HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-03 - Newport Balboa Press.... MADAM MAYOR A CHEROKEE PRINCESS Mayor Dora Hill received practically "Presidential" treatment at Newport H a r b o r Buffalo Ranch wpen she waa initiated into Cherokee tribe by Chief Pushmataha u Princes.a Lakotaha -11Southem Sky.'' Here ahe wea.ra Indian garb they gave her to wear when ahe toured Gene Clark'• ranch, ate Butta.lo burgers. • 48th YEAR -NUMBER i Challenge to Easter Week Rental Law BANTA ANA. KARCH I - COCNS) -A recently adopted Newport Buch city ordinance ,..... ch&llensed In a 11Ult tiled tn wper· lor court here today. Newport council members. had not been aerve<t •um~ona aa or noon. · Brlnglns the acUon ta Harry c. Brewat.er. Loe Anselu. He names the Newport Beach City Council and Police Chief John L. Upeon u defendanta. Brewlt«t' ulu the defendant. be enjoined from enforclns ordln· ance No. TU, adopUd Feb. 111. .. HARBOR PR SSS Phone Harbor uue FIVE CENTS COUNTY BLACKJACKS CITY· ON UPPER BAY BOY SCOUTS PLAN TO 'GO LOST' ON SNOW CAMP· OUT Boy Scouta of Troop 81 have a run week-t'nd plMnf'd, Marci\ ll and II, wtth acltlevemtnt and tun the object. Committeemen Bob Blair, Calle Hoffman. Bob Guenther. Ted Ruasel). Ted.Hau.er. Ray Rork, Jim Gll1trap. Dick Park and Don A.nder110n met with Sc<,ut Maatrr Matt Waidelich to prepare plan1 for the over·nJg1lt 1now campout In the Wrt1ht· wood re11<>rt area. ' Tblnp lo be accompllahed are akHnJ, aleddinf and to- borf&Olnf, aa well u worklnr; on Scout acJlttwmenta wlth the theme. "Loat." ln m ind. The Scouta wilt try to follow through the mow-covered ternin, the tn.cka of one of the membera who la auppoaedly ''loat." Inaamuch u ronwrvatJon week la March 7 to U , the tor- Ogle in Newport Sinear Over Annexation Deal By BEN REDDICK Effort.a t0o amear the City of Newport Be.ch and .. officials were being undertaken thi• week by the loud mautJt. piece of the board of aupervt.on, Joel Ogle, otfidally • tM payroll of the county u counael. Attack upon the dty WM made by Ogle after the auperviaora had apparently ~ '9 op~ the annt>xaUon to the city I few worda l~t.er Osle .aid,, -We of 2100 a cru in and aurToundln1 have uclualve jundc:Uaa ... th1r Upper Bay. j the UppeT Bay now. Tiu. .,.._ ___..HUHS·-· TAX OVERR ELECTION APPROVED HAllOR WEATHER Weather forecut: IDcreaelns blgh cloudlneu becoming cloudy tonlgoht and FTlday with occu· lonal Ught rain likely Frtd&y &fttmoon or evenlnr. Sll&'hUy cooler &ftemoona. The plalnUft UMrU U.e ordln• uic:e. whJch will require a special llcenae and .ubmlalon to an ln· vMUptJon of quarten by anyone who renta. l111u1e. or aub-leue• during the 10-day period before Euter 8'\inday and 21-d&ya after Euter, vtolatea the Fourth. Jl'\fth and F olll"teenth .Am.ndmenta to the ConaUtutlon. He &llo claim• It I• unreaitoneble and unnece ... ry to accompllah any leg1tlmate ob· jl'cllve. He calla lt "arbitrary and dlacrlmJn&tory." through October la the most de- llrable ttntal period. Ha aaya he hall lined up occupanta tor h1a five-room dwelllnf on SOS .A.me· thyst Ave. for the Euter TaC&Uon Uine. It ta dunns th.la bc>Uday 11pan that he re&U&e8 bla hi(Mat Tenlal retum, Brewl'ter contenda. ut ran1er11 at Wrl1btwood are p~parinr; con.eervaUon work for the Scout.a to do on Sunday. Thia wlll follow the rerul&r -troop worlhlp .ervl.ce. The collf\1.ffd cOUDMI to the to boat irpeeda, ate. 11M .et7 r..-. county commlaalon dtmonatratt'd Jatea Ucenae '-1111' for nw.ae hi• vtndlc:Uvene811 end the "n.sle or purpo-." Actually ti.. -.. ruin" dealru of power-mad bur· govemed by jolnt on"nanc-et ~T.1.t.!.Ju'~~~!!lll!iiJ.4'WMi..Glill:~~!18'11 ...... ~··~·~·1.AP•-4a..1*~Q .. ,,...111a~~· WtW ™I DE iii'JiOi~!llr.llC"' ___ _..,-1~m~entih'r made to ttportera. no UceMf)9 1mued tor ....._ All£. rv rull P'or lnat&nce. Ogtt at.al~. "J Newport B-.cb Ot)' oa..m don't know juat how we'U JO. moved Mond&y nlpt to .....r die R·1chfield M·1netal Lease We'd atlll own the 111-nd under the arMa to be Ulllend .., tM .... bay watera even If It wu annex· Uon from tM pa1'0lll of tM .,.. ed to the City." .. Trustees Endorse 55¢ Plan for Raising C°"'truction Funds A JO-yeu . M-cent tu override 11trucUon echedule and expecta to ... a mn1u1 of building a new high tell the public ln a few daya ju.at achool Ill lhto north end of the which bulldinp will be buUl at Nf'wp<•rl HArllor Union ff.IJh the atAlrt O[ the p~m and juat SrhO'•I lJ1:.1r1,l \\All epprovfd et how many and f or what purpollt'a, an ••.IJuur11· J mrtllng of the trus-.he expect• wtll t>e available when tn a ~lund!i v l1Cll'mt111n. j 9"hool op;.-n•. 0 ( thl~ 41'1 <·rntll fl('r S100 of U· "We Wf're g'lad to have the Cltl· ec-o \·a!11R11on will be uaed for una commHtee'e l"t'Commeod&· con11truct1on and JO rt>r1ts for 1d-t10n." JuJg-e O . .J. Dodge. board mlnl,trat111n anti "pt'rllthm of the prf'lldf'nt. Aid. "and they have cllal1 l~·L Tho qurst10n o.f the tax hl'lpf'd form the baa1 for OW' de· ovt'rritlr wi'I , 11r:i•• 1•r for votrrl'' d slon. I a pprm''' at tt "l)t-clal d tc:tlon on ct.AIM LOWr.a COST )fn)' :!O I "A aecond factor In our declaion On A" "~~ ~\t'll \"lllUatlnn of $7e •• lit the lowt r COil Of the tax over• 000 oon th" -I~• 1-. nt rllle Is t'X J>!'Cl· nl1t' plan. Every dollar of rewnut ert '" 1111"· i~G I 600 th<' flr•l yf'llr will go directly Into our building a n<t II I" 1>•tl111nt .. ,1 the val11atlon prujl'Cl, rllmlnatlnp: the large t'lt· w tlt 1nrr, ·'"" tn S 121 noo.ooo 1n 1 o P"n&e In lntrru t which r~• wt th yrnr~ vd1•" I h,. om·•11nl r:q~r<I "''11l a bon!I ~t'. bt' s it11()(1r1 \\Ith a t O·yr&r total "The ficiul>Ulty of a tax over· Of S:l o~,o ()()(l. rid~ \JI alao important, Ufl"Clslly I frum a 11t.andpnint of n~w &N'U Pt ULI(' CA!\fPJ\.IOS whir h mny be takl'n Into the dls- Thr rl\n r~11:n fur t1h1l"11ltn11: tht trll"t In thf' nrftr future. All auch Jllltillr "" I hr n ••IA fnr I hf' t11~h l\rt'nl' Will bci;1n tl'I J')l\)' thflr aha~ ~ l1nul "n•I I hlll rn.rtl• 11lnr tr.,.lh t>d of tht ro11l whrn they join the dll · of r111ioln5' \h,. mon<'y 111 In thf' tr1c-t. -..·1 th " tax override plilln. )l an•IA of a ftomm1ltt•(• 11(" Wh ich \\'llh a bond luut , the· Umlta of }.lr11. l>:••nnr• h {·onllnir of ~''"'l''<lrt Ill" 1ll!ltrl<'t f11r tax pul"l>Get-• re· 'R1•1\c h nn•I M r-Ju•I l'l1llhf'rl •nd or maJn unr hl\np·d fmm the Umt thr C11•1 A M""" "'t' • l'I·• hasrmf'n t.nn4ll art' a rprovM, and new Jn l'<lllll lllrir lh" CUlll<llN•4 \"111U· IH"I\~ lak.,n Into the district set •lion !'11r .. Mri1. mt.lflt Stdn• y f\3. 11 ·r"-e rt<to'. vl•l~nn 111 11 .. 11 th,. lnw r"qulrr' lht ··,\n11\hrr bl't rt>;u.on for our ft.- a mnunt ''"f"'' tNt he f1i:-urr1\ Al PO \"Orin!'!' t hr l'lX nvrrrlde II that ,,,,,. JX'f crnt to t1llow for dl'llnqul'nt hll\"I' UM'd It aurt"f'll•full.v to build U J1tr·• " r-m11J• r r:h11rr nf our t'X1stln~ P lonnl r 11: fur t ht n"w IK'hl'(ll 18 h1 i:h Ill" hoot buildings. An rxcept fJXJ>C'' 11"1 '" "'"'' smm• ••1nl1 ly ''lr orti:lnal thrN' bull111n1111 at all"r th,. I uc 1 .. nuthor17,.•I w11 h lfarbnr lt l~h wen-built w ith a tax r •m•ln1f11nn to JI:•'' un•lf'l'\\R\' a nvrrn<lr plan. an'1 WI' have rstab- Y"llr lntrr F lr•t unit• nf th"~' hMI l1!1h('d " record tor fC'Onomy 11n'1 •rt' •'"ll"'<'ll't.I to Ol"<'n In the fall ~ound l'nnstrurtlon htre 1'·h1rh I• al IP~7 a m'•!f'I to othrr dlatn cta throuKh· Dnvlr11'0n I• wor klnit on a r on. out the 11tett." I Oil Pipeline Leak Trace Hidden by Discing in Sand noweJ 1!nwn O.t rlv..r. coatlnf: rock• around thf' mouth of the r1vrr ns Ult tide rosr and fl'll and rapidly Worf' f'Ulward coatmK Ult' l>rl\l'h llJI tht t lllt'll CBl'l'l'll and wl'nt 011 blnb11 dlltll'd thr ~ach A.ti far ea•t u J",.wport Plr-r . Oil from a hrokrn Wllahlrt 011 John Satloni r Iv mannirrr, u ld Templ'r&tatte ti•• ,... week •• tlle Harllor ana WHlr': Bl !Aw A f-minute• lattt the conru.-•hJch the County of Oremsa Jl'9?' 111 J>01M to de-#elop u a ......_ on School S·ite Re-i·ected ed counaellor •tatt'd. "th• poulb • parll.. .. ll '-th1a ,..operty ... .,_ Uea are Sood ti.t Newport Beach ""ould le~ bearh apolll out for fort to HCUN nandf for .,....,._ ment which lt Aa WMftd la tM private uaare and cut oft the pub-<:&UM ot th• mU... Mmla. Saturday. Feb. 2t .... :n 48 Brad1eJ' lchwara waa Jut nlpt machine booklleeplnr. lie If the annexation fON SundaY':· Feb. ·21 ....... 80 n Thtft of a tool kit and TV tube recommended aa ttplacement for Locattd requlnod votln~ pre. tbrourh." BAI' CLUll DEAL Tool Kit T•et1 Monday, •·eb. 28 ....... 69 43 kit from hla car parked ln front remainder of the t~rm &tter rlncta for the May 20 achOol board LEGAL IONOllAlllCE Bneral ,_,.. &IQ tM o...l)' Tuesday. March 1 ...... 80 39 of hJa home waa reported to poUce 'nlomu B. De Voreat, president of election at Rea. Maln and Und· Mr. Ogle ahowed hia complete of Ore.nee mcnoed UJIOll U.. Cit)' Wednesdny. March 2-69 42 Monday bJ' Howard I. H1Jton ol Coet.a M .. Union Behool .Dt.ltrtct berfh Schoola. lporance 'ot la,,._a rovemlnl' the of N-port Beeda •to -*" for Thunday, March lL. 68 62 1803 E. Balboa BIYd. board of tru1teea. aubmltted ht• Approved ttntatJve echool cal· altua\,lon tn that the Clty OharteT tbe county u.aary • porUoa of ---------------------------rutpaUoft. Superintendent EveT· ender for 19:'>5-~ • .ettlnr openlns of the City of Newport S.Ch for-the lncilml from \he BallMI& .. Y ett Rea eaJd he would write to the of achool for SepL 12 and cloalnl' 1 bide the Jeealng of city '-nd with· Club. 'nl.i. land wu leu.d la It.a aupertnlendent of Oranre County of ~hool June l~. out the vote of the people. Ocie entirety to U.. clu.b aad WU beinl' \.IPE PUFFERS-Harry and Oceana Scott ot Sidney, Australia spttad out the flag of their native heath. Note Southern Cross on leading edge of red field. Union Jack emblem is in corner. Senior citizens in this country's parlance. they "wander where we please" aboard their 43-ft. kctdt. No~ millionaires, they work when they have to, thrn sail on. -Staff Photo "Honeymooners" Puff Their Way Around World in Yacht Cruise Schoola notJfyinl' him of tht' Approved attendance ot dlatrlct 1 hlmlll!lf ttaled the county owned denloped by thecn. A. cbaace lo Marci'• ,.commend&tlon. reprewntallve• at the followtnc the land under the bey and the •hare ln U.. rennue wu Men by De FOl"9t aubrnltted hi• relllr· April convenUona: )hale Teacher. ln1ne Compu1y OW1\a all the land th• eowity and forced the city lo uUon becauM be hu moved out. at Buktll'y, Prtnclp&la at Bui : eurTOWtdln&' th• bay. quUclalm a port.JOG al tM proJ)f'r· 8'de U.. M-echool diatrlcL It Francl11co •nd Bualnaa Mana1en I Once as&Jn the ambldutroua at· ty already undtt le-. by the ,.... accepted with r•rret by the •t Coronntlo. tomey atated "U Ctlw ..-atlon) dtJr. w.tea. Heard Rea report atartlnc •I· would mNll we would Jiaw to so 0'1 eftikMDm -&Ille to Pf'O" 1n olbel' ~tneae. th• board: arlu for th• dl•trlct nn t yeu throup t..he clty to lect.iate." A c-t.._• -..... • Reeclnded a motion ot It.a Ftb· wnulll be Sl3:>0, a J60 boost, d11t1 to 1U&r)' mttUnc calling for blca on rtc••nt w>tt by 11 98·7 mar1tln of mlnt ral rlchu of 1!> acru ()( the tht T"achrr•' Club tn •pply a four• Rea School attrr rt'&dlnit of a let· Y•'"r biinU" nn a yearly bllllll'· ter of proteat from the )Ina Acct!Jll rd with lh11nll• the Mftr cbamber of commrrct. Th" achool of lht' Cotota Mt,111a Jl'UArhl11 Socl- boa.rd wu offered St. pu ac:re p4'r t>ly to ptanl a lawn at Montt Vl11- month for 011 rlg1ll.t by Rlchrltld ta S<'hool free nf rhar1t•. The di .. OU CnrporaUon. tnrt will f11m l11h t h,. craae -d. Moved advertlalng for bid• on a Took u"df!r consh1eratlon appll· FORMOSA READY FOR ARRIVAL OF DULLES Br W Al.TON TREGA81U8 ' ,/ Burroufhl adding-machine. eatl· catlnnio by LI'• f>atc:h •nd A. 4 mated at '3064. u a method of Hayw11rd for tl'~\rlct poa1llon u MVln&' time 111d monry through building lnaptttor. :s-.. r,,... f"otttp Couc 1paa .... t .,,.. u.an a. ......... et .... Commuoi.t commeDd ._... tt I• only"" mllee oil~_.. . Jet Pilot Survives Highest Speed TAIPEI, FORMOSA (OC':IJS)-la the focal potnt et ~ a.II -~<'ltemtnt I• running hlith u the llOUth Chl.na .,.,._~ It .. Chiang K1J·Shf'ck prf'paru for well defended by a .a._. ..u.. lhr arrival of Unit~ Stalu Sec· allat prrl-. relary of Statr. John Foetf'r Oul· The Mat.u, ~ ..._ ..... lu and lhe ~owdown on Ule off. cout and mucll rwu.. ._.. 1hore Lllanrt. of Quemoy and Mat· would be ""l' Mrd .. ..,_._ Mesa Planners leject 43-lot S1b~ivision LO~ A="GF.1...ES. MARCH 3 -.u. Wf'IJ.l.nfol"IHd ~ ....... IOC'>Sl -Jl wu learn"'1 today Chlani: Kal·Shek. all rl'&dy en• lien tf Dun. &Illa .,.. IM - 43 1 t l>- 1 T,.iot l'1lot Georre F. Smith'• 1uper t lctd Into a tlf'AI th1tt lf'd to the cuauon ot Uie Kat.., a.-..._ Tentative map of a • 0 11\1 l3b1 .. J .. t w•• travf'hn1t tutu than evacuallon of lhl' Tachrn hlandt. reply that aat.JoftaJUt ~ wm dJYilllon bttwffn Sa.nta Ana A•,. th .. 1>p~r1 nf IW'Un<1 whrn ~mllh 11 uJ)f'<Letl to atate t1rmly thta f0ttlbly make a Mand ta111ia, .... &lid ~nge Ave .• Coit.a Mu a, wu ba1lr•l oot ()(f t.a~na Brarh lut time there will ~ no w1lhdrawtl without the M1p aC t.1111 ~ tumed down by th• Mna city Satu.-Ja" from the 1tratt'1tlc Ulland• held Statee. Planning com m I • 1 I o 11 Monday J • off lhe China cout. But aome , Ml UNO CW DlfhL The aubdlvi1jon waa pro· It la belif'Vl'd to "'9 the hlghHt sourcu cl~e to the govrmmmt Rome Chine• &ad Kall "'4 poeed by Mu W. PoJ>f. llp~d a l whlrh a pllot hu balled believe Dullu will uk for one offlcl&la bu.. are ~J' W ' • CommlH1ontn n jected the au b-out and survh'f'd. more 1tep backward-thr ab9.nd· lnr whetl will It nop. r ~ dtvlalon, thty aald. becaUH adjoin· A flahlng boat crew from Ntw· onment of the Mata1111 off tJie cout lnir the w1t.hdr9waJ, -.,, ">' -. lnr lola would be cut off from •c· poTt Beach fl11hed Smith out of ot 8uchou. ott the Chlaeae ln&lnluid. ~ cu• and drainage In the an-a Ca p11trano Bay fnllowtnr hi• para-Po1111lbly Quemoy, opf'Olllte the hf'rf' are pl&dnl' beta n.t tM wu 80 bad belltf waa exprrut"d chutlnr: to aaftty He la belnr (Teal Communl•t held port of lbl.lu9 will ro t.1111 WQ fll tM the tract mJ1ht add to the prob-treatt<I for lnjunu In 9>&1 Hoe· Arnoy, wtU be aupport~ tor al I>ardl.D&lle• ad H• au Oll wGl lem. Nlne property OWTlf'MI on 22nd plt.J. leut th• Ume·belng. Quemoy la a quleUy be a"'...._.. to IM lletla. 8t. and one on Orange Ave. iolgne<I -----------------------------------------a p«titlon protemtlns the propoeed 11Ubdlvialon. N'O CHA.'110 DI l'<U-0 HT Co. plfW' Im.·. \\h1<h 11mr11 r-I lht th,. "t\ h•'" b•<'n watdun~ Ul' bearh from th<-m"uth ot l'·r ~•ntll o~rntton with 8 111 <:'ovtrt. !llrett Ana rl\·rr M l1u 11.11 :-;,.wporl ~llpt'rlntrn•lrnt In r hargt. Thf! t•ll Bea rh, h:i:< b· .-n •l41'1'i>l1 Into th .. I rnmp1111y h1111 a•~11nwd rl't1Jl0n111t>ll· 111111!1 11nd 1<ho11lil not bl' a "'"""r" 11y for lhl' oll nntar anl1 p1 ov1<trd "H,onr\mnonf'rll" H 11 rT Y a n•t to bathrr,. thl~ 11umm!'r. It •P· the mgrhtnt'ry whtr h did the disc· Ocran .. ~rtl\t, nstl\·,. Au!lt~allan,. ~l rt'd yi·~trrtllly. Ing. puff•••I thl'1r plpu Yt't<lf'fdt1y u pon rrulM from the land of the South· !'m Crot1io. Pope Informed the cornmlu lon· en he waa not lnterealed In pro- poeed chanire• In the tf'ntatlve map •Ince they would prove too upenslvt . tn other action•. the city plan· Tht pipe llnt'. which rm1J1e• th" ·rhe \\"t111hlre rnmpl\ny 111 doing arrlv111 11bonrd thr lr 43-!L ketch. r lv!'r nr11r H1Unlll<>n Sl. brokf' IAlll t'Vf'ryl htng J)l\s111hll' to tllkl' !'Art l\('W Slh« r Oull. al ~ewport Har· Wf'f'k fre>m el••rtrnly!llll. An oil com· oC the 11l(4C11\lon, a<C'M•llng ltl Biii i bnr <1nd t••IJ of their l!tven·V('ar pany "POl<l'"m11n 11t11ted. The oil (C'oftUnlH'it °" Paat1 41 ___ _ • BLACK SMEAR-Menace of ·the oO 11near that came down the Santa Ana River from a broken oil company pipe line la abown by the heavy coaUn« on rocb at the mouth of the ri\'er. That thia coating oould hne fouled up bath.inf from local beacbe. 11 . evident.. -Sta.ff Photo • '"lt Mems like It wu only a year ago," Scott ••Id, wh"" he and h t• brld" of 10 yean put to lltA In tht auxlllary ketch he built with h l11 nv.-n hand and w1lhout rowt r tnolio They'vt been around. Durln1t lht<lr voyar;u. Mra. Scott q11lt clg11ret1t-1 fnr a pipe. Thrlr <'OUr11t zlgu.-gf'd the 12· rt.. e In, b"sm rraft 1'0llh her "wl10hbone'' TIK. a doublP •par MJ· g1n~ on 111 aa.ils, from Sidney which thf'Y lf'ft Der. 22, 1947. In a 1tmeral northlnlf toward BrlU•h C'olumbl1. But i1r11t thrlr 130 aq. tt. of a ll boat pointed hu prow toward Tumanla and thence to New Zealand. whoee water9 at· tncttd New Bllvn Gull for ll month• before •he left for Raro- nine commtaalon: Approved tentative map on a H ·lot 11Ubdlvl11lon bounded by San· 1 t& Ana Av,., Atbf'rt and Ct<'ll Placea pruented by 8ubdh1der Harland L. Weavrr. Jnc. Approved con1tn1ct1on of Har· bor ASHmbly ot God Church on W. VlctMta ..tttr holdtnr a public htartnr. No protnta were re«lft.d. Approvl'<t addtd parking at the Victoria .st. Churc.h of Chl'Ut. YOUTH CEN'l'Ell HEAJUNO Bet Mar<:h H for public hear· lnp oa propoeed con1tn1ct1on of a Youth Ttatnlnr Center In 200 block AYOC&do Bt. by the Seventh· eo.u._. ...... , torira In the Cook laJuid1 and ftn. Del'-G~ ally, on to Ta.hJU. Then Bamoe •w-J called the traftllfl"a tor a two-Dell..,. ot the Newport W'Hk" 11&7 after which lhelr com-Rartlor N..,..Prne la ,,.... t r1abl k ~ them ant.eed.. J.D areu ot Ute Com· ~Jl ll~~tdl _...., to t.be m-.1\f an rapidly belfts BEAUTIFUL A1L1!A plAoed • can1d' ckllft17. CenW bo)'8 ..W deUftl' tbdr Mna. 8cott ..Sd, '7t'a UM mo« ,,..._. Wore e p.m. on Mon·' bt'auUful crul..lllae an& with ~ day Uld Tbanda.y. lf J'OUr talandli ln SOC> mile& We didn't -19 DOt deU'Nnd b7 that '" half or tt." Tba u., headed r-r-1 for C&nton Iafand which eonta.tna hour .... -11 RatllOr lll an aJrport wmns UM nan tram Md a i!ped&J rout• mu wUI Ule St&tl'e to AaatnJJ&. Nat Mf lmC ... 'tetJ' r11po11d w1~ of u.. end.le took u.. couple to ,...r eapJ or J'OUI' 1'fewport ll&rt..lC ........... O." • -.... ' ------------- PARKED CAR KNOCKED INTO BUILDING A parked car wu knocked lnto the front window of Ci ty Poultry and Provision Co., 2810 Newport Blvd., at 2 :05 a.m . today by a car driven by C«cha Ro11e Carrington, 24, of Lo. Angelea. Mark Von Milla, 32. of Acapulco and formerly of 924 Via Udo Nord, wu treated at Hoag HoapiW for lacerations to the face and a brul8ed knee. Miu Curington told police the parked car in back~round was rrg1111\erNI tri Hut.chi· aon Body and Fender Worka. Costa Mesa, wu parked two or three fcE't from the curb and that ahe could not help hitting It. Police uid their lnve.tigation ahowM from phyalcal e1ridenct, the car wu legall y parked and lta brakes 11et. The Ca.rrinr- ton car, foreground, wu badly amubed. The front of the poultry atore wu complete- 11 bocked ta. -8t&tt Pboto . , I - t.:XP ANSION GOES HEKE-Misa Betty Page, owner o! the Bnt Shop, 1809 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, shows Loren ·Stevenaon, new co-owner of the shop, where expan· sion will be. made on the south aide o! the present structu·re. Included in the new Brat Shop plans will be a complete pre-teen department and larger department. for children•' furniture and toya. -Statt Photo Vista D_rug Tells Brat Shop of New Services A ln keeping with the policy be-nnOllnces hind their atore'a 8logan, "It's run tn be nl<'e to prnple," Vernon Peck and A. L. Oe•mond. co-ownera of Vlata Drue It Variety, 19th and Placentia. Cos1a·Me11&. announce a Expansion new 11erv1ce available lo the com· A• part of th~ annlveraary planr munity. . of the Brat Shop, 1809 Newport PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH l, 1955 SAN FRANCISCO DATE COSTS SPREC~LS A SCALP WOUND DIATM NOTICI 1.1.ll•fiClll.Oft council. uklna' the cooperaUon or th• ,,. .. nre deputm .. t aa mak· Ins a 1urwy of tin haarU In a.&-W.OXD mm I M let Co1ta M .. a cit)' 11mlt&. 0 Ill Dunlap wu stwn aulJM)r1ly to Prt.ate ftm9nl ...w:. few pu~haae poaten pro c l a I m la I R.a7JDODCI Harold 11.aee. It, ot clean-up WMk. He &MOW\094 In· ~ ll&r1lor 81..S., Coat.a M ... Ly Comm·1uee l.ntlon to buy 100 Mml•N at "" _,. lleJd W«'"r -.,. at 1 p.m. la U Hllmated coel ct 141 for d&.tnbu· Pa,._.Jtidley llomary, cc.ta Uon In downtown •ton wtndow•. 8AN ntANClBCO, (UP) 81.1&r.r bell' Adolpll B. Spredl,.la II WU hurt 1llg11Uy ~)' nipt .. bt h-4 ... ln~r.tt· tloa M n . M-wttb U. Jtn. CM.rm 11&84 T-.. <>•=w ot Co in mer c • GOOD MUA CllAMCS · oft~Uq. Mr. 11--died ll&t· a.&uWlcaUoa oomm.tttee Of C:O.ta • urJay at J-aua no... He wu a Ke.a llollda7 a.uouaoed lnlenUon Chamber Pr.mdea\ Doa Hudd· Patrolman Cbarlee K . Orall"c raid Spreckrla had Just ~tepped out of a cab ,and wu croalns the •lreft to mfft an . unldenutled woman wbo wu w&!tln( for blm. 8PNCkelll w.aa tl"Mled for a llC&lp wound and "''~ Drh-er Aucu-t Bruseon, 23. wa. nor ~d. 8p1'9Ckelll made aewa for monlha 1D Newport Harbor fol· lowtns bl• be&Ung ot ex-wife Actreu Kay Wllli&ma Aus. JO. l9M at hla leaed Balboa Ialand wmmrr home. He finally •erved 23 of a 30-<lay aentenoe on 1lmple a.uauJt, ~­ or, la.It f&ll In Orailge County Jail, emersmc In time for 'Ibankagivlng. na!Jq ct M ...... W1a. U14 ee.m• to •ter U. .u.odated Chunberr· luton Uld, ''Ther.'• ro mucla room to CaUtonm. tn"1tn He bad Und for lmprovement ill Oollta 11.,.. In Co.ta 11._ IOlt ·u. put tee ot o.mm.rc. of Orans• Co ... nty we rhou1d b&ve • ,_. cJa&aee ln teara. sm-n... ..,. Jal& IHU!ler, beauW'lcaUoa oontut March 115 th• county eont..t." He added !le Mra. Ollw MenMe ct o. ~ad-UMI to JM>ld a deu·up wffk M.ardl conatdered th• beauutle&Uoa com· dAm; thne -.cen, ·111ra. Olln n ·ll. ( mlltee one of Ute ''rDOet lmportant Drqbau.n at ea.ta x-; Mn. ODmm.ltt.. Chairman Paul Dun· we have." and ulted o.lalap to Ml Jane Facett• of aua Valley ud I& po&nt..d Ow Xld head a monthly mMUns daU. Th• com· Mrs. Jeanette ~ ot Rlnr-otp t:! ti.auUttca~::.a IU=:mmlt· mlttM wlU mMt aptn Monday. llide; .four brotMn. Donald, Olen· tee wtth mtmben Jack Lowe, Mrr. d1w. v-ct Loe A.q'el.., Ro-Clem Lowwberry and a reifr-ent· Okay Dock U.. bert L. ot ea.ta Kem Ul4 Bert.ran auw to be umtd by the Colta -----------------------of Torraaee. Jatum.t W'U tn M._ Grus-. Mra. FranX Foeter SANTA A NA -OCNI -'nl• reporta abow. Tbe atttdftlt oc· Harbor Raet llamonal Parts Cem• wu named lo ftn4 a hOUM lo be Oran,. County ~ard ot aus-r· Mesa, Gardea Grow• Driven Ill Crmll cured at %:611 p.m. tery. peJat.d up for tht conluL . vl10r1 Tuteday approwd the UM Drtv~n of ~ .. utoe lnYOIYed IMVITS LZ'ITD8 of a county dock for a &T&D41tand wera Oraban CaMn Dale, 27. Gar· PrllNJle lecowera K&Qlben Of Ule committee In· to view Ule upcornlna' tltth An· den Gron, and Willie Jla.e Leo1t· Ylt.ed to M-cltlMna to write th• nual Wutem Sprlns ftowlns One car had UI be taken to • wyler. 43, 3411 ~b 8L Tuea to Mei.. -r.lew Prial'e. ~ chamber ot commerce, ~ssarun1 Champlonahlpe tn N-port Har· garage Sunday for an uttmaUd a sarace ..,... Mrr. Leutwyler'• lalaad ~ &Del teJnWoa anu ta need of a clean-up u a bor. S150 In repat,. foUowtnc a two-<'ar. The Dale machine tutfered penoaa1Jt7, i8 lleck OD l:U.r feet me&IU Of co-operaUve action to Tb• racer will be beld from 11 car carab on Newport Blvd . .aulh PC> damqe to the r-.r tDd. JIOUc-rouow1ns recent operatlona at Hpre. pride la the community. a.m. to 2:30 p.m. May II la lh• of Bay St., Coat& Kua city police uJd. ~ Ho8plt&l. Litt.arr wen di.rpatched to city NorUI Udo Channtl. UDO DRUGS "'OM .. .. I.Me aa..,.• Mil Via Lido, Newport Beacb HARIOR DRUGS •t E. c... ~ .. (Mo.a del Mar 51'-ICIALS For Thun.. Fri., Sat. Vlllta Dru, & Variety hu been . appointed Bub-agents tor Ameri· Ave .. Co1ta Mua, Miu Betty Pase. can ExpreH Co. and a re now aulh· owner of the b ualneu for flve orlud to ~ell American E'Xpresa year11, and new co-owner Loren Money Orders and t ra.n11mlt uUI· Stevenaon, today annowtced ex· lty bllla for thoae who wish to eave panrlon of the ehop llOUth or the IAUOA DRUGS . March J, 4 & 5 the time and travel eftort when preeent building. . acrompll1hlng 1111ch nPcN1sary er· , Th 11 l wtth rands. ' Is 111 In ne of srow nr -----------a greltl"r Collt& Mesa," Steveneon 8 Harbor Men Take Office in Yacht Masten . u ad. The new 1lruclurt, 30x80 ft. will be constructed by property owner Charlts TeWlnkle on the parking lol adjoining the pruent Brat Shop. Upon complrtlon, Mlsa Page 11alcl th.-ehop would have a com· plcte pre-teen department and Ell!'bt Newport Ha.rbor membtr11 laq:;cr chlldrens' furniture and of the Yrcht Mutena and Eng1· toy department.I. I neel'I Club of Southern California The partner11 hope to hold a big were 1n11talltd aa oftlcerr or on the annlvrl'sary &ale 1ome Ume this t>c.rd of tn1ete<'• of the club re-month. Mlllll Page, resident ot 1023 ' cently. E. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Harry R. Herti.t la th• new took over the Brat Shop on March pru1dent wtlh Douglu R. Prl•t 10, rive years aro. u 'tce-pruldmt and Andy Crtm-Her new cCH>wner owned a Tota atadl and Ch1rll's o. Zamora a. To Ten •tore ln Burbank for five ,ua rtermu1er11. years. Stevenaon wu acUve there lAnox. Hubbard became the new· l.n chamber of commerce work and aet m<'n1b<'r of lhe board of trua· lh• OpUmiat Club. He ba8 located leu a nd Noah Robert.a became In a newly purchr.aed home at 307 chalnnan of the boatd. He waa Ramona Place. Co1la Men , with a.i.o reappo1n1ro u pre .. -ha wile a.nd two 1tr1a, 2 and ~ &ary and club .rwtorlan In cbarse yean of •re. .r publicity. ----------- I... L'. Donner and Loula Nil.an The Navy battluhlp" which were ln11tall!'1I u Alternate trur-are givrn the arbitrary de.llgna· lffll. The club wlll con•ldtr In· Uon BB. are bullt t o defeat the rorpora non aa the major lu ue on moet powerful veqel that an the agenda or Ila next mMtlng. enemy can put lo Ma. OOING 8T80NG-From the way ahe hu started out tn 19M It Joob u though H<*&rd ~·· Slriua 11 ~inl to keep all thoee trophie. ahe. '!..on~ln 19M. A.a fJnt acrom the flniah line in the annual BroJtaw Trophy race at LAYC lut week-end, Slriua will bring the Brock Trophy to Newport Harbor Yacht Cub.-Beckner Photo MAKI us PIOVE IT L L C:.tr.e "W• .......... --:r ............... ... ..,. ..... ...., ............ ...,. • I•& lfw • tM oppwlwlt)' .. '"" te 7oa tllle m-7 .................. el tlle •al.-dlrt.raet plaa pla•n,... ~ l!lt.te Farm. State Fann Insurance Co. •.L ....... JSS E. 17th St., C'Otlta M~ U 8-tOU · 'PAYLESS ' . I ;> IAd7 hlr PIMUo Household Gloves "~.etc 47c ~ Clothes Pi111 1\9 3 1>osen 17c .Jadis. or l•ory Import.eel 11-.1 Blo- 11-.1 C.t Uquer Glaues CLOSE OCT IOc each FASHION IASKETS Auoned lliua and lb&pe1, $U8 Value 97c I . TOILETRIES I INSTANT LATHER Willia.ma Only .2~-.98c Listerine Toothpaste A ntuyme Hair Price 2 4~ Price, Iler 33c tor 7- CUTEX Oily Poli.lb Jlemoveor Olly Cuticle Remover 7fc Value TUssy-=-iw,:--i2:oo va.1-.. IK..l1f LOTION .. ······--·-···· $1.00 DJlY IIllf RZIHKU -· .... Sl.00 -Founclatio11 Lotion D:2~ah1t ,. s1so Hanel & lody Lotion D:.~a.1111 s100 .·'PAYLESS . . . T. Y. TAllES ·::t;-'139 llO'BBD Door-Mcrh 1b20 ltc Watne ··~ COFFEE MUGS la.tit. or !Tory 2-lSc PAYLESS Twill PAYLESS 711£. ... Blvd., ..... SOAPS DIEFT ._ LUJroT.gc TIDE :::i 28c G~~ 68c PALMOUYE 7cunl(Jc AJAX CLUNSEI J Piece BOWL SET 1PllKU1'0 33c OLAll S•ady 10C .......... ~- • C-.0 ...,41'1Cioe eo4 .,_ • S..pploa IO#w4a.t °'" • I llO~ OllY l't" ft) .iua e Tte4J 10 l..k NtfflU d1•olorouon • H~lpt belana e.lt alld mo1JtUrr: • '-'-•" coa1pln1on lrnhtt, ,.,..~r toolun1 ~&~ fOf 1 JP«ial 1brJI on ~HIJ can, u, th'' ~ .. coonal - fonllotla! h~I. -tti. d .. ,.,. ...c •. 1...,...11 "--•J -iu. •u o ,,_ u.a. Step Oii Gmlloge Cans ~ 99c DSODT Oaks Grove ..... Gin IO Proet IO PrMf Plftll nm J'IJ'ft sr1 I . PAYLESS . . -ZEE WAX PA·PER l2& 17' FT. 100 ENVELOPES WlllS. 8'{4 in. 23' .. ,. 370 DRUGS ·" 1600 Saccharin T altlets !'a Onin 29c Equal to 1 upn. lupr .- -ANA(GESIC IALM- 1.01 ... ,. Mo JSc 100 Cascara Tablets t1!-P & Or&l.n 29C Citrate of Maqnesia 12 oz. 12c 20 Vol. Peroxide 'oz. 9c ieef Win• & Iron TOJfJC 18 OZ. 79C White Petroleum llLLY -'OL lef· 12C lsopropYf Compound 18 oz. 14c ---' OLYCZIUKI Suppositories Adolt or Children 1 lc IP:lttlt of 12 VINCENTS 22 FIQ.Yors l GAL 79 PDn' 30c llud Pecked Ql1ilT 1laad ..... 59c Glut §c Ooae Dbl. 10C Oollt .. , ' OCNS REPORTER ABJUVES IN FA& l'.A8T -Mn. Walton Trtgaakia, Orange County Newa Sel"\'ice foreign correspondent, arrived in Taipei. Formoea. Mrs. Tre- gaakiA, who will cover a.ct.h;tiea in the .tJ.ife-strew area. arrived with her huaband. famed author Richard Tregukil. The coupJe livea in Costa lieu.. Mra. Tregaakia ia known for her photographic coverage of far eutern activities for national maguines. She expect.a to interview Orange County rrvicemeA in the area, u well u report on International affairs excl\18.ively for OCNS. Her address ia: Care of Public Information Office, Office of U. S. Naval Attache, Taipei, Formou. -Wllllam F.ccles Photo OCNS ·coRRESPONDENT ARRIVES IN HONOLULU Walton TrefJGsl&is lllferfiews County Mmines at Island lase By WALTON Tar.GA.81U8 OCNS Foni~ ~ KANOEHE MARINE BASE, HAWAII (ENROUTE TO l"ORMOSA I. -~-ir1111WnArpi° fiOOJ» of the Fourth Regimental Combat Team arrived here t.hi.I month and began extensive training. Among their rank.a are m11 ny Orange County men. The aha ft of lhl.w 5000-man unit j 111 lltronr enough ror h1m to actual· from Japan to this area lnd:ntu 1 IY •·ant to haYe a hand Jn fisbUnc a changing fona or atr&l"f>Y to-I at. Hf' fH !a there b the faint pc.. l ~iblllly ol the Chlneae Communi..i. •'•rd .11outhe~t A.sl11. Thto Fourth •ttacking' the taJand of Fanno.. Rf'glml'nt la part ol the Third \\lien uk~ about tua puenta' Manne 01\·iaton. <'Ona'{ll for h1a welfare aa a com- TA LKS TO LOCAL ~S l>Al-~dy Marine. be told me they \00 Wirf' good llO&dkn. A group or a dn:tl'n Orance C.Ordial and srnWnc PVT. Ro- County marinri., lnl,.rv1l'w<'t1 at ~rt E. AJams. Anaheim mao 11'ilh random. agr.eJ the ,Jiariger or U.S. Rei;iment&I ff A S Co. Heedquar- uwotv.m,.nl Jn a war over For-tr ra, 4lb R.ec1ment, -.id hill par- m<>M la ITf'l.I, ano proclauned •ntA do not di.ec1-tbe Fo~ 111tu11ll<.m 1n lhf'ar lctten to him. t html!eh•u rudy to ~ the l int l'VT. Adanu thinks aboQt-~ In th,. flr;ht. Some of the men 111· qumloa oft.vi. and c.Latm. It dot-a t crvlt"•"·"d by I hi~ rrpoi \•r Weft not worry blm-he will eltbn be 1ure lh"Y would be In a •·ar aoon, Mnl t.o Formosa or not .-nt. a<lmt 11ure tl would not be un til la ter but aJI •JTffd ~f'Y ..,... re&· He wu ln Japan only two •edu dy 1~ gu combat rMct)'. bdore commc to KanoeM. but 111 that Ume nollt~ a l'fftltt con· r'FC. Ca rrol Vern Sipple of San· ~m for Formoaa tn the nnr.,,.... ta Ana aa1J ... J'\•e had a lot Of pus Ultte lhAll be f1nda ll! Hawail bu•lthu 1tf't fou1 .. 1t up In Korf'& lie attributes that to Ja.pen·1 pro•- ••1lh thf' commlf'a. I think j1at lmlty to Red China and Fonn09a. ebout llnybody·d like t o go. too-r to finish this thin( n!t •• Sipple la I When aaked polllt·Wanll It he a rra.•h crewman, hu ~ on Ha· 1 l.houpl ~n Wlll be a n-ty wa11 !or a year. and practtca fatt-or hie actua.Lly &'01111' to ckfend f11tht1n1t and rl'~l' u hi• pb.ue rorm~ he .aid. "'1'•, 1 do.M o! lhf' Mannu' combat-l'Mdynne .. ll.8T U1CE llOllEA• p~OC"nlnt. WA..~~ TO FIOllT The aame phil0«>phy w ~ and acaJ.n. perhape Accot<lln( lo PFC. Sappl~. the not 90 apllciUy paroapbrued aa t1rt·fl.1;htlng unit 11t1ll In Jeps.n did FUiierton Sg't.. Marlo Cam-, w nulrl ~ ~nt to Fonnoaa bt'fo~ • hlA 1trnup In Hawall. but hit ron-I panella. "It lltarta like tbe Kore&11 ctrn 111><1ut commu111.et •Cgru.91on lhlDJ. l lhl.nk ~ore k>n& we11 all EARLY AMERICAN be l'°'nc our the~Juat Uke Ko-I ...__.. l>WplaJin&' Mlf<ontldence and rood phystcal condition. ,. '1frh be Mid are the number-one and number-two requJaltea for i;OOd eold!er1nc. Oamp&Mll& reported hla CAPTAIN._ CHAIR Rich Salem F1nlob on Select Imported Hardwood .. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 West COGSt H-.,.way Newport ...... u 1-1113 maintenance 11quadro,,. work l'f!ll• •rally .. out of boxu .. , and that .. we're worlltn,. under combat l't'a· dtneu ln CAM we a re .called out eomewhere-juat alap th• boa ahut": • 8EE8MUAMAN A IOft•apoken, lmma.cuJate :t.tar- lne from Wlh1on Bt. In Coata Mua want.a to join hi.I father In t.lle t rur klng bualnesa when hl1 tour In the eervlce Ls up. PVT. Glenn A. Jactt.on llku truck-drlvlnc better than any other kind or work. Now he la an ammo c&JTler In Ea11y Company, %nd Battalls>1l and for- merly handled ta.nk1 ~d am· truc:ka at Dtl Mar. "They put me ln mortar-rathn h&ve ta.nu back." he aald of hla job. Jacluon came on Feb. I after apendln&' on- ly 10 daya In Jap&n. Of Japan'• concern over the conditlo,,. around Formosan water•, he •Id, '"I'tiey never aaid much a bout It thett.' .. And or hJ1 obeervaUOM during hla 1hort tlme In Hawaii, he 1ald 1hy- ly, "prtce. too high." NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PIESS-PAIT I· PAM J THURSDAY, MARCH l, 1955 With two· yeara and tour moat.ha aervlee ahe.d of him, PVT. Ja.c)t- aon l.t already plaru\lng reunlona with friend.I at. Newport Harbor where ha uaed lo lf>elld all avaU· able Ume when he wu worklng- wtth u phalt, laying' parking' Jot• a.nd drtvewaya. He would lllce lo join hia p&renll and elater In Coata Mua and "probably buy a truck and p lA with Dad." PVT. GLENN A. .IACK80N, Coeta Mea. 11ervea in am· munition carrier, 2nd Bat., USMC. He finda Hawaiian prices "too high for me." When he leaves service he plans to buy a truck "and go in with' Dad." -OCNS Photos by Walton Tregaskis JI SGT • .IOllN 8. PL08&1. 54.5 Hamilton SL. ea.ta Mesa, worka at beadquarten and bea.dquart.en ......... ron. Preferring the Southland to any otbtt llpOt. be--" gueu on chances of U. S. troope fighting in FOll"mlOa. CRISCO Veptable Shortening SPECIAL VALUEI 3-lb. 75c Can 3-lb. can FANCY SKINNm ""lb. ~Half .. SALAD ·DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP . or DUCHESS BRAND Popular ......... wtiole .._ 45 ~ 491 orF.M C ROUND STEAK~W~ .. 59c RUMP ROASJu~~tiF~ a.&9c s LI c ED GROUND l&F "::.':::: .. . BA"CON CORNED BEEF ~= .. . IOlllNG I& l'lATE MEAT .. MOIRELL YlllllMlllf $ u.s..o.A.. a.-. a. F m>UCID Quert 39c PllCB Jar a w1uo1 co,.1 1111 HORT RIIS ~0:~ a. 15- Plne . Goanu.._. ~b':' 39c CHICKEN THIGHS = :: 19' SUGAR C43c:·85c .. ~=~=~=~=0 =·=~=~=~=~~~:W:~:m:w:F:~~s~~s~~~~-·~~~~~,BSi·~=~~~ • NAie) ,.,. PEllAIT COFFEE E 1 CHERUB MILK Evaporated HomOQ4H'ized BUTIER DAIRY GLEN, G~Df A first Quality, Quartef.d FROZEI PEAS TIDE DETERGENT Bel-Air Premium Quality Pm1 UM'fM nm., FM.. UT .. WI S, ~ I. 19 AT IUMI ~ WlWAl STOllS (1n Sa. II Stnl .. llaJ ......... _...._ ....................................... .... 2 I 9c ..... Mc : 1oc. 59 c ...... eta. :!: 29c ':'· 191 COFFEE ca.-•••·• SOUPS COTIAGE CHEESE llOSSOM TIME MAND Frvit Sotod, 0-he ... ~ 17' Former °' Creat11 ~ (C.........-....... ,...,~11ct . STAR KIST TUNA a-.. Style ·~25' STOii HOUIS .,..., ........ p.m. ( l'!lda1 UI • p. IL) .... , .......... .. 1722· Newport .-Blwcl., Costa Mesa PUNTY OF PAIKIN& ON LMCHPAVID~ • .. PAGE 4 -PAR'P I r IE'::r = ~.T I! ~RBOR NEWS-PRESS Too Late To Classify 112-Fanaltu.re for s.ae SPECIAL S'ALE ' Factory Close Out of Misc. Items! Exceptional aaving• on wrought iron piece. includ-• inc candlabru, mail box poeta, flower pot stande. ALSO beautiful contemporary deaks, occuional and ooclrtall tablea, wrought iron chaira. THURSDAY, MARCH l , 1955 HEMMED IN-Tanka in the front yard and on the right and left aurrou.nd this aubstantial home on Fint St. near the center of town in Huntington Beach. The giant tanka of varied colon are being moved into Huntington Beach to contain the oil being pumped in great quantitiM from the J onea Sand m that beach city'• J.ate.t oil boom. -Staff Photo Tanks Move in ·Huntington Beach. Squeezing Houses ptmt hOUllU. and prape and buUdlnge o! all kinda an tank• of all ahapea.. Tanka qulcllly ru- rlcated of queaUonable e!M, cbar- acter &nd capacity, ye.a. and theft le~ Cross f 11~ lriwe lea~en le1~y for Work ,.._t,._ C9f"••na for the ~ local Amsicaa Red 0--hMd campa.1c11 _,.. ~ man. GENERAL NOT ALARMED , ABOUT FORMOSA WAR Enlllne lelleves West Germmy, Foe 11t01C1 Polley Feff In R1111ia 1 ..-, l>y T. R. Janw., tund dWr- ,..... wbo will """" .... Kn. 1::7' ~ :::"A.e:i::. ::.:: °(Picture OD Pace 7, Part ID) . J.tlud; Mn. W. R. KJ.rby, Beacoa "'The communiat.a will not take Formoea or the Pesca- . ~ ~ i..!; ~= ~ dorea," Gen. Gravea B. Erak.lne, retired Marine Corpe four- Hawn; 11n. Karl 8. AxUter and Illar general and uaiatant to. ~e Secretary of Defen.ae, told ~ MarUn llaqo&d. <;:oroaa del the Newa-Presa today. '-i"hey'd better not try." Ma~ A••nnder ~-llacOWlvray. Gen. and Mra1 Enklne were ln Newport Beach, vlaited eor-~; Mn. )bnbaU Mr. and Mn. D\ck Drake of 42' c<>nterenc• ot Veterana Service Or- Hleclecll•. Harbor laland; Kn. Rivera Terrace Monday pr1or to sanlaatloNI celebratinl' It. tenth o. L. JleCla1re. Udo bi.: Mn. n:rtnl' to conlerencee al Kelly annlveraary Peb. i:,. Cbe,r1ee 8ullaYan, UtUe Balboa Field near San Antonio. aU8StAN 8HAUUP Wand; Wlllianl O'Bryon, Ralph llULITAllY REUNION ErNJn• told OCNS he believed Myere and Rkbard Hoctce. Corona Tbe local vialt marked a nun-the llltuatlon In J'onnoaa hlld dt'f· CS.1 Mar bum!-dUtrict; Chartee Ion of old 10ldler11 u Marine Lt. lnlle beartnr on the recent iov· McKinnon, Balboa 1a1and b\1511\eu ~neral Thomu J . Cuahman, re· I em mental chan1e1 !n RuMla. "The diat.rlct. llred. of Corona dt'I Mar wu on rrarmlnl' of Wnt Germany and a F.dward T. 8-ly and Xra. John hand to greet Gen. l:rakine. The 1trongn Formoaa policy by the It.. l!:Yana. Newport Beacli; Mrs. pair aerved tortther In the "'-clfl c United Statu had some influence Allan Oray and Mn. PaUI Connor. durltlr World War JJ. Er1klne 111 In the 1hakf'up," the g eneral 911ld. Jlewpon lletaht.a. and Mia UU&D f&cm~ u commander of the 3rd "I think our 1troncer attitude In Meo.Nell. .._.. cuu.. Marine Division w ho It'd the u-1 lnternataonal pollclu, IL8 rttenUy Martt Soden la cba.lrm.an of the aault on Jwo Jlma. For Ulat action atated, have benefltt'd thla coun. N~ ~ Red en-be wu awarded the Dl,.ting'Ullh· try'• poalUon In the IO·called cold brandl. Bradlry K. 8dlwan &a ed 2krYlce Medal. Gen. Cuahman war." t'CIDd d\&lnnaD frw Coat.a M-.. commanded the Air Defenae Com· 1 Added Gen. J:Tlklne. "I don•t mand In Ole Pacific. think we ahould be •l•rmf'd by Enkine came to Ole Weet Coa11t the communllta u reJIUlt of the TAR MERMEN to •peak before the Loe Ancele1 Formoa altuaUon. DUNK OILERS Coeda Al lnrill'a Newport lluilor RIP 8cboo1 -im equada baaclll7 ovt-~ 11~~ ~ll .._ua. nnl t&U ~1 att.emoon. capturtJac Yanity, B and C Yictone. m u.e nr1t suiUtt I-cue dual meet compeU· Uoa.e Of t..lle ..--.. Tbe Tar Y'&l"9lty WOD ~12.. the N-- port B° • and the Harbor C'• 34-.5. PAINT BIDS CALLED I FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS Blda for paintln&' Harbor View cana for $1 each ; accepted the re1· and Hor11ce J:na!1n Bchoola wlll tcnallol\ of J ewell Fol!, eCfed lve be opened at the April 6 re,.W.r Feb. ·23: approved Ole employment meeting of the Newport• BNCh of Alc-x KJdder a1 bua driver ef. Dementa&')' Di.trtct School Board fectlve Mar. 2 to replace Fred W. ot Tnullea. otedhlll and rtleued R9bert H. DEATH NOTICE EDWIS B\"ROl'i IAOATE Funeral ,...f\•l<'ff tor l:d•·ln Dy· ron La01tr, 71, of 931 \\'. 18th St , <'oeta Me»A. will be heltl a l 10:30 • m. tomorrow In r arkl'•· ~dlt'Y Mortuary. Tht' ftt-v. <-"h•r-rea F. Han•I will offtrlatf'. Mr. IAC"'" dll'd ,. ... b. 22 ol a heart attar k In hJ• homt' A n11· live of Llmonll, Fla.. he han no known 11urv1vor1. Jrtlr rml'nt ••Ill he In ~rbor Real M"morlitl Park cemt'f,.ry, Cn11ta MeSA, .IM'OB II. MTl:Ll.W A<IES F unl'r1l IJ(ll'VIC't'~ Cor Jal'ob H'. 3tf'llw11gen. 80, or t' o l o r A •I O Sprlng11. will be held Mond•y h1 Law Mortu1trv. Colo1·1do . Sprln~11. Mr . St•·llw111t1;n came hf're aev<'ntl 11ay8 ai:o In v11lt his aon, Howanl L . .Slt'llwagen. and f•mlly at 3i'3 Vktorh1:s1 .. Costa l\leu. H e b.oc11me IU a nd wu tAken to Community Hoapllal. S1tnta AnA, when• he <lll'd yl."11ln<lay. lntf'r· ment will t..ukl' plac .. 'In EVl'rJrr .. i-n Cemet~ry, <'•llOnulo srrlnl!t"· Park- ea·Rldli-y Mnr1u11ry, <'nl'tll l\l!'S&, l.11 In t'har11" or ar~itrmc.-~ MESA PlANN~RS CoaUnllf'd from .,,,.t he• day AdvPntl1l1 anti rr aomnir nt lots owned by Harry I... HllU11n1, 129 Rochealtr St .. 1nd H ury W . Wrlrht, 17~ Nt'wport Blvd. Took a -pt"lltlon for abandonment or All50 AVt', under con11lderaUon. Six property owner1 on 20th 8t .. Irvine Aw . 1!!11t..her SL and .AlllO •lgned the peUllon. Indlcatl!'d that 1lx commlllion- ers and two ot their wlvf'11 would attend the Southern C•llforn1a Plr.nnlng CongTt•a next Thurad11y a.t Knoll'• Berry :rarm. ('l'hW LI another tn tu MriM of a rtlclu on the Huntlngtoa Beach oU ltrlke and It. reaulta) Bf UN REDDICK HUNTINGTON BEACH, lla.rch ~~~--....-~~_...-ta~~""l!tt-ntr-umts L--.;....-----·-..:--~ me on Huntln,toh Buch and At the lut clty COUl!Cll rneeUns the cit~ falher1 In HunUncton Buch Cf"Ulled permit.a for 10'7 rnore oil well•, pracUcally nery one ln th&. down town lot 'fle1d. Providlnl' the drtlllnc of ee.cb of lheae projected wt U. i"Wla to t.be accuatomed l~.000 lhla ia a 16.· ~.ooo &"° .. expenditure th.at will be drtlled lnto the earth a t Huat- ln&'lon Beach In the fol"Hf!t!&ble ruture. Kee Aodenboftt WM Uw ln- diridual Tar atar ln OW water l..... Bodrnhof..r copped lr1· wnpbe ill UM ~ yard tne- atyle .. zu. die 100 yard frft- •tyle ID 57...2., &ad _... with UM wtn.nl.ftC 8aUor foar man re,lay ta .,..,..ty CGnlpd.hJon. At 1\.a l'T&'Ular meeUns Tueeday Baler, metal ahop teachf'r, from nJfbt, t.be board auU!ortsed Supu-hi• contract to accept .another job, tntendent Roy 0. Anderaen t.o ad-provtdtnc a replacement can be Api;r1>ved 1ubdlvlalon1 of Ju 11 than five IJ t1 pT'Opoaed by Cha rin E . a nd Evelyi. M. Jonea at lhe corner of Del Mar '-"" 11nd Eldt'n Ave.; Hcl~n C. Smith, 21h5 ~tl'11d St .. Newport Heirbt•. at teth l'>t. and Placenll& Ave . and Harry ~. Ot11, 382 Colla Meaa SL, off S11n- t.a Ane Avc.-. on propollilld Santo Tomu St. '. h they are bll' and rumbling and Saturday, March St not.y. No, they ~·t tti. tank.I o! ..-ertiM for blda. aec:ured ln 30 daya. Army atyle. They are blc&'er, noi. 9 A . M. TO 6 P. M. ler and probably tar more per- manent. NEW 8CHOOL &EPOaT 'lite board a lao approved Ole ProcreM report.I oo plan• for appointment of Thoma. E . Wood· ecboQl number five were beard ward, ... istant auperlnundent or OIL PIPELINE CASH ONLY ALL SA.CES FINAL Tank• ot •arted hu&-red &11d black and 11lver, are beln1 moYed from An:hitecta Phllmer Siler· echoola, to repreaent the dllllrlct Costa Mesa Furniture Mfg. Warehouse 2037PLACENTIA, COSTA MESA 62-Real Eetat.e LIDO ISLE 100/o down On a fine 2 bedroom, 2 bath single atory corner Strada home. 2 yrs. old. Priced at $25,000, which includes Servel refrigerator, electric range, dining room furniture, venetian blinds and dn.pea. Drive in to our f ree parking lot. Let'a 11how you lhe l>Ht of Lido. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Harbor 4718 Newport Beach -21c23 YOU ASKED FOR IT! New modem 3 bcdrm. home, large lot, good resi- dential se<"tion. Costa Mesa -only $10.900, with ~900 down. Balance easy. CALL ULA B. McFarren with Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517 -M. WANT lady to do cleaning f'Vt'ry mornlnr 1n 9111all Newport hottl ld•l for wife <If worktn,; hull· band. Apt. avail Har. 2894·\.\'. 211'23 ~MJecellaaeoua for 8aJ4o NEW black 1Cn1ll•h r1dlnc Jacket. ladi• atae ·10. u . no. Black Jod· pbur boola. $r>. LI ll-t911ll. 21:23 ltbO JtNCYCLOPltOlA Americana 40 \'Ol\lmu. ·1&crtflc•. 1100. \\'rl' RtlX F-42. t hlll paper. 2lp23 BTOVE. &nod •condition, $40. Ma· hop.ny drop leaf table. 14~ (no cllaJnrl, Bir l'rm aet. 1111. An· Uque kitchen table. n o. mlec. ltema. 81:1: 8 U NDA T o.nJy, 2·f J>.m .• 4:i.I Laurel Pl., Collta M- 1.J 8-6822. 21p CR..UO P'roJed• · lldltor for movie fUm, model K1:1. nnw been uaed. 131. Har. 1797.)(. t 1pa tnf'1'UIUf. I Mm\. ctuplu, f\,.. plMe, paUo, pr. Comer lot. '71 llWlflU\, ,..art)' I-Barbor . 30M, Mr. FM....,...Uaer. 2lc2t NICllLT' t\&rn. nearly new dupla one bdrm. &pL Hwd. nra.. tile bath A IUtchen, ,..,..... Ha mo. Ad\l.lta only ltar. l~7-W altf'r •:ao p.m. 21l'23 LOVELY lower untum. &pt-wlt.b 2 bdrm• .. den, 2 bat.ha. Will lf\ve half month• rent 11 rented by March tr>. Har. 0873-J. 21c2J NltWPORT BE.A.CH -J'Urn. 2 bdrm,. A den horne, t»ce encloeec:I yard w\ lh l&W'i\ • ~ tnee, garag-e. 1711 mo. fOI' t monU... leaae or yearly. Har. 411M. 21c23 ONLY $9500 Ideal ror worldn.c M retired couple I bdrm. tuncUoeaJ modem, NaJ to malnt&ln. h:IOO down. Bal· ance "6 mo. A locaUon of d»- UncUon. R&r. MT or JtlH.w, Jlttc BALBOA-.AUr-. 904. IM!ma. A• 1 coed. f..c9 ..... ,... Oe...a 'fit"'l'f tbna ptcL wbMlowlL I bednna.. dble. pr. !'Ir. 8C'hooll, bea.chea TlaUI propert:J bU ~ btOOllH opportwuty. H-.--. OW'IMI'. C4llM _,..... 1m w. Balboa BIYd.. \ I\ pMtl -l'or a 111 1·11r1e W4 w , -'°"' loe&l .... wllo ...... ~ 'l'OMOMOW t. _,. up what be •lla TODAYI Cltecll t.lle uaed can In Ule ctaaa1ned •~lion t• day. In to add further clutter_ \o the landacape u houae1 lJl the a rea being Ylctlmlud ln the latest oil boom continue to dlaappear. ,else Se-LS broek and Frederick Hod,don. Bid on a joint tr.naportatlon commit· ,A of 110,010 from Stout lndu.trtea tte wtth OT&11ge Cout G<>Uege, coau. .. fNm .,,.., rare Covert. 1treel 1uperintendt nt. I le said he aaw the 011 lut Thun1.s11y 11nd Friday he gave permlAAlon fllr the dlllC'l ng job. whlt'h he lhlnk,o Is dojng a tine job of laklnc car.-or lhe oil. • fM mo•eable c&Hwork In the ad-Newport Harbor Union Hll'h le-electio. diUoea at Harbor View School waa Scbool a nd Coeta Mea Union When oll l1 produced from bowel• of Mother lllarth It mWlt be atored until lt can be t~•­ BUY YEU-S 8TlPPLY K.any ot tbe big dr11lera boua-lll a year'• !lUpply of drill permit.a. Why! Becauae etfectJve wttll the 11econd re1d1ng and emerKency or- dinance pu~d by the H untlngt.oe Beach City CounclJ p~• drilling &cHJ>ted bl tbe board. School Dl.ltrtct . Banwy D. P9ue. member ot lbe The -n'fc .. ot Otlbome Teetlnl' ------------- ferrtd by truck or tank line to a refinery. HOMES DESTROYED Newport BHch It le meat a r Y Laboratorle1 were tncal'ed Tue• I w ful 8ebool J>Wtricl Board of Traltte day night by the board for tHl• rong told tbe N_..Prea Jffl.ttday he I In&' required by the 1tatf' at the will run apln for om ce at ua. Horace Enatcn and Harbor View • "I under1ta_nd that the plJ>f' line ha1 been repaired, but u 10111( iu there 11 oil In the river that the tide can rrAch tt 111 bound to com.- down and hit the beach. b111 J have every reaaon to bellrve that the Wll11\lr1 company will '" •n· tlnue to talle care of It," he •If· rlar.-d. Flrat the derr1cka moved In. H o\lff11 wt>re deatroyed •• the chug~ng p\4ttlng driller• probed the earth. St:reelll wue t om up to lay plpu from drill 1ltea to rellne- ry. And now where wella produce. t.anlr1 are taklnr up tlle litU• re- mr.fnln« room on 11111all city Iota to 1tore th• black (Old from the Jonu aand unUI ll can be m ond. permit.a at $100 each. • But oil la big bulltn-. you a y. Yu, but not whe~ wild catten would hne to pay a municipality for the prtvll•ce of cJulroyln&' Ila houae1, breaklnl' up ti. atreet.s and aldewalka and pullln1 out ltJI trtta. Jl&y JO el«Uoa. Candklatel can I Schoola addll1Qn1. D th s •t obtain applJcalJoD.I al the county A certificated ... ry schedule ea UI lllperinlellldalt'a otrke tn Suit• effecUve September of thl1 ye.r I A-betWHa Mardi 20 and April whkh bulcally gtvea 11. 1176 ~r B f J Peue a. tM onlf board -btor tbe district wu adopted by the JO year wqe lncreue lo lt'&Chel"I ln 'I e ore ury Whoee term ol otnc. oplra tblll board. Placu that were paUoa are now tank farms. Pushed hard up •· No. oil on the looae u In Huat- lngton Beach la no rood tor any• one. Including the dr1Uen. ,_r. T1le eaectioa wtU be lltld ln In oUler bu.slnr~ the board &U· SANTA ANA (OCNS)-Super· CODjunc'tq wttb otbrr acbool thoriud Ult l!llllt' or UHd traah , 111r Court Jury today hr heartnc e,IKUona. ll'Jtllmony In a $1118,000 • plu1 Fly llte1 S•fely HONEYMOONERS UPPER BAY· Reed Escapes Crash Unhurt R owa n for a tour snd l'ne·half the portion the county v.·ant.ed to month .. ui.y 1lurlng wh ich they aaw extort from the city waa not In· the IAllnfls by wat ~r. volvf'd In quesUoned t1Ue and ao Vllncounr, B. C. called the lh~ county endfd lip 1n a n•T· Mesa Rsh Fry Set June 4,5 SA~A ANA. MARCH 3 10CNS1 -Newport B«'ach Union High ~hool Co•C'h Ralph K. RrNI, :W. 2114 sPrranQ St . <'ltl<'&pf'<l un- The Coeta Mea Uool Club an-1 hurt but snolher p<'T'llon •ufr..rrd nounc.d lb~ Tftllll A.nll-1 n!lh I major lnjurlna wtlf'n their cara t'OI· Fry will '-held Saturday ud Swl· j Udf"d on Hununiton Bf'ach Blvd, day. J une 4 and 6. Commltttt 1800 fttt 110uth of M•ln St . Hunt· chalrm,.n •ppo<nted at Ullll time 111Kton Bl'&ch aru. tut night lndudf'd Dun Dung-an. publicity; l fotorlal Mni. f.<('!'neta MrComb Jud. Sut.krland. purcluunng. Art Rhoa.rl.tl, 3.G, reportf'(lly hont'y· Mckau:ie, aiteurtly, Bruce Marun. mnonlnit hr rl' from ht't Lubboc•k, parade, Htlll& Kaleer, FUh Fry. T.-x. home wu ru1h4'd to Hoa11; row portion ot bay rronl.&«'e wNch ketch and the Scotts l11ld over It l,.aaed to Orange Coaat CoUtce there two years. being •bl_e to and thu• hu kept do.ed lo the crul11t! the San Juat1 and Gulf h · public. l&.nd11 11.1ul Pu~c~ Sound dur ing At thP Ume of the Bay Club monlh1t Wl'&lhcr r ermltted. Srott converll8tlon11 otrlc1ala of the City u.ld, "1 waAll'd 12 monl.hs of my oC Newpnrt Be&ch endcavo~ to lire there-you couldn't Cr\11~., dur· straighten the confllellng title Ing the '"'lntcr1 " While there thtv ntal~r" or thc-Old County Dock met the Pyu. an English 1·oupl~ area. l'p<m l he ••IVlce or C'ounty on 11 11lmllar cnil111• s boa r•l th,. roun.t1cl J oel Ogle, nothJng-w aa yvh\ MoonrakeT which r&lll"I here' done. ~ fr&nd prtu 0!11 )'t'&r will be Hospital the CallromlA Highway u aU-expenM! tour for two peoole Patrol ltlld. The 11c!'ldrnt OCC'urTf'd to •·It.her Hawaii or ltfeJtk:o Cl•y. at 11;1~ p rn. Plana ~ twm~ ID.it to handle The palT'OI re-l'nmmtndett driver u IDcre&Md crowd Una yur W'lt.b Rhon ·Dn ~ • 1\t"<1 ftlr making an lncrea.d brtleflta pn~ to youth 1m.11aJf t• ·turn. flttd rtoportedly act.I.tty an lbe .,_, w111 north bound nn H untington 90me month• a go enroute to E ng· ATl'EMPT TO SELL la..nd. In a l ttW day• the Scotla will head for San Diff'O. But while h .. re lhty will aee Nf wport Ha r bor u guuta of Howard L. l'tshu. Newport Hubar al<.lpptr of the cralt Zipper. He m tt t.h•m tut Friday night when tbey ~ke at thl' WHL Coaat Yacht Club on tbel r c rul.lee. Scott aa.id It t<><* him three an.d ont·half years of •~kt'ndl to buUd their ketch. He.r bull wu nnlahf:d In J940. The ketch hu a radio recelnr but no transmit· ter. She a.Ila henielf "d1y lllld night." Scott renaled, 1&ylng lhey ra rely touch t'he llllr r. With hi• 60 yean' ll&lhnc "lperlence, he's uM'd to ocean ••Hine althouan lb.la la b.I• tint boaL Sloce that tJme the COW\ty hu endeavored to ..U th• cou.nty dock Beach BIY<I .. whtn the other vehlc· w. aout.hbound. made • 1Udden U-&re&, purport.edly to aecurw. tundl "to me.rt o( the COWllJ W1Uch d<>ea for the dn elopment of tbe Cowi-not 1moW" that all ow cowi\y la tum . ty Watn-Park In the Upper Bay ID the <>rs.nee County Harbor l.Jl.a-------------- are&. The county h.u lnaiat.ed thal tr1ct .net paya for jurildlc:'tlon o•u K• der Q •t the City of Nnrport Beach quit-the Hutlar. 'I1al8 la U>eoreUcalJy 1n UI s claim It.a portion o! the aru Lo tnae. ~ta& -1 waa ww-11 tbe c:Ounty. Tb• city bM offered to build the piuab noa-h aJ • to do t.hla. provtdJnc Ule cowity olf\C'U ol the eo.mty Harbor Com-W. C. Kinder Jr. today announe- would al'rff all tunda derind 6oft. rnim&oa and fla.nor Muter oa ed hla wilhdnlwal frwn lhl' coun· the aaJe would be tnY..ud to the Be.1l'de Drtn. TIM.,.... ia far ,.. cllmansc rKe tn Diatrtct No. 1 In -ltt park. 'n\1a lM CowitJ Of ~ ,.,._ tbe center at t.ra..-el fswor of L. H. Ber~ron who ha.a Oran~•~ to do. aod trom f'" oa1cu ~by alao tiled. -..deoU1 • ...._ --.... ~ ... -pt aw ct-for • _ .. _tu:ry Klndtr .aid lnu m uch u hla pol- ..... ...... .,._..._.. -'"I .. -~·~ • lcle1 and ldeala para.11~1 tho• of to amear the City of Newport Here UM dominJon 9eellen keep I Bt'fS"eron. lie thought It UMece• Beach In lta plan tQ annex * tWc ~ • ary and lmpnctlcal for both to Upper Bay la an op-. ret&liaUOD But, Mr. Os» did aot pobtt out continue In the race. The formu by thoee caupt .. 91ct1JDe ol t.be cowit:J ud ~ ta It hu can41date alee> fl&ted Berriron la their own bNndertnr. recon1'8d tu _.. la tasa thaD ln a better po91Uon to devolA! rnore Tbe ctly hae excl'6dld from la. the -...a oo9t al all ecm.tnlCUon-dforl to clYio mat t.en a t the pre- annexinr tbe . 3004.cn s-n* lilll:ldlll t.M maaU eamtt:J portion. wnt Ume. wrongful 1lcalh and pen!Onal In- jury suit. Thi' h1g11wa}' era.ah death of the daughter or the preiudent of Occl· dent.Al Llff' Jn.turan('t' Co. hr the ba.~1• ot the 1111t Brln~g the action "re Jamea C. Shf'ppard lll. hUJlband llf the decenda.nl. Nancy Brow"r Shl'pprll. and Mr. and ~{11 llt1n11 •• \\'. :arower. pllrrrll.11 or the dut"llanL. All live In San Marino ant.I arr Wt'll known In N twport Harbor. l...ance A . Vu Mouchl'I, San Clemente chiropractor, Is Ule I.Ir · ft"n!1ant OuMourhel hu admilled llabll· lly. liutur8 befor.-the jury !Lrl! I.hi> amount of punitive dllrnage. anll j11r~-. All!('I the jury musl <lt'C'ldt Sheppard for alleged J>4!raonf.I In· amount of damage. to be allowe<I lh,. apportionment of damage&, If any, 11mung Ule lhree pla.lnllf(e. The pl&lntiffl allere Du Mouchel angled hla car acrou lhe double lln .. or Coul Highway In Hunt· lngton Beach Nov. 22. 1111)3, &11d cauat'd It t.o nlm Into a l'&r tlrlvt'n by Sheppard. Hla wife wiu a ~aer. c~ of the defenH arrumenl la Ula t llablllly la IWSmltted on nc'll~ence but dent~ on Ule wan· ton and wtltul ml~onduct alleg•· uon. ,.,,,~•-.-Wd. ..., ,_ -'earic po-. lillfW Md odittr ~ --~·· s.a.-ttw·.,...." ~'*"· a.~-ww..-..or -'Sic .ui..., &.lldwkilr~·· ~ II•. II( IP ~ly. Don·, pal.I! ..,_ ,.., ~ ownin,t ea II"' llnll Ill ,,_ •. u,,,,.,.., kt!t for yo.. ~ Southern California ldiaon Company Now'• the time to plant Ba.re Root t rees. We have shade, fruit and flowering fruit, also a wide var- iety of garden aupplies: complete seed rack. gr&A11 aeed, brooma, clippera, rakes, hors, shovel.II, rc.'Cl- wood tubs, ~wn mowe1'11, power or regular, and wheel barrowa. ~ BAY NURSERY 485 E. 17th (Deal' Irvine) Coftta M,... When t he Sootta leave for Kea· lco, Panama. perbap1 lhf' Weal lndJu and finally Au•tralla, tlley Ally they'll han pleuant memoriM of lhla country. Scott e&ld : whe.-. the county 11M .U It la Neiwport 8ledt dt:J ottldala •T "I do thla wtth t.M alncere be· g"OIDS lo ~d a water park. Wiiy T thq ~ eaaU-tMlr' plma to ui-1»f UM eleotJon of Mr. Berpron Bec&uM the count7 ..,.. Ile want. na t.be Upper Bay .,._ llecallle "111 otter tlle retlldents of Dlatrict ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;:;;;;;:=~ to determine It. own COWM Of tbe tMd OWMn .,.. wOUnc ud No. 1 and th• Ctty 6i Newport jj; ''Th• Amartcanll are the moat h011plt&ble. ldnd\y, and friendly people we ha" ewr llff1'." plana wlthwt dty ~ haft 9111Q1tat It. 8MCJI an opportUJ1lty to benefit WHO PA1'8 T.&XU rwtMr Uaq baft ll&&&ed u.t tram the Mntce of a man who "111 TM Oowity C.....-pollated ~ u.e, will Mt • Macll;Jecked \nt.o fSYe Ma hoe1e1t.. lmp&rtlat con- --------------------------.. .._ w.i. to cilty peciputy to lM llkkr&Uon and aupport to ctYlc HOUSIHOI D GRISIS 7 WARDROll CRISIS 7 Per~•P• we have t1'e answer BecauH we do everything here casa pura "l&llntm WftiilH •'1U -wm M•1 OOllPLETE L&lDIDDm _. ~ MAAUQ:&'8 1111.a lfWWl'lU9r .am O-tJ ftL Onmc'e • It aa '9 llOld -U•• to beMflt all." Kinder to .. ....... MMlr. au4. ~ESIDENJIAL.N)USTRIAL-COMMERCIAL ., JOB TOO LtJtOS OR TOO SMAl.J. ................... . We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! V oar rotat "'Ill tw .. booiautlful u "''n , attf'r nur •JW'C'lell•I• r<omplf't• tMr Mad·•oril I Uptown Cleaners . lttl WM IWboa Bl\'d -Newport.._,. ... "• ... rt "tt .. a.-tac a.ad ..... p,...... ............ ... 0-......... •.nae .,,.,.. READY F OR THE EASTER PARADE are t hese two members of the younger aet, Joaepli Gallant and Dee- Dee O'Bryan, in background. They are being presented by Mrs. J ames Holliday to members of the committee of Catholic Women's Council whlch is staging a St. Catholic Women Slate March 17 FashlOn Event Easter Parade Preview by Matrons and Moppets There'll be much wearing o' the green, and luck of the Jrish is promised for all who allend the St. Patrick's day nffni r wrich t he Catholic Women's Council is staging March l 7 in a b:iysidc· dub. This annual fashion show and luncheon is arranged by women of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and SI. Jtohn V11tnn• y 1~1nsh a.!f a bt'n· t John lA.rwt'. who la wNJ remem- elll fnr th•· r .111.fh 11< h"nl fund. l>erl'd u th•· Ruby "u ler who l.un\'11f"On wtll b" ~••'rd at I pm. d1tn('ffi to rame rn the movlea; 11011 " Mlorrul 11rr1w ••I F.s"t"r Mm""· Wnll.-r M4'11ott. Rnbert Mll- IA~h111n!f will l>c f'rt'••«nh'•I b:-1 Lido 14'r, Jamc11 Holliday, Elmrr Pmrer, F1111h111n.~ r. r '' ""'"" 1<rnl the Brat Gt'Orgt lir1ttlU1, John Brought.on ~hor ror chll1tren. j 11ntl M1M F'IC'ker. Children to modtl Mr•. John Cla1<1, fH<'S1df'nt f'f will be Nancy Gla.sll, Mary S~n 1 Amnld. Judy Ku11by, J ane Macker, tht• cu11nr1I. ha11 &nnnunc"d thot 04't0C'e O'Bryon. Biiiy 11nl1 Jerry r h•n,. (o r llw 111n11n i: t'\'l'nt I\ r \' 1-'mstC"r. J ohn Wltl Thomas Ga.lhu1t, wd l 11~•'Jw11y 11nrl th11t the !<ii· EdJy Kusby and Timothy Krlttr. luv. tnl( ,-~~11rma11 l\ntl 1 umm1lt• n Amonii: lhe hOt!tes.~s to creet a r v w11rk111g' to make tt a aucceN.1 gu<'•l• wrll be Mme.a. Joseph Ar- nold, mcm~rshlp ch11trm1rn, RI C'h· Mmet<. J . \\', c'.unma•k. generul 11nl Altman, hosp1tllhty eh111rman: ch1<lm111n, Arthur Rr11um1'. co-1 and Edwin Finster, ro-chalrman. rhnlrman, Yl"llnk Ro<'CO, decora· A"Ol'\lng .!-<1ra. Richard 11forker In th>n!I, 11 ..... ~1sl4'<.I hy Miu Sue F'1eker publirlty la Mni. Edward Kwiby. a nd Mis. John H11rtlc-rn: Mr11. John GoU\'111n, lll·k.-t11, Mra. Elrnl'r P olrl'r, door prt1A"8. Tk k .. lll may COM Matron ~ obtu ned from Mmu. John Gou- VttlJI, Ron l!:Ueboudt. Wllll11m O'Bryon, Edwrn •·1n .. ltr, DnnaJd BN>wer and J. W. t'ammack. Com- mrrtallng will ~ by M1'1! Robert 'l'remblry. music will be by Mary Louil!e E.t!pla.11. Mra. C&mmack, ctulinnan. hu a nnounced th,. roUowing v.•omen a nd children ~ to model. Mn . Entertains The Alan N. Oucommuna of Beacon Bay recently entertained f rlendl they met In HawaJI whl're thty honeymoon~ tut October. Gene Dulin Better M.laa Ctne Dulin. Horace En· alirn School teacher of &!boa la· land, hi.., l"t'('Overe(i from a rtceont UlnNs which C'Onfined htr to her home. Honored at Birthday Fete ~ Honoring Mn. W. H Tobin of C-or<>na del Mar with a blrlh<lay lun<"ht'On and cana1ola part)'. Jltr:1. J. B. Slcmons "nd hn aurt1lln1t h01llt>N. Mrs. Wllllllrn Tr1llman of Corona del M&r enltrlalnrd Feb. 2:. •t th" Sltmons home. 113 Pt'Brl AvP. c.-nterlnit I.ht lunchl'on tablt waio 11n 11rninl{emf'nt of d&frndlls anJ blue 1r1s. Mr11. T nbl8" rt"<'"l\'Mi nol only a «'\ft of 11terhng ~•Iver to mat ch her ""l. bul alM a ""n· ula pr~. Otllrr pl&y 11w11rl1 wrnl 10 Mrs. Andy Andr•'~l'n. Gll4'~lll r re'M"n l Wl're J.lmu. To· blu, t.AwrenC'e Plp"r, :-:ed John- 8<\n, Andr<'llPO, HOWllrd S"11geor 1 L&R'lrn• Bnrh l &n<I Clydf' Cul'. Pockets o~•n .,.. b.re before fNY..d•y. Pl•n to wve BEFORE you spend. Deposit • FIXED AMOUNT in your ievin91 .ccount -.ch fNY dey. Stop in to '" us TODAY. COST A MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK'' Jiil N~rt BIYd. 1.Aef'Q 1-M71 Ml"'ltl '(l)fb l Df~SIT llUUU N<:l COIPOI& TION Patrick's Day luncheon and fashion ahow. Left to right are Mmes. John Glll88, Council president; John Gouvian. ticket sales chairman; J. W. Cammack, general chair· man; and Frank Rocco, decoration.e. -Staff Photo N EWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I· PAGE I THURSDAY, MARCH );-,1955 GARDEN FASHION EVENT SLATED AT EMERALD BAY Thl' Auxllla ry of Hoar Memorial Ha.pita.I baa cboaen May 12 I lhe birthday oC Florenca Nlghtlllple) tor It.a annual benerlt. Thi• year It Is to be a rarden tel• and faahlon abow and w lll ~ h4'1d In lht' 11urt_ vl.-w ,;ard4'ns of "Smlthcllffe," lht-f'~lAte of Mr. and Mni. Lon V. Smith, Emerald Bay, La.- guna Beach. Mr. Frank Linnell, way1 and me11n~ chairman, 1• In chnge of the arra1r, &31!isled by Mr1. Donald Colrrove, aoclal b<"nPnt.A l'hftlrman. An Oriental lheme w lll provide glamor anu faahloni1 wm be from Buffum.a, Santa Ana. Mra. Ray Dike la In charge of ticket aalu , a.nd local member1 of hl'r committee Include Mmu. Burton Wilder, John Web1ter. Ar- t hur Grurll. Edmund MunMy, A. A. Horvath and B. J . F org-ey. IN ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA Young Musicians Play at Santa Barbara LA.Ill week-er d, 1lx out11tanding ntll!llc .11ludcnl.11 o( NC'wpo rt ttar- tl\>r I 'n1on High SC'hool w4'~ relec- tN to piny In the All CaJHomla Hrgll School Orche11tra. Th I • i rollp. m11tle up of 1ome 180 pllly- er&. '" rhON>n from h11ih achool rnu .. 11• derartmtnta throughout the 11tate. t•nder the dlrt!"llon of nr. RIC'h· ard IA-rt, rondu1•tor of the Pua- dens C'aYIC Symphony 11.Jlfl lnlt'T- nntlonnlly knuwn opera Uc and symphonic leader, this All Stille orchl'lll ra rla vl'f1 a 11t11nnln1t ron· cert In Ille Lobl'ro The111re In Santa Barbtlra.. The playtni. meeUnr together for lhe tlnil lime lut 1--r1c1ay, compl4'ted an txhaustlng but worUiwhUe eched· ule of rehea111&l. Al ter 80me 26 hourw of work. the concert WN played to a capacity audience l.Ut Sunday evmlng. Members or the local hl(h echool whr lit mu.tlcal excellence quallf14'd them for participation were: Bob Taylor and Mart.ha \Vhekhtl, ,·1ohn: Oreg Adama. ~. : Mona-Rae Barlow. horn: &ally. trumpet: and Wllll&m t kip ) Freely, bua trombone. HELMAR HOUSE Flrepa-Eqa.lpmat and lntt-rtnr !ilPf'C.lalU. Cualom Fireplace Screena lnatalled. t.or Orates, Wood ~kt-u. Hearth Bro<)ms. Pokl'n!, Candel- abru Sc<>nce.1, Trivet•, Barbtcue Equipment. ( Speclal! FIREPLACE GRATES St.951 IAcrtMlll f rom \"an de Kamp·• 1001 So. Mala. &nta A.a Now Is the Ttme to have your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded fur ca.t r.- etyled lo a 11mart 1tole or clutch r&pe, Thi. la th• alack ptr1od and to keep our work• room bury 1''e are otrmnr \T.&Y SPECIAL "Off. S-..':" PIU()D SANTA ANAfUR COMPANY TAKING PART IN THE DAR party for Cblldreo· of the American Revolution in the Newport Beach Girla' Scout Howie Satl4fday afte.moon were 19 children. From left to right above, back row: Kathy, Michael and Walk· er Ray, Sqaan Arant, Susan Buccola, Carol Albright, ... John Vierling and Drew Boardman'.. Front row: .Ed and Paul Gallant, Lynn Hart, John. Tbomu and William Gallant, Roxanna Ray, David Vie,.. lin1, Joaeph Gallant. Cbriatine Buccola and Jacquelinr Albright. -Staff Photo St. Marg~ret's - Guild ElectS New Leader Fashion Show to Have 'Income Tax' Setting Whfn St._ Mar1arel'1 Guild of S\. James ltpl.lcopal Church me~ at t he home of Mn. H. R. Hend- rie, 2681 RJyVSlde Drive, a new chairman, Mn. Eurf!Jle Well• wu elec ted. to replace Mr1. J, C. M.:· Col11ter, who realgned. Mra. T. H. JohMC>n wm 1erve u co-ch.airman. Pl&nl were made for aervln( the March 9 luncheon of the Woman'• AWlllial'-)', allO for Ole coffee bour precedinr lhe 1 1 o'clock .em~ on Sunday, March 13. The R tv. Ralph P-. CW"&U, and 1:1 memberw were .erYed,..!!!:ll<.LI,,;+ Ing-coffee and doughnu t.a by Mr L Hendrie and her ual•Unr ha.teea, Mr•. Ar thur Aune. , Next meetinf will be on March l S at 10 a .m. in the home of Mrw. Cllltord W. Thomu, 07 TulUtl Ave., Newport He.lght1. GLORIA FICKLING Harbor View P-TA Gives. Membership and Awards The Harbor View P·TA meeting wu held In the .chool audltor1urn on Feb. 23. The nae nlute wu led by Cub Den II whOM Dl'n Mother l1 Mra. Norman Carl.an. CUl>I parUclpatlng were; Galen Moore, J ohn Mccallum, Steven C&rlaon, Don Aaakhua and Robbie Olander. Prealdent Mn . Warnn Clemence prealdtd at the regular meetlnr which was FoW1den1' Day and life membenrhtp pruentatJon which nolrd the Mth birthday of P·TA. Mualcal entertalnrntnt waa by the Motherainger• under the u1rec· u on of Mary Batten IMra. Lullel Steffel\8en. They were accompanl· t'd on tht piano by Mr11. HPltn WalM>n. The afternoon IM'•slon of 1econd V&dera under the d1rPt"tlon or Miu Clara Ellen Spelman J>#r· formed to an action record, "My Playful Scarf." Mr•. James D. Ray, chairm.:n. present~ the Ute memberahip to Mra. Jack He.1, "ju11l plain moth· er" who not only takta care of lhe well-bt'ing ot her famrly but Ii a w1llln1t and conscltntious workl'r In outsldt-actlvttlu. Spec· 1111 awarde or honor were gtven to woml'n In the ra feltr\a, Mn. Leonard Peruul, Mrs. H. Bam e11 and Mr•. J amea 8 . Taylor: to Biii Lace. h .. ad bus dnver a nd to hl11 new. and to Bob Slt-wtrt, cua· todlan. A breadtruit tree waa given lo the 1ehool by the P-TA. with the dedication •Pff<:h given by Mn . Loul• Cnna.r. v.•ho also lighted the table ca11dlet and poured dur1n( the refro hment hour. A Founders' Day cake went to the h lghut bidder, Mn. Don Mc· Callum. Mrs. Albert lrwln'1 fifth 1rade Girl Scout Troop '42 lOok care of the youn .. tr children on the play· ground dunnr Ute a fternoon. Olrla were 11s11l1ted by Mrs. R. L. Younr. Ho1te11J1.-11 for the meellnf were fir8L grade room moUiers: Mmu. Ellla Zanc1cr. Harold Oaw110n, Wll· ll&m Goodier•, Wt Ill am McM&hon and liyron Krn~. Book Trio For Ebell Section Two Book Se<-tton JI o! the Jo;t>elt Club ''"HI mt-4'l nl'xl WednudAy. M11r<"h 9 In the Ebell Clubhou•eo for a &Ark luncheon at 12 30 p. m. ~fra. Marie Howee. dl'&n of wom· tn al Orange (."out t:olll'ge. will rtv1c-w lt1r<'t book•. Thi' l'owtr of Po11lliveo Thinking. Pear• ot Mlnrl. anti Pearl' or Souls. all kt')'· ed to ml'ntal health. El>l'll m•m~r• are Invited to at· tfnl\. Mri1. Byron E. y.·.,.ua 11 1ec- t1on ch&1rman. DO YOU WISH TO IE A SINGER? Madame Lillya Anderson 'Wllo baa international exp!'r1en• t u a volrl' teachtr in both cl&aalcaJ a.nd popular voice development, will give pr1Yate In· atructton to a limited numMr of 1lud,nu. Al'DIT IOS nu:r: OP' CHAROI: CaU ffl"att 4-6685 for appointment Free money, d&nclnc, gtri.. cbampape, and beautiful modela wUI blow the lid off the March fublon revue at t he Seafare Lodga, approprlalfly themed to an "Income T &c:it" 1ettlng. The Big "ca.ah" party ill the thir d or the )'Hr and can be uen th11 Friday nll'ht at 8 p.m. &ort and long fom1• acheduled among the llneoup of atylu areo from Laguna Beach and Lido 1114' 8bope. P articipant.a a re Udo Fu · hlona. Rule'a or Calrfomla, Carla C&w ala, Haul Crawford'•· Surf Hawaiian, who wall 11how «'ve'ry- thlnr from 11hoe1 and Jo>welry to 11Wlm toga anll cockl&tl cloth~. Chr1a or the Scawt'ed·a Bl'auty Shop if the futured h&lr atyllat. Gloria (Mra. Skip\ Fickling 11f Women'• Weu.. Dally will provide commentary tor thr mont'y-mak· mg fuhlon•. Jo Lantz and Bill Skllu are mul!lc makera for the evening. A big fun refund 11 guarantcr<I t.o everyone v.•ho attends the ahow, and It may be vh•w4'd by the pub· lie from either th~ cocktail lounge or main dlnln11; room. San Diego Friends at Hills Home Mr. IUld Mr1. M. E . Hiii, 2080 Federal Ave .. Co•la Meh, enltr· tained San Diego friend.I laal Wtl'kend, Lt. Jr. I USN) and Mra. John Zauaro. La11t TuNday eveon· tnr th• HllJ1 entertained U t Lt. ( USM CI and M ra Robert H Tttompaon Jr. and chlld~n Bsrbl4'. Trlppy and Cha rrr", •l d lnnl!'r. I.I Thompaon la lt'&vlng llOOn for OV<'rlt'a. Mesans in Hospital r-•w patl•nlJI al St. JoM'ph R~rlt•I. Or11n1te. lnrlud" Btrnard E . Bur1on. 222 E. RochutPr St I and Mn . Brure R.-am, 224 E. 22nd St. t~olh Cfl11ta MP1111. ~ elega11t ~~~ ~ •ottnrooD·llilWILL Wlli11pool.t11td1ed ""' .... ,.. tllt wWy 1-dtd, lllpMMI& ....... llaltic jNlllla .. ...... .............. , ...... .... to.,_ tet10. lf a lie_.. 11!1 lor .,_ -'*"..,.. ... wltll Utt l1•e11 Mell,..... ...... 11 , .. ,.,ti •••• .,. .. -----• c ~. 11.lt Al .. 111-... itt. %'73'1 E. eo..t lllclrWSJ Coroaa clel...,. Harbor 1808 John hair stylist in springtime hair stylings OPEN E\.F.Sl'SG~ 9:00 Lm. -9:04.1 p.m. , . R,.a ut tf.v your rrnJWrtJ .... 11h a llowerinr trn- '""•"' A free" W •t>lr March 1-'7 •Only a" electric ra"ge ...... , ...... .. coo/a with tMXVrrzk mMS#ml Mat that assNm />el'f«i m.Uts lwf'1 li,,., ..,... . ... ~really modem~ art all tl«tricl HI TOUR DIALU • ••• ,.... CALl•O•.••• •••••• co••••Y • \ • 1 - r I PAGE 2. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH ~· 1955 · Philharmonic Acclaimed ·at· . . Sund~y . ConCert Rain Fails to Prevent Many From Attending By MRS. MARY LEE RICHM<?ND Warmth, brilliance and facile execution ch&r&ateriud the p6tormance of ·the Orange County Philharmonic Society in its fifth concert of the 1954-55 1euon, given lut Sunday " r IT'S A NOVELTY-Cub Scout Pacu •tu~r.tlroadins u theme for January and IODle of them had the novel fun of a train ride to Loe ~lea. TbeH yo~ra are part of a larg.a croup which gathered at Richud11 Mar• ket for 1tart of the-trip. -Hugh Mynatt Photo dtern~on at the Fullerton High School MRS NEFF SPEAKS Under Misa Frieda' BeUnfante'a baton the gravity of the • Beethoven Overfure to Ooriala.nus, [ Tachaikowaky Fourth 8~mphony rendered with musical tute and to capture at hll'heat pitch the ahading. proved an excellent bal· gorgeou., sWinl' and lilt ot the mel- ance to th.., shimmering gnlet y of odlu, while the tamoua ptuicato a Mendelsaohn Italian SymP.hony. effect In the third movement att.m• From t)1e opening bars of the ed near flawleu In rendJtlon. Mendclaaohn with It.II insouciant lndlce.Uve ot Miu Bellntante'a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Beta Sigma.Phi Hears Plan for Junior Unit REINER T'S NEWPORT $1.98 $3.50 JN $PITE OF THE SERIOUS concentration on their "one-two-three·hNltate", the.e· membera of the Newport HArbor Cotillion look forward with great &nticipation to the monthly dances held at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The next event will be on March 9 and will find Geraldine Buchert, Charle• White, J oyce Smith and John Mackey (L to R) among those present u they were a\ the Valentine <::01tume D&nce last month. Pab'oness chairmen of the Cotillions will meet Wednesday morning, March 9 at the yacht club t o plan events for the spring aeason. Among those present will be Mesdames theme Jn the 1trlnf• to the whirl· muslclanahlp and dedication 11 the Mu Epallon Chapter of Beta wind tarantella. of the finale, the fact lhat the orcheatra bu gTOWl\ 81 a Phi wa• entertained on F eb. orche11tra'• Interpretation glowed from 38 nu;mbera ln the first con-23~y Mra. John v. N ett at the with exhuberance and emotional I cert ,.tven lut May to the ~~ l)'lem-hom t th r Id t Mr Jame power. Striking In the tlr11l move-bera who preaented the concert o~ B. ~a~lor, • j29ea D~~tt'woo:i &.d: ment were the string• In the crisp Sunday. Of tbeae, 12 membera are She tpoke on her summer in Nor- tnctalveneu of the fugue. Flutes, local arti.b, who.e performance• way where ahe took 8 special cklrlneta and oboes In the 1econd are conalatenUy of th• hLCheet cali-courN at the Univ rait t Oelo theme ach.leved rlclfllesa of timbre, bre, according to Ml1111 &lln!ante. ho .1 1 d lied y 0 ' aparkle, and purtty at tone. CIVIO ASSET s w ng co ore 11 ea. Every music lover who hu at M.ra. Nett I• former lntematlonal WrI'll FEELING tended one ot theae concerts I; representative tor Mu Phi Mu. Vlolaa and buac>Ona were effect-keenly con.acioua of the privile ge Junior -"ftlllalea, Beta Slim• Phi Ive In texture and nuance tn the of havln' 80 tine 8 profeaalonal and told of her plana tor a new aerene 11econd movement, with group In Orange county. the lou chapter which wtll ehortly be or· oboea and flutes ag'&!n in tparkllns of such a cultural Ufft would be , ganl:ted In the Harbor Art'&. Mu contrast. The trio of the fourth enormou.. and whatever meuuru Phi M11 11 for young girls, lf> to 21 movement, in whk:h the role ot the civic grou 11 need to take to In· year11 of age. Twenty girl• ln the sure ap n11 1uc a 0 111 • ou Y ra . meeting will be on Marc.h t at the home ot Mra. Ray Rlnder· kne<:ht, 1632 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. At thta time plane wlll be complet· ed tor the luncheon, card party and fuhlon ehow benefit, to be held April H at Newport Harbor Yacht .Club. Mrs. John Stoltz of Newport Helghtll will be fuhlon commentator and mamben of the aorortty will model. 22nd ~1 0oea{l Front Newport Beach ..,.,,,. • lll&l•t.e-• llutaU&Cl- 11 AFFORD & ION "NELS an surely be eel ln rnotlon. Neff for the flr1l unit Member· • bury and Edward Lester Smith and Misa G. Virginia Gollatz, director of the ~tillio1111. e c 01 ng concer w I be given LIDO ISLE CLUB IMplred the entire orchestra In the auditorium of the Orance Cout Mendeluohn work eeemed In t he College. 11ucceaatul rummage aa le by Mra. l!lmeat Waltse, way• and meana chairman. She aald that 40 per Slates Harold Gelman's 'Music in Hollywood' A. L. Auxiliary Plans Dance, Box Supper Jewel Show for Omicron Rhos Ct'nt or the net profits WU l'IVt'.J\ Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. the Children'• Home Society, mem· bera of which helped collect Item• -.IACK BOYER - tor the sale. 1Wt> boxes of clothing %301 W. Balboa Boulevard were later given to Cllnton Eal· e LID I .... :.. meraon tor d.latrlbuUon to' IradJana O eum • n.Ubber Tile • Cork HAROLD GELMAN Dewitt Taylor is Honored on Retirement ~wilt F. TAylor of 122 Tur· qun1!1e A\'<'. w a3 honored llu t Wtt'k by 30 ()( his fellow Shell Oil Com· r•ny workull on tht' occa.!llon of h l11 rcltremrnt from the !1nn on Mu t h I Th,. i:roup bMll'<I Tay· Im' at a 1llnnrr patty Ill lhl' Uni· v~rstt y C'l11b In L«s Angelo and pre:it"nte<l 111111 w ith lu1;i;n~e for a pl11nneJ wnrl\l tour. A !l<'nlur 1>N•loi;1~t 1n Shell'• Loll Angel\'~ Mlic1•, Taylor has completed ruort' than 31 years of "Mu.le ln Hollywood'' comt'a to the Udo lllle Woman'• Club on March 8 at presented by Harold Gelman, planl1t-commentator. a t a b1y1lde club, 12 noon. Hi• extraordina ry aucceaa u a ~rformer com• aa no accident. Born In Portland, Ore., where he made ha debut u a pianlat at the ase of m, Kr. o.Jman went on to Neaive h19 b&dlelor ol mualc del"fee ot the Univer81ty ot Xicb· Jsan and wu awarded a Fellow- •hlp at the JullUard Graduate School of MulJlc In New York. He contJnued to etudy there with All'xander SllotJ, tamed pupU ot J.'nns Llazt and teacher of Rach- maninoff. Harold Gelman hu •ppet.H<t tllrougbout the United Stt.lea u a planlat-com.mentator and aololat w'llh symphony orchealru and haa p e r t o r m e d on tranaconUnenl&I radio broadcuts. He 11ervea on lhe faculty of the Marlborough School tor Glr\a, conductlns cour1· es ln upper cJaaae. in music hi•· tory anti music appreciation. For Injured ln an automobile u cldent on Feb. 7. M.rs. Risk euffer~ a broken left arm and right knee c:op. Sbe i. pruldent of the HaT- l>or Toutmlatreu Club. Fath~r Visits Baptist Pastor A .-ue•t at the home ot Rev. and Mr.ii. Herbert 0 . Jotu111on, 2029 Conl lnt ntal AYe., Coat& Meu, Is Mrs. J ohnson'• rather, thl' Rev. Elmer c. Adam• of Oregon, who Is 11lr1pptng off for a few day1 visit while ln California on a bus!· nl'SS lri,p. AAU Women's Benefit Event •rvice with U!(' company. Slnce Santa Ana Branch of the Amer- atllrtlng In August .1923 u an Lil· ICILJ\ AuoclaUon of Unlveralt,,y Wo- • elJltlUlt geolo~t In Lo11 AngPlea. I mrn w111 gtve their annual tel· he hu r.crved u i;t>1llog111l and sen-low11blp benefit 8!I a lunch.eon and lor ~~loj:1st In the flrm'11 B11kerl1· ,t1tyle show, March J2 at 12 noon lleld office and u dlvl111on i<e<>lo-l a t Grernbrter Jnn, Garden Grove fial at Lonit Beach. He.{ wu named Blvd. senior geologist In 19!>... The fellowahlp tund la wed fot' Born In Milan. Michigan, Tay-thrr4!' proJ,cla ot atudy l'fanla, ln- lor att•nded Ute Unlveralty of eluding one awarded by Banta Ant. Soulhern CAllfomJa and lhe U.nl· Branch to loce.I underl'faduate veralty of Callfomta where he wu atuc1ent9 to uslllt them to com- &W&rded a l)sc:helor dtgT<'ll In ~t-pltte their colle~e work. rol•um eninnttrlnir In 1923. Rntrvatlon1 8.1\ould be made by March 10 "'1th Mrti. J. O. Cochran. the put 12 yeara he hu been commentator for the Women'• CommJttee for the Loi Angeles Philharmonic Orc heatra and hu a ppeared 11lmllarly ror Portland, Ore. and San Francl1co Symph- onies. Along wllh rnaklng aa many M 27 appearancea In one sea.son, thi. art.tat 1.1 a member of the MUlle Department ot MGM Stu- dios ln CUlver City, acUng u musical advi110r on many pfclure11. Hl11 acUYitJea Include mualc re- l!earch, piano recording and coach- ing •tan for mu11l<:al aequl'ncea. ln thia capacity he has worked ~1th many famou11 1laf8. "Mu11lc ln Hollywood" will give !IOme facta about the technlquea of music in motion plcturu, TV and radio; pha aome Interesting an<'I human aldcllghl• on the peo- ple Involved. e.ntertalnlngly gtven by a man Intimately connected with the tleld. Reaervat1on1 for the luncheon pro'1'am mWlt be mall addre1111e<I to LIWC. ln care or M r!!. Jame1 Martindale, 103 Via Vella, New- porl Beach. No phone caJl11 pleau . Deadline, noon March II and (\lellta are welcome. The .American Leglo.n Auxiliary Unit 291 of Newport Beach la plan· nine a public old !uhloned weal· em style box supper to be held Saturday, March 1.2, at the Amer· lean Legtnn Hall, l!>lh St. and West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Mr1. Billy Lutewyler and Robert J . Brigg• are ln charge of the af· fair. There will be a wester n dance band. All proceed• will go to the Auxiliary veteran•' rehabllltatlon tund, uaed for the monthly ho1- pltal partll"a held In American Le,,.lon Hall. Faculty Wives Guest Night It will be (\lest night when Fae-l ulty Wlve1 or Orange Coast Col-I lrge meet Tuetday at 7 :30 p.m. tn the Student Center of the college. Members, friend• and racolty wo- men will a ttend. Verna Miller wlll give a pro$\ram on rharm and fas·• hlon modPllng. • I Honteseu w ill b4I Mmes. Bull I Peteraon, J . Robert Keat, Robert A. Orlener Jr,, Norman £. Wat- aon, who will suve rclreahmenta. Bruce Martin FOR ALL YOL"R L1\l'SURANC!l NEEDS ~ Avto-Truck ~Fire-UN LOCAL AOL''T omc. Liberty 8-5063 Uberty 8-MM 1795 Ne rt Ave.. Coat.a lleu LUlllCATION -CAI POLllHIH• ACll088 FllOM SE.AU BA.NT& AN& Taylor Reunion Kl 3·00 7. or with MrL Buold WUaon. Harbor 1329-W. G urlll at tht home of Mr. and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i.;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mra. E. A. Taylor, 2113 Cootinan· r -tAJ Ave. CCM!ta Mesa. ls Mrs. Hazel Teylor ot SAit We City. Utah. -'Who \l.1U visit ~tlth her eon and hi• family (or a couplt of montAa. • Mn. Taylor'IJ l'h ll"r, Mn. Pearl Btubbs of HunUniton Duch, J1 also thue for a 1.hor\ 11tay, _ Home From Hospital Mn. Hue! F. Rak of lMelt -Churcll St., Coat.a Mesa.. bu r.- turned home tronl Hoac Mamorl&l H09plt&J w2*'8 w bu 'bMA m e• ., TOP VALUES l~RGAINS in Cotton CarpetlllCJ COTION BRAID Installed Wei· to· wel Includes 40 OL pad and al labor ~ COTION BOUCLE lnstaled wal • to • wal Includes 40 ol. ped and al labor costs ft.DI En'OIA'la CBEartJU."I' OIVD s5~ COASnJNI FLOOR COVERINGS 541 C....., Costa Mesa Llterty I 4411 -' . of Monument Valley, Idaho. Men'• • Asphalt. 'Ille • Carpet • Formica clothing wu alao ~vel\ to the • Yacht 4t IJlstalladoa Elke Club for the corona Rehab· H rbor 5389 1 N •---h 1lltatlon Ce-ntt-r. A check was aent G •Wport ~ to the Cy8ttc F1bro1ls Foundation . ._ __________________ ,;,., _____ ...J Two guest.a we.re present, Mre. Meeting In the nunea' home ot Hoac Ho11pltal, membera ot Oml· cron Rho Chapter of Bet& Sigma Pb' bad for program a jewelery fashion ahow. Mra. JohnA<>n dis· cuaaed appt'opriate jewelry to be. worn with alacks, pedal puBhera, aulta, aummer prints and cocktail frocks. Member11 modeling were Mmea1 J ack M . Scott, Sherman T. Wicker. Dougtu Hoakln. Robert Hendereon. S&1J1uel Frazier, Frank Moore, Vivian Bodman and Mir.a Jean Vatamanuck, hoateaa for the evening. Dougl&a Hoskin and Mrs. Ira Smith of Corona. Highlands. Mra. Howard Farwell and Mr•. 011<:t.r Taylor were ro-ho1teana with Mra. Jamea Taylor at the rt'freah· ment hour. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9· 1634 Mra. F1orence Mallard, aoclal chairman. announced t;hat th• nut MOTORO\'OLE UOO&T • • • tine cake, Mrs. Hoakln served tea and Mrs. Soott poured coffee. Mrs. Hendenon will entertain the group tomorrow a l her home, 401 Signal Road. st A TE MERCHANTS POLICE For their next philanthropic project. the croup plans to aaslst some unfortunate family. Uniformed Division of Mra. Henderson cut the Valen· ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF . TO EASIER SHOPPING SPECIALS FO& MARCH M-5 Don's Meats Grocery Department Star Klet 29 DINNER ·-··· .... -·-··-·-··· ... . . . c SPAGHEnl 1~1. 2 for 29c !!. 61c '!~.33c \'t1nn-t Mald SYRUP ....... -. ··- <.:blc1&ea o· ~ o~n ~· 33C TUNA ........ . KOSHER DILLS . 02~ 31c CRISCO -·-··-···-·-•!. 97c 1b. 31 c Del Moate UalvH PEACHES ......... -................. . ,., 29c CMI KERNEL CORN .. -......... ~ 17c i-iA°s: ....... --···-·--··--··-·---~· __ 19c lllnleeye Frvsen PiAS&CAiiors 2 •or 33c •w DICK'S Eutera 8Ueed 53 BACON ···--·-·---·-··J•. c Gr .. n Groceries sWiss STEAK ·--·-1 .. Ste AriTICHOKES 3 for ~ 8tewlq 35 Fq. Waeldllawa Wbleaep 3 35c LAMB ·····-····-··-·· .. ······ ........ .lb. c APPLES _ . .,................. Iba. DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT '' 1'7 the (?/ " '::Jrog Jhop TWdc llM& BAN ~A 4c S9UASH .......... ······-··-.. -· .... Speclallslnt .... 9•1ity l'rocltlc• You Select • e e We Deliver ... .... Clnnomon SUGAR LOAF" .21'-. ( .... trcea,J THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MARINI A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND MISS PATRICIA J ANNE'IT A WILLLUfS Photo by Paynee Miss Williams 1-----,--------.-be-Bfi de of e and Finley Couple is Announcing An April Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Thomu Reeee Williama, 2121 East 9cean Blvd., Balboa, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Jannett& to Mr. Leland Edward Finley, eon of Mr. and Mra. Leland A .. Finley, of 1108 East Balboa Blvd. I Orang-e High School t.nd atlendC'd The brldo~lecl WU rraduat.d Unlver11lly or California at O.vla. trom Sant11 Ana High School Mid I R e aerved In Korea with the U. Santa Ana Collegr, where 11he w .. S . Anny, wu releaaed trom duty a membf'r of L..u Gltaoo11. She la In December, 1954. • p~aently atten(llng Or-.nge Cout ' The <'Ouple Is plannln&' a wed- Cot1e1e. t ding for April 9 ln Corona del Mar Mr. P'lnlty w u g raduated from 1 Community Church. Gardner-Fisher ' .~· 'Girl Scouts in I Observance of Annual Week Believe, Belong, Build is Theme for the Year By llBS. WIU..LUI B. TBl'IT The Girl Scout organization, 'rhich will be 43 yeana old March 12, bu adopted "Believe, Belong, Build" u lta theme. It la a happy phrue and one that ScOut.a and their leadera I put into practice daily, u well u during Girl Scout Week. What wa beUeve deeply 18 what pareta have pverM&a military or we will work for devoutly. 'Ii\• bumine• uatcnmenta. Belonctnr to women and men too, ot Newport the Girl Scou ta mea.na & ereat ·deal THURSD;A Y, MAltCH l, 1'55 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS PART I I· PAGE l '1 Bagleys' New Home Jlllt "a.nd Charlott• Bacley. U tta laland reeldellt•, .,.. busy thua da)-. havlnlf lhtlr rww E u l O..y Front home ttmodeled. SlUJ llrilll tn thtlr Park Ave. llGm .. wl\lch thty haw .old lb• llnkln• JohnM>M. thty tffenlly bouaht U.. McDonald ,_.dence. New Alumni Group · Theta ~111L Chi. natl011al l"OI· 1el" fraternity 11luninl will form a ntw 1raduate a.-oclatlon of ur- ; anp County at a ch11pter dlnnf.r I to be hl'ld at Gr.-~nbrh•r Inn. t;ar- dfn Grove, on Tue.day, )\arch 11\, '1 p.m. Riley Buys New Car Roy E. Rllt')', popular Balboa lal&nd yacht.man, recently rur• chued a n-Oemu.n·made eedan. Say It With H&rt>or who aerve on the Girt to them for tt a a link w1th home Scout Council and Its commJtt._, and a way at preparinr themulvu :~u~°: le~~::;~.•:;:~~= ~~th:wn~:u:::;.~ they return to GIRL ~OUTS LISTEN while Mayor Dora Hill reada proclamation of National· Giri lnr examples or the t ruth or lhla In our town. a.s 1n other put. Scout Week in front of City Hall. From left, Michal Stone, Carol Martin, Mayor Hill, ~.,,.­ .., Wl•e atatement. They work long and of the world, there &re (trla who Sharon Singer and Harriet King. -Staff Photo h&rd tor Scouting' beeauee they be· want to belong but for ·whom lea------------ Ueve In It with all their heart&. der. are lacking. The council These rrown-ups make It poulbl• ~ th• aupport or m ore men M H dd R • N H d tor Newport Harbor to inataln & and women ln order to give Scout-rs a Ing ew ea rtourlahlng, vital Girl Scout pro-Ing to thoee g1rla who are uklnr • cram. tor st. £ M h c Aa tor the word "Belong'' what BC1LD WELL 0 DeMolay ot ers lub better cx.t.mple clU\ be g1ven than "Build'' Is a good America n the. tact that there ue &10 Girl word, typical or tho energy and lrull.&Jlallon or thelr own of!i- Scout.e In Newport Harbor today! courage whlch has made our coun-cera and pltU'ls tor decorations and Thia number comprl.lea Brownle, try etrong. It I.a 100c:t that the rt'fre11hmenl11 at DeMolay inatalla· Intenned .. te and Martner Scout.a. 7ounr Scouts ha.ve Included It In 1 tlon to be held on Mt.r<"h 12, 8 The contlnuoue (T0"°1 and apread their theme for, It ahowa that p.m. 1n Friday Afternoon . Club ot Girl Scoutlnr la a matter of theirs Is a dynamic program ancl Houae, were on the agenda when wonder and amuement, for It be· one which I• con.tantly looklnlf D1>Molay Mothera' Club met Feb. pn n1.Uon&lly with a handtu.l or forward. Becawse the Scout.a be-, 23 In the homo of Mrs. Hadd Ring, g1rla and today reJWUra more IJt'Ve In ht-Ing good clUzena they 101 Via Zurich. than a mlWon a.nd a halt girl membera In every atat.e, territory belonr to an organization which Mn. Jamu Newkirk pre•Med at and pouenlon. prcparea them well for the lmpor-electlon of new officers, who were I'"'. ron••oN • a ~s tant job ahead, and both believing Inducted With an lmpreasive "Jew- Ing Mra. Newkirk poured at a table ccntt-reJ with ualeu and camelll11s, while ft{r11. Rini eerved refreshmenla to Mmu . Tatum, Fish, Ragar, Thomae, ll'teder1ck Key. William Melcher. CharlM Barn Dance Set by Boys' Club ... ......,. ~ .. u 1 el•'' ceremony. Thty included Mra. There a.re U. 8 . A. Girl Scout and btlong1ng they are building Ring, pruldent; M rs. J ohn P.ag::r. A Barn Dance tor all fltUl and troopa In about •o foreign land.I well tor ~re their own-vice president; l>lrs. w. s. f'r(•ely. sixth ~radera of the ~eater New· alllO, made up of youncatera whoee and our country's. secretary; Mra. J oaC'ph Tatum. port Harbor-Costa Mt>11& Area wlU treaaurer; Mra. Edward Flab, chap-be h<'ltl lhls Saturday 11t the Har- laln. bor Boys' Club from &:30 p m. lo HATFIELD TO HEAD ART EXHIBIT JURY The tenth Annual Newport Harbor Art Ex- hibit will be held April 27 through May 1 in the aocial ball of the high achool, according to Mrs. Nonnan F1eming, chairman of the exhibit. Dalzell Hatfield, director of Hatfield Galleries at the Am· basaador Hotel, Loe Angelee, ha.a accepted the chairmanship of the three-man jury. Mr. Hatfield baa gained a national reputation in tbe art world aa connoiueur and critic in all fielda of art. Selec- tion of the jury ia lltill being made. Paintings may be left at the following piclt-up stations: 1) Ted Gibson's, Loa Angelee, 2) Laguna Beach Art Gal· lery, 3) Long Beach Municipal Art Cent.er and 4) Scripp's College. Ttro purcbaae awards will be made, one for water colors and one for oll Paintings must be In by April 20. M rs. Newk!rk wu pruentcd 9::10 Pm. I wilh the put pruident'a pla and Clift C'Urt11, 1oca.I teacher and a gilt. J.tn. Ragar donatf'd a lfpc<:-caller of the aquare da..nce, will con- lal prize. won by Mra. Carl Thom-duct lhe evenlnf fesUvltlt'I, Cur-' u . lt wu a nnouncM lha: the tts has called at tt"verll1 loca l nut meeUn1r would be held 00 apot1 and haa taught dnases a l March 23 at the home of Mrs. Hunlin~ton BCA<'h, • .nahf'lm, Tu•- P'L,h. •2• eoat& Mt.sa st., Costa _u_n_an_•_I _s_a_n_la_A_n_a_. ____ _ Mf'M. Al the concluslon or lhe meet- Master Point Game Sunday Balboa Duplicate Bridge Club will bold llJI regular monU1ly Mnatcr J'olnl tournamcont on Sun· day t.ftcrnoon at tile Eb<'ll Club House In Ualbol\ with pl11.y .. tllrt- lng at 1 30 o'clock. ~tr11. A. G. 1.>o<!aburg a.nd Mrs. C. E. Irvin were eut-we11l wtn· n<'r11 1n Uw Friday f'\·enlng gumc while north· lK.IUth hag:h "'"""~ wC'r" 1'1111. B M. \\'IL~on Anti t,;lrnn Mrs. Mildred Lytle t.nd Mrs. E J. lltursel wcr·a t'aat·wtst wlnnOJ'll 111 Monuay allemoon'1 game whit• nonh-~out h hl~I\ l!Corera \\ere ~fn. PC"gi;~· Johllllon and .Mr1. F.dn~ Mn\'Mllstf'l'11. nunncr• -ur cMt·Wtlll wtre Mra. Louise Wuh- brook a.nd Mra. lit E Stewart: Mr!ll. 1Thomns Giii an(l Mr~. C. E In tn; Mril :'\fra. Ltllt:1n J ohn11<>n. Runne111-ur nnrth·aouth wf're Mr1. D. B. Mor· r1• an rt Eldon Bond t vlng with Mrs. Roy Btrota and Wllllam Dui;an. '.\las. Merle McComber a.nil ~lrs H:Hh Hat Ix :o<>n. Gammon, Harold Jamu McCandUah. &yvey t.nd Party Reatal IW.. .9•03 I:. Coo~t ll11., Corona 4el llar Harbor 5071 Repeat Sale ! Custom Made Chairs WINGBACK l.Al'S• u.. t&ell. ,, .... , h . rowood ~onotn1"\\­ an4 mun .... '" • eho•~• of OV•f iO f&brl'le al\4 P6"""' to matcll U\J' 4.cor, 10 'ev CU&l'&l\t- Th• Chorm of YHteryear Th• Servi~ of Today IN THI ARCADI NIXT TO SIARS 1750 s. Mm• s..... .... Kl S-4414 Engagement Told Four Nightingales Gi~e Hundred Hours Service Announcement ta belnc made of ualed from Ula A.mfrtcan School, Hust. Runnl'~·Up ~M·"<~ v.~~ ·~~''•~~l~1l~K~~~l ~A~rt~,~~~rt~~~ .. ~n~1r~njt•l ~~~~·~P~o~llitljcial~Ajd~vieritil~~m•t•n•t)~~~~1 P•o•l•lt•k•a•l•A•d•v•e•r•U•u•m•"•n•t•l ~I Mr. WHI 1-lf~. L'harl('.!J (;1~;tll11i;; ~fr. a.nd M ... J am<'!! \\.allnu~; ::'\tr,.. I Ltbbv Lav.e an<! Mra E<lythr J 'Erlanger. I Rul1h<'rs·up north·l'IOllth Wf'rP Edna Ma<'Mtu1le1 11 an•l ltob< 1t MacMMtPr11 and Ro~rt l~U!'lc M.n . HotM-rl Roll.o a.nd ::'\l: .11. Sa II~ Brown: ~!rs. Cul Ben.,on Mtl ~tn .MAI garrt Holmra. VOTE FOR A BUSINESS MAN TO REPRESENT the ~n111geme.nt of JotlM Sharon Cht<'.ago. Oardnn . ctauicht.-r or Mr. and Mr11 A faJI wfddlng la. being planned. Wlltord G111 dntr. Pacific Avr· .. Coat.a MrM, to Mr. Harold Arthur Fladltr Jr , 191f) ~ewpoal Blvd.. , aon of Mr. 11nd Mra. Harold A. Fllcher or Southern C-11.llfomlll Bibi• Collc~e. The bnolf'-elecl I• prut>ntly • Hnlor et Nt\vport H11rbor Unton Hlfh Schnol. Hf'r fl!Ul cr wu ltl'lld· Stantons on Cruise Mra. Donald HaHn Hall op.med her lovely Newport Height.I home, 401 Fltlttnth St .. for the March mcC'llnlf of the NlfhUngaJe Chap- tu o( lhe Auxllle.ry oC Hoag Me- morial Ho.11pltal. Aul11Ung hoet - raau were. Mmc11, Arthur J . Gruwell. R. J . Collln11 and J udson P. Sutherlanrt. the Nighttngalcr. In Ihle bent'Nt to Lid the Tumor Bonrd al J-foac Hospital. The fln..t lecture waa held on Thur11day, F't'b. 24. The nex~ In the Aeries \\'Ill be March 2(, at which t ime J\fra Doy1on will rel\d a current pin'" The lltlt w1U be a.nnounced latt•r. After the buslnrllll mtetll\g tea and refreshments W<'rP 11ervC'\I w1th Mmea. Orville Stewart and John M. Quint pourini:-. Th.e April mectlni; or lhe Night· inples wlll be held In the home ot Mn1. Jark ~. Congdon, 2UI VI& <Hnoa.. Lido Isle. .M r11 ~l ll1ln'il Lytle a.nd ~lrs £ J . J\lur~et W<'rc e.ut-we11t wrnner!I I In Monday tL!tt!mOOn'a game while WMn th .. Swedll4 crul.te 1blp ltell& Polaris aLlltd rtcently trom New Orltan11 emonc the ·paaMDI· tr• were ~Ir. and Mrs. Wllllam Stanton of BalboL Tht 24 day crulae lncludtd atop• at poat.a In the Weit lndln and South Am lea. Mrs. OrvUle Stewart, president, announl°ed th11t Mme.. Dona.Id C.ole(TOVe, William Mina.me. Ralph s. Holden. •nd Neu Cameron (aU of Lido lalt' l had completed their 100 houre of hoaplt&J "lo Hrvice'' a.nd are now enUUed to wear the pin or the natlonLI hosrllat &l!,O· cla Uon In rt'COfr11JUon ot thta ~-__ ,_r_<-_11_11_""-'-A-11_""-r_1_1"_e_m.;.f_nt_1 ____ 1_P_C1_11_1i_r_a1_A_11_v.er_u.e __ m_,._n_u __ compllahment. CDM Babies Born Corona dtl Mar couplta Teport the followtn.; blrtlu· Mr and Mrs. William Gothard. 21 ~ Driftwood Jtoad. rlrl. 8 lbll . 7 oz.. Feb. 17. Mr. and Mu . Walter L. Spicer. 07 Haul Drive, boy, 8 Iba., t os .. Feb. "· Mra. Hal Dike, who la handling the uJe of UC'.ket.a for the Edna Stea.ma Dayton book revtew eerlea, I gavt an enlhualu tlc report of the MISS SHARON GARDNER eupport the community bu &1ven U LT THEOSOPHY 1434 ~n. <'MAl Bh'd. • • -l~Gl~A BEACH MEETINGS F.a. T-. t :OO -S:U p.rn. :-r:a. nan. 8 :15 -t :IO p. m. ~ DeeUtMe ucl Prtadplte of n.-p1a7 P ~'TTD> • ADKlllUON REE· NO OOu..&CnON8 CA&LT'LE'll nRl'li'l'l'UU Offen SICCI'IONAL 8ET8 TO FIT ..,__, pune -..,..,.., PW"PGN -enry room pl"Qblem lndh1dual plec• -dreuera, hMdboard• In t...ut., two twta, ~ and Kin« •lze .... aJIO excepUo.nally tine mattr~ ln all site• at really wonderfUI prte. .AJJ ot th• above c&11 bt had unllnlahed In etthn Hemlock wood or nne uh It 1ou WOQJd Idle M • .,. the dltferenu ln. f\nWlln1 coat. .. CARLYLE•s FURNITl RE.1990 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Meu VOTE for HIGBIE Councllmmt -Aflh Dlstrld YOUR INTERESTS! tf Resident Since 1920 • • A ColleCJe Man .. LECT ., Tea Payer • Sandy F. Macllay CITY COUNCILMAN District No. 2-15tlt Street to Channel Road, Balboa Peninsula • EXPERIENCED IN: REAL ESTA TE-INSURANCE-BANKING • ENTHUSIASTICALLY ENDORSED BY: Mra. V\ct« I'. <>nee Mnl.~~ TonJ k&t.e McOl.nn Jamee T. Vu o,tl• DT. Albert lt.ocktlm RacMrd Plepr Joan Brandt T. Duncan 8t-art Maune l!ltanley Rol&nt1 A. Wrlp\ Harolfl D. Arthur Mra. Robert 11. RCl9 John T . Bo)'d. Jr. ~m Hendenon \ .... I J , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -THURSDAY, MARCH 1955 WITH SALUE March S, 1955 Newport 8-eb, ~f. .. B .. ct.y w Suaday, ioircJl IS • • . The begbuli.Dg of B&chard'• 7-day 7th Birth· day Celebration • • • Clrele 8llllday, Mareh 1S OD ~ calendar .•• Brial the • and let them ride to their hearta coeteat la ·'ftnkerJ town • • • The net of UM week wtU brtng forth She- riff ~obn ••• two BUI Welch 8t.ar Shopper TeleflMoe abowa ... a day of orcblch for the ladlM •.• A ehance to win .. :500 aille plane trtp any plaee yoa ehooee ••• Gamee aad prbM every hour and at the end of every day •••. Coincident wtth our 7th Birthday i. Lido Toyland'a and Williama.St at ion er,• Birthday . • . Jack Bidwell • Birthday actually isn't until April, but he pushed his cele- bration up ao be could cele- brate too and Dick Macker who already had his Birthday ~Ill is having a.nather one, just to get in on the fun . . . ln fact all the Lido Shops. Vincent'• Drugs, Lido Electric, plus 20 rnore are hopping on the Birthday Bandwagon to bring ,111 you a block-load of birthday " values ,nd fun ... Watch! Dent.al Health Week In Orange County beglu next Moaday, March 7th...• Why a dental health week! Wbat- t. it for! What does lt meua ! Do you know that the e11tlm~ raUi of deoay ln chlkl~'• ~th la trt,ree timd .. ~t· ... ·-what coWd be "'9toml If all the denttate in t.he V n l t e d Stat.ea worked a full 8 houra a day filling teeth ••• There le ao Go\lenmeat 1trutt lD Rew.areh Dendat- 1'). &Dd the ouq>ut of deat-a.te .... be laueMed ..... .....,. ............. u.e.e aeea,.. ..., eoetrol at once, 1JO the DeDU.te them- eelvea ft\'fl decided the best "'•Y to flitht tooth decay la to educate the pal"t'Dta on proper autrttton fo stop tooth dtta)· ... Sugar! That'• the babythat causes all the damage . . . ln tbie country we conaume 10 timeti the sugar per person aa our great-grandfathers did 100 years ago. We use about 3 times as much a.s we need for t'nergy requirements . . . Let 'em havf' their canday, Mom, on Sund av .. and make them brush the.1r teeth after- wards ... You'll find your dt>ntist bills cut by ;:i if you do and your kicb will have better lt'f't h . . . I Stt that tht1y g•t their Bl~&! mllk too ... at hliNt three gla88e8 a da)· ... It Is def· I lnlkl)· nf'tld~ ln tht'! forma-tiw~ pt'riocb from birth to I U.. tttn!i ... Afkr teeP milk al80 plays an lmport~ ant part In malatalninti: the bony 9tnJC'lUFH of the lttth , ,m ... You adult..! Half of ~ your tttth .-rtractton• are l t"aWM'Ci by d~ of th~ boay .. tructutts . . . How ~"VVll~ abnut thi• dl"ntal linito ! f'n I !II «iot a frif•nd who'"' a d"ntl~t ! 1 Attended the firs\. meeting o! Ute Todd'• Marketing Corp- oration which consists Of I 90me tW<.'nty markets, inclUd·' ~m~ Ing yours truly. who put <) Todd'R ~ltlk in tht>ir Dairy cues Ole first of the year ... The head of each market madl' a report on how their ouatomera were reacting to Todd's milk . , . 1 have never beard such an enthwiiastic group or grocers . . . Each and e\·ery one said they were eelling more milk than they bad O\'er the same period last year , .. Each had a. little story to !ell about the people who took time to tell them ' how much they enjoyed the 1 quality of the milk ... TT)· Todd'• cottage t'.bee.e l ••. At the RM-gtu.la,; of INt they came oat with ~~ Easter cartons • . . eome with t'h..ickeu. ll()IDe wttJa dUl'b with ao ..tvert:Wa« on thttm •.• They even have a Uttle bole paacbed la ~ 9lde9 wb.lcla wit.fa the Ud of a pipe deaaer for a ....U. wllJ malle t.he EMter Bally C'Q oat of hta way to ftl It up ••• . ' laponed FINl'iAN 5ae HADDIE -··---·Jlt. 1- ... ~ .. iisiDA&·---· 4tc Putn.. iiicuiistaM2 .. nc IUcsllenl'• Ow• SAUol&LLO ____ · ... _. 1tc ft" a .. ,, ma•• CHEESE ..... 3Jc . FarmF shqoodness DllNK,NG TODD'S DAIRY J.tlLK int like own· ... row OWll cow. Tod• Is tlcally In your OWll back yard-It's so aRd always so fresll. Tiie ·111• ken ew ng yowr own mllk wollld have -phn tile of meti who reaUy bow. Actually, Toclcl' lecnn more In their .... tha11 ... , fanMn. ., why people who *Ink Tocld'1 HioY a fl ftavor-a healtMer beverage. Shop for ·T dd's product1, at Richard's, this wMkHd. Observe Dental Hedltlt· Weelc-March 7 .12 BWlud'a Gnm Cut.Oil Buell. Fr.la ' LGEAAEGGS dozen 55c Dutpld AA 59c BUTTER lb. Obldla of .. a._ JAW CHUNK TUNA tis• 1-2 tin 27c GGld ... Dulclaed FLOUR CAMPBELL'S SOUP ::-____ 2 tor 25c 5 lb. 49c M. J. 8. RICE 911ick COolcing ..... tks. 35' lrowll Rice -··-·-··· .. i1-os. 29' LolMJ Gran. Wlat~ 13-:o&. 35f MiLK..::.::::~=~:. 20Yzc l'U91 ..,_..Todd'• HOllOOENIZED 41· C MILK .:·-····-· .. --···-·····-······ .. ··~- iiit~IT AMIN •~ 22Yz~ ._. llUk '1awor Todd'• · 1 l\c NON-FAT MILK.-· .. ··--·-·•.. v~ Freelt Qanied Todd'• 14C IUTTERMILK-.. -.... ·-~·-... -.t. Cff iiLiTE DRINK ... ltc lk9t 'J C'OftM tee& -Todd'a ')ftc: H~LF & HALF·-···-· .. ----···"· 1.v- Wlterenr erMm .. mUecl for ue Todd'• 'lftc:. ALL PURPOSE ·--·····-···H-pt. 1.1- wffiPi1ii ciiiM J~t 3~ See tale MW EMter Cartoa .. Todd'• 27c COT'GE CHEESE -........ pin• . cafi/ornia J /ine~l •.• /,.ozen /oocL ... • TBVR8DAY 8 wt1MO•'• Clalclwl OIZZARD8 or 1ftc: HEARTS -···-··-~:~. 1.1-~~· 6 1 Rieb Flavor, J!'uerte VarletJ Avocados IArp. Comped, Ncnt.ben Orow. ~ Artichokes tJ. 8. No. 1 8~ Hpe•W. Onions Dele il&...aa.. SLICED 2 35 PINEAPPLE --·~ for c V-.11 \·~1~ 't:ICE 2 23c COCKTAIL !! for Glonel&e APRICOT 2 23c NECTAR ···--·--!!. for iiEEN BEANS __ :;; ltc iiiPfiE9i. ___ ,...2 ·,or~ SALMON,_ ~ 6tc .. !:.~ Loa c.bln SYRUP iEANSER-...... 2 tor 23c PiREX .J..~ ii'liiLn·s WIAP _.: 25c 3 for 3 for 3 ii. .. 19c 27c 13c .. Rolls ·-·-···--········· for 7c FftfDAY '-"'• 8pt'Clal : hn;~~~---·-·-····"·' tor 2fc 8ATI.llDA\' Mterttorns 4 f or 2Jc Luse 1 lft«'h l ·layf'r ORA."iOE ('OCOANl "T 87C Cake _ .. eMia ri.cha,.J~ choice meab ..• "'Te'MIM otld 1'..U of '"'"or'' l'.Mtem Grain Fed ......... PORK STEAKS "I to I lb. Qvertll1" wrtgllt'' FrMh Eute"' SPARERIBS "BUllm-""d M '°"'" Fm9h East.en PORK ROAST ""FrOfft IM lntld of CONI '' Batb•a Blaek.bawk SLICED BACON • " NOi ....,_ protlW!f"' . 0.-.. Ge.rdea 1-s• On:ee 55c SHRIMP ..... ·-····--.!:. Anderwa'• 8pllt 11-oa 2 'IGc: Pea Soup .. ,,,,1.1- 111.uae Maid 1&-o&. 2 'IGc Grapefruit ror 1.1- lllrdlieye C-blaatJon -8&Vf! 17C l plq. Frmcll FriN a I plcJ. 47c Fish Sticks botlt for FAJpy RUL Quality IUdlard'• t19Mt ~., 7nc Ice Cremn %·,.UC.. 1- 1b. 49c 1b. 43c lb. 49c 1b. 59c i"iiLK SAUSAGE •••· 39c You can lute Todd'• milk this week-t!nd at RJchard'• ... one of the Lido Shoptt at New- DOrt Beach, Calif. SPEOULI l'O& .MAB. I. ' Md 6, 1111 ... tu eolleoW -....... ltemt l'v • • I • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, ~CH 3, 1955 PART THREE,' PAGE ONE _,., ' -- AT THE HELM-:--Miu Peggy Havekorat, head dietitian fpr the hospital kitchen, directs operation.a of the kit- ACTIVITY STARTS EARLY-Some of the kitchen Mrs Gladys Parker vet. ready to make tout u uiu chen staff. She is responsible for patient.a receiving food . . · e ~ diets selected by the doctors. Part of her work includel crew at Hoag H_osp1tal st.a.rt.a.the day'a 11Mtnu cooking< Havekorst looks on. Far right, Mns. J.C. Sharp shcea · ~ ~~ , under t~e direction of ~~ !e~~ Hav~i>~2~. JJlrk~~~taff 2hoto. ..:~-,··------~----*--·...,.. ...... ..,__.._ __ ..,,,,., ...... ~.... · .,... --------------rtrri'. .. X. A. Wmetr, left, sw:t8 conee brewing while ·-·--·~ .. -------~ ... =--~--....-·-·--····----~-· --·-· ~ . ---~ .. ---.--...-~ (• --.----"--''"'' . -~ • • FRl11T SALAD TODAY-Mrs. W. L. Diehl, l<'ft, and Mrs. A. A. Willett prepare fruit salad for the noon tray. Below. Mrs. Sharp tests the rolls which are timed to be ready just before time to serve them . Dietetics ·is Important in Patient Recovery 87 PllYLLl8 . J. JACKSON Dletet;ca at Haq Ha.pit.al pla.ya &D im· port.ant part in 'th• paUent'• nicovery, alone" with medical attenUon.1. Re&liaUon and evl· dence of the importance ot their work la a coneta.nt encouracement to the women who are reJ1pon.1lble for th• wondeni which come out of' the lcJtchen. Miaa Peggy Havekorat 111 the dletlclu ln charge of all menue. and food preparation. Her •Wt conaleta of 12 permanent and tour part-time women. From the i-uent'• viewpol.Dt, uUcipatlon of a day'• fare eta.11.a the previoua afternoon when be eelecu hla three meala from menuea. RegardJeu of bow lllnite<I a c1Jet may be, the patient can have 11<>me kind of choice. Selecllorui are carefully checked by Ml• Havenkonit who compares them with diet orders from the doctor11. To standardise d1el.J! and prev~1. contuelon in tranamlttlng ordere, Mlllll H,avenkor.st i-omplled a diet manual for eactt doctor 10 he can order by diet name. Variations may also be ordered 1n the same way. Activity etartll at 5 p. m. when the cook warms up for brea.kfut and et.arts the luncheon pulril.'11 to prevent oven congeatlon during the day. Most of Ule bread and putr-y baking l.s done ln the hoepltal k itchen. At 6·30 a. m. LhP re11t of the staff begin• to come In wllh the lut two reporting to work al 10 a. m. Br('llJd'ut la 11uved at 7 :30 a m. F or aervlne all mea.la, tray cart.a are pre. h•led "° fooda cu be eerved warm. A diet card with the patient'• n-1Tie, room number and type of diet accompanlee each tray to prevent mlx·upa. Hot and cold ~rink11 are poured at flOOJ:.-al.aUona...Ju&t, before lray1 are 11erved. Between .meals, three nour11hmenta are 1erved to patient.II. When lhe ho11pltal Is full there are 7:! pallen\.I to yrepar(' for plu1 about 100 meal.I or anacke tor hospital per· llOnMI and patient's relallvu. All food returned by a dla~tlc pallt'nl muat be checked by M1l'lll Havenkorst end Immediately rl'placed by other food of the 8&1Tle calorie equivalent. The anthuaiutlc dietician hM made a job anaJy1le and time and motion 11tudy of the work of the kitchen u d uaigned work to ht'r 1Wf on 1tpeclallu.t1on b~is. Ml.11 Havenkorat hu utablu•hed a train· Ing program With her etaft so thry will have a better 9ver-alt knowledge ot the Importance of their Individual job9. She maku con1lder· able uae of fllm11 In hn tea.Ching. Bt>rore epeclal diet patient.I lt'ave lhe hoa- plt.al, Miss Havenkorst explslM the impor· tance of their dlt'ta to better a.'ll!lsl them In following and un<lerstandln g them. I The department la rur u a t.ea.m, each woman contrlbuUnc her own epedaJlzed train· ing a.nd the depart.ment can share in the recove.ry of every pa tient who leaves the hospital. DELl\'t;RED HO't= Food ia served hot from.the steam table by Mrs. Sharp and trays are placed in a preheat- ed cart which is rolled to a nuneti' 11tation. Trays are 11en·ed to the patients by nurses. Miu Havekorst close- ly watches tray preparation, calling out menu card• to the cooks who serve. WEJGRL~G IMPORT Al\'T-Mrs. ~harp weighs a dish of food for a patient with a ape- ciaJ diet ~·hile Mrs. Harry U-Grand serws another plat<' from the steam table. Food weighing is \'Ital lo the recovery of many p1Licols. DIS~ OF COURSE-As important u food prepara- tion. the clean up operation must follow each meal and snack during the day. Mrs. E. L. Polter baa comm.and of the giant dishwasher in a special eection o! the kitchen. DESTINATIOS-Happy smile11 greet the nurses who deliver trays to .the patients. Colorful tray scarfs made by the Hoag Hospital Auxiliary add lll the patient'• feeling of apecial a'ttenlion. Top, Mrs. Uoa McVey of 18&4 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. 111 served by Ma. E. T. G~n. day aupervi.eor. Bottom, Mn. Green aervtt <Jaute. Towen of 218 Apt.e A.Ye. ' ....... • PAGE 2 • PART I I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSQA Y, MARCH 3, 1955 ! FL YING IEER IOti'LES LAND CHESTNUT IN CITY BASTILE ~pl&Jnt.e ot beer bolUe1 beillg lbrown tram a ear at other cara ID trattlc led Newport pohce Sunday to Ule arnat ot Robert t..e. Chu lJlut, 21, Archu Motel, t or drunk dririnl'. , Robert David Ayrea, :Z3. ot 2m Canyon Road, Coat.a • Mea, and Cary Alva Wilson, 19, ot Santa Ana Gardena, both puarlfU"• In the car, were booked f or lntollicat lon. Cheatnut pleaded tnnocent to lhe cha.rt• W a morulAc In Newport Juttice Court a.nd wu In cuatody at Newport BeM:h Jail Bail ot $230 wu Mt on bim by J udge Donald J . Dodl'e. Ayre• po1ted a $1~0 bond to appear In court Mqs1day, March 7. WU.On ple&de51 guilty to lntolUcaUon and I.I t.o pay a SH fine. BROWN SUGGESTS REVISE ·Attorney General Says Subdivision Laws Loose BACRAlOCNTO (CNS),-Stale ttomey Oeii'eral ,JCdmunc:f o: "mUN.ae of purchuen' Clepol4ta bJ frtnce operal ore haa *n treque1tt and on a larl'• 1c.a~ ... Callin• attention to "clarin• ,;. adequaclta" In the pr.Miit wbdl· Swiss Color Fiim Set for March 14 ".Holiday In Swllaerlll.l'ld." will be ahoWn at the Newport Hiubor j Union HJ6b School a urlltorlum Monday evenlnl', March H . Rob- ert Frlara wlU a ppear In penton u napa tor ot lbe color lllm undf'r lh• auapic• of the Elmer -..·11i~on World TraveJocu• Scrlea. J"rtan ahowa the "l lallan" 8wlt.aerland with, e(:•nea th the ftahlnS Viii-CM and tbt &ra~ equntry. Entert.ns "Fr e n <' h " '9wlt.uria,id, he trav•lled Lake 0-eva fly at .. mtr flanJted by terrued vtncyarda, old cu tlea and amall vmacee. the FuU\'aJ ot Flowera, Mount Blan<', the univeralty at Lau-.nn•. the min· lature wa.IJed city of .Moral and the l"&l Matterhorn. Elitertq "Guma.n'' Swiuerland. Ule film lncludee eequencea of the wtntar aport.1 al St. Moritz, ZuncJi, Bein, a panoramic eab~ ear trtp from the Lautherbrunnen Valley to Mwnn and a trip by dlalr lt.t over the Alpa. Reaerva Uona for the color·fllm may be made at the Corona del Mar Travel Service, 3aU~ Eut Cout Hlchwa;y and the Bookc&M, 3411 Via U do. Otte ,.,,...~,.._. o ..... "•-·-'•'''' ' l\l('l ... ",,, .. .......... l ".... . .' . • 1t IO •C.......,.,t• ..... _ .. ~ -Also- M-O·M'• 'IM:MINDOus" TIN-ITU DRAMA I Dtt1JlllE SIJllE T\\'O BIO O~'ES , ... \'fJmaR Rocle HlldeOll "'' \O!'flFIOENT OBHMSJON"' AGd7 Murpllly "CIMAJUlON .KID .. Adulte aOc- Brown declared J'eb. 23 the lllUl&tuN abould overhaul Call- foml&'• wbcU~on Law t o prnent repeUtlon to Ule "m... vtctlmlla· lion ot Uiou-.nda of· potenUal bome ownera durtnc lbe laat yea.r, taftlvift&' a million doll&n In de-pcmta." vtllon law. the attorney ce11•ral -------------------------- In th• meantime, Brown called apoo Bt&te Ra1 JCatate Commla- a&Jd Wat.eon'• q ency ahould be ~ C-U.DOU9 Saa. From Z:ll (tven power by the t.&'lllature to 1• I t 0 requl~ .,MUbdlvlden to place euch ~ • Ex• .Aow. sM t :U depoelll In tnut. He advt.ed Wat.-... eon to 1 .. ue public report. on w ch NOW GOING INTO • lloner D. D. Wat.eon to Want tu. ture home buyer1 to requU. IUb- dMchn place depomSt.e on homee In .-crow. operaUona 1n order to wana the :'~~~~ndlnl' n-oorrec:U•• Mc· THE 2nd BIG WEEK THE SCORCHINGLY PDSONAL IDT Siiia EVERYONE WAS REALLY SWINGING Studenta attending the dance Friday nJght sponsored by Newport Harbor Union High School's sophomore claaa bad a big time a.a photo sbowa. Scores of high schoolers turned out for the affair which wu held on baaketbaU court of gymnuium. -Bob Meyers Photo • ... -, ----Harbor One· of 16 Areas in MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS Poff tics DiscussiOn Group By nM MATHENV And a happy March to you! The Yanks and the Dod- gers have gone to that far southern state 'way down east. The Indians and the Giant.a have gone to nearby Arnona. The Newport Bay arl'a this aprlnf w11J be one of 18 communl· ties parllclpallnc In the World Pollllca dllM'UllSlon rroupa plan In· aujl"llralrd In Southern California two yeus ego under auaplc~a of University of Call(ornla EJtlt n.11lon anJ Ua• Amet1can Foundation for The Angels and Stars head for good ole Orange Couoty and Pollllr al Educatoln. baseball season 111 nigh ~ Speaking of the national pastime I Part. of a national project. the reminds us or hot dop . Yummy? I local 11roup la planneu to provide Llkf' to roaal your 0-..."' ~ Here'• to take home and enjoy In front ditciualon of ll(.'lentJf1cally organ· a tip. di the TV. Give GR.ANDOl.FO'S a 1 t:ted Individual rul11ng. The 11ludy THE PIRATE I• a apot where 1 ring a.nd they'll be most happy to (lrogra rn entail• three tf'n·wcek you quatr brew by thf' nr~de and 1 aerve your wlahu . au slona with 1tul.lent1 rnt't'llng roa.t your own hol dog a In th•t l We mentioned llnpl.acu a mo-unc:e a week tor two hours. io~me t1rf'..sldt by which you 11t ment ar o. llO leat we torcet THIC Thi' Newport <1lacu111lon me~l· whll11t !'ngagin,1t 1n small lelk. HUR~Y BELL provldee flrulde lngs are stl for Tueaday tvt>n1ng11. Loc&ted on :Z8th 1treet. Juat off dlntnr prlvllec ea In their replica 7 :30 to 9 :30 p.m .. 1tarling March ]11.,wport Blvd . T H E Pl.R.ATJ: ta or the quaint old £nc11ah tavern I~ at Ora.n1te Coul College. Spon· called llY many ''the c:utw t spot over In c_. deJ Mar. 110r1 tor lh1a croup are M111. Ken - ln town." We hur lt'a the kind .. Qu,',t• a SM6 pUlera In lb• nelb Cooling, city treuurer ot nf pla<'c where g'Uya and 6aJ1 mttt pub after dinner for llatt nlnl' to Newporl Bu.ch, and Uland 1. tor lel•u1ely hour11 with t.ap brew, and •lnginU« wllh lh• piano ofter-Wilder. ot Corona dtl Mar. bll 11tor1u and mucho fun J ack· tnra ot O ver Scott. St111lona will deal with lbe •late 11on Co1111t y 111 the boM man·. Ht la h Plano-lo~•: Buddy Rohner la and the Individual, dtmocrary. ba• t1n l'X·publlclly man for T. Dor· 1 t 8 mautro at Jolly Coburn' a lance of powu and powf'r pohUc3, "''V end 11.180 quite a 11urt nder, CASTAW.AYS hl&'h on lhe hill oft lntemational Jaw and world i::ov-tl~o. So, It you want chit-chit on Cout Hl,1tbway · · · Ulll&n Cuu.o rmrnenl. AC<'ompanylnJ:" reading n•<'ord.a. mual~ brtak<"i-3. bta ktra. 111 tht pianlal In ~· lounre out llae1gnmenta will aupplcmcnt lhe 11kin-dl\•ln1t. women men hl1tnry al John Majun 1 HARBOR croup Kl•lhr nng ••r 1 rt1ot••n .. 111t•lry Ill~\~ y~u'll like HO SF: ln Cn!lta Mua · · · Sl'nor Coor<ll n1Hor for tt111 Southrm THF; J'IHATF. u w• 11 u a Int of l,outt" h.olda l.he audience ovtr at Calltumla progT&m 11 l.A'onard ollin s ,11.: HENR' S unllemealh the big iiontbrrro on Coast tt1r hway. II>,, k111.w ._.,. d 1 ·oury; JI, 11 J., IAntz and Dill Skilu art •teaks at KAR.AM'S ln B&Jboa; llw ~·rerl nt 1-'R F:rJ"R ORIVF.-1.S y••ur Nlttrtalnn ll and purvtyoni lobllter or rrted chlckrn a t THE up 10 ('• 11t1< M l'M.. JI,. nrt,r,. ·~•r nt •IM <'f' music at SEAFARE I ARCHES whnt Johnny Vll<'llc'a '" ''' • .1.n11tR ,., .. un "' r1111" •••r· T,OllGE A:'\lJ RESTAURANT hot1l uf frttnda mr-tl to eat a.nd v a " •U•t ul•u t ,\\(("' h111nt• "''f\u r J o\\'n l..&KUnH. Wt\", Jrp#t't Ft• I 1 tll\ 1 ''"~ ~h· 111 '"" """".. llllrn•" tA>nl:t Anti ci•mpany Jlllly 1 T\<·r~ on lhe at.le: "Carmen "''' I l"I//,, tor I 1kt11t: h•••"' "' fur ~·nrlA\' Mil Saturolll\' dt1no·cr.i Jonu a l t he PORT In Corona l'R' "'i.: ll",, oul al llAHliUR HOl '5E. th I Mu : •·oatUe Cry" at the LIDO 11, tr • "',, \ •l"n t Im,.;• 1 th•• ~· '" 1' rwport Beach; "Many Rlvf'ra r u1 t<'nora. baio'1(1ll altva a nJ to Cro••" at 'h• ....,.aA ln Cos•• I• t "' •t.1y 1\1111 dat .. for 1he btlit a ti ff k -~ ~ _....,. "" sopr nos 1L11 w~ u 0 • ty n oon-Meaa and "~bgniflcent Ob~tlll!lun" 1'11 • A'lllvt r•ary l'ArtY ovrr at e111 Dornlh)' NrabHl holds an old lat the BALBOA ~A....,E In ="•'" t " 1 •RJF"T ROOM 1n Coron,. .• • , n •n "' •" K lein, principal repruentallve for UnlverSJly of Callfomla Exltn· 11lon. In lua than two yeara the Southern California offering hu become the targul community di•· cuulon program of Ila klnd In lh• co\lnlry. •<'cording to Dr. Klein. otltstrlpplng the Chk ago area where the program haa been In ex• ll!tence for seven yeara. Wayward Boy Ranch Up for Sale lo County SANTA A N A (0CNS) -'!lie Oran&"• County Board ot Super- vlaor1 Jul w~k aulhonzcd the pubu.ntng of Intent t o pun:hale th• 270-ac,.. N J oplln Ranch" ln upper Trabuco Canyon for a way. wnrd boy'a ranch. The aprawUn• ranch. owned by William Rocbeater, wlll be uled for the rehablllt.atton ot boYa who have run afoul ot the law. They will htlp farm the acreage. Ap- pro.xJmatcly 30 boy1 a re txpeC:ll'd to be quartered t.here by mld·llUrn· mer, 19~. Rochestu t• uklng $37,000. County eppi;al~tu ittt the value of the land at u~.800. Cmt Dosh Joins Prencler9C11t Office Brvw1' cit.Id recmt a-o6 cs.- po.It payment. made by tract bom• buyera ln Southern CalUOl"- nia,, lndlad1.q ona cue In Which ue deposit.on la.t about ••oo.ooo when their wbdlvldtn went lnt.o bankruptcy. In an opinion prep&red at Wat· IOn'• requeat, Brown 1taled that loots and Saddles ~lub SIN!_w Su!fdo Co1ta Mesa Bootl and Saddlf' club will hold a horse 1how and Playday on Sunday, March 6, from J O a .m. lo • p .m. at the Buffalo Ra.nc:h a bove Coron.a dtl Mar. All horaemen and horaewo· ml'n are invited. All event• a re o~ and Include wuttrn and l:n1tlllh cla.uea. Event • are u- tabllahed by popular demand. ...... Ot all the rlchea we h~I'· of all the pleaauru we enjoy, w e can carry no more out o! thla world lban out of a drea.m. -Jamu Bonnell ~·~WJ IALIOA INN .• CAR COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m. Deily CCIC>Hd Tueeday) • SA TUR DAYS • Dorothy Nesbitt 1 .. d, COMMUNITY SING IN BAlSOA 0 . CA'iTAWAYj BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY in PIANO LOUNGE (att.r l 1M p. 111.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Uberty 1-3071 tuhloncu Mlntr;-(eat at 81'..UQOA Balbo <lo I ~I '' INN CAF~ ettch Saturday nlghL a. ~·1 •tok and Gina GRA..'ll DOLF'O <""hf'( H<'nry Jnnu overMea lht I Courluy la conlag'iou11 Try lo "'•"'l \'"II t n know that lht lr new rui.~lnf' l..oull!annt at Dlek a_nd 11pne&d a httle whrn you're driving r•••ll\ ir int down Balboa "'~Y It a Ktt Klt Urnt 1 at •·•ldc llpL your car. S'funny, but the (UY al C\lrl Dosh, Wt ll known B&J~ I.stand neaJ utJ•te aaleama.n, today tt.nnounctd ht la e.."110ela t4'd with ~··••ii••·················: John B. J"ren1lf'rgast. tta.ltor, 223 ~fArine Ave • t.111111\ 'l"•l .. ra.nk o y11 he Fovd for thO\JgM: Ita.Uan men-the whttl llofC yourdcar mar Hsave ,,., ··• '" ,,., molhtr and dad bnnic l ROSSI"" 1 C del M . your own e one ay llOOn. ave Dosh enl""l'd lcx:t.l rt&l ntale clrclt9 Uirr& ye&r11 aro when he Jnlnf'd tht Stan Hadfield office on BelbOa lllland. us 11 .. n orona ar. t 1 In II ,. k11ldlu •nd ltl \t\f'm ord-r , :\ttx1r an apcc11tlll~ at LA POST A un t .i I h• 11 ht art • cont f' n l. 1,u l :-.; e "''JX> rt BI vd., 1 n Coe ta M eaa; r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;=;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ '· 11.1 "'')'• thry 11.110, hlil' lo tm· primt' riba In the TAHJTIAN 1•11 1<[•".i:h-111 and p1ua tor you t ROO:\t at CHRISTIA.'l'S HUT; • l:DC'hllMla" Hnt Dop Bu11r~ra Ba...,._ t 'rifond ClllC'kf'n Frtf'd ~llrimp e HOME MADE PIZZA e ('omplf't# t'o1111ta.ln ~nol<'e FRED'S DRIVE-IN "PT.rtALIZISO IS ··ooo TO 00 Phont-U~r1~· K·OOll \'""' Ort/•• 11"1/l 8 • \4"111/111,, -I Try Our C'om11tr lr 1,-t:nrtn-d Srlr-~rn·lrt1 1.l62 ~ewport Bl\·d. Dfnlnt RMm Costa M<'N 1 FRIDAY NITE AT 8 P.M. BIG FASHION PARTY Ent1•rtalnm~at • Dancing • BeaatlfuJ Modela DOUGH, DAMSELS and DAIQUIRIS" a p,,..JWI "''° -11010 •tom,.9 SURF AND SADOLE CARLA CASUALs RULE'S OF CALIFORNIA WALTAH CLARKE'S HAWAllAN HAZEL .CRAWFORD l.IDO F ASHJONS OF LIDO ISLE c t•tated .. , m orta J'tr kllftC r.fualc by JO L.U•"TZ and BILL IKILEa A.a fare '1:.,. aH mtlfrllt ,.., ..,,. Of u.... .... "-trn.Uons HY a tt •·~ . , ' , THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPES 10 4.. IL THJlOVOB I A. 11. • Newport IUYd. oe CoMt mp.., l'l'EWPORT BEACH • (We .,.. Cloeed • n~, IEAL MEXICAN FO 0 D U 7oa prefer to 1ta7 af home to tee yoar faTortte ...WOa propam try oar bOied lle.deaa dllUlera or epeclal ordera to take oat. Tbep. reedy to 8el'Ve. rarvAn PAATT aoo.11 roa LAAOI: r.usnu · 1511 N...,.rt ..,.., COSTA MISA F• a111rnM • fttw u 1-2403 HINRY'.S -llAJl.Z IT A ln'ST - -Spaftish Food at its lest- 8ESOB W C:IE AT THE PLOIO COCKTAILS ~:'~'::O: Lt:SCUZOS8 A.ND D~'DUJ NOCHE DE RONDA S !ll"l:R8 -AU. YOU OA."f EAT AY Tltt R8DA Y -I t. lt r. 11.) "Superb · Footl'' =· PAUJNG aaVJCS no• ot:a oooa COMES TO THE ICR.EEN flttUlNllO" WARNER BROS. IN CIN•MAc=coPf WARNERCOLOR·STEREOPHONIC SOUND HffiiN. RAY. f~EfMAN .OlsQN . WHITMORf · MASSfY TAf OOROTH'Y AHNE HUNlf R· MAlONf · f RANCIS Ad:.:;.::' ~"::. ~r-1:;.;,d"'iea &.ld'1 Mat. Sat., 1 :45 "MIGHTY .IOE \'OUNG" rxt:t!i'M , I.AMT TIME pc A T. r., f' fi4ttow fi4lar1" 't :00 JloMrt Ta7lor, t:INUtor Parkf'r "JIAST al\'ER1' TO CROl"l't" iaM • lktlo-P'IC'iloe '111rUl~r '"TAROET EARTH" 8TART8 IU"~. & DA \l't O~"LV Au. THI llOAlttNO, llAUCOUS. llOWDY DCITSMl:NT OF' THI CLANIC LaGID f# THIE WUTI • ' TWO TOP WlNNERS-Althougb Ailing for other clubs in the annual Rhod. Ch&l· lenge race at L. A. Harbor lut Saturday, the two top winners (ahown above) are alao eeteemed memben of Newport Harbor Yacht Club, George Fleit.s (left) waa chosen to represent LAYC in this event while Strat Enright sailed for Santa Monica YC of which be it! & It.aft-commodore. Third place went to Hook Beardlee'a Sea Bee aaillng for NHYC. -Beckner Photo . • CENTURIES' SHOGUN RULE. STIFLE NEWPORT H'ARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE l THUR$0A Y. MARCH 3, 1955 ' JAPANESE INDIVIDUAL'S ABILITY Acclclental Shot Kiiis WllffeMacl Harborite Ira Coleman finch Heritage Democracy Detriment By PHYLU8'.I . .IACKSQN Centuries of life under the Oriental ibogun •Y.~ of aheltered existence is one of the biggest detriment. to Japan, cut in the role of a democracy, on today'a new world stage. Thia o~rvation waa expreaaed here thil week by Ira Colemjui, Aplerican busineaaman and former Harborite who repraented the Balcom TTadlnr 6>. In Japan ·ror the past two yean. He t. conversant with auch mafor elUea u Tokyo, Yokohama, Oaka, Kobe, Jl"Ukuolla ud SenaJ. In Korea he vlalted Pu8&11 and Seoul. 8LIGlfl' INITIATIVE The ahorun hlervchy of com· mand i. a ahellertr~ ll)'llem which robe the lndlvtdual ot the &btlllT to think for hlmaelt, Coleman U· plained. "A few major famili• have ruled the country, h&.ndlftS down protection and aubat1tenu throurh the ranka to the utt1e1.pea- 1&11t," he aald. "A fros In a well eeee all the world," la a Japaneae by-word which deacribea the phlloaophy t>( 1a u.. ...,.. toad tor an c......_ Traps cSMtll ot 11artne Corpa It.a lepJ price ill 120 yen for an Pre Wllliam Whltetie.d, ll. al ~ or dclut SI ~ta tor a Camp Kira.mar f'r1da7 m£dnlrhl pouad Uld a ...,tu. wu 1-med today by Ute New•· Lack ot .. ppay cauad by *'k Ph9a. Whit.head wu U'9 buab&ad ot produdftC acniqe IUla a.t· ot the fonner Mary J ... Bllllard, ed a bla.c.ll: m.&rlret, Colea\&a aJd.. d&Urbt.u of llr. Uld Mn. Harry 1~e na•erw brtnc It ln trom Ko-Hilliard of HTt WHtmlnater AVt., t'&, Fonnoea. lndoneala and China. Coeta Mua. LDTl8TS IXC'llZASING CCIMman aid the two yara be Whitehead wu apparently kill· ed when a run accidentally ~ .. lived in Jap&n. tk DOlJc~ an ln-M wu belnr rellrt"ed of aentzy cre.ae ot the leftist trend. Lacie duly al lhe bue.. Mlllt.uy .erricea of too4 and a OOOd or communiat h l Tue-'· earn 'IUll literature Into the achoola and ••re • d -Y at p -J'&• mar. Tbe body wm· be UJpped to aftilab&e to tbe readlnr pqbllc are Illa home ln OklahomL nae J'OWll bellind It, be feela. couple llftd bl L& Mua. IUee-Pf'Oduclq land now avail-able lJa Japan I.I not enoup to ·on. couple married l&lt OctOber. f~ UMt 87,000,000 peop141 of Ute M('8. Wbltellead WU & rraduate Ja.,._ lalanda. They no k>ngtt Of Newport Harbor Union Kiri\ llava Okbwwa, Korea, Jrormo• School ln June. ~tM. • and Manchllria which wet'\' all I ==~· for rice prior to World Shower Cosh Her rree communiat. litttatun tum- llbed t.o 9CbooU by comDIWliat. aovemmenlJI is used to teach lbe cJilldren. nie 8Choola are ac«pt· tq th-rtcta. Cowman Mid. and UllUl.r the boou .. cumculum 111 UM public achoob. $40 to. lurcjlar- • While the victim Wu ta.kin• a &bower. a burrlar .tole a purae contalnlnl' ftO from 2623 New· port B>Yd .. Coat& M .. area. Feb. is. Sberltt'• depuU11 aald the Yic· Um wu Mi. Dorothea Edmonaon, ~·Ji-f1 ~~ ,... '~"""'),,,.,. ..I~~ .. .., • AT l•IP.M. Mic• DftA.-............... ......... o-dftt ..... IXJU • °""4tl & <--' .._ IXllA • Sp ldJl n"-~ ... •' • IX1;IA •••• 1...Spemo!M'ul• ,... IXftA ::c-. o.. 0-°""' ---------------------------life under the ahol'Un ayatem, Cole-man pointed out. Uter&lly It 1be n&Uon which once held a place ln wor:ld leadenbJp before Wodd War 11 la· not deallned to recain her puaiUon, Coleman feel.I. 28. She aaJd the tront door or· -call Harbor 1111 to plMe ,... Iller place wu unloc)u1d. Ad OD tbi. ~ 'COUNTY JOI PAY BOOSTS RECEIVE GRAND JURY NOD SANTA A.NA (OCNS) -On.l'lre County Board of Super- vi.on . dlftrlct attorney and auditor are In tor .ub1tanU&l aalary lncreaae1 lt srand Jury recommendations are approved. Dl.elrict attomey Robert Kneeland and Auditor Lei Eckel would ret $100 more per month, bring1.ng their yearly tot&la to 112,000 and $10.000. Supervlaora would receive $~ more a month or $7200 a year. County Counael Joel Ocle presented th• rrand Jury re· commendatlona to the board la11l week. The board alao will 1ubmlt ltt report on 1&l1rie• tor lnclullon In a w mmaey to be presented to thf' atate legl11lature tor !lnal action. TO REPRESENT HAUOR Miiiie Tonne, local hli;h A('hool 1tudrnt, received boll· quent when ah!' wu ch011en from Harbor enlrlee In Rcond annuol Euv r W uk Quee n conte•l to repre8f'llt lhl• area In flnall -Stne McKC'Own Phnto laby Girt Born To Mesa111 111 NCIYJ PENSA.COLA. FLA.. I P'KTNC) A baby (trl welghtnc 1 lbs. '11' oa. l waa born on Jan. 31. to the Char· le1 I. Hlckro&u at the U .S. Naval HOllpltal h.ere. LL (jgl Hickman, who bl aerv· lnr at the U_=-8. Nani AuJtiltary A.Ir Station. ~rry Field bt re, II tb4i IOD ot Mr. and Mrl. w. L Hklcman of 2080 Newport Blvd.. Coat& .Me1&. HI• wife I• the claupler ot Mr. and Mn, H . F . Delhave of 2MI Uiw Bl., New Orleana. La. The baby, named K.albrya Re· nee. 11 • the leCOlld cbJJd tor the Hlckmane, Wbo rHlde at Pena· oola. , Paral&Ht, Cage GOM Burrtary of her .home at 7311 Seuhore Drtv• by unhookl/lr aide scr·ttn door wu reported to police Sunday by Otlort.a Marte Simon· 1nn. She l&ld a parakeet and cage were taken. A man and woman are believed to be Ull ~ta, police Mid. Sully-Miller Wins Rochester St.'s Improvement Contract \ .rontract tn the Roche.tu St. 1 tlar day• from date of the con· Jrr r ro"emtnt Ol11tttrt wu 1w1rd· tract. Patter10n aald. rtl , .,, 1>ritly tc• lnne bidder. Sully· ln other bualnua, th• council: t.\•111 1 L 'nn .. 11 ur tlon Company by Aul.hqMzed Clntt payment of t h.• 1 • .. ~111 M"lla City Couneil. C:oun· $12e6 to the federal cenaua bureau t i! mtml>4-r1 r11rr"All~ dl11appo1nt · and aut horlud formal 11,.n1nr of m1•nt mor" b1t:a wt're not rf'C«'IVtJ. an •Kreemmt for a a~1aJ cen11U1 but acc•rted C"ll)• En~tn,.rr R. l-In C0411.& Mua. Tot.a.I coet of the Patter90n a n-rommendauon the ape<tal cel\1\11 will bfl $2976. contract b,. awarded. Aulhonz.e<t City Attorney Don· Pattenon 111\111 the 11ubmlUed aid Dungan and City Enflnttr R. bltl ot $ 18.497 ~ wu lue lh&n hi• L. Patterson to take · neceM&ry e1llm•lt p( $1 8.913.&o. He alao steP9 for forming an lmpro,•ement pointed out Dt'<'e.salty to remove a dLltrict on Charle. St. The action bullrtln« bll)('k\n1t tht etrttl may wu takrn u pon receipt of an ln· have Kared ot~r contt"l\rtore ort. formal petition aimed by 16 prop- Completlon of lhl' ~tre"t work erty ownen requuUns that the mu.wt IHl done within 9? caJen-dh1trkl be formed. 'IAnu CIY' AT UDO NOW Mrs. Harper Denies Offer of IQlmunity SANTA ANA FEB. 21 (OCNS) .Mra. ChllJ'lotte H~r. 1391 Sea· lbore Drive, denied under ddenM quuUonlnr In the Herman Pau1e· Glover Dockln11 con'J)lra.cy \rial on Monday that ahe had ever been ottered Immunity by the al· tomey ,_nJ or ~l attorney otnc.1. The formn ~rator of the Snur Harbor Cate. Newport 84!acb, wu permitted t.o t..u!y °" her con· venation• wtth Mrs. Herman Pauae, lbe fonner Rhoda Burk· hardl . J udre Fr&nltltn Weat admlt- h!d ~ teetifta..,. alter bearinr argumenta molt of Friday. I N'Sftt1CT8 IURT The Judre. bowner. l.Mtnlcted the Jury tha t the Harper·Mr9. Pauae convf'n&lkma wert lo be 111bmltted only to ahow wti.ellltr ther• wu an aJTef'llk·•l or eon· 11plracy. PaUM, 1u.apended Orange Coun· ty liquor control officer. and Dock· Ina. 8anta Ana mU1ic machlnt vend<>r. are accu11ed of conspiracy to obstruct juatlce In the opera· lion of Snug Harbor Inc. Pau1e allegedly tll!led the company for penona l gains In the luuance of liquor llcenac-a. r.t rs. Harper 1ald 1h" dlecwated the trial w\lh dl1tncl a ttorney and attom 'y reneraJ repreMntativu on two or three occa.alona In her Pliewport Beach home. 1'tr1. Harper al.10 dl.lcloeed 1he wH called on In her home Friday by member of the DA and AG of· t1ce. Sh" te11llrted they went over "aome dO<'ument.-" co~· PlltACT Qrr.:Rl' Ddt'nM counsel Ma.x HurwlU uked her: "Haa anyone ever told you Uur.t you c8n be charged w ith con.piracy unJe .. you ttll the nght 1tory~" Her an1Wer waa a lharp "no.:: Hurwl la then lnqu1red why ah• would n<>t Wlt'to a rep,,_nt&Uv• from hi• office. Mn. Karper replied: "I WU ret· Unr tired of betnr quHUoned." She denl~ ah• told the P&UNS ah• wu an experienced oaf• operator. She aald •he Informed them wtwt they came t.o her hc>uae In Lonr 84!1Lt'h that ahe had 'UtOrlled ta hu 1l1ter'1 care .I.a Chicago. Earlier. Mra. Harper cl.a!.~ Ule Pau.ee blred her to nm the IDua Harbor Olfe fior S30 a -Jt and a per cent ot the prottL mean1 the amall pat.ch or world which the fros can aee from the weU la th• enttr. world lo hla ey-. The further down the well or hier- archy family aylltem. the am&Jler the world. Coleman feet. the country 11 on the decline aa a world power. 'They lack dlrectlon under the democratic ayatem under which they now operate," be .la.Id. "The cabinet under democracy c:&nnol rtv• the aame dlr-.ctlon and lead· erahlp to people u they could un- der the Orient.&l ahorwi ayatem of pre·war daya.'' he explained. Cole· man aid the Japaneae are not 1ure they like the democratic IYll· tem where everybody h&a to take care of him.tr. OOPY CHARACl'l:al8TIC8 He Mid th.LI inherent 'character- Llllc or the Jape.neee 11 reflected In their ablUtY. t.o copy thlnJ• which other nauona have crt>ated better than they c&n create them· .. ivea. Democracy bu lnherent quail· Uea which the cabinet c.&MOt con- trol, accordlnr t.o Coieman'• obaar- n.Uou, bUt whJch could be con- trolled under the ahorun ay1tem. He Hid h• fell ln hi• deallnp with Japan-. buatne.. men a feeUns ot reaentment toward American buain-men who are .a .upertor Jn their acuou and ao decl91Ye about what -manufac· lure. He .aid .Japua._ manutac· l\IHB w1U not Ulde bJ qv.alltJ control They will produce be&uU- tul ample• of their merchandlae, but under production, th• quality droPll to rtve th• manUfacturer a weer margin of pront. &QUUZE 9T8Tl:M Tt\la la a Corm of the ancient c\19tom ol th• squeeM or ralte-otf. "It. n.h cannot 11Ye lit clear water," 11 another JapaneM proverb wtudl governa their way of Ufi; eoa.- mui &&Id. The equeese la a craft built up through the centurlee out ot a need to Uve. It la u pren.knl tu government otfJcee aa in~ pe-. ant clrcl~ It la not a form of stealing, Coleman emphullled, but a 1ubterture which ia a part .. of lhe1r nature. Thi1 aame phil09phy la renected in lht' two-price ayatem. The ct· g in or foreigner. t. quot~ one price. While the Japanue le quot· ed a better prtce, better temta or both. Immediate money i• Important to all b11.1lneaa. There la very lit· lie money invutf'd In a backlog of Inventory. No caplW ta tied up \n warehou-and large di• count.a a.re given tor cul\ lr&IUIAC· tlona. OOMPA&ATIVE PIUCl'.8 Their economic gradaUon ta a.lmilar lo oura, Coleman obaerv· ed. with no •harp lftdaUon fl"Om wealth to poverty. Rent of a wu.- lern atyle home would. be S:z:w» American for two bedroom.a and bath. He compared It to a hou.e renUnr In Newport Harbor art!& for $1~ a month. Rent for a Jasi--style ntld- dle cl•N hou.w for four perwona would be 7000 yen or l20.4t. The 1t.and&rd taming' power for aucb a family would be 1~.000 ym • month. Food and ahelltr are tile main con.1lderal1on11 tor any family, rt'· prdleu of economic po&1Uon. Rice Mesa Officials' Terms Set by Council's New Ordinance Mesa Master Plan Need Under Study eo.t.a )(-Chamber of Corn· merce bltenda an llll·o\ll drt.. to- ward obt&lntni • muter plan for lb m«D'V"""' pree•+e• ~ Huddlellton Indicated at 'nlu,..._ day'• adjourned le9loQ ot the cham~ board of dlnc:ton. Wiiiard T. Jordan, chairman of the chamber'• plannlng and .,.., Inc c:ommittee. h'ported ~ A. Price of the Stanford ~ in.tJtuUon wouJd wbaall a nate- ment on f'xlent and coc ot u eco- nomic survey. The .un·~ would be ttnt atep toward cttaUon of a muur plan, Jord&l'I uld. No acll~aa taken on ~ rec- ornmendatlon h~· J ordan that the c.b&mber aak th~ cl\y to ~ re- zoning or t)~ C property until a master plan 111 oblatned. ~ member. of lhe c·h&n\ber dlrectorw felt that ln view f1f the phenome- oal powth ot Oran~e County, more C.2 pro~rty wouJd be need- ed within Ule year. Doubt waa ea~ a mut~r plan c::ould be l&Ulldled wtlbln that tlm«. HIAddlHton reported probable r-.on tor lnlereat In anne:aatlon lo llli!wport Beacb rather tba.11 Co.ta Mea:l ••a. the la(·t S e-. pu1 t baa a mainn plan While lb• M- doem'L He deplor.d ~ oppc:wlllon l o <'~lion of a ma.ter plan by Me• city orndala. Oty Attorney Donald Duncan Mid. "No one II aralnlt a mNter plan, J'm aure. Tbe problem a., what la the be:st -y to set a muter" plan ?" "Let·a kttp workins on lt. Hud· dlestoa •jd. He lndkated the chamber would petition dt}' ooun- dl action u eoon u .utnclent ammunJUall wu -bled. ·- Terma of oflice for Coeta )(e-Jl'lrlt read1n1• were &l.ao (ifttl aa'• <'lly oftlclala appolntf'd by ordlnancu amf'ndlnr the land the city council have bttn ,.t up clualf1catlon.1 and dllt.rida 01'- ln an ordinance rtwn ftrat re41d· dlnance and the b\lalne• II~ lnic on Feb. 21 in Newport ordinance. The flryt df'l"ff9 ter· JU1llce Court. City Atty. Donald mlnaUon of vartant'ff upoe aeJe Duncan, City CJerk Arlie Swart.a or tranater of property and a ~ a.nd City Treuuru W. C. Rlel tt. ~ar' yard 1etb&ck on all~"" were a ppointed for lenn1 endln• ty between Hamilton St. and ltth the thlrJ Monday In April. lt:MI. SL. Pomona Ave. and PlacenUa Preaenl member• of the Co1ta and \>omona and · Walla.ce A~ Meaa City Planntnr Commlulon when rear yard.a ab\.tlt on e'lll6t· and all other board• and commJa· tnr a.Ueya ln the area. TllJa ta to 11lon11 "Aill tf'rmlnate office the Jf'ave room for a Ml ft. 1tnet third Monday In April. 19~. where the alleYI IU'e now )ocat.ed. Thern.fter, temll of offlce for Fbcal Officer Ray Hartzler, tn • lhON app0tnted by the wuncil l.he ~cond Ot'dlnance, will haft will not uceed two yean. t.he rlKht to rrant liCf'Jl8"1 and The ordinance Mt. up a atag· waJve t~• wl\en ~ non- r ered tenure for cit)' plannen I profit orranJs&tion• apply for with aprolntment of four members I them. The,ttac:al officer la required to one·year term• and three mem· to make a monthly report on •ucb beu to two-year term• on the permits. third Monday In Apr11 thl.a year. l-tAGt;NA-WCB <X>MKUNITY PLAVEM ...-•• "I REllEHBEB MAMA., l"'M9l dlrected by HOW ARD ''Hap" GRIJIA.M KAaa8 ' ~,.. JIC.AACll lt ~ ..q ..... llTatt ..... ~ 1:4e . llt 0-. A"' OIL\..~OE COAST Qt"EI:..~ CASDIDATE -KllU~nl ChambertaJn. Costa M-. wtU be the Ptrate candldat. for 1.lut#nt Cont~ Queen at t..be danc. "'1da7 lliPt. Mar. '· at u-. ~ Ball-room. Milla Cbamberla.tA wUJ Yie for the crown with als other coed8 from llutwn Oonfer-.ce ....... LIST 110 . DAYS FOR FREE Glm ... ........... -~. po .............. ....... a.. ..... ,.. .... ,__ -~ ...... .,_ ...... .... ..................... ..,... ................ ,.._ ...... _., __ _ ............ ~--­...... I GET YOUR GIFT NOWI ANNOUNCING .....,. .. ,,....~ .. ,..,.... e.. ............ Ace°""'' Merch 31. J-. )Q. ..,...._IO ea4 o.c. .. a., 20 (Ill ..... ,_ °"' f zJ:. ....,, .., ,.. .......... c.e. -..... 1., _ _.... ................. ,.. ...... ~ ....... ,.... 2.,_......,._..,., ......... , ....... $10,000 "r .... ,...... s.,.. - '-..__,~ ...... 3. ,._ ..,, ..... --· ..... v .. ..,._"r..., .. _...., .....,..,..,...,.., .... ..,. ............. ..,.. •. , _ _..._....,..., ... tOttt el ............. -......... ,,_,.. "' 1172 .... P9'1 ~ • c.... ..... c.m. .....,-.,..I ....:..,... . .._.,.. ........ ~ .............. On• of th• JN'"Oftal romancee depicted In "Battle Cry< 11 en· &t'ted by 'tab Hunter u Dann7 and Dorot.by Malone u l:laln• l.n a 1<'111• ftom the Clnema-ecoJI'. Wamn Color ftlm now at Udo TtlMt.-.. Raoul Wuh directed the ICl"ft'nplay bT lAotl tJr11. THI PINm AND LOWBT PRICED l".utJ ....... MAPLE FURNITURE Grando/lo 's • • .. an'I"'~.,.. °'" ... ..,. -' 00tnplet• fMfMI for the femly • PIZZA • 8PAGil£ili FOOD TO 00 s11 ..._ 11wd. BALBOA ....,.., aJ1 lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llYd. Lat-•••di SES CIANCY TODAY roa RIOBE8'1' ftAD£.IN v ALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pontiac Demoutration EYMt.p: • • .. ' I HARIOR AIEA WINDS UP CA&i SEASON · Ted Odmark. left, caab& lltar ol die Or-. 0.. Coll !p Pint.a f"Jft. le.ape high into the air under t.be 8&Dta Ana badriet dariag die _.. finale. For Odmark in this cue. it wound up ~ He 9llDk tM pelota for the two pointa. For the Buca u a whole, it wasn't'° hot. Surt& Ana defeated OOC.lor the 9eCllJlld time 0 thi9 year.-OCC Photo by Tyler MONTGOMERY PIESENIS WANN~IOWL7 GOTTA ROLL! Tar T•is r-Expects Aid From Talented Sophs a.m-r ~tmr ~ .,. -ftlrla.lnc at Vaa'• BDwtac. eo.t.a Mt"99. tt wu ·~ today b1 ~r BlD IOou. '"The tune to tn ter Al l~ut thrl't1 capalllle ~ 8uda 4-bfft. M.a1 11: at Or· ~1e1ldtra are elll>f'C~ to make U. ..... 1197 10. a9d AM'•-Mft l"e•-port Harbor Wgll ~ Tar Ma)' 2t. • -· • Kloa cautioned. Ha aid the .ame advice a p- pUed !M ~~ llWy .-nla T°bry ID Cl Ude Mm'a tM Scratdl Tr1o. !OW' gamn. Apnl 11 ; XJ;ud FiYUOD>e. l.hree men and two women. Apn.I t . IAcba' Handl<"a p, Kay to. lif ui.ed rouraome, 10 y II. lil•n'• ~ Scratch Trio. cour p.ma. A.pnt e. Lad1u kTatdl l'rio. rour pmu. May ~. Xm'1 ~rd.aL Mey 19. •!ld X1~ .. ~e. Apnl 1). t .. nn1,. 11quad thlt ..aon. lt. wu ------------- a nnounrt<t today by oi.cla ~ MontJtom..ry Pacing the vanltJ' n~tt«r11. Montgomery .. Id. Will be five r .-t11rnlnC' letl.tnT\f'n led by Cfl!iOrR• ~tnt'•r•' \\'1111~ .. 1 ~·• •· 111 111.a tf'd to be thf' .,11t.1t11nt1m)1 \'1tr1'1t y roort J>"r'form• rr. 1o1.1phomo1 f'I Lee Purcell. lllke MIJ\jt and MtC'kry Huk .. U are the .opha Mmon11t ratmg Tar ntl abl· lrty. Mt•ntgomery·a big problem will bf' 1 eda .. tn" th" 40 tann111 C'al'I· .i1,,atra '"'"' h , ... tum~ out lo 11. ..,t·T !U ~TOU .... "\o\,. , 11n ha..-only ntnr men on 111'1 v11r111tv 11nd nine oo th.-junior \'11rll1Y • \1on•gomery a nn<>unC't'd. Twenty m11tr he1 ha~ IM-f'n l!Chf'd· 111~ ... 1th a tnrl• Tount1 ,..., In thf! ~unll<'I Leat;ur l..AJll ,...All"ft. U1" T~ni "'OUnJ ur fn11rth tn loop 111 md1ng• w 1Ui tht JV',. a«ond. Th,. practlr,. ~hf'flule nprna !\t•i nd11y lit Rl\',.r~ld ... Thr tM t of 11 run" hl<e th is. At Lnnr Bel~h \\'11.eon. Marc h 11 E:acell.lor he~. ~latth 14 . Loni 9,~h Poly hen. ltlll'r h 16; Ill F,x,.f'IFlm Mardi 21 LUo l·E MCllEDl"lL Tht IM&Ur 8"hedulf' opvu ~re :11i:atnr.t HunUnJl.an Bt ach Marcb 21 Thf'rf'a ft"r lt'11 •I F"llll"rtOll. lll 1t.rrh 2!1 , Sant.a Ana htr ... Manb :u at Or1111J;t' Apn l 4 Anaht'lrn hl'I~. April 7 111 Hunting'ton B~uh. Apnl :11 F'ullfrton h,.re, Ar ni 2~. at Santa Ana. Apnl 28; Or11ns• hf'rt. May S; at Anahelm. l\111y II: Huntlnirion Bf'at-h here. M11y t o; 11t P'llllertcin. Msy 1!; Local Man looked • Ukiah Cllecll lap A H ·rur-old macbanuw •- J\Dttr. J obn R.o«i&ld Raf'tr oi u~ lltDf'1I Road WU U1'eli.d a... da7 by ~ewport poll~ on a feloQy wvrant !rom l."lcla.h.. fta«er la eMrJed WIUI two eounll of In· .ulclMt f\tnda for clliecka R• poated 12000 bond and IA t.o ....-.r Ill Ukiah courta ca March 7. lr1i• little lu1en for C1ce Crow1 LOS A.,._;CELE.s -Ott~ to in.ak a J&all (If DC"Ta" l:aYU:IC W'Ofl • Padtk c-.. Oaat~ ____________ .., __________ _ bukl'U..O P'a"°" _,._ sa ttw I pen wru. n potnt.1 the nl"llt n11tit l'\Ol"Utw~ t.:Cl.A ·, Bnzllu fty to 1 a.cd IA Ui.e ll«Coad to move 23 Corvalli&. ~ '4 ~ Oftp111 pomt4 ahead of tn.mmele Wllllf' State'• S....-n \hl9 ~Md X'auU... t.alalted «11tn from San Mondey 1f • Udrd pme 1.11 ~ ~. ID the Bruin eo:-onrir; race. nry. 'IOOll& TOP ecoaza fltnrf' J ohnny w<'Odft. tu .,._I )loore hN DOW tallied 3U poi.nl.I a t l'ct.A. t,,.. Bnou& ha~ WUt Ill %t p-for a 14 3 ••l'ragt, t ... ·o pia,Joff ...-rw. &M kwt t..,., fo~ by l"aull.I '13.41. Cua.rd Thl'y dl"OJIP"d two ot 111~ ~ >lama Taft f 12.6) and F onvard to Ottg-on Stat• a1 Cl'n"&lm m Ron Bane ll.Ol. Any tea.m havlng tt•ll. •'ldeatl"d "'~ Slate fOUT pla:rwe &""11CUIC 11 or more l.n •traieht pmea et 1"...-..ooct m pocn18 • pme ha.a th.at l.mportanl 1"4>. lo9l two I.II a ro-" to 1fuet· -thine ~ '11alanced ecor- lncton at lkalUe 111 I.St and • ~.~ fe&t.ed W'utnnct.-m a tJsr-o-And ao )loan Jiu -booeted P"l4 _.....el .,........, l.:a 1tl62. 111-fow-.,_r vantty acon111 rt:- Dll'OIAL lll:.cOllD nwd lo I tM poin l.I. Fot'Ward Don Bran-the Oft1)' otl\u BNtn ... .,.r to tany "'°" th.an 1000 marktn. ~ aratnlt Or~ Stat• with a roar-year total or 1008. In UCL.A·• onlr ot.bf'r pl&J'Qtt ap. pea~ C'oaC"b WlDlar JolllnA. lat 7 ~ klsl two ~glrt to ~ Bea"~ a t f"Oln'alba. And ..-, Ulr 9nnNi C'O nortll W'ltb a dt.mr.al rtrord of nnl)' oae net«)' m -""'1l pre'PIO\IJI pla)'Vf'f pn>n at C«TaJ. u.. But 1t .-ill tall.t mor' th.an a Jina to stop Wa dl1Taat w oodl:a ..... protla»)' u.. -.i all4l'OmMl bukf'tball team m \:CJ,.,\ tustory. By bouncmc IC tw1tt .._ w'f'dl. UM Bnailla wt three _.. ~ ~= 11.-t 8oUUMn Dh1-. .... cord. 11 wtaa. oee Ila., IM9t ,.-. ukr ...-~·-.. ~ 214: .... the ....... m..ar... u , lltraipt to Wtttt tk ~of 12 tn a row "1 U. 1... i.:n. J ohmiy )loon. t:'CLA ·a e&IJ"· .... tt ~ froln a.y. lJld WU at Im llirelt.. u ~ ~ l UM ~ He •t the lt'WUll Woodm baa bldkat.ed ~·u eUck W"llh ha rquJar Uneup or Moore. Brsn. !'taalla. Taft and Bani'. Cer- tain to -6ot• or action II EddJe \\1Uu . clutt HftlOT' guard. Otller top l'Hf!'VH are Forward Al R~r· rtq aSld Guat-da Maril Coet&Uo Ud Da?e Ball. ~ oat Use -r.&ad art Ouard Lindy ltf'll aad Forwarrta ~ a.n.rd ud Carroll A4lama. R & L Auto Clillic 3001 Nrtrpott Bh'd. ...._ ... • ANAHEIM OUT OF CIF ,pLA YOFFS AFTER ·BEARS WIN IN OVERTIME Riverside Bounces Colonists With 1"'111ing 54-53 Defeat · &hot .. the t1nal ~ llOUDde4. He mlued and the pm• W9Clt. lnto overtJme. 0 OOJlll8 ftlllOIJ'Oll In lh• off&'Ume penod. Use 1ama eemed to t&lte a dltterant ANAHEIM, (0CNS)-The Anaheim Coloniata loat all hope ~~\::!.e&l~r:·~::: ot J&in.in( any CIF honon Tueeday when the.Y dropped a aide team wu made by a boJ who thrlllinr !vertime tilt to the Rivenide Poly ~ra by a 54-hu played on their eqU&d all ..... 53 ICO?e. The game wu played in the Garden Grove High eon and wu b~ht. up to th• vu..itJJ ju.t. tor the Cf1' pl&yott School cym before a capacity crowd of screaming excited wta. })uketball fana. L1tUe Ray 8mJth, Who eoor,d Th• R.tvenlde qu!Jltet jumped quarter' while the Blue and oo~d only two polnta all year u a t.o u ea.rty -.S. u Use ColoniAa aquad wu pouring througb W member ot the R.tvaratda vanity, ba4 to 11COre t.b• t.wo pohlta that. ,..... un&Ja~ to ttnd the baaket count.era lo take the Jead. Till• meant th• difterance ln an entire YWY ettaau.ely durlns Use tint wu ~ly thrOOlh Ula ac<>linl ball p.me. quarter, and at the end of th• effort.a of ){lke Beach and Bill Mika Beach wu fouled d\IJ'inc period UM s-n led U·12. In tbe ~nch, aensaUon&J torwarda for the overtime period. but the alen· ~ •t.&Da. th• acore at.ay~ the Colonlata. dar whts dropped ln only the tlnt aama.t ldenUCal to that or Uie The ttn&J •tana NW th• bears tou, thereby leavtq t.h• one .ftnt quarter, U each team match· ,.eat.ch Up with the local.I With the' polnt. m&rJ'ln that 1pelled Yic:t.ory ed each ot.ber buket tor baaket help of a f.w bad pueea and eome tor th• Bean. Beach anct.d the and the t.lf ended W'1lb R.tvtnkSe faculty defensive work, and the g&m• with 21 potnta., high for Ula cm UM tone ead of a aa.-ao count. ecore wu tied at 112·112 wtth 1 conteat, while Lew Bulhf'Y who .-i>&FDUVE BA'l'TLE mtnute and 23 teeond• rematnJnc pl.ayed the tln&J came or hi• ca- Wlth Roy W•ver and O&ry 1n Uu1 baJJ game and Rtvenlde in reer for Anaheim and alao hi• J-.. 111 the ball sani. tor Au-control or the ball. Th• Bear1 greateat game, tallied 17 countera IM&m dwtJIS the third pll1od. the decided to lt&ll and ramble every· lut nlcht. Eddie Roblee led the Ult tuned Into more ot a detm· thlnr on the final ahot. Thl• they RJveralde acorlnc wtth H point. .,.... battk JU1'Wlllde wu able did and Rivenide'a h!lh-acorlng whll6 Chuck Smith tollo""4 wit.ls to 8COl'e only I polJlt.a ctmtD6 tb&t center Chuck Smith took th• Jaat 13. MESA NINE CELEBRATES . ANNIVERSARY llt.rtYiric t.o return to actto an. two ram.i .. w..U du.a to a forfeit. and a ratn1 day, th• co.ta M-Merchant. are eched· uJed to tall• on the Lo. Ancel .. Earte•. a colored team, on Llone netd at 1 :30 p. m. Sunday. HARBOR ,o~ PAGE4' ·PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 19 5 MOUNTIES OPEN TOURNEY PLAY AT FRESNO TONIGHT Bump Fullerton From Playoffs .... With 66-59 Victory in Finale FULLERTON, (0CNS)-Mt. San Antonio's bas~etbaU quintet, co-ehampion in Eastern Conference competition, will play lta finrt game in the state junior college playoffs in Fru- Bu.in-Manacer Ed Lane ~ ported lbat Ulla ww.ll marked th• &D.D.lwnary of Use w .. Mer~ cb&nta. ··we've beell oraanbed one y-.r now," Lane u.ld, "play· Ing from Marcb lo March. Dur· ing that •PAA of time, wa were rained out. three 8und&,a. Twioe \'tait.ora torfdtAd. In th• 9UJll1MI' loop, we won ten 1t.raigbl before toain1 to A.nabeim ln the plaroU•· no tonight. The Mounties won the right to enter the tourna- For tll• year. we won .o. loet. 13 ment by edging the Fullerton Hornet.a Monday night in On· .ad Ued one. Tbl• LI th• t1rlt Um• Coet& M-. ever had a ba1J tarlo, 66·59. t-.m that played a full year." Fullerton c.oa.eb Ala QmMw on a 3wnp abot by Jlmmy Hickox, WOS FlUT FILAY plaM to 1,. .. tor J'rffno toinor· Mt. San An tonio ll'd throufhout The tlnl pm• ot the curTent row ·nlcht. even thourti hi• co-th" tll'llt period Al halftime. they team wu played at North Lon& held a commanding le-19 lead. BMeJa wttb Use Merchant. win· champ Hometa failed to reach lha StartJ~ pky In the eecond h&lt. nlq, M . Tba Mee& chucltu wu 8tat.. playotfa. Hie purpoee: To the Mountlea lncreued their mer- Georp Witt, wbo 1a apr1q train· eubmlt a bid for the llt&te toumey &1n to an apex of 22 point.II, lee.d· tng wtth Hollywood thla year. next year Ing-0 ·19. Fulluton pm11ly fOUfht I ~ to Lane. Other mem-ffOILl"f'ETlll TAU LEAD bark. ~11 ~ wu too bcra ot the ntn. In th.al ('('&¥, L&ne f'N'•l. ev1m for lhe polnlt Horne{l'. rted K M~ M onday nlJ hl. P't11lt rton out-~ • were enny . ICOrf'd the MounU~ •O·SO \n thf' P4TALL roa C~CHl:K catcber; Wally Welbroclt. tlrat beM. Eddle Brow.n. eecond; Glen aecond hall and madl' IS field Wllh five m1nut.ea ldl In tht l..ucf!nbr111, thlrqi Bobby Bakl'r, goal• to thelr etrtit. but lll1 awfully game. Fullerton only trailed M·•i , I ihortatop: 'rommy Miller. ldt. poor a.nit <'Old flMlt halt proved but Coach Pete Provost ~nt hi& tldd; Don Pllqut, cf!ntl'rfleld and to be their downlall. The pme --1 relaxed playe,.. Into a ataJL That I ~wl'y Andtl"llOll. "trighl field. play ed be.Core a ntarly fllled gym w .. the cllnch"r for the team that TheTe'• bem a number or at ChA.ffey CoUece. ha.dn•t pl&yed a ramt In a .. "Hk. I chansea on Ule Meaa ro41ter, and AIU\oullJ FuUtrton 1eortd ftt"Bt. In t.be flnit half, Fullerton al· currently. Lane la losing a raft of tempted 38 1hota and made a mere ~rformera to OCC and Hart>or D L • h eevrn, tor a percentage mark or Hl1h. Lff Fllher. the prep ahort-on e1g .19(. In compar1ton, the Homt'UI I 11top. hu returned to th• Tan. al trmpltd 49 ahota In the .econtl Don Leigh, Wa:vne Coughll"M. hall and conne<"~d 1:5 Umea. wind· Sam Santini, ~bby Wetu l and H I Th• d Inc up the game w1lh a percent11e Pat Robert.a have returned lo OCC ur s 1r rr.a rk of .2:59. I diamond acUon. And on top of The C'On leitt marked the final th.la. Al Horwtngt.on, who belon1"9 sa.m" for Fullerton UU. year. Th"Y OCC UNKSMEN SEEK SAGEHEN GOLF TRIUMPH Orup Cout OoU.1• roll· an take to tbe road •pin to- morrow trnelin. t.o the Loa ... eeoe Countzy-Club ,In ...uni ~mona to mMt Jlo. snon&•CIU"emont. Ooli.,. ln tbe ttrst Of ,a two mat.ch Mr- .... tn two w"ka ·Ule OCC Unk9men an 1JCMduled to boet th• 8arellen1 on.r th• Santa Ana Oowitry Club cour.e. Lona Beach State lenathen· ed tbe Pirate 10Jfen' eeuon mar-to a pair ot detuta and a lie laat Friday when thry dropped Coacb "Ray Rouo'a c.h&ra'ee a t Sant.a Ana Mea· dowlark Country Club. Don Molli,.•. a l fruhman and veteran orl,-tn&lJy from Huntlnrton Beach HS and cur· renUy thl' number one man on the Bue u x t.e l. waa team med· alJat with a H , eqU&Jmc Lonr Beach'• Bob Robtnaon for match honor.. ELKS. SWEEPER Bob Ramirez AH-Events Bowl Champ Bob Ramire& snaued lhfl All· E~nte trophy In laat '11.'ffkf'nd'• Elka Sweeper bowUng competlUon, unce y r Harbor Elka Lod~e. Ramlre't roll· td the allty• at Van'• Bowltng In Costa Mua for an 1893 total. Sec:· ond was Ed Blum .. 'Ith 1884. The •tnitln'' trophy wrnt to C. Hoettnr r with ~. followed In or· df'r by Bob Bogdanovich, 64fJ: a tie between George H.avelu and 0 111! Humpl\ny. M3; Joe Zl&eket. 639; Ted OeVllbla , 637; Frank c-zi. etu, fill : and a tie amon1 Chet McGovern, E. Long and Stan Ac· kerman. Bob Bottorff and Blakle WIUl· ta.kf'r teamed up for the doublH trophy with 1279. Second wu Herman ~f'8e and George BToed· well, 1263, traJled by Chuch Mc- Gonrn and Augle Oetrow1kl. UM; Rube Wtndland and-Gene Lance, 1232: E. Long and Bob cook, ins: and Buna Bill u4 v.. C... lilt. 'nle An&IMUll Matda ._.. .... ed t-. ewa&a ba ta......,."'~ aoea t« u.. mu· tnfl!IJ'. 8-ad wu BPolC lTtT 11uc1111. IOU; Qllrd. Huattnpla -..cit ~ -; fourth Homalt.-4 ...W ..,. .... and ntUa. ...... Partl l:Uu No. 1. ttTI. QUICI 24 HOUa SHw:::I 1. ow Law'"•~­INTREST lATU EASY MONTHl Y ,Anen'S FRIEIDLY S'YWA1HE11C •tlCI ·---·I ON W&L LOCAl9 ..,._ LAGUNA ROHAL SAW.S a LOAH ASSOOATION 222 Ociee. ~ LA&UNA IEACH ...... Hf"-''" ~-J.b· 1/• 7 /dlW'·-r NEW lRUE lEltlPER GARDEN CLUI tOOLS At f UGHFWllOHF, IUGGIO,~ c.... ........... ~ .................. ................ c-. ........... ............. • lllfolf.UC88 #MIJll• e IMAIT.DWAlllW e fOIGfO 1111& #UOI AHO t&AOrt e UfCIM &AOttl" __, to c1nctnna u. ,. headinc lo ~r· p•irafe Win «1& for apr1ng tnl!nlng. PITCHERS ALL L0"T wound up thrlr l eil.llOD with a won· lost muk ot 21 ·8. The c am• took ' ARDWAll-HOUSIWAID hLe1Jtl. Couirh trte an<1 Hora1fl3'· t on are all pllchl'ra." ~porta Lane. "What wt: a re irolnc to do for ht1rlen1, l don't know." So I.Ant ha.a tuued a eaJI for an1 avallllble rroe~la in th• Harbor ~· lo 1tiov.· up at U ons Flelrl Sunday. The Mtrchanta can 1iar 't m l'1e rl•ct: nt the annual &ll·11lll1' I &-Mii ~Le1gh httrlf'db11 lh~~-1 ~p~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~===~~~~~~~~~~~·~,~~~~~ lory nr the OrMge CoUL Collece P !'"'<'lice dlarnont1 Muon on the Mta1i yH ll'rd1y for a l0·2Wi n ov.-r A UST IN _HEALEY At. thla 1netanL Lane'• hneup look.I Ilka thla: MOAU. Gary FOT'd and Chuck Bunch, catehen; Wel- bl"O('k, tll'l!l bnft"; P hil Sha!tr, eec- ond; Buddy Bock tell, third : Carl Huftman. '•hortatop; Carl Black, lf'ftlleJd; and Dewr y Andenon. rl~httleld. Loolu like plenty o.f '~" ln th• unter pu tul"fl and on U\at ant. hJlt'for recruttll to the Me-rchanta' cau11e. PkJcJy lallk MlullHJ A P'RY ben>t cont.aJntng be- twe~n S:t:IO a.nd 1300 Wll.Jl t11 k.t'n from the WUUam Burd home, 205 Via Koron, Mre. Burd tolrl po. Uce Fr1d11.y aCttrnoon. It ~lon°&td to htr nu rH, Mn. Ann Pobleckl and could ha'le betn lak,n from r.b. 1 to J"eb. ~. Mr;a. Burd re- port41d. Hubor J C. The triumph T'tVellgtd a pl'1'\'tnu11 11et.b8,.k Ill Uir bAU of the oppnalllon anti lt"ve tht Piral<' nln• • 3-2 tt<"orrl for non·lea111" compeUtJon Ltlgh went only tour f111rn,.• 1n I Uie 11hortt-ned l'f'V"n lnnrng M n· rnrt. b\lt It Wlll 'nough for l h .. w;n u the Bur• unltuhrd a 11x· hit. t hlr tl canto for ftv,. tA ll11·L1 Doub lea by Cr nlt rfltMt r Rnland Hl11 &11d Rlght.11rlrl<>r P11 t Roberti were the big blC1W11 In th111 ba rnii:e. Alter Leigh llllOWtd Harbor nary a n1n. Waynt C-oul?'hlrrt came on In the fi nal fra rne11 to g\n up a pair. Hownu. ~ugh· tree upheld Lf'lith e I lhe platter lo j{!Vf' Coarh w,.nd!'ll l'lrktn•· pltchen a perfrr t day. Le111h l&.eh· ed •double and a1ngl" \\'11ynt followed "''1th " w11 lk 11nrt 11ln1tle to ha nd, thf' hurltr11 3 ror :t F'rld•y. lhl' r tratf'll ta.nslr w ith Long ~ach City Collt-ge nine on the OCC iilamond. SUMMER LEAGUES NOW FORMING ENTER NOW Mixed Fivesomes Mixed Foursomes Men's Scratch ' / I Now Making Deliveries of the most popular of alJ high speed SPORTS CARI 52985 standard equipment includes over-drive heater. wire wheels a nrl full t onneau cover Firestone ..._ Sp1dal S41t ... Car ~ I. ~-,,._, ...... ... ~ c...dl _. ... ....._ ftlM •..,..n t.T°U• ..... ... ., ...... Ladies Handicap MANY OTHD -STARTING NIXT MONTH \\'e Invite )'OU to rom.-in and drh·.- th" Au~tin-Hralry today HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC • llalq. .... .-.-...... --.. t . n.... .......... ,..._1a -.. .-.... .... fmet ~ ~ *-- 1 ''"f""l1 ....--....... .. ~ ............. OFP'IOIAL llllAQ; 81'A110N ... Deale• In MG and thr :'\F:W ~1r; MAGNETTI-: ~F:l 1A:" OPr:N ~•-soi\ \'S A~O t;\'t:Nl.SWit VAtt•s BOWLING .._ ____________________________ __.,~•-111_._1_. __ .... __ ._c.... ___ ... _________ 111U. ____ DD11. _____ 11sr __ • _______ ui.n,~~-..,..~--'..__1e_12 ___ Rarbo ____ r __ B_1_vd_._._~ ____ c_o_s_r_A ___ ~~--s_A ______ L_1~ __ rt __ r_s-__ ~ __ •~ I I • • ,I I OCC UNVEILS COURT CUTIES And they play i..nJa u well u they look. So when Coach Doria Raef aaka, "Anyone for tennla !'' there'• no queetion what the answer will be. Kneeling from le!t are Sara Metcalf, Sarah Scott. Dorothy Horrell and Francie Brown. Standing from left are Joy Wright, Manha Eid~ Dudie Sch~fer, Vernona OeUfen and Miu Raef. Not pictured t. Sbirley Engle. -OCC Photo - .. Tb• Sant& Ana Country Club t.dl•' Tu-say vi.. tourney in ClaH •·A·• wa1 won by Kr-. CUf1 N older. Corona del Mar u Mn. J ol\n Lowe, Ba.lboa LaJand, placed -.cond wttb Mra. <leol"fe Fruehl· t111. Udo Jale finlah.lng third. ln Claaa "B" Mn. John Potta, Fu!· lntori. took top honor• u Mra. Terry 8tephen10n. .Sant& Ana. placed Mcond with Mn. Lawrence !Semi•, Sant.a Ana. flnlahlng third. In Cl&1111 ··c" Mra. Btll Hutchen•, Ranta Antt. won out w1th Mra. P'oat"r Lamm. Senta Ana. plac· lnJ llf'<"Onfi -t'OA.E - Tl\e lrvtne Caul Country Club Ladtee• Tuffday Ylar toumev In r1aa• .. A.. wa11 ""On hy Mr11. Waynto Ha.II. Alhambr1_ .,. Mn Raw90n Foolt, Shore <:11!fa. fin· u•hf'd ff<'onl1 ROM.JI,. Vance or Lasuna Beaeh won fl111t pla C'll ln Clua '"8°0 aa M,... Roy Ha.Uberf. Rillboa. plartt1 Mront1 Mn. Roy Lyman. Cliff Ha,·tn fm11hed lhlrd. Jn Clu• ··c" Mn~ Nelson J one.. U llo Jal• placrd fal"9t u Mra. Al Tiffany, Shor. Cliff&. finished aec:· onll Lou Q111nn. Balboa, took top h<>n<>111 1n lh" plua 38 cla• -t"ORE- The Wiiiowick Golf Club Sat.- u rday Bllnd Bocey event ended In a t1eadlock 11mon1 five 1olre.n who all poaled ntt 80'11. They wt re Tom McGtt, (it.rden Grove: F.11 Haal~. Santa Ana: M~. and .M111. \\'. Cry<lerman, Anaheim anrl N"tl Hall nf •GaN!fn Orove. Riii Jl"lnl!froc-k, A11nta Ana. placed ~C· ont1 "',th a ntl 72. Two r;olfera 11f'd fr>r Ullrd 1pol with n"l 74"•. Th"Y wtn> Jim Hart Jr. and Mark u.,.,.,t•r nt ~a.nl& .-.n11 -f'Ollll':- Th" ~anta Ana Country Club J.al'!lea Friday Matrh Play tour· Mmenl fount! Mr1 George londil· 1ni . Lido lllle. in tlral place In C"lu11 ··A·· ••Ith an ,.,.,.n rl'Cord w1lh p1r tnr the 18 hole evenL Mra. Ken :o;ew .. rt. :-; e w p o rt Ht.l&hta. tlnlahed ~ond booing thnoe down to par \lo'lt.h Mra. JACk rark. Santa Ana. plarlnc third wllh a five down total. Jn Clua '"9 .. Mra. Howard J:t,.mlnJ . I.A«una Beach. lead the r •rk wllh an t vtn ICOre u Mf'I. Lu &yle. Lacim• ~ch. placed .,.'"""· bean1 lbnit. do•-n to par. Mrs. L D. Cotflf\6. 8antA Ana and Veleta Wardt, Lagt1na Beach. 11hared th• third apot u ti\"' wer• ~h elx down t o the mut.r. In Cla.u '"C" Mrs. Sit.wart Diehl. Corona de.J M•r. rlnl11h~ f1rt1t kine UlrM t1own to Mr. ~ar a11 Mr11. Joe Knox, S11nta Ana, pl11C'f><1 11trohd bf'inr; 8•\•rnt h de>"''"· -P'OU:- The lrv~e Coaat C'ountrv Club t..dl•' Fndev M"'1aJ Play iouma· mt.nl In C'ILllll .. ,,... had Mn. According to a ~port received rrom Hay ~~elm. Newport Hubor memt!:ir of the U. 8. Olym· ptc RowlnJ Committee. the U.S.A .• tor the first time. la 11endinf a full entry l111t to compete ln the Pan American Garn~• rowtng eftllla UU. month in ldeJttcu City. Olll1Jl( the put two yea.ra Cb&trm&n Tip Goe. and the U. S. Olympic Row· In& Committee b&ve been working on thla with lbe result that the United 8tatea wtll be reprMent.ed In all aeven rowtn1 even ta. Lan.1enbelm •tated that five oarsmen who repNMntAld the Unit~ &_tat.a 1Jl the xv OlymplAd at Helai!xt have qualified for the a&me three event.I In the Pu .Am· ertcan reptta. These and tbt olbtr Unit~ State• entrlee qU&Jllled for the Pan A.merlc&n Reptta at the National Reptta In Worce1t.er tut JuJy. KELLY JS 8Cl"l.l. J ohn B. KeUy Jr. will repttMtll Ule U. S. m the •tnale acull evmt. a.nd, dupl~ bis many years of 1uc- ceufuJ eculllng and -·eep rowmc ln acbool. college and 11tnce cr&dU· a tlon aa a champion. he still 11 lht but eculltr 11\ the U. 8. A. Ha w111 meet 11tnmg competition In Mexico from & tine croup or Routh Amen· can aculleni. Young \.\'alter Hoo~r. who Is a l!Ophomore at Synu.:uae 'University and wbo atroked their rruhman elJht In the I. R. A. Regatta last June on Onond&ga Lakt, qualified W1t.h Pat CoeteUo for the double acull event. Goatello. who 1JI plan· ning to be marned soon. may be Cllhl'rwl!lf' eng&«'ed on h111 honey· moon and not 8blt' to C'Ompete e t the Pan Aml'ric&n Gamu . Jf ao, young Hoover will row 'II.1th J im Glrdnt'r. both from U\e Detroit Boat Club. who Is llp<!n110r1ng t h.111 entry. O'l'Hl':R R.EPRESl'.:~T ..\ Tl\"E.' The other 19:12 Olympic repre- .ent&Uvf'a .,... the ··ctndert'll& Kida"' frnm •Rutgtr11-charlf'a P. ·Lo~g and Thomu S. Prk e-ln the pair-oared \lo11hout roirwaln It w111 be rPc&llM that thlJI pair nf young a.nd po"ill"erful sweep oani· men ra mr from Ian plaee n b3< ur· tty to win the World"• C'hamp1nn· ship a t H"U.mk1. Iha t1ul ume an rtle hl11ton· of A mf'rlean Olr1 .• p1c rowing. They 11hould repl'•I Al Me1tlco Cltv and Chalm1an l..if>f'I upec~ lhe°m 10 be rul contend· tra for this ..a.me tvent at lht' XVI Olympic" 1n Au1tralla In 19716 Thty are both st.Toni young mrn- rlne 11wup oarsmen and plan to kup In training for the next Olym· -jc•. Price ta a cadet at Alrm .. n·e b~ool. Naval AviAtlon Technlca.I tn'r of this •~ u he hu plll\l'd rt>lf tor 30 Yttlnl 11nd I hi ft w11s hi• fl111t hole In nne. Congn I ll· laUora Jack. Mackey ha•! qu1•e a round o! golf u Jar k Ea.gird I ha ninth hole to tour t hfl fln1 l ~1'1e In 33 blowa while nttdln!f 36 t1 lroku on the back aide to poll a two unrltr round of 611. 'Im MC'· Al ee or u..,1na Btarh and Bob Hankey of &Ibo& liolant1 wen In Ule thn'#'t10me. -FORt.- Jt&TOld 8m&JI. F'Ulltrton, walklnJ off with the top .core u the 'II.in· J1•r rardM a net it. Mn. Tom Hlon<S.r90n. Udo Jale and M\'1!. F.ll'le Milin. B&lboa. lied tor tht lf'<"Ond •rot W1th ntt 7'7'1. In n .... 9 ·· Mra. Robtrt Oard.ncr. Short Ch!fa. wnn firat pla.ce W1lh a n,t 73 aa Mr11. Roy H&.llbery. &lboa a.ne1 Mr11. F'ornel NMJ. l!hore Clt!fa. tied for Ole HCond apot W1lh Mt TT"a. Mh. Ne.laon J onf'a, U do lllle and Mr1. Al Ttf· fan'.\". ~hor, Clttr1. tlM fOT' flM!t J'lare wtttl n"t T9 '11 In (')... '"C .. u Lou Quinn of Balboa tint.bed ~d -F'OIU:- Th• Sant& A n• Country Club Men'a Saturday :>-tatch Pla;v tour· nev ln Clua ··A·· ended In a thrft v,ri;r tie' for f1nit '11.ilh the follow· tn1 golfn-a btang two UJ> on par. The three S'll.1nrn were Sid Blackbeard. Corona del Ma; Bury Giffen. Anaheim. and En- Guthltr, Santa AnL DT. Harold Deck,r, Cotta Meu, and St.an Wood&, Sant& Ana.. UM tor tht itttond 11pot u they were one up on ole man par. In Cla. "8 "" Th• H•t•·Off·Df>partm•nt th111 H.etnry 8chluet~r and J oe OJI• ""•tit dolfa 1h4! r-lla~u tn J&ck of Santa Ana UM for flnt with Mar k"· nt Lado IJlle. Ja.c k acfld tnur up 11dvantac._ on J)er u Or. the 2fl2 Y•r'1 ~f'rond hole ~t tht> W. ,. ·•Ptt" · T r.,artw .. 11 $ante ~r\'lne Goll Cour .. NIC'•nUy wHh a ,Ana. placed Nrond b@IJI& one ., t.hrn Iron. J•ck _, w"U .dCNTY· on par. , Tra.lnlng Center, Norman. Oki•· homa. arid Locr la a aecond lieu· tenant ataUoned at Tra1ntn1 Alda Subcenur. F ort Riiey. Kanau. ~ olbtr tntr1u to Mu.lco City wtll be the V.eper Boat Club of Philadelphia In the dgbt and the tour oared wlt.h coll.IW&in. oonaJst· lng l&rJely of old Penn oarimtn, Including four underl'faduatu from Joe Burk'• 11quad and one from VIiianova COIJf(e. The pa.tr· oa~ wtlb couwaln w1U alao be rrom Phlladelphla -Fairmount RowiD.K AuociaUon -wbo made inacb a •plendld record In th• N. A . A. C. compeUUon. 1n the aewnth event, lhe four wilhout couwain, the Buftalo Wut. 81<59 ~, Club wm rtp..-nt the Unlt.d Stai.. a t Ule Pan Amert· can Oarct1. AU thrM ot lbeM Cl"flWI a.re Of hl1h caliber and ahould do well at Mwco City. C'O~J"n"EE KA.PPV The Olympic Rowing Commit!. .. t. happy, not only with the quaJ· lty nt lhe United Sta~s· ~tr1H. but w 1lh the fact that Cbalrman Gou hu 1ecured ple<lgea t or &11 the mont'y rtqu.Jrtd for fln&nctng Pan American rowinc. ll ?ulvin& bttn pledged by th!' spon.ora and lndJv1dua.ls 1nterfttl'd In the aaven entr1u. Thwi partlc1paUon IA lhe Pan American f'O'llV1nr for the 11.nt time wlU Ill no w•y be added t.x· ~n11t or a burdrn on the 19!18 U. s. Olympic budr;et. tbe urne !!Ort ot ffflclency which hll!I charterlud the work of th" U S Olymp.lc Rowing Committee <lurlns tht p&11t ~verAI yun. Th,. Pan Amen can Reptta will ~ held on the C'Wlmanco Canal In Xochlmllco, M11rr-h 11 lbrough 20 Bucs Claim Moral Win Over Harbor rut d""""' a mnral victory for Orance Coast CoUege t.hincl&da on their J&Unt tn Harbor JC c1nden1 1't1l'M1ay \\'"hllf' ll'• true the Plr· ate lrar k crew wen be&Left 73 \, to 4 ~-a ll COllCh HUl'llon HU· peu •Pike aquad ClgtJerf'•1 on wu approx1mlltC'ly llO points. nl'.:f"ll':AT M..\~"T..\ AX..\ ' 0Tht1<e HrHbor boy• Jut week dl'ftlltNI a 11trong Sant.a Ana track tum. 6•·62."" Harper rl".mlndrd. Not nnly th11t. Werun Eln11ber1. Harbor t1t-11ervlceman 11tirtnter. ll"ft RM!'ft. Ans"s Bill SwlHhelJn. Orllnge County's HIM prep at.hltte of 1hr yt11r, r11ttng t1uiot four yarda ~h1m1 him In a 9.8 hundred with a l'hithl lnllwlnd. Beat Biii 1n lhf' 220, too, touring lhe dlsten<'e In • ~nsatnona.I 21.l Elnsl>f'rg. nte•llt>N toaay. ,,..u the 1tRr o( tho Harbor triumph over OCC' Tuut11y. R e turned the century 111 9.8 and tbe 220 1n 21.l •1taln11t the Bt1c jU•l to prove hl11 Santa Ana Umea wer. no Oukt. IOR.'180~ TOP RJ:A \'-Sa Star tor the Ptrat.e. wu 0.ry JotulltOn who bf'&ved the ahot •~ ft. I In. for ont ot the best to~ ot tht Iran b&ll In Soulhun C&l1fom1& neld e1"!nta tbll 1eaaxi.. OUtu !int plare vlctou tor OCC U11n· rlads lnclud,.d 'Fred V11r~IA ln th,. mil•. II : 1J.7; f'ret1 ArevelOll, twT! mile. 11 :1811. Oa•e PrtdhaJn of ~...-port Btac h. 120 h lith hurdlra. 14.•; Johll Kf'nn8dy and BIJI Lamb. "" In thl' poll' n ull a t 11 n.. Tomorrow, Ult Pu .. t.u f&Gf' R t\"· e1111de 11n•I r h11 pmM ColltJ" traek fOl"Of'fl h,.r... TJi. Ha.ion wlll b@ k'ON'<t &I' a t1111tl mHl betw~n tht. B4c1 and R1vtrall1e u the tint l!lutffTI COllferenoe cdnder p fll ~---. • WINTERBURN UNANIMOUS CHOICE NEWPORT HARBOR.NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE I THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 . . . ON OCNS ALL-STAR C~!T _fl!~~.,. srocg REDUCTION Chudr Grear Jon. R• Atap ~~;.. _,,,. s A L E "-'--r-~ Col.__,... pai:8t salrcr at die qutnteL For ........... .,.. ~··r ..,. u. ~ ---. .. ·~ ___ '!I::_ · owr 20 potnts a ca.me for the Ptr· FULLERTON ((>CNS) -Highlicbted by the pacumee al-. of unanim~ua team membera, Chuck Gr,er UIJ BOil Wlld.er'-1 PAia PACZ DO~~ burn. OCNS announces ita first AJJ.c0unty C.ollep ~ iE ~ ~Y0;~:~~~ ball team. Limited to cqera from J'ullertoa JC. Seat.a Ana :-. in o•u a ckcade. They College, Orange Coast College and Chaprnan OarilltiaD Cal-WJa nu allots and ouutand· Jese ot Orange, sportawrtten on A.LL-OOVJn'T ftTS ~0::-maok. bolb aJl •. ClJ' _the OCNS plcJc.ed fl'•• dHlnite RoDored wwn: an. ., ......,. mmtkn 1ut y~ h.lch 11el\ool, 9tandout.I. 8tran,.eJy, all Of the loll; Wintertlum ~Or-. Olul: ~ rip:t blto ~ atartin1 llne· team are tr'ealunen. Jtmmy IUdloll at ruaen-... .. at l"ullcrtoD. and remaJned THE PLA YNIGHT'S THE THltH• Harbor Boys'· Cl1b Pl1• Next Event for April 2 ~ BotJl wu. f\Jle aboi.. and wtft rated top9 under th boards, tcr de!d&.ltft aod nboundlnf per· !~. Z1:J1• 6000 for Mesa Firemen Buket.ball, bl1Uard9, ~ pone, I bola uc1 1-.o W'ruler' .... mr- 9!1uttleboard. volleyball, trampolin· and wtUa tbt br=hdhl ....,....,.... 0.:. Ka. 1'n Prevention Of· ID&' and dancin,r made up an even-ahJp ·and a .-lllDll la 4 Mptjs•nf.. flee-1taJJ1b 1-today reque11t~ ID.-of tun an d!rolic for to ecvt.nt.b Don ~ and J-47 0imm ~ wttJltn C.O.ta Meta city and eS.bth ,radera at th• flrat were UUrd and Jd! SmaJI _, bmita co ~ Zaulh 6000 In p~t Saturday .. t the Rubor :'i~ ~e:n foarUa • -.a a. ot ftn. BoJS' Club. A• tM part7 dOMd a 9c:Oz1n& m .,,_etlliall. pills ..-C. UWe after 10 p.m. the1"9 wu a abllfOebo&rd &Dd ~ I n:. it ~ num.ber of the Or- demand for more ot the a.me. 1be nnt. three fbdlbllw a. mca ...,. Ollllmly ~-The Committee memberw plan another efttlt: ~: (1) a 'nP O I..__ w"6da .....,,....,,, X.. .vo1- pla71'11fht Aprtl 2. Nat .-mth ll'ruter; (2) TaJ1ar. lldm; ~) ~ tb'9 ~la Ml ott from and elgbt.h &Tad• dance wW be Swa.n.aoa, Collim: Pbic ~ (1) I u.r._ '-..W.. March 19. Danny Cual, Dtue Ric' w'· •2) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:; &AUS ... SHOP G. IE. ASBCGAST '~-~"" ...... 5, .. ,,.. • .,) COIWftM •a SH'l!Ca ---&UAltl .... AU MAIU BEAUTIFUL HALL· MACK aitcJ DURA • STEEL MEDICINI CAllNm DURA-Bl'EEL CABINETS is Ill. ll H ta. • w ... ~­ l'Hdblc oi-Doon Reg. $17.95 spec. Sl0.95 •1th Pkte Olaaa Reg. $21.95 'e"= SIS.95 28 la. :I[ 3' la. AU Mdal C~ Fnmed 81idiq PLATE GIAM DOORS Reg. $105. •pee. '81.00 RALL-MACK OABINETS .......... 'All Met~1luor1MO ,.,..... Jlbtawl P1at1t oa.-. 0oon Reg. $18.M •pee. St U6 WIUI AclJu&aMe IWwe Reg. $21.00 .pee. SUM 15 ba. :I[ d la. AU lletal -Quo-. ,.,.._. ..... PLATE GLA.88 00088 Reg. $126. _apea. f1UI .. Pla:rntcht actlYity c • n t •red I Ea.rt Day, Baltlua 1 JJleeOel. '21 about competition in the vartoua Ta1loc'. II.elm; m m n ~= 11) ramee betw~ the couplee. Char· Bob 8ieCd. ~ Dltmalll; (2J ley Taylor and Judy Rein• won a Helm.bola, 1'nmer. (J) Didi record for belnr the outatandl.ng 1 Green, Nanc7' ~ -.: couple at the nl(ht u they copped I (1) Richard i.o-b, CU'GI C... eecoa.d In baaket.ball and th.lrd tn ert; (2) &Qy Sbaw, ~ •~ ptng pong and pool Pat Reilm-(I) Ta)'lor, Bdna. un ......, An. u 1-11&3 ~.... ... High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 FROM AMERICAS TOP AUTO EDITORS "Jn my book. t.be 1955 Mercury Montclair is·the best-loolrina atr .made in America reprdleu d prioe ••• The •55 Mercurya have nearly everything-look., top pa"formance ~ ro.dability.'' TOM McCABILL Trw JI OflllllliW' .. A..,..,.Yeilr6ooi" °'On loob. (>I my) is Mk eaaaP to .._ wlliltJes • • . .a dom7 to di ioc q1llid. smooth. Md 91ftoofoatll!!d. It is llw bid d C'S JOll ..ad ---...... m•-111"m• •a .... '-' trip." '1lANlt ROWSOKE. JR.. ,.... .... ,, .... -..,.YMal't,M 1 4,e.llm•U.tllll~llll I>Mrbom, Micbipn. AD 10 ~ill ~·I,.._.. are powered by D4!W s.is-~TG1q9 V~ ..... CUI~ in thP Moot.clain. JSS boa•f•-m .... w-~ Md Cu11tom1). Dual ea.hawta are ~_. 1q11i1 t • :.!» .. With it.I all-oe• atylina and high apeed, (the new Mercury l\fontclair) may become 1955'11 moat popular car .•• I love ita looks, visibility, speed and han- dling .•• It's hot as a pistol" HARVEY B. JANES Aldo Agt "Performance-wile, all three linet (Custom, MontereY, and Mont- clair) are bomb!, triaere<f by big 292 cubic-iach eneine1 with plenty o( torque for 11pine-tinalina pickup when you want it." AUTO EDITORS MeeltaaU: /llulroNd Kammin an.d MOlltareyL Mweury'1 piekup anti flMlln5t ~ Ml ~ boosted in trrTJI ~ ran~. Te11ta 1how V · ~mer.-of u much u 30 pPr cent. and you rf't far more amble powt'f for Ml• puslna and b1U rlimbinr. r. .. t bdiiDd the wheel of a new Mn-cury. Feel tbe dift'erenott yourwlf. IT PAYS TO OWN A MEICURY-FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER JOHNSON & 900 W. Coast HICJlrwar ..... ION, Uncoln • NEWPOIT ~CH-. Aa II ... .., Cilllt Mercury Liberty 1-5145 ' •• #. Ha:.oi' A~EA Lutherari Y ~uth R~lly CHllCHES Lenten Service Schedule A.a IMpUau.al youUa rally ud MlriM>ra at the trainln1 1ehool be- & tnhliaS ecbool are ta pn119ptCt linninc Sunday at s p.m. ............ .., ....... ~ llUl It. 6 at........_ ll4. Ml'OM ,.._ JllCb ..... LIMrtY a.ma Put.or: Rev. Jam• 8. aowv\ c • ..., ..... UO W. ltUI It.. co.la Ji.- 1..JMrty M5U Rev. Joeeplt W. MelMM TIM <JM:rdl .t Cll*" l~ C'llurc1' It., Coet& M..- Llberty a-1n1 Tom Baker Jr., Mtnleter <latte& Cit•"* .,. TM ._ Community Meu.odl8l Balboa 81'\'d. at Uth. Newport "·~' 6221 Mlnl1ter: ftft. ftoy Carl.son It. I• da._ Onlrc* 1N4 o.-aa.• Aw .• c.o.t& M ... Llbert7 a-1011 r.t.llw Thomu J, Nevta ftrrt ..,..., ~ ef M..,.n a.JM& ~. ltul • Oourt 8ta .. Newport Jlutlor Jllla Llberty a-JOTI Putor: Herbert 0 . J~ ,_ _..11«9 el tM JtmJor ud Included ln Sunday'• futlvltle• wW be a teUowablp Mllquet and ..._ I.-.-. ot Newport Kar-a alns•plraUaa. Twenty youna lllor LuUMraa ~ ~ wMk· people of the local conpeptloci -4. wtll participate. 8dMdWed for t11e NC1at17 eom· The N.wport Hel1bt.a Church piee.cl <lnce Latlleran CluarU of coaUnuee Ila Lenttn obHrvaneoe ,.,....,., tlae'Pu..taa will em· wlt.b dupllcate eervlcea of Holy ~ ,.uUa ol Orup. Lo9 A.a-OommunJon at 8:30 a.m. and l l pleli aad IAD Jkrnardl.no c.owt· a.m. Sunday. Putor Robert B. U.. ~ nlly, •t tor BaturdaJ Gronlund, preacbln& with a Iris· at T:JO p.m., will teawr. Dr. Mar· week eertee theme of "Lnm from cue JUeke, J'OUth d1netor of Ule JNU.a," will take hi• topic "How .Amertean Latheru C11urdl and to Have a Vttal Faith." laternat.lollal ,oath i.ader, )1'8 u-At the epeclaJ 7:30 p.m. Wed· ..._t, a... Cbelt.r Patt.en. aad needay evenln1 U nten service tM Rn, Larry fteyelta, d1atJ1ct com• m«<Sltatlon wlll be "'I'he Way of D'lltlM cbaJnaaa. Dlappolntment" under the gen· Dr. ftMb wtll &l9o oanduct IA era! theme 'The Way ot the "*1a1 dia1c for put.on u4 la7 c'roea." Church U niversa lists' .. Len ten Series . on '·Our Faith' Charter Members to be Inducted on April 7 A aerlea or aermona explalnlnr the U rtlveraall•t polnt of view on matters of doctrine an~ practice wlll ~ ottered &t tbt Sunday mornlnc aervlcea of lhe Unl•er· aal!At Community Fellowahlp dur· Inc the Lenten aeuon. The aer· mona, taken from the Unlveraallal Avowa! of Fa.ltll are u fol.Iowa; We avow our fa1lh In ... March 1. God, u eternal and a11 • conquerinf Love: March 13. the 8plrllua.I Lea.derahlp of Jeeua: Marcb 20, the Supreme Worth ot Every Hu.man Penona llty; Much 27, the Authority of Truth, Known or to be Ma.de Known; April S. 'Biggest Cheats' the P ower of Mfn of Good Will and Sacrlflclal Spirit lo Overcome All Evil, and Prorre•lvely to !:It.ab· ll•h the J<lnJdorn or God," and April 10, "Qur pnmortal Hopea." A •peclal aer+lce tor the lnduc- Uon of charter n~mbera Into the Fellow11hlp wlll take place on Maundy Thursday, April 7, II p. m. at a aymbol~ CommunJon Service. The mlnlater of thl• vtlal crow· Inc Fellowahlp la Frederick w. Rinse. The Fellow.nip meete for Ila aervlcea at the EMU Club HouH, 8UJ W. Balbo& Blvd., B&I· boa.. Sunday achool for all ac• conv•n• at 10:30 a. rn. and Mom· In• Worahtp at 11 L m. )( .... " ....,,.,... .......... Qordl JI01 Cliff Dr.. N.wport Hetpta Llberty a-1111 PAGE 6,-PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS is Theme for Crusade For Christ Opens Sunday Eve. The Oranp County Cruaade for Chrlat with the Jack Shuler Team wlU be held In a larre tent calbed· raJ op Mancllaat.er Blvd. near Ar· teala Ave., from Marcil e throurh 27. ftev. ftobert Oro11Jund THURSDAY, t-4ARCH 3, 19~ --------------Adventists AtolmM7 ef Gel Hnd St. Ir Elden Ave., Cotta. Meaa Libert)' 1·3781 Reverend M. c. Cronic, Put.or lev•tai-4ay AdWllUel H-per1 Blvd, •t Bola& St .. Newport Hel1hta Elder Jlic)lard Serna LIMrty 8-1~2 YOUNG METHODISTS VISIT MT. CARMEL FOR STUDY Ten youtb of lbe Balboa hland Communlty Methodlat Chun:Jt wtll .,,..t Our Lady of ML Carmel Church, Newport Bea.ch. on Friday afternoon to kam more a bout tlle bellefa and wonhJp of theJr Roman CathoJJc nelfhbora. The rroup ben Kiie Clludl el U. HUAl'eM ,,.. ~r. an "· • _____ _, ... ...,~lllM-rl:lioeta-lMet..--t----Tbe"-=-~th be.Ions to a ~urch membership cl.ue that .. -----11;,uiiai.~~~L~~~Nil;f.-l-._.;m~ee;;;te:_;;e;u;;h;.;Fri;;:ida;;y~,attemoon at the lala.nd church. A. p&rt ot • m-)611\Uir r .,,... Clulldl " Qrt.t. Sdeo&W Noa Vla Udo, N9WJJ0rt a.ell Harbor 2411 v .... ,..,c_ a1 ......... , l:btU · Clubbouee, 611 Balboa Blvd. Xlnlater: Rev. F. W. Rinse ,,,. ................ a.rd! IDO W, Hamilton. Costa Me• LJ bert)' f-1214 Paator: Dr. JUcllard R. Poea c..... .., ..., 0 .... '1' ClllUd Consl'e1aUonal tn Heliotrope An. Harbor 62S7 Pa.tor: ~v. l:dwl11 C. Oomke April s. le to know eometlllnr a bout the be.llefa of varioua deno"llnatJona and taltha. Claaa membera Include Brook.I Blair, Bill P'eny, Stephell P'erry, 8andra Jl'leer, Lance Greel\lMf, Allen Guenther, Val· ler1e Lowu, SUMI\ Nwy. Marilyn Shooter, and Nancy Shoot· er. Tea.cJltn& Uie ciu. la t.l»elr putor, the JUv. Donald G. Sapp. GUEST PASTORS Wednesday Services Slated During Lent • What or who are ''The Four Bil( .. t ctaeata In America!" Pu· tor Richard F. Sem• will preM11l UWI aubJect Saturday momtnr. March 5, at. Uae 11 o'clock aervlce of the Newport Harbor Seventh· day Adventlat churcll. Putor Seme will UM Ephealana, chapter l), venea l~ and lt .. hie main lll Malt. lT:H -21 and Mark 9:18- 34. The verae• to be memorUed a re Mark 9 :23, 24. Thia cruaade comee to the Or· anre CoWlly area at the requeet of a Jarse number of local mini .. ter•. The aervlcea commence on Sunday, March i at 2:SO p.m. and continue evfry nlsht for t.hre« wttka at 7:30 p.m. lncludlnJ' Sunday. THE CHUICH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE &nM........, flMllMler, -Ulor of &lie~ "'aOIENOE or IOND" Rev. lrie Turk. mUl.latar Topic: 11 L m. Mar. t "What le A..ftwmaUve Prayer!" 10:20 8-l1q Sentce U :OO Junior Church l•1tior Cb rc1' "'braou call •g• •bo\ie J!U~garln a"4 w Aeld •C Ofrl a-c Boue, B'g1' Dnua at .U~ Tbura., Much 10 1 :00 p. m . clua "You've lAamtd All You 8bould Thru 8Uftertnl'' LAGUNA a&ACB AAT QA.L.L&&T,.., Ql1f Drtva 11.Ja&* '°"TIM .......... ~ Ballta AJl6 A .... at ~ eo.t& )(-. .R.v. P. 0 . Ntuma.na Dr. Stanley B. McKee Will be the sueet ..,... .. tor lb• nnt of a _.1. of lour W~ nlftlt Let-~......-. aa 111.ardl •. a. 'lrfJJ apoak Oii tJa. UMnae. -n. ~ A.waUn!q We Need." Dr. McK• '8 the mift· later of the 1'1nt lletbodlat Caurch In 8aa rneco. where be ha.a MrYed fOf' M'ffn yea.n. He .,,... a Met.lloctWt 4elecat. t4 U.C World Cowacil of Cllurdlee A> Mmbly ln EYa.Mton lut 11Wn111er. to attend th-Wedneaday eve· nln1 Pl'Ofr&INI. The aervlce will becln al 7 :lD for lhoee who can- llO& ClOftle tor Ule dinner. &11d wtlJ be over by I p. m. Bpecta.I w,,.r. Ylaed acth1tl• for you,..er cllO· dren w1ll ii. provtded durlJ\s tJa. MrYice. BLESSED IS THE MAM I G'IHU'!l9i •f 0V LMJ et lllL OW-.. UU W. Balboa Bl'ld., Newport ~0214 J'alhtt Step1*1 KUey, Putor ht.lier Oeot'1e Pama.mu. AaaL Putor (,'Mte& JAaa--UlllUQ of c--• .... (Mluourt 8)'110d) Co•ta x~- P .. tor: Rev. Lolhar Tornow IL lame. Ep61u,.a llOt VI& Udo, N4'WJ)Orl Beaclt Harbor 1230 Curate: "4Jv. Ralph P- 8&. , ... v ... ,. 11& Marine, B&.lboa lal&nd Harbor 02U Fat.IMr llephen Kiiey, Putor P'aUMr Oeorr• Pam&MU& A•t. Pa.tor O.\ral ...... Qard Oranse Ave. a t 2Jrd it. Coat.a Mee&. Llii.rty 1-6.JOI A. A. Kadera. Pu~r . .., .... ..... c ... ,,. ... ....,...., 115 A&ale Ave., Balboa laland Mlnlat.r: Rn. Dou..M Sapp C'IMudl ., at-u.--. 8dNee ·'lclm ce of Mind .. t..apM BM<b Art 0.Utl")' MIT Clltf Drt-HTatt 4·7"4 ftey, Jn.a T\lrlc. Mlni.ter JCacb of the W ectn.day .... nlnr Lent• pC'Ol'fama wUI bestn Willi & family dinner In Goodell Hall at t :ll p. m. Vartou. adult aad youUa cluMo of lha Church School wtll apouor Ule dlnner and ~c. uch Wedneeday. A dtt· ferent mln&ater will be Up• ruat lo brlJ16 lbe Lenten me--.e .-ell week. Aleo. a hymn-atn• and •pedeJ mllUc from our choirs will be Included ln eech mld'tnek Mr· .-tee. A cordi&I IJIYltaUon 19 at.ended Sermon is on M~n's Heritage .. Lo. lhla only have I found, that God hath made man uprlgbt." Thw d«laratloo ot man'• rtctit· -and true htrit,a.p la the Goldf'n Text from E«i-&utu (T:2tl IJ1 t.be SWlday Lueon· 8ermoo oo ··Kan" In all Ch11• tlaa Sden~ dlurc:bee. At Costa Mesa Baptist Church At 11 a.m. In J1"11'9t Baptlal Claurch of Coat.a Me•. lf&cnolla a.ad Santa Ana A Y•.. ~v. P. 0 . Neumann wlll have aa aubject for th• ~rmon, •"J'he Jl'amlly Altar." Special mualc by the YouUa Choir under 1 .. <1erlhlp of Merle Valdez. Linda Wkkty wtll be al the OT'(All. T1\e Putor'• lnatrucllon Clua and Ule Youth Tr&Jnlnt Oroup "'111 mMt •t 8 :30 p.rn. At 7 .30 p,m. Communion will be o'l>Hrved. Al90 the Ordination or De.con• will be held fOf' Ronnie Wll80n and Ralph Williama 8r. On Monday, 7:30 pm, the Wo· men'• Ml•lonary tJnJon wtll mett. A profT&IYI II planned with spec· i..1 mu•lc. Southern Baptist TV Tai en t Hour The mtlre Church Talent Hour lelell\aton proir.m of Sunday, March t '10 p.m. KCOP , Cban· nel 131 will ~ lumed o•er to the Southern Baptl•l ConvenUon of CaUfonua. producer Vern Vlhlene uiPloW1cH Th• prorram w1U mar'll ~ begtnntnr of th• ConnAU9t1'i two-wetk eV&Jl«t llatlc cruaade, dur1nr whJch 360 Soutllem Bap- tt1t churchu In Southern Callfor· nl• W111 hold 11tibt1y mHUnp wtlh ·~al •pealcen and muJllcal pr~wntaUon•. New Officers of First Mates A 8cr1ptura.I dt.aUon from Mal· UI-18.7, a. J3) ncorda that wtaen the ~turton came ~h­ tnc J-to 1'eaJ 1'118 R~t Who lay 81ck ot the pU9y, Jew& a.Id. "1 wUI com. and beat lllm. The C'eflturioft .,.,_..red and a&Jd, Lord, t am not .ort.lly that Ulou llhould· e.t come undtt my roof: but •e.Jt Ule wwd only, and my wr· •ant Mall M tiealed ... And J...,. Mid 1111to the centurion, Oo lby way; u4 .. thou bNt belln· At,,. Ch . t Ch h H"" oltkera Im the lN& ,._, 911. M It doM llftlo thff. And hi• rlS UrC ..... ea.ct.cl ..,. nm Mat-.a of •rTMt ..... lleaW .. the Mlf· Newport Method1'st at. Andnw'a Pnlbyt•riaa Oaurdl --hour.'' .t Use Jaamry •"Uq at ttua "Man. a.t.ed by God. wu s\Yen "Love The Lord Your God" will p-oop. TMJ .,.., Xra. Buu. nl· domblioe Oftf' Ule whole Mrtl\," t>. the Mmon subject at Chrtat .. C.O.. p~t; Kea. IC.art a. As· ~ Mal')' B&ker Eddy In Church By the Sea on Sundlly t.atw, Ylc9-prlli&dant: M1-J'1or-"aero.-Utd ReeJUt w1Ul Key to momJns. March t . at lh• t :SO 9ee .._.,, .-.tarY: "IOottJ'° tM llcrtptu:n9." Apia me •Ya. and 11 o'clock eemcea. R.v. Roy arott. tnuuJW: Md Mn. Mane "Mortala will --• day .... rt A. Cari.on la p~tJnr a -'• v. Jlowea. eba1nn&a Of o.tr• u..tr fl'Mdom In tM ume of Al· of Lenten m .... u on the pnenl J1eur M«11111 TIM polllUoa of~ m&pty Oocl. 11wn UMy will con· theme: "Worda of Jewa." eta& .....,.... w1ll M ruled at UM trel u..tr owa bodlea t.llrougti tllt Th• ll&nctuary Cllolr, dtnct.t ..i ..uq. ~ et di'f'tne kimce." by A. J . Rutter, will .USC: "8-k A_.. ta~ nTWw -(pp. 14&. DI). Ye The Lord" by Roberta. An ..... ~ Kn. Ult AMJe7 el u.. ------------oblleato 8l>lo ba th• ant.bem will N...,.n ..-aao UW&rJ "' tM Board Meeting of be wni bf MIL wiw. ,,eld&. ..,. hr . .-, ,._ .... '1 R.-. WUdoa ,,_... will lllJll a but· 11• ., . .u • ... ,..usq Catholic Council tom• aoao. -c.i..,., ... tor tJ\e otter-_,_.Kn. 'ftDDt.oa ...-. _, tory. r--,,. -Wy ...... of u.a cath· ------------~---~--__ ..... oate w--..·. Oaiadl -held .... www. ~&:-"!:=~~ ...... . ..... .. .... -~~--"• .. .. ....,. ..... _ ..... .. ...... .._ ,..._ • •" Wle w.. w~. ~ a. at 11 a.m .. at tale ~ ol Ml. Oarael C'llurdL )(n, 3ob a.... ~ wtt)I nporta ,.._. ~ aad ,....._ 8MW cba&fmaa. MIL J, W. Ca-ad!.. Utd eeauaJU .... fo,.. 111ul&Uq ftnaJ p1ul9 tor the 8dlool ..neftt to M Mid '!'lnlnday. MarU 11 . ........ _ ... ._,._ • .. •• .,. .. waai1 ''" .._ ------------• ......... .....,_, .. , ~ J. c. ~. Oallland )lea.Jtll di· "-~ le _..... .....,.. ,. -I l"f'<'tor •'TlltJ (J'Mlnt• of a cllT .. ~ ........ ~ -.... .,1~ .. ,., , ..... , , Mt. Carmel Hosts Catholic Groups Our LadJ ot Jrt. Cannel of New· pGf\ Beech WU llo.t to the Con· tralenltty Grt*Jla ot the Oru1e Oout ni.t.nct on Monday, Feb. 11. 111& m.eUq wu held at Amer- loan IAc\oa Rau at 10 a.m . aa4 luncbeoa 'trM 11411"\'ed at the P&rulh ball. Mmee. 1'nanla Jtocoo and El· mer Po4r1er wen ln cllarr• et Ar-1'1'ft,..P...,,.."._ • Wboee dellsht • la the Lord • Wboee faith 19 la.,,.. Ch.rW • Whoee .,.ee.,.... all~, IEYIVAL SDYICES MARCH 8 • 20, 1 :SO MCb mlgbt Dr. l ldl«4 H. ,_ ••-H\Ja8Ul' -PAIUUNO 8PACE PROVIDED Fint Southern Baptist Church 650 Hamllt:oa (We.t of Harbor) C.O.ta Meea We Invite You to Worship With Us Sunday• 1:30 a. m It 11 a. m. -Theme "Learn From JHue" Sunday, Mar. e. "How To Kave A VltaJ Fa1lh., Holy Communion SPl:ClAL M.W • WEEK LENTEN SERVICES Wednesdaya 7 .ao p. m. -Theme "The W•y of The Crou" WednNday, Mu. 9 '"""e Way of DlMppolntmenl" Newport Harbor Lutheran Church %501 Clllf Dr., Newport Beach "'OYN'l-kl.11« tw.uHfUI N""'PQTI ~ No Parking Meters When calltng at this ml)rtu- ary. one need not wo rry a bout findlng a parking place, and one need not worry about feeding a parking meter. We have 8 large private parking area which ia completely ade- quate for all. Neither park- ing nor parking met.era are a cau.e for concern at the Parke1-Ridley Mortuary. PARKES· RI OLE MOllTUAllY .. o •-0-..AY COITA wt•• UeelllfT •MU ~ Tkf OllOH OJ ™' C) Ol °' .. """ • s ....... . IA l l 0 4 . l lOO ISll • ~ ltACM . COIOM4 Oftll&M I Tlluk JOa. God, for •J' baby ... ind help ma •• be worthy of him. Ha i• 1iach a blt1Hcl 11«1• bit of lamna11h1 • . . ao iMOcent • • 1111toachecl by the m1n1 nil• of tM world. Then la llO !Dach to teach him, and You bne chole11 lllt lo be bl1 •••c:her. You hna pieced a aoal h1 my c11111111 hande, and I am humble before your sift. How well I reallae that 111 m1 wonderful tHlr I .. ec1 the help of the (rHtHt T11cher ... Your •• · ao that I lllLIJ' teach 1111 •on what ie ri1ht ••• ao thet I 1111.11 Ht hie tiny feet In the rl1bt direc- The Ch11rcb la the 1•-•I i.. lot °" •0tth tor the l>ulldlaf •I cl>cnocter and t ood a n,..,ahlp. U la a 1torelio1M• ol 1p1rlt11al 't'Gl,..., W1thovl • """'I O.urcll. HllM• de•oncJ ""' c1vlll1au.,. - "'"IYe Tl>er• -lo"1 .. ..-4 ,_,. why oory per-,._.. .. attar1d .. ,., ... r09\llorly -" NP. po1t the Churcll. They _, Ill '°' .... ...... .... (3) ,.,. ..... chtldt"'" •Gk• lU for "'---'• ot h11 co••..,.•IY •d ncrtlGa. (4) for the ook• ol llM Cl11•rcflt•ll. which .....i. ti.Joi ._, -.d - tion oa the path of life, end plde bla dHr a..1r lllUw "llltact l11tw •fM 't'tP\ e1 .. 111Nt1~_,~...,...-t~* ... _,._.,...._...;;,;..;,;......._~l&-t..\;_-I--~~ • ..,,.,. ••cit And wh~11 the time comH, m1 ion will 10 T ...... , ,.. ... ~ to Chorclt •.. becauH the Church la Your ;' .. ":,::'/~11"~!h"' , h-• -earth. •nd there In Your prnence 111 Prtur . t CerlattileM u that I MH tried to ahow him will ha•• true lotv4•r r .. 1-I .. mHnh11 to him. and he will bell"'•· r -·-·----..-. \ \ \4 ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Tiiis Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms ILUE SAILS STATIONERS Oreettnc Carda. Book•. kuat Supplle1 S06 Mala St., Balbc& Harbor 878 THE CLOTHES HORSE "8hop of Dtallnclton" 21~ Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 0701 General Sheet Metal Wortcs Sheet M't&J -HeaUnr -v,nlll•Unr Harbor 2210 HARTUIN FLOWERS P'or All Occu ton• MOS E. Cout Hwy., CDM. Harbor 6011 KOPPER KmLE Balboa hland Mann & Smltll Shell Service Your Coron.a <lei Mar Ol'al'r11 2801 & S600 I'.. Cout Klith•a)· Harbor 5S68 ..... . ~ . . Harbor 27 JO MARGARET'S CAFE SpedaJl'• In Sea Foode -OrdH• to Go 2614 Newport Bh·d. Harbor 2i86 NEWPORT CLEANERS Ory Clt'anlns -Laundry rrf'A~1n1 108 Tuat.ln Newport BNch NEWPOIT HARIOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. 8e9cratt DlvWoa a Forelp Moton Vl11eHt'1 Rexall DnMJ Storn Th~ lncallona lo Servt You Newport Be.ch. Balbo.. Corona del Mar Allee of Udo lealltf Salon Hair 8tyllnr tor th• 1nlflvldua1 '°8 12Dd ( oa Ute PO St.) ffal'bor ZI'« IUHILL W. IANGUT Jlleattftr, VenUlatlnc It Bhe-t Mttal '11 lht I&. • loyer'1 lalboa Unole11111 Co. Unoleum -Tiie -Carpet -F ormica UOl W. Balboa BJvd. Harbor 6389 HAL COWU & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION F'rff Pick up It: drl. -Wheel Balanrf' SSOl Newport Blvd. Harbor MSG GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru&• and CarJH'IA 122 Ala&e Ave., Balboa blaad Harbor SZ.'J6 HOUSE AND GAIDEN Complele Home Jl'um!Ahlnp Or11,.erlee -Ruga S-01'7 W. Cout Hwy. Ubt-rty 8·5518 MAC'S CAFE Fl"l on nghl toward H11nltnJlon ~ac.b Harbor Zf.5Z..& MARINE IEAUTY SHOP PerllOn•lla,.tl ~ .. rvtre In Hatr l:llyllntr 127 Marine A\r., Ba1boe ..... d H&l'bor 151 MARKET SPOT Harbor 1000 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 W. Cout Hwy. UbertJ 8-1111 Relnert'1 Newport Dept. Stora "Your Jo-&mlly Store Since 1914" Harbor 186 SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ocean HU'bor 911 Newport BNch R. WASEMILLIR .. Th~ Worlctn,-man'• tltore ART'S CAFI "Where all Yood I• Cooktd tn Buller" 9'lS6 l\'. CoMt Hwy. IA Y$HORE llCHFtlLD ,.ne Pick up It llellvery 1 'lth a <::out Hwy. L1bertJ Mltl High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ·~ (}overnmenl f:xcepf PAGE 8 • PART 111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-NESS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 ''God qrant us the serenity to accept the things we cennot change: the courege to chenge the things we con end the wisdom to know the ~ifference." (A. A~on.} EDITORIALS Our Views on Propositions Every voter or the City of Newport Beach ahould have received biJI aample ballot by the t~ be can read thia editorial. We commend the ballot to your careful aenrtiny. Demon.t.rated on tbi.a ballot la an example of tnle J cfem0cracy in action. On the far left of the ballot are the name. of 15 citiz.erul of our City of Newport Beach who are .eeking to re_pre.ent their fellow citizena on the City Council. The ahame of it is that only ee:ven can be elected. Only on~ person ta sure of being re-elected; that la Mayor Dora Hill. The center column on the ballot contain• two argu- menta pro and con on the measures contained in the third column. Principal argument.a against the chamber of commerce in this communjty have come from persona llO far removed from constructive efforts on behalf of the City of Newport Beach now or in the put, that theii- ldle mouthing& should be pa.ued without mention. It ahould be pointed out the chamber or comm~ree of the Nf!WPtrt Harbor community la the agen~which fought for and brought about the development of the Harbor. It wu the colllltant effort of two or th ecore hard-working members of this civic-building organiza- tion that rallied on behalf of a project they believed in and fought for to realization. The realization of tbeae d.reaJM ia the reason for the residence here now of thoae w o wo roy e c am r o commerce. It wu the good o!fices of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and an ardent group of men _ who gave of their time and money who fought into being the Oraog'e County SanHation system. And had it not been for one member, Herbert Kenny and he alone the . _ Job would not have been done. We could go on for hours describing the work that citbena of this community do through the good offices of their chamber of commerce for the overall benefit of every person in the community. The members of the board of directors of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce work long and diligently for you -not for their buaine9 intereeta. And bualneu intereeta .eem to be the principal hate of the ardent group of anti-cbam- beritea who would qestroy the chamber. The particular ring leader of the group would rather boiat bia beer and conduct bis poker aeuiona in feater· ing ha&.e th.an to devote that time to hia community. But we would rather t>lace-tHe destinies of our town and our chamber of commerce in the hands of the en· t1re city council, now conatituted, or the one wblch you wW ea.et oa llarcb ~. to l'0""1 the amountia ot money aUoc:ated to be adm.lniate.red t.b.ro~h the chamber of commerce for adve.rtWnr or other pUl'p<l9ea, th.an to unduly re9lrict the councU powers. (Ju.t ao you will Jr.now -no funda of the chamber a.re •pent with this or other community papera for advert.laing.) Tbe time will probably come again soon, when there are vast jobs to be accomplished for the city, and money will need be spent, Therefore we urge fRU to vote ''Yea" on Propoaition 1 and No on 2 and 3. Propoeitions 4 and 5 are non argument and merely declaratory measures for clarification of the Qty Char· ter. Vote Yes on 4 and 5. How Oil Blight Affec~ Us Many readera of this dewapaper have taken time to question staff members u to the "purpoee in back of'' the series of article• published in this newspaper de- scribing the Huntington Beach Oil boom. The articles have been writte&l by and carried the name of the pub- lisher. "Purpoee in back of" thia eertee ia ahnple -we hope that you, our readers and fellow townsmen, will take ,time to examine the oil operations in Huntington Beach. We want you to be. interested enough to go and see for yourself what uncontrolled production in a town lot field can bring about. We hope as the aeriea moves along to acquaint you further with oil operations in other area.a, Fullerton, La Habra, Brea, Long Beach, etc. It ia our belief that dirt, filth, and deatructJon neceaa We believe that oil can be produced, and we will pub- lish pictures demonstrating the fact, without the com- plete destruction of a town. In fact we will show some pictures of territory now being produced wherein you would be una.ble cas- ually to find a well. We believe that such a wild boom spree could hit other areu of our county, even thia community. Meas· urea should be taken properl)I to control production, regulat«; recovery, force unitiza.tion of operations. We do not believe, for instance, that the oil pro- hibition ordinance in Newport Beach ia worth the paper it ia written on. We do believe, however, that regulatory meuurea could properly be provided in our planning and zoning ordinance and building. ordinancea providing for auch operationa, if, aa and when. the prohibitory ordinance might beoome inoperative. • Good evidence of thia peril ia .een in the bill now before the legialature which would require operators for the State of California to obeerve municipal a.nd coun- ty ordinanc~ regulating oil production but not thoee prohibiting it. , We will therefo1'9 continue our etforta to keep our reader& informed of the happening• anywhere in the County of <>ranee that might effect our way of life. AFFAIRS OF STAIE YOUR SENATOR WRITES By llENllY C. lbcARTllUR aACR.AlOlNTO ICNSl -Of'· iiplt. UM mlUlonr of doUarr •pent on California·• iryrtem of atat.e beachM and parka. the faclUt..lee ..,., .... uy are 1nal1equale to meet UM camptnir J?rt!MUre and day uae of Ula tmta!!_!tlona. 'Miia lnformatlon wu <vntalned 111 a conclurlon of a •lale .enate committee h~d~ by Louls O. Sutton.. rtate ,.nator from Colu.a. O lnui and Tehama counllea. V.'hlch mad41 a two-yur lnvrsllgallon of Ula ~rte.m. Mo•t all or the wacher and parka attM &rl' undevelo~d to Ule e11tent of th•lr polrnUal cap&· dOu. the ttport !:,dlc•t .. 11. .. ,.oo umr:.ns1Tr:." F\&rlhu. I hi' commit tu lffi• lb&t tbe tlv~ynr proj!T&m of the C&lltomla Stale Park ayrtrm It ••too lnckoflnltA," particularly a11 to the federal government, and 11-· mount to nearly 140.000,000 al· located by law lo beadle• and parka. lll':TILAO'l'S OPINION Gov"1)or Oooawll'I J , Knlfht Jut )'l'ar Indicated he would faYor di· veralon of 110me of the money to other purpoaea. but only W• month. retracted and adYOC&led that all ot thl' fund• prewnu1 al· loled to beachea and parka abould be ~ to-r that purpoee. How· e~r. the quuUon of a dltfert!Dl percerilllae allocation w~ ltft open by lhe governor. Sulton·• re-port advocated ~of lhl' rt'turned Ude.land money tor beacb!'tl and parks. but iruggult that th• prHtnl formula, wlUcb gt vu th• r ywt.em 9tl vent y percent of the oU revenue. be conUnued a l lea.tl until U1e next regular ws.~lon ot the legl.alature in 1967. Thia, the rePQrt rtatea. would per- mit a comp"'hl'J111lv.-conatrucUon pro~ and capital wtlay plan ror lhf' bend1t of lh• enUre elate. By IOHN Ar MURDY 1R., Sen&ol', l5&b Dliltrlct Tb• last week ln February. jurl 1964 crop ca.me to harvut' and the prior to tbe openln&" or the Call· bu~ trade r'Mdy to abeorb a tomla Lotc1A1Ature, 1 8J>enl In Chi· normal producUOI\ or Um a ~ana. caco allaldlnC the F ood Broku·1 NORMAL l'IELD Convention •• a rcpreaenlatlve of The nomal yteld ot llmu c;ame the California Uma Betln Grow· along a11 fannel'tl planned by the era A.aeoclatlor.. Some 25,000 food fall of 19:>4 , and our uaoclatlon brokerr from nery part ot the began Ila work of wlUnr tt lo Unlled Statu were Jn a lt.enllance. the conwmlng trade. Suddtnly The tllthllgbt Of the convention theore appea.red In certain deal(· wu a.n u cellent addrua by Sec· nated .. cr1tlcaJ areu" rr .. t quan· retary Humphrey that rHmed to UUu of rurplus fooda or aJJ kinda, malce KnM -and I emphulae Including llma ~•M. Cr1tlcal the "make MJJN.. part. for llO areu are one. In which It baa bttn much of what we have Hen and d!'lermlned that a certain percent beard doH not. of the popul&Uon are unemployed. 0\'UPRODUCTJOS When that determlnatlon bu bffn • oonatructlon pl•ns ror p&rtkular lleachu and pub. It fttl• Ula l a denn1t.. 1tatt .. ,...1•Je patt('rn ot c:apltal outlAy fror lh,. !"M'N'atlon epol• •hOu ld ~ ef'l Ul'· Th• flVt!·year plan 111',UI aubm1l· led lo the ler;l•lature by t.h•• Sta lt Park Cnmmllll!lon. whit h "' hl'•1ol- .ct b7 J <M11•flh R. Knowlan1I, 1111k· land publl&hl'r, and lh•' Stale 0 1v1· MOO ot Bearho 11.rnJ J'11rk•. h•»nl· ed by Nev.·ton 8 . Drury. II nm· templaln the "xpendll\lrl' In !Iv" ,_n ot thl' r••tum"tl oil roralty f'lmdll whlrh w.,,,,. lmroundl'•I by ln the United Statu today the macle. the rurplua foodr an ahlp- farmera an pr0ductn1 a bout 110 ped tnto the area and the County percent of foodstuff normally con· Weltare Direct-Or la ginn the job rumed on Ula major food and fl · ot ~C ~ food. vaua. un- bu ltem.r. Thr extn 10 percent rl~r hi.r role recutauon. 1n order accumuJaUnc tn a couple or yeani to quality tor th• food. re.aldeni. becomu the "depl-1ng aurplua... of the critical areaa alrnply ~J· 1n order to lltabW&e a depre.l!Md tster &.bd till out a quuUonnalre. market Ulat ahraya follow• a .. dl!· ebowtnc that they a.re unemployed pre•lnR' au.,,lua." the govern· and In nttd of food. One day each rncnt aleJ>9 ln throuth the agen· 1 week they line up to recelYe IN"" cy ot lhe Commodity Crel11t Cor· plu11 fOode, whk h lnclul.lr ca.nnf'd "Your committee." tht rePQrt PQratlon and bu.ya the farm eur-beer. dry milk, cheese, butter, MY-'· "r~ommertda that Ute Call· plu.. thus lbeorellcally rrmnving bn1111 llnfl lll'V!'ral olhf'r lll'm& fom la Stale Puk Syrtem Fl\lr· It from competJUon and bolster· PLE~'"TY FOR FREE Y"ar Program, •Prro~ 't>y the 11'1( Ulct market. lf the fnfnnnatlon given to ur Stnle Park Commlaalon Decembu. That happcnr.d In the r ose or Is correct. the government hu 19'12, ~ rcvl8cd to gtve aU rec· Hrna ~an• ln 1953, when abOut ,1rtv1m away about J70,000 aacka t1nr1 Of th' rt.all! more usurance 17~.000 cwt. ot hma11 1 wh1C'h C'nn· ur llma be&na trom Ila 19~ pur- or alata par~ a va.Uablllty, torether 9Uluted ~ "depreasln( l!Urplua" C'hU<>s. l'r4'quenUy the V-lil _ wer• purchaael.l from the i:roiwerr !OCl<Ututfa are handed out to Ui• "ith rmin• ili>flnlle conatrucUon by the Commodity Credit l'llrp<>r-l'llglble rl'Clplente tn a corner ot llmlni:" allon. The fund• ~ provi1t1•d by a rtore. where the rtore owneni ~onncrly the Newport·Ba.lboa Newa·TUnu ~ and the Newport·O&.lboa Preu the tupaytt11. 'Miu• th11 market are attempt!~ to iieU the very wu auppowdly bttrt! whl'n lhe Ame ll,.m• to pay1n~ cuatomeon . Farmer McCabe Writes e e e March 3, 19M .. .._. .. ~I .. Matt.er at t.be Poetottlce &n N9Wp0rt 8-clla. Califontla under the Act or M.arch a. 1879. · ·· I gu .. a lot or folks get purty worried about the RUMiana every time she ta.lee. over another country, apecially llince ahe has moved in and took over about on~t.blrd ot thia ole world already. Well, I don't worry eo much about it anymore •Ince I've beeti watching my ole hound dawg Try. Hc'a awfully greedy ... jll8t like Rusaia •.• runs around gobbling up tbinga that don't btJong to him like chicken feed. bog feed, the cat"• mil.k, even eat.a the neighbor'• dog'• food iffen we don't Ue hlm up when we go viaitin. I wus a mite concerned till hil greedy appetite caught up with him and he commeac- ed to haw dJgeetlon troublea that a1mo.t. killed him ••• Now I rigger Ru.ia ia agonna have the Ame trouble · cUp.t.in' what ahe'• al.ready gobbled. N'rt111 C..., .. ....., Md 'ftruMa.)' ., N9WpM,J ~. Oa1U. 9lr ._ IC'StlfPOllT llA-..oa l"t;BUIJRIXO OOMPA.NT T, s'•• ....,._ 111• r e o.at.ni1a s ... a J&h'" n • .._, •• ..-.._..NM lll:....._,A•lll8 .... 11-w ol C>n.Qc9 County N"'8 tntoe I , Your friend F&rmeT McCabe (all npg IWfell) t 90W CAM lrl SOW Jl'OR TOMORltOWf For the Good Harvest American industry ia sowing today for a promised harvmt of jobs and production in the ye&r11 to come. AA l we to be aure ao •hall it rea . The sowing conaista of the millions of dollara it mWlt apend for research, expansion, new planta and equip- ment. The fertile ground ia an American economy whlch must support a 200 million population by 1975. _ U a trend toward ever bigger and bigger govern· ment ia not permaneoUy reversed, the aowing for to- morrow will be meager indeed. The Administration baa made a 1tart toward Bringing Government Back Home, thua reducing it.a aize federally. . HARBOR HI LITES T1sa tellowa ot tbe buketball tum ~ mlabty \ID.bappy ..tth the outcome of the game Tueadly evening, atnce It meant that they wouldn't ro to CIF thl.• yeoar. Neverthelea the rvoten filled the rtanda. Amonr U.. Harbor clan ~~: Dtane Ollaon, Ann Stewart, Joyce Chun&'. Nancy Campbell, Ev.lyn Tay&or, C&n>l cra1n, Glort.a Olap- ma.n, Tom Niquette, LJll P-. Pearl Bolland, Mllll• Tonne, Sue Duaaler. Toni BurT'Ol'\lhr. Pan Blum. Sue Souden, Brenda Barnett and Sten Watcher. Dick ImMrrt, Glenn 'nlomu. J im Oll1tnp, Jane Stetaon and John Egert. Betty Piper, Anita Palra. Judy Sand•. Roy Dulle.la and JOU1ne Sue•. Jim 8am11el, Dick C&rnpbell. Je-rry Samael. Stan Sbonea. Jerry Shones. Tod While. Bob Milum. Ana R ypln.rkl. Van Pomeroy, Paul and Dave Tamura. Bruce Knipp. Patty Clempnce, Mltlng tor another puty UM um• evenlng. J itterbugsma-, enjoylnJ retreshmenlAI and talklnr over the tact that JMnne su ... had to bl' In by 10:30 were: Arlia a.nd Loi• Pelletier, Bruce Knipp and Mar· Lan Koerner, J ohn Swain and Joe.n.ne Suear, Carlton Daw.on and Sue Souden, Dave Brickner a.nd Margaret MoKlrlle, Ton AUc.l.D..on and Terry Reich. Arrowhud IAlce waa ch-Oren by many ctri. tor their •now trtp, Saturday and Sunday. Thoee who learned bow to akl, Ice al<ate and toboggan wert Pat Tuttle. Diane P'eathenslone. Tac0& Hayu, Nan Reynalda, Do1ma S!llall, 8hlrle7 Stattord. Chanlet.h Btare,-e, Pat Riley. Trtab Knapp. IAurte Hen· drtcka, Cynthia Belt.ram. Carol Cann, Carol C&IH' Sue Gflltoal, Brenda Barnett, Nllltef Bryant, Merlin Couch. J udy Cot.ema.n, Phyl- 111 MUum. Kar.-n Waper, Beftll'b' Lund, Jallen Grel!D. O.y Ann• •tron&". Kathy Snow, Kathy Mc· Ahreu, Mary Du.dley, Lynn Allen. Sue Zerbe and Terry Tearman. Theae girlr all alept tn a two !>I'd· room apartment. Rumon w.-re It got a little crowded .• By the way. all of you UJ Abnn1 better •tart runnll'lg because the Daley Maya are out to catch you ror the Annual Sadie Hawlllna Gene Hubba.rd, Janice While, Landa D&nct. The date bun•t been .. ,.... Adair. Vlrg Mlleoy. Virginia ~t. le~J" yet, but I hope It will be Don Bt!atty. RJchard Pala.turf. In late ln March and a ~clal rur-J ohn Grauer an,. Bet.w Blackmar. Dick Ple&"er, kU1e VaiJe, RJcha.rd prt.. la breWlnJ . So you 1trl1 Mirkovich. l"Ted SUlllnp, Lucy I belltr ••art U!lnklnJ. Pope. Marsha Moorehead, Pohan Ktrt.h, Marian Koerner. Patue ~t· ml"r. Cora P ettni, Arll'ne Hutf. R EA D ER s Chip R.epn. Skip F?-eely. Ron Newlon, Howard Mlle.hell, John Swain, Bob Meyera. J.-an Swan· w R I T E 90n, Ken alf'i1th. Joane O~m and Jlm n.her. Bid SmJth.. Short Martin, Jim Molrer. Eddie PoJ)f', Pant Lorent· sen, ~MY FHzpatrlck. B ill Wet• l>el. Bunny Coan!', Lury Harper. Paul Ntumann. Franky Nav111T(), Salty Oree.n. ~rge Moore. Tom Webtter, Dick Hald\, Albfort Yard and Br'UCf! Barton. J lm Newkirk. Buddy Thomp!IOn. Mike BarUett, Rudy MArtlnez. Donna Small. Pete Hendt-r11on, Biii Hamblet, Jerry Farquar. Pele 8cbolberr. Jnome ~rh•. Cuol Klnr and Terry R.f'gan. Cl1arue Berry and Diane Joye. Terry Jay. Jim Taylor, Dick Rcd(Jlck. Ken Bodetlhotter. aiuck Kolvl11to, Gary Cook. Bob Diehl llnd Patty Riley. Tr11b Knapp. Kathy Snow, Char· neth Bta.rtge and Marton Dav(")" . Tuucky bewr a. rreeday, Mon· day nenln« waa tboroughJy enjoy- ed by moat of Hubor·e 1tu.Jentr. February 21, 19&6 Mr. FOf'd 8amm.l.r ~30 WNt. 81Jrth Bb'Mt Loe Angele. 14. CaJJtornSa 0.-•r Mr. Sammt&. It lll ~ratifying lo learn from your recent letter that. you ha•• Lalten an 11\terut 1n the .UoTt.r of your cl\y .,ovemment. c~mlne Eut.er Week. I regret. that '" did not )lave th• btnet'lt ot your Ml· vke and oounae1 during-th• many month• we Wt"re conat4tr1nf thll problem and aeeking UM advice of our clllzmll ln Ile proper rotutton. However. lllnoe your queauon la a ltp.l one. 1 am returt.nr your Jetter to our City A ttomey and I .ugirffl. that In cue you w1M lo punut lhe ma.tter turtller, that you ha•e your legal ad~r r et In touch w1tb Mr. Kan DaYilJ, CUy One p&rt7 too kplace at Ule borne Attorney, of Alan Ryplnakl In Corona del ,.._ 1 ·-A---A ,.,., .. .: Ma.r. D&nctnr, f'ating. and making .. ,...,...._...., )'OUI' -to ptana '.or ~ay were A.Jan and I me wu al8o emt to UI• N_,,ort b1r date Linda PN'rtcm. Bm Wet-HArbor N_.Prea. I am -.din( Ml and .AJUta Palm. Paul Lorent-them • copy ot my nplJ' ID ordtl' sen and Sue NUaen. BruC!t Knipp to ln&ke Ult record complete . and Marian Doerner, J ohn Swain Very lnlly youn,. and Joa rute lluau. Roy D&nJeb Dora 0 . HW and Sue Mangon. Jim Newkirk and Mayor Pa l Kelter. OOR:HM Artie Blrbcher·1 tlome war the C'C: Newport &rt>or N-•Prtam Grass Roots Opinion Oett.lnr a CU' repaired today ill more complicated becauae of the abortap of rood prof .-Onal mecha.n· lea. There are OGl)' 90ml 5e0,000 qualified mecbaniC9 available to flit the .tlmat.d 48,000,000 pleuure can oa the l'09d. Belon World Wu D, !M>0,000 qualifted a. chann could more adequately baDdle the aiatinf 77,ooo.ooo can. :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL =~RACE PAKltD (DL N ... -ftM .,.._. -, RorMe Parlll!r .. ._. ~ ....... Dewa .................................. * .... .............. ~ .......... ,........, JUND OF BOUGH-Typical "road" scene near Sanllago Peak aummit. -Horace Parker Photo I have just returned from the greatest scenic wonder in Orange County. And l would go one step further and aay it ia pne of the gre.ateat scenic wonedrs in Southern Califor· nia. For from atop Old Saddleback all Southern Californi& Jays at your feet like a giant aerial photo. Beca'\ise the wea· ther I• clear, and the outlook for ,o··lht·Worltt drlvl' to Arrowhud, tomorrow la anolhl'r clear day I Uie mountain ot cement at Col· &hall beg o1t trom work and make ton, bcl'.utlful blue Lake Methtwe o and o Dam an he color· wine the~ Ir t.be urce to quatt and ful clayplt. or KlberhW. We could qua.ft ~ain. enn ree our .. MUlCh" In Warm I have read Terry BtPpbenaon's $prtnp Valley In Elelnore, but "The Slladow Of Old Saddleb&ck," nol lhe klke. Orn1and. th• coun• time and again, but never rrallud tier of Ventura. Loa Anird•, San unUI t-Oday the undertylng theme &mardlno. Riverside, San Olf'go that prompted thla rincnc lover a.nd Orange could be viewed. of Oranre C-Ounty and o ranre To the wat and routh •aa San County hlJllory to lay It around Jullll Capl11tr11.110. the "hate" pr•'• lhe ah&dow ot S..ddlt!back'• aklrt.A. v,nted • rurthtr "1lght, .. the bork She la aa rough and mite u old bay and the Newport Harbor ar"a. saddle JeaUier. but It 11he can Jure the "blimp bUf'," 1:1. Toro, !Aka you to her top ahe ta aa atately Irvine. Huntington Beach and <:111 - u any queen. l\Jlna lnom(!d a Sh~Uy rtmdow In Tllll.llU.E ROAD the h~ • My wlfl", Jack Wright of Costa The ··.-addle·· u vlewtd from a M c.sa and I lnlUle the u cenl. The nt'arby vanlllg& IJOlnt I• Y\'ry drfl· road Ir abominable. No t'JH'118ell nltr, 1th1>wlng the lnwer ModJ"'k" for It u It la a toreat lru•·k trail. r>nk'.11 eummit kbout a mile from thul o f Sanl111go'a. allboui;h ft'11m Up through Sllvertulo Canynn you my home on Balboa bland ahe an· c-o on the pavemfnl to ll.11 very end and then you rt.a.rt In. C roM-1"''*'" high~~ than .~anllaeo. •~r .. 111· Ing the crttk time and •l?Uln over I'd In I ho Mddle wu a distu t the rocky. narrow road. you ke11p "'~ r>f •n1>w-t•1tpped Mt. Boldy. going upward. Low rear ~ lo 10 Modjt11ka peak la n orth ot ~•n· mllt!a an hour ln the btl tu place..1 llago and WA& caJltol North f "" k •lopplnc lime and again to rt'move unlll popul.r drrnand by Or•ni:o large rocka from the norrow roail, j Countl&nR hatl th1• Odml'•I l"hKn;:• to rotect the "pan." The rood <'d to honor the <rag~Jlrnnc M11· P I dame ModJeska. wh•JH home "'"" get. progTeaslvely worte the nur· al ltll b"-'"' and the Jove for lho er you approa.dl the lJUmmlt. nar· mounl11tn 11lway11 In hl'r hl'ut. rower. rockier. and more 1hr..r The MO\'lSO MOUNTAIN 12 mJlee to the rummlt took u1 T Oltl ...... ,,1 b k 1 lh neart tw houni. Hel ht bolheni 0 mt1 ......,u " ac 11 " Y 0 . r . • "mo\•lng mounlaln" bt!cauy ,.,, "· me, and the narrow, rocky road In hl'r from var1oua nuta "' preaented a nerve-wracking men· I If , ,. tal b.-.rd, and yfl tomorrow 1 1 Southern l:ailtomla 11llt elthl'r •l•· look forward lo th.-trip for the• t>f"r" dltfl"ftlll In •h•pe or a rpn •. prtvtlege ot aga.ln drlnkin~ In the l rnUy •hlft..s her local11 u ''1"" • '1 vtew f h naked 6691 from varic·111, dln'f'llnM.I a.n2lr•. f rom atop er I The vlt•w l Uke 11 from my h• •I· ttL roorn window v.<lth Satl•llthark l\'· On the irummlt wu the tlr11l 1ng to the Soulh11v1t anti the "11"11· Ume that I had a cha.nee to look di!'" plainly v1-1hle a.round. Ther1' wa.a &n unusually I J i.m nnl on,. 1n prolTlote II .. omate fore.llt lookout rt.aUon. For-1 ph'rnn11: l'f .. 11rtm1t1v"·• Rr•'""' "•ll1 ot Mrvlce 11wellln~,. and thrn fl hlglh'IJ'W"ol rn111l11. But h e-re In •Hlr complex communlc11llon11 •f'lup. 'very m1tl.•t In l'!"ulhl'rn C.-Jtror11111 which I didn't uriden1la11d nor 18 nnr or thf' fOf"r nlr wnnllt•rR ttn· care abolU. The aun "''ll.ll warm. 1 11\\lll11ble to the Mll'11al mot••t t'l yet th,. Icy wino blowing-11lt>1td· I an<I \'!!llt nr tw1·1<11,.,. "' hrlnit 1•1•·• I Uy made the -.nn .un·drrnched during !he • r1r11 lll'&Mlll" anti Ille valleys and town1 1><-low you eeem rvmd 11 h&Vt nl the r~11lnrte1 .. f moat un~aJ. I lh•• Yl'llr. \'IF.W \"ERV \•A.ST Thr \'iew !11 lhe lhlnf. Vl<l'f•I. Jn a rweep lonktnc north~rd. tn the ,. .. h.111" botlllll"l 11n•I 1 · ,. then cul and finally south. you l11~1·r or thl' dmppatal. lht ,.10 1 I t couM stt Lor Arlgela, t)le T'ornnna vf Ohl Su11tllrb:u.k 111rl' hru'I . ar,.a, Colton. San Bernanllno. I grlm &nrl 11\""I'· liul aon11• c1•). 111 pa.TU or RlvPrtitdl', the rems 111 .. m·Ar t111ureo lcb hOl>f", ~ht> ,,,,,. country, Hemeot. San Jacinto Md hon11 whn lcN• R<>ut11em t ·•.:1rui r ,.. San Jacinto Mounla.Jn a.ntl Palo· , rnay h11v1• a p111nnramlc v.ew f nr111 mar with her obeervatory. More i•top Orange Couoty'r rnMt t am• famUla.r luic!mu1b Wel'9 the RJm· nwi mountain. LOfTY VISTA-Lower Jlodjeeka Peak u eeen below a.nd to aorth of Sant.la&o Peak. -Horace Parks Pboto ITS A BIRD: NO, 1rs A MAMMAL! Definitely, it'a not S4perman ! That's the conclusion of Mn. Elton Barnett's first grade class from Corona del Mar Monday while visiting Claude Blood's Mesa Pet Shop at -«7 N. Newport Blvd. Here the 24 children gang up in front of the multi-hued parrot cagee u 900n as they enter the store. With them is blonde Kn. Barnett, an· swering their hundred and one questions . .Mugging the camera is cute little Susy Crossman. -Staff Photo • •• DO BE GOOD, BIMBO v Lit ti<' Susy Cr ossman trirs to mnkc friends ~ith Bimbo, thC' m1.mkey. :it Claude Blood's Mt'sa Pet-shop, 447 N, Nt>wporl 81\'J.. Mom.lay. Susy w aN one of 24 child- r <'n Cron> )!rs. Elt•m Brl rnett·s Coron:i ckl Mar fi rst grade claF.; who \'ti;1ll'rl thr p<'t ~hop today. ~fothrrs al'com- flanying the rxpcuition W('r e ~!rs. H. \". Richanl:son a nd ! 48 et 8 Chef de Chemin de Fer i D!,~do ~.~~~' F~~~tl!,~rly Sat1rd1y rommandt•r) or the 40 f't 8 J. Earl Slmp!IOn, Tulsa, will urlve I hl're Mnrcb 5 for a dinner and dsnct' in his honor at Newport I Benr h American ~cion Post 291, ll waa announC'ed today by W hit Hi'lm, put C'hel 11r g&re, Orange County Vollure :>27. All v.nonnalreA and their wlvu are 1nv1Led to attend the welcom- ing fl'll Iv for Simpson. DIJlnior be· g1M at 7 p.m .• Helm said. No Ml· mllVl10n will be charged Jor th• dlll'\Ce. S1mp11on wu electf'd to the top rn t'l g po11t tut SPptf'mbl'r tor a one·yl'ur term. He ha.a been acUve In tht• 11rga nlz.at1on for many yean1. His "rric1ul p11rty vdll "~nd Saturday nli:ht hf're, and leave Sunday for El Ct'ntro. I . EA.AL 8llll'90N Tideland o·rilHng Opposed by Local Republican Women T he RepubUcan women or ?'<few- port Harbor went on record ~ c<•nlly a.:alnst the p mpoet'd Jeirl•· lauon opening the tldelaJlda of the C'oa11t lv •111 tlrllllng. :lfr11 H1<'h1trtl Teachout. prul· 1!1•111. 111t1•I the group unanlntOlU1ly J>iL"-••'d 8 rceolullon a t th e I r nionthlv ~llnr -oppoelnr auc-h l<-g111lauon. Coples or the ruolu· t11.n t111• l>el ng u nt lo public ot· t11 1nlll thl(illghout the state. I :'\~t.('t:S~ARY OIL In lhl' 1••solutlon the group •t11trd llMl lie<'au~ the Ora.nge l ·ount \' l'1111..~111ne l• a beautiful rr~1•lf'1Hlal. r .. Rort 11nd r ecreational 11~a 111'4'(1 hy mllllona or lnlMd • · 1hfm n1ans 11nd ottt nf 1talc YIJ!I· tnrs ro arty, 11 would be dl.!W!ln>O.. i-.f• b7 al•t• ~lature ol a law that would remO\'t 11&111 eec· lion of t.be tldel&nda rrom the oil lea.sine authority or the State Landa Commlaalon. The women are a1ao carry1.nr on a wldffJ>re&d letter writlnc e&m· patgn to people who live inland but enjoy tbe beach In the wm- mer, to help in the rlJhl ~ oil drillln( along lhe cou t. Loca I Executive to Participate in Convention I t·I• """'°" .. u.-h a n arf'a llto blr eic· E. 0 , Wllll&m!I, 32!1 Colllntt Ave. p 011•'<1 Anti 1 u111<'<1 hy o dr Hing. ror lhe ninth ,.uc-ce1U1tve Ume 19 :-\11t M1ly ls t he oil not necc11a&ry laking an actw c part. In the Nlnlh M~. T. ·w. Soul£•. -Staff Phot o to r.ntlunnl M ft'nse nr vital to our Wutl'm Metal Convnl!, March nat 1un • ,.., nnomy. but wtll be out 28. A ril 1 In Los An .. tl"ll. Anaheim May Get Manager Convention • n( I hi' Jiil l•1hrllon .. r both the Cit v I ' r .. c .. ,,, v hn .. T• lllrlll"I (r11111 al· t d II I ... \\ 11111\ml'. Wh1) Ill VICf'·prestdtont . an•I th•· • ounl\'. &11 WI on y ,,.. v E c Lo A r1•11.i111i: th, thrr• -it.q• topn nK m1·r\. inrttnhlr 10 a· f"" 011 t•om llntt'A lrt or q111pmrnt o. 11 n- 1ni: ,., lh• • •I V n1Qnf1f.:t'l!I Ill .S1111 \U r I J !i h pll " ' J?'l'lrs, Ill ,11rrvlnj;t' on the hn11t and Hn•11. Tit .. •• ''"" I 1•l• ii \\ ··1ln• II· I h,. t t'l<" 11t 1nn lllil• • IH o f'-proJ?'rll1TI 'unimlHt'ff of the Amer· •lr•y 1111111 h F rhl.t\' ht.•t w •. , k ;\t-1 \'••lopm• ·H 111 t he~'""" and I a~o~i: u·s n Wr ltltnl: Soclrty llnd I• euper- 1 r n 111..: 1 .• , .. n,;,,,., n -... r•• 111 1"" i.c;i-ho•" wo•J '1 be uns g 1 >'· V\81nlr Ull' informatron and ,...g11-I '11 \' n1nn 1 • r" thrn11,:h .. 11t ( · 11tfor· I "t •langl'rous ha7,arcl &n•I a lk•urrr tnit inn lll't·Ufl' fnr d,.teiratf'll. I nm Rn<I 1'~ wi•• ~ n pt'lll11t wn lo the water and Ult' Thf' t'ongrf'l'!ll Qf metal men a.nd . . bt•a,·h thl' ~11•111' :oi111d. f'll):>O.~ltlon n re non-profi t edur 11-I-llo ''""I-: \\···In• •ll·•V n•i.:,,.11 A· , , • • • , _ • • It n '" t ,, ).;"11• '·" j:d·l••i.:r't"rr 011 0"•· ( oot: ( HA~c.f. llonal e\Pnlll jrl\"f'n b) Amenr&n Thr ntll l •pnni.: nH'•\111'~ "' 1h• 1.i\I\• nnn•«Rlt"n t l'tll•flli nt ••ll· "·•rnP111•f ~·"port Bea{'h are op-coopcrallnit t M'hnlraJ irtoupa. lhl'lt r u:r l ('.,ff,\" ,. pMlt'•I lt·iii~· nt-. nu--· • r t hu1 the a~pubhran §"'Y for M• tAla and. 23 oth,.r Cll y ll!nnui.:n" Df'pn l m••nt .. r \ht wal rti•fl• 1 .. nu··~. II••· n( lmprrw r· po~1ni.: uny • hanire In the PubllC' LMIJ:ll•' Ill l'l\IHl•I n111 C1t1r~ 1111\Y I nwnl At l.!1, '"'·"l!f'••t f181 ktng 11nd H<'l'Olll"l't'~ Code l hllt w UI permit Glass Panes Taken bf' hei.I 1n Or .. ngP l 't•llnly, p1•n1lln1: uthr r pr>tl'll""1!1 Wt'l l' •hl'<"ll!'~l·d 1111 W t Ill' In the ltdela.nd Oppolllle h••lrl Kt 1·omm0tll\\Hl0''. <'•'l<tll ;\fr~a ·r h111 l'tlll\" • hi' !'"llllll'rn Orange County C08Jll. Theft or tl\"I' J'&.l'IU or 1;1.- l 'll\' :\tan11g<'r c .. oq :r \\". 1• tr•~ f'r 111 ,~. ~··~,wn~ In• lt•<I•"' "' nl'i a l Thl'y orrrn1t tht \"f'allng or a<ldl-vaJued a t $40 was r,.portl'd Friday t ,.1;1111,..1 tnJ11\·. l'1 nh11h11• 111tr t• 1 t1nn11I Rllthorlty In lhl' State Lftncl!' to pollre by r.ort1on U. Slplf'. :WO ltu' iorlU'll•ll, <\1(fr\' 1<-illl. i• An·•. 1''""1' 111" r .. nim. 11 , .. \•rr w uf lr•·h· Comm1M1on. Thf' Rep 11b 11 c a n N. Ntwpart Blv11. He told orr1r f'ra hr im 1r th .. pl OP''"'"I h••tt•I n••Ar nlq111 ~. h11w tu 11pply n"'" 1olr1111 I "''l>TTil'n of lhe Newport Harbor lhe 11httl• w t re tlll<en rrom hl11 n 111nr •l1tnd r, .t b~· lhrn anol ••fir• Ifft' Jrl• ~at1n11 Qf dllllf'S. area 11upport and recommtnl1 the ronMn1ctlnn 11hack 11l that addreae THERE'S WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE 6UT NOT A SCAAP Or FOOD ·' FOR PET SUPPLIES fT P~YS ro LOOK IN THE "CLASSIAEO" PART Of )OUR TELEPHONE SOOK 51 NEW OCC MEMIEIS JOIN ALP.ff A GAMMA SIGMA CROUP Init.latJon ceremonlea for Alpha Gamma Sipla. !It.ate junior college honorary eociety, were held at Orange Cout College thil week. Fifty-three new me.mben were awarded allver pi.na aymbolWng temporary membership. TWenty continuing members were honored and twelve atu- denta received gold pins emblematic o! permanent membership. Local new membera a.re : Howard Allen, Renee Elliott, Robert Ha.rbison, Michael Henry, Joe Smith, Henry Hill, Lynwood Barton, Robert Diehl, Lewia Kaan, Charles McCartney, Penelope Keever, Noel Burks and Richard Jordan of Newport Harbor. Terry Anderaon, Ruuell Boggie, Randall Me· Card.le, Rafael Perez, Donald Selvey, Agnea Cooper, Rosella Cunningham, Mary Johnaon, Charte. M · mier and John Kennedy are new members from Coeta Meo. Continuing local membe~ Barbara Earl, Dardie Schaefer, J oanne Merrill and Jamee Wheeler of Newport Harbor and Ted Binder, Robert Graham and Wayne Sm\thaon of Costa MM&. Per· manent local members are Norman Van Hall and Robert Wood of Newport Beach; William llart.ln of Coata Mesa. 'ISLAND' WEU.S Here's What Kenny Told Commission F or thOBe unable to bear arcu· ment. a t Thuraday'a State lAnda Commission heartnr on the pro- po.eci oflahore oil well drlllinr, the Newa-P rue today preaent.I a eopy ot a talk by Herbert J'. Kenny, .ecretary ot Orange County Coaat A.lloclallon, given the commla- 1lonen. It qppoau the oil flrn'll' plana to drill tl"om lalanda oft Huntington Beach. Kenny'• tut followa: The Oranra County. Cout .A• aocl&Uon number• amon6 It.a mun· bera and aupportera all the ciU• along the 40 JJlllN ef Or~e Cowl• ty Coutllne. u ,,,.,tr" aa the nr- loua Chambera of Commen:e, nri· oua Civic AaaociaUona and many leadtnr dti&ena of the area. For m ore Ulan 26 yM.n we ban •t.ood guard over thla, one or th• meet beautlf\11 and uaable rec.re&- Uonal ocean frontagea In the work!. We are proud of the part that we have taken and are atiU ta.ktnr ln lta lmproftlnent and de· vel_2Pment. We fear anythJnc that might mar or deapoll &117Ullnc pulaln· Ing to the fullest UM and enjoy- mf'nt of our recreaUonal reaourc· es, In partlculu, at thla time, we rrar the propoaal to erect or con- 11truct aa Island for oil drllltnr and operaUOi\ otr the allore at Huntington Bea&. We fear thia operation not m•re- ly !or It.tit tlbt for tbe fact that It wouJd open the nood rate1 for an epldf'mlc of 1tmtlar opttaUona that could be effected alonr any &nd all of our Cout wllerever oil might be avallabl.e. We fear that. In the • .,.nt of a ccldenta or emerrendea, our beachea and nearb7. waten would be contaminated to the rulnaUon ot our tourlat attracUona. with the ruultant dlllUt.r'cMa effect up- on property valuea and lnYat· mmta.. We rHpeCtJvel7 petition 1ou.r honorable body, ta the public inter- u t, to rerraln trom &1.tnr your approva.I to thla Pl"OllOMd laland drllllnt; unle• and unW n~ry un- otten1lve me&na of diacharctftr your dutlea and obUpUona •ha.ll have been explor.d. We urrenUy eoUClt )'OUI' but ef· forta to pre.e"e UM beaulJ and uUllty Of our bMchff and OCl&ll trontacea In nerJ pollllble W.1." · · R ... pecttull7 aubmltt.d by Order of tbe Board of UM 01'ft,.. Cowl· ty Coaat AMOclallon. thia ·aub Day or February, lM!I. is.3 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART IV. 'A&E I THURSOA Y, MARCH 3, 1955 Johnnie Ray Loves Laguna For Relaxation After Show By WU.I.JAM W . 0 1TAWA\' Comparalll'C'ly few per11011s al a La.runa tl\('attor ~t11 knew Uult a p rominent ml'mbt·r of lht' r1u1t or .. No Busl~.,, Llkl' Show BualnC'~S" W IU in thl' a11dt\'nl"t'. Seatt>d ln1·on~p1coualy h1tlfway dLlWn Ult C"'\"nll'r af'Ctlon or lh• theAter WAS grnlal, frll'ndly Johnnie Ra)', who c\roppe"d In tor the t\nale or the popular m uaica.l documl'n· 1rr~un11' •u a nl'wapaper ~porter tary. and In the llftml' city a talent .lohnnle hu bffn makln& a habit 8l"OUl .. fou~" Johnnie In &I\ \Ip- of doing j uat that. town club bar. For It la an euy way of "11et · o n., nlcht a• h• wu dolq a llllK together" with two or h H ;how at thr Fl&nte bar, a Ult· ravorite ahow people .. •. EthC'1 ..1tn«11l acout happened In whlrh Merman and Mital Gaynor. tume•I out to ~ J ohnnie'• b,...k. Mies Merman 111 Joh.nn1e·1 moth· Ir. a few .111y11 nay I• eolnc to ti' In the tllm, and Mital la hls hi• rnnrh nrar S Ale"li... Ore., where 1l1ter. his Mom and Dad rulde. Sa.lam 11 "It'a Juat u thouch lhf'y w ere hla b1rthrhtt'C' ancl •till borne to my nal rotka.'' J ohnnie' told me him. Saturday a !tem oon. u he l'tllaxeJ "My marriajle didn't work out.• at E lela. Apartment Hotel on South he ·aald noncommittally. Cout Boulevard. . Arter " brlt'f varaUon oo the "Ethel la •well, blea• bf'r h1'8rl." r&l'lrh. J ohnnl,. will commence he confided, "a.nd •• tor Mitzi what w1U amount to a world tour • , • WOW, what a (al!'" Of thealt'rll and night c.l\lbe. "Gee, rolka In Laguna are won· Hawa ii. A1111t1'all11, India areamonr der!ul,'' he commentt'd. "M rs. !l:ol· thl' far away 11pot11 on hi• IUnl'rary. limier haa done everything undl'r But Johnnie l11n"t too happy the aun lo m ake ine (omforlable. m1<kini:-the night club toura. (Mn. Charlotte Nolllmll'r 18 "A guy's (OrC'Vf'r on the ro." he operator of Eleta A partment tolct me. '"He n~v,.r hu a place to Hotel). rt>ally h11ng his hlll. And It"• territ>- A NER\'Ol1S CHAP ly t irinK work." J oh.nnle 11 a nervous, j'.On the HI' .-njoyl'd hi• rlrat movte co" chap. One momtnt he~·u re-trf'meondnu1<ty. lax Ing on the bed, the next mom· ·· J.,or once I hart a chance to ent he wu out on the 11un rleck. 11t11y In onl' plac·e a while,'' he scrullnlzlng Catalina and gulping i:-rlnnl'd. .. An1I I made aome In the octo&n fresh air. mlithly got>d frlt'nd11." Though J ohnn1r would perhap11 J vh1111h•11 nt>xt rolf' wlll bf! Ulat pre!er that I not mention tl, he of a bl'rbop mualrlan. a mualc&le la a wee bit tired out. that will Jc·plC't the ll!e of eoftl• ''The Galaxy ot Star11 on T V the pol!t'r-planl•t Ho&«)' CarmlchMI. other night r1"111ly rappt'd thP He'll JooklnK forward to t hat on• climax," he declared. '"l wa~ ~lad w ith kl'l'n a.nllrlp1H1on. to t ake part and It wu gTl'lll run, J ohnnie nevf'r "11tay• put'' wrJ but am l weary!" long. He la one or thoae n~ J ohnnie la one or tho•<' quirk chapa t hat muat be fo~ver °" U\e peraons who turn1 the t11ble11 on movl' . the ln terviewer. Hr rl'plil'11 to a "H t'l't', re11.d thl11 arllcll', It'• quutlon by uklng one hlm~•'"· g ood," hf' aald, handlnr me a C!\lr• Hla querlu a ll had to do with r f'nt magulnf'. Lagumi, 80 that waa taay. Brrore I waa halfway th~. But bar k to Johnnie Ray! You "C'm on where'• a drul" atore, I won't flnd a frltondher, mort' co-nerd IOOme toothpute 811d ahave operative ch11p. lie la the 11eldom crram." encountertd actor ... complt't•IY l polnt!'d out Rawaon'• and natural ... whom new11p1Pf'r pt'<>-w ith a ahake or lhf' hand and pll' love to mttt .. : ancl a•ldom t1o. "nlC'f' t o have md you" he waa Thia waa hra rirat trek lo La· acros11 Coaat boulevard tn a attOftd. runa. "I'm here to reel." he aald. Jt wu a p~uure to rne4!l J ohnnie. Finl. because I a dmlrf'd work In "No BualneH Uke Bh<rfr BuainMa" lntntondoullly, and eec:ond. becaUM he and I have Detroit In common. "FOUND·• L~ DETROIT Detroit waa my "1tamptnc DOCJ lites Chlld Kirk McCarter, 3"i. or 322 Oftp Ave., "''U bitten on Ule Up and c:htn Jl'rtday by a dos owned by Jamea Seal•. 320 Onyx Ave .. po- lice reported. The child waa treat - ed by a phyalclan and the dolJ quarantined. miles ahead. •• in car sales in Southern California and Arizona! ... u you lined up all the Fordll eold In Try a Ford and 7ou•n buy a California and Arizona aince June 1953 bumper to bumper nat to all otheT maU9 eold durinc this period. the Ford a wou Id extend 39 milea past the IMICOnd make! Ford baa been fint in ealee in thit area for tM poat ~h.tttn montJa. ..• by 12.342 unita! Find out for yoiu.r- eelf why the West uyw Ford ia be9L ~ •-11166 Fon! l<>dayl t • .. I ) ' PAGE 2 • !ART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . THURSDAY, MARCH'. 3, "SS ( ••• • • WORKING FOR FIRE PREVENTION JUNIOR RANGERS ALI-From left, Patsy Cart.er, Smokey Bear, Ralph Lee, a.nd Richard Harding. Psllly .llnd Richard are fifth grade stude.nta a~· Costa Mesa's Main School. Ralph Lii f'IJ"e preventJon officer of c.osta Mesa. And Smok~y Bear helps prevent forest flretl everywhere. Smokey was a creation of Ma.in School atudent.. The occuion waa pre&t'ntation of Junior Ranger b&dgea to Ma.in School •tudenta completing a aix- week fire prevention training program conducted by the Orange County Forestry De· partmenl -Stall Photo Coata Mesa a'rea tor lhe put l:i t~eltdoua tore• 1.? tb• de•lted year1. He wu actl"Ye ln civic. al· direction. falni of the clty, , 1------------- wlfe. LEGAL NOTICE '\ "'8tb1Ad1fi- LIGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICE lNAL N01ICI rel r-,.-"-... -.-,-... •.0-,-~-.-.-eo-~-.,-.--'ua.tted •talM. u.. rNI prvpwtJ'1-..,.,...,,,.,...,,d,....,-....,.,,,..,,_.,,.,.._=,-... -.-1Lera Look at the lleco Purauut to audl lntenuon, UM •ltuated ln the Couaty ot On.q-.. WRDY•S. dlfMk -. .,.... Sl&la of C&lltom.l& &nd dutTllMd nd la u.t tM • r ·Drn ·fl/I. -~ •a-----• ~ -1 underalgned ls applying to the Dot-&-•• ......_ •;J -=enl or Alcoholic: S.'f'tr.1e u follow&, to-wtt: dpe1 &ad lata'llllll ... •.all_.. '-... a• J ..... --~ U .... -~, Joe.at.eel ta x--.... -J-. .. llM M9 .... -11 -.~ . --:':.°_ rol tor i81JUQ1e11 mi O!'!cinal r-• ·--~ .. Ni-......,._ applleatlon or an alcoholill bev•" &Melt City. • UMI & CC ~n Ill my rag'11 Ileen~ tor u.eae p~ml.tea u f'lrllt Add torN'twpOf't Halpta WRaUU.I. A•&•t••I• P. ,_.. lil.tbat I am a dmtroyw, follow•: Aa per )lap recort!M In Book --. ..~.___ ... Will' .i _ ... Mt a llmfldtr. '!'bill I deay. I ~ ' Pap M ot N~~ _..._ ....... ~~;::e~ •• ~!~ toLlprote•t th' Ka~ recorda of onn,. 0-.--.Id n-c.-.U _..pa I b _. -.. .... a t•-0--and per"· \111n.1ance of much lict'llMI ma, file t,y, Ca.llf9mla: • lrfo-W U. DM ~ __._ ..... cr-4er qam.t \be Lot l Bioclc 34 .Sta U. .me. of._ OlmQ ... old -J ..... -a Vt'rit\•d prote1t with the De~rl· (A.Imo deKrtbed u ,AP f.t-Ofil· ~ ol -'C 011m1117, la .... • ment 9f AlcojloUc -S.ver•«• Con· lO f...t ·-~Au.Iii ){. St'ffi,..,.. Ill f/11 c:xnma ._. -wqqo 'we. que.tlonable, trol at SllCr&IJll!lltO, Cllllfom\11. ........,_.COCK t ·--·--~·...... or .-A .. ,. Jl';n'-~·a Mltkle .r _.. ..,._ ..a-~-,..'-tht.t at&tlnr VQUfldm for denW u pro-poau). Mln.ltnuin acceptable ¥d ol Mf' ~ e. ~ .... - -la <":--vtded by law. The prt'ITllMI llrt' Bid 060.00. proppt,. to bs liorld ..... Dim -Oft!' many not now llc•nNd tor the aa!e of If ~demptlon or the pro,.,_J uu-... -u.. ..,..,_ -...... ,_,... I •amerate titan. alc.ohollc beveracu. .... lnlU .... t ..,._ "-t or...... a....,.. o u ,......en 9iDC9 U.. ~ .,_ _.. ..,. I Mitieled --• pt 1ncl '•-l:MERSON w. CHARLES plt.n of redemption t. not rll&de uea. nae --S1'IL8 prtMt---::-._,, ......_ "",~ No. 1799 Nt"w1·Pre1111 3/3~!1 bdOA th• proJ*rt)' t. 90 IOtd, lb& pal a.d. •&enllt ..... r.-WC nJ C:UICW:::Uuu the ol• rt1ht of r.demptloa wtl\ -. AprU la(. ltOf. s. _. ..i. ..... ..,.....: No. A-!61U NOTICE TO OJU:DITOU !:et.ate of LESTER LESLIE KAUFFMAN dece&aed. Notice · I.I hereby ~'n'n to the cred1tor11 of and all per•ona hay- ing claim• e.J&lnst the sa.id dece- denl or said f'itatt' to file them with the n..ce~...ary "Youc:hers In t.he office of the Clerk of the Superior 'Cc:lurt of the State of Ce.llfornl:i , In and for the County of Orangr. or to preaent th t' 11ame, wltb the !lt'ce1111ary vo~here, to the und•r- •lgned at bl• place or bu11neq , to- v.it: No bid will be accepted tor ~ &ad •..ad • .-id ..U _. ~ e O.. mteriDc otflce u a than the mlnlrnum amount llhown i. alao _.,.. '7 ..W ._. flf ......,;J,,,en I foand that we and •t forth tollOWUIS Ule lep.I in... Ulia ~·• r.. ... ....-of •"--• -<+~ · de.crlpU on ot each lot or croup .. o1. _.. _.um.led ~ 114.IA ._.. one , ...,. .1.nr ':".._ m of Joli, or pUeel or par«l• of tud toc.cber .nut .. ,. -..,. _. U-lllate that maintained an •• demcrtbed abo"Yt. The purchull ad......-S "1 n.-f11 .-Id .,.. ft Cit and tax colledJ:on O(· price to be paid In full at th• tn accord&Do9 'Wit.II u.. poo;' , · Oc:e. Thil ... duplication, aJ.O tlm• ot purcb... at the above ot -.Id ...S al. t11Ul, wttll ........_ pft an opening t o the city 11111•. • , on-~ 1 .. snntuaaN w a _ .. to fawor II.Pd. ds.crim· Arter aald ule, the ufldet'lllpo!d. NOW 'THEREFOR&, al()TICS inale at.will Tranaftt to COUD• Cou.adlm&e Smith at surh Ta11 Collector, will exe--18 HEREBY GIYEN Utet U.. .-Ml l• •ftld $12.000 annuall~ .. c:ut• a deed to the pur~r of Oru-Cowit' nu. --·7 ., ' · · •· ....--.--· a •ring to date of $24. Thia: ordinance after 8 months "•:t: ~ ~.~e1d..1 of rebruarJ ~~· ~~ ~i!!.c.-= :; of t:.We-. i.r.ly .qunited 1 through by J.2 1 vote -Bennett 1966. Tnat. will •ll at public aucUoll. t... voting DO. DON s. MOZLEY. u t.be hl(hest..biddel' for caa. ..... • I dileovered a $7.000 lou on water connections made HURWITZ • HURWITZ Ta3' C$lllector of UMI COUatJ' f\LI maMy ol the Ulllud 8lal.-fll by the city to new construction. Connection charge WWI $1!) Attorney• at Law or Orvis•. State or Cali· America. on the 2ht daJ' "' UD&ler-11rbat it c<mt the city to do ll Savinf estimated by or-~~:i_w~!c~~r-:~la Da~~7":-..ie. M'ueb 1.,. 1w~. March, 1~ •l l.be ~ °" ..._ dine..,. to bill buildH-or owner for actull l'O!lt of m&te ri&ls within tlx months after the first Date of Publication Ft'bnary ~~le f.:;..,. ru. ~-::::: ~ and tabor: 1963-M, Sy,000; 1954-55, $i,000. Ordin • .nce al>" publlc~Uon of thl• not.Ice. 17th, 24th and March S. 1955. County Court H-Ill. u.. 0.tJ' °'-pro'ftd, Bennett oppomng, •r Dated February 2a, 19-'ll. No. 1219 New .. P~ Sula Au.. Caiu'arak. all .t tw • I dillcowrtd lou on eew~ connections of $3,000 •~" COY I!:. \VA.TI'S NOTICI: or l!JA.LE OF SEAL l.Dten.t -~ l.o tt ..,. -.cl Daally. Ordina.n.ae to raise the charge to $55 pa.sacd. Annual Executor of the E1talll PKOPEaTI' Ill' TaV8TIZ Deed of Tna.l 1" ad to all tllal sarinp --....................... -.................................................. $3,000. of ... Id dec:edt'Dl. UNDE• DEED OF ROST ':;;a: .,r:::;:::: a:::-o..!:t,,. u: • I ~red that the city was cleaning vacant Iota of HURWITZ .. HURWITZ Tllt:ST NO. 1111 OT.q-e, Stat. al. c.m ........... prffate ownenhip..for frtt. Total cost 1.o the l'ity $•1.600 an- Attomey11 al Law .WHEREAS, GEORGE ff. 9Crtbed ... folio-. to.wit : n-Oy. Ordina.nce pu9ed to charge thin coat to the tax bill. 2811 Newport Boulevard, I.ANE, JR. II.ltd KA.RJANNA N. Lot ., of Tnct No. JPI. .. .. effect 2 yran; .. m, -···-....................................... -$9,200. N...,....,rt Beach, ca1uomia LAN~ h •--d d --· by ...., -·-.,. ,. .Chamberlin Dies; - Rites Conducted run .. rai urnc ... tor MeJTe A . Cbamberlln. tll, of :i30 Broadw•J, Ca.t.11. Me• werti . !,urv\von Include hl11 Nary V, and dauchter, -··.--"'· u11-... an """"" ......,_., Oii a map 1w • I found that the city maintained a epncrete gang fot !'/&ncy l----..---------No. 1297 or tru.st d1.teJ OClober 19, lWW, book 37, pac ... 11 Mid 11 a6 ilmowna.eandfortMrepa.irof sidewa.lks. The responsibility NOTICE OF lSTENTIOS' TO NeW•·Pr-313· lO, 17• 24• llf'M rccordt'd Novembu 2• 1~ In book 11'-'h-•a ...... ,_. by atete-law ia the &ot ownen'. Total cO•t -of concrete gang Let' ot the home addreaa; lllree brolhl·r~. R011 of Mill Valley, Col. F'r'ank T. and Donald L. both of Ma ry land. lntt'tment Wh In Mel· rose Abbey. •ENGAGE IN·THE SALE OF 7&0G, J>&I• 249 of otnctal RttOrd• of <>nnra County. calll'an.k, $l3,000 ... n F . ~'-· ( , ot Orange County, calllornla., did °'" -lllUdl ot -.Ma ..-oprttJ: WU DYft' a.n.noiauy. &u' CJ>l.UU4te o t.&\'ln · ALOOHOUO BEVERAGES NOTICE OF IN'l'ENDED SALE gT&nl and convey lhe property shall ba ~ leo ....... to owners ..... -...................... ;: ..... , annually. F, .... .., S4, JIM AT PUBLIC AUCTION 01'' TAX __ 19 bod. ~.. -... e • -be' d TY therein Pd h .. rei. .... cr dffcri P•-• a 911"" t to ,.7 ....... p eu.m paymenta were 1ng ma @to city official• TO WHOM IT MA y CONCER~: DEEDt.D REAL PROP!:R lo the Oranc• C.0Unt7 'nUll Ooin-total amouat wcun4..,. -.id Deed lo to lions 'tho t "le . Li tin held Tucaday In Ballt& Ana. He -.....--.... .... -..- 8t. Joaeph Hoa· p!llll. 8ubJecl to Lswan ce of the llcenae PUB~C NOTICE lS HER<E~B~Y~•P"-"O•,_..••""b:.0·••-.... 1•0"_,;,,, ••• ., __ cj .. ~-"":-:--On l'O .:bP,oket Wit talu f 8{1~ mlU ·fn or a cdco1tunb dg. t-"T..-m"Y'S'?lt!W'metnlNf"orttttfi· ~1"Jm«r"ftj~lflifftmit~ GIV!!Nm"R"'6'ft""l1i~t!M!lfl oth~ obUrauO::.. tbe pia.~t.nt o1 Dat.i: FebnW7 n. 1tu.. of. ~oae ta ·u.' ? 0 t co~nci me~ a.n ~ @.a 11 lng ~ nuge carrier In a b•rbor leu than l ~ d•y1 after the date March 19.~. at Uie hour of 10 one note dated October it, lHJ. OR.A."i:CE coUXTY Tin.:a. •1 WJVN--0 conv~n ion at an nc1"0 without aid of tugs I• called "Op· poated, notice 11 hereby livt'n that o'clock A.'-1 . or that day, ln the payabla to Frank Muaeelrnan 6nd COKPA.."n' 009l taxpayrn $2,300. (When thl8 very same convention Mr. Chs.mbl!re Un wu a vetf'r&n ot WOC"ld 'Var I 111111 lived ii) thtf', A.. Cll&rnbe.rlln er•tlon Pinwheel." Her pJanu are the under•lrned propoM!• to 1ell office of the Tax Collector of tbe E"Yel,yn M. Ku-lrn&n, hu•be.nd 8)' Geo. A.,..,._ ... beld in nearby Long Bea.ch the attendance WU only one lubed to the flight d..clt .nit at a &Jcobollc bever..,-ea at lheN prern· Count,y of Orange. State ot Call· and wtfe, u Jolnt tenanta, or or-P1n66tsrd. CIOOIM:ilm•n for Olle day, city manager for two days, COllting g1vt'n algnal their .. ng1ne1 are 11e11, de!!Crtbed u follows: fomla, th• undt'ra\gned, Don S. der. for UI• principal .wn of ''·· BJ C. W. 8-t.er Ulnie luncbtw and OX of a city car.) At my inmtence this il- turl'led up full power, exertlnc • f323 ,v. Cout H!chws.y, New· Mozley, &!I Tax Co llector of the 100.00, with tn~ereet al the rate ~ lrpl prectice of lurnp sum payment wu 11topped; aa a result · 1aJd County of Orance, In puriu· of e per cent per annum. principal IC'orpon.t. &e.J) a "Sui Diego convent.ion COISt only $304 for li officials. Thill ano. or law lllld th• written •ulh· Pd lnt.ereat due ln monthly ln· 19\. ua.blieatlaa ~ M. t• t-. f bo S2 000 PAY-LESS ....... MOHi' & DAY & NOUDAYS ACllOIS IUGMWAY ,.,.. M0J.o HOIPfTAI. orlzaUt1n of lh• St•t• Controller at.allm.•o.tm ot. $&0.00 eadl, on t.be Znd'pute.lntt'o. 1lan:tl a, I-iepctmea .. a .. VUig O * Ut ................................... ---. ' ' of tht Bta.te of Calltomls., dat.ed J.t da)' of e&c:b iand eftl'}' month. lrd pubUeaUoa 11an:1a 10, ltoe • CoaDcilmen were gettinJ free dinners on meeting N'01't'?Tlber 24, 19M and h•"lnl btfUutlnl Decernbe.r 1, 1m and No. 119'2-N-Pnm nisfsta. The tab WU aa high U $29.95, At my lnsiirtence this been '° dlncled by th• Board of WU diecontinlled. A fair efiimate of aaviog to the city 8upervi.on or the .. Id Cowity of --····----·---···---·····-·······-·--·······-··-.......... $600 annually. Or&nct, lnteo.dtl 10 •el!, •ill otter • Dinnen u.eed to be J>9.id, for by t.he city for officia.la' for aal• and ... u u pro'ltded by 1 Dlvtaian 1, Pa.rt e . c riaptar 7, ot Sh • whatat meetinp of the Orange County eection of the I.A'&- tbe Re"YflnU• and T11J11:allon Code, ·-··· opper ~of California Oties. I rtiaed tbe 9.uestion o( legality. Thia NIEWPOllT - -__ , •w.-COSTA MISA In l'l!pa.r&te pe.rcela at PUBUC pnetb WU ruled illegal a.nd diacontinued. AUCTION to Ult hlche-1t bidder co•I. ........ • lleala were pa.id for by the city f or Qty employee• tor c1uh ln J1wful rnon~y or th• wMle ~ oYertime work. I raUied the question of legality. -----------------------------------------cl Tlda pncbce wu ruled ilJepJ and dillcontinued. rl e METRO • -...... ....,, ..... p, ,., , ... by th• d•y ,., .,.,,., men:laanl& Jly ~of this and other favon wall • I\ • JUST llOl!Tll ,, ~T Offl(E - OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE IOlh OF THE MONTH EAAN FROM THE FIRST Office Hours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a. m· to 8 p. m. \ -•114 ·fere II I :t' 11ar ~ .1:.~;'.~!..~.~-.~· ~~-~-i~~~~~ i~n~~1;~ ......... _ .. ... '"'*-' ........ : ... __ , il .... .., ............. _..... .... ....,. ...... ,,, . Mn. w.,,.. Talle,>. --"'1'ritt -...... "I ... io El Monk', ~ I always Lab Metro to tbe ...._ in Alhambra. Puadma or !.-Aiiczl• Tia• ... .,."bua iii C'Omfortable and n:lax•nc:; whm I rw1t. "'-' r. not too ~ to &et dinner. Matro .._ a ' W time over the freewa,... and. ol l'tOUIW, lt'• ........ tnomt .,.......ire) • .,. to --•• ·•etr• ••••• •r• •••'•rf•llrc••r••i••• for s60flflf•t ~ er rfsfti11·: ,~ " "'Coant me .-none-JVUI' •tiafiecl P' • ...,,. ...... Mn.A.R. P-Soutb "-'-houoewil.."l llcun ""' tripe by tho ~ tune table, and newr .- Nin to ••it more than ' • couple of minut.es.. It'•• pleasure t.o be in bu., .. dean and eomfortablit M Matro's. And r .. noticed how helplul llM driftn are in nlllnc NUom andaidlns the oldtt people' roir •"" ,,...., Mfot-• '"°".a ----• MITROPOLITA• COACH il•ll ID f.amiliarizioc my.df with the different city department11 I fOllDd that employees who were doing a good job wer<" pnad of their work. and their department.a. Othere resented •7 "1ookiDC OTrr their &boulder." The psychological t'ffect of bowiD&" that a councilman wu interesting hitnAelf in their trork raalted in certain changes beneficial to the ci t y. sav· me -.ny t.boc&and8 of dollan and creating a better work· in& •tJDoepbeft. I .,.. an important factor in the battle to make us a cha.rt.a'" city by helping to organize the group that put it O'l'ft", amtributinC" financially, penonally obt&ih1ng 350 l!iiJ{na· tun. of qualirted "Vat.en to foree it on the b&llot O\'er a n umrilling C':OllDCil. I organiud the Ottan View Protec tive Association. whieh lou&bt and defeated the a&&efi8ment district known a11 the bluff road, contributed aubfltantilllly to the procuremC'nt and pirm:a•atioa of lMpiration Point for a eity park and &av· inc the riew. Lut wttk I negotiatt'd an agreement between the Ocean View Protect i\·e AMociation &nd The Southf'm Ollifomia Ediaon Co. to kttp power poles off Ocean Blvd., and penonally guarantec-d payment to extend road known u Brn.lten: on,·e t Q bring about this &g-rccment. I negotiat«I with the F'i11henne n'R ASBociation on bt"hlllf Bf the Ocran View Protecti\·e A i1:~ocia tion t o bring-ahr>ut an amicable Mt.tlanent Qf the J._;o J ima bait barge question, Like 95~" of the P1t9PJe, I did n ot know of the enormou• ..... ot taxpayeni' 'f'1oiky giv<'n t o th<' Chamber of Com- merce annuaJJy. I have fought the Council dnwn from$ 18.000 in 1952--53 to $12,000 this yt'ar. The people ha\'c a cha nce ill UU. election to put a curb on this outrageouR 1pcnding of their tax money. By signing petitions thf'y have plnccd nn t..be lbalJot. in •pile of an unwilling council, PropQ.1,ution J'l;o, 2.. a limit of $2.400.00. This a.tnount "·ill co\•er the actu•I ad. fti"tiliinc they have done for the city, in the p:u1t but ..-i ill not pay for over~aala.rieti, expen~ acoounl11, rent. etc. s.cb ~ ahou.ld be paid for by Cha.mber of Commerc• daea and not by taxp&y@ni° money. • What have they done fot you with y t>ur t.a.x money! ru teU you. They h<l\'C built a politic&! machine that ha.a been able to elect .one of their director& to the Council. Tha t is just a start.er. They have in the coming election a complet• slate of C. of C. candid&tea. Bennett. in the No. l may truth• runy at.ate that he la not a member. They s hould make him an bonorvy !IM!mbtr for glibly \•oting 515.0CHl of your tax money lut ye&r, and f ighting for $14,400 and finnlly scttrlng for $12..000 OU. )"U.r. And what buffinc1111 is he in? The mo"· iDg buainns. in which. of counc, he jjl:ets the fi~t money apeot by a new-comer. Wilder is carrie<l R" A. me mber -de- linqaent in paying lhia ye.11.r'11 due11 fhiff o"·n 11tatement nf Janaary, l~I. Limit them at the fl"llM ~farch 15th. \'OTE ''YES" ()If PROPOSITION 2 -\o.OTE "NO'' ON 1 and 3. 1 aJ.o found that the pre\'ious Counr1I hart "fnrJi:'l\'Cn" t..be city'a ~~· on the Bay \\'1ndow, :ind made> it not onlv rf'tro- aci.ive but in effect f1\'e mf)nth11 aftc-r thrv wl'rc> r,ut of nffir,c. Tbd COuJd have bttn thl': rf"ffUJt r.f frN" fl(>mt>f'rRhiJlll to lhe e.Jboa Bay Club fo r City Off1t111l!11. t-:0.;timatrd k1s11 to the aty -it.soo.oo. 1 could ha\·e been a rubber st amp f1Jr the "<•Id g uard" end promole'd harmony 1n the cnun1·1l, but nnt onr ,,r lhc a~ changes -ould ha\'t> bo ·t:n m ntll'. Thc'l'l' 1)1 m•Jre t ri be done.. I . aolicit your \'Ole ror councllma.n 1n JJiMttict 6 -lludll 15th_ . ;-· Andrew W. Smith ~ COUNCILMAN, INCUMBENT-CANDIDATE IN DIST. b Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 LIGAL NOTICp , N'n NOTICE OP' ilALI: or KEAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AS A. V~Tr AT PIUVATE 8AU: N•. A·IMll In th• Superior Court ot the 8tate of Calttomle, In and for the County of Oranae. Jn the a.«attu or the !:at&l4t of ARTHUR C, LElTER, DeceaMd. HoUce la bereby given that the \lnd•r•IJned will · aell at private .. 1e, to tbe bt1tie1t and b .. t &111! dar, eubject to conrtrmauori ot Mid 8upertor Court, on or after the lltl\ day of March, 19M, a t the otftce of l'RED L. BROWN, JR., en South 8prtnr Street.. LO• An· c-•lea 1', California, County of Loa Ansalu, St.ate of California , •11 the rlcht, Utle and lnterut of NEWPORT HABBOR NEWS..PRF.88 Every Monda1 and 'rbundaJ COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays "- 1 Paper % Papen S Papen •• 15 1.50 l.00 C.:outal &bopper C'-lfte4 Alla -rm .. ~ .. ...., or TltttnNIAJ hlllk!attoa Ml.NI.MUM AD 18 t LINES A.ll ClllNlfted Ada muat be ,.ad fN' c..a la Mnw of .. '11k9Uom NEWPORT HARBOR P lJllU81UNO 00. till 11&19-Blvd., Newport ....._ Calllenda. Mid deceued al the time of death --------------------------- and all the r11ht. Ulla and lnterut DJCADUNES for placbl1 or cancellln&' ad9 an: that t.be emte o f aaJd deceued For MondaJ Publication -Monday • Lm. hu ac.qwnd by operation of law J'or W~Mday PubUcallon ._ TU..S.y I p.m. Special Notka or otherwl• other that\ or ln ad· For Tburada1 PubUcauon -~edn..claJ 1 p.m. dltion to that of aa1d dit: at the ttme of death, In anci ' lh• certain re&l and peniorial rty . A !!~~~~-.. ~t!JPii~111ente.~~-·-1 ts-81nalloM ·~­ FOR RENT · Stull 8aw•. Elec:. onu.. Pollaben, aD type. ol S&Dden, WbMlb&r· rowa, etc. BOYD•s HOWE. X30 W. COAST IUQBW At:, l.Aerty ~. Newport ~llttc ,...._.__... AJcobolic:a A.nonymPQ8 Write P. O. Boa Ml N_,art BeacJa. Ca1U. PboDe Barbor t796 RESPONSIBLE couple will manag:e apartment bouee in retlarn for rent. Refer- ences fumiabed.. Bond if ~uired. WRITE Box P-28 th1a paper. 4tf COMP.ANION-SecreUl'ry -Some pracUcal nunln1. Have manu- ecrtpt uperience. Middle •clod. trH to travel, have own car. But .of referencu . U 8-7013 or P . O. Bo• 418, Newport Beach. 20p22 WANT mendlnr A minor alter&· lions on men'• clothlng. 128 • Superfluous Hair 43rd St . .:.. Newport Beach 2op22 Pennaneotb' removed from race • 1""' arma, lep. Eyebrow• and hair ll:FFJCllllN~omlH mendlng' any Un. abaped-No more tweemnr . and •II kinda. My home or ICLLEN I.. BRT~T R. J:. youra. 11.26 pu hour, t a .m. to l>Udo'a Salon ot Beeuty ear. 2871 _s_p_.m._u __ a.._s_ooe_. ____ 20_p2_2 tto %9;-Rele wutect . . _ ... -01RL8 - U>ST -Mala red Cocker Spaniel. Good News· •ltwate· In the City of Newport Beach. County of Oran1e, St.ate of Calltom Ja. particularly tkKrtb- ~ u followa. to-wit: y Newport Harbor B. P.O. E . 1767 The boat Apache, offlcial No. 10 yra. old. Jl'amUJ pet. Corona ~1 .947, is being eold.. Pre-del Kar, reward. Har. 669eiac2o Good jobe - Good Mlarr - with frequent tncrea.I'• -eent all bi.lla to Frank Sim· -Opportunity for advancement. - Soma openln1a now tor youn1 women In Newport Beach omce: Lot 23, Block 18 of SecUon "B," Newport Bt'ach u llhown on map• rec:or~ In Book 4, pa1e 27 of Misc. Mapa, Re· cord• of Orange County, Call· fomla, the 1treet. addrea1 of which 11: 1816 Weal Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Call· fomla, torether with the ml1c. bou•hold tum1ahln1• loca ted tn aald re1ldence, to be 110ld a. a unit. Meet. every Tbunday 8 p.m. VI& Oport-0 -Central Ava. on Auociatea, Berth 205A FOUND -Ladiee watch, owner or P. 0. Box o~..i Wilming-can ha,,. -• by payln.I' tor ad. ~ Llbl'rty I-Mt:!. 2lp TELEPHONE OPERA. T 0 R 8 , CLE.R.IC.AL WORKERS (with typln~ ability). Terma of 1ala . .c.uh .In law&ul monfy of the United Statu on confirmation of aale, or part cuh and balance evidence<! by note 11eeured by .Mortgage or Tru1t °'ed on the property ao aold. Ten per cent of amount bid to be ell'· po1lted with bid. Newport Beach Elwood Shell, Eu.Jted Rules.. 12-Bulld.lng Servlcm ton, Calif., prior to 10 a.m., March 4, 1955.. 19c21 WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garaqes, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -CQMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISjS in room additiou and remodeling for over 8 yra. FHA Terms -No Down Payment T .n...rtu A-!'i7R.."t VT-..-. .. 1 .. 3-A274 A7n1A U>ST-Ladl ... modernt.Uc pl&U· num. diamond A ruby litUe t in· cer rinc. Reward. Har. 1823-M. 21c23 LOST Huge friendly b~ New- foundland d o g n a m e d "Smoky." Ph. LI 8~3556. 21c23 , H China Painting n.1 ud EYmtnc a..... OrdeQ Taken Now ,Apply 6U~ N . Main St., I Room 211) Sant.a Ana Monday thru Friday, 9-4 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 7ttc WOMEN wanted, temporary, lllx month.I. M-,11 pc>ftcarda. Grod handwrtUns or lyPeWriter. lk>x •7. W atertown, Mua. 18p23 DESIRE middle aged lady or pen· aloner to cook tor Hml-lnvalld lady, In exchan1e tor comfor· table home, board A •mall wagu. Har, 1877-W. 19p21 YOUNG MAN tor &tock work Bid& or orter1 to be In wrll\nf and Will be l'fCl'iVt'd at the a fore• • aaJd otrlc:e at any time arter tht __ ...,._l'fib"c•!!8ft'"'nn~• anu ""''V'"' date of aale. --''---------------·-----------• -.._ •v ••a.a uu11 •au••~•"'•'•,..._. --- Dated t h\1 18 day oC February, lllM. l.ORINO A. LEITER Executor of the E•t•te FRED L. BROWN Allom l'y a t Law 4121 South Sprln1 Street Loa Anitelu 14. Callrornl• VAndyke 8238 No. 1296 . Nf'Wll·Prt'llll 2 24 , 3/10, 19:\6 n :RTfnCATJI: ot~ Bl'SI SES~ FIC'TfTJ01'8 FIRM ~AMF. Thf' un1lrulgnrd do hf'rf'by lt'r· t iry that they are condu.-tlng a bo1tl bUlldln~ 11n1l rr p11lr buslnt'M al 2:.!6 · 21Al Slrri>t. Nf'wport Bn ch, Calltornlll, under lhl' Clrtl· t1oua rtrm namf' or ACKEHMAN BOAT WORKS ancl that Hid firm la M mro•r•I ot the followlng pt'r· aona. whOil' n11mP1 In Cull and place• of .... ,.111enN1 ar .. a• tollow•. to-wit C'LARF:Nt 'J-: F~ A<'·KE~IAN 120~ \\" BMll>oa BlvJ 1"f'Wport ll•·Ac'h. ~·11t1f GJ-:~~VA ~ ACKE~MA S 1:!0:1 \\" 11Mlhoa Blvd. Generi Contracting ~-~ Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA terma. Reaidential and Commercial Free Eatimatea and Plan Service C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-7576 10-BUAlnflM Gulde -----·--------Mechanical Sweeping Service PARKJNG LOTS, •UPf'r market.I. Orlvf'·lna, etc. Ralu by week or month. House Plans CARPENTRY !Otte COAST SWEEPING SERV. 1925 Harbor Blvd., Coal& Ml'la Llberty 8-:1641. 21c33 MINOR REPAIR WORK -------------A..-J114w,..t. --ReJCStae-SCFio~~~~~~~ NUR8D\T SCHOOL TEACHER in Santa Ana •anted, part Ume. experienced only. Written appllcaUona con· KEN A WOlll:N prepare ln .,,are •ldl'r'l'd. Write to lllO J:ut l!llh time for anMmtt.ell opportunttJ• St., Coeta Me.a. • :ZOC22 tn Real Jl:llt.at.e. N"' cia- weekl;r. A.I Tyler tutnaet:tnc. A~ TYPIST • atl'no.; ateno • bk'kpr. tend ftl'1lt -1111 tree and 1.-.m bookkHpln1 mach. opr.: male about thi. ,,_t fteJd. CaJJ or m~enance; marine palntenJ: ~now for lllformaUoa.. Bu.at· Electronic'• technician; Several -Jnatltute, '1.6~ N . 8yca-Uve-tn hou.aakttpen, cook•. more. Kl S.:17:53. 7'ttc June Farrar Agency PO'M'ICRT BertnnJ.n&' claM Mon. EMPLOYMENT • 6 Wed. 1CH2 Lm. Calif. Cert. t02 ~ • 32nd., Newport Beach lnatruct.or. 181 So. Cout Blvd., (A.croH from City Hall) t.acuna Beach. 19p21 -----------~ Roy's Maintenance a-cleu!D&'-noor wu.tnl' Wall wuhlnc-wtndow cleanln1 Velld.lan bUndL Upbc>Wtery 1-lred. rr-z.tlmatu Ubert1 6-lSU. lttc Experienc• d gardener MAINTENANCJC MAN to bead department.. llxper1enced. Good pay. BALBOA BAT CLUB. Pbona LJ .. 2211, uk t or Mr. ReeN. 20c22h BOAT painter or p.tnttta helper. Apply at SERVICE AFLOAT. Harbor 0771. 20ttc REAL ESTATE Mluman. Mu.at. h&ve CaJJfomla Ucuae. Apply In penion JO • 4 a.t 419 Eut BaJ. FIREWOOD nllZ DELIVD 1' Dry wood, 141" • I•" ...,ui. Call B. & 8TAOO PIM>ne H&rtx>r lOH ll':venlnp Harbor 63tl tttt GO% OPT on BoyNn paint.a and SUlen enamel while aupply laat.a. Barp1na In UMd bniahea. 02 • 32nd St.., Newport &.ch. Phone B&r. 2838. 18c27K Fresh Hearing Aid BA TTD\IE!! - We Gin BAH Green Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. MaJn St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 616. 98Uc WESTINGHOUSE elec. at-Ova, tut unit.a 1100. Kelvtnator retrl1 .• 9 cu. rt. wi!A freezer compartment IP6., Terry Rambl•r 11 tt. trlr. on Newport lot. e•cellent cond. Pb.. «lmbl'rly 2·9660 daya or Harbor •931-W evea. 20c22 Automatic Washers RECONDmONED FULl..Y GUARANTEED ABC-O·MATIC .... -······-·······I 89 GENERAL ELECTR.IC -······ 911 KENMORE _ ..................... -....... 111 BENDIX •.........................••.•.•••...• 79 ECONOMAT ·······-·········-··-·-79 moR ........ ···························--11.9 and 3:5 othen1 from which to ch ooae LOW MONTHLY TERMS JESS.EE APPL.I.ANCE COMPANY 1013 S. Main, Santa An& Open 'Ul t p.m. 2oC2:! 19!16 O'KEEP'E .. MERR!Tl' ranre. The bit'. CP all a utoma· Uc. C10CA._l_~f· cnrvme tOv-• anouie, ?..li0lria""'"l11"CT0p • ~u broiler. Ullt'd 1 mo., pd. dn. to 1188. No dn. PY!Jlt., juat pay the pymta. or $11.M per mo. Bee Bau1 hn• .A olt S Warehouae, 220 8 . Main, Sant.a Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 8-7201. REP'RJGERATOR apl. •lu, e cu. rt. Xlnt. cond. $410. Rheem water aoruner. Nearly new. U 8·4941-0. 111p21 11154 HOTPOINT rerrt1erator. Bt1 12 cu. fL two-door, aut.omaUc defr09Un&'. ahelvea In <,toor. ll'a new but. pd. dn. to 12&8. from a:IOO. Cuh or pay t.he pymta. of $13.26 per mo. 1 ..:; • Baughn• A A 8 Warchouae, 220 8 . Maln, Sant.a Ana Ope 11-. Kl 3·7201 . Washina Machine edv1ai 1-year suaranlte on Jobe dona 1111d on UMd wuhu• 248114 (rear) Newport Bl .. Coata MM&. Liberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. 64Uc l\'.twp<1rl BNwh. Culll. Wlln .... ~ nur hand this 211rt day 12-BuOdlng Se~ Painting. Decorating NO JO B TOO 8JIALL H. o. A.K-u 8-9066 eo.t.a Ill-UUc _ LANDSCAPING boa Blvd.. Balboa. 20c22 -------------1954 NORGE wuhtr, a Ut-OIJ'laUc puah button, big tub, agltalor, overflow rln11e. Uud 2 weeka. Pd. dn. to $158.94. No d n. pymt., Juat pay t.he pymi. .. or 18.66 per mo. or "~"bl 11ary 10:.:. ~ 1·t,AHl-;NC"fo; F: AC'KERMAN '" r.r.:-;r:VA =--At:KJ-:RMAN Pai>er Hanging "A•stt and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 18c2tK »-Ml8ee"'"fl0'" for l!We ANTIQUES. uaed turnllure, bric· •·brae, powtr tool .. old clock•. lamp•, plcturu, old china, cut rta.u. baby turn.. mt.ac HTA'rF: 1 11<' l'Al.IF"OR:-11 \ 1 C'Ol":\"I \ IW 1lllA:->1';J-GEO. BURKHARDT VENETIAN BLIND LIC&NSED, esper1enced aklpper a....U.bJe. Pb Bar. llfi-W after • p.Dl. 19p21 •s• Wt:EN~ED t..'ONTRA.t.'"I'OR <W 1111• 2'•l •Jll\ "' F"bflJ:of\' 511 3Ul.11 St .• Newport ee.cb LAUNDRY A l' 1 h','\ h· I• 1 • n11•. R00F:RT Har 241 8· w or LJ 8-8'32 Uc BUY. SELL A TRADE. Vlait Charlie Davia' (larre new •to~) 1806 E . .Anaheim Bl., Long Bch. Phone 8:\0-J39. 20c22 ~e Baur hn• A • S Warehoulf. 220 S. Ma.In, Santa Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. '" \\'11.1.~I r. .. II ~11!01 v I''""" In """ !t1r f'l•' .•\•t c· Ut''\' nnd ~t"'" 1•·~··lo!'1 1 t11•ro tn 1!•11\ c'Mnml •~l'ln- 111·t IH~il •W1•tn tu•t ·~OllJI\ Af!p•'l"t'•! l "f.A HF:.'f'P. ~'. /\l"l<r.:l?~A'\ nn1I r~';''\'I\ :>; /\f't:l''H\l t1~: kno\\n PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 27:1 Pe.lrn!'r St.. Costa Me• 1·111>1111 t...lb .. rly 8-2928. 87Ue "'rt ,., .. tw th rw 1JrrtnnJi1 \\h•""' - ------------ nnn1f'JI 11r<' 1<11h '"'Ill"•' I r• th1· v. 1th· Painting & Paperhanging "' 1n.1i-11rn•111. on 1 or•kno"·l,.d l!!'rl We do the work ourselves. to ow lhkl lh••v l'J<1•r11I• •I thr '"""" In w1lo•••• ""''"""'I tn\lr ,,.,,. umo .,,.t """ hnnrl nn11 11ff1>crrl on• • <;'!11'1111 """' lh .. ''•"' ""'' \•'Ill in lhtl! c·~1 •H•r ..... ,,,..., Ah<!\"" wrlft,.n • H<1l!F:RT F' \\"JI.I ME:~ :'-I,. 1 ',,rnnH<.<1,.n l"oeplr"• "'"'' n t-~r Ill 1"'1", :"• l:l"'· :10 y4"11rs E'X]>l'rienc• L1t·entt<I .fit In.sured. Sstl11factwn .:uarantttd. E•llmates tree. Call J ohnnie, L1 8-268i & LI 8~5289 81Uc ASPHALT TILE LlNOLEU~ • :'l.··,~·Pr"•• .' J4 '1 :I. 111 17 1p-.•, t tn!ot11ll the a b<J\'r chtaJ)t'r than most. Al110 1!('11 Ttle It. L1nol1"um :->eon-union. 2~ year11 e~~n,nce. Com1•are .rn•J l'l't' -- C"P:RTtf"l(" \Tf: tit-" n.-......... ~~ f"l fT ITIOl"I' t"Tn 'f "-'\fr. Tt .. 0 0 1 1•1 '"!'n•·rl ,, h, 1 ···hv r rrllf\" lhAt thP\" 11r,. r nnt111rllncr 11 r nrklnl\' Int -·,.rplnl!' l!"rvlr" hll'I· ""'"< 111 1"211 H 111 twir Rh•11 r n•tll M· • 1 rn11r,,r-n111. ''"''"r ti'" rtr tt· 11nw• f1 1111 n~rnr n( r'"!A~T ~\\'F.F:r1:-.·1. ~r.rtvtrF; 11n11 th11t •11 111 firm I• • ""'""q"tl ftf th,. fn!· 1nwln1: J"'• •nn• wh""" """'"' In full 11nr! rt ... ~• 1of rr•Ji!rnr" 11rr A~ folln,\.•. ln-wH Rf'Hl'\AHD '· ni;;1.1. :ms 111- llHI I /\vr•nu'" Aalhnn r1111fornln RALRnA TRA N~FF:R rn " r.HtTNP,R~Hl T' (, (' AF::-INF'T'T' and 1 • F M••'-"'IF:L. 1 MI \\". R11I· hna Rlwl ~. wrnrt Rr 11rh. C"11ll· fnrn111 Wltnl'~ll 0 111 h" nil11 I 11111 2nl1 day nr MaT'\'h. 19611 ,., BF;R:<\ARO L BF;U. RALR0A TRA?"\SF'F.R ("() A PART i"1'RSHIP Ry B' r. (' BF:N;\'E"JT ST.ATE flJI' <'AUP'OR!l:lA l COUNTY OF' ORAl"OE Iv Ot th111 2nd da\" of M11rrh . A. 1' 19~. ~for.-m,. ROBF:RT F WILLMES. a l'lio!Ary Public In ~ t or the •Aid C"o11nty and Stall'. no· afdtnJ thl'rl'ln. l111ly rommlN lnnffi anif llWom. P"nwmally 11pp•'11rrl1 BJllRN.A RO L BELL and G C" Bll:NNP:J'T known to me to bel thr perann1 wh~ nllml'll a re 1ubtlcrlb· BU..L COKER L1 8-6204 7lfc CARPEN TER Repair Work Ooea Your Home r\Hd Repa1r1nc or Remodellne ! Call Frank, Libuty 8~9!14 All Work Guaranteed 74ttc COMPLETE PAfNTlNG & Papor Hanging Service F;UGENE O. S AUNDERS llOO ~!st Street, Newport BHch Harbor 297S-J. UcM CUSTOM Buirder of Homes and Boats 0 . Hom~r Hargrovr , LI 8·5770 , 12c28b Exp. Gardener Yard Clean up -.RetflUltln&' Lawn Malntenanr" Ph. L1 8-34189 or U 8-4* ltpll PAINTING PAPE!\ ·HANGING RNldenO&I ... Commerd al Worti Ucen.11'<1 Contra<"tor• Le.xlnrton S-4948 collt'rt. ~ to th• •·lthtn jn111 ruml'nt. aJHt Call acltnawledgtcl tn mt th11t thry ••ecut.ed the u.me J8pp30 In wltnua whl'reof. I have hr re· anto •t'l my hlUld and •ffllttcl my etnctal waJ I~ day and yfar In Ull9 CettJfk ate nMlt a~VI' wrtttf'n /a/ ROBERT f•. W1LLM!:S My Oomml•Jlon ll:Jrplru N~mbt-r 141, IPM !'fo. 12118 J>o: ..... J>ru• 3 3, 10. J T, 24. Jl\M PAINTING Painting le Paper Hanging' "The Best Money Can Buy" ~i'!!~~~~!a~~!:r PHONE HARBOR 240. Uc wm com• to your bonM, take down your wnellan bllnda. l&lle U- to our laundry. lAUDdtt UM&latl, tapu, corda. .-parklln1 cleaa with our new machine J>l'OCffll melhod. ~lum your bllnda and re-ln1t..a.11 them ln 2t boun Price Vl'ry ~ble. 'JlM a ft'l'- ag-e 2 tape relddellUal blind- Only $1.00 We aJao repalr and rebuild 'n'n• Uon bllntla. .AU wortr done by ap- pointment. Phone DOW Uber1,J ~701 or Klmberl1 J..127t. ppttc Alterations RESTYLING Kim of Calif omia 212 Mar\lle Balboa Ialuid Harbor 3481 18p30H nu.. baby llilten avallabla !or n-ealnp Pbcne Llbert1 8-2722. 10p2lb KAN A WOK.A.N Will do reneral ~ork, floor waxing, win· dow cleaning. rut worker., H. H. HOLBROOK While. lM E. ~ •t.. Coat.a MARTIN 60; 1 hp. outboard, 1416. Wizard 12' boat. w llb oara, 117:5. Chrta Cratt a· dln1hy, ntier11 ... on bolt.om, 176. Trailer, 140. Paddl•board, '6. Webtlt.er wire ncorder, port model, '6(1. Arc weldn , CrattMnan, 75 a.mp., 155 Llbt-rty 8-2632. 18ttc 1000 Buaineu carda $3.~ BOOK MATCHES L. W. WHITE BENDIX waaher, no ptumblnf connecUon1 neceaeary, cutoni available. ExcrUent cond. $3!1. Harbor 0461·J . 20c21 GOOD USED REFRIG. Med. 1lu, MW motor unit 125. -614 Be· l'onla, Corona del Mar. Harbor 3974-J. 20c22 1955 O'KltEFE A MERRITI' ranee. Kl&h broller, chrome top. Pd. d.n. to l 1S9.!18. No dn. pymt. See Ba~hn• A olt 8 Warehou1~. 220 S. M&ln, Santa ..Ana Open 9.9 Kl 3-7201. DEPENDABLE PLUKBING Kua. u t-2"3. pptt A Pnmlpt WANT CHILD CARE by the Wffk. L1 8-4011 (Evu. u 8-516<1) ppUc WESTINGHOUSE a u l o m a t I c -------------wuher, brand ne.w: uncratt'd Rapa.tr Senrtce Malata!Md Permanent. Ow1l tran.port.aUon. Pbone: Bartlor "24 Refermee.. Phor\4 Bar. 3-U8-W. UOl Balboa BlYd.. Newport Beac11 ( 2lp ... -~~~~~~ ......... ~~~ -----PAINTER HAULING WANTll WORK. 15 ,..,. ~r1- ANY KIND-TRASH OR .? encia. Non union. Hourly. Liberty a.2722. 20p2 Lh A n)'thlnl , A..a,Jw1Mre Scratch Removing Yard Maintenance and Furniture Refin.lahlnc Phone UbertJ .. 21'0 Phone Uberty 8-2145 PPl'J' Movie Proiectors J'OR RJ:NT .. MM 141-MM a&-MM HOBBT at1d MODEL A.JRPl.>JofE 8UPPUES ALSO Gel1l'r Counten tor rent Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd., C09ta M~a Phone Liberty &-7042. PT U but never delivered: 1199 cuh or ta.Ice payment• ot only $9 ~ .nonlh; pay only aalu tall down; we Will wt&U and f'Jve l ·year ruarantee FREI!:. JESSEE · APPLIANClil OOMPANT 1013 8 . M&ln, Santa AnA Open 'lit 9 p.m. 20c26 Experienc'd nrdener LANDSCAPING 80pllll MANLEY POPCORN MA· e __ o_u_s_EW_O_RIC ___ and--c-oo_k_l-ng-.-11-ve CHINE. Very Reuonable. S2-Fumlture fo r Sale In. -LaJnrton S·2e28. 20p22 Harbor 728. 20c22 and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~ PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good J,ocaJ r.fermcea THOMAS COLL P'or tr.. ..Umate. call KI T-15'1. 21pUJa HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY Nnr lawn, reuoaabM or DO IT 1'0UR8ELr-Wll TILL .. OR.A.DI!: t"OUI\ ar;m AND ROLL UNDER OUR OtJID. A.NC&. -U .. 1:.2. 10c22B General Contracting R.EPAJ.Ra. ~, a.nd alter&-· t1oe work. RelllCS.Ual and c:om- cnerdal lluUdinp Q\&MltJ won OuarantMd BM IUl d&1' KM • .Meo-J nu tilt• ROTOTlLLJNO, rmonuni, ftrtll· 1&1n1 • g-eneral yard clean up N•w lawn1. Harbor 2191-J . JUJU. CONNORS. 20p22 BABY CRJB. Kant Wet maltre111, s-ood cond. Boye 20" Schwt.nn blkt'. -354 Broadway. C-Oata ~fee&. 2lel3 The More You TELL, the more you SELL! 8-u--.,... Mked •\\1'7 do yoa .a. lew ' U-for a llllal11nu11 dMelfted ad!" \\"11 bl'lle,.e ... of UM! ~ :Sf!W'A·'"'-9 dualftfld ada ani c•tomarilJ •-rat le~ -we ~e the adtt"'9t!r .. ,tn -,.._ llllennaUot1 • Mil ad. "UM• few adJl!<'tln• ••• -.upawt ... •fMa4e pnoe • •• .. Gin •-u-... .......... boU. ...,._ • photw" We 8lw&Ta ad.t.e. &apel1ellce Ma ,,..... "'1'M Mon JM TltLL, t~ -.~ JOU 81:lL !" 8o wtlea 1-....,, f"Oftl,,,.._S yoar Ml, ''" .. ... ..,._, ..... ,.. ... UiM "111 ~ _,.....oa u,... .................. ,.. ... CAIL llAK.BOa 1111 ... Miii few U. AD-TAD& • MA KOG. TABLES, chut11, drrl\I'• u, duk, bookt·a8f>tt, b•'•'· b<liot 11prlng matlrf'lllJ,. maple dre111,.r. flat •tl'rllng-. l'htna mlrron, wicker Mt. all r l'aHon1bl4' - HYatt •-7JO . , llle21 111:'>6 WEDGEWOOD rnng~. The big deluxe CP sit automatic, chrome top, c-r1d<lle .\ lh•t rral nlce JrlU broiler. I'd. dn. to 11418.77. No cash dn , Ju•t J"QY the pymt.a. of S!l 10 pl'r mo. See Baughn• A A S Wurhou~. Z20 S. Main. 811.nta Ana O('l'n 9 . 9 Kl 3-7201. COMFORT ABLE 0 v e r I l u r t t d chair, $20. Ph.· Lt 8-71:,0. 20<-22 TWL'I SIZE lnnH11prln1t ma ttr'"' and boll apnnr:. Hollywood tr VflTJ ru..onabl•. 2li04 H:'Olld St , Nnrport Ht-11bu, w 9.3:,3r. 20/'22 MOVING, MUST Sltt.L. Laundra- rn.at. J'ri&1daJre., O'Kef'te A Mtr- r1tt at.off, dble. bed, mattru• A boa llJIC1ftp, blonde headbo.rd . Rattan M\ \nc!Udlnl 30"' ll 30" slaM iop brldsa table. 4 .i1M chaln1 lll'ld pad•. l uphol11ter,.d cM.lr, no. lamp. CaU Harbor Itel. toc.22 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PASE J. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 SPECIAL SALE MUST SELL TO CLOSE ~TATEi Old walnut p!antation deak, old walnut kitchen eup- board, old walnut drop leaf table, • poater bed. e&11o pet.a, davenport It chain, wicller furniture, old lhut- tere, marble top table, cut glue, farm bell. bru. • copper, mirron, lamp ahades, cheet ot drawer-. trunk, paintinp, cooking utenaila, odda Ir enda. REAR GARAGE. 346 No .Cout Blvd., Laguna Bch. 20c22 S2-FunaJture for Sele Mesa ..__Woodcra# Thrifty Buys at BaY. New itema just received -New All hemlock Ii ae.mi·bardw'da_. Bar 1tooll, hdw. Saltm nn .. " .. Drop lid deak, nnut con1t. 121.9!1 .. ..... .... . ... . .. .. . J!l 81 Wardrobe, ~l2x24 .. ... sum Comer cupboard, n x 78, ,1 ... doora ......... .. . ........ 27.~ Headboard•, Colonial, mod e r n. •with 11lding doora 13..60 A up • drawer 28" chut., top drawn divided . .... ...... .. . 21.00 Utility chest. A cupboards, for bathroom •kitchen 8.95 A up Many Stzea to Chooae From. 2121 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Mesa Llberty 8-18t5 195!1 PHlLCO refrlg., big two-door, automatic defrost, •helve. In dOOJ', two ve1, crl•per1, adjuata- ble ahelvca, evrrythlnJ. Pd. dn. to 129t .71. No caah dn., juat pay the pyrnt•. of $16. per mo, See Bau1hn• A A 8 Warehouae, 220 S. M&ln, Sant& Ana Open 9 . 9 !Cl 3·7201. CHESTS, bed, dinette aet. Uv. rm. cha.Ir, etc. -621 ~ Carnation AVI'., Corona del Mar. Harbor 079-R . 19c21 ?.' .. ~~~I.•. ~dw. Sal~m. ~-,:~; • w. nr. lamp, plu tJc llhade 17.9& Cricket chair. eolld maple 11~.60 TV chalra, trlne rnnr .. 116.:\0 :\ pc. bridge •<'!. mttal l«"g• 119.96 Swivel a rm roc:ken .. .. 129 9$ Mod. dt'llk, 1ln1e oak or dark flnlah, .• $29.9!1 :5 pc. chr. din. ael. foa.m rubbl'r nat ch11lra . .. 157.00 3 pr. maplt betlroom ~roup, e 11r. dble. dt«'Mtr, mirror bookc:a11e htadboard . . .... 187.:>0 4 dr. che11t1 walnut, m aple, blonde fi nish . . .... Slll.9& 2 P'-'· •e<:t. with cor. table 1119.50 2 pc. bed 111van •et.11 .. .. ... $88.00 3 pc. mod. woo11 am1, Provincial Uvmr room group . . 1139.60 Sora-bed with full 11tze lnMraprtnr matt N!lll, pure foam rubbar cua· hlon .. .. 1187.00 BAY FURNITURE l!l. 17t.h St., Coat.a M ... t 1964 NOR(LE rdrlprator ~ 1't7 ~ i<J:lb. rte"al'•:'r~m..,.._.~..._-,...._.~...,.&rilt...,. _ _..__,_~- •utom•Uc d•froat. The very but one. Shdvu ln door, roll out 1helvu. tf.to vrg. crtapen. Il'1 bnuid new, but pd. dn. t.o 1279-23 from ort1. 1429. No cult dn., juat pay IH.21 ~r mo. See Bau1hN A A S Waret\OUM, 220 8 . Main, Sant& A.na Open 9·11 KI 3-7201. DAVt;NPORT, turquotae A &liver upho)ltered, Ilk• new 1100. Harbor 3813-J. 20p22 P'rH Btore-1ld• parklnc-Term• OPf>n Evu . "tit 8 FREEZER, dHp frttu, It"• the bll 131, cu. rt. color lntertor, holda 620 lb1. food. It'• brand new A lt'a really a buy. Pd.. dn. to 1248.32 f rom $4410. CUh or pay the pymta. of $11.31 per mo Su Bau1hn1 A olt 8 WarehoUM. 220 8. Main, Santa An& ~ t -9 KI 1-7201. ---IS-Boat.. hppllee HERE'S A VALUE ! FREE INSTALLATION on all new CHRYSLER marine engines pure.hued from Feb. 21st thru March 7th lnclulve FROM Industrial Marine Engines Int THIS Includes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials. Crowns. Crown Specials & Imperials. EXAMPLE-BRAND NEW Chrysler Ace sells for $1095 (plus sales tax) F .O.B. your boat . This is the total cost to Y.OU placed in your boat ready to enjoy. This special off er includes : 1. Preparing engine beda, • 2. Aligning and bolting down engine, 3. Connecting and !urniahing all part. for wa- ter ayatem 4. Connecting and furniehlng &JI engine wiring, 5. Connecting throttle and clutch control En&ine and installation c.anie• 1-yr. ~ All work done at our shop Be rth 205A Cerritos Channel Engine show room and newest, !inNt, ttelt •nice marine hudware •lore in thi• area. 804 East Anaheim St .• Wilmington All engine types & models In •tock. Financing available. All in•taJlations aubjcct to approv&l of our marine engineer, A. M. "Gus" Walker Industrial Marine Engines, Inc. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington, Calif. 2•-hour Phone Service TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 16p21 ~~t.."! ~~~p_n_~ I U-Boat.. ~upplleta __ _ 30-IT('Hl'l?.0 :-J Ell:pr•::-;~, WA~,;.;;I> -Trn1IPr to hauJ It ft. l HI Nordber1t with re•tur. Jo"lb,.r· motor b<1a1 . 112 Carnation, ~ r;IA.111•,.tl. Sit''-4 .Au.K. It""· 1on11. d,.I Mar, lla.r. 372~. 20pl1 o inghy, b11 ll 111.n\c. ~~·w•tt r1ulln, <:lt!Ul. a ~kjn1t $ ... ooo. tl<ubor SLIP R.ENTALS 2:1~14-W. KI 3-~37. 1&c24 SNOWBIRD r;•c•llf'flt throu~hout, :-:e'I" Dae· rein .. U.· IMled t.wtce, M60 H•r ..-.t>-J. JUdl Mutmum beam 11·, lenct.a. 19' A l.80 ROWBOAT ft.ENT A.Le AMERICAN L&GIOlf H.uL., l ltM It Bayfront., N..,.._ ..... Harbor 661. ' ..... t . I PA&E 4 • PAAT IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH l, 1955 M-at~ IW!oi a r v '370. 8UTS lovely tuU keyboard Spinet piano; rent&l lll:T'ORNS aaw I UU on beai,Jttftll 8J'lneta hkf' • nPW, ww1.1w.r, LNt.r, Fltcher, Knabe, Muon A Ram· hn, 80ID• Blonde Oak and kJem )taple. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bir Plano Ston. 1'>20 No. Main. S&nta An.a Honest TV Service STEVENS 6 SONS 11Tt Harbor, Collta M ... Ph 1....I'Mrty 8-2301 77pp-Uc l3P~ BUYS lovf'ly hlllf Baby Or11nd: olhera S.T&. $360, Ms.'\ f'l r. Story A Clark, Knabe, Wur· Jlta11r, Kimball 1n Salem Maplf'. IA-tltPr, McPhall. Alw1y11 100 plano11 to l"hOON troni. DA!"Z·SCHMJDT Bir Plano Storf', 620 N,,. M11in, Rant.a Ana SPECIAL March Spinet Buvs BIG BA VINOS lnclud1n1 Ktmt&u. Oulbran11en, Lealer a nd Wurtlt&· er 11plnet pL&llOI'. Libera.I trade Convenient tem'll al - SHAFER'S Music Co. (Sine• 19071 '21·4%3 N. Syca.morf', Santa Ana P hone KJmberly !·087% MINSHALL Oriana· f'lectronlc, 1 mahos.. 1 Blonde Oalc $876 up in sood condition. U11ed Solovox Oraan attachment to piano 11~. DANZ·SCHM1DT Pl1no • Or(UI Co. 620 No. Main, Santa Ana 120 Billi& P1ann Acrl'rdto111 $96. up. ~ MUSICLAN'S lNSTRUMEf"T! Lovely bungalow uprlgM piano 1n fine condition $296. Tenn• 130. down and $11.70 per mo. at BHAP'ER'S M ualc Co. ISlnt"e 19071 421·423 N. l'l,>•camorf'. Sanla Ana Phone Kimberly 2·0872 C-ONNSONATA Orran. JU•t tra d· ~d In. eave $400 on th11 1lmo1t new orran. DAl"Z·SCHM1DT Bl( Piano Store. :120 No. Main. Senta Ana GMC Trip le Checked Used Trucks '41 DODGIC ~1 T. PlCKUr '48 CHEV. 1,i T. PICKUP ... CHn. ~ T. PICKUr '&O 00001!; ~ T. PANEL '41 P'ORP P'-3 t •~ T. P1atbed '41 GMC 2 T. COE. 2 Speed 14 tt. Body, 1 :23 tires. Be1t the l&r(fllt volume trur k desl· er in Orangt: County f'lr l>f'~I wlectton or U•d tri1ck11. w~ carry our own rontrart.a. W. W. WOODS GMC D!:ALER 819·111 E . 4th St. Santa Ana Open Sund .. a .m, Truck beadquartera for Oranse ( o. ------------- Work Specials. 'U BUICK Sed•n ... ····-$ llO ''7 OLDS. 8 Sf'dan .. $29:1 'H PLYMOUTH Sedan .•. $180 '41 PONTIAC ll!lharp1 $4~ Terry's Buick O. M. A. c. Term• ~12 Newport Blvd . Npt. Beach Hubor 6021 CADILLAC 51-452 black • door. Electric w1ndowa • 11eat11. Cu11 .• lorn Sea t cov!'rl!. WS\V, new car condition. Besl '51 In Orang~ County. 11995. liar. 4927. 20c22 CADILLAC ':'>2·82 -1dr.. power 11tef'rtn1:. Hydra. R & H. 2 Inn" gTey. Clean MUST SELL QUICK $208!1. Owner HYstt 4·4312. (Call Sun.I 20c21 -~--------~·-19:1:1 CHEVROLET Bel Aire. con\'. hydra .. radio A. htr. W. W. tube· Ju11 tire•. $2695, terms. Liberty 8-1214. 19c24 HA VE beauWul S.ldvd n acroaonic ------------ Spinet. • yu. old. '60 CHEV. convert . R A. H. Po~·er WANT TO SWAP tor l'f&nd piano glide. Hood and deck filled. Phone Harbor 1098-l'of. Ute ALSO WSW. top • 11f'1l coverll all 60 USED pianos want~ for our ;:_ental depL Trade your old piano /oh nrw electric orcan, eplnet or rrand piano. Hlghut a.llowance. DAl"Z·SCHMIDT Big Plano StorP. t.20 :>:o. Main, Santa Ana TWO Wel)11ter 3 11peed record l'h&,ni;_..r~. wllh cartrldgl'I. Good Mnrlltlon, SIO. ~h. Har. 463. 20c22 $ti Rl!::-\TS J.tOO•I prutlce piano or hllV Ill $87, 191, $12:'1. MIM'O 1'p1nels 12:1:-, DA~Z-SCHXIDT Bi. Pl&Ao Store, IUO No. M&Jn, Sant& An• RE:'\'T an or,1an or piano wt th r•·ntal '" llprly on futun1 pur- l'hBae a l- l'llAIT.R'S Musi,. Co. 1Sml'• 1907\ 421-123 ;:>;. ~ycamorf'. Santa Alla r hrane K lmberly 2·0872 HAMMO:>;D o~ana. all mode.la. • ,,.,,.,t Ll'rml'. your old piano 1H·rrplert 1n ext"hangt F rf"e pr1c· lice. lry bc'fore you buy. nA:-:Z-SC'HMIOT Bl.It P lano A. Or)(an C'o, 620 No. M•ln. Sant.a Ana See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 C...:011.at Blvd., Coruna de.I Mu ( Th11den Interior Bid1.1 new In J uly. Harbor 4 IO:i. 20c21 1939 DOOGE'r-New rebuilt motor, good work car. L1 8-487~ atl"r 0 p.m. •. 17p21 MOVING -MUST SELL. 1948 Dodge club cpe. Almost new tires. excell. cond, 1276. H11rb<'lr 48t:l·J. 19c21 't>4 Jl'ORD CU1tom Ranch Wagon FordomaUc, R A: H. $208:1. \\'Ill trade d~.. 421 Morrung Can· yon Rl1 , C D. M. H11r. :162-t.J 21JC'l2 GOOD WORK CAR, 1939 FORD. R A L. Auto Clinic, 3100 Npt. Blvd. 20<21 ·~ FORD V-8 Cottom 2-door. R • H A O'D, 1poWfbt .. motor re- condJUoned. Good rubber. Ong1. nal ownn. 721 Mangold, Coron1L del Mar. Mom lng1 or alter o .30 p.m. 19<'21 '4i FORD CONVERTIBLE. Rt· built motor. Will sacrillce, $2~. 824 -11th SL, Hunting ton Beiu.h Ph. Lu. 8-3862. J 8p20 1964 FORD Country Sedan, turon4', Fordornatk, llllted riu.. ha&Ler. •·ply Ures. Ufel\l&J'd tubca, low mU-.,.e. Perteet eoncUUon. Prl· "•t.e party. $2390. Norma,n IJ. Orant, 30 Fremont St.. Lltlo Park. Newport Beach. 20p22 Hu. 3382 &e Uc 19~ FORD V-8 VlctorlL RAd10, 1.0VEL. Y v~li>r 11ptnt l r lano ln fin, ronct1t1on. UR~. Terntll, $&() tlown & $I mnnlh SHAF'EH'S ~IU~lC t:o. (Since 19071 421 -423 ;:>;. Sycamor<', Sant& Ana f'hcioe Klmberly 2-06>2. HAMMO:'\D C-hor•1 or.1tan. l •ll.1thl· ly 11,sed. Irk<' nrw. Yl\11 can play '' 1lhout a leaaon. T'tA :'\Z..SCH)tWT Bag Pla no Store, !'><!ll :'\o. ~lain, Sant.a Ana LOVELY Sl:.iGL.E manU&J MJn· llhall elf'<tronl<' organ, like new. .. ve $200 Li~nl lrl'd-C'""1· """l'°nl t"rm1 at - aHAFER'S ~lu111r C'o I SlnCf' 19071 01-U .J N. Syca.morr . Sanla An& Phone l<lmbf'rly 2·0672 . STETh"W AT Oranrl1 2, both In per· r-r t cl'lndtllon, Ma.hos • not ,.. built. won•'IMful lont . tut action tourh.. lovely Knabe aplnet In "bony tinlth, ean S230. AIM> Mn11an .ta: Hamlin eplntl like n~. f)A!l:Z·SC'lL\UDT Bil Pl&110 Store, fl2fl !'\o M8.ln. Sant.a Ana heater, Fon'lo. Power 1teert.ng Power brakes. one owner, $22(:1. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Meu Phone Llberty 8-M:'>l 20c22 ·~1 MEJ\C dub coupe. $700. 3901 Cout Hlgtiway, Corona dtl Mar al Kay F'lnch Ceramlt"a. Aak for c.o,.,.. ] Sc20 19~3 MORRIS Olllord atataon wqon, one owntr. Low mUt11at Strictly a <"&mper'a delight! 30 mil"• t o the g11llon' Sl31l!) Hausken Motors, Inc. 1P32 H&rbor Blvd., Coau M~SA Phon~ LJl><orty 8-60.''ll 20t-22 19'49 P01''TJA.C 8 CA'.lavert . i-oup ... R.ldlo. htr. Hydr1. w.s.w. t tru OM OWllf'r . ~:'iM Hausken Motors, Inc. 1132 Harbor Btvd .. Coit& Mf"sa Phone Ubf'rty 8-50:'>1 21k'22 fD.-Aat. 'C!" !We '52 Singer Sport Car 1950 Buick Special ONE OWNEJl. MOO mlll'• 189:'>. ' door adll.'TULL tQUTPMl:NT. Hausken Motors, Inc. $895. llW &ubor Bl¥d., COila Meu T errv's Buick Phone Uberty 8-!IOlU . o. >l A. c. ~"'" 40-A-nn. a Part.a 2812 Newport Blvd •• :-<pt. BHcll Hubor 6021 MOVING-must ..U Ul.la weeJt! 1952 Sulc.Jc Super RJY1era dyna· flow. R A H. Tinled rlua. ute- .-uard Urea. Vuy clean car. OD• owner. $142~. Har. f84W, 19c21 BY OW?\'ER; lO~ Bulc.k SpecW. coa•. '400 act.u&1 mil-m.try· thtq but •lectJ1c unlta., UT90. Bob P'Mne7, -7 N . Main. Baata An&. l tp21 -1963 OADll.f 4C eJ • dr. llf!dan. Leu UWi i e.ooo nU. l'owdfl' blue. J'UUy equJpt. 'nnu.d ...... ~ ltM1'111C wtnd-Jtn.. &Jr coadlttoaed, prtim.tum tJ,_ ur. l'Ml'd a:u.. C&U &r .... l~ I l Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. Courtney & Lester Ii 1* Nt190rt Blvd., Coet& MtM P11011m tanr 1 a..uM MP ( t' CHECK THESE USED CARS <18-Apts. & !fnu'!"-1!': !t!!l!.. J ~flB-Bo-.. few._. WILL U:A81C llY YEAR llEA· l BDRM FUR!" DUPLEX '~llh I SO!CABLE. N-untum. tronl flrepla<'f' 170 mo. "n lea.Ile. t 111. iharlex. 2 bdrma.,.. 11,·1n1 room, tttes extra. I kill.'hen. balh. praae. Will wll 1:e. •6lh SI., N""'·port. K•Y· Buy from a local dealer' who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he Hll1 TODAY! l·ROOM COTTAGE In Ba)'•hll' iitone 0•48iO. 19c21 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER A-1 ·used Cars Low, Low Prices Quality Dependability New Car Trade · ins Bank Terms '53 Chev Belaire 4-door WSW. Heater $1395 '52 Ford '48 Ford $295 '53 Ford '47 Fc;>rd V-8 4-dr. Sedan $295 '49 Ford ':.: Pickup \·.~ Bus. Cpe 6-cyl. 4.dr. Sedan $895 $1275 ·$395 '52 Ford '51 Ford '51 Mere V-8 Cu11tomline 2 dr Htr., F ordo. Victoria R & H, Fordo. Club Coupe R & H, Fordo. .. $1295 $1095 $1095 '51 Chev Fle<'tline Dlx 2-dr. R & H Powerglide '49 Chev Conv, new top R&H '46 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan $1045 $645 $195 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER 3100 \V . Coast Hiway, Newport Beach "ON THE MARINER'S MlLE'' LIBERTY 8-3471 JOHNSON & SON Gives a 2 way Protection Plan OD all bia Safe Buy Used Can 1.-3 day money back guarantee 2.-30 day written guarantee THJS GIVES YOU ADDED PROTECTION 49 Chev. Station Wagon 4 door. never sttn a cleaner one ---····-···············-S 799 53 Mere. Hardtop Coupe 17,000 Miles, a beaut -.... -.. · .. -·-····-··············'1799 53 Ford Club Cou{>('. One owner 17,000 Milea ... _ ...... ----····-···-·········$1t99 ~Chev. Bel Afr Coupe 16,000 M1lea, looks Like new ·····-·-····-···· $1699 52 Ford Victona: See this - It's extra. extra sharp -·-···· .. ·-·----·······-··$1499 ~ Lincoln Capri Coupe 13,000 miles fully loaded Looking for the cleaneat one in Calif.! This is it _ .. $2899 (. We give S & H Gften St.amps At JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN • MERCURY DEALER 900 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. LI 8-SM5 LOU REED CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1949 FORD 2-door Seda.n.. Light gray. radio, heater, overdrive. new. scat covers. A good dependable family car ···········-····-· S !595 19~ DeSOTO Spot'Uman -Cream colored. Radio, heater, WSW -············-·· ... .. . $ 99~ 1950 MERCURY ~oor $e4&n. Dark green. • A really fine car. In perf~t condition. at a very low price ·---····--········---.. ···· ... $ 645 . 1961 MERCURY Station Wagon. Overdrive. radio, wood ia in excellent condition. A very good buy ········-··-·········--·-····-· ... $1195 See These Cars at / LOU ~D Used Car Lot "Acrou from Port ·Orange" Barbor 6070 or liarbor 81 ' 40-Autoa and Trucks 40-Autoe and Trocka T railer Park W all ,,.._,... for yr. I.------------ a l m ~r month. THREE BDRMB~ 1"' bAtU. WI• rum. mod..rn, 90m. vt-. Oft W. E. Fisher, Realtor Avocado st. 1n Corona del Mar. Ye•rly on ltoue a t Ill&. moeth. 3034 E. Coast Hy. C'<>rona dtl ~b r Call Herbor l&OO. 1TUc H1rbl>r 2H3 Miller Chevrolet) ·Pre· S_pr~ng Sale We are giving such liberal trade allowances on new Chevrolets & Oldsmobiles that WE MUST MOVE 60 used cars IMMEDIATELY! 1953 Ford Conv. 1953 Chev R &. H. Fordo., WSW Tires $1695 23-FT. l.IVING room. 1 Mrm., till' 'tsll ~ower, with out1<111fl f'ntr&nre. Bathrm. 18x35. P11tlo &: BBQ. C'ompletl'ly furn. 1'!1111t bf' llffn lo be appredaled. H11r. 23~0-W. lP1·2t CHARMJNG iiP111·ly nf'w Pro\'ln· c1al rluplex 11nfum 1 bdrm . rrt· v11te g11r. ne•r bf'11rhl's. 11hopplng i-~nter .t: b1111. Hsr. :124f·J nr LI 8·4:18:?. 20tf BALBOA ISLAND-Taut)', alr.e hrame, f1niplu. 6 peUo.. ~­ •bl• to nkfl adult.a. DO peta. E'hone I...IWrt)' t-TeU. JlcJ3 CORONA DEL MAR--Ufttura. 2 bdnn. houM. 1 lllock eouU. of highway, n•'ar storM 6 U..tre. Phone Ll~Y MOK. llttc NEW 3 b4rm-unf\lm. home tor adult family. Only II&. INlllth. on 1-. Owner LI 1-&llT ...-. IOt.fo 1952 Cad 4-rlr. Sedan. R Ir H, EZ eye gln~s. WSW tires. 2-tone paint. 15,000 act. mi. $1345 COROf" A DEL MAR -Ful n. apt. N!:W ll bdrm. untum. home. •n on ynrly b&1111 or fl\!'Olh to mr. Monro\lla, CO.ta M-. ~· Fleet.wood 4-dr. All Cali. access.. new tubeless tires $[.141. rPnl. To *"" r all'f'1ti:morrla. 3•8288, lkJ\ Harbo1· 21!'1'.:'. 20<"33 $2495 1952 Chev Styleline 2-dr .. R It H $995 1952 Plymouth 2-dr., R & O'd. $845 1953 Mere Sport cpe. R & H. O'D. W ~ W Tires $1695 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-dr. Sedan $495 1950 Chev Conv., R & H, WSW Tires $645 1949 Buick Super Sedanette R & H. WSW $545 1951 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe, R & H Auto. Drive. new motor, new paint job $845 1949 Ford VS Cullt. 4-dr., R It H, O'D All original $545 1951 Olds ,OS 4-dr .. R & H. Hydra $1195 1953 Chev Station Wagon, R & H EZ eye glue $1695 1952 Buick- Super Rivera 4-dr., R & H Dyna., WSW Tirt>a $1195 1· 951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-dr. Sedan R &·H $795 1951 Hillman Mit'lx 4-dr. Sedan $495 1952 Ford '!2-ton Pickup, Htr .. spotlight $845 1950 Chev 1 2 ton pickup, R & H $64~ 1949 Jeep l...:i tori Pickup, •·wheel drive Comp. motor overhaul $545 1940 Chev Panel $95 These and 40 more outstanding bargains MUST GO this week! Miller Chevrolet Co. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5633 ON BALBOA l~"LA.ND 8D: Ull for ~ly ud eeuonaJ reJJtala. NELDA GIBSON. a.ltor JOI Martne Ave. BarbM 60S BALBOA lSLA.ND 7Ue ONE Sll"GLE apl. furn. $4~ mo. a, a l be<1rm. apt. tum. $60. mo. 113·1~l~Ntwport Bf'llC'h. lillrbof'3087·J. 20r 21 l BEDROOM FUR!IOISHED DU· ~. Corona rlel Mar. eouth of Hlway. $100 month Incl. utlL MRS. KAY, Har. 3779-J :ltfc Choice Winter Hentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small a: oo:ty ur large 6 deluxe $1~ to $300 monlh VOGEL CO. 208 Martne Ave .. Balbua lalan..S Pb .. Harbor H4 or Harbor 21:11 Res. Har. 1786-RK or Ll 8-~\!97 &4t{c -18A-Apt11. for Rent Channing Harbor Haven . Apartments -Patios NEW 4 ROU~l. street level :-.lear schools , ahoppmg tllttlrlrl. (,lu1ct, plMl'a.nt. eX~luslve. Garbai;e dis· pol!al, laundry. ..tor11i;e rooms. garage, $1!o:! 60 up Occup1u ~n· tire 1trect. G<¥"1 auperv181on. Mgr., 1501 Havrn Plare 1 Block South of f1 1gh SC'hool ALSU FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATES 3tlc FUR:'\. 3 BOHM APT .. $5~. lo July Jal. ALSO bachelor apl., .Ycariy. :li06 Channel Place, Npl. llla.nd Harbor 1217-J. l(lc2l uPPF.R 2 b<lrm. untum. 11pt, 2 huth:o, gar. d111p. 11tov11 A refr1g. .AUi i'. w1uh,.r • dryer av1ul . r1r 11race $100 mo. utll lnrl. Jr&114'. 30fl Ea"l lialbtla Blvd. 17c22 ltODER:" onr bedrm 1 pL "'"'V1 C'ar porl A: r nv J)lttlO Range • rrtri,. tnl'I. Avail. Mart"h 1. lnq. Apl. C-2620 ~von. :>;pt. Brh. or Harbor 4670-J I 7lf REASO~ABL 1' pnced. rlun 1 • 2 be•lnrl. rurn 1pll! Ulll. pd. l.a11ndry room Pl11yground for <'hlldrt'n. Blue Top Apt•. 403 :>;rwrort Blvd , :-;,..,.,']>Ort 8t'11ch. AbOve t he ArchrJO lOUc NEW 4 bdrm .• 2 bath UDfUra. In lovely Newport HU.. ~ . Ule ahower, 1arb. dlap., etc. 1100 mo. Owner Llbart7 WTeT. Uc21 3 BDR.M. HOUSE. Coroe& dill Mar Stove a retrtr. tum. ttO. mo. Llberty &-a380. IOc22 CALL NOW tor a 4 br. 6 den tum. IUllUry bou.M wtUl pool, oc•n view. Ma.de tor chDdl9l t- 10 11\0lltM riant&l trOll\ .i.. ia. Harbor •ll!hJ. IOpJ4 COSTA MESA 2 BEDRM. BOMJ:, untuna. Dble. garage, 170. M<>ftlh. BRAND NEW 3 bedrm. home, un-tum., 18(). Mo. LI ...,.._ IOc21 SINGLE ROOM wttb bot .. cold water ln th• l"OOll\.. Good bed. Pr1vate entrance. ft. wee.k. ALSO doubla room at ST -lt. 123·28th St., Newport Be&cb. IOctth NlCEL Y t um. room • prlYate en· trance • private bath near Poet otUce, bank. bua 6: •to1"911, -nry dulrable. 4 lt Poln.Mtt.IL Har 389%-W. 20c21 LARGE well tum. room, prlvat~ entrance A beth. LJ l-IU20. 20r2% New Luxury Medical Centt>r to be con•tructed. Ample private parking, centrally located. Layout to tenant.a ordtr. For Information, LIDO REALTY Aaoclates 3400 Via Lido Har. 4444 lMlc 3 Of"l"ICE •Jl'Ulfl• tor lee~ Ap· prox. 17'"35' eadl. In Udo Shnr · rln.1t area. 600 Via Mal"l'L Hiir 3327. 16ltr BALBOA ISL.ANO -lduJ loca· tlon on Marine A•e, office or 1hop. PLlJS 2 bdrm. apt. All tor 112~ me>. Har. 2042. lltlc NOW Ll:AS1NQ, avat11ble bu~I· ne81 office 1p&eu. Cent.er of Co· rona del Mar. •ult.able for CPA, dl'ntlat or 1 Call at iH24 Cou t Hwy. 18trc COSTA MESA. 11r.1r ~olf rlub, M--ll0De'1. &o 1...oM comfQrtahl.-r11m 1!h4'd l bdnn. -41-Au&o 8ervk)e '7-Wuted to Beat rl1Jpl~x. Only Ji\2.8..'\ mo. Phone LOANS for Homes Klmbnly 2-~118 16i-21 Motor O~erhaul NO MONEY DOWN • * with this ad * 8 Cyla. 8 Cyla. ----$48.88 _____ $.')8,88 Rentals Wanted We need apt. and boueu l.n a.11 eectloNI tor l>Olh tvlntcr and year'• ~ .... Fun. or 11nturn. l.f you !\ave a vacancy, phon• today -------~T\0010 apt Co,~d l<><."<ll lll'ln, new- Iv furn All l" .,,-1111h~r. t tlf'vUtlt>n, By ownrr. lra\·tn~ tor f'Ut. Re.11· ~ .. nable lra.~e lo n ght per1 >' L1 8-i 62. 1Pp21 The Vogel Co. oo:o.; T n11AJJ th'" t•n"! 165 yearly 1 h•lrm unrurn duplu . Bar W. Cat. HWJ~ Newport Bc.h ,.,,...,1~. rl'fni;. • •1.t1v11 turn. Pbone Ubert7 1--3481 <k ren Ahlf" or HJghwar 6-0i 1; 20I M.artnf, BA.lboa l.aland Frmlear. Corona dtl M&r. Hu. lncludu both l1bor and parta 3201 New nnr•. wrtn p1n1, •aJH rnr.d, fatunp of miun and rod bear111p_ Expt'rt motor tune up 90-day or 4.000 mile (UJU'&nlff. rhon• Harbor ... 6?9. 19c21 l301 Cout tUway, Corona dtl M.ar ----"--------- Phone Harbor 1741 100 Main SL. Balboa Pbone Bartin .. ,,5 l NO MOXEY DOW:>:). REBUlLT ENGINFS -UP \o U MONTHS TO PAT- Bulll IJl our own fact ory by akilled mad\1n1at&. Ooa'l cont.end with Ute middle ma.a. Buy direct. REBUlLT and INSTAJJ.ED SHORT BLOCK 21ttc RESPONStBLE FUULY went. 4 LEASE, ~nf1.1~ bdrm. upataln1 duplf'x. :>\r. bel't bay A: oc"an tw-.rh !'un dl'rk. W iii dtcor1tr H11rbor 11 18-J. 19p21 bdrm. home. turn. or unfurn., fU"R.'\:. STL'DlO APTS. Ocean •111 p&)' up to l:w>O mo. for yi-llr'• Vlf'"' l !'l-0 mra ulll pd .. Anll. Ir.II.II". Ph. OXl'ont 9·3175. J8p23 f',.h '17. W bf'rt7 8-lt:?7. J7c19 P'ORD ---.. l.2t.t10 48-A,lta. & Boaw Cl:lEVROLln' 149 :10 1 BDRM. tum apt . tll"t'pl .. r nn· venirnl to 11hopp1n11;. 410', Ht>llo- tropf'. Coron11 d<l Mar. $611. )Tly. PLYM. • OODGIC i1~ CRRYS • Dli: SOTO __ ,l liO STUDEBAKEP _..... I J7U OLDS • PONTlAC I a 110 BU"ICK -17~ HUDSON .--1176 Loan Car P'ne Towmi NEW CAR OA..RANTICIJ Blocir mu.st meet our standard.a Plue tue11, gukel.I and oil O~n Sunday 10 a.rn. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ~°"A t2-Trallen BE.AUTIFlJL Eutem buut 3!>-rt. house trailer. C•bana, with prl•. bath. Oranift Coast Trailer Pie. 1884 Whittler, Lot 8. C. ~te• lip22 NICI: 27 ft. CoJon1&1 }lOUff Trail- • wtt.h ta.rs• C.llua. L, tnaller pe.rk wtlb pnv..te bath on C<!Mt Hlcbwa7 .... Ka.nA&"er. Finance •.rnnpd. ~ l-1~21. San· dy·, o .. Luxe Tnaller Pllrk. 2912 w. Coiaft lllfhwar. Newport RENTAL v SPECIALISTS can J!idna era.tr Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine An. Balboa llland, Kar. 1811 72Uc COST A M:!:~A-3 bdrm. home, Un· turn. VERY :>;ICE 180 month 1982 ?lt"wport 81Vf1., <'oflta Meu Phone Llberty 8-1872. 20t-21 A\·nal. M11rrh 1Ft.. LlbPrly 8--411:14. ll.fter 6 or wkl'nd•. 20tfc NICELY n :R:>:l SHED. on" Mrm 11p1.. on b11 v front, Lido l!<I" y,.uly r,.ntri l only. C'nll H•rbnr 3()112°\\" J7p22 CORO:'\A DEL MAR BEAUTJl-'l'L fllm "Llld10 apl • rtrrrlace, bar One block from ocean, Sii'\ utll. f"I. Har. :..Y\O. 21k'22 ON L.1DO l SL E-3 bednn. tum., BALBOA modem furn. spts. 7ear'1 l-. MOO mo. $3:1. "'" A. up. t:lll. pd CORO:-:A HJGHLA:-\DS 3 tx-•lrm ALSO daily & werkl y ra~s. unfum bouae. year'• le&M. $135 :>:ea.r bu•, 111or,.11 Ir bAy. monlb. lOi Eut Bay Ave , BaJbOa ALSO tum. 6 itnrum a pltl. S':O Phone Harbur 63H 17trc to $100. • G. H LATHROP 363S E. C"at. Hwy .• Corona dtl ~f!l r Ha.r. 64 42. J:vea. Har. 3.~ 11 .J. Balboa Island Choice J9&rl7 and eummf'r rental•. aow avaJ lable. OOIUS BRAY, Realtor 218 Marlnt A•e., S.lboa l1land H&Ttlor 20 96tfc SE~L\Jt)tf> hllll1de YltW hom", • rm.a.. 1 bertrm. A comb. IWI dtn. )(tra i.e. llv. rm. Fll"fpl gJ)V\011~ ~ounda. P11rtl7 furn -------------51:-:Gl.F: Al'T tor l11dy rar i;l"ntJ,.. n.iin $1:.0. 1110 . 11~11 .,.1. :'\o f)'"U. . lnq in rrar l:l4 Ii:. l !Hh St . c,,slJI M,.aa a rtn !°> p m. 18llc COR<J:-:A DEL. MAK Yum. h11r h· rJ11r I JH . ll"WIV t1f'C'l)rlll~d. Utll prl $iri. mo , 1 hlk 1muth Df hwv. t..11><>11" h·4!1:!1i 211rc Yearly Olf:A;\; F'R(l:>;T AM' 2 bo>l!rm. "xqu1"t• Yl"W 6 f111 • ntllhln«"· R#nt furn or 1Jnfu1 n 1·111 JY1 Ml00!'T ,..._ t'l 11ppr,.,.1~t" Harbor 40~1 l,.,r a ppo1ntmrn1 ....... 21Paallt. If dt1lred. 2919 Cutt Dr1v" Llbert1 ~1 TH. 21c.23 2~ II,. -10 J'f, l.o.NI Construction Loans SD BOB I.A 'TTLD 25U EA.ST COAST BLVD. Coron.a de.I Mar Ban.or 1111 Rep. PODUER MOkTOAQID CO. Metro W e 1-f'\lnda ICL MW '8Uo 1..0.A.N8 TO sun.u. DIPROVS BUT, JCODl:llHIZm, <>a R.D'INAMCID w. Buy nut Deedl NEWPORT BALBOA li VDIQ9 A U>A.I'f Ab~T!O!f Ute VI& Udo. P1L. Bv. 800 ... LOANS PR.OMPT BatVICll 111'> tint llWt d.-da 10,... Orange Cout p.,_pena. 18ll7 Ntwport An., eo.ta ,,_. W 8·1832. LI I · HOO ..,_, letto NO COMMISSION • ~o Appn.Jal Fee 11.t.t..ES --JUITJNAMCll 00:0.:S'l'RUC'nON ea IJ tor rree Fut Commitment. ran ~"t.lencea an.d Uni'-oatf Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. OOITAKDA u 8·M4 l LI 1-U1i WU t; L.0 lite to tluJ' lAI\ &IMS 2ad Trost Deeda. Call BM. D11. ..,. REAL ESTATE LOA.NS l.ot.et'Mt au. 6--4~,. l.A>&N qulcitlJ made la tM .. , Aru a.nd eo.t& w .... llDl1e or mulUplt unit.a. Nnr or old. Be wt. a.nd -·· b7 ~, your prteent loan. MJalmaa u· ptn.e.. No c~ tor prallmt• nary appf"IJMl. PhaM ... ta Ana Klmberl7 l..Qll or "'1t.e ARTHUR A. MAY Kortiace Lou Can-.., _.t Oc1:1dtnt.a..I ute 1amnDoe Co. 933 S<Juth M&1a ..._ Ana " CORONA DEL MAR A~Q!I looldnf for a home and ... income? BILL'S BEST BUYS OPEN DAILY v' Best Values in Ocean View Home s , Here are two excellent buy. $13,500 Small home, beautifully decorated, fenced yard, pati), complete privacy, plua email apartment. Hu G. I. Lou. Apartment fumiahed. $12,250 ' BDllK.. 2f4ATB BOia 415 HOKLY LANE !'f • r Newport R!p kllool F1REPLACE . forced air tum~. 2 car p~. aewera, curb1 and 1t l"fft tn and peld. full prl~. 113.MO .• Tl:R.MS RANCHO Near C.Ountry Oub HAL1' ACRE. fenced. Iota ot flow· en, abruti. A 11 beariDI' trull tJ"M9-J bdrm. A de bam .. OUt bulldln1 tor hone or abo,. 113.900, term• can be arnnpd. CORONA DEL MAR 1. OCEAN FRONT THIS QUALITY BUll.T HOME ha.a 2 bdrma. plua larp de. 2 bathe, b.&rdwood floore and ~ wall to wall Forced air 'be.t, Mercury nritcllea. Garbap diapoea1, wtr.d for elecUJc raace. Sprink· Jer aystem, i.utomatic garage door. San proof slaaa in living room. Many other fine feature. ud out. at.anding view of ooean, beach ~d breakers. Built on rear of ocean front ~ot. Priced at $32, 7M. Ga rare apartment, wtth bachelor apt. below. haa a view, carpeted. On corner lot with room In !root to bulld your home. G. I. Lou. ,... 8MAU HOME. Lars• lot. eaxnz. Good eut 11lde cloM In location. S&.000 full pr1c.e. Submit down. 2. VIEW OF HILLS and CANYON $13,350 Two 30' lote. comtt of OT-ehid and Seaview, in heart ot R·l district. Priced to sell. SEE RAY REAL TY CO. (ACROSS FROM 'nfE BANK) 3'" E. Cout Blvd·, Corona de~ Mar Harbor 2288 HERE. I AM THERE YOU ARE AND • HERE IT IS!. A LOVELY 3 B. R . A den home in Newport. Helghll!. l ~~ bathe -TILE -Hardw:ood floon -fireplace barbecue -wired for gu or electric range. A ~p to a gorgeous bay view. • See it -on OPEN HOUSE 130 SANTA ANA AVE.-$18,500., terms ALSO a. 3 B. R. home facing-Park in Weirt. Newport. nur bay & ocean, $9500. Term11. ALSO a 2 B. R. home facing Park with adjacent lot. $10.500. Tenne. WOW-2 B. R. home, Weat Costa Me.a, only $500 dn. -Price $7,~. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 3420 Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd., C. M. Harbor 1428 Llberty 8-5101 Carrie Fiabback Leah A. Williams Rea. Ll 8-3989 Har. 1488-R EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See, this beautltUI home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrma .. 2 baths, Tbermador kitchen, 4iahwuher, garbage disposal. Many other excellent features. 1 yr. old. A real value at $23,950. COSTA MESA It you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we have It. Situa~ on Eut 19th St., Price $12.950 Call Llbert.y 8-2664. (Eve.a. Liberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Gift Shoppe in new 11hopping area. Rent $85 mo. Modern attractive home furniabinga. A comfortable h\in~ for a one peraon operation. Full price $4500. EXCEPTIONAL Income Buy DUPUC.X .. elMpln• rqpm CIOM In" Preeent Income $13!5 monthly. Only U &OO. with mnall doWn 6 $M. monthly. 84-tter R urry! w .. A. TOB(AS and ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll llke nur trlendly •rv1ce" 393 E. 17th 8t., eo.ta MN& Uberty 8-1139 --~~---~~~~ Cliff Haven Duplex TWO SP AC. 2 bdrm. a pt.a. for home & 1nC'. $76.~ m o. pays FHA loan, in11. 6 taxes. Other 111de rented $87.00 mo. F. P. 119.000. 1not leuehold). See lhl11 • let'• tAlk urme. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 260. Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. ~ Parking Harbor 4810 20c22 --------~-~ Laguna Peach Ocean Front Lookers Thia deluxe 2 bdrm. and deli home, reduced from $23,500 to $19,960 for tmmediate·we. Home ia only 1 year old and owner baa moved. Hu built-in .tove and oven. G. E. diahwuber a.pd garbage 41apou.l. Large corner fireplace. Lota of wood panelltng in living room. Oversized double garage. Bricked patio and fenced yd. Built on 40-ft. lot. Thia ia a bargain, 8El"IER HURRY! Euy t.erma. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALToR 3"7 E. CoUt Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor •7 (Offiee located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) CHINA COVE Excit~g View of Harbor Entrance 50 YARDS FROM BEACH. AttractJve mod. home designed for tVeek~d fun or year-round comfort. 2 bdrm&, den, unfinl.ahed gueet room. Sun deck. hobby ahop, 1 lfl tiled bathe, colored fbrturee, mlr· ror doors. 2-car garage. Delightful kitchen, diapoal, diahmuter. Colored range bu double oven; double broiler; Servel. Cove linoleum, Formica, ventilatJng fan, ailent BWitchea, central gravity heat with ther- ma.tat. Unique diappearing bar. Completely and nicely furniabed. In thia SUPERB location, tnlly an un11.1ual vahe at $28·,~. THJS •• your dl&noe to get a atul KEYS at ~7 Ea.at Cout Hwv .. Corona del Mar. on the OCl!an aide. 2 bdrm. col-~.r ta1e extra ,.,.,e lot. turni.hed. ST NLEY A s~ jlTH R I 2 enelol!ed patJOll, eecluded y et A tv1 , ea tor cloee to atorea. No etepa. A ---------------------vtew from here to eternity. l'ot priced tor ttade but mJr bt ac-Newport Beach cepl •mall bouae and caah. $3000 dnwn. Drive de>Wll a nd take a HOME & INCQME 3~~;t -Seacliff Drive, 3 units, new duplex and 5-room h~ on 2 Iota. South Laguna Choice rental diatrict. Ju.at 100 feet from ocean. 2 THP:N cont11rt nwnf'r, DUnklrk unita &re fumiabed and rented OD yearly buia. Own· 9·6787. 26111 w. Ptil SL. Lo• er'a home avallabl. now. Three garacea on alley. Anr elts. 2llfe Present income can be aubet&ntially increued. PRIZES for Cub to Loan $5,000 will handle. AtrrOE'M"E A: FURN18HING8 W1th 8Wlny 2 bdrm. home. En· FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 d oeed BBQ, J6e. pr. Walled paU.. Lot ~ x 2oe. Fenced. Beel water. Near Harbor Blvd. mkL and bua. Tola.I pnce W .000 Liberty 8-4811. 20c2:2 -~~-------What a View! ! ! P'rom Ulla A TTRACITVE BA 1' A VE. HOM.It. Upataln • CSowti. ColorfUI, arti.uc wallpaper de- ror. INTERIOR BAR·B-QU.. CHEF'S DICLlORT. 8 u n n y bricked PaUo wllb ~nery and vlnta. Ownf'r 11ellln1'. lllS W. Bay Aw . See anytJme. 13c2Sh EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 31l3 Newport. Blvd., Newport. Beach. Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Beautiful No. Bay Front Cof.onial ' bdrm.a., 2 bat.ha - CHARM!! PERSONALITY!! Well furnished. Unit heat. Specially prioed $44,750. D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor \ Bu & Retitaurant -Grouing $140.000. Well estab- lh1hed. Ownt.-r hu made mor.ey and wants to enjoy it. Will aacrifice fo r $45,000. Rent $450 mo. Fixtures like n('W. CORON A Dl!:L MAR, Ocean v1ew 4 W1ll8 furn. 1-4 B. R., 2 ba., 1-2 B, R., 2·1 B. R. Jtlra lge. Uv. rm. Garb. dlsp. S gar. :'like patio, 1mn dtC'k, nr. bch. Pote.nUal Inc. ISOOO. $10,000 will handle. ron· t11ct ownl'r. 430 Avorado. Har- bor 0102. 10c22 Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Chet Salisbury We have othcr11. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 Evca. Liberty 8-~ WATER· •"'ROl\& PROPERTIES. 2 bdrm 11tucro. pter A float, $!1.000 dm•m. ~ FEET WATER FRONT. Pier ----------------------"flollt . 2 bdrm. atucoo, $27,SOO. Professional ·g Business Off ices ., 12 P"EET WATER FRONT. Plf'.r A n oat. durlu 126.000. SH.A Jl'ER. 1 OG Mcn.dden P lace. J'l:~'J)Ort &-h ll•l lhe Ptt'r Hllr. HO 20c22 -----------BY OWNER 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island A Phone Call WUJ give you further informatJon regarding thia property. Triplex Exceptionally well kept, nicely furniahed tile kit- chens & stall 11howers, 3 garages. Good rental area. Shows good profit. $21,500. Only $5000 down. On Deluxe Lido Bayfront • 8000 sq. ft. available Corona Highland• -3 bdrm., 2 L Y PROPERTIES bath rannhou.f'. Jl'RA commtt-BA BOA BA mfflt. Ph. Harbor 78-J. 99tfc • Space optional 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac.b Har. 5188 or 1983 3 BDRM. boUee. hWd. noora, pr. ------------,-----------• J.deal offices for Financial Houses, Le~al. Insurance or Brokerage • r arking Provided • Boat slips available • Preetige • Qu11.ltfl~ tenP1nt11 only RESRVATION BEING TAKEN for occupancy &Jlproximately OcL 1. 1955. FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION, caJI Exclusive Agenu. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. 30th & Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Har. 1600 f!-Beal Estate Want.eel ~Income Proper!t 4 UNITS In SAI\"TA A~A. w ANT TO BUY :-:ew l ~room 110.900. 471 Flower St., Co11ta Mf'till. LJ~rty 8-3636. lllc21 •>WNER 4ELUNG mod. 2 bdrm. 1tt'd, g.• .. g• built to convut ff\ Addn'L bdrm. 6 hAlh. 1176 11q. t L. 1111.&l bt'ater. ahower, a uto. wuhe.r, elec. r~. etc. R-4 lot to f18 Vt'.11 Allry nrar hl-11chool .tr etnro $7,(100 Cnn11ld~r lt'mttl. LJbtlrly 8·369~. 20p2l CORONA KJGHJ....Vro LOTS - Chotce Sa tu Available Call Hart>oT 2329 Utte Bay Front lncom._ I Uni i.-a 6 I Dedrooma, fllnl. lallad. Pier, float ud prlnt.e beiacll. 1000 E. Balboa Bl'l'd.. BaJboL Crut'flew 19'M6. Cour- tesy to brokera. llllc 1 8 u:-:rrs No. Hollywood, H OOO >T Vacant lot. or partial acre, at I Income. Submlt trades. 81-RMI Eet&te Escbup . leut TO' front. 11~' dffp )f.1, BUSJ:\°ESS PROP . a nd 2 apt.e, 50·FT, BEACH Mlot..ace. xallbu Apicultuni or Commercial eon-nut to Port Thntrt> C.D.M. Beach. Trade on lncome, Balboa, Inf . Pl.... quote total pnce. ~at ottr:r with $l!i,OOO do .. ·n !'\ewport unlla, dupl('JI. Phone tr:rme and location. Private par-t Ilea it! Loe AnR•le1 Arla. t-8HS. 19p21 ty. Write Box Y 3~ UU. pa~r. TRA.U.ER P,ARK. •O 1pa.ce1. I! ---------- ti tum. apt.. 3 ~.home J l.800 20 LOTS, Klf'l&"Tlal\. Ar\JJona, 12 -----------month Income. min. Wllllltnr dl•tance from City TR..Al.LER PARK 80 untt.s. Har· Hall. ;.. down payment. Balboa 80 .. ~ ,.... ~ bor area. 11.000 month Income. unlta or Ntwport.. ArU. 9-&128. WANT l!XCH.ANGES, Jou . -Loa Aq'tlta. 19p21 BALBOA INCOME tnJet daada, Uquor 1tore. SANDY STEINER 56-Moaez. Wuted I tnnTS-Older property centn.J· Jy 1oe .• 1 ~ blla. ta hart at 8aJ, bo6 Utll. nn. Juat r.ctuced to 123.~ for q111rk 1181e. l&OOO dn. • OwJMC Ha.rbor 1,111. 76ttc RHI l!lstate and · 8 1 .. lnua Opportunltv Brokrr 2912 W. Cc•ut HlfhY.'a)•, l'pt lkh Llbut,J 1-1~21. 20c22 FOR ~J'lrwt Tnut Deed, local property, ~I ~ 112.· 000 •t er;..,,.,.., .. SMO.,... rno. ~ 1-IAZ. · llttc CURT DOSH announces his association with . JOHN B. PRENDERGAST Realtor -Since 1924 223 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Office ' Harbor 1331 , Reaidence Harbor 2373-J CORONA DEL MAR TO SETI'LE ESTATE, Widow will .ell nice 2 bdrm. home, 1 t;~ blocks from shc..t'ping center. Hu lot.a of tile, beamed ceil ings. furnace heat , ~utiful flag· atone fireplace and garage ia irtreued for apt . over. A ~~ in11urance Co. loan with payment.a of $53.39 per month. Will aeU furn.iabed, if delired. Only $12,500. Exclusive Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "BUIIN!3B IS GOOD" 3M2 E. Cout a.,,, .. eor.a drtl Mat .. . a-... r..tate I FHA Approved CLOSE IN ~de locaUOll. lm· maculate two, bedroom home BeauWul •le~ bdWd. noon Hu a dlnlJlS r~ plua a largt' klt.c;ben wtth din te area. '!be-re ta a eentce roo ~roome. ar~ large.. Th1a home Ju1t palntffi Separate gv141e and a bark· yard you'll like. 17400. F. H. A comm llmtnl w1lh S.8. per mo. paymenta. E XCP: PT 1 0 N A L BUY AT ONLY- $10,250 Very Nice -1 B. R. lill:RE IS A LAROE one bt'droom home wtth a large living room, flrt'plact, vr ry n1re kltrhrn anrl eervlce room Bath hu a tub pluii a 1!4!perate 11t111l 11howtr. There la a two rar eerage a t· tached. The houae le well design· f'I! and attractive. .Ownt'r la anxloua to 11tll and wtll m a ke a guo<! deal to a buyer. ~n be handlM ,fot a $2.000 do . ln- vu Up te lhu e two a t ctlve buys. • Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18l!e Newport Blvd .. Coata Mu a ( •crou from Coeta Me• Bank I Phone LI 8-3781 J:vea. Har. 0 68 Liberty 8-t108 COSTA MESA Jl'UR.N. DUPLEX on Broadw1y. 2 bdrm& eL unit. Jl'lrepl. Hdwd. floors. Submit $8000 down. 1 • • • T:S'lt3GO' level Jot, on HWtre, zoned for bu1J.nes1, next to comer of 19th 6 P lacenUL • • • $500 DOWN . :'\EARLY NEW 3 bed rm home Landacaped. Good location. On aewer1. • • • $1000 down, nearly new • bedrm l ~ batb home on large corner landacaped lot. . . . Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 111.b A P lacentia, C. Meaa Daya A t VH . Ph. U berty 8·SMI 20C2J v Newport Hts. MODERN 2 bedroo.m home 113,9:!0 OCJ:A.'J FRONT 2 UNITS. t\Jrnlahed, excellent buy $14,000 ELEGANT 2 bed.room home, eat beach, only $17,SOO. • COMKIJ.RClAL PROP EJ\TIE8 Severa.I 100<J buya tn ll:ood loci tanns. A~k about lhl'm. N. B. C. REAL TY . 3Znd A: ~twporl Blvd .. !'\pt. lkh Phone Harbl>r HOS. 15 000. SM.A.LL HOUSE. LARGE LOT Good Coal& Meaa Loca t ton Term a. SM. Tblt ! CALL U la B MrP'arrf'n at Balboa Bay Properties 4111 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 378& or 2..,l 7·M 1 Acre of Ground with two large hou11u, now rent lnr. 2 bl.ka. cram Catholic IChool, 2 bike. from back bay 3 blk& from l i l b St.. I blk rrom ;-o;e"'-porl Avr. Muat Mil going usl Write Box Z 36. lhl paper. 16c2 - ' I 1 Costa Mesa ~ BEDR..M. HOUSE. wood n oor11, 2 car prig'" 11000 dn. P11ymt& NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PAGE I THURSDAY. MARCH l , 1955 LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT-Pier Ii alip. Only 1 yr . old. 3 bedrma., 3 batha, elec. kit., built-in diahwa.aher. garbage dia- poaal, W to W ~ta. drapeJi & new 20' CenlUf7 motorboat inc. in price. Thia is a honeyl Price $70,000. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier A alip privileges. 3 year"I old. 2 bdnn., 1 % bath. tot.a of tile. Parquet fini., dbl. gar .. F. A. heat. Now ia the time to buy !or next aummer or yearly" occupancy. A real value at thia price. $26,250 NEWPORT Duplex fumiAhed • good rental diat rict. Ocean and Bay·both close by. $3500 Down -Full P.rice $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor "- sua Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach Har. 1011 BAY SHORES. (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive ~isti,,gs • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised u.eed brick fireplace, diabwuber, •disposal. Charmingly decorated. Cnahed rock lawn. Full price $23.~. term.a. AND • Comer Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. • Choice Farm Style Home 3 bdmll! .. 2 bathe, wall to w&ll ca.rpeting. Separate dining room. Two lovely patiOll tor outdoor living. Full price $29,!500, terma. For preview ahowinp, call Harbor teoo - · (Eves. Liberty 8-MSe) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach NEW PRICE! Open House Daily THIS BEAUTIF1JL 2 bdrm. A den home located in exclusive Shore Cliffa bu been drastically re-- duced for a quick a&le. Be certain to aee t.bJa and uk our courteous repreeentative for full detaila. 280 Evening Canyon Road p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5673 THE MOST FOR THE LEAST On Marguerite, ne.ar everything, 2 bdrm. plua den, newly dee .. liv. rm., din. area & hall carp, W to W. Lovely patio, oversize dbl. gar. Beat of terms. ' I Only $1 5,500. 2 bdrm.: hwd. flra., dbl gar . Built for apt. over. So. of Hiwy. Couldn't duplicate for the price of Sl4.000. 2 bdrm., 2 bath. bwd. On .. F A heat. garb. diap. 4()..ft. lot, brand new, onJy blk. to beach. Pnced right Excluaivea with R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 277<1 like rtnl. lmmedlatf' po11eallon. ----------------- The Locator of Calif. 1884 Harbor Bl., Costa Metj;a Llberty S.1661 20c22 ! n BY OWN~HERE'S A STltAL 3 BEDR.M .. 2 b&lh Mme. Le1!8 ttiR J yr 01!1. 2 r11r g"Mlg•'. Lnv1>I patio. Completely tandllr •Pf' baek yar1I PnclO~l'd by IJTllJ'P f\l&Jte fence IA tVl11 of r11pbollr "'fl"r"! P'lrepll1r,. irnrb rll~rn~ltl Seweca. En11t 11lfle on fl'Vln" Av~ II I\ 7:SO , trnn11 -T .I I!·" I.., 7 y " . d 2lp2 3 tntra modern Back Bay arc home -Redwood & glnfl -2 bedmui. & den. F'lag stone floors. 2 bat hs. :? p11 tioa. $25,000. 461 Eat 20th St., Coat& Mesa. LI 8-71•18 I\ II . . l8trr NEWPORT H f:ICHTS 3 be.dr na home. l-. b8lh11. """r ll•hO•·l~ Hd.,,d. rlf\Or1 • mMy n lr,. r~11- tures. lmm,r111ll,. puillu•aon ll:\.~00 R,..ll.,Jnllbly low dn\ll'Tl Pll)'tn!'Dl ~~WPORT R EJORTl!I -2 b<irm. • don home. E:rtce1. loe&tll)n 1 -p. old. Hu 2 bath•. ft~place, edect o&k floors, A rc&di. alld· Ing glaa door11. large 1un1biny kit.chm , lar1e cloaeta. .100 yd.I. W to w carpeung. 119 .. 'SOO. Can ~ Jl"HA nna.nor-d Eltl'ln B~1 t. ~tor, U 1-2<73; or eveA. LT lo'tla 19ca2H Do you want the best buy in Newport Heights 1 ... HERE IT IS ! OP EN HOUSE l-5 P.M. 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN E XCELLENT CUSTOM BUlLT home with 3 bdrms .. 2 batb11, F. A. heat. Diflhmastcr. garb. di11- posal, elec. fan. Touch latch ay.tem on cupboarde . Mercury switches. <t-car garages fitt.ed with 220 \·oil wiring. Entirely aurrounded by con crete block wallil. ~te & drape9 included. AU for !19.950. w EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th Ir Irvine. Newport ~ach Phone L I 8·2664 Eve1J. LI 8-7056 -OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY. 2 bdrm., 21 , balha. large Uving room, separate dmlng room. large k notty pine den with built·in bar, lounge. 2 fireplaccl'I, br.l.8t'ment with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expeni11vcly carpete4 wall to wall tbru-oul. Garbage dlspoul and diah- WMber . Howse 5 yrs. old. LRrg~ double gange with laundry, radlo-cont.roUed door. Lot 50 x 1U'. Well land.acaped. One of the moat e.xpenB1vcly buJlt homee on the front, located al 3312 Ocean Blvd. (formerly 610.) , Q\', :-.<ER .wn..~ ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OJ'J'nl Shown by appointment onlY. Pbou Own.tr, Harbor 16.11 ' '~ I • ---' PA6E 6 ·PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH l, 1955 a ..,.__ • S I .... !!!_ ____ .I-!:;:!•!!=~' .!111!!11111!!1;!•!,_ ____ _!D~:_!R!!IOl!!_!llolo!!!~•!_ ___ _ I! COSTA MESA OFFICE COSTA MESA Nearly new 3 bdrm. home with fireplace, breeze· way, on a quiet atreet ln excellent nei1hborhood do.e in to town -AU for juat $10,950. $1000 dn, will buy thla property ii you act quickly. We bave the key. CLIFF HAVEN Open Houses -Sat. & Sun. " 600 Cliff Drive Laree 3 bdrm., 2' bath home on beautifully land· .caped corner lot. Priced reduced to $26,960. 1001 Cliff Drive Nearly new 3 bdrm., 21h bath home with Panoramic View. Wall to_ wall carpeting -SJQ,750. 417 Snug Harbor . Jmmaculate 2 bdrm. home built a.round patio and linai. Wa.J.1 to wall carpeting, corner fireplace. '8AY AND BEACH REALTY ·REAL TORS with three off ices to serve you NEWPORT -BALBOA OFRCE ' . ' BALBOA OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE · LISTING -BA YFRONT { bdrma., 2 living ro<>D'.1.11 -Beautiful Con11ervatory Patio, Excellent term.a to Qualified Buyer. . Be au.re to LOOK AT THIS ONE! Waterfront Lot -$8500. Room for large boat. 1 Nice View Beautiful modern home on Balboa Peninaula. lllne1e in family neceMitatea ale at aacriflce price or will trade for .maller bouee. Owner mWJt move u aoon u po11ible to 1-9tory home. Will con.Ider all offera. Nice 3 bdrm. den home on 1 lh lot.I. Newly decorated. Wonderful large patio. P\lll price -$2(,300. Open Houses daily 1-4 P. M. 2000 E . OCEAN BLVD. 2 bdrm., .large paUo -$19.ro<I ' ALSO 1701 E. BALBOA BLVD., 3 bdrm., 2 bath, dining room. -$12, 750. X1nt. financing on both, 60 Ft. on Bay Ave. -Pier&: Slip C..-lot -... -.far .... _. Ntmy .. ..-.pea 1n ""'*"' ,....._ ..i --Tllio a 1mm. one •Ol'J' ~ .. • ·c---t "7 R.. J . Nmtn and • one ol. the....._.._ ... die Barbor .A.ne. LiriDc room ii iif""' •-wD. Iola~ &IM9 wl U namal ,. .......... ---...... --al the dining roc:m.. n.e ........ ii .. ela:bL wiUi • Irick BBQ and dee. ...... la ·•tit• to ... s ........ 2 be.tU then aft WWW iaad."a qmul.en 9itla a ...,.te patio. This ........ .._ ,_ ......... .., hayer wbo waat. the..._ a.a.. "7 •pp•••--mt to qmli- fied llQoen.. Putid;y" fw I I 1 -$125.000. &c•isive listing -IOO..BOA !'ENNSULA ~ LIDO . BRIDGE OFFIC!= LIDO 2 bdrm., larp living room. Thia home will be ftC&Dt right l.fter .chool Ill out. Full Price -$19,9911. • bdrm., panelled living room. 35-ft. lot. street te • street. $19,900, with a low down ~t. N"' 3 bdrm. and den, 2 bath. Provincial Style c:e a very ni~ •treel. Can't be duplicated at $26,750. • Heni ii one oi the best buy• in a cood .._ lot. Ai)prox. ~ x 88 ft. on Centro $15,500. ~ , Furn. Bayfront with Jge. pier A •lip. I bdrm&., 2 baths. Lp:. parkin1 area. $49,500. 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa~~' Liberty 8-1181 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa HARBOR UM 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach • Harbor 3643 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL' R. F, Gedde1 -LI 8-31M A. Tietz -LI 8-3010 B. De Fir -LI 8-7221 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two units, 2 bdrma. each, a REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. ' No. Bay front modem 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furniahed. A.Aklng $45,750 and ONLY $5000 down. ' Near new. 4 bdrm. home aAd apartment completely tumi.hed and in excellent eonditioDP Full price $38,500, tenm. 2 bdrm. fumiahed and ln good condition, to be aold u ii for only $17,950 and get thia. $1~ down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., B&lboa llland IEve1. Harbor 1786-R) Harbor 44-4 LOOKING FOR THESE 7 9ALBOA ISLAND- 'UtUe laland', 3 bdrm., l~i bath•. 'hwd. floon, tire. place, and apt._ · $26,500 ~&utlful little 2 bdrm. home. Perteet remodel-· eel Provincial . ____ , ...... $19,500 Bay view from thia 3 bdrm .. 11:.: bath home. New· ly redeeorated, carpel# and Heinley ahulten, tenna .. . ....................................... $24.500 CLIFF HAVEN ' Drive by 402 KJnp Road a.nd see the quality con- alr\lclJon. and oulatanding features of thia 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, plua den-dining room home. Ful· ly landacaped and beautiful pool for only $34 .500 Terma. Alao on Kinga Road, wilh vie•', with lot.a of pine panelling. 3 bdrm .. l :\~ bath• ____ ..... $24,250 WALDRON Realty 308 Ma.rine Ave., Balboa hland Har. 0234 BALBOA ISLAND "SPACIOUS and charming" descrlbee thil year- round or u:cellent income home. 3 large bdnnL, I batM. dinlnr rm-plne panell~ and fully car- peqd. J\lmaee he&t, tittplace, di1po.al. Lota of eloMt and •torare apace. AND there is room to add a eomplett room on the rear. A; comer location nr. South Bay. And the tin.ancing can be arranged eulsr than rent. J'urn.l•hed. -$26,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Martne Aft.. BaJboa laland Phone Harbor 502 • Eve1. 230trR • LIDO. WATERFRONT 80Mrl"HING TO BE PROUD OP'! Tb.ia bome bu ' bdnna., 2 bat.M, ll'ring nn. a.nd den, Jounce, bar, cllninr rm., all e1ectrlc kitchen a.nd brea.ldut room. L&undrJ wtth wuber 6 dryer. · I fin.,.._ PIER A SLIP. Fully fumiabed. A. beauty for oaly SM.000. $20,000 down.. au. Lila ,B. llcJ'armi &t Balboa Bev Properties f.J.D E..Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Har. 3786 o~ 2517·M . ,. ' .; FOR..EVENING lNFOR>IATION_ CAIL, T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI S.1774 W. Bnodford-Bor. -.J Ill a 0....-Bor. 27112·J Gloden Fay -Hor. 18:se One of the lest 'COST A MESA The Best Town on E.th' REMAimNo COMMERCIAL Iota on Bal~ Jtland. fMOO. urma. $950 DOWN. 2 bdrm. home. Dbl pr. Cate• a piL $87:!0 full price. Move in WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT! Lovely new home In COllta Men.. Many t:ltlru. t..ndM:aped. Excellent income property doing $2~ per month dur-· ing winter. Triplex CIOM to lh• oc:..n. ShU• roof. Nearly nrw. Bulll by preaent owner. C.U Mr. Pat.U90l'l, with - W. E. Fisher, Realtor •and ASSOCIATES ao3t Eut. Cout Hl1hw•1 Corona ,Ml Mar Phon• Harbor 2441 BALBOA Bay Front -Duplex P'Um!Ahfll and within -111-Tn r di .. lance ot the llbr&ry In B&lboa. $34.~. TERMS. 2 B. R. & Den Home Near end ot Pen1rwu!L Un.turn· I.Wied. Glu. lanai, nreplara uJ Barbrque. Channel "1rw excel· lent. TERMS. t:iJ,&00. Coast Properties RUTH JAYREO, Re&lt.or·M(r. Ketherlne OL•n. Mildred R.11111. George ~b&n. A.uoc::1a te1. 301 E . B&lboa Blvd., Ba.Ibo• Harbor 2Ma ii: Har. 4800 18tl MOTEL 9 1tucco illm:s, unencumbered on Highway in Culver City. ,Air conditioned. Fine park- NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm. olds' -6' S- botae (!umiahed), Lot !W)' s. 12T. Peelr:.......,...Ew. $1:!00 down, $7!500 full prioo. WORKSHOP 20' • &3' and 2 Imm. ...__ C.-. lo Alpha Beta. $10,8:50 with ,__.. .... ta-.• 611' FRONTAGE ON NEWPORT BLVD. ~ loo town. Small bldg. with ua alley iD r.r. $15;7'0. ta.. !NCO~ New 2 bdrm. bolDe pt.. I -oil for. ni.ahed renting tor $390 per month. Near trulp:lr· ta.tJon and marlleta. $39,0Cio, i.er-.. WELL BUILT A NEWLY Dl!XJORATED 2 bdnL home on cornu lot, $8500, with $1500 dowll ad b&l&noe 155 per month. A·l agriculture, 2 a.ere. sm0D M·l industrial, 60' x 128" -----------· S""'O 7~' z 90' on Orange Ave~, near Alpha Beta . smoG G. N.' WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., The New Vogel Udo Office Three fine Lido VakJes.,... Delightful 3 bdrm. 1 ~, bath ranch type.. i ,.,an old. Panelled liv. rm.. large u.-d brick firqUce.. Excellent location, nr. beach. VacaaL Reduced lo $24.950 for qWdt ak. $20,500 FURNISHED -A nearly new 2 bedra. bmM u attractive u can be, both m.ide Uld oat. ,,_ home bu had real good care and ia priced to dr _ BAYFRO~"T • On Lido Nord with pier 6 lllip • 4\l bednna, -Den -Maid'• Rm. Extra iarp Jot. A ftl'J' . nice home with large muter Br. A Sitting ROlmL Facing the Bay • Home ii a value &t a price t.bat will surprise you. i.ng lot. load• of neon aigrui. h Well eotabliahed bulineu. 7 T e Vogel Co. -Udo Office yn. old. In tip top shape. 3418 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. '971 ot 49i2 All furn .. incl plenty linena ---------------------1 Income well over $8000. Ez. penAea $2000 include $5-40 taxes. $55,000. Owner re· tiring. Will trade tor clear income property with pier • noat. Thil will bear full lnvestiga· lion. Owner, Emeet Zim- merman, 2907 So. Cochran Ave., Loi An,-elM 19. CORONA . DEL MAR Fumiahed houae ideal for one pU.o. ot COlqllie. Full Prioe $9000. 1\tve you a first Trust Deed for .ale! It llO, plea11e let U9 know. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY ReaJton P.•i zrr Blobr 3113.5 !!:. Cout Hwy., Cornna de! liar -2152 Wbi ... y ~9el. eo.-,. 1o ------------------ Yes sr- New·& Clean ...... a&.LllO.A Lil.AND Tai. .. .-ronaw. .... bl -u ,.._. I W. ~ wl~ com- ......,. ....... •pl. ...... dbl ....... LMdll ol ••rdfolte ..... _, ,,.u.. w.u to ••ll -.et. ,...._. --l and ftnpl. If....._ • tM a:n,ooo to PO.- ---... .. -to .. u.i. .__. ..... J. A. BEEK, Realtor -a -- REAL VALUES SACRIFICE! T1llS I llKDIUl. HOME 19 t.n&lJ • lllJ! ..,,..,._ noc... TUe kit· ....... •i.. OocD. ot wtlt· -a-. .. • ..... brellent ... tlidlo lod1lim; .. ~ lo =:!ll Ill u. ..,. _ ._.. prin-of. IU,._ E Z TERMS WI TBlS a BED1tM. HOME. I "tr· .... ... .. wall drpltlftc. Le•-.,..... __. --.C u--. fll'nc.d ,_... !C1ftty ........ ,.cl. ruu ,,,_. • .-. IJU"""Jt FOlU' own -.. B. A. NERESON aJW.TOI\ 1.r ~ llhill. ea.ta Mt• ..._. LI •im 'Sftl.. U 1-5497 '°'" OOS!'A lll!:SA 1-. ..... ,. 9ilb ---·--·-·---•t•.ooo I -. dlleU. n.dt. f\ally ...pptd. .Ullllac Pr1l't' S40,000 I W. nadl ~. l ac. $22,:IOO BATSBORES _., ......... I" .. th -· 123.&00 c.a. a --.. a c-t rm •21.000 ~ ""'· -....,.... 130 .... --,,_ . .,$4~.000 M a t» -Oil. a..,.. . S27.000 • a I-' )ollo °" 1"•t. ••- Claire Van Hom IUtALnlR JTll W. ·c-.. ....,.. LI Mm broken. 17c30H BALBOA ISLAND 1-1/z_Ac ___ N_e_w_•D_ort_H_ts SELF SUPPOR11NG nata 1Dft • TWo nousa, Hom. and Income. Top kll:aUon. Corona ~I Mer, to tt. front. 2 Jl·J Iota. Well built I ti.droom l'lol.lR ln trcmt, J unit.II A: pr. ta r.r. ftoom tor 4Dl u.rut. Thll la a bot Mrpba al PS.'4)0. _,UI 110.000 down. UMU will P'1 1o&n • tues. can Ford vemn- du, Har. &JU, •YM. Bar. atn, title Attractive 2 bdrm. cottace. 2-c:ar pn.p. ~ .. wo ,. ·-t on-an YI_. ....... ;.c-t le OtJ Patil. One lent location near North Be.y 6 iaboppiac nma.r. .._ .....,._ t-""'""· -.rid Price $18.500 -Low down .. ,..._ .,... .,u. iiddl~ ""· Md % llmo. • ......_ ,.,..... ~am ~ ,,_ .... W'tndcnn, ,...._ fto•;l1ee l'TOt-1112 c:wr Dr1w., ....... , .. ~ chrft, r. P . 'MLtoO. ttUI ~ load """--'ft'-. i>.-.. end•. u ~--llU• WM. W. SANFORD, R .. ltor ' FOR 'EVENING INFORMA TI.ON CALL 1 R. C. Gl'ffr -Har, 2999 J. Kimble -Ha.r. 1087 ·R R. Norton -Ha.r. 4035-W P. Terry-Har. f933 . THE GREAT ORANGE COAST . LOTS -Raidential corner. 1 blk. to atorea -· A Newport Blvd ......... : ..... : ....... : ................... $2:KIO 70x130 E. aide, water & fruit tree. on lot $2250 50x200 on Elden Ave. Build 3 unita here $2000 Dnln. C.O.ta. Mesa IM-ft., all C-2 a,one at $95 !L Harbor Blvd. 60x300 ripe to develop .... $12,500 Pla.centia Ave. M·l fronla.ge 127' varied depth at ................................................ $70 ft, 60x140 RMtricted R-1, all improvement. $2750 ACRES-M-1 A R--4 zoning, 2 1/5 A. hillaide $4500 Cloee in 5 a.e.re plol, tie.t inveetment .... Sl~,000 10 Acre. comer near new projecta ........ SM,000 HOMES -Furniahed 1 bdrm. trailer hoUM with bath a.nd cabana added • Loc&Led on cloee·in Elden Ave. ~'~ acre. Out ot town owner muat cub out $4750 only. Haa everything, Ranch 91.yle, 2 bdrm., den, 2 bath home, atove It oven built-in. fa.n, garbage diaponl, forced heat, uaed brick fireplace and Jog lighter. Hwd. noon, heavy ahake: root. Lot. ot tile"-panelling. Attached dbl. garage. Brand new and only Sli,500 wilh '3oqo down. Kings Road panorama view home. Adorable: 2 bdrm., hwd. floon, Pullman bath, Formica kitchen, dining room. tittplace, forced air heat, lanai. patio. quick poueu.ion. Juat $:MlOO down. LeB.Mhold $250 year. BUSINESS LOCATIONS -Beauillul. delightful home. 2 bdrma., den, dining room, fireplace. hwd. Ooon. dbl. garage. Buaineu location and home at same Addrcae. Easy to buy, $6000 dn ..• '-no finance charges, Aellcr will ca~ balance to ~it. Large lot, 75· front, paved alley, HWerl in and paid. Groaa income $375 month. 2 atore. and 2 bdnn • apt. L.oc11.ted acrou street from large new build- ing program. Th\1 invealment now paying bet· ter than 14 ~t-. Room for 2 unit.a on dbl . front· age lot. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS • 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Lfberty 8-1400 Eves. MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES • G. I. Resale nr. Country Club, Out of .tale owner ha.a authorized 1ale price of Sll.500 with only $1750 dwn . $86 mo. pymts. incl. taxes, ina., interetrt a.nd principal. 3 hdrms .. fjrf,p\acc. hwd. nn, 2-car de- tached garage. 66 • 120 lot. See thi.a today! NE\VPORT HElGHTS -Need Elbow Room! - Let uA sh ow yo u thi1 4 bdrm .. 1 :i_, bath home with F. A. heat. fireplace, garbage disp, Large 2-ear gar. 63 JI: 110 lot. run price $13.850 with only $2800 dn. J .. 100 ISLE -Nr. Clubhouse! $5000 down will buy this three year old 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Parquet floor., warm woOd panelling, fireplace, built·in book· Ca81!s, open beamed ceiling1, tf!parate dining room with louvred doota. Garage atre1fll!d tor 2nd ltorJ · or •Undeck with bay view. Full price $27 ~- Another Vogel Co. exclualve IA.ting ! VOGEL CO. VaJn Offi~. 320f Coa•t Highway, Netrport s.cll Liberty a.3481 • ' • .1 I ' I • I I' • • .. • .. • b • lt v cl I ' I •• I . ' • ' I t t • a.,...._ MEVBERS or llULDPI& 1.AlllW 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lelend Phone Barta-H71 w 1a72 BALBOA ISL.AN) Attrac. 2 bdrm.. tuna.. bomw., $17.158. .... ...._ BAY· SHORES PRIDE OF OWNEBSlllP clw:a-t1li9 ..._ 2 bdrm., 1 * bath JM.. • -al. tile fiMa laa- tiona in thia exchulh'e &reL <>-...-. lhilc i--. beautiful kitchen, diDiac IDai a1 ~ _... .- eluded SUDDJ patio. A ...,. at $11,,'150.. ShOWD by an 44 zrt ...,.. . CORO~ DEL MAR New 3 bdrm., 1% batbm.,.,... h._ ._, ~na. din. rm.. garb. dilp.. ·~ 2-mil ...,... Beru:!ill:~!"aaher, bwd. ftoon. F. A. llml. ~ ..._ ceilinp. TM.e and IDDJ atW f&dwea. 9uup- ing vlew of ocean. room far w · · s pd. Prioe $21.500. sllllt. ...__ Don't fail to let -.,., ,._ ..... p. a. palmer incorporated • developer$ of &do isle. off.: On a 591h x 88 foot eormr. a .a-·a ....._ Ina the Club, a home with .OC:U Wadi" -.. -~ hu a bearing olive tree ia the lawlJ' ..-, 2 ..___ and bath plll9 maid'• roam an4 •4 mall ... ~ lmUa for bathera. $30,000 and $10.000 ..._ .. ._,. On a-t!S x 88~ lat,, f ...... 2Wla. dining room. hardwood floan. llice pdio. u attnc- tive large ol~r home that in'ilm ya. to nla ia an ea.y .. ,. sa;r.;o. USED BRICK fireplace. pepend dillillg i--. ,._. paoan o a.ar • bdrm., 2 bath home that 19 ~to_,.. illllQ. 'nia ia a fine home pd tllle price is t • 1 ..,, '• at $26,750. We doa't ...._al.~ t.a.r! FOR LEASE -New ..... iN BUiiiOlft £PIS. Carpeted, draperia.. &1...._, fw . t I • _,.... niahed, 3 bdnn.., 2 t.da w 2 ......_ 1 W)L TbereanDCmeflller.Pil!l'A ..... p. a. palm«. inc. ole hanson co .. ales mamgu •Mllll 3333 via Udo ._._ lm READY SOON -IN NEWPORT HE&fTS On Palmer betwm Sala A.a A Oi • SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 a.th Homes • Down ..J $11,450 Ful Price e.ioee -ftllt. Check theee quality feablns: Sewtt9 iD and ,... Encl<>Rd pngm Colored rock roata Garba.gedioipo-le KJtcben fam Strttt will be aaW.d ad paTt!d W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIA'IES. ~ "you1l like oar fliml9y .. ,...,. 393 E . 17th St .. ea.ta Ilea LDlerty ~JUI Corona del Ma-v•v• BEAtmnTL EARLY AllDUCAN 2· ..... l~ bath VIEW borne. pha. larsie caner p-«h-for " gue.ta or llel'VUlta. oa ~ lat -.:r oiamm. l'lltry hall Panelled living na... raimed. 1lra fit z ' .. for· ~ air tumace. dining~ TiR llilLk ... tit ... wallil. Service porch, autceatic lamldry. tarp bed- rooms. tit~ batha, ooffl ed gta. .--.-to loftty walled yard. DMtble pnp aad putimc--. Qml- tty and charm~ Oaly SI0.9 Good Tena. THE VOGa. CO. • 2667 E. Cout Hwy .. Conma dr.I Kar 11111'. 170-1~71 CORONA DEL MAR DRAM.A TIC VIEW of ea-. Beeda. Oiffa. 2 Imp bedrooma, 1 ~· a.tM. hjllejde ....... Sr ·-· frimd.. ly living room. Bmt .-le ... ear-.. Illar. Sacritlee -m-. Call Harbor 1775 -Efta. llartm-51151. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Marine A.Te.. ... Wad FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOUR PROP.tiilTY far _.. wD a .. _ .. , ....... Brobr. DW J"OU know W. ••weti•Wy pllila •~to work OD )'Olir-piopaly! ALSO, for your pr'Clf.ec.tba. • ....,.. ...,. tl&rw a ~ ... Newport Hari>or 8oiJd of P.ealtors UO -32Dd St.. Nc:wpwt Bt.11 • .,!!•~·~-~l!,_;l'A~:.ta~~··~...__--?:6!~B~te1!!..!l:.~!!ta~t.~---!a~a~M1!·:!ll!!i*l!te!!---~•!!:::!!•~•!,' ~ .... ~~fr!,_ ___ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -PA&l 7 THURSDAY, MARCH J, 19'5 ; • We KNOW97 Where tpe real good Buys ar~ on Lido! We KNOW all the property owners. WE KNOW true values on Lido. I' WE KNOW values are going up each day. WE KNOW we have just the home you are looking for, .. WE KNOW we can sell ypur home If you already live on Lido. WE KNOW if you will drive into our free parking lot that we can do a real job for you. WE KNOW the Harbor Area .•• · WE KNOW we are members of Multiple Listing SerVice and WE KNOW for your safety-Deal with a Realtor! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WE HANDLE only property that is priced at fair market or below. > YOU SHOULD KNOW we have a fine group of homes on Lido for sale from $19,000 up to $250,000. YOU SHOULD KNOW -'Tom Payne' and 'Joe Stawicki' are associated with: · DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., mwport Beach, California Phone Harbor •ns Three Balboa Peninsula Duplexes! JIO. 1. .al'R AP AirrxmNT8 BAYS I aDROOllS, 2 BA TB8 mc.IJ fWllWI~ Situated on ...... CWMr lot. Sp.cJoua l&lm· _., ...s ..,..._ 121.1&0, se.eoo ..... !'Se. S. LOVJCLT lfMJCOO ud ~ J 11torJ buildinc wtUI 1111ec1r-.. up aDd 2 do~. Fur- llltan ia-4 property tn A-1 COil• •U... Mo.t of drapu. carpeting .ad nat-.,. new. Dandy !or ~ wtlb lnclom• or ror rental -r,. P'T.500. Moatbly paymenu _..... bate.rut. t&xu and tn· ~. K-. I. Otn.Y t TEARS OLD. on lllrmnar on ..... 2 bedroom ,..,. .,.n-t and 1 bedroom fn.t ..• Oft oae Jent F\lmtahed of C"OW• and bu 2 car «&ra~e. Good ll'Come proputy, 120,000. Peninsula Homes ! TWO.,llEDROOM STUCCO HOME. B8t ...iue on Ule "'polnL'" Dln· etu , nr.-plao, double prqe and larp patio. Only 8 yeara old Beet tt if yvu can for $14.~. K0004oWn. mm.rs ANOTHER OUTSTAND- ING VALUE OD lhe Ptnlmula. J bfodroonl• and den, large wall· ed .,_uo. aad ruenUy repa..lnt· ed. EuepUonally well built prop- st7. nae prta ta only $14,000 It au be llou1bt for ~.~ down llnd "4.10 monthly. W1S RA VE 81:VER.A L OTBl:R 1',CZ BOKl:S ON THE PENIN'BU1.A. AND ALL OOOD VALUES. n:z ua J"IRST. Balboa Realty Co. CENTRAL M.ANUP'.ACl'URING DISTRICT SS.Fr. FRONTAGE ON SUPERIOR aear 17th St. Large 3 bdrm. home for living It ~ acre for ah ope & building. M-1 on aewer. $12,900 with term1. Eve. information PETITI'E LI 8-M87 BACK BAY ACREAGE: • • acre. rolling land facing mta. Beautiful unob- structed view. WW make beautiful est&te or can be divided. $20,000 with % doWD. 3 So. acres can be bought .ep. tor SR()()() with $800 clown. Eva information S.E.'YlrlOUR Har. 5298-W 2 BDRM. FURNISHED HOME -Oentrally located. Newly decorated. lovely maple furn. A really nice home ready to move ln. Only $8950 -Terma. Eve. information BENNER Har. 1&11 -OOSTA MESA DOWNTOWN AREA 1 yr. old, 2 bdrms., hwd. firs., .ewer, pr., curbe It pavmg. Owner movlng to Glendale. Sac. at $9950, only $1500 dn. HurrY. Eve. information PE'tl'l*l'E LI 8·M87 FOUR UNIT APT. CHOICE N. E . COSTA MES.A New three 1 bdrm. & one 2 bdrm. apt.I. Nr. college, transp., shopping. 3 apts. rented. 2 on yr'• l.eue. Exe. invest. $10,000 or lea will handle. Eve, information SEYMOUR Har. 6298-W CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL Wonderful home for children. Beaut1tu1 3 bdrm. home with big rumpua & hobby room. Lovely en· clo.ed yard. At $19,950 uklng price. NOT LEASE- HOLD. $5000 with handle. Shown by appt. only. For eve. information, LYTLE LI 8-254.2 I'~ .... HOUSTON REALTY & Associates ~ Center St., Costa Meu. Liberty M911 ~ "C'' THOMAS .. C .. THOKAS LIDO ISLE Swimming Pool EXCEPTION AL te lhla IO'NJT I bdrm. It rumpue room home on a IS•· 112~ IL et.reel to et.reel cor. lot on LIDO NORD. Ap- ~ trom botb wtthlD and wttbout th1-laome often UM MoaT tor r-.a u.iq . .All Ja.rs-roome. 151121 UY. room. 1 ~ bat.ba. .uncu.. ldtcllee wsth di.po.l. d1alnruMr 1a no wtr-a.c. oe1,. s~,..... old. cca~ IJ walled paUo, w to w CU'P"t.- tq. lblT~ n. Aat.boll7 ..,um. mlq pool -DIAOINl:I ALL TBDI tw f'UOO-Tenu. CLIFF HAVEN Only $2,000. Down ~· n•a true tMt UU I bdni'. .,._. • -ot the -...t atrMta 1a am aa..-eu .,. llou.Pt ,_ _., a.ooo c1ow1a. Mn..,.........,.,__.ud ~ ... ped. w...a. aoar.. .. to .. ...,.... ....... IDdud- ed. K.., ......._ DDOCDU.TIS l'Q98•EOMI ~ 1IDT VAWS- Corona del Mar lots 30 tt. So. or Rtway ~s _ P&OO 86 tt. 8o.. ot BlW"aJ l\·2 -MlllO CHECK WITH US l'OR QOOD BA TSBOR.!: PROPEl\'nJCI "C" THOMAS RmA.LT<>ll n6 W. Cout 11!Wa7, Npt.. Beb. Ll1*'t1 a.&JT -------------------"'C''TBOKAS "C''TBOILAS BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD Best Buy in Newport 6 BJt. funltahed, ne&J1J IMW. T!lt ........... 8A YSHORES HOMES I If any attr&ctlve bo!Dff, $17 ,9C50, $27 "500 $29,500 and $32,500. GorpoUll Bay Front ---·--· $101,000 Balboa Island BA YFRONTS UNUSUAL • bdrm. b ou.e. Private pier Ir nod. large room. and patio. Excellent for large family. AU on one floor except praent owaen hobbJ room. Aaking ····-·-~·-·· ................• -.. -----SS0.000 Bayfront home, pier A float ·-·-----·-·····$33. 7~ See us for a good .election of Bayfront bOIDIN. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nice familv home nr. bcb., unfum. 3 bdnm $25.750 2 units, older, good income --··-······-·· ..... -$U.900 Balboa Island Income 4 bd~ .• plus lge. apt., nr. beach ..... . ... . ...• $216.950 On Ljttle Island, 2 bdrma. plus 1 bdrm. apt. 126.500 Near No. Bay. 3 bdrm. Ii 2 bdrm. apL $33.500 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrnui. &: den, canyon vtew, NOW ...... $19,llM 2 bdrm11. & den, near ocean, furn. . _ ....... $19,960 BALBOA PENINSULA, 2 bdW'. home -· .. $21.500 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on all these r&ne propertiee, call Harbor 1775. • . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island two fine family homes Both on Uda-Both on . Via Koron No. 1 Wonderful brand new home with 3 bdrm.a... 2 are full aiz.e and the muter ta extra large. 2 tiled bat.ha. muter bedroom carpeted and aliding door opm from it onto a magnificent wndecJt. Be.auutul kltcb- en with bv.W,..ln oven and ra.nse, ~I and dilla.- wuher. Separate dining area. U.ecl brick ftftPIMe, paneling, fine "allpapera, and •pedal igbt fiman9 throughout. It'• estra nice and eaduaift with • for $29,500 full price with excellent tenna anilahle No.2 .Jut ...,, lmlde um cbeartul ,.___ .-1 ,,,_.. ..- to move rlgbt in. Provindal Interior tJtroagboul with panelling and a med brick fireplace tn both li'\"• Ing roo~ and muter bedroom. 4 bdrma. or 3 and den, 2 bat.ha. perfect tiled ldtchm. Street to ltft« Jot • .tep trom the be9t beach. $28.!iOO. ''OONSULT us roa LIDO'S f'INgr" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lic;lo Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) VIEW HOME Newport Heights Area (not a leuebold) 3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths $23,500. IJ' A VIEW 18 what you are looking for don't fail to lee this lovely bome. It ta one year old. Imm.,... late in and out and with It'• floor to ceiling win- dowa. leading to a veranda. the Ociean \•icw a. n. ible from the minute you enter the front door . Thia extremely livable home comes equipped wtt.b a garbage dillpo8al. diahmuter, Thennador ran~ forced air beat and beautiful new draperiee &Dd wall towallc~g. The owner at.ate. her view kitchen la a marvd of e!ficiency and her home with it'• eonaiduable \'ft area ill Ideal for entfrtainlng. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 Newport Blvd., N~wport Bea.ch Hu. BJ f0ppoll6t. Bank of Aronica) Mmibuw. Mllltlple Listing ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm., 1% bath bome1 on exclusive Kings Rd. Charming deaign and all room• are well arranged, light and apacioua. Larp •lid· ing doon from dining room to outdoor patio. W to W carpeting, forced air heating, indoor planter, dbl garage, attractively land.leaped and iprln.kler 1)'9- tem. Thill home will pleue the mo.t d.ilcrimlnating buyer. Priced at only $22,™· with very attractlv• prtoe ta npt. Sll.~Tenu. ------------------- -<Jndty Ed Lee JMk PtM.ham Jouphlne Webb TOO a. Balllo& Bl•d., B&lboa Alone Hartlor 3277. OPEN HOUSE S.L Ir San., 12-& p.m. 328 POINSETTIA Corona de1 Mar ocs.ur 8IDll Of IUJbWay, 8 rm. ._,. wtUI IUlllt apL o•u I car .......... '2 ft. fetlced lot. priced terms. Multiple Lilting No. 1539<>. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Russ, Wm. G. Schmidt, Aaoc.latea 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor ~ .. -0. n:RMa. ------------------- 0. IL. LATIDIOP, IU6 IL Cout mp..,., 0.0-dd Ka(. Bar. Md, .:... Bar. 1511.J 20c21 OWNER eeWnr modem a bdrm .. 2. "9tb llome at top of Corona dd Mar. J:rortpge paying rurn. pr. apt., auto. dish waaher, wu.biat' .. cbtne. new 1ton.,.... ft'ts~ hs-la floor ~ m< bldtd. Kan7 butlt tna. loll or l'OOm fl:>r klda. Walking dVtu~ t• acbool s=.ooo. Har. J.50t.M. Utte A REAL BUY Corona dcl Mar -View Daples -2 b4rma. each unit, one furniahed. SoWMl coDdiUon. Drutic•lly reduced to $14,e<>o.-Submtt do1!1'- Call Harbor 177~ -ETea. Ba.rbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Mari.De Av ... a.Jboa lalud ---_ _____, - ML •ttl. NE.AA HmWPORT PIER 6 turn. etooco unJta. a.et i.mtal k>c-.. u-. ftl,000 -Term&. 2 BR. unt\lnL. etucco. prte»d r11bt at P,IOO, W'ltA utra lot. •12.000. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 108 McFadden Place (At UM ·N"'POrt Pier) Kar. u o: Ev-Kar. 1137-M. A..lk tor Hen.Id 0 . Splu. 20d2 Leaving State I UNr1' COURT la eo.t.a Me-. J:lrcaDmt lncome. lmall dOW11 ~t b.andlN. . AL80 OCEAN FRONT ftal'TAU· llANT ln N t'WpOrt Btech.. a... -J\Ul llar'Unf. Good monq mailer. CALL LDis1' WlU. ........ lllMll Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ON KINGS PLACE EGAD, we-haft a beauty, 12 bdrm. 6 den and •th le ¥2. Time A apace will not ~It U8 to tell ycie all the nice thing• about thi.A be&utif uJ home. Hurry for this. $26,500 full price, term.a. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., C.O.ta Mesa Liberty 8-3792 SEE THESE FOR REAL VALUE I 1. Exceptionally nk c 3 bdrm., G.l . R.eaaJe. Eut Co.ta Mesa. Oak fin. frle. A patio. I.AW down. 2. BARGAIN Smail 1 bdrn: <:Ott.age on Eaat 1StJl St. Flagstone patio, 89 }. Price $5500, t.en:na. 3. C2 dntn. Costa Mesa. Rea. buy at $17,950, t..-. GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY m E. 11th .at.. eo.ta w.... u a.nai. .... a.mM l • I 1 ~ ward Ro. Willard S.11. LA TC: I Symfoni. A. C. Martin. Mal YC, Oaab<>r. Warren Bllnn. r\HYC: Typtt, W. E. Haa1, LA YC. M11ra. Barnf'y Huber, I.A YC: T antalus. I JrVlng Lauman. Ot'I Rty YC. No report or tinl1>h t 1mt from Johanna, Bill Lyon~: Ma.leap Du'1· ley Jarntt: Did not hnlah-Ev1la. LArry Courter. Boat Su if Under 'Submission in 1 Thompson Court I SA?\'T~ ANA IOCNSl-Super· ior Court Judie Ruy Thomp80n 1 Friday had unJer s ubml11s11111 a , damage complaint ~ ov,•r tht> •llll' I of a boat by a Newport Oeach :nan. Plaintltra Eber Piere an(.I Mar· guerlte P ier• charred ll11fendanu F 1·ed R. Hor11ley and Angua E. I Richardaon with tal.se reprcunta• tlon In thl' aa le. 3-LI. IARRACUDA CAUGHT IY BUOY F 114'l b3rr1u·11da ot thr •• ll· son. u lune 3·1b IP«'' 1111< n "t•• b<lated n1•ar Ath\Y l'\<l. :.>, 111r l"••wrurl Pk r ln!Ct S:itur.la;v h 1· \\'1lhml Conlon, !'\•wport 11n I EJ Madd<JX, ~an Pl'dlO, In thr1r oul·board sk iff. 1<1.IJ.t,,x NIUS: h l the "b<>r n•"' al><}Ut JO a m., S11l11 rJay whtl\• (1~hln): Ill 80 frr l of WK h'I' (111' allnd d1tbi!. OIJ·tlnwrs ht>1-e'abo11tt1 re· 1xi1 lt•dly bell<'\'e if small "b•·r· 1·1<>11" 11how up In roastal wu· \t•ra b••forr lht-laq~er On•'ll, It C11re1cll:1 a guuJ season on b11r· racu1la. McNally to Talk at AnCJl•n Luncheon Herold I. Johnson l'ro pt'llRt Krpel,. ('11l11mhh•n •nd t'rd,.,..I Acr111•\ \.: l'h""" lhrt~•t fl":ll t.KJ I \ Illa \',a\, !'II 1•\4 I"''' "4·1h·~ ~f \t<l't: I l'lllll,,l'l,ICl'U RU\1('11\t:tes ll\l.llO·\ l '\!\\A~ SllCll' ,..,.,bo1 101 1:4 1 l•H '' !'II W,(). I tH•(M JIM WHYTE . INSURANCE O cean , MariM and General Insurance • LOCAL BOAT i.EAns-Part ot the 35 boat fleet wblch aailed the 67-mile Brokaw Trophy race around CaWlna from L.A. Harbor lut·week~d 18 led .Aero.. the start- ing line by Bob Miller'a Westward of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. -·Beckner' Photo T hl' plaJnUtra u .urtl'd th!' de- fendant• told them the bo4t, ~ Merry H. had a 1952 motor In It when the deal wu made In Jul~" 1963. In May, 1964, the P laJnurra claim they found lhe motor waa J . B. Mc!\Oally veteran Newport Harbor fl.VI con11ervatlon111t, will Rive a full report on Ocean Fish Proter llve AS110clat111n at tomor• row noon's Anglers Luncbe<>n. The aeaslon will be he-Id ln Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Color and aounJ motion picture• on lishing alao will be preaented. Members are Invited to bring guests to the meelin~ t.rhlch hu been announc· ed u "very Important'• to ang lera. o tnH: c..,. .. M..-a Kanll Rll'll l...lbrr1y ll-11 lll Ree. 'II Haul, Corona cit-I Mu PAGE 8 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 MARINE NEWS TIDE TAILE Date Time Rt. Time BL Hl&ll .._ Frldt,y 15:•7 a.m. 6.6 12:59 p.m. ~.8 March • 7 :27 p. m. ~1 ........................ _ .. , ,. SIRIUS RRST TO FINISH 1955 BROKAW TROPHY Ash Brown's· C.OUS.I Wins Cup on Tlmei NHYC Skippers Place A record breaklnl' fleet of Ill ocean ractnr )'Kbta -.1.i.d Uaroqll raln equalla and variable wtncs. onr Usa 82-mlle coune around Cata-Saturday e:•o a. m. March I 7:117 p.m. Sunday 7 :27 L rn. March • 8 :211 p. m. Monday 8 :08 Lm. tl.7 O:U a.m. • •• 1.:38 p. m. 11.7 1 ;27 L m. 4.7 2:11 p. m. ~.• 2:08 Lm. o.e ~.9, 1.i ~.8 0.7 1 1tn& from L. A. Harbor in compeUUon for the cowt.d Brokaw Tropby lut week-end. ShorUy alt.er J"OUDdlnc Usa llpt, lt wu e.sdat t.b&l each or the Ill aklpperw bad b.la OW1l netartoua 8Cbeme far naclltnc weat end ahea d ot the tleeL port Harbor Yacht Cl\lb. one of tbe March 7 8 :152 p.m. 4.11 2:'2 p. m. ~ .. Tu.say 8 ;48 L rn. ti.• 2:47 LM. o.• March 8 11:18 p. m. 11.1 3:10 p. m. ~.3 Wedn.-day 11 :23 Lm. (1.0 3:211 L m. 0.3 March II 11:'4 p.m. 15.1 1 :38 p. m. O.l ~ Thunday 10;00 a. m. •.II •:02 a .m. 0.2 March 10 10:10 p. m. tl.1 •:oo p.m. o.e P&el~O 0.ytllht Ba.tap Time ~ Ci) Cf • ru&n' rm.a.. fAft' lf1nlr q u.u&na MOON QUA&TE& llUON Mar. 1 Mar. I Mar, 18 Mar. 21 · Upper Bay Boundary Action Delayed by .Co11ty Commission Orance County Boundarlea Com· D)l .. lon Mon d a y decided to delay Ill acllon on the annexaUon of Upper Bay to Newport BeAch. The commlM6on mwit .. tabUab the bound&rl .. to~ &117 M • n~aUon. It decided lt needed more lnfor• maUon on Sanitary Dlatrlct'a II and e boundarlea. The aurnyora office wu uked to .ubmlt a re- port oa th• _.t.&r7 diat.rtct.a' Umit&. ...., .. map Pl'u.mb, .-nbltt' Several boat. c.boM the ''atralpt Pt. YIDcente poup • D •a k • d acrou and up the lal&nd" C0\1!'99, Uirouitl tbe Dulcy IUpt "'---OD othera aalled up tbe cout to •P-t.be ti.ck aide ot the lalaad and proximately PortupeM Bend be-wu•outm troat at the eut end. fore atrtJc:lnl' out ror t.be lal&nd, and He Md the fleet acroea UM ftnJab 1UU othera continued up the cout line at L. A. L&pt at 7:2:i.01 a.m~ aJmoat to Point Vincente In anU· Sunday to capture the Broc.k c:lpaUon of the customary Weal· Trophy for ftnt to fln1all but loat erly which would t1a·1e given t.hem out on correc:t.d time to AMI an euy reach to weAlt end. Bown'• Carou.Ml of San Dlea-c> TC 8LIP8 THROUGH ?li"IGllT In the Brokaw cdbpeUUOD • In spite or an unfavorable aout.h· Wanen Blinn'• Duber a.nd Bob euterly haul whlch g ave the ad-Allan'• Holiday, both ot NHYC, vantace to the leeward boata, Ho-placed third and fourth In overall ward Ahman80n'a SI.rim or New· bandlcap Ume. of the bound&riea comrnlNion. aa.ld a apeclal meeting of the oornrni> 1ion wlll be called when t.he WJ'• veyor'• report 11 ready. Newport Beach City Council re- cently voted annexation of the 2100 acrea ot Upper Bay property on aubmlaalon of petlttona by prop- erty ownen George Hoac m and Ed MUMey. The area lnclud .. U OO acrea ot IrvlDe Co. property. It le&"8 a 8000-tt. buffer atrlp bet-U.. city limit.a ot Ooaita .... and tb• pl'OpCl99d -•t;r llmJta ot Newport Beach. FLEET aESULTS ln order ot tlniab UM fleet WU u follow•: Clue "A" 8lr1ua, HOW&rd Ab• man.eon, NHYC; Lepnd, Cb.arlea Ullman, LAYC: Galate&. R . M. Stockt on, LAYC; MaJ Tai. J . B. Griffith, LAYC; Weatward, R. 8. )(iller, NHYC; Skylark, DeaA Bro1'D, LAYC; Queat, H. f · Mur- phy, NHYC; Nam 8aq, Louie Statham, I..AYC: Bll&l1a, 0Wen ~ybum. CYC; Ooqu1lla. A. D. Cal· are quiet! NEW TUNA CLUI OFFICERS The Newport Harbor Yacht Club Tuna Club held ita aDDual trophy dinner and in· atallation of new offJcen on Friday. Feb. 25. Shown here, from left, are: Ed Groeo· endyk~. who. u first premdent of the organization in 19U, reoeivea congratulation• on it'• growth and continued aucceea from bnoored gue.t.a Commodore Hany Mann of NHYC; retiring president Lonnie Vincent hand8 over the reona to Jack Congdon. who did yoeman duty in 1954 as team captain. -Beckner Pbotr South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvcl. Merchant Marine Academy Cadet Exam Set April 11 Conrre111ma.n Jamee B. Ult <R· 21th Dial.) announced annual competitive examination• Cor ap- pol11tment to the United St.tea Merchant Marine Academy, Klnr• Point. Lonir Jll1and, New York. wtll be held In clvtl aer~lce centef'9 throughout the United Statea a.nd II.A ttrrilortea A prll 11. f'Ol'R YEAA C'Ol-Ut: The United State• Merchant Ma· r lne Aca ,temy orteu a four.year co11rst of ln1ln.1cUon ludln( lo a lie-u e1thtr a deck or en· 1lneer octlcer In the U. s. Merch· ant Manne-, commwlon aa an en· strn In th• U. S. Naval Reaerve, and a badlelor or aclence d•~· Kln111 Point cad•l midshipmen apend their aopbomore year aboard ~-roinl' ve88l'la of the U. s . Merebanl Marine. Buie requlnimenla tor parllcl- pallon ln the compeUllve uamln· aUona are rraduaUon Crom hJfh ec:llool In June. 1"6, or earlier and 8'>Wld phyatcaJ condition. Phyalcal eurntnaUona are conducted by the U. a. Navy Oftloa of Naval Officer Procur~ent In principal ctUea U\J"ou(bout tbe United Statea. Standard.a are almilar to UIOM tor appointment to the U. 8. Arm1. Na"'Y and Air Force Academlea. AP.PUCA'ft0!'i8 A\'A.llABU.: For turtber Information and a p- IOHN8TONE'8 Mesa Allto Wrecken r-s Aato Pana aed A~riH 2076 Placelltia Ave. u.ertr 1-1011 Voa&a 11- CONCRETE· BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 PUlll•aa.oal OOllP&.N'Y -lllt a. llalll 8~ 8Mta AM rmoaa: -CINDU "-~ COSCRl:TE BLOCK.II I ILEJNFO&C~O 8TEJ:L a.cl SUPPUES --------I plication bllanka, cancUdatee are urred to wrtt.e lmmedlat.el1 to Conrreuman U\t, Houee of Rep- re1ent.aUvea, Waahln(ton, D. C. 8ucce..tul candldatu will re- port to the ac.demy durlna Au(\18t. At1TllOIUD:D FACl"ORY WDVlcr: ATTENTION BOAT OWNml SURPLUS BAIGAllS ,,_. ...-.... A .. ,,_ fer •oal ww .. ..,. 'No tt1c. R..._. wpoa n.dnda -n.. ..._a& a fndloa el eeft. 0-............ 16-lt Volt O.ltL ...... Starters GENERATORS '3500 ...... ...... O&JI Shafts •r• TllM-W Cables GENERATORS llVelt .. ~ '22'° 2541 So. Main-St. I I J lahan, NHYC; llt.eele, NHYC. Cl.MS •a" Dick .AJcah1, Ken Croan, CBYC; Bae· atelle, BW Ztnameyer, LAYC; Car· ouael, A.all Bown, SDYC; WllDch m, Don lldler, NBTC; J:acapade, D. W. J:lllott, NBTC; Ondlne, Loula 8tat.bam, LAYC; Sant& Lu· cla ID, Gould Jeddy, SMYC. ?'(~ U. Peter Grant, NHYC. Sweep, Joe Grant, NBTC; Holl· day, R. M. A.llaD, NHYC; Ator- rante. Lew Whitney, LATC; w .. t. a lHS model. They" .-if"t they paJu $27~ for the tio.t. . Rtch&rdeon acted u a b roker for Horaley. Judge Thompeon ~u ruled • non.ault In the cue qainat Rlcharct.on, le&vlnl' only Horaley on the defendant'• end of UM C&M. .......................... .., ... ... Th.,.. wu no claim of fraud by th• platntltfa. They want thlll tranaact1on r..clnded and rHtl· tuUon, plu. expen11111 made by the ~end&nt Horaley. JIJda'e Tbompeon dld not aay when be would decide In the cue. ~ SOUTH OOAST 00 • llrd a Newport Blvd. 1· our u t h o r I s f' d T U A LC 0 Flbt-~luA ~r in the Harbor arPL Brln,; your. ftMr· ,.1.au problf'ro• to us. Pacific Flber9la11 HO.l. W. Cau& Hwy. Ms. LI 8·H11 Acro11 from All·Amerlcan Mkt. acatlon • '"HONOLULU or may&. ~ ROME •• LONDON •• PARIS She'll decide loter • • • ond hove o wonderfut, corefr" trip with coth to •pore · · • because she's SA YING NOW. Her account It earning libero! dividends, too. Our current rote It JW'l1t per yeor, pold _. times yeorly. DREAMS DO COME TRUE • • • when you aove to make them o reality. Whether it'• o vocation you wont, or a new HI of luggage, o cor, o home • • • no dfeom'• too big, if you Ml your 1ight1 on It ond tlarl aoving now. °'EN YOUlt ACCOUNT TODAY • • • ond remember, oll aovingt ln"'"e.d by the 10th of ony month eorn from the ht. Dividends poid Mor. lht, J11ne 30th, Sept. 30th, o~ O.C. 20th, on ALL occoun11. COMMUNITY IUILDINO • • • We .. ,..,. ~41t ef local fdlllie• • • ...,fMI, .... ,._. ,. ht...t ..,,,,... olMI realise a high return. We theft ...a ..... t ...... tovl"91 ,. ..,..,. many olfleA by helping the.. ftft91tee heMot ef their ewn, ll't the tovnd"t "ind of lnvelt· ...... ... ~ NIWPORT BALBOA S-A-YINGS AND LOAN 1166 Yl9 Lw. ASSOCIATION NIWPOIT llACH '· A. 'AlM!R, Pruod•nt C.ALIFOINIA Hor9"r uoo C••••• 4'el Mer lre1tct. •• 2407 feat Coe11 Hlihwoy ' • ..