HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-17 - Newport Balboa Press! \ I ·.NEWPORT HARBOR Delivery G11C111111laad xews PRSSS O.llvtry ot th• Newport Herbor ~'-"''•·Prt,,. 11 J'U•r- antM'd. C"errit'r boy• 11·111 d.,.. U1·,.r tlir1r p>1~r1 ti.tor• I I' n1. on MonJe)' and Thur.,. dey. Jt your p.(M'r le not d'I'• ltver.-1 by that hcrur pl••M rail He.rbor H!\8 &nd • l(>"<:l&l ro111e n1an will lmm~1•l•IY r••pon.d •·Ith your topy of your Newport Harbor N•w,... Prea11. '8th YEAR -NUMBER 5 NEWPORT BEACH,. CALIFORNIA. nfURSDAY, MARCH 17, ll!M Phone Harbor 1116 FIVE CENTS DORA HEADS BALLOT; . SM1ni. BROERING LOSE MaeKay. Stoddard, Hipte and Wilder in; $2400 for Chcainb er • 'MOVE IT OVER,' OCC BOARD ASKS NHUHS! . . ' WHO'S MARRIED 1 WHO'S FATHER 1 Ke-ith And John Durand startled the multitude Saturd~y when they put & sign in the Window or their cafe on 32nd St.. reading "Closed to get married and have a baby." Keith, whoi;e wife had the baby, is shown hold· ing the eign. Asked his part in the day off he replied, •·1·m the one thal walked the floor." It was John who took off for 1-!ontecito and brought home a bride. -Staff Photo Hearing on -j P.E .. Action rch 30! Queen or !he bllllot, M&dan1 I Mayor Dora Hiii. again f>90\'ed herself t hf' \'Olet!i' clal"lillk In Tu<'11· , day 'R elt"ctlon. topping the l!ckrt , with 2913 baJlotit M two o l.her in· lcumbl'nt.H. Gerakl Bl'nnett And StRnlty !Udrlf"rhor were re-eloct.-<1 I Thf'}' hail 2043 itnd ~:12:1 vole• re- np11cti\'fly. New coun d l faM'll will bf' J. B Stoddair<I. 21:11 volfa ; Sllndy J.1ar· Klty, 27!18 \'Otl'll, Lee \V1ldft, 1731 and C. A. H!gbh>, 1803. W ilr!Pr Mnlt Count'iln1•n A. VII. Smith whn rf'e ei\'ed Jij 6 vote•. For full pr ... cinrt •·ot1n11:. JN Pag,. 2, Part I. Top four vott--gl'tera. JUayor H ill. .\facK11.y, ~ldderhot and Stool· r1•rd wtll 11<•rve th~e-y,.ar t .. rm~. th" ot het1' one·y,.•r lt•rnui. The ol<\ eouncil will can>-.q tt\e return" Tu,.11d11.y while 11.b~ent, .. e ballotft ..,,.,u bl' tall\,.d a.a !IOOn •• all 48 arl' rt"Ce!Vtd. I For a Um• It appeared Hlgb1f' 1 who beat Broering by :14 votr11, might b1• "hallf'n,i:'<'d w ith th8 48 votca. T hill "'""' befor" a 10.vol•· error, which gave H lgbl11 "44•\'ole Je11.1!, wa,, QiHcovered on th• ehalk boaro. I Propoaltion 1 to permit I.he city coun<·H 1111e of It• own dl1te,...Uon in appropriating tund11 t or Ne"''• 1 port H llrbor Chunber or Com. men::e fo r locftl prnn1otlon. pub· 1 ltl"lty, &d~·•rt!lling: and entertain· Ing "'~l" d<'feated 2088 t o 1409. I l'Topo!11tion 2 which llmlla thr council tn a~nding 51400 an.nuaJLy I for Lhe !lame kind ot promot1011 won 21!>7 lo 1282. Propoaltlo11 :1 which would ha\'e put a 52!1,000 /lmlt on t he counc il for 1<UCh pr<> n1nllon waa dtfeated 3030 to 32'11. Both rropo•itlonft 4 fllld 6 won by a lllrg:e mftjt1rity. rropo•lllnn ~ an1end11 thE chartl'r t o 1:irov1dr appolnUnt"nt• and 1 .. rm11 or 1i1C11I cl"!C com•nl.!illlona. l t w nn 279~ t" 4(l:), No .. '\ To an1tnd t h,. chartt-r 10 increa11e the planning r on11T1.,.. alon to nine m,rnbera and nan" U!.• city uiJ1net'r and elty f>ttomey and their J.1111ltla.nt1 to join com- mlm~lon tlillcu.Mlon• without V<lle carried 2893 to 371'1. LOCAL FOLK HURT IN CRASH It was a painful meeting en the Arches overpaa& lruit night when a car driven by Robert Lee Chestnut craabcd into the rear or another vehicle halted on t he road by Quintus Sharp of Orange. Pictured above waiting transpcrtation to the ho11pital are Carol Cribbs. 23, or 225 • 20t4 St .. who suffered a fractured nose: the driver, Robert Lee Chestnut. 21. o( La Habra : and Shl'rman Burkhardt. 22. of 373 W. WilSQn St., Co.ta Mesa, who a. being ... isted witb a head buadqe by unidentified vaaaer by, - SWf Photo College Says 70-acre Site Across Fairview 'Problem' Orange Coast College t.r'ulteeti have uked Newport Har- bor Union High School board member. to move tbe 70-acre elte of the propoaed new high tchool from alonptde the ooJ.. lege to another on Newport Blvd., the News·Preu d11eovend today. Both eite11 are on old Sant& Ana Army Air Bue. U nanimOua boU'd acllon waa confirmed by Pr. e .. n PeterM>n, 1 OCC pri.aLdfnt. who aatd he had written a let\er ol\ the aubject to the high 11ehool. but .. Id he 'lhoUKbt the IK'hool board 11hould ~\Ung lhl• tar h• do. DOt ... tend lG Jeopan:lls. th4I acballl'• dtlllllCf'a of 1etlin1" ~ fre11 .i.te.,. uktng ror • dJffer11nt one. JM ..id. UkF. OCO All&A make the matt,.r p11blle. OCC J,. any c...,., Supt. D•"'c19oim trtutteea have no wl•h 10 damage rHJa Ute •11-nell'.t to tll• ~ hl11th ac:hool l"hancea o f obtalntnc r,.,_ P"'Cerable to one alonr U... the a ctt:111e llOU!fhl. I boulevard. Ngt only la It c'-r eC • the ftt"ll'Way trathc, but It h• Mt.- I Dl~lpilne problem. which would ter ace~ ro.da lllld tt la ~ artae were Jhe two campu.Ma tac· on the new -~r UM wt\lda U.. 1ng f'llCh other on Fa.lrvlew~ city of· Coata Ml!lla. I• aboal to ln- loom large ln OCC t.ru•tee•• da, •tall a.. pm.rt 'ot U!.e 11._. ~ he .. Id. Dr. Pt!\e r11Dn -Ld h bf'.. 111171 procram. LlYlld thll two achoola would h&Vt! ---------------· ,nou1h probletl'UI of their own 1 ·---------------.,.·lthout complicating them by hav. 1 · Ing \he two 11<:hQO\a -On adjolrdnt HARIOR WEATHU !ltu wht'no it WOllld be m ore than I•---------------handy for I.he 1tudf'nla to co-min . glf'. ''Ol:T OF QIJF..8TION" Such ., c hange of 1ltl!I la. out of the qut1llon at thla lime. 8UJ!'t.'r· lnt .. ndenl S1dn•Y DavldlKlrl of th• hi.JI\ ac:hool declared. H e fearl'd the augge1tlOJ1 may Ju11t compU· ca le the •ltuatloo and p0.Jbly re- 1ult In lncre,...lng the difflculUe1 the hl~h 11Chool board la h1.vtn1 ll!lttlng thl!I a ir bl.&<! all.p, The J\te ne1:t to the cot111e al· Nady mw bt!en tna,,...cttd and ,.... ported on by an a ir bu• ttlpreMn· tau .... O.'l"lct.on a1all!d. Att•r &I.I I,_ red tape u.e board h-cut SA.l'li'TA ANA, JrilARCK 11 - {OCNS) -Orang• county w••U.. er f-Ore<'aat-Scat t•rad ckl\ldln- at Umpa but moally 911nn7 J'rtda7. Llltl11 chan,;e In tempn-a1ure. THllJ1PrM0"'9 lM ..... w.-I• Ut. lbuitor ..,_ ._,.,..,.,: "' Friday. M~h 11 U Saturday. March 12 _ 12 Sunday, Much 13 .... It J.londay, Marrh 14 ·-t2 ~y. M.u-c.b J!:'.':. tit W~.~JiJI&• 'nlunday. M~lt Jr .. •o ·-.. .. ,, .. .. .. ~ State Public Utilities Commission Coming Here Cond<'mnation hearings before repreaent.aUvea of the l alifri rn1a Public Ut1lllt<'!! Commission regarding the elimina- tion nf l'11cif1c r:l{'l'tric holdings in Newport B<j.!Lch are &et The t;le cUon tum out v.• .. juat ~.,._~,.........~-n;~teU high ror city elec tion. OUl of a total r<'ll;l•lra llon of j~ 11otrf"!I, 3796 ••ol,.d. for \Vcdncstl:i y, !-of arch 30, in the" council chambers of lhe-C C cit y hrill. !1lllid, property uid.rlg-hll. • • Members, Public Hearing Set April 11 on Upper Bay Annexation Plan Rl'-""lntlon nf !nltntlon tn annex the avme 2100 acn"• or Upper:. ....... p~r! Uny lri !hr r\ty ".ft ll pllll-"'"<1 11nanuno11~!y 1olon1 hty n t1:ht by rily councll whk h ~t publlc h.,.rmg el ite for April 18. Georg~ G . Hoai: II, t>wn,.ra of abnut 20 arteli. 110ught 11nnr11.alion to l he city. I ONE MAN KILLED IN AUTO CRASH. DAN DOLAN. 5 OTHERS INJURED ' K !Ir l l.vnn Onv 1~. !'J~wporl lJ>LV•tt q \d South <;ou t CO., ]0-o· t M t ~t'11rn 1'11 .1· i.ttvrrw.\". /'H!d lh•• )'ll· I ral i.hlpbu!Jdf'rll. hl'ld a ll'IUH! on 1rec ors ee rll1t• Elo·i'lrle 1 .... ,,.1 ,.,,_ suuth~·rn par1 ~' lhf' pr9perty but tM lf'9.!lc I Slated M nday J'JO< 1(11• J: 01lrt.n!I l "••, Southr rn l '>t-h ,.. a1n.;·e "Xplrt'd. 0 ApptQVal .,r tlie boundari .. a In· r'll1r ,-.,, J:11onk ,,t 1\IJH'rtr " :"a-AKt:A l :"\"01.\'EO ~· H ._ voh«•d u•ttll l(lV"n J,londay by Or-) ' ' ·1· , , <: • • 1 ..... I h• ,.rrmben1 ot lhf' .~ru•port Pr""r l<1nn I'll~ Ill\• • ;l\lr\1;~ nrio '"'-rlll \01<1\' llrOpf'rty W <'h C ·' 11n1te C"'llllty IJollndan,.~ C"mmill-S " ' e , . t 1 ttl h ,· ' ' b Cham~r or Com1n,.rcf' are n"''"" · rlll!h ""~ "· "'"l' n 11u<.• t i t e •·1ty .~""" to tt<"qu ff' s r-lo mf'"t v.'11.h lhf'lr boiu·J of du<'r· ll•Dn a11 rt'!'f'f\NI .. xrlu~IY,.1y by tht! bf' 1•r<'~t'10I 111 the h1a1111i:, l'"''ttn :"e.,.·po1rt Blvd . Balboa h [:"t-ws-l'rt-1<~ , 1 t<1r~ Jn an t \'l'nlnJ,: lnl"!'Uni:: at 1 ,. · · · ... llJ\\" l "AI !'it: ~.lvol., ~lrF addrn Tlarl" &J!d Joth Villa :M11 rina lt<'1<lnuranl 1olnnrlfty T h<' propn,...;t adjunr \ to thr.d ty ll•' -"'·•••1 Lh<' O:~·rnml;•l'1"n u.·(U r·i:· ·I ni~hl at fl JI) Q"clno:k. wntd!l arid •l:>Qul 3 "'l· m1. or •r•••. quit •' th,.1u ''' l'h"w l'llU~•· wll~· lh<' 11 '" plann<'d In '"'"· rh,. PnJpt't• l'lana fnt 111 .. Pll1t-n>1•on o!Chan1· r xt,.ndini:: lht.' mun1Ct f>"lily">1 in· l'fHH nl11'1<1on 1<hnuld n11l Jl!'•~·r .. •I lu ty '" u.·i<lt'O lh,. 1<tr"<'tll •nd rl,.ft.n h>-r of C<tnlnlf'rr., iu•rvlrf'a and rm-Jiin<I ,,.., h ln!n 1 h,. ''ll"<l}' r,.11r h•·• ht a r t h" r•·t1 !1<•11 11n•1 In f l't rh,. 1111 lh" portion of !he i'<)mniunily Jf'Cl!!I (or th" rf)mln!> yrar "'Ill hi' of thr "'ll!•r 11!•'11 and ~hurt'lint.' In· Ju"t ••hll po·n~nl•"n IH bo: 11111•! f"f whhh t!1e 1·111!""\l)' bhj:hl~. dl•rua:<f'd undo:r the l"ftdf'r~hip of vnh"f'<f Tht r ity r nunril a1::r,.f'tl tf'· J . R. ~TODDAK O 4 Harborites Appointed to Grand Jury C'T,.l'ldPnl ~taurit-~tanlf")'. <'•ntly to rttl'"I" t he county'• pr0- J. B. Stoddard Resigns From School Board Rr M!t\•at1on• ftlf both <llrtctor1 f>O""d U'ftt<'r f>!trk r...-re1tt1on a tf'll. and m,.mhrra 1<hou\1\ b<' madt! hy tn\'"lv1n i:: .oonr .. .,.,.,,.r .. ,.,.,.,.,.,. In eallinfC '"'\'ff'lar\' liav lAn1t<'nh,.,n1 th,. ha~·-ft hl i.'hl l><'lmo.· C'lln<'y J,.. 11.t thf' f"h11m~r o-f Comn1t 1c1", t•nd. J .• lb<'r\~· !!·I I~-Mo1<! of th,. land to b(' anne•u•d I rr•,;:-rr t !hill thlll a~\ll)n !11 ttN"Cfl· •11 ry on ml° J!Arl anQ J .. ·ant to rxpr,.~~ my a1nr <'r• a pprl'Cilttlnn to you for ~·our ron111tk1'tion tn thl" r a•t 11.n<\ my h"•l "''l~htll for r"oun• lln111n·l"lo'< t J B Slo<l\111.r<! your 11 .. 1ibrra t1on1 1n the rutur•," !"'Jay 11nn-0un('t-il h., hKll re•ul(Tlf"I hi~ lt!11,..r read. rrom !ht" bo1u 1! or tru~tttll <1! Off,..r1n11; to JlUll <1n "1·a rin1111 • -:rwpo1 L Rf'Hr h ~~11'1nrn h1ry Srh()()l rur11 1U1'1 bl ta of Information" to hl~ ll\ftlrirt In " lrtt,.r Ln hlto. r ol· 11ucrt•""r. 8 1•><lrb1rrl ~ft1•1 l"a"ll''" Thc '" t111t1 , h,. ~•l•I ""ft!! .. l ahall 11 h~·•r• 1 .... 1 the Mm• 111k'n l'l torrf'<!l' In llf()\'ll'lOllll of llr,i::enr)· to «rr>'I' th"' rhll,fn':n A.II \h•• ~·llv 1·t1art•·r. S!"1'11fln 1;109 It ,\'Ou du nnd I llhM.11 o•nnt1nut.' to Li() , .. •'rl"<'t11·.-R.• nf :\!11 rth 1.' T h,. t11ill 1111 "·r ll "" n1\• .-.th,.r 1!ut1r11 lii>f!r<I mu~t arp,,1nt hi!'I •lltrri;.-<>r frn n1 1h,. \"llnta irc point of th!' Hu trrri1 r.1tr1r•1< J ulr. H•~ofo. "I I ro11nr lt NEW MESA ANNEXATION HEARING ON APRIL 18 F alrvll"w Rnatt. 13ftkf'r !':L• ~nnr:o.:"'!lnti "'~~ 1<t-t for 7 '~{1 p rn .. A)'rll 18 by \hi' l~o~!a ln othrr bu.\1n<'•!'I, cHy counr\I: tt~r .. rr.,<I I\ r .. qur1t by th,. E. I ;t h ,\fPllft {'tt}' 1·,.unn l rl uring 11 n Rd· :O:t l nlpfO\"""l"n\ A.\!!QflHl!On fof Journ"J mf'••t1n1: ~l !'lno.i~~· nii:ht II 11 tlO·ft '. rour·l11ne hlghw•~· from prot r11t1 <I•' nl'i! ft(111 1n put thr :\"•"T"''! Jl 11·d tr> lr"inf' A1•f!, to br•k~"' Qll ~If'~• r xpllnli•'ll, tht! 1111• ~·11,1· F.ni:1nt-tr Don Soulh..,,•arlh ll"h>n~s Ir> nl)t npf>Ol<e prtil10n"Tll lrl'ln,. C"o. whlrh ditl thr ftnnt1111\lon "''h•n F' ... 1 ... ·ln ~fun...,y ,•nd New P. 0. Bid Call Repeated \ A 11.<"<'0nd rRll fnr bid-' l o pro- vh1,. n""'· quattt-rit !or lhf' Nf'Wport Bfollrh j'l/#l nrr ......... ~ p<•l'l .. d in r th" n rf1r.-I.hi~ "'""k by l"ofttm- ler Ii. l '•ynr Tha}'f!t, ltequlne- mf'nl~ of thl' po.:\ offlr ... according to th•· bl<I r a il. II.f f' for a building with ~·000 ~'l ft. nr 11·ork 1p.rt!, 6~ r~('t (>f l•'llby •P•<"•. 100 aq. ft. o f Rl<•rai:t-roo1n •nd a loa.,i1>g pl~tform of 10 by f O ft. Th•• vropn•,.,I I"'"' o!f\r" bulld- !ni:: n111•t bf' on 11. •tr~t lh•l ""111 prllvl•!t' ra~y 11cctlla fQr lhe high· .,. .• ~. r"~' v1f1 cf' bu,.....A and a.mplt pa1"k 1n1t r!'lr employ.,., and i-t· TO/lft. Bidli \l"ill ~ Tt!Ct!lVrd by ITill(ltt· tor E. I •. M'ftyf1t ld at th,. [,..,,. An· J,:t!t-11 l'o•t ()ff<re u p to al'\d ln- 1 clud!nr; Al>nl 1:, ONE DEAD-One of Sl'\'en youths in\'O!ved in a cru11h· ing. two-<::a r accident .yesterday on r-ocv.·port Ave, Rt Delhi Road was killed and the other six seriously in· Jured. Dan Dolan of 2004 Clay SL.. driver of the truck, was riding alone. He was thro'A·n 40 feet from the cab . -<>CNS Photo 'o ne m an "''ft!! klllt!d and 3ix oth~no ~;·r1ou•!}' 1niur•d }'C1\f'r<!•y in a two·(af a ccul,.n1 at Nrwport A""· an•I ne!h1 R "ttd, C::t!lrorn1a Jtt1:hu·11y Patrol 11111<t . Dan IJulan of 200t t.:lay Sl., dr Lv,.r of \hl' J'k k ·up t rurk 1nv,,J.,. td, "''Ill! thr<1wn 40 ff'"! frnnl the cab. He ~uff,.rrd a broken a ,.m and r1b1 an•I po~•tbl• htoktn bftck nnd hip. AU ... ,.r,. ru•h•d to S11ntl\ A111 C11mmunlty Hnap1!11\ ""~•pt on• ma.n v.·hn v.·aa lakf'n to F:I Toro M'1 r1t1e B11w :'1'0\' ACK KILi.CU Kllltd "'•.ll l"o<'I ~tuart :-..'ovac k, 18, or ~a n Bernardino, Qlht"r11 In the r1r with Nu\'ark ""ti'" l.e Roy Hullt, 17; Danitl Hr11ll1n , I<. \\'ll· l1•m L , Rubblnft, 1~. 11.n<I ll<'nny P ik<'. a ll o:>C San 1J,.rnard1nn. ft nd Mllrl y llakrr -Of Dl'I Ro~ No\"•rk ,. .• ~ dn"tr of th" d"•lh r:o.r Mr•. IA>ttll in .. BlQolf,'t!ll O( S11nlft Ana, a w1!ne,.. to the 1r r 1drnt "·h\ch obhl.,rated !he frO!'lt end or th., pick up and turn"" th,. youth'• car oo !l• top. e•rlalned th" r &r 1ma1hr.\1 In to th• tru~k "''hf'n 1he truck drlv~r. Dola n. al•mm..,I h11 brake11 lo l lQp an'1 turn"<I broad· aide In the r o•tl IJKl \"l!'<l f !'<l>KTH fJAS not.A~ lnju~ Ln Craah pirk11p b«hlntl h•·r. apJ!'l.tl!n tly p 1111: t'"' fft•f t<> •top, turntr1 In th• r<>H<I an I !h,. v .. h\rlt• r'lllldt!d, She 1<11.1(! RhP u.·a,. •\rl\'•nl( norlh on Nr .,.·port Av ... 111hr••I t•f th• •]'1nn1n1: 10011t l~•O r .... t •P•rl . plrkup trur k 11n•I •Ii" lll<>Wl'cl '" Tl•• !nwk "'"~ rr,i:J,trred lfl P an l'1TI\ !tit <Jn ! ..... !h1 l!aittl. ~tu• 1<a1tl f:. S o·V.' .,f i n.17 V.'o••t (;vA .. t U l(h• !the nour,.tl thf' >·outh'11 r •r a p-"'•.Y Dol11n l• .. m1>lnytd by Manna proa rh•ng fll"I· wuth nn :""WI"••!,. Srr\"I('" "' th,. •am!' &<l<lrl!>I.•, H• 11n•I llh" 1<i1:n•l,.•I (n •lop t•• u. ,.,1 fo1 m "d)' """" .a St Jam ra Day for It to pa••. llut. Rht! 11d1!"fi. lh" Srhno! .. n1plry•"· -~~~~~~- T raffle Signal. Pipe Line and Dredging Get Approval A 11afflc •lr nal !r.r C<la•t H 11::~ .• 1-~ront rh><nn .. \ b<'t"''"•n Collln1 and. way RI Sl'aWa rd KOll•l \•)O)m<•d a bl'ttrr pca11 hil1l)' tO<fllf, toll••wlni: 01amnt1•l /\ ,.,., <'its M"1"'"'"t JCJ~.n f'l•ilot• re- r•1v•·•I 1111t hur11,v !o ,...,mplt-te di. fnr rt <"nn1mf'n•lftl!on. Rns'r Wat· ntllalifln ..,.,11 11hnot fl\,1' llmlUi SA:"TA A~A. !>1A.Rf"H 17 -Mn. prr111(11"nt ot th• a11.oclatlon. f OC=--8 ) -A l!f!V1'n·11·ornan. 12· nnr\hrrl.\' '" 1n1 hhl• th<' Sr.iull'1t-rn prPa,.ntrd an Informal pttHlon rnan Oranff' Count~· i;rand 1uf)· Ca11forn1 ft li•b!• L'nl!rJ:f, the rl:llln· bf'arlng 1.~ lli!=T'ftlUrf!1. H11 •ld al· .,. . ._. lll'll'<'tf'd hl'r,.. thlll . n1om1n1:. t~· f11.lr i;round•, a f")rtinn or th,. mn11 t f!)1 ptr rent or the p.-.ptny 1o 1nclu;le four Xt""IXlrt Harbtlr Arn•y Ait Ba~ And lhP HaJ .. Coni· nwn•n con,.Prned ~tre in •jftT('· A•k $5000 Damagn for Tar on Her Head Ml)nll•>"• rlly r ounc1\ mt.,Unr i nd nl'w p•rk11i1: 1,,1 on bol.h •Hlt!I ol 1'e \\'1ldrr'• •1,.c\inn .,.," pr.,...,.ntetl th" p-111..-.. •1•t1nn a t 11.n t-1tlmattd Pl C n It to \'hrll Moore11. the n~ed f<Jr 1 11i;na l Qn h<>half of ! rn11t nf 52t,OO SA!'\'TA A...._A !OC~S1 -Cla.im-Ofteer OlfllC lftClft Ht lm• la 1urvlv,.d by hil wife. Short Cliff re•ld Pntt a.nd f''lUnt tl l---------------- pl'Ople. m rnt. · l'rf'•idlnit t•nmlnlll court J u.11:e rany 1<tib!l l\'l1<lon. !'<AME APPRAl8ER~ J Mn Shea "'""-" 1n ··hari:,. f\f th<' \\.ATF.K ''OSSt:t"TlO!'<S Appointl'<I Baroty Francqo11 and Jury plcloni:. He nam r;I l~ron1I<'~· Al thr Mmt! t1n1e, City .Man1 g•r Roy MacC.rdle u appr•l""r1 for \\·. Hill, La,i::11na Brar h. l"ir1111111 Grnrri:e C"l fry tl'port~d th,. OrAni;:r the Improvement dlatnrt 1·r,.•t"" J u<1gr !o;hca hif,,rmrL! lht Jnry ,-.1unty ~funir1 1••I \\'ftll'T Dlstri~t ~tw11,.n Albert and ~i.!JPlilc8 "'It I.\ y our 11·.•p.,n.~1b11ltf I•• takt" ha<\ pa-i 1t. rt!.alutlon ~rantlnJ off Santa Ana AV'!!. / pArt In !ht' a•!n;l1111<!rat lon "f Ju5-Coata ),t,.u. u·attr conn«llon1 •t AccPpled tentative map mi 1 14· l ice 1n th•~ •""1111ty. Tl1t J1t1m11r)' the cornf!r ot Baker and Br1.8!ol. lot subdlvl11!011 OOund,..d by SM!• p11rp01<~ t>f ,. gran.J Ju r~· I~ 1" rnn· Thf'~e ronn .. r tion• ,..,ti rurn l~h nrc· Ana A\'e, a nd All'lt!rt anti Cotti! dUCt 1nqu1tr .8 ff't lh• r •.,t••f llo:>n ritM.rJ' •·atrr to \ht area propo9t.'d PlaC<'I pre.tf'nlf'<I by Subdivider 'C'o•Uaut"li 0• l'aae %) I rot annu.ation. runninJ a lon1 .Jlarl&.nd L. \\'eaV'llr, ltlo. !ng the rtefendant caUHd hot tar GL..-n ,"''""-p,..... Edith Hollywood, two l'On~. How-Upper lay laprlsl IWn "9'1ttt• .. G ' , •-• f , _ A ln•truttf'd th,. cily eng1nrt r \Q 10 bf' 1ptlied on hta ll ·yt!ar-old ''" and ay .:ir.,, .,.,i .. o ... ,, n· I 1l11ughtt-r, J o hn Ander.on today t.a..t rHe11 ...,f'I' &aid M-0nday In gf'I~•. tu·o ttL«"•· Mn. Pftul :"or· ne1ot1a t" alro ni:Jy frir It ~.'It h t i'!' Church P•nnit Set riled a "°°° generlll dam&gff Hollywood for anotti.r oldt!me man. 513 8c'IM Ave., and Mr1. 1tat e:(llv11Lcin or h11thwa~1 A •vi,,l\l!•lnal P'·rmlt w .. .,,.. 1u!t Jn Supt!rlor-Co11rt &l"lllrt.11 tht Neorporttr a.nd fonnflt city coun· Ht!nry Sllfert. 22811 Pac1f1 c A.Vt!,, ..i.Jn oll'1•r coun<'1l bW1!ne1111, cc•n· prov•d Turiwlay by the Ot &I\&'• Pton,..., Rooftr.g Co. ctlman, GLt1111 Helzrla. Cri•ta Mt!!l.11. trac t 1or 1n1ta llatlon of a IA'atrt l:<>unty ljc)art! of Supem.on to Andt!raon or Coll• .... allqei1 Jt WM trllJ' bk:ll: In th• hor11e llH! line a lon1 Rlvt-r Ch•nn•I a nd ,.nabl• thr l "fipl!r Hay S.plat hl• daughtfr. S1U1drL ..,. .. .i.roll-and buggy <la.ya that u .. ima c am, More Fun• Nncled U11lb<la 81.,d. In ('0111<t M11hw1y ' t~ur. h \v go Mr11d wH h th• cOfl- lnr alon1 I.he a1dorwalll: nea.r Jtth to N-iiort Beach. he reinded •I "'Lil awarded t:J.!S Con1tru<'unn 11t nvU01> of 1 c:h urr h al th• ma-t St. a.nd Pl&centla Ave .• Ocl. %3, Mll'ii Wut Central Ave. 1now )1ort fund• ar1 net!ded to ful-Co. ".-\lh Ll• low blit of 599J9 !;t.4 11nuth,.r!y ('orn•r ot Pa/1.-.dd Rd. 19:14, wh.n llie accident oceul'ftd. Nt!WpOrt 91,.4,1 and owned lhf fill R,.a Cro~• qu-0ta.s. a ccurd1ng 1 on recomm,.rv:!auon of th" r.nii;•n,.. anrt C'YT•Ttlls l)t., north•a.t ea.ta The plain Utt con tend& th• de-town \Jnry ltabl• nea rb)". Aa lo th<'! l!f!cond v.•ee.k t'l'port on th• tT. I M~.,., arta. ft-nd ant wu hollitlnc hot tu to • Umu chanted h• c:on'l'ertrd to the I H<1 rbnr A r r a d rh ·,., Nl'Wport I Hf waa lnatl"li(t...:! to ..... k ln · Th,. chUtt'h will IM 1\tuaWd on • roo:>f ..,.h,.n lh,. b\lf'kf'l tlppi!'<t. •pill· Jararr bu.•1n~1111. Jocatt'd 11t 2$Lh B,.11rh l~rt thl" way "'llh 7:, per· r•,nn~! htrl• f •ir lf••·oli,:1n11: ,,, •tw,1,11 l :"i2·a cr" poort "I ol lancl a.M - lnl th• !lu.ld oa tM Pl'• be94. i 8l. ... UM i., froot. la.I.er .old oe11t o! the qUQta M L, reporlA 111\o\1r. I 3000 cu. 7dll. trQm l'OurLb lia.y I al.II. 0( \AIM UA1'-' PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ( THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1955 · . /Planners Approve Mesa COMPLETE PRECINCT TOTALS SHOW CITY VOTE 1Parking District Changes -~ u .c Otal 2043 399 2708 784 2913 2526 975 ll 10 89 U8 127 88 16* 170 84 1734 1387 2151 14-0 Polio Immunization Shots Set for Volunteers Here MESA COUNCIL'S CUSTODIAN ASKS RAISE FOR LA TE TALK F or Uu• ttr11t time. fir11l 11nd lk'C"· ! :i!lrr ts )'•'"r~ l'r-"• n rrh !11111.nrrd ond J.:r.1•h• >-l lH\,•nt,. in :\'"v.·r"1rt l•y \11u N111ioliul F"1.111<J11 t!vn r'1·r Jil\rhor t l .. 111•n!:i1y ,.,11 .... J.., \\Ill l•" 1ura,.11Je J':ual;"'" w:th .\l:1n·h t>f e!i"1bh• to r•:tr:u r·•l~ 111 !!11> na· JJ11ue.-1 f u1ul~. L• f11rn1.'du.•,1 by !h,. t1<•n-"''•1~ 1"1':0 1·111n1 un1 .. t1nn prn-r .. 1.,1•!:1''"'L. lt 11:111 ht·• n 1 ..... \. ,j r .. r s r11m. >-rh.,nl .,rnrJ ,1~ nnnounr ,.d t'\'o ~,ar~ in \hr-nl'l\l"n :•'11 \\lll In :-.;, wr•1rt 1: .. :1r h. -,~1~• ~1w1<•n: .. I>·• 11 ~mi'11-.:••r• >l t h\11 y .. ar t o 1'.· rrrim t h~ f1>11 r '!r'1trr.t · r ~· ""I nnls 000 000 , hll1lrrn. 1t"'n,,ta :\lcs11. City Council m<'etlnJ:& 11:el longo;r ant! long,r. T ak .. \h<' v.l'lr,t of the m an "''ho h•• to rlow up Ntwport J u"1 ,,. <"u11rt ufl<'I' lh" ~··,.~!uns 11rc O\'l'f , Th:11 111.ul ! I"' Ed Slf'\•rn ll. r ourt cu11t(1d1an. Lllst ~1onday l'lh;ht l..'.1!y '-la nu~"r Gr.1r~11 C'<lf !ty lnfo nn"U t he <'0•1ncil 8\l'\'•'115 \\!11' r,ri11• ~tin;;. a f\0 pe r n•onth r111e. T he rta..on: • uu, tn th•· fttqu~n<y 111\U !0111: ho uri or councll meet1ng1." • ·,.rf• y tvlrl cuun, 11 11., v.·vul.J lnve11t li:;ntc and nuike a T• po1t un th•• 1n11 thr, •nd !it. J an!•• 1•.oy :-;rhncol 11n·1 Ain.,ni;-tho"'' ,.·01klllK nn thr elll:'lb/,., 1-<'Her~ n f f'lp!11n1t!lor1 lln<I r ouoty·\YJ•\" 'pt<'J;I""' ,.,,. )Ir•. applll'11 ll1>n~ filr !h<> \~•l•1nt Ar~· !rn· J nhn Tubb~ o r ~"-1\'llO!l 11.orhor m 11n11111 .. n \\II! I •. LI'" 1'1'·1 r",,.I"'" 'I :'\ttl' •111.•: I)< ODORS OUT? l!<'hilnl JOlHi.lfnL~ h•'l"<'•fl :0-1'"11 ::S f{.iulo :'\" ·'·!'' 11 Jl1u ti.1r !• •· a n•I Apt1\ 1. ~11p.-1 .nt•·: .. !ont 1: .. y r,..,...,.11 r111s; th•• f'11 r··nt·T"llCht r ,,,._ \''· Anrlf'rP• n ~·"'' HOME LOANS At Or1119• Cou11 ty'1 l••dinq Home l1ndin9 l11 1 !0lulio~ QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REOUC!NG" INTER EC:.T RATES EASY ._.ONTHlY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHET IC SERVICE WE I UY T~U ~I 0£EDS ON Wftt lOCATED HOMlS GRAND JURORS I (·ontlnUt<l from t'l,....l r l'll:" nf ,.o, lrr1· 1'rnl th,. ""'"rr• n1rnt of 11•" !a 1\ " It<'. 11,1,sr,J, "You nl~.I' he r:~J\<><1 t .. In,·· t-1 !:Alt <'nn1 Pl0" lln"·~1·,.r. h·• •''<rln\nr•I. •·Ynu 11r• not 11 tlr· r .. r1\\·e h nr ,.11u or d"r•1tmrnt of I \n\'t~\\~11 11011 " State Farm Insurance Co. lll.()();\11:'\UTO:'\', 11,L. 133 t:. 17th st., c~ta Mesa M )'OUT' BEACH LOT NOW!! and hai·f' rrnlal lnC'oml' I hl!i summrr Thr Jllr); J 11 F'k!<'hl'r. Or1.r1~"· 1 ?of r.'I. \'1 \·1~11 linu: ... 111, :;~n\a A n11 , 1 THIS BEAUTIFUL ~lrl!' T'rt-r~· l 'Alh·r~nn, lluntln~\nl\ • C-0'.\fPl .F.TI'! LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOA N ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH Pho"• HY .4.1177 • • • ll"""h J>n,· Hrt m , llnnt1n i;tnn TWO BEDROOM I Bo·11 rh. !.!r~. A. L 1'1nklr r 1;,;, • DUPLEX l 'Rl<"r: llro"t!v.•a \·, C"u~tll ?ol r~a ; Hr nr,. 1 !:"" :, 10an Cl~tnrn\<>; 11111 ry J . Fo; .• •\·\h<', fll 7 \\'. H11.m1it on l"t . C'""'" ?of. ~11 :\'r \11n f\"·~. l..11i:::nn11 Hr.1rh • 11~1·1 1'1. \\···11•. Hu,.n~ l'111k· lier· t-.·rt J~ J ohn...,n. nr"ni:::<>; \\'lll1.1m • 1•,,.o... An11hr1m \\'1l!l11 n1 ,\ f •.,':'1n Bt1~n1 1'11rk : l\'"~1"1~ ft~ 1'· • ,I'\'<!,.~ f';u !.n 1:rn\'r :\Ir' F ,\1rr1• <1 1\ry !'I\\ \'t" 1.1,10 Sn11•l • ,\:'l'"t··· !\• r 11nr.l 1'11•.111 An~ !.l rl' -.;:, •:· .. t•;., 11<> ,._7 ~~rr-·r1 'f H"~•I Including theM amaziftg reatu,,..1 • Al1T"llrth·• Rf'dw-.1 !lldln.I' • Oarl'la ,re Dl_.~1 • Ah1mlnnm (''""''"""' \\'lnd•nn. • Ril't'l'I !'nar k "-t • t·/...,.f'l&rf' In l,n\\'<'t l 'nll • 1\f'ani (',.llln.I' e Slldln,( Gia..• 1'11tlo Ooo, e Do11hl11 o....,. • Ma,o;lm""' •·tnurlnl' • ~ .. ·y C'nnn .. <>tlnn • ,, .• ,.,, M,.t,.r ('nnnttllnl\ e TIIMI Tut..Sl'low"r C1nnb. .CARDINAL HOMES • •Ubdlvl•lnn •Ubrnlllfd ln tl'le nan1• or OJ(1 ~f. Clark by lh" Orani.:,. County l'll1nn1 ng C"n1n111111lon. Th,. 11ub<l1•·111-0n i. lor ated orr or.·1\111.r Dr:,·e at C!11.rk l..Jil llf'. D11111pprovl'J abandonm1111 ·,.r Allto Ave. ~JlflrO\'f'd a \'ar!•n•·,. tor rur1· 1trucl 1on of • l'oulh T r 11tnlnK Co•n- lf'r by th,. :,1, • .,,.nth-<lll ,•' A1!vfntl~I Churl'h. J Zjj:.' ur.1,,,1 ·"' :'l:r"'P"' t Bf'11.rh . 111 th• '.!\Ill hlo.-k or A\'v• C'l 1\o SI. o n th,. 11uuth fl UI<'. !\'o pr<'- '""\.• HJ.:11.LTi h\ \tl .. \'fll i:111r1• "''I'!<' r,.,:,.iv,.,1. Th<' rtnt.-r ""ll bf' ,..,,. I 11~ 11. "'"~kl)• r.1f1•t1n ~ pl11<"•' ro•r th<' l '11.thr1nd"r" Club, t1·111·h1 n1: c·r1r1.• a n(I hobbl<'11 h• _1·ouni.:·~tf'r11 , All(I •·• 11 1/11~· ll•'h•\OI fron1 i:ra<l"l< \·8, f;,r ll pr(l poll••,1 3•1 ~tt11l.,n l11 an<l 11 m•"- ln1ui11 nf 40 18 166 158 21 21J Mesa Cafe Bandit Suspect Arrested 13 189 163 29 1 ... ·,\1u1r.1 \\'ln<llt 1111!1, '12 . .,.·•nt.-..1 b.\· (',.,.Ill )'.f,.,.ll pnlo r ,. r,1r '11r111,.d nibbtry of r or·• c .. r,. lut Dt- rrnlhl"r. "'"" "' ,.,.,.ll'd •n :\°<J rth J,,,,, ""I:·'·" Tut~dH,I', l '11ti.·e ('ln"r Atl !.lrh'..-n:t lP 1···pnr\(•,1. ?o1 o•1\.-n7.IP 11n•I !-i i;t. rtoi:rr t-:, :\'··th kfl y .... 1.·r·li•:o' f vr ,.,.,, \'l',':llJO l<J bn ni: ll11tt b&t•k , llafl ><t.,h· S:JI rr .1111 J,.hn \V. !:;!• .. "·llr!, prnri·h·~or o! lh" •·Hf<•. pol" e r111ln1 . 19 217 194 32 Al't'. !.l r K.•111.i,. """! H11 ll v.·ouL,l h~'"' H• w111\'" , ... lr11•!11h>11 ,,1· th111 lor:1l <l<'pnrl1u:rr.1 w"1 1Jil i:•> rhrou,1th ,.,._ lrM<lllJOn pror,.rh1r""· Jf11ll w~.• pt.·k••ol up nn 11 tllr.::hl '" ~,.,.i,1 f'n·~• .. ut""' w11r1·1nt L.•· '"ii•••I .,,. c·,,~f.1 !.I r .ii pnUr ,. thnn•i:h 1h .. r .",J..1:1 1 l\ll!'o'llll nf ln\'1'l!i1:• .. IH•n. l\:ill "<\• "'' •·Slt' 1 In h11 v.·\fr'a hn11~r. 1t•"•ot.J1n.: ~" n ·1•or11. 1'tw ""s)l•'\'l Ill u\;;u "'&fli ed b)' Denvrr poh1·e for v1olatlun ot pro- b11t1on. by ~11n Fr1111cu1ro for torr:· "ry 11nil burglary. by Long Ut.ach for r:-r:tnlt lhl'ft 1111tn. 11~· Bn1w1ry for for;:rry und by "!1•1111. for fori:· ... ,. "" W• IL "" 111 nl•·•I rvhbf'ry. Hat! no objectron• to a 14-lot ·H1t ll Jl">'l!<t'~~·'ti a J"''"nlle r rconl In the H:irt•w Al'•'"· H111 \11.st known 11ddrrll11 l"""IL~· v.·11.• :109 Jtth St. California-Made "Sport Wagon" Produced to Sell Under $1,000 Month End Cleara~ce! -- Ol'l Ct net.v SIMMONS ENGLANDER -SERTA TRADE-IN and For Your Old SprinCJ Mattress -No HOW old. matter PRICED AS LOW AS$49 95 All First Cjluality Unconditionally Guarantttd, Nationally Famou1 Brandi ·"l TH \'O l 'R 01.U l'lt:T NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. FRET. Df:.LJ\'ER\' 2620 Wfft _Caa1t Hl9fiway J;A.1'\' Tt:KM" Newport leach LI 8-1113 .' I ·. , •• f FERTILIZER MACHINE -J . F. Munson, left and bls son. F . J ., watch operation o( machine t hey built which asser:tedly producC's marketable fertili1Rr. aroma of whk h waJ<es Costa Mesa folk out of sound sleep in vicinity of E. 20th St . and Santa Ana Ave. Residents have complained t o officials regarding peculiar odor. -Staff Photo MESA FOLKS COMPLAIN Manure Machine Gives Rise to Aroma, Commen·t By 81.:RT BRlSTS.U.I. present loc11Uon and that a ll thry f want is a site on which they ran Tv>•o Co5l&. Mesa o tflclala and set It ur 11·hld1 la not too far from a bt'\'Y M 1111te nrlghbors w1>re on lhe <"hft·k••n how1es to make truck- lt&nd ) ·.t.-r1l1ty morning to eee mg tou rxr«nSl\"e. M1111• " Im·, 2028 Sant a Ana Ave .• , \\'Ith n. capal'lty of 10 tons of ll• '" ·1 Bii' • fnUllzer machine. fcrllllur a J ay lh~ mach lni.' t¥ea I the raw m11nur« 1n s l one enll. Thc1 e a lso wu present an o.tor. ~kNI ll al 250 d••i.:reu fahren.hc1l a P1'n•·t1 11llng. 11Cint11fet1ni.: kind of ti·mpr rn!urr, whit h d rfcll 1t &nd 011<.r lhllt c1 ept Into your noi1r k flls all fllt'8'. mag goUI antl 11el'(!~ anrl r<'fu11~11 lo • lttw~. The Irate and turns It out rrarly for Mcktng nrli;hbor11 .11ald lh"Y hAd bt>r n llv-The J:rt'Rl t~ouble 11 that dU11t Ing with It ror months IUltl tht'Y whim the marhtn' create~. \s given 11pnk .. ••f b11y1n, l!Ome bomb,., if I" t<lr&m bnth 11.nd this l'tta m cir· lll't'"q""' Y cull\~e11 n1 ound 1un ong lhe nl'lgh· '.\lA \"OR \\ OS'T TALK bor11 at1•I the 11uam, \1> put ll Mayor <.:lo lrt' :0-:tf~n waa nnn mildly. 11Unk.11. c:nmmllta l. He Miil the chl<'krn I ~r:IGJIJ\O~ AJ-TfX1'r.:D r11nr h was thHe before Costa :Mu 11 l'\t'lghbol II v. 11,, Hvf' around th!' WM incorporated 1111d lhllt ho .hail co rnt>i-or E. 20th St. and .!'antn I b"rn tnfll by lhc rlty &ttorn"Y that An.a A vl!. an•l are \"lts lly a ffrct· thr • l' r:>nnn• Jltl"~ Rny lawi; !' 1 In• Judr .\I J. Arnn I I, ~ L I which \1 111 rli111111atr It R1111·r Kun.ii.:;.-. t:nrl :-;1 I dn ... 11111\'<•r (JI· Ms rtm, 1 1ly 1 •111111·1l111an. 1111<1 httll' .,,11, f'nuf J 11f111,1nn·. 1:111 I T rapr to 1111y l••r 11,,. n ., . .., I, l>ut hi:t ,., •. Ann C:nhn ua•I 11111.h 11"1"'• T act 1rin t • • t h,.. 'H!••r ''a~ oh\ HlU" Th·•r .,t .. 111 • 1! ti"' ,,,1 r. th• Tht Mun .. n. J .... An•! ... .r . nn.1 "'" .• , ... , ... '''" rull "' I •11h•· fathrr 11 1111 ~··n, • aim l h• Y hnvr 110 J 111, y tJ,111n lh•')' 1.r11 i:• ~r•s.: '" b111lt n mn• h11•1· 1111\l w II • h«n.P 111 .• ,,.,.,r th•• c 11 t:1 ,\lr~.i ('try <'uu1 all lhl!' II'' J'l<l•h:rinl! rhrd<rn lllllll· <'If until s .. n11"h1111: 15 ..!1 nt' to te · l lrt' m th~ l:..•i.t .1 :'<lt'lll\ n1 d \ tntn l11·v,• the situ11t11 II. h igh ,:rs 11' fr~llltZ• I, fnr Whlrh t hty hi\ 1• a n ·:t•ly ni 11rkf't. All'.\OT ARO:\IA Thry 11dm1l th11t the m11chlne prndurl''" an aroma wh1rh ill not ('Onducll\"(' LO pt'lllt' In th" nrlgh· DEATH NOTICE borhood. but 11t t\l!' t hat thr ma· Formrrlv one Of the ownt'ts of ciline Is perrt~ted now, that l ht>Y 1 Balboa :-1~nnl\, ar •I a Joni> lrrnr w1H not run It M :V longer ln Its t'mJ'IO.) l'e of H11 hf1rl I U1l rorp Re-routinCJ of Bus Un• from H.,. Told l'tletrop0l1 t.11n Coach U nf'S an · nounctod t he t"mpo rary rl'-r(luUng of Its U"t' Angt lr11·="t'"'l><>rt Rtllch Bi\lboa Mh\nr ('C\11ch Lint 6~. ow - lni:-ln rnn~tructlon wnrk In th~ Alam1to~ thy dt~trict. Effecllvr March 18, motor ~oarh · u will c•rera t"' f rom Toledh 11nd Eiut S«'<"nnd St. nort.hJa.!lt via To- dlr•d In Los A nf;<'le.11 )!.trrh 13. Durlnit" lh1• \\ a r , ('31rna w u Lltut ·l",•mm~n1IPr ln the eas\ CuarJ. 11lat1onrJ s t Lon.r Btach II(' ";i., l'CNOnnf'I UflJC t'T In chui;e of Rt~rr-,.,. an!1 A uxrlla r \' an11 wu one of thl' <'ri:-anizrl"!! or the C'Mut r;1111rrl A uxlhar~· Il l lht' lnt t pllon o t th,. wa r a nd Commn· 1ln re nf that 01 i:11111uit1nn In UH~ lie wa.' a.~~•Kn<'•I to 11cl1\"P l!uty In lh•• RN•cn•r x"<m aftrr rrnd ~~l up the \'t>hlnl• ('T PM·• St r11rlty In the l llh Na .. 111 ll1strlrt lr·ln tn Arpt11n W ay, MUU1wc11t In a.sl!OClalwn .... ·1t h Gl'01 1te Wal· Vi& Applnn \\'ay to lhe S11n GI\· I Ort, Cl\lrn~ nrrrntt-<1 tht' Bl\1001\ bru•l RIVf'I". 311uthwt1l a lon1t the Ma rina f rom 8ept ~mbt>r. 19~0 to j ""'e~t· 11111.. or the S"n G<1br11 I nrr rmhcr. lP~:t. whrn 1l "l\J! sol<! R l\'l'r In f'.Ul s-rvnd S t l'Olllh· lo nlr k Slrwsrt IUld Chuck l 11· I ""Ht vta EMl ~rrnnd S t. a n<1 m11n. llP tr&\"rl• his wire. Cr11rl'. lht'nce ow•r the rr1tul11r rout,. """ nf W. 80th St . rj.,~ Ang,.lr~. anti return. a ho~t of frll'ntf .. Sem<"t O\"t'r the rrgular rou t«' F'un,.raf ior r\'lru were held \\'ed- w11l bl' reaumed when the con· I nl\llday al P ierre Aro11 . Lr>a An - 1tructfon work 111 c:<>mpleted. gtfC'I 1 $500 F~re Damage Hits Zauclle Home Fire damare amounUnr to J:loOO occurred t'arly yesterday mornlnit 1n lhe horne or WUIJam A. Z.ud- ke ot 41 ;•, h is Ave. Fire £D(lnn • and :i, aquad car r-;o 1 and A • "'"I.ant Cht,.f P. ~. Ptlletl rt· iipondrJ to I.he call. F1rem cn said the blue startf'd In an O\"tl"WIUfft'd ch.t11r •Jlplll"t'Dtly d111' to c:art>lt'U amok1n,1t. A' dn-an. Jrnpe~ en.I ru;:s \\ rre d&rnar;tt'd 1111 well u the chair. Thr properly Is 1,wnt'd by E ugene S. Maloney of P a!'<Sdl'nll. M..deKamps 4'JW.-;...,, SPICIAlS Mor-ch 17, 18, 19 Race Track COffll CAKI ••• 23' ... l2't ... l • Chocolate luttercream SPONGE CAKI 19' - llef. .... 1 Uc .. • Shamrock COOKIES •••• ft' ,.. [fh ..... , Alard, 17,~ St. Patridl IEL CUP CAKIS •• • • 5'-s.1.s.na s ... Uc ... ti I • st.....ock PASTllES ••••• 10'-. w.s.r.as-ei.,.,..,2 "ft)~ ••1•. 1••• ;,e ~.~~(~~~ vur CO!l'T A Mr.SA 1100 S('•-port Bh-tl. COKOSA DEi. MA.a toS <.:-t U•'J'· ACORD'!-4 l.A(il'SA Bl:An1 t~S BrOIMl11 •1 l\Al.80A I l.A.''D !ot Kariae ",... ~"T.W"PORT NACU ~~ C-t Rwy. THE FINEST AND LOWEST PRICED Early AIMrican MAPLE FURNITURE •.•• a" 'J wlr erl' Open Fridays um U 9 .. E GINEER COST HIGH, MESA ATTORNEY CLAIMS IN SA~LY City Attorney Don Dungan recovered quickly from a low blow during Costa Mesa City Council mening .Monday night and nJmbly demonatrated un- impaired footwork. The blow wu delivered inadvertently by Coun- cilman Bert Smith. During diacuaaion of cost in- volving a proposed new atreet 300 feet aoutberly ot Ea.st 22nd St. between Orange and Santa ~ Aves., Smith asked if the property owners invofved could afford it since "the attorney fees are ao high." Stunned and fa.ced with fighting back at a man with one leg in a cut <Smith). Dungan rallied ad· mirably. "It's the engineer'• fee, not the attorney's, that's ao bigb," Don quickly declared. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART l THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 PAGE 3 S11p«Ylson Oppose NEW MESA STREET SOUGHT NEAR 43-LOT SUBDIVISION Io a move to ket'p the propoMd ~r ctnt o r the property ownrra 1ubdlvl11on or Mu W. Pope M-In the area ha•I 111:nltled rt'adlnua tween Orange and Santa An• to put up a bon1I for ' lrnprovtni: one-halt the prop~d atrHt whf'n Avu. from blO<:klnJ u ceu to lhe c:Hy wu ready 10 pave It. and valuable Jou . clUnna along Eut to deeJ the rily 1 2:>·fl. ri~ht·of· 22nd St. are thla wttk worklnf way. lo obtain 100 _pet, tent bt.cklnf to . create a 1lree1 3'>0 feel eoutherly P o pe •urgeated a,, compl'trnt ot Eaat 22nd St. Should thla itnet englnHr be required to draw up Improvement go tllt'oufb, th• wt>-a tract matt for the proprrty ow n- dlvidtr would be required to put' t'r-9 Involved, thf' ~~m" as ,the. t1ub: RA:".'TA A:"\A WC~Sl -Or· 11ni:e (111 1nt ~· ll••nr.f C\f Su1't'rvh1or1 Tuesda y Wt>nl on rl'<'<'nt •• oppo•· Ing owrn1i;ht • "mplni:: )'lf'nnltl for lpine P111 k. / ll wa~ r l11tm,-.1 the-J'llfk lar k• pro1u•r f111•1hl 11·~ to 111<..-l sla te no• quirf'nwnt.!I f1•r 11\'t'mlghl <'lll»plnir. (he m orti::l\i:e apprt.l~tr." lit' point- I'd out l h11t oth••rn·1sr, houera ot hiJ aubtlh'ls1 .. n on the proJ>ON'd new elr f'>'I woulJ b<' f11•ini th• bllck 10111 nC n•11ul1·m·•·• ••h Ea.et :.>:!ntl Sr. ~vrr11l 1>f th" F:1ut 22nd Rt. proJ>f'rty own1•r1 lmlk 8tt'd In· tt>ntlon l'ilhcr to bul11I nnt11 111·e· llt'nt re!l•lcm·<'• to far e thl' nt>w •t~t. ur '" r11n~lr111•t ""l'arate hOUllf'll on thr r ... ar of Jll'f'llent 300· fL lots. In one-halt the propoaed i tre'!t, 1 dl:Vldel' hu to do. Then f\ 1'1") bod~ C . will know where we arl' i:olng.' TO ttAISF. \"Al.,'t: osta Mes& City Co~ncll Indicated P ope aald. "It'll clarify wt.at the Counr llm11n ("harlt's T"Wlnkle Girls' Club Feed for luildillCJ Fund Slatecl Saturday ~ tt1ondlly nlcht 1 adjourned nt>lghbors ar e going-to do" rsttmalt>d I h,. nt>w 111 rf't'l s nd Im• market In the ahopplnl' district tt . nf. OOMPLETE REEMENT provr mtnl11 would r11 IH thf' value at 19th st. and Placentia Ave. DUPEL Oan:cl'ION8 · ACi . ('If pr operty In the l\fea 11000 ])er Creation ot the 1treet, aa.ld a Motion• w r re paued by the lot C'1ty F.nictnrrr ~n SouthW1'1rth All yo'1 can eat for a nominal halt dozen 22nd St. re1ldenl1 led rounrll ultlng up nectaaary In· r~llm&l•·<I ru~L "' wntt•r. i ewl'r a nd ~:' wi~ feature the menu conat.· by ,pokuman A. E . Coleman, I 11trumenls whteh would deM1gnate l'lrrl'l lmpr<wrmentll on lhl' n,.w C 0 country 1ausagu, pan-WOl.lld dlaptl objecUona to t he t3· !he sepa.nte prop.-rlles 1nvolve.:I, •lrt>~t w our.l 1 un "rou.:ltly" $11 lo 1:4kee, coffee, orange juice, milk lot su.bdlvl1lon. The tract hu been require 100 IJPr rent Alrff'<'nlt'nt on $12 p1•r fr"'"' r •vi and syrup. There w ill a.lso be ht>ld up due to protuts the aub· the proposed atrect, and crea ting 1\layor l 'lt••r•• X1•l1K1n oburvf'd: available train and pony rides tor I division would add to drainaice 1 .. g al-alte Iola w lt.h 'Jrovlalon for "\\',>"r i> not ll"Ylnf'C l(I work a hard· the youngatera ~th 26 perrt'nt problem • and rut oft accus to fl'nr!ng if not \"a cah' or u~il fr>r ,hip <'n a nyon,. hut "f' want con• golnr to the Girls Club. Ticke~ rear tota owned by Eut 22nd St. family dwtlllnit•· l"rPte e\'!11'-n•'"· nfll just convtr1111• ll'Ul)' be obtained at the Girla I resfdenta. Po p11 asked that 1uch lt>gal lot11 tro n. th111 this 11trt'tl. wlll JO Club, 1918 Harbor Blvd. or the j Colrman, a ruldent a t 283 E. be crntrd for t he time Wht'n the 1 throui;:h 1t·11 not fair to the aub- A benefit break.tut with JOO percent ot the proc:~ going to th e bu1kbng fund of the Harbor Area Clrla' Club, la being apon· llO~ In Costa Mesa next Satur- day m orning from 8 lo 11 a. m . In the parkrng area In front of the mornlng ot the breakfut. 22nd St., tnfonned thf' council d8 11ubdlvl1lon would havC' to "face 111\1\lr r h• "tl\11 11Jon~ nn thla.'' aa.En11111 •••. s.n Callee FOL GERS 1-lb. can NOB Hill aJ~~TY --·-AIR.W~-Ml~--~L--t-~---­·a: a': Upside Do::-c':lce 4 SHOULDER, SQUARE CUT Neck and shank removed. Cut from Imperial Valley lamb, aged to .pealt of flavor and .tenderness. LEG OF LAMB Shonk Off -----LAMB CHOPS SMAll LOIN 89 c LARGE 69c ••· lOIN 1.11. I~. RIB 69c :::rt Ht. LAMB SHANKS LAMB BREAST Other Meat Section FRYERS MANOR HOUSE GRADE A Values 2-lb. plrg. 1" lb. 39• lb. 49• GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF DRY SALT PORK VISKING PACK BONELESS 91!1~ET llf. ENRICHED FLOUR 29• Kitchen Craft For all baking 1~~-93~ CORN 2 11 .... 25i CO ft& SHORTENING Captaitt't Choice FISHWEEK VALUES BREADED SHRIMP 1,!'k:~· 49i WHOLE WHITING ';~~~-35 c FILLET OF COD 1-lb. pk9. 35c leclpe '" •i..t Mia Pedt .. • FLEET MIX PINEAPPLE 00L plcg. J0..1.. can 32' 29' CHUNK TUNA Chicken of the'S.O 6\~-oz. 27« can ~ .. ._rr...,.~~-..-B!llftl .. ORANGE JUICE Scotch Treat w 1 o• Fro1en._ ................ coa nmL .. lliiliir1• ,,_,_ o .... .., .......... "'* CUT CORN ~,~-;. ':.~~­ ,EAS & CARROTS 1:i'cz. FRENCH FRIES ~!'J: SPINACH ~?~m ",.,~~ JEllY CALO DOG FOOD !!· 65' 12 .... 29• ,., 2 1 ~·25• MIRACLE WHIP OR DUCHESS SALAD OUSSINO ... rt jar 45c 2Sc CINCH CAKE MIX Devil Fudge, Gold, White per pkg. 29~ DEL MONTE TOMATO 2 IC..1. Httlet CATS UP SILK · TISSUE TOILET PAPER '"' 5c SAFEWAY'S Ille BEST Place in ToPln lo Buy PRODUCE Golden-riJ)9 Firm, Large Red-ripe, Firm Just Rlgtif to Slice 2 '"· 29c tun J7c BANANAS TOMATOES RED POTATOES Norftiern Grown All-purpose AVOCADOS LETTUCE Ema largt Fuerte1 Crisp Solid Heads Fine for Salocl1 ,.IC£$ r:mCTM TJIUIS .. flt., SAT .. llAIClt t7, 11, 11, 1155 Al OlUfll( couwn wtWAY JTOIU (Tin Sii. II St•H ... S...) ., .... , -· .. 4 ·-.... ,.. _______ .... _ LARGE AA EGGS Cream 0 ' ftie Crop Guaranteed Frtih --....... ~ ::. 57c . -- SLICED CHEESE Dutch Mill, Am«icon, Swiu or Pimef'lto a-or . 27c p\cg. ---PARADE DnERGENT ~:.~'~g t~e 24. '.!::' 48• CHEER 59c STORE HOURS DalJy 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. (Friday tW 9 p. m .) I Sllltda1 9 a. ID. *°Ip. m. L 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT . . I I " ·• PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 Speed Umits for 'OIJUM Area Told •ACftAKENTO -l:•l•bliah· Mfll.t of •peed hm1I• or 3!'1 and 4:'1 Mlle11 •n hour ror 11p1>ro1rdm•tf'ly 2 mun Oii Broadw•y •nd LllKUn• Ony.>n Ro•tl IS111l ft H!ghw•y 1801 Ill and north or lAgun• 8".cb. Oranse County. "''•• ari· -need today by th .. St•te De· patllnftll of }>ublic V/ork•. .A. ~mile limit w•a e1Ubliah~ tor a Uttle ovftr • quarlf'r ot a ...U. from an l!':itLallng 2!'1-mlle sont al FofTnl A•enu<'l to north of Ult dty limn at Lagun• Bu.ch. From u.. •nd ot thl• 3)-m11e :r.on.. tor -mlt. norttu•rly a 4!'1-m\Le zone • ..-WM ntabll§hed. North of lhL• 4~· •J.le .one the •peed limit wa• ..,t at S$ mile• for a 1\ttl• over • ....-ier of a ll')lle northl!'rly and •l '65 mil" for a furthtr third '3f • m Ue. Tbe ne'W ••d UmlU werl! re· commendf'd by Slat• Hl,l"bway En· 11nHr G. T. McCoy rollowtnr a11 .. ngine<:!t1.n1t and traffic atudy by thf' Dlvlalon of H lrhwaya. 'nit ch!,.r ot police of L&Kuna Bf'ach and the Ca\l(o"11a H lghw•y P a trol concurred In t he rKommPnllaUon. The chsn,.-• "·!II be .-f ~f'CUva wltil th f' poatLnii: of alpa, probably within a week. AshballCJh lack from T achen Evacuation Ont ot th• tint 11"0\IP• Ot llhlpm that ·J*rfl-:lr.atH IA· evacuation at Chine• NatJonaJ11~ from T•chen lalanda wa• welcomict recert.Uy at Loni-Beach. '1'1lla W&I ~atmyer Olvlalon 132. whlch ti ht.ck In home watera aner •ven monUul In tht wcatern Pacific area.. Among the creWTneii ot lh- lh1p• la Seaman John D. .Aah· i-ull'.h, .,.hoae wit .. , Ula former J oanne Holbrooll, llvN at 21:1 83rd SC Too Lat.• To Classlfy !' !!!I! ....... sn:NOOJLAPHER. ahort hand --=--ry. Apply BANK OP" AMERICA. 344-t Vi• Llrlo. r.-f'"'• tort-27c:20 II 'raa, S.ppllea; 48A-Apta. for Re•t A 'l"l"RAC'TIVE furntmhed modem 11tudio ap\.11. Utlllttf'• p.ald. SUMMER or YEARLY ratf'•. 3t.:l-t Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 08$i-R or LI 8-TlTT. 2'1c:40 4l!C-Trolle• sl'"!"? I WANTl'!D, moortns fnr boat. rh. A'M'l!:NTION: Mod. traileni to 411' .-r.n1iey 7-4281 ·c:oll~t . 2Tp29 f 1~· from Npt. Blvd. • •tore•. I S:l~ mo. no 11;tra c:tiarg<'l for 2 PA.Dt ot u.d 9~ hp Ch;;• Cnift c:lllldren . C. M. KI 2·107t.. 27c:29 •rt-. U'oeM.y 8-1128. 210:291 ----------~)-Re~ FAtate E:sehu~e • --~~!~ory~~o~~ ~~h~~·~: BALBOA ISLAND, 115 No. DERRICK FOREST-Resident.a of Huntington Beach are hard put to contain their temperB and occupy their houses -even those who desire to stay In the town lot area where uncontrolled oil production Is eating away the heart of the community. The picture above waa t aken at 2nd St. and Olive Ave., and shows the 1:1trect, sidewalk and alleys excavated for a pipe line t o a rig while down the picture from the rjght is part of the forest of dfrricks which bligh ts the do\\'ntown boom field. -StafrPliOto- I Drilling Operations Move I CMln Crash Caused From Errant Glance ;\ tht•'•'·•·11r 1h ·,•i.h •11l <><'\"lH'Tf'•\ S•t111d ... v IOI {'"/llft lllJ:h """)' IHl•I (;.,J.trn1·,.,1 Al"" '"''''" t:rrH'~I Hu· J i:i!1>h t:1f'~<'r, ~,~. L;pL1n.1. •pr•r• NW at Huntington Beach H U ST JS C TO S BEACH -th"., f, .. rmat!on in lh•t di•lrh·t. rntly !~>Uk i•,I N \\'IO ~' fl l)1\I \hf'" J\l"f' .. t !OCNS) _ Drillinlt" oprnt.!icna in l ~on1phunt.. about ncuse •nd nu!· 1,,r .11. 11.,_..,,,.111. 1.,.\t,•,. IOM li\. 'll&llO:IP of the. d rilling 1'1¥'.• hlll'f' , . . ... hi t the new Jfuntln-on Bf'a<"h OU ••·1 ~ 1 1 th •. , I ,,,,.~··r f,.11 ••• 1 10 •l•;1• .,.. n. "' •lop,_... com ns nlo e pouci! ue-. plottaUon are mo.-ins .tf'9>dily pa.rtmf'tl.t. M<'n on duty thtrf' fr.,l C1t1L '"'''"II \\"hit•·. J:;?, of •~-,~ A n• nor'lhweat and an now mo't'ed pa.at that I.hf' peopl• •re r'•ll'?lf"<I lo ~··!I'll. ,.n,1 J.,Jin A l «·nir.\". :t11, fllh l!Lt. To rna.k' maltf'" mot., "''! boom. r ollcf' are having hill<'! !-'ton ,!"· "'h" ,.,.,,. ~'"l'l'''t1 t.:ir a dlffirult for re~ida:>t• ot that troublf' •·ith oil drl\lenr. •llhrr ' ~•!lnftl. 1;,..9"1 • rar h•t l h•• r~><r &tr<"fl a dltch-<tlgtnt:' ,,_.ch~ &i>bf'r or drunk. they it.le. l,·•n•I of th.• t;,•n1 •y •·Mr ••ohlt h in moYl!'<i In thlto _.....k and h•a pi.,w-"If fhry JCl'l drunk thry look !tun wiu; pti.•h•·•! 111\n ll:•· >•"Il l" •·nd ed • ditch for • C-inch oil pipr lint' •flf'r t heir own." thf'y 11tat,.. ..r th•· \\'hll" 1·111· down thf' '!Y••t a.ide Qf the lllnret. maktnir dririnir f. m&Uf"T of walr h I ~====::.:::.:='----"-='-----------~'i tor VI• olhtr· fellow and parking lmpo>1S1b••· I R~•hk'nl• of th,. are• havf' ~n pretty well c:an~ by dr1U"" who al"'l' otlf'rinlt" hit:"h p~• for the prhi leg• of Mtl•nt:" up a ri,: th<'l yant and n111kin,: lirinj!: m Ulf' hOUM' pnr llr •lly im~1blf' . Moat of them ha.,;• bf'come philo-1 .aphlcal about It and fll'Pf'C~ to c:~ in on the boom ""10nf'r or I J ohn Difabio. who li\'Q on 'i'th St. bf't .. ·ffn Joh1.«"f>Ol1a and Ac•ria,, acr<>M th• .,,......,, fron1 a rf'aound-' Ing nil rig, u id he i.I in no hurry lo •IKJL up. "Onf' ll!'l!Ow offlPnl'(I me $1000 a a·eek and anothf'r $3000 if I'd l~t htm drill a hOI<!! here on !'.llY lot. I'm iroinC" to .-all to -wh•I lhf'y J;<'l QVIPr the.ft-. lhni I 'll mak• up my mlnd.~ Tne oil .. " uy tblPy are ~~ do"''n 4000 to 4!'>00 f~t lo reac:b Tels Clalliioig .Tlleft I T ht!t of c:'°tbiDg from bl.a un- loc:kl!'d car ..,... rTPtlrted to poliCI!' l on Monday b)' Ri~ HoltOJI : of El Toro. He u.id lhe c:er ..,.,, 1 parked in front ot llOCI "'· Bay I Al'f'. at the time. H olton aaid he I lni;l a to.hirt. •purl coat and two lni;ul'llnre pollciea. H e .. kl a M lr1 an!J awe•ler bf'loncinr to John J . J J oyre or El Toro were &JJIQ tam:T 1hanb for so much - With • great deal of humility_ I have tendered my resignation from the Board of Trustees of the Newport Be111ch Element111ry School District. With • gre•ter humbleness I would like to t111ke tllis me111ns of ill111nking 11111 of those persons 4nown end un~nown-to me who sponsored my c111ndidecy for the City Council of the City of Newport Beech. ' I will •t 11111 times endeavor to repay th111t feith end confidence with e sincere effort to serve to the very best of my 111bilitie1 in each sittM1tion for the betterment and progress of our City. ., Sincerely, JAY STODDARD With neon l"'l'frtgert\Uon. cQpperl Bay Front. Yr. old modem, tut.Mns. 8ultable for Soulh Sea 1 $6:),000; take Pasadena or --..,.. ~ IOCbrook •·1008. I Palm Springe for part _ .. ____ ~~p32 . ·NORM WH11'E: . U" CL.ASS tM..t. bait tank anti Pasadena. SY 2-1148. lra.ller, S:r.IO. 327 W. "-'llson. 27c40 ea.ta .,....., 27p'l9 6't-Rf"al t:stale ----DUPLEX IJ~~~:~,:~~t~";,1!~:. ;;'~fbil;<;~=~ 1 Corona tlf'l !>far, 702 Bl!goni•1, de- J.and. ff•r. 2439-R. 'l1cZ9 hH•f' redw.....-.d • 11tucco. Oee•n !ltd,. Hwy. Shake roof. 2 b<lnn11.. -r OI'" ' depend&blr ~ car, see )'cllar loc&I de1Ller who will be here TOMORROW lo back up whlll he ~n. TODAY? Check the WJed e:an in lh• clW11ifled ~tlOll to-I .... earh. flrf'pl11c""· hM·rl. flni., f'. A . heat. p11UO$. OP"!n Sat. A Sun. 0wnf'r Har. J684·R. 27c2& R-2 LOT 30 • 8.S In Newport 52:..00. Harbor 4391-\\', 2Tp3:l GROUND IS BROKEN Deluxe 2 story bldg. opposite City Hall ELEVATOR and OFF STREET PARkING Come in and inspect blueprinlfl before pa.rtitiona are eonatructed 80 that we can ·arrange floor Bpace to your needs. THE BEAUMONT CO. 434 · 32nd St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 4299 27c29 LEGAL NOTICE aDOLVTIOS or TRW! BOA1'n or l!LrPT.•Vl!IOM or ORASO~ ('O(r.\,..,', l'AUFORXTA Marrlri I, IMS Oii MOt.lon al Sup.n·tsor Kaiaer. d'ul7 llftOn~ ud c:urt~d. l h• fol· iDw'lnr Rt-9otuti-. ...... adopt~: JU:80LVEO that It I• Uie lnlf'n· lion of lhl• fto&rd to &IUtn: lo Count,. 8anll•lilm Dl~trict No. ~ U.. t..tmtory hf'relnaner d,.scribf'd. ~di Mid t,n1tory ~" c:onuiuou. lo O:ounl7 Sanitation Ol•lr1cl No. 5 or 1114 County of Oran,.,., •nd llOOl ln.cl..Sf'd In an7 oUl,.r ~•nit&· Uoc1 Dtstr k t. or oth"r d!•lrict fcinn~ lor 1umft•r p11rpollf'•: that U.. lloundar1"• <>f !hf' lfotr1tory fnlPndl!'d lo be annlP!!.,.!I are d•ll· -'btod u fullow•: "n\•t portion or TT~t :-Oo. 1237. •• p..r m•p r,.rordf'd In ML""C. M•p11, Rook 40. P l Jf'• ti and 20. R,....o nl• or ...i !d Ora.nJIP ("ounl)'. Call!om ta. 1ytnr out•!~ of th• boundar1H ot COW11y Sanitation Dt111tr1o:t !'lo. S ot Orar11te Cnunt)', u tM 99.111" ••L•ll'd on F'oibruary 1, tt~. and mnnl' p•rtlcularly ~bf'<t u tolto..•1 ; ..,-.llll!n,: a t the lnlera«Uon ftf tM line th111t run• South· w.i:erly 11nd J'l,•ortMUlf'rly throua1'1 tht r •nli!r ot Bl~k M ef the J"1n•'• 8ubtllvt· n... u p.r map tf'C'Ordrd In ~ Rt"CVrd M•pi Book l . ~ M. ftttortl• of OranJ• Count)'. <...._llfom l• 1111d VI• Nortlwrl7 line of Tract Xo. JUT u pt!t map rec:ordrd In M!Ktllaneoia M•p Book •o. hlfM lt uid 20. Rtt0rd9 uf -.Id Oranse <:.'trimly; lh•nce Jf.U.. 70• 40' Kut &Jons Via Jfortk'IJ' hn• of Mid Tract Mo. 1217 to -4.nJle point In ..W. T'net No. 1i37; thcl" .. Uri e• 12' Eut ~I tti. ~ elf 9&ld Trut No. Ul1, a dl9tUlft of 101.n ·: U...C. 8"tll ,,. 1:r IO" l:Nt ..... tM boundary of •Id T'T9d. No. tm. a dl•tanoe of -.11 fwt: ~ 9outb 23• Jr JO"' F..aat Uons the bound- ATJ et mid Traci. No. 1237 to -llller9f'C'tJoft with t.l'le Soult.· -i•rly ll.nl! of Bloc-k H of ...,. l"1nf'·1 8ubdt1'1•1on: LEGAL NOTICE ot .aid Block 9'1: thenc. North1P&11te r l y •lonit llflld Southwe11tf'rly and ~o r t h· f'll.trrly Jin" of 1111.ld Block H to the point of berlnnlnll'. BE lT F L'RTttER R ESOLVED ANO Olll>ERED lh•l Tueiw.lay, th<! 61.h d•y of April, l'il5:t, at Ule hour or 11 :00 o·r1~k A.M .. bf'lnll' a time riol le• Ul-.n thlrty t 30 I day• aftfr th• adoption of lhl• RtMtution. tn the Ch•mber• or !he Board of Snp."111nni In the Court HouM ln I.he cu,. of S.nta Alla. Col.Inly ot Oran!!'<!. State of Caltfornla. la hi!reby n•ed •• lh4 um,. when and the pla.ce wtw" objf'rl!onJt In 1>1,. •l'!n,.:ii:lllon of 1111.Jd territory lo Co11nty 8•nll atlon Dl~trict No. !'> ot the Coun t)' ol Orange .,..,II bf" heard. BJ:: IT J.'URTHER RESOLVED AND ORD£RP;O that the County Clerk and e•-officlo Clerk of U!ls Board bf> •nd h.i 1• Mrrb,. ordend to publlah thll Rtolll'llutl(On at "rngt.h In Ill le&•l two 121 •urce111lv• hi· •U"I 11'1 the Newport H•rbor N f'Wll- Pre&f.. • ntwspaper of J:"ne."1 clr- rol•tlon publ!ahf:d W1Wn the County of QMU'lll'"· .... Id publLca· tlon to bf cornplf'tl!'d not more than thirty !30) nnr \•111 than t•n (101 d•Y• p rior to th• d•l• of hear1nll'. ATl:8; 8UPF.:RVJ80 RS HEINZ K.A.l SER. \\'M . K . JnR8TETN, C. M. FEATMERLY. RALPH 1. M~FADDEN ~'fl.1..11'1 H. \\' AJ\NER :'f0 E8: SUPERVISORS NONr. AB.91:!1."T: SUPERVISORS :'l.'ONI: ST.A.Tl: OF C AUJl'OR:'\'IA OOUJ'\"TT OF ORANGE 'u. I. B. J. SMITH. County C1...rk and r:.-offlelo Clrrk ot the 8of;rd ot 8UJ>l!'"'110r• of Oranp County. California. h•nby cerUfy Ulat the above and torrgotnir Rf'.IOluUon wu duly and np.larly .&:.,I«! b7 th• 1ald Bn&rd at a l"l'fUIV" mMUllJ thlPJTOf he.Id on the l•I d..,. of March. 1911!'1, •nd pUMd by a unanlmou• YOte ot u.td Board. IN y.•rrnus "-'Rl:ROOP", 1 han hernmto Ml my hand a.nd ltf'al lhl• 111. day of Mard\. tNCI . B. J. SMITH County C1~rk llnd n:-offtclo .. After years of planning. and months of actual construction, our new home is finally ready. We're mighty proud and delighted ... and we kn ow you'll be too ... so accept our invitation to visit and in spect our accomplishments. As exciting as our new home is, you'll thr;ill even more with the many, many displays of traditional, contemporary and provincial furniture assembled from the world's finest manufacturers. "Serring Or•nge for (aunty Th•n More 60 1514 No. Main St. SANTA ANA Klmb.,ly 2·2H8 UMnce Nortll"'e•terly a l0111t UN 8ou(h""9Sll!'r[y ILne of 1&ld B•k 9t to U1 1nt"r'Mt'tlon W1UI the •fe'!r•1u1 ld lln• nu1- atn,: South .. ·r•l•r ly •nil N"or lh· l'&fleri, l.hrourh th• ce.n~r Clrrk of lh• Bovd of ,,__ n.n... I to 5 :30 -Frtda.n 9 Lm. M 9 p .m . S\IJ>l!'tTison of Ora.op • ~ .,.__~ County, California is.a l • CSE OUK PllJVATE PA.UINO IN Rf:AR OF STORE. -t::\'TRA.SCt: OS 'SVCAMORE. N~ ~ ~~--•·Pr ... J/l~ lT, 113' '"~~~------·~~~-----------------~~~~~~-~-----~~~---~~~~-----~~~~-~~--~--~-~~~~---" • DELTA GAMMA GAVEL exchanged hands when Mrs. William Blurock entertained members at her home in Laguna Beach. Shown here (standing! she is present- ~---....!!ln!!JLe !em of office to Mrs. Carl C. Hilgren, new presi- dent. Looking on are fL to R) Mrs. John Thoma11, re- cording attretary: J.frs. Frank G. Everett, vice-president, and J.tra. Evelyn 0 , Williams, treasurer. -St.a.ff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor l WELCOMF.S PHIUIARMONIC -The new Orange Coaat College auditorium will be utillzed by the Orange County Philharmonic Soc!ety for the next pub· lie performance April 23 of the county's foremoat musi- cal organization. Don Magee, student body president. purchase s a ticket for the j>e-rformance from Mn. Karen Margreta Bruning. executive secretary of the society, Dean Fred Huber, (left I , Dr. Basil H. Petel'80n (center), college president, and Misa }i'rieda Belinfante {aecond from right >. oreheetra direct o r, look on. Easter Aid, New Friends n eres amaa1nas ~:1<~t•r pllu1n1ng for thrlr "11dopl· n11..na•11 "'Ith an li;h•n4 club, aend· ed" fa mily, ,..,,1.etion of a n,w mem-1n.1: rarlla and g1fts. Jofra. Roy boo r an•t <ll,.1·u.•111on nn aelecllon of Kl'•·11e 11nd 1itn1. $11m Emmra have a 111n11 l11r 1•\uh 1n Hawa11 with b>-.-n appou11eli lo ront11cl fri,.nd• "'hll'h \., cxrh11nJ;:l' g1tt11 wa" nn 1n lh•. 111111.llli.o 1tnd from !heir fl!· lhl' •::~n<.111 '"'h"n Ka maainll K lubl '"'n11TI 1·11tt11!1{'1n1t w ill l'hoo&" a 1!mi- m••n1 tkt·~ '""' 1tl 111" h<Jtn" of ,\lr1. lar t•lub "'Llh "'hl<:h In bf' a1111oc· R<•b~rt R1e k•ll11, Zfl6 1':111t Blty IA\<!(I. K11.n1a1t.1nll "'Ill al>t0 _ _1rranl!:'l Av•. to 1'TIIPrt111n men1bf'r11 of thJ11 o~rl >'or l hP r11nuly, u~ful gifta will 11e1111 )(roup whrn thr y Ari' 1n lhi! TOWN TOPICS from Bank of Americci r- ' ~,,. N•wpo~•each •ranch , ·'l -·:-lokmd A. Wri9ht, ~~- SPRING IS HERE ••• AlMOSTI Jt'• cime for though11 of pleuan1 ~k-end 1ri119 and 1\IUlmtt "acacion, but btfon th.1 (and tberc'1 no nape-) rno1t of u1 have to think about t.x~J.1 If you've .. 'l't'd for your tu pmymenb; fine -Cf not, or if you'd rather yo•r Jl't'ing• •t•rff~a me banJc, COlllC' in and .. UI abo..ol a 1.....-. ~ ..,... ]~ is c.br busine.like ... ,. 10 borro•. le ~·, ... much, and you've moDW co RP.J· IF YOU WERE A -MllllONAIRL •• ••• chaocw are J"OU'd.......,. know • lot about 0« bu1lf 1 atatewide UUJI NfVKa. 8c did you ra.lize thac our n. 1Hp1rtmenc actually helpt 1hou1and1 of C1liforn.ians with modelt means-lad• in mu from ow: roram~ -lo bio cbeit esiac. aod manage and coruen-e their propetty, AD inc~te. wich om ol out Tr.at Offictrs donn't co~t anything.~ m.r ..... ,.,. a gra.t deal in mnn of money •rtd convltftience. ? Bof A IJ«1z ~.£,~ ? Delta Gamma Installs New 10f f icer Corps ----------------------------·lbe pun·h11 ~r,\ f,,r !hf o\d,•r <'h!I· loc1<lity. Thu! II t.~l 1ng of itond· DID YOU KNOW THATyoucaDmake apaymtntoa aBof A 7-..r-ioan 11 any one of Bank of America'• 'W bnoct.s in C.lifomia -reg•rdln1 of •here you ha~ your accouncl Thi.J i1 jwt one more of tht man1 adva.nuan of doina lNM- neu with Bank or America. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 •lr,.n "'h•h: ~r11•ll fry will rt'Cl!IVP wJll wlll ht' Crl'•t<"'1 boetw••'n la· Ea"t"r ba1>1t .. ta an<I bunnll'a, Fin•l )andPr~ 11nd nuunl1ntll'r1 pl11'1A !o r thl• w ill b.f! compJ,.l•<i 1\l rs. >:..iw11r,t Kfll)' will be hos· County Alumnae Group Meets at Blurock Home al the nl'Kl ffil't'llng. tl'l<ll 11.t th• m•l'lln11, nf Ma rl'h JO 1-------------------------.----1 Vote<I in •• ,. new "m elahln\" at th<! K~··n• r•••ldtnc ... 1!'>76 Ea1l Orange County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamm·a met March 15 at thr lovely home o f J.fn1. William E . Blurock, lOJl 1 Sunset Rid~c. r~1guna Beach. After the businCss m eet · Ing outgoing president. ~frs. Blurock. transferred the gavel lo J.frs. Carl C. Hilgren, newly elected preaidcnt. Other o f· flcen fo r the coming year a~ vice president, Mr.. Frank G , :l:wr•lt. 1r ... ,.u .... r, Mr•. F.. O. \\'ll· l1 A111~ 1•ro1 .1111i: '"l'f"t"ry, :\Ir!!. J ohn :\I Thtll'l"lllK 11rirf r"rrrKp;>l1<i• lni.: ~"' •''"')' :\t r~. \\'altr r L. 1'.p!r· .,. Al,.., •in 1hr boar,! Rre r.tr!I. ! .. K. /!r\'n••l·I~ nu1 ~··11' ~.-h•"•L •~P••·· ... n111! ....... """ J ••·k ~:. H 1\l1r .. 1h , nuen1b•·t~ll1 p r h,.11 111M11. 11n<i Jll'•l!l! ~h111m1 ,.n, C.tr11 Ar-\hur J . .Aun" "''ho, 1n 1 urn. :1p1•olnt•d rnmrn1t· '""" ... n11•h 1n .. hi,t.· :.1 n'""· \\';i!t.-r S l"r1 "' r. l "h,<rl"" >:. \'un't•n ·n1I, )f, I'. ThAy"r 11nr1 II :\I. \\"nlli ni.:· f<Jrd \\·or-kf11io: "'Ith th• t111n<I 111 A nn- • tlnn11l projttt of 0..llll Gamma end th .. l11ri:•·•I 11111~1,. lnd.1vid uAl rro· j.-<'t tn t hl' Nur!lt'ry $(hno1 !or Vl11- u11ll)' I lan•hcappt"! Vhlldr~n 1n l.ll11 Anl:'t11'11. Thi~ M..hool t r.a\n11 t he r lr -11chonl <'hl1Jrr n tn '"'•d 11l· '""•l n••rmML llv•" 11nd r•l'•'>"'" !t" run1pl••IP 11upporl frnm 0.-1!11 GAm· n1a or Sou1hcrn C•!ifornia •ntl lta rrt,.nd~. • Th• JOC"l\l group'• maln rffort 111 "'"l'k1ni.: fror t h" ,.,.-hnol ""'I 11c11n1: '"' 11n 1nrn1111 ~t1on ,. .. ,.,.l<'e •'••nt~r !<>r l'"'"nl~ .,f blind. chlhlrPll in Urnni.:" \.'t•unty. ·---~-~-----~ "KING AND I " Junior Ebel I to Ho nor Sr. Grot1p Thursday RUBY GOODWIN TO SPEAK AT FELLOWSHIP MEETING T t:e \\'omen'1 Fellowahlp of Corona d<'I ).lar Cnmmurilly Churi-h "'ill n1l'el V.'edn,.1('!ay. ).tarch 23 a t 12:30 p.m. tn t he .oe1al hall. Lunch-will M •rved by Uie art.a and craft 11!'.roup. hl'adf'd by the chalrmari. Mra. Stuart D!l'hl. Thole plan· n Lnr H> attl'nd are r~ueatf'd to cell Uif. churl'.h off!~. H ~rbor ~:lJ7. Sp1·11ktr w1\l be ~lrL Ruby GooJw 1n. :'l>l'i:ro JK'<!l and 11uthur uf •·>"rom ~\y Kitf htn \\'1n<Jo.,.·'• 11nd "It " Go<1J to be lllack." ~!re. Gl)()<l,,..111 1 .. 111 ll'tl a "·•rm •lory In AppnKlatlon ,,, X••,.;ro l•le wtuch i• r>Art of ht'r heritage "''"! th,. rll'h ,,._ "'ard" which "'"Y coml' lo a membl'r "f • m lrinri1 y ra~. The pr"l:'r•m l• •l 2 p m. •nd th• publ1l' L~ 1nv!t<'•I. Note Birthdays of OES Groups S•·1· .. r11l ••ul or 11at,. ~·1altont dill. u ... roor 2110.J : ~l r11, morn.•, H1rb<•r 211)2 "' Stroup. GOP Women Install ... ·.-re ...... kon1ed fl\ !he n1r•t1ni;:: nr l t flartvir ~t~r. 0 ~: g . llt thr club-Q huu11~: u1 C<>9\!\ ~I~"•· A. S t_, l'a\. ! n clt'• lh•Till' "'h r Rrn f•I uul In at Luncheon the deror1ttlo11A Bnll rtfr•·-•hnu'n~.1 A lAri:e b1rthdo!<y 1·11ke rcll'br•tl'<l I R .. publicfln w.~mtn of :'\'""'f"'tl lhe Jariu llt)' 11.nd >"<'hn1111')' birth· lla rbor art• "'II n1rct T hur3'<1Ry, 1h1y• nf lh" club m"n1bl'111. \\'otllly I :O.f!!.rrh :?~ 11t zn Ju a n1. 11\ th,. C.la lron !>r r-.. Arthur >"1lzmotT1'1 honiP "' C.l r•, H. E. C11mpbt'U, 2ti:li -, E.'··I\ "l••b •r '' "d · ann(lunred lh•t the :O.lllt\Ch l:i I R11yahn1 .. D rh·• Off1cr1 11 ... ,u b<" ,.. . ......-, ~ ., N""''porl /lnat 1ni;:: rnmmll!ec 11nrf ra. L win Br· .. ch Will be hunOrl'd 1:"Ut!'l11 "! ti. ~·Jn11t ~r "'f<ll <'!rctPd by the nirrt lr.r,: "'OU Ld bl! Brothe~· Nl~hl. I in11!1lll"d. ll n<l lunrhrnn .,..,II br thf' Juruor Eb(-U ('lul> •hl'n th" o .. ,.,,1 ror I ll~ ,.,1minll1>n.i: rorn-w1th n1•11 l11Un g 11ome nf the 1!•· "'rv""! An•·rw11 1J. 13oard n1r mbfor11 J uninr" h uhl lhflr !'•J:"Ulllr nil'<'!ing 11111 1~,. l1(lnR. ~la r,h b1rlhd11)'A 11ri•l lhnl'e "'Ill h~ hO~L r!l~•·ll. M11rrh :?l a t 111<• Ir"'"" f 0(•R"\ B11r f ,11,.,·u..siun w11• h•lol 011 fU· llHIO"tU:' <1Ul nn lllll t llll'fl!ng'i 1' ... t·1 Th,.""''" nf!l<'rr group .. ·Ul Ill· ly "'Ill hr <'t•\rbrs!rd. r lurf lt• M r~ lt1rll1<rd TPllChour, Country 11 uh. :\!1•1111> r,. 11.nd 1:''"~!11 ture r1·.,nt11 1•!1l11nt•d by l ht' Junu1111. ••111 i:11th.-r Rt 12 .. 10 j! ni. for lun1'h· 1 Tho11~ o f mul't 1n1porlanc·,.. and 1n-f'lans .!lfe < M in11 mll<!e fnt l he rrr!lidrn1 ~tr~' \'Jo]a F'rl<'drn an, ~n to~ folll'l\t.'ed b)' thf prnJ:rAnl, \f'rr11l 11re 111 .. s .,u!h<'rn 1)1,.tnr t !1Lri;:e fa..•hl"I\ llhnw IU'ld c·~r1l pllrl}' \'Jl"•• chAl!OP•n ~fr11. Shln•y Prell, J.l r ~. ~-t<'Cn>an F l,.h<'r, J•n •gntin ~pnng l '<•n•·,.ni 1,.n At>nl :?9, 30, II'> bf' .1:1•·r n by lla.rb<Jr g lAr •t the ttr r ~l•r) .. \I r ~ Hnbt-rt B1<rn,-.N eh,.i•rnan. hR.• "".-u rr <\ l nn;o C.1 11y llunt tna::tnn Hc•J i•I. l'll!<lltltl'\I , wh"l'" F ri•lll)' Arltrn<><•n rlubhf•U~ ,-,n thl' fnrr•~pon•Ung ~"C r~ t e r y. Mr..- J·luf!tn>1 11 . \\•ho .,..,It pr<',.r n l 11 11111101 . Lh•• ;o,:.-"'T"•tt J un1,,1, ,,..111 ""'"unie ""<'fling O! ~l !lrt'h 31. Th .. re '••llU 1 :\lark ~Odl'n. lt•·ll.~U rf'r. ;o,:, ... Chlllt• u l 1rlri-pt••lat1"n of •·Tur l\1ni;: 111,.1r IL'-•IJ:T!llll'nt ;1.'I 1,,.i:~.'I ,1unni:; IJ" 111"11Y door an(! t11hlo• pri:r.,~. Ill"" a r.-:\tr ~ \\"1lfrrd llfotll , pru-- a n.L 1·· A bu~inr1<.• 11,. ... uni: ,.·111 n.. Ill<' ,,,11,,..,.11nn, lh" ~1 ,.1,. ("'""'''"n-Mr• J11.-~lro•1p w ill b .. rl1rrctor i:r,.m . ~I r• p ,,,, P r!..-lt.-1. "''ml>"r· h~l,1 ,.J\,.n.·11r•I. Thi•'" rnern l!..r11 11..,11 \in trl ,\,-.I C"t\llladl• :\IAy 13, n( lh<' fa,.h1t1n ~ho"' ""'' "''me "' f'h ip :\lr.'1 1,. .... ,,. n .. rd1n1'r .,..,11 b<' w ill n ..... 1 ... ·t.'1 tn .O-••r•·· ''" th,. 11 ""'' 1h.-th!T•I ,.nnu:iJ 1·n11nn °'" m0<h•\9 "·ill bl' J,.b .• 1)11ugh-Jl"'hAn1 .. ntn111tn, '-I r..-O\tl'I r·nr1s· n oinin11.tiri.:-r •n>!!!i11<'•· '"' .,h•r· fl~JI 1., 1,.k,. l'l"r" Jun.-:I Ill the 1~r11 ~nil Harbor $!,.r ri1rn1ben. ''"""'" "'•ll hlln•ll'" p>ibhr1ty 11 nd Uron.'I w h .. ·h "·ill be 11.-1,1 1n Ar n t <"11.pl•tr·Ariu B••llh•onii':lf'r8 t'lu h •Tlr k,.18 tor !he 11ff111r may ht',.,.. Mrft. l"f G 11•"1 "·1l! IJ.f' Jn r h&.rgl' At A rt-. ,•nl fJO:f'•'ll ll\.,. lx•i•rd IJ\: ar ll<>n <if th'" IY>a ni. )i r.,. currll b}' r 1Ulnr; ~fr1. Wu1a Cran-n r "'I)'" Anti ""."""· me .. 11ng f\f th<' Junio r t;tJ<oll h<'hl R1rhArrl Hohler "'"-' ~fe,·t•<1 a r~t:· -;-;-=;-;,,;;;;-;;-;;-;;-;=,.,;-;;-;;-;;-,;-;.:;;;;;;;;;;,.,;;,...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; In tile hnm·• uf ~1 1,.. IJ<'Kll ~;nrto11.l io !ar n\rrnbo>r nf J unior Ebo•ll , :\11'11. &Ibo •• l ~l11n1I. !-lr1'. ~trrllr.g f'•n.•. Ar!hur ,...~b "'"'" rf'1n ... t1<\fd Ill! An pr,.1111lr111 .... nnounr<'d. 1n !ht a b-"' 111·e mr mbrr Arid. a l"'<\'e "f Rb-1 M.Dce u! ~1t1. J>tn1j'.• \\.Oitr. "'llYil ~""'"'' \\'&" gr11.ntl'.•! :\,r,., J . n and """"·' .-h11irn111n. rinai plAn!l ~rn1 r h. \•r .... t nl 111 !he bnard m••rt- r or th• run1n1"1<:'" l!lill" !lr lu'<lulr ·I l+'t 1111:: wo•rf. :\ltn ... •. S l<'rl!.ng f'11n11, J.larrh IS 1t n1I !f•. IS."3 Nt,.·pnrt F tf'f'ml'n F1~ber. c . >;. ,\lrr k11, .A . l:llvd. in t"n!l\!l ~I · i\11. At l hl.11 nwrt. llurr \\.hilt Jr . £<1,..in II. f"lnl!lt,.r, 1 inlt )fno. rAn• a ppo>ntl'd ~l rll. F nr-~·nrt•'.•l AJ lln1lr1, E<!"·ar!I K~lly "'"l .AU1nd<'r ••h1t1rm .. n o! lht! nu1n· and lh•' hQ~h"AA, :\I ra. G<lltnn. __ I HOUSEHOLD \\.AR DROBE C RI S I S" C RISI S• Perhaps we heve the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura "SER\'JCE v.·mux H OGR.S.-\\"HEN NEEDED" CO~LETE LAl~"DERERS ud CLEA.'lt:RS 11.\Rl ...-t:R•" Mll,F, !\""l:\\'rQllT ftF.AC'R 'WANTED: TOP FLOOR COVERING MECHANICS in Orang• County • Union Wages Plus • Best WorllinCJ Conditions Have Contracts Totaling $500,000 .. . . MUST IE lmER THAN GOOD COASTLINE FLOOR COVERINGS COSTA MESA" 541 C•ni.. St. Llb.ny 1-4481 was M r•. l:Mlb Pr('1!n1nik1 nf :-.;.,,... o"~•n 81\'d. T1n1" I• to be •t 8:JQ roort Bearll. S he "'">i n1e1lrd hl'r P "' l n~•r11<I of th• Jlrt•vlou11 8 p.m. !,.tt_rr nf ll<'r~pt11nr1•. ~\•11d of ~Pl~·t1ng 11~~l pala w ith K111111111n1U1 11.a In the pa•t. th!! }'l'•r thr J;:Tr>up will r.11r h•nl(I' In t.he a ver•11:r m•n l• curled lhe h•·ru 8tuff th11l rule1 the world. San\ Waller Foq I Mr•. George £. S..ndtord. 8. F. con1munlty Juder -"The man n1 Lght be he•d of the t.mny but lhe woman 11 lht nl'Ck lh•l nod• f 11 up and down." The N•vy rl'qul1Lt1nned 111 tlra\ alrplan1 on M•y 8. llHl . ll we• tonal rue led of wood. r anve1 •ri~ bamboo ant1 t •p•bl" of llylnii: at \eut 4~ mLll!• an hour. You are invited • to save dollars at Doors open 9:30 to 5:30 daily • • • Friday 9:30 to 9 • Hundr•ds of ••c9f1rional volffl! • Pr•·Eas1'91' Sar. prlcft In fashion appar•ll • Sum.,,.r vacation and travel l'91M! • Ollhtanding Youth World 1avlft<)SI e s..,..r.valu•s In fabrics and ... fM'lnl • Substantial 1avlngs In '"'--.. 1 • See these savinCJS for yourself-shop Rankin's 61st Anniversary Sale tomorrow! Both stons. 4th & Sycamore, 5th & Main ••• free parldnCJ at 5th & lroacfwar .. , • ' , . , ' ' ' J I I , I I , .. PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I ! I ., A BENEFJT GARDEN FETE and fashion show was in t he planning stage when this group of Hoag Hospital Auxiliary members met Tuesda.y for coffee at the horn<' of ~rs. Hay Dike, 359 Via Udo Soud. Mrs. Dike is ticket chairman for the event, which will be held itay 12 in the lovely gardens of the Lon V. Smith estate ov<:'rlooking Emerald Bny, Laguna Beach. It will be k<:'ycd to an Ori- ental theme a nd.-stylcs will be from Buffum's. Ldl to right I rcarl arc section chairmen Mrs. Arthur Grewell, Zonta Greets Past Members ll was homecoming day for former members of Ha r- bor Zontn ('lu b when t hl'y Wf'rc invited to join the usual lunch<:'nn R1.·R~ion at \'ilia ~ta rinn. Among those W<'lcomed were lhe charter prl·~i1k11t, ).lrs. Lincoln 1'\urman. and Mmes. Fred ~torldard. E. \\'.Crumley, P<:'p1lo Perez and Betty Page. It wnl:I nn lmprcss1vc list of accompl1shcci projrcts whk h th.• f11r1111•r Zonlmn11 hl'ard 1 r l'y In t hat rity fnr 12 y ear:> .l:ihe J relnt• d II\' \Ir • All:>< rt :-1r..-k lon . "'" netl lhr C"Uf""llkc ln the f.tll of Jl fllllhn• d 1111111•!111••1". "'•I '" • l!•-.:1 11\lllt q : ,n,, l't\". ~·.o r lh,. 11111:\ l•u"r prlZf' Ill tht' lur.chrnn w11s w nll ur):.11\17""'· '""' llh 1111\• I: "•n IJy Mr,., S lrl•ld.orol. \\ t>llK l'llOliH "' ----- Thf• , • '' • bl.; •' nt, •nnu11l C11n 11\ ,;, :-> • I t rum \\hi h 1., •I• • r•v• •I :'-.~ ·i ,, , • t 1 ,. • ('l't' ,1 n• t •1• 1l l11r lht> 'f \II t" J UJJ•I >J1Pf\"'1•J,.tup [\( \~d ~1n'a! ll 11•J1• 1,,•1111~ Jtlf t•'• n •.• ,1 ... \t11J1~11' ... ',, ,, ,. L .. Bh · A n >:\11:1 ... 111 'IJI\ r h.rl 'i •~· t•ttul f .. r 111u\h.1ll I \ I\• r;-< • ,t 11.ul• • H 1, II•,, •1.•r l'IJ • 1 , 11.•rlt 1 "'' 1 .:1rl,, a 1 .nm n• II• 11: )1• u11111a\ H o:<pll · ,.1 .11111 1\r ,11 , 1<:1•\ \a}'l'l l"" fur lh(' )W•l'l 1111. ·1 here w"-' &IAO dunntlnn of a l' 1 1 r tul 1n ~ ,.vat em fn r \hr Ul!~ c 1: , .. 4 d Ht l! \t 1 I\ 1nn 11. "tUUJlil f\.OCt 1 , ~11n1\l\ Zor,1 .. l.'h•b 111 hdping t h •' T' 1: tt, l••t tl lh~r'-'". f•IHtl f\nd c 1 .. 11111 ~ I • 1 'II• 1" I\ l 111 'I "' " NDGW Parlor Initiates Two A t a rN" nl mcr11ng <>f 1·nnt·hll11 J'arlnr :!94, ~tlll\I' l >aui:ht•·r~ or t he GoMcn \\'c-sl. 1 hr• t' llt'W 111. 11.- h!'rA were ln •luct!'tl mto lhr "' l.!r. rtwv wer" M r\1r1. Jo:m1111 ! t Heoi . l~rn.nf'\h Brh k,.y 11.n•I IJ.:in (.' I c lrirlll ' Pl:IC'I' I i.·ollnwmg lntllAtlnn rerP'\'lOnl!'~ f'llu111 Wl're d1111'll1il'•I for l he fur\h· , nmlni;: a nn11111 L"ourtt'JI\. :'\1i;:hr,' Arrll H . 111 \\hi• h M'\rrnl South- ' rn California 111,:1wt J•,,.• •r.• \\all 'V.l\r1 •'111111• II' llf,11\I..• J''lllll1ra·r l "('lllt•• fr C'<'l· ('•Hill' II I 1 al ~1 1 • " 1 -, l•lla l'arlnr \\ 111 nl•o b•· I nnc•rr.t t11r. 11\ .I• I.I ;,1 •!•\' ''' il·'l~ I ll<' l\l l il:tl Umr '_/., f q \ t ~ttl Ht \ 1 ~fll:J'1t \'.lP rt h\' It+ (tfl~hfn(•n\J r~1r tl1t' C'\'• f\1 01:" 11 11.orh· r 111 I-11 " 1 ' 11 1 '" h "''"" ~··n·N1 hv :.tt11•"' 1: II 11111\t r • """""\ 11•1 ~ ~L "' '1 t '"'' ,n l Jc.hn .1•C''•t•'"'t!'1 1'f'<'ra1u,ns (Jr,1nJ,.:e f • t' ',. It 1r.u 1 :-.., ... <I' I\• In I ntBn\ ~;n.il.C'r r r• f' I SFW :'\tT.'.\IBt:R ~1 1" \'11 p: I\ "tr~\ 1ht1n nr , •. ta 1'1 , , .,, • , .. r P··· t 'up• .• k.· n iil<· \•. , .• • ,. 1 1nln 1 1 ·• h ' I lt\ I f"' •I• I I \\ • .I " 1 \ • i '· \'a\~J'1• ~~t t " f. lutT' ,, . "' d• • I , \ l ~ • I "' l 111• q,•,. f t p I fq\f tt\ H ;\lfl" ... )(q•f\ Hat•lltt 1 .11, \I \I 11 "• "'II i . "11 1n th•· .n ' J.t\1n tH 1 I• t1 • ·'· \\. * ,·.r.,; • arr\f\lt t ~l 1:\ " ~l P tH· 111 k ~ L>a v \ 11 .. mr t The n1:xt rr i:tilar p:u lnr mrrt - •·1,.: ",\I he h"ltl Mnt< h :.l I Ill t h~ ,\ ,..,. 1 1r 111 Lq ;.• n llnll C o s t a "'' ,, --, G uests Attend AAU\V Event Ji tt t n l4<•·t \ "" I • I'• ' !'"' (11.r11 I; nr 11"11• t1 llll I • >I 0\1\1111!;••11 rhe )I HHl l/1~ I• I 111 t er •• I 1 t Ah •Ut I '>I) 11.rn1IJ• 1.• ~n•I irurslll h.ik-J\U•·n It'd lilt• 1u11111a\ l'f'I 111i: I• llO\\ • !!hlr luncheon e.nJ fu h ton ehuw of 111'-· /\m•nran A 4•0t a'l 11 1 r l "nl- WOTl\1 Pl ''' .tv \Ynn11 n .1' 1:n111h n •r hn, a 11 S 1; II , .. n (;rri\\', 1..~l Satur.I'\\" I ~I ~ Anne llN!pers nf C"oela Me· a Hobo Dinner .. 1 1 .. ,,k n ... 111 r i:i1···1~ ~,,. <:or- ,, n 11'11• r nn,1 ~l e• 1\ll>·rt ~: J , lln- l'IM~ r. r ;i 1 .. b.• 1i.11r<'r. n 1·r'•l· ~ 11 •' 1· ·~ta ~ll':<a and ~ltt E . 1. K l ('I~ 1\•p ,,. n Ir' y t ! F1 .. I !,.t•r ""' ri• ,,f !'t'wport H-ljthl.il. mem~n ••f \\ «11:• n • • II " ~1 "" ChllJ'l('r 11:.~. nrr lw11;i: f\nf •1111•. Lad Has Fall, e<I hy :'11 r1< ~lyr tl•• 111111 11hr• ~ A<"ll•lrmy 'r Fn• ml•h.p rl1Hm1:in Surgery on Arm The t.hr.:-··r " 11 ht '"'~ • .1 Ir 'm f lo P I' II\ :::\"Urda ), ~\ ,., h l" (" •lllj'llr'lt101 ~ hi\\" l'<·l l:l f.•r Al the ~,,...,..,. llall, :! .1~! ''" •l l t .. I<' 1 i,,11n Wr•n' '< k "''n "' tt.e O c•nn Fr"nl, :'\t'\\ l'•trl 1:, I• I T .• 1 •,~ . \\ Riw 1c ka. 820 \'lct'lria cl\rr·y f"Ul a t nll' 1. inn n111;.••1 •·rr.. ~t c_ ''\la ~11·:<.1 u. B..'l h r"k" l'l!O m,mbt-rs 11n1J II• r 1-11r•"' Cir" r•·· nrm In 11:1 o •I h r,1:.l I.all Bl th,. q11t:<tt d ''' nr 1 <'l\r 1• 1\1' '•' f ill:· ll 111)..u ~k.\l 1n 1-lt.nk rc<l'nlly. Thr a ble to •hit the rnl\ I ·" "' •h I 1 t ht•ol r r, I" rly 11.nd a AM111UnJ1 111 the 11rr11n1trment,. li<i1·11 "I"'' 1nh~1 Ill 1;1n•l1·n C:ro,·e a re F'ri«"nililhlp mrmt><>r-::-.1r11. F n•d he.ii '" 1•r r1 lltr nn It 11(t1•r r<'r 1 ntt'd ~ l\lld ;;; IA>o::i_:,h~:>:• r<''"lUl\G! h11d !a11. ii. Bruce Martin F OR AU. n w R 1:-;sL.RA~eE !'\EEDS Auto-Tn1ek ' THUR SDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 Corona del Mar ; Mrs. George Coffey, general co-chair· man : the hostess, Mrs. Dike; :Mrs. H.P. Bender, H unt - ingt on Beach : seated, IL t o R) Mrs. Edwin Munsey and Mrs. A. A. Hon •ath, Costa Mesa a nd Newport Heights; Mrs. Burtnn Wilder, Balboa Islant..lJMrs. J ohn Webster, Bay ~horcs, Beacon Bay and H arbor Island; Not pre- sent were Mrs. B. G. Forgey, Lido Isle ; Mrs. H . J . Eng- lish, Laguna Beach, and Mrs. Herbert Stroschein, Santa Ana. -Slaff Photo REPUBLICAN WOMEN PLAN COUNTY BIANNUALCONFAB Convr nllnn pla ns w•·re on the agendA at the Marrh mrtt- lng OI the r xet 11lh ·e board of t he Orange C11unty Frdf'rntlctn or Hepu bhran Women'• Clubs, hellJ rC'ccnUy at U\e home Ct! Mrs. H. S. B llm <'l!, 2;,32 Circle D rive, N t'wporl S..ach. M r s. \\',11t('r P111 k 1', ('Ounty prl'!lldent, a11noum·l'd thP n~publlcan \\'1t111Pn \\Oulu hfll.t thPlr bl·&nnual ron\'cntlon al the Lai:una H11ttl on April 26. The n rpubll•'all Women of Laguna Beach w1\I bf' hri~lf'~!l"ll Cnr t hr cwnt w ith ~frs. Am y Krnnrdy In •ha•>;•· or 11n nni:<'mr-nt '· <.:umn11ttee chalrml'n will br: :'lfnJ. Rol>l'rt S. Barnl'll. :-;f'w- r ort lll"arh, 111tmlnatlon~; M r~. 1; H Bo<1th Jr . J-'11llf'rton. rl'· ~· lutron~. .\I 1 !I. LC'w ts G nnhncr. X <''••rurt B <'iH h, rrl'rt~nUlll8. I ••·I• ,:alt>!I 11 ••m 1111 t ~e Hl'publil an \\"nmf'n " C"luh~ In t he 1·1111nty w ill 01 t••n11 lhu 1 nnv.-ntlon a nll elrctlon nr lhr ntw I ounty OODHI wlll be h d d. Afll'I'' thl' bulitnf'~s llt'llNILl n In the mornmj:.'. 1l~le1t•tl's and frl• ntls w 11l 11t1r nd a Junrhl'on in thl' ;'ll1111pe He>um w hf'rr U1t y I• II ha,·•· 11 \\'•II konw n 11rw11kt'r '" f;'Ut'!ll. _A!!_ n ~~ e_r s_a '~_r_5!!_ e_!_: __ ] Extra ! Extra! 57 Used TV SETS All Reccnditioned -All Guaranteed ,--.. rmct:o .\ ~ 1 "" ""' ·1995 :-;., On\\n 1·a~mrnt All Makes and Sizff rt1r11r llC'h ha\ e ~a tradrd In durlnr; our A n ni\,.,.,...,) ~air• : ,..\,.,.~ ,.,., hll• lw-r n N1mrl• lf'f.' l"(•C'ondltlo n<'<J In uur ohn •h"t' l.'rr'' ..,.~ I' fol AU,\..,Tt.t:D : 1t•11 fif"I ronw . fl"'t ,...nr<I - '" dnn't 114' 111 .. :ippulntr d. '"' hf're f'&rl,\. S nn .. r1•<tf•r\r1I h.'' phnnr. WE RENT TELEVISIONS Thi' flr•I '" n mnalh• l'f'nl r"a t... a11rllPcl nn th11 J•urrha•t' 11t &n~· T \" or ~lajnr Jlnmi> .\ppllanr1-. Premium Sale! 1955 TV SETS A \'aluabll! 1lfl ab9olultl.v , .. ,.... "llb tbf' purrhll'" of 11n_r mt>dt'I of th" f ollm\ lntr famou .. m ak.-.: MOTOROLA-RCA VICTOR-HOFFMAN PACKARD BELL -ADMIRAL -ZENITH CROSLEY -SENTINEL -RAYTHEON OLYMPIC -DOUGLAS -EMERSON -['Hu;. Trade Allowance E;;~-T;;,,.,rj L_!E WON'T BE UNDERSOLD orr.~ IU":'.\'"DA 1·111 .t 1:n:R\" r:n:~flSQ l "STIL t :SO RELIANCE· HOME APPUA~CE SERVICE CO. • _Bay Ave. Couple Lea,rii1g 011 Long T o t1r o f Europe The BlaJne Walkt-ra ot \\". Day I R\\·1!'11\11 ~I.urn.•' l.11"•1111• •U):h, Ave. wue to lea \'e Tuu.tay tor ll11ly l\n,\ :-'i. it~ a Euro~an tour, atartlnf with 1 From Slu h· th•,. "111 t r11' rl to R d H 1 the lt&lll\n \"k" , .. 1:n ln '. AU5,rla, their arrival at otlt-r am, 0 • S wllltPrll\n•I. l:l'rrnan,·." lnc-.Ut.llnl(' l&nd on March :?8. Th'ey v.•111 pick I B nlln, lhl' '"'°" l·o11~trlta. Swf'd• up a car In Gt rmany, t.hen visit eu, Flnlan1\, :'\un,11~· •n<1 th• Pana and continue on an un'c-~ed· 1 r-:orth Capt>. Th .. n they w1\I 10 10 uled tour to t.ha South ot France. l"ewru tle f:ng\Rl1tl an•\ i.m r th• Brlt lllh b\r~ T h t \' w 1\I 1ttum PortUfaJ, Spain, :'l:orth A(rlra. hen-nnt Or tohn \Ill SA~ o ut ot Minon:-. the Spanleh and F rl'nch Copl'nhagrn T hia 18 !hi' Polar Spanish War Vets widows to Meet The 8pa.nl•h War Vettrana WI· dow'a club wUl hold • potluC'k din- ner meetlns at the home l'lt M rs Thomu O'Shea, 723 Oal\ S t . on Ma rch \8. The Put Prulllent• Club of C alumplt Camp 39. Span- lah War Vtt•ran11. will m•tt at the home oi Mra. Follis Wood, 1032 N . Ro .. St .. Santa An... on Thuniday, Ma rch 2~. Now ls the Time to han your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded tur coat rt-· atyle<.I to a smar-t atole or f lutrh <'•JH!. Th111 Is the .. llt:k period anti to ku p our work· room bu11y we arc off~rlng ntght from C<•prnhagr n to Loa Ang•lu . Say It W1U .. , ... ,. 1111 W ho<; J'arty Rt-ntaJ ltc-m• • H IM E. COlu t llJI., ('ornuo d;I MM Harbor 5071 MR. AND MRS. BLAINE WALKER of West Bay Ave., shown in front of th.-ParthC'non on a pre,·ious visit to Europe. The couple lf'f t th iR week for another extended trip. VERY SPECIAL ''Off· S.uon" PRICES SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY Santa Ana A11nual Jury is Harh<)r' Art Show Nc)W Completed ~ North Broad"'·a~· 1:-:====;;;;o;;;;:;;;;:;;;::;-;...;----...;;...-.;....--=----·---· I IJul:t,.11 H11trtrltl, J o11n l1vl111: I •h~l1111tul1<hf'•1 jury '" 1iou.i:l1t11 M1·· '~''" n .. x1 Br11 ndl lllhl l •Hlll(ln~ <'1~1111 11, J)rt•t·~··l•r (JI 111t al <'h•I· M• 1 'h•lhsn will ,. .. ,.v.· ,.,, Jtt"J'~ ,.1 I•,. .l11111nr ! nllt·i:•·. "'ho'" work11 . i.,, Y•• 1 ..... 11 •1th1llllt••I '14 1..trly In \h(' thc· 1..r1l h .A nrrual ="• "'l"•ll l11u 1,.,, I"" lll1\11nd Hn•1 ''""'' r11plU1 •·•I m&n)' .Art J.;it111b1t to bo hl'hl A1•• 11 ~i ""'"''~ r .. r lhdr urlrr;1nal 11ty1•'. lo M11y I I J 11,. ~xh1l1lt 1:. v111 n to !ill a rllslll flt r. ll11tlil'hl 1 .. J 11 •·d or "' llu· "' th•· S••ulh• 111 1·u11rorn1a nn •· 1 n11l ed ll11tt1rltl l,;111lr11 .. ,. at th .. Alll· 1 '' J'""I' Wiii ~··l•~l nn .. "''Aler· ba1,.adur JJi,lrl, u,. Angel•.•,' 1111,1 <•1lu1 a nt\ 1101' 011 fur purchCUH' We Clean STROOCK &. CASHMERE COATS by hand!' ; ... haa galnetJ co11a11.frrabl .. r .. nown in 1 ""''1'1" uf $J:,o u n•l $JOO ri·sprr· 1 art clrl'l•'ll .._ r unn•JIMCllr tinll ll\'< Jy, 1'.11nt m>;ll m 11y h•• l<'rt 11 , aponeor o! the .,.et A rn"rtr un art !he !ollov.1ng pick-up 11hit lom1: 1 1 1 rorm. T P•I <:tb~•m. :!!l~O \\' ~. \·r nt h St . 1· our roa t M'lll be a. brautlful a.• ,.,.l'r. attl'r 011r •pN·lallats romplr le ttl,.lr hand·\\ ork : "'«-Pickup and DtUnr J oan Irving Brandt ha• ~'on na· l....111 An!(rl!•, ~ •. 2 J La i:un.i Ul'.irh llonal 1lu1Uncllon for her g ra1·f'f11\, Ar\ Clllh 1y, 31 Munlr lplll Art C,.n. t vocall\'I' p1.1n tlngs, pa t ttc ularly m I tr1 , :.!Jilt) J.;. IJ<'1•an lllwl. '"'"I: the medium of i;o11uchf. Ont• of ~1·r I &ach 3. 11ncl ~ 1 Scn)'ps Colll.·~e early psln\lnge hllJ\t;a m the Na• Art Oeperlmtnl Cla.rmont. Palnl· 1 llooa.l Mua~um of Modem Arl In ' :-.ew York . ShP Is 11 pf(v1ou1 awar111 lnp mu•t be •l pick-up at&tlona Uptown . Cleaners wmntr In the :-.ewpurt •how for "I before Aprtl 19 or at Newport drllr &le gOUllC'ht' of "H t•it'll Castle." Harbor l"1111t11 H1~h 1'r hool by 19Z8 West Balboa Bh·d -NC1''J>Ort. Buda Rounding out thl• brilliant a nd Ap ril 20 • • • Ask Any Islander We •JM'~laUie In ('ll'Uln« and Hud Prf'nln.-ol l.adlH' and O"'"""m"n•· flnf' \\f'arlnlf apparf'I TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPECIA~'\ t'OR ~AJKll 1':-18-19 Don's Meats F.n<I Cul PORK CHOPS "'"'' .. " BACON 7.loNE ROAST . lb. 57c DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT •' (}ro;e S/wp " Grocery Department \'.ff APPLE SAUCE 11c Pt.NE.APPLE :!1, 31c =~ 27c =~I'' 17c; :!t , 35c l'>lukl'I.) • .. Hal\r• PEACHES no1 .. t 'nrlt COCKTAIL TOMATOES R".) al I' rlt1<'u YAMS :t)lfM 19c :~0~ 25c ilss'uE 2 ,.., 19c MAYONNAISE ,,1.65~, 37c z.-. Whit,. 186 ro11oll PAPER NAPKINS SWEET PEAS 2, .. r29c =.~OS 19c DICK'S Green Groceries CABBAGE I ·lb. f'.,llo-P&t'k NATURAL DATES SpKializing in Quality Produce • You Seled ••. We Deliver ~n~rl<amps 4 .k,,,_,,, SPECIAlS March f7, 18, 19 Roe• Trade COfFEE CAKE ••• 23•-. (1'< ..... 1 • Chocolate Butterueam SPONG! CAKf 89' -· (I ... •I< .. I •6c W • Shamrock COOKIES •••• 2CJt ,111. T~ ----~~~~ Ul'J., March I 7 0 f , -l!..Y. St. Potriclc CUP CAKES •••• 5'-. W ·s.r.kt St.ttt Uc .... "J • Sham roe le PASTRIES ••••• 10' ... llll·5'niu S""9 10I .... ti I 2102 No. Main St. Santa Ana HMld;~~u AG""'ornN kl ~7100 Kl2-lfi58 THE -.,MARKET SPOT---~o~xro~~a:\~~~~~A'~~o.cx:~~aoK~x~~~~~~~I High QuaUty ~~Hng~P~ Ha~ 7676 1 ~~~~.M~A•R•IN~E•A~V•EN~U·E~~~~~~~~~•B•A•L•B•O•A~l•S•L•A•N•D~~ Fir•-Llfe ( . '· I I I I ( Coronado Rites 'For Lt. Storum, IVIiss Wigchert ',_ --I T Reception For Guests Held at Officers Club It waH in Sacred Heart Church, .Coronado, that vows ••ere said by Miss Frances J oann Wigchert., daughttt of llr. a nd J.fni. Albert E. Wigchert or La Mesa. and Lt. (jgl wu. li am Allen Storum. son of ?.Ir. and Mn. Harland Allt;n Stor. um, 2451 Bayshore Drive. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John F. Purcell o!flelated at the rite&. held tn a aelllng or white l1Hea of the ~ig~ ..,:!,ri!ii; ~·., !~ valley, 1tock and orchid11. m1tch lnc ~red bat. whiie! Mn. The bride v.•ore 1.n <'xquislle Slorum .,... ~ ln pink Lar e 1Town detelled with molded hlp lwlth aattn bat_ lenKt h bod1e,. of importf'd lacf" St.anding With the bridrgroom abo\'e a bouftant 11kirt In t\er:o of werf' hi• br'othu, llr. Rollin J. flnely pleated tul!e. A jf'Wf'led l'Or· Slorum aa ~ -.n and (T'OOrTa- onfct held a ·v.·1lst·length VPll t1nd men Lt. l''.ealey NultPn Ill. 1he r 11rr1ed ,,.,hlte roaf'll and 11tl'p· M<!cu ra. Gary Pf'rren a.nd Andy hann\!11. \\'nlh.an. and Lt. Riiy R k hu'dll. A.Tl'ESOASTK \ A.T Ot"FIC'EllS CLL-a Ml•11 Loulae Wlgchert. atlt"ndlng A rtt,.pUOt> tor lll\'f'r )00 sunta h er •later aa maid of honor, wore w"" held al the sa,·al Officers pink lace a nd 1111.t!n with pJctul'!! Club. North l•lllnd. IUny offk:en hat to match. Brlde11m1lds Wfcre of Na,•11.1 Squadn>!I VF 14% and M ls.1e11 Emily \\'lgchf'rt, Ro5Lllne thr!r ladie1 .,.·ere. in atteftda.nce.. &Ln1.nf', Lorna Hab<>n1ar k and After ret.umi.ng from tbeiJ" boo· Virginia Rodf'). All were gow1'1f'd f'ymoon !hf' n-·1,...•fds .-ill l"Nide In powtler blue lace and 811.Un v.•l th •In La Jolla. The bri~ is m 1tehln1" plcbtN: hat•. I preRotly atatlonrd at nHrbf' Mir. The paalel note wu earned out am~r Naval Alr a.a-. POLICE CHIEF TALKS Men Take Over at Harper P-T A • ' . llarper Schotll r -TA'a M11.rch 1coir1.a. M t11a h1\·e atanding ordf'rll MRS. WILLIAM ALLEN STORUM "'""ling " . ._, t:onductf'd by hu~ 110 be frit'ntlly "'"lh all cl>ild:n-11 •t Tommy Lark Photo band~ of tile board n1rmb~r11. \\'hen 1111 tlm•~ and a nirwrr any. ques-, --------------------------~----------------1 tiora th>'y m11:ht llll\'e. In 1hta •·ay 1 M r. \\"illlnm o ·erirn took up t.he 1they .,.·111 rea11u t h .. ~ is 6')mrone NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS PART II-PAGE 3 try and eandy at •·ch"z Contee· ra1·t'! 11.11 J)rt11ldenl pro-tern, he rr· 1they c~ turn to In time ot r.ff'd .. , llnn": "Ttnlr Longtt'mps"' will rnarketl .. ..,. u11u11I. the .,...on1en h•d J111·o:n!le prnbl .. ma .,., n<>t oul o! THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 house the equl11•lent ot v.·hlte elt- to g111e up and ,lrt lhr m"n n..in pr-oPQrt.oon ht'rl' u ('(lmplll"t'J to -----------------------------lph11nt11 and little J:lrla wlll have a t hln J:I!." St11ndlng ln a.~ rccorchng n1oat ar"B~ and ra~ntal <'OOJ>"rll· f!td day at '"1..e Cha)lt'an" whf're a"rrt-t"ry \\'Rio Herl><' rt \\'aril, pnn·j t a>n h&J1 b«n -..·"ry· good. he ....,J. M d • G L t they may purchNe lhe Jalt"st P arl1 t'IJ'"1 rif 1111.rptr Sr honl. ("nl. J ud· .M tll. Jar k Han•.' ... h< .. rman or ar I ras a e ereAUona lit • •mall ff'e. 11nn H lch 11t<l~on h•n1e nl<'tl the faet ll1e non11nal1ni;: <"On1mllt~ repo:.rt· Lt: Hll!ITR<) that he h11d not bf'tn a uthorlzrtl 1•·d nrll t ye11r·1 Naff' of otfu-,.no. Gamt'll ot 1klll v.·lth prtzea tor to 111,:n rhf'ck.• f'l'tn though h,. ~·1111 Thry "'·1!1 bi-: .llrs. Judaon lllrh. 1 • B c • all and tht UIUa.l hot dori; and pop f f'lldlUI,! lhl' tr••llllUtt't'I rf'f)fl rt tnr ardli•>n. pre!ldf'nl; )fr!\. K OU>t'th ut om1ng to rorn 11t11nd11 v.•l\I prove PQJ•Ulllr, not his .. ·Jfe. J1c-k llarrls Ir~ t~rn· Lf'attwr111. flrat ,·ice·pf"'Sl~t : :Wn . to 11peak or "Le B1•tr-o B.ayou" munlt.'' l!lngJni: 11ny1nj: he-hli~ jul't Dudlt'y U.Oyc-r. ~cnJ ''lrt -prnl-1' v.·ht"re dlnner w ill be aerveJ f rom that minute learned the na.me '1f dr nt; ltrs. Chari~~ ll'l'M--rour o'clock on. t he llton~ he "'"ft! lo l...._od. Proi:r•m urtr; ).t r111. Robert CO'Jk.. re("Ordi.ng I M s h 1 Mra. Kltt11 announcf'd that lhe th11lnnl\1\ fnr lhf' e\'fnlng wa11 )lr. ~retary:· M ra. \\"1U...m Slaj:le. esa c 00 nf'xt rf'gt1l11.r meeting" of the unit Rnhrrl \\'1lN>n. 1-""<1rrl'!po n<liJlg M"("rt!\.ary: M n. \\'11· will be on Aprtl 21. Offlctr• for F'lf\h .1:r1><lr 1<l11dent:o fr1•n1 r18'<11· I"'"' u ........ au..,1 tor; and )lr1<. Lfoo lhe com!nll:' year will be tlt"cled. i::o nr ~!r~ f::l"il' D••rtl'"r. Alllln 1'1101 Chapm llll, hJ.t :,,na:1. The lnstalla· !>fcmbtr11 11\trndlni;-thf' meetln.i: 'Trial of Mary Dugan' to \\'rljl'ht. R!I~' """"""r. R,_1 1'11· lt'r. C'h•rl .. ,. \\ o\Lr.1tl'ln l...,,... Adan111 , 11 .. rn.·y \\'ant'r, l\am•tl• K r,.l•rr, 111\ot Altl11o l.an1t..·rL b St, g d . Courtroo 11 ,.,,.. '"·-·"" "'""· wh"h " e ,1 e l n I rl•t Mf lf'd • .,, .. i.,.11·11;,1. of N•• '"•tk hft', !I l>t:'in i.: UHi'! !r d b)' Loi• Artua1 rourtrooin dran1a l<l'Lll ~ Ph1JUp1 v.·til l•k• th• part ••f "l•r•' f t 1111r 1<·d by .santa Ana Cu111nHU1 Lly Du1an. · 1 H•·r.• ALh'! R<'~•·1•·:,\iC>n,c "r a P l1ver11 lr1 tho>1r nrxt 11ltr11ctlo n, Othl'rl In lh" 30 1nt'n1twr <'Alli ,-..,urtrU<)ll\ M·11t 1111y '"' m11l• "1 • .,,;,. Trial of M11r\' 0 11g1n." Marr h tn<:lud• MarJ:•N-1 Boy .. r , Ed"·ard Sanl• Ana IJ.~>k :;i0rr z 1 . z~, Sell in I!'. of · t hf' play w tlL bto [ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;~ :;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:=; tht' 11clu11l r vur1roo1n of SUpl'tlur Court No. 1. In Oran,;e County Co11rt H Ullll<' !>t,.ry Du.:•n. the FolLIH a:trl. .... ·110 1~ i.•n trial f or her JU<' "'ill pl<'H•I )Irr •'II.II<' bcfor<' an hon .. st• to-1ooJ11.,~l!I Judg<". J udi;e Franklin \\'cft, who play~ lhl' role or Judg" !"•~h . ~·red NU~snn, v.·ho won 11. Modjesk11. .... ·ard for tlna aeting ....·1th the Playera ID.al aea::mn. play~ th!' d11trirt 11.tt9rney. Pretty Anne l f'acult~' Wives Study Charm • • , .I •'a:1nu: lit• \"t,1-:•l>' uutalde a.nd \':l~f' 11111\de." Th111 advlaf"d Verna M!ller when ahe &PQke at the tt."gular ni~ellng or the ~ OCC Farul\y Wlvea Club on the e\'e- nlnJ;" of :P.larch 8 . The 'll"ellng wu hrhl !n !hr Student Ct'nter buUd· In.:-on the o::ollege cn.mpu11. Holll· cMf'11 werf' Mrnes. Ba.~l! Peteraon, Rolwrt Kest, Nonn11n \\'1l1110n and I Robrrt Grlcster. ~l lAlr Miller wu -.iialated by a model In den1on.traling .. do'a and don't'11" In coamt"llc1, jewelry, clolht'.t1, aeceMOrles 1.nd pmrture. The April mf'ellng of Facufty j Wlve.11 Club "''HI be held a t lhf' I home of lfrs. Hue1ton Harper, 4800 Sea.all.ore Drive, Newport Beach, with Mm1:11. Eu11ta.ce Roj .. and l!:lg1n Hall Mlll•Unc the ho•t· ! -· SAVEl SAVI! SAVE! F{oor Sample Clearance 9, E. II a.. II. FREEZER, upright G. E. Mubllr Ma.Id ... PORTABLE DISHWASHER 0. r.. CLOTHES DllYER, Deluxe t;. t:. !I" APT. RANGE . o. J:. IR()NER Deluxe G. E . 60" Pu•h·Bultoa RANGE . $419.50 279.50 239.50 159.50 "'Yt'.C'I AL '299 219 149 119 199.50 149 4b9.50 299 AUTOMATIC OY t:?'ll llEEP·"'ELL t'OOKt:K Finl c-e -t'lnl ~rvf'll "'lloUe Th•y J-t ~o t::ii;tra C1'arlre fW Jlfolh·ery • lmtal..U. The Outstanding Bedding Value of the Year/ .. Factory-to-You Savings EASY TERMS MR. and MRS. COMBINATION '6950 Complete an•\ l'Uch111d S1n• l11!r "n1crt111nrd th.n "'"ill take rtace at lht' A pril Lindbergh P~T A Plans wero u tollow1: Ho t>rrt nrun,., wnh tM!r own nrig!nal \'f'nolonn or ·!o tnf'l'lifl&". b RChOOI prtnclpal: M n•••· FrllJ\k 1 two ev,.nta In Unit ed Statf'• hl~· I Mr•. William °Bril'tl. ~t. N 0 J F • • O•·erlf't'!l, Chatll'! J ,.cob.", ltrnty l ory. ni .. y "'"''""l?:"d lh'" Lnu1~. !ll'ln"'-lt.rf'd the P-TA. ••U arnd •n e\V r eans esttvtty Hobert1. Elw11nl C3rr, Rn!ph Ir· Look What You Get I 2 Mattresses 2 Box Springs !11n11 f'urrha"" 11 n'1 thP ,,..,..1_.. ftn<l 11drhUona.l~llL.l .:i.,nt ell.II.le .,..,ln, L... J . A lehil9Cln, I.;. 0 . Ander- C'l11rk EA rf'•l111on to thf dr ll i;:ht of 11n•I tht' 1<rb~I Vf\ lhitl ,..._, wtU It rn av }Ko mid-Lent but the will be :r.rnrdl Crns fcs· ~C'n . R G. ~Hckry. 1.;:111 .... r,,..,l'llt•n t.h,.•e ft l!t n<hni; he t.., 11-l•I ,,!o I'> t he °""'qlH' Jlf'Ooo • ' re lmlf'r, F'. H. Hftr.lrtt. I •. (' Th••n1n • s p .. ftk•r ror llie "'"·nlng .,.,....,. ~Ntr>r fund. hnnr;;1nt,: th" total. 1~ 1 ti\·iticis v.·1th all t he R&iety of Nev.• Orleans in miniature on 1.;.,neva Ingmun.,on. GMri:e Rod· Prih"" 1·h, .. f Arthl•r ~l11rl• .. nzi•· nr si~; .. "1h .. MJ<t th,. o~tzatiofl Satun:lay, April:? at Costa. J.[esa.. Plar.e will be the Lindbergh m11 n. Thoma1 and Lou11 <.;!enn· Co!'la !>l r1111. l it' t ol<t !h,. 11 0 par-r lt'•rf'<I '137 on Uir """""t faa.hlon ~t'hOOI Wh(' booths w·n be l< ed t th "F h Qu le ·• kamp. ent,. In th,. au.!l,.nr• 1h.-.1 a rh11<1"• 11hov.· 1·· · re 1 ey o e renc ar r , -------------- f ir.it Lmrr•~~t"n nf a ""•\1 r" nf1 1. Ar1U•.1;' .,. h....UO ,,.,,. lht' 11<.0l""i&I llr.•I a th rr.ni:: nr rr,·,.rer_, !n cn."-,,. • t <>> • >h ! k l be a p11ratl,. of all rt\i!drrn to <"Ofll• c:er "''"1~ nnf' of l h ~ m n.•1 !m,,...rllll''I! hour ., r ,,. H. C. Chur.:-h. K,.nr.elh ,11'":':1·• 11· 'l "' r•"''" e r llf' " 4 1 ~l<! f1,1r pnz"a for lhe best COi· t hlnr.a In h!11 l1fr Ac nnt.::i: ''' l'*th<-T"lt. J ;i·-k f\.aylO!' •nt1 >(ajor ar. 1 •"'ll. C'h!•! :\!rl<l'nzl,. a ll of'tc-r r' In \\'ilh *m Arn-... l rr"'nlt I ~.> a,I en;:;1neere.1 by Lhf' Und· Lume~. A tnl.~n l &how· will t><kt Stork Shower I<'eatures Mothe rs Meeting Bethel a l'l!J")' "1"'•:1 111 ,,.,.,,T !>lnt '1e1~ \'l•·b "f J l h"' '>th. T'i" •I 1~ .,..,~I .,.,.,., In U:e .,.,.,,,. r f .'1 H"h. rt !<1~:~. 10'.:'6 \\' !.'1\h. f'c'"\I ~!"'-""· (",,_~!(>~ b.r;:h l'-T.\ 11r.L p!:i.na fQr il were pince lnt•rm1ttcfllly d urlfljo: Lhe r•po.l!l•il by !>!1,. L. c. Thoflia." at 1\11y. On~ ()f the rh,rr w11rcrs or t!i·· '"'' 1 ~.»e b•mtc! mrrtin,:-. !>!rs.l lltlraction "'ll! lw f)"n •nd J11y Ar:~.hr i.,; t;,, lku.e ufter a 1tay \\'11111111 sc-n rr .. n1 Lll;:unR who ate ln lt:" t.n .:.,Lnt rroal.J,J. brln.i:ln.: 11,r· r 1 ·.~1 1nn,•te~ to de· \\II.I. 1·n1.s 1u•: 11::-ht 1111"-Y•>\/n~ 11 n1I n!•I. Tl .. i.11·.: ;an" r,u .... n "-d J be i;/1wi-Boot!1~ "111 he •Int\• •I 11rr.ur.<I ':t r1 r11 ::.~ ~i..:c~i ;;1:ick Loy il"l'ul:ir l lhe yni;l. •.11 t'I dr>1i;nal~d v.·ith llJ:I \: ;&n! v.,U \It"!!" uv.r ti:•• FrrlH'l,n.,1»•-.F lu\\'cr1n1n)·br!):1r· \f ,z. 1,•·o• At 3 !•!!\. lhrzc .,..·11\l rhasr r! 111 "H,··111r lUp }'\rur."' r;}~· Dau.i::ht t>r~ h~lrl 1111 ~l ,.rrh n:ro·11ni,:- ln the ho:ne of !>l rll. J L·l\n ~1,. O&lln. !'.!"' F u\J·•1t•n 11 1·~. "'"'"''• .. ,u "" !>"' F:d· .. ·•rd Hnbo'\ alld 01·nner Dance '..!n• Jl,f"'!•! I \,·,1~. y port lir,i:r,t • ~Ir.< t'1• 1'11rl"'· l~.l)' TrftU!"'~ln 11 1'•! 0 F:. \\'t\1!,. ,It --________ , Top Scores at Balboa Bridge for Teenager HOTEL, POOL, COCKY AIL ·I· DESERT & MEX. IORDER = SO MANY S S S S ! ! ORTHO-FOAM MATTRESS and BOX SPRING SollJ61,ln. f'OAM Rf1RDJ:R matt,...as matehlA( boll If' ... '"" • Sinart••t :P.lodem Style • :\1akf'a into l""omtortabla he1l • nemovablt alppcr eovcr 8 Hollyw~ 1.ecJS .... Mr. & Mn. Head laard KING SIZE MATTRESS and BOX SPRING JlumlP'Nl• ot lf'mrw·red ""°""' .,..,u.., ,.._... • .,. "'Ith "fi""rllll p:ad• .and: 1a,,.,.,. ,.f -..97 frlt"'I CQ ltnn , In mak" lhl• "'"r·11h.fl alN'J'St'-11 .. ll. QUEEN SIZE MAnRESS and BOX SPRING r..1.-. */'"" .,.d 1·1tra ''alnf'I lft Ilda~ matt,.,,.• 9,11d ho• 1prlq: 11 .... '7 ~ "'earl air f)<H'"'· metal tur!llnc hanJJ,.a, air ' .. n1 •. 111.•·cro uf h ~a\f r~1tf'd rullun. NATIONAL SLUMBER PRODUCTS 312 W. 4th Sr., Santa Ana Tenn• Kimberly 3°3152 Cooking is pure and simple "switch-ery!" ••• in an all-electric kitchen! It ma kes mea l prepai-ation easier, fWJte r, nwre pt.?asant ... and meals turn out tastier, too WORD GITI AROUllD1 The' really modern kitchens are all-electric! See your Deakr o.ly l ......... ltolf'I, ft-I, bHI bar, rlKhl·OD•lh,..bnrdrr, p~ l•p. \'alW.7 d!'vtt ......_ nytP""ll" tahuloo~ !11""1· e.11. Mf'Urft: Loc-l#'d Jtu1I '"'"' ff'f't tn~dfo lhf> 1 '~A. lloere I• ...,,.""' r1u..1 ... prfde .,, OWDf'l'Mlp, • p~t SF.T (al'tf'r ....-wyt.W.C pd.) "' "'""' 8100,000.00 per Jt'V, aad •ut:llo·a · .. rfC"lilf hlt1U"''. 100 """"'"' •r-doo. al"t'bfo.d loblty, l'lii&rm, ·~ Ir,..,,..,... tor e,'l<p..U.ft'. ~ ""-aer 10 yn: Tak,. Jntf -llM.090 ~···· or TRAOF. If lat l'i-1: My bNI •tten.ir .. -ih! Co-.Wt. T'ROI'. F , ftARTOS, f'f'&ltor, S!S ....,. .. f!'Mta ·~ Canf. \T.nno.t Q!J.'K, F.Xh'1W>tl ' ;W7a3. f " .... rtf"I ti ll"TW afw• 'I : IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA IDllON COMPANY l (}over1imenl ~rom PAGE~ -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 "' ., ..... ---~-----~~:::.·_.··/ .. ~.,./',I'., .............. ~ _,,... ~ . .,, .,,, "" . -~-••• -.·::-.· _.; . ,• -·, .• .1';! ''God gront us the serenity to i!ccept the thing~'we cannot chonge: t he co urage to chonge the things we cl'Jn ond the ~000 AM\a1c..a.N •. llO~U.S: A/1:6, UUlltP\D'llD ./ • .Ad DClfol'1' 1oe~r 'fH.t.T W ~Y' '4,a::lo,<XXl. ~ ~ Dlf"t~ ON Mll.Q- Nln'.l""1.. "fRAW: roR wisdom to know the d ifference." {A. Anon.) 9"t.N.N CK ~ "'6" •ltd Sff<:t.\I,.. "[).g1ff ~!OM/ EDITORIALS ""' .I08S. (Ed. Nol• -ThJt t'IJ)Uftl8 bJ llura°" F•rkf'r Miii clf'laJ ""llll IM llllJe--Uo_.. ltlll&artcal facl• be tia. dtf'Cl&ed up I• hie ,...., trt,. ta1a.1he beck ~c,., I• ~•l )'Para.I ·vote Welds City Together Tuesday'• election ha• done more to weld into one unit the diatendf'd segments of the City of Newport Beach than any other aingle move made by &nyone re- cently. Alway1 in thl!: paet resident.a of thia community have riaen to the l'xigencies of the moment and hour. Now is the iime when true le3dership in the City of New- port Beach will come to the fore. Now is the time w,hen the city adminiatration of thi• city must come of age. No longer will the city Council be able to abdicate i~ responsibilities and direct that they be shouldered by a Chamber ot Commen::e. No longer need anyone coMected with the Chamber of Commeree fttl that hia duty iJi to foll°" the dictate8 or di~tivea of anyone in city government because or a •ubeidy granted. ~ Now when the people of the City of Newport Beach have an occuion tO entertain the officia.la of a visiting city, county, commi.uion or organiiation will it of nec- euity fall to the lot of a gathering ot bW!ly bllllineas people. No, bWliinn& people for the most part will be able to tend to buaineu and the hired help of the city will spend the endleu hourw and pick up the chit. No longer will the rTptteentative. of bualneu n- tabu.hmenU be forced to Jiaten to tha Idle mouthing& of purely city matten; no, it will be directed to the city hall, where it bu alway• belonged. No longer will let- terw without end on city problems be carefully tended by chamber of commerce official.a because no one at city hall hu the knowledge or the fa.cu. City Hall will probably crN.te a new bunau. U~ba.ined. from municipa1 fetten have been the people who believe that "to be in buainee. ia no ein." Free to build, to grow, to progreu, and punue each beneficial deeign and e:nterpriae f or the people of New· port Harbor an tholle who have built, soundly and well. From adversity will come atrength and from the atrength the will to do. " Challenge to Chamber Newport Beach t.a.xpayen &nd voten Tueeday cut baltots in favor of giving the Newport Harbor Chamber o( Commerce only $2400 per ye&r. While th.I. come. u a a.book to many, a diappoint· ment to othen. the dttislon la here, the cbaJienge to the chamber accompanie. it. Now is the t ime for the Harbor's best boosteni to throw their fttt out, buckle do .. 1l to even greater de- mands on their thought, time and effort&, The chamber hu done much for Newport. Harbor .,;th more funds in t ime put than will be available ne.xt fiacaJ )'Ul' under the vote for $2400. The chamber facet; what m.ariy will think a atag- YOUR SENATOR WRITES 81 ~OllN A. HURD\' nt., &-nator, S5th Dl•trk>t Ill • nc:ent mMUnii: of th• Stat• t.nde Coauniaaion. whlch your 1 .. 11J1Jator a ttendrJ, ,,..., n cf'1\'rd u - .-~ that the •late will not uk fir lnOre bJda for oll df'Yf'lopment of 9'1Lt•·owned tldeJanda Ill South· W'll C:.U.fornla until th• le1r1.iature .... had a r ht.nrf! ta n-vlpw th• tliil91.&.nda \Ullt'. DllU'Elt '.'l<i t:"'POflT AJlEA TfllU m•y recall fro1u r-nt pre• "ports that • 320·•C't• •!rip o f UMlaru1• a t Huntin11ton 8"111ch w ... opt:n to 011 dnlllni;. •IU1rr frnm -iwre or fron1 1nan-m••le 11- 1 .. 419 Oft• m l!• o rtllhnt•. At lhr ...,.,, Um•. how•••r. the comml,.. a&orl &&Tffd tha t •ct1<>11 nn reque11Lll .. de•elop l \delU'lda oLI IF\ lAJun• llMe.1'1 an(I Newrort 8PtU"'h lllr<'I• wUI not bf' cvn.~ld,.red p•n1hni.; .... ble t...:L•l•llnn o n lh• •uhJr<"t, On lllr l"Jlll•t1vw •C"f>nt h••r• In a..ci-.menta an many prnblrn1• •hich are Minif wrr•tl<KJ with In ~lttre and (lJ\ th• floon nt ~th thf' Senate and th• A•11•111bly. Th• s~n•te con1rnlltfa on Elfr· t:lona l•t,. la.st w,..,k r•Jf><'lf'd IP· plallon to abol11h crot+-flllnJ In Caltfomia·,. pt1m•t}' t>lMUOl'I•. Tllt wota """" 4 to 2. The bill •u aimed at Ol• unLqu• Ca lifornia Jaw whlrh fln•blr1 C'•n- Ulda te1 \(l TUn fo r rival ptr1y nom· ln•tlon• •• well ,... th,.lr own. ""t"'Rr:r. r:LEC'Tlf)N"S'" The •Ul•lor v:ho lnlroJu('l'd th~ me ... 11re r..•lled tnr • "'him uf ··(lf)f'n 1n,1 f"'9 1IMUfln11" on • parti111.n ba11l11. Thfl principal o p· fl"n rnt to lh• blll, ~en111t .. r NelJOUn D1lwur1.h 1)f Hl.,,..fNhl" 1·ounty, whn i• 11.laq "h•lm11n of th• rommlllr ". •aid p11•AAJ.'.'I •1( lh11 mr.uur.1 ""'"'Iii •rt ... • bl<'J tn r<>lum In !h~ "(l•rl)· 0011a •y11t~n1:• AN II 11, hi! 111.l <I, t),,, votrrR rl.n f'apr..111 t.h~lr l'hnl,.,. In lh• prima ry, rr 11ArtllP11 of p111rty tin• .. 'J"h• re••lf't• m&J' Wtll rem••nb<'1 lh•I rro>11~·tllln1r. Whlr h u~u~llv favor• Thr lnrun1bl'nt, lf"l a Jn/l Lut )"f'lllr 11111 \h ,. tP•U!t o r • nrw l•W 111 .. ntlfy!n,I( CIU1<hd"1"" hy !h•"I T parlir1 on I.hr baU<il, In'""'· r•I•· lJVl'ly rpw rand1o!ft\flll "-"On both non11n•llon1. Thi! Moina S rn•lor 'A't\n lntrn(!nc· eJ th" b1U abuLl•h lna <'l"u,..·flhn1r a l10 lhnu1:ht lht.l JU!!! the a tlbr,.V• !•!Ion nf !he na n1>1 D""'"1·rat .. n.I Rrpuhll<'ll.ll w aa r011fu11nc to !hr YO!Pr•. and lntr,)(lur,.<I •n<'tht r ma...ul'& requlnnr th•t th~ pollti- C'al p•rtY he 'Jl"'\1,.,1 "'ll t"thrr Jn\WPORT rtft HARBOR .NE-W~ J!ReSS F"onnerly Ut• N1wport·Ba.tboa N•.-.-Tlm .. and th• N •wport·B&lbo& P'"- Cilt.t9d u Secuotl-Oue Matt•r at th• POlltofltce lit Newpori 8Mdl, Calllon11• undtr UI• ACl ot Mare.II a, 1111. gering task . Bv.i. we believe, knowing the courage of its officerg and members, that Newport Harbor Chaiii# ber of Commerce will be quite equal to the job. Had the· chamber nothing to promOte, we would not be so sanguine of euccess. But you and'l know there is nothing like Newport Harbor, an area which "sells itself."• \Vhile other means or financing Chamber efforts for the city may be forthcoming at a later cjate, it ap- pears to us the current challenge is worthy of the cham- bers' officers. Now, more than ever, they can enlist aid of local business firms who must realize chamber proj- ecta are bound to benefit their concerns as well as the city at large. We are confidant the chamber board of directon and officers will surmount the obstacles ahead and when they have climbed the peaks of progress from the valley& or doubt the chamber-and the city will be much stronger for their all-out efforts. One fair warning that should be given goes to all th08e who have ridden on the chamber's coa\-tail - their problem now is to go to the council on their own behalf. And to the councilmen -you'll need a new boy with a hair shirt t o be on the receiving end of all buck pa.asing. Looks Like A Good Year The U. S. Department of Commeree ~porta that Mllllufacturcrs' J an.uary salca were $1 billion higher thi.a year than in January, 1955, and that new orders were 25 percent ahead of the fin;t nlonlh or 'M. Department store sales also arc showing a gcnt"ra.1 atrong upward trend, \lrith the Far \Vci;t 11.M a wh ole 9 JX'rcent ahead of 19$4. for the Jarii.iary.fo~ebruary per- iod, These indications of a good year were furthrr atrengthencd by Bank of America president, S. C1ark Bei.ae, who aa.idJ.in a speech last \\'Cck: "There is every reason t o bclieve,that general business activity "''ill reach a higher average in 1955 than it did in 1954." Beise cited in particular the high rate of produc- tion and sales of automobilC'S, plus th(' incr<'ased vol- ume o( building permits and high construction activity. He also pointed out that there is a more poslti\'£' and optimistic attitude pre\'alent this year aa contrasted \\'ith 1964:'• feeling ot un~rtainty. Automobile manufacturers have ~n raising their sights on the probable number of sales this year and some believe the volume \\•ill crowd the six million mark. Significant in this respect is the report that the •·tittle thrtt" In t he auto field are definitely getting a bi gger percentage or total car sales, C\'Cn while the '"big three" are roaring ahead with volunie records, lo.Iaybc -just maybe -1055 \\'ill top even 1953 for overall prosperity, .. ,' Imports Are lmportald ! AFFAIRS OF STATE By JIDiBY C. Hat:ABTllUB SACRAME NTO CCNSJ -Durln& I •Ider , app&ren.Uy that lheLr 1pe· evpry l"gh1hl1Ye ...,..,ion. th• lrgU.. claJ lJIU,F"elll• mty be cared for. latl\'f' •Udllor totai. up the am<1unt HOlll'ever. thrre 11 not a greal ot 11pooeial •ppruprt.llori. b illt aub-df'a.L of cl!anC'e that the 12~ mil- mltu...i lo th" lrr.:;1<'h1tur ... Thi• Y"tl' 1 1\on in 1pttial •pproprlatlon• will It BJll<>unU to l :.!56 n11U 1on. g"t vtry f•r. Tht-re n1•y be a ff'w A Sf.._....!•I wppropnat1on blU it ruiUiOl'I votf'd out of thta •peclal 11 mr11!!1u e 1nlrodUC'•·d b)· a Aen•tt>r ll:rO!Jfl of billt. Hut If 1hat l• dOnf', or .. n Jt"''l~mblyn••n • .11.p propnating there wiU 111 a.ti prob.11.b1IL1y , but a ~t11.t .. tu.n•l11 fur • 1<~•·1.J J>'lrpl>lle, co1Tnpond1ng reduct1on 1n thr U!!\Utlly. ~""'"'thin~ in the d1~lr1ct hu<'l~•·t. lh"' lo·i.;u<l11lur n·rr.,unta. Some· Y•tw!n t1mr1 are itood and thtre l11111" 1n th., put. the"'-' h1u· .. bc-t·n I• mo1·" re\'l"nue th•n l!>1r.t:11dllurt'll, •'"11"\I "pork-b11rr.,r· m•·,.,,"Urt>•, be-lhe 1.,guiloture '• not 111gg1trtlly •111.1.-.e .,f 1111! 1~11•!<'!1<'Y "' 1>CJ•nr l.•g . 11bout \·ntlng ~pt'<"l•I •pproprla· •~lat11r:< l o~ <.1 11• 1ntu lhe lr"•f'tlt}" ()(lllJ<, ru r th<! b<;ril!f1t uf ihir!-r <"Ofl!ltLIU· Rt:\·t:Kst:: SITl "ATIO!\" • O!!I. Jt.i"·tv .. r, the •ltuatlon 111 ti• 1.:a.hro m1a'• budg~t thir· year »•r.w•I tt1111 y,•r. !:Ital' irapen!'.11· •n1ounll1 to mor.· thlOn a b1lhon 11nd tur .. 11 hl.\'r gruwn tn the point •I hil l! tlullano. Th" ~l•le i. h•rd ""h,.re th~ i::uvo>rn1n,nt llJ>•nda rut In h.1lanr•· th., hu•li: .. t. In Catt, mQrp rnon .. y t ll11111 11 g"tll 1n r .. , .. U1e 1:u1· .. rnor. •"' 11a1.st f'\'l"t)ot11 •·nu"' an<l thr uJttnliH<.< n 'l'Ult u! kno"~. hN• &1>k~ fur n,,.. \(f.1ra th11 111\uat1Qn r11n unly be h1ghrr lln ~1i:,1<r• ltr11. Ill< t .. 1'...-d t~"~" on taxo.'t. ot ,fr/1t >l f>n111nc1rtl{. li<IU"r. IJo·,r •nil hun•f> raC'1ng . to Hut \hf' pll•··UI' of "l"'«lul 111ppru· !!<IU<'•·i.e uut t'nflu::;ll "''-'""}' fflr !he /lriat,.,n boll!! '" t><,und tu <'1t11111LI· 1:•·n.,nd fUn<I '" kr•p the 11latp l rll!f' 111,. t1nKr.11111 f>a!ur1. The h•I(· r.,,m openiuna: 1n the f'f'(I. \a.lalurc mwt •ct 1.111 the budi:;tl Dul d""pite thla light flni,µ'lcl.a.t twro,.. 11 c an ••lopt any •pl!Clal llilUll!in11. llf\d tJ1·11pite Uw f&cl tha t appropnatl()n. Thl• rule 11 to in· 1n•11y <'•1n~rn'al1 •·• l<'J:"i-Alttor• h,,., 1urr thBt the huli i::ctro.I nred• of a•l<I that t.;o \"f'tn1>r lin1g ht"s bud-lhe Jlt:itr .11.rr on .. t brfutf' l\f!Y funds i:•I I~ Olli'·~ th~ 1 1i,:h!•~l ~·.b11.1\• •r·· ""t .11.!fldt' lur t/\e .!1pec1nl IO p- \l'tl •n Y•'llNI, l h " lrci~l*!n•s r()n · r n pr1"t1 .. n~ \V ASHINGTON REPORT !'" l!lU• ti nf n•y rM"<'nt '"11111 In· 1!11 11t• ~ 1111 ••ii• r• >l 1n '""'''lallor..,. VEIN SllOl\'lNG-~lrs. H orace Parker points to lead in Cajalao in mine. -Horace Parker Photo No mine worth its salting· was ever discovered in a pl'OI" saic manner. The setting is usually a frontier cabin where lays a dying prospector, Indian or Mexican. Feeling t he cold hands of death upon him a.nd with a sudden lo\'e for hi• benefactor, he either paMeB him a crude m 11p to lhe lo~t mln<' or 1n a J.:•h· brri11h or 1·•~1L<' d1rr<"lion11 1 .. u, hlm how In f!nd 11. U"u111\!y hf' .!!lump~ 1nlu pt'rJ>f'lu1:1.J a!un1brr j u11 t l>f'fOt'f' h" r 11n gl\•e The k f:"y llirrr· t1on11 -"'hi<"h ne<:1•1111!11t!f'11" Int .. r 11r<>wJ1ni.: 110,t n•ll<:h r11 l111nt .-,r n1f1nty 11nd 1i11rtk• lo 11;'11rct\ for •I 1llfa<'\•H'Y r•·s11ll. A IJ)u1H h•• bf,r" a1111k Jll th,. 'Ciohah:n' lead. to th• 1h•pth 11f :10 f••rt : •l lh11l depth .. ·atrr I" fnunlt. In lhl11 ah1fl th• \'••1n <.•r n1rtal -11.nd 111 ultlm11 lr• ly hml 11! th" b(lftom. P•rtle• •r• nnw 1<l ·wnrk ...:·•lplng the ll"•rf, fnr fiO f1•t't "n the 111u·f11c• In l••!lJ;lh, 11 11J >'Ill f<'rt In dr11t h. Al i· fll\'{llllt• n1Jnf of t he hn 1"h ··srK!nn, b ." •llffrrrnt p11rtn rr· ('OU.;try. th" CaJ11lro Tu1 Al in•·.•. !!hltU .-flln•t 1<111<'!1 h:19 <11vr11tffi h1• h;o.s )U!lt !lurh 11 al nr.1·. ('K1·1•pt t hry "~hi t" !h" nnr h:1lr or !hi" mh1P, npr111·r nl.,., fOllTl(I t tw tin. \\'ntt~n 11nd I lh1nk """" rJa1111!1 an elt:b!h. ln lun1;lla nd by J u•1f1.•' ll11 y"" 111 T he ron1J>1•ny n .. ·n1ni:; lhr mlne ""h· J8~J!.l. i<n<l fn•n1 Tho· ••Jl •Y~" "'"!U••Ot!y tn S•'ll l••n's ••Ir, ('reatNI Srrar.•·· In th<' 1l1u 11·1v<t l.ibr11r~· a '!lock •·u1nr1111y with 128 ah11rr": 1n Brrk .. Jry \" !hi: fvH""'lnJ: IH'· "( ftl"""· H. (). \\'llNJn 0"'n" 8; II . rounl ,.,. tu1·1 ti u11 by \\"1!11c•n \\' II. J\l)·l•·"· J . I. ~rrnt an<! J oi"' J unr8 fine of thr or111:1n~J atock· S. Cr1ff,•n: ,.,.,.h 8 ; f'. ~l111 u1rht"r hol<lfr•: !Ind \\"ll"un \\". J one•. <'llCh 32; llAYl:S ACCCJtJNT S..,alon and Tuc.h., each 1.e th&H .. '"Llllf Jn lhe ye•r IM8 Al the PO!l@lRl,r. Tl.N MINW:. hou~ of n!l111rl S<'!tl<1n, I t the< "All \hr c:uu11t.ry IU"jHIJ\\I thll :i.ui1~1on c f S&n Cii.brn•I. 11n Jr11l••n min .. !<h(•"'H 1n,1i.·•t1""" or tin. T"" l'."11ptn1ri "·11~ t ak• n ~"·k 11 rirl l"'"l'I 111·~ f0>11JI J f.• Of \'JlflnU/f c•olor• Miid lill'tl. Tiu~ JnJl"ll. ~<1IHfl••. ""fl!I II ,,r 1!1t1• r .. nt ~,,,.Cl!ll" .t:'lllVlll<'.'I. Dr··· "•'Tl'.Hl\ , r !111· ~l1•~11u1 ~"" Junn :1 1, ll!:Jll.1'•.,_r,.•d : \\'11.~"n \\'. Jonr•" t!'(ln J u•n c'.>f"•l ran"' 11n<I. il "IJ· In ISi;! ltw 1~.,. ''"K"I"~ S1er r•r1'1'/f ~ f'nn:in. 11',:11 un" t-n1t>rlh~h··,I 111•• .•tnry. 'Mir tlmf' hf'· lhan JU"t t h• u,... or 't>rm.'" or "RC'p." ·nu~ 1,111 "" .. "!Au 11 .. f,.B tC'J by a n1ar1;1n of I I•• :,:, I<:• In nttl"r to ollt.1111 (l!h~r 1•utJ· 1hl0t I 1t11rk Ll 1111::111 I~· ""11 1,, ··n 111 1ni.: 1111• t t• hu· c~ ,, .. p·l.~lt'•I <11!11!' 1";.7. ~lo .. J11•1H•O Wllll . C111h11· rn &-lll <•n t )o•;r "·L~ 11 1nl11••<1l 10 1!111 1"h1••r "'"" ""n11u!1,.1I with h111 lh•• n• ,,·hl• ""'""I 1•f T • u1• '"'"" 'nl•'•li• :t1•· n1~ri" 11 h<11H t••J11n,w: Sr>1· l~.ll"•· 11n,I th .. fn und:aU"n lJrf!. 18 "I'>• h I\ i~ ' "'•·"1u l!h• ""'"' HllH•f\I: (1)'1 th" •'Xl!ll »n•·r .,f 1 hr rn1nr. IH\h••r in,·11111,ir "-~ • 1111 ""~ (•r h··'t1,~ l""'•ld", ""•••"•"·!I'• th111k 1 1~ I 111<1• !hnir l'"'~'nn o r t he 111 ... l" I 1,.,. ,.,.,,,dlll'I<". S•'fllc or llie l'!r~•n••11· '"'1'"'!<1 1 ••~ .. : tip 1,.1 ''· 11 h rnU•h ,.,,,,, • .,~,.1tln1·' t<.11.1n•h<t•"n.• u:o-· l!l>ir Ill.>. f,,~ 111.,~""'' ,,,,,. h" ,,,.,,,,, J ''' 11111 th , ''"11!·· l n•li 111 11··"'" II•~ """Y '" Anv1 brr ""'"~""', v. i,1, h 1-'•••Ul,1 numlwr th" 1 .. 11 .. \ ! r• jM ·1loun·· 1n !he nr.J"r th•·\' •1•1n i1ro••I 11(..,, •11•• t111ti1 .. <1 by 11 .... """"'!!'' ·1·1 ... ~·'. n•tarv •. r ~'"'~ """" ,, •• 1 ''" n ,. 11ll"1b• '" /ir3llull~. 1•1 . ,,~ 11 111 ,._,._., . .,.., u.t bri· lly In .rou...-t .O:'\"fi n r:ron T 11•·" '' 1~·1 L J nllnn l ~·"i:: tf•·-i.:•n•!lll••.:•n· ;\~1·•11 •n11n1•,, ...... ,.111•r"•nl· I"'"" nf•! r"r '"lllrallnn ••r ,h,.rity hll!•U•1: "'"!""''I••·" l'I"°"' "' 1 •TJ"•"Al, lh•tl ,,.,,,. .. fr \nth" ''I I' I I SoHl .l u-•11 1 ·1 ·· '"'' t;.111 ,.,.,, ... 11,.,l'\1ll•,A!1•lfll!"lh0 •llt'1r l"1t!·· "' "t !"-' 1 I• •1 puq~ ..... ·.• "r 1,,.,r,.i.::o n•la ,.11.1 -"''"'" ,.,.~~ fnt ,,.1, '"""'.: 1 .. '" "I' l" tliJ•t l!IH• I••••·• r ti. .. <"nJ.11"" hill ''" r~•· ti · ll~r r ,,f 11·,r t 'ul!f .. t ""' :-.~"<I' •J• r 'ol 11-.1 ,, .... ,,.ll 1,, u.•' .: l.-1<!• '.11" I "1 I p·I•' • •1 • p • .., t «( 'ltl•!l~h•t < A•••••o1l••ll '" ••f'I" '"h""''*"'" lllftl\•1}'. :-;.,1n,. "~" th+•ir ~u~t I• t ,.,,. 11,1 4 11la•~. th~ l"•lt•n I"•""'' IU~fl ' 1\1.,IK \l\11. i•li: n f"l'l•1•'l A• •!H loi\' I I! l<IH h ti!' r I 11'"1-" • .\.:.II•" •ll.- \\, t1l•I ll·•h+ol ,,i.. ,f •ti!lo•• '•'!II•· It t1\\' !11!\' I0 /•/••111\,. l•·!IJ•I" ,J,.,,,,,1 ,111111,1,,.11•1., \~ 1'k •I ''•II"" "•IL io• It"' 11".l.• ••' , ! !' • 1•1!,. I Tb·• l:••1<t1hh· l•tml• '" r:orr)• .,111 ,,11~11,..,, llflll 1• • ·"' Al"rl 1• • ro! '" T• 1111• .. :11, "'' • '' I•'! •l•ll' • ~· r• '"' '1 . l••~ '"" ,,.,.,, \\hu·h i:u·,.,, 11,..01 11111 ''''"1"'11'' l bl 11 11,1:0 111 tl•u 111 1'111,\S 1,\ll\Tlll:'\o:-& ,..i,·.uit•i:~ '""r 1n.·ir ,·,.111r,,11to,-,.,111u1h•"'''· "I'" I\ ·I 1~··11 11·•'•11··!· ·-.... :.11,i.111; 111 !!! 11"'" h'• t-nm• . l ,>1),1•;:,,,.,,.,,.,.l1•11•1li••nH"llo•ll" !••'1•-·Jl Ii•• '"Ullll<f"•'I 11!t!'11ni,::-~'•"I" '"'ln•~•!l"n~ ""'n n1•1•·>r11-· ·1 • • f " -• 1111 """"''"'" ••J lit" l•i.;.o loT•ito h•V" l•IO•I '""'y "IHl f o,o.I Ul h •·I ••fll""""O: 11, .. ~ .. 1~ .,f ,,,,,,.,.~ •• t· ,. 1~~.~11. ,,.,,.,l .. t ,, ,,,,., .. ,,. ~ ... ,, ~ ........... 1 .. 1\ .. .,.. 1· 11• ' ... '"' ,I ' ' l>:"!o~ II • '""! '• Ht Th•• • 11/ 11"1 l••r 111 .. vl ~ ,, ,,d "I '"" ~"' ,,,., "Ill "1 9, \,, ,,,,,\,,. .. ur~ ''''" 11 .. 1-11 1.., 1 , "· ••11~ ••t ''""! ""I u,. ll 1.1 .. '"·' l nh··n Ulll <,( • If• ''I I I 10 t I. " 1 I In I " "I • .. 1 .. ny ,,, "' O /, IJr•M r .. ~.11. 11,,.1 •1'·1u 11 •1, II'•, f"I":; j,. ~·I NltH1l•I 11"1 1 .. • ,,,.,~. I 1., ' tn 11 ... "'' .... 11·•·· '" '" • JI• I ,. ~·lo• ht•l"f"t t •. ,.,,.., h I o ! '•" h ,Y !ti" ~· 1\1•!" • I"" ,•I•, 1,.11,.,'I •I" '• !I. "i•I '"'' .i • 11 l•'ikl• t,1,t ~"'I"~.-1., f ~'"', f •h· ,1 tv.,, !111 II· .1 ....... I 11\• '· •O•· \LO • I•· "llo ti l>J·J '"'"' h 1" I< \"•'Tl ~.,,.,,, 1"·hh 111 lh •!< 1. "''' I I "" n "'•r•t"'r '""' Farmer McCabe Writes ••• A 13unch of l Rll story t1•ll<'rt1 ntt·l 11ut in th•• J)cs1·rt the oth!'r day to ""''DP ,. .. nae yarns all<'•ul f<'lyu1 ~ ~:1u· ecra. Snm<' ("l11in1('(f thf':-' t'\'('tt hnd n.n1111u1\'•'!I "'"1t h t h~· littlf' f('lleni lhnt'11 ·~l'flf<O to fly lh('nt ~:n1e('n:, \\'h1I~· otheni claim0d th('_\' h11i1ro<lt"'11rnu11d \lo'ith the l1tlll' ~uys from ~fara 11.nd Lc>murill .•• \\'t'lJ. th(' 1;t11ri!'s J:Ot b..•t- ter 1\11 lhey Y:cnt n.lons: and I rN.'kon th<'y'rl Mltll bt> thf'rt• a tellin' r m yet iffcn they hadn"t sr{'n 1t bunch (l f hung-rr lookin' squirrel• cominr; up the ruad right toY>·ard 't>m, !111\ rl1thl• tC'•rn•fd l • '"~ ,,. i: II •'I U1, . .,1,,,, .. r !'1~ ti ' I '~,,., "!•'or.Il l(•.,.,.. I ·r, ,,,., ••• \\ •,• 1•" I• 'l"u 1n1 •n n t• •· • ! I , .. . I•• ~,,:•u ,.,.I'"•>' 11'" '" .,.,.,,. ,.,,,,,l-~ ~'"II!• ~•-11r1 1y l••t , .. -......... ,, ... ii ... n,\ !o•l•\"l'IUll ~l M· ~'ot.1"'"' I~·:· I ' :'l1111i:lll•< lll \·1 1,, .. M•1(1! Ol!l'l 1• ..... 1· .. , <111•1\l •r '""" ,\ ""'1'"" n( lh~ '•'l'•ll t l ,,..,11,0/Jo•·•I ,"•'''" '""'""!dU•I u,., t ~ I • •n>,. ~~I · •t~t •·• '\\ • '• "':lu•h· 111111 1 h" ' 11" 1· ln•1n I 11••· 11 ·,:,,I"" ,..,,., 11 '"''"!, /1 1~ , 1 ,, • l -•J I· r .,n,1 J.,u.i. ', l •"ll•h•I•·•" •It"!•! ~<1Ut1tl11 11,,111 "'II• 1. ,,.11 •.• 1 1,.· ti.,. 111-I <11• ·1·.J,,L. •'1 11, f••·ll ),., 1 .. d •l•·tl••I 11u l not t .. I~· ''ll):"J(~•I "'"'' I~• 111 ' h1111., , \I ,. •I· 1 • ,1,q • '! llr 11 • to I'• 1 • •1' ",11 I , , , \ I " /M f# J ; n n,. l11hJ,. .... , ... ~"!hf' l•l1. l~"· !'I"• •~1·•1oJI~ '" f l!'l•i 'J''"l\•il\'•1 ,11111 'I· Jl l•!"'""I h .. ~J1"•·•1 •h l••···'l""~!""""r<l•,.rhnt-1,.,.,1,. l,.t 1 in.,. I •·•••'• !li• ,.,,.•, ,,. "~ t .. h,lr "f th•• ="•w '""•k l fh•' •hh 1 ... 1 !.!.J •·• f u·I 1 •/\-1·"·'•.t• tlw ,~··•1 10n 1 l 1"" II· 11\l.J T•''""\~ . ,,,,. I r1111~r. f '! ,,,,, ,,,,,, .. ' • " '' '' "' 'h .•• ,.... ,, I ~ ,. '""""•-I •'"'I" I' 111 " l llJI UJ' I " ••\\"•r 1 !'.(Ill" ~·.,,...1 ,·.,1101•11 111· ,\f!•t""I •"\•ITl"'"d·••·<•!•I l1JI 0/1 ''"•hi 111\., I·• h"I' 1 • !h" ~·· l •J ~···un•fnl1u11 r....,u!!•··l If• t\U!Tll'\I! 111,., Th•• ti.it ~·••I' th· "" ,1 ,. •• ,i ,0• 11, '" ,.1.111, ,,,,1.>111\ .. '"' "'''nl:• ''' lh••,,1 1,,,1.11.~"ll ,,.(1 •• 1 .. · •• h, ,,,,.,., '.\111 ~ •1 I·· .... nt •r•I a' o•tr•I nil.ru:: I"•• rn Ol h•'f 1•·J I! t" I,. !Ill 111• 1r1n •II .. "n !hi 11 o1 \ ;'\ 111l1<h Ir•• ~-•lt ll II\'!"~'!• ti•" ~•Ill 1• 10 '""' t•l"!•I!• I \Hr I• 11\1·•· .,, .. "' I , lll•·~I 1 "• 1h• n 1" t .1"11.fTll'.'li t:Jll(",\Tll l'I, 11U l lt.••,,!• 1 .. , 1l:i••ll•·l 111·1 t.,,,ll '"'"""'''I • 11•· \\l,o'•• I"'" I" .,,,,,. ,,, .. , .. fMr 1•1(1 ll!!f"1'\l\11t to •1111• ,,, •1! ,.,. "''' ~~,, • Ill" ' •Ii·" Up, r ' ,:1 ' ".: 1., 11 ... 11 .. 1 .. ~· '"' .. lH'1 tt•••l1~·• •n !h" ~I'•'" r• .. ""' tn 1-~· '°'""l't'I 1101:1 "" '" G·, I ' I 1t n •• ~t, ,,~ t·• '• • •u I" .i.;; • !" "'"!, 10.:i.,na:c I .. h•IJ •t !ht.• lim, •m-1·rnt ,,r tin. 11 pi •"'' 1 t" 1, .. 1 ,. ·11 .. 1 l··M•I It Jhsu-11 .. " .. ·11.r In Wh!f'h • fr w 1·1:11..;t'f:l"Tf ,;1~ '/IT <:OO U rlll'"'1 '"')••· ~·1··1-•IJI" 1 .. ~,. <>ll l·.UO.<l><tlo1\ll have 1.n r Ctr1t on •d· '"Thill 1~" gran1!,. ''~"'n. ""i1\rr C"11Jfl1''<J hill 11n,l 1!1.1 ! I~ 111~ rnnn· lh..,l!On111I llllU ot her ·nvn-proflt •r.· v"'ry ••"IL"'· RU<! l/,r )nJJ ~ 1•1·ry nrr u1 "'hi• ~1 " k110. .. l•·•lr·· • f 11 1 \1\"\U•-11 fti1n!!ar t o the •ffert Th")' hRrrrn. lluiinl: I!•" )f'ar is:,!} pm-1·:111~:· "'"" "n~ IH"llCh! 1 .. 1.i•J•L· 1•~1·,.. nn the C1nllll cl111J 11ide, on b11111· ~r•rtl ni:; hMll hrrn ,\,,0,. ,,1., r 11 ll11 l:e Thr "nl<'•lo! ,n,. • .. 1,111.n• ,J """' ll•• in .. .._• r!)rp•o nit,. orir..nJZ11t1on. f'KI • nl oi oount•r hul ""l\h nn ~flt· 1·urlt. w11111 lh~ ,.,~1·1 ,.f ; .. , ,,. r·· Th .. fnunt111tion.<1 "'ho.oe dJr«tors ----.... II "''"~ j "r 11L•fl •re df'li bt•nit,.,ly -."r 1·11rf,TI \1, ll.\....:(:t:N """"1Y -work in g for tevolutlon· ,.,,. "'"J' 11:\· I• purt n;.,kr.., It ,.,-y <'h&njfr11 h•ve • p<>wcr \•1111tly • ),.,1r 1'nll thr 1·c;n1n11ltr .. hid no l:t"llt .. r than t h,.,1r 1rpa.-.t• fund~ i:•·n• r.1::1.·· I c-1•tll°l'"'~ of fr111n11,.. ,..,,u!tl tn1lk1.te Thry operllte by a 11 w.~. ~1.1n 1· ~'" <lr>l•.lf fine wo1 k kln.J or ··1ntr rlOC'k" "'"hlrh rnlllk"ll "1 , ""'!"·\•"I: 1••..-1rrh •n•I i:ra nl· lhf'•n a n lnl••IJ .. <'IU•' C'•rltl. Thi.• 1T I: ~· 1. \~t•h·P· .,,,. 1\udy COJI • rlt.rlCl ()ri,.""nlUllton I• Vfty mu(h , r 1n,,.r II•· 1··~~1blt •"u"" of I•~-hk~ th .. conc .. nlr•tlnn o r pow'r 1n , ~· n1r•f 1·1'.r;,IAO""~ rnr othrr than a fr w hanW. in lhr f1nanc1al world ll"?ri r l,.i.:,.I l''HI"·'""'"' 11.<1 ..... II•• !he or th• twenu.,.. [ • "i l'llf" • ! h""' !""•I 11.11d •hs'iT'I· ! Th~ rnaj()nty report ronrludl!•:. I.:"'"''""'' f, ur .1,,;,...,..~ hy ~r,.onl' 1 '"A.mnnir tas-f'llf'fflpl education 1•l!h lu.J•!· n "r • •·rn ant1·Am~n('•n and C'h&Mt•ble orjl."&nl,..tloflJI thrr-e 11::1·T1l!ui ~ I 1a.i.ui a P'tt..nrof relaUon~ and Til•r<' ... ,.. a qu .. ttlon of thr 1nt rrlocldna: activity ""m"'"'"h•t ......__, ltYVJ llllOllMf ... n~ a& N_,.n ._. c.m.1------------------------., tM SE""l"Uatl· HAXBUU t'l-llU8HlMU OOMl'.,,-Y ni.:ht nf 1 ·,+ni.:1~._. l•l C'Dn•lurt 11Ur h •imllar to the •lnicture or bu11i· I a n Ir\'• ~UJ.'.'llH••n T hrre i re .olmt nr-M a• p"""'n!l'd by th• T,.m~ I ... ,·en thou.s•ncl fou11dlt1Jom.. m •I· rary N a uonaJ. IC<:onom!e Commit· ly derh•1n1 tht>lt chartPrs ~rom I~.'' J •t•I" 1ro•·•mm•nt.a. Tbf'y C'Ontn)! I ,.,,.., lntr-r\orll: •nrk• "throurb !un<"l• r~lln1at".'d at &1'1·en and one·\ 1rrt•rlock!n11 d1r•cton1tr•. In ter· I h•!f b11l1fln d"ll•rfl •nd dUWrM PI changlna: .11.drnlnlatr•tive perl0'1nel .annual tMf'omc< o r 16;~.000.(l(\(l. The ..nd th• UM ot 1ntennedlary •lr · 1 Mi!ht Of (.°OngTe• 10 ln,.•t/ptot ranaatton. C'OIS!monly .Upport-!d.'' lh•.,, 11\at"' • C'hartt'~ 'l'l"TKls j TIMI ln.titut• ot P•clf1C' Rrl&· '-t< ~ 11 out of I.hr f•ct th•t ll'I• t~ .., thoroucJ'Lly 1.nvr•tlc-a totd tun<!• .. ·hi.ch rre•tf!d th~ toame I tty th• lz'lt•rnal 8f>f'urlt)' l!iulJ...Com- frf•m <'orf'01'tM>n• 1.11d lnth'f'ldua.111 ! nuttee \ti ronnectlon "'Ith pro. FRE:f: from tr<'l•l'&.l UIC'ome or gift S<Jorirt Cbllla poUc.i.e• of our Got'- hie .. -~ 1111 ~ ......... t.,..a s.u-...... ..,..,...___ .. ., .ut Iii.di llJ 0.CrM •t U. s.,en.... c-tt •I~ 0.. a. AOllM N .. A·tlTft Mr-....r c.au ..... N...,..,...1 ....,..,, I • Anmta ... •-...,. Nau...i Sd.la.rta.1 A••••"- .Membf'r ol e>n.ac• C-otlnty Not.-1 8er"ric9 8Ull9CIUPftt>M ILARl!i: Sewpot1 Ha.nor ~-..r-. l'\11·1,.. \l'W>ki;J • Oruce t ·"u•ly. N .00 ,., 1•r: P.Ot II• .. -.; tt..H Uu-M - Ovtattt. ., o......,. , ..... ,, ll.00 P"' ,._ Grass Roots Opinion RED BEr-;"D, ILL .. l'lf ,GRl~I : 1'Tht>re is a largl' rium lx>r of prople "'ho by thl'1 r actions 11id the cauM> of 8o<'1fllu1m, although thf'y are frequently unaware of thl' d1re<.:tu'ln thC'y nrc tra\'Pling. ~JOit are fiincere p<'Qplc.. If the ('h,.1c1· ""-"" dirf't't lht')' •·oulJ be against fitate 11oc1ali~n1 but the thing thf'y ad,·ocate v.·ould, if put to-t 1;1·liler, n1ake 1t a i;cnwne real1t y," I or .-t.sl• t.ax~.. I emmrnl. I• an ••rf'Un'lt e•ampl• s1·:w11t:R "car:A~l~G of t11e 1ntertn...t11ary or1:at1Lauo,. Tiit' l',·111,11>1-r n! fi:>Un i.111 ir.a .,. In· throurh which the round•llon~ rT'f'Utnt at • ., ,.:•rm•n« rt.I• Ad-1nflu•nce edu<"•Uon. 1o~t m1twdl1 lht• I.a a ruull of hlCh. Pd pubUG op\NOQ. Lt.:.DG~ t.:..u•ost:u-ThuJ 1Ji1 huv• CaJalcu ll1U ap,iean today. I. I I 1' . I I } s I Ii t, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS (" THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE • - BACKBOSE OF TUE Cl'l'\·-There ia plenty of room tor denlopmPnt at the Nf wport.Beach corporation yard u ia ahown in the abov9l1icture. The gaa pumps are JIOT08 llA8TE&-M. L. Morton, 'll.'1135lh St.. as cqu•r· ment Jnttban.ic keeps all po~ equipment in running order. He bu been with the city 10 years and h as six autos. aix poltoe can, one humane of!icer·s panel truck. one jeep and aiJt motorcycles to keep in shape. Moat of thia equipment ia in tM shop every day for checkup and appointment for more exteuive going o\•er, il needed. ' shown on the left and on the right the auto repair abopa with hoist and lube racks. -Staff Photoe by Bert Brint· nail ... ___ r Yard Keeps City Rolling By BERT BRINTNALL Newport Beach'• corporation yard ia a busy place. Everything the city uses goes through there at one time or another, from all kinda of supplies, \•hich go through the warehouse and are _checked by the atorekeepers, to the many kinds of equipment that end up in the abopa for repair or renewasl. Twenty pieces of automotive equipment keep the big shops going full blaat. Much of tbia equipment geta rough use in emergencies and bu to be kept in condi- tion to take this atra.in. Such ma.chines aa motorcycle• and police cars are checked every day and go in tor over· haul when they can be spared by the department. One of the tricky jobs ia keeping the parking metel"9 working and about 25 of these are taken to the corpora- tion ya.rd every week for eome kind of repair. People do not think their hands are heavy but the won t treatment the meters get is from a abalcing blow driven uae when they think the meter ia not responding fut enough, or that the nickel baa not dropped dewn. ' New cabinet.a for varioua of!icea of the city are all made up in the corporation yard ahopa u are repaini to old ones. One of the thinge noticeable about the ahops la that they a.re moet of them fully equipped with late pattern labor-aaving machinery, ao that preciaion work ia possible. ..... ,, n ·o DOZt:~ llOl.TS-I-;a rl lJoan" and lt. W. "Buclf" Root. 325 Sant.& Ana., uautanl storcktt~r. &el out 11<>me ot the many llCID.I to fW an order at the city storeboUH. • l I ' WHAT DO WE NEED~-Earl Doane. 416 Poppy St., and Viona Burdick, 204 1 ~ 42nd St., run th~ warehouse a.a storekeeper and secretary. .. -· ----OOUBLELINE EXPERT-The lines and aigna you follow when driv1DK N.wport Beach streets are put dow11 by Mike Ortega, 3010 Balboa Blvd., and Leo H. Ohmee, 236 AYO· cado St., Costa Meaa. CRAFTSMA.'i-G1lbert Milliken. 2078 Santa Ana St., Costa M<'~a. dO<'s all of the car- pentering &nd cabinet work for the city at the shops. He has been with the city tlw years and find• his work eaaier in the well equipped shop. llORE TBA.N TINKERING-William J ohns, 111 8th St .. has been fixing parking ml'· ten and meter clocks ever since the city hu had them. He fi ndl'I the b1ggc11t trouble with the clocks come. from the bad habit people have of hitting th1• mt·tPrs with the heel of their hands, why he does not know. He has about 25 parking meters tu f~ e.c.1a..-. -- 'I ;/ 1~ ./ • l I J PRESIDt:Nr CUP TOURNAMENT YjClORS From lc>ft to right, standing, are Elsie ].filler, ru~cr-up in President Cup golf t ourna- ment: J.lrs. f{awson Foote. winner : J.l rs. Willi am Holstein , winner in Vice Pr.c>aidl"nt Cup tourney; ~1rs. Edwin Lenihan, v.·innl'r in defeated president flight ; and 1frs. Sam Keys, winner in defeated \"ice prc!<;iJcnt flight. S£>:itl"d, left to right, are ].I re. J ohn Weld. low net -Yo'inncr with 71 in qualifying round of the president cup t o\J,rney : ~1rs. Roy Hall- berg, rur"\n cr-up in the \"ice prcsidcnt\1 trophy; 11ni, Earl Pattison, "''inner of special flight in the president's tournC'y. I..-ow gross winner with 84, ;,.1rs. J ohn Schumacher, COAST OFFERS LINK LESSONS O olf ln1tn1ct!on for adult• >A-ill again be orfll'r<'d 11 Or· ange Coast Colll't;e \hi• ~prlng, It WA• announced by Thom1111 A. lUak,.Jy,.d.,an of adult "'du- cation. Claeae~ ""ill nit<'t \\"etfne•· !\ay aftll'rnoon rron1 J to a. Group ln.o tructlnn "''Ill bf! pro· v1dffl. Th11 rouru 1,. de•lgnt'd prlrq,ari!y tor b!;>ginnt>r1 with ll'qulpment furnliiheJ by the c:ollt:1te. Ray Rouo, lnsln.zclor. h&1 Indicated !hit PGA pro· fe-i 11ional1 will auppltmfnt In · llrucllon. lnlltrucllon will •!•rt on \\'edneeday. April :?O. Regi•· trallon \\"Ill take plac~ 111 the Student Cent~r atarlinK 11 2:30. NEW UNIES • HARBOR HIG~ B'S, €'S REMAIN - IN RUNNING FOR TRACK CR'l\¥NS .. 1Mt. SAC S11ikes . ' Run Over Bue Jb ;nclads Here Newport Harbor High'e Band C t rack SQUl\ds rt'main('(I M.-n ·<11lh r.·n•J"d lo • !l ~ t "1u1n1•h ~:r ~.111 Anr .. ,,1,. 1 h 111 ,. 1,. .1,. in championehip_competition in the Sunset l.A'a:;u.-1'U(·f"tlny 111 1~' tu;.;h hur.il,, n•···r ll 1"''' ,11,1 • .," t '''"'h •' 1-,.,uu ,.,,11,i:,. by defeating thl-ir second atraight foes. b'Jt the Sailor ,·ar-l\n1J•i• ~n ·I 11111 '1 111"'""1( 1" I"':" ,,,uh fu 1~hl ~ ,.(,t''l s.:i. sity absorbed its second straight sC'tb:ll'k on thC' c-ii)d.•r s. 1·<-:.·\U ... n.,· I' l ~HI 1·,:.ou·,,1 h t;. I I• :;•, "n 1hP ·~I ··~ I •Ill 10•1 < ·' •• •lo•t,111)" 111 !111 •:.•.•I · FUlll'rton Indians rompC'd to ll 701,:: to 3'.,"!1 ~ \'ictory 11\"C·r the ,.,.,,1,1 1 • ,.r,.,•n 1,, k ti;•· , ,.11111,, ~n1 1 ·,,11~•'•··n," 1111···~ Th,. n1·ut<1 Tar A t .. am. Newport B's ropJ'f'd l TllUll.LISli l:S('U l":O."TF:IC rn !()~. 1,;1·11 •1• !11tl>'I,,! 1h,• I." 1,.,1·-"·1'• [•I II"· ''""!'"1 111,·, •n tht1 the ril'a! l ightwel&:ht~. 78'. to !\.l<o~t tht!l bri; rh,!•UU"<' ra<'~ <JC· •11 <'.~ ltJ 11 : •. j:,>11 J:·•1:t•r I•• .. :( !11• >'•tin:" I'" to ll!•· '"" nll !o" ~nd 17 ... while th~ j()('oil.I (.""a e<lge:i the r lll"l"\"d II\ !h<' h!t!t n~1I<' b<'\ W, ''" ~:'ii 111 :! .... • J <'r! ,. /llUl l! I uni. ' ,l l•" 11 l JUU p F\lllll'rlOn flea woe1ghla 39l, to Ca .. l ru Bnd D •n Bea!ly. C,:till•>, th .. 1::'.!u In .J .:l'.!b. 1'1<1.11,<11. (",1llH-X ··!.•011 \·,~.-I Pl""'''1 I"): j;U!1 f,.r • I''" .. l111n 1111.1 ('11 r!•·r l•l·d f"r !1r•t "' "" c·r.11'• rvun try 'i1an11'il!u o! Int '"""Ii Huo·f~, n 11 .. q .~1·,. •11111<•1 "~ 3121~. H1rbor Hlgh take• on San-loop. nudi;~.t Gt'•tty by two ln<'h-1!11' l:t;:h )U1n1•: ll:if,,,.,1 '"i''·'r~~ h·· ,,.1 ,. '"" ... 1,,.,,11 ,., . .,1,1 .,.11 h ,. ta Ana there tomorrvw. <'ll al th!' ra;it'. •11nw. "''-'B Z.04. '.!OI L 1 '•111· It! t!..-bt<'HI 1·1111!' ll l1.I d1v111> I ••.••"~ 1 ::~111 l'h" u\.t 01111 \c tlUa] llli'et highJlght .. , hOWP\'er, 0:1al3ol1ng1•f1.m1· 1n thlnl •!u~W<'ep Art (llTl•'h"r lll\l~•l<'<i '" llr.<t Ill ""II>< 1:;; 1t 6 UI o•n ,, l"'ill hi" .. • th~ l'h"t. were eonipiltd by the \'ar .. lt)' M'tl,/lue t\·ent. Lll,.lru holds UI~ M~l'onJ lll'n11A1l ~"hn1 111 111 111 1: Ao!d•'o l iationi or the T llre _To.I \.\lhite 'be.~! 880 m11.rk in S"uthl'.u1d prep Frulay th~ T11r ('"11 r1u1 Jll~t to hi~ 111 .-·t """~ ll l hirol In !lio• rank.o1 wllh,. 2 :00~• c·toc·ktng. Tup· 11h<.u! wrar 1.11 th•• 1 .. ai::,11o" .h.1111-l"''~llri h,. Vl~··I and Larry C1at 1·0. For the fourth·p1r.g hln1 1~ t"l<nJ;h .,f c1.11,1a1..-;•n•~llhl p ""lh,. ,·,.1 u 1 ~· "'~'" 8,.11. ·tJth•·r ()("(" l t!."<lll r a"'" ln \hf' atralght outing. \\"h1te broke hil\ Hoo\'er .111 J::l!J.8. 1;4 AnH on th\" ~.1u1t r.-a ,·k 1 I ~ n•I J'lll Hn.I l"i;h J""'I'-•:a1·s ' own 11c:hool record. ritmbllng lhe j Pacl'd br Don :'ll~r"dith , the Tar Again~t •'ulknon Tu ,.~ol !t y , .h ohnson ~h•·1·,-.,1 !h .. l h••I l:'> 11 . M Mesa Merchants1111i!e In 4::1 1.2. 'f!'ll• Ill th~ thlrtl B'11 t ook JUI! ab<:!ut f!\'rry f\r~t G<'nrt:,e H""'t lrd !h·· TR!"H In \'!.-111 Kil.I l{,111 \\'1111~rll\!T"n !1<•.I '"r ·· 'beat CIY mUf •nl\1rk r hRlkeJ up Jn 111 sli::ht Rn ct HWC l>l. Jh~ Luw hur-lnry in !ht· 661\ "' \ ~i . Ju tl\c• I'· J.• 11'-"1 '"th•· lHi.;h J\l!\1 p w 11h II l~"I' J N d M "' :. n , I•·'. In Ult ee en Southfrn Cahtornla thi~ Reason ,1 •ll<'.~. 13:?0 and hit:h Jurnp in •·alut .. It -.-·11.-. lluuj; :'\••"ri.•i>r I I ''""•• !'n,l11111i• •'1t111.-lhiuu;:h •-top~d vnly by LrinonR of llil'<'r-8'.'';i!lll"n•· lh.: Trlh••. Thi11 111111<.~ i.;1>1n,i: HI"<'!" Kl !• !!. !\l!_I' Fin •"'"" 1 .. W•1 I II ~.'••II.I In th1• lllj;h hurd l• ~ t F"ll Th •lde. 4:30.!>, and Roger• of Gros•-the ln>r:al hj;'ht"·"ights &8 llTllllt' r11me 111 !hird t11 tri.• l"•I oinsh uH ! th,.,! 111 •111,. \,"'~ ){n \" }\uni• 0 I em mount, 4;31. l cont<:J11!~r~ fur th~ lo-Hj:U" 11\lt. M.lXll•"ll'.'lt."<~''"''d1111d l'•l .. t•lt l l •.11•.1 1n1t1l"'d lhi!l ITI tiu• fll'.(I, -------------------------------·''lh1n1 In lh .. 1•1•n1 ,,,.y Hrfol•!~"n J ,•1n \{••11nP<\.v w,.;. "''"">! 1n rtl,. Costa ,_fl'~a·.., \\l ~rc:hant~ dl<,n't put un thrlr battinll'. 1ni,;~ until !he th!rcl jnnl n~ ai;:,.tn~t l'lH<"<'lll•a s.un- (!11 y. b\Jt that"'"'~ In J'lrnt:-r or tirne to rnck 11)1 Kii 11 ·:! \'ICll!I'}' on Llon1 ~'Jell!. 'fht11 Snhb1tth. lhe ~fl'lil< 1n•cer11 hop<· In ("On!lnue thl' ~urcc~.~ful \\'illow \\"llVini:: ai;alnllt lh<' Loni:: Bc11~h Stars. FurthPrroorP. thr toi;a the ~l er­ r han111 will put un for !hilt occ11- ~lon will be h111nd nl'"" it \I'll." re- •·l'al~d by Bus1n•'~• ~fanHi;t'r Ed !..an<'. Pun::h1tll<'ll !hrnu1:h ~P~·nsor­ lnl.'" n1trch~nt11. th~ n ... -.-· ruonk~Y 11111\s "''tll b" lli;hl t:,rey trtn1mf'd in n"J ""Hh rf'rl <'llP und 11ock11. Re11I rolorful. .'IOt:•:u Dr\l..J.l'l.A.1't:Rs "Our unly trouble 1i; i1ncl!ng ~noui;/1 bullrolay('r.~ to fill '1•m," Lane .said. ·11r e\•rryonr shon·a u p lhr.~e t111.r.•. \\'I.' hll\'t' " l<'lll!l or .-xactly nine mt'n." Th111'11 pnr fnr lh•• t•,.uri; ... Loc•l H11rhor Arf'a , HARBOR ~o~ PAGE 2 ·PART111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 TOP ·TAR MILERS TAKE OUT AFTER NATIONAL PREP MARK "'"~ lll'<"f'l1!! MTl•I ltn<l \\"11~'"' \ltlt •t r.,i.. \''"lit "'"hll·· 11111 L/111\IJ 111"1 111 lh~ 111"· l.u1°:Jt'i> IO J>d \\"1!~1>u z,.0)1 f"r thii•I I·• ,,,.,.nnt f.,t n•r11K1nil· . ,. • on•I 111 rh,• luo.••I. J ,.,. '" '" ·1 • ~·••I 111 i; . ~----- "Metro buses r~te a good word from me" cw ~ li'e are quoting B. G. }/arrison of J\fanha tta11. Bl'ach, who ·rides Metro regularly into dot.vnlou·n !AJs Angeles. ""~··bHH,·1·s v.·ho v.·ould like to wl'11r Newport Harbor High's four best distance men ---------;-:::::::::::::::::I the "''"' uruform ., have nnly to 'II tt t t b k h J h' I .•hov.• up at LIOna F l.·L<I 011 ·sun-Wt a emp O rea t e nationa lgh school four- ~. SAFE STANDS SET .J11 y" for a t1y-ou1, Lan" "al•\. man four-rriile relay record d uring a feature ev~t of l.11 not in the picture. -:\fAggic PricC' Photo J\1r. Harrison says: "Your service is fast, dependable and conven- ient. It is economical, too . . at il'ast a dollar a day less than driving. J play a lot of golf. and th'!t "'"«'kly sa\'ing pays a large sllarc of fny golfing expensc>s'.' • FAIRWAY FEM CHAIRMAN I'•'W offlr.-r# or the \\"on,e:."8 Go~r A.•so. ,:tt1nn .,f lr1·lne <"ount1r Club "'"'e ll'J .. .-;.-,J F rr.111 ,v 11t t he Bnnuat nl• "\!nJ:. n ,ry tn•·llu1": ;\fra. J o hn l 'rl<~. <'h~11n1P.;i . ,\11-•:1 1:1 ·.,1:1 .. \",,nf•'. t .. 'lt nflnl•nt c.h11 !rmar. :l!r•. F:• bt-1 l ~l i•n:::in, hin •1~.1r rt.ain r.an: !I.It~. Rny f,\'n111 n. t l"~ll•t,,•r . :\I •~ I\,,,. ll11lll1r r.: ,.,.,,.,,tllrl'. '.'.Ir~ .• John \\"~Id. !ll!o'··!ll\ ~!1 l!.1r.,·1 :-'11'11 1nl•, oh~.rn;an, 11nol ~1<~. :l'•hlll 1;b .. •a ,-t..'11· ,.,.,,, o!·:tll1'.\:1 .\•I• 1•\11.ni.: r 'ollf'· n"1 '1 :.! T \'. ' 'I ! ' J ""' • 1~J;.•· > n ~.!:11 !'1H·.--!\.!Af ~''" l' • I" ' , L1uH Surv\11\', the l'lar.·nli& nine h S A FOR MAY ROWING 11.trh .. ,1 nn !•' ·,. pH1r nf)h111rkrr~ Ln t e anta na Junior College Re\ay:i April 9, it was th~ ~,,,.,.11,1 1r11n1·· 1., Hh"<Jl into announced today by Coach Ralrh R('cd. SAST.\ ;\:..;,'\ (0CSSI ·-1h•· i"a<1 Hut t:hucker SK1n San· 'l"he urn"~" <'Punty g08r.t ur l•n1 1 ""~' d .. nly 1:~>0~e r~~-· from A Tar t eam consisting of T od \\/hitc. J..arry Cas· S11p•'•'·1~"r" T1ie~<!ay inlltru• 1-t11at p•nr,t t•n. A trio of talllt• In tro, Don Beatty and Augie Oslrt)'A"Ski "''ill vie for t'J th•· :-.,--.-·purt 11,11oor ChKu1· th·· t h!i.I friune 11ent lht· !\lt:rChRnU th d · b••r of L\•rnrn.-i"l"e to tak<r u11•• 11. \o'aol that IR~t rd rll'mR1ndP.r e ?"('(Or against teams from &llflov.·cr. Ri\'Cl"'llidc •·whatt:vrr ~I · p11 n.·oc.·ll,.ary" in ur th"' fni y. and R.edlands. A Michigan prep t<'am holds the na- n1Rkini; th"' l'.uun1r-0"·111"l Jo<'k :11t:11t ·t1AST~ :11A<·t: :II.Al> t ional mark, averaging 4 :44 per man for the four ~are fUr ~ranJ~lllfld \'lCWtOJ; S:tnt1ni ""tJTk f'd rJi;:hl Inning•. miJe CO\lrse, of the fifth Knnuttl Wl'lltr rn th<'n Cary t~ord hur!f'd the Una\ 1pnnt rowing .-h,.n1 plon~hl 111 fr1u1P. In a u, P lar <'nlla niRnaged Bellflower instigated the race the coach is con· !\lay ~8 !n the North Ll•lo ,.!x hit" "'1t h h11llvy blow coming f Channel. on Thlr•t ·H1111em11n Gnm'"l'.'11 home iclent hia runners can break the record. "\\'e think l·--------------1 run. !l.lo;o11.nt 1m ... th" ~1~rch1tnl• we can. too," Ref.d revealed, 1-le pc1i11IC'd out Wh ite RACK RECORDS whark•··I out 11 ba11e knvck•. has rambled Uie distance Jn 4 :31, Castro, the Sunset Lll'catlin1o: ,_r.,M alugger.11 "''er" Le \\"ally \\"11.lbroc k. Kenny ~foat11 a nd ague's cross country champ. has defeated White S1tntinl. \\"rlbrock bu~trd 11 homPr in the past, and Ostrowski has tra\'C'led the mile jn Hornet Team l :""~':'~'="~':'':·:'~'~""~':''..'.:'"~':'c"~"~':·'~"-'_"'_'_1 • __ •_'_'"3"•_·_h_H_e_B_e_•_''-'_;,_n_·g_h_1_in_1_h_•_1 _'_"_'_':"_0_'~"------an11 l'antl11l a !hree bagi;Pr. ~ Sizzles in Wet Drizzles • White, Place Bealty Meet lft A !o!A! n{ 7 T'Olnl.11 "''1111 f:ll\hPTf'd by :-,· •. .,.·rmrt H111>or ltl,;h track I fflT!.""11 In !h" nn1111:1! Southrrn 811.: n.-.w recor\1.11-1 rerorll Jn Jt. I 'n unllP• n\r.-t 111 H11nt!n1ttnn I lie]{ "'"f'rP "'"nt\rn Into Ur•ni;:r llr,1 r h ~111ur.t11.•·. l~i1·1>r.•"!" Pot~· CoB~t Colll'R" &nnal!I l~~l Thor.•-"""" lh" 11tq,;P "'"h'"'l ch.irn p ""Ith 1111)' 11• J-"'uL1ertnn·1 d ef<"ndlnJ,: ~!"\" :11 !>"int.•. r rnl•·nnud ,.,..l'J'"'d ,.n1J1.ll JC ""'Un c:hRlllpiOn$ dO'o''!l"•! th .. 3rh•>fll 1111•• ""llh ~(1 1'"•11111 I ho~l!ng P irate& :,J.Jl In JI. (ll"l1.ll1n;; T·•·I \\'h!t•\ /! o!l/l•r !l!1•h".• Tl'· 1·!\ln-w1111h<'d c:nntr ~t at C'<.U1 a M"~" r ••r•I hr,h!• r In lh" nu!,. ':u11P 1n IA nallnn11\ Jun1nr rollri;r 111a111.:~·,."n•l 1n hl.• ~!"!•~lt.1· I" r .. ·rnnn.• t wo puul rc;·or•l11 &nd 1hr•·" f)ro1ni:c "r H"'•'11'1'!•· ,n " .\:in·, Jn•" P o u I Co•.•t 1!-fhool 11t:and.ird11 \\""le Ii•\• \lr~1! ,. :'11\ .. r 1·•;> 1111 11 rt•·l ·l!l1!ll'r, I t"r<'d. f;n1·h··I 11111.\ 1 ... 1,1 ,,,I l"rrt"r nf T J1r P1r:ill'~' 31 -point totul I.• \\'t.,1l•• r ""I l~•·t~hn"· Of (:rn~11- the t.h::hP!t "rorrt! ai::11•n'l th" •1n-n1•·nt 1n a :?"' ~*" f"nflrct h"lll"n llnrn•:"' YP\ lhi11 )'Par by 11 i l~1\•·r ~·'n~ .. 1 l ,o'~l'.\1" •r•11ni: Jun1,1r ro\lei.:·· ~r1u·•·1. ant th~ llu<'~ r""ll I !-(,1111 ' """ 1'l'h .~ 1 :. "" t k<'T't lhP m"r t rr,'<n bf>tnJ: anythln.-F ull· •l"n "·th •: I" ~m111l ~rl-n.•l ! l)\J l a n10R1'·'·'' R.• thry r i<rtnr .. ,1 • •·Ol\" 1 t" n, 1.11i;,,n11 1 ~· 1° n 1:~1 - f1\·~ of !h" !••!\ ln•ll vi.lu:i! rvrn t ~ O•!••! ~ 1"·,,.\• l!•111 ••nl..lnn !l 11 •h' \\"t:HI\ lll "l'~TA:O.UI S~i <;,,Ion r : .... ,.,. ~ nn·I "' """ ~ 1'"111!, I\• n 11 Ju• k \\t bb t 1:rntd in \------------ lli·· ,,,1 "'"111 . .: 1"11·· .. ! lh" .1:1 ... 1575 Fire ·•f hll' l«W•·rr l !hr 11Bl1·'1l:ll Jr 1'• • In Box ~~Jo! l1.1<k ~l••·k~ ''""T'I fi .,111 1 (1-,I ,\ r•ff n;.· •'•ir :., •• n l)L'" hntn~ t. 1 O!".::. '""' h•''•r• l 1: ... (l\'Cl••f F ,,,I T·«•'•"'" 1J:::•~ 1.a l '•·afl I'" I,,.,,,,, l'f 1 •l:! t l•t T l· .. n!111'1.'<"•· 1" .. <'1< :,1 .... ',.,c,,, s~~\ r '~'' n;il r, r•.rol wu• •· 1 l•v F l• ·I ·\irn~.:·· 1\ "'""~ !• l"''I• I h\" l\lllf•h Announcing THE OPENING of the BROADWAY • THEATRE Wednesday, March 16 "BATILE CRY" DOORS OPEN 5:30 • Completely in Cinemoscope POPULAR PR ICES Remodeled • Mounties Rate as Loop Spike Favorites Now J:.a ,\.i•l 1 l.1l1 l•ll••·t\\u la !hr 1 i:n~.,f l!nrr.nr' fl !:• "ht,,,~ In ,,,_,_ !If!' r1•\•I\' o •f!""'I" "111~ ~L I l\"•·t f',l•k••· T>·un n ~ 1 \/l" 1"111 \\flll" l'll"otn1n1n1: fr•r the ~.ime hl,\7." ni'r11rtr·l "' l•J i 2 M 1n Fri· J•••l.:1 1.1 J :71:-:•, T,.n1 Fl.•'lrrr ,,f II· tri•I• 11.iy. Thrr" l•uck.~ =·~·1 11 '""!\ •:.,.J,•:> r,, ,,.,. a n•I G;i"r l'l~r···I f'""a~t·• H.! n ... l•h" ""'"nnn\,.,\ 11ri.•w•l"•l l h<' nl11n, <·n ,. e late1t large Sc re en • Leg Comfort • e Air Conditioned-' Stereophonic Soun d ro r thr•'t· 1n 1,. n.~1 l1ll a11 I~" b•·tt• r-f111.liy """lt .. h, 1.. •' ~.uol "Tl"-'""" •n th" 1'"0 nl li••. "I h1~ (lWll ~\h(•l'll r"ron!ll In lhr l ---------------- f "hall .. y :O.:,~l lf'""''Pnnc rrnm • !00 .~ •. ~tll 11nl ':'Z() 12·1:\:?) >·11r<t f••n1i.,.·1 k,,,.,. ini'".\" wa• ""' nn•l l fr•'l'•!}l"• "·1th .~I .1 •11n<t 2 ·1~ 9 Jn ll1<t1•I fl '!"'I' nt :?~ 1', aft<'f r h·rk ln 1:~ ThP :zo !!mo• 11t~n rl1r· f'""!" \f' f · llf.._e pi<lhnhl.•· "ill .\r, 11n1,., J.« i< 1., \<-r!'un ,,1111 t<l I'" I I/'"""" I r1H nf t h<' fl"'nl !"Ptn n ! \\ n lh1· \. \' •'Hf l\ll .. ul•\ !r.~ \1 . ' P 1 r f ':' 1 •flat hr]J h\' F u!!Pr\nn 5 Jim 11 ·, i. , "1!,,"t'·T'"l!l\ 1 .. ~.• 1 , ~1 1 :·::: 1' ="'•fl! •ol•·• f!\~1 11111,! 111 11\•' !"t .. 1·rJ111n · io;1 ·1 ,\1" •ti.·• l •&t .,_.,.,.k,.n•I l.i<rly hit'lll 11n<t \,,\\_, 11nJ t l<'d tnr thor! 1.1"0.'"S L'" Tlfllll.1.ER "Ill i:11,. tin• ~:011nl :·~ the c:'hain-in t l,. l.1r h JUn1r . Gr <>ri::t• l .. 1·rin.~ roun '!~<I out !he !'l"hOOl ~!ll n<!llT•I •! "'"" f1 1·m to :?·~I 1, Best Screen Entertainment "Buses save about 50% for me" "That difference Uct"·('('n bu:< farC'S and driv ini.; may not :<nt1nd 1rnporl:1nt on !he run lo ff1 \'C'r~idc<' :<talcs !\I r~ t-:d .... ·ard Frater~. tclephnnC' opC'rat or "''ho hvC's in Arl1n1-:t!)n "I3t11 rt n1oun1 !. u p l'm learning lo pl ~y our Ill'\\" \\'ur lit7.C'r ori:;:1n, ;ind m\· ":'-.lt·!ro 5;1\"lt\Cs" "''i ll kl'l'P n11· 1n ~h;Ct n111~1c I3l•~idt'5. I l1kl' r ul.1ng :-.tctro hu~l·~. l lu·y ·r l" o;o C{ln\"l'/Ul"nl, :ind lhC' dr1\"Prs <irC' s<J nicC' and fr1('nd!y:· METROPOLITAN COACH LINES ~ l>t'""9 1 1~ <0"'""~'" • ••·~lo• "'~o•I•• 0"""9t ~ ••••·dr o~d '.,.,~ 8c·•o•d·~o ~"~~··"' f ur ;\lr rro irn1·r l 1nfr,r11 tr/f1 .. •1 '·II ll a rlu•r J'•'!l~hll' 11 1h1· "''n ••I 1'ft<'n Ii~·, T o1n1 :-.nil IC"k a ~•2 .'\ quarter !\ay·.., rerord-hreukln i.: BJlluri;~ bi· lh" I >, n• 11·.·· ~("T~ -.--a~ fi~ to 6 1 milll'. S.\t' "·~ .. "h"•·f 1111111 0 ,., final \\1 nnlni:: thl' :?{'I() \'llrd bn·a#L•lrok~ "l"h·• "nny 'f th~ .. (h•-,h1l'" r :tt.,•I e•·• nt. !hp relar. which 1'!1. Sar In a lhriller. l._1'01;# tourhcd out thl' the 1"" t.•p I• 11rns ~" Pllt1y 1n th•· Homtlll' !\.fonte E:U!ott h}" l"S~ thBn ~"·'"''" 1hn1 11 .. •n~· <'! the ' ·JrJ" '1· "'·on "R$rly. lhT"P lnr hr # lo knnrk h i~ own \11t11 11t 1\t II• 1<' .i"'"fl"rinl! T h<' •IUl'l "-'\11 bP 1o II<'"•\ Ill lh<" C•'l\1•'ftlli'P :;;,,pht1nll\re r ... I< l.cn·lw~ll \\'Ill J'1 clbRll!r \h" l•!l•U1,.. hq" I ( th<" •lay, i:;ptrlat .. r ], n :11.0ll "h" dh\'r. fnr thP l '1r11.t ··• h·' I <~ t '•' hnd hf'Pn unable 1 .. ""'•!;• t" 1! ,~ ~ .. ,.. ~on b•·ra u~ f'f :u ri.i· 11\I•' """i:n1\l· ment-'. and \\lth I•• t han f 1fl""" m1nutc11 n('l\!r<', ~\ll>•\\t u-. I f •r !~~ Bue:•' •b~rn! ,J11,"' 1:. II ;on I "I'" thP. dlvlnJ:: ' I• 1" t1l1• n 117 ~ Jjl• 11J 141,2 !or Ft::i,:: I:!' \, ••• 1:,~~ n1,..,.l ,\1•111 ~·7 i(I. Summer Leagues forming PYTHAGORAS uses N~ Angle PE~HAPS THE5E YELLOW FAG::S WILL HELP TO SOME DEGREE FO• PUcll( ;,(COUNTANT5 IT FAYS ro LOOK IN THE ·'ctA,SIFIED• PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE 600~ IM I'~ ('fl:lfl'f;Tt: ~llln)" · t lh•• P,or.11 "ill r flml"':" In !h<' J'••o"h l'll<•flo" ,\,\]" Ul•<'t lt11JO. l'ntnr•!nv nt ~:a•t J..n. Ani:"J('ll ,Jun••'r ; ·.,11,.i:P tRlfl"•I out 111.•I F11 1urd11~· F1 ... r1 -r'" \•"! D1U !'l-.-·1s,.hrln1 ... r FAl'\R Ana "~I llPfP!l\.-(\ In h!• ht>•t rnr" th" 100 by J1n1 ...:~11.1· \\"h" fll n fl 7 f.:\\"IJO.sh,!rri ""Ill ~hnu\ .2 ~t"(""n•I• 1 ... n .nd K.-11~--K .. l\y 11- lt'.111n l<n'"" k···l ~anla A na" h ~f''"" hy 1~·1111.: l'\\"l •~h~lm !n !ht :•:11 T h .-,1,,., l h··11t "'1\11 n1n In ':'I~· J im r."' r "i,o "'""'rl~· brokll' 1h,.. f1,1n ~ !>•il '"' ··t·1 <'f I :'>j a """""' •~fl. \\'II.• 1~ a:, n I•·• !\1,•.inUto Chi. " 1':•rk1'~". 11.·· 1 ·1 r-"l • 1m:•!l "• "''"r '"11~ ,;,,, ri•n l n1r.7~~ :!. )'l•\·1,·11• "'' K 11 k bl' 11 1•·• ,,,,. tr•"'"!':•~,, tt ~ I I~~ •• I 1•1 \•I 11,1, T\\11 S ar.!., .\nn • !~11!01 !11 •, now ENTER NOW Mixed Fivesomes Mixed Foursomes Men's Scratch Ladies Handicap VAN'S BOWLING I ;u;i !i'up1·rinr, Cost.a !'lru. Bii.i. KLOTZ.. Mgr. Ut.-rty 8-S292 I CAN SOLVE GEOMETRIC ~MS sur TAX FOAAIS ARE All GREEK TOME IJNtl·liy I Md o£ IO,,_,. H II 1uid~ fp 1'1.-wit• Hlf •r SIHV~ A I hcifit Teltptiool • ,. ' J 1 1 •• MIGHTY MAN OF THE MOUND nal'a what Coach Wendell Plckena of the Orange Cout Co~ending Eutern Collterence diamond champe hopem Jerry Rice will prove to be thia aeuon. From Down- "7 Hilb School. Rice waa an all-around athlete before becoming a Bue. Big of frame with plmty on the pelota. be may be tabbed number one burler for the Pirate... Action in 1..p. competttion reta underway Friday at Kt. San Antonio. Fint loop home p.me for tbe Bae8 taJr• place Much 22: -<XX Photo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------------- PRETZEL TWl8TER8 -Theee boyw learn..."Cf how during the March 11 Southern Cali- fornia Invitational Wreatling Cbamplonahipa ataged 1.n· the Orange Cout College gym- nuium for the .econd atraigbt yea. The So\lthern California JC headapinnlng. l~~e title trophy wu preaented to co-champe El Camino and Mt. San Antonio, who bed m dual meet atandinga over the eeuon. El c.am1no compiled 102 ~i~ta t~ repeat ~ SCIW champe. Sophomore J erry Shiffer led Pirate entriea by w1nrung third place m the 167 lb. clue Dan Caulfield wu fourth for OCC in the 157 lb. division. Jerry Vaughn, pre-to~ey favorite for the 177 lb. trophy cracked two ribe in hia opening match and dropped from competition. -OCC Photoa SAILOR NINE SOCKS PILOTS FOR VICTORY STILL TRYING ~ £ PIRATE CREW OPENS ROWING Tod White Sets New Mlle M_. ff.Q~ COMPElmON AT SAN DIEGO As Tan Downed ly Fullerton .. ::~~.~::.~~~~:;,~· ~:::;. OCC Divotmen Aim for Win in Sixth Go ~1y tomorrow over lhe Banta Ana ~1) TM ~ Clout CoU.1'• crew will l'O Jnto compeUUOD 1 · Bea b Country Club links In their 1lxth for the ttm time th1t 1ur on 8aturda7 wht!l t.bq compet. Snapping back .from' & 13-0 drubbing by Long c try for a victory this year. The A /',/). · tl'tt.b t.be 8aA Dteco Jtowtnc Club 1;t Bao Dieco. Willon on the rival diamond lut week, Coach Emil Neeme'a occ dlvotmen tied Puadena City ~· Complet. ~ tor u.. -• ot Pirate .porta wtl1 Tar bueball nine nabbed a 7...f practice win over the i:xcel-Coll•~• in tbel" opener Feb. t u d I'(-•--1·""-llome rac• April t wtt.b UCLA aad May H wtt.b U8C. ·lor PUo•-on .... _ u-...... r High diamond Monday afternoon. have dropped tour straight alnce. '/• -..... -.. ... ~ ~ uu Pomona'• Sacehena won a 30-' de-~ · ni.. racee will take J)J.aa la the ~ C2la.uel ~ at Jim Newkirk became the first Sailor cbuclter td"ko the aeven, etalon In tbC"ir t1r11t meetlnK wit.II ,,. •• . ) •• • . · U :OO a. D\, kin& Coul March 4 at Loa S.rra.noe .,.:~~· li?; ·:*#J·/.·~ '. ... ~ .. Oil A~-2~1:~ ':: ::-D:: ~0:1.! ~~ -:n ':';,:ie~~ ~ft~~ ':in~ We llUOll In rac Bue N~tme-rn cc~laylng without lbree resutara, UCLA, Aprtl IO, anct UIU""8it7 of cautorlll& at Berkelef, J'l•e runa ln lha flnt frame Mt.-Coach Ray Roeto'• charcu drop- ~ 21. Ued the cont.Mt. 8lncl• by Catch-ped a S<>-O blanklnc to Paaadena CUmu Of the~ wtU bet.be Weet.en NaUonal lstrint er Paul Lorelltaen. N-ktrk and 0 L Ft-lday. March l l, al Pasadena '• Th• lent.a Ana Country Club Regatta May 28 at the LI . OuU\eJder Blll Wet.lei and rival er-The Buell' number ane mu Don do Chan.neL pen eague Brookside Country Club. rora accounted for the m..rkera u Mollica was lo•l for Ule .... on LadlH' Tue9day Ma&ca Pl&¥~ JtrTY HdperiA of Udo la1e wtlh a Poter ot. Paramount. The matcll 11 men trekk.ci to the platter for Pl Frid laat week when he algned. a pro ney In a.a.. MA" WU won bJ M .... comblned Mt aeon ol as. l(ra. DoCI went oftl'tlm• Wilb C&rroQ and Newport. ay ay contract a.ti au1ata.nt profeNIOnal Hany BaJtn, BunUnstoft Be&dl, Harwood and Kn. A.I 'ntt&QJ of Raa1a ~ the ctoWD on the FANI SEVEN ror a Milwaukee country club. and MlnS •• down lO ,,_r u Jin. Shon CUffa ~ wtt.b Kn. Jack flnt atra lilo&a. Bolla Solf•ra nl Newkirk iet up a mil• ln the when Bob Diehl 11nd Bud Sleva John Coalq, Lon& 8e&dl and Mra. wu-, Lons 8-cb, aod Mre. pen. n>e -tch..,. nip and tuck third frame and wu rapped for 91 n;aaY fHOMl'IO'N turned up &lck Friday, Rouo wu Olen Vedey, llunaet Beach. tied Dick Jon.. of Balboa bland piac· all th• way with Potter and Lee three blnp• and a pair of acoru, forced to fill In with reeervu Bill for -d betns two doWn to par. e4 aecond wttll a combined net to-eotnc up the nrat hol .. but they but IMltUed dowt1 to burl hie way Wlnlua tn three P"ctlce out-Bttk, Sid Tova tt and Eddie Pmr- ln Cla. "8" Mn. L. D. Cott-taJ ol H. mad• the tum only one up. They out of trouble. In all. Newkirk lnr•. coach Bob Oabome'• Oranre mu. • tnc Jr., Banta Ana. took low nd Two teem9 Ued tor Ute tllll"d bad a cloee battle on the back aide whiffed ..ven Pll<>U. 'Excelsior Cout College tennla playel'I open ------------ booon Cllll down to p&r &a Mra. epot with combined net tot.ale ot wtth both team1 taking the lead cam• u w1lb alncle talllu ln the lhelr Eaetrrn Conference campal(ll Jonn Pott.a. ll'uli.rton,' placed aec-S:S. ~1 were: Kn. Tom~ twice but were unable to hold thetr fourth !'t,d fifth. tomorrow 1galn1t defending cham-LEGAL NOTICE ond ~ two down to tbe o&e -· Lido ble; Mra. ma. M11Jer, advantase. Harbor Hieb acored ln the He· plorui ML San Antonio at Cotta ------------m..ur. llre. Bob MlUer and Mra. Balboa; Mn. Ben H~. Banta -P'OllE--. , _.. ' ond on lhrM walkt and a hit ball-Meea. Bin• r-u of Santa Ana dead-Ana; and Mary K. Brown ot La-The Willowick Ooll Club ._..1.. man and acaln ln Ule fourth Inn-Bl'CS 1'TRENOTHENJ;D Jocked for the third apot, Ulree (WI& Beach. The other team con-Tueaday Crl•-CrON toumey In 1 r on •troli. and a tlnfl• by Left.-Tbr Mountie• walked oft wllh NOTIOE OF Dl880LUTION OF 00..PAJCTNr.:RSmP NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111-PA&E J THURSDAY, ~RCH 17, 1'55 !Annual Bible I College Fete Honors Sport "Cavalcade ot Sport•" wu the theme Of the AMuaJ Ath)•Uc Ban- quet of the Southern CaJttomia Bible Coller•. held Jn Ule Collep Dining Hall lut Tbunday, A de- ltclous tried chicken dlnner wu IMlrved to approximately 160 •tu- dents, faculty membe ... and friend• followed by a resume of the 1portt program tor the put year. 8UMMJ:a TOUU TOLD O&d llR.abHlllbecl 1DlluruDe • ApMIJ AU n... wrtttla. BOWARD W. G•Rl8B llOI Newport Blvd., Oolta ..._ PllON'S .........,. 1-1119 Call DAN'S TY Berftee ............ Lhtyl-WI llArt'BUSIB ......... lftllffw .,......., ...... ........, ... . o.ea.._ ......... o.. llMN_,_. ...... Guut speaker, BID Odle, ath- letic director ot Taylor Unlver11Hy, Upland, Ind. rel•Led the effective work that can be done throuch atheleUca to curb dellnqu.11cy and ralae the moral •t.a.Jldardt of col- lege ace youns people. Odle capU•- aled tbe JT'OUP u he told of t.be two aummer toura w the Orient ~;:;:~~=;=::;;;:;;;;:;:;;:~ on which he took Tayl.or'a .b&aket-BE SURE • INSURE beiJ equad, playlnf undefeated u- bJbltJon 1arn-. and p~ the .- Ooapel to hundredt of epect.ator9 JIAU... ftAllUIT betwMn balfl. t1 I ff Olll:r .......... ..,, 1be banquet. under epouonb1p 1111 a. 0... ....... of the Men'• and Wom•'• At.bet-0..... ... .._ le ANoclaUon, wu emceed by Alb-':::;:=:=:=:=::==:=:=:=:~ leUc Commlu1on.• C2lucJt Kcl>oa-;: ald of Richland, WuhlnstAm-ID- troducllls th• prosram ot t.be • .,.. Inc wu a bl&rtq fanfare b7 a lline piece brua ball4 aa Lbe 8C8C "Ambueador" quartet bunt UU'U a huce paper maichl footW at one end Of the 'l'Oom. *-d ...... ~ ..nJMY .. ..., .... om.....-. u ......... -o.c.-.... ~ ..... ...... IQ unlforma of the four ooUecw ~;;;:;;:::;;:::;;;=:=::=;;;;' 11port-. 8pelca.J mt181c:aJ arraap-;; ment.8 'for the bend and quarWt Ner1rt v....., were prepared by talented nu ·r Dunaway, a eopbomore lltUdat null I ... 19 ...... from Vallejo. We ...._ "Olwwli ...... Anuzno AWAJWS a.-........... ••wwm&m The procram lnc.Juded p,...~ tlona to student. Who eal'1Md la~~========:=~ ter block.a ud lpeClal awarda. Wo- men' a awarda wtre in-tecl b)" .Ml .. Florence Borptrom, dlnctor of women'• atheleUca. BJ unaal- moWI vote ot the (lrl't buketllaU team. the lnsplratlonal a.ad mo.i valuable player trophl .. went to J4Laeet lknna Hottman and Lf8ll Cate, rtllpl'!CUWIJ, boUa Of K~ L8ke. Wuh. llllA .WHOLSllllN. 111''0 I .. a DEq I a.-.w• -··---a..· ... down to par. •l•led of Mra. ICarl PaW.oa, Ir· ClaM "A" found Ml'9. Jl"rank Don· n the ll:C matcb play title Jul year Mn. Jack J\Une) and Mra. MerrlJ Ylne Terrace; Mn. Robert Bdf-aldaon, Anahdm, In first place I !lelder Dave Buckman. but have bff.n bit hard bJ cradua- BothamMJ, Sant.a Ana. Ued for the ner Corona del Mar; and Mn1. with S2 polnta. Mr9. Marjofte OOOD BACll8TOP 'OB lion, while lhe Buca will be low llpol ln a... ·c-· two down Joh 0 n c,_, Bay 8bona. Dawe, Lone Beach, placed eecond Lottnlllen, talt1DJ over behind etttn~hened by the prota.ble re- to par with Mra. J . A. Harny Jr. • -roa&-with S3 polntt. Mra. AJ Rdder, the platter In the abeence of re1-tum of trtterman Dick Hanaon, et ~ All lilr9. lky llmlt.h, TM &an.ta Aaa Country Club Arw.helm p.mered thJrd place 1 ul&r back.atop Dick Mtrkovlch, th• num~r one ooc atn1le1 entry. Corona del Kar, tJed tor .condi Men'• 8atw'da)' Match Play tour-with 34 Potnta. j turned In a credible Job. "We Hanaon hu bffn adviaed to nurae place thNe down w par. name:nt In C1aaa "A." waa won by Jn Cla.u "e• Mrs. Joe Helnu, ahouJd h&Ye lo.t th.at Wllaon pme a pulled ter m1aCle for the ~ -.rGU-Bob Corfman, Corona del Mar with Balboa, took top honora With a3 otlly 4-0." reported Coe.ch Neeme. malnder of the eeaaon. bUt a ~ Nell Rall ol Gardela GroYe, pl&-a WWiant _,.. of eJ&'bl up on potnta follow9d by Mra. Lory "But Lottllt.&en unexpectedly bad UAJnlnaUon cleared the Anabelln c:ed eecoed ln tbe W\UowtcJt Golf ,.... Walter 8chmld, ea.ta ,....., R.oebm, Santa Ana. who coUected to take onr for MttkO't'tch, mo.-aophomore for a trial run Friday. a.tie BUnd ~ tou.meJ °"r pMc«I 8eCODd w1lh a .... en up~-34 potnta. ThrM saJe Ued for th• Ing In from nrat bu&, and every· Long Beacb Stat• Colleg-e plc.ked tba ..it ~11 and picked up three Y&ntac-on par. Bob f'o~ Lido thJrd apot. '1'h17 wari Mra. Mor-lhinl elM Memed to l'O wron1-up the MCOnd ba)f of a on• wttk Men'a"awarda were made by the c-oache11 ot the varloua aporta - Oa\'e Jrnkln11, a 1enlor atudent The CO-pa.r\nen1b.lp of ALFRED from Al'llhrl01 who coached fool· PETER P'U!ICH'ER and THOMAS bill: J ohn Wl'lll ng of Coat.a Meaa. ALBERT GRAHAM beretoforf' coachlnir thf' buketball squad for f'Xlltlng under the name of "ART the flr•l Y«'ar. and Rev. Merrill MET AL FJNJSH'l:RS" locat1>d a t H. Rog'era tor tut year'•• 110tlb&ll 20211 Harbor Boulevard. Cotrt& act1v1Ues and the CWTent swlm· Mesa. CaJ!lomJa, WM, by mutual ming achlevf'mtnlll. Men'• batket-arnement and ron.enl of lht ...,at 1leJla tor hia effort.t. la&e tl.n.IMed t.hlrd u Bab had par ton CroebJ and Mn. Gil Yorba of StUL evu the New Tork Tankeu home and borne ~rlea with the -f"O..._ abt 'down. Sd Holm•, 8anta An&, Santa Ana alone w1th 111-9. Ed Al· cot beat that day!'' Coat.a MeAM Friday, March 11. TIM ._ta Ana Couatry Club .,.. ln tCllllrth .poc.. lld bad the ole Jen of Newport 8-cl\ wtUl 15 Thi Harbor Hlgb Junior •anlty by blanktnc tll4' Plratn Mon the l.&clMe' rrt4&J BUnd Nine touma-mut4r fow doWn.. llowwd J:nna. potnte .-clL nine defeated l:xcelalor'• JV'a with Cout. court.a. The Statera. on• of -t ta a... "A" wu wan bJ AnaWm.. ftnilbed fUtb. Ul1'M up la ou. "C' Kn. O. L lldll-O&ry a,,_ twlrllns a two-bitter, the top t.eama Jn California atate parties hereto. 'dlHolnd u of th,. ball "captain of the year" and ln- llt day of March, lt~. and the sph·atl<>n•I a war<i!I •·ere ,.tven to par tnerahlp bualnHa h .. been IOld ' Claud,. Re<lln~rr. North Hollywood. a.nd taken over by Thomu Albert anil Snm Hoch~tatter of Moaea Graham u the 110le owner thereof, Lak W h who w1U cor.Unue to operate the -;;e~·~= .. ===:==============:;;;:::;;;;;:;::;;;:==; bualnelll at t he above addreaa. -: and under the name u d atyle of "ART METAL FINISHERS." llra. Kea Newm, Newport Oil par. TM m-.1o1tne at tlle ner, Newport Rel(tl~. walked off collece ra.ntu, alao took an 8·1 B..,..t.I, llOOriq a OIM Under par Qoulltry Club outdld themee)Yea W1th top honora p.thtrlnJ 27 OYer lhltd place fA the play-otr. de<'ltlon at Lon( Beacll 1'>e8day, Mt I&. Kn. Baroid Decbr, Coe-~ Too bad the}' wer.i't pomta. Mra. C. W. C2laptMD, San--FORE-March ll. Dated thla 121.tt day of March. 19~. ta M--. ud Mn. Lea lloJle, X.. p&aylftJ ~ teun match wtth eome ta Ana. placed eeoond with 28 R.«menaber all OIWIC• County oo 'l'IDU Bftl!I l'W\& 8-e.h. Ued fw MCOlld wtUI otber dub. point.a. Mra. Paul P8q1a1n. D Toro, Sollers _ the Oranc• County Golt The third <*lblu pa.lrtnr of ------------'°~ Mt_.... Mra. CUtt No&Mr, In O... "B" Walt Ba.air and ftn"9tled t.ht~ With JO point& Cbamplooablp ta now rotnc on at eopbomora Jerry Enns and Hunt-thelr number one man. Ht.N10n. Coroea deJ Mar, pi.cect thtnl "1th 11art Vln8oll. 8&Ata An&. Ued for --POa&-HunUnJton BHch and JOU ban lnrton Beach treehman Leonard ni. nfth llnelu pa111np pilled ALFRED PETER FISCHER THOMASALBERT ORAHAM No. 1303 N~Pr81 3{17/~ a Mt IT. tint p.c. wtth tow up adYan-Ttle WWowtcJt Gott Club'• Xix-unW SundaJ, Ma.rch 20t.h to com-Bl.lcailua wu the onl1 Oruce a Cout alumnu. &('&in.at the Bue• BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MJ:8A Cl:lAP&L 170 8upenor A••~ Coata M.... C&llt. Phone Ubert.J 8-ll.Jl CR4.P1:L BY TBll RA MJO C. Coast Bini. Corona deJ a.tar, CaUf. Pboftl earw u CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 In Clua ..... Mn. John Pott., tac-°" JIU'· Merle ao,1e aod Dr. Id tou.nome 8uada7 tournam~t plet• your quallfytnr round of 18 eout entry to p more than two u ltM letterman Bill Bouck de- J'\au.rt.on. ~ tba pa.cit With • w. v. "Pet." n.ctweU. Santa ended In a u.rea-w&y U. beureen holeL No matter what your hu-•la. 1omig to the 41'er• Dour f1at.ed Jack Ktnnedy, 6-0. e-2. net M~ u Mra. Bud llolilWln. Ana, dMdloclled tor MCOlld place three teama all Clll'd1nc uader dtcap, there will be a tllfhl for at.rans and BUJ Bouck 10-1, 1-C, Bouck pla)'9d the 11umber two •In· 8bore CHtta, ftnlaMd MCOlld wtt.b wtth a tJarw ap UcklnJ on Mr. Par. ta Tbe7 pia,.cl a llUddell d4atll n'erJ (Oller w1lo en.ten th• tour-2-'. cJu poalUoll Jut ,_r and wu the a~IT~.~~~ -PO~ ~~~Ral~.~~~Ou~J~~to ~~~~~~6~~~-~~=~~~t:a:~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corona dal Kar Md KI'S. L. t>. Tba WU1owtck Oolf au·a Men'a and partDer Kn. Chuck Wallaoe llfl the crown from defendJns won a loneJ7 7-6. t-2 Yktory 1'Ue9-.:. Oott1JIS Jr., lanta Ana. tied for mp-Low pit toureq ceme to a ot Santa A.A& wtnnlnc the ftrwt champion rrect Val9UU!O are~ day, the OllJJ uma t.het Oranp Ullrd wtUl net ... dee& 8'1bda7. Tbe ta-.orttee, &cl Mia u Hal dropped a nn foot.r. '7 Rolledee al Bunttnrton Beaclt, Co&lt CoUece netmen could make I PUllJ-BLU01l OOKPAHY --a. ..... 8L, .... AM PUllJllli -cunt&& A.ND OONOll&TS BIAKlaa a&INPUllCl.NO ftl:SI, ... 8Cl'l'UEa Krs. Walter llaluDid. Oollta 11aa19 and 1Arr7 OllTolJ ot 8&Dta Tom MeON, Ovdm OroTe &Del rminer·up ill 196': A.l lmJUI, 1864 the win column u coach Bob 0.- KN&. took ......... ta a... AM, -Md a Uu1USac mat.et. '-fo ... partner Kn. CW't KeCoJ al Lem-Medalilt from Garden OroYe' Bill borne'• t.ennilta dropped an 1-l "'C" with• • u lln. auf 0.... u.y.,... &bla w taJta UM sneuun on JW(tlta, plued McOed ae a.,.. Dtcbmon of A.nalletm, Mark SuJ-practice lftatdl to Lone Beadl Mata ..... ,.... .... With • al tblU on-ta. IArTJ Lee, old Jobmca Of 0,... Md partJlft' llna of Newport Beach and l'ranll State CoU.C• OD UM ltat.lW' bcm•' Ml .... 11119. a.,-amltll, 0..... T --........ partMr Kanta Mrs. Bal Orea. ........ took ~'+= ol A•MUD.. oourt. Tba Plrate9 plaJ'ld wttMut del Ker Md Kn. K.nl Wt.•=, -..._ ===~-==========::;:::=======~~~~~:::;. 1q, ~A-. u.. ,_...,. wlUI -• · 11¥111£' 1111-•••• • 1mc r • • " alt.. . _.. ,,.. lrtlM -:-o.uatry a. ITAF•O•D·A ION • -~·--..... Paz'tlMlw ~ JlaDda. "!Clll.8 ... DOC" • -• ·-aaonuoAL OC>Jtra&Ol'OM -.t--.wu.-~tbet.. n..a.a.trM• et ,.,.. .1o1m l>NrJ'. o.-.a .., ue llhwJMe &.-•"'"" ...,. ..... Mn. .... ...... Md Kn. ~==~~~:::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::=::::::::~ falck S.rwlce roa loller s~.~- ............ aatM ... O.tiola~·~ _....,.. e V.netJM .... CALL ........ THE SHADE SHOP ......... M ............ ............. Of&. POI MllCHANIS PIOTICTIVI •VICI It NIWPOIT HAllOI A..UA CALL LIHKHI f·16M 9111'CJ110TcU ~ • • • STATI ~ERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Divi1ion of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY • RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE oa TOO IMAl.I. -_. It.. Newport 8-* ..,._ 1511 • lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. COCllt llwcl. Lat-l••c• la CL&NCY TODAY roa RIOllEIT ftA.D~Df VA.LUE I CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pontiac DemoutratJoa • I _, ) .. • ' I ·~ 1 /. ,. THUltSDAY. ~CH 17, 191! 1. PAGE 4 • PART 111 -N~~T H,YIOR NEWS.PRESS .. PHBUS SHOOTING W.INS HIM TUIKIY • srt. L V. Pbebu.I, Newport Beach~ department wm a turkey Sunday at a tUl'- key ahoot held at th• South Cout RJne an4 Ptaol Club. Lquna Beach lllb Lodi"' epo"9tlred th• &hoot. phrue th11t a bit. one mlfhl add: "If you etand at the comer of . . .... a.;. ..... -... \ • I 8r11~ J1ry l8"mme1~1 State CALB :: A ///,.·:~. stop Liq1or . Li&elle Tr111fen . warn 1'CIJJJ4- BANTA ANA COC'Nl)-<>r&.ftl'e County Gra.nd Jury "• c • n t I 1 handed fawn a ruolut.lon NCOCD• meadtnr the at.at• l~tuf'9 pro- hibit th• tranafer ol llquor ll· ceneea. The 1nnd J11ry'a retolut.loe pointed out U\e evlla and pu~ic ddrtmut. ruultill1 from tratnck- lq l.n re1&J. ot MICb Been.Ma and ~ WIMill We&• perml ta t..wed u.ndff and punu-, ant to the alcohol benrap con· WJu.aAll HOLD&~ trot law will In all UkeUbood COD· .. ~ from Fon ...... Unue unleu th!' law la a-.'1Nd. A••tt• oo c .. t. The ruolutlon aa.ld : '1l la tM •••••••••••-convlcUon ot thle irand jury that • Main and Balboa lonr enoufh a comproml1ln1 atand cannot bt taken toward abuaee of u.ltUn& !awe by peraone enpfed ln U· quor Ileen.a traffic:." ; LI 0 0 /f(, .. t :, ' . l , . KITE CLASS AT 'coAST. COLLEGE Pro1pective teachers and play ground instructors learn how to make kite. that fly without talla and also how READY FOB TAKEOFF -Professor William Payne, Orange Cout College, demonstrates how to get box kite with winp off sround. He teaches kit~ building elU9 at college. -Staff Photo Seek Title to Old Outfall Sewer Lines on SWB Site Formal appUcaUon to tM Fed· V'&l Department of Health. Edu- cation and Welfare wu made on March 9 by Sanitation Dl&- trtct No. 6 !or uue to old outtaU eewer 11.nee running acrou the former Sant& Ana Army Air Bue. Lee Nel8on. m&J\&l'ar of th• County Sanitation Dlatr1cl of ~ ange County aald the tounty hu posae1111ed usage for aeverel yeara. but title wu delayed wh.lle the old Whittler estate cleared through the courta. The air bue occupied part ot the estate lands. The outfall llnu and sub trunk.p teed tnto treatment plant No. 1. Lateral llnee are not belng taken ewer. Net.on lald It ., d -,,J lJ \ •I l[-~1-, . ~--: -~ · ... --:-.I • J r oor> '(,f.:•J(, •.•. ~ .·,-• ·;,...,~.' .. , ·~1·:. ----------------· Al' 0 THI ARCHES Cafe and. Cocktail Lounge OPU 11 4. II. TllllOOGB 2 4. 11. • is~ra ..,_ • c... mp.., NEWPOllT BEA.CB e (We .,.. a-d -~) Tac:Ge EJtc+Dedee B ot Bop Bmse~ BarbttuN .......... CMek•, ....... Slu1rep • HOME MADE PIZZA • eompletie F_.... Sel"'fb FRED'S DRIYE·IN \ Sl'IDClU.LDINO DI lrOOD TO 00 PbOM Uber'tJ' I-IOU >" °"" O'rUr lVllJ .. WCIUi" !1 Try Oar CoDlplet.ly Eldclee4t' 8elf·kn1~ DlnlJac Room IMI Newpon Blvd. Co.ta Meea to handle ahop equipment at Orange Coast College under tutoring of Prof. William Payne. -Staff Photo MATHENY'S By IOI MATHENY Once upon a titne there were two Irishmen. One wu named Pat. The other Mike. Being two ,Irishmen, sure enough they were often in need of food and drink. Beeauee they were a pair of wise sons of the auld sod. and knowing well where they could get a fine selection of potables and sustenance, they headed for Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Upon arrival In Cost& Mesa, Pat and Mike wue utounded and eomewhat plea11ed to 11ee a place called "THE SHAMROCK." Once Inside they Introduced themaelvea to owner Frei! Krnuae. Fred In turn 11aw that hl11 visitors met Judd and Sam who perform &ft mlx· olog11te 11t Th11 SHAMROCK. Then came the story or the big 8l. Patrick's Day party. Buffet from 11 'tll JO p.m. featuring tur- key. ham, 11alade and au the good· lu that co wttb such a party. THE SHAMROCK alao promteea entt'rtalnment. favors and genuln<' tun !or &JI Son11 O' Erin and to 11!1 eons and daughter11 who attl'nd In per110n. Now If you w1eh to lend your voice to a blending of 1lra, Gaehc or of any origin, you might aee If you can get Oliver Scott over at the HUR LEY BELL. In Corona del Msr. to try a key to pleaae. They eay lt'1 hard to •tump Oliver wllh a melody he doe1111't know or with a key h' can't leat1 -nr fol· low!• Dining by the t lresld,. la ,... putl'd to be quite a "night out" at Lhe HURLEY BELL. Many a local lrialunan and hlJ Colleen will be dreamlnc of Gal- way Bay thl1 eve. lt you're w eb &nd you can't find exacUy what you want. maybe a view of the blue b&y from the TahlUa.n Room at CHRJSTlAN"S HUT will aid and abet the caUM : Speaking of view• then'• a dandy from THE CASTAWAYS. ll ha.~ been 111tlrt that the rolling hlUa back of Corona del Mar are re· mlnlacent of the emerald green ones from whence came Pal and Mike. And one certainly get.a a iruperb panorama ot the Harbor area al the foot ot those hills when lookmg out one of J olly Cobum's windows up 11t TH!: CASTAWAYS. All of thla, too. wh1l11 you i ll and Listen to Buddy Hohnc& piny· Ing nlgbtly ln the Plano Lounge. Therl''• almply no cxcu.11' tor any lrahrnan or Swede or Ba.squl' or anyone from anywh«>re not hav· Ing a good tlml'. enjoying good food. sipping refreshment.a and en· JOYlllg life ln our Harbor ar<'a. Thi' plact's art' here. you betcha! F'r Instance have you Joined one or the old-f11slfloncrl Community Sings down at BALBOA INN CAFE? Dick 11nd Kale Dent In· vlte you to join volcu with 110ng· leader Dorothy Nt'sbltt a ny Sat· urday evening. . Tht' Dent11 are mighty proud. too, of their famed chef, Henry Jonc1, who pl4ces an t'mpha1111 on Cr~le country 11peclaltlee. BaJboa Blvd. lead11 to the door or GR.ANDOLFO'S ItalJan rul&u· rant where Frailk and Olna bring you the we&lth ot their yean of expe.rlence In preparing dellcloue menus feature<1 Jn the old country from which they came. Some wag once aatd. "U you stand e t the comer of Hollywood and Vine long enough you'll '" everyone you know!" To para- the table is set for the finest Italian food at Gran'tlollo 's complete menu for the family • PIZZA e SPAGllETl'I FOOD TO 00 s11 1a1boa 11vc1. BALBOA Harbor 4837 llAL MIXICAN LA POSTAl U you prefer to atay -a& heme to 8ee yom favorite tele\ialoa program try oar bo•ed Ilene.. d.lnnen or apecJal ordera to take oat. 'l'lleY-n ....ty to lel'Ve. PUVATE PARTY llOOJI roa LA&Qll PAll'DES HU N"wpon .BJ•cl. COSTA MESA FoW lleeenatloee l'llo• u 1-2403 • you'll -evel')'Oft• who knv-REDSKIN RAID Sood food rolnl' Into KARAKS." Jim KAIUMlf lltand>by and bu the. itlad hand ready to wel- eane you to hla popular rfttau· ~t at M&ln a.nd Balboa. Webelos Blow Off Stem ·at O'Neill Park J'Hday afternoon from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. the HARBOR HOUSll offera Ila "Cocktail Hour." For J'O'U' Into. the tariff ta reduced Oil •t&ndard UbaUon mixe• \tUl"" tnr tbat period at time. • • ~ea-.'• ll'tiday and SaturdaJ By 8TAN 8llEE · danCtl\I' at H . H. and there'• a1eo The peace and quiet of O'Neill piano muelc ln the lou:nce. J ohn Park wu tom to ehrede Sunday Majurt and "Pete" Rector &tend momlnr by \he 11erume and yeU. a cordial ln'1taUon to 'you and of a tribe of Invading Indiana. Tbe .J'OW"•. . Tribe of the Webeloa. conlietinl' Down Laa'una--way SEAFAJUD of the CUb Scout.a Of Pack 83 Of LOOOll AND RJ:8TAtTR1'NT .pro-Coat& Meaa, btaded by A.Jcela and 'fldee nll'hUy m\Qlc for danc1Dl' bl• aldee, blew off the pent-up and entertatnment. Jo Lantz a.nd 1team of a hard week of 1ehool BW Skflee are tM muelcl&na re-at th.le monthly outlllr. ~lvtnr tbe plaudit.I. Thureday le ~""-. .. Chuck W&l'on 'Nlrht" at SICA· In no Ume at aU "-~Da were J'AJUD_ It'• lald to be a "honey" hang1nr from tbe ire. lik'e a pack wtth an "all you can .. t" feature. ot monkey•. Order wu finally re; .Anyone tor apapettJ ? .ntey ay •tored and bot pmee Of bueball .. aparhettl by ROSSI" 11 virtually and kick ball were under way. a trade-mark ot uaurance of sood Boon the Cuba developed a feel· taatel ROSSJ l1 haTd·by the btr. Ing of empttneu between their belt wide. wondertul htshway near th• bucklee and epln• and crtN of entrance to Corona del Mar. "let'• eat" echoed tbroup the The movie menu aounde Inter-park. Tbe meal coneteted mainly esUng: "The Bridge. at Toko-Rl" of tried chJcken and ealad topped now 1howinl' at the MlllSA. In off with milk, popcorn and manh· Coit& Mua; the LIDO, tn New· mallow•. port, la featuring "20,000 Lu,guea Alter lunch compeUt.lve r amN Under the Sea:" "D&ngeroua Wllen were berun. Sack racee, th,...ler· Wet' I• at thf' BALBOA and the red.racea. potato race• and a tur PORT. ln Corona del Mar. i. ahow-ot war added to the Cub'• enjoy- ing "Six Brldcee to Croee" plue menL Thi• wu rounded out by a "OperatJon Manhunt." hike aroupct the park. Be ate. Be careful. Aa they eay With tt(T't?t they f~ he&e*S In Ireland. "Shlanaa~laaith.'' for home. thaiiktul Uiat Orans• Costa Mesa Pair In Service On Aircraft C...ier TA CHEN I.SL.ANDS ( FHTNCl Earl W. Myre, bollerman eecond claee. USN, i on of C. E. Myre of MT Hamilton St .. Costa M'eaa, and hueband of th.e former Min M.&r9 tan J. Chase of Seattle. and Wal· lace E. Gavin. y~man third claa1. USN. eon ot Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lillard of 232• l!llden St.. C-Oata Meaa and-hll4band ot the former Mi.ea ltaxlne M. Queen of Llbel'&I, Kan. are eenrlng aboard lhe att.aclc aircraft carrier USS Yorktown. The Yorktown OJ>f'r•tl!d with the U.S. Tlh Fleet. provldlnc air cover· ace and aupport for the amphlbl· oua craft taking part ln the Tach· en Iala.nda evacuaUon . NOW SHOWING . .., Bridges· To Cross" wttll TOJ'to'Y CUllTJllJ -PIP - . . - which means, "Good health d a Co~alntaln1 euch beauUful onr lfkl~1"1!~~iifffii\'\lfli!'iRY"l~'ft'rt----w.-.'t':::-::!::zr::::~ ..... ~i-... .c!"'11~~k-ll""fl~"*.-._., ______ -I \ people. Skibicki ••tlary at Party Reported Burclary of $80 and her wallet Thunday nlrht Whtie a party &t her home. UM Park Ave .. waa In progre1111 wu reported t-0 police by GeneaJ Sldblckl. She aa.ld ahe left her purse In the powder room. thM transferred It to a bedroom. 110 wu not aure where It waa loot· ed of wallet and cuh. ~.KP -,_,,,,w IALIOA INN Jn addition to that theft, •he reported $3 ln change taken from a glUll In a hall rupboard. ~ • CAFE COCKTAILS Taussig on Polygon Dinner 5-11 p.n\. Deily (Cl01ed Tueaday I Hugh A. Tauulg of Newport Harbor. a student at Calltornia I Stale Polytechnic College la a member of the Polygon at.a.tr. The l'ngln~rlng magaxlne 111 published by college 11tuden~. Ducommuns Go North The Alan l'orwood Du.com m\1115 of Bea<'on Bay 11pent most of last werk In San Franc1t1co where hr wt'nt on bu1lne111. • SA TU RDA YS • Dorothy Nesbitt leads COMMUNITY SING IN BALBOA "Superb Food" PA&&J.NO u:&VJCE ROii OU& oooa ..-01HE "'MN'>r • i<f TOY£ ... ... shure and won't ye be alter sharin in the • :: IHAMROCK'I . St. Patrick's Day Party ' BUFFET 6-10 p.m. (.._. . ._,, ENTERTAINMENT FAVORS 3 piece combo THE llELODIEBS It's. a Great Day! Shamrock CA.YI: A COCKT AlL LOUNG II: ln4 Newport Bh·d. C:O.ta lleea with Hany To..-- Coming March 23 BIG Tf:C"H~ICOLOR MU81C"AL "Hit the Deck" 'r!tl£i1j Eve Dow 9tut.lr61 eo.ttn-au. ,..... 1:11 NOTE ClollU..._ 811ow 8et. rw._ '1 ll ........ ""-... Adalt• No-.ln. 11&-()MJd. lie I UaUI l tlO p.a. NOW IN 'l'llE SEOOND WEEK W'll..UAM ORA.CS HOLDEN· KELLY FREDRIC ... CKEY MARCH · ROONEY. SECOND FEATUaZ-"TANOA TIJlA• Coat. Saa. from t :IO-WMlr o.,... 8tart.e 1,.-. 1-2 llt ......... ..., ., ....... I X T • A • ~ e I 0 a e I e 0 I I L :=--. ,,, ••.... •a•c••• WAT••• I X T I A • • Oilateh a.D CIMR UcP IX f Ii A •• S,1d1ala AUTOMHIU lllOW .· ; IXT •A.•• lltO•TIMAM'I IHOW \X TI A • •• e A I O"v I• DI I a Y L:q :( )",.. {MAICH 22"41 OHl Yl ' .1 .. •. _....,._....,.. r4 ' . . . . .. , ... _. ,. ... --· r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE 5 C .. of Swl••llll Herold I. JohMon .o .......... THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 ......... -.t,. 15 (/'\)o.e.::::c.~ ' I I MARINE NEWS aa1vw.w.,,N..,,... ..... . ' ~I TIDI TAILI ! l'rtda7 K&rcb 11 ' l&tl&l'dq K&rcb tt 8Wldq K&rcb IO lloadq K&rcb 11 TuMday March n Wedneeday ll&rcb n 'n,unilay March H ' n-•P ':U Lm. t :IMI p. lft. ~II Lm. T:11 p. m. t :ll a.m. T:2t p. m. T:06 a.m. 1:51 p. m. T:41 a.m. 1:15 p.m. l :IT a.m. l:U p.m. BL 4.1 u ... a.t '·' '.2 1.1 ,.e 5.J a.1 / a.1 a., 1 :10 L Jn. '·' t :H p. m. a.7 hclao ~t aa.mp ~ (i) Cf nuT rcu. L.U'I' n.. lb. Lew 12:1' p.m. O.J 11:12 p. m. u 11:41 p. rn. o.o -"·······-·.,·---·- 0 :11 L m. 1.1 1:11 p. m. -0.2 1:07 L m. u 1:'40 11· m. -0.J 1:'8 L D\. o.• l :OI p.m. -0.J l :H Lm. 4.il 2:17 p. m. '·' .1:06 L Ill. -0.J l :OT p. m. O.J Time • HSW -JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Oceen , Merine end G~nerel ln1u.re"c• * ~ 80tJ'l'll 00.&ft 00. ...... N ..... _..._ Yon A•t•orhed 'l'B~LOO llllr"I' s .......... n. ...... ,._flip- ....... di .. .. Pacific ... , ... .. NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T ~EXPERT DEMONSTRATES · Q1JAllTD llOON QUUTE& llOON ome.1 Oona --... --· ......., •1111 --.u ....... c.-..... ., ... OeMa 1197. ft. u .... ,.. Aero. from AJl.A.DMrtcu lllEI. WhtJe Paul W. BIDer, at microphone, ezplaina varied DMthoda for tiptmg differmt typee of flree. membera and triend9 of the Newport Harbor Flotilla 27, Divtaion 2 of tbe Cout Guard Auzillary watch a demonstration BALBOA SQUADRON MEMBERS TO JOIN ·1N SPRING MEET • District Conference Features by a company repreMntative. Al Oberg, Ullstant harbor muter ·and trainJDg officer for the tl~ made ar- rangement.a for the demonatration·whlch wu stapd lut Sunday at the Cout Guard "dock &Na. -Staff Photo ,.,.,..... ~-QC Bf&J;A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~tt~"" Bqu&drci\ will meet with ou er • Dollh • r, no I 1 equadroaa of the 13th Diltrlcl. only conducts the be(innlllg pilot-._. ... "''•'J''"'' Unli.d Statn Power 8quadron.t. Ing courM. wblcb all membent at tbe annual 1prtng conference mutt take and pua, but addlUonal •t for Statler Hotel ln Loa An· advanced c:ounu u well. The be- cele .. on Karch 19. (inning coune I• offered twice ' I A naUonal organlaaUon of 176 year, free of charge, to the public. equadrona and over ~.000 actiw Over a quarter of million people member.. the USPS an dedicated throurbout the country have taken 80lel1 to Ule ad.ancement ot navl· ui. counea 1n naviraUon offered I pUonal 11kill llnd aafet..Y In Uie tit' USPS In Ila .U yeus of exlat· handling or yachta. B&lboa Squad· ence. The 1nst:ructor11 are member1 ron. with the dght othl't aquadrona of the various local squadron•. or the d111trict. will devote the day dnwn from all wilk• of life, whO to educational umlnars. the elec· Hl'W entbuatutJcally and without tion and lnalallation or dl1trlct payiit-tlil1 unJque fraternity wblcb officer•. and will beat an addreaa 11 beart.lly endoraed by aovem· by the ChJer Commander, Ken· mental and yachtJnr O!'ganlaatlona aeth B. Champ. or Findlay. Ohio. everyWhere. HOSORINO llOYD ~ornm:as The confert>nce la dedicated to the r r atdul ml'mory of Robert L. In addJUon to the education.al Boyd, JN, wboae 1uddt'n dt'atb a M.mlna.r11, Balboa Squadron mem- ft'W day" ago Interrupted ht11 term bera will takt' part ln the lnlt&lla· 111 District Commander. Bob Boyd, tlon ot dlstrlct. offtcerw. lncludln( one ot the rounder. of Balboa Tbomu M. Sloan. Sant& Monie&. Squadron. bad dt'VO~ all hl• en-Commander; Adam C. McQuat, errlt1 toward maltln( th• .quad· Loa An1de1 and Tbomu )(. RJch· 1"0n and the oraanluUon the Im· arda. Long ~ach, St.a.ff Captalna: portant. fa<"tor It now la ln tht George M. Fox, Balboa, Secre- communlty. HJa IOll, u a penion-ta.ry and C..rl Ackerman. San a.lily. an otflcer and an ln1tructor, Diego, Ttea.urer. A dinner dance - will b.. aharply felt In the yean ror all membera wm follow tl'le ahead. day'• bW1ine1111 11e111lon. ·120 Entries Expected for Annual Gold Cup Series WlUI '8 •tri• 1n 14 c.._, tor Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• tna.dlUonal Qold CUp !erlee lllted &a of yMltrda7, a tol&I turnout of 10m• 120 craft 11 vipected for Ule la~·Sunday cla11ic. A ~ offahore courN will be followed tor oceui rac:t'l"8 while two M)' .was .,._. ban been ftlip&~ tw amaller c:iaaMa. UJunana, BalJ*I. Llptinp an.d M.ercurya will 11tart ftom the Ncm· calm Pier while larger craft wU1 1t&rt tro.m the eut end of Lido ale. The reptt& ta lnvit&Uonal. Coune chart. and lnalrucUona are avallaalla at the "club aecret&ry'• omce. Starting gun will be at 1 p.m., Saturday for the first clUI. U a.m .. 8111\day. All ent.rle1 mil.It be filed at the club by 11 &.m .. Saturda)'. READY TO DEFEND HER HONOR That "grand old gal" of the Nt"WJ>Ort Barbor Yacht Club flHl. D. W. Ellloll'1 callfornla-32 E«.apade, will go to bat for the alxth ti.me on March 27 ln defenae of the fabulous Sir 'Yllomu Lipton Perpetual Ttophy. Under the able hand of Don Edlt-r and 1rp<>rtlng brr loyal lllld devoted NHYC crew, Eacapade. alrMdy an 1111 lime record holder in Ulla competition. will be battling determined cbaJle.ngen fl"om all Southern callfomla yacht club• In an e!Cort to chall< up that 11lxth win on the baee of the trophy. 'tlll1 boat-for-boat event 11 11 thrilling race for spectator• and wtll be aaUed ovtr a trlang\llRr course v111lble from 11hore. A root · Ing •«lion a.float la welcome t>ut PLEASE extend thee• hud working crew1 the courte11y of ltaylng well clear of lbe r11cinr courM, ofncl.ala uk. -BN'kner Photo 11 Winners of Winter Series to Get Awards IA.mar, lle<lOnd. or Voyacet'1 YC: and Ralph Deaver, thJrd, of BYC wblle Rh~• honors wPnt to 1.A11 1'uT of BYC. NHYC came In for her ab&re of winning trophltll tbankl to Ruth HukeU tn the Ludeni fl eet and Tom Skalhlll and Salnt Cicero wbo placed lttOild and tblrd ln th• Lehman dlnghle11 behind Bill Cl&rk of BYC-Neal Allen and Job11 Cll· tier. both of BYC, led • "9'ell· boat Tht.Ue neeL BJ I ACQU'ELIN"Z ~"l!!B T~ wtnnen of the Winter Ser- IM, co-ipOnaot'id by r\ewport Har· bor Yacbt Club and Balboa& Yacht Club. w1ll receive their a warda at Kar. IO A.pr •• 'CLDllNTI ILAST AT ROCK, 'COYI l(.aflnan are warned by cout Guard otttclala llan Cle· mente laland will be danproo oua to uytptioD W. ~ bee&Ule of nan! IUDflre. cuu. Rock w1ll be b1uted dally throup tomorrow from a~ to mJdnl&'bt. and durtq da,Uctit boun Baturd&y and Sund&Y. Pyramid Coft w1ll be ALAR MIN CW Fal,se Fires Reported i1 Coda Mesa .. """ 1B&t J'OU tlUDk JDllbt be .. fin "' .. f1re, warned Balpb Lie. ea.ta x .. tll'9 pnftlltioD omo.r toc1a7. a. all'-tM WU'DIDC wu mad9 .. rMUlt. ot UM X... ftn ckpartmet.....,...... DO 1Ma than four f&IM alanDa Ill ,..,_t. ...U-UM Jut. at 8:52 p.m. J'rt· day. TU.t an.pd blaae ... ~ ot Nemt tu. alarm9. LM told Ule N-•Pre• Bomecee appe.r- •U1 ~tted llDOke lleblad 8UooU llardWV9 aton at 1802 N_,,ort Bl-.d. and called ln an alarm. "It wu no more than tndllera. tor aaolce," LM ~ "But lD ~nq auch falM a1a.rma. '" are putt.lq em.rrf!DC7 equl~ mct out of •1"'f1ce wtdch mJgtlt .,. needed for UM '81 thJnr while W9'h out 11eedle•ly chUlnc UOUDd." the fire p~ventlon of· fleer point~ ou. "Be aure you lmmr th• nre d• partme:nt la needed before you ca11 In," Lee ad""'-1 the pubUc. now / theBJ G are quwt! Quiet .. a kin.. I ut \Mn'• a lot o( wildcat action in ti.oat t ;,. rugecl, depndabla Sea ~' \ Rones. Come ia ud \..~ 1iltn to the foar pt • ~ -""'· ..... 2S B.P. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llYd. AUTllO&IZSD F ACl'ORY SDVJCE UODD VIO'l'OSY-Lee Tarr of Balboa YC brought Im Rlloclle lloop in to victory in the BYC·NHYC co- llpomored Winter 8eriee which featured fair bnaea and IQOd weather (albeit a bit chW.y at times.) -Beck· ner Photo NHYC on Sunday. during th• p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; Gold Cup pl'fflDtaUon dinner. Forty-three cntrlH \n five clau· ------------------------ea competed tn Ula H11a whlcb Har-or Dep1r.tment Handles 151 C1ll1 Here D1rinc February featured r&ee11 In January. Feb- ruary, and tbe final t'Vent11 lut Sunday. Vtctoni In the PC 11loope were Jack Toon, flnt, of BYC: Ed dNlroyed 12 derellctA. The hsrbor· HarborlDUUr ftu.eU I:. ~ and Illa CHW lrepl bUI)' duriq hbnl&ry aNWerlng UO calla. more U\a.n half of them the "mil· ceJJ&Moua" !Luna Uaal IMlp OU In llMI average d•¥· Jn hil ftport lo the clly, Ula muter tooll ca.re of 11 calla on harbormuur tellll or helping nine rowboat.I, 11eTI111 of them found and la.rite and two lllllaJl boat11. an~· rt tumcd; 11nswert d 13 complalnl.I!, wtrlng one rta<'lll' l'llll ind m11k-two or thrm tor 1<p<'rdln$(, lnt1talled Ing thrM arif'flllt. H"lpinr to kttp f one 1hnno moortn1 and welcomed the harbor clur tor boalln& he I one ,-uut vend. MORTGAGE INSURANCE ,10,000 -20 YEAB REDUCING Tall -&GE IO ONLY $4.20 per month FISHER & CO. ~Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 1-111'11Defl -Al m.ds / Kar. 11 I Mar.23 . .Are you a "Do-It¥ourself"Drtver ? Or wmdd gou ratMr he waited tm ltan4 and foot? (" . Rather shift for yourself ... 0# let Powwglde • It? Shifting' a amooth and euy Powerslide, too.i. la bett9r' tha with Chevrolet'• new and ftner ever thia ,.ar. r.ven llDOOtlllr Synchro-Meab tranamiuion. and lturdler. lt'1 the mo9* A ftick of your wrist ii all it popular automatic tranpnle. tak• to ahift para. aion• in CbevroW'a Wdl Want standard steering ••• or extra-easy Pow. SeMring? Try thia ~ new Chevrolet 'naere'a not.blns qaitll • -. ateerins. OD.11 Chevrolet and u Power St.erf.as, ot coane. some hia:hel'-priced can me Good newa: o...rolet'1 DIW a ball bearing aystem to cut liU....tne Power S~ friction to a ~ainimum. carries a r.dae.d pricel Apply the brolte1 like this ••• or have pow9t' lftClke It emletf Improved brakea and new Chevrolet POW91' BnJms• aWJ SWlq-type ped&la make ft.op.. better than ner thJa JeU'-llt pint a cinch. And Chevrolet'• you atop by a aimple pl.at of exclusive Anti-Dive control your foot lJ'om acceJerat.oc tD aivea you "heada up" atopa ! IWin.r·tne brake pedal., Position the seat youneH ••• « let eledltdty •Ir? Chevrolet'• bi&'. beautifullJ No WOft'1 about Joa:r tJattm7 upbolatered front -t movea in a new Olnrolet. Jt'a the up and forward O?' down and only car in tts 6eld with the back into your moct comfort-l"elttVe power of a 1J-ftilt able driving position. electrical .,.ieml .. A utomaticall11- Chevro1et 's stealing the thunder from the hlgh-.,,sc.d card What'• a hip.priced car sat -pcbaps tbe thiq that will that Chevrolet ham't? Not aarprile JOG mo.t la CUfto. automatic power. featurea. Jet'1 ftne, IOlid feel on tile Not .tyle-juat look below. road. Came pat It to tbe tt& Not performance -Just try See how Chnrolet'a ltaJina" out Chevrolet'• new V8 or the thunder from the b.lcb- one of the new 6'a. Not ride priced can In~ wa1I ~ .......... motoram·tc "COMPLl:'l'm and OITICIAL ~ mbow that a«a1n In 195' -for the 19th ltraiabt yeuo -MORE PBOPLlt BOUGHT CBE'VROLICTS THAR ANY 01'BER CARI" MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 We Coad Hwy. N.Wport .... L•ertr 1-2261 . ,. ... . ' _J .. . . . . . ·--- Senior M.Y.F. HARBOR BAHA'IS SJ .. ,ATE 'Matter' t<> be Elects-Officers · · Sunday Topic 'Ille ....... ~."· Of CluWt NEW YEAR OBSE·RVANCE .. ll .. t.M•lntU.t .. 'ch••Ut; a.iiltll ....... .a.cw ... ol· the n..ea proft~ .w.s." ... ..... -Kanlla J.I at tMlr ... • -clan. Jema • , .... ao.,.I c•: ::& ......., ft97 ...., NcllU'4 B · w·th N R , and ttutt.IWum oomans wtt.b eada .... 'fte.• worda ani u.. OoldeD ........ •; J .. Mam. egins 1 ' aw-uz ~ ll'ftqthne &a. tok•n "'IT•Jrt °' u.. a..-, i..-..... ..._p dt t: Jilutl1a._, aeo· the MW Ille God allowera -maa me.a OD "Katt.er" la all auwtiaa "'*l7••K••· ~ .... On New Calendar Spn.·ng wttb eae11 .,vttua1 ~ • .acieace cinarebea. • ,... ...... "QNUu ~; Ua· ... ._ 1118 raUiioa la ~ and Tbroup daily ecmMUaUoa ol a....._ Cllltllela ~; llarJ . . • MW Day ~." u.. NaUonal I thoqtlt w U.. pncepU. ot God, -....... OllalltlM ,.......,, ua-J'rienda and memben of the Baha'i faith are pl•nnfng a Balla't ~blJ manOW!dm•t lptrtt. lndtytclu.all awabll fNm ::-0 : ~ -:::: potluck npper set-toptller Sunday eventns, March 20, at .catea. = ::i;: .. -:=::,.•-: ;. ..A ... ...,.,0,.._ the home of llr. and Mn. :Edward Mirkovich, l+t Roehelter ''8UC1l • •W era, ~· bell~•· be· God. JeW8 cwaa la .Jolla'• 1'10lil ..._ .....,. fou 1"llS St., Co.ta Me11a, a( 8:80 p.m. The evening wW be moetly IO-:;:. la,;: .. :· ':tu. It hu = a-p.& 7:M). "l\&dse not ac· =.':': = :,:U~ cial with & abort procram of reUstoua readinr~followln« tbe .wa: u.."~-. ::.!:1n~ a11d =::-rl;t.!!: ;:~· but I.MM ....._, J ... Kus.. M.O dinner. The occulon will precede the ltart ot obeervance by th• ,.....w.oneoe•i ot reU· Wbaa u.. •Yideace ot ap&rit ud ........ .Joell AadNwa. In U.. U.. local poup o£ MawsRml, the four lnterca.J~ry day• added be-&ion. Upon llUdl an uadantand· matter, Truth and emw, --. to .., ,.._ Ule 7ouUa "'°"' 19 ll&ba'&. N-Tear, wlL&cll wtU be lw•n the lut two month& Tbe I ln• cu world peace be eMabliabecl oommtqle, It n.t. upon feuDda• . Jb h• • .._ llOdal aa4 a ..-oelebrated 111 BM&'&a In more thaa nnaJ month, March 2 to IO, i. de· ln wa c.twy. Tbla s. t.M New U-. wbtch time a. WMr1aS a..,-. "' ,uta. ... ....., Ill • eountnM ot th• world on voted to futtns wben Baba'la t&k• Tear'• ~ that wW•M ex· Mortal 1nlDd Juds• .., the tMtl~ ·DlrM•r of H41101 AIU CH OCH ES ... A , 'uwa ........... ~ Utll at. A at. ~ Rd., ~ fr'oD\ lllp 8chool LDeltJ WT'JI Put.or: a... .Jun• B. It.wart 0 •"7 ......... 'IO W. ltth at., Oost.a M.- Llberty M5112 lt.e•. Joeepb W. McBb&n• TM Ot•re• el a.itae 1060 Ourdl Bt., Coet& Me• LlbertJ 1-0111 Tom Baker Jr., MUU.ter ClarW Ot..U BJ TM S- Comrnunlty Methodlat BaltH>. Blvd. at Uth, Newport Harbor 0229 Mlni.t.r; Re•. Roy Carl.Ion ltM ~· Ave., Coat& Mu• Liberty 1·1091 h~ nomu J . Nevin ftM ...... <*.,.,. er N_,oft BalllO& lllYd., ltth A Court St.a .. Newport H&nor IOU LDerty 1-3012 l'Utcll': Herbert O. Jol\MOll ,. ............. LdleNa Cllltlrd IOOl CUtt Dr .. N"'POrt Hetsht.a Mardl tl. ' teDded to tbe wodd tty 1nembera mony ot the mat.nal----. UllW ' no f°?4 fl"Olft aunn. to llURMl. !l'he of tM Baha'i faith." A.a~ wt.ells let AW•tentee Uda ,... le8U Th. Balla'I caWndar, laau.,.,.Us Babat New Tear co&nddal Willi 1 ... f'lll'ther lnlonn&Uoll :i.;Ut -Bas e~ b _..,._. fr.n ,.~ ed ln 116' at lb• bel'IUlq ot t.be th• tlrwl day ot 8Pf1nt ~.. • IDOftf. ..~ Baba'I dJapenaUon, 'provtde8 tor ''Tiie Naw-Rua ce1eb;..u0ft8 em· 11&'1 New Year and tta IM&Dlnl la and Jh&I?' wttb X., to tbe lt moatha o1 1t day• each, wt~ pbaa.l.M that the ,._..... ot life uked to call LI l-a6SI or LI I-leriptu~ .., MU)' 8abl' DldJ. nu. 1,. 2M). FROM OCEANSIDE Guest Pastor to Talk at W ~dnesday Dinner TM Rn. rnnldtn o ..... wtl1 be ell Ball at 1:11 p.a. Diets -tamll7 PAGE 6 ·PART fl 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS u.. ruest .,.uer at autat ourc1t briDp • cUMrOle dlA. and 8&lad TRURSDAY, ~ARCH 17, 1955 BT the aea ._Newport Beach on :ou= ~=ta'::"°;! -------------------------------------------! 'Wedn..., Ina.ID&', Mardi ti. The laJ pMla fOI' tbla particular P"°" theme of hla ... ...,. la.'"Tomor-~am. 11te JOUth wtU ...s.t w1tll PRESBYTERIANS TO NOTE SPECIAL LENTEN EVENTS The Sacrament ot Infant BapUGR will be celebrated at both eervlcea of wonblp on Sunday, March 20 at St. Andrew'• Preabytertan Cburch. Thoee parent. dealrtnr to parUC1pate mua con e urc o ct. DurlnJ the WMk of March H , memben « St. Andrew'• are p&rtlclpatin1 1n • relief proiram •luted •Ix yean -.o to help the million• of hun&TY. homele• and u.ndemourtalled peo- lflea ln all parta of tbe world. The pl"OJT&m la known u Ule • One Great Hour of Shartn1. A period ot 1~udy and dlecUMlpn on the renera.J theme. ''Th1-I Bellen" la beln1 held every Bunda.y ennln1 du,_. the L.al.al ...-on al 7:•~ p.m. ln St. Aadrew'a ADctuary. The ReY. Jame1 8. Stewart leeda thl• clue and all adultl an m08t cordially weloome. row We 8ball • # ." Tb• speaker the enin~ bo8pltallty. la maru.t..r of the J'tnt Kethodlat on. neaJnc ..me. ~ a Cbureh In Oceaulde. hymn-ams lJl addition to tl\e m- T!le Wedn..s&J Heninl Lenten -.. lty the mpeaker, n.. JOUUl Semce ta UM tJmd of UM mid· dlotr ta al.lo pl&nDIDs to alnc fOir 111f"k family nlpt prorrama at thla p ... rram. •-n. puMSc &a eor- the local chun:h durtDI' the pre-dlally lnYltecl for the Lmtee mid· ICuter week& Tiie prorram be-week Mn1c9," .tate. UM putor, (1na wttb a family dinner ln Good· the Rn. Roy A. Cata... U niversalists Study World Religions °" 9'aadq. MArch 10, the Ile•. oa ansci. u t.MJ appear lftOOUl· ly In Ute l'QASUlDI. Tiie hllowahlp &avtc. all rellcl· OU8 llberal9 to wonlaip eecb 11\m- day momJ.ns for Bwad&y 8cMol at lO:IO &Dd wonlllp at lL Th. poup -ta at .... C!ub Bouae. Ila WMt llalboa lllft., llalltoa. I.Duty 1-1111 ---------------------------------------------- J'rederidl ftins9, m1niater of th• Uat....natr 0Wnmuntt1 l"lllow· 811.ip, wU1 ~ Oil -n.. ......... Worth ot IC'nr7 lrum&11 P~ alltJ,'' ooa o« the cardlaa1 afttr-. ma&m~Ual~ Community . Church at Corona del Mar .... Robert Gronlund A11_._, el OM SIM It. la Elden Aft., eo.ta Me• Llllerty 1-Hll ......... )(. C. Croetc. Putor ........ Mftmtlil& Newport llhd. at Bolla It., Kewport Helpta Sider IUchard lel'NI Liberty 1-15&2 ~., .. ,. ........ 1116 AD&Mim, eo.ta .... l'uUr: J\eY. Cll..-. Wl.W&m• Liberty 1-1111 hM ai-t• ., Cll..W. ........ Noa VLa Udo, Newport Beach ll&tbor 2421 U••• !rt C•-ltJ F.n.waM• DeU OuW.OU.-. HI Balboa Blvd. Mlni.ter: J\eY. J'. W. IUnl• .................. ~ ... w. Hamilton. Colt& Ill•• Llber~ t-lJM Putor: Dr. IUchard K. POM c...... ... Jiu 0a-..at:r Olllurdl ~1aUOft&I 111 H.Uotrope Ave. Harbor 6211 Pue.cw: ReY. 1:c1w1n c. a.u .,,... ....... Clllll'dl aaata Ana Ave. at MapoUa Coal& Meaa J\eY. P. O. Neumann ~.rov&.M7 ., • ., eer...a 1''1 W. Bal-. 81Yd., Newport Harbor 02U hUMr Btephtn Kiley, Paalor Father o.Gr1e P amMt\&I Aaat. Putor a.ta& a.. ...... Clltlft' .. ., c-ea ..... l~rt Synod) ~M-l"lllt.W: ,_....._ Lot.bar Tomow ... ,_ S.' Tl ... ... Via Lido, N...,_t ... ch Hanor lJIO ~= a... Aalpll ...... ... lella v.....,. Ill Marin•. BaltH>. la1and &nor Ollt r.aMr ........ Xlley, Putor ..... ~ Pa1UMU9 A-. Put.or ~ ... Otlll'M OrMc9 Aft. at Drd at. o.ea ...... ~ l-6IOI As A.~ Put.or ........... c ,., ........ 111 ..... A...._ ..._ laland r , e.: Rn. Dw.W ..., ~., ............ ,Ira ol 1119d" ........... Alt OaJler)' 117 cm Dilso llYau &.TIM .... ll1a 'IWll, lllaJUr ~ CMU8tW CW amaaT .......... ~u"!=~..:: ~ =-----·?~~: rn.; ............... _ ...... ...................... u. . ........................ ................ .._ :t..t.; ...... ..._ _, ... ... ,..... ............ _ .. _ .. a........_ ... _ .... _..,. PASTOR IN NORTH Services For Mesa. Baptists At UM ele'1'81S o'cJock ~ ol' trtend8 .,.. co1"dia1l7 tllvtted to UM J'lnt B&pl'-t Church. eo.ta atund tha Day Clrcle at 111 M .... 11Ubject of UM lt'rmon by MacnoUA An. Womtft an requeal· Dr. n.ak llellltJTI ol eo.ta x..., wbo tAaebl9 th• adult cl&M. la ccmductlJl&' a ...... ot dl8eu9s 8loU durUls the 8unda.Y ~ pertod °" -Wot1d ~. -- TIM ReT. l:dwia C. OcaU wU1 ~ Buad&y monalaa' at th• Oc>- rona cle1 Mar OoauDu.nltJ auarch uatas for lLla M11Dllll toplc, "No Lutiq CltJ." TIM Cbapel CIM>lr la ....... '"Lea.cl ... Loc'd" .., w .... , ucl u.e a.uo.J Cbolt, .. ..,..... Juu" _, D\lo.U. U.L T.-THEOSOPHY 1~0~~_::- ~ ... EETINGS--... 'hlta. .... • 1 111 ,. .. IY1 .--~ 1 111 • tllt .... Dia I C .. aa liluw ... Pl' 'II 81 ft1111111Q' PUBLIO INVITED -A.NDMIOH ra&S • NO oou..cnon ed to brtq .. -a Nnch. a1ao -the Rn. P. Q, Newnaaa wW be r-ld of flamllL "Cbrlat And the Slntul Woman." Wedneaday, March 23 at T:IO ;:::=;;;;;;;::=:==================~ The Chancel Cbolr w111 atn1 "I p.m., the u.ual PTa.IM Prayer and Walked where Juua Walked." Bible Bludy wlU be held. Mr. Neu- Al the 7:30 ennlnJ worwe.Jp mann will be conUnutq tha 8l.ud· aemc. the Youth Group will be 111 I• from the book of Roman.a. Oome cbarlfl of lb• meetln1. A ioM pro-aDd lftJoy t.be upo8&Uona aad fel· lftJn la anticipated and Ule Youth lowltl.lp torelher, be iDYlte.. Choir wtU •In( "The Kouae that Mr. Neumann llU been r.qu.Mt.ed Stood Uie Storm." to dellnr the mlu60D&r)' addl"UI THI CHUICH OF llLl•IOUS SCllNCI c...... ........ ,__._, ..... ., ... -· ·~ "'80l&Nm or llDfD'" Rev. 1ria T\rrk. lll.laiai. ToPc: 1l L m. Mar. 20 --rile Capta&n ot Tour lllllp'' &O :JO Hea11ac ...nc. 11 :00 JUDlor Cburcll lvMof-c,. .. rc,. ... ~ .u .,.. ~ K~,.ren .., w MM ., Qfrl •eciM .......... ,. Drw.., UM.. Tbun., March H 1 :00 p. m. claa8 '-rile Art ot Baytq 'Te•' to We" IAOUN.& a&ACB Aft O.u.a.&&T, _, altt Drtft ..,... .,,... At t :V a.m. the Sunday kbool at Trinity Bapllat Olurch. Port· will conftne with cluMe for all land, Ore., and la attendf.111 UI• area. A nunery I• proYided to ... Iona ot the MJnt.teni' Retreat enable the parenla to wonhlp a.nd and M.laeionary Commltt .. of the attend the varioua cl ...... At l :IO mlnl1te11al u.>clallona of Waah· p.m. the putor'a 1.nat.nactlon clUI lnpn and Ore1on, belnJ held will meet. Thl1 clua la 1howln1 a March U to lt. Re 11 vq>eeted mat lnteretl eY1dencfld by the home In Ume to preach at Bunda)' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lncre&M In nwnti.ra. The variOU8 MMCta. JOU.DI tolJu tralnln1 lf'OUpe will ------------ alao .-mble at t :30 p.m. BEllUiAAT 8PEA&Ea Monday n lrht March 21 . the Mtn'e Brdl.herhood wlU mteL A dl.nner i. .ecbeduled tor t :ao p.m . and the 1Jpuker of the evmtn1 will be the Rev. Cbarle8 J. Wood· br1d(e. Pl\. D.. dee.A of .tudent.1 and ,roteNOt ot church hl.tory at P\tller 1beolo(1cal Seminary la PaaadenL Dr. WoodbrldJI ta ll90 an author ot •veraJ booka. All mtn ere cordially tn'1ted to attend. Thureday. Merch, 17, I p. m. the t'Omb&ned cta.u ot tbe n.11· ermen'• STOUP and al9o UM Be~ clua, W1th thtlr reapecUve w1..- and hu.abanda. wUl hold Utelr ao- clal In the Tooth Center. Aa In· terutlnr tellowwhlp hour w111 be followed by rf'freahmenta. Adventists to Observe Ancient Rites "In Remembrance of Me" w1U be the 1trmon ('l'ttn el the 11 o'clock eer1voe of the Newport Barbor BeftllUI • day Ad•entlat church. by Paator RJchard r . Serna UJI• 8alUrda)'. March 19. Thi• 1trmon, In which Putor lkma will UM ll Oorlnthl&na 11: D ·28 u b.11 tot. will precede the Ordtnanoe of Communion and the Ordlnanc. of Humility <tool wub· Inf) u practJced by Cbrlat at the lut w~r juet befor. Ria crud· fiJ1lon. Thomas W. Doan, D. D.S. Announcea t.be Opening of Hi.a Offices For The General Practice of Deno.try at 1879 Newport Blvd. ea.ta Meta. Callf. Bowa. I to • and By Appobitment P'borw Liberty 1·7'tl DAT ClaCL& , On TUHd&y. March 22 a t 11 :30 Lm. An wemen of the church and "ralth, Btroa,.er th&a th• Oran" ._ ____________________________________________ ..J Sermon Subject of Services at Christ Church ''lie Not Afraid'' la the •nnon them• tor lhmday momlar. March 20, at the Cbrut Ourch By the 81& l.n Newport Beach. The mlnlat· er, t.be ~·. Roy A. Carlaoft. will ..,.u at ~ •me.. t :d Md 11 a..m. Tbe MnDOlt .... ot the will be the topic of d18C1U91on for the churcb at wol'8hlp which COft· wnee at t : 80 Lm. TbJa la bll.aed on the atory of the rMUJTtCUon of Luaro1 which la fOUnd In John 11:1..Ct. The v.ir-to be memorts· ed are John 11:2&·31. Saturday eYenlns, Marcil lt, t.be A·dveauat church will baft a pot· luck 11Up~r and white eitph&11t auction . Thll .nelal w111 be be.Id at e:so p.m. In the CommunJtf Methodlat Hall. located on ltth Street betwHll Newport Uld llal'- bor Blvdaj. eo.ta M-. V\leton are ~ W'&lcoml. i-wi ..n.. °" ·-wcmt. o1 Jtl8Ua" Work at Mesa "1lM* tadlcate a lutlas ftlut. M• o1 ea.ta M-J1nt Ba .... ,,.. 8anc:t-.ry C'l*r wU1 .... ...-""°" !At EYw, ,._,_ AdOft tlat Cllurdl en ulttd to M at the ftee" -,. Baell at tM 11 o'cAocll churda ~ -.rl1 klllrda7 for aentce. Mn. WWia ,,.Ida WUl able a ,_.... cleu "II ....._ and to aa oftlll'lory .,._., .... Not Afra&d" prepare putdas ..-ce for care oa .., Bert.rand-Brown. The J\anlor ~\ lotll wblc.ll beloQs to the Hip yout>i choir wtll etq at the cburdl. They .,.. Mlr-4 to 11rtns eat11 -~ at t :t5 a.m. Kn. UMlr own tooM. A. J. Rutter la di.rector of tha ------------ cbotn, and IAVeme .r~be 1a Daughters Born church orrantat. M Co 1 Touua ~· tor Jumor to esa • up es Rtp and Senior H&1h Youlh m1Mt Born at Santa Ana Oommunlcy at the dnlrdl ln Oodell Hall each Mo.ptt&l -re c.hlldrftl to Mr. and Sunday eftnln1 a t• o'clock. Mem· M,.. Loula 8Pn.)'berry, 2'66 Bual& bera ot the !knlor Hip rroup a,.. Ana A'll .. , eo.ta liil-. &1rt. t planaiAS to attend the AMual Iba .• J os .. March t : and to Mr . .., Dl.ttrtct Youth Oon\ftl!Uon at Oer· Mn. Lome Nuhman, 112 & OMta dtn Grow Method.lat Cbun:h on M .... Ct . Colt& M-. rirl.. t Iba .. Many Times Althougb we have made thla atatement many times, becau.e of it'a Importance, we would like to repeal It : the price of our service '-alwaya determined by tJle family, for every cuket In our diaplay rooma ii plainly marked with the C08t of the complete .er- .toe, includ1n1 that cuket· ti ~ "" 090f~ OPM --~""" • ......... IAllOA • tA&aOll ~ • UDO ISlf . NIW.O.f llACM . C01°"4 MlMAI ' -• Seturdey, March 19. 8 01.. March JO, •• l • • Thll ·JOUlll t.dy might miu ~ ne.t attp and take a DUtJ tumble I Of oourM her pareat1 wouldn't dream of ltt· tine lMr try thoH ataln alone until they had taken ....-y precaution to t•ch her bow to manace them carefully and l&fel1. But r• c•rdl .. of pneautlona, toontr or later the bu to run the rl1k of tryinc them on her own. ·~ ad••nturt in rrowini up bu lb •••• meat 'of dancer, and wiH parenu are wry cartful to '" that tht child 1hall be trained to meet thtH dancer• with the ltUt riak to btr phyalcal !Malth. But w!Mt abo~t the far sr•ater' ri1k to tbi1 chllcf a moral and apiritual h..ttb wbtn 1bt bu to fact tht really bfc peril• of lift on her OWD? W~en DO\ a broken bone or two but her cbartctft' ia at 1tak.....,..hat thm? T!M Church will cl•• 10ur child-end help yoa ci•• your chilcl-tbe car• and trainlnc abe needa f« meetinc llfe'a creatnt ri1b aaftly ad triumpbutly. This Cllurch Feahn Sponsored by 111ase Local Business Finns G .... ral Sll11t Mital WOlb 8hMt Met&l -11.e~ -V•Ulatlq COS .IOtJa 8anet. But.r nto HARTLEIN FLOWll~ FM AU Occulou MOS E. Cout e.,,.,.., COii. Harbor 5071 ...._ & SIR"' Shell Senlce Tour Corona del Mar Dealer• l801· a l800 E. OGU& 11.lgtaway Barbor 5188 ·-·-a ........ llatbor %'710 MAIGAllT'S CAFE apecla.JlM In Ilea l'oodll -Ordere to Go 18H Newpon Blvd. , Harbor %288 NIWPOIT CLEANERS Dry Cl~ -IAWU1ry -Preuinr 108 TmUa Newport ee.cb NEWPORT HAllOI IANK Cot'OMclel ..... ROSAN INC. 8eMral& DlvWoa a Jl'orelp Moton Vlllcewt's lexal D11MJ Stor9I Ttlree local!ona to 8erv• You Alic• of u. ••• ..., Saloll Hair 8tylifts for the .lndt'1dual IUSSILL W. IAH6BT Heatlns. VentU&Uns A 8baet MetAI '11 lht It. Bart.or "" ILUI SAILS STATIONBS ...... It.., Balbc'& Barbor 818 THI CLOTHD HOISi .. ...,, of DWUncUon" illMatoA"-e ..._ ...... ~ 0'70'7 GEORGI M. GRAHAM Ruca and Carpet.a 1n Agate Ave., IWboa !..a Harbor UM HOUSE AND GAIDIN Complete Hom• Fumt.blap Draper1ea -Rue• son w. eo..t u.,,.,. Libert)' 1-5511 • MAC'S CAFI Flret Oil rtpt toward Hunt&qtoa 9Mch DM Cout a.,,.,. .,.,_ nu.a ~ MARINE llAUTY SHOP Ptl'90tl&ll.sed 8en1c• in Hair BlyllJlS S!7 Harlae Ave., lla.lboa Wucl Barbor 151 MARKET SPOT too llarlDe Av!-• ...._ lllud Barbor 1000 NEWPORT FUINITUlll CO. Complete Home rum~ ~ W. CoMt Hwy. UIJeriT ~WI leiwt's Newport Dept. Store "Tour Family ltor. Bl.ace 1'1''' SEASIDI MALT SHOP tlOO W. 0.-. ...,._ 111 Newport lleeell • I. W ASIMILLll '"OI• WorkJnrman'• ator. toot w. JWboa IMY4., Bart.or am Airs CAFI "When all Food la Cooked lit Butter'' I088 W. Vout HWJ. Free Pkk up A DeUYWJ 17tll. <'AM& HWJ. Liberty MHI .. ,.,., la•oa Ll•ol1aa Ce. Unoleum -T\Je -Cupe\ -P'ormtea UOIW.IWbO&BIYd. ...,_._ HAL cowa Ir SON SIGNAL sa. STATION Pt• Pick up 6 del. -Wb.I ltalane. llOI Newporl Bhcln llAl'bor 8181 High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 1'1' I. -. I J 1 IJ .. .. . -..... ' -. •• J ... . . ... . ' Book Review by OCC Librarian NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111. PA5E 7 THUllSOAY, MARCH 17, 1911 I RAJlBOR GIRL SX>trl'B PRIBENT COLORS Sunday eemed the Girl SCout l)'IDbot Tbe impreulve rite, In i.ee and pledge, wu completed by "Taps," played by a co~et trio. Mnl. Oren Wade, Juliette Low chairman, wu in charge of the e v e n t, keyed toward international friendship, and held In honor of the ~rd annlveni&ry of the founding of Girl Bcouta by Kn. Low. -Staff Photo afternoon at the blih .:hoot In the flnt ''Girl Scout. Own" to be held here. ll'l)'lna' bum~n of 21 nations, 600 girla repreeentms 3 troo119 pvtJclpated in a cere- mony held on t.he footi.D field. An equal number of puenta viewed proceed.l.np from the cran<Utand. Be- fore the huge world globe In the foreground can be dia- April Fool Fun With the Jester of Dog Patch Sadie Hawkins Dance Slated Friday, April 1 The Harbor High Girl8' League Cabinet met Tueeday . noon to put the poliahinr touches to their plana for the An· nual Sadie Hawkin.a Dance, ecbeduled tht. year for April 1, from 8 :30 to 11 :30 p.m. in the high acbool l)'Dl. In honor o( April Fool'• Day, the girla have choeen to ume their dance ''The Jeater Cornea to Dos ----:~-------­ 18 ANYTHING Adventists to Note LOST? LOOK AT LIBRARY Red Cross Sabbath Haft JOU 109! &n)'thlncf Jt )'OU h.an, Juat check up on how )one It bu been llnce you were at the public library. Dor·o- thea (Mn. Lin) S!Jeely, who runs Ulat book emporium, •:r• ah• hu & collecUon ot ltema whlcll ml&'ht Interest &lmoet anyone. Arnone them 11 a 111&11'1 top coat and a woman'1 jacket. Tb• jacket l1 red and &'OOd looklnr. Ala<> a .carf, part pink, part red. Good Neighbor Sunday at Island Church Hobbies Feature Pilot Class Has Speci'al Dinner Event Friday Rites at Beth Sholom Patch'', and they proiru.e an ev .. nlnr ot aurpnaea and tun ln keplnr wi~~:~,~~~ the tr&dlu0 na1 Loeal Lutherans to Join Homemakers DR. HAROLD IEN11.ER opportunity for the stria to ulc Siebert Recuperating DEN'DBl'8Y the date ot their cholc., neryone • , H f Sh . StUdy Lighting Walt. H. a.tbeTt, ot 440 VI& ~1~':!1d~lc:::.~d .::-:: .-:n~ In our 0 ar1ng' ~N~'!t~:i~::"~:: PluUo - 0=.anLLINoa ctea. oouplet1 and poupa. Arlene The March mff'1DS of Ule ea.ta ll:X'tRACl'lON8 Hutt, president or the cabinet and The N.wport Barbor Lutbarao World fte,Jlet, the NaUonal Lulhe,.. w .. Homemalcera, h.tld rr1day at ~~ :W, re~~ o.a Oaf a Nlgbt U Mal s eneral c M!rman ot the dance Church here wUJ Join on Marcb &D Council'• 1n&tertal aid apncy, the home of Mr& O. R. Kltboft, committee. haa luued a llpeclal In· 20 with otAer Prote~tan churchu for dlatrtbuUon to needy ~pie In 389 .Flower St., t•tured a talk ~':.:t~ N.wport B-.c1' I.II Ule ltT7 <>r.p Al'C. Oolita ._ ~Oil~~~~~~~ th~~lt~~ ~~In~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and enjoy themalv". l>Mrvlnr; "One 0 t Hour ot Wonlllp aervfCl'I at l :IO Lm. "la Your Ugtit !Upt for the Job", r The &llllual 8adle Hawk 1n 1 8hartng," the unJted appeal oc and 11 a.m . wl11 center around by Mn. Manoa Prentiaa, Home dances uve bet; a tradlUon for Ame.lican Prote11t&nUarri tor r .. the 1errnon thtme "How To UJhl· AdY!aor. Dlttarat type. and ·-tun al the llarllor, and M1al Hutt llet, re.habllltaUon and re.construe-en Ufe'1 Burdtn1'' wtth Ui. CbaA· Of lampa, ahadla of bu.I.bl and tbeir report.II that the committee hu Uon In all part.I ot the world. eel Choir atn(inr; al 11 a.m. and proper Wit'& were lhown. Proper made •·• •·--..... ... l'tfore U1an 10,00 LUth<'ran con-Rev. Gronlund preac:hln" at bolh ll&'hUnr for tta4~ and -•ns. IPllC ... P-lo ..... to .... ti ., ,_,ulred het-t1, ··'-tlon of ... , uwal procnm &JTancementa. ST<'ga on11 cooperaunr In the Na-houn. --, ... ..,._ ..,, HEAD l't.i\NM&U Uonal Lullleran Council are join-,------------right 1hade and baa• for a lamp Commlu ... bave been &IUIOlnt.ed Ing In tht annual appeal with · · plu1 the effect retlecUOM b&Ye oa and ..,.. harcl at wortr on thelr ... m&Jor Profutant and Ea.et.em Or-Lutheran Group UshUnc w-cnaeu..d. Il}Qlt,. thod(lx churcbea In America whJch Uva 1lldes were a1ao Mown. ~mu. J.leadJnc ta.. ct.coraUon RO~'T B. soun. .1."' w,.k more than S9.~.ooo tor 19~ The report on ..i.w. tor eoun~ commltt.ff Ml Shelby 1\mne11 and a..:.n nauu, t H Talk ..--workJnc w1th ber a.re Laurel Wood· rellt'f proiram. Included In Ulla 0 ear CommJtlee day, a joint -liq -· Qi.net& Prtce and Karcanl M il M amount la the lt~ ,oaJ of Luther-the Home Dep&rt.m'ent l'UMNI Swain. &pedal entertaamnent .,.. an a a.n an World Action. totallnc $2.982,· on Norway membentaip DC mOllUI. .... st•· ran~ement1 are under the direct.Ion OOO. en by Mrs. WlWam Nichol& 'nie or O\aJrman Cara Pelan with Lu· Speaks on Far The local church'• contrlbutloo STOUP voted to purchue & u.ed c:r Pope and Diane Maraac. to Lutheran World Action Ju t A tine procrazn featurtnr colored portable -m1 machine t.o be LJNl.e Peue. cha1rman or Ult E t T • h year wu Ml. In a4d1Uon tt bu 11Jdea o! Norway wtll be lbown turned o•er lo Mra. Ralph Taylor, dance band arrancementa. report1 as Ontg t conlrlbuled OYtt too pound9 of and narrated by Kn. J ohn V. Nell, t ·H leader, for U\a ua al brr a popular loc&1 on:hellra has UHd clothing, lhoea, beddlng and when ~ women of the N---rt lar&'e croup of ,UV, the SUtdly-1& The lat .. t newa of condlt.lona tn other relief irooda to Lutheran -··r-Stltcheni. who are badly In ~ acr-d to P Y tor Ule dancln&. The the Phlllpptnea &nd Southeast A.Ila Harbor Lotheran Church meet to-ot 1ddltlonal m4lChlnea, ll wu ,...._ 1 refr'eahment committee 11 eoinc all wt.II be preMnted tn a -•al Mr· nlght al I o'clock. Mra. Neff and ported. ' out to proYlde food enourh for .,,..... c F• eft1'70lle. Kayle Hu.nit and her "~ tonl&'ht. 7 p.m .• 1t the Soutl\o amp ire her daughter Karin, ap 111-. vtalt· The April meettnc wlU be uld CJ'OUP, L)"ADe Pe&M, Lauriio Hen-em California Bible Collece b:r ed the land o( her anceM.ol'I lut. at the boaw of Xra. L B. Ptt.11Upa., • dridu, Loulle Harper and Sue St. RoMrt Bowman, v1ce-pruldtnt of 1ummer and while lhtre attended l ?O Conp·H• St., and wiU be • Clalr, bave that phue of the ar-the Far Eut BroaLlcutln1 Com-Groups Note lhe summer 11eaelon at the Unlver-work.shop for m&klnl' lamp aha.du ral\Ceroenti 'lllJ'tl1 Wldf'r control. pany, Manila. P. I., It wae an· lily of Oelo. and lamp buea, each membtir to Poat.ft and lpe.Clal publicity com-nouneed by Dr. 1· J . Jkrrt..aon, pr-. T\tro hundred IWdenll attended brlng • ihade and materta.111 lo mJttae la beaded b:r Ann itewut llident of the collep. Ob w t ytar'a •H•ion. wttJi all AT· t work on. Anyone lnteruted l.n I wtlb Clara P~te" and Sandra Mar. Mr. Bowman, an alumnu• of servan ce rangament.I bel.nJ made lbroup l bomemaJrlnr; and ln1tnJct10n ID do- t.In ...uttnc. SCBC. bu Juat "turned mm 8t. Olat'i CoUege. Northtleld, Min-ll-yourwell meUloda 11 Invited to Great emphuLI 111 belne pia.c.d Xan:ll& where he hu been 1emnc Camp Fire Glrll and Bluebird nHOta, and the NorwtC1&11-Amert· Yllllt any of the club meetlnp on I lh&a year a. UM l&le of Ucketa in u director ot the •lcht tntema· RTOUPI or U1e Harbor u e Joining can Ste&mahlp Com~ the aeoond P'rlday of each month aa etfort to utend & pel'IOllal ln-j ttonal 1hort-wave broadcuUnr v.ilh olbera of Oran.ge Count7 tn The Americen conttnc~t an1v· frora 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. vttaUoa to all the studf!Jlta, M> aaUona opentt'd by lh.e Fu Eut ob.tervance of tbelr 45th annlver-ed ln Um• tor the celebratJon of Pr_,l at the ra..unr _,. eordl.Da lo Olaln:naa Felicia BU-BroadcuUnc Compe.ny at Chrlat· eary. Olrlll have been wearin1 A.mefte&'a lndepmdence Oa Kmu. Lawreac• Fr-edlltMD. JKJt tna. Ticket.a may be Jtad by coo-I.an Radio C1ty Manila. Ha wtJ1 thtlr unttonna of 11&vy and white, which wu held ln front or U:~ Rirtler, Lee Jona.a. Howanl Mc· t.adllls a member of ber coramlt• abow colored plctllttl of the Far w1lh red In neckerchief or natee, coin'• lt&tue ln tbt i'ro(Der Park. Dowell, 0 , R. Mlthoft, William H. i-. Jutd7 Schlllburr. Clare Smith, Eut. to achool today. Ben i. the moat contro~ ot Nlcbola, Ralpb Taylor, Mar1on Marpftt Baprtu ud hcUUl WU· •Incorporated u a non-commv· The Leaden .A.uoclatlon met all irtcbta 1D Oalo· th• prodtfloua Pnnll•, R. W. Updike and lrYlnc U.....O.; or a. mtmber ot lh• Otrl.a cial, lnterdmomlnatlonal CbrllUan Wtdneed&y momlng at Todd'• output of monum~nlal 1tatu&ry or B. PhlWpa. i,...... Oall&Det. J'or UM c<JD••· 1 orcanl&&Uon, Ule Far l:allt Broad-De.Jry to name • nomlnatJnc com-Olllt&Y Vlcetand. T'ne Yourth of ------------ lmcie ot UM lhdentl. tlcata ma, cuUnr Company wu fou.nded for lftltt.M, otncaw to be •lected ln July ncqUon al lh• .A.mer1can W .... -obt&lned In Mn. Harb!-th• aole pUrpoH of provldlnc ra&o Aprtl. Plana are Mlnc made to l:mbUly followed, where ltudtnt.I hat's New .... aaloa. tad.llU.. for exl1tlJIC Cbri.tt.laD de-form • Camp .Fire Olrla Council and,,._. .... ,.. welcomed by Am- aoml:nallona and ~ Ol"o Ill lbe tut:un, u the OJ'l&lllaUon baaador L. Corrin 8tron1. • c•t• ..--uona. It WU l'fUlttcl UI• ta arvwtq rapidly, accordlAr to The public I.I lnvit.d to &tlmd In 1 izens ~nten Seminar flnit radJo franchlae luued by UI• Mn. !:meat Laurtn. 4.23 Eut 18 thelhOWU\I' ot th• colored alid-. new Republic or lhe PhIDpplnee 8t., eo.t& Meaa. publicity ch&lr-Mr. and Kn. Loula OaUlen. '74:43 For Islander and tod&J etchl ndlo ttanamllten man for Ult &11oelaUon. Tbere an &. WlntenbuJS A•• .. BunUncton ,,.._ u.. etirlattan m--.e to Ule now 1n the Harbor area one camp Coleman Family Beach. an p&r9ta ot a st.rt •eJ&'h· -n.. 111~ °"""*at Worll'" All&Uc world JO hoUf'I a daJ, -,,,. STOUP and tour Bluebird t Cel b lnc 10 Iba., t~ oa., born March 10 d& i croup-. wt~ two mon to •tart o e rate 1a Sa.nt.. .A.na ComauaJtJ Hoepltal. .. UM topic to M dlllr:an 1 11at v• 1• a " ek In 3• knpacea ill u.. i.u., Otller oouplee illduded Mr. and ~ e....uq, March 12, at the and dJalect.e. The publlo a. laYlt.C Tbne taml17 ~ wW be Mra. Lwte V. AJi.ra. •12~ Ool· i..ta ......,., "aputtaal Ufa f~ to alt.Ind. c•l•brat.ed nal BUDda7 al Ui. r. dmrod at.. 0orou ... Mar, r(rt, Me a rt a.f:t1o" .. at tM JW. The•--to Meet o. Calm.an bome at IOH l'edenl • 111&, • a&. Marcil 11; Kt. and .. looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? if the Want Acls . NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 AN ATTRACTIVE RENTAL 1 if the Want Ads Whether 7oa wut to baJ or waat to tell, tbe Clu81llfcl eohumit of thl8 ,, aew1,..er offer tbe .,.. eppor1UDity for .,..... .•. A foar NH .. will .,,_,. • .....,, WedDe9daJ ud Tb .... 7 la onr %8,000 cop'- for Only s200 • • • this VALUE! ~lilud 0onununtty Mtt.bodt9t Girls Will Dance '-CIO • • ..... 0oeta x... Mn. Oo&maa. MrL ........_.Olk •t.. ea.. ne ciw. wllklll beslM at T:ao at Richard's Market at Anaheim ~~=~1::',,!': ~:.i~Fair.'..!s .. ·Mr!.'~~ JIBWPOR~ BARBOR p.m., le «MpM ~tor J*lo ~ O..U,.. Count:r Kappa Alpha daulhtar, 1'19 lkttJ Jo Xc'Mntel Panah. 31MI r.c-Road, eowua Ii cw s :es s 80D8,,.. .... 9 jlta or b&Ye,... J'lft tblrd u4 faartJl fTade Theta Alumnae Club will meet or IOOO 1'ed...a An.. &U 1'&Ye Lquna, rtrt. • 1-. •~ oa., ICaftb p 'R emt.17 ,,.._.. tlle ao.& eMrda. stria wUJ danC!e oe tbe atar 8hop-Marcil 22 at '7:30 at the home ot ~b bll'Uldaya. 111• Pet• Col-H ; Mr. and M.ra. ffA7 lluD.Ce, 174 lloWH•• U. .. mltw en open per pf'OIT&m F'rtdaJ at the N d>· Kn. J:dw&rd J . Power, 1.29e ICut ~ and chUdru. 8\llk and Pat, WHt Wta.on 8t., COllta M-. strl. . '"" -""l - to &ft)' ,... ...._ to aow ard·1 Marllet blrt!lday celebration. Ball ~ Anaheim. FuUowtnr C&IQe dotfn 8uad&J to plu tw u.. T lb& •'4 oa.., ....,.. it. - -- .on aa..t lllta:a 0tt J\eeftlt to be te~vl.9ed at 1o:ao L ID. oa 4-t Kt. Md llra. Powv ilrtD .,.t.· MJee Mc.Dulel Ill la Uie ,... A. i.111 wu beam 'haed&J tt t°"°8 .. .,. .._ ...... Met.bodill a.un.1 u . Tb•.,..... a.eus. -..~o1UM&r,...ttour dlowetnwu•-ce ~t °' 111'.aM.MrLPets.aunttotllr Cal flllbor 1616 for Ad Tlk hlt1'" ... '-n. ll.t.bo6l llMt· Linda WeDud., D1nt&w M)lwe. ~ -..,... AD TlletM an Ille Al9,7 Air rorce al Matblr K1Dc Pab. TM ........... ..., er ~". Dt.cu•lona are ltd by Ule l Kathlffn Courtnry. J.rry Lou ccwdlally lnYlled to att.efld and ,,eld and wlll t17 bom.t for UM LAW1Wlce u. botb J.n1 In Boac • ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~Ui.~U~~~ ~~ ~-----~----------------------------~ . , •• .. } • ' • • ~ • • t t c ' • • t .. . f ' • • • ' • • ti ' . -· . ~ ........ .. • 3 ~~al1E 0·Av51 =:~:... ... ,,, "" l I • MAM':N 17·11-lt 1-1-Q &: ROTISSERIE IDEAS! JR: DRKEYS'"t:.::;.. JR. GEESE ~.;.~ AIJ,AMERICAN'S FAMOUS, FRESH, 'LEAN GROUID BEEF ARMOUR SMOKED . " BEEF TOiGUES ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAU . . CORIED BEEF ROUND U.S. &RADE 'CHOICE' I: '6000', PROPERLY AGED TOP. SIRLOIN STEAKS ARMOUR ST AR SLICED (A ~ from leconQ BREAKFAST BEEF WIL&.APOINT ornns WINES and LIQUORS iiNANiS := 2 LIL 25' iiiNGES ~ 10 LIL 59· :iVOCii>OS 2 .. 25· iPPllSftn.a 3 LIL 29' • - ~ • 11111au ~MIDI Ill. .... ·--······· ............. 1111•1 . '• •1111 II •r ... ,brn.1 WE ... PlttmE•I! . . . " • . !IGl Of LICATESSEN PlllTY" , ... , * IEIPOIT IEICll * ..U llel Ill . W COAST H....WAY ... WIT l•IMAY i -. , ) f - COTTON· CANDY . FOR THE KIDS M IOOll u 1ebool 19 out in the afternoon Mrs. Leola Ad•m• bu a ruab of bU1ineu de&ling out cotton candy. Tbere ja a comta.nt line waiting for the machine to 1pin the wgar into a big ball of sweet:ne. at Rlchud'a Lido Market during the 11eVenth annivenary oelellntioa. -Staff Photo MESA SINGER GETS AWARD Announcement ot a aM acholanhlp to auu nma- 1trom. 11 of 1m ~ Ave~ eo.t.a M-wu ,...,,_ ed lhla --"' tlMt ...,,.. Club Of the Bartlor Ana. 'l1ile ~p .. ,,_._."' tM 8tu~n DaYkl ll:pateUl ......,,. r1aJ FoundaUon fw ...... coadllnf. The touadatton i.. tor aldlnc talellted ...,,._ Wiie wtah to improY• in t.be art.a. Appllcattoa waa ..... throqtl the Boy.. _4jlp tM nnt ot the yeer, .uT.,._., Soya.' Chall clinctGr, .U.S. 'l1lle 8Cboi,naup .... --bl .u.- al oompettUoa open to lloJa' Club mem~ra. only. Chrill la the ftl'1lt appUcut to apply tor U.. eclaolanlUp from lbe Har't>or Boys' Cult.. ONION TDIE-8ow to beat the gMne is one of the things customers at Rlchard'1 baVe to contend with these daya aa the store ia crowded with people helping celebrate the Lido Mart'• seventh anniversary. The shopper shown above would not have had to pay for her auppliea had she bought onions. The customer shoves the load of good.9 up to the checker, who spins the wheel. l! the customer has any of the item.a th9 pointer indicates abe get.a her auppliee for nothing. -Staff Photo DOG GONE! Maclay Pets Take Field Trial Honors LA PAL A ITRACTING HARBOR FOLK. GROWING VIGOROUSLY TNIMnclOlll Change in Sleepy Lower California Port Area (Tbe Newe-Prn9 today preeenle an article on La Paz by Mrs. J, B. Rom.-o, B&lboa who apmt the put tew monlha there). B)-am8. I. a. (ROSE) &OMERO .An.ran abllalce of two yu.n, one can Me a lremendoua dttrerence ID t.. Pu. Wben It wa• once juet a a.leeply little Mulca.n port, t here I.a DOW CCllUlldenble lluatle and 11\uUe. The Interior or the peninsula I• betnc opened llP tor tarmlnc. Local ca pital. rederal aid, and aome Amerk:all capital LI belnr wpplled 11<> that land owners may b•ve the aecemary farmtnr equipment. -- ter w.U.. p\Jlnpe, etc., needed for erope. A tremmdoua acre.are t• being plant.d to cotton, al.a bundred9 ot tona of Med wbeat bu bffn llrouPt ta. A cotton ctn ta Jooat- M ben In La Paa. wlllle another la belne 9tt up tn Santo Domlnro. Widell wtll be the lleart of tbe eottoe srowtDI an&. SOAD8 A Dll&A>I Stu hu been maklng La Pu a relt'Jl&r port of call. Al thl\t lime •he was under Panamanian reg1•· try and .. lied out of Long Be.acb. In 1950, ahe changed to Mexican reptry, le now known aa l:atttlla Coetera, with La Pu her home port. She makn rerular trip• •· cro.. lh• Gulf of California to Maaatlan, and 110 trip to Lower caJ.lfomla la complete till you have made tll•l croe.slnr on tbe Star. Her name ta cloael7 linked with mo1t or the major chanree In La Pu In recent yeara. pla.lnL'I from dlaappeartnr fllhe~ men. Now. u thou(h amtloUll to make amend• tor ber lhortcom- lng•. Naturl' hu done a complete about face. Warm, balmy day•. the last two &lmoat hot, ao that the native can again mop hiJI brow .,,d 11lgh. "Hay mucho calor!" Tiie Clsh loo are back and 80me m&rft,- 10113 catchea have been broupt tn. The boat Malibu from Newport hu been In port. u bave varloua ot.ber yachL'I Crom Newport. 8aJ1 Pedro and San Diego. nire. coup· lea from Onuige county drove down the penlMula In jfllpe. They rf'ported a good. lf rugpct. trip down and ahipped aboard the craft Sta.r for MauiUan. Another note- worthy arrival wu the laay who drove down the penlnlUla ln a wa- gon drawn by a tea.m ot mules, She was accompanied by a .-eouple ot lee.n·age boy•. She bad been on the road alnce early In December. San Jose del Cabe> wu her dn- Bonon -re tall• i.at -.lreed at neld t.rlaJa In Ouard ~ Odama Creek Spunky. fteld trial cbam,._ Cbeapeake Ba '1 owaed and trala- ed by San~ )(acK&~. 200 XU. mar Drmt. Shown by MacX.ay, U.. doe toolr nrat In amateur all ace and a certtflcate of merit la opea all ap. The week ~fore, Mn. ~ took aecond In amateur a.a qe .take and a certlfteet.e ot llMltt In open all age atalle. De lllenalf received an award tor U.. '-t amat.ur and handJer. She handled bet' Wack Lallndor. Bladt Cora.air, a fteJd trial c:lilal- pion. In all c1..... and ..... tM OClJy amateur di ftll1atl U.. ellmJM. Uon "1ala. Mra. Mac.Kay llu aJID t.ra1ned her own-doc. llnaUon, alao ber home and birth· H L-I!..-I place. Due to the utreme cold ~OW IGln ies' wut.ber 111d the alowneu of her mode of travel, It had been a very J QI.... lora hard trip, bo'lrner, abe felt I.be • had accomplished wtlat •he met at Nary a.a....J&.1 out to do. Y • .._...,. .... BOOK IU.TElllAL Amoa,. new ballAe9 ._. ncmt- The purpoee ot the trip wu to IJ to Mn1c:le ,___a at o... &'Ill material for a book. lhe pro-NaYJ &o.pjlal were uane no-u.e CC'eda from the aale to ba ueed to Barbor • ._. Tlua laat ta Indeed a fine thing'. for roeda on tbe penlnaula are ae iet. mcin or lea. a dream or the tutun. n la a a.ptne-tln«lln1 ad· "ntun to tranl onr tho• that do aJdat. but, nenr the Ina, much tratne paaM• over them. bringing la oottoe trom th• baelc country. · ore concentrate trom the min• at Trtunto, and produce from Lu Plan ... Conlllderable produce goe.- 91Jt .,_ plane trom Loa Planea to Ula United !tat• at lhl• Ume of tit• ,.ar. It wu Est~lla Co1tera that brought In lhe rlnl bua, alao trlllla- port~ moat of the matrrlal1 that wmt Into the construction of the new airport. Now much heavy rarm rqulpmenl, that ln<"ludu SO<> tract.ors from Mexico City, and rig• for drUlJng water wells, hu come In the H.me wey. Many Amerlcllft tourt1ta. a~ hue ln fact. hotel room1 ban been at a premium, and, tor t.boae unfortunatu who h ave no reeer· YaUona. the rolnr was rough ln· deed. Frorn t.be middle of January on. tor 8"'eral weeka, the wealber wu bitter cold. We')earnrd South· em California It not alonf' In hav· lnC "unwrual wea ther." Since tro· plcal bou11e• have no bealln( facl- uu.., we •hlwred #.charcoal eslllbU11.h a library In San J oae de! n-n. Cpl and )(rs. a...y i- Cabo. The people In the atatu bad Herndon ot Balboa 'tfflcomed a bil'en very kind to her. She had boy on March 7, Lt. and Kn. Jola •pJ>l!aQld on various radio pro-Howard Dale ot Coroa.a de1 Jl&r grams and TV, ln which llhe made announced t.be arrn aJ of a boy alMI an appeal for uHd book.a. Th-M. Set-and Mn. Wlntrwd An.a book• were In English. What ah• Murphy of Costa Ilea 1"kaDed a buya will bf' In Spaniah and, all boy. LL and Mn. Robttt JCdwanl toirether. 11hould make an excellent Lnna of Laguna Beecll llaft a library. baby rtrl In UMlr tamJly. MUCH BUILDL'IO Aa tn the atatH, much buOdl11r IA going on ,here, although It movea. DEATH NOTICE ' A trw year& back. t.ba only type ot chldcen to be bad ln La Pu wu a tint couan to t.ba nctsunr eoclt. Jt wu nabbery and touab Md .. n aJ1ll tmpoufble to cook taeder. Now1 theni I• a mod«rtl *ldlen rueh here wtlh 1ood re- flilwnUon that ~ and alllpa ftae, plump, N>ode 1llud red try- .,., broUenl, ud routmc baa. 'l'M)' haft more t.baa u.. local .artiet rtqlltN8 llO .... an flown .. Jluatlaa. DOCm VDT Bun' Tiiie dodl 18 a bu.a)' place for llltpa an betn1 unloaded eon· • .......,. 8inoe' lHI, u. Oout&I bruNn, 110me In -lY llgtlt c~. tor who w ever ~· pect that It would ba ·cotd In t¥ troplcl9 1 ·• PUB DISAPPEA.a Tllf' wind blew and t he !Ith took off for parta. un.k.nown. Loud com- at a alower pace. Houmea are In -------------demand. ~place la U1Ually rent· JOI& IOllJli TaA11TWEOI' ed by thetlme the toundaUon 19 Funeral Mr'Yieea. tor llra. Jollll laid. People everyw~re are llNk· Trautwein ot Arca.di.a. KAIL moUier Ing hou~. to rent. Many retired of Ray, Paul and Jolla Trautwelll people plan to mah lhla their and Mra. C. C. McGanan all ot home W~hey can only find eome Cost.a M-. wtD be Mid tmlOI ,_ place to live. The average Amer-In Arcadl&. She died Jlooday la lean, oo.mlng In here and eeelnr eo KaNu . many o RPOrtunllle11. Immediately Ray, Mr. and Mta. Paul Mr. aa4 teela that he haa the 110lutlon to Mra. John Trautweta and Mra. Me- the enllr• problem If be were per-OnTan left Tue.say to alt.Ml Uiie 111ll~ to put ha planli into Hecu· ~ lln. Tralltweta aJID .-... lion. BOW"ewr. that ta not • euy ea a ..,. la nortMra cal1t--. and Mateo w1U probably conltaue a aon and two daupten 1111 KAa- along lbe at.aJd, unhunted t.nor of aae, a a.on In Idaho, te .,.andclill· her way. t j d1"lll and T peal pMdl:h1Mra. .. Higlt Q110/;1u Prinling-Plt Har '''' NEWPO~T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART rv.,Ae! 1 _· ''. • • THUR~AY, MARCH 17, 1955 .,_ l•ICIAL CllAm LO•••• ............. _ -~ ....... ; .............. ; _ ............. llEl'AL 10c ll&•ellle •f DANO ER Oea•lae A r a 7, fl.AO N&\'J' Ila- rlae Air .......... OANVAS 1F .... la ... WASH •arll•r BASIN ..... y ...... O:LD6fC ...,._ s...,.n- 91JARTEIMASTER BARRACKS PAINt ii , •• 91 U. 8. NAVY SHrs 111.L ' s.aw-....r...-. C!lew .... ,_ ..... ...... ,....... o.tlllde .... ...... oG bue. Limited•'"· Wortll .-, ..._ 149 ' gal. ~ ...... ··-·--·--··-· -···----·-··-·--..... " ...... ............. 1 ..... ·.-1.aethr -~--IOY SCO•T SV&arl'BDfO .&LWA!ll BOLD l"ftll AN Unconditional = Guarantee 9r Oc,~ .. ~.. 'Mk' CHOW 0 ••c•a•lct. 1.1 ., ... .......... '. NI• ..... .,, ........ ,_U.S. .., .......... L __ --"·---.... , 2 r .. .=re:=. ,.,_ 1 _,. ... -.& • 4c VAL IGW fl ... .... ...... "'-" ..._. __ .. .............. s395 1111119.-: ........ ............ : .. .-.; ............ _ ............ M:OlOa kAIH ueH'f -..... .... ~ ...... - . -.. '1" ................. -.; ............. ii-.: .............. tlee: ... __ ..... ..... _. .... fO'm._ •INY FliEi1w.&iDS ILL 11111 I tlllT m fC • .... =· ,, I .. ........... .. _ ... _ .. _ -·~·-··­... , ... '4• ~AL llND"Z POil& UOON •• hi-UDIO ..... la ... ........ N .... • ... ~ 51" N .... • U.S ..... DecUteltJ' NIW HIAVY ~Al 5195 WAiia IUCKITS WU 69c flS10I. ., Uc ... ~ y .... .......... .... _ -····1"'~-.... e.-. A-tic Ca"•••• Tr11<k 7F letdo, -· ,,....., IN<k flepo War Oil•e 0..lt • , , -plwo 4' I t' 1l1e. 19 ..... , for Medi• c "" , .... " .. • .... fraclwn •.. ft< 59c m.2 15 :;:~ for C ......,. .... ,,,. 50 •••. DROP ' CO~DS ~ ...... '"··~ "·" v 2.a 11" .... , 15" • • • • • • • • "" lbf'/,a•••" . . . • • • • • • tic Jiii/a • • 16'/a" 1 II" • • , • • 1.• Genul11e Gov't SurplUs GoOtls "" '' ....... , ...... . ~ Lm ... ...... ~ ... c:..- -o..... .... .... ._ .. ......_ a ..._ w =:, 11.&<JK M\V .ci~Dt:S 3 20• Moe ........ TM9 IOPL U la. lellf:'. · -::t1ac fer ..._...._. =:-.. 1i~ -----------=~=·=·=·~--~ ' - ••n f4 ... , , .... JI~ .......... ·~ .,_. 51.91tt5 IAf, lmrft'• t 11111. P'1lll 7.W1'r ..... x_ l•eh t Hw fer ••1 _,,_,., OUT7 -.. ... ill'M!P ..... 9SC ranee•• ta aa-.. ....,. _ ... Colem.- OA80LINE ~TO\'ES ~~?.~695 O. I. TyPf! CA:tw'Tf:t:S Emert'~ Drtmldllr Rave•-a.lld for $149 WATER ~ .-aber of the Sa.led Can °'8UIW 0-. ,....,. • • • • • Ille V8AF I 1tc \\'aier fiU:iiic-atloa llld VSN TAlll.ZT!'4 ~' • • • • o.-l8e ...,._ \\'ar 8v-)'.u..t OOVDS DAaON DILUXI 1AG M,, ......,_. ·-..:1 ,_ IP -............ e ... 11 15 ........... _. .... _, ._, U..1. ..... -· .....,, ... -..... -_..... ...... ·~ ....... J'{.1 k. _, ....... -I ;fie ....... ~. ·-au.ft : ....... ::. .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii------........... ioiiii ..... __ _.: c:= .... tc ~~.~. SC s11G~~~·,!.s299s _ s199500 l(NIY&~YOMITS-AX I HATCHIT-sHO~u•HTQO;i llfLIS-flSTOu-5HO.,.UM$-AMMUNln()tf Ix 10 ft. WALi. TINT .... .... lt.95 TAllP.AULINS 6. CAllVAS COY ... ..... -n--. "-"'18H <.:: ••• •A&,,,.,,..,.. .... n... .., .... ,... rr-..n • """1 fire. ....... ~ ......... -0.-ta ......... ,.,. letanlant ...... ..., .. ....,~ . -......... _ .. WllElllllF ,..,.... -S A llM M•HI ..... ,, _ _..._,,,_.... ~----.... .....,_ _....__ ...,._ _..., SUI ---·· ... ... .... ._. --=-.:3..;' .,, w ... Mlioflc Wlo"9 s. ........... ,.. ,,,, ...... ,, 11_... SWIAT SHltTS ......, °"'9lltY .. ....... ..... WAWt OTHB Htln\IL tor plaatlc _..., 1C , ... '1 9lpal c..,.. per ft. • • • • • ~ 8lllr& &-M·L-XL. Cl'f')' • l'llld • • • H..cled Swe a t $319 It .... ...., --------------------------....... ----,.. c ....... . ""' •.. .......... _ I" ..... ,.._ __ ,. ,_ .. ~--4all•... • • ' -·--..., .. , o...a. u. 11. N a• Y P' • • I Waa&•er laeke& .... .. ..... ....... , .... SISM .... O•r• are ............ wttll .....,. et wara ....... u .. • prtoe .. Jmt $3.tS y ..... a&.Ul SI ...... ,_ I I ... Jtc .. r.,..... ......... . ,...._, w. GRANT 'S=. ... :':..: ............... .............................. t' _____.~~~WAR SURP .LUS._~:l= UIG41 COINll NEWPORT mMI HAUOR ILYDS. COSTA MESA - ~ , I ) • .. '· ( • ,_ I PAGE 2 • PART IV -~RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 195~ CALLIN& ALL · CLUI PROGRAM CHAIRMEN I - a.s..-"aa....,......,.. ..w la llllormaUoa allout ... 'Nlopaamt ot the lf..,,ort . Harltor Unloll Hip ldlool wt1l be .upplled wttla ..,,.u... ere. MlCOl'dlAi' to Kni S... Mth 0 . Coollnl ud llft, 1114- IOll 8uUMrtud, ~ of· ua. ocmm1u.. Wblcb ,la ......... ta...., blP ..... ,...jeet. WlUl thf eleoUoo oaaUac x.., JO Ule ·~ ecamlt-.... ta umou. to ,.t ....... , clult tadonem•ta u poeliltle. . Vets to Get Ju ·Advice "AND wrLL. PUT THI SHowadoM THilr Like a oouple of Jdda thOM two men louDctal .,..... tbe flmtt ol tbe Clt:l7* ._. Yorker are Lou Reed and Country Wubbame, eaalpabiota la tbe operatka ol a. Chryaler.Plymouth arency for Newport' Harbor. 'l'bey are 8bOWJl looldns .,,.. om- ~ of~ new eatabllabment on. Cout mpway when eoon tMf wQl be en. playinr their ne* can. --Statt Photo 1' ~\aUWI from tbe Ol'- allC'e 00\mtJ .-.or'• oftlce wtU be a Y all ab h every 8atw'daJ be,twMD t a.m. and noon unW th• lat.er part of MaJ at the eut door of th• NeW,ort Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce otnce to answer queM.Jone on veteran'• eumpt.JoDa. - .U...Or Bup Plumb aaid Call· fornta law• prcmd• a limited tu aernpUon for nteran Rllldenta of tM Ila t.e. HARBOR BOYS' CLUB ro· MARK NINE YEARS "It la my deeire to aubt Hety ...t.rsn to r•t the exemption to wtiJcb be i. enUUed," Plumb u- ..nect. "Ple&N feel tree to call .... , Cla1ma ml.Wt be IU4e and IWOl'D to oa tbe pre9Crfbecl forma. A. Jet.o w eeDDOt be accepted. YYC Officers Presented It Dl•r Dance E&OLE l(X)tJ'l'll BONO&ED :_ <>a.fifth of the Eagle 8c:oata IMmond by tbe Orup Empire Coundl at San- ta Ana College'• Stmmt Unloo were from the Newport Beach area. Getting acquainted JD thia banquet are, frmn left: 8Mted. 8coat8 Gene McCandUab, :Ed Glbeon, Dua Pierce, Gerald 11ca.e and Bfll Stone. Standing, llpamon Jolm Triplett. Dick Ricbard, Walter Gerhardt, J. Herbert Brownell, Major Dave TboDl80n, and Wil- liam Spurpon m, a national commltteema.n · and key figure in the 19'53 national Jamboree held at Newport Harbor. Spurgeon and Roland Barcume of Newport Harbor will attend the World Jamboree th.ia wmmer. -SAC Photo P11111tb waned tbat taUun to tue between Monday and May ao wtn be taken to .... tbe nt baa walftd hill aempticm rtpta. Cub Leaders Plan Pow Wow Banquet Here PC1CJ1•t Wiii Show Scope of Activity,· lnfl•nce °'I loys New amc.. 1ar v.,._... 'l'adat am, .._......,c tare.A.Dea c.m.,..a. .... ,,_.... ~r­ day mpt at a dinnff da.Dce beld Parmu wU1 belp their 90nl cele- brate NaUonal Boye' Club week at • procram to be stven at the Ha!'bor A.re& Boy'• Club Wedne .. day evening, March 23. lnvttallon• have been eent out by Heinz Kai· •r, prM&dent of the club board of dlrectOn, uktns all parenta lo oom• and -the lnfliaence the Bop' Club ot the Harbor A.NL ln Villa Martna. JVty-four mem- It hu rl.8t!ll from a membenhlp ben and~•• a 9boft ftlm of l60 In ltf7 to an annual mem-of a enai. U'OQDd ... ftaaclaco berahlp ot Ul12 boy1 and )'oung Bay. t.o s-ramento, 1lacll to Nnr- men trom 8 to 18 yean of ap lll pc>rt Harbor, to C.t.altna hlud ltM. and u.ene. on to e.tde and Vic- Noman Watson to ,Succeed Priest as Administrator J1dge Di1miaes Conspiracy· Co1nt in Sam Collinses' Trial Plana for Ule annual pow wow club bu been on their eona. for CUii lcQ!at J-.dera are being-A apectacular pas.ant bu beeD ma.de for the Harbor and eouth planned atartlnr at 7 p.m. wbJch eout dWtnct.e. Repre•nlaUve• of wtll Wuatrat.e the variety and the IS Cub pa.cu In N-port acope of Uie club'• ~UYiU••· Par· Bead!, Coeta Meu, Balboa J.ahtnd, erita .,.. apecl-4 to learn aom• Corona del Mar, Dana Point. Lii-ot lb• reeuJta of t.b• Boy•' club rune and San Clement• are invited prorram. bow It 1a orpntMd. lu to parttclpat.e. Pow wow wtll be pblloeopblee and methode of'Opera· beld on Marcb n at Horace JCn11rn uon. Average dally attendance at the lortL OrYaJ Lyoae pre.nltd UM lloJ'8' Club la DOW oter JOO bo)-1 fUaa. ... l'J daf and ewnJD&' au ,,_.. New olftcer'I to ...,. Wllldew Jonr Cexcept 8undaJ•). Hember-C'ampblll laeluM ~ Lail&er, lhlp 1a open to au bof• tn u. w. ..,...._.,...: .._,. Pwrnn. Newport Harbor-C:loeta ..... .._ nar NWmoctare; W'Dlllr .... t. TM Boya' Club la local.a acro.9 ~ .,_ llc:Owtrw, tnaar· the lltnet trom tbe eo.ta M~ er; a.rtaM ....._port~; 8.A.NTA ANA, KARCH H - Dr. M-IL Wat.a wu ap.' (OCNS) -Mono County .Judae pointed ..-..ant aapertatendmt Walter R. ~ made tbrt'e decl· bJ lM Boarcl of ,....,.__ cC Or-alone at UM out.et of the tbree- aace Cout OoDep al tbetr Jut count indictment tr1&1 of 8am L. m.UQg. Be wW take the pomi!Uon i ' Oolllna, Sam E. Colline. Harry formert1 occup6ed by l>r. Bill J. Lehman and Cbarlea l!l. (Red) De- Prieet wbo receaU1 ~ to j vine bere today. _ ~ pnsident ot the nrw Am· I They were 1---damJ*l of count er1can River JanJor ColJeg9 In j one of the lndlctme;nt. conaplracy northern Callfomla. j t.o commit the crime of uklnr ln bia new umlpmeot Dr. Wat-f or receiving a bribe for a pubUc aon wtll be lll c.barJ'e ot adult lllld 1 official: 2-denlal ot a ddenM Yocatlonal educat.km and llUlDJ'MI' requut to walv• the Jury; and I -ion. Slntt comlne to <>ranee -poatponlng ot tbe Jury eelecUon Cout Colleg'e ln Septemller, 1902, until tomorrow momlnr while ar· Dr. WalMm tau MrTed la ~ rumeata an held on the ad.mtaa- capad lles. lnlUally he wu employ-blllty of collateral case•. ed &JI vice-pl'ftliclent of ~ na-Earlie, preeldlng Judie J'raak· ln,r roUege. latf'r be bttamc dean l1n Wut continued another tnal of adult educaUon and then ~ eet today for the Collin-to June ot student penonn«'I. 13. Jt will be a ret:rl&l of a sl'Uld P11or to com1nt to eoa.t Col-thett indictment. A. auperlor court ~ae. Wat.a Mned u dlalrict --DR. NORllAN E. WATSON Jury recently wu deadlocked t-e pertntendmt of CapUltnno Unklll T-0 Tab ()yer POlt ln the cue. The Colllnaee were Rieb School for four ~ and accu.d by tbe Onnp Collllty prevtoualy wu matructor ln ED-a man ol Dr. Wat.on'• calibre and Grand Jur, of the unlawtul takinC g'Uah. dnuna and joum.aliml at quaJUJcaUom to take onr tbe re-of $7~ from <Horge UndeTWood t.be same lMUtvUon and at WMh· eponsibWtlea ot Dr. Prteat when he of Buena Park for obt.alntnr an on· iDcloc Hip sCbool la Jl'r..-o.. leana ua." 8'.&ted Dr. Bull B . Pet· eale paeral lJquor Ucente for h1JI Dr. Wat.eon Uv• at I09 SL er-. premldmt, Orange Coe.et I ba.r. JamH Roed with hi. wtte. Gwen-Col.JeC'e. ln tbe cue ~ore Judie J:vt.na d&, and Ult9e children. Wataoa will ueume hi• new du· the defendant. are accueed of the •we are ~ rort.unat.e t.o baft ue. oa July 1. • unlawful t.aklns of Sl0.000 trom OCNS NEWS MAN FLIES WITH NA VY BLUE ANGEL IN JET THRILL RIDE I Reporters Faca OccupatlotlGI Rim. M Oh You Jet Joclleys! Then G~k'• "°'°' cltme tn ..-.1n. "Want to do a roll!" W!lat elM can you aay? "YN." But be didn't roll tmmedlat.ely. w. headed for the rround ap1J\ at a ateep e;nourh anrle to I could Ry W. I. C&Jll' A ,..&lcnr, jet pilot'• b.elmet wu -gT&ll and houlee oYer tb• <>It.ANGE -{~SI -.. YCIQ plaard on 1DJ bead and a llp micro-pllot'a head, then ROC>med upwvd don't Dttd It. bUt tn caae }'Oil Mff pllome jutted an IACll ln tront of and at the ll&IT!e time the plane to mp .IM e~tJon wet. -St anUl mJ moutll. aareck annouaced rolled onr. tJle pilot bu ~ the canopy:• through Ule earpboaea ln the hel· I had checked all thOM atn.p• "You wvn't ~ IL bat In e&M mC't lbal -.,.re n&Cl7 for take-to 1ee tr theJ were Ufht befo" J"Oll baw to Ul'e ~ paracllute the off, and we begu to move doWn anrirertnr OUnck. but I didn't rtpcof'd b hecre. on the ~ft aide. tbe runway. need t.o. CenttilUpl force t11ld .. ~ "You -·t -i It. but .. :· We l"MCbed the end or t.be run· u. tn Uie ... ta. and the only ,..,. .ad U. Drt of lb.lnp l wouldn't W1IJ' uad turned around. 'nie w1ltne I lmew we were on our back wu DMCt.. but. g-rnr until. pttf~ blaa.d but the plane ltood aUlL bJ lllght. calm a t-mlnute.e Nrhe:r, I be-8uddealJ It leaped forward, then l looked up at the rround. It'• s-to baw doUbtl t.bat were bepa to roll at an ever·lnc~utnr a •true-fMUnr. Ptttac U Jarre in Dumber U the tpeed down the runway. The plane fell Into the nlpt ·~ Oil t.be u.t. n 9fflned to take about .. long pattera, drcled t.b• neld and head· It WM a brleft.as f<W my ftnl for tbe ,.t to pt alrbome u It ed tor the runway. I beran to ride ID • Jet alrpli&De. • rtde tak.a t.Uu • prope.Do1"-drtftll plane. but relax, but we atpped onr the field u part of UM mDltuy '"1-and ODC."e we were off Ule ground WI aratn Without an attempt to land opm bcJQae be.Id ltlmday a l Lea bepJl a atMp climb that made me IU>Wl.NO DOWN .AJamltoe Naftl .A.Jr StaUoll. feel -. lt J were l.r7lnit to pu11h "R&'H to llow down." Qureclt 1be l1dea wen _,f'tD a IJ'OUP of throuirh the •at back to the espla.lned. "l can't let the Wtleeb newsmea. The pUota _,. mml· lfOUDd. down unW we've •lowed to 190 hen of Ule f.-Blue ~ 'nlelrwe Oew on our .tdt. mu .. &n hour." the N•TJ''• Mo. 1 Jrt mmt l.m PE1lrllCT VIEW "At what aJ)ffd do we land~ .. t bued at c.orpua aan..u. ..... f« r ... e beln In propellor aircraft uktd. • .... Mow wtllcb the'7 .,_i-Ulat bankl'd lo tum, but we Mnk· "About 125 mllee an hour," he ed lat.er .. Ge day. ed and didn't --to be turning. "Plied. The ,..._..,.. wt.at the NaT)' For mo.t of t.be rtch I wu abl• I bractd myaelt ag&.ln. caI1e a TV-2. Ow air fC!fte ftffft to tum m1 head all1ht1.y to th• On the nut pua around t.b• to u • T..U.. and elTiUau u UM left and han a pe!fect V'lew of the fle.14 I oould f•l. l thourbt, th• LocldlMd St.arf'ln. Uw flnt opera· ground. plue llacklnr apeed and one ot Uonal mWtary Jet alrplaae. wbkh Object.a dfd not 11, .,, to •lld• b1 t.be m&QY lJ1bt.e on the lnetrument la now uaed aa a training plane tn too quldtly, 90 t r -I 11•h11t our panel llpted up OYer a aim that • two-eeated wnt-.. l'PMd waa. aatd, "wheel.I." :U:y pilot wu a J'O'll1g fellow. "About 425 lnllu en hour." We IWiahtd onto Uie runway L L ( 1.0 .) BW Ourttk of Hamp-Gureck laJ4. and beran to roll-and roll, and atead, Lons bland. I turned m7 lmld to look at t.lle roll, and roll. IA addlt.loll to tbe u.c. I .... IJTOUDd ap1D and h• mun haft &UNWAY Ll!PfOTll lntroduC.f'd to stnips. 1n asa ordl-felt my CSJ.allelief. J bad a queallon. "How 1on1 a ury, old·fUllJobecl. propellor-drt.,_ "Want to make a tow lnel nm nmwa7 ~. a jct nffd to land!" en alTplaae UWnt ta ~ OM Oftr t.be neld T" he aeked. "Jt dependa upon the lolad, ~ .trap for ..n.J, wtudl coimee \qi I did. mOW1t of nlel and teveral other on H eh •Ide of t.be eMt and ra.t-Be rot clearance Crom tb• tow-racton1. Qureclt wet. "but normal· a. acnie.t the lap. · ed ud .,. lllMW a wide tum 17 about 6000 fMt, JI.IA about a ll"1'f'I' 9n.&N Wlklcll llToupt u• Off one end ot mile." Jn tbe TV~ lblr9 ...... and U.. Nawa7. I wu glad we ftff at Loe A.la· ann .tnpe far Ge~ Ole am.uva 8.PIZD 'm1to1, one ot the larreat naftl normal ate~ .tnp, &Bl a .-pl,. 'n161 .. came dOWD. o.,.r th• alr 1netaUat1oaa ln tb• oowatry. rn•..,P'nou:a .U.,. wt11111 ao. r.tW'lly Ud put tt u alrpl.&nt'I, We, ttnal]T 1topped. tunMCI a- t.be clM9t from -._.. and people and bufldlllp Wbll'Pf'd by. round a.nd taxied beck tot.be park· dtaappear ~ .a. t.b1nd • Mt wnr tbaa l Utoupt t.Jaey 1nr .,.._ tbe -'-lboald k 8ut I baDned our IJ>-1 Wiiia I rot out I wu snet.eC1 Kr•. Jmla Lou1a DupUa OounMI· man few .a~rlJlr an OD·l&le u,. uor IJcenH for her -ru.tJn bar. 8b• formerly liYed ln Corona del Mar. Th• onl)' charsu for dttennln&- tlon by the Jurore wUI be conaplr· uy to •commit crand theft and crud theft. • D-Escapes"'lmy Robert Dunn, 8, ot ft3 Mamou. St., Coit.a Kea, eauped Injury wben hit by a car In Ooeta w .. at ':O~ p.m. Karch 8, Mea police reported. Jeanne Loulae Luhn, aa, ot •ei J1ower St., driver ot the auto Involved. aaid the accident OC· curred In the alley between Kai· nolta and 18th St. Jones Car Stolen Newport police today are look· IDc for a atolen car reported by Onita L. Jooea, 220 Jumlne A.Ye. 8he MJd the car wu takm from In front of her home between 10 p.m. Saturday and I a.m. Sunday. She eald the keye were either In the l(TllUon or the car or In t.be door lock. by two other new1men Wllo ,..re waltlnc for tbe1r ride. "Want to change your occupa· Uon now 7 '' one of tllem aaked. I didn't e.-bav• to think about U\e u.wer. 8fbool In Nftpc>rt Hel(hta, from HAPPY BlaTBDA y 1 p.m. to • p.m. TM annual meeUnr prornm Hup Bolton wbo la ualatant die-alap mark• t.be bef1Mlllr of th• tl1ct eomml.Mlaner In the Harbor ninth year of operaUoft of U.. dletrlct, beade tM pow wow com-------------mltt.ee. He I• advleed by Seoul neld Jl!xKUUYe Doug-Walton and a committee cornpoeed ot Herb RU.J, ftualen n.cber. Mn. Dona BMt. Arthur IC!tta, Mra. Florence Cermak, Ben Madl•on, Howard Barnes, Grant Rowald and Leeler Vlerllnr. Pac.k-delll11Md ,am• and ex· blbll traya wtll be on· dapa.ly on Uie midway wbere the tua and In· fonnalJty that characterlau cub- blnl' will be much In evidence. ct.-In the tour major cate- rortu of admlnlet.raUon, f'&mec .. h&Qdlcratta a.nd ceremonlu and 111tert.alnment. will occur from 2 pjn. untl_l I p.m. uid will be follow· ed by a Blue and Gold banqueL MIMI" C• Crash Mlnor acc.ldent occUJ'1"ed Satur- day al Cout Hlf'bway and Dahlia A.Ye.'between care driven by IAvon Et.bel l>ytlM, 2381 ~ Rodeo Place, eo.ta M--. and Andnw )(!Jton Fay of Puent.. The DykH car wu appwently attempUnf a left tum wtMn t.be &Cddent ~. police a.Id. LOI ALAMITOI -(OCNI) - An eaumated U0.000 peraona at Loa A.lamlt.o• Naval Alr 8t.aUOG 8unch1 heard <>rans-Cowlty'1 n&- Un eon Vlce-Pruld•t RJcbard M. Nixon wam th11t America needa mlltt.ary etren&'lh to rui.t argr.- elon. The vice preeldenl •poke at the annual military lnspectton and renew u aome t ,000 week-end warrlora •load at parade rl!al be· fore him. The ~erv~ Hrvtcemen were from all p&r'lll of Loe An· S•lee and Orang-e Countl •. 'The way to peace la throua'h lltrenrtb," Nixon atated. To mu. atrate b!. point, the vice pruldent pointed out that "•tren(th IA the only way to avoid war when you are dealln( with a potenUIJ .,.. rreeeor.'' The \•Ice pruldenl dJd not name the aaST-r. Park. ltobftt oam.., a.t. eap&aaa; 80.&IU> M'DfllElll WUUam ~ JDd&'9 ......... Other boatd otttcen ue Sidney Named dlreetM•.,.. 11.aJ Davtdeon, Tice pniaidf.nt; DoDald ,Bolts. a.a c •PM lhn; a.1 Ruddleat'1n, treuurw; Boward Brldpa. C'ampMll and.IL 8. Jltoek- Oerrtab, 11ecret.a.ry; and CbarlN W. -n. an.a.ta. Paul Vr1 rptn TeWlnkle. bu 1 l d ID' commttt• ..... eled.ed .. .......,,. director. cbalnnan. In th• put .i11rt ,..,.. the Bof*' Club bu.lld1n( bu l'l'OW'D tram 3100 aquan feet to a plant ot ll,000 aqua,. fMl. It lndudH pm .. roome and meeUas rooma. Ubral')', ebop and bandicntt r--. anack b&r, ahOWtr,. lodlft' and ~ l"OClm, .,._.um and out.door play court&. $100 Cafe Is alarr BurrluT al Mr -u.s ..... 411 H. N.wpart Bhd. and then ot 1100 WU nport.d lo pollee hn· day .., .......... 0...... Ball. 8he aid -......,.. ...... la Uie 1lulJdlq ........... ..,. U. llarrlu to pla •tnaca. HELMAR · HOUSE .,. s' •a 's a ..................... I Spedal! f'IBEPIACE Ga&TES tt• I (~ from \'-de x.amp·e aDd MaJfa,tr) 1I0'7 So ..... s..ta Aaa D a.ant -' ~n·s got everybody excited and we'd like to show you w11y· POl'lfft UI If we bunt wfth pride ••• hi w'w '°' a um~ ocr ._, 01'4 '°' -"" u.. 111W. "'°'" to bolo ill It'• the new CU7W aad lhe peopJ. who've been comina to• It and drln It are jmt u anltten wfth It • .. are. lt'1 the nan.t, ..._ tmelihle that n.r appeared In aa automobl.I. tbowroom-.M ,.. .-W • ill M• people PfM rood looks In a car. n. tt55 CiaryaW bu it! Fubfoe people call It "tal!ortd Ne!" --.rt and dllJwent. H almoe& &oob like It'• IOilll wbn lf1 etandi~ 1t.llll Thi., lM)' tell 111, l.t the IMIW fubloa In ltyflnc. We uy burnhl Al for psfomwiee ... ftJ, double your enjoyment bade If yoa don't think It'• the belt ear 1'0Q ..._ ..... Do It eooGt a sun YOU sa ANO.....,. nm M..&Aar CHRYSLER AllllttCA'S •on MIMTLY .... aan CAii ----------------toop DIUY••• DlllY• 8APILJJ "!"". ---~------------ LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 4323 W. Coast Highway Newport leadl Phone Hmbw 4070 --POI THI mt IN TY, -'11"1 A OllAT UPI,• "CLIMAX!" Ne "'IHOWB OP STAii." 18 TV PAOI POa TIMll AND STAnoNS-... ( , , .. II > . 1 I Ii I l ..... ~· ·--- UGAL NOT1CI U&AL NOTICI ) UGAL Nonc1· ot ..... alodl M : tM9ce He. ........ paid; eDC1 H •Pl It •a • t er l 7 aJoaa -.Ad lfOl'ICS TO mEDftOaa WHl:R.llA8, R. UOW1f BUIH ~y aad Nor t ._. m.tate of L&ITlllt LZllLIS &Del IU '11U:R.JN-.M.. BU8B .• cnm- euterf7 u.. ot eald Block " llA unv.ur -·---' aacl holden of aid note, hento-to tM potat of Mpualal'· Not.lee i. 11ere1tJ ,.._ to tm tore cSem•eded that aid 'l"ruAff U IT ft1JtTllD. RDOLVID> crecllton of UICI all per-. ba•· ..U aald property and oa NOftlllb- 1'-8~1!1. ~~--­ PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good local reterenca THOM.AB COLL ror tree .. ttmat.a. call KI 7 -16' t. ll~b PAINTING INTJ:IUOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -IN8U'1!0 ~~~~~-­ Roy's Maintenance Home cw•-. r1oor ~ wa11 trUblnc-wtndow c\M•tac v-uan bltDda. u~ lneured. rr... m.t.IJnal• ~ I-WI. lt.te l!!lrperienCed CIJl>ellter wanta wort. Call LI 8-2932. 23p28 FIREWOOD l'Rm DELIVJ:RT Dry wood. lt" • 24" leneth. cau B. R. STAGG PtwMle Harbor 10H ~Harbor t\391 lttf SMITH-CORONA add. mach. and caah net.tu, Arcua C S camera complete. 10 cu. ft. Cokllpot nat t.op, I compartment tr-r. --I r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PA&E l THURSOA T. MARCH 17. 1955 W ashinQ Machine SERVICE 1-year C'U&ftJllM oa jobe dOM and oo uaedl .,..,,.,.. Mll\l (rear) Newport Bl., Coet.a 111-. Llberty 8~ or Liberty 8-4327. 64Uc U-hnlltale for !ale ----11166 o·~ • MDUUTr ~· It'• rw&I nice cp au&oma- Uc, crjddle in middle, IUamer bumera, lift top • that ,nJl broUtr. Pd. ctn. to 1127.JO. No c.lfl ctn., Just pay \.h• PJ!nb. ol 17.U per mo. Bee Bauchna A • I Warebo\lee,. .AMD oaon.m lb.at Tllud&7, tnc cJatma aptut UM .alcl c1ece-.,. If. ltM duly ...corded la 'tJI• UM Ital da7 ot Apnl. ltlll, at the daat or aid eetate to fUa u..m omce of the County Reoorder ot bo9r of 11:00 .. doclk .A..M., IMlq 'With UM~ wuclMn la tM aald Count7, ID book llTt, pap a U... llOl 1.-tbaa \.hirty 110) otftc:e ot the Clerk ot UM! aupertor Ill of Ottldal Recorde tMNOf, a claye an.r the adopUoa ot Uda Court of u.. st.ate or Callforala notice of •Id default aad of their a..otuuoa. "' . UM ~llen of la ud tt>r th• County of 0r_,.: elecUon to cauae aid property to t.IM llbard et lu,....WOll'IT la the or to pruent tM .... Wiila UI• be 10lcl and more then Ulree Court HOUM ID the Otty ot llUt.a nec..uy .oueben. to the ..,.,... moat!ul baft aow elapiecl alnce ~e A-. Oowlty ot 0rul'•· St.ate of etped at Jtle plac» of bueln..., to-NCOl'd&Uon of -.Ad ncJ41ce. Tile .um Glenn Johnston llOl • lll•t St.. Newport Bffeb T ACHT WORK. Bldpper Uc. Deck hand. PaJntLDc, -rnl.lllinl'· IUC· Harbor 112. 26p21 ------------- 220 8. Main It., Sant.a ~ • blocllt .outll ol •Ua at. Open z. .. ·w t , eun. u.a or Pllone KJmberl7 l ·fJOl Harbor SlTt 22UC pg. (AW monthly rate. llO% orr on BoyMn paint.I an• ~l-Wuted .w 8!1 c.utanJa. LI ••rebJ ftP4 .. UM wtt: et ~.OS prtnetp&l u4 tntere•t U.... wlMa Mel t.1M pllaot where HURWITZ A BUJtWITS thtHOn from Aucwt 1, 1153 l• objec'Uolu to tJM aaaaaUon ot Attorne-at Law n-due, owlnc and Wlp&ld on eaJd terrttoey to 00..t.y luJtaUoa ,_ laid note and lben Ml al8o secured I>Ytnet No. I of U.. Oount7 of ltl l N.wport Jloule.ard, IJy .. Id dMcl ot tnwt the Truatee'• 0nal'• w1ll be Me.rd. Newport Beada, California fee and expeuu of ale ..ttmated n IT "'1\TIDll\ Ra<>L'hl> ..SUila * montbe at\ei' Ule rtnt at Slat.to, torether with any AMI> OJU>l:llm> that the Oouat1 pubUcaUGe Of tb1e aoti~ .wna p&ld and adn.nced by the a.rte .., ea«tldf Clerk of tlli9 Dated r.bruary II. 1168. owners of aid nota in aooordance . PAINTING Painting II Paper Hansing ''The Bat Koney Can Buy" ~Y,'!!~~?..~!o~~r PHONll HARBOR 1406 Uo a.rd IM aact lie LI 'benbJ ol'deroed OOT ID. WA TTll wl\.h the pro.t.toae of Kid cited t.t paM1eb Ul .. llMohrUae at lectll J:a.ecu,tor Of UM &lt&te ol trl.Ult, wt\.h lnlelwt Ola ukt Pai.piing, Decorating a at ...,. two (I) ---'" la· of e9.kl ~t. lut menlloned .wna. Paper Ba.ngin& we. la U.e Jlfewport Harbor N ..... RURWITS A HURWITZ NOW THJCRJ:J'Olt.I!. NOTICE p,_, a nnnipaper of central cir-Attornt)'9 at Law Ia HJl:RJCBT OIVEN that the said GEO. BURKHARDT nlatim ~bu.bed wtWa tlle 2'11 Newport BouJnard. Oranre Count)> nu. Company, by LICl!NaED CONTRA<..9I'OR County ot Orulp. .Sd pabUea-Newport Jleach. CalltoraJa 'Ylrtue of Ule authority ..-..ted In 611 10Ua 8t., Nnrp>rt ee.dl tion to be completed not mon No. 1291 , ll u Truetee under Mic! deed of Bu. Hll-W or LI 1-eal tic tbaa thlrt1' (IO) new i... t.hal tell N-..Pr"-1/J, 10, IT, M, aG6 UU.t. will eell at public auction to ------------- (10) d&p prior to th• date of Ule lllP•t bidder for caah. Jaw-PAINTING ~-NOTKlS or uu: or lll:AL tul mon.y ot the Untted stat.. of EARL SHEFLIN .ATa: aUPEJtVDOIUI noPDTY BT n usns -America. OD the tth day of April. ..... Palm-· St., .n.. ••• ~--JISINZ X.A.ISllR.. VNDCa Dll:ZD or nun 19~ at \.he hour ot ei.._ o'clock •• .... ....... ... -- WK. B. BI&ITEIN, nun NO. 111' a.m. of .aid ~7 at the 80U\.h front Phone Uberl7 1-2924. 8TUc c. K. l'SATllDLT, WBERmA.8, PAUL IC. J'08Tl:R, door ot th• <>ranp county court JtALPH J. XcJ'ADDSN an unmarrW man, anct Gll!RALD Houae In the city of Santa Ana. WILLI• H. w AJUQ:R L.P'OSTER, a ..... inaa. by Deed Callfomla, an Of the lntere11t con· MOD: 8UPICftVlaOR8 ot Truet dated February 10, Jtol, n7ed to It by aid deed of tru•t NONI! recorded rebr\la.ry 11. HM rn booll ln and to all that certain property .A.BallNT: llUPEllVllOlll N66, Jl&I" tta of Otflctal ~ llituated In \.ht County of Oranl'e.- NONJI of Onnp CounlJ', catlfornta, did State of Oallfomla, dMCrtl>td u aTATll OF CAUrORNU. ) l'l'ant and conny the property follOWI : OOUNTT OF Oil.A.NOii ) •· therein and btrelD&fter deecrlbed, The Nor\.hw..terly ao feet of r, a. ~. SXITR, County Clerk to th• <>ranre County TIU. Com· th• 8ouUl ... t.erl7 281 feet of and u-otftcio C1crll of Ult Board pany, u Truat.ee, to 89CUre, amonl' the Nortlleuterly 160 feet of ot 8upem.on ot Oranp County, otMr obllptlOM, the payment of the SouUIWHWIJ 330 feet of CaUtonLla. hereby eertif)' that the one note dated r.bnJ&ry 10, ltU, Lot. 70 of Tract No. 171, u aboft and forecotnc R.eeolutlon pa,able to H. Brown Bl1ui and ahown on a map recorded In wu duly and rel'Ql&rly a.dopted KatheriM M.. Buah, bUllband and book 16, pege 2t ot M.l.cel- :Remodel & ReDair· CARPENTRY, CEMICNT BLABS. p&lntlng, plaatermc. Dependable • experienced In all bulldtnc tradet. Call J.'OS'.IER BROS. LI 8-2932 or Har. 3970-R . 23p3th Painting Ir Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 7ear1 experience Llcenaed • lnaured. 'Liberty MUI . llpll TYPING, m7 home. RAuoG&ble, fut • a.ccurate. Manu.cripl.8, etc. Phone Lone Beaeb 708-072 or wrtte Beatrice Jollnaon. * W. 17th St., Apt. 2, Lone Beach. 2tppl9 PAINTER W.A.NTll WORK. 16 y~ aperi· ence. Nlfl union. Hourly. Llbe.rt1 }·rf22. S6pSeH Three ti.by llitten a..U.bl• J tor ...nlD1• Pllt>ne Liberty 1-2722. S5p31H Bookkeeping COKPt.rn: SERVICE fGr .mall bualneee lncludlng •tatement 4 tax form•. Competent, reuon· able, ccnfidenU&l. Kar. M61-W. illcsah MAN • WOMAN will do ceneral hou.ework, noor wUlnc, wlD· dow cleanlnc. Fut" workers, white. l H I:. 20th' st.. Coeta Me-. LI 1-2"3. ppU WILL DO lronlnc (78c br.) ln my home. .ALSO BA.BY SITI'ING <50c hr.) day or eventnC. 08 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 27p2t WANT aalu, eecretarial poalUon. Billen enamel whlle •upply IHta. .BarraJM In u-S· bruahu. U2 • S2nd St., New"°rt Jk-9ch. Phone Kar. 183t. 18c27H RUIOIAOI: S ALZ Junior l:bell Club, Newport Beach. Mardi 18'• HI, Friday and Sat· urda7. lSM Newport Blvd. (next to C. M. Bank). • 2ec27 WHI l'Nll:T bab7 carrlq• deluxe modd • car cradle, with pad.I, Botll for S~. Aleo boy• 20" bike, SlO. Jl&r. t741.J . 28c21 J'riglda1re refrll'·· 7 cu. ft. 7 yr•. old, cooct cond. S\00. Kenmore -uto. waahlng machine, 5 yrs. old $50. HJg11 chair•, $1.llO. Harbor SlOl·W. 26<:28 BRAIDED RUGS all-wool, hand made 9x12 S2ll0 It 11m&ller one. Liberty 1-6332 mornlnr• A evea. 26c28 Movie Proiectors f'OR RENT l ·MM 16-MI.\ 35·MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANIC RUPPLlES ALSO Geiser Counlel'8 tor rent. Mears Camera Shop 1781 Newport Blvd., Coet.a Mcaa ~· Liberty 8·70U. Pr U HXND BRAIDED MA.Pl.m TWINS (Beaut~), doobl• bed. dinette 8tt, bed4na apt. atove, retrtc., oritatal l"\ll: It mtec. AU Uke n.,.. HYatt •·6911 •eek-end&. 17p2t WANTED. Two t o five cubic ft. capacity e.lectric or P' llln. Good to cone t . Cone. .06 elect. kiln coneldered l.f element.a are replaceable by hll'h temp. ele- mentt. Darling Tedi. Lab., 1016 Weal Victoria. Costa M.-. BAJ..JDI maple but.ch. larp, uee4 Liberty l-M6L ~p24 I month.a, .... ( % of coet) A.i.o ' GREATER VALUES at Lower Prices at BAY FURNITURE Where Pricet are Held a t Bay NEW 3 pc. Rattan teel. emartly .t.yled In new Oriental brown. Copper serTUlea, l OO'i'c foam rubber aeat cuahlorui, euy clean , boltaflex cover. 1219.~ value, a t Bey .......... $189.50 Newly atyled ~ant arm hldeawar, bed eofa. Full •l:re mat. • ~ ' pure foam rubber cuahlona. $269.50 va.lue, at Bay ......... ~f!T.00 2 pc. bed divan aet, colorful pat- tern. plullc e.rme, $129.50 value, al Bay ..... _ .. I 88.00 Maple cricket chaira, Eaatem qual- ity. 124.60 value, a t Bay ~ .... -.... 115.60 Luy Suean maple dropleat t•· bl• to match, 161.ao, • ea~ cbaln 117.60 each. Har. 0279·W 27c2t M.APL.m dbl bed, box epri.np and matt....., Uk• new, ST&. Harbor 2419-M. 1Tc%9 SS-Boat.. Sapp_ .. ____ _ XI.NT. t.2' DIESEL FISHING BOAT. Fully equipt. A $14,· 000 value !or ~. Terms, trade. Phone owner, DIA- MOND 7-3167. 22p27 . TRADE Beaullf\11 TO.ft. a ux. echooner. FUiiy found, go anywhere. Will take equity In property or amal· ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 2tel8H MA THl:WS Cabtn Cnlleer. 11 ft. lt7 U,e Mid Board at a rtp1aT wife, u Joint tenant&, or order, laneoue Mapa, recorde of Or· meetiq Uaertof beld on UM Ut for tht prlncipa.l wm of "7G.OO, &ftP County, Callfomla, SatiafacUon cuaranlffd. ic.timatu free. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 le LI 8-0289 81Uc Experienced In both, alao drap- ery A: uphoi.ttry (abrtc. Will bring mature Judpeut to the job, local referencea. LI 8-3003, vu . Hu. 4275. 27c2t NEW ALL WOOL, 9x12 rug. bm. creen• A: gold: 1350. 1 Sl'e at Plalfonn rocke.ra, noor ll&lllplea. 20092 s . W. Spruce, Back Bay 139.60 value. at &ly ............ 122.50 Sleepe e. Twln ac:..-. Ship ehore radio, dlrecUon finder, auto. pl· loL Moorlnc tranaterable. Built 1941. C.Ompletely equipped, nmny eictru. Sl5,000. Phone Har'bor 4183. 23p2T clay of Mardi, l ttl&, and ~ bf wl\.h lat.rest at Ule rate ot I per or eo much of .aid propert.y u a un.antmoue 'fOte of Mid Board. cent per annum; principal and ln-ahall be neceM817 to be eold to "A's" area. 26c39 Platfonn rocker11, awive.I baM. IN WJTNU8 WHJ:lllX>F, · J terst due ID m.ontbl7 lnatallmenta provtde a wm .uttlclent to pay Mn bereunto Ml my hand and of 126.00 each on the bt day ot the total amouat eecured b7 said LAUNDRY · ~9.50 value at Bay ... __ .. 139.60 FOR SALE -Oolpb.Ln JI. FUllJI equlpL tor cha.Ur&. New Chrye- ler motor. Phone HaT. 117• or call 910 I:. Ocean, Balboa. lap2T ...i thi. llll daf of Aht'ch, lNIJ. tadl month. be&1Jullnc Jilarocb 1 , dMcl ot truat. B. J. 8XITR 1161 and COllUDU!nC unW January O.t.ed: Karch '· 19:wt County ClHk and .. -otndo 29, l"' at Wbtcb t1me the enUre OR.ANGii COUNTY C\ertl ot t.IM Board ot unpaid amount of prtnelp&l and TITLI: COMPANY Bupent.on Of Ona... laterellt lball become due and pa.y-By GllQRCJll IL p JJlKER Count7, c.llfor11la abl.e; UICI Pree6c!e.nt (8Ml) Wlll:IU:.li..S, def.Wt bu occur-BJ C. W. BAXTD No. Ml New•PnM l/H, IT, 1166 Ad In that the pQJDent ot the S.Cretaey princlpa.l -du. on aid note on (Corporate Seal) O&&IUi<JA.Tm Or B119IN'IC88 Juuuy 29, 11166 .... not been No. lJOO N.-PnM 1/10, 17, 14 ncrrnoua rtaM NA.Id The Ullderelped clo ~y CW• tity tbat Uley aN conducttq a ~ bUlJdlnc and repe.JT buslne9 at. 220 -Jut Btnet.. Newport 8-cll, CalltomJ&, under the ftoU· • UolM ftnn n&rn.e Of ACKJIRMAN BO.AT WORKS and Ul•l Mid nrm le compoeect of the folJowtnc per• eoee. wt\oee namM In t\l.ll ud p~• ot !'f'llidencie are u follow•. to-wit: CLAAZNCI: I:. .Aeta:IUilAN ltOO W. Balboa Blvd. Nnrp>rt 8Mcb. Calli. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PB:ESS E'fery MCIDda7 and TbundQ OOASTAL SHOPPER-Weclneedays ' u.. 1 Paper ' .'76 VE¥rJAN BLIND LICENSED skipper -April thru Don't Fly t o N .Y. ! Will come to your home, take down Sept.. weekenda only. Several Hear Edna Stearns Dayton your venetian bllnda, take them year• uperience, know• local review Br"'adway Play to our laundry. Launder the •lats, flahl~ ~ounda. wtll maintain • Udo Theatre March 24th -tape•, corda, •parkllng clean operate power boat up to 86 ft. ' wttb our new machine proccu • Phone Harbor %927-W 22p27 10:30 a. m· ~p29 method. Return your bUnda and re-lnatall them ln 24 hour•. Price very rea.onable. The aver· ap 2 tape rHldentJ&l bll.nd- Onl y $1.00 We aleo repair and rebuild 'lttle- Uon blind!!, AU work done by ap- pointment. Phone now Llberty 1-11701 or Klmberly 3·127'. ppllc A.Jcoholica Allonymoua Writ. P. O. ec. 81.1 Newport Beacb. CaltL Pbon• Barbor f 7t6 Don't Fly to N.Y.! PRACTICAL nur11e available day or nlfht. Liberty t-M37. 26p27 EXPICllT prdner bu a few open- lnp tor reC"Ular cuatomera. can Harbor ~w. 25p27 5-llelp Wut.ed GIRLS- JUST A JOB! MORI: THAN TH.AT-An oppor- tunity to work ln an tnter utlnc induatry which la expanding and often ad-.-ent opportunity to quallned younc women. OPl:Nl!llOS NE>W Al!I: 1000 Bu.aineaa cards $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. WHITE LI l-4011 (Evu. LI 8-5150) ppUc ROLLA WAY bed, $20. Double aprlnr. mettreN • frame, ••a. Stove, 160. Refrtcerator, 1100. 220 • 32nd St., Newport Beach, Harbor JH.l·W. 28p28 PLAYHOUSll, 6 x 8 tt .. $23. 210 Pearl, Balboa bland. Harbor 1173-W. 26c28 ENGLISH ebony miJJ-plano. Bell tape r.corder. Hubor 3381. 28c28 6 pc, chrome tet. Small apt. ase table. $69.50 value, a t Bay ............ $39.96 Bunk bed•. all hwd., blonde tlnah. Complete with 2 innerwprtnc mstt.. apring11, guard rail and ladder. $129.50 value. cloae out ........ S79.ao SLEEP MASTER IJlnereprlnf mattrae wltll mat.ch- ine box •prinp, 10 yr, cu.ran· tee. Jl'ull or twtn •ae. $99.50 value, clbM out oover. ~· 11et. 4 dr. cheat, blonde, walnut or ma.. pie flnlah. $24.60 value, at Bay .. ~ ... ~ ... ua.H BAY FURNITURE 427 II. 17th St .. Co•ta M- t Between TuatJn and lrrine) FrN •loretront parklnc-Terme OPEN EVE'S. TILL I 1964 PHILCO retrtrerator with I.ht' qlce cl"OM·t°" f,_,. cbut. FOR RENT, moori~ for boat. Harbor 2903-R. ltUe A HONEY 3S' cabln cNtMr, blL '60. TwW n&phlpe enstnea, perfect. alp&. t , fully equJpp.d. anchor, ao. .. cuah.lona, compe.a. Jot.II ..tru. snoo. LI 1-72". Hp21 • SLIP •• RENTALS Maximum beam I', Jeclh II" ALSO ROWBOAT RllNTA.L8 AMl!IUCAN LllOlOH HALL, HUI • Ba)'front, Newport Beach. • Barbor •61. PR·tt M-11~ ~•'JV G~ A N. ACKEIUlA.N 1106 W, Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Calif. 4 U.. I Papera 1.liO ' ...... • Papen 1.00 Hear Edn.a St.earna Dayton TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -APPLY- LOVELY blonde hope cheat. $30, apa.ce for bottle., bu'tt.er, al.to modem brown chalr, J15, G. E. nlct' vef. A: meat keeper. It'• P16. BUYI )oftly 1U11 keyboard lpUMt pa.o; ,_tal amvRNI • .. •111 -ba&atlftll epln•t. like Dew, W\lrUtar. 1-ter, rt.cller, ICAUe. Muon A Ham· llD, -Jl1oode Oak and laJem Kap le. Wlta .. OW' hand thta lllt clay of P'ebn&ary, ltM. /a/ CL.+.ft&NCE a ACXJ:IUlA..N /I/ GafJCVA N. ACKDUlA.N ftATS or CALD'ORNU ) Owtml lll1;;m Qnrzst'le4 AM.-nt la Ille lleeda7 er ........., PwHaadoe lllN1MlTll AD 18 ' UNU • review Broadway Play A.I a -z1ne. ... w& .. ,... ,., o..aa 1a .. ....,. et ,....._u.. Lido Theatre, March 24th - 10 :30 a. m. 25p29 514 .,_ N. Main St. Rm. 2Jl -Santa Ana Mon. through Frl. 9 00 to 4 :00 p.m. Iron, like ntw. $6, chlld'• Baby I new but pd. cln. to St38.H . No Tenda, new plutlc M'tll, $15, l'.Hh needed, J'Yl pay the pymta. ch!ld'• tralninl' chair, $11 U of $8.U per mo. 8-4783. 26c28 Sel' Baugbru A A 8 Warehouet, DANZ-JICIDOD1' lltl Ptw 8tor9, 1120 'No. MaJA. luta A.a See Baldwin Piano & Orpn Display WOODWORTH PIANO 00. 1111 Qlut lllYd., ~ cW KU (Tb.adaa lDt.tor Bide·> OOUNTT or ORANOI: , ... or u.s. 211t day or P'eW\aary. • IL D. 1166, befOT'e me, ftOJIJ:llT · r . wtLUO:B. a Not&r7 PuWk: &la aid tor Ule aald Count)> Uld ltata. NEWl'Uft llAJUIO& PUBl.IMDIQ 00. nu ..,._ ....._ 1'...,." a.di. eaw ...... DEA.DLIND for plactaa or c:an..utac ad& an1 ror MODda:!-r:J hlkauaa -Mt=:L t a.m. ror WedD Publ.Je&Uoll -, 2 p.m. J'or Tbunda.7 bUc&Uou -Wtdn..S.7 1 p.m.. ~6-~~-~-PACIFIC TELEPHONE ~~~~~~~~~-2_2_uc ~B-A.et•!ao~eee~--~~ Jobe Open Now Bk'kpr. pL time: •t.eno.; l'en'I. office dent.al ua't.: Cry cook: walt.reN; houaekttper • cooka; March Clearance SERVEL retrlg. 6 cu. tt. ntra 220 S. t.taln St .. Santa .Ana, 8 blocks .ou·th of ttll SL Op..n Eve• 'UI 9. Sun. 11·6 or Phone Klmberly 3-7201 Dale's Furniture Bar. IS&2 .. tte • Neadlaa tatnla. dul;f ..._ ... ""°". ... eel and ft'Onl, ptreOIMLIJ7 ~ I a...ut&HC'm E. ACK.l:JUIAN and , OllNS'VA N. ACKSIUl.AN lmowft • to me to be Ule penons W1lloee , ........... 11Ublcr1bed to tlle wltll· TM pubbmera wt1I DOt be "9p0Ndble for more than oae lllcorHCt ln .. rtJoa ot an ad. ..-ne th• rtl'l!t to corTec:Uy claulf)' any and all adll UICI to re.ject aay ad not oonlorminc to nalee ~d recuJatlone. , auto mechanic. w ANT ride to L. A. from New- port, hour. 8:30 to &. Oalay Sor- eMOn, Newport Boat Salee, Seuport Landin,-, 2t 27 W. Cout Hi~hway, N-port Beach LI a.e211. 26p28 J UNE FARRAR Emp'I. Acency 602 1~ ·32nd .. Newport Beach !!::Beauty_~-· -----(acrou St. t'rom City Hall) 2ec27 nil'• · $75.00 18.:>' Sub ~ro freezer EASY' apln drier, run1 perftct. like new _ .. . . ................. S215. HA. VII beauutul Baidwlll ....-.lo Spinet., • yr& oad. clean . . ....... . .... .. . H 9.50 G.E . auto. wuher. Complf'tely Wt11tlnghoUAe routn on in..tld. checked . ....... .. . .......... .. $99.50 complete with dlahe1 ........ 129.96 WANT TO SWAP for l'l'Ud p1&DO Phone Harbor lOH-M. •tto la lalltnuntat. UMI admowledpd t. to me t.bat tbq -.cuted UM ..,.,,., fJI wttMm WIMnot, I M" b.-.. Superfluous Hair w "NT LADY fry cook • watt· General Contract• Pennane11U7 removed from fa~ reu, Balboa Island. State u· O'Keefe Ir Merritt range, 31" top Largest rhe11t In town!, cover gt'iddle .. .. .. 549.GO 8 drawer11 ......................... ISO. CONNSONATA 0rl'&n, JUlt tnd• ed ln. aan ltOO oa Ult• almoet MW orsan-I •to 89\ my ......, Uld att&Dcl mJ ~ 9ttlcUl ..... the _,, and year la Ing •nu. aep. JJyebrowa &Ad twr r:~:~~: :;.t;;:.nce•. wr1t;.~ COLDSPOT rerrtr .. 6 cu. ft. apt. Chrorae dinette. aeta DANZ·8CRKIDT BIS Piano It.on. 520 No. Katn. Banta A.Ila U... !lb.aped-No mor• twMS1n1. ..-.-- Modernizatf o" m.LEN L.. BRT A.HT R.. ll. HOUSllK.EltPER • compa.nlon for Udo'• 8akm ol Beaut7 Bar. 207t •oman conveleacmt, day• only. stu. Clean . ... . .. $39.50 BENDIX auto. wuher, late model deluxe .......... . . . $79.50 Com1>lete lll!ll'ctlon good mat tre11eee A box •prlnr• - • Barcaln• w. o.rue..a. tint .a.-. wntt-. f8/ ftODlltT r. WILUOI M:J~~ Na.ember lt. 1165 Framing and Foundations tic Call LI 1-tHl before 5 or LJ 1' H A terma. 1-707& an.ere. 2k27 MAYTAG wringer wuher clean. .. ......... .. ... . .. -·· ... 139.l'>O 1874 Hui;,r Blvd .. Coeta Me• 28c27 HAMMOND Cbortl orpn. l .atp~ ly \.Lied. llltt MW. Tou t!U1 play without a leeeon. Gaffer. • SatUer rang-e, 37'' (T1d· Remdenti&l and Commercial H 8cboolla, lutriidloa WANT WOMAN to clean Tilur•. R I E S h I In O.nllat'• ornce, Newport Bch. N .. Ut5 • N...,._..,._ l/M. I/I, 10, lT. ltClill die top cover ...... .. 185.00 -------------NORGE rdrig., ama.Jl $21!.~0 TEJ..EVJSJON, 17" maple contole DANZ-SCJDCIDT 8 11' Piano lton. 520 No. Main. Ballt.a AA& O&ifi'lriOATI: OP BtAiil'IW Free F..timate. and Plan Service ea State C 00 Whlte Box K-47, Ulla papn. ..:;,":= ~~~ C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-7576 KEN i~ w~=~,.~n! epare w~~o~~blew~by ~;; STR""""° TeWl,.,..,L"' HD ... E Vac. cleanera, ~veral $7.50 • $49.:'JO with dovrs Everything guara.ntffd _ Ttrma. Maple Colonial de11k. $30. Karbor 26c28 HAMMOND Ofl'&na, all m.odelJI, eu"9t terma, )'OUr old piano a cceptad In exchan1•. Free pn.c• Uce, try befor. 7ou buy. Free Oellvt ry A ln•tallatlon. 372~-W . JIUldlls lot~ eentc. lnMll· Ume for unllmlted opportWIJU. rrl. 1 chlld '• ~rt 8 ~9 vvu• ~·m "' " .._ at 1 .. Rartlor BlYd., eo.t.a ., I eW Notiem 10-Brb-Qtdde ln Rul ~t.e. N-ctaw ren. y . . 1902 Newport Blvd .. Coat.a M ... 11& M-., ~ Undft \.he ftcU· wedlly. Al Tyler lnttnact1Jl1-At-26c27 Liberty 1-34'.M. 26c27 tio91 firm name of OOAft M h • I tend nm enntnc f1'N &Dd ae.na WA.NT uperienced Real &.ut.e 8WWICNO llCftVJCJ: and tbat y Newport Harbor 8C antc;a about t.hia creat field. Call or M.le1DT1an or broker. See Lota 195:1 WEDGEWOOD range. The aid """ .. compc-.ct ot UM fol· B. P. o. E. Sweep··n~ Serv·ace write now tor tn1ormatloo. Buel-Vorel, bi& CP all automatic, clock, low1As pereou,, whoet nun• In n .. lnsUtute, U6~ N. Syca-m:m VOGEL co. lamp, gt1ddle In middle, •lmmtr f\aD UICI p&ae. ot ruld«nce .,.. .. 1787 , PAJUCINO 1Dl' euper muketa. mOH. Kl 1·17G3. 7ttfc 1201 w. Cout H.ig11way, Nnrport burnen. au chrome top A con- follcnr9. to-Wit: M..u rNrJ 'nwnda1 I p.m. Dr1n-lna. etc. S..Ch. LI 8-3'81 · 26c28 trol panel, and that nice gt'ill Bl:IU'fAJU> I. B&U.. IOI i. Via Oporto -Ceatn.I A•e.. Rat .. bJ -ek or lllCllltb. ch·1na Pa·1nt·1n9 broUer. It'• new but pd. dn. to land Aftmle, Balboa, Callfonu&. Bte.eb COAST SWEEPING SERV. •r TWO WAITRICSSICS wanted. 1 1179.73. No cub needed. jW!t BALBOA T!U.NBl'llR. oo., A N.wport • l t2tl Harllor Blvd., eo.t& Mea Day and E'YtmJn& Clueee l'UJltJme, • one part time. Cock -pay the pymts. of 19.\6 per mo. PAl\TKID\SlllP. G. C. BIJNNl:'M' IDwood BIMU. llult.ed J\Ulel' Liberty 1-IWMl. 21cl3 Ordera T&llen No. tall • food experience. Inquire See Baughn• A A: S W11rehouse, and C. m, McNillL. l&Ol W. Bal· LJ 1-2827, tVtA LI l-1'18e. 20p27 between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m .. ~ 220 S. Main St.., SAnta A n11., 1»0& BIYCL, lfewport llMcll, Call· Cout Hwy., N-port Beach. 8 block• eouth of 4th St fonaia. IS-!'!!:I aem.-!I ••!!:I ~ PIANO TEACHER 28c27 Open llve1 'UI II, Sun. 11-5 ol= :a~ W. Ind_,, PAINTING ASPHALT TILE JCXPJ:RlENCED dinner waltreM or Phone Klmbt>rly 3-720 1 I • •-N••n • .. ww• LINOLEUM PRlSCJLLA MA.1THll:WB for Fri., Sat. A Bun. eveninp. ADMIRAL rt'frirf'rator. The big I ...._.. __, ... -PA.PER BANGING Harbor 1~4-R. 24<:28 " BALBOA TllANSP'llft 00.. RemdeaUal A Commen:tal Wort! J IMt&U Ult abo't'e cb•per t.h&.D P'ormerly of Chlca10 and Loe double door DURI Ti>mp 9()-lb. A PA.Jlt'Mfllft.ll mo«. Aleo ..U TU• A Ll.nolewn. Angelu. Ll l-39M. 28c39 l!XPERll:NCJ:D waltret111, mWJt freeur chest • llhelvea In door. --~ o. c. B~ Uc.-d Coatracton NA-... -'-..... __ ---be UMd 6 moa. ro. dn to $268.27 .., ,_ .............. && CaJl Lain--._.... coUeet. -...._ -.. -. -..-·-______ __. ........... _____ over 21 :YR· of age. Inter-aTATm OW' CALD'ORMIA ) •-Compan and .. -1 vi-9 to 11 and 2:30 to 6. Rob-from oriCinal 1529. No dn. pymt.11 OOUNTT or OltANOI: )•. Banun,tca s..cb BILL OOKD LI 1-aot N e !8-8itaa&loM Wuted bert HIU'• Chefa Inn, 3201 Coe.at ju.st pay the pymt.A. of $14.18 ot UU. lad •Y ot Marda, IL D. UpplO ------------------------H1ctl .. Y, Coron~ dd Mar. per mo. ~:ON'::.-~:,~ID .. ~ An you havinc troul>Jm! C A R p E N T E R ExpeLANDSCrienc'd gINar0dener J&c24 see2..,,. eauc~ As• s war~houte. • -1 "' -.. Re.,..;.,. w '-A,P· 1.v S. -..In t., Santa Ana, fOtt UM aid Oounl7 &Del Stat., ,. Let a Want Ad belp you 80"9 ~ or.. and CLEAN UPQ I WlFE and employed huaband or • blocka eouUI of 4th St. ...._ u.ntn. d1al)' commleeloMd tbem! De-. Tow.._ 1'feed ....,,..,.. "t 2 women to rent roome IA mn&U Open E•" 'lll 9, sun. Jt-l\ aad ....._ ~ appeu'td • R••h"BST Liberty 8-1859 hold I~ u chaae• for turn. apt. or Phone KJmbforly 3-720\ Bat.HAAD L BJU. ... G. c. COMPLETE PAINTING Oii ~ I.a.tr ~ ltc2tR __ H_ar_._2e94 __ -w_. _____ 21_c_n ----------- ldlN'Km'T lmowll t. .. to be UM A.II Wol'lll o.uut...s T6tf9 BENDIX wuhtng ma.chlnf', 3 Y"'· ................ .,. eulleai... 6 Paper Ha..nainc Senice BOUSEKmEPER. -OowrneM. IO--llllCI' ..... for... old, '40. Har. 32~. 26p27 eel t. tM wttlda tuta •t. ud SUGENll o. BAUNDllR.I FOR RENT Un In. Local Afenmc-. Prefer Mb "' 1 ._.. .. .. tMt u.., MO li.t su.t. Newport -..o1i Dill ,...., m. Dr1DI. Pallllben. Udo 01' Balboa laland. Llbuty Fresh Heann· g Aid 11166 NORGm wuber. Automauc ~ tM ...... s...... •Tl or Bar • ...-. tie al _ ., ..,.__ ..,.,_,.__ M082. 26p27 pwll the buttoa, blC' tub, acita· fJ1 wttMm ......._,,I Mft ....._ __:'.... --. "__.-.BA1Tl:IUJCB tor • oYerf'iow r1Me. l t'a nf'W •t.p Mt ~ MDd and attlaed aJ CARPENTRY ·-B-O ... YD'S HOWE. A·l COOK, buUer, houetman. Wt Olft MR o ..... at.ampe but pd. dn. to 1139.47. No cuh otr1c1&1 ..a u.. _,., ...,.,,_,. .. Randy a11 aro0.nd man. Loca.1 Gunders n-. Co dn. 11 ,.ou pa.1 th• pymt.e. of t.a. ~ nnt e.boft wntt.m. MINOR REP AIR WORK 1110 w. OOA8T mosw .t.1' m-ncee. Wrtte Box I-t6, w. on UTU2 • SI.OT per mo • ..,. •• Mam ltt. at Balboa ill..L, Balboa 191 aomT r. WJJ,UQI HO JOB TOO DIA.LL &.n.rt1 ....... NftrPGlt ._ •uo p&peT. ...p27 Harbor 61&. tide ... B&upna A • I Warthouae, M7 0.MH• ~ & 0. AllCIHW DO 8. "ll&ia Bl. Santa Ana,, No... .. 1 .. 1• u ..... a... Mea llUc a. a. aoLBRooK Alterat·ions RA.NO KNIT Bl• Dnea, '°°· Open ......... Bua. 11-6 Jfo. lJM Dl:Pl:NDABLE PLUMBING ALSO I"-'acktt. HO. atee i.u I b1ocU mutll of ttll It. N .... Prua 1/1. 10. n .. M, 1111 House Plans ..... ~=-talMll . lll:llTTLIMO 11' Ooldmrod. Olmlfta cW=-01' Plloae J.ambet'IJ 1-7201 ..-..u w ft'CllB coutuat Pllcae: 11anar .a. Kim of California , ... Ponaba. ~ ......... ~ -----1 .. __ .. _,,...... ·-..... • Y9-8llVll\AL toe ..... ta~ eclb-ooedltkln. ...... ..._ --·--•l' uo ...-~TT ~l -.i 11&1a.. llh'llL. N...,,.n Beach 212 Mar1nt' ~ 3481 dlt.Jon. ma11t olf•. Bar. '°91 or roR QUJCIC UL1: ... ____ '90. ..,.. wtlJ ~ •••It• for ,... lOlfc ,., Balboa Jelaa4 1lplOll Bar. ~ .. l'TcJt Udo w., ~ 1111, lhll J • • l -.... ------ WEDGEWOOD RANGE. The blc 40" one. lt.'1 brand new bul a year old mooel. Hu l&mp, clock. big extra broller, ~ b•lt oven, A beauty and the co.."l la only $137.Stl from original 1320. Nolhtn( dn. A: only $8.44 per mo Sl'P Baughn& A • s war,,houae, 22() .S, Main Sl., Santa Ana, 8 blocka .oulh o( 4th St. Opf n Eves 'UI 9, Sun. 11·5 or P llone K.lmberly a-7201 MAPLE bed divan, good cond1llon, DANZ-SCHMIDT Blf Plano 6 Orp..a Co .. 620 No. Mata. 8anta Ana March Special 2 ONL T lovel7 mirror type Ill>" rtcht plan09, J maple, 1 bloade. BOTH LJK.: NEW, Term• 130. dn. A 110. per mo a' 8HAFICR'8 Mualc Co. (81nct 1to7) 421 -423 N. Sycamore, Sa.nta Ji.A& Phone Klmbcrly 2·0672 $211. Liberty 8·6288. 24k28 $& JU:NTS good prt1cllce piano or FRIGlDAIRlil, 12 c:u. ft., $176; buy at S87, 191, 1126. MJrro twin sprlnga A: mattreP. 120 per b Spinelli 123.'I. 11<·t & l dhl.: modem 3 pc. aec-ANZ.SCHJ.flDT Bl& Plano Blore. tlnnal. nearly new: mlr>le tablet, 520 ?l:o. Main, Sant.a Ana blonde oak dining lAble • 4 capt ~halni uphnl In red, $90: club rhsir. wing chair, ml11e. tablea • lamps. Hu. 3951 . 25c27 FREEZER. 19!'>5 Amana 15 cu. ft. BEAUTIFUL 41 " French J>ronn. d a.I •plnl't piano ln anUqued PrultwlX>O. Like new. II••• 1151 Cnnvenlf'nt term• at SHAFEfl'S Mu.le Co. (l!llnce lto7) 421-423 N Sycamore. Sant. Aft& Phone Klmbcrly 2·0t72 t The vtry l&tl'st one with all ex- lra 11p11-~ In door with froten Juice, k e cream A package&. ll'• brand new but pd. dn, while J39:; HUYR lovf'ly little Baby 1.n 11toraae. you can pay cuh or Grand: othen $476. JtleO, Ml6 pay lhe pymt.a. of $4.63 per week etc. Story • Clark, Knabe. Wur· It'• a ~uty, the be#t one. llLMr, Klmb&JI In B&lem Maple, Sr,. Baurhn• A • 8 Wa.reho"". Leatl'r, McPhalL Alwaya 100 220 S. Mam St., Santa Ana. piano" lo choo .. from. 8 block• 90Uth ol 4th St. DANZ..8CHM1DT Blc Plano 8tore. Optn 1:v~11 'U I 9, sun. 11 •6 ~~ No. Main, Banta Ana or Phone K.lmberly 1-7201 LOVELY SINOUC manual XU,. SOFA Bl!:O, love ae&t 1lze, IZll. A •h•ll f!lf'Ctrnnll' orcan. Ulle aew. occutonal chair, $6. Oood condl-Save 1200. U~ral trade. Ooft· lion. eot'it Maiyuente, corona venlent tenn• at-- del M.a.r. Harbor 1902-W. ,2lSp28 SHAFER'I Mu•lc Oo. (Blnoe 110'7) 421_.23.N. 8yoamore. SUit.a .A.II& TA.BL.ES, c:ucicoo-clock, Bric-a· Phone Kimberly 2·0872 brae, mirror•. anUquee, pleturu. -------------Barbor 20tl·M. Hc28 60 USED pla11oe wanted fOI' our rent.al dept. Trade ,out old J'ano KA.Pl.II rc¥1tlnl' cll&lr and 9111a.lJ on n-elect.rlo 01'18.A. eplMt or maple dUk. Ulla a-. 611 Nu · a-rand piano. Hl"*'t al.lowance • ~ Aft.. eo.-.. deJ Mar. DANZ.8CHMIDT Bii Ptaae-., lld'7 HO Ho. Mala. ... , .._ I I I ., • ii ~ • • . PA6E •·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 BUYER IS KING AT JOHNSON & SON LOOK and you'll see what I mean ! YOU GET L LOW PRICES oa our Wied cara. Check oar Price8 and check our car: . 2. QUALITY CARS "extra clean," We wboleale the rest! 3. 3-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on all our "Sa.Ce Buy" Umed Can! 4. 30 DAY WRITTEN GUARANTEE on all our .. Sa.Ce Buy" Ueed Cara! 5. REPUTATION of aerving our cuatomera after the aale. (over 30 yeara in the Automobile Bu11.) SOME VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM •:;o DOIX;E cl. cpe., radio, heater, baked enamel finish, runa good ............... $ 799 •:;o llERC. cl cpe., radio. beater, motor in ex- cellent condition, new finish ··--··-.. ··· ...... 799 •:;o LINCOLN~-aed. Radio, heater, Hydra- near new tires• runs like a dream ... ' . 799 '53 LINCOLN Capri cpe. Fully equipped and fully powered with steering, brakes. win· dowa Ii ~way seat. Continent.&l kit too. Only 13.000 miles ................ _............ ....... 2799 ·:;o HILLKAN MINX. A little beauty & runs like a watch. A gu aaver, bargain price 499 '53 FORD Victoria. Radio, heater & Fordoma· lie. Low mileage & one owner. Reduced for this week to __ ............ ............. . .... .. 1699 '49 CHEV. Station Wagon. Radio, heater, good rubber, wood in perfect condition. New paint. See tl)ia all-purpose wagon to appreciate 799 )fANY MORE ''Safe Buys" TO CHOOSE FROM NOW ... Come on down and 1ee our unu.ually clean stock of "Safe Buy'' Used Cars ... you'll save a lot of TIME and MONEY when you deal with JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN • MERCURY DEALER 900 West Cout Highway Newport Beach Uberty 8-6545 Open Eves. 'Till 9 :00 ACROSS FROM THE BALBOA BAY CLUB SEE THESE TIP -TOf CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1953 DeSOTO v-' cfata cpe .. 2-tone gresen. New WaW tires, radio, heater, power steering ..... -··· ........... $1795 J 900 DeSOTO Sportama.n. Be.ige color . R A H. WSW tirn . . .................... $ ~ 1953 PLYMOUTH club cpe., light gray. Good tires, radio, beater. In tip-top 11hape . $1245 1953 CHRYSLER Windaor Club cpe. Power steering, radio, heater, a perfect car . ...$1595 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot ••Across from P ort Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 1933 BUICK Super RMtn 2 to-blue. FUU equlpmmt. $1995. TERRY'S BUICK to-Autoe &lid Trucka ----1960 FORD d1tlux,. eedan. Radio. nr1Klnal [)31nt. Good mechanl· r ally, S-19:). Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Co3ta !ofeaa Kl2 :S~rl Blvd.. ~PL Buch Phone Liberty 8-~~l 20c:22 C. M. A. c. Tum.a Harbor ~21 19~Q ffll.LMA~ ~tf?l;X l'edan. -:it CAD. S2 OONV. Only 31,000 Or11tln11I lhmuithout Recently m1. A1J extras. t QWner. Priv. nv .. rh11ulf'd. $411~ ~~-.. 1!~~~2013 arte~1pf-i Hausken Motors, Inc. ~l DeS0'1 O -an. Full ..quf pm.-nt \\'.W . t1rt"e. $895. TERRY 'S BUICK J8l2 Newport Bt.d., Npt. ~arh G. M. A. C. Tenn• Hl\tbor 5021 11-11..al. Bedio. &_!_Y_ Honest TV Service STEVENS A SONS 1171 Barbor. CO.ta )(- ft Liberty •2301 77pp-tlc SPECIAL March Spinet Buys 110 &A-\'IN08 bldud1q Klmb&ll. ~~and WurUU· ~r .piwt piallC& Llbforal trade. Ccmftnieat Lamll at-- 1932 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Meu Phone Liberty 8-!'l-051 20c22 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * wit h this ad * 6 Cyl.a. _______ ,$48.88 8 Cyla. --·····--·$58.88 lnc1uora both labor a.no partJI. New nng•. wrl•l plAI, \alYt JTIDO. fllUDI• Of m&1D &lid rod oe&rUl&a. Expert mot.or lu.n.e up 90-day or •.ooo mue guarantee. (NO MUNEY OOWN J. ~T ENGINES -UP LO 11> MONTH~ TU PAY BWlt in our own factory by eldUeo macb.lnl.ata Don't contend wllh th• middle man. Buy dlrecL REBUil.T and INSTALLED kINSBALL 0rsana electronic, t • SHORT BLOCK ~~ 1 Blollde OU M75 up FOIU> ... -... . ... ·-·---IUll.611 Ill load OOGdlUon. Uaed Solovox l:l:Ui:VRUl..ET -.. _ .. _ .. ___ .149,6J Orpa el.tAc.hDU!Dt to piano $160. PLYM. 6 DODGE ... .S16:1 ~ Plano • Orpn ..:RRts • DE SOTO ---1170 DD.. UO No. M&ill. SUta Alla STUDll:BAlC.l:P ···-------SH U lJO a.. Plaao Accordlona $16. Ot.08 . PONT!A.C . __ .. 17u wp. BVlCK •. Sl 7~ KUD8<>N ----·---.. 17tt &S1CT .. Of'IU or p6ano wtUI Lou Car l'ree Towtn« rmtal to eppl.f on tutur. P'I"" NEW CAR O~TEIC cbMe at- 18.AF11:ft'8 Mumc Co. (Since 1907) t2l-ul H . ·~~. Santa An.a ,,... lmnbuly 2~72 IMOClll mmt meet our 1t.andard1 J"t\11 taau. cukcta &lld oil Open lunday 10 L m, to 2 p.m. t (CHECK THESE USED CA,RS Buy from a lo cal dealer who wilJ be here TOMORROW to beck up whet he sells TODAY ! BUY AND SAVE AT MILLER CHEVROLET I 1954 OLDS 98 ·1951 PLYMOUTH 1951 CHEVROLET Starfire. Full power. R Ii H Cranbrook 4-dr. eed. R It H Styleline Dix. -4-dr. •eci. EZ eye glaaa, W a W tirea. Hydra. Xlnt. tires. Mechanically ~tfect R It H, Powerglide Wire wheela, everything $765 S795 $3395 ---1950 BUICK J949 . CHRYSLER . 1953 PLYMOUTH Special dlx. 4-dr. sect. R le H . Dynaflow, 2-tone paint, WaW tirea Windsor 4-dr. sed. Runs like new. Suburban, R & H, 20.000 actual mi. ~·S495 ,Sn5 Like ne'W $1595 -~ 1949 FORD 1949 CHEVROLET ., Custom V-8 4.dr. sedan, R It H 1952 CADIUAC Conve~ble cpe. R & H, new top O'D. All original, 1 owner car WsW t.irea $545 Fleetwood. All Cadillac acceae. S56k_ New white tubeless tl.retl. $2495 1949 MERCURY 1952 PLYMOUTH Sport sedan, R It H, O'd. .J WsW tirea, mtchanically perfect 1953 CHEVROLET 2-dr. R & O'd. S5% ' S845 3 to choose from. fully equipt. including radio & heater 1949 FORD· ! Ton $1345 --· 1953 FOR Pickup $495 1951 STUDEBAKER Convert., R & H. cream colored with green top 1952 INTERNATIONAL Champion 4-dr. sedan. Xlnt. mech. $1695 Ea.sy on gas. '$545 PICKUP, 4-apeed trans. Htr. Sun visor 1953 DE SOTO S895 1951 HILLMAN MINX Custom Fircdome V-8 Cl. cpe. 1952 fORD ! Ton Convertible sedan. Full power, R & H $445 $1745 Pickup, Hlr. apot, new motor S7% 1951 OLDS 98 1955 FORD 1950 CHEV ! Ton Deluxe 4-0r. sed. R Ii H, Hydra. Cuatomliqe 2-dr .. R & H • Spotlight. WsW tires. Fordomatic, 2500 actual miles Pickup, R Ir H, Xlnt. tires. S1145 Save S500 $625 These and 40 more MUST GO so that we may keep giving such tremendous over allowances on t he sale of new Chevrolets a nd Oldsmobiles. MILLER CHEVROLET c 0. Liberty 8-2261 OPEN EVENINGS Liberty 8-5633 1855 Harbor Blvd.,£_osta Mesa 1000 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Theodore Robins your Ford dealtr since 1921 A-1 Used Cars '52 Ford cust. 2-dr. $1295 '53 Ford 8 bu11. cpe 1275 '50 Olde Holi cpe '51 Ford Victoria 1195 1095 '51 Mel'('. clb. cpe 1095 '51 Chev. Fllline 2-dr. HK~ '51 For d CWIL 2-dr. 895 '50 Ford 8 2-dr. cpe . 695 '49 Chev. CODV. --645 '49 Ford 4-dr. ---·--395 Theodore Robins Yoiv Ford Dealer "Low Bridge" ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! Starts Monday, March 14th Report TIME -6:30 p. m. SUBJECT - Fishing STATION -KWIZ Monday thru Friday ANNOUNCER-Gorden Hittenmark SPONSOR: LOU REED & ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER -PL YMOl.ITH 4323 W. Coaet Highway, Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 < Newport Beach 40-Aatoe Md Truck;-_ 40-Autoe ~-!~~---142-__ T_raDen _______ _ , NICE 27 n.. Colonial HOWie Tn.Jl. '411 LINCOL.N 4 door M'<IM O.D., 4t PLYMOUTH convarUble. J'our I er with r., e Qibana lo trailer ne•rly new Urea. good p&lnt. '811 ~ C • RAH 'Muat be M~n to b.-ftpprcc .,. ~ ,_.. f h l h 0 I park wl pnvatt bath on CoHt · · or w .., -..e or w a ave y u. M Fl $495 2809 road St.~ NeW)'IOrt Hghll. 1 Highway See anager. nan~ .. ' Llbe 8-eMi :l8c28 •lrranged. Liberty 8-1~21. San· rty · , dy'1 De LuI• n-.u~r Park. 2112 TERRY 'S BUICK .-52_0_LD_S Rocket Super 2-dr. cpe. W. Cout Hlftlway, Newport XlnL condJUon. QUICK 8.ALE. Bead!. 21PS3R • 4'1-WuW te ._. PLEASE WE NEED RENTALS ! Our clients are screaming ! 1 Bayfront Hou.tee Big Hol18M LiWe Houae. • Apartment.a Summer and Yearly BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Har. 5188 or Bu. 1983 ''7-Waated to S-t '8A-Apta. for S.t Renta.ls Wanted YEARLY rut&l. J'\am, .todto ..,c. &JI One .,.,_ onl7. $60 mo. aDd. We DMll apt.I ud hOUM9 ln utU. Available April 10th. i.ow. MCU~ for both willtu and ;Fear'• •-· rum. or WllU.m. A pl.I., aoa CarnaUon. nr. .... View, Corona del •ar. Barbol' U you have a nc&DCJ, •Oll. lltl9 phone today Tb V I Co $86 TEAR.LY, pracUcally new GM e oge . bdrm. apt.a., furn .• u.nt\ml. BU' J201 W. Qit. Rwy., Newport Br.JI. atoola, ranre Is refr1a, tuna. Pbon• UbertY &-3•81 Ocean alde of Wch•At'• Rat I08 Martne, Balboa laland · at.art.a April ht. 907 remi.t. Phone B arbo.r •H Corona de1 Kar. 21cal l301 Cout Hlway, Corona ci-J Mar ----------- Phone Harbor 1741 100 Main St., Balboe Phone ffarhn• 1 •6 UUo WHAT A STEAL! NEWPORT BJ:ACB tum. apt. One bdrm .. owner paya cu I& water. Nl!lED attracUve 3 br.. 2 bath G~e Included. feo mo. C&1l tum. houae. Cllff Haven. 8-Y _Llbe __ rt_y_a._1_409_· ____ nu __ • Shore9 or Shore Cllffa on yr'a. OOSTA MESA, 3 rm. apt.. tuna. 1-to• exc~pUonally fine and or unlum. tncludee uttUt1-. ruponalble local adult f~mlly, Call KYatt t-4S87. 25cff By .Aprll lat or 16th. MARINER'S 18LE REAL.TT 318 Marine .Ave .• BaJbo& I•land HarDOr '781 ocm.J ~~ APr. 2 bedr1ll.. eaqutalt.e ...i..r • tur- ... a .. H ni..IUD... R&nt f\&rn. or UDtUnl. _,,.pta. • ou.ee utll. pd. MUST-to apprwd&ta In Corona del Mar Harbor '031 fOT appoln~l~ 2 BDRM. turn, apt. by ocean. SINGUC .APT. ror lady or ,_u.. with Yi-. J86 W June. man 146. mo .. uUl pd. No peta. 1 BDRM. furn. apt. below Bea· Inq. In reu u. z. 11th st .. Ylew, i10. month. Coet& Keea alter 6 p.m. Il tlc STUDIO f\lm. apt... $86 mo. lnclud· ----------- 2 BDRM. un!um. houae on Orchid S110. month. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES aoa. Eaat Cout BJpway Corona de.I Mar Phone Karbor 2U3 Summer Rentals \ • Exclusive Bay Fronta -i other choice pro~rtiea Harbor Ial&nd, Bay Shore-, ~­ con Bay. qualified rllent1t only. Harbor Investment Co. Modern furnished apte. day, week or month Near bua, et.or. A bay. Reuonable ra.tea. 10f I:. Bey Ave., BALBOA Harbor ~u. 17ttc CUFF HA VEN-UN1'l{RN • .APT. 'Bpadoua 2 bdrma. Gar b. dlell· comer wlndo1n. 1'1r1pl~ ga.ra&e. .L&uodry room. Patio, JM, mo. Uberty l-1843. 23dl LIDO BA YrRONT APT .. fumll)I· ed. 3 bdrm.I., 2 bath. Wiii aub- leue, June 16th to Oct. Sith. "4~ pttr month. Pllone tbrbor i9. H tfc Harbor 1600 {~•-LI 8-Mle) BALBOA. I8LAND, )'117. tum. ' 27tlc n.tce home tor nice people. -----------Adult., no pet.. ~tlo • fl~ Balboa Island place. u •112'· 2f<=23 Cboice yearly'and aummer rent&I., Charming Barbor Haven now available. Apartmenta • Patio11 · DORJS BR.A Y. Realtor NJ:W ' ROOM atreel lev•L Near 218 Manne Ave .. Ba.Ibo& Ialand I acboola. ahopptng diatri.ct. Quiet. H&rt>or 20 95t1c pleu&nt. t'llclullve. Oe.tbqe dle- NEWLY FURN. Is decorated 1 ~l. laundry, 1t.ors1• rooma. bdrm. houae. Private yard. BBQ. prsJe, i nM up. OCcuplu en• AL80 tum. 1 bdrm. d~lcx. g•rb. Ure 1treeL Good wpervhrton. dl!JP. Each S7~ mo . Incl uUI. M(T.. 1501 H&vm Place 602~ Jumlne. Comna drl t BIC"'k 8outll of H ieb !chool Mar. Pllonr O!lbom,. 8·372a ALSO P1JRNISDD APTS. 231'28 WINTER AATE8 ~------~---3tlc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna er.Jc Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine A•e. Balboa tatand, Har. 1171 72Uc ON BALBOA l~l..AND ID U» for ~17 Md eeuonaJ n:nt.&&a.. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor RltASONA.BL"f pr1ced, dean 1 A 2 bedrm. turn. apfJL UUl. pd. Laundry room. Playl'f'OUJld foT dllldttn. Blue Top Apt.. •OI Newport Blvd., Newport Beet-11. Abon the Arcbu. 10tfe MODERN 1 bdrm. a pt. wtt.b Nn1'9 and retnr. Carport and private paUo. See. mr. ln Apt. C, MIO A YOn St., Newport. Beach. Kar, H7o-.J. Mtto soe M&nne A... fUrbor ~ 81NGLI: APT. turn. pa ~ mc-. BA t..SOA lBl..A..HO Ille ye&tl7 rat.. uU!SUu pd. IOt JC. DARLING new ~d barn ept .. d~r· Bay Ave .. ~ Pearce Apta. orawr furn. t.fllpll'. lat•'. bdnn., Har. 746-W · 21ip27 1torage, uUllllra. lau11d:y ta.rlh· I ties. Bfft locallon. l iO IHI Mar, ~Homee for a.& Costa Mtu.. SM mo 2k28 I f'OR RE!'IT Aprtl l at on 1-. Rental Headquarters I (It not aold by that da.lA ). Wt h&\'(' ll W81llnK hit of pro11-~•lrable Ml7 furn.lahed a bdrm. pee~ for summer an11 ye"arly Corona Hlfb.landll f.ml.17 b<M»e. ttnt.U _ 1111 over Harbor ll'ft. Cory uaed br1dt flr•plAoe., Wrcb AIM> properly managc-mt nt paneled kJtchen, wall to wall THE LOCATOR OF CALIF. carpeUng, automatic wub1nS machlnt, l~e.. yard. ylew. I~ Branrh O rtlCP. OOi E Balboa Blvd fnr cblldrcn. SH anyllme, 906 BalbM ~~~~~A 2tlfc 1 Rea-rd Rd., Coron& ~ VERY NICE 2 t><lrm t um home CORO:-ZA DEL :.t.AR--Untum. 2 ~tween ocean • b11y $100 mn. bdrm. hou11e. l block eoutb of on yearly leue. I h1gh111•ay, near irt.oru A t.be&tre. J . M ~tl LLER ro. Phone Liberty 8-t02e 21tfc 202:'i W. Balboa Bl , ~ewport Bl'__n. LEASE l yr. a bdrm. brand ,_ Harbor t 091 Liberty 8·3318 , unfurn. hom". .BaJbna Vl1t& ~ 29tlc • 1 Vrry reuonable rnr auiall fam· At.BOA $~ month, yearly -un-lly. Ownrr. LI 8-52117, rvu. 23ito tum . cott.aite. Uving rm .. dining , F'UfL'l:l8HED 1 bdrm. hou~, rm.. k ltchcnettt, 2 bdrm. hot I adultA, no peta. J86 mo, ~hnw1l1' OaA & wnter pd. No p<-1.J! ALSO M chelor tum. apt. H G mo. 108 Adam~. Har. 1924·M 211r27 uUI. pd. 119"' Poppy. Corona dtl NICELY n ;R:-.-nf'uly ntw tJu· pleir, onr bflnn 11p1 H1lwd t1r11 Tiie bal.h A kltch,.n Ger1.-e, M.'>. mo Adult~ only - Harbor !t~47·W 11rtr.r 8 30 p.m 28c28 Mu C'llll Har. 254i-R ~p27 ~£\\'PORT HEIGHT'!S-2 bedrm. untum hom". •lO\'' Is refrl1. tum. Xlnt. n"lghborhood. '9~. mnnlh. MZ f'ulltrton LI 1·7to8 aft.tr noon or week m da. 26caO Choice Wllller P..entaJa on FURNISHED LIDO HOME Balboa lsland Ir Lido Lale Spacloua home with 6 ~ma. Small It coay ur tarre Is deluxe St3~ month to June 16, reHr· '7~ to saoo month vaunn• beln1 talcen for U\e 4&-wAe~ -· ~~ VOGEL co. .ummn. 19!'>3 MO, radio. Toneau ~over and '52 Singer Sport Ca r CORONA DEL KAR-F\ana. apt. -208 M.artAe Ave .. ea11>ua t.tanJ Lido Realty Assoc. ie12 Newport Blvd .. NpL Beach Harbor 0271.w, 2tc28 0. M. A. C. Term• Hubor 6021 3100 WEST COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Uril cover. All In good rondlUon. ONE onn.nn. HOO 11 l7t!5 on JMI'~ bul.11 or month to mo. Ph. Harbor 4'4 or Harbor 21~1 3400 Via Lido Rar. 4U'" H&rbor 1019.J. 2ep28 .... .,..,,, m • ' S60. rent. To ... e&ll Jl1tmnoma. ~ Ha.r. 1718-RX or U 1-6297 ----------- H k M In H~ t1152. 20c33 t4Uc BALBOA ISLAND, yearly buMa.. t9~ MORRIS Oltford it.aUon a US en OtOrs, C. 2 bdnn. tum , houee, StOO mo. Liberty 8-34 71 ~A'I OTanda 2, llot.h In per- t.rt eoDCHUOll. Mabo1 .. not ..... built. ~rtul tone, tut artlon toocll. loftl)' Knabe eplMt In e~ Qll1ah. •ve 1230. A.lao luoa A Ramlm iplnet Wt• n-. >A.N'Z-8CJDODT Bir Plano Store. 20 ~o. Mam, llantA A.a• . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS -J.'or a depeod&llle uaed car, 11ee Opie Dall.7 I to 1 State Bonded your local dealer who will be here NEW LQCA TION TOMORROW to back up whal he NU. TODA t ! Qhec.k the Wl<'d 310 East 3rd St. r1,.. In uu1 clu lJltled aecUon tA>- 11132 Harbor mvd .. Colt.a w-2 BEDROOM l'URN18HICD DU· UNFURN. t-nn. hou., 1 bdrm. /Good location. Cont.a.rt J t•lyn wagon, one owt1er. Low mllea,e. PLJ:X. Corona del Mar, llOUUI of Center CMt& Meaa. Adult.A. LJ' Brunu a t J OH1'i S . PRENDEft. 8tr1cUy a campu'1 dellcht! 30 Pbone Liberty l-6061. Blway. . i 100 month IDcL uW. MM6. ~27 i GAST oftl·c". 223 Ma.rtne Av• .• milM to the pllon. S129&. MRS. KAY. R.,., 1771-J 6ttc BaJboa 1-land . .tkr. ISSt. 2tcU H k M t I -Your A~ Dollart So COROl'fA DEL MAR, 2 bdrm.,-----------a US en 0 Or8, DC. f~. do aioft. 88U more. W!M1D UNFU'IUf. J bdrm. tiou., ~ unnu.. dupla, loweor floor. Pr1-3 BDR.M hoUM", 1tove I& ~· 1132 Harbor B!Yd .• Co.ta Wea you adYert.IM tn lh1I paper -.icw, water pd. llO. ll'IO. 1111 vat.e paUo A 1arace. '80 mont.1\.1 turn. HO. month. 60'7 Orchld. BA.NTA AitA day. PboM Uber~ 1-~l IOc22 PbOM H&l1loC' 1111. .._ A1"11Ue "411112. lilall Barber IOU-J. *21 Corou del Ka.r. LI a.6llO llpl1 .. \ 11 ! - -. 'j . --. . " -- .!L!!?~··-°'''!!!!J.U-llt 111 b!!!.~f!12!!:::•~ ........ ~te ____ _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEER JOINT -Owner abowa Kl"OU over $20,000 witb 9G'1 draft beer. good ate&dy cllentele all year 1'0Wld.. lteat $175 mo_. acellent location. Good rea· M>n for 1aerttl~ UU. for $12,000 tull price. CAFE -well ootabllahed • ab°'" Cl'OM $26.000. ~ Rent $125. mo. P'ull price "500. .J'or thlll99 Uld driw-laa. market.a, liquor store., mt. lltops, etc. See The Vogel Co. 8201 W. Cbut IDgbway. Nawport Buch LI 8-3'81 Evenlnp Phone Liberty 8-SSBO WANT TO BUY -A Going Business In Harbor area or within 15 mile1. No groceries or cafes. $30,000 or more cash available. Smaller busi- ness with potential O.K. Will con- sider f.arti~ipatlon. Replie~ confi- dentla . Prrvate· pjlrty. Write Box TRADE l'OR HOME with pier and float an4 nnall income. Owner retiring from buai- •-- WILL TRADE uneDCU.mbered , 9 \Urit •tucco .motel with owner's quarters. All.· fur• niahed. Jn glp' top lhape OD m&ln highway in Culver Ci- ty. Well located and tflta~ Ji.abed buaineu doing over $8000 with low expen9e.' Your income at.a.rt.a at. once. Let me know whit you have. Owner Ernest ·Zim- merman, ~~uth Coch-ran Ave., Angeles 16. Phone WHitn y 5961. Collr- te.y to broke . , 17c30h IntereBted in a •Lovely Home if Garden Grove? Heated Pool ___ M_-49_,_th_is_op_a_op~e_r_. ______ 2_6c_2_8 __ ' BEDROO&lS, 2 baths, lge. &cU·- l"ftONT room. print.ti at11Uloa, Mar bm. KltdMn prtrii.pm. LI ' &-68.ST. 2&cJ7 NICIC OOKP'ORT ABLE rm. I.Arie ~lotMia cloML Prtvat.t ent.ranca. MOTEL 6 TR.ULER PARK on 101 Cout Klrb.,ay, M&rlnera' - N ile. 12 unlta, {4. k:ltcheuJ, 11 trailer sp9Cea all modern, only N 0.000. lJS. %8th It.. Newport Beacli. RESTAURANT lnHunUncton •vlty room, patio. W to \V carpeL Large lot JIU'ldacaped a: fenced. 1211,r.QO. ){ra. Lorentzen. L1 8· &111, ar LEhtgh 9·1333. 22tt SOLD • • ra ... r.e.61 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two Wlita. 2 bdrmo. each. a REAL buy at $37.llOO. $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath bome with view from every room. Completely tunml1ed. Alling $41j,7i!O and ONLY $ilOOO down. . Neu ..., 4 bdrm. llome and apartment completely turniatled ancf\tn Qeellct conditioll. · Full price $36.llOO. termL VOGEL CO. 208 Marin• Ave., BaJbOa llJand Harbor ff.t (Eve.. Harbor 1788-R) . '""NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm home, hwd. tloon, fireplace, partial view. 1mmaculate condition. Diab.muter, prbace di9pouJ Sep&rat. din!og room, largo .....,. poreb. 75-ft. frontage with many nice trWt treell. $13,llOO -Twlm ALSO , NICE 1 bdrm. hoioe on ll-1 lot. Newport Beaclt. 2-car garage PLUS &dditlon&l room. Located near P. 0 . I< City Hall. ·-'89ilO. J. M. MILLER CO. , a ••'-~~=-----•:NEWPORT HA~IOR NEWS-PRESS-PART IV-PA&£ S THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 BA. YSHORJCll Charmbll I bdrm., 1moU.1 ptn.e ln· G ~. Ip. UT. rm., corap&et kttcbm w tir.llfut bar. PLUS ........... WHICH IS YOURS? Ip. pL room offr ,.,..... - wtD cam.pet. pNzftlltn1 or la&k• &LlowuM:l9. .. euN to ... s:ll~ .,_..... ""- BACK BAY ' Mdroom. .uce nampu.e room. ed. '11-. DI'-LocaUori.. "2.600 Uk· lnr price. RUSTIC RANCH Oil ~.-.a. -Lonly patio, :t bdrm 6 den, d1nlq' room, ctr.m kit· c:Mn. b.nJ. •tmMpher'e. s22.aoo I a.c:ree ln Bannlag on H..,. w\U). J..rm. 1'oclM, air. coadittoow, rrwt ttt., run prtce 11000. Claire Van Hom RLU.TOR 2111 W. Cout Rwy,. U M2TT N:~O.! .. ~!1t.d~ WJnl A VIEW! SUD time to c boo•• lnlerlor decor:llUona. Shall:• root, t~ed air hdl. ti pi.a. • rnui, -~· 122.~. In Corona def Mar 2 bedrm., 3 bedrm., $20,960 $22,500 4 bedrm., $29,500 2 bedrm., Duplex, $14,2M $18,000 4 Units, $34,950 Lido Lido Lido Corona del Mar Corona de! Mar Corona de! Mar P. S. If we sell these ~ore you get here, don't worry -wE HAVE 'OTHERS! p. a. palmer,· inc. 0, ole hanaon co., 88.\es mana~ment 1700 ........ hfllhway -liberty A'..11673 CORONA DEi:. MAR Seeing Ill bollovtnc and -.. w. lo worlh - ing. Beautifully decorated on• bedroom home wttll rental unit. Plenty of yard for prdemin&'. Lup partially covend p&tlo. fenced tor prmcy. ldeal tor retired oouplo. Only $l 3,llOO. CORONA HIGHLANDS 20~ Weat Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach t Wnn. h«n• wtth nnp1ace. Par-High up oa the hW with .weepUJc Ocean view'. !few 25 tfc: pA:p Beac:h, Main St. Chance to cub -----------tn on otl baom bu.me... Rent by Multiple Listing !IS I:.. J'1ower St.. ea.ta. MflA "'Goal· -18,600,000 In 'M" H&rbor 4091 Liberty 8..a378 U&l "1-. ~root, li,t. bib. 3,bdrm.. and den home, buie dbl. flrepJace, patio, ------------,"'°" ---------1 ~~ .ri~ '1 ',500. worlmhop. G. E. dllbwuber, Weltem-Rolly bullWD There's V alut Here -W. E. Rsher, Realtor -I••"-pod an•!t...ed. XIDt. -~A-ae.tBome. "-----~---·----J73., Price '4.s:IO. lUQHWA y to S.y bual.n-.. front- .... tor ka.M, SANDY STEINER Owner drop& hill price $2000.\,111 moot attn.c:tive .,,, AHOClATU RAY REAL TY CO • 2 bdrm. home on Llttle Ialand PLUS 1 bdrm. guelt *' I!. Cout HJ-. corona dal Kar (ACROSS J'ROll THZ BAN1C) • Ooton.. dtJ. Mu cottage. $~0,000 down and owner will cany b&l&nce. Phan. Harbor .u•s 3444: E. Cout Blvd-, Corona del. liar Harbor 229 OPEN HOUSES 12 -5, Sat. Ir Suuday CHAJUUNG home of grsduate 1111.1'99 ope.a to 1 ~ 2 dlec:rim.I· natfnS people, tnvUld consider- ed. ar-thlaklDC view JocaUd Jn Newport a.rea off~,.. the ulU· rn•t. In. lftdoUs ll.tq. Ta.rt!f flQMtaWt wtth qU&llty. Wrlt.t RW l:llt.ate 6 Bualneu Broker 2912 W, ea.at Hwy .. Npl Be.ac:h 460 CABRILLO TERRACE Corona Highlanda Lrbuty &-1321. Mc2'l J:&peclally nlu -Attractlv~ytumlohod.$23.000.~~~~--i---;:-:;..-;-~~~~i--~~~~~~-------~~~~~~~-~_JLJ SOLD ™EMom Boa I.All, thla parer. 2&::2T -----------. 3 bdrm•.. 2 bllth•. ga.rb. dlap., dbhwaaher. Fenced lat .... S29,000 BAYFRONT-P!er & !!oat-4 bdrmo. -SSS.7!!0 . VACANCY tor retlned elderly t.dy In beautltul homt, iuc.Uent food 6 care. Bil prden, TV etc. HY•tt 4-4SH. 23p28 ,,,.,r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-· NO COMMISSION ALSO To boild that dreom home -we have an oy lll·le~"15!1111:1!1j§1--:'~BD:':R~M:;-rl!WIO<L W to w. t!npl•,. _.. ii& vi. Zunch. Udo !ale ~ vice porch, dbl pr. fenced yard. ONLY '1l5()0 dD No Apprai.aal Fee SALES -Rl:FlNANCE CO:-:BTRUCTION 328 Poill5Cttia overalzed lot -$1S.o00. "'Goal -IU(I0,000 i. 'II" and under $100 1*" month Call tor Frea U-8tore. ,. otncM Fut Commitment. 2 bdrm• .. 1 \-i lata. Gueat apt.. J: Z terms. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. ro2-ev.. 230&-R LIDO ISLE New Luxury Medical Center on RY.ldenc.e Md Un.It.ti only C. H. LA TKR'OP, 38M E. Cout Hwy .. cniyna del M .. r. Hu. M•~ fSW•. Har. 33ll·J } 2Tc:291-----~-----------------IITB DlSTINcnvll STYLINO and Am~lebep;;:::-:;:-in,. Don I. Huddleston «ntrally located. 173 E. 17th St. Layout to tenant. order. COSTA M.ESA u &-~1 u 8-M62 For Information, • L.OAJl/8 TO 8UU.U. DlPRUV£ LIDO REALTY Auociatea BUT, WODl:RNlZJ:, OR 3400 Via Udo HU. ff44 R.D'IN.l.NCZ w. &ly nu.t 0..- • J5tfc HJ:WPOR1' BA.LBIJA SA.VlNQS A WAN AMOClA TJON a ornc1t 11pac• tor ...... Ap· aM1 vi. Udo. P!I.. Bar. UDO Uo "SACRJJl'TClt" BY OWNER -MAKE 01'1"1CR Oea11'tblt 8 bdrm., l \.. bAth.. Cor· on• Hlghlud,f_ !,amlly home. W to W c:arpeUng, eoay Used brick rtrept.c:e, ~!Md hearth, brh:k p&neled kllcllen.. aervlc:e porch. Quality throughouL OCeall Vi!!!W, i&'t. yard. Thi• hOUM mU.t be -old by April l•L see now at 80ot Seaward Rd., Coruia .1el Mu. Hp22 BY OWNER • rrox. 1T'll.3:.' each. lA Udo Shop· r 1rirr •rea. MO Via Mtlaa-. Kar. -----------1Col"OD& lllahlanda -I bdnn~ 1 33%< U'1lfc LOANS f H bath tannhouM , FHA commit· ---------. Or OmeS raooL Ph. ff•""" '8-J. 09Uo &a-A-Bu.I..._ Reatala B USINESS rm .. 1737~ Supenor A\'f., Coett M-. la30 eq. n.. ..quipped 110 • 220 tlK . power. Rkyll1ht11. •t-: parkinf. Har. 2t17·R. cou •'Y to •centa. 24ca6H 5,. ";" 20 17. ~ Construction Loans 81:E BIJB SA'n"l..ER 231a EAST COAST BLVD. Coton.a de.I M.&l' H.arDOr ae&\ Rep. POUUJ!!R MURTGAGE CU SOLD by Multiple Listing No. 02 Bait><-Cove11. NtwpQrt Bcb "Ooal -u .:wio.ooo 1n '56" Metro Llt• I~. F\lnda Kl. 1-ll l&:I -~--------­f.SUt L.A.RGE LOT on Clltt Drive In Cliff 1£avan. DRAMATIC VIEW * of ocean, canyon. be&c.b, clltta. lArp bdrma., 1 ~ bath. Hillaide patio. Spacloua llviD& room. Look- ing right doWD on beach. s.t 9Cmllc alte in Coroma del ..... For quick -'25.600. , Call Harbor 1775 E\9. Harbor SW . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22!5 Marine Ave., 8&Iboa hlaDd Charming fumtabed cottap Oil R-2 lot ottered. for $9500. $2000 dotm. Room tor another unit. DUPLEX -2 bdrm. apt. and 1 bdrm. apt. just two bloclu from the ocean and good bathbig beach. $13.000. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY w..U ~ floor pl&n fMture1 Ult. out••"'""' s bdrm-home With J we bau... the i.r,. un- ...W U't'lq 6 ~ u;e&. wtth a kJTely ~. 11 dellsbttul. C-pact ldt.clMin and ma.ck bar, pailo, ll•· dbL prace. Well W'Orth Pl.000 -SIGOO down. ... o.o. L. ai-nt w1lh - Balboa Bay Properties 1309 W , aalbo9 Bl .. N.-.port Bell. ~ H&r. 61118 $1000. Down Newport Heights Comer duplu, with dbl rv. bet•eeu apta. 2 bdrm. ..ch. bwd. fln., f1rep'•OM, lmmea crOUDd&. ' Low dn. pymL " euy - Sooth ol Hwy., Z bdrm.. Inn!. firL. llNpir•. - lhower in dbl pr., wbJch 1a lltrmeed for apt. Oft!'. Really lmDw:uiata. ONLY SU.000. Esdui-wtlll R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 362Z E. Coat Hwy., Corolla dOl Illar Hor mt ---------------------- INCOME PROPERT'( See this tor •a.hie, C ftlNI matt. cm tbe <>oMn l'ront. a truly good locatkn, comp. fvD. and bl the ...,. -conditimt. hu an ""'""lont lncomo hlotarJ. $33.500-Tenna ALSO 2 unit. on 2 lot. in Newport, jwrt: \.) block to the Ocean, noar ti.. U-and otorea. Oal7 $1Q,800 $3llOO down. - PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2820 Newport Blvd .• Nawport 8-ch Har. ZIU For lease upstairs IOO Sq. fL 1ultable tflr bu1hieu. ~Mo11ey WuaW. • ALSO to fL •lreet \o 1trel't lot 011 Gi!noe.. Realton BusineM Broker 3135 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Ma.r. Har. 2152 Ano ,oU klokinl for -att~Uve modenl bQm• • Pktlll'e wtndow• !arr• livtna rooni • flreplac• • Kiic:han )'QU'U reallJ llk41 -two bdrma. • tub plua • . .u.11 et.WT. L&rp t•o-a.r IVllp -BM.k JVd tanotd. hll pric• only -Sit .MIO. 1--------------------~- •lUdlo or Olnc:e • llvtn1 qua.rt· KAVE ucellent outkte far prt· .. ra. 21~ Marine AV t., 8&1.bo& la. 'l'tl• money on l~t A tnd Truat <)wnl'T 139 N. Bay l"Tmll St.I' Deeda, call bna. !•land. 2:1p2.8 DON J. HUODL.l:STON AV A.11..A.Bl..E' -A.boUl 8000 1q, Reill ~tt Loe.111 tt.. 111tit lnchatry epac:e on tat • 11a E. 17th, eo.tt Me• 2nd. floor. u. 8. HJ1hway 101 LlbtttJ S.M41 26Uc •nd S.y Front•&•· WUI 1.-. all - "r any part A. reznodel to 9Ult f1U-..tacome F4o_eertz ten.nt. Vorel Co., 34111 V1a Lido. Hub<>• ""' "u' BALBOA INCOME l'OR LEASE -Blvd. property, 11uitabl111 tor S-uty !lhop or Im. bultn .... lnc:ludf:t large UYint: rooJTI, 2 bdrm .. kitchen, alao ta, rome 1u. •pt. P•rklnr te.c:ll1tltt. \/try reuon.t»e. f'lr•dll!y •t H"Tatt 4-Mt2. 2k21 s UNlTB-OkSe.r propen.y central· ly loc .. 1 h bllt.1. lo heart at B&J. boa UUI. rm. Juat rt-duceu to 121.600 tor qulc)( -.le. IMlOO dn. ~•r Hutior 1898. ;~uc 1 tno'lTS, all runi. Good lac:ome. Pr10<I! UT,000. -44 9 Hamllton. ea.ta Mua. :Mc28 ------------ Ml 2 ACRES 111 t L front&(• Ofl Pl.c:entia SL Ex.cellent rtla.11 ouU111t. Far 1 .. ue or wtll butld t or rallitbl• tanuiL Owlltr l..l a.•110 or LI S.61M. i4ttc: QUONBln' Htn'll, 11:1•11' J:l(I. mo. Sacrifices Galore! ! For sale by Owners! ! YIV'E PIECES of Income proper ty frnm 11 1f..MIO to 11111.soo. Duplell. trtplt-X, t ll', Fa r lnformallon, Ubtrty 8-1409. (No broker•!. 2tl1c lJMa, ~ua 1adWltr1aJ. • l!ltor· 81-&ea.I FAtate Eschuge ap Ctnt.r, lib P~U.. near -~ · - ltth St.. (eo.\e. MeMl l or call H&rbor 11-W. 2tlc:30 REAL ESTATE I.OJ.NS In-Rate 11-61>!1> WANT Lido Bay Front. Have cl.r. 2 bdrm., newly cacpeted, and "fY nlc:111 an Lido ta eJCch.angt. Caah for difference. Owne" OAIJ. Submit. Write Box J-46, U'l\9 papu. 2:ip21 1.ouMt quk:ktJ m.oto In UM a., E[lC. NGE ~ ...ct CO.La M .... &lnile Uf a I bdrm., 1 ~ b . ... A. beat, •alu,M un.Ua. ""' or old • 1W1lh S stall ho btrn, ta.ck nn, W'\89 a.Dd •" bJ .. nuoc:lq -..P· 3 rm. t. on 2•.., 'actta :r-r sir-t lo&a. Kiaimwn u · f~ o\ fenced. Elo:cb, tor ,_-l'fo cbarp for pnllml· 1 bdrm. hom• ln H•rbor area. ..., appn.lllM. PbOM Bult.ti By o-er, Pl\. OX T·l32T. 2f.c3Th AM 1Dmbert1 ..._, or -.rite Laguna Beach Urlo l1<le l2nd lol fl'om Udo Saud. with view at bayJ llr1. Ahrenll. H•r. 01"1. 23tfe < Drive by 235 !i.i&.gnolia Costa Mt'U cute Ao coey home -2 bdrm. It plllleltd den \\'I th tlrtpl•ce, \\'Ill\ ta wtll ca.rpf:t. Very cloee Ln. sta.ooo. Phnne Ltberty 8~282. 21tfc ------~~-SOLD by Multiple Listi!lg (.()I, tlllh St., Ntwport &&cli "Cc.Jal -$8,:wl0,000 ln '"" LIDO ~SLE BT O\\'NER -40·ft. lot -ortreet to etradt. 3 bdrm., 2 btlth h0nte. \\'e.JI tn wtll caJ'Pf'Unf. natural b!n:h kil,.hrn , bllllt-ln 11t0Ye, fan a: c•rb. 1hap. Full prict - 126,000. Hu . :i13tl. U>e39 Bay Front Income to. Un!ta ll 6 a Dee!NolNI, f'Un:r.· _.heel. PSar, flOll.t and prtv•te oeacb 1000 m.. B&lboei Blvd.. BaJbua Cr1111t'fiew 18646 Gour· 1eey to broll:ere. l!Uc SOLD by Multiple Listing f.lfl Riven.Ide, Nnrport &.ab "Coal -I S.:i<>0.000 In '..-!" Grandpa's Homestead SMALL OLDER HOUSE. livable now, C&D be made Into a cute 2 bdrm. with a Utile work and plannin1. Large lot. fruit tttee. Good eo.ta Mea. loc&tion. -Only $411i!O. I> caah. SEE Llla B. McFarren at Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 3788 or %517-K OUTSTANDING BALBOA: INCOME 9 deluxe. near new apartment.I on bautilul Balboa Penin!'lula. Un!urniahed income on yearly leue. O\'Cr $9500. CouJd be •Ub&tantlally increued by tall· ing aummcr ttlltala. Only $76,000 ._ and out ot t own owner wiU take $25,000 down and carry bal· ancc at 5'(:. Abl&olutely the best income buy . in lhe entire Harbor Area. T~e Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt. Bch. LI 8-3481. Eve. LI 8-1848 BALBOA ISLAND 3 plua BDRMS., 3 b&lh•. rumpua room. Ail old.ft. house but clean u a wbinle! Near the Nortb Bay. Partially fumJahed. -$26,500. D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor O\\'NER aellln1 modern ' bdnn .. Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Eveninc::N: 2 !MUI llomt at t op of CorOlla &a.. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 11M Newport Bini., Coet.a W:eaa ( ACT"091 trom C:O.t.a M-Bank) PbQIHI Liberty H76l ""9. Ku. f.JM-LI •2t0S SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot. w. B&l'llo9 BlY4.. 8&1b0a "Ooe.J -M.&o0.000 ln '~" BALBOA-Aline. rood. home. A· 1 cond. Le•· UY. rm. <>oe.n 't1ew lhrU plc:L wtndowl. I ?ledrma .. dbl., p.r. Nr. ac:booW, bMc:hea. T'bi9 propertJ bu pod taoome opportunity. Non·,_, owner. Com• e.DJ\lm .. 12'29 w. Balboa Blvd. Jlplf.h ONLY $9500 ldeel tor worltinc or reUred c:oupl• 2 bdrm. t'\l..oeUoaal mooun, ..., to ~lain. MGOO down. Ba.I· •Moe SMl ma. A locaUoQ ot dll- Unction. Hu. 191 OT 2694-W. 21Uc Leaving State I lTNJT OOURT ln eo.t.a lile• Dl;Ollleal laDOl'lla. l!lmall cklwn payment M.ndiel. ALSO OCEAN 11\0NT REST AU, RANT la Newport a.am ae.- a Jut etu'UllC. Good mone1 ...... CA.LL Llbllrt.J l-llf.11. ownet'. 11c2f.h del War. Mortg•B• pe.ymc tum.. Nona Hyer Chet S&li1bury pr. •pL, auto. dltll wuhtr, 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand ro-~-.-A.L-.,~-.-,-....._--.---, ......_- wuhln.-machine. new 1lova. r.. I bath. Double iara.I• •tl . .-.c:l'led. ARTHUR .l. MAY ~Lou. Ow••• ••t Occ:SdelltaJ Uf• ~ C.o. ta South Mala maau Au tr11 .. drape.• o\ Moor coTV'inp 1-----------------------1 ~ ~ 6 out. Lo-tllly I bdrm. cottage, comp. included. Many built Ina, lot& ol BALBOA ISLAND Wlll tNde tot oldtir t.ou., de.at tum. O'll a 1a.rfe lot oo Liie ootan, room far klda. '''•lklnf dJ•t.anCf Iota, ear, tioU, or wti..t hava 7ou. ' j • ' " LOANS Pl\OKPT u:lt.Vlal 6~ nm ma.t dMde IO ,_,.. Oraop Cout Propertloo.; JIGT Newport Aft., O:let. ~ LI a-JU:Z. U --l tOO ICY-. 9&Uc: WoULD UI'-to bu.J 1'1. and 2nd 1"nlst Dffd& 0aD Hu. DH _, priv, rciad.. no •lepA. Will trtde lo llChool. S'J6.000. Har. ~·J.f. i.o.ud M 112 E. W11-, Cmtti f(}f' Npl vu-CM! Bob Jonn 17t(c XTRA ar-. OaD LI 1-211:2. apJI •l fkrbor 2313. lkul -----------·I • SPAClOUB HOME ud gtJett or COSTA MESA EABT SIDE Income apL 2 We bat.ha. •tall 2 Ila --• le Brick ~-...1 ...... '---•-L~ ft Ra.I l'Atate ehowera. Hdwd rloor1. 3 rum•c· un • c--.. CU • &.&.1..-t--"'"' one. •~ I BDRK. --blhfL noor., IU'· -• -----•• •"•· "" 0n0y 2 yu. ""· in oxc. tut.. $3l5(lO down. .,,,_ <11 ,_,. It. OoelA NEW ' BDRM.y LS,. tt.t.l\I, t.11r• "Owner, t OJ Jumlne, Corona di-I M price -$16.500. ar ... t.Iber'1 WU&. 11tfe ll:llllhen. wallpaper. Prof~on. allJ landM'a ptd. back )'•nl ('Om· )(ar. :zap311h OOA01'4 D8L JlAJl -1 lldnD. plftdy re11ced, o:"omer lat. Hou r· 1 -co~Ru-N~•-R~JO~H~ .... ~N~D~LOTS~---NELDA GIBSON, Realtor . bal-. ~ ..,....._ &p.. ly bu. 11top. \Vatklng dl~t. o! llt'e Cho\CI liHfll A.v•U11bt• bri Roon. paU.o, le•'t'eped •hor cir. s12.~100. 2033 Cnnu. Call ffubol" 232t 306 Marlne Ave., Ba.Ibo& lal~d ~ ~· Bar. Ml·M. aent.aJ at., Coeta M..., 2~p21> L 611U" Harbor ~2 -Ev-. Barbor ~R "; llc:ll • .. OCEAN SWELL HOTEL In the Heart of . Balboe 17 rooms, 2 apta. Completely turn1abe4. $25.000 -Only $8600 down. Excluaive agent., J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport llwcb Near the Newport Pier -Plenty of fl'M Puldnc Harbor 4091 or Eva Barbor 888' Z7a211 A R,EAL BUY * Corona del Mar -View Dupla: -I bc!rma. .-cla unit. one turniahed. Sound condition. Drutlc:allJ' r.- duced to $14.,500. Submlt down. Call Harbor 177~ ---EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland LIDO TRADE SJ*iowi 2 bedrooma. 2 bathlrlt d• on & 50' lot. • Deli(Ded by outatandin& udtltecL WW trade Oil 4 bedroom, 3 blth OD Lido. DUNCAN HARDESTY, 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Realtor Har. 47U Open Daily till Sold 245 Evening Canyon Road Shore criffs, Corona de Mar lte new, ita under marht prietl Anotblr Voeel VU.. ™E VO<?EL CO. D01 W. Cout Hwy. Npt. 8't.. Llblrlr f.Nl1 ' . • • I • PA&l 6. 'All IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • W.t .,... '!!·~·~•!!!!,.' ! ... !!'!M!!te!.-___ _.,!.!!;::!W!!!Ml!l•!!!•!!te!_ ___ a • SHI ...... _... ____ !D~'!M!!!,_' !•!!1!!!11!,_ ___ _!.!::::!R!!!Pl..!•!!11111!!!!!*-!.---- THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1955 C t.~ ----------...,.-----3 osta mesa • 811 ' wl • ..., ....... Good Ones CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES r=:~a Exclu~e Shorecliffs .. New, modenl, 4 bdrma., 1% bath home. Cheek U... featufell -Lovely living rm Open.I to patio, cut:Omw flreplaic•· oriental uh panellnc, in- dlnct JJPUns .. DI.nine rm. with flnplace. Kitcllen · lau uh cablneta, diap., bullt·in copper ltove 6 oven. Tile batha, r. A. furnace, w to w ca.rpetlns. drapee. maay cloeeta, accoutic pluter, tree no.Ung .tair- WaJ to ocean 'riew bedroom with fireplace. rencect yard, Ip. prap 6 laundry. A. dream home prlce4 under W),000. Corona del Mar -Home & Income 2 bedroom home, oceu aide of Hwy., Oil good street plWI 2 bedroom pr. ·~· Both fumlahed. Home leu- ed at $90 Pfl" month. .Apt. ju.t redecorated. Now · available to buyer. Priced reduced to $15.~. Euy term.I. A. real buy. THE VOGEL CO.MPANY J88T I:. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. lTU-1477 · Do y.ou want the best buy in Newport Heights? • • • HERE IT IS ! OPEN HOUSE 1~ P.11. SM EL MODENA., NEWPORT HEIGHTS I AN ICXClCLLJCNT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 bdnu., 2 bath.I, F. A. but. Dlahmuter, sarb. dia- po9&1, elec, fan. Touch latch l)'8tem on cupboarda. Mercury arttchee. k&r prapa titted with 220 volt wlrtns. Entirely aurrounded by concrete block wa.lla. ax morel llMlCllM SUO. per mo. TbJa l8 a"'' ODly ta1r.-sa.ooo dn., f\lll prtde fl uoo. i:.... PlaoM i..n.rty I-MIT, PeUtta. NEAT CLOSE-IN f1600 dn., T AJC118 TID8 HICE I llldrm., 1 yr. old, ...,...., eutb~ and paved •lnet. J'uU prtC8 P .M .. Balance on ST5. pw mo. J:ne. PeUtte LDen:r 1-6411. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS S NICll ROUSU 'Ill HaJOO' lot on luta Alla An. Jmqtne -s bdna. • dell bolM. plUll ... other ne&rlJ 1MW I bdrm. bOUM to rent. ODJ:r Stl.800, f',IOO da. A •TS.50 per mo. 8" Ulla and make otter. Sn. Ptloae Llben:r 1-2142 Lytle. CLIFF HAVEN OUTSTANDING VA.LUE J'OR THll DJ~~G. WonderfUJ ~ for I lp br. W/W carj>eta. Vetr:r larp rumpua le llobbJ rm. J:aduaw 8tpal Rd. C&n be budJed for sa.eoo doW'n. J:Tee. n . Llbert7 f.2MJ Lytle. B'ayshores UAUTIJ'UL • BR., '· BATH HOMIJ with ,,_u qtn. o•er dble. pr. I ftreplac.e, paneled walla, lse. patio. .A loftlJ bome tor larse tamUy, l\e&r prtvate beach. sat,600. 8b0Wll by app't. JJve. Ph. ~ymour Har. ''>8·W. M-1 I LJ:VJ:L ACRE8 ln Pau.larino dle- trtct. Ju.t off Npt. Blvd. .A bar- Benner Harbor ltlL Corona Del Mar Best Buys 1. SHOD CLIJT8 -S BORK. 6 Dl:N BOID:. phra 1arp rumpu. room. 2 ftnpl"*' a Wba. vi.w of ocean, e&nJOG 6 hWI. Oomplilt..q fan.. lahed. A barpin at $46,000. ShOWD bJ app't. 2. VIEW 01' CANYON 6 HILL8. 2 bclna. lllme plu 1arp .rumpu. room. built-In atoft. nm. Attn.euve ftrepJace, nloely decorated. Lup double piq., only 1 ,_.., old. Rechacecl fr'CD $23)500 to $19,0CSO for fmnwUate!y ...._ 0..... bu moved. Better hurry. S. CLOSE TO OCEAN 6 BEACB.-Tbi8 attnctlft modern 2 bdrm. h~ plua parlor off ll¥inc rocm. Suitable for a mu.le rocn.. Double pnp. 1'mce4 yard 6 only 1 blk. to ocean front. Reducecl to $18,900. Euy tenu. We hav. the key. '-2 BDRM. HOKE, PLUS BLDG. SIT& 2 bdna. home, clbL prap, built on tbe rear o( a CSO-ft.. lot. Choice location. Room to build addltlaaal unit 1D front. J'uU. price $11,500. $3000 dow1l will handle. JCJdwive wi~ ua. 5. DUPLEX BARGA.JN -l'roat unit bu S bdrmL, 1 % batha, tlrep&ace. dlnlnc area. Kar 1IDit bu 2 bdrma. built over dbl prqe. View frcma r.r unit. Sepatate lawuiry room. Needa 1101De paint 6 ya.rd work, but priced to 1ell at $18,600. Buy terms. We have the key. e. so. OF 'nlE mGHWA.Y, WILL TAKE TRADE Thi8 home built on 80-ft. corner lot bu 3 bdrma plua den. Larp covered lanai, 2 batba, fenced Yard, tarp Uv. rm. with fireplace. Forced air heat, eervlce porch, hwd. floora. Owner bu JDOY- ed. Will give immediate ~on 6 wiabe9 to aell quickly. WW take unall home, vacant lot or tJWt deed.I in trade. Loan comm1ttment of $15,000 at ~%. 20 year. Priced to MU at $2't,600. PRICE T. McCUISTION Newport Heights V"•w Homes! • -~ '" '9da ..... ltM ... ft. 1aG111......,a ... , .... w.a ..... .qr . ........,...... ~.-.......... ... ouL .......... .-.. IArp ,.u. ........ ,., ..... __.. inm onaa ..._ ._ • IDajp ..... aAft Ba-. A ......... I ~11w 14 lllaUI ..... ~ .. 0 pduF,4. ...... ~ ..... --- JIUT AD•D or TBll 8UIDDR amn'AL UU.oM. It ,_ are ............. IM .. at.Mr . ---,.....u. ... looll u.-.... : OM TBll PSNllGIULA. • .atia. ................. ..... u ..... ..... .._.... • Ill'., ' ........ Ill.TIO. ..... tNpla. I Ill'., I '-tM. SIT.DOI. da.1111,yt--. ~ I Ill'., I \atM. ... OOt. ~ CL0811 TO lfAy AND oe&.Uf; T a"-. U ...... Ul,T&O. Sl0,000 *"'"'- Dapla. ra. f~ aDOtllllW unit.. IW lat. s11.aoo. t.enma. ' _. ... 1 Ill'. -.ell. Nice pnpert;:r, ... 000. ST.DOI ...._ <>o.a "'-l Dupla. • Ill'. Rt .... .. .....,. Pl,.500. Dup1a. MU'~. I \r., I latm. SllMO. ST .DOI tloWa.. llUtJ' etJMr .... 1-proper~ u.. ... -.. ftnL Bay Front Duplex! P08JTIVSLY A WONDSRJ"UL IV.U.US •.. lf J'CIO wW do a lit· U. tla'&a.. I Ill'. up ad I doWIP. .... loc:aU... Prt.a. ~ ....... rtpl& ,_ ... a ..., ir-t at Pl.TM. -- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST llU8IMD8 LOCATION, ~ft. lot oa 18th St. lm- prcned with dellPttul 2 bdrm., den, dlalDI room lil«w, Ideal for medk:al or dental -Alie,.. ...... ...., to own. ...,. will carry mortpp. S8000 dL EXCITING 'rilw bome, Newport HeiJhta. I ~ ...... 2 Uled batba. carpeUnr w to w. c..tGlm ~ naptone 'f'. P., tinted pleture wtndan. Gravtt, 'l'benDo heat. Ludlacaped Callfornl). ltvlnl at lta bellt -$29,:5QO, MUible t.nm. - H PLUS PDCENT on aakins price, 2 It.or. ~ ed. 2 bdrm. apt. Partly furnlahed. IncOm.e $3715 mo. hll price $32.000, tenna. TRADE for income un1ta up or down. 1fM1 trc.tlq CID Newport Ave., down town a.ta 11-. Bulla-80Ded. $3000 ACRE Back Ba1 .,.._ 5 toDJna Mr9 .U.000 RESIDENTIAL corner lot, 1 blk. to llton9. 10 Jl 130 -$3500. .... K-1 -127 ft. fronta on Placentia near 19th St. $10. foot. $260 MO~TII income. 4 turnlahed 1 bdrm. unit.a. Cloee In. $23.'500. LEASEHOI..0 lt-2 -Klnp Road. Outaten•""I Harbor View -$5000. OORONA. DEL MAR deluxe vi~ home. Lhtnr room, kitchen, bdrm. 6 bath upetaira. 2 bdrma. 6 bath down. Beautiful .et-up. Badminton eomt, land· acaped, fenced, double IU"&P: ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SAT.F'S -LOANS -BUJLDl:RI ' 1857 Newport An-, ea.ta II-. -a.HOO Eftll. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN Back Bay Ui7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar Harboe '1 (Office located nut door to Corona de1 Kar Bank) WSLL BUILT Pll:MINBULA. .._. ------------------- See th.la beautiful home on Cliff Drive a bedrma., 2 batha, Thennador kitchen, diahwuher, p.rbtp dl8poM1. Many other excellent featuree. 1 ~· old. A. rea1 value at $23,9l50. . COSTA MESA It you an looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we haft tt. Situat.d on Eut 19th St., Price $12,9l50 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th A Irvine, Newport Beach Phom LI 8-28M t Evee. LI 8· 7056 KNOW.ELL PLACE 2073 ~aple Street $795. Down NO CLOSING COST Garbage Diapoaal Plutered wan. 2-ca.r prage Sewers • New Street -ONLY 8 LEFT Phil Sullivan & George Everson l.8M Newport Blvd., eo.t.a Meu (ACl'OM From Coeta Mesa Bank) Pboae Ltberty M781 Evee. Har. 43M--LI 8-2103 LIDO ISLE It's so seldom that on Udo JOU can find a practically new 2 bdrm. bome completely turn. for a.oywhere near $20,500, that we felt you should know about it richt away. A well kept home wtth dininr area, overlook- IDc the patio, fireplace, built-Ina galore and many other f•W... Of coune lt ia juat one of our many admi'Ytle oa Lido hle. Terma may be arTanged. Lido Bay Front a bdrma. plua maid'• room. completely furniahed la ipa.dld condition thru-out. 2~ batha, forced air beat. On Udo Nord ln rood location. Only ~.500. Conalder trade u part. The Vogel Co. -Lido Offtee Ml& Via Udo, Newport Beach Bar. •971 or •972 LIDO ISLE If JOG Deed• bdrm., A'dea, S bath home with a Ip. ttftDs room. attractin ttt.ben, dining area. aer- 'f'ioe polda and doa~le rarare, wall to wall carpet ud clraPI' we cu pc*tively otter you a fa.re oppor- ~. 8110WN by apJ>Ob>tmeat OlllJ, phone Georp L.••stwttil- BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 180& W. Balboa lltYd.. Npt. Bch. Har. 5188 or 1983 HARD TO FIND ON LIDO ! But We Have it - 1. ""1nWaed 2 bdrm. 6 la.n&l 2. 1 % batba -2 showers a. Lup uwa, Room " Lup '5-ft.. Jot I. A'low down paymmt. Price $25,500 See The Vogel Co. D01 W. Cout IDchway, N~rt Beach LI 8-3481 c ' ROLLING ACRIC8 wiUl .tew. OM of Jut plecee aftllable at a ------------------- pr1c.. 110,000 handlel. Houston Realtv Co. 6 ASSOCIATD 509 C.nter 8t.. Ph. LI &-all SOLD by Multiple Listing aoe -aoei,i Coral. Ba.Ibo& bland "Oo&l -S8.600.000 1n 'M" You Can Afford a Better Home Dijo:r t.be modem ltrin1 ol thla one .tory, S bdrm. home wtUl completely tumlllMd apt. o•• double....,...... Here la hoW • • - • • ·BAY SHORES • • (2) TW 0 (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Ustings • Comer Circle Dr. & Vlsta Dr. • • Choice Fum Style Home 3 bdrma., 2 batba, wall to wall carpetins. Separate d1n.lnc room. Two lovely patioe for outdoor~· ruu price $29,500, terma. A.ND • Comer Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Sborea' Clevereet Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raiaed uaed brick fireplace, dlabwubef', dlapoeal. Charmingly decorated. Cruabed rock laWL Full price $23,500, terma. For preview ahowinp, call Harbor 1800 - (Eva, Liberty 8-6388) The MCOnd unit -• nice apt. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' bnnr• 11200 yearly at U\18 choice Balboa bland loe&Uon. 2 bdrm. home PLUS 1 bdrm. rental • Approx. 1300 Priced well under 130,000. lee Ulla property for f ood temw and 1ood UYlnf. J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor U, riol Park Aft. Balboa.:! SOLD by Multiple Listing sq. ft .• Beautiful fenced yard • paved alley -actu· ally muat be aeen to be appttclated. Will exchange for lot • $12,500 • $5500 dn. ONE and ¥1 ACRF.S. 8 bdrm. home • larp atorap room -dbl. garage and worbhop • aewer in and paid for -$13,500, with term.a. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, neat and clean 3 bdrm. old- er home • large lot • wonderfully quiet location. $8500 with $1000 down. bat. $70 monthly. WELL BUll.T, NEWLY DECORATED 2 BDRM. HOME on corner lot. ~ with $1500 dn .. 165 mo. .. A.-1 agriculture, 2 acre. ........ --·-·----··-M500 wiUI 1% lledl-.a. Jake waDed paUo, 2 CU' ........ "-tlJ repaiat.d • . . A·l 009dWmL SH.GOO. ~plelte)J Ma' rt ·d al SH.no. IUOO doWL SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot, ~ A.-. N.wpol't llleacla "Opl -auoo.ooo 1a '111" BILL'S BEST BUYS ~ Uttle Paint - PIDlll' 1lp .......... ..,... wtD -Ulla well .... Mdr-._.. .. ..., ftee1Dc9tkm a.. to ~ aad 8Clloola. 0-U. aad .... vs. hU prtee STICIO wfUI t-. If you are conf1l8ed - M-I ~. liaUt 6 "· doee ta aoeeUoe. saao dowa and 110 ..U.:,. Runy IOI' -ot th-. UMy .,.. aboal .old -t.. Con..iently locat.ed - Attnd.l•e a lbedroom wr AlpM Bet.a 8)M)pplq Ofllttir. J"eoc-ed r.r JVd ud double (1U11C"e. Good ccmdUJoa. 4*inc StO.SOO. ... -for,_,. .......-u "• ...... aD t.Jpea "' propert7 ,.. .... •J'OU11 Ilk• our frimdly mntc.- W. A TOBIAS llli:ALTOlt ..,._'D Klle our friendl:r ...-nca .. .. &. 17Ut •t... o.ta .. _ LDmt.1 8-1.llt 111 Gunet. Balboa bland "Oo&l -... 600,000 la '511 • • REAL VALUES M-l Ind~~~· ~;L~:-··;~ .. ;.-0;--s 0 L D 1810 Newport" Blvd., Qi9ta Kea. LI 8-1801 by Multi le Listin 3 dandy bldg. lots -------------Lot. ac.a .!f, 0oroea di& ~ Oii IJut 81de. MWll be 80ld t.osetJ!er 'nl'8 18 a llte&I at .. 750. Hun-:r, Ulla woa't iut. Santa Ana Heights "o.& -fl.I00.000 ta 'II" THIS & THAT SORT 'l1U:S1t OVER: Four Resales-for you to choose from! 70G ma1 tilMl what 10u want here-· Corner Lot .mue&Jent mut .... BuUdlq a1t.e snoo. 1/2 ACRE a.Dl& Aa& B•pt.a. I bdrm. and deit-w!Ut ...u l'I• bCIWll la ,_,, A·l --. Gl\lr '10.llO. 0-1 LOI' "'~ ..... 1 llldnn. a.ou.a JMt .it M.wport m..s. la Co.ta M911L-ttl00. New denlopment near upper Back Bay. All 3 bedroom.a. Fenced and land8caped. Small down payment. or me your G. I. Prices $10,950 -$12,500 ' Come out Palludea Road trom Newport BlYd-to new area. Follow OPEN HOUSE 8i1D8 to Rita Writer with BOLES REALTY 110 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Phone KI 2-1914 or KI 2...e321 "' &C1' I eld llldp.. C. X. U280 I aerw. ar. JClllma UM -·-·· 1800 ~ aa... .......... ..__ .. A. llOOO TRADES I Wna. •u.• dw9tw1I 9aDlcia J'()R .... ta~ I~ UT,000. Pmbl'llla l"Oll I -10 .-WL 1....,m.000. ......... roll~ 1Wna.. u ...... ~ B. A. NERESON ~----------_.___________ roll ..... UAL'l'Oll EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERING 1ta Mtwpott ...._, OData 11a1a PlaclM u 8-Mft .... u a-NIT IOd1 <>emA.H VtmW moden I bednn. bOme with extra room and " bat.ll OD double ...... e. :Uk1ns s:aa,ooo. Law dOWft payment or wtU take nnt Trult Deed &n 120 Colllna A. ft., Balboa lllend. 4 bedroom. 1 full, 1 • % and 2. ~ •tbL 8traqlJ built. Well maintained. Good nntaL Qoee belt beach. -$28,000, term.. Call Harbor 1775 21~~ Drl .. cac1Jaeat ~t EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Sot aftllable) Pit OW9er. LI I-= 225 KariDe Ave., Balboa bland * .. Ula .. ~at BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES '11 ................... ~ ITll -111'·11. lld'T f'llCa FAlllLT __. OW LIDO ....... ... ..., ...... lat _. a a.at. ._ ailluEAU. .............. lluMr •n·•· 11c1T p. a. palmer incorporated DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISJ,E offer A prestip home, one of Udo'• loveliest, an lntimat. patio for 801itude or gay company. S bedrma., 2 . batba. l'urnJahed with rare feeling and taate. "38,000 BAYFRONT, pier and .Up, plu a wide beach, u there ia M feet of BA.YFRONT. Many f•tune for gncloua livtnr, including a flelrta room, dlnlns room, 5 bednna., 5 •th.a. atone terrace overlooldnr the bay. In fact, you juat have to .ee thia home to lmow It'• a fine value at $85,fSOO, with a.cellent tenM- NEW LIDO BUSINESS ANl> PROFESSIONAL BUILDING to be built on Via lJdo betww the Church and Sheanon. Hammill 6 Co. 1.--now bdn.J made. Come in and aee the model and floor plaoa. TIUa ia to be one of the out.tandlnl buJldtnp • in Southern California. LIDO ISLE NEW LIS'l1NG 2 yeara old • 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 21 s 22 Uv. rm. Lee. naptone fireplace, plenty of cloeeta. .All kinda of atorage apace ln garage. Wired tor 220. 4f.ft. lot. Nice patio. All thia for $31,500. Xlnt. terma. An opportunity to buy at a bargain a Dloe 30-ft. lot on lllnt. atreet. $8100. A NEW 4 bdrm., 2~ bath, ts-. Uvinc room, brick Uttplace, drapes, W to W earpetiq. 2800 eq. ft. Owner will aell for $33,500 or TRADE tor Jib amount in WHtwood, Brentwood or Bendywood BAY FRONT WITH PIER le SLIP -2 1to17 I bdrm., 2 bath fum.iabed -$48,500. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE Ol'J'lCE "Juat to the right ot the Udo Bridp" 3112 Lafayette, Nemiort Beh. Har. Md (ev• H. 2998) LI DO The very best exclusive liatinr on Lido lale. L&rp 2 bdrm.. 2 bath single atory home on a 45-ft. lot, ovenized garage with laundry. i'on::ed air beat, big living room and fireplace. Spacioua South pat.Jo where you may relax and aoak up the aun. You will have to ruah to pt thia one! Open Daily 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo $23,500. Hu a new $115,000 loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718 21c23 VOGEL VALUE Ruatic Ranch Type home in top Newport R ... bta location. 2 lge. bdnm. Eatn large living room with fireplaee 6 b1ih beamed cetllnp. Nice kitchen bar. l'loortns i8 per hardwood thruout. Beautlf\aJ and we do mean beautiful, fenced yard with patio. Price $14,500. See The VogeJ Co. S301 W. Cout JllPW&J, N..-port s.cb LI 1-1611 • .. \ I - I _n-___ ._.~_n.ta __ M ______ ~_a-... _E_:.ta~u~--~--a •• r..tate a •• r..tate ---------------------------·-8% ........ -----NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PAGE 7 THURSDAY, MARCH l7, 1911 BLANCJ.IE A. GA TES, Realtor MDfBERS OJI' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ' Phone Harbor 1871 or 1m CORONA DEL MAR CHAIUONG 2 BDRM. A DEN J'. A. heat, beautltul wall to wall carpetin.c A dNpM. Modern in every way. Loftly patio, double pnp. Lem than 1 blk to ocean. A It-.! at $18,960. $eooo dowa. "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C' mow.u 'MC" 'mOIL\8 MOTEL 12 c0mpletety FURNISHED un1i. ~us owner- operator'• 3 bdrm. furn.lahed home on buy Hwy. 101. In tlnrt-clua condition. Good 1ncome.. PRICED at $55,000 • Terma. BAYSHORES BEST BUY JN BAYSUORES TODAY! 2 bdrm. A lanai, large living room with flhplace. bar -type kitchen. d.ilp., nice patio. Inveet.ipte before you buj. ONLY $18,lSOO. BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE -Sat. &. Sun. 1 -5 · 2580 Crestview Drive Dl:LUXB CUSTOM BUILT ranch ltJle tiome OD a- t.nlielY larp corner lot. Each room Individually dedined. a large bdrm.I., 2 bat.ba with Iota of tile, attractive uvmr room with beam celliDc, f.lreplace, alidlnr glua doora onto hup patJo. PRIZIC WIN- NING kitchen with breakfast bar PLUS dlnlnr nn. Carpeting &: drapes included in LOW PRICE of $38,250. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 2U W. Cout Hicbway, Newport Beach Liberty M627 "C' THOMAS uco THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS . HERE'S VALUE Look at the Features 1. In beautiful Newport Heicbta 2. On a 'm x 127 ft. lot. 3. Encloeed wltll muonery wall. '-Four-car prage. 6. nu. spuloua bedrooma. e. L&rre llvtnr room (r.ar). 7. Stainl-. .teei kitchen. 8. Beautltul ftreplaee. 9. Two bat.ha. . 10. J'orced air beat. 11. Wired for 220 wlta. 12. Garbq9 dl8poeal. 13. IClectric fan In kitchen. l'-CU'peta and drap. lnd1lded. ~. Streb pu•llnr. 18. Touch latGh cloMta. i1. Prtoe Jut reduced to sa,8C50. a. Good terma. VOGEL CO. MaJ.n Office, a201 Cout Highway, Newport Beach I Llbll'ty 8-M81 * Newport Heights $23,500 Be&autul VMw Home -Cliff Lot We ha .. jut Uated w. 8J*loue 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Tbe larp 1"tnr room aad dJDlD( area. with it.a floor to ceWnc wlndowa, enjoy. a .. eep1q new of tM OCMD and Catalina. Tbi8 lonly, well arranged home. wtth lta many up to date featw., lndadm DIW drap19 and carpetinr. (Dot a leuebolcl) * View .Lot Lnel unoa.tructed view Jot. Price $"'50 -Not a leuebolcl Roy Greenleaf ·Jr. & Assopiates. 3112 Newport Blvd., ~rt Be.ch Bit· z552 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 u.nita, new duplex and 5-room bouae on 2 lots. Choice rental dialPiict. Ju.t 100 feet from oce&11. 2 unit.a are fumi1bed and rented on yearly buil. Own- er'• home avallable now. Three g&ral~ on alley. Praent lncome can be 1Ubstantlallf lncreaed. ~.ooo will handle. FOR JNSPECl'ION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3ll3 ~rt Blvd .• Newport Bach. Har. 1013 FIRST TIME OFFERliO 310 LARKSPUR A VE., CORONA DEL KAR One of the very choice properties. ~r·1 home PLUS one 2 bdrm. and two l bdrm. ~ PLUS ,ue.t room. All have prbq9 ~ e tuqe.. pb• atorare room A laundry room. ~_fenced lot. Quiet irtreet. 2 bib.. from t.be rme.i_~ in all of Oalltonlla -maowa by app't.: Excluel" with G. R. UTfiRop 3835 E. Oout Hwy.; Corona de! Mar Harbor 5442 -Evee, Harbor ~11.:.S BAY ~AND BEAClt REALTY-REALTORS BALBOA Ocean Front ·LIDO S bdrm.· 1" BatM. Nearly New Nicely l'mmhed -$23,500. I bdrm.a., 2 b&th home on Ip. Jot. Fllptou n,... plaoe, UDuaallJ larp Uviq room. S3CM)O down. Monthly paymmt. leu th&ll llormal rent. . BALBOA DUPLIDC-Near Library-Priced to •ll. l'mnlUed -~GO COSTA MESA AU for )fr. Bndford Not a traet bouM. e.t baJ la 0ranp County. s.u.v. It or liot tbs. a bdrm. llOIM cu be ~ chuecl for $9750. Low clown p&JIMDt too. VIEW-~ blk to Bay. NlllU'.Llbrary.' bdrm. home. Larp Jot. moclem kltcben -'19.!500 AM for Tom Coz Balboa Peninsula Pm.q and charm In d1le ·a bdrm., l % bath home. NJcely c:arpeted. Iota of doeta, fireplace, BBQ. All lor $1e,960. PEllFJ!Cl' r AMIL y HOME -on l ~ l'.>ta. L&rse patio. S bdrma., den, 2 bath bome. Veey larp U.. rm., din. rm. an4.. many mrtru. New ' bdrm., 2 bat.ba, COl"MI' lot. J"llA built. DI· terior .tuoco, int.Sor plutlr. 8taDdud Colonct plnmblq flxtuNe. Total pric:. of $10,500. Tb.le hOIM fllW'9I SIS.ISO per 11q. tt. of lmproY~ pJm l2300 for comer lot -77' x 105', OD wide panel ltnlta. curbt " ....... Real So04 ..... $24,!500 -ferma AM for Ne.al ll&rtiD BAY & BEACH REALTY 14:50 We.st e.lbc>a Bml. Balboa J'OR l:VENING INFORMATION ~: W. Bradford. Har. 0289-J E. B. Chbe ·Bar. 2782-J T. Cos • LI 8-7237 -Golden J'ay -Har. lSM-N. Martin • U 8-177' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS ·-MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS COSTA MESA READY NOW -JN 530 Kings Road This Week's Leader NEWPORT HEIGHTS OPEN HOUSl1 Sat. A Sun., 1 to IS Opponulllt.7 lmocb ap.IDI '1000 dowa wW IDO'N ,.,. into • 111• Ume cr1 ~fort.able umc ta thil ~ 1MW I bdrm. adorable tam117 home IA a.ceUent doet la llutll6de ~ • -,,,.._ .-.. parquet ~ .. _., •• Pace ..w. .,.,_ at •10,llQ. Facts Not fiction ,,.... .... ,.. waatl 0... ..... U.S. be-. wltll ~ Wap I.a m1Dd -low m&l.nt.aiuce, durallt.lllJ and .,._,...,.. UYlac w1i. a ms-...,_,,, tbenD8dcw kUdl•,td ..... ,_,,_.. ... uw.c ,_ -.di IJ.nplMe - orictD&UtJ. ll'l&lit.7 ud loealll7 .... ...,. pftced at SlUOO. A Horse, A Boy ud ... q . ar-d II' a SM•, ciampa.&.q feoed, ~ ~ .......... tlll6il ,_r. ....a ...... ,_, Rudil7 I ............... wttll .u u. b1-••• l8cL ..... -... , room ell ......,.. P9-.s-et u. llMk ...,, sn.aoo. Bay & Beac . Reafty 1 .. Jf_....t Bhd~ Oallta x.. u .. 1111 a.-. u Wiii S 0 Lo · by Multiple Listing ... a. 0.... ""9t. .... "Oaal -......... ...,.. Facts not fiction wm PROUDLY Orl'Dl tM fol- ...._ ,ro,.u. .. u.. ~ -.......... u. llartlor A..-. Balboa Peninsula I aa>ROOK _,,.. ._. Oil lllramar. Oas7 llmoU.7 .... bl- tator • .cl paUo ......... tlaD ...-oal7 .... TM. Top ,,_ ,.,.. at AO. _UL ON PALMER ST. -oft Santa Ana Ave. between 15tl\ St. It 16th St. Owner on property from 1-6 p.m· SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes $89'j Down $11.~ Full Price Balance U.ke rent. Qeck theM quality featuree: 8ew'en ln and paid Encio.d..,..... O>lored rock root. Garbap~ Kitchen fau Street will be curW and paftCI W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClATES, REALTOR ~ou·u lib our frt-417 .me." 183 E. 17th St., ea.ta Kea& UbertJ 1-1189 EXCLUSIVE VALUES Udo • SPACIOUS TBR.IZ BEDROOM home on ample 51- tt. lot. Roolll for your elbowa. Extra larp l1Yin1 room. dininS room. lanai. eemc. porch. kitchen with brakfut bar. Wondcful patio hu bubeque • larp 11w CO'fered a.rea. CompletelJ turnJa1*I too. A-1 coutruction Ir atra rooma can euUy be added. Price la only $81,500 furn.lahed, PC500 down. $200 per month includlnr IDtere.t on balance. Balboa Coves • A. NEW HOME (DOW balldlnr> with charm &Dd .. MIN u4 ... Udl oalltt ..... llldrm.,a ~....._Wto w e&rpedq, '°"*' ..., lle&Ula&', &n4 • lalu7 ot t..a.n. O&t w111,..... the molt~ tac buJw. W• OCIDIMer W. to be t.be Niil 9"17 oe map Road. at •n,TIO aDd oaa M IMJupt • "F1 .un.eu... t.rm& $650 Down ' ...,.,. 1~ ..... ~ ... g..a, .. ot c:upboanta. w.u .... n.,.cl ---lMt .... ~ • ebeertW. 'W ..wnc dl9tance to Jf9Wport ...,.. lllP ....... F\aU price flUIO wlda .... Wte,_L.._.aaaw-,- 2531 Bayshore Drive BAYSBORES Open Sat. Ir SUD. We IDYSt.e J'1Nr' 1Mp1.._ _, Ud9 I Wna.. « I ll4na. la dla, 1 ~ balb bMne.. Ideal loc&Uoa for t.be 7M1ba-aa -d euy ~ to ta. Ba1lloa 11&7 Club. Prieecl to ..u "'1ldlllled -~ Frank James Unwood Vick C. B. Rum, Wm. O. 8duDldt. A.-- 111 Kanne ..... Ba1laoe ~ Barbor totl 50LD by Multiple Listing Ill 8o. ~ llalboa Z*nd "Ooal -l&.800.000 .... Balboa Peninsula 1p&1kle. See It now A eeJect yov peraonal ftniahiDC I BE>ftX. home wttll ...,.. rum- toacbea. Thia la OD t.be water with a place for a P'MI room. I ftrep*-. xint. tun· BOAT..SLIP. ~~.~to b&J 6 ooeu . Price 111 $28,lSOO, terma. E II 8 U • Cliff Haven Duplex xce ent nits 1 llPACJOU8 I air. apt& tor..... Tb ... an E:tclua1"9 with ON OCLUf rlWRT-ooner lat. • --'11.61 .... ~ ftlA --.... • ........ ou..r *-,..t-s HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS !..~ ...,. s.. a.. I.a· ~-~ pnc. Slt,000. Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Bel.ch. Har. 1800 Corona del Mar I J'Oll 1 hrta ...... I 1811 JJoa. ' amll I lldna. apt.a. -. W1UI owa ftnpL 6 pr. Bctwd. On. ~-9CMcl. mo. .....,.. Lou .,,...t. •tao. mo. hll pl1oe PUOO. 15.000 wW MDcDe. Muriel M. P-l'tover Pll:ALroR JICM N.wpoTl Bl.., .. Newport Bch. J!'nie Parldq Barbor 41J 0 28cll -------------Six 1 bedrm. apts. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH-Pier A .Up prt..Uecee. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm .. 1 ~ bath, lot. of tile. Parquet flra., dbl. gar., F. A. heat. Now la the time to buy for nut 1ummer or yearly occupancy. A real value at thia price. $26,250 -Terms PLlJI I Wia. NJtfroe •I lot& Sut ll&J Aft.~ ""-ot ba7 ,,... ,....d .... '11.000 dowa.. ]1/4 acres fenced Coast Properties IOT a. a.Dia ...... ..._ ...... a...-.. llUe a a..a Eatue BA YSHORES HOMES Mt.Dy attracUn hom•, St.5,000, S1T,8a0 6 otbeN. Gorpoua Bay l'r'ont -.-101,000 Balboa Island BA YFRONTS UNUSUAL 'bdrm. home. ~pier A float. 1arp rooma and paUo. J:Koellent for larp fUD117. AU Oil ooe fJoor aC9pt pNMDt awnen bobb1 room. Aelrtnl s->,000 Baytrant bome. P4tr Ir float ------'81. TllO Bee aa for a SoOd MlectSoD of Ba)'front Mm& Balboa lslan·d BARGAINS • You ha" bem Jooldn1 for a llDAll noaUon bow, -.. It 11 r 1 bdrm., ccaftltible dtD, " bath. IDt.- eetm1 lnW'tor. lome wort-to ftnlah at -'11.TllO 2 UDlta, older, pod Income ,'1'-800 Balboa Island Income 2 UDlta, Dr. North Bay. a bdrml. Ir dm, 1" batbll la front unit unfwon. actpt up.taln carpD 1D4 dftpee. PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. tam. PrSoe ____ ooo Reduced po()(), 2 unlta, LlttJe w.. One 2 bdrm., OM 1 bdrm. Both unit.I furn. Pftce ··---·'21.000 Near No. Bay, a bdrm. 6 2 bdrm. apt. SU,ISOO roR J'URTRBR INl'ORJU TION on all th-ftDt propertlel, call Ha.rbor 1175. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2Je Maline A-..., Balboa laland TIME TO BUILD TDOD B:NOUGR TO BUllJ> a ftne Lido hcae and apend nest •ummer in th1a fine community. We can ahow you tbe flD..t MlecUoo of the few r-. mainlDc lot.a and we're Ult1qg llOID8 of them below. SORRY, but we cannot stve phone iaformatioD OD tbeN. A Piece of Udo ~· 1a tbe •• ,._ lot than can .,. built OD OD Udo 1ale. Here'• the aceptlon-a ahade under 30', f78C50. ho other ao foot.r. for $8lW)O, one'• M' OD front. 35' Lots wbich doeu't 80D4 lib muc1l bat beUne ua it IL ften'I the J1lcMt of tbe DOW nN .. Jot.. We han tm., S10,000 ap. 40' Lots ft.19 one ,. OD wODderfUJ. wide Vla a.no. for $12,'mO. We ha•• plau for Bawallan modMD ' bdrm., 2 bath home to p OD t.bJl lot. $38,ISOO complete. 45' Lots "Perfect" la wbat one buUder hu called tbe 46' lot. They're rV. bat we can lhow you a fllM OM for $12,700 and we will ahow JOU the 1&1ne builder'i excellent floor plan for th1a lot.' &drm.. and 2 bat.ba compi.te for about $37,600. Fifty-Fifty Here la a eo' ltreet-tcMtreet lot for SU.500 - a r.I buy, 1-thu $800 per ftoDt ft. ~ Uo a top 50' Udo corner for $16,eGO. We All Agree Indeed we do, that thla 57' lot la ow belt at S1UOO and we have plana tor a ' bedroom, 2 b&th. S.... pnge home to 10 on It for $38,000 and n beUe'ft a finer Udo home at the price would be lmpomible. Own An Income here'• one of the very few R-3 lot.a left on Udo. fO' on the front and it'1 an extra 30 feet deep. Street to ltl"eet location -buUd 3 unite OD it and live in 3 bed.room.a and 2 bath.a while the other two Wlitl pay your way. $18,000 cuh. Something Special la thill unuua.I lot OD a P1u:la Udo corner. '4 :1 100 for $1S,7'50. A.notber on the Plaaa we can't achet'9 t.lle -lt'1 biger and better C09ta more too, of coune. Investors look W. pukare oHr ' top lot.-e.n oatatand· IDr fO' corner plua 2 more fO' on ltreet to .tnet lo- eatloaa pl\19 '3° ltrMt to 8tnda -build OD that beaatiful conaer and flffl"1 day you can look at your ftDe ln"9tmat ID the others. One owner wbo SOLD s o L o wanta eaab. Buy them all at a spec1a.I price. b Multi le Liatln Don't Forget-We Have Many Others NEWPORT Duplex turnlabed • good rental dlatrict. by Multiple Listing ... a. UUa It. ea.a ..... .. Ooe.l -#.600,000 I.a .... NJ:WPOJlT IOl:IGBTS-l ....,._ bome. 1 ~ llau., ..., 8Cboola. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport BlTd., N.wport U..Ch Har. 1013 BdWd. ~ 6 -~ llJce r.. ----------------- •~ taunedla&e p 'm - •1a.100. ftescno"'17 low dowa ,_,....t. l'tit\ti'ORT BmOBT8 -I bdnn. • den lllome. a:acea. locat.lon. 1 JT· old. -s ...... ~ eeJect .at no.-. Arcadia .act- lDI ........................ 1 lln.CJMa, larst domta. 100 ,.. 'W to w ca.rpeUq. •1t.600. can be "8A flnuftd. Jato.\ Banlett. Realtor. LI l-2TTI: « e•ee. U 1-Tlll&. 1tcl2ll <>CSAX VIICW IJO-ITM attr Drtw.. hll price •u.ooo. tenrur. No ca,e nqulnd. Ow-.r. U 1-ZU. Utto ON BALBOA ISLAND . A SPAC:ous HOME ' Of superb deaign; you'll lov~ it becauae it iii eo vez<. eaWe, 110 comfortable Ir roomy. 80 genero\la wtt.h do.et Ir wardrobe space -A18o attractJve apart- m~t for guemta or income. Excellent locaUon, cloee to bay with abore moorlns included. Mttlt. List. 6612 Price '85,000, t.nna. WM. 1W. SANFORD, Realtor And Meodat. Park at Marble, Balboa laland -Barbor 24412 " 1to x.,a. !'..., 0aata v..-g ''Couult Ua for Udo'• Flnfllt'' -a.i -·-·-.. •• LIDO REALTY ASsociates Seashore Drive a ...... ._... Lup iot ..... ..,. 3«K> Via Udo Hv.bor 4444 ale Mada. ~ '10.IOO, wNU (A.CROSS J'ROM RICHARD'S KAIUOCT ENTRANCll) ......... tMa ,_ ........ ------------------,_ .. pq la tM9 loemtfr Motel 11 Wllta Oil 101 Htpway, taa.. ~ tor Ckt.alla. ~ &Me llome la lrMe.. Chea pie ......................... Dowa,,..~ N.B.C. REALTY UDd • """°"' ...... MJt. .... .... -...1-. MANUFACTURING OWNER SAYS "SELL'' -nu. la the one and only lnel ]f·l oorner with 127 ft. on Placentia -Av..U. able &t the ·~IVE AW A Y" price of $7950, t.tnu. Better bUIT)' OD thll I GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 111 J:. 17Ul 8t. C... M-. LI S.718.J.. n-. Hlll • I i • , I QVDIOY BXOLV8IV&--Amlrlcan 8enfcemen atationed OD Quemoy I.iand carry fire The Y'e Men'• Club of the Or· Inc. control ot comic booka and ~· Cout Y~ Mucb T at d\an1• In divorce law•. RoweYer. Seuport Land~ With .. Bud" Kemper fell hla blnut UU"ill wae <>wnnan. pre.I plWidJJIC. to w llne• UM hlah ICNlol 1tu· John Ro.., member ot the de11ll u they auumed rolff of "Y'•" Men'• Club and a.driaor of unatore and .-mblymen and de- & Coat.a MM& Oray-Y club which be led the varloua bllla. meeta once a week .t the Ooell Kemper uld attendance to th• Meaa Co m m u n l t y Metbodlet Model W itlelature procram la hlrh· Church, explained that prorram. ly oompeUUve. Tralnlnr for the ROM tnll'oduC«S Jerry Cbut who prol'J'am etarte In October ud u · emphuiaed the paia_. of...,. Oray-tend.I lhroufh Feb. 17, 11 and 11 Y prognm which he ud hi• tel· when the teaalona are held. Kem· IJOw "Y" club memben enJoyf'd. per wu e of three younr people Toppln1the11.t we.a the monthly NI \ attend from the Hl·Y, llWlm at the pool of the Banta Tri l·Y uba In the Harbor Ana YMCA. Hlrb on the II.It, are , Along Ith Lynne Holley and allo, wu the opport\Ullty to apend ~ Hay a. Four youn,. people a Wf'tk In UM San Bemardlno from e t~ton Beac:ls are& mountaina at the YMCA Camp atten~..-ulO 01eeola. Jerry liked the eam-you.r •. ------------ own---.7 plan. p I . . h Important tn tM lonr ranae e ncev1c prognm to build clU&me, lt wu pointed out, II the experience the Senten"1·n· Die boy• c•ln electiJlg the officer• " 6 neceaary to effectively maintain ~:s:cs~.~:d ~l~:ra: on Aa111t lap throuch their entire ltve1. Relle1on 11 empbUized with meeUnp Of the Oray-Y club wen· ed with the chaplain leadtnrthe rroup In devoUona. J oe Kemper, treaaurer of Lei Karquie H t· Y club, reported on ~ rec«lt trip to Sacramento where he attended the SevenUl YMCA Model Le(l,alature u a delept. ln·lralnlnr to the .-mbly. SA.NT.A. AN.A. (0CN8) -Ben· tenclnc of Anthony o. Petrlc.vtch, 30. of Newport Beach on an aa- aull oonvlcllon Friday waa con- tinued to tomorrow by Superior Court Juqe Robert Gardner. The judp upped baU from S3000 to Sl0,000 on Petrtcevlcb. He WU placed In county jall In lieu of the bond. anu. Ben. Pre. ac.aJd Tob1u ol Sul l'randKO ta1b with a Natlonallst moldier near P088IBLZ BA'ITLEGBOUND-OCNS Reporter Walton Tregukia ,peen out at plaina The deleratH 11pent their Ume lobbylnr tor their rMpecllve bllll and di.ICUllJona became quite heat- Petrl~vlcb wu convtct.d by a Bupertor Court Jw'7 of .-uiUnl' Bernice Warnun, Ill, of Newporl 8e&cll with lDteat witil ,.... Wle- ly to proddee sreat bodll7 Umi. aa ~ alarm met up to wana of lnvuioa.. -OCNS Photo by W~ Tregukia of Qaemoy where Nationallllta upect invasion landinp. She I.a accompanied by a civ· fllST WOMAN REPORTER ~~=--~1=-,~~ _w.n __ ln_terp_re_te_r_an_d_a_N_au_·o_"_•,_'•_t_arm_y_ca_ptaln. __ -_OCN __ s_P_ho_to ______ _ ed from ume to time. News-Press Cotrespondent troop1 OD lier m-. ChinMe troope C&Jl be -all OTer tM la-~. dl&'rtJll' trench• and tox- hole9 and buUcUnc plll-baull. 'nMI only motortud trattic 4100&' the Reports from Quemoy I I dult:7, co~ roade Lt mWt.ary S e nbicJea. Tbe terrala s. all•• with -.n~. Wlltonn-dad Nation- als.t.t wbo are literally buJTOWinr lD ....,iut Communat lnY&llon of th• lll&nd. . Newa-Pnm Corre.pondent In J'ou-Chlu, tM bleak vtnace In the eouthwMt comer ot the 1lland. QUEMOY (C>CNS) -We are here at the focus of the -talked to people who we,. mamve conflict between Eut and We.t -a tlily, red-dirt there fo':1" day• aro wtien Com· black •-• 4 .. mil ff th n...a Chin ,..___ munllt iheU. hit. An old man and -rock· u.&&D uve eta o e nciu a ~t. pointed to the hOUM 1n which hi.I Ftying here Saturday in a Chineee C-48, your corree-.,., and a l'nndlon had~ kW.. pondent wu the first woman correspondent to reach thia ed, then potnted to hi.I e,.. ud apoke In Chinele to our lnterp~ llott.lt apot ln the ChiJi6 war. Uy extended their JO-day tour of tar. No eheU. have fallen here •nee duly here and c1&1m· that Quemoy "He Lt ....... , he'• been ..-t .... •• la "rood duty.. ..~. ~-.. -.. . -antved, but four day• aro ~ Pfc. Ronald .Toblu ot San J'ran. the l.nterp"i.t-related. munlat artillery tlrt from the ci.oo and Pvt. Richard William• of n.rt>y buUon Of Amoy amaehed Culver Clty are with the alrnal Into a •mall Qurmoy village call-group. Toblu hal been here lhl"M ed Fou-Chlu. W e v1.lited . that monlha, and upecta to remain wretched lltlle vlllaie and talked tor lbe baJ&nce of hia enliatment to a J'randfalher who hu already Ume _ one yean. "9t hi.I AOn and rrandllon In the Amoy WU v1alble throui1I the "~ .ne111nr. 11&81 tbat ~Um• lftUta otl the U. 8 . JOLITAJlY OllOUP m&lnland from vs-. ftmda flaclnl' We al1'0 lllked with the Amert-the mainland were nevert.MI._ can mllltary advtaory STOUP In blocked oft In the afternoon be- t.klr relAtlvt>ly comfortable bar-cau.e the IUll at that Ume II low rack1 neatled among giant bound· and ehJnln&' rtpt on lht llland of en. The American• have eleclrt· Quemoy. city, runnJnr water and mO'l1• OOJllJOE8 V18111LE each night. Toblu bu aeen Comlbuniat A monc the plltol-carrylng U . 8. troope and equipment oa the maln· Jlllllt.ary men on Quemoy •re two land l.D the momlnp. Wben the lit- Clalltomlana. Both have .ohmtar-uaUon with the wn la reHrMd. LECiAL NOTICE CllilltD'ICATE OP BU81N'J'i,98 nCl'ITIOUB PDM N .ulE 'l'tle undeniped doea hereby eerUfy that he 11 conducWlr a eablnet manufacturing' bU8lneu at 1111 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meea. Ce11fom1a. under the ftctiUoUI tlrm name of PACIFIC cA.BINrr COMPANY and lhlt .aid tlrm la oompoeed of the followtnr per· .,..., whole namea lll tun and placel of reeldenc. an u foUowa, ......nJ: AJ\'I'RUl\ M. RAMBO · '49 Dopood. Coeta Me-. CalltomJ&. WltM• DIJ band lhLt 9th day et Mard\, 19611. /II .ARTBUJ\ K. RAllBO ST A. TIC or CALIJ'ORNIA COUNTY OJ' OR.ANOE )•. Ot thLI tth day of Kan:h, A. D. ltll6, before me, ROBERT J'. w1u vu. a Notary Public ln ud tor the ald County and State, r .. .. dtnr Ulereln. duly comml.alloned and -om, penonally appeared ARTHUR M. RAKBO known to me to be the pe~ wlloM name I• aubecrlbed to the wilhln ln#trU· meat. and admow~ to me Ulat ... CIUIC\llet UM! ~· In witneu whereof, I haw here- unto •t my band ud atf1x.d my otnctal lea.I tbl day and 7.ar ID thll Certiflcale ftl'lt allow wrttt.l. /1/ ROBEJlT I'. WILLMlC8 Ky Colnm1llmlon Jl:lrpln9 NoYmlber 1e. 1"6 Ho. 1302 New•Prem 1/10, lT, H , 11, 1tM Kiwanis Rost 41 Local Boys 111111 lame Forty-one bo:ra trom the Harbor Area Bo,..' Club •w the Pactnc Cout ~ All Stara win a ball game at Gilmore J"leld Sunday u gue1ta of the Costa Meaa Klwiml1 club. It waa lbe ·annual Klwanll crippled children'• benefit ball game. The boya lett at noon and returned t.n the evenlftr, maklnr the trip In the club'• bua. The toUowtnr boyi made Ule lrtp: D&'rid Reeae. Stne Harper, Den· nle Carp9nter, Richard Hardin(, Roctrer WaUloll. Gene Palaferrt, Brian l.Awta, Mike McCarty, Oary Maper and Dennie Peqtn. D&nny Anlold. ~ :IlcOevraa, Ronnie Nupnl, Dick Butterwort.b. John Bugbe1, D&Yld Pap. Randy Woodland and RuaMll Rapp. Robbie Wlnt.erbothun, Bill P'J'Ue- Unf, Sten Rorn.ter, Glenn Gard- ner. Jim Austin. Ben Queener, J obn Covault. John Brockman and Ron Palattni. Richard 8dlllckenmayer. J'r'ld 8-rker, Junlo'r Burka. Richard St.eek, Jerry LowrcrA.. ' · tune. Strre TUdor, Terry Parker, Pete J'eall erelon, LAI ::.chi.. ~·. Terry KcWelhy, Paw Starn and Roy Dalt.on. OCC MAN ON COMMlllEI Members of the Pre-~ LlaJ9on Comm.lit. for CAllfornla met last month in San Franciaco and will meet nut at Santa Monica Qty College to diacuu integration of engineering education. Charlee Lewi.a, (1..~nd row, leCODd from left), ii an.Orange Cout College repreeentaUve. Others are, lint row, l to r , L. M. K. Boetter, U.C.L.A.; W. K. Mayo (chairman), City College of San Francisco: M. F. O'Brien, Berkeley; C. E. Cherry, Marin. Second row. L. J. Adams, &nu Monica City College; LewiA, O.C.C.; E. M. Hemmerling, Bakersficl~ College: Roy B.Uner, Davi!!, and Bonham · Campbell, .ec- relary, "f1.c.L.A. • High Quality Printing,. Phone Harbor 1616 Al.to IM&Alnl'ful we ... tbl lqta- laUve committee -.ion&. Billa covered auc:Js subject.a u narcoUce Ylolattoea. liquor control and tu.m, Juvenile delinquency, teenq. drtv· It WU h1a eeeODd trial -the charse. A mlatrtal bad.,._ rul9d by Judp Oardaer la U.. ant court try. Don1t say you can1t afford a Mercury before you check the .Price of "1is one 1 1 I I I I I I ! MettwJ'• ............ _.... , ..... c...... ~ .:r•11 ••11r ....._. 1howa aboft. OtW ..... in the CIU!tom eeriea are: a +.door Sedan, 1 hardtop Coupe. a_,,,~ aJl.metaJ 8-paaeen,er Statioa Wapn. Mercury's prices start below 13 models in the low-price field* AND LOOK AT THE EXTRA SIZE, llAurt, POWll, AND VALUE' YOU on • Mercury is W." than the "low·price" can ••• in length, width, and wheell>Me. • You get exduli•e 11yling-Merc:ury'1 ttand- out ttyling it ahared by no other car. • You get high bonepower pl\11 M'D·TOIQUS . V-8 performance in ft1er1 Mercury. (There is 188 bonepcn•er In the Cuatocu and Mootereyw. 198 honepowr ill the ultra· amart Mootclain). • • There'• a 4-barttl ncuum-opented carbu- retor 1t1ndard on nery modd at no est~• coat. You enjoy 2-barrel eco nomy for ftonnal driring. 4-barrel pickup for r .. 1 geta••Y9 and ufer pueing, • ReTI>lutionary new high-oompres1ion 11park plup prcnide top perfonaanoe at oJJ 1peedl -help pre•ent fouling and pre·ignilion. • You ane when you buy. Compa-e our allowance on your preteat car. It'• bMed Oft h~·Yolume aale1. We can be genero\ll. • You protect future trede·in nlue. Mercury coaaia1.ently leada it1 ~Id for resale nJue. IT PAYS TO OWN A mEecuav_fQR FUTURE SlYLING. SUPER PowtR O..'t """ ti. lt:t 11 , • o• lt!t, Id 5.1., .... , ""lOAIT Of fMI TOWN," ~ -i.t. IM .. t• ....._ lfUT, a..-1 I • JOHNSON & SON, Llncoln • 900 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT llACH Mercury ., Acrou tr...., C .. ...... , 1-5545 •