'I. be~n IO dlr~Ctl't.I by thf' BoArd uf I Superv111ors of the sA11I ('1111ntv 11( H b •t OrMg ... lnlt lhls to Hll, Wiii ,;Cftr ar or1 es on for 81tle end i.rll &II prn\'lolt'•I b\' 01"1"1011 1. ran 11 l't tt11trr 1. l;r VN A Board the Hr vt•nuc Rn•I T111tlll 1• 11 C'11<I<' In ll<'parate f'Rrt'o•l10 Al f'l'l3Lll' Tht• bollld ,.f dtrtC'lOlll , r th!' Al'CTlO~ to thr hl1th"lll bld1lr1 Vt!!lltn)( :-;111.,,.11 Ait!Vl<'tllll<1n 1,r Or-f<>r cash In l11wll1l n11)nr\• l•f th,. Unlleorl !>tat""· lhP rr11t .pmper1y 8ni;1• l n11n ty nlt'l on ~lonr111y al lhP C'omm11nitv \rnl<"r 111 ~ftnta An1t •1tu11t"c1 111 lhfl t""Unl\' <>( Or11n~r ="""' hoAr<I 111rmbrr11 prl'~"nlr•I bv !Hatr of l'ahfom 1a 11nd •l<'~<'rlhf'rl :'II•~ Ht"rniu d MA"""· pr<'.!Jh1enl nhlt on & p111 t-p11y or no frf' ba~111 lo tho.,,.. 11n11bl!' to pAy. C°•'mmtlt• r •hall rl'"n fur the • om1ni: :-• nr lnrlutf"d ~tr1, Llln•1· ,.rll r11bltc ri lat1ons. Baha'i Speaker Tomorrow Nite a.e follows, t o-wit "'" ~1 1:.~ F:dllh Pllh1 .. 11f SAntn P1opert.\· lnt ll!Pt1 In Nrwp"lt Ann. :.Ii"" \:rrlrlldl' r nttll of 1'An· On 1-'ri.lay tveonlni:. F l'b. 18, 11n Rl'11rh Ct!\' ta An" Amo" Trnv .. ,,f 1,1,., <'nti1. n11t11t1•nu1ni: 'Jl;rl;'ro 1peaktr In the F'tr!l Arlc1 to :--; .. wport Hl'lgh1:1 J>;rnl ~1,.~,.n <•f \oio.ta Me~a !Ind Hahn 1 1111th. <'h1trlti1 MnrA ll~ler As per M11 p rrronlE'd In BM k Carin" Mnrt1nez c•r I.II HMll II ••< Lus J\nget• 11. will addrt'llll a 4 l'11i;f' {14 1•f ~1 1~rrllanro1111 ~roup R1 the> hnmP of MrA, Edw&rd Mn r~ 1 ec1•rd• of t)ranJ(e C'<1un· Am1rni.: <>thr r mrnihtrll prP!tf'nl .\11rko\·1c h, 114 Rochr"ter St, Co11· t y, ('nllfnrnla wrn· Mr.!! C'hallr>n IAln·I•·•~ trf Hiii· I& M"io" 1""1 J Rlnrk :11; ™'" nnt1 :'11r" Bll~ll Petrr&f'ln nr With Wotld Brnthtrhood Wetl{ t Al-n .tPl'l'rtl>nl 811 AP rn.1\1 I· :\rwport Af'Af'h. hr ln11 flhMrVl'tl Frb, 20 to 28. Mlle• lll l~,Jtt lll'Jtll:llf't' A I.IC!': lit. °fl'p \'1~111111:' ~\lr!lel! A ~~<>c lllll<>n Alllltt'r'io t11l k will tlr11l ,,,ith the HITC'HC"O<'K for tnxini; p11r· I ru11111'hr~ rr11(,.~~1nn11I n11i.1ni.: rar e WC\rlrt hrothrrhoort nt m11n In the rn., .• 1. Minimum 11rc-PptnhtP "" 11n hni1rly hl\l'I"' In thr f'A'lrnt • rl'nl l't<n11,. n1 r x prr11l!<'d In the R11t S:l!of:l 01\ "" n h"n1r 1\ nnn-rmr1t lrt is R:ih11 i rrl1i:tnu11 hl'hf'f. Anyone In· tr 1"1'11• mrt1<>n nf lht< prnprrtv 1 rtlllll!• .j or All r~t1r11l1' who "'" IPrl'lltNI In hrArJnit thla 11peakeor or lhP ln 1u11t1on uf an 1nstAllmcmt uhlr 10 r11y. but <'•'mmunlly C°hl'~t 111111v r11tl LJ ~-:J216 or LI 8-:l.'138. Jl h•n ••f r!'drmrlfun 1• ""' 111atlP I ""Pl'"rt m11k1•• thr ,.,.n·1re l vn1l· fflr m<>r" inform1111on. bf'fore lhl' rr1,rrr1y ,,. "<) 11111.1. t hr r 111ht o f reo1t,.mr11on will .. ,. .. !<,. ="o bid w111 b1· lh •'"P'f'<' '"r ... ,.. .. 1 Berkeley t hlln the mtnunum omn11nt 'hown Professor to 11nd l!i't forth fnll<>W lnlt the ll'J:al drllcrirtl<>n nr ,..t·h Int c>r ..:roup Ad L l ot Jot11. or parrf"I or ritrcrl• Of h1ntl ress oca a11 deo11cnbrrl ahove Th" p11r< hn•r Baptist pnrt' to bl' l'l\lrl In full •l thr Dr. RotM-rt B Hannr n. rroff!ll!('lr I /u lhi• will ~ Brolherbood t ime o f purrh1111e 11t tht. abo"" "' lh~•h•RY 111 0.-rkelty Bnptlst Sunday. llt'nnon fo r the 7 :30 pm Mlf'. Divtnrtv 8r hOQI. wtll a <'Ilk a t thl' 11tn'1ce by lheo f'AJ1t or. ~•.Herbert After Ml<f 111111'. lht undnl!lfmtd. • r Johnaon. w111 be on "Chrt11t11m u 1,ur h Tax Coll!'<'tnr. will f'X!'· 11 • m. wori<hlp h<>llr In Flrst BrMherhMd." n1tt • dttd to th' purcha&er of Btlpl1~l Church. 19th 11nd W"1t On F'tb 27 thl' "Ameorlca. F or f'llr h kit or parrrl ' B1tlb<>a Bl\·fl. C'hrl11l" off Prlni;: Will be taken. D11tE'tl thi11 14th c111y of P'!'hr1111ry Theo Bl'rkelt y B11pU1t Dl\'1nlty Thl11 111 11 eprd AI ant' tor Amt rlc11tl 19i!:I. \ Sr ho<•I i. holJinir llJI winter 1chool B11pll.11 t Con v,.nttnn 111rrnrlt'• In t!lt' DO!'ll S MOZLF:Y. u ~<Ir SnuthE'rn \&Jlforn111 In Alh11m-fltlt1 of Hnme t.flPiona &nd Chrll!· TAJt Ct'llf'l'tC\r of thr C.oun ty hr11 po Monda)', llntt Dr. H11.nnrn tJl\n Trft(hin1r11. M 0 r11ngl', St11te of Call· v.-111 he one-of the t.e"rhlng pr~ MrB. R11rkrr wll.I hostua on fontlll. rr.11M<1r•. A nllll\'t' Of Srnt land, he Monday Ill hr r h•'tnl! In Ba.JboA D11tP "f !'111le. M11rr h U . l!IM r "m" hr1,. 1n l!l•ll t<> t1<kr up th,. c 1wM1 tn ml'm~r~ of th• Womm'• n11 tr r.r ~1bllr11t1nn F"hntl\rr \\'111)( 111 J1~•o<l'I•\ wl.lrh h11e lh" !\t1~111n .. ry Sodrt y. A film on ml11· 17th. 2t'h ~nd ~tA1 C'h :I, l l'.\:i. I• l\h R .. r· ~· tll\1nt•y arJv.ol !'In •tnn '"·ir k In Th111lnnd wu ahmni :"c> 12 9 X t'W.!l·CTf'l'S lh' \\1••t l '""t I •l lhe ,,·~1ng t\'rnt.. '. , MAYOR PROCLAIMS WORtD PRAYER DAY Are Delegates to Adventist Conference A proclamation, 1955. Wbereaa, World D,.y of Prayer will be ob8etved this year in many places throughout the world where humble people, living against a backgro und of universal tension and uncertainty, will bow their heada and lift up their hearts to Almighty God in Prayer: and ' A ppolntment of five d<-teratu from the :-Jewport Harbor area to th" blPnntrl ronalltUl'll<'V mHtlng Of lhP 5-0uthl'Uler n °C'1t1lfomla Confl'rPnr,• or Sf'\'t'nlh·dav Arlvrn· llsta to ~ h<'ld In La Sle.na. Feob. 20, was anno11nc!'ll today by R lrh· 81•1 F . Sern11. p11ate>r (If the !oral Advt>nt 1st Chur!'h, Whereas, the United Church Women of New- port Beach will join on t his occaaion witQ church women in communities throughout the nation and the world to form an articulate and inspiring chain o! human pr ayer : and Local 11Plt'gatl's who will attuid the 1c511lnn 11reo: Da,le Mack<'Y. raul But<'htr, Mr11. Fert•I Spnutdlng, Rlll He1nAwall and Bernorcl Ehr· llrh. .. Whereas, the troubled people in less fortunate nations than ours, and indeed even in our own be- loved country, need Divine Guidance as never be- fore, especililly as this is stimulated through pray- erful communion. The c1elrgate11 wilt nu11·t with mlnlstPrs 111icl other 1'1>nfrrr11re worker>< at 9 am. Slmd11v. Ftb. 20, Jn La s1 .. rra Ailvt>nlll!t Chun·lt. A rhngton. 10 elt-t't ,11f11·t'rs 1rnc1 d<'pAl'lmt'ntut lh•l.'rt'lArl<•S V( the co11fert>111·c for a \Wll·\•·llr l1•1m They will s lso hi;a r • r<>port s of r hurC'h ur l1\•1l1r11 ~n.t p1 ogr1>s:1. Now, and therefore, I, Mayor o! Newport Bea.ch, Catifornia, do herepy proclaim Friday, Februa.ry 25, 1955 a.s World Day of Pray~r and I urge our citizens to observe this day by attending our World Day of Prayer services, or pausing for a minute of prayer at high noon to a sk God to give us, in all hµmility, the wittdom and courage to meet and succeasfully solve the profou.nd problems of our time. Signed, Mayor Dora Hill KICKOFF DINNER Salvation Army Fund Drive Gets Under Way The kick-oft dlnner for lhe &n· nual Friendly Appeal for funds ror the Salv&Uon Army, atarting Ft b. H was held recently a t the Social HaU ot the Community MethodlJ!t Chyrch In Costa Men . LefWy P. Andeorson la C'ha1rman ot lhe local sponsoring committee and William P . Mepham ta campaign organlztr. Among the guests were the ell· ecutlve ll'Jlder for ·Southern Call- Com l&. Ll. Col. Frank Wilmer, and Mrs. Wilmer. Col. Wilmer ouUlnt'~ the state organlzattonal plan to airt Salvation Army tnslttutlon• In Callfornt11. Rev. JoM"ph McSh111* itt<Ve the Invocation and Mayor Claire Nel80n of Costa. Mesa t&lk· ed of the extensive •co!>f! or the SllTv1ttlon Anny·• work In tlmH or n<'e<I. Other Jtlll'Sta were Wllll&m A. Nicol c11m ps1gn manei;:cr for Southern California , and Mr11. Ni- col: J ud gt' anrt Mrs. Donald Doc1i:t 11nd Mr. and Mn!. LPRov A nder· son. The 11ponsnrlng group of tht Fullerton are-a atttndl'd, hcadert by I t'h&1rmen 0 . L. Ev1<ns. Brig. Gen., a nol Mrs. Willia m Parkins. who h"ad the llOl'lal 11ervire group in Long Bt>ach. were also prl'senl. l Thf' Lom g Beach unit. HS well as that In Santa Ana . are the emtrg· I t'fll.'Y units of the Salval1on Army tor the 1mmed1ate dlspatchlnJ: of clothing, groctrJl'll, blankets and bedding and other supplies whrn "On-the-spot" 111d Is reqi.lred at time of dlt1a.11ler or nee•I. The purpo11e of the dinner was the recruiting end org11nmng or Workeors for the coming <'ampRign. Due tu the 11m111l numbC'r of work· ers a vAllable. l!ome parts of t he community m11y not be cover~d. I It 111 urged thlll anyone not ron· t a r lNI, A ml wl11h111g to give. 11end I or take tht'lr cont rib11tlons to t•aut C rrti:hton a t the Costa M<'!!B Bank I or brlni: thl'm to Lheo c.:•rnpn11:n he11dquarlrr11 nm ce a l 1808 l.z ?l:t'W· port Blvd. In the Arr ac1e Blrlg, The te>ll'phone numbeor lh,.re is LI 8· 8:188. 'THE CROSS & THE CROWN' REVIEWED BY LIBRARIAN By WILLIAM HAARSTAD H111toriu of rehg1ou1 movemenl.tt have 111 most in11tanree fllll('ma1ed 11tur1rnl11 ot hll'lory .11lnct' time brg11n. Tht ~tory of Chr1sllan SclE'nce 111 no exception T lt111 hlslonan gu11ges h11 11 blltty II.JI e 11rhola r by hi~ objel'llvtty. ln lhr 11tudy or rehJ:io n this ob)trtlv1ty mu11t prtt· va1l at all lime-a -or lhr 11tucJtnt w ill IC\s" l'll!hl of his nt•ln pursuit -hl11tortral tn11h. ll 13 a pp11rrnt thst th!' a uthor or thr11 book 111 wtll versril In ae&rt'hlnK for tho t ruth. Th,. au- tho r Is lllll I\ Chr~ll8J1 SMPnt111t. 11n1l lh~ rrndrr Ah r>Ul!1 bl'&r this In m1nrl be(orr attrntpllni: to l'v11tuAlt' This 18 probably \he f1r11t work dt'altng v.•1tll C."hru1t111n Srl<'nce fr om the purtly hl11torlt'11t \'ieowpoint, ILnd for th111 rcM1m 111 highly rerommrn1lrd fur the generi.1 rcsder. ChrL"I· 11tn Srlcn<'e 111 an tnlert1<Ung movt'menl from Ill" ~1nnntng hl'c11ust' nf th!' 11trlr lly A mtrlr&n root. It M .'i. The tountlf'r of the move ment.. Mrs. Mary 8Aker !:lldy, ll\'el1 In :'It""-.'-· ChUStt\tl. The book . whlle very Kholarly ln nature. lllll i.. wri tten 111 such a mMnf'r aa lo provt Uller•·sllng to people who nor- mally would shy a way from a book of thla tyfl' Tht tni\ls &Jld tribulations or MM!. EJdy 111 founding and Anlldlfym~ th.-. • hurch 11rl' vwidly paJnlf'd. In the varit1u1 pllghls <>f ~lr11 Eddy one l• abll' to llt'e th" d 1fC1cultlea lh11t mork th" rath M B11Y rounl1tt or • rellg1ou11 movtmf'nt. T he South1•asl t'rn Csltfornla C"onrer .. m.,, lndud1 :1 61 chtU'<'hf'A. four aca1lcm1t's, ar11.t a nu111b<>r of rhurch srho11l11 't..a g1errl\ C'11tlt1:r. the Colll'ge of F:vani.:el11•t11, i<ml lhe PA18'hs·· Valh-v Sun1111num ul't' al1<0 111 lhl' rnnfl'rE'nt'I', w h1rh 81 ea <'ompnses h\'e countll's. Tlw con· ference was or~amzed m 191!). •Metro· really llve1 up to 111 Scheclule1" ''Wbeo I'm o ot io my clanroom u,Busineu School. I'm busy selling co1me1ics;· declares Mrs. Dorothy Kero of San Bernardino. ''I plan my time carefully, and Metro's dependability in maintain· ing achedulu is a great help. I'd like to put in a good word foe the opera- tors, too. They do cheir part io making Merro teno• ~ pltuant, as weU • I• and punctual" .............. ___ ........... -•2 .... ~· Universalists Study World Religions dull ra,mbera of lhP Sunday I School tn & llfrlf'~ of dlscus111on" I on world rrhg1on• 1111 lh• 11e 11ppt>ar I In Lift' m111:u tne A II arf' '"''Ile<! I tn Join. Sunday Srhonl tx-~ns "' 10 30 a m. 11n!1 mor n1n,i: wor,hlp ' '1 aui th i nit ol 1D11Dy bentt w1y1 to spend the H:tra money that driving and puking fees would r<X"11:· reports Sally Ano Davis of Sin Marino. who doe• Public Relarion1 wo rk. "F~ onr thing, my Metro 9¥1ogs ~r tM peymalu oa my nirw silft'f'Watt aod chio.... And besides. I 6nd bus commuting a pleuant way IO go-Metro driven are '° frieftd ly, and thole modern Metta co.ch~ are Ill comfortabk II IOJODt (X)lll}d ..... .,,...,,,_,, -1----. Mil llurhor 4 "The Reh&'lon ot WaahJngton &nd Lincoln" v.111 be the aermon topic al t he Untver11&llst Commun· lty Fellow11htp on Sunday. Dr. f'rank Mclntrye is lr&dlnlf lhe •· 11 l 11. I Tht f"tllow11hlp mrt'l8 at th!' Jl:bell Club Hf!Ul'l'. Ill:\ WP~t Ba1· boll Blvd .. Balbo a an1l, thr Rev Fred~r1rk W . Hlni;:•• q( Corona de-I Mar 18 the m1n1~1,.r. PAY-LESS OftlN NIGHT a DAT a HOUDA1'1 AC'IOU Mte)MWAV •90M MOAO MC>Wn.lllll lllT•OPOLITA• COACH Ll•ll s...i.. 12J • oq ..... "' '-' -.......o.-......... -$99 ......... _... NEWPORT -Ml NIWPCMIT II.YD. -COSTA MESA NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PAGE l . THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NE\\1S-PR~ £very Monday e nd Thuraday COASTAL SHOPPER-\\'ednesdaya 4 Un«'S l Pap.-r S !76 4 Unea 2 Papera 1.50 4 Unt'tt "1 Paswn 2.oo CoaataJ Shopper CLaaalll"41 Ad11 muat run ln the Mo11da-y or Tbur-1ay l'ubllcatl.lln Ml.Sl!\llJM AD I~ t LINt:S AU Ctu .. trll'd Ad• JllU•l be paid for t 'IUlb In Mln nC'C" of puhllceU-. N.F.\\'l'ORT llARKOR f'llftUSlllNO ('0 . U I I Balboa Bh·d., """'pol'1 l\4'M'h, ('aJtfumla. ~-----~ ~--~--0 EA D L l NE S fl)r plAcing or canct'lllng s 1l>1 ar\': For Mo11di&y Publl.:at111n -M11nduv 9 • 111. F ur Wed ll!'sday Publlcalion -Tt1 .. s.i11y Z fl 111. For Thur:1<l11y J'ublicat 1011 -W ed nt11<l11y l pm. The publishers wlll not be rNlp<J1111ble f(lr rm1ro th11n one Incorrect lnt!t>r tlon nt an ad, restrvt> the rlJ:hl to rorre1.·t ly r!M111fy a ny and all ada and to ttject any ad not confo rm1ni: to rult'I! and rP~ulaUona. Classified Index 1 1-\lnt'r&I Sot!"" ! ('ard of Th•nks t t'un .. ral Oln'('tora It) Bm1ln..,.11 c;utde 11 Bulldln1 Matf'rlal1 1~ ~dlni: Ser\'let:a It l'f'M10nal"' I~ l'lhare ''our Car 18 Tran111urt.&Uon 17 Kooftnr IA B.·auty Ald11 !() lleoalth Altl11 !Z LAMI\ and t'ound U 14choola, ln.trurtlna !ll Rltuallon1 \\'IUIUd 29 lll'lp \\'11ntf'tl :m Ml11<'4'llaneou1 SU-A !'>wap" :In· R A pplla nel'a SI \\'antf'd tn Huy S! Furniture for l!iale llt·A AntlQur• !IS Boa l•, Suppll ... St Mualcal, Radio, TV 3.\ Oor11. C11t1i. Pf't11 12-BuildlnJt Sl'n itts FOR RENT Sklll Sftwa, Eler. Drills, Poll3hers, 1111 types or San<,jcrs, \.,,neelbar- rowii, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 W. COAST JUC HWAY W bert)' 8-343!), New,_,rt Bch 28tfc 12-Buildlng Stn•ICH M Poultr:r S1 U\esluck SK ,.&M'('laJ An"nou-ot S9 Auto• \\'&n!H t o Auto• ror z..alf' tl).A TirH & Parta •I Auto ~rvtc<e U Trallrn t ! Alrplanra U Wantf'd to Jlf'Dt "' Apt11. 4t Hou-for R•• '8A-Apla. for "'°'nt •116-Hou,.... for Rent tl.0-Trallf'r SpM"' t9 Rooma for KNtl tt-A Rnt Homf'a t9-B Koom & Board 60 ~Dt, MIM'. 5S Stor,.11 & Otnl't'tl M ·A Ru11lnMa RentaJ• 5• BualDl!lla OpportunJU. 51\ Mollt'y to I.nan 68 Money \\laal"tl 1n K-.1 YAtate Wa11t.ec1 86 Income P1'oJN'rty ti Kf'aJ FAtah1 E11claup I ! Rf'al r.11 ta t11 Special ~oticea Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 ]>fl'eta ~very Thunday I p .. -. Via Oporto -Central Aft. 1'ewport Beach Elwood 8htll, Exalted RW. 12-BuUdllg Sel'Vble WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room addition• and remodeling tor over 8 y ni. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 -Klmberly 3-827' 87plH 12-Bulldlng Stnicee Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LH.;E:\'::>ED 'V:'l."TRACTOR ~11 3Uth l:!L, Newport Beach tin r. i• UI· W or U 8-6632 Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the ~ork ourselves. :tn .v• &r.tt ,--..>'t••'rt .. nre Ltr1•11~•·d lft 111 .. 111 rct. ~.ltl•lll• I 1• n i:w11 11ntrc-1'1. f:•tllltlll"" (I«' l 01tll J r,hJ1nll', LI h-26.~i & Lr -52MI Rltfc A~f'HALT TILE I.I NOJ.EL"M tn11taJI ttw llh"\ ... c ltrnper th11n m"•I 1\l'u ~·11 T1lr & L1nnl1•1m ~ .. n.1111111n ~ ... ,.,.n• ..,,r·•·""'"' t ·u11'pi1.tr 1t 111 ~ ~-r JULI. ('llhf-:1~ LJ ll-62114 7tft: PAINTING EARL SHE FLIN 273 Palmf'r St.. C()1ita M,.,. l'h1 lit' Lll>N ty i,.z:.-~~ 67tlc HOLLl~TER BROS. N IJRSERY New lawn. rt"::.sonable Cir 00 IT YOt..:llSELf"-\\'F. Tll.f. & (;RA D•: YOl0 H SF.ED /\;":D llOl.I. t'1" n~:H < •l'P. <il 'IO· ANC:F.. -LI 8·1~[•2 IHpP CARPENTER Repair Work Dot• Your Home N"l'" R~p&lrlng or Rcmo<lehng ~ Cnll Frank. Llbt'rty 8·69!'>4 All Work Gu11rant~""' Httc P'it>flh PAIN TING fl','TERlOR -EXTERJOR J~CE.'-'RED -!;>;SURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 3111l Sl . !"ewpurt Beoerh fhtbot :\176 13tk Gener al Contr acting REPAJHS, ,,.mo<lrllnli: 11.n•J tLlt,r:\· tlcm wnrk. R"!\lll,.nll11I 8111 com· m• ll'IRI b1111'11nr;:11 C._lu11htv \\ork tiu>1r:<nl,.,.~ Har 31:.01 day,, liar. 241\0·J ,.,.,., P9tfr H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBTNG A l'romrt ~p11lr S"n•tce MalntMnt.d P hone-. H11r hor 4624 2801 BaJboa ~l vd., New-purl B•ll<h • pltp HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ii A nythln1. Anywhere Scratch Removing and Furniture RefinJabin1 f'hone Llberly 1-216& Phont Lfhf'rty 8·21•~ PPTJ' COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGE:~ O. 8 A\JNDl!R8 COO :1181 l:llrNt. Newport 8Mdl Harbor 2978-J. U ... "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY \\'111 r••ni• t<> vnur home, take dow'a )"11r "' n• 111111 bhn•h . t.aJce Lhtm I • u ir l•1m•lt y , Lllondrr the alata. t 11;• ~. «ml,.. "parkhnc clean \\llh ••llr n1·w m11,.h1ne proce91t "" 1 h•~I P.Ftum your blind• and 1r 1n•t11ll lii,.m In 24 houre. l'tl< <' VI r y rl'lllW'ln11blf'. The IV>ef'to "!>!" 2 111pe rultlenllaJ bli.D4-- Onl y $1.00 """ all'O rrrs1r and rebuild ~ lion hhn•I• A II wnrk dont1 by a p- 1 "'•t nt m .. n l l'h""" n"w Llberty 8 ',":n1 "' Klm""rly ~-11274. pptlo House Plans LIRF:RTY 8·tll~t 10t.t• PAINTING Pamt1n~ & Paper Han~ "The Best Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar 512 :l~lh St, r-;,.wport &&di t•Jtu:o-;E llARBOR 24M CARPENTRY MI NOR REPAIR WORK :-:cJ .1<m TW SMALL H u Ant!erlOlln LJ 11-f+llll~ Co11t.a M t11 Ntle Experienc1d gardener I.ANDOCAJSJNG an<t CLEAN UPS LllX'rty 8-1659 10cJl1f CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats Cl H<1mn Har.,.ove, U M 'T70 \ ~ I 11 11 ' 1 I ' I I . . ' ' I PAGE 4 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR ESS SO-M11ttlluf'OJ!'.!~r. 8~~­ THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 Yard Maintenance Clan up jobL """ Jeatimat. 19M PHILCO ttener 14 '1 cu fl I'c1. Jn. to f:?l 8 :'>9 frum ftlO rym1s. or cuh • Srt Baughn• A I. S Warf'houte, ?70 S lllaln. Sl\nta Ana Optn 1).9 Kl 3·i:l01. Sign up •+ once Liberty 1-1761. Fresh Hearing Aid fOpllh BATTERIES -----------·--We Give S•H Grern 8tamp1 Expe~;~~J~iener Gunderson Dru~ Co. P'tlt-0-Sotl water softener to be given ABSOLUTELY and CLEAN UPS Mam St . at B&lboa Blvd.'.' Bslboa Harbor r>l!). 98llc FREE (instatlation includ· ed) to lucky stub holde'r by BALBOA HOWE. 711 E. Bltlboa Blvd., Balboa t Nn P,irr h•u!e :-.."ecessary I 12c l7h Alcobolics Anonymoua Wnle P. O. Box !Ill Newport Beach, Calif. Phone fl.arbor •79' Uc You don't have to know how to read. Come Hear Edna Stearn Dayton. Udo Theatre, February 24, 10:30 a.m. Hc17 ~twauty AJd•~~~~- S u perfl UOU! Hair Ptrmanenlly removed from face arrna, legs. Eyebrow• and hair line shaped-No more tweuln1. ELL.EN L. BRY It.NT R. E. Lldo'e Salon ol Besuty Rar. 2676 tfc 22-Lost aod Found LO!';T. T11n :-O:avy jacket between :-;,.wpo1 l Yacht Landing and Jtwhs rd"rin'&. Rrwurd. Harbor 1011-J. l 3cl:! 2i&.--Schooh., ln!itrucllon China Painting Llberty 8·1M9 Hlc29H MAN • WO~N will r1o gen<>ral housework, floor waxing. win· dow eleanln1.-Fa.et worku11, wlutt. JJl4 E. 20th St , CoNtl\ Mu•. LI 1-2683. ppt ( T hree baby 111tters ava ilable for evrning11 Phone Llbnty 8·2722. 20p:.'lh WANT man experumced In w1r<' fabrication, bending &. l'pol wclrtlng. THlNLJ~F. CO. 'I 16 311l St . l"ewport Bch. 13d6 Draftsman (Male) F or work In beach arel\ with 3 yra. pracliclll experience In mcrh. dr&!tlng and 2 yrs. col· Je1:e or equivalent. Write P. o. Box 1031, Alhambra. Calif., en· closing sample or w ork. s:i1rc 29-Help Wanted Saleswomen., Ready· to· wear Lingerie MUST BE EXPER- IENCED IN SELL- ING FASHION MERCHANDISE. WRITE GIVING FULL DETAILS, EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES. Day and Evening Clu~u O rdere Taken Now Phone WbC!rty &-66•8 H~fc SALARY OPEN. ~~~~~~~~~~~~......_ Real Estate in Santa. School WRITE U-31 THIS A PAPER. 13c 18 na ~tEN A: WOM£."l prepare 1.n ape.re lime ror unli mited opportunlllea In Real E8tate. New cladu weekJy. Al Tyler tnatructlnr. A t- ttn~I tint evening free and learn about Lhla ~real field. Call or write now for lnformatldn. Bual· ne1111 lnslllut ... 41111,s N. Syca· mo1r Kl J-17:>3. Ht!c l n Re•ponae to Popular Demand WE HAVE RECEXTLY enJarsed our tar1llt1es to accommodate more chlltlren. There are a few r lH<.'U availa ble. PRf:P.UUC your chlld for k inder· i llrten In - ALMA OLESEN GREE:'\'S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL \\'A :'\T ma id ror motel wo1 k . LAMPERT'8 MOTEL, 2400 W Coai-t Highway. 1.1 8·3083. l4d~ OlRUI - Good Good jobs - Qood t&luy - News with rrequefll incrl.'Bs<>s - Opportunlly tor edvancrmcnl. - &om• openrn'a now for young w omf,11 in 1'ewpc11 l Beach "rr11:e. TELZPKONI: OPER A T 0 R S, CLERICAL WORKERS 1typ1ng required). .A pply au ~ N. J.taln s 1. (Room 211) Sant• Ana J\lc>nd&y thru Fr1d&y, 1).4 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 7tfc JOBS OPEN NOW FOR JEWELRY SHOWCASE, plale i l61i.'1. 24"x24"'x42"" high Wllh 11to1age •pace. Cost $311., now $17.:iO. PUSH-MA~IS;-27:;r. E Coabl. Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har, 12•1:?. !4cl6 4!) AUTO!ll ATIC w ith holster. two clip&. Stag grips, $10. & fl11hin1: rod hand made, !lle1 Im, $20 Ha rbor .)292-J. 14pl6 19M WEOCE\\'000 i;al'I dry<'r. Pt1. lln. lo $177 :Ii f rom $300. No dn pymt. Seu Bu11ghn11 A • S W11r• hr}\ISI.'. 220 S. llfa111, Sant11. Ana 0~11 9 ·!I Kl :l-72\ll. SA LAD MASTER, Blnonllar, pore. laundry tray, portahll' sewing m achine. i:amera, !a!'lt lt n1 and rr1l chrome brrak rasl set. Llberl'y 8-i:llO. 14CHI 1000 BusinMI carda $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W . WHITE LJ 8·4011 CEveft. LI 8-:ilMI rrirc !:Ll!:CTRlC range, Phlluo. Double oven, Pd. dn. to $180~8 from $380. No dn. pymt. See Baughn• A le 8 Warf'houae, 220 S. Maln, Sa nta Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. l!IM G. E. auto w&11her. Pd. dn. to $238.98 !m m $320. Pyml•. or C'8Sh. See Baughns A It S Warehou11e, 220 S. Main, 811.lll& Ana Open 9 • 9 Kl 3-7201. J\IAHOG. twin bed11, $10 ea.ch. di-eaaers, $20. Hardrock chest on rhest. $·!.">, Child'11 rt d tr actor, S 10. S<'OQler, $2 :>O. Chlld'ft t'1r. S2.!'IO. 103 Via San Remo. liar. 1:11 2.J. 11>c PHOTO equip. for cnmplele dsrk room. 2\.4 x 31~ l'nlariter, elf'c. rlryt>1 , etc. $4!'1. Httr. 2311•·\\" lflp17 flx 12 t:HJ:"ESE aculptured rug, 56!'1. cft rompl•'te t1replace sd . r~aJ1nn11bl... 676 W. 18th .. Co11ta J\le!IR or Llbl'rly 8·!\llH l:;c17 lfJM TAP PAN rangt. Pc1 .• tn. lo SIM!.76 rmm S3i0. No dn. p)'mL Sl'i· Ua ui;hns A & S W"rr hnuse, :?20 S. !\lain. ~:int a .Ana Open 9.9 Kl 3·7WI. 4000 COLORS a va ilable in aprsy· In~ ('namcl or IRcquer for auto· mob1le1. t 11&ill'ra or 111rcraft Rpray g llnft tnr rrnt Harbor Paint Center. Inc 41 2 32nd St., !"1wport, Har 28:18 Bulde the City Hall. lOcl!'lh Movie Proiectors JDS E. f'l'I Mar, C'oala Mr11a Bk"kpn!, 1trno's, 11rnc1ar11•11, bkkp FOR RENT A&11 ,.& Wbcrty 8·3i 71 .ft post. mac h. npualori<. houAt· 8-MM 16-MJ\t 33-MM A t ruly tine :'<urerry Sr h04'tl kHpn• & rookio. HOBBY and MODEL 2r l:ih BE St:RE TO CHE.CK \\'!TH AIRPl.ANE S UPPWES HA~tMOND ORGAN lN~'TRUCTION H.rbor 3816-W. June Farrar Agency ALSO Gl'lger Counllra tor rtnl EMPLOYMF.l'\T M c Sh 13cl5 •02•, 112n11 s 1 . ~rt R< 11 I lt"lft ears amera op 17112 Newport Blvfl .. Coal& Mt ll& CORSETIERE -------·------PORJTlOli....d~"lrrd u r omb111n1 Inn Must be experit>ncecl m f1ttin~ 1'111ltr, \0ol<, Hou11tman tit Char. all better name foundation ftur ('"11rAhlt "' c-<1mpl,.le mBn· 1 · · 11i;rnh nl 1c •le~IN'•l T"n Y""r" garmt-nls. \Vnte gwing de· ,,._111• n··c h,.,,. Splr«I 1 I~·•• r"· t 31h1. expcnence & rd er· f"rf'n•·"~ T •lei •h."111 ""· r;, • .,, encea. ~alarv open. Box man L1w 1n n~ •>ul . f'hnne Har I . . · hor 1 11.~T-\\ 1~r1:oi X·34. thta paper. l l rl~ RE.:-;l •ON~IRL~ couplt> Will l::XP E RIE:'fff:n f'<''"'r 111111 h1n" manage apartment house "rrrnln1 Al!n wnman for h«n<l , ~·wn1: !rimming ."'" m return fo~ rent. Refer· u :P. i-~nrLEY nn1G1:-<ALS enccs fum1sherl. Bond 1f ~I:? • 29th !'t., :'\l'wport BParh required. I 11r11> WRITE Box r-26 this pap<'r. \\"AITFIE:'S WA;\TED r .. r " 4 t f -M rk ~hnf' In C'nN"nB <11'1 J\lfl 1, Phon,. Harbnr 0 71) for 1nlt'1\·trw I I< 11) Phone Lfberty 8-7042. Pr ti \\'E~Tl:-.."GHOL"RI!: r t'h1111l 111110 ""1<her S P "11\ S<.ll:ARE l ub Maytair. rl'hlt. 16!1 :>n l".SED 1t1J11r•nlr,.d r1>fr11;ne 1 .. 11 11 om u r1 !'It\ "" :'\F:\\" ;>;nri>e range from S 4 ll°• 11p \\"ti 11•n1 ran&""· a aMh,.ra 11 n11 rrfrig•'rlllnrli C"all 11~ t<>r 1rpalr .. e1v11,. c•n rl'· rns:•r"tnr11, 1'1n. -O l'EF.FE MERRl1T ~o.B-Aeeuane'f"t' • S2-Fumltur? ~-~---l ll.'hRoata. _~~~~~~----v 11 Check these Used Cars W ashinq Machine Sl!:R\'IC E I·) ear guarantee on joti. done and on used wuher• ;!,4~ ~ 1ree.r) Newport Bl., Coat.a Meu. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 6fttc 32-FurnUure for Sale The Place t o Savt-ie at Bay BAY.. FURNITURE "\\"~ere PrlcH arc H"ltl at Bay·· NEW TV chair:<. fl lrze ("n\'n11 S27 ~o val. al Bey St:'i 60 Tub r h11ir•. 11phol11tf'red erm11 139 ~6 \0alur at B11y ... •2i :,o I REAL BUYS I TV swivel .. mt n.1;·ker11 • • f43.:'>0 val. at Bay 1::!9 9:'! 6-pc. aJl-he.rdwood drop-lelf break-1 Wrnu~hl 1roo •rm couch sura, ra..~t !!ti nnly . 116.761 -I 12 pure foam rubbtr ren rs. ' ('Ushlon. :?-<IOC'lr 11tef'I wardrobe. only fU.75 $139.50 val. (•loae oui. $7i, 2 pc. bed divan Mtll, plaa11c arms, 6-rlra"•er knPeh'ble desk, good con· c.i>IQJ"1Ul pallern dition-only $17.~0 $149.:'>0 val. clo~ ollt.a _ . $88, H1clraway brd aota, full a1z.e lnntr· 1>pnng matlrt'U. 41it" pure ro11m rubber rev4'r8 cushlonl!. C'LOSE:-Ot;T : 2 nl'w twln·t1lze 8cts o! Reslmo1e box &prings and mallrnMs to match: reguhn S69.50 set, now only a.el $3U.9:'> f269 60 val. at Bay ... $187. 9xl2 Axm msll'r rui; . . ,. . $i1:,.jO 10x12 Axm1nsler rug·. $63,!>0 <I-burner apl-slze gaa ranr e. per· 12xt:> Axmttts:er ru~. end of ro!I !e••t -only .. 119.9:'> malchea 1oxr' $99.jO 5 pc. chrome 111,nelle \Cts. 30x40"' 12•~·· T'V S<'t, OK only . $20.:'>0 PXl. ta ble, 4 foam r ubber ::irat chalr11, $1l2.60 val, 2 nnly close K imball uprlfhl piano-only 1119::10 ouu ·· ··-· · 5:'>7. a set ___ , ~ Modern desks, walnut or lune(! Solid rock maple hutch, llke new oak finis h -only f49.llO 5i3.00 val. Ill Bay ........ JW.95 Bunk beds, all hdwd. comp. with Ii" TV set , blonde cabinet -laddPr. guard 1all, aprlngs &. 2 only 169.110 lnnerepr. matt. Natural or Sal· crn fmlah. 8 cu. tt. food freeur, \Ike new: 5139.60 val. at S.y .... $8!.:-iO pr rrect-only .. $119.50 6 pc. bedrm. 11el8, comp. with 6 dr. Westinghouse refni;erator: larae food rreezer; perfect cond1tton - only .$149.:IQ double d re11ser, n11rrer, bk'ca.se hea d board. metal btd rreme and guar. lnnerspr. matt . .l box apr. $199.~0 val. at Bay SH9. Apt. 1lae IJ&a r•"IJ•, nven heal Wrb~trr I 11pe rPcnrder, perfect -1'ontrol. brnller only $79.M $109.150 val. al 8ay . . $7€, Table modfl radio anr1 record phiyer, mahogany r ablnet: play.1 all 3 tyres or !'rcorda: l ike new -only . $49.:'>0 GRANT'S Furniture and Apphancrs 1500 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA \SALE Philco r efng. T t u. ft. noas top freezer . ! ... $169. BAY FURNITURE "27 E. 1 ith St., Cos ta J\1r!'a (between T11slln <l trvlnr 1 Free Stort'·lh1e parking -Terms Oprn E Vt'!I. 0lll 8 19M PlULCO rtfrlgeralor-rree:r:er r nmbo. Pd, r1n. lo 1103.48. No dn. pymt. See Bau11hn11 A .ft S Wart hou•e. 220 s . Main, Senta Ana Open 9.9 Kl 3·7201. • STUD lO couch, r ood u new. Mahog. dreuer. Bras11 flrtplacr 11eretn &. fnclurea. Ll 8-'t:i3t. l~c SPECIAL NEW 2~' Gardt-n Hos~. $1.2fl :Savy padlock• ~• J,2:• 6-voll Light b11ll>e. 1•rec1all ea. H>t SHACKLES. 318'" 1alv, 1pecl1l H ,·' F'lahlnr r ha lr . . a&. 12-.vnlt D C. rlec. b1l1• pump 38. :'\EW J.tartna Toilet. only .. 6:'>. L'•td M1rlne Toilet 45. ~ hp. \.\'lac, su ens. It clutch 6~. :'> hp. Wlac. 3 to 1 reduction 3~. 6-12 or 24 -volt elet'. win~ ... 89.60 1 pr. FlnpJK1r1top~r1 _ 22.:io 11 (aJ. atalnlt.. 1leel drum 18. No. • Pararon reverM sear tll. Mercury -ler ~ht. __ ,, ." 2.7:'> Dlrecuon P'lnd.er. new ...... 112. Manual operated air horn~ •:_11.Ull COLE'S PORT 3101 Lafa)•tlte, Newport Beach SEjl'TANT, German Plath, 6 x SO monocular. Uke new,. fl7t'I. H•~ 23:!•·\V. l~p17 ~u.t~ Radio, a TV. HAMMOND or1rena. All modela. One only •V6hUy uaed almoal like new, Thl11 I• a •rectal. DANZ-SCHMIDT Hammond Headquar~r• tor Or· anga County, 020 No. Main, I . A. H.AVJ!l btautlrul Beldwln acroeonlc Splnt'l, 4 yrs. ol!l. WANT TO SWAP for grand piano Phone Harbor 1098-M. Hft: 2 0 :-.."LY Splntl type. upright p1a· nos In Jlf'rfrct c-ond1llon. 1 maple .l 1 blond1. Tt>rms i•o down, $14. per m o. nt- SHAFER'S Music Cor \Smre 19071 421 -423 :'\, Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmbe1·ly 2·0672 W URLITZJ<::R SpmPl. Finl! mehoi;. finish. Slightly ust>d. Top ennd. Harbor 0641·M. 11cl6 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Cout Blvd., Corona de! Mu (Thaden lnterlor Bldg.I Har. 11382 60 tfc Ruy h-0111 ~ l<11'al °'""'''' \\ 1•11 11 i.I l1r h<'l r T<'~ll 'rtR()\V to ba d 1 up whut Ill' ~··ll~ ·r111•,\Y1 '6-Autoe and Truck• .ao---Autol' and Tru<'ka LOU REED •. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS .. 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor Club cpe. Light green, radio & heat t>r, PoWl'l' stcenng 1N TIP TOP SHAPE 1953 PONTIAC 8 dlx. 2-door aedan. R & H, Hydra. AN EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN CAR 1952 PLYMOUTH deluxe 4-dr. 11<'d. Lt. green, very clean . . . . .. . .. . ........ $ 99S 1952 FORD CUatomllne 2-door sedan. Radio & heater, Fordomatic. One ·owner -in excellent conditioq ......................... _ .. _. ..... 1246 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange'' Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2.561 40--Autos for Sale Station Wagon Headquarters ! 50 Buick Estate Wagon Sl 095 Radio • Heater • Dynaflow February Clearance Looking for an Unusually Clean 1 0 :-\LY heuutlful 111nglo manual 53 Plymouth Suburban $1 595 J\II:"SHALI. f'lectronic organ. Htr.1 tinted glass, Hy-Dr. Used Car like new. Savr $200. Convenient --? terms el- SHAFER'S Mu111<" Co. !Since lDOil •21·<t23 :-.: S) l 01tmo1 "· Santa Ana Radip · Heater -On•rdrive 52 Ford Ranch Wagon $1-105 JOHNSON & SON F1f OR SAMPLES 10 Piece Set Rattan, Wrought Iron, Modem Ph<me Klmb4-rly 2-0672 I -- 8Pl:'\£T PiANO. Lovelv lllnt anrt H Ch~\·. Station Wagon S~45 Mesa Woodcraft cue only 1387. T tr.rn8. Other Spolhght • Foghtes - Radio ~ ~~~~~~~--~~~ Jnvites You To see, drive and Buy From The. Finest· Selection of Used Cars in Orange County. AJRFOAM CUSHIONS ZIPPER COVERS 1-Maguine Table ........ $21.M 1-Arm Chair ................ $72.~0 1-0ttoman . . ... ······-··· $26.50 1-Coffee Table ............ $21.50 2-End Tables .······--··-$45.00 1-Corner Table ............ S29.95 3-Piece Sectional ···-·-$169.95 Regular Price -·········· $3~.90 5A \'E . . .............. $96.90 ,.. ---- SPECIAL ············ .. $290.00 The Lighthouse 515 E. Balboa Bl\'d .. Balboa Ha rbor 160i 13c15 lll!H :-iORr.e aulo v.·r1J1ht'r. f'•I. dn. 10 11'1 ~6 from $:?~0. No dn pyml !'f'•• tl1111ghn~ A 6t R \\'arthn1111~. 220 S. J\111 1n, ~11nll\ Ans Open !• ·ll Kl :l·i :?OI. VllEE7.F:R, Crnslty. 19r>4, l !> Ct. l'tl •In. In 12:111 !\6 from $:100. l'ymlii nr '"'h. S•" Ba11~hn• A il ~ W"rch'l115e., ::>o $' M11ln S"nta Ana Open !l · 0 Kl :1-T:z111 I!•~·, HOTl'lll:'\T autu wuhH. Pd. 1ln t<> S221 111. Pym111 or rtu1h. 5,.,. B11ughn11 A A ~ W"r,.hnu11r . 2'20 ~-J\11\Jn. Sontl\ All& Open fl . !l Kl '1·7201. OK~KS rJns:nit nul f)trlot'Y samplu , h,.111111r111 rnnr.-mrorery dt~kii. fnr home nr nHlr... L1'11s lhlln whol,.!'1411' 4111 J lit S t , :Sew· port Bear h JJc15 wonderful bar~ttlna In rl'ntal re· SPECIAL CLOSli: O UT PRICES. turn•. l1 ude In "n org11nl'I, l'tc. CHILDS' wardrobe ••" hig h, 11 Srveral m erely ~hghtly 3c-ra tch· draw••r It ha11gln~ space, Reg ed In 1h1pmt'nt 129.9~ 8pec1al 124 9~ ~2~N~~~C~~~~~~onla Ana DESK, 9 dl'llWtr, 42"" RC"g. 29.D:i. . Spetial $24 !I:! CHEST, :i drilwcr, 34 ", Reguh1r $23.95 _ .. Special $19 9:'> COMPLETE LINE of other Un· painted fum lturt , JIOfl It bard· wood. 2121 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa Llbcrty 8-11146. 14clll MAHOGANY bedrm. Ml, 4 po1ter twin beds, HI-hoy, Jreaser, $100. llfr11. Ahri·M, Harbor 0191, eves. 1 lc l6 BEAUTll't:L Sl'JK ET PJA:"OS Rt'nl 10 buy. All or lerm rent a llowed. l'rar lire p1u 11>a ll& low as f!) ptr nt•>. DA1'Z·SCHMlOT Big Piano Slllr<'. 520 !'o. J\1•1n, Sant.a Ana Honest TV Service STEVENS & SON~ lb7!\ H11rbor, Costa Mru P h LJberty tl·:!:SO l 7ipp-lfc Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealt-r 3100 W. Coa.st Highway N e wport Beach. LI. 8-34 71 14c15 LOOK Terry's Buick Brings YOU your transportat ion ca r AT WHOLESALE El.El 'TlU C tAngt>, CrQslty. Deep· well I'll. dn. to $12i.61l t mm $319. ="v dn. pyrnl. .3• ,. H.lllghna A Ir S WarehoU!I•'. 220 S Main. S1:1nta Ana Open ll-!1 Kl 3-7201. ST F;l!'\\'1\ \" GKAN'O t,1kc new H1 i.: MvlnJ:". Al8n Kneb<', J<1m• b.d f l" h1 r, l\fa1<nn & lfani lln M~1 y 11tllC'1 $. Pr "rtlr•• p1anol' :i-lt>w iu 19;, l!llR ~il•h AnilJ O·I R&H $'.!-,-, OA :"':F:-~l'H !lfl [)T BIJ; l'tann Stnr,., 1!11" Huol!'<•n A R.~H ~1::n 1u;,4 :-iu1~c1:: 11 •, c11. rt. retr11.:· 1•ra101. Auto tlef1011l. Pd. dn. lo U O I :,5 from $111<> Nn dn. pyml. Sri> H1111ghn11 A Ii: S Wa rf'hOlll'•', 22'1 S Main, s ... nt a Ana OpC'n 9 • 9 Kl :!·7201 38-Boahl, S0Pl.l_le_11 __ _ 26·fi'T. Al..L .l.IAHOG. cabin r n1I· l'tr. el4.'r t nc h111t lank. head, ,.,, \\"111 11t an<1 aurvey S2.4o0 • 11.-.h tnotlf or I• 1111s Hun• ini'!un K• h J.extn~l"n 11-1:1::!7 I h Ill ~,zo :-;0 l\lftln. sanlll Ana j '".17 l"hl\''' • ll. ltA-ll ~'.!:.>l'I -------_ tt••7 ~u1rk >"J•I "'nv Rktl S.:•t+1 BF.Al "TIFtlf, £l,.rtrnn11 Oqr11n, 1'111 l•lvinn111h .. 11n K'-11 $1'11 blon•ll' r•,, ... 11ln n,.1 n .. w ~111 .. 1 '11111 !11111 k ,..,.tan ~1\11 M<'r1f1rl'. nn .. <•nl.v. Il11t '""'· :t>t2 :'\"'p11l Ill\ I. :'\11 11111 ln.:11 ll 11h111 ;.r•~l 111111 f'A:'\Z·8<'11~11nT r:1~11 • !-I-Ale. ~71) !'\ri, lllam. Roni .. An" BALDWIN A r ro1111n11· Splnrl f'lijnl• m11ho~sny. J.'lr~t .-la111 <0••11d111n11 l'h•·llt' l.lt,,.rl \' )\.;;(1:1~ I "XI 1•pl l"r11l11v 11nrl 1'11 1urtl~\ t H • 11; A. K . C' J\lALE lJachMhuntJ. f.1:1 Ubertv 8·71l9:Z 111 t~· GMC Trip le Checked Used Trucks I 1111)11;1'· ', T l'lf"KI 1· . ~It JlO I >ti 1-· ' T I' 1\ ;\ fo (, 1n 1·1n:\ r 1·wK1·r· OL"TBOAR.D !\!OTOH, lu e !ltsrk XX lllerrury. Like nl"W. S22!\ Harbor OJ I\, l:l• l~ CO--A11Wt& nnd TTUck" I 1;\tf" • T "·•'. ·r, '111 \\'ILL SWAl'~hor tnr 12 f t .. r le1111 akl!t. Alan will work for 11u1- botu-d . Phnne Ll. 8·•81\0 bot w1·rn 668p m. i:lpl ~ 1953 Buick S1995. Super KOH LER 4 ("VI :12 \tnlt \11 KW. R J\"JE:ttA \.OUJ••. R&IJ O;r.11rJ1>\\ i;oon"rRtor :-.n t1mr !.Jnr• rnm· f'rl\• '"" n "' "' •t'l 1 "''' t rfl'I" overhaul. Har. 4fl81l 11''1?r modPI • n tic ""'I l•J.JJ )" ·1-. 1:\11" 2 T 2 •J"' I .. x11 ,.,,,.. ". , .. ,., \\" hH• 111• 1,.1..,··~I 11n •I rl••IH1• >' I "'' . n l Hfi(Ptl f1H1~"1 n t lJ,iru.• t 'J' • \ ' •. 1 I I \. 'I , •• : I ' ,,, •' t•v .,., !iC: .,~ t ~ ' YES! They are sold on a 3 Day Money Back Guarantee Y nu must be ea tiAf 1ecl ! :11 ~1f;11r ,4 11001', R11<11n, hr:iln. II\• 1111 l\"r :\°1•\'I hllk~d t"n11nirl l lll'h \\h1I" l\olllP. 1-'dlJlll•I\' -"'11le 1'111 r Hll•fl r.: 1'11 1':\" BPI A•r 1 t1Upl', Ill'"'" 11 Ii•• till•' O\\ 111'1 ~1111 (~nlll fll,• I h \\ lolt• \\811 l11r•, hl'b!"I Frhl 1u1ry !""If l'llr<' $11)!1'• ..,, :O:Tl'l1Jo:l!AKt:R T.i1n1l n 111~t"1 . H11•h>1 h• Al• t 1<11lr•1t1t•ltr, 2 n• \\' Ill ,... l.111lil h111,. flni•h. I ()rii; • 11\1111 , 11 !'"'"' hll,V A f""' ~h"'I' ' nr ,..,.h, 1111 ry !'11 If' f'rlt" f .'lflf•. ,:1 ~ OHi> \'1r ll'\111. Jt,11hn, """'". F•·rtl11ff'Utf H O ne """""'. ,,,y.· 1111lr111.e J '"n" .:r,.,.ri 11n .. h. F•l1r11s 1 v i;,.1., P11r• .. l t7rlD. ' I Jo'flJUI 4 il•o(1J Radio, ht'"l"I. "\ erdrl'"" \\"l11le w11lh, vrn1 I ~· ,.1 ,,, \"• r.s. r!ran ttntl runA e11tr:\ >, 11'1 F• hrnsry !'1le T'rlrl' $J1Pg, hr ,.f••r f!tt'r1nnnnr "I nv,.r•tr1v ... I 7 """ mil•·• On" nwn,.r l\nt1 h •oi '"~' """ 11ppf•t11. Y•hr11"ry !'!~I" I'll•• t lll.1111. '•2 VIJHI • \'wl•m 11. ::o 000 m11'11 It l11 .. k11 .. v,.11 I• 111. \\ r want you l o • • I h11 "n" RAdln, hl'Rler. Roy's Maintenance HouM cleanmt -1-'loor wexinr 'Wall waah111e -v.•indnw rl• a nine Vvieua n bhn•1• l 0phol11~1y Jnaured Frr~ Estimate• Llberty l ·l:J:t2. \\'A:\T a rt!.11 to wmk al hnir,. Wnle I'. O. Bnx 262 Orftnl:• ,.,n~,. H11~h hrl\1lrr. rhrom .. t •p. l'ti t1n lo 11 69 M . Nn 1ln. pyntl. St·f' R111trhn" A It .S Wart hnll•I'. :a :?211 s :\l111n, Sanla A n1' C'IJ" n S ECTIONA L C'lllt'ht11 U:'>. urh. I rhrnmr brl'akr1111t l"ha ln1 "1th r .. c1 rlsl'tlr 11pt.oll't .. rlng, $!'> ea. t "rhnl. bl'rtrm rh111r. Sii P'onl I rk1r ('Ill nf •lr<iJ"'ft anti cur· 1111n:-$10 Cftll Mrs. Ha)""J', :<. rm. 2111 \"tit Griu111ns 1.11111 lt1I,. J3r18 TRADE (,\If' r L.AL Ffl. TERRY 'S BUICK w . WOODS w. G ~f At" Trim• ll lfl·lfl 1-4rPI :-• !'11n l" ;\na >-nrdnrne llc Tllhf'lru w b It It w~lb >-"" '41lle f'nra $1499, I \<17 !I · 9 Kl 3· i 21\I. l 1 rr SO--MiSttllaoeoua for Sale DE!:P FREEZE frtczt r. 13•,, 111 r1 I'd. <In. to S22i .M f rom S 170 l'r mtA. nr Clll'h, RE!'POXSl~LE roupl• will m1tn· 119,.. PHJU-n TV t nnl"nll' Pr1 dn llji• lncom property '" f'Xrh f•ir Sl2f\ 98 rr •:t1n r· S•" B1111ghn1< A A R \\'ar• hnt1Nt . 220 !'I. :.f8111. ~anll\ A nJ\ 11p< n fl·P Kl 3·7:?01. 1rn1 Rrfrlf•nrr ~ !urn1"1"'I '" MTI •• v1nt1< nr \\"RITE BNc R·28. th1~ l'llf"l'r r~!'h lllpl!'ilf• !'I,.,. On11gh11.~ A ltl !'I \\0 Hl'hnu11e, -------------220 R Ma.In. S.tn!" Ana Op«>n lUM HOTPOL'JT RAirnreratnr. 1 :l, cu. tt. 2 dOllr Pd. dn. In S21U n2 f rom 1500. Pymt.. °" r u h DAY WOJU< ,,_,aJ\trrS by f'XJ'4'r l· ,.nr cd 1 1rl ~f<•ndays A T\1t~loy1< ,,,..n A I"" b"by sit "'""k-entl• Klmbulv 7-113:\ after fl p m U plfJ ___r;Xl"ERIE:-.'('r;O PAl!'-l!:R l'ltu rty w orker. Local rl'•lt11'nl R-uonBhl,. hl'11rly nt• Hff thc°>r :tMl!l, 14p lf\ HOME CANNING 1 WILL CA!ll your rhlck,.n ml'At -' flah, Al.SO !<OUpa • l'l~w~ Klmbtrly 2·1115. 14c l9 PAINTER WA2'JTS WORK. 111 yurt nip.r1· ,.nee. Non union. Hnurt~· 1,1 berty 11-2722. 20p21 h -~--~~~~~~~~~-RETIRED post.al emplo~,. dt '1re11 baby 11lttln~. Own tnln11J'('lrlA· lion. Liberty S·3;s -;. J6rlll -F'nr a d~ndBbl .. u11rt1 1 IU", &te your k>caJ d.aler who a'U) be hfr'" 1'(1M01Ut0 \V lo b".-k ur wh~t hi' 9"1111 TODA'\'~ C'hef'lt th,. 11-"11 "'"' In th• rl"11nf'"'1 Ill'< 111•n t•. d'l'· P .n "l 3·i21ll. FIREWOOD FREE OELl\"E'.R\' Dry wond. 16" • 24" lf'ngth. Cell B. R. !TAGG Phone Harbor IOU ~vemnge H nrbnr ~:l9\ 19M PKJLCO Re!n1el"'l.tor. Bot· U. apace. 1'<1. r1n. to $126 9• No dn. pyml. liM S.u1hna A • S \\"arellOUH. 220 S. M&l.ll. Panta Ana Oren 9 -t Kl ~-IZOl See Bau&hrul A • 8 WarthOU~f'. 220 8. Main, Sant& Ana Op«>n 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. IU!'I~ GAP'n:RS A a.ATI'LER ranre. CP. rd. ctn. tn IUl!.!H. No d.n. pymt. See Baughna A 4' Fo \\"Hl'hn1111~ 220 S. Main, 8&nta Ana Open fl • 0 Kl 3· T201. 19!'1• G E ~rrtrarator. U ru. t t... ftutn df'fro~L Pd. rtn. to $2118 7• from S4tl0. Caah or pay pymt.. Sn Bllughnl A A l!I Warebo11M, 221\ s. Main, Banta Ana Oren 9 • P Kt 3·7201. l'lEJl1\JO .. ru p , rhf'lllA nt drawer~ l'Jltln l&•ld .. r. h,..t.,r, '11llhf'~ 1P34 WHIRLPOOL auto wuher. ...... ehl"g" "'"•hlnl', tlrllpl'P .. mi.... rd. ctn. to 1121.8. ... No dn: pymt. ttrm11 U •·~Mii ,.v .. ~ • flf\t·!'l•l'1 Sre 8 1rng-hn10 A • 8 War,.houae. 1 I<161 2W ~ Jtfii,ln, Ss nta Ana Open -------------11 ·!1 KI 3-7201 You <ion't ha\'e t o know how -1ll-.'l-!'i_r _1-1_t_LC_O_T_v_2_,-.. -Pd-.-d-n.-to t o read. Come Hur Edna l l 'll\ 76 fl"Oln •~20. Pymta. or ~tt-arn Da~1nn. Lldn Th,.alrt', F'~brusry 2t. 10 30 a.m. H cl7, C'&Ah. .Sre H1rna hn1 A Ai • WardlauM 'nil !'-Main. lllanta Ana °"'" II · 9 Kl l ·U Ol. Harbor 42fl!I. 1'cl~ 19fl4 () KF:f:FE & M!:RRITT r11n~"· I T . Pc1 <111, to $I JI) :18. :-;" dn pym1 Sr" Baughn• A & ~ \\"11r1>hnuse, 220 S. :\!run. !'anl& An& Oprn 9 • 9 Kl 3·7201. ~&u11r111 70-ft a 11.11 vhMntr. F'ully found, go anywh<'• e. Want S30,000 ~qulty In property. 1220 \\'u t Balboa Blv1I,, :0-:('wport. lllLJ"bor 3032. ~cl~h P'OR Rl!::-.'T -Nln&tf'f'n f l'l<'lt tlOrlt \\"111 take bo&\ up to 32" 4002 RJ\0l'r A VI'. :"cwport Bch. Call ~\'U. No 8-06i9 L. A. l~pl7 TALK ABOUT RE SU LT S - This one backfired! E\·ery now a nd lhtn w t run a Pll.I• promoting C'l ... tfled vl11. F req11f'nlly 1l01 heen a typiral t'la.u1f1~d ad ,,.,e w11h a l&r~f! m1tlrtle """I Inn 1'1ork<'d nut 11nd a mr1<Pt1ge lnet rt e<t that lnfonn11 n11r re1dt'ni a bout !'Ur thL11.1tf'lf't1 t t1" ~ It l!l'f'mNI plnm tr• 11.1 people would rt~MI lh1a 'l lhe r11rrent rlaulfltd NCllon bul to male• l!oullly -ur motl a'11lr"Neio 11 nt1 phnne numbll.ra were obliterated. Howevr r ,.,·en 110 our poor switchboard f'lpt!rator WL<s nl)O)ded Wllh c11l1 tmm people want1n1 to anl!WW!' t.heae a1Ss and ukl.n1 fol' the phone numbcn . The adverUalnc mana1er jwit ti.ti tii. brow anrt '"Yll "~e\"U' heard of 11och • thl.n1 Ill my Ufa !" \\llawnr 7ov """9, M .. la _, lh-.17 ea-ifted -taon .... ~ 7" ......... .... , ' C.U ...,._ 1111 _. 1111111 r. .. tU.er. I } 2612 Xcwpnrl Bl\·d . :'\pt B< h , •r•n c:1o1 I~\ ., rr H11rhor :in:::1 J l rlli Tr1I• k h ,.1,.1111111r!Pr • f•>1 flreni." r·n •.i ('fU:v :i •l•.r•r ''~ally ownlld It 1 "' lu••···I new hr l• cone own,.r 1 ' ·1 • • t• n• .:t•" n rrnt.th, v.·h1. v.Al13 h t>r 11\r y Sal" P ric,. l !f•ll. Work Car Specials 1947 n1.r.!'ir.tnnn .r, !ti'I Srdan ¥00'1 mul111n1e111ly, ft and H . H)tlr11. '1r•r1 1917 C HEVROLET deluxe 4 rl•><'r l'Cd8n, cl•'" lU:t{I PLY MOt:TH d ean 11edan 'l'.1'• v ... v 19~. Hausken Motors. Inc. Hl.12 Harbor Blvd., Coeta ~It'~" Ph on.. I.I hf'r'I v 1.;,nr. i li r lfl 1955 Buicks TRY t hr ~!IT.LIO~ DOLLAR RIDE Thrill tn smnoth Rurgin~ 1l('r· t ormanc('. TERRY'S BUICK G M A ,. Tt rm• 21112 S•"''(V1rt Hlv•I. Sr~ A h H,. r ti-ir :.n21 I ~~ l'i 152 Singer Sport Car O:"E O\\":'\F:R M OO mil"~ 18%, Hausken Motors, Inc. 19U Harl>or Blvt.1 , ("•••la M•11 < J'hon• Wberty ~-:.0.~1 U r II\ • R11d1<• n111 ... l ; . .t. I I• l:'l h•11lot d11<'1 lll•n1il ~·11· \\ I 1 .. h11 I I \\ "''"I .... ,,, •• f1 f 1\' I I• , l11:hl h l11r I 111111 1.11.:1-'"·"' .. I itt:'l ·~.,J F()HIJ 8 C .nt • v ~· I-' 11 Racllro h,.B l"t d 11 • • l •nlll 1>tg nal• ~nr·l11n 1.· r Ii '"I '11• J T 1 1~ne r11 1111 I r •.nt'r, ,.~. • ).5.'• ·- ".\ f"(ll!I• 1, T•1 I• r ', ... Cotton Goff Pl lll"Pl'll\: r~•lin, hr"t"r. ,,.w f r1 •) "Ill\' -4 1'1 l'lon 1n1l"ll 1'\rw , ~· ,,,,,,, •n nn11 nwn"r, 1' I 1 111 rv :-.. 1 .. P rtr" . 14111>. Jt'a Frbru11ry Clearance Timr ~· JOHNSON & SON l.lnroln Mercury fl()(l W. CO AST HIGHWAY !ft.~. VOl'\IJ V-8 V1cton11.. Rarllf), I ""'tr. Jo'••rdn Power 1teertna r ,,. e1 l'irl k"•. 01\f' ,,..,ntr' 122•~. Ha usken Motors, Inc . :1111 "\"1• Uh .I :>-···'I 1• ll'"d•'• 1•1:,2 llA1 h .. r Blvd~••l& M"H _1_·1i_1_r_, '_'_" _' _" ______ '_'_1 1 1 _,_.,_._·_ .. _,_·_'"'-•I\· __ 11_-:_._,_1:._i ___ u_r 111 IDti f (1ltl• I'> "lino \\·•II"" .ru. i;•;tlfl n1••lur. I 1;" llarb•1r 411i •\.\', ~'"'I ' l IC.I ~ Hauskcn Motors. Inc. 11> .~ Jl>\I tlllr Blvd • (;oat.& M"""' l 'h m t LJti.rt7 1-ISO:ii. U cl& [;; - I I ' ' I I I I ~ I I ' t 't ' I M-B~eu Op[M!rtualttM M;BallDMe OpJM?rtunltiM NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PAGE I " THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1955 . 1949 PO:\'T IAC I! r onvtrt c••UJ>f' R.111ho, htr , Hydra. w aw tiru one ownn fftll~ Outstanding Hausken Motors, Inc. YEARLY LEASE 1932 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mell& CL!:AN & MODERN f'ho~ Llt>trty •·~~1. U r i& 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX '1-Aato Service ____ _ Motor Overhaul FURNISHED 160-ft. to BATIDNG BEACH BAY VlEW FROM PORCH Newport Furnished apartment 1 BEDR~I YEARLY. $6!'> plu• u u l Cor. 36th ~t • Balboa Blvd. JrtM I tor coupll'. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor Hubor l • :?8 3420 W. Ba lboa Blvd .. Newport Ft:R:'\. l)ao•helor a pt. Yearly. Wnlklni.; cllstanr e to bua •nd bul'tnr~" d111t. Har, 1217·J lOcll NO MONEY DOWN ·* with this ad * 323 ANADE. BALBOA LEASE .. ..'..---------·--·· $85. Mo. F UR:'\'. 1 beMm . apt. $110 .. garage. 6 Cyl.I. 8 Cyla. ___ _..$48.88 ____ $58.88 lllcludef both labor and part.I. New rtnp, W1'Ut plna, valYe srtad. tltUnp ot m&iJ1 and rod beUUlp. i::xptrt snotor lWI• up. 110-dQ or 6,000 mlle rua.rantec. (NO MONET DOWN). R.EBUll.T ENGINES -UP to 16 MONntS TO PAY- Built 1n our own factory by &kiUee! mMil,la!aU, 0oA't coot.end wit.II the mtddle sn.n. Buy dJrecL REBUU.T and INSTAJ..LED SHORT BLOCK FOR.D ----·---'139.60 Newport Harbor Realty 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 13c15 Balboa Island Choice yearly and summer n ntals, _ now availa ble. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Mllrme Ave .. Balboa l sljU!d Harbor 20 fl~t!c Ot•~an Yll'Y.', -Har. 02~-R. 13cl!I REASO:'\' ABLY priced, clelln 1 .i: 2 be<lrm. turn. apt&. UUI. pd. Laundry room. Playg"Tound tor l'h1lllr1>n. l:Jlue Top Apls. 403 :'\t'wpor t Blvd .. Nf \l,'JlOrl Beach. Above the Arches. lOl!c 2uoR~f. f(Arsi;;c 11p~.. tum. S8:> or unfurn. SSO .• Water pd. i3~ 1!. Heliotrope, Corona del MAr. Har 2:1~8-~I. )~Cl 7 NE\\' unturn. duplex, 2 bdm1. llJld i;ar. "" scrluded St :. 2 blks frnm 11d1ool, shnps. bus & P. 0 . Eaal "1de Co!lta. ~1eM.. LI 8 -3:188. l :'lr.:17 I General Sheet Metal Shop A real going business! Sa~s 1954 over $90,000 and ·growing each year. Due to death, widow must sell! This is a real opport"Qnity for some lucky person! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Licensed Business Opportunity Broker KINGS Road (just listed) ON'~ or THE P'tNltST a bedrm .. l' bath home. on uclualw Klnp Rd. Cllarmtng deeJp and all room• are well arranged, Ught and apa.cloua. Laree al1d· Ille door• trom dlnlng room to outdo!'lr patio. W to W ea.rpet· Ing, forced &Jr heating. lndM r planter. dble. gara1e. a ttractive· • ly landl!C&ped and 1pl'Jntcler 11y11· te.m . Thia hOme will plellllf' thf' moat dlacrlmln1tlng buy~r. Pdr · ed at only '22.760. with vrr-y attractive terms. TRIPLEX, home 4r lpcome tor only $3,000 rtown, t•uu p rtcr $21,500. Front apt. .hu nlc<' ftrPpl11cP. BA YS HO RES. Two> bedroom Oil Bayshore Or.. $18.':':JO, with s~.000 dow n. Frank Jam l"s & Linwood \'ick Realtors C. B. Russ \\'111 t~ S<'hmhH. A11~11I' 312 ~lanne, Bolboa J11le H11r 20-12 ·BAY SHORES (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -S· ' New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Or. & Vista o·r • • ~ BllY Shore.' Cleverest. Ranch Tyt>e. Home 2' bdrm., raised uaed brick fireplace, diahwuher , di8Poaa.l. Charmingly decorated. Cru1hed rock lawn. Full_ price $23,500, tcrm1. AND • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr . • Choice Farm Style Home 3 bdrms., 2 bathe, wall to wall carpetio~. Separate dining room. Two lovely patios for outdoor living. • • Full price S29.500, terms. For pre,·iew a;bowings, call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5~)' cumv.olJll'l' I U9.6U PLYX. 6 DOOOJ: l lM CH.RT&. 6 Oil SOTO _.$170 STUD~ --· 1170 TWO 0 1· three b.Srm. duplex un· !Um16hed, '• blk from H ti;h Sr hool. 1 Ga.rag!'. Rerturt•d ro nt tor yard cue. Ll 8· l:H3. 61 re ON BALBOA ISLA.ND SP Uli for yearly and eeuonal rent.a.I.a. $50 lllO. :'\l•wport bay front. turn. mod1·rn :1 rans. &: bath. U tU. pd. C'losr to bus. 6lor~ A beach. l 'h. Jllll. 41111·~. l~ P . S. J ewelry Store for Sale. Good Location Newport Island 2 BEDRM. rt1~tckm·e With 1 btdrm. apt. over dbl. ga rage, $16,600. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St .. N ewport Beach OLDa 6 J'QJl'nAC I 1170 BUia. "176 HUDSON--· an6 Lo&n Ctr 1"r'M TowtliJ HWW OAJl GAR.Ul'1'1UI Block must meet our ata.ndana Plua t.taea, 1u1'eta and <ill Open l!5W1day 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe M&rtne Ave. H&rbor 502 BALBOA Ill.AND , 7tlc VERY NICE. rlo~P U1 2 bPr1rm unfum. Stove 4' refr1g O;Jlt tloon1, 'ttle VPnetlan bhn1ls. Gar. $80 mo. Yearly $7~. Ll 8·li25. ...SR-Houses for Rent Newport Beach YEAR!,,\' RENTALS 2 BDRM. Unfum . home 1 bclrm., unrum . home CH ARLl'}S E . HART , Har. 1'28 3420 w. Balboa Blvd.,-Newport 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718. 14c16 'STORE BLDG. BALBOA 8 U;\ITS comtr lot. l'xcel. lnC'ome r PcorcL Half blk. from B11v elllt park111g fie. Clt'an. •t0.000 will hlllldl~. ALSO • BUSINESS bing.. PLU8 2 apt11. ONLY $4000 00\\':S BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 St&!A Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. t:lc-15 FOR GOO D SUMMER or, Y<'llriy rental11, Coron.a del Mar nr ? Se6 F itzmorris R<'a lly Co. Phone Harbor 2152 2t lll Bl'Ut'h. l cl l>h \\.'ILL HE!l;T brand new I bednn. 2 bnth, unrurn. home In lRVlNE TERRACE at $200. per month wllh 1 yr. lease. Call Harbor 4 148 !or further dellll!s. 68tfc At 1870 Newport Blvd.. Collta Mesa. Good location, plenty of parking. Walk-In refrlgerRlor. About 12:50 tiq. tt. floor sp11ce. Contact- PRIVATE PARTY-Wanu to buy rHtdence lot for ca!Ut-Must be <'lose In. :'>'cwport, Balboa, area, g 1vll lora11011 &llfl par11cula n•. Write Box Q27. l h1• paper. 7pl8 \\' A:\'TED IQ buy-2 cir ~ Bdrm house with garagf'. Pre-fer Cora. nit rtel M ar, :\'cwport H•l&hta or Bark Bay. Not over $10.~00.• (No b!.Qlterl. Call -'ter 6.30 p.m. Har. 2919-R. J3p?ll Triplex , furn ished t BEDH~I. hou,.c-. P Lt;S 2 11pt11. A fC'w steps Imm the boy. ..T LL J'HICE $:!0.')00 SANTA ANA Corona Mar 42--Trallent I BEDR~J. F t;R.'\. A PT., t.: blk. 27·FT. PAN .A)l&;RlCAN traJlet, to beach. $75. mn. t :11 l patd. 1-econd1ttoned Inside & QUt. Re· .:'\EAT 11t111mo ll pt rtowTillta1r!<, $46. duted t o $700 fnr qul<'k 11alt' ~lo. t,;ttl. incl. 146 I:. 17th 8 t ' C~ta M cllll. •LI ' 2 BEDRM. furn. apt. '-; blk from 8 ·6663. 131 16 beach. $t'I:>. mo. Cttl paid. TRAILER. 2 wheel, 4 x 6. l t\O ln· • cluwna 'M t.abll. Har. 23M ·W. W. E. Fisher' Realtor lllp l7 303-l E. Coast Hy .. Corona drl Mar --'------------Harbor 2 H 3 47-Waoted to Rebt Rentals Wanted • need apta and bouau ln all aecllo1U1 tor both winter and year'a leuc. i\trn. or unfurn. U you have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. v201 W. Cat. Hwy., Newport Sch. Pnooo Liberty 8-3481 208 Marine, Balboa latand Mione Harbor 4H 1:101 Cout H1way, Corona deJ Mar Phone Hb~bor 1741 SMALL Fl'H!'. house n<'a r ocean, yearly. Liberty 8·2152. 1 tt·t6 SMALL HOUSE. n••w drr-ora t<'<l. J bedm1., mapl<· furnlt11rt: $67 ~.o year 1011nd. 412 F ernlcat. Hur· oor 32:11. 11<·16 CLEAN 2 bedrm. unfurn., $~>2 !'iO. Fu rn. $[1!1.95. Garage. Ad1ilti1. 2i!J0 Newpor t Blvd. t:'\o Ill. Costa ;\tr:<11. 1 ltCc RENTAL v SPECIALISTS I UO Matn St., Balboa Call E<ln C I Phone Ka.rhn.. 1 U 2Stto a ra g ----------Blanche Gates. Rltr. liAVE Yo t· "' Lido Bav F ront I 311 Marine Ave. LEASE brand new a bC'drm. h ome, nrw tracl. Smnll famllf only, $&'). nv•. Owner Llb· 1 ty 8·6:.!97 Evenmg". 14cl6 HARBOR BLVD. untum . bunga· low. Chlldrf'n o.k., low rent - 1999 H urbnr Cosla Mesa. Llbtrly-8.:l3~3. H clll :.? BOR1't. furn. house. gar. Phone Liberty ~Hi80. H cl6 IJRA::\D NEW 3 bcdrm. unruml~hed, $80. month. Phone Ll bel'ty 8-3663. H r l:> 1-'l .R."l lSllElJ 4 hctr111. house for l••t1AI'. SJl/11 mn. plu:o utlllt1es . 1:?2 12nd ::;t , Nt•wport. Bl'll.c'h. l;lt'l 7 ----------CLIFF HA VE:-./ 2 bedrin. mo.lcm untttrn. huu11e Redecorate to suit you. $100 m!'lnth. y1·arly ba· ~1~ ok. Ph. Har. 2&0•·W. or Ha r. Obi. l3t!c TWO bdrm. houae & garage. Garb. rlll!fl., n..-wly rtecN 'ftled . Ye&rly rcrlllll un!um . 122 ·29th St., Xl'WJ'OM.. BNtc·h. llpl7 YEARL\'-2 bl'<lfm11., gar&«e· W&- lf'r p;I l chlhJ o k. $6!'>. m onth. Liberty 8·90 8 or Lt 8·:\:'1 10. J::!lfc hom,. lo rPnt for JOllmmf'r .. Jo-am· I Blllboa Island, Har. 16'1 72t!c 1ly nt 3 w1n111 2 benrm. and bath l · 149-Room" for Rent with n1111d'11 quarters. \\'ILL LEASE by }i•a r. reBM•nabl••. MA Y 1 .. 1 tn OCT !s t P hnne Hli1 bnr :t188. H t 16 llf'W un(ur·n. ft ont chtpl"x 2 h<:'ci· 81.:'\C LE: 1100~1 w llh hot It cold -room«, llvini:: 1 m .. k1tt·ht!t1, ba 1 h wale r m I he room. C:ooo b<-d. \VANT TO RENT. 11 nd i::tr. Or w lll ~rll 12fl ~,;111 r rwate mtra.nce. Sfl week. SI , J\'pt u, h. KF.yi.tron" ~· tfi70. ALSO cloublo rl'l(lrn at $7 week. 1:1•1' l23·28th St.. :'\ewport Beach. 80c8lh F11m. hn11~·· fur man lfr molhc-1 l't d 1•r ~"!IHI Ray Vll'W M11.~\ h1w r ;1 b11th • At H Mrm11. 2 RDR~I. fJl..'P LE:\, , lo "'" I" t11wn f:,,st H1•tr SR~. "'"nth. '"•11 49-A -Rl''lt Homes HA I.He lA BAY f'HOf'ERTI ES Ht11 b11r T1)~k 141'111 A Phone Call \\'ILi , t ;f'T YIH I 'llllc-k rr•ult ~ WE !'\E~;!' )lnu-e~ 11 n.1 11rta. f''urn nr 11nr11rn Fnr •llrnmt1 ren lBI nr ,\'"ai l;v le11s""· We ti11vt" rlt,.nt~ w111t1ni: J.lb~11y ti·fl711 l n 1 LI li·.!1•1'1 ----------lit Ill 1 r:RA OITATF: :-;t'Hl'IE will IRkt' ~F:C.Ll.D EO h1U,1<IP ''I""'" hnnw II rr>om 1111 I I brtr m k A • nt11h dc11. l:>1!1poi<al II\ r • 1 I ~,.111 F1rtpl. •r ac-1"11" i.:r,.11n•J• s 1 -;~. :10 1" r !lft fir. IJlh•tl\ >-·17 111, 1 • .. 17 -&MA-Apt". f or Rl'nt """· v w1•ly r l'l\'1111' honw. H A r- h11r n r• 11 :'\n "' hrr ~11··1<\" Fin· • •t '"'"' 11nrl r111 • l'h•>n1• H11rh<1r 1771• nr H111b11r 4~1. ll•k for ll11n1u J 3r l ~ --------- .>0-Uf'nf, !\Ii'"'-~~-~-----~~~~~- R. H . DA.NIEL 1M4 Newport Blvd. or L.I 8·2221! l !'lc l7 DISTRIBUTORSHJP EXCLUSIVE Ex~iting. new SS Money-maker SS BALBOA INCOME 6 UNITS-Older property «ntral- ly Joe., 113 blk.a. to heart ot Bal· boL Ulll. rm. Juat reduced to $21,000 for quick aaJe. 13000 dn. Ovmer Harbor 1898, 7!'>Uc Six &•ch Territories Open. Make $1000-$3000 per month. 61-Beal Eat.ate Exchange .• Full or part Ume-no ae lllni.- no experience -No overhead. W(lrk from your home. ·we l raJn. Investment In merc handlsu anrl advertusins tn!I ten a I requtrcct. \\'RITE a t)<lul your11el!. Olve ph. No. -Wrtte B ox 67313 Flint Stauon, Los An&elcs M . H clll ~Money to Lou LQA..i.;s TO BUlWJ. u.il'ROVE BUY, ltuOERNIZE, OR REFIN Al'\ CE We Buy Trual ~ed. NEWPU~T BALBOA SA VINOS & LOA .. 'I ASSO(.;lA"l;lON 3366 Via Udo. Ph. Har. '200 Uo LOANS PROMPT SERVICE !>';, lm<t trust rlt!eda 20 y<'ar11 Orange CoaHt Properties 18tl7 :\°f'41XH l Ave. Co11t11 M,"'I LI 8-16:12. LI 8-1400 E\'e.a. O~Ut.. LOANS for Homes :5'i'! -20 yr. Loa.na TRADE Desert Motel 7 units 2 mi. east of Barstow on Vegas hwy. Lot 162 x 400. Proposed Freeway may make this property v<.'ry valuable. Price - $37,500 Has loan of SH,300 Submit your trade for my equity of S23,2(\(). Will as· sume on income property. Write WELCOME TRAVEL- ER MOTEL, Rt. lA. Bar- 11tow, Calif. 2p15H HAVE 8 unit motel &: 3 bedrm hnme ln Lona &11ch. \\'111 trade 11•1' C.:orrina clo•l M iu pa rt 1nro mr> & homP. \\'ril l' Bc\x w.3;> thll' p11111>1, or phone Loni:: Brsr h ll(l6- J42. 13rlll HA VE 2 IArgr 2 hl'rlrm. homra, c1bl R8rai;;1•, 1 lot ~Ox!OO. Clol!e "'· San Fe111an1l11. •t6,000. Wit.I. TRADF. 11•1\Yn f1 r J-lnr bor a1 e11 nr ,~o~t 11 Mrsa hnmc- OW ~ ER. c·. H. lA •rif. Rtl'. 1. Bnx 666, J'Uver11dc, Caltr. Hp l~h Construction Loans 6i-R~aJ Estate SE'E BOB SATTLER 2:51!'> EAST COAST BLVD. Corona Cel Mar Haroor 1188 Rt>p. PU llUER MORTG AGE <.;O ~telro l.J.!e lna. S\ulda KL 3.:, 18!1 48Uc "Let Us Locate for You" Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Bl\•11, Baltx>a H arbor 26:'18 & H;ir -1600 8tfc REAL VALUES Sacrifice THIS t wo bt'ltm hnmc, IS llttl • 11 a.irrltlr<'. Hr.rdwtotiil rlori n1, Ill•• k 1tt'h••n lln•I ba th omJl,•11 ul b111lt·tnl!, cle11n n,. a , pin Exe r est sh!" IOCH!lnn, pt 11 !'d h > llt'll nt lhl' low, lnw pl ll"' of Stl,tM'I, Tl'rm11 .. . Attention Builders J L:~T 1.JSTED TY., nty lol A, plu8 two au cb (;•ICUI e11el 111de lO<'ll· ttun, ll<'W•'t !l1:tt. H11rry un this. B. A. NERESON RF:At.TOR J!l82 :'\ewpn1t Bl\'d Co•t1t M"..a Phone LI IS· 16 7:! E~·r,o. Lt .j I~ I 1-BR. STUCCO furnti-hed. on gol(lr1 &llt'••l 1 blk t•1 b• ,,, h 1 yea ra "I I, SllllflO OCEANFRONT I~COME /\ ltntt.8, I l'ur•icc •, 2 IOll' ll• ~I locat111n $.16 ~•llO F 111:sy ,..,, 1111• 3·BR. & DEN. Dbk . Garage :'\•·Wp<ll l t-:r11:ht ~ A 1t1tl 1:'""1 buy. You nrn~l Ate lhl•. $18 "011 t~rm~ Best Buy in \V<.'sl N<'wpnrl. 1 b r f111·111~hl'd ""~ r Ir n•·w Thr ri II' ... 1 ll:hl' s l\l.~•'l"' Ask for Htrslct G. ~p1r• 1 Ill Homer E. Shafer RE:Al.TOR 'A I t1u1 :-; t'Wl'flTl Pin ' H u . l Ill !':\.,.~. H111r 11 17 ·~I HALBOA BA\' P ROP E RTll':S 1:11'5 W UAL.BUA Bl.VII Ch11 rm111~ Harbor H~·rn HflR~fo: r·nRR At. FOR Rf:!\"T ,\I ·1'l1:,1 11f •A Tl::~ 3 llORS ES ~n·.7 1"11 r n "' ,. , '·n!'oo:.:\ ~1r~ '·' i..l\f.:?I\ 10.-1!\ -\\ o tJLD ltk~ w buy l!"l anu 2na F"r Harhnr rrQperty, bay a.nd l'llllH \I, f. ~ r A I .~ES lnw ren t Trust D~ed~ Crul Ha.r. 2321} h..arh. C'oi<ta .Mella. Coron11 del Cheapies ! PH O:\'F: H ARllOH .,If'~ 111 Ill :'\E\\' .. ROOM. ellr• t ln1•I :-;. "II Ap:i.-tm-:-n ts • 'f';illos 1•1•111 ll:\•h· r. c •IA MP•"l •Sttr )lar, Sant8 Ana. etc. 1.lh• rl v .... ;i;i~:•. !4(' 16 SMALL DOWN "' hn"i'. ,,.hq1p I a.: dt•l! II I l.,1•1,1 t REAL ESTATE LOA!\..-. IT'S DIFFICULT I r kit•.rnt. , X• h1~" • 1111 hdl-'." &11-.. M-.st.orr'i &: OffletS Interest Rate ~'l 1 _ ·10 Rt'T \\ E KE~I ' TRYl:'\G \\Rnl I t n1 2 l>t fu rn hnll'" Wtl h rriv• !"'~el. !111tndl\. l'ltol3Rl' 1 u·n ~. - ~Jr •S:.• Sa2 ~O \lfl Or• •II" s •·n· Nc-w Lux11 r~· ~1l'rlic11l ~nter LolUla quickly ma1Je 10 tile Bay An-a and C1•sta ~h.sa. Slng le or mulUple unit.a. Nt'w or old. Be ,.,.., and n ve by r c·tin&ncln1 your pr csl'nt lo:in M m1mum u - pense. N o rhe rgc tor prrllml· nary &ppra~l. Phone Santa An11 Klmbrrly 3~933 or write Mt, Hij?h 11 (••• en1 • e Aa r r r· I 1111nl'n1 , •'I"' :'\u rh1l lrrn ,,r f"'t i.. \\h8t h8\'6 )"II' \\'1t1r 8 1"1 <' :!II I ht~ Pft f'"r t f Yn !':'\G bul<ln• "'~ wnmAn, finan· '1 div 111olrpr11drn1. ·• 1•h1ldrrn i 't ~ Ao fl yt • • h1wr h~"kl'rl 111'· • t P~ ~ 111 .1 lw!i ·11 A!'f nr ht'11S" '"•r •round Y11rn. nr 11nrurn Tn $17!'1 month, Will pay mon• 1! tlr>~1r11blr Mu~t h 11vr> tHmM· rh"r" &-prtn1,.,• 1t rtrm tl'h"t1 11111~1 "" nlrr lv .i .. n,., Exr,.llr nt r"fl"rl'nCt'-" f'hl'ne d11\·~ :-;nnt11 Monica EXbronk ,.i;nu Evu A R1U1n8 :l· 74!10, rnll rr t. R t1h\' \f11rt"h. l:!r1 i Choice Wln~r ~nta.la on Ba.Ibo& Island & Lido Isle l mall • ea.,. • Jars• • dtlun 176 to 1300 rnonth VOGEL CO. 208 ~arlne Aft,. BaJboa X.l&nd Ph. Harbor "' or Harbol' 21 ~1 RN. Har. 1786-RK or LI 8-6297 &tt!c t.:C" •ltt!• 1 (jri. 1 1-•lf'f)J' 1~:un '121 1:1111 H ''' n l'lil• ,. l KJn, '< ~< :llh nl 11,.,lt :--r hP"I Al.SO F l 'H:'\J;"liEn Af'T:-: Wt :'\TF.R RATES ATTRACTI\'E 1 hmm. Ari' patl· Iv 1111 "''her1 ,,, oil•1"k111i.: l ·• 11t.- 1 ry t 'lub. Arlult" r>nl~ :'\ .. I" t • H~ Mf'>·' llr . 1_'11cta \lr•-i l :lrl ~ t•srt 'R~-2 htlrm •I'' 111 J7t;J Ar~hf'tlll . ~··~ '"'Pr. l i .. •J A r I· ht'mt ,-.. ,, ~I r·~ r h Llbo'r:v f..J:i•:b ~·re Fi.."R."I;, b11rnclor 11rt. S-1.i ml'I. 7111 \\'ut Balboa Bl\ d . .F •r kf')'& and lnfo rmallon !ke Ba y Ir ~arh Realt ,., J ~M \\', Balboa Hlvd, Ph. Har. 1:!61 /io:•ttc Fl...AGSTO:">E APARnIE:\"T:-; Jt"llT REDUCE[' Tt) ~'1!1 :'-10 1nrl. &II utthtt~-"· ~turt1" 11r"rt· n1i>nt be1111tHuily f11m 1•herl, ll1llC\ WL"her • nnr r. ~~ lllflllBl(rr lt''j' !n i ne A ,.,.. C'l"!ltA ~I PM 1=:ttc ~ BmDl'OQM rt1RN11RED DU· l'HA~:\E L f1,,nt J:Arai;u a f't!I , I PLEX. Corona rtrl M.ar. l'nuth M h\k. tn b111 & Lt•!" ~hnp~ l ·rr r Hl-1. $l10 ml'nth. tnrl. 11t11 & lower, 13:'1 8t l .'10. mn. fl l'i-·:11:1 MRS. KAY, Har. :'t-02 or Har. St., l-iewrort lkh . A r>L ~ 1 1\ ll 3779.J, Of ).fni. Wilha m,.,, H11r - 23117-W. lltf<' :'\'F.A.RLY :'\EW 2 bdrin ur"irn ; · r··~( lltl\• 1:•rh ' 1 In h" 1·0n!!ln 1ctcrl. Ample private parking, f'<'nlrally l0cate<l. L11 ynut tn tenanu. nrrlcr. F'nr Jnfnrm11.tinn, LlnO RE:ALTY 3·100 Via Lidn A8jlocia~ Har. 4444 l5tfc Bt'~l~ESS m 1, t i'3i•, SupPnnr A ,·e., CCl!ll.& Me-'I\. 1330 eq. fL NJlllpperl 110 "' 22(1 !'IP(', l""'W"r. ~k\ hghra. p;oorl parktn1 Ha r 211li·R. Cnur•"Y t.o ~enu. llr16 fl,\ I.BOA JSLA :\'D - ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Corrl'&pondtnt Occidenllll Lite .Ln.aur8Jlce Co. 033 South P.lain Santa A.na pp 57-Real Estate Wanted A Phone Call tton on ~h.nne Ave , office or \\'E HA \'E r Al'=H Rl'YER~ for ~hnr f'Lt ·~ 1 bdrm BJlL AU hn11Pf'll, tnn n.e r rnperly. a p1 ... , for S 12~ tn". Hu . l042. l I t.tc tr1rl• x. v11rant lnts or lll'l"Plllrt' Bl' ~l:SESS O FF ICE. excellent lo- c11tlon acroca tn• al.n et from rnrnna de! M11r P Ollt Otttce. Jdeal for 1o&.Q repreaentaUv•. contra.ct.or. 8'AJll.flr.... an or jewelry buainc.a Ut.U. pd. On!)• SIC\ rnonth. CALL Ben W bltm&n, Har. 1"62 Evea. Harbor H61 96ttr :\'O\\' l.Ei\~1:-.'G. a vailable bli~:· n r•11 C'lfr1rr l'f'll< r• C'"nt rr r f ~ '". roinn dtl ~tnr. at11 tnbla tnr f'PA tn'1•t ,.r· r 111t at J•H C'C1a1<l 11 .. , r 1611r ---n~~nrF. 1riv"11 tnr leU4' Ar- PLEAS!: J'H01'lt. writ,. nr ""~ U!I BAl..BOA BAY l'P.Ol'E.RTIES 1~~ W. UALBOA BLVD. PHOllo'!: HARBOR !Hl8. 1:lo 18 WANT TO BUY V11e&nt Int. c r partllLI acre, IU lmAI 70 · rr .. nt , 12:>· dl!"f' M·l A~nr11ltt11HI or C'ommn r.1al 1.nn . 1ni:: f'ltn~r quot,. tot11l pnr c- '"mla 1.111 ln(stlon. l'n vate par. ty. W n t c &x Y 3~ thl11 p11J1"r u The LOCATOR ot Caltf. Rramh ntltce. I 1 Hr1rbor Bh· ! Coata Mt'•3. f'hnno Ll 8·166 1 9':'L!C Leavin9 State 2 be•h rn homt. n~1or b1•11• h $!"•''" Ftrlll lllllt' nl!f'r•·d t tll•Ht ,,,..,...., 1\ P.F.AI. Hl·y ; :l ll"•h m hr•ll\~, rl•1~t 11'1 ('1t\ Hall, $;•,,,, F.Z l"rm l'. Sm111l hC\m • on Zfllh St, only $(10()(1 8 l .:'\IT COl'RT tn r·n~1 ,1 ~IP«&. Blclit tnl ntu lhe Parle, $illl:'IO Exrellenl. 1ncom f'. !'ma ll d11wn 1011lv """ "''ntlAhl,.'l r aymenl h11ncJlc3. Al.!"O OC F.:AN F'HO:'\'T R.E!o;TAl'· N. B. C. REAL TY RAN:t In :'\evq mrt llea1·h Sta· 32hr1 6 :'\••wpnrt Jllvrt .. :-;pl. l~ch !o'•n Ju st Martt.ng. Cnwl 1n11ney P hone Harbor l lu:'I. H • 1& maktir. CA LI,, LI he rt~· 8·31 l~. nwn,..r . I 1r24h HO~EST BARGAIN SEE HARBOR on~ \'1f'W - but level. 2 bt drm• , i blltht 1:1m1Jy room, 2~ fl. h\1nit room Owner I t leavtoi:: thr l'l8t"!I. snrl t h•• II' hottest buy, CD~I $15.000 Cliff Have n Home HERE JS ON!: of thn~ b ar I to gtl I hrf'~ bf'rlr•10n1 hnm,.~ \\1th fireplace M d t11ntn~ r·,,,m Freshly T'1'deror11 t rd thr .. ugh1111t a n I w'alh"r' rlpJl"•I 8f'11•1t1!11l oak tloora and l•Jv,1y l~wn" c>n· hanrt> the value of 11 t11 ftnt family homt FDR APPT. lo Ht call -l'J\lr"ED 1'0 1\ IMMP.:DtATY, 1n lr .FO RD VEJlRJ/l.L>i:R • al 113 t !\O liuyn " ran 1u 11m" Hnr . .:163 1 Evt's. Har. 31771 5lfc 194\011 4": !0&11 Pa,·ment, nf 'llf --------------a month 1nc.J11r11 tut .. anr1 11.~ CORO:'\' A DEL llAR. Orran '1rw • 11n1111 fnm. 1-~ a R . 2 ba .. 1.2. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. R. R , 2·1 B, P .. xtrs lg11. hv. rrtJ.. 2117 w. Ba.ll>na 8 1Vr1 , l'ipl & b 011rb dl1<J", 6 11;11r Nice pa llo. Ha.rbor 24 nr l.lbr rty 8·M 1'tJ 1>11n deck. nr. bt:h. PotvitJal Inc. 1~000. SJ0.000 wlll handle. C'On · tact nwne.r. 430 Avocado. Hu · CORONA DEL MAR bor n102, l 0r 22 ~ay ·Front Income 2 B DRM. HOl>iE, • )'Mre oliJ Lovely VtCW °' 'n It blly, t ilt J."an'*1 pao.t>, dbl g1ra1•. ,,.In· fof' •ti tor 2ntl fll)("lr. ~·2 lot R'duc"rt l lOOO 11u l ,1,..kn•""' (Was $10,500) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar COZY 3 BDRM. HOME on good street, cloee to shopptng center. Has fenced yard, patio 6 doubi. garage. Owner leaving, bas reduced price for lmmedlate aale to $89~. Exc!W!lve Agent ·BEN J. Whitman & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD'' "351Z-"'E:'""'Cout Hwy .. U>rona ae1 Mar (Eves. Harbor 1461) Har. 1!81 CORONA DEL MAR Home with income, this ha.a character aticklnl oat all o'·er . Colbr, color, color throughout. If you want. " a small home with a rental to help, aee thi1 ezclu.tve $13,500. . NEWPORT HEIGHTS Here is that hard t.o find S br ., in the right price brnt·kcl, plus a G.f. Joan with everything Included ln the payments. Plenty of yard apace, near achoola. $16,200. RAY REAL TY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3444 E. Coast Blvd·, Corona def Mar Harbor 2288 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN Stt this beautiful tiome on Cliff Ort\09 3 ~dnn11 .. 2 baths, Thermador kitchen, diahw&lher, garbng<.' disposal. Many other eJtullent featwu. l yr. old. A real value a.t $23,950. COSTA MESA If ynu a.re looking for a goorl 3 bdrm. f&mily home, Wl'l hli ve it_ Situated on Eut 19th Rt.. Price S12,9SO C:ill Llb<'rty 8-2661. (E\'cs. Liberty 8·70M)) EARL W. STANLEY. Real tor at 15th an<I Irvine Av~ .• Newport Beach 409 Columbus Circle Corona Highla nds Ql1ALITY HOME. 11tucco and redwood. with PAN· ORA~IC \'l E W of ocean and canyon. Central hall pla n. 2 bedrms., recreation room. l , baths, 2 huge ftr<'plarc-s. Lots Clf rupboarci s1•a1·e. !'<'parat<.' dining rm. H.t rdwood fioors. Therml')11la t ge" fum11cf'. Gu - ha~1· 1hRposal. D1shwa111her. 2 cnr Jl:arage. Pnced n i.;ht. Good t1·rms. Ask Don. Don Cameron. Licensed Real Estate Broker 310 Manne Aw ., Balboa Island. Harbor 2093 FOR QUICK RESULTS! 1.1 S1' YOt.:R PROPERTY for iui lc with a MuJU ple J~isting Brokc-r. Did you knnw this immerl1al.('ly puts 200 expe.rta to work on your rrop,.rty ? ALSO, for your protecUon. aJway1 buy thru a "R ealtor," Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 • 32nd ~t., NeW]')Ort. 8'-11.r h --------- 0 H I IT 1s--:·T WOftTH rT. J'cur'a pen OUSe frlw rlll !DIA hlln when h" bou~ht E11..'' ,. I• lai..:e l bdrm' b11lh !-llltlh1t ll111n h t inr1 tor 9')ffl• i;I,..,• bf-11'1• anrt U t Bt'T ~ 11111 ltn~h hvtnll "111 dlnLnc r~n t JOnV tt 111Y1ut lhla lov~ly rn '"' , 1r.li1nn• •'•t., "'.w ••HJ"' l· ht•rne nn ltAl.U<JA llil-\="'D-l"~ r•nrpfl lot , 110.rt. frllnt h)' :i 1 .. t t:• i.... .r"'ln1•, a g ul'J t roam. ~ • h1111 ... •r••r1•.11~ living t lYlra ·~~ I J..1'11k ttC1\'<r •u1ilt•ll Harhor3"'Ci Y1Ul f,1•1•l•c1 J l'ST A ITEP f'lr pu t1tu4.r11 ;179 I.A Perle, TC> no;: !SA y and WONDD\. ' c •1.3 ~!l'Nt FIRST TTME OFFERED! BY O\\'S F:l1 f'!.IF'F HA VF::" ~ Mrm Pl' I. IW Y a I 12!\.~.otl , , . bet~r h .rn ' ' l : MARl~EHS ISi.ii: REALTY 1111 ;\1111 1-,., Avr, U•lOO. l•l&nd ll•!l>'>r 41~1 CCJl:•J~A. HIGHl..ANU LOT9 - Cht>lce l!lltea A ft.ll&ble l -:'\'F'\'R;'ll ) ~I rt11;1Jr)l • 'l B R .ru~• apt. f',\ E~ 1:1!1 Gold•tod. CD}.L 13d :i j.>H 'lll'• l,i111·icJ•,· rt> • I 11 1 tr r :•1°\ll , r• I l '.I.•• " I 1 11~,. f'Dch Jn f.J lr> ~ "f'· i; M• I\. :.uo \"L& M&lllp . Har \\. A..'-1 to buy duplt'll. Triplex •H unit.a for euh from private p11r· ty He rbor area. Wnte &m \'32 w. paper. llpl j' UnJ la--2 A I bedl"ooma, turn· \lhed. Pter, float &lid prtYate oeaQ. 1000 e. 8&.lbo& Bl•d .. Halboa CT•at•ttw llMI. Un.Ir· t.-, '° ..-.... ~ Ullo Owner. 506 Avocado · : ... pl&r-. rthl cu l11r11" 1111 $11 •,ul'i C' 0 . I lr1&.n. H • "' I r>"r n,I}. tnrl ax ft. Int.. I~'~"' d?Wn. -Lltfl'17 l~t. u.l 7 Call Harbor 2a2t ~I .) .:7. l~Uc I ... • I ! ' I i~------------~-·~-------------------------------------------~ ' PAGE 6 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS THURSDAY, ... FEB. 17, 1955 I BAY AND BE AC H REALTY -REALTORS with three. off ices to serve you NEWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE BALBOA OCEAN FRONT COST A MESA OFFICE CLIFF HAVEN Open Houses-Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p. m. 600 Cliff Drive Bealttiful 2 yr. old large 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home on comer lot with breezeway, covered lanai -An ex· cept ionally well built and arranged home. $26,950 full price. AND 1001 Cliff Drive Panoramic view from this nearly new shake roof ·3 bdrm., 2''.! bath home. Thermador kitchen, 2 used· brick fireplaces, large din. rm .. wall to )Nall carpet- ing. A custom built home of 2400 sq. ft. for $29,750. A real buy (not leaseh.old) CLIFF HAVEN First time listed -This immaculate 2 bdrm. and bath home with la rge living room, dining area open· ing onto a beautifully landscaped fenc<'d back yard and awning covered patio. Wall to wall carpeting Beautiful patio, 7 bdrms .. 5 1~ baths. Large living room. dining room, kitchen, pantry, service porch. F. A. heat. This is a wonderful home for a lge family ' Full price $32,500 -Terms. Ocean .Front-Seashore Colony Attracti\'e home, nice living room with high ceiling, flagstone fireplace. 21:: bdrms., 2 baths, lge rumpus room, double garage. $24.000. · BEACON BAY-INCOME $5,000 Down Nicely furnished 3 bdrm. home with attractive 1 bdrm. apt. Neat as a pin -newly decorated. Has excellent rental record. BALBOA PENINSULA Just listed -3 bdrm .. P ,i baths, lge. living rm .. nice patio, walled for privacy. Built-in BBQ, all for $16,950. Beautiful View Lot -Corner. Not Leasehold. Sl0,650. LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE Open Houses Daily 1.S p. m. 339 Lido Soud-Bayf ront Pier and Slip -3 Bdrm -Furn. $49,500. Also-215 Mentone 2 Bdrm. on 35 ft. lot. $21,750. 3 Bdrm ., 2 Bath, Lanai 65' lot, lge. liv~~m. wool carpeted wall to wall, drapes. O~e of the nicest houses on Lido. Shown by appointment. . 3 Bdrm., 2 Baths, Lge. Liv. Rm. .'' On 2 Stradas, $3,500 down, Full price $27,500. 4 Bdrm. - 1 % Baths on 35' Lot $19,900. throughout, com er f1re;1acC'. dispm;al -a really Qne_n Houses D i e pr tC1!" ts 'T1&11t· ~l+,85&--· -----......... ---::-~~o...::i-~o.;;.,..,.,:!;...;...:::.w.::~_...;:;::;.£:;.u....~..:::.....r1~~ ........ '-'LL.-;a;.:.a._~~v.eE:r~a~l...;G~o~o~d~L~Q~ts~ with a 4 1::'; FHA loan. 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. 30' to 88' 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1161 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. F . Geddes -Lt 8-3158 A. Tietz -LI 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL : T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N . Martin -LI 8-1774 W. 13rauford • Har. 0289-J E. B. Chase -Har. 2762-J Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL : R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J . Kimble -Har. 1087-R R. Norton -Har. 4035-W P. Terry -Har. 4933 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS A Phone Call Will give you information on the following properties- CLIENT HAS 2 bedrm. house in Costa Mesa. Will •ell for $6950 with Sl:'>OO down and finance balance -OR-will trade "on houRe in Newport Heights or Costa Mctla. This property 1s neat and attracth·e. Furniture is 1wa1lable. OCEAN FRONT housE> in good spot for swimming a nd fis hing. Attracl1\'e hriusc with ~ beth·ms., nire Hving rm .. Bar typ<> kitchen. Disposal. Pal10. Plumb· ing in for additional buth in gara;;:C'. All walled. Ideal 11ummer or year round homl1• SI i ,!'JOO. Balboa Bay Properties 1505 W, Balboa Bl\'d., Newport Uea1·h PHonc Hnrb<'r 51SS or Harbor 19b3 'COSTA MESA The Best .Town on Earth' 65' FRONTAGE ON N. P. A\'E. ri~hl in town small bldg. with an alley in th1· r<'u r , 15.150. NEWPORT HTS. 3 BR. oltlf'r hume-Jble. garage. Large lot -a real bu~· -, '")()(). with .. 1000 down. N. P. Hts. lot with dblr. iraragc. ,·1:?50 with reasun- n hll• tc-rms. 2 B.R. home--1 yr 1lld-f1rc·plnrr-<lblr. ga rage- cloee 1n locat11m-part1t11ly furmshcd-$!1550 w1lh $1550 down-BAiance on FHA loat1 $67. o pe r mo. inclurlmi: t:i.M•s and in!'urantr. 1 1 •8 11cres-3 br. h<>ml'. work l'hOp·-dble. garagc- in ~w«>r d1Rt., $13.500. with tcrmfl. t B.R. CLO~t: Ir\ $5500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Cost:t Mesa. LI 8-1601 -------- TWO Terrific buys ! Bf:Al'TnTI~ 12 b<'tlrin l'll Al I"\ IJL'PLl-;X, T "r t ~"l 1111tr lcH"alion, tlMI' tn lOWI) V 1•1y r h·vrrl) l1111t uut l'r oper ly ()nly 3 :>"•ars olol 2 l'IH l:~lll~l' In .... nwr Ju•41 ..,l'lll• •I •"lute ttn•I lh•• 11> a 11or CH'\'. 111 Only $12,500 3 Bedrm. Home J l"ST 0 1-F ,,f ll.11 h"r Bh"l Is & v• 1 v n11 •· :J lot'>lr 111 h o111tl'. plt11< a lll'l\UI Ifill >'<'WlnJ: 1<111111 1'111~ l''"P' 1 lv 111 1111 m:11·u1.,.t1• F:xctf•· 111111dl\ 1.11~·· h\11~ '""'" anol olinin.: ,,., rn Flup11011.• rir .. 111 Y11u lJ 11)\'" lh•• k11< h• n wllh pltnly •Jt I 111•h••Altl ><pRl'I', 1.11r1o:1 j!.trll~" llrld A liou It fltrl." Ito! 1'11k<' " 1 .... 11 "' t ht, 1:1111<1 huy Only $8850 Phil Sullivan & George Everson I II :'\• "IKll l lilv•I. ("r111la M•·'ll I "' 10'1 r, "'" ' "~"· :'ol··~ .. Bank I "'·""" 1.1 i,.,1 ly -0~1)\ J-:\., ll tl .f }fl•i 1.1 b ·:!lll3 Corona del Mar :? ... tlr Ill 111>'1 or I\ rr h• 1111' \\ rl h 111• 11111 lt••lllol• 1lllll:" l<r I \f.'(1t•d f• n• -··I "" tt• w.• 11rtt I , hlkH Al>ii\'P l'nm11\1un Lu" 1ln t-:11~..-f1n.1nnnl!' TRIPLEX \\llh !II• IA ly It nl.tl 1ncnn1C' l hool "'II tt1.1kr thr 11RVll1t•r1I> 1·1"'" tn 1 h,. rn-Rrh. Hr 1J>111111hly p1 tel'1I Lovely 3. br. home In Shn rc• ('ltlfll :-:t>nrin~ <""ntl'h'- l111n ('hnnt r '" llllll r wk r11ln1 s \\11nrl0 1lt1I "'"" Two r 11r1•l&rr~. 2 bn\h• J!• "'''' Riii\' prl<'('ol, ('nll .!\tr. l'11 tt11111n. "Ith OCEAN VIEW Corona del HOME Mar • W. E. Fisher, Realtor Fint for a couple who wish to «.>snip<• yard work. All rooms in this lwo-bl"ilroom hnml' are lar~e 1tnd u ch has an ocean \1ew. Qualit~· fo:iturcs include d1!>- poul, dishmaster. s1lt'nt swit1·ht's, forc<'Ci 1ur heat. For a modest home in the highC'r price range, le.t us 11nt1 A~~OCl.\TF:~ 34'34 E 1h t C'vn .. t II ,.;hw11y <:nron11 olt>I :'olnr rhone I l11rbor 2~ 13 LAGUNA BEACH LIDO ISLE • Extra large 2 bedroom, 2 bath and den by promlnent architect with many built-ins. Single story on 50' lot. $35,000 Very roomy 2 bedroom. 2 bath single atory on a fine 45' lot . S25,500 2 bedroom, 2 bath on a beautiful 37' corner Strada lot . Big patio. $24,950 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a 35' lot at less than actual cost or replacement. $24,750 We have· a large number of fine lislinga all over the Harbor Area. Drive in to our free parking lot and let us show you around. TOM PAYNE JOE STAWICKI DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport 81\·d. Newport Beach MR. FIXIT An old timer near the pier and beach. 3 unit.8 that need paint and putty, S7.500 and $2000 down. VACATIONERS Check this cute Little hou~ al only $6.900 Ii S1.~ down . Comp. furnished and just ':.: blk. to the water . HARBORITES Look at thiR \'ery nice 2 bdrm. and den home just two blocks from Richard's, comp. furnished and in be~t condition. S13,500 full price. COSTA MESA $500 DOWN NEARLY NE\Y 3 ~drm hon" l.AM ll<'aped. Cl>Od IO<'lllOn. On 11ewer•. • • • COR.'\'ER LOT 60x12:0, • adjacent lol 60xl30 Hoth ror J~OOO Submit Term11 $1000 down. nea1 ly n<'w • ~drm 1 '-b1H h hvme on la1 ).!e co rneor land~a~d l••l • . . . NEARLY NEW 2 bc-drm . ran<"h 1tyle home, 1h11kr rvot, hdwtl noora. Flrf'plac<'. L.aml••npt.J It fenc<'d Vl'ry close l•J 1hvpp111.: • traMp Submit $2000 clt>wn . . . l'0 UR1'. DUPLEX vn Broadway. 2 bdrm11. ea. unit. f'lro·pl. Hdwd. floor11. Submit JJOOO down. 17:i'x300' leVPI lot. on ecwl'r 11. ;gOntd tor bustnrsa. nl'Xl lo cornn of .19th .. Pll'l<'f'ntu1. Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 19th • Ph1cent11., C. Met• Da ya 411 ens. Ph. W tnrty 8·3663 H cl:i BA YSHORES-new listings 3 br , 1 "-bath, shakt rout '23,:>oo 2 br. PLUS car apl. .. $21 .~00 BACK BAY. 2 11crt• w/rental.-nt'11r r \\'111 Splltl l!l'hOOI $H.000 FULLY EQUlPT. chl('k, ranr h on al. to •t. acr chlx. rabblta, PAUL C JONES Realt chlnch. Lota or 1'1)om tor upan· • I or 11lon. PLUS a llr. 2 br. AIUl'CO 2620 Newport. Blvd .. Newport Beach. Harbor 2313 hou~. dbl,. gar. .. $40,000 l4clS LOTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We 're in the money \\'TTH THIS ONE -" BUSINESS BLDG. down- tolll.-n B:tlboa location. Extra parking lot. Leased for S350 month. Pnce $35,000, terms. CALL Lila B. McFarren at COAST HIGHWAY, C-2·H, 1)0 x 4t>O • S2l 000 ~ A cres. Coat.a Mf'lla ..... S 11 00-0 4 untlA oreen front ............ $33 2~0 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cou t Hwy, LI 8-4277 Newport Heights ! HEAVEN? Well, almost! It's LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT with pier and large alip. Deaigned by Ellerbroeck, built by Hall. A truly oul8~anding 2 bed· room, 2 bath home. Everything po111ible !or your enjoyment and easy living. Even a dil1poul in the service· yard sink for vegetable and fish cleaning. Built-in Thermador kitchen, also dishwuher. Whitt shingle tile roof. Terrific cJoaetl and built-lb fea· turea. Lovely carpeting and draperies. The full priot for this gorgeous home is only $M,OOO. 54 FEET of Beautiful BA YFRONT, t1UJ also bu a pier and large slip, terrific family room with bullt·ln barbecue and bar. New forced air furnace, exquiaite dining room, 5 bednns., and a nice den. 5 baths, lovely terrace overlooking the bay. Full price- $85,500. This home has to be seen t o be ap.preciated. New FRENCH REGENCY style. 4 bedrm., 3 bath home now under construction. Designed by Lacy, built by \'isscher . Good BAYVIEW, maasive ueed brick fireplace. also fireplace in oversir.ed muter bedrm. Built-in Thennador oven and range, carpet- ed downstairs, hardwood floors upstaini. OvenPed double garage, enclosed patio with built-in barbeCue. Close to the Club with it.a guarded swimming beach and tennis eourt. Thia fine luxury home ia only $37,000, and by buying now, you can still pick your colors in tile, formica, exterior and interior waU.. Remember we are the developers of Lido I.ale,- We know the property. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido harbor 1500 ' heck these for bes~ values . ......,;___~ CORONA DEL MAR 1. ATIENTION Builders, Speculators We have a neat 2 bdrm. pome built on rear or 50' lot on Marguerite Street. with double garage, fenced yard, brick patio and room to build add'l unit on front of lot . This is a good buy. Priced at $11,500. Only $3000 down. 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. floors, carpeted W to W, ha11 11eparate dining room, 2 paved patios. Nice yard, beautifully landscaped. Drapes inc. and only $27,000 Shown by Appointf!)cnl. 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean Viev. This choice income property Iese than 1 block to O('ean and beach, O\\rner 2 bdrm. home PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. PLUS large 1 bdrm. apt. with ocean \'iew, All units furnished complete. Located on 45 x 1 t ~· lot. Better hurry on this one. Pme<l Kt $40.000 & $1 2,000 dn. will handle ' 4. A SCARCE ITEM! \·EnY attractive 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, carpet· ed wall to wall. Nice dining area. O\"erlooking large paved patio. Complt-tcly fenced. G. I. loan. REDUCED from S16.000 to Sl4.500 for quick sale. EXCLUSI\'E WITH US PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 47 !Office locatC'd next door to Corona dcl MAr Bank) BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two units. 2 bdrms. each. a REAL buy at ~37,!)()(), Sl0.000 down. No. Sa\· front modt'rn 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with ,·1ew . from C\"NY room. Completrly furnished. Asking $45.750 and ONLY $50<)() down. Near new 4 bdrm_ home and apartment completely furnished and in excellent condition. Full price S36.500, term11. 2 bdrm. furnished and in g<1od condition. to be sold u is for only. Sli.95Q and get th111, U250 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Aw .. Baltxia !Rlnnd Harbor 444 I E\'t's. LI fo.·5297 -Har. 1786-RK) 17 Units -17 Garages, South Gate Room to builrl more -Business bu1liiln1ir Full pnce S~5.000. Gr<•MS inrum<· ~14.430 yr. '1 Down Masonry construct ion -Brokc:rs welcome llhow you t his unusual \'Siu<.'. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor C"HARMl:"G Arlllll l<' l br rollnl!" I lf'8l l0<a llon l'n OC'N\n. r~tra lull:"" Int. Jlrl\'8\f' Pl''f'd 11trel'I. n•> ~lrp11, l'<'durlt'd yrt dose to bu~in• ,.,. d1111\r1rt.. 2 patina oftf't <'"mr ltl'" prt\'&Cy. w•ll l&nd· """red 411 romrl,.tely t 11m111hed, ronm to enlarge. Furnished -$10,500 "RING" Geo. W. Bell, Realtor Kl 3-5035 Balboa Bay Properties 419 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 3786 or 2517-M 2647 E. Coast HiJ?hwa~". C'llrona del ~lar. H arbor 2 Will Trade -For Bayfront Home, or7 Tropical Modem , Dt'IUXC' ::?<l units • wit h beautiful f iltered, heated pool · approx. 90x250 lot. located 10 minutee to Downtown Los Angeles -Income approx. $26,500.00. See The Vogel Co. 3201 r· Coast Hwy., ~l't. lk h. LlbtiJty 8-3481 ~re n r. Ad11m• houM at 316{\6 8<'11cllff Drive. &>. l.A~ma S11nd•y 11 to 3 G,t key from M&rty RAy. &nytlmr Cyp~y 6~101 daya HY 40~r> fives ., H pt9 J~ DOWN movu you Into n('w 3 ~<Inn. F'l't'l'•tom Homt , Costa Mr11111 C11olrt IN-11Uon I.And· I .caped Tiled. $11300. Kl 3·2821 H c l6 ---------------$2500 Dn. -$70. Mo. LOOK WHAT . WE FOUND 3 br. well located houae, living room 13x18, Hard- wood floors. Covered patio, laundry and cueet room with garage, $8000, terme C-2 BUSINESS lOO'x.190' Newport Blvd. $10,~. UNUSUALLY (ood buy In a nlc:t· ly f umt&hNI 2 ~t1room hom~ nf· fer1n1r-Hdwd. !loon , au t'l. hnt.. Hxl8 Wdrm. All buuutully d,.corat,.d In pleutns color•. nicely fenctll • la11d1r ap1d and 1ttua led In t hl' chotr t1t part of the Ht'IJht• roR THE BIC8T DEAL In thll area ~t&ct- "ART" ADAIR Realtor Roy Greenleaf Jr. 1666 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Me.ea Liberty S.3792 Ir ASSOClATES 3112 N~wpnrt Blvd., N1•port Bch. Just(hon• HARBOR 161' to Plec. Your Ad °" This Peg•. Harbor 2M2. • H c16 . Might tll ke g1JOd p8Jlf>r A!! part THIS IS THE BEST Fir11t time offered, 2 bdrm homl', hdwd. flt')Onl, fire- place, dble. gar . with extra 11howt-r. ~nuth or Hi,;h· way Corona dl'I Mar. Only 4 yearR 0ld. One owner during thRt' timP hu krpt 1t RpotlN414. i::.EE IT TODAY, 01'1 .Y ~14,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout HW,.., Corona dtl ~Jar Har 277' • t .. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 • BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 5 Suites-All Leased Much Better Than Average lncc;>me! LOCATION IS IMPORTANT! Where finer than thl.I choice corner 9n Newport Blvd. one block from City Hall and J.wo block• from Lido abope ! We OFFER YOU this quality conatructed 2 story, 8 year old building, approximately 3700 aq. ft. for on,y $'2,500. Paved Parking Area. Terms may be arrpged. Come in 111d let'• talk over the DOLLAR PROFITS ON THIS INVESTMENT. • 11C" THOMAS "C''J' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 1-5 · 2580 Crestview Drive _Bermuda Ranch Style Home Beautiful cuatom built 3 bednn. 2 bath h ome on ex- tra lge. attractively landscaped cor. lot. Liv. rm. with raiaed hearth fireplace, paneled wall, beamed ceiling, allding glasa door• onto oversized walled in patio, full din. room, PRIZE winning natural kitchen with built-In Thennador oven & range, breakfast bar, natural wood thru-out, all large rooms, laundry room, parkay floors, w to w carpeting. All individ· u&lly tailored drapes included in this lovely home f or those who want the finest. A· Real Value-at~ $38.2~ --·-----------__ .__...._ "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8·5527 •c• THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' .THOMAS ''C" THOMAS SMART PEOPLE ARE TRADING Will trade Pasadena Income for H arbor area income or commercial property. Pasadena property consists of one 3 bedroom and den h ome and a 2 bedroom house. All on a large corner lot. Price $19,500. Trade up to $40,000. Will trade Lido Isle new 4 bedroom home for home or Income prope rty l.n West L . A. Value $33,500. Will trade 4 tA~clroom Arcadia home for Lido Isle •1 bc-droom. P rice $35,900. Everybody is trading n ow. Let us show you how we can trade your prC'sent property for what you rt'ally want. WISE PEOPLE WILL TRADE p. a. paln:ier, inc. le harison co., sales management " J 700 w. coost highway -liberty .55-;3 LIDO ISLE LIDO ~OUD BAY FRONT-Pier & slip. Only 1 yr. old. 3 br .. 3 bath, el"<'· k1td1. 8 u1lt-1n dish washe r. ( :arb. d1 llp. W to W rat p<'tll. I >rapN4 anrt new 20' C<'ntury lllOlor bo :it, incl. m J•ri<.'e. Thiti is a hom•y ! Price $70,000. ALSO You sel.Jom find such a g1l0d buy on Lido! Older home, 4 bdml. an1t dtn. Beautiful 60' lot. This prop- erty has xlnt. poss1b1ht1cs. Be-6Ure to see it. Aaking price ~:?4 ,150. BALBOA BAY COVES Select location. on the waterfront, 3 years old. Lots o f tile, F. A. h eat. 2 bdrm., P~ baths. Xlnt. flnancing. $26.500 furnish~. ALL a re exclus1\'e llstmga with EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3118 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach Har, 1013 VOGEL VALUE -Draw to this pair Top location • Low Down Payment • 3 bdrms .• val- uable lot with patio & fenced yard -Believe It or not -only $1500 down ~ $13,750 full price. VOGEL VALUE Cute 3 bed rm. home with fireplace -hudwood floors -nicely fcnero arad landscaped yard • only $3000 down • G. I. loan. Pnce SH.500. Owner might trade up. See The Vogel Co. 8201 W . Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8·3481 CORONA DEL MAR On 4S-ft. lot. la rce U\'ing room and large bedroom. Very well built house S 13,600. Cute house for onf penon or c:ouple-Javlng room. dininr room, one bedroom. Garbage d1~posal. Large aingle garage, $11,000. Motel In Redondo Beach for sale, FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtortt -RusinrR.~ Rrl'kt'r 3135 £. Coast Hwy., Coron:i dt•I ~far. Harbor 2152 .. What Do We Mean BILL'S BEST BUYS? M we are mem~ra ot loWLTIPLE LJSTI?l:O SERVICE we cet all of the mulUple ll1Unc• from more than 200 Brokefl and aalea men. We then llj:reen them and Mlect tbe onu we conalder out· atandlnc buy11 and thoM that qU&llfy are BILL'S BEST BUYS Ot cour.. we cannot advertlee the.m all ao why not drop In or phon1 and aee If we can 1how you lhe buy that flt.a your needa. Here a.re a few that we recommend thia week; lN COST A MESA One bdrm. home haa large llv. rm., Ule kitchen A: bath, •tr· vice porch and Mxt~7 ft. Jot for gardtn It pe~. Pru.·e $~~ 1300 down . 3 bdrm., hdwd. floor•. Formica and 1ar. d1ap. In kit.. on curbed and pave•I St. on East aWt>. Price $10.9~0 -Terma 2 Ouplexes f!l:ew) OPEN SAT. 10 to 4 Buy one, or both. HJwd. flQOrJ. Disposals. fir<'placn. Close In location. S.F:. cor. llllh .t. Or· ange. Call tor app't. to He any llml'. VACA?l:T corn(•r. E. Side. 11 7xt39 for 2 llui;e Jt)ta. Owner w11ntA Cllish. L1stc~I lll $4,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Jm·ome properly -Two 6•; yn. old ho011·s •ln l11rr,. corner lot. Full price SO.MO-'2.000 down. •I BDJnr. 'l'P:ARLY NEW. Forced air h1•At, t1rcpl11r<'. dtsp .. 20x20 g-arai.:.-. :'\l'ar Hli;h School. PavclJ le t'Urbcd St., l 13.8:iO.- Small dawn. anlJ ASSOCIATl-".S REALT()H "yntfll llkl' 6ur fr11'n•tly lll'TVlce" 3!13 E. 1 itt\ St .. Costa Mt'!a l.llwrty IS·l l:Sll Holmwood Drive · A Street of Beautiful Homes $21,111!0 bu~·· an exc,.pUon&lly nice l1u~r tllrrc bcJ roam. two \lath home IN•S than thr!'" Yl'Ura old 1n tht' t•llotccst 111.'<:tlon of lhe 1 h-lf>h ls. TH C:H E is ovf'r 80 feet /rnntagc 1•n H•ilmwooJ tnaunng m11xl· mum prlvnry. Th" ~011nt1' 11rP prore11>-1onally la11d11C&fl'"' 11n!I ti•,. r1 ar area la c1Jn1pltLely ft ni'f'd. nn; CHITICAL Tll'Yt:n wrn llP· Jlf<'t'llltC' lh1.• top i:rade 11ak etc.or· 11 i;. tl.c \CQ' hnl tn forced air h••atmg and the gen1>r.i111 amnunl of fi ne C'u•tom <.Ahl nel wvrl<. OTHEH F"EATL'Rl-:s aro l:srge am11unt~ "' i:lr•'-1 mC'lulJing 11llllln11 J:IA~..i wall on to the luve· I\• 1•1ttu. lll,.,1 bath•. lin·r l•rf' onol o lrq;11 <lie• r(ul kltrhen With luv• ly vlt w nt t h,. nt o·a.n. 'fhtre t~ 11 1•11 a lt1•in1lry r-oom and an un11S1.a l 1lln1ni; rvom. THl!'I H OMF: rrp1C'"<'nlJ1 the top .t .. llor 1..1!11t In th1' 1111rbor 11r1.1. P"" ,., 1 url' In 111111 pnld 1'3r u 11I llH' fll • jl• f l\' 11 l1w:1 lr<I 111•1•1~ 1111· =""" fli't l l. l v 1111111 ... Yv11r 11\/<Ji• 1 li. n 111 lnvtl• d. \V. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2117 W . BISll>llll Ul\•11, Ottlcl' Har. 21, fif'111tence U 8·!'H90 NEW & MODERN BETTER LIVING BIGC£ST BALBOA ISL.AND val. In cumrort.able Uvtng In well pl11nned 2 l>fX hurnr. with com- pletely tu.rni.h~ llflL ove r dbl irara.ge. 1A11Ch1 ot WHtlro~ 1p&ce. Sunny p11Uo, wall to wall <'&rpet, turn11ce htat and flrepL If looking In lht '25,000 to 130,· d'bo run11:e. be 1ure to •ee lhl1 home and Income. Contact. Hub Powtr- J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor H eol Park An. Balboa llland BARGAIN nYJ!IJ ROON. 2 bednn., dining room, brta.ktut rm., full base· ment fUrn.l•hed. Lot 30xl00 tn allty. Fron ta 1 o O<'tan at 2426 .M11nhattan Blvd,. Hf'rTtlCla& Bch. r: rrds cloning Md palnUntt Full pttct S 11.500. Ownu, 465 S1'11v.·11rd Rna•t Corona dcl Mar. l'hone J~arbur MU or 3611-J. 13cl~ BY OWNER Corona Klchlanda -I bdrm~ I btllh fa.nnhouM. Ph. Harbor 78-J ( MUo ,, THE GREAT ORANGE COAST GRAND HOME WITH GRAND VIEW H olmwood Drive, Newport Hta. Out.lt&Dd.inl view home, lovely 3 bdrm.a .• 2 tiled bath•. Thermo sn.vity heating. Carpeting W to W. Clutom drapes. Beet appointments. Tinted glua windows. Flaptone fire- place. Oveniz.ed dble. garage, $2e.~, full price. Good Term.. OPTOMETRISTS, MEDICAL, DENTAL Home 6 offtce for practice in Medical Cent~r. Eut 18th St. Beautiful 2 bdrm., den, dining room, lge. living room yith f .p., hdwd. floors. Attached double garage. Paved alley, aeweni. 75 ft. front. A bualneu buy at residential price. $5000 down le .eller will carry ~&lance. No finance charge. PHYSIOTHERAPISI'S -PED IA TRI CS -.. CLINIC 4 bdrm.a., 2 baths, carpeted W to W. Drapes, newly developed area. Corner location. No profealonal services near. Ideal setup, $1',250 -Terma to 1uit. $53. A MONTH --t<µ, INTEREST Good neighborhood. Near Country Club. Bank ap- praisal makes this 2 brm., home rare bargain, $9150 full price, $.?450 down. Let ua submit lower down t o owners. . PLACENTIA ~t. M-1 FRONTAGE. 127 ft. just north of 19th. Depth vane. from 30' to 290' to alley -$70. foot. HARD TO LOCA'ZE ACRES Close to school, Back Bay, ~ Q~velopments. ~ acres at $3000 acre. Wonderful Investment. Terms. C-8.J Eatate __ ;.:_ ___ _ CLIFF HAVEN NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 7 THURSDAY. FEB. 17, 1955 Pric.t t o ae.U, under 120,000. J&OOO IS-8-1 r..tate 6%-8"1 f'.ata&e • dn., buy1 a deed to t.hla unuau.al :.;..._;.;.;.;;;....;;.~~---------.:---~-----­a bdrm. • playroom home. 008 Slrnal Rd. Shown Dy app't only. LyUe. Evu. LI 1-2642. OCEAN VIEW Ul.000 • M500 buy1 e yr. old I bdrm., i % balb. 2• • ao ,.,..,. Ir: ahop. COr. lot at end of Tu.tun overlooklnl Pac.. Oe~ Bhown by app't. Lytle Eve. '1 '1·2'42 CL08111 TO DOWNTOWN ON RO- CHEBTJ!:R. 21BDRM. NEARLY NEW. Hwd. tin., .. wer, curbll Ir: p1v1n1 In 6 paid. ll'ull prtct ltti:S, only 11600 dn. Hurry. PetUt Eve. U 8·6U7. BUSINESS Ir: INCOMI! on Balboa Ial&nd. BAY FRONT NEAR VER.RT LANDING. Hamburtrer at.and, paddle boara, 3 al?t. ren· taJa. A. real money 111aker. Room for Qpanllon. Hurry before H•· 11<>n atarta. fl0,000 or le• ht.n· dlea. Seymour Eve. Har. 6298·W, M·l ON SUPERIOR. Luc• hou.te on rntr. lot, b~ ot town. On nwer. Room for mfir. bu11dlnfa. Thia prop. wUl lncreue In va.lue Have home and bu•lne• at only 112,900 with low terma. 2 NEWER DUPLEX UNITS In C·J. near new ahopplng center. Front apt. t'(UI be eully con· \•erted to bualne.u or octlc~. A real bargain A: trrm1. Eves. phone Bt'nner Har. JO ll WlDEl SELECTION Ea.at & Wd t Side. Rcuonably pr1celJ. Houston . &~~,lty A ASSOCIATES 609 Center St. Colla Me!!I BA YSHORES HOMES Many attractive homea from $17,950 to $4:5,000 Balboa Island BA YFRONTS Small 2 bdrm. home on North Bay -· .. ····-·-·$34,500 Bayfront home, pier & float ·-········ ........... -... $38,750 See ua for a good .election of Bayfront homes. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nice family home nr. bch., unfum. 3 bdnna $~.760 2 unit.a, older, good income _ ........ -......... _ .. _ ... $14,900 I Balboa Island Income 4 bdrtns., plua lgr.&pt., nr. beach ....... :. .. $26,9M On Little laland, 2 bdrma. plua 1 bdrm. apt. $26,000 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrms., & den, canyon view, NOW ...... -S1S>,9M ' 2 bdrma. on Avocado ·-·--· .. --.. -· .. -·-.... ··----$10,900 . BALBOA PENINSULA, 2 bdrm. home __ .. $21.tW)O FOR FURTHER INFORM.A TION on all theee tine p roperti<'s, call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa bland -llDO REALTY Associates MANUFACTURlNG or BUSINESS w 8"8911 l:vta. Har. 6298.w Open Home -1 to 5 Arch truued bldg. 60'xt08'. H arbor Blvd. Plenty View Homel. Saturday and Sunday only area for .open storage or parking. Suitable for ware· ( h yt' b intm t), "You cA.~'T HARDLY oET s own an ime y appo en j house, lumber yard, plumbing, boat building. Re· THESE NO MORE.'' Channing tail or whol~ale site. Beside above have incoi:ie ?! ~ 1>edr01Jm Mme on K1n1t• Rd.. 127 Via Koron ... ....~,__ ..... "Tl:aot'-:e~lt-1,...~,,... ..... -f"'""'-''*",....-·'"·-'"---~~"'--·-"-, ___ _,,_.....,,....: -~ ... ~·---·500'~11 'fiOW fflh; -"*"~ ... 500"qUOWU ya --Ocean. Atlr:=y-;;;;~pt>J. -·-A wonaeriUt-brand"'oew lioiii'c wit1i!:!''Se3'---roomJ-.....-.--2 ---~-..._. S69, cannot be beat, $22, down. F.A. hrat, tir,•phlt'I'. r t'otur .. 1 are full sire and the master is extra large. 2 Wed ' . . ! . ! GRANGE .COAST PROPERTlES you want In .. n. lllvely home. baths. master lx'Clroom carpeted and sliuing doorm &::~ ---· -o pe n fom it onfo rmas-ni!icenl iiunuel'l<. UCaull'.ru ... ------~ INSURANCf.; -SALES -LOANS -BlTLLDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL·VALUE Check all 12 features of tkis Exceptional Buy 1-Comfortable 3 BRs., P~ baths home. ~-Nice, comer lot on oc<.'nn i;1de of Hwy. 3-Mstr. BR. has lg. slitting ~laHs window with view of hills & connecting full bath with tile ovC'r tub. 4-Thermostat furnace. 5-Lar gc handy kitchen with tile Rink. ~No. 2 BR. with very large d osels, No. 3 BR. with :i~ bath. 7-Laundry and work room. S-F<'nced patio and BBQ. D-1140 square feet of living area. 10-Hoom to build accond home. 11-Som<' furniture inclutkd. 12-Pru:e (lilly Sl 1.500.-$2500 Wlll handl<'. Atln : Multiple Listing Brokera THE VOGEL CO. 2GG7 E. CrwRl Hwy., Corona dcl Mar Har. 1741-1177 TO SETTLE ESTATE -. Two lo\'cly homes on Lido l sle 1.-3 bednna. 2 t ile baths, lge liv. rm, Youngstc,wn kitchen with snack bar. Fore~ a ir heat. E.:<tra large double garage. ~l ,500. Appr<'X . .,b500 dn. 2.-4 bcdnm and den, 3 tUe baths, large living rm. with fireplace, tl.inini; area. Nice kitchen and snack bar. Laundry room. Lota o( closet space. A real buy at $35,000. Shown by appointment only. George L . Stewert BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W . Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Ha r. 5188 or H ar. 1983 NEWPORT VISTA RESALE 4 BDRM. HOME. 2 baths, landscaped, w to w car· pet, asphalt t ile & other xtras. LOW DOWN Furnished or unfurnished. BALBOA INCOME 3 units. furnis hed. Heart of Balboa. sch . gross $3200 ech. net $2000. Conct. foundation. xlnl. condiUon. ONLY ~000 WILL HANDLE. FISHER and COMPANY 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 4429 BALBOA ISLAND Only $4000 down Two bedroom home, PLUS studio apt. E--··-.dly con· ·.eructed and very well located. Full price 118,rw>O WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor • •• And A uociatee Park at Marine, Balboa l&land -Harbor 2462 Balboa Duplex! kitchen with built·iu ov1:n and range, dapoal a.nd GOOD a~' Y AXD OCJ::AN LOCA· dishwasher. Separate dining area. Ulit'<l brick fife. TIO~. 2 br. up and I d•iwn. Low-plac(', paneling. fine w allpapers. and special Hgbt tr apt mocJ~r1111"d. Ci•ntrolled 11xturl's throughout. It's extra nice and ~xcluaiv• hut. t..11spo•nl. 11lc. A· I co111ll· tiun &J1d rourn for 1 mvrt1 unit. with us for $29,500 fu.11 p rice with 116,~o. &Oo•I tcrm1. excellent terms nvailabk. Balboa Trip lex! WITH 1 Bh"':DROOM J•;AC"'H. Mn11t· ly nrw furntlurt. Cul from $1 8 • ooo to I 11.1,r.oo tor quirk 11rt11111. Clo!'le to Day. Only S-4 000 duwn , Peninsula Homes! ACTUALLY TltJ.; Bl-:ST Vi\l..IJE O!" T H E f'El':ll':~l'l..A. 2 bo!t1· room •lucco hum I!. 6 YP1' re olt1 Licri.• 2 car gnrai:I' P11t1u U1n· rttci. (lrt!<plRce, S 1 I.~. 1-41)00 1ln A :-O'l'lJEI{ SLJl'El<-VALL'J-: ON TllE l't:.'.'1 ~.S{ I.I\ L'UIC' 'J Wrm 11 n11 Jrn h· '"'" i-;xct•pl1111toll) Wf'll l.IUllL. Laq,o Wii lh d path R t•J1i\ In It'll 111. Vl'il, $J..jVO dm• n Balboa Realty Co. IOppoitllf' Cnnk or Amf'rlca l ~frml>tora, Mulllplc LIAting Ro~11 Grt'•l~y L:d k• Jack l'1nkh1tm Joeephin,. W,bb 700 E. Unlt;un Uh•1I. l:Jitlbua l'hon" ll11rbor 327 ;, Dividend Paying REAL ESTATE- CORONA DEL MAR (Svulh or h1i:hw11y 1. Luxury duj>lt•x 2 atudtv. :! llt>olr •• 1pt!'I. ~1Axl1111u11 p ri\',lf')' lllr hnm, M d 11\C•Jlnl. OR ran bl' ~ b-lnn. 2 bn lh h"mc- \'lt'w U"'flr r l"DVlllf;. Qui( k N ie rnn. S:!!l.~l. TWIN DUPLEXES • tr.llJTS. 2 bedrm• t'll( h. HtJw'1 noor11. fir. place. Uar•gt. Sched groi.3 $:J:,10 (J ... ncr N )• "Sl!:LL" $27 ~ for bath: CLIFF HAVEN TWO SPAClOU9 2 bollrm. unit.a. Qulf't street. One side now avail· I ble flrat Ume tor owner. Live JV=NT F'REt;, lnco me U Ctt"' lqw FHA f'l'Ym"""r.. S76.:S3 mo. P'ull prtce SID.000. Low down. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 260. Newport Blvd,. Newport Bcb, Free Parking Harbor 4610 U c:t6 WANT TO LIV!J RENT P'REE 1 ~t trr aee btt1 very nlc11 DU· PLEX ... 2 bedrooms n ch wlUl comtr flreplacu and hardwood n oon up In CUFI" HAVEN nr echoole SOT A LEASl!:HOLO 6 PRJCY.D TO l\1-:LL 1t $24 .~00: MARINERS lb'LE REALTY Ill Manne Ave , BAiboa Jal11nd Harbor C '8l What a View ! ! ! From lhi. ATTRACTIVE BAT AVE. HOME. lJpet.Alr1 It down. Colorful, art1allc w.Ulpapu d•" cor. lNTERJOR BA.R·li·QUY., CHEF'S OELJOHT. II u n n y brl<'ked Patio with sreentry and VUlt'I . Owner lt'lllntr 910 W Bay A'tfr. See a.nyll me. J3c2~1h CASH OCT 3 be<irm. frame on '~ 1.cre. SH 2828 IClolen Avt , Cn•~ Ml'Jlll Call O.,..'nf'r ~602•. 10-121. m. Plymri•1tll HplS "CONSULT US FOR LlDO'S FlNEST" LIDO REALJY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) 3416,. Via Lido The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values - $20.!;00 l''UR?\'1SHED . A nt'&rly new 2 bcdnn. h ome 11s att1 act i,·e as can be, both m&1Jc nnJ out. This homu has haJ rt'al ~01 •d rare and Iii pncc.•d to adl 60' ST. TO :T. I.OT -and a home with 2100 Sq. Ct. ol L1v111 g an·a all on one floor. Well localcJ on wid• st. Would ym: s1wnd a few minutes fl<'..-ing this, to S.i \'C a frw thnu~antl dollars . Full pdco $35;000 and tbe t erms (ouhJtllnding I. BAY FRONT -On Lido Nord wit'h pier & 1lip • • b<-drms .• Dm · Mai<4'11 Hm. ~xtra large lot, A very nice hvm<' wit h luq;e masl<'r Hr. & S itting Room. Facing the Bay • Home la a \'alue at a price that wW aurpri.ae you. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 \'1a L ido. Newport Beach ONLY 7 LEFT be sure to see these • before you buy anywhere. a·ll 4 bedrm, 2 bath homes Complete with lawn le 1brubl. Lars~ lot.I. Priced $10,950 to $11,550 Open Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. DRIVE 4> Ramona Place, off Stnta Ana Ave. between l~th Ill 16th Sta., Coat& Mtaa DIKE & COLEGROVE, Owner -Builders 419 Eut 17th St. Phone Llbe.rty S-1169. Cost.a Meu l3cl~b "LITTLE" BALBOA ISLAND 3 bedroom, 3 bath home, $28.500. CORONA DEL MAR A gond clean 4Z broroom home. c'>mplctcly furn. $1.500 down, bi.l11nce likf' rent, S12.500. DORIS BRAY, Realtor N ona l\yer -Ch<'t Salu1bury -Curt ~h 216 Marin .. A ve .• Balboa Leland Harb 'F 20 IL--~~~~~~~-------------·-----------------------------------.....- ... PAGE 8 -PART IV -NEWPOR'r HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, Fl:B. 17, 1955 - STUDENT DANCE AIDS HEART FUND NE\\' STATION DDIUT-Hal and Li,pton Collier, father and aon, today announced their modem Signal Oil Co. elation aeen above will observe-ri.s "grand opening" thli weekend. Gifts to visitors and cuatomen will be featured. -St aff Photo Pvt. J. P. GeorCJ8 Serves in Berlin BERLIN Army P\'I. Jaml'll New Signal Oil Station Holds 'Grand Opening' This Weekend P. G .-..,rgt-, sun of J.lr. a n.I Mn I'. Gf'ori:t.>,~ 10!'1 l !Jlh St • 1 eunl l)' arrlvf!'u Ill UJ:1 IU1 anJ 1R now a member of lhl' 6th lntanlry tt.-g1· nwnl. Signal Oal Company today an- 1 t.1 lhe city. Formrrly Of)t!ralon rullln•·t>d fnrtht•r ai<1.11x:11111on w ith of a 1111111 .. n In tho H 11ll\Wtl()J &tta th" ~rowth 1tncl . dt'vl'lnpmt'nt of I bo lh l '"llll'rll Krt' nnw· hnme own: the Harbor area walh thP open· l'rs In r-;,•wpo1 t Bcar h and ar" ac· 1n1: Of Collu•r's S1gntil SP1 vice Sta· l1v .. In lrw1<l c•1vfr a1f1111 ... ThP 6lh Rci:1 m1'nt ·g1rn1di' Arnf'r· irnn lnsla llu 11on8 8 nd 1111.t,•i·..:nell llun, :l2nu St a nd N.·wpon Blvd .. \11t,.1uiive lramm~ 111 the rorrner arro~.s from the C11y Hall. A "~r.tnd llpl'n1n..:" w ill be cele· brnl<'d th1io W•·uk·l'llll with many g1fl:s and aw11rct11 Rv11lliibl<' fo vtalt· ors and •'ll1't11r11 .. r11 or the rect nlly ilJWlll'•I ~··rvll'\' 011t l1'\. I Gl'rman r1tpilnl. Drttl~h. Ft'Pnr h, Hnl amt Linton Collier, father I Rus~rnn nnd 1 • s. troop:c haw• 11nd .!IOl1, bring their many ~"·ars 1wcup1o>cl Br·rl!n since lhf' l'n•t ~f I <'X)'>l'rlencl' In automotive BervlC\' orlol \\'ar 11. ______ .;._ _________________________ _ Private GPoq;e, an a1u1ist11nt J w Th t machine gunner Ill thl' rej:llllt'nl'!< I orn on Company K , t>ntered tht' Al my In o o J un .. , 19~4. H I' completed ba~ic I T k p training Ill Fort Ont. to a e art way rnconvrnitnclnK Mr. f'itch I but hl' hRd to g1vt' u11 " t il'ket' ! I • c f "Th111 ~tie v1ctorv mRd.-.Mr. 1n on erence F itch very huppy rndrt'd, a lM h111 <>rder to cut <St>wn th1t t rt'H which Jami'& "'· Thornton Jr.. vice· at\mlnl!llrnlllrll fr<•m pnbllC'ly &n1\ pr1vat.-ly <'tmt r11Jlr•l ('lllll'g<'IC an1t 11nh'l"r!l1lh'1< th111ughoul the nAl1on lo 11t111ly. "Tho Mf'11ning and Ml•· N&nn uf Hil(hC'r E dur11t w n ·• ....,. _____ ~-------tl~~tt.ftt'l!t turMd oat 6atatdft1'" • night at RendCZ\'OUS' Ballroom for dance sponsored by ----N.1mnm't~ €ttAns of-ttat bot ·ttl~~ 1------------r'f'T1'ft'!J'"!!t!Mn-1lrflf:art fund dri\~e. Rhyt hm Kings in back- grcmmt ·pro\'ided plenty of music for affair. tick<'ts for which were sold by youngsters in manx .... !!~.rbor;_,r£.§i· emtat"wsttlcC!t =cene Ross Ph1>to -• h... obtafneJ from your 1ougusl body. He IS now frustralt'tl and prt'llldf'nl of Orange Cout C'ollrgl' It'll& doubt Ttl'lft'-Highf'r &Jur a tion'11 N a l1onaJ Cnm- mltt.-e on Cent'ral EduC'ation. wall from him. l'rr>bltm" .1t1•·nt1flt'd by t>dur•· tlonu I lea<lc-r11 throuJ:hlllll t h11 ('OU Ill rv "" b4'111g t hf' 111011t ('ntCl• I 011,·11 fR1·111g h1~h"r educRUnn will Sl'r\1t" as a bll1<111 for Atudy ltJ'OUJJ• 1n tht' Ill~!\ t'_l)nfl'rrnr e a ccording to 8. IAmAr J ohnaon. proft'Mor of h1 htr ed1 c · a <1ml11 ~ AnK<'ll'li •nd memlwr .if thl' a:.IC<l('latlun·a ellf"<'U· U\lr comrn11i. .... AHE la • dt'p&rt· m1ml of the Na•.unaJ Educa tloa AllllQC'lllUOn ARTIST ON TREE REMOVAL Mrs. Hope Paints Vivid Pjcture of Neighbor Feud .. tu my f't<•fl<'l I}' \\ hir h 114 at pre· ~··nl a hnzu1ol tu Ill•• 1<11•1 limit \\'hy •~ 1l that the • n y • .111 srnoJ ll I riu·k 11nd c 11·w •1f nl!'n lo , ... lllO\'I' my I r••l'S ot l lh<• 1 <'Qllt·~l ot 1111,, obnux11•11s 1111111 whc1 h:1 .. I• ft no ~lune• u nt urnNl I•• • 0111>c m~ in· conven1,•n1·c nr11t l n111bl1· umt !'"." no he".i \'> rn~· I•""''"' 11 f11r a t1.1 I •' oppr•Jlll'h lo 111y hw11e? lie th real· A. lt'tter from Thf•IQll\ Pal.lt111c k 1 .,.C'l~ mr from the 111ri:ht of Mr. l'nctl or11 e I h1ol II J ;!hi n•1l h1tve Hope, )O('lll artt11t. po1:t 111y1ng ht r• J;'1Jrh':1 outrogeou:1 mes11 but 8J! my lrt'\•11 rut lJO• k hr woulll IHH'e outr11i::e at 11t1sN1hl" 1 •·n10 ,·111 of y•J11 no doubt know pl'pper lrt•t'JI lhl' rlly '' "''"''' 1111~ l rt'<' wh1rh crrlllln t rrt~ 1n l.1•r ('111 0 1111 .tel ,.to n11l lgn1tl' an~ 11u are a pro· ht' know11 111 V<'IY lli'llr 111 me. Mar pro pe11y·,. Vll'ln11y M"nll11y tr•'l ll't. 1n 1'3i<I' u f fire. 1 "I Hskl'•l the pa1k "upi>nnl•·n· n11tht 1lrPw NinNltlrrnhle 1•1ty t·uun· i '"The JU>li;:hbo1 ~ ha\lt all "'.;olnP1I dent why :0.11 . Fll\'11'11 wi1'1ws . 91 11tt ••nlw11 "" II i1 .. p11 I•1! lhP op-&nl' m prol• st Kjt1t1nllt t ho; rt>moval 11houlol bl' ):1 .. ntetl w1th1ml cun· ""\>ar,.ntl\ n1nn111i: llollll" h .. tw ... n 11r the trPe tm purl'ly Pi.tht'llC: 11ullini: Ill(' llP ,.,1111 •\\'ell. h i' M rs 11"1 '' ""'' 11 1w1i:ht>111 Th·· '""""""·Both tr.•l'S wh1l"h yuu. thr I' Om•'I• 1low n h1•11• .;nd ntlS<'.'I a )1'111'1 ~ p1ubl1 1i1~ "''''' 1d 1•t to·1I I•• 1111111111. h11\·e n1drrr.J u •n111vcd Atink ' Is lhRl \\hol on,. hall to 11 ... r 1l.'' 1111111 •l:"r f nr ~ull111nn Th• w111111ut 1·1m~ult11nic my rii;ht1< nr •In tu • blllln lo111 c·cm~11lo 1at1on I• lt••r 1 .. 11 .. .,., \\ •~h•'ll 1.r1• b.·11u11rul a nd \'t'r\I d,.1u fro111 th·• "' v ro11n11l • ·Ro111e a I lo ,, \I I I 1111 ·•11•1 ~.... I "l•h '" 1\t•' I h1oui:l.l Ill\' plan• r:.r \hr 1 .. tmk . tn Jtl••I •'"I• 111 "l•lir ,J•.111 .. t fl•.111\\' ,,f th•· tr,..'~ llnd I lllll'nd !'ol(ilfT fl,.. VI \IP b) :0.1 1 l h'"""'" "11lh 1111.·11111\l' tn kc>1•11 lh1·111 nr &t l•RAt (1i;1tt l ":O.ly tr1·1·11 1•11•l1tt m,• trom thP A b<'llll 11111 llltl•· 11•'" \\h1rh I h '"' lh .. 1r .ti ~•1111·11011 t•> lh•• 1."t •hit h -'•ghl "' th•• f11i:htr11 l "'" dump Jnni: 1111• I I• I 1111.J \l lllt!"I \I o l I ""11).t 11l•u llko• tu ld 1 \OU If l h.t•I lo f,,, k ul 11 On·I Mr p1 .,tc-"t th• .. r • 1 I• 1111 1,, .. k Ill\ 1t thh 11m1• th11t w1·n It n••t ·,.,r ~·1lch' h.u k )l\ltl 1 \\ut1l I "o mau pep1wr :1° ,. 11 ,. c .. ntrn11011~ t11:ht ai: 111i.l ,.,,,. "'or 16 '''-'" lh" • 11\' h.1• (JC"rrns· "Al1«1 I 1•1••l• •' lh•· •\"'''"'' n( •l"n (or th•· 16 "' ars 1 h.t\'•• ""n· <'•I "'" thRI 1111, 1111>1.J:l:l l\' il11mr lu1111*r on II• '' '" .,, ~I I ~II• h ,. •·II th18 f'll'J"'ll \' th•·•• wu11l1J be wcoul•I ''"'" h• 1· .. 111 ... 1 IJ<·autl(ul Int Th h • l·li r,1 •h r .. 11 11·111·~ 11 111• nil·~· l'lhl I tn1,,. 1111~.,I lh" pa1k ' "'"'' 111111 h 1 .. n1o:1·r 11111~l J fire h,.ii:.11•1 '" I 1• 111 • l•·11111t rnt I• \'1 I N •111• •I f•'•'t nn•I k• l't It I• w•t "'"' • nur11••1y .ind "'" ll1• 1111., 11h1<h t" ,.,.1.,1.i lhl' fl••\\' ol "·'''' Jn ··11 '"'"It> 1 ... 1 .. 11111f11I twa11t1- ,. .•• IN ••n•I\ p111 111 •11•· .. l\'"lv t 111 1 h••f•· olon" ,. .. nuhh ""i k (ul l•lll" t1 ... llnd \\lld tl""l'I " l1<nlat.•• 1111• C••lll t h• Ill• •l•J•·ll l· lhil•' 111,11 I 1;,.Ji,.\IP I \\u111t1 1 ... ··n-'"hh h I ''""' f••r .inti\\ 1t1·1 .. .i 1111 menl :<hfl•ll•I lh•1• Ii· 1\ 111 I h•·· Ill• I~ within my tlchl" lill ... uld I I "" n""' lh" hill"' •· h• luw r11y lit \1f' llHll 01\' J 11•1 I• 111• '" lh 111 t•ln1111 l ll)P t11 lhlJt 1llli•y "nil hot1I~•· valid I IC."\OICt;~ rc t:q t t:'T"' 'I h• II• v1· l h11l I .. m th1• .. 111\· SO'\''' 1.\\1\I \Hl.t; "T h" 111y ha.• l'1on111111nllv 11:n11r· c•1t111 n 1r1 lh" ··nl•r•· ,,,,. \,h., "!.f\ l"'l11•ot 1, ... 11111 .... ,v f'llO• , •• , 111)1,rtq\ll';<lll lllr II !\RIP 11ppr .. a1 h ('fll"~ , .. , ""'' \llllt I .. '·"!:'' ,, .. ,. ---!1•111 r ( •It~· Jnnil /\ ht ll 11( ol 1111 ' •. -•" -· SOMt: •·1~11-\\'hat mi~hl be-R worh.l's rrconl <'leetric ray for i:ikin di\·jng Eillt'R r f1Rhr rmen is hC'ld by Don Harp<-r. 1751 Tustin A'·c~. <.".<lRta Mesa. Harper Rj' ar· ed thr fl:it fis h on t hr bot tom of the O<'ran Sundny in about 33 or 40 fr<-t of wat C'r near L11ddcr Rocle Wnrlrl ~ord W<'i~ht for N<in diving" fishing is close to ~6 poundi-~arpcr Mid. Ill' ~·l1en'<J his ray ~ould w<'i~h abnut .' l"111nd.: H 1• snid a t ay nf this i-ilirl is unusual in th•'? ·all'I . -~laff Photo ' 41( ~ llfl,.1d• f II lilH f ~t l J, I St llllCt:• \~I ll" t. \ ·1 h.t\11 l•bliUOt I \lt :-•l\'hf' .. "' " ''"''', r , .. J ,, t1nd I " 11 ,..,in~ \ft )It•• \\hH hT\:"'I fl.!hlt1, 11 ,, ... fJ 1} I I•• th J•I ••• \\}1''" t'• tf1nl ~n11· ••tt• .•nf\• \ •U• ,. • u, ... , ,, 1 r tiv \Jt ,...,,•h', f •1·~1ut1un ot "tt•1·lu1t.: rt\ th 'l llh ., I ..... .. f llH 't I «l't '•'J•" \\ ltl n _\ '•l ltf\ t • • •rn " l,\'11'1: f 111nn11t IJr' "r 1111\I' \\111 11 ( 1\1'\ II\ Rn l l \Uof\ ( 111• 11111 f , r , , n u. h • 1 • t , rJ •' tJ 11l • I ~I I F t•h h•• ""'lliii; 1 .. "' tlut tt\" t•• n11n·t , ,, t\••h•· t't\J'Jfl( ... l1ri•\ 11 ,y ,. ttuuhl,. tl• tl"triun•"\ t td "'h"". """ r1111 , .. ,"., 1 IWllh th•• C0ll\' .,. thitl I \.<IJl nit tf11\i\·n "'" ''' f, ·I 111•1•t • 1111 I\ h\'ln.. ~1' h"111lh ,, 1101 110 l.'""I :-; .. m. 11111• • h11t) I t), 111.llhl II , ,, hl '" l"nJOY mv """'' r in f'\'H,,. ··r .... r hrlll!h hull 1101 nur10\'o ol I my tfl'nlp•,1 • fury unn.•rvr-. nu~. end I ~Inc·" J mu~I . n• I ""'' f'l\111 " ltv· inc t h.,t•• 1 ~ n1,th1nl? ft1r in·· to d•1 h11l h 11< ll"lllo • lh' ,.1,,, In f1ghl mr lollllr I •r hi•' 'I 1111\" l••t nu111\ 1<Cl1••nl• i:n ll\ JU"l fc•r lh• • '~ ,. 1 ! J" "', t ,111~•· I •ll•l k• l tl·ht "~ \Ir 1· 1 h 1,n ind h• 1:h·, n m, u ,, 1•1 "' f,"\nitl\" ·, t• \\ "'" h,. I "• plAn'"' 11 ''"' \\h, h t 11l t f h \I•\\* t •f l h1• • t\rl\ l n t ' w :i 1.1i11n11 "h11h I •n11\1•d 'I ' ' r • '• r , "" t h tn"•' t '' - t , .. , ' ti \Z \ttU11 t " t."\Tll \ '' t: ' fl•· 1 · ., "1th \Ir. Ftl1 h • ror- nl\ :<'1 ~ "'" ~ v•n mi· 11 h .111r•I· ll• , ntr1u f'P I 11 111nt1un t11.1 l thr l1nrr1rad1 I• I lir • nd nf lhf" 111it')0• \\Ith nu ~l'tar I t tJ my l'nn,·r111t'nrt' thl' 111lr\ \1 ;1• 111t In 11 ~ h• w1•hr11. In sll f.1trn• •• I ~hnul.t h•' .:l\'t'n M nl ro l or 1 h·· In\•" i>nd nr tht' Alic>\'. "I d• m1l111I thnl nnl hln~ ~ df'n<' 111 fut 111• r nnrtllnlr t ht'l'e trl'<'l'I un· 111Ill\'11tt~1rnry r an br 11111.tc f11 m1: l111r w11 h !hi' tntln-,,., up .. 1 w all Iii l llfl(ln hi~ 1111\·\r f' I ht<V!' T .. 11('.hftl thr rn I ''' '"'' rv1t1r11r" w•!Jl nnl' f• II ""'""P I •m l?'"lni.r to 111:ht 11 lc•l f•f "roni:1 I ":'-Ir ~·1trh II! 11n nl•I ltlt•n and I •11r ro~lr h •• • bntl hrart I l hll\'P :\\'""'"') , •• lo 1· , 1•11\ "I' I \\\th .t. \ • ' t \ "" •, \I ., \n f' ''' ' • ( "I.Al " , 1 • 111 m e d H11.l11hnt..a T IMll: TO PROTEST "I d .. mand t ime in whilh to p~-arr\I .. •U IUIAlysl for a nu!etmg on . ~nt my ca11e, which from now on "Muri' t:Cftrtwt \\'ays of Starting bul he ha!I just i;one too far. I whrn hi" came homP latt one will be In the hand a of my at· aml Appraising a P rogram o( "His ('ontin11rnJ.< calls t o th" pn-n1.1:ht you should h&\"I' •"en Mr lnrney. G.-nPral l::durat1on," at the Tenth ll r" ras t 11 rl'lll'< lion on rny c ti.ir· Fltt h0:1 laughln,,; delight when he ··1 1<m aending a prot,.,.l to ~!~a~a"~!n.Confnencea on Higher ader """" If lh"Y are JUSl b,,, u11~t· I wa11 al lt1M able to gPl 1111 a p11rk· t'V.-ry •h'ra.rtment ot !hf' rlly So I . h<' brh"\'('li lhitl I am lll"gully 1nj: 111 kt I! My aon h Bd an injured that Fllch1e ran not 11tN1I a mttn •h The conference, llp<>nll<lrt>d by parklnit i·m not nor ,,.,.r hove. knee 1m .J the approach to the on me a11 ht a trnoal d11l and If the AMO\:latlon for H1ghtr E du· t'AIUU~O Tl('K ET hou~r 11< 1>0 bumpy a s lo be unll&CI' this 1s war I'm i;oinit 10 mokeo the cation IAH E•. la arh.,dulr<S lo be "Finally my younge.11t ICOn fr,.11h t"Vl'n w ith two good lega and tlal· mon of IL" held in Ch1~go, Ycb. 28-March 2. mat nf an a ir force 'hospillll park· JllOlrd 1'hors, lt It' a dead end. The I Very re11peclf11lly youn. Jl will bring lol('tlh .. r a pproxt- e<.J the <:&r at lhe en<I of the all•'Y 1 officer 1111ld that wa wl're in no T H E LMA PAUL>OCK HOPE matrly 800 faculty membera and .. ~ HELP WANTED ~ ; +~ lo1,1 4 .. "' • ~ \Ila •· ' Phone Harbor 1616 and ask for Classified Ad· T akfN' I~ lreaks Window Mn . R J;" R lr kr ll•. 206 E. Bay A.vi'.. JU!!l rtr •nlly ttport,.d to polwf' 11 ll K!\-ft. w indow on the w•~l aid• of 300 Alvuado Placa wa11 brokl'n by a 11ho1 lnv.,•llll•· t1on prcw«'d ll wu a UIS ahol hol•, police r!'port1·d.