HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-24 - Newport Balboa Pressc l'M AWFULLY PROUD OF THEM "Yes, _these are my 90ns. No, they don't look much like me yet, but give them time, they're only three weeks old. My name ls Crown Crest Rose, but you may call me Jigger -everybody does. I'm a Yorkshire. My aona' father is Champion Hi Fallutin who lives in -San Ber- nardino. My aons and I are members of the K. S. Fiet- inghoff family at 2106 Serrano Ave. I'm only 2 years old, but already I have been to one ahow and won beat novice bitch for Yorkshires. Thank you, I think they're rather cut too." -Staff Photo Murchison 2Y2 to 1 Purchase Offer to Shareholders Reported Dellwery G--M•d • NEWPORT BEACH. CALIP'ORNIA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY M, 1~ Pbone. 8artMJr 1118 Dall..,,. ol lb• Jf.wport Harbor N~a-Prw9 la f'I&"" anleed. AU U.... ot the Oom· • munJty ant rapidly belnc plAcad OD carrter delivery. carrier boy• will CS.liver their papen before • p.m. on Mon· da.1 and Thund•J· lf J'O'll' paper la not deUY•red b1 that hoUr p1eue call Harbor ltll and a ~ route man .ui tnuueatet¥ r • • p o n cl wtlb 1'0Uf ~ ot )'OUI' N..,..-t llartlor Newa-PreM. BUCK ASKS $50.000 DAMAGES OF PALMER Denies Auodallow He.rs Clai1111; C ... 11. Word .,._ ' Suit for $50,000 damapl apimt Paul A. Palmer Inc.. WU filed yesterday bJ W. 0. Back,. Jnc... in & atm c amplaint to Palmer'• action attaching the Lido inmraDce man'• bank accounts on charpe of CODtnet clefaalL Back'• ooumel U.0 filed an answer, denying Palma'• aDeptimL Palmer; prmidmt ~ Newport I Balboa s.vinp aad Loaa ~.JURY IUT NO ,t.Uon, ~ed lD hla .Wl Buell I USAF ACiENT~s VISIT HIKES NHUHS HOPES NHUHS B.UILDING PLAN CALLS FOR $4 MILLION NeW School Site Chances Said Better with Su"ey · failed to pay "° .--tit at'c.a~~ A'T •.aa • perce!lt &1111ua1 int.ea tor • ~ " mtA Citizen Group Recommends New Favorable government aetion on N_,_rt Harbor Union abare• of etock iD Ule Back ~ -~ .... poration whicb t.be .,~ -n. ~ _ left wa1t.111c s~--nt HI_.. School T Cost High School'• reque.t tor • new 1Cboo1 aite on old Santa ~ to bu)'. Buck'• a-. at De ._ ~ ta ,.... ~ P GX Ana Army Air Bue loomed a bright hope today followinc platnt c1&1mec1 PUner "'"*-aa --' J.-b ODart Wbea ct.-ff. 'al '-: Tu__...-of USAF t _. d local e.peement which woUld lleep Ule ftlldllal Ra,__ a. Town. Willi up to N million needed. acbool elecUon MJlot. A. T:l·cent 0 ICI v...,t --.y a agen lent to ... u Y Udo lale develop« out ot u.e IJI.. 197, '4. 111 .a. Bt.., failed to a 41kent tu onr·rlde for hlJh tax pnaenlly ...-<t for hlch needs.-Keith P. Wiley, indulltrial apecialiat, USAF, Loe An- .uranc. bwllr-. • .....,. oa a dnak drh1nc acbool buildlnc purpoae1 1u111 JO achool district neech would be add· .-elea. confured with Judg-e Don· hoped Wiley would make favorable .A.nMveriAC Palmer'• aui1. Buck'• ""7 trtaL a. tmdted s:zoo cat.a for operaUonal coat• were ed to the over-all M·cent bulldlnc aid J. Oo<11e. 11ehool board chair-report to Roff'r Lewi•, ...sat.ant denial at.ated on or about Mardi I llail 11'7 Ilia .uaaa. recommuded Monday nl(ht by the tu. man, Redd ~. trualff and SU· aecret.ary of the Air Force, Who 31, 1"1. Buck'• corporat1om acftedl TowMky waa anated 1n cltlsen•' a dvieory poup to Har· "Ultlmately around It million 11 ptorlntendent Sidney Davldaoo. unt the epectali.t. heN t~ the to ~ JO ot tta 111t.are1 from Dec brr ~ eo.ta Jh-. po-bor High School board of truatee• needed for the new achoo!, 1JOme Wiiey checked the acbool"• nffd Of aurvey. . Paimer for $3100 at sae pa-lice wbo aai4 .. dl'Oft In aa u a method of flnanclnc proposed of which mlfht be uNd for ad· 70 e.crea on the SAA.AB parcel I "Our chancea have lmPl"Oftd month with t percent per --1 enalk ID&llller. Be pletlded In-new con.1trucUon. The tu would dltlcnal phy3lcal education dreu and borrowed a map of the pro-r·rom • very \ons lhot to better Interest. Thie c:ootlnued waW Dec. DDCeDt lo tlle dluS'e and ,._ be aMeued tor 10 year1. Ing room1, • mualc building, more poeed 1lte. I than :I0-60," David.on cl&lmfd. 10. 11153, the ~ ea.Id,. wtwn quat.ed & tu7 trial aet for The propolled method ot flnanc· academic cl ... rooma and • 11hop In a.ddltlon to compUlnr lnfor-aECl:NT TaANSRa payment.a atopped. yeat.erda,J. Inf wl\I be preMnted truel~• 4 addition." David.on •Id. nve maUon on the varloue phue.e of The TO acree requ•ted by the "B)' ~ ot -audit _... p.m., Monday at an adjourned au· army barrack• bllildin«• now tune hla report. Wiiey accompanied the 1 high achoo! 18 part of '°' acrM In a.ccord&nee with U.. ~t •Ion. To acqua.lnt the public with tJon u cluarooma while another .chool otrlclal1 on • tour ot the tormPrly In Ule Santa Ana Army of the partiem." Ule _. ,--. loero a,peln nttd of the new hlJh achoo! taci· ja uaed u a pby1lcal education a lrbue, atudytnc th• alte requeal· 1Alr Bue and recenU7 traneterred "1t wu det.ermlDed UIAl pl&iattll l1Ue1. a commlttu to be headed tteld hou11e. ed. . to th• Air FOJ'C41 b1 Oe\enl Ber- wu lndebted to tbe .,....,, w. lo by Mna. Kenneth Coollnt and MMI. DHTJUcr DIVISION Althou~h Dav1daon refuaed to viou Admlntatratton. o. Buck, Inc... ' llllre Illy Jud Suthrrhmd. will meet 800n to Quullon ot epllttlng the hlsh quote WUey'1 reaction lo th• School ottlclaia aatd the cn.tnct NO PAUU& IN8UIUJ9CE I map plan11 for the tax promotion. ac:hool di.strict ~tween Ntwport achool requeet, he a.Id; would ata.nd a chance ot -tUnr Boch and Colla Meaa drew ad -~ In a.ddltloe to uldnc ~.000 ~ .I J TAX DFJC'l~ION vuM comment at Monday'• meet .. 8F.LP' svmsNT"' J.b• property thould It be declar- d&ma.ps, Buck"• ~pLUatl grll• lrDn High lll'hool trustee. Monday will Inc from D•vld10n and County "Our requll'f'mentJ are 110 Mlf· f'd aurplua by tbe Air Fon:e and uked the COl&rt enjola U.. plain-,. __ ..__ 1.__ ..._.._.·tor dedde If the dUa.ena' t.a.ll propoll&le 8 c h o o I a SuperlntendPnt Unton ~~ldent Ult la lhill~l .~~ !~voHr· ~~. '!_Y~he A~.!.'ln~~~ .. a.nd Wl• &om .. c:ootl•"nc la U.. Ill· ..1 ~ ~ .... -..~. ~·1;""_ .. llbould be placPd on the May :ZO (C-thllN'd o• Pase 4) ..., • ac on w ""' .-..en. • v=1,..... .,.,....,c• _.. .. w-wOft • .urance ~ or ~ "' ..__ --.--..-. •• --------------------------or aolid tiftC ot tuur--. .,.." r• l uu.r-t &lld llak1'1'7 appeettd be-~= ~~ia~ ~~=-,.~ ... °:t~~ ANOTHER CAMPAIGN :~,z.~-~ ~a:. al~~~ Million•llar· Addition ~inc n.rtoua ~ ...._... la-a. eur... dal Mar. a. eold out ~me!~~~~~=~=:.~ to Hoag Hospital Sought ettbw ID U.. -., ..-z.u • ~ 8oft"e ._ -~ rt'°"d '*" ----for a ..... _.. ----•-to .. _ h t t arta ...a-' ~ .-..... ,...... ......,.,.._..., Wt e.kl t.rw IT'OUP U mt or M t t la a &'.Ill. ~ lift to Ml Hp'-of a U.W: nMi1 M00.000 tor a mWJo• dollar brealctut -lonA, dnelop!Ac earn ORANGE COUNTY-YOUTH GO SAILING ABOARD CARRIER ;~~: :. ':..:..-::;.: !lO~ ::-IW Me _.. jmt ....,.. .. addtUon to double lllM al Jloq palp plana. tM aum ., ~ .. dllUMd • H09pllal 1n room capacity wt're At th" March I mHUn1 In tJI• Some '40 ()nJllP Oouat)' MP lM lblrd. outlined tooay by Wlllla.m Kime•. ho11pltal dining" room. Ule commit· 1c:hool youth Tueed&y went aail· HAI.IOI WIA THll "J'\lrtMr au -me ,..,..utr'• D~ Dam .Jn cam1'91p committee ch,.lrman. tl'e· will preKnt the eampalcn'• Ing aboard th• aircraft curl• ------------- C01DplaJDl ... ,_. a .,....a.. ._ ~ N1f!1 A Jett.tr annOW1ct'd the Hoag nttd1 and materlal11. A tour of the U. 8. 8. Wrlcht. Th• jaunt WU Oruac• Coat)' ,..tber toncut ,__ tbw9&o. .,......... aDep: I P'oundallon hu off"rtd the ho11-hospital w HI be avallablP. •pol}l'Ored by the Oranr• County -.Id -u..r WW be puUy doud "'1b&t at tM time al tat mall· His Ranch pit.al boerd of dtrec1ona J:i-00.000 WELCH RECALLED CoWlcU of the Navy~ N ... rr1d&)' UUJe ~ la IMtJperi. ... ,, fll _.. ._..,_.. u ~,at Oii a matc.hlnJ biul1 for the pur· Thf' propoied fund·rauung cam· port Rarbor R IJb 8cbool eeal JO tun. . -......... -• _ ll ...... of cSoubllng· the rooms of the 1•-Cf t f th late 1tuden1.a on the Junket. ln ..---• ... ... ....--pa1rn r«• .. e or • o e A f dult f~• Na-IWwJ 11 w .. .... ..-• ......... _. ..,;.. t.bat plalntitl 7~~d hosp.Ital. HI• lellt'r Invited Harry w~1c11. veteran Newport acore o a ....... _ •1 &M ......, -.-c p .t.. ,..._ .-1mowa ! w t preea repruentaUvea to breakJul Harbor denloper and 1p&rkplu1 men chaperoned tJI• yout.ha, nns· An offer by Clinton W. Murcbieon, mult1-m.Wlonalre oD 9Dd • c ; a ••• :: on ~~ March 8. •l I a .m. to hear plan• Who kepl lht1 tint hoeplt.a.I money lnr In ace trom • t4 ~n th• tyeoon, to buy outstanding Balboa Bay Club •tock at tbe • -I Ull tor the campaign and outline the drlvu a live tJ\rough tht' ytar• In c nllae that left Lone 8-ch and .. rrtday, Feb. 18 ··-····-86 l!lalUrda¥, Feb. tt -&T 8u.nday, ,. • .,. I() --59 Monday, l'tb. 21 -67 TUe9day. Feb. 22 ·-N Wadneeday. Feb. 23 -·· U Thunday, ,.,b. 24 --., 1- llS 0 16 17 M 40 4\ ratio of $2.50 per $1 par value a ahare• WU di8cloeed today. lmCUllA!(. ARIZ... Feta. 14 _ tw.JllCt~'pa f"'°C1TYblem~AJ~•n which auC'Ceu ~e<l doubtful. If patrolled Or·an1e County beacbea. "'I Due fOC!'r!U _ rw-r Fourth Dl9-" " ...... ,..... not hopelesl!. Before he died lut Pnnrlpal hlJhlllhl of lh• e...nl According to information gathered by the Nm-Preu and w triet lltlltc 8-rd of ZqualbaUon S ince ~ hoapltal wu o~ned fa.II. he alrMdy wu ma pping the occurred otf Nt'A'JIOft Buch when p&rtially confirmed by K. T. Kendall. manager of the plush -bu 'fVlmaM o. Boaelll waa a.r~ In Seplt'mber, 19~2. the hilltop work for lht ne•t campalKJI. •• the cannon of t.he hure ~I Coast HIJhW•Y emporium, Mu""I Frida railed &Dd la ~ ~ cuard Institution haa operated many hnvy u11e of Hoag Ho1pttal ma.de blu ttd a 21-gun N h•t• In honor chllOn haa ~rn tndeavot1ng to Here • y at Ida Klarin-. Arla. rancll. Umee at more than capacity. A 1t obvtou. to hoaplt41 1Upportera of Wuhlnfton'• birthday. The aecure addlllonal holdlnr11. new wlnf hu ~t'n 11Urg;e11ted to that more rMme would ~ needed .. lute ~ followed by a ny-peat It 1• untler11tood, aceordlnr lo Oral>s• eo-&ty ?C_.. ~rftc:e aapply more r oom1 for 1Tlore pat· with (TOWth of the county. of Navy and Merine Corps Jet helm. and o. w. (Dick) IUcilard " • -.._ trom Deputy Sheriff D. 1 nta 1 -.. ·• ntt ad Kendall, that Murcltleon"1 otter t. ft.et.uni of t.be 8Cllooaa' Good~ W. B&rnll ot Jlojllln County, .Arla. t · P anee. • ne ... re IK"rtt.m of N.-wport IMa.ch. juat like a ny other •tock purc:.hUe wW to N-port B&r1lor u aped· U..t a Deputy llbtrttf. armed "1th The hoaplt&I'• ('OnatrucUon wu ~--.__ Paul 1.-L. nver the fll«ht deck In tlpt HNdll'IJ the navy i.,u. dele- by lntereat.f'd part.I•. K l'nda.11 aald ed tomorrow an.. briaC ~Ooat..cl a~~ wanaat tow Booe.ill"• be~ In Seplt'm~r. 19~1 alter .vii Tiilllll' ...a preclalon. p tlon whlrh chapuoned the tl waa his be.lid .uch 1.ninMCUona oft a Cedroe llllaad bMdl yeate.r-a rrut., wftt to Bonelli'• TUrke)' -ra1 campalii:ni were held here ArrfwH at HAAtll C'ARJUEll P'Acr;T8 younpten -In oooperaUon With w ere private and coocemed only day. Accordlar to tnfonnatioll ,,.... Tree.It l"Uldl i.am. J'"lttd&J alter-aDd amoor cou.nty town• by tuad· -'lltll The youths were llhOWn all Rotary duba from tJuouchout UI" proepecll•e bu)'l'r and aeller. I eti•ed troc:n ~ U. 8 . a..t Guard. noon to p&ac. the f~r "liquor raletnr (TOUp1 •·nlch eollclled mon· Paul Burka, Unotype operator facela of Navy carr1e.r lift, from Oran~e County -were LH.ru• ~cently pla.aa for • large ad· a p~bminary <:heck mboW.-d no czar-unoer anwt.. lea allowing the lnelltutlon to be tor the News-Pru•. became the the t,,,. of planea nown lo Ule Ptuldent RowllTd IAW90n. buddy dlUon at the Ba.Jboa Bay Club damage to the hull bUUt without l&Jt tund1. 1t l1 oper· rather of an 8-lb.. lC>-<l&. 11<>n lut cook •hack• where the food wu prorram chairman M.a.rk Bcde.n. w ere lAid a.aide bee&uee It would I The Ult·ft. lldlooner went •· Bc--ru wu not tailen to the atf'd u • non-profit ln11lltutlon. ni,ht. Mra. Burke tu1d 11<>n Mark prepare.ct. AJ Cox. Harvey Somera a.nd u..n.- be lm......,lbl• to cAmplete lh• rround Sunday ft•_..t wtt.Jt 13 per· MoJia•• Coanty Jall. H&rrta a.. Klmu· lrller ata ted a IUb com· Allan an dolnJ fine at Hoag Hoe-__ .. 1 Tb t t ..--· ~ '' • ·-~ I plat t:d "Btta w ha bo It lb rd Th Many county ottlclllla were .,..,,e m. • 1 rnupt1 o • U• J>roj~t ...._10_ the advent ...1 th• aona aboerd. CoalJt Guard 80lll"tt9 n uee e ve no .. rn tee ot e boa of dlrtctona pll&l. e Burka have two strLI. d lit lnto ~ ""' •• "' a •-J • Ut'-t ... •-•1 d o aboard, lncludinl 8 Up e T"' I 10 r Pnte Wt're SJ> up ,-roupe ~"' aeaaon Ulla aum~r. ll&ld today It ta bdined -fll• pi... ~•0 ..,., • ..... , .... an n h&a bft.n ualgned the next ca.m· Nancy. 8, anJ Terri Jo, l ~. Tbey -;:p.,.._nUy financial arran.ire-cepllonaJly hlg11 ~ ~ uw Jall fadtiUea at Uw boapltal." p&lcn 1 work. For the past Mvtral maJce their home tn Santa Alla. I Helna Ka.leer. Newport Harbor of 12 once aboard ah.Ip. 1!ac.b ..--· ~~hln.c. I Atto~ to t.be ckputy. Bon· --------------------------. Ch&mber lkcretary Hay IAncen· ea...._.• r.p' menta are being completed and Ule club ownera will lrt a cootntcl Cout Oua.rd Cutt.er Pt'HNI out e:m will fan arralpmalt on th• tor the oonJJtn.lctlon M the plan· ot San Dle,-o ~Oo.lf!d IM'r a/te:r ,. cba.rse IM-fon Km~ Ju.tkf! I!. ned botel addition """r the tum effort.I of th• Can•d••n dot'#lr<>yt:r E.. WU'.bon, at 10 a.m. Monday al th• yeu. Cr\laader failitd. No lfJUr\8 to tlw mortlUIJ- crew or past11pn ..-u ~No. HMTU -Id l1'c UT&igrunent wu It i. undeft'tood that Murchll!On The Goodwill OWll.-d by Ra.lpll nttf'.u.ry btror" u tradltlon pro- acqul~ a half lnterut tn the t..rr abet of 130C \\". Bay A~. c...ctmc.-rollld be brou1hL He a.Id Ba.lbOe. Bay Club whtn he fl1'8l be· ,., .. flra to ~ ~ fiJuab llrw Ute w1uTa11t stemmed· h'olft Sall came lntere.11t~ In It Jut yrar. Tht • m the tut Lo9 Angela to Hone>-I Dl"ltO C-ty a.nd t.bal the war- atftll&t.ed companlu of the Mur-1 CLINTON w. Ml'RCtU80S lulu race. rant c...,_f'CI cc.spll"M'y. ch\aOn empire ha.ve ftnanetd put of the M!<'t:nt addlllol\ll to the ror the exlstln~ atockholden . club. I Whether lt"a for Mun:lllaon or any In addlUon to the Bay Club parllrular 11tockholdt'r I don't )(urchiaon la owner of a 11lzeabll' know. A reprr11t•nlalivr of lho~ •st&blillhment at La J olla and al.110 who alrr&dy own .l!lt<'ICk Nmt" to th• Del Mar "-ce Tnck. , ~ m~. but who will Jl'l It If It Don Harwood. club cou llllel, told la llOld. I don't know. The ll'ller Uie Nl'WW·Prua h.l• office waa ae· 1 aek• tl!Me wishing to wll to gel kcted .. on• from wtllch lo 11tnd In touch with my orrtct'. Uie lt'lltr otfl"r1Jll" purc.hUe. He "They made an offer of 12.:IO a 11&.ld: I l!hAN. Th"re art1 more than a "I can't M.¥ Murch.lllOD la off,.r· I lhou8alld 11ha!'f'.l!I, but I don't know ~ to buy t.b• atock. I al(Tled the ofrhand what the exact number let~r. We are bu)'ln« lh• •tock I ts." MESA BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE TO MEET llt&UUftc&llol\ commltlff ot Coe-prosram and contat and bold a ta Me• a ppolnttd by Chambtr of planntnr meeU111 Monday noon in Commerce PHaldent Don Huddle.. Costa Meaa. i. will m.et tomorrow ntchl wttll Mr•. Lounaberry •Id the Cttt-Hna Commlltl'" Will plant 200 U.. ~led Ch&mbera of Cor\I· t,._ ID Co1ta .Meaa parkway1.be- meroe of Orul'• Oounty. tw~ Marcll 1 and 7, Arbor Weelt Thoee appoll\ted to Ute commit· aa put of the tH>au tlncat.ICJa pro- t.. are Paul Dunlap, chairman; rrom and conlf'lt. She ll&Ad lbe .ladt Lowe. Cltl.uN CouncO; 0...... lrHtl will be pllUlted ta &oc.allUM KJdman. Fudlala 8oclet,y; Lou whf'nt ruldmtJt haft peUtlODed LMvy. Junl• Cbam-r of Com• lhrnurh the C1tiun·a Caunc:U tA> meret; Mra. Ji'rank Foater, Friday the Co1la MNa Park Board. "Aft ernoon Club, a1'11 Mni C'lf'm Dunlnr> 1!11111 M•rrh 15 to 30 wUJ Lou.n1bel'T)r. ThP (T'OUP will ht'Sr j ~ "J>Alnl up and clMn up week" pla.na tor UM c:oUDt)' beauµtlcatlon tn Coeta Me"'- 'ISLAND' OIL WELL RGllT PLANNED IN LEGISLA TORE Wit.la support ot Newport Har· U t.Jija• pw..,-.1 ~ le bor Cb&m-r of Ccim--. oppcm-,,._.. bf t.N ~. It wW enu of propoeed ottllbore ~Ullaadrl ruin our ~-U.. for •bne. iw.. oil well drtU1J11 today are ft!llW9l· Inc aad ..u..rtlac-rt will ci.atro1 Ing trltnda to writ.e t.belr atata our 9e&llbon aa a recreeUoft and lf(lllatora lo f!pl aueJa adJYlty rNOTl &na ad Jown propertJ on the <>nnp OJalal)' c:outUN n l-. T1M Jetter ta ~ mild u '"l\'lllle our ieCW&lon of <>raare count.er-• to nponed ,._. County. Smator John MarclJ Jr. or c.rt.aJa oU _,_._ Md tMtr and .__..,_ Earl 8t.UJe)', orpa.taUou to obt&la at.ate lq» an Jl"OPC*Dr counter WJla to atqp laUoa openi.s up U.. oaJlfon:ta Rell drllJ1nc, u..,. caA not M ~­ U<klanda to ~ "llllalld" otJ cft9flll wfthoul tM hf'lp of a m•· clrtlliq. 1be 11.uJ rouow.: .)Ority ot our Seplaton la UI• "'The people Of Newport Rart»or Slate. Wa ar• &lkinC you .. • b&ft become wry eoec.Md •· friqd &Dd --. wbo •Jo79 boUl lbe ,. .... o'1 clr1lbc ott u.. p-..m• .t our eout to t.be cout al 0ruc-c-ty aad plra.w WTtte LO JG8r ~ aJoas -~ ·~.,... .. aad et.a .. ..at.or ud ~ °' t.be .-.. ~ UM llilla Ude U.. CloftnulMat DlldmcJ Corn· line a.M UM 1-tnUe limit wwald IM IDitlee. aacr...t.o. urJ1Aa UWnl ~ ot ... ~ el •llMr a. Joia wtt.11 ... ~ to U.. Qty el Jf.....,.-t 8-ell • IM ptwww ft t-.. ~UN ~ County ot ot"UtP Pd....,....,_ um ---. ftU MUca ... UM .. ,..,,... ti. ........ 'fta .... a,.....a al a.--. of 0-· ot <Wllond& wuuld .,. ........ -.a. -w. ~ ....... ... GM ...,.UI al .. ..,....... ... U.. ...._.. ... a.a ..... -6 "1111a7 ..... ..,._ .. "' ... c FCTl et an.p Oaiml\1. oO _,__ .. -F , .. al ....._ Wltla 01:-tyl ~ the comtq ....._ ot tM .... ,.._ ~ wlle .._ _,.,. tM latun penaJtU.S .. ~ .......... -........ ~ .... to .,...... * .............. _...,.. . AU. AltOASD -Some of 38 Newport Harbor Union mp School lt.Udenu wbo made cni8e Tumday on car· rier U.8.S. Wright were pbotosnpbed on boarding ahip. RaJo row, trom left. Gene Ro., Lido !ale, adult mem- ber of Group 12; Bill R.lnr. Udo ble: Joe Bahan, Down· «)';Dick Redctick. Corona de1 Kai~ Ed Sbafer, Newport; Bob Milum. Bay Sboi.; Teny Stowen, Corona del Mar; front rowytrom left..Jerry Schult&. Wellt Newport: Ed· idle Groenendyke, Harborf Wand; Bob Martln. Balboa bland: D~ Groth and Danell Jacklon and Dick 0v .... by. all Costa Mesa &end Harry Ke~. Newport.. -8&atf Pbot.o ' • • I . J , MESA HEARS OUTLINE OF ECONOMIC SURVEY Two t"prei<ental•v~ of tile ~tan· ft)rd Rl'll"arr h Jn,.Ot11tion, a non· profit (o11:id1t t1on op,.pttmg .in the 11 ~ellttrn 1<tat l'1<. 1nrormf'l1 ('0111& ;\f(':<a clly QHW1'1l11 al a Monday lunrhl'On thal an ,.,·oron11<' 1111n•ey of I h .. rom1111111it \"I' "7.0nl' or In· o ( the chamber'• plannln1 and &Qlllnr; rommtttee Jordan. ltd Joni's. Pele Geddee, Joe Venable. Paul 01'tnlfp. Vln<'enl Pldcup. Andy Walker. Glen Croft and Don H11ddle11ton. preeldenl of the Meaa cham~r. 1 luenl'I'" would , . .,_ .. 1 t-1'1 ween S7000 ----------- anti $12 .1)(1(1 Hanlson A Pn ce HILL HELD &'ltl Ll'Roy A \\'l'llH 8ppeur~ In I 1'0t'tll ~tl'M at mnta!lon of the j ____ _ ~1 .. ""' rh1t ml"trr of rommrrre plan· Guardsman nine; a nrt Vlning rommltt,.,. 11ntler C'halrman \\'1llltrd T .• lor<111n c·" •c DIRt;('TIOS Pre11·m1·nary r ril.'(' dt'l'l'.I ibe'i thl' t'C'OOOmlt' '"" \'P \" 11 ~ "a gathering of 11l1ttl11· 111'8 tor annl\'!'il< and rPC'Ontmen· Set March 1 ol:itlon to ~ho~· tht <'ommunlty thr olir<'< llr1n tn whil'h 1t 8hould go." Thi' 11111 \'I'}' \\'OUl!t b<' r on11ldl're<l t-'red K . ~m. le-year-old Cout f1riot lllf'('I towartl <"rl'stlon of a Ouardeman of Seal S.ach 11 1.11111tl'r phin Onr or thr rrl't'al'('h awal\lnr a preliminary hearln1 ln11t1tutlon'11 latt-sl job' w1t11 Ion · March 1 in Nf!WJIQrt Juati<"e Court ttng a allr tor Dilml'.vlan<l. on a ft"lony <"harre of ff'lony. M.-mhl'ra of the planntnc and He wu arreated by Newport 7.tmlng r1•mm1ttre of the <'~amber police a fter hll mother, MMI. l'xrre1111P<I belief 112.000 wu chMp Wllraa K. Hill of %09-A Tope.i '" oht am a non-pollll<'al plan for Ave. awore to an 11.ffadavit that th,. rommunlty's future growth. 1he wrote a check to her aon tor T h" problem waa wbero to g-el tbe '60 and Ule cheek wu altered to s12'\M~ read 166(). The c:beek wu writ· c·11 ,. M1tnag,.r Georse Coffey ten on the NewJ>Ort Harbor Bank. J!Olnt1"1 out lnlUal eoet of th• It wu cu.hed at Ula bank for $M0 planninJ atr p would not be the on P'eb. 11. ""'I or It. 11mce any muter plan Hill told police hll mother owed d r\f!IO{'f'd would h.ave to tMI kept him Sl500 Wbcl he WU Uked for up to date. Price uJd the ecc>-aa ~ ot lb• charr;ed noml<' ~l'Th offnoed at oo.t Ir)' t1C'\lr.a. Ha cl&lmed ab• wu wlUI th" lrUJtltuuon did not lnclud• him wtien he caabed IL 8a1J wu 11rt11a l urhltl'<'htrl' of the plan bu t Ml at $1000. He wu committed ··::i''"" ll rommon·~en~ outllne of to county Jall followtnr; hla &r· wh"l th" t11Yhltl'<'U •hould do " ralpment Tburaday. 'TTP:SO MEET T'rr11t'fl1 "t thl' m .. eu~ were Roesch Car Struck ;\, • ' 1 ''·""' :'\l'IN>n. C'o trey. City A' 101 ""' ()Qn D11n1tan. Walter M\nor accident between car• \\ ,., .. ,,., rhalrm"n of the city driven by Mary Kathryn Rou ch r l11nn1nir: romm1:<..~lon, E L PAI· of 108 Cordova and Irwtn Henry tl'r'"' nt,mber or thl' pl&T1nlni Miller. Paaadena In front of ll romm·,'l"ton, Dudley Boyce. bu1I· laundry near the Archea and New· """" f"tur al1on d.-parlm,.nl at Or· port Blvd. Miller told police he •ntte r out ('ollf!gf': a nd mt>mti.ra backl'd Into the RoeKh car. "WI' ha\'e .. o" a _,. a.ii-Mle drh-.n ho" •~.-'\'I' m-y Ute l'tat.41 Fann way. MAKE us PROVE IT Ju~t 1tn ua the opportwatty to P""'e tn ., I J'041 t tt. mollf'J' .,·ta1• ..,,._tee"" of t11e ualque dlffl'r.-nt plan pl-ttd by flltat• Farm. State Fann Insurance Co. RLOO~l'J'\GTOX, ILL t. r.. ~ ....... W . I. LA•4llo I SI E. Utb St.. Co.ta Mesa LI IHOll There's Always llarcJalns • at BAUER'S IOOTERY • One Lot of Men's Dress Shoes In &.a,.,. and L.e Oxfwck, cushion crepe 1ole1, in brown, blue and smoked elk short loh -over I 00 pairs in the lot ... ::: : 12"'J'» • 6 77 CloslllCJ at • .. - ' ·,PAGE 2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS rendant,. woutd be ~rm1tt~ toil• al•ct Offic-. Fl, •• ot th• a.uodauoa cUrec· conducl buainus undn Ute naml' -·-...-ton1 have Hn'ed •Ince the a&Ylqe I THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 of Franm Gillman and Sou to i Dncton of FirWI firm wu toWlded ln 1936. Ttlf.Y ___________ _... __________ prl'venl ron!Wllon betwel'n th.-are Pallntt: Walt.r 8. 8Jl'Cer, STOCK UP, DOC, RUSSIANS -MUST BE COMING ASHORE! H.u bor area v.-ten nanan1 recl'lved a tl'leiraphlc 1hock over the weekend-a1 d id hund~ of their Southland col- leaguu -when they rrcelved telephonic ll'll'gram delivery of me85&g N rPquest mg ood purrha11e1. Purpor11n1 to be from the office of Art hur G. Boyd. Civil Ot'ft'nee. Sat·ramento, lhf! telegra m r!'ad: "Ple&111' advise all \'f!t ho:op1tol11 to obtain 1mmedla!ely i<lx C'Ues l'ltrna fn11t. lZ cases drltd ral1in11. double or triple oxyg"n 1upply." ll wu algned by Rankin W. Mclntyn~. OV~. vetPrlna rlan coordl· nator. BoUt Boyd and MC'lntyre reporteli they knew nolhin&' or tho hoax which they attrtbuted to a woman who repr!'11ent- ed heraelt u Boyd '1 1eeretary in g111Jln1 We1tem Union of· flcu . Tl'fe firm Is lnvutlg11t!n1t the hoax. • two plumblnr flrm1. Illingworth AU lnacumbeal ottkft'1I and di· nee pn911Hnt; 8a.muel A. M..,._r, w&1 a••arded $13.10 for rost1 ot r«ton of N.wport Dalbo& Sa•· tnuurer; Ap• Blomquilt. •· tl'9 le1al acUon. ~· and Loan ~tton ol ecuUn aec:ret&J")'; and Joeepla A. Erroneous concluaiorus of law Newport BMcb •we returned to Beek. ofnce at tbe reoeat anaual meet· .__ • ._ caused vacallnr; or the pre,,1ous ~ ot a~atkla ahanhoJden. Director Chari• W. ,.. ... _ judgment Jan. 31. accord111r to acconUnc to wont from rn.tdalt b&e eernc1 ~ lNI, .,.. ~ the court. Paul A. PallneT. ' tor Ra1plt P. '.Jlldk., -..C. i-. Imported 'ass ~ &autiful lacqu~red brals for decorat- ing walla, 1hel~·ea or tablea. Sille9 from 6 inches tc 17 inches in diameter. Prices from 85c to $3.98. All hanclworked and- imported from England. See them in the, ....• MEZZAlllE SHOPPE Richard'• Udo llarbt LIDO DRUG$ ONE MORE W¥K OF "'One., ........... ...,. .. 1481 Via Lido. Newport lleeell HARIOR DRUGS IAUOA DRUGS '711E. ............. -.ucky 7 Specials THUIS.. Fill., SAT. FD. 24, 25 Ir 26 BOX CHOCOLATES Aut. Kinds & ..._. 1/2 OFF • Valentine Stoel& .. .. .. , PAY LESS. ' . KLEENEX RUBBING ALCOHOL 10% BTllTL PT. 23c -Saccharin Tablets H -OB 1000 3tc ZINC OXIDE l?c BUBBLE IATH 20 BNVELOPJ:I 4 80£ A11t.d. P'r&&Tt.nce1 bs.. 7g- TUllY PDfK CleansllMJ Cream ae,. s100 &eg. s~ $2.00 3\0 6. -- TUUY-EriLSU'UD-- CleansinCJ Cream uo. r.z.oo s100 DOllOTBY OU y DUO LIPSTICK s110 2.00 VALUZ IOP&& ITAY --- · 'PAYLESS ' . • Y,·' PAY LESS , . Y,~ J'AY LESS_ I nDI llw oll-rlcll Nutd-Tonic WAVES DEEP DOWN, IN LITTLE AS 10 MINUTES PAYLESS A I • • ........ cw k ....... , .... ....... •jnt ~ "' ,. . . • Alftl..eBf~ TAIUTI NG Of 10--'91 1n0f '°·-"' PAYLESS DOW SARAN WRAP ~ 0•'\o\ o\ '9' ~: ·r = -.,.,r.1·1 "''·•, ~---......-· ... ~31~ ROLL TOWILS I UOWWW& 14~ ~ m NAPKINS 80-Coat lOC ~-~--~~~- ... Pl90I '1al .... ... eBnnol~ Time. • ------IA THROOM SCALE PAJIOVa mTZ WBIYA DADI..m> sp Fas .. gllt .lafferies -.o.v.• 2 -15c Rex-Ray Heallaag Pad 1 Tr. Gauu• $4'H 3 .,.... Oaatrol 6.-. ---IRONING BOARD s410 -IOOK M_A_TC_H-ES Oil TO If 60 BOOU tc KAZ YA~P-0-Rl-Z-ER- Witbo11\ s10n w tib s2so Cord 6. --0oTd ----PLAYING CARDSc- •icrcte 2 s100 Choice of 3 Baclu '°' STERILIZER s1n ' I 4 WAY OF BOOM-Barely waiting for a bouae to be re- moved from the lot upon whJcb it was situated are the oil company drill rlga on Firat St. near Walnut St. in, Huntincton Beach. Hardly had the bowie moved away Inland before huge etorage tanka were plunked 'down on the firm foundationa of the house. The drill rigs tower- ing in the background of the picture are part of the hundreds ruahed· into Huntington Beach from all por- tion8 of the west in the frantic IMW'Cb for oil in the city's newe.t boom. -Sta.ff Photo Even 'Doodl~bug' Used in Huntington Beach Oil Play (114. Not.: ftla 18 third of & ilerlM • HunltJlrton Beach oil coadi- Uc:aa.) 87 BK a&DDICK There an many ~le around HunUqton Beach theae daya wbo cl&tm to have made the 1trUce 1'MpaUllble tor the current oil boom. ni.re are a lot of t.boee wtth pf'OduetDc wella who claim to have &lie but wella. But tbere ar.. u alwaya In 11uch th1np. a Jot ot SUY• wbo follow Vie crowdl and bope to make • fut buck. Moel ot them you can ~ There are the reneral ND of lhllltl &nd phonlu-8nd tMN are &IWaya a moet lnlArMl• ins run ot people. Like for tn· aance: C. V. Elliott l• 70 yeara old. He Ill a ta.mlUar ttrure in Huntln(ton Be&ch now-a-day• allbouch his home la In Loa Angelu at 331 E. 33rd SL Elliott has becom,. ~ tam1· liar flKUr~ with hi• r11rtn t1t• ~ll around hl3 midriff anti h1, "doodle· bug" ln hll hands. H111 cart'fully rnacluned and hlgt\ly polished dJTtnlng rod la aJtemately titted wllh c&rlriqe1 from the bell arowwt EllloU'a wai1L Tbe cart· rldgea. he cl&lm11, u ch contain a d.Jlle~nt mineral or an oil or dlf· ferenl gravity. Elliott aaya. "'Jt I'm walking ovf'r 28 gravity oil. and the bug holdl a cylinder COJ1lalni111 30 &Tavtty, It ju1t won't work. Hu to be exactly the aame &T&Vlty. you know." What'11 'morf', EJlloll clalma he tirat dlll()()vered the Jonea a&11d alJt years ago. H• 11&irl he couldn't l.ntttfft any of th• geok>rlau In his find. And It EIUott dlsl"OVf'rt'd th,. JoMa And he v.'111 probably be Ions remembered but he won't have any niche In the hall o! tame. He clalm1 to be a l"faduat.e of Cor· nell and aa'a he taught gt"Ology a t M I. T. The JOnCJI 114lld W ill prObllbly go down a• th,. mo"l dtatruc11v,. Mnd In recent year•. Jt uo lhf' 110· controlled ,.,.,p:,1nUon of tho41' HOW IT \VORKS-"Doodle-bug Expert" is C. V. Elliott. 70, who claim.A to have discovered Huntington Beach's .Jones Sand aix yean 1Lgo. Elliott explains the operation of his teat capaulea to Bill Rowley in the center of drill· ing operatio111. Between the two men can be seen an op· erat:ing pump jack aucking oil from the sands of the Jonee ltrata.. -Stall Photo aanda that la wreak.inc havoc in Huntington Beach. For every one who bend'ill Crom a atrlke there are Mveral homu dunollahed and neiJhbor- hooda n1eaaed up and plan• ad awry. There ia the houae at the com er or Firl't a nd Wa.lllut Sta. where there 111 a derrick with It.a lei'• jiun up apin.lt the atruct.ure anrt outatcl,. the trol't la a pump jack. And aroW1d and throll(h the alreeta apeed trucU and cara. all In the ch&ae tor Ult eluaiw oil lbat once ll&'aln baa aet Hunt.ing· ton Beach a -chu1&'1n1 and chum· lng. Acrou the root o! the UtUe houae at Finl and Walnut Sla. la apre&d a &Teat tarp to prot.Kl the houae from th• apray of ro- tary mud and dirt and oO trom the wo.rklng riCL Acroea the .ueet there u an· othf'r houae. Jt u belns moved away on one· truck and tra.iler hook-up while a tank t.nlCk. ant1 a drill ri&' wait to r•t lnto the •pol nue it bad ~n mitt.inc to drill another hole through the sur· face ot mother nature'• ~ ln eearcb of oU. 23' ... 11.,. 2'c •I ~,...'? ... "L ......... ~ Y.~~.~,ec~~"'~ ;I CUSTA MESA 1100 Sewport Bh·cl. COKU~A Dl:L MAA tos <.:out Hwy. ACORD'~ LAOl'SA llLA<.'11 iAs Broedwaf ft \l.BOA 18LAXD ?00 Marta. A.-e. !'n.:\\'t'ORT BEACH Ito 0 .... BW'f. •••••••• BUILD BEACH LOT NOW!! • • • • • • • • • '11,95000 : • THIS llAUTIFUL . OOJIPIZTE TWO llDIOOM DUPLIX nl(JI; • • • • • • ..> ..... M ±1 fMl11re9 • • A&tndln ......... ..., • ~ .,..,._. • ••" r ; -. • • Ahtz'W-Or rat Wt '"' • ~ l!lmM4l ..,. • 84!ww (l H ra • nu,._. la a... 11• • 8-ci.mirs • w.-,..._ 00..1•r•~llMll• • e ..... Olw .... Daer e Daalle ~ e ftMI ,.... ... aw ~ : CARDllAL HOMES • •• • • • • Opell 1 o.,-. -111 I!. tsrd 8t. t. C<Mtta ._ U ...... ················~········ r MESA· NEWPOR? INTER.· CLUB KIWANIS SESSION THURSDAY NEWPORT HARBOR NE\'.'S PRESS -PART I · PAGE J THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 De Forest Move Forces Him to Resign Position . · Kra. Howard Mellor. 9U Arbor, and Kra. A. c. Unct.. 911 ~- .A.a lDter-clu.b meet wWl Coeta M .. hl&till&llta nut Thunday'1 luncheon ot Newport Harbor Kiwanla Club, Tb• Cost.a Keaa club ..W Jlffff!Dl the p«>rram!' Mardi 10, prorram ch&lnnan will be Clint JCmnlel'IOn al UM Junclleon aeulOD ln Villa Marina Ralt&urant. 11M &erl· culture and oonarv&Uon committee will preaent the pro&Tll'l1· Durlns the Lat.en aea.on. the .uppon ot churchM c0111· mlta.e la lnvlUns a different mln).lter to each of the Thur1day luncheona to 11ve a abort devot.sonat at the ~c1nninc of each c. A. Ooodon. pound muter, aboW.s U.. )'OW\C ladlee bow tM IOft\e to dop on hand are eared tw. Two of U.. s1rla ware unable to ,..... .. and a pair of the pupptN OD b&nd tound bomea. Thoma& B. de l'onlt wtl1 t1Utt;-~. ..& .... .-&.. mlt hi• reele'n&U. rrom ~· o.ta 4illlllY llCJI ~ Meaa Unloca Hl&b 8cbool DWtrtct al Wedneld&7 D.lpt'a mGDthl1 ZOOln Locally meeuns, it wu announced t.od&7 . provarn. by SuperlDtendent Enrett Rea. U.CAAMBNTO (CNS) -A.- -----------------------The prMldent ot U.. board ot UU.-llta ot (':•ttol'111a aavtnp and Joan Central Croup pl1yotf1 wlUI the teea la movlDs lnto tbe Newport &90Clatlona aoomed to 11,Mt,117.-::OUL OUT! Tar Quintet Atomized By ·Anaheim Five cham)>lon Huntington. Beach rtve. Beaeh Element&.ry 8chool Dlltrtct. aa8 cturtn• ltM, an lncreue of The rulinaUon la expected to f'Ol,IU,210 or al.I per c.nt ower Deciding factor In I.he fray lut take effect atter Wectneed&y'a ,.. 1131 lllte l&vtnc'• and Loan Com· nlrht lay In 26 rouls called on the 1lon of the board. Board membera milllCIDlr Milton o. Sh&w reported Tari. Anaheim commllted·only 11 wlll probably name a D-preei· to U.. aovernor'a oouncil. pnl'onah•. In addition, the Colon· dent at the meet.inc and ncom• AIMta Ot the Newport ~ mend poaalble repl&cemeat.I tor 8&Yinp and Loan ~Uon of l1ll hart 1 belle1j.11hoot1ng percent· t.h.e vacancy. Tbe replacement wtll Newport Beacll wwe UIW.at SlC.• age than the Sailors both In -field be appolnted by Oraqe Count>: toa,026. goals and tree throw1. Superintendent ot ~ Untoa Thll ta a pill ot M .I00.110 froln . ' d Slmmond4 Rae a&!d. ~. 11. 1t61 to DeC. 11, llM. Althoush oulacorlJ\&' the Colon-Paul Neumann of the Ta.r1 an • A.laet.I of tbe eo.ta KM& 8&Y.. ml .. hty Mlkf' Buch c>f Anaheim lata from the noor by 1lx polnll!. engag<'d in an amazing acorlng Mesa Girt 5c0lltl Visit tnp &ad Loan Alaoc1&Uon ot eo.- Newporl Harbor High'• baakt'tball dm•l. B,.ach. number one loop 11ror· ta X--re lilted at ,St21.N4.. qutntet committed too many roul.s er~I 11P11Mn. finally •di:ed Neu-, Santa Ana Dot Pomcl Sh&w a&!d tbe tttmmdOUll at.- and Jo1l a thrllllns 68-80 Sunaet I mann. number two"-tallln . 2• wldl ln~ broke all reoorda. League pl&yoff same for ~ond points to 23. Denny F1Utpatr1ck The Olrl Scouta of Troop I , Be a&id ... ti ot the ltat..-llom9ed place tut nlrht In Ute neutral or Newport followed with 22 Co1ta Meaa. vl.9lted Banta Ana doe &90Cl&Uon lncreued S10I mlWon Garden Grove· gymnaal"m. The whllr lillll F'r<'nch barkPd up Beuh I pountl Jut Jo''rlday u part of Girl during tbe fourth quarter ot Ula win aend1 Ana.helm tnto the CIF for Anaheim V.'lth 19. Srout WMk, under aupervia1on ol Je&r alone. Check Every Item ••• and Save! COFFEE AR GA J, t'IJ...;o,1~. ,:· 25c. WESiill OIL ,-:~:;: 55c C 0 vtGETAILE 3-lb. 73c C R I ~ROYAL~~ SH~~~con 67•) can 35C BISQU ICK ~:,~: ~~· MA yQtiiliSi ;:·I a::,rt 55' HEESE M1lD OR. EGON CHEDDAR lb. 39' c Pr.-f & Wrapped -CHUCK ROAST SHOULDER OF USDA CHOICE BEEF IOUND 39i SEVEN BONE 11... 35c BONE lb. or BLADE 18 . GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF In New Visking Pack .,, Boneless Brisket Milp Cure 111. 35c •· 49c BOILING BEEF ,:o,. IMa1 Fr-USDA Choiee ... , lb. 9' SHORT RIBS BANANAS All Purpose Detwgent Giant ,.. LA LANI CRUSHED GElATIN DESSERTS ORANGE JUICE SCOTCH TREAT ~ 10« CHICIEI THllHS Finn Ripe MANOR HOUSE 1-lb. ·7· plrg. 7- USOA Choice leef. To loU Oft lrahe lb. 15' LES. Washington APP i:i:~ 2~25c 2 ... 29'· •· 12c SLICED BACON MORRELL YOllllHIRE I llllAI CIRCLE .. I" tte.tleol ,. 1 ... pk9. 39c DUIUQUI t-•. 4a. HAID -'•· ..,-&Win,. ...... , .•. -..5a. HTI IUll HWl 7• .PINEAPPLE F1om Hawaii AVOCADOS SPINACH Fresh Crisp c.•lo 10¢ pkg. Cleanl Tender • CARROTS Fuerte Variety Fresh Sin 30 2 '°' 19• Si.-24. each 12' PltCES lmClM ma .. Fil. SAT .. ~ 24, 21. a, 1111 AT OWlll coum wtWAT STOIU (Tln ...... s... .... Sn.) ...., ...... ,_,,..,Me ................ _ ......... __ .... - STOii HOUIS .,.., ........ p.a. (rrtdaJ • • p. m.) ..... , ..... tolp.m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Cos.ta ·Mesa PLINTY OF PAlllNG ON LAIGI PAYID LOT - . r \ .. I- \ r J J PA6E 4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS rHURSDA Y, FEB. 24, 1955 •rm l'AJOLY AFLOAT-Mr. and Mn. Foniat Smith of 112 Via Lido Nord anCi children group around maps and chart.I on the bridge of the cruiaer Toluca juat be- fon .Upping but of N~rt Hari»or for a five-month cru.l.ee to Peru. From iett, Mrs. Smitli, Susan, 10; Smith, . Pamela, 9; Forest ill, 15; and Michael, H . -SWf Photo Forest Smiths. 4 Children on 5-month C111ise to Peru DEATH NOTICE RALPH W. OOTHAJlD Funeral eervlcca for Ralph W. THIEF MAKES . HEFTY HEIST TIM 112-ft.. det.el yacht Toluca 41eparted Saturday from Newport Hart9or with Mr. and Mrs. Fore11t 8m1U. ot 112 Via Udo Nord and tMtr tour dllktreft .lor a nv .... 9100U. crW.. to Puu. J'or'Ml Smith lU. 1:5,'and hi• kotJMr Mlcl\ael, U , are looking forward to rn&rlln flahlng ln Cuo Blani!I> waten off Peru. The area &a .uppoeec! tp ba ve thf blgr;eat Wa.clll marlin ln UM world. Youn1 Mrs. Harper Testifies to For•t la the champion flaherman of the Balboa Angling Club. Mich· ael wu only one point behind him. The ot.her children on the ahlp a re Suaa.n, 10 and Pamt'la. 9. - Toluca will cnitae pul lht' Mui· can coaat to Panama. Chill and Peru. ~ her return ahe will dock at the Smlth'a~homt, 928 Via Udo Nord. Ro En1lgn, South Colut Co., made ngemt'nla !or the trip. Oothard, ()7, of 216 Driftwood Ro11d, will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Balts Mortuary, Corona del Mar chapel. • The Rev. ponald Sapp of Balboa Island Corfimunity Chur ch will of· flclate. lntermt nt will be private. Gothard died yeaterday. artemoon arter a brief IUneu . He wu pro- nounced dead al Ho11i H09plt&l. He waa a rnldent of thl• commun· lty for one year, havtng moved here from Jllln61a. He wu a re· tired manu~turer In the elec· In« of the jury concerned ht'r talk• trlcal bualneas. He alao wu a mem· wtth Mrs. Herman Pauae (Rhoda! ber of the Elka Club. Burkhardt). Survlvora Include hl11 wife. Sue DISPUTED Ql'ESTION of the home addrelMI, a aon, WU· Coeta Mua city pollc• wtre lnvestlgallnr; a hefty hel•l to- day-namely. cra.nd tht'fL Of a 400-lb. tractor ecraper with hydraulic llft..a. The theft of the blade, valued at 1%87. wu reported by owntr Joeepb L. Bower. The acraper wu taken f·rom the back of a Ferguson trac· ~or al Plact'otla between HamUton and Victoria whe1 e the Bower and Tipton Dump Truck Berv\e• le pnputnc land for a tract. Aut11t.nt PToaecutor William ham Gothard of Spring11eld, 111.; LalJy uked the wltneaa If •he die-a bro! htr. Netaon Gothard of Cble· cuaaed U\• o~ratlon of the Har• I "go: 11nd a 11latt'r Mrs. Joeephlne P D I bnr Cafe with Mra. Pt.use. nte 1 Peck nf Dundee, Ill. ause ea wltnellll aald "TH." "What waa aid.'' Lally ln.qulr· f'd. Thi• brought the objection I Two l11r9larles at Judge Dodge Re-electe~ to Goodwill Board BANTA ANA. J'EB. 24 COCNBl trom the dt'ft'nae. It argued any M • Mal School J udge Donald J . Dodp ot Coeta -Superior Court J udp Franklin I tutlmony would be hersay .. ru I esa s n Meaa hu been re·eleeted to the Wut Mnt the Jury hear1n1 teatl-u the defendant.. were concern-A t tat' of 127 ~ ha.a been bur· Goodwill Jnduatr1ea of Oranc• rnony In the Hennan Pau&e-Clover ed o · DocklM conaplracy trial home at I Judge West told the jury a r· -«larlzed In two Hperate enlric! County board of dlr~tora tor a -~ tod& or Main School recently. Coat• three-year terw. Annual report 11 a.m. Y· gument..a nn lhe adml.-billty of I Mu a city police reported today. of Executive Director Oeorre F . nte J~e ordered the jurora to lh• .Mrs.. Pau .. • J.lra. H&r'p('r con· Reporte ahow U O waa taken trom Anp• ahowa <>rans• Oowlt)' led m1u11 to t.b• Jury 11o11 at JO a..m. ! wrmatlon. mla'ht IMt for two Principal Gordon tmJer'• locker au Goodw1U Induatrtea of th• Jfond&y. W.at ree~ proc:Hd-'hours. I Tuuda nlfht or Wtdneaday country In fT'Owt.b durtnr 1954. b!J• unUI 2 p.m. today when an· I Prevloualy, Wra. Harper told the momln~. An~ aald that, uainc only other Jong arl"'mmt between op-court ahe wu lilll«'d u prellldent houaehold dl.card.e and without p!Mllng &ttorneya wu t o bt' ""•rd. on the Snug Rarbor Inc. pa~ni. public 1JUbaldy ot any .ort. Oood- OOSSMaACJt:M ntARGl:D I but llhe denied •hf' ever actt d tn lnp took place a t ,noon when the .. Mil lndwi·trt•• tumAd a potentt·• th It Sh claimed • •I• liquor control ch et•a 8ee~l&J7 -· -• .. Pa.u.ee, l'\ur~nded Ora.nee Coun· at capac Y· e ,.. 1200.000 relief burden on the t1 liquor control oftlcer and Doc-nature on a bffr a/Id wine license wu a t lunch. count ·a t.a.x n into a Hlf·•u Ir.Ina Santa Ana mwllc machine tranllfer wu not h.era. I Sh,. u Jd "Ht' told me to give _,_Y payer IU h -~ . • ............ mu ns me u llOle owner " The wit· pon.u•I poop o C · un11 w o ..-Teador. a re accused In an Orange I 81GNM ....,,. ""' , · II& ~9 In Income taxu aJld 1400 County Grand Jury Indictment of tn otht-r teatlmony ahe claimed nu& claimed aht nf'Vtr received tn · . U deduction• tor SoclAJ )la-ring cono11plred to commit acl.8 ahe algnC'CI a letter written by money from &nyone but Pauae to ' Sec~rft; dur1n1 ll>M. tnJur1oua to publlc more.la. to ~r· Paullt' to the Slate ~rd of o~rate the cale. I d ••rt Juatlce e.nd obstruct thf' due Eqw\llm llon oftlce In Sacramento. I Yealenlay ahe told of a &T"elng Ila payroll to the09hC:,dlcap~ admlnlatratlon of th& lawa. Jt. wu t o J>ack up an applk'a tlon 1 to run the place for the PaUl!u for the year wu 91; · · a ~ n Pause auertedly Wied Snur Har· Cor a 11eaaona.l on-n le general II· for l~O a week and a !!hare of lh' of SU.!)()() 0 ,vn \ 1~ ~agu. d t· 'ar Inc. a corporation whk h op-quor license for the Harbor ca.fe. I proCll~. organlut19n • ml I ont wage o · enled Snug Ha.rbor. a Newp<>rt Sht u ld ahe didn't ~all whtlh· Dorkin11 report1>d1y wu vice-tu was paid durtnr lut year, ... ch b&r, for ~reonal caln. I t'r •he maU'd It or gave It b11ck pr~111drnt oc Snur Harbor Jnc. 1 Angne nld. . Wra. Chertotte L. Harper of to Pau11e. I M r~ HtHfl{'r wu dl1ml113ed u Charit a Robln11<1n, chief deputy 'ISOl Beaaho"' Drive, resumed the I Mr11. Harper teaUfled Pautie mnnaier or the place In 19~3. S'he county probation ortl<'t r. wu elec-1 .und Ulla morning. The qut11llon told her to alirn appllc•Uona ID 1 w111 rr11ume tullmony Monday tl'd to prc11ldtn<'y or lhe lnaUtuUon wtlkh brou«"t about the recu".1 hla offlct. She ,clalmf<l the IMp· mqrnlng. I Monday. It's His Business ... Rniwi~REss Yes .•• It's his bninen to deliver your Newport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monday and T111nday. It's his business to do a good iob too. Yow paper must NGCh JCMI promptly, and In good condition. His lob depends llpOft the service Ke rHders his customers. ~ you are not a regular sub- s c r J be r, flll out the s •bscrip tlon below and we will start d .. livery at once. r--·-··--·--······-··············~· ................... • I Clrc .. lltiotl Dept. I • • I . . Newport. Harbor News • Pr.SS Hll ll&lboa Av~ Ne"·port Beach Att.1 ~ Dept. I hereby wiab to •ubecrfbe !b the New- port Harbor News-Presa, and agree to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 60c a mouth). N ... -.--··········· .... ···········-·-·-··-···--· : ..... . • 2211 loll•• llYcL Hmbor 1616 i '*7--------·-·····-l...... -·-· -, I DREAM PROVIS COLD IEAIJIY AS MARY JANE TAKES SIROLL Rogu Cal'l W1bers ol 2121 2'"aa.-& .._ 0.. lie-. thoUfht he WU~ .... lw IMan a dliM oyiac ~ bla wlndoW a.t 1:30 LID. toda7. But ..._ ........... ~ U.... WU a amall pl ahlftl'illc hwa .. Clllld..· Wiberg went to UM dlild'a ..-.it. "'-Pt ~ IMide hi.a home and wrapped brr '9 a ~ n.t ._ eaaM U. Meu police d•partmaiL JnvestlpUnr; oftlttn cb«ked U.. ~.........,.,,A~ the alrNt, at 2120 NaUanaJ. U.., ,_, a t:nmt ._ .,.... M.ra. Mary Dr#frf ot that.....,_ ... a.u-.t. 8un --cla. ,. tound daughter X.,,. J-. 2~. maottc U.. ..-...... -Apparently, JUr)' JUie ta --.r17 .._ ... dedckd to • co for a •troll. W.ra. Dewoey aa.6d -. -W llliaw U.. a- !llled ao Wary Jane will •-to ~ i.r arf7 _.... OI CllllEI Hit by Car, Mn. ew" •• ,..... nrs• ra,.. RUCJCJles Reco_. gn>up wu liven a leader from thP Mrll. II. F.. flUl(Jtlea. MM Goldt• abip·a. compUment who took the rod AVt'., who waa atruck b7 a~ youtha on a tour of the t>h•p'a F riday nfar l'alm ~PrlnJ•. t~ facWUn and armament. wu recon •rln,_ f rom lnjurit11 Santa Ana t'ummunlty Ho~ltal. EXllUU'I' DISPLA \' Her condition wu apparentlJ' BpeclaJ .xhlbit• were on dh1rl•~ "~ood," alten1lant1 rt>ported. • ,.. • th•-tuulcv d.eck of the •hip, Ftlf'nda l'«'porlf'1l i.he wu na o._ abowinC an &JT&Y of arnall· In a cro1111w11lk while r rou1n1 Ulp arm. ••pon&. ancl an6Uiu ahow-atret't with hn frltii<l, Mra. ~ U.,. n'&Cue a nd aunrtval equipment. Proctu. Cornn11 d.-1 Mar. The ..- Bbip'a doctors reported none ot men wt're f'n routt' to the date tee. tbe yout.ha beca'lt aeaak k dur-Uval at lndlo. Mrs. Rug~lea r4" ~ lh• day on the high aeu. celved a a>rokl'n lt"rt ahouhler. la~" Howenr. 11\&nY consumed great eratt'd right arm anl1 racial cll\i. quanUUea ot I~ .cream, and a After t ru lment at a Palm Sp~ llliqe turkey dinner. h09pltal ehe waa trana!erre1I ~ '!'be trip wu dMlfDed to a<'· Santa Ana yeaterd1y atternooft. .. .-tat Jll'09P8CtlVe a vtatlon cadeta The Rurglea are long-lime ~ =z=.==========================================~====~l~and;;.;;,~•;;,;;;,;;llon;.;.;.;,..;.w1;.;.;,;th•·~1~1t•e•a~bo&;.;.;..rd.;_•.h~lp•.~de;.;;.;n~ta;....;he•re••·----------------• exuclaea. .No •m cAIPD ISIS .,. Too ·Late To· Classlfy ll~nlry lift.. c r •Ii-..,.. hp-------------~ Not~i•c Free. = ~ .rw-::.. ~:: = ... ._.....,_ !'Mate --... r..tate F Co •1 ~~ ~·.;:,.:::. HARBOR VIEW * rom 1111 ~-= ~ ~.': -rhe only available home ln ita clua." Memben of eo.t& Mw Cit:J' ~ • u. _._._ ot Biedl: Counc1l are not 1'96-carpat roDerw.. <nllftJrnOCa ~T Panoramic view of the entire Harbor Area from StrMt lmprowmenta, ~ .,, -n.i a-..,...._ P. A.. thia new 4 bedroom plU8 den, 3 bathroom, exceed· the city by an tndwitry wlddt '"--' -.. ..,. ...,. ..._ • .._ m· •ty ch-rful. eaaily maintained Cliff home. Two wou.ld require CO ernploJ-. lllOUSd ~ ot u. ~ ......_ a ~~ they locate tn Coata Kda wtJJ a.Ttwip ...-a-•...a-•tcm aa balconies, a permanent view from every room . not be made. e: H eiw _.. a-.. mlkttJDc to-Plate glaaa windows and sliding doors. Carpets, City Manager Oeorie eattey a.&r.-•• • wlddl MYft"Ua. dra.--ork1hop. Extra 1arg., garage. 2 fireplace.. told councilmen a Lo9 AaplM lllc ..,.. --pl9ced .. UM IMulda ...--. '" party, ln ' ellt.ed tn JocaUnc Uie ot a-_,.. .. ,. •• ctieata aad Ready to move in. lndu.try here, ran up a '3 ~ patrom. ¥d Ill)' ,_ ot .uclt bUJ aaktnc If the ctt1 would lm-&lltidtalllm a<MG ,,..,,.., •• , •• ta-A.king price S.0,000. Thia lovely home mu.t .ell. prove the .inet before property _..,.. ..,. ._. ~ ~d on 17th st. ott Placentia Aft. a8d talld inirq rrma Al. Tbat To a qualified buyer we will abio finance with a real "Other areaa are rolllnc out the .,........,......... P. A. l'laimer low down . red carpet for aucb lnduatry." tbe u.-i-to coait._. auell -.dYtt· party •dvlaed Cofftoy. tilbC ... ~ Call John Macnab, Harbor 1778 or 5359 anytime. .However, the couodim.t made -u.a.. aw a-dd..-..t P. no effort to ch&11Ke a CoMa ,._ A. Palmer ·a. _,,.._... llod re. policy which requirea in.IUaJ lm· 8lra1ard ,_ .., dlllac-1w wtD provement.a be mack by tbe prop-_,. 1 to -lllie .._. • ed. t'rty owner conoerned. ~ ot ...,.._,. ....__ •. la Ule __ ._ ""WMdl triU ~ ASK S4 MILLIOll 11::;:..::: :ac: ~ port 8-r:lll ... Coal.a 11"9 aad c..u.-. ,._ "'"' ,...... will ...... to ..... ..,.... .. Simmon. who claimed It WOU14f be aUd ftcWtJ .... dMmta a( crom- "dlautroua" at thl9 time. Thia _,..._,. a. ~ ~ crl move norm.Uy require. study Ill)' lk ic-,.t ....._ .. ftllP .ad an out.aide. Wl·~ croup o1 I-. 4 -"t•; acbool admin.latralora, who. la -n.t it wUI ..... .,....._to de- otht'r cuea.. bHoe ~ at da-tawdlM t.111ie _. .-flll ...._ trlct dlvta.lon• wit.II an eye t.o ~ ~ wlllic* a-e-r"'M wUI la but tor a.II concemed.. ....,.. lllJ -fll U. aide eaid Harbor High otnciala and t:ru.. C!IDdllic'.\ fll tM awww dmf.-..at P. teea In time put haft claimed I.be A.. ...._.. W .. 19 ,..,_.u... to achoo! bu ranked amonc tbnoe -"m• ... a.dllcl ... .,...._ loweat Of 12 county 1aiCft echoola aa al--'4. ... a-_,...._ In ooal per pupil which la below am wt11 ,,.,,_ ..,... ... ......,.,.. the county averare. ..._ ...__. ... ~ f• W'8idll CIUMDe at Monctara awiOa It will .. ... a I .. -· I• bearcl n(W'ell cited whldl -.. "'!8*"' s' .,.,. - preMD t enrollment Ill t.be &fta '• eJeme11tary aeboot. would ciwe ... I HI• l•n1 NHUHS a lll~•l body ot 1124 by 19M-M, some It'll 1itJ ~7. 2UO b7 1t~7~ &J)d SUI 11tJ 1«'>8- ~9. ICducaton claim 1 TIO lltDdlmta II l.de&l for ~ .n'lc:ka- cy with 3000 or more pupt.19 re- ducing auch rapidly . Umci•lllwllllt qyl ttswean ........... ,_ tlle llluG .. (l09a• eQ=a=k ...,... at u.. dlJ clirft"a atftm. dly ..._ 'l1ley wUI .......... ..tJ1 llarda M. ltw da1'a ~ ta. 1i'DCe.. VISTA BUYS .. • BETTER BUYS IMk!a RAYON PANTIES "Juat your IMaai ... d • a..,. ._ Mc> ... vw..a ~ • ..._ ~so wMa .,_ .... ., .... _..... COLORED CASSDOLE .. Picture Fnaaaes ''• •••• ,. lh:lt PrtONI ,,_ 49t .. 91t _tal...._.. ......... ('trdf' 0 .._,.. JEANS ~lirr• I . t •1• • .... ,c.. ..... s lty a wrc&An 0-W "Tl •• .,.,_.. ZIPPERS .. .--~....- ,._,. ..... WWW ..... » ... .. nx-80 nw-•_..., ws+ Mr EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand U-i...t ud FoaDd 1!9--RelD Wut.ed ____ _ LOST -M..ie red Cocker Spaniel. J;XPmfENCE~mar1ne p&Jnten 10 11'-old. Family pet. Corona • marine e.n(U\• mechanlca. De de! .War, rew&rd. Har. MN. not apply unlua operlenc.d • 1Sc20 recently employecl. flef. req. 'De -------------Bo&c.-aln'• Locker, 2431 Wlllt ~Wuted Alterations IUtSTYUNG Kim of California 212 Marine Balboa bland Harbor ll481 18p30H WANT b&by aHtlng ln Corona del Mar. 8 boura. Monday, Tueaday, ai.o Wednelld&J morntnra. Ref· erencee. Ph. Har. HU, t -t p.m. week daya. . J8p -ror a ct.pencta~ u.eed car, ... your local dealer wbo wW be here TOMOIUlOW to beck up what he .U. TODA T ! Check the uM'd cara tn tM da.ulfled aec:Uon to- da7. Feb.24 25. 26 ......... OaUee CLOTHES UNE Cout Hlgh-y, N-port Beach. Apply to A)a Meet.on. lkJO SO-an.eeoa..eo-for a.le Pl.A YHOU811: t x 10 redwoo4, w1lh floor, glua window•. hln1- ed door, eully moved. $76. Well constructed. Ka.r. 4t4r>-J. 18Uo M-Ma.lcal. Radio, a T V --· . -. ----.-.. PRACTICll piano, ISO. I06 Vlctot1a. C09l& Mesa Liberty 8-7073. 18GJO to.-Aaloe ud Traicka 'Dl M.ERC club coupe, HOO. 1901 co,_.t Hljftlway, Corona del Mar a l Kay P'lnch Ceramlca. Aak fo r George. l&c20 .,... ....... PAD 8~M·llM : 59' llHlvy alteortlftlt 98# WOVfD nott- M-cla-!'IJk-o~ ........ It fkl&rd COYER korell ,_.•taet KUAnull.Hod ty C.cMMI 1141 H_k,...plnJ l.A,WP Reflector lowls (),,al 6" 8" ni:r. : Two • a.o-tl'IM'k • pAk •P ~•wr for ,.,... or pecllet. wtt.1111 bottlfl of ... ~ 49¢ ASPDllS '7 roll •Prtlla' pack of . ·"· "'OR.N-sr' Baity u.a ....... '°" bo7 nr lflrl, 11tolichtll I• It-pl-..... , proof a f'ld prtN>f • ,,,.,.... • 11dct1a, -~ edJ ... taMto. AAI~ aaff'ty i..1& -feet~r llpt. A~ f..at "°'""· & ... ~ 81UIJ'·n..lt $'195 Camera I. -<$" HM~ •H II.It Blt.-C t: Wax Spreaders ~ a.cu.. 79¢ P~W causas TY TRAYS "' ,.. ,,,..,..., 1ee ira1 J •1• · Plants.. 1-~·,.. .-. ..... .... ~ ..._, 9SC Nf._ llatr 3fc r... 11-,. -, ._,... t.w.r ...., •--L--r.p~r-•-· Plllla, ........ ~-..... ,__,~ I ~ de. fur ,.,.., pull~lllf 79( ~·a.... I a.nu llN4 lk "IT'S FUN TO • NICI TO PEOPLE" RI IER PHOTO FINISHING ONE DAY SERVICE PAIK WIT)t IASI SHOP wnH IASI Atft DAY-EYDY DAY 121 W. 19th St . (AT PLACENTIA) COSTA MISA UIEITY 1-3231 •/ • I l .. { 1 · ~ t r • } ... ORCHID FAN CIERS-During a dinner meeting Mon- day, Feb. 21 at the Harbor House in Costa Mesa the presidency of the Orange County Orchid Society changed hands before a group of 60 or more members. 1955 prexy Emerson Charles of Costa Mesa accepts the official ga- vel from retiring president Mrs. Roy Willis of Santa Ana. -Beckner Photo Philharmonic Orchestra in Next Concert Will Play Sunday at ' Fullerton Auditorium Beethoven's "Overture to Coriolanus," ~bn'a "Italinn Symphony" and Tchaikowsky's Fourth Symphony in F Minor arc the three numbers which will be featured by Frieda Belin fante and the Orange County Philharmonic Sym- phony orchestra in its fifth concert to be presented in Fuller- t on rw~l Sunday afternoon. Feb. 1 27 l'l 3 I'm. •l the high echool , u a pennanent addltlon to the audltonum. cultural life~ Oranire County and Followin~ the policy of the the 80C"lety'11 membership U.t now Oran1tt l·ount y rhilharmomc So-numbe,.. nearly 500. clt'ty ulabll11hrd wh\•n 1l waa The orcllf'stra la unuwal In founded and lnc:orporated u a non-that, other than the Loe Anselea profit 1n .. 11tut lon. thl• rancert wlll Phllhannonlr a.nd lt.e summer ver- be pre11ent1>d frt'e to the public. 11lon. the Hollywood Bowl 8ym- There will ht no l't'Mrvrd vats nnd vhony. 1L i. the only othn fuU no admlalllon \viii bt' rharr;P<l. The professiunal 11ymphony orch~tra organlution. ~llev1nJ,r th11t the pl11vmg <'On<'·eru for the public In csUH' c•f fine mlllllC can 1>4-st be this part of the Southle.nd. Ila lll!rv~ by making good muSlr J>f'nlOnn el b<Mlllls many fl~ art· a valluble to all who wl11h to IW'C'k ll'!Lll, and one of ill newe.t re- tt out. obtaln11 11uch 1upport u • cnul.Jl 111 t he cdliAt. J amea Art~ la n<>ctM&ry only In tenn11 of knv. who bepn hi11 C&ftl!T al the memlltr11hlp contr1bullon11 by ap<>n· age of 17 under Frita Relner ln aor11 &nd pat roM. Plttl'!burgh, and later wu for 11ev- :M1tny p<>ople have rallted to the en•I yeara a m,.m~r of the Sa.n cause or t h,. utabliehment ot the FranclM'O Symphony under Pierre orrhulr11, hcllt>vln1t In lt11 vahie Monteux. Zonta Group at Silver Observance in Riverside The Zonl• lub or :Sl'wporl with a 1hower of birthday cardlt Harbor was repruented by 12 And white orchlJ. rn,.mbera when 2~ guuts as~m· The next m~Ung will be a dill· bled to ~lebralt the .11llver 11nnl-nrr 8f'llJlion tonight at lbe home of veraary of the Zont& Club of RI\'-Mrs. Albert Stockton. Corona deJ era1de In an appropriate bn.nq11r t M111 , with Mra. :Sorton aa chalr- htld at the Mlulon Jnn ~at11rd"Y I m1'" eftlllng. ~prul'ntatlvu from 23 ------------- ot the 33 membtr cluba of Dl11lr1cl SI • werl' prN1,,.nl I ate Benefit Breakfast for the Girls Club t«pruentlnK l'\ewport Beach were Prra1dent Mrs J am"• Aapm. put prc11dent1, Mrs. Ruth Bar· cum!'. Mr11. Tom Nor1C'>n and Mn . Earl Stlllllt)'. vlre prC'/11 lC"nt Hrll'n < Mra. H . B. • Robtrl!'!On a.nd Mmra. 1 L.att•st new1 from lhe executlve George Benz. W. R. Col,.msn. J oe I romlltff of tht Glrll!' Club of the H amblrt, R~btrt Jayrf'•J. ·u1ton I lsrtx>r Atta ts the comln11: btn.- Mf'an!, E. \.\ Mull, anti J&ck Rtln-fll brt>t1kfast on March HI, 'pon· ert 1111r•-J by a Co11.a llfe&11 rnarket. Or. RuU1 Ann Cook, tear hrr ot with a ll procecda going to the F rench and German 11t R iverside rhtb. 1'1ckNs tor th!' aHa1r &rt College 11poke on ''Two World!'" ~Ing !'Old by Gtrl.9' Club membt'ra. Pr .. Cook I• an Amerlc11n ctllz.rn. r Ai h v( whvm will carry an Iden· formerly of c z.t choslovakla 11rtr11t1nn cRrd. Prizu will br given Also pruent wrre pa11t Intern•· the girlio Btlltng the most llcketa tlonal prcsl<.lf'nt of ZontJ. Eltzs· llrl'Ollltng lo Mrll. Don P iper. "''ho beth Dozier of San Ftrnando. DI•· 111 in 1·harj:e or lh•• affRlr trlr t Oovt'mor Vlrirlnla E11stllck .Ann••unrrment u. alao mlldt lhal of Yuma, Ari& .. l.A-lutf'nant Oov· ln .. tnirtora from th,. Dorothy Jo emor Marla J . Pierce of Pa11Ad«>n• i::.,·nm~••·I danC'e 11u 1<tlo in Corona ant1 Mary Hall, chllrter prC'llldtnl 1!el Mllr will bl! a t lhe Cirta' Club- or the Rlveralde dub. ho11l'e ear h Friday «>venlng to •• Prrceedl.nc the formal d inner the 1 m•t and ln11truct the girlt wubtng nwmbera ot the Newporl Harbor to dance. The C'IUbhouw ta open club met In PrMldent Aspln't on F'Ttrt"y tvenlnga from 1 to t aulte and wrprlaed Mra. Coleman p.m . 'ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 'HONORS MRS .. GRACE Life Membership Given Thrift Shop Direc~or Retiring to Inactive atatua after long aervice with the Assistance League ot Newport Beach, Mrs. Victor Grace· waa presented with an honorary life membership when the League held its February meeting. She served aa president ot the League in 1947 and has headed the Thrift Shop aince lta beginning. Before that, with Mrs. F.clward E. Boudinot, who tt<'elved tbe only other Ure mem- 1 ~rah"'91 presented, ihe aupervlsed ment waa belnr Installed. the UtUe shop on 21st St. which TOY~ NEEDED the league co-11ponsored with the J.1ra. Marahall Nledecktr, cba!J'I. P-TA. ,) man of the Toy Work Shop, an- -AlllO important on the agenda nounced that lhe work ahop w9ul4 waa rrport or the nvmlnatln~ be, OP.en on Wl!i1nelday1 and any- rvmmltll'<'. The 11late lnl'ludtd one havmit toys to donate may I name11 of Mmfs. Edward R. Mil· call the League Center. Uaable lctt Jr .. presic1ent: Nl'laon Neice, first vlct presldrnt; Edward Brooks, aecoml \'Ice pre~ldent ; Lonnie Vincent, rcc<Jrdmg arcre· tary; Arthur BNll, correa>onding f1!CTt't.ary: 0 . G. Sul' as. t reuurer. I TO SATIONAL . AJ.iO National Council repreaent· 1 alive: Mra. Richard C1l1Ue and al· ta)'ll are ,..novatf'd durtnc tM ,...r ud 10 on aale at Cruutmu tune. LunC'heon hoate-_,.. JiOnea. "Charle. Sulll•an, chairman; J°"n Boyd, Nll!d~ker, Olander, H. L Perry and E. S. Wblte. Island Youth at Snow Valley HJSll itehool youlh ot the B&lboa I 1 I a n d Community Methodlat Church enjoyed aa all-day 91\0W party on Saturday at 8now Val· ley. Ttloee who made the prepara- tlon.1 for the altalr Included Shu-°" Wa.ldellch, MartlYn Sbooter, Dick Brld&'man. Lance Ol"ffnleal and H1&1b O'Relly. Pla11i11 te ~uild Landscape Architect Peggy Sullivan -Tom Medley Photo ternale, Mr11. F.dgar R. Hill; Mra. fioland Wright, pa.rllament.arlan; Mra. Austin Sturtevant, Junior ad· vlaot·; Mme11. Dale Ramaay and George Hoag Il, de.legatea to Na- tional >..aaJstance League. I ~1111 NEWPORT HARBOR Garden Expert~ Letters regarding the reactiva- tion of Civil Delt'llH from Mayor Dora Hill and from the Cltl~t·ns Committee rf.gardlng need of a new high achool Wl're read by Mra. • If year to. Speak MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's F.ditor, Hay LangerhC'lm, corrupondlng R crt'lary. Mni. Hoag, chairman of tht Ro-!!Yl . Clinic In tile Leag11e Service Cen- ter, announctd that new equip- 111? NEWPORT HARBOR-HEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I THURSDAY, FEB. 1.-, 1955 Fuchsia to Hear Architect Group Top_ Lecture & Br.un.ch-maa,~-­ CATHOLIC WOMEN TO HOLD FASHION EVENT Peggy SuUtvan, vivacloua a.nd entertaining garden apeclahst, ts enraged to speak at the next meet- ing, Tuesday, March 1, ot the Costa Mna·Bay Cltlu Branch of the Callromla National Fuchsia Society whkh will be held In the Everett A. Rea School, H amUl.on and M<"yer St.a .. In Costa Me8a. of Harbor Panhellenic . : ......... SATILER Annual hahion Show Luncheon of the C.thollc Women'a Council of OUr L&dy of Ml. Cannel and St. J ohn Vlanney parWi will be held March 17 at 12 noon in a local club. Thll 11 to be a benefit for the pariah achool building tund. Stylea wlll be ahown by Lido Fuhlosu and the Brat Shop Mra, J . W, Cammack la general chairman, and haa an· nounced Ulat plana are well undeF way for the event. FLY KITES NEXT Cub Pack Hears Field Executive Mmea. Ann Muller. Stanley Saw- yer, Jack Goggin. Hana Brol'ring, Bill Twilit. Robert AnderllOn and Helen Burgus, Den Mothers and au:!Jta.n la, were alllO honorrll A kite flylng conte1t, a rather and aon project. wlll be held on Saturday. March 12. Tiit kltu mwit be home msde and var1oua priua wtU be given. Ml111 Sullivan will use colored •lldu to supplement her talk on how to bring the garden up to date, lo ellmlnate the old and In- ject new ldeM, thu• to modf'mlu a pleu'ure spot tor lhe small t\.ome. A llcenaed landscape architect, ahe ha1 atudltd horticulture at UCLA, USC and Cornell, 1.1 a member of the 1taff ot Sunset l«apalna and a writ.er for the home aecllon of the Loe Angelea Tlml!I. For mf'mbtra and gueals washing to attend a pot luck dinner. also l!ChedulC'd for the evening, the following ill requested: A through K brlnir a hot dish: L t hrough R bring a llAlad. anl1 S through Z bring a dl'~trt. All!O, bring your own table 11erv1c~ and milk for the children. The club Will serve the rortee. cn•11m. ~•1gar and rolls. All tho11t w ishing to hes r Mis!! Sullivan at 7 .30 pm art invited to attend lhl' meeting. whl'thtr or not they &llend tht' pot luck. K heduled to 1tart at 6.30 p.m. Harbor Panhellenlc held lta Feb- ruary meeting at the Corona del Mar Community Church, pruent- lng Don Bridgman. proteaeor of peychology at Orange Coaat Col- lege, In an Informative talk on learning method•. At the bualneu Interim nnal plana were m&de Jor Panhellenlc'1 annual Brunch Benetlt, Which la again to bfJ. held at the Friday Attemoon Club In Coata Meaa on March 16. Mr1. Martin Mangold and Mra. H. M. Hough WeN choaen co·chalrmen of the event. The following committee heada were named; Mmes. Edgar R. Stroot and ArUlur J. Aune, prep&- ratiorut; WIUla.m Dana, ~ tlona; Hamette Barbee, decora-- tlon11; M. K. Cameron. Cutle_men Smith, R. L. Keppen and O«>rse Guthrie, tood preparations; J. K . Rlgga and Nadene Coplen, table decora t 1on. The brunch will begin at 11 a. m. :M11111 Janice Murdock. style. line, and color consultant. will prMl!lll an unuau11I program, All procffdll Cit ~he benefit will go t owarria the two ann11111 11rholar11hlp award.I that are presented in June to a Ha.rbor high senior anl1 an Orang«" rout College 1nphomore. Re.!ll!t· The aanu.aJ Blue and Gold dlnneJ' celebralln1 the 46th annlverl&1')' ot lht Boy Scout.a, wu givm by Cub Scout Pack 11 on Friday eve- ning, Feb. 18 a t Corona de.I Mar &dlool Pack 81 la compc>Md of lilt ~ from Balboa l11&nd. Bea- con Bay and Harbor lll&nd. Doug- lu Walt.on. harbor dl.-trlct fleld exrcuUve, apokt on ICOUtlng u a program -"compauing the en- tlra famUy, not only lndlvtduala.. The award• preaent.aUona to the Cuba were made by RJcbard Park. cubma.ater. Ronnie FUiwiier, Kent Net.htry, Chrla McLal.ISblln, BID Sawyer a.nd Ktm OYiatt received their wolf bade•; Chrla Muller llnd Jim 8t'autter. bear badgu; and i.e. Felltqe, Mel Park, and Tom M.acM...Ura. lion badg-M. CharlH Holloway became a Bob- cat. Arrow• Wl're award~ to Tom MacMuten. Kent Nethery. Larry Broutng, .Stewn Goggin. John Burgen and J lmmy Barnett. Chrl1 McLauslllln and Larry Porter won their dem>e.n at.ripe-. a.nd C'llr11 Valle, h1a ...ut.a.nt denner. Two door prl.zu will be RIVl'n Travel Program aw&y 11nd 'there Wiii be many planta on ·the plant tablt. Admls· At St. Andrew's Presbyterian RttoplUon wu liven to tbe Scout eucuu.,. commitltt, con- alat ln1 of Many Bennett. chair- man; R1cbaro Park. cullmuter; Robert Blackmar, aalatant; Mau- rice Stauffer, Robert Andenon. C. F . )facM.aaura and Bill Twilit. On Honor Roll at Whittier WHJTI'IER-MIH Sally Ran· daJl. daughter of Mra.. Leona B&tchman. 134 Opal Ave., Balboa laland. I.II one of the 84 Wh.ltUer College atudenta named to tbe col· le~ honor roll tor the nrat ~ muter of the 11164-~6 ach~I year tor outatandJnc academk: achle•e· meat. Mia R&lldaU la a menlor at Whit· Uer where ahe ta maJortn1 ln hi• tory and ta ptttldent at the An- tbnilu 90ClaJ eoctety. Now .. U. Time te leave ,oar FURS RESTYLED TuesdayEvening _sio_n_is __ r~_"_· ----- Mra. Coratance Jayred, chair-Burdicks See man of Ebell travel eectlon an· nounca t.be next meetln1 Will be Son Bob Play held on Tueaday evenin1o March 1 On Sunday at lhe ~gular aer· vlcu ot worahtp In St. Andrtw'11 Pre.s~ltrian Church at 11:30 and 11 a.lll. I.be Rev. Jamu S. Stew· art will preach on the lhemt' "F&lth a.nd LJfe'1 11.dventurt'." The Mlnlatry of Mu1lc for both aer· v1cu w ill be provided by the Chap- el Choir. the membtr11 or which and chlld~n ot· the ftflh. 11illth &J'ld eevenlh ~ea. Ml"I. Ll!wl• 1 Kidder lll the director of the choir, which will elng aa a 1peclal ant· htm, •·A Child's Prayer'' I Bort- at 7 :30 p. m. In the lltUe Ebell USC B ball Clubhouae. 616 Weal Balboa Blvd. ase Jerry Evan.a. atudent at Orangt Coaat Collqe who 1penda hUi va- vatlon touring Europe. will lhow .. aerie. of picture. on .. Seelng Europe From a Bicycle." Pro-vama are free lo the public. .. well u to Ebl!U membera and thelr frtenda.. Toastmistress Speech Contest Fln&llata ln ~ Mr1e1 ot Inter- club 1peecb contu ta of the Harbor Toulmlstrus Club will meet J.fon- day evening. Feb. 28 at tbe regus ael!aion lD Hospitality House, : boa. Speake,.. will be Mra. Cly e R. Johnaon, Mn. J . B. Wolf and Mra. Arthur Michaeli. Toutmlatrea ot the tvenlng will be Mre. X11dlne HUI; con· teat Judgu, Mn. Ed•ard Mlrko- '1cb and MrL J . A. Pearce. with an oulllde Judge to be appointed; Umera, Mrs. Ray Trautwein a.nd M.1811 Charlotte Sklnner; tellera, Mn. Albert Johnaon, Mra.. LeRoy And<'nlOD a.nd Mra. Dan Rodger&. The tnvocallan and pledge wlll be 1tlven by Mrs. Paul Mora. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burdick, 232 Magnolia Ave , Costa Meaa. on Saturday attended the USC·Roo8e- velt A II Slar buehall game at the u.ni't"erslty. roolln1t for the USC catcher. Bob Burdick, who 111 their aon. Later the Burdlckl. with Bob and hll wife, had dJnner In home ot the latter, then the touraome attended the USC-Stanford bukt t- ball pme In Pan-Parlflc Auditor- ium. nlansky). I Membera of the Junior H lrh. High School and College Age Ftl· I low1hip11 wtll mttt at the church at 'I p.m. Sunday. Alao tal<lng In both 1tAml!ll were The hf'f'Oflll. the Minta and aape Mr. and J.fra. Dou1:lu Ward or 1 _ they u·e th<>IN! who face the Lido Jale, whoae ion Don&Jd Lt a world alone. -O«>rge Nonnan 1tudf'nt at use. Oouglu. RIGHT NOW! JOIN THE FUN ! SPRINGTIME IN EUROPE-1955 65 DAYS OF CAREFREE DELIGHT -$2,297 Your Needs •nd Wishes Carefully Attended to wtthout Regimentation Enjoy the companionship of • friendly ~nd informal group -Limited Number - Delux •ccommod•tions Visit the pl•ces you rHd about MHt the people w\>o ma~e history PERSO?lfALLY OONDUCl'E., BT }ufi11H11 milliten I .. t1a W ..... Udo W.. Newport ..._.. Clrlill ~ ltU w U ~tllT lndependmt l~• &rftnCed bJ nqueet A-'Ued wtta. World Travel ....... Inc. SANTA ANA RJR co .. ANY Ill Nenlll ll&llll ~ 1Mta A- • 'et HfJ l-6t Tl AddJUonaJ otne.1 to Suva Tau ln •KGf'tltBt .... waJ f'omona. R.IYl!nide, Compton. Wl\itUet', P'\11Jf'l1.on and AJl.ahetra ... vatlon1 ma,y be ma.de by contac- U~ Mn. "°William Dana. Harbor 6287. Mra. Elmer L&Lanne, project. chalrma.n, c-•ve a report on the Valentlne party tor the Excep- tional ·Children'• Found&Uon ln Garden Orove. Mmu. Harriette Barbee. H. 0. Boyvey, R. L C.W. and Martin Man1olc1 took party hat.a, valenUnea, lee cream, actlv• lly recorda and do&l'na of felt clrcl•. which children UM for color atudl•. Corona del Mar Presbyterian .. H.,..,,,, •o• A LOW.con SASY·PAYllllllT au~~-t.eM. c.... ....... • .......... ..... t,.....,· • I ,...,..., . ...,, ....... .._/wM.,..Mlr•ul • A.a.tt•t• ..... ,_ ...,. ... w.r~ ... ... , ., ..... • ,... ..... \ ,1'11111911•0Miwir ,....., ,._ ' i : . . . . . . . . ! . . . . i I . For the nrat Sunday ln Lent the Rev. Jtdwln C. Gorn.Ile, rnlnlat.ar or Community Church. Corona deJ Mar, W1U apea.k on •'Fa.Ith l'or Today". Tht theme wtU be carried throughout the aervlcea In appro- pr11te muafcal numbl!ra. The Cha- pel Choir at 11:45 ll alngtng, "A Faltht ul Shepherd la My Lord" by Nali!tll a.nd the Chancel Choir al 11:00 o'clock la 1lnglng, "Open Our Eyl'11" by Macfarlane. ~,., i Aah Wednuday aervioe wu held a t 7:30 p.m. In the M11ctuary. Honl!y Lake, located ln La.uen County. 18 reported by the NaUonal A utomoblle Club to bl! a dry alka- line buln that waa once a larre fruh water lake. ~ Slate Motaal Sari!9 ~ ~ .. LUllUMMTM l . . : ........... _,..,.= i : '' ,..r HI arrrJd .,._ • : A.I ......... bl 1 •• j.',::-i =,.~.~.~.~~ ....... ~ STOP AT THE (dwards SIGN For Fit • Style • Quality in Children's Shoes ' YOU 'II be delighted wtth our complete Ml.e- tion of en-• Shoes designed to ftt ond "°"er orowmq '"'· ALSO IN WHITE BUCK -· Sl7a to 9 Ladlea eJRftJ %2.S EAST 1 '7Un ST&En Mesa Cettter COIN MeM Ph. u 1-2771 • - ·\ . ( ii I , ·--. ·-- ... . PAGE 2 -PART H -NEWP~~T t·::\"'"'~~ t!:·::: ~~.(SS ' . . THURSDAY, FC:B. 24, 1935 St. Elizabeth's Guild Presents Fashion Event Ftrrann AlllO prrMnttl1 wt rt 1 C11pe Blanrl'I. nn tht °"fo" eomt frankly flatttnns and rlfn-C'oa.al. 11 reportf'd by Ult NaUon&l to-wear ma temily clothes wom t l'I Automobile Club to be tbt m01t adva nt11ge br lfni John Wr lJ ht wut•rly point In the Unlt9d and"Mra. Ro~rt Oyll'r. Statrs that ;. a<'<'ualble by au~ ZONT A C.:LRL 11. th" ~ion th is Miss Patty Ci~nienrr, daughtt"r ()[ Mr. and r1rs. Ah-an Clemence'. 421 Dahlia Ave .. Corona dcl Mar. Patty is a senior at Harbor H igh School. S<'rvC!'I 3 '\ C'h l~r leader end is director O( the in leadership. personality, kindhefs and Dessert Luncheon ·-· Combinea With Cards .. Mra. Dan Pattlaon extended a gracious welcome to a capacity crowd of membens and gueeta which gatheted 10 the. Parist\ House of St. James Church to enjoy a deuert luncheon, prepared by Sl .. Elisa-f rt'a.M>IY.lble pr1CH a vall,ble In the beth'a Guild, and play card.a while 1 lcx:al alorea. belnc entertained by a 1JU&de of I ran.LY n<>Cll8 adult at1d chlldren'11 raahJon1 pre- 1 . Enchantlnc llltle-s1r.J faahlons aented by two ahope In Corolla featurtnr rumu. petUcoata, bowa del tf a r. and lacea but made In today'a eaay-to-care-for matertala were Mr11. Murphy, commentator call· 1 pr-nted by Debby and Mandy ed allenUon to lha combination DeCoata, Carol Carver, Me1tia.n or lovely atyl• at popular and WWl&ma, RenM Inrold and Yale 3 ummerUn1e bloH omffi forth In mobile road. th• bet-omlnc c roup or fo\•elr ------------- clot.lie. tor dayume and dinner. I prn ented by Mrs Bra&"&'• Unique THr PlllTEI The dramatic rolon a nd unclut· ii; te.rt'd llnea .were accent ed by lhf' C&rt'fully choSt'n coatume jewelry that wu 1trlkln1 In both •color and daalgn. MEMBERS MODEL Wearable beauty &nd atyle of th' becomJng dreuu w• hlfh- llfhted by the modellnr of .Mrs. Phllme.r Ellerbroek, Mr11. M&ry Lou Turner, Mr1. Fred Kueter and Mrs. PrlecUI& DeCotta. The Rev. Ralph Peue expreued apprecia tion for the very aucceu · tul fashion luncheon preaented by St. Elisabeth'• Guild under t.ht ch.airma.nahlp of J.lra. H. L. o.tn,n. der. Table priaft wu. lUXW'loualy bloomln1 Alric.an violeta from Hartlein J'lowera, Corona del Mu, wbo pruenled the lovely center- piece or •Prinrttm• nowera. Varied Pr~gram for BPW Club a frank statement STEALING THE SHOW in their froths of pink rufflea were Debbie and Mandy OPCosta. i:;hown here with their mother. Mrs. P riscilla DeCo~ta and commentator Mrs. Muq1hy. The little blonde sisters I they a re'not twins I and N1wport Harbor Bu.ain--d Protulional Women took a b~­ ther from thelr many philanthropic a.cllvlttu e l their dinner meellnit lut Thurllday ev•nlnc and rocu11- 1rd alttnllon upon themaelve11. Ml113 C"h&rlale !:van1' •poke on "You and Your Brtter St>lf," with new &nil rtfrt11hinr 1d,.a11 on charm. pol~ and tlrt'aa. Tablo Wt're bea ul1tullv tlecoral- l"t1 with ''.lT1-colored ·l·t rdboa.rd wavu r~ated by Mr11. Ada Marie Du1111ler and h,.r romn1ltt,.... Fa- ~~--.--~-+~Sll.~AN--tM!ol'ft...,..ll-4iet1111te!t-i!Ti' ------"-------------------.a.tri>. Rose Fenton wue a l t'&e'I l table Mlllng. Mra,, Arnold Neec-1 Ja m ea ucture on f'll'11 g1Jt11t . Mr11. J ohn Dunham, won the door prize. a lar., l>ot-1 I Ph•}• • ti~ of J>f'rf\lml' Other guuta were I 1 J tpplnes Mr11. Arnold F. Pel'k and Ml,,~ Betty Hofrmann. t Art Gall R F'. Chittenden addre~d lhl' a ery r lub on hehaH of thr Hearl F un•! I I Membc>r~ or u1c Laguna Bearh rampalgn now 1:1 rrogrrss, t'X· Arl A t1:w< 1al1on 01 e prom1u d an plaining <·ongf'111tal heart d111eHt lntt'rt11llng t'.\ PDl on Sul.urday. which 111 en rrror In dP \•rlopmenl 1 F"eb. 26th ~t 8 p. m , wh1>n Flora In an unborn beby. Theat babl•• Canlnr1· Bass speak• on "T he Fill · nrt <I 11uch 11pec1allzf'd ca re that fl· ptno \\"on~an . H1>r Cult ure, Tra· n11nd al L'!11l11la nce 1a oftt>n need - dlllon a nd Her Hf'rltage or F ree· ed. Chlltendfn only had lime to dom ·· oJl11<·u1111 thl11 one MPt'<'l of lhe fight I :-11 F. 611•F. now a reio1drnl of 11g111n111 hPart 11t11ea..e but 11n 1m- Lai.;uru1. 111 w.i.1 .known rn the plat· portent pa rt of th" Amerlc11n form wo1 l1l'IAnlt ha." lt'<'l ur!'d He11rt Al'IO()('latlon prcgi-am la pub. I throughout lhr Southland during IJc f'duratlon 1lf'11lgned to ellmmat_' I the p811l f"W ye-11r1<. A women of Dl't'dle11,. ''•ri< and h11rmru1 . mt ... <'ham11ng ptr11onahly, 11ht' 11p)"f'ar11 ron('eptlon11. and to l'n<'oumgt' t'&r· ln a cnlorf111 net1\·e hand • wo,·en ly dt11g n011111. coatume and 1r1vea her a udlfnce u 1'rt.11ldt'nl M1 •. Harold Bard U k· lnUma te c llmpee tnlo the ~ ed club membt'rw for .nu.a -- pre11enl and t11l11re or the Philip-lnaUona for "Bora of the Tear:· pines anr1 the role t ha t the f"ill· The w1n.ner will be honored &l the plno women "·111 play In ll. IU\DUal 8 01111· Nt~hl party lo be I Al th" outbreak of the wai htld a t lhl' l"'"wport Harbor Yacht Mrs. Bu~ wu a civilian employee Club on Ma rch 18. connertt'<I '~Ith the U. S. Arnw to MR. & MRS. CARPET BUYER! • To lhoee ot you who have •pent much lime and effort. ~ pin( tor Floor Coverlnc• -not only tor the be9t price - but alao for the type of carpet that will t li yC>Ur needa -and the decor of your home. Manufactureu have been produclns wool and catt.oa C'1trpeta for h11ndred1 or yeara wHh much ~; collon becau:<t' ll wa11 lt'1111 rxpenatve and wool bt!c11uJ1e It tulfllll'd the need• of tha averac- l J lvrd • In bomr. ,. Now malnl)I ttue 10 lh Imported wOOa. t hf'M ma -l'reated a yam th11l ha11 moat or l ht ttne ---~~1111ttt'll &t="woot"' ~ iotti In -CSmffijtj- reature11 l h11t wool cannot clupllcate: 1uch u \'ermln-proof 11nd a bettl'r reai11tance to WMT from tracked · In 1111ntl The pricu of theSt" new 1ynthel1c yarna auch u Vla- co11t1 -Rayon a.nd Ny lon 11rt' 1n between the price or 1·ot ton a.nl1 wool. T ht11e f1brea are vuy g ood but they rannot perfor m mi racles. Tht'y dn IOOll 1111<1 mat morfl readily than wool but not .,. murh as cotton They wear well and thr1r colors are beautiful Com!" tn 11nd let us 11how you the rompai Laona and-place your ronfl<ltnre In our knowledite and eirpenehc• In obta ining the rlghl c1&rJ>C'l 11t 11en11lble prtcu for you. • Yes, we have a complete stock •nd of course, Hcellent Interior Decor•ting Service Dick Macker 3420 Via U4o -One of the Udo Shops Harbor 4328 HOST AND CELEBRANT waa Mr. Frank M. Gardner. 434 Santa Ana Ave. when he ut at head or the table Feb. 18 at a family dinner. ( Hia daughter told hil' ag<'. but we do not believe it I. Around the table ( L to R I a~ daughtcrt1. Mrs. E. B. (Dick 1 Whitson and Mrs. Rowland R. Hodgkinson: Nanry Gardner, Mr. Whitson. MrA. Fra nk Gardner, Mr. Ga rdner. Patty ~ Gardner, Judge and Mrt1. Robert Garrln<'r n.nd Mr. Hodgkinson. -Beckner Photo QUATtenna."ll'r ro1·pll in Man11a. For t he part 11he played t1ur1ni lhf' w11r 11he waa later awardt'd th' A111a Ur Pac-lflc Comp111g-n Rib· bon by General Douglu Ma<·· 1 Arth1<r "for rortltud' and COlll'll«" which contrlbutf'fl malerlaJly lo the Philippine Camp11gn. Shf' Is 11 "Tltt'r a nrt contrlbutH • • • Ask Any lslaMler TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department Adoptive Group Hears Expert W""lrr La f.-t'\'l'r. nn• of lh,. Dal 1onaJ 1'11d'n1 In lhe adoption fll'lrt 11 n1I fnrmtr rrl'11ldt>nt of lhl' bo3r•I l'lf •llr .. rtor~ or t ht rhll· tlrr n·,. Hnm,. l:locltl\· "' C11lltorn111 ,_. . .,. jpltlll 11~a.krr •' " m,.,.tlng CJ( the ::'lil'wporl H.,.bor A11xrhary or that orsantzatlon on T11tlld1y, T tb. 22 al lht' hnml' "' Mr1 H oward lAwl!lln LA P'eve.r 11erv~ rui ch all ma n of the California :';Late A'1optlon tommJtt.ff from l~ to 19:\3 II ~ .... th1a rommltt ee lhal ma'1e 11 atlldy or all of the problf'ma or the adoption aervie4'9 ln California.. and Ila recommendalloru have aerved u the b&ata for the prt•· •nl cMY9Jopmenl or Ule 11r1optton -«end• ln lht 8talt'. In It.la talk. of a ~cent m~llng )le ~ ln ChlC-.O nf the N&UoDal ChUd'• Welfare Cont•~ •net ot America. and dl11eU#ed t he tuture courM or the Children·• Homa 8ocJety adopUon .,-ency. Mra. R. Payn• ni.r er. pruld•nt er the N.-port. Aultlllary, preeld· f'd onr th• b\Wtn .. mMllng and Mra. Jobn Oertly, Xn. WllUam 8cllodt and XJ'S. ftobet\ BamH Mrved u b09t 11611 at the Jundl- flOn precedln1 ~· ..ion. Communion At B. I. Methodist The ,,nt Bu.nday aa Let wW be obeernd wtt.b tba 91!"1te of Boly Qomnnwon t1lt9 wffll at Ula Be.Ibo& 1e&and CommunJt..Y MeUl· edlat Ctna1"th. Th• -.cnment wtU be obeernd al botb the t :SO and Jl a.m. ..me.. ~ ~ Kn. Leonard Jtvsft..., conunuldclD 9teward. tn a Philippine wef'kly u well u 1-Jowie Langleys Buy New H o me 0 11 Lido 11 Lo.\ Angt>lca trade joumaJ, a lAO 111 the autho1· of a. book "Philippine Dolls" pu bltahed by Vn.n tage P reaa. Jnr. New Card Group In Ebell Club Nancy and Howard Lan1ley. who h1vt bttn dJvldlng th,.lr time bt'lWl"t'n II Loll An~t'IP11 rf'!ldl'nce a nr1 Udo Pf'nln1u111-.• Cabanu Mitr· In•' whn P lht y 11ilp lht 1r bo11t. M111C}\jef. wllJ mow• Into th,.lr n•w home on Lido ll!I" Man-h t Th• houv . delllir;ned b\' Vem Threlkeld and built by J smt'!I 0 . Ray or Corona dt'I Mar. I& tnt1rf'ly built around a ma mmoth rolr.ntry style flreplace of uM'd brlrk, with ra111t'd h"arth on one atdt 11nd In· side kllrht n barbecue on t hl" othf'r. Thrtt bl!'droom• and two lilt ba tha. with a north encloaed p11t10 llDd a l!OUth walltd ~ardtn 11rt1 CC>m· pl,tt t ht m11n11•. callf'd ··Y,.llow Gair Cottage:· Nancy Lancley. whollt'. 11lorlu on homu appear nallonally, will have 1torles on & numbt'r or promin ent harbor area re11ldencu publJahPd In the new Sunday PIC'tor l•I Llvtn1 ma1u1ne of the Lot AJl&e.le..-Ell· 1.ntµ1tr. H•l' by-Une formerly 11p- p•art'd e11clu11lvtly In Home Mag&· zlne or tht Tlmtii. Among the fmit artlclu to ap- rear will be one on the Fa.try TaJt PlayhOUllt! of Mr. a.nd Mn. Wilbur Tool of Corona del Mar : follow•d by the borne of Uae Robert Forbea' on Udo l•I• and that of the w. P. Arm1tronp of llbo,.. ClJ.Ua, ll\t la.at two pMtoJT&pMd by r-;....,. port 8-cA pbol0fl'9pbtt. Maul• Pnee.. The i...t.r R.emmu1 home Of Three Arch Bay aao Will ·~ pear ln thla Sunday pub Ilea Uoa and the tropical adobe of tM Eu-ra. "· 8oolla Of Coeta Mu&. de- •lrned by u chtt.ect He.rt>ert J . Brownell, A.I.A. J'onnerl1 resldenta of Brtn~ Call DAN'S TV wood Par k, V>t A.nitrl,.~. whf'r• lht y reatrll'd l#n Y"""'· :'\an and Howy t..angl"Y hop" thf'lr m•nY frl,.nl1a Wlll flnr1 lh,.lr nl'W y f'lfOW .:all' anl1 thP 1tt"nuin11 "wtlcome" &walllnir; thtm witJ11n. Spring Party For Young Music Pupils A """" C'&r<l ~rt1on fo r Ebell Ch1h W Ait 1tar lt'd lu l f'rida)" I~ which st,·rn t11blu wt re In pla \· The 11t'CI ion m-mbera voted to m"t'l onre a month al !:bell Club- ho~ on the third Friday or f'ICh month Pnz.es In bndre were won by Mr~-Mamie Foote, M.ra. L. H. SttrrtH IUld Mni Phil E F'lt'nch ca.nuta pnus were won by :\t rs. Lona Griffin a.nd Mra. Frtnk C. Pere.,.,·. Mn1 ByTon E. \\",Ila la &elln1t chairman of thl• new 1ec· Uon anl1 Mr1. Roy H. Sabin .. A 1erlea of muslc&l \'altnllne putlu ha" been ht1!11 r«-<"enllv by Mrl' \\'. R. Colt"man, 41 4 Tu~11n Avt. for group~ of hrr planl'I l'.e<re'Ar)··frf'a.."ur•r p11pllll. t hrlr pa rent11 .nrt f n rnc11'. T he home wu dt<:oraled \\It h he3 r lh•. curld11. ll!l<'f'. \•lll<"nlln,.s anr1 nower,. ~fr,._ Cnll'm11n tnlr1 th& bl11tory of St. Vale.ntlne'a Dav. with ll11 ort~n in e11rly R1lm11n tlmea. Eac:b •. pupll contrlbutt!d to tht program by play'lng the pl11no 1n aolos. dueUI, duos or All a.ccom· pantirt.w to community alng'\n1. Pa.rUcli:-Unr In lhu.. mu11ir al f'\'l'nll were; Candaca Brown, Plrk•rlng. Cynthia Ptte.raon. John Rood, Kathy Raub. O.-nnl1 Smith, Jonathan anl1 Andy Sea.I. :-;adlne Whilm11n, and Nam·y anl1 Pat11y WaJl11. Say rt With Dl111e Chapman. Ca.rollne M rl bJ w.,.. Muln11 Chung. LuEllyn Dan11, I Party Beatal ltema Kathleen Hobel, Sydney H11rt. .s~O! E. Coo11t H11 Coro"o dtl lllar J oyce Kelm. Kay ~G'&don. 8h1rl'Y RarbO~ 5011 Mc-CUlst.on. Palr1c:I& rierce, r:111l CDM FORE1GN TRAVEL SERVICE 3542'/2 E. Coast Hlway' e-0rooa c1e1 a1., Harbor 1246 Colme Gibbona -Dorothy McKenna -Marguerite Hughes Ss-ttlalb:in1 In bldepecle.at ltbaeraria. toOl"'I, DuJ1nC Bunda)' attanM>oa UM •v. Donald O. Sapp will 'Nit bom. of panahiooer'9 t.o Mt'ft Hol7 Coml'llUD.ion to D«* DUle to aU.cl cburch. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~ erulaee -• -AU p..._. of forelp tranl and reeort ''8eatioDL Old lllt•:,Juurance All b• WTttta\. BOW AJID W. GARISH ltol Newport Bl~. Colt& M- PBO~"I: Ullerty 1-1111 COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE ' .. SPECLUA FOK n:B. U-25-26 Don's Meats l"lleul•r ~-._CHOPS .. ·~ 6tc -·-·-··-·-·-· ... 6tc 1\llantook CHEESE ·-······--· ·--. ·~Ste CIF'C'Jfl ll BACON DINER'S CLUI HONORED AT "' Qro;· S~op" \'u Cunp'1 PORK & BEANS":~ Prt-U. YAMS . M.u,,.·..u ffouee COFFEE B & M lt.UU:D BEANS Dtl Noe&e Hah,.. PEACHES Onie c•un.11 PINEAPPLE Welc-11'" GRAPE JUICE ~y to Eat POP CORN ""'•eon·1 Frown TURKEY PIE DICK'I Gr .. n Groceries Ft y • .._.._ LETI'UCE !If Ol'tllf'nt Iced BROCCOLI Xtra J'ffJ. Hot Ht>u ... RHUBARB . .2,~ ltc lh.1~ 1h.17c SpecialllllM) In 9..tlty Pro•c• You Select e. e We D•liver THI MARKET SPOl--- 200 MARINE A YINUI IALIOA ISLAND • SOPHOMORE CLASS DANCE Committee hard at work making plarul for the school dance ache<juled fcfr Friday, Feb. 25 from 8:30 to 11:30 in the gym of the Newport Harbor H igh School. Standing are Maggie Crane and Judy Lieb and seated, John Henrotin, Art Birtcher, Bud' Thompson. The committee is determined to make this dance one of the outatanding aocial eventa for the high school. -Bob Myers Photo H. S. Sophomotes Sponsor Spring Dance Tomorrow Gould, Cathy Hofman n. Pal H01'0RED GUEST of the SCYA durlns the 26th annual Midwinter Regatta waa Rear Admiral Charle. HartmftP, commander of the 11t h Naval District:: High point of the social schedule of the event wu Saturday evelllng'a party at Newport Harbor Yacht Q ub at which Admiral Hartman wu the gue.t. of flag officers. Shown from left: Lt. Orlin Putn'am; NHYC Vice-Commodore Harold Pearcy; SCY A Commodore Harold Ad- ami; Mrs. Putnam; Admiral Hartman; Mrs. Harry Mann; Mrs. Harold Pearcy ; NHYC Commodore Harry Mann; 'Mra. Harold Adama; Mrs. Charles Tanner; and SCYA Rear-Commodont Cbarlee Ta.n11er . -Beckner Photo SALVATION ARMY FUND FAR SHORT OF GOAL Is Hostess All Students Invl.ted tO Bhltldl. Linda Cannon, Kay Lace-Announcement wu made on TIJudav ot thla -k by · field. Laurlt Hendrlcka, Sandye " s wan10n, Joan Buah, Patricia William P . Mepham, camp&lan ~er tor t.l\e Friendly to Costa Mesa Bridge Group Mr1. Ray Wallace. 219 Marnolla Ave .. Costa Meaa, entuta.lned , . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 ·PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 l(amaaina Float on Arllor Day !>Ira. Robert Smith wu hoeteu to Kama.atna membera, entert.atn- lng F tb. 18 al the Roy Kean• home on Balboa penlJWU!a. Mu. Norman Ftl&Gerald p~alded and heard dlacusalon on ent•rinr a I noat ln th!! a1111ual Arbor Da)' Jlara<!e, Ht thll y.-r for 1pr1Jls. 1. For thf' entertainment period 1 Mr1. Don Fullnr tlnnced Mwral new Hawaiian hula.a. Mn . 1Dl•l• j Egge tt of Balboa WU a fU•l, coming u a proapecUva member u she haa lived for 80m• Ume In the Islands. Refreahrnenta com- pitted the evenlnr . I Next meetln( will be March I at the t\oml! of Mra. Robnt Rick· 4;,tla. 208 l!:ut Bay .Ave. _ Decorative CAPT. CHESTER m. WOLi• RUM, L. A. lraff1c police chlat- "We must convince lh• cattl ... drtvcra they have a rNpon.Sblltty tcr llaep the atety ot tl)emMlvu and other1 uppennoet In their mtnda. q.lck Senlce FOR Roller Shades Standard Shade CIOlha and CUit.om lrectalUN e Drapery Hartwara • Venetian BliAda CALL llA&80& IH THE SHADE SHOP U1 U nd St.., N9",,on ~ ..._... ..._ POii& OtftN W a II Accessories to coeplJIMa& JOV Early A.meri-. Decot Wad ....... n- PICTURES •un&. ...... , u4 ...... le-•U..tlcallr ,..... 4uc ... W-4erh al ........ " • 12a u ln. SIM ... ..... 20 a 2• tn.. 81.M . • • M .IO IS x JI IL Oanter A .,,_ Ooleml t411 and P Y• Wltll brMll _. plat. on P'eb. 21. all cltlsen1 not contact-4 and wtlhlnc to make donat10111 to tbe tund are urced t.o taJce them to P aul C"IP · ton, t reaaurer ot t.he drive, at t.ba Coet& Meaa Ba.nk. Ga I d g d F t Kn Appeal for ll'undl now beln1 conducU<t In the Harbor area by Y fl 0 0 f• ar en . e e ~~:.· Reltford Brandt ll chair· the 8alvaUon Arm)', that only about M60 of the f200() aoat 9;;;;:;;;:::::::::;::;;;;;;;...,.._~-------~-~-··~·u__,,.....,,..._....._4~· .... ..,.~~---or~~~r,._"""" ... ~t;:;!!i!lll'"",.;a,er~"UIWl~ftt!~IN''hllldl...-,:am1911tDrel'Olltn1c--~i~mrltle"l'P",,._"1n~1rr'tdll:w--dtlrtr-i:nttf-~-t1t-~~~--1i.f'llL~~.-.:...af'llL-t } ' Spring will come to Harbor High Ftiday night, Feb. 25 lei' a ppointed U> aaal1t the sopho- more commlttH. In her rroup are at 8 :30 when all Harbor student& are invited to the gala Mr1. Rupert Hendricks, Mra. Dana Spring Dance sponsored by the sophomore c~. It's a come-Crum and Mr1. John Kimble. one, come-all type of dance. ~ · According to Mrs. Antoinette Adams, claas adviJlor. the .ophomore plannlnJ committee hH made elaborate plans anrt nothing 11 ~tnr overlooked which will add to lhe plta11Ure of the evening. Tbe 1ym ts belnr convertl"d to a aprln1 sarden. romplete with tree• a nd colorful bloom11. and rt'frt'eh· mmte will bf' 11"rv1•d during the evening In the IOclH I hftll. Sopho· more mot htr~ u e t nthu111utlcally 1UpporUng lh1!1 prwrram anl1 have offered to l'IUpply plrnty ot irood cha.rfe of the arrang«'~I ac· cording' to Clau Prealdent Bud Thompaon. Workin g with him are Art Birtcher, John Henrolln. Mac- gle Crane and Judy Lieb. Special c-ommllteea a re; tickets, Betty Shannon, J udy Sautl'r, Walt How- aid, Dave Vau,l!han. Judy Suther· land, Linda WIJlaey, Allan Bon•. ~roy Hogland. Joan Bush. Mixed Pairs Champions at Balboa Tbe vut Procrard ot relief, dl ... ter aid, nbabWt&Uon and the varied a venue. of the 8alvaUon Army endeavon on naUonat, It.ale and )ocal Jevel1, are conUn1ent on thue f'Und• appeals, 1tatH Mr. Jolapbam, and every community II atfec:ltd by lL FOR CIVIC SERVICE J'eb. 17 at luncheon in VILia Mar· lnL Bridge was playtd afterward, wilh high acore held by Mn . .M. J . Hoetelltr, Mra. Richard Dill· mar taking llt'cond and Mrs. Way- ne P ickering or HunUngton Beach cla1mln1r conaolaUon. The travel prise Wl"nl to Ml"I. w. M . EIUott. Otherk enjoytnr the hoeplt&llty were Mmea. Sam Crawford. HaTTY Burdicll. Ted Bartlett and WarTen Bri•tol of Hunllng't.On Boch. the nominating commlt t.ea for the election of new otflcf'r. slated for Ute Morch rneeUng. MeadamH Paul Rogtra a.nd K. 0 . Farnsworth A lu .. ..U.. e4 .a--. trf9et•, caa41e ia.w-., etc. I• ....~-k .... 1 =--~~ ···.'Sri See oar _..,. LIM et Maple hrmtva The Charm of Y Mteryear The 8ervtce of Today IN ntl AacADI NIXT TO llAll • thlnr• to eat. Special arrangeml'nl 11 &re belng made with " ropular orchrAtra to pla)o' tor the ch1nc1ng frum 8:30 to P o11ter.oi, DArta TOf'r&nCf', P hy Illa Milum, Oi'.l'tls Cro11slt·y, Carol Oret'n. Jo:v.ce Ahlo•rs, Susan Mc· Carthy. ClaudJa Gento111, Jean Mc· Queen: decorationl!, Sue Brown. Dan EW., Mike Woodland, Donna King.bury, Wendy Gruwell, Sally .Mr11. Pergy Johneon ot &mt& Ana &nd Frank Fogel of LQng Be&eh were over·aU wlnnera ln the Mhtrd Paire Champlonllhlp held in Balboa on Sunday. Mr. and Mu. A. W. Tummel of Coet& Meaa were n1nner1·up, while Mrt1. A. H. Mc- Donald and A. D. Wetherby o! La~na Beach placed third. Newport P-TA Presents Life Membership Award Int.relit a t tbe J'ebrua.ry P·TA mt"ellng' or Newport l!:lemant.ar)' School wu tocuaeci on Frank R. Wllklnlon, recipient ot the lite memberthlp rr-anted -.eh yeu to u outlt&ndinl' member of Ula oommunll)'. achoo! diatrtct, Mra. Boyn)' told the audknce. were the nominee• t.o serve with ~2~~~~=~~~=~~~=~=========~ Mn. John Hau from t he uecu-- 11 :30~n Sophomor& d au off1c:er1 are In Before adjourn.Ins the UIJmblJ, Mra. W&llaca received two 6omln· aUONI from the tloor to 1erva on uve board and Ml11 Vutal from the faculty. H~• tor the tea h our were third g rade room mother•. All O ut for Dinner of Balboa Cub Scout Pa ck Mr1. Margaret Holmea and Mra. cart Beneon were north-aoulh wlnner1 tn Friday ave.nlng'a game while high ecorera eut•Wetil wen Mra. Libby Lawe a.nd Ml"I. Edythe d' l:rLaqw. Runners-up nortb·eoulh were Sally Brown and Stall Huakey, Glenn Ru1l and Earl BrUce. M.ra. Prank !Wed and Tommy Holm.ea. RWUIUl•Up uatrwNt WW'a Mra. JC. J . Mureet &nd Mn. Hele.n Munet. Wra. Pauline ~ and Mn. Bee Sharpltlll, Mra. Joe WUcox and M rs. Katherine Smith. In -tmpr-m" ......SWlll't ceremony, WUlclAloa received hi• pn m recognl Uon ot hil eml.Ml>t ..utanoe and m&n:f boUn ot srat-w work and dul"t tn coaJwictloo wilh the ~taace i-cua·a den· ta1 clJnle. HAVE YOUR COLD ll'OIUOI: VAULT ON nSMMIFJll C..'Ub Seoul Pa.ck 106 o ( Balboa h~ld It• annual Blue &nd Gold d1n· nrr J'rb. 18 at Newport &:bool with only nne Cub and hi• famUy a bwnt. The lon1 tablu were gay with the clevrr decoraUona made bv th• C'll b11 u their den project t~r the month. The dinner waa pre· rared by tht mothers. an'1 llH· Mrt wu the tr•dltlonal bl rlhd11y cake decoratl'd In blue a nd yellow. After thl' Cllnntr Den 3 r on• ducted I ht 0Jlf'nln1 !'eremony fol· lowtn1 th" th,.me ot the month. "lAl F~om Rln.i." Hanll Thayer a nd 8 taphen Whltf' were inducted •• Bobcala t-y C'11bmuter Bob Garctntr TII,. tollov.1n& boy• received a•·anta: 01'1nny Hunsaker. wolf badS"· Phillip Oertly. wolf badg'e and denntr 11trtpe1. Doug Frogley, wolf ~di" and ualatanl denner 1lr1J18: Jim Barbff. wolf b&d~ w1UI 1old and 1llvH Arrowt; Bwi· tf'r T ohill. wolf b&dge with 1old a nd two 1llver arrows. J ohn Web- er and Robe.rt &II, wol! 1old a r- row•: Tim Ryedale. bur badge; Carl Stromberg. bear blldgt and Sold &TTOW. Ha IT}' )ftller. Uon Sold anrt two 11Jvc-r a rrows. Den l N>Celvf'd lh• gold c11p for J>&Min1 lhl' beiot ln1pecUon. &11d 11•1• Wf'n! won by Oen t, itond con- duct: Ofon 2. attendlU'lc• and hand· craft. Df'n :\. 11klt1 And a chleve- ment11. A ftfr a rolllckltlg sea lon ot mu1tc-.I l'halr11. the CUbmuter allk· Scout Troop Learns About Microwaves M,yst.erte.t ot mic:ro-vu. uaed by U.. telephone company to carTf t tleYllion pro(TatM and t~ephone call• between clU•a. wtll be unr&Y· •i.d before the Newport HArbor Boy SCout T roop 182 and their (UMU a t a n eventnc m•tl~ on ,..b. 21 by ~a)u!r Cbarlu Juter. .Accordins to prosrarn ebatrman. Kea11eth Dutr o. Bcoutmuter. Troop 182. JNter wtll u .. mtnJa· tun workinr mode1I of Bell lya. t.:n •1 tranacontlnental cb&rmfla to ....,., 'hoW mtcnlW'&"9 can be feeued Ilka a IMJ'Chllfbt and a..med troln OM tower to anot!Mr at IO-llille tnl•""1&. ~,,... super blP ,,.._ -.icy ntUo .,.,,_ wblc.b tnftl a t tM ...,_ of Upt. .... med .., Ole BtU System on mon tbu 64.000 lllilH of lntAirdty U~ elr- eult& . ed for dad• to vonm~u fOI' lh• game of Mil lbe clock. All the men came on the 1tage M ra. Gard· oer COftn!d thetr clothes ..-.. 1th ptu- ttc. Tben came the fun. tor each Ume a Cub waa abll' to do his Mr~ Lulle Fowler and ltn. ttunt In the allotted ttme. he wa1 Frank F ogel were eul·wtnnera IJl allowed to equlrt a dad with whip· the Monda)' a rternoon gllll'\a while ped cream. norlh·IOuth high .corer1 were Mrs. Harry Scbllllng and Mr,. Lou Ryel Oen 2 do~ th,. mtetlng-by Runner1-up e11•t-weat W«'rt Mra. s inging "America the BM11llful." George Carroll a.net Mrs. E. J. Mur- RecenUy the Pack hiu.I " vcry 11,.1. Mr11. Robert Rou snd Mre. A. lnterutlng and f'nJoysblt trip to w. Tummel. Mr1. Thom111 0111 and Ma11neland. _____________ 1Mr11. C. E. Irvin. Is Honor Guest at Natal Fete Runner11-up nortli·aouth were Mno E . J . Wlckm&n lllld Eldon Bond, Mr1. Pegl}' Johnson and Mr1. L H. \Vuhbrook , J'rf'd Mor· r1Mn and Stan Huakty. The lf?'OUp will meet on F'rlday "vt'nln1t at 414 Ea.lot Ocean Front ln 831boL Pl11y w111 11tert at 7:30 o'clock. The Founder&' Day mMtJ,q wu ~ed by Pruldent Mni. R. J. Wallace. Cub Scout& ot Oen 2, Pack JOI led the nag ceremony, tollowed by an ln1plraUonal me• •re 11ven by MIN Bernice Ve~ t.a1, prtndpal. A!ter an lnt.arlud.a ot aoap led by the Harbor Molhentnren . pro- gram cb&lnn&n. Mra. Jack Brad· bury brie.fly dl3cuued the hllltorJ ao.d objec:Uvc1 ot Founders' Day. Put P-TA prealdent.e, ruellla of honor for lhe afternoon, 1"ft In· t.roduced, lncludlnr Mm•. Sara Bowman. Try(Ve H•u. Robert Pow~ P. F. Bainea and R. O. Boyvey. Mrs. Boyvey continued the pro- (T'&m w1th a history of Ne-arport lcltool from It. beginning lD 1170. A start ot 1.8 puplla and one tMCh· er In a onl'-mom frame bulldlnr ln RESTYLED . ••• NOW AT RIDUCED PRICES 211 N. lroadway Scnda Ana Kl 2·1223 Mni. Theodore Bielefeldt of Riv· en:ld,. 1'-U giiut of honor on Sat · urday nt'nlng at a 1urpr1ae blrtb· day evenL hosted by )ll'9. Roy Keene and 3.tr. Blf'leteldt a t t he Keene hc ml'. 15i 6 East Oco n Blvd. ~trs. 81t'leftlclt recrlved g1fta rrom lboee pre!M'nt Md othel"I not able to a ttend. C'aJltomJa embra.cl's lhree-tl!lh1 what wu then Loe A.n(tlta COUDly, or th,. Wl'•lPrn rout ltne nt the SWl'lllng to ovt"r 2!!00 11tudtnt1 and t 'nllf'd St11tee acf'Or<IJng to the I 104 tnstructoni denote. the vut National Au~mobJla Club. &T<>wlh ot the Jl:ewport Beacll ORANGE COUNTY'S FOREMOST FURRIER A buf!tt dinner v.·u ~rvt!l In the Aloha Room to 2i peu on11. Attending were Mn 11rs. Alld Mml'11 Terry Ry&n of Bnkf'lty: J D Vtnunt. Richmond, Mark Your· st.one, Robert RlrketL•, Cl\lvtn 1 Keene, Jack Buckt'n, U.e Nr~nn. Let! Bttker: Mr. Lou111 Abram~. Honolulu. Tommy Peler!IOll, Palm SpriJl&1, Miu Jane Peantodo11I a11d Mia Lee John11on nf HOllY· j wood. tile Bleletelclls &nd Mr. and Mr11. Kef''°•· The Vlncenta and Mr. Abram• were wetkend guut. Rt the Keene homf. The men Mlled Vincent'• bo&t Ul the week ,.nd racf'..fl. A\·~e annual rainfall In ex· treme NortJiweatem C&llforola 11 more lhJlll 100 lnchu. accordtn1 to lhe Na Uonal AutomobUe Club. ALL CANDIDATES For tlall c-cibnaak 4!1ttdon Mardi 1a wm be J"'Mf'nt u ._.. \ TOWN RALL JIEEl'ING LEAGCE 01" <JIVIO A890CIA TIO Na OP !\'"f:WPORT BEACH .. .... Clty ~ ~ Tlltl'U.. FEIL Ulll -I P. Jll. u 70a are lnttt"Mted ln ~tlnr and hear1nJ the Ca.ndldat•, ~ 1ure and be f'rt'MnL •All OU ClllG• OPENING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25th MINNETTE FASHIONS 819 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA ANA leaturing •• for ell future Brides re9isterin9 in our Bridal Book . . . • FREE GIFT! • • • • • • • • • the Foremost in * WEDDING DRESSES *BRIDESMAID DRESSES *FORMALS * SPORTSWEAR LIDO FASHIONS. M4() Vla Oporto Newport BNch BAY CLUB FASHIONS In the Balb.:>a Bay Club 1601 Coast m~hway Newport Beeeb , ....... Jo&ned Plldfto ~ la 119 u a traaemea la U.. Loe An1~-c.atral oftlc.. Jf.., Tori!· bc>m. he eUmct.d fttltytt Oollep tn CclnAe<:UCUt ~r• be atudied I eledrleal .nftD•rt.ns· -------------' LAST 10 DAYS FOR FREE &Im ., ................ _., ........ 7 .11 I .... ..... '°"'· ..... yelll ~ ,_ _._.........,._.... ,.. ............... _"• , __ .............. ..... c ......... , ...... ,.... ---'•'.ooo --..._,._ ..... ,. ............... ....,. .. ,... .......... ••• •P•• •••• -.....,._-'uoo--<A .......... .....,....,,,._.. ..,t.I. GET YOUR Gin NOWI ANNOUNCING In_..., pold 0-"'9ffy Ofl '""'•Id C.nifice"'8 $cMnea Accounfl March 31 , June 30, h(lllte"'be' 30 •Ml O.C."'be' 20 (In ,.,,.. .., °"'""'°'>· ........ ""', .............. c.... ........... , 1. "-........ -..... '"'' '-'-" ...... .... c ....... , .... 2. "-...... -..... fed\ ~ .. IMtf'l4 .. 110.000 ~ .... ,..... s.....,.. ~ a.-1--c~. 3.Y--i..----i-tt Vow-.y to ... ~ ..ii Ae ........ - ........ y~l• ..... wo.tr .. ...., PGt'O.-bolt< _.,. ... ., _ __. ...... ~ .. 10th °',...-"'· -l>1'9fftl fr-.... 1 tt 'I OHM YOUI ACCOUNT NOWI ,,n ~.pet'f IW. • c.... .... c.llf. W...,~1 ' • . . • I ' .,-- . t • ' , t•'!\AfPOP.T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -THURSDAY, FEB. 24, WITH SALLIE ·February U, 1955 Oii the aolellleea .-S tbe dnklng of It all 1 But wbat beaatttal musle they make ••• the drtDll. ... aad .,.,..,,,,,,. ••• What we Gro- ) ' • eerr Storea m•t go thru to keep oanelvee tbe ale· -,.... to.., lll_aad the .. t bt&ut.lfal ~ to be In I 8o after allnoet aeven )'Mn_ we tbld our .eem• ba.ntlllg Uld ov face sadly ta need of a uttlng, do we alt 1-t.k ud let our loyal faM pat ap wttll oar blnefl- d..-.t Nope ••. our fana mmt have nothing but thfll beet • • • Oar fan• most float In (watch oat for thoee new doors ••• you've been pin Jtn "? o, them eo Joag, yoa might juat bap- pea to fall .. by mt.take!) Alld think of the fun you'll have ftadbl1 tlilnpl Twice the eelecUoD of meat.. fro- s.ea foodA and delkat.eeeea lntrtcuee you've had before ••. The big awtteb ls on •.• Come oae, eome all to the FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED -DURING OUR GIGANTIC REMODELING SALE -lOO's OF ITEMS AT COST AND BELOW -WE MUST CLEAR STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR WIDER AISLES -ROOMIER DEPARTMENts -NEW 'INNOVATIONS-AND A COMPLETE NEW LOOK ••• -· remoclellag me with a bun-I ~I~ dftld apedalaJ I Il you read the story last week about the cuatomer who ~~"'1 found a 1 pound coffee can ' 0i~B$ full of water instead of coffee •• , Here's the correct answer! ~ot'lll"" ••• One of her small fry play-~~~ ed a trick on her and switched I lbe good pound of coffee in ber grocery aack for one full ~~~ of water .... The Orua~aty Phll- b&nnolllc ty'• fi1ftb eo.cert of the 8euoa .. aest Scmdaf, Febraary 2'1, I p.m. la tbe Fallerton lll1h 8ebool Aadltortam • . • DO act•h='= ebatge ••. IDter- aUJag oa~ of the Phll- banDoale'• Ball at the Bay ctab two Friday aJgbta ~--the ,..._ to fonn a 'aalor Kulllary to the Phllharmollic Society • . . &Ida aboald lmow their Nstcnclbr 8aat. rtgb& .._, wtth tllelr ..... Saad- .... • • • Taktllg tbem to thla Flttb tree Concert .. one way ••• CaUbtg Frieda Bellnfaate. ooadaetor, bt .14· other •.• She's la the pboae book••• I A Grocery St.ore isn't up-t-0- date the.e day• unleas it sell.a eome eort of reference book for 99c .•. I haie completed glancing through the first volume of our New Wondu Book Cyclopedia 9! World Knowledge._. I mllat admit i11 the first subject namely "Ad-1 ¥ertiaing" roused my curiosity and I found myself reading on and -0n throug h Ala.aka Highway, Alphabet. "Ant a, Aqueduct.a, Army and Artifi- cial Reepir&tion _ . . Strictly fun reading ... Some mighty deep nbjecta are covered in light, euy-to-read modern style that old and young wi)l enjoy for reference ... There will be twelve of these Won- der Boob ... A new one will come out each Thuraday ... Yea. you wiU be able to get back copies too. Dromedary bu bit the ..0 OD tbe heed l Their new ~ cake mix COIDPS wtua twin uck9 lulde one ....... e, •• ID this way you I ill _. t.ke oae layer at a time ••• or have mixed layers for OM~ ••• Cake mlxee, u tw beck u 1918 were ex· perbDetlted with, but all wen C1Mmltlee. Dromedar)' .. the peat ~daddy or all c:Ue omes being the fllat eacxhelal Nat.tonal Cab Jlh -the market ••. 'l'belr ttnt WM GtnCc'trMCI ma 1nt.rodacled ta 1115, followed bJ tbelr °"' 1'tlfa Food la 19St .•• no. wen tbe daya wbea 1W .,.,_.. tile box If you eland me a prepued cM.e .as ... -wtth. pilty t11•ulrre al the while ,.._ p1111a were raring ....... JOU bU:lq abllhlea ••• ..,._ have ebaapl. If ,.. do bappea to •pan • few mlaata to beat egp, ---~udaacb ... I ~-:.: ~·:.!: =:'!; --.... tlal9 •1 dear! .. .,.......,,.. .... .a ... tNM 11P too MCI made tile a.z JO'l'll ftlld a aew tn-~ n.er tW ftta •:'IY pa. -Tw. ..,. .... llO ~ or utn puahg ...taaabeaedapia ... Jrta Ari•toerat. Bes· S7o 29¢ PEAOllES ···---·-··· No. 2~ UWty Slkled. Bes· Ila 29¢ PINEAPPLE ·--··-·· No. 2~ Coiut.ock, Ker. Ue 32; CHERRY PIE MIX No. % Ubby. &er. H e 23; CITRUS SALAD No. SOS Ubaty, Ket'· lit-13¢ CITRUS SALAD -·-· 8 en. ~~· ~~-~----·-·----··· No. 1 25¢ Jrla, Rt-s. SOe 23; FIGS . ··-·-·-·-·--·--·-No. SOS an.. Res. % for Sta 13; GRAPEFBUrr sro. 8 OL Irle, J!es. ~ 39; STRAWBERRIES No. SOS C-A S wayne. )k if. Sit 25¢ BOYS'NBERRIES No. SOS $&W Royal Aan, Ref. U e 33• ORERRIF.8 ···-··--No. 803 8&ewarta, ~I· lln • 25¢ BLUEBERRIES No. SOO NIW FROZIN-OOLE HAWAIIAN FttUIT Mullk!at, Ker. Ilk 14' LEMON BASE -··--· 8 oz. 8unkltll, ae,. 2 for l3e 14¢ ORANGE BASE -·---· 6 en. 8AW. KrJ. I for !~· 8' PINEAPPLE .l'CE. 12 oz. Del Montf', ~,. % for II<' 11• ORANGE IUUCE ·-·· No. 2 ~I Moat.. twr. n o 29; ORANGE 'VICE -··· 46 oa. Hela&. Rec. I for 13-0 5; TOMATO .IUICE ... 5 en. llf'met. ReJ. t for !~ a~ APRICOI' NECTAR 12 oz. Bemf't, ~· s.-,.. 29~ APRICOT NECTAR 46 oz. l•I" of C.iold. IWJ. Ilk' 10' PAPAYA NECTAR 12 oa • <.loa&adlna. IWc-Uc 19' TOMATO .JUICE .. 46 os. VEGETABLES Raw. Mfodl-1 .w,. i~" 19' PEAS ---····---·-··· No. SOS JAB. ~uper 8~ iwr. Vk' 16; PEAS .. ··-·-·--··-··· No. SOS Salad \"eretabln. IWr. 26" 19' SAl.ADETl'ES --· No. 300 Monan:h. Re(. 39c' 29¢ POTATO SALAD No. SOS lrta. Cut. Rer. U" 18' GREEN BEANS --·· Picnic "AW, Medtwa No. s. R4-c-lk 15• CUT.OR.BEANS 8os. Monattb, ~,;. 11r 13' FRENCH G. BEA.NS 8 OL I 8&\\', Or. Pt. mla. u . R«-r . •~ 35' ( ASPARAGUS ·--· No. 300 lrta. Dlaa~r Slw. ~,. 3~ 43; ASPARAGUS . . .... Tall NnnarC'h. ~. "" 39; ARTICHOKE HTS. 16 en. Sylm&r, Ref. tie 15# SPANISH HOMINY No.% ....... lo•• It ... 90 "111 '" ••• CARNATION CANNED MILK ~--·--2 hr 23c There'• more here at Rich- ard'•, the Grocery Store unonr the Lido Shops at the ' entrance to Lido Isle, New· SPECIALS ... OR ··m z.t, %6 ud 28. 1955 port Beach, Calif. ·--- Remodell .. II Oft Ille way IMlt before we CCIII wort& lmlde we must clear over 300 Ifft of shelvlnt. So, ldln tile flln durint ow Gigantic Remodelint Sale. H1n .. ch of Items priced to clear. Watch, clwint tile next few w..U, ow aisles grow wider, the "°""' In our all-new DellcatesMn, with steam tables and rotisseries, the all· new Meat and Prochlce .,.,_ h&•nls pl• new slHli froutl food cases brintiftCJ yot1 IUIOre variety tha• ever I Watch us grow and marvel at }he llltra • modenl HW Richard's Udo Marl&et ••• oea lloate. J&ec. %k 17; SAUERU~UT .. No:%~ JN, ... lie 1.,. GARDEN PEAS No. IOI I - ;a~M~::~ N~~-~ 11- PICKLES -OUVES OONDDIENT8 Early Calli .. Res. I for H e 11¢ SUCED OUVES %~ os. Old Monk, Ker. U c 29; OOLOS. OUVES 85-i en. Dennl.on'a. Ref-Uo 16' CHILE SAutE ··-···-IZ OL K,..t. Kq. IOo I; llU8TABD -··---· 6 OL De••leca'a, a.,.. 1'7o 14' CATSUP ___ .. _H OL star • .ws. t5o 11' OUVE OIL ------2 oa. F-.cUood, Ko.bu, J&ec. Ne 43; BABY DILlS _____ re os. Pour rtpor. Wlllole. Bes· 66e 45; DILL PICKLF.8 ·--¥., pl ~KeJ. U c 33• SWEET BELl8B ---24 OL DeDa1110a'a, ~. He 19¢ OOOKTAIL 8AUOE 12 oa. llEA'.l'8 -MEALS UMl7'a. Rq. lk 53' LUNCH TONGUE 12 oa. \"letor, olumbo, &er. 1SCI 59¢ OLEAN SHBDIP 4 ~ oa. Moaarda. ollllllbo, Rq. tee 55• WET SBRDIP -·-·---6 OL ~ ttu..r, aer. tee 53• BOCK LOBSTER 6~ OL .................. Ue --OBAB KEAT ---···-· 8~ OL W .um-r. &er-tk 16' VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 OL Swtn'• Roe· UCI 28' DRIED BEEF -·-·--2~ oa. CrOINle & IUM'kwell. !Mir. Uc 33; HER. ln TOM. SCE. 14 os. BEVERAGES - M18CEUANEOU8 Hehl&. Res. lk 13¢ BABY CEREAL.8 .... pq. llelns, "4-r. U c 19¢ BABY KEATS --·----···· eaa ~~~~~~--~~~-.~~---pkg. 11• ='it·~·. riREME 5 OL 11• l:atawtt, .leWecl, Re(. H e 15' CRANB. SAUCE No. SOO l&oy&I. A..'L. Rea. a f., Ile 5• INST. PUDDINGS -··· pkg. Royal, ""&· I for Uc: 5; LEMON PIE nLL ···-pkg. Boosba1. Ile&" :u1c 29' SPAG. SAUCE -····--8 oa. Star, Rec. 200 19¢ CUKE PICDXS .... 12 OL · QuaUty HOUM', Kt-1. 16e 25¢ SWEET PICKLES 16 oz. BIRDSEYE PEAS (;r-& ~well. Rec· 8k 69' OHOW CHOW -·--11 &z.. Fresh Froun shelled ....... peas--- brHJht shiny gre••-reacly to heat 2 2ac lrt., folw~L. Res. th tj5f CUKE STICKS -·-·· 16 os. I. and eat. -10-oa. pkg.-··-·· .. ---~ .. ---. r11r 7 Wu.hi"'. Ber. II<' 19¢ SWEET PICKLES .... 8 oz. YOOCIC'rart. Sweoet •. K.ec. Ile 29; MIDGET PICKLES 8 OL Ml>\\. KOlll!ler, Ker. ~ 35• DILL PICKLES --· 24 os. l'uunr'• Supttme. Re1. lie . 29; CUKE SPEARS ----16 OL WU.Ill"'· ·we.-:. Kee. SIC' 29; MIDOET PICKLES 12 en. WUN!N', IWJ. •Ii<' 39' SWEET PICKLES 24 oa. Quality H-Kot1b.rr, ~· 6k 49¢ DD..L PICKLES ·-· ~ pl Do..-'•, Ref. H e 23• MINCED CLAMS '1~ OL Armour, Ker. Ill<' 45' ROAST BEEF . 12 OL Su-Trt""""'· tus. Sk 29; MT BALL .t OK.A VY 16 OL Walker'•. A11111t.a, ~. l6c: 29' BEEF STEW __ ·--··-16 oa. OolUM'f'°"· ""'· UC' 15f CLAM .IUICE ----····--8 OL Bumbi.. 8-, RC"C· Uc 25' CHUNK T~NA ... 6 ~ oa. CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE Prn1•• packed to retai• al the natural goodness. lllJ a pot111d a•d SH the dif· 7F ference. 1-lb •. can -.. ·---····m-··-··-· .. ·-·· .. ·~· Pf'tf'r P11H'r, 'lll'lLle, .UC. JWr. lie 25¢ DILL PIClKLE8 -··-quart flt.Ar, llallaD. ""r· l&e llf PEPPERS ··-·------·--· • oa. Ritt.fir c11ua. a.es. nc, -..-; RELISH ------------·-·-12 oa. Iii Rof'l"mberto, Ker. •k 33¢ CKT~ ONIONS '1 os. La CIWIClellta. 8pl~, Ref. 6h 49• GREEN OLIVES -··· 10 OL Ullby'a. Ref. 61<' 43' SWEET PICKI...ES 22 OL Libby'•, 8Uced 8weoet. Rf'(. •Sc 33' DILL PICKU.:8 ·-·-22 OL UMly'• Sllad. KOlllMr, Ker. lie 25' DILL PIOK.LES ··-· U OL WIWal~. lleUer, Rq'. H o 251 WHOLE DILl.B .... Z4 OL Wlllllalre, P1ala, Res. "'° 25' WHOLE DILl.B ---U OL q..lltf a--. w..ae. Res. lie 79• swm PIOKLl!".a ~ p1. 8'ue Yolo •• Krr. ll.!c MINCED CLAM8 Ptenic 25 ' T-Tavem. twr. SO.-23; TORTILLAS ··----No SOO C--h\\.i.)-Df', K"J· IOc 16' PORK & BEANS No. 25-i LJDdea, Hel'. U c 19¢ CHIC. KA VIOLAS 15 OL .... ,. w 1-. ~,. 6!1<' 43' . CHIC. CH. SUEY No. 303 Cap. Kf'r. ,r;{' 43; CORNED BEEF .... lZ oa. ADJIO, fWI'· •Ur 43' CORNED BEEF --· 11 oa. Fune, Toma~o 8auce. &er. ate 29; SARDINES ···-----·--16 os. Pet.er Paa. Rf'.«. Me 49 ' PINK SALMON ·--18 OL Moaarda. Ker. ll3c 69¢ Rm SALMON .... 18 oa. Cr..-.i a BlDc'kwf'O. a...,_ ~ 43¢ KIPP. AEIUUNG 16 OL 8AW, R~S· UCI 27' PDllENTOS --··· --··---'1 OL Im, Res. 11<' 13' DICED BEETS ·-No. SOS Kn M8'. ~r. 15o 65' DOG MEAL ··--····--··--5-lb. 8v~rlnr. Re(. lie 25' HONEY ····--·· ···-·-·-· 12 oa. Kena'•· P..-rv ... Aefr. 11c-27' OO'l'·PINEAPPLE 20 OL Hf'la&. A•'l. 11' U:LUES -···--···10 OL OFF SAW, ReJ. lk 19' FRUIT NUT ROLL 9 oa. He.Uta. KA-J. 61<' 43¢ MINCE MEAT ·-··--·· %S oa. Plllllkr)'. R4''. lh 33' SNO-SHEEN ·--··-·---44 os. Aunl .IHnim&. Rec-61<' 39' BK'WHT. Fl.OUR 1 5-i lb. ""«· Mk-75' SWDTNING . ····-·-····S lb. f4dl.llllnc. ~,. no 14' PEPPER -·-··----· ... 1 ~ OL Tl"l'f' T.._ tt.ic. %le 23~ GREEN TEA ··-----~ lb. Tree Tf'a. U.. ll6C" 45 f GREEN TEA -·--·--· ~ lb. T~ T .. a. ltt-r. 6k 491 GREEN TEA BAGS 48'• TrN> T .. -. R"r· tOr 15' OREEN TEA BAGS UI'• HOUSEHOLD MlmoeJM\, Rec. ~ 49' FURN. WAX .. ··-8~ os. , l'f'leo, Rf'r. 2'7<' 19' DETERGENT .... ·---···-· '«i· Dyu Mhl-~ lJquld, &for. tlr 17¢ SHOE POUSH ___ -·-· . cu 1111. Black Labe.l. Ke1-lk 25' INSECT SPRAY ....... plnt "'-.. ae,. ••.at 100 ' &l'1G CLEANER -··· 40 oa. "es· JOO 4 -11 BORAXO ---···--... _ Ideal. ic.r. 1e 5; TOOTHPICKS ·····-·--pkg. BU, Blark .... I. Rec. 6k 39; INSSCI' SPRAY --·· qaut ~~ ~~-~-----· qmrt 99• DRIED F&UIT8 a NUTS ~~ ~---~····~-·--Jb. 19' ~o= ~~-·~·-·--.lb. 29; WESSON 9•rt SF OIL 811CD" atpe 8er1'9N a.,.. Ile 11- RAISIN8 --········--·--Jb· bq ~AN7° .. -~~-~··--·.tb-II' ~~~--~~~----~-~:l~OL 25' FRESH MEATS t:. g. (.'bolf'.C'e 43; '1-BONE ROAST ... -. .lb. ... l4. <.:b~ 59' 0-BONE ROAST ··--·-··-·-lb· • '. M. ('llot~ 91; SIRLOIN STEAK ···--·.lb.. ftalh'• l'Uackbawk 59' SUCED BAOON _, ____ Jb. ~·· 49; SMOKIF.8 ···--------··-8 OL Darigold AA BUTTER Per P-d SF BAKERl' GOODS nn·R.4'DA V Rum 54; RING CAKE ··---·-·-~b ~~R ROLLS --6 for 141 t"RIDAl' Opf'D T11p 52' PEACH PIF8 -----· ea.cit 100'7• WHOl.E 23' WHEAT BREAD ...... lnaf . S ATl'ROAV o-1... Appkt 3 25¢ OOfTEE CAKr; ____ for Banana Sut 17' LAYP:R CA.KE ---eech DELICATESSEN All Ant........,nr tt.a. II&-.fb. 59' IAMS {'<or.ml<' C'rOf'lul R...c. l .. 'W) 91¢ HONr;V -·-·---·--··· _ . ~h All R-w 8,......,, 69' PICKLED FRurr Hcla ..... ,.... Rrc. t.At 2 19 CANNED BAM 2 lb. Ua • Armour Ron~1,.... Ker. "" 29• PORK CUTLE'm -· .each SwaM011'1 Chicken Thighs lb. Pkg. 93c , .. "\ , • I • , t I l I' } .. { J .NEWPORT· HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRU~Y 24, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE " OONFERENCE ON DECK-Cout Guard Auxiliary membera go into a huddle with Coast Guard officers to learn eome of the intricacies of operation of the weather abJp Pontchartrain. From left areund the circle, Ena. R. L. Gujbord, Jeu Kaplan, Ruaaell Craig, Lt (j.g.) J. W, Korth, Irving E. Laby, Mal Fink, Al Oberg, Diok LytUe and Worthington Lee. -Staff Photo. JfECRAN1Cl8 OF 'ftlE 8HIP-Otricera of the weather 11hlp point out some of the equipment aboard. Top, LL Korth. center, explalna the depth charge throwers on dKk to Laby, Lyttle. Cn.ig and Fink. Bottom. Crndr. Dodl!On point.a to important rr.:i rhinr ry. From left, Oberg. Crai1, Kaplan, Lt. Korth and Ens. Guibord. • Auxiliary See~ Weather Ship By PllYLU8 .J • .JACKSON Men of Division 2 of the United Statee Coast Guard Auxiliary from Newport Beach were honored last week by officers and crew of the U. S. Coast Guard weather ship Pontchartrain. The 256-ft. vessel anchored outside the jetty to t&ke aboard the men and their wi ves. The auxiliary is composro of ctvilians who donate tilJle and boats to ajding the local Coast Guard. Those who were guests of Cmdr. J. H. Hut.son Jr. included Irving E. Laby, rear commodore or the aux· il iary. 11th Cout Guard District : Dick Lyttle, Flotilla 2 1: Harbor Master Ruuel Craig: Mal J . Fink, training officer of Division 2 : Jeu Kaplan. captain. Division 2: Worthington Lee. operatiom1 officer , Division 2 and •l Oberg, assistant harbor muter and training officer of Flotilla 27. . A complete tour or the ship and explanations of her operations were giv<'n to the guests, followed by lunch served in the ward room. An off-roast fog can. celled plans for a short cruise in the afternoon. The weather ship plys the water half way between the mainland and Hawaiian Ialands. drifting with cur- rents And plotting wealhtr information. NOW REAR rR!!' CIDdr. Hut.on. far rlPt. "aplalna the order of the day to ca-ta tn the ward room ot the Pontchartra.ln. From Jett. 11.n. Kaplan. Mn. er.a,. Mn. nnk. Lt. Korth and L,.W.. • ----· t ..... ""! _/ v ( \ • WJ:LVOllE AJIOA8~....a:. d1mla tile ..... ol U.. abJp from the ahore boat to be wlcomed aboard by Cm'!f, J. J. Hut.on Jr., skipper of the Pontchartrain. Lt Com. J . W. DodJIOn aha.kes banda with Laby u Cmdr. Hut.eon, behind Laby, looks on. Others from left, Lyttle, Kaplan and Mrs. Kaplan. . ( ... M1DGS JNnAUA'l'IOJlfll ao.i ec:ntiny to electronica ana other equipment whlcll I wnvanda the bridce ol the weather atation ia ctven by auxiliary men. Lt. Korth, dark 'llDlfom. mp'•'" op1raUGm to iAbJ, L,W. and l'1D.L . • • • . l I '· ~ I ' J HA VE A HEART-Complains Don Shepard of Balboa, preparing to tee off in the Heart Fund Campaign colf tournam.-nt at Irvine Coast Country Club Sunday. It seema Harold Peterson, tourney co-spotl.8or, juat bad to show off bia acore card. But whatever the links carda showed on Heart Sunday, a definite victory waa scored for the Heart Fund with raiaing of $287.50 from the tourney. -Don Buab Photo IUCS COME A-CROPPER Pirate Nine Plastered By 7 • 4 Loss to Harbor Oranr• Cout Colltf e'a ball club came a-cropper Monday agalruil Harbor J C'1 nine, 1utterln1 a 7_. iwtbatk on the rlwl field. Co1rh Wen•lell Plckena' Pirate crew fi(Uttd to come llWai!hbuckllng back up the victory bue patha in ill flr1t home pr&ctlce game of the aeuon this afternoon aplnat ml1hty Cl>mplon, We11tem St&t• Conference <llnmond champ•. HEART Al.,-GOLF GO . SET . . AS ANNUAL AmR SUCCESS Button, Mn. HallberCJ SllCICJ Pair of Take-home Trophies F ollowing aucceaa of Jut Sunday'• Heart Fund Cam- paign golf tournament at ll"Vine Cout Country Club, plana have been made to make thia an annual tourney. Copp ... i; the take-home tropHies on Heart Sunday were Fred Button and Cay (Mrs. Roy E.) Hallberg. A total of $287.50 wu ralaed for the Heart Fund throuah lbt>: They braved cold wlnda at the Ith event. ' I bole f.or more than alx houn, ta.It· : BOWLERS ~INE FOR FREE YET Jo~t>e dlonr u are oo tap to all bowlers tnten-d ID All Event. of OJ• Newport Harbor l:llu No. 176'7 hcond AMUal Charily Bo111•l1n1 8 w • e p • r Handicap at vu·a Bowline In Coat& M.•aa OU. week • and. The d inner wlll be Mrvtd from II to 9 p.m. at t~e dinner-dance In Elka Lodi:• Saturday even· Inc. All other peraon1 will pay '1 per. With 120 golfers c:ompetlnr from Ing a two-bit donaUon for a chanl·e t a .m. until a p.m., men'• low net to win a c olr ball. AU rrquired or acore went t-0 Buttpn, the lut man t.ft golfer wu to knock hla flret ln. Mr1. Halberr 1eored ln tbe wo-ba.11 Into . deatcnated cla:cle. 'nine men'• <llvU!lon. I I The event wu apon.eored by 1 were no wlnner1. J ui{ a clear pro- H&rry stickler and H arold Pettr· tit of $21.IWI tor ~ 'Hearl Fund, aon. Bot.h0 men gave high pralae to 1 over-all victor ot the toum11. ABC ruin and ra(UlaUona will 1overn th• alley tourna- ment. it wa1 announcf'd. Squad Umu are Saturday at noon, f p.m., • p.rn. and I p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m .. 1 p.m .• a p.m .. ll p.m .. 7 p.m . and 9 p.m. Enlrt f .. an sa per event, n .u .... t.. Art Roux 11.11d his 1tarf tor play-1 lnr a big pfrt In making the t;our-'• ' ney a 11ucce:1s. Also adding to tho! · affair Wllll a perpt•tual trophy do-L nated by George Hrug ll. I I Uru1ung heroine!! of the day werr Mu. Peterson and Mr1. Stlcklu. 1 NO RAIN NOR GAME EITHER It didn't rain last Sunday, but there wasn't any game anyway. TI11 Costa Mesa Merehimt• were slated to cxch11nge wit· low waves with the Ocean View nine. Tlwre wa8 just one thing wrong. Ocean View tall· t>d to •how up w1lh •ufflclent performers to fi eld a le111n on Meaa·11 I.Ions F'i<'ld. Buslne• ).tanager Ed Lana bell<'Vts In the old never MJ die Mylng, however. So he'• 1chedult-d a, !ray at Lft>na Field again thl11 Sunday at 1 :30 p.m. Thi!! time with a San Pl'Jro aemlpro te11m. IRRR ans Harbor Area Skien Put Snow to Use By WAI.LY TAM' THERE YOU ARE-Quotes Harold Peterson, left. tour- ney co-sponsor, as he handa over trophies to Sunday's golf winners in the Heart Fund Campaign links tour- nament at Irvine Country Club. Continuing left are Fred Button, top male golfer: Art Roux, holding the perpet- ual trophy donated by George Hoag II, and Mrs. Roy E. (Cay) Hallberg, top woman golfer.-Don Bush Photo HARBOR -CaU ttartior te1e to rla~ ,..ur .\1t Oft thll pa.:e, .. \)O~ ( Pollt 1<·al AJl'f'l I llt'mf'nt I PAGE 2·PART111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 PAUL NEUMAN MAKES · ~ OCNS ALL -ST AR FIVE Mike leach. Jeddy Y OU11fJ Rate as Unanl~ .._... Choices . ' Fottin' Paul Neemann, Newport Harbor Hirh School'1 llCOrinf ace, WU named to the 1936 AJJ-'Juneet League Bu- ketball Team by OCNS 1poNwriteni today. The champion unUngton Beach Oilers were the only equad to place two players on t he all-senior quintet. For hi.a •lf)Ction, Neumann, rated tha t.op Tar ca1er throu1h· for HI GB I ·E for COUNCILMAN • out the Muon , will receive' "n I A Ute of plaaw~ mak .. even OCNS certificate. 'rhl1 mark• th11 , lhe 1tron1Ht mind trtvoloua at flret year that certlttca tea h\lve Jut. been awarded to a.11-ioop mem bera. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~l:d~war;;;;~d~B~u~l;w~e~r-~l.yt~~t.o~n;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;;;;; TWO VNANIMOV8 Ip Unanlmou. cholcea ot the all· at.tr five were mlchty Mike Beacl\ of Anaheim and Jeddy Young, the 41-4 Ollar center. Beach, 1lopped only once when th• 8a!lor five limited him to a two point effort tut Friday nlp t, took Individual acorlng honora for the loop. Ha re<"or-ded 220 point.I In ten camea tor a 22 dlfit.aeuona1 mark. Neumann trailed Beach with a 17.• a veraft. · AU th• player• aelec:ted for the honor at.and over 1.lx fMt aac•pt tor , Butch Coopman, UM Otl•r1' other p:ayer who wu choeen by OCNS 1port-1'1tara. I>Nplte hla IHl tietpt, Coopman waa a con- 1tanl court ltandpul. az.ooao wa&CaD Joel Newldrk, Who tNaled J\al• lerton c..-~rda left and n 1ht dw1111' th•...-. rounded out the all·atar equad. 'nla complete Una-up: Mike S.ch, uo. 1-1; Paul Neumann, llO, 1-2: Jf'ddy Young, 1'70, M ; Butch Coopmv.n. H 5, O· J; a nd Joel Newkirk, 180, 6·1. lannister Greatest Roger Bannlater '' the world'• grealel'l runner In the opinion ot Danl11h Mllt>r Gunnar Nlei..tn. Bannl1lt'T'1 run n Ing atrategy mak Pt h im bl"ller than Auatra· h11n'1' J nhn L11ndy, NltlMn lhlnk1. for · Helping to make Our Gl"and Opening a Huge Success Mey We Continue to Serve Y.ou for many Months to Come , COLLIER'S SIGNAL SerVice Station 32nd and Newport (acro11 from City Hall) Harbor 5550 Tlw Aue• defeated Compton ln t hu 1 11~l ball Je•mr ot the H.&*)n nn th•• r·lval fic•ld. Followed a nar· 1 nw :!·I lo11a tn a Loni Beach f! .. 1111 11iat II dt>f~nJlnr; SouUlem Cafl f<u nia a nJ Sta le chaa1plon. \\'ht'"h n1at1,. Monday afternoon'• •ldP;11 11l tJ11· han•I• ot a lueer n 1m· ~·· 11nr:-.p1 «ll <I. T\\O H1\U o:-.-t.:'~ Harbor A rl'a iski enthu11iaslll have t aken a•lvantai;:<• ot Snow Vallt>y 11lopes durln~ rt>ce nt week· ch&ndlM aw&rd1 were Ed Blum. end•. Extrem••ly Wl'll eq111ppcd. to return the Buca out front with Snow Vallt-y 111 locatt-d on ~ovcm· a tally on a 11lxlh frame triple. ment p roperty but Is l«a se<I by a the Buc1' Jone extra-baJle knock ot private party wllh the unt.ll'rsland· the fray. But thl1 waan't nurly lnr; that lmprov .. mcnls mu11t be t>noui;h. Harbor came right bar k ln11lallf'd every ytar lo krep lhe with a eecond three-run canto In lea.e In effect, rtporta ahow. Cur- bo! tom of thf' 1dxth on two alnflea, rently, thf're a re 14 ski tnwa. one a walk and a triple. For good cha.Ir lift and one pulma Utt, a dlllC mf'n.n1re, Harbor addt'd another tyJX' lift. N>unl<'r in the eighth. m"klng all Rt>ct'nl wlnt,.r 1porl11 p nrllr l· A rn11 .,r b:i I 1nnlni;1o '" 1·011ntr rl s1x of their h its product lvr. panu lnrlude thr Jo"orrs t Nealii of !u1 tho· l'lrl>ll' ln'll In H..r.hor. I.ACK l'LATY. Pt'S("ff Shore Cllff11 with thPir threr chi!· A fli'r h111Jol1nK Ill' I\ 3·0 lrn•I Iv'· T h•• P1rat..ea got 4. run• on • hit.I dren. Chr~llan, JI, Craig, 9, and lllnil Jl11n L< 1 •h K • hurl<1n1; with tor the tUll!!lfi', but thtlt !!Imply KBKthy, :). KAthy 111 fast bf'l".,mlng 111ni;IP 1.111u ~ 111 lhr tir!'ll, th1rl onol w:i..,n't pn'l<.lul'l1ve Pnoui:h. Three an ardf'nt 11k1t-r. R oz and VirRlma fourth 1111111."<. thl' l111c" fo 11 npm t Mrulls nrcountPd fnr l hr f1r11l m.n-1 Hurt or NPwrort He~htA, with In lh•' t"'""'" "I th• fr1111 th. T\\'O I in~ t.tllv, l'hnnst• p Bob '\.\'elzf'I dsui:hlf'r Arlenl', 16. nn1I M n Kl'n· ""'"''~·I\ \\,ill< 1111'1 a 111 .. 1 .. n h~~" nnklo I It a 1ro!>11 011 an error •i:'d ny, JO. Dorothy Arron,'Corona ·d,.I f111all\' '' 1\illrd tn a thrl'l'·rlln ,.,. l'lnlrn ba~,.. 1n thr thm1. 11 11lngle Mar. Mesa Merchants srate eo;ests With Pro Clubs America~ 1.owest priced ror "''" "'" ""' I":• l't•nlt'rf1 f'lol"r Rolantl Hill RC· Daren Gmth and Onv1d Balmt'r \\'n~·nr l'u111:lltrr(' tr•ol< iwn 1 n•11 nl••<I f11r the fourth ... onto ot Cost.~ l\IN<n comblnr J l'k11ng 0 \f' h111 lln1: d11tlr11 nml mnns i:eol rnunt r r. nnd C:ought rN".s triple with atudylng. They a.re &ltl'mlmi: • Ml\kinK "" with morttlh11n m"r-poll11herl It off m lhr sixth. Orange Coa11t College. Olhrr snow The Clobe-Mlamt Clua C pro- tr~1onal but>ball BqUlld may not be ~pnng tn1lntng an COllta Mu &. but at Jra11t the Mell& will be able to take a look 11l them In action. Thi:< wa11 th!' word tO<ll\y from B1u11nr~ Manager E•I Lan(' of the Merrhant11. Trojan Water Polo Team in polo. \\'1th Dean Forsgren, Ace Burn11 snd \\'ally \\'olt lt'ad1ng tht> l')fft'n11ive atla<'k. the Trojanft then turnrd In nne ot the i:rrntc11t romebacl!11 In 11porta hlstofy. A fll'r ' JrUlty rally, t ht two lenms endtd play '7·7. The TrnJana won the tournf'y though and th<' Pan Am Games hl'ert. of the l .'>00 !an11 In attend· • nnce with thrlr 11pln,.·tlngllng I eomPhel'k from the brink of ddut. FULLERTON IOCNS\ -In s trictly a 1torybook finish, Coal'h T B 1 J immy Smith'• jlrf'Ot W811"r p'llO op ow ers l•am pull,.d off not onlv lhr 11•1r· 1 priM of the tournament. 1)111 the I rally of the century whC'n Ult>y de· H•t F L t feated El Sl'J;"\JndO II tea m :\fondtl \' I or 00 n ight In Lynwood t o capture t he N&tlon"I T'tllO playoffl nnd tarn 1 the rii;ht to repruent the nation I M th In lhf' r nn Amtrlcan Cnml'•. ' n ara ons Entt>rlni: lh<' l'hamp1onshlp con· teat Smith'• Trojan• wr reo un1lc· A potent f(lUrll<l'!M of a.Jley aJ!'I· teated ln t ournament pl11y. while tators walked orr with mai_or por· th• defending champs. El Segun· Uon ot the loot In the mrn'• 'Mutual do, f'ntert>d the ('laaalc conteat bowling m11ra lhon11 at Van'• Dowl with a 2·1 mark. '""Y had bl"<'n In Cf)stl\ Mesa i::11nrl11y \Vrndell dt!ea ted In lln a.ftl'rnoon ~ml· Cra\\·for•I took S:lll with 3879 In final game by the Olympic Club th1t 20-J:"llme hanl1lr11p~: Lynn Ar· ot San F'ranc1111·0. nett, SW with 3~i:.!: Eol Harpold, TOt'RNP.:\' Rt"l.E f'IOt:llF.S 520 with 3819 nncl Call Humphrey, Due t o a tourney rula a bout ! Ut\ w ith :lillfl. teAm• endil\J tn a tie, the rullng Gene H11nk1 hit for 120 ,,.,:th W8,, hued on preVIOlll acOrl'll. th11l 3836 tor hijlh fiC'rlllC'h OUt Of the El Secundo would have to win by hli;her money. Brick M1m.ly took a margin of four points for the hlRh l!CrAlrh game with a 2:>~ ef· rtght to jto to Me:itlco next month. fort. Low flt'Mrs han!11rap Wf'nt to Ttity jumptd out to a com· Jrrry Miiler and low 11tme lo Dr· tnandlng ltad a t halftime, 8·3. Yan H aye1. advocatu are J im and Nancy Kii· bm1rnl', Co11ll\ McM : Ed Soul,.. and daughl rr Jully, Balboa hland; and Bob and Lola Wlltl'ler. Co1U1 Ml'~R. Hulc:hl11on. Ge" r.« • Bottorhoff, Chie n Boyer, H I Cento11I. Homer Mac:Phtr!IOn. Burl Eva ns. Don An· ton, Ken Pnge, Fred Embrerr. BruC'C Elford, Alan Smith, Buc-k Murdy. Loul11 S11ndrra, Bob Bol· torhoff. l\fo111 B<'llow11, Bob Hohan, Tom Imoto 11nd Brurt Vinton. Mt>rch11ndlze d<malora lncludrd Jl"orglt Hndwarf'. !\Or~ part Tack If' . Van·a Bowling. Dick's Mt'all. Ex· Lane phnn<'d Ray Steele, OW?lf'r of the pro (')ub. 1n Arl%ona thla wr tk a.not arrsnged two g11.ml'l! with Clobr-Mlnml al Llnns ..-1eld. 1'\n dAll's wer11 drfinltely lt'l. Lane saM. "I also hop<' tn srt up a Men gam(' With lhe Bpll't', Jdnho ball rl11b whk h h ~prlni; training In th<> Southl:ind." l.Ane rl'portrd. !';trrl1•11 profr~1onal troure wu nni:mally Rl'l tn 11prlng train lhl• ~f.i rc-h nt Lion11 Field, but moveiJ l•> C'nmpl n11 \\ hrn othrr MeM l!>pnrts f• hl'<lulr11 allri;"•lly lntr r· (t'n•J ~1th U!'<' of the park. l'Plslor Oa1ry, Bl'a ch Amusement H" R C So ht Bue l'\OVC'ity. Bar~ln Baskl"l I at, un ar UCJ Mukel. Ht nllne'11 Men'io Shl'f'. A hit 11n'I run lra.!flc acc1dtnt Chicken P ie Shop, MrDonalo! w .H ro pu 'r•I 1n 11 parkinit lot Pelnt!I, J.ftrcury Cle11ner11. Rtui;:er I Rl 1'4h St 11n•I :'\t'w·port Bh·d., Supn 8ervkt', Gordon Bu1r k. Cn~ ll '.\l•·!>R rrrt-nlly. l\lf'U\ rollrr Cr11wford Dru,:. 'I11e Man. Rock· '"'I. '.\I r._ Ari• I• n<' Ht!C'n Rohrr '>C well C1garettu. Jfrnry·s car... 2:!6 T11~t111 A \'I'. d a 1mr1I a car (" u ,p e a k• Bakrry an•I Harbor b,<'kr•I tnl 1 hr r nu to and 1lrO\'t' off PlumblnJ. w1lho11t lllvl'P•nl!'. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 () MOTOllC\T I .r: ESCORT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE ,. Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY and 11oon 11tter the aecond ten Cy Younr . Tom Atklneon. Cnll mln~u ~ ~ay ~~ ~~~a~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k ore<i their Jl('Venlh (Oal to take an lmpreplve 7-a lud. At that point, tht>y m&thema ucally bad the tourney won. NO !\'l:f:D roa KATB 8mllh'1 Trojlll\.I had M-rtt alruaed math, but b•ct.up water t Newport Harbor Elks No. 1767 211d ANNUAL CHARITY Bawling Sweeper . BA.Nl>ICAP SATURDAY and SUNDAY Feb. 26 Feb. 27 AIC SANCTIONID • AIC IULES & REGULATIONS VAN'S BOWLING 1703 SufM'rlor, Cotta Me.a BILL llLOl'Z, llgr. Uberty 8:nn -8 trucks-F D On1y Ford off'en Short Strob V-8powwfor1!tJ1rY ma tnack. And only Ford off en Uucb with tlm modem, momy•makin "P ~er at such a low price! Four V-8'1 and a SD-..., all Short Stroke-ALL AVAILABLE NOW/ -#~Ford Tril~le Economy True~ TRIO.DORE ROBINS y.., Ford Dealer Sl11e• 1921 3100 W. Coad Hlcjllway Newport leach Liberty 8·3471 TV .t ltt.lettl ht1't Miu •Fer4 Tt.HtN' K•CA (4), Tt.urttA!f, 9~0 P."'· ,. ., ~ j ·, I , I J --- CIF CAGE SLATE SET IN PLAYOFF THURSDAY, FEI, 24, 1955 NEWPORT HA9'10lt NfW$.PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE ]" , .... Aclck Power -PIRATE MERMEN ENTER JC RELAY CHAMPIONSHIPS AT LA HABRA · .. HI . C...I, Yealaa Favored; Olen Relt!HI DarllhorM J:ven up al one win and one winlilill tn 1:41 nat. LJona la par- ,. "'---1 f th C th li loM, coach Joe Kroll'• Onns• Ucularly apt ln u.. MW o.rthodoa .mt. '-'AC~ o . e a o c st)'I• ot bttutatrok• adopted thla League and Ventura of the Cout Colles• nrtmmeri were lo-........ and 18 a poem&ba. contender day at La Habra Hip Bcbool tor u Ventura Lea.,,,.. have been tor the &outbun Calltoml& u • e-Ule nm annual Southern Calltor-·-th t l .. ril _ _,,__. co-favon·•-in the ... e even nn ... p · _.~ &.a. nla JC Relay Champlonahlpe. The Knipt Sooy, Bob Jbbot..on and 1965 CIF Central Group Play-relay carnival, new I.a tbe Jaycee Alan Hodrea picked up lblrd pla~ olta, it bu been announced by tleld but ~~terned after the ten llPOU tot the Buca u did Lyon.1 ln Ooauniaa!oner or Athi.tJca Kenneth year pld loutbena Cal hlsh echooi the individual medley . .._ ___ . ff"''"'':.--Beach of the relay meet held annually at Wblt· nJUJT OUTING WIN • --......... ~ tier HS, bu drawn enlrlu from ln lb Bwuiet :t.eaiue. boutln&' an unde-the ICutern (OCC, Fullerton, Mt. AJialnlt Mt. San Antonio • J ·O B NI 'I' 0 N It• 8 Clnllud lluapr Al Lopee .... porta Ulal addition ot Pltdier Btrb 8eore .... Outlleldw Roe«> Oola• .tto will mall• lbe Trtbe ~r tun &a.t--. llA1"l'IU!8!ID ._ ... W mu .,...... .............. .......... a.._ ... HwO.. t1M8 ...... .,._ IUCS TAKE :ro THE ·BRINY DEEP teated loop campalp tor the UUe, San Antonio, Chaffey), Western flrlll ouUn1 of the llWlm lleefPD· •• rated playot.t dark hone to up-8latH anll )(etropolltan confer-Orange Cout College mermen Ht the tnorttea. made off with a '4S-3T Yictory, encea. I ft t .......... nv• 1-.. •oHT ....... , t d 1 tat 1Weep ng aeven out of ten rs Mesa A ... Wreckers u ....... ..... Practicing for their tint meet Much 19 are the Orange O>ut College rowen In the eight oared •hell. Tb.la marks the lleCODd lle&IOD of compeUtion for the Pirate crew. Faclng them ta ~ .chedule which tqcludee meet. with UCLA, USC and the San Diego Rowtnr Club. Li!o hie Channel u. the practice lite for t.be group. Shown in the lheU are, from left, !..fie Miller, Frank Beall, Al Baker, George Stack.ho.~, Ted Je!friea, J'red Shannon, Tom Plett., Andy Martin and Jerry Ba.ndlck. -OCC Photo .,___, ., a-.& ...... erton • de • • n I • e placea. A Pirate quartet ot Jbbol· Sit. for the eem.l·tlnal and final chsmplon Hornet.a handed the 1 aon, Graham, Olbbona. Hod1ea l"OWlds la the Lons Beacb City Colo-Bue. theJr tint loaa of lDM, H -lt, and Belabt> won tbe final free· lel'• Men'• l)'DUlUlum, with • lut Thureday ln the FPC pool but 1tyle reley In 4 m. 1.9 a. tor a new 3500 aeattn.s capactty. I' o u r they couldn't keep the Coela Mu· Cout record and th• dectdlnJ atra11bt vlctoriu wW be ~ ana fNlm raclttnr up three· t lrat polnta. tor a champlonahlp quintet lo be placea and a new OCC acbool re· Traillns tbe Mt. SAC llJlluben crowned Central CI• prep lttq. l co~. Actually the Pirate• would by nearly lbree yarda al the t-,.;f. Second pla.ce tea.ml In the tourney have been. b•Ylly favored to add way.:.mark Qf the cllnchtnc four need n .. •lraJ&'bt wlnl. another tint lo their trio but diver man relay, Hodsu, the Buca' num- ... A«111a..._ 2015 ..._.Ave. U1lert7 ... ,... c.o.aa !I- PAR&D • 110>1...SW llO&TVUY ~ GUUlll. m&.Pm. .,,........_,_°'* .... u...., ............. Hunllnston Bea.ell OUeN earned Jack Bell, atate JC champ In 11M9, ber tb!"ff llWlmmer aped h.la tour the dark boNe role behind Mt. waa on the alck llat and dlvinr l&pa fqt enoup to' even the mar- 1 Carmel and Ventura due to• M&• com.,,uuon wu canceled. ctn and let ancbor man Be.lahe ~============;I aon loq record tbat contain.a a BELSIO: HIGH POL"fr wtn with .ome two yard• lo apare. alncle eetback -that at the hands Bud Belaba, unbeaten ID the 220 The new mark bettered a 4 :08.T 1 of the. Catholic Leacue champti and quartermlle tree atylea alnce effort aet la.It year al El CMnlnO and detendlns CD' tlU•·holdera. be entered JC competlUon lut by a touraome ot Kett) Haynie. Be.idee the ten loop flnt and MC• llJlrlnc, turned In 2:11 and 6:04 Don Pett.It, Cbuck .AU<ln110n and ond team repreaenlaUvu In ~h• cloddnp reapecUYely for ten Belahe. playoffl, one free lance five, St. point• and bl(h point bonora. PAIR PACE BUC8 Au(U8tlne of San Dleso, qualltled George Lyona, a truhma.n wbo Behme and Hodgu, 1late JC and ' for compeUtlon. may be the aurprlee of th• 9Ml!On, h.J&b acbool Suneel League Utllat• TUEl!IDAY OPD"EJ& bettered the OCC 200 yard breast· reapectlnly, paced lbe Buca a- Tbe Sunaet loop'• eecon.d place etroke record be eet Tueaday a-calnat the MounUee wttb two ln- repraentative (the winner ot laat satnat Mt. San Antonio by 1 a., dlvldu11 wlna apiece. Hodcu won nlgbt'a Newport Harbor-Anaheim BE SURE • INSURE ... llA v lllOS 111'.ura.mT a......o.a, PltoM llartler M'T& .... &. o..t lllPwa7 "---.. .. ....... e • , , ett e 'Iii s 'sM ST AFFO•D A SON "Na.a .... DOC" ll&UICl'l'UOAL OOH"l"&AOft)M ..._......_ .... Ut muwlMli A.--• ..,... .... The S&nla Ana Counlry Club lAdlM' Tuuday Moat Para tour- ney In Cla• "A" wu won by Mr11. Paul Hall, Banta Ana. with 13 pa111 u ~r11. John Conll'y. Long Beach and Mre. John Schumacher, 1 Bay Sboree, tied for aecond wttb 12 para.. I came In ~ Grove) la alated for a tint round same Tueaday •saJnat Clt.n.aa Be.It eecond place flnlaher. 'l'he winner compete. ln the St'COlld round ap1Ml Ban Dteeo Leacu•'• champion Man:h 4. Sl\ould Bunael'a quintet cop thia one, It'• po991ble the quuter-flnal opponent would • be Hunllnpn Beacb. Th• Olien are elated to take on winner of th• Pacific-San Gabriel second pkce tMJD March 4. pin· Ins a bye Ill ttrat round cluhea. Tbe winner of U.. otJer pm• would face winner ot the Bu DI· Waterfowl Poll 01. Wintering Birds Complete J'ederal and atate wildlife work· er1 have completed tht>lr annual eurvey of the waterfowl wtntmnir In California, and report that there were at leut ll.291.000 ducks. gee.It', swana, and eooll In Ult' it.ate on January 1 and 2. Thia le till(htly below the 6,826.000 blrdl that war. tallied tn l&lt Winter'• decreue from the 4,119,000 ducka recorded tut year. The more com· mon epeclea were tallied u fol· low1: plntall 2,oM,000; wtdpon 826.000; mallard ~20,000; atl&Yel· ler ~21,000; gnen-winged t.al HT,· 000; 1eaup. 123,000: ruddy. ~9.000. GEE.8E INCR.EASE Tbe gooae count of T02.000 ahow11 a all~ht lncrt'llUt' oYer the eee,ooo blrd11 counted la11t year. Snow gf'eae werto the moet abund- &nl 11pt>clu , followed by whlt.e- tronta end cackling geeee. Tbe numbfor ot ""'an~ 8howed a mark- ed lncl"'t'alle w1th 2~.000 blrde belng obaerved rom,..11re1l to 14,000 CONCRETE ILOCKS Kl 2.o7l4 l'Ulll·llLOCa OOMPAJn - -...... a. ..... Am PUlllVS -a!fDal UD C01'Clll:IW MCJCW8 &SIM'ftNICDIG ftllllL _. •11ft'l..lm In Clull "B" Mr11 . .John Pott.. J'ulll'rton and Mr11. L.. D. Cottlng J r., Banta Ana, tied for tirsl with J2 para each. Jofr'a. Barry ClfCen. Anahelm, look top honors ln Cius .. C .. po11tlng 13 pan u Mra. George \\'11rd. UdO bit', placed second wtlh U para. Mn. Ste~rt Diehl, Co- rona del Mar and Mr11. Orval SlC'W- art, Balboa Covet, lied fM third 'With 11 pan apiece. -FORE-- The Irvine Coul Country Club Latl1f's' Tuuctay Tin Whistle tour- namtnl In Cla.sa "C" wu won by )frll. Marco Anidi, Clllf Hann. ~·Ith J'4 polntll u Mr11. Raweon Foote,' Shore Cliffs, finished ae<:- nnc1 with 30 points. In Clan ''B" Mra. Harolct AYTe•, Lllo hie, won fll'll place w ith 31 polnl.11. Mrs. Al Tlffnt>y. Shore Cliffe. wu low In f;lau "C" with 30 point.I u Mra. Myford Irvine, In-me Ra.nch, pl.&c· ed aecond wt :.h 29 point.a. -FOKE- Tbe Hai.-Off-Depa.rlrnent Ult. week l!Ot'• to Wayne Crook of Placenlla u Wayne eced the 198 7ard 11th bole at WUlowlck "1th a two lron. 1.n the four.ome with Wayne were thrtt other Placentia iolfera. Wally Tetu1n, Robert Flrel&nd and Jim Boe11eMU10. -FORE-- The Santa Ana Country Club Lalctu; Jl"rlday Medal Play tour- ney In C1ua "A" t'llded In c tie betWttn Mn. Pau1 Hall an.4 Mrl. Frank Capera, Sanla Ana. with net TT'a u Jotra. Dt'wltt Chmey. Banta Ana. placed lllClOlld with a net Tl wtlb M111. Lolita Georhepn. Banta Alla, ftnWllnr third .rtth a net T9. Ill Cl&al ''B" JO'-. 8am We&Yer, aanta Ana. took top honor• wilb a net n u Kn. John Drury, Co- rona de1 Kar, pliaced eecond wtth a net Tt. Kr& llr'Y Gutblt>r, Santa An.a., took third with a net 83 u Mn. <lfl>rl'9 Lowe, Corona del Mar; Mra. Lawrcc. Bemla. Santa Ana and Mra Bob Miller, Santa Ana. tJed for fourth with net 86·a. In ci... "C" Xra. L. D. cotttnr Jr .. Banta Ana. placed first wtth a net IO u Mra. Howard n.mtng. Lapna Beach. tlnllhed lt'COlld with a Mt 11. Mra. Georre Ward. Lido IaJe. wa.1 lhJrd w1UI a ntt 14 u Kn. OrYal Stewart. Balbo4l en._ ftNllMcl toarUl wttll a net I&. READY TO MAKE TRACKS ero fray. rasua announced alqle pmea In the CD' p&ayoffa WW be played tn a neutral l')'mn&llum In or~­ Jacent to one ol th• two commu- nltle• involved. 8eml-tlnal samee a.re echeduled tor Ka.rdl 11 wllb lhe flnala Ma.rch 12. Tro11ble Ill COIMJO BALTZ MORTUARIES survey. countE'd Jut yPar. Announcvne.nt of the aurny re-Thi• lncru .. ~ In awan1 wu IU.lll wu made by the head11 of probably due to the aevere winter the two cooperatlnr ag'tnclee, Seth weathu wblch prt>vaJled In statee OO&TA MmA CllAPllL 1T'1 8upertor A._. Coata ..... o.m. PbOM Ullllt;r WU1 CBAPm. n.,.. mA -ao..~ a.-... -.o.m. ............ Oordon, Director of the California to the north. pushing more ot Department of Fleh and Game, and theee birds than u1ual Into Call-It... t ... U I Leo L.. La.ytbe. Regional Dll"'t'ctor fom /a· Along with the count.I ....,, .. I a-Ga -IMll of tbe U. 8. Flab and Wildlife Ser-made of duck,.. gee11 and awana. ....; 1 .. ,., --_ vtce. a total of "4,000 coota wu ~ _,._ Co.. ALL OUT EFFORT obJ1erved. tlOl W. ...... 81 lie o&• Oranre Cout College Fruhman Fred Arevalo. la on b1a ma.rka for tomorrow·• fl111t practice meet of the dnder 81&110n at 1:1 Camino for Coacb Hur!ton Harper'e Plrale thlnclada. ~revalOll bolcbl a mile record at Lllguna Beach R.lgh School Other members of Ha.rper'a aplkeater11 &re Lt'e Taylor, Newport Hal"' bor High 11pnnlrr who bout• tlmu of 10 fiat and 21.8 ln th• 100 and 220. and Nah Varney of Newport Beach wllb a mark of IH 1 In high jump and 21 rt .. T In. 1.n bro.d. -OCC Photo Durtnir Mal Whitfield'• oveneu good·wUI lour, ha ran lato trouble A total of 90 State and redersl Ruulta of theae winter allfftya, e Llmolecmi e a.a• 1r ~ e 0-. tmploytta took part tn tbe count. tngelher with lntormatlon obtain-e A9plaalt Tiie e <Jmrpet e ,. ..... -FORE-and partner Erneel Winbl1lu. ln the Belgian Congo. The native• P'our alrplanu and a Coul C11arc1 ed on the bff'edlns rround• and e YMllt e ... •sew The fourth round of the Ladies' Santa Ana; Maurtce YOWis, Banta believed hla aplked aboea were Irvine CoMt Counlry Club Prul· Arut., and partne.r Sandy Hamilton, I magie and IOl'Cf'd Kai to run ba.re- denta tournament 1ound the rot-Ba.lboa, a.ad the learn or Henry toot. "I couldn't walk tor three lowing women ad"'anclng. Jotn. Schlut>tl.u, Santa Ana. and Hor-daya after that," Wbllfteld nnal· helicopter wt>re u11t>d by H ex· waterfowl klll irurvey1 are lm- per1enct'd obeervert1 who made portant facton 1n aetllnc annual Hal:aor 5JH ... ., lrf ll•i=• ~~osr~~ ~ ~~e ~nRnt~W :~a~te~rf~o~w~l~h~u~n~t~ln~g~r~e~~~l~a~u~~~·=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Wald, L&guna Bea.ch. had ace BenJ_,,,ln, Balboa. ed. to ii:o to the 19th hole before gt'l--roll£.-------------- tins the nod over Mra. Huold Willowick Golt Club Men'1 H igh· Up 0 MOllfh Ayrt'a., Udo bit>. Mra. Elite MH· Low tourney flnlahed third round PY pelll Jer, Balboa. took the measure of play Sunday wllh th• following Leo Durocher recently Mid llorui and estlmatt>d populations r ot !!e&ltert'd sroupa of w11terfowl. Tbe total number of duck• u - llm1ted In the two-day aurvey waa 4,035,000 which wae a minor Mra. Roy Lyman, Cliff Haven, team• advanclng to the fourth Brooklyn wu out ot the !l:aUonal three and two as Mn. Bud Ca-round: Les C&rden, Anaheim, and Learue diamond race lhl• NUOn. MESA ward, Lllo !ale, downed Mni. Ro-partner HIXer Batterman. Orangto, 'Jotllwaukee, he a dded. la th• team land Lagerlof, =->ewport Hclghl.I, downed the team of Bill Walla.ct>, to Mat. Replied Dodger Pret1ldent U,HOLSTERING five and four . Santa Ana. and partner Mark Lu· Waltt'r O'Malley, "l'd llke to put u,.........., A l>nfier7 Hr9. Jt>r;y Helprtn, Udo Ialt>. 111ter, &nta Ana. five and tour ea.It and pepper on thole worda . Lnlert)' w 111 l!owned Rosalie Vance, Lllguna I ... the tt'am of AJ Rlnghofer Or-and perlOnally itve Durocher a uao N-.&. Bf•tl.. c.ea .._ Beach, four and three. Mn. Raw· Jni:e. a 111.J Bill Gre~chner. Santa forced feeding." ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g 110n Foote, Shore Cllffa, defeated Ana, defeated the team of Earl j r Mra. Howard Fleming. Laguna Conrad, Sa.nt.a Ana, and Tom H am· goiter• who tJed with net '11'1. ..., 'ft8ft y...., Beach, three and two u Mn1. Joh.n mlll, Puadena, on the 19th hole ThC'y were Al Reldu , Anaheim; 1f;;. 1 Drury, Qorona dt'I Mar, took the in a cloae matcll. Cioorge Clark and J im Dodaon. Lone ~acb. and l:&rl 1'011a I .., It 8TOU meuure of ·Mra. Robert Gardner, partner Carl ll&&c:aon, Santa Ana. l!!ngman. Santa An&. Bill rtne· We on. Orcnn 9.._,. Shore CIUfa, two up. Mrs. Ron dov•ned the team of J obl\lly ea. fl'Ocl<. Santa Ana. took eecond 0-. ~ N-.r ,... Smith, LAguna Beach, downed Ua n, Anahe,lm, and partner Dean place With 1 net 82 u Bob La.- Mn. Harold SmaU, FUJlerton, the Schultz. Downey, two and one u Barthe, Lons Beacll. took third ~ •• N&.,Wl'O&T •••• 8&.& •• CB.,.~~ tournament favorite, three and Ed R aall and lAn'y Carroll. San-honon with a net 71. Nell Hall. two u Mra. John Prlct>, SMla ta Ana. defeeted the etrong team Garden Grove; Jtd Haab!, Santa Ana, ddeatt'd Mra. Larry Erb, of Ralph Bader, Santa Ana and Ana, a nd Ken Bachelder, Whit· Lacuna Beach. flvf' and four. partnrr Dt'wey Shubert of Orange I u~. lied for fourth wtlb net 80'1. -FORE-lhr~ and two. Dick Clark, Gardt>n Grove; Vlrctl The Santa Ana Country Club -FORE-Starnee, Santa Ana: Bud Cartee, MM'• Be11t Ball tourney Saturday The Wlllow1ck Ledin' Oolf Club Whltller; t.t'1 Carden, Anaheim, waa a tie between the team11 of and Dean Schultz, Downey, lied Paul Hall, Banta Ana. and pa.rtner Tuuday Low Net toumty In Claaa for fifth with net Te'a. Walter Schmidt. Costa Mt ... uid "A" WU won by Mn. Al Reider, I ~:;c;;a::caxiCicciiiCixiCicxiiCi:iiiiCiiiii:iXiiCizii:i.\ the team of Bob Miller. Santa Ana, Anaheim, Wllb a net TT u Mn. I I and partner ~rge Walker. Lido CUrt McCoy, Lemon Helg-hta, plac- lale, aa both tea.ma po11ted net ed ll"cond with a net 81 . ln Clau 1 acoree of 84. Paul Renlua and J~ .. B" Mn. Charlie Watera and Mn. Ogle of Santa Ana pla(erl ffcond Dorothea Yorba, Santa .Ana. Ued , with a combined net total of 6S. tor flr11t plact> with net Ta·1 aa I P'our tffJlla lied for tblrd w1th Mn. MJke Carter, Garden Gron, combtned net total• ot ee. Th"Y pla<'rd llt'Conc1 •1lh a net TT. Mr11. I were Harold Dt'cker. Coel& :t.re1111., Glen Yodtt, Santa Ana. took top and partner Tom Rhone. Oranire: honon1 In Clua "C .. with a net 81 ' Sid Blackbeard, Corona del Mar. u M.r11. Max Bayha, 811.11t1 Ana, Bruce Martin nnlabed eecond w1Ul a aet U. ~ AlllO-Tnldl ~Fin-Life LOCAL 401:.HT ()tftee Save on NORGI Now • Sii JAKE TO SAVI • NEW TIME· LINE AUTOMATIC NORGE WASHIR·DRYIR '27995 '169'1 ,. SMALL IN•INI llPAll ud SALES -FORE-- The WUloW'lclc Oolf Clul» Blind Bogey toUJ'M)' wu won by three 1 UbertJ M08S IAertJ 8-Wt Ate.. o.ta lleaa Complete, fully tNtomatlc home ~ry at • Mn""9nt1lfy low ,.tee I HOUSIHOLD CRISIS 1 W AIDIOll CRISIS 7 ;erhap1 we have the answer Because we clo everything here casa pura .._.,'ICll WITllDt llUOU -WllL"I NUDCD'" OOllPLf.TE 1.AUNDE&EU ud CLEANm llA&INE&'8 IOU NTIR'Oft ll&ACll lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Co.t llYtl. La1•• •••ell BE a.&NCY TODAY JOB BIOIDlft' DADE-IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT r'l!l'PcmUac~ Ev~lap: nme-Une AutonMlttc W•9her Thne-&.lfte AUi ....... Dryer • UCWllVI TIMI UNI CONTIOL-• """' AUTOMAnc-r. ror .. ,...... I in beautiful black and 1old stylins. e PULLY AUTOMATIC WAIHH- from fill to spin dry. Not a manual filL 0 TMUMOITATICALLY CONTIOLLIO -uclusive 5-way rinsina. e WATll TIMPlaAlUWI llUCTOlt- choi<:e of hot or nrm water for wash period. 0 POICILAJN WOltl( IUlfACL • PLUS-IASY TUMS • e MOU All-LIU MIAT-•pw•l'Ofal1ie blower ran l thml • ..,... Can lilt. No ICOl'd\ina. ftO llakinc t e IUPa • CAl'ACITY HYll ~ -allows (Na inowmmt ol ..... ror Uftil'onn drJtnl. e IXftA_. AIOI KW ACnOM MM- lor .. , laedinl Md unJoed6ns, e l·WAY YINTINe - llO ............ a.dad, • • KINO-llD 1'UDl·INI OAS MODEUI AVAD.A"l.I: Jake's Appliances Oa11 Norse DeUlr• .. tM ...,._ .,_ LOW DOWN PAYllENT e WT TnlW 'T,_, Barbor ~ All p' Mt len1ee c.e.r- w.a -· r.aert, MIU -·~ 1tJ7 Haataor llYcl. . c ....... e We Offer OompWe ~ .. ...,. • ·. . . I , I 'I • J. JI (J '/ '1 I 1.1 \ I .. \ -- . PA'9l4· PART 111-NEWPOllT HA110A NEWS-PlESS ,THURSDAY, FEI. 24, '1955 HARBOR EASTER 9UEEN COMPETITORS Recent competitiou between theee Newport Harbor ffigb School conteetanta result- ed in Millie Tollll•. Jett, being choeen repre.sentative of the school for the aecond an· nual Euter Queen contest which will be h~ld at Rendezvoua Ballr~m April 13. Ot.h· era from left include 'Suaie Niuen, Rozann:? Cunningham, Dinna Kingbury a.nd Gaye Armstrong. Mi.88 Tonne will compete with other county high ecbool girla at the con· t•t. -OCNS Photo MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS ~ I Si1 Top Lidp To1stm1llen i~~~~!~!~t UM 8)' Bii llATHl:NY Udo Toutm&tltra at th• Harbor Ba t Roar! Take your choice. Will March g~bol in ' Hou.e eaw the atx top club •peak· aa · , · . era compettn1 for the opportunity acroee the greeneward. or will it tou ita mane and leap intp to •peak a t th• Atta Tout· the picture clad in tawny hide? Take your choice and place muter• •PMkorr to be held In 'your favorites It'a a 50-50 chance! Boy, it'e a cinch, how-March, accordlnf to club reporter · . .. f h S&ndy Steiner. 'ever, you'll find the lunch, dinner, late snack and/or: re res • Th• a1x apeakera competlnc menta you want tn thea Karlilor I By the way. Majurl hH a trio ~en Ray LeCluae, whoae aubjeol att• <"On!lnu. Ya ra11't mlN! o! At'u up hla 1l.eeve1. too. They wu CompeUUon; Vernon Allen on Mark your calenda r tor next are to wit: nnr menua featuring Sehool Tax: Jim Penny, II Box· week. Circle the third of March lta.llan deUcaclea for thoae who Inc R.ally a Sport T: Sandy 8teln· and pl&n to attend the hu1e tlr11t Uke 11uch choice t~; 1peclal at-er, Inveatmenta and Real l!:atate Anniversary Party and Open tentlPn J>4id to klddlu 1A the din· l:qulUu; Charley Ary. Clrcum- Houae at Leonard Newton'11 ner parllta with a nlct, attractive at.&ncea of Kablt; and Al Cuaoll DRIFT ROOM over In Coron.a del eenetble Utt of ''Ollldren'a Plat.1." Stop. Look and U..ten. RE9UEST FOR MORE 1ATROL 84CJ\AME:n'O (CSSI - An UMfl'lbly way• and meana aubcommltt.ee r • c o nunenct.d the CaJJfomla Htchway Pat· rol be ctwn 270 more otflcen &A,d men durtnl' the next n-1 y•r tor law enforcenwnt. • Grantinc of the tncre&M re· commended by ~-..aubeom· mtttee would &'Ive the New- port BMdl·Oranse petrol a...a elcht more unltonned men. raltlnt the ar.a'1 total force to 61. Th• p e r a o n n • I lncnue would booal the coat ot oper- . Ung th4t patrol' next · year by $1.S71,700. It would brlnc the patrol'• unltormed •tr~cth to approximately 2000 ot!lcera and men. lot~ lirl Wi11 $751 from City i1 D1m11e Case SA~ ANA (OCHll -8u· per1or Court here N~ ... aaked to approve a di.pated •In· or'a cla1m MtUement la -.C• uon with a n accld•l al If ... port Beach. The tleach city ottwM '9 Ml· Ue the clalm tor •1ao. but ..... ed no lla'"llty. A.~ tM •· mount wu proper WM Da'll4 aoth on behaU ot hla duapw, lean Roth, 10. Mar. "Newt," u the prop., 11 ll'in.ally, the third ace com• up ChJef Evaluator tor the eventn1 known tar and Wide, advtMa u1 In the tonn oC a · apedal "Cock· wu Jack Sederlund .. t.ated by that Uiett11 be Butfet Lunch next Lall HOl.lr" on Frt~ya from 3 p.m. bl.I evaluatora Bob Perrtn, Vaupn ------------Thurad.ay tropl 11 Lm. to 3 p.m.. 'UI 8 p.m. with empha.aia on a U.. Taylor, Rolph Herr. Rene Nortel· Chef Burtt: Tommy, -1erry, Lor· ty lower-priced coclct.all and h11n-tlte, Tom Soule and Burt.on Beck. rit, Betty. Glnl'er and all ~3111 ball offerlnc: R!Pt? Right! Evtn Vottnc !or the bee~ apea.ker re- A.nd gals will be on hand/clne Wk httle tdlblea of Ud·blu are tolll!ed aulted In doae competition wtth hen~ lo hel'p Mrve the Hot But-In' for free Wht'n such prfcta are Jim Penny winning the trophy tel Dinner rrom 7 p.m. until-! lowered tor the "Cocktail Hour" and the honor or representing lhe That'a the big quuUon, rue .. at HARBOR HOUSE l"riday alter· Udo Toutmute,. at the afta The RoUia uked dam..-la an all•&'-' accldant .Aq. a. llM. 'ftil7 clalmed the ftrl tra.ctUNd Mr toot when lt became oaualat tn u •· locked pte at Ule ___. • ..,._ when you are Ulroufh eaUnat noou. apea.kOff. "Newt" taku U\1a opportuiilty to Whet.her you 10 tor food, view, Table Topi~ Chalrman !or the abow bl.a t.banka tor &II you nl~ a tmoaphere or entertainment.. try evening wu Ed Soule whoee topic people comtnl' 1A llSa DIUTl' THE CAIT~W. AYS. Buddy Roh· wu tor u ch man to pla~ him· ROOM ao often. See 1"'l lhei9 11er' plan luptly tn the piano eel! In the poaltlon of President DIXt week. lounae 'WI:! up there on top of a.tnhowu addreaatng Conl'ftN J'rom wMt all the nporta •Y th• hill o•enooktnc ~ut\11 N--La the event that F ormoaa had U1e open!J\J of 01\.ANDOLJ'O'S ln port Harbor. Owner Coburn 1-!Men att&cJted. Balboa waa a dand)' lut S&turday h&vtq htmMlt a "joll)"' time, tar ------------ ni.ht. Poopi. c~e. aaw and wen be la reported u aUU •-Y on ht• •-.-L-~ & _ Dl'll-L conquered. 'n\e,. _.,.. Cll,U'"t.ed well-eamed .ac&UOll ! ~ ~ "" by u.a frtandl!=• Cf ~ -"d Ltk• Prime Ribe ot ..., ! Bruce hte Xarprito llallw, JO ot Ot.n.a OR.Alfl>OLFO, b)' their •· Card eenda ~ word from 8£.U. Lawii.dale. waa booked on drunk ealleut p&aa and ftne lt&Uaa f.,.., PORT COl'Tllm SHOP that he la dtivtq oount eaturday n!cllt by by the cbolee Mlect.lon of -utea teatUJ1n& Sunday dinner of Prime Newport police """• thq ·~ and by th• cosy atmoap!Mre of tM JUba nt lleef at a fee that will ped hl• car at lle&ward and eo.,t. truly "old world" decor of the allow you to take ~ th• ... mpway. TtMy ..,.. uac.cs· to area'a UW"Mt rettaarut. tll'a flUllib' and not pt hurtl A.t atop bl.a ~ on paNlbk h!W'Ull r or more "naUve •~ph.ere" the drop of a J•Ya bean ltrUce wtll char;• bniadcut by he.I -..di Divorces FUed Appllcatldhs to~ dlvor« flied at Oranioe •eounty Court Houae by Harboritu Include: Anna M . Ke· wilh, versus Ch.,lta KeWisb. CO•· ta Meaa: Constance Younc vetaua P'redenclt Yo411g, Costa Meaa: and a11klnf d~rce or annullment.. l"rancc1 D. Ball. veraua Sidney Hall, Newport Beach. Two C.. Acca...t Carll drlnn by Ch•ter 'l'Jlomu Brown Jr .. 22. 3llO A.~ Aft . COiia Meaa. and ~ Korrl• I>avt1. 80. AA&ll•lm. coWded a t Newport BlYd. and ltth at. a l 8 :47 p.m. Saturday, o.ta X... poJloe dep&rtmeat aid. No lafyr· lea -~ reported. THE AllCHIS Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEJI H A. II. TllllODM I .&. IL • Newport m..s. M OaMI -.0 a4 Nl:Wl'O&T B&Am • how'• ~ tba CllINUE CA· at.art to atoll the pralMa of lh· poUee. SINO fOT Na! tN&U ta CUtoneee SPORT'S nn-.. cotf• an,d-boaie-------------~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ apec1&1tJe.a? Bany and Joe and:;::-~~~?:r.::ect~ ~ d ... rt and •"1111 lpanlah-Won1 a1ao auve up aome dand7 . ,.. · type food. (We an a... • nu hfS) Suspects in Cab '" OCC Business Pupils Affiliate Driver H«!ld-up with Phi Beta Lambda C~apter Plead Gudty AfflllaUon wtlh Phi Bet& Lamt>- American diabe1 .udl u s.rt»e-1" ca.ae you want to ~ a car 8enor LoW• coat.llluea ~ wt. qued Riba, au .. ..,..,.1 ney-re ff'Olft one ot the ~ Oii Cout ntns plQa at th• ~b&r ln mig'hUy proud of the da.tly delwte Hlgtlway and 1"'l can't tlnd a HENRY'S coay apot GD t.k Cout luncbeon dowD then. too! aalemnan or a Mluman.acer. try Hlg'hwa,y. For Ule younc Ill bee.rt RI N R Y_'~S--.---... SANTA ANA (OCNSI -Two da. Junior college c?upter o! the youlh!UI Camp PendJeLon Marina Future Bu.ailleu Leaden o! Amer· who admitted a wild taxi cab j 1ca, bu been made by Orange d rtvu robblnr apree appeared be· Cout Colle~• bwilnn• education fore Su~rlor Court JlJdKe J ohn ' atudent.I. Shea Friday. I The Future Bualneu'"Leadera of I l:irry R. Tyler, 17. wu found America 11 sponeored by the 11n un(it 11ubJect tor PtoCffd.ln&' 'United Bualneaa Eduratlon As!IOC· under the ;uvenUe court law, and lation, a department or the Na· .lamee A. Snapp. 18, both ot Ca.mp I uonal Education A.1s aoc1at1on. Pendleton weA up before Judgt' MA..~ CHAPTERS Shea on different ph.uea or their I It haa approxlmate1y 10,000 procefslng. chapters In the United St.all's with Harry K Tyler pleaded 1 ullly I ao.ooo membera. Th• purpoeu or to tiny delrM robbery. Ha pro-the orcanLMUon la to provide a b'\llon hu ring and 11tntHic1n1 I Mrvice to the college and t.lle com· •' "wl'..re eel tor 9 .30 L m. March munlty, to promote education ln " •m~11 A. f\napp, 18 wu ordtr·, the tteld• or bUllneaa. and to help , • Jnll 1ur lllX mont.bl and the collep, the rommunlty, and plar,.11 on five yu ra prob&Uon. I atudent.I. 'f'ht 11110 admit~ holdlnl up ~t their tlrat meeunc ot lh• fo11r rab drlver~. only one In Or-~I chaptu held lhJ11 week, th• 11ngl' lounty. The othtr robbc1• !oUowinc ottlctra were tlected: ". r~ • ommllled In eoutheut Lo• pruldent. Norman Oll!leld, Hunt• An&tlf':. 1 Thty took approximate·, 1ncton Beacll: "f'tee pruJdent.. Wll· h· Sl40 lH. gun point.from the vie· llam Hunt. Downey: M~etary, llm& In lh• f1rat !lllnl' they were Vlrl1Jtla Long, Coal& Meaa: treu· rhurt<J with kldnapUiJ u wall u urn . Arthur Batuon. San Cle· r ohi,..r, T h f' fnrm,.r re>unt wu mente. 1l1nppet1 LOCAL co~ Thr Or&nl'• County job occurn d ,11\n _J whl'n C'abhle Ht'rman Lee A rom111lttee set up to prepart a Hnin11rort1 M Long IH'ach waa t11kl'n rnr $11 In raba and a $00 "•Ill ' ctrh He wa~ bounr1 with """':-: · 111;11 and hla bell and l•fl 111 a llltrh hblic Defender May lecome Full Job conaUtuUon lncludea Bob O~ ham, COit& .Mua: Pat Rap.n, Coa- l& Jolesa; Arthur Bateson and J olla Keppcr, =--ewport Beach. Juat around tba corner, Oii U1e JoMlly VUelle'a popular reat&urut and JJcbt tn t•t the B&>J'AR.I: ocean froAt, ta wbere D9rothY N ... -THE ARCRJ)S. A.ak the autn LODGll AND RUTA.UR.ANT~ bltt 1eada tbe s-utn. old·faah1aa· lada, &11d otherw, &Ion~ the 'Way vtde.a danc1nf mu.le u well and ed eopununJty alnp ewry aaiur. why they •t t.Jtere a lot and they !ood and r.fruhment With ua da7 nlCht. U )'OU can anc unde wt1l tell you &boUt the swell lunch· ocea.n view. Ju you know, t.bal'I a &bower Dick and Kat. Dent are • down tbe cout, juat put IAcuna look1nc tor tbe llll .. of ,.., You llere an.d there: In Balboa. lt'a &a.ch. wUJ be welcome at TE OLDE CHJUBTIAN'll BUT popular Tt.-' If you're U1.e type juK to alt BALBOA. anytime ul1 _,. b&tsan Rooal: th• aupen food at and watch, bow'• &!>out a local c:ta1ly oa KAIU.N'B. In Corona del Mar, mo9'e! Han'• .Ut'a what: "Ex· LUUan Caruo tbe '• lt088ra, famed for be.pt· ecuUve Suite'' at the BALBOA., In m1M who t. ~ tout. tallty and ltalJ.an food; the JIU&. Balboa; "The P'ar Country" at the at John Ma.jun'• H 4 RB 0 A LllY BllLL. modem tepUc& of a M:llS.A, In Coit.a Meaa; •·sad Day HOUSE. Lllllan pi.ya for ~ quatat olde ICn,uab teffrn wt.ere at Black Rock" at the LIDO, In Ill th.e Lou.up. "Pete" U.Ctor, wel· Ollwr llcott pl1111 Uld pl&ya and Newport. Comtni Sunday at the come man at B-H., ~ dua· P~ all 1"\IJ' f&Y"ortt.ea ?" the PORT TUA TRE, In Corona de.I -ll&&m rr A llt11lr - -Spaallh Food at Its lelt- UNO• LOUlll AT ~ PLUfO COCKTAILS~:~::::. LUNCIDION8 A.MD DIN!fEU NOCHE DE RONDA SPAN18B Dl.N?l.'EK8 -AU. 1'00 CAM mAT (EVERl' Tll1JIUDA1' -I .. lt P. II.) s111 Other chart.er membera of Ula organization art : Norman LeOen· dre, Co1La Mesa: Kenna Johilaon. Newport Be.acb; AUce Evana. HWllJn~ton Beach; Edith Rogerw, Newport &&ch; Barbara Or.y, Costa Meaa; E.rkkl Kokko, Coat.a Mesa ; George Lawaon, Midway City : J oy Wricb~. Santa Ana; and Fumiko Tanua. Santa Ana. .Ad· visors a re Ch&rlu Haley, Dudley Boyce and Correllan Thomp110n. Wedding Ucenses for Hmt»or Folk cen then'• &1'"19 J'rtde:t' and ptano. In Coat.a M,.. 70'1 ll find Mar "Carmen Jone1:·• Baturda:t' mu.lo tor~ pleMure U POS'.fA, look.I.a&' Uka a ltth It:• more .fun when you drive ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ at HARBOR BOUU. Century a.nny outpa9t ln the A.rt· caretully t>ecauae Ulen you know ; i========================i you can live to do lt aU over •l'aln. TaJtlng out mamace Uceuu a t Ill!~!& Sant& Ana WL Wetk we.re_ Jiu. old Oeorc• Conuwect. 39, W•l Loe Angele.a and Ann EUAbeth Spund, 37, 1024 Linden St.. eo.ta Mt'u, Rlchard Arlen Smith, 22. Meotlota and Georgia Jeanne Bar· Tare& Eeclt"afaa Bot Doc• Buaua ~ nu . 18, 021 w. Bernard St., Coat.a Mua , Rllymond Chulu uFever, 19, 2287 Club Mua Plare and Car- nie Ann Baral<, I~. 2~ Fairway Dr1ve. both CollLa Mu11. f'rnm Newport Bt •c:h were 'Rlcbard Tryon Chrt11tnpher. ~ nttM CMd&ee f"JtM Mrtmp e BOU llADE PIZZA • c...paMe r .... taaa &ervkle FRID'S . DRIVE-IN l'rECIA~Ci IN FOOD TO 00 Plu•e Lll>ert)' s.8011 Keep alive In '511 IJ\d do h&n tunl IALIOA INN • CAR ''Superb Food'' :-O:ewport S.at'h police and the ('allfomla Ht1hv.·a, P1llrol l•lH 11rr~ttd thr r111r BANTA ANA tOCN8J-Oran1• and Devi Eshelman. 34. both o! Yow Ord~r WW Bt Wt1Ul"g COCKTAILS Dinner 5-11 p.m. C'.ounty la etudylnc the poealblllty l 421 3111t St. Alao all&r ~und were n! making the public dt!t nder'a Melvtn Douglaa Kent. 25. 427"' ortlt'e a full-lime Job. lr111 Avr, a nd Carrolle Christian Try Oar C-ple~l.r ElldoMod llelf·Sentce 0taa.c Soom 1562 Newport Blvd. c.o.ta Meea GasollH Cans Taken Nlrk Meyer, one ot thrtt men Clark, 21 , 209 Edl(ew.ter. \Vllllem S. Lf'fr\'tr or 4ill E. 161 h St.. Co1ta Mua. rtporlf'd two flVt CIJIOn ('aJll' Of jt&llC>tlne WPre t Aken from ht• pickup trurk nn Feb. I&. Mu a police i<al'1. Le· f,.ver aaltl hl11 lruck "111 In the lht<atn parkinit Int a l I h,. tlm ... who have been lt'rvlng a.a public dtfendt r on a part-time buUI. 1 ukt d t h,. board of 11uperv1aora look mlo t hr full·tlme angle. Meyer. Sam Drelu n arid BruC't Summer have be,.n l!nowe<l under Wtt.h C&M'f U lhf' C'OUnty popUla• CA~TAWAYl IUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY '" PIANO LOUNGE <attn l:IO p. m.) Coa1t Hwy. at 17tll St. Uberty 8-3071 1 DIWXI WNCH n•.-.-....... CHINDI DINNll alNI AMlllCAN DISHIS ...... -! .... FOOD TO TAKE HOME CHINISE CASINO J ' ......... by ttM firtsldt superlative food, cocktails and service amid old en&lish charm. HURLEY BELL afar OPEN A.LL DAY EXCEPI' WEDN'ESDA. Y Dil'ttNG ROOM OPENS AT a P. M. "showplace of the coat~·· JUST SOUTH OF LAGUNA B.EACH Howdy Folks! ' LErS GO OUT TO EAT· THIS SU,.DAY aJ the ·seasport · Coffee Shop Prime Ribs of Beef '1.75 , TOP QUAUl'Y fi~ BD'1 Aleo Servin1 the Beat in Seafood Every day ~~ Try Our. llroll•t·S1afoocl Comltlwll• P1a19 $1.SO D•ily (Cloeed Tuudayl • SATURDAYS • Dorothy· Nesbitt IHds COMMUNITY SING ' IN BALB OA PAJllU.~O SERVICE ROM oua oooa .,.. ... " I • ' " Come in risht away and tee Studebaker' a t:.uth-taklri& new Ultra Viata model9--a aenutional additional line of Pruident, Commandtt and Champion tedana. A President V·8 with a new 185 h.p.-• more spirited than ever Commander V ·I of 162 h .p.-an ec:ooomy It.Ar 101 h.p • Champion 61 Every one• ru1 buy I Over 20% more vi1ibilityl Sensationally stepped-up powerl America'• 1marte1t two-toningl And no increa .. in prices! JOI NICKIRTZ. Local Dealer '"' HIDDIN TllASUll oronA YMUI c:... ... ~ .. ...... ,.. ... ..... llel'yl Gca~loalrlllt tbc eecret "' ..... b aker'• •lc:tori• ha th• M obn1 .. &coe· omy Rua. Plod out wby you 1at •e>te for your money in a !tudebder. ....-.. ... • , ' I ) f • ) 'I . , ' LOUIS DANZ. AIJTBOB-ABTIST-Puahing the age of 70, LoW. Dana, Sant& Ana buaineum•n, connoiwur of fine arta, bo09ter tor good mu.sic in Orange county t or ~ years, and a compoaer in hla own riglit with mualc eompoeltiona accredited to him, gives formula for his lucce.&a a writer. Danz' flnt muaical bwdneu venture In Orang/ county wu ln Anaheim. -OCNS Photo DANZ PROBES A HIFE'S SURFACE THROUGH BOOKS CELEBRITIES GATHER NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111-PAG~ 5 IENNETT'S PSYCHO .... THUR AY, FEI. 2•. 1955 -~-· CAii CONTINUID -,., ~ co~~~ ~A~~~~ AS GUESTS · IN _ .. LA/!UNA I. of C.lifor11 ll1mli Offer N09r thna 9ahudq ~::f.~;.: "'"T,_E -_ • .,... ...... .,.... -.. ~ --fc•o~1n•i111 lo 1•1111 'Sign of the Pap' Court Jud1• John De&. °'1" m LApa& wt.. Utenl17 ~ •: Kn. Joa AJdea car,,..w. <>rup Oaimt7 rt lu...., ·~ ...._ '-" apptlcatton tol"l'M. ad· _ ..._ _ &n• waa remanded to ma ot fa111011o1 ~ trom all wtcSow ot th• Anierlcall mUllldan· plk:et:toM .,.. .,. ....., ...,..... dlUwl ..-. ID&7 be olltatnfd by cuatody of Atucaduo eo.-puta ot tbe rlobe ..... rUMta at ~ Jalua Alda Carpmt.er; bJ the U1Udntt1 o( CaWona1a caWq OuUlrt• •t Harbor lt29·J.l. Wltn•u to Mrrcl1r pit.a.I otnc1.& Dr. &. A. a. TondP.. '11M7 are the K.ardllcmw ot OrwA&m of AJu:mai Alil0cl&UC9 weeocdtq t.o aw.oUoaa ot oudldatu t. mad~ .. He wu arrUt.d reOGlUJ leaden and aetnoa parUdpanta ID lcotluci. her eon and da&IPter; o.ors. L. Olllhlie. ClnllP O!Ma~ ~ • -1ftftlt.J ~ ud the by Newport 8-cb poUce after ~ Wont Monl R.Annam•t Kine. WoDaert. at Par1a, the m«b-dloatnnaa. 1 ~ o.-.a,. Comity commltt" on • reportedly pw:tq t.swd eaDI Jll"OCrUB. er of Mme. Dealacutre; Wtns Com· ll:ftry ,_r from-_. to _.... llCbo1anlklpe wblch inclUdea ~- from a pey telephone ~ -n.. wu Mme. Y\akSb lo!una. mander Edward Howard. RoJal ....... ,. an rt-t.o Oranrw WUd J, Pvwer, A.n&llelm; Harold STA.ITS SUNDAY -----------__ ,.t_ ... i.aa , __ ...,...A.Ir~ WU' IMro, and -Oowlt7 .tudenta. ~p •• J1ellun-·--·--Jteadl· IDule .------------~,.-:-· -wwda .......... -a..denhip. -· ---• ln the ,piano -and orpa "1UnS paiil&aient. m..sber, preeent.ed the of ot.Mn. eed and 8Cllo1ut1e bUll Final T. Jack80ft, Anaheim; Ba.muel bualneU. d1err7 t.reeil tlaal JIM tbe banka Center of lntare9t WU Dr. rraAll n a J . . The eof't..ipOken 8&DtA Alla nw1 ot u.. Potorn&o ri\IW ln tM United N. D. Buckman, ot Penuy!ftnla, date for appMeauaaa to be recei•· o.cW. rwa.rton, Joba Luta, Ban· wu 40 before be took up hla writ-II~ ClapltoL no tntUat.ed tbe world wide pro. ed bJ U.. un.t...al,J ia Matth 1. ta Alla; Neaon L&1mer. La Habra; 1 lnr caner. TbeN wu Olonanl l&rTapt. rram, and hla rl&'bt ll&lld ma.a, AD blcb edloole and Junior COi-Jl&atJa Kmaed)', Banta Alla; Paul ~-.. H a-. _..,, n:~ ·--·= "I'd alway• wanted to wrli.. .. ol tbe 9icle ........,. at ItalJ; A. a. a. KackenU., of 1Aldaa. pit.~ and ~e. but tt -med I could De~ cmaa J....... JDdlllt:riaUlt TU&luJDI IDq., member of Ula Britte for-llow Out c .. RM J:llliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ., _________ _ up with an ortstnal UU>u(tst. O.U Kltad: Willi ~. Eul'opeU etp ottlOI. WIM> ta on two mantM ._. -Aho-.... rted. . atap and_,,... 1tar: Kn. J"rtla *"tram Jda po9t. Pfcll-Up fo Flt_ ~ Hla flrat book, "Zatlthuat.r& Jr.. PhWP'o wtte ot the eucuU'f'I 'ft~ The rrc>UP wu ln Lacuna u 'P the Peralan God," wu publiabad pNllclent .ot the PtlllJpa ftad1o puta of former Lo. .AqeJan Dr. Drt'YV of a pickup truck acap;- ln 1934. Other booka penned by Corp, of Bofte"4 IC. A. R. Tol'9Ch, now a l.A.pD& ed hlJur)' 1m COut ~lpway nort.JI Dans are '"nle PsycholO(tA Looka ODla,.. vm'J'OU Nllld•t, who bu .,._ actJ" ror ot. llaDta AM RI.er bridle at •P- at Art." "It la 8UU the MontlJlg" mAD7 ,_,.. ln t.ba KON! R.Ann· proximately 5 p. m.. Feb.. 16 Ca novel), "Penonal Revolution" Mme. JMADalaoutn.wtteoft.he unent Ulld&rtakiq. wben a rear tire blo..--ool fUpped and "Plcauo." and tM "Sparrow the fthkle owr. Glen B.eyden wu and The Ca.nary." The latter cur· met ••• Ule ...-· ni. men and women ccmftl"Md at the w1Me1 ot a tNCll klom&'tn1 renUy la running on lll• in.at&ll· aeau.ed lllJ'oup tbe ballla.,.. :O~•i!:!,• ~ si:r!;' t:! to Dklt Macker noor COnnnc• Cary Gnuat .. D&EAM WIFE'' M-G-M't 1'111'.MINDOUI TIN·ITAlt WMAI uaumE sum .. I -.," ' l 11o " • •• lfll ment bam ln the Callfomt& He!'-placee ot ICUJptw. pthand ln hla bot.I t.lo eel the downtown of Newport e..m. Adlllta 60 -•• aid. . ~ .. t.r&Tela. Ia ooe comer pa • roam Kadler reporUd damare to lbe ~~jiiiii~if~~~~;;~~~~~~! llltOTllEILLY LOVE at the u-.-room la wti.e Dana •treeta. a.nd at JIOOD lunched with ""'~-t -~--·-~ _,,.,. ........ T-man1 of L&cuna'• d'!He 1e&dera. ---r • aa ............ --'""'' , :!j Dan& now la deep In hle lat.e.l lpeDd9 JD09t ot bs. Uale. 1oM. wlalch wu dumped l»J the l ·----WT TDIE MTVRDA'I' llterary work. He wtll call It ''The An morwN9 CClllCllrt (rand lllOll&L ~ roa'9Sda. wu DOl hurt. llacbr T. ~ ::J ..a.; 'Y TWO 810 SllOWS Oracle a.nd Th• ~." Through lt p1uo 9tandl u..... n. Jau ~ The croup w currently ln South· md. n consisted ot ~ and A A ""l\.' ~ I• Ulre.aded the Importance of nmodaleel for u.e u a clMk;o em CaUtonUa la COBMC!tlon wtto. roDed mrpel&. Th t:nxk.,... tow· 'UD• Stewart '"'1'llE PAR OOUNTllY" brotherly love. Dau' wtte died a ,_,. a.nd a tbl debut ot • ~ of etace eel to • pnge.. HIJ'HE BOB !1A1'111A8 STORY" Among other wrttinp by Dana baJt q:o after a llD••rlll&' run.. p~ ill Loe AApJa a.nd otber are chaptera In "Oeorp Gerlb• n.,. bad no chlldr9D. He bu ,.. Oalttol"Dla dtlea on the Ulame ot a..rai i,.... u.. a .. u.nt at win," and "M&rlba Graham ... man1.ec1. mon1 ....,,.....ut. Scrtppa tuUtule at La Jolla. Hl• aectlon l.n Oenbwin la beaded Out ID t.ba hue' ot l&te attar-.it ,,.. abnolt 15 ,_,. qo tut KJee. Sobma'• eat.her wu a llMID· "Ofinhwtn L "ld SchoenberS.'' It la neaa, nature MalUd cio.r for Kma. 8obln& .,...._ ~ llaecb w ot th• J.,_.. Parliament' a comparlon ot the two nnowned ll&YIJc talbd W1Ua Loula Dau. tn tbl oompe117 ot the widow ot 1192 unW IUt ,.r. composera. H1a work 11) the Graham book la called "Sclloenbel'S the IDnl- table.''\ Aecordlll&' to Dall S ' Schoenberg'• •Yet.em WU the only L~tllnii~' advancetnent in claul.cal muetc I; Sepfuagellm'ian Labors Over ,._ _ __...._tDath VolYfM _.la...Slmatca-AM etnce th• l"'Mncb mo.....-nr-tiw 18th Century. Schoenbar(, be pointed out. nqlected lb• °""" tonee and put the notee toJetber --~---- , / ,. I I \ I UntlJ receDUy Dans wu much eought for lecture1. havtJIC (1v4!ri famed Arnold Schoe.nber1, a lead· more than 200 up and down the Ing cornpoeer of our time. coast on mualc, a.rt and literature. SANTA ANA (OCNSl -'"Mle He u !Qlld of modem :r. of --"" l --·" OOMPOSmON8 eye a n.,.,....e •very ....... : nev-Througtiout the walle of b1a m • erthelaee, the longut thread wtU He 1&w aeveral of hi• piano oom-ut home may be aeen Ule painl- eUp tht'OU,h IL That thread, that position. published u ... ell aa • lngw ot eome ot the world'• cr-t· tenuou• wUp. 'that elual•• coaaa· couple ln the pope rte.Id. HI• ··'Bud· eat arti.t.e. Most ot them preeent.- mu. the over·me&nlnf. ll come.a dha Girl.. and 'T ennts:iee Tune" ed their worke to Dana u stft.e. wtUI tM allenc. of a dream and were Cood aeUere ln the popular tJnptnpa dlrecUJ upon the trans· field. 'IUST llOVEIUN'r parent nepttve of the beart. It le Danz came to the Golden St.ate "When you look at ~ art." t•~· We feel t.bat which 11 total· In 1912. In 19HI, he moved from Dana explained, "You can't think b' beyond th• undenrtandln1. Loe Ange.le1 to Oran1e County and of nouna. There are no penorMI, "Tb.e Ja&rmon,y a.no aJMoDanee.. hu been here ever aince, alway• place.a or t.blnga • • • Juat mov .. UMUbll and dMtl'Uct.lan. Int.err&-... ....,~_....._. ..... _....111111111._..._._.111111111._...__,._....._ ...... _,._....._-iw Uon a.nd dlMnluUon-thue arena· ba'e'• force.. bu CHMIM• rhy- Uuna. the IWtq of ber pendulum, I the uadul&Uon of her -elllnp. ••ff!rmblma -Krakatoa! h \here a difference! I ''AL no WOIMSer' the et.ar9 tn.mb- 1.a; tbaJ too kDow u.t • .._ their eo"-.,,.. u.at.L" I Lollie O.U. the ID&A wbo wrote the a""9 Im-. -nn1 lM 70- )'f'ar mark, bu probed k neath the eurtaee of life'• drama. '"'" altllder, enerseuc man of muale. 1ttanture and U» • rt.a Jl&UMd from ltJ.e .... th book to reflect oa ~ tJllnp neareat b1e IMUt- aurn::a QuorEI> ni. ..... quotaUoM .,.. ~ a cMpt.er' anttu.d 'TIM Storm'' .. Dus' book. ''DJUlnlc 0.0.· anoa ta Natura aD4 t.be >.rU. • o.u. OCMwnar at o.u.41cbmldt Ptuo eo... ao N. KAill at.. auta Au. w a -.a.rt foe ot quote IMl'U ta book&. Ba a..ned llMk ln a comfoi't· ..i. ollla.lr at JUi1 homa. Itta IU'ftr- llSde nrtw. auia AM. a.nd a-I paa&Md: "t do ... , wtth quoi-1 •ttnl1· TbeJ cU8pi. the ...... ~ ouOll t.o know a quote wben they ... IL" Wl1U.C com. ... >' for o.n& wban b.e'a la l.be mood. He writ.u In l'purte &Dd dou a lot of It In the buatle and lMllltle ol b11 store. I "l Juet abut th• re1l of Ule world the table is ·set for the finest Italian food at GranJollo 's . RESTAU.RANT Balboa .... ~:'C-t;• l ~··;g;ttt~r;t· ~\; . ·. ·j\-• ,.,.. ...... . UJ: ~· '. "1 • • • ~I l'f . ·1 ·~ I • , : J ~•\ . ·. :;/ /-. "" . . .. , ... . •' . -~ ·; \ -. ~ .. (. "OT"·• • .• ;, i--~. . . . "-·"" . •: .-:-..; •41 .. ,, ' ' . ' ' .. r.~ -.l SEA FOOD STEAD &INA Ir FIA.NI GIANDOLPO Formerly et Hem.+ Now Open to Serve You 511 lalboa llvd., lalboa, CalN. Phone Harbor 4837 I I out a.nd con~ntrate." he 111"1\lled.. ,_._ ............ .._..._ .......... .._. ..... _.... ..... .._. ..... _... ..... ._,,....__.... ..... ._ .... "Of courw. I do a lot of my work ----------------------h~r• al bom., too." ll t.ak .. Da.na about lhl'N y .. re to \um out a book.. Tbrollfh all hie WOI'~• may be found Ule under- lytn1 Uleme that nature 1.9 the boaa &Ad tbat man'• path I• .S.· t..,miJlfd by her 'OTS IT DOWX NOW JOHN MAJUll A11110..ca "COCKTAIL HOUR" •Y~·::::t ~ 11a.::,17: POPULAR MIXED DRINKS 40c a ftddle, eflen W"IJt• In tba niabt. ~1'8 a P. M •• t P. M. fumblea for u enr pr.ant pat1 a t hla bed ltd• to jot a word, a Miit.Dee, a phrue. He put. ll • Aleo • 6oWn 1n th• dull to be pulled FRIDAY and DANCING from hi• wlUmlntoua n1u one SATUBDA 1' day. Ht tlnd Ul&t l! ao Idea c:omu to JO'l lt sn\lolt be wrutan down Im· medlateq," Dans declared. "lt will nnwr OODM Mell qutte the aame apln. It'• kind of Uke bUild.lnc a hou.--wrtunc. It'• an architect· Ural am.tun. r.. alwa19 laed to tool a.round with worda. O.t .motsoe tnto Ula wof'da." Deas Mftr pt beyond t.be ftttll ~ Yet hta worde of wtedom ma1 be ~d on U» abelne of llaffte at the natJon·a ftneet inet.I· t1IUON °' llll2Mt' Jaarnlns. lie WU 1lor1l in KlnMeOta, OM Of llZ cbllctr... Tbe 10\lf\S Dana pt tiff• tbe n.ttt foot muGcallJ. Mia J'UdfatMr eet&bliabed UI• 8t. • Paid·~ SJmpbony OrdMllln a.nd wu It.I nm oon· fl1MUr. m. UDCJe Jaa. ccmctueted u. ... ~ .,... ... •tarted Oil piano .... 90U at an early -... Soon found eat lie coulclll 'l pJa.1 tba druma. A O.nua pt'of...or P" lQ> on htm aft• a 80-mlnt. i..on. BARNEY LANTZ & his music 9 to l :IO a.m. 2260 HazLor Bo.J..ud • C»ta M... 0.J·'·• M•y w • SucJgest From Our New F.etum \"EAL 90ALU>PINI • IA.9A011f A • PIZZA Aoe 1 llilth• a..uallle for PAlnES, IAN9um, Of CWI DINNas Tommy, Jerry Lorrie, Betty Gin9er, Chef Burtt -and "Newt" CORDIALLY INYrn YOU Part". & - open house \ • Thursday, March 3rd lrom 11:00 a.m. We are deeply C)l"ateful for your valued patronage during the past year. · We hope that we shall have the pleasure of continu- ing to serve you during the coming months Buff et Lunch 11 :00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Hot Buff et Dinner 7 :00 p. m. 'ti/ 7 COME. .. . Join the Party -Bring Your FrienJs Leonard "Newt" Newton's Dia if t Room 3344 E. Co.st Highway .iiiERT TAYLOR D.EANOR PARKER _____ .. .,. lcUCI El • llSS TaYI • m ICWIS • WIS mus · L 1-D· 0 -7/ra .. trt" ·"" . . . ~ • STA.ITS SUN. FOi 2 wm IUN "'£SCNTCD IY WARNER BROS tit • CIN•M.•C:coPf WARNERCOLOR ·STEREOPHONIC SOUND --- HffllN . RAY· fRliMAN ·iON . WHITMORfJAiY 111~~ ~TtlY ANNE J. I Dea ofta W'Ol"lr~ at th• planO It.,_.,. for •ls'st lloUJ'I at a •tr•tdl. "owe"" be found !M reuJd not pt.)· on • oancert lewl. HI• c:aof'dlnallon lacJted t.J\at t•tn t0meU1tn1 found In Ult (TMt lrt· Harbor llvd. at Wlhoft UIMrty l-514J at Mari9old KW• ......... 1161 -"90:S or BEU.& HAR .. ·~~ ON of bl• taadltn WU th• ._ _________________________ _.. ........ _____________ ,.. ______________ .._ _ __. ------------------------------------------Corona del Mar HUN1U·MMONf ·fRANCIS A~l .~ ,,... ~-::-:.. . - ,.,.. .. • { ) I , ,. .(}overnmenl f.:xcepl NEWPORT HAUO~NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEI. 24, I 955 ~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "6od 9,..,,. UI the terenity to ac:c.pt the thi"CJI we cannot chonge; the couraq. to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) .E D I T 0 R I A L S Knight Reverses Oil Position Island's 'Barren' Parkway Gcmrnor GooclwlD l . KnJcht bu ,.,.. ..... po- llltloa Oil apendltw. of tideland oil royalty tanda wblch ~Uy men.I to the It.ate after lmpoundment 1-J tlile fedenl IOftl"IUD8Dl The IOftfDor, who ..veral monthl ago laid be be- lined IOJDe ct the lm~ed fundl could be ued for parpoe.. other t:Jian beache. and parka. declared recent- 17 he felt a tan TO percent, u required by law, ahould So IDto the b.cb• and parka five-year procram of de- ~ 11.onwr, it may be necea:11ry 'ln the future, the P•AIW .ud, to rwiew the d.iltribution of the oil reir- ...., e.pedaU.y In the event they pow 10 large tbat mon lllODe1 thaa -1a ~ would revert to the -.Chee and pub prosram. ·~ The aonmor'• announcement followed a lengthy eoaf.-ce with the .tate park .commiuion, which la eh&lrmaned by Jo.eph R. Knowland, Oakland publlaher. Kntsbt al8o indicated be would look with favor on IOIDe typee of offshore oil drilling. · The ,.ovemor announced that John M. Peirce, .tate d.lreetor of finance, bu taken under advilement the pro- poul of the .tate park commiaaion that the .tate buy A.uomar, Monterey county, out of beach and parks bl.I conferen~ with the park commi-'o'!lena that many pt. .u. .. 11u•ld1np 1t 1he-n19"tl~ 4o-nv u4-&.b•t...- tbe $350,000 might not be &11 the expenaea to the .tau. Tbe park coaun.iaaion propoeed leuing the reeort back to the Aailomar Foundation for a 20-year period. (H.c.M.) While we like to hand bouqueta to our city admlnla- tr&Uon where de9erved, occuion&lly it'• neceuary to remind 10me officlala about a.reu of neglect. We refer to the .emi-barren ·at.ate of Park Ave.'• center parking strip which cont&ina thoee lovely palm U.. and little ei.e. Particularly on "Little Ialand" ·bu the city &llowed the parking strip to run down. A wb.tantial ialand property owner who hu .ev- eral hou.ee on Balboa b1.a.ncl mentioned recently he couldn't eee why the city leta "Little hland" parking strip look 11<> bare. A~ut three years ai'o the strip held a number of geranium plants.· Since that time tbeee have never been tranapl&nted -an euy matter for prdenen. lnatead. thoee in ch&rp of carini for the parkway flood It with water about f inchee deep, c~ting plenty of mud but reaping 11C&nt harvest in floral beauty. W at.cbing thoee who water the area stand uound. waiting for the concrete on.la to fill with water, makee ialandena wonder why they could not u euily be thin· ning out what floral .pecimens are left. tramplant.inr them to create new beauti-. Only reuon we have fJVer had for letting the pe.rk- waya nin down wu from a park department •pokee- man IOIDe time back. He u.id it wu no uee to build up the plantinp in winter time u "the Jddli juat tramp them down dwiar the .um.mer.'' and manpower? Why not juat cement the long ovala Oet~ h~ for )"Wat, h1lt,beartedlJE at continuinr expeme to the dty? "Little Ialand" home ownen contribute heavily to city coffen tax-wise. They receive liWe beautification of public property in return. ------------:i.uey Pope. at.an Shon ... Jahn --------------------------- HARBOR HI -LITES roun. E'fe.111\ Tayk>r, Nanc:.y Camp· bell. Donna Hamllton. Jack Stein· man, M.ib Valle, Ted Hirth, J .. rome O.CWlo. Dick Mirkcmldl. Rudy Mart.IJla, Tany Atwood. Sacramento Sidelight Bruce Knott, Don Beaty, JIUllly' SACRAMENTO (CNS) -80 and wllllout iooc1 oau.. Ma.ny am-~ Jlm Gilltnp, Bob Kyen. mucb feelLnr baa bMn e.ngadeied ployera, Wbo pay UI• unamploy- C&rol Kille and Teny Ral*ll. owr the propoeala of Wtlllam A. meat lnaurance t¥ and flnd their CbarUe Deny and a11a Duaaler, Burkett. dlrector of th• ital• de-rate• In~ became of wlun- Kr. Wanta p~ a few ot b.11 John Hopkina, Bob Smith, o.nny partment of employment, tn hla l&l)' qutta, tail to -why aa em· Sand9, ADA Stewart and Cbarlle effort to cut doWn fredultnt pay· ployea who choo-aol to work "nuu. atudenUI UckeUI ror "T.. Herrtnf, J~ Bleeper ud Tom meata of unemployment lnsuran~ abouJd be enJIUed to unemploJ· Jlo .. of Ull Auru-t MOOll." "lbo9e Jenaen, Dlrlit Oal'•bend, Jlm l:Yer-lhrou1h wb9lalltlva revlalon. of ment. tn.ura.noe at a11. All Wintl Bui No "Sale" READERS WRITE J'ebn.iary I, 1066 Dear Wlnltred~ "Who 9teala my pune, 1te1la . . . ter, my name 11 lut In a 11.t af five, HEADED by "Mm11." Aa you know, I too have been a 'TwN mine, 'ti.• b&a, and hu period of Ume and for ovt'r 15 bee1i 1lav1 to tbouaand.Ji: yeara I WTOt• under the nama &t he that fllcbea from me "Ma. V. C. Barbre", The editor my cood name rtvea byllnq tor front pafe nev.•1, Jtobe me ol that which not en· not me. rte.bee him. . t There are a rreat many artlaUI .And make. me poor indffd." 11' lhi. ..cUon many of whom .. u "Olhdk>." Wm. ShaJc:e-and 1bow. Whtie J al"ff they may 1peara. Act 11 Sc. 3 alp the.Ir worlt u Oley chooae. J And I wu m<11t unhappy to thlnlt the name Should have w ide learn Ulat foUOwinl' a recmt art acceplJulcfl beyond Ole confine. of exhibit and tea by the Ebell Club Southern Calltornla before belnr you .. w flt to print a Mn. Charlea con1ldered profM&looal. You uk J:&lon u & cont.rtbUtor. I paint, u •·•·'bo la to judge whether we are I wrote p rofeulonaJJy, u Caro Ea-rttornlud'?" A pretty ,ocxt r r1· ton. l am proud of that name, just terlon 11 to be mentioned In Arthur a1 l am equaJJ1 proud to be known Mllller'a column. aoclall1 u Mra. Charlu s. Eaton. l Mldom He a profualonal P*• or )'OUn alpad a• MRS. Winifred Ba.rbR. Nor In cut Unea under a recent picture appearing- In your put>UcaUon which lncludrd In any cue you know t think you are a Cood artlat, and here'• }loping that aome day you make that "Column'", Slncere.ly, (Mrs.) Winifred Barbre jOurM)'inf t.o the BIJtmore Th--9011, Buban ,.._.y, ~·Ander· the law rovemtnr MlCb payment.a. Another wcce.Uoa by th• de- tl'I In Loe uplel l'eb. 10 ....,..,; aon, Jac.kM Wat.Ion. Dan Wblle. t.hal It may be well to u.amw pari:ment i. a lO·WMk poetpon.. on• or more ot Your painting•. did 8&.nd lkhmldt., Clare &mlth, JUd· fkM 8ouden, 8hdbJ TUnMI, Pat minutely Ju.ft what the p~ ment. plua a lea week canoell&Uoo I aot. tlMP.t JOU Included youraelt To the Editor of the Newport Har- y Robluon. Carolyn 8"'1em. JUch are. of llaMflta when UM C!laimaat la 11 MR8. Winifred Barbre. It came bor New1-Preu: s. a•-r Carol Doa.ne Cora Pet-a--H ..... ~· U. .. --t. -.--. ... t ...,...,.. out .... t ell-"' .. -'"" for mt-... ··t --·-t out u plain Wlnlrred etc., which -..-• • ._.r, ow ......... tche ... .u Jlat· • u• ....., .. _ ,_... ..... _,.,.. ..._,....,.,... -·~ • LI 70UT preropUYe ot coun e A Mitter of complaint from Mn .. •• aacl OucJc lfoern'er, Ttaa ey, Joe Jam.., Peta L.ardnw, Walt •1 out of •"'7 '6 paid to WI· ed with, b1a work. ~t penalty · · 'ntelma Hope to the City council -,h.. and ftocer a.sue, xi. Rowald, cart Bureron. Charlene employed wotkeni, pa to a par-11 & Ove-week poetpooement. but J wu told lb.at only art.iata of I pubUahed In your l11tu• of Febl'u: Richmond. MrL Harryman and Mr. Dnke. BU1 W.U.l and AJ1Jt.a llOll not entitled to 1uch pay. Con· no caacellallon. Here lbe employff ncopised "al.allding" will receive ary 17th, m~nllon• me by name W•nt.&. Pa.bn.. aiderlng th• fact that J141 milllOD ta pn>t.ecuct tbrouC'h prntoue de· proper Identification In your pa-and makea a number of duog&~ The mJcbty froelll ,vt.. of UM Paul Ntumaan. DamJ ,,~l· wu Jut year'• pay-out, thll claloa.a of t.ba unemploymmt In · per and the rut of u1 w1U rtteJye tory, Inaccurate and untru,. at.al•· PIMlM Clull decided to r-t away l1ak, P'ranlDe NaYUTO, Oeorp brtn11 lb• total up to aearl1 "30 ll\lraoc. appealt board. which are r.c~lllon by our marrted UU... menUI about mt. To throw mud, . . BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL ., HO&AOE PAUJ:ll CK N ... -ftlm._......,...,.. ................... ......... a..n Mllartcal f9etll "9 .... .,.._~ .. • Ma ~ ................ --"' ....... ,...,.., 'l'hrough the efforts of Bill Moeee, the "Bruah Country Journal" hu l'Ofte "big time." It wu purchued by the Rtv- ermde Preu and Enterpr18e, to be u.eed in it. Sunday edition• of thia daily morning and evening paper -the firwt column appeared lut Sunday. For aome advance publidty work for the cotwnn. UI• "llafr• Of UI• IMpbewa. c. B. Barnell ot Balt.o& Jouraal a.ambled at Temecula bland, i. on• ot ber "h&l .. aep- 1Rere an l:nterpr1M photosr&pher h"'8· Aunt Beaal• a. the "Vlrpnla and ppo,ter took not• ud plc· Dan" of the T•mecula V.U., In• tur ... The Journal bu been a hap. umuch u .ti• wu the ftr.wt Wbll• PJ column from th• 1tart. Non• ot ,tri bom there, and her 'wl'Ul I• l&I t&ke It •rloualJ, a.aat or all Aprtl 13, 187t. Her tathu -. a lhl SUY w}:lo Writ.a It, becau.. It Spant&rd, comtnc from Spain to literally fhii. luielf. To two Temecula In th• MYenU• and hi• ~. old folka It bu ffven them name wu Joee Marta Qona1eL Ha eomethtnr' to think about and par· married her mother, an ~Ueh· Ucl .. te ln. To tb• wit• and me It woman, & f-yean later in Tera- hu meant hundred.I of happ)' ecu1a.. Mre. Ooftala had C*r.• boura tocether e.nd w1t.b u,. kldl. trom Enftand wltb UM lulnner EXTltNDED RESEARCH family of IClalnore fame. Don Jose l!llnce about 1960 l have been waa m&nasu of the farmtnc ln· dolnC' •rloua and uunded re-terut.e of Don Juan Mun1et.a for March lnto the history of the Pau. whom th• town of Mun1eta _. .. ba. Temecula and UtUe Temecula named. It la Uleae two kindly Ranchoa. The material hu been Spanleh renUemeo that 8f'lt n colleciled and Indexed, but I wu •l Hunt Ja.ck10n flctlon&l\aed Into & lou ju11t how to write It. If I two vlllatna who ouated Ula Jn. wrote a dry blatory of the arta dlana from tb• Temecul& Rancho, In quutlon, the only one. lnter-documented hllllory and loca.1 hla. eated out.aide of the collectora of tory .tiow them to be j11at th• op- Callfomla, would be the people In poelte. Aunt 8-11 la UM ''Kllltor- lh• Temecula Valley. Thia I• a lcal Editor'' of the Jounaal. 111T1all s:roup and m01t of them a re "TOURJNO EDITOa" old trlenda of over 30 yeara and The "Tourtn1 Editor" ot tha 1 would automaUcally ,~, them Journal la kindly Kar1 S.nla, who lnir even on the coat of public•· and hi• tale• ot Indiana and e tlon. 1 wanlt-d a hlatory that would deaert and bruah country kept me have unlveral appu I -both to wlde-i'yed when I waa jUllt a kid the Bostonian aa well u to the ln rrammar achoo!. He la the tor• Calttornlan. ml'r 1uper1ntendent ot the Loa Al· l t w .. at thlt stage of the r •me amltoe Sucar Company'• plant e i that my good· friend, Bill Mo.wa. Loa Alamltoa. A1thma. wbk h told me that, I would have to 11t u tche. up with many of 1111 at down ln front of • typewriter find &ll agu, forc,.d him Into rftlre• start In or l"d never get It dont'. ' ment tand he became a wandert'r Somewhere a lone the line a 1ug-of tht> drl8rt and bruah country. gP1l1on,or a column cam.-up and Yor year1 he could only atay a at tlla.t time J doubt w hdher elth-few night.I In oae pla.ce before tr of u11 had any conception of I btolni. forct'd by ulhmatlc alt&rka how a history or TC'mt-culu rould to move on. Aa a rffU.lt altt-r flt Into a column. I wrote two or more t'hAn 30 year1 of wandering. three NJT1ples, and Ben Reddick J doubt whether Uler11 la a living: ac-n!ed to &Ive them a try, and the man who hu pentrated ao tbor- n!lpon.te h&a been moat 1rralify-oug:hly the back cowitry of Rtv- ln&· Both Den and Bill art-aold on erald~. Ban Diego and Imperial photorraphy &nd l.hrourh their countl<'ll by mule and automobile proddln1 J be(an t&k1ng: plcturi•a u hH Karl Bt'-nnl&. Up and down about four montha ago to llJua-the bl'Wlh country be Al known. trata It. Th• photos are not mu-loved, and ,..perted. lerplecea of newa photography 'My wife we call Ula .. Art Edi• but they will Improve In Ume, and tor," a nd I.I my eonlt&nt compa.n- now J hate to write a column with-loo and lb• Joumal'• -~ crtt· out at lea.at one photo. le and aupportu. WIU. um happy nUT "WllJTE GlllL" quartet, our Oftly hope fJ9 U..t )'OU 'nle foundation for my Temec-In your armchair can fftjo)' 110me ula hl1tory hu come from an old ot the hi.at.Or)' ud ~. u we fnend we all call afttttlonatel)' I take )'OU by word and plrture ln· Aunt lks•le. )!(>th hl'r '"11dorted to the romantlc back cowilr)' 01 nephews" and hn numt'roua "real" 1 Southern CalltomlL ,,._ the IMacll for• d&7 &11d "'-lt Sc.lnaltt, Paul LonntMll, l..&rTy mlllloa u tba amount rolns-dOW1I detlattl'" of mtaconduct. Tia.at• not ntht nor fair-Who ia you mull •land in mud! B&c Ba&r. 1-nUaa llow lo ... ~. l:ddAe Pope, 8\IDl\J Coa.M. u,. draln-plpe each year. pi!~G.~!e°;wc:ik:.:~=~.m.e:,: !: r::o ~:e~.err:;:;~~op~ There la no "tued." Jt t&kH two I t.oboc~ aacS mow lla11 ftahll 0«>,_. Moore. Jlllke V&Ue, Bob RADE BAS& PAY to make one. and 1 have. and hue ,...,. ,.._,_..,., en..._.. by: Marl· Rat.er, Jack Smith, Jnd IS"""-·• nrat uid moat lmportAnl, the fe.ud when the claimant r~fu1e1 I hav• told, I have eJLhlblted, and had 1 fr1 di ttll d t _ • ..._, .. , r-,..... ........ .Wt.able emplo---ent. A flYe-wMk I ho.,. lo mike further atr1d•• In · on >" 1 •n Y a u • o-l'"' H..,••d. Ueda Prnt.on, &ad 11na B"--. Dantl Jaclmon. Burkett p....,...am aucrut.a ral1inr ,... r--ward mv n<'IChbor Mra Ko..., •h· "·· _...... · -.. -poetponement only appllea at th• the medium J love beat. water eol· " · · · ,... 0 ~ ~:: =r::::~.a;;:;: ~~~ ~~u.;-r:,J=.c:.~r~ ~P=.:r'c::.:!a: ':'!~;';~ .,.._t tlm•. Rue too. th• em· or, and all under Uie name or Caro hu many u cirllent qualltlu . .-..-·· pk>yee i. prot.c:Ud by deflnltlona, Eaton. It la an d ernal atrurtle I did uk lhe City Council to en- maa aacl TooUe ftudeU. Bunt and Jerry CroM. Jowlne &re ~d. rrom the pruent $300 and It appeari unreuonable to for ""rfectlon aa It W&3 In news-force the law and r lear the block· ,,.. .... ~ ·•--c•---' ...... l.oto Chuna and Oludt Kot...WW. to not exceed flOO. Such a.cuon r-ad--" PUBLIC • • • •y ... _k f ~-• ..,_ •v..,_, pay out public monle1 to people paper work, and I hope my 1tyle .,.. .....,..,. """ 0 my tM AJIAMtm pmnulwn l'nd&Y The Ke Ta.edae. a 90pbomore by the le&1•1ature would. In etf.ct, who don't want to worlc. 1htet 11 con1t1tent. relldence. to 11ve me rt1httul ac- rnnlnl lo flY• U>etr team moral Trf-HJ-Y dub, tnnded Lo. A.II· cut out the lar1ut ~rcenUlge c-and uae. Va.rtoua ho~bold 1tupport. T1lioae wtme.&af the lut of ao-ca.Jled fradulent clalme. merf'· C ANCEU.ATIO~ Sincerely, ltellll (lncludlnf a bethtub, a laun- buk•U•ll aama of Ula year were: ,eiem for dinner lu WMk. After a ly by requtrtnir that the rlalmant A 13-week po1tpontment, plue C'aro B:aton. rMra. Cliatlel dry tray, and a double bench that Tnmb Xnapp aacl Dtck In!Mrut. daUcioua dlnnn they -nt t~ UI• eam more money to qualify for a t3·week cancellation for people 8. l . <108 Vlata Bllya, Ca. had cluttered the alley for eom• Bob JolUwoft. Jaltn o..-a. Lynn BUtmor. The.atre and aaw the bc'nef1t1. who wilfully make felae •tale· ta 11-tlmel were remoYed. I did NOT P-. Carol Cral.a, Roy Daniela. "Mac.ado." A.moos thOM enjoytnf Undu the pl"Ul'llt ll)'•tvn. many menu. or wllt\.1117 fatl to report uk that ANY tr.a or tree1 be cut and J~ lueaa. Karlan Koemet', the play were; Bet.y Bl&ckm.a.r, cb!Mllng clalm&nll who dub the material tact.. I• anotfer w1i;n· Our Caro: down. but that "low·hang1nf" Patt.le R..tmler, Bruct Knipp and Brenda Bame:tt. Merlln COuch, ln1Uranct u '"rocking chair mon-, UOn by the deparlmenL Pruent P a rdon the delay tn anawennc. tree branchff" that Interfered with lua acao.on. Jolln 8waJn and ea.... Nancy Bryant. Bue Zerbe. 1-t•r ey," have lt all rlt"rred out buw ~n&Jty 11 a flYe-week postpone-HaYIDC ~en pla.cf'd 'On rny dnk ,.... rru ~·c.e and UM, be remOYtd. ol CaWa, Bob Mllum, Tod White. Oa.rr, .•·--eo•-·-. .._., ' ·-" tbt7 can work part of the Yf&r. ment of benefit.I only, wtth an ''~rae aide up, with L&kiwood ... __ ._......, _,,...,. 09 ......... and IJYe off the tund the real of addlUOD&J el&t\t-weeka tor w crea· ,_ Cl b U 1 _........... •w• It II ri'ht tor u1 all to uphold A.Ian lll1J1lllak1. Vaa Polluroy, Dar~ Oreea and Pb.JIU. Mlhlln.. IJY• YlolaUona. l n.. u no ce, ~ It on to the courteoua, paUent. and proper Unda AdaU, Mary 81.DdaJr, Cors CoacratW.Uon1 l'O to Gloria the year. I Ex •port.I dtparl.menl. It hu ju.at been law-enforce~nl .. rvlcH t hat uur P.ten, 8~ Beu, Leuna.J '1Vood-Cbapm&a a.nd Ptte Seholbttf, wbo Labor k>bbyt•ta wilt atrmouaty ten.Ion of th• lime the d•· returned. city r onmmtnt eatendl lo th• -. Patty Clemtnce, Ar1•• Hu.ff. ln oppoae thli proJ>Offd lnc,..ue. partment can recover fradulent 1 uni ___ ..., ___ ~--;;,;,;;.;.;;,;,;,.;.;..,;a;.re;..;now;,;,;;;..:fO;,.:;;.:r:..,:•,;;te&d=~Y,:.· ----polnUnC' ou t tl-.el It wlll hit a l•IT" payment• tr'Om one year to two " r re!tr first to your clotllnf line, who • comm tJ. number of M'UOnaJ worlw,.. ln ye&ra l1 1'equftted. u weU u a ltl'\lfgle '?.r ~rfecllon la nnr.-And, oh yea, CCIOlftr')' lo Mrs. Fanner McCabe Writes .. e February 24, 1955 Met ole John Pinchpenny the other day. Ain't 1een ole JobD llince Uaey had an OU Boom back home an ole John bad 120 acrea right in the middle of It. A.a I re<:· oUect it, be wouldn't leue came they wouldn't pay him u Dl1ltb u )e lmowed Jt wu worth, 110 bia l&nd je8t.aet U.. ncaai up all the wella around drained all the oil out from Wider it ••. I '8)>eet that there'• a lot of follr.a lib ole loha Plnchp.iny who drive eech abarp ba.rgalna that. lib~ John. ~ey lit caught right innack d&b on the llDd of th.er bupinL (al) r1plll ,...,..,ad) -~~~~----- California"• food J>Kk.lnc eatab-mlnlmum fine ot SlOO tor ptnM>ne paptr work . Hope'• lmpllld lll&tement. I'm "'al· llahmenta. who at the prnent time coa"1cted of fraud, plus forfeiture In 1tr1v1nc for that perfection, ly dl~tnfly htalUly and active: are b«lnr IUl*dlsed by Ula un-of all right. to l"ICelve be.ndlt1 th• publiaher hu made a firm rule no heart-trouble at all, thank you! emplo)"ment lnauraace tund, for 52 •Mk• followtnc the dale tha t within the 1K:Clety colulT\NI of Appanntly jU1t a bit or '"nC'llfh• 1._wi;a. DELAY of con"1ct1011. lhll paper wom• are to be known bor·trouble", but not on my part. N H t p#I the profT'&m, Ole • s-rtment propo-a 10 • weell poetpone.ment of U11employme11t In· 11Urance be:nenu whrn the clalm- ant quit• employmmt Yolunt.artlJ' READERS WRITE Thi department bu llOt neflect-In th• formal and proper manner at that. ed t.plaUon alfecUn• the cblw.I· by their hu.tbancs.· namea, If mar-Becau.e ot the wideapread mt.- lDI' employer ellher, an •D'lend-r1ed. Jf not. die)' a.re divorced per-repruenlatlon of !&eta that Mra. ment prop<>Md tn Urbten up on ll()fll . I Hope'• letter conlalna. will 7ou employe,.. who fall t.o pay their Your 1tatement ~prdlng my pleue ftv• thh1 a t lt11t equal pn>- ··nae", which ce11terrthe first ao-appreciated. t&Jru. own algnature la er1 ~rou.a. ln my I' mtnence ln pubUcatlon. Jt will bl mmt aaency" your Council u uk-clety ~. It camea the "Mn.", 8lncere11. inc th• cJU-.ut to r.llnqul.llh one alllO the caption to which you tt· TKICODOR!: A. rM'Cff ot Ula cherlahed and tund&ment.al I rtpta upon wtllch our country waa founded -th• rlpt of no aearch without wvnnt. I ON LOCATION-Staff of Bruab Country Jou.ma! take. to back country. From left. Mn. Horaoe (Laverne) Parker, "Aunt" Beuie Barnett, Ka.rt Bennia and Dr. Parker. -Horace Parker Photo AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. llaeAJlTll1.m 8 A CW J;-i.t It NT 0 (CNS• -Uon t.o the 1tt.oruy 1-raJ u lo Whether RwiHll S. Munro, lhe certlllll polnUI on the tubjec:t. pu· 1t&te'1 new 1talf' liquor a<lmlnl•· llcularly, Ole point of wti.t.Mr lh• trator. plana to cont.lnue bla a tU· public 11 enUUed to know ~ tn- tude of anUpaUly toward' maklnf nni1r•t.o ... find out aboUt peopi. public tnfonnatlon public, ln.-ofar Wbo apply tor n-or tnrulfen-.4 11 Ole admlnletratlQn of the liquor liquor Ucent1111. act II concerned. remaJn• a quet· Munro con1ldera al ~ w!llJ• lion at the preeent time. th• applicant la un~r In-~ Munro, tonnu deputy dittcU>r lion there 11 a qlNllltlon M to Wbet• of publlc worktl, d~cidf'C1 while ht hl'r th• re.ult• or the lnY~ wu In that poat. that the public Uon ahould be made public. 'nle folkYwtnr letter ropy hu bttn rtocelnd b1 M&)'or Dora Bill Who adn.ed the Jof .-p,.._ etie wtU anawer It by ma.IL rt wu not read In open m~~. with kln• dr.ct mt•" .. appl&udlnc Ula ordi-nance. Th.la provlllon of the ordlnanc. la bl&lallt11 unconatlllonal and er•· at..1, In effect, a police atate with- in the City ,of Newport Beach. We are appalled that th• Gutapo h•d the r1g'ht to IW'A'rch homr• without warrant In l"UJ Germany, or tht <>GPU In the SOVIC'l Union Yrl. undu thl• o rd111anc' our clt1un1 will be forrtd to 1ubmlt to the wu not enlltll'd to know who uk· The new liquor at!mlnl1tntor la , M for 1peclflcaUon1 on highway •180 lrkf'<1 at the ntwirpaper copJ contract job•. and at the Mm• duk peMIOftnel lhroupout th• time, fl'Mly admitted thl're wH 1t&t40• Mn. Dora 0 . Bill, M&10f ll&ln' 90rt ot un-wan'anltd f nlry City of Newport 8-cb &11d 1e.rch of lhtlr private homt11. Califon ta & DI ttl1 ....., ka• .. fw 09w r~ .. ..,. o..r Mn. Hill: Do the end11 ..Vf'r JU1t1fy the ___ means • b a r vlh•nK worth 11v1nr ...,.. M Ill 1 etn Mau. M die Pc111t.oft1ee m H.wpon ~ Uke oth~r propert1 ownen of lup ont of thf' 0buk frtedom.t that o.IM .... ~ ta. Act al Marca 1. 1JTt.. Newport ea.en, I a~ud the et· 1 our forefalhtra fou1hl for In H · fort.a ot UI• Clty Council to kttp tabllahtng Ula Unlt!'d llta tte ot PTOT 0 I ~ ......, ... " ...., .. Jll~ ...... c.111. the IUUr Vecataoa ettiaaUoo un ' fllr .. M&W't ........ PVllUUO."fQ COllP&Jn der CGntroL • , America f 'l'tt JD ..,._ 1111 Hownv, lllruqti tbl MW Ordl· ::l~d:'botwn~1 s:;n:b:: ~atm~ .. *'"4 .. w ._.. 11.-_. Alftrai k ., All ._... unce No. 741, requlrtnc llcenatng untUI tn>m UI• 1peclal llcenae fH 117 .,._.. fJI • S Jcdic Olmt el O..S-O.. • ...._ "la. .&-11• ot ~rt,y nntad dvnnc the II dl1erimtnatory. MulUple unit., lllutern ~riod, JOU h&Y• Cl'fatecl a ju one~! the prtnc1-• ofteade- M 2 11 O'Mu•: ltN ,.,_ Puu I a •a ·, ftari.: / att11atJon UIAt la tu moN llhoc:Jl. aboullt be aubject to :he •me ,.;,,"'. ....._ ,...._. ... ...., •RI rt .._ Inf and dan,.roua Ulan oi. pro0-J :atlona u lllne'e family unlUI ar.1: II••• el Orul9 OllluDt;t ,.... ~ '-U\111 ~Uae 1a ..... ~to 111hwkt Mu-lha6 · lut aha.re ot CGn'9Ct. I lfP"lu an.p.ctJoa uid la• entorce- 87 niqwrtnc au luadlord9 and .iient COllt.I, W1llch t~ .. lle4ma t-.at.e to &I"" that "web pttm-.11 a re de91c'Md to d ef,..y. ... lillall bl •bJ«t to rauon&llh IMpedion bJ' tlle. IHlnMn ot U.. IU~, •V9IOlllPnON Mft:at .......................... ht<oe ... ...., -~ o.-v ...... ,., ,-.,; ..... ... ...... • .... rtrw ud P.UC. o.,artmmt.e ot ror;i 8ammla ..,_ -. UM Cll,J ot Newport 8adl 8Dd IOll M1raaar Drt,.. - 0.-... ., OnJls'9 V...t;t ., ..... J"IM ~ . • .._, lt.a.te w C....1,J law llllorw-a.a.a • not.Wn1 In th• law to prennt him ''Tlll• word •eaar-·1~ c:a.r' from K1"1nr; out such 1nronn1llon. -'nun cur'.-whlch hu alrMdJ I AJlBITllAlll' Dl:CISIONIJ bttn uaed by aome MWSJl9perl lit Now that he hu movtd to lb' referTlni to me la ~raon&JIJ &. ~teru1:· •Id Munro. • liquor control admlnllltrallon on appointment by Oov,.mor Good-He aa.Jd that more lmportanl win J. Knl&hl. \Mre ~.tin• that lhu It• IM-lnf dlat..ui.ful. lllaw· ev-er, I• the tact lhe putillc •'Ch• be plane to continue bl• arbitrary mlirepreMnt the word "ear', u dectMon.t on what the p-ubllc IJI "1· It 11 h i• lnt..nuon th• ~· titled to know, and what It lln't tora In °'" departmat lllould •nUtJed to kn_pw. work u a t.e&m ln lftfWClnf U-e But on the other hand. thtr" Alcoholic S.-raie Control A-. an aleo 1lfD1 Munro plana to let XO O!'lf&.MAlf ""°" 1 the public know at l~ul .om..-"I do not like to be" It ...... ~ thin, conctmln1 the admln111tra-that our admlnLltraUOll la fOlnS • Uv1 operatlqn• or the department, to be a one-men ehow bJ refentns • ror he aalt1 al hla flrat prM• con· to me a• a ·cu~ ," be dedand. ference that he lntend11 to .ee Wht>n It waa pointed wt t.e 1111.m that the public hu Infor ma tion that '"c%ar .. UIU&UJ ftt. a a eelumll concemln1 all •·public rt>cord11 " where "admlnlit.rator" wca't tit. 1 He admitted, 1t th~ 1111m,. time. be m"rcly MJd. "ytia. l lmow U..t. .. I there la a different " In what 1K1me AlllO Munro doNll't w.. pla;rtns people term publlr rf'rorttl. anrl 1111 of llql~ a'1mlnllltraU°" la Ui• wt\at he hlmHlf belltvea .,.. pllb· new11p•~r•. ..:_..J Ile ~rda. I "It II my fio~." be -.14, •u.at .. t I.WAL OPl!\110~ We can I00'1 ~t t.ba m.au.trr of Week" Ju • rMult. thf' new liquor ad· J llquor rerulauon oft, Owl ,,_t 11Ua11\ntor Will INbmU U.. q~ ~-of U.. ~· • \ ; } I ... IODWINTEB THRiii-Providing one of the great thrilla of the flne Midwinter Regatta wu this fleet of 18 Stan which literally flew around the coune. Top hon- ors went, with a clean sweep, to Newport Harbor YC Uippen led by Dick Hahn in flnt place with hie new llenehuena. Cloee bebincl Hahn wu Chack LewNddler'1 Supr Rabbit follon4 by Bill Ficker'a Stormy and Doll :Edler'1 Wench ID. -Beckner Photo . Patriotic Day Staaecl • Bj Students ... MARINE NEWS NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE 7 THUllSDA Y, FEI. 24, 1955 • TIDI TAILI Sltotv• Fo•d ... • w ... 1tr ._ Pomona potkt Moeda7 tntormtd N .. wport rollce ot U.. Ibid.lac ol a awtd-ott 00 p. ~ In Ntw- port Bty by Wlllialft D6&Jl, l'o.- monL Dtalt told Capt. a. r. Holada~ J.>omOfla Pollc-e Drpartmtnt. bi. 80I\ found Ul• 1Uft ill -ttr alonr· PatrloUCI Dq at llfthtt RM School In Cotta ....... Meortd by th• eatlr• ttudmt llody J'rtday wbc Ta younpt.eiw ~ a "'°" pam wltneutd b)' IOO f.U.W llU• ... u. n.. .... ... ftM lh. al«S. DliLk'a boat mciortd at Blnb't landing F eb. I. Local pallet~ td record1 but could not flnd a report of euch a run mod~l belnr ttolen . Yo.,._. ot the MnDt.b and ~· ...... put -folk~ lll&NM9 ud drULa .,, .... ~ td . ...UC. ... ud patrf,oUo eonp by the ecbool daolu and band. ,,.. nae ~ .... 1-.c1 by JMmben ot Boy 8oolat Tnlop U. Tht Star ~ltd ~ ~ by tbe lludtqt bod7' clOMd the procram. A-cUvtU• were held out.aide .. atut a MckdroJ 8bowtns Utt capltol build.lac which wu flank· td --~ .... b)' ~ ebSald and -.1e. Jl ...... .,, ..... .... ~ tbe dlNctlon ot th• art Chpartme\. T..-.. who direoted the Jll'O-tram WeN llra. Hllda McCamey, &'en.tnl director; MJu DariMt l"lavan. dandq; Kra. Vtl'& Dell 4ader90ll. art: Jon w.wnc. drtUI aad lamea K1ndnd, mu.tc. J'rtda7 J'tb. u llaturd&1 J"tb. .. Sunday Ftb. t7 llOll4a7 J"tb.. ~ Karell 1 w.......,. karch I Tburtda.1 llardl I 10:'1 L .. 11:01 .... U:Je Lm. U :" p.a. 11:" p.m. u I.I I.I ... 1.1 o :IT a. m. a.1 1:11 p. m. l .T J:fl Lm. f.0 6 :N p. m. I.I 1:11 L m. 1.0' • t:u p.m. a.a •:U a.m. 1.2 e:a. p. m. a.T hc1fto DQUpt llawap .... •:4:1 L m. 4:6J p. m. •~ a.rn. I : 16 p. m.. 8 :41 a.m. 1:12 p.m. 1 :20 Lm. 1 :'6 p. m. 10:01 L Ill. 1:32 P. lft. U :ll&.m. lO:IO p. m. 12:18 p.m. u :•T p.m. -nm. ~<ict ·•· rm.a. MOOJlf Mar. 8 Nmw MUON ... b. 22 0., o.e o.• • 1.1 o.a l.t 0.1 u o.a 2.8 --0.1 2..a --0.1 J.1 $275 Fire Lou In Hater Theft Told Mn. Lewis lnlurecl Mela for Ja-ry Thtft of a Whitt pole and fix· tlart, .part of a rarden umbrella, In Crash Friday Althcnacb saooo 1n proputy WU WU reported to police by NtlUe c. bl.ol•td ill eo.t& Kua tiru lut Hqtr, 11' Jade Ave. &ht valutd Mrs. Selea a. ~ M. of '20 -th, ·ftr• loe9 dUrtq January it at $4. w. ~at., eo.ta 11..., wu amountad to OGly $27:1, ~cordlnc ----------- ba.p&taltsed 1'a.t ncmt17 f~· to Ralph Lee, 11 .. tire prevention 1111 a trafflc accident at Newport ottlcer~ Lee reported lS city calla DOW? alvd. and ltth I t.. COllta 11.... &Dd tour COllllty caJ18 were lnvolY· pollot ~Pof4 ab.ow. Tht YlcUm td. _ B IUffered a tncture of u.. rtpt On tlrt callt ma.de, l lt men the ankJe and a 1-.c.ntm onr btr ""POftdtd, with ae rotas on ree- rtcht eye, accorcllnr to la,...~ cut caDa. Ltt made • tnapecUona. lnr Meaa oftlcera. UJtd JO tire penntta, made thrtt Can driven by Clydt Barria t\n lDYdllpUou &Ad Joolttd lato lAwla. •e. and LeRoy Jobuon, II. ou falM alann. of 310 E. IOta It., Co9la M--. ;:==--::----:-=--:=::::. ..maid. pon& MICL JUCll!'llD1tt-,H~.-,0~1~ar....r.-·~o---,o-n~-"'-::'~C: to Hoq Bc.ptal b)' ~ Pltl Du ........ eoa...._ ... r....., State Alb I.. ....~ .. on Fairview Plant 1111 vma "-'· fll....,. .... IACJU.llZNTO (C?g) -'n.t ~=======~ Malt dtlpu'tmat of pullUo werlta are quiet I Mela Girt In Cnnll A car-bicycle tn.Me aedd.nt OC· CW'rtd without Injury rec:?enUy at 2lat St. and Banta Ana Ave., co.ta K..a pollot re· ported. lavolvtd wtn a car driven by Bemh'Ld DrU~ of IMl ll&nt.a Ana Aw. and a bicycle rtddtm by lu1&11 8c:bneldtr, 12, of lf't Ftd· enl at. HOME ' LOANS · At Ore1t9e c...ty'1 Leadl1 HOMeL ..... ........... QUICI 24 HOU• SllVK:I ·LOW LOW '"IEDUCI ... INTtliST lATU EASY i ,..-: ":;"! ."r'Fl -----------announced today It wfll adwrtlM JIM· WHYTE Q-itt • a kit-. "'~·11letof MONn4l Y PAYMINTS CASTU ROCK AND 'COYE ILASTS SET San Clement. X.lud areu wtU bt dallprou. to u~ lion thl.a week. Cout Guar4 otnclala warned martnvL Cutlt Rock wtll be bit by naval g"UDft~e and bomblnC from 8 a.iii. lo mldn.IJbl to- day and tomorrow Uld dunnr d!Lyllg-ht hour• ·saturday and Sunda y. .. . DEA VER REPEA~Dick Deaver of Balboa YC, long famoua for hla exploit.a in the Pyre.mid Coye will be blut· td todaJ from T a.in. to ' p.m. and from T a.m. to 10 p.m. tomorro1'. PC fleet, 1eema to be continuing bia winning waya with hia new boat. He triumphed over nine entriea in UM ThiaUe elua £11 the excitJ.nl Midwinter Regatta at L.A. Har- bor Jut week-end. -Beckner Photo VICIORY ''SWEEP''-A hot contest in tbe K-38 claa1 built to an exciting climax duriq the 8CY A Midwinter Regatta when J oe Grant of Newport Harbor Yacht Club brought his Sweep into a victorious spot. Tied for finit place on points with Peggy Slater'• Valentine, ·0rant cballred up hia victory on over-all performance . -.Beckner Photo RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMEltCIAL MO JOB TOO LA.ftOE OR TOO SMALL UO IOt.la St.. Newport lkach eanOr 2.5S.1 1AFTJR THE CRUISE Navy League Fetes Brass of U.S. S. Wright at NHYC Ship ottlcen, Maded by Capt. T. P. Wilton, comdfandtr of UIS I W~ht, Wert feted T\Jetda,y •lc'bl 1 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club 1 •t a dinner, toUowtnr tht WMh· l1'£'l4n'1 Birthday cru!ae of the carrier wblch carried 71 Harbor High School students. The dinner wu sponeorei.I by the Orange County Navy ~•lf\lt'. CapL Wit.on told the guu ta al Ule dinner that lhe Ehlp'1 comple- ment volWlll'l'reu their holJday I liberty Tutsi.Illy to i:lve t he HO Ora.nge County youlhl a day at I "'a on the earner. He M id hla c:rc-w hlld f'nJoyed having them a boa rd ' l pec1al ~uest wu ~ar Admiral H artman, l.'ommani.lant ot the 11th Naval Dl11trlct. He spoke brlef9' a t the• dinner, "'Preulnr t.he 11&¥)'·11 dl'hght in havtng Orange of jet rlanea which Kft&ftled In tOTmatlon overhead. ~ "°Y&I• bepn trocn Lone Buch about 9 a.in. Tuu day, when Wrtrbt ltlt lh• naval ahlpyarda. headed toward.a Nrtvport Hubor and a reach tow• rd Se.rl Diego. Tbe craft retumed at ' p _m. to her ahJpyard1 berth, Lone Beacfl. 'nit 7outha Ulen retunied home. loat Check lad Loa Angeleti police a.rreated R. L. Len on ch,ck charlfN li&tur- day In connection with a boat the aWlpect &llegedly r ave Francia R. Schllh a bad c-hack tor lJ1 t he 1wn of '6:!00. poUct reported. The boat under purchut police •Id waa T riton, moored at 15th St. landini'· Levra check waa mark· ln1Ufflclet1t fund• by the bank on which It was dJ'a Wll. County youtha a3 guelfta on tht ----------- day-long cruise. Loadt'd with aome 340 youtba. tht carrier flnod her 21.gw1 aalute otfallort )!ere 1hortly after noon. ho11or1111 Ocorre Wulliaftan'• blrtMay. MeanWblle, H&rbor r•· daau were treated to a "ny-put" Miiis Gets Ucense SACflAMENTO (C'l'li) -The 11ecret.ary of .iatt anaollJlftd I•· .-nee or a not&r)' public com· mlulor. to LMmJe V. Mlllal, &o9•A Balboa Blvd. A'ITDITION BOAT OWNDISt SURPLUS BAIGAllS I• .,..i.,. A laa•• for lboa&owlNll'll, ~ ete. B_.,.. 9Poll •aactrede _..... .._ .. a,~ .... ere-. 0-.la ........... II Veit S3500 ..... , Generator u ,.... s22so ....... Ge•ralor :.!:!, .. ,. s3so C•le•, 2541 So. M1ln St. Mn4 DA • . . tor bl48 th1a W9tlt for llutallaUon ot a laun.dl7·1*ltr plult •t l'a&r· v1tw State Hoepltal ID 01'8AP Couaty. eo.t Wlll apprmdmatt saoo.ooo. l>JIL l:Dl'l"B LIMD8A T, lltrM· lty, U. C. profMeOr-"lf women an to become tbt equ.18 ot m~n ln lb• prot.-dba, lbt7 mu.t Oft1"C91Bt cUMnlA and o,,_UOQ from u..tr own ..._ .. INSURANCE Ocean , Marine end General lnsurence * Oalea10tAl-8MllllNs0 ~ ..... ,. ... '1 ....... ~ ... ..., Yoar A•Uaorlaed TBALOO~ o.Jer la the Bal'bor area. Bnlg 7oar fiber· ,.._ prGIJlelm to aa. Pacific Flbertla11 11t1 w. c-• e.,,.. n. LI f-H11 .Acroee trom All· Amtrlean Klrt. wildcat actJoa la thole ........ .,.,.,i.s. H--..C-.111_. .... tothef .. pt ...... 5Hto~8.P. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llYd. A1'TllOILllSD FACl'Oa1' lllDVIOE ... ..... ~ ... -- FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SBYICI WI IUY ftUST DHDI OH WILL LOCAT9 HOMIS LAGUNA FIOlAAl SAVIN$$ I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 o. ... A,,... LAGUNA BEACH It's highway robbery! For sheer fun out on the road, Chevrolet's stealing the thunder from the high1-priced cars! Up to lhlt yeer, niaybc there wwt rMIOnt for wantin1 oee of the bJcber·priced cvs. If you demanded '°'"° thing ru1ly ip«'-1 in 0. way ot driYlq fun , yoa ...,., bacf to pay I .,,..... to .. it. Not eny more! The Motonaaic ctievrolet bas dlanpd ID dlaL Wbo could willt for mon "Ci'•• daa lbt ntw I 62-h.p. -rurbo-Fire VS" delittn? (For ~ who do, I 80-b.p. iJ optional at Htra COit in all V8 modcb.) Olevrolet UC> of.-. the two biP,t powered aixcs iA it.I fteld. Come la and 1ee how cht Motoramic Qevro1ct lt 1tn11n1 Cbl duander from tbc h1&h*priced ~r MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1°" West Coilt Hlgllway i NIWPOIT IEACH - Phone Liberty 1-2261 , .. FaESH WHITEFISH FILLETS 39~ '1 • FRJSH WESTEAN OYSTERS 12.0Z. JAi 55c EASnRN, HICKORY-SMOKED, SHORT-SHANK 4.5~ HAMS WHOLE -OR FULL SHANK HALF ...... : .. : .......• , aun ·IND HAM •• He lit. - · OCOMA GENUINE LONG ISLAND, OVEN-READY ~~· B•rbecut · Ro+;sa«ita! u. ·s. tHAH ,,., s.,, Aged to t1te , ... Ct101CI & of THder 4k>OD • • • • J11lclH11I BEST CUTS -7-BONE & CHUCK \ EASTERN SLICED DELICATESSEN FOODS BACON . E~ra-Fancy -Waohmgton Oer.dou1 H·;;~~D 39· APPLES __ >...,_/_ ARMOUR STAR 59' FINEST QUALITY -1.U. PKG ••••• PEARS . S & W LARGE, LIGHT-MEA TEO WALNUTS us. AGED, NIPPY WISCONSIN CllDDAR HORMa 'S AU.-MEAT FRANKS l.lJ. PK&. ---NOVA SCOTIA DfUCAllLY SMOKED & T!NOiR FlllAN HADDIE RA TH PUUMAN "LlSIUllY HAMS .. 1isC1its '':~~. 95r. 3 PKM. 35c * IEWPORT IEICH * COIOIA del DI 2600 COAST HIGHWAY *' COAST M....WAT . :::::~~Amit * SAi CLEIEITE 6G a CAMlllO MAL • -,, ) 63~ 43c 59~ MMl.E llAF 01111111 IACON ~°l 49« - ' CLAY MOaeAN WHISKEY s2•• FIFTH , I , ... ' "' THURSDAY, FEI. 24, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART IV· PA&E I'. Clean -4-warcl , -?weep F9ur First Place Awards By the Californi0 AssoCiatio.n of Press Women California §iiotiation of .Jrtii •own 9Hall <ontrtt in Joarnllifla an• 8Wt• ~itaf 8ur• I' lfinftiwa. ~"""""· ~ "'tl· . \» "),.)1"""'_. ... -- !-J-rbtb: 1-.a"*l\~ \C\ •• \C\ 'Q 5 • ~V~u;.4-___ .-~,.- C ~ jto~ ~--I . . California ~iiodation of Jrtii llomtn tlnnual <ontrlt in Journalism 1nll llllir• ~id" tluri. cr---:> 'i ,j.jl: f.)Nt ~ 4\Mt·\r·d e.~ •• ."\'O)ao·~~ ~ l .a"e•n"'r ". \C\U :J.irJ/ Pl~ce Weekly Newspaper "Women's Department" -·r :J.ir}l Place · Weekly New.spaper "News Story" :J.irJl Place Daily Ne'wspa per "Feature Story" • :J.irJl Place Bi-Weekly Newspaper "Woraen's Department" MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE Our hats are off to Mrs. Winifred Barbre. veteran 1M>Ciety eclttor of your News-Press, fo r sweeping four "firsts" in tough competition at the annual California Association of Preas Women'l'I a wards presentation. News-Press staffers have known all along that "Barb." native New Englander who haa headed the women's department these paat 12 years, knowi. New- port Harbor women and their interests. She'" livPd here thl' past 25 years, duri.ng whic h time she haE 8een the ebb and fl ood tides of social news. From her 35 years' experience in newf-papcr work she brings her women readers what's new in Moc.al and club circles twice a week, presenting at tastefully on the women's pages of your New!l-Prl'ss. Tbote "firsts'' for be!t news anJ best feature stories, weekly and daily respectively t the latter being published in Orange Daily News through Orange Coun- ty News Service) show t he writer. The "firsts" for best women's department. weekly and semi weekly, arc tangible proof as judged by expl'rts that• the News- Preu rates play of women's activit ie!I and interest. tops in your nE'wspapcr. These awards are proor Mn. Barbre's feminine tourh adds zest for women readera. While your News-Press points for top excellence on all pages,· it is varticularly proud of Mrs. Barbre for bringing new laurels t o her women's department. You'll find Harbor women insillt on reading their Newa-J>r:eu. -· California §i-odation of . tlrtii •own •a•ll <atttt •• J11rnllfflll an• llllir' _.,., .._, -~ California §i~ociation of Jrtii Momtn •"nail <ontttt ln .Joarn1U1m anlt 8Uitll _.fd" lur' \,,) ....... ~,,\ e. ~="'"'---­ .. 2 ' " \r\cmtt• ~ · ..... W..1).'t ~ .. >• "* '1 *ee" \"\. \4\ !tr. For Complete Loc~.1 News Coverage -It's Your Newport Harbor News· Press PUBLISHED MONDAY and THURSDAY. DELIVERED IY CARRIER OR . MAIL SO• MONTHLY ·-- I \ I ' I 1 ( I - {Guest Preacher at 1Harbor Adventist ·I •"J'hi.ogs, People, and Ideas," will be the topic of the •rmon to be given th1a Saturday morolnc, Feb. 26, at. the 1 Newport Harbor Seventh-day Adventist Church. I Romeo Hubbs, principal of San Paaqual Academy, Ad· ventist boarding high school located nine miles from Escnn. d ldo, will occupy the pulpit al Ule 11 o'clock Mrv1ce. In this eermon, Mr. Hubb1 will draw parallels bctwt'en Christ, and bow He met tempta\lona and gain· e4 victories, and how people In th1• prt'sent day meet their pro}llem• and come lo a •ucceuful conclu- llon. A girls' trio f rom thl' Advenllsl Academy Will ilve the 11perlltl music. The offering to be taken thla week wlll go for the Adventl1t telev~lon program, "Faith For Today'• which may be aeen locally on channPl 7 at 12 :JO noon every Sunday. Now 11' Its fifth year, It wu the first rellgloua network TV ahow. The toj'>lc or dlacuaalon for the Church. at S\ucly, Saturday, which convenes at 9 .30 a.m .. will be, "A Heathen Woman's Faith,'' baaed on the atory found In Marlt 7 :2•· 29 and Matt. 1:1:2J·29. Services at Costa Mesa Baptist Church The lt'rmon topic for the elc•:en o'clock' morning eervlce thl• com- ing !Ard'• Day at t be First Ba~ t lat Church ot Coat& Mesa, corner Marnolia !nd. Sa.nta Ana avra. by Rev. P. 0 . Neumann. will be "Strength Beyond Mea11urt." 1'11 Youth Choir under the direc- tion ot Mrrle Valdez wlU providt' lhl' 11ped al music. UDda Wirltey will be at the organ. Sunday Srbool will convene at 9 :4~ a .m. Youth 1'tatntng Croup wlll meet a t &:30 p.m. In thf' "!outh Center bulldlJlg. The lnatrucllon clue under the leadenhip of Rev. P. 0 . Neumann will &ho meet at &:30 p.m .. In the Martnera' clau room. POLIO ROCKING BED--Oift of the bed, its function to aid the polio patient removed from tb'e Iron l\lllg to breathe naturally, was made at the polio ward of Orange Coun- ty Ho&pltal by the Orange County Federation of Women's Clubs, Junl~ Memberahip. The price, $1236, came from proceeda of th~ winter benefit ball; ''Part.~ the Pavalon.'' Jnapecting the bed and its mechanism are (left to right) Mn. Don Hayton, Corona del :Mar, 11econd vice-president of Junion; Mrs. Gail Barnett, Buena Park, County Feder· ation president; Mn. Harry S. Arnold, Anaheim, (kneeling) treuurer, and Mn. Clif. ford Holt, Santa Ana, preu relations chairman. The bed ia one of ~veral gi.ft-contri· butioM which have been presented to tJte county boapital throup the Junior Feder· atlon. -OCNS Photo · Juvenile Hall Head Speaker at Christ Church .. Beginning Within" will be lhe 1ermon aubject at the morning eervlcea ot Chrl11t Church by the Sea on Sunday, Feb. 21. Rev. Roy A. Carl.on wlll be preachlnr a l both aervlcn, 11:46 and 11 a.m. The Sanctuary Choir will alnr "God So IAved the World," by Stainer at the aeeond Ml"Vlce. At 7:30 p.m. Rev. Neumann will han u hi• 1ennon topic, "God'• Plan for U\e Agee." Special mualc wlll be featured. The Ordinance of B&pllem wtll be obaerved. Jl'rtday, Feb. 2.5. at 7 :00 p.m. teacher&. and oftlcere of the Sun· day School will meet with Rev. J. C. OUJ\lt, general eecretary and RIY. L. O. Blenert, youth di- rector and editor ot Youth Com· pue. Theee leadera are from the board ot th• North American Bap- ll•t O.neral Conference. An lnter- ut.lnr and tnat.ructlve evenJnr for all who will a ttend. Sa tu/day at 7 :30 p.m. Coller• Fellowllhlp meet.I 1n the Youth Centar. Saint Andrew's Fellowship Studies India M18. Hntlcy H. Burnett and he~ r 111111111 I •·c uf th" 01•bor11h Clrdt'. of "h•• It hh" '" < hn1m11tn. servt'J a 1l..J1:.;111r111 11111dw11n to the m11n1- 116·r~ .. 1 \he \\'ome11'K F<'ltowslup at the ''", 11ni.; 1wl1I in tlw t•hur<h l1,u111:" T hi· 1111,i.·~ w l're dl'cornled tn llw \'ut .. n11111.! theme. Mrit •:Inn i&nllt>y, pre.11lelt'nt, op<'n .. .i lh•• ntl'l't111g \\'II h a prnycr, ndn111~ :\ W• rt' J l',ul by lhl' l'CCl'f'· \;H y, Ml:\ t>.in AnUHllOn, followed hy '"" t1111"1"1nl rrport of Mr11. 1:.•11:1,1 ·r1lt11t.~n. trcuurer. T h.• J('r• ' I• um M)C'l81 that WIU 1u 1 •, 11 ~11r. "~~ ltt• l y<>nr w111 bl! helJ ~·•n tl'll• 'fe&r, It WU de- cldC'd, •!Ao lht' C'lrclra wUI conUnu:> 11rw1 ni: on t ray clothJI for Hoac Jlo•f'lt•tl =-: .. w proj1•C'ls tor the r umrni: yr11 r "'"''' t • hr rll~U"SPd Dl rlrclc mt'1•t1n1;t1 to be hrld la- ter Mr!' 1,..,, Bnhn INI the t1rvot1on'\ 11n•I i.. t\ e fl 'l \'ltl 1ll'l!C'rlf1!H111 vf 111111<1• nlll v \\nrk In lnt11a . notl11;: th•·rr .I• 'l•fral •' n•'l'•I oC mater1ul lhlni,:'\ &•HI t•C pr.1)'<'rs. ' ~1 1~• II· Jen llnrr. dlrfrtor of \l\llllltlln P.:1l11C'nl1nn, 11howr•I lh< 1·11lur1•t1 11111\ h' "Vllllli:•• Of the T'11or " whir h '''!•11 i:r:iph1rnlly pie· t11r•"I • "n•l•llf•n" t h r r•• Uni versa} ist Women Hear Lecture on T.H. ?rlr mb1 r• nt lhr A. ""'1at1o n of 'Un1vrp1.•l1•I \\' .. 111~n 1111 I un Thurs· nttv. F\•h 17 &t thr l1•1m1• nf ?rlr' ,.,;.,1.rnk Hlnl\•' ~:u 11.1u-I l"'nn• A ft.·r n hr•"' '"'~'"' :.. nh •ling Ill "h11 h llh' U"''"111l1t11l \'ut••I $JO t11\\,1f I thr pll11 llf\•,• 1•( h~i;ll'Of' "n I h• nllll 1~ .. k• f .,r th" pubht s1 11 .. , I· ••f ln·h t lh ,. F rr•lf'1 trk H1ni;1• 1111n1•t• r 111 th!' \'nl\·t't,..l\· 1•1 F··llo\\~h r J!ll"<' 11n 1l111111ratt-tl h·1 lure "" """ '" ft.-fr~•t '"' ' 1-. \\ • r ~ ,; ... N.., •I hy thr hn•l• q I• I•\\ inc lhl' lrdurc•. •n•I 1111 .. "·"'' I a I'"""' .. r • .., 1nh- hty in t hr I•••.:• I· •\'t'IV hv1n~ room m crloolung the ranyon and ocean bt'Al'I\. The pru1dent ot the auorlatlon 111 Mra. Htnry Horm•nn Jr. of !';ewport Hel1hl•, and lh• &<'cre- tary•trtuuru .. Mra. Steph•nlc Taylor of COllt.a Mrsn. Thr wom('n rne<'t every U1lrd Tucl'tlny of the munth a t the homl' of OM <ll-·the rnrmbue. The next meeting wlll be held at the homr ot .Mr11. Nell J'tl'ynol<l_, 11n I tofr11. Jr1adge DN1r h In Lon( Bttt<'h. Luther League (}Helps Renovate New Farsonage The February mcettn.c of U\r Lu 1 her9.ll Laymen ·a LAacue or ('hr1st Lutheran .Church oC Coata 1'l l'11a met Tbursd1y t\'tnlng-, Ft'b 1 ~, at th11 new hom• ot Ul• paator, Rr,·. J""Uiar T ornow, i~2 f '. Vle- turla 8L. A bout 20 mcm~n help.<! p&l11t a n.1 do carpeflttr wor\t e t the par- a11n11r• under the eu~mllon of WaJter Alben a nd Mre. Edward Grocl\oW. Cake and cottee w.re l ('rvM bJ Jrln. WIUl&m Kautteld · Jr.. Mr11. Ed'ward Gt"O(how and Mrt1. J llml'11 Durdttle. Sunday eveninr;, Cecil Bernard, auperilltandant or Orur• County Juvenile Hall, will llJ*lk on the 1Ubject, "JUvenlle Problem1 tn Oranre County." He will 1hqw by caae halorie1 the juvenile ~lln· , quency problema and then relate the work ot the church lo the IO- luUon of the.ae problem.a. TbJI wUJ b6 iu f inal nt1hl for t.M A.dvn- ture IQ )(iMtona eeri•. Tb• public t. eotd1allJ t11vtt.ed to attend. 'l'll•re wW be a enack .upper at 'Chris~esus' is Chnstiati Science Sermon • p.m. followed by •tudy sroupe --------------------------for all ....... Al 7:30 the •peclal Th• nl.llllon of Uao Muter la tultUUnr h!• W•purpoee le de- tailed ln Ula 8Und&J Leeeon·ler· mon on "Cluut JelUll" In all Cburchea of Ch.rial, lkl•nu.t, lun- day. PAGE 2 . PART IV -NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 SPECIAL LENTEN ADULT CLASS AT ST. ANDREW'S Beginning on thl' cvenlnr or rtrat Sunday of I.An t, a t 1:45 o'cloek an<l con Unulng uch Sunday eveninr durtnr tlle Lenten --· tbe Rev. J an\N 9. St-al'\ wU1 JilMI a ~-eed atudy clue tor adull.8. 'lbe 111.1bJect matter for U... cia-1 will be "The Great &Here of the Church. On Feb. 21 UM eut>- Jt'Ct will be "Wh.at Do We Believe AboUt OodT'' TheN cla111e1 will be ht'ld In SL Andrew'• Soun&• and wlll be~ln promptly at 7 :45 p.m., arc opu to any tnteruted adult.I. BY ROBERT SCHILLING Universalists Sponsor Lecture on Guatemala On Sunday evtnlng, Feb. 21, be- i.r1nn1ng at 7 o'rlock with a period ot community 11lnglng and a pup- J'lf'l show by t he r hlldrrn or the Sum.lay S<'hOOI dPplt'\tng i;ood rare rrtatlon~. lhcrc wlll 101low a Jecture on Gualema.11\ by Robert Rrhllllni;. principle of the PUenlt' L'nlon H igh Srhool. Schilling was tn CUAlemaJa a llt- lle over a yrar ago, amJ spent Pnouizh time thPre lb acquaint h1rn<1t'lf w ll h Ute pollUcal Md llOC· lat ronthtlons prerccJlng the l't'cent up1 unng In \~at ('Oun try Ht' will 1lh111trate hlll lecture w ith p1ctur,11 he t0<>k while hvlng there. Thi" public is rordla lly 1nv1tcrl to lh~ prol:Tam. w hich wlll taxe Special Supper of Island MYF place at U11 UIU&I me«tlnr place ot the J'ellowahlp, 615 W. B&lboa Blvd.. Balboa,-the ~II Club House. Robert 8chlllln1 I• the 11<>n ot Mr. and Mr•. Walter SchUllns. J2."> COral Ave., Balboa laland. ln place of a aem1on by the pu- tor at tlle mominr eervlce there will be a rec:ordlnr of a t•ll< given 110me month• a10 at a mHllnr of the Unltarll.n J'ellowahlp Ill La- runa Beach. It l1 a readln&. "It'• Good to be B1a.ck" by Mra. Rll1ry Ooodwtn,,poet and a uthor. who tor many yure lived tn J'ullerton. Kn. Goodwin II a nerro, pr-0ud of her race, and alao lnternt.d In pro- mounr r ood rec• relaUOM. The recordlng will be presented by Herbert Klddrr or Costa Mea11. Sunday BChool beg\ns 11t 10 .30 and momlng worahlp at 11 11 m. All who ue tntnH\t'd In "life, liberty, and lli• pureult Of IMppl· neu" are tnvtted t o llie Bl'rvlcea. Huncry people In other pa.rte of th• world will ~n('flt from the Gold Cross "progresalve eupper'' held Bunda)"' n~nlng by mrmbers of the 1'\ltr· medJaLe '\'oulh Fellowahlp ot the Bal~ Island Community Mtt.bod· 1st Church. ..,.§Jx!1:rn junior hl&h ac.11001 youth !'tave coins tor •'Meal• tor MU· lions" a. lhcy slopped at five di!· frrent homes tor t he five counu or their Sunday evenlllg eupprr. The youngatna vl11t9d ~ home or Call Gravrs for the appetizer: Rites Held on Ash Wednesday Gold lapel c:roest1 whJcb "'1111 11erve u everyday reminder• of The Way ot the Crosa were prt'· 11ntrd to an wor11hlpere a ttend· Ing tho Ash \\'edncaday aervlce at 7:30 p.m. Wednud•J at New· port Jiarbor Lutheran Church. l•ture wW commen1:4 In Ula MDCt\W'7· /° Plans Services at Pomona CLAR.l!MONT, J'eb. M-Oall I . rlnley, daugllt.r of Mr.1 and. Mn. Leland A. J'l.nley, llOI I:. Balboa JNYd., Balboa. bu "-appoillted .......,,... ot t.M .._... Oll- 1.ep airtll.t&ll ..\HodaUon Ctiapel coaunJtt.ee tor th• .Prin6 eem..Wr ot lllM. Th• Chaptl commltt .. Uftlll'• weekly devotional .emcee at the c~Uege. M.lal FlnleJ la a 1163 .,.-duet• ot The BW!op'• School In La JollL A Junlor at Pomona, •he la major· tng ln p.ycholol')'. le a m-11\ber of the yacht club and Unnte club, an<1 ha.a eerved u MCUOJI 1-ckr ot her dormitory. Is Baptized Sunday at Island Church Steven Lee Haueer, aon of Mr. and Mra. Richard HauMr ot Ban- ta Ana, rttelved Cl1r11Uan bllp- U.m Sunday momlnf at the Bal· boa bland Community Met.bod.lat Church. Parente of the child were preaented a INbecrlplloft lo ''Th• Chrt.tlan Home," a monthly mq- Ulne of the )(eUlodlal Church. 1'1• rift aubecrtpllon ta pru~nted by th• Church School to th• penoll Of all bllpllaed JOUth. "In UU. WU mull•t.ecl the 1o'n of God toward U.S. lleeaUM t.bal God Mat tail ., ~ .. Lato t.be world, that we ...,_t "" throup hJm." TIWI ..... fttOm I Joha 1•:t) le the Golda Tat. w Uence and Health with IC.eJ lo Ula lcrlptune. K&r7 aak•r Eddy -.ya, "'ne mWUoa of Je11Y conllrmed prophecy, and nplaln· eel tM • M"eel llUracJM el ...,... ......... ~~ ot Ula cUv111• power, demoa.ltn· UOM wlUch were Dot understood. J..W work.I est.lllUahed Ml cLalm lo tJM w ... lahahlp'' 1p. 111). M.atlhew'e Oo9pel U :U, H ) ~ corda that "Juwi waat about all OalilM, t.Mch.IAr t.n t.helr ~ ,uea, u d pr~achl.nr t.be fbepeJ of th• k1Jwdom, •.. and UMJ brollp t unto bun an atck pe<>pM that wen t&ua wnUl dlYtra clYMee• and tonnuta, and t.boee wbiell were po--.d wtth devlle, &Jld tboee which were lunaUck, and t.hOltl that had UM palay: and he ht&lod them." Confraternity Meets Here Monday :J'h•r• wm be a cllstrlct Con• trat.emlty meetlnc of ClthoUc "omen on Monday at tO:SO a..m. at Am.erlcan J.Aston H&IJ, New• port Beach. with luncheon to fol· low ill the p&rtah ball of Our lAdJ of M L Carmel Church. Mn. l"ranlc Rocco and Mn. Elmtr Polner an In char&•· THE CHUICH OP IEUGIOUS SCIENCI I:~ ............... ,,~ •• \lie~ "SCISNCE or ID.ND'" Rev. Utt Turk. m.Uwter Topic: 11 a.. m. Ftb. 27 "Chooalng Your Future" 10 .20 Heal.l.n&' Strvtce U :OO J unior C.:burch J .. r11or Cllwrcll embrocra !lll agu above Kh1dergarle" alld " lltl4 at Girl Bcovt H-.c. Blgll i>rwe ot U!Wlet1 Thurt1 .. March I 8·00 p. m. d ue "Yoor llltelltpn~ la Showt"-" LAG~" B!:"CB A&T G.u.LE&f, 101 CUU Orlff ff7att t-UM Through Your Approval .. Susan Ntary, salad: Allen and Bettyjr&n Guenther, ap .. ht'ltl: Oeora• Hauaer. aort drink•: and Sandra Fleer. cake, Youth aaslat· I nit thfm In 1 he prepara tion of the food ~re N11nt'y Shootflr. Tl'rr1 \\'a1drllrh, \\'hllnry Ba1nfl11, and \'11llt'rie Lowen. At the Guf'nther home lhe j!T'OUp deposited' their coins In a piggy bel'k which waa ln11cnbe•I, "I r:lve my life for the hunlf'l'Y· \\'cin't you give your pt'nnlrs ?" AutatlnJ lh• M'YP' 111 planninr lhtlr l\lp~r were Mr. 1nd MrL Matthew V. WaldtUch, •dv1tera. Tbu11 the Nt"l)Ort. Height.a ron· gnogatlnn lllaugurattd the eea• ' .an ot J.Ant.. the traditional eea- aon of empbaala upon· the croea ot ChrlaL llll mJd-week aervtce• will be htld In 1111 during Lent with the RH. R.o~rt B. GronJund preachlnl a l<'MnOn·ter1u enllU- l'd "The Way ot the Crou." ln- dlvldual \OplCI un~er \be &e.neB! theme are: 'lbe Way of Humi- lity, The Wa1 of Looellnue. Th• W1.7 of Dl11ppo1J1tm.nt.. The Wa Membership in the Order of the Golden Rule can be at- tained only through t he ap- proval of local people, nu. ia one reason why we are proud of our membership, for we have always tried to .erve each family to tho beat of our ability. M OtlOIA O',... .o.or11-.a • .... , ... tA llOA • ~ ISlAHO • UOO llU • nur OBVltCB 01' CIDJ.8T 8CltNTlft lJDt ¥11 l•cN, H...,.,... ..... " ~'"'~ •' th -.. Cit•«~. Ti.. "'-' O...rc• ol Cltriat, kieMlat, ilo ... ,.,., M•- t•.,..ttt. ot Ml111nderat.andtnt, The Way o Rejection and Tbe W11 of lutrer· Lar. . PARKES· RI OLE s....w, k...... • ..... "'· O~r 18,000 ~11 al'"'ed th• s....i., '-"''' 11• a."' ··~-.. 9"' • ....._ ................. -.... ... In ad4SUon to tM 11114-wetk •r- 'f1CH a 1pedal 1mee of eunday Lenten topic• hu atao been an- nouncod. Tre&tfld under the r rn· er.I thelne of "IMnl From J l'11us," Uie Ila 8UDCl9J .. rm-. wW Mt ""'T1> .....,._ Temp\at.loll. Row ,.. llaw A Ylt&I hit.la, How To Be A.Jnonr 1b• Blemed. How To uPtt1D Ure·a ~ -HflW Tn Faee Dulh ad flew To Live I Triwnphaotl)'. rue.et rqtatC1r ln Oreg-on'a Capitol ..._ .. •-,.._. ., ••t ... IJ• bl Saltm durtnr 19~. accwdlns ~ ..... :!'\.: ~ ;:_.-::, t:: to the NallonaJ Automobile Club. 10• • "' •• / ~ • "'· ,.,,._, .-, .. t. Tbeee vl11ltorw rrpr t'!IPO!t'd rvl'ry co•"'' Ho••d .. , •late In the union and mnn\' ror-1 "'• ""'" < '• ,.,., • ..,. ......., ........ al-l* ' I•• ci..... ~~llM .,., ... ti>• •••di .. __.. COWl \ S. - ,, , With enco11r•1enient from bl1 part1111 alld.i1ontt fulldam•ntal 1cien- tlftc tralnlDI thl1 7ouni nian hH ltarned a 1raat dnl about 1hell1. He linowa. for lnat1nce, that th• oc1a11 floor 11 eonred whta mllllo111 of !Ivins CTHturee which would be unable to 1ur- ... , whho11t tbt protectloe of th• 1h1ll1 la wblclt tllt1 llH. Wltll 1lmllar tacoar.,11111111. f'4m hie pareata, alld with ... e t11 .. aaenta1 l'I· llaio.• tralai.,, tlLl1 ,....., maa will ltana IOlae fer .. re ... 1.i trutU abo11t ••-'•· He will Itani, fM ....... that God'• hlrb- ... crMtw..-llla...-ll•n la• .. ,ai ...tro• •• j91t u lloedle .. bit Mnlval u tlliat 0<8111 loor, and tbet Iha depende for hie protection not on ID7 outer armor, but on the 1..., Mile wMch God bee taqht bJm to call ... ..... AM .,._ .., pe11114r maa compertl 1h11la ... IOtlle be wtll cll1conr tut. juet 11 God proYld" .....,. of bl1 1 ... er creeturn with the ..... of Mild!.. •P •nd atrensthenh,. their 1hell1, b• pro•ld" lh" with tbe Church, the Bible, alld tbe Gift of Preyer to enable him to •trltlldaea au. .. ... na: CHna1 roa Al.I. ••• Al.I. POI THE CHUICll Tll• Ch~ .. th• 9•901••1 ... II>• Oii -lit M lhe buUdlftf ., chcsaet .. -4 t ood crt•Mt\•ll•· It 11 o •-"-.. 1pl11tual wal ..... w111rou1 a ..... Church, H ll .... d.•oc•-1 •or •••II~•--'""I••· n..t• -low .. ~ ·-· ""' .. ..., ~ ·~" et-4 -, .. ulerlr •• .,.,.. _, U.. 0.urcl\. TMr ••: ( 11 ,.. .... ..... ..... 121 , .. Ille cltll•r•'• ..... 131 fw1 ... Mb ., Ma _ ... lty .... ..., •• C4I 1or I ....... Of lhe Cl1t•tth llM lf, wlllch "Md• 'hie IM>tol °"d ao· leriol IUl'POfl Plan lo qo le churc!. f99Ulorly •d •-f0\11 111:11. dolly. ._. Cloe .... V••-1• .. r .. 0..•I• I l·t ....... ,.. ........ " 1·11 'r'ueMlar • ltcclttl11t• u 1·14 W.C.e .. 'r1 .. , J IJ.14, JJ.Jt n. .. , ... , Le.. t 41·11 Prldar ... Acta U l·t• l atw"r Pltlll,,ln1 I 7·1t 11111 Ch•ch Feature SpoMorecl by These Local Business Firms IUSHLL W. IANGERT Heatlf\S, VentUaUnc 6 Sheet Mel al U1 IW M. llubor 4'46 IWI SAILS ST A TIONERS 'OreeUft&' Carda, Boou, Art.t.t Buppllc• Harbor 618 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of DlaUnctlon" 115 llart.JM Ave.. Balboa hlaad Harbor 0707 8beel Metal -HHtln1 -Ventilating Harbor 2210 HAITUIN PLOWERS ror All Oceu fon11 NOi E. Cout Rwy .. CDM. Harbor 5071 KOPPlll KITTLE IWboa l8laad MaM & Smith Shell Servic• Your Corona del Mar l>ealera 2801 ll 3600 E. Cout Hl~b•"aY Harbor 6188 ··----& .. -···· 11.&rlNw 2110 MAIGAllT'S CAFE BpeclaUM tn Se& J'ooda -Orden to Oo 181' Newport Blvd. Harbor %286 NEWPORT CLEANIRS Dry c1 .. anlnr -Laundry -Preaalnc 108 Tuatln Newport Beae.b NIWPORT HARIOI IANK Corou del Mar ROSAN INC. Seeasft DMA4oo • Forelp Moton YIKHt't lexel DnMJ Stores nu.. loeallona \o krve Yoo Alice of Udo hauty Salon lfalr l\)'llnr for Ul• Individual '°9 SW (Oil U.. PO It.) Barbor %M4 IA YSHORE RICHFIELD Frt'e Pick up Ir Dellvt'ry 11th & Cout Hwy. loy•r'1 lalboa Unoletlm Co. Unoleum -Tiie -Cerp#t \Formica 2301 W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor 5189 HAL COWER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION FTte Pick up 6. <1.-I, -Wh~t B&lanl'r 5301 Newport BJ,·d. Harbor t>.5.SO GEORGE M. GRAHAM Hue• and Carptt.e 122 Agate An., Balboa llllaad Harbor S2.~ HOUSE AND GARDEN Complete Home Fu ml11hlnp 1..>r11p..rlf'• -Ru11.1 SOL 7 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-M18 MAC'S CAFE Flrwt on r1ghl toward Jlununr ton 8"a<ll 6204 Cout Hwy. Harbor Z25Z..lt MARINE IEAUTY SHOP PenoruLhU-0 f>ervlr~ tn" Hair SI) llna 327 Ma.rtne A\·e., Balboa lllaod Banor 161 MAIKIT SPOT 200 Martae A~e., B&lboa blu4 llubor 1000 NEWPOR~ FURNITURE CO. Compl,te Home Furnl1hln1• 2620 W. Cout Hwy. Ubtrt)' A-1111 lea..t's Newport Dept. Store "Your Family lt<>T• 81n1" 191'' OcNa Front at 2Zad. Harbor 135 SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. ON·~n Harbor tll Nl'Wp<>rt ~ ... h I. WASIMILLD ''The Worklns rnan • St.ore 20CM W. Balboa Blvd .• ART'S CAFE 5016 W. Coeat ll"Y· High Quality Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 I ' , Ll~AL NOTICE 1 .. WANT AD will cent you only s2 and it will run in ell 3 .iuue1 { House Plans LIBERTY M251 lOtlc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOQ. PIA.LL H . 0 . A..ader.m RESPONSIBLE couple will manap apartment home in return !or rent. Reter- encee funliahed. Bond if required. WRITE Box P-28 th1s paper. •tt FIREWOOD • J'ftlZ Dl:LIVD'f l>l"'J wood, i•·• • U " ~ call a. R. 8TAOO Pbone Sanor lOH ~ ll&l'bor Nil Ocll J N~RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-.PART IV· PA&E J THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 NEW noor Sample Clearance Everythlns came. SALE NOl'ICS or DfftMDl:D BAU AT P UBLIC A VCftON or TAll D&Jl:Da) llLU. PROPERTY. PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tbat on U1e llith ct.y of M.areh 1trl6, at UI• hour of 10 o'clodl A .M. Of U\llt day, l4 th• offtce ot tbe Tu Collec:tor of the County of <>ranee. Bl•ll ot Call· l onUa. tM undentptd. Don a. MO&ley, u Tu CoU.C:tor of the aaid Couaty ol Ora.nee. ln purau- ~ of law a.n4 UM wrlttea aulh· ortuUOa ot UM Bt&t• Gofttroller of tbe State al Calltonila. dated NOftlllber U, 1fM and having been 10 dlr.cted by the Board Of 8~ra of th• Mld County ot Oraap, lnte.da to Nll. will offer I« MJe and MD u pro.Sded b7 Dt'ftl&o;ll 1. Part '· Chapter 71 of A Minimum ad is 4 line1. LI a-tol6 Coet.a ..... lltle Roy's M•intenance Roue c,....lnc-1'10« waatq Wall wutaiq-wtadow cleanlq VeDetiu bUDda. Upbol.ltery luured. ...... Sltlmat .. Replar New Guarantee 11" o• e.pt. llM ruse. J\ec. Slot.oo, ~ anuo FLOOR &UCPLES 10 Piece Set FOR RENT I CU. rr. SLIDC. R.D'IUO. -pa. Qll el~t. clo&l»M d17er i Phone Hart.or 1616 Bklll Bawa, IDec. DtUla, Pollabera. all type. ot 8and•l'9t wi...i....--L11Mrt7 •un. lttc I e&.ct:nc be&~ --N. and '6. l ,.. beater ......... -........... -•10. I l&WJl mowvm .• :--P . and 16. 2 elec:. mot.on. All ln Sood eond. MWll •ll at once. Rec. •1111.50. emciAL '1•.ao 011 Ironer Res. •nt.M. aPIDCIAL ,a..ao Mob-Maid Port. dillawuMr. Modern AIRFOAK CUSIUONS '°'"· etc. BOYD'S HDWE. Newport Barbor N8W9-Prele Moeday and Thanday edltioM, ,,._ 28IO )V, OOA.8T HIGHWAY Wberty a-at36: N~n Bell llUc Yard Maintenance ClMD up joba. 125 A.Dade, Ind floor, Balboa. l'fpll ZIPPER oovmas Res. •m.16. 8PSCIAL •ia.16 01111 cu. tt. u~t ,........, Res. •ue.16, aPlllCIAL , .... 16 1-llapalo• Table --$21.ISO the Clout.al Sb~pper, Wedaeld&ya UM lt.neDIM and Tax&Uon Code, L. ____ .;... ____________________________________ _. la _,.,..te puula at PUBLIC A. UCTION to t.be btchell bidder tor cub ta lawtUl ..-_, of UM Ualt.ed 8tat... th• real propert.J .,~ In the County ol Or&nl• St.ate Of CallfornJa and ducrtbed .. f•Uowll. to-wtt: Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING 5-r. Estimate Libert)' 147&9. IOpllb GOOD 1tov1, very cheap. BScycle, 1ooc1 condlUoa, 1n.110. It• m. .. EXPICRll:NCED typllt. 1teno.. nUis c~on J\o&d. Bar. 1•12 .. w. bookkeeper deatrea tull or part Hell time otflee .Ork. Ph. Bu. 3MU -.-CR-YLl--C-P_A._INT-,-on-e-ot--:th-e-:-la7t- QE undereoun\.er cUatrtruber. 1-Ann Chair .12.SO Rel'. PtUO, 8PICAL Plf.10 1-0ttoman -··· $28.SO 011 at" deluu ranae, autmnaUc t-COttee Table_ $21.SO Property aoc.ted to Newport lleub Clty. J'lnt A.dd to Newport Hel(bll M pel' Map r.c:o'l'ded in Book 4 Pac• H ol .U.C.llaneoua Ma119 r'eccndl of <>rans• Coun· ty, CallJomla. Lot 1 Block M (Aao d.-c:ribed u AP t9"°'1· 10 L&lt ..---A.LICP.: M. HITCHCOCK 'for t.axin( pur- poeea). Minimum acceptable Btd la&0.00. If redt1mpt1on of the property or the lnlUetlon of an tn1tallment plan ot redemption ta not made before the property 11 eo 110ld, lbe rtl'ht of redemption will cea11e. No bid wm ~ a ccepted ror 11'1111 than the minimum amount lhown and 11et forlh followtnr the legal ducrlpUoo ot each lot or group of Iota. or pared or pucel1 of land u ducrtbed 1bov1. The purcha11e price to be paid In tull at th" Um• of purchaae at the abovl' N il'. After •Id 11le, the undl'r&lgned ae 1Ucb Tu Colll'Ctor, will exe· cute a dee<J t.o the purcha11er or eub lot or parcel. [;ated thll 14th day ot February 19~. DON S. MOZLEY. a. Tax Collector of the County or Oran&"· State of Cell· tom la. Date of Sale. March 111. 19M. Date ot Publication Fl'bruary l 'll.h, 24th and March 3, 19~. No. 1281' Newa-Pru• tll71f NOTICE OF !\AU! OF REAi. ASU PEHSONAI, PROPERTY A8 A t 'S JT AT PJU\'ATt SALE Nn. A·l5071J tn the Suptrlor <.;ourl of lht Bl.ale of Callfornl•, In and for the County of Oran;;e. Jn \hi' Malltr of th• Ella~ of A.RTH R C.: t...F.ITER. [)t'cea~ . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRFSS 1 !:very Monday and 11'uraday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays .. 4 Unea 1 Paper S .15 4 Unee 2 Pape,.. 1~ 4 Unes S Pape,.. Z.00 Coutal Shopper Cluellt.d Ad11 muet n111 la UM llollday or T11ul'lld&y FubUcaUo• MJNlMtrM AD 18 4 UNU All Claaialfted Adi mu1t be paid for t:aah ln ..SnJtee of paDUaUoa. NEWPORT HARKOR PUBLll!IHINO 00. ----~~I tl&llN>a Bl"d., Ne~·~rt Beadl, <Jallfonla._-__ DEADLINES for plac1n1 or canc:elllnr ada are1 For Monday Put>llcallun -Monday 9 Lm. F or Wedneld1y Publleatlon -Tueaday 2 p.m. FoT Thursday PublkaUon -Wedneaday 1 p.m. The publi1hera will not be rupon•lble for more t.h&n on• toc:orrf'Ct Insertion of an ad, ruerve lhe right to correctly cla.Mlty any and all aoa and to reject any ad not con!o,mln.g t.o rulea and recuJaUona. ttpee(a.l No&e. ------ CONTRACT BRWGE GAMES. Leaaona d&ily. 2025 Anaheim, Coit.a Meaa. Liberty 8-1530 16p18 ~pecl&I Notleee --------Newport Barbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meell every 'lbundaJ I p.m. V&a Opurto -CeDlraJ Aft. N ewp>rt Beaeb Elwood SbeU. Exalted Auler WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS ln room addlt:lona and remodeling for over 8 yra. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Uberty 8-5763 -Klmberly s-827t 87plH General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA t enna. ~.sidentJal and Commercial Free Estimates and Plan Service C. Sherm Allen, liberty 8-7576 :>;otl('I' I• hettby giv~n lh&l the un1ler..111ned wUI ... 11 at prlv•te &a.I•'. to t hr h 1r.hr"l 11nd br't bl!\ der, 11ubJ1•rt to ront1r11111t1on of eald SupPnor Court. on or alter the 1 lth d•Y of March. Ill?\~. at the offlrt of FftF.0 L.. BROWN, JR Hl South Spnng Str~t. IA• An ~eleoe 1', Ca11tom 1a. Co11nty ot lJ\9 An&ell'll. Stai .. of Callfnrnl•. 111 lhe nght. 111111 and lnll'• tat nt aatd deer•~ at U°I" ume of death and all th~ rlithl. till• and lnll'r"•t that th" H l•lr nr N ld dKn!!"li haa acquit td bV OP"rallon of law or olherwtN othl'r th•n or In art- dlllon to that of ••111 d,.ru,...d. a t Ula time of drath, In and lo all thl' ct-rt•ln r.-lll and l'"rt(lnal prnpt<rlY 1lh1•ll' 111 llu• 1·11y 11r t-:!'wrort Be•l'h, Co unty or 01ani:e. ~tatl' 1%--Bollc!l~~~---or C•Utomtll, par urlllarty .s~M"rtb· HOLLISTER BROS. l%--Balktm15 SerYicet ed u fnllow11. lo-wit: Lot 73, Block 18 of Srcllon NURSERY "B." Ntwport 8'-a rh •41 •hnwn New lawn, reasonable nn m•r11 l'l'COrdl't\ In B<><>k 4. or pllJ" 27 of Mill<" Mapa, Re'-DO IT TOU'RSELF-WY:: Tll..L t'('lrd• or o"'n1.-01Ulty, CLll· fom ia. u111 flrM\ •ddrHI of 6 GRADE YOtTR SEED AN'O whlcll ts. 181~ We.lit &lboa ROLL tn:DER OUR G UlD- Blvd • Nl'WJIC>rl Bur h. Cell· A~CE. -U 8·1~92 H p9 j tomta. toseUier "'1th t h• ASPHALT TILE • ml.ac:. boUM"hold fUml1hlnp aoc.t""I In -9id r.-11d.-n('C to LINOLEUM CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats O. Homf'r Rar(TOW. LI 1-5770 12~ PAINTING be aold a.a a unit. Tirrm• of 1.i.-1'-Mh In lawtul I money of Ult-•n1l.ed St.alee on cootlnnaUon ot Mlf, or part cuh and balan~ 111'f1dirnod by note MCUreCS by MortK•le or Truat Dffd on U\<I propnty .n aold. T.-n per ceat of amount bid to be dt"- PAPDl RANGING R.81dl'nli..I It Commerct8l Wont Lll'enaf'd Contra.c~• LeJtlnrton MHI coUect. 18ppl0 INt.all the above cheaper Ulan Call ITIOlJl AIM> llol'll ,,,. le Unoleum. S on-urtlo"' ~ y~r• exiwran~. C-Omp-.~ 8nd IC'e - BlLL COKER W 8·12(14 ?tfc PAINTING poelted wttJI bid. Bide or offen t.o t>., an wnt1n1t 009 and wtll be nctlved at th• "tore- CARPENTER Repair Work Tour Home Nl'fll R.epalrtna :M>l or R~Otlellng 1 CNTEJUOR -EXT'EIUOft WCl!NfflCD -INBURl:D Glenn Johnston · 311t 8t. N.-port 8-.dl Rarb<>r a 1'11 13tlt ..Ud otnce al any Um• af1H thl' nm publlcaUon hC'rM1f Md hefore Call f'rank. Lil>C'r.y 8~• aJ C t t ' Al l W t>rk (';11a r11ntrNt Htfr Gener On rac mg clock, deep cooker, . Rec. U&t.00, 8PlllCJA.L '2ft.t6 and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 lOc.238 artu Ii. · 17c19 ,. .. i development• ln the paint 1.n· Hoover HoU~y dMner, 2-End Tablee -----M&.00 1-C.orner Table _ $29.95 PAINTING Painting A Paper Hanglng ''The Bat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Noller 611 llUI St., N~ a.ell PHONS BARBOR HCM ttc Sign up at once Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1859 llc29H Thl"M baby lltt•n available for ennlnp Pbone Liberty 1-2722. ic>p2lh Z9-.fle!2_~-~~~---- oooD SALESMAN wanted, in ... t.abllabed office.- Call BOB J ONICS, Harbor 2313 17c19 Rl!lAL ESTATE SALl:SM:AN ln well located office. Prefer aome- one with knowled1e of Harbor &reL Wrtte bolt D-40, UIUI paper 17c19 dUltry, la now ln 1tock at your Harbor Palftt Center. Uaed tor tnterior or exterior wa.u., ptaa· ter or 1tucco. '12 12nd St .. New· port -Phone Har 2131. 1Sc2lH BU UTlJ'UL comer mahoe. cblna cabtftet, cheap 1100. mallo(. liq· uor cablnel $20. Weatln1bo\llt' onn A 1tand UO. 304 Amt'tby1t, Balboa laland. Har. 17U allt'f 6:30 p.m. 17cUI CHAOM!l dinette Mt. SJO. Day bed, S3 .. buJlt-ln lronlnr bd., 13. Laundry tray Amer. Std .. 2t'' Slli. Harbor lW.-W. Hpll Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8-MM te-MM M·KM HOBBT and MODEL AlR.PL.A..Nll 8UPPLIJ:ll ALSO 0e1,.u Count.era tor rent. JW1. fTUO, ,8J'llC14L f15f.16 3--Piece Sectional -$189.95 . TJ:Rl(S 8TROOT8 TeWINKLE HDwm. R.ecular Price -$388.90 1802 Newport Blvd., Ooeta M-SA VE -·-----$98.90 Uberty &~OS. 17cll New :st" RAN01il8 trom ---··-$&f.50 Whirlpool auto. wuber, reduced to .................................. 11911.95 UBltD Maitc Chet H·Brotler, clock control ........ _..................... l•t.llO USED Wuunghouae Laundromat ............................................. "8.llO USED ·refril'•·• trom ... _ .39.liO Jake's Appliances SPECIAL -----'29().00 The Ughthouse 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 17c19 DRDPLmAP' llsht meoran1 din· lnl' table It • round wtckar dn.., $M., '8fte.lc1ut Mt 110, , Liberty l-8007. lTclt SOFA It CHAIR N6, or be9t fll• ter. Occulonal table ST. J'OW• lnl' 1teet cot. ne'l't' 11.IW>. 1837 Harbor Blvd., Coal& Meaa Liberty S-"0• 17c18 20S FaJrway Place, Coeta X... 1Tplt 191it O'Kl!EFE ft MJ:RRlTT ------------ 1tove, • bumet1, 32" wtdt.b, ltM PHILCO retrt1 .. bi&' two-door. aulomaUe U1btlng, only about ' automaUe defroet, IM1"9 ta Filt-0-Soft water 10ftener to be given A.BSOLUTEL Y FREE (installation includ- ed) to lucky stub bolder by mcJD .APPBARINo, tntemcent Mears Camera Shop 1&1--.n or •luwoman with 1782 Newport BIYCI., Co4rt.a Mu. late rqod•I Clll' to d1mon1trate Phone L1bert7 a-7042. Pr U ln the Newport Harbor area- T month8 old. Very reuonable. door, two v11. crllpeni, ~ BALBOA HOWE. 711 E. Balboa ~Yd., Balboa (No Purch.ue Neceuary) 12c1Tb AJcobolic:a ~ Wrtte P. 0. Boll Ml Newport Bea.ell. C&l1t. PtaoM Sanor •TM .,. You don't bav• to bow bow to read. Come Hear Edna St.earn Dayton. Lido Theatre, February 24, 10:30 a.m. ltcl7 February 24, 1966 AJI of thia date I, Charlotte W. Munro, will be ,...,_.ibta for only thoM debta lnC'W'T'ld by my- aelt. lie !.!:::BeaatJ~~~~--~- SuperflUOUS Hair Penna.oe11U1 removed trom flla anna. &Ip. &y.WOW. and ba1r It.De abape6-No m~ tw...sn1. ELL..&.N L. BR T 4lfT ~ &.. one or tbe eui.t.andinr. aut.omo-You don't have to know bow uve .enaaUona of the decade to read. Come Het.r Edna Either fU1l or part ume -no coinpetlUon ·-auballlnU&l eo.m· St.earn Dayton. mialon -apply, ctYiq your Udo Theatre, P:ebruary U , uperteoc:e, your car ma>t• 10 :30 a.m. Hcl 7 model and rur-to box c-39, ~ paper. 17c19 JOBS OPEN MOW FOR Bk'kpra.. 1t.eno'a. -retartea. bkkp • po9l. rn&ch. operatore. hou.M· kMpen It 4l00k.I. Bil 8UU TO CH.llCK WITH - June Farrar Agency ~LOTMENT 402% Hnd 8l., Npt. Bch. 17cl9 WA.NT ap. lady for b&by lltun1 for a amall chl>dnD.. Borne ncu- 1000 Buaineu card.a $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. WHITE LI MOU (I:•••· U a-61ll0) pptfc Fresh Hearing Aid BA~ W• Giff BAR Ol"ffn Btampti Gunderson Dru2 Co. Maln St. e.t Balboa 8Jyc1, Balboa R&lbor 6111. Ntle lar daya Is Yaried ewe. 7k hr. MOVING. mu.l ..U: atove, "'"•·· Harbor Slt7~J. 17cll wuhlnl' machine, mtM:. cbalra. Draftsman (Male) For work to beach an& wtUI S ~ practical experience Ill med\. dratUn1 and J yn. col-ae.-• or eqU!,vaJent. Wnt.e P. O Boa 1031, A!hambra. C&llt .• ea· cloetn,. aample ot wotll. Mlle fnall jlll'I A other 1&4ma. JkliM>r 2171-W, Hell GOLi' CLUBS, Loulavllle Grand Slam. Leather ba1. t lrou, 4 wood.a, uMd .e•uw.J yeara but In sood ah.ape. ~·-~ Or m&lce of· ter. LI M973. llcll Udo'a 8&km of Beauty Bar. i&'I• OIJU..8 - THER.MAOOR port. dee. room hutu . '8. Upright Hoover vac· uum, U . Radiant 1aa h'ater. SlO H .. r. 37M-R eVH .• wlltnd1. _______ tie_ Good News LOST-l pair contact ~na In am. pl&lttc jewel bolt. Harbor 201. J7cll U -Scboo... lntnedotl China Painting Day and Evenln& Claue• Orderw Taken Now P1'one t.ni.rt.J a..6141 HUc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN A WOkl:N prep&n tn.,,..,.. Ume for unlimited opport1mlU .. In Re&J F.Atate. Nnf claaae• weellly. Al Tyler lll.llnlCttnc. At.- tend nm -101 tr'M and Mani about th1a ST.at fllld.. Call or wr1t. now tor 111.tormaUon.. Suet· nt .. la.Utute, n&~ N. Sy~ more.. Kl 1-17~. 1ftfe 23-Sltutlom Waatecl --- HOME CANNING Good Jobi - Good 1&11.1'1 - with fr~quent lncrt'AMI - Opportunity for advancement. &ml• opm\J\fa naw for young womvi In Newport Beach offlee: TSLEPHOm OPER A T 0 R 8, CJ..ERICAL WORK!:RS ttypln1 requt~I . Apply liU ~ N. Maln St .. t Room 211 I San la Ana Menday tbru Friday, M p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 7ttc APPLICA. TtON8 beln& la.ken ft)r pert • tull Ume dl•hwuhera. ALSO need p&rt Ume· bua boy. 2306 I:. Coaat Kllflway, Corona del M.ar. 18c20 18c20 TWO new quilled aeat ropln1 aad· dll'I, 1 R.oy RoCtl"I .. ddll', red A yellow ear brldlea, b~ut ool- lara, tan bobcat A wolf 1kln-. 100 burlap bep. S&t I:. H lh St., Coel& Meaa. 18<"20 MARTIN eo; 7 hp, outboard, ISO. Wlaatd 12' bo+' wilh oen, 11711. Chril er.tt a· dlnfhy, tlt>erclus on bottom. 176. Tra iler, 140. Paddleboard. S:I. Webeter wlrt' recorder, port model. ,60. Arc we.Jder, Craltwnan, 76 amp •. J.'\6 Ltberty 1-2632. 181.tc COLDSPOT retrlcerat.or. 111w unit. runa perfeclly, ~. -24& Ro- che•t,r. Coat& MelL Ll 1-nsa. 17c18 Wl!:STERN-HOLLY 1aa ranee M " wtdl, f bumera. Criddle, OYeJl It broiler. Excellent condition. Sl\O. -2o&·Mlh St., Npt. Bch. Phone Harbor 3931-M 17cl9 U 8-134&. 16cll ble llhl'lvea, 1verytbln1. Pd. dL ------------to 1294.71. No cub dn., Jl&lt pa.7 11 CUBIC J'OOT M . W. two door the pymta. ot 115. per mo. rert11erator ln cood eond1Uon. See Bau1hna A It a W~ ~. -f li2 Mendosa Ternce, 220 S. Main, Santa Ana 0,.. Corona dt'l Mar. Harbor 03&t-R. t . t Kl I-7201. l Tplll -----------~ llM HOTPOINT ~ril'erator. Bii 12 c:u. fl, tw~r, automaUc defro.Un1 . abel•• ln door. ll'1 n.-but pd.. dn. to sua. from •~· Ceah or pay t.hl pymt.. Of Sl3.l6 per mo. , · Uau11\na A A B WardlouM, 220 8. llal.n., Sul& Ana Open 9 -9 Kl S-7201. Washina Machine sJ!Rvicm l·YMI' pannt.M on ~ done and OD U.0 ....-.ra. M11'4 tr1arJ Newport Bl. ODe&a at-. DA. VENPORT It cb&l.r, dlall~ table .It 4 cbaln. Lav. romn NC 11~1111. red trilM. .AU lt.ema cood cond.. Bar. lo&T...1. 17pla ltlM NOROI: retri1"9rator, ~ u ~ cu. ft. to-lb. ,,....r ell ... automaUc defro.t. 'lb• •ery be.t one. Sbelv• l4 door, roll OU\ 111\d•ea, two ...... crlapera. It'• brand MW, but pd. dn. to 117 •. U from ortr. •.it. No cull • dn. ju.t pay IH.21 per mo. ... Bau1hna A. It 8 w~. no a. Maln.. eanta Ana 0pa ·-· Kl 1-1101. Liberty ~ or Ubelty HOUUIF\1LL.. 8oU4 maMs· °""'" ., .. ~.,., · MUc .uatted. &&rs• mlrrora, .terUnc ~ 1 • .Unr and chiDa. NOQ. o.&l llr 1965 O'U&rlD A IOCJUUTI' _ati __ .. _r_1_u_tor __ ~ ____ 1_..u_ ni.n,... Hip broU.r, cbrocDe top. Pd. dn. to St et.Mo No dB. pysnt. s-Bauchn• A • 8 Wlll'dlouM. 220 8 . MaJn. Santa Ana Open 9 -t Kl 1-7201 n:RVZL a ou. ft. Nhil'.. 24' 11.1& wool tuft nae. Rtrmllft lltller modena al&t bencb. Call Bartlor ,..._W. llcLI 19!51 WJDDQSWOOD JUI'._ The 19M NORGE wubet, aui-ttc "'' delUH CP au · au~. puah button, big tub, -.tt.ator. chrome top, ,n&ti. Is tMt mt overflow rt.nae. UMd 2 -u. nlc• ,nn t.roOer. Pd. dL t.o Pd. dn. t.o 1168.94. No dn. pymt.. l l U.17. He cub dD., juat pa.¥ JU•t pay ~ pymta. of 18.M per Ui• pym..._ ot 11.10 per 1DO. mo. ,,,. See BaUlbJla ••• w~. Sl'C Baushn• A A s \WuehOUM, no s. Main, lallta Ana ()pm 220 S. M¥n, Santa ~ open I . I JQ 1-TJOl. 9 -11 Kl 3./1201 SO-A Swape ------w ANT holMH! lnt.llet. SW AP tor piano, wuhtr, retr\1.. et.c. Ph. HYalt 4-1618. llcJO S%--Furalture. for Sale Dales Furniture TWo MW Arvin automaUc elect, coffee percolato~. '(c-01t new S29.9!'i l. NOW .. -. 117.~ .ApL 111.Jte Fr1g1daJ,. rdricerat.or. rC'ally nice ... --.... .... . S12a. Mallo(. brt'aktul. chlna cabtneL lookl fln. -· .. ·-·----'75. RCA lT' Televtmon ... ·--·--JM. Bendlll lt" CoruK>le TV -...... 17~ Red act. divan 1ood cond. Ut.~ Sllvertone romb. a 1!J>4!ed, record player It radio. table mode.I 180. 1174 Kart>oT' Bl'"1., C.oel.a Meea Liberty 1-6-414 J 7c 18 M-M.-.a. 11M1or a TV HAJO(OND or1au. AD .-...., One oaly at11t1Uy UMCI al-' Wee MW. ThUI I.a a apectal. DANZ-8CBMIDT Hammond Jfeedqua.rtan tcw or- ange Count.y, &20 No. Maln, a. A.. aPlNET PIA.NO. i.o..ty t.cM and cue only SSST. Terma. OtMr wonderrut b&rpllla to ,_tal n tuma. trade lD on orl'U\I. et.a. Benl"&l merel.Y .u,tlUJ as'&t.cll ed In lhlpment. DA.NZ.SCHMIDT 520 No. Matn. Banta ._ BEA UTlJl'UL BPINET PIA.MOL R.at to buy. All of tenn nnt allowed. PracUce panoa M &ow u ~per mo. DA..l'llZ.BCHMIDT Bl( PlMO a--, :120 No. Maln. Santa Aaa Honest TV Service STEVENS a SONS 1879 Barbor. eo.ta ICM& Pb Uberty 1-2301 77pp-tl9 date of aJe. Dated thl1 11 d•1 ot f'ehru':'J lt~. Phone LI 8·16i2 E vH . U 8-t120 RJ:'PAIRS, remoddln1 and aJtera· Uon work. RfialdmU&J and com- I WILL CAN your ctllc:km meat It Oah. ALSO eoupe It atew111. Kimberly 2·11111. H c UI MAN •WOMAN w\U do ceneral hnuaework, (Joor w&Jtln(. wtn· dow cleaning. P'a~t wor,uin. white. 194 E. 20th 8l., Co1lll M u L LI l-:M83. pptf S&-Nlerell·necwe for a.le ACO\J8TICON KEA.JUNO A.IDE. modd A-120. Hand vibrator. COD· vaJuunt walk,r. adJwttablt' ho.pit.al type. Bed It 2 baUJrm. cu b6ate~. Priced reaaonable ror quick aale. 808 Soward Rd .. Corona dtl Mu. 17c19 Cl.tAN hand crocheted round rag MlJ9. Room 1IM. 11166 O'K.U:FI: • MJ:RJUTT ranee. The btr CP a ll 1ut.oma- uc. clock. lamp. chrome top It IT\d<!.l .. Alac> h&a lift top Ii srlll brolln. UMd 1 ..o.. pd. cln. to '188. No dn. pymt .. juet pay Ole pymte, of 19.~ per mo. Bee Baufhn" A. A 8 Warl'hou". 220 S. Main, Sa.nl& .Ana Open 9 -9 Kl 3-7201. FRJ:l:ZER, deep rreea.e. It'• Ole bll 13 '-'i c:u. fl. color In tenor. hold.i 1'>20 lblll. tood. ll'• brancs new It lt'a really a buy. Pd. dn. to '248 32 from 1480. C••h or pay the pymte. or 111.31 per mo STEJNWA T ORAND. Llke IWW'. Bii .. vlng•. AllO Knabe. Klm• bal. Fll1chf'r, Muon • R-11•. Many othera. PracUc• plaaoe u low &I SM. LORINO A. LEITER bec:utor ot the 1'.lst•t• J"l\ED L.. BllOWN Attomey at I.Aw Hl loUUI 8prtnf 8 ttttt Loll An11lfl~ 14. CallfOTnl& v A.ndylt• 12ae No. 1299 Newt·Prtm l /24, 1/10, 111~ NOTICIC or Dl880LVTION Nolie. I.a henbJ Sinn \hat lhe eo-partneir*!P herttofon uiltlnit '~A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come to your home. hie• down your Wnl'lJM bllnd1. talte the111 to our laundry. Laundu the ll•t•. tapu, cord&. 1parklln' clean wtlb our ntw machine pl"()Cus met.hod. Return your blind• and re-lnltllll them ln 2t houra. Price wry nuonable. Th• ave.r-are 2 tape ru td,nUal bltnd- Qn} y $1.00 We aho repair and rtbulld fl'fte- Uo11 bUnd1. AU .. -ark done by a p- polnlml'nt. Phone now Llberty 1~6701 or Kimberly 3·8274. ppttc COMPL..ETE PAINTING a Paper Hanging Service EUOENI: 0 SA UND~Ra 600 S111t Streoel. Ntwport Bf'&Cll BatbOr 2971-J. 41cM mt rctal b1ulc1lnr•· Quality Work Guare.nt.eed Har IUJ ~··Har. 1480-J evu ltlfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A PTompt Repair lle"1ce Matat&lned ,,,_.: ll&rtlor 4H4 t801 Ba.Ibo& lltvd~ N...-port lleacJI plt1J PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN.. 2Ta Palmer at.. Ooeta .... Phone Liberty 1-292&. e1uc Painting A Paperbanafbr We do the work ounelne. ao ,_,. opwtence Ua.n-4 • lnaurecl 81Ultaclloo JU&rUteed. s.tlmat.-free. Call Jobnnle, LI 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 81ttc: PAINTER WANTS WORK. 15 yeart eiq>('ri· enc:e. Non union. Hourly. Liberty 3-2722. IOp21tl DEPENDABLE .eml·rtllred coup· le. Excellent toc:aJ ~ferencu, de· a1J'e permanent poelUon aa care· taken of home or apt. In nch.. tor apt. It aalary. Write Boll B-!I thl1 papeT. l 7p 1 t Yard Maintenance l:XPEUENCED OARD&NJ:Jl Call LI 8-1841. U DO &MWeJ' call LI a-1100. 17plt a.dJ>oNSIBLll WOMAN wantJO polllUce .. bomlkMper fOT bual· ,,_ or elder'7 couple. u ... ln or out. EaceU.nt local refennoea .Jin.. WIWuna, LI 1"'"71. lTpll 3:.19 E. 19th, Coit& Meu. l7c18 HmNSKJ SKI BOOTS. NJCW. worn oncl'. 13:1. 648 Sea- ward Road. Cororia del Mir. Harbor 0432-W. 1Scl8 A.Pr. 81.Zl!l ranee • 1 00<1 refrt1. Cotlt $70 each. Wiii take 170 !Qr both. See Saturday at 611 Nar- cl•1.1.1. Corona dt'I Mar. 17cl8 "Lady of the Miraculous Medal" II yoa bf:llne le Mldllc fer .. .._ ..... t~ W"PJ .. eolvtac f'l&ltlll7 pnbl«-. JIN w\11 .. lekrMI~ la lilfoutal aMw\ tae f!i&pen.c. at OM of CNlf .. """""" ..... Mra. M. a. ~ et N_,.or\ HrJpta ... M V ..... ~ ,,...._._ u .... , .. ...-.oa1111•_,,._._.,__-.1a,.-._.... ... _...~ .. u.·~.tu. ~ ............ ~.~ ... .... -IJl&tltt• ................ ...,. ........... . ............ .,. .... ...,_ ... ..- ... cl ,.... .. • ......._ .. ,_. •"h' Sae ~urhn• A It 8 Wuehouae, 220 8. MaJn. Sant& An& Open • -11 Kl 3-'1201. Mesa Woodcra~ Thia Week'• S peda.18 - • drawer ltudent dtak .... IU 88 t jlr chl'll. l&'e. It roomy an .II 6 dr. ('hHl lll'IOOtb, All~ 114.11 S EP.: OUR OTHl:R CHESTS. h•d I board1. w ardrobu . comer cuf>' board•. largt'11t et.ock ot unpalnt· ec:t rumlturl' Ill the Harbor art"& Ml!l.'WA.X STA.JN and wu.. o.tt 6-g11pt>lln ll:v .. rythtnr nK"-ry DANZ-SCHMIDT 811' Ptano 8ton. ~20 No. Main, luit& Ana BEAUTlruL l:ll'Cllronlc Orpn. blond1t c.... almOlll llnf. Kut aacrtflce. One cnly. Bl& .... lng1. ~ DA 1' ;i.8CH)(J.D'l' Or•t aaM, ~20 No. Main , Santa A.na , ONS ONLT ~ .-1 Low1'Y Org-ano. 8&Ya. SH. Oon- •enlent term• at SHAFER'S Mu.etc Co. (81.nc• lt0'71 421-4%3 N. 8yc:amon , 8&nta A.a& Phone Klmberly ~72. to flnlah your t\lmtture. Are you baV'lDg troub•T I 2121 HarbOr Blvd., Coeta Me• Let a Want Ad help you 80IVe I u iwrty 1-184~. 17c:18 them! ' :I ONLY lplnet type. upnlht .... noa ln perfect condlUon. ) maple A 1 blonde. Ttma '40 down. IU. ~r mo. e.~ bet....-,C. &. A C K IC R M A N GENEVA N. ACKERMAN and LJCR,OY R. 8ANDSllB and Jll:/L.J'fNE aA.NDEJU dotnr bust· n .. uader OM f\Ctlt.louil flnD name and .t.y .. of Ac:KEl\MAN BOAT WOJU<a at %26 • Jut Str.t. New· port a.ch. Ol"Ml'9 County. Call· fond&. .... bMll d1.-olWd by Ult w1tMnwal al .W I.DOY R. SANDD.a a.ad nANN1ll 8A.N • DD8 tnn1 -111 flnL l&Sd C. E A CXJCIUilAJll a.n4 OENT.V A. N. A.Cltl:RKAN wlll not be NiipOM· Ible tw ~ debt.I, obUpUona. or llab&JIU• lDCW"red undu aatd ftl"IJI ume oa or art.er tht• dat1. · O.ted um ~ my "' Februu7. HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH "OR ! Pa.mting, Decorating Anflhlnr. AnJ'Wh•,. Paper Rupn1 l:XPl'llUENCED wamaa want.a mimnc ln JOU!' hOllM or 11a1rJ 9fttJq ~-Bat ,.,.,...,... Owa tranaport.aUoft. LI Mtoa. ...., ....... ,. ............. ... ..................... , MAI'~ chalnt 110 .a. Mallotlt. end ta.bl•. 11 0. D,_.nr ta.bl• • ak.lrt. 17 00. Ha.rclrock maple chelt oo chut. 141'>. Th,_ book ahel••· 126. Lh. room ch&lr, Ila. AnUque mabot'. table, N6 lOl Via a.D Reino, Udo Ille Hu. 1812-J. lk 8 HAl'Eft'8 MUlllC 00. (8._ J.tl'F) 421~1 N. areamon . Banta Aaa Phone Klmberl7 1-4112 1t3&. 111 c. a A.c::xDXAN No. JIN N...-..,._ 2/lt/1'111 Sent.ch R.emovtog GEO. BURKHARDT and Furniture Reflni1blng • uC11Ha11:1> oom"R.Acn.>ft -WA.NT Ada 11111 llomu. boeta. Ptlnnl' Llbf'rty 8-2146 &1' lWtJI 8t · M..-pt"' ....._ cian. t\U'1ll\un. appliuc.., et .. 1 Pbbh Wbtrty 1-21•:1 PP'XT Har. 2ua-w or u a-1111 lh lTptl ,.._111• ~ ............. ...., t es • ..._ _...._,.. ...... ..... Ola ..................... .... TWO MATTRUS-TYPE ltudlo eoadM9; mall• pod .xtra bed• •so."""· 2u V&a Oorcto¥a. Ud• We. Batw .... M. llplO KA VS bMuUtul BaJfttft a.eNllinio Bplnet. 4 yra. o&d,. • • WA~T TO SWAP for ~ J'aftO ..... ....,_ 1oea.M.. tu. .. 1 • . ~ I PA&E 4 . PART IV -NEWftORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FB. 24, 1955 -t ~.,Check These Used Cars t1-Wut.ed to 8-t 5S-8toN a omc. 53-8 ...... •ome. . II .,. ... ..,,.. -II B•t.. 8aft!e! HERE'S A VALUE ! FREE INSTALLATION on all new CHRYSLER marine engines purebued from Feb. 2llt thN March-7th incluaive FROM Industrial Marine Engines Inc. Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he sell& TODAY! G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED . ' USED TRUCKS·- 4&' DODGE \i T . P. U. ''9 CHEVl\OLCT ~ T .. P. U. '60 DOOOl!l ~ T-PANEL ·~2 OMC '-' j . PICKUP '44 OMC ._ T. PlCKUP ' . ' WHAT IS MY . CAR WORTH? l+s worth mo re than you think A Phone Call "''ILL GET l'OU qulc:k ruulta WI: NEED hol.Llf'a and apt.. "1rn or untu111. Tor 1ummer Nntal o yearly le&H-. We h&Ye cUenll r watUnf. PLEAS!: PHONE. wnte, or -ua. BALBOA &A Y PROPDTIES l60a W. SALBOA BLVD. PRONll RA.ABOit &181 1k18 . . WANT TO RENT A ROUSIC UNJl'URN. R.eaponalble em. 1&m lly ~k• rent.el ot 3 or • bdrr11 )louae.. WUI •-tt price au! tlctently attractive. Write Box A·S7, th.ls paper. l1plt Professional & Business Offices On Deluxe Lido Baytront • 8000 aq. ft. available • ~pace optional • Ideal offices. for Financial Hou8es, Lip). Insunnce or Brok~ • Parking Provided • Boat alipa available • • Preatige ' • Qualified tenant.a only RESR VATION BEING T~ for oceapuq approximately Oct. 1, 19&5. THIS I ncludes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials, C.rowns, Crown Specials & Imperials. , '111 OMC ~ T. STOCK RACK '49 CKJl;VROLET 1 TON ''8 OMC 2 T. 2 SPUD, 8:211 TIRES. U' BODY. We have aeveral plckup1 and 111 T. truck1 from SM> to $100. See our stock before buylnr any used truc:k. at Lou Reed & Associates CbryaJer ·Plymouth Dealer It.:• quite n~tai for lhe awna• c.,-owner to be thor- ou1hly coa!iaed about the value of lit. automoblle. He sans Ute uaed car ~ da.Uy, but •tlnct. lha t th• &dvu· t~ prtcu tor hta car ,,._,,. by 1300 t.o '400. He drlv .. from one dealer t.o another and d1'covers lhelr used c.r lot. jaml'Md wtth can tor a&la. many JU9t llke lhe e&r • he OWN. and everywhere tie s-t-th• aame 9ed •tor)' •bout UMd C&1'I 11ol sellln&'. ht. C&J' not ~ worth wbat • he believes, in fact • t.tloUM11d and one .tori• that pro- poae to break down h1a morale. Not ao al LOU lllZD A A&SOClA'BS. '8-ARta. A Bomee for Beat FOR ADV A.NCE INP'ORMA'l'ION, • call Excluafve Agent&. EXAMP LE-BRAND NE W Chrysler Ace sells for $1095 (plus sales tax) F.O.B. your boat. This is t he t otal cost to you placed in your boat ready to enjoy. T his special off er includes: l . Preparing engine beds, 2. Aligning and bolting down engine. 3. Connecting and furnishing all part.a for wa· ' ter system. 4. Connectinr and furnishing 1111 engine' wiring. ~. Connecting throttle a.nd clutch control. Engine and installation carries 1-yr. guarantte. All work done at our shop Berth 205A Cerritos Channel Engine show room and newest, fineet. self service marine hardware store in tbie area. 804 East An aheim S~ .. Wilmington All engme types It models in stock. F'inanci~g available. All installation• subject to approval of our marine engineer. A. M. ''GWI" Walker Industrial Marine Engines, Inc. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington , Calif. 24-hour Phone Service W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 919·19 E. 4th St. Santa An• O~ Sunday a.m. Truck he&dqU&rtu a tor Oran1e Co. '!53 FORD 8 Ranch Wagon R.&dJo. heater, dJrecUone.J airnaJa. wtnd11hlelrl wuhu. 11potUght, e ply tlrr"· light blue color. '48 PLYMOUTH Spec-1111, ttrluxe rlub coupe. Radio A. h"ater '105 '38 C'HEV. coupe, run11 Cood 160 Cotton Goff Volkewagen-Poreche Dlr. 2118 Npt. Blvd .. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 8 J7clt ----------- February Clearance 112 FORD Victoria. 10.000 mUet A looks even le111. We want you to Our Used Car Lot is almost empty!. At lhe JtlOO\ent UU. ad b beinl' written, w11 h&l'e ~ JO po.t war UMd eara on our JoL Come out aJ\d count them . CotulequenUy ---· WE NEED USED CARS N 0 W NOBODY CAN OFFER MORE! • Be •Ure to bring your tJtJe' • Bring along the family, too! Outstanding YEARLY l .JUSP: CLEAN It MODERN 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX FURNISHED 160-ft. to BATHING BEACH BAY VIEW FROM PORCH 323 ANADE, BALBOA ~E ·-····-····-···-··-·-$85. Mo Newport Harbor Realty 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 17c19 BAY SHORE PARK BEACH FRONT turn. knotty pine cot.tac• MO. month. Much 1 to June 1-JM. mo.. yeat Jeaee. Ou 6 water tncl 8llawn by appL OQly. -Barbor 4866. llc20 • We dea1 ., we'U 1urpriae you! RENT AL v LOU REED & Associates SPECIALISTS l!tt this onr. ~ !Wt.tL. __ _ F or omati<"-. -T,~sa w h lte CHRYS' D -ilL~ ---1-.--o-11-........... ~r--- Blan che Ga tes, Rltr w1ll11 Frb. &le Price 11499. 4323 W. Cout Hwy. -NEW CAR SHOWROOM JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W. COAST ffiGHW AY Newport Beach. Liberty 8-Mf:'i ·47 FORD CONVICRTIBJ..E. fte. built motor. Will ncr1tlce, U M. U4 -11th St., HunUngton ee.ch Ph. Ll!x. 8-3M2. 18p20 19"7 FORD' Station W..,-on, (ood tires, (OOd motor. $37&. Hubor 4H-W. Hc19. .1200 W, c.out Hwy. --J.. USED CAR LOT Phone Harbor ~O MOVING DAY SPECIALS NOW -We Mo~ed Our USED CAR LOT To "Our New Building Site," 1200 West Coast Highway, a.croea f rom the Balboa Bay Club Ill Mar1ne A•e. Balboa tlland. Har. 1171 T2t.t 0 -8 UNJ'URN. oae bdrm. duplex 162.M lneludu stove A: retrt1 220 ~ta )( ... St .• CO.ta Meaa LI 8-1"4 attn 6 p.m. « week endl. 1ec1 BJUUTJFUL 2 bdrm. duplex and gar. on Broadway In Coet.a M- Redecorated. Hwd. nn., 170 Je.ue. LI 8-41124. lkl 8 Balboa Island HARBOR INVESTMENT co. 30th It ~ewport Blvd., N~rt Belt Har. 1800 '8A-Apta. for Beat New Luxury KtdJc&l 0aat.er to be eoutnact.ed. Channing Harbor Haven Ample private parldDf. Apartmenta -Patios centrally located. ~ NEW 4 ROOM. •lreel levet Near Layout to fw>ntm order. ' schools, ahoppln~ district. Quiet. For W ormatbL, I pleuant. uclu.aive. Garbage di•· pouJ. laW1dry. atorar• rooms. LIDO REALTY Aeocktel 1a nae. 182.~ up. occupies en· tiA street. Good 1upervt•lon. 3400 Via Lido Har."" ~ .. 1601 Haven Plac9 latte 1 Bk>ck South of High School . ALSO FURN18Hl:D APTS. omom ~ tor ~ Medtciel WINTER RAT ES Dental. A.coouatlnt'. eto. • ..._ 3ttc 17th at.. ea.ta Mall& loo&Uon. YEARLY JU:NT.U-2 bedrm. un· R u . '1111. llUo turn.. n.wly decorated, near Udo Shope. SM. mo. Harbor 5093 or '88-llo..,. for 8-t Hubor 669%. 17pl9 TWO BDJUI. UJlf\.lna. 1IM-. ,..;.. MODERN one bednn. a pt. with f'd yd. Dble. ,..,...... IDut .we. rar port. A: prlv. paUo. Range A t.Iberty 8-45&0. !Tot a rrtrlg. Incl. Aval!. March 1. Inq. ApL C-2820 Avon, Npt. Bch. BR.um Nm'W I bednn. borne. or Harbor 4870-J. 17'' ~ -· .. ......... ,.,.., Phone LlbertJ 1-aMI • 11cll REA80NABJ..~ pnced, clean 1 • 2 bedrm. tur n. apu. Utll. pd. met: s bdrm. ~·m• untum.. N.E. LAundry room. Play,-round for section, l "' bat.JI•, dble. sane•· chlldru. Blue Top Apts. •03 l'enoed yd.. 1100. month. Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach. Libert,. 8·8M8. J7cl9 Above Ule Arches. l Ottc A Tl'RACTIVE furn. 1 bdnn. car. YEARLY LE.A81!:.-Lowly l&t. 2 bdrm. a pL, UJlfum., 116. month, apt .. winter M~ }'er month tll ALSO LA.ROil I bdrm. tum. apt. June 18. Tiie bath A kt!d\en. New A newly turnlllbed. Car-knotty pine Uvinc nn. Vln.r wu1-peted. 1 bile. tn Udo 811op., 1100 t1awe. 224 ~ Diamond Ave.., Bal-mo .. yearly. bo& laland. Her. 0701-R &!ter CAU.. Art Klllt.ler, 2901 ·Nrwhrt 4 p.m. 18cl8 Blvd., Newport Beach. Ha r. 228 . 17c\ • FLAGSTONE APARTMENTS NEWPORT BEACH, J bdrm. furn. houM It (V., tfO., yearty, ~~ TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 16p21 19M CHRYSLER New Yorker Newport De-•JUST Choice ysarty and summer rentaU now a-.al~. REDUCED TO ~ MO. wtnter.0 Har. Oll3f·ft alter 4 p.m • ~~E;';"oRT I;:: c: ~cials NEW 25' garden h<>M --.$1.29 1H7 OLDSMOBILE 98 Sed&n,- 12-volt O C. t ll'c. bll&:e pump 38. Sood mechanle&lJy, R ud H .. NEW Marine Toilet. only ··-a&. Hydra. ····-·········· .... .. .. 111~:'1. ~hp. Wlac. cu enc.• clut.ott M. 1H7 CHEVROLET deluu • door & hp. Wisc. 3 t.o J reduction ~ IJ9d&A. clean -·· .............. 119:'1. f -12 or 2t-volt e.le<'. wtnch -· 99.~ 1Ut PLYMOUTH lledan. Very Mercury watf'r llghta --·· . 2.7~ clean .... . _. ._.... .. _ $9:'1. Direction F1nder. new . .. 112. H k M In 3103 lA.teyet~. Newport Such aUS en OtOrB, C. l h2 Barbor BlYd., Coal& Mesa SNOWBIRD Pholle Liberty S-6001 llc:lO !:J1celh:nl lhrou(tlout. N.,., Dac- rnn llAll. u11ed twi<'t . '4~. Har. t1 inncx -.dalieU., r•dlo and •M~·J, 19c18 heater. full pr1c11 .. ···-. f79.77 KOHLER 4 C")'I. :i.:Z volt-1 ~ K.W. ~t'ncrator =--o time •1nce com-Rioh Hahn's Garage plet• ovt rhaul. Har. •MO arter ~ p.m. :110 Via C:rniana, Lido ~th A: Newport Harbor 4726 ltlf . llell 2!\ HP '!It Ev1nrudt. t lec. rtart.er, 1964 F ORD V-8 Victoria. R&dlo. heater, Fordo. Power ateertq. Power brakes. one owner, 1224~. Hauske6 Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd .• eo.ta XeA Phone Ltberty a.-~1. 14.ct9 1948 H UDSON Com. e.. ' door sedan, radlQ. huter, new ••t cover•. Cull pr1« only $1H.44 Transportation Can nf All K inds Rioh Hahn's Garage 29th It Newport Harbor •72S Nnvport Beach ~ee~~~ S1!~~a!~~ he8ter, ec.onomlc&l, overdrive. 17,000 muu. One owne.r Uld h•• reaJ eye appeal T•bruar1 8eJe Prlct . • . . ..... . ... U899. JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury luxe. FuUy equipped. wire wbeela, RA H, Torque ~ve, power ~r. only ........ $24.~ l BM CHRYBLma ~ Cub Cpe. upt green, radio, power steering. AD uoel- Jent buy, for ····--··--··-··--·-··--·-·----··-··--·---$1695 l ~ DeS01P Sportmn&o. Radio, beater, Ugbt beige. WSW tirea, only -·-------------·$ 995 LOU REED & Associates CHRYSLER· PLYMOUTH DEALER 4323 W. Cout Hwy. -NEW CAR SHOWROOM 1200 W. Cou t Hwy. -USED CAR LOT Phone Harbor f070 '52 Singer Sport Car ONE OWNER, 8eOO mllu '885. Hausken Motors, Inc. Jt 32 Harbor BlvC: .. Coal& Mesa Phone Uberty 8·~1 Ucle Bl:A UTinTL llutem 6aUt 10-tt.. bouae lraJJar. Cabana, wtUt prlv. bl.th. Orne• Oout Trattar Pk. 1884 WbltU•r. Lot I. c. Mea 1Tp22 DORIS BRAT, RM.ltor 211 Marin• Ave., 8&lbo9 ul&nd Harbor 20 "ti c ON BALBOA lSLAND ea ua1 ror ,..rtJ U4 ......alMU ,..,. ... NELDA GIBSON, Realtor SOI K&riM AH . ll&tbOr 6U2 BA LSOA Ull.A..HD 1tl e VERY !'<lCE. cloM In 2 bedrm UJllum. Stove A: rl!.fng. Oak noors. UJe venetJan bUndJI. O•r ISO mo. Yearly 175. U 1·025 JSG18 Corona del Mar 1 BEDJUI'. P'VRN. APT .• 1-i blk lo beach. 176. mo. UUl paid I BEDR.M. tum, apL I.\ blk. n-om beach. $911, mo. U'tll petd, W. E. Fisher, Realtor SOSt I:. Cout Jly .• C.Orona del Mar Harbor 2Hi run 1 hr. Cart 6. 2 tanks, Ull-0. ltS. CHEV. model 210 RAH. 7800 f or equity tiar. 61 llk20 mllu . 2 tone. 2 dr. $16~. Har-900 W. COAST HIGHWAY 41-Allto Stnk'8 BY O~ER.-'51 .U.elaa 3:5' tur· n!Ml!d. lw&n beda. shower, toU.. many u tru, bmad&. carporl. •lore room. Tree abaded. Lot B-2'. R.an.cbo Trailer Park. Palm 8priq1. Priced to sell. c::LEA.N 2 bednn. u.nturn., ~2.00 Furn. $69.11~. Garace. AduJU 24:50 Newport Bi.it f~o. 61 Coet.& M-. H Uc :'\ewport s.&dl. Liberty 8-t>M!\ SLIP RENTALS bor l~Ja.W betw~n ~ A 9if:i'9 --------- February Clearance Maximum bum 4 . ltni;th 32· ALSO ROWBOAT RE!\IALS AME'RlCA~ LEOION HALL. l&Ltl 6: Bayfront, =""'-part Buel\. Ha.rbor 4!1 2. PR-tf INT. 14 , comp. recondlUontd. Two 11ulLI Mila. nylon 11plnakC'r, rov- ,.r. spray ahltld. 11and dolly Har 375,1-R C'VH. A: WkC'nda. 1k20 ~·~ ft.dlo. a TV See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. lSll Cout 81.ct .. Coruna cMI Mu <Tbadtm J.ntertor Bld(. I Bar.nu MUc LOVELY lMUI' spt11i-t piano tn fine condlt.lon, $496. 'hTTM. l&O ®'rtl A: $18 mont.tl. t!HAP'l:R'8 )lu1lc Co. (81nt'e 1907) 421-US ;N. Sycamott, Santa Ana PMM Kim~rt, 2-0972, Februa.ry Clearance ~3 CKEV. Bel Air COUJ>'. H .000 mllu. One owt1er. Sun Gold flll- 11.h. Wt11te wall Urn. heater. Feb1;l&TY Sale P nce _ $18911. JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY Newport Bud1. Llberty ~:! 1938 CH!:V. 2 dt>Or, run1 C'QOd. New homemade raJnt )Ob, Xlnt lran1portatlon rar . . ••• 4-4 Rioh Hahn's Garage %1UI AN~ Ha rtaor 47311 Newport Beach 61 Jot.ERC. 4 door, R&dlo, heatl'r. overdrive. Xew baJ<l!d enamtl ti.Ill.ab-White wa1la. February 8ale Price ....... ·-···· .. . ... $1199. JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 w_ COAST moHW A y Newport Beach, LJberty 8-M45 lll!W MORRI.S Convntible, one owner. i400 muu. e10 rectuc- t Ion. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1982 Harbor Blvd .• Coeta Mua Phone Liberty 8-&<>St. J4c11e AN'XJOU8 TO 8ELL, l"J Olds 98 H0Ud11y. Vel')' clNll, In 1tor- "le fnr tut yr. 8ee It drive at 2:U4 Newport Blvd. Ha.r. 4928. 19pll 19•11 PONTIAC a convert. coupe. RadJo, btr., R7dra. w.a.w. Uru on• owntr, _ -··--· ·-$:>115. Pract ice P iano $75. February Clearance 61 cm:v. 2 esoor toeall.J'~ed • Ha usken Motors, Inc. pu.n:.b&eed new ti.re 1011e owner 1932 Harbor BJ?d .• C:O.t.& Meaa GOOD COND. 1112 S.WVd Road. too). ~o tone peen tlnlah, wht. Phone Llbl!rty e-eoe1. H ele w&JJa. February Sale Price 1199. ------------~ del Mar. 17o1t JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury BEDtmaroN TERJUJ:RS. 10 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY ,...p. ~JC.C!. •75. LI MnL Newpc\rt Beach. Liberty ~ llpll ------------_O_O_LD_P __ UTRIEVER., ______ lO_w_k___ lNI OODGE-1'\ew re!IWll motor. oJ4. Male. bctllet pedlcJ'e&. l'OOd W'01'k car. Ll M l 7& attn Rauaaable. LJ MUO. tTell O p.m: · 1Tp19 February Clearance ~ STUDEB.A.KJ:R Land CruUieT. Radio, b .. ter. autocn.atlc. 2 new tlrt1. Ll(ht blue tl.nJab. 1 Or1~­ lntil 1, a rtal buy. A real 1harp Ont. February Sale Prlc. $~99. JOHNSON & SON Llncolo Mercury Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla.~ 8 Cyla. $68..88 lncJudu bot.II Labor and part& N-rtnp, '"18t pt-. ft!n IJ'iDd. ntUDp Of ma1ll Ud rod baarinp. Espert motor tun. up. ~or •.()00 m.u. ,_,..,tea. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -Uf to 10 MONTH8 TO P Bu1lt lD our on fadOrJ bf mt.chlnlata. Don't coat.end wt Us• middJ• man. 8'ay dinet.. REBUll..T and lNST A IJ .JtD SHORT BLOCK l'OAD "'~ CH.llVROLET ·SIU .OJ PLYM. 6 00001> 1160 ClmT8 .• DE SOTO -•no STUDEBAKER -····· $170 OLD~ 6 PONTUC a 11 TO BUIQ\ ·-n RVDSON 1TJ Lou Car rre. TowtQa NEW OAR OARANTEJ: Blodr m• meet our 9t.&nda.tdl Plue tu-. fUJltt.e and oll ()pm Sl&nd&J 10 LDL to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS llpl8 C'J-Wuted to Ila& IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KIZP TJlTINO. Want 1 or 2 br. tum. boUM with pr1v· acy. Htr 1J reterencu u per· manent co.iple. No c:hlldren or pete. Whal M\'e JOU ? Wnt.e Box 0.16, UU. peper. lf Rentals Wanted We need apt. and bOU8l9 lD a.II ..cuam ror tioU> .nai.r Uld 7MI' • ieu.. l'lln. or watunL u you baYe • ~ey. pboae ted-.1 The Vogel Co. 1201 W. C.L &WJ .. Newport Br.h P!lcme Ullen.1 1-8441 IOI M&rtne, Balboa 1alaad P1M1M Harbor '" BAY J'RONT I bdrm. turn houae AL80 2 bdrm. t\Jm. apt. lU !': ' Bay ll"ront. Uttle hie or Crut- 'Yiew W7U before Friday. lioll Choice Winter Rent&.la OD Ba.Ibo& laland A Lido I.Ile 8ma.U A OOSJ Ill' La.ts• 6 deJuu ST!! to HOO aumUt VOGEL CO. 20I M&l1De A.... B&lboa le1&nd Pb. Rarbor '" or B&rbor 2161 it.L Har. 1711s-JUC or LI l-&297 8'Uc 2 BEDltDOM J'UR.Nl &Bl!D DU- PLJ:X, C.Orona d11l Mar, llOUt.h ot Btway. 1110 month, Incl. ulll MRS. KAY. Hu. 3T79·J l'>tf<' '8&--A.pta. for Beat t801 Co&8t Hl'fl'l1. Corona del 11.a.r CHOIC3 UDtu.ni. fl"Olll bunp.1ow PbODe H&rtlor 17U duple&. 1 bdrm., beun cellln1 100 Mata St.. Ba.lboa Uvtns rm. 1& x 30, picture wtn- P!lee HVllM 1'3 lltte dow overlookln( yard A nowu11 WANT TO RENT one ou •a.ra.ie llP6C.e ln W:Uiity of Via Sall Rlrno. Lido We. Hanor 6470. 17olt II WANT TO Pl.ENT 2 bdml. tum. or untura. houe~r No chll· d1'9ft or pet.a. prage. Ph. Liberty L 17pl9 ni. b&Ul wt lb shower, 1«a. ki~ chen. Iota ot We It cupbollrde ~perat.e ~e wtlh laundry TOOID alt.ached. Quiel. nice netcbborhood 6 only 2 bllta to bwlln._ d18t.. In C. M. 185 mo tnct water to r1ght partJ. Avtll- a vle M&l"Cb 1. LI 1-6973. 19cl8 l>~n Dally I to 7 St.ate Bondtd PAlNTSI\ •UJ a~ work tor ll'URN, a BDRM. APT .. I~. to July lat. ALSO bachelor •PL yearlJ. NEW WCATION 310 East 3rd St. a.un. A.If A. rut or I bdrm. uatuni.. hOUN ta Barbor ana. "41ter. Harbor 1116-R. 18pJ8 WA.NT TO llEHT. l lldrm. tum. 3708 Channel Plau, Npl X.land Harbor 1117..J. 10c21 Incl all utlllUea. Studio apart-17cl I) ment tie.utltully rumlahed, a uto WILL RENT bruad new I bedrm wuher It clrter. See m&n.atfer, 1037 Jrvtne Avr. Costa Mesa. I 2 b&lh, unt'Um. hutn• In 1.KVU\ IC lStlc TllllU\ACll at laaG. peir mon wltb 1 YT· 1 ..... Call Barbo FURN. b&cllcJOr apt.. U :> mo. 7111 "" tor turtller det&ti.. eau r c We.it Balboa Blvd. For keys and lntormaUon FURN. ' bdrm .• 1 ~ b&t.b&, nu See Bay 6: Beach Realty, H~ \V. bucll, lai-s°• JJv. room. pi.it Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 1284. p.r~e dl9J1. Kar. 08tll-W MUc llel 8 COSTA MESA, nur golf club. THRXE SOR.MS., J ' b&Uul, UJI• romrorta bl,. !11mlshf't1 1 bdrm turn. modem, aome YI~. on duplex. Only 1112 ~ mo. Phone A•ocado St. In Corona del Mar. Klm~rly 2-941 8 lk21 Yf'arly on lea .. at SlZ:i. mon1h. -Ca.U H&rbor 1900. l7Ur CL!:Al'" attr1ctlvr upstaln , larae 1 bdrm. epl. It car. Stove and ONE BDRM hou.e. llke n9W; tum. retrtc .. turn. OvPrlooklng Santa HO. mo., uUl. paid. Adult.e Of\ly Ana Country Club. A<lull.1, no 2643 Oran•"· Co.ta MML 1..1 pei.-Ji:'>. mo. -H~ Me11a Or .. U784. lk20 O\al& M rsa J7cl9 N'l:W 3 bdrm. untumtahed l'rto· FURN. STUDIO APTS . 0<-011 durn hom' See lt a.t NO Arbor Vll'W l.~O. mo. utlL pd. Avail Bl., Coeta Meaa. $70, -t.er pd • . Yt'b. 27. Ll~rty 8-1627. 17cl9 CUllton 7~1 CO'*fl. 1k20 1 BDRM. furn. a pt . f1r,.pl.. con -........,.,, \Oenlent to Abopplng. 00~ Hello-49-Boolm for S.t trope. Corona dt'l Mar. H9. yrly SINGLI: .ROOM wtUI bot 6 eold A va.11. March ht l..Ibuty S-.834 17c19 watu LD Ut• room. Good Md. -Prtval• entraJMla. ... wwlt. :'<ICELY F"(]R,'\l~HED. one bdrm. ALSO double n101D a t IT -k. .. ,,, on bay front. Lido lair. J23·21Ut I t., N4'WpOl't 11Ma. Yt>arly rw1•J only. Call H arbOr ladlh 3082-\\' l7p22 BALBOA modern tum. apU. t&-A_.__ $35. mo. 6: up. UW. pd. GR.ADU ATS 1'U1tU wm tall• ALSO daily & weekly rates. <m•. lAftl)' prtftte hcJIDe. Ka.r- :'\r&r bus .. ato~• 6 bay. bor ur.&. No otbllr .,..._ f'!n• l<H Eut Bay Avr., Balboa t•l food and care. P'ttCllM Rar. Phone Kubor M H 17Uc t779 or Ha.r. •m . .-tar Iba~ SL'lOLE APT. for lady or 1renUe-er. 1tc.U ma.n S•:S. mo., uUl. pd. No f,et1. 5C a ..... ~ Inq. .l1I rP11r 134 E. 19th St , Coal& Mes. after 6 p.m. 18lfo MOTOR It lln&ll ena1M "'*"" BALBOA tum apt.a .. 13.'\. mo. 6 mf'n att.uUon. A ~ um. opp. up until J un ... l.A undry rm. w1t.h lo obtain utabla.hed blMll,...._ machlnr. Pl7 E B&lholl Blvt1 .. for prtc• ot a 1111. tn,,_tor)', ._.. Baltxwt., Harbor 1898 18r20 llOll UI ltu•. looe.Uoe It pillft JU.. FOR LJ!!ABE: Small upat.aln1 apt. rrauv~ bwllll .. -.tw.be4. E1t rl 1'\h~tla al ~·· IAlldllls A vat I. now; &.lao 3-room doWn-2827 W, Cout Hiib..., 11t..U~ apt.. • ,·au . March l ~ . Ll.,.rty 1-2012, N.-p«t 11ett Furn., l tb per mo. pha aha.re of uUl. 317 Coronado. Ba.JboL. C.11 JEWELERY l!JTOftlJ hi -la..t or write owner, HYatl 4·U i7. Harbor uea looaUoa -Owner Veda L. Martln, 495 Unden Ave. anxloua to all. LAcuna e.ach. 1&.20 CAU.. HARDESTY, J80I 2'..,.,.-t 488-Bo09ff for Beat BIVd., l'lpL Bell., Ratbof •TU. tlcll -BALBOA ~. mo .. yrly Un.turn. <'ott.eg•. Lh'tng rm , dintnr rm . 56-MOMJ toi..a kllt'htnette 6: i bdrm Hot REAL ESTATE LOAHa shower In WINI.room Gu ~ -tt r pd l'\o pet•. Har, l924·M. lnt.e.ren Rat. 5-a~" 17ct9 Loans qulcltJJ Mada la t!le a., NEW 2 b<lnn. houw,. untum. Mr-Aru and Coeta M19L 8iJ111e or rnuJUpl• wuta. Hew or old. .. vie. porch. Garare. Fenced yd wt• ahd ••• b7 r.n•utns Ruaonable. 1560 Tu11t1n. c. M ... your pruent lo&n. Mmimua -.. LJl>erty 8·16f8. 17cl9 ptnM. No c.harr • for .....,allm- UNTtJRN. 2 Mnn. homt', Ml~. mo nary app~ Pboae ..... Ji96 Anahf'lm, COllt& Me .. AJl& Klmbtrly Mm rw .....,. Ll™'rty 8· 1397, J 7cl9 ARTHUR A. KAY 1 IM J'OJU) v.. Oounlt)' 8edan. ltadlo, heat.er. ~omatle, one OW?lfT, low mne..,... •1tt!\. 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY C-Tnllen J.IOUM or apt. Permanart. New• port Beuh or oa.t.a Mea.. Ca.ll Bar. me. Jtp11 UPPl:R 2 bdrm. unrum.. apL, 2 batM, pr. d.18p .• llove A ratr1&'. Auto. wutwar • dryw a..u .• oar ~· '100 mo. utJJ Incl. I~. -J:a.t Balboa amt. l7c22 P'URN, 2 bdrm. hou~. llwd. nooni. MortP4fe Lou 0ot ,., ... C4D~C 6142 bledl ' ..,,. eltctrtc wtndowl A ... t& CU• '-... t COYen . waw. ""' ur condlUon. Jlllt&. Hubor 4127. lTClt 't Ha usken Motors, Inc. 1'32 H&Tbor Blvd.. Costa MBM Ptloaa LDMr1.,J 1--eOal. l k18 :'\ewport Buch. Ln.rty 8-~5 --:::~--...;.------­ ltfS STIJDE.BAKJ:R I.And Cn.IJ-8A VE Y'OW' ,..nt money, with a a. ~ 27' Pan Am-" ... -. -• Ral'ONSUlUD FAMILY wuta 4 UNFUM. I barTft. apt. 1.i 17'3 Mt, R -n . pr1\'. perty. sm . n •c-.. LU18 """'-......._ .._. -_..,_ .. ~·-· a.. t ....,., ....................... Of _......... AA&beln:i. llee owner, 1i61 An•-uuw.:t, 810 W. Balboa Bl'fd. Har • US IC. l7Ul at., ea.ta · ...w ,_1 up to ~·mo. tor 79U'°• he.Im Col'ta X... Pb LDert.y UJi. Up X-. U...... It.Se .... Ph. OJll9fill t-11T&. llpZI "'1lft IUo ( water pa1d. No pet.a. child ok•y. Occldelll&I w. ... ... Co. 2H E. J~th St. C:O.l.a MeM... L.t '" SovUt M&bl luta A.lla &-9920 ave1. lk18 pp :-.-zw a bdrm. unllU'l'I. home for WQ,t:Lo 1"'8 to baJ lft .a l9d adult family. Only Jib. mcmUl. Tr'lllt Deed& o.11 .... ... Owzav, Ll ..u87 ...... l7clt .. I I ..,. a • ..,......._ ( NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART IV· PAGE 5 THURSOA Y, FEI. 24, 1955 - BALBOA ISLAND OiarmiDc 2 bdrm. home on Little Iala.nd with fire. place and unit heat with cute 1 bdrm. cottace on nu. Tb.la property a.hon a celleiit income, well turniahed. $25.000. Year· round or exc. rental property ia thia 3 bdrm: home, 2 bat.ht, fully cupeted and furniabed. Room to build on rev of lot. BAYSHORES C.C.pletely channing 2 bdrm., 2 bath home, all beautifully wood panelled and carpeted, delightful ' patio and you will want to move right in thia. $28.,000. Spacioua 3 bdrm. 2 b&th home -Larg• patio and prace. Beautitully carpeted and ~utters through- out. Everythin&' in a home you will be proud to own. $27,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Phone Harbor 502 • Evea. 2306-R Real Values I BR HOME on C·2 lot. DOx.1!50 Thi• 11 your opportunity to have your home and bualnua ln on• l~Uon. Better eee thl1 oo• ~ day! Pr1u only "8000 with 11m&ll down. . . .. Furnished GOOD 2 8.R. HOME. J:aa ldde location. ..,.... 6' room ff" another home on tront ot Jot. Priced to Mil rurntahed tor only STZM -'Small doWn. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta Mua Phone LI a-1m J:'f'8L LI 1-6611 Cliff Haven Home 'COST A M~A The Best Town on Earth' , 2 BDRM. HOKE 6 DEN PLUS GUDT HOUSE. MOTEl v.., nice patio and bar-b-q, l % bath.I. eerv. pareh, dbl pnce.1800 IQ. ft. f~ Jou. $U.,9M. ~ dD. L01'S OF ROOM TO BUILD ANOTRZR UNIT In the front of thia 3 bdrm. older home near UM mar. keta. $8SOO with $1000 dn .. BaJ1na at $10. per mo. 4 BDRM. le DEN. Fireplace, dbt pnp, older home in tine ahai>'-iu.!500 with $2l500 down. Wonderful home and neighborhood to r&i8e cJUldren. 2 BDRM. Wl'm SI.EEPING PORCH ZONED Ct. Cloee in, 1eWer in 6 paid. SSSOO.tull price. BARGAIN OF THE WEEK. Lot 75' x 90' on Orance Ave. near the Alpha Beta. FOR A REAL DEAL SEE A REALTOR G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Calta Mesa. LI 8-1801 9 atueco unita. unencumbered on 'Hirbny in Culver Clty. Air conditioned. ll'ine park· tng lot. lo&da ot neon lia'na. Well Mtabllahed bust--, 7 yn.. old. In tip top ahape. /.U furn., incl, plenty linena Income well over $8000. ~­ pen11ea $2000 include $54-0 tuee.. ~.000. Owner re-tirinr. Will trade tor clear income property with pier ~float. Thia will bear full investiga- tion. Owne-r, Ernest Zim· merman, 2907 So. Cochran Ave., Loa Angeles 16. Whitney 5961. Courtesy to brokers. -17c30H BAY SHORES • (2) T W 0 (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -~ New Exclusive Listings • Corner Alabor ·Dr. & Vista Dr. • ; Bay Sborea' Cleverept' Ranch Type Home -. 2 bdrm., nJaed u.eed brick fireplace. diahwuher. diapoa&I. Charmingly decorate<t. Cruahed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, tenna. AND • Corner Circle Dr. & Viste Dr. • Choice Fann Style Home ' 3 bdnns .• ~ bath&. wall to wall carpeting. Separate dining room .. Two lovely patioe tor outdoor living. Full price $29,500, terma. LIDO ISLE HERE JS ONE ot thoae hard to gel three bedroom llonlee with fireplace and dJninl room. Frt>tthly redecorated throuabout and weatberat{'tpped. BeeuUtul oak floqra and lo9ely 1.awna en bance the . value ot thJ• n- tamlly home. BA YFRONT OR OCEAN FRONT BALBOA For preview showings, call Harbor 1600 - PRICED FOR DoOUmU.ft Ale at $13,9~. ~ni can a.um• $~00 4 '"lo Joan. Paymenta or SM a month Include taue and Ina. CHARMING Lido bayfront at a realletlc price of $t2,500. 5 bedroom•, 2 batha, and many nice features. No pier and float. but permitted in tlUa &!'&. Bay Front Duplex CEvea. Liberty 8-5888) J'Umllhed and within wt\lk.Jn1t d i .. HARBOR JNVESTMEN(r CO .. REALTORS Very large 2 bdrm.. 2 ha.th and den home, with built·in deep freese, cabinet.a and cupbo&rd8. This ia OD a lge 50-ft. lot and is a beautiful home. sa:'i,000 Wice or the llb1-a17 In Ba.Ibo&. Newport Blvd. at 30th sl, Newport Beach '34.500, TERMS. Also . You &bould aee thia 3 bdrm., 1 ~' bath home that we an ottering under the cost of replacement in order to move quickly, $24,7M with good terms. I We &h!o have a beautiful 45-Jot on Lldo Soud 111!;ere you may have yoiv own pier & slip al less than $1000 per ft. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2117 W. Balboa-Jbwd., Npt. Bch. Harbor 24 or Liberty S-MBO . Ultra modem Ba.ck Bay are& home -Redwood • clau -2 bedrme. cl den. nag atone floora. 2 bath.a. 2 ~ tlos. $26,000. 461 Eut 20th St., Costa Meu... LI 8-71 f8 18ttc SMALLER ocean front home on Balboa PeninlUl&. Only two bedroom., but priced right at $23,600 laeludlng lltove and refrigerator. To .ee either ot above listinp or many other9. call or- LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 7H E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 80 2 B. R. & Den Home N-.r end ot Penin.IUJL Unfurn· l.!lled. Gl.ull lan&J, nniplace anJ B&rbeque. Channl'I vtl'W exce.l· lent. 'l'ZIUlB. 123,llOO. Coast Properties ftl1111 JA. YREI>. RMJtor·Mrr. Kathenne 019on, Mildred Rlrp. Geora'• ft&ban. AalOClat.M. BY OWNER 301 E. Balboa Blvd., P&lboa Balboa Bay Shores OPEN HOUSES Sat. & Sunday 1-5 2622 Viste Drive 3 bedrma. & bath, newly carpeted and decorated. Modern beauL built Udo bonw PAPA GOT TIRED ll&ri.or Jt3I •Her. 4800 iatt on 40' lot. Lwrurtoualy W to W , .. ~=-----l-================-+-----------L--------carpet.ed • draped t.hru-out. 3 - DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Bea.ch l»drm1., 2 bath. 2 lovely p&tlc». When he WU partly throu,h remodelllng thia ho\lle LAGUNA BEACH 2 yn. old. '3%.&00-Har. M&2. and he just quit! Why can't you finiah it up ud ...... ~----~f'A.lt..-~.:esbiew. Otlv.a-----COR ONA DEl: MAR ·-----~-~--·-~~ w--~iiiF.Do~fWli£ t0615ii'tneruiIJ.-·~ .... ~~-a btti'&711f.'1i6 e. B Fr i Ideal locaUon on ocea.n, extra Home with income, this has character 11tickmg out ey ont ncome They're ..WUg fut. J.arse Jot. print. pawct 1treet. all over. Color, color, color throughout. If xou want 1 umt.-2 6 1 ~ flin· 1h ACRE U>NED R..f. Good location. Room for no ttepa, MCJuded yet cloee to a amall home with a rentaJ to help, 15ee this exch1.sh-e ~ Pier. float aad prtwata pleaty more rental unit.a. Only 5:)2:1(). $800 down. bu&D .. dlltz1ct. 2 petJoe otter ~13 500 tlea.ch. 1000 m. Balboa Bl•d.. ,....._ y y lJ1a B..KcF·-&t eornple~ prtwacy. well Land· "' • • B&Jbo&. er-t'new .a.as... Cour• ~ -.... eeapect 6: complele.IJ' tumtaaed. NEWPORT HEIGHTS .... , to brok.er~ UUr Balboa B~Properties ~ t~~n~-::. ho~ at Here 1a that hard to find 3 hr., in the right pnc.e !:specially nl~ lacome property ... 19 E. n-• .._ Bl•'"' u--3786 -,_..7 u llete Se&c:Utr Drift. ao. ,,. .. una In Corona del Mar. Owner wtll ' ~-.,,.. nai-. .,. ~~ •m. -. bracket, plua a G.J. loan with everything included in ~ocept 2 nr 3 bdrm. born• .. 8unday 11 to a the payment11. Plenty of yard space, near 11Che>0lft. pa.rt. Pre/er Oon>Jl& H1ghlandl OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX Oet key from Marty &1. ui)'tlroe $16,200. or Shore Cima. Gyp•Y 8~101 d&)"I HT 441~ evee. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3'44 E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del AUr Harbor 2288 CHOICE BALBOA INCOME G. R. Lathrop.~ E. c.t. Hwy.. Vwy cho6oe Jnc.ttoa:, nJce1f ~ 2 bdnu. UpUI C. D. )}. Har. ~2 1:Y'M Hu. ___ ._ -u ~. --3:111..J. lTeU -.u MIU"-_..,_,u £---COSTA MESA FOR SALE-Flnt Tru9l Deed. Jocal propvty. ~ _,r-3 '12.· 000 at 8~. P9JU1* p.,o. pu mo. Lrberty S-1532. t8ttc 57-Beal~WaaW ALSO NICE 2 BDRM. le DEN HOME jU8t two blocb from 2 BDRM. BOUSE. ~ Oar .• Richard&. CompleteJy fUmiahed. $13,SO(). Jars• work abop. l ·AC cbSdten bouae. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor Th•-;:_:;0:~ 2820 Newport Bhd.., N.wport Beach. Harbor 2313 1,.. H&rt>or Blwd., OOet.a M- 2 bedrma .. convertible den, 1 % baths. or call label N. 11.em>n - THE BEAUMONT CO. 4.34 32nd St., Newport Beach. Har. i299 f OR QUICK RES UL TS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY for aale with a Mu.ltip' Lt.unc Broker. Did you know t.hia immediately p•ta 200 expertA I work OD your property1 ALSO, tor your protec:tJon. alway11 tMty thru • ''R.ealtor." $9450 lnrome from 9 unfurnished apt.a. on ~arly leues -Total price is $76.000 -with only $25.000 down and the bal&nce at 5 ~ interest... The building la leas than 2 yn. old and is located in the best rrnUll district at the bnch. A Phone Call lfcle ton.tty a.1eai. n ca --Ll-DO-IS-LE_B_A_Y_F-RO_NT __ 1/2 Ac. Newport Hts Newport Harbor Board of Realto:·s See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coaat Hwy .• Newport Be&cb Lfberty 8-3481 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Roat & tackle rental • 11ix 28' steel bull cruisers new \052. Cost $36.000 all in good ehtpe & glass rods, rM'ls & boat. franchise . ·season starts now, steady clie.ntele • eatabUshed 8 yrs. Income $26.000 &mall (l\'t-rhead • iround rent Sl~ mo. Full price s2s:soo term!'. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., NpL Ikh. LI 8-3481. E\·e. LI 8·3580 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Beach Concession • Sl8.200 gross. S hort hours. l.;eue l 0 r;. . Pnce $8500 t.enru>. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., NpL Bch. LI 8-3481. E\·e. LI 8·3580 WILL OET YOU quick ruult.a. WP.: HA VE CA.SJI BUT'tRS rot hou.ea, Income ptoper\J', apta., tr1riln:, n rant Sota or acrea19. PLEASE PUONE, Wl1l• or tee u-. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lOM W. BALBOA BLVD. PHONE HARBOR ~181. l3c18 WANT TO BUY Vae&nt lot, or partial acre, at l""6t 10· tront, w · deep M ·l , ~cultural or Commarclal llOft· Ing Pleue quot. tot.a.I price, terme aDd l()C&tlon. PrtvalA par ty. Wn t• Box Y ~ UU. paper tf PRIVATE PARTY-Wuita t.o b!Q' temdence lot for e&ah-Muet bt rloM In. Xewport. B&Jboa, area, give IOC'allon a.nd partkulant. \''rill' Box Q27, lh1a paper. 7p18 WANT TO BUT ( ROUllE). Vetu a.n w-a.nt& 3 or 4·bdrm. hae which I• G 1. f\nanrM., or equal· ly f1vort1ble monthly paymenta Prefer dtrfl"\ Cleal with prlvat.t n"'"Tl"r. -Wr1t.AJ Bo:it >.·37, Ulla P• Jlfr. l 7plll BALBOA INCOME SPANISH hacienda 011 the water, 5 bedrma.. pier and float privtl~. Needs aome remodellnr. Only M2,500 We have the key. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast H'fll'/.. Newport ee.eh 1.03 ACRES RANCH Near Back Bay A Country Club, 2 bdrm. 6 den, hwd. floors, furnace heat., dbl. garage, breezeway. Fireplace. Xlnt. location, 1600 sq. ft., 3 YTL old. Includes drapes I: W to W carp. F. P. $22,500. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mee& Uberty 8-3792 A lTENTION Sub-dividers! Fourteen 60' Lots near Country Club. Tentative Map prepared: Price $1500 per lot. Subordinate $900. TRJlEE L01"8 Ir TWO HOUSE:a, all with permanent ocean \1ew 410 -32nd St.. Newport Beach and ad.Jaunt to City Pa..rk. One ----- ~ wi~~u!:: ~d~ VOGEL VALUE v Check This one ! baUi on double pt't4e. Beam eell.lnp. Ylew Solu Windowa, fl.apto6I flreplau. 2704.27 u cwt Drtw, lnchmn. $8000 dw11 r. P. Ml.000. WW accept ,()(J(J P'tnt TTu8t Deeda In tra.61' U a.taU.. 18tlc Whet ~ View!!! J'r'WD Ulla A TTRACTIVJl B4 Y >.VE. HOM!:. Up1ta.1ra It down. C.OlorfUJ. artl•Uc wa.llpaper de· Cllr . INTERIOR BAR·B-QUC. CHl'.:F'S 0 £UGHT. Su n n y bricked PaUo wtUI gl'ffl\el')' a.nd \1.Dea. Owner .Vlln(. ll U W . Bay >. "· BM an,ytlme. l SC::Z:Sh SELF SUPPORTING Home and Lncome. Top locaU011 Corona del Mar, eo It. front, 2 R·2 Iota. Well buUt s bedroom houae ln fronL 2 unlu A iar ln rev. Room for Uh unit. Thia ta a hot barpln at sn,ooo. v.11.h I J0,000 do"""ll Unlll W111 pay Sou A t&Jt.a. Call Ford Vurtn· der, Har. 4283. evu Har. 3H7 JetlC' By Owner- l . .AJ.m<*t new, 4 bedrooma. 2. Bath & ~~ (stall &bower) 3. Beamed ceiling• 4. Beautiful finiah work 5. Large natural wood kitchen &. 6 ft. redwood fence 7. Wonderful location near ~oola. 8. Price only $14,750 • VERY1ow down. Thia won't lut! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Ikb. Liberty 8·3481 --. ---------------- BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD ONE OF THE FlNEST 3 bdrm., 1 !\& bath hometi on e.xclU11ive Kings Rd. Channing design and all roomA are weU arranged, light and spac1ou.. Large elld· mg doors from dinlng room to outdoor patln. W to W carpeting, forced air heating. indoor planter, dbl. garage. attractively Ja.ndaca prd and 11pnnkl<'r sy~· . , tem. Thia home will plNUM! tr1c most d1E1cnm1nat1n ~ buyer. P riced at only $22.750. With very altractJ\'l' t rrms. Better call fo r a ppointment n ght now. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK --------------------· $ UNITS-older property cent..raJ· Phone Owner, Liberty 8-2657. 16c18 8llAJ..L 1 bdrm.. boUH Oil Santa AA& A"-A &dd.IUon&I 1 room bld1. on lit acre. REALTORS C. B. Rues. Wm. G. Schmidt. A.Rsnclata _u __ S&o __ ,._a_om-_____ .U-8tn~t & Ottk8 • FOR LEASE A ITENTION • • Doctors or Dentists Profaaion&J quart.en now available in Corona del Mar 1uitable for one or more Doctors or Dent.lats. Building ha.a been continuously occupied as medi· cal offi~s by a 11uc .. eu!ul and prominent general practitioner wbo ia now leaving tor special research work. The location ia definitelt one of the best known tn the Harbor area. For inapection and lea~- pa.rticuJan. ee.e or call FRED J. CROSIER & ASSOC. 3530 E, Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 3571 BALBOA 181.A.'ro -l dul loca· BUSINESS OFf'ICE~c;ll~ tlon on Marine Avt., office or cauon acrou lhe 11 r~t trom &hop. PLUS 2 bdrm. •pl. All Corona dt>l Mar F08t Ottl<'ti for 112& mo. Har. 200. lll!c It.Ital for Joan repreHntalJvt con\,-.ctor. M~atrus, art or ly loc , l \ii blk&. to heart ol B&J. !>"& UUL rm. Juel reduced to S23,500 !or q Ulcil tale. ~ dn. --------------------Owner HArbor JSM. 76Uc LOANS for Homes a~ -20 yr. Lo&M Construction Loans 8EJ: BOB SA TM.ER 2.51$ EAST CO.UT BLVD. Corooa oel Mar Ha..rOM &all Rep. POCR.U:R MORTOA<la CO Met.ro Ufa ln& Flmdt Kl. 1·:51~ '8Uc W.L'llM TU B ULUJ, UilPRUVJ; B UY, t.IUDE:RNlZE:, OR REFlN AJllCE We Buy 1'n11t Deeda N'SwPORT BALDoA 8AVtNG8 • W AN ASSOCIATION 13N Via Lido. P1'. Bar. UOO , CORONA DEL MAR See the ocean view from thi1 2 bdrm. home on 45-fL Jot! Extra guest room and bath. Dining room, lure kitchen, lvge Uvtng room. South of Highway on &0-ft. lot, 2 bdnn. home. dbl. gar., trult trees. On good ltreet.. FITZMORRIS REAL TY COMPANY Realton au.m .. Broker 3135 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 VOGEL VALUE WITH A VIEW tlo OF1'1ClC 1pace Harbor Blvd. Tl'lf· Jrwelrv nialni-ss. l:W. pd. Only ~ IJlll'Yioe, n.. blq., am· 140~ month. ---------- pie putrulr. LI 8-640. !:VM-CALI.. Ben \'\'lut.m&n, Har. Ille% Har. 1'67.J. lkll ~Ml! Harbor 1481 MtJc We mean a beautitul ocean "'"'. 3 bedrooms • bath A a., • beamed ceilings Ii picture view windowa. Gor- 1eoU1 brlcked & landacaped patio. At $23,850 th.ii la priced to move rt.al fut • with a netJ FHA Loan to help. ~ow LLABlNG. •V&llable ti\lst· ---------- " .. ottloe lpe<IU-CeJlter of Co-3 OFnCE llpA«I for ll'AM Ap· rona de.I Na.r, l'Ult11ble tor CPA. J>ro111 \i u "I· "•cl\. ln Uclo Shop· ~entllt or~ Call et 3424 C'"t'a.•t J• ri 11r1'11 :'>(\C) \'ill i\tAIAg&. Hu Hwy. 1191fc I J32i. l!Hlc LOANS PROMPT SE:R\,CE :I"'• first trutt dffda 20 )'e&n Orange Coast ProperUea l 8:1i Newport Avt. COila Mr911 1.1 l-Ul.32, l.J l ·UOO Ev-. totfc •/ The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty I-Mal I $2950 tota.l price LlbertJ 1-1888. 17c 19 CORONA DEL MAR 2 BDRM. HOME, • yru1 old Lonly new oc U\ • bay, tile F'e.need pa O, dbl (ar1gl', rMn· ror ed tor 2nd floor. R-2 lot R.c!uoed 11000 ace t 1lcJcMa Owner, 506 Avocado •r1a CORONA DEL ~AR. Oc!\&11 V1,.,,,. • unlta tum. l"' B. R .. 2 i.., 1·2 B. R . J·l B. R. xtra hre. llv. rm Garb. dlsp. ~ gar :"•ce patio 1u.n decJc, nr. bell. Pot,.nt111l inc ~000. 110 000 .,..UI handlf . con· 312 Marine Ave., Balboit laland Harbor 2042 IS THERE A WHEEL CHAIR IN YOUR FAMILY 1 SPACIOUS 3 yr. old country home• with dl)('ln;, rampti anrl grips built especially for wht-el chair owner. 2 bdrm .. cl<>n. 111 bath!!, l JO a".'Cll,• fruit tree•. completely (('need. Room for hnr..e. ch1ckPn11 garden. Country Club arra. S22,500. Can be financ"d BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newfl()rt. Bearh Har. 5188 tact owner, 430 Avocat1n. Ru·--------------------bor 0102. l Oc.22 DUPLEX 2 bdnn ., troa t unJt . l bdrm., rear UnlL rurntahrl! N'-ly palnt6d. P'~nced yud 11&00 down. 113.7~. SEE AT O~ Heliotrope. Corona deJ M.ar. -Call Uberty 8·!1!J71 fot' lntomiauon. OwMr. ll)cl8 BY OWNER Corona -hl&ll4a -a bdrm.. 2 bath farmllouM. P'HA commit· ment. Ph. Barbor 11-J. ttttei. Forget About the Taxes Thr r e-nt from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. will morr than pay th<' la.JtC'll, ins .. & upkeep while YOU lh'r comfortably in the 2 bdrm. & <kn hnu!'1>. Hwd. tln .. 2 firtplac<'!I. BBQ. garb. rli11p. & nlhf'r F.xlra!! Dl&ke this a real HomP. A plea.t1ure to show. P lrue Phone -Our E xc\uaive R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 I!:. Cout HW)'., Corona del ~tar Rar mt ) \ • • PAGE 6-PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1955 a-.... ........ ._... r..tate . ----------------------- ' U-Beal r..tat.e -------------- # a-Real F..tate ---81-a.J ~-------........ • BAY AND .BEACH REALTY -R.E ALT 0 RS ~~~~h•~~~wdo:~:~~~ ... lot. ot We and clo.et epace, dbl. garage. Excellent neighborhood on Eut..lde. $12,900 full price with G. J. loan payable $66. per mo., incl taxee A inl. We have the key! 3 bdrm., hwd. floona, fireplace, dbl gar., fenced. 4 ~ % loan. $11.000. Term.a. 2 bdrm.I .. hwd. floors, lge. kitchen, dbl. gar., beau- tiful patio A BBQ. $9950 full price with xlnt .terma. Nearly new 3 bdrm. b~me with wall to wall car- pets, 220-volt in kitchen. Landscaped and fenced, lge. lot with view. All for just $10.500 with only $1500 down and ft baa a 4 11..! r;, FHA loan. $63. per mo., Incl. taxes & ins. A real buy! 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1161 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. F . Geddes -LI 8-3158 A. Tiet.a -LI 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 with three off ices to serve you NEWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE BALBOA DUPLEX Betit Rental Area-Attractively fum., cl<>11e to bcb, 1tonie1 traneportatlon. Owner moving to Hawaii. Muet aell, uldng price $18,950, ten9. ' TRADE Owner wtahes to trade be~ut.iful new 3 bdrm. home value~ for.income property L. A.. Puadena or locally. ·BALBOA . OCEAN FRONT • bdnne., 2 livlng room.1. Beautiful comervatoTY patio. Excellent term.a to qualified buyer. BAY A VE. DUPLEX -EXCLUSIVE Excellent income record. Furn. Price $26,500. $6500 down. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ' Harbor 126" FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL:· T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8-1774 W. Bradford· Har. 0289-J E. B. Chue-Har. 2762-J Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 -4 P. M. 339 Lido Soud Fwu. Bayfront with pier 6 lllp. 3 bdrma., 2 batluL tee. parkins area. it9.500. 3 bdrme., 2 batha. F. A. beat. oa 2 Stradu. Flac- etone ftreplace, very large panelled llvin( room. We have the key. $3:500 down. 2 bdnu. on 35-ft. lot. Dbl garage. 5 yean old. DrapH l.ncluded. All for $19,995, with good term&. • bdrma., upside down hou.e. Large pine panelled living room, exoellent terma. $19.~. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3&l3 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J. Kimble -Har.1087-R R. Norton -Har. ~W P. Terry -Har. •933 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Since 1935 Way back in 1935, p. a. palmer incorporated waa here on Lido ble. We are the developers, and have 1peclali&ed in Lido lale aalea and rentals ever since. We have worked for Lido Iale continuo115Jy, and loved every minute of it. Becauee of thi1 unbroken 1pecialization throughout the years, we know the property, it.a worth and ita limitation•. We are thanltful that we liv·e here, and know mo1t of the Lido Isle owners feel the same t¥ay. Considering everything, there isn't a finer place to make your home. ' We have a number of good buya in lot.a, homea and Income property. We alao have a few good rentals by the year or for the summer. We do not band.le Eutcr Week rentals. "C" THOMAS , •• ~c" THOMA! BA YSHORJCS-Cuatom Wilt Ber- muda Ranch 1tyl1 home. 3 lge. bdrm•., 2 b1lh•. PRIZE Winning kitchen, din. rm., phu bar, raJe- a.nd hearth flreplau, entry hill. many ui.ra.. Prl~ at J3B.2~. UDO tSLl:-Out.ltandhlr Value! S bdrm_J,. rumpua rm. 10x28, llY. nn. &21' ft., at. to 1t. cor. lot. PLUS l~x37 ~ ft. Anthony built ewtm. pool. Only 2'~ yr1 old. AS KING PRJCI! $t2,:w>O. LOTS • LOTS • LOTS • LOTS K ine• Rd .• 80 ft .• View --SMOO. Klnr• Rd .. 70 rt., View ··-···· $6200. Npt. Ht1. 60 tt. ···········-······· $3800. Udo l•le, •o tL ~ ............ $13.~. Corona del Mar. So. of Rlrh-y. 83xlll, soned R·2. lenn•. ffl60. "C" THOMAS RltAl.'fOR LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT-Pier 6 llip. Only 1 yr. old. 3 bedrma., S baths, elec. kit., built-in diabwuher. garbege dia-- poeal, W to W carpell, drapee It new 20' O=ntury motorboat inc. l.n price. Thia ie a honey! Price $70,000. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier 6 .Up privileges. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm., 1 ~ bath, lot. of tile. Parquet flra., dbl. pr., F. A. beat. Now is the time to buy tor next aummer or yearly occupancy. A real value at th1a price. $26,250 NEWPORT Corona del Mar 2 bednn NIUc tn-bome "'1th flreplatt. Double rarai-. tt.d· wood fenced on Be1on1-, 1 I,_ WU. above Cana&Uon. Low dft. &u7 tlnaaclne. TRIPLEX wit.la llt~ ttataJ tacorM that wUl make the payment.a. Cloee t.o the beach. Reuoaably pnud Lovely 3 br. home lla Bbore Cllfta. Ne&rin( comple- tloft. Olallce to atlU pick co\ora. Woodt>rt\11 view. Two fu~placu. J Nth.I. Reuonably pr1c«d. call Mr. Pall'-. with- W. E. fisher, Realtor &Del A880CU T1C8 IOU Eut Ouall Blsbway oaroaa ._. ,.., '"'-te H...-r IOJ EXCLUSIVE CUFF HA VEN Wonderful home for chiJdren. BeautJtul 3 RR. home with bir rutnpue Ir hobby room. Lovely encloeed yard. At $19.950 uking price. NOT LEASEHOLD. $5000 will handle. Shown by appt. only. For Ew. . information, LYTLE LI 8-2542. COST A KEsA -NEAR GOLF COURSE HOME A INCOME. 2 Hou.-. on lovely 1 ~ acre. Ideal for growing children in aafe big yard. 2 RR. A Den home It 2 B.R. hatne. Bue at dool". $4800 dn. A $72.50 mo. Must .ee inside to appreciate: For Eve. information, LYTLE, LI 8-2542. M-1 CENTER OF TOWN BUS~ A INCOME. Big 3 B.R. home on Y, acre •. M tt. o.n Superiol". Room tor 1hope 6,buUdlnp. Thi• la a choice manuf. 1ite Ir will lncreue in value. $12,· 900 trith liberal term•. For En. lnformatlon. PETl1"1 E. LI 8-5487. COSTA MESA. -WALKING DISTANCE DOWNTOWN Neat 2 B.R., hwd. nra .. BeWU, curbs Ir pavlnc on Roch~ter. Owner aacrif. at $9995, with only $1500 dn., or trade comparable in Glendale. It'• new and nice. For Eve. informatio.n, PE'TlTI'E, Ll 8-M87. BALBOA ISLAND MONEY MAKER BUSINESS & INCOME on waterfront near ferTY landitlg. Large, fully equip Hambu er Ir Food stand. Paddle Board Rentals 3 fu . Apt.a. Room & plans for additional store & apt. pansion. Groea- ed over $12,000 in 3'mo's. operation. Can be doubled. See this before Easter Week & get a full eeuon. $35.000 with approx. t. :1 dn. For Eve. Information, SEYMOUR, Har. 5298-W. GOOD close in comer lot 60d37 • Eut aide $225Q cuh HOUSTON REAL TY & Associates 509 Center St. Costa M VIEW HOME Newport Heights Area (not a leaaebold) 3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths $23,500. ~ IF A VIEW is what you are looking tor aun't fail to see thia lovely home. It is one year old, immacu- late in and out and with it's floor to «iling win· dowa, leading to a veranda, the ocean vi~ la vis- ible from the minute you enter the.front door. This extremely livable home comes equipped with & garbage disposal, dishmaater, Thermador range, forced air heat and beautiful new draperies and wall to wall carpeting. The owner atates he1" view kitchen la a marvel of efficit-ncy and her home with it'a considerable view area is ideal for en~rtalning. p. a. palmer, inc. n• W. Cout Hlwa1. Npt. Bch, Uberty 1-3627 Duplez furnJsh~ • good rental diatrict. Ocean and Bay bot.b cloee by. -Udo Bay Front Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 5 BEDROOM .upenor location 3112 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 2552 ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido harbor 1500 Corona del Mar VOGEL VALUES . 2 Bedroom Residence & 1 Bedroom ~pt. Ideally located near shopping in a quiet neighbor- booJ with tht' finest surroundings. Fireplace, FA helltlng, drapes & W to W carpeting. AU one story. Ideal for 1·ouple wh<' have responsibility of elderly part'nt11 or whn want income. Owner an.xiou11, must l-1('11 . See thi11 today. AND The Most for the Least 2 bedrooms, sep. dining rm .. lge. living room. It IK'lA at the back of the lot with plenty of room m front for 1rnothcr house. Raogt>, refrig. & a uto. • wuh('r included m total price of $8900 and ONLY Sl300 down. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona ciel Mar Har, 1741-1477 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN See this beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrm1., 2 baths, Thermador kitchen dishwasher garbage disposal. Many other excell~nt features: 1 yr. old. A rE'al value at $23,950. COSTA MESA If you a.re looking for a good 3 bdrm. fatrfny home. we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price S12.950 Call Liberty 8-2664. (Eves. Llberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor at l~th and Irvine A "e.. Newport Beach OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 21 -i baths, luge Uvlng room, 11eparate dining room, large knotty pine de.n with built·in bar. lounge, 2 fireplace., buemeot with 150,000 BTU furnace. Ex~naively carpeted wall to wall thru-oul Garbage dieposal and diah· wuhu. Houae 6 yn. old. Large double garage with laundry, radJo-controlled door. Lot 50 x H2'. Well land.leaped. One of the most e~aively built home. o.n the front. located at 3312 Oce&n Blvd. (formerly 810.) OWNER W~ ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor 34~ .... ' "C" THOMAS •.• "C" THOMAS $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Look This Over! 4 rURNJSH ED UNITS. Income __ 3_11_3_N_ewpo __ rt_B_l_v_d_., _N_ewpo __ rt_Be_ac_h __ H_a_r_. _10_1_3 __ ca.n be $1:>0. mo. Beat rent&l 1.ocaUon, near Newport Pier $19,000 -Terms 2 BR. fo'lJR:"ll. BEACH COTTA.OE. nnr th111 otflce. $5750 -· Terms TO GF.T PROMPT AITENTIO!I: whPn 11«'11tn1r your Jlrop,.rty, ltsl With us. A1k for Hnald 0 . Sputa, OR Homer E. Shafer RF.AL TOR 108 M<'F'•dden PlaNI "At the :'\ Pwpc>rl Pin" Hu. H O Bvu. H&r. J13i·M Interested in Something Different H F.RE JS A TRULY t.10DERN 2 bdrm home that la most un· u,.1111 111 11u1gn. II fcaturell c·nm~l1 plywOOd ln1ldl' and 011L BE CONVINCED The Best 3 Bdrm. Home in Costa Mesa KNOWELL PLACE Open House at 2073 Maple Street Hardwood floors Forced Air Heat Two Batha • Two car garage Only a few left Plaster Wall11 Sewers. curbs Full "'u dining room ~autiful kitchen $950 Down H u r r.y - G o I n g F e a l Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa ( AcroBS From Cost.a Mcaa Bank I Phone Liberty 8-6761 EvH. Har, 4Je6.-U 8-2103 hu a large root overh&n«. and --------------------- " black kitchen with leather up- hollllf'rtJ breakfn11t har. Has <ltnlnft t.abl<', built Into waU. Fl•lt'•lonr t1rtpl1ce. Nice patio. dblf'. lt'llr11ge. Frnc:ed yud. $11,500 full price M ULTlPLI: LI8T1NQ Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1161 Newport Bl•d., Ooel& Mua I 1c:rv• trom Cult.a M .. B&nJc I Phone LJ H761 E•n. Har. UH Llbtity 1-2101 1 Acre of Ground wllb two Lars• bou••. Dow rent· Inf. 2 blk1. from CaU\ollc ac:hool, 2 blka. from back bay a blka. from l 7lh 81.. l blk. from Newport AH . Mun IM!ll, 1oln« J:uL Writ. Bo• Z 38. this paper. lk21 BACK BA'Yl I.ANT A AN A HmIOHTS REDUCED for quick eale, terma. 1 acre, te11ced. J home-Room I tor more Income. 17 nnetll'• ot frolt trffe. Har. U2S..J or Libert]' •1t0t. 11c:lt A PHONE CALL and we will show you one of the better built and designed homes -- ON LIDO ISLE The large living room with ita firepla.ce is very attractive. A Youngstown kitchen wiU delight the lady of the house. Three lovely bdnns .. 2 tile baths, dining area, forced air heating, patio, dbl garage. ~ will handle. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach H.,.. 5188 $1 ,500 DOWN CLIFF HAVEN -G. I. RESALE Thie attracU,·e 3 bedrm. home I~ located on one of the flneet atreeu in the Harbor uea, on a 60'x140' lot. You will be amued at the many fine featurea you'll eee In this "eo e.uy to buy" home. Call now for an appointment to see. The VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npl Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Lowfft pr10f'd one avaJlabtt --------------------- Only s.41.:,00. Balboa Island t BEDRM. HOME. pin, floet Sacnflce aow 1t $33.7~. Channel Front SEVERAL CHOICE BUYS. 8 duplu:,.., t homl'a. Now 111 °'" IJJne-buy beforr •pnng ra1_, In prltta. Business bldg income CORNER aton bide. 6 2 apart· mt>nUI. All ffnl~. t11r;h J>f'r~nt· ace ln("(lm#. Tltla ta a .. ~~r· N. B. C. REAL TY Und It Nnrport Bl .... ~ Npl Bell.. Mlcane Harbor H OO. Newport Heights Sl~.500 ····--·--Furnished Small down ---S69 Mo S~T J bedroom modun home. beaullruUy ~ralf'd, In 6 out. ~ .. bdwd. floora, Hal& ~nn . pl~nr 1Jv1nc room. ~tftciU1t kltrht'n. auto. bf*l The pound11 are nicely land«al>f'd and f t'll~ ~. the 11urroundlnc home. u · ~pllon•lly good. Thi• 1-ttle ~1t buy In th~ Hefrtits Roy Greenleaf Jr. It ASSOCIATES 3112 Newport Bl•d.. Nnrpor1 Bell. Harbor JM2. "Let U1 Locate for You" J'or Barbor ~1· bay and bdcb. Col\a Mtaa, CorOfta deJ Ma.r. Santa Ana, etc. The ux;ATOR ot Calaf. Brandl ortlce. 1114 HerbOr 81Yd eo.t.a Mea. Phone LI 1-tMI. f 7Uc Leaving State I UNIT OOURT lD ea.ta Mha. S.XceU.nl tncome. Small do._.'11 pe,.,ent llandie.. .u..BO 0C&AH FllONT RAT AU· J\ANT la Newport 8-dl.. S..· -J\IA llal'Uq. Good IDOMJ anuer. • BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two units, 2 bdnns. eat•h, a REAL buy at $3i,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front moJern 3 bdrm., 2 bath hnme "'ilh view from every room. Completely fuml11hed. Asking $4:1.750 and ONLY $5000 down. Nnr new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely fumitlhed and In excellent condJtlon. Full price $36,500, terms. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be 801d u i11 fo r only $li,950 and get thi1, $1250 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 4U (Eves. L1 8-5297 • Har. 1786·RK) Don't Let Your Wife See This ! Channing, modem BEACON BAY hnme .•• SHE'LL WANT IT '. A snap to dean. hi•apR of ward· robes & closctt! & luadt-<l wi th built-ml4 '. Thc·rl!'fl a separate sewing & l111rndry n>om .•. A dream kit· chen with a PANTRY, 1'h<·rmadnr ran~e and ovPn, Formica counters. A lovely hv1ng room w1t.h huj;e flagstone firel'lace: a Runny pat1u: w<tn1Jtorful maM· tn bedroom suite, a den for you, b1'lefl t room & powder room. 2 more gay bcdr1111111s upHta1rw each with its own lavatory and ANOTHER bath. Your children are safe in Beacon B11y! And you'll &II en- joy the wide, pri\'ate sandy beach ha lf·a-block away with a pier to tie your "put-put" to. Thia -4 bedroom, 3 bath home is PKICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY at $33.500. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 1.ianne, Balboa Island Harbor 4781 BALBOA ISLAND Only $4000 down Two bedroom home, PLl S studio apt. Soundly coo- etructed and very well located. Full price $16,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaoclateti Park at Marine, Balbo& lala.od -Harbor a"2 \ I ... n-:._. r..tate:._ _____ n-__,_•_ea1 __ ._ __ .. :--____ !a!:::!•!! .. ~.a-!D~*!!!tlt!'----a-ara1 F.1date ' BLANCHE A .. GATES, Realtor MEKBERS or MULTIPLE LI.S'n:NO 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1912- BALBOA ISLAND Neu No. Bay on Amethyft. Chana. 2 bdrm. home. and beaut. modern 1 bdrm. apt. Both unita tarn. Then then ii a lovely .guait. room and bath otf a beautiful patio. Two-car rarage. An unumally good property and the price la richt. ~enna. ONE OP' THE FINEST Colonial type homes Oil the hland, 220 Coral Ave., la now ottered for .... for $35,000. Thia home i8 en a 90' lot with ~ rooim, beautiful patioe and land8caped crouzada. •There are three bdrma. (muter bdrm. ia 20s30 with fireplace) and a large dining room..• Let • ahow you thia today. U you want a real•bome with .J..o'l'S of charm, this ia it! What Do We Mtu BILL'S BEST BUYS? All -.... _._,.., llULTIPL.Jt Ll8TINO aalVJCll -set all of u.. ..Wttple lt.llhlp tro111 ~ tbu1 _, llrellen aad M IU --. .......... -Ulem and _,ect Ole --C!Dft.llllder out· ........ ..,.,,.. U4t lMM lll• t .-.ut)' an lllLL'll llE81' BUY8 1>0D THJa KAlt8 81CNIE? • • • w .urr-.Al'f-00, WZLL-l"llEI! ! Bwy ~ cute llMcll boue a.nd J'04I aa II.aft a Jl"od11das well la the b&eJr 7ard wtU. UM equlp- •ent to handJe IL Hu •"NngM ,,. -u. Mt lut 6 -uw. Wall tall• alMlut ~ to hanrtlf . l7a'iO nail ,,U:.-A sood deal for ntind C0U.-. WUI llieU laY .. U· plioll.. • • • THE GREAT ORANGE COAST ··woRm RllADING AND HEEDING" A--Comm~rclal 150' frontage, Newport Blvd. down town. $95 foot, term.. B-ManufacturiJlr. Placentia jUat North 19th. 127 front. $70. toot. C-Re.idential -Jt..1 ratrictlon. N.., lllnet, 60' front. $2750. D--M x 300 Harbor 8'+d. Bu.in ... r.ooed. i12.~. Y:: cub. E-M • ·330 -2 bdnn. Raneho. 2W• 1an1e. · Needl palnt. $7850, term.a. F -New 3 bdrm., 2 bath. ButJt-tn lltove 6 oven. CORONA DEL MAR, So. of Highway $2500 DOWN. P'ull price $12,:SOO. Artiltic 2 bdrm. home with lovely patio, garage and utn guelt room. Garage ltttued for apartment. OO~'T MISS THIS. OWNER OUT OF TOWN le SAYS SELL! SKA.LL JU.NCH HBAA COUN· TRT' CLUB. lLL"'CllY 2 bl1""· home and de-a on h&ir acre, T~. i...tJ• .,-Uo ' for rnJ ~try tivtnc. Halt o1 lot i. ff nced. ldw for bo rHa and Pfla. Worluhop for aorage or .ub~. 11 bMrinc fn.ilt treea. hll pn<. Sii.MO .. wltll tum.a. Forced air heat, used brick F. P. Lota of tile le panelling. Hwd. flooriJlr, attached dbl. gar. Full price $14,500, with $3000 down. We have the key. Thia is a little beauty. MAKE AN OFFER WE KNOW thla hou.e can be bourht for u low u $1600 down. WE KNOW the hou.e la worth ,H,000. .. WE KNOW thi1 houae la on the best at.rfet in c.o.ta . 11 .... WE KNOW It bu 3 bedrooma and a 1 bdrm. rent.al in the rear. WE KNOW the owner bu to move cloeer to hil bulineas. The only thing WE DON'T KNOW w how much you will pay. 1702 Orchard, Santa Ana Heights Free Country Llvinr. Dist.ttss Sale, owner muat ro eut for health trutmenta. Let ua &bow you t.hi9 cosy 2 bdrm. home, complete- ly fumiahed ready to move in. Horaeah.oe driveway. Beautiful patio with large llWimmin1 pool, all fenced for privacy. Thia property includee 3 extra Iota, 2 of tbelll on Orchard street and one 11<>uth of the home med for hone corral, bone included. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., safes management 1700 w. cnMt highway -libttty 8-6673 The Ne~ Vogel Udo Offtee Three fine Lido Values-' Delightful 3 bdrm. 1 :\, bath ranch lyp.. 2 yea.rs old . Panelled Uv. rm .. large used brick fireplace. ~cellent location. nr. beach. Vacant. Reduced to $24 .950 for quick aak. $20.500 FURNISHED • A nearly new 2 bfdrm... hatM as attractive &1 can ~. both fuaide and out. Thia h nme has had rut good care and ii priced to wll BAYFRONT -On Lido Nord with pier Ir slip • 4 bedrms. -Den -Maid's Rm. Extra luge lot. A very nice home with large muter Br. Ir Silting Room. Facing the Bay • Home is a value at a price that will . surprise you. ~ The Vogel Co. -Lido Offtee 3416 Via I..1Jo. Newport Buch Hu. 4971 or 4972 LOVELY 2 bedrm. home 1.: blk. nff BaJboa Blvd .. only 3 yn. old. Fireplace. garage. Outstanding value. ~2!100 handles. Full pri~ $11.950. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1521 W. Balboa Blvd. with oulstAndmg view Nearly new 3 bdrm. horn<'. $5000 bandies! A Steal on Alvarado Place! 2 bdrm. home, b.autifulJy .furniabed. only 2 yrs. old. Full price $15,750. $3750 down. Balanee $100 month. RED ROT! ART C. KISU.ER CO. • • • DUPLEX NEAR CSN1"Eft i(>F OOST A llE8A aaoppJ.N&.nis-nucr. 2 bdt1L eecb eHe. wired for eHdric ruip. OD.ly «me YT· old. FUD pri~ Sii.tee. N000 dn. • • • NEAR TBRJrl'T A.ND AJ.PKA srr A. Drt" b7 11n <>raqe. Ulm call ua tor appt. to -· a bdnu.: dble. canie. nice yd . ruu price 11 MOC. • • • NEWPORT HmOHTa, N'&Aft.LY HEW. ' Wlrma.. IU,"50. 20llJO pnp. hrcM all' Mat.·~ •u... ftntllaee, dMpoal, __ ..... Lot MalJO. N--..r-t.. • • • INDOOR 6 OUTDOOR UVINQ Baultit\&l 2 llldnll. ..... u.d dea with 1' .. t.ba. plctu,. •IDdoW. ,_ --.. patio, BBQ. werk llbop. dble. pr.. floo4 llstit .. COGC. blk. fmca • other I•• tu,,_, 11'.900. willl f'400 down. Nke toeaU.. •1' loan at ~l -tMy. a-1. tu.le ud lu. You'll Idle IL W. A TOBIAS and AS80C:IA TICS ~TOR -,_'U UM ...,. ~ _,,,. .. Jll E. 1 TUI at.. OlllU X.. LIWty .. u. G-Exc:lting 2 bdrm., den, din!ng room home on 7~' frontage buaineu lot. Just re.zoned. Have your home and business at one location. $19,MO. $5000 down. Seller1 will c.arry balance. H-Exclualve Holmwood Drive. Wonderful home, wonderful view. 3 extra nice bdrm.., 2 tiled batha, W to W carpeting, custom drape9. Tint- ed view picture wtndow1, tlaptoae railed beatt.h fiApla.ce. Thenno gnvity healing, built· ln breakfut nook. Lan«*a~ Juat $28,:SOO. 1 Terms. I-Income at.ore bldg. 8 unita near new market being constructed. $32,000 F. P. InvMtment payios 14+ 7o on quoted price. J-Large bualneu location. Boat bulldini, trucldng whae., lumber )'&I'd, ma.nulacturtnc, larse apace for open 1tora1e or puking. 2 pan:ela renUld, • inc~e S260 + a month beside. above. 2 acres Harbor Blvd. Arch truMOd bids. GO' :11: 108'. Price 589,600 with $22,500 down. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -8ALF.8 -LO.A.NS -BUILDERS 1857 Netrp<>rt Ave-, ea.ta Kea Liberty S.1832 Liberty 8-HOO Eva v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA 1. DUPLEX -HOME & INCOME HKAJU.Y HEW J IMdlm. l'9lldl tJ itya. .._.,. Mab "'°'"· lilllhrd-Cut~ one bdrm. home, newly decoratad.. Nice pa o, n-. 1'1ftplaet. Ludlir.a,.cl • feocN yard, plua lmm.acfllate irtudJo apt., complete- t.-.4 v.., c~ to .....,.., Jy furnished, cloee lo market. Ir • traawp. tkdlnltt l2000 down. ....,..... G L T --• • • only Sll,ouu. • ~ ruR."l. DUPLEX oa Broactwa1. 2. $1000. DOWN 2 bd.nns. n.. unit . Flr'\'pl. Hdwd. noora. SUbmlt 13000 down. Buya thla 2 bdrm. h ome, dbl 1a.race, t~ yard. • • • Total price Sll.500. Only $1000 down. 1~'11JOO' 1ne1 lot. Oil ... en, 90lled Garage built for apt. above. for ~1• • M1lt C.O w el Jtt.b • ~~ • 3. $3000. DOWN $500 DOWN • 11."'l!AR.L Y Jo."&W a bedra. bom• l...aadllt-allfd. Good k>callon. On • • • $1000 dow1I. ~ -' bedrm. 1 ~ baUi ~ • •rs• carMr laacbieapt'd lot. • • • Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 19t.ll • Pl&~nt1a. C. MfA Buya this 2 bdrm. home ptul dbl p.rare. Brick patio, fenced. Built on rear of 00' Jot. Choice loca· tion in Cofona del Mar. Room to build another home on !root of Jot. See th-';a now for a cood buy. EXCLUSIVE WITH US PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE Ll~G REALTOR 3"7 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del"Mar Harbor 47 (Office located nut door to Corona del Mar Bank) Daya • ~ns. Ph. Uberty 1-Je43 --------------------l iclS Dividend Paying REAL ESTATE CORONA DEL KAR LUXUllY DtJPLICX (8ouUJ ot lliCfnnJ) audio 2 lldrm. apt.a. .w.ua-prrncy ror IMme Uld a.cc-. OR ~ .. ' bdrm.. I i.u. bmne. Vlnr. Q.mtt 1-Y- lq. Quick aaJe prfA, .23,.°IOO, AJ.,80 TWIN ~ t tr.uTB. 2 bedrma. •acll. Hctwd. noon. flttJ>laea. Gara~ .. le.bed J'r'Oe9 ~O. 0.-.. NY• '11SLL lf7~ ti. both! CLIPr HAVEN nro SP ACJOUI I ....... lllllt.a. Qul.t ~ 0.. lilde aow anll· ablie tint Um.a fw OWMT. Uw 1'tENr' ntlZ,. Llleom• ..-di low FHA .,.,_ta .Tt.61 m o. ~o price 111.000. Low down. Muriel M. Pinover ONLY $10.700 4 B. R. 2 Bath LandJICaped, w·w arpet. uphalt We 6 other nru. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. -1989 C.OnUnental, Coeta Mesa -SEE TH1Sl BALBOA INCOME 3 units, !umiahed, heart of Balboa, ~ lne. $3200. &b. net $2900. XlnL cond. Proven money-maker. ONLY $16.000 -$5,000 WILL HANDLE FISHER and COMPANY 2603 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach Harbor 4429 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 2901 Nf'wport Bh·d .. Newport ~ac.h Ha.r. 6229 REALTOR 3 units. new duplex and 5-room houee on 2 lot.A. Cboi\!e rental dI.tricl Ju1t 100 feet from ocean. 2 unJta a.re furn1sbed and ret1ted on yearly buia. Own- er'• home available now. Three garage. on alley. P~nl income can be 1llb9t&otially lncrea.aed. $5,000 will handle. -------------------~ !':_,_-t 81"-. N-sic>rt Beh- CHINA COVE Exciting View of Harbor Entrance 60 YAJtD8 FROM BEACH. Attractive mod. home ct.emped for week-ad tun or year-round cotlllort. 2 bdrma., clen, untlniahtd IUesl room. Sua deck, hobby abop, 1 t.;, Wed batha, colored fixtur., mfr. ror doon. 2-<'ar garage. DeUghttuJ kitchen. ~ dl&bmuter. C.olof'e'd ra.nge bu "double on•: double broiler; Servel Con linoleum, Formica. wnt:UatiQr tu. ailent mtch-, ceatnl gnTity h•t with ther- aaa.tat. UDique dla~ bar. C.Omp1egl1 and nlcelJ tUJ"lliabed. In U1l8 SUPERB locatJon. tnlJ an ananal •al .. at $28,GOO. KEYS at 28'71 Eut Cout H")' .. C«ooaa de.I Mar. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor n. Pantnr llar1»or 4610 Beautiful Cliff Haven llc20 Nearing Completinn a Wnm. ~ batlul. YWiw. Ucflted swim pool in patJo Many bailt.m.. ~ your owa col<n mnd f"mi.abee. Priced to all. $34,MO Waldron Realty -Kuille A ..... 9aDo& JelaDd liartlor OIM FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Har. 1013 "SCARCE AS A STRADIVARIUS" Immaculat. 3 bedrm. 2 bath • 3 st.all ahoweni. C>-11- inl hi&h fireplace -larie 2 car p.raae • 1unny patio ; choice location. Should sell caver weelcend • only $24,750 VOGEL CO. 8201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8·3481 . .. • Newport Heights View Homeil NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PAIT IV -PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. 2•, 1955 s 1lmllOOll, J" ~ ..... '"° ... ,_ .. tllla •uual ud ...... . tN ,,.,.....,. Nabtf'lllF..._. ............... ~ uar.pout. ~ ...... . o.t. 1ldl ............. .,... ....... .... &MlltW.-.. ...... ~ lloM. Obit Ilana. A ..,_.,.,, I Wt. .. l~ NtJI ~ M~ lHO I .... r.>.. Mat. ~ .,, .......... . Balboa Duplex I MOOG .,..i 1Mt ,_.. to modeniu W. '"'9'tY· J ...,.._. UI U4 ... down. Upper lw1Wdlad ...... w. ·-~ Oft .., lot. "°"' 1w ... -. an. Du41 MMtU.. •st.NO, pod ~ Peninsula Homes I TM I Mt& ftluel Oil tu ••po&.nt." I becb'eoea l&UOOO Jllome, Dlutt.. . rtreplaee, doU~ 1an1• U4 Ip. ,.0o. • ,..,. oW. eu,eoo. 14000 ....... 2 BmROOM. I NUY, t 1tor7 bolu. .Ura. Jflee ,.u.. 1'errUk ~ flrep&aoe. 'nail llolne .. "dltt•reat" uw1 ea11 eu.eoo, JA YSHORES HOMES Ma.ny atvact!vt bom. from St7,900 to "'5.000 Balboa Island BA YFRONTS Small 2 bdrm. home Oii North Bay -·-··--.$U.!500 Baytront bome, pier 6 no.t ........ ·--···· .. ·-··$31.T&O See ua for a iood •i.ction of Bayfroot home.. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nlee family bODM nr. bcb., Wltul"D. I bdnm 128.TIO 2 unit.a, older, sood ineo~ ---··-----1"800 Balboa Island Income 4 bc!MM., plua Ip. apt., llr. beech ··--·····--·--••·• On lJtU. .bland, 2 bdrma. plua 1 bdrm.' apt. pe,IOO CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdnDI. 6 ftn. can)'Clft .t.w, NOW ___ $1f,llO 2 bdnu. on A. vocado _ 110,900 • tem1a. BALBOA PENINSULA, 2 bdrm. home ..•. ..Qt,IOO I 8!".DROOM ........... __ ...__.__._JURTHER J!Q'Ollll4TION Oil all u... a.. walled ~· v..., .... Uoo ..; ,.,.&old. i...r•t ,..... propertl•, eall Harbor 1 TT&. ~·=·.: :., ... .,:'-~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realt« Balboa Realty Co. m IWIM .... , 11e1• blu4 (~C. ... ., ........ , M..W..IWUfle~ P...oee Greeley Ed 1- Jaclr ~ Jouplllne WeblJ '700 E. Balboa BlYd.. ~ Phoa• Hartior am. two fine family homes .,._ Both on Lido -Both on Vio Koron HolmwoWAo~d-......... __, ··-N'o: 1. WondeMul brand new ome A Street of with 3 bdrma., 2 .,.. full m. and the muter 11 ma Beautiful Homes tarp. 2 Wed batba, muter bedroom carpet.sud Ql.NO 11\111 u exoepUonaU1 111oe •lld1nr doon open from it onto a mqaiftomt -~ tar1• three bedroom, two Mt.b deck. Beautiful kitchen with built-in a.. &Dd home a-u... t.bne yean o&d ran-, di.-----• and diahwuber. Sepa.rat. dlabts la IAe Uotceal NeUoll Of CM •-.,.,_ iwpt.a. aru.. Uled brick f'lttplace, pueuns, flDe wan,.. nucaa la onr 80 I.Mt troet.ase pen, and llpecial llsbt fixtura t.bro\IPout. lt'1-.. • HObnwood tuurtq mul· . tra nice and aclulvt with ua fw $29,600 fd 111um ,n.-.,. n. f"OUad8 an price with ezcellmt twlu an"•ble prot .. loe&lly land8ca~ ud t.be ,.... ana .. eomp..UlJ ·No. 2. JUST STEP INSIDE t--s. ntm CIUTlCAL •UTD wll1 •P-thll cheerful home and 1ou'U want to IDOY9 ript pnc1.at.e Uae '°' pedl ~ noor-in. Provtn.clal interior throqbout wWa pue0m, &Dd ans. t.be wry N9t la forced &lr heaUq aact Ult sea•rou. amou11t a ueed brick tlreplace ln both 11..t.q room and mu.. ot nn. cut.om cabtnet work. ter bedrobm. -i bdrm.a. or I and dell, 2 baU.., per- OTHD nATURU are a.,.. feet Wed ldfcMn. Street to 9t.reet lot & 9tep amowat. of r1aM 1Adud.Lq from the bM beech. f21,800. .................. _Let.be~ 17 .,-Uo. Wed 11au.., f1npLaee "CONSULT US JOR LIDO'S run:::sT9 and a l&rf • dMerl\d kJtcJMn wtUa tonly Yt.w ot t.be oceui.. 'Jber• la alao a l&undrf room Ud -unu.uaJ dlfttas reom. nns HOK.I: nsiremenu t.be top dollar nlue la tM Harbor area. -•n .,.. tn and paJd few an4I UM property la located Juide LIDO REAL TY Associates 3«>0 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS J'ROM RICRAJlD'8 llARKJ:T EN'l'llANCZ) Ute N-port CltJ Umlt.L Your -------------------~ .. taYlt.ed. W. Stuart Foote. Rltr. UlT W ....... 91'f'Cl.. OMce Har. K. a•de9oe LI 1-Mto NEW & MOmERN BETTER LIVING moonr BALBOA ULAJm nL &a .-itort&We briq la well pluMd t ..... wtt.11 -· p•tety f'8rallMd apt. f1'IWt AL prqa. 1.oad9 Of wardrobe 11paee. IUMJ patio, wall to waD cupct, tum.ace bf&t and fir.pl. If looklnr lll the li!l,000 to HO.· 000 r&llCf. be INTf to 8N t.hll home and tncome. Contact Hub P9ww9- J. A BEEK, Realtor Barbor II IOI Patk An. COSTA MESA c 2 ac. Back Bay with ttnt.a.la . ...... . .......... 11'.000 1 a.c. chicken Aitch, tully eqwpped ........ --.. -·''°·ooo BAYSHORES Rw1tk I bdrm. 2 beth ~.'23,000 Cult 2 bdrm. 6 (U .. l rm Ul.~ Xlnl cor. on Harbor' l:w> x lto ............. -."3.000 DON'T WAIT MUCH LONGER IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD I A beautiful vi..-from tb1a corner lot. A Deal 2 bdrm. boUM lt&Dda on UJ.e rear with clw waloeed patio A: B~ and there'• room In front to bldld 7oar ~am houe with the bay and ocan at 1'0V feet. All th1t tor S17,DOO with ..-.ona.ble down .,.,._t and owneT w1l1 finance or trade on baMD-prop~ • Th1I beautiful lot lta.odl bJ&b Oftrlooldaa' t11e 9DUn bay. Included ln the price are~ worth ol plAM and apeca. for 4 un.ita. There are few IUCh Iota Wt. Two adjoi.nlns lot., eac:b M x ~.with unobstnact- ~ view of bay. Theme are a priR and only f™)O ... A beautiful leuehold on K.inp Road at l&i()()O. 75 feet on ocean-front ln fineet residential location, $12,500. Owner will take $2000 and carry t.J•nce. An R-2 lot in Cllff Haven (not leueholdl where y ou can lfuild a duplex or rt'Dlal unit and home at l&BOO. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lMO W. Balboa BIYd., Newport Bea.ch Phone Bar. 6188 or Har. 1983 SPECIALS for h>day -GOOD ONES I 4 bedroom•, 2 batha, dbl. gange, tarce feneed yard. Choice location, tuJJy furn.I.bed. S29, 7~. Buutltul 2 .. tory ColontO bedrooms, 3 bat.ha. Patio ·-$28.500. Choice Bay Front Iota on Penln.W.. D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor Phon e Harbor 20-0ffice & Resitience Nora Hyer CbM. Sall8bury 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa J11laod 10 a 460 on c.t. Hwy .... UJ.000 -------- Clttire Van Horn OPEN DAILY 1·5 UALTOll\ tut w. eoa.i Hwy. r.t Mm OWl'ER telllDI modern a bdtm , 2 ttath home al top of Corona ct.I Mar, Ji,fortpre pay{li1 rum. 1ar. •Pl~ auto. 41~ wuh.n . waahbls machllM. MW atove,, re-rrtr ... ,..,,.. • n"" '°"""AW tacluded. MAnJ bulll Lu. lot. of 1"00f'D tor llld9 W alld.n I 111.at.&Gl"f to acbool l~.000. Hu. 2~·M. 1Ttlo 1201 Cliff Drive, Newport Heights 3 bedroom, 2 bath, home /The Vogel Co. l201 W. Cout Hwy .. N...pon 8-cJa LI ';am • PAGE 1-PART.IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. FEI. 24. 195! AN'DQUE RABITY-'I1li1 Mona Llaa doll recei ved by Mn. Hodgdon from a Jamily Mtat.e wu the impelt11 which started her collecting antique dolls. The long 1hape of the face and the bun hair style at the bflck of the head are dis.tingulshing features of AnHque Doll Collection Keeps Mrs. Hodgdon Busy 80 y .. Age Nec..-y for Doi to lee-R..tty for Faiiclen LaiAL-NOTICE /Horton Faces New Trial April S -Nonc>:--or-......,--or-UA--L &A.NTA. .ANA (OCN'8) -llWlt· raon:aTT 8Y 111V8TIZ: l.qtoll a-ct. ~ Bulldw WU-V1'DEa Dr.&D or TlltJ8T llull E. HOl'tQD. WW ,_ trial la nun NO. It'll • Loe ~ r.....a Court °" WJIJallEA.a, 0 E 0 Ra II H. • cot1l•mpt eharp April Ii. LANE, JR. and MARIANNA s . Horton, ~ -'.. • ,....-ol11Uo11-LANE, bu.band ud Wire, by d9ed U')' Wia&'-plarle, oriaiMJIJ wu of uut dated October Iii, 1903, •.tiwecs to Jail IOI' to ...,,. Oii a ...corded Nov.inber 2, 1~ In boolc •-·•pt ol • hoz ol .. I --.......,., old ... , of u.. doll cMqll ol .... U. Slaila '-' •nd MO&, s-1"1!1 14.9 of OftLclaJ Record• ._,.. 1--out UU. .....,_ '11 .tocll tn hl1 of o ~. -· d ... f!'Wll a ...,_.,w ..ui. ~ factoey wor'lltt. ra.nc• ......,..nty, ....... uomla, ioJ ·~ -··a. ....... _,., ... OQ -.ii-,.._,,, ... --' •• -Mn. hf!dtrick HodlJdon of 108 F1R8T or T1'n -~~, •·-· ........ .,. uie prop.,,y North Bay Front on the boM!y e.cau.e It. t~.,.. Wl1Dk· vtce'of bla atton.ey. UMttln and bereln&tler dNCtlbrd, or collecllns .. 11,ue dolla. led aPd uclJ, port.rafinl" a bUJ HOl'ton lai. rn-___.. ll'9 plM to t he O~r• County Tille Con1-•bma ... ... ""-:I ~ion. p&DJ .. Truat to It ...-w-i • ral"9 MOiia u... cryini. Jt newr wom ui. heuu -. • ...i... ...... -·"•-, ·•·•--hla w••o • blJ ff, M!('U~. amorlf -"' ... do" -· In .... _, did .. _ --.._.._ u otller o puon .. Ute payml'nt or m ••• In 1820. M' •. Hod..-..'•finrt. l-&09 ..-vu)' I pu_... -~ ... _ -••-::i th -·"· •-· I IJ. ff It •· 1m-··1 -.... ...._ • "-on• n.ot. dated October 111. 1963, tho•1ht wu to -'ve UY doll to on• no • owevu, .. .,__. -mi91•1ra Ho la ,. .... •• th doll ,,_,_ •• II -1 ----......._ payable to """1k M-lman and .t her ..... anddauchten and t..v to • -co..__ ... , wor ... u 1--------------· I •· ., ti t.., 1:,-el)'h M . M.UAHlman, hu•blind and rind m•tchlns doU. for the i. the nit 0 cbaf'-.cta-dolla. LaGAL NOTIC I P ... • ••· -~·----E and wife, &8 jol.nt tl'nanla, or or. other 1randdauchtera. e P" .... -..... -..-. Hodsdon'• coll«llOla ot u ... the dl'r, for the principal 1JUm or $1.- STABT8 <.'OLLECl'ION lhdonna Doll wllkb 1.9 Mt oYlll' CCICIDIO.&ft or BUSIND8 100.00, with lnterrat •l the rat.• , Jt w .. •hen 1. muae\IDI. curator s ind!.•• bl(h. ncnnoca 1"DUil NAME • ot e Pef cent per annum, pnnc1pa.I tolil tier of the are and rarity of The head, arma aad ~l'I .,.. de-na. ~ do beniby cer-IU!.d lnte,_l .due In monthly In· tbe doll that ahe became lnt.el'Q\-l\catelJ c.arntd ot 190ry. n.. tono UI') that tlwy .,.. ccnducUnc a •l&l.lment. of I00.00 each, on the ed I• c:olleetinr: antique dolla her-i. mt.de of ~ &ad tblsQ and boat ~ ~ repair buaina• 19t day ot e-.ch ind every month. eelf. To be an anUque, a doll mu.t. upper &1ftlll an .tutted with ••-a t 22& -21•t lltrttt. Nt"wport Mg1nttlrl« Decem~r I, 19~3 &n•I tiave beotn made In 187!1 or earlier. dl19t·t.o ,rive mobility to tbe limR. 8e&c..b, calltoniM.. lUlder the tlctl-COftUnulng untLI fully pa.Id; and Mona U•a doll• -re all lll&de Her •Ye• an cJa.. lnR\ I.JI.to th• Uou. firm nam• ot A~AN WHEREA.B, d1P.fault h .. -O<'cur- prlor to 1&30 and may be dlatin-head. The first t'Y" made ln thtii BOAT WORXS and that •Id firm rf!d Ir! that the lutalh:n•nt t>f prln- gulahed by hair •tyling of a bWl fMhlOQ b&d Ju.t. the pupl) wtUa ill cdm~ ot U.. ft>llo~1ng per-clpal and ltitere•t due on Mid notr et the ba~k of the head, Ions face no lrl•. _..., wtloee name. in tull and on June 1, 19~4 ha.a not bl't'n pa1U; &lid n10Jded bl19t. Mrt. Hodgdon'& Bellt'Yed to bl Oftr 100 7eaN plaeea Of ttmiden? ani .M folloyo'a. &.n<t doll came drr"""'d 1rl a hand em-old, the doll wu ~ Wlely ori· to-wtt: \.\'Hl!:RE.AS, An•• ta• l 11. r . broldl'red gown which orlrfna.Uy stnallY made for the relict~ ct..ARENCIC 1:. ACKERMAN Moore. ownrr and holdrr of ~aiu wa• made for a baby In 1540. The ahl1ne ln a prin.te home. Fe&-l~ W. Balboa Blvd. note. herl'lofore dl'lllllfldl'tl lh11 t un~erclotht'a of the doll were ori-tul'H of tbe face e:ll'preu a look N'"'P""t BMch, Calif. aa\d Trul!tee .ell aald property eud ginel. ot deep .orrow .. MUO.ma. dolla GENEVA N. ACKERMA X on Novt"-mber 19, 19:i4 duly record- f§A.YibU8T nu.&& ~no made to portray dlffuent 12«> W. Ba.lboa Bl'fd. ed In lhe offlre of the County RP- MDIII doll11 made Ill the old de.ya consiirted only of head• and .:ime- tlmea lega and fttt. The rnotbu of the family made the body, •tuff<!d It with aawdust, and c~ated clothing. pvioct. ot. Kary'• We dUrlng th'-N-i>Ort''Beat:b.., Callf. eorditr of Mid County, In book Ume of JeaaL Wlt.u. 0111' band thl• 21.t day 2874, pq-e 221 of Official }{f't"or(la LOO• PUK llAON1:88 of P'e~. 19~. thereof, a nollcit or aald ditrault Thia doll, Wben -led Ill bier ~ CLARENCE E. ACKERMA.N and of her i!lttUon lo r•u•t'-sal<l Uny woodea chair of tM Roman I •! GENEVA N. ACKERKAN property to be !OOld and rnore than period, looks upward with -.4n-. ln'A.TZ (.IF CA.Lll'ORNlA ) lhl'ff mt>nths have now itklpae<t Many our.er• btlve enjoyed Mn. COUNT'I' OJ' OR.ANGE )••· alnc'-the recordatlc:m of aalll nu- Hod,.00.'• coUlletx. .. abe ,.... OF th.ill Jtst d.17 of P'ebrUary. tlee. The •urn of 1791 .02 p1·inl'l· a pri...,wtnnlns nl!lbltOt' at the A. D. JIM. before m•. ROBERT pal and lllll'rfft thereon front Loe A111alm Coounty J"a1n tn WM F . WUl.Ma, a Not&rJ Publlc tn April lat, 19M le~ now dul', owing and J9M. (D 1Lll, •he U.. won 10 and tw the -.Id County and Sl&lt'-, &nd unpaid on .. Id note and thfr~ blue ribbon• aad one eeeond place. ~ tben.la, duly commlaaion-la alao eecul°'!d by aald di!~ llf ab.a ai.o -... ber cou.cuo.i. to tld 11"4 ...om, ~UJ appeared tnaet the TnlatM'• f~ and expen· Bowera II~ Cl.A.R&NCS :L ACKERMAN and -ot .. 1e eaUrnated •t Sl4J.80. • LEGAL NQTICE , March, 19~ at lhf' hour •lf •leven o"clock a. m. ot MJJ 'l"Y at th• ..:iutb front door of l/1r Oran1• County Court Hou" ln lht' City rol Santa. Ana, Cal!for n1a, a!L of th" lnlf'~t C<lll Y<'yt'd lo 1l by 1111hl ~ or Trullt In 11nd 10 .. 11 that eert.aln Jlf'Opt'-TIY 111\Ulltt•d In th• city ot N<""'')l(>rt n .. 11ch. County, of Or&flZt', Stale of ("aliforn1a, d .. ac:rlbt'd a• follo,.,-.. '''"'"'''': Lot 63 of Tre(l N<l. 1138. •• ahown an a n1ar rc«1nJC!IJ 1n book 31, ))llJl:t'a 18 fll'l<I Ill of Ml9Ct>llanl'OUI •111p11, rrcord• of Ora.nJol County, ~ellfurnla. Or .a n1uch of aaLd prop.•rty a• •h•ll be lll'<'<!ls&ry In he 1tOl<l 1<1 tirovlde a •urn •ufrlr ient 10 pay the lo taJ an1011nt •t'•:un"tl by llftld OPf'tt of Truist. DAll'll: J.'t1bn1ary 21 , tll:.i~. ORANGE COUNTY TITLft: COM I' AN\' Uy G•'<J. A. l'arltrr l'n'l'id .. nt By C. \\'. H•xtcr ~rt'\ary reorpor11le S1•all lit publication Jo'<'bl"\ll!.r y 24. lll~:i 2n<1 publication Z.t11n·h 3, lil.'\., :lr<I pubUeat\on Ir.larch tu, 19:01) No. 1 292-Nt'Wf'-Pn'~ll SIJTJ(''P: o•· 1:-\Tt:NTIOS Tc) t ::\CIAlif; ll~-Tiit; l>li\l.t: 11•· AU"Oll()l.l C nt:\·t :nAHr:s .. -... h. 21, 19:.:. TO \\'HO lr.l IT ~IA Y CO:"C'fo;R N : !;ubjr ct to l11~u111u·e of th•• l1rrn11t'- 11ppU<'d for, 1111<1 "u111n1,.nr•nl!; not J,•s11 th11n t:i o!ny11 a rt<"r th•· <111 te po!llC'd, noli<'f l~ hrr1•by 1!1•'1"0 th11t lh., unlll'rHi~nr•I proJ>o><.-11 1., ""II alcoholic ht'vl."rni;:I'.'~ at ltH·lll! prt'nl- llW'"· del'K'nb•'l.I 11• ff>\lov.·1 : 1111 fo:. 3 1~1 Sl rl."1•l, N•"'·porl Br"ch. Or•ni.:1• C'ounly. a------thll doll which wu made in 1820. All Mona Lisa dolls were made rior to 1830. -StairPiiOfo-------------· Ann11 or th" Jitnny Und doU which datPs back to l~ are m e.de of lt&lher. She ha• • aawdwit body and lt'-ather boot• made to flt ovt'r her feet. Jt la ~ called & parlan doll, which term cla.91- fl.,. It u t o material \lied to ma.llt'- lt and hair •tyJLnc. The tatt.ta doc la lh• only piece of clothing-11ot oripnal. non..,.. found ...,_ .a.. a.a.t GENEVA. N. ACKICRJl.AN known toeelher wtJ.h any 1um1 paid lln<l l'ura11snt tn ~\lrh lnlPntL<ln, the 11odf'r11li.:n"I 111 11pplylng \o th• l)f'- partmf'nt or Akoholu· B•'l'<'Tat:'- t:ontrol ror 1.~11unnr,. nn <>r\i::lna\ appllc11tlon or 11.n 11lrnhol1<' br\'f'· ragl" llrt'nlf' rur \11r.~" Jll't'l\li-c• 118 Mld. to •• lo M •tr. ..,.__ MIJCllU;cd h¥ ~ Ht'-lplns trUada Md want ade la WU. Wtl9crtbed to the wtth-In aceordanc~}J the pro\'\alon~ OX S Al.F. BEER \ I l GUVE DIGGf.'RS--Surrounded by fascinated youngstcr11, Mr. and llrs. Ben Douglas mbow the 11kull and parts of a 8keleton they dug.Saturday from this small gra\"(' in the )W'd or their home. -Staff Photo All dolla W<!te mede with face• of ladlt'-• until 1880 wht'n childrenl:' ftat11rt'a were firat lntrodueed. BoJ doll• are the rare.t of child dollL UM papen be;w Mlpplemented Iler In ilYtnanelll, and acln~ow1N«ed of aid dHd of tru1t, w1th tntereat Anyoni• de.~irini: to protP"t lhe ftncS. ln -uque aton:e. to me that they ~tt'-d th• -.rne. on -.Id laet mt'nUon<!d •um". i•1uunre of """h 111···11~·· n1sv f11,. "All th• -.clternent la ln trytnc Ill w1U... wttn.of, 1 ba .. here-NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE a Vl'n fif'd prol.-Rt w•lh lh1· r:i.;f'IUt- to tln.d I.be dolla." Mn. Hod,sdOQ unto•' lllJ hand aAd alflluld my IS HlCRJCBY GIVEN th•l th<! 11ni<J mPnt nf Alroll>hl1· IJ1•\•rn•i.:1· Cun- A more rec<!nl doll but •till a amlle.e. "After &11 antique doll IA oftk::illJ. _.UM day and year ln <>r111.., County TIU!! Company. oy trol •l Sa1T11111 .. 111 • ., 1'alif1.11n1a, rare t)'pe la the KaiHr doU 1111'hic.h obtained It Lt p&rt of Uloe f-..clna· Uai8 OertUkale ftrat •boTe WTllUn. vtrtue of ,Jhe authority Vt'lllPd 1n 11t11tin~ ,;:101n1d~ Int 11.·nu1l "~ ,,,,,. dalt'-a to 1912. Le1end ft'-ad.I Ule UOI!. ot collectioll tu put t..tloem bl /a/ ROBERT P'. WILLMES It aa Tn.111tee undt'r 1llld Det-d ot \i!!ed by law Th•· pt,.1111~··" 11 rr doh wu modt'-lt'-d altt'r a thr t'I!!-condition, drNe tMm &.!Id mome-My Oomml..ion E:llplree TTUat, will ...,11 a t public auction ln not no~· l•<""n"'1d for 111 .. ""I" or day old baby of llalM:r Wlllht'-lrn'e. tlrnu to nen make bodiee. for Ncw.mber lf. l~ the blght'll blddt'-r for CIU!h, l•w-alcohollr 1.1,.,.,., o;:··~ ~euch amonc OOU fanclt'r1 prov· dolla which m. .. onlJ tbe beact., No. 129~ tu! monity of Ul• Unlltd Slalfa of IJIXlf: I •. JLLIXG\\'ORTH ed the doll wa.a modeled after a um.a and kp." N-~ l/2<1, I/I, 10, 17, J9:i.:i America. on the 21st ·y ••f 1''o. 1293 f\'f'w,..p,...,.., 2•21 .~:. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~- ·Mesa Chamber , to Map Action Ion freeway CU•l• Meaa Chamber of com- merce hoped to tak• action tbl& afternoon upon lteme fUlC• in« from location of a tret1bt ~t11.Uo11 In the Mt'aa aree to ptote.ilng the propo-1 rreeway on Newport Blvd. from :IOU!. St. to Pel\,,..tea Road. Action upon th• ltt'm• ~· .. lmpoi!Gble •l•merllae lut Th11raday due to lack of a quorun1 of dlrft'tora. •"KF..IOHT Dl:l"OT The C'h&1nbt'-r'• •peel.al trampor- talloll commltt11 undt'-r Chairman Artie Flaherty hu pr'--"n\eci a re- port "rgln1; emtabll•hment of a freight depot bt'-ahle railway 1rack11 ~rving the olll Army Air ll1111<.• 11hou1,1 New110rt llt'-ar h l"ll':- 11101·e t hff P•: atatlon. Member. or I t h<'! ro,.1rollll!t'. a re CtltH>rt Seal an<'! n . F. C<"ll<le1. Thn plenn•ng and 7.0n.inc co1n- nUllf'I!! undl!f l.'.ha.inneo \\'lllard J . JonlR.n haa •uggemltd lh•l the .;ha.n•bt'-r re<"On11n1·n<'I tt"-ZOn~nc of t ype C propo'rty be •lopped by tht'- r 11y. "A.n~· rnorr l'!l'Znn1ng 11ho11ld bt! done un<lt'-r the meJlh•r pla n," J on.Jan lo!d <hr«\oni prea<"nl L&11t Thur.9<111~·. '"Th<' rir't 11t1•p ,.,·nuld be an PC'Of1Hnl1c r,.,..,11 rch 11urvey. "''h1ch \O.'uuld htl\'t' tv bf! don• by !hi!. C'1!y." ' Otht'r augg~l •orui hf lhf' plan- f\\nf a.n •L zoning romn,1tt""' tnelull- ~1 rttnmnit'-nding lhul Ult! Ca.t& !>lr1111. l 'n1nn ScbooL Di.alrict With· rlre-..· 1ulie of o•l l"Ut'-~ on l!t act•• or 11.rhool property Ill Rea Sehool, lllld protut thit prn~ N""J!Ort Jllv•I. !rHWI')'. ~ 1 Lido Cleanen Get : · Sanitone Process ......... Uc1 ... Kanta,ce ti-ha" ben1. '9- -..t'-d to Wllllazn K cHt'-JU"J' Bland. 21, SOI cu.&Uca Aft., Co.-dd M•r and Jue Lalla Spellman, Jl, 1231 19th SL, Wftlmla&C.et; and "> 'Ibeockw1 ~l Lone Jr~ tt, er..tc, Colo. and SbirJet LoUta Powere. 20, Sal Bay l'lt.. o.ta M- PAY-LESS ...... Nl9Hf I DAY I HOLIDAYS ~ MIGMWAT '-* ttOM) MOVtt.al NIW~r.a.--t--_,.,., llVD.-COSTA MESA • OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST ' OOce I-lours: ·._ ' / , I l.1<\o 1.,;Wanera now offer• SanL- ton" Ury t:leeninl( u It. lead1n1 , Mll'VlCI!, 1t ~·•a announct'-d by own· • .., 11 t'l'I Albt'rl ,\!11.tlhf"''• And T. 1. _,.1 \"an l louten. "U..mg approvt"<J for For Your Convenie nce We are open every Fri. 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. • RED NICHOLS PRESENT$ CAR TO WIFE Red Xichoh1 ThuNl'da~· presented hi11 wiJe with a New Yorker St. k egi11 from the Lou Rttd ,.Country'' \\"ashburne Chryal('r·Plym.1uth shO\\" room in Ne\\'l)()r:t Beach a11 a be· lated Val<'ntine's i;ift. The notro entcrtain'.'r or "RC'd Nicholl• and His Five Pennies'" fame "'as aAAociatNI in show businell8 with \V ashbun1<' for 30 years. \Va11hburne, an arranger and soni; y,•r.iter. n1ade his bigltest hit v.rith '"One Doun Roses"'. P.aramount ~y currenUy makiJic NichoJli' lif• &ory, starring Danny Kaye. -Staff Photo I I ' lht Sanllonr franr.hiH 1a comp"r- uble tu "''Inning an 0.C&l' ln lht' n11i,·1t lndu8lry," commt"n!rd ~alt· ht!"'8. 1 ... 10 Cleaner• ~ all ~ nwill l't'-qulrt'-m..nl• n~ry to beo:ome t. l\Ct'nllee of Emt'r)' Jn- llll~llLP.1. lnc. of ClllclnatU, Ohio. end hM recitived the fr~ per· milting OM: of the Se.nltone clean· In g ptoet'N ln the H•rbor area plu.nL A Sanllone enginet'r r.canl- ly •pt!nl a •Hk In the plalltcbeclt· lng .equipment and a&lll.tl:rl1 In ln- at rucUon of t'-mployH• In th• i.t ... 1t metbod of eleanlnc . 1>1atlh~ le a ruldt'-nt ot Omta Mt'-a&. murted. with lhr" chil- drt'n. Van H outt'-n realc»a Ill Bay S hores, I• mai-rif'd. •IUI one child l.n cOl:lnllCtton Wllh the new cleanlllg pl'OC<!• !natal.led, Vu Houlf'n &Lid Harbor are. women could itxp...ct wonOerfUJ •urpl19m when thf'lr cottona .,.. ca..n.d llnd t.rut...:! wu~ "9t7le m.t,•• the exr 1u.llln. feature of ~ &ult.. C(ltlOn Clink . Frank E11111. l!llK, 1111" .• a.ct.o S11rr ty Counr11-'71'1oa eJrtra min· u1 ... you eUow yQtl1'9t'll ln the nln and t~ now may add y-.n t.o )'OW' Jlil'a.fl -