HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-10 - Newport Balboa PressI I I I s . . . . . . .. . . HARBOR ' PRESS Jew Multi-Million Mesa Promotion! Mth YEAR -NUMBER 3 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 19M Phone Harbor 1e1e FIVE CENTll Contest to Feature New. rt:..==~ ~~~N Fr H f Wi liXTA .L"CA fOC!'(.S) -Tbe Bi.ate Park Comm1Mlon ee ome or Hiner .aoday .......,. n. Oir-c• Coumty Board ot 8uperyieor1 tt bu .,.._.. -•-h wt to the <>ranee Oounty Kuter Pliul far ._. KJ t H.... • <iRAND --JURY · LASHES.1 A giant. nation-wide promotion of Coeta Kea.. throuch a conte.t to name a $25,000 "dream home'' built by )Isa Builden and Equipment Co., will be launched today at a J>l'eJll reception aet for 3 to 5 p.m. at Harold'• Restaurant. c.oeta Meaa. ./ n. • > zmt pgta BolA Cll.lca. Corona del Mar and Olipblrw lldir:ll wtim9 ID UM No.. 1 pr1or1ty raUq u tar ...... ¢t'ae ... ---1. SGtiltc U. -M •t nrrled llO propoNJ for UM of _, ti c ,..._, n. -.ty .aid It would bold the matter ln ..___ .--.mil -yw 91111 m-of f1uDdnc u. adftaced. MESA SCHOOL FIL1TH ~ K ln(, pre1tdent of Mtea I lnr equipment or mate.r1&1 1-.! Bulldn1. Informed the Ntwr.-, In the houae will future coopera- Pre11a Wlllfam Tormey, vlce-pre91· tlve advertlelng. dent of White King Soap Co. and The home to be given the ptt· HAllOlt WEATtB be will welcome prea1 repreaenta· 11on ll1l.,mmg the dream borne la in ·-------------- Uva to ouUlne de:.&111 of what be M.-~a Dulldeni' 41-reaidmcie tract termed a 11 1~ mJUlon adnrtlltnr of $20.000-plus bnmo. The cootdt SA~I A A.~A.. XARCH 10 - promotion of Cosll Md&. will 11tsrt Apnl 15, lut unW June I IO<."!'Si -~e C-iy -U!t- Pl'BLICITY PRO.lECl 111. "r f~-Putly ckiady tiday The ao&p firm, puehlnlP.' 90me SHOOT TIU: WOll&8 l a.nd Fnclay W'1tlL ~ ot '""' 100 advertlacmt'nta daJly through-I "They &rf' lumlng loo.e all 'ftJT "~ ~ --~ ~ ...,.... out the rmtlon. will urge readers a~· on thl11 one." Kine told IU ,.H,.. s~-Y ...__ ... - and ll11tcnere to name the ao-call· New11·Presa. adding. "It will be a 1111 t..,...,. •-• - ed Rhtem Dream Home, the mod· terrlflC> Ahot in the ann to Urla Tc up n•wua -.... -" la el to be aivt'n away at Cabrlllo area." Jn addition t o $1.~.000 ..., ...,._ -w.-n: Bt. and Irvine Avt'. which the 11oap f irm rcportf'dly It ta • four-bedroom, two-bath budgeted for the borne promotion.. model which Incorporate prod,ucta another mllUon In U~ln advertiJ>. of Anahrlm'a Qulckaet Loc.'k firm, Ing 111 aeen by King from otlwT Mlnneapoll1 Hon•ywtll and other flrm1 whoae producta .,.. fea1un'ld_ brand namH. The nation-wide coni-t •-ill be "All media will puah Co-ta Meaa announced March 28 at Stalin j u an Ideal place to live," King Hotel In a lavt.lh pn.e put:y for •tated, addln&' that firm• euppJy. , metropolitan n"'llJllen. ~.,.~. __ ., Saturday. Kardt ~ -6& 31mda,-. lilald • ':l Mcmday. Jlarda ': -ol Tue8day. Jlardl • -71 --~y. Jlardl. -~ 'lbunday. Jbrdl •• -Cl -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LANE ARRESTED ON GRAND THEFT, FORGERY; CLAIM 2 BANKS-SILKH> Dial• F.11 6 .... Dlsl1 let Attamrr GIL a»CSAa Shte Mgiatetora and .on eompen)W>U!cial• met yesterday~ in S&era:_ _ meuto over the oil oU-ahore and island drilling iaaue which threatens Orange Coun- ty. Seated from left, John M. Peirce, state director of finance; Robert C. Kirkwood, lit.ate controller, both members of the State Landa Commission : John F. Murdy, atate ....tor from Orange County; ·Erne.t Pyle, general manager of Monterey Oil Co.: Roy Seatiridp, mayor of Huntington Beach, and Maurie Stanley. president of Newport llart>or Ql•mber of cOmmerce. Staff Photo BUklnc of t-local ....... -.ct I prominent Newport ~ foDI WU CharKed today bJ .. tbe Dwlrid Attorney'• ottlee IA ·• complallll 1 which brouJtit a.rreat 1\letlday of George H . Lane. 34, opentAlr ot Bay Motor1, CMta ~ ~. who wu booa.d at 0.-- ange County Jail. .... ~ ot tin countl of JTand Uwft and_ count or forl"ery Jn eonnertiam wt~ auto t.ran8M:lloDL Be fame .,_ 1 ral(1lment tomorrow al t a.a. ta OFFSHORE ~ISLAND' OIL DRILLING OKAY; DELAY ON NEWPORT AREA OEOROE H. LANE IN MANTZ CASE Phillips Asks Probation on 'Receiving' SAl':TA ANA. Marrh 10, IOC NS J -Cnnvlctrd of ncelvln~ 11toll'n prup•·rty. Lloyd A. Phlll lpe. 33. Br~" g11r11 1 t n"-ner, wtll faee p1oballon hf'l1r1n1t and l l'nlt'nrtng bt'rt' 11t 9 30 a m. Man:h 23. P hllllJl• wu round guilty by a 8upn1nr CC>url Jury ye~lt'rdt\y of r•·C'l'ivlni: two 1tun11 takt>n In lhl' May. u1~,2 burgluy of faml'd Aviator Paul ManU' B11lbo1 I~· lllnd homl'. :>lt"'·port pollt'' ~rark· t'<I thr e1111e art"r nf'llrly tbrtf' Y"•H11 of inten11lvr lnvellllj!Atlon. wurklnit with v1ulou11 c-ounty h1w enr ... rc-rml'nl •grnclt!'I. Ph1lhp11 """''"I know ing thP If''"" werf' 11tol<'n, He 1111'<1 le!!ll· fll'<1 hf' dldn l know the mRn fl mn whom h~ bought thl'm. Amon.: th" ltl'ms taktn In th" $I :'>.000 tmritla ry of the Mantz ru· ltJPOC'e Wll!'I rn alltiQUf' gun t'OJlr('• t ln11 , Four ol her men llnkrd to tht )f11ntz trurglary are a""·aJllnit pro- b11tton h4"11rln~ In S111""r lnr C"nurt March IS Tlley lift' Thomu •n·I .1f'rry H11n11l'n, 23. Pl1u•f'n t111 twin~. C'hllrlPll F. Prin tz. Br<'R . 11ntl RIC'h· ard A nurlln, 19, Fl11ll'rtnn P rintz 11nrl Thom11.11 H•nst'n plPadl"<I $l'lJ1lty lo burglary counts. Dunlll 11nd Jl'rrv Hansen eonfo.11~ 1"lthholctini-and ronctatlni.t ~· takrn in tht' Manti burglary. PhllHp!'I w1111 trn•d In Supt'rlor Court IMt fall 1Lnd aeq11ltttrl on a rt'<'l'l\'lnl? 11toll'n ironrla acq111 ~1t1on 1"hich """~ not <'•'nnf'rtl'd to the )!anti eut Whittier Man Dies After Fishing Trip N ewport Jult.loe Court. I BANK8' ...uDlfG'" Tbe complaint.. Diep. l*t. ~­ De Witte Cbatt.ert.oca .aid. dmrpa Lane with bllkJ.n&' Newport II.ar- bor br&11ch, Bank of A-1ca -' of 12021.IO by ft-nctac' a cu 119 which be d1d not ha" UU... U. aJ.o claim• lAne obt&lntd a llbld- lar loan from Nnrport a.nor Bank, Corona de.I Mar. Roland L&&'erlllDf ot Newport Reltrbtl u.rtcdly wu ~ vlcUm-bllkfod Q.t '2074.la ca - auto 110ld him whkb ~ dld DOt have tlUe allhoup purport.lncJo own. Chattutoa claimed 1-..S car• he d id not own UUe to f« cuh, thf'n would fin&ACe OW ..U.' pa pt r1 at the be.Ilk. paytnc U.. monty out ot bil OW'll twadl. "'It y,·u 1uat llke Aunllur Oordoll El- drf'd'1 tnat deed tnn-cttaaa. - Chatt~r1°" .-rted, •)'111C U. r ar11 aomttlmea were rf'JI Hl!Wd f rom ownf'l"I •·ho t.houftlt tJwy II.ad Jl&ld In fllll for them. MESA "'O•Allr Count tbnoe of the rompla.lat r blrgu with grand theft. auto: Sc~•i~ Jail~ II 17 C.11111 . . ~ of 8r11~ T~eft K e P •• , r m a. weD- lmowll ~ ...,,._ tlm.Jdtt ........ ,. ··-· .... --bail t.ocky ~ ~ ana}Cmd Mon- day .. Pn ' I -17 ~ ol rnM tMn tou•ac -s:14.ooe. • -~ -11 ...... bond .. ~,_-,........,~. -May l&. Drplty Dlilb1ct Alt111M7 .Jollia Loudla dllilll9 8c-.n diYt"rted r-dl ~ far Uw __,_.. u. "' ..._. aad toe* ~ rr-him _. ftnL ~ P. ~hm: tt BliiWaw lDc. 1' AClrr A..~ llOa8E 32D Da"e He L Ocean Tract Set for First Sea Rig . Structures SACRAMENTO (CNS) -Special wire to Newa-Preu. 'fte State Landa Commi.uion baa authorized construction of otf-9bore lala.nda oppoeite Huntington Beach for oil drilling parpme9. • At the ume time the commisaion voted to delay deci- ._ for to da)"9 on requMt.I for of 1.111 St .. HunUn«ton Bearh and ~ "laland" clrill1n&' on olh~ one mile 11t'award, 320 acr t'1< In all. _., .,.... (Newport. Beach) "l~LAND" DRILLINO akJac tM CO&ll. pend\J\S pc>Nlbl-t' The &rt'& mey be tapPfd by f'n&oCt.llMJftt ot Udet&Ad oil me&l!Uru ll't.ll• drilled from mRn-madt ls- b"/ the currt'Tlt llH8lon of the It'(· IM<la l'Ocated a l lt'U l unt mile lalature. Th• commllllon author· from high water mark. or from I.Md Ill a ecuUve officer lo aeek on-shore. a t the option of tht oil amces ot a board of private companau &Ubmlttlng the bf'et bid -.ult.aDta to adYiae the commlll· of lhe elate. l6oll on tht' l.Mue of openlni-up The commiulon turned down re. any mott tJdelanda to oil develop· qu1·11t11 or Mayor Roy Scabridite, 111.tnt. IUld State Sen11tor J ohn Murdy, By ti.a u Uon Ule comml•lon HunUnirton Beach. that arllflclal ·~ the tappln~ of an area lsll1n1l1< ~ built at l<'Ml 11., mllu ~ oof'-halt mil• alonr the I Crom ahorf'. City offlcial1 offered lbare, from 10th S L to jull ea.st Contln\H"d on J'9iff' I It &88<'rllng Lan,. took • tradf>-i.n r ar u down paymt'nt from )(rs._ EhMbC'tb Smith <>f Costa Mesa. M_,.-IM towed d1a'u1g 116S aad Hnwp\'rr. It rontendl. La.n~ did not 1$1:,t OS:.-llty fw llMlm~ oon.all'Ul'- hol,j till<' to lht' car l<'ld Mrs. UoA. .-rt~y.,..... _..to lliuy • ~m1th a.nd lhe vehkle wu ~ rac-e ~. )"adlt IUld ~·· IW'~f'd by the acluaJ owneT. Mf'&ll-_.. bocw <:1-clU rruu f'mann whllt'. Lan" a.a.-rtf'dly !Old the ('('1111~ ha~ ...._ ~ di· Smith trad .. ·m to anot.ber part)" T\"C't.ly to Uw9e pw S-Loudu In the lf'Cond count of the rom· l&>d. &-ts:radl'• OW11 firm w"'nt 1,lalnl Lane I.II <'h&rgf'd •"Ith forg-banbvJ't dun:llc that Umr a nd LAND GRAB THREAT CLAIMED AT HEARING Penney Declares Cowan Parcel Should Not Be 'Emarculatecl' 1n1: th,. n1m,. of c . Rol>f'rt Perry-I trfl'ral rurr"*-" of "°"""' Char(" of thr•ll to grabb off 100 feet north toward Bemul1 St. ma.n, .!"11nta Ana advf'rtu1tng ellf'("'U-1 throu.a1I Uw l'inD loet UMm IA th• a portion of property owntd In OliTKIDE DISTlllC.'f llvf'. to ownnt•hlp papn• after °""'"'b!la.. downtown Costa Meaa by William Cowan'a proper1y 11 out.lllde the selling him a car for C'Uh_ Th,. ~ 1; ~---. "1&idl Sdan.ldt C'o..-an ot Newport S..ach. were propoeed parking di.tnct and Clty ha.a ~ arraiU" 1 only co...-rr lhl"O""'" a t Mf'M parking district Attomty Donald DunJIUl polntl'd C"Mltaa.... -P'ec'I' • S:h., ~ .! • sn; nno tot.al ltM7wti :-Oo. 2 in dr-Amallr, court·llke man· out hi• objtttlon d id not con11t1- Hillman f 011~ Dead in Home, Said Suicide Edmund B. HUlman. an ~lderly bachl'lor who lived at i 21 W. l tn.n St. C'ruotll ~-a ppart'nl ly rum· mlltt'<i 11utr1de by u rbon mooo1de lhl11 morning. Mu • nty J'OUC't' T"'- Jmtll'd Coron<'r F'rank Han- ~aart the virtlm h11d bffn d,..ad a bllut f1v. ho11" •·hl'n t h .. bo<1~ 1"' bf' "'•M.trt: 111 n a·xbt ot th• ner by Cor<>n• del"'Mar Attorney tutP a lt'gal proteet.· CowLn 11ub- romf"Ul1 $ booob dun!lg the bank· ~•rge Prnnl'y during Ml'l!A ('lly milled a lf'tltr tlerlarlnjt Ille 11ubllc f"1J'U'" 1. .. -b .u·-. council public beannr Monday Interest and ntreMlty did not rt'· Bf"l:LT ~ R \allOll ru!r"L quire the d lstrkt, c~rtll..ln le.nd9 ~bm • ~· t.-11 k.nOWll In Atttr quHlloning Cowan and wrre lnrlud,.d which 11.re 11J)('c1f1-=''' ~ Ha:bof' fM tl'• paat 10 S"'1>flrt BNU:h RuJtor Ralph ' cally l'lll'mpt, the proc,.dure wu ~ '"'"'· br.-i; rart ct that Ume "" Mukey, P«"nney d!'Cl&red, "If ynu t rontnary to parklnK dl11U'1rt law11, L.i loo I•,.. and llln-~YUIC h i• C&{I take thl• man'1 property away j lhe $12.000 estimate on the dl11t rh•t ~ d t!A Balboa Bey Club from him, thl'n you r1tn takf' mlnr wu a KJ"<>S8 undere11Umatlon, and H,. .,.4il1 ~ UI C"'.:i!! ff•"n an<! PISIU.LV AORU!il j tht' law .:if t mlnent dom1tln had m«e rttftltly IOl&t1fd COllStruc· Councilman A. L. Pinkley no beoering on the lan<I lnvol\'t'd ~ L'I 1:-r-~ TttTa( ... th,. Jattr at'l"ff'1. "My ~ympAthy lle.11 with I P ennt>y Informed tht <'ounrll f't°<7 : l.-;Jlf: tail#:\ '"""' by ~titr· anv property ownu whOfle land aJ1.11u11ment roll valut' for the di~-'" ..,,. -'·• 'am ua corut.ruc· I c1tn be ~abl>-"•I hy a larger body tnct 11tood al $23.780 and If the °"'" flrn-•h.,nner tht'y want It,'' Pinkley 1 city went 1hl'11rl , 1omt0ne would Aa ~...,1'-iJIP"I' nf U•" 10 mr-1a1'1. h&\"e to ma ke up the dlfrPr .. nrl' A h ... rt •t lat'k d s1mf'd Dr. WU dl.ICOV('red in thf' r;a.na.'"(' a! t .. r Y. ""· H !a •• a.. hmio:ft ,,.·nr. Don't f'mL,cul&tl' this man·a 11.00\'1! the 112.000. The atlfJrnf'y 1'8_,. C"!"~I ln.ulo<! &D>'1 Sell <i~· pmp<"rly In 11ny way," Ptnney quut1on,.d Maskt'y who H id he mni " I• ' r-. •• ""' ..... • pie~ "We h11 v" no objeetlon to o"-nf'd Cowan'• pr!'>pt'rly for 12 M ... -r be" of U.. Ltoie An~eLn Tac ht a u.auable park1n1t area and "''t 'll yeus. Mukty M id the ICNl-<>f the C1vb. I Mlp you dett'rmme a fa.Ir price for strip w ouldn't btnrt1t Cow1Ln'• W1lll•m I'. Bo~·nton. 8;', ot \\"hit· an1rnx1m1tdy JO 20 I m. tier. yr~tPrday 11Clt'monn v. hen hf' I Oh\'t'r B GriNIOn and h1' dlu~· ttt11rnf'd to Port OrlUlJi:I' rrnm a tl'r. Mr1. Tht"lma B Meyn . both f l11hlng lnJ' ""'1th 11nothf'r Whittler of iZ4 \\". HHh St , tound Hill· r u ulf'nl. l'ltan R. Wileo-c, p<llll'e m1tn'11 body and phoned Ole pobtt n port,.11 111 t0·28 a.m. Pinned to thf' b<>dY'• Ule prn~rty." I propt'rty and would cause high D.UW., fi Millfaed I Mua council appt"ared swayf'd Nverance Ins• bt'C&UM It would n.11"'"' ol ~ N~ Into enl~nf th• parking: diatrlr t ruin th• propcf1.Y. Kt:\•. 'OHS rAKK.E John Parke Set as New Rector of St. James Announcement t hal the Rev John Holbrook Parke, rertor or Graee Epu1ropal Churr h In :\or· wooda Mua .. hu lnd1ralerl hl1 de· sir" to llt'C'"J'lt l hf' rail lo St JamH Ep1,.copaJ <..hurrh hert' wv m•de lfllll\\' by th~ \'estry or thto rhurrh ~fr. P11rke is r«>quc!'lllng J)f'rmls· si<•n from h:s h111hop to art't'Pl ti'" call and the IOC'al ve11try experl..I lo hf'llr the decision th111 we,.k. Thfl rl'rtory of the C'hun:b bu l>P,.n var anl 111nre F~b. I when the rr!'l1~atlon I>( lhe R.l'v Paul Moorl' Wbeell'r hera m(" effeellve. Mr. Wheeler a ccepted Ole call to Continued °" Pace I Substandard Cleanliness Hit in Annual Document Jn its last official move before retiresnent, the Oranp County Grand J ury lashed out today at Coat& Me.a Kain School as being· "below standards of cleanlineae,'' and the school district in general for the fly problem. The grand jury said it visited and investigated aome • rounty sC'hOOla and to11nrl thl' ma· "The ('ommon fly pro.._. w JOrity of t hl'm lop eallbn'. m11nly •l Lindbergh Bcboot,• 119 Howl'Vt'r lhf.'1 r 1••1>1>rt· wamf'd M id, "whnl' thr city i. ba..tllc C"Mta Mt'M. Los Al11mlto11 and troublf' with <'hlC'kl'rut an.d raMltt \'1lla Park' Srhoo1 Dl11trirts to grt ranr ht'll. w .. 1pray In the corrider'9 1I0\4'n to brttllM tat·k11 and clo 110m,. every night," h" eirpialn.d, ... thing ubout the l'omm on fly prob· when we ~tart •<'hool In the ....,..... lem. I lnl\' lhr rt' are no ruu." Thi' San Junn C1p1elrano Hl!ith HI' t'Xplatn~cl there .,.. 9Cr9el School a lso wu At'ored a lonl(' w ith on t hf' wlndvw• of tM 9Chool. wt Coeta M t's& Main Sehool tor 111b· that OJ)f'nlng" ouutde ~ ~ 1tanllard cleanllnf'ltl. the day a.llow1 flll'I to set a.to Amon1e olhrr J'••Commtndatlnns corrldorra. 'The menace Ml cut ?landt'd lo J11d~e Robert Gardnt>r In down aome now," Ru .-MS, '11ut & 32·pagt• tt'porl w('rt: A new we wlU eonllnue to ha" tu. u Orani;e County Juvenile Home llnd long .. WI' havt ch1ckcna and ~ IOC'ataon, an addition to the Ana· bile In thf art'a . helm-Fullerton r ourlhouw , more CONPmON9 Bl:Tl"E& ron11tabul1ry ht•lp ln the county, The IUPf'Mntmden t MJd be .,._ m•1re room 1n the au1lllor'a ortlrl', lleved the difficulty reternid to al tax collttlor'a office and fnr Or· Main School 11 the dirt plaJlf1"0'dld. ange County Bo1m1 ot SuptrvllOra. "I thin.I< the grand jury la refer- REA'8 REPLY ring to d irt on the floora lnlclled lkllef that the ftl'nerat lltuaUon In from the playrround," be •Id. 11 under belier control now than "T!lat baa beea ta.km care or now wh.n the grand jury made Ill and we a.re uatnr a difftter1t clean· 'rillt. to the Colla Mua achooll Inf method. "We think the c:ottdJ· wu upre-d today to the N-•-Uon ta 100 per cftlt better thul It Pl"t'• by 8uperlntenc¥nt Rea. wu," be conc:Nded, SECOND ANNEXATION MOVE ON HALE TRACT A second attempt to bring tbe Hale Company sbdivj. 1ion into Costa Mesa city limits wu launched by Meea city council Monday night, ae reported excluaively by the New•· PreM Monday afternoon. Council action sent to the Orange County Boundary Commisaion a legal description and map of lb,. llflf!N>Xlm•tf'ly 800 acru proXJmattly 20 acl"t'I, with a }().. Involved In the pr npoeed ann~ll&· urt' 11Chool altti weat of It. lion Jt the new anneutlon alt.unpl lntlU<lt'•I In !ht 11nnf'Xflllon LI r1111a tn go t)lrOU(h, Darnell a&1it thl' i:;riuthf'rn C1111for n1,. Wble Col· Ule 1111bd1v111on would be del9)'ed lf'Jt", th" Orl\njit•' County Fnlr Wllll th• ma11 l• rednawn a.ad ap- Groun1h •"'1 thr Hair t'o subdlvl· proval obt1lnl'rl from Oran .. Coun· •Ion. Ann,.xation .. r 11pp1ox1m11lrly ty boflrd of •U~n•laora. The Rai.- !\O at rl'1' Pnrompo~,in.: th,. V11rd crnl map ha,a bt't'n dr&Wft few lll· Manufactu11nir 'nmpanv. R•IJll!"l'nt eluelon uf thf' al"t'a tnlo Colla to the tt1ble C"nll"I!"· ~srrit"•I Mon· Ml'1'a city limit.a. r!Ry nt,rht. F lr..t ri'11d1n11; w11a ar1v .. n Th" nf'w anm!utaon would ,.. I h" r.r<11111tnrl' Im"' p<1ratln11 I hf ltnll the <'lly Umlt1 belWeftl P'a.tr• l11n1I into CoHa M,.-'lt • <'llY llm· Vlt'w Rmu1 tn Newport BIYd. aJ. Ill. mo11l to Brlat11J A v .. ,..up to &ll,.r Carlt'r D11rn• II. 11p<1kl'1ITT111n fllr ~t. 81ld e•ll•nd l'&.111.f'rly ~ lhf' Hlllt' C't1lllJ1RnV, ~1th!, "Wr'~ B&Jlrr St l1t tAke ln the Hale 911b· vtry "Xcfl,.•I 11b<111t th4! nrw an· dlvulnn to G1Mlf'r flt. Orange eoa.t n"xat Inn 11nrl aniw111~ to 11;1·l 11t11rl· Collrgr 111 "X~rtM to be IUUIV1'°4 t'd on thn "111l<llv1"1nn." H" 111Jtlrd to !hr rlty llmlta In a Mp&.rat• work w011ltl stnrt on f11ur nu"l~I proc-,.M11Djt tiomu, lhrre 11nol tnu1 ·l)f'•lrnom ( ·11y At tnrn"Y Donald Dunraa 11l&t', •t th,. cCtrn!'r ot B11 k• r 11n•I 1nfor111~d nty count'll th..re would C'<1lll'r;-t w1th1n 111x r111y~ "Df'P"nrl· ~ ,.,.ry ltlll,. brnd1l to t.1141 .,,. lnit upnn bnw thP 11nne•11t lon nPxlltaon "11nlf'llll a mf'lhod la tlf- ltO"~" Dllmc-11 11111•1. "wp f'XPl'r l vl11<'ll to provide water." Cll1 lo #tart work on 22~• hnml'• J11nr Man&gf'r G•'ori:11 C'otfr y wu In· l. \\'(' ha''"' l'vf ry l"A!!on I" bl-· lltrurtf'cl by thf' council to apply hevt' th" 11 nnoat1<in will .ro to tht' Mf'trorllllan' W•t"r D11trlct through .. ror the ""~'"""ary C"Onnectlona. l>1rnl'll rfvr111,.t.I a majnr h11nk Thf' wat,.r lln"• will ti. plck"'4 h•d t 1q)rl'!u1Nt tnl<'l"•l in 1,,, 111 1njt up r ast or Bri~ttil on 8"lter St. In th<' 1111t.1!1\"1•1nn'11 11l&nnP'1 bu~•· sntl "JI'""" tlm••n Falrv11'W Road nf'tl~ tll~lrirl Ill ~-n1rv1l'W an<I li•"· to 1111pply th11 f'ntlre &l'"a up fat ltor. Thill b11Mnl'" •r"" rnvf'rS "I'" 11nn,.J1at1on. \\'llrox t old police he wu C'll'&n· lrtl lapel. 1nve1t1p t1nr; offl«T• tng up the outboard motorboat aald. wu a ... tut• Vll'l'lop. bfer- Ule p•lr had fl1hf'd Jn and that Ing the n&mf' and phone numbrr -.·h"n he turnl'I arounll he 11aw f of A. L. Htllman of TUatr..n. a,p- Boyntcm had <'oll1~ed. Ouring parently a rt'laUve the two·hour f'lllhlnir t rip hl1 Hillman &Ut'pdl)' cloeed 111• rat· f rlt'nd n1111le no rompl&lnt dt Ill-, ai-e door. tu.med on the motor o! n us. he' s 111<I. 111klln« that th• d~ h i• car. lllid on the ~e floof' ~t'Ued 1&1fftno•I a ht'art a ttarlc I and madt' 1 ll'nt ovt'r b1mw!f uJd two m<>nt ha ai;n Thf' bo<tv wu th,. u ha1111t wltb a blA11kh TI>t' takrn to Ball& MMl11ary. Corona tood\• "''"8 •~nt to Balta MOr1U&t)" 4d Mac. j Coata .Meaa Cbapel. 1f.,....r ~_.....,.._ i. ,_,.. 1 by puttba.aln&' Cowan'• entire 100 I Mayor Cla ire Ne!Mln oblerved ar.tHd.. C'anift' 11oy9 wW ..._ • 1.11 300-ft. lot. loca lf'd off Harbor he tavot'ed a 1arrer d1.u1rt. Coun· 11,.,., ~ ~ -.ta.'9 1 Blvd., a pproximately 300 ffoel ctlm&ll A. t.. PlnkJey ~· r m. (9 Jllaldly G)d n.... IOUlll ot w. lttb !t. Derision In I POl!rl' OmcE BITE d.Ay u yvvr pa~r t. aot ck· tll• mautt wu eootlnued until COwan report~ tht property b~~j bJ tMt ._,. P'-the March 21 mttUJlC of U\8 1 t.. bff.n aubmllted to the rovem- n .ll Harllor att• aflld a ..,.oat council. mmt u a po911lbl• Ille fOT the f'C"'.rt.e -...,J Ull.nwcbat..ly Parkme di.trlct plane Involved n-Coit& MlllMl poet otnoe. Ml"ll. ~ • ~Jl ,_r ~ of IV'qllirtnc a ~ it JOO·fl •tn p from Hue! ow announced today INb- TaCT ~"J~ Bar'9or ;s_... Cowan'• proJ)4'rty. Thi propoeed mlNl'Jtl of bide on the po9t office f-r-parll:lng dtlltril't wu elated to run lite i. cJOMd and a.II propoealJI, -,_ --~ °' w. ll~ k &114 Coe ............... rr WOULD Rt:r.-i PROPEllTY-Newport Beach Realtor Ralph Mukey, Rlanding. left. ao replied when que11tioned by Co rona del Mar Attorney George P.rnney, a eat ed. right. Penney conducte.d court-like quest1o:ling in protesting what he r1tlk?d "rmucu- laUon" of property owned in downtown C·ufta Meaa by William Cowan of Newport aeach, third from right behind Penney. Costa Meita City Council WU holding publ.Je hearing on creation of Meaa parking district No. 2 Monday nicht ._tien protea WM made. -St&U Photo .. I • l - :red Hill Faces Arraignment on Checks Friday ArralgnmPnt tn Suprrlor Court will bl' t:we•l F'ndn1·. ~1 11,h 18 by P"red K. Hill on 11 r h:irr" of C<>lonv no arC'oUnl cht!C'k•. 11 .. V.All hrhl to answrr to the h1~hl'r <'uu1·t Col· Jowmg prellrn1nary hearing )t11n· <lay i n N l'\\TOrl Just·ce Court. Hill w11.s 11rrutr c1 by Nrwport pol1<'C a ftt!'r his mother. Mra. \\'ii· m a K. Hill of 209-A Topu Avl'. swore lo an affat'lavlt her l'IOn cub- ed a check tor S:'>:iO. when ahe wrote It to him for fM. I I PAGE 2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 1M Mch. thm • ho•l"ltt.l "·m bf>, F·1re Causes $35 bulll In 1-'lg-unA THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 Pt:oro~t:o &001T1os D f 8 · lnclu,lr{t In the Hua~ H<'spJtal amage 0 US HOSPITAL FUND DRIVE four·etfln• a J dltlon v.~ll !>.-60 Flrr in l'ne of thl' \"uata MM& beda. pt"<ltatnl"• and physloth .. ra r y busl':< Mflnday 011 nt.t b\' t'harlN dep&rtment•. f'Xan1lm nt; rooma for I ~ · conallltat11·e Tumor BoarJ. <'haprl. 1'ttm1•T • au•I' I J ,,\ tl1'mAl[f', Ral~ FOR . ADDITION . BEGINS ~.~~~~'",~~1 1~:';:: o~"':'.:i.,~:\1111:;:~·: -~::;~;.1 ::1::11':~~1':~';~·,: l~l~~:~;r.h~t- llC'l&n, nJ J1t10m1l s111i:••nf'a anrt ... 1 ,, .I 1 .. • NII I. tmmlnj,! wlrlas rr.1nrn for f'nlf'rg!'nn· rnt lt nt• an~ .1n.t ~....... Ill I .t II.ii hlll In the bUa. dla&'ftOltlc X-ray equipment. re· t 111wr flf th" bua wu Andrew Doarlt of fllrecton or Hl)&g : ... ~ •ill i.. 11&6.000 from New-<'Overy room !or •uri;.<'a.I r a t1enl1. J ~1mnt& •'l \;,7 IC. Rroad•·ay. Coa· ~lemor1al Hc"•pit11.l. P~l>\"trnan prrl ~b and $20,000 troll\ doctor11' hbra.ry· anti a11t11!mium , Lil Mr•• 11 .. \~A.I 11lqne In the b\19 L'N•ta :.C8& Other amc>Unta · 1.a· tor •latf. nursea·. 11nd a11>.1hary when lit" fire o<'c11rr•d w hile t1rtv-has OJlf'nfd a C-:\mpal~ •!&i M to it"..:na lioea.cb. 5.16.0UO; Sulla Ana.• ml"fllnga. · -., Lini: 111 ~">111\ b l·u·k. Ornn.:r Ave. r:1Jirn hair a nlllhc:i <!•-'la:-;; n:au~-$~.vuo; H unUnctun a.&ch. SJO.. L' s . Ht>ath offH'lllll! 1Mllnull~'·Tt11· .. r 11 11 k~ 1111J 10 mrn anewer- 1ng f11nd1 fo:-n-00.00\I of1erf'd by 000: Orange. fl0.000;. Tuat111,, 11.f't'd tor 4.5 betlt1 for eal'h JOO<l ••d lho 1•111l. lhr l-long Fountlallon for t he r u:-JbYOO : ~Ltn. ~; S&n Cle-population. Tho H arbor area ,------------- pose of J.,ub!lng the num ber •. ot m~tf' ~: Ca piatruo,. ~= total• JT,000. Now thrre are 2.1 Jailed A•er Crash NEW BUILDING ANNOUNCED -The large inner court of the new Lido Profes- sional Building, due t o begin constructi~n soon, is 11hown in model above. A't left and surrounding the court are offices on two le\·ela. At right la the roof ternce and pent- house on the third floor. J ohn S. Leary of Downey and William Lansda.le of Lido Isle are officC'rs of the corporation .formed to underwrite the new building, which will go in Lido CC'nt<'r at 3319 Via Lido. P. A. Palmer Incorpora.ted will manage the building. H 111 told arre:ilmg of ti ctr a his m other owC'd him the money. fil- ls 11 Const Cuard~man whn mal<r~ his hnmP In Sral Rearh. He Is free on $10(10 bail bond. Kellne(. 'Caps Gone Thdt .ot two hubcapa from her 195' a uto waa reported to police Saturda" by J.~ Ullla.n Kellner. roo111:1 In I he hv>r1tal. • F·uuer-ton S3000. WestmLnatn an1! bed• for each 1000 prrson1. In· 1 . rr Joint Chnlrntn o\\.!!11!'1..."ll F r:a~r.tta, S?OOO f'•C'h: S anta Ana clut.llnr allowance ot l'o11nly ho1• , -Two :'.li;nn«'~ l'l!•'ll!l•'ll lnjur)' l<1mts. !':rwrort. Rto11C'h, and l •allu W1lal11rr . 12tl00: and Gard"' Orou pltal ~. tor tht.i arl"a. accor\S lni; ~·esterday ••hf'n I htlr r ar went ott Turnf'r, Lagu.na St'lll'h, MM th .. y lllvl Wlnl,.l"Jlbt1~. SJOOO • u c h. to Mnt. Wlnlfn-d L. Ba eon. ad· I ho road al M11" A rlhur Blvd. and hoprd wnrk on the rroi"•~.,,J four-, $30.000 Wlll be pledged from mlnlatra•or. l -.11,,.1 ltlj:ll\\ "·'" <'rllSht'fl thro111h ~tory t.cldltion lo the pnsent hos· .ourttS oulact. OBng-e Cc>unty a b11rb1'd wlrl' r.-nr l'. rolh"I clown r1tnl ""ould be •tartt'd next ()('. Lone ranee bwldiac plant br Mr1. Bacon aa l..t the •hoapltal a&n t'mba.nkment an •J ca me to a lobt-r. Thr a rfrance gift" <'•:r.· the IM»ptl&J tnclude a V·ahaped •·aa &\'Uag-111.g 84 3 p1LUt'11ts tor real In " flf'ltl o~.-11r J 09f'ph palgn ls now un~N·ay. The "'~ to the pro~ four-story th• preaent 7:i beds per 24-hour 11\anrhn:, Zl · of ~' Ve«u wu g«'neral ra.mpa1gn atarLS llay J~. ..~··•--1 ,__ h Mod SI 1..,. '· f llr l\1111' the ur. poh<'e M id. IUld . . 1 • ....,._. or coeva~mt omf' pe . 1e r«'por .--.. a J't'R" " I J ohn R. t.aHoiruc. :lJ, Marine QUOT A Bl CITU:S qi.:.arura. T'W"Mr Mid, .. U the 120 patlt'n!s In one '1ay with a %3 ('oi p~. WM the JIBll.!'lt nittr. Dolli Mew $500.000 Lido Office Building Plans Announced N ewport Beach end U cl11 Ccn- 1 a rl' Copped~<'. JacobsC'n and AC'krr. ter will N1tit\ .. J111\'I' 1111e or l'ahCor· Hollyw1lot.l arch1t<'l·tural firm. Tht• . ,. r. bu1hlrr Is C. \\'. Shumaker San n t.1 !J.,...J1Ui~-~(111 .. rn nm! bca11l1ful :'lfnnno eon traC'lOr. ' new nffko bu!Jdln~s. acrord mg to Con.111ructlon plans are C'omplrl· J~hn H. Lt11iy •of ~owm•y and ed. a.cconlmg to .Mr. Ltar y. with \\ IUhun l.aMctalr nr ,,34 Via U cJo bulldmg dUf' lo begin In lho near S ourl. )'lrl'!ltdf'nt 11nrt &"C'rPlary re-tu tur.-. The structure wlll be com· "Jlt'l't1VC'ly of Lido l'rOfc~~lonl\.I Jllctr and ready f or occupancy Bulltllng Jnr., who wlll underwrite about Dec. 1, 1955. It. for WC'll <>Hr $~00,0llO, I:.eary aa1rl. The $18.000 ><q. fl . Kll.'1.'l, framt- anJ miuwnry b11ll<l1ng will be at 3319 \'11t Lido. ll will ha\'e ap· proxlmatl'ly J !) l'fflf'l'll 1:9 t" o f lnorit, w ith a 4-be<tmnm-4-bath prnth•1ll.!'1• ant.I lei gr• rooC tr 11 acr• on lh11 third !1001 A II 11pa r r11 in t he bull1hng. tnrh1d- tnir th,. renlht1Uilt, will be for lease a <'COI dm~ to v1r<'·prC'~Hltnt F.mtry S 11.in~nn. of th•· ="""'("Ort Br1u·h rt AI u1lalP firm or I' A. 1'11lm<r lnr , rrprt.t1t!'nl ins: pr1nc1pala In Utt! lran11&rllfln. :>:•·v.·port Balboa Sav- ini:!! 11ntl 1.1·1o1 n .\11~ocin11on ownrd l h,. un•fl'Vtlorw•I prop<'rty. Hon<.0n aaftl lhal lh" Palml'r fl1 m Al!!O will mnna i:o lhr buihlinr;. 1ll'•1rnr1 II n f I h,. n'w bulldlnl; Gary Drake Due Home from Tachens Gary r. Orllke. mr t11lsm1th third tlu11. 1 ·~x. 1<01] ot Mr. Anol Mr11. ('liff01d r'. l llA.k" nf Jljl 2 F lr11t Avr , I\ ~rrv1ni:: 11hn11r•I !hr hl'llvy rr111~· 1· 1·ss T oi•"'" 1 .. k1nl:' pail In th" 'f;i"h"n rvnr 11111 Ion n unni: t hr 'vac.,1n11on, the To- lrd•• I" fl.•J: ·ho(" for I ~ .. !'-invnll gu11- f 11 t' MIJIJI•" t .: roup 1.11 '"'11llng clnl!<' In ;111ppnr t rur t hl' omrhthlous era.ft en1• 1i;• •I In thr rv111·u11!1011 'l"h1• T·•l,.do 111 ll<'h•·o!11lf'd to rr· h1111 t•• h• r h"lll• l"•rt o( l.ont:' &11rh nl'-cl Wf't'k. DEATH NOTICE Of:ORGE CHR\'STAL Sl'rV1cPS for Ge<>rgt Chry11tal. e5. whn wa11 found d!'1td at hi11 home, 11 6 1.., Eut Bey A1·p , werl' held Tul'~lay. M11rrh 8 a t 10 a .m. In Baltz ~1ortua ry, Corona del Mar. with th,. R t>v. R11y Carl~on oftfcl&t· in~. Inl<'rmPnl wa.1 In \A,'t'.stmln11tn ~frmonRI Park. u .. 15 11urvlvl't1 b,· n hrolh,.r. John nf t..'ldner, R. C lft' wn1 bom In Srotland nnrl r 1'- t 1r1"-I flv,. month!\ HJ:O. "h"n h,. c'!\mp to 88lbn11 f mm t.oA Ani;:Plr11 lie "'"" a urlftor for the PaC'ttlr ~:1,.rt r te• P.:\llway rompany. CHARLE~ JRWIS WILSO~ Funt>ral 11C'rv1rra for <'horlc• I r· won \\'1lson, 72. oC J.:lil Mci<a U Mvl', Cnstll M<'ll3, will bl! held Satu111ay, 2 p.m. In Parke11-Rldl!'y Mortua ry C hapPI, The Rev . .I O.'lf'("h W. Mcshane will otrldate. Mr. Wilson died suddenly .Mon· day Al h lA horn ... He was a natlv11 Of· Bay Cit y, Mlrh. e.nrt came to Lo!I Angelrl'I In 1902 where he own· t>d and op<'rnted a tent a.nd awn• Inf buslnt'H !or 40 years. H t> llved In Ocf'f1nside before coming to thl11 communHy two yeara ago. S urvivors &rP a brother, Frank R. Wllaon of Co. .. ta Men .and a alat rr Mrs. Hf'lcn Dean ot A rkan· i't&.'!. Pn\'3te fnltnnr nl 11:111 I>.-In E:temnl Hills Crmetery, OC"ean11ldt . Year-by-year tuilding Plan for Harbor High Outlined A com pl• LC' ) U I ·bY·Y<'Ar b 111ld· Ing pro~r11m for thl' 111opo1l"d Ct111· ta M"«a un11 •1f llw :-.:tv. p<i1 l Har- bor l 'nion Hq.:h Srhonl lt)M l'lll rf'· IH-.etl Y""l1·rd1<.)' b" lh,. b"Rrtl 11! Lru .. 1r~,. i<h 14" plan• "'' 111k1n11 r11 11• 11 lof1fl f'llJ tl A In !hr •d1rw1I y1·ur •·f )!1,7 :>& J\ 1J111ld111.: ""'•· lU.X 14 Ill b•• I 11! 1 d 11n Ill /lll 1'1<1 I hlO r11 ll,.1I fur ~lfl) ::o On nu .. .t•r·I \1llu11t1on v.h1rh the t n1at.-. • 1•,11111.111• w ill 11111 frflm S~6.Uu0,001l 111 111:1: •• :..; lo S l2l.· ~Ii"' 11\1\l 111 1!111 \·6:'1 tht tru~t"fll "ll· Jl~ l an lnC'llln(' "' $:1 11;,n (l(lo rr .. m a 4:'>·1 <'II.I t "'1 l•X [i11r1ni: lh·· I.I•' !ht•\ ~·•0.1 11 t M txp..ct1'1I rrvrnu .. 1\lll h<' 1:11 1 6(Wl f 328.0.'(I an l J:i l .:1110 11111 f rom l hl11 tht~ l''l'rrt to b1.1r.t lo'I rl.111>1· rnnm 11n 1t" twn hnml"m11k1n11: 1m1111 one int111 .. 1nal 1111 .. um' '' n.rletr 10 -n·n11111 .m nn 1 111'..,.rr.l ''" mulllC unit, I br i n: umt h,.• lu·1111 111e1· hllr~ 11:< "c-11 "" 1 Iran mi.: s· I 11n· p 111nni: lhr 11111' I~ , •. ~T \P:AR l n thf' 11• '(! 12 n.on'I>" v.·1th an lnrnirr r t $1~ ... \;,11 11 I ~ rl1111nrrt tfl hull I 11 11 Admtn.111rall1>n u1111 ftiUr 4"• wn~ •• un 11 «. •• ,, ~· • nmmPrt""' 11nd t \\'o ln1h1:-11hl nit .. 11n.ls T hi• year lht numbf'r ot puptl1 In th" nl"w achool will be 800. 0 Tht followlni: )'l'llr. Hl~D-60. with 1338,800 ant1 I ooo· pupl.l.s. tho t rus· t~ plan to build tour ara<tem1c 1\Jnli.., two arta t.nd rraf~. ont Jiom~inaJ<lng. ont lndu11trl11l •rte and two mu111c unite. In 19eHl . with k 00,060 and 1200 pupil• lht p lane call for bulld· lnr a cafeteria. 11f'ven cl ... room unJt1, vt.ual •du c • t Io n and dramatic unlu. 1'°9 Pl'Pl.LS SEE~ An audito rium will bt built In J9e 1 ·6:l Wh«'n I hr lnlome 111 t•· pert• J to b!' 1•29.300 1o~ourlPtn hundred puptla 11 re titpt>C te<.t. In 1962-63, w1lh SH9.:>50, It 11 p>ann"'d t11 bulld a g irl•' gymn1111· 1um a nd lcx-k"r roum1, a1x tf'nnl' ruurl'. nne hOftlt'meklnl(, two In· du11t1 1,tl ail! 11ntl two ~rJ~nur1r unit:<, (Cir J600 puplli< Jn l P63·6i . "1th S 169,SOO. plan• ~nll ror 11 1 lai<.~f'(l(lms e1n1I rnn1· plet1u11 of th•• l:hfary. wnh 1son t.lUtlf'll.lll PXJ'1•C'l1•J During t hl" flni<I ,>ei.r. 196~·6!1 Wllh S49~ 000. t;u1ld1ng r tara rall for f 1msh1ng Uw adm1n111 rrat ion l.11111<1111,.; an•I making a 1wlmm1n1t po .. 1 T\4 ,1 thffll~--nol pup1l11 a.rf' ex· r•'d"•) lO ll•e th1• j•lanl Cit (hP e nd uf 10 yrMA. In t he )•·1tr JP63-6-' lbe lrual.4'u plan lo us .. ""m" • t U1e Ulrume tor atld1' 1 n <•f 11 m11,1c bu1lilln~. shop, a.ml '"' k< r rc>nma a l I h" prt ,•nl h1i:h '' h•w•f 111:r. (.fl \llf'AJ. IX< llt:ASt. Li1· l'l:17·'·'· V.hl'n thr fir!!l 600 r11p11~ Hrr m o"'· I tr, t ho· nt "" ht~h e111 .... J. 1t '" ... un1111 r.t t h,• •n· rollnirnt a lhr J·r"~"nt ~1 h•iol w1111J.t be ""' r ::-r1on but "11.h Ult II'" Of l h.-nt'W plnn thl, \\ii) 1lr1>p lo I fi0t1 pup11.q, T htll numbf r 111 • rxprctf'd to 11Tadually lncrtut un- 111 at tho .-nd of the lO·yeu build· Ing pt'r1od Suptrlntendt'nt Sidney Davldaon •xperta to hevt 19~0 p11pll11 at the older achoo!. A II thtat!' f'IUmatu are baaed on the expectt d uae of a all4 donated by the federal r ovomment at the olcJ Sant.a An.a a.Ir baae. Should If be necf'uary to purcha.e a all• the truateea u~t to amortize the c:o.t over a pertod ot IO or more yeara. All &llowanct hu ~n mt.de In the eatlmatea for C'08ta or turnltur. and equlpmenL MAKE us PIOYE IT ""'• faaye MoW1I ..., .. tmaoM}e .,...,. 11-to •.-e lltOlle1 ta.. Seate rana way. l mt Sift • tile opport1mft7 to pro'f'e to 1oa tlMI moa.1 .. n ap ..,...tape et &M a .... ae dilfrrnt plaa plOMON!d "1 8tat. f'ann. L &.. C.U-.e State Fann Insurance Co. ftf,()()!'IJXGTO~. 0.L ISS E. J7tb St., Co.ta M~ i w. L LH•I• LI R-1011 Quotu auu~!JL by fund u.mmit-j boo.pU.aJ an& nqwr-more lhlUI f'~rgf'nry onf'·day r.,...·oru. ml'n 1' t're booktd tor lntox.lct.Uo&. ~~--~-~~-~-~~~~-~~-~~~-~~~-~~~~-~~~~-:-~- 12 Cay 1.slaR4. YM'PAY LE~~~ ' . ., v ~1!-j TOILITnssuE ~ 860 6 fer 35~ --OOt1lfT ----~------------------------~ ~ -Z-EE_R_OL_L_T_o_w_E_LS-~-sii°z-r 2 tor 29C ZEE NAPKINS ~ 80 2 1n.r &1.t. Count for ~-....._ --~ Y•~l'PJY LESS . . .: • W' • • ''· . -· ITEP. ON UTILITY CANS UDO DRUGS 000.. •f llHt I.We Shope .. :161 \.ia Udo, .Sewport BMch HARIOR DRUGS ::301 t:. Cout Hy., Corona del Mu IAUOA DRUGS 7le E.. ...._ Bh·d., Balbo9 -~'', ........ _ ?~.::::_ New ia ONE 4aily taltlet II VITAMINS+ 12 MINERALS Vincent's ICE CREAM HAND PACKED Qt.s. 59( Bulk Half Qal. Single Coaee Double Cones Ph. SO~ Wt 6t IOt BAIO Y.e::z 2 for 19< .. pn,.... '-ily'• 4id CHEER ~ -.. 29c oi. 68c ~ ••• SUPER PLEllMllS . ~taMrt _..,.NORE.._,_,...._ !:.:-' ~--ti ALL vi-t:M-INS .._ .W1 -ra"!" -a. are k--. plea VITAMIN R,. FOUC ACID. ~R CX>NCENTRAtt _. II UIPORTA.NT MINERALS •· d1llllW CAl.Clui.c. PHO&l'llORUS. IRON_. IODINE. ~---.......... /' --,, / --"° ~ ' I _,,,_ _,. fCllll -I_,,....-..,._,. I _,,..,_.... , '.,-. --~ , ...... --~ ,, --._....,. __ ,,, ManaMMLY .... __ ....,..._ TIDE ~2Sc JOY ;: 'PAY LESS_ , . " . '~. ~. • i B a I a i ; a 1 = • )I ,, .AB8TD. COLOa& fU9 VALUE 97c ...... -...,. __ ~ For all Your Drugs and Needs x ·~ BIRDSEYE DIAPERS 27 IN. x 1'f IN. 97c PIG. ore IUFFElll ·-......------._.., __ _. ... -.,. SU& lih AbsorWne Jr. ..... 77c ~ hcU,. of 86-B.ec. 39c Vah1e . 23c S WASH CLOTHS XNIT 11 X 11 ASSTD COLORS REG. 2 FOR 25c 9:1 twice as fast as aspirin! • P·A RAKE ET S BZAUT,fUL COLORS BLUE • CRARTllEOSJ! wmn .urn YELLOW 51" PARAKEET CAGES $295 Reg. $4.19 BASEBALL BATS RIO. 69c 110. 19c 89o fl.29 REFRIGERATOR BOX sns PLAITTO -3,,IZCE UOOL.AR 760 53' HAND~.M .......... _ .... ......._ __ ........ _,,..........,.....,_ $ -.......... .-.~ ~,.... .......... ... ....... a-...... ._.._ re __ ......,.., .......,._..._,_ ..... . e ........ -......... .... ..... _ ... _, Cotton Balls . . • a.w. ot 100-00 me. Yit•lin "C" Tablets • Egyptian HeMa I~ Ouu A ... TaWets ~~~~. ---··-J 3C ~ac Tablets 36 .. 98' rw ,..._,. ~Uo rellef of •Wt ... &o r•litYt tht ldlor auculv and aeuralfic KIMI Ua&l ucompuy colde. Triple Action COUGH SYRUP 4 Os. 98' e PW1'D.l ftlf O e Cr'OTI PJIUOM e QUICK ..lCTDfO lath Epsom Salts 6 Lb1. J9C FEV!!ll Thermometer Aocunt. Readinr 69C ll«taJ OT On) ·-- Doan's Kidney ·Plls 49C I .i ·~ Plastic Tea Spoons AllTD. OOLORI 5c ONE DOZ!]( , 'PAYLESS . -Liquor Depmha•llf f 9/1.:l II y11111 "1clo,1, RAG RUGS ":s 21~ IX. 3 for 97c :llG. '8o Screwf'4r.iver Sets IUODTIZED 59 8 Piece -•eg. 98c C .. IILnll RIPPLZ Gin 80 Proof nm I Try ........ Yi..,..d and A ....... WIMs nFTB 13:., Twill Oaks •tu.t la lcnad 100 Pnof 7 Jn. Old nm 3s1 NatwaUy Chcnpagne : f ~Ill /Jll?f ti/ is tllt I I I most mport1n t rv1rdl1n of 'fOW health.Hes u11f. kftowledrt.1ntq· rit1 lrl *"' at your "l'YICt. I I ,WAR OF NERVES -Jittery citiu:ns of the downtown oil boom area in Huntington Beach called police thia week, complaining of bigh-preuure noises coming from drilling·~. a.nd pumping equipment in the neighborhqod of Sixth St. betweeu Walnut and Olive where the above picture was made. Only the practiced ear of an oil worker, or towns- people who live with the activity night and day, can detect an unusual sound in the din. -Staff Photo "'·ered the call. but found nothing huardou11 .., tar as could be detrr- mlned a.r.d assurl'd the people there they would at.and by and keep an e)'e on the well Huntington Oil ! Boom Brings Powder Keg Jitters to City The two calla are but a few or the m&ny receiYed by botb thr (Ed. Note: Thia 111 anothrr In th• rlg1 drilling for 011 there became pbllce and t ire department• of Mrie11 ot artlclt-11 on the 1-'uhtlng· extra noisy. Hunungt.on Beach during ea.ch 24 ton B4!ac.h oil 11trtke) GRf::\T PLLL~l.RI': hours o! their watch . Many be· By BOB WILTOX One of them callM pohce re· lleve that a.a the number of drill- Tbose who rlect.ed to at.and their porting th.at 1t wunded hke the .it.ea inCT4"uetl and u th• opera- &round and not move out in the w,.ll was und,.r .. enonnowi pre,,. uans progreisa. penple or the boom fa.qt of the ever-mounting hai.arda 111urt" and that no watchman waa area grow more uneuy with pre- in down-town Hunlll'lgt.on Beach on duty. monition or catutroph1u po11111ble cauaed by tbe current 011 boom I Of!1cera located a l)tgbl man on when an o il boom 11 c&nied on are ~ mora Jittery u ea.ch the o~raUon anti auund the witllln t 2' bou.ra of no111e. dirt an<: contu· nervoWI ne1ghbor1 they wrre In no ___ •_Cl_Y· _____ _ slon puMs. The nood or rails r,.-llani;er. celved by the c1ty·1 police depart· Po!Jce rec.e.lved another Sunday Petty Cash Burgled ment bears lhla ouL night call from the 1rra on f)fth Burglary of petty caan from the A group of resldenta who have St. betw1-en Olive a.Jld Walnut Sta.. Western Union office, 2303 west not retreated from tb.e area of alatiDg lhat a well there wu Balboa Blvd.. Sunday wu , 1 •• 81Jtth and Olive Sta. became alarm· "blowtng pa." ported to ~ by Heten L. W1l- .ct Sundlly night when one ot t hr Flri• department equipment ana-u.. Suspect.a broke a window with • I VETERAN RED CROSS DRIYU Ml"ll. William Boland, ~ron3 df'I ~tar. abo\'t'. 1~ Ill tourlh VMr u one ot Motor Service Vnluntf'f'r1 c>f ;\"ewport·Co$t.a Mt'll& br1111ch Amer1can R@d Croll!!. !'hr 111.M ha• l'<'<n tiu:y 11 • r.rar l.a•h·. nurae'• aide and r&nU f'n wnrk•r . .:lln. Karn\d Bu~hnrU. lrv11l motor aervtce gTOllP c.hllirmllf .. r• por:11 Uie t1ve--Q.y a v.·ee.k M r- \1 1"41 h&a le>gged 26.317 nulo. tslrui,r 27!l r at1ena to rt'!\ll!ty ho•· pttal, El Toro ~tarme B&."f' ar •I l/'ng &&eh v .. -ra.n a Ho.pita! t11r trntmrnt In pa.st yf'8r Rl-d r r ~" tunJ-raia:.ng camp&lrt -!ta public 11Upport no"'' tn k,_.t> th.I, !"'rnr ,.. &r.N".g ot.h""'· ia o~raUon. -St.atf Pboto a rocll. then p ned entry by un- loctinc It. poUce .. Id. CUh W\U t.a.Ju~n from a dra"'·er. .. Uc-.) U.n de l<amp·s X UKl .. ll·,OflU SHOf'S ~ COSTA MES.\ 1'700 S"a1>0rt Bh·d. COltO~A Dt::l. ~AR 90I Coul Hwy. ACORD'!! LAGt~A B~ACB !SS Br~-1 BAL.BOA ISLA.'"'D !Ge HarllMI Ave. ~"'EWPOllT ltLACll MO 0-.1 Rwy. •••••••• BUILD oa yonr BEACH LOT NOW!! and ha'Ve ftntal inoome this MU111Der • • • • • • • • • ™s•~m~L • : TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX 00P~ •••• '11,95000 : l.Ddudbl& thf'W 9111&.dng featurM • e A&tndh• a.dwood llldlai& e ~" Ol'p<"AI e ~11111 nnandns • • • ~-c~nt W1DdOW'9 • ~ l'nack &r • ~,., CnnnM'.'tlnn • • ~ l1I 1-?r l"nlt • BMm Cf'UlnJ • \\et#r :W"'"' Co~tlnn • • !.'llclbla Glua Patio Dot-r • Do.Ille c,.,._.,, • '111f'd Tub-Sllowrr Cnmt.. • • • CARDINAL HOMES • • • Opt-a i DaY!' 119 F-?3nl St.,ln ("~ta "f'M U 8-&I&~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . · , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE JI THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 ---------- 1THEY'RE SWIMMING IN IT I AT HUNTINGTON BEACH BOOM Workmen reported striking oil at a depth of oJ\ly 9 feet while excavating for a swimmin1 pool iD P~­ clfic Trailer Park in Huuntington Bea.ch. Further examination revealed that it wu a 2-fl layer of oil aludge which had been dumped there aome 30 years ago. Blades of graaa, nail.a, screws and other object. found in the oily eubet.ance were in a perfect atate of preaervation. The oil sludge had to be removed and five large truckloads of concrete were dumped into the excava- tion to replace it before work could progress on the pool. CLASSIFIED PAGES HELP HIGH SCORE Blame Wet Brakes in Local Accident dr1ve onto MacArthur Blvd. when th• accident occurred. Police aal:I he croaeed the street contrary to a po.t.d lifn reading "keep to the rtpt." 8Unglen u.ld he did not Wet brakes a pparently cau.ed a eee the sign. minor accident recenUy at Coaat Jamu MJner White, 21, San Highway and C&maUon Ave., po-Dleso, driver ot the other tar. Uce ellld. told ot!lcen he applied bis brakes tor the atop light at ~aat High· Edward Henry Stlnglen, 46, of way but ha brake1 did not t.alce 315 Goldenrod Ave. told poUoe he hold. He .a.Id he tried to .,...rve wu croatDg <:.out Hl&hway to to a..old the accldent. NeW11·Preaa clauified advertlaing page. are .tudied by real estate quartet above Yt'hieh tied for "Man of the Month" Multiple Liating contest at th.la week'• award prMeDta- tion. From left, Lester C. Jonee of W. A. Tobiu Co., Gloden Fay of Bay A .Beach Re&J •• ty, C. Ed Jonea of Price McCuilltion Realty and Judy Hunter of J.M. Miller Co. New.· Presa cluaified pages were praised for helping lell 58 propertiea in Harbor area with $907,393 total value during February, a new record for that month. Awarda W8" made at eeesion conducted by Cha.lrman Hub Powers. -Staff Photo MARG A!l!!!, c.!"· 25' MA Y°Oi!!~J!!. qi:~ 49' AR FINI ID-Ill· 85' SUG GRANULATED UC CHERUB MILK = 10' S 111L llOITt tt-el• 25C PEACHJ ~~;;-:: 59, I D E ALL PURPOSE pk&· t onERGIN1 CHUCK ROAST SHOULDER OF USDA CHOICE BEEF 39i SEVIN IONf or ILADE GROUND BEEF Pocked In Visking RIB ROAST USDA Oft'lct llfF Standin9 7" cut from firsi fh. rib., Asa-ct & T rimrMd F R Y E R S MANOR HOUSE GRADE A fvi.sc«ated Cut Up All ready for por: SLICED BACON Swift's Premium or Rath Block Hcrwlc CORNED BEEF aon.r-BriJl!et VEAL ROLLS Almo4n S'ar, Bone lea , POIK LIVER Sliced CK In~ •. 49¢ n..45¢ ~ 19- 111.35' lb. 29' •. 69' 2-lb. pkg. 11• .... ~--- SPRY =·75c Vegetable Short9"1ng PIANUT BunlR ...,.,.iy brand dtunk « Cl*""J (12~ ,_ 31c) ~-49- CHUNK TUNA ~tader~ '=. 21• BISCUR MIXIS FWT MIX llSQUICI ~ lr 4:;~ 35' DAIRY GUN BunlR •. ss• RIX PURI LARD ~ 1r CUllTSY CAKI Southern SpJc. lo)'9f' Freshly Baked Regularly 29c SPECIAL 25° fROZIN fOOD VALUES l(E MILK Bond Box lroncl CHICKEN PIES 2 ,_ 49• Mol'I« HOUM, a.oz. Corn on Cob 5 • h ... Al~ p1nac ., a.,,.~ Peas' & C.Ots ~: KLllNIX FACIAl TISSUE of':o 11 C of':., 16« AVOCADOS .. 10' LARGE FUERTES Heat·Seal 59c Pack 1.Jb. pkg . DUIUQUI lllAND 1-lb. pltg. CABBAGE = ... 3c ~!~, c~!!.~d •= 39~ HALIBUT STWS '°'*91n'1 Choice 4 COFFHS F'Ott 4 OFF& LOVllS IONDS OF C EDWARDS 1-llt . 89' NOB Hill , ... VOC\lum Pode cmt Top Quality .... AIRWAY 1 ... INSTANT 2 .... i- Mild, Mellow bag 79' Edwards 100% Pure PIJCES UFECTM TllUIS., FIL, SAT., IUICI 10, "· t2., - AT OUJl8( coum WIWAY STOIU ""' -.. Stnl ... SllJ •>vhf"'~ ................................. ...__........,_ ....... ..... 83' 57c ARTICHOKES. M~?~~M .... 5c CARROTS rC:s~,, •· 5c ONIONS v~~ 3 .... 10c STORE HOURS Oa.lly 9 L m. to 8 p. ID. (Friday ttD 9 p. m.) Sllllday 9 L m. to 6 p. llL 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes• . . PLENTY OF PARKING ON ~RGE PAYED LOT ... , ' .. t .J PAGE 4. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDA y I MARCH I 0, 1955 MESA HOMES REALLY SHINE, NO HOUSE NEEDS PAINTING Coet.a M-I• a tortun.ate city. 1l ha 110 nttdy. At leut ao Mni. Fornt FQater, 9f"rld.ay Anernoon Club npreNtltattve on the t tran Up and' BeauUflt'a lion committee •poneored by tht etalmt>er of Commerce, found In a 111.1rvty Of the city. The committee 90u1ht a hou1e to palnt ln the beautifica- tion campalan.. New1papen1 ca.rrif!d 1lor1ea th.at the house h.ad to bt'lonr to some nerdy peraon. Could Mu. F oster find any one wlllinc to edmlt ~Inc needy! She could not. So, .a1 of Jut report1, the chance to s et a tree paint job tn Co1la Mua I• 101nr beg(ing. IE IT RESOLVED THAT- fire, Policemen league. Plans Accepted by City Appr.cla Uon to the Ctty of Newport Beach tor ti.I accept&nce 'Ot a ruoJut1on trom th• Newport Beach Fir• and PoUc• Protective Leape wrrutlnl' recuJar maln· tenance of city tratnc alda wu expremed today by Don Muneon, chalrman, and Don Brt.coe, aec- retary. and firemen of the cJty, A id 1uch a policy would uslat them tn Ulelr effort.a to Improve aervlce to the re1ldtnt.I and v1altor11. Leadeni ot lhe l'J'OUP &lao pointed out auch a prop:Tam would expedite the move- ment of emerJ'ency equipment to dl1uter areu when required. DR. BILL I. PRIF.8T Priest Accepts Job to Head Ne.~ College The rea!Jllatlon of Dr. Biil J . Prieat, Orange Cout College ad· mlnlstrator, wu ruf!IVNI a nd ac- ceptt'd by the collegt' board or truateea at thf!ir lut regular I meeting. Dr. Pr1ut haa btf!n ap· 1 pointed cllatrict •uperlntendenl &nil presldt'nt ot the new Amtrkan River J unior Collrge. He will leave Orange Coul to a .. ume ht11 I new re.1pon11lbllltlea May 1, 191111. Swiss Color Fiim Slated Monday DEA TH NOTICE CHAKl.t:ic tl . .\Kt'lt:l.O OIXU:'ll A color-film ot Swltzf!rland will Cnino,•ltlt' •<'n"h"f'I! f.•f l'hArll'll be pre.IM!nted at the l'\t'Wl'lOrt Har· Carflt>hl lllX1'Jl. i•. 1•! :!~Ill rar1tu bor High School A11dltorl11p1 at 8:20 p.n1, on Monday. Robf!rt A\'e., Co,ta MrNI. "111 l•I' hrlJ te> Frlani, photOST&pher and worl(1 t.nveln, v.111 apJ>f!ar 1n per11m u morrow 111 2 p Ill. in \\ ... 1111111 .. 1 .. , M1•11w11al r .. 1 k < ·rrn••l ••r\' The Rei'. Ch11rl<'~ F llR.n.I \\ 111 ••(fl, late. rrator tor hi• f ilm under. th~ au1plcf'1 or the Elnwr \\'1laon World Tnlvf!logue Sl'r1r1. Mr l'ixnn ,11, .. 1 1111.i.i .. oh· J.t,rn. H la mm ahowi brautlful Lake Jay while vl•11 111i: at 1 hn h1•111• Geneva, Swlaa mountain grandeur, or his i:rnntt.ll\11~hll'r, ~t rs J,111n the Matterhorn, the Junj!'1rau, Al· nuran a at 2••37 Mupla A\'f', t' .. 1111 pine villages, the Swiss "Riviera" Ml'll•. Iii! 11•11~ a n;1lll'" ••( H••dt• and the f1ll1 of the Rh.lne. He . ~ photocraphed Swlu watc.hmaker11 ford, 111. itrHI ('llllH' to l !Is la Mtq at work, muk carving at Brien&,, In 1946. 111• \\ "" a retm•1I famwr. yachting on Lake Zurich, wlnll'r Survl\'<H s 1111• 1111 w1fr, Mra. 11>9rt1 at St. Mori\£ and a mid· Myrtle J>1xo11 or the ho111f' ad• Auguat blluard wtlh polar dog11. dr<'llS; two 1,1011, ~nyh·rd I\. Dlxorl Fri&,.. travf'l<'d and photograph- ed extf!nlllvely In the German, Ha-of Costa M~~e a 111I Jll111l'11 A. Dix· 111.n and Frrnch •J>Paklng a re1111. )fotorleta· should have thrlr brakes. tlrei. ate-ering mechan· Isms and llghts <'hl't'ked frequent· ly, ar1•ordlng to the .:-.latiol"l9J Au· tomob1ll' Club. A Mff! n r ht'lpe make a l!llfe drlvf!r. ~--------~ I on ot Mlnnt'lmt•; two 1lau~htl'r1, M rll. H11rn• Tho11111~ and Mra, Oonru<l Ke.Ith both' or lilaho; 2 i p-a,tclch lldr t n and 2~ ,.;rrat i°f&nil· ctUhtN-n. Parkc-i. • Rhllr\' !llortuary Ill Costa Mt's• will ·be In rharp;e ot a 1Tang,.111rnl s -- Open ....• Savory Bakery DREAM SHOP-Cutting the facing on a vacuum pump to use on one of his automa- tic yacht engine control gadgets, Joe MillPr operates one of his pieces ot high grade equipment with which his shop is equlppe:I. While Miller calls It a "hobby .shop," it fa a hobby shopper's dream shop, for in it .Miller can and docs do everything from casting his own metal part.a to the finest type of finishing. -Staff Photo The ruolutlon, directed to City Manager John J. SaJlora, INI'· geated • ay1tem of m.alnlM!ance tor repaJnUnr white center un .. on 1treeta, colored puking son ... pedeetrtan croHwalk zones, red no-parking sone11, emersency en· trances to the beach areu and speed sanes. The request waa forwarded to L W. Covert,_ street auper1ntend- ent. who told l.he croup addiUonal equipment and peraonnel ar. plan· ned tor the city maintenance. Covert said he and Sa.llora were in accord with the reaolutlon. Smith Promoted to Major Rank Dr. PrtP1t haa eerved OrangeJ COi.lit College since clau ln1truc- tlon beran In September, llH8. Promotion to the rank of major A• Ulllat.ant 1uperlntenllenl he or Capta in Stanley A. Smllh, 208 hu bffn Ill charge of adult and vocational education and the 1um-Marlgold Ave. effective Feb. 3, mer HMlon. Jn thla capacity he wu announced today by Col. bu been pralaed tor real leader- Thom•• E. McLeod, comm&nder, ahlp and In making Orange Co1111t 9078th Air Reaerve Croup, Lon( a leader amonr college.. Finest Bakery Savories BREAD CAKES PIES The gToup, compoaed of polJce Beach. The American River Junior Major Smith enlJsted a.a a prl· College will serve the no11hweat vate In the Air F orce during-19•2 quarter of Sacramento County and wa11 graduated u a 2nd lieu-which 11 rapidly irrowinK In popu· tenimt from Officer'• ~andtdate lation and now ln<'ludea approxt- DO·NUTS SS29 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Har INVENTING GADGETS FOR BOATS IS 'DISEASE' WITH MESA MAN Joe Miller Turns One Idea After Another into a Patent By BERT BRINTNALL of tlwm would be ahve when It wu (JVl'r, 0nl' tluy he llk1<JdPd 1111d be· for<' he C'ould straii:hten his car out he Wf'nl through a fE'nce. He wokl' up in a hospital and that wu the rnd or raclng. School, Miami Beach, Fla. mately 200,000 peoplt. Dr. Priest W ,_1 Leo Asher H1.~~~~M~a~o=r~~~1t~h~~~rv~e~d~u~~~~·~d~o~t~"'~~~•~h~a~ve~th~e~~~b~o~f~b~uw11mdr1n,~~~t-h~---~~~------~~-----e er1ona a rs ec on a 1 "I never made a nickel out of bllge and tell the 11klppl'r wh!'n hr one ot them." had better start the pumps. "1 think 1'11 111al .• · '""''thing Inventing 11 popularly auppo•t>d out of th111 one," he said. to be a profitable buslnesa but Joe ''The trouble with those on the Mllll'r, 166 C~cll Place, Costa Mesa. market is they are <kpendent on declares there la nothing in It. rroet11. Thl'y wo1 k in sell wull•r "l gueaa the troublc with me and gel corroded. Ju~t Wh<'n you was wht•n 1 got them pHtentrd J ncE'd t hem lh<'Y freeze up. B!'lore Jot1l lntercnl In them. 1 just couldn't you find 1l out you err sunk. Now this on<' hasn 't any movrng pnrl11" bo bothere•I wllh lhrm any m111 e. and Miller demon11lrot4!11 anu ))r By that time I had my mind on llOmethlng el&<'.'' cer tainly Is conv1m·ln1t. so any one who w11nlll to take ASOTHER un;A a f lyer on 16 or morl' petent11 But br!ore he 11et11 f'nl1r,.ly Miiier can't t'ven remember Jullt through he start• telUng you about how many-might f(O out to CecaJ another Idea he haa and you r•'- Place. He wtll find It worth hie memb•'r about those 111 or m(lre tlmE', anyho111', for Miiier 111 an In· patent!! he alrrady hR..S and you tl'rt'atlng man to talk lo. al&o begin to wonder it he mennl On hi• own since he wa11 10 it wht>n hr .sa1d he-wu go101: to yura <>Id when his ratht'r died, mak1• money out nt th1.:1 ont Or he hu been here and there picking will It gel losl In lhe 1·11ck Of up a tund ot lntorma lion. mostly othPr an1l nrwer nnd bE'tler ldeu? about mechanical lh1ng11 and t11h· Millrr got his ln.trrrl!l an mrt'h· ing-alao boats. an1c1 In a garage ilurlng has tlr11t ROAT~ A PISr:A.~E Job In W!11c-nni1in. He i:ot llJ bf' •·aoa 111 are a dl~"a s••." aver11 1 q11tlP a garage m"C'hanir antl man- Mlllrr. "Once you i.:el them In your ai:~ Mlrne ot the bl1t1tesl of them. blood you a rc s:une. l::verything That brouj!hl him up against a uto· J w•irk on now ha s 110mf!thlng to mob1leit and hi' built hlmM'lf a do with boJtS, There Is hardly a racer anrt hit the dirt trar k11 with boat of any 1lze dnwn In the ha r· Ralph DrPalma and some o! the bor that hun't 11ome gaclgf!l of othertc. m ine on It," he 11a lJ. Tho8e were hectic days whrn Ju11t now M1lll'r 111 worl<ln~ nn dlrl tra<'k drlwr11 did nol know a gimmick to 8ll dnwn In the al the start ot 11 race how many \\'ITll f'ERSlllSG Thrn thr first World War came Along on<I he was acros11 lhe bonier int<• Mexu:o w1lh Pen1hlng. He haJ cha1 ge or 11 line ot trucks and tlwv hnd lo ma ke their own road11. Th~: 1'1"xk 11n tampaii::n over, he w <'nl \11 Jo:urop<'. Sltll with Per· ahln~. h\' wa11 the J(!'nrral'a motor· cy<·le 11l11pAtch rider. By 1929 l\1111('1' WllS Bl lhe t op 11( the J:l\rag~ bu111nes11 and came wN1l to Hollywot>d to manage one or Uu.• b1K on1•11 there. That was too clns!' tu tht• ocrnn and he shorlly enrtecl up 1n J'l:ewporl Beach. Sin<'<' then he baa lived on and for boa lll. Sr>ml' ut lhf! time he haa operat- "d h u1 Qwn boat an1I al others 11klppnccl fishing parttu, or been i'llplllln un 1u>mr <>! the big yachl.'I. He t.mk r. M. llucll!On J own the Cll3Sl htat fell 1111'1 J!howcd hlm wht're to catch t111·0 niarlln. 132 and JSO lbs . 11nd a yeA r 11go ht! wu rom1ng up th!' coe11l an f!xactly tht ioerneo arra where the echooner Coodw11l w&11 JUlll blf'lv.-n a11borl' 11n<I ran 1nt11 ont• t•f the woret blows he rv<'r f&C'ed 11t sea. 7.A:\'E ORAV ROAT At one t ime Miller ownet1 t he boat Z11nP Cray hnd built to take to A111<11 Jd1n. After Gray brouRht tl bAr k and 11~d it up and dc1wn thr 1·na11t hr Hnlll It. ~tllltr finally Marana Air Bue, Tucaon, and complete phya cal plant. • A t c h "We regret the 10.. or Dr. f.ft u 0 ras &fter 43 months of m ilitary aervlce Prleet from our ita!f,'' itated Dr. waa Mparated In 19U aa a cap· STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS A NAME.J.H (OCNS) Leo Asher, !)9, of 133 1 W . B.ay Ave .. Newport Beach, waa lnpured. ln an auto colllaion ht1'9 at 8:3~ Lm., Tuead1y when the"car he wu drlv· lng ran through a red light and collldf!d wHh another auto driven by Ralph A . Pelenon. 6', of Ana· helm, Asher waa taken to J oh.n1ton· Gendel clinic where hci wu treat- ed for a head cut and an Injured h ip. police reported. P olice reported A.•her, who wu going north on Loe Angeles SL ran t.hrough the traffic atgnal and struck the Ant.helm man'• car which w111 rotns eaat on Broad- way. aold It. when he needed th• money for a ho1pltal bill. Jt later aa.nk. one ot the two men on It belng drowned. Among the many machines Mil· Jer hu on hta bench now ere two or three veralona of aulomaUc throtUt controla for boa~. One ot them work• on vacuum and t.ht olhtni elrclrlcally. He haa modeh1 ot the!IC being tu ted on the boat1, "H&rmony," "Sklpalong" and "So- 11.no." Then he hu a bilge Indicator on Vlrglllne. The bilge Indica tor le th• on" th11 t In tlnally golnp; to pay otf-but there 11 a comprH1td a11 hom . "Now It work1 like lha.-." I tatn. Whtie Mrvlng In t he rank ot Basil •L Peteraon. pr!!al!tent o f captain he at.a aerved aa lecturer Orange C<>aet Colleitc. "He haa I Sl'rved with dlsllncl1on and we a.nd counaellnr officer at the aepa· will mli111 Ill• good work. J am ration center at Jf'(ferson B3 r· aure that he will do an ouutand- racks, Mo. ng job In his new ustanment ln Smllh hu !wen active In norlhf!rn C'allfnrnla." Air Ruerve prog-Tam following his Hparatlon from active duly. ln Sepumbtr, 1952 he became Re· 11erve InlormaUon officer for the 9078th Air ReHrve Group with headquarter• at Loni' Beach Mun- icipal Airport. The voup opHat· ea under the 4th,;A.lr Force with tratntnc aquadrona ln Sant.a Ana, amonK other cities. Prior to entering mlUt.ary aer· vie• Smith craduated from Weal· ern College of Education and waa employed ln the educational field. Since 1946 Smllh ha.I beeon a ctive u a realtor ln Corona deJ Mar. New Bakery Slated for Corona del Mar Well • known ror the operation ot their bakery In IAguna Beach. Joaeph and Helen Clover announce the opening of Sa vory Bakery ln I Corona del Mar. 1 Provldlnl' Harbor area home- mal<er1 wttb flnttt b&Jted Mvorlee lncludlnc bread. cakes, pie.a and I do-nul1, Savory Bakery w111 be under the man&&'tment of the Clover'• nephew, Wiiiiam Clover, I a reekh~nt of Corona del Mu. • • • Ask Any Islander by fland ! Your roat "'tll be u beautlM &11 r\'l"r, &ftflr our l pt'Clalh1t1 romplete tlH!lr .laand-work ! Uptown Cleaners 19Z8 W"t Balboa Blvd -Newport Beach We ~talhtfl In <'14'all.lnir -d HaM p,....1,... of l.Adtfoe' alMI G.afl4!1Df'llA' f"-Wl'!Utalf ap~ TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department WESSON OIL •'· 61Jcp,. 35c • !i-OL 41Jc ' Del MoaC. SWED PICKLES . f'-lll•l''e f>t('k)MI lrS His Business ... BREAD & BUTI'ER _ 25c A,..,._'• MARGARINE 23c 2ro .. 35c . -·---.. -.... uos 27 c Yes ••. it's his business to deliver your Newport Harbor News-Press to yow door each Monday and Thursday. It's his business to do a good lob too. Yow paper m111t reach you promptly, and In good condition. His iob depends 11fHN1 the s.nice he renders his customers. If you are not a regular 1ub· scriber, fill out the subscription below and we will start de· livery at once. ,.--·------·-··-····· .. ··········-........ , I ' · Circulation Dept. Newport Harbor News • Press 2211 Balboa A\·e., Ne•-port Beach Attn: Clttnlation Dept. I hereby wish to aubecribe to the New- port Harbor News-Press, and agree to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 50o a month). -.. -... --·----~-- City __ _ l--·······-···--·-···--~-···--·-··----~~-- SPECIAU FQR MARCH 10-11-12 Don's Meats E•d Cut-Butt or ~· HAMS. ···-··· .. --...... .lb. Si.ICED BACON ... 41Jc PORK ROAST_ .... Ste DINER'S CLUI HONORED A:r '' 1'7 the CJJ " ':::JPO'J Jhop JCl11ut. Maid Frol.(D ORANGE JUICE l>fol Monltt Hah...,. PEARS ...... lh 23c Upt.oe'• TEA BAGS )~.~CHOWDER 27c PORK & BEANS H•, 13c IJr. 61Jc •m. 31 C f'luffY ALL DICK'S Gr .. n Groceries ~Ho Padt BRt·s~IEl...I SPROUTS ...... -.. -...... p1c1r. P'reall Oreea Sortllua BROCCOLI -····-........ lb. le'· Grttt1 Plppla 3 APPLES·---··-.. Specializing in 9uallty Produce You Select •• e We Deliver , .... Hcta.) .... THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MA~INE A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND I \ !' CLEAN-UP WEEK EXEMPLIFIED-Mayor Claire Nel- son's proclamatmn, eeta clean-up dates in Costa Mesa from MBfch 21 ·26. He's with members or the Costa Meaa chamber of commerce beautification committee. From left they are Ov.cn Kidman, Louis Leavy, Mrs· Clem LounsQerry, Mayor Nelson, Beautification Commit· tee Chairman Paul Dunlap and Mrs. F. F . Foster.-Staft Photo . Pomona Calls Local Youth SLic Newport Huber atudents &re a.moor 309 who wUJ bit m1Hri· culaled In tradltlon11 l c_.rl'ml'lniea at P omona Coller• 8aturdlly. March 12. 1'bey are: Mary Catherine Blodttetl, daugh. ter of H. L. Blod(etl, 713 lrlJI Ave., a .ophomore aniJ 19ri3 (r&d- uate of Bishop's sihool In La .Jolla. and Mary P. Harvey. daugh- t,.r of Mr. and ){rs. Raymond K. Harvey, SUS Poppy Ave., a fresh· man and (?"aduale ot Newport Harbor Union High School. MarUn L. Gref!ft, 1011 or Mrs. Lou!ae Sdlerer, UlS:S Santa Ana · Ave .. Costa Maaa, a fra.hmt.n and J9M (r&duat.e of Newport Harbor Union Hl~h School ba.na C. Morr~. a junior and 1952 gnduate of i'llnlr1d&'• Pre· paratory School In Puadena, and Pe~r c. Morrta. a .ophomdr. and 1963 (?'&duate of Newpol't Harbor Hlrh School, both aons ot Mr. and Mra. 1!1vtrett Morrla, 12~ Via Vrna- xia. and Anthony J . z~rbe, son of Mr. t.11d Mrs., A, L. Z..rt>s., 67 Beacon Bay, a frt>ahman am.I &ra- duate of Harbor High. School Districts to Get $612.014 SACRAMENTO (CNS) -The first period apportionment for growth from the state 11chool tund. to Callfomla'a achoo! dlsti;cta, was announced today by Roy E . MESA CD MEETS SLATED MARCH 17 City Mana ger Georg-e Cof- fey of Coata Meaa Monday n11hl announced a elvU de- fe1111e merlln1 would be held March 17 111 llaill School, Cosl.4 Ml'H. - Wl.,Lh ('ooperatlon or Costa Mellll Elemtntary School Dla- trict, the aeslllon I will covrr what lhe Individual IJhoUld do In ca .. of aa attack UHS what 11h011ld be ktpl ln !lnl aJd Nld 1urvlvill kJl.11. GOP FETE SET County Leaders to Attend Meet Honoring Nixon . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS·PRESS -PART 1 • PAGE 5 THURSDAY, MARCH I 0, 1955 OFFSHORE 'ISLAND' . OIL DRILLING DRAWS PROTEST Associated Chambers Ask P. E. Tracks' Removal in Resolution Aaaoclated Cbambere of Com-of a Sltb·('nmmlttce 1ludyln" the mere• ol Orange County M onday pr<'Jcct. al&'ht adopted a ru olutlQn oppoa-t'LOoo c·o~TKOL Ina ort·•hore oil drtllln11 and fa-Facts un w1t\l.'r cow••n ·atlctn and voring the removal o! P11 r1rk fl d Electric track•. Sell~H, ,.,..nk-~)ii u•n trol al\l y Wei'\' preaentf'd tn th., l11111r.I by·1.uu1a Lil.I< ... Hunt- llll, prestdent ol th auocla ud ing-t11n H1·1t1 h 11n•1 rhn1rm11n of the chambere, prea ded. commHt•·I'. The croup went on record u ~11-Tlt(' pt • J•'l'l i:; 1,.w ,111l or a . hf'll· vo1ing on-ahorc I'll <trtllln1 meth-copter ~Uf\'ll)' ttli.:hl 11\0ltlha ai.;o oda a. oppoMd to IAl&nWI. l.n which membt'r" cir the clltun!)rr1 SEEK PROTECT JON ns.~iltlution l"" t 1.-1 p1u "d SANTA ANA (OCN8)-.A dele-W.lth tht' federal tidelands now T111• rnm1111tlN'. In <'OdpernUon tr•UOll ot Oran~e CoUJ1ty Repub-controUed by 11tat,e lelti•latlon. t'14! 1 w ith Ura ni:;o ( ·01111ty Board ot f!!u. Ileana, headed by Robert 8. Orang-e County <"ha.m~r ll<'<'ks to I" rvlK<>111 1111d •~unty cn&inee1• Barnee, 2632 Circle Drive, chair: otf-eet a ny rehu•tlnTI of laws r o,·-1'nn<-<'nt111t .. 1 1•1 1111 4'fforl .. to gl'L mall ot the Oranie County Re-emlng this tvpe of drilling In 1 tw1 r "\t"l'lh" In th" waler c;,nrl- publlcan Central Cornmitt.ee Wiii 'coaatal lll"ff.ll ·of this country. It fff\·atl1\n 11nd fln.•d 1'nn l.f'ol prob- be honored ~Ila at the. 0 0 P wu aaid. I l<'mN ot th~ <«•11n1 v bfof,~rl' Lbe mat • party worke-re luncheon f~. Vice-0 A B P k 1 i l<•r i~ "''''"'"d llJl"" by th11 vot~r• President RicPl&rd M. Nixon Mon· avt> aro11. 111>na ar · <' ia r-• • . da at the .Ambaaaador hotel ln me.n or the oil reolullon ~b-•'<'tn· nrxt L1il. , _Y An 1 mtttef' strcssel! th<.> lmp.irtll!lC'• •If 'l'he lnlpur·ta.nee ot th• 10-yelLI' ~• ge es, · ____ ,, d More than l .OOO GOP leaden ocean 1&nd be-:u•h nttrat'tione Jn progre111 """" 1lr.,...,.. an In con- and workent from 12 aouthem mllllona of ann11111 vl11lt ors IUld U1e ch),unn It ""''" 11tott>d fhlOd cont.rut ti W h th Or re11ultlng r~venue. work must tH• dune 1n advanc• ot coun e11 w ear • t.11g1 I county born vice-president pay Jt wu alao p<llnted ·out propoi.-arcn suh1l1vls1ons, which le vllaJ to honor to Republican campaign ed tidelands bills would be haurd-1 the grnwth or Or&ngl" County, workers who boosted the GOP in ous to ma tine and sailing acth1tlt'l! 1 a I l November'• congresalon&l In he.rbor ueu and would aff«t Local Students elections. 100,000 Orang-e County realdeni., Mesa Rolls Up Sleeves Junior Firemen Enrolled at Simpson, state superintendent of public tn11tructlon. Local OCC Y oufhs 1 Up3er the apportionment, dls- tr1cta In Orange county receive Affend Meetinn $612.0H .23. which br1ng1 the to- The vk•prealdent and hi• wife now benetlttlns by harbor tac.Ill-t A•d Pl for returned to the u. 8. from their Ue& 0 I ans goodwill vlaJt t.o 12 LllUn-Amer1-PLl'.l>GE SUPPORT G--...luat• D in Beauty Plan Schools in 4-Week Course ~ tal amount apportioned to the Student government per&0nnel !rom Orange Cout College a t- tended the F..aatern Conference week wm be marked by a ''isit Convention at R iverside lut wtel: by the children to the main fire to yarUclpate In workshope a .I district thla tlacaJ year to $9,911,· 091.2•. Simpson aaid. can countrAN lu t S&turday. Nixon Membera of the uaoclatlon f'ua IOn ance la acbedutild to &hive In Loe A.n· pledged their aupport and lnlt'real geiea lh1I Saturday, tbe prindpal Jn the affalra of auch comp&nlt'9 ORANGE <OCNS) -The atu• purpoM ot hla mlt to Southim drilling In the Udelanda. They also dent advlMry, -rommlttu ot th• California Is to make a report to agreed r1(1d loc:aJ control or drill· Orani:-e 20-30 Club 1t11Jt nt coun· the naUon u nder auaptcee of the ing WU paramount to the welfare ell oCClctally began prepa.raUona Los Angelea World AffaJra coun· of the county. With clean-up w~k aet for March 21-211 In Coat& Meaa by proclamallon by Mayor Cle.Ire Nelaon, the Chamber of Commf'rce Beautlflca Uon committee rolled p-1"8 fle.-re9 U\'41 '1111Mlc. Lo 01'1.Ag public at ten lion to bear on the IUbject. Fifth year or the fire preven- tion program was launche<I Tu- day In the eJemenlary achoolJi by Chle! R. J. Briscoe. The pro&ram la aponaored by the N ~wport Beach Elementary School Dlstrlct. F ollowing' the showlns or two lm1t""at"tt!e~l1t:·flre-M~ W. C. Noller and Fire lnapector R. L. Humphreys handed out junior fire department textbook• and ldentltlcaUon cardl. The program will laat four Wf'ek,., Brlt1coe 11ald. The third department. Asslstant C h I e t a Phil Hayden and P ere Pellett will g<'nt•ral sessions. Two prevlou11 general purpoee apportionment• have been made, the first. a principal apportion- ment on Sept. 15, and the eecond. a 1peclal purpose apportionment on Dl'c. 10, l9M.. ' conduct a tour of the 1tallon and The Eutern Conference Ja the give fire demonstrations to each only group ot 11chool11 with ol'gan- clus !zed sesa1onl! !or etudent fepre· ~~ •n•pector'&.~ 11entaUve~~:,~n1.:_g to D~-F-red __ N_e_.2!.rt Polic•!!!!..'!_~- will be awarded to each child who ~ youth. attending were Retum to Action on J.ft.rch 2 tor the county. ell on hi• one-month tour ot LAlin· The ~up a pproved PUM&'e ot America u Pruldent E IHnhow· Senate BUia 2:U, 235, 23«!, 237 and wld41 high achoo! gTaduatton Jll1ht er'a personal ambLMador. 337; .. well A.uembly BW HO•, dMce. to be held June 14 Jn New· Among the prominent local ~ and urged unltoi:!!L!_~~!tl Uol.IM:l..Uilf.;-~IQ.c&..Jik.t~~-~~----"""'-',__1 fM'lt"--"· who •111 ctterr_ --~tDl.f 81! ·anMfti""OU:O'ug11out the Ottlcen elected ware p....Sdent. Mytord Irvtne, and Mra. Robert county. s. Bamu. Approval of tM propoaed In-Sam Pedm ot Garden Grove; 'lice• auccessfully paaaea an examlna-Howard Hall Dardie Schaefer Sgt. J ohn Bloom o f the Newport Uon rollowlns the rour weeka of Leslie Kolvlsi.o, Gene Benedict: Beach police department returned study, Brlacoe aaJd. JaJJe Nunan, Noel Barlow, ..Belly to duty Jul week following a Woma HI.a-W II The chUd will ai!IO use a Wety Norton and Pt>nny Ketver from lea ve of abeence ot:11everal montba. ft IQ G cnue or the State Landa Com· presldtnt, Dick Walton; and MCr•• tnl.ulon from three to nine mem-tary, RoX<'Y Marlin f rom Santa bera ~ made by the body. Ana. check eheet to put Into operation Newport Beach ; Mk key Retmler, He la currently aaalgned to the MlajudJins a turn lnto the alley City Attomey Donald Dungan pointed out there w .. re aufflclent fir e, health anr1 safety ordlnanres ln city law hooka. The rt'ason for 'Vlolat1on11 111 lack of "200 po- licemen to enCorce th• l&Wa.'' Dun- r an H id. "That ·•houJd be the function of t b e beautification committee," ·ounrvi added, "to encourage tht' cJUzepa themaelves lo beeome clean·up and beautttiC'atlon en- forcer1." In hi• home cla.1111 room what he Jerry Vaughn e.nd Max Grozsman night ahl!L north of P oppy Ave., Elsi• Carri• tearna from Ule courae. Each from Costa Mesa: Harlen Confer OWcer Gerald Irwin, ttcenUy Golema of 216 Poppy Ave. tJt.ruok c0hlld will be given a cC"rtlttcate and Ct.rol l(oan, Laguna. Beach: Injured 1n a m otorcycle traffic a wall on her property and a gu ot merit when the che<ik aheeta Norman Oldneld and J err 7 accldmt aJ.o returned to duty 1 mettr wt th her car 7uterday1 po- are returned, the fire chler aald. Thompeon, Huntir\atoD Beach. thla week. lice 111ld. The board adopted the re.aolu· tJon for the remoV1LI ot ~ Pacific Electric rallway tra~kl along the cout from Lonr Beach to New- port S..Ch followtns a report by Joftn BoJd Jr .• N ewport. chalnnan CommlttAea are, mtert&tnment. wtth John icrrert ot Newport; publicity, with Bill Rlnr ot New• port Beach; Tlcketa and decor&· lions wlth Mike Vall• ot Newport Blach. Ralph r..-, fire prevention offi- cer. Informed the committee he h.ad complett'd a e11rvey within nve blocks of downtown Coata Mesa which had taken ca.re 01 many fire hau rcb In and near th• bu11tneo diatr1cl. Committee Member Owen Kid- man preaented Chairman Paul Dunlap $16 donated by th,. Fuschlt. Society. The money will 1 10 towud pa)•ment of U3 fot 100 two·color po~ter11 procllllmlni:; clean-up week. The hannf'rs w1U be dlstrtbuted In atore windov.•• throughout Coi t & .11.tua, Dunlap l&ld . Jewett Chucks Indian Victory Ft:L.LF.RTO?'\ !OCNSI -Turn- tn1 In one of the finest mound p<>r- formunrc11 tn F11llr·rton Union High SC'hOOI b1uiebail hi.story. Mike Jew- ett. ll0ph1lmore r1(hthandu , threw a four-hitter at 1he highly-touted C"ha!f"Y T lgt'ra Tuesday to 1 .. 11<1 the l ndlan11 lo a eenMUonal 3-1 victory. ; .. welt workt'd th• enlh"e eeven lnnlnirs !or lh4" Indians. He 111 rur k out 11x, 11.nd walkrrt only thrtr. while .Ovlllg up the fnur hlh, 1111 alni;ll"ll and the one run. His mound opponl'nl, Hal Rrnl!r, anotht'r j('rl'ut rightiuindrr. farr•I long-ball hitting by the Flaht'r brothers and Carl Pcnmn!:'IOn a nd It proved to be too murh tor tbe Tt1er a ce. Larry and Jrrry Fisher, u well u Penn1n1ttnn all C'On- nect4"d for doublu, u .ch br1n(Ul& In a r un. Tomon ow, lh1 lnc:Uana travel to Sa11ta ~tnrla. Saturday attArnoon. the two tramll n'll\l!Tll' artltm with the Tribe ret11m ln1t horne Suntll\y Neil Loeser Wins Toastmaster Talk Patraotl!1m wu the t ltlt' of th<' wtnnlng apeec:h made by Nl'll Loe- Mr al the Udo Toutmuten· club meeting at Park Ave. Cafe. O Uw1 arpeaken w<'re Bob Perrin. Vaughn Taylor, Tom Soule and 0 1to Gvet- hel Ray L'Ed uM presided over th• mMlln1 and Pruld1nt Chuck Ar:> wu toutmuter, Evaluator• wtr• Dav• Holman, Dick Opp, Ca 1 Jonu. R&J ph He.rr nd Al Cueo· llto. <kneral eY&Jua tor waa J~ Martin. Nl'xt mtf'tln( will b4" 111 Hu bor Houae, )larch J~. 7 :30 p.m. Chrystal Estate Said Ovw $10,000 BANTA ~A (OCXSl -Pub- lic Administrator Enrl Abbey TuePday pl'tltloM d Superior Court for 11pedaJ l•ll•r• of admlnlatra - t100 In the $10.00-0 plus est Ille or Georce Chf)'lltRI. 6·1. 4t6t, E. Bay A Yf.. Newp<Jrl Bt>llC'h. Hl' WM found dtad In hi• home M&r<'h J, It •-u e11tlm11tr<1 he h11d ~en dead l t'tY\'rll.I 'fl'Hkl. .iAMES SUEl'I' ARD Sheppard Named Trustee of Oxy Jameit C. Sheppard. Staff Com- mo..Jore of Ncwpo1t Harbor Yacht Cluh, was ell"cled alumni trwtee to the Ot'ddenlal College board of trm1\ee.s yt'~terday, I t wn.a an· nounc"I bv H11rold C. McCleollan. rrl'sldtnt ~r th.e board. Shl'ppard makf'll hi• home In Sa.n Marino wtth hts wife 11nd lwo 11on11, Jame!! C. Sht'ppard ill and Thoma.s R. Sheppard. He wu g-raduated rrom <Xcl- c1ental < .. .'ollege In 1921 and Har· VU•I Law S(•hool In 1924. He Ill senior partner In the firm ot Shep-1 pard, Jllulhn, R h•h1 er anl! BaJthl11. Sheppard Is al~ a member of the California Cluh, American Bar A!lll(telatlcm, Amrrlr11n Lt1w lnstl· tute and Tau Kappa Alpha and Alpha Tau Omega fraternl1tfs. Sheppard I~ lmm("dlate put chaJnnan of the labor relallon11 ,,.rt1nn or lhe Amrrlcan Bar Aaeo- <'latlon l.lnJ paAt c hrurman of the war work N1mm1t l<'e ar the Stat_. Bllr o! t'alltornla. flurlni:; World \\'ar 11 he w ill! cha1rn1M of the 9th Rtglonal Of!kl' 11f CivUJa n f'efen.e and 1.8 f'urrcntly chairman r-r th• 9th Rrgionnl Ofrlre ot .·1vlllan Dd"n8r a.ml Is currently 'hlll rman (I( the Harvard t.aw School Aesnclllllnn or Southl'm ·111tfornla. Panhellenic Brunch Benefit Flnishin~ tourhn are being 1.;1Je tor Harbrir Pa.nhellenlc'1 an- ·111nJ brunch b<'Mflt on M11rch 16. 11t the P'rjc1ily Afternoon Club In I • 'osta Mull. Member1 have met . .. wral times at t he home o( Mr~ .T H. Rlffl on BAiboa .bland to t1\9hlon the lovely table decora- • 1•m11 M d table prlzr11 fQr the b('nr- lll. Green and whlte 8t. Patrick'• •l"V ('olora will be Ult Uleme car- rl,.',1 out In decoration• Ul1a )'e&r. The brnnch and card party will bcJ:'ln at ll a .m. followed by an amu1lng and d1Uerent. program I ,tven by Mia J anice Murdock. Ticketa. which are nominal, may be obtained by <'allinJ! MrA. Wll- l111m Dana, /tar.bor tl287. Everyone 11ttendlnr Ul is benefit wlll be con- Q U I TT I N G B U 5 I N E 5 s· CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK EVERYTHING . GOES KIMMONS le going Into other actlv. tty ••• In order to liquidate ttu. •tock la 10 OAT S Klmmou bu prioed the atock to aeO ••• SA VE UP TO 80% BUY BELOW COST! Early Buyen Get the Cream of the Stock of First· Class Merchandise Going for Less Than Cost FINI FURNITURI By HEYWOOD· WAKEFIELD A!lllOllAFI' PL.il'FOH..'I WAS ROCKER s 62.50 DRESSER.CHEST 89.00 SWIVEL TV CHAIR 57.50 LAMP TABLE 27.50 NIGHT STAND 35.00 HOLLYWOOD BED 35.00 3 PC. SECTIONAL 206.25 ~AT<'HL~G <;OCKTAIL/LAM.P CORNER TABLE WESTWOOD t"l:'\ISR 2 PC. SECTIONAL Incl. COCK.TAJL/LA.MP TABLE 85.00 233.50 XO\V s 38.00 54.00 29.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 125.00 58.00 133.50 ORLON CAMEO Shirr-Back Curtains (Limited Qu&oUty \"110~ T!ley Laat) \\'A8 ~O\V 50" x 81" $11 .99 pr. $ 7.00 pr. 70" x 81" 19.99 pr. 11.99 pr. (I Yi l\•hllh• to pt.11d ) 95" x 81" 25.99 pr. 15.00 pr. (I wldth11 to s-el) 96" x 81" (Dotted 8wlJ11 -I wtclth• 13.99 pr. t o p&nt'I) 6.99 pr. !"RD:• Ra1on Panels 2.25 ea. 1.00 ea. A•'t C'olnrw I Pillow F;l,m~~ly Reduced I All Drapery & Upholstery Fabrics Must Go Our own drapt'ry and upbol8ury shop will remain opt'n until all order9 ~ comple~ ••• thus usur- ing you of the same lilgb Q1SltiPty workmaaahlp on merchandise purcbued at Mle1 pricell. Fabric Savings Up to 88°/o Take Advantace of Thetlf' Sale Prices to Ha\·e Quality Uphol11tt'ry & Drape~· Work OUTSTANDING BOUCLE WEAVE CASEMENTS WAS COCOA _ ·-·--------·-·-----·$6.50 Y,d. MAISE • METALLIC ... ·--·--· 6.90 yd. TURQUOISE .. .. . . ... ··----4.95 yd. t:GG-SHELL ~t.~ALUC ... 4.95 yd. SOFT MIMOSA. -----··---·-··-·-· 4.95 yd. BOUCl.E ...... -.. ··-··-·-----2. 70 yd. SOLffi "'JiA\'E WA, $3.50 yd. CASEMENTS R"ClulrlnK nn Unllll' :-.'ATl'RAL RAW SILK 3.75 yr'.. ROSE LINEN WEAVE 2.95 yd. WA\'ERl.Y (',\SP:MF.:\"f BROWN 3.50 yd. CRY.AM ~OFJ' crRTAfN MA TERI AL 1.50 yd. OT!ilTI:R CH ROM-SPUN f"Of'"I' Tr:>.'TUll.ED CASEMENT 2.70 yd. 2.70 yd. J;\'TRIO~O PA'J"XT,RS OX ~~!or~~~~ o~ drMI ~~rd. ~ow SZ.76 yd. 2.75 yd. 2.2.5 ,·d. 2.25 ~·d. 2.2!> yd. 1.50 yd. NOW $1.50 yd. 1.95 yd. 1.50 yd. 1.50 yd. .96 yd. 1.45 yd . 1.10 yd. 2.25 yd. e e MallJ etlter attl'lld.m Drape17 F..,._ DRASTICALLY Jll:DUOED "bile ~ !Mt e e ~ Furniture & Lan1ps MOOERS nBa& OIA.81' WA!ll NOW FLOOR LAMP s 41 .50 $ 21.50 MODER~ FIBRE OLAS~ STAND LAMP 38.50 18.50 TABLE LAMP 24.00 10.00 Ml'l'TARD OOLOll TOLE LAMP 42.50 10.00 Cl'STOM PROnNetAL SHADE LAMP 85.00 35.00 t 'PHOLSTERED -VUf!TOM MADE WING CHAIR 195.00 110.00 FOLDl'SO TABLE Ii CHAIR SETS 28.00 14.00 (Table and ' ('Ila.I,..) DEl,UXt; FOLDING CHAIRS 18.00 9.00 FRAMED TAPESTRY 25.00 10.00 (Eni ll.ti Runtl~ ~"'i Carpets & Carpeting Values ( W1lJlf' '""Y lut) Gray All Wool CALITOR:\"IA CAStJAI. WAS :-..·ow CARPETING S 4.95 yd. ,4,.11•1 Sampl4"9 -\'arloua lilu. s 2.95 yd. CARPET from $1.00 to $5.00 Unbleached Muslln WAS .'\OW . 39 inch s .59 yd . s .25 yd. 54 inch .89 yd. .49 yd. 108 Inch 1.95 yd. .95 yd. W A8 •. 90 yd. .90 yd. .'\OW • .11n 1d. -\fl 7d. I 1/3 OFF Traverse Track -~leater Tape -Hoob-Drapery H•d¥fare 1/~r OFF DON'T DELAY-TAKE ADVANTAGE OF VALUES t~EVER OFFERED BEFORE IN ORANGE COUNTY ALL EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURIS WILL IE SOLD AFTER THIS CUARANCI SALi KIMMONS DRAPERIES e INTERIORS e UPBO~TEBING e CARPETS 435 EAST 17th ST .. COSTA MESA ALL 8.u.ES FINAL e NO Rf:FUND8 • ?WO EXCllANGEI e SALEM B1ITT .OINO .FOR RY.NT On l.A1t 10>\' x 3'.MI' Will balld addiHo• for UIJ retaU baM•w A.\IPLE PARK l~O .. T h1> .-.v r·11tor name<! In the "l U trlbutlng to the two annu"1 tchol- haan t hl'•!l lora!f'dnn•l "ltl\:P r 1l t· \!<hip n\\'lr•I• \\'h ? h H•rlx\r r 11.n-l tera need m1mcJ1nte 1&llenuvn.. 1 hcllc:nl.: 11vea u ch •pt 1n1. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••lill1!1111•••••111!lll••••••••••111!•11!11••• .. ) ~· I • ... I .. • PA&! ' • P~~Tu~so~v~:~~~~~ NEWS.PRESS WHEN A MOTOR DOESN'T PURR wbmited to the ccmmJulon tor I 1.ppronl, blda ror cirllllll& rt1hta I w1U M awarded Oft a lilJd1nc ~ all l'O)'&lt)' ~ which wW yield ,. .. _to U.. .tat•. ucor4111s to rate et oU dep&.t.lon. IEW RECTOR ()oat' ,,,_...,.., at. Clement'• CblU'Ch tn Hono.luJu wMre be and bUI t&mily an DOW ID&ldtlC Uaetr home. DUE I VLY l U Kr. Parke'a e&1I ia euetlonad 1-1 the blahop, be wUl become the ot th• EplJlcos-J Ol~ ot th• Aqet. l.11 PsledeM. durtDC ~ Um• lb. Putt• &tt.tnded 1..-..... ...... and Pumdma eeMola. l MrL Parle•'• tat.Mr ... • llel»- di.& Jn1nSster ta Dulllin. Ire&u4. The couple U. toar ehlld.lwl. thrM boya and OM. Jirl, nnctnc ln atee from T to 11 yeara. htt.ol' of BL Junea on July 1, th• ------------ MortwH Uc .... wetry llUd. He WM edua&led at Kent kbool la OonDectlcut and ll a paduat.e IACIU.KEN'l'O, (CHI) -ft• 0( UDi""81ty of Princeton and of ooatractora at.ate lie-board Oen..a TheoloJie&.1 SeminaT)' ln M.w York. He ..,-yed u dlaplatn MDOUno9d lt will lmue a reneral la Ute u I Ami1 durtnr World buildlaC contracton UcaMS to War II from ltU Lo 1H4. • 1:m .. t. A... Mo~ 11 T 11th St., llf PMAD&NA Newport Beadl. pro.tded ao pro- 11.r. Parke'• father wu 't1ear teet.a are fUed ~-X&rdl 21. Too Late To Classlfy LOOK IN THE DIFFERENTIAL A CU' ..a aomeUm• ........ DC tlWlc ............ Dtaane ,1.,.. 0( ~wt.Ga. UMNP1 ........ '-I'd nf/17 no&ae wblcla JD!PL com. from a eanplkatet motor. Bllil :re-- Urda)' llhe ca1Jed Newpo~ police tw llelp at U.. NtwpOl't All·Amerlcaa XarlreL ltY•r)'Um• .. trted to atait t.be ClU'' .. tlJld olftoln, th• boWUnc lllarted, ~t .._ oouJd aot locate u.. tnlWllL PoUeernen an •enallle people. They oope wtth JD&ll7 altuaUoaa and el'llft'IW'clu. Miu Jaaka wu ~J' th• mo« llW'PrtMd wll• a cat ,.... d.Ullopd ftollll tM ...aennU&l ot !Mr.... . OIL l'OLLlrnON Newtoe B. Dnary, dlW ot atat.e 41~ et lleedMa U4 parka. ft- qua.t.d t.be CClllUIUaion to ,niat Uie State. Pvk C)wnm'edon Ume to •tudy the Jll"OPm&l to -If HuaUnrtOll State Bea.ell would be .ubJect Lo poNlble oil poUuUon or ~Uy .tnactut'N. Col .Rutu. Putnam. aecutl•• otnc.f ot t.be landl commtaaloft. oppoeed Wa nqueet. ''You know IROTHIRLY -u much about Ulla rtghj. now a LAND ftRAB you will ever know.''-_P\1tnam told ~ Q Drury, addlnr "there· la no UM N rt M Ooa* ... ,...... l'll'lt Pa~ klddtnr ounelY• about that." ewpo esa Putnam went. •tep turther and f an 1n WaahlnetOa D. C. At leut oppo.aed planned amendment• to Pl d M I I a month wW be required before & Senalt Bill 585 by 8e11.1llor Edwin e •e I u a dect.lon OM .. .xpeoted, Mra. QIU Repn of Trinity County whlch 6 t -.td.. would require l.Jle lande comrnl•· De st A•d Under Cl\IMIUonlnl by PINuley, slon to Nbmlt all propoaed off: Ill er I ao-n .aid Howard Lawaon. back· ~ drilltnr contract. to t .. e park mr the parkill1 d18trlct. ba4 1.t-comm'-ion "Ytto power over any Mutual Uillat.ance between t.be tempted to buy tll• property and acUona the Janda commlulon ------------------------CtUee ot Newport Bea.ch and eo .. lndJcated lt Cowan didn't ,tH him might coritempi.te to pant per-488--Bo..._ for Beat.!° ta Me1a ln organJ.&tnr and develop· the land, "l caa mak• )'OU siH it mu.a tor d4inlopbent of oil unde.r 1&-81tatloM Waated ---llmn:NED sr-dmolh•r dulru c Baby Sitting bay or ev.. LI M411f. 2tp21 ~Hele Wan_ted ____ _ s BDRM. unturn., llvins nn., din. rm., kitchen • waah nn. seo. mo. 121 ·23rd St., Coeta Meaa. Harbor 3508. 2•p21 M-Bo.U...~U. WANT J'orell'ft car 1.utomoblle -.a-nan. Experience not entire-CAFE ' · .$-1\1\ ly nec ... ry. Mu at !), willing" to ·· ···---··-·--·-· ~V1V'.J worlr.. he Jade Hau1keN1. CAFE .. ··········-···-·--·-·· 8500 HAUSKENS MOTORS I NC. DONUT SHOP ·--······--7500 1tS2 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Mee& BEER PARLOR 1rlf\l\I\ Ubvty 1-6061 24c28 · ··-··-···· <J\1\1\1 lng clvtl defenae waa agrttd upon to rne." IA'"°'1 denied w.. 1t&te-owned tldeland8. · yesterday b)' Clty M&D.a«era John oouaT CRANCU OROUP "OBLIGATED" J. SaJlora and ~rge Coffey. L&W110n aid, "We w1U take our The commlMlon. made up of Both dllea have atmllar ordln· chance.a iJl court. We rully eirpect State Controller Robert C. Klrk- ancu calling for complete coo~ra-he (Cowan) Mil be paid by ua wood, chatnn&n, LL Gov. Harold Uon .-11 mutual &Id tn ennt or whatner the court aw&rda.'' Law-J . Powera &nd Flnance Director major dlauter. Hcrtf9v.er, the or· aon add9d he agT'Md It wouJd be John JI. Peirce. ac~pted Putnam'• dln&ncH do not Include lnter·clty better to have Cowan'• entire alte, Interpretation that lhe commlaeion coo~raUon ln .etttnr up 1uch a and thoM Involved ln the pa.rlitlnc wu obll1ated to let drilling con· prognun. diltrtot would acquire lb• land "1.t tract• at the new Huntington __ ....__________ OW' ~ and at no expente to Beach area becauae oll was being LANE ARRESTEP cOUylcounL Dell.I .. ILLINft ~::::~~~j?~~~=:~fr~~~~I Cotld•oed Ihm nnt race a lnto clty-ownt'd tidelands. appar· "A " Ad • Rlt · el\tly, bottoming off Santa Ana rt air I r. forged UUe then allegedly WU Contlaued from ..... I River mouth. State law make.a takHI to a banJt and financed, ...... 1$&8 Newport Blvd .. Coit.a Meu a tw~block atrlp ot ._ ___ .. l&n.a, manu.tory the Janda commlaalon .... IT .. .. board.I leavtn~ Perryman without owner• ~ ........... u "d lhl .,,, h h In .U~lla;"' or prace c .. p ' ;Llht'rty 8-3792 24de ahlp of the car he had boughL runnin&' from 10th to 8th St. as 0 eomf n6 w en llUC dl1l • wood box or -rbage can con· h a•e loom1 I •-The ttr11t count of the complaint a 11He tor •lant drflltftK to tap t e ., · t&laer, door 24x80, 1 pr. outdoor s1 Real Ea Ezehaa &CCUM!ll Lane of grtu1d tbf ft ln· new butn ... an altf'maUve to Ill· Members ot the commission tlbutten, wuh buln. antique .-• tate ge -4 volvlnit eale of • car to Robert J . land conatrucUon 11Y prtv1.i. oil acted &Iler 11n opinion from the plfte lamp table: 1mall anUqu" Maddox of &verly Hlllt1 for 13645 lntereata. Attorney General ruled that the frOQ 11tove. Har. 1374·M. 2tc28 EXCMANGIC comml1111lon dld not need any a d when J.ane did not hold title t.o The com.mlulon 11peclfted that • ---3 bdrm., 1" bat.ha. F. A. h•t. lh• Alllo. ptan. tor bulldlnr llllanda muet be , dltlonal power• fmm the leglsla- IZ-f'n rniture for Salt-with:> at.all horae barn, t.&ck nn, ------------------------ture to grant drilling J.>f'rm.,..i...,c..a>..,.. ..___________ 11ep. 3 rm. apt. on 2~ acne Huntington Bea.ch. ---------- OOOD USSD and u.ed Jood tum-fenced A: cross fenced. Exch. for AUSTIN -HEALEY Now Making Deliv~rles of the most popular ef all high speed SPORTS C~Rs ·· • ~2985 /' standard e,quipment includes over-drive heater, wire wh,eels and full tonneau cover \Ve invite you to come in and drive the Austin-Healey today HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC. Dealer in :MG and the NEW MG MAGNETTE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS 1932 Harbor Blvd., -COSTA MESA SEDAN Liberty 8-5051 lttan. Rup. tan back chalra, I 3 bdrm. home In Harbor area. LaW900 .afa. club cha.Jr and ol-1 By owner. Ph. OX 7·1327. 2tc3Th toman. 81~1e Hollywood bt'd1. 1 dbl. hudboerd, llUTlpa, tablea, j 6'.t-Real Eatate ato•a • retrtc .. ml1e. 80f South Bay P'roclt. Balboa Ial&nd. Har. 1 110-J, or Kar. 7s. 2•c2• GI Resale -4°/o loan Coast DeMolay to Install ' Officers in Saturday Rite Open. ln.st.allatlon of Ddlolay of· 1 cher, aenlor •tewvd; DeWayne flcen, Orange Cout Chapter, will Kl11.1father, junior 1teward; Biii a.t.-11~~' A T ,, 2 bdrm. home, hwd.. noor1. Jot 721 be hl'ld Saturd&y at I p.m . ln Fri-Hamblet, orator: Blll Bartlett. WOODM MEATS x JOO, R~ zone. Pa.yment.a c BOJTllAN 11" ta&I• model T v. $!5-0.25 month. day Artem oon clubhowie, oat.a ecn~: William Freely, treuurer. Ca.JJ Hartlor 021&-J. 24c21 FUU. PRlCll 19600• Mesa. The public. u well u Mu· Dttk Cuter, aenUnel; Ray Jed.· onlc atnU&te groups. hi lnvlted. warda, chapla.ln; Pete Tat.am, mar· Dellto?ay Molheni' Club II ln ahal: J:a.rl GUIUcey, atandud bear· char&'e ot decoration• and ,... f'r; Jerry Km.tather, almoner; Ed treahment11. K. Ott.on, ftrat preceptor ; .And~w ~~uc.o. anc1 ~-"!'--"Art" Adair, Rltr. 11100 OMC truck, 2 ton, (epaclal 11411 Newport Bhd., Coat& Mtl& dwnp bed) Fine abapa, JJ:>OO. Ph Liberty W7ti 2tc28 Hart>or 101' or ... eY18. at Bay. -It Shore Park, 17th Ir Coaat. Hl«b 1 pay• to lllM>I> la Newport way c. HIU\Kll Lot II. 24p28 Harbor, and ll will pay you In ' ' I cuh dividend.a wtlen you ahop on •at PLYMOUTH 4·dr., 6 l'ood Urea. Wednuday& Watch for important Aune evod· •~· Phone Llbuty announcement eoon In \ti. Monday 1-11'1. 2•c28 I edlUon of Olli N-..,apar. There's even more to Chevrolet styling than meets the eye! '1"11111 a. "-'1 whit• baeu ••• lw Chenulel _,.... a. .._,..,.. .. edCI aalety md eomlort ..... ,. .......... -.. remra p [°F ..... ... ,..tnde. Tnly modern li1* .,. ahaped 11, ...,._.., T aa .. tee what we mean in Lhe def'p c::rytital curtt ol o.e.iold'a Sweep.Sight windabield •• , a dneatic _,.. llOtla, om.inly, but one thar eteme fnim d.a Deed llW wider, aafer Yiaion. Or take bigb-t!lflt t.illicks .., edd to tha bape6111iN lengtlt of -• • I .,. diey are mp where ti.er eaa be _,. for adlty'a ..b. Ruaacll Boccie, retlrlnc muter Balley Jr., .econd preceptor; Ru.u ' councilor, wtU act u muter of Gammon, t.Nrd preceptor: o.ne · ceremonlee In which UI• tollowlng McCandUah, fourth precept.or; Ken I will be inductfd: Grlewe, fittb preceptor; Allan mddJ• Anderaon. aenlor council· Boril. ai:rtb preceptor; T•rey or; Robert Ra~er, Junior council· Dallu, .... nth preceptor: Ber-- or; RJchard Racer. aenlor de&CODi nard McNatr, bi.tortaa and Bill Tod Jl'lah. JunJor deacon; Ted Mel· Hunbi.t. orpDift. ,,.. ........... 8Cl'09 ... hood ~' jtlll dee- ontioo ••• lbe, mu\ tlle blake for the Higb.Leord ~ .,._ w de.ner. freeber air. AllCl the whole ape of the body-i .. &owne., tbe dipped belt ._is -.et, a re6ec:tiom ol a lowered ads oi ~. ti. added ability. l s-p.s,ltl .... •IMM I .m.&i .... 4' ill ... ._ nu. • tnaJy fouctioM.I 1tyli.g tbel ..... ,.,,. bsm nery mile. and ., ........ i&a .... agailltlt .. diulll day .... 1°" trade. Thit ia Body by ,..her -uotber OieYrolet esclmam la the low·price 6dcl. Came in and Id -~-that. tJUa ... ~ rokt a j111t • acising to --.. • to 19,9lt . •I motoramic CHEVROLET ''"f""' ......................... ,... MILLER CHEVROLET C'O. 1000 Wm C~ Hitt.way NIWPOIT llACH INC. NATURING U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STALL FED STER IEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES A YAILAILE ANYWHERE" FULLY AGED AND TRIMMED T ·BONE STEAK Porterho11e STEAK c TOP SIRLOIN c 59 ....... 65 ~ STEAK ~ Graclecl Good Yearllftt LAMB SALE LAMI Shoulder ROAST a.um Ill CHOPS LAMB BREAST FULL CREAM JACK CHEESE 45•. nae NOll'l'llEllN HALIBUT STEAK PORK LOINS 11 9' H •A ... 2 ·9 •. LEG·O· LAMB WHOLESALE and RETAIL 1.8581 So. M&in·, Cor. Newport Blvd. In Budd's t'i.J. Santa .... Kl 1·8711 ., I . , BALBOA YACHT CLUB'g annU&l Officers' Ball, held Saturday, Marc b 5, f&irly Hospitality at Perew Home Mta. JP'r.nll: ~,...,,,, 1 1~ \\'..t e.Jtio. Blvd., entertainld at lun· cheon I.lid canb on rriday, U · •tad by brr da..,.tlter. Mra Ira l . Chandler or 8ulca Ana. bklJll" part tn pl&,_..... Mm•. CoulAN!9 Ja)'Hd, Mam!• r oote. ll:atbar R.lcllter. Daril .. BWI, Jark BoylMI, Emma Hubb&l"d, R&ch•l 1\"Uey and Hvrn.n Hllm•r . Mn. J'oole l"l('llived nm priM and .,.< .. OIWI w.nt to Mra Hub!l.rd. Mn.. BulJ waa COl\80led. , On April 11 w·ra. Parww .nu be boat-to 1.11othw fl"OUP of h19ftd9 a t lunc:h-~ unasla.. 8&7 It W illi sparkled with "high bf'&:N" u commodores of other cluhli joined in the feativiUee_. Costa Mesan·s ¥ove Seated at the commodor es' table are, from "left: Mn. Frank Wood, wife of BYC'1 Mn. A . R. 4~ hu .ok1 vice.commodore; Commodore Harry Mann and Mn. Mann of Newport Harbor Yacht heor home oh Newport Av• .. eo.ta Party .... lall'-Club: Commodore Marahall Kennedy and Mra. Kennedy of Balboa YC ; Commodore MeM, and i• moVinl' to in Ce<:ll ,,.os If, Cro~f HJI., Coro.o lkl lrar Ed Fricke and Mn, Fricke of Coronado YC·, and Commodore and Mn. M. A. Ander-Plue. Mr•. R. C. C&uel•, 224. Kq· nolla St., bu movl'd 10 No.rth ·eon of Lido hie YC . ...:.... ~kner Photo . ' Hollywood. l===============i;-~~~I Harbor 50'71 DINING A.ND DANCING waa ordtt of· the -evening at Balboa Ya.cbt Club'• annual Off'ICetS' Ball on Karch 5. Flap of many col~!"I II d de d t o gay atmosphere which l'ftded the membera and gumt. durill& thia pla went. -Beckner Photo ------ BALBOA POWER SQUADRON had it's own special table for Balboa Yacht Cub'• unuaJ Officers' Ball lut S.tunl•y. Many of the Squadron memben are alllO mem· hen of BYC ao they had ju•t twice u much fWl . From left : Mrs. G, N. Pease, Calh· erine Andrewa, Mn. J im Edward&, Jay Stoddard, Mrs. Rex Brmidt, Leon Ware, Lt.· Commander Edwa.rda, Mra, Ware, Mr. Peue, Mni. Stoddard, and Rex Brandt. -Beck· NEWPOR~ HARBOR Local P-TA to Feature Hobby Show lt'a &JI out wlth the .. do It your- a ... lf" k ill a1 final &JT&ng~mrn ll Jell tor the lo'11mlly Hobby 11.nd -----------------------------! Hflndt~raft Show •l•l•d for the MRS. \YINIFRED BARBRE, \Yomen'a Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE •I )otareh ~ ..... -port E l"mentary P ·T4 THURSOA Y, MARCH I 0, 1955 rnretin!;'. Mondlly f'Vtnln11:. Man:h ~~~~~~.;;.;;,;;,;;.;..;;"-""-"',;;.;..;...-"'..;..-'-'~~~~~1 ,. NEWPORT ART EXHIBIT OIL AW ARD SET AT $300 eVf pure ue a w.ard fl~re tor the choM:n oU pa inting In th• Tenth Annual Newport.Harbor Art Exhlblt, I• an· n1>11nced Ill 1300. Th" •Jthlblt will be hrld Apr\! 27 through May 1 !n the aoc;la.I hall ot the high 1chool. Purcha1, aw11 rd for the tlr•l priu watrr rolor rrrn•lna •t l l:iO. The llhow la not 1nVltatlonal, but open to all art\11la with the limltatlon of rnt•rln1 one o.ll and one water color. OU paintln11·of irre1t>irUh1nce and varle!y have ma.rkrd th• Newport exhibit In the pa111. I.lid ... ·It h thr 1ub11tllntl1J In· creaw In the oil purch•9"! award the quahty and choice of rntr11nt1 In thLa mt<!lum ahould br r.vf'n 1nore di1t1ncul1hed. Pain Ung• 111u1t. br a t the out of town pick -up 1t11Uon• before April 18 •nd at Ha rbor H lch School before April 20. From 7·9 p.m .. p•renl• m ay view the talent• and unUlfu&I col· e<:t!onH ot thrlr young11.t,r1, .,, wrll aa their own In Ule M:hool a udltonum. FoUowlng • brier bu•ln.,11 m~rt· ing, MJ11 Mari• H rtfern, a.rt 1u- fl'rlnt,ndent of the Nrwport Kbol rt l,,lrlct. wi!J outUne educational n1r\.hodl of art in•tru<:Uon tor young ~pie and will 1how alldea un P•?"r 11ln1cture, _n_ .. _P_h••-·----------------1Shower at Torrence Home Amang the it'llrrrstlng contrlbu· Uon1 to th' ahow w lll be thr Ja pl· dary collection of J.lra. Jerry Bell •UHi IQ!\, Bob, ""'ho .,..,ll ,:ivr a de· n1onstr11t lon on i he1r rock-cutting m11ehinf'. "fr1. Hrnry \\'acner and da.ugb· ter, IAurel, ""'Iii d11play l.l'ld lhoVf wf'a\•ini: 1nl'lhod1. Oth'r oul.ltand· Ing exh!bll• will include. painting. k nittini;. croc:helln~ and "'wlnJ. CHORAL GROUP SINGS Honors Miss Gay Reding ltntert&Jnlnc on th• atternoon ot Mareh ti, Mr•. Florence TorrrAC"t. 114 27th St., held a kitchen ll\OW· er for MU. O.y Red.in&', w ho la to bs Apr11 trrlda of Vane:• Roberta. Red!Jl(, moUJer or th• br!de-to·br: "~ wrll 1111 doll. 1h,.U. cun and Mml!&. W. A. Sweet, Frank B•k· rnf>drl collr~tlon1. er, C. E . B&rnJ'loUJr, J oe Summer•.1 Hefre•hmenl• wlU be aeMed Richard. Torrence, Everett A llen during • .aci&l hour, h~ by and WU1"'1n Hodgdon. ~nd 11:r11d!! roon1 mothen. • 11/#J /II§ ~ ehliJ. .. I SOLVED ALL MY DECOIATING PIOllEMSI That's because ~a1 paint is on the chip-the very shade you'll'see on thf' wall! And, the be1utiful rinse o( Old Colony Selectone Colors come in ODOR-FREE ft.t, Sf'mi-&loss and full-gloss finishes. You c•n alxi 1et them. in. popular rubber-base paints and in finijhes for doon. Com~ in toda.11 and Mc the .ji20 modeTft dcCOTGIOr coloT•. Toke home coloT chip• o/ 1ho1e you like beat. Choo•l"a jew that !>lend Of' conlf'Olt with -youf' color 1cheme -bring iMm bock -and we'll do the rut! English Educator Speaks at Ebell Club Meeting fty ~R". W, IL TRITT Inland'• ahlUTlr<>ck• de<.oraUni;: a ~autiful tr• table Md Ellirland"a .John P'"tllt'>'• •p!'akf'r, ~nt an ln- t .. mauonal touch to tti. E~ll C lub'• Marr h 3 provam at Le- aton tl1lil. The occa.ion honored l>O ntw'lnembrra lll'ho v.·ere pre ... nt- «I with torus•• by Mn. John lA.m,.r. m .. mtwr.11h1p chairman. oroua lnterptttaUona. of the two w ay1 of llft. NEW OROUP •' ot Mr1. Byron Wtlb1, chalnnlft. .Mr1 .• '\rlllDn Holmwoo•I, t>l r1. M~tii N•laon, Mr•. Raymond •1•rm• and Mr1. lrvinl' Watcher. Som. bro111 ht a rtlclr• for th11 k llchen, other• g rocer1u to •~k th1 &helve•. Bolh younr prople a.ra rmployrd tn lhe Nrwport Jireacll postoftlce. Aflrr unwn1pp1nr or patteil, refrwalunent. wrre .,.rv~ to I Mmra. Fred Rubert.a. mothrr of th1 fulura bened1c:1; John Otn .. dale, al•ter or the h()nortt.; Waller 1 Sam._, Scott Hun1akrr. Ed Y,'alk· I er. Ma1 vln 1-"rlrl'IOfl, Ltonard ' Satterfleld, l"loyd Gardner, Her-• bf'rl \\'Ill. l!:•·rlyn P.:ll•rnutn, Shrl· don Smith, Ll'wlll C.,.,.k, Stf'phrn Harvry, )fary H•rnllOn, Robrrt J t•lff., Ii:. 8 . s ... •npt!, A rthur M ll· ler, P1.ul F1m 1l't, t.t lM Edith Lr1r· !U a.nd the pie~t of honor. _ VISTA VALUES SAVE Mr. Pett.lfoy, tnalMK'lor at \\'ebb l.<'hoo.l Ln c:1aremont. an t'dU<'alor trom F'.l'l1tland. 1pok1! with a dt!· l11tht!ul 11en1• <)f hun1ur about hi. flnl trtp to Amirnca. lfe c.me wllb tha J, Artl\ur Rank motJOQ picture orj!&niz.11.tton a•v•rlll Yt'•t• •1:0 to study applicaUon of meteor- oloQ to monea. He rema_lnttl to f\nd an Amt'r1c&ll wife and now tiu, two children. Ue ta W'Drktnc for • blotter under- •luidU11t bet•~ the \Jnll<ed 11t11tl'a and Ellrland thrO\lfl'.h hum· 'nla new c:hora.I croup under di· recUon o f Mr•. Le1trr H. Vlrrllnl and arrom~nled by Mr1. \\'Ull•m 8. Trltl. "'""I • Y1&rlr1y of nun1· brr• . .Sln,;rr• &rt! )!me•. Clarencr Dodd. Ruth Vedder. Jame1 !h-11.t· tie, John L&m•r. J ohn UnM>n, J.,ir l' Bamra, Jack Cum"-u, E. L. Mun· -.y, Thnmu Letto. lrv1n11: \\'atc:h- rr, Holt Condon, E. C. Cunnln11· tuim, 81111 ·Pe11rJ10n and 8 . E. Locke. Mr•. John Un110n !Ji rh111r· '""'" f or the ....:lion. "Pola 1U1d P Jtrher1," ••riulllte anllque1 ownrd by club n1,.mbfor1. wrrt! on d l1pl1y and were admlrrd by the vtrwen. Mr•. Murray RAb- b!lt "''' tt!llpoJulb!r for the 111· hlbit. OurlnJ lhl buainrq M:Mion, ptt· sided ov<"r by Mn. Dull Peteraon, Ylce prr:•ldent. • nomln1 t1ng com· m lttee for off!<"!n for nr•t yr•r WI.II a ppointed. It WU ('Om polH'd P-TA President Honored, Joint Session Planned )(ra. W&ITWI Oemenc•. Harbor enl·t.e&chrr cll&Jrman for 9'1!vl'n Vlrw P·TA prr•dnit .,.,, p\e...,.I Y'&rl &nd I• I member-' Sotith· with ".i k "m Callforni. S<>o:lrtJ of M,.n1a1 Mtll' .UJ'flrtM'd • or Hy('len•. Fa.mUy Retallon• Coun. ltlo•f'r" when the bo<lrd nu•t on ('II of Soulhorrn Ca.llfomla and W!'C'lnf'tKl&y momLn,., Mari:h lll at Callfom la Council of Soc11t \\'"r k. U\e home of Mn.. No m11U1 Ca.r1'1on In !"'t'WJ'l'Ort HfiCl!lll to plan I.hr ~Uf'ft ae.ion.. She ..,. .. pr.Mnt· 9d twln mlniatnl'I ~rib• wl\lc:h npl"IP:lf'nltd th• proptr alM! (>fl• that wr:r11 dellYtn'd to her home i.ter. Hosteg for lhe llOClaJ and bu.in. occl.3ion _," Mrs. Carl· -. M'no. Rolwrt Olander. Mrs. ,,_ Hal~• and Mra. Gonion Mc· .. ....,~ The nu:l mMlinJ ()( P-TA wW M a Joint ...-°"' of th• Harbor Virw and Coron• d<!I,. Mar unit• and wUI "" hf'ld •t hie Ha.rbor View auditorium Oil Mooday, Jil&n:h :U at 1 p.m. Th9 nomlJ\81· inc cqmmlttff9 from both school• WUI p-.it their a.late• for lhe eomtnc 7•1" and •lt!CUo'""' Will bl .. kl. OuMt llpKke.r ror th111 ,,,.,._ ab\« will be Jilin. 8y1Yl& Boprl, Mno. 8c¥'efl WM •tat.. P·TA pN· Sh• hlll ChOMr'I II.II h<!r 1\lb)M:\, "Yamlllr• In th11 8tamn1 Role." Thi• w1U be an Important •nd In• ~rqUnc mreUng and •veryone la 1t1"'1ted to a ttend. Caa pLc:turu rrom th• rKent P ·TA bt.neflt Mow 'The Bedra,«· cled D~" w11L bit at th• 1e:hool con thl• n1«ht for ~ti who U• h1tere11ted In ~&lnltt«" them. Costa Mesa Matron Plans Cele bration Mra. Fl"td Colf'ml.l'I, 2014 Ft"d· eraJ A, . .,., COiia M<""1l. I• ron•·•I· rKln,r from a 11f'rlou1 lll nr111 ol M:Vl!ral month.II. On March 28. •hf' IUld lwo fr1 ench rm 111 .Huntington Brach. will obffrve lhrlr joint bitthday a· u hlll been their t'\J•- lom for mlU'\y Y<iil.n puL REMODELING. SALE -,,....,, Marci! 11 tll ol CALIFORNIA %U. llABINE A VE. BALBOA ISLAND t"E~Tl\'A.L f)ATE H11h1Jght1 of thr annual Spr1ng Fe1Uval plannM for April 21 wert pr ... rntr d by 11enrr&I chlllrman, Mr1. Amrlia G•mblf'. fl i• to be a. 12 noon tun~hron, follo ... ·f'•1 by a Ahort. entf'rtalntng pt<11;tam and c:1rd1. Unu1111 I 111bl'" prl1tr1 IUld door prlira will be on h1.nd •• well u booth• for coatumr Jrwe!ry, aproii1 and homr~ookffl foocb . St rvlng the" tr• ,,,,.,.,.,. Mr•. Mel· vln fl,.tk<!r, Junl'h<'on thl.lrm•n &!'Id hrr c:otnmltt~. ).fr•. U!on Sanborn. Mr•. H. L. Robo!rda, Mn. Rt>y S1tb1n tn<I ).fr•. K. G, ).Uller. At -Beach Home Sending r •fUI bul not preMnt 1tt'f't• Mmr1. l'ian1 QulntraU, Ha.a.el Diehl Family Moving East Mr. a f\d 1ofr1. F lo)'d J.l.lna;er&ld and dauihtrr Collene of ~prtng Colonel •nd Mr1. HaTry E. Dient arr brln,c' tran.f<!rr~ fl"Om Va.lll'y, :\lo .. have ho-en ,c"Ue1U of March Air •'1,.hl llll..H to Mitchell 1olrll. H1n1;er1ld ll hrolhtr. Gui lif'•r h, vtrl. fllm ily, 3;:,, 2111 SL. F'it·ld, ~e"'' Yo rk, They arr J'"av· C1.>llll ;\lr5I. Ing: lhl1 a rra ,.ta~h li. )far!Jiur --------------1•nd Frfd a rf' Rtcornp1.11y1nc t heir pllrent• bill Bob \11 1tay1n1 behind "''Ith the Hal IJIWllOn family, C\lff Drive, 10 h' can craduate In J1111 ... Hr ... ·111 thf'n join h11 flLITllJy and ,111.> Lo rollf'I(~ In :.;,.w York Sllllt , Falls From Roof G...ar11:e A . Ander•nn. 203C Con· Unent•I Ave . C05l• ,\I .. ,..•. BUf· lrrf'!I • badly 1pralnr!I ankl'-l111 .,. .... le wh,.n h .. frl\ frorn 11. roof at Knott'• Bl"rT)' ~·arm .,..h,.,re lie 11 r mploy,.d •If 11 n ,.1!'<'tnd 11.11 HAVE YOUR FURS Col. Di<'hl ""Ill be IMlgned u Chier of 1'1 1"di<'al Pl&ru1 and Opera· Uonl'. Hq1, ('"nlln•ntll\ Alr Com· m an!I. ;\l\lrh~ll A ir ,.-orc:e 1119'! RESTYLED NOW AT REDUCED PRICES Yqur Fur Coat Can lie R•1tylod h\t. • hMtlenaW. Ca,. ., ,, ... .. l.irpri•ln9ty Lew C..,, • • • Now Shou·i11g N"" Spr;,,g Style1 OLIVE M. DULING FURS 211 N. lr11dway Santa Au Kl 2-1223 ' Clean-up Af'ro ... ai.·Se> ••• SALE! t"l..OOK St= WAX Aluminum Ware • L . -6 Cup Pf'rcolator ••• 79t Oki t:n•ll•b Oil l)ou h~ Roller ••• t ·t:R.!'JTl'Kr: 15c: .... POLISH ~-<.IL l'o\·erf'd Sauce Pot 3 qt, '1.9f Ran~I'! ~· ••...• 79t ftr1K't! "'AX 79«= 11:r~ ...... «•,..__,,....l & f'tpl"'r ~PRE ADER H<Uof'dl Sauoe Pan l 'l2 qt, • . 29t Sauce l'an 2 qt. •• , . !91 7k 19-q111rl SaUN' l'an 3 qt.. , •• 491 fiA l,\'ASIZt:I> St= . PAIL \\'hj,jllinJ:; Tea Ket11e . 69• 1•ta,·1,.1. -t'RJ)rir -1.1 .. ~ Ilk' ff01'Al.L:OOr. l . .ATr:X ffl 'Bfff:K 99c: l'illt:U· 2 '"' 13c: GLOVES PAPER s a .. ,. \'11t1r HI.lid• IUld MRnlr111,. r-rol'lllf'd SAVE TIME , ...... 1. f'llriP"CI T t:A 1sc: SAVE STEPS TOWELS "·llh A ~l':Kl(',\S t :Xl'Rt:,;..; App1"111. ltxJ& sett. Abaorbf'•t MONEY All,...l.lve ORDERS .,,.., SAN-A-LIZER 1·0,.. May ray \'uur "'"P'f'lltnl o.,odoirtur 2Sc 1·Tll.IT\' Rll,I~"' al for ,·011r .......... ,. ,._.,, \'l!'ITA URT'li Kf;t:l'I' FL l t:8, Snb.A11:,.nt.• for AST~. l>b<il' A CATS A.WAT' Amf'rlrMI t:'P""'• Co. t"ROM \'Ol'K OAKRAOE CA." "IT'S FUN TO IE NICE TO l'EOl'Li" TIME and MONEY -.... - ~to;: ~Cott- CLO'l'ffT..8 3tc LINE ...... Ha t,l>N "°"'L 17c: IRUSH C l.F.Ak Redwood LCMJ Oil ""''"'' ,,.,.., 120 31s ,..,.. f'llnil· l•N ••• .... ud Rf'd•·<M'HI t·rn~ fllEUt:R Qt.:t:c~· FREEZER IAGS A.SD BOXES y~ •o,. ... ,.th,111' •co>•~ llictmf'-fre1!1.h1c; l 'Tfl.IT1' RAG8 for H--lloid l '- -lAuldles. si.onse. Tra,·et A.Id -....,.. •• toqh, motature-p~ Uld odor-·--f"OLl'rnlVLL'"E 2Sc: IAGS .... L"?li-mAllABL& .... 100 IOXES the NEW IDEA in LIGHTING ••• SRVANL\ ~ 4 7!:"" } ..., 1°' '100 •• . ' --3tc NYLA ST fo• •71- d!KloWe a.t! Blf! et •YI- ..... t:, 24! LAMPS Maplof>-c;..,_IH "'""'•"'' ,,_ wtllli ....... II.NI t,,,1.IW. Plfy~ OKA. I:\'· llOAkb nc TRAY "'• All·J'vrpnw "f'tnllkon-~f'I,. Pl ... tle IJ•htw"l•hl -,.....,. le (·1..- AMNTION . VOTERS! llave Yw RePtered'!' Yoa May """""' H.,.. lllOL, ......... Wed., Fil., ..... I to 7, s.1.-7 rrom 10 a.a to • p.m. IEI IER PHOTO FINISHING ONE DAY SERVICE l'ARK WITH EASI SHOP' WITH EASI ANY DAY -EYIRY DAY 821 W. 19th St. f 4T PLACEJnU l COSTA MESA UIEITY 1-3231 -__ .---fl . 'I P.~.GE 2 · PART 11 __, NEWP6RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS· THURSD~ Y, MARCH I 0, 1955 WATER COLOR PAINTINGS being shown thia week at the Newport Beach library are by the following pupils ot Mrs. Rex (J oan Irving) Brandt: Mmes. Carlton En· fi<'lu. Charles Bouck, Charlea (Caro) Eaton, Harold F. Craig, Lewis Matthias, Wad- leigh, Van Andrews. C. M. Deaklns, M.. A. Healy, F. -Mallette Wood, Eliot, Dorothy Buel< and Walter Bliv~n. The clasa ia sponsored by Ebell Club. -AU Staff Photos Mrs. Harvey Pease ST. ·PATRICK • • DAY PARADE 1s Honored with P-T A OF FASHIONS Life Membership The highest honor given by P-TA, the honorary life membership, was presented to Mrs. Harvey Pease. presi- dent of Corona del Mar School unit, by Mrs. Harold 0 . Boy- vey. She told briefly of the many activities in which Mrs. Pease has participated. Mrs. f'eMc-hu u stateJ In the' rlvlc and church attai!'I and wu orJ:11111zau.in or the Harbor C'oun-' octlve In cub Scouting tor many ell e>t P-TA am! 111 now a m• mber )'l'Brs. ot tha t ho11rd. She ts !1rst \•ice· 1 Miss Mnrle Heffern. elementary • • • 11chool art aupervlllor, ltpOke on the prrs1dcnt uf Ne\\ port Harbor Un-growth and de\·elopment or art In Inn Hli:;h Srhool I'-T A am! an RC· the l'lemf'nt.ary 1Chool. She point· t h·r member of fourth diJllr1cl ot ed out that when a child drawa C. C. P. T. I he la learning t o observe his en- She hu takrn an active part In vironment and to apprtc.late It eJernrnl&C)• P-T A tor eeveral year11 more hilly. Art helpe him lo a. and wu tnerrumental tn dlvldln~ prru emoUona and ldeu and re- them Into aeparate unit.. She hetp-1 nect. th• gTaduel development or t>d e.slabllsh Corona del M&r and ht• perllOf\&Jlty. With the aid of Hsrb<>r Vlrw units Rnd this year Mrs Dolores Re-c-cr ahe 11hOWf'd 111 l<"r,·lng a 11tcond term a.OJ pres!-many 1ntcreattng examplrs of the dtnt. Mr~. J•eu e I• active tn many work or children fre>m &JI gradea. Planning ta build Second gnlde 11t11dl'nll under the dlrt l'lton or Miss Clara Ellen Spel- man t'nlertnlnt'd pal't'nta with a delightful •car! ddnre. A l'ommlllee t'll'l'ted to noml· I nnle offlct-n for next year lncludea Mmes. F(lhert Smith, Roger H1trd- ll<'rt'. Al Clemi-nce with Mrs. GrAyce Sr\'lcr u advll!or. The l!IX•la.I hour which followed wa.. hoiitrd by the fln1t 10rr&de rt>Om moUirM!. The annua.1 fashion a.how and luncheon, arra.ngcd by women or Our Lildy or Mount Carmel and St. J ohn Vlannt'y I'arish on March l7 will fea- ture Euler 11tyle11 by Lido J.'ashlon11 tor women and the Brat Shop tor children. Jew- els to be wom by modela will be ahown by Robert.$ or Bal- bo& Island. Reservations are coming In rapidly; howevn , those tlc111rlng-tickets are uk· ed to call the e,ha1nnan of the show. Mra. J. W. Cammack, or Ucket chairman, Mra. J ohn Gouv1B11. Card Night For Moose Women , Women ot the Moose, Chapter 1158 helt1 a. card party In the Moose haJI rert'ntly to which co- workers. thi-lr famlltu and friends were lnvtti-d. Ho1tea1es were Mrll. Gt'Orge Mathews. chairman ot the Moo11ehe11rt c<immlttee. llJld Mr11. James DegenheanH. chalrmM or the Moosehaven committee. Prizes tor high and low scores and two tlr>Or prUe. were given. A lunch wu 11erved by the mem· ber11 ot the two commlllee~ Pr~eda Crom the ca1d party wlU be aenl to Munl't'haven. th,. home tor ag-ed m l'mbrn at Or- ange, Fll\., 11.11 11. cont rl butlon to- wa.rd the rrnrrha~e ot a utomatic dlah wuhen . a bo111e of Friqay Afternoon Club Auxili ary American Legion Auxiliary unit 291 will entertain Mr:i. Jack Ben· der, 21•~ D111lrlcl pre11dent and her ot!lclal staff at the business meeting on Monday at 8 p.m. Thi• le the annual visit or the prul· dent, whm the u nit will be under rlose obtervance tor acllvttiu of lhe year. and membcra are asked to be pruent. Plans wtll also ~ made at this mef'tmg-tor the annual Girls' State program, which l.s chairmaned by Mr1. Henry Eggert. The g-trl will be Rlected by teachers ot New- port Harbor 1-Ugh school and wm 11pend a Wl'l'k at Sarramcnto. The actlvltlts there Include learning and participation In state govern- ment. In Mexico City Mr. and .Mra. Donald Met.a, 421 M St .. Balbo&, are vacat1on111g in Mexico City, where they a re stop· ping at the Hotl'l Monte Cassino. TWO IMPORTANT DATES OF VFW AUXILIARY UNIT At the tut me,.tlng or tl.P Ladlea Auxiliary of VFW Co&1t· line Post 3!l3ll, l\\ u 11111w 1 tant a11nouncemrnta w.:re made, one being the Secontl District Mcl'tlnl:' to be held In Riverside at the HlwrsiJe School. 3Ji2 RIV<'1-v1ew Dl'l\'l', at 11 a.m. Sun- day, March. 20. Ure11l1Cast will bt1 S('rvl'd 11t the Memorial Hall, 4393 Rivi rn rw DnV•'. from 8 to 10 am . preceedmg the moeling A hmchron In honor ot VFW Auxiliary National Presld,•nt Ai;nt 1 Holz. will be held In El Mtrador Hotel, P1&lm •Springs, at 12 o'cln k noon on Thursday. April 7. with a meeting to !ullow. All mtmbo?rs arc urged to attend three two meetlng11. The Costa Mua Aux1hnry held It.a annual Court .. y Nl1ht la.at month and li l la sls were preaent from Anaheim, Full· erton. Wct!tmln11tr r, Cypress and Huntington Beach auxlllar· les. Mrs. \Varren Hampton waa elected a1 altern.ate delecai. to the dlatnct meeting• to fill the vacancy cauaed by Mr9. Harold Hohl'• dr parture to Hawaii to join her huabcnd, 811- Hllrold Hohl, f ormer comman<kr of. the Poat. The next reillJar meettnc night haa been declared a dark night, {naamuch as Uie Po1l la giving a dance on that evening, Much 18, at the American Legion Hall In COila Meaa, to which the public 111 lnvll~d. At lhe meettnc of April 1 there will be non11n11t1on and el,'cllon of otflceni for the followtnc year. and a special pit a Is made to all member. to a ttend a t that time. t • League T our Slated for I Campus The Woman·~ Civic l.<'&11'\Je of Newport Harbor wm hold It's reg- ular mel'llni; Tuesday. March l S, 10 a.m. at the Ora nge Cou t Col· lrge Art ('rnter. Dr. Ba11ll P P.ttraon. prealdt'nl of the c<iUr i'" will •P('U e>n Ill arrowlh and building prof'r&m. He will provide a mo\1e and tour of the campus whtre the nt>w Audi· I torlum and music bulldlnjit wilt bl' otrlclnlly drdlcated on Man:h 30. Lunch'°n wtll be tcrved In the col· IPi:e d111lnJ: ti.II. HOllll'SS<:l! tor tht day wlll hr .M mu. Dextl'r J11ck- 11nn. W. H. f.!•>lll'lmn a.nd F red Stoddard. Th•• Pi.rk1 and Recrea tion com· m1t fre will mtet Tue.da y. M11rt'h 22, at th!' home ot Mn. L. Jo'. Kenl· rh. 401 Jumlnc Ave. w1th cotree Rt 9.30 11 m , bus1nu1 a.tterwiard. SHOWN WITH CAPTAIN Hugh L. Switzer, captain of Amer ican Export Lines' SS Independence aboard which they 11re cruising are Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Conley ot 415 Narcissus Ave. Conley is a retired lawyer. The In- dependence sailed from Ne\Y York Feb. 12 on a 57-day cruise, "isiting 20 ports in 13 lands. The Independence will return. t o New York April 9 -Ship News Photo your awa? Stork Shower Sla tes Sunda y Dinner . H f r rnlay Afternoon C'tub ,, Mrv-1 w1th It. cooked to a tum by rlub IS on or or '"It a public drnncr on Sunday. member1. Tickets tor adul111 And IM G • 11nd no11•t r arrangeml'nt. about lhe room•. Gantt>!! wt>rr play"d with Mr1. A!!hlry Kno"'·lt.on ind Mrs. M11 ry \\.<'s<'ot t captunni; pru:.r~. Many lovely gift• wtre e:11chUmed ovt'r by tlle honoreee and tho• pru1nt, who lnclUdC"d: Twcnty·fivf' members attended the lu t meeting or I.hi• comm1t- t.H to hear W&Jttr Lonirmoor, rhatnnan ot Uie City Planntn1 Commlaiolon. explain the 11>nln~ end annrutlon la'll>'I. He ~ ea- plalned th11 error wr1tten Into th• l:lty Charter concemtnr the num- ber of mrmbera on the planntnc comm1UJon. 1taUnr that there havo been. and are net>dl'd, nrn11 mrmbf'ra acting on t.hl1 comml11- 1lon . LonKJlloor recommendt>d a ·y,.11· votr e>n Propo11t1ona t a11d ~ In the comlnc eltt"llon. At the t'I OM ot t.hta mttlinK Wll· lllun PtrTow conductl'd Uie women on a tour or the bluff propertlu acht'dule<! tor fut ure park and re- crt11llon1l areu, pointing out Ult boundat1n. Morch 13. &t the club hOUM, 18th children are nominal a nd may be rs. re1ner anot Anabf'lm, from 12 noon lo 8 ..-v~ by c&Jllnit )Ire. Arlie Pm. Thttfl I• a chok e ot ham or : Swartz, Ltbl'rty 8·6139. Honoring l\tn. He,nry OrelneT turkty, w ith rverythtng that ("Ol'l! Thl' club will bold Ila own lunch-(E llen Owen) ot the Marine Air Mmea. Ro11t1 Ow~n. Hu1b Mf'l!or. Bethel Mothers Are I Hostesses at Tea MrL I:, L. Knox entertained 11m Star member• al t h, i 10 I'm. wtlh a »eautllully a ppoint.Wea meet1n1. recenUyat her Sho,. Clift. home. Th• dlnnu will bl' •~1 \'t•I b)' honortnc Job'• Deuchten of Coeta member1 of the Muth .. n~· "Ctut> w... Bethel and their motheni. and all are uked to be pru~nt Mra. Olel\J\ Dyan &nd Mra. J ack lhlll comlnc Wf'd nnJay evtnlnJ: Harrill decorated tht1 rooma. when Mni. Harry Hilliard. whn •• Pou.r1n.r at a tea table cent•~ In cha.rs• of u.e dinnn. "''Ill •P- wtth white 1tock with red a nd ;:.po;;;;;tn;;;t;;;h;;;e;;;r;;;(';;;o;;;m;;;r;;;n;;;lt;;;t;;;t't;;;•;;;·;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;; white candlH were Mra. Van D. • lloblnllon, whoee dau1hter wu nni,t queen ot the bethel, and Mn. Donia Racan. past ruardlan. Later 111 Ula a ttunoon Mra. Grace Swar- t.a of Huntington Bea ch. deputy cnnd rua rdlan, and tht' ho11lt1N. Mra. Knox, took ovn dutlu a t the tea and coffer um1. Many attractive p..U.. donated by membeni and merchanlll went to Mmu. Jack Harr11. J . A. Church, Emut Crain, Ralph. Herr. Paul-Coopn. Robert Vlll&f r&na, Art Adair, 0 . E. White, Cy 'I\lcker, John McMlllrn, Milton Steller end !:dward Hobel. Membeni of Job'• Deughtn1 an to hoelNe a ham dinner on Thur1- day. March 17, ~ to i p.m. 11t tho P'rld11y A rtt'0rnoun f'iuh houee. Afterward th .. y will do f'Xeinrllti- catlon work tor Ma.ona and Eaal· Mothersingers Appear at Mesa Co•ta Me&& Motberelncen have rn.ad• two &p~&rancu recently, ltnfinc before the W.S.C.S. ot the Community Methodl•t Cbureh at lht'lr luncheon on Feb. 2• and al8o at thu Ha!'per school P-TA fuhJon •how held March 2 et the American Leg1on Hall. The aroup le directed by Mni. Lewla· Kidder, mualc aupervieor ot the Colt& Me .. achoola. Anyone lnteruted In jotnln1 the croup to 1lng tor fun and re- lax&Uon may s_•ll the pruldent. Mra. Harr1eon S&nborn, LI 8·7211. Rebearuta are held each Friday mQrnlng a t 9 a.rn. tn the lounge ot t.he Community Methodist Church. • c. D. M. Europe Orient L ine W NG BEACH TO CHERBOURG DEPART June 25th Corona del Mar Travel Senioe AU l'llUM of Forelsa Traftl and rMOrt ,._Uo_ Mutual Theatre 0Tlckete NO SER\'lOE CllA.RGE 35421 E. Coast Hwy. OpJ>Olll• c.o.M. Poet Ottsc• ,.._ Harbor 1246 -~-...,..------ Sec re ~· WIN f0t two with Sl,000 to~ la PARISI Or Wfft OM ef 516 ,,,,_ big priz.. M Moster'• new Con ... t for s.ct.....,• h '1 r•y for you to wlft t hl• Moewr Safe Compan y .conteat bfcau•e it'• related t• your job, your office. your bo9e I Come i1a and ger an official Mosler entry blank. today I We'll give you tlpe ... Mlp yoa Wt in that tTlp to P1ri1 I 'Al10 •l11ibl1 : 111H111p•1rr. •nou,,,..,., •oot•u,.in1 1u i1111111. clnli• "" 1111r .. " '1nt>/o''" •It• un ob111n' 1nlor,.111oe ,,_ t •lfH .,, 1tr.c11/ II osltt '""' bl•n•. TO ASSUll AN OIANOI COUNTY WINNH TIHNAN'S Will GIVE A FIRST PRIZE OF $150.00 CASH Second PriH a Corona Clipper Portabl• Hwryl Con ... t do ... A,.nl 22. e.t yeur entry Wenk, now, • • • • 902 NORTH MAIN Kl 2·2365 · lt•Mt1 L SATTLER l/orl»r 3888 FO• A LOW-COIT USY·PAYMENT •UILDING LOAN eo.c. -· lotHr eon ae11ion on Marrh 18. tor whtr h Forre Basr. El Toro, Mra. Wlllla.m Al Sparkes Kin ru cn.·all.in• ahould be madl' With McDonald ho1teased a •t.ork •how- Mni. Geori:e V1111ghn Thf'rt wlll er at hn homr. Ocran Blvd., Bal-s "J t J be a film llhow1ni: work 1't'1nc boa on Monday f'Ventng. a 1 s 0 a p a n done t.o •lop the use ot narcoUcs. Drcoratrons WPrt kt')'ed to a rol- '\f There 'o\111 Al1tn be a display of a rt or theme ot blue and pink, wtt.h · r Md )fOI. Albttt Sparkes objects rrom homes and mf'mben1. Ralph Wat10n, Hu oM Gius, Hrr· man Bamee. Leon Ftt,;u110n. Hf'r· ~rt t.tcD<>nald. Wllllam LAndl11, Howard Arm•lrong 11nd JolOeph Buntt . Aleo prtlltnt Wt're Mrl!. Phil P ike and daci;htcr . Joan of Van Xuy1; Mmes. Bradford Light and Rlcilard McDonald. l0<1k tht'1r daughter. Mrs Trrry a b11t 1tork ct'nlcnng the table Alon !Al!M'rtR Sparkr") 11.nd gr11nd Mn. R4'11ben Day. pr~l<lcnt or ---------------------------r!Jlu~htcr Terryle. who have been the club, hae be .. n honort'd with U'M/•--• · YIM•f"M»lr/ in.r .. 1..11 at lht S parkeA home tor &I\ ln"11..11Uon ttom lhf' boaril of lfl1 15• ........... . fl''" month•. tn San rt.nr tsco tut lnietce• ot OTange Cout Coll"~' ,... S f we• k where t hey 4'&Jled for Jaf'lan to .. rve Rll a member nf thl! r ill· • .lo~ 1a 1 25 .J. .J on lhl' lrantoport ship Cmdr. Hugti zen•' a d\,l'nry rnmmlttt'e !or the • ll..-• fllLl't• •• E. Galfey. ~l'hOOI year Of ltl!'>~l. • -,. Th"Y w1U join C&pt. Aton. who 'cl9 • • · lt rt In :-ro,•ember and Is staLloned l DTXWE'LL L. rTERCE. S11clo.1 9 OZ. ~-~-' cowhide clutch bags • ...... ,....., • ~-,,...., • l rlln-' w c.W.,-.1 .Wr .. '°°" , .. .,.. ~·cl • AUo111•• ii _. frw rotar OWll lol>or '""'°rd CA. cout~ ..C • p~ ( ........ .,.Cn1),,.. -....,...,., e State Mutual Sarintl': r YI LHI UHCIAJ~1J : ...... ~ .• ,,.n. ........ : 14 .,.,. oW .....W..._ IMC t AM lulJ*I .._ .... •f.!:.-: • llioe ........... ... '-. .. ........ . . ,_.....,..,~ - n.t Ole USAF hradquartera In at.Ate official 11nd returned travf'ler I •--~ ~ Tokyo. Prevlou,,ty the family wu -"It dol'im•t make srnll<' to me ! ...,. - I G II -·-' n rl'env1 "· 8. C Thry l'xprct to that anyone who e~ndi! two 1---- r,e maln In Japan for lhl"te years. montN &bn1jld oan com, h1>me and 1 ,....---....___ ___ _ Mrw. Woodrow liadley (Bernice tell tM world What max• Europe Wfth .......... Sparkfl!) 11.11d her huaband com-lick." ~~ ~ bllled a tarewell pa.rty tor Mra. ~ • Alon 9.1lh A houscwarmJ~ at MRS. WlLMA HOCKERSON, e ~Af ~ their nr w home on Brot1dw1y, CC>9-Quincy ·~· dll'*:t.or-"Thl'tc I• _,,~'-"' ta M~ a little of the ham ln all or .. ..," I HAN.DC REAM NOW .. UNI l'tme to ha,·e your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded fur cC\at re- atyled to a .mart 11tolt> or clutda cape. Th.la Is the alarll period &ad t.o ii.Mp our work- room bully we ar,..e offertnc l''ERY 8PECIAL "Ott· Seuoa" PRICES SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY S~ta Ana ..... th9 .,... '-'41 ..... , ....................... n.i. ........ ~ -· pe ......... ...._...,, • ..-.. • ......, ......_ •• ..-ct• ...... . -' .,.4 .....tt>et. l••h ............ McevM ll'o H•ll 11 .. 9'. U.. ..... ...... ......, ...... -...., .............................. . ..... Stec\.,..... ... _. LIDO--S4et Via Udo, Newport Beech "<Me of UM U do ....... llAIUIOa 1111. E. COMt Bwy., 0orotaa de.I Illar BA.LBOA-'718 E. Balboa ~,·cl, 1Wboe •r • IN PINK BLUE YELLOW TANGERINE RED BLACK BLUE BE IGE Ha EAST 17th STRE r.T ~Center , ... u 1-2771 ·11 ' I I I \ .. THURSDAY. MAR 10, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 ·PAGE 3 Main School P-T A Elects . Officers at· 'Dads' Night . - ed a dJ11Cunlnn on how to dt'11l Students Give Program with ch•ldhooct probli 1118 .11,h u a.ncer. f t&r, jl'ah Ul')" a nti trm per. Keyed to Mission Days The rt::l~~llr~:~~~~:1er l!Jl<'D• . aored by Main S\'11001 l'-TA cll'Ar• Nomination of new officel'9 for the ensuing year held ,ed •profit or 117•. all ror hrlr· temporary apotlight at the March meetin1 of the Co.ta lllf , contrlbuttng an<l coming. It WU vott'd to &Wt' a.n artdlt lon11 I Meaa Main School P-TA. Nominees a.e presented by the chair-fro to the dental cllnu.·. m11kin11 I\ 11.6 '"'-org Parmenter were !or preaident Hrs. Don total or u oo from Main P-TA tor ' Dl&ll, -{'I. vc e ' ' th• year. McClintock; 1st vice-president: Ml'9. Ted Neff, 2nd vice-preai-Ratruhment.a were aervcd by ALL HANDS ON STAGE 1''0R FINALE OF THE BEDIUGGLED DRAGON AT HARBOR VIEW SCHOOL Two performan~. given by children, were benefit for P·TA unit.a. -Folaom Photo Visiting Nurse Board Includes Harbor Folk dent Mrs. Jack lvt'M10n: cnrrt••· lsh dance In roatume, a aolo by ponding-etcretary, ~lra. Lou111 Bobby D<'nnla a.nd rour plcturn In Mello; recording sccretW"y, )1rs. waler color a.nd crayon done by Ralph Schorle; lrea&Jrt'r, !itrll. student a rllata Bonnie Lewta, 8Ul Robert Haines, auditor. Mrs \'{11.l· Prank, Joe Rom and Tommy ter Helton; historian, Mra. Fra.nk Saun<!era. Tht're wua alao a m~­ Chapm&n; publlc:lty. Mr•. J sck s1cal pk ll by the three "cut·u~." WJlaon. All were elected. Chtaolm Brown. u the Ion( halr- 00Dad'11 !\tight," with an'attt nd-I'd vlollnlst. J 11 hn Lahey u ance of lU apln proved Main 1 .. d '"H r " H I School parent• prefer evenln" .. Knuck '-'' a.n 00 rr annon I "' Wuton. mettlngs. So th<' chairman tor lhe .Mra. Dorothy Wtuttakar .. a room c:omlng-year Votlll try lo work out again won the room eou.nt. a prognn1 o! all or nearly 1111 The aplritfla.I thoupt wu •· I evening 11f's11lon1t. I rrcssed by the Rev. Thomu ~evin OS ~llSSIOSS from St. Joachim Church. 1 Th& "Story ot CaUtornlaa Ml~-Pied&'• of alle(iance wu lad by 1tons00 wa.e the l'llterl&Jnment Cub Seoul• w1th Jack P1etchtr ln theme choaan by Mrs. Cyl't'll« ~hugl'. Thomton·a fourth grarte cllUla. a.nrl Lynn Hutehinaon. county P'Y· 1 depicted by songs, a lively Span-chologiat. ahowed a film aAd bead· 'Mr. Angel' in Rehearsal Now by Harbor Players With ·,.aAling and reh~areala un-, central staae. or "clrc:u•" atyle, der -.y. the Newport Harbor prur.ntaUon, the Intimate theatre Community Playrrs announn method where the a.udten~ la tht lr third play ot the M&N>n. ""Mr practically aea~d on the at.aae Report of tht yee.r·a acllVlUea Art1e1;· by Harry St&all. t.o br t1urroundJng the players. Thla waa given by MrLI. Logan Wheat· prtsenled at the Chopcl Theatr<'. 1 glve1 the audience the cloae·up ley and chairmen o! the \•anoua Orange Coast College. With ··~tr. I tffect 11lmllar to that aehtewd by commltUes al a.n Indoctrination 1 Angtl'" following ··~ty Three AJl.1 moUon picture lechnlque. dinner meeUnit for the board of 1tel11,0 ' U\e Playtra" lut production, Thia play will be available to I d1rl"Ctor11 of the V1111ting Nursea 1t would appt'llr the r ruup 11 pre· I civic cluba and groupa wlahlnr to A11110<"lalion <>t On.nge County. ""ntlng fl ··Htavtnly S!'aivin:· plan theatre ~rtl-l'or Wonna.-1 Mia. Wh.eatley. who 1-paal pre· Both playa are cleverly wntlen I 11on t'Oll C'»rnlng th1a. tt'lephone 'v1r- 11ldtnl. o! thP uaocietion. po1ntP<t comedlu. du lgned ror a.n edki • 1 gmla Welle. hou.e c~rman, at out that need tor th• wrv1cea of· taming and laugh-rilled evening H&rbor H 67-W. fered by vtalUng nurm.ea la ITOWllll ot run. but thf'rt' the almlllanty --------------- ateadlly with growth o! population ends. ··Mr Angel" 111 a modern. In th• county. The croup WU •parkJlng rlrllwmg room comt'dy IN urses to Hold founded In UH& when th• Red with a famous Broadway lhnt1 l- Crou wa.:i force<1 to dlaconUnue II N'll couple. Lyrl1 .. an<l Sla<.y Ho!-I • thla .,.rvic• beell\1.9" of other de-llln, 11h11rlng thl' lltl'lgl' wtth angrl· nst1tute on m~dll. . I le belnga whn ca.n ti.. Mien by the • • Th.-Vlalllnj; Nur.u AMOCla· •Udlence but are lOmpli-ll'ly lg· C1 vtl Defense Uon provtdea care and tr&ln!ng for noN>d by all mortaU. on 11l•gt> I motbera o! new bablu., dl&beUea. heart ~lleJI a.nit thouaamiil of <>lhf'r I T he pint rf'VOJ\'•'.11 11rnund th11 tf· A w mm1llM nt pl'Ot...ional cl\Ma, under rll1"'f'cllon or rnunty forts of CLh~r1"11 ~Msr An~l'l l ~o 1 nurMa m•t recenUy &0t the Admtn- _. __ ,_ •• u Whealley aald convince )"ul& a.nu la<.'y ,, ,.,. • 1 ....,.-..,ra, .... ra. · I tie r!own Ml that "'Item ·· tlll •r-IJ'trallve BuUd.lna at Orana• Coun- u Amonl RI ... :Ommltteef cbNaumen aret I ,__itng lltUe unborn aoul aw-.1t-1 ty Oc.neral Hoepltal, under tM n e en o .... rt.on o , e w p o r &llch. public relaUona. 1ng lo b,. horn. may Ix-come a 1 t~ader•hlp of Ch1ll DefenM Chalr· Among d!~U>u a re Paul N11<-I reaJlty. To <lo U1111 Charlt'll ntUlll ' man. Mra. Alrre.tda NI-tr, Or. aen. Cwta Mc-and Mo . Baa1l tak<' on mnrtal form and th•n lhf' 1 angr. and hwUt.uta Cba.ln:laaA. Kt'a. P~t,.nion, Newport ~arh. Mr-a Ar· lroubl• and fun be.-tna. I Mtldl'f!d Croddy, ll&nla Ana, to Jay h4' s-rtz "' C'nAt• Mt'llll II' a ~fovle.(C'"r• Wiil l"f'Cl ll the ltory pll\1111 lor a tw(Hiay lnat.ltut• apon· mt>mber of the nurinng com millet . 1 <l"nf' on lht' ~'"r"• n a l•-w "~v"n11 , ~nrfd by the Oranre County Nur-j ·~" r.J111 ring R.nb,.rl C'u.mmrng11 IM'll" A11...nclatlon. Balboa Girl to Study Art in Scotland ,, &J'ld Joa.n Umnetl u Sw·y ~nd Da te" ""l 1A1ll bf! Mal"t'h 30 and I L.~d1a .a.nJ Clifton \\ebb ll~•I !IO•t.:, 31 111 C'h·1c Ct>nt.er Club Hnutl', ah<' \\ Ot""1 ."~[,.harlo end lt,.m 1 1104 Wl'•l 8th SL Santa Ana. Of p~rt tr111 r int"r"f'l 111 01r1·r·, ' I tni 8 111 Fur1 k • Rnnounr .. rn(nt Amnn1o: partlclpanta ln the plao· th"t ";\Ir Anr.;• 1 · will h<' jt l\'l"n a nin1t m.-eUn1t Wf~. from ff~ ll• 11p1t.a l. MIMI J.farpnt )fon1a ""<! ;\It"" M&rt ha 0 4'1r rklns . ~ F E t f ni1 •1• I ;\h1r. COlllll Meu, Mra. ~llN Gwynne Gll>f't:t, rl aurhtar Un Ven S or Bl'rnJce Hayden aM Ml"9. H.a.a1 nf Mr. and Mra. E J... GIO<'i;P. 42:i S1,.gel, SL Joeeph H~llaJ, Ml• aoc:!al chairman, Mra. Sl&n Emf'ry, her asalstant, Mrs. l'hlUip Bur· rowa and tea hostt'sY .. Mmra II. A. Deering. L A. Stt'Wllr•I &r•l Clltf Nert.'IOn. Mr!'. R. A. Taylor aerved coffee. HOME LOANS At Ora1t9• COVt1ty'1 lHdi"9 Home leftdtat l111iltvti- QUICK 24 HOUR SERVlCI LOW LOW "R.EOUCIN6" INTER.EST R.A TES EASY MONTHl.Y 'AYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYM,ATHlTIC SERV1CE WI IVY TlUSl OHOS OH WlU LOCAno HOMES LAGUNA FEOElAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION m Oc.-A••-- LAGUNA BEACH TEN WEEK MEMBERSHIP contest at First BaptiAt Church of Newport Beach found this group taking home the hand•ome prizes, prnented by lhe Rev. Herbert J ohneon. Left to right are (rear row), Mrs. 0. 0. Loy, Mr. J ohnson. Judy Pixley, Jamee Nel8on, Bob Storovich, Herbie J ohn80n, with jailai ball eet, and Kay Palmenter, who won the bicycle. top award. Not m thP. picture wu Jimmie Jnhneon, who received a ball -Staff Phnto ~t St . Halbna v.·hn IA nnw "lltll· young Dancers lc";rrtnlt1• Ouhbf'. Orange Count7 t1 .. 11l in lht' ml'd1n 1I ut .1,.rartml'nt Hn•plt•1 nf J ohn• Horklnt Unlveralty In The Mt'lvln K;t c:h hnu~· ~OM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;=:;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; Moni cwia Ave., Costa ~ll"lllt. •on· BllltUnor<', hu rf'celv4'd •n op-ttnu"" to hf' 11 h<>l'hl\'" nr 9 r1h·1t' there under 11~rv1•1on or thf'tr •nc on \\'MhJngton'• birthday. Progressors portun1ty t.o aturty al th• Un1ver· fo r lhe H•v-You-Squ&rl'I tl'l'nllR" IHder. Mn<. J"" CaMlll, Mr a.nd TMy weMi 11«-0mf\AJ\lf\d bv ltn. 111ty or Edinburgh. Soot.land. She JTl'IUJ'I L..aat month Mr. And Mo Mre. K11nntd a.n<l th<'1r <Mu11:ht,r. Porter, Mni W1111~y Buah. '"'d Slate Lecture w111 lravr the 11rPt or Augul'll and Kitch took th" <lanc.'n to parllri· Albert.a, a nti ~Ir,, Rf'rt T\Jrnn Mra \\'altor Thnmp1on. Thue will bl' In Srnt111n<I for lflx -101, pal,. in tb" K<'n r ntl,.r r11d1n rm· This rronr 11J10 vtltl"d lhP Jrlrl• are bull1ly l"f'hwn1nr for • ... tudyl.nr \\1th Cllfftlrd ~hepley. rnm 11newf'n nJt q11,.111on11 11r·I ~ananum In P•Jo• Vcrdea In p~nt.atton 1n lht> near turnra of I EbeU • Pro~unr sec:11nn Wiii wnrM-rarnnu.. m~1rel arl111t, and , rianctng conne-rtlon with u m1ni; their IJI"' play, 00Sl,...p1n~ ~a111y:· mNlt At th" home "' Mra. Alb.-rt Wl ll thtn tour F.urnpt" ' T t\r 0.,xl ,,. .. .,k d Crandml\ rna.mme1 bad1t"· They ate & 111111"k The c~ut of l"harsrter1 11' 114 fn1-Spul<,., In :-Jewport H• IJ('hta for Miu CIO<'.rf' wu g rai1uat4MS I !ltlf hl"" wu it.ailed ror Mn. !'.: R luneh. enjoyed lh,. woncltn of low11: king. Thr rl'!Ofl Lnwf'. f'Jlltrn. 1 ch \l&r h 1, An l l rrnm Harbor Hirh School. attln•I· Buchanall. Mn Kitch" molJltr. Mart.nf'llln<l. \"t111t..., the Glau ~11Jl8 11 Port.t r. b11•I ff\1ry v Roy un eon on · c · · 10 f'rU · I'd St.a.nfoc-d l"nivtuity for two wllo h&a bttn an amt>nl helpu in AcUvtltH of atxth fT*de <i1rl C'hurrh 1n Porlllltlle&e &n<t 4nd Connf'll . ..:nNt t111rv. g11tAnne Sill-mg ltcl.ura on 'Mndl'm Trf'nd• 11\ V""'"' 111111 "'111 bl' ~uat~ from I tht gmnp·a partlf'I and aeUVlll"" I i-, outa tncludf. tllOk lhl' sctntc drt\•e from Pt\lna , .. ,.. rnr<~"" R11rb11r11 J<,.nnf'l'.ly, I Home llnd F1.rrn 1111rr" with Pl•· J nhni Hopkin• ne.x t year. Her I A button·hol,. auadlln•nl for hn l<'out Troop 1 had an ovf'rni&hl Vardu tn RMllnl1o 8f'J\c:h. pr1nr,.. r.aMl Wh1l" Prl"• f•11m .. 1a turf's a.n•1 fahrw ~11mpl,.s will be hmthrr T,.rry, now 1n hi• 1.,•conl1 11Mlwlng mar hln• w&a pr,.aentt'<l Mr~ "' lhe Srout llou-.e in prP}'lol' '''"11 Thi'~(' r 1rls hs ve f'll rT!•d tbt'lr Thomp11>n: ml11t~~ ot ink p<ll. preN:ntrd by GNlq;e CharJra or \"l'llf Ill lhl' l' s t f•U I r.•1arrl Buch&Mn hy the .rro11r for 11 pr1mlll''" '"'"rnl~ll t '"' 1" 1·' ··, ro<•k Nidt;t'i. 1n•h' 1du.l.lly 11t P&m,.h1 p,.te,...,,n: la'11"• in ""'!Ill· Santa Ana Ar ademr. :'\"ew London. Conn .. 11 1 \."aJent.nt' and Dog pot<h danrf'to t • • C'"nyon 0'\lv u.• .. 011111 r'llllf'-hnrr" 111 1rr1 11n'1 .ipprn,·~ h)' thr1r uu:. l'•nn"' \\'"~n. TPrry Walt\fo· hllving hi. apnnc lf'&Ve th111 •.1, ~k foUnwl'r1 1n F't>bruary On Marrti mrr.t "A• 1111"""".i 111""1'•rJ': ""11 moUlcra. Un Feb. 2'l thlY h11d a llrh iuir1 J>lnlcy F'l~h•r. J.ir Ch.ule~ r'u•ht''1 dl'!li.rn st 11.n t 111 m BaJUmorr w1lh 1'1111 '111· :1 e11.rh 1o:ir,I In lhr trnup m lll'lf' •I loe>!hbrush 111d c:omb. I 001'-pnt t11nner Ill the $("('1UI The g1rl111 In r h11r.rr nt rr-Mur-lh41 t"nJvtr"1 ty of \l1n11u n 1a.. Art l"r At1,.nt11nr r .. r,..n llv th,. hnr1rd I Pl" tn ph11re wllh h .. r partnrr • r J!:,·erythln1 wu pla.nn,.d by the Hou11e tn pr't'parauon !<Jr All tlon "r" J ill g auff.-r 11n'1 Sh11m n a.nd mt!'rinr atylmg 't th.-A "'"rl· ml'6 U1111: nf the ;-.-,.,,,. England In· rttreahmf'nl hmf' lh" boy• tum· 1 ll'•rlt. who put on a talent ~ow r ... 11n!' f'1tntp nn May U . H llJld Haydrn. ran Arat11'my nt A 1 \...• l11 Ch.ICllj!O t,.rrollf>gal<' Siulmg AS110C1alte>n 111: .. ni pop 1.n'1 1v rf"~ Pl&n· fnr antertalnment. TrUha Ntrc•. l!'J n111 r ~m,. ''rfltllri< ,n \\"b'l s \\'ho Ill M.rT . ,,,. 1'll'lpJ'lf'<1 el H11n·arrl ncd fnr ~l11rrh Pl i~ 11 11p"t'l11l l th• v·lnner. l'll(tfnd t he cup t Ilk,. Troop 1' ta wMk1n1 on t.hrk 10 th~ Pulil1<. F•'r ~~, .• r:tf ynrl! h" I anr' ther. saw Tl'lm H<>ll1!. 11t11Mnt "'rlat,." n1rht with ,.w•rynn,. <Ir"""" 11'ft over from dinner. The g1rt1 had,~11 . t1rawi.nit 11nd palntlnf.'Mitche}} Show "Aa 11!1.S,...111,.,1 ui •h 'l'wrntleth th .. r._ a.nd tormH cl&Amat e at in..: up anti pa1lnl'r11 fuml!'hlri, then ef\joyed round d1nctn1 to rte· bolckya rrt ramper a.nr! gamu. A1 r~nlury Fr >. St 1 h··~ Hllrbor High School roraagu tor the ru la. ord1 e t Ult Scout Houet pa.rt nf tht1r T1'f'JIUrementa for A Gall .Mrs. ;1: ... J,nn Holmwno<l a.nt1 ~tra. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..-1 Aner btM.kfut In the f'Alln. dra1A1ng 111111 p11.1nlln11:. thty m 1t-at rt ery r.ortion llolmwood are lunl"hf'On ""Y c&rT1ed out tllf' tradJUon th11t t'1 the Art Glllll'ry In Legu.M h~ .... ~ tor the tlay. Th"Y Will lo • 's Balboa Linoleum Co II Otrl Srout leavea a p!Me rlean-1 Bear h. a t.r1r '4°hlch thty f()lln!1 ...... '""rl\" "-1\thrr ,.~ ~u~'1e·· I d y r • Th I llr n ~ .. ' bis "" i1u .. 1 by Mmrs. Hn l <:on on. ,., than ah• tlnd• It. t y 11wl'pt, wnrthwhll• 1111d mn111 •nJoyable. I b hl u~ 8 rrGW"\I atll"tld&llre ,....arlra !::Aton, H"r.n'. E "J;ert Eu· d1iated. mopped and 1ang I M.-.. Chr111t1a.n fkh1ndler. thf' roug 0 '-" ... Trailer c-a.mp equipment .... leader n! Tronp H anrt Mra. H E for the Monthly Ta at Laguna ltf'lll! Fenel'ln, P. F. f'l'mlln. M T. then tJlorou_ftlly '•11plored 1111<t r11f1 !'le.ck. l"O·lesder, 8.rl"ompa.nlf'd the 1 &&ch Art Oft.lory. Th9 htJ41tr.aau GrlM"tY, Raymont1 llerm~. ron· t•nt a wtrt e.-.cted under the f1rl.s. This t roop h11d " Play Day 1 for Ula oocaalnn we~ memhera of 111.Mrr J llyrtd, A R ~'Ing, F l<>yd t 11lda11ce of Mra. Ralph Wilcox. at SL Andrf'w's C"huf"l"h a t • joint the ~uain&1111 and Froff~1"nal Wo-BurU a.nd R~v Sabin ____ _ aAlat.ed by Mra Robut Adame, m ffUl\K .,.1th Troop 13. !lar h troop meru Clu~ )f'adtr of tti. troop a.nd Butr1NI 1 rhoee two g11mea to tl\llrh l.l"I the I Th,. n~ on. rna.n ..tinw or A.l-ha.ndhng ol col<Jr II mo11t out.ata.ntt- l!ll"OCJunan. ·I QthPr troor. Cider Md '1011fhnull! tr.d R. ){)t.ebrll, ruturtnir lluld· IJ,C'. One of th,. ~f'm11 In lhfl tll· ~outa tn on the run were Taf· wtre enJnyerl by 1111 l'lt:apaa and mllrln-. ntetlvtd b1g-h hlbtt la 1111 eU11 Utti "'Shnu U..n," f\• Ad&ma. llandr Broclc.man. O..rt Troop 14 hu H mf'mben: Shu-pnlN tl'Om thl'\N 11ttrnl11.11.R Mlt· whil"h la a mJut~rful r•tce of ftuch•no lllalJ• P'orr&Y. Melinda on Arthoftr, :->.ziey J ohnaon, Fem r ti•ll h&e a •!\'le all h111 own. hJ11 J'1nUn!f. Mr. 11nt1 M~. ~fltchell Hn111t. Trt1thl\ f'1rrrr l.1nt1'l )11 . Knern1r. ~hAron l<n.•hf. Mill')' I simplicit y f'f oomf'C)MUon Md I '4-ere prt8l'J'll rnr !hf' lf'I\. Cooll, ~IUl<:.V N1clcf'rtz.. J C!)"f'(' LnuJl!e Mt>l"f:dllh. SuNn MJtchell, Smith. K11lhy \\"1leo"l 111\Cl Jl'M. Abby Oqu1~t. rarnela Prw. Pl'ruw l"nl.nklln. LA,nv .. Rnw11n """" 1111· l'chlndlr r. :'\°Mey T11ylC'r. C-llrnl I a ble to a ttend. ~tnt 1. C" a r n I Sl\lt .. bury, n 111rie ,.,_. I ~t to t..a._.una to tit· SdlwarU 11.nd Pamola Z&ndl'r, J11or9 the Ilea.ch a.nd rnllec t rnc:.ka. I Troop U. und or lh• I 11&.d ef'hi p 11MI.la uid ~. 1pecimena. You"" l of Mr11. John Portar. vl~ltAld ~f..,.. t.. f'lrle ~ a .,;tnla bab lnal&nd u part ol a holiday ~- POI MDCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICI IN NIWPORT HARIOR AllA CALL LEHIGH 9· 1634 llOTOBC\'CLE r::scoaT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY - Dr •. Ronald Wood CHIROPRACTOR Announcea the opening of HARBOR HEAL TH SERVICE Physio Therepy • X • rey • Menipu&.tion • 2104 Newpott llYcl. H.rbor 4030 Newpott leac19 .• / -.IACK BOYER - 2ll01 \\'. Ralboa boolenrd • Unolf'nm • Rubbtr Tllf' • Cork e A"pblt TU.. e Ca~t • Formk'a • \"acbt • lmt:allatton HartHtr SJH Newport ~ch HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS? CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answe r Because we do everythin9 here casa· pura "15s:RVJCS W'ft'HJl'f ROUM -\\'REN ~ED" 00 .. t.f'!"l'E IAUNDEllEJ18 ud CLEA."l:RS !\"Y;\\'PORT BEACH Bea Cool Guy! Chalet Moc Tb....,. roof. •-W. C-al ll:ed.e .... 11 rdu "''lb yoo i.n ,as l/Ylf eh"". ,.. lot4 bu1cS.o.1 r a I Ibo n"•lhbnrt' barl_.o•-~t aa • •pr>rll olurt, .. ;,h 1r1m 0111r h1nl dr ta1I. Co•bl<JO...I l1111d"- Flo11U\,;•hiht Jl,...,.1 ..... eni..t nuke th~ Jnt•l!llf•'T• too! f'laid luungt. 511" ~t:S'!i! MLS'lil 111 Sa\") -r&d.-d Rh,.. an<I 1'aalt l'IOrll ~·a,-,· Only We Give S & H GrHn Stamp1 NIWPOIT l!ACH 0.. ,,..._. ~ ir-S-.ort ~' , ' ..\ (}overnmenl · Gxcepl PAGE 4 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 IN BOMSTOWM AJISltlCA "God 9rent us th~ serenity to eccept the things we cannot change: the courage to chenge the thing• we cen end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS How We Will Vote Tuesday Dishonest State Oil Deal Tuesday will }?e election d"ay in Newport Beach. There la plenty or material from which to choose teven city councilmen to serve the city. Only one· council manic poeltion, District No. 3, is uncontested and there Mayor Dora Hill will be returned to the council. For the most part the lines in the city hall are fairly well drawn. Principally it is a matter or reason· ablenesa In administration or subjugation or the entire populace to autocratic domination of the stilted view of fruatrated Andrew Smith. Anyone, apparently, who does not agree with Smith, la on hia list for ab'!se and the target for today. There can be no progress in any city where the _views such a.a he propounds are permited to dictate. Threatens City Tidelands Before the Legislature of the State of Calif omia now in session in Sacn.mento ia a dishonorable meuure. Thii bill would in one swoop make a liar out of the-State of California, a thief or its people, and violate a aacred • contract. In addition, this bill, now directed only at Long Beach, would lay the found~tion for the violation of any and every contract, deed and grant, ever entered into between the State of California and any of it.a cities, counties, or political subdivisions. The proposal to which we refer ltl one identified u the Allen Bill and introduced by Bruce F. Allen, Republi· can of San Jose. Allen's proposal would take from Long Beach its tidelands which the State of Callf ornia quit· claimed to that City in 1911. BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL =~ACEPAua CU Nele -ftla eiDtaul Illy Roraoe Partrer wt11 ..., ..... .-usta..now. 111etortc.1 ~ M .... dredaed .. • 1a1a -r. trl,. late UM lllldl eoatrr .. ,.,..t ,....._, I respect a man's religion, wbf'ther It be Cbriatian, Mo. hammedan, Buddhist. or in fact any religion u long u I• is sincere f:Dd good. This ia the re~on perhaps. my Indian rrtebdli fJ1 talk of the "ola ways" with me, becauae they know I 'am sincerely interested and wUI not ridicule-. Indian mytholol')' rune aJmoat puallel to l•h rt>t'k by paJnHl1J' a fac. ew1 It._ what we know of BJbllcal history, It atlll 1IUmJll rJlQUrntully, peefinc but that 11 a later atory. Thi• la over the Old Tc-mttulft «J'Ade. the atory f;lf Nahat'hl11h, perhapa Thc-re are m~ny ot thele w.-lrll. the ee.rll•t of our Luleen<> Indian natural·llCulpture<i boUI~ ln th• coda. bl'Ullb country. And ~ many .,r The expertencea of our early Jn. ~hem tllfl Indiana have attached a dtan o< the bru•h country Wl'l'I! rellgioue •IKnlflcance, tied &n>Ul)d vuy limited. He observed the the 11ymbollc myth of Nahactil11h. world about him, the aun, the 1ky, ln the near future 1 hope to aee the moon, the falling atar, the the g-ns.nlle boulder In t!M Tem- ptanta ·the anlmale and the phyat-fl<'Ula Canyon where the killer of cal ~orld. He considered th~11e Nahachl11h knf'lt for the fatal ahot. things all marvelou11 phenomlln& Thf' Indiana are auper11UUou1 and and. becauae he didn't undrnite.nd evf'n the younger one• are reluc• them, he felt 1-. hi• heart that tant to approach M-called "eacred aomeone did, but thla aomeone waa areas." greatrr than mortal man: there- fore th.-ni must be a moving aplr- lt for the entire world about him -so he too had a aplrltual God. SA.ND PERIOD R.L'llliOlNO ROCKS Smith, like all the dictatorial types takes claim for everything that is done. In his propaganda -run as paid political advertisements in this newspaper· -and atutfed in mailboxes by his direction -Smith takes credit for every saving, real or fancied, in the city for many years. Actually most of the things he talks about have been "in the mill" for a long time. We will propose a list of candidates for whom we will vote. They are not pledged to us, or as nearly as we can tell, to anyone, or any group. We believe th('y will serve this city. They are not encumbered with a withered view that would have our t own die on the vine. Assemblyman Allen, backed by tour other Northern California Assemblymen, baa forgotten some of the fun· damental teachings of the American Way of Lite: 1. Honesty is the best policy. 2. S~credness of contract. 3. Equality of all citizens before the law with special pri· vileges for none. 4. Protection of every citizen's right to acquire, hold, and bequeath or otherwiae dispose ot pro- perty. 5. Encouragement of thrift and ca.pit&l form.ation, and the right to climb the economic ladder. READERS WRITE The earliest period In aymboll. ce.J lnd1an mythology h1 the lime of "aa.nd," when everything wu The lndl&na uaed ~o hammer oa tht>11e N1h11t•hlM roclu! with •tone ha.mml'rl'. Bt-c:auae many of them are lying at etran1te angleii, they 11ome.llmt>a irJve off an alm04tt bell• like toM. They believed that by bt'etlnR' on these rocl<a the wea. thf'r rnuld be changed to 1tomiy, windy, and rainy wf'athe.r. It waa only al the time that th«'Y •vnnt· ed a change In the -ther lhey apriroachf'd the rocka and "rang·• them. Here is who we will cast our ballot for: District 1. Newport and West Newport -Gerald C. Bennett; District 2. Balboa Peninsula -Sandy F. MacKay; District 3. Lido Isle and Bay Shores -Dora 0. Hill; District 4. Newport Heights -Stanley Ridderhof ; District 5. Balboa Island -Clarence A. Higbie: District 6. Corona del Mar - District 7. Corona del Mar -James B. Stoddard. We will vote for three incumbents set forth above because-they have sh own themselves, each one, to have a mind of their own and their aims have been for the benefit of the entire City of Newport Beach. None o [ them have endeavored to dominate either thei r fell ow council members, the city employees or citizens of this community. We believe they have served well. Gerald Bea.oett, Stanley Ridderbof and Mayor Hill deserve the apremfon of confidence of the people of tbia city. We will vote for Sandy MacKay bccauae he is emi- nently quali!ied to represent the people of his district and town. He is qualified by education, experience, and buaineae practice. He has no a.'Ce to grind. We will vote for Clarence H igbie in the Balboa Is· land district because his fund of legal knowledge. his generally accepted efforts on ht-half of his fellow men, will stand our city in good stead. James Stoddard will m&J<e a good city councilman, just the 118.llle as he has been a good member of the ac.hool board. He is obligated to no one and prepared by education, practice. and policy to cope with the problems or our city of Newport Beach. Aa for the propoRitions we will vpte Yes on Propo- aition 1 and will leave the control of munici11al funds where they belong. with the city counciL By the same token we will Vote NO on Propositions 2 and 3. Propo- aitiona 4 and 5 are merely clarification measures for the city charter and deserve your Yes Vote on 4 and 5. County Business Good Continued good busmess in Orange County is evi- dent from statistical proof In the j ust·released thirty- first report of the State Board of Equalization for the third quart"r of 19!>4. Orange County's taxable sales fo r this period were fourth high in the state'. With a percentage increase of 5.93 over the same quarter of 1953. the county was ex- ceeded percentage-wise only by Sacramento County with 10.02. Sonoma County. 6.30 ancl Shasta, 6.30. The figures co\·er all pcrmittces handling tangible personal property dunng the taxable perio<l. Ornnge County's taxable sales fnr the quarter tallied S66.8,t0.· 000, fifth hi~h In tbe state. Los Angeles County show· ed $1.114,246.000 for the same lime with a percentage Increase ot .97. Form~rly the 1'ewport-BaJboa !'ewa·Tunu and the Newport-Balboa Prei<s A DepeDdable Loeal lnatltutfo• for Onr Forty 1·ean - llntend aa S~nd-Clua Matter at the rn~tofflce In !'c\\-pott Beach. Callfonua under the Act ot Msn-h a, lfli9. q.ntW te hltlUb lA'tral N otiaetl and Adl'f'rt.1-•t• of AU IUDd• ., .,..._et ... Superior Coun of OrM•e Co. la AcU011 No . ..\-U7M . ......._, C&llfonat& !ll•w•paPf'r l'ubU.llfon AHnelaUoa Member SaUonaJ Ellltorlal A .. odatton Member of Orange County New1 Ser\'lc. BE~ REDDICK. Pub1J11her W lLW.AM A. MOSES. Ed1t<1r ORMOND i,;, ROt:NTREE, AdftrlUtnlC Dlrt'<:tor Sl1BS<'RIPTIOS RATES; Sewport HarMr ~""a-P~. ,-.1tt \\,...lily la 0,..... County, M.00 I"'' ff'ar: J,'1.00 •ls m~.: ••~~0 tllrHt mo.. Outside of Orao&e t.'ounty $7 .00 per ) f'tlr • Those aims, usually taught to children, are appli- cable to adults, and certainly to our govemment&l bodiea are basic moral values. These assemblymen, favoring thia bill, cannot hide behind a false cover of "surplus funda ot the City of Long Beach". Neither can they aay that the legislature did not know it was giving away an off ahore oil pool when it gave Long Beach ita tidelands. Nor can they apply the same reasoning, or lack or it, to the City of Newport Beach when they ultimately will try to take from us our revenue from the Monterrey Oil well.a Into the theoretically city·owned tidelands ot the City of Newport Beach. Either the.5e assemblymen are dishonorable men, en- deavoring to perpetrate a fraud upon the people; or, they al'e complete fools: or, political opportuniata Un• knowing in the extent of their diahoneat proposal.a. They could of course have been duped by thoee who Meat wealth Crom those who have Jt. The fact that the City of Long Beach has $150,000· ()()() ln its tidelands oil fund with an additional $34,000· 000 coming in each year is no concern of the Legislature. That money bek>ngs to the people or Long Beach for Harbor and kindred uses. 4 could understand the State of California endea· voring to bargain for a share of that wealth for a con· sidcration. The consideration mjght be the approval by the State of expenditures from that fund for purposes other than Harbor development. Were that the case then the state might say, "We will approve your expenditure of 75 per cent of that fund. providing the remaining 25 per cent ia made avail· able for use elsewhere in the state for developing har· bors of refuge!, Or e\'rn to finance water com1ervation projects elsewhere in the State aa proposed by A.Hem· blyman Allen and his cohorts. But iC the Legislature of the State of Califomi& should invalidate by some hook or crook the grant or titll' to Long Beach, then the grant or title to Newport Beach. and any other state commitments to any of ita subdi\•isions would be in jeopardy. Assemblyman Allen and hi11 northern California cohorts contend Long &ach has so much mo11ey it can- not spend it. But. what affair is that of theirs? Allen further alleges that the off shore oil pool in the tide- lands is a natural resource and belongs to all the people. He estimates that if Long Beach's wealth were spent to irrigate idle lands then income from that idle land would ri~ from S30 million annually to $280 million an· nually. That is weU and good. However, we do not feel that the integrity o( the State o( California and all its dtiums should be sacrificed for a.oy mercenary gain l o anyonr. The complete inconsistency of the usemblyman's i;tai1d is made even more obvious when one considers the t.1m.t-, effort and money spent by the people of the State of California and particularly by the citi.zena or Long Beach to r ecover for the State of California ita title to the tidelands. .Were the state}o invalidate ita grant to Long Beach, we see no rea80n why the government of the United States should not renege on it.a grant to the at.ate of it.a rights. Then-in truth-would the natural resources of Long Beach and California belong to the people-all the people of the United States of America.. March 7, 19~ An O~n Letter to Candldatf.' Smith: I wu extremely lntereated to note that one of our councilmen la now trying to ctve u. the e1To- neoua lmpreaslon uiat we have had a ONE MA~ (;lTY COUNCIL. A recent political letter, which wu lllegally placed In the mall boxea or your District. and tor which the U. S . Post&l Department hu found It necessary to wa.m the Colonel ag-alnst any future replll· tlon or be helt'.I liable tor govern· ment a,cU<m. wu the working o{ an e~otlst, Lhe prlml' EGOTIST of ·our fair city. In these pamphlet.a Colonel Smith la R eking re-t'lec- tl(ln. The Colonel tried to lmRJy that all the Improvements 1pol'I· 10red and pa.aaed by our city coun- cil were enUrely hi• Idea and that he Ln fact Instigated each and every one ot them. Now, Colonel Smith, bow about mentioning ll()me of the OTHER 1deu which you '°cleverly brought before our city council and which, it acceptell, would have been ex- tremely detrimental to our fair dt.y. You llhoutd in au hon•~Y clum the ln1tlgallon of the MATCH· lNO LANDS 0 R 0 IN AN CE. ThanJ<a to the far-alght.ednesa ot Hie otntr mCff1'>il'n of the Councu th.I.a 1hamf'ful plan waa never car- ried out ~O! Of courllfl ,you would not \l>'l.11h to claim any lntereat In thl• matter. Prrhaps you were more a.nxlou11 to hAve the oil wells nrarrr the pier side of New·port Beach rath.-r thlln at your front tloonlep In Corona del Miu. The public will be lntereeled l-0 know that on Nov. 22, 19~ the City cnuncll votl'd to reaclnd t he a c- t ton nf RellOlutlon No. 42IMI 1m11tctung lllllrlsl-Bul you were the only rnem~r of the Council who voted ag&ln~t rucllldlng the r t'Mllut1on. We rraltze that you have gone to guat lengtha, will even 10 to gresttr len,.-th11, to protect what you caU YOUR VIEW. The Battle or lhe JWO JTMA waa only a part of IL You In your egoUam and Mlflshnu11 entirely overlooked those or u• who love our fishing. y ,.ll! It wu much nicer and meant a few more mtnutt.1 of flahlng pluaure lo ue to have our bait brought closer to t11e Harbor 1n- 11teal1 (If spenrtlng two to thrt-e hO)ll"S w&.11Jn1t l'lr blllt Wily down nNlr H unUngt<>n Beach. Yrt you even tntd lo lntro'1ucr an ordi- nance rorbltldln!f a ll blllt boats or t111h1nic boat11 frnm anrhor l11g or opera tlnJot In the watu11 from the J etty to the ea~trm bnunrlary of our city llmlta. Wh~ dHln't YftU lnrlud11 the entire coaat within our city limits! This a,.-atn fal111 Int o the Clltegory of lnterferln1t w ith your precious vlf'W. Out of falm~a to the Jwo J )ma. 1 w.nt to ttd'd that you hllJ nothing to do with the amlcabl~ aetllement of the bait prob)fm-The Jwo Jtmll hail !>Pen l!Old-110 why try to take any cud 1 t for that ! I also have a view from my wtn· dowa-t<vPo a better one than you do-1nd quite rr.-quently l aee the commercial fl11hermen anchor- rd ju8t bf'low us. Thtlr boat. are plcturuqu,. a.nd therefore an ln- tegTa.l part ot our Harbor. Com- mnclal anll sport fl1hlng la one of our gi-ute11t 11ourcee of aa.U•f•o· tfon, lntere11t, fame and income for Newport Beach. Aren't you rnlng a little too !1r In trying to curb this too 7 l'm aurf' lh• public would be greatly tnteruted ln the private --------------------------r oad which bu been built on the Farmer McCabe Writes. e. blurt jual In front or your home, thereby aafeguardtnr your Ylew by making It lmpoulble to have --------------------------IJlY re11dence built there. Yet appvenUy cttr employee• aa4 March 10, 19M A lot o! folks complain about their tuH ..• 1ay that they wish they had the good ole daya back agin ~ .. but I dunno. the good ole day9 wun't 10 Sood fer a lot of us. You 11ee. in them daya you bad to ban an Engineer's Degree to git a job u Janitor ••• IO lt didn't make any diffen!nce whetJ>er )'OU wua taud tW not, you didn't have the mofley anyhow, (llll rl&bta r~) city equipment are betnr uaed to lmproYe a.Ad maintain tJUa roa4, and at whoee ellpenH, Colonel Smith f Ha,,. you torrott.en bow to 1&ft our cltilleftt' money T Isn't It 90Trltwbal mor. than Ju.It & co- incidence that the cltt .. n.e' money 1.1 now belnr med to turtJwr 7our Ylew! Our 1bcallt7 ll a pleuure ntort and In that caterory '!Ve nMd all \he Ult.t.uc. that. .. CUl ~ .bly gel through auch medium• and .~hannela u our cham~r o! com· merce, dc. Yet you want to atymle all this. We need our chamber of commerce-We want to grow and expa.nd-We must not stymie our ruture or the progre111 of New· porl ~each. 11. la Incomprehensible to try to understand the machinations of a man or •.iur calibre. I only hope that our-citizens will reaUze the full extent to which you have gone not only no'N but also In the pan In trying to ptrpetuate your- ael! u a ONE MAN CITY COUN- ClL OF NEWPORT BEACH. Jn view o! the above, whom do you think 1 am going to vote tor an your district! S. B. HEAM sand. It wa.. .during this pt>rlod that a "great man" cam .. to the Indians of U1e brush country. Hl11 name waa Nahachlah. He taught them the thing• to ftRt and aJao how to have a l<lng life. Naha<'h111h was good. But amon&'. UuL.l.OJillaD&_j!-~:.l).ll~IO.ll"-1.ill.....IM&...:.:.loa.'4el--1'"--­ there were me.n who were jealnua Old Sadclll'b&ek" mentlon.1 auch a ot Nahaehlllh anll hla k.nowl.-llge. l "bell rock" In Oranll'e County, and They plnttf'd his death, apparently no one knew lhe 11g. One day u Nahoch1sh ret\lmed nlflt'ance or the lndlana nnstnr from one of his many Joumr..y,., In I IL It I am not mlataken, lhl.1 rocl< whll'h he left footprint.a in the haa bern moved lo the crounrta sand, he 1pproa.ched the pu" to of the Bower'• Muaeum In Sant• Temt>cula. The con.11plrator1 wt•re Anll. Perti..ps f'Ven the Indiana 11t In 11.mbush. One of them wu Orange C'ounty conaldenid lhla a knrehog ui the t111nd tn the Tem-Nah11t·h1~h rCK'k a.n<r-tried 1,. et·ula Canyon, wllh hlll doit be· t'h1U11(e the! weather by rtngtnc It. 111de him. Seeing Nflhadil8h at t he I know there 111 a Nahachlah r<>t'k top o! the Trmen1l11 ltl'lldl' h" rit-lrn:-atf'd near thr. Wamer Hol ted an arrow to hl11 bow and 11hot Spr1ng1 In San Ditgo County. Ne.ll.aCh'll!n. Th<• rrol'on for all thf'lle rn1 k Uftt.:KATE SPIRIT fool print• an11 f lKUru remi.lnln1t Ill The arrow Jo<lgrd tn the abdo· rxlstl'nCt' Ill btt"u11e they bap,,.·n· Dear Slr: ml'n o! ~a.hachl11h. It was a flllul e•l during the time of ••aand." IA~ lnaamuch u the Newport. Har· llhot and he died slowly. He mil· ler thl11 11&11d. turned to IJie hard bor Cham~r or Commerce 111 di· ud to hi• frlenda anl'I asked thPm t1'r this BlUl•t lv1 ned to the hard recUy referred to In the fl111t three to open him, In ort'ler 111 ti'berine llL"i f'OOTPKINTf Propo1ilt1011.1 to be voted upon by I hl11 11plr1l. Thia thty did 11.1111 a While l waa In Murrieta a few the cltlwne or Newport ~ach at "firefly" I aplrlt) flew out 1nd In day• ago. 1 photographed a :'fOl\1 • the Ma.rch lr> election, lhe Board a 1r~t rluh of light flew atraJght print" In a !lq rrutte 1tone th1t. of Director• of thi• orpnU..tlon l-0 Lily R-0ek abuve ldyllwlld. Hla belon~11 lo an old frWl'ld of mtnr, felt ln duty bound and by app~ friend.I ca.rrlt'd hi• "middle" down Urban TatWater. The AoM wu prlate acUon decided to fumlllb the Temerula 1r11de where It plowed up by "UtUe Pat!' Sam· the votera t1ame ol lhe underlying turned Into a al-One near the lnlego In a field llOUlb of ,Murn• fact.a regardlng the creaUon, pur-11prln1J. lip on the gmt'le, the l'ta, wht>re other Indian lltone &r• po11e o.nd adn1lnlatrat1on of the alumptd figure of Nahach111h turn-uracta have l>Mn round. Unlil l AdverUJllng Fund ot the City of ed to •tonl.'. with ll grut gaping have h.a4 t.be oplnlona of lhe ._. Newport Beach and to exp1'el3 to hole. from which his ''mldc11e" wu pert.a on th.I.a ·~ prlllt.. w., you tht'lr oplnlona and ded11lon11 tlLken. And even though white ml~ht call It -rmboUcallt ~ ut concerning Mid Prop<>11lllon11. mt!n h1H•e d('w1·r11ted tho Na.hach-the fe>ntpnnta of Nahachlah. In a speclul election on Sep- tember 24, 1018, lhtl votera or our city paMed an orolnancl' aobmlt· tad by the Board o( TnalMs pro· vtdlng a u..x or 15c per SIOO u- ~d vaJu.atlon for the cre&t1on of an Advt'rtlemg Fund to be ad- mlniltere•I a.nJ lilloce.led by the city council for legHlms te a"ver· U11lng tor the City. On April 16, J9:l8, City Ordl· na.nce 30 wu eubmlt!eil to and approved by the vol.fl ... Ordlnance 344 rei..tuc~ the Advf'rtls)n~ fl"Und max.tmum tu rate to l Oc ~r U OO a.uesHU valuation and pro- vided that aald fund be admlnte- tert'<l by the city counc.JI u It demed bUl ln ~curing legiUmate advert.ling for the City of Nf'w- port Beach. The ordinance further provtded tha.l the Advertielng Fund could be upended tor legit- imate adverU.elnc only and lh&t the city counctl had the right to reduce the tall rate aa It saw !It. R .. cenlly the voters of tht11 c1ly f'lected to pa.u a chartt'r "''hlch W&A devrloped, approved and 1mb· mitt~ by a ~rd ot freeholder., i::onsl&tlng of 15 of our m"41t out- sta.ndlng and lnt.elllient clllzien1. Thia rhal'Ur, which h"9 now been approv1•<1 by the. Sta te of Ca.hfornla a.nil la now In er<ect, prov1de1 the same pennlunry (but not m&ndatory) taJt for the creation of an A.dvert.ilflng Fund with a maximum rate of lOc pu 1100 value to be admlnl.lltl!ted and allocatrd by the city r.ouncll you H'e about l-0 elect on March l:'l. Aa the dem11.11d11 upon the rlty council tor aJlocaUcm1 trom the Advert.J11nr Fund ve.ry each year aa wu the ee.M In the year wtlen Ute NaUonaJ Jambone of the Boy ScouU of America encamJM'd t.n our area. "1d aa wlU undoobedly be tb• cue In the corning ye&n when oUler -.t jetle ara to be accomptjlhed and money neede-d, the detennlutlon of the Adverth•· l.nc Tu rate and henre the amount at the Advert.laing Fund crutl'd each year ahouJd be propertly left to the judpent of the l'itlune JOU elect to th• ~ty council TM uee and allocatJon of anaounte to be upended from thJ1 tund tor 9dvertlllng purp<>41u lhoUid be decided by the membeni of the cl~ cowicU who are ~\Ir repreeent&Une wbom you have elect.ad to perform Just web duty . All reque1t-. demand.a or con- tr'MU for ~J NlfYtCfll mu.it be .ubmltted to your city counclJ a.Mt Uley an ln a better po9lUon t.o IJ\'f'flllllpte. .-min• and decide a,,Gn the ltr(ltlmate •I· loc&Uon ot Adnrtalng P'und.t both u to purpo. end amount than &117 ot our clUt.ena and they tiave aJwaya pr9Cellfld thetr &ellOfl by ~ful 1t11dy and public h"ar1nJ. 'l"IU9 la on. oC \be Jobe you han ( STONE FAOE-Sacred Indian rock of Nahachiab peen down Old Temecula Grade. -Horace Parker Photo. GIANT IN LAND-Strange footprint in granite trom Indian campsite in Murrieta country. «1lected them to perr<>rrn. and thry latt!r the Adwrtu lnlf ~ind u h11111 11hould be allC>Wed to do '"'.! untler ~n lh" pra<'llt" 111.nctr 1918; lh•t. th• te.rma Qf the rhuter. Thl'y no r~tnrl.Jon11 of any kind be Im• lllulU)d be enlirPIY unr~11tnrti-d In J)Ollf'd up11n your t111ly ,.l,.M4'd ~,,.. the performance nf lhe1r rluly. rl'~~nll\tl\'"" In th .. dl11petch rof We ~lleve thl11 to ~ the eor· 1 thr l r 1J1lly r"a"r1l1ng th~ AdvPrt1,.. F'fl'l thln)llnr tnr th• b~•l of tLll 1 1n11; f \111rl. th"\ nn rnter1n11; w..:.l1t• C'Onc,.med, both at pn•IW'nl IUloJ tnr h~ inv .. n to a11 y l(!°"lllJl th11t m11)' ttie tut1Lre, a.nd In thr.11e cOOt"~pts be org11nl~...-d in 1111r city tor the the c:hambrr Of C'Omm"rt• Ill IUOk• J>Ul'"fll••" o( llllf>"l'll1J (1lrthl>r Uf1• lnJ nothing !or tt.11elf In J'rfl<'"•lurt n,.r,.,..,.,_y 1··~1 1 I• l l"NI upon t•lJI' or an1ount. 1·1~y , .,..,,, 111•" r1 "r b<l"lc ch&111tf'I Therernre, ll you aitr"~ th•l ttil• 1n our <h11.r1 .. r la the N>mpl,.l•ly f•lr &h•I IJ~•l1f\-I \\' r• • 11m111••nll o,o•I uri• 70\.1, cnltlC way ·10 l!l'd de Iii• q11,.11t1•1n y1111r frlrn•la IVlll yeyur emplny ... • l'lf the nt1•1n1t 111t.1 t.Jl11(Jutl"1'1 ''' l<t \'•llr "Yt>I'" on Pr•>p-..,tlon r.; • ., th• Advnu.111n1r Jo'\mrJ, M •I It y1111 I •n1 •1~1'1~11n l'r'>f"l!<ltl'ln1 2 an11 belte\•e that th,. (lly 1·hsrvr "httll 3. remain un•ller~d 1"' 11r1jllnally I 11pprove.::t 1: th•t th!' city 1·11unrll be allowed t.o contlnu. Lo &dnun· Rt•ar<I of T•1r.,l'lo" of t he !li"Wfl'lr\. H1u11or c:.&m· ti.f Of 0ornm.ene _, OUTGOING OFFICERS of Newport Har bor Assistance League were honored yester- day at a brea kfast given by Mn. Roland Wright at Irvine Coaat Country Club. From left around table, Mrs. Richard Caatle, national representative: Mrs. Lester Lowe, waya and means committee chairman: Mrs. George Hoag Il, dental committee chair- man; Mrs. Wright, outgoing president: Mrs. Don McC:illum, co-chairman. publicity committee: Mrs. Chad Twichell, party ttntal coinmittee chairman; Mrs. R i c b a r d Pleger, publicity committee chairman. -Staff Photo / FIRST HELD HERE Huge Girl Scout Service Sunday at High School Newport Harbor Girl Scout whkh wa.s etarted the year before. ·~·o London troopll, or companies DONNA SAXBY does practiae ~ Oil 8mua Hanawal~ at the Red Crou drill when the Pathfinder Club of t he Seventh-day Adventist Church camped 1ut weekend at O'Neill Park. Pathfinders Club • Park Camp-out Ill I Members of the Newport Harbor Pathf"mdu · Oub. (Seventh-day Adventist Youth Club) ranging f rom 10 to ~I years of age, camped out this past weekend in O'Neill Park. I 25 miles north-cast of Newport Beach. I Untll'r supervision, I ho junlOrs I skills In cratta and m&l'Ch1nc put Into pra<'lt<'e prmr1plei1 lu.rn-drtll.8, the !'ewport Harbor Patb-1 ed ln c•mp cratt ckl.~~e.11. aet up finders took third priz.e for bell over-all club. l pup trnte, prPpared the evening mt'al, and started the campfire. .-------------I C.:hurch 5"t\'kell were held Sat· .I 0 H N 8 T 0 N E ' S urday mornlnC' and the 1tudy of Mesa AlltO WIKll8rs II bird.it and wild flowrr1 w!UI lnclud-t •t4!d Aul• Pare.a .ad ... _. .. ed In & nalure hike thal e.!ter- Council will ronduct a huge Miaa ..!-gne11 Had~n-Powell, Sir &nd 'l\'hen ,he wall aboul to atart noon. There Wl're game11 and iilng- •-·•·· "-·•n ln•p'·atlonal pro-Robert·s 11l11ter berume th" first to vls1l with relut11·c11 in A111erica i .• th f s t d U bert)' ~-iUlS <~oeta Jll"9 -".. v.. ~ u ng arounu e camp 1ro a ur ay i NEWPORT HAalOI NPN'S-PRESS -PART 11 • P~6E 5 -------- THURSDAY. MARCH 10, 1955 Newport Variety Inspector at U.S.W.V. Meet · Kr .1.. F'tallk UoJ'1. Dtst.rirt la- ~ Xo. 2. wu a ,_.c at Uw' llarda -=-~ ot. C'alwnpCt I Camp :So. JS. l."JU~ed Spaabll War c-auu.. ID«ll'IMn for the din· Mr are Mr. ud Mn. BW P"1't<m . Kr. and Ku. BUI Brown. Mr.. C.rtrude Rowe and Mra . .Allee Oay. r~n DAN'S TV Vmrans.. at lbe Anwn~ ~ a.J1 tll Sula AAL K n. L.loyd,1 .._.,,._._...._,_....,,....,....._.,,.._..1111111111 l'Ol'R I .ad 10 8TOU "e lln•e Vrv"' D as.a,. Otlru Froe• NNr Pier N~WPUK'r BL\Oll a dla.JUr -asbr:t of Ule AJlwn. 1 ___________ _ bra camp. u -a ~t et-------------., .. , __ .... N_,..,r1 &MIL I 0. JilarG It OW ~ Circle will.,,,.. a petluck hmdwo.:S at Uie ec.wn.c ~ dn....._ ta San- tiltp p..n .... a • p.m. po: Judi dilmtt at Ule ....-ball wtll .,.... l ee4e tlw ~ zi ~ _._. ' MATl'RES8E8 ... '--H-rt.u.n Ir,......, s....- u~ ··-~ M"° Maau-0a. "~ N•wpnri Blvd. Shoe Outlet -9() fO ~ l)a.J_ I 'WChargf' Accouute1 1 Lowest Prices in Orange Count y 411 W.Faal .. S-laAna Kl 7-3863 -~ FABULOUS NEW SHIPMENT !FAMOUS i NAME BRAND SHOES I • DE USO DEIS 11eg. • MADEMOlSB.1..E 1.,95 to %%.95 • RED CROSS Rf.~. l UM to 1U5 =~899 • VALLEY • NATURALIZERS 699 TO • AIR STEP • RICE O'NEIL • NATURAL BRIDGE • MIRACLE TREAD 3 prealdent of thr mrn•.,ment. Sir she cabled "l um brlnglng home rvenJnr . ml"--...··--RJW\.J!D,-Am;n..!.l!....llll..w!i!Ull&\J~ ~~1 .. i.1--clft.--k8i,_+tJ,...-..n-t.~t'*-.,..r'*'"'---t--.,MTI1~1'\n"",rn-rTT.....,. Harbor High School lo the Boe t J h t t lllt CIUb nPJ'Cf!t"11.n· %075 PlaceaUa A ft. I I • DElMANETTE •PARADISE • VITALITY 899 l ) mark national c1i·l Scout w~k. So h Mr war, tr• een 8~n ° 8TAICTED llERF. ished & c:our:.<· in Junior ltcJ Crou ~ ut rica to 1lefenJ Makl'klng. 8bt llundred girls 111 uniform will He found thsH the rnrn urn.Irr hlll Quickly upon her arrwal Mrs. work and on Sunday U1c member. participate Rl 3 p m. aml thr <'ommand W• rt not pirpareJ rur Low nrganlzr'1 t,"11'1!1 Cit1111 :\llM were put to the final ll'L~ In t'mtr· pubUc LI lnv1t<.-<I The hour lon~ \'rgorous llfi· In the opt•n. Xina Papc's Schoel on .M1ta h l 2, genry mountaJn rescue. An &eel· MrVti:e will present music 11nd t 'Olt SULOU;Rs 1912 the fir st t;1rl S1out t rr:>Op dent was fak('J and 11plint.11, IMln· and ahort talks which will etre.ui To help them leam how t o get in this country. Uy the end or dages and 11tretchr r wu made oc tntemaUonal frlcndBhlp Spea kers aJong c.iul ur dooni he lnventi•ti a 19\0 there "••re 5.0oO Girl Scouts whatC\'l'r materials were at hand. wt.U ~ Viana Sanders. Mariner, S<'rll'il vr gurnc1 Lhnt he called and the orgoniz.at1on had a naUon· Jn the pruit the Harbor Path. Bandra Spur.:eon, !:ii;hlh t;rntlr "Slunts In Scouting'' ant.1 divided ILi council. a coni1ttt11 tlon, by-laws finder,., now In their ac·cond year, 8coul . .Mary Thom•, 1nte1 med1ale the mrn Into pnlrola with leader·s and a d1arll'r. Today there are have 11tud1ed llht'llll, ceramics, bu- llcout and lJarbara Wade, Brownle. of thrlr own <'hoo..lng. The men one an!.I one halt million girls reg· ketry IUIJ carving a.long with the A comet t110 <"Ompo1eJ or Susan enjoyed these gaml's 110 much that lllleretl In SC'outlng. ln Xewport camp <'raft, Rl.'d C!'O.'!s and other Brown, Jerry Sanr er anti Carol It wu not long before Lhe boys In Harbor there are 810 Brownie•. cla.s~el\. :\!arching dnlla are alao tl>oan• will play taps e/ter the J!:nglan•I heard aboul and took 1J1tt'rmedlate and Senior Scouts. conducted. Scout 11nr. them up with gnat enjoyment. Durtnr Girl Scout Week and Co<lkln~ fLlld aewlnr ci .... MESA I UPHOLSTEllNS I UplMllHetiq a Dr..-7 U~l-4181 I llMNwpt......._0...~- • PALIZZIO • JERRO • TWEEDIES • KIMEL •TON DRAKE ...... ..,., ....... TO 1099 • Hill I DRAKE Rei . 17.95 to %4.95 • I. MILLER •. DICKERSON • RHYTHM STEP 1299 &180 A aJmPLm LINE OF CHILDREN'S " MEN'S WORK 8801'.S Adult membt"n or the council Thua wu Scouting born. the week preceding, Mr1. R&Jph comini; in thP lmmt'dlate future Will not take part In thi• event Jullett• Gordon, an Amertcan \\'1lcox, pro1nm chainnan an· acconling to Mrs. F ero! Spauldinl'•l r-..!.!::~~..!!!:~~:!!.:::~----!?:~~~~=:~=~!..--~~~~~~~;!:=:!.!....--..!.!!~~..!~~~=~-- which la the flr11t ot. Ila kind In girl married to an Engltahman, nouncee that a large and beauu. di~tor. Allio the club ·w1u atudy tbe Harbor area. P'lar• of 32 William Low, numbered among rul marine display made by Clrl roc::q and geni. whicb will lnclude for.ten countrlH where CI r I her E nglish fr1end.8 Sir Robu: Srout.a wut be ahown at <.:orona work with a lapidary aet and neld ScouUnc h1 in effect wlll be dis-and hi.I alater Ainu Baden-del Mar and a t Richard'• Market. tr11>9 to the del!flrt. p layed. Mra. Oren Wade, Inter-owell. Sh• eoon found herMlt At. the Pathfinder F&ir, held tn national Fr1end8lllp C'halrman, U · lnte~eted In the newly organized Arlington ..iut November, where elaled by Mr11. DonalJ Smith, haa Girl Guides anti bceam• a leader. Crusade is approxlmat .. ly '40 cluba from eupervi~<I pl11n11 for this apec· Sh• had her firat group ln Scout· Southr m C8.11fornl& dl11pltayed their tacular gathering. land, in a lonely \'Ul&.&e. and the F · A d Jn 1909 Sir Robert B11den-1even g-lrla lea.med to weave and or tten ance Powtll launrhrd th• Girl Guldt spln but be9t of all they learned movement In t:ngl&nd u ~follow-to ahare Mr.. Low'• enlhualaan up to the th«' Boy Scout procram By J &nuary of 1912 1he had To encourai;e par1ahloner1 to become more rrgular In their wor- ship or God, a Church Attendance Crusade hu been planned for the month of March by the B&lbo& h · land CommunJty Methodist Church. Pledge Work For Sorority Pledr• trainln1t wu conducted Church Bible Groups to Meet March 17 The Berean Sunday School clasi lt will continue through Easter of Flral Baptist Church or Costa I Sunday, Apnl 10. Men mel rectnUy at the home or Sunday, l1orch 20, will be ob- by MN. Jack Qulstnbtrry ot Mu Mr•. J ohn Pf11d111er, 25:12 Fair· aerVf'd u "Good Neighbor Sun· ~loft Chapttr, Beta Slitma Phi. I way Dr ive Co1ta Mesa d .. d I hf-'-1 · · ay, a ay n w ""' e\'r ryone • when Omicron Rho ('h,•pler mtt Aflrr a 1hort buamu a ee•ulon. urged lll bring to <'hurch 110me Mardi l •t 401 Slg'Tlsl R<>Ml. Mra. I Mrs. Jark Thomu ga\•r a ~srlln« ntl1thbor or fr1t>nd who Is not at· Jtobert Hendn~n wu h~te•. , ,,n lh4I Book of Rulh. The Much tvidtng church. meeting; Will ~ held In the chur C'h On thr e\·enlnga of Monday Mre. Samuel Fnu.ler pr~ldtd youth renh•r t he ni~ht or March Tuct<Jny and \\'eilnel!lllJ'' March Mooseheart to Note Baby Village Day The Orand CounC'll of Women of the Mooee haa oltlulgnatrd March 20 aa Moo1ehea rt Baby \'11· la1e Day, according to Information received by l<><'&I Chapter No. 11~8. All chapltra In the United 1 St&tea will group tog<'lher In dl11· trlcta to parUl'ipntt> In the ev,nt. , MooMheart Baby VIiiage ie a p11rt ot the Ch llil C"lly. Mooiieheart. Jll .. \('hJch wu found,.<1 1n 1913 by Jamea Davia and 11 1111pported by the many membera of the tratl'rn· lty. Oceanalde dlatrict will be hoe· lea.'!· to lhi1 dl•t r1ct. and Mn. Fr8nk IJ. Moor• Jr. cave 17 wh•n the CliiSJI Wiil nll'l't Wllh , . • Ui• p1"0J ram "n "Exp..-Your · . 21-23, & gTOUp of vlalto11 will be ;:=.============ .. . the f'taherman I Clll .. , In a (el· ca.lllng at vanuua l.sland homel to Mlt. Plan• were ml\de for a (Ml· together party. 1et party to M hf'ld March 21 at -------------invite members and non·member1 tJw home of Mr.. Vlvt.11 Bodman lo parlic1p11te In the Church At· IOS Via Lu'lo Soud. ~ri-mbe1'9 ... e~ • Francu Campbell, L.. A. proe-trndance Cru~sde, which Is being uked t.o rt!ltl~ter Wllh Mrs. rra-pector -"Jt wema th.at when I go dtrectl'd by the Commi1111ion on Sier u Uley planntd to lllt"1d the lookln1t for «Old J find everythlnft' Membership ''"Ii Evangellam of ..,... brrakfa"l on Mllrch u at the elM but goltl. and wht>n 1 look for which Mrs. Fount J... Lowe I.I Old Eatabllalltd Lmurance A.c.ney All lln11 '"1 U.an. Bt>WA.RD W, GERRISH 1808 Newport Blvd., Colla ..... Moulin Rou1tr aomethlng •Ille, 1 find g old." chainnan. PBOl\'"E Llllierty J.161 t Nat ,eneral mtetinr wUI be Ma.rc.b 16 at 303 EA.lit F lowtr St., • p.m. BE SURE • INSURE wt~ 11.AVlllC E !!JTANU:l' •-raoee OatJ ftowe Harbor 1'7• Ull F-C\lMt Rlp-1 Coro-clf'I Mar PA.RIU~. RIDLEY MORTUA&'Y ._., OILAUEL C'B.U'EL lll......,-0..t.M- ~ ·Mll ... l-MU 9•ick Service ,,. roa · loller Shades ~ Sha.de CloUla and ai.... 8ptd•lU• • Drapery .......... e VeneUaa ll&ladl CAl.L llA&BOll ... THE SHADE SHOP m .... St~ Nt W?Ort 8rtw'ti .,.... the r~t o rnc-e DRIVE IT FOR POWER You get more power per pound ... more action-power ... with Studebaker! Flashing V-8 ... or thrifty Six. New, blazing getaway. New, wh.iaper- smooth travel. D rive the smart car ••. a Studebaker! COMPARE IT FOR PRICE Look 1tt the lu.ruryl Big-car size and style! Look at the price tag I Stude- baker ii priced d own in the low price 6eldJ Ym. the price tq t.ells you ..• your amart car is Studebaker! ••• why .the emart car to buy ie STUDEBAKER so 19111• ... • ...................... ,. ..... JOE NICKERTZ Local Deal• C :00.'T.A R U DO THEA TllE) uu \\'. ~T.\\ PORT nt.,'n. "'· RAlmaa n• IUYEIS Df USED CARS . .., ............. ., C1111/11tl U8•D CARS Let'sLooh at tlle Reeord! A record maned by bicbting and an.....,.ty amon9 the awmben ol our City Canw=il wida the responaihility d&aaly on ONE II.AN! A man who has cmlered hio-11 in a spot. liqbt of turmoiL fridion and c:lillcold wWle proqreu on major city ...... came to a standatill ••• A man who attadm our Qcnnber o1 Can- men:ie with a pub&:atioa mail9d and.._ bcmne?' of the Barbar Ciliwm Wag•. while he denies the c&auman ol that League, the courtesy of notice tbat 8Uch a pU& ut»aa waa •••n being primed ar mailed ••• Who ARE the po•eta JM:'W Mhind .JS-bar Citizem LeacJue? WHY cto.. a paowinent Im· mer member --r. "Knowing tbe political color the Hmbar Citimm League baa tabn on. I am staying away lrcma it. I am DOI goinfJ to mfftingL ar t-••"1111 aday ~in ii.• • While preuure politica are of the cruaty, colorful old IChooL I do not beli•e in the "ruq- ged lndiYiduala.. who practice them, and I do not belie•• the yotera of Newport Beach appco.e of them. I belie•• that we can 1top 1uch tactica throu9h councilmen who will work in har- mony for carefully planned de•elopment of our city, conducted in peace and biendly ac· cord amon9 ounel•H and .,nth our nei9b- bon. I belie•• ln 80\md, careful. economical ad- miniatration of ow dty'1 resource• for the CJood of all ita citiuna. unhindered by penny· pinching and perwonal Yindicti••n•• a9ainat mdiYiduala or organizations. -- Leland L. \\~ilder For Council. Diatrict 8 • (Yoa BIT"* tar -in TOlJB ••kt. Under om new charter. councilrMn are elected .. at -.,.. • y,_ wil lad llPCIC.'9 b 7 c:ouncil •otn on your ballot) 12.~..-· · · · ..... , WITH SALLIE ...... -10, 1166 Newport lleMll. Olllf. >" Oh. to be a kid ..... to feel pleuare la 11tUe ta.lap, to fw tbe wortd wltllo9t •orTJ· tzta• eed t:ztt I tto.! y .. eu ..• ..t 8-day do eoarlhhc ~ I dal for a poap o1 _. · eblld.rea 1 81-dhlag WW)' mpecllal! For a ff!tr .._... yoa'D feel yoag .. )'OQl"eelf • yoa wakla tl9ftr dellclltud~ l'ree Tinkertown. here, nat &mday, to start off oar ~­ enth Birthday party. Weft/ been giving out tickel* all week and will cootlnue to do .o until Tlnkertown ck19e1 I late Sunday afternoon. U JCU 1 don't have any small fry ol. your own, why not load up your car with children who have never had a ride ()Ii a Rocket Ship, a P'erria Wheel, a Toy Auto or a Train • . • That t.raln ! I highly recom- mend It u part of any child'• education ••. Rode on it my- .elf the 1ut time It wu here! What fun to weave in and out the traffic u It goea around the block. Doll't forget to come la· 91c1e ud haTe 11101De cooldea j a oottee la the fro9t lobby whlle thr ldda U8 ba\ia« I I their fma .•• ru be ~ l makl81 .-11.h tbe ...... ~­ lac • • • .o wUI Adeh&de Porter ..• Y oa'D be able to ttpot -bl the 808t.e. Cor· Df'r • , • EVf'ry day of .. r ~ea Day, 8"f'llth Blrtla· day Sale aD ant wflf'k. we'll i.erve tomf'thillC dlfferftt . . . We've plaatl for eervtllg, a K"f'&l muy .. ..-a,_.. ... If "e can n.d ~ wHllD.c tu&ers, we .&pt ~Vf' the ratue.aake meat a tr~·! Sunday is auch a great fam· ily day to shop ... Bring fa.- ther along • . . Father, we'.e a new cheeae to add to your collection . . . Sliced Italian Provolone ... There ia al80 a terrific buy on a hamburger pre.a in the Meaanine Shoppe ... RUT)·'a 1'uberoa9 11epa. lul•tMG~ ahoald rate • look • • • Tbfotr Ilse broa«'tt e.sda- ....... lut Jf!V • : • 11toee wbo ha\•e MM tt.19 ,_..,. crop have ..W tlley ..W not tw-U..,·e tltey eoald .,. that ..... e lf Uwy luwila't ... tJtt.m with tbrir OW9 f'f~ . . . AD Hybrids. ri· thu vlH or tftle typee •.. ab: \'U'WUN to cboo9e fl"OID ••• FtYe are the eiee11e typr . . . The tlhtlll .. u.r . carn&Uoa. whlk wttlt a dark rOM nrttled edce ... 1'ulten>u11 ._.,...... alMMlld . be pluted aow for t.t.Jth. '-· .UC..rplallt& Thia Sunday you can pur-~­ chaee all bedding plant.a at lOc a doaen off the J"el"l&r price ... Also 21,~-cubic feet w~·free Steer Manure for 59c . . . Thi• month ia al80 your tut chance to put in bare root roees and cam~Uiaa . . . Ha.rry' a are the finest '. G r(E EN H Cl USE All Be~ding Plants 10c Donn off LMt claance offer -at tbll spec1al low price. ..,. ......... ...,,. """' ., ,.._. v. &. ~ llOl1XD -8WR STEAK .......... ,...,. .... ,,.... ·~·--11. IL~ BEEF STEW .,.._ ... ,,,_, ., __. ........ , ......... BACON ,_.,...J.j Jl/'"rlmnal 1 I jiCi CHEESE -~· 4fc roH1011 ..... 4tc am WHIZ --~ :: 4tc i1HEn~ -~ 4tc if1ii1c SIACIS .. --~ ASH S1ICKS ::. 3fc ..." 2 33 GRAPE· JUICE ! fnr C OYSius .:: 45c .... ,..... 2 'Mk YEGETMI ES : for 1.1- ....... 0.. -A ,,...,.,,.._. 2,..._·45c · ICE CREAM __ _ .. J9c •· 59c· _ .. 59c ,. .. Join · Richiird' s Sunday I all next week for . ... Birthday Bargains. Fun. Entertainment and Free Prizes. Visit Sheriff John & Win ·-. an all expense ·paid weekend vacation COlltest, Prins a11d Free Eats ••eryclay. Fne Tlnkertown Rides Sunday -Free Cotton Candy, Monday and Tuesday -Free Popcorn Tuesday a11d Wednesday -Fne Orc111cls and TY Show, Thursday a11d Friday -Sheriff John e111d ~ Matb1H Show Saturday Lido Theater, March 19th. Come to the party ! Join In the fun ! PERFECT HOST -QuaHty Whole &an COFFEE lb. J _c_~ Richard's Green Oarton, AA FrMh LARGE d~-.55c EGGS C • H Po" ckncl or •~.. 1 OC SUGAR ......... ·-··-······-.. ··-........ -........ lb . MJMAon lnn t 1 l ·apffi.d APRICOTS .... Xu.~ ~ftc: t ~, l,~7- Try ti.e _. Appll-tlavor i 3 23C ALL JELLO ._ ............. _ .. · pkir. CiiNED MILK • 2 for 23c Sil.AD DRESSING •U&rt 3fc~ a.1;-0 ... ~,. 43c SALMON --.. ·-··----~.if::. HJJtoa -New 0.-Udoae 35c OYSTER STEW .. -... _ ........ THl'R!ODA\' FUDGE LOAF CAKE ~" 46c P ot.at'° 6 14c DINNER ROLLS ..... _ ... _ ... for t'RIDA\ • ... ,...... llaMd 5'k GOOSEBERRY PIE .... -.. ~h 1.- 8Hd or 11aln 23c RYE BREAD ........ -... -... -......... 1na1 XATt'RD~T iiEAKFAST ROLLS 6 1nr 21 c ToutH Almolld 97c LA YER CAKE .................. ~ ..... MC .. Lara' .. l ·lwll , ••• ,. .. , ""'°tt Papt'r TOWELS .. "'Ir· 2 33c mil tor DETERGENJr !· 1·r ·· .:T~ 67C iiiE COicARNE ~ 25c o~nc x...u..x .. w INSTANT COFFEE Wrk lll .lam or 3 100 GR APE JELLY ... :: fnr Thoaib oar birthday ..- rblh wllJ a ot ~ oat la U.e paper utO wst ••· ct.y, ~·oa wUI ft~ them at all chfdmtuda Tld9 S-- 4'ay. Waiell for t.M "Pt· 1 s-c~ apedal IM!<'tloll • • • "Btr1Jic\ay ............ t. Bria( you a Bloc* 1..-d of Fua" wbeNla -th ree& of th. H Lido Dopa jm .. to ~bnte LWo To1'U"• NiCOlld l*tMa7 ... ... 11. a. Ne. 1-...... -All ..,,.. POTATOES Qald1 Cooktq ')ftc: MINUTE RICE .... ·---. ~~~ . .,,- AllM-~ ...... , FJh<lw 37c MACARONI ...... -......... _ ... 02:. 5 Ibo. 29c IMIVfatll • •• You11 find the unuaual ba"e fn our block of lJdo Shope. located at the entran~ to I · Udo llle. Newport Beach, California. IPf.lCIAU toa II.A&. I' U _. U. 1155 SW.• tax collected on ta.xable Memt ... . . .. -. ' ..... . . . ' . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE ' 80UNDPBOOF SEARCll-TbJa decibel decreuer keeps Union Oil Co. drill rig quiet In La Habra Heigh1a area. TnJck movementa were reatricteq. to daylight hours. .. • How Oil Can Be Controlled The News-Pren, Mfklnl unblued dlllcuaion on eon• trolling the oil problem which plagues varioua Orange Cowa... ty coutal cities in addition to Newport Harbor, uked Georp Guthrie, Orange Coast College petroleum 'expert, to pro- vide hia best answer. A. be already bad done a1mi1ar work for the City of San Clemente, be tranaferred hia study to the Harbor area. His narrative article relatea hie background which la such OCC employa him u bead of Jte ,pePJ>leum department where actual oil producUon LI taucbt llhideata. Mr. Guthrie'• article followai .~ •, By GD>RGE GlJTBBIE You uked me for my views on controlled oil develop- ment, well here they are : First let me state that I am a long time resident of the Harbor area. having lived here for the past 13 years and been visiting the area for 10 ye&l'8 prior to that. I am a graduate petroleum geologist and have bad 18 years of widespread field experience in all phases of drill- ing and production with major companies, independenta, and aa a consultant. Most of us who live here and pay. the taxes I believe consider this our home. We are glad to share the recreational wealth of this community with othen but primarily con.aider its preservation a.s a residential area. We are not intereeted in making it industrial or into a Coney Island. I believe, 'an4 Coatmaied on Pace I, Pan IV • llD'OU AND Arn:a-Top photo sbowa RJchtield OU Corp. oil well in La ~eea to be equipped with 'Kobe Free Pump. Lower photo ahoWB the accompllahed fact. Pump II in covered oe11ar be8ide aign board. area cleaned up ahowing no oil aigna. t7NDl!ll080UND -Here JUchfteld weU. on Kobe Free Pmnpe at Long Beach Harbor a. are coatrolled below euth wrfaoe. Revel'8ing flow of power oil brings pumpa t o 8\ll'face lor npai1"I but wel1e l8ldom Deed pulling • OLD AND NZW-'l'bw RkhfWd weDa at Kobe Cen· tral Control Statloa. Lons Beach. lhow CODtrut between ~ p'OUD4 ..... ~ topmkM rtp in bacllo ground. Weill are bottomed in front of Rainbow Pier and Pille In City of Long Beach Pa rcel "A" Lease. Moflt of them are OD pump. fOWEll PLANT-Thia Richfield plant tor hydraulic f1DP1 ud ablppbac t&DU f.or ande oil II at LoDc Beacll. \ ' . Such lnstallatiom may be plaoed u far u I mo. fl'CD . produclu W.U.. 080V!! DIULL RJ'E.-La Habra Helghta drill p 1 a t f o r m for Union Oil operation lbowl wells bottomed under' groves and home11. The wellfl arc pumpNI hydrauUcally. from motolw ill IOWMIProof mdkUnc 00 plat.form. Arca is lJ&Ved and fenced. • PAGE 2 -PART 111-NEWPo'RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSOA Y, MARCH I 0, 1955 I GIRL. 12. SllKS MARRIAGE ANNULLMENT TO MESAN, 20 PASADENA, MARCH t -(OCNSl -Part'nts <•f a 12· ,ear-old Au1aa gradt achool s1rl fllt'd ault for annulmmt of h"r munage lo 20-yur-old Wayne VIC'tor Wtlkr raon of Coista• M .. a. · Sally Jt'&n K1nkatlf' ctus otflett a t htr tlt'mt'ntary achodl, wu tec<·nlly marrlPd to W1lktl'90n In Tijuana. 'H,ho.t·wr, Ult' l'Ouplt wu tal!en into cu.tody by Bakera· fh·ltl 11uthor1t1t>s ont' wrt'k lattr. Tht> younpttr1 11ald lht-y planned to l!'l up houaek~pinf. ~11t now tht 1:1rl'1 n1otht'r . .Mr•. Otrtrudt L. Klnkadt', 11ud ht·r d•UIJlhll'r "now rl'allt••• ?U'r l"IU1take and 111 content to wait a fr"r yc;.i rs bt'fore trying n'larria1e again." A l'h1hl·M••ah11g char11t" &galn1t Wllknaon wu dla{lllaaed whl'n ltettm11nr lm.llratrd tho (1rl ltft with him by conaent. TO HORSE! DEATH NOTICE OU:!'l~ A. MOORE 8ervlcu are pendlnf for Gll'nn A. )foore. ~7. Newport re1ldent. who dltd :t.1onday night at Long Buch Naval Hoapll&). Mr. f.foorl' Boots, Saddle Club in Playday at Local Ranch wu ov.•ntr. pt Mad lloort''a Nura· ro~ld 1'h sa Hi>ols an<I Sivtdlc t ry In Newport. He foundt'd the Meu Couple in Damage Action SANTA ANA, 10C':-JS1 A Co~­ ta Mt'~• o·uuple I• -lllnJ U !\.t l fl damagu II) lhl! wake of a two-C'ar traJtrc colh•lon. Brtnl'inr the lull In ~UJ>f'M<>r C'ourt agaJn•l La.n<'e O'Ot'U OUl- n"'1y are )fr. and Mr.. AINrt Mungia. The plalnt1rr1 uurt C'•nnady dro\'e h18 •'•r c-an-lt'ul)' and nes h· 1tenlly 11n1I NU.I"<! It lo rip into lheln at s. MaJn St. and sunn011>·· er Avt . l>tN-mbt'r 0, 196' In Bania Ana. Thi' Na\'y'• C'arritr-bnrne &tr• craft are within alrlkln& dlal&nn of 110 pf'rctnl of the lnhablttd arua ot tht' world tn time of war. ~,K» -, __ ,,,, COLLIGE 9UEENS REIGN REGALLY IALIOA INN ~CAR ~ Seven co-eds from the various Eastern Conference col·" legea reigned over the all-conference dance held last weekend at the Rendezvous. They are shown here with student body presidenta from the eeven collogea. Fitst row IL to R) Barban. Thompson, San Bernardino; Janette Ortez, Santa Anll; Carol Yohan, Riverside; Mil- Ucent Chamberlain, OCC; Louise Hughes, Mt. San An· tonio: Jeanie Reynolds, Fullerton; and Betty Ramsdell, Chaf!ey. Second row : Dennis Cruickshanks, San Ber- nardino; Bill Elliott, band leader ; Morris Eaton, River- side; Don Magee, Orange Coast; Howard Harman, Mt San Antonio ; Al Beinor, FullC'rlon ; and J ohn Brown , Chaffey. MATHENY'S MEAN'DERINGS By 1111 111'1 DENY get your mind off 1040. and enjoy the pleaaantrie11 that go with rrading a menu and partaJcing of fine food in one of the loc al reslaurantJI. the Plano Lounr• at ntE CA8T· Word 11 handed down t o ua A WAYS. Evt r 11eeJt th• .cene from Co.ta J.1ua lhal J ohn )fa· from oul the wladow over at Joi· j1u 1, of HARBOR HOUSE, hu ly Cobum'a hilltop rendt'svoua ! It purchu ed the r round <in which you h.avt'n't, bett.u view the view •Ile 1it.a t he popular rt'l!tauranl and be brided to t.ake your nut out on Ho.rbor Blvd. I \'lsltoni out for dinner and a Th• way we heard It. "Majun breath-t.a.ldnl' •lrht over at THE la mJl'hly happy w ith hJa loca l U · CASTAWAYS. .oct&Uon azid I• looking forward Fred Coury of FRED'S DRJVJC.. with optJml91T1 to the upanaJon of IN remlndai au you have to do ii the Harbor area. Johnny want.a to call him and your home-made pla.-1 be, "conUnued our Informant" a && pha oltler cholct Ud·blU, will growlnr part of a g rowing aru. ao be W&ltinl for you lo pick-up and he planltd hi• root• dtt)>4lr and tue home . to eat whaa you atop n ow 11 a pc-rnuu icnl part of our by on Newport Blvd.. 111 Colt.a I Co1la Mtt111 -Nrwpor1 roasta.I com-Mt'... I munlly " The B&lboa l'flT)' taka ILi pu.- Ru1te11bach like Gone Theft of her 1on'1 bicycle from the r•r•c• of her home was re· ported to police Saturday by Mu. EmUy Ru1tenbacb of '27 E. 3ht St. She lllld It wu a nur type wbeel p&lJlled ma roon. POPE SUBDIVISION ORA WS PROTESTS ON DRAINAGE 43-lot Tract Would Add More Complexity to t8esa Problems k :sll'a tm·olvtd dra inage I rcque11tcd to make a rC'porl on the b.-dacb• became more 80 dur-matter at council'• n1>>.l mcelln&. lnl' Monday nt(bt'a ..alon of the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. city councll. There t>elnc no • Solomo~ preaent to aau.ty every· ~ = · . l!Jl:t ·:::;a:;:;;;:::= on1 concuned, lhe councUmen ::ii "-~ s 5 =:==; held declaion over until next rec· ~ ~~· ::"E:~~:~:~~ :r. [U? J F-LwaJ;J I 1lderatlon ol tantatJve map on - - - -• - - M&.lt Pope'• O ·lot aubdlviaton be· tween 8anl& Ana and Ora.nae Avu. found the audience crowded w1tb protultn&' rHldenll tron;i 21JI&. .anca 22nd St.a. &Jld w .. ~. 1ter Lane. DILUNAOE PROBLEM They clalmed lhe propoeed 1ub· dtvillon would •Imply add to lhe dratnace problem already crea ted by other tracta, all of whJch were bufidln&' up on ht(her land and BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY . '" PIANO LOUNGE (after 11:30 p. m.) floodJ.n&' out Older fMldenll In the u~ 8-3071 Coast Hwy. at 17th St. area. Mayor Claire Nellon ... ur· --. • J THI COCKTAILS . Dinner 5-11 p.m. Deily (Cl<>11ed Tue.Say) • SATURQA YS • Dorothy Nesbitt 1 .. d. COMMUNITY SING IN BAI. BCA PIRATI -.·t're Ult cute.at place tn town 28th St. at Ne•·port Blvd. TAP BEER AT THE FIRESIDE HOT DOGS -ROAST ',Jµl l'OUll8ELF "SWITZERLAND" Moa., 8:ZO ·Mar. 1' A <Mor· n1m TrHelo1111 -ILoben Frtara. Nana&.,. Th W0tld'1 la•e<lta ltwrhf ottroctl... ke "eld"'• PMtc .. 4" ., .... "411••e• .... "S•lu 11.1.,.. . ..1~•·· ......... SI Merr111 ,~. Meltt<W•, ,,.,.,.., •••• ;i M•.. ''•"< Vitlt ,.,. ••••••, laMI •"4 lttnc• View ,.. te•I• ft•"d•"'' el L••• 2 ... 1c~ u4 Leh •e•••e ••4 eld uoll-Ptlui: t M.., .•l.._1.a , 1 W Tich i• .,. Mio e• C.•••• ••I Met y, ... 1 ~rtice, "421/t L ....., • ..-, ... Ille l eMctM, Mil Yle Uft; ,...,., .. I_ •I .... el .._, ... NEWP()RT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITOBIUll By the way, the "Cockt.&11 aenrer• mJrhty deee to a trio ot Hour", rutunng rrdurC'd ft'e.t, 1.1 tine reel&~la. One ol lham, a re,ular •·r1rt1y ft"a lurt at HAR· CHRl8'nAN 8 HUT, JOU can '" BOR HOVS£ -trom J to t p.m. from the dec.k. The olben, KAR· And titere'a allU piano mwilc la 4.11'8, "--o# .....,. food, aa4 th• Joun,;•, too! Oll.UfDOLr0'8 ar. llut a cb&Jn. J u11 In cue you -.ve lf&l'Ded ~· cwll'a bollnre awa)' trout ell Uiem. '"Ill• council I.I aware I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t that nay boUM built In eo.t&l1 ~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;.;~~~~:;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ Mee& ~ lo the c1r&1nac1 prob-f. to fear "plratu" tTOm what put the doclL I uper1encu ti.vt t.auiht you. ptr· You mt(tll try cockl&lll and/or mil WI to point out a fr1mdly dinner In I.be famed Tah.IUaa Room "PIRATE." Jt'I the coay utU. bl.I· at the Baymldl HUT. Art l•Bbelle t ro on 21th St. own td and optr· la cocwptcuoua by h.la aheance, but a ted by Ja.ckaon 00.My, on•Ume Manh&ll, m!Utre d' par ucellmt. ork publicity man. ta alway• at hand to lend a hand Jackaon aay1 that hLt rtmmlck to eee that you and your SUMI.I of Mrv1ns hot do1• lh&t you are happy. roaat youraell over Lh.• 001y o~ I lt au lh• pee. p&.e who lbou.l'bl fire In hl1 apa ta s olnl' over bll• that KA.RAM'S ee"ed the fin.t It aeema. he report.I, that a lot of 1 food in the Southwut were lined J>60ple llk• to alp draucht bttw, up, f'lbow to elboW, there would tou t their ahma nNr a fll"fplact . ~ a hus;e crowd UMmbi.ct at <'hew the fal on .ome lnteruunc the door-front al U!e comer of aubject and lhtn top-arr lhP -1 :t.laln SL and Balboa B!Yd. where alt>n wlUi a wlPntr rou t. Sound Jim Karam bu atabll1hed tilt en- llke fun ! At the PJRA TE-nur Vlabla reputaUon. Newport Blvd I GRANDOLFO'S h&a tnalalled a Couldn't gel a ""'Ord out ot Grace plzz.a oven . . . and accordlnr lo Woody about Ule ARCHES on ac· Fra.nk and Gina you c olt.a have count of company"• comln'. C n1ce a plua oven to haYe Sood pia:aa l hu eomt fr1tn•i11 1n frnm Jndt'pe.n-1 Thty oufht to know, for they tltnr•'. ~t.. 1 nflp.·, '" t lhl" • X· oov .. been t'&Ung and m1k1ng plz· rr. I\ I bul l:''"'I frll'ntlll or ho ,... ~ from Bart. Jt.aJy j (> &.Ibo&.. IJ nam!'•I .'1r '""' Mn. l'uul B<.'<'k· you w l.Jh. you may taJte a.d\'&n· r r. \\'1•11111111· I•• 111'' ll'lrb .. r Bft'il 131:t of t h<.'lr eK]M!rienc• and try Hrlo hi. tho\ olll Ml flit; AHC"llF.S J•l7.7.A a nti L&8agnt', too• Bd < hi\ lh• y lokf' 11 I • • I le" l11lJO An)'ont' tor d&nclng ! SEAFARE oC tolhrra 1\1\Y th•' <111' LODGE A~ RESTAURANT hu Krn 111111• mg 11to .. 1Jt lh• Mardi mu.le by Jo Lant& and BUI 8kll- <:1n" 1n :>;l'w Orlr&M l uthtr da¥ Thert"• food. lod«'~. Wnnil. awlln• ro•11111hk•I ttA of "''me ot tbftt di'· mlng. loa.11ng and •lpplna aY&ll• 11, 1011• l.clu1a1ana l UIAlllt Which able •l the Soulh~f·LAcuna ,.... rl'"· 1ndrd ua of 1."hd ll tnry Jonn IN>rt a l.!o "h•> hnl<l11 I hi' puurt down •l How about a mov1e ! The MT.SA i,'A.\t(ll'S Ol..fl 'HAI.BOA IN N In <.'osl& Meaa. 9how1I 'The Br1d- t" A F'E A llh11ugh Otck and Kale i;:~ of T o-K o-RI .. ; t.l)e U DO Ill.art.a, llrnt ,Mt> the "frunl ottlle pC"r· '20,000 ~ Undtr the SN " I "''""'I ·do" n at lht' rac1r1C'-11de Sunday: tht' BALBO A ottl'r• f>Alny. lhfY ai~ .. Y• IM!l'm to "Sand• of 1 .. 0 J lma" and tht 11hr1nk Into t h,. ba1 k1<round ~nd PORT. In Corooa dt'I Mar, ~ 111wn•I their tlm" 11lklnf about Aenll "W hite Fntht'r." llrnr~· Jont111, Dorot hy Nobill •nd l.et'1 alt try to be lhe kind of 1111 I he othrra ~·ho add lo till' IUC· l1n\'rr we wa.nt the olher feUow ceic111 11r the pl•cl'. I lo be and then wt'll live lon .. r to aoZANNl!l CUNNI NOHA.'I Queen Candidate READY FOR FISH FRY P rtlly bnmr tlt n ounne CUn· nlngham, C'orona d,.I ~tar, Junior 111t Hubor Hl1th School. &bovr, .. one or f11•l l'Anoll·IAI· u lo enter Coela J.tua F1ah F'ry bf.euty quun and queen ot nlh f ry <'onte1t1. -f'rank Palmer Photo lem." .. Pope qu.Uoaed t.bt city COWl• ell could Mlv.LA ~-J.Lma drain· a11 problem by hold~ up al.lb· dlvtaiona and prosr.1. He l&S.d '"11J!Mr1 had arr1Yed at the bMt poelble way to conauuct the 1ul). dlvUton and hi d.ldJl't lhlnk Cb&nfH ·~·uted by 'he city plann~ comml.ulon would Im· prove on the tentative map. Councl~n Bart 8mllh Mid, ''We're ukin• a man to j90par- d1.M hlm11elt fln&ncla.Jly.'' Ma.yor Nellon invited lh• prolut.ant.a to pre1enl Pope with a better plan for the aubdlvtalon "tor lh• bene- fit ot the enUre nel1hborhood" prior to the council'• next r•cu· lar -Ion. ' PBOPDTY IUl'TZ&S B&llt'y Abbott of JM Ramona Way r~port"'1 hi!! propt'rty bor<1· t'r~d on a nt>w Dike and ColKroYl' subd1n~lan and wu euJferln• trnm om.In gc anrt tru h Mn· t!ILl<>n• dul' to lra\l back tot.a rt•· In!;' 11rwral f<'el h1ghtr He e111t· c e•lt<I I hi' (OllOI II look Into r ... taln1n~ "all~. "hie h h•· 11nrl,.r1l00<I F'\Jllt't I< n req111n••I ot •11bdh·1t1r r1 City ;\lanag,.r Geor1• Coffey wu the t1ble is set for the finest Italian food ef Granrlollo 's complete menu for the family • PIZZA e SPAOHE'ITI FOOD TO GO 511 lalboa lhd. BALIGA Harber 41J7 1J11rnt hy, you know. wavu t.he have moni fun with more people niAi::1t· wand tha t m&kl'll throaty who an al.90 livlns lonc•r. Ba Mf• 1 ~1~~~un~l1k11~~~dro~~~an~d~d~o=ba~v~e~~~!~=====~~==~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pnrL' wbl'n thr 01"-r.·uhlon Com· ,;;; m11n1ty Sing i;t&.rll on S11tunJa7 nli.thl At BAL.BOA INN l'AFE. B11<!tly Hohntr Jllaya nig htly In lurqlan ·Get $473 at Maxwell Office Burglary of Millon J.l. M&llW.U'a orrH·r. 23•~ E . Cout ~bWI)' wu btln1 lnvutJcated toda1 by l°'P~Tu1 l police when the victim 1epo1 ll'•I $4i3 61 In coin• and cur· 1l'n• ' miMlng l'arly on Yeb. 21. 1'.:1111 ,. to the office wu made b\' J101i;iylllf Ole re&r door on UI• eouthwut 1lda ot lh• bu.lid.Inc. pc>- lice u ld. A Jlmmy wu UMd Le force open Ole i t.roll.( ~ wtllch cont ained m011l of Ule caab. 8her- ilf'• t.lr nUflcallon unit men WWW aJ11ki' I lo iro over the office tor !tnl:• r print.I. M.uwe.ll, u... a t 1 ~6:l i-outht'ut Orchid Drive. 8&n· La An&. IJ•rr~lary of lh• office WU ,.... r nrt!'1I to poUce by the recC'ptJon· l•t ~t r111. Barbara Miiier. ne £, 16th !'t . 1···•111 MrM. "ho •ltA· ''''<'r1 ·I 'hi' ••ff we ra.n111,ked ••htn I 1hc cnrr" tu Y..ork. I buy your NEW PONTIAC lrom ID CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llYd. &..t•• ..... l!ID OIANCY '!ODAY roa HIGRE8T TRADE-IN \'AU"E CALL CLANCY COLLECT For POl\liae Demonlrtration Efttllap: Liberty ....... JOHN MAJURI says: Rememher Our Re9uler "COCKTAIL HOUR" Ff'aturla&" POPULAR MIXED DRINKS 40c Y&IDA \'S FRIDAYu4 SATURDAY S P.11. ·I P. M. • Aleo • DANCING BARNEY LANTZ & his . mUSIC 9 to l :SO Lm. -,,.rarbor ~-lous~. -:Ctbe 2l60 Harbor Boul~ard • Coit. Me ... c.lJorui. ()pea 7 Days A Wf'f'k New Menu Includes Italian D•llcacies Mey We Suggest From Our New Feetures nAL SCALLOPL~l e LAKAC.~A e l'IZZA A«'eomntodaUun• ava.llablt1 tor PARTIES, IAN't)UnS, or CLUI DINNERS PRONE l'Ot:R llEMER \' ATJ<.,~;I" .SOW H.tNw mwd. at Wison Uberty 1·5543 ROlll with ell the Gourmet Accompenime nh WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE c ........... 1111 E. e-.t a.,.. ll&r. U80 . . THI AllCHll Cafe and Cocktail. Lounge OPE.~ 1t A. II. Tll&OOOB t ._ M. • NewJH>n Bh·d. -C...t S-.•wa.y NEWPOa T NACll • (We are a...• ft~) "Superh Food" music 11iqhtfy 9:30 to 1 :00 a. 111. !::0-.'TERTAl:>;ME:>;T A :>;l1 IJANCINO WrTH lo la11t1 and bill 1ldles PHO:SE HY A TT •·MO!J ··on KP:8ERVA TIONI special 11H1day bllffet at 3 p. m. tlunday Is "chuck ••t•" nlflht ALL YOU <.:AN EAT $1 llll OPEN Al.I. OA Y Y.XCEl'T WEONE80 AT DIN11'0 ROOM Of'P:N8 AT 6 I'. M. "showplace of the coa1t" J UIT 80t:TH OF l..AOt:NA 8 \ -· r . , ,_ '· Lre SCOUTS HEAD BACK FOR CHOW • • MARINES SLUG ISLAND PAIR AT CAFE FOR 'NO REASON' BANTA ANA (OCNIJ-'J'wo E! Toro M&rinea wer. book- ed lA o r-.• County Jail. cb&rpd with uault. The youlhtul lt!at.hemeck•. Billy Dead rrtu: 20 and Jo.eph Barton Wllllan1a. 2!1, ware a«:UMd ·or •htJl'ln( lwo Balboa bland men Sunday nt~t. ,., . ,i·;ef• .(The rict.tm9, LoweU Richard ROh and Frank W. Cham- pllh, 23.-.ot 11i~ Grand ca.n..i. Nporledly were atruck " Ul•y came out ot 11 Sant.a An.a cafe. The victcrr.• could ctv e no te&aoft tor the attack. The lltoy ot L"r.e two'Uland mt-n Y.'&ll '"'rlflfl'I by witnPU Melville F. \Vinl' of Santa Ana who .. 1d Ole Marine• 1umJHOd tbe two men. Off\cen found Frit& and WUUam1 aome dl•tance a way trom th• care atlf!'r the accident tiad been rf!'ported to pol1ct"c. Defense Quizzes Powell on Snug Harbor Cafe Deal SANTA .A~.\ IOCNSJ -Tbe deferae fired a barrage of que•· Uon• a t Newport Beach AUy. Ro-- btrt Powe.II •• the H erman Pauae• Glover Docking conaplraey to ob· 1truel ju•Uee trial moved well Into Ila fourth week here. Pau.., had· pe>"·er of attorney for Mra. Beeb... P ov.·r;; vp1ne<I the reiio- aon Pau11e allrnded the S nug H11r- bor. In<'. mHling• "'111 that he drov.. t.lra. PauM, the former Rhoda Burkhardt, "'ho t!oe11n't drive. , STOCK J~l "t: ADVICE ..... • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE 3 THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 ~'Cop Thief A younplt!r r1r!vlnc 11 19411 Hdan b M>ught for the lhf'll of two hubcapa froni a c&r ownM'I by Dorothy Holme.I, 1209 v.·. Ba}' Ave. She rf'portf'd the tht!l Sat- u rday morn!n,1t, ••ylng It 0«ur- ~ In front or her home and ahe hat! .wen Ule youns euapect. rxttfi'!l f"rtday Mid ~lunlay "~A:'liD" OF l"'ll l lMA• .lohll " .• ,....,. Ttl<! C 'l11wnpl1>11a "GIYE A OIHl. A aar:Air STARTS FRL FOR Z Wl'll:KS Membeni of Scout Troop 5 head for dining hall after morning hike at Camp Rokili, bt'ing used now aa snow camp but maintained by Orange County Empire Council. With Explorer Post 5, the troopers left Tar Pit here ear- ly Saturday morning for camp near Barton Flats. Post 5 member• took food, •et up camp for the Scouts joining them. Other troops at camp included. Troop 60 of El Toro Marine Base"; Troops 7 and 35, Laguna Beach; Troop 12, San Juan Capistrano. Troop 5 had top attend- ance with 27 acouta. -Pierce-Bush Photo Powel.I, & proeeeution wllnl!M. waa qu!Ued at ll!ngth on hi• draw- ing-up of the &r\\clea of lncorpon.- Uon for Sn111 Harbor. Inc. PAIR. INDl<."Tl:D PaUIM!, •us~ndtd Orang!! County l!quor bou, and Pocklna, Santa Ana muak machine <otndor, Wf!'Te Indicted by tbe county irrand jury on ch&rgf!'a lht'Y actt<l unlawfully In the operatlon1 of Snug! Harbor, Inc. In April, 19.'.:li. Powell llll.llt.'rted, he lldVlltt'd !hf!' Pau~" nut tn f1lt' an appllc11tlon for i/111u1<11l·r tot 1lO<'lr. in the corpora tion t>t-cau- Mre. Charlott H11rper, fnrmer opr r- ator of {~iroor-C•fP.fl.~ev.·porr - &ach, h1ul t><'•m compho.ln lng lo a uthorltle11. l..OOGt; WAR.W UP-Sampling wood atove at Camp Rokili la.st weekend are Alan >.!c~~ing. Troop 5, front center and Bruce Hutchinson, Post 5, right background, Scout& from SC\'C'ral county troops enjoyed sledding. toboganing, skiing &nd snow·balling each other. Scouts returned to Harbor area about 5 p.m. Sunday. -Picrce·Busb Photo Dunlap Pay• .$200 Drunk Dri•in9 Fine SANTA AN'A ,f)('N!-;1 ~ llf'rbPrt R l•uoli<p. ~:1, :1~1 A•·nc11<ln S.l . C"lllK .\!~~"· ..... h. l~• \t"119 dcn1 .. ,1 p roh11t["n ••II 11 clrunk r!rn·ing char,i.:-~ 11n•I n!'lf'1~<t In p11y " S\,.,(I fi n,. or 111•1·•·0: ::'! d11~11 in 1h,. rounty jail. !luol"f' r 1u.1. He NJlf"'•«'<I h<>- for,. ~anlN 1\rH•·l1rRn,I;" !l!uou'rr;o! Co1111 .hhlK" !Inward C'a1n trOI' 0 1101 .. r nn ~· .. h 8 h1u1 ™°'" foun··I cullrv uf o1rank olrn·10 ,1; liy 11. Jur,\' 1n Ju•li:r Csnll"ron 11. rour\ He NII~ an·•.,1~•1 nn \\'est 4th SJ 1 .. n111 An11.. ~rpl • ..... -.. " ...... _, ,, ' " • DftA. ::c:... ....... OoW ~ r ......... --.u.A , OlftOdo & c.-t .._ I , llftA • ~(Avte ~-•• lirftlt ........ a11'1 Show I(.;...=--... 0-0.... ~ - I ~\] j ) .. ~ _,,J BEFORE ATTACK ON BRIDGES c:rare K~lly &nol \\'\llian1 HololPn. 11t11rr1ni,: "' n1al'Tlfd pair '" J'Nr11n1ount·~ n• ''" TP• hnw,,lnr frlm nf Knr<'11n w11r. "'The Br1di:ea Ill T "k"·TI ., <l1•• lll'-" !h•·lr (U\ure 111 Thie< P"l ~--n11 nl ioc,ne. Sh11rh1g l"J' hnf'lnt~ 11.t" A<I•''" Fr,..•1r1r ... !11n ·h ftf'\d _.,l 1rk"Y Rooney. Show "l'"n" ... n<IR\" •II "'""'' TlH'Rlt". --OLD FASHIONED BOX SUPPER '"' WESTERN DANCE SATURDAY MARCH 12 AMERICAN LEGION HALL 15th and Weit Boy Ave • Newport 'Beoeh -.. American Le9lon Auxiliary Un it 291 of Newport Beach • Southworth New Mesa Engineer Powt\I waa ukt'd why Mr1. Don Southwnrth waa Jro1onday Cl&re Betbe waa named prealdent nigh~ appointad cily englnc.-r of of lht 1ncorpor11llon •t a me.,llng held in Club Garden~. Santa An•. Coata t.le11a by the city council H1i &aid 110meont1 pointed out. nnt glneer R. _L. Patter-.un. south-asMt holdf"r. worlh, "'·ho haa been a1111lat•nt rity t.lra. Sef!'hf!', a1ater of Pau8f!', engineer. w ill 11\o act 11,. Meae. hradl'd thr rorporation. with atrMt 11uperintf!'nd,.nt, I Dorkin•. vlre prf"•ldent; a nd Doyle Pattrl"l!ln lt'ndered hlll rf"lll gnll· ShP,...."<XHI, 11Pcrrl•ry-treu11ret. lion •• of !>larch 1, a ccorduig to Po"'·eJI drnll'<I hfl h•'.I 11u1ceated a. lettf!'T read th<' council bv City fll r•. Bt'"bt 111 pre111de'!t. Mra. Ma.ne.ger GMrg11 Co!J'1• P11ltrr11<>n t .. Id his private engidef"rirlg prac• paJlt year arid a half and a ("cep\KI tlce m•de !t lmpos,tble for him the ro:11ignation "'Ith rrrret. to give nrcra1111.ry tlmfl to Cn1ta Southworth haa been asa1atant MeNa'a nerda. cily engineer in Nf!'wport Beach Th<' rouncihTI<ln acknowledged and Htved with t~e Orenge Coun- th• eontrlbutlon Patterll<ln had ty road d"partrnent aa d"puty rnad" to Lhe nt1w city during the county aurvtyor. Lut '1'tme S&L ThfJ Rave PktUJ'\11 "BATTLE CRY" \\'ltlll an ALL 8TAa 0 A8T Kida Mat. "9.t. I :'6 "'PONY l:.XPIU:M'" Mra. Har~r wu lncluded In thl' origin&! pla:a tor incorporation, according to Powell, Powe\\ a•ld he told the fP'OUf> H wun't neee1111ary to iuue capital 11tock ln or<10'r to Ofl""rl !e the cor- poration. PeulM! i•~•ccu11ed of ualnJI" h i11 office for pt'r110n11.J g11.in In th.-i~­ euance anJ transfer of Uquor ll- eense11 to the. H•rbor ca!I!, later ™'"" NOW SHOWING "White Feather" I• Clnema1cope ..-u h ROftt:KT \\Al;:"Ot:K .IOH :'<i I.I :'<i"D • .,.... l"h•• - "Fire Over Africa" ""Uh -_,.I.LIAM ORACR HOLDEN · KELLY .. ICKEY ''T ANGA TIKA" SOTE aaow •TA.an •:• ...... AND •AT. COSTINlJOUll 8f!N. FROM I :• M.4UJll:EN O'H.4R.4. )lacOOSALD rARt.V f"™'" Ad111te .1.00 Ira. TM ~th 111111111111111111111111111111111111~~"'!.!'.!'_!'_llllll.!'.!'.!'.!'• ~'---Kid• Miat. ~. I p. a . I-"' .. "PAL'n'l:D RJU.S" r PolJUcal AdverU.wmf'nt I ! Pohtlca\ Adveru.eme.nt) A GOOD BUSINESS MAN IS YOUR IEST GUARANTEE FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT AND GOOD CITY GOVERNMENT GET OUT anti VOTE MARCH 15th ELECT,, Resident Tax Since 1920 P~er • • A Pr;; Collecie Owner. Man Sandy F. MacKay CITY COUNCILMAN Disfricf No. 2-1 Sfh Sf reef fo Channel Road, Balboa Peninsula . --~ • EXPERIENCED IN: REAL ESTA TE-INSURANCE-BANKING • Enthu1 iasticolly Endorsed By: The Balboa Improvement Association ...... Balboa Peninsula Point Association , .. ST. JOACHIM WINS CROWN St. J oa ctilm'• School ot Colta M ua today la proud poueator or tbt Olrla' 1960 O r a n I' e County Catholic Youth Orca.ni&&Uon'• bukel· ball champlonahlp. Mnr. Melvtn O'H&rra. coach of lb• team, reported 8 l. Joachim defeated St. Mary'• ot Fullerton tor th• tJUe ln Sant& Ana Tuuday nta"ht. HILL WOES Merchants Go Against PJacentia CASTRO, WHITE BREAK RECORDS AS OILERS CAPTURE LOOP MEET Hmbor HICJll rs cmcl C's Win Over Huntington leadl-5quacls Although edged by three polnta in varsity competition, two 9Chool record.I were broken by Newport Harbor Higb School'• track Ta ra on the Huntington Beacll cinders Tue8- day. The Sailors' di1tanc.e twins, Larry Cutra and Tod Whi~. were the triumphant pair u the Oiler A equad copped the openlns 8untet Lea ,.ue dual meet, 531.t to M~. Rn~~ Coecb Ralph Reed: Cu tro. who re~att'dly amuhed ... t ___ ... _ at l.S '"The muJ<1 are the .,_t bunc up ""' C'roaa·coun ry .. ._,.. thla aeuon tn Bou~m Callron ua milea I.hie ... __,, ltd I.he n eon! ln both ev-u.r amublns on the rival o\'&I. He •ped the halt m ile In %:02.~. bttaJc· 1n1 a 21-yea r-old reC'ord bunr up by Ed Kang at Harbor Hlch In 193•. White broke hi• own 'mark, circling the mile du tance 1n 4 :33.~ to too hll previous bl'st gallop of 4 :88.8. Untortunately for the loc&1 for- cea. Otta Boline. !\ewport'• quart· rr mUe flu h. ""U unable to com- pete a p ln•t the OUna. Beat the Tare could do m BolUll '• llpedalty wu a third recorded by CbarlJ• lkny to I.he Oilers' Pmbal.I who HARBOR romped to •ktory In Ma. Thi• m~bt "'" ~~.• mHL Xlnl''POllT ...... Harbor Htch B to~ fa1rl;t romJM'(S to a 1J-U Yk tory "'hlle l.be C a almoel ~Jed tMnl In downtn.r lhe Oller tleeweJpta. ~ 21. Ttie e ·a n>pped nt.ne n"'i.. "' the carn~lltloll. ArnMUl(l.J, Ir all t.be Tar B'a _,.. oa the light· wel(bt aquad, a muaacre "'ould haw N>aulted. Caatro.•Wblt.e, Don lketty and AU(ie Oatrowakl. all runntnr vanlity, are aotuallJ B'a. \'a~1ty w!nnera for Harbor Hlih eleo lncluded Tom Troolen w11h a IHp ot ~ ft. 10 l.n. and Hown<t MltcheU who ect.aao~ the 101• hurdlea ln 20.tl. Noah lt&rTed for the Otlera, takblS the century 1n 10 I and the 220 In 23.9. &SIPP N AM PADl Brue. Knipp paced the B'a wh'n bav" now aet lbelr ll(tlle Cll1 a SUDHt l. e a 1 u e d &an1¢on1hlr. Knipp nabbed both hurdlee, t hs hl&'ha In t.~. Other Winnen tnrlud· ed the r•lay te&m of 0 1-nn Bu• ford. Bob Balller, Gflor1e M1lll• kan and Dodd Pearaon; Pei.non in the century; Randy Peeler, MO: FAia G.Er-AWAY -Ia made by quintet of Newport Barbor HIP Sc:hool B 9'rimmen u the Tan open home tank contetioa bl U.. SQmet Leape toda,y-durf.nc a dual meet with J'uUertaG n.Jhn. Tbe Tar ftl9ity, B and C pool sharks last week ou~1plaahed Huntington Beach in a.Jljhree ca.tegoriea in the rival pool. From left to right abovf are Paul Breithaupt, Gary Haworth, Don Waldron, Dick Carter and.Ray Greiaer. -Staft Photo • It'll be the Coata Meaa M~r· Chania aga\nst the Pl&cenlla nine on Llona Field diamond in the Meaa at 2 p. m. Sunday, It wu announced by Business :.tanogl'r Ed Lant L.asl \\·eek. t he ~!t<r· chants a bsorbt'd an 11 ·~ setback from the Loa Angelea Yankeu . ~O l'ITCBl."0 The Merchanta had the oppo- alUon beat for. five lnnlnr11. then ran out ot pitching. Sending 11 batters to the platter In the ellrth frame. thfl YAnkeea lived up to the fearsome name by bulling out se\•en h1~ And tallying •lit runs. ,o~ M11Hkui. no; JerT"f B~ SS20; Art B1rtcber, abot., aad 9afard tn l.be broad jump. 1be 1'"ewport C w1Dnen W«r• Ray .,,_NI tn the 1IO dul\; Georp Hood. MO; ftod Wllaon. law hunSJn: J obn Renrottn, ahot put ; ~ N-ben7. pole ftUlt, &Dd lJM relay l.am Of n.-an. Bob Henckrabot. T~ ltoe9cJl and wu..an. HARIOR GIRL YO YO CHAMP Di1trict playaffa in a natJoawide yo-yo contest were held at the Wilshire auditorium Saturday momiDg. WJ:nnen 8hown above left to right are Dennis Peterson, Huntington Part. ftnt place boys' ctiviaioa; Ku Mote. Lynwood, aecond place; Teresa Lowe, New- port Beach, eecond place girl.a' division ; Janice Hutton, Huntington Park, first place; and Roy To'IRT, Fullerton. who tied for third in the district finals. -OCNS Photo SAILOR NINE SPLITS PAIR · 1N FIRST GOES Tss •H• Ocea:ai. Into Wlmillion: Riwenicle Wins Coarh Emal ~eerne'a N_,art Ha rbor High School bawbllll team tf'J"f'led to Lcrlg Beach WU-'°" t0<111y. for It's third prac:uce p m" of the ~at'IOn alll'r 1pliling a pa.ar of fray• 84f&Anal <XHn· aide and Rh·e~. F\nl home pme for the loeaJ P"l> horH<- hlde,.. t&k• pl&ce oa the Tar tiamond at 3 p. m. liCOClday aft~r­ noon q a.in.al Excf'l.tor'a 1rtron1 flint'. Wednl"llday. the Tan tangle "1th Lon« ~a<'h Polv hl'r". t:IUlOA."' :CCTTU: t 'llA \' Jo;11th l loca I l'rror1 ~ti IM lbr «'Cini "l a\ RJ,·e"'1de ~t o n d a v . h•n•lhng th" rhra l batlrl"!I a P·fl Vl"l Ny. Thr T ani OU\J!IUg jlM 'em. ••g hl h1t11 to f1\-.., bul .... ,. .. i:nabl .. lo n\'f'rt'Qmr th" ml .. rul'~ R.alhu tn-tm> ~"h an1f ~Mh ra nl08 f&ilf'd tll maJu• up an l'iuh· Rh·n- atd.. lu '1 In lhn~ tram""· thr Ta71I 1rnl •II lhPir nin11 •croM \))@ pl.al t u . Jun :'\1'1'1-•Urk n~nt'd On I be mound for lht' Sa.i lor• and work~ n 'l"e framt'll With lb• •rroni ~­ !rind him. H \·t n rune <"&mt 111 for N vl'r11ldl' on a mt're four blnglea. O.OrKe ~tabtt followl'd Xf'Wkirk to the 'tllll and gan · up two nm• Gil a pa.tr of h1111 In thf"M' anntnis oc·Eh~mt: BArn.1n :o n.Mer and Catcher Olde Merko· "f'ich f9r m•<"I' honors with two iramea down I.he batcb. 1 OcMn•ide nabbed • 101 lead In tut wttk'1 openrr afltr four I 1eort'leM frame$. The Tara cam" back to taJce a 2·1 Ind in the l 1\ltt.b and Ulen wrapped t hlnge up with a aev .. n-run outbreak In the I lu't'lly aevenlh. Wet.Kl k nocked out two for two while wavlnr lb• willow. SWIM FEMS Bue Babes Bop Rivals in OCC Tank The Oranie Coaal ,Collece wom- fil"s ""i mmlnr team sel three ne1'• college records when tht y acutUt'd th• Lon!f &ach City Colle(e awlmme,.. •t-13 Jut week al the OCC pool. F'or I.he· eecond •lr•l&'hl meet lh• local luau showed Improved perfonnancl'I. AU ewimme,.. eel new TeCoTda. Lons &ach, hSJ1dl· capf)f'd by l&C'k of pool fa c1llt ie" on the LBCC campu•. lndlceted lhal With add1t.Jona l pracUce11 th"Y will be atroncer 1111 lhe .seuon p~. POfllT f'.000 TIMI':~ BIG BASS B~T -Hick W. Lew . 920 S. Birch. Santa Ana , may be 67 years old, but that doesn't effect his fishing prowess as clem- onstratc<l a bo,·e. The 41 ':: lb. White Sea Bass was snagged by Lewis on the Frontier'• first trip of the aeuon. The catch t ook place of! Dana Point. 43 HARIOR IOYS SEE IENEFIT TILT Harbor Area Boys' Club will take 43 youngsters to the KJwams Crippled Children's Benefit baseball game Sundey In Hollywood. ll wu announc· ed t.odRy by Rori Ma<"Mllhan, a thlptfc dlrel'lor. Costa Meaa K1w&111:1 Club furnished the tickets for lhe gamo which !lnds lhe Holly- wood Stars or lhe P11ch1c Cout League C'luh1ng w 1lh 11n a.ll·star n lne. MacM11llan 11111d he woultt drive the Ha rbor boys to lhe ~ame In the Boys' Club bua. They will lt a.ve a bout. noon Sunday and e:icpe<'t to be back •bout 6 p.m. Indians Mangle Track Triumph Over Panthers FULLERTO~ IOCNS l -Rod Jonn It'd the Oranr e Panthu a a.a they gave suppo11edly-sll"nng P'ul· lerton a goo<I llC4l'e ~tore,. sue· cumblng to th• lndl&na. 69 1/4 tn H 6/6. In a meet. beld Tutlldny In F'Ul I erlon. The Panthn1 ceptured five first pla.crs a.rul lied for a 111xt h. and might have well won tht' meet had It not t>ec-n for lack or depth. The o~nlng Sunset Lea gue mttl tor both tea.ma po\nted up lh' hu:t that l'Ome memMr• or th .. Fuller· ton 11quad • r.. not Y"l In good ahll~ Al Santini chucked five good Innings ror the Mesa club, then al- lowed three atralght bue knock1 In t he sixth. J<rnny Moatll took over mound duty, only to be grl'eted by a Yankee homer. Two more followed, and thal was prt'lly mu<'h thal. B.\CK ST OP D E Bl "T Cary Ford, erstwhile Merchant• backstop. hurled the ttnal ln.nlng and two·lhan:ls a nd gavP up but a single blngle. Rival Pitcher Pet- lua had fun. too. He went the d\11· tance for the Yank victory and &mashed otu three for fi'l!e. In· eluding a round trapper. Yankee Finl Sacker Tyler also buhed three for !Ive at bats. Dewey Anderson. centertJeld, led ~tesa forces with l.hree !or !1ve, all •Ingles. Second B~an Bob W e\iel and P hil Shafer, hot corner cu11todl11n, collected two tor !our. PAGE 4 -PART I I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 WINTERBURN SCORCHES NETS: KNOCKS OVER YARDLEY MARK Ron Wl.nterbum. ch09eft on U.. All-county J wlior Collea'• qu1N el by OC.~8 aportnrr1l41'11 and all-E&atern Collt- aelectlon, lhl1 aeuon broke Bob Yarcll•y'• o ran,.e Coe.st Col· lece ~cord tn loop eompeUUon. C06cll Milo Eaton reported Wlnterbum l<'ored Jal poinU t.o Yardley'a 24~ markerL Wtnt.erburn f&iled b)' a lllnlJe point to lie Yardley'• one--.on total mark of HI potnu. Eaton polnt.ed out Yardley played IA only %3 total pmea that HUGn a.a a p.!Mt lbe 27 Ulta Wlnt.u11u.rn appearwd ta durtnr 1966. HEADSPINNERS HEAVE-TO JC Wrestling Champions Tangle at OC C T om01TOw WA~GTON, D. C. -M&rd 7 -( OCNS I -P'Wlda 111 U. amowil Of 1121.000 ba.. ~ ma4e aY&.tl.aMe tot tbe eomtruo- llall of a new U. a. Army ~ By .Jerry Tbompeoa Tra1D1q C..ter tor <>nap ODGD- Entriee from aix Southern California junior colleges in· t7 tn Santa AJ1a. nie unit w11l be a 200-m&.D ac:hool type~ eluding defending cht.mpions from El Camino have been re-&Dr ~omt llt&l>OQ tnanlnc of °'~ ceived to date fo r the Southern Cal Invitational JC wrest-Anny Retll'rv"' ling championships tomorrow night at Orange Cou t Colleg~. S...lectlon anrt acquialUon ot tbe · · • 1 mu will be made by the ttponal Over 50 entn e11 have been submitted for the annua tourney Army Commandt>r 111 t.be .,__ return\ng In Ill Meond Yf'ar aL eta to both the prellm and (lnal I Con.strucuon aa upect.ed to atart Coal& Mua. matchee and ~ to either of th• I w1tbb1 tbrft to aix monthe •~-" Along with El Ca.ml.ilo, San DI· auaon•. acquhdtJ.on. Nut tract &CU.tt1' few tM lecal tb•nclada t.aMa plac9 at U.. an· Dual SoutbeR CouaU. C'21&mpiorl· alllpe at B unU111tae Beecb lat.ur· d97. 1\nt bome ~ dlaal 1aeet tor UM ,-.,.. eom• up 111tb P'ul· lertcm here ~ 18. .... 'Ii.at r:11 .... ...,.. .,. .. ,. .. ........,. ........ , .... ·-~ ueo.u, TAHJfll:R 004CllD a-pn. ctpa1 llotel9 m Loa All· ...... BoU.JWOOd, lAllS 8-cll. JIWtiuk. !f o. Hollywood. PhoDe XU 111 S 101'-n~ BOl' STAM Jndlvldunl 1tar of the m'el wa11 Jone11. who tool< three first place1 and anchorl'rt the winning rtlay team. Jn the relay. he picked up len y ard• on D&rl"t'U Robert !t char- ang the !anal 220 yardll ego. Loa An1ele1 City CoUegl', Or· ang e Coe.at, Santa Ana and M L San Antonio have ent.e rl'd the com. ~lltlon. Wrestler• welch In al 2 p.m. tomorrow and wru Ue preltm- lnary ellmln~llon boute. with the rlnAls In the eig ht Wl'lg'ht dlvi,lon11 I atllrt1ng a t 8 p.m. BIG SALE! 1 J onu· lndlvidau1 tr111mphll C'&me In the 100, 220 and b1'111d jump. In the 100. he cot off to a poor I start, but took th" lead "' th' 80· yarrt mark to v.•mg golni.: away I In 10 t . Jon1>11, w inning 220 lime wu 22.7, wrule he caprurrd the brollll Jump W1lh a leap of 20' :1". I 01.TSTA.SDL~G Ht RDLER Snnoy Owr na of the T111><· turn- 1 ti'! In lhe c11<y'11 oull!tnn<Hn~ time Whf'n h.. wh~l'tl ovtr thP 12.P· y11 rd high hurdles In t:">.O:c Lin Ly man bf'llered his r"rlKlna l rt'· I rnr t1 In lhe abol a11 h•• 11n1·1Jr ked ,. h":l\'e of ~2' 7 ·. F'ullf'rton·11 B's I wnn thl'lr ml'et ~-29 anr.l lhl' 1'tll>-' C's won thear loor open"r 4 ·28. Apartment lurgla,Y Reported to Police \'II': f"OR TROPIUES lndl\•1dual wlnner1 In each dlvl-j slCln will receive l rot>hlu . u well a.a the winning team. AIJ matchea l Will b4' <'Onducled under ':'CAA n1l»I' Thr dl\'L~lon11 run• 123 lb. 137 lb .. 147 lb .. 11)7 lb .. 167 lb, l ii lb .. 191 lb. a.nd heavyweight Lout yr11r an undl'!eoted El \am· I Inn contingent 1eored four dlv111lnn wlna a.n d two M"<'ond placl'& 11'1 pll-k up-41 polnl.8 an<t the tourr.ainl'n U\h'. San Dle1to wu 11crond with 32. Ml. S AC lbltd with 29 a.no t.A CC and Orange Coul '1n1~h•ng with 19 and 9 re11pecth·t l:; rsnn ·mt:AL \'IC-TORS Ind1vtdul.I wtnnen1 were Dave Baer 1Ssn DleitM . t2:1 lb.: R.alph Gomu . 1LACC1. 1Ji lb . Dia lr Dot&' 1EI Camino I. H i lb : Tf'tl W all 1 El 'ca.mlno 1. 1~7 lb.; Joe Bur!!lary of F'ranrleco Benanua '1 Zeller I El Ca.ml no I, 167 lb.; Ru~ 11pllrlment, 70312 E Sl .. of 1210 E lwell ISa n Dll'(OI, 177 lb., Dick cash, h111 pa.upe>rt. ,. gold tou.ntatn Wade I El Camlnoi. 191 lb .. and pen and peNOn11l popen1 wu re-Tom Lohman c San D1l'g<• 1, heavy. porlf'<I to police Frb. 2~ by Lylt welcht. Curt111 of Lnng Beath \"t-terans Coa.st tntnrs include l!\!H fln- Hoi<p1llll. e ltt<ll J,.rry V11ug hn IUld Larry Hr told pol.ace Benanua. a pat-W11irht who cop~ u rond plartl' h~nl there since J.~rb. It. dl11r0Vt'r· In the li7 and 117 lb. claio•~•. Jtr· cd the buritlary lnal week on a ry ~ltl!ft'r I l~i lb.\, Dan C1t11ltlt'ld tdp home. He lwheve11 th" hurglu ll!i; lb.•, Rntl Jat k Sapp•nr ton found a kl'y hP ha.ngs <111t.s1de his t IH lb). on these •'NEW CAR EQUIPMENT" TUBE~ TIRES • traded in for the seD8&tlonal GOOD/iE4R 33V3 off BUY NOW! PAY LATER As Low as 1.25 per ""k ') l"tzr: U ST 670 j 2a.6s j 1t.10• 110 I 11.•s j 21.00• 760 134.55 j 23.20• ''TUBILEll'' TIRI The Tan battered CKl'&llll•de Into 1ubmU&lon 1.ut wec-k. ~l. !l:ewldrk. BUJ Wetul and M&bff toiled for t.be locala. Wetal did I hf' OUllrtlUldlng J!'b. C'hll<'k1.ng tbr~ 11rorf'll'A.•. hlllt~ 1nntn111. Wt't..z.el 1J1 a len the ltad111g batter on t.he club. x .... me l'Tported Bill WU 11l~ing lh,. appltt a t a .371 r llr. trailed b,. Shortatop 1Ae Swm1nt1ni.r w ith only 111x t l'lil'YI membert. OCC p<>stttl good rarly M&aon tlmtL With Barbara M ar· ttnovlC'h ( treeatyll'r I out an rt poll· albly Joel ror the eea.~n. and Cynthla gtro\hers, frtutyler u d e ver, away from <'Ollt&'e tor two -u. Ille rematnder ot the t.aam had to do11hl~ u r 11p111·tment to g•ln entry. Adn111111ton wall ~ 7~~ for lick· ~------~----------------------__;::.__ __________________ __ Budget Priced 100 j 3a.•s j zs.~s· 820 139.90 126.60• 0..-.. HI Stomps Out 21~ Vidory ORA."\GE 10CX Sl -C>rangt ~h'a \"&rslly made a brtlUant rom .. buk Tuoday e!t.emoon by •t.ompsng a \'111 tJ.ng ~fatf'r Del t eem 21 -0 alter l.h" Panthe,.. ,.... <dwd an II tn ~ "·l:tprlnir a t Col- toe Jut Fnday. The i:•ml'. pl&J'Wd at ~ city Park. wa.a a ont -sldt'd a rta1r "''lUI tht> Panth..rs m rompl,..te con- t rol throughout all M \•t'n tnntni-. On the mound and ir<>lnl all the ,.,~. for Oran,:: .. "'-.. P l'te ~ na.d<'. a pmm1111n11 Junior "'ur\e'T. J>.te ht ld lhf' Matt'r ~1 batters :o nnly t1l·<' h11.11 •·htlf' Oran1 e·1 .. UM ~ out J O pod .... lAll Kolvi11t o of t he fem PJ.ratea copped a pair or '1ctnnN and s"*n on the lnumpha.nt OCC r.r .. lyl.e n lay tum. Sh• took the 25 )'&I'd treo tylfl in 13.11 and the ~ ya rd fr l'estyle an 30.11~ a nl'w <'o!lege and Bue pool record 8PRDl" Bl'O BABr:S Otber W1nn1n1 water nympha tor the Bue bat>u were Sll'phantt Be.khl'r. 2~ yard bedutrokr. l S.4, Jean Toulou•. 26 yard brt&.81· atn>ke, 1a..a; Jane Newnan. Renee I lt!Uott and Becky Grang l'r. ml't1· ley N>la.y, 62.4. a new OCC a nd I pool rf'C'Ord: and &!lcbl'r, 0 1'1'1llt• u , T oulo11114' a.nd Kolvisl" m 11 !17 : Summer L~agues now forining ENTER NOW Mixed Fivesomes · Mixed Foursomes Men 's Scratch Ladies Handicap '• VAN'S BOWLING f""9t)'le relay. allllO a new OCC I l iO& Superior, C<M.ta Meea BILL KLOTZ, Mgr. Llbe.rty 8-3292 and pool ncord ................................................. _,,.__,,_,._,,._...,_,,._.__,._,._,._,. .............................. _,, .... J \ • \\"Ith \'our Recappablt" Tir~ OUR RECAPS ARE 8E1TER THAN EYER • • • 6i0-J .'l i l0-1 5 760-15 ~ew Tire ~lileaJ?;P at Tht"M" Low Prices. • 10.7!) • 11.30 1%.90 r~ wlith t:u ti.ang .. • U.15 14..~ t..46 Courtney & Lester 1596 Newport llvd. Costa Mesa U 1-1197 • \ THuRsoAv. ~AA 10. 1955 NEWPORT HARaoR NEws.PREss-PART 111. PAGE s Pirate letten . . lrop Olliip lo lo11 le1c~ i.-. ~ ... .WW'ed UM . Orup ClaMt ~ ._. t.am 6-1 -t.be rtft1 ~ ~)' tor t.be 8uca' ..... ~ ot t.be..... 1..-s ... at)' Ool· ... dowMll. \be x... ndl .... f·J ta ta. itnt mata plQed ... -->-·····t .-! '&V#Q WDfa mo: ~ ..... of ta. Jltrai. ... 'Ute k1De wtaaer, teJdac t.be IDUl mlD&1a malda 09W Btat.e'• Jl,m T~. •t. II.a wtnnen L8CC cnmpatttlcm ..._. ea.caahla. tllird ..... Diclt Banaaa. ftttll ...... ~·.....sea Included : Cbua eour. Oft!! a.. Ta.1*. •i. 6-0; Douc atraas -Jllll A.rmlltrcmS· l-0, 6-0; Jab atadl over Baac&IJall, l-0, M ; Bob ~ eater 09W a.et .......,..., M. •1; Bill Beuclt VfW Jack J[mnact.J. &-o. •i. and lam ot all Ulree doul*a m&tdaea by ooc. RON ·RATES -AMONG CAGE BEST TL'""!'o"l8 81.An Next outinC f« t.be OOC net t<>n:. la tomoi IOW ..-s-t Lone &acla 8t&&a OoDesw al Oruc- Cout.. The coniplet.e i-nla ached· uJe f« the Bllca: Ron Winterburn, right, receives a certificate from Coach Mileti Eaton at Orange Coast CoUege this week !or being choaen on the All-Orange County Junior College team &e- lected by OCNS 1portswriten1. Additlon!ll hononi heaped on the high-scoring star of the Pi.rat.ea' cage quintet includea All-Eutern C.Onference and Southern California JC hon-Kudl 11. Ml. ... A.Dlcaio bel-.; Jluda 21, at ..._ AAA Ooll4p; Karell .. ran.tcm ..... ; Aprtl 1, at Clilatliay; April I, ahwlllde ..... ; April 12, at llu Benaudlllo; II.a.>' M-7, l:ulc'D Coafenmce Qampkmahl .. hen; May U-lS-lt. Southen CalitOf'o n1& meet at Lone Beach; May 19-20-21, St.Ma meeL orable mention. -Staff Photo • I Clua "C" with a net 69 u Mra. Mn. Edward Lehihan, LacUJla 1 Edwin 8ylveeter, Udo Ille and Buch, with a net 78 u Kra. Jerry ~ ~ I Mr•. Gaylord TohUI, Balboa.tied Helperln, Udo !ale; Mn. flaro)d f 0 for HCOnd with net 81'11. Mra. Small, Fullerton and Mra. Marco ii\ George Ward, Udo ble and Mra. Anloh, Clift Haven, tied tor the ) )) I Btll J erome, Sant& Ana, deadlocl<-second •pot with net 78'a. In C1ua -FORE -Clltta, and Ro..U. Vance, Laguna four up advan~e OD par toe lM ~ ed tor the third apot with net 82'1. "B" Mra. Robert Gardner, Shore ----------- ~ • Ladles' Tuesday Leut Putt tour· net 711'• u M.ra. Roy Lyman. Cl1tt Fran.k Capen.. Walter Blalr and A //. . The lrvlnc Cout Country Club Beach, tied for tint pl&ce wttll 18 bolea ot JOit. In aa.a ·r !%-;• nament waa won by Mrs. Ha.raid Haven, and Mra. Harold Ayre.a. Merle Boyle of Santa Ana. tied Ay res. Lido h ie, with 33 putta •• Lido Jale, tied for second place tor ftrst wtUa tour up 1whr1111tac-, b Mrs. John Drury, Corona del Mar. wit.h net 80'L Mr•. Bill Lestt>r. on par. Bill Grau. Corona del Mar ., .• . 11nd Mrs. John Green. .'.':ewport Newport Height•. walked off w1tb and Terry ISt.epM-m-, a.at& Ana. -, Bellcb. tied tor second place with I the top honora in Clua "C'' 'A1tb placed eecald wtth two up adfta· 710 3• carpet sweeps. ,_ln1. Robert a net 82. t.ac-OD par. / Ga rdner. Shore Cliffs. nnrl '-Ira I --··ou --roas - Robert Mangan. t.1do Isle, tied tor The Hau-Ott-Department doffs 'n.. WIDowtck Golt aul'• thlrrt place with 3!. putting strokes the chapeau to professlonal Don lAd.lea' -n-s&y COmbbMd Part- . I t'ach. WlllJa of Willowick Gol.t Courl'e nera tow'M7 Md U.. ~ ~ Mn. The Santa Antt Country Club -F ORE -ot Santa Ana u Doa aced the 167 P'raak Dae1k'mn A"'ttetm and Ladles' F'rld11y Throw Out Your Tht-Wlllow1ck Golf Club Mea'a yard 13th hole with a perfect aevf'll i:-na-Mn. Omdr ~ BaD- Worat Hnl• to11rnl'y 1n Clu• "A" High Low tournty hu narrowed iron. Don hu played golf tor many ta A-. walJdllc otf wtUa top lloQ.. was won by Mr11. Gl'orgf' 1-"ruehlJni;:. down lo the finale with ll Long years a nd thle wu Don'• first on with a eomWeM Mt total ~ Lido hi,, with a nt l 63 aa four Beach team consisting of L&rry hole in one. In th• fOUl'llClme w1lb ..-ander par If. Kn. a. C. sals tied for second. They were Lee and partner Marvin Potter pit-Willia wu Bill Dlckilulon. Ana-Carter. OllrdeD 0"'9'11 UMI putMr Mn . Jack Blaladell, Mu. Jack ted against the all Santa Ana helm. who toured tbe WlUowtr k Kr&. T. Hume Weat, lluta AM. Parke ot Sa nta AJ'la and !\Ire. Cliff team of Larry Carroll and Ed course In a two under par '9 for wcm llfleoed plaa ~ a aet e 1\oldtr nr Corona d<'I Mar. The Haal.a. l n winning the uml-tlnal the low man In the tounomf'. u llra. llartr B tr1ella. 1'lllUa. thret stccintl pl."C'e gnlftrs had nl'l round Larry Carroll 11nd Ed Hnals Frank Don&ld.eon, Anaheim. and and putDer Kra. llolranl ....._ ••·,.. downed lht-tf'em of Al Rmgboft'r, Floyd Probaaco. P lacentia. wt>~ <>ranc-, ftateed tJdrd wttla a cam- ln Cla1u1 "C" .M rs. 8ttve Fouat· Orange and partner Bill Creac.hner alao alons when Don made hia bmld Mt total flt • Kra. Clllar'- t l. Sant.a An1, took low net honor• alao or Orange three and two 11 first au. lie Walen, aad .-ia. ~ J. I!. with a 09 aa Mra. Lawrence Bemis. the other !ln&llsl were having a -FOU -WDlae at S..ta AM. llocllt fmrtla lanta Ana. place<! second with a close ti.tUe In downing the team of Th4I S&nt& Ana Country Club place ..ttll a _..._. 8at tllta1 nt-t 81. Mra. Bl'n Hcflingl'r, Santa Hugh Kledro.,kl, Garden Grove and Men'• Saturda y Mat.ch Play tour-ot el. Ana, flnlftht'd third with a net 62 partner Jlm Lang. S&ntA Ana. one nament In Claaa "A" W1U woia by u Mrs. Ernut Winb11i.r, Santa down. Waltar SchmJd. Coat.a M-. aa Ana wound up In the fourth apot -FORE -Walt bad par •~ down. BUI Butcb- wllh a net ea. The Irvtne Coast Country Club en-. Joe Brophy, ~ RaaberC Mr11. Dtrk Emison. Coata Mua. Ladles' Friday Mat.ch ·Play tour-and St.an Wooda.. aD of 81.Ata Ana. walked off wtth top honor• In , ney In Clua "A" wu won by _,.. lied tor MCOlld place Wfth I Polltlral AdvertJ1emrnt l (Political Advert!Mment) CPolltlcal Adnrti.ement) CPollUcal ~) Gerald t BENNETT Cancficlate for Re .. lectioa CITY COUNCIL Fl RST DI STRICT A DWI wbote reeord prow. tllat lie .... tile f.t late..U of oar whole OCWMaity at Meri~ Resident & Business Mm in Newport •acll Si11ee 1937 • Co-owner Balboa Trmllfer slw '40 • · Property Owner since 1944 • Appointed to City Council Sept. 22. 1952 • Bennett is Endorsed by the Following Residents and Property Owners FRANK T. KEELER HAROLD D. ARTHUR KATE McCANN TOM W. HENDERSON HADD RING ROBERT W. SMlTH GEO. J. LIND CAPT. CYRUS ~t. TUCKER HAROLD E. DIKE 0. W. RICHARD DAVE FINK EARL R. KING WM. WARD RALPH P. :MASKEY RAY Y. COPELIN R. L. PATIERSON ROLAND A. WRIGHT NORM FLEMING W. J. COWAN WALTER M. LONGMOOR GEORGE W. BUSH JR. GUY LE VALLEY HARRY ESITS J OSEPH W. LEIERJTZ L. C. TIMMERMAN ER'.':EST F. McCLELLA }' J. M. PELLITIER F. E. FINSTER LOl'lS W. BRIGGS MRS. BEULAH H. FINLEY DON A. GUNDERSON HARTLEY B. WILSON EDNA C. WILSON HOME R M. SMITH ROGER W. HANNAFORD MYRTLE E. ELLIOTT COY E. WATI'S .MONTER. GRIMES HER.BERTO~ FLORENCE M. DEWES FLORENCE ll. GREELEY H. F. KENNY ROSS GREELEY MAURICE D. LAWRENCE ELIZABETH HAGEN .IDf GALLAGHJtR (~ REXFORD E. BR.A.t<IDI' A. E. STOCKTON T. DUNCAN STEWART MRS. JES.51E HILL RUPERT E. HENDRICKS BRADEN k FINCH W.C. BUCHTER.KIRalEN Return Bennett to City Co~ncil March 15th ... . . • , VOTE it1GBii x iiiBiE x Co•cl 5111 Dist. CouncR 5th Dist. CD ••ICNOZ A. BIGBlll IGB E • 18 Years Banking Experience • 15 Years a Prac~icing Attorney • Proven Community Worker Pledge to K_eep Newport Free from· Big Oil Interests America~ lowest priced -8 trucks-F RD Only Ford oft'ena Short Stroke V-8 power for f!lJtfl'Y me track. And only Ford ofrena trucka with this modem, money-m•Jrint power at such a low price! Four V-8'1 and a Siz- all Short Stroke-ALL AVAILABLE NOW/ ) --, . ,,,t%/d ,::~ Ford Tril~le Economy True~ .. THEODORE ROBIN·S Your Fonl Dealer Since 1921 3100 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach Liberty 8·3471 1Y •t 1tt lettl Den't Miu 'Forti ThHtre' KICA (4), T1tun4ey, 9:30 P. m. ' -- Westmont Choir Will Sirig For Mesa Baptists .. i • -.. -.. . C,Ollege Group to Come Here Tuesday Evening • ...... ,., 1111101 AIEA CHllCHES ' The T oatll a.atr will ha" a ... At tbe 'l:IO p.m • .-.le• Kr. Mewn&Dll wtll uw u hJa tn ... -r•. ''Pod'• Plaa tw t.!le A ..... '. The XaJe C11orua wt11 tllnr. aunday Bc._ool cJ.amq for all apa m .. t at 1 :43 a.m, ... ,, ............. ~ ~Htla 8t. A at. AIMI.-Ad., '?be Putor'a Inatruetlon clua. alao tbe ~OWIC Peciple'a ~ Union wtU meet In tbelr r..pec· u ... deputmenta at t :ao p.m. A new Junior 'I'njll1ftr Union, ror as•• from four to 11, wtll mHt wtU. Mr. and Mn. ft&lph Wllllanu1 8r. Tbla If a ..W poup and tlle ~bly -eordl&lly IJ!vlt.ee all chUdren betWMD tlloee .... to attend. LOCAL VOCALISTS DISCUSS ROLES IN OPERE'IT4-WJien curtain gC>e8 up on the variety ahow Juat For Fun at 8 p.m. Friday at Harbor Vlew School, the quartet pictured above will be heard ln the roles of The Cba'ptain, Josephine, Ralph and But· tercup in aelectlona from H. M. S. Pinafore, with choral usi.etance. Seen here are (L to R) J . Leslie Steffensen and Miu Helen Spann of Corona del Mar, Cal Welputt of Santa Ana and Mra. Thomas Kelly, alao a Corona del Mar resident. Included in the 12 act. of thia muaical extravaganza will be a variety of entertainment featuring danc· ing, instrumental and vocal talent of all ages. The program, eponaored by the Com- munity Church in Corona del Mar, ia exactly what ill title implies -Juat For Fun -Fol8om Photo : --,._ Blp kbool LDert7 WT71 ~ .... ,, ....... at--n c "' ........ . ... "· ltut at.. eo.t& ic .. LDerty M66J ..... J .... W, MellMM n. a..... .. a.tee I-a.rd at., Coet& Me• l.Derty MTll ,._ Balin Jr., Mlnt.ter ai.te& ~ ., 'he .. Olnullualty MeUw>dlllt ....,_ llhd. at 1 •lh. N ew"J)Ort _ Harttor U2t : ltiai.llt.er: ltn. Roy Carleon .._ Ir tthn OMlrdl I ... Ona,ce An .• Coeta Mf'ea UMrty a-1oe1 htMr n.omu J. Nevin ............ Olllttll el N-.,.n ..._ 9hd.. ltth A Court Str ., Newpc>Tt ..,_. 1563 Liberty 1-SOTJ r..t•: H•rbert G. Jotm.on JI .... ...,._ ......... Cllwdl Jllel CUtt Dr., N.wpcwt Hel1llt.1 UMrty I-Mil "°"· ltollif'rt QnlnJund • ,., ., 0.. ...... 6 ll:ldea A. ..... ec.t.a x .. ~W711 a........ M. C. Cronk, Put.or •• , • ..,. MnwtW Newpwt llhd. at Bolla st.. Nnrport S.l1t1t.1 Dder ltktlard Serna ~rty --·~ a... el ... N-... IW •ubehn. Coet.a Meea ....._: R ... atft WlWama l.Derty S-7181 ...... a.a ., c..tM. edee• aaol Y&a Llodo, JfewJ>Ort Bnc!I Hanor 24ZI .,... ., •• ,.. ....... C"-'d .. w. Hamlltoa. Ca.ta Me• Llllif'rty ... ,.. ....._: Dr. JUcha.rd H . Poem c.--... .., v 'b Qvctl CoaveaaUonal tU Hebotrope AYe. llanor 11217 Plut~: ~... 11!'.dwla c. Oomll• .,... ...... a.... 8a8'a Alla A. ft. al M.acnolla c-ta ... An. P. l:J. Newn&nll a...., Ow......, .. llt.. c-..1 HU "· llalMa ams .. Newport Han.021• ~ atepba Kiiey, Putor htMr Qeorce Parn.u.ua A.-. Putor cw .......... CMmll ., Oeeta ... (ao-ri Synod) Oreta .. _ PMl•: Ra-.. r..ou.ar Tontow .. ,__ 'T/jl .... ...... u.o. MeWJiOC l lle6cll ~ UIO o.ate: ""· ltalpll r .. .. a.-..._,. Ill ......... ...,. .&lland ...,_..au ft&Mr .... lllley, Put« ..... 0-S-....,.._ A.mL.PMtol' c--. ... a-. ar...,.A'N. ata.. k •. Ollla .._. ~ I-NOi A. A. SM1l'w. .... ............. c ,, ..... , ... lU .._.A ... ,.._ 111i1M 'DI 111 : ... l>ma.W .. ,, GmiJla.,.... ....... -, ,., ..... ...... ..... Ari a.a.,. If' am Dll 1n.-.. .,,.. ..................... ~caowa.www wwww ::F ~"fl; d!!'7:!!-._,c ""' ~ ........ ~.._. ......... .., ... .. .......... _____ 11 ... .. ................... _ ... .. ................... ~&Ma. ....... _ .... ..,.,._ • .... a-. WIA flA "--. -,,. ~ .,,.... -, .. '· ........ . ................ _ .. __ .. a.. ......... _ .. _.,. ...... 'ntunday at 'l:IO p.m. at the hohie of Mra. JMn J"l&nnasan, D• J:ut HUI St., Ca.t& M-. the Tounr Lad.Id MIAlonary Circle wtU tlokl ita monthly meetlnr. All younr women wtU be welcome. On Tueaday, Marcll 13 at I p.m. ruuta trom tlle W•tmont CoUe1e Choir, uJlder the leaderabJp of Wll· Uam Beuley, will 1lve a aacred concert. Thlr choir la well known In Southern CaUfornla and a de· llltltfUI eventnr will be 1pent. 1'1ere I• no admlaalon charge but a free wlU offerlnr will be taken. On Tbur9day at 1 p.m. the Wlllte Crou wtll mttt In the Youth Cen· ttr. All womf'n are Invited to at• tend and rttelve a ble•lnr; In the Mrvlce of lhan nr with othf'ra. Thur9day. March J7 al 7:30 p . m. a rocJal will be held In the YouU1 Cen~er. Thlr 11 belnr; apon· rored by and for the memberr of lll• P'lrhermena' Clau and the Ber•an Clasr, with their re1pect· Ive wlYe1 and hUlbandr. Wednerday at 7 :30 p.m. the PralM and Bible Study wlll ~ ll•ld. follow~ by the quarterly b111lnera mNUn( of the church. All m•mbera are uked to attend and !leer Ule nporta. Church Women Note World Day of Prayer It waa the llUI obNrYanee of the International World Day of PTayer. and 18th for United Church Women of Newport Har· bor wblc!I wu Mid ln rtrat Sap· tiat Chu rch ot co.ta Mua. Mrr. Ronald wu-. praldent of the Woma n'• Society of the llort church, welcomed repruentat.lvu trom 12 ellurchee. · Mra. Cheater l!'lrher. U.C.W. president. reYltW'ed hlatory ot the World Da y of Prayer, Mn. CHorre DaYiu. chairman. led th• prorram "1\lch tlad aa lh•m• "Abide In Me", TaJcln1 part u luden were lhf' Rev. Her~rt JohnlOn, Mmu. Loyd rollOm, W. !:. Bowlu. D. C. Allf'n, Cleu Ball•y. P. ,., BalnH, J o- •ph f1odman, and M\11 !:lale Nf'Wland. Ml.. Helen Sp&11n wu 10lol1t and Mn. J . Leehe Stdfenren ll'd co•rnrattona1 rJngtng. Mn. Wll, llam Schumann wu orl'anlat. Mr11. John Sadlelr war In charre of rerut ratlonr and u1her1 were Mmff. C. E. McMinn, Fta.nd • Slater. William 8crurr• and Ca- therine Williama COM Church Guild Meet Set Monday The Ctlurcil Schoo! Guild of tht Community Church of Corona ~I Mar w1U llold Ill re(Ular monthly m"tlnr Monday, March 14. at 7 :30 p.m. la the church IOClaJ llall. Holl' teMH wtll be Mn. Marian Du. Mra. J, R. Thomron and Mn. Mabel Ro.-.. Plana and t&l11es will be mad" for tht card p&rtJ itel few March 26 at the chu~h. Student From China to Speak at B. I. Dinner PAGE 6 -'PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH I 0, 1955 A 1tudent from China. Jamer Dao, who won the U ncoln Day oratorical contut at the Spanl1h- Amerlcan Jnrtltute In Gsrdena. will give hi• prlu-winnlng orrtlon. "Lincoln'• Undying Faith.'' nexl Wedn~llday evenlnr. March 18. a t the Balboa lllMd Community Met hodlat Church. He wllJ ~ one o·f five from the aehool who will preaent a prOIT&m of enterta.ln, ment for Family Nlcht. monthly roclal activity ot th• Island church. HARBOR CHURCH COUNCIL NAMES NEW COMMISSIONS The pro1Tam w111 follow a 8 :30 potluck auppu In Dearborn Hall. It will Include a candle.Ughttnic aerv1ce, a vocal duet by two younc· er boya In the achool, piano aoloa by Mlcholaa Oavala, and trumpet eoloa by Ral Valdez:. Dr, R. H. Sllnrthorn. prerldent Qf the Jn, rtitute, and Mra. Sllwr\.hom will outline what the achool attempt• to do and llow It la a part of the entire progTam of the Mf'thodl1t Church. ... Entumr on actlviller of a new yf'ar, commwlona were named wh•n Newporl Harbor Council of Churches met 1n Goodf'll Hall with the Rev. M. C. Cronic pruldlnf. Jn charge of education are the Revr. Robert Gronlund and Roy Carll!on; welfare, Reva. J oseph McShane, EdWln Gomke, and Elder ltkhard Sernr! 1peclal aerv)~•. &v. Jamea Stews art; civic affair•. Rev. Donald Sapp and Rev. Frederick R lnge; youth, Rev. Herbert J ohn110n and Duke Cox, YMCA aecretary; public relatlonr, Ml1a Elsie Newland. Planr for the year ahead were dl.c:U18td and next ae .. lon ffl for March 21 at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church , Cliff Drive. Eightetn church representatives a ttending were Mrnd luncheon by mf'mbur of BalOO. Circle ot lb• w.s.c.&. Both the aupper and the pro- gram are oprn to the public. At Palm Springs FROM BOSTON Mra. Guy Huntlnct.on, No. t S..y .laland, 1r rpendlnr a 1-• Universalists to Hear the Rev. Dana Klotzle dayr at Palm Sprtnp. ~ Pasadena Visit.. I Mra. K ina Ivu, Anad• AVf'., Balboa. left F riday to apend a frw daya at the home of her aon in The Rev. Dana Klol%1e, execu, live attretary of the World Ser, vice Prognun ot the Un1veraall11t Church of America.. will •peak Sunday evening, March 13 al 7:30 o'C'lock on the work of the Unlver, saJlat Churl'h In Japan and amonir Germany. He will lllurtrat• hi• lt'cture wtth rlldu. Mr. J<lot..zle com1111 from 11enom· !national headquarte-ra In Bo11ton. Mara, ahd It 111 hi• ea meat <le· alre to mMt all the memben and fr1e-nda of the Fellowahlp "° that he mlrhl carry back with him a most mlhU1lutlc report on the work In Ba.I.boa.. At the momlnr Mrvlce March 13 the Rev. F'rl'du tck Rine•. mln· Iller of the Unlverrallat Com· munlly Ff'llowsh1p, will speak on the llC'cond ln hla Hrln of Lent~n themes. "We Avow Our F"altll In the Leadenhlp of Juua". The Fellowahlp meet• at the !:bell Club Hou1r, 61~ Wut Ba.I· boa Blvd., Balboa R eh Sunday at 10:30 a .m. for Sunday rchool, and 11 a.m. for mornlnJ worllhlp. All who regard rell.r;1on u a way of life rrth"r Ulan a crffd will tlnd the aervtcu of the Unlnnall.t Jl'ellowrhlp helpfUI . Paaadena. l MARCH TO CHURCH IN MARCH j SUNDAY, 8:30 A.M. A 11 A,.M. "Leam From Jeaua." "How To Be Amons the Bleued" WEDNESDAY LE:'l:TEN SERV1CIC 7 30 P, )(. "The Way of. the Cro1111 : '7he Way ot Ml11undentandin1" VOU Aflp; ALWAYS WEI.COME AT Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2601 CUii Dr., Ne"port Beach .. Overlooktn~ lbf'autUlll 1\iewport Rarttor" THE CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE f:rnrt1t HolmN. founder, auU.Or of U11e testbonlc "8CILSCE OF Ml."D"• Rev. ln1 Turk. minister T"P•~ 11 a. m. Mu 13 "Heavvi 11 Where You Are" 10 :20 Heaunr Service 11 :00 JWllor Church '""'°r C1111rch embrnrra oil "!lei obot'f' 1Ci11dtT9t1rtert arwl M held Of Girl 8 c0t<t //o113c, Htg h Dn1•e at U1tdC'" Thura., March 17 8 :00 p. m. ('!au "Win 1-~reedom W ithout Dlvorct!" LAGUNA BEACH ART GAUZR1', JOT Cutt Drfn H1att 4r'2M , Famous Industrialist to Speak at Rose Bowl To Be Thoughtful tJ ll. O. lATourneau. world·nnown- ed laduatrialirl. w111 be one .ct the •all•n ln Ule 8ennlll Annual R.oee Bowl Suter Sentee. It wu anaGUDCed today. • Oatnnaa A. r....wtr Bhlnr ler of tM Rose Bowl ltutu Sunr1• Ber· ~ coau11ttt.e reporta that, "We feel bollored to han thl1 Ch.r1rtlan l&)'mUI In t.!le loutllland to brlnr CIDe ot U.. llpiflcant addre .. 1 tn tM Rose Bowl Jl. 0 . LeToumeau, •bop~ bait the earth moY- las equipment 1tl Ule world, la a1ro a ctyumle n)lreeentatlft of lh• pepel. A.a a laJM&n, lie deYOU. N per ~l ot hlr lncome t.o ••-t.adlac ta.. Km(dom o« Ood oe ~ .. Mr. aad llln. lAToum .. u tlan four -. Ndurd. Roy, Ted and Ben, -d one daurllt•r. M .... Qua DIU. la IMM!Uoa to sin~ hl1 mon•y. lAToum .. u aJro cftYOtea Ill• Ume- to ..,...,..tt.Uc work, .,,.ndlnte •ftr)' -k-.nd In preacllln1 the OMpeL Ht uaf'P Ma own private pl&nH for plrnt to plllnt journ~y• and for 1111 WHk,f'n•t m lnlatry HI• tamowi ac1drt ... · l 'p f'rom Bank· rupt~y." ln whlc:tl ba tellr the 1tory of tllr own life. hu been (1Yen In every at.ate In the Union, and conttnud to draw 1&r1• audlencea wtlenrnr It ta announced. Mr. IA, Toumeau llu apent Oftly four week-t111da at home ta Ule put MTtn yeen. Lenten Topics For Lutherans a.mom ~Jecta for tll• two ·~ M1"VICH and Ole Wednf'a- da)' neninr Len~ Mr'V1~ at the ?I ""t'Ort Harbor Luthf'ran Church -re announeed today by Putor ~ B. Oronlund. S unday R•v. Gronlund conUnu, lng-In hla "Learn Jl'tom Jff\le" aer1u willtpreaCh on "How to Be Amons the Ba....d" at bath mom - 1n1 Ml'Vle... Wtdneada7'a tople will be ''1'1e Way ot Mlaunder- rtanl1ln1:" under tt\e mlt1·wHll _.. . tu theme '7he Way of the C~" I ,. Making your w ishes known in advance of necessity ie an exceedingly thoughtful lh1ng to do, for by so doing. you relieve someone of the necel', 11ity for making numerous <it'· rision11 that MUST be madr. but that are exceedingly d if, ficult for anyone el1e to make. 'our counsel on the subject 111 youra for the uking. PARKES· RI OLE a ·-- MOR.TUAR.Y MO ••OA-N\' co •• " ...... u...., •l4U 1'. ,,,,,,_~ T\<f OllOH OJ l'l'l I)°' Ofll 111/U • s. p .. f --·. • .. l 10 4 . IAllO.tl ISlAMO llOO ISU . NfWl'OIJ llACH . COt ON4' Dfl MAI p,.. tlN time t.h•J were marri .. llarloa rnd Jim aapired to own their owa home, lnrt J im WH a 1tnar- 1llnc younc postal cltrk rnd Marion sue up htr job when the brbiu atarted to 1rriYt. Durinc the yura thtr cl1111« to their drum nen when it ttemed 1n hnpo11ibilit1. TlMr moved from rprrtment to dupln to rented home and al••r• th• unu1ed houtt pl1na lllOYtd with theia. THI atulCH POI AU •• , a_ AU POI 'THE alVICH ~ Tiie Church .. Ille .. -., ..... IOf .. ...,Iii lor !he btuldi119 ej chorac1er .,..4 eoed c11iunii)i1p. II " a 1101ehou1• of •Pttltuol YOl\j•• W11hou1 o ••l'Oll• Cliwdi, .,.11~ deiaocrocr nOf c"''""""* <• I UPYIYe 'fh•te Clf• fout IOUftd reo.aon1 why •~•ry P.raon alrtouW 0"•hd H ••1cN r99ulorl1 micl ... ,.. Poll lh• Church Thor .,... 111 for h11 own eah 121 f.,. .. ch1ldr•n'1 1a h Ill for th. ..u: ol 1111 coll!mu1111r and ncn-141 f or lhe •o•• of lh• Ch1Uch llMll wh1eh n .. da h .. -cal •d ..,.: llrrion and Jim wen not bitter. for while their ma • terlrl drums were poatponed, othtn were rn ll1td. Ther raiaed three bouncinc 1lr11 ind ona boy to m1. turit}' with • 1treni11 not all parenta know. Thtin w11 a ctlurch-roinc frmilr rnd their.)'oanpterr took to th1 cood ••ref life lih dach t•h to water. There were the cu1tomrry childrent' di1uH1 but no c11ul- tin on ttie 1piritarl front. ,.r..,I """"°" P1aft lo 90 te church ·~larlr .,d •eod 11.ble do1lr. '°"' a .. 1r Cht•tn V-Now Jim and Marion ert utabli1hed in thrt lonc awrited home of their own. The children rre srown ind cone, bat ther do not fttl thrt fulfillment h11 eoma too lrte. In ealm anurance of a job wtlt done ther uh delirht in their n"'rrd-a happ7, contented life of r"ompliahment- Suod,,. . N1uh.., • lt·H ~.V•1 • Lulr• e ., .• un d11 . Lo.Ire t ..... w, • .,, .... , lto,.1n1 II 1·11 Thut1<11, I Cotlnthlt ll 0 lrll f'rldo J@hn 11 1•11 latllf41p . lh\thn> , .. ,, This Cluch Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms J THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of Oi1ll..,ct1on" %1~ Marine Ave., 8a1boa blaad Barbor 0707 Sh«t Mt!t&l -H•Unr -Ventll&Unc Harbor UlO HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All Occu lona ~ E. Cout dwy,. COii. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE B.lboablud Mann & Smltll Shell Senlce Your Corona d•I J.lu lJn l•n 2801 & 3600 E. Cout Hl~lnny Harbor 6368 ···-··· & ........ Harbor %710 MARGARET'S CAFE 8pedallM ln Bee Fooda -Orden to Go Z614 Newport Bh·d. Harbor %%88 NEWPORT CLEANERS Ory C1ean1nr -Laundry l'rustnr 106 Tustin NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Corolla cld ...,. ROSAN INC • 8-cratt Dlvhllon & ForeJp Moton YIKHt11 Reial DnMJ Stores Three locaUona to St:rve You Alice of Udo hallty Salon Hair 8tylln1 for the JndMc1u1J t08 sinct ( ot1 the PO SL) llari>or 2844 RUSSELL W. IANGEIT Heat1nr:. V.nUla ttnr A Sheet Metal 411 Slat St. ILUE SAILS STA TIONEIS l'Jreet.J~ Carda, Boole.I, Artl1t 8UpJlhf'll Harbor 818 HAL COLUER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION P'rH Pick up • df'I. -Wheel Balancf' 3301 Newport Bh·d. Harbor M50 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rup and Carpet.a 1%% Acale Ave.. a.lboa blud Barbor SW HOUSE AND GARDIN C<lmplei. Home Fumlahlnp Drape.rite -Rura son w. Cout Hwy. Liberty I-Ml& . MAC'S CAFE Farst on r11tlt toward Hun~ Beach MARINE IEAUTY SHOP Perl!IOnallaed Serv1ce In Ka.tr StylJnc S27 Marbte Ave., a.&boe blud Harbor 151 MARKET SPOT ZOO Mariae Ave.. llelboe Wud Barbor 1000 NEWPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Home P'l.lrnlrhinr• %620 W. Cout Hwy. ReiMl't'1 Newport Dept. Store "Your Family S~ 8U-191''' SEASIDE MALT SHOP ii 00 W. Ocf<an Harbor IU N f'wport BNch R. WASEMILLll '7he Workln(m&n'• atore zoo.& W: Batboa Blvd., ART'S CAFE ''Wllere all ~·OO"I 11 Cooked 1n Butter'' SOS6 W. Cout Hwy. IA YSHORE llCHFllLD Fl""-P lrk ur It O.Uvwry 17th a Cout Hwy. Liberty 1-9141 loyer'1 lalboa U110I••• Co. Llnlllf'11m --Tile -Carpet -P'ontdc!a High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ' ,, el c: I .. • - I J ' l Orange Pastor Will Speak at Methodist Family Night Event Red Cross. Budget Set at $23,a<>O Sermon Theme for Adventists NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE! ____ TH_U~SD~. MAltCH 10, 1955 ;/... 8&Wrda7 momlD(, Mardi 11. Pu&or IUcMnl r . a.ma of lb• H.-port ll&rtMlr S...U.-dq .Ad- •tnu.t cb~ lout.s on Broad tut. 8t. at Bo~ will deJJver a aermon The ttory ·Mr dlecu.lon °':! enUUed ''Tbe.ICvil TwlM" at the C'hlln'h •l ~tuey It "A Blind 11 a. m. MrYlce: Paator 8ern1 See. anJ Bel11'\'l'•" which I.a t wtll UM J Corinthian. 10:31 u hla In Jolin 9:1-38. (Po&IUeal .A.d~eaO tPoUUcal Advt rtlMmantl tPolltlral Adwrt.18ement) 0o..n.s ....... Unitoriee .. ,.~~~ ... ~ ... ----------------------- olpro:pUy1-!" ~c':;. ~--~!~ R I L I C T •• j 111e lltt. OJde lleeclMr will M a llllot ~ u4 a l&la4 e ....., ._ •-..._. C\Mllll ..,..... ,_ thl MCcad i--... ~ .A.Mo, lartAs euftlcl•nt paip Drt" .... IDO'f1llC m&o \be I Andre. W W. SM ITH I XI tta run1.t7 Mifbt at Quiat &&Me .n1ee tor t.lle flamily. '11\• 89CONS WMk vi thl 4.rtYa. WU.la •· 111.utMn l'.uow.tUp wW -. aoat Ua~ an u.. "9pollM o1 lb• C11urcb ~ UM 8M iD N-,ort poup W. W..._.7 na1nC anct uns•• a.ell oa w.-.s.1. llardl 11. wt11 prcmc1e eon .. ud t.eL comm ,.,,. Illa '9P1c wtll IM. .. How Muell DO h~ tlle cllaMr Ulen will T. H. J---. "-r Admltal Re- You CanT .. Mr. ~ la min-lie a llyllul-U. ud llevoUoaal Ured, J'UDcl aiatnnan tor Uae I.at.er of th• J"lm M•UIOCUat Chlll'Cll WTiee ,..1c11dln1' Ul• apeaker. NewJOrt area. 1t&t• It la ....,. la Onnc•· He wtll lpeall at T:ao Kn. Delnaa l'rell&I' wW piorid• rrautytq th• t t b • w bole p.111. In Ooode1J HaU foUowiq UM a epecl.al voe&! llllto for Ulla Wed· famU1 dinner Wblcb be(tu at l :U lloMdq. Special acUviU.. f or hearted ""JIOAM of t.be oommun· p.m. -U.r cblldND wW M pl'O'f'lded 1ly 1..red to .upport a aallonall1 'l'be procram each WednMdq I =nae the wonhip hour which reooplMd wpn1laUoll of mcb tTenlnc ln Lent bestu wUll a pot ei-. at etpt o'clock '"nae ~c llt&lun u th• A.m.ne.a fte4 luck dlnller for r.-m .. at 1 :15 la cordially larited," ltat. 'Ute C1'ou. 1, p.m. Each famil1 Je uked to llrtnc puior, th• Jtn, Roy A. can.on. Sermon Tells How Good is Available B. I. Methodist • Youth to Visit · Jewish Temple Tb.• power ol Ood ud Illa abun· lo that lbey ml&'llt betur W1dar· dant podneM I.a apouaded In tM It.and Uaelr awn CbrlaU&n berttare. S\mday i.e.--BennOD on .. Bub-i. JOUlba trbo will jotn the Bal· ll&Ace" la all Chrlait1an Science cburebd. bo& Ja1u4 Ooau11Wlll7 Melbodbt "God la able to make all 1nce Cbmdl cm Palm BundaJ, April 3. abound towvd you; that ye. al· wtll Yialt Temple Beth Sholom, -ya bavtn1 all llUfflcl-cy la all Santa Ana. on Friday n-tn.lllr. thlnp, may abound lo every SoOd Tb• rrouP will be accompanied work," rude tM G<>Wen Tut from by their parent. and Uu1r minl1tcr, II Cortnthlana (9:8). I.he Rev. Donald 0. Sapp, who I• In Lu.ke'• Goepel (11:111, 19-82) cODduettnr Friday afternoon cleaa- JelU.I couneela. "a man'• life con-el tn church membenihlp for the st.teth aot ln the abundance of youlb. Since Ul• office ot ClvU 0.- ferue hu reactivated, the Ameri- can Red Crou Headquart.en office report.I an lncreaaed lnter•t and demand :<for J'trat A.Id Cl&Mff, which are now In .... ton aad are being held at tbe Tar Pit on Bal· boa Blvd. in Newport Beach. A 11ncere effor t la be1~ made by workeni. who are the volun· ten aollcllorw of the American Rl'<i Croea Fund Ca.mpatp or 19M, to reach the budget goal of $23.800 fO'lf the Nr.A'port-Coata Mesa Branch. J Your contribution will help mt.kt the quota. 8:f~ aervlce of worlhlp at the Temple. Youth who will a ttend lncludt' Brook•, Bit.Ir, Bill Ferry, Sandra Fleer, Allen GuenUler, Vallerte Lowen, Su..n Nl'aly, Ma.rilyn Shooter, Nt.n<'y Shooter and Lance District No. 6 1. lllC...... c......... who Is ... Watcla Dot of ... Taxpayer's Money. ' 2. Th Coacilllla11 who always votes for the benefit of All ·ttte people and Wl.o caa aot be pressW.d by a Few to vote for the interests of a Few. ' 3. The CouncHman who believes no ori)anlzation should have an un· Hmited expense account with tax• payen money. Councilman Smith le Sure -SafecJuard your tax lllOll•Y expendittlres -It's money being spent -don't let any one spend it frHly. ('7 Oounellmen to be elected-vot.e for one In eecb dist.rid) VOTE FOR ANDREW W. SMITH of And""' W. Kmltla [81 'l llF.JilE GIRL -Sheerin Wirtz, 11, of M&ryaville, a paraly.i1 victim, is California'• 195:5 Euler Seal girl. She wu aelected from among thousands of handicapped younptera for btr role by the California Society for Crippled Children and Adults because of her rapid pro- gress toward recovery from her handica p. Here Sheerin appeals to all Californiaia to support the 1966 Euler s..1 campaign, which ('xtenda from March 10 to Easter Sunday. the thlnp wt\lch h• JIOIM&let.h. They will be rreeted at 1 :20 p.m. ... Alld -k not Y• what ye aball by Rabbi PbJJUp Roeenbers who eat, or what )'• lhall drtnk, ... will uplaln t he Jewllh worship. For . . • your Father knowet.h The KJ'OUP will then rem•ln for an Ulat ')'e b&Yt Mid Of lMll thinp. Crttnlrl\f. ·----------. .. -19'~~---------im••-------~ AT LUTHERAN CHURCH Film on 'India Today' To Show Here Friday Havtnc re<:niUy ntumed from a tnp around Ule wor ld, the IUv. Arnold M. Maah• of Tilled&. Wlec. wlll pre•ent a •umma ry of el1bt month• In India In a •upcrb color· eel. mm to be •hoWll at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ln New· port Helcbt.a oa Frid-.,, Marda 11 at 7:30 p.m. Durln&' World War II Maah.9 Mrved .. a chapJaia In Ole .Air Force, a lt.alnlnc I.be rank of Lt. Colonel. Since the war he h .. been on a trip around .u<e world vt•lt· Ille Pt.go Paso, n jt, New Zff· land. Auatralla. Tum&Ala, New Oulnat., C.ylon, India, Italy and Germany. Col. Mu.ha 11 a prof...Uont.I photo1T•Ph•r, a trallltd eoclolo,tat. author, leC'turer t.nd world travel- ler. Hl1 film "India Today" II the neult or eight month• of photo- cnphy, thouMnda of mllu of trav- e l and obftrvallona. A1 he con· aderw India to be the key to the Orient. hi• film preeeat.a UM bacll· r round ot that C"Ountry. The film "India Today" la a penorama ot every day life de-•snt<t to (Ive Amertc•na a new u ci.ntandlnr and apprecla Uon of f PolflluJ Adve..U..ment 1 VOTE FOii ••• But rat.her 8'11k ye lbe kingdom of Ood; and all thue thine• aht.ll be added unto you ••• tor It I.a your l"alher'1 pod pleuure to stn you the klll1dom. .. "ChrlaUanlt7 cau.u men to tum natuna.lly from matter to 8pt.rtt. .. Ul• flower wnaa trom darkae• to Usht," Kary Baker Eddy •Y• la "Science and He&llb wtlb Key to Ule 8crtpWrM." SIM fw1lMr de- claru, -ni. teelimony of Ula cor- poreal -~ can.not IAfonn u. wbat &a r-1 and •bat I.a delll&in. but the renl&Uou ot Clu1.IUaD 9dence Wllock th• treuuree ol TruUL" (pp. 4~. 70). IL8wrence· H."larry"BERGERONj X I District No. 1 WEST NEWPORT PROPERTY OWNER MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE < 22 ,._.. with City of Los Ant•l•1 Fire D.,....,...._ > NOW ON SERVICE PENSION ASSOCIATED WITH ORANGE COAST COWGI DIPARTMINT OF ATHLETICS Will give West Newpoa I n10re active repre .. ntatlon than It hps hacl In the past. Be Sure to VOTE· MARCH 15th 1955 (7 COUNCILMEN TO II IUCTID VOTE FOR ONE IN !ACH DISTRICT West Newport Friends of Lawrence H. ( L.rry J lertt~on ~ew day I New Dodge I New driving discovery I ·Take colllIDand. •• get the thrill f1rSt hand! I • ! Ji&\! I ~ I Y..-W..., 1'8 • llllllY• Mllwl, I , .. , • w111t 1t'1 lu to rvlt tllt Tiie Mir• 11 " yoar tlllllftipe 11 I n .. ·, .. _,,.,. ....... ," tlli• I ,.. ... 111ic11 n •• t Dldll....., Wlllb )ICIM ID lhciMr I 1-.d 11 1\11111111 etyle. Evwy llllr-you slip lllt Powerrtita aanp 193 ·ll.p. 1irm fHyp1 t nalne. 1 You di~ smoottler, ...., lttl· ta. -Dldll lor ,_..I I ........ la _,. '1.lr1 1tr S..... illtt .. Driw'' Jlllitiolt. I WinMJ: l'an A~ llOld lt1ta. Of·r1Pf looC "°"" Bnld"C. -------~-t--------------4---------------r--------------i----~---~-~- ~ I I , ............. Cir• lit .......... •llllly. , .... ............. tbt-1 '" "" ..... .,...... Oii tM _,d_ s.._ around ~ ... lflaldll,.. 11 .......... Domn't matter whether you're fftD CliMi"f about a new earl We toa"' rou to T• ,_ • .,_.,NI,.. flalr-t..._. Oocill II .... IM "Olli'•~,,..~· ...... ~ ,_.,.,_. ....... O•l"A -Dodi' 11 IP to 9 llldlls loftCtr ..... ~~--·· ,._., DM1 .. ..,...,, nit bl I -~ C111b illt t 11tti. ... tllM t11e ·io. ,,a ...,.. r ........ ~ """' LI-V-1 YM •• lltow ,...,,... ......_ t11l'l•9\•,..,. ,..., s-.,i""' ,_ ....... ,_, ... d.-""' ,_, -· .............. -. __ .., ---Ill Drive the New drift the new Dodp to •titlJ Jour OI09I ~ about t.be.,. that'• eamiq ao mueh talk. No oblipt.ion. DODGE Todayl Y CN'D IGJo1 flftll1 miaut.a. Come OC illl .. O'BRIEN M_OTORS 161D Newport llvcl. COSTA MESA , ••• .. ... .· ·- ; ' I .. ~ U•, ...... :·.:~: , • t. • • ... . , Lo8s of p<"rs11na1 laundry valurd at JSO WU r<!pOrtl'd Monday t o J>O· lire ~y F!'<'d t:rimf'•. 304 Und St. He said the bundle rf'll from h1a car eomewhf're aJnni Co&at Hlrh· way. llA.alNI: l 't'HOUJTEMUllQ ffOA 1 00\'SM RAUtUA CA..'ll\1U SHOP ... ,_ 1111 114 }_ , ... " HIWPQtl lfACt;f Harold I. Johnson PrltS"'lt•f .....,..... Columbh•n aod t'f'denl .ASf'DI') , PboDt! Harbor HI tl'I I \'Ula \\lay, Newport ~ DINGHY RACE-Eighteen Lehman. competed in a five. race. eeriea held over two week~nda at Newport Harbor Y~ht. Club. Six clubs were represented but top honors went to NJIYC skippers led by Saint Cicero with Nancy Corkett eecond and Bob Davia thifd. -Beckner Photo PAGE 8 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 MARINE NEWS TIDE TA 11"L E. ..... l'tlday Karell 11 8&turday .March 12 •unday Mardi 13 Monday March lf Tueaday ~ta Wedneaday Mareb 16 'l'tlunday March 17 nm. ma11 10:38 a. m. 10:38 p. m. ll:Jll a. m. 11:08 p. m . 12:10 p. m. 11 :43 p. m. 1 :38 p. m. 0:28 a. m. Rt. 4.0 a.o 3.C t .8 2.t 4.5 2.5 f.3 l :U a. m. '4.1 6 :60 p. m. 3.0 3 :24 a. m. 4.1 6:42 p. m. 3.2 f>actilc Oayll&M. Savtnp (f nM8T FUU. LAST QVA.KTER Mar. 10 QVA&TEa MOO~ M&r. 30 Mar. 8 n- Low 41•1 a.m. ~· :2' p. "'· &:2t a. m. ,C;Cli p.m. 6:15 a.m. 5:06 p. m. 7:25 a.m. 5:19 p.m. t :OD a. m. ....... _._ ........... 10:311 .. m. 9:11 p.rn. 11:36 a. m. 111:00 p.rn. Tlm• • NEW MOON Mar. 23 Ht. 0.3 1.0 o.a 1.a 0.8 1.9 1.0 2.3 1.1 0.8 2.9 0.5 2.7 TRANSPACIFIC RACE' LIST LEADS NEWPORT-ENSENADA! Wtlh H entrlea tn the Trana- paclth' YHcht Race due !n July, U1e bh'11nial clanlc u ot today out· ~h11n1• the N,.wport En•enada run wh1<·h 111 S('l f or May. Hill Severance, president of Yachlmcn'e Luncheon, Tuellday at .Newport Harbor Yacllt Club. gave the latc•t entries. The complete list. runntnc t.n order ot entsy, boat name, rig, over·all length, owner's name and city. follows: Starhound, Ketch, 392,. Ira P. Jl'Ulmor, Pa .. dena; Queen M ag, Schooner , 77, R. L. Pringle. HoUy· wood; Morning Star, Ket.ch, 96, R. S. Rheem, San Francl.-co; Dla· 'COVE AND ROCK TO IE ILASTl!D • ·I San Clemente bland anu wlll be dangeroua to naviga· tlon th1a wee-k, Coul Guard offlclaa warned mariners. Naval guntln wtll rock Pyr- amid Cove today and t<>mor· row from a a.m . to 10 p.m. while Castle Rock will b6- blaated today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to mldnf(ht and during daylight b oura Satur- day and Sunday. mond Head, Yawl, 72, M. H. Wy------------- man. Seattle; Fair Weather, Yawl, 62.JO. Fred J . AUen, San Dle_go; Ariel. Cutter, 60, A. L. McCormick, San Ra!acl; Jada, Yawl. !'>6. G. R. Sturgis. San Marino: Baruna, Yawl, 72. JIUt\ta Michael, San Francla<'o. Water Witch. Cutter. 50.3. E. B. Fllld. Stockton ; Seadnft, Schooner, 84. L. H . J!'arwell, Palboa; Fly· Ing Cloud. Yawl, 44.10. Earl G. Corkett., Balboa; Solvelg IV, Cut· er, 36, M.apua H&lvo1'11<>n, Sydney. Aus.; NIUt\ S&ng. Ketch. 66. Louis Stathllll\, Beverly H illa: Bagatelle. Sloop, 4-4.6 ,' Wllrord Zln11meyer, Arcadia; Debit, Sloop. 38. Theo· dor~ Stephan•. Stockton; Na lu JI, Sloop. 42, Peter Ora.nt, Los An· gele11; Gulmar. Sloop, H . J . G. Johan11011, La J olla. Skyluk. Yawl, 53 6. ~an Brown, Santa Marla : Que•t. Yawl. 64.4, Howard F. Murphy, Beverly Hilla; 'l'ypee, Yawl, 47, Bill Hua. Los An(eles; Ball, Yawl, 39.4. Jack O. Helm, LA11 Angelea; Dlablo. Schooner. 60, "T&nk S. Wade, Ar· teat&; Tasco 11. Sloop, 48.6, Thom· u A . Short. San Ji'rancll1co: Cele- bes, K dch. 69, J. H. Hadden. San Francl8CO; Conl!teU.atlon, Scllooner. 711, Frank E. Hooykua, Lil Can· ada: Ramona. Schooner. J09, Wm. A. Pomeroy, Saa Francisco. Sea Belle, K etch, 36.7, E. L. Do- heny, Ikvt>rly H1U.; Eleuthera, IC.etch. 48. Earl Schenck Jr., Seat· Ue: Q.lient, Cutter, 63.4, T . l . MoNr.y, San Carloe; Tamartt. SOUTH COAST CO. Ur'll ~ Se"•por& Bh'd. Your A u tho r la e d TH A L C 0 Fihf-rx1- l>ealf'r ln the Harbor am. Bria~ your ftlNtra ~lutl problems to UL Pacific Fiberglass INSLEE RACFr-Tbe Albat:rou clus stut.~ .-al~ for the cov~t.ed Inslce HOI "" cou' HWJ. Perpetual l:l.St Sunday at Newport Harbor Yal=la C!ub.. W-Jlb Joel E!:ticb in the lead af· I'll. u s-H1I ter Sunday's racea. tbe balance of the 6tt1 • 'riin; focv.:u.I •o the next races to be Across rrom All·Amertcan Kkt. held on April 3 at. NHYC. -.BerJmer Aldo---------------~=~---~==~- LIYC Racing Roster Set for ~ext June • Hcalw Y•• Now c.,_ .. 2'nt DIV, IUW".AD-DnW E. 8mJdL. 19. -~ Jlr ........ John D. aimu., Ui 9111c ~ Rd.. ~ 8-cfll. .--dy - promot.ed t.o ~_..,a_... Lido 181' Yacht Club'• JUM r&C'• ber o1 tlle ~ ~ J>n-.. lntr rotter w ill bnl!Ue 11111t.h acu -m HnrU. vity with thf' power boat a.nd cruiser race now definitely aet for 11H--rr.pic ·~ ' C-....... llUA WOODCRAn ... AlllTED -JUVENILE FURNITURE Anr.tmr Early Americ:..n Knotty Pine CoDAOle Cabi· Mt •.• coovttt your 17" or 21" Table Model TV into a Comole ••. baa c:uton1 for easy moving Jllua - ~~~:~.~~-~. ~~~ ........... -.............. • J4 ~ C I II te U. of Mlah~ax -Stain• & V anilAh 2121 Ha._ lhd. Uberty 8-1645 Regatt.. slated for the follow~ '1lC procn.111 -C '~_,en-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilir Saturday, Jun' 11 and tbf' J une ta ~ 11-pall~ .,_I weekend of June 18-19. enoe ~ ill ...__ Conduct ed annually by the Saut.h. a dme • ..,. ZCJa a.s>- Boulhem California Cruising A• ineat'• ~ I. ~ U. flOClation. all entrantll ln Ow pov•er Army .In X05~. dlU ... ~ bout competition w1U ~ndezvowi the UN allMI "'--~ ~. al t hP Lido Clubhouse for the pN'-~ d1ctf'd log race. LlYC Direct<> r,--------------- Kellh Cordrey announced at t.M Gh • Ji r -..... latnt boa rd meeting. As hoet ciub. uvc .... u p!Tlle'nt ill Hazua wM VIiie wmneu' trophiea at the Commo- dore'• formal dlnnl."r U> bl' h4"1d Saturday evening, J une 11. at ~ cl11bhou". 11.ariDt Pw'l.. c:aem >... ,_.._ I llOn Of Jll.r _, Jin. ~ P. Jadl-ol f lJ .. ~ 0.... ..__ arrl1'ed .. a-. .,.... J.,_ I ..uty ....... WJ, ....... dlP .. J.rd M.a-Diwllllla. AITHOIY'S · MARKET * • -·• RALIAN SAUSAGE * C ;I le Stock RAUAN GROCERIF~ * uuoa1w· rr~ DEUCATESSEN ........... RAVIOU -Meat or CheMe IEER wt IMPORTED WINE ' Schooner, 11, JL Walton Wbann. In atte.ndance at lhl' March board mttUng which conVf'D«"d a t l.ho home of AUan CrlSf.'U Wf'l"f! Kenneth Klngaley . Leon Ware.. Gene Roa. JobA Carr, Hay 1.An- pnbelm, Cordrey and )(. A. An· deraon. Commodore Andenon an· nounced the following appoint· mente: Unn C. Williama u rac· tng committee chairman and M r. and Mr1. Arthur !Waume and Lt. Col. and M,... M. S. Ober Jr. u co- chairmen for the )'l'&r'a entert.llln· ~ ......,. ,..,.._ ~ -1 1lilef%11 ............ ...._ eel at B' J 0 9-y. -... ....... Y~ FETED-Racing •kippel1l of Newport Harbor Yacht Club were honored by offtoen of the club at a "brunch" held in the Chart Room on Sunday. A new event in the yuht club schedule, the auccese of this initial get-to-gether bidl fair for future occuiorua. -Beckner Photo Oreo 5t9el Fies for lllcorporatloft UCRAXEN'TO (CNS > -Oreo 8tffl Md Supply ('nmpany, an :>n.n&'e County firm, h&ll riled ar- uc:i.. ol Incorporation w1th the lecretary or 8tale'1 Or!IC'I'. The corporation was allowed l~.000 capital. D1rttlor11 are r\oyd J'. Pf'mbrok f'. 40-;' N. Jef· tnwon 8t.. Fullerton. Gordon L.. Nneba.rt. 1402 Low.-11 St., Santa Ana and Robf'rt R. Hurwlt&. 2611 Newport Blvd .. Nf'wport BeaC'h. now the BIG are quiet! Quiet al 1 kine, t..t t'-e'• a lot o( wi1dcat adioti i• thole . rup!.~Sea HorNe. Come t. aa.t i tittn to tbe foer pt ...,.w.. SU to 2S ILP. South ·coast Co. 2Jrd & Newport llwd. #>lmlOR.IZED P' ACTOIU' ~r.R \"'ICE Fire Fighting Show Here Set S1nday County to Oppose Tax Transfer Bill SAN TA ANA -WCNS) -Or- ange County Board ot Supi!rvlso,.. will oppoae "by au ml'ana nere~­ ary" an aMot>mbly bill which w ould A public d'monat.naUon on fire tra.nar«'r boRt laxallon rrorn the <1chUng wtUI different klnd.s of counly to the slate. equipm,nt used ..,.atnst varied Bill 2•92 would irwitcb tbt' p"r- tyPf!e of flrea wtJI be •t.a&'ed Sun·· 110na.I proJ>f'rty tax pre.fflllly llll· Jay, March 13, 10 a.m. at lhe aeued agal.Ml boat.a by \he coun· CO.al Guard dock by Newport Ues to lhe •tAte where tht u- Har bor J.'lolllla 2i , Div11lon 2, BeMml'nt would ~come a llrel\Jle t;mled Statea Cout Guard AuJtJ· tax on light dra!t ve11Hl1. 11ary. The harbor comml•lon drclared Al Ot>eri. ... iat.a.nl harbor m-It too wante to kMp U!e tuatlon ter and traJnl.nc ottlcer tor tb• on a local level. flolllla, mad.e arrangementa for the demon1traUon. He NJd th• public will be given an opportunity to o~nalf' the equJpment. Paw w. Hiiier wtll act u demon.ttrator. Mesa Yol•taan AMwer 11 Ca• Costa M-Volunteer nn De· partment answered nlr>e ctty and two county calla durin& tM mont.11 of Pebruary. roonthly ~port of Ralph 1-, nr" pr.ftftllon omctr, dlacle>aff. The value of prope.rty lnvolnd amounted to J4375 wtth loa held to S2S5~. 1-II.id. In ourer dl'p&rtment acUvttlea, one drill or 2~ mm wu held, thv• -~ 29 rlre prevention In· ~tlona. 26 lnftatlptlon•, ten rouUnlt lna~ttona and 11111uance of 23 bum.inc permits. Pl114JS, Coil MiulftCJ Theft or apar.k ~lugs Rnd an lp!Uoo coU from hi.a 3-4-tt. cabln ~r Happy Hour while Ued up at Newport Harbor Yacht Club waa rl'ported Saturday to poll~ by Eucen• Bartlett.. 1~ Irvine Ave .. Collta Meaa. Tb• boat wu 11nk>c:ked. he aaJ4. Parked C.. Stl'llck A. parked car WU l lnlC'K In front ot 2l20 Harbor Blvd. at 12:10 p.m. Saturday wtiea Harvf'y ~ Place, 66, of 2048 Santa Ana Ave~ Coat& Mesa, 101t control of hla auto, eo.ta Ml'A ctty police re- portf'd. Place wu traveling north on Har.&>or Blvd. when th• accident took place. StruA w .. an una t· tended Vl'hlc:le b<>longing tn Joe Ron&ld Puryu.r. 23, pobca l!&ld. BALTZ MORTUARIES OOllT A MllS.A CHAPEL J7fl Superior Aftllue Con& M-. Calit. PboH Uberty 8·21Jl CHAPEL B'f TD BEA JA20 ~ Cout Blvd. eo,..... deJ w.a.r, Ce.Ju. ftoaia 8arbcw 4.1 Brac8 Martin # roR ALL 'lOUR IN8t1RANCll Nmzoa • ~ A11to-Tl'lldr l -·Fh-Ufe LU(..'&J. AG&NT a..wuae ()fftee Libert} 8-5063 f~rty M-65S4 1793 Nt""' rt Avr., C'08t.a MrA Loa AnKelea; Esprit, Cutter. 40.6, Joel B. Coll, HonolUlu. T. H.; Cyn· jo. Ketch, 47.3, Gordon A. Allt n, Pa.a.den•: Pam, Sloop, 38.i.. Clar· wee L. Kana. San 11'r.ancU1Co. Kawamee. Kelch. 03, W. W. Valen tine. Loa Angelu; Mal Tai, Yawl, ~. J ohn s. Grilflth, Pua· dena; K.alloa, Yawl, 49.11, W . B. Clum. San FranclAlco ; Odyaaey, Yawl. 68, Rlchard Suele, New· pon. Beach. Latt11t addlUon1 list are: to lhe entry Marilyn, Ketch, 60, ~nnta Jor· dan, ~an Franciaco: Ana.capa. Cut· ter. 43, Schyler Hunt. San Fran· Cl3CO: La!f&ll. ketch 36, Mr. S~rl, Loe .An~lea; Trident. Ya~I. 40. George RoblMOn, Lo.ng &ach ; Al· l11ra, SC'hooner. 47. Hugh Jacka, San Fnt.nclaco; Man e Amt•lle. Yawl, 60. Gabriel Glaninl, Los An· i:<-lrs, Bonnl11 Doon,, Kelci\, 37. Gene Wells, Corona del Mar. Mesa lolld Rntllts Sent County Counsel Costa Meaa Union Schooi Dis- trict board of lru.,t~.-11 on Feb. 23 canvtU!llf'd bond decllon r.oturna bf Feb. 1 ~ and sign\'<! neceuuy mt>nl. Next ml't'tmg i• achedult'd for April 7 at th4" Kenneth Klng•kY ueld~ce. Womc111 leco• ..... from Allte Crasll Haul F'. R111J<. 60. of 108 E 2ht St .• Co3ta M,.811, II! r.covering rrom a broken leg 11utrered tn a recent auto 11ccldent s t Br1atoJ 8t. and Deihl Ro"d. The car w1111 ln\·olvf'd tn an ac· cldent with a two-ton truck dri'ff11 . by Earl W . Chne of Lo~ Beach I and a plclrup truck rf'JUll'M to Valtnllno 0. Cannan llo, 187 W. Wll1<>n St.. Corte Mna.. police u1d. Calllom la Highway Patrol eald the pickup truck left ~ - of tbe accident befof'f' they aniwd.. .and Identity ot th• driver waa FIOt dtttnnlned. pa~ra for presentaUon to lhe -------------. county counllf'I. Six abs1>nte~ bAI· Iota proVlded approximately the aame marctn ln favor of lhe boods u Ul9 elect.ion. belng 6-l for ap- proval. It WU &.ntlOUnced by Su~ er1ntl'ndent Everett Rea.. The ac:bool bond. carried by rnora than 6·1 In the election with a total of 1388 for and 218 aplnat. Sought wu lMUa.nce ot '87:1.000 In bonda plus loan or 12,· 2~,000 trom the •tate tor con· 1truct1on of MW aichoola and buUd· lng addtUorui to pruellt diatrtct 9Cboola. JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean , Merine end General Insurance * om..: Ooe• ... Bull ...... l..DhtJ 8-11711 .............. 0. .......... ...... e ..... ..._ e IMte.lhM1• STAFFORD & ION "NELB and DOC" ll:Ll:CTIUCAL OOSTKACTOM no.. Ubert7 ..... &1"'9Ne A\'UM l'>ewpwt ...... RESIOENTIA-l-I NDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE oa TOO SMALL UO IOtb St.. Newport 8eae.b i.tatbor %.m ol OU.. T . IL Thy -or .. wlJ ~ &1 ea.,.~ -OrMia.. --T .... a Weall-T:• a.a .. 1t:lt p.a. .. CATI!& 'IO &POaT nl!llllNO BOATB J.,.._ . I PollUcal AdverU..mMt) for -·councilman Distrid 1 ( Col'Oll& del Mal') Elect James B. Stoddard ,. .1 le II• De TlllE 11~ EXPERIENCE • l«JBINIJENT. lflDMOfff by no OM group Of individual. • NATIVE CAUFOINAN, CJFecluete of Y lifomi• lnsti- .... J Tec:t.olocJy in 1935 •nd •visitor to Newport ...... ~ yeen. • lf5IOFNT .... PROPUTY OWNER for the last nine ,...... • MB ... Sclioal Board Newport BHch since 1952. • IOAT OWNER. NfioMly •nown for work in United St... Power Squedrons. • MBVIEWB> • cunetri euues: ., • 1S1,. tt.. Counca .-,W be ,9iven the power-to grant ., d-J ,.....sts for tu money from any proper source ~ the CHAMIE:R Of CO,MMERCE and I support PROPOSITION NO. I." ' ., .. lpf'a1ed to Oil DEVELOPMENT within the residen· tMI lillllib of Newport Mel from profeuional er,,_rience • • ...giu .. • I .,,. competent to draft anci implement ..,., ,_.._ 1estwictioN to our CHARTER when, as and if ...c 111.; fo ...,. our city ertd its environs clear of this R"'JRICe ...... TAX ECONOMY is ,...er.d IUT wise spending of ta_, ia •MUST." lnllfrity_ L NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH· 10, 1955 .. B~TJ'ER UP -Third Bas .. PART FOUR , PAGE . ONE Bucs Bid For Third Crown • By BILL PHILLIPS Among' I.he al.rn-of 1pr1n1' In the H.,._ bor Arta I• Coach W endell PlckeN' 0 l"Ull'• ceut Colle1e butball team. st.run,. oa March 18 on I.he Ml. San Antonio dia- mond, the Pirate aquad train baltlq •)'M on a thtrd 1traJght Euttrn Confuence championship. The lnlUal i!Qn'lt loop con• teat takea plare on the OCC campu11 again1t San Bernardino March 22. The Meaamen of Coach Plr ke1u ha ve a t-ecord of three le.gue bunt.1n11 out of 1ht yeara of psrllclpatlon m the d lamon4 do1ng1. "l fer! sood a bout thla year'a ~ ti.II prospects, too," aver• r1rkin11. Although the practice lt'UOn wu no more than BO-IO, a top-notch pltrher and a pair of kl.'y infleldera were delayc>d IA joiniJlC' the horaehlde aquad by the bultet• ball IM!aaon. "lo'rankly,"' Picken• n'pC>rta, "I think by the Ume league ploy 1tarta. we'll b4! one of t he Miter outn t1 1n South• ern California.'' He frela the ·~ Bue venuon may ~ a lltUe more 1ohd than Jut year'a champe, despite Jacking the experienced chucltlnl' provided by Ted Hnrera. Lut y .. r'I mound aC'e 11 now heading Into • profH· 11on11J b11se~ll can~r wtth the Oakland Acorn11 of the Pa<'lt1r Coast LellC'lJt. Juat rounding lnlo shape for the M-- men. howevl'r, 11 Pitcher Jerry Rice, a great hulk or 11. man. Reco:ntly jolnlnl' the nine wrre Flr.111 Sacker Georgi-Blllhop and Caylf' Herbel, l(U&rd1an of lhe hot corner. John f:Klrada upably handll'd third b&M dut1"" Jurrnic the-spring prartl<'e aeaaon.. To 11lrengthf'n th" club, Plrkena wlll prob- a bly move E11troda into left pa.ature where Henry OeC'l\.~11 u1 rurrf'n tly roving. , er Tony Lombardo are two regu -----~eh~d~H · hisdtivetowud Brrbd • a anootb-fielding returning letterman ; Lorn· budo is a freshman backstop who hu worked hia way into die' SUrt:lng ttne=up. -=0CC P?IO'COI "----·-·-·-·-··-· Veteran Bobby Wt>lztl holds down I.he .11hort,.top poslt11m, buc can exJMICl oppo91- t ion for lhe apot trom F"rf>ddle Gambol. --~rim--rwnn11~-•n ... n,..t,_...,PIB .. '""'•1i" ... ,,._ _______ _ third successive league championship for the Pinta. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! LINE DRIVE -Buddy P~erce. 8<'COnd aacktt for Orange Coast. ~ a M>lid hit in practice tilt with Long B<-ach. P1t'r« 111 a rookie •ho has broil~ tnto the' Pirate start· ing lineup. OFF THE BOARDS -Peppy little Outfielder Pat Ro- berta goe9 high in air against centerfield fence to spear a ball that had "home run'' engraved on the cover. Ro- berta ia a returning letterman and one of the leading aluggen for the Plralel. A"'Al' AND RUSNISG -Pitcher Don Leigh demon· st.rates his alacrity ·on the pathways during practice at Orange Coast College. Lei~h. a freshman find on the rubber, is also a valuable hitter for Coach Wend<'ll Pick- ens' nine. rrtw 11hape11 up with Tony Lombardo, All· C11tholir l!elerllon lul aeuon, behind th• plate, Buddy 1'1,.rl'l', aecond ~; Roland Hill, f1111teat man on the baae pelha. la cenlerflrld, and I 'at Roberta In ri&'ht field. Bolalered by R ice, the Buca should be adequate on the hill. Ullle Don Lelp holda crPtJJl for thrrt-practice" vlctorte-lhla -. ion and h ... rtce1ved food bullpen aid from atrlngbean Weyne Coughtrf'(' It will take a m l&hly alronr Eulem Conference ball club t.o deny OCC Ila Ullrd ~ralght pennanL The Bue1 cop~d the tlac ~ 19•9. th .. lr flntt year Jn com~llllon. Came a diamond drou&bl, lhtn • pa.Ir of c fOWNI tn a row, lll&rllnr tn lt~S. J>tck•NI and c~ aee no nMd of •ndlnr a rood thin&'.• OUT AT TIURD -John Estrada. P1rate'11 fl<>My thtTd baseman, com<'ft up with the ball in plenty of time to &eore a putout on a Lnn~ lk11 ch runner in recent pra.c· lice game. Orange Coast frll before Long ~ach 5-0. BIG STU."l'Cll -George 8ilbop fl.Ip dow1I a prs to first but in recent ~ bl.ehUJ ad:ioa.. Billlbop iii ft- twuing letterman who hdd down &wt for IMt ,_,.... ~ Conference rhamr.:· p Bue'! In addition to OVTFIEUlER IN¥JRED -Pat Robert.8, regular OCC oulnelder. went out of act.Ion with an In jured ankle in recent practice game with Long Beach City College. Roberta will be sidelined for a number of weeks. Looking on are Bob Blscaihu, ~rge Blabop. lAny Btrgeron. trainer (kneeling), Coach Wendell Picken., and JohD EArada. .Im acellent fieldin;,, ability, he I ~ks r. Y. •• llop at the plate. ; PAGE 2 • PART1V -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 I' ~ $25 CAR SOLD FOR $975 IN JUDGE'S COURT liNT A. Alf A f OCNa) ~ .A. •• ear mid for St'7~ twre ,.. oeaUyl The ..U.r: au,.n. Court JucSc• Robert Gudller. The 111419 wu Jte-in•• U.. probate of t.he Mt&t.ew Ala J . ear-.. A ltol C"tebn?" tourtnr ear and PW1M wuupfor8&k.ftea,...... ...iue wu dtw'oeedl at -.. Otten •t&rWd at •1• ... 1f0rked up to the m~ offend by O.Orr• I:. Willi&ma. Kem• ben oft.he Horwle• c.arn.,. Club were tn OD U.. 9P(r1te4 biddln&'. ......, ~-----~ T 011tm1de11 . · Debate Merger AT HELM-Dick Stewart at the wheel of the cruiaer Paisano, ready to start what for him will be a two-week cruise south after fish. Mr. and Mra. Stewart sailed Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long for southern Mex- 40 ET 8 LOCALS GREET IRASS HERE 1 ~;SANS TO MEXICO The con ll'O'ttrstal que9tloa el "ahould ciUa of Ooeta Kea and Nnrport Beach Merge" wu aub- ject of Udo Toutmutera Club on March 1. Toutmuter wu Ray L'ICcluae. ColUleMU8 of the 12 membera wu that there wu llt· tie hope of the cJUa merstnc. Gue.U were Jolla Hotat. Toe.a- muter ere& Coftl'DOC' end JerrJ Broclunan, deputJ 19ft"M>r; t.e Greener. preltdeit of U.. Beal Beach Toaatmuten. Jack Broer· ln• wu voted tn u a membe.r. A~ and duce &turday llilbt feted national and atate.leaderi of the Alllerican_ Lesion 40 et 8 orpnlaaUon at the Newport Beach American Legion ball. From left, front row, Roy Barter, crand hlatorian from Monterey Park; Joeeph T. Montel~one, grand chef de pn from San Francilco; J Earl Simpeon, chet de chemin de fer l955 from Tuia; A. L. Vaque, cbemlnot naUonale, Eacondido. Back row, J ohn Connell, grand chem.lnot from Palm Sprlnp and Frank Webber: chef de gare, Voiture 527, Or- &DP C-oanty from Buena Park. -Staff Pboto Paisano Leaves Harbor on Mexican Fishing Cruise Spe&ken were Charla Hemm, Joe Martin. Dick Opp, IMYe Bol· man, Otto Ooethel, Wbo wu wla· ner of the cup. Bia aub.Jec:t .,.. "Crime IA Neftd&." l:Yaluaton Freeway Desig11tio1 Protest A1t~orized by Mesi Chamber The crul~r "Palaano" aalled giving her a ldhJ crut1lnr radlUI were Burton Beck. Bob Penin. Al A. MP1'aJ' eommltt• wea au.- N F Id k Cuaollto ap4 DeWitt WCll'Celter from ewport Beach r ay even· at 11 note. &lld Hannan Windham. Chief n&l· tbartM4 ncmU7 117 Coata ..._ Ing tor a trip Into llOUthem Mexl· Thia I• the third trip Into eouth-i"'ha-w ol CGaulMree bo&rd ot can water• after fish. On her were ern Mexican watera tor tfte Stew· uator wu Hup MJ'll&lt. IA tll• blpway dutrnauon," th• chamber preeldent advlHd, •·we wU1 b&ve to orp.nl&e and put the praaaure on.• •Ion on Feb. 28. The commltt ... approved It, 1ccordln1 to BamH. Mr. and Mr1. Dick Stewart, 393 arts. The other two trips haw• bN'n I dlncton to ~ lb• lrMtnl.7 Del Mar. Coata Ml'sa; the owner•. on their own motor 1aller, Oracloua Dixons & .L H5G0 dNlpatioa ol Newport BlYd. from Mr. and Mra. Carl Long of Pasa-Me. flllall ~ 1tUa SL to lh9& DrtYe. Pneidat TIME OVT-Mre. Carl Long of Pasadena and Mrs. Dick dena: and Mr. 11nd Mr11. Pat Ku· D I Sult o-H~ wU1 name lb• Stewart ot Costa Mesa take a minute off from stowing blc.-hek of San Marino. and tt we had uaed the monfy mttagel .. committee. The dlrestora rave Committee Okays OH Resolution or,J,oml Control Rourhty, the reeolutlon provtd•• that whereu off1hore drllltnr II a problem to all. te(l.llatlon ot ll 11 a r eneral concern and whereu no local rl'g11latlon 11 now allowed under th1 public re•o11rce1 eocle. the documenl memorl11llud all 1tate legl11latora to consider fav· orably kglelallon whlrh would allow clty and county control. The documt'nl uked ltgial11l on to allow city an.I county parllclpa· llnn In "'1111111 .. 11011 .if 1 i.'l(lllot111n9 cont rnllln~ "l1<lttn•I" l'll \', 1.'JI dnll· 1ng. what seemed to them like tona of stores for the trip Thfy expect tu atop at San which went to Cblang KaJ-Shek, Aftll'llMf Sanrrhl UM committee authorfty to t&Jte the at&rted Friday for southern Mexican waters. Mrs. th•n so where reporta or tlah take m-l to ~ Chlna whl Jll,~ ktp• ~ .. D~go for tu~ and ciearance~a~n~d~wie~cio:u;w~;ha~,~~~p~ro~v~~:~~~f=~~~f:o:r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~ Lo ia wife O!_~~wner Of the xach_!.f!-l_sanO,..Q.G.\W . .,'.__.t'!t~hS,!!l4~..Ja,oel~rAL...aa....-SANTA A NA (OCNl )-Oalm· change cl&Mtflcallon of the frtt· A ruolullon giving communities A (;runJ l11tal 11( J 11:1:, :!~2 auto· .,. _______ ,..-f...,..-m-_c_r_u-:iae. -Staff Photos mlle1 from Cape San Luca., u quuUon wu not lnr faulty colUlt.IUCUon by lbe ~ way to a divided hlrhway without nur Udel11nd.'I 011 operations i;om1· I nH1lnki1, t 1 "' k1'. nn1I hu ··•" r n1 "1 • farthert'1t point eouth tor the trip. an.swned. fendant waa ruponslble for a firi'., .ervice roada or fendni;. cont rol over pros~l\·c orfshort' eJ < 'ahr.1111 1>1 th1 1o111·h tm11h-r 11111H· In two week1 thty expect to be Later. a man •tlU wanted It Mr. and Mra. Kenneth W . Dixon, Huddleston lnformed the dlrec· drtlllng wa.. •ponsored by orange! 101tln1• t.4Jtu11111 .i1111n,,: th1· yo nr BANK FIGURES SHOW HUGE GROWTH IN ORANGE COUNTY back a t La Pu from where the answered., put tn ln a much more 14'0 W, Bay Avt .• Newport Beach. tora only one prote1t had been re-County'• Aast>mblym11n L e Ko Y w:. I. Tiu .. 111:111 1' • • pr.•:-••nt :-1111 in· Stewartl will fly home. Th.e yacht ICholarly fonn, If. under the ex· Friday filed a '3500 ault apinat «lved by the •tale highway d e· Lyon and RobPrt L.. Barnes, Hal· I crr•11sc v( 7tl.1•:.'I "'"'r 1 hnt f"r 11 expected back In Newport Har-pan1Jonl111n of totalltarlanlnn, a nd George and Marte SancheL partment acalnat the COIL& Me1a boa Bay Shorea at the Stale lte-19(>:1. wh,.11 3.7~•8.!12 l m111ur vrhli I· bor during Euler week. It we r et dl8trma.ment, how can The plelnUfC. uaert Oley bougtit rne-ay ... If we want any chan•u publican Central Comnnttee l l'S· "" cntrred llw 1t11tl'. "Pal1ano" 111 a 63·ft. lwln 1erew we avoid war! the hqU1e at the abo¥e addrHa -------'-'--------------------------------- crul1er. The two englnea a re 1~ To which Mr. Sayre. patience from the defendant.. Aprtl l!i, ltM. heir"" puw1•r .i1 .. 111·ls an1I the yacht nearly worn out. snapped. "J!>ln They aay the bulldlnJ had bec:a Greater Percenta«Je Increase Than L A. County Recorded ! hft• u i:.i10.11allon fut'I cnpnclty the Civil Llbrrlles t.:nlon-1'' conatrucl~ lhrtt years ptt'riou-. 8AYRl':'S Hlli TORY ly by the defendant.a. lJy f111ce: an1I 11t1 .,Kac1I the "whit<' Sayre wns titted In 1936 a mem· The plalntlff1 claim nqllguit I 'h Ar and unlawtul coMtrucUon of a rae 11.an a 1011" 11a 1:.111 111 C urn, • 1 btr or the Civil Ll~rtlu Union 11cs, l'!o111h Anir lira. \\hr rc In· and a member of the Fellow11hlp gareg-e bumu. They ('Ontend It l J I wu connected to ~ terra colt.a .111.nl'. X1•~11w . ., <'11111• ••' 11n1 apan-ri f Rcronclllatlon. "11.~tcd In the SANTA .ANA COCNSl -A rt'· port rel<'Hl'd recently by the re· 1wnrd1 <Jepa1 tment or the Security 1-'1r~l :-:at1onal 11ank of Ui111 An· 1,tl!•11 llhOWl"\I lhll amalJng g rowth at vranc• <.:ounty. On a JIUC*I~• b&IU, the rhartl dJ.wcJONd, ~ Oowlt7 &I f&r •urpe.ullll rapid· axpandl,_. I ..oe AJ\Jelea county. J'rom 1960 lh rouch IBM Oran•• County'• vaJ. uauon on buUdlnJ permit.I haa •nown a plUI 2•7.7 per cent or rhanc• •ratn1t p ha a.a for Loi Anrelea County. Hl'GE DICar;ur; In the 19~4-~3 apan alone thl1 rounty came throuch with 64 2 t otal l.Dcre ... on all pennlt1 u <'omp&red to •·• tor the neighbor· Ins county over the ume penoo. In lha matter of dwelllnr un1t1 Oranr• County boomed to plUI 86 percent tncrt&M to Loe Anr;elu County't '-2 OYU Ule put year. BaMd on 1000 populAllon the valuation of Or&nS'• County build· Ing ~rmlll In 19~• waa 1737,000 1t.acked aralnlt Loi A n g ie I e • c~unty'a us..ooo. Tb• county to lh• north, of courea, 'boallta a lnm111ndoU1 edr• I I l flue and heat waa conducted In gross rtgllt-u. 1howlng RSI , 12•1.-• ,. \\•'!I• fl'fl '" tn ,.. "' r r n•l•'n s 1<11ppl!'mrnlRry 8('Cl1on of th• from the tkl• to tile hOUM frame. 42.'i,UI)() hHal vah1atton J,1 •1 ~ ~ur n fin ,., "11"1'1 ... ~· 11'" irnd where 'Gulde to Subvn11lve Organization 011 87,1 Ml t.lwt'lllng 11111t.... c 11 .111gc 1 1 ht•\' ~1"7.1·<1 ' .l.•·N 1"' tor ldcnml· And Publlcatlon11.' pnpared and Th• Dlxoni atJere a fire reailt.. c · .. 11111.v revc11lt>d S:.! 1 i .311 tit111 \•ult11· tk~ 111 llw H• >-• r \\ •11" relf!U<'d by the Committee on Un-::'on'::;;.!:: :~!::! J~~=~ l<>l81 ll('lltt<'r<'<I O\ l'r 18,620 J\\ ell· · c '••111111u111,..n 1 ~.I\ N <in the other Am<'rlcan Acllvltlu, United Stat.ff -··- lnl' unita. hi<nd, rhnt we ll•m'l have rat:e llou.e of ftep,_t&U,,.., w.-. N~aT nrrB r1 <'Ju'1lre.11 like th!'y do 111 I.he tnct-. D . C." (.,..e lie>, lllleftatlll \\'Nil. And thl1 rn al<u a •trong IQ-port, Ben&U lnvuUpttnr com-The blrgelt bu!Jder ln the C'OUn· ty'1 115 cltlu during t he put year wu booming AJ\ahelm. with S34,· •U.000 total n Juatlon on 2,891 dwelling um ts. ="ext ln llne wu Fulletton a t S2~.808 000 total v&lue on 2258 units. Santa Ano hit S16,042.000 units; But'na Park '8. 786, With 738 units: ="t'wport Bea.ch. $7,9~3.000, 498 unlt11; Or· an.&e, $6,387.~. 6:)7 unita; La Ha bra; u .011,000. 234 UlllUI. ("ol!ta Mcs11. H .. 160.000, 36i units. Se_n Clemente. Sl.782,000, 150 unite; Pl11cenlll!, 1 1,8.36,000, 170 units; Seal Beach. U ,177.000, 73 unite ; Laguna Bl'ach. I J,462,· 000, 9• units: Brea, $1 ,633,000, 136 unite; Hunllnglon Bearh , 1600,000, n untt.11, and Tu1t1n, SS0,000, St\'en dwelling unl11. In the unincorporated area build· lnr total valuation 1oared to '100.'17,000 In 193• on 9,011 dwellln1 unit.a. 11ppt•:1I, thel they 1lon't practice mlttee on Education, publlabed tn t•·nchlni:~ Of c '111 11-1, but try to 19:13 by the State of Calltom1a ). <'"Wr It up with IAlk n( ·brotherly The "Civil LJbertJu Unlon wu ltwc-· tn 1938 vicP-chalrmanned by 811- TO c o.t::\.l'T hop Edward L. Par90n1 (retJ~ ·I 11m n111 t.B\ 1ni: that these Episcopal Dloceae, of San Fran· char>:• s art' t 1 w, <•nly that we cLwco), 1pon10r of the Communilt •houf.I AC'e 11111 •eh"" 9, otherll 11ee C&llfom ta Labor School, bo&rd u~. An I \\hllt I~ the wa,· nut tor member or Communist front NI · the °"' orl I tod&) ~ I think the tJonal Sharec:roppens Fund. orran· ch11nr,. mrrhl Ill' nloni: the lino I tzed f11r the purpo1a or c~Unr df':1n 1hr, thnl 1•f p ,11 • (UI ro-ex1sl· agit1 Uon and dlu t'ntlon ln 9'11· rnrr. \'1111 1 int 1 •tlllhlnt ~plrttunl cultura l dlatrlct1 throughout the lu1c<' with \t••h n1 r 11n•I thr c-arly t:nitertStatu,among27Commun· ('hr 11111:in rhun h \\'f nl all nut 11111 A lat frnnta. Par110n1 11 one ot th• pnt•1!1•t • r 1..uni7.;1t1un We ca n't spontors of Ffderallon for Jlepe&l t1er\'I' bnth U•"I nntl Mn rs, nnd out or the Levering Act." of " r r11r1(1111nr1 ""'• hi' " rr11urrcc· tlnn for p..n, r .. f Polltlcal Advf'rllnment) VOTE Priest A~vocates Co-e1idence With l111i1 in Talk on Mesi M r. Knyrr \\.tll ri nd,v In 11nawer Qllf'l'llt•nl', \\'1th R11 11111f1l'ncc that lnclucl"1I «-I.Inly, i;c .. 1d <'hurt'hmtn ftnrl wnm•'ll 11n1f \llltngr r e1111;tr bNIVl'I ~. Wllh "'" h 'I"' 1 lrs 1111 "Are there r hurchr• rn ll11"'" • 'Ar,. l hf'V ~Ubllttll71'•1 h\ lh• i;O\'trn· m<'nt." 11nd ·\\'hilt"" th• v worllhlp In Hul'"" Grnl ~ ' lh,. ri ult wa.t a loni: An I lnw11\'rd f 11 •., Ir chat on VIU"lnu• "n•I 1n1nolry ( •• •·' • n( I h,. plr turl' FOR By .... WDfl:n&D BARBRE ~Uni a ~acetul co-exlal· ence wtakJl &I "yet not enoush a nd w11I llOt la!'t." tht Rt\' Jnhn ~rv­ ln Sayre 1ddnaled the Cnl!ta ~le.a unit of tbe F rUowah1p of lltron· clliaUon on March I In the ~!al ball of ~ta Mua Commun· lty Methodllt Churth Kn. Harrison Sanborn op.-nr1I tile blMUng w ith a potm, · AmC'r· lu Jlnit," Md l\Cll'r a mom!'nt of allent p ray1 r. lntroduc.-<'11 \\'11 .. on Rylu (or Jl&UuJ, repru•nllltlve of lh• NallonaJ AltcK"la Uon tor Advanceme,nt or Colored People. 8A TilfJ INl'aODl'M;D Bayre, paUld·f&eed a nd white· haired Epf11COp&l lan from Nnr York, aportl'd ln the lapel of bl1 l'ra:f tult A IUJhtly wilted deep pink camellta wttb one neck of a lmOlt pu~ whit•. '"l'Jle probiem," .. a&ld, WU "Wl\&t to do aboUt ~mmunlsm." BERJOt S CllALLEHOIE Pointing out that Communlam l11m" ln which the beUef LI tbat l'nl1I nn1• '11'-CI• ~. r '"'r ... 1 tn "lnJu1Ucu can be 01Mrt.hrown tr k now depl'Mled worker1 ...,d racu can Wll \ T \\II I. II \ rrt: '\' jnln togt>t ht r and brlnat about a ··1 r Hm••n "1• 11 h,.r h.~:nrv nf ~lll'r t c-onomic 111lua t1on fnr m11n· gnbblrni: Ill' ,.•11.l ll nat1• n, en I I kl.nd ~· anl "u • '' th u'I • ,, • 'm1"• I C'O\fL'\'O RE \'OLl'TIO,'\' 11Ut>l• 1.it11· •1 "11 t•I•• 11 lh•· 111 .... nt "Thi• Communu1t1c ph1ln..or>hy." w 1• hR\" n~•·· 1 •I n,. 11 " " R• t1hhn1. h• conllnuf'd. "I• ma rr 11'<1 to Ru~· 1 hrr • ''• k• 1 • I• · 1 1)1,. ' .. 11n,1;· ~11\n patrlot1iom.'' n••11!11n1t 111 t'r (·lk In th· •• •r 11111 ,, t it'~"' "!orre m11.rr1,.d lo fdf 010,_y whir h "'h.r l "I• •Ill ;\I• " " f 1 ,,., r Pin can be a iot>rlnu~ l'Xplo11t\'I' ll•nl!"r T• xn • ,. \"II 1f '· 1 t n 1o1 whl'n 1tclllr<1 lo R ;\1~11 .. tenk faith i;tt tnto1 th•• •·•rk I '· \\• In a coming revolutlon." Thi• forct 1 obbled It In t hr flr•t 1•ilt1'" (11m1 LI compoeed ln the proportion of the lndlnn,.· Hut I 1111. "P••llkinit "three fourth• revolutionary ldu from thf' tlmr· nr \\ 111111 \\'ar I and one fourth terror and vlolenee. when R1U111la 11tar1tt1 gobblln1t. An.t Therefore, he concluded, "You tht quu t1on IJI, I( . l'ommunl~t w can't ·combat a revolutionary Idea R111111la dt'clJ1'11 11he wants In ron· with counter-V1olence ," namlnr In· tlnue le• world do1111nlnn. whr1f• rtancee ot Ole French and Ru•· '"111 wt ~ unt1t'r pr•rrf11I rn·l'll I •t · 1lan rn•oluUon1. enre ~ · Sayre quoted AmolJ ToynbM'• Theon. rollow1n1t a lonr 1r111I 1111 '7'1 World 111 Ole Wut.'' to aboW around the Robin Hood'• hR m M Ula! It wae U.. Wut, not Rutlla. Europe. lhe Mu11hall PIAn. ln•ll& that wu the .,-rueor IJI the t n· and Nehn1 • 11tt1t11dP how '",. h:id Gordon WALKER City Council ' District 6 "-__ a_v_o_r_l_o_ov_•_rlh_ro_w __ «_o_v_e_m_m_•_n_t_b_a_c_k_ed __ th_•_"''mnJ: men In _<::_'_::h_::ln.:.:"~~============~ I Pol Ill<' II I Adv,.rtlst'mt 11t I pre.en ta a 11crtou1 cb&llftlr• lo UM ( PoUUcal AdverliHment l 1 Polit lo I .A1lvrrtlMml'nt 1 Wealtm world and that there I• .,,._.;.;;.;.;.,;;;;;;..;;;,;;.;.;;.;.;;;;.;;;,;;.;;;.;.;,.;.. ___ .;.;.~.;,;,;,.;;.;..;...,... .... ______ -:"~~~~~===--=:::::-1 '1anpr of a thlrd World War lf the prt'l!tnt 1tat e cooUnuu . he a111d It ho 11lrea'1y bel'\lf\ on the propaga nt.111 front ind In •rm•· menta; th11l hope wu In appul ft> a ll churr hr io or die world. lnclud· ln1tt tho111• or Red China a.nd R1 ... ••a. to 11rirt" re11aauon of proparan· dll &nd till' race In a rmament., and to have 1tepe taken to reduee arm&mtnl8. Thi• ,. ... to tit done. he adoroeat· eod, by every locAl church lrytnr to con tributl' It. bit lo oppoee pro- J>&«&nda And Ole f'Ml• tn armunat and to "brine Into the picture t.he lea.chlng• ot our Lord wtlo founded lhe church." Ill dolng th111, we mU1t "Try lo M• the lnlth about Oommunlan and e bout ourad-.." O>mmuaJam. 8ayn 81.&ted. I• "e mlll'Wh of aac· lal W..11• Midi ..... m&lUS&I- To Voters of Newport Beach YJNt vote and lnfl•nce In the comln9 election wlH be deeply appreciated RHpectfully yours, SIGRID S. NEFF Candidate for C0111teil District 4 JUST 9tOIT1I ,, POSTOfM ,( • PAY-LESS OPIN ..... a DAY a MOUDAn AC11011 MIOHWAY llOM MOAG "°"""' NIWPOltT -w NIWPOltT •VD. -COSTA MUA OF THI .. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th O~ THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST For Your Convenience We ere open every Fri. 9:30 •.m. to 8 p.m. --- SNEAKS IN-Winner of the five-race Phelps·Terkel aeries at Newport Harbor Yacht Club wu decided in the final race as Saint Cicero, fright) ably assisted by his "finit mate" Lou, sneaked t hrough to a six-point lead over Nancy Corkett. Rear Commodore Jud Crary presents the perpetual award. -Beckner Photo Oil Control Unttlzatlon oflera lhe following: One col\trol body ot l he city gov. ernmenl &&urea operator conform- ing to rigid 1peclflcat1on. The city retaJ11.1 control ot op-C'ontlnlH'd f rom l'all' I, P1&rt llJ being developed hy the UnlversaJ ent.tlons &Jld hlre.e competent tn· CoMolldaled Oil Co., all dirrrllon· gineer11 to p rotect aJI lntert'llt.s. I think that m&ny W•)Ulfi a#(r"t'•· fin a lly drilled fr om a moving p1ct11re The city would be In the belll lhl' fnllowlnir points; 11tudto tut. 'fhP 11t'>undpnmr rig la 1 barg1-tinlng pollltlon for royalty I. We don•t want town lot dr1ll-i•amouflagrd to blend with the dding. log. skylin<'. UnlU.z.atlon would attract Ute 2. We W&J1t to r·t'laln re11I el!late The Limg 8 1,ach Harbor 111 pro-best operators In the buslnea•. 'l"'J lllt•s, our H arl>t.,. amt our l.101n1•" ('.hrcrni; od from five J»IY zonP8. Town Int drilling w ould be &n u lht>y Hr... L'nse<'n wells spaced 8 '""l ap.ul Im sslblllt 3. We w1111ltf Ilk~ mor., Harbor un<ler 1< rnnerete slah 1tre being P? · y. . development. IL w+·~terly "nlr11.111·f' llJ>eratNI hv thP R!chfo•ld Oil C-nr p. aJ \.C, e t~nui;t atan~:oc~ther n~w • to allevuilt-pr~H bo~L l.e&tfi.c.,. ~· 11 1111;;. t h,,. e-Hy • h& ler e ever 11t ea • too Ut. Upper !k1y cJrvd!lp11wnt. • 11· royally . we can pre t w 1 k and al the aame hme encourage 1 e nt'd nf'w "<'hou "· fllil s, TIME TO Tlll~K ordtrly dt'Velopment ot natural ~ pa,·ing,' l&n•li<•·l'j'llni;:. llll'll'Wlllk!i, I'll The11<• lh111gs 1·an be done here *>Uren ao much the better. :i. \\" c·ouhl •II UM addltlnnil th· tnu 1r 111arterl C'llrly. Surely one \"11.n Ordln&11c1'11 e galnat drllllnf have ttt•t r+"v«'nu... 'see Uml now ts the um .. for cuol, nllt protil!C'tcd other clue. from "7. M&ny "' us wc)ull'f be har•I '1·11.lm, and 1·011 .. cted lhtnklng. Thia town lot drilling. Huntington Beach pre"'°!'d lo Pd)' for th•'1<!' impn" I'· 111 no tlmf' for fear through lgnnr-h&d them, Long Beach. Seal Beach Olf'lll.A fl()01 dlr,Ct laJUl!ltln. , Off ftf"I IF.\'t·o IU'Rt' anl'f', or hyAter1a ba.~ed on art11ta and olher1. There la nothing illegal ' ' ' • • · ' ,•onc-epllon11. le1·.s get the t rue bo t the II b"•ln •11 In fact It 11 8(•fore Wt: &•'I t0<1 t'JlClll'<I ab•>Ul • 11 U O ...., l'n • th111 tl\1111: "''-' l<houlrt lllll< ou1~1\·,.,. fR•·t;i b&.'l<'tl nn. l'~l and pruent vital to our atlltld&rd ot llvlnf , but 1 1 I" 1 f<>rnianc-c \\hen 11on1eont' llRYA It can be controlled wt11.t art lhe p11M1hthl1U IJ "' "' ,.1111 • touk a l HuntlJlgtOD 1-----· -- t'Jtl11llng heore N n K"nlngil\t 1•11n li•·a,:h ..• ·look tit the lot owners. 1 T H y loret ,.11 thr prt11t11t-c nr oil but by v.lluld .tare ,;ay there' are many Utt effs OW Otl a study t•f the su1 Ille'•' a111I 11ubi.i11-1 11,.1ng iunnng UI!, tlnd property I Sell to Military fA1:r fw rn "''l'llio "8 " t.-11 ll kt>ly own,•rs h\'Jng outshJe our fal1· city I aro •;o Jn rny up1n11111 lht>rP IA "''••ry v. ho lift' n•>l ln the 011 business Accor1llng to an announcement In• "" that 1111 •toes exl•t uniter I h Id d th ti I ,, hy Co11gre1111man J&me• B. Utt or w o w11u o c \'ery same 1 n.,. I Di. a • .·1a tile 11111 t1•m of the c11y. llon't feel sorry for t he pro~rty Santa Ana t R~28th LJ, anyone i..' ••• 1s Is 110 \\'hllt W1Juld he the I 1 H l t "' • 'h Ill l11trrf"al#d In ulllng hi• product.. ownt'18 n un mg o>n o•·~~ , mo b-f,:'.:~b:g.~·11~:~~lcurl ~~1~11 1~~? .. ~;~;,'.;.'~I ;;,' th~~ ar~· cor~•n~ oulbu;~~a~I. :~l~h: '~~~~~~e~l'~~~t':'e~"~.~~~ 0to tnr th<' \\"1lshlrt' Oil <::11. \\IC' ha<l 'nie "Y11 ave :h 0".,. y f ~; Sell to the Department ot 0.- fJ\Tlll!l••u l<J ev11lualP !hi' uflaho"• inrome WI morTel ~,n pa 1 urU 1 . f~n11'" by WTltlng to hla office In . 1111·on1·t'nlence. 1e r<>ny • 1 "'· 0 Of I In 1 d(•(X1111 l., ti. Huntinl(tun U'a1'h. \\e 1( they hall gotlt'n together uniter t~e Id Hou11~ fl ee Bu Id g n l'•\lmul•·ll tll111 Willi a 11p1w1ng uf t lh Id t \\ ashlngton or dlrecUy to the · a 11/Ul ag1·1•emC"n <'Y wou nu t r p t 011" w "11 lt1 :.i•, nrr,~ ... a!'h w\'11 hnve had 10 muve and tho:y would Army and A r orce rocure.men "' .. 111.1 u111111ul1 •V pro<luC'c· I 0110 000 t f 11 lnrormatlon Center, Room 732. Old bnn l'ls 1',w 1111' b1·111K 1111><1~,,,.j al btAnd to rt'<'t'lve up 0l ourl rm<'ll I l'n~l Ottlce Building . 12lh and • · v. hill Ul"Y are goini .o 1 4' rom , w hi ... H1111t1ni:rnn ll• .11 h no\v '" brir.glni;: 1 1 t I tnnaylvanla A••·• All n,..on, • 01 df'Vf' upnwn . D c a pp1.1i.1rnul··lv f '.? ~I I'' r h;111l'I /\1 And ao our llJ'\Jiwer loo 11 unit-.. ""'" ,. " 1• ·"" 1 h•" " •ul.t b,. i I 1.1\l 1 (;niltt.e a.II lhe tll'O~rty ConKtt11aman Utt Nport• that I 1 11' 1· lht' Crnter c1oea no a.ctual procure-nu 111111 r· I ... r· 111•llle th<' c•ty hrn1la &nd even In· LiL· 1 p ur 111 "' l1twH111t thr uty · 1 l 1 ml'nt nnr doea It undertake to di ... · 'th• r11ntrulh••I d1•ve upmen rum f "I p rly di •ll•1t 11• \' or 1 .. unl{ c,.,., 11 11t .<1.-1I lll •Ul"tdr sh" uly limtt.s or lrom In· fl(ll!I!' n itny •ur,, ua pro f' • In•· , "1111 l 1 '1 1t 11 .-nl ~· h11cJ S ICIO · . 1 d .• 1 1 «"lly. lls primary m11111on ll lo · ' .•.,•lrtttl um1 a rro.s 11 rf'a Y v>neu. u d Id oou,1~111 sn lh1· ht<nk onJ an Annu1\I rurnll'h mforma on an gu ance tn<'"""' or n~ VtJO 11110, 11n•I 1<1mp1y tlOW l'S ITIZ.\ n os WORKS on rurrent procutement &tld d11· t·nultln t ~I·• n•I that mm tl 1n the TI1c lot own~r:-111gn e n 011 le&llC' poaal programs lnr the bfonetlt ot hll rhor a1. 1 111 v. h1c11 All re,.tr1r1101\ll are 11et I proapccllve blddPra, r1>pru<!nlatlY· 1.1·:1 • ... TAKf: J..011~ ,.,rth wilh devel1Jp1n.,nl proc~d-<'8 of '1lht'r ~ov.,rnment agencfea. \\'f ~htoul1I ,,.i,,. ,, ln11k RN111111I 111-.• •.llld royally to be paltl, 1 anrt leJ,'1alatlve bortlu . LEGAL NOTICE and for tl)• u ld County and Staa, raiding theretn, duly commlulon- ed and sworn, personalJy &ppt'ared CL.ARi::-;cg E . ACKERMAN and GENEVA N . ACKERMAN k nown I to me to ~ lht ptr11on• whoaf names are aubaC"ribed to the with· ua ln•Lrwntnl. and acknowledged to me that lhev eucuted the Mme. In wttneaf ~hereof, I have here- unto Ml my hand and efflxed my ofttclal 1ea1 the day a nd y1>ar ln tht. Cer tificate first above written. !•f ROBERT F . WILLMES J;ty Comm!Mlon Explru ~ovembu 16, 195~ No. 1295 Newa·Prua 2/24, 3/3, 10, 17, 19M~ NOTICE OF SAU: OF BEAL PROPEKTl' BY TRUSTEE UNDl:R DEED 01' TRUST TRL'ST NO. 111! WHEREAS, G E O RGE H. LANE, JR. and MARIANNA. N. LANE, husband an~ wil.e, by deed of trust dated October 19, 1953, recorded .November 2, 19:13 In book 2606. page 249 of Official Record• of Orange County. Calltotnla, did grant and convey the property therein and h~reln&fter deacrlbed, to the Orang e County Tttle Com· pany, u Tnu1tee, to eecure, among uther obllgation1, the payment of one note dated October 19, 11163. payable to Frank Muuelman and Evelyn M . Muuelman, huaband and Wife, aa Joint tt'nanta, or or· der, for the principal aum of $1,· 100.00, with lnterut at the rate of 6 per cent per a11num, prlncl~ and lnt ereet due In monthly ln· 1tallment.a of "o.oo each, on the lllt day of each and every month, bt'g1nnlng Decembtor l, 19113 and continuing until tully paid; and WHEREAS, default h&I occur- red In that the ln.tallment of -prtn· clpal and lntere11t due on eald note on June 1, 19~4 hu not been paid; &nd WJ{EREAS, An a1 t aal a P. Moore, owner and holder of 1ald note, hert>tofore demandt"d that LEGAL NOTICE ..,.,, NOTIC& or SAU: or REAL ASO PEK80NA1. PKOPUTY A8 A l 'NIT AT P&l\.AT E SALE No. A-U.'71 ln the Superior Court of t he State or c.Jlfom la, ln and for the County ot Orance. l n the l.t a tler ot th• l!llta le of ARTHUR C. LEITER, Deceaaed. Notice I• hereby g iven tha t the undtrelgned w ill 114!11 at pn._vete Hie, to the h lKhe•t and but bid· der, aubje~t t o confirmation of A id Superior 'Court, on or after the 11th day ot March, 1956, at the ortlce of FR.l!;D L. BROWN, JR., 621 South Spr ing Street, Loa An- r;ele. H , California, County of l..o. Anfeles, State of California, all the rl&ht, Ulle af\d . lntere1t of .. Id deceaaed at the time of death and aJl the right, title and Interest that the utate of Mid dece&led ha. acquired by operatloft of law or otherwtee other than or ln ad- dition to that of <Mid deceue<t, at the tlme of death. ln and to all.the certain r .. 1 and per110nal proJ>trtY altuate In tJ.>e City o( New'i>ort ·Beach, County ot Orange, State of Callfom l&, partJcululy ducrib- ed u follow•. to-wit: Lot 23, Block 18 of SecUon "B," Newport Beach u ahown on mape recorded In Book 4, pa1e 27 of Mlac. Mapa, Re· corda of Orange County, ca1\- fomla, the etreet a.ddre• of which 11 : 181& Wut Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Cali· tom la , tos ether with tb• mlec. hoUJ1ehold fumllhtngw located ln e&td r .. tdence, to be aold u a unit. Terme of aa.le ct.ah In lawful money of the United Stalel on conflrmauon of 1&le, or part cHh and balance evidenced by note Mcured by Mort1age or Trust Dted on tbe property ao aold. Ten per cent of amount bid lo be de· poalted With bid. Bh11 or offer• lo be In writlnc and wlll be rt'Celved at the afore· on November 19, 19:S4 d'Uly record· flrat publl<'•tlon hereof and before ed 1n the omc:e of the County Re· date of .. 1e. cordt'r ot Mid County, In boolc Da ted thla 111 day of r ebruary, 28H, pag• 221 of Official Record.a 1 n~~. thereof, a noUce ot .. id default LORING A. LEITER and of her e.lecUon to cauae Mid Executor of t he Eatata propetty to be aold and more than FRED L. BROWN Ultte monlh9 have now elas-ed AltOm t'y at L&w •Ince the recordatlon of ea.Id n~ 1121 South 8prin&' 8t~t lice. The irum of $791.02 prlncl-Loe Ancelea U , CaUfornla pal and lnte~t thereon from VAndyke 11238 April lat, 195i i. now due, owtn1 No. 1296 and unpald on aald note and there New•-Pr•• 2r24, S/10, 19M la alao •ecured by aa.ld deed of truat lhe Truatee'a ff'9 and upen- se.e ot 11&1• eeUmated at $141.110, together with any euma paid and advanced by the owner of Mid note in accordance with lhe provlalon. Of u.ld deed of trust, with lnterut on aald laat mentioned 1uma. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICJ: The undenlped doea he eby certify that he 11 conducUn a cabinet muuJacturlng bualntH a t 2371 Newport Blvd., Coeta MeM, California, ·under the tlclltlou1 firm name of P A CITIC CABINrr COMPANY -11d tbat aald firm 11 compoffd ot the following per- aou, whoae name. In tull and plac .. of ,...IMne. ar. u folJowe, to-wit : ARTHUR M . RAMBO 949 Dop ood, Co•ta Me11&, California, Wltnu e my hand thla 9lh day Of Mll'Ch, 19~. 19/ ARTHUR W. RAM.BO STATlil OJI' CALrFORNIA ) IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal the a id OranC'e County Tl.Ue Comp&ny, by virtue of the authority veeted ln It u TrwJtee under aald Dttd ot Truat, wm melt at public aucUon to tha hlgbel!l bidder tor cuh. law- tul money of the United Statea of America., on the 2lat day uf March, 195!5 at t he hour of rleven o'clock L m. of M.UL.da.y .at the aout.h front door of t he Oran1 e County Court Houn ln the City of Santa Ana, CaJllornta. aJJ ot the ln~rut conveyed to It by &aid Dud of Trust in and to •II that certain property 11tuated In the city of Newport Beach, County ot Orange, Sta te of California , de· acribed .. follow•. lo·w1t ; COUNTY OF OR.ANGE )M . Lot 63 of Tract No. 1136. u LEGAL NOTICE tor the f rtnclpal aum of S9i~ 00 With lnttrellt at the rwte of 6 pt'r cent per annum; pnnc1pel &nd ln· te~at dut In n1onlhly ln1tal1mt>nla of 1211 00 eac:h on the lat day of each month, beginnln1 March 1, 19M a.nd conllnulnc until Janu11ry 29, lt!W a t whlt-h lime tbe entlr,. unpaid '\mount of principal and lntere1t ahall bt>cnme due amJ pH~ .. abl .. : and WHERE..\S. derault h .. ex-cur-™ ln thar the payroent of tht' principal 1um due on .. Id note O[I J anuary 29, 111~• haa not been paid: and WHER~AS, H. BROWN BUSH atld KATHERINE M. BUSH. 0Wn· er11 and holden of ••Id nott, hert to· (ore demanded that 111\d Tr118l•·e llell M id propt'rty and on Novtmb· er 211. l 9~4 <tuly retord~d In 1 ht' ofSlce 'ol the County R"l'Orllt'r ot said County, Jn book 2879. pllJ:l' 212 of Official Record• th<'reof, a notice of .. Id default and of thl'lr election to cau1e Mid propnty to bt 110ld an d more than thrt'I' montha have now elapsed alnC'e tht> reoordallon of A id notice. Thi' aum ot 1903.03 p rincipa l and lntt rest thereon fro111 Auguat 1. 19~3 la now du•. owing and 411pal l! on aald note and there la alao aec-url'd by Mid deed ot truat the Trustet'a ree and expenaea of Mle l'etlmated at $UH.40, logtlher with any IUme pald and advanced by t he ownera of aald note In accordance w1lh tbe pa ovblona of aald detd ot tnut, with lntere11t on 11ald 1 .. t mentioned 1um.. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the aa.ld NEWPORJ HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV -PAGE J THURSDAY, MARCH fO, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE , Oran.:e \C111nty T IUe C"omJ'<lny by _,rlut l•t thr 1uthnr11y vutf'd 1n It n T tU,tM" Untll'r A&ld d<'t!d llf tru11t, .. ·111 •ell et publ.lc aur11on to the hlithl'11t bidder ror cuh, law· ful mnney of t he l!nlted StAtu of Aml'r1r11, on thr 4lh day of April, 19:'1!1 at th~ hour of ,.Jeven o'clock a .n1. or 1<11ld day •l Utt" 110uth rront J'oor 11f lhf\ Orange Count,-Court Hou11r In the rlty ot Sll.llt.a Ana. Callfornl&, •II or ' the lntl'reat con· l'l!'ytd to It by 1111ld deed ot tru•t in and lo all th•t rrrtatn prnpt'rty 8itu11ted In th"' County of Or.nge. Stat' ot Calltomla, deaC"rl bed u tollowa : ThP 'Northwtslqly !'IO feet ot I.he Soulheuterly 28t feet of !hi' Northe11terly 100 f~t of the ~nllthw .. sterly 330 f"4't or Lot 70 Of T ,..cl No. 376. u ahown on a map rr<'orded In book 1:'>. fllll!l' 211 of MilK'el- lant>ota Maps, records ot Or- ange County. California. ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lnatall the a bove ch•p.r tllaa moat. Aleo lf'll Ttl• It Unoleum. Non-union. 2& yeu. tJIP.ri"'"'- Compcre and •toe - BILL COKER LI 11-t2(M Tlfe C AR PE NTER Repair Work Do-. l'O\lr Rome N .. d ~"Ill OT RemodelJJw f can Frank. Uberty 1-ttM All Wor k Guaranteed TCtle PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTJl:RIO" LICENSED -lNStlRED Glenn Johnston !l-01 • 3ut BL Newport 8eAdl Harbor 3176 J 2tfe cus'rdld Builder of Homes and Boats or llO much nf said proPf'rtY a1 •hall be nt Cl'Mllr\' to b,. sold to provlde a #um 11utf1c1ent to pay the tntal amount aeC"UN'd by Mid r 0 . Homt"r Harltl'OVI', U 1·&771 dt"td of t111st. 12d9' Dat .. d: Marrti 4. 19~ ORA!l:GE C'OUNTY p AlNTING TITLE COMPANY l>ainting ,, Paper Hangiag By GEORGE A. PARKER ''The 0 __ M ,... __ B ., Prt:ctd,•nt .DCBt oney \,,A.IJ uy By c . w. BAXTER Sympson & Nollar s,<'rttar.v (Corporatl' Sul) !512 311t h St., Newport Beads No. 1300 Jl:<!wa-Presa 8/10, 17, 24 PHONE HARBOR 2•04 tie Are you having troub&e.! Let a Want Ad help you eolv1 them! Painting, Decoratin~ Paper Hanging NEWPORT HARBOR NE"'S-PRESS GEO. BURKHARD'? Lll.'ENSED CONTRACJ'OR' COASTAL 4 Uae11 4 U na 4 U ae9 SHOPPER-\\lednesdays l Paper S .75 2 Papen 1.50 S Papen 2.00 Coutal &•opper C1-Ull"d Ada mu11t run In the Moaday or Tbunday Publication MJNlMl'M AD 11.f C U N!:S AJJ ClMlitfled Adi mu•l be paid for Caah IJs ad\·aaoe of publk:aUoa. NEWPORT llARllOR l'l RUKNL~O t'O. ttl I BalbOA Blvd., Nl'wpon 84-ac-h, l'alUonal&. DEADLINES for placing or cancelUng ada are: For .Monday Publlcatwn -Mond•Y 9 a.m. For Wednuday f'\Jbllcallon -Tuuday 2 p.m. For Thurac;ta y Pu blli:at1on -Wednr81J11y l p m. Classified Index H l'oullry S7 IJve.tA>d< l FwMral NoUcee I Card of Tb&Dk• t F\meral Dln!CIA>n 10 ~<ildde 11 Bulldia& Material& 11 l!Juildtna 8erviCM H PeraoMla 15 8IMlre 't'-r Cu It T,..•ponatloa 17 BA>oft-.r 11 lkeaty Alda to llM.IUt AJcta ti Loet aad •. ouncl U k.ltoola., Ja9trtK'llOD ia saiuatto .. \\ aated it BrJp Waaa.oct IO ll1-11-" ~A 8wapa IO-B A ppltaDClt"e JI Wa.in.ed lo Bu7 II f'1ml.lb&N tor ~e n -A &adq- 11 8-ta., 8uppUM U lllmkal. Radio, T V S6 Doc-. caw, Ptta SK 8pt'dal AaAOUllClllDeat at Autoe Waated 44' Auto• for Kele CO-A Ttree a f>arte Cl Auto ~rvtee CZ TraUen CS AJrpl&nee '7 \\-14!d to Rut '3 Apte.. A ll<HlllH for Keal '8A-Apta. for ~ot UB-lloU9" tor Kea• O~TraUN tlpM"e •t Kooma fur Kt'n& Ci-A Keet Hom,.. 49·8 Koom a Boer,f 6U IW>at, MIM'. flll Hto '" a Otncn 6ll·A Hu.I-ftf'at&J• 64 .... ,.,_.. Opportwaltlea M Monry to Lo&a H Money \\a11ted 6., Kf'll.I t:1ul4! Wut.ed IU I Dt'ome Proptr1y 81 Real F.1tate E11cfaaap fl! ftf'•I r,,tatf' PAINTING EARL SH EFLIN 273 PaJmu St., ea.ta w .. Phone Llberty 8-2928. t7tle Remodel & Repair CARP ENTRY, CEMENT iLABa. pa lntlns;, plu~rt111. Depend&Me It t>xperl"ni:ed ln all bUlldlftC tradu . Cllll FOSTER BROS. LI 8-21132 or Hu . 39711·1\. 23pMb fainting le Paperhaoginc We do the work ourselve9. 30 yee,ra experience Llcenlled It lnaured. SaUatacUon auaranteed, JCatlmat .. frH. Call JolUlnla, LI 8·2687 Ir LI 8~289 81ttt COMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper ~in&' Servic:. JCUGENll 0 . 8A UNDICR.ll 000 :Jut Slrfft, Newport ee.oll Harbor 2978 or Har. 4Ut. U. House Plans LlBDlTT Mltll PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good 1oc:&J nfenmCM THOM.AB OOU. a1 ,<.,111,· , l/h• ''",, ~11tully 1 ..... A 1 u;nmvn a~cnl 111 11111Hi,,:ne<.1 the I Prospective bidders and olhera 1r •II 11 111•\ 1· 11111 111 11111,::r"ril.ll lhnt I• ltl<t!' for dc.'\•durincnt. ln t h111 11ePking to do bwdneu with the n1 .. 111 ''I'' 1 .1L1 11 """. Tht· l.H Ha· 1·.1xc I "mild rr1:<imm1'nd the Clly 1 military t'atabhshrntnta may ob- bra 11 .. 11o(hl~ r ... 1•1• nt1 II "'"" 1<; p1 v-11f ="•'"'l"'ll 131.wh ~Its the lerg-• lflln grnersl h1(orm1<t1on by ma.JI, flll1'1111r lh""i •rn<ls 111 hurl• I~ fll ''I r•I lnnilowni·r, I tr lrphone, (Ir by Clllhng In per11on p"r ''•') lr••lll , ,., 1 '"'' \\1·llN 11111 Tll" ui:• nl 1('1ly1 r e>1·e1ves t.1011, nl the Cl'nh'r. Th~ tell'phonl' num• 111 ~•.:ht, i.11111111 111111 ~m~ll. Xn1r•ll f11r llw dcV• l11pnwnl Ill b•· done llJ'ld lll'r Is Llbrrly ~-6700 . .,Ill. 6-3189. shown on a map rrcorderl m book 3i, pagea 18 and 19 of Miscelle.neous Mapa. record• ot Orange County, Callfomla, Ot thl• 9th day of Much, A. D. 1911~. betor• me, ROBERT P'. WTLL1'fE8. a Notary Public 1n and for lhe saJd County and State, r f. stdlnc lhertln, duly commtuioned a nd awom. ~rlOnally ap~ared ARTHUR M. RAMBO known to me to be the pe"90n who11e name 11 111btcrlbed to the within lnalru· men!, and acknowledged to me that he executed the A mt'. Spedal Notieee l~Businea Gukle J'or fTee tetlmat., call IQ T·lSU . 21pl4b LEGAL NOTICE "''"''vi 1 .. ~• 11>1111 '"'' h•tlf ll •.ty •mrl"Y" c·n p nee1!1 tu Ol'•'l"l!N• per- 111 ... k, 111.lrfr n Ill ~110) 1111.~ hi\\"• W•'ll• fur llHllH" 1•f c1ontrn1 l Ohllg11llo1U1. Ill'"" IHrt~ 11i1l 11111li I 1!111111•.s 1tn•I Tii t" If' All thrrc ... lt) 1t. As " IA "IU\1)4 1\llrl g.11111·11~ , h• ~·· "' 111 lllll"'l'>'lloli' fl) fit•L 1011 pl'r ('l'nl of cl f I s ... A·t6,U or 110 much of 1&1<1 properly u 1haJI be Ol'cessary to he 111'lld to provide a sum l!llfflrlcnt to pny the total a mount •e<'Ur t'd by eaJd Deed of Tru11L Dated: February 21, 1055. ORANGE COUNTY TITLE COMPANY >II •• olr 1\11·11 \\1th ~11111111 p1 n11( rtr::' Ill• lol own1•rs to l!!l~n. the 1 Y o S<mCt: TO C'REDITQRM •n•I pru1lu1, J with hyt.l11tllh1 "(("If'· t,..~ Al1j:('lrs hM nn or•hnttnrl' LESTER LESLIE 1111:i1t l111 ,,, •·J hi'I"" ~11111111.l "'' ..i "hi• h rr-ijutres lot ownl!r to shue Estate of I nwn (111 1~ thi> ••fl< 1ul111 ,1 1111· mn) .. rrly ai:11•,. l\Jl•I the non· I KAUFFMAN dece~d. to th By Oeo. A. Parker P rnldent By C. W. Baater Th•• Jo-ox Hill-' nml WPHlW<,.,.I "'!:nl're &r•' malled check• JU"l llll ;o.;nure '-herdebyU givi>n ha.! rr .. d1tora of an a per110n• •• 11r• • 1n t hi-I'll)' M L.~ Ani:•·I"" ,,. 1r lh• y had Stl;'lle,1. 1 1 th ··•d "Ace Sec1't'lary HE'S 11HAIDWAIE HEAVY" A.lUioup oUtf'T people had dlftlcUlll• n.ndi"I flab In 1964, la.I· ~tore Monal'o attma to have had tn.elcM lnlonn.llon lt thl• . array et Lrophl• h• re<-elved at Nttwpcwt Harbor TacJ\t CJub TUna Chab·1 annual TroJlh1 DIMn la any lndlcallon. Mui.er ot cer"P,monl• Ltlller Low• and trof'hy c.haJnnan Carlton ca.r- .,.,. ...Ut Monaco In hnldln,r Port Oran~e perpo-tual tor rt,.t buttoft flllh, IM luaMt tuna !I fl JMf1"'l11AI. and th• Klnpbalter l*'J"llwU tor l&r( .. t &.Iba.cure. -Be.:knu f hoto I 1ni: c J\lm• ai::a run e _, ... • dtnt or M id e1tate to ftle lhc-m 1 Wlt.h Lhl' nM:et1Mr)' vouchen In the omce of the Clerk of the Superior Courl or the State of C•llfomla. in 1111d ror the County or Oran.1t'· (Corpora~ Sn.I) 1-i publication Febn.uuy U , 19" 2Tld publication March 3. 19~ 3rd publlC'at1on Mu ch 10, 19~ No. 1292-New•r reu or l» pre11cnl the 11ame. ~.,th tll' -<l:RTJTIC'ATE OF Bt~t~-r:~ nl'cC'Mat v vourher •· to th• under-nC'J'ITIOC8 nlL'I SAME 1111(111"1 ai hb pl•<'~ o( b\111111,.n, to· The unl!n •lirnt"d do hereby w11 certify that they &re conducUng a Ht"R.Wl'TZ It Ht.'RW1TZ parktnir lot «W~plnir H rTl<'e bul!I· Atlomtya •l l..a w neas a t 192~ Harbor Blvd , Costa 26 t l J\"'~wport BC)Ufn&rd. M'•· Calltornfa, und"r the flctl· ~r'llVport ll<'ach. C...ltlomJa t lnu11 firm nam.. of COAST w1lhm ~1x monlh• alter th• fl.nl SWEEPING SERVICE and th11t publil'311on (>( thi• notlre. said firm la compo11ed of the fol· D•t,.d Jo~ehrua.ry 28. 19~&. lowln~ perM>ris. whose namu In C.'OY E . WATTS full and pla<',.11 of r ellldence a re u Eucut.or of the Eatat• follnws, to-wit: ot llllld dl'Cedent. BERNARD L. BlrLL. 308 I•· HURWITZ 6 H URWITZ land Av~nue. &Ibo&. California, At w rn"Y" el Lew BALBOA TRANSFER CO .. A 2611 :>:ewport B<>Ul!'v&rd, PARTNF.RSHTP. 0 . C BENNF.'T'T N~wporl BeR<'.h, Caltromla and C E. McNT!:L. 1501 W. Ba.J. No. 129i boa Blvd., Newport Beach. CaU- Ncws·Prua 3/3, 10, 1'r, 2•. 19~ tornla. Cl:RTITICATF. or Bl"SINF.88 nCTm o n1 FlRM SA.WW: Tht undtr10lgnt'l'I do hereby u r· tlfy lhnt thl'y a re conducting a boat bmldlnir and n pair bualneu at 223 • 21at Strl't'l. Ntwport Btaeb., California, under th• f1ctl· Uoua fllm n&me of ACKERMAN BOAT WORKS and that M.td firm la compo....t or Uie folloWlng per· IOI\&, who. nam.. tn • tull and places Of ~•CS-Ce M'• u follow., 10-.. •it: CLARENCE ._ A~ 1~ W. B&Jbo9 Blvd. Nfwport Bffch.. Calif. GENEVA N. ACKERMAN 120~ W . Ba.M>oa Blvd, :"'tWpol'\ Beach., Calif. Wltnl!N our hand dtY hit d., of February, 1"3. '1 CLA..R.l:NCJI &. ACKKRMAN •! Oll:NllV A. N. ACKER.MAN STATS or CALIJ'ORNU. ) ~'OUNTT or ORANOll ) ... OP' thl1 211t day of l'ebru nry \ D. 19~!1. tw-ror. me. l\OBl'HT I'. WJP JO:i, a No14r7 P\&bUc ln ... \Vllne1111 0 111' han"-thl• 2nd da)• ot March. 19!i.'i. I •' BER:" ARD L. BF:LL BALBOA TRA :-tSFER CO A PARTNERSHIP By /•/ 0 . C. BE.l'\;:-IE"J'T STATE OF CALlFOR~IA. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE h a Of lhll 2nd day ot March. A. 0 . 1956. betora me. ROBERT P Wil..LMES. a Notary Public In a"" tor the a id County Md Stat•. re- eldlnf UMreln, dilly commlmtoned and ewom, perllllnally appearf'd BERNARD L. BE LL and 0 . C. Bl!:NNE"M' known lo me to be the pereon1 wh~ name. are 1n1blcn b- ed to Ute with.In ln~trument, and e<:knowledJ~ to ine Uiat t.My Uec:ul.S the llMJ18. ln wltn.. wtier.or. I llaft "' ... unto .. t lnJ' hand uid alttaed my of tlcl&J eeaJ the da1 and .,_, ID lhla OerUtlcate tlret aboft WTttten. /fl/ ft.OBERT r. WlLLMES M1 Commluton IClfplne N ovember 11, 19111 ~n 1?fl8 ;"\ l . 1 H M 1,1 , 10. lf, It, 190I In wltnt>M wh1reof, I have here- unto w t m y hand end llffhted my ntflch\I aeaJ the day and year ln lhl• Ccrtlftc•t• flnrt abon written. /fl/ ROBER T r . WILLMES My CommlMlon ~lru November 16, 19~11 No. 1302 New1-Preaa 3/10. 17. 24. 31. 19!WI NOTICE or LVFl:NT 1ro MOftTOAO~ NoUce la htreby givotn. pur•uant to Secllon JH O of the Civil Code of the State or California. that the underalgned. A RTHl 'R M RAMBO whoee addrtM I• 949 Dogwood. Coela Meaa. California and wboae butllneH 11 tha t ot a Cabinet Shop known a.t Pacific C•blnet COm· pany lnt,nd11. aa mortge iror. to mortp .-e to Bank of America Na· Uona l 1'ru11t and SaV1n.J• ANocl&• tlon, wh<l41e branch sddrtu 11 glv,.n herein below, aa mort1t"1tee-. en · taln ptr11<>nal property of 'll'hlch a irentnll atatemC"nt of lb" charecter lhtreot la u followA: ·All equipment. mAchlnery, tuni- lture and fixture&, which peraonal propt'rty la loca ted at 2371 N'~· port Bouln ard, Costa Meu. Call- tom l&, and that Kid mortgage wiU be ext"cutl'd and df'ltvered, and any connlderatlon therefor w ill be p11ld a t lhe hour of 10:00 A. M., on the 2llt day of March, 1956, at Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meet1 every Thurld11y S p.m. Via Opurto -Central Ave, Nev.·port Beach Elwood Shell. Jtxalttd Ruler Mechanical Sweeping Service PAHKJ/l:t; LOTS. 1111pcr market.11, Dnv,,·lu:c, et1:. fl1110 by wtt.'k or mllnth. CO AST SWEEPING SERV. 192~ Har ll'•r Blvd., Coata Ml'&a 1.1~rty 8-:>1141. 21c33 l2-l\ulldlng Sen1cell General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations F H A. terma. Residential and Commtrc1al ·Free FAtimatee and Plan ~n·icc C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-757 6 I Z-Bulldi~~-ce.--- CARPENTRY "A's" LAUNDRY COM.PL.ETE P AINTINO 6 Paper lW:urln& 8enioe ICUGICNJC O. iA lJNDDa llOO lillt 8tttet. Newpon ...... Harbor 2976.J. UtlN SPECIAL! BEDSPREAD launderwd tne wM J loade, lhi. •ee,lt. HALF' HO UR LA. U'NDRY 2817 Villa W a7, Newport ._. ""' AlcoboUca ~ wn~ r . o. ac. 111 Newport a..a., CalJL PboDe Bar~ • .,.. .. DRJ VlZ>;Q lnl.t) L.A., Y1a n......,. 6. SlaullOn to Welllem 4,,., tror& CO•t.& Mella. Houra l-~ o..lN ri dr r a. LI II· 2990. Slcl2I 18-~!!Y_~-·~------ Superfluous Hair Pertnan.,ntly ruuovt'd froJp tMlll arme, ll'g1. Eyebrow• and ba1r Une lh•pt'd-No more tw...uia. ELLEN L.'BRTA.NT ~ &. the Balboa branch ot 8&Ak of Amn1ca Na tional Tnsat and 8&•· u Ing• AuoclAtlon a t 61!\ r:. B&lboa Boulevard. Balboa. c.Jlfom la. JLINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL IL O. Andetaon 1-9086 Co1ta Mu a 83Uc FOR RENT VENETIAN BLIND \\"Ill• ''"" '" \ul ot ll1tn1r IAke liown Lido'• Salon of Bta1it7 llar. 217t ... Y"llr v• 11• I tl•n ht.n•I• lw kP I hf'm 22-IA>l'll u d FOUlld Dated at Balboa. Callfomla thla 9UI day ot March, 19~5 ARTitL'R M. RAMBO No. 1301 Newl·Pl"f'AI 3/10, 19" SllUl aawa, Elec. Onita, Pollaher1. aU typu ot Sanders, WheelbU· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. K30 W. COAST HJOH W AY Uber\,J. 1-3435, Newport Sch alllfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prom pt Repa.lr &er'Tlce M.alntalned Pbeee: BUbor C824 .ai aaJaioa Blvd., Newpun Btach pllp tu 011r 1111.rdr\' l.l'llt 11• r 1he 11lats.1 --------·------ 1111,, ... , , I• >J'AI khnit 1 f .. an LOST Rt>yAI Jlunln ~a.moo and "1th ,, 11 t,.. 1t1Hdunr prurea..' v.•h1le .sncyrle Rlr." ARD Hu. 111••11 ·1 R•1111n)11urhllnl!~and 01118·\\ J3c21 ,,.. n •!11ll tt>•111 in 21 h• .. 1r/" flt1t • \•I\ l ~A~ nahl" Tl\f' l!Yt't• "I?" 7 l"I'" 1• •1.f,.nl1 AI bl111i1- Only $1.00 w .. 111• '"I ,Ir an I r"l111ili1 vrne- u ,,n 1,lu1 .. /\ ll "' ifk •lt,n•' hv -.r--- l'"111w11111 l't1•1n" nuw 1.11) .. rl\ 11.:11C1I l'>r Klnll>< rly :1·82i4 pprrr HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR .~ A nythlnf , A nywhert ~cratch Removing and Furniture Refiniahlng Phone Liberty 1·210 PYI'Y U>ST 8dw•r P~,..l•n yeu old , .. m111 .. 1 at Chlld1 J>'L U Mlt T, Rt:WAJUJ 2JpM 24-Sc'hool~. 1n-tructloa ------------------ Real • 1n Estate School Santa Ana MEN It WOt.l.CN prepare In ....,.. Urne for unlimited opporWaJU. tn R.eaJ Etlt&IA. N-c.._ weekly. Al Tyl•r In~. A"' tt nd n rirt evn tn1 free UMI ..,_ about thl• snat field. OaJl • wrll• 110w for lnfonnalloL 8'1116- n... tn.utule, UJ~ If. .,.._ more. IQ 1:-UN. Mdlt I i4-sehoola. ID.anetJoa China Pointing Day and Enntnr a.... Order• Taken Now Pbcme 1Jbert7 a-6641 ~tuat1oas Waated ----- TRACTOR WORK DISCING, PLOWING, MOWING. Wm. "Pete" Pancle U 8-28:.17, evu. U 8·17841. 22p24 WCENS!:O experienced •kipper avallahl•. Ph. Har. l 129·W aftPr & r .m. 22p24 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAISING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 l&c29H Thrl'c baby 11lttera avatl•ble for r ven1ng11 Phone Liberty 8·2722. PAINTER 20p21h MORE THAN THAT-An oppor· tu.nJty to work In an intere.st lng lndu•try which I• f'xpandins •nd offer• advancement opportunity to qu&ll!led younr ~·omen OPENl!-108 NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS CLERICAL WORKERS t Ty pine Requl red 1 -APPLY- ~lt '2 !:':. M•in St. Rm. 211 -811.nta Ana Mon. through Fri, 9:00 to 4:00 p m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 2:?lfc WAJl<'TED -bX 1'twpo1t Bearh Elementary School D1stric1: srr- retary. bualnl'Sll orrtr r, fhor! • ha.nd reqi..1red. m inimum :i&la1 y S220. Apply H OO Clltf Drt\'1!. Newport H"f'l&ht8. 22c24 WANTED WANTS WORK. 1~ yt11rs i>xpen· HO~EST hard work1.ng man wllh •nee. Non union. Hourly. I real e11tate 11alea expenenc '" Ubtrty 8-2722. 20p2lh M ust know H&rbor a rra 11nd MAN • WOMAN wlll do general houaework. floor waxing, win- " dow cleaning. Fast workers, White. 194 E. 20th St.. Coat& Mua. LJ 8-2683. pptf Alterations RESTYLING how to dig up prospects. \\'Ill pay highest comm1sston spht conslst~nt wit h good bu81nc1>11. DUJ\"CAN BA.RDESTY. Re11l1rir 2602 Newport Blvd , :-Jpt Bch Harbor 4718. 22r24 HOUSEKEEPl!:R, Newport Bch. 2 echool age girls. 4 llays per week. Employed parent.II. Harbor 3986·R alter T p.m, 22('24 Kl'm f C l'f ·a WANT girl to clt'9.ll 4-rm. house 0 a l ornl tn Newport Sat. mornings, no 212 Marine Harbor 3•81 laundry, $2.00. Har. 17&11-M eve.a. Balboa lalant! l 8p80H . 22p24 .. t - 3D-A Swap,_J ______ • S!-Fam~_for_~--- WILL DO painting in ex- r hange for camping tre.iler. Call Pete Petereen'. LI~rty 8-90'02. 22p24 S0-8-App~~---~ Oaf\ '~ Furniture El~t'l r11' r~t n gt'rll t<>r11, Apattment !!IU Televll!lon. 16" BenrJ1x . cl. Ii'' RCA TV 2 pc.-. aecllonal bed dll \'t nporl . 14-Masbl. Radio, .t TV $3-;,-eu\·s ~j).·-,~u k~;.;;;;; 1 1 Splnt>t r urno. 1entlll tlETL:R:-.-S ...n .. u :.1 un l>t'anlt!ul spmru i hkf' nt'\\, \\'url1Uer. ~ster, f'lllCl'!'A', Knlbt', ~fM<'n cl. Ham· l.n, 11<ln1e Blonrtt Oa k i.nJ S&Jem ~laplr. DA:'\Z-SCH~llDT Big Pia.no Store. :120 r-o. Main. Santa Ana . -- v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a local dK.ltr who will ~ here TOMORROW to beck up what he aetla TODA\': Automatic washers \1a1ler SIZI', llkf' new ~ S''l. MlSCELLASEOUS T V TABLES CO:'-:!'l:SONATA Organ, JUlll trad· t d In, q ve S400 on thla almoat RECO!'\OITJONED F ULLY GVARA~IEEO Philco It Kel\'ln•tor rl'frigerators new organ. SEE THESE TIP -TOP l CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ArqYTHING Af\C·O·MA TIC . ___.c.. ....... _ S 89 with croSI top frener., ea. U M. OA:'\Z·SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. GE:'-:ERAL ELEGTHJC ..... 99 79 187-t Harbor Blyd . Coat• M"NI 23t'2• KE!llMORE BENDIX ECO!\'OMAT THOR 79 19~ O'KEEP'l: , • MERRITT 79 r11ng~. It11 th!' brand nPw 40" 119 ) d1:h1xe CP all a utol'll•llc oven <'IO<'k, glu11 11oor, tXlr11 grllle- vator broil oven, A All stetl grlt1dle 1n mld11lf'. lh b"l'n pd. dn, tn 1197,09 from $396j)O. No dn. pyml. nf'ertrd, j u8l pay the pymt!I of 110 03 per mo. , anrl 36 other11 from which lo ChOO!lt' LOW MOSTHLY TERMS JESSEE APP LlA:'\CE COMP ANY IOIJ S. M11in, S•nla Ana Or"n 'tit 9 pm. 20<:2:1 GA F'FERS & SATTLER rM gt'. Br11n•I new Bag 40" •leluM•. 11uto- maur 01· .. n clock. 11.mmrr burn- "l t<, vsmsh1ng shelf. cl that big high broil ovt.>n. Its hcen pl1. cln. lo $16!! 77 from $3M.OO No dn pymnl. ;uat pay the pyml~. ot ~fl 10 munth Se" Baughne A 6: S Warehouae, 2:?1'1 S. ;\fam St .. Santa Ana, 6 block~ 110uth or I th l'\L Op"n Evei. ·111 9. s un. 11-~ tir Phnne Klmberl.1• 3-7201 WESTINGHOUSE 11 11 t nm at I c wa11hn, b~anrl nPw. 11nrraled hut n1•w·1· dl'llve11Pd, ~199 t•a11h nr tal<"' p11ymt>nts of nnly $9.:10 month: pay only 118 le11 t11x down: we will Install and gave 1-year guara ntee FREE. StP Battghn11 A & l'I \\'arehoµae, 220 l'I. Mam St .. Santa Ana, 6 blocks l'Outh of 4th St. OPf>n Eve~ 'Lil 9, Sun 11 ·:'I or Phnnl' Klmbt rly 3-7:!01 ANTIQUE chf'rry i·dra'l\'U r hl'lll, $1 00: ma ple W1nd11-0r r h11 lr, 112.M ; dreuer. 11:1: dre1111ng ti.- hie <'hs lr, $3 ; maple Lazy Susan rr>ffee t.eblt , $18: 4 mahog. tnd t.ablt's, $T each: tier table, $10; RCA 12'"1" TV table m odel a nd l~ble, $30: lawn a.w1ng, 118: bar- beque Table • bf'nt'hes. $12.~0. 2 ttdwood cl1e lr11 6: tsble. 112.:10 Harbor 3760. 24r 26 ROUND walnut dining table • 6 l'haira, daveno. bkycle. very r<'ll• aonabll!. 2196 Orange Ave., Ct')r;- ta MP~ll 23p2:1 Axminster riw. 9 Jt I«, maroon. S27.llel, 9xt2 pati, $2.M. Two 6x8 gray ootton ah.ag ruga $10. u . Three turquo111e cotton 11hag :120 No. Main. Santa Ana HA VE beauttruJ B&Jd~n acroeonk Spinet, 4 yra. old. WANT TO SWAP for gTand plallo Phone Harbor 1098•M. 4tfc Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS l87G Harbor, Costa ·Meaa l'h Liberty 8·:.!301 77pp-ttc HAMMO;\'D organs. all rilodei., ea.ale11t tenns, your old piano acrt'pt('d In e.xchange. F rt e pr•c· llct , t ry before you buy. DAl"Z·SCH~UDT Big P lano It Organ Co.. :'>20 No. Main, Sant4 Ana · Sii R ENTS 1ood practice piano or b11v at $87, 191, Sl211. Mirro Sp~l'l3 S23.'\. DANZ·SCH~UDT Big Plano Store. :120 No. Main, Santa An• RENT an orga.n or piano with rental to apply on ruturt pur· c:ha11t1 11t - SHAF!:R'S Mu11lc Co. (Since 19071 421-423 N. Sycamore, Sant.a Ana Phone Klmberly 2·0612 $39:> BUYS )O\'ely llttle Baby Grand; others $i711, $:>60, $68:! etc. Story It Clark, Knabe. Wur· htzer, Kimball tn Salem Mapll'. Lealrr, McPhall. Alw•.ya JOO pt•no11 to choo11t1 from. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, 520 No Main, S:inla AnA 1953 Deso'¢> V-8 club cpe. 2-tone green. New WaW tlrN, radio, heater, power steering .. . ................................................... $189:S 19~1 STUDEBAKER. cream colored, radio. heater, automatic trana. only .................. $ 8~ 1953 PONTIAC 2-door eedan. Hydramatic, dual range, radio, heater, 2-t.one green $~ 1949 FORD 2-door eeda.n, overdrive; radio, heater, n~w eeat covers .: ....... -... --.. ----·-·' 595 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange'' Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 .W-Autoe and Truck.a S S SAVE S S Thia month ot March we will allow you hundreds of dol- lars more for your car thnn it ia actually worth. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. $48.88 8 Cyla. ----$68.88 tncludea both labor and part.a. J E S S E E rugs. 2x4 -12.110. ax:;-;~.:,o, ~x6 57.110. Slar k oval 11laM top cof· FREE RENT nt FllRN APT. fnr fee tabll' $2~. 36" aqua r e blunrte STl'::JNWA y GRAND. forty years ----------~ New rlnr•. wrl•t piAI, v&lvt rrtnd, !1tUnp of main and r od beulnga. Expert m otor tune up 90-d•Y or 4,000 mile cuarantee. I NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES Lido Rentals WE HA VE MANY EXC&L- LENT RENTALS FOR' 8tJK. llER It YEAR AROUND. J'Oft THI: SlJ)(KSft June Utla '8 Sept. 15UI 8-ut. tum1111i1Cl. 3 bdrm.. I 1-UL Th,_ ._u.., l lAOO. AN~ ' bdnn., ..,....._ ,.... around at UOO. per -~ Bay & Beach .RealtY. 8111 Way.tu, Newpol't. Harbor HO. Har, ... .._ Juat to th& n.ht ot tM Lido .Bndp Dltnaoe .. ON UDO JSL&-1 bectmL ~ Yeer• ..._, llOO mo. CORONA HJOHL.A.NDe I...._ untuni hou.a, ,._,.., -.... '"' monU\. Al...80 tum. 6 .,.,._ ..,a "°' to $100. O. ff.LATHROP W5 & C:•L Rwy., Ooraea ... Jla.r Har. NU. ..... Bar. 1111-1. In Corona del Mer 2 BDRM. rum. apL b7 ...... m . tlll June. 1 BDRM. tum. apt. below' .... view, 170. moot.h. 1 BDRM. tul'1l. apt. aa lhllotr~ 17:1. month. 2 BDRM. unturn. i.o... ca OirollW 1100, montl\. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and il80CIA Ta 803' ll. Cout HJ., C.Oroea cW Mar Corona dal Mar Phon11 Harbor U•a MODERN 1 bdnn. W1fum. duplex With (lll'lfe &lid laundey. ~N 2807 l!:ldf'n Ave. ,Coat& Ne&a. LI 8·38113 or eV91. LI 1-MH. R. oy's Maintenance couple under 3:1. no chlldrtn, tn rotfee t able $16, Rattan corr.•e olr1, SHM. Phone Harbor 311. ""<'hang" tor part tlmr. help of APPLIA:'\CE COMPANY t4ble ~ ch&1r I I~; each. Bed 24p211 a..~~~~~--.~H~o;l1M::::;~c~l~ea~n~ln~,~l,,.,,.;-F~l~o;.o~rw~a~xJ~;,nr~4--.»::.l'•".u:..'•.»::.1u'"~'h~~h·~··.s;..»:···~A·u:i..r~~uWl •. .L...._2~~11~~w~~;i;::l70~l;3T.S~.'-,F~~ll\l:X::::n,:....::S=an::.:..:.:la~A~n~a~~t-~A"'"~···~·"~~~2~7T.4ZJwCM•ln,~H~o~ll~Y~W~O~od1Llhrfi)!•l~a.,_~~~~~--~~~~~~~ WAii WUhtng Wtnt'JOW c1ean1n1 23c2:S Open Ill 9 p m. :lOr<!.) With bol.alers $:?11 l'Br h. floor See Baldwin Piano Vent'lla.n bhnd1. Uphol1tery lamp $2. ~!1:sc bric-a -brac anti THE NEW (19551 2 ~ ! ) model Studebaker is the beBt dol· lar value today. They are beautiful, t!lporty and a pleuure to drive. We have never received such en-' tbualum from our new owners. UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- Uullt 1.o our own factory bJ alUUea m&Ch.lnllllL Don't contend wll.h th• middle man. Buy dJrect. 23c26 CORONA DEL MAR.-l"um. apt. on yearly ball• or month to mo. 150. renL To -call ,,tsmorrl11. Hubor 2132. 20d3 tn11ured. F'rH E 3ttmatn t<EAL ESTAT E SALESMAN In 19!H O'KEEFE I< MERRI'IT garden t1>til•. J :, hp. outbo1111J & Organ Display Liberty 6·1332. llfc W Pll loca ted orfu•r Prrfer 11omt· 1ani:P. The big CP all a u toma tl<'. niott>r. SiO. on .. with know ltrlge ot Harbor gr1ctill4' ln mlrldle, &.'. nice gnU RARBOR 1361-\\'. 231•2:1 WOODWORTH PIANO CO. REBUil.T and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK U CENSED 5k1pper -April lhru St pt . weekend• only Several y ear& experience, know• loul fl.lhlnc s roUllrl8, wlll malnt&.ln It operatr power boat up to &a ft. Phont' Harbor 2927 • W 22p27 area. Wrtte Box D~o. thla paper bin1lrr l ht btcn pt! ctn. to l3l8 C..:out Blvd., t:orona d•I M&J 23c2:1 1128.li. :'\o <'llSh needed just. pay WEDCE:V.'OOD rang('. ll• the big IT haden Interior Bid& 1 Performance a n d economy art: unaurpa~~d. COME IN NOW and aee what a won. derful deal you will ~ of. fcred ! FURD ··--.. -.. _ .• 129 6U C..:HEVROLET -----$1'9 :IJ PLYM 6 DODGE ..• .$16:1 C..:HRY~ A OE SOTO ---·ll7U STUDEBAKEP ........ -.$17U 01..DS It P<1NT1AC f __ .. 17(1 ON PALBOA l8LA.ND ea ua tor , .... i, and -IOD&I rut.all. the pvmfa of ST 8-t pt r month C-P a ll a utomatic •O" with b111 LADI!:S CLOTHES, •lze 10. All J ~· Hu. 3382 Ml Uc like new. Phone Har. 0236-W. Stl' Baughn11 A &< S Warehoullt', ex tra bl'Oll oven, haq ><'r atm-NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 22r24 220 S. Main St , Santa Ana, mer bumeni . .It big oven. Bten SPECIAL March Spinet Buys aoe Ma.rtne • "-Barbor 6<'2 b blocks aouth or 4th S L pd. dn. tn $148.47 rrol'(l 1360.00. MARii\'!!: t'ngine mechanic. Gas, dleeel, or outboard motor1. Write Jonea, 1933 W. 17th St., Santa Ana. Klmberly 7-4304. 23p211 SO-Mlaoelluaeou for 8Ue Opt>n Evee 'UI 9, Sun. 11·:1 Xo Jn. pml., Just pay lhe pymta BUICK .... -·---·~·--·117:'> HUl.>6t>N ---·-"-·--·-.. $17ft Loan Car Fre.e Towing 8.A 1..804 l8l.A.HD 1lle N EW LAWNS Old lawn11 rrnrwerl, general yard c·arf'. Renovating It fertlllztng. F ree o tlmatu . F.ARL CON:-\OR~ Har 19~9-W 23p211 Bookkeeping COMl"L&'TZ 8~VJCJ: tor miaU bualn ... lnclucUnr •t.atameot A tax formL Compeunt.. ~aaon­ • ble, CC\nftdentl•I. Har. 3•81· W. 23c:J8h Experienced carpenter wants work. Call LI 8-2932. 23p28 YACHT WORK. Sktpptr li e. ~ck hal\d .. Painting, "arnl•hlnr. Rig· 1tlng. Low m onthly rate. Uberty 8-49IWI 2Jp28 !9-Help Waated AR.I: YOU SA TlSFlltD ~·Ith your prew nt ram lnga and advance- ment 7 Opportunity for neat ap· ~nr man. 2:'>·39, u dealtr ror Fu ller Bruah C'u 1n Nl'wport Bt"ach. ltarnlnl( 1100. p11r week a.nu up. We work by appoint· mf'nl. No M lr1 ranva111n~ CALL Kimberly 3·2100 •flu e pm. for appolntmtnt 22r24 WA;\'T LADY fry cook ... WAil · l'Ull, B•lboa h la.nrl Stalt I'll· Jlf'r\enct A refH f'n('"• Write bo11 H_.4, thl11 p&pt'r. 24r29 --OR.A:-.:GE 1•0t::'\T\" LIEA LER 1n 2 lop Ge neral Moton lln"a NEEDS SALESMEX. \\'~ can Offer u. o:Uent working condl· t1ona. traJnlna progTam, pu11c1- r at lon tn house de&la, A rlo111n1t help t o sgil'tulve man. Should han retail stiling u perlen<'' ln l'Omf' lint Apply tti Dirk Mon"' \\11..LJAMS CHE\"ROLET. :lll2 0(-,.an A \'l' , H11nt1nt t nn Be&rh 24c26 WANT WOMAN-Preferably Uv" l11 Help mnlhtr with hou•e w ntk and irma ll rhildren for a bout 2 month", Liberty 8-tl P.1. 24c28 FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Ory wood, 16" • 24" 0length. Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor 1014 E vening,. Harhnr !>;~Il l Fresh Hearing BATTERIES l!ltf Aid We Otve SAJi Oreen St.amp• Gunderson Drug Co. Malll St. a t Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 6111. 98trc or Phone Klm~rly 3·7201 or $8.07 per mo. ELECTROLUX refrigerator & Magic Chef stove. Both 1n good condit ion. CHEAP. 1529 W. Balboa Bl\'d, Har. See Bailghns A cl. S \\'arehous('. 220 S. ~fain St . Sant3 Ana. 6 blocks aoulh ot 41h St. Open E vo ·111 G, Sun. 11.:, or Phon" Klmberly 3-7201 5568. 24c26 S2-A-AntlCJOe9 s.F;Rv~:L g,111 rPtrlg , mtti1um t<•ze. i;nucl mnttlllnn $3:'1. Har. 4100 1t11 y1< 11nly. 22r.24 ELE(.'TRIC R.A !"C £. 4 bum era, lfu t unllJI) and deep "'ell. Oom· pletl'ly a utoma Uc:. JO. VI& Anti· ~II. Lido ll!lt . Har. 0221. 22c2• Antique orga.n.!I, S50, old wall t,1,. phone SlO, Cll<'koo clock S~7 :>O. ant ique l ron be<1• $36, s rlrtlng mll<'hlne '42.60. tl"'pl. l!f'l $12. tlectrlc rtduclnJ m•<"h. $32 60. Apt. retr1s. sa&. anUque cowboy outtJt PS. old phonogTaph 1111, .electric organ 11211, elect rlc table top •t.ove I nrar ntw l O'KEEFE &. MERRlrr p.a range, ,179.60, anUqu1> rocker 110. r hf'll MARTIN eo: 7 hp, outboard, JM. 6 bttf'Hf'~ «"rUl. Full. au:a ~~ Of dr&wua 18 Wizard 12' boat with oar•. Sli:I o vr n and pull out hroller. Stor· LOTS of a nttquu , old rhln•. etc- Chr\11 C raft 8' rllnfhy, t11>ug!M1 ni;" tlr&w,.r. Harbor 2l I I·~ We aleo buy anti tra<lf. on bottom, 17:S. Tratler, l4u., 2:?1 fc: CHARLIE DA VJEt Paddle.bou d, $:S. W eb11ter Wirt ___________ .__ 180:\ E. AnlUll'lm, Long Beach l't'.l'Order, port model. I~. Arc w h. M h. L-B. 8:>0-139. 23C'2:\ Wtlder, Cral llltn&ll, i:S amp .. S.\l't as ing ac 1ne Llbnty 8-21132. l8tfc SERVICE Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8·MM 16-MM 3:1-MM HOBBY and MODEL AlRPUNE SUPPLlES ALS O G"tger CounteMI for rent Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Me111 Phone Liberty 8·7042. Pr U S3-Boat8. Supp~ies l ·)>inr gunra.ntee on Job• done ----- and on u.cd wa11hen 2488'... C I 1 p rt S • I !rriu I Nt!WJ10rt Bl., t:u.st.a Meaa I 0 e s 0 pecra Liberty ~-4503 or L.lberty I nns WEEK o :->LY 8-4327, 64Uc -:-;,.w Taffrail logft, romplete S4:1.00 6 VOLT.Gu Generator $~0.00 IH~•6 l'lllLCO 1,.frtgl'r11tor. the b1i; Ete('. wa terprf. bronu lamp $3.:111 2 door nn .. that haio •lalry bar Me1Tury w11ttr hi.:ht~ . 12 7r, i:hrlv"s In rl oor, L\\o \'eii crl~p-3108 Larsyeltt'. 1''Jlt. D<:h. Har. 1020 cr3. & bljl rr,.Pur chf!•t. lu I . Blltom8llr r1rf1n3tlnft. new bu! l~·F'T. Qt,; TBOARD, llh1 Iler ca- pd dn to 1318 87 frnm ab<1lll bin. bottom fllx'ritl~ed, small COCKER .3PA:-:lEL -Blonr1e s:ioo No Jll p)'mt. Just pay t he mot_or a:n4 oar5, l,J.6. H.irbclr male, about l~ )'Tl! oltt. '25. pymti. nf $lG 2:1 pt·r monUI. 186.-J. 20• • 4'ClU1, New])Ort Ekh Al!!O upright pl&.no l 'i:i. s~" Batts.:hnio A A. S Warrhouse, 2Jp26 Liberty 8·&769. 2Jr2:1 I 220 S. Main St . S•nta Ana, FREEMA~ Al,"TO PILOT. e mo·~ 60'' OFF on Boyam paint.I alld t t\ blot k~ Mlllth or '4th ~I Sl9.J 20 \\', Aptlco Ship 10 11llr1re " · () E 'tit !> Sun 11 :I S1llen1 ena mel whlll~ supply laaU I p<'n Vf'll • •• hke nPw l 2Pll 3 larg.. "k1n1 Ba rg.tn1 In ulled hrwihu . H2 -_ ·~~ Klmb,,rly 3•7201 $~5. ea. 22' boet·rtllhn GN!y 32nd St.. :-iewport BC'Uch. P hone motor l45Q Har. 2838. 16c2TH 32--Fumiture for SaJ. :-\E\\'PORT BOAT SALES -------2827 W. Cou t Hwy. LI 8-i 2il fUGH CHAfR and pla.ypen In good LEAVING <'lly, tll\t rtl1r" t .. r, o\'!h 23c2:S condition. LI 8-3976. 22c24 I finP (11m 111hins.:1< ron,.uninR of ------------- HA ~D WEA Vl:XG tablt 1001n, 8 stihd •lo..rk rhiur r111e mah<>g-XLNT. (2' DIESEL FISHING ha m esa, 2•" r"l'd. 12" we•ving IV'I\', _rru\'inual t v.in bt•i!room BOAT. Fully eqwpt. A $14,. •pact" 332 P.oplar. LAruna Bch ~t· • plf'r•·s plw fin•~! hn11 000 \•alue for S8500. Terms, HY11 tt ,..34:.0 2zr,24 lfprinrw It Seelt y mattr"5.'t'" Rnd 1000 Busmess cards SJ.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. \\"HITE LI 8_.011 IE\·ea. LI 8·:11:10 1 prittc ru .. 1nni 111"r,.1tlA On11 ro"' F M, trade. Pbone owner, DIA-~,.11 fnr f Z2'1 Snhtl hlnr"l" 1 1k, ~101'1.'D 7-3167, 22p27 8-J·! d:ning v . $61'l 0 Kt' re a..rhl ~trrntt JO·•n. st l\,. l1kf - SLIP RENTALS BIG S A Vl:"GS 1nclud111g Kimball. Gulbran11en. Le11ter 11nd Wurl!tz:· f'r aplnct ptnnoe. Llbl'raJ trade, Con''"nh·nt terms al- MINSH.ALL Organa t'leclronlc, 1 mahor .. l Blonde Oak g6;11 up in good condition. Used S olovox Organ att.&chment to piano 1 i::i0. DANZ-SCHMIOT Piano A Organ Co . 520 :No Main, Santa Anl• 120 Bau Pia no Accord1<>na $911. up. STl!:lHWAY Orand• 2. boUJ Ill per- fett condtlloo. Mahoe .• not re- built. wondPrful tone, tut u.Uon touch. lovely Knabe 1J11llet l1l C"bony flnlah, aave $230. Also Ma!l<>n & Hamlin eptnet llke new. DAXZ-SCHMlDT Btf P ia no Store, ~20 X o ~l•ln, S•nla Ana FRE E to good home -German Shepht'rd m11I.-. Pure bred. l '~ y r, f•l'1. Ob .. dlence trained. LI 8-1294 23c25 FOR SALE-Ynung COw. F r!'llh now. W 8-2028 1960 Church St .. C.M 23c-2~ lO-Autos and Truclal A USTI:'\ 1 9~3 Good cond. Low m l. 30 m1lr1 1:aUon. 1680 -T<!rms 6706 Se.uhore. Dr 22p24 '52 Buick Roadm'str. C.0;\'\' w w tires. f'uU Powtr. Rl'd ,.,,th black IOJ> Perft'ct cond1t1on $1,695. Terry's Buick .~1: :-.-ewport Blvd .. !'\pt G M A C Term~ Harbor :\021. 23el3 Certified Used Cars 1953 STUDEBAKER Commander 8 Regal Sedan. Original lhMJl)llt, Beautltully equtpped, Including autom•Uc tranamlaslon. SPECIAL .. _ . .. . $14911 EASY BA?\'l{ TERMS. Mu•t ••t to a ppreciate! 19~9 MERCURY Sport 8ed11n. A real beauty In white. Ra dio, heater, 11patllf hl11, O\'erdrtve. t tc BEST BUY JN TOW:": H 60 EASY BANK TERMS JOE NICKERTZ STUD EBA KER DEALER 3<11:1 Newport Blvd .. NPwport BC'h (al entrance to Lido) Har, ~10 2•r Transportation Cars Rioh Hahn Gat,age 29th & N ewpdrt Harbor 4725 19i6 D('SOTO 8 punn~er limo Excellent rubbtr It mntor. Lookll like a guy g hoat but 11rtvu hke a dream. Idu J ror hauling • f>A.llM>ngen to work A ND O~L )· -SI ~. 1947 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 11ltllo hPBt,.r &: compl,.t,.ly rf'hUllt motor Oooo rubbf'r a nd "Xtnt clran, SJ 7:, Many othera Ctom 136. on up. I NEW CAR OA.RANTEIC Block muat mett our atandard• Plu. l&Xea, guket.a and oil Ope.n Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS • •pPn Da.lly I to 7 Stal• Bonet ... i NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA. A..N.4 2 BE DROOM FURNISHED DU· PLEX, Corona del Ma.r, 11outh of Hlway. SlOO m onth Incl. utll. MRS. KAY, Har. 3779-J :llfo BALBOA $~. month yearly un· rurn. cottace. llvln1 rm . d1nr tte, kitchenette. 2 bdrm .. hot 11hm\ler. GllS and waltr pd. 108 .At1a rnR. Harbor 192•-M. 23r23 Choice Wint.er Rental.a on Balboa laland Ii Lido Isle Small 4 coay or 1.&rre 4 dah1J1e 17& t(I '300 manta VOGEL CO. 20I Martne Aff. Balboa !&land NICE 27 f t. Colonial HoUM Trail-Ph. Harbor •« or Harbor 2161 er with large C.bana, in traller I ReL Har. l 7M·RK or U l·~:.!97 puk with private bath on Gout -.uo Hlghw•y. 8t'e Managtr. Finance .. ttrranged Liberty 1:1·1521. Sa n-t..:=--.1o·u RN. 2 bdrm. duplex, fir .. dy'a De Luxe Trailer Psrk, 291 2 P~&ct. pa Uo. gar. Comt'r lot. w. Con t Highway, Newp<>rt l 1!i month, yeuly lta&e. Harbor Btach. 2lP33H 3094, Mr. F'alrweaU\er. 2lc2• \ll '!'IT SELL 11t once'. 2i ft. Eut- tm trnllC"r tn e~Cl'llrnt condition. \\'1th or without v.·ood gla.u a.nd rnmb,.d p lywO<ld c•b11na, ll!IOO Call Lfbrrty 8-6781. 23c26 <&7-Wa~tf'd ~---Be_n_t __ _ Rentals Wanted W• need apt. and hou.ea ln aJ.I IX COSTA Ml!:SA -2 bdrm. rum 11r1. and 2 bdrm. tum . hou11~. C"all Klmberly 2·GU8. 22ttc SEE T HIS FlRSTI 2 bdrm. up- 11ta.lr1 duplex. Ul'lfum. Wa ll to w•ll c•rprl S un deck. Wiii d~­ ('nrat,, Reuonahle n-nt on Ill#. 8°'1 W, Balboa Blvd. Hu, 1148-J , 22p24 1ecuona Cor bolh "'tnw and '8A-Apta. for Beat y~ar·a leu o. Furn. or unlurn. U you hav• a vacancy, phone today MOOl!:RN nJRN . .APT. upat&JrL Lovely vtew. Adult&. 116. month.. Utll. Incl. Yr. leue,.Aft.11. Apr. ll. RlOR HARN GARAGE 29th cl: !\"~wport Blvd,, Newport The Vogel Co. 3201 W CaL Hwy., Newport Bell. LO UlSI!: A P'I'S.. 30I c.n. Uon, (Nt'ar 8eav1ew) Corona deJ Mar. Harbor •Ote. 2ldl Har bor 4 725. 23r2:'> 1954 Ford Customline Club cou~. F ordomatlc It h"lllf'r Like nt'W 8,:IOO BCll<aJ mllu . $1,795. Terry's Buick .I) 12 Newport Blvd . N'rt G. M. A C". Tf'rml' t-l arbor :102 1. Pbone Liberty 8-8481 '208 Mart.ne, Balboa lalutd Phone Harbor •44 1!1111 <:out Hiway, Con>na de.I Mu Phone H&rbor 1741 l 00 Ma.In St.. BaJboa Phone Ra.rbn .. 1•:s W A::->T TO RE:-.1-Room A bath f or maid on Balboa PentJUUJ.a Poll'lt. May It J une. Call Harbor 32.31 •ltn Thursday. 23p2.'S 2 BORK unturn. dUpla. op.a bt'am ceUlnK. •1.MJ ~t.. pB. dtap., newly cMcof'., paUo, IV· It .torace. 1Awl4ry room. Adult.a. 310 l.Arbpur. 0oraa& deJ Mar. Har. 20M-K. l3cJ4 FURN. 1 bdna. &pt. MT ..IO ._Ut lo July lat. A.1-o 1-dMlor apt.. yearly, 14 w.U. 1108 a.a.M& Place, NtwpOt"t lal&n4. Jl&r1*' 1217.J. 2lcJtl 19~3 CAOILI.AC 62 ' dr, sedan. ~s than 16.000 ml. Powder blue. Fully equ1p1 . Tlnlt'ti flu., powt r ~teenng wrndow llflA, alr <"nndlt loned, premium UreL t.1re- guard tubu. Call Har. 46. 1~4 ., I FORn •talion wacon F'tr~t Sl:IO. ta.kt• 1t. 2124 Miramar. Hllrbor •132-W . 23p24 w ANT TO RENT -2 or 3 bdrm. hOUM w1th fenced pl&y yard ln or ntar Comna rlel Mar. To 1100 per month on leue. Mu.t be rl .. an.. Leavt m-ce al H11rbor '333. ~ 2•pst S INOU: APT, tor ltl4J' er paU.- man 145. mo., uUL pd. No pet&. Jnq. Ill r-.r 1M Ill 11Ut •t.. Coat& M ... an.r I p.a. 1Ml9 CADILLAC $1895. 19M FORD V-8 VlotortL Radio. WANT woman for wuhing, ironing & cleaning 1 day weekly. Muat be experienc. ed. N<'wport Beach. Har. 5568. 24c26 DELTA Hom,.rraft hanct!IB\\', I;\ h. p. motor. 180. nrw sq~. All r<>r<'t'liu n F'n g-1- •t&.1rt' 1, <"Uh1r fL, auto, deorr .. ~t. Sim. 1 'hint11t OrienlAI nig. rr1g. f'l\lll S7~0 , 11eU 1286. AINI rha1 r11, t.m r~ "0•1 l nbi,.~. ,.IC' ~'lnn rn 1 r rn t1o:n; c 111bhou111" Avt ., N,..,_ pnrt RcaUI, HllJ'. 039l•W. 23p23 ~lux1m11m hellm 8'. lt'nirth 32' ALSO ROWBOAT RE:-.I ALS AMERICAN LEGION HALL. lMh It Bayfmnt, N"WJlOrt Bea<'h. Harbor 4112. PR·tt ':11 • 62 bl•rlc 4 dr aedan. w 11.w. tmLtf'r, Fordo. Power 11lf'l'rln, 48--A.eta. Ii ~o~ Powrr braku, one owner. 1224:;. RENT AL V HARBOR A.Prl. Modern turnJab.t apta. day, week or month Nev bu.I. •t.orea 4 ba.J'. ft ... m Me ra1.M. 104 !i. Ba7 .b .... 941.ao.A Harbor &3U . .lTUc: 0 . I:. trMer, uaed &ix montha. $:s0 OO'L"BLE OVEN Unlvc-rllll ,.l•r!. l"IUlf:t . f'llCt llt nl cnnt11tlnn. Sl!O Harbor 39, 2~p2:1 TWO dll\• tw>ria 11:'> earb. dble b"rt, rompltt" 12~. 14't. rug. $:1 PH. Harbor J8H . 23c2:'> Only ethical advertisements accepted \"our Newport Barbor ~tw.Prees ~ fu.U)· .creeaa aU dualfled advf'rtlsmeata ~fol'f' ~~g thmi for pablkatJoo. l 'lled ..., .._ '"-"'-oppor1alLld• aad ll•lp ,...t.M adll are parUcululy """'~for_,. plt,_.a that mta'llt be mb.._..IDf. dttJW>th'e or ~t. So "'mt6cn. 9C"ed S-llfom&a waota t4 meet tMf""la.I ..._,.." 9dtl are eTPr M"C'.ll'pt.d. To Ule ._,of Mr MOily "'" prtat onq howet. •tralc1t• torwvcs cJM&lftf'd ... nT'Uebtc fnMll ~­ttNe ftrm• Md 1Nh1da&J .. ...... at.riet -Nlllp In ealoroed FOil l'Ot 'R PllC11'8Cll'IOH .., ~ roo to Bfll' WTnf OOJVTIDENCE ~ '" C.._.ftfod Sec-tloD of ._ x""'°" ......_ ,,_ ___ .._, Hl~i• XORGF: wuh<'r. A11lont11tlc puf.h button, big tub. a g'lll\tnr. 'W"rfle>w rtnl"' JI s n"'W but pd. t1n. to $137 20. ~o c~ dn If you pa y the prm u . oC 17 P2 ptr month. See B3uf.!hn• A cl S War,hou8e, 2211 S ~lain St. Santa Ana. 8 blo..k ~ 11'1 1\h of 4lb SL Opt'n EV'I• Ill 9 l'un. 11-11 or Phnn<-Kim~~ly 3-7201 MATCHED \'JCTORIA.X type love I IM'a t a.nil v.·mtt t hlllr 111 1t•Y Pro- vtncla.l rrtnt I COi t ll6i :IOI Ltkf' n1 ". JP:\ liar H t2~R. 23r2~ 19~>4 PhJ.Jco rtCr1gerato\. Big crClllt top !rtcz"r 1•heet model Space ror ~ltl1 • htittcr. v .. g. & m l'at k(>f'pcr ltJ! bren p&1d dn, to Sl31 ~ Jl."o dn. pmt. J ui.t pay th,. pym 11 or S8 27 J"r mn ~MuMcal. R.d.lo. Ii TV March Special J ONLY lovely mirror ty pe up- right pla.no1. l maple, l blondt BOTH LIKE :\"'EW, Terma 130. dn. A 110. per mo 11 1 SHAFER'S Mu11lc Cp. !Since 19071 ~21~23 N. Sycamore. Santa. Ana Phone Klmherly 2·06i2 HAM.MO!l:D Chord organ, 1 •light· ly uud. like new. You can play without a ll'llllOn. D ANZ-SCHMTDT Bli Plano Store. 520 ;o.;o, MBLn. S11nta Ana LOVELY Sl!\'Gl..E manual 1'Un· aha.II elN'tronlc Orf lUl, llke "'"' Save $200. Ll'bfr•l trade. <An· Yenlf'nt terma a t-• SHAFER'S MWllC Co. 'Sim:' 1907\ 421-423 N. Syea.morl', Sant.a Ana Pbone Kllnberly 2--0872 E tec. v.i ndow1 1>l('. A Balboa hlaM 11peclaJ. Hu'bor 4927. 23c2.'I '52 P'ORO <'U1tom 8 2-dr .. O'd., R • H, 1711:1 tota l priOt'. Nee<a p&lnt. ·37 PAC'KA RO lltda.n. l owner car. 196. Cotton Goff Volkswagen·Poracbe Dlr. 21 If Npt. Blvd, Sewport Beach Phone Harbor 8 22c24 '•o FORD, 2-dr. SM. Clean t1'1\1. A• 11. 6G AB eng1ne, R It H. U 8-7203 rrom 11 to e 2k24 19110 F'O RD dtluxc ~dan. R.&dlo . orl.:1nal plllnt. CioOd mechal\i- cally, 1496. Hausken Motors, Inc. Hausken Motors, Inc. SPECIALISTS J 932 H&rbor Blvd., C<>at.a l>tep Call Edn.a cr.11 Phonl! Uherty 8-~~1 20c22 Blanche Gates,, Rltr. '48 J:l1..,'DSOI" •300 ru h Exr•ll. 311 Marine Ave. cond. New Urt1 an d Mat covrri< 8&.lboa llland, Ra.r. 1671 TJUo Ha.rbor 1800. 23c2.~ I ~EWLY FURN. 6 decorated 1 19S3 MORR.ls Oaford 1t.allon bdrm. houM". J>rtvat.e yard, BBQ. wagon, one owner. Low mJleaie ALSO turn. l bdrm duple. rarb. StrtcUy • cam per'• cJ~llKht • 30 dJ1p. Each 17:S mo . tncl uul. mllu to the &&lion ! 11396. !!02·604 J aamlne. Corana de.I Hausken Motors, Inc. Mar. Phone OSbome f -3723. 23c28 CU FF' HA VE~-UNJVIUlf. APT. 8pacJoua 2 bdnnL O&rb. ca.p. ronier windows, P'trepl., pnca, Laundry room. PaUo, ...... Uberty 1·1843. Udl J'RD; ft.ENT ot J'URN, 4". ftlr coupt. under a:I, no chUdJ'9, ln exr hance for part Um• llelp of wife W1th hanrork. Rar. 1511W. ~ 1932 Harbor Blvd , Co•t& Meaa Phone Wt>--rty 8-~~1 20t'22 CHOICE BA YSHORES I Um· t.:r-:ruRN. DUPLEX. 1 Mdlnn .• 17:'>. mt>nll\. --U l"' ~. Corona 41!1 Mar. Jk26 t!l53 OLDSMOBILE 98 4 dr. ad.n Xlnt. cond. One OWlltr. 1'.300 ml ALSu l9M BVl CK Roadmuft'r Rlvlfra. one owner. 0 00 m1. U ke new. Lf'av1nl' count!')' mu~ tell. Har OO!l l·J 22c24 mer rentals. Ma.ke reeervation• now. CLAIRE VAN HORN REALTOR 27:1 ! W Cn~t Hwy . Lt 8·U77 l~O, -R.edecorattd unturn. 1 bed· room. Incl. retr1r. w.ur JMlt1. 222 Olllta Mua 8l., CoRa Me.M Ll 8-1234 after 6 p.m. 2ac.2A 23c26 l\"EWPORT BEACH 2 ~rm , 1932 Harbor Blvd.. Colt.a Me .. 1 • ---------....-,---f11rn. apt.... utll. 6' ~e lnrl . Phone LJ~rty 8-6-0~1 20c22 52 Singer Sport Car Balboa Island P•nel rny h .. al . S:'>O. monUi In ,,..._ Harbor ltll Md "" fnr Ut• Ad 1'.kn '" ~ yoor ta...atled .t toda'. 11,,. Baur hn• A cl 8 W11r•l!nu.tt 220 S. MllJ.ll St , l:ilU'lta Ana, ('IP"" E\'"I 'Ill 9. Sun 11 · ·, :..o l."SED pl&nOll Y.'lllted tor our rtntal d'pt. Trade your old pllllln on ne.w <'ltl'trtr oraan. 1p1net or JlliLnd piano. H iit: hut a llov. ancf' ONJD OWNER., MOO JJUI• S7Gll Ch A taJ June 20th Ph. U 8-1408. 221fr. '37 P'ORD 2 111 \'H y clesn. New · '1: olce yearly anu 1wnmer 1'911 •. paint. Xlnt I l~ntn~ conr1111nn Hausken M~~ Inc I M W I Vl ll•ble. f'J.ll"P' HA Vl':N 2 """"·· R111111r • block• llOUlh of 41b SI o r Phone Klmberty 3· i 20t ' DAS Z-SC'lUUDT BJa Piano Stott . :120 No. lULn, l&llt& ~ . . 1P69 !I) I\ , H&rho• • ' DOftlS BRAY fq•ltor I f1rt pl111,. :'\at uraJ wood cabtn•t•. HIKhland•1 l , • "·A. sft"r ·, lP32 Harbnr Blvd · r n1t1 M,.H 218 1'fan n" Ave . Balboa u land l.Aunt!ry room. Garb. 411p. Ou . pm. 2~ J Plaone Lib.rt)' a.-ooGL I llarbor 20 l6Uc ~ .. ,.. aa. • lkJ7 I ' I i I• ,_ • .a8i\-Apt._ for Rent M-Baalw 9PP:Drtaaltiel M-Bnt•·err ~U. 6%~=.;B~e~al!!_!Et~ta~te~---~a~;:::·~-!!!.a!.~ ..... ~~-~--­ Charming Hubor Haven Apa.rt.menu • Patioe NEW • ftOOM, 1Lrut level Near 1ehool.I. &hopping district. Quiet. pleuaot. exclwdve. Garbaa• dll· poul, laundry, 1tora11 room1, prace. 182.:50 up. Occuplu I.II· Ure •treat. Cood wpenUW>n. Mgr., 1:501 Havrn Place 1 Block South of ff1fb 8cbool ALSO F URNISHED APT&, W1N'J'!:'Pt RA T!:S 3llc ATTllACTIVIC tumt.lhed modem atudlo 11.pb, (Jtll1ttea palti. M3 and $75 monthly 3414 Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar P!I. Llbt!rly 8·7171 days, 21c28 · Yearlv OCEAN FRO"'f APT. 2 bedrm. exqulllt1 Y1aw Ir tor· 'lllhlnca. ~nt turn. or u~turn. UUI. pi1. MUST ~e lo 1ppreclate Harbor 4M l for appointment. 2lc33 fiASO~ABLY prtced, .clean 1 A 2 bedrm. furn. apt.. UW. pd. Llundry room. Playground .tor chtl~n·n. Blue Top Apls. 403 BusineSS Opportunities -Vogel Values ·Beach Conceuion-Owner groued over $18,000 in an 8 hour day at peak of eeuon • very hJ n~ One ot beat location.a. BeauU.tully equipj>ed and laid out tor volume with nP.nimum help. Owner and wife have been ha.pitalized and doctor aay1 to tell. Full uuitice price $8:500. Terma to qualified buyer. Water Front Leue--Own.er aaya he turned down $100,000 fOf' thia choice location. He wtll ctve a 10-year lease at $800 per month for uee ot land and alipa any lmproyemenu constructed would cuanntee good income. Many poulblli· ti• on thi.a. Anchorage for Leue-Bayfront • property • Owner will le.ue 135 ft. to experienced Y&eht Broker. Waterfront and all tllp1 plua l&lea office for straight rent Cno percentage). See The 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. LI 8-3481 Vogel Co. Newport Beach Evea. LI 8-3580 Ntwp0rt Blvd., Newport Beach. tflB.-Bomea for -Bent A bov1 th• Arches. lOtfc ------------ l BDllM. tum . apt. P'h~pl Cloee WILL LEAS!!: S bdrm. Cliff Hav"n to ahopplnf caur. Yearly rmt· home $U6. month. LI 8·~417. &I. Corona del Mar. Call U 23p25 8-4834. 20tlc LIDO BA YFR01'"r A.PT .. tum!ah· f'd. 3 bdrmL, 2 batll. Wlll Wb· leue, Jurui l llth to Oct. 28th, SUll 1>41r m«mlh. Phone HjU'bor 79. 22lfc MODERN 1 bdrm, apt. With ranre and rf'frlg. Carport and private patio. See mgr. In ApL C, 2620 Avon St .. Newport Beach. H&r. 46i0-J . 2Ufc NEWPORT HEIGHTS-2 bf!dnn. unfum. home, 1love 4: re!rl(. tum. Xlnt. neighborhood. S9~. month. M2 Fullerton LI 8·7908 alter noon or week ends. 2ic29 V ACA~CY for reflned elderly lady In beauUfUl home, u cellf!lll fooo A: care. Big garden, TV "tc. HYatt 4-4328. 23p28 ASSOCIATE Acuve or not, new product read)' tor market, compleU!Jy teated • proven. Should euily net $100.- 000 nnit year. WUJ at&nd rigid tnveeU1atJon. .At.olut.e proof at l lrlll tnt.ervlnr. Th.la la a chance of llteUme for party wt1Un1 to lnveet moo ca.ah tor ~ Inter. M t. Drawtn1 a.ccount lt &eUve. Ati.olutely no telephone lntor- matJon. No time for curlosllJ CLIFF HAVEN $18.200 You can't beat thil, you can't "-mat.ch th1a. Three Bedroom home, hardwood tloora, hqe livin&' room with tlreplace. Patio, hap G. L Loan, com- pletely land.ca(*!. room for 1 pool $3:w>O down. Multiple '-o. ~ CORONA DEL ~L '13.350 There aren't any left, everyone bu alrMdy told you thia, BUT we have l.iated two 30 x 118 Lot.a on corner ot Orchid 4 Seaview, when theae a.re 1orw there jut ain't no more./ $12,250 _, Save your rent while you a,.. buildiQg. Garage apart- ment with \'few, room to build on front of corner lot. Thl1 la another good buy worth looking into. RAY REALTY CO. CA.CROSS FROM THE B4NK) MU E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del.M.ar Barbor 2288 WALKING 11 Just the apot for you. 2 blocb to the Lido Shop- ping center and 1 block to both bua linee. 2 bdrm.I. and a den, comp. fQm., ju.It $12,~ and $8000 dn. ALSO SEE THESE 3 old un1ta near pier, $7500, $U500 down. • 2 bdrml., 1~ bath. $MOO, $3000 down. • 11,1 bd .. rm1. $8900, $1500 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2307 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2313 LOOKlNG for a llUle plat·e juat for one nr two? I h&Vt' what vou need and Y.111 throw In utll· ;tll'll for seo mo t umlshtd on Balboa bland, yearly. Harbor 2H 2 24p26 New Luxury Medical Center U> be copstructed. -kera. Party aelec:Ud muat ------------------------- ----- BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. home, un· rum lahed $80. month a BDRM. home, 1tove a nti retng. 190. m onth. Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 19th It Placentia. C. Mel!& Daya A E vea. Ph. Llberty 8·3863 Ample private parking, centrally located. Layout" to tenant. order. For Information, LIDO REALTY .Aasociate.s ruml.t!h characl.er reterencea and be e&lfY to 1et aloQc w1th. Thill may well be th• lut ad you will evtr need annrer. P'or peraona1 lnurvlew phone L B 3-1331. Rour9 10 LID. to I p.rn. 2k28 3'00 Via Lido Har. 4444------------ lSt!e CAFE, OIL BOOM TOWN, M&1n 23cU ~----------- St.. RunUnrton Beach. Bame owner 7 yn. want. t.o go !Cut $4,350. tull price. LIDO ISLE I! you need a 4 bdrm., 3 bath home with a large liv. rm., attracttve Jdtchen. family room, dining area, lll!l'Vice porcll and double suage, wall to wall carpet and drape.e, we can poeitively offer you a rare bargain. Buy appointment only, phone Georse L. Stewert with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdn n. untum . nou~ with A'&rare. $76 nn J1a11e. Oce&n aide ot Hwy. !')17 Al'aClll, Ph. Kar. 2888-W. 3 OP'Jl'ICE ~ tor leue. Ap· pro.L t 7'x3~' each. rn Udo Shop- ping areL 600 Via Malaga, Har. 332i. 16tfc 1!50:S W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har. ~188 or 1983 CABINET, wood work1n1. fumi· -------------------------ture r1ttnl1hln1 mop. No com· 2k2t F OR Rl!:NT April h t on Jeue, 11t not aold by that daU!). I>Mirable fully furnl11hed 3 bdrm. BALBOA ISL.AND -Ideal loca· lion on Marini! Ave., ottlc1 or shop. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. AU tor $125 mo. Har. 2042. l llfc C'.orona Hlr~anda ff1Jl1 1iy houae. aM-~A~:B~o!tl~-~--~~Be~a~ta~-­Cozy u11ed hrlck tlrepla.ce, birch _ paneled kitchen. wall to wall HARBOft BLVD., 2 bdrm. unlurn. rarreun1. autnmauc wublnr bunplow. Perfect for buaineu. mal'hlne. lltt . yar:d. view. Ideal 1111 Harbor Blvd., Mc.MANUS tor C'hllc1rrn. See anyUme, 804 Liberty 3-3!33. 22c2• 15e&"-'9rd Rl1., Corona dl!I Mar. 24c36H FOR LZASll -Blvd. property. --------------:--a\lllable tor Beauty Shop or 11m. NEWLY DECORATED 2 bdrm. bualneu. Includf'11 large living horn,.. furn. nr untum., ca.race. rooJti, 2 bdrm .. kitchen. &leo ln· C"lnee lo f>hoJll', S6~ or '70 mo. come i-r· apt. Parking taelhlln 439 Hf"llotro~. rn"'na 11f'I Mar Very rea.sonable. Hu l 'lil-W 24<'28 Bradley at BYatt •·3642 23c28 F UR."llSHED cotta~I', lu ge loL Yearly $30 month tor 2 adult.a. 41:1 Feml~af, Cflrona dtl Mar. 24p26 For lease upstairs J>4!Ullon. J!:et&bllahed 5 years. Good deal for the r1gtlt man. TRAILER PARKB for aai. - 82 •J)Mle•. modern .... Jl 18,000. 08 spacea. near COUt --170,000. to space1, plu1 8 apartment. A born. ... -..... __ ......... _ $90,000. MOTEL uid TR.ULllR 'PARK on Cout ···-·····--····---····-··· $80,000. SANDY STEINER ft.eal l:atat.e and BuainH• Opportunlty Brour 2912 W. Cout Rlfh-y, NpL Bch. Uberty 8-11121. 2Sc24 SHOE OUTLET? WILL RENT N. W. comer 17th It Orange-Near Alpha Bet.a It Thrifty-Call JAM!:S Harbor 2<H2 23e25 A REAL BUY Corona del Ku -View Dupla -2 bdnna. each unit. one furniahed. Sound condition. Drutically re- duced to fl.,500. Submit down.. Call Harbor 177~ EARL W. STANLEY. Ev-. Harbor 5369 Realtor a ••' FAtate View Lot Corona del Mar a a.a rate Someone's Gonna Be Son-Y ! CORONA. DllL IU.ft.-nia tnpla eana eoup t.o let JOU relu Ud 10 ~-Cloae to OCe&ll Oil D&blla. tl7,600. Bitter purcb&M before aaaun.,- rental& Newport Hei~+s· a BllDROOMS, I bath. Owner built tor own home. Many eJrtru. Pane.led In ma.pie. lncludea drap- ea, bJllt In oven and range. Over l ,tOO mq. tt. • car pr1.c1. Mu.i be llMn to apprcdatf'! $1 ,000,000 View FROM 1100,000 HOME overlook· Ing "UtUe Corona" beach. Trop- ical landacaplng .with J apanese moae lawn. 2 bednns., 2 balha, w1th ru~~ room and bath. Thia i. your dream houae for ~ur .. ment. 1:50,000 ~tth lerm1. " W. E. FiSfier, Realtor and ASSOCIATES IOM r:a.t Cout Highway Corona del t.tar Phon1 Harbor 203 COSTA MESA THREE bedt;00m, FHA home. 3 y.re. old. Dinln( room, hdwr. tlra. dual turn., ruare. fenced yard: Sewer In. Close t o Catholic Church. ;uoo. toaii J7.2M. '2.200 down. 167.26 per month Incl.. tax A In•. TWO BDRM. Ir den older home. furn. clOle to bUI .I: (ood mkla. Sewer In. Lot :>Ox200. Garage. Full price $8,l'JOO, l.t caah. George V. Fox BROKER 177 JC. 17th St .. Co1ta Ml'M LJbtrty 8·2611 SOLD by Multiple Listing 50I Jumln1 Ave., Corona del Mar By LESTER JO~ES w1lh PRICI: McCUIS'nON, Realtor A Whale of a Home For the Money lo Costa Meaa NEW, 4 bdrma, 2 bathe, corner lnL Th.I• home Jr.ff.A. built. Exterior atucco, Interior plu ler. Stand· ard colored plumblns flxtur e11. Al the tot.al price of $10,600. Thl11 home fl&"Ure• ll.50 per mq. fL of Improvement.a plua $2,200 for comer lot -, 77"xl06', on .. 1de paved atreela, curba a.nd ...,.,..., Real OO<'C1 Terma Bay & Beach Realty H 60 W. Balbo& Blvd , Balboa Neal J, lotart.ln Rarbor 1284-Evt.t. LI &-1774 BAYSHORES Rustle 3 br . 2 bath S23 600 Charming 2 br., c ar. apt. 21,600 NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS.PRESS-PART IV· PA6E 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 VIEW HOME Newport Height.a Area (not a le&eehold) 8 Bedrooms -2 Baths $23,500. IF A VIEW ia what you are looking for don't fail to tee thia lovely home. It ia one year old, immacu· late in and out and with it'• floor to oeillng win· dowe, leading to ~ ver&nda, the ocean view t1 vis· ible from the minute you enter ~ front door. Thia extremely livable home eomea equipped with a garbage diapoaa.l, diahmuter. Thermador range, forced air heat and ~utiful new draperle1 and wall to wall carpeting. The owner Jtatea her view kitctien ia a marvel of effl.clency and her home with !\'• collliderabJe view area ii tdtal for entertaining. Roy Greenleaf.( Jr. & Associates 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 26.'52 I L LIDO The vuy best excluaive u.ttng on Lido Ille. Large 2 bdrm .• 2 bath aingle story home on a 45-tt. lot, overalzed garage with laundry. Forced air beat, blg living room and fireplace. Spacloua South patio where you may relax a.nd aoak up the 1un. You will have to nJah to get thla oner Open Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo $23,500. Hu a new $15,000 to.n. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718 21c23 SCOTCHMANS' SPECIAL $2500 dn. Never to much for to little. A word to the wise ia 1ufflcient. Better hurry I 2 bdrm., M-tt. lot, So. patio, firepla.ce A barbequ.. Reduced to $20.9:50. DO HURRY while the owner la ~ 6 wtlllng. 30-ft. lot on a good ltreet. $8100. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFnCE "Juat to the right of the Udo Bridge• 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bcb. Bar. 3M3 (eve. H. 2999) WHO LOVES A VIEW 7 Who Loves Fresh Air? A MILLION lJGBTS GLISTEN lilre a diamond from tbia brand new redwood & shake roof bome. 3 bedroom.a, 2 bet.ha, 100,000 B'I1J furnace. The price! -$29, 7:50 I! I D 0 R I S B RAY , Realtor CORO:>:A OF.L. MAR--Unf11m. 2 b 1rm. hnu~P I blo<"k Muth of hqr;hW»y, nPar storrs It theAtrf' rht'\n,. f,lhrrly 8·4028. 2Jttc 800 Sq. fL wltable for bustnus, studio or office A: living quart· eni. 115 M.artne Ave., BAiboa la. Ownf"r 139 N. Bay Front. Bal· boa hlantl. 23p28 M-Monez te Lou NJCWPORT REIGBTS--a bedrm. home, 1 ~ baUi.., near echooll. Hcttrd. Ooon 4 m&D)' nice tea· lures. Immed!at. po-Son - $16.500. Reuonably low down paymenL NEWPORT HJ:lGHTS -2 bdnft. 6 den home. l!:xcll. location. 1 yr. old. Hu 2 bat.ha, flrepl.ace, aelect oeJt tloora, A.rcadi& alld· Ing 1la.u doou. lar11 aunahl.ny kitchen. larce cloeet.L 100 yd.a. w to w earpetinr. Sll>,ISOO. Ca.n be FHA. tlnanced. Ell.On Barnett, Realtor. LI 1·2772: or 1VeL LI 8·7158. 19e32R OUT OF IT.ATE owner want. bell BACK BAY Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings offer to "c.uh out" choice lar~ 2 br. d,n, "w acre. beauty 22,500 Nona Hyer Chet S&U.bury J'\E\\' 3"bdrm unfurn. home tor 1ulult f11mllY. 0nh· SI!:'> month rin 1~1'4' Ownl'r Lf 8·6297 tvea. 20lfc C /I. LL ~OW for a 4 br. • den f111 n luirnry hvu~e wt th pool. """c 11 v """ M nrl•• for children 8· 10 mon 11~ r,.nt.111 frnM Jun,. 11\.. Hai h~r 117',.J 20p2• HAflBOR Bl.VO . 2 bdrm. untum. b11nir:11lm,. 1991) Harbor Blvd .. M r~! A :'<l'~ 1.1 8-3333. 22c2.f I \\'IUll " ~<If• I bll•lnl'll~ k><'lllJOn., l OSTA ~·F:~A l 'nl11m 2 b<1rm h•llh• :! rnr 11a1 agr w1U1 la~t h•11nrln ""'m :0-:11•t yan1 $75. 2000 11q. ft , light industrial on Cou t Highwi>.Y. Will remodel to 11ult tenant. va11~ tr> ~ arra.nr· td VOGEL CO , 34111 Via Lido Harbor 49il 23c2l) WORK SHOP off Cout Highway. J {)()() aq. ft. wired for power. Walled for spray booth SM . mo. Llberty 8-~~18. 23c26 BtiSINESS rm,, l';"3i' ~2 Supenor Ave . Co.ta Meaa, 1330 aq. fl. .. quipped 110 A: 220 elt>c. power. Skyhghl.3, gOO<l parking. Har 261';'-R. Courtesy tn sgenu 2•c36H 11111 S• 1' 111 7•, 11 :o-;,."'T'Mt Blvd 53B--lndU8trial Rcatala 1.11\#rt • ~-:!O:I• 22<'2• LF:A ~F: I H ;t I:> lrm br11nr:I ne"'· 1 M 1 2 ACRES l'"lurn hom,. Ralbna \'Isla 1n-1 1 $'1.'\ mrnlh Own,.r. u l~:I n. f ront.Age on Placrnlla St 9.;12!•i ,., ,.. 23tfl" l!:llc~l•nl ret1111 n11tlrt F'or 2 RflR~I 111rn hrimr. flrtrla<"" 11n11 h,.AI r11rlnY.I f'4UO. l.'nttl lell.AI' or •1U b111ld for r~li.thle tf'na n Own,.r U 8-11710 nr Ll 1-6186. :!4tfc Jun~ 1"1 $7,, nr Jiii\ y early, tn ----·---- r~-'r<>n•1h1-r~rl v Jll II!: .Balb'la Rll"rl :!3c2:> ---M-Moner to Loan _ 2 BEDROOM 11nt11mlMf'd nt"Wty LOANS rslnlf'rl $61\ prr mnnth 712 C'11brllln, C'n11tA Mf'MI PROMPT SERVICE; 1.11..,.1·1 v A· 71\4~ 2:lc25 6 '(, tint t.rmit deefls 20 yea ra Orange Coast Propertie~ PRI\' A TE FT ft:'\. 2 hdrni, home. 1867 l';l'Wp<lrt Ave .. Cost& Mu. !:nrloa.11 ya.rrt. nowtno fruit LI 8-le;!2. U 11-1400 E\•tti 9~lfc ..... ~,.It Wfl.. s•rtlf'n. TV. dble. ------------r&r A A Amlra111t, 170 !:Ht llllh rn~tA Mr11a, Ll 8·l9P7 23p25 11!REE BDIUtS., I.,_ bat.h.w un· t um. modf'm, aome Ylf'w, on AV0<"11do SL ln Corona del Mar. Tnrlv on lrue at Sl2~ month. Call Rarb<>r Jeo<l. ·1 ilfc WOULD lll!e to buy IPL and 2nd 'I'Nal Oeed1. Call Har. 2326 •St.ft' NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal F ee S..u..ES -REFI::\A:O-:CE CO~STRGCTIO~ Call tor Frre LOANS for Homes G" -20 yr, Loane Construction Loans SR BOB 8A 'rTLER 2516 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona deJ Mar Harbor 1188 Rep. POJR!ER MORTCAOI: 00. lletro Llt1 1Dll. l"\m48 IC1.. 1·5186 Utte REAL ESTA TE LOANS Interest Rate 5---5 ~" Loan. qukklJ madf! ln th• BaJ Ana and Coata .Mea. Single or mulUple wlill. New or old. Be wt.. and a ve by ~t'lnanctnr your pre~l la.zi. MiAlmwn ell· penu.. No cha.r(e for prellml· nary appra.ln.I. Phone Santa Ana Klmberly 3·61>33 or "'11t. ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.pie Loan Corrupondent Occldent.&J U!e lnl'urance Co. 1>33 South M a1JI ll&nta Ana "WANTED" 2 hr. & den home South of Hiway ... Ca.eh to $20,000. pp p. a. palmer. inc. ole haneon eo., wee management 1700 w. cout b!fhway liberty 3-M73 CORO:'\A DEL MAR.. untum. J bdrm . 1 balh ·h(lme. On leuc $13~. mo. CAii Rarbor 4318. 13c~ Fut Commitments on Rdld111ou an<l l'nlt.a only ~ Pro_Re!!f .A 'J'TENTJON ! t; p U> '~ or 50 ft. trailer, h~ lot•. private en· tnan~ 111-0 ft. from NN'p(>rt Blvd. A at.ona.. On11 130 mo., no C'~ tor 1 or 2 thUdrt'n. Coet& MHL Kl 2·1074. 24c.29 -l"nr a rtepe.ndable uM'd car . .ee your lor&.1 d'1tl11r who .. ·111 hot h4'~ TOMORROW 111 heC'k up •·h1I .,,. ~1111 TODAY' f"h•rll: I !if' 11"'11 Uta In lhfl r lu111f1td ~CU!ln to- Don I Huddleston BALBOA iNcoME • & UNITa--Ol~r p~ emtnl- 173 E. 17th St. t:r Joe .. 1 ~ btu. to 11-n ot BaJ. C081' A Ml!:SA boa. Utll. nn. Juat redu~ t.o u -.~ 1 LI MM2 $2.3.llOO t or qulc.k Ale. SOOOO dn LOA.NB TO BUD..l>~ DCPROVI: BUT, MODD.NlZll. OR RllJ'IN A.NCI: w. Buy Truat Deeda !'aWPORT BALBOA SAVfNGS It LOA N ASSOClATlO!ll ll38C Via LI.-in Ph Hu. 4200 • Uo Owller Harbor 1891. T6lfc ~I-RMI .-...... Et.._fe C'ROIC'!: PROP!:RTT -Sant. Ana. ~ IArfe mom1. 1, bathe. fltrn,.r r h•at. rln1'<t In tnwn Talce lntll"r u r11ri r\m t Kl 'T ~780 23p~ Bay Front Income I Unlt>-t A I DectNolm, fmll• la!led. PSl.r, Oc&t ud prtftte bMCIL 1000 .. 8al&ce 811'd., B&Jbo&. CNK"'9w ll&H. Cour- tesy t.o br'N.... llUc LARGE LOT on Clltf Or1v1 ln Clltt Haven. ALSO 40 tL 1lreet t.o meet lot on Genoa, U do Iale t 2nd lot from Udo Soud, with view of bay) Mra. Abreru, Har. 01 91 : .tfc SOLD by Multiple Listing 1018 Ocu.n Front Balboa 8.Y GLOD&:?<. fi'A T with BAY It BEACH REALTY B.ALBOA-Attrae. mod. homa. A· 1 cond. Lge. llv. rm. Ocean Y1ew lhru plct. wtndowL I bid~. dble. p.r. Nr. llChooll, beacllu TbJ..s property has good Income opportunity. Non·tU. owner Came anyt.Jm•. 12211 W. Balboa Blvd. 21pS4h -BT Ol\"Nl!R I OLDl:R ROUS. l two ti.drm. "' d1111, one 1 bdrm. tum. on 100 n. frontage, both or wtll dlTtde. 248 E. 18th St., Colta M .. a Liberty 8-5122. U c.25 SPACIOUS HOME and guut or tncoma apt. 2 W1 bath.I, irta.tl mowuL Bdwd. noora. 3 tuma.c· ea. prb. d.l.lp. Only 2 yra. old Owner, 802 Jumln•, Corona del Mar. 23pMh ONLY $9500 Ideal for world.11g or retind aoupl.a 2 bdnn. tuncUonaJ modem, euy to me.In ta1n. 14 000 dl1"n. Ba.l- ance l50 mo. A loeaUon of dt. UneUon. Har. 987 or teH·W. 2tttc BY OWNER Coron" Hl(hland• -I bdmt~ t llll th t11.rmhou.t. FHA commit· ment. Pll.. Harbor 79-J. t9tfc \ comer loL Cail build 2 homee. 2 &ett• near .chool wtth rent· 216 Marine Ave., Balboa laland eadl w1th ocean view. ela u .ooo. ------------------------ SH STANLEY SMITH BEACX>N BAY 2847 E. cout BJrh-1, Coron• del Mar. Harbor 882. 23c25 2 br. plu11 1 br. gar 11pt. 24 .ffi'>Q. Leaving State I UNIT OOUJlT 1n Coat& MeaL Excellent income. Small down payment handlee. A.L80 OC&AN l'ftONT UST AU· Claire Van Horn R!;ALTOR 2731 W. Cou t Hwy. JJ 8·•277 SOLD JUNT ln N.wport Beach. sea-by Multiple Listing aoD Jutrt at&rtJnr. Good money l 9 River ae<:. vac. lot on 38Lh St l'\B mabr. By J udy Ht;;\IER with owner. llc24h HlLLTOP LOCATION J'l:ltfCEt> 7ard, ta.rce pauo. wall to wall carpettni. !p•rkllng wtllt• Cape Cod cottage. 11 you h.&•1 been "1hopptni" you W1ll know thJa I.I an exceptional buy at only $10,9~. 1' do~. balance MO month. OPEN FOR TOUR INSPl!lCTION :HO Newport Blvd. Newport Height.a, Ph. LI 3-5093. 23p2l5 Wh t V. Ill . a a 1ew ... J. M.. loOJ.J..ER, Rt.&l tor Back Bay Area $1700 down 3 BDR.M. HOUS IC. Rdwd. noon1 2 car p.rare. nnopla.c~. lmmPd. po-ea. r trLL PRICE $11 .~ The Locator of Calif. 1884 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1661 23c~ VIl:W I I BA TP'RONT 8 Bl'!ACO:'I: BA Y F rom w. A'M'R.ACJ'IVE BAT ••• AV!!. ROME. Upst.alr11 A down. Colorful. artlatlc wa.llpaper de~ HOME and I NCOME-f'11ml~h .. 1I cor. rNT!llUOR BAR-8 -QUE, ' bdnn11., 3 balh11, a1111 2 btlrm CRl:Jl"S DELIGHT. sunny apt. Garh11gr 1llaro1t1IA, tlh•h· br1c.ked Patio wilh Jt'ffllU)' and wuher 3 1"11r G"IHlll:I' Pn va tr vtn•. Owner .. mnr. 115 w. Bay beach. P ier. f103t.. tr nn111 court • •--ytlm 1•c20.h pr1v11CfU. Sun rj,.r k&. patln. Aft.~&ft _,.. 0 " e • e HOME -INCX>ME COURTESY TO BROKl':R~ Harbor 2:167·W. 22r24 CORONA DEL MAR TO SETTLE EST A TE, Widow will sell nice 2 bdrm. home. 1 1 ~ blocks from 11bopping cent.er. Hu Iota of tilt', beamed ceilings, furnace heat, beautiful flag· stone fireplace and garage i.11 atreeaed tor apt. over. A 5r; insurance Co. loBJl with payment. of $53.39 per month. Will sell turnlabed, if deaired. Only $12,500. Excluaiv~ Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "BUS~ IS GOOD" 3542 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Ma r Har. 1862 GOOD INVESTMENT 20ACRES Good Farm Land -Near Ocean $3000 • Acre Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mesa ( Acro88 From Co11ta M eaa Bank l Phone Liberty 8·6761 Evea. Har. 4366-LI 8-2103 SOLD by Multiple Listing \'111 I •t blk r tr !HS, Balt>M B v Jl'DY Hl:;\'TER "'1th J M MILLER. R.ealt11r TRADE FOR HOME with pif'r and float anti 11mall inrom~ Owner l'\'l1ring from b• nCRs. Well bWlt tu.m. J bdnu., I Y"'· old home. Plua 2 one bdnna. apt.a on two R-2 lot.a. Top location Cooron& d1l Mar. Property 111 clear, worth 130.000. Sacr11k e for lmmed.lat. MJe. '22.000 For app't caJ1 Vl:RIUNDJ!;R, Barbnr 41t3, -. Rar. 347t. 18lfc OCEAN VU:\\' modl'm 2 h~•lrm O\\'~ER •tlUna: mOdem :I 1><1rm · WTLL TRADE unenrumh<'red hnme wll h fXtra room an •I •. t f"l\'F:l.V ~rh home, nnr, mod· VD ,..._ 2 bdnn. \, block lo •h:ean, W Newport. I H ,000. Dou11aa 8·33:12 an•. 24p CORON A. RIGHLAJ'I([) LOTS - ~•ti.A.~ C&ll II.arbor 21'8 Utlc BALBOA, I bdrm. hmuw, hdwt1 nooni. Nn!plac•. 11ar. Jood lor'I· Uon CJl)M In. W11: lrade. 0-.'ller &11 W. ~ Blvd. 23p24 bath nn <lo11bl'I pragr. Awklng $25,000 Low i:lown payment or will l.&M f"lrJl Tnirt Our! In trade 2712 curt Dnv, l adJllC•nl Vlll'&nt lot 1vallabl11 1 Ph own~r. 1~1 8·2~·:J2 2~!fr lnt.ererted in a Lovely Home in Garden Grove? Heated Pool ' Bl!:DROOMl!I. 2 hllt.h•. I&• 110 1· '1ty room. p11tlo w t.Q w rsrp•l Largl! lot landaraptd • f11n"flt1 $28.:\M Ml'I' V1r"1'1lV'n, LI 8· 1371, or 1ZhJi1I 9·1333. 22t! 2 bAt.t\ hnm" •l lOf' of r ornna 11, I ~hr Mnrt11A1te p11y1ng tum i:;'lr 111 t , a1.tn. d•~h "-Uher, WH•hln.: m11rhlnP, nf'w atove. re- 9 u.n1t atuccn m c.t ''' with <>Wner'R 'lUartns. All fur. nl11hcd . Jn tip t op 11h11pt> on frllC" rtr•r"" 6 nc•or Mvt rin,,. main highw11y In Culv1·r Ci- 1nrt111'1•rt Many h1111t 1n~. 10111 of l y. Well loc&t f'd 111.nlf e-111.ab- room tr.r 1M<111 waltc1n1t 111-tAnre liRhed hui.lnMll\ d11mg over tn IV'hn"I. 12~· Ofl<Y Har. 2~M 5$1()()() w11 h low t?:pt'nlle. ... ,. 1 Ttfc. ") Your lnro~ 1tarh at oncf'~ -F'11r a <1"f1Pnrl11bl,. UJ1~l1 l'.-r, - ynur lnr11I 11Pal•r whn w111 ~ hf'r• TV'lMORR()W to hAr l( up •h•t h,. .-.11~ TODA v. r,i,,. .. I( rti~ UllC'd I ru11 in th~ cl&Alltlad M<:Uon to- day. Let me know what you have. Owner Erne11t Zlm. mennan. 21l07 South C.Och· ran Avr., l/11 AogeJP~ 18. Phnnt' Wlt1tney S961. r,our. &..)' to broUn. 17 olOll ~I . I ' - ,A&E 6 ·PART IV -NEWPOllT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS a-a.a &late THURSDA4Y, MARCH 10, 1955 ............. . THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BUSINESS ZONE 150 tt. downtown Co9l& llea. Clear, trade for buaineM or rental property will uwme wbmJt your trade. OWNER WANTS to .ell, Only R-2 available on Kiq1 Rd. M yr. leuehold at $24-0 yr. Out.1tandinr Yiew lot. . INOOME UNITS -Perfect income record. • tum- niahed 1 bdrm., lal'aCH between .. Sewen, clear. Owner carrte. b..lance at $12!S mo. Income $2e0,. month -$"500 down. $47~ nTLL PRICE. Trailer home with bath and cabana added. Beautiful ~ acre on Elden Ave. l'urnlahed, even lnclud~ power l&W'D mower. , Balboa Income Property! T UNIT AP.ARTMENT buildiq. J bedJ'OOm owner'• apt.. S dWa A s ~u. AU runitalMd. O- to Bay • .,..t poulb'-rwnt.al al'eL Potential Income J5IOO y-.,. '2t.~. 110,000 doWn.. Will t....S. equity fOf' amaU Balboa helm«. Newport Duplex ! CLOSI: TO OCEAN FRONT. At- tractive property. "1nll.abed. J b.droom• up and l down. 1 tu.- place. Ste.~. IT.~ dowL Peninsula Duplex! 1..0VEL Y 2 alory with S beclnn8. up and two doWn. Well f\amllh- ed, moet ot e&1119Unc aad drap- e. new. $21.~. Pa~nt• ot l l:IO per month lndudel tnuttft. t&Jte1 and lnluranc:e. Peninsula Homes! TWO BEDROOM STUCCO borne. I . MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES CHECK THIS BARGAIN: 1. 'l1lne nice bedroomla -bath It 'h. 2. Beautiful Lmnr Room with Birch Panelinr It '1ftplace. 3. Slidinc Gla.-Doora to attncijve err crate patio 4. Ral nice kitchen -extra luge 1ervice porch 5. Htte. i8 the payoff! -Fully It Dlcely tumiabed for ~1 $11,!W)O and in a Top Newport Height. location! PRIZE BAYVIEW! Yea, a 'f'iew from almo.t every room. 4 lovely bed- rooms It den.. BeautifuJ luge living room with IUn deck. Three b&tha. If you are honestly looking tor a quality Yiew home in the Harbor Area, pleue take a look at this bMuty. Price $40,000. CLIFF HAVEN Open Houses- Sa:t. & Sun. Blj SURZ aad -Ulue• hOU&fl Oil dl.attncUw merit 1.a Otta Bhae' R lbbaft Community! 1001 Cliff Drive NEARLY NEW I bdrm .. 2'it baUI with Panoramic Ylew of Harbor. Not 1euebo14. Slit.TOO. Xl.nl. tenna. 600 Cliff Drive THIS LARGE 3 bdrm.. I bath home wllb lanai dlnlnc room ch&llen1ea oompariaon Ill s2e.~ 417 Snug Harbor DOlACULATE J bdrm. hOme ltuflt aroun<1 a luxurloua patio. Wall to wall carpet. and comer fireplace add to lta dlUm - SH,&:>O with raA ttnanclnc. • • • a •··~ a .... r.w. Bay & Beach Realty-Realtors J LUXURY AT LOW COST · BA YFRONT -PIER & sup" Home Plua lncome L&t ua ahow you the !lneat Income property on the BA YFRONT. Nearly new, mod~rn. nicely furn~hed three unit.a. The price and terma will au.rpriae you. HOME FOR FREE On Bay Avenue. Live in one unit • let the income from the other make the paymenla. Only $MOO da. LIDO BA YFRONT -PIER AND SLIP NOT A SACRIF1CE ! ·NOT A BARGAIN f . IT'S A STEAL! Hein want action! Eat.ate must be .ettled. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Furniahed price $49,~. AU offera will 'be aubrnltted. ll·l PlaeenUa nr 19th, 127'x103'Jl290. Buy at $70 ft. M Corner, 1 blk. to trana. It Ito~ 70d30 $2500 5 acrea Back Bay at $3000 ac~..._good buy .... $U5,000 C-1 on 18th St. 2 bdrm. home, office • bua. $5000 dn &•l value on Ule .. polnl," din· OUTSTANDING BALBOA PENINSULA eue. fireplace. double prace • • Charm Personified ~: =~uc-htai;o~u~~ ~ •• HOME! (reduced $8,500) BALBOA -bCEAN FRONT HOLMWOOD DRIVE, belt conatructed 3 bdrm., 2 bath borne, b.u everything a newer lit clUI home abowd have. Carpeti~. drapes, built-in brealdut nook, etc. Harbor It Ocean unexcelled view. 2 .toNll, 2 bdrm. apt. Income H% mo. P'. P. '32,000 Ran. .tyle 3 bdrm., 2 bath, UMd brick. new $3000 d.n. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -~UILDEftS 1857 Newport Ave·, eo.ta lleM Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO Evea. Oo you want the best buy in Newport Heights 1 ... HERE IT IS ! OPEN f{OUSE 1-5 P.M. 32• EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 hdnna., 2 bath.a. F. A. beat. Dilhmuter, prb. di•· poa.I, elec. fan. Touch latch ay.tem on cupboard.I. Mercury mtche1. kar saracea fitted with 220 volt whine. Entirely 1urrounded by concrete block walla. Carpeta It drapea included. All for J19,950. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN See UUa beautlhl home on Clltt Drive 3 bednna., 2 batha, Tbennador kitchen, dlahwaaher, 1arbt.1e dlapoal. Many other excellent featurea. 1 yr. old. A real value at $23,900. . COSTA MESA U you are loo~ tor a Kood 3 bdrm. family home, we ban it. Situated OQ F.ut 19th St., Price $12,960 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It Irvine, Newport Beach Pbon. LI 8-2684 Eve.. LI 8-70545 Shore Cliffs -Buyer's Attention! FIR.ST TIME OFFERED -Thia quality 4 bdrm. home plua large den, 2 fireplaces, 3 bath.I, carpet· ed wall to wall. Home bu magnificent view of ocean, canyon Ir hill. Being BOid furnlahed complete. Furniture includea 2 televiaiona, 2 deep freaes, automatic waaher and dryer and complete household furniture. Thia i1 an iltAZING OFFER! Owner leaving area and wiahea to aeU quickly. Shown by appointment only. Thia ahould &ell fut! FuU price $45,000 furnished. I owner wiJI consider .elling unfurnished.) PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING R£ALTOR 34-47 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha.rbor 47 (Office located next door t o Corona del Mar Bank) THE MOST FOR THE LEAST On Marguerite. 2 bdrm., plua den , all newly dee .. with lovely patio and ovenlud gar. Best o{ term11. Only $15,500. South of Highway, COM finest St .. 2 bdrm .. hwd. noora, rood carpeting, roomy kitchen. 4.5-ft. lot. nicely fmced. almoet a \•iew. too. $22 . .500 with good terma. Duplexes! We have 3 be&utle1, 1 on a comer. 1 near the Ocean and 1 with Iota and Iota of room. All Priced Right. - We can truly aay "We're Loaded" with Good Buya. Come fn and make ua prov~ IL R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3822 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har 277 t There's Value Here " Owner ch'o1>9 bia price $2000. Thia most attractJwi 2 bdrm. home on Little hland PLUS 1 bdrm. guest cottap. $10,000 down and owner wUJ carry balance. Attractively furnilhed. $23,000. BAYJ"RONT-Pier It n oat -f bdrma. -$33,700. To baild that cll'tlUl boaM -we have an o.....a.d lot -$15,000. . NELDA GIBS9N, Realtor IOI M&riDe A"'-8&Jboa laland Har. 503 ·eve. 23()6.R only 14.000 down. HERE'S THE O'nlCR OUT· STANDING VA.LUI!: ON TH.II: PENINSULA. 2 bedrvom A: dt'.n home with large walled patio. flecenUy repainted and property In dandy <'ondttlon. An u~ tlonally well bulll property. 'J4 .000, '3.llOO \Sown.. Bee them both. • Balboa Realty Co. COppo8i .. Bank or Amnical Mtmbe1', Multiple U.Unc R.oH Greeley Ed Lee Jack Pinkham J~ Webb TOO !:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 32T7. SOLD by Multiple Listing 1718 WhJtller, Coala .,_ By C. E . JONES wt~ W. A. TOBlAS. R-.Jt« f Holmwood Drive A Street of Beautiful Homes $21 ,960 buya an exoeplloaa.U7 nice larae three bedroom, two baUI home leu than lhrw yean old 111 the cholceal Mellon ot lM ffelchta. THERE la o"r 80 fttl troe~ OD Holmwood in.urm, lllJUU· mum prl¥&cy. The gTOUDda a.re profe911fonaJly lanct.c:a.,.cl &Dd the rear a,.. i. compleui, fe,nced. nu: CRITICAL BUTD 'trill &(>' preclate the top &'fade oall floor· 1ns. the Yery aie.t u. torc>9d w heatlrl& a.nd UM reneroua --1 ot rtn1 cu.tom cabtMt work. OTHER P1CA TURES u. larcw amount.a of flua lnclud.l.n& alldlnr clue wa!I on to the )ove- ly patio. Ult'd ti.th&. ""ll~ and a larce cbeertul , ldtcMn w1lh lovely view of lbe ocean. Thf're la aJ90 a laundry room and an unu•uaJ dln1n1 room. THIS HOME repl"ffl'llta UM top dOllar value In the Harllol' ~ IH'Wt>r'a are In uid pa.id for and the property Is located iNIWe the l\'ewport City Um11..8. Your Inspection I• tnv1tf'd. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2 ll 7 W Balboa Bh·d • Otrlce Har. 24. Ruulcnce U 8.:>190 23cl• SOLD by Multiple Listing 330 \\'•lnul St., Costa Mea By C. E JO!"ES wtUI W . A mBIAS. Realtor Balboa Peninsula 3 BEDftM home with larl" rum· pu1 mom. 2 flrcptac"•· lllnl tam· lly hOmf' ClOH t9 My 6 O<'f'&D Onl)' 122.~>00. Excellent 8 Units ON OCEAN fl'RO?-o"T Corner Jot. "' block f rom bay. Ru f ine 111- r nmf' rl'COrd. Six 1 bedrm. apts. PLCS 2 bJrm. l'f'•ldenct on 2 lots Eit•t B•y Avt' Unobstrut'tt'd v11•w nf bay from rffid~n(». II!) 000 down. · 31/4 acres fenced lN. ORA~GIC PARK ACRES. Only H ,8.'\0, Coast Properties !107 I:. Balboa BIYd., Balboa Phone Harbor 4to0 &3Uc SOLD by Multiple Listing 2024 Ocean Boulevard~ Balboa By OLOO.:S P'AY w1Ut BAT 6 BEA.CM REALTY BY OWNER DJt81R.ABU: I ~room. blllb A t,. CORONA HlGKLA.."\DS fam· lly home. Coay UMd brtr k fire- place. ralwd hurt.h. c~nlnll hut. Charm~ blt{'b paneled kit<'htn. Dlirpoe&l carpeted. Lg~ yud. vie• 118.~. 8" any· lime, 904 ~aw..N Roed. 22p27 S BOIU(, bou•. bwd. O~ P"· 110.ttOO. 471 P'lowtr St.. COllla M .... l.Jberty 8-M:M. Uclt Tbe owner of thia mo.t delirable 4 bedroom home la moving to the Bayfront and hu reduced the price to below reproduction C09l.. Large living room deco- rated to provide a beautiful background for Cru.n.e.e modern fUJ"llituft, the kind of 1pacioua llUDDY kitcb· m you've dreamed of with 1eating facilitia for eight people. paneled ltudy, large Hawaiian rumpua room with wet bar, Jusurioua aundeclt off muter bedroom with ocean Tiew. W to W carpeting and C1lltom draperiee included at $31,500. THE VOGEL .CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bc:h. LI 8-3481. Eve. LI 8-3580 FULL PRICE $7800. 2 BORK. It DEN. ITS NICE. Eut side Co.ta Kea. Sewen in. ONLY $2000 DN. BAL. $58.25 MO. Eva. inform. Petitte LI 8-M87 2 ONE BDRM. UNITS on be.ut. 11-, acre. Near Country Club. Room for & more rentala. Inc. $110. mo. $3000 bandJeL Full price $11,500 .. Eve. information LI s.:5487 TWO HOUSES ON LOVELY ~; ACRE. Deluxe 2 bdrm. It den home plua neat 2 bdrm. renW. Can rent botb for $150. mo. Ideal location for children. $4800 d.n. It EZ term&. A pleuure lo 1how. Eve. information LytJe -LI 8-2M2 BACK BAY ACREAGE. 4 aett11 rolling land. Beaut. new. $20,000 with ~2 down. Eft.. inform. Seymour, Har. 5298-W M-1 ACREAGE -Buy it now at right price. 8 &eftll at $5000 an acre. 111 down. We bawe 8"Va1 noel'-"t buya in 2 It 3 bdrm. homee ill cJme..ill .,._ ol. ea.ta M-and t Saleamen anxi- ous to lbow them to you. Drop in our office. HOUSTON REAL TY 509 Center SL. Costa Meu. Liberty 8-6911 -------------- Corona del Mar Vogel Values RESIDENCE & INCOME Duplex located j\L9t one bLk. to main beach in heal yearly ~ aummer rentaJ area. Each unit baa 2 bdnna., fireplace Ir W to W carpets. Over 1900 aq. ft. on a 40-fL lot. Thia ia a real buy at $23,!'M)() &.nd owner aaya, ''Get me a reuonable offer." Unit. ba\ie rmted for-$120 uch per month. Panoramic View Residence Ocean Blvd.. bluff, 2 bdrm. home. Picture windowa look out over main beach. Newport Hbr. It Cata- lina... Estra lot. Well blL. beamed ceilings. Priced at only $27,500. Good t.erma. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 DRAMATIC VIEW of ocean. canyon. bMc.h, cliff a. Large bdrm•.. l ·1 4 bath. Rillaide patio. Spacioua living room. Look- ing right down on beach. 8-t ~nic site in Corona del Mar. For quick aale, $25,500. Call Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave.. Balboa lala.nd . -· YOU ASKED FOR IT! New modem 3 bednn. home, large lot, g®d real- defttial action. Colt.a Mesa -only $10.900. with $900 down. Bala.nee euy. CALL LILA B. McFa.rren witb Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 3788 or ~17 -M $1500 DOWN 2 STORY DUPLEX, 2 bedrml. each me. Cloee in Newport Beach. Total price $1!5,000. Call ue for further detaill. p. •· palmer, inc. o1e ha 11son co., sales management 1700 w. coe.tt 1l4bW&)' -liberty ~73 VERY 81:1..t"'.>M arr we fortunate enoush to ll1t a home with 111ch appeal. It you are Ured''of look- ln1 al ordinary houau then l!'t ua allow you thl• 2 bdrm. and den. 2 bath mu terplt ce of a rth· ltectural dulrn and conBtruc- tlon In the but area of Newporl Hel1ht1. 119.9~0. • • • A Vista of Beauty P'ROM JJ:VltRY WlNDOW lbl.8 au- ~rb Panoramic .Harbor VJtw home with 4 bdrm• .. and den and 2 batha -3,000 llQ. ft. RU8Uc R&ncb ho UN of ellcf pUonal de- al,n and con1tructlon on·2 large Jan<18<:aped lot• w1UI room for deluxe view apta.-Pr1ctd el sn.:ioo with xlnl. tenn•. • • • A truly gracioua home with lotl of airy rooma an4 a heated, tropic-planted coneervatory that ta really "out of th la world." The price! Aak !or detal1L BALBOA PENINSULA PRIVACY ta unique on a 35-ft. lot, but thia 3 bdrm. 1 % bath home bu plenty of It, and the prioe of $16,950 ia RIGHT. Waterfront lot -Corner. Pier privilege. Full price $8500. Room for large boat. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Ba.Jboa Blvd., Balboa, Calli. Harbor 1264 Eve. Harbor 1856 an~hl•~~':!~~ !xi3~·~!. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' . plelely fenced, 8J>rlnkler1, corral. 1t a ble, plu• thl• year'a mode! 8hake roof Ranchy 2 bdrm. • den home with All tht trlmm1n1• Incl . 11hi:>p or playroom ott (llr. SJUOO. • • • This Week's Leader OPPORTUNITY knock• aca.m ~ 11.000 down wlll movl' you Into a lifetime of c:omforuble hv1ng In lhl• nearly new 3 bdrm. adorab~ family home In u r el· lent nel&hborhood. clo~ In Ea•I· 1ide. Flrepl•<'". 1>9rquet t loora. brtts.wa)'. Pace ~lllng v~lue a l 110.11~.! SOLD by Multiple Listing ~23 Ocean A.Vt'., Corona del Mar By LESTER JONES with PRJCE McCUlSTION. Realtor Yes sir- New & Clean BJOCEST BALBOA ISL.ANO value In coml t>rtablt llv1nr; In well planned 2 hdrm. home, with compteltly turn1•hed apt.. ov..r double 6an&g•. Load.a of w11.r1I· robe ap.ce. Sfnny patio. wall to -.11 carpet. furnace heat a.nd nreptace. lt looldnc In thr 12:1.000 lo '30.000 """9' be llW"9 to -tht1 h.ome and In· Cont.a.ct Hub Powrr- • J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 13 Ba.Ibo& bland SOLD by Multiple L isting lot, bl. 1. tr. ail Mlramar Dr. 811 1 By JUDT HUNTER With J M. )OLLER, Realtor $1,850 down I BEDROOM home, n ... r Civic «nter. only IT.~. $1500 down I BJ:DROOM bQuae nHr Octu 18.500 tuU price Bayfront Home· ijAl.BOAJSLAJfl>,4Bf;DROOM~ pier a tl~l. Some flxtnc w111 maJle m Oftey on ruale. 133.7:>0 ~ )oaa a.allable. N. B. C. REAL TY Jlnd • N"'J)Of't BIYCI., Npl. Bch ..,,_. Bv1lor 1406. f'01l 8A.L& or l.ra4e. a.w a bdrm I MUL Doub'-prace attaclted P1Ut.-_..IM la out. Wlll llwt. tor o&der bouae, olear )ot.a. oer, boat. or what have you Lo<iated at 172 r: \\'tlaoft, cne11 M-. Call LI 1-JtlJ, 23pU • LIBERAL J'INANClNG. Thia 3 bdrm. home la a little gem,"'an an attractive neighborhood, Ideal for appreciative people. Lot 60' x 115', living room H ' x 18' -bandy aervice porch -double garage • plutered walls · hardwood floors • fenced yard • sewer in & paid for. $2600 down Ir pay only 4 N<' interetil on the balance of $8000. $73.85 monthly including ta.xea Ir insurance. THER!; ARE NO GIMMICKS in the price or the financing of this adorable 3 bdrm. older home in Newport Height.a. lt'a sweet & lovely-eubst.a.ntially reduced for quick sale. $8500-$1000 down. $70 mo. END THAT SEARCH. Reduced for qulck aala, you simply muat eee thia apic Ii apan home to apprecl· ate the value oHered. $8450 ($8750 i,at week) with $950 down. OVER AN ACRE -2 bdrm. Ir den -ltorage room • double garage · sewer in le paid. $13,500, t.enna. A-1 agriculture, 2 acre. ......... -... ··--- G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa. LI S.leot BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two units, 2 bdrma. each, a REAL buy at iJ7,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front moderJ1 <3 bdQD-, 2 bath home wttb view from every room. CO'niplet.ely furniabed.. AskJng $45,750 and ONLY $:sooo doWD. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely rurnh1hed and in exceUent condJtJon. Full price $36,500, terma. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland (Evea. Harbor 1786-R) Harbor m LIDO ISLE Sl950 ON. 2 bdrm. home $20,950 balance like rent . REMEMBER, you don't have to be a millionaire to live like one! p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coa.et highway -liberty 8-M73 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 unit.I, new duplex and 5-room houae on 2 Iota. Choice rental di.8trict. JuAt JOO f~t from ocean. 2 unite are furnished and rented on yearly buia. Own- tr'1 home available now. Three garagea on alley. Preeent income can be 1ubetanlially incruaed. $5,000 will handle. FOR INSPECTlON CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY kEALTOR 3113.Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. lOU • a ._. .._.. n-11ea1 r...tate ----------------·-----· n-__ ._ .. _FAtate _____ a-@-! ...... ~a~·~..a~r...~ ..... ~~-~--~a!::! .. ~ ... ~·!!*!!•!----NEWPORT HAltlOlt N!WS-NESS -PAltT IV • PA6E 7 --------·-· THU~SDAY, MAltCt-:4 10, 1915 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor IPYU!ft8 or MULTIPLE Ll.STING WANT. TO BltY a._. ....... a._....._ 3ll .Marine Ave., Balboa llland PbGM Harbor 1171 or 1812 Small Homes BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 5 Suites -A11 Leased Much Better Than Average Income I LOCATION 18 IMPORTANT! When finer than thJa cbolcie corner on Newport Blvd. one blocJt.lrom We have an investor who wants to buy several amall homes or income unit.a in Newport Beach. Preferably near the ocean or bay. City Hall and two blocb from Udo abope ! We OFFER YOU thia quality OODIU'Ucted 2 it.Ory, I year old building, approximately 3700 eq. ft. for only $42,500. Paved Parking Area. Terms may be arranged. C.Ome ln and let'• talk over the DOLLAR PROFITS ON THIS INVESTM:mNT. They must be unit. that will stand improving or expanding. He will buy them, fix them up and either rent or sell theml\at a v.rofit-It's that simrle-Prices should bfJ well under $10,000 but if you have a rea bargain-PRE:!ENT . IT. p. a. palmer incorporated\ developers of lido isle "'- Quote ua your lowest net price wlth nothing added. Our investor will pay our commiuion. off er · Freahly painted 2 bdrm., 1 bath nice amaller home. Bvbeque in dining room, which adjolna patio. $20,950, with only $1950 down. An appra~i:. will look at your property and if it's a bargain, you have a deal! . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor · We have • new homea under conatnictlon at thJa time that are far enough along ao that you can .e 1uactly what they will be, but you atill have time to pick your colon in wall.a, tile and tonntca and carpeting. Come in now and we will be happy to work out the dewt. with you. Two have 3 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, California Phone Harbor 4 718 , bdrma. and 2 batha and two have • bdnm. and 3 bath•. O.utstanding Vetues "C' THOKAB "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AB BILL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful 2 atory office bldg. going up next to our office. Space available. Come ln for information. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido harbor 1500 -•CLU'J' HA VEN-We haft jUllt U.ted one ot the nnut llOalH on 411lCIU.I•• Kine'• Rd., -3 Illa. bednna., 1" 1lath1, Wall to wall carpetlft8, rorced air heat.ina' ay.t.m and a plaxy ot featuna. n1a home t. only one year old IO today'• l>u,Jer will benefit by the attrac Uve lan~aplnJ, patio aprlnkler .,.win. etc. Be aurt and aee thl• home befon you w7. Only tn,7~ with low dn. .. p&Jmtnt. • • BAY SHORES. • • ·BlllACON BAT'-0Ut.atuc11nc I bdml. plua ft1r7 attracuve rent· (2) T W 0 (2) al apL E'ncloaed paUo. Near tht print• be~ and bu a dock for amall boaL C&I\ be handled Open Houses Sat. & Sun~ 1 • 5 tor ia.ooo cSowL •BllACON BA'r-Very attracU~ New Exclusive Listings I ti.dnn. plua l'l .. l unit. Beam c-1ilnf, mahopn7 pue1tn1. Dbl. • Comer Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. e =~ ~~~1~:=._ ~ Bay Shorea' Cleverest Ranch Type Home a real b&rpln at HUOO, full price. 2 bdrm., ni8ed u.ed brick ftnplace, diahwuher, •I.J"l'l'Lm ~ Ud '9at diapoea1. Charmingly decorated. Crubed rock lawn. WI Nrptn. Chanftlaf I llean. -·" r:I $23 500 t pl\19 1 '*fnn. .-t&J or llUld• r uu p ce . , erma. apL. all t\u1l1.IMd. n. front A N D howie bU a &.pl&ca, an4 the property w &ll ~ a.... an • C C• d D & Vi t Or • tncruae of ti.IOI~· l\llt pr1eed Orner tr e r. IS a . at SH.000 wt th tow dn. pymt.. Choice F&nD Style Home •a.u.aoA. 1aLAND-ll"rno• IA- 3 bdnm., 2 b&thl, wall to wall carpeting. Separatt come n,-t • M&rtM A"' plua dinin1 room. Two lovely patitll tor outdoor living. !i.c~:d ~:=:;tUo~~Jt~ Full price $29,500, tenna. Oood termL For pNView ahowin.g•, e&ll Harbor 1600 -o,.a Bouae luDdaJ 1.. , ... (EYea. Liberty 8-MSel Call ua tor_.....,.._ •NEWPORT HEIGHTS IUBl>VN. HARBOR ~TM.ENT co., REALTORS "°° dowa for w. ..... bdnn .. Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beaeh 1 ~ baUa ~ New I&.,. and DID YOU KNOW 1 . That at The VOGEL CO. Lido Office you will ftDd the very be9t .election of Bay Front proptrtie11t Lido'• beat Bay Frocll priced from $-t.2,500. nu. week we are !ea.twin& a 3 )>dnn., 2 bath home priced for l&le or trade at SM,000. Operation Face Lift Or ahaU we aay it wu "Rejuvtnattd !" Thie re- mocte1tn1 job wu m09t etftet.ln. May we abow you t.hia charming 2 bdrm., 2 b&th older ham. f\arniah. eel on a 45-ft. lot on uduave Udo lale for $2',600. Terma it dealnd. Rugged Strength -Rustic Beauty Tbata what you will f&nd 1n th1a 3 bdrm., 1 % bath ranch type home, on Udo l.Ble. It'a built to wear land~. o.nc-. ~. etc_DoQ'l .._ ....m, thl• one. Tiie tull pnoe .. ealy tn,110. tta. month.. WaDdaf 4'lilltuc. ~ the H11ll 10oo&. •aun.omo una-we ._.,.Jut ........... ~ ......... ~ Ill Newport Relpt.L $1,000 .ach. and wa ba'N tbe oal7 ft.I Jot ldt on the aim. prleed •t P.000. Frank James Linwood Vick C. 8. Rua, Wm. O. ldunld\, ._, 312 Ma.rin• Ave.. Baltio. laland Harbor IOtl SOLD by Multiple Listing t00 Orchid An~ corona del Mar By Ll:STl:R J ONES wtt.b PAlCE McCVl8"nOJf, l\ealt« KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME SWIMMING POOL Charming cu.1tom bWJt 2 bdrm. Ii den home. - TERRIFIC VIEW of entire Harbor • apacioua llv· Inc room with large picture windows • 2 fireplacea thermador kitchen • din. room • built around a beau· t1tul patio and woaderful SWIMMING POOL. "2,fiOO -Call for appointment to mee! CLIFF HAVEN NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING -Lovely 3 bdrm. homt on Kinp Place -~ x ~ft. rwnpua room with fireplace, barbeque, attractiwly landscaped fenced yard, paUo, xlnt. cond. Owner transferred. .Only $16,500 Terms BAYSHORES Attn.ctlve modern S bdrm. .tr den home wtth tarp l1vinJ room ud cUn1q room. Recently ndeoorated ~ and ouL W to W carpeting &Dd drape. lno. A 1tone'1 throw to prtvar. bMcb. A GOOD BUY AT '82,800. "C" THOMAS, Realtor · SU W. c.out Bla'hway, Newport a.ch Liberty a.!5621 •-c· moMil "C'' 'l'BOM.AS .. C" TBOKAS "<:' THOMAS BALBOA ISLAND YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT! Spacio111 family home, ' bdrma., a~ bat.M, rumpua room, l~e. liv. room with frpl. A Cl:lAR.MER near So. Bay. ~.500 BUT ACT PROMPTLY! Lido Isle LIVE GRAND PIANO STYLE! ln Ulla lovely BAY · J'RONT home. Puah·button kitchen loaded with &ad· ,_.. and deliined to let you mm buainea with pleu- are ! Lug. living room all siu. to ba)'. Pil2l la FLOAT. You'll drool at thll and the prloe wW ~ tou too I $:59,800. Exclusive Bay Shores SUPl:l\LA 11VE CBilM and ringinc with pride! U you'r. tbtnkln1 about happy family living, thia Ja lt! 2' lovely bdrm.a., 2 bat.bl, r. >. beat. I~ lua.I, btaut. paUo. Es~)' priced -$24, 760. MARINERS ISLE REALTY Barbor 4.781 Furnished or Unf urn. CEVl:N yr. old. 2 bdrm. well cared tor home With pat.lo and BBQ. Thermo t'Ootrolled ti.at It work abop on banJo •lrwt. cl.oM le. "*"tailed $89~. Unturnlahed 1811!0. Tenn• bell!( arnnced WANT TO BUILD? 3!!AtrrIYUL lot &Ox200' I UM'Ound· ed ~y real nice home.. Owaer aMda 11,000 cub down. Reduci- ed price U.7~. Tenna. Aleo f>Oal80 lot ln Newport Rel1ht1 for $2,960. Termt CIUI be ar· ru.ffl(I.. We a1ao baft othen tor ..... You Can't Beat This FURNISHED dupla. preaent In- come 118:1. m0flthl7. Llated prtce $9,:100 with amall down &Ad 166 payment.I. Owner mov1nr Ea.It. submit otter. A DINGBAT 2 Bl:DROOMa, 15,0CIO, Oil &)out ~ acre. Sure. It aeede patnl 6 • lot Of l'OOd hard work to clean ' It up. rtrat come: ftnt .. "ed Newport Heights • BDRMS~ 2 BATHS OPE!'! -1 to 4:30 05 Holly Lane (lktw~ Twlllll It Irrine) run pMc• •ia.880. W. A. TOBIAS and AUOCIATU REALTOR "JOU'll llJte OW' frtant\IJ Mn1ce" ltl a 17th SL. Colt& M- Llberty 1-11 .. SOLD by Multiple Listing 20lll Ord\Sd.. ll&nt.a AA& Bet .... .,.~~ wtth w. . ....... 2 Lots OoMD View TWO lldOI R. 1otA, OM Oil a OOl'- ner, all aw. bt.. Paftd atrML 8nrer'L lullmtt ti.GOO dOW1L $500 DOWN ?'~LT Kl:W I bedrm.. boma. 1•9d .. ped. Qoo4 loe&llon. OD .......... • • • . BA YSHORES HOMES Many att.n.ctJve home., $17,960, $.27,(W)() $29,500 and $32.~. Oorpoua Bay Front _ ....... -.:····--··-·-··$107,000 Belboe Island BA YFRONTS UNUSUAL 4 bdrm. hou.. Private pier 6 f1oat. larp rooms and patio. Excellent for large family. All on one floor acept preeent ownen bobby room. Aak1ng -·--·-· ... ··--···· $80,000 Baytront home, pier .tr float -··-·-··--······$31,750 See ua for a good eelection of Bayfront tu>mee. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nice family home nr. bcb., unturn. 3 bdrm.I SZ.'TM 2 UD.lt.1, older, good lncome .. ~14,900 Balboa Island Income 4 bdnna., plua ~. apt., nr. beach ____ .$26,950 On Little laland, 2 ~. plua 1 bdrm. apt. $2e,500 Neu No. Bay, 3 bdrm. .tr 2 bdrm. apt. P8.'500 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm.a. It den, canyon view, NOW -···-S19,950 2 bdrm.a. .tr den, near ocean. turn. $19,950 BALBOA PENINSULA, 2 bdrm. home .. -.. $21,500 l'OR FURTHER INi'ORMA TlON Oil all tbeee tine propertl•, call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine .Ave., Balboa Jaland BEAUT IF UL BAYF RONT Brand New for $75.000 Just Completed et 371 Udo Soud qONSIDER THF.SE l'EA TURES • 3 huge bedrooms · • 1aJ"l1I den • en>,... pane1in1 • 3 lovel1 bat.ha • colored &tune- • dream lrit.cbeo • ""9r'1 luxury • thermador ranp and oven tJuilt..tn • dllhwuher • diqoal .., • panoramic view from muter bedroom • whir. atone fireplao9 In muter • clOMta galore • a Yiew from f!Very room • Bouquet Canyon stone tlreplae9 • dellPttul colon tbroul'bout • Mercury swltchN • profeMlonal l&Ddecapmr • complete carpet.lq We aug1.i you make an tart)' appointment to let thll Hawallan Modml abow plaae. It will be open next Sunday the 13th from one to five in the afternoon. We can arrance an ucellflllt 5'1 lo&A to a qu•ltfted buyer We a.re the aduive ..-w LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor~ (ACR086 FROM RICHARD'S MARD'1' J:N'l'RANCE) OPEN HOUSES-Sat., Sun. -1 to 5 LIDO BAYFRONT 103 VJ.a Udo Soud. (CroN crrer the bride• and turn left) . BALBOA PENINSULA Out.ta.Ddlng twe>atory home ~78 E. OcMll Blvd., 4 bd.rma. SHORECLIFFSSPECIAL ~ ICYeDIDI CaD,on Road OPIIN DAILY 1 • 5 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH HOME 1Nll -bring peace and happineM to the proud cttmer for only $24,960. ON BALBOA ISLAND A SPACIOUS HOME t1000 dn'a. ...,,, MW• IMdna. 20e 41« St. (reduced to eeU) 1• .a.a.._.. ..... eomar The Vogel Co. -Lido Office IUe Via Udo, Newport Buch Hu. •971 or 4912 $25 PER MONTH TftAT8 THE PAno:NT on this cute 1 bedroom home on lovely Eut 15th St. It hu atucco exterior, plutlnd wall.a, oak floon, paUo and bubeeue. Garap aDd fenoed yard. t.o.n Co. aaya tta 80Ud and that pea.ionen ca.n qualify .. TOTAL PRICE $5,500-$2,950. DOWN GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REAL TOR 1~ E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. L1 8· 7781, eve.1. 8-318e Real Values JUST MARRIED? A. VERY, ftf'J cut. 1 bednlL home bull\ by a ,.recuc.iet. llOW'd. neon. • yn. old. Tb1a i.ou.. la f!'M\ed for an adcllUon With Ulat Alhare famUJ' Ill mad. lArJe Jot. I _,,.,.... wtth ~. r.nced )'&rd. QUlet ......_ 0D'7 fT ..... *'7\L 14 level acres for llllbdl~ Wen IAde No aa,Jar ~ B. A. NERESON R&A.LTOa lla Mtwport lllYd.. Ooata M.- . ftone u •im .,__ u I-MIT OUTSTANDING BALBOA INCOME 20di 9 deluxe, near new apa.rtmenta on bMutltul Balboa PeniDwla. Unlumlahed income on part)' -.. °"" saeoo. Could be aubet&Dtially tncreued by t&k· lq .. _. rent&la. Only $76.000 -and out of towa owner will tak• $25,000 down and oarry bal· uee at 6~. AbeolutelJ th• belt iDcolM bu1 flt th• entfr-. Ha~ Aft&. The Vogel Co. &201 W. Cout Hwy., Npl &h. L1 8-3481 . Eve. LI 8-3580 Drt1't by 188 )bpolla ea.ta Me.a Cllte It c~ boIN -1 bdrm. It panelf'd den wlUI tlreplace, waJI to wall ~L Very cloee la. 111.000. P,,_• Liberty l-tl82. lltlo OCl:AN vtrW HOMZ,. JTCK CUt1 Dr1n . l'ull pr1ce 111.000, t~nnL Nn rRMh rtqui~ Ownu. U l-2~3l. • Jada Of Mlperb dMID: 7ou'U love ft beca'* It II IO ver-- aatile, ID eomfortable .tr roomy, ID fmel"CNa with cl<>Mt A wild.robe 1pace -AllO aUnctlft apart· meat for guest.a or Income. ExOIDl9t loet.tiola. e10M to b&1 wtth Mor-. IDOOl'iDC 1Dd1ldtcl. Price $85,000. tenu. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor. ADd A..odat• Pm at llUtDe, Balboa Wand -Barbor "82 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2t,t batM. l&rp UYinr room. 9epU'ate &ning room, iarp bottJ plM den wit.b buUt·lD bu, lounp. 2 ftrtplaoe9. ti...nent with 150,000 BTU turnact.. Expeulvel7 oarpeted wall to wall thna-out. Garba1• d1tpoul and diab· wub•. Home 5 )'1'W.. old. t..rce doubt. sara«• wit.b laundry, radlo-eontroUed door. Lot ISO s 142'. Well laDCS.Caped. OM of the ID09t expenaivll)' built homea ca the front. loeded at 1312 Ooeall Bl'fd. CformerlJ 110.) OWNER WJLL. ACC,...._EPT_ ANY REABONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Pbon• Owner, Harbor 3W ......,... :'14-e • See above Vogel Values-1 to ~ Sat. & Sun. Sea Breeze Realty Oar.' ltUI Ill PlaceDU&, 0. 11 .. ~ It .-.. Pk. t.n.1:7 ..... lk:M CLIFF HAVEN WITH JCXCll:I J .1l!NT VIEW ot .,., ,. ocean. DIUVll ST 60I &inp ao&d and .. Liiie ~ oon.tnaeUon. lllld outat•..._• t..tur.e el Ulla 3 bdrm., t baUt.. plae dn-d.lnJns room hotne. hlly lud~I*' and beeutJtuJ 18"38' nrimmln1 pool for cm17 '3•.eoo. Terma. The VOGEL CO. 9201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt. Deb. Liberty S.1481 Builders, Attention I One acre aero. from 1olf coune. Can be divided Into 5 Iota. Hu sood livable 2 bdrm. hOUM. J'u11 Price ~ • "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1e6e Newport Blvd., ea.ta Men Liberty 8-3792 AL80 • IDaft ....._ wtth vtew, ------------------- wtUt aou "' ptM pU.Uq, a WT&. 1" '-&ta. -·-U4,l:IO. WALDRON Realty IOI W...... A~ .. ~ lalud RUiier 02M SOLD bv Multiple Listing l"I 1 Miramar Dr1•t. Balboa By GLODEN P'AT wtth &A Y Ill BZAal NU.LT'f r• .. CORONA DEL MAR Cbannlng tumlabed cott.agw 011 R-2 lot offered furn- 1.abed for 19500. Ju.t $2000 down. Duplex - 2 bdim.: apt. &Dd l bdrm. apt. jWlt t.;..o WU. fro111 Uae ~.tr lood bat.bins beach. $13,000 . FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtor. Bu11ine-ee Broker SW E.. Coa::t Hwy., Corooa del Mu Harbor 31.U • 3 SALi DAYS • 1M-.AY • llRIDAY • JATVBAY MAICH 11 • II • I! I . QUALITY MEATS U.S. GRADE "CHOICE" & "GOOD" BEEF SWISS STE,AI RUMP ROAST U.S. GRADE "CHOtCF' I "6000'' IEEF ROUND 65• STEAK · • m·;~ 2s~ iACoN 45' - Al.Am. ic.ett Country-Styte SAUSAGE 29' ~iOCiRSH 29' • STUIS 39~ lJ.OZ. 55' JAi WINES and LIQUORS AU. AMEllCAN 4-'R.. OlD mAJ6HT s3 79 IHllOI FIFTH I-YR. OW--IOmEO rN ION[) $~69 llEEI llLL AfTH ~ 1.n. OlO STRAl6HT $4»98 'Cll y •CAI', FIFTH 6. ~Yl Ol.D STRAIGHT s4•s 'OLD QlllEI' or. . Hi'Ult®mnm · UJU.FlllCY Ill.ID-RIPE BANAi AS EIJU.FlllGY UlllE, .... RIVEi •--... -. APPLES I ., A • , Fi•m ~ LOWll ... c ... •IAL ~~SAYINGS! FIRST! 11oa A&aT, •••LY • SIRYICEI 85~ •l.U. CM MJ.I -All 6RNJ5 COFFEE • llAN • MCON • ASrAaA•US PiiiYN~ 23' • PIA• callY • YlelTAIU • OXTAIL • YMIT ~IAN Y•r 2 TAU 25' 11111111 CA~S • MUSHIOOM • TUITU • ONION • HIF ~ • CHICllN •UMIO • CLAM CHOWDH • CONSOMMI • llOUILLON • CHICllN • CHICllM NOOOLI • YIGITAlll PffJ .s VEGP.SHORRTENYIN6=· 7 5.. . SCOTCH llOTH. Cl"M Of CHICICIN , · i1Nso -= 59-,,,_:_::._1 -2-J_:~_2.....,_9c-· ilfliiiifSE0 T. , 45« All-AMERICAN RRST QUALITY 5 9 ICE CREAM :~~~~~·-. R.E.D. FANCY RED SALMOl-~J . DOG FOOD . 3 m~ 23' iiTiioT CHEESE ML ""' 19' NORTH COAST APPLE SAUCE 1641. JM 25' 2 c:!s 23· 2c:s27' -- ANTHONY'S J-MINUTE SP ACRE 11 lfll iiaiiiBWS . 2c:s 27' 2 ~~ 37c --Cii'Eiil s,..od~~~ 27c Tiiito JUICE 4M)%. CAN 19' 60l.0Tor 15' TOIATOES NO. Ji CAN -- H-••. G1rtle11 6rcwe, • Newport leech, CoroM Del Mer N.w.co WA Cnem 25' N1Wtoo "'"-W.fers 2• COOKIES He. llTZ ,... .,- "llSIVRY BIOWllE MIX .. ,. 29' DELICATESSEN FROZEN FOODS -.... ti FRAllS ~ ~ . 45: . ~ """"'i)·~------i--"""--7-~~-~-51-w· SAUSAGE w: ~MT 55• JUICE 4 :?.t~~ s1 CAllED HAMS~.~mro s5s~ ifEnrws :~i 39c JACK CHEESE = 39; iiEI PEAS 2 ..... 27c SWISS CHEESE GlW:E-59.. ~ QOIK$«Y •~om I 4 ASH&RMENK _ .,_ • SHRIMP FISHSTIC S CHEDDAR ~SOONSINAGlD.NIPPY 65· ·:=. 49-' ·=~ 39• * IEWPOIT BEACH * COIOIA del IAR 2'11 COAST ..,_HWAT JMt COAST H .. HWAT ~::::;.-.;-..., * SAi CLEIEITE " & CAMINO HAL ' ..