HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-21 - Newport Balboa Press~ ... f -. , .,. ;,r:l;u~~ f ~ ~ ~tiu:~i111?;i!1 11' r 1:1 1~11:11~1~r~H1. n~" tg Uffi!!i~nr11n~a:~r1g . -. . --.~·. · .. ~ ;;·.,_.. ..... -' ,...... _ "t: I 5 ''1~t·i~ a c:: i"Rl'C i!f>a {~~· s-o!in;l11 ·1 ·;11115 §lEI I pf:r•:1sa af~~[l!as:-< I-!i! ~ ;:~ <~ ~-11! ~~~·. i~ J!iJ.d~~~ = J; l!~f~:~~~~lpl~I .. i.1aic.ht:~i~r~1 :~il~i "t~~~!f~1 i::lti;1a,ri~ .~ ! ----·:'J•·--~~~.:~· . 8 • ~ -~. ·"". .~ .. ·. ~·-~ I a ! ~ f i I ~ =a cu ~ ~ r g a r ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ =a ~ a 1, '= .. i ~ ~ I .. if~ ~J o~ • i ! ll r H ! I M .I c:: . --! I: t e l • i! ! 1 ! I 0 --,.. e = . .:~~J {1i .~.':~i f~ . -; a1:-111= i SI ~ i1'Jlf12'•lj'l!~F .... • ~JI" JJtt•i•irl-''1•IJl1 !&. .... &.-i"iili i. '~'}if-. . i'~J .,t.~r; -~·· , h 1_d_~JI -----! . ~~.i h l111H r = !!!-:=_,JJiJ~J1!JI1~(i_¥i -~ Ht;!!£ JI ill i :~ if ·11 _-, • I !f .fj~" ·· ; I 1 l!i t~tli Ii! ~11i!t I lil!t!iltlri!~i:! r 1 I ~;~!1~!•ii 1~i1~!11,. 11~1 if _..Ii !i r :; ; i l!lilit .~ a r ~ ~ --. I. 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" I ' 1' ; 'l" ! ~ • .. . . -~Y;; 1 ~ -· · · ilir!iHiH1 1 .. · I1i ,1;ih!n1~~,r uu1! ~n!;'l!I !1i~!! if h1J I f.= {l -:, 11i:r1 ir!•:n !:rl1!~ il ~lt 3C; .-_:;-~· :~~ 1 ~· . - I i ~ s t 11 i a . , ~ l I tJ i i 1,p· ,~ ,r.a•• , . . "'· 1uir1 1 • •• • I 5ii t 4 I l f ,. ·l •• , ~"' lrJ.I -< ... f f&i rf. •. r. If " . ' "" .. ~. • • • \ ... t v :.I .. -••• .. .. . .. .. .,...--. • ·- Bl Wetzel . Hurls No Hit Win for Tars ,A6E 2 • PARJ I_-NEWPORT HAllOR N£WS.NESS MONDAY, •AM 21 · 1911 ' lliiW "-' BUC NINE EDGES OUT Splashes fof · WIN .' IN LOOP OPENER .. T1r l's, C's Hot' OI ,, •• . ' of Trick Title Bal Wetsel ~bed tu. re.d· 1n.. lo join Jlm Newkirk 1rl chuelllnl' C~ llmil Neeme't Tar bueba!J team to a aim.. • X...,.. pennant Wectn..ct&r wben be toeNd a no-bitter ~alnat tbe mlf'OOI' lAms Beach P~y nlne on the Hartlor Hip diamond. A double br Fl111t . Backer Budcl1 '1'hornPIOD In bottom of t b • .,venUt w1tb two out and UM bue9 loaded won lhe terwe. Ufllt cont•t for t.he 8&ilora. Loatnc Jlurlu 04tan RJckerd al8o hurled no-hit ball untU Buddy'1 blut coat him the pme. "It wu the bt-1t rame I've Men my t~ play In three 1ear1," Neeme de- clared. "They play~ errorl_. ball." anscui:s CONCLU81\'I! And dMplle W«u1'1 Hall of Ft.me acll~ "1d Thompll0n'1 de· clalve blow, erro111 by the oppoel· lfon may ha" aettled th• game. The fatal eeventh Inning opened with N'wkirk, playing centerfl~d. reachlnl' tlret on an error, a MC· ond mlecue _puttlng Dave Tamura on and moving Newkirk lo second, and Joe McCluskey working Rick· erd for a 1troll. Then came Thompeon'1 elulch clout nsuu FIBHD -Sbortatop Lee 1"Wler 1oea flahlq for one la a noent prep pme on the HarbOt High diamond. Bia bunt attempt tailed and ~ ~7 worlred the rtftl burlcr'for a walk. J'iaher ia one.of Coacb Emil Neesnt'• statwuta. Until the Samet League practice game 1eaaon ~Lee played ·the lb91't putan for tbe II.a Menchanta. -Staff Photo Durins the ttret three tram ... both .Sdu went down ln order. Ftnally, wtth two out tn the fourth, Weta weakened and waJ.k. ed 8hontop Iv• and Catcher 01terbouJd. Tiu. proved too much ot a SOOd t.htnc. 80 Wetael pro- ceeded to whitt Jlm mp. to end the threat. JllCll.EJlD ROOKED It wu on•two-lhree tor WeUeJ rut ot th• way. ott Rlckerd 1n life tltth N.wklrk re&ched third on an •rT"Or, Wetul'1 ucritlee, Tamura'• walk and McCJouakey'1 lntleld out. Rlckerd cot rtct ot t.he Tan ln order in the alxtb. Thia proved unwlM In that It broupt up the fatal eeventh. Newport Harbor HJa'h'1 Junior •araJty club alao edpd out a UClt "• . 2 win over t.he Poly ton:N . Bob bard and C&ry Green chucked JocaJ w·. wtth car1 Bers- b, rlebt ftelder, proved by ti~~ out a triple ln lh• tyins run, then an allempted plclt-<>!f FUu.ERTON FIVE NAIS Tn'U GO FUu.ERTON (OCNS) Boy1' Club ot F\allerton'1 1illth grade buketball team took the Oran1e County League champlo1U1hlp recently trom Harbor Boye' Club. The. two team1 lied In reg· ular Jurue play wllb 7-1 marlu. Fullerton look the tint playotr game In Fuller- ton. while Harbor won the 1econd plRyof! game In Coata Mcu. The champlonlhip g am e wu won by Fullerton, 30-28. Harbor led a t halftime 17·16. 720-~. Rope Stolen Thcrt of 720 feel of 1-ln. ma.nHa rope and ~ tcct or ~a-In. chain and a navy anchor w11 reported to polfce Friday by E. S. J onea of 3201 lll!h St. He 11ld it wu taken from the Calirom.la Marine Cannery dock. The 1e1r belofl&'ed to the boat Clty or Ocean.Ide. Pirate T11kers Taste for Real Competition Against SC Squad Coacb Joe Kroll'• Oranp Oout ColleK• tankmtn bad a tute of HM compeUUoa nc9nlJ,y ud bet· ll'rf'd two ecbool noord8 Ill tbe et• tort. The Pirate eplubere lolt a M-20 decl.toa to Ule UDlnrettJ ot Southem C&litornla varllly F rida.)' erternoon. March U . In the Tro- jrul°e home pool, w1lll the PlratM' Bud Belahe and Alan Hodiu low- ermir their own OCC raarkl In an event apiece. • l'Sl:.Urn.& TOPS , Top nc. of tbe day wu the 120 Jard in..t71e, Ill wbkh Alan GllclarWt, UIC't Cnad.laa Olymplc te&ID .. t. defeated Belab• With 1 .. t.hu • toot eepvattnr th• two rtr1auMn. Tbe km ... th• tiret o..-tble cu.tance for Belaba el.nee Kania 15 ot 1966 W1Ma Ollchriet ~ UM OCO tlae1l at Coeta Mea. O&JclarWt'I wtluWll time waa 2: 12.I 'De ......... •tan edsed tlM Oallta x.. Merdlanta 00 Uo111 n.ld T~ 11D a tr....f~ hit llJ>"ff. .,.. .... buMd out 10 htt. to llifrU..~ta. while Belahe'1 2:13.2 aecond place ctock1n1 belt#n'd the u.llttn1 OCC 1tandard of 2:14.I tbat Bud bad ~ the d&7 before at OCC .. 1&1.ut Fullerton JC. ONLY ONI: WIN Belahe allo won the only Co&.t v1ctory of the day by taking the 440 tree In the exccllml Ume or •:M.I. Ollchrllt wu not mtert'd. Hod1ea' 2:33.7 eecond place In tile 200 yard backllroke clipped .t eecond1 orr of hla school •tan· dard Of 2:34.8, and Geor10 Lyone e&me cloM to hi• 200 yard breut- etroke muk wttb a MOOnd place Ill 2:4:1..3. A runntr•up 1pot by Dick Har· rt.on In the 440 and third •poll by Hodlee (~ tree). Lyona (In· dlviduel medley) and Knl(hl Sooy (100 free) wound up lh• OCC ecortnc a(&ilul the mtchty Tro- Juia. luc ...... at Rival Net Teen' 'nae Of'Ull'• Cout Collf!C• fem tenNa t.am defeeted Eut Loe A.nrdu J unior Collere 1n a recent als·match court cluh . rrancte Brown or the Bue bat>. down4'd Jo A.nn McLachan. 6-1, t-1: Dardie Scha~er emersed lr1· umphant over Olorta Wiley. I·), 113. and Joy Wnsht qtd Gloria .C.rtlnu, 7-11, .. 7. 2·1 to eweep the lin1le1. Additional llpta will .. put .. l"OUlld Liou J"le&d ...-a.au dia- mond In ao.ta Me•, accordlq to acUon taken by the Coet.a Me• Par1l Board March t . Tbe Har- bor A.rM Boya' Club •'4 eatn dpta would ,roY1de more atety In UM of UM fteld at lltftlt. It WU reported br Art!lur B . Meyera, pvk board cbalrmUI. r.Umated C09t for two neow bulk• of upta ud added lJa'btl Ill the vet.n lutal\*I b1 u.. Uou Club ta U.. late lH0'1 wu Mt at lltoO, Merws aJd. TM .,_n bo&J'd -*> decided to ro &!lead wtth bhatprtntl for In· 1t&UaUon of two toUeta and lboW• er1 for ballpla,.n beneaUa the (l'&ftdlt.and. "Jf we're gol.ng to COD· uaue u-. of the be.11 park, and ll 'e a good one, u..n tbe work ll •ort.hwhUe.'' Meyu1 ea.Id. Tbe .. tlmated 14000 for the pro- j~t will not be aftllable until after J uly 1, according to Mtyen . A cloullle b)' AcllUtop Bob Wet.. Ml, -enor aad a. 8M:rUke tty by Leltftelder Jobn &.trada ln Ul• etp~ ....... l'l1cla7 .... 0,.... ~ OoU ... • .... Tfclor1 ..... ML lu A.llt.Ao'e am. ta UM ......... Oolat-......u clpela· er. W911te Oouttlt.Ne Qudte4 u.. dletance tor u. ... Cerater&lder Roland BW 8COred UM wbmba&' naa. Qeorp -..op wu UM .._. ....._ llltt• wtlla a ... el ..,.. ta four atttampta. lt wu a cue ot th• Plratee ......,. eomtac ,... IMhlnd. Ml. liC eeore4 flJWt la UM -..ct. Jfewport ...... HIP'• B aad OOC Ued It up Ill UM tb&l'd. ftea p track fwcee em1'**1 wt ..,. IJi• rtnll built up a UlnH'un .iew wtaa at aanta A.a& ..a Fri 1-.d. occ talUed tbN9 _ .. _ 0 • in Use uUa and the~-: d&7 to Nlaa&n Uldlteate4 la .UM t.tra ta the ... _tb.. ' ..... Leecue cbunponeldp rue. _.. ,,.. 8aJ11ta raft OYW tM Tar ..... OoupU-.. aUow9d ten bit.I to llty •36. but fell before the nine co&Mcted by UM detendlq'. 8allor 8 '1 T3·2'T and C-1 IOl!a to loop cUmpe. la qther ~en.ce· JI ". . clubee, Cbattey beat Banta .Au Blft•t Tar upeet ci«urNd M and ~ ...... td 8u wbal Doa ._tt;r llnally eaupt ~o lT-4. up WIU. teanunate Larry Cutro to Pint co.I~ aiome pme lbr defeat lllm In a 1 :06 clocklftS et the Ptratea,._. plaee • the tbe llO. Tod W}l1te ran a •:II X..a diamond at l:IC) p. m. tomo7 mile victory. a.nd H oward Mitchell row. two-Umed the Salnll, 20.T In the ------------------------......Ji._ low llurdlea and 1t ft. t tn .. In t he ' broed Jwnp. Tom Murch nabbed the pole null at 11 ft. Jin. Te4 Benwe., ~I'• COut Col: I.... ;1~ sr-t. emut.ed a snndalam bcner for the Oakland Oake ln a Paettlc Cout Leque practice pine over the weeftend. Bel'T'W& la a rookJe chucker with the OU. thle eprt.nc. Lut year the rlebt hander tolled In the Pio- neer ~. nae u-OCC mouafalan ~aa.t.d Illa round tripper off Satramento'• recuJar MCOnd bueman Henry 8cbens. Bchtm took ~· hlU ln the e1fhth tnnt.ns. The OU. d• t•ted the 8ace lS-1 at Yuma, A.rl&. Paced by Don Meredith, the Tar B'• took nin. tlnte. Meredith ••on u.. lltsh hurdJ• In .a ud th• pole vault a t 10 tt. Otber •rln· .. er11: • lktUhom. : B ru ~. Knipp, low hurdl ; 81aucer, 1320; Do4d Peanon. road Nmp: Bob Baxter, Glenn Buford, P.,-.on and George M.lWkan, Rel a y ; MfiJUtan, lhot; 8urmoa, lllell Jump. c wtnne111 weNt Oeorp Hood, MO; Morrieon, 180: t\od W tleon, brotld; J~ Herptlri. ebot; WU· llam.e, hta'b jump and Jack New• berry, pole vault. Tomorrow att.tmoon, th• Tan t&.ke on Orance thlaclade oa th• Harbor Hl&'b track. ITS BASEBALL TIME ! fBiJB1 IJq ~ Uttle Lfecae UalfOlm9 sBOD -CAPS BQUIPllENT, ... , ...... , ... ..... llcnftal & Track SHOES al.lo FA'llOUI HOOD "P-F" a "UtUe .......... ..._ ATBLrl'IO 81101:.11 A Oomplete U.. of Top q.uty 8port1a1 Goode . Balboa Island Sporting Goods 0,.. D.a~ I te I -.......,. t te ' m 11.art.e Ave. II.arbor IMl Balboa blMcl ; f . , Ila llowvd Mloftend lbe Mt- ... after ....,.... chudUrl« du· u.. f~ Ule lhmm• wtth Sam ....... ud Chuck M.lt.cb•U. l.Aad- ... ldtt.wa for th• Kercbant. wen GM'J rw.s wtth t.brte fqr n.-e. ~ Koala. IOtebell and Pl'lll llbat• w1th tWb foe' four. J'on1. x.u Ud Klt.dl.U each bad a ..... bock. The thrM doubt• matchee aleo went to the Pirate pretties. Dot H ol'ftU and Manha Eidem beat Marlon Kanama.rU and lrene Monte,nesro. e.-o. 6-2; Sara Met· calf and Shirley ICnsle overcame Bandy Ealley -d ~loree RUlol l_., 8-2, f-2. and Sarah lklolt and \'emona Oelkere qed Sylvia Mora and Vlr(tnl.a TyrtluekJ l ·I . 8-3. D -EiC• mm. -Dlllllm-FllST CMS• TD PllCE CUSS WITI MAL EllAIST IS STmAll El•mt - OCC IOWERS ACCEPTS NEW SHELL 'l'hll foar-oar lbeU wu delivered to the <>ranee Coast Co!iese rowtq team 1ut Tuee-. da7. Pr11ent for the delivery and fint try-out of the new lbell were Hay L&npnbeim. .ueta.ry ot the Southw.tern Rowing Amoclata and dlreetor of the regatta to be Mid liq 28i' rowtq CC*h Paul Bapu.t. of OCC u.d Bob Schock. -ffeclaw Photo , . ' . .. ' ftat turm Mmiuy'1 lti&h .._.., ... iato t..th-t.Ming,.;.. •w'fo .._...a dae ...t of the fm'-dae ..., .._.... 1 .,-tMl•e buihnptU.folbe....n. ......... r rrmHy, DaaJ-eshaa1t perforw• 11 1 lhi .. ,.. load• 1tudard equjpment obly oo the moet erpemift .,._up to DoW, But DOW it'I JOUft at e DO atn C09t on eway Montclair and Monterey. nu. cl.al aha.I-pl· De'W dndopmea .. ill .._....,.,. ftctraa ooatroUed 4-banel omrbant« "PAYS TO Olll 11 mEAcuav_fOR MURE mu.. SUPBI Powe ............................................. IOWM." ................................ . JOHllSOll & SON, Llncoln • 900 W. Com H ... war NIWPOIT IEACH· Mercury U.1rtr 1-5545 AcNll .... ..,c .. • • .. NEWLY 11\tSTAWD ORANGE rutaJled by Orange Cout ChapW, Order o! DeKolay, Coeta lieu,. during the recent ceremoniea ln the Frict.y Afternoon Oub were the following, starting left to· right, rear row: Bill Ring, inuter cooncilor; i'.iddie All.denon, aenior councilor; Robert Rager, junior coun- cllor; Richard Rager, '1eonlor deacon; Ted Flab, junior deacon; Ted Melcher, .enior 1teward ; Dewayne Kinafa- ther, junior at.eward; Bill Hamblet, orator; Bill Bartlett, COAST DE MOLA Y OFFICERS iaibe; William Freeley, tre..,......: Dick Carte!-, ;enthlel; Ray Edwardl, chaplain: Peter Tatum., marshal; Earl Gustkey, •tandard-bearer: Jerry Kinafather, almoner; Ed Gibson, first preceptor ; Andrew Bailey Jr., second: Ruaaell Gammon, third; Gene McCandlieh, fourth; Ken Grtewe, filt h; AJlan Bori.8; sixth; Terry Dallu, leVt:nt.b, and Bernard McNalr, hi!torian. -Staff Photo Supreme Court Denies Appeal IANTA AN#.. K4R. 11 COC'Nll) -Dlatr:lct Atlor!lfJ' Robert ten.- land di.tck>Md Tlluf9G97 _,,_s.. 94 dlttrlcl liquor COD.I.col .u.~ or K &. Jl&cKeule bu lo9t bill NEWPORT HARIOI NEWS-lllESS -PAIT I • PA&I J MONDAY, MAIO-I 21, 1"5 • .................... ___ ........... ............. ~.,.. -------------------------·~ r.e ~ __.. Git ... NB fire ~ Repaal - Shows Busy Ym ·m 1954 HOME ' LOANS AaW&~aw••epwt .... --._.. ~ ftn n.iut-t. .... UM 19 ..... _. .... ..._, .... tM-, •• ,,., d -·· ..... -·---~.,111 ....... ~tlw ............. ..... ... ,_ IWlltrtw &i.. ._ .....,. II ....... C--_. • ,_ndC:SU.l,,ll-.... .._ ........ p I .--- 's ... illl9tlt.... ....... ...... ,. . ..... ., ................... ----~ -··-. ............ .... ota.----=•'!lb' t C ........ a... .... .. *' ·11:a :cw ... 11•, ._ ........ ..,. ,.. ....... " _..,_... .... jwt 7... .. .... ....... .... looa'f ............. •.c:...... • ... ...... alar9m ... .-. ...... --_ ... ... -~· •••• i,._. • ...., ... m I rr --ta......._ ... uaCI 'U .. Cl:A--11;;.iiOiii -....Dm.at;r.'hblfh9o"--..... II .... ..tetnt.m. ... -..rt..... • ... ~-=·~= ....... -~ DUWJWWW · • 1·ti-cCl:W'N-...-. la ....... tN ...... _...~-~ STOWERS LOSES SS · .......... ·ou1c1 24 HOUI SBIYICI Shui·1 ·~ P.W Mmes ---" LOW lOW "lllDUCIN&" Profit· in Confused Deil · ltll'YES1' IATIS ··EASY MON1Hl.Y PAneftS FBIEIDLY ,.,..ADE'IC SllftCI I . .,..,_ al~IDCAm,_. LAGUNA fmFl:MSAVIM&S a LOAN A.SSOClATIOM mo.-- In, Guilty Registration Reminders Sent =:'.!:;...:.~ -~"" ICnff_land Aid M WU IO m-O'Hair Nick Mardesich lido T-INll lo .Iola Sp•• oil Udo Tosi•----dalt - mMl -ru.d9y .._... ... -" LAGUNA IEACH -"'""''" in Race for · Fairview Board Plea on Charges on May 21 NHUHS Tax Election ~;::! .. "' ... """ " ........ of c..-1ng Wife RtglalraUon for lh• elecUoa 'Mr.. CoolinJ". They announced 94-ttt!ac!:-1~ ~ in.:!:th '°wt: lnfta:I e..c.b wtU. llD Clllllad)' 11!,,,;;;;~~~~~~~~!'.lb=======,,,,,,,;,;,,J Toutmula's club9 'fot' --speak-off. ,..._ .... "" .... Ji"orTe•t Leonard O'Halr, 28, ot Nh:)t Mardnkh, 31 , 203• Re· 1814 \'Iola P lace, Ollta Jil re•. rec:eiiUy pi.aded ,-ullty lo a bat- p.ablil", ha• bffn placed on th• bal·1 tary complalnt -11("Md by bl• wlfc lot for board of dirrctors or the In Nevq1ort Juallce Cou rt. Ht wu W'alrvill'w CtMJnty \Yater Ol•lrltt. placecf on aumm11.ry probation tor 'n\e t lrctlon 11 -.chc:duled tor three year• on conditio n h• Tue.day. tolelly ab1tr alN1 from alcoholic be'l'eragee. Mard.,•lch 1• a Vt"l eran, h«id of o ·aa1r ••• booked In Oran1a th• Vll'te.r•n11 ci.mmlttee ot Frtt· C011nly jail by Costa M"'M police • dom Taxpayrra IA •lf\I•, tnc. War-1 at 6:45 p.m. 1'1a rch :; after •Ueg:· T\nd for e1sht )'('an he le a tool I c:dly threalenlnJI' hlll w ife and an· · ' [ Jtn..t ..,,omen ..,.Ith a knlfe and •l· and die WQl'k .. r. In U.1 pu.I., he tempting to ' choke hie Wife, fe• •M In th., v.·holf'••le fl1h bueineu. port.e ahoW. He wa• born and ral!M'd ln Call· I nvolved wer. wife of the eue- fomla. peel. Dorie Mui" O'J~11.l r, 27, and "1'?1• cllT'ttnl mtmber• of the her rritnd. Mr .. Sybil Rodma n of board have done & r ood job."', )lar-\ 2017 Oran11e Ave. P olle• aald O'· de•lch lold the N""·•·PreM-''Ttlry • 1 lialr allegftily l hn:1t.ned the pair tle,·e ~uced Ltlxu. "'hen I with a knife and tore the lelr· learned th.a" .,... an openln1 on pl'HJne In Ille reeidtnce from lhe the board. J decl4e<J I would be wall when 7ofr .. Rodman •tarted qau\lf!ed to hi!'lp. "'hilt I Intend to call pollc-e. to prote.Ct the lnt ereat.. ot all per· "'h"n Mre. Rodman attem pt~ "°"' In the dlerrtct. the Nn:port· \0 1-v• th• preml.ee1, lnYullraunc m..Jbool t ract "P,._ta over half qttlcer1 -Id, O'Ha1r punc:tured thl! the water uee,. in the Fa..l l'Vl-lr ft fro11t tire ot Mr auto o uU:lda County Water Dietrln and ti!• the O'Hal.r hOUAe. Officer• &ll-er- larg-er pert\°" of t1'e -.ed. n.J. tnr tha call were forced to break ue.tlon of the dilrtrlct. and r· f~I throup the tront door. Thr y f ound we aJiould h&\'t repre.r:nl&Uon on O'H•lr cholOflg: hla wife, they l&ld, the board from uu. ana." and l!Ml \o subdue and Jaudcu!~ ~C1' hu t.be pe~ en· O"ffaJr. dorwel'IM!l'lt ol every member of th• Ir=====;;;::;=;;;::;;;;::;==;;; luJ19.Y•n ~ bo&rd ot dll"l'C· I 0 H N 8 T 0 N E • 8 ton. It WU annOUflCt'd. .....___ & w k John J. a.ttey at1d Waiter Ke-~ ,..,9t0 rec 9rl Keenhan. Incumbent., are 9ttklnlf u ... A11to Part.a n tum to office on the wat•r &IMI A~n1e• bov-d. T. T. Rardin and c . A.... Wll· %075 Plaeeatia Ave. .011 a re elao on the ballot. t.Dwrty ~lOIS c· ... 1a ,,__ ., C'Of!Yl'1&llt7. Han y o u ever been on a h a yr ide ! Lote or fun, a reri·t they? Tht' .... , IOme· 1ht.1c a b out ll'OUP t,.~ that crealn awann, ca~ er .... •ptrlt I know Qout 90methlac Ulat J thl.nk le "..,en MORC tun taan • hayride! n...t•a a trip &boa.rd a On:7bolmd o.art..ed Bue. Ex· cept for UNI M7, It"• f'Ol • .,.,,.. Ullnl' a hayriclit bu, pl&aa eaucll -.. DO U TotJ l'l&AK T-&Qd JGUr IT'OUp CUI n- laa In • comfortable, -thtr· eond:Utihd Oftyl'lowldl a.utv- ed "-iaJtd. do Ju.t .. JW pleua: Alnr • ._,. muekal In· .tnnmta, eanduc't • rn.ttn.c. -,.,. pAam t&DI: and -teb tM ~. Twr srouP can dlarter aae bua or • lstmdnd. tor ..... .me or for u 111Un ,...,.. ~ JOU can co ....,.....,. you wlah. ~ ,_ PkUa. &114 mue .. lnM7 .topa &a J'O!,I dihtre. Tiie trw 'Will,.. .. alld ~ m~­ .. rw el ~ '"'8P at Uie eeit· tnl "'*ta YOU ~. And bere te what I think makea Greyhound Ch•r ter Ser· Ylce ft.and bead and 1houlder• above any lltmllar •ervl c:e: Df.:Pl:N"DABD..ITY. JI (IVu you a wa rm feellnlf of S«:Ut'lly to know you·re riding In expertly· lllt'Tked, nrst·,.te equipment at !he world·~ :.ar g eal t ra.n8}>0rta· Uon .,..i..m.. And your '"chauf- feur" &190 hapJMZUI to 1M one of U.. ~rid'• flneet. beet·tre..tned ........ COST DTIU:lllELl' LOW n. c.t! it•• oftf'!fl 1-. per pe,._ Us.an hll\llet lower th&J\\ ktw Of'l1bound farw. You may ba 1'0rldtt"tftl' •Mt type of CfOUpl ~ O~ybound Chartered B-. The &MW• Le: r...,. .lmaCfil· able typa. TNm lnclUCS.. dut., ~ ehUrdMa, 11Cho6le, COD• '1'9111Uon .,,,...,.. span. ,.,. at• i--. ,.._, n·liluary urui.. t:q ..,...... banclll and tM.llJ' ~. ' Mat Uzne TOUft dub or or- Pl'l•tlaa S. p&pntnc l'f"OUP t.raftl, :tun ......... "lt'• llJILUITD to curt. a Orey- ~!" "'-.. YO\A" Jocal an,MuDd Aa-t for mor. In· ...,,,.._ 8o lone tor now. 'lbi. Le MetTY Mii• ..,.tnc. "l"D be - lnr you and 7nu·u bl -tnr 4 rMrlca-llEST b'J Gre7hound :·· I )fay 20 at which vol.en wUl be dlUonal commltteQ will IM n&mtld a.ors-.A...., a.nta Ana bar own- 1 at a meeunc-lo b9 be.Id UU. week. a• ... )llcl,.7 ,.._ OJU book at UM dbmes' to be Mid al JDJw'• CU• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . .. . Thtl UclD dab .. •«WG:r at Bartlor 8-.ttll a...& .V..,. • ~-Topic eauUir, ... .Ilsa ~. 0.ff JlolmM _...,. .. • tom.tmeeter. ~ ~ &« • 8-19. DtWU& w---., ....,.., • ~.....,. .......... : &-. l(c:Clary .. ""-· crtUat -1:9 lloWe, BliU'toll a.ell. Blllt Pm11n, v...-,..,,..... ... a.rt. ukPd to epprove a M-cflit maxl·.c ivk: ......,upo &nd o-anmt..., -• I .,. -•• kMptt OQ CharSH Of COft8ptrtq mum LU override for con111J'Uct 0!1 have been mrJled letlera in wbJ.cla to tak• premium pne. for Liquor ot a new tthool In the N""f>Ort the c:ommltt" uked for ~ lie-rrom Ito. Orw.)' and Jar.II Harbor Union Hlfh School Ola-' opportuniUca and mdonementa. Kamedy. The Jattar i. a Co.a trict will c:IOM Man:h 27 and lolra. other membtl'9 ot. th• dU... M-eat• ·........,, ~ -- Richard LillenUW. and Mr .. .J. P . ! commiu... att.endtal' the ,_t the C.pUtrano Hotel. Sutherl&lld, he&rln1 • ~ttaUon meetlnJ' Vicluded the Rn, Joeeph MacKenste, named LB an <>r.np commit~. are itendlnir • lf!tter lo Mc8h&ne, K. s . Killer, )Ira. 0 . Q. ODuntJ Grand Jurr uu. blil, u.o •II pare:nt.. uklnc them to Tl!'rif)' j Howell an4 Ectward He.Jy. hu ~ t'llf'ke la4kted bl R.i<qr- thelr ellgiblllty to vote. -;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;\n.s. Couo.tJ Oil coupU&cJ COQDta. M r-. Kenneth Coollnc. c:Ulnnan r' . -or the H.ntor Hlch Cttln.na Com-1 BE SURE. -INSURE mltttt, et the lut rnreUnr a p. wtlll po1ntt d the fol\owlng: oommltttie 'llA.URIC& HTA.NUCI' chalnnen In th• campaJcn to put I .....,,_ .,..,. over the tu ourrlde which the 1 .,._ llatber U 16 cltlMn• commlllM endoraed u -1 OJI g 0.... RlJ'll'lftt1' aentlal to coruit.ructlllft of a nee<t-fl ""-.., .... ed hl(h Klwol plaaL )!rt. Donald Dunpn. endorH- ment: M•lwood Ben'y, OtT&nise· Uon and iq>eakt'rt bureau; J:. iq. lwn &tld Grend Howald, budget: IM Wiider and Kra. J ohn V. Ntft, publldty and p""8. I Mr1. 8uthrrland le CG-Chalnnan ot the cllltene comml tt~ With 1 It's His Business.:. y ..... It'• Ida ....... .. • .... ,.. Newport Hwbot ........,_ 1o ,_ door -· MoRllay oH TI I ....... lt'1 hh ......... lo clo • 900d jolt -, ... , ... , ..... , ...• ,.. pr114lly, .... .. ijood · c•••ln His loltdefl••• ...... HtYfce .. Nlllln Ilk cast1•1rs. If yo. .. - o rw;; lu .-. 1crlber, • -tllo 11b1crlprloR bll1w •IKl-wfll_ ... hory ·-· c;1rc-;.;;~~--;;;:HOOHH·H-HoO-ol N9wplft Hwtw ..__,,_ nu._ A-. N'""°" -'t .uta: a. I........ f I .Newi4i>R9ess 2211 lalboa llYct. • Hc:;:bor 1616 1-,.-1o..-1ot11o-. ! port Harbor Nm--Ptt:a_ and acnw to • pay the CanWr monthly. i <--oal7 llOc • _.,. I ----------- CltJ---------- • • • i I I i • .. • • • DOING • • -• • • -• • : ,,..,a,, ................. : • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ., ............. ... _,..,_ • • • • • M ••IR Lu .. I ' 211 Office ~ A _._.,Tis .... _,.~ ..... ----· 1 ·-· ....... _. ~_..a IU &. ..._ ......_ ,._._., -... ....................... ,... .. . ... ... --... ·wtui ... .... ... ""-II ............ te Orila._ ..... ....._ ... _..-.a A..~ md ...... ~---· ........ ~ ...... t .. ol ... :::::-: .... ~ ............... ---. ~ ................................ .. ....,. • Cllelel ...... m.e. _. .. 1-. .... t ....... .._.. ..."''' 3 C..al , .. 4... ~ ......... _,_., -.-. .... -.......... ,, .... ......,... .... -........ ...... .......... ... : ::;:':::.;-::.:... • 7 ... 7 5 ......... ~ ...... .. .......... ....,.6-..... '- -_... ........ .. a-. ...... ""-twe ...... .. ,_..,_ .... r .... ...,.......,.,.~ ...... ...,. -.._ ......... ca. _,., te .,. --....... .... \ • , 1111§! 1i11d •d !§~II; .. ;~~ 111·,~nd 11il1 n1111E. !B~~! 1:1111·1r ·gt.·~t I~ ·11h•il,.f§~ll~ ·~BI!; u§ 11l'H! ~§E'if l'~nr& 1ff i . '! .. ~ ... ~.; i ' ~ ii~ ' ill ii~ I Uii ilffH &l ii f Jilfu ii§ i 'Si ~~ ·d '. t 'U 'f a• ii 3 ~ ' ilu ilb ii ~ .. -ii~ I ii I ilf I 'ii ii~ 1t ~ ~r• ,, ffll i 'e' t • .. . .. h ir ~~~ i"• !h L.~-.. iHi.MU ~f!i !& !~!~1 f~! ~c h !rs; fi;e' a fi;I tt:rnt ~:n/' h: ~5d& tic ~.~Iii !!s~hau :; ; r<: ~ -4 - ,. ~. !' -l' i~ I .;.11r e r•; 'Ii re I Ii~. ;Ir; JI ••• ·~ ! ~ ~~ •. I t ;-~a.· 1E ~ i11~1 I r=GI fj 0 .f: I E· Et 11 ; ;; . c I ' I I t 11 § I , ! Ir l a I i I H .~ & ·~I i I& I I le . !! I Iii I ~ ~. ( I;( lg & I 1i i i~ . I . IS: ~ I I i ~ CJ • ;;? I . ·w 1 J;!1!;1:I!!J!i~~11!!!lli 1 I .. I lliJJtl~l~lt!!:~ li~!~![iil:tri!;is!i~!l~;!r~ ~!~l:tf!i1lli~il~!i~m I'&= 1rri1s S i1 H • ~g9t ! ~·ll~ 0 •1· J • i:R~ . I R!~~r lnfJ ii a ! 9 f ·~ t lifs f f J. 1 !JfiJU1;1~Hs ~~u 1 1 I 8 I HJ~; i!EHI [cil~§r! i m1 5J. llif ' .. 11si (!i 1 151!iri ii ,rn i~i~Ji llirl~ •• ~ l~~fri~ .,!;~Ji~ 'Illa• 1f111!lf .~J;sirJJ ii !J t iJiJl l,,l1J lftr!,_ . ~ - --1-o ~ .. > "l" f f ;-; i & o :.: a .. t ~ £ i r ~; r Ii o-! I 11 J 8 st a & ::S ~ ., . ~· I c-)1 ~1·~·?J~~l1:! ;; ! == !Ilg ; r='Qrg:i ! ioi!. g - ! -1t•111 I :< • I I tr " ~ ll Ur. f n . In "" h zuh IU rd . .~ ( .. I l ...... ...._ __________ ..... II &I .... ;1 f ti rJJr f-.•• - ,. .. • 11 .fi 111 : I ! .. , , 1 r I i~ Iii if i:!f 1°1 f!H!Ui~;I' ~ 1 ;n~:!;i.l!il>·'rf •;ili!U~~u 1·1 J!lf =fil!!'1 1uu1:1lr- -o r ~ [_ f • .J~ 1,.J .. J.rs !iHI!. ta! J. i! ~11 JU~]"! -· hlL .• l.d o hh1i1I 1fil ~ iJ \ . . .. Q i "' _.-1151" !i = "' r ·,9 :I a. Ii ''' ~ II 1 E i .. r ~ ... ;r __ ~ a1 • I r z R . .. ~ . I .. CD t w~tt E fi!J ~Q i' .... II i · tl f!iif(( ii 1r• ''11 # r •0 .. r ~ . . ! a = f i' E r '1; !'. f 1i1'= ;1riiL~,~Ji.;~~t!LD I ~ 1· l!iiirll r d1.hf .. 1:1.11 1' u I '" : I I .. I ii ,I f 1 " 1-~~~1~1 l"'c-T1r1--1 --.... J .,,a-' I I'. 1·-;11 r··-111· -~ Cit i ... i ! if i r = fi~:I~ li!1al ii Hb5ii ~ I '~ !IJrlf:~ f i "tllPl!lil r! :11' " " ru '' · · · ;1 iSJ . J~1~Jf~ft;flll.q Ii .f l•l~f 11111~ J,frli~f • ,, ~ , , , ; .. ~ :·--·--11 --L~ -11 . I t!~!l11ehuPl'E .,;,· ~i!lf I .. IJ'lf !fll!IHf§ • f i I~} 8 ~ is 1.;'11L J ;~ r. fiiif !i ! .. ~~; U l I 1::611 0 ~ l~fr I, l~1lf: .. t . ~G)?:Oi!!~!-f = :r! o.:; 3=:c I I n • tA • • •• i.·~·g ... 3t . % "'II r-,.. 0.. c.. • ... -~ -· :c 111; • c ... ... . tAio•ma• ... ~ 0..~•na .... n tA a-,.... ... =f i & I = . ,.. "'< • :i I ~f ... i 1 1: · ·rr tl!J-~! 1u ~,1 d1 I· h . ·'· . ~l!' II !I_ h . I I ~ ~Ii ~ I : I~ _rl~tlf 1~u1;_z!~~mi . :.~ .• 1ngn:~IHi! i , ~ a ~ 11 • II a tnH I I, i hi . _A t ~ • • ' • • Ka. AND iots. UNOOLN CLilK (rtpt) ot M l';dp- water-Place dancing at I. receptioQ, 1n Newport Barbor YaehLOub with wllich they honored their daughter and new I06-tn.-law, the Melvyn Doqlu Kmt& (left). -Jack Barcu1 Photo • NEWPORT HARBOR 0. C. Insurance Women Plan Reception For Kent-Clark Duo .~ tfl 0 RT~-.:~ ... ,. I • •• • I'. , .... \. Cilllm '1 •• ... Oalw Jan• Pow~ll Tony Martin Debbie Reynolds W alte; "d9eon Vic Damone Ann Miller ••• GOLDIN Legion to Note Anniversary Amertcan Leston Pa.t 2tl, ob- Nl"Yinr 1~ birthday March :IS, 7 p.m . at the American Le(lon Hall, 11th Bl. and Wut Bay An., wUl h&Ye • jotn't •morgubor'd potluck dinner. AWlUtary Unit 291 mem• ben are lo bnng Ulelr fHOtil• llJ*:lally dlah, meat, veretable or -1ad. RoU., coffee and birthday cske will be rum l•hed by the Aux· W&ry. Mn. He~rt ThomJ>90n Le chalf· man with Mme1. Tony Boetto, Barman J ol\Mon and Junu Fl"Ollt ...Utsnr . Evenlnf entertainment will be by the "Tune Twletera," ui accordion rroup from Co&ta M-. MemMrw and frtenda are Invite$!. Talk on Roses For Ebell Unit , orb: OF THE.LOVELIEST of after-five frodtt t.!hJe BeaumeUe ortctnal modeled by Trudy Weaver at a 1bow by Udo FulUou. Tb• belp linen sheath ta keyed to aummer evenlnp With 10ft lace flare and lhouldet de- tail. -Don Buah Pboto Zbell Club garden tecUon will Jtett Wednellday a t J2:30 p.m. at the home of the r halrman, Mra. J ack Boylan, 1M2 La Loma Drtn, Banl& Ana. A1111laUng bOlt- wlU be Mra. Em"1a Hubbard and Mn. J. A . Gant . Mtm~rw ~ to brlnr • no.ebar lunch, ho•t- wtU tumlah ooffee and de-rt. Mn. Allee 1bbttt of Laruna ~ach will t.a.lk on Ole cultur. or l'Ollle. U. L T.-THIOSOPHY ·~~:=:=-· .._ -'EETJNGS-!t--r-. 1111-1111 ,. .. m .--~1111,.1s11,.-. m '4 ... D1 lllLu _. ... \' el n1 SIU Plfm.lo ilhlUZ • £1W'Wnu .... ~ JfO 00118>fiUll1 SIBLCASE FIBW . lit OU1 STAii' WU _, YOU Pl.AN & DISIGN YOUI OfFICI • lll -11(1 l l I . . ..... ........ e Ma' 1 eee e i.w1Mto4. llAFFO•D ti ION "'H1CL8 &Dd DOC'' a.aar&IC.U. OONTUaro&a ..... ......_ ..... lltat..a .... A.-~ ..... Balboa Fun Z• OP1N SAT. & SUN. ALL WIHIB --.......... • JelltC"p ...... Otup0....Q'..,._ .. ,... .. _. tM .................. lla'9 ~ Oldlr ., tM ,., ........... .. a ,., ._.. ---. ,,.,.._. el, T P• m. Ill tM omc.. ..... ... Beacll A1r ,..._ ..... 'l'lllC OllOA1'f rCMJ CAJlf PLAT ATOHCSf ... •I a rftlf - c-111.-rr .. . ., .. ~ .. .... I .,,,, .... '""-,.. .. -.. ... lrT' ... _" ... ...... Ors-...... &tb DANZ·SCHL1m1 mo ftAllfO a OllOAlf ft\MI& _,, ....... ,_All ...... .. •• e>rs- .. ..U. r .... M.19 .-..1.. SAlllTOllE DRY CLElllll Gets Out More Dirt! .. , . • •• -ntAT' WHY WI ARI FAMILY HEADQUARTIRS for Inna DllY CuANINGI • • lmlteclclecl Grime Yonl1he1 • Minor Me1141• Alw•~• p,.. •Lib.New Texture le ... '94 -----. . ,.,... ............. .. DIMPltHr • No , .... , ••• a ..... 04er • 1 ....... 1 Le1t .. r ........ , .... hilt all.,. ... .,.._.,,.,... ...... ...er II a •• a .. *'tdMlllecf•• ............. ,h ..................... ... .... dodllea .... ,..., ........ ,, ...... ~ ...... ...,_ de«\f ........ T,, .... , ... _..,...,,..,_,E >111DrJ a .. ,,.... LIDO CLIAtlERI . . COlfA MllA -1111....,..·•· • , . PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HA~ NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1911 A DRIVE FOR CHRISTMAS TOYS which will go to children of lower Income fl.lllll* through aummer work of the 4ui8tance League ii being 1pearheaded by a group of Harbor High frea!nnan girb which ibcluda (L to R) Mugam Swain, Glenda Price, Linda Wlckl, Diane Marsac. -Stalf Photo Freshtnen Girls to ·Collect • Toys for Assistance Lea~e First Charity Project Aimed Toward Christmas Faculty Music Recital at S. C. Bible College ~~=---~.;:a:: ~ .. aaidou. to II.aft tMm pa0fled7 The Southern C&llfomla Bible I w.,. 1 Calc--.llt. 'nl• 1'9cltal wu chaperoned by a reliable ,.,_, College pruented Robttt WllUama concluded witb .. Sdlumann'1 "8ym-'who wU1 a.c<:«pt the rupon.lbWt} III. an accomplllhed and Wd1~1~ ~~~.. d ye&r durill,r t.belr •Un .acatioa.'''mid k M wn planU.t ln Orange County, lnatructo; at lbe s o:"rn C&lllo9:. lht lelt.tt in part, ~ch waa el.p- a t a ta.culty mu1tc recital Wednff-o nla Bible College tn the departmmt cdl by Mn.d DtnnL .~1 Hopncalld. c:!; cl ~en -ay we ,- da)' evening In the ooUtl°e chapel. of mu.1lc where b• ta.chu priYat• attenUon t.o lb• nectelty of haY· \\'1111-ma &tUdled piano at the plano and aleo muaic U\e<wy tac ample tundt, early ~-­ UmveraHy or Dtnvtr. where ht l"f--cou~ Jn addiUon to UUa work UONI, proper cb&pe~. &Ad to celved his bachtlor o' mwilc de-he hu pruented a number of re-kMP clOM C011lact with your grce ln 10411 under the tulelage of cite.la llJ\d other prornma. hu y~ter1 dllrirll th• Wffk U.t Dr. Dlft Garrison. Md al North· d<llle voice c~. accomp&11yln1 Oley are away from home," ..id wealem Unlv1ralty where he r e· and choir d1rect1nc in Ui.e On.nee th• ba&4 of UM ~ wh.lcb np- celved hl11 muter'• d~(T'ee ln la:lt. County area. 8CBC trt .. to add ruentA tm unit.I ot P·TA tt. UM At pre. 11ent hla carttr ll under the much to th• nUsioua an. d cultun.l Newport Be.ecb and Coeta 111-1 culdance of the we\J-known plan1at life of the comnnanlty, partlcularl7 attL and teacbu, c . rurv~a-Smllh. through lll excellent department ......... . .. ot mualc wblch baa received wide Thia ll the eecond year ...... ...,. lnclutle~ In hi.a ttcltal we~ Fu-•nd fevorable publicity. P·TA..11 have requeeted parenta and guc Ill o · and • Prelude •nd Vurue BJChool heada t6 a.ut.t In lbtJr ef· ln E" by S.cb. "Rondo in O" by forta to help 70W'I people baYt a Moza.rt e.nd the ri<>p111ar oeBuny T Revi·ew 1ate and tiappy hoUday. eqpunittee aelecUon•. "HlU. of A nllcapr1," 0 mt!rnbel"I wtio parUclpated ln maU- "The Stt'p tn tbt Snow," "Tht inc the· appeal we" Mn.. Rldlard Da.nce of Puck," and "The OOUJ-Tea House of Ulle.nth&l. Mn. Norman Wat.on ud Mra. Ropr Bofny, mem~r of Ule Fourtl\ DWtnct c .C.J'. • T. Harbor Trio Hears. of VNA August Moon The deUchttul pl~. Te&. HOUM oc lb• A uruat MOOD, wU1 be cbolce ----------~--------~! Have Baby Girl in Heart Cases tor Ule Karch S. Prosr&M ot the Mi;. an4 MrL Robert x.lcllentr Edna Steuu Daytoa •rl• lo be of tot ~ )l-It.. c.o.ta ll-. btld at 10 e.m .. , 1bunday IJI I.lie welcomed a llal>y lltl l&tlll'dq at Mmu. Balll Ptl.enM>n. Challen Lido T1Matre t.a1. Landen and Helen Robe"rtaon at· Mrs. ha~ ll curreaUy apPMJ'" ;;~;;;;;;;;;;;a.p;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~ tended the meelln( or pi• board 1J11 ln lhnle book pYSe:w pt"OIJ'&IM or dlrector1 ot th .. Vllltinf Nu,_. under the &Ulplcea of tbe N~Un· ~lion of Oranr• County held ~ Chapter of tbe H~ Me.mo-• rial Ho.pllal A.us:Wa.ry. Proceedl at the Community Center butldln( trom tbe• Prosrama .,.. ueect to 111 Santa Ana. help the MW TWnor Boe.rd of H09C The nunlr\c dlrtetor, KIM Al· Hospital. Ired• Danl«-ltt0n, told the board of Mn. HartJetn bu bated the 'the work of \he V.N.A. In rerard floral decor.lion• for the ata1e to heart cuu. Work with. htart and the hostuau tor tbt Tbun- C&Ha I• u cepllonall7 Important day ....mon wlU be Mmu. Ray u 1pprollimately 62.3 ~r cen t of Dike. Harold Round, D. R. Crum .-11 deal.hi are due to heart di.a· Jr.. Waller Selbert. Ralph Tan· .... 111• V.N.A. nurM1 make two dOWllQ' an4 J'rancl.& O.wton. Villlll a week to many heart pal· Ticket.I wlll be aYLtlable at the imta, 1tve bed balh1 and p~1Crll>-door from ..Mn-· Hal Dlke, M.ra. ad lnjecUOna. Care 111 given only Orval• Stewart. Mid Mra. William under dlttcllon of the patient'• WJnma. own phJlllclan. ============= 1'11• V.N.A. Jl•H profe911ou.I nuntnc ca.re to crlUcaJly W pat· tut. ln the.Ir own homea. AJlyone a. tll(tbM for care. The Commuf.- lay Il Wlt.b ' ft)' Cll..t mUU lb.II MrYSee &nil· r l'.J 8 "'di. to famW•• ot modut lncoinu, ,...... / • 0 wer ~ Ml1'0De may receive c:ara. Mtmy .., w-... Cit the patienlll treated bJ Ule PartJ Beat.I Ju.. \V.M...A. .,.. people wbo p&7 tJle ,.., 6 . o...t B•·· c-U •• fQD ..t ot their cue. Barbor G0'71 ·--' LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAUR SHOP BA..L8C>A TDA'n& llUJQ. &u.BOA .,,..~._ .... ,. RE-UVE your childhood dreams Let them come alive on a Cruise Down The Mississippi on the "DELTA QUEEN" FOR COMPLETE INJ'ORKATION AND RESERVATIONS SEE Coro1i ~el Mar Travel Senile .. ....... ftMlre 'ftebU NO IDVICll OILUOE 354~i L Coast Hwy. .()ppomte C.D.J(. ._ Oftloe .. PLEASURE TOUR· _, EUROPE AT IT'S BEST "' , .,.;.rt Nilr Y..tr. ....... I,._ a. a. UNJ'l'SD 9'1,A'l'lll • . (llJ' Air~ lit) .Ywtr., ~ ...... a. a. QUUN ~ ,.,.... .. ........ ' TED MEMBE IP Then'• .omething about STOUP travel that ,.....,...,.,,, . . SHAMROCKS· GREW ON A TREE and pigs ca.me,. out of the parlor for the Panbell-warm caretree .aplrit of convivt&llty. enic benefit brunch and faahion a.bow held &t Friday Afternoon Clubhou.e. Stand- ing at the gift table are (L to R) Kn. W. R. Dana of Corona del Mar, Ucket chair- man: lire. Arthur D. Aune, eo.t.. lieu.. preparatiom chairman; and Mn. J. H. Rigga, Balboa laland. premdent. The pip, 78 of them agleam with -'quined decor, were both 90ld and civen u table prisea at carda. Proceeds will go to the Panhellenic acholanibip fund. -Staff Photo Penonally conducted by .Juliette· mtliLen Panhel Scholarship Benefit HO Via W~ ~ r._ Newport a.ell Barbor 1911orLiberty8-m1 . • • • the new i~ck bercua studios ••• Balboa's only complete photographic Hrvice offering photog- raphy to fit your every need ,.· • • in our studios or in your home, or wher- ever you are. portraiture / weddings children commercial social boating. we wil offer 1~nest 24 hr. photo ft'ntil\fng MNic:e , • • • FREE HELP • • • we wil ·,. ,,,... to • d vi•• end eaist you in t•kin9 better snepshoh • • • trust ooly •n e.,,.,t wifh yovr pmecl snepshoh iC.ck ba,cus P H. 0 T ~ G R A P H. Y 407 e. Ml>oe W¥d. phone herMr 4lM ........... hlrtMM-2JM-w To Make Every Room More Beautiful, More Uvable • • • Easier to Care for! We've every color and pattem you'll want ... In our decorator-~mbled stocb. Patterna and weave. for EVERY room ln fineat all •oola. Vi.coee and eottou. The nation'• moet famou. Milla' effort.a to bring you lulinc beauty and Jong ,.ear. You'll be •urpri.eed at how Uttle It coet.t to enjoy the Vffl'Y bf9t ! OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT ii equipped to do the finest job of cleaning of your Rug, Carpets end 1 Upholstered Furniture Wall-to-Wall Carpet Cleaned in your Home c~u us TODA y All Wool HOOKED WILTON Chooee lhla lovel1 CUJ>«'l.lnr tor 1mart 10phl1lle1ted lnter1or1. An exct'ptlonal value a t only $9!~L Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS fl Carpeta * Aaphalt Tile '¢r Cork '(:r Linoleum * Rubber Tile {r Formica • CON"VE!UF.~'"I' 8 UDOltT naMe --. ........ ... • ........ ., ,, t CARPET WORKS 1622 SQ MAIN SANTA ~A kl 1·1615 •ICl 2·3178 ' '· f I -11 • 'f ~ NEWPQRT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~.PART ff· PA6E J MONDAY. MARCH 21, f91S NJCPAD IO& .a>moz -Ground wu broken re- emtl7 for the new two-ltory offtoe bafldtng to ~ built on Newport Blvd. oppomte the dty hall. Ariua van Tien· hcmm, •owner, llfta the flnt lpadetu1 of earth u family and frillldl look on. J'rom left, Wllliam Hoi.tein, build· er of the new build1n1; Kn. Erilyn Haya, broker; Mn. Van Tienhoven; Van Tienhbven; Dick Pleger, architect a.nd llrl. John Sleeman, daughter of the Van 'nenhovena. The property, owned by William Cagney, 11 leued for M years. Mn. Haya le with U.e ~u.mont Co. here. --ataff Photo ... ew Co1nty Trailer ·Park Law Btrtdwr, Donna llmall -.n4 Cblp Repn, Cynthia Beltran and Bob Tamer. More Striige1t Than State's Chl~= ~ ~~ • where Pat Tutle, Trt4b Knapp, llA..NTA ANA (0CN8)-A toac-mant. ~ park.e muat meet Diane l!'eoatbentone, Jody Leib, 90Ul'ht Oranr• County trailer requlAmenta ot the atate code. Carol CalUa, Mani. Crain. TM:C6 puke onUnance wu adopted Nrw onu muat comply with' th• Rayes, Laurie Rendrtck.e. LJ11 March a bJ the Oran,e County cowity ordinance. Macl'arland, Carol-M~. ud Board of 8u.pent8ora. E. J.. Ruuell, county bealt.b om-sue Brown all enjoyed hlJclnr, bl· Tiie ordinance will ldmpWy In· cer, told the eupervt.ora It wtlJ cycle• bu1lt tor two, and of count, tPtCUorw and •tablWI · a uni· be n~ for ht. ottld'e to put a ~cnlc lundl. formlty In the county• H trau.. oa two more empk>yea i. lmpect Conptulatlom ro to Phil Kll-paru. Tbe dtJ• a.re expected U. para. nu. prwvloll8ly wu mer and MllUe Tonni• wbo an to approv• tM ordinance. handled by the •late. now rolne atudy Ul4 al80 to Pat County p&rtt. prevSou.J7 t~ll R~ poblted out be WM not Riley and Bob otehi wbo haft beelll under Jurl.edlcUon ot t.b• •tat.e oppoeed t.o th• ordlnanc.. romc •teady tor one yeez now. resulatlon. Th• Ion~ Ji.t of • - 1 ru.I.• tlnpoled 1n the n*-' ordl· mJnJ&tun tacoe were: PllJl Kilmer .Jmt 18 mon da79 till tbe Aa- nance la more . ~t tball and Milli ToM1 Bob Huttmf,n nual Badl• Hawldn.e Dane. ., )'OU tboN ot ~. •tale. • and Judy• Rani.a e, Mike Han.ebaw pl8 better lluny up and •teb \ Marie Coe s.rt.s· CIWllecl Left Hwl ODllt.a le.la Nice omc.. ..... K. 0oe WU U..ted bl B~ ... plt&l Jut week for • ~ ..... bud. Tb• &cdd6t occurred Wed· 11419day afteniooa wh1le Coe WM workiar la R.epa Broll. lillMt metal ebop at' lT .. Newport Blvd., ' ea.ta Keea. He caupt hi. Ulld la & metal~ • Attpdanta aid eo. wu up and alloUt toc1a7 e.tter Wf'IVY Wednee- ' da,Y. OQe bu been world ... Ule 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. llbltt la UM MN& poUce ~-'-"nM oMcer u.. 91!1 to '8 on UM N..,ort Beacb twee. PAMD.aJDLE'f llOBTUABY . ttOtlOR GllQ. SCOUT ~FOUNDll -. I ~~ the founder ot Glrl ~. 1..a.. Low, a -.... wu Wet oa llan:h U bl· Evaett> !tea .chool b)' eo.ta Mel& Qbt,1 &oUt troo~ 8bowD aboYe ~ memberll of BroWnie Girl .Scout Troop No. 6, .bl. Bawaii mot# ~.they madt. toi: their put bl u.. program: ..rt· to rtsht. b.ct row, au.an Goddiea., D1aM at.apo. man, Jeaa Lee Ward. Candle. Brown, J•• t4D'1cra19, Darlme Amburpy. l'ront row, 8baryu Yate., · Bl'owne 11em1nc. Bel• Hcmea, Jeune OoneU. LIDda N.nc>n &Dd J ey. -Staff Photo MORTGAGE INSURANCI '10.000 -to n:.ta REDUCING TmM -AGE• ~~L ~ $4.20 par lllOHI• Fl.Ill 4 CO. 1101 Newpwt Blvd., Newpen .._. &Rnulee-.Ullllld9 ._DID YOU _KNOW ••• · More than a half-mff. i llon car bliyen have •witched to Mercury. In the la•t 3 yean? Tai• one drive and you'll iliow · wltyf I BALTZ MORTUARIES COB'l'A llmA CBAPlll. 1T•J .,..... ..... ea.ca ..... Cam. ,,_. l..DliilV e-nn CBAPllL Bl '1'1111 ~ .. .. Oaut ..... Ool'Oll& cw Mar, caau. l'llaM BarW .. w.c .... ~ · ITIOOCI & CllHIEIE ·COATS byllmlCll r... ....... . .. ,., .. -.... .... . :.. ,:;:::.r:-• .. .. "• ........ Del,. UptoWn Cl~ners .1t11W•Na•m.t-N..,.nltwlla we 11•< "= • S'::??f _. ._.., as., W · ... a __ .... ~ ....... Quality Prin~, Harbor · 1616 'lbe ordlnae. wu dratted by and Gay A.nutro~r. Tom Weblter youdr ~!P· rUBIJl°!..~1~ 1 .~~ ~~ tM TnUer Park8 Amil. and tbe and Mary Kay Behn, 8am Cooper IUl ~ "'"" a u...u• --------:-----------------------------------------<>T'U11'9 County BuildiftC, Depart-ud Pat Ntdlle, ·Johan H1rtll aad ~ 80 we wtJ1 .. Joa all NEWPORT MAN GETS WINGS 'fte IUYW wtna9 ot a Jet pilot wwe prewnted Feb. 2t to 8econd Uwt. ~rera A. I>ocll.atader, IOI\ of llr. and Kra. 'A.rt Hali of N.wport ~tookplace at WUlluu AU Jr'otte Bue, Qaftdler, Arts. Tiie rradu· a.im. clue wu compoeed ot lltladent pDota trom all Oftl' tM Unit.cl 8t.ale9 ud Duiall C:....r Prolae1 HARBOR HI LITES Cbuck rrsu, Manha Moorebead IUld Bill Reed, Patty Clemence and The I..oq Beach am beckoned Bobby OavWftll, PatU• RAtml•r all the buketti.U lonn thla put and OU')' Locker, Martan Koerner weekend, Uloee wbo watched th• and Bobby Kalla-y. Ann Allen CD' playoff• were: Bruce Knipp and Cbarlle Reich, Nancy Camp-and Bue Jilanpn, Jobn 8walA and bell and Jimmy 8an111el, Jim New· Sue Dualer, Manon Dafty and ldrk an4 Pat Kelter: Sum NllHn Charnelh Btarece, Bob Mllwn aad and Paw Lorentllen, Bue Zerbe Martan Koerner, Denny Wit.pat· and ChUl:k ~urgtn. Darlene Green rtck and Pat Smith. and CO&Cll and Tom Hatch, Dick Hatcb and Gage and ht. wife. Gau ,Jl'l'a.hm, Tom Niquette and A Joint meeUnt wu held lut Judy Sand8. Carol Kine and Pete ----------- wMk at lb• home of Pat l<•I~ In Scholberr. l!!ue T!lomu and Red . LEGAL NOncE Beacon Bay. Tatty and Laura Kl L&Sbe-JL members dlacuued a dance to be ChJ.ltro-Ch!, a eopbomore Tri· IN' 'l"IDl BUPEIUO& ooun or held Ill the Tar Plt on March 24. Bl·Y club,..ceMllrated tt.8 flJ'llt an· 'ftll: BTAft OP CAUPO&NU TboM prwent were: Ann Allen. niftra&ry Saturda7 by havlnr a IN AND FOR TBE OOUMTY Patty Clemence, Merlln OouclJ, party at the home of Jody Leib In OF OllANOI: Nancy Campbell. Gyne)J l>)'IU't. Corona Blghlallda. T'boM en.Joylnc In the Mitter ot1 ~ ApphcatJon Ruth• DQdJe Qe.1J .....-v.-t.be danclnc and ea.ti.Ile. were: of GA.RT .r..n HELMlll for cbanse ' y, • _, Jody and her date Tom Niquette. of narnl!. Kay Behn, lAurle B4IDdl1c:b. Jo-C&ro.I C&1JJ8 and Bob WbJS-, Laurie No. A·llUI 1....11 ,. _.I D lh ban Blrtll, ~la Bunt. Kar'llla Hendricka and lllddi• Pope, TrUh oaoza TO SBOW c&t189 • ..,_, "'91IG MOONbMd, 8ue Ni... llally m.. Kn&J-p and Bob Joluleoo. J-at 1'ltle Gary ~ Hel:me, a l"dtdmt of tw, Nu n.,Dold.a, Pat JUtdUe. and Jack Smith. DiaH1 r...ua.r· the County of Oran,e. Stat. ot IAMTA Alf>-(00fif8) -Or-PattM RebllSer, .ia41 BUld8, au. •tone and P9te Schollltrr, 8blrle7 CaltfomJa. bu th11 day tued hi.I .... ODullt7 CoroDer'1 omo. 9id 'l'bamu. Pb7Wa Yarwood. aue Btatford and Tod White. LYD Mae-application pra'1Jlr for an otdel' ~ 1-. Bmtaades llutJD· Zerbe, Bucly 8CllmSdt. TllJ& Bobl.D, l'arland and Rieb Palelerrt, C&lol ot thl. court chanrtnr' hi.I pruent • Aid aot dSe from aeddeet In· BolaJe Oeot-re. Cora Petera. 1411 Mardi~ and P•m 1 • Bruce name to the propoeed1W11e, Gary . hue Joe.nne ~ ca1'0l er.sn, XAlpp and SU. Maneon, KanSe Lee ,,llheor Jurt• rec.l\'ed la a Huntltl~ Ann • Olblola, LauNll Woodlaa., Cr&IJl and ~ Hood, Sue Du.-IT J.8 ORollRJJD that all ~ JleMll c1'&lh • llUdl u . Mar-J<*Ule 81-. Pat Keltar, Mattu ler and John Swain, Denn7 Jl'li. aoNI lntere1ted Ill U'8 abow Cl· U... WU touad 4-d Ill It.le cit)' Koerner carol K1DC. JQd)' 8wwart, patnck and Pat Smith, Bob ,Mllum titled matter appear before the ja&l cell & tww !Mlu.r8 attar UM acct· Mal}' ht.II, Mal}' ,,... Ana· and Kinan Koenier, Ch&rn•l) aJd Superior Court In Depe.rt· ._L Be II.ad bed ~ OD dl'Ullk 1troq. sue Dulaler, 'l"Mlco& a.,. Starer• and Marlon Daft)', Milt ment ' ~•reof. at the Courthou.ea ...,._ JaU. Green, 1411 ~ Vaile ud Toni Burrogba. Obuck In AJd .County, on the 22 day of Oorone.r'• otnce O'Mdall lt&ted Bblrley St.attlrd &Ad Joyce Vttt.e. X.lt.b, 01-D Tbomu. Alan Rypln· Aprtl 1~, at 10 o'clock A. M. of U.. c:aue of death &DDOUJlcement tkJ, T-.c Atwood, Carlton Daw-l&id day, to 8bow •cau.e, 1f any WW k beld up pend.Inf t.b• .-.-Sue Zerl)y'a home p""'4ed an -. ~ · ltallaway 0..., Locker, u.ey haft, wti.y tM ll&ld appUca- eea,t ot tollJ.Je>11caJ lMt.8. l"-1 Mttlnr tor a Tatt)'-Oarpyle OU')' Panou. Dan Dmee. Von tton for c:ban,e of name ebou.ld lllutlDes, M, ... from IM AA· parlJ' rrs-,. ....wi&'. A.JDOll&' u-. ~. ~ B..,... ud Blatcb aot be rnanted. ...... -dandJIS • .uacm. ud •U.S llCaDawq, Bue Brown and AJ'Ue IT IS J'URIHi!it O.RDEJ:D that a copy of thla order be pub- lllbed 1n the N9"p0rt Harbor N..,..Prea, a nnNpaper of sen· eral drculaUon prtnted ·and pub- U8bed 1n Mid County of <>ran,... tor tour ( 4) Wcc.al'N 1"eka prtor to ~e 22 day ,of April, 1966. Dat.d: Marc:b 11, 1956. ROBl!RT OJJU>NJ:R Juq. ot the Bupertor Court. Robert A. IMtman A.ttomey tot peUUoner 123 llut Broedway Coeta Meea. California Uberty 1-llWM No. 671 N.,,.Preae 1/21. 21. t/t, 11, 1JISI NOTICE OP am Notice le hmib7 rtwn t.bal r ,1 Board of Tru 1tee11 of t.M Oranc'e Cout Jr. <Jollec'• Dlab1ct of Orup County, Calif. w11I r.cetn b6dl up to 2:00 P.M., April I. 1805 at Use ottls:e of Mid .cbool ds.tl1et located at 19951 So. Barbor BIYd.. Cost.a Meea. Calif., at which UJM •d 111119 w11I be opened for 108 irlffl lockera; Bpectttcatsom for Whlc:b may be MCUn4 ta the Of· flee ot ~· .A.Wt. llUpt. la Cluarp of Bualne99 .The owner ,...,.... . HONORED FOi 4-H CLUl'WORK u,. prtYilep of reJectlnS aAT ud 4Lll b6df • to Waln .., ll"resaJar- 1 u.. °* lnfonna1Jt1• m MY "'4 or In Ow blddtnc. v .... Maple; J'uDerton bulker rep1'9M1lt1ns the California P.nJran Aw>claUon, pina a..,_.. 4-.H QuJ> Ml'9tee pm an Mn. J'lo7d Oalarelder of Gaden Grove while Dur. ward n.dy, left, Santa Ana and Kn. RaJ~ A· Taylor, Co«& Kea, look on. Tbey too received the coveted pim. --9CNS P)loto -. A.c!T: Marah 11·ud U. ltea <>pea: A.pdl .. 1N6 I :00 P .II. /lliped/ B. B. PllTlllt80Jf &ecty., Board "" Tru9tMa MG.ITO ............... ISl·•/11 JUST #ORTM ., POST OFFtCE OF THE All FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME • 10th OF TME MONTM EARN FROM TME FIRST For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. .; ~ II I · 1 ~ i 0 i . 1 ; i ~ 1: g i f c I i l a .! 1-J t 1 ~ f ~ i I .. ! er ll' i 5 I ti: a: i ~ s-~ n . = ~ ~ . • I' f . ~ I ' . . . . . . I ... . 1 . • !! ;. !i ~L !hh~u~~~hn~~h!!1n!h;!~~:~d1~~hntl~tir1~~·h!:la!t11ir!H~h!!u .. f Hh:Hifr o. ~: f ~ ~ a ~ ~ -& ~ --;-~ ~ ~ :t ~ -r ~ ~ 3 n ! !.~ .. - r :1: s I (ll I. 9 ~ f1. B ~ ~ :!' r : i¥ r ii ~ ~ g . d 0 r i r ~ ~ c I ~ S' r -a of q • I ! t ... ~ ~ If . f1. • ' r -f l r r f1. ~ I I* r [ a: ii -r s i= I . H i ·f (ll !11.~rHnu hriH~ sii:h9f ~; ~3 rlH hf!g 11.UHu •Hr hlld r!r H rs i .. Jh.r ·'·di . -.. ~ ~l I ~ llf ll f l §"' l e~ g~r;: i .!l ~ 8° !g ;~a•!~~ ~ f~f ' 9 03 J-JIJ b4 ~ I "' Ei . • ·• ~ i . ; e s JO h '.!. D ~ ~ ~ i' n 0 i I .fl.~ Ii! f :i tl =~ ~ r l }I .If n. 5 .. e-: tt i J ~ ~ Ef [ .. ,.. f ~ i ~ » ; s. fr 'ill ~ J tf ~ i ; ~ .. r ~ f a. ! ua ua ~· f l t s. i j i i ! I{ l ~ s-.. i I ~ · ! i~~ .. ir .. ~8 ;fai;t !! ii~:l[ii ~ oo fn:i lg·f·g!h~1iff .. lr .rJtrJi =s-lH ~ =~ i'."fl·i~ir-i;iiJPi~r~ rih»et C3 ::;: ~Hu •tllJi;-~= F§r!Js[!t~·5 t•i~P·I ~ h!l1iJI r! 1~fi1:.f~ .b~10 ~ ~;<I :s ~ i g "-. • .. c P. S, G-s ( o n .., .. ~ fl'i a. f S 6 s ~ n a • et a I ~ ,.. 1i' L .. [es mi.sf H.S!i ti Ii!!,~~ 2~t1:s~ s $. r;; n 1lhd1 ~~£~!~1 ~!£1! !h~elll g fiJtuil!lJ1"!.ll:~ e.~,, m·~il-ll =· J _2 . 5 !1 ::C~a-· t ~ ~ t df • f I !! § . . . § "N "- l-q -I l i 0 ! i ! ~ g, ~ g Ill -I a s:: -G '< ~ " -~ I ~ J cp u e. l-., 0 p ~ i l 5 . .5 ... I ;. ~ i ! ~-< ~ : t s f 5 Ef I g_ i .a .. , .a , i a .g l 11 ! , fl . 4 i r . ·-. l :-~ -J ij'u h hH rua 'h hi~ A 1 ln i ~l-~' 5 HhJ~ ds-E!.h hH 11. -~u~H1( &~' .fdhu hf! JO 5 hel . 1 i ~~ . ..... 'll.i:I ~iiifi~![i!;ii!iii;;!fl~~.-;ll!l~!}:~1 r~i!ig~Jtf~t~j;fiJ:•1:~!~i~~i~il. i~~11 ~~r;~rqtilljf~lsl~JIJtf1~il!!;E I j""'ll· r1 IFciJ 1f~f!Er.· l!P ~~e ... 5i a ~~i"'1!i~li, i;-1~'i ... !'i1(1i'f5" ( I~ 1·11~ ... o-~ti'!~i! & l'I rf3ai • 1 :1}'1 .1J~i 1iir·~l,if U!~ ! ;if if :!~~Ji hf' ;f ! if _ndJ.tt .. ~e 1r :~ii di. J;,J i:11;iii~H ~ '1J£!h1 hi r; 1 f a!a;1 ; tfil "~ l,c:~ I r~-= as -sr. o ai~ • it ~ · · ==~~, l'"• _t i ~' 1l·e.!! ;1:1 ~fl ~!!drPI 1l1 l!iiHii:!: ~?H1 ~~h ll ~ ,r,-!~haf!rl!~1iil;1r ~th~ f iihi! hr fl!!!h!:Jil ~1!" h 1ia~~ 1 ~i ltl~tr1t ,t ?.l!rftll~fs1.~1a~!~~~~r~~1•~.ir!I~, ti ltt,ffl~ftc1I~1R .t il~~fig~r1~g ~r~fft;Jrtlrli;ii1lf1~ftfr,i , i~!IJl.J!!l(li:11:;1;;tii!l.fii!~i~i1i~!!:~~Iti'!~iJi~~:!wr1:111!iiilli~i'lli.f lt~;!ii!lllf(lf~ii;llfjlJffiJ.JJ;f;t~~~f·i;1rfJ1 ·11 sJff' •r i~dfli it 11f~l'J!gsh1 cg1af!Hr5{i!~}! tV.a ·~p;,l !P ,,..ift4r~s 1. =l~i.i ·fl~ s~• · ,.•.::£ it - 1 • J!i1!ah~.(~ ~~ti. 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PREVIEW OF F~SHION . \ ' \ • • '\ . ~ . ·:-- • • 4.,, ... -' ••• takes the long WG'f to fashion Mah way fot Spring . . ' for .. colon and ~s ond frogrooats cl o newt young seolOr when cwerything grows and glows! Mole way for spring 90ngs and sunttght •. for spring ftowers and '°'~s. Spring •55 moliies way for lhe long, lean silhouette . . . tor ftv. light suits, oin1y-pol;shed dresses, · stroighter-fhon-you.thinlt coats. Spring fashion molces way for the lady.lb look with o . deliede ftair . • . for dear cobs, . • • .. ' ~ c:wws ond, at lost, nc..ry' lot all ¥ .. (;. 11· ~ . ~ ~~;-~ t . ..,, . , ... . '"' • • ' I "FOR· FAMILY I ND HOME I 1 • • . .. . l , I • • PA&E 2·PART111-NEWPORT HAUOl NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 LONGER. LEAN. LINES DIGNIFY FASHIONS ~ to f uhion prominence for 1pring la a long, lean look that is eMentl&Uy dignified, feminine and youthful. I It la the AJnerican deaigner1' tranalation of the French H-Uae that made headline. on more than just fuhion pagea of Jut .euon'• nenpaper1. Thia ia by tar a 10fter, more femlnJDe and more flattering veraloQ and is moet appropri- ate for a gala fuhion tprlng. Th• ~· bu naen; the IRIDAL GOWNS wal.ltllne h&a dropped. Bleevu are ,n&rrow and &11nho._.,.. '° aurer FOLLOW PARIS than neceuary. NeckUn .. are cut Wide Tat.her Ulan deep -the pie- cut hu ,.placed tMe plunce; the bat.au bu overtaken the 1coop. Bodice detalll are kept hllb. MOBIL& TORSO Where lbe w&UIUlne ll not drop- ped -tor often the low t.orao 11 All effect. rather tht.n an actuality -1Jdrt1 fall mnoothly over th• p1 and either bell out eotuy-or 1 retain ...,-abe&th proport.lom. Below tbe walltllne pocket.I, tab1 or pleat. &re placed Jow. Pleat. conUDue th• mu.eon ot llendemflAI, belnr arttully cllllt.lred, 1tltched- c1own ovu the hJp or faUlnl'. un- pNUed, from a h1p yoke. ButtoN 8prtn1 br1d«J rown• follow a Parlt-huplred line with a new tall look achieved by elonp.'led wailtllnu, t I e r 1, nounce• and blctter bu•lllnee. Lace trim around the 1id~11 1bove the blplln• r iv.. the • lonl' look to prince• rowna. Skirt.I are bouttant ~low the lone wailutn.• and bodlcea are molded. MOit of t.be lpring IOWNI are floor 1-.ui. allhoufh there e.n many wtth chapel tralna and quite a few be!ler- lna .. Many feature lltU• jack· ell over their 1t.rapl-bodice. an am.llarly low·'J)l&ced. -----------The torio, 1tretched betweea the het(tlt of the buaWne and the depth of Ule wal.ltllne, looka lonr and &lender asid younr. The wat.t· Une It.elf curvea Inward wtthout eJIACIWr&tiOD. 'nu. lOl"80 motlllit7 lendl the eloncated •lhouette ttie freedom ot aetJon that ll becomlne a fuhlon eaeentJal for Amerk:an women. 'nle look ot '116 -unexqrerai.d and euy-rolnc -11 ariatocratJc. The tapered .iee"ea with Uny cuff1 or none at all, the abeence of slit· ~ omam•t.atJon, the prefer· ence of n•t bow t.o flainboyant pout -are a tew •cu that be- 1peak tin .... ln the bulCI ot de- lip thll 1Prfnr. A.I bouttance dlmln1abee. 10 dole UM llllportance ot eU.tt f&brica. A SAl~OR FOR AN ~STER BONNET ~ :!~ ~0 : A criap suit M1loc is built OD awt elongated UDe9 ln meahelan by Karche. Velvet f~ ill=-c:i.r oolon and the under brim to flatter you by lta 10ftnaa. A flower na.epy noda •7ea" to it.a 1Ul>-prtnt. IXJn"l*8 a you.nc • ..,... out.- tie beauty for thia Euter 8e480D. May be 8eeD at Rankin.I, Santa Ana. look · on the Muon uid contribute ___________________ ___,,___ -------------to th• livelln1N of Jtnee while con- Innovations Add Sparkle to Fashions · trut.lnr with th• undent.atement ot det&U and trim. 8prtna' &cce1eortu carry out UM UM and feelinc ot b&llo C!oetume1. Tiiey a.re excepUonally weU match-,4 ill color thla eeuon. due to Oft I doM cooperaUon of de1lrnere In all taah!on catecortu. Flndtnc a perfecUy color-matched wardrobe lhouJd be JIO trouble t.h111Prtn1. um.E IOYS' CARRY COLOR 1'11 boy• are carrylftl' the col· Ori thll 1prtng u more and more mothers become boJ· IPllN8 JEWELIY · FOLLOWS lllLLIANCE OF COLOI WREEl The color wheel 1pina a bright forecut of apring'a fuhlon jewelry. Wedgewood blia• a.re aparked with white. Bright turquolaer UP9tkk red and ;tbrant abadea of tangerine make color newa in 'M. - Textured beada of 1lau and We a.re mprtnr beadlinen. Necklaces feature large blue beada - robin'• egg me -IJ>eC)ded wtth white. <>then me tiny purple and pink glU8 beada,.flecked with ailver or gold . Beada are puckered, popcom-like, hollow, lacy or cylindrical. There are zpcick lleed pearl.I, very deli- cate, and pale glued b~dl. Irregularly abed. Na- turally, with so much bead newa, there la a n.ew necklace design for apring: the 30-lnch .. 1er or op. e& length n~k)ace may be worn u a alngfe atrand or looped double aa a choker 'Here's your chance ro tru famous SATURA by DOROTHY GRAY GET A ~-OZ. TRIAL SIZE FREE WHEN YOU BUY THE REGULAR 2-0Z. JAR Tbouanda of women have diacovered that only SA TU RA, by Dorothy Gray, works IO completely to brine a J'OUDIW look. It 1UppHei lkin wit.b i"nn and 1t1rfatA moilture to comb1t dryuee1. For a limited time, cet SATURA in a FREE trial m.. when you buy the $3.SO jar. Ir not •Wfied, return Vi• unopened 1&1'19 jar and set your moo., back! FOR $350 ,,_,_ WOMllN 8AY1 TJwt'e ~i"f lib SATURA, "~ Af ~. Cr«Jm ~ H """"'*' and Y ilat11i" A. J It all GUI' ,..... ... .......,., ..,t weuld .............. tllaa woril. -Mar7 .U• ..., ? • ? • • It'• a 1>16 qu.tion. Come ln to htrkla'• ucl let ua ahow you what la hap. pen.inf ln thia late.t fUI hJon ahak•up. No mat. ter what you choo. tt will do nice thlnp for. your fipre, becaUM aa alwaya Patricia bu cbo- .en her tprlng collect.too with you ln mind. Gaining In f>O,Pular1ly, the coe- t ume hn11 embrnced many 1trik· mg mne1valion11 ror a Sprtnc '116 gu-.og .. tht'r trl'mJ. Sult11 with blouau have ion• one bellt-r. not only do the blo\11· es match Jacket lm.lnp , but there a re matching hem llnlnp on th• underside ot fuller 11klrt.e, match· Ing 11ear\·e. and cummerbund.a and m11tchlng po<:kel and collar trtma. I It M. Trulhelm, Colla Mel&, wu amonc 63 Tide Waur A.uoclallon employ ... preeented With diamond 11rvtce emblem• TUelday nll'bl tor loDc eervloe with the company. 'l'naabelm hu bffn wtth the com· PM)' ao 1ean and at preHnt ill tn fuhlon conacloUI accordln1 to LIDO--M61 Via Udo, N.-nnrt 8-eJI the Brat Shop of Coeta Me-. ---r-312 NO. SYCAMORE SANTA A.NA DRE~:oj 8lilT8 The 1uit wtlh lll1 own coal or t opper hu lugtly given way t.o drru -plu11-coa t c o m bl n a l I on.s. PracUcaJJy every f abric comblna· tlon Imaginable turna up In a dr"aa-plu11-11oniPlhlng elM ~lel'll· bit' Tweed C<>&IJI w llb cotton cl....u &Jltl llnlnga are prime fuh.lon. Unen coelll go with cotton or .WC dres.~•. raw 11llk coeta with prlma or 11urah dn·-• and linlnea. breezy flannel .,.coat.I wltll oxford dnaae1. All a r • wonderlU1l7 matched or harmonised ln 1tyle, tuture and col.or fe&lW'el. MA TCJID(G PIECES There are dre&eM w1th full l{'ngth coat1 and othen wtlh brief Jackel.I of varyln& le~ f rom bolero to bJpllne. Tbe dr91 p lU8 sweater ta newer thJa 1prlng \\"Ith a lined -to· match aweater ~ty Bag 1Wt Thefl of an empty •ult.cue from her garsge wu reported to poUce Wed.nuday by Mra. J . Neu Harri.I of 301 Ametey.t f\ve. She l&kl the bait wu tan wtth red trlm and bore the JnlUaJa IOOL MAKE MADAME SELECTS PURSE .Mn. George Leffingwell ot ~ Meaa, aeeka advice from Mrs. Virginia Whisler, left, aalelady at Polly Ap. pare!, 1833 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, in eelecting a bag to go with her new drea. The frock is navy cotton print with a flora) design. Polly Apparel aped alizea 1n balf-size cottons as well as more formal styles. -Staff Photo - HENLINE'S your starting point lor the smartest in spring sportswear lor men, women, boys OPE;t 1 DAYS A WEEK 710 East Balboa llvd. lalboa Harbor 5150 ' ' f 1 U.. Loe Nlet01 office. Black or SHY te&J11ed with--r----"One of U.. I.Ne ..,_ .. pink runa ahead In popularity llABllOR UGI E. Cwt BWJ .. Coro• del Mar ot comblnatlou tor t.be younc man'• IPrln&' wardrobe. BALBOA-718 E. ...._ Blvd., Balboa f at LIDO f ASH IONS and BAY CLUB FASHIONS' • Smar/ Cot~Prinb by ALEX COLMAN * MODEL SHOWN IS STAR BORDER PRINT. BORDER DESIGN AT TORSO BODICE. in Brown ond Red. Sizes 8 to 16 $/ 795 • &elusively Ours DON LOPER PEGGY HUNT DE MICHEL DOROTHY O'HARA AWE MAE • AlflUVINO IOON . I I I f .I' .. IOGART STARS IN CATALINA SHiRT Haaphny Bosut wbo la frequent vtmtor to Newport Barbor'• waters tn hJa ,.acht &at4na, commanda the wheel ln Ju. Catalina "mobile tlah'' aporta ah1rt. Reinert'• Newport Department Store hu the ah1rt in a1-to flt all yacht.. &Dd land lub- ber. too. ·~ ... N1 II II ..... .............. SHOD AND SHIPS AND MODILS lAac7 Pope end J1Jd7 1luJaJ, NDSora at N.wpott Butler-tJ'ldCn Hlp 8cbool, model ~ two l\o• Marte M el l!Wlm ..it. cUTWcl by Jo-Lee Sport lbop bl ea.ta M..._ Tbe rtrla wU1 al.lo model at tbe ll&J1M>r 8t&r Lodp 1111 ltyle lhow ThuNcl&y, K&l'Cll 11 at Ul• J'r1cla1' AtterDooll Oub In COllta )(.a lpOUOnd bJ Jo-Lee l port Bbop. NEWPORT HARBOR News.PRESS -PART 111 • PA&E'I MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1911 f.wk·H·30Cf <W1•maBOP llllllllrtilr.... o.ea .... • • • UTTUl --~ .,_ .. ............................. .... .,, ·-· ........... 3.tl L'lL AllG&I. -..._. .. Ill • ............................ _....._. *-...... 7.tl .._ ................ .. ciaL'I SUIT UT -..... ,__ ............. -'*'-.... _ ..... -.... 7 ..... 1Z.tl .. ~--' .......... ~ ....... .......,_ ... .......................... 7 • .... CASUAL UTS -P• ............. ..................... -.p ....... ......... 4, ..... 6.IO ..• You're Way Ahead When You luy ON LAY-A-WAY "•°'" 1aaa.-• 1r .................... _ .... High Quality Pritrling-Ph. Har. 1'1' I Men's Shirts Blossom Forth with Colors 'CONYERTIIU' SUITS ADD . YERSAnl.ITY TO WARDROIE Easter To«s lor the Tiny l'araclers OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY c look Your Bes+ for the Easter Parade Here'• UU'l1l1q n.-. . . • Reduced prtca rtaJrt Wllcin :J'O'I want Ulm\ moet ! Our l&1on la on. of th• tln•t In Ui• eouUlland, our eqUlpment Ul• very latut a.nd our operaton the lll09t etnctent and expenenced. .,..,.. Oare PIXIE CUT wtt.h o.nue Pennanent a pntty haint)'le tor )"OW' L lt t le O\lnneT. GesUJ• c:u"9d flD42I and .. pert ~ 8o euy tft care for. .......... .·r Bema Brown Easter Special I Personalized Styling . _s500 Permanent Wave SPECIALS a.tllad7 ...... PERMANENTS • • •• . T • • • . '1r .......,., '"·'° PERMANENTS • • • .'15" ~ StO.OO PERMANENTS lloa -Tl • .. •5• HAIR TINTS •••••• SOAP CAP •••••• '1 &1 '2" SHAMPOO I SET Cl'Wlt> OPD TUaDAY ... TllUll8DAY EVENING ., A. .......... I~~-l New ARCADE BEAUTY SAlON 1762 ......... St. lrt Arc:M Newt to S..n for Easter parading- the silk suit so slM~. so ultra smart .. MW lengthened silhouette for a suit of pure 'ilk! Easter and -into summer colors • • • pink, blue, toast or navy ••• rhinestone buckled. sires 8· I 8 (other styles in pure silk without collar) 49.95 • l PAGE ... PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS SPR' I NG MONDAY. tiwfARCH 2 l, 1955 ~ SILHOUmE· FLATTERS FIGURES . ~oq\ 1-drutic than ut.ldpated. lni..ttn1 change. In bulc allhouette. have brought about a tboroushly : Mr ........ ~ r. U.b, o1 •pant.. spedallllar tn moac;>-19C56 10ok In llPriDI' d..ra9eL : I.a ......_ ...._ hluul, round lftllUlled blallMI and *1rta and • Tbe new line S. l""• and Jean. GeneralJv wkH,,.. are · LI Fiesta Creates Holiday lear for Smart Hatborltes : ......... ~ ,..,. Bernardo RDClala. --"'· • : ••• W • -6 Ultll' popular Jlaa1Mllo Other fublona tn footwear at. hi1ber, butl1nee ~higher and rounder, w.-wne. ue ecmie- . .,. ... L& l't•t.a are OomphJee and Col>-lower. a.t.-tn. lien• are put. "-it. ....,, ~ IONd WD .. ---oa Im~ biers. "Jack" and Ruth Lieb polnt illm, Armhol• .,. mWler botll ln ladrtll an p...-1t. _, t~. L& l'IMta'a wtt.h pride to thek. own "La J't•-.a .. ved and llenelw atJ* The Tb• bneDI, U.. .OU, tbe cottou pztmt , llu been able to at.a" bruda which are hand-cut ot a11JniDJ aad tmu.red lllU'face. ..,.. De fue)' of many fub· from colt.om bJ Jorell• of Mexico wa1et la not t.IPU, Dipped. al· and the ~ly Yln&W• .,.n· ._.... .,...., wbo appm:lat. Ctt1. thoUCh It Ill Indeed acknawl~ tbetlca bes> the fabrlo atory a : ~ ~ ud Mlperior work· K&nufa.c:tured on Balboa llland, All fe&tur" eoatrtbute to a Jonrer Upt and canfrM one. But the : d 'J avalJable at La l'testa, and at.o bodlce line. woou. · more teatbenreipt and .,. .. nplarty at the Mar-at many unart uope throu(hout With ,..,.. th 1 tono Un d~ Ulan '""· mall• ~ A.-lhot are web po.JJUlar the country, an bat.hlllr .Wt.a, •P· ..... • OllS e btr ...,. la iiplins ~ ~ ._ ..: Llll8a BpapoU, lmJOrted alacka, pedal puabers, dr ..... , bloom .. an effect rather than a ._....._ ud tatur. U. ~ ..._ ...un· dyed-to-match lkirt.1 blOUMe aua-top. ud ~-aweeplftS movement ol aeverely a .. t 4--·-...e leada UM ~ ' , l I 0 dropped wai.wn-. Some d,.... -T _...._,. ' Glmtl Ud llDea *1rtl, llr J~ dlei. feature> a bodice line cut ott at ~ Ovzaaa.ot1111C NSWLY UIAnD hip bo.ne: othera aciu.ve an attenu-The Oftrooblou.M ._ eltbw att.acb• at.eel fMllnc by dtpplnr blita or eel or uutt.acbed -ta anotMr Wa:f c:um.merbwule that lie from· tbe ot produdna' the Jone look. But W'&ilt down; hip JOit-. low-placed th• --Of tb-. even. la .... pouta and bowa provide eye-lower-what 8haped at tha wa1llt to defer Inc det.aila Oil .S....... that ~.ctually to femlalnlty'a ~ nt.ala th• natural walllt.llne. 8ldrt-wi8e tha abeath la aprtnc'• LEAN ()()'l"l'()N U.UON ~I'· 'l'he JaGi' look aft-.ooe Even In tull..adrted cottona and dJW9 uuall7 often a aklrt that alllc print.a. UM chan1• toward the Ills-Uy lbapecl -Deitbw .,...ct renuer, leaner llDell ii notable. Tbe nor .tntclMd t.ut -and combmee airy, frM--1nrlal' atylee of late .Um.._ wlUl ee.llT IDOY'lmmt. Tbe apriq and aunmer ahlo feature alender aklrt di~ ~from the hip buaWne, the wide and C..W ~ tl1roqta da.Jtim• aha1Jow aecJdlnt, and the not-eo-and ~ m-.u,.. n.. cock· cinched wurt. The full aJdrta tea-tall abeaUl Ill once mon u Sm- ture 'unpreued ple&ta for the most port.ant fMbloa tntJty. ROMP INTO FASHIONA• ' RIN Happy Holiday romper by Jam-wlll .. 1W tbroaP the summer in a f .. hionable way. It la at the Qaarter Deck in Newport Beach now, but wDl be• the '-eh and bay of Newport Harbor this...,..,... TIM forpt. me-not print ia on form fittinc faille ol -ud wub t.ted 1utex.. MADAME. YOUR GLOVES Intriguing Desifls, New ColorS Accent ·Wriobe Delima amcm1 new stov• lbow both lmartnaUYI •tYllai' and clu- aiO pra.ctlcallty. T h e Ulttmt abort.le rton, IO JOUUd'Ully ray la leellne. continue. to bold flnt afford. maoGUI, .., tit. aLIP~M GLOW'S Growlnc la tmportance II UM I lllx·bult.on a-,tla .UfMa ,.,.._I -t faaldoa -riCllt • a ...,... Hataer. ~ p.u.nd ..., pJac9 bee&~ ol Ila .-Wlty. e .. •"dNd at U.. w1iat, k ~ Howner, new nn.... In trim-• a chic Oared en.ct aed a-! m1nC and det.aJI. pnmde9 mudl ~ OYW UM -tJclll· faabioa excitemmL 8hella. but· tapered...,... • • . .. New Manners ... a New Look! Jl.aldaC a fnorable lmp......ton -no m~ how you klllll at at • . . Ul'9 two-faced beauty by MAC8HOIUI:. la Wrinkle raMlaDl broedcloth With l plll baek ''Caf9- M.nitte" collar. button tabbed front and bac k. 1n white, -.Jm, nc1. pink. ...... ao to aa. 1133 Newpori Blvd .... colored ...... ..at~-• ---ot ..._ ,.... ery are """ mMe on-and an t..ted ...._ ..,._ ..,_,.. tll more be&utlfully bandffd Uda bot.la *°'1Je allld ... _..._ a.stll apriq. lily• n..,. an aft&IMle la all TaUI USED colon and, llllllll ...,__el aA. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-211• 'h'awJiaS tbJ,t 11Ummer! Cbedl la at O'Bnen·a In Corona dfl Mar to complete your wardrobe wtlh Ul1a Hannah Troy. Thi• .,_maker type 111.1lt la one of a rrouP of new aprtn• fuhion1. eo.tume dre11ee1 a re al.o aftllable In pure allk, blended ma.n· 111ade fibretJ. cottona. lln~ and other ,tla•el•alsn~ c.reatlona. M1now 'Caps &w lhome Kar. 13.14 WU repol'Ud to Theft of two hudllgbt rime trom police by Cbarlell Morrow of 132% Illa car while parked ln front of b.11 South Ba7 Front. A LINED SWEATER COSTUME et en UNBELIEVABLE PRICE A canus-Uned WIUI Ace- tate and Cotton lhal Looka UM 8Wt Bro6dcJoth. Wltb Jt A .... ., I'-BlOUM to Maleh Tllla UDinr . . . and A 8Um 8irt ., Liatll to Oomp&ete th• Oat8t. Co I o r•: Rupben'y, ..... 8llppldre. Blouse, 30.16 .s.frt, I 0.16 s. ..... 3'"'40 co.INATIONS UNUMITID $5.95 $7.95 $11 .95 "Eftryt.bin1 A Woman Wean But Sboee" 8borUea In rlace kid. ptpkill lM perforaUGM an arruised t11 a 1 or cape leaUlft"I. or cottoo f~ .. wi~kle~~=~~el~cW=lad:=l~w~t ~d~S'I~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ FULL SKIRT, FLOWER FULL Deaigned by Taffy and worn by well~ women with an eye to 1ummer comfort and smart appearance, thia yellow and white cotton frock ii juat the answer for that fresh, cool look. The full lkirt ii white with saucy yellow flowers. The bodice ii creamy yellow. The back h u & jaunty, large flat bow to live it that "double take'' look. Marah&ll Shaddock of Shaddock'• Inc. puta the finishing touches to the display. -Staff Photo no are trimmed with ~-r ptplq In .ell or cont.r&A ca6on. Oontrul • colored leat.ber ~ oo leatber rtov. la a dlarmJllc MW toucb. A.noUMr l"'CJUP f•· turee decoraU,,. mout. la UD7 S'eat.ber--coYered bUttom at UM 9de or a ltnJ'I• line or rice ptU'ta MWn at the hem. The untrtmmed aborUe _.. 1n ra11y pnnt.ed t.abr1m-d - ner of cot t.ona and IJllt.IMtJca - or In auch caaual )eat.bin aa -.. or pl.pkln.. A llftl'le peart·battoe cloetnr or an ela.atld9ld wn.t THE LOOK IS SLIM AND SUPPLE in ••• 1Tbe' All-elastic LEGANT by WARNER'S The eeaJ10n·a wonderful new way to look is alender, supple ~euy- S,,ringliml! FASHIONS • Swimwear by JANTZEN COLE OF CALIFORNIA ROSE KARIE REID • White Stag's NEW STYLES and COLORS FOR SPRING in both Mm'• and Womm'aw.r • BEACH SA.NDA.Ui TOP-SIDERS YACHTING FLAGS - • * 9"1m awt *1Wn • CoM ot Oallfomia'• "l>ALll.A- TIA.N" for 11116 ln '-._ 8lnart alld deUPt-- fllll7 ..,. to .... -OPEN SUNDAYS cl!a 5-ie:Jla .!JmnorlerJ nn E. v-t Rick_, a IOOll euy tor ,_ In WI IS~ troWnr rtrd)e. by Warnera. 1be top ..--weu above UI• wa.wt to mold a lriln, 8le9der mldritt. Blf'ODI' poww net llldea, wtU. ,._... ol down-at:r«ch eluUc trmt and t.cJr. amoolll 1ft17 C:U"9 wtU. Ma~ oamfort. llde .. ,.,... f 111. .................. flt.JI 2930 W. COAST HWY.· IOI' NEWPORT BEACH LI 1-1722 ,-c:m-. del ..., ,· Balboa Island Barbor._ I OSI Rosecrans St. . S.n Dia&A Ph. ACaC:lemy ·2.'1 JJJ --~~.._.--------------------------------------~1 ...... ____________________________________________________________ .... ._ _______________________________ -__ ~-----------~ ( ' ' • .. • ,. , ., • ' . I • lrS A MATCH "°* ... . Cole.,~ ........ s .-t., '""' I ...... ,.... ...U.. ....S wtddl WWWNU .. a .... ,... Wl'll Dil ,..._. ... • •• Jlutlertt&· ....... ., ODii& .... -__. Bhd. ... tM eoal plm .. t:thS WP -'ftle I It -....... ., ........................ ......... WEDGED INTO POPULARITY Italian Hand Influences Design of Spring Wedgies Wect,.i .. ·ha" come • Jonr -1 from their uUllt&rl&n .tart. Today taley'N the llhoe that you pick to JiJpllpt • 9J>eelal co.tum• -tbe llhoe that Jenda flal r to nuryt.latns from ahorU to paUo danou frodr.L 'nleN' • a fine Itallan M"4 around In the opened up looPr. UM bptur conl'lrucUon, the clramatJc MadllnC of the strap tnatJMMe. ot colore and Jeatben. TM ~ form I• lit• cumber90me, a lllJ\e f•ture malttns UM of n.w -t.urlala, coSor contrut and other cWrlcea to add ctUc to the .a-, .. .. well aa the comfort for wllkll wedl'I• were orip&Uy 4Mfped. Colon are ~ llcarW, "1&1it eornfloww Mue • pUir wedpwood. eoft ...,.. pAalra, JIU l'Ninl ud ,.. .... la plaJa OI' .... t"4 kldalda, tM ... ~, ..... Ill\.., wudea, ,.... ctan or 1aftPt, poli.bed leatMn LD MIC• to llnwn. In tact. ln &Wt parUcu1&r ciatcor1. shoe• can r-117 10 ..tM Unlit la fastilon ncJtument. Not all tbe •uclst• an llO fl'tYO- lo\:., ••\•r•'• .UU • place for the ciu.tc UM &Del osforda, Oil hlatier pl&Uonna, but• thUel too combine .mart ~ wtth UM mu:t.mum of comfort. LITTLE GllLS COPY MOM ~ come la llUIC 1liack aad "'"v. &ntt th.re'• • lllraas ieantnr towU'd the aabanl, ..... -MU- \ . i , .;J.:s. Hun araJa red The Brat Shott (1' C ...... ~ M""" nPQrt. It'• • looll 2llDI - llpr1Jll for UM UtU. ,.irta. " • r1vor.1 . with th• 'flW1 ~t 11pr1ng ahadr In the lead. I ...... u,~ Nautical Favorites for Spring sailor dresses and linen skirts beautifully designed in moygoshel linen two piece matched outfits - the blouse of pure silk with trim to match skirt in shrimp. brue end jonquil . navy blue waistcoat ensembles teliored to perfection bermude shorts iaclceta sleclct • •iu 11,. Clollw JJ"'* Balboa Island ., ... Falow lean, Loni l.1nes '1'1111 ...,..... t 0 1p ..... ....................... ~ ....... ...,.-.... ..... ....,. '"-tM ..,. ..... ..tlMir .... ,._.. ...... .... ~= ...... ..,... .. ~ ....... ............... ., ..... . ,,.,~. I ..... --.~udJNC) [0 -t.e lltlMf' ............. ..... ........ ltntCMd ... -...... ..,., '•R:r -ftl'tlall,y. ,,. ,__ .. m.tratel "Y·• Mick ,.um .....,. .. 0.- ............. flDot bl lmctll ... .. aml7 t1"t ... C9Hlalt ...... wMa.11,.... ..... ,_.... dup -• Gap u.t ~.,...... ........ -.. blpaltut tutuawlw Ill ....._ -.......... , ,,, ,,... ~ -ll>' a-a la .._,.., olfer a -.ftee ... ....... tMa ...... )'Ill .... • )lhe=et M&r7 nnla. lllllq .. a p W .. 1dlllat eolor-. ..... --·· --.tabla: a 't19'cl twcwllli ~ Ill ea.-trutDc.,......... ..,_ Pr: .......... ...aractar- ...... ..ti.t ....,..lo plOYidl .. 1 ....... DAtt7 ., -atcMd .............. tWr ... mac.. lloUa .... .. 'Ml • --1 ._.. c:iolof' .. ...... ~ ........ u.t.. ... to ... ...,. .. tlllll-. a..a-ailar ~ .. ~ ,..... by ,..._. wwwtwta ol ...._,. ud ..a.rte anerdp tar ...-, u.... .tawdaaw aad the ... famQr el turtca --up la ..... 21, ............ tM ..,.,......,.,cs+ Ka.Dama. .................... , .. 1tn1eetoa.~ .. ...,.. ...-... All .,.. ..,. t....s la UM c::dl OJ mft ... llM•elPt ............... TOP FASHIONS. SM.••• FllY Opening FllDAY April 1st • May we Coraaally Invite You to get the "FIRST LOOK" at our exc~g introductions of new, personally selected CASUAL FASHIONS .. • IT'S A SPRING ORIGINAL . Jenny Lund, Bay Shorea. la mode"nc a Lam on,iul llPriDC number.in Stoffel'• imported Swim cottoo pique pUme - a party drea in bortaontally tl1cted pique. Demurely 8QU&re necke<i, the molded bodice 18 front buttoned with tiny, twinkllDc rblneltON9. Tbe U::lrt, gathered at wmtllne, ta full Iather belt 18 con~ rnc. Lam Original.a are excl~e In the Barbor area at The Cloth• Horwe, Balboa Ia1and. JUIPEIS INFLUENCE BLOUSE STYLES: OVEllLOU$ES IACK The emrent trend toward jumpers bu lltlmUtat- ed a lleW loot 1D blouel, The 1prtng 'G:S blou.e bu, In general, met-in aleeve. to avoid conflict with jump- er armholel.. Tbe blome. have amooth fronta with • neckline and aleeft lntereat. To ahow to !)eat advant..ap over bateau or hich mquare necked jumpen, blou.ae necb are hicber - and aleeve. are f!lDer to balance .um jumper lkirtl. A, MCODd major lltyle b'eftd in blOU. 18 the Jane t.ono look. appu'llllt ID the Inert "DC quand· tie9 of 0""*"11111 "l"bw atop Ul)'Wbere from ju.t below the wu.t to the hJpbone. Many lre nipped in or belted at the wal8t, while othera have dart.inr or eeemlnc that can99 the figure genUy • The mo9t popular hip-interest overblOUMl9 an the lll1d<lle9. with many battoning down the t.ck. SWf.&ten baYe CoDe to two new length.a. A eood many of them an, IUl"prialngly, aborter. A whole sroa.p, honver, foDowa the long lean loot. ~GOll«ll.orm ~--·••&&a ----KAUT .. ....., -. ' . . NEWPORT HAAIOlt NEWs.llESS-PAIT 111 ·PACK• MONDAY. MARCH 21. • .. IPllll lllT FAlllCI llE WEl8HTLDI: JAOlm LOii Llllli-,....... ... ~ ... .._ ...... "tar ,.... ,_... to tM IUtt ......... -. ........ la ...,. ... ...., ..... ,.... .......... la ... 11" ......... u ~ ............ N'lt.. -..._ .Jadl•t ............. --.,....,...." .... tllll'tr ... la .,....... u4. wttla ... u. .................. wtUMlut mala at&rMIUoa of tM ..at «D •••U.. 'ftle ...... ..._.. emplwtfetns. tM ,.._. apn.,....... ............ tM ...... .. j9cllet wll7 ~ all -...,. ............ .. tu. • belt. 'n. ......... Pooll .. .--...... .. Looee ... ,.....,...... ........... ...,.._ ..... ... llbaPDs at tM W&lllt. lame el ........ jMllll&a ... -- ....-. to.__. ............. ~ .... . aadlta ....... ~ ....................... . ... ...,...... .................... ~ ........ . llmlfeplla&ed. ................ ~ ~.-u a?d tbe .,.. Jooll ... ~ ..... lldltm w.11 .... .-a. t j\Mlt &boft tM .... ~ . ,,... .... ~ el •tnaPt llldrta. ..... : ..., ~te to tM ....... ..,,. .......... .auau.. la cNp, U..1 bpt ,..ahu 8oale U'U trmapu'.ed ...,. lmlle far & MP ts•hu"..a: etMlw an f'l'llOllllD1 ,_... ~ to tbu ,,.. fer ~ -. Oon4 ll2drU otlur ...,. ......... Mal ud.,.. -•....a ar 411taw 1Utt ~ _,. hrtlMr ..... &Ml t7Pf1 tbu lplillS .... ,... De MmllW alueftt DOW 8lt la ~ Udlr tbe ..... DI oft.a ~ to tM wrlet. apart ..St. on.. teabln a elalmfUlt ...... eUPUJ .. u ............... .,,..., .., ................ ,_ ... OI' oaMltlea,.. _ ..... • ~,........, Leua .... tbe --llapeltM& ..... .. 'IW' ..,.. fte .... ,.. ... ... .Wrmaltm&L ~sa. tao.-... _ Ill' &. OIMt ..,.. -., &• 0,... Cl 2 I ......... nm.. featuring Sportswear fashioned for beach rlVing • • . • Wean ... IRE II PASBIOM WIR .. "D.t.m.1H" LDO:H wbm plq to luncheon or Into town abopplnr. W o • • a a.peclelly for ORAJ'I' ot nytoa an4 ra100 UDea. TJpleaJly Qalfonala taJ. loNCl by GLUT for per· feation ot flt and Com· fort. 'l'IM1'J1 be~ COD• ltaDt .,_,.__ & D d wllat'• more JV'l'I al- _.,. look tnah Utd neat ta tbtm. Dresses bJ ALEX ooLJIAN eiriert's • Da'&a'l'llZlft l'l'OIUI .............. c.... .... ' • :I ~ !:r I B Ir I I t I "' ,_, ! ''& ~ 1 · r • ;gi~,~~ 'l- i'oJ 11 •t . r}ilj'1 is;> iii Jil~ !~11 ! fg 1 1 i -n . I'~ .. • ··n 1l~Jr- -· r ~r ~ !i Ii U~!~ :~ I. ~~ ~ f • 8 .. i = i =t -.. . '1 -~I . §! r ...... ~ .. . :a:iil .. --!~ 1-i ... {I i JJ ;, ~---1 "I . If f {f pt! Jl.~!I s ~ "l'l} .. Jt.f . i ~~II ~!Ef o~ rl< ~:i~i~Hi'~;ht'-Ii !i ~1. ::z: Ill [l ~~Hr . !i Ii~. ~ ~;. Hi~Hf i: ~,ls; ;f~hi •:.: ·g S :n 1;; ! !l: I= n -;.:r ·l! ,, .. IS.:r~oi a. oet iii~ :I VI Z If ~=•a. !~l!i~ !J lri ~ 1~J1;t!lri1ti'1i1 ~ i i~f l~:ie ~:~J ag i=&H= u!·rffH·;~ fl~I f,. z ~~.:~~?<ii 1 ~lf ij ~ii~ii utlla~Ul:~ Hd cu ~" iHtHi 1 l~~i!lh:i ~i~~l!hJ~, UHhHfl a..-1 . § iHHH! ~~!'i s!~~~!~ i~i" silit~1~ st 5= n J ~E>~=:iz it:l~f1Ui f.JlJt'i ! la 18~f~;·jrJ o 5= % iiii511 IJI !~11s i l~i1=i!'1i[ .. !l .1'=:~ ,a1~i1c ii~~in; !~1!i~E!i}Jir!:p1;! -..I_ . ~IHHS 1u~hn tlnrH 'n,U,~; 1:1 § ~ 11 hna >n a> .a:1ra15 ',,!' 11~1 -~1=ail az '9l= ~ litff .:!l( o-c l!U 1~p~1L; ;r;g ji!f li is [l}lta .,. ~ Hi lfiJrl a ii 1~n J;, huH 8 I r !f ! '~ l(a,_l llll ... lir11.1 fl; Ii lf !f ~ i! eiHl 111 -'fcf!•I trn ill ljf!.Jelt . lllt '.t i ~ l Ji • C I gf I =I • • • ~ Cl) "' ... • ~ j~ ii · 2~· :1 -~ bi IJ'f JI l!l J -n .~ ·'t'11:l 111,!~1~~ 11( i H · l U a Cfl= l,11.f1 .. 1 111 1-~z -n .f J [ iJl ::&: §5 ihai~; ~ 11 ~ ~ f Utl!!i!!iri! ~. ~ l•11f!tdfrJJr 8 FR.· I 111'111 f s -0 ~, I'' I " :a ·~ I 1 ~ a ,.f 1 I J I -. .... ~\--....._ I ' t ~ ., . ... ~ > > O ·Z 0 G) z ·~ ~ .,.. ~ 0 :I ~ ~ ~ !Q >. > '° 0 ;ig Z CD Vt ,_, z 0 = .,.. 0 ~'"'!!>C .,, -< == "' "' gg~~B "' '° Eg z ,.. C! CDJ r-e· C ~ ~ '" 0 c: s·~ z 5 .. =< i . z "' IJlf flii(ijll!f~ ii !l' ~riJPl IJ·,J . c: z: r ftf11·~l1l•tJr i r-..... I lii!iflfi 1. JI Q ~ _ i .. f 11i· 1'''I • 0 ~ z 1~ l.i,:t& !I I' z ~ ti i J' I; ii.fl ~ ~ _, ~\ r \ Ulu ~P1 1~1i 11iJt1. r ! lil!I; 11f iljlifJlll'IJ! ! i:: & .r -~ .fJ~ !!tU• ~ i1 f 1 Un~! h r'. Iii f ;1l• J! 11 "!! -• 1h Jl11 ·rfl I' ~ :~1 l hs~ .!hj 1·1 !ff I l-i .tf l! r!. 1 l,1.~1 l J,il I 1 ,11 tfls :Ii ' • .. -:.. l lll' -f. lttil !f" :p 1-r..' i'T 1;" l" ;r· z • }l!!iaH'hht!-i ~fb1j•li 1 !1t El · j r~n!:Hfll.HH~!; JIH r~h~1 '· • •I I .:.. ~ .. • • ·1 r Hf i iii it 1r 'i1 L!~! )l~ i!~1 . ~ ,,,J ll1l rs ~ • ~ti tel l1.I z " • . . •ll • • • 1' ' • • • • FASHIONA&I Maternity Clothes Keyed to Spdng SfJle Trends ~ -.ateralt7 A ......... ~w.r .................... ., ta.. ...... , ,.., .. ,... ~. ...... ... u -..... .. ............. ....,. ,._. ...,_aw ldMa. .. l II.._.. a,...__·--------.... ,.,..., ......... n. _.. =M ::.., ~ 11 ~ a. ......._ a. r .. ..-. ..._..._ .......... ....._.PTAT-~ldrp ... . eu07. ~ .............. llWe,. .................... .. ... l(Jlw .... _.. flllwred ta.. .... ., ta. I I 't:J U ... .............................. ~---...,. . ..... ., ..,. ....... "" eat.. ,.t ot ..... ....................... .................. _ ....._ .... , ...... ._ ... _ ...... ._ ......... ..,. ........... _ ..... ... __ ................ __ ._ ... _ .......... ,.... ........ -. ... -.... ... .... _ ... .......,._. ... ................. _........,., .. ...,_..,..._ . . . • DARK SHADES · IN _· MEM'S SUITS WIN VOTE WITH BRIGfl.T SHIRTS 1179-50. • Modern materiall, methoda and delllp are combined expertly by Ulla famOUI manufacturer to brin1 you King..tsed comfort at down-to- earth prtce1 in the new Bundy 10fa • and comparuon ·Bruce eectJonall • • • • They are way ahead in eve.ry department. with new, lower lllhouetU, adtblg decorator fab- rlea, Ucbt foam nabber N&U, and b69cuft.aatt.d foam b.cb over coil 8prinp. ... SHrs LOYILY, . ITS SPRING I ......... ~1--s nu. '11 u.. ,......_,... -... ..... .....,... .at T9p Dra,,.... oa lleDlo& lllud. ... lat.It Md!U. to bit ..... TOM i. Wa ....,.. ODtt.ca Qrina' dNN c.-ted ~ lod:f. • I Cover-ups Aclcl t.lnptnture and .......-• .ar- condJUon!q. ..... '11 u.. pnt. UMt la wool or cotton bit ·pro- Yid• 'round tJl9 dodl cbJe. 2-pc. Sectional $249.:iO ........ , ..... Bundy chair $89.M The fine proportJoM of. tne above leClJonal incorporate. IUch quality feature. u renrwible foam cuabiona, tutt.d back, and teatinl com.tort that bu di9tinguiabed th1I fumlture line for more than a quarter ot a centuty. • • Come in loday ..:J. ' . Let .. tr1tr 1I...,... .... _..,1" ~a MW ..._ oa htac at prtce. yoa eu atf01't Open Friday Evening 'tll 9:00 p. m. call• u.,., .. NEWPORT HAQ.OR NEW$.NESS-P"IU IV . ftASE I MONDAY,' MAROf 21,' ltll , ..... ICED• on._..-'• ...... =>~.:9'-::::::a: DBtl I II .... .., .... ,..._ II-. ._ • ...,..1.._ M -.._. t1111r Ai.a Darr 1 •4 II •••••r ·1 , ... • a ..,.... _.. llll -.rt..._._ . ......, ..-., -,.... et a .,.-. • ..... ~ o.e-.,.._ .., . . ~ ~ .....,. IIlllM Ill t • ..._ ~ .... ~ 'P a ;flit .. _. ..._ ta...._.., .... ,.,...... .. Jiit. .. ,.u.-(llP& ....... '9 ... , ... ~ ... I I -$ Gae ..._ A_.__,.._ ..... ..... WWII --....... ) -laa ,.,._ Flit ..... .... .. t I ........ ~ ,.._.. ... f 1 tM 11w1.............. ... .. ........... . 'ftle M Mt .. ~ tMI U. ~~--~------------- 1 mlnde ......... _, ,_ _ t.a.c_._. .. MtlMrtlll Qlw. 4IWW W ,...Uaillluf:r 'De ...-....... la ......... '9111 S. r '!l1'19taara-..,.,~,__. an-* Ol" I'll....,. u a.u&.. •-----"1• au........ ..... ... ,.,,.. 11-.toe. ,....,.,....,Ull=..-1rt A.II '11 ta... .............. -an .... >w ... t t ,.._ S. ........ at ,.. I I IW'• ... ~ ta 111e1t ,, :w:ar . ...._ • ..-. • ..-. ..._ ,..._ just· for you and DRESSES ••• ~1 .... ......... mu ... ........ T to 11 -10 to IO .. UJTa OOlft"UM1C JEWEU\T 8BORTII: CX>A.Ta IKlRTll BLOU8a Pl:M'I COATS BALBOA ISLAN1> I 811 tu Jf,•..a&MQT Dew_, .... ._...._ n• a. llAIJI ..... ~ You'll be sr.mmer, lovelier ••• with the • t0phitticeted feminity so -typtc:.Uy American. Your tuit will have longer lines ••• a new interett in det•ilin9 •.. your coet will be gently fi tt.d, with th.1U9991tion of• lowered hipline. You r whole costume wi1 b. dimand by accessories ..• individu.lly You ••• for 1prinq. FRANC6S NORTON DRESS Sf'tOPS 11495 Ll1>0 ISLE r , • .. .. fAGE 2. PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOit NE\fS.PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 2.1. 1955 AT LIDO FASHIONS IT'S eonONS t r~ . Enveloped by a rainbow of cotton print, ~J'.l.~on.acious mla la aet for ~ythlng that comee her way. Udo Faahiona can lhow you thit amart creation with matching white cardJga.n trimmed with the print design. Colors blended together an turquoi.ee, violet or royal. TAPERED Slim Coats Emphasize New V Lines The V .uhouett., the pure per· pmdlcular line and the drua coat an thrff Itron&' 11trna that allm coat.I are "In" for aprtni. The typical alender coat la light u a dnls, subUy tatured, pale-colored &114 eom-bat ahaped. 8.beer wel&'bt wool.I, linen-weave woola, 110me blm<S.. ot linen and wool. Y&Jioua 1ynthetlc mJxtura provide coat fabric. of unUIU&I U&'btn.I and supub ebape-abWty. More eillal and cottona joln the IJ>rlna' coat roeter W\lh tweed and jacquard _.,ea available ln al· moat all fabrlCI. IT'S IN 'l'llE Y 0 K &- . . --. .. • ... .... . • Spring Junior . MEI'S T.OPCOATI DEllllED Silhouettes fOI SPllll INFOIMAL FLAii Men'• dealre for both greater 'formality and Keep In Step "flair" • well aatiafied 1n the new •pring topcoat.. The vei\tet collared overcoat launched lut fall, ap- Mn tor 1prin&' In top coau made of smoothly WI· oftld covert cloth. Usht gny-blue with black vet-. vet collan and tan with brown velvet are particular- ly handaome. 8priac lNI p,_ta t.be lunlor wltA two new ~tea. OD-. the pared ~ princeme ...-.~ Ill more supple tun Jut aeuoa'• princ-..e. wltb a,..,. titted wu.t and at.p..ill c~. Many have wllJte braid trim or atnppf.nc de- tail at the hJpline. Kan7 have compe.nSoa Jadleta. 'ns• MCOnd • major •llhou•tt•. the uongatecS tone>, ta bis new11 In ..,.., a1M ruse. n tiu. for JunJon, • dropped, belted .U.t· line, releuins tuner aldrta. lk>N• featur. ,double pleated flounoea or on• hemlln• flounce. 'ns• junlon will have more coa· tWMt th.all ..,.r, before. Thelr tuller aJdrt. are pleated -etlher all-around or aecUonally. Some are sathered or elae rorM and flared, to be wom with pet.Ueoabl. • Si.DI LINE IACUTll . The C09tum• are accompanied by JacJcell and coata t.bat feature a llllm, lp&rM Une. ntt• or •tnicbt, they end at th• buat·line. Bemt-ntted, they follow th• Jong. Jean liJI• o•er ~ ioq tOl'90 atyl•. CoetumM al.o aport ''lnvtatble" ja.cll•t. to the buat, walat or bip; fly-away boleroe or mlddi over- blowie Jacket.a. M4DY dr... and packet ~ tum• Jaide &ttv-fi•• bodSc:.. ua-dem~ wbue many feature th• newl tu.pender 11drta. CUJIJll:JUIVND8 PAVO&m llWt Ja.cketa follow the line of the CC»lume'a fly-away bolero or tone. Jean jacketl. SuJte alao ah.ow tapered boX jaeketa. modified bed Ja.cll•fA and above the wai.t brlete. Sutt akirU are either tull or alen- der, wltb many of th• fuller pl•t- ed. The cummerbund· wrapped mtdrltt ta popular. Th• lhlrt·look dreu ta J>rom· lnent q&IA Ulla 8J>rlnl', otten 11> print. Two -pl-d..-and coal dr-• featur. pocket.a, poclleta and more pocket.. Jump- era are eeen frequenUy. ' J'Ull1or pl&,.clolb• &'O putJcu- larl7 blithe With wapelldel' abort.I, Bermuda~ with brlpt under- eborta or romper playsulll with Bermuda • len&'lh onr -Otru, Tllroupout Ute playdotl'lea lilM, the color accet ta on red. llUPPLll rA.BalOS lheu f&70G or crepe I.a bemc uaed ln.~y ln Junior w.u, Ila .appleuea ottaetUns the ..... UM allbouett.. Cotton and cotton· aUk blenda an important, WblM lmport.d cotton twMda are t.11• tabrlo news 1n 9JIC'tnc su!U. NaY7 la U.U7 color for olJlda6. OolCl. •YOCl&do en. and perl- wl.nkle bl• ..... ... popular. ltrt119 and cbac:b ....... ... port&nt th.all ....... Kucll juDSor fallbkm wQl ba" ~·· trtmmbli'· J' ro U17 Wbile accwan. COIDJll-'wnt dufl coetwlM& 'ftMre Ill Iota ot IMe 1n Jabota, dtdde9 .and eolian. FASHION KEY FOR SPRING .......... for llw:b. _._ and beaut7 an 1q .....,,,... 1--1 mm:tauta .... ... to the tub!Gn ........ ot Newpolt~ ........ I Bectaaa .. 11.,...s to t.be lat.er- -ot tbe ..u-dr1111I ....... bor ~ Soft wool tweed topcoats are ahown in rich col- or combinationa 1uch u chocolate brown with & faint pattern of light blue. Featured fabrica include le&Rned weight.• wool, tweed, aaxony, covert, ~tted wool and blend.a of natural and aclence fibers. Pattema preaent a wide variety of herringbone, checka, plaids and nubbed effectl; r&laed effect bouclea in sell.:Check and col- ored designs. , Favored cutl in tweed topcoatl are the aingte- breuted raglan, with young looking balmacaan cot-. tar. set-in sleeve modela with split seams, notched . BAL.BOA JBLAND Dreay an~ Casual BPrinr &nd Summer Wed fot * TEEN • AOl:M "k sUB ·TIZNS or bat collar. -------------High Quality Printing-Pb. Har. 161&. Little Misses Mary Ja• with Strap comes in white, red •nd blue • N)1oll Mes11 WIDGD l ~-2 styles as low •• ' Laclles HhJll H"' PUW For the E•ster Parade. Comes in 4 different colors • DIYIDIND NY LOIS luy l pair for only 2.97 ( rer. fl.II pr.> 6et. an extra pair FR E E I ... Celebrating our AnniverJa"I 50 years of Servin9 Califomia Families Golden Values • • • in Shoes La•• ... PUMP mnch Heel •'"' Sing lecl. in white and black • BL1J8TEBY WEATHEB - For the windy days, calf jacket with double row of buttona, wide revera. Honeyed ahadea and muted pu- tela loolt new ln IOft • tatured o o a ta, and Ugbt • backgTCund tweed.I f•lul'9 mt'dleya of clear primary colora. LOW·PLAOED DET4JL8 Longer -than -ahort coat Soll hr lmt:a1lm MEN'l IWI SUIDI N.west style -Low .... 2 eyel.ts with interesting yoke de. Kr. &Dd Mn. Jim~ u' tall. I:. 23rd at.. co.ta K-. Meua• !atoll Elected to SCJCA Directorate The V-llne lllbouette contrlb- tea to the long, lean look by meana of deep revera. low placed buttona lhat eomeUmea tor m their oWQ modilled V, low placed pocltete and a 110mnrbat tapered line from 1~bUy padded aboul· der to ellm hem.line. puenta Kvcla 11 ot • -WIM> wu boa at 8&Dta Au Oaamn•· I perennlal, bu Iott none of lta tty :eo.pltal. a. ~ t nie...j fooUnr: nther It h&t p.lned a .1~0~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~~;:;;;~~;;;;~~~~~:=:::;:=:::;~~~~~;;;;5~;;;~ lun new look ot It. own. Now p Mu. Eatoa, toc1al ltudl• In~ irtructol' at <>ranc-Oout Colk,e, wu elected to t.be board ot dlrec· tora ot UM 8outllern Callfot"tU Junior Coll9s• A.edallon, 1l haa been dMlcl<*d. J:aUm wW ..,... from 1~ to 1964. The eueuUn board oe.niee out t.be n~ bumn.., of the auodatlon and. meeta four Umea a year. Chari .. Hale)', chairman of lh• Dlvlllon of 81.11111199 llducaUon, wu • member of the board unW 1953. Even lh• box coat takea a new ah&plne for IJ>rlne. Here dt'ep yoke etteeta combine with low pocllete and walaUJne dal1JI to preeent a •lender lllu.:lon. One of Ute newfft look• La that of the Mml-tttted front and the bloUMd back, whlcb comblnea a &'eDUy molded llne with room for acUon. More looeely cut co.ti are abaped with half·belll or t.aba. D~~'&JOBTFAJIRIOS The titted llilbouette, a IJ>rtn&' O'Brienj Presents lb• titted coat .. pared doWn to drellll proportlon.1 and 11 apUy called the drua coat. The moet lntereeUng, wtth long lorwo Unea, can actually be worn .. a dttul The a.Ir-light fabrlc1 ot the dreu coat Include a r&nl'• of formt'r dre .. -only weave.a. R&w llilltl, ba.rathe&.ll, 1Uk and cotton twHdl. ottom&M, 1llk·and·wont· ed blmda all ap~a.r, wonderfUlly well. 1n 1prl.111 coat.I. Fine American Fashions ,--for Sp~~ 1955 See them in Vogue ••• Come in enCI let u1 show them to you personally 251 E. Coast HhJlaway COrolla ct.I Mar .... 2868 l ............ • BAIJIO.A • lfw ra.m. '· • e • ) • .. ·-. NEWPORT IUBBOB NEWS.PB™ ...,. ~ ... 'l'INnllQ OOAS~ 8BOPPEB Wednesdays ,.... l~ f.16 ,..... ,..,.. l.50 ........ ...... %.00 ~-..... , ,,,.. ... _.,.. ........... , -nwu a pzn• .... ' llDIDl17ll 7D • ' uxr.a , All" Cl I .._ _. ...... W OIM .. 8dnw el pUUcattoa. lt&Wroat' a•...-"111U8111NO 00. au ..... ..-.,,..,....---. Clallfona. -, I .. ... H ._rrrch AJcohoUce Aaonymoua Wrtte P. 0. BcllS Ml Newport Beacb. C&J1t. ~ Sm'b« t'l.IO !! !9! ...... l'°"il-:-'A!P't!~ ,~-~-~-=-- EXPl:JUZNCJ:D dJ.nner wattnll 19154 lfOR.GE wuber. A.utomatlc 11M O'J(,llER 6 KDUlJT!' NEWPOIT HAltlOI NEW$.llESS-PAIT IV • PA81 J · MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 tor rrt.. ll&L • Bun. •ftn~ puM. ~ buttoa, ~ tub, actt&· rup. n·. real D1ae cp aui..&· Jlartior lllK-Jl. 2tcll tor • oV'el'fJow nn.e. lt'• new tic, p1ddle In middle, lbnme v v Check these Used Cars l:XPIDUENCllD wattnile, mu.t tat be O't'W J1 7ft. ol .... Int.er-__ _...________ Ylft I to 11 and I~ t.o 15. Rob- Don't '1y to N.Y.! 1Mrt Rlll'a Chet. Inn. 3201 eout Hear Edna Steama Dayton Bl&11way, Corona del M&r. review Broadway Play Mc21 Lido Theatre, M.arch 2'th -Wil"ll and ~ployed huaband or 10:30 L m. 25p29 :o=m: ~=.~~~ ~~ Har. aeM-W. 27c21 WANT LADY fry cook A: wait· #..,.. Balboa hlal\d. St&u ex· WANT ride to L. A. from Nnr· perlence • reterencu. Write bos port, hours 8:30 to 6. Dally Sor· H..f4 uu. Hc29 enaon, NeWJ>OJ! Boat Salee, ' p&per. &euport L&nd1nr. 2e27 W. Cout WANT experienced Real ~te Btrbway, Newport Beach LI 14.leaman or broker. See Loi.a 8-4271. 2ep28 Vopl, 'nDD VOGEL CO. - 18-.Beautv A.Ida 3201 W . Cout Highway, Newport :.:t.. Beach. Lt 8-3'81 2&28 Superfluous Hair STENOGRAPHER, •hort hand Permanenu, NmOVed trom face nec111Mry. Apply BANK anm, ..... J!:yebroWI and AMERICA. 3-fft Via Lido, N W· but pd. dn. to l1U.t7. No cub bumera, Utt top 6 tJaat p1D dn. tt JOU pay the p)'Dlta. ot broiler. Pd. dn. to 1127.JO. No Jl.07 per mo. cub dn •• Juat p&y U1e P719*8. ot _.._a._.,....._.,._ .. ._ ... ~PDW See Baugtula A le I Wareb,owla, '7.11 per mo. - 220 s. MaJn St., Sant& Ana, See Bau1tma A 6 I Warelloua. .. ~ 11P wtllll M Ml9 ~AT! Open Bvu 't.11 9, Sun. 11·15 220 S. Ma.In St., sbt& A.na. _______________ ...._ _______ _ 8 bloclul aouth of tth It. 8 blocka aouUl Of •Ut It. .. • a .. b D . .. • •• • ,... b t or P11one Klmberly ll-7201 Open ll'Yee 'Ult. Bun. 11-5 ---or Phone Klmberly J.. TJOl ltll.5 WEDGSWOOD ran&•· The----------- big CP all autom&tic, dock, MAPU: TWINS (BeautJnel), lamp, p1ddle fn m1ddle, almmer double bed, dinette Mt. bed-41Yan burnera. all chrome top • con· apt. atove, relric., orlallt.al rue t.rol panel, and tJ\at nice grill A: misc. AU like ntw. HTaU broUer. 1t'1 n-but pd. <dn. to 4-!r>988 wffk-enda. ITpll Jl78.T8. No cuh needed, Justs _O_F_A_BE_D_.-l-o-ve_aea_t_a_lM_,-,-26-. • pay the pymll. ot J9.115 per mo. occulonal ch.air, '6. Good coodi· See Baugbna A 6 S Warebou... lion. 606~ Margue.rtu, c- 220 8. Main St., Santa Ana. del Mar. Harbor 1902-W. Jlpl8 8 block• 80Uth of 4th St. 01>11n Eves 'ti! 9, Sun. 11·~ or Phone Kimberly ll·7201 TABLES, cuckooaelock. ~ brae, mtrrors, anUque9. pictur.. Harbor 2098-M. 2lc2I washing Machine " SIZE BED complete with 8JIP. <\ ma.t.. good cOAdltlon. Keamore SICRWC!l · wringer wuher w.tth pump. .. , SEE TiiESE TIP -TOP : CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1951 De80'IO V-8 dmb c:pe.., 2-toae 11 I ID New w.w ttn.. radio, ...... patN" ..._ S1T98 19C50 De8010 stat-u. ..... .,.. RAR.WBWtlra _ $18(11 um PLnrotml dab c:pe.., lflbt ......,-. Goocl ttr.. ndio. beats. la Up-top .....----SlHS ·1J11!111N.._ line abaped-No more tw port. 27c29 JlLl.JtN L. BR y ll. Udo'a Salon ol Beauty Bar. 21171 WANT reeponatble baby altter my 10 .. b-Gtlide 1-ya.r sua.rantee on Jobi! done Xlnt. cond. Oak library tallJe. Lt and on UHd wuhera: 2488~ 8-798i. Z8c.IO 195S CHRYSLER W-mdlor Oab c:pe. Powt1' DeriDg. ndiD. ...._., a perfect ear $1M See Tbeee Can at y M.wport Harbor' M~hanica.1 . t.fe home ln CUtt Haven. Mon. thru Fri. &tternoon1, 2 rtrla 8 6 10 (rear) Newport 81., Coela MML -----.~------ Llberty 8-4503 or Liberty SS-Boa~He. 8-4327, 64tfc WANTED --Slip f_o_r_boa-t.-Plaane-LOU REED Uaed Car Lot "Acrom from Port Orange" B. P.O. JC. 1781 Sweeping Service 22-Loat and Found 8TR.AYED from home at 327 Sap- yn. LI 8 .'\'126 aft.er t :30 or week end8. 28c30 STaniey 7-U89 collect. 2'7p2t ...... ..., "f'llnnd9ir • p.m. -.,,.... -o.tnl 4w. P.4JUCDfO LOl'8, super market., Drtve-ln1, eb:. Jt&tea by week or month. phire. Bal. Ialand. Female honey S6-M1 1008 for Sale Sl-Want.ed to Buy PAlR of uaed 9~ hp Cbria Crwft eng1nea. Liberty 8-U:te. JTdl ....... .. ... a.di ~ CX>AeT SWEEPING SERV . 1123 Hartlor Blvd., COit& MU& LI1*ty S.(1841. 21c38 Pt'kt>. Answer Lin(. Har. ~ ANT";s .ta.de nat wall p&int matched, J2.60 plLon. ~lier WANTED. Two to tlve cubic ft. capacity electric or gu klln.83 --.-S-C_H_OO_N_E_R_)'Uh __ t.._G_. _)(._die-_ ,, -....s ....... -..s auJarr u hi" .a.m.- General Contracting Modemization Framing and Foundations r HA term&. Re.ldential and Commercial Free F«im•tea and P1an Service C. Shenn Allen, Liberty 8-7576 An 100 ba'ftns troo.ble.? Let a Want Ad heJp you .olve tllma! ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I l.Mt&ll tbe above cheaper than mollt. Alao Mil Tile A Linoleum. Non-union. 26 year1 experten~. z.t-..sebool9, laatrucdoa Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN 6: WOMJCN prepan tn .pare time for unUmlted opportunlt.111 in .Real Eat.ate. New ~ weekly. Al Tyler tutructtnr. At- tend tlnt nenlng tree and learn about thla great fteld. Call or write now tor lnformaUon. Buel· n .. Inatttute, '16"6 N. Byca· more.. Kl 8-17&3. 7tt.tc , China Painting Day and Eventnr ci..... Order. Taken Now LI 8-2827, evea. Lt S-1784. 2&p27 PIANO TEACHER ~R.ISCJLLA MATiliEWS Formerly of Chicago and Loa Angelea. LI 8·39M. 2tlc39 Comp&re and aee ------------- BILL OOKER Lt S.820t Ttfc 28-81taationa W&iifecf aet. trom $1.'8. Free (-Inch ny- lon bruah wtth 2·ral. exterior pa.Int. HAIUJOR PAINT CSN· Tim. U2 • Jhd Bt., Newport Beach. Har. 2838. 2&38H Good to oon.e 6, Cone. .<K elect. eel. rigged for al~ ~ .. • 1' 2 .. b .... kUn conaldered .If elemenll a.re ~ith Freon refripRUoa, copper replaceable by hl&h temp. ele· tubbing. SuJlable for Boutll Bea cm:-. Sin.o-.r S•nnrt menll. Darllng Tech. Lab .. 101~ cruising, Ph. l!:Xbrook •·100I. ~ e-'.r-We11t Vlctorla, Coat& Mesa. JTpU OMS owM:m. -..o. In&., ____________ _ Llberty 8-M151 . 28p28 -----------,. Fresh Hearing Aid n-~ ro" s.ae BATI'J!lRDCS t8' oLASB boat. beJt i.u w1 Hausam Moton, Inc. u •• ...._ tMlller, $250. 827 W. WU-. lal Butllr Jllwd.. Calla._ Coeta Meea. J7p31 Motor Overhaul Wia Give 8-t:H Green 8tampa Gunderson Drug co. GREATER VALUES Main st. at Balboa Blvd.. Balboa at Lower Prices Harbor Sl&. 98Uc Plltme~~ FOR SALE -DolphJn U. P"DU7 equlpt. for ch&rterL N-cmy.. •g UMIOQIM ' dDor' ....... o.n. ler motor. Phone Har. Ult or RAB. Jllmct .__. .... .,.._. call 910 E. Ocun, Balboa. 26p2'7 ~ MO lfOKl:'f DOWll *with this ad* FOR RENT -dock terr boat. Harbor 2903-R. lltlc TERRY'S BUICK HAND lmlT Blue Dre11. $60. at BA y FURNITURE ALSO fl'MJl Jacket, .JO. Stu 12·14 3U Goldclrod, Corona de! Mar. Where Prices a.re Held at Ba.y 28p28 • c,111. ...... lc,11. .. ~. . a.... ......... ... NEW A HONEY JIU 1'fei9part ........... ~ .... ..... Wrtllt .... ...... SEVERAL tee boxell in Sood COD· 38' cabin cniUer, blL '50. Tw1a G. If. .A.. C. ,.._ -"-lal .......... ol lllAla Ud rot diUon. m.aJte offer. Bar. ~1 or 3 pc. Rattan sect. smartly styl~ Jl'larahtpe englnu, perfecL Slpa. ....,...,._ ~ ...,._ ._. ap. Har. 898'. 2Tc29 In new Oriental brown. Copper •. fully equJpped. anchor, --. -...-• ... ___ .... --•-( I loot:'fe t b ... ' t hi IA•---1l5a --··· omllcrd ....... -- ----· erru e11. .,,, oam ru .,.,r aea cua ona, compeaa, ....... _ ... _ (1'0 llOllllT DOWN). c:uahlona. euy clean bolta.flex 12900, LI S.729t. JepJI ....-. -_._ r-...... cover. • 8tridb' a ~· ~ • Bl:BUl1JI' l:NOINl8 1 $249.&0 value. at Bay ,._ ...... '189.&0 TRADE ...._ to a. ~ ll9L -UP .. Ja lllDllTBa 'l'O PA'l'- New 6: nearly NM" appa.re.t for New1y etyled a.J.a.nt arm hideaway Ha·-~en ~~-.. Inc. ... la -_.. fMllm7 IW 8IDlcl women A: chJldren. Kindell'• bed eofL Full al• mat. t~" s.utttut TO-ft. aux. achocmar. LID& .aauu.1._, p 'IU Dem'\ _.... wtUll PaUo. 2721 Cout BIYC!., ~2 pure foam rubber cuMlona. Fully found, go 11\)'Whe.re. Will 1111 a.nm-..... Ollila .._ U. .._. --. .., .,.._ del M'ar. _.... J218.l50 value. at Bay ~ ....... 1187.00 tab equity In property or lma1-....... LDm'lJ' a.-11 an Rl!RIJJLT and INSTAll.Jl!D 2 pc. bed divan aet. eolortul pat. ler boeL 12:20 W. Balboa amt.. •n OLD8 ftodllt ..._ >-*. qa. ..:as' m.ocz KA.TT DOA.NII OOMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Banging Serviee &UGJ:N& 0. UUNDZRa IOO 31at Btnet. Newport &&ch Rvbor 2178 or Bar. "448. He Don't Fly to N.Y.! tern. pluUc arm.a, Newport. Har. 8032. Jk3111 Xlat. ........._ GUlal BAL& ftlm> S'•M C A R P E N T E R Experienc' d g-ardener Hear F.dn& Stearns O.yton 1129·50 value, at Bay · ·-···1 ss.oo M-M---• ._ .. ._ a T v J1art1ar am.w. -1 · ._ ~. !VWW!W t'&t.OO k LANDSCAPING review Broadway Play M&ple cricket chaira. JCutern quaI----...--.-.. -'1M Repair Wor Lido Theatre, March 24th -tty. '3715. BUYS lovely tun -ytloard 1llO rem> ..._ ....._ ~ cmna. • oa 80'1'0 '170 o... Your H™ Need Repalrin1 and CLEAN UPS J2t.50 n.Jue, at Bay ··--.. -... S115.&0 Spinet piano; rent.al a.rrtJIUIB ..-i ,.mt. Gool --• Sl'JDD•KW '170 CARPENTRY or ftamodellq? Liberty 8-1659 10:30 a . m· 26p29 PS.attorm rockera. tJ.oor amplea. ave $151 on baautU'al mp1aeta mltf, 1tA OUJe a~ I f110 ~oil D-• re n:ronrr Call J'ranJI, l..JbeJ1;y 8-l8M .~ 18c29B S89..llO Y&lue, at B&y -.......... m.!50 like new WurUtz.er Leiter. Ha Ir u.-..-Inc. llUICa 15 ..u,., ~..u.n "' na All Work Guaranteed 74ttc -•-----------ROLLAWAY bed. JJO, Double Plat!orm rockera. llWtnl bua. J'tec.her, Knabe.~ 6: 11un: IJILeD -.u11.Vao, AUW 1111 NO JOB TOO utALL WANT hOUMW'Ol'k by hour. LI ~· =~e . .=: $159..llO valQe at Bay -·· ..... '31..llO Un, eome Blonde OUt and Saa.m 1111 Hanoi" ......_. 011c11a .._ IAlm Os rtlii To.tac LI ..._a o=:_ aue . FOR RENT S-13311 28p30 220-~d ·st.. Newport ,Beech II JIC.:.,~ .t. !mall apt. eta Maple. ...._ taerty wmi Jlc:IZ -e&a G.U.AJllTD DUI la-, IDee. DrtU.,. PoUlbera, A·l COOX. lllltler, hou-aa Bui)or 1Ml·W. llJdi t&....,. DANZ-8CIUUDT 8tc Plano 8tlan. .... -..... -_..,... tbse Plans aD t.}'pe9 ot Bander-, Wb-1bar· Bandy all U'OWld man. t-1 iee,ao value. at Bq -............... aac> No. Jeabi. Santa .Ana llU 9(lJCK .... ~ .... ..._ ....... -a ~ ,.,..Bo' YD•b:. 'S HDWE. '!:.::e'1,. cee. Write Bos I-t52. ~o 8TOVI: • Jllml'IUG. rea.mable. Bunk ~. all bwd., bloade &Jab. HA VE beutiful Baldwtn ~ 2 IW ..... ,... I \ , a,. --10 ....... I pa, r-r-v...-Bar. 2HT J8c Complete 'Wltb 2 lnneraprtng 8ptnet, • yra. old. $1995. BEi I ES EN~INE '8IO W. COAST BIGHWAY matt., l!lprinp. (U&rd ra1l and WANT TO SWAP for pud pU11o \;p N ---2ltf Alt t• 8 cu. rr. BmRVlllL , .. Nfr16. • ladder. Phone Harbor 1098-M. •tte TERRY'S BUICK lOUc lJller1;J a.Ml&. ..-port _... c era ions. delu:ae elec. l1U\l"fl. Uke n-. $129.30 n.lue. cloee out --.. -S79.60 REBUILDERS ------------PAINTING d Make otter. in.:. ttema a.l8o. CONNSONATA Orpc. Jllllt trad· JIU lf~ Bhd.. Jll)t. lllMll Painting, Decorating an 880 Ramona Dr .. Irvine Terrace. SLEEP MASTER ed In, ave ••oo on tllta am-t G. )I. A.. c. 'hc99 ....... 1811 ,,,_ i-. ... ' .... Bcmde4 Paper A•Dlh\I PAPERHANGING RE8TYLINO 28<:!0 Innerap~ ~tt.rea. wltb match-new orpn. NEW LOCATION GEO. BURKHARDT Kim of California _PO_WllR __ La_wn_m_oww __ tn_sood_ 1ng box 1Prinr•. 10 yr. guaran-DANZ-SCHMIDT ~\, Plw atore. l.l50 RfllMA" )UN]( Mdlua. 310 East 3 d St. LICl:NBED OON'l'llACTOR Good loc&l referencea 212 Marine Harbor 3•81 condlt"-18.. cut. $80 LI tee. Full or twtn lll&e. 520 No. Main. Santa An& ~ u......-. ~ r _.11 -.. -N-.,._.,.. THOM.AB COLL Balboa llland 18p30H S·2TM 28c30 J99.60 value, cloee out coven 569 HAMMOND Cbora or ..... l a"-ht· --..W. _ f'95. &Alft'A .t.JlA . ., -·---..-· .._... Fol' tree eat.1.m&te, call Kl 7-1&41. -----------eet. •-· ... ------------ lfar,. MJ.l.W or LI Mll2 ttc 21p3'h Roy's Maintenance PLAYHOUSE. 6 x. ft., 12&. 210 ,. dr. chest. blonde. walnut err ma.-z= ~1:.::':' Toucan, .. , Hauaken Moton, Inc. --Tl---· R d I & R • ___ P_AINTIN ____ G___ Pearl, Balbo& Ialand.. Ha.rbor pie flnl.ah. . DANZ-SCHMIDT Bl( Plano Store. 1912 Ba.-r Bl'l'd.. Omta )lea ;:;::;......;:;;;.;::;;;;:;;:;.._ ____ _ emo • epa1r HOUM cleantnr-P'loor trUl'nl I 1113-W. 2tc28 $2UIO value. at Bay _,,_, ,i1ua :528 No. M.ain, l!l&nt& All& ~ l...DMIV a.5151 an r<a LU.-: -lllO 8-.d Kuter c.utPl:Z'n'JlY. CDOINT SLABS. lNTEJUOlt -JCXTJCRIOR Wall waahlng-wtndow cl-.nlng • ft. XJal ca.diUon, toUet a p&UltJ.na ~ Dependabl LICENSICD -INSUR.!:D VeneUan bllnda. Upholatery .:NGLISH ebony milli·p!Ano. Bell BAY FURNITURE HAMMOND orpu, all modela. ~. AWDlllC a. at.tu. •1196 6 ~ ta • au buJJdtn e GI J bnst Irurured. ll'ree Jentmate.a tape recorder. Hvbor 1381. euleat t.enna. your old plUlo '11 De80TO ...._ hD ¥1 LI l-6Z12 _. LI a.-.. -. -..-• r enn 0 on Liberty &-1332. 1Uc 2ao28 •27 E. 17th St., CoetA Meaa W.W. tlrs. tradee. C&ll J"08Tll:lt BROS, 501 • 3:i.t 8L N__,rt BMcJI M:Cepted In exch&q"e. Fl'M pnc-~GO«. LI a.-r Ra lt'Tl-ft. ·--11 --..-(Between TusUn and Irvtnel tlce, try before you buy. "'°""' -· 0 r. -.-Barberr 1178 ntfc Experienced carpenter want. LOVlllLY blonde hope c:Uat. pO, Free etoref:ront parktng-Temu1 DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Ptaao a ma n rt. ODlaldal eo..e Tra1Lo • wtlll llarp c:.a.-. LD tra.lltT park ..tu. ~ ..u. -Cout ~7· ... .._.. •• Flnul•'• ~ LDllartJ ~lUl. San· dY"I De l.AIH Tn.1Jer l'aq. 291 J W. e-.t JDcbwa.J, Hewp>rt ._.._ 21PUB PAINTING P.mttng • Paper Banging '-rbe BM Money Can Buy" Svmpson & Noller aU _. k, Newport Beacll PRONE HARBOR MM PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN tto' 0.-ge Com1t(1 Cla11lflecl .... llslllCJ Media m PU:na at.. eo.ia w .. Pbooa Liberty 8-2928. 87Uc Painting 6: Paperhanging We do the work ounelves. 30 yean apertence Lleaued • lnwred. 8atistac:Uon ruarantffd. K.u:matea tree. C'&ll JohnnJe, u 8a2887 • lJ 8-5289 81ttc: "A Letter from Kansas II • • • ,,_,......_M_Plw 111.1 ...... ....... ..,_ 11, ?9v .w..,.t .... Cllilll. .,.... .... o.19: .... sM ,.. ............ Ced lo '-r Moat • ,... ., m7 ....,., e c 1a ,._, a..lfled --. 1..a1a.._._._.......,_la8MtaAMtor u ,..,.. (lld'A.UD • 11111'1'11), .... retlJlll4 ,_ ',_,. ........................ .,.. ftr'O ..... ... ..... ............... _ ....... ....._ ........ .... ~-~ ..... o....--.ui1aoW1t t a , ~ •• .__. ., _. ... aetten ,,.. ................ ~ .................... ......, pnpel'tJ ......................... Tldl time MtOlll ........................ ~,..... .. ........ --. A9 a ,._ el ............... la J'OV ,.,_ ......... ., ............ ~t .... .. fll ~ ......... la nal l9tUe I Beftl' rena.11 .............. , .......... n..11 ,.. .. .,.., 0 2 ct", -:=:21: M•ac>& MY PM1Pm m .......... BIWIL. ••a' O'Mha• .. 1 .,.., ............ ~a..t-... ._ ........ ,. .............. . qv.u.nT mvcn11 a.II ..... 111• .. Mir .............. work. Call LI 8·2932. modem brown cb&lr, '10. G. E. OPEN EVE'S. TILL 8 Organ Co., 1520 No. Ma!n. l&nta TERRY'S BUICK Iron. UJte new. 18. chlld'1 Baby ------------An 23p28 Tenda, new plutJc -t. '1~. GREEN 1tud10 couch. ~ twtn a Y ACBT WORK. Skipper lie. Declc hand. PIJJIUng. vamiahlng. Rig· gtnr. Low monthly nt:e. Liberty MBM. 23p21 Bookkeeping COMPLETE SERVICE for 1mall buatne11 l.ncludinr atAtement A tax tonne. Competent. reuon· able. confidenUal. Har. 3-t81-W. 23c3&h wn..L DO Ironing (76c. hr.) In my home. AUIO BABY SnTING C~Oc hr.) day or eventng. 438 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch. 27p29 WANT ala, .ecretarial pcWUon. Experienced In both, ~ drap· ery A: upbolatery fabric. Will brt.n.g mature judament to the job, local referen~ LI 8..aoo3, v-. Har. '276. 27c29 S-Be.lp Wanted WANTED for 2 week• boule- keeper. LI 8-71!9 2&30 BmAUTICIAN, (U&rllnteed aalary. Har. 2147. 28cJO PART 'l"DO! recept1on1at. rood typWt for con.at.rucUan Co. Ap- pl>' tlll E. 17th St.. eo.ta M.._ Liberty S-1169. , 2&30 QlJUA- JUST >. JOB? MOU THAN TH.4T-An oppor· tuD1t1 to WOl'k I.JI an lntuelltlng tnduatry Which le expanding and otten advancement opportun.I~ to quaUn.d JOW1C women. OPJ:NL~GS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -A,PPLT- $1'~ M. KaJD St. Jbft. IU -l&nta A.II& Mm. Ulrouf!a l'r1. t :OO to t .oo p.m • P>.CD1C TELEPHONE 22Uc You n!•d th• ouur r~llow1 WANT Ad; be • wtn read TOUfl -).I chlld'a tra1nfnC cb&lr, '3. LI bed.a, l&u.t Msign.. $415. Cam- M783. 38c.28 plete bdrm. set tncludtnc' mat· Jll.2 Newport Bl'l'd.. NJll. 8l9d G. JI. A.. C. 'hr1m But.ar 5Cllll 2 o~a~~' ~c~ ., St • ....._ ~ a rv tn• It spring, ISO. Bar. 3512-J 28pll0 right piano., 1 maple. 1 blc9da. FIREWOOD MAPLE dbl bed. box aprt.np aad .dOTH LtKlC NEW SPECIAL mattr~ Ul<e new, •76. Barbor ' FREI: DELIVERY Terma $10. dn. A: JlO. ps mo at • o ry wood. 18 ... ,. .. lenrtJl. u89-M. 21c29 s HA.n:R's MU.ale eo. (Since um> March Spinet Buys C4lJ 8 . R. STAGG SALEM maple hutch, Jar,., used Ul-l23 N, Syca.rnore. Santa AA& Phone Harbor 101' 8 monlbt, $89. (~ of e-01t) Allio Phone Klmbe.rty 2-0872 BIO 8AVI1''08 mdDdlng KlmbaD, r ...... s I d 1-0 • Gulbr--. Le9teT aDd WurUU· Evening1 Harbor 6891 19tt -~ UNJ1 map • rop ..... It· $4 RENTS good pracuoe p1a11o or • _._ ~ Ulliual tnde.. bl1 to match, 161.30, t Cepl. buy a t 187 191 11~ Klrn> -~ .--. SMITH-CORONA &dd. mach. and cba1rt 117.!50 each. Har. 0279-W Spinet..~: • . Ccmftlllimt tftm9 at- cuh regtlter. Arg\a C-3 camera 27c29 DANZ-SCHMIDT Blr Plano It.ore. I01''SBALL Orgu.a dect.n:m.lc. 1 complete. 20 cu. fL Cold.spot fl&l 520 No. M&ln. Sant.a AA& ma.boc~ J Bia.de Oak ~ up top, 2 compartme.nt treeaer. TELEVISION, 17" mapie cOMC>le -----------In pod cioadltlcllL Uled 3o1- Harbor 112. 2ep28 With door1. BEAUTill'UL U " J'rencb PrfttD. Orpa altacb -t LO plW $15CI WHITNJ:Y baby camace deluxe Maple Colonial deak. $30. Harbor claJ spinet piano to anUqlled OA.NZ-8CIDIJDT PUulcl A Orpn model 6 car cradle, with pada, 3729-W. 26c28 Frultwood. Like new. 8&Ye SUMI Ca.., UO No. Ma.DI.. &.!.ata A.Ila Both for $25. Alao boya 28" bike, Convenient t.erma at UO Bu9 P'-o A~ * 110. Har. HU-J. 2&28 WEDGEWOOD RA.NOE. The bJg SBAJl'ER'S Muac Co. (8Jnce 1807) --·---------- t'rlgidalre retrlg., 7 cu. ft. 1 yn. old, rood cond. JlOO. Kenmore auto. W&lhing mac.hine, 6 yr& old S.50. High chairs, 17.50. Harbor ~101·\V. 2&28 DJl:D RUGS all wool. band J e 9xl2 •260 A: 1111aller one . .lberty 8a6332 momtnr• le eve1. 2ec28 RAND BR.AIDED NEW ALL WOOL. llX12 rug. bm. (T'Mft8 6 gold, $ll30. (8H at 40" one. lt'1 brand new but a Ul-t23 N. Sycamore, 8allta Ana year old model. Baa la.mp, clock. Pbone Klmbuly MMS71 :Jig extra broUer. A: b•I oven. A ------------See Baldwin P-aar:o & Organ Di.splay WOODWORTI. PIAN0 CO lll!l Coul 819'11 . uan.-.. ..., tTba~ lJlterlor Bide • beauty and the ca1tt I.I only $137.86 trom origtnal 1320. Nothing dn. 6 only $8.U per mo See Baugma A • s Warebouite. 220 S. MIJJI St.. Santa. Ana. 6 block• aouth of ttb St. Open ll:vea 'Ul 9, Sun. 11-5 or Phone Klmberly S-7201 MAPLJ: bed dlvan. rood condlUon, $25. Liberty 8-8288. 2ec2a S39~ BUYS lov~y Utt.le Ba1'J Grand; other• $t76, $51(), ~ etc. SlorY A: Clark, Knabe. Wur- litar, KlmbaJJ 1n 8alem Mapk. lAllter. McPha.11. AlwaJI 100 pl&lloe to cJwoee trom. DANZ-SCHKIDT Btr Pia.no St~ 520 No. Main, Santa Ari• tiAJ 1312 M UC ~ ....... Cala. .... RENT an orcan or pl&no W!Ut -• -----• • rentaJ h> apply on future pur· SlAl.IEBC ldtt.aie for ..i.t. Seal cbue at-pobla 2.10 •. A.pok!u. Salb.ab- SHAFl:R'S Muaic Co. (Since 1901) l&:;d.. Bar. !Ul-R. 2'1<21 . .,_ .......... -----AJlCllfT'ECT wa.nta t.o ret otnce.. I.Deny S.7211. 21p30 Rentals Wanted ~ .... apla l.Dd tlo~ ln al act.Mma ts boUl winter and ~ e ._.. rum. or wirw.. u '°" Ilia,,, a \'aicanc)', pllclll9 tod.11 The Vogel Co. .~11 W c.:at Hwy~ Newport 8& Ptk-Liberty ......... :ll08 Manne. B&Jboa lalaAd Piion• Bar• ... IJ<ll 0.-fJIWQ. Corona Gel MU ""°'1• Hanor l 7 U IOU t.l•1n 8t • 0.lbOa ,..,_ flartw•~ 140 :o.-,;m attracUn I br~ 2 bath tum. bouac CIUt B•vln, 8&J' Sboru or 8hore curra OD J""IL ..... for acepUoaally flne and mp. •nidble local adult famil7, Cy Apf11 lilt or 15th. llARL''ER'S ~ REALTY 318 Mat1De Aft.. B&Jboa b1aad Jlarbot> t781 20092 8. W. Bpruce, Baek Bay nu:!:ZER. 19M Amana 16 cu. ft. ara. 2ec!9 Tb.a very lat.eat one wltb all a· ------------tra 1pa.ce tn door wllh froaen juJee, Ice orea.m It pac~. It'• brand new but pd. dn. whUe Ill atorace. you can P•.Y caah or P*.1 the pymta. ot U .83 per week It'• a beauty. the beat OGe. 421-423 N. Sycamore, Banta Ana Pbone Klmberly 2-0812 '1-WuW .. s.t t7-W..W to 8-t SO.A 8wape _____ _ WW do painting in exchange' for camping trailer. Pete Petenon. u 8a9002. 28p30 Bee Bauabn8 A 6: 8 Wanbou.a. 220 S. M.ain St .. Santa Ana, 8 blockl aouUJ of 4th 8t. Open !:Yea ·w 9, Sun. 11-6 or Pbone JO.mbe.rly 3-1201 ADKIRAL n1tr1rerat.or. The tq tMt PBILOO ~rat« wtth double door Dial Temp. 90-lb. the rue. cro..-t.op h'eei8er cbei9t., rreeeer cM9l • abeh'ee ?ii door. llp60t for botU., butter, ..WO Ueed 15 moe. Pd. dn. to pa.J1 nice ftl· 6 mMt PE.per. It'a tram oriltDal '511. No dn.. PJlllU ,... but pd. dn. to $111.11. No jmt 11&1 Ule PJlllt& ot '1UI cub needild, juet pa.y tba PJ'lilt& ,. mo. ol ..... pw mo. See 8auatma A. 6 I 1Vl.Nhowll. ... ~ A 6 I W~ 210 I . Main 8t, 8utA' AN. l20 L Main St.. S&Dta AM, 8 blodt1 IOUtb of 4th It. I blocb IOUt.h of ft.II SL ~ Evee 't11 t , sun. 11-5 Open !:Yu ·w t , sun. 11~& or Pbone Klmberly 1-1201 or Pbooe IOmbtrlJ' J..7~ LOVELY BINGLE manual Min· aha.LI elect.ronlo orp.n. like -· Save J200. Liberal t..-de. Con-1 - YU!ent terma at.- SHAl"l:R'S Mualc Co. (Since 1907 J '21·423 N. 8)'c&rnon. Santa Aile Phone KlmbUJy 2-0812 30 USl:D pl&nZllJ WIUlui tor our rutaJ dept. Tn4e ,oar old pUDC> on MW electnc orp.n. llp(mt W Crud piano. Blrbelt &Uowuce. DANZ-8CIDODT 811 Plano It.on. 90' No. Main. llaJ't& AU 8TEINW AT Orude I, 9IOtll ba ~ feet OODdlUCI& ......... Mt 1'9-' built. wODdlrftd ....... .... touch. lo..q KM• ...... la ebonJ flnJ&. •" traO. A.a. MMall le BamJla lip2IMl PIM _.. DANZ-8CHXID'I' Bit Plano at.an. ~ No. M&UI. lalata AM ------·---------- PLEASE WE NEED RENTALS ! Our clients are ·screaming I Bayfroat Baa.. Bis Bo-111 ""' Utt.le Boos Aputmmta I ._ aa4 Yeut)' BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ia w ..... 9ftt.. Nwport ... ,... Bar. i1a. Bar ... 1 I .. . ·---·-...-... ....... _ ..... _~--·-• PAGE 4 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRES~ MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 u 11 .... aome. ··-~ .......... ( (CHECK THESE USED CARS GROUND IS BROKEN WHICH IS YOURS? Deluxe 2 story bldg. opposite City Hall Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to beck up whet he Hiia TODAY! ELEVATOR and OFF STREET PARKING 2 bedrm., bedrm.', 4 bedrm., 2 beck,m., $20,950 $22,500 $29,500 $14,250 $18,000 Lido Lido Lido .. . , ... ra .. BUY AND SAVE AT MILLER CHEVROLET 1954 OLDS 98 1951 PLYMOUTH 1951 CHEVROLET ., Starfire. Full power. R & H EZ eye glass, W s W tires. Hydra. Wire wheela, everything $3395 ) 1953 PLYMOUTH Suburban, R & H, 20,000 actual mi. Like. new S1515 1952 CADILLAC F1eetwood. All Cadillac access. New white tubeleee tires. S2495 1953 CHEVROLET 3 to choose from, fully equipt. including radio & heater S1345 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-dr. sedan. Xlnt. mech. Easy on gas. S545 1951 HILLMAN MINX Convertible sedan. $445 1951 OLDS 98 Deluxe 4'1r. sed. R & H. Hydra. Spotlight, WsW ti.res. S1145 Cranbrook 4-dr. eed. R Ir H _ Xlnt. tires. Mechanically perfect $765 .. - 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr. eed. Rtim like new. $495 1949 CHEVROLET Convertible cpe. R & H. new top WaW tire. S565 1952 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. R Ir O'd. S845 1953 FORD Convert .. R & H, cream colored with green top $1695 1953 DE SOTO Custom Firedome V-8 a . cpe. Full power, R & H S1745 1955 FORD Customline 2-dr., R Ir H Fordomatic, 2500 actual miles Save Sfll) Styleline Db. 4-dr. led. R Ir B. Powerilide S795 1950 BUICK Speclal cllX. f-dr. eed., R Ir H Dynatlow, ~tone ,.mt. WaW W. $115 1949 FORD Cuetom V-8 4-dr. lledan. " &: H O"D. AD original. S545 1949 MERCURY Sport eedan, R Ir H, O'd. W i;W W., mechanir.aJJy r "rfect 195 1949 FORD l Ton Picblp S495 1952 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP,~ trans. Btr. Sun 'rilor • !!u~!>!~~ S795 1950 CHEV l Ton Pickup, R Ir B. Xlnt. tires. S6! These and 40 more MUST GO so that we may keep giving such tremendous over allowances on the sale of new Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles. MILLER CHEVROLET CO. LTberty 8-2261 OPEN EVENINGS 1000 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Uberty s-563a 1855 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa 2 BDRM. l'l.lrn. apt by o<'"ll.n. with vic-w. $~ t1I June. l BDRM. f111n . Apt h<-luw Stll· View. S70. month 8Tt:DIO furn. 11rt. I M mo. ln~IUd· Ing utllltll'll. 2 BDRM. 11n<urn. hOU9<' on Orch.ld DARLING new red bun 11pl .. dec- <'rator furn. !\Caph.•, lgt'. bdrm., Rturs ge. utilities, laun(lry tadll- lle.1. Bi<~l locAUo n, 170 ~ Ma.r, Costa Me11a . $8!'> mo. 2Sc28 1110. mflnth. ----------- W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOClATES I034 East Co111>t Hli:hway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2H3 Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts ON BALBOA CSL.AND 8 flZ Ult tor ,.ari1 IUld ffa.tlOllal l"CJlt&la. NELIJA GIBSON, Realtor :\'li:WLY FlJRK A ct~orated 1 bclrm hou~r. Private y ard. BBQ. ALSO f\Jrn. 1 bdrm. duplex. garb. c.ll~p 1'A1'h $7!'i mo . Incl utH. Ml2-5<Y,i Jumln~. Corona cttl ~hr. PhOM Osborne M 723. other choice propertie11 23c.J8 larbor Itland. Bay Shor113, Bea- con Bay. qualltled cUent.w only. Rental Headauarters Harbor Investment Co. We have a Wlllllng ri.t of p~ Harbor 1800 (Eve,., I.I 8-5386 l pecl11 f or 11Ummer and yeuly 27t!c rentala -all ov• B&rbor area. ---------===--Al8o property miu1a~Ment. THE LOCATOR OF CALIF. Balboa Island Bnuil'h Office, 507 I!. Balboa 81\•d. IMllce JMrly uid aummer ~nt&la. B&lboa. Harbor 4478. 28ttc ----------- now available. Put ~P DORIS BRAT, Realtor RENTAL V ID the tlt Marine An .. Balboe lll&n<1 ' Pocketbook Barbor IO 95lfc SPECIALISTS by Putting t:>RONA D!lL MAR. 2 bdrm. Call Edna Cr&Ja unrurn. duplex, Jow.r floor. rr1: Blanche Gates, Rltr. Prorrta.ble vste patio It garare. 180 mnnlh 311 M111 lne Av,. Wa.ot Ad8 Harbor ..,...,. 26<'28 &tboa Wand, Hf'· 1671 i2Uc to Wort 'Bii Bowe for ._ Come in and lMpect blueprinta before partitJoru1 are constructed IO that we can arrange floor apace to your needa. THE BEAUMONT CO. 43' -32nd St., Newpo.Beach Phone Harbor 4299 27c29 I BUSINESS 0 BEER JOINT -Owner over $20,000 with 95% draft beer. g y clientele all year round. Rent $175 mo., excellent ocation. Good rea- aon for aacrificing this fo:r $1 ,000 full price. CAFE -well eetabliahed • shows gross $26,000. Rent $125. mo. Full price $4500. For these and drive-ina, markets, liquor stores, dreea stops, etc. See T,he Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast IDghway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Evenings Phone Liberty 8-3580 WANT TO BUY -A Going Business In Harbor area or within 15 miles. No groceries or cafes. $30,000 or more cash available. Smaller busi- ness with potential O.K. Will con- sider f.articipation. Replies confi- dentia. Private party. Write Box M-49, this paper 26c28 ~Bolll8ell lor Beat FURNISHED LIDO HOME Bpacloua home with 5 bedrooma UM month to June lit reaer vaUona being taken for the aurnmer. Lido Realty MOO Via Udo Assoc Har.UH BALBOA ISLA.NO, yearly bula 2 bdrm. tum. houae, UOO mo Good location. Cont&ct Jeaelyn Bruner at JOHN B. PRJCNDER GAST orrtce, 223 -Martne Ave., Balboa bland. lkr. 1331. H c28 CORONA DEL MAR-Untum. 2 bdrm. bouae. 1 block aouth of highway, near atorea • the&tre. Phone Uberty MOM. 21tlc M-Monez ,to~---- LOANS PROMPT 8JIRVICll 5% tlret tru.n deed• 2C year1 Orange Coast Propertiea 18S7 Newport Ave .. Coat& Mea LI 8-1832, LI o •400 JCvea. 9C>Uc WOUJ...D like to buy lat and 2nd Tnaat Deeda. Call Bar. 232e Utt<' NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALES -REJ'lNANCE CONSTRUCTION Call for Free Fut Commitment. on Realdencu and Unit. only ~1 ~.~~:.and v: Don I. Huddlest·"" Very reuooable for m1All tam VI I 3 Duplex, 4 Units, 1$34,950 Corona-del Kar Corona del Mar Corona del Mar. P . S. H we sell these before you get here, don't worry -WE HA VE OTHERS! p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty '-MTS • This Week's Leader FOR HOME with pier and COSTA MESA ~ TRADE fl d all in OpportunJty 1moc1u apbll POGO oat an am come. down will mo .. JOU LDto • .,.. Owner retiring from buai-ume of comfortable UftC ta a.. neea. nearly new a bdrm. lldor9llle family home In acell..t -.. ta Eutltde neipbortllood , • n.... pl&oe, parquet no... k1•waJ' .• Pace Mt.Una' nhae al UOMO. WILL TRADE unencumbered 9 unit stucco motel with owner'• quart.era. All fur niahed. In tip top ahape OD main highway in Culver Ct-Facts Not Action ty. Well located and estab-That'• •bat Joa ... ~1 o...- liabed buainea doing over built uu. home wttb ~ Udap $8000 with low expenee. In mind -low masnt.eu.aee. YQ.tir income atarta at once. d\lrablllty and ,.__,.... U.-. with I ~ bdnna., thermador Let me know what you klt.chen, f\lll 41nlns room, puea. have. Owner Ernest Zim ed llvlq room ud ftniplace - merman, 2907 South Coch or:tgtn&llty, Quality and locabt1 Mnlibly priced at Ul.900. ran Ave., Loa Angelea 16 Phone WHitney ~961. Cour telly to brokera. 17 c30b -----------· LIDO ISLE BY OWNER -4.0-!L lot -atree to 1trada. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home W•ll to wall e&rpeUnJ, natural birch kll<'hen, built-In atove fan • &'&rl>. dl1p. Full price 128.000. Har. 6139. 25c39 Bay Front Income I Unit> -I A I ~ C'lln l9IMd. Pier, float and prtYata f)Mcb. 1000 &. B&Jboe IUvcs .. B&Jbu&. Cfwtvt-11846-Cour- t•J to brollera UUe 85' View CORONA HIGHLANDS new, I A Horse, A Boy and h1a q. Orouad a · • .. •• completely fenced, ..,nnlden. corral, ltable, plue thY ,_,... model lb&k• root ftucJly I bdrm. and dell home with all th• trlmminc9 Incl. lbop or play room oft piqe. Ph.18 Yl.w cC the Ba.ck Bay I •n.aoo. Bay & Beach Realty UIH Newport Blvd., ea.ta llMa LI 1-1181 IDYee. LI 1-116& SOLD by Multiple Listing H2 Ced.I PL, eo.t& X... "OO&I -'8,I00,000 la ,..,. bdrm. 2 bath. family room. 2 ----------- car prase • car port. Le"~-loL Land-peel • fenced. Owner Barbor 46M·M. Jlp40 OPEN HOUSES Uy. Owner, LI 1-629'7.-. 23Uc 173 E. 17th St. NEWPORT m:1ouTS-2 bedrm cosTA MEl!IA Channel Front Lof unfurn. home, atove A re.rnc LI 8-6641 LI 8-e612 "You can't hardly set them now' 12 • 6, Sat. Ir 81mday 460 CA.BRILLO TERRACE Corona m,blanda &speclally Dice --~-XIJIL nelJ bborhood. 19~ Marci.I.I Ave. under Tm G. montll. -642 i'i.i'fl;rton LI 8· 7908 WA.NH T'U BUlU>, l.MPl\.UVI: alt.er noon or w-11 enda. 2k30 s ·UY ... Dl:ft.Hl'F.Wl OR DON NORMANDY 1-~3 or • -u ~ t llOl 8-abore Dr. Weekend.a. ff.II RaamA ....... VA CAN CY for refined elderly a.dy In l>Huut\11 home, ae411Je:nt food • can. Bl& prden, TV •~ HYatt Ml2e. 23pill RD'INAltlc& 28ttc We 8117 Tlwt 0..... NSWPORT a.u.BUA SA VINOS • WAN A.8SOCIA 'nON UM Via Udo. Pb. Bar. UOO tta SOLD I bdrma., I .. u. . ..,._ di9p., diabwuller. renoec1 lot -ttt.ooo ~ 328 Poilulettla 2 bdrme., 1 ~ JoU. OUe.t apt. ID S term.. G. B. LA. TRROP, 1135 ID. Oout. ' Hwy., Corona del Kar. Bar. IMO ( ev.. Bar. 1411.J) ITdl BY OWNER J .. • • !( I l!!::,!!!!!!!!'..!Bt!!t!!t!!!r ___ ~·a~~·~-~r-.~tl~---!!•=:!•:!'!•!.I ~FA!!tM!!*°*!------~:!R~eal~l'A~lltll~-~---~a.;...=· ~·-~~ ... ~~·~'---· • !Ml ,..... NEWPORT HAUC>lt NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PA8E I ' -_ __..____ MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS . So. S.1 two an1tl, 2 bdrm.I. each, a REAL buy at $37,50it.' $10,000 down. . No. B&1 front modma I bdrm., 2 bath bome with .-t1'om fftl'1 room. Coinpietely turnJahed. A1klnc "6,7SO and ONLY *5000 do~ Near MW ' bdrm. home and apartmmt completely turn1ahed &ad iD a.celleot condition. ran price sacs.MO. tenm. VOGEL CO. -Martne ........ Balboa Ialand Harbor .... (Evee. Harbor 11ae-ar .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm home, hwd. floors, fireplace, partial view. Immaculate condJtion. Diahmuter, prbage cllapoeal Separate dining room. large eervfce porch. 75-ft. frontage with many nice fruit trees. S13,ISOO -Terma ALSO I NICE l bdrm. home on M·l lot, Newport Beach. 2-car garage PLUS additional room. Located near rP. 0 . • City Hall. -$8960. J. M. MILLER CO. ~ Weat Balboa Blvd. Barbor '°91 Newport Beach Liberty 8-3378 OUTSTANDING BALBOA INCOME 9 deluz.e, DeU' new apartmente on beautiful Balboa Pen1mula. Unturnllhed income on yearly leuee over~. Could be aubltantially increued by tak- ing l1UIUDer rent.ala. Only $76,000 -and out of toyn oner will take $26,000 down and carry bal- ance at 5%. Abeolutely the best income buy in the entire Harbor Area. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-M81. Eve. LI 8-1646 Do you want the best buy 530 Kings Road • ._, .._.. ._._. ...._ in Newport Heights 7 ••• HERE IT IS r -~~ BOU81: ~~~~--~=.!!!!!!...!!~--- BILL'S BEST BUYS A Little Paint - ~ up end elbow ....,.. wtU cun u.t.. well built 4 bedroOm 1 llom• ln Yff'1 nn. locatloa.. 009I to tnJ:urport&Uoa ud . ecboole. Decorate and 8A vm. l'lll1 price f7'00 wttll terrM. • Call .. Appobatment to .. -' • ----.---;d oPEN ·HousE 1·5 P .ll. p. •· pa mer incorporated ~ · ,d • ' .......... Ualil ......... ira4 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGRl'S a lldnL. u~ ~ ....._ w .. DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISI.E .t.,., """,...,.r r .~ CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 w ....,.u.c, ,__. air ...._, I An a.A'V~ .. 4 ... a plalQ' (/6 f---tMl bdrma., 2 batha, F. A. heat. Oilhmuter, p.rb. & Wiil ,..._UM.-~ poal, eJec. fan. Touch latch syatem on cupboard.a. lac...,_. W• ~We .. llie UM ..._ lluJ • IDnp ....._ Shade TreN too - Older I bedroom, SoOd condlUon. ClOM to town, . ln.mport&Uon, Parochial 4"'U1tltc ldloola. Tree- lilled curbed •tl"Mt and .... N are la. J'\ill price STll60 wtth tenu. Mercury switches. 4-c&r garages fitted with 220 wit at Pl.TIO ... aa a.. -.Pt• wtrtnr. Entirely 1urrottnded by concrete block waDa. "'7 atineU" ._., U you are contuaed - New I Jled.room. bath • ~. clOH lD locaUOD., Jl30 clown -11d f70 monthly. Buny tor one of thue, ~4 Carpete 6 drape. included. All for $19,~. COSTA MESA u you are looking for a good a bdrm.. family home, we have it. Situated on East 19th St., Price Sl2,9C50 the, are aboUt 80ld out. IV eonvenient1y 1ocatM _ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor AttracUYe I bedroom near Alpha • 15th le Irvine, Newport Beach $&50 Down 4 1M1nL, 1" ~ .._... ... ,..L ... (/6 cupboarda. w.IJ .,.. raqed "'-that are lildPt It dMerftlL WaJldas ds.taDa .. Newport Bartlor mp 8eMol. JWl ...... 11 ... wttll w-mr. ...... ~--llOW-,_ Beta BhopplDs C.nur. Fenced Phone LI 8-26M Eves. LI 8-'TOM rear y&rd and double sarare. 2531 B•yshore 1'-!...-9 Good condlUon. Aaldns no.~. ------------------u UllY' LID 0 BAYBBC>Rm see ua tor your requlremuu We have all type1 of propert7 tor aale. "you'll like our friendly Mrvlce'' W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "you'll llke our trt•ndly Hrvlce" 393 E. l'lth Bt., co.ta K .eea Liberty 8-1139 SOLD by Multiple Listing 110 8. Bay Front, Balboa Ialand "Goal -'8,500,000 1n '66" The very best exclusive listing on Lido. Isle. Larp 2 bdrm., 2 bath single story home on. a 4.5-tt. lot, overaiaed garage ~th laundry. Forced air heat. big living room and fireplace. Spacioua South patio where you may relax and soak up the 1un. You will have to rush to get this one! Open Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 p. m. . 218 Via Palermo . $23,500. · Has a new $15,000 loan. Facts not fiction DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach WJC PROUDLY oJ'll'JDR the tol· Harbor 4718 lowin( proput!ea u th• 80UJ14------------,--------- est valUN ln the ff.arbor Area. Balboa Peninsula I Bl:DROOM comput home OD Miramar. COQ' knotty pine ln· tenor, encl paUQ • pras•. full prtce only f10,T30. Top ltnan.clDC at f3(). month. Cliff Haven Duplex 2 SPACIOUS 2 br. apt.. for home LIDO ISLE It's so seldom Call For Appointment to See We lnYlt.e JOUr IDllpec:Uan ot um I bdrm., or 2 bdrm. 6 dm. 1 ~ bath home. Ideal loc&Uon few the yachUIDan and ...., accem to u.e Ba111oa Ba.J aut.. Priced tD ..u fUnaYbed ... m1'llndllbecl. ~ Frank James Linwood Vtck 1i&AIJrma C. a. ft-, Wm. G. lellmldt. .&.De 11211.utM.A ........... ~ ~ IOU SOLD :/ by Multiple IJatlng 100 .Aatlbem. Lido We -oo.J -'8,I00.000 .. .... You Can Afford a Better Home .. . J'RDBLT PAINTICD 2 bedroom, 1 bath DAcl lllllll- • llame. Bubeque In dlnfnr room which adjolm ~ P0.800 With onb' PDOO down. A P*llUiv bame, OM of Udo'a krftl1-t., U Intimate patio for dtude or ,., company. a bednu., 2 batba. ~ .ttJt rare feellnc and tute. sae.ooo BATl'RONT, Pier Q4l .up, phaa a wide~ u tlaeN II M feet of BAYrRONT. Many f•tm. for padom bYlq, IDGludilar. n.ta room. cllnlDI room. 5 bednu., 5 batha, It.one terracl cmrlooklnc the bay. In faet, JOU jut haft to Me tJlla home to bow _It'• a tine nl• at $M,fl00, with exeellent terma. NEW LIDO BUSINB:SS AND PROFESSIONAL BUILDING to be '"1iJt on Via Lido between the Chureh and SbMl'IOD, R1mmQI • Oo, LeU8I DOW belnr made. Come In and eee the model and floor plana. Tllll ll to be one ot tbe out.tanding bulldlnp in Southern Callfomta. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. .., Tia Udo, hart»or 1SOO .HERE'S VALUE Look at th'e Features • 1. In bwlt1tu1 ~wpart JWcbta 2. OD a 711 z 12'1 ft. lot. a. ... with IDW>De17 wall. ._ row,.....pnp. 15. ftrte 9J*ioa9 bed!ooma. e. Lup JhriDc room (rear). 1. ltelr1-.... Jdtehm. a. Ba11tltul ftnplace. t . Two batba. 10. hrced air heat. 11. W1recl for ao vo1ta, ------------------At Inc. STUii mo. J1111a J'BA k>an that on Lido you can find a practically new 2 bdrm. home completely furn. for anywhere near: $20,500, that we felt you lhould know about it right away. A well kept home wtth dinins U., overlook- inr the patio, fireplace, built-ma ralore and many other feature1. Of coune it ll juat one of our many exclwiivea on' Lido llle. Terms may be arranged. 12. GU'tle.p dlapoeal. 13. 1Clietric fan ID ldtch& BALBOA ISLAND 3 plua BDRKS., 3 baths, rumpua room. An older · hoUN but clean u a whlltle ! Near the North Bar. Partially furniahed. -$26,MO. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Chet Salilbury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa llla.nd · OCEAN SWELL HOTEL lri the Heart of Balboa 17 room1, 2 apt.I. Completely furniahed. $25,000 -Only S8:5()() down. Exchlllve apot, J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Near the Newport Pier -Plenty of free Parking Harbor f091 • or Eves. Harbor 3984 27c29 LIDO TRADE Spacioua 2 bedrooma, 2 batha le den on a 50' lot. o.iped by out.tandinr architect. WW trade on ' bedroom. 3 bath on Lido. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor tna. 6 t.axN. Otber •ide rent..cl '81.30 mo. l'ull price ftt,000. (not leuebold), Corona del Mar 2for1 TWIN DUPLl!Xa -I tul1 Joca. 4 acell. 2 bdrm. apt.a. ea. wttll own tl1'9pl. 6 pr. Hdwd. tlra. sno. ICblld. mo. tncome. Lou p;jmt. f130. mo. J'laD price f2T,llOO. I0.000 wW bandle. SOLD by Multiple Listing 417 8nUC Barbor, Clift B&Y• "Go&l -... 500,000 tn '66" Corona Highlands N.,, I bdrm., 2 ba~ bome - WITH A VIEW! SUD time to c h o o 1 • lntalior decor.aUona, Shake root, fQrced air heat. nr• place A llWl1' .nr-. flt,llOO. In Corene del Mar I Lido Bay Front 3 bdrma. plua maid'• room, completely furnJlhed ln qlend.ld coad.ition thru-out. 2~ t.tha, forced aJr heat. On I.Jdo Nord lD good location. Only $69,ISOO. Oomlder trade u part. The Vogel Co. -Udo Offtee 8'18 V1a Lido, Newport Beach Bar. Wll or W12 CORONA DEL MAR Seeing i8 bellevtng and believe 1111 UU. II worth .ee- lng. Beautltully decorated one bedroom home with rental unit. Plenty of yard for gardening. Laree partially covered patio, fenced for privacy. Ideal for retired couple. Only $13,ISOO. CORONA HIGHLANDS High up on the hill with nreepinc' Oceul Yiew. New 3 bdrm. and den home, huge dbl fireplace. patio, workahop. G. E. dJabwuher, Weetern-HoDy built-in 1tove. Lend8caped and fenced. Xlnt. terma.. RAY REALTY . CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) M4.f E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mu Harbor 28 I bdrm. bome wtlb nnp&ace. ~ ------------------- tial ..w-. 8lltnsk t'OCI(, l \i bib. to 111.t. T9t&l prtoe cmq flUOO. POOO dawn wtU bandle. W. E. Fisher, Realtor &114 '880Cl.A Tiii Tf1E MOST! 2 BDRM. home, c:t1'Pfted W to W, fireplace. lel'· vice porch, dbl pr. fenced yard. ONLY $1500 dn and under $100 per month. 1:nJo7 UM IDOdlnl ltWic ol Uda one 11tor7, I bdtm. .._. wta. completelJ ~ apt. ciN _.......,.,.... l'llATUB.11:11 Joye&:r ~ ...... lliUIMD wltb ........ ,.,.._ ....... ,,...,.... ...... °' tf'VClrobe ..... a.. a. llow ••• , 1'-earpm ud v.p. mcladed. us.. lllroll P9N1'"r. 1& ~latch ..... 17. Price jut NClaced to $19,9C50. 18. Good tmma. VOGEL CO. ~ Offtce, 3201 Cout Wrhway, Nft'POl't Bea.ell ~l-M81 Tbe ---Ult -..... apt. ------------------..... fllOI ,..,., -w. ........................ PriOed ...u ......, ''"'-.: :"-um Jl..-t.7 for plld tAll"ml _, pod ISY&ac. J. A. BEEK. Realtor SOLD by Multiple Liatlng V 1.-t Oor. Bane A mi... Udl We '"Goll -........... BATllBORD a.r.tas I Mra,. 1a1oUJ .... la- t.tar, Ip. ... llL, CIClllllf9d ........ ... Hert Illar. PU18 lp.pt..-........... - wtll ....... &hr"as -.... A PHONE CALL will rtve you iDformaUoa Oil U... propertJ--. L Duplu., 1 BR. Mell aide. I y..,.. old. 111,500. 2. 2 BR. --.. ltudlo apt. 1 blk. to bay. SU.GOO. 3. <><-ii front duplm. 1 BR. each. Room for -.e ID front. SU.MO '-IdMl ocean fJaat ~ 5 BR, Ip. ltv. rm. WeU loo. UT ,BOO 5. aoee to a..,. 2 BR. boue and 2 BR. apt. to pay upkeep. Vfll'J mc..-.ooo I. Trtpla. MU' bay • ooeu.. l BR. -. AJwaJa nUld. Well tmUbed. Priced at $11,ISOO. 1. 1 unit lDcome property. Excellent IDCOIM $29,MO. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lS06 W. Bilbo. BIYd.. Npt. Bch. Har. 5188 or 1981 •• • 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 SOM JD. Cout 111 .. Oorooa del Kar Ool'oDa del Mar Comer duple.x, with dbl gar. between apta. 2 bdrm. each, hwd. fin., firepW., lmmac. grounda. allowuee. .... to .. •11 Ca~ Drtft. Newport Beach HOME &-INeOME • Open Daily till Sold 245 Evening Canyon Road Shore Cliffs, Corona de Mar Jte new, ita under market price! Another Vogel Value THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-M81 ATTENTION -BUSINESS MEN! We baw for aa1e 3 of the mo.t attr&ctive downtown locatklu In eo.ta K-. Untoraeen clrcumsta.nce. fore. ale. Terms are u low u 29% down. i. thll the e>pportunity you haye been waiting for! GORDON SEVERTS REALTY MULTIPLE Ll8'l'ING REALTOR lie IL 17th St., Cotta K-, LI 8-778i .eva 8-3188 BALBOA ISLAND XTRA - I mlta, s.a cate. Brtck ~ in one. J'urDilW ID ac. t-.. SaeG0 down. hl1 prtoe -'11.ISOO. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa lala.nd II.arbor 502 -Evee. Harbor 2306-R Phone ll&rtlor IUI $1000. Down Newport Heights An JOU looklns '°" ao attracUYe modena bOIDe r Plctve wtndow• 1~ UY&ac room • ft.replace • Klt.cbm rou'U ~ Ilk• • two bdnna. • tub pltll a .tall MW!'. L&rp two-ear ,..,... -Back Low dn. pymt. le euy ~· South of Hwy., 2 bdrm., hwd. flra., fireplace, atra llhower in dbl, gar., which i8 ltreMed for apt. over. Really immaculate. ONLY $1{,000. Excluaiv• with R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3822 E. Cout Hwy., C.orona del Mar Bar 277t 1Vd feneed. ""11 price only -------------------uuoo. Phil Sullivan & George Everson llOI N---' Bl'fd.. Ooet& M.- (Acro. from a.ta M._ Bank) ftme LDerv M191 .._ Bar. CIM-LI M1M SOLD by Multiple Listing -OMl&Ucla. ~ cW Kar "Ooal -.. ,800.000 ID 'II" M.LBOA-.Attn&. IDOIL aome. A• 1 ...,_ '-llY .... Oolaa '"-i.na pie&. ......... I ~ ..... .... ""· ...... ........ ftJil pao;u1:J llu IMd. IBeam• .,,..ta&lt)'. Jf__,.. OWMr. Com• ..,um .. 1nt "· ~ ,Bhd. 11 pS4ll ONLY $9fSOO Ideal for ....,... ar ret!nd couple I bdrm.~....,.,...., to ..mt&ln. M800 clowlL a.a. ... ... IDO. .A .,. ... el .. Uaetlan. Bar. MT or IMf.W. 11tft INCOME PROPERTY See th1I for value, .f fine unite on the Ocean Front, a truly good location, comp. furn. and In the very beet condJUon, bu a.n acellent income hiltory. $33,!500 -Term.a ALSO 2 unite on 2 Jot. in Newport, jUlt t,l block to th• Ocean, near bua llnel and ltore.. Only Sl0,900 S3600 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Bar. 2313 VOGEL VALUE Ruat.ic Ranch Type home In top Newport a.,bta location. 2 Ip. bdnm. Extn 1arp liYiq room with tireplaee le hl&h beuDed Olil1Dp. Nloe ldtcbm bar. J'loorlnc II pee hardwood thruoat. a.autal ud we do meu bea1ltiful. fenced Jud with patio. Price SU.MO. See The Vogel Co • 3201 W. Cout mpwq, Newport a.ch LI 8-1¥1 .. BACK BAT ' ....._.. .... ,,.... reoaa. ... "'-· Jllat. ....... 8ll.IOO ..... lDS ,... ... RUSTIC RANCH Oll~Mn-a.....,..-1w.. .................. ~ --. Rmwl .............. l1UOI C-.1-11 IO 11 CllO OIMt 11wJ 111.000 I tm1ta. Dft' dupla and &-room hou.e on 2 Iota. ~ N9tal dlltriet. Jmt 100 feet from OCIUl. 2 altll are ftamlbed and NDted on ,.rty bula. Own- er'• home an.ilable DOW. Three pragee on allq. Prmellt iDcome CU be IUt.t&Dtially ~ • $5,000 wW ban6. J'OR INSPIDCTION CALL BARBOR 101J EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR aw Newport Bmt., NnpfM't 8-cb.· Har.101I I ..._ la B==••s • llwJ. wtUI I-rm. -... air ....... trait t,_. "'° prkle frtOO.. ------------------ Claire· Van Hom a&ALTOll mt w. Ooallt llwJ. u Mm HARD TO FIND ON LIDO I But We Have it- 1. J'unmbecl 2 bdrm. le ww NWWP<Mf' ~ lllll<Ma.; 2. 1" batba -2 abonn --. 1• ._ ..,. .-..... I. t.rp Unq Room ...... a... • ...., .... ,_. .. Lup 6ft. lot .._ r ••te • 1 • rt 15. A low dowa -.-• Price • .,. ,600 Sta,IOO.. ..... .., ... ... r--1-.-u .. = awa _ • w..a. S.e The Vogel Co. • ._ .._.. Ewll. teee•M& 1 D01 W. Oout BJPwa.J, Newport Bwh LI 8-M81 yr. oAd. Jiu I ....._ ftl-.,' .. --.a.et .ai ao... A.-.. .... =..:-..;-~ ~-0 '.: EXCLUSIVE NEw OFFERING ........ ,. ...... &: .. ftl.A 0 & --...._, UO CoUiDI Aft., 8&lboa Ialan4. :=-LI Nmi • ~ ' bedroom.. 1 fa.D. l •" aDd 2 • 11' batha. ~ lilalt. Well ID&latalMd. Oood rental. Qcm blmt 'bllcll. -............ SOLD a.a But1e1 1TTI ..._ Barttot-.. . tz.~~ ...... ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -a.a-...--aw-•1t-..Aw..Wt'111111M * ; rA&E 6 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS ~•;;--:•;;;-';;::...;;lll:::lllll;:;.;.::t. _____ ,_a:;;:;._~R;::;:•::::..l .:;::BIWe=.;;;:;:;.. ___ _...::a. P~ ..... MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 · ........ ---·-----·--. ........ a .......... . .......... .......... ; Corona Del Mar Best Buys • 1. SHORE CLin'8 -i BD'RK. • DD ROME, plua larp ~pul room, 2 Ila.MM, I batU, view of oce&n. CUlJOD 6 hUk 0.plet.el7 funa- lahed. A bupln at "5-000. Sbown bJ app't. 2. VIEW or CANYON • ffU.l,8, 2 .... home plua lvp rumpua room, bailt.ba .,... • cnen. Attn.cttve flreplace, Dlcely decora~ IArp . tlouble prap, oal7 1 year. old. ~ from 12a,&OO to S19,9C50 for lmmedla~. Owner ... mOftd. Better h"f"'1. I CLOSE TO OCEAN 6 BllACll.-fts. attraetM modern 2 bdrm. home phia parlor otf U*I room. Suitable for a mamc room. Double pnp.. Jl'enced yard 6 only 1 blk. to oceua front; Redueecl to $18,900. Euy termL We han the key. •. 2 BDRM. HOME, PLUS BLDG. SITE. 2 bdrm. ' home, dbl p.rap, built on· the rar of a 15().ft. lot, Choice location. Room to baiJd addWoaal unit In front. Full price $1UOO. $3000 down will handle. Ezclwdve with ua. 6. DUPLEX BARGAIN -Front unit bu 3 bdnm., 1" badul. ftreplace, dlnbaa .,._ Rear DD.it bu 2 bdrma. ballt over dbl range. View ·from rear unit. Separate laundry room. Needs 801De paint 6 yard work, but priced to eeU at Ste,.,. Euy tenm. We have the key. e. so. OF THE mGBWAY, WILL °\'A.KE TRADE Thia home built on 80-ft. corner lot bu 3 bdrma plua den. Large covered la.na1. 2 bat.ha, fenced yard, large liv. rm. with tJreplace. Forced air heat. .ervice porch. hwd. noon, Owner bu mov- ed. Will give imm~te J>Cl•TnrlClll 6 wtahel to .ell quJcldy. Will take small home, vacant lot or truat deeds In trade. Loan commJttment of $15,000 at 6%. 20 year. Priced to MD at $2U500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3"7 E. Cout Hwyr, Cotona de1 Mar Barbor •7 (Office located nezt door to Corona del Mar Bank) READY NOW -IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS ON PAI.MER ST. -ott Santa Ana Ave. ' between 1'5th St. 6 18th St. Owner on property from 1-G p.m· SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm.~ 2 Bath Homes S895 Down $11 ,450 Full Price Balanoe like rent. Check the11e quality feat.urea: Sewers in and paid Encloeed pragee Colored rock rt>of • Garbage diapoula Kitchen fans · Street will be curbed and paved W. A TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ".vou'U like our friendly service'' 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Meu Liberty 8·1139 . EXCLUSIVE VALUES Lido ~ SPACIOUS 1ffREE BEDROOM home on ample f)S. ft. lot. Room for your elbowa. Extra large living room. dining room, lanai, eervice porch, kitchen with breakfut bar. Wondel'ful patio bu barbeque 4 large gla.. covered area. A·l oooatn&ctioo 6 extra rooma can euily be added. PriCe i.a only $31,:SOO fumiabed, $9600 down. $200 per month lnclud.lnc in· teretrt on balance. Balboa Coves A NEW HOME (now bulldiq) with charm and aparkle. See it now at eelect your penona1 tlnlahing toucheti. nu. ia on the water with a place for a BOAT SLIP. Price ia $28,'50<>, term.a. . Tbe.e are Exclulvee with " BAY ·AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS BALBOA Ocean Front a bdrm. • 1% Datha • Neuty New ~ Nicely l'unllabed -$23,'500. BALBOA Duru:K-N.-r l.lbnrJ -Priced to .ell. . . J'urnlahed -$13,760 AU for Mr. Bradford 'IIl:'W-% blk to Bay. Near Llbr&ry. •bdrm. home. Lt.rp lot, modern ldtcheD -$19,500 Balboa Peninsula Privacy and charm ·1n th1a S bdrm., 1 % bath home. Nicely carp9ted, tot. of c!loeeta, fireplace, BBQ. . All for $18,960. LIDO 3 bdnu., 2 bath home on lp. lot. naptone ftre- plaee, unuauall1 larse Uvtnr room. $3tW>O down. llonth.IJ paymenta lee. than normal rent. r " COSTA MESA Not a tract houae. ~ buy tn Orange County. Believe tt or not tbJa 3 bdrm. home C8D be p~ cbued for $97'50. Low down payment too. AU for Tom Cox New 4 bdrm., 2 batm. corner lot. l1IA built. Ex- terior stucco, 'mt.tor pluter. Standard Colored plumbing flxtu.ne. Total prtpe of $10,'50<>. 'l'lm home PERP'ECI' I' AJOL y HOKE _ on 11,i Iota. Lup figures ftS.50 per aq. ft. of lmprovementa plum $2200 patio. S bdrm.a., den. 2 bath home. Very 1arp for COl'Der lot -77' x 105', OD wide paved atreeta, ln. na.. din. rm. u Ji muy mtru. .I curbe 6 1ewen. Ra! good termL '2',500 -7-..... AU for Neal Martin BAY & BEACH ·REALTY 1480 We.t Balboa Blw~, Balboa Harbor 12M FOR EVENING INl'ORKATION CALL: • W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E. B. Cbue -Har. 2782-J T. Coz • LI 8-7237 -Glodm l'ay • Har. 18S8 - N. Martin -LI 8-277' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS 3 Costa· Mesa Good Ones "C' THOMAS "C' THOKAS "C" THOKAS "C" TBoKA.S Newport Heights MOTEL View Homes ! 12 completely FURNISHED unit.a PLUS owner- operator'1 3 bdrm. funUabed home on bu.y Hwy. 101. In fint<lu. condition. Good income. I BllDROOX. 1" baUl bome, 1'00 141. ft. in tb&a unUIUal and 81Mu- Utul propertT. Kabopa.J-.tucco at.nor. Hardwood IMtde ad THE GREAT ORANG'E COAST BUSJNl'.88 L()CA TION, ~ft. lot OD 18tJl 8t. Jm- proftd wt~ cteUptful 2 bdrm., den. clbalq roaa home. lde9l for medJoa1 or dental -Alley8. ......, Euy to own, lldlen will carry mortpp. $6000 dn. EXCITING 'flew home. Newport Het,bta. I lo"8ly bdma., 2 tiled batm. carpeting w to w. o.t..a drapea, flaptone F. P., tinted picture ....,.L GraYity 'lbermo heat. Landlcaped California llTlal at lta belSt -$29,500, ...tble term.. H PLUS PERCENT on uldns prtoe, 2 ston11 Jiu. ed. 2 bdrm. apt. Partly tundllbed. lDCOIM A'm mo. ~ ~ $12,000, termL , t j T'RADE for Income~ up or down. 1W i...u., on N..-port Aft., down towa Coeta M-. eu.m .. --. $3000 ACRE Back Bay area. 5 roWnr a.cne $115.ooo RESIDENTIAL comer lot, 1 blk. to at.or.. 10 x 130 -$ZSOO. M-1 -127 ft. troata OD Placentia Dear letl .. $10. toot. $280 MONTH lneome, 4 turn.lahed 1 bdrm. ualta. Ca. In. $23,500. LEASEHOLD R-2 -Ipnp Road. omtanc!lns Barbor View -$t5000. , , CORONA DEL MAR deluxe view home. u.tn, room. kitchen, bdrm. at bath up.taira. 2 bdnaL 6 bath down. Beaat.lful Mt-up. Bedmlntoe ooart, lud- 8Caped. fenced, double iance. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SA,J .m -LOANS -BUILDDUI 185'7 Newport AYe-, eo.ta »- Liberty 8-1832 Llbe1'ty 8-HOO Z... ~ . INOOMm Is ROOK TO BUILD I 8XA.LL BOKU oa . a beaut. &Cl'9 near rolf COW'M, room for lllJt morel Income auo. per mo. nu.&. a b~I Only takea p ,ooo dn., tun price Ill.GOO. l:YN. Pllooe Liberty a.MIT, PeUtte. PRICED at $615,000 -Terma. ~L lllrU U.tac room. t.rp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- NEAT CLOSE-IN · •uoo cm .. TA.Ka TRI8 ma: 1 bdnn., 1 yr. old,--· curblns and pawed atreet. rull prtc. •t.1196 .. Balanoe on ST6. per mo. mn.. Petitte Liberty 1-5481. BAYSHORES BEST BUY IN BAYSHORES TODAY! 2 bdrm. 6 lanai, large living room with fireplace, bar • type kitchen, di8p., nice patio. InvMt.lpte before you buy. x;:~~ ~~ CO~ONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES daannln&'. J Wroom. 1 *' baU. ~ NlcelJ' Jaad8caped. r. A. Exclusive Shorecttffs heat. nrep~ SM.600, t.-nna. BUY AIDU.D OJ' Tim llUIUOIR New, modern,. bdrma., 1% bath home. . It.ENT AL UIA.80N, U JOU are YOU CAN'T BEAT TlilS I NICI: BOUB&ll on Ma300' lot OD Sult& Ana .A.'ft, Imarinl .- J bdrm. Is deft bome, plua an· ot.ller narly new 2 bdrm. hoUM to nnt. Ollly Sll,IOO, ft,IOO dn. • ITJ.llO per mo. 8ee t.hia and ma.Ji• ottw. l:Ye. Pilon• Llbeft7 1-JMJ Lytle. ONLY $18,'50<>. BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE -Call for app't 2580 Crestview Drive tnt .. ted ta dupla• or otJaer Check thMe featurea -Lovely ll'f'iq nn opma•to Income pl"OpVt* ••. look Ul_. patio, cantilner fireplace, oriental uh paneJlns. ln- owr: direct U1htin&-Dtninc nn. with ftreplace, KltcMG OH 'nD PmNINllULA. hu uh cablneta, diap., ~in copper atOft 6 Oftll. • ~o~~Mc lncome, UJ.600, Tile batm. F. A. turn&oe, w to w e&r'P.!'tlnl· clrapm. t>upla. 1 br .. ' bat.ha. .. n.no. many cloeeta, accouatJc pluter, free lloatins ~ terma. · way to ocean view bedroom with tlreplace. J'--4 Dupla.. 1 br., J baU.., m.eoo. yard, i,.. prage Ir laundry. A .__ bcae d&n47 tens.a. • DELUXE CUSTOM BUILT ruc:h style home oa •· Dup •-000 priced under $40,000. tremely Wp COl"Der lot. Each room tndfYktual1y ~. I llr., I baUY. -· ' CUFF HA VEN demped, a 1arp bdrma., 2 t>atU with iota ot ~ cw .. : TO BAT A.ND OC&AN: Corona del Mar -Home & Income OUTSTANDING VALUE attractive living room with beam ceWnc, ftrep1ace, T untt.. 11 bnn&., an.ooo, aio,ooo ~ roa ram D18CRDUNATJNG. aliding 1la.u doon onto bup paUo. PRIZE WIN· doWn. 2 bedroom Jlome, oceu 8'de of Hwy., on rood l&nat WondertUI bom• for children. a NING ldtcben with breaktut bar PLUS d1nlnr rm. DuplU, rm. tor ano\ber ua&l It-I plua 2 bedroom gar. apt. Both turn1ab4d. Home Ip br. wtw carpet.I. Vflrf wee "'---loL a1uoo. urma. • ed at '90 per month. Apt. just redecorated. Now rum.,u. • bobby rm. l:ac.luat.,. ~.,...iu.c 6 drapee Included In ' UIPta. 1 br. MCh. Nice fll'Operly. available to buyer. Priced reduced t.O S.15,960. Blp&l Rd. Can be hUKUed tor LOW PRICE of $38,250. m .ooo. ST.500 dow1l. tr ..... te A ~1 bu '6.ooo down. .ll:fta. Ph. Llbert:f _, rma. ~ y. 1-JMs L7tJe. "C" -THOMAS, Realtor ~.,. "::!,.~. 1 w. 11ut THE VOGEL COMPANY BayshoreS 22f W. Cout Hlchwa N--Beach Llbe..._ 8-m27 Duplu. near bay, 1 br., 1 lie~. y, ~ .. ,...... • .. I •11.IWIO, 17,500 dcnrD. 2687 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Har.1141-1477 BEA.tmruL • BR., • BATH •'C'' THOMAS 'ic'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C"' THOMAS Many oUler Sood income proper• -------------------HOM.JC with cu-ta qtn. over Uu ... -ua tlraL dble. pr. 2 flreplacM, paneled -------------------wan., ~ patio. A lO'NIY home tcw la.rT• family, near prlftle IMM:h. '39.600. Shown by app't, Eve. P1L Seynaour Har. 6391-W. M-1 I UCVZL ACR.1:8 111 PauJartno dlll- tr1ct. Juat oa ltpL Blvd. A bar- pin at 56.000 an acre. Eve. Pb. BenrMlr Harbor 1911. Back Bay ' ROLLlNO ACRES wtUI new. One of la.at piece& aft.ll&bl• at a price. li0.000 beni!Jea. Houston Realtv Co. It A.SSOCIA-rd !lot ~nter SL Ph. LI Mtll S-0 L D by Multiple Listing v Lot ,Cor. OrellJd .. s.~. OaroDa del Kar .. ~ -11.600,000 "' '60" Balboa Peninsula I Bl!DRM. home wtth larJt nun· pua room, I n~~ .. alnt. fem· Uy home. C1oet to bay 6 ocan . Only m ,IWIO. NO KNOWELL PLACE 2073 Maple Street $795. Down CLOSING COST 3 bedroome Garbage DWpoaa1 Plutered w alla ~garage 2 bathe Hardwood f1oon Forced air beat • Sewen • New Street ONLY 8 LEFT Phil Sulrrvan & George Everson 1866 Newport Blvd., Costa Yea (Ac.rom Fr-om Costa Mea Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6781> Ena. 8ar. taM-U 8-21°'1 Santa Ana Heights F~ur Resales-for you to choose from! Bay Front Duplex! P081TIVELT lo. WONDIJU'UL V .u.uJC • • • lf JOU w1ll do a U t- tle na·ta. 1 br. up and J down. Balboa locaUOD. Prtftt.e beach and pier rtrbt.a. Imactn• a Bay tront al •n.7llO, t.urnL Peninsula Mome ! WJ:LL BlfILT PENINSULA t.ome with J ~ bedrooma. rue. walJed paUo. 2 car .-,..... R.tcalUy ng:iatnted • . . A ·l 'tiondtUon. 114.000. comp~ tumUbed at 114,750, '6.~ down. Balboa Realty Co. (0ppo9lte Bank ot AmencaJ Membera. MuJUpi. Llirttns Rou 0..-Jey Ed Lee Jaclt Ptnlcl\a.m Joeepbine Webb 700 s. Balllo& Bl\'d., Balboa Phone 11.arttor 1217. s·o Lo by Multiple Listing IOI A.n&de, Balboa "Goe.I -ll.ll00.000 1n ..... Seashore Drive LIDO ISLE NEW LISTING 2 yean old • 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 21 x 22 llv. rm. Lee. flac'Stone fireplace, plenty of cloeeta. All ldnda of •torare ~pace In prage. Wired for 220. 4-4-ft. lot. Nice patio. All thia for $31,:SOO. Xlnt. term.. An opportunity to buy at a barpln a nice 3G-tt. lot on xlnt. atreet. ia100. A NEW 4 bdrm., 2Y2 bath, lge. living room. brtck flttplace, drapes, W to W carpeting. 2300 aq. ft. Owner will aell for $33,500 or TRADE tor U.ke amount In Weetwood, Brentwood or Beverlywood BAY FRONT WITH PIER le SLIP -2 ft.ory I bdrm., 2 bath furn.I.bed -'49,:SOO. ' BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA L100 BRIDGE OFFICE "Ju.tl to the right of the Lido Bndge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 364.3 (evea H. 2990, BALBOA BAY COVES I Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier at .Up privilegea. 3 yeara old. 2 bdrm., 1 ~, bath. lot.a of tile. Parquet Ora,. dbl. gar .. F. A. beat. Now ia the time \o buy for HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Excellent 8 Units Newport Blvd. at 30th SL, Newport Beach. Har. 1600 ON' OCEAN rRONT. Comer loL New development near upper a.ck ·Bay. All 3 bedroozu. Fenced and landscaped. Small down payment.a or uae you.r G. I. 3 bdrm. bome. Lare• lot ne&r Wide ate beach, only 110.MO, wlllcll la m\ICJI leee than ,.ou woWd U· pect to pay In th1a locaUon. Dext eummer or yearly occupancy. A real value at thia price. • * Newport Heights $23,500 ~ View Home -Clitt Lot We have jut u.ted th1a llpacioaa 3 bdnn., 2 bath bome. Tbe larp llviq room and dinlJll area. with ita floor to ceillnr wtndowa, tlljo19 a ..,.,,.. Ttew ot tbe OC*.D and Catalina. 'l'lm lo"917, .... arnapl home, with ft.I many up to date tea~ tnohlda9 ... dfapea and carpetlq. (not a mllllold) '--. * View Lot 1M9l UDOtCmcted view lot. Price $88eO -Not a -=~ Roy GrHnleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 .Newport BlYd., Newport 8eeeJa lfar. 2562 ~ block from bay. Ru ftne ln· come rte0rd. Six 1 bedrm. apts. PLUI I bdrm. nmdence OD I loU. s..t 8" Aft. Unobltnacted YWlr ot ...,. ,,..... Nltdence. '15.000 dowa. .. 31/4 acres fenced IN OR.A.NOil PARK ACJ\U. C>al7 ... lllO. ' Coast Properties 60'1 .. a.aoa 819'4.. Bal9oa ~ aanor ._ •tt• BY OWNER DJ:SIRABLll I bedioom, ~ A half. CORONA IUCllll.AND8 f am117 bome. CaaJ llMd brtck fi~ ra1..t bMl'lh. 0-tnl beat. CllannUac Mn:la ..... kndlen. Di.poaa1. cupllW. Lc'e- JW'd, riew. Sla,JOt. ... &117'- Ume. eo. S.wanl "-'. lkJI Prices $10,950 -$12,500 Come out Pali.eadee Road from Newport Blvd· to new area. Follow OPEN HOUSE aigna to Rita Writer with BOLES REXLTY 110 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Phone Kl 2-19H or Kl ~ ON BALBOA 'ISLAND A. SPACIOUS HOME - Of auperb dlNip; you'll loYe it becaue It iii 10 Yer- aaWe. 90 comfortable 6 roomy, 10 ,...uu with cloeet 6 warclroba 1pace -A.a.o attractl•• apart.. meat for guetta or income. JCsoeUimt locat:ioa. cJoee to bay with ahore mooriDI iDchalW. Mult. u.t. tf612 Price '35.000. ..... WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor AM .A90daa• Park at. M&riDe, Balboa lalud -Barbor 2'42 Motel 11 unit. on 101 Hlsbway, t.I• phoae for detalla. W\ll Lake home tn tnde. Chea pie J bdrm. Deel' ocnn, oal.J MOOG. Dowa ppat. StlOO. N. B. C. REAL TY Und A Newport Blft., NpL lkb. ~ Barbor 1'00. BT OW!fa H_.. J'rrt-'Mdoaldallll 1i1ome. a ~. ,an.....,~wi.w, ........ W1ML ...,.,.. • nmt. O....leaftlletowa.JON.,.... ... Pl, 0... Ke9L u ...... ..... S.OLD by Multiple Lilting IOI -to& IN. ea..& ... Kar "a.& -........... .... $26,250 -Terms NEWPORT Duplex furniabed • good rent.al di8trlct.. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price · $10,500 . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Hv. 101I RRST TIME OFFERED .... 110 LARKSPUR AVE., CORONA DEL KAR One of the very choice propertiea. Owner'• home PLUS one 2 bdrm. and two 1 bdrm. apt.a. PLUI pea room. All have 1arbqe di.spoeaJa. e ~ plu. ato~e room 6 laundry room. 80K118' fenced lot. Quiet ltrett, 2 blb. from tbe f"lftelt. be9cb In• of Callfornia -Sbown by app't. Exelu.tve wttb G. H. LA'IHROP Ml& & Cout fffr/., Coron& del Ku &nor 66'2 -EY-. Ban.or ll1W