HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-28 - Newport Balboa PressHARBOR PRESS " NEW BANK :.:~f~:::, . . Feei P1i~ City • DEBUT DUE 1 ratar Uceuee at •to ..ab ba\l'e been tUa OQ& at ctty ball. the M ..... PN. ~ to4ay. Thia tono.ra dell.lal ot • temporU')' tn- juncU• ap1mt the dt.T• retal Jaw banded down 'Ib\lnda1 a.rte... 1lOOll by Bupertor Court Judp Raymond ThomJ*llL He -.td U.. cue wW be tried Ill eourta later. '8th YEAR-NUMBER 8 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MpNDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 Phou Barbor 1919 • MONDAY Public Invited to Oped House Set Next Saturday . . Property OW'UI' ll&IT7 c. BnW'· liter att&cked Ule ...Ud1ty ot the ordinance pe.aed by N9W'p0rt Beach ett1 CouJlcU ree&UJ u a . method ot controliJl&" and keeJ>- bl6 cloeer check Oii J:uter w .. k acUvtU. hel'9. The plainutt'• ma. jar compWnta q"aJut th• ordi- nance an that it l• diaorimlnatory az"1 violates the blll of rtrhta which ruarda &g'aJnat unlawtul aee.rche. wtuiout a warrant. I Newport H~ neweat, large commercial eetabllah-Judge Thompeon Aid, "The cue ment. Mariners B 1 a $300,000 corporation, will opeq for preaent.a 11<>m1 unul\18J conatltu-1 buaineu Aprfl 4 · u announced today by Preaident Edgar tlora.I oquellt.lona. The moat aeti0 WI ' la the provision ~quiring ?1mlera R. Hill, Lido Iele. An open hoWle with refreahmenta f1 set an4 tenant. to agree to fuspec· for Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. lion by police and tire of!lcers at Situated ln Martnera Mile on all times." bUlly Cout ff11hway, new muonry HAllQR WIA THU Since Judge Thompaon'a• ruUng and glu• tacadea face the hJgh-w .. revealed In Tbunday'a New•· 'Way and afford alao a convenient Newport Beach _ Conalderable Preas, 11 llcen.ee11, u required un- 1't'ar entre.nce which la backed by cloudlneu tod&y through Tuead&y. der the controveralal ordlna.nce, a parklng lot tor customers. Chance ot light llhowera and have been taken out. Six were .. We are delighted LO be opening allghUy cooler today, taken out Friday and five today Hartior FFA Win State Citrus Title Judging Team S~ores Top Honors for Second Year thla new, wholly locally-owned Temperaturee tbe plUit "'eek ID prior to noon. commercial and aavlngs bank," the Harbor aJ'M were: -------------i'flll Aid, "al! we Ceel It will 11upply Ht a need and •ervlce th• ever-grow· Tuead&y. March 22 .... 81 tng Harbor are1. bualne1111 commun-Wednl'lllday, March 23 82 tty which 111 expanding with our Thureday, March 24 .• 83 tncreulnr population." Friday, March 215 ··-·· 8!S The new bank headed by Hill In· S&turday, March 28 _ 84 eludes u officers Gerr-y Richard· Sunday. Merch 27 ...... 88 aon, executive vlce-prP1<ldenl; Karl Monday, March 28 .... 88 Lynn Davl11, lle<'retary·treeaurer: School Man Release Due SACRAMENTO CCNS)-Spe<:lal to News-Pre1111, March 28--Prlllon ttleue of Le11ter H . Schmelzer, former chief deputy euper1ntend· ent of Orange County School•, will be made on May 26, accordJng to E. A, Burkhart. executive attre· tary of the State Adult Author· ity. ORANGE SHOW CITRUS CHA.MPS-Capturing high team champion trophy for t- rus fruit judging at the 40th National Orange Show in ·San Bernardino Saturday wa.s Newport Harbor High Future Farmer team. Examining grapefruit. lemons and in,epect- ing the top trophy are, left to right, Bob Newland, Don Meredith, Gene Waggoner, Jim Bath and John Arnold. Meredith, Waggoner and Bath are on the first team. New- land, Arnold and Don Williams (not pictured) were alterna.tee. Two other trophies and a d~en ribbons also won by the teams are lying on the table before the victori- The Newport Harbor chapter of Future Farmen at America received top honors again this year in the cttrua judging final contest at the National Orange Show In ~ Bernardino Saturday. ' 1. Robert Perrin, instructor of agriculture at Newport Harl>Or Union High School tlnd l!t'd for .econd with aTI point.. coach of the winning team. aaid DeWayne C hamberlain ot Or&nge County high 11choolll swept Orange wu fourth hJfh IJldl'f'tdual the conte11t with OrMge High 11corer and Don Meredith ot N-· School coming In eecond and Ful· port wu sixth. .Alternat.. .... lerton third. The local achool11 Don Wllllam.a, John Anold and competed with H high 11chool Bob Newland with WiW... 89C:ODd Kenneth Fowler, &11!'.!lllt&nt cuhier. Pr~~! ~r~~~E~:1:,0~~ the Utility Hearing board of directors are John T. Here Wednesd . Boyd Jr., Lyman Farwell, George ay M. Holateln Ill. Sandy F. Ma.cKay, Pacific Electric condemnation Nelaon W. Nelc!', LN1lle T. Peter· hearing11 are l!Cheduled In city hall -.n, O. W. ''Dick" Rfchord. J . Les-council chamber11 here Wednesday Ile StcHensen, Harry E. Stlr kler, before rl'pruentatlves ot the Calf· Thoma.11 A. Thomu. H tll, Uavis. fornia Public Utilities Commission. Schmelur wu convicted Aug. 22, 19:12. on •lit count.a of grand theft Involving embeulement of $:12,oq<> from Orange County l:m· ployea C redit Union of which he waa treasurer .. &lld R lcbard&on. The session ls oprn to th• public. Capitalized tor 1200,000, Marin· The railway property which the -.· Ban.k hu • $100,000 aurplus. City of lli<'wport Bt•ac.h seeks to These funcl.s w~re ral11ed by !!(lie acquire IB betw~n Newport Blvd .. at bank atock u authorized by Balboa Blvd .. McJ.'adden Place &nd .Ute and federal bank laws. The 3001 St. It ls planned to ui:ie t he new lnaUtutlon provJdee Federal pro~rty to widen the etrttte and t>.poaltora lnwrance Corporation c~an up that portion of the com· NCurtty for account.a up to $10,· m unlty. Burkhart ll&llf' there la a clauu In 11tate law which permit.a parole of a convict who hu nrved a, mJnlmum or two years ln prt!IOn. Whe11 Schmelser get.a out be wm h&ve 11erved two years and nine month&, auertedly becauae of a "very excellent" prison ttoard durlna-which he ca.uaed no trouble. pertonned all dutlee ._ll'l'led, Burkhart revealed. 000. It la ahlartued u a atate -------------- bank. BANll OROANJZl:R8 OtJ&nl.Mra of the bank wer. Davl1. Boyd, Hill, R.ictiard and Steffensen who banded together lae\ July to seek penn11181on for UM bwU\UUot\ Ulroucb appUcaUoll to the Ca11fnmla 15upulntendent ot Banlil. &t1king hour11 fl.!! of next Mon - day will be f rom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., five days a week. duruig which all Harbor folk unable to ettend Sal· urd&y'a op<'n houM are Invited to visit the Harbor·• neweBt flnn. At Ule open houee. women vlallA>nt will rt<'l'lve frt'c orchid• while me- d.a!llon! on kt'y chains alto wlU be ,tven out aa 110uvenira of the o<!· c&11lon . Mn. Purdy Hurt as Car Rams Into lank Mrs. ~y f'urdy. H . C)( 191 M- Drlvr. Co111 A MeAa. was trnted for major h•"tH1 inJUrle!l Tburllday nlf ht after the car 11he waa dr1vlnr failed lo make • curve and hit a btink on Pal111edl'11 ROlld 2:10 feet e11i<t of Mac A rlhur Blvd., accord· Jng to Ca.hfnrnilf. Highway Patrol. T&ken Lo Hoog Hospl14l, ahe wu treated for poPlble hortsontal maxilla (j&w) fracture. brullld, laceration.a and contutllon1. Girl Launches New 8. I. Ferry .. Many recommendaUona" were aent In for Bchmei..r"a parele, he Oomlftodore ~. A. .... ~ ...... ""' .. be M4 ---an Balboa Island realdent and lmmedle.tely available for hi• •pon. buslneuman, saw hl• ferry llne'a eo111. He clalmed tmch parolea were seventh auto terry la unched Sat· cuatomary ln cuea almlJar to urday a&. • fouth Bay Front land· Sehmeifer'1. tng adjob.~ the slip ahe will --------------aerve. Spoll.IOr of the n -c:rart. Captain, waa Helene Muon, 111. daughter of Paul Muon, at.ate di· rector ot motor vehicles. Sacra· mMto. She and her tamlly attend· ed the rites which were ""tnMs- Marl Burglary Probed by Cops ed by 11COree. Be* u.td he ch<>M her for the Police a.re lnvullgating today bonor 1>ccau11e her mot.her, Flor· the burglary of Cout Super Mar- f'nce, llt'rved .., 11ecretary In the ket •t 3347 Coaat Highway whlch Beek office from 192tM93!. The wu broken Into between 7 p.m. farrilllu have bffn friend• tor Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday. year11. Offlcen aa.id the t>urr\a.r pa6&ed Captain le the st&ndard elu fer· up $1050 In pa)'l"Oll and peraonaJ ry, •imllar t o Admiral, launched ch~lu and $600 In war bond• to 1ut year. Beek beg&n hl• ferry take home aome candy ban. They llt'rvlce. launching blander ln ll&id the pereon wu apparently 1918: Jl'at Ferry In 1920; J olter, looking for a floor 11&fe In wlllch the ,fir11t auto ferry, In 1922; he ho~ to tlnd curttncy. Square Deal In 1924; Commodore Entrance WU cained by bort.nc ln 1930. alx hole1 lt1 the roof and punching Bffk M.ld the ferry •Y1tem wm out the 1ecUon. The .-..pect_ had UM three ve11Mla 11urlng the com-acaled the wall ot the building by Ing IM'UOn. A public recepUon fol· cUmbl.nr an ouulcM plpe, police lowed Saturd.ay'1 launching rHu. ea.Id. ~oua boys. -SW! Photo EASTER WEEK MEET SLATED FOR Bl BLOCK COUNSELLORS ' A meeting of 60 block counsellors on Balboa Jsla.nd wm be held Thurlday at 7:30 p .m. in the Balboa Is land Community MetJlodlrt Church, it was announced today by Mayor Dora Hill. Police Chlet J ohn Up son and the M&yor wfU attend t o anawer quesUona connected with the fort hcoming E&ster Week activities. A counsellor ha.a been namtd for each re111· denUal block on the l1land. They have been a ppointed to a ld In the staging of a n:t0re pea.cetuJ Euler Wttk. • 'PRACTICE ASSAULTS' Easter Week Vanguard Est1bllsl1es Beach Held By PllYLLl8 I . IAO&AON Advance aquadil of the Euler Wee,k lnvulon force eatabliJlhed a be&chhead thla week end and dla· buned acouUng partlea over the HA.rbor area. Several pracUce ueaulta ..-ere macs. on hub cape. fender akJrt.a, ckltbealinff and other ltenu. The local rendarmeria did the bunny hop aJI wr-ek end, keeping one jump ahead of th• Invaders and Ill \he aame time setting In con- dition tor •·operation Duck and Cover." NaUvea or the •~ are urgt<I to go Into tr-&lnlng l hla week u the a.asault from the main lnvad- 1.ng forcea Is e pected t-0 "'t the bead\. this F n ay. The red 11.lert dur1ng the co ng •·Battle of Ba.1- boa.. will be elected by " con- f milling youth. , trolley car bells and bo~ oolng. It la expected an occupaUon per- iod of two wuka will follow. Ru!- dents sr• urged lo go about their business In the Ul!ual manner. Accordlng to rurv1vora of pre- vious. 11lmllar a&saulu, mvulon force11· are f&l rly dormant during Ute dQy .. They can be reMgnlud aa lnt'l't Cor~ under large hate made of palm O-Ond.I. OC<'U IOO• ally in the afternoon, email groups of the Invaders make for&ging eitJl«llliona lnto. other part..e ot lhe occup1rd territory Lo rec<mnoiler Cor the night'• attack. Activity lnot'easea ae the tun leaves the aandl!. Natives are sd· vlJtt•d that most of the dlaturbanct c&11 be excluded from 11le-eplng by atuttlng ear11 with cotton or ear plugs. Slut training today. Lea rn the bellt me thods ot aurvlval tor your area, then watch the New1-Prese for day-by-day proir-e11a or the battle until the a.JI cll'ar. The all rlc-a.r? You'll know. Parking Lot Plea Due City Council at Meet Tonight PeUUon a11kln1t that ll:rwport's Ocean Front parking lot be ""· tended a hloc:k eutwarcl of the Newport Pier wtll be prel't'nted tn the city council t onight. ThP prU· Uo" bears 11lgnaturn of tour prop- erty ownerl'. who with on .. uthl'r, ~mprllMl t he ()Wnershlp of thr total fronlage that wo11ld rare 1>n the parking lot It ts propo11ed lhat entry onto U1t1 lot be made from an an•e 311· jacent to the plc..c. &nd n it 0. via Twentieth Sl. More than 185 r&n1 c:mtM be handled on the lot Al one l\m&. Expenll('s fort he \nllll\llll- tton wo\lld rome from thl' parking meter fund an'1 therefore wnuld l)e rep11lcl frnm tncomr derive<! from the Jnst111lallt>n or mt-ters on the lot whPn It 111 con11tn.u:trd. The l"ttrr to lhe d ty cound l Is 11lgned by Al Forg1t and the petition bears the 1lgnatun> ot Mrs. 01' Je&n Racker. Homn Pool<'m. William Kindell. and Sadie Jrwln Tlmm!'rman. Forg1t ls heart of t he NeWJ>ort Beach off.11trret puking commftlee. Other petitioner• have opp0sed utenalon of the parking lot In pnaentatlon11 to the council. Their petlUon wu rer,rred to U\e city manapr. DellYery Guaralltffd OE'ITING READY TO OPEN-President F.dgar R. Hill of new Marinera Bank, with m08t of hi1 board of direc- tors, cbecb rear door to new institution. OM which will draw most Vt>hicular trade thank1 to. larg~ parking Jot behind building at 2712 Coast Highway. Director., from Jett, Harry E. Stickler, J, Leslie Steffeuen, Sandy Mac- Kay, Lellie Peteraen, Hill, Karl Lynn Davia. 0. W. "Dick'' rucba.rd, Nelaon W. Neice, Thomu A. Tbomaa, George M. Holstein m and John T. Boyd Jr . ._. Staff Photo DeU•ery of t.he Newport Bal'bor New1·Pre• I• guar- anteed. C&rrler boy1 will de· liver their papers before 8 p.m. on Monday and Thurs· dlly. H your p&per 11 not de- ltvertld by that hour plea.ec call Harbor 1818 and a apecial rwute man will lmmedlat.ely NlpOlld w1lh your copy of 1ftr N-i>0rt Harbor New1- p......, School Explains 'Bomb' Scare teams from the entire atate. high aJtemate llldlvlduaL In the college young farmer con-The conteat conal.9ted ot ~ test, Mt. San Antonio wu high orange, lemons, gT&petruit and Police and school ortlcials of team with Fullerton aecond and nul"llery t1"H11. Th• bo:p ...,.. ,tY· Nl!wpw t Ha r bor Union H l g,h Clwtftey third. N~wport Harbor en 10 mlnutea to pltace U.. ..noua School today wrote off the Wed· ·u nion High School FF A team out-c~ and two mlaut.e for oral nesday afternoon bomb scare at scored the college teama by 38 reuona on thetr plactnr. the 11chool !la work or juvenile points out of a possible 1200 GOLD tioPBY prankst1•ra. points. The bJ(b team recetwd a l'Old The ·school alerted police that ' TIE FOR 8r,c()ND trophy and Batb and W-.s-er an unll1entltled telephone caJJ High individual of the contelt received med&W, a Sold tropllJ' and wumed them a ISomb In the hall wu Jim Bums ot Van Nuya with pen and pencil MUI. ~ wer. would go orr at 2:4a p. m. Ad· 378 polnta and Ji111 Bath and a.me gtven i.m. &nd tn~ for mlnistr·atora Md tea chers hurried· Waggoner, both of Newport Hil'h>1 the cUttereat ca.-, ly and quietly emptied Ute 1ehool or the 1800 puplla who were un· a ware of the 11eare and were told the evacuation wu routine flra drill. W'hile the student body atood ouwtde the bUlldtqll Oar 10 ~ utee, pebee ..... ..... Clflllllld• m&de & 11earch ot the crounda for the bomb. Nothlnc amlu was fnund and the youngsters were told to return to their ct ... ee. NEWPORT NO. 8 WELL IN; 217 BARftft TEST· Jo8eph Hamblet, vice principal. told Ule Newa-Prcse the Incident was expected here followtn• the numerou1 aimllar annonymoua tel· Oil Expert Gives Council His Recommendations for Fuhn epbone calla. rtcelvt'd by achool11 Newport Beach city tldelandll In the Los AnJrl'lea a rl'a. ..We well Ntt. 8 Is on the pump today made our plans." he !!aid. "and a nd the fi rst 24 houni productd were ready lo try an<l 11tail the 217 b11rrels net of oil. The well Willi caller while we h•d the r11U traced brought In S&lur<lay and hu b!'en and 1'11llell polll'e, T he perl)' hung 1 on the pump only 24 hours for up lO<> qulrkly," he explained, I gauging purpolll'll. "but we notlfled polll'r lmml'dlatf'· According to E. E. Pylts. vice· ly and ran the routine fire drtll:· president t1f Monterl.'y Oil Co., no ( C-0ntlnuf'd 011 P~I' 1) 1 ddlnlle l\$lt m&.tr11 or prod uction Mesa Sanitary District in Move to Avoid Trash Deal Cost• Mt>sa Sanitary Olstrlct i11 trying to g«'t out of the trn3h buslnr11a and roncentrale on sew· &fte opt'rallon and ma1nten1ncl'. 1t wi..s announced today by Preshll'nt Arthur H. Mryt'rs. C11rrt ntly, the •lillt rtrt pay!! the mnney ti> the City of Cui.ta Mi>~e. which tn tum pay~ It to Kl'nneth Pr1c-1\ contract col· I• C'l•ll" of lra~h 11nl! garbage. Th111 ~1tuation brought abt"l11l 1t1f\nrlam1111 action by lhr r1ty lllo(~lO"t ('ou11ty A11rlltor Les EckPI lal't Ol'lob<>r when Erkel refu11ed pRymrnl of $3000 In 11snltary dis· trlct fUnds to {he city on the p-ounds or .. p-Olltlcs"' In thr city· district eew!'r agreement. Sup<'r· lor Court J u<lg<' John Shes de· cld"d Eckel l!hnuld p&y the city. PA8~ RE~OLt'TlOX Thursdar night. Meyers said. tht' ea n 1ta ry d l11tr 1ct boa rd pllssed & re110lut1on of Intent to dt.IK'On· tlnur garbnge and tr-ssh collt~ .. lion 11t the rnd of th•• >Jl~trtc:t'• oper11lmg yt11r. Th•• boa rd r'c"m· mtnd!'d to the city thnt ll t&ke over full <'•mlrol of thP truh rol- (Contlnul'!d on Pace 7) can ~ made unUl the W'tll hu been produclnr tor a lonrer period of Ume. However, Lb• oU man ea.td, It 111 hla optnlon that No. I will be an equally r;ood well u No. t which I• con.ai1tenU1 proctuctnr more than 200 be.rTela daily, The tru~e drflllbs rfs on the ch y dr111 site Juat weat of the Bann- ing Bluff• and lnland of Ule Cout Highway ha.a already at&rted drilling tidelands No. t tor t.he City o! Newport Beuh. Well No. 9 will follow tM Jl&l· tem of No. 8 which wu drilled to & depU1 of 48M> feet and bot· tomed 1900 feet ottNlon Ullder Ule ocean. With No. I go1J16 Oil tM pump Monterey 11 producinK from enm wel\a from the one drill alte. To- tal produ<:Uon ror Ule Cltt ot Ntwport Beach Is approxlmat.ly ~O barrel.II p•'r day and nettlnt" approximately S•OOO per month for the city treuury. Ht:GHES LE'ITZ& Newport Beach City CoundJ to- nlrht wlU be pruenw a lett.r from M. Dudley Huthn , petro- leum enlfinttr and advteor to Cit)' Manager J ohn J . SaUon, maJUnc (Coattaaecl om Pap T) Ar NEW WELl--Ctty Manager John SaiJont, right and City Finance Officer Gonion Sickler diacu. production of Mon~rey Oil Co.'s well, Newport No. 8, brought ia lat· urday on 217-bt.rreJ test. Other tidelands wells an in backgTound, arr owned b7 llt)r. . -Staff photo May Day Brunch I Being Planned Pl¥-tor thelr annuru J.i11y Da y brunch will be made when Mni. , Geori.re P k ki>rlng entertain., m<·m· bera of lht Lion Tamenc club al I her home, ~38 H olmwood Drlvf , on Monday, A pnl 4. I' Thia 11 a benet1t for lht Lion Ta111en1' phtla.nlhropy proJr.:l, the Carl Harvey S..hool tor H1nt111·ar· ~d ChllUn'n. 1t w1U be htlcl M'lY 3 at a local club. At the Cracker Barrel By c·u o E ATOS TKE OKOAS t·ou CAN l'LA \' AT OSC'E I Ute WO ... ..,., - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Nowt No Need te Tak•~ Come In and Prove · It to yourself "'• alao ID.t .. yoa lo eome lll aed try Ute DeW B••=ui4 LITILE CA LEEN MARIA WARD la center of interest for t hree older generation&. She is held in arms ot her grandmother, Mrs. E mest Saftig, 928 Via Lido Nord, while at left is her "great-grandmother, Mra. Homer Thomas of Santa AM and at right is her mother, Mrs. ~dward F. Ward Jr. ot Sumter, S. C. Calet>n will be three months old Thursday. -Slaff Photo l aay. old lhlng. relly. you ahould 1ee what Ibey have al The Crackrr Barr~I. 128 ,\plf' A\·e., l lh• ferry St. l. Balboa Island. Simply trPmPnd·Jua prints of ral'- tni yachta done by Htnry Shield•. that Veddy, veddy fine Engl11h artlat. Untier full n.11 thHf' C'llt· ter• and 11loops would mRkl' ele· gant touchu 10 your den wh•n l'lef lllllly frtmNt by Sandy £n~ fleld. an old ult. h1mselt. Elly, 1 wo11ld vou rail htr an old aal· tine? I -.\•Ill be qulc-k to point out the fine features of lheae pr\nta, the rf'11tralned tints. the minute but brilliant touchea of the bur· geea. Quite In keeping' Wilh the Brillab reatralnt t.re the biatoriu of thf'!le Victorian ahlp1 accom· pllnylng each. What ho. and pip! At the Cracker Barrel, where there a re othu prlnte, too. Splaea (kpa-N•w A..aul• DANZ· SCHMIDT aao l'IANO • OBOAN STORE B~n for All 11...a. llamaM .. o,.... PERFUME FAVORS for guests were passed out Wednesday night at the well-attended "Spring Aloha" fashion show staged for members of Costa Mesa J unior Friday After· noon Club at the clubhouse. A dessert for some 300 guests preceded the show. On mod· els' stage with bottle fa\•ors are, from left, Mcsdai;ncs· Clifford Lewis, chainnnn of the show; Charles Stanley, decorations committee chairman: C. W. Kirkpatrick Jr., handing out perfume from basket as is Mrs. G. A. Kop<'nhefer, publicity chairman, t o Mmes. Leonard Logsdon, club president and Willard Bailt'y, organist. -Staff Photo ~our Generations Together Kl 1-6HO l tt No. llalJI ......... as Mrs. Edward Ward Returns -Adl'. Mrs. Edward War!l Jr. and baby C:11,.,,n Maria are gur11ta of Mu. Ward's moU1rr, Mrs. Emesl Sa(- Spring Aloha Presented At NEWPORT HARBOR ... Fashion Show MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor Junior Friday A fternoon Clubbers Go H awaiian PAGE 2. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 WAS COMM UNIST A colorful and exciting Hawaiian atmospht>re prevailed Wt'dncsday evening in the Friday Aftt>m oon Clubhouse, com- plete with palm trees and the "little grass shack'' when the Costa Mesa Junior Friday Afternoon Club ht>ld its annual spring fashion show titled "Spring Aloha." Lou.is Bude nz to Speak in Santa Ana March 30 The table., were a doml'd wilh hi· The i-how wu dir<'cled by Bar- b1111Cus hlos111Jms a nJ 1:1 renrry. The j bBta May a n<.I c-omm.-ntat1·1I by T..0111,_ Bu<lenz, formt•r r11m11111n- en1tre n.r1111 "'h"" I th•• trur tr:il ln•nf' ll11ffman :-.tay. both of Sanla t'L whose ti>sltmony ~/ .. ,,. lh<' m ood "1th Clowr ra and 1. 111. Ana w1lb a l:>.ickground or 1:oltrnd F U I. nnt.f var1ou11 government Bottlt'I! of fragrant perfume mw1lc playt'd by Mrs. Wlllar!l 8 811· cw 1ultll"f':< hu n:-1Ultrd In the ex- .,.,,r<' rn~~ .. d rrnm « gnlly cltrorat-ey, a m emb"r ot th,. J unior club. P"•'ll" "' k t>y <'ommunlst:oc In th<' eel H "'·' 11n h~•k, t hv a Junior Ft:Tt: C llf:DITS l" S . I" l'Chetlulrd to 8Jll'llk 11 1 lh<' 111cmh.•1 •lro "' •l 111 t• 1 11l•1rful 1mk· r.t•nrral , h:u nnan of lhill I'\ <'nl Snnta Ann F:bcll Clubhuu:<•· :'olHrr h 1 1111111 1 II '1... 111. rnlw1,. ,.., v1ni: wa" :\lr'l. Ch/ford Lewi.,. Ci ,,11 30. ''I I< Jl m. ltn•l••r .""' ~P"~•~<>• • t hi' ol1•1.-1 r t t1'hl1·" wnri' u r rrr1rr\ • r ti I I ' l ~h•r• o.f I h1• F1 <'l'1lu1n ( \uh 11( !-' m\a I ••r 1" ur111!'\ttil nn1 Rrt1 ""n '· dr-• u . •le H 11w1111:1n ',.,111m1" 1111.J lti'I. 110 l :\t l ·t 1 Ana. . 1 'l.J • · , , 11 a us r; .... ,. " • ts. 1111 "" ~I •11• Hwl1•m: I~ mnkln ... n 11prd 1tl \lip '1.\kt.· lt. f,\f: rnu Irv. 1'11hlll'llV rhr1 lrm1111 "'"" :\11 11 I . . ,.. 1-·1111"" ln,; llw d• '" 1 t. " 111akr .• · · from :"•·w YC11 k l••r ht ... tolk'I on h11.,,. 11111 tn t i <>· 1,1:11111.;·• • t:. A. h 1tp•nlhf•r, :'olr'I. P.illy Jim, .. lhf' \\'r'<l r u11,.1 H I~ onlv "!"'llklng \\ "~ i-lt y ..II •I ~11 ~. J I• k l:u\ d W\'l'I' in l I I • th . r•1 r .. 11to·1l ln nl'i\\'lL·~h .. w.l'1'1\11\o .. h r I l . Pni:ni;:r n11 n In II• "'":I 0 ., 1 llt J:I'' l w '""~"l :\l.inv 1•\llt'r 1h.1n tn ~en1n An11. \\Ill b·· in Lot! Jy 11111.i, I• pc e~· "' ... 1 I hi' r11,.h1••n• I I I> l I l I LI n '' "' • '~ '""ti"'" ,.,,. Lin r •\n "l<1c bcl•Jrl" lh1• Antt•11•1111 l'11b-b"J:tn1 ini:-Wllh ··Th·· 1;nni:pl:'lnl< fln•I l'f(,,rt t., 111dl .• · 1h1, rtn11ui.1I 11f. , i: C f>•'' l tnwr .. fnlln\\r\J tty ./\ \"1•1l r.11r a Mlt 1 1·~ ti" r!•li<llonll r urum tn thr 1~1n11rl ·· · r'un 1111 lhr Rrll t h B\:deni. f.t!'t ho tnmr lntrir't"t1 at \\·R1kik1:· "ll1nnrr 11nt1 t>nnr· I Ill c·nnunum~m wJi, n h1· v.1111 wot k· In.: 11t thl' Rnynl t l:iwnhnn ·· onrl G .., t I 1n;i 1n lllbor rt'h\llhllll Al 1h 1l 11me {!l'QWtnlt t o I\ cJni.e With ••Aloha lles s h•• f,.lt that lht• <Inly WAV Ill hP)p '111 we t1lf'rt 8J:ll ln:· 1 cbnr "rui lhronr.>i lhl' l'r•n:m1111l>1l DAR H ears of Civil Defense, Red Cross Need H o nor ed By - I Lady Ki is See S t1rpri se Ballet Dancers ~1111 E T <'hBpm1rn J r., '"'~ hu1111n•1I tll A i.urrri•o 111111 h•"•n 11n ;lf 111h 1 At th•• hum r 11( :111 ~ Wtlh a lunr hron <1111•• hrl·J \\ ilh Kiwanis hU\b.in•I~. 11nol I\ ~p··· IAI rro~,111 (nr lhr1r ''"" ~· '0•11 'In CAI>(' or a clt~aslrt" J:<'•I C'rr"~ll Ori n ''· \\•n•lt• Ill ,~ .. 11, .. ,, .\••I l· \l n1ch Wl\'I 11111" 1\.llll t r IA• ly Ill Iha' 1•1):'1nt7.al111n l" w h1r h Wt' tn~ th•· h• ~1r~11 w1 '" ~Ir• E r. l\.1:<. Th•·.-"·" .ti• • " n ·w 1 1• tll· "111 lr>nk h•r 111<!' l!Htol Mn. Robert l.>nl\nt' IUHI Mr ... Rulnrv SRrilr111. I.I• r. ;\Its l!.t) 111.,t.11 ,\ I ·i.1t.1t:• r. I J\rp(>Pn. 11t1u!,'1llt: lll' doM' os.v1c1«· I The hu((rt tabll' \4"!1 bcrrnliful· w. lrum< I \\h• ll llll' l:'""I' n11 l at l 111n With C11 1l U• lf'n51', 11.• f.h(' od· ly oppolnl.,tl With pnllll'I rol111 t'tl I hr hl'lnlf' • ( :Ill • H •h• I l l"t9W· drl'/1$1'1\ tn"lllh• rs nt lltr 1 ·111 \\ii· .. rnn~ rtnw,•rs in n llll,·.-r r• nl• 1. fltnl, I 70 \\ rllll Ph r •• I 11•!.1 :\!•·· 1 1111111 C:ah••ll 1h;1pltr ' ( l >.A H. on ptl'{c 1111 thr wl11lc rloth. A h/\ntl· F.nll'l tnl11111.-nl w11.• IJv tl.1n1·rr·s Mart h :i:1 Tlh' lunch"11n fl•'Nllt•n ~ '"'" •·I•·· I' l<'a ~"rvlc~ r('1<t1• I "n :\tnrJ••l I<' Ali 1w n an.I ;11 .. 1,· ll.1111-! w11~ h• ltl 1t ="•'''l"'rt llnrbor Y11r ht 1111 "'Vllll~1tc tr:cy nt"11 rby <111 n "'"11•1 ,,r thr l'o I.I Jlnll11 t"ln11~1()11•• I l'h1h w l1h ~1r• AJh"rt ~tnckl•m "tnAll·r t:ih\.-. J•,•ach bl•>l'•oms <Ire-T hrv rapl 1vllt•ol th•• 1111\t• 1"• \\,t h ]'l'P•lc1 1nj? 11ratl"lf lhe h"ll~r. I th·1r r •t:tly !l)-lumr• .rn.i t•oerrrrts :'ol 11• l~Ppprn Al al,..tl I hP Rf'tl P11n~.: I hr nit r rnoon I It,. i;i1rllt fr• m !'w:in 1.nk r , IA>~ l'ylphll~"ll 1 Crn" fun<I• a re 1 tlm1n1? In ''''Y r r h•'"'r \\ '' 1 re~ nlt"I '"'h a T it,.. !"1"'11 ni: B• .rnt.Y·. CuJ•pdln anti 11luv.I\' nn I tlll\l th • 111'•··1 '" j<r• ~I. I· \0f l.Y r " .. ' ( llltf"'!l<'•I J!IB,ll\\.lle I•·, l.,ht '<•I• I ~he "~'" f.,11nw,.1I hy :'ol r• 1· "· :l1 " ~ It llm 1 I! • puup tn 111·pr•. fn 1 111• l•1!'.rn ~11 11. C-1n\\f ~I and liuar,lnm.n \\lt•J t..i.ik<d vn Ill•· lm• ollll• n o•( h• r lfl yeo.,r• ~.·r\'I• .-10 J.. r R~•lllt lfl;: t\Osto < ~' n l"I I t'· r-•rtl\111 ~ or l l\0tl ll..C1 n«· 1\11•1 t he t •w =""'l'"t l H -irb<•r 1;1rl Sr out l :r~hn,rn•.. in thP :-:· 1·~111• k .. n• •'<l f<>r more \'Olunt e..r \n>rk!'r1t Cnun• 1 fl.'\y lh,.m t t o Mmu. W1llnril 1 f;h,. rrc•11r 1:tr•I eoac-h mrmb, r '·' 1' h l'r n• at v.• rr Mml's. John O.rl· C"ourlnr y, Harry Wrts:ht, Jr,sf'ph I a 1 'tv11 u r ren11c vulunl<'"r r.-i;1~11 n-ly. M111 ra>· HnbtitL:. A. 0 Ohng. l"rllt h1 not, Hal H11t(l.-J;.J, Oanll!<'r. l 111n form 1rnd a.•ktd all whn 1·0111.l \\ 11111111 Ttltl J nondn Cu n11111ni:s. llnrry lze-nllur. Bf'rl Trrh11nr, Don l!<'r\'e l•I till them out. l'hr Ill.•, !-inn·, ,,,.,,.b. n _y. U111k1 Th11ma11.1 ll1i.lollr!<l11n. George Cnffrv, .lef· 11n1d lhe forms Are ov:11lnblc 11t ~·1 ank ~l"t'11nn1ck. Hnlph W1l1•ox, 1 r-rson St'O\'llle, H enry 111111. liar· C'1ly Hnll to any perllnn H\·mg 1n l"\C'1t tt :-\un 111. C \\'. Crnwl. ~. lr y Hurnrtt 11nd Thoma:o di' 1"111t•1<t. lh•• area. K fl11 .,.>: • T,•<l Hambn•uk, JA r k PArty. H,. w1111 r •llt"r or 1111• llrdly \\"ork('r for a period or 10 yrllrll. lt Wll'4 his bi'ltf'f \h.1\ lhP rh111rh anu the Communisl !'arty couJd In aome way be re<>oncrlw . bul thro11.1rh the e((orts M ·Bishop Ful· ton ~hrt>n l><'l:'l\n to see the error tn his thlnkmg. Al presrnl. Uutll'nz 111 ll protrs· llOr al l-'011Jha111 t•n1v1·1 ~1ty 111 :'\ew York. ancl a CHnlrtbutur lo Tht T11l111i;s mn1;.1.21nt·. He 111 11\tthor of "J\len \\"1tlw11t Fners ' t1nd "The Ttt'hnlcs of Cummu11111m." :\t1 ,;. F. 0 . Dutlt·r. pruldl'nl of lhe Fn·<'dorn Club or Santa Ana. ha:oc anno11ncC'd l h.il Elm'r l'oirh!r \\ill mtrodut·e liucl<'nz •t the Santa Ana mf'f'\1nJ:, anti fhe Rev. Chris· torher J . B111tlley, pastor or St. Ann. ·s Catholic l h111 t·h will g lvt the tn\•orutton. l'rt•><alc Lirkl'ts are nuw avatlnbh.• th1ou~h ;Ills. Clr n· ncll Wtlkmson. t1r kt·l cha irman. nnd door sale.11 will olso bo made the rv•·nlng or the-"'"rllnjt. !-\rs. Ch&ll<'n Landers rrporled Qu!lOC'nbu ry. Ji. !-~. :>Juk, \\'tldRn -:;;;,;;;::;:;;:;;;;::;:;==;::;;;::;;;::;;;::::;;:;;:;;;;::;:;;;;::;:;;;;::::;;:;;:;;:;;;;::::;;:;~­ on the rtcenl 11late conwnuon nf I'. Thomn~. :'olarltn .\lnngultl. \\ 11. DAR.. to which 1he wu a uck-1 llam Hum11~11n. Allx-rt Rylt>\l. !Jon. a nte. Rid Johnson &JlJ c. R. L EC'luJ1r. .. ' ' . ....... --- 1.. ~(II r11 /t, '" · l'fll//(t , 1111 htil I ... l . • •• 4 • • ' • • • • •, ....... , Frff Lecture on CHRISTIAN S CIENCE: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE OPERATION OF DIVINE P RINCIPLE I N on~ BEl lALF'' By llA.LPR E. WAGERS, C. ~. 8. of C'lllc-a,.o, llllnola Member of thr Board bf L«turt11hlp ot The Molhtr Church. Thr Flret Church or Chrbt, Sc1ent!Jt, In Bo3ton. MaS111· chU3tlta MO~"'D.\\·, APRIL t, U :lO (:-i00X) UDO Tfff:ATRE Jl:ewport Boule,·ard and Via Lido, Nrw- port Buell i\1111rl""" o f F l"' C'lrnrC'h nf «hrll'I. -. .. , .. " 11~t. "'"" fH•r1 n··•··h { -Ri:Si:ilvi'o-1 SEAT I u 1hi• .. 11i. 6nt I Cbrit1iu Sci-I lwure you h"" allt'nd~. we will I H H 1 ~•I for yo11 In the audl· I 1oriwn until '"" I minul~t ~for~ the lt'Uurr. Jiut pn• I . ~nl thi"' rnupon I 10 Inf o•htt 11 11:.:_~ __ _J We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! t ·our N>at will tltC> a~ bf'antllul 8" ,., f't, afl l't our •JM"C'lall~t" r <>mplPlf' U1f'lr han•I \\llrk ! We Pickup and Oflh-u Uptown Cleaners 1928 Wt'flt Ralboa ffh·d -~ewport &M'h "°" •l)('rlalbe lri f 1 .. anlnir and ll1nl'I l•r .. ~''"« nf IAdlf'!I' and (•f'nlh'meon,· fin,. '"'•rln& epparf'I Ug. 928 Via Udo Nord, while Lt. Ward la on tour of duty from Shaw A ir Force Bate, Sumter, S.C. Hla tour completed, Lt. Wa rd w1U join h11 family. Vialtlng h l're and with his parenta, who live near San Frandeco. In early fall be will be ttltt.ltd Crom itervtce and will return to Celltomla to either enter bu1lnua or conllnue hia edu· cation. The baby 11 flnit gu.ndclllld for Mrs. Battig and ttr1t cre•t·grand- chlld for Mra. Homer Tbomu of ' Santa Ana. She ha1 numerous rf'· latlvea In thl1 vicinity. On Satur· llay 1he wu at the airport with her mother to gnet her paternal grandtaUler, E. F. Reed. who flew In from Florida and aaw her for the tlr1t time. Rolh Mra. Battle and the Edward Warda Sr. were pruent wh•n ahe arnvea on New Y•ar'a eve In Sumter. The family 11 parUculary •n· joyln( the get·loJdher on Udo a.a the Safllga plan to reelde in Bever ly Hll!• for a year. lA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA T1IZA Tall SLDO. BALBOA ()pea helcla7 t.111'11 ...__ SERVEL HEAD9UARTERS FOR THE HARBOR AREA Servel Gatfer'1 a Satt~r l llC'O FuraltUN Collect or'• J~m• ADUCIUff ' FURNITURE 1500 Newport Bou~evarcl Liberty 8-5195 APPLIANCES COSTA MESA • How's it doing? • 0 0 • New periscope viewer lets you see inside your Gas oven without stooping! Now -you nrl'dn 't wtoor -nor optn the oven door to cht'f"k on biking or roasting. The new pttiteope viewer ~ivea you a wide. dttp view of the food. (It operates on the u me principle aa a aubmuine peri1<:ope-but look1 down. not up. I A gl.,ice Bh'tt you a view of the whole oven. Wliy not take a ~k? Stop in at you r dealer'• or Gu Company this week. ~ the MW autotnatic .Gu r•nl'f!' ! IOUfMUN COUNTlll OAS COM,AN1 Nu41•·,ll•tt t h • ,,.It_ .. lltlitl•1-.................... OfHH NIW nATUIH ._, .......... vt .. ••• 1 •• 11, , .......... . ••"'9 ......... 1 .. ,. A•••-tle ti-fff ~i.--o. .,. ....... ,.. .... !here's something ~ in GAS 'cooking • •• 11 ,.._ ... ,, --....._,.-" ,..,1c1,..i-. 0. ........... CM...C •~·~·..,... 1 IAmll • ueec a. • un• • -011 ... I ....n • ICA 111A" • -. • ..,. ... ..,..,..,...,..as & Wf I Norge-Tappan-O'Keefe & Merritt Gas R••• Jake's Appliances SAUS UIDTY 1-6641-SERVICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA SPRING CONVENTION plans were uppermost in minds of Mn. Gail Barnett (left) and Mrs. Norman Watson (right) a. they left recently for San Diego. Mrs. Bar- aett is president of Orange County Federation of Wo- men's Clubs, Junior membership, and chairman of South- ern District conventio1i, to be held in Pasadena. Mrs. Wat&0n is first vice-president of Southern District Jun- iors and candidate for their president. -Staff Photo County Juniors to Hostess the Spring Confab , April Held Session to be in Pasadena Hotel The Orange County Federation' of Women's Clubs, Junior Membership, will hoRtess the annual spring conven- tion of the Southern District. California Federation of Wo- men's Clubs, Junior Membership al the Huntington-Sheraton in Pasadena April 29-30 with Mrs. Gail Barnett, Buena Park, pre111denl of th!' Onmge County Fe<ll"ratlon, &JO convention cha ir-\ Smit h, Bu('na Park. Mra. John man Newlon. Place.nU•; Mra. lARoy ~.,,, No rman Walson. Newport Stnlt:r.. Santa Ana; Mr11. Lt-onard Burh first nre-prl'Sld••nt ot Log11don, <'osta Mesa: Mrs. Walter Dabney. Hunungton Beach , Mre. Southern l>1str lt:l irn1I progra m I Marx Dre1111ler, Seal 84'11ch ; and rha1rman. has a r re.ngec1 for " M S M R bl c d wnrk~hon on club tthlc11 to be rs. · · 0 n110n. llr en •· OrovP. ltl\'• 11 hy !llrll. Cl'orge C'ornehul', JH ~f'l,.·1l of the 1. .. ~ Angell'll 0 111· h 1•. ..·, 1 .. 1~1l11n, .tnd ••nt('rt1u n- mcrn lu be 1:1\·en follvwing t hl' Fri- d11y b11nq11rt a nrl al thl' l'laturd11y lunrhl'on COAS"" CLl'M Mr!' Gtor1te Reay, prt~rdent of l.11J(t1na 8l'11C'h and Mm Robf'rt H iii. pt!'a1dPnl of San Juan C'apl11- 1111no unit, arl' <'O·Ch•lrmen o f fav-""~lllhng ~\111. Kaml'tt w1lh the nr" a nd w ill be u i1l11led by ~tra. r"nw•nt1nn plans are t hl' prt'~rrlrnt.11 \'rm Knox. San C lrm,.n tP ~'"' of th•' I~ JUmor f"<IPrlllN1 rlubll In Du\lne VrOrl. prl'llldf'nt of Brea lhP l"llllnl) .. n.i tht'1r C'ummatt"•'!I., chab and amP111l1• ll c ha1nnan f(lr Mr,. I.,\ lo• Rrhl'rm1UIPr, LI\ Habra Or&nc.r rountr. \\'Ill bt> A .. llllltf'd 18 1n l'hllr~f' of lt\P •lt'ro1·"l1on!' 1md h\• lltrll. !';tolli: M1·11. Lloyd MAI· v.'111 I · • •.lil~t· ii ti•· ~I re llonftld Jory of Fullerton will he tn r hargt A.G.D. Alumnae See Hat Show. Elect Officers 1 of t hr 1«•Jtl10lM1.t1<Jn and Mr11. !H('r· lini.: Ponll of ~eowport Br arh will br ll!Ulllllf'•I by Mr8. Vlri.:11 011(11111t r.f An1tlw1m in '"-'t'uring thl' pnJ(o. An •'lt Pl'lltlVP boar(! mPl'llnJ: will lw h••l1I f'111h1y mnm 1ni.: JWl'C'r1lln1t th•· run\'('nl1on w(1 h lh" hoArc1 m .... t1ng for lunrh an t h" ~hip Hoorn. The prt'l!ldl'nls' 11nn1111l re· MPmt11•ts of Alpha Gamma DPlla port• wall bfo ltlVt'n dunn,_ thl' AlumnRP v.e11' l'ntr1lalnrfl wllh 11 111fll'moon 11 ... ~!'100 and th•• h1J.?h · hHt 11h11wln1o? h\' Joyce 88rnt'tl of ll1thl of the rnn\'t'n taon will bf' thf' F11llf't tnn al h• r Ro11tt'1ll\' •hor 11w11r•li< bsnqtl•"l 11t which lime l hl' ""''hf'I P th"Y \'I• """ti f11hulo11" h1t 11 111 •'•f'lltatlnn 11f ""'·e td11 fo r .. rrnrt frc1m lh" ('O "'l ~ome ownrd bv will bP naaol<'1 n th.-dub.• for thr1r Sarl\h B1·1 nhr11 d1 othl'r P< n<>ll a1·r1•mr1t~hmrnt• o111nnl' th1io pn•t mlXJl"lll llOd Rl.!<O lhr !lll\Atl ll('IJ.?•n· ~<'A l ab Of Miii!' R11rnPtl. ModPI for lh•' ~Vl'OI OI: \\ 11~ ~Iii'!! J O\'('I" Ph"ll"· TO t:U :('T plar ... To rllmlllt l h .. l'V('O lnjt'I! rro· f,;l td hill 11( C1fflCt'l II Wiil be h• Id (TOm UI" mrmbt•rJO drl!lRJ1Pd m lnlfl· !'litlurclll}' rtnol lht' ln~tallatlon Wiii tup• hrll, \\'1onl'r nf th" rontc-•t !:>" rnn<h1rlr•I by M r!ll Roy L> l..11\• w 111 )Ira Earl Harn•. To mtrodUcl' of Rt\·t n <tM , flrl'\ vl<'e ·proldt-nl thr proi:ram ~lr11 [,1l"h Phell"· "r ~1outh• rn l •1,.tn1·l \\'um• 11 a plar•· rt>tld l'X<'"I pl• rr nm l.1llv l'lul>.4 and nornan•·t' fnr pr f'41d,.nl Darh"" r•C"rnt hn<1k ~Ir~ :->nnne.n \\'Rtll11n •~ r11nn1 n1t 0.M,.rt WAI' l'f'n·ec1 b\' lh1• 11 .. ,.. f'ark 111 unOJ'JYll'f'<I for thr offlre tl'lll't'll. MmP• Rlrhard Pow,.11. P..· 1 ·l~'lt "' th" Jlllllor m•111~1•h1p R11y l"\1< kl'<>n 11n ! \\'llllltm r.ra f • "n.t ~I r~ Rob<-1 l Sllnr of RuPn" ton l '1Hk 1• 11n• N'"""'1 fnr lhr offll'I' Al lhf' bUSllH'~l! mttlmlol tho' fol· C•f 1111dlln1 lowing (lff1crr11 wpr·!' ,1.-ctl'c1 to Aprrnxarnately :.oo are ""Pl'd t'tt 11rrve "' 1<ernn<1 1 .. nn; f'r1'11i111'nt. In Hllf'nrl11nrp Ill lhr twQ·d1t\• 11f· )I 111. Pht llrplllC'f', vire-pre11tdrnt. fair )tr11. WllllRm Orl'lflon. 41"COrdln1t -=::::=========:::::==:. lll'r ret111',\'. M r~. OrRoy D1rk110n; lrPa1111r,.r. Mr1t. Earl Harn a. cor· ft11pond1n1r 11ttrl'Lary, Mr11. J 11mH Chrv.· ~11 6 Rlrh1ud PowPll wa11 appoantl'fl rha 1rm11n nf the ~n,.r1t brunrh to be h•ltl in thP fall an'1 )tr11. Vernt! CrllmPr wa1o n11mP<1 Jto••" Say It With publlrlty rhalrman "' '"'•1• A SlO don11tlnn \l\'111 be ar nt to Party Rental Items the Or11nRt' County Soclt ty tor 1.11n.1 F. C()n.•I H.11 .. Coro"n del Mar Cnpplt'd C'hlldrrn s nfl Aflu ll~ to Harbor 5071 turlhtr lt11 work. I _ ---:.:-::::.::::::::::::::::::::::= IN THE EASTER FASffiON SHOW BP,OllBOred by the Council of Catholic Women were these tnembers of the younger set, showing wh at may be seen on parade April 10. Left to right are Judy Kusby. Joseph Gallant, Mary Susan Arnold, Edward Gallant, Nancy Glass, Eddie Kus- by, Jane Macker, Jerry Finster, Kathleen Lowe, Billy DEMOLA Y MOTHERS CLUB PLANS DINNER SESSIONS Social plans for the year and appointment of two ch11lr- men occupied attention of Dr Molay Mothers' Club when the g-roup met on the evening of March 23 at the hOme of M r11. William Melcher, 408 38th St. with Mrs. Hadd R ing pre-siding Mrs. Earl Guslkey wa,, named chalrmlln of the sunshine committee and Mrs. Cherltl' R. Gammon of publicity. lt wa.11 dec1drd to hold four d1nn,'r m<!t'ling11 durln~ lht' year at local rt'alaurunu. Next m eetrng was S<!l for April 27, 7:30 p.m. a t the home of Mrs. Edw11rd L. Sedelmler, 441 El Modena Avt. Mrs. Jo Tatum as11isle<I Mrs. Melcher ·1n serving refrMh· 1nent11. hand p11\ntl'rJ chin!\, hobhy of \he hostess, providing topic for conve1·sallon. Ensign P-TA Names Officers vk e-prrncipnl of (hi" Nrw1xirt H ar- bor Union High School. explain~ the "Pay Ill! you go" plan of thl' school building ll'l!ue to bf' on Ult' ballot May 20. Oeerlllne for reg- istration 111 Ma rrh 27, 11 waa an- noun ced. The :slatr of off1 cl'ra C'lrcl t><I for the following year 1n<'lude11 Pre11idenl, Mr11 . .Joseph C..:arver; tlrlll vicC'-prt'sident, M1 a. Porter S inclair: second vlcc·pres1tll!nt.. Mrs. John Haas: 1ecrelary, Mrl. Finster, Timothy Ket.er and DeeDee O'Bryon: Children's modes were from the Brat Shop, those fo r adult. from Lido Fashions. J ewelry was from R~berl'a Jewelel'B, hair styles were by Alice of Lido. Main door prize, the $100 lei of flowers and money, wu won by Mn. Curt Pinclcert. -Don Bush Pho~o Pettit-Beenfeldt ·Marriage Revealed Mn. K a.ry i.e. Richmond, ~22 Fullerton Ave., i. announclnt tbe marrlace of her daupter, Mt.1 Sandra BHnfeldt, lo Mt. Donald Dalton Pettit, eon of Mn. Jane Petl\t... 619 Rlveralde Ave. The wt'ddlnJ, a 1urpriM lo fam- Uy and f riend•, waa held on N ov. 28 in Reno, Nev. durtnJ Thank•· glvlfl&' vaaUon. The bride, 't11o'ho i. dauihter .of Mn. R\chmond and Mr. Norman Beenfeldt of San Dlego, i. a fruhman etudenl at Stanford Unlnnilly. Htr huabuld i. a Junior frutunan etudent at Untverelty of Callfomla.. to which eehool •h• txpect.a to transfer. 'nle couple wUl be at home In Berkeley. Zerbe Appears in Pomona Production Student. of the Horace Emui:n School entertarned lhe partnU w1lh a program at the regular P · TA m eeting Monday. Minch 21 Bt 7:30 p.m ., wh1r h also /t'Blured el•'C· tlon or ottlcers. Oirl11 of the 111x, lll'V<'n 11nd eighth gradt11 unc.ler lhe 8Upervlslon of Ml1111 J o Ann R1•r11r•I gave an exhibition or tumbling. Boys from the aennth and eli;hth gradu 11up•rvl~d by Norman Sllllwell aJBO did tumbling. o. \V. R ichard; corre.spondlng ~c-MRS. DONALD PETTIT f't'lary, Mrs. Charin Hanson ; t re&-------------- aurer, Mrs. J oet'pb Nlckeru : hi,_ t orlan, Mrs. A. Burr Whitt; audit- or, Clay Summrell. .Anthony J. ZerM, eon of lllr. and Mni. A. L. Zerbe, tT Be&coa S.y, N .wport Be~h. appeared bl \he etudenl production of "The Man ot 0-Uny". O.Orp Bernard The t lghth grade Hannoneera Mr. Chrllllenlt'n'a eljtlllh grade ea.ng &11v.-ral numb('ra w1Lh the room had Ule moat pa.rent.a pre- sirla' Triple 'n-lo and U\.a boy•' Mill. An lnepl.nUOftal prayer read Barber Shop QuarleUt' dolng two by Mrs. J ohn WILlp followed Ul• numbers each. J olll'ph Hamblet. J lag ctremony by Girl Scout Troop Te•r lenfy Mlts, CMtl, •resses, ......... , SWHterl ••• HtrytWq, will ••st ...... , I look HW ...... , Hc.wse SAlllTONI 'm OUT All THI DllTI* More Jtarment• a rt' di~arJ<'<i for lnnl..in~ d1nl'ty :ind old than :irr r,·cr wnrn nut Very often, ton, tl1r\e 'flf·same it"rmenu could ha\•e l"leen l..C'pl in ost' week' or monrhi loni;:er 1( 1hry had heen re,i:u larly dry <leaned tht' tho rough S11ni1n ne "ay. So ..,, hy don't }'ou. too, rrly on San11noe 10 ket'p your lo"tly things looking 10 .. tly lo nger? •1YEN GROUND-IN DIRT VANISHIS • 5'0TS AU GONI • llKl-NIW LOOK AND Ull ltlSTOHD • amu DRA" AND ,IUSS LASTS LONGER • NO PllSPIRATION ODORS • NO DRY CLEANING ODOR 29 under the lea4e.nhlp of Mn. Shaw'• comecl7 allc>Ut Napoleoa at Hufb Godwin. BIJlUt srade .._ P-CoUlc• re<*lfq. molheni we,.. hoet..... for Ute Z«tle la a ltM irradua~ ot N-- aoclal hour and l.Jlcluded MmM. port Harbor H1a h kbool MMS a Randle Alcom, Car1'oU A.Im.,_ ~ at'..__. Ba ........ Butler, "1th Mra. P'r-ed Wood· n.ln6 to -Jor ta ct..ma. worth u h01pltallly r halnnan. For Arm Chair Travel Group The t.raYel .. cuon of J:beU C?\111 of Newport will meet at I p.m., April & at the Utll• !:bell Club- ho~. 616 WMt Balboa Blvd. )lra.. Dol'Ot.1\7 McKenna wtll ahow her latMrt pcturea ot Guatemala and comment on her recent tl"lp to tha t OO'f'lry. Opening FRIDAY April 1st • May we Cordially Invite You to get the "FIRST LOOK'' at our exciting introductions of new, personally ···································: ••••••••••••••••• 0 ~"''"" • selected CASUAL FASHIONS •. O••,.'• ""' o s ....... ~ : W·•D•Oll c t 0 O••··· : " o w ....... ·• Svlt o s .. -~ •• : : CMlO UU 0 s1r.1~ • ci-• ~ 0 Teite•" : ..,_ -4 ''' 0 T9"•r •• 1--' O N• .. '•·· 0 Dr••• : '""" ...... =••••••••••••••••••T~..-..... ""'~ LIDO CLEANERS Uberty 8-4014 1712 Newport llvd., Costa Meta NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PA&E J MONDAY, MARCH 28. 1955 · 'Cat's Out'; Engagement News Told "(eddlnr h1u bren aet for eome llmt In tht nt1n future. Hearinc lhr n<'w11 """''" M ni.·~. T. 0 . Stew- art , Rttlph Ahrtns. f\'ul Davi .. TPd Hambrook, F rank McCormJc:k. John V. f"t'ff and Hay L&nl'en- h•lm. I "1"e Ca t'• Out of lhl' Bae," aaid attnc.-tlve •nnounrt'menll when mtml>l're or the women'1 commit- tee of the Newport Harbor Cham-1 t>.r or Comme~e aal down lo La_..,. luncheon ~cenlly al a local club. '-"'r'~ ~:ibt'~~~r,~lerl:·~~id ~~:n~~: · au FFERI I Church, prominent attorney of ' or her tnp .. emenl lo J. w. 1 Oreat Falla. Mont .. when cue11La twice .. fad .. apll 1111 pulll'd the newa out of a ee.ndy --- attlped baa· _, ..... J99r lt1m1llll Mni. Jau, who ruldu in Cor- ona d t'I Mar. 11 preMntly a.uocl- ated with the company or P. A. Palmer. Jnc:., of Lido Jale. The G1111clenon DnHJ Co. I 17 Majn Balboa JEWELRY FROM ISTATIS AYAILAILE If you •r• seekin~ Jewelry Items th•t •re Scuce Let~· know .:. We m•y Buy It For You e 'EWELKY BOUGHT e ROIERTS JEWELERS HIV1 M&rtae Ave. -a.lboa l.aa.4 -Hutlor Siii TIBNANS C..pleNly ..._. .. TYPIWllTllS Outftn41"1 Y•luee $2950 ,.,._w. .. lew ...... l _ -TYNWllTll llNTALS - T t c· , ) l rt l l 1 ........ PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER YOU om MO.BE TRAN FOUB ..._ ,_ ... TWO J>Ol,J.AN .._ 'l'WO DQI, LAJUI ••• · .. a ........ a I t 'J-.. .V di Fl .. in your favor, for the lnter'ellt ta added. u euned. to your of'ilinal deposit. and compounded nsWar· ly. May we help you llt&rt your 1&vinp account next payday! . COSTA MESA BANK .. YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ' 1111 N-,.n ...._ LDer0 .... n WlMtU lltOUA1 DIPOSIT IN5UlAltCI COl.POIATIC>ft Cole of California's Sleek Cotton Swim11uit with Hope Skillma.n'• Woven Strtpe11. J>Teci11lon Cut for Figure Flattery. An Eye Opmer OD )..rj7 Beach. , ' f CREAMED COD FISH DOES DOUBLE DUTY Lenten Dinner Dish Delectable for Special Sunday lrealfast By CAMILLE CAIDoN We aaid once before that it ia a good idea for a bride to uk ber new mother-in-law for aome of her reclpea by way of reuauring ber that her eon la going to be well catered to. Mamma may think her daughter-in-law ia a flattering, ingn- ti•ting baggage, but after all that ia one of the better epi- thet.a that people think up to call tato cubee and one-tourt)\ pound -.Ch other by. ot butter cut into arnall plecee. Bever&! ~rveloua recipes ca.me Heat &lowly unUl W'lll·blended and our way by lhl• method. reclpee the butter u melted. At thle point t)lat have ~n repeated Jlter&lly tut• the mlirture for ult and tdd doaena and dozena of timu. Since aome It neceaeary. Codtl•h 1eem one of them. for codft.h ln c ream, to differ In their ult content. Let fltl -u lnl.o the Lenten teuon, the creamed codflah at.and unUl we will pa.1 It eloJl6. needed at dinner time In a cool W -'SH COD WELL place to develop flavor. At dlnner time, heat cenUy bu t On Thureday night after dlnner, thorou(hly. Add aome cream If apen a box ot .. it c-odtlah. w .. h neceuary. The t lnlahed mixture It welt under tap lo remove out-ihould be c~amy. but not runny. aide ult crylt&ll: thtn place the SAVE 80ME tllh In a pan and cover with cold Now don't, pray, e&l It all tor water. dl1111er. Put the reintlW In a cov- HERE'S HOW ••• MAKI JLOWll IOXlS Attracd" eo-r bdel an bada eqoaNI ae ('11481. 011 "• eaq \o aake. ladt pl,-,rood. Cut t;be111 out For tM wi~ ~ wltll a c:oplnc .. ,,, p&lllt them, (A) make tM •di e.nt. a.14 a.ad f utn to the DOZ with ,.. the ~111 board. -J!ewias k IMh brad&. to ateacl tii.1oacl t.be .q.. et For Box 8 lll&b the end• the ..... and Uie plane ""' t.he ant. Dr•• tb• ahe~ of the esc.a 10 th alope of the eda. aloptnc l•l'I and dnll tb• 2· Acid the 1ld.., allowlas them lneh hole t;lore uwin• out the to uwnd 1ll1ht17 abo"e and lee ahapeL Mark. off t..b• r .. bmeath the enda· plane to )Ito-c .. au for the 11de board1, duce an ntll top and bottcm ualnc a 1ide board aa a irulde, 111rtaee. and aaw each end care!ull1 t.o For both A and 8 uae S. ina~h. pe11117 11on-ru1t.lnc nail• for Auemble by addln, th# bot-fa1t.enin1. and deca1·JUl1tan\ tom: th.en th!! two 11du. Bore or pr-rvatJ..e t.r.ated lamber, about 11z in-inch holH in tbe 1-lnch thick. Flower dscoraton bottom of eacb boz tor drain· are dra"'1\ u 1bown, u1ln1 1· ace. 0 © COMMAND IATn.E STATIONS NOW ON ROSE DISEASE WAR 8pr1nf, when new llfe begtna &6&in, ll the moat loSical time to nip t.hoee ro.e pe1ta and dlae .... In I.he bud Croee bUd. that 111. At thla tlmt of the year the prtnclpal put of t.ht roee. aphJd, la In the helrhlh of lta aeuon and' the hlghut number can be r otten rid or. SomeUmee It taku a d&Jty •praytnr to keep I.hem under control for t.h~y have a h!Ch rt)iroductlon c&· paclty. Other annoying peats art mltee, chewtnr ln1ect.e, bor• ere and thrlpe. Moat &ll-purpoee tn.ecUcidta w11J take care of lheM pelll. Mildew 11 I.he principal diaeue ot the roM. It can be con· t rollt d with 1praya of copper or &ulfur fun1rlcld11 er du1Ung with 1ulfur. rt can renerally be prevented•by choo11"6 mildew· rulatant roau, In the flrat place. There are many roee var1e- tlta to choose from whtch hllve foliage I.hat II ha.rd, glouy and leathery -In other word•, mlldew-rul1tant -rather than 110ft and dull tlnllhed. Do not regard c.hloroaill u a dlaeue for It le a eytnptom or an Iron or &Inc nitrogen deficiency ln the aoll and la char· a cterl&ed by a yellowing of the leavu . Appllcatlorui or a bal· anced ftrtlllzer Ud thtn w ltur may aolve the situation. Water ,.tter each application. Roee nat can be partially controlled by 1prayln1 with · fungtcldu and lime 1ulfur but the beet cure 11 removtnr th• d.laeued leavea on t he plant and on the cround at prun\ng time and burntnr them. ,,- Dlaeuea and peat problem• vary wttl\ll'ii" area In which you fardtn. Local nurserymen will be able to advise you on the m!lal common varletlu ot roae "va nnlnll and allmentl" In Newport Ha rbor and whet to do about them. 1 Colored Pencils Mind Dates for Frozen Foods· Colored penclll can help ketp t.raclt ot th• "expiration datu" ot fOOdl IJtored In the home h'ee•r. The month and ,_,. when ,.... commended ator&«e life uplraa ahould be noted on a tac attaclled to every food pacltace tb&t roes 9UANTITY IUYIN• TllMS FOOD llU. f'reuer oemera tnm ITOeerJ bllla by buylnc fooda tn •UD• tlty, tak1q adV&Aia,. ot ~ k•t ·~ ao4 ~ up on cert&Jn lt.n. • .__ priC!l9 &re at Ml IOD&I lows. Ap~ all tn~ wtth cauuoa. a4vt.e. a.. NatklMJ J.uto. moMl• Club. lnto the treuer. lt lhll dalA ta ;;.=:======--::==:;;;:;. written with a coloAd pencil that alrn1f1ee the MUC>n, It Wl.U be .... lfr to tell at a rlance When food& ahoutd be ueed, auq .. t home economlatl. A black pencil mtcht be U&ed tor the winter month& ot December, Janue.ry and rebruary: a inen one for March, April and May: a red one for June, July and AUl\llt; an oran1e one tor September, Oct- ober and November. Orouptq pa.ckacea ln buketa or bap accordlnc to It.or-.. life aleo will help uaure uae within proper Ume llmlt.a. Okay PlatlftCJ Shop Joe God.trey and Robert-Kc- Gowu, · npreaentin&' the Uncola En&1neertn& Co.. wei-. Moada:r night gT&nted a nrtanoe by Meaa CJty Council to loe&te a bard chrome pl&U~ ahop at 880 W.t 17th St., Coeta M--. HOME LOANS Flr<lay momlng d"1n off the tred bowl In the refnrer-.tor and water, cover ag&Jn with truh let It rat until Sunday morning. cold water an.d put the pan ovtr Bring It ou t and with a deasert a very low f ire. Let It come to apoon dlp up apoontuli or the a boll, but Immediately lower the creamy maae which will be much. ----------------------------. heat, llO that the fl1h Just aim-ltltfer now ihat It 11 cold. Roll ...... ~ .......... _ ............ Planning Commission Denys. Grants Variances. Permits At 0.-. .. a c.-ty'1 leetll, H.-• LeMl.t ............ mera tor abodt 20 mJnut.ee. Drain, tlleae ball• juat u they are drop-ft~e the tl•h &nd remove any ped from the aide of the 1poon. In bonu. com meal. Mtanwrule peel. cut ln hal~ Fry two t>M:on 8tl1JJ9 for ea.ch and boll three medium 11'94 Bur· peraon to be Mrved, ~ Mt them &nJc potatoea until they are jUJ1t ulde In a warm place. Jp the ba· under. When they a.re cool enouih con fat In the P61'· fey tl\• cod· to handle comfortably, cut them flail be.l1J unUI browned on both into cube. about lhru-tourth1 lnc.h •Idea. nattenlng them down eome· In 11lze. what with a spoon. SAUCE UCIPE Serye them with the b&ccm. and Now make a rich cream •uoe camJ.n with panley. A· boUle or u follow•: In a pan blend four Worcuterahlre eauce ahould be u tablupoona of !lour with ont· hand to be ll&htly 1pr\nkled over fourth teupoon ot black pepper them. Accompany thll dJah by hot and one rounded teu poan of dry tout, marm&!ade and coffee for a muatard. Stir In alowly, beating perfectly wonderful brealclut, eaa- wlth a wire whl1k, one cup of Uy end quickly pttp&red, ~ milk and one cup of coffee cream. moat ot the work wu done Jl"r1 day B rin• to a boll 11lowly, •tlrr1n6 nl6ht constantly and cook unW thlckan· Th.II amount will eerve two ed. meal& to two peraona amply or Add tbe flaked codllah and po-lllrM not .o l&Yiahly. SPRING FLOWERS HAIL EASTER Telev1a1on &etre.1 Ceol'fla L&ndfl&u admlru an Euter bouquet nf 1prin1 flower& The f lower• are ma.ued In lhe rolorful pro- fU11lon in which I.hey mtrht r row In a country p rden. U1lng an ~cc·•haJ>C'd pottery bowl that complement.e the beauty of lh8 nower1, I.he n ortat clloae dattodile. tullpe and ana pdr.1on1 for th.la bunt of irprlnf ·Ume color. He bae completed the a.rraniemt nt w1U\ ap11'l tucalyptta. MA'ITRE88E8 Boa.__H_Tn&J.n lrreplar ....... IAertJ ... , .. 0...11-~o.. t IM N-"1Mtr1 llmL CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THI IASY • WAY AND SAVI e Han ue .._., ,..... OODCft1e wwk Wttll • load of ......... ,,, .. .,.... •... "••llrM to ,..,.... ................ . .... .,., 1-2213 BAY • • • 711 w. ,, .. St. ()091'£ JllaA GARDENER'S CHECK LIST L Bectn a regular put con· trol pl'Ogram for ro~• and epr&y a t t"egular lnterv&lti. J. Now you can pl&n\ &11 typea of cont&iner-gTOWn orna· mental 1hrubbtry. 3. a. .oil properly prepand fnr ptanunr with the new c.hemlc&I aoll condlUonera which m&ke the eoU tooa1 and fr1ab&e tor a Ion& Ume. '·Apply a ~ commer- etaJ tm.lli•r around ~ buahea eYery monlh after they begtn blooming. 5. Get alter thoee weec:t. wtlh tb4I many typee of chem !cal -d kWera availabl- there la on• for every lltu· a Uonl But be sure to read lnltrucUona very caretully. e. You wU1 bave Jue trouble wlt.h weed& It you plant. YoW' n-lawn now. llcls Sought on Fal"lew OuHall lic::Jt..UCmn'O, (0CN8) -nie llt&te Dtputment of Public Workl ~l' UDounced the d.lonlllon of U'Cbltectu,.. w1ll ad~lt'UM tor bi4- for coutructJoe of an ouU.U NW· er and relat.d fac:UlUea at tM Nn1ew St.ate Kent&J Boepltal n.r Costa w-. J'wlcb In tM amount Of Sl:I0,000 en reported &Yailablt. HOUSI PLANTS w ...... ,..... .... Pm ., ,... ~ .... , ..... from ... PHILODINDION COIDA TUM ....... _., .............. . 1'ome a-cl Pl-ta Uke Pl'l..EA. l!tTllA WltEIUlT BEOONIMI, DWARF rna. ef('. . • . . • • Comf' Md Stt Ua. We Can l11ve you Jlo"''*- 5 & 10' NURSERY 11' UUI So. :\ewrort Bh'd. -Tt:STVi -Cl-.d TiiunGa,fe HOME Applica tion tor re11ubd1vl1ion of a parcel at 3130 Sea view Ave .. nwned by Mr. and Mrs. Jamu Ven Every. Into two btulding e!tu wu den1ed"9March l 7 by the Newport. Beach Planning-Commluion af· t.cr &n appeal f rom .Attorney C. A. Higbie that the 11ubcl1vts!on ordin· ance wu unconetltutlonal. : anti : . GARDEN Higbie rlalmed the two buJld· lng11, one built on each lot. were built before the ordinance and the lot la In a n R·2 :r:ont. The com· ml51110n report!'d the lot was sub· divided by sale llnd Is under Ill· vl'stigatlon by the zoning investt· gator for violation ot the 11ubdi· vt1lon ordinance. PAGE 4 -"PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 ORANGE COAST GROWS In ot.hH variance requests be- fore the commlsston, 1t recom· mended Everett Kruwtll be grant· ed a pt>rmlt to subdlvlde a parctl In Block ~I . Rlvt>r Section, Into two lots. · Tiit-Up Exterior Walls Used for New Classrooms SETBACK DE~lt:D AppllcatJon trom Qonald Metz ConatrucUon ta underway OJ\ M · ven new cluaroom1 to be Incor- porated aa an addlUon to the II· brary at Orange Cout College. The c1 ... room1 wlll houae lanruace. &Pffch and aoclal atudlu clUMa. Dealgned by Neutr-. and Alelt&ll· der, lhl' unll will COlll Sll:l,706. It wU1 ooca.i.t. ot 10,JH tq\are teet. eon.truc:Uon wtll be llteel and CGn· crete Ult-up c1'terlor wall.I w1th aomt UIW' nf bnck. Root 11tructure will 'bfJ of wood with M"OUIUc cell- lnp. uphall lllr floors. &lum1num chellc r&1l11 and trtm a.nd plalltlc bl&c.lc·OUl drlprS. The atructur,., to boo romplel~ by 8eptem~r. "111 1.1111'1 Include • tor a l·!t. sldeynrd i"lbaC'k for an readlJl6 lmprovement laboratory, attached garage on I.he rear of a 111x offlcee, a patlo and ~at roome. builc11ng 111te at 421 M St. wa!'I de· Every cla.uroom hu been dealg-ntd n!Pd. ThP commt1111lon 1111ld Mrtz tor quick conveniton to V111ual ald11. wa111 warnert 11rvrrsl tlmts to cut A pubUc addreA• outlet .hu be('n orr his existing garagt to give a prov1ded for every room, end the 1 4-ft. IHdevarrt sethack It he at· reading laboratory will accomo-iached 1t -to the txlst1ng house es date special equ1pmenL The patio he has llUbM'qur nlly done, hut that will have benchee tor Informal con· II• hu railed lo comply. Tbe com· ......UOO ~ c1-utd wW rnlH lon rtromme:ndt"d he ~ no- be lheltered by 11<:reena oulJ\lde cor-qulrtd tn move thl'I north wa ll .,( Mdora to protect aplnlt Wind and the cnragt four f Pt"l from th .. 11ide· rain. lin" to conrorm ~neral contrarlor 111 Femutaro. n .. rnmm,.ndt1Hon tn ~rant a Stromberg. Inf', S&nt.a Ana. Hf'SI· v&rlBolt" tn c. L. r·oopi·r tor 11 Ing and venlllsting, D S RlchardA, IO·fl fror.I ,.a11t ~"this• k a Ion~ S.mta An&: plumbtni;:. Sam Ktnll· Ht.rbor Island Road tor Jou l (at.her. Costa ~ft'.'~a. PICclnc&l, through ~ between Bay11de Drh•e Lovejoy Elertrl<'. Coil& Mu.a. ind Rudder Road wu made by ---------------------------the commlu1on. M. 8 . Sully wu Cal· Vet Reduces Appraisal. Inspection Fees on Homes World War I, II Veterans .EllCJlble for LonCJ· Term, l Per Cent Financing A 1ub1llntlal reductlon I• •P· u the property 11 pla.ced unCSer prn1~111 and 1n1pecllon '"'" hu conlnlct w1th the departmenL b,.,.n put in effrrt ror Callfom l11 LOX G·TERM Cf):'\TRAfTS vrttrana whr1 blllld or b1ty homu Un.Ser the at.le program, ell· g1bl" Callfom ln vPterana may with "Cal· Vet'' financing. bm!tl, buy or rl'tlnan<"e homu or Th" SIOO admlnl1tr1t1ve fte for f11rm11 under Jong·tC'rm r,onlracls tnapKtton of dwelhngs hnllll<'~ at :t per cent mlt'rtaL They m11y d11n.ng conatrucllon by t.111' "pro-111Jbm1t tor purchu t, homu with gTeS!O paymt-nl" method "'11~ db· cont 1nued by the California \"f't· trans Boarl1 effective Much l appralud v1111,., u high u Sl:Z,· !>flO nr farm .. valued a t $18.~. Th,. ~part ment or Veteran1 Af· f111n may advance up to $8,!'>00 !or a homP or $H5,000 for a farm. v.•1t.h I.he vettran maklnc up the dH!ert·nct rranttd a , .. n 1nce t or • 50-ft front yard 11ttback for a proposetl el1dltlon to an txl~Ung oldtr or the Korean confllcL Veteran• mu At ha \'e been born II\ California or ha"e bel'n i t.ate rAl<ltnts at t.h1 time they enttrtd the a rmd forces. FundA for the r rorru:n are ob- ta ined through 1ale of Caltrom la Vetnnn11 BondA, authortzM by Ule voter11 but coslln.tt taxpayers no-I thing. Rcp11yrnenl la made by Ule veteran11 Ulem1tlves, a t a rate I 1ufflcltnt to cover bolh the coat of the bonds and all adm1nl!trat\vr l'Xpenaea. building on the rnr or the tot at 222 Onyx Ave. Irvine Co. and Macco Corp. '111/'ere granted 11taggered 1111tback11 on tf'n Iota In Irvine Terrace. G. K. Erwin wae Ct'&nted re· que1t for a :>-rt. rearyard 1etback at 207 3tth St. and Charle• D. Cotton w a1 given a va riance per- mit to construct a three rar gar· age on two and one halt lots at llHO £. Ocean ~ont. \' AftJA...,.C'E S ORA!lo'TED Four ot.her v&rlancea w e re granted to Stewart O. Killian (or a second accel30ry atructu re to house heating a nd !llterlng equip· ment tor a swimming pool Ill :WO De Anza Dnvt ; Haul Grant King to conatn1ct a home a t 330 Poppy Ave.: Mr. an!l Mre. Warren H Clark tor a 9-tt. setback at 2165 E. Ocean Blvd. end Mr. and MU• Tomllm1on for a 30-lnch second floor overhang rnto a IO·fl. rt8r· yard aetback on an allty at 118 Pearl Ave. Varlance tor a H ·tl. frontyard setback tn place ot 20 tt at 8\t Bay .Avt. wu denled to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. \\ ebti'. RESl 'DDl\'ISJO!li OKA l 'EO I Perm111slon to re1ubdivll1e two Ioli in Corona Hlghlan(11 wu grunted t he Jennteo S. Crutcher F nunrlatlon, l nc. prO\'tdlng the loUt. :'\o l .i:J 11n1I 1:is. have " 20·ft. l!t'I· bllck trnm Hlvtr11 T"rrat"r fnr 1rny building and & O·rt.. 1ldelln11 .el· bark. l'se permit was gr11n!trt lhf' l r· vine Co I<> build 18 ac:lrtt11on11l 111n· gl" family motel'un11s with <'OV· erM .. arpnrt& nn Baylltl1!' Or1vt . Wiley l• Garv"r wn:o granl"rt ( a varianc1' fl" rm II for a :>-tt. rronl · yard 111tth11ck 11n<l a ~-tt reaty1rd .etbaclc m Blnrk K. Intl' !l en1I 10 of Seu hort Colc>ny At 107 fh,tth· land St. For Yo11r ''S~ Api-ttl" T'lJ Owr CUSTOM DR\" Cl.EA~LllliiO "Tbe ~outhla.Dd'• f'l~I !lilnl'tl llU 8" ! 18 Ma.rUM. Balboa I eland 2601 Sa. Main, Sa11la A M Al U:e 111me time tllt1 board au- thonut1 re!11ndln~ a S:lO cnmpll· &11~ tnllpl!cllon ft " to vttert.M whrn thtlr realdtn<'ta, built on 1 cnndltton111 commltmC'nt bal!t!. come unller the at.ate financing pllUI. A le\'y of Sl2.~ for a ppral• inr e.lll11ttnK homea prior to pur- rhue w 11a eboll11htd . Jn a<!dttion w Jow-cOAt flnanc· Ing. contract holdera tnJoy at· tracth·e ftre ln~urance and home prote<"Uon life u11ur-.nc. rates To I.he life lnmirance plan a total dlll· ablUty prottetton clsu11e wa1 re· cently a<!ded. Ellglblllty ot w teran• tor &late &Jll!lstance 11 b.ued on mlllla.ry 111rvlce during World War I or U ORA.PERI ES -t:l'HUL8TERISO -SUP CO\'l:R~ \\'ALL PAPER -CAJlPETl;'oiO COMPLETE l~TEBIOR DUURATl~O Accordln1 to AcUns Director J . M1rv1n Ru11~11 of the State De· r artmt:"nt of Vete1·1n11 Af!alra. the co11t of apprala&la and lru!pectlons wlll be 8 b11<>rbe<I Into the over-all admlnh1lratlve oullay of the pro- gram. A pr-tllmlnary fee of JM wlll t1llll be r harcfld tor proce11tnc of pie n11 ant1 •peel fie• tlon11. Vunana will conUJlue to M bill· t d 130 for compllanre wpecuon• on ho11~1 belnJ conatructtd under conditional cornmltmtnt •rrtt• mtnll. Th.I• wt.II diJCourage per· 110n1 who would ot.harwt• UM t he department'• lnapt'CtloD H rv1cee and th'n IM<:Ure other fln14'tlng Tht fee will be held nn depo~tt &all notunded to I.he appU<'Alll u eoon MESA UPHOLSTERING Uplte19\el1al A Of'allU1 Ukrt7 M'711 1860 NWJt. Blvd" CoeC. Mf'M MAX W. POPE Inc. Gl:SEML CONTllACl'Oll8 8f'n 1nr All Oraqe Count.y 40"1 Bola Avr. .lullt ntf Spt. Bl\'d. at 16._ Newport Beech Ubl'rty 8-UAI LAMP LIGHT SHOI' Ullt r,. Cnal't Hw~· .• ('nrona elf'I Mar HarlM>r 6'%59 the Richard Beeson Compiny Landscape Design and Construction CO RUX A Dr:L ~IAR PHU:\'1: llARl!OR 168 ARCHITECTS MetnlMlrl of American l111tltute of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lincl Richard Pleger Orel'Oft ln 11166 i. obaeniDc UM lMth annl"raary ot the IA!wll and Clark expedition. aceordln6 to the N&llonal Automobile Club. 'n1ll expldltlon arrived tn Orecon ln October and winter.ct at J'ort Clat· 1op near A•torla ln 1806-e. Ready Mixed Concrete la 1plte or U,e Cemeat Sbonia.e \\' _, A.re MUta1 E\'el')' POMlble Effort to Sathfy Ul.e Needl of Our Orowia1 Community. For Coocntfl -Call t:a. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE IM Commercial W11.1 COST A MESA LI 8-M!! (.luln<'Y & H wy st.,_ Bun\.IQ&ton 8cll.. ............. QUICI 24 HC>Ul SER~ LOW • ~W "REDUCING• INTlREST lA TES EASY MONTH\. Y PA YMlNTS FRIEID-I.Y SYMPATHETIC SHvtCI LAGUNA FEDE~L SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION n2 0c .... A.-.. LAGUNA BEACH ,..._.KV 4.ti77 R. Donalt/ Hall Construction CompMy GEXEJLU. CONTB.&Cl'OU !?!Z8-D "" Cout e,,..,.. Sewport Beadl. ()&Ill. ROBERT FORBES luRcler PHO?l.""E llA&BO& llM JAMES D. RAY General Contractor & Buil~er 500 Cou\ Bh•d. CURO:\A Dt;L MAJl PRO~..-; llA&BO& '7N Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.JACK BOYER - 2301 \\'. BaJboa Boale\-ard • Unol.um • Rahber Tile • C.Ork • Asphalt Tilf' • Carpet • Formica • \·acht • ln•tallatlon Harbor 5389 Newport lwh R~MLEY & DA VIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDl"STRIAL CAI.I. flAttllOR 016% f"OR ESTUIATI:, WJTUOVT CRA&Gll: JOI E. BAl.BOA BL\'D. 8A.LIMJA hU $~95 RUGS l)nl1 ~ WASH COTl'ON a DllV RllCJI & led Sp,... TI11ted Dry Cleaning and Fi111shed Laun~ We We.leofttf'I Tour Ott .. 7 Wnrk Clota... OJM'9 MOL nna Sat. 11:00 L m . -8:00 p. "'· JohMOll'' LAUNDROMAT v OVEBHA.NGING RIG-Tha picture taken by Nonnan E . Godbe, Huntington Beaeh, ehowa how oil rig tres- J)Ueed over into their property. adjoining garage of thtlr home, the well blowing oil all over their reeidence. Co1.,plainta to oil folk brought laughs, jeers, they claim· ed. -!'lo· :;..an E . Godbe Photo CDM STREET LIGHT PETITION BACKED IY WOMIN'S LEAGUE MONDAY. MARCH 28. 1955 NEWPORT I IAReon r :F.'.'S PRESS -PART I • PAGE I • Street ll(ht.a for Corona del Mar are belna promo~ by th• Women'• Civic Learue of Newport Hafbor and the league !JI now drculaUng peUUona to find rea.cUon towud th•project. Cost. of lh1 Improvement ha. been dettrmlned at about Si~ for a 30-tt. lot, the amount to be prorate<! ovu a period of ytar1 If th1 Ufhta &re paid for by a bond ls11ue, the le._ue find~. The ll'ague beUevu omamtnl&l light. inltalled al tu· payus' e:it(>enM would be preferable to thOM which Edlton Co. ml&'ht lnat&ll at their own expenae. lntormatlon about the learue•a promotion may be obl&lned from Mn. Karoline Droege, chairman of the community atfal ... committee at Har~ bor 0274-J. 'Godbes Yett ·· High Terror of Oil Strike up and a mud hole when It nine. Thie wu a new community, of clean lool<ln• houaea and now It looka like tin can alley. JUD8 BUaN' n:ET ''Unprotecud pipe• run along the alley and wben they are In uge they are 220 degreN hot end three children have burned their feet badly on them. The pum1>4 are By BERT BRl~ALL .unguarded and the children climb "You tell Che people at Newport O\•n them and just recenUY. a 6- Beach to get Jaw• protKUDJ them year-<>ld W&4 k.llled on one up In apln11t oll wtldcatten and cet Wilmington. them qulrl<, befon their city' I• "Four tlme1 the oil well apray- deatroyed." ed the nl'lghborhood and one time Thie 11 the wamlnc ot Mra. Nor-It blew oil \n a window of a bed· man E. Godbe of 110 Huntinrton room a whole block away, ruin· Ave .. Huntington Beach. who, with lnr everything. They admitted her hllllband, ju.t won $3000 darn· tb'y t.rupa.ued, they admitted they ap• tor deetructlon wrought to were breaking the lawa. but they t heir property by a well drilled juat laughl'd and 11&ld what of It." next door. Thia I• the etory ot one family 11B8T IN RUSH In the oll boom in HunUngton SURVEY OIL DAMAG~Mr. and Mn. Norman E . Godbes, Huntington Beach , study spattint, of oil which 0niined their home. resulting in lawsuit from which they received $3000 damages u plaintiffs. -Staff Pho~o Jury A•ards Godbes S3080 Oil Damages Out of $30,000 Suit Dlsneylancl Debut Date ForthcomlnCJ Within 4 W ... 1 ThJe wu t.ha tint well drilled ln Beach. Godbe 1• an oil man him• BANTA ANA (0CN8) -De· yuterday mof1'Wla. bul the mo· the new oil ru1h at Huntinaton Hit. but clalma drilling can be liberating two houra and 27 min· ll<ms Wtrl' denied by Supt'rlor ANAHEIM <OC.'IJS) -Date tor Beach and the Godbe• got t.belr done right. No one la getting &DY· utes. a eupenor court jury late Court Judge RAymond Thompson. Disneyland'• pla openl~ wtll be nelpbore and all of the city ooun· thin• out ot ~ pruent eetup Wedne~y returned a verdict ln set In tour wetlu, l!:dwtn D. Et· ctlmen to look at what. wu going In HunUnston Beach ex~pt In llm· fa.vor of the pl&lntlffe In a HWlt· o t• • t Cl b linger, dlTector of public relaUone I Boys Beaten by Gang; One Tossed in Bay Two teen ·•tel' yo11th11 trorn Puente &nd Whlttltr told Newport pollre Saturday nJght they were dr•S'ged trom their cu and beaten by tlve or alx okl•t boy11. On1 <Jt the vkUma wu thrown Into the bay. Pollre aald th• vtct Ima wer~ Bill Johnaon. 19, PuE-ntl' &nd Cay Lindon Cnyer. 18. WhltUtr. Tha pair told ofncwa lhey w•r. lltlln& In thE'lr c.tr nf'Ar the Bal· boa Fun Zone wa.Junr tor a f'rtl'nd. Donald Bender, 17, ol \\'hillier, when the older boy• draggl'd thtnl trom the &Ulo. Th• euapact.a alllll amuhrd two windows l.n the t"ar. the vtrtlme allld. and tool< two hub rap•. Nett.her youth wu 11erloualy hurt. police reported. Johnaon told otnc1ra he !oat hi• wallrt. contatnlng bl• driver'• llctnae and U5, when dumped In the bay. Fw !!!! pain relef Too Late to Be 2 Marines lniurecl in Highway Crash on and they ear the councilmen lted cue•. he 8'YI'· 1niton Beach oU well dlapute. p Im IS U at the 111.000,000 wonderland, told promlaed to put lhrou•h lawa pro· MENACE ro IU1>S mol"e than 286 chamber of corn- tectlng the re1t of the city, but ll The well that cau.aed them ., REDUCED AWAJlD Elec11·on Set merce membera, their win• aiid •• waa never done. Nonnan E. and Jeanette Godbe l\Utllt• Tburtday nl-.t a.t the flrtt much troublh la allut down now u f ff tlJ'I..+ n. h _, "" "We bad no rig.ht.a around here o un 6~on ~ac were awaiu· 19M rntetlng ot the cJv!c smtiP BUFF!'!ll Claulflecl tJL...AJtaado11• Wan•--' -Ct..EANING It JRONLNG by the d&y. Exp. Kl 3·6096 3lp33 SS-Boat.. Suf~llH F ORCED TO SELL. Practically nf'W H' Blrchrra1t I: 7.~ Evin· rude. f'onvard control. many extru. Call Harbor 3167-W Momlng1. 31c33 60-Autoe and Trueb J9ll2 HUDSON Hornet llfJd. Hydra. R • H . tinted glue. etc. E•cep- tlonally t ine condition. $930 Term1. Hu. 2933 3lp33 ~A-Apta. f or Beat NICELY furn. 3 rm apt. near Alpha Beta Marl< el <Ant.er. Laundry (acllltlea, rarace. 20 . JC. ltlh PIM:a, Colt& w-. at all. \'Vl\en we protested they It •topped producing almost Im-ed 13000 damagea. Tbty aought Election of ofttcera tor thl' Nt'w-held at the Elke Club. laughed at u1. They broke our mediately, but one •crot• the alley $30.000 damarn aplnat Walter port Harbor Optimist Club will be Ettinger, with Joe Reddy, c:blet fence. put thl'lr pipe line on our Ii •till pumping about 60 barrela Crawford, Ja.cl< Hiles. R. A. Brown. hl'ld April IS, according t~ Prul-of public relations for the Dlmey SANTA ANA IOC!ll8) -Two property. blocked the entrance to a day and this pump. Godbe eayi, Jack B. Crawford and the Oil Well dent Kay Phl'IJlll. The race for enterprt11e., Nat Wlnecoft. Yice· Camp Pendleton Martnea euffered our sarage ao we couldn't gel a Ill a menace to !'very child tn tbe Sl'rvice Co. presidency llN betwern George prtaldent ot W. E. D. EntNprt.a tw1•ce a fast majo' ln~"''IH 1111d--~..-..~"°':+'caL-·~-=-~~~~~~-:~~~~nifelR;fb~bottr~h-:iood"l".riber'llfcaltlurTJaeriax':-rhe011ru1:ttblerirmTrih::.•-]Juu~ro~r.ff1~g~a~ve~t~hnerrpli1;.a1n~u7-r::te~are;ur~k~h~a~rd~t~a.n~d~V~or~nme~W~a~t~11o~n:_."l'Rrha;n•~d~C~v~.~w~oo;d~,~v1~c~e-;p~re~•~ld~.en~t~an~drl-:.::~.::~~==~~::::.::__ lnjurtu when thl'lr r11r went out them wr-would r.ue they laughed o ot control and rlunged oft Cout at us. 'You ran't llUl' ua, wr've got t'ront of It doe9 not In any way Holmr1. then found for $22~ a-<'ltcted from iunnn~ Thl'o Chuke. Inc .. wtre J[Uut1 of honor at the • • I Highway 1~ feet llOUlh of Bay· money.' " The G_odbl'11 114)' they itop c:bJldren from climbing over g'&Uut tbe CT&wtord1 end Hiiu. Ed Boyd, W. C. BuchlA'rk1rchen rvent with 81 new mf'mbera of the as asp1nn. ---- aldl' Drlvf', near Newport Beach. were told. the mm.chine. It waa determined by the jury the a.nd K. L. ll::chols. Evl Llntll•'Y chllmber11. _ _ Friday. <cO:SSTA.~T TJ:AROR' ''They aevn to want t.o ride U.1 Godbee take nothing from the and o. G. Sueaa a re cundl<111tea for Jn hi• br1tt t..lk. Et.Unger eald ....., ..... ,... lt••••I The Highway pat rot u.ld drlvtr "We lived in the conat.&nt ~rror -1king beam," Godbe 11aya. Oil Well Service Co. •f'rgunt-4t-arna. Dimeyl&nd would npen u ached· Bruce S&ndl'rll, 18, anr1 JIBlll!engers of terrlllc din." Mre. Godbe Ut'· The nelithbor, on whoN property Jack Crawford formerly ocru-Three members wUI be elecltd ul"<I In mld·July 11lnt'e thl' crlttal Robert F isht r. 20. and Dane v. clarei. "The aofa danced arounrt the oM!ndlng well 11 drilled, rot pied a chair ln the Horace Heidt to lhe board 1if 1.1Jrectt1r1 from period haa pused for the JJ))rawl- Delp. 18, were ruehed to Hoag the tloor, the children were afral<1 U3.000 caah fo.r hi• pl.ace, Godbe trumpet eecUon. among George Burkhardl, FrlU\k tnit conatrucUon project. Hospital. to 10 to bed at night and thtlr claim•. The Godbea are now look· ODORS "C-NBEAAABLE" Jordan. Elll'I Lindley. Ttd RIW!ell !\'otlng that even now approxl- Delp and Sandtra rf'celved bed Jumped up and down. Tht Ing for a home wtiue ~ 11 no The plalnUfte contf'n~ drllllng anPdhDlon s_n:~dth. ... I I mately 10.000 people are flocking major injurtt11. hou.se era.eked when they ueed ot an oU well nut door to their e pe ...... o ...... er nom nat ona to the Dlsntylanrl 1lte on -ek· The patrol gave no rauMJ tor nitroglycertne. Alter the well blew drilllnc. pta.c. a t. 110 Hunttngton Ave. waa must be 1111bmltteod 1n writing by ends, he .. Id lhe opening d&te ~t ac~ldent. Sanden' vehicle rip-In we lived In oU. It wu all over a 1erloue detriment. They uat'rted club ml'mbera nnt laUr than t o· would be on a week day to a.aid ped off tht road and ovutumed the house and the l&wn and the Youth Hit Oft ••• nolM. mud. odora were nearly un-morrow, e.nd mu11t be algned by trafflo Jam• until the handling ot at 12:30 a.m. children tracked It In. The eaves bearable. Tbey al.a claimed the t_w_o_cJ_ub~~mber1. the thouand1 of pe..-.i. could be of the rarap and U\e hou.e drip· Arthur Mormu Klepplnpr, I . well cau.ed part.lc:Ua t.o be 1pray-u aured on an orran.lsed bUla. Collins Ucensed LEE'S PHARMACY ...... blud aoz Martae Ave. Barbor 1188 Hasllell 'Caps GGM Then of two hubcap• fTon'I hi• 1964 •Uto was reported Monday to police by Earl Haskell, Bay· short' Trailer Puk. The car,wu In troat of Illa apN'tment. No. I when ped With lt and It cJuna to the ot 602 Arcadla Ave., wu .truck ed onr their planu and ho~. electrfc wtru and dr1pped on our on ha bicycle by • C&1' Monday Trenchee alJ.ec'edly wwe dua by waahlnJ when th• wind blew. eftuina wtitle In a croee waDr at t1'e detendanu on the pla!AUJf BALTZ MORTUARIES "We had a tine lawn all over Coul Highway and HeUotrope property by the defendant.a. A dan- the bade yard Where th• children Ave., police report.s. 'nae drtYer ~r to chtldren aJ.eo ..,.. claimed playfid. Now U..,re l• not.hlng but wu Bruce RobtnlOl'I Bodell. st, by the platnW'f•. ClliPllL BT TRll a.A. ano m. eout BlYd. LI 8·1930 :nttc t ht theft oc:curnd, he Aid. weed&. Wa bad a ncwl7 p&v.d. Chlcaao. Klepplncer WM tn&t.ed Ho&mee and lbe Oil W.U 8errice el-allt'Y and now tt. UI all broke!\ tl:>t'.mlftor ln~ Oo. mo..cl for a directed ... rdl« SACRAMENTO IOCN8) -A notary pubUc .! commlu lon hu I been l•ued to ft!cha.l'd A. Oollln1, 413 Holmwood Drtve. New1)C>rt S..Ch, I.he aecre~ ol atate'1 / otnc. ~. COST A MESA CBAPllL 17'1 8upvtor AftllDe Costa Mua. Calif. ..... ~-.a.a Coron& del Kar. Ca.llt • .............. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK To Serve Your lullcllng & RemoclellnCJ Needs ;q .. ,6*41.t ALUlll.UM CHAISE ,. ..... -· M0Dll'l89 OROLITE FIBERGLASS PANELS as low as 47c sq. ~-* In 8 -I 0 -12 foot ... lengths Blues -Greens -Yellow Rose -White -Light Brown Gracie "A" COITUCJCltecl 55t ·65t sq. ft. oaoun; nm::aoLAN ·~~LS IDEAL roa1 A ...... C.b-= .. , C-o ...... C.,.ort.. Ftw, PaUoa. ·~ Deare, ~bpta. ·-SIMll~.... ""*I· ........ eto. •1rAoroar NOO!\'M) WILL NOT RUST NO STIEL 100°/o Aluminum FRAME & WHEELS CHAISE Available in BLUE GREEN TERRACOTTA s19ts DIRICT PACTORY JOlllR • WU· CBllOD b1 DONNE e llYE8 CABINET RAllDW ARE FULL UNI ef FULi.ii PAINTS 0,... hly Mon4My ""'-th Sunday I a . 111. • 6 p. 111. Sc~uftz -J/uf/,erl /JuifJerJ Supplg .... Liberty 8-7856 222 Victoria St. ( ,..., N•wport llYd. J Costa Meta Yes AL'S CARPET & RUG WORKS _.. exclusive Orange County Agenh for Bigelow's Karpel Kare What Is It ••. developed by BIG EL 0 w. the moet famoua name in carpeting. after years ot reaearcb. thit! new procea not only clf'ans, but leaves carpeting with the nap raised and mur h of the origin&l color and luatre reatored.. OUR MODERN PLANT FrH Pickup and Delivery S."ice PJfO:\'I: Klmberly 2-6400 is the finest Cleaning EstabliAb"-ent anywhere \\'e invite your in1Jpection of o ur plant. You'll 1Jee t.he very newest and scientific deaning equipment: experienced workmen 11killf11lly and cn rC'fully uiring the fine11t matenals and detergent•. Our drying room Is our pride HPT•r ynur rug11 u r dri~ lndooNI In controllerl temperature. complctr ly away from the damaging rays of the sun uncl thl' h <'ll\')' clew of our C:-il1forn1a nights. CALL US TODAY !or • Rug and Carpet Cleaning · • Upholstered Furniture Cleaning • Wall.to-well Carpet C leaning Wall-to -Wall Carpet laying and Repairing a Specialty · Only One Location PerfecUon ln vHu Imitation. Tb1re Ill only Onfl AL'! Car· pet A Ru• Wor1u Only one addreM . AL'S ·carpet&RugWorks Ora .... 1470 ' f . f (}overn~enl Cxcepl :J/ie PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change: the courege to chonge the things we con ond the BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL =~NlACE P.U&nt wisdom to know the' difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS • Want in on Adoption Act Propoeed 1tate legillation to permit ph)'8ida.na and attomeya to function u unliceued intermediaries in adoption• ia now facing the legialature in Amembly BW. 1632, 1639 and 3374. Municipal Judge Ben Koenig, Lo. AngelM, feela so ltrongly the meuurea ahould not pua that be la fighting them through a M-member cttbena• committee. Heannp on the bill• will be held by tbe Aaembly Judiciary Committee in Sacramento tomorrow. Judg-e Koenig, in a lt&tement for Orange county folk, chqed, 'Theee propoaala would place a unall sroup of doctora and attorneys who wilh to engage in adoptioa placementa u a profitable buaineaa on the aame buia u llceruied public and private agencies -but with· out regulation of any kind . . . Puaage of thi1 legisla- tion would encourage adoption placement. by ope.ratora reeponaible to no one. ''The propoeala would give an open leAJDe to black marketeera. The unwed mother, her child and the adop- tive parenta would be exploited for profit -coldblood· edly and under the cloak of the law." He contends the prMent It.ate adoption law1 are the ·beat in the nation, l"NUltlng from amend.menta over a period of 80 yean. Thoee of u1 who know folk1 who have adopted child· ren know the expenae attendant. Frankly, 1"e are in· clined to the judge'• opinion: namely, that it would UD· leuh more predaton upon would-be parenta were the meuurea pueed by the Legillature. .Adoptlona are heart-rending enough without adding upl'OMMd Mtl UI 1NfeN •"eetttNHM illdt•khttd eter prt.era to the current group of agenciea charged with le. rally recognised child placement. New Bank Ready for Harbor One week from today ll&rinen Bank, lat.e.t f"Ul&D· cfal inatitution to join the Harbor area.'1 buaineaa f"mna, Will open ita doon to the public. A It.ate bank, charte.fed under law1 of California with $200,000 capitalhation and a $100,000 surplua, the new firm ia an example of an idea carried lo auCCt!MfUI fruition throuch t.M thoucht and effort of local men.. It wu only lut July Karl Lynn Davia, city attor- ney, John T. Boyd Jr .• then poet.muter, ~&I' R. Hill, WtlJ' rwtired lrom Ml OWll .....,TM 1D L'°9 ~ 0. W. "Dtck" RJebard, promfnent market owner ud J . LeaJie Steffen.en, told the Newa-Prea their idea. They wanted to lltart a locally-owned buk which would be Mt up on lln• to eerve the..._ be.t. u more buaineu and population arrived here. For variou reuona they felt the new i.Mtitution with ita naatlcal name could do a rood job for coauner- clal and •'rinp accounta. They went ahead, cleared their application fonu with varioua ltate and federal eov-mnmtal subdlTWona. aoid ltock when aucb ..... &uthorlaed. leued a bu1Jdinc, remodeled it and f°ked forward to openinc for bmiw. After nest Sabud&y aftemoon'a open bouae, the WASHINGfuN REPORT new ban.Ir will begin regular buaineu during conventional banking houn. The new edit.ice ia aet up to handle buai- neu coming in from Cout Highway or from the ample rear parking lot, All thia preparation took plenty of thought. time and effort plua money. The New•Preu ia happy to aee pri- vate ente11>riae ventures arrive in the Harbor area. We congratulate the.bank founders and directors on their confidence in this area and wiah them and their ,ata.tf every 1ucceu. Harbor Growth Irrefutable There aeem1 to be an off balanced thinking in many cities and countie1 about the apee:d· of their growth. It quite often is 1houted loudly that this county or that city i1 the fastest growing in the Nation. Usually to support the statement are a specially juggled aet of figures. Quite frequenUy the claima for growth are thrown way out of balance becauae of mau annexation•. Thia la not the cue in the City of Newport Beach, • ita bfP!ellow in Newport Townahip, Coata Meea and in the County of Orange. All figures comparatively ahow there bu been phenomenal growth in our whole county, in our city and in our area. It la proved by the number of studenta in school, the number of homea b11ilt and, in truth, here in the Newport Harbor area annexation• have little to do with figuree -10 fa.r aa attempta at distortion la concerned. Moat property annexed to New- port Beach bu been vacant property or relatively 1mall parcela. • , lislnxu ft dQ pve .eomc. MPllUlK atat~..l'JltM- figurea ahow that Orange County hu trebled ita popula· tion aince lSMO and added -40 per cent lince the cenaua of 1960. The figurell alao aho1J' that Newport Beach hu kept abreut. Further, our figuree show Coata Meu hu been one of the fastest growing areu in all the county. For inatance, there are u many gaa meters aerving the remaining unincorporated areu of Newport Township today u there were 'in 1940 and Co.ta Mesa bu 5.~2 all its own. Although the County of Orange has trebled, u hu Newport Beach, the great growth on the Mesa ia responsible for a quadrupling of the connected gu aer· vice metere in Newport Beach Townlhip. Tbeae 1tau.t.ica are irrefutable. They are from tht llel"Vice recotda of the Southern Countiea Gu Co. The figures show the number o! metera functioning on the llne9 of t.be company ln the NeWport Beach townabip area tor the yean 1hown. All !lgurea are not clear for the Meaa area became it wu not an incorporated city until 19M. The bold figure. in the third column for the year 19M are Coat& Mesa City figures and the light fig- ure. the remaining unincorporated area of Newport Beach Townahip. Year Npt. Bcb. 1940 3,372 19t5 1960 ltM .f,149 6,781 9,471 Unlncorp. 1.228 1.624 3,472 5,50! 1.279 Township 4,600 5,773 10.263 16.252 Or. Co. 38.518 45,262 63,077 104,409 (Ed. Note -Tide NhNnll-,. ...,._ hl'MY ••..., .- UM lttUe-lulo-llte&orkal rvta ... Ma ............ M9 .... trtpa ••to tlM Mell MUmt'Y .. ,_. ,_. BLESSING BEIL-Belle Dean photo, 1898. ahow1 Fath- er O'Keefe bleaaing old San Femando lliaaion Bell at Pichanga Chapel READERS WRITE The story of the "stolen bell of Piehanp" make. me boil every time I tell It. I first became aware that the little chapel on the Pichanga Indian Re9ervation had an authentic miulon bell that was stolen when I read Marie T. Walah'a. The Miaaion Bella of California. Some years later the at.ory wu told me by the daughten of WH Jltglected and ln It abe aped the woman who obtained It tor the bell. She uked raUier CYftel17 the Indiana In 1898. ,..ho wu In char(e If abe CIOU)cl The New1·Preaa today pre.enta oU under the city atrMt.aT" Cer-have It for lbe Plcbanp Jndiana. an article by William GaJllenne, talnly, aome ot lheae 1treeta have Mt• Watah'• account atarta but he waa ''•ry reluctant to sfT• executive aecretary of tha Hunt· bffn dedicated, auch aa Ocea.n aomeUme In 1890, when a M.r. her the bell. .Mn. Dean waa ona-on ~!!...~!!!L._of Com· Avenue. Should the cit elv.-~•w+w. ... ____ ....... _ .. ~h~!ffl>lUiT" c e r a are rom 1 an rilT'r" up hla city'• oil atrlke confu.tlon. , we.lie! Who know•! lt'1 a taJr nando with three March 12 19116 queauon ! Fernando Minion bella on It. Dear Slr: · Liability la another eerioua Thue wa1 a large one and two thnat, When the boy Jumped off •mailer onee. He gathertd frlendl With almoet three monthl •Ince the Pier, the City waa IC&rld to , __ An the new town Jot oll boom atarted, death and waa atraJd to even per-together and golnr to ...,.. celea we want to aet utde a few min· mlt a merry-co-round and ferrla they purchased the bella lrom th' utu for good, hard thlnktnr-wheel on the 4th of July. The party ln question. The larger one Up to tht.. tlme. HunUncton I courta dtclded aga1n1t Hunllnaton was brought back to lhe S an Fer· Beach bu had 1everaJ oil boom& Beach to the tune of 1300.000 nando MlMlon but for 90me r•ason and we weathered the atorm. lt, about the boy Jumplnc from tht the two amaller ones were left at wu In 1939 that we pulled our-Pier. aelvea up by the boot •ldpa and Today In tlle mlddle of the clty'a thl' old Plaza church. 1tarl.ed to mend ourMlvea follow-et.reell, there !ff.re more chancu for In& the rreat town lot boom In Ule liability 1ulta, but nobod.}' aeeme neIJhborhood ot 17th Str .. t that to c:&re. looked like a m.ll'hly army of der· rick.I movtnr alowty to -.!low up M&.ln Street. but ll atopped at J:l(hth Street and there we were! UAJllLITIE8 Check the crane. ln the middle of th• .treet• and other equtpm .. nt. U we had • &oud tire, you, c::oulo H1'SG AT OKl'HA~AGt: One t0f thue •mailer bell• wu 11ven to the Slstera. of Charity, whe.re It hunc-at the Boyle Height• orphana.gt. Thia wu a Ruui&n bell made In K0<11ak ln knew Blahop Mon ry who wu bl.shop for SouUMnl Califor- nia., very well trom Baa IP'Tandaco day•. She to&d rather ~ te t.Llk With the biabop a'°'1t IL t'OllGOI' BEU. Upon retumlnc home to Plch- anga ah• had .toraotten about the bell In quewtion. In a fnr daya ahe rtC('lved ••ord from the rail.ro9d ala· lion at T•.mttula U\a.t t.Mre waa a bell Ulere and to 8f'nd aome one out to get IL Adopho Cha-wu the Jndla.n poli~man and prottt- tor ot the Df'&n pla and UMtr mother ao h• we1t and ~· tt back to PtcJtanca wt»rt It waa hunc-and b&eued by FaUMr O'Kttfe In JSM. Acc.'Onlinj to MI• We.lall the ~II had an tn.acnp- llon "Avr Mana Pur\aima 1902-" Belle Dea.n u.id thf' dale oe 1t wu 1809. nol ret throUJh the alley between the early 1800'1. The larger one J:llflth and Ninth Streett and with that wu returned to San Fer· the open ditch, plu. the equip· nando had b~ cut In Mexico. menl, the whole block would burn In UH8 Father Doyle of the Miaa Walsh, In going through Pala A111ttenc1a bad the bell taken down even If we do have a bl& fare department. •ome plcturea In thl' C C P lel"<'e d°"'11 to build a new Ralldud for ror 11 yean we have lmprov..S upwarda. We cleaned up many oil 1umpa, buuUfled the city, the ti.ach and modtmlzed the MaJn Street, lncludlnc a great number of n•w home• I.hat .,,,~ built be· e&UM tbe peopli"liiCf fAlth In the tutun of HunUnrton Beach. Well. It will be over 1-00n with colll'ctlon of haetoncaJ phot<>11 that 1 It. Durln~ the WH'll that It lay a dry well at Maln end lAke and now belongit to lht TallP ltll'•ur•nc•· 1 on the g-roU<f •l,,,.. stol9" Uld the L&at year we celebrated our another dry holt at 7th and Ac•· t k "60lh Golden Jubllttl!" a.nd what <:IL and Tn1,,t Compenv or Lo11 A n· nu· • nf a truck could Men Mftl luck It wu that It came durlnc Juel In pe.aiuna. It mun -,. Kid celea, 1aw a p1;turt or thf In I.ht 100/t .-art.h. 19M and not l9~! Our &oth Yea.r that John Marton·• drWln& OJ>f'ra· "P lchanlt'a" tx-11 In a muuum col• TU.t:~ TO JIH"st:{'ll! of Pro«reH wu hl&hH&ht.ed by lion on \Vllll• Werner'• lo..a o:i lecllon or Fathrr Ju1tn Cebl'llrr1a Rumors ba\•e It that It WM much publicity to prove that 8e th , Huntln~on Beach held Ila place ven 8trMt betw~n M&&'ftOhe at the Lii Plaza •·horr h. TI1rn •he taken lo the Cornf'lJ M\Ueum - and Acacia wu the ti.it drtlllns I th t J l.n the h•rU or over 200,000 ptt· job I.a Ulla field. He did all of hi• saw tht 11~me b<·ll In 11 plct ure ere a h.' "'11 one a.t owa c;o,. llOl\a who cama to HunUn(toa 0 aUona th h th 11 H ta.ken at I lt'hanir• In 18911 with lec-e and th!! other at Jlhaca, but Beach to enjoy the Holldlllf' and :fu;4 rnot ,, .... ~ be •1d•Y· 1 .. ~ t'at her O'K1•df' l!ltMllilt' ll . fr11m a both c-lalm lhf'.V know noth•n• of I b th • ~t f _.. .,,e cur ' • twa ,.. I I F h !!: I I vlt' --. ~~:::::. N:W . ,,"un~~! :965°~~ ~:::~a::b ~~ :·t~~. h;t ~I~~·! ~:i:.~: on" thf' 11~.~r Lui;gR~~·~u/ lh• !)(oil. ;\h~ \\'aJ.ah atat8 that calla for "Hard Thinklnl" once •Ion. AlthOUJ;"h 11hc-hu nl'\'tr re-lb t K••l.-nr• la • known fa<"L Jt ~~a.tic aa Con~1 under tel'· 29 convt'ntlonal f'lectr1" arcount· morf', ::at f~::!'m!:~':t!~:ull~ t~: ~:,,~ celved crl!t'ftr tor 11 '~'" phntn WAJO t. • llnl•ll. rrudf'IY •hA~ bell. c prn•ure to • addJUot1al lnr machlnu wllh 18 hlrh·irpeed lltt'~T UU'IPF. (T&lulated. takc-n In 1898 on 11 .ttl11AA flllltl' h;v with a h"""Y rhipfW"r and a •tnirle. approprtaUorua fo~1>roJecta and for machlnea, The boom le on ••aln and "hi.a· N Bt>lle Dean, A<'h<)<A h.,1eher for the lhrt't--• y.,1,.1,..1 hanrlle anrt on cm. Hrvlce1 which eat.ea and lndlvl· 9 R II A R ti ..,. ow to clean up lbe mu~ -In·"an• whnva m'llh"r ohta111 .. t1 th" . I roa.. f' rement Boa.rd tory r•p···-1·--·r." "nl)• to .. _ -. Th fl '" D •• r• ~ d t h dual1 ahould do tor lhemM>lve11. • ,_ ... .....,,._ v "" •• e r9t job la. tn hlrr men to ht-II. st r o t e Y.111.111 I• u·ac·f'd a l'rutt. Nved 111:'>,000 annually throuah membered by a few. When the l h --------------:--------------But I am certain Ulat a ca.reful h k d c ean up t e mire In the •l~·t11, SIMTt:I:~· STORl' crol!<1. u .-n1lle u the lf'ttf'rirta uamlnaUon of the many Item• n'w c ec proct urea.. ch1p11 ar" down. ll'• thr eolld clU· then to repair the curba a.nd 11tde· 1 1 lome dlaappolAtment la beSQS _,l'MMd -, UM peoJIM of my Dle- trtet 8'f'tt the tact t.Mt l 't'Oted ~ UM UO taa uemptJon pro- poeed "1 U\e Wa79 and )(f'an• OommJtt.e. Wlllla tht.. RemptlOn ~ th• Rouae by a fl"9·vote mU"(ta. It will I am certain. be del•Ud by U.. Senate. I oppoeed It becau.e I tt1?lt the pn>poGUoa wu not Umely. ~one ot UI• appropT1aUon bllla hu been acted upon. They are Ju.t bf'(tn· alnJ to com• out of Committtt Th• Pnllldent'1 bud&et and re"'° nue MtlrnatM foreahadow 111 d"· nett of nearly $3 billion tor the comtnr tlleal )'ft.r. l do not fffl Ulat -. ehould add to that an ad· dlUOft&l aum ot U brlllon. alowly decrHtdA(. and wlPf' out far mofW than th1> p~ UO. tu cut. BALA.NC&D BUDGET The lut COn,nq CT'nted SI billion tlJI cut, aad even with that the budret forecut la IS billion out of balance. I bellevt the latt..r r1rur1> 11 WTnnr. and will hne •tale that J belle~ the budC•l for the <'Omlnc nacal YKr wUI be ln b&J. ance. I arn cnt.aln lh•t the reH· nue e•tlmst,.• are und•r9tated by more lhan SJ billion. CorpoT&tlon pronu tOT calendar J~~~ will be up .&me $4 billion. and a.t tht 62 pu c•nl w rat.e t hey wUI pay ovn U blllton ad· dltlonaJ Wea. 1n41Yldual lncomH Will lie up onr S4 billion aJao, and at the averace rs.ta o f J.S pti!r cent will produce OYU $1 billion ad· dltlonal In r11wnUll!. I am 1'opln« that Con(TUI can lop ort at leut fl llllJion h'om the Preatdent'1 bud· can produce thle 1avtnr. 10. rer Mved m .ooo annually ~n and bualntASman who mu.tt d .. wallu and repla.ce treei In 0,,. N~w we l'nme to thl' Uean 11111. 11n• ll:t'nf'ral outlln• nf th• .,..II. by Improving It.a payroll proced· cl de our tluUn)' and ao tod&y our pe.rkwayi and to c:awa' a beaullfl· tl'rJI 111",ry or thf' old mlMIOn bell Every etfort ahoulc1 two made to U'O~OMT urH. head.I are turntd toward• our fu· r.Uon p~m In t'ach block with M Sa n f ernando T h" Jnrll11n11 had find """' r"'lurn lhla t.wll 8foc-•UM On the ""ht1le l fl'•I the At1mln· J t. The lntl'mal 'Wvenue Ser· turf' and the dependablllty of our the ~o-llon t th 11 a rcmt't1>ry Ill Pl<'hang11 but no I t ti d I ..._ b '"' t r -· -o f' o men.. rhap•l, and ~olhf'r v~an bfotn" • It """"1" I h•I ll WAJm"t .. nour;ll to • ra on Is o nr a .,.,tter job than vice r•ductfl anrl 1lmpllflcd nporu, home.a. u •• nu11. city r ove.mmen , ~ ... Conf"6' In c11rry1nr; out ju c-om-thua J&llvlng IU1 e•tlmllltcd Sl07.000 churehea and 11Chool1 and evf'n our \\'HAT TO DO rlf''·out C'alholh 11r1.i rll'•I aroun'1 ""'1"'11 lhe Jndian1 fmm th•1.r mltme.nt tn eliminate wut" and ~r ytar In machlnt rentaJ and re<:reattonaJ beach. Tank.J ahould be palnll:'d tht roll,.rttng l 11n1l.t1 uni 11 i<hf' h111t I ti<Jm,.11 an TC"mucula. .. told la ovnlapplng egenclu ol the gov· eupply. Ml•ta.ku hev• ~en made and aame color all over Ra1l11 ah<Jt1ld ••f\m1gh l11mttt'r for " Mt11oll • 111.11•"1 u .. i .. n Hunt Jar~n'• "Ramo~" emment. J2. Cne..t Gue.rd rel~ated It• aJwayi will be. Some per91lna wlU be plao•d around pu mp.111, ti~ ~ 1111.s ln<han r·aq:l"'ntrr~ nml'I n.irt,.•1 th<' t th <1 Pl h F Y Id ti I '"' q around ta.nka and ''"en a plan of I !In.\' t)o11rd antJ battrn 1·h11""l In ° " mtan. an " ania ,......" or our con• era on am •upply rarilttlH to aav" ••o.ooo make monty and a lot of Jlf'Ople "'' ,. Uetln (th V1 br • beautlftNttlon on each tot. ....... 111 the pl<'lll•" 1'1111 1h .. rl' 1 .. 1~n·1 v11t1"n but lo add In.ult to In· g tllYmf 0 t aa np ought pn year In Mla.r1H and U 0,000 will be dlaappoinled, dl11grunUed '" a.bout during lhe put year by the ln rental. and dl•Ulualoned and at the iame could be weU publtcl&l'd u an out-l'nn11gh mnnrv t<,.,. a. flt><11 1111 f:tl(l(I JUf.\'. lhe1r rh•l\f'I bell wu atnlftl. .11lem IM!ltence ot tha Admlni. H . The Veteran.' Admlnlatra· tlmt, we wlll have the Job of put· 1tandln1 piece of work folloWlng olil mnthf'r rt1rU1 wa1 JillllmpM and Anrt 1r I •hould rver -It I• tratlon. Uon etreamllned Ill cumberioome tlnf the plecu tO&'tl!ther and rt· a notonou1 oll boom. The plcturf'A packed. 1m1>hc u1 f'rt\·ale !l.nda J ahall ,... J Coft-IJd ti f n n· •·bl'-hl f. I lit So ...,.,. havt la.Jten and lctpl wtll l<'ll On<' d11.v Mn f"""n ,.l~ll•'•J thr • ,_, a on ° ve nance tue11 and duconttnued 17 million ..... ... ng a i-ce u t . me mo,·.e 1l forobly Juet u It waa O,n I ... ,. H 'd I 'Th Boo .. the •tory later-In fa.cl, the Hunt• 01<1 Pla7A c1111r. h tn Los An.,.f'lf'll. CM n ... e armerw ome .. • ~d l.ndui mea. and th.... wu Ptl!OP t M Y. e m 11 over ., I tr ti .A $ 000 -1 1 111 ....... ... lnaton Beach Chamber of Com· Arter Fath"r l"l\bell,.rt!I'• ""•th tak,.n from m y lndlan tn mdll ca mlll • a on 1&v..,, 1. .000 per abl11. to cut 23 employeea rrom lte -•l f'Mt t w ""' over "''"" yn .r In u.la.ry. "°·000 In tabulet· •Wf. month• rrom now and Ulen what 1 mere• wlll create a valueble prize the mu1f'um ot tht f'lu.a !'hurrh the Ptrh4nll'• Jnlftan R.8ttTsll._ to I.ti. tlrm or f lnn1 that cltan lntr ma.chi.Ile rental• and "6,000 ...... A buAlnuaman uJd to me today l ,. H •n• Poat Offlu De"'artmtnl up their b'--k the beat followtnr n of.le• apace r<enta.la.. " tha.t wt •hould learn our tMeOn ""' aaved U .l'I00.000 per year by the drUUnc opn•llona In the town 2. An lmpl"O'f'ed army report atreamllnlna certain report. and and gtt buay to p&M regulallona lot area. •llmlnatl!d Mven Inventory report. an addiUonaJ IS.300.000 11 Y"Ar by by City Ordln&nce to ll&leruard 1 which had cost an annual U.~.· adoptlnr a pun~h •• ...A ....,-.1 ••v· Any further wreckJn• ot our town. 1 t all 11\lma up liq thle: Hunt-000 ~ -..v ··v"'" -1 lnfton Bea.ch 11 not 1oln1 lo move · lnp eertitlcatt. Oil 11peculat.or1 and 1.-.e hounda 1 -It'• hl'rl' to 11tav Th,. c.1 v H" I. Oonunued deficit f I n a n c J n r would onl.)' br1nr on a new aptra.I of lal1aUOft wtlkh would t•nd to debuleb our curnoncy. IJter..._ UM CMt flt JIYtnr wl\lch Jiu be9ft l . Army Corpe of EnainMTW de-VISITOR.8 have repeated t.hemfflVM to de·, th• achoola,' lhr ·pier, the · beach, •f't ..-uMta. Ptrha-U1J1 18 op· mo-d lmprov--' a ••-t d h ........... ,_._.. by • · -., .,_ "' ~ cc<>Wh•.nJ •Y.. n,-, A Rl'nnn from Coron• df'l 1 roy an ave .....,n aaa •• ..,.. ; lhf' library. the parka wlll not ---------------------------teme enabllnJ It to cut rt& civilian mlllly lc><'•J per110n11. which ma.kea move. _ Ju•t -m•m .. -r u•h•n •Ry. . Mar •nd 2nd Lt. Colin P. Hut)b•rrl -.. • • ~ "" -' -· p&TToU &eeolll'ltJnc statt by &o per from Le~11na 8'-uh w-r" wrl('nm" It lot1ghrr The lea.•" hound leav• body talka to you about HunUnc· HAR BOD Mnt. at a •Ttnc o( '50(),000 per vlaiton In my orrtre last WePk. town 11nd IA never tttn araln un-ton Beach. eay RunUn(ton &.&ch )'Mr. tit th' n~xt boom and he comea la htTe to stay and we wHI ~over '· o..i. ._.. deftloped a 1n 1111 ofttn u ht can. but ht nenr Md be a better tOWTI tor our I'll• MW' apanditure authot'taUon RE J\ DER s build• -he alway• dutroy1!! per1a:nce. tona "'1»da aaftd '800.000. ~ TO OF.STROY I pMlcl much more home build· II. ll&rtUme AdmlruatnUon lllm· E vf'ryone. lhe property holder 1ftC foltowtnr the boom. I predict PRESS \ plifle4 MOOUllt.lns P~• Uld w R I T E and th• r tty ('Quid have been much much more 191>Acla.llaed lnduelrla.1 ---------------------------WU able to drop II -pto,.... ~tter off It we h•d 11et our foot promotion and I predict the cltJ A Dll trlt Leml L l'I 2111 lw 0.. r__, w... h'om lb "'6tf. down and dtmanded a few thinp wtJl upend It.a SOM of lllflu1>nc. .. &. II)' IMN•*• .nlelwy, Ule wch u : at i..t JOO toot lot for to balance It.a economy plua U.. ._.... M 81 nad>'Ow Matta at U.. f'oltoftloe la H---. ...___.. -~-t.b • ... .... •• , _ _. a-... Oa1U11raaa llDClll' tM .t.et al Marcia a, JJTi-..-· -~~ r..-UllS ..,.~red~ Much 15, 1955 a dr1Wftl' 1lte eo that derrick. f1M:t a ...... nun ....... on _,. ad ,......_ 111119 te Oo9wnment tanka, pump Jacka and all eoWd Oompe.111 tn It.a anaJ.yata ol wMl .__.. "r ~I,... .-t, and Mn. W'?nllPed Barbre tor be kept wtUlln a 100 x 11• foot HunUJl(ton lleadl Meda WW ere- ,,.. &Ille te nctuea by 40 employ.-Newport Hubor N_... .. llJ>&C•· 81 thJa method, no aide-ate l&nd ...a.a. '°" ...,, bomea UMt • Ma tJAlllt ta .. Olla~'• IJU W. Ballloa BIYd., ! , _, W1l1Ju would have been b1ocked 1JMhaatr1 wNch w1ll _..,.,_ our cwno.. N.wport a.ac-. C&ltf. and broken., no eu,... ~ dt)" Umttl . ... ,,.... • ...... .._.. Jf ..... Ml ...,.w?2 11 etl All DMlt T . .._. etl Old .t.p Md lur-o.r Kn. Bafbret lacludlnJ park-.,. and oU drill-. ., ...... el .. ••4&: 0... et1 ~ 0.. la .a.... H., A .. l. ........ DlilmUoe Uld TrfJUUJ')' On ti.half of the P. T. A .'1 of era would not han had any ,.._ It• U. llGpe ud falUa Ulat. we M•tu em ' •us: tt• t a Av d ._ ........ __.-. llW &JJ a -Mnnw ., aruwe oa..~ ,,._ ...._ brtl1 8~M &A'ID1 Dlapurwmaat l>tTSaon worked out 0orona del Kar ud Harbor View llOft to block ...,.half the ltrM& ..... ta..t wG1 111ep ~ a re.teed metJiod of preparlnr Bo. aMool.a, .. wt.I\ to thank you for wba a dr1l1"'-epnatJoe la la .... .,_._ •·• •-.... •-~t _......._.. t JOllr con~ ot our ncent pa.,, -·· la __..,,__ •--_....,..,. _.. -• • • '"nM a.cr,..iw Drqoa." P~ &.... -~..... -,.. ...... ., ...,., a.t ... .,. ..U...ted ._ual •ftllJ et •too,. think about.. U JOQ w11I notice, ___. -.... __ , ... GOO. '11111 belMnt WU a blJ llUceem th-an no 'f1olaUalla Cle 0-tliU ---•--,_ I. ....... ot Old Ap and lur· t nd we.,... IT'tef'IAI b your a .... AYenue becauM UM State lllP· al ~ ....... la ._UftCtGa """ IMuneee adopt.cl aew pro-pAper ..-ataDM. -., Dep&r1AMnt w1D aot allow ..,.. ..., *--.ta.. a.., _.._ ... Ml1uoe tM w6rk'-4 l.n aa....17 any .. uSpmmt -. .... ~ ......... ----..... lD...Upttq •11...mploynumt tu (JllJ'L J . .A..) .AJU)El.t, f'EAT.T. Md ~ em119 • atrMta la .ull ?a ... ._. ---ittea, ...... _._ If..,....,._, TwtN W..adJ -....... O.-V ...... ,_ ,_r: N.tt •h mos.; tl.M -....... ef On11t" C'-ty 11 tlft I r ,,.., ntuma. UMreby aarni. S150,000 (Kn. Gordon J,l which JWOY• that tt cu M dClna. 0 • ..,_-. a.nnu&IJy. It •ftd an addlUoaaJ )(..UUm McMAHON TM OU.. problml U.t la bftnl -Mii ...... • J~""" "A" · • • ·~ .... r""!•rh1r ,. • .,..,., ""'•'·-·~ • •"·-~ ,.._,...,. I•· "W'tl" ~· ttl• ...,,,,.,... "''""""• PlalANOA CllAPl:L-W&Urcolor painting by Laftl'M .,.. cbapel .. • loolEI t.oda7 a.ft. Fatber Jalllll•• r.eowtru.etfon. -.... OIL REPOAT 1!on,. bv !hf' Contractor on each well tlrllled for the City. 2 Eumln«" and describe all core1 t;oetlaued from t"lnt l'a1e taken by th• Contractor for Ule ncommendallon11 tor o~rut1un11 C:lty. ..,. Ruchea 1ecommenl'l.s ~hat the 3. Witness all ele<:lrk Joe• run City acqulril lhr M;r,•1ce~ ot a full by the Contractor tor the City. tJme vcpuienccd pf'troleum en"I· 4 Maintain a m•p on which the Deer to attmlnl1ler proper control ('oun1u of all City wells ha ve been on the .t.fonterry lt'll.'>f' 1 plotted fmm • the dlrecllonal 1ur· PROTECTIVE OIL LAW AMENDMENTS BARED MESA SAllTARY c I' lection... kY)'Ull __,.,. taxea now~ by u.. arut.ary dllltncL- .. we tul"M'd the pby.acal o~ra­ UOn o'll"ecr to d ty ball lll October." Me~rs tcld I.he S-.Prua. .. We P9Y UM clly and ttwy do tt. Jt'1 a _,_ OpttaUOn &lld I.he city may ~ aa -11 do tbe wttoJe UU01." we w-fta'f't t o NtTlnnllt." Mey· en aa1d. The a11nHary duitrlcl c:onlracted NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PA6E 7 MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1'55 llrlth Price ror the lruh collection -------------borah l'.rrlt' ot St. Andrew's Prff- ~·ttt ""' .;.·hull h Womf'n'a Ftllow• ahlp. before the city lnrorporated. on a weeJt!y buJ• 1n C:O.la Mua rui-DEA TH NOTICE' dtnuaJ areu and With da.lly plcW· ------------- Hu1he1 rcrommcmlal1t•n11 fol· v.-v.s \ow: :l. W1lnf'l'S all drill etf'm le11t1 1.oos, llU.OROl!I, Ml 'll\.El':-4 mn<'e by the Contractor on the Jt 11 recommended lhnt a '"PIC· City's welL.. County Legislators Meet Witll Others on Offshore Drilling upe ln the bualr.eu ana. Jn mid· llll8. BLA~CRE DE GR.A\\' October l&at ye&r. «>uncllmen vol-Mf'I. Blanche Eugenia De G1'-·, ed t-0 enter Into the arrttmenl 741. died Sunday evening at her With the unitary dl.ttrlcl which home, 1019 Undan St., C:O.ta M t'laa. tnctuckd lnlpec:Uon of ~wn con· She had lived ln Coeta Mesa for nectlon.1 and addition ot new etw-th• put four year., formerly re- er lines and connection• both with· ltded tn Loa Ancelet. She wu In and without the dlatrict and bora ln Belvedere, DI. She wu operation of traah and car1>&1e a member ot the C08l& Mna Fri· collection. day Attemoon club, ot the De- Shr 11 11111 \'h·t'd bv a 10n, Robert J . Ot'Gra.~e ut Ccuita Meea; a daui;htt'r, litre. Frt!dt'rick Jandrey of COJ'lt'nll11gl'n, Denmark; a slal~r. Mrs. Fr~! Warrf'n or Delvede,.., JJI. Str\'l<-t11 will be conducted tomort'Uw •l 2 p. nt. at BAita Moro tu&ry, Costa Me-1a Chapel with the Rt'v. Jamu Ste-·art ot 81. An• drf'W'• ortlclatlng. Interment ~111 be prlvatt'. Mntatlve ot Lhe City: 6 Corrdl•tt" anl1 evaluate 111 1. Keep a rl11lv record of lhl' wvrk clel.'lno lu~s Md maintain a mllp p.;:;;;;:;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;,.:.;;:;a....;;:..;-;;._,;;.-11howln.1: lht' subsurface 11ructure SACRAMENTO !CNSJ-Legle- lallve amendmenla to protect ecenlc and beach ateu of the Southern California cout . from po11lble delaC'ement and pollution by otf•hor• oll drllllng have been argreed to by repreaent.atlvu of Orange, Santa Barbara and Los Angelu counties. Announcing Billie Fay Hair Stylist and Coloring Expert Now Associated wlttt us 1iAUTY SALON of the subject area. Oil. OAl'Ol:SG, ACCOt:NTINO ll ls recommended that a rf'prm· scnlP.live of the City: 1. Wiln<'l8 the strapping ot all tanks a.ml other receptacles used by the Contractor for the coUec· lion, eavlng and ha.ndllng ot oil for the City. 2'. WltneH the ga.uglnf, aampl· Ing and teat1n1 of all oil produced and HVed for ahJpment to the pur- chasing company or other dllJ>Oal- tlon. · 3. Wllneaa the .eallng of all tank valvea by the purchulng com- pany a nd record the Mrl&l number of each .ea.I uaed. 4. Be prea~t when the uaJ la removed ttom any tank vaJve and compare the aerial number of the seal ao ~moved with the .erial number recorded when the 11eal w11 put on. • :s. Verity the quantity of oil shipped to lhe purcbuing com- pany or otherwtae dlspoled of, from each tank or other recepl&cle U.'led for that' purpoae. e. Wltnesa all lndlv1dua.1 well production teata made by the Con· tractor for the City. 7. Verify the tol&l production credited to each well producing Into common tankage by pro rat· Ing the total dally production Into such ~e lo each well produc- ing therein on the bulll of the tut The group, lncludlnr Auembly- man Joaeph C. Shell of ~ An- gele1, a uthor of a serle. ot tide· IAnJ1 oil •ltvelopment bllJ I'\,. the lc.wtr house, a rreed to chanru r11- 1trlctlnc conatrucllon or offshore t.l&nda ror oil drilllnr purpoeea IOUlh or tne Santa Ana River and atong porUo~ ot the Santa Bar- bara cout to be spelled out when th11 amendment.I are drawn up. RECONOILJATION ! The lertalalora met to attempt reconciliation of vley• held by various oil Interest.a. coutal prop- erty owner• a n cJ recreational groupe concerned with •late tide- lands oll development. Included In the croup were Sen- ator John A. Murdy of Huntlnc· ton Bu.ch, and Aaaemblyma.n Earl W. •Stanley, Balboa bland, LeR-Oy E. Lyon, Fullerton and Ja.mea L. Holmes, Santa Barbara. Shell'• bllla In their preMnt torm would allow offshore drillln1 or any or the atat-.owned lid• land• subject to approval of the state Janda comml11lon. According to Holme1, many leg'• l1lalors object to letting' the com- ml11lon decide where ottahore la· Individual tank teal of each well. ------------- 8. Verify the amount of oil ship· ped or otherwlae d111p<14ed ot from each wl'll producing Into common tan'kage on the baala of the open· Ing Inventory for the c~rrenl month In such tanl-.age. and the pro-rata proportion of all of the current month's production Into such tan'kage . ... --------11 9. Wltne11a the blending of oil• 3732 E. Coast Hiway OORONI\ DEL MAR Harbor 1876 i:venlq• by appolatmetst of different gravities lo dete rmine whether -0r not the blended product Is ready for shipment to the pur- chu lng company. JO. Audit the amount of oll sold each month. MEA8UllEMENT8, AOOOUNTINO l. Check all gu me .. urement.I and verify the amount of gu pro- d11C'ed, delivered to the ga.soUne plant, delivered to the City, or otherwise dl•polled of. 2. Wltneu or make clulrcoal test&' and tractlonal analy.... aa needed, to determine the fu6Jlne content of the Clty'e 1aa.• 3. Audit the JUOllne company's monthly .raa procesatng and A.lee reports on the raa prodpced for the City. 4. Verity the amount or cu pro- duced by each well. II. Advise the City reprdlnc the technical provhrlona of any gu procualng contract before the con· tract la made. PRom·CTioN It I• recommended that repre- aentatlve ot the City: l . Wltneu all fluid level, bot· tom hole pre111ure, water locating, sampling and production teat.a made by the Contractor on th' Clty'a wells. 2. AdvlH the City reprdln( the ,.fflclency ot the Contractor'• pro- duclnf method&. 3. Adv11e the City repn:llng the teua.b1Uty and dealrahlUty of H condary method• ot production. 4. Advlae the City regardtnr the City'• compliance with the curtail· ment provl•lon11 nf the DrUllnf and Operaunr ContracL WA8'1'E ·REMOVAL ll la n commen dtd that repre- 1entat1ve of lhe City: l . Wltneu tank cleanlJls and wute haultns operation•. %. Verify that drain nJne • all tan.k1, exctpt thoae belnl ol......S, .... do9ed durtns ,...,.. hauling opeT&Uon.t. "Pint-size" r~fineries help us keep gasoline prices low Folk& who like a bargsin don't have to look any fa r t her than the gall tanka o( their care. For despite a 11tcody increase in quality, ga11oline prirc-1 h ave remained low-and Stando rd Oil Company of California'• tat.IP-top refin('rie11areonegood reuon why. T hc-y are pint-size labors tor y pilot plants tlrnt enAbl<' our 11d enti11t11 to develo p c01Jt- rutt ing manufat·t uring methods for earh nPw 1t1Hsoline li<"fore we put it into produc- t.ion. With tlie Aid of theff<! rub\)(>r and glau fornunner11 of multi-million gallon r efin- eril•s, we'vt• workt'd with col' manufacturers to perff'c t l>alonred gA11olin<>s designed to hrinit out more effk icncy ftnd economy from today·a higher compret111ion e ngines. We've lea.med how to aquene more 1uo- line from crude oil and we've found way• to make increaaingly better 1u at conaiatently low price.. Today'• 1uoline, for Hample, ia 50% better t han motor fuel& of 1925, yet cost.a juat a few pennies more. The combination of rt!llearch and compe- t ition baa held gHoline priCH down ao eft'ec- t ive ly that they've advsnced on~ 17 '7o (ex-tue1) aince 1923 while 1eneral livin1 coettl are up 52 7,.. Even though our pint. 11ize refineries mile 1aaoline by the drop, they are one reason why Standard product• Jive you a longe r run for your money. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA land& may be eon.1U'Ucted t'&eh time appllcauona t or pennJta &rt eubmJtted to Uiat body, OOMHJS810S POWE& "Some of us fttl thla woukt be gl'antlng' t<io much power to lhe commlallon," Holme. declattd. The Santa Barb&ra ~tor Aid the amendment abouJd bene- fit "both lhoae rectona that Walll oil drillln1 and lboee Uiat don't." Shell Aid h• wfll otter the amendment.a u olOOn u they have been dr&fled. School lid O,..lllt S ANTA ANA, MARCH %1 (OCNS) -; The <>rans e County Board of 8upervilora tOfllorrow morning' will oJ!en bids on s.:120.000 worth of Coat& MCI& Unioa 8cbool Di1tr1ct bonda. Moons Greet C ... Mr. and Mra.. Jobn Koon of NS Victoria St., Co.ta Mea. ,r.ted a baby boy tn Hoac Rmptt&I Fri- day. Meyers adckd the di8trict con· tract •1 tll Pnce nana tllrough ~ ternber. ""Our operaUnc yeer ~ July I . but I think we ban enougb funda to finance Ole coaU&ct for Jta duration. .. Clt7 rouncll acUoa la t.be mat- ur 11 bp«ted to CCJaM up tn the M ar tuture, liDCt MaJW Claire Ne1-•ll a member ot the ani· tary board. Howntt, 11..,.n empbuiaed Wiii of t.be word "lntait" ln the Military d11trict'• raohaUoll.. ~11 the ctty ttf'Uaed to baadJ4t Ule tn.all and prbqe colletUoaa. then 'IOlll' SCAIE ()ewoft I 6-l'lrlll ftse Hamblet mid tM ~ of tbe laddmt lie &ailed four Glas· dale aebool bo7S WIM> .had been cauaaac • ~to leaw uw cam.-. "Ky lbeory 111 alnce the)- badl caJi. ol Utetr OW1' at lbelr 8Chool. ~ Hamblet .....aned. ~y dedded to do the aame W. to ua, alnce -told t.baD to leave tbe P'O'IDdL .. fRIDA y lllTE AT 8 P.M. llG F.ASHION PARTY • ..... , • .......... Jlodela "THE EAST,EB PARADE" ar.rn..., je JCK~ ...,..,. .._.. ..... RULE"S OF CALiroR.NIA DAPELO'S < SEAWEED'S EWERTS JEWELERS HOUSE OF JAY MARGIE WEBB LOIS-PAUL e Will't&HALL C tet'NI ., GINta P'ldlAls Mu.le by JO L4N'n a.nd BILL SKILES Aafare v:: ......... Put You'" looked fOrwud to it for yean. Now cake your family East oo Santa Pe-straight duougb cbe hean of Ametica'• Great Soutbwat to bustling Chicago. Show them glamorom New York Ciry, hinoric Philadelphia. Take them througb the loTeJy quiet ol Nnr !a1laad. hpeuln1 Noc wbea yea me Suca •~• new Pamily Pans. Cooiact your Saoca Pe rtpnseat• atitt today. He'll help plaa JOU. family'• Bi~ Eatena Vacadoat C. D. UNl>SEY, T. P.A. l!luta Ft o.,.t. HU E. •&11 8L no-IU I-UN a U """°' SANTA AN-', CALIF. A demonstration drive can help you yourself • • !Il this seat mo to ram le Chevrolet· .... ,. .... a....Y.w .. _ ......... _~ ............... ...,.__ ~•r1.r.n; ... Of'HCIAL ft1111f'1!9 ....... U1at ~ .. 11&6-f()r "" • .._ atrat,llt ,_, -MOU: PEOPU 80l:Ollr CllE\'SOL&TS TllA.N ANY Ol'm CAAi" one of 102 new CHEVROI~E TS plus a s 1,000 U. S. Savings Bond in our big MIRACLE MILE CONTEST ... and you'll have the driving time of your life! It's well worth your "hilc 10 come in a.n d drive the Motoramic Chevrolet ju<;t for lhe fun r1f 11. And v.hco you do, youJI make tl"ccwcril'' that can help you be a winner in our ~fir3cf;; Mile Contest. For example, you'll notice how Chev- rolet's new Outrigger rear springs bring yuu wonderful new stability on cu!"'c~. You'll see how new Glick-R1dc front su~pcn­ alon rolls the bumps smooth . AnJ you'll tingle to the peppery response you get when your toe nudges the accelerator. You·11 find !hi~ true whether you drive the new I f12 -h.p. "T urho- Fire VS" (with the shortest •lrokc in iu field for Jon~er life!), or one of lhc two new .. nluc- FJame" 6'• (bighest powered 1i..te1 io the low- pricc field!). Come tn and have the driving time of your life at the wheel ot a MW Chevrolet! Enrer our big Miracle Mile Cont_e,t. wit.hout cost or obli- satioo, and yau may win o ne of 102 new Che\'- roleta given away. It's easy-it'1 fun! STE.\IJNC TBE THUNDER FRO~ 'nJE HIGH-PRICED CAllSI '"'Dur MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Welt C111t ..... ., NIWPOIT llACH I I . .. . . . . . . . . . - PACE I • PART I -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAlOf 21, 1955 ' .We . are-proud lo . l~e opening Orchids to the Ladies Each Lady Attending Our "OPEN HOUSE" Saturday APRIL 2nd ...,. 2 to 5 p.m. will receive a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid * Commemorative MARINER MEDALLION FR E~ to each Visitor on April 2nd and April '4th * announce t J . . ~ ~ ,..,·:-... · . ~ .',,.. .. -. , . . . . . • : '* , ... . . ........ · .. -. __ . -. OUR NEW HOllE--<>n t.he Mutnera Mile, Newport Beach. It lncorpon.U. the moa modem banking equipment and facilities. Deaigned by Architect., Pleger, Blurock and Hougan, and constructed by Au.stin Sturtevant Co. General Contractors, it fea- tures a green-gray rock wall supporting plate glus windows facing the busy Cout Highway. The rear entrance from our private 50-c-ar parking lot will function u ·a eecondary front door. • THE. employees, Directors ~nd Stockholders of the Mariners Bank of Newport Beach, extend a sincere invitation to visit us on Saturday, April 2nd where we will hold "OPEN HOUSE" from 2 to 5 p. m . . As the newest Bank Enterprise in Newport Beach, we feel it our duty and privilege to dedicate our efforts to the best interests of the ,com- munity we serve. Our bank is owned locally and the maiority of our stockholders are well know~ citizens and business people of this community of which the Bank will now be on 'integral part. ~ $200,000.00 Sw plus $100.000.00 OFFICERS EDGAR; R. HILL. President Open /or /eegu.far /JuJineJJ, Jl1onJa1J, -4-prif 41/i GERRY RICHARDSON. Ex. Vice-Pres. KARL LYNN DA VIS, Secy. Ir Treas. KENNEY FOWLER. Aul. Cuhier MERLE VAN PELT, Chief Oerk ESCROW DEPARTMENT RUBY B. MISZKO, FAcrow Office,_ BOARD OF DIRECTORS JORN T. BOYD JR. KARL LYNN DA VIS LYllA.N FARWELL EDGAR R. HIIL G!X>RGE M. HOLSTEIN ID SANDT F. Mac.KAY NELSON W. NEICE 1.£81.IE T. PETERSEN DICK RICHARD GERRY RICHARDSON J. IXSJJE $1DFENSEN HARRY E. STICKLER, M.D. moKAS A. THOMAS ••11••1' 1'•DSltAL D•ltOlflT 11'6UIU,VC• COltPOR.I. TION • We Invite Commercial and SaYlllCJI Accounh • ... Safe Deposit Facilities • Esaow S1rvlce. Hours : 10:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Architects: PLEGER, BLUROCK ~nd HOUGAN General Controctor: AUSTIN STURTEVANT CO. Sub Contractors LOUIS D. MARKEL DAVIDSON PLYWOOD CO. NEWMAN ELEC. and MASON CO. DOYLE and GOODMAN WARD-HARRINGTON LBR. CO. VANCE ROOFING CO .. INC . SMITH BROS. CO. PERMA-SEAL CO. OF CALIF. BALBOA G~ CO. TOUSL£Y LINOLEUM BREDEHOFT PLUMBING J. B. EDMONDSON CO. JONES and MARTINE CO. STAFFORD It SON BILLHEIMER It WALKER FRANK A. KATNIK SULLY-MILLER CONTRACl'ING CO. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE • • HOW TO PAINT-Advanced adult portrait painting elau at Orange Coast College shows some studenta paintini from a live model From 16 to 25 studenta at. tend the sessions twice a week. Thelma Paddock Hope 1a the teacher. -All Staff Photos by Bert Brintnall . • DO IT THUS-In the adult advanced portrait clus Thelma Paddock Hope of Corona ,_......,,.......,,--........... ..---~....-----.... ...- PERFECT SE'ITING-The morning water color painting clue under Leo Buabmu, u.ea the college bua to go to the many beautiful lan<hlcape 8Cenea ln this vtclnitJ, Above 11 Mias Donna Schurr of Garden Grove painting the view lookln, at the 90tr- ance to Newport Harbor. llANDICRAFT-Leatherwork is another of the artistic craft counet1 for adults at Or- ange Cout College and above Misa Earleen Kirby la ahown inat.ructing Mrs. Fred C. Hulaton o! Bayview Baicht.a. • . . del Mar &hon lrlim Marsaret KiDdermlll ol Santa Ana .om. of tbe &• poiDta. ( ./ U\'E MODEL-Above Is shown another of the evening oil paint.J.D& claaaea for adulta, thia one inatructed by Bushman. The group ia painting from a live model wbo can be MG in the b&ctgrouad at Wt. ·---~-.. Cl,,,.,,., vUTLOOK-Down on the rocks below Corona del M2. Dorothy Taylor above, find.a many beautiful accne:.. ._, paint. She la member of morning water-color aketch claM and Ill l<>Okinc out toward jetty at&..- ent.rance. , . . • . • BELIEVE YOU THEE, BRUINS NEED NEW GYM! SANTA ANA OCNSI - Near rumplPllOl'llf of Sant• Ana'• Coll1•i;t '1 n!\v i:ymnu- turn Wits C'"'!f'hr11tc I Thur;-t.y night Ill the 1111nual baakl't· baJI dlnnt'r which frntured Coach J ohn \\'ood~n o ( llo,.A 11« iopca ker for the aelfout affair. Co111·h Wooden urged play- rn lo hnve enthualum for thf' gam.,. H.. 1HIVJJl"l1 com- plainln,i: 1·ua ri'e11 tn i;e, out ot athleUc•. He phl1011optilud that no c(l;\ch J11 any better t han hl1 material and deeln· ed that good conditioning and a knowledRe ot the fundamen· tala provide the beat tralnlng for a team. He uld con.1trucUon of 111ch gym1 u the Don 1truc- t ure are brlnr lng b&aketball to greater popularity In the Southland. Humorously, he 11Ugge1led th11 t local boo1ter• help UCLA gel a gym to re· place • Its own microscopic etructure. TECHNICALITY HAR 1 -0 • ,o~ PAGE 2 -PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 THE SPORTS WATCH Rl'lbcrt. lb huc1ed ~HI•-"­ en 11gb1 •r n D~rr t•lf'd Ul e plat" 0.S THf: OTHt:K IUSU R11t l tell ~·011 lntly lhne are olhrr lhr1ll1 that ha,·• not bf'r n tlfflh••I rnt• Such .._, 1eelng Rt'd Orange 1•uually blork out thr~ rival fll•v•ra 111 one l'IUV mutln" for the Chltaito Beua; burly 8 111 Hewitt abaenll)' ahoulder block USC All·Amer1can Rua. 8a.ndtr1 2~ feet al'rt1l c111tance from point of l'Ont1rt f r thoH a&m• bru ... lnr O.ar1, which t am aur. re.main• an unbrokrn world • record; and Jim Thorpe In ctvvtoe and 1treet 1hoea ecooplni;-up a 11ray footbell and p11n~ln~ a perfect 1plra.I 90 )'di .. and the marnltlcent Jndlaa In hi• ~·, yet. • Such u 1ee1nr Jack Dempa.,.. th11 or Manulll Maul!'r hlm11elt, drllllnr for t he first Tunnf'y Ut.anle Jt never fails. Wl}en the no-hit gamea are pitched, I'm and p un<'hlnr the llghl 1>a1 v.•ltll not there. Yes, I miased Bill Wetze1'1 Hall of Fame chucking aucll bllndlnr rapldHy only Ule aound auured you the bag wu against Long Beach Pc.ly recently when the etrong armed actually there; lhaklnr hand• wtth By BILL PHILUPS Tar tossed a 1-0 seven inning classic on the high 1ehool dia-Stranrler Lewta when l wu el1ht mond. But thars not the only one I've misaed. • yeara old and ha~ the feellnw Thera wu F~ler. back In Rapid he haci It. ·rrouble w u . he coudn't that i urely my hand W&a loat to me when It dlaappeand Into the Robert'• heyday wttil the Cle\·e· control It th.. ~rtlcutar arter· rreal heMl•plnner 'I ma&1lve milt! land Indian•, right arter hls re· noon. Th11l pelota wu Jumplnl' M d .ta,ckle Robln90n, to my mind turn from World \l't'ar II' 1ervlce. In every dlreC>tlon when Bob reared eporli (Te&l .. l all-around athlete, No-hllte'r1, one·hlltera, two·hlttera back •nd propelled It platewtae. •l&rrlnr In football. baaketball. -I mean Robert wu really rapid Sturt to burn but ll waan't hit· track. bu eball and Tlddly Wlnkl In thoee day•. So finally come-a a Ung the corners. And that'• the al Muir Tech, P uadena JC, UCL.\ chMce for Phillipa to have •look · 1tutt that counts. and finally bre&klnJ' pro b&Mball'I •ee. Dom DIM&&cio W&.iked. J ohnny raci.1 barr1er. WINNING TEAM IN ANNUAL ELKS SWEEPER School Rule Ruins Rally By Tar JV's HOPPIN' HOR8EBIDES Peaky r ot hlt-rlr ht ln the lhorl No. hJtter notwtthetanA•u •, I Th•t wu In Bo•ton-tlle lndJana r10.-p didn't ... -.. .... oor ruY nave a have lived ! VII. lh• Red Sox. Got me a Hat chance o! J'e~tlnl' out 0( th1 way Flanked by Bowling Chairman Bill Abbott, left, and Ed Shell, right, the Anaheim Bowling Ma!~h team ~ccept championship adulation after winning the Elles Sweeper ln Van's Bowling, Coit& Mesa, Feb. 26-27. From left to 'right. the team members are Blackie Whitacre, tain Sam Starbuck. Frank Kalua, Herb Walker. Fru.scelJa and Bob Bottroff. Cap- John Discus Toss By Nel Visel Lone Bue First l'\'!'ISon Vl!<l'l t1111~"'' 'his lll~C\111 for Ora11µ-e coni;t C.'<11l1•i;e•t1 lone flr11t pl111·e ht•n• Jo'rld11y 1111 Sant" Ana'a Dons downed the Mesa thlncla1l11 loO' .1 tn 30 'l· Vl11el'a toss aalll'ri 130 ft. 10 In. Gary John· son was third In U1e event. Bill SwiMhPlm, OC:'\S Athelete ot the Yra r ln 19j4 as a prep aprlnt atar, pa<'t'd the onalaught against Coach H uraton Harper's Pirates. Sw1s.,ht'lm coppeJ t1r11ta In the 100 and 220. Hr aped the century In 9.8 and the 220 In 21.o&. S11.11ta Ana swept both cvenlll. alC1ng with the 880 and low hurd· le11. TWO l\fOR~ l>Ol 'RLF..S Other double triumph& tor the Don• wf!'re supplied by Bob Neal and Parkt•r 01l1Tlon. Neal took thC' high hun1le11 In U.O arld the broed al 21 ft. ll ~~ In. Damon poll' •aulted 12 tt. arld hurled tbe J•.,... Un 168 rt. 9 In. behind the catcher, the better to of a b&MbaU travellnl' 90 mUee ;piiiB~iii!iiaiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimti watch Bob'• 1tuff. And brother, pe.r hou.r. Tb• 8plendld 8pl1nter Tar Lightweights Undefe1ted in D11al Competition A technicality may have been re1pon.1lble for Coach Randy Ran- dall'• Newport Harbor Junior Var- sity nlne Joa~ It.a !Int ball rame ot the Sun.1et Learue horsehide Harbor High'• ll(hlwelrht -im equadJI contlllued undef,ated In seuon to Huntington Beach here dual meet competition apJnat Thursc111y. The final .core favored Lonr Beach Wllaon In the Tar the Oller JV's 7·6. tank Monday, but the Newport There's a Harbor H igh rull.ng vanilty 1pl11shera took a dunking. that junior var.illy g11mu must be The powerful Wll11on wave breaat· colleJ on the campus the lnatant era be11ted the Sallou r>6·19 while the varsity dlatnonu cluhea con· tho local B'• won 39·36 and the elude. Thuraday, the varally fray Harbor Hlrh C'1 were unoppoM4 ended while the JV r1val1 were 39.0. still engaged In 1lxth Inning com· Coech Al Jrwln'• charro re~ln bat. And Randy'• ramble111 were undefeated ln Suneet Learue com· In the 111ld11t of a raJly. petition In all lhree d.IYUlone. READ\' TO SCORE n:a&Y AND DOS J'reel'tyle record breaker Kerr Thero wu a man on 1econd Bodenbofer or the Tan bad to Id· bue, In i cortng JlOllUon, with no-U• for a eecond place 1n the llO body out and the top or the Junior yd. cluh. Local flnrt.a we~ hunr Tal'll' battlnr order flexing mu.· up by Jerry Farquhar, with • a clu al the plate. Anythlnr rnlrbt 1 :09.2 100 yd. br .. tatroke, and have happent'd f rom there on -Don .Reddington, with a 2:10.15 200 except for the 1chool rule. yd. frtt1tyle. Th11 local J V'a got off to • t u t a.ne Lortnr copped a .econd 1lart , tallylng a quartet ot run.t i pot 1n the dlvtni conte1t while In the r1r11t frame. Hunttn,.ion Tom Jel\IOn WU third In th• 100 Beaeh came right back In a wild yd. and lteddlncton wu third 1n &nd woolly at&l\Z& to eend 1evm th• 100 yd. frff. took hla 1tance. Feller pltel\ed I him cloae -rft11t ott th• bat handle. Ten1ble Ted didn't delp' to move • muacle. Ju.t watched that d&nclftc blob of white hurtle I put-mere tractlone of an Inch oft hi• knucklee. William. 1troll· \ ed, and UI• bq1 were loeded. THAT'S AU... BKOTID:R Anyway, I told myaelf, he'• •tll1 worklnr on a 110-hlttu. And F'eller wu . He'd laced lbree men and covered the cushtona. The only h it ot the tray w•• Pe1ky -by Feller. And then Bobby Doerr moved In, waving hi• wil· low. Apparently, Rapid Robert got tlred ot mlNlnl' the come111. He rutted it -right up the middle. And then Doerr culled lt--r1Jht over the protective llCrttn h\(h atop the left field wall at Fenway Park. You l'Ueued It-a rrand· alam homer rtvlnl' Bolton a 4-0 lead. JWJt the 1&me, I can tfUlh· fully 1ay I aaw Bobby Feller hurl a one·hltter. For Doerr'• blow wu the lone blf\l'I• off Rapid Priv1te Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURnY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Ba.lboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER N'O-HJTl'ER GETS Brr-Bob Wetzel, who chucked a 1-0 no-hit win for the Newport Harbor High Tar ball club over Long Beach Poly recently, raps a single to right field against the Huntington Beach Oilers Thursday. It was only one of the two hits Coach Emil Nceme's horschidcra coll ected o(f the offerings of Izzy lzykowski: The Oilers captured the first Sunset League fray of the season from the Sailor nine, 2· 1. -Staff Mlljorl! y of lh11 Bue pol.nta r11me with the llf!'Cond and third pla,.e11. John~on, con11latenlly !IT11t in th .. 11hot put lhl11 11ea11on, had to Sf'ltlr· for second whrn tht Doa'11 Lnrry Holcnmbe propt'llt'd the lrori ball 47 fl. (,1,. ln. marker• acro11a the plat e. despite Tb• lallor B'• knocked ott Ullt'mbllng only three hlta. The nrwte In the medley relay (Paul junJor TanJ rttumC'd to cont&GUon Manta. .Jltn WtJJl&ml and Dave .Al-ln the flttll with a pa.Ir of 90\Rll• 1 __ .....,_.. era. And U1tn ra me the Uffl-len) 1n l :IO. ; Ma.at. ..._... __ rally In t ha buttom of the lllxU!. th1 100 yd. ftH In 1 :15.9; Bob Johneon .-rabbed the 200 ,..Yd. frH TOP TAR MLl:OOEQ In 2:19.4; Due Andrew1 look the Pelo Heikes went the dlet&nce dlvtnr: and Jim W1Jllam1 wou.nd for the local Ind•. giving up n.... up with a pair or wln•. •~IDI' htur. Pacing Sailor plate powe.r the 100 yd. back tn 1:10.1 a nd the w11a ShorLatop Bob White wtth a lndlvldua.l medley In IU.3. OILER TRIO TEAMS UP TO DEFEAT TAR NINE Bill Wetzel Bested 2· 1 in Loop Opener by lzykowski, Coopmans Bctwet>n Huntm~on Beach's Izzy lzykowski and the Conpman brother~. Nrwpo rt Harbor·s Sunset League base· ball hopes wen· temporarily stifled by a narrow 2·1 defeat in the loop npt'n1:r ht·rc Thursday. lzykowslti chucked a torrid two-hitter. nll-C'IF baskrtball choice Bob \Butch) Coopman 11.-1 h ol hi~ •hul t .. ., I' 1ws1• 1,.n i.t·n· "' u rl"I cm Stl'rhng's blOf;ll'. Then nit •11'lll~. nnd h1dt1y h111!dy l111ij th!' 1l1h•r11 \\NINW•I ll up In lhe 1,.·,,. J '•• 1 •'""'•·ii th~ \ il><I 1<ini;lt fnurlh. 1:a1·y Tracy gut on 11~· an "1111 11 Mt Ill' thr winning tally tn-or, Bill Coopman ~ 111ngle I ''1;ir h 1~11 rl Sr<-mr ~ Tar nine mo,•eJ him to lhtr1f, Mil "9 .1rntNI Is httr1111•l111.: '" ha 1·nk into the thl'! dl~h on an Infield 0111 I•·~~''" rr, q 1111• rnnnn Ill Fullrrton l n It~ /.• •r.•I l•H•f" J:n Tl1urJ1ol11y 11ct•·11ir• n u1 3 ll 11 tJr !';anta Ana on t he JI 1rl" r l11izh 1!111nmn!I t·un:' T ( o~u·t:TITIO:'\ n 111 \\I 17• I, wh~ .. ld~l outing w .<11 " nu·l11l Job ngll!nsl Long Jlp • 11 Poly. furnllheci potent com· T•Nlllun lur J7\•kow:ok1. But Sailor lllUJ:~l'rA f'\111''1 t o hit 'rm where lhl'\' 111n't. And '''C'n when lhty 1hd. " RUY named Coorman came llJ1 With t bl' bAJJ. f'crrN•t ouunple or thla 11tua· Uon ot·curri'<I In the fatal eeventh whrn the Tar.t made a final threat to 1lr1rllock Ule contetL Cetcher Ok k Mtrkn\'ICh led oct with a looptng hnl'r that ap~ed to be tailing lt<'LWC'en left and centu fielders. But Butch Coopman turned hla bs ck to the Infield and llnd Just krpt runrun. tJll I.ht ball landt<l In his glo,·e for the out. ou:s O~ 8t:CO~"l> Srcond Sacker Lee Fialler ~­ a ged U> work IzykowaJO tor a fro• ticket to fir.rt Md an lnlteld out mo,·ed him to a«ond. But there he died. Had Mirkovich'• blMt fallr n In. an ulra lnnlng rh"nce for the local Iida mlrht h11\ e 11~\'rl •i td. The Tnni Jumped into a quick flr~t lnnln~ l<."Ad. Leadotr batter F trAl Haseman Paul Lorent.Mn •miuhcd 11 Ion( ny dOWll the ri(ht f1r1tl Ian~ IL bounced ott hard· r11nnlng Dill Coopm.an•a rlov .. l.orc-ntt(•n wound 9P on lhlrd. Shorutc>p D c n n I 1 Fttspatr1Ck'1 11acr1tlca Frond bJl"tl. TIO R 0 F'RA.M& TOl Sl1•1 ling was the l<'•lllng 11t1cker or the troy "'Ith two a1ngle1 in three •l bills or! \\'el~I. \\'et:tel M I )ftrko\•ich did all the Tar rapping with a s1ngle 11plece. :'\ ewrorl . lineup lookl'Q llke thl• l.Arenuen. flrat: n ave T11· mura. third; FltZ}>alrlck. short: Jim Newkirk, lrfl l lelfl; \\'etul, pitcher: M1rkov1ch. calcht'r; Fish· er. lll'<'Ond but: Thomp.90n, center and Bob Mc:Cluskcy, right. Tennis Indians Scalp Panthers ORA NOE (OC:-:S) -Coach Bill Hemmen•' Orange t.ennl1 tum loet a clo1e le&i1Je mat ch Thur•· d11y to the Full!'rlon tndl&nl! Win· ntnr only the fourth llnrtea and -econJ 1louble3 matchu &A they dropped their opener 6-3, Orange aerved notlce on the Sunael !Aa· gue that they could be the dark hor1e In the race. The P&nthC'r JV'e lost by the- 1t.J1'1e •core. Thry were behind 4.3 with •ecclOd U doublet •till In progrew l\nd •erme<I certain of victory u the deciding match 1tood at a tel 8plec:e. A 1110den In· dian eurge dd4'atcd lhe locals. Indians SwHp Nets l'ULLERTON, \OCNS)-SWffJ>- tnr th1 elrlgl• matchee F liday. Jack Fallon'• Fullerton Hlth ten· nls team easily llroppcll J.>owncy Hlth. 7-2 ln a non·lt'•lt'lJt 11tratr tfiintlnJ:tc>n Dl'BC'h l1NI ll UP In In 1-.._.lllPrton. 'nle l n1l1 an11' .l\" ttnm th1· I l11r.i J '~ ""!'kl 111n~1r.r. 1-.1 '. 1 wnn tht•ar match wllh the Vt.k1ngJ. C'•I to l!lt'Onll c n an lnt1d1I Oh\ MJ 9-0. Anaheim I Thinclads Score Fvllerton Win 8EC'OXOS ASD THIRDS Joe Groggln11 wa11 third ln the 440, Brancil In the two mile, Dave Prutham IJ'P !ht' hl11h tlm~r•. Jack Kennrdy In the broad Jump, VI.eel In lhe J8 \'Clln lllld FrPd V&rtla In the milt'. Se.,onds came from Vt.r- e la Jn-.tb.e~1W.O~allll:... Q~~C,!!11).. In the broad Jump. Kennedy and Ron Wtntrrburn through a tie In the hl11h Jump. Kc-nnrdy and Bill Lamb tying In lht' pole vault and Klrk- l"nd In the j11velln. triple and atngla In three .rt' bala. C 1'tctora tor Irwtn weN Gery Se<'ood S~ker Blan Schon11 rap-Cook, Howard Petel'90ll and h rry pe<J a double 1111d Third Bueman Whitaker plu• the medley relay Larry Shradtr bhuted a ~ (Cook. Whlt&ku and 8t.n. Boice) bagger. and the four-man relay (Whltalcer, Top Tar fl el di nr gt m ot th• .Oon~~W~al;dron.~~~Coo~;k~an~d~J~oe;.Bue~~h~)~,~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ FULLERTON tOCNS) -A vie· tory In the fln•I event. the 660 relay, gave the An!Lhrlm Colonlat.J' 8'1 a r1arrow 49·46 w in ovtr the 11urprL.lng!y 1tronir .fo'ullerton Jn. dl&na Wednesday 11t F ullerton. Allen Henry oC the lndla.n1 broke one echool rt'cor1J M d nar· rowly mtsaed another In winning both 1pr1nla. Jn the 100. Henry N1gtf1 Ml!'key C-OU}'d O( lht' COl2.,nJ~tll. hitting' lh .. Danny Schweikart ScoreJ Triple Win afl,moon wu ma.de by Lett ntld-i; e-r Cary Crttn He duhed way tn and way over t o make a tumb- ling ny bllll •n•r an lnlt&nt be-- fore ll coultl fall tor a hit 1.n th• 11lxlh Inning. Anaheim Vanity Blasts Santa Ana lApo In JO.l . Th11 c1 arko'\I the F'\:Ll..ERTON IOCNS)-lt took 2i·yeu -old reC'ord 11• t hy \\'oil !\nnthcr t riple hy the srnutlo~I Rallt. when he ran JO 21. I OllJ\ny !'01·hw,.1kl'rt, but Coarh Henry came back lnler tn l\ltllln Geno• ~fAI Un'11 Jo"'ullertun JC trark ddeal Couy11. this time In lhA :.120 Mil !1"111 l!'Am rnllrfl to tht1r Ila wu dorkl"d In 2:? :l r'"Jr\h ,.t1111i:ht \'lctory Friday F'ulll'rton s C's t11'fl'llt"<l Ann-I n.llcm,..on. ANAHEIM (0CN8) -Coach John Wallin'• var1lty bueball squa.d put on an 11 hit ban°al'• to push ac n>111 11 run1 Thunida y afternoon u SM ta Ana and con· aequenUy bluted the S&lnte by an ll·l l!CON'. helm. 111-l:S. Htghhghtcd by S<'hW~kart'• fine 0.ve (Saleh l Stephenl!On wu the 1t.art..1.ng pitcher for Anaheim. He WClll the entire llf!'ven lnmnp r lvtng up only thrte hita. Dav" received lremendoua aupport a t the plate from hi• ttam-matu, but aome of the Colont1t fll'ldlng wu apotty. Givens Gives Orange Nothing But Trouble l :\6 8 In the hal!·mllc &lid Aevera.J other 11otablc achlen~ment.a. the Hornets !1rfreted Sa n ~marOlno on lhe losf'r l'I tr11 ck. 76-~. S<'hW<'lkart i:ot the Homet.J oft f'ULLEnTON IOC~Sl _ Tom to a winning r.t&rl wh,n he won C1ven11 threw a mHterplf'ce ror lhe mtlf'. \Vinning time waa 11.00 8. the Indian JV'• Thurlll1ay In tht'lr Hr captured lhe two mile In logue opener with Orani:". u h" l l .37 i In bolh rRCC.'11, he ra.n Ju.el tos!ll'd ,. no·hll, no-run ii;emt 111 I lo win. e Pllfllhtrs. llob r lunk,.tt won I he P''tHn t'oar h \'cm \\'rll!'htl'lon • 11e1r11e· w ith a tn"" of 160 ft'tl, 2 Ina John hlder.s werr able to rtin fref'ly Blj;~inbnlhlUTl wnn the broalt Jump around the b&.11t'11 to record their With a leop or 20 ft .. 10 ln11 .. 11nd 11·0 \1ctory. .ln<'k c~artwrlghl captured Ule di•· E\·try one ot the atartlni.t nln" for the Colonlata 11:ol a hit with the exception of A Ian Story. w t:• last week had a total or 8 for 8 He didn't r.-a1 h f1r~1 b1u1 Th11r11· I day. Joe AvlUL blutrd a long 1 fly to right cenLcr field In the top ot the four th Inning, but the ball hlt ln front of the fence and bounc- ed over for a gro• .11 rule double. Olvcns led lhe lmllan11' 13·hll l\ltack when he conne<"ted fnr 11 homer In the second. That wu the Inning Fullerton exploded for 11lll hit• and six run11. Tribe Dumps Yikes FULLERTOX, (OCXS) -The Fullerton lndl&ns rollert to th,.lr eecond etraJgtit bUC'b111l 11h11tout Fr1day u they !1umped the onr1'- beaten DownPy Vlklng1 on the R omela' diamond, 6-0. Otrald Runyon atarted on the mound and worke-d alx &nd on<'· third tramu. Re allowed ju~~ fn11r hit.a while fanning three 11nd walk· In~ five. 14-lot Mesa Tract Gets Planner Okqy $AZ..l'A A~A. MARC.-11 ~' (QC:--:S) -Among tour lrntllll\'t' 1ubd1Vi1lon ma pa approved w ,11nf.1- day by the Orange County Pinn· nlng Commlulon w11 tntcl 2;'\81 tor H alngle family lot• on • acl"Pll on the llOUtherly 1mfo ,.,: urch11nl Dnve 11bo1tt 660 ft'et ra~'t'rlv of Sant& An" /I. "e.. north • : CostA 1 M"BR. \\,th O l~ ~t Clark 1ub-j ,11v1dlng. l'Ull with A mark or 131 rt., 1 In. DR. A. M. ZAflEM. Sta.n!ord Reaear('h Institute 11clent111t-"The tlectronlc age will f ree us to de- vtlop m•w lnr!uatrlts. to brlnr nbout 11 higher 11lanf1ivil ot lh·ing not even dreamed of by our fa• thers:" Anaheim CatchPr Jo'rank Oorctu irot hlmeelt two 1lnglt1 and firov• lha Saint ctnltr f11'lder bark a - galn1t the ftnte before h" haul,,d In one ot F rank'• lon11: blllll. Coln· nf1t C.ptaln l.upe C nnn lts al!!'> r ot a couple of sing!°'. fN co,.,sr I.HT USI IY Sl'OITS A"'HOUHCllS, w•irr•s. CLUI O,,ICl1US M olO ,A,.,S '"'" """' •• -·-"' ,.,, ,, .. ,, ,_ ... 1 .. 1-· "' ........ 11. -"" .... _ ..................... , ......... . Ne -.Mii ~ .......... ,_ ....... ,.....,.. .... .. _ ..... -..,_,,.., ............. "' ..... ,..,. --· •'<· ·-"' -..... It -......,...11>9, ......... ft, -'"""''"' .... ;;i., ef<, .... ,_ ••• el.. H ...... ,.. el •"-"_,....., •"" -'-' 1--· .. ..,.n •• ... ~,,.. ..... "'-"" --'--· ~-------------------, 1 THE 3'0UINO N!WJ, No•t-1 1cr .. i..n """u' I I 1011 w •• ~1,,..... 11 ........ ••· t ... i. i . .._ ... _, I I ,..., .. """' Offk1e1 .. _,, c~••· ,..,... ••"'· ., t I 1 .... .,. ••• "' a1.ao. ,....., • ,,,_, .,.. -''";'_ I IN~· : I •OC!!Pff I I c1n 1owr n•n l I ~ ......._~-~-------------- looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A . USED CAR? v' the Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE? " the Want Ads AN ATIRACnYE pENTAL 7 i/ the Want Ads Whtthn :roa want to buy or want to aeU, the Clu81n~ eolam• of tilt. nenpaper oUf'r the beAt opportunity for re.oil• ..• A rov Ible -4 will appear Monday, Wed.1H!ttday ud Tb~y ln over 23,000 eoplea for • • • this VALUE! JfBWPOllf ~ HARBOR RE-W~{ J2RCSS Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker a TAR LIGHTWEIGHTS JUST AREN'T APRIL FOOLIN'· Despite an April Fool's track meet on Anaheim cinders Friday. This is understandable since the Newport Har- bor High B's and C's appear headed for Sunset League spike championships. If the two squads get by the Colo- nists' thinclads, that'U settle things. Here are men both !ocal divisions will be depending upon. Above, Glenn loop Diamond Champs Impress With 11-1 Win Sacrifice Gives Horneh' Vidory -1 F t.:LLERTO:". IOC~Sl -T~ SuUlv&11 1'aC'rlflctd Gordon Mc- Gow('n In wrth W run F rldsy al- FtJLLERT0="1 10<'1'\SJ -Jn \Pml'M111 that "•tabllshed F uJJer- alr1cUy a team vict ory. Fullert'ln 11 lnn's Horn"l8 ., 11 title contf.'ndu defendinr; S11n~et Lr11gue champ· I fnr th,. F".a11t"m C'onfrrf'n<"I' l"hamp- tnna macle An lmpr,.••lw• dl'ff'n"C' t•1n11!-1p ot Lhrlr lt•:\.'i up('nrr Th11r•.t"y Co1nh Bud Va\\rOn a nevt'r·llAY· WhPn the\' c-11pturt-d lhr1r !1rirl rh,. Hurn• 1>1 found Lhem11elv<'11 b,... 1hut -011t of lhl' ;.,s~n. A 10.0 hind 3·0 Al the en.I or \he !1rat ln- c11nte1t nveor Orange l'layed In tht Orang!' City r "rk. ball In lhf' preSl!urr·paCk.f'<l C'Ontu t the Indians pounded out t1·n hit" '" •h·feat Mt ~"n Antonio, i-6 four b<>in1t • xlra·ba~e blow11 t "•· '"It three r 1tchrn1, th~ 'l'nbt 11111· Hed the Panlhus 10 .t11x l\llJO rtll aln~les. Mike J l'wett a111r ted ori th<> mound for lh• Tribe and w orked Ul• flrat four lnnln(ll. He &llowr<I jual three hit.II. whllt fanninit two H e walked one. Gerald R unyon ••orked lhe next two Crarnea. w ith O ulltrldvr Kmt Pec:ibroke rln lllhlng out the final tramf'. Louie Ma,d•l•no tnpltd In the fourth a.nd 1ln1tlf'd In lhe Hventh.. He drova In two rune. ('trnr le• 1 .. >lb• t trr , hn1• i<hOrt· ~t''I" W l\I' ~p1k.-it r11lly In lhl' Jtame 111.S hAol '" JI" l'l lhr hu.•p1 111J He T•q1111 .. •I lhl•'t' at.trhrs rn h111 &rm. K t'y pll1y fnr t he Horn1•li< C'ame 1n t h•• .. 1i;:hth lnnini.:. wttll the ~<"OTI' tlfil ll·ll :'.tct;ow rn. the ~crappy little rOMJlf'lllor from Bul'tla f'ark. itoubll'•I Into n ithl· field. Chuck GrPer ltnml'dtnt• Iv llBC· rlfirt'd h(rn to th111I. Sul11vnn. who pla yed • 1'1"QnJl'rtul gam" Al ht11 bACkAtOp pos1t1on, I hr n 11qlll'C'Ud the 11peedy runnr r hClme w1lh Lht lllJ.lmportant laity or the ga.me. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO 30UI St., Newport ae.cJa lla.rbor WI ·- Morrison roars smack-dab into the tape while winning the 180 yard dash for Sailor C's against Orange here last week. Trailing him in is teammate Ray Fleeman. Below, Bruce Knipp racks up points against _Orange ln the B low hurdles, skimming across the final barrier in a 13.9 effort. -Staff Photos WINTERBURN BATTLES FOR TOP SELECTION AS CAGER OF YEAR Ron WmlE'rburn Is the lonP Harbor Area candidate vying for title of Orange County H1111ketball Plsyer or the Year. The Ot·ani.:e Coast Collri.:e JllVOL rw rfurnwr prnvlctcd 11n rtVent.i:e J C qulntrt wilh one llf the hlgh<'Rt !!<'•>11111: sparks In the E&11l- ern <'onferenc" dut mg the 54.:;5 season. His rivals for lhfl coveted award e1 e Sunset Lrague prep- 8li'rs Jrdtly Ymini;:-, cl'ntr r (11\ the Hunting ton Bruch loop chomp:i: Mtke Beot•h, his;-h sronnl( f<•1w 11rd tvr Anaheim's Colonist .. ; B. J . Srhaffrr. T1111t in High center, and Chuek Crrer, <Pn lt·r·Cnrwatll of the i.~ullerton J C Hom et11. Wi°nt1•rb11rn, choR1•n on lhc All-County J C oil-star team hy OC~S "port11wr11ers anti narneJ all-~tern .Cnnrerenee. this &t'KAon broke Bob YArdley'a OCC record In loop com- pellt1on. Thi' AJ:llP fithll'tl' l11llll'd 251 points to Yardlty'a 245, and r ame w1th111 one point of brt'8ktng Yardley'• one-aeaaon IOlHI. Winner or lh4l rta yer Of lhe year trophy In bukelbaU be· rom<'11 ••h)l1bh· for lhe ;\thlC'tc of Ute Ye11r trophy won by Bill S·A·11u1h1•h11, prep lrAt'k 11tar. 1n 19!'14. HEAD. OVER HEELS FOR CLUI 111at·1 t.he ..-. .. y t.ht. lit.he athlete feela about Harbor Ana Boya' Club. And hl'&d over heel1 he went in a t\lmbhng drmon~tra· tlon preM"nted durin1t Jaat week '• 11nnuui mPetlng In the Boy11' Club gymnasium bdore h undr l'ds hf p11rent11. -Staft Photo HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS? C RISIS! Perhaps we heve the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura "Sl:RVlCE WITHL~ HOl:RS -WH~ NEEDED .. OOMPLETE 1A~DERER8 .-CLEANERS NARJ~'t:R"M Mil.I: ~"EWPORT lll:ACB MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART II. PAGE l FOUR TAR TANK RECORDS FALL ,AS HARBOR HIGH NABS THIRD IN Clf ln lh<' B 200 yd. frfflltyle. then crabbinf off fourth In lh• flnat.. I lenib· ... tU .... Ubertyl-WI Jerry Farquhar,· Don RecldinCJ+on Turn in Terrific Varsity Marks To do .so. the merman but ht• WATF.R HEATl:R8 ~~~;e: ~:·; ~:~ ':~ 1 · (foll~ P"LnlYllMBIC~c.·s· ,"·o'llolfAli/, Terrific swimming performance. by Don Reddington ud J erry Farquhar Friday night pa°" Newport Harbor H1gh'111 tank team to a third place in the ClF Midwintera at fore In ClF compeUllon." Mid (/' '"' V.:>"-h Cd Coach lrwln, "but notblhf Uk• we had Friday nl&ht !" . I fUMI 11 "' CIHl OOW'H . .. Nut Tar dual oullnl' I• ached-"-••• "•''''" AM Long Beach Poly. The Tara nabl>E-d 25 point,e in the heavy competition. Long Beach Wilson easily marked up 52 pointa tor top •pot. trailed by Whittler I rinl•lng fifth. lh• ume or i :u .2 with 37. by Pete 8chulber1. Redj)lnrlon, In the face of the beat prep pool Larey Buck and Bodenhofer bet- 1h&rka throul'hout Ca.llfomla, Har-l•~ the prevlou1 vanity mark of bor Hlch mermen reached helrhta l :•3 Ht . by Pre.ston, BaJrd. Ma· which tound four achool recordtl ton and lbbotaon In 1952. uled In the Herbor Hlfb pool Wednuday afternOOll. The Sa.llor B and C'• take on Le Habra. 'Iba varelty will •nl'-C• hlp l<!hOOl alumni. Indians Tied amuhed. "That tough compet1tlon Tbe C four-man relay of J oe that 1<eep1 pu1hln&' the JclcS. &lone Bu.ah, Jerry Whitaker, Don Wald-f. T s t helpe a lot," obaerved Coach Al ron and Gary Cook twice broke' or op po Irwin. "Tht.s II the tint time we've the water fl'a record of 411.8 1et ever won open lndlvidual cham-by Diehl, Schulberg, White a nd plonahlJ>ll In the CIF Mldwinten." Lamb In 19113. Qualifying in lhe FULU:RTON IOCNS) ..,-BUI l'AAQVUAll BEST Midwinter•, the quartet churned Hilaer, DarNll Roberti and Larry th• distance tn 49.7. Then, while Arrou• Wednetlday led the Ful- Topping those champlol\lhlpa taking fifth In the final•, thf' lo-lerton Indian track 11quad t,o a wu Farquhar ln tho 100 yd.. breaal cal Jade blued the couree In 0 .1. 78•21 annihilation ot Anaheim at In l :06.9. J.crry holdll the •chool RECORD WJTll FOURTH F\lllerlon'a North Fleld. BE SURE • INSURE wttll llAVRIE 8TA.~UY ··~ Ollly ftolle Butlor H7f Ill& i:. c-t. Rl1llwa.J Coro-elf-I Mar PARKES. RIDLEY MORTUARY Formerly URAVEL CHAPEL 110 llroech1._, t-('oata 11.- UIM>rty 8-HIS aac1 A-MU I I record of l .<le.2. eel In 1952. But The B tour-man relay ot nave The lrtwn h ke t a live the un- hla CI~ timing bettered tUa but Allen, Henry HUI, Ted von Rem· defeated ee:.Onal p record of lhe time th1a aea.son by ~ore than five ert a~d Bob Johnaon took t o•1rth Tribe, and left them tled with the &nd a halt aeconda. Nol only that, place tn a time of 1:415.15. Thl1 Santa Ana S&lnta tor the Sunaet but In thl11 race J erry deCeated a betlted 1951'• 1 :48.3 reconS hunl' up Leque trad. r ival by m ore than a foot who held by Pruton, Baird, CarroU and With Alim Henry, tha lnlllana' DIBT-- COLLICTIONS. 20 atra.ight trtumpha over him In Othmer. ace aprlnter moved to the B'•. AAU aummer competition. In the Schulberf , Farquhar and Boden· Hl!Mr wu able to come through prelltn•, Farquhar placed third. hofer were third ln the varelty wtth blua rlbboNI ln both aprlnt.t. Reddington copped cbamplonahip medley relay. Whitaker, Steve Hla 100 lime waa a iparkllng 1o.2 honon and amubed the Sailor Boice and Cook were thlnS In the whlle be bit the 220 tape In an aehool record with a 2:04.15 effort C medley. relay attar qualltytn1 equally good 22.7. In the 200 yd. freeatyle. Ken Bo-alxth. Jim Williama, ~ul Manta Roberta came up wtth hll uiual denhofer held the m&rk at 2:0CUI. and Allen were alxth ln th• B pair of vtctortea In the 180-yard Reddington' a fa• teat prevtou.a medley relay. low hurdl• and the broad jump. swim of the event wu In the pre-.JOHNSON' DIPROVE.8 Roberta wu clocked ln 20.2 wh11e UmlnR.rlea when he qualified wlt.h Bob Johnaon ahowed tnmendoul be jumped lll fl. 101~ In. a second place tie In 2:09. Re sped Improvement by qualifying alxlh The vanity'• moat Improved the d istance In the t inat. tour and performance wu turned In by a half aeconda t uter! Hor--~ Prep for Larry Arrouea. the Brave'• •t&nd- RELA 1'8 R1Jlh"EI> HSQ out mJler. He ran right behind Other Tar record• mashed c&me 5 • f t f y th• Colonlat'1 Joe Rodarte for two in the tour-mtln relays. Although Wlm1fS 0 ,. lapa, taking the lead early ln the . Indians, Anaheim Record Swim Wins FULLERTON, (OCNS) -Ful· lt'rton'• clue C medley relay le.am of 'Mike H11rvey. Richard Stewart snd Don Grayblll captured tint place In the CIF Mid-winter• mwlmmlng tlnal.11 Fr~y nl&ht ln the Long Beach Poly pool. The lndlan11 were timed In 0 .11. They qualified 1econd with a 41.9. Graybill placed third In the 60 free with a 28. 7. Jerry KW copped second tn the cl... B dlvlnf with ut polnt.a. Winning the B diving waa Ana- heim'• Jadl Trott Witll 161 pc>Uat&. • FUU.ll:RTON (OCNS) -Al· lhOU&'h Uma were not up to the un111u&lly-hlfh par eat.ablllhed by former Fullerton J C swtm tl'&m•, Thurlday'1 veralon waa able lo dunk LACC In lhe Hornet.a' pool, 92·22. Bob Wrtr..'it won two dtatance racea. Dave H&akell won two 1prtnt racu and the aenaatlonal Jack Webb made hi• pre11Cnca felt enourh tor Fullerton to eaally llW1m put the CUba. The Hornet.a' next mMl 11 lh• "mfft of the yeflr." Tbureday afternoon, the Hom• eta meel &d Holtlton' a Compton Tart&l'L Th• dual &tt-'r will be held ln the Tartara' pool CODlp- ton la undtfeated lh dual meet -peUUoa tllJ9 ~- third lap. He then alowly moved turt.her ahead, flna.Jly pulUfll' on a l'ood k1ck to win by a wtde rn.arctn In 4 :39. 71. JOHNSTON E'S Mesa · AlltO Wreckers U-S Aato Pana ud Aceeaeoriea to75 Placeatta Ave. LIM"7 l-1tll C..ta 11 ... 1 . . ' . "'"~'-· 4 ,_ .... • ., ' • • OF THE Aeeouit -Notes -CW.. et u y ldDd of deb~llileN a. America. "No aoUectioM -N• •-" We advuce all --., Clll:DIT llUIU:AU of WNkn Oraap C-t7 formerly Credi& ..,_. el Newport 8-cJa. ....,_ .._. Md Coate .. _ lot IU"enlcle A"e-. P.O. Boa -NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF TME MONTM JUST MORTM ., POST OFFICE , ' . EARN FROM TME FIRST For Your Corivenience We ere open every Fri. 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. rAGE ~·~ART II -NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 HARBOR IIl LITES By PA Tl'OI BEni1E& LIGA~ NOnCI 1u.. or lnformallUea ln any bid or In th• blddtnc. Adv: Man:h 21 and 28, 1965 Open: April t , 181111 2:00 P.M. /•lrned/ B. H . P!:TERSON Secty., Bo&rd ot Truat41U No. 170 News-PraA-3/21-21!1/llll X.-wport Harbor'• .wim · mHl WU held In Lone Beach Poly pobl CJ;llTD'JCATE OF BUSl!lt~SS on Much 111. Som• of th• Harbor FlcUUoua Firm Name clan who were •bl• to 10 were: TBS UNDER8.IGNICO de hereby J im T11ylor, Lana Uoyd. Bob Rar-c.rUfy that they V• conductlnr ton, J oan 1'arquhar. Linda P:'ea· a Boat Bulldlnr and repair yud ton, Phyllla !l.(lluni, Carol Klnf. and Manne hardware buslneea •l Csrol Crain, Howard MltcMll and n12 Lafayette Street, Zfewport Glorlll r.h11pman. Carol Calll1 and Beach, Caltfomlia, under the flcu. l, Jnye Chung. tloua ttrm name of HA~S DICK-I W ANT AD will cost you only s2 and it ~ill run in ell 3 iuue1 A Minimum ed is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Ne1''9·Pftu Monday and Thunday edition", Plua the Coastal Shopper, Wed.ne!ldays Sntiw cover!.'d mountain peaka )(AN BO.AT WORKS ancl lhat I berkonf'd the Rebela lhl.s week· Mid tlrm la compoeed or th• fol-=~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~====~===' l'n<.I. Sklln(, tobog&antnr. and juat lowlnc peraona. Whoae nAmH In-------------------------- ha vlng a rood time at Osceola tuU and placu ot realdtnce ere u W!.'re" Bruce Knipp. John Swain, tollow1, to-wit: Dl'nny FIU:patrlck. Paul Lorent-FRANK W. SKINNER, 1!111 un, Biil Wetzel. Paul Neumann, West Victoria, Coata Meaa, &unny Co•~. Tod Wlllte, Mike C:alltornl& Vaile, Bob Milum, Glenn Thoma&. JEAN K. SKINNER. 817 John Eggert, J im Xewklrk, Cave WHt Victoria, Co•ta Mua, Tamura. Paul Schultt. Alan Ry-CaJlfomia p!n11kl , anti floy Daniel~. WJTN!SSS our hands this 2Hh day Sl'RPRISE PART\' of March, 19116. A local dance studio wa.w I.hf' Frank W. Skinner ntUnr tor a surprise part:v for l ean K. Skinner l"ancy Campbell on her 17th birth-Stale of CaHtomla day Saturday evenine. Nancy wu County ot Oranre .... •urprilM!d and apeechlua aa 1he OF THIS 2•1.h day of March, A. was preaented 1with many gifts. D. lllM, before me, ROB!:R.T R. The highlight of the evening wa11 HURWITZ, a Notary Public In v.'}len f'Veryon1' learnri1 to twl; I a a.nd for the Mid County and ltate, baton. Dancln~ 1ind Nlttni: •·~· · ff'aldlng thf'reln. duly commiulon- Nancy anrt Jack Smith. Pete ed •nd sworn. pen1onally •ppeared Schulberg an<1 Joyce \'Ille. Dit o< FRAJllK W. SKINNER and lEAN Joh.neon and Pat Tuttle, Chip Re-K. SKINNER known t.o me to be gan and Donna Small, Arlene Huff I.he peraon• whoK names are 1ub· anrS Derril Havershleld. Ron Sw1e-ecribed t.o the within lnatrument, b<-1 and Karan Wagnn. Tom NI· and acknowledged to me th1lt thf'Y quettr and Ju<1y Sanrls. Pnrl Hal-executed the aame. IN WITNESS Jand and Denny Hf'nrtrnwn. Glori• WHEREOF. I have hereunto eet Chapm•n •n<1 How11rd Mitchell. my h•nd and a.ttlud my ofttcleJ Mike Bartlett and Diane Fe&ther-seal the day and year In lhla Cer· 11tone, Don Mer1deth and Carol Ed· tlflcate Clrat above wntten. ·warda. Al11n Rypln11kl and Carlton ROBERT R. HURWITZ. My Com· Dawaon, Kathy Huff anti Frank mlselon Explre11 May 31, 191111. Sorenson. Dick P ipes. Rudy M•r-1 No. 1174 NeWB-Preae ti.nu, e.tidy SW1Ul80n and Diam· j 3 28. •1t -ll-l8jall 3oye, Toni Burrough•. Terry Ra· pn. Charlie Berry. Steve W•tch· NOTICE OP' INTENDED SAU er, Dave Steams, Oary Locker. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Guy Per90n•. Jallen Green and That I<. R. BRANOT &nd RlLDA Nell Metcalf. Evelyn Taylor an<i. M . BRANOT. huaband and wile. Sue Souden. Vendor•. whose AddreH is 2692 ... NEWPORT HABBOB NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Thureday COASTA~ SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 lJnM 1 Paper $ .75 4 Unes 2 Papen 1.:>0 4 Une. S Papen 2.00 Cout&I Shopper Clulllfltld Ada maat nia la tbe Moada7 or Thurllda)' PubH~tloo 1'l.INl!\lli~I AD 18 6 UNES All Clualtled Adll must be pald for C..b lD advance of pobllcatlon. DEADLINES tor placing or canceWnr ada are: For Monday Publication -Saturdlly Noon For Wednesday Putmcallon -Tuesday 2 p.m. For Thursday Publication -Wednellday 1 p.m. The pubUaher• will not b• reeponaible for more than one incorrect lntertian of an ad, re~rve th• rifht to correctly cluaify any and alJ ada and to rejecf •ny ad not conformlnr to rule• a.nd re~allon•. NEWPORT HARHOR P UBLISltl.NG CO. %%11 Balbo9 Blvd., .Ne"rport Bead!, CalJforala. Speclal N otlcea y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet• every Tlsureday I p.m. Via Oporto -Cens,raJ .Ave. Newport Beach Elwood Shell, !:salted Ruler 10-BUAl.n-. Guide Mechanical Sweeping Service PARKING LOTS. 1uper m&rkel..11, Drive-Ins, etc.• Ratu by week or month, COAST SWEEPING SERV. 192~ Harbor Blvd., Costa M!.'a& Llberty 8·Mt I. 21c33 Spaghetti, meat !oar •nd aalad Club Me11a Placf', Co1ta Mesa, Call· Wf're eerwd hy MHA to,a croup fornl•, In the City of Co•la Meaa. or freahman girls, 10 earn monty. County of Orange. Stale of Call· on March 28 Me1nber11 of MHA tornla. lntenda to 1dl to LEON are Carol Callis. Laurie Hendr1cka, RUBIN and SARAH G. RUBIN. Jody Lieb. Gary Armstronr. Cyn-hU11band and wlCe u 1olnt ten· thla Beltram. Nancy Bryant. T•c· anl8, Ve.ndees, whose 11ddret1s 11 J.i-BuUdlnf Services cao Hayea, Nan Rrynolda, Karen 223~ Llnnin&ton Street, In the City FOR RENT Are you having troublea? Skill Saw1, !:lee. Otilia, PoUahere, PIANO TEACHER PRlSCILLA •KA'M'HEWS Formerly ot Chlca.ro and Loi An&elu. U 8·39~. Md9 Real Estate School in Santa Ana llltN 6 WOlUl:N pTep&re lD 11p&re time for unlunlt.ed oppoM.uniU• tn RuJ Estate. New cla.uu weekly. AJ Tyler tMuucttq. At- tend t\rat eveotnc rree and learn about th.I• cr-t fteld. eau or wrlt• now tor tntonnaUon. fNal- nu• ln•Utut.e, Ull~ N, Syca- more. IQ 3-17111. TtUc C hina Painting Day and Eventnc ClUM9 Oroera TaJten No. Phone Uberty 8-Mt8 tftfc 28--Sltuatioaa WaaW Three baby mttere uallable tor avenln1• Phon• Liberty 8-2722. 3llp3&B Bookkeeping COMPLETE SERVICE for email bu.elnea• tncludlnc atatement • tax fomui. Competent, ruaan- able, contidentlal. Har. H81-W. J3c3&l PAIN",MNG by' the hour or day. Small job• ok., Uberty &.na7. • BO:YD'S HOWE . Close O ut U9htin9 Fixtures :5()~ 6 more OFF ComplewJ stock includins tolid bf'889 out.Ide fixtureti %630 \\'. Cout H.-, .. Newport lldl. Jtc.U Fresh Hearing Aid BATI'ERlD We Gift 8ldl OrMD Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. M&J.a SL at Balboa Bl"-. 8aJbo9 Harbor. ~II. Nttc FIREWOOD FRJ:E DELIVERY 1>17 wood. le" • 16" '-Ith- Call 8. R. ST .AOO ~Barbor lOH Evslnp Harbor 6891 lttf KATY DOANJ: N-Ir llMl'l.Y n.w eppuel for wome.n A chJJdren. Kindell'• P&Uo. m1 Cout Blvd~ eorooa del Kar. 28c~ 2 CARVED butteta ma.de tn A.u• tria.. Sllvtt. atampe. cotna, e.n· rnvtnp. rrandfUJ>er'a clock. ete. LI S.. 7%12. 31J-33 Roy's Maintenanc e SO-B-APJ?!!:~ Howie cleaning-Floor ~nr w..i1.waahing-w1ndow cleaning V~nttlan bhnds. upholstery Jn11ured. f'rt'<f! Ea-tlmatea Liberty 6-1332. life Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAl>ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30tfc TREE SERVICE Planting. R.-moving ti: Trimming. Ll 8-1648 If no •ns.. call LI 8-4708. 29p31 NEW LAWNS or old lawn11 mad!.' new by reno- vating lllld fert1hz:tng. General )'lllrd clean up. H&r. 2791-J. 30p32 l!I~ BLACKSTONE automatic W84her. It. the be.It one. all ca~ hardened g!.'ara. w11h big tub. agitator, e'"'rythln&'. Came back • been pd. ctn. t.o 1238.87 from '329. No cub dn. J ust pay th~ pymta. of $12,311 per month. See Baug-hn•• Atl:S Wa~ho\l.lt 220 So. Kain St. 8 b1ka. 8 of tth SL Santa Ana. -Open daily 9-9 Sun. 11~ or Phooe JO 3-7201 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-yur cuuante. dn ioba don• and on u.eect waabera. t•aa I( (rear) Newport Bl-. Ooeta M-. Liberty 8-4503 or l.Jberty 8_.327. 64tfc Wagner, MaKgle Cr•ln. Brenda of Loa Angelea, County or Loa An- Barntll. Trial\ Knapp. Patty Riley, Gelea. State of California. the fol· Bell!IY Blac:kmar, Ch•rneth Star-lowing ducrlbed peraonal property. ege. P•t TUtUe, and Pl\yllla Milum. to-wit: Let a Want Ad help you aolve Uwn! &ll type. of Sanders, Wheelba.r-COLORED girl. 22 yr&.. expen- rowa, etc. ~nred, ch1ld~n. general cook· Jo RJGIDAIRE 11 cu. ft. retnrera- t.or, xJnL condition, $Ul0. 23911 Sant& Ana Aw., Coat& )tt-11&. 29c31 Brenda wu ho11tu11 to th• follow· All •lock In trade, flxturea, tng creehmen: J1!1 Blum, Betty equipment and cood will or a C!.'r- C&le, 8ue Manr;on. Sue l!'fi&J\k, t.aln buainus. known u Brandt"• J urty Corfman. Tudy .Rudell. Mari-Men and Boya Weartnr Apparel lyn Hammond, Muina Cbu.ac. ~located at 227 Eut 1Tth St .. Mary Covalt, 8ue Drak•'. Glenda In the City of Coet& Meea. County Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT Prtce. Pat SlnJUt, Glenda ~ Oil Oran ... 8t&te ot OaUtornl&, and LlCJl!NaED OONTRAC..'TO.R Linda Preat.ol1. Un. 0.rirlS UICI U,.t • ale, u-.ruiter aAd u.tp-OU'Mt.11 •t.. M.wpot't -- M11rc1'illl Kl'lter ment of the aeme will be r11adt. Bar. 2Ul!l-W or LJ l-ee32 ttc Arl'EI& 8HOW PA&TY and the cona.ldaratJon therefore CARPENTRY BOYD'S HDWE ing. Uve in. Reft rencea. t 521 . • Grove Ave ... R1ven11de. Phonf' 243() W. COAST HlGHWA Y Overland 3-900.1. 31 p33 Wberty 8-3'311, Newport Sch latte COMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Busing Service EUGENID 0 . SA UND~l'J MO 3Jat Street. Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. 4"48. tfc GARDENER Ch~an up. All Yarfl Work. Call aft.er e p.m. Ll 8-l&t8 1t no onawer ca.II U ~4708 3lp33 19M O'KEEFE A MEftRJT'l'range one of tll• n1ce11t CP •U a uto- matic, lift tor. 11rnJner b11mf'r1. criddle In middle with temp. ln· 01r•tor. • g'rill broUer. Bttll pd. dn. to $128.2• no ~1111h need~ 1f you pay the pymt... of $8 89 pu maaUt. G11ry Lol'k~r lndterl 1 few of wHI ~ pa.Id al 10:00 o'clock a.m .. his fnrnd~ nvcr tn h11 home In on the 8lh day o! April, 1955. at Xl'wporl March 18. Aft,.r en-lh,. eacrow (!epartment of NEW-MINOR REPAIR WORK PAINTING Jt')'llllt the mOVle al the Port Thea-PORT HARBOR. BA~K In the NO JOB TOO SMALL EARL SHEFLIN 30 YRS. EXPERJ E:'CE In ma.in- ltna.nce • opera.Uon of commer- cial •port fl~. bollte or yachta Know local watere ateo. 8 . F. to Panama. Phone Sill\ Pedro TErmlnal 2-111611. 31~ ~ eaucbn'• A4i:S Watttiouat 2%0 So. Main St. 8 blka. S of 4th SL 5-nt& Ana. -Open dafly 11-9 Sun. 11~ or Phon• Kl 3-7201 tr ... Gary and Taccoit Hayes. Mar-City of Corona del Mu. County of H. o. Andenon 7 _, ton Davey 11ni1 J\lar111n Koemer. Oran~e. State or Calltomla. lOH E 8 lboa DI d Balboa 2 a Pcumer St., Cost.a Meaa I · a ..,v ·• Phone Ub,rty 8-2928. •1t.fc KENKORE pa ranee. reruJa.r •l.u. table top. 4 burner. Cle&n It ~ood. Boy. bike 28. •• Uberty 8-5951-2170 ~clfk. c. )(. 2'tp31 Pattie RetmtPr and Bobble K• la· D1tei1 March 21 , 19~. Harl)or 24~0 83ttc 0 way. Sam CoopC'r An(! Pal Rltrhl.. K. R. BRA»DT, Vl'ndor • GENERAL CONTRACTING Invaded the P1ua Hou11e anrt thm HILDA M. BRANOT. Vendor R d I & R LICENSED, e.xper1enced altlpper available. Phone Har. 1129 .w aft.er 8 p.m. llc33 CROSLEY rttn1e,..tor the blJ 12 cu.. ft-dllubJe door, cold color &n- tu1or, a u t o m a t I c ddroa~. llb«lw. In door 6 t'llro w~tablr crtapera. Jta bMJl uaed a mo. bill bu been pd. dn. to $~.118 from $528. No dn. pyml. Ju.el pe.y the pymta. of 113.72 per mo w~nt to CRry'11 hou11e fnr a ltttl' LE01' RUBIN. Vendte emO 8 eoalr Fr-amlnl' 6: Foundation• d&nclng. SARAH G. RUBIK v.-nd" CARPE!l.'lRY, CEMENT 8t.Ass. Free Eatlmatu • Pla.n Service Gu ls. th18 i. your rut rhance Xo !\72 ~ew1-Preu 3/28 ~ p•lntlng, pla1ter1ng. Dependable C Sherm All en In tatch your man tor the Sadlt iii: expf'rtenced In all building • Hawkin1 Oanr.e April I. In the IS THI: MUNICIUAL <XffllT tr•des. Call J'OSTER BROI. Liberty 8-7576 Girl~' l)'m •l Newport High. The 8ASTA ASA-OR.A.Nca:: .inn-LI 8-2932 or Har. 197S..R. UpMb GIRLS- thl'ml' 111 "J.-ster 1n Doi' Patch" C'IAI, DISTRICT OOr:\·Tl' OF 31ttc JUST A JOB! and you m11y wur any type of ORASGI:, STATE OF CAU-House Plans rp,.tume FOR~"lA Court No. 17911 LEGAL NOTICI fThi Sn. 8407 COSSTABLE'8 SALE SOTICf:: Of" ~Alf; IS nu:: ln'PERIOR cot•RT OF Of' Rt:AI, PROPERTV THl: sTAn: of' c· uroRNIA t·sot:a vu;crnos ,,-~D FOR TUt: ('()f"~n· MAMll!: E WATERS. Plaintiff. OF ORA.~ca: Vll. or n11.m.-. culion Issued out of the Mun!cip11I So. A-IMS8 Court of Sarita An1-0 ran1te J ud LIBERTY 1·8231 lottc Painting A Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 year• experience Ucen.ed 6 l.n.ured. llatls{actlon ruaranteed. !:atlmatu frM. Call J olmAJe, LI 8-2687 A LI 8-5289 81ttc In the M11tter nr tl'le AppllfaUon WALTER H. KNAPP. Df'fendant of CARY LE!: HF..LM. £ fnr rhangt I t:n1\n 11nd .by virtu .. of a.n Exe· OKDl:R TO SBOW CAt .SE Dial .. the County of Orange, Stale Gary Lr .. Hdme. a reJ!ldrnl of I ot CaJltomla. whtreln .MAMIE E the County of Oran1t~. St.ale or WATERS Plaintlf!. and WALTER Callfom l3. hu thlio day fll!.'d hi• H. K:"APP Drrendant, upon a appUcatt~n praying for 11n order Judgment Tf'nclerf'd the 30th day l of tht~ l'Ollft rhllJlftlng hta prnent or Stpt,mb!.'r, IA~t. tor th.-sum naml' to thr propo11er1 nsme, Gary of One thouaand. four hundrt<1 Lt-.. f'l•htr. tourte.n and 3t/100 Dollara. ~- ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM ln•tall th• above dleaper than mo•t Aiao eell Tlla A Wndleum. Non-union. 2!1 year. experience. Compare and He - TT IS ORDERED that •II pn· 81df'I coAt.t and lntereat: ii now l•t N:>n11 lnterrl'ted lo the above en· th .. date of thill writ\ actually due tltl .. 1'1 mat v •r s ppear bl'forf' lh~ on 11111d Judgment. AA h1 Superior Court In Dtopart-I h•ve, on the •th day of Febru- mtnt • thrrror, 11t rhP Cnurthou9e ary. 195S, levie<:! upon all the fight. In 1&111 County. on the Z2 <la y of tltlt claim Anr1 1ntl'rot of said Apnl 195~. •t 10 o'rln.-k A M of defendant tor either or thtm) \n 3&l<1 day. I'> show t'llUllf', If lln)' and to thf' follnwtnir t!l'srri~d rtal they havf'. why lhl' 11111<1 11ppllca-estate. to·wit : lion for change or name 11hould All right. title and lnt.ereat of not be ~anted. WALTER H. KNAPP, In that <"tr· IT IS F'URTHER ORDERED t&ln property locattd 1t 28'19 New- that a copy M thla ordtr bl' pub-port Blvd . Ne>A'J)Ort !Yael\. more lished tn the l'\ewport Harbor .ap.ctflully de.cr!bPd 111 N,.wa-Preu, a new11p•per or gen-"Lota 11 and J 2. Block 22i. Hll.I drculatlon printed and pub-Se~Uon A. tn the city of ="'tw· ll11hed In aa.l!l County ot Oranre. port Be•ch. for four 1 '4 I !Ucce111lve Wffkll NoUce I• hereby gl•en. that on pr1or lo the 22 day of Apr11, 196l>. Friday. th!.' ll'lth d11y "'April. 19M. Dated: March 18, ll>M. •t 2:00 o'clock PM . or !\A lt! <1Ay. !\OBERT GARONER I W111 procl'ed to l!t'll Al ~6i W Judge of thl' Superior CotirL 18th St. CMtll Ml't18, C•llfoml• Robert A. Eu1JT111n al Public AucUon to the htght~I Attomty tor peUttoMr blddf'r for r113h In tawrut monj'y 123 Eut Bm&llway ot lhe Unltc:d Slatu, &II the right. Costa x .... C&litomia UU., claim and tJlterut or l&ld ~Iberty 8-3806 defendant. (or •ltlle.r of thtm) ot. l\o. 571 bl and to the above ducr1be.d Ne~Pl'Me S/21. 18, 416. 11. 191111 p~rty, or eo m uch thereat u rll&.>' be Dtcffaa.ry to raJM mf. NOTICE OF BID ftclt11l to aaUafy aald Judp)a11t Nolle. ta ti.Nby liftll tb&t Ula With lnlareat and coeta. 1'<>&.rd ot Tnl11ten ot the Oranc'e Given, under my hand thl• 22nd ~t Jr. Coller• Dllrtr1ct or d•y ot March. l9M. Orw.n«e County, Callf. Will Neeive FRA1'"K VAUGHN bld.8 up to 2:00 P.ll., Aprtl e. 196!1 Conatable t>t the Ju.tin a t the ottlce of •Id echOOl dJ1U1ct Court of ..Ud J udk lAJ l<>C•ttd at ltelll So. Harbor B1Yd.... Dt•lrlct. Coat.a M..._ OaUt .. at wtUCb UtM By 1. ft. VA.UOKH uJd bide WW be opened for l OI Deputy · •tHl locken; Speclncauona for Hurwlt.a la HurwltJI •·hlch m&J' be llllCUnd ln th.e of• Attorney• for Pl&lnUff flt'e of UI• A.uL SupL In 0arre Ml I N~rt Bl.-4.. or BU•Lnu• .Th• ~'1\.r reee.rv.-:-:ewport Bu~ the rn-.,1e1• of "l•cUnr ~ and ~o ~73 &U blda or 1 waJ"'9 any lrnrular-Ne\\4·Preea 3 'U. V&. '111. lt8!1 BlLL COKER Ll 8-62°' Tttc PAINTING Painting le Paper Han(ing ''The Beat Money Can Buy" Sympso n & Nollar 512 18th St., N"'J)Ort 8e&cb PHONE Hil.BOR UM Paperhanging Painting Krmberl1 T-1121 tto NEWS-PRESS THI COASTAL SHOPPER Orange Counfy': Cla11lf l e d AchertlslllCJ Media CARPENTER Repair Work Doea YOllt Home Need Rlpalrtns or Remodclinr 1 CaJI Frw.nx, Ube~y 1!1-ltM AIJ Work Guaranteed 7o&t!c PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good IO<"al reterencf'• THOMAS COLL For rree eauma te, call KI 7-1~ J. 21p34h CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 MOR.£ THAN THAT-An oppor- tun.lly to work 1n an lntereaunr S.. Ba&Clm'• A.68 W&ttbou8e %20 8o. Main St. t blJu. 8 of tll'I St. llanta Ana. -Open daily ll·t Sun. IW or Pbon• KI ~-7201 lnduatry which la exp&.ndinf and ~ for s.le otfere advancemmt opportunity-------------to qualltled yo~ women. d oPx.'l/l~Gs Now As: Mesa Woo era~ TELEPHONE OPERA TORS Un-' .. ted 6 Juvenile -.APPL T-t--:SU~ N. M&iD BL Furniture Rm. 2U -Santa Ana Thia Week'• Special! Mon. through Fr1. Kocknl bemlock. dble. bMdbd •. 9 :00 to t :00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE I dr. Kr. It )(n~ two 3 dr. COt:l-m~e.. AU cbuta wft.h caitv 22tlc JUldea It do" tailed drawen W-ANT--h-o_uae_k_e_e_pe_r _t_o_r_1.it-da-y11, · ..... ·· ·· -· ...... _. ··· ··· 11!19.96 Corona de! M.ar. Mu•t have own Sa.me lJJ Pro.tnctaJ, .UcbUy I )( blctier. t.ra.MportaUon. Ph. Har. 30ll&-c . Complete .ta tn eolld mapk, lncl. l'ftJl.inp. 29cll 30"&40" pi.au Claae 11\itror. 8&1- PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERJOJt I.JCENSED -L'\"St.:RED 29tf HOUSEKEICPER for l month CM&yl after childbirth. Aleo have a 2 yr. old. ~rmanent po- atUon It deel.red.. It wa can at- e.m f\nlJlb. ru4)' to uae. _.$1.Jt,:KI Terma can be arranpd. I 2121 ffubor BIYd., C09t& Mua Ubert1 8-llt:S. 31c.a3 Glenn Johnston 1101 • 3l•t St. l"l'v.iport Bn<"h • Harbor 3176 22lfc To whom It may con~m; J am no long er afllllated v.1th the .Mna ~1ercury. H~lene Slmpeon 30c32 ford you. Har. 2299-R. 31c33 2 EXPERIENCED CorlnWana to help owner, Wife It chUd ail t G- tt. ketch to Tttnld•d -leaV1n1 M~ l , approx .. time 2 montha. \\"rile ruu particular& lat letter. John M. Beard, U9 -lllth SL, San BernardlDO. Ph. 8-42-119. Antll)Ut'!I, old china, cut gla1!3, phonogr.ph1 .mualc box. organa, la.mps, ptcturu. bric · a ·brae. Vl1lt my larre new •tore. I al.lo buy It trade. Pleue brlng-your Item• In. Charlie Davis, 1800 E:. AJcobolica Anonymoua Wr1u P. o. Boll 381 Newport Beacb, Ca.flt Pbon• Harbor 4 7115 tto Anaheim sL, Lone Buch lll<>139 . r 19tfc Superfluous Hair PermanUIUJ removed from face a.rm&, lep. l:yebrowa and haJr llne &b•ped-No mo.,. lWeezi.111. ELL.EN t.. BRY AN'f R. E. Lido'• &.-o6 Beauty B&r. 2&711 ttc GAS HEATER.lookalike new 11!1; 40 p . old Y1olln. food condJtJon ucept need• rut.rtn(lng. - Uberty 1-teOS. 29c31 OVERSTt:FFED rhalr 120, Kell- more wringer type wuber $40. Liberty 8-2187. 3lc33 ANY pa.sl4!1 shade flat wall pslnt matchf'd. 12.llO pllon. Roll .. r eeta f rom 11 .t9. FrH ._lnch ny- lon bruah with J-Ja.I. *stennr pt.Int. HARBOR PA DlT CEN- 19M PHILCO retnc .. Ila & nice one. ~ for-bettJ•. nr. and mu t ltftper. t hat crOM top freeuT chest Ac all •teel •htlnia Pd. dn. to 1133.H . No ca.ah dn It you ~y the pym111. of IS 22 I per month. See e.urhn'• Atl:S Warebou.ae j 220 So. Main St. t blkL S of 4th St Santa Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11-6 or PhOft• Kl 3-7201 TV MAPL.E CO~SOL!:, door1, Ii " JtlnL pl~ture $9(\. Maple duk a cha.Ir W ., 133 Vta Jucar. Lido h ie. Harbor 3729-W. 29('31 GAFTERS Ir SATJ'LER 1W11'8. Ila brand n...,.., the belt blr 40" one. I automa.Uc own clock. ftlltahlnr I abelt, extra llJJb broUer • bl 1 1 crttn. Pd.. do. t.o llte.n from I Ori(. uee. No. dn.. p)'mt. J ust! pa.y t.be pJmta ot II.JI per mo SH BaucbD'• .All WanhouM 220 so. Maill SL 8 bills. s of 4th St. Saal& .Ana. -Open dally 11·11 Sun. ll-6 or Phone Kl 3·7201 LOST Jarp JT9Y Ione haired cat. TER, 4\2 • 32bd 8L, ?\ft'llOrt SA LE.JI nw.ple df'ak. lilt• n;J. $ .. .60. Wool Cllllleae ovaJ hooll· ~rue. Id, 149.~. Chrome drof> IHI t&~ for 811\&D kltcllen. Pa- tio chaln. Udo Iale. Harbor 0279-)1. 31c31 (I yr. oJd alt.red maJel named 8eal'h. R&r. 2831. 28cAH "1111lo1197." J"rtabte*1 from new I DBLE BED. boll ~ mattr- tloa-. 1"1n• T•rnce. Any In--Your Ad""1atnr Doll&n p VlUlity ~. U t.Dcb intrror 6 tmmaUoe rnt.tutl7 recclvf't1. farther, do mon. 9ell more. wb9 bench. 4 dra'"" cbect. acod ec>r1d. UW.uu> tor ntuna to 1'00 0o1. 1 y ou advertlM In U1Ja peper -reuonable •06-Ulh. BunUn~on phla ~vraoe. 19c31 Pilon• Harbor 1111. BMch. ~ ... ,.,. llpU ' . Fantture for Salfl -----WJ:LSH d.rMHr 53:). Couch, do-.'11 cwhlou $70 Tw\n mattnaeu • boJI l}>rln1• $2~. eet. QUef'n alu mattrue a box •prtnr W1th hea<I board. new $120. Be•uUful an· llq11e br .. la.mp. handmade ahad• 1711. Twin lampe, like new 1"-each. Small anuque ptel•a tabla f36. Early AmU. WOWll rue ~-I emaU wonn na.p 13. each, end ta~a. antJque dlahH and oth•r mlae. ltema. Deep ~ 1100 R1CBAJU>SON'8 T ACHT .ANCHOR.A.Oil, Harbor Ml or Olle. ltdlh OVAL WOOL b,..lded b.12 rue. t9d. ,reen and brown, 1411. Ptloae JI.arbor UU. llcSl UPHOLSTllRl:D bed davenport, maple frame. Mat chins mapJ. loUq'e cbalr, both for 130. 110 Opal. Balboa Ialand. Barbor 074 .. R. SOp.32 TV COMBlNATlON. retnc., I cu. tt. Gu ranp, ml.c. artJcJ ... Men'• tulta, 3MO; lad!•' cloth- ea, 18-20; perfect coadlUon. Harbor 1713-M. 30c32 BED dlvan. 145. Matchlnc dawn· port, ch&Jr and ott4man, MO. Full me box •prlnr • lnn•r.. 8J>flnc ma.ltNA, &'cod oondlUon, 122.:KI. -.o Victoria. ea.ta M--. Ubuty a-tlOI. 30c32 FREJ:ZER deep f?M.&e, tbe btr 13~ cu. fL color lnald• hold a ovu 620 lbl. food. factory food protection J>Wl &180. lte new l\aa been pd. dll. to $238.32 from 14ll0. while 1lored. Caab or pay th• pymte. of Ill.~ ~r month. See Baucbn'• A•S Warebouae 220 So. Main St.. 8 blkL 8 of 4th Bt. Santa Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11-6 or Phone "1 3·7201 1965 WEDGEWOOD ran .. e, lta the big on!!. all chrome control p•nel • cooking top. almmer burners • griddle In mlddl~. 1t..a the CP all a11tomatlc, clock, lamp U\ ad- dlUon hH th•l gnll broiler. Brand new but pd. dn. to $178.77. No cuh net'ded If you pay the pymt ... 01 $9.10 per month. See Baughn'11 A.l-S Warehouae 220 So. Main St. 8 blka. s or 4lh St. Santa Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. ll-5 or Phone Kl 3·7201 SS-Boat..,SaJ!P!iN -FLOAT Jll!iNTAL tor a.ny ala. boat -370& Channel Place, N~rt laland. Harbor 1217-J. 80t.lc 6.1' SCHOONER yacht, G. M. di•· eel, rtired for albacore flahlnc wtth Freon retriceretJon, copper tubing. Suitable tor South Bea cruialns. Ph. EXbrook •-1ooe. 27p32 FOR RENT -dock for boat. Harbor 2903-R. Htfc TRADE U.uutuJ 7G-tt. aux. echooner. Fully found, cu anywhere. WIU tall• equJt,1 l.D property or mna.1- 19" boat. lHO W. Balbo&•Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 2f.c:UH TWO PRIVATE n..oATS &YI.JI· able • WA TERFR0.1\1 1 bed7 room furn. apt. Har 3"29. 29p31 S:'\OWBIRD. No. 2f3, 2 aalle. Flbergluaed. Good condition. Harbor 02111-J. 29c31 WANT TO BUY t.;8£0 SHlP TO SHORE telephone radio. for 1ma1J boat. 271!1 Bwy .. t.aiuna Be•ch. Call HY 4_.526. ' 29c31 CHRYSl...ER Marlne en~e. •'ii to 1 reducuon cur. REJ"RIOERA TOR. 110 volt D. C. SEE JACK HARPER at Lido Shipyard. tnd of 3l•l Street. Newport Beach. 29trc: Sl'CPE. Xo. H 33. ID good condt· lion, u~. rhone-w 8-4736. 29c3t S'rERUl"G MARIXE E!"GIXE 180 hp. direct <1rive, $100. Flag- ~hip manne II 2 to 1 rN!uctlon. Iii~. -Su Hubbard a t Port Ora nae. 31p33 22 PT. HUBERT John.on Ullllty Fine flahtna boat. M•hoa . lap- ata)(e rnnatrucllon. i.; n1 ver aal motor, run about JOO hr11. Har. l!i38·J. 31pS3 U-Masical, a.dJo, ll TV STE:IXWA Y Grands 2. both 1n per· ft><'l candJt.Jon ~tahog. not re- built. wonct .. r/ul ton~. rut action touch, lrov~tv Knabe •ptn't In ~bt>ny finlJ!h. aave 1231). AJ110 Muon .ft H11mlln rpmf't lll<e n .. w. DAXZ-SCH:\UDT Big Piano Store. :.20 :\o. :\lam. Santa An11 ~O:"!lHALI. Or,;Ln~ "'"~trnn1r, l mahog , I Blnnde Oak H T:\ ur tn jtood Mndltlon. l:sr.11 SolOVOll Orran sttachmrnt to piano SIM DANZ-!:;CffitlDT Pl11no f< Organ Cn . !\20 No M11ln, Santa An• 120 Bass Pl11no Arrord1nn11 $93 up. See Baldwin Pian o & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO co. 1318 Cout Blvd., Corun• df'I Mat (Thaden l.nt.artof Bld&. I Rat. 3382 ae ttc LOVELY bu.nplaw upr11ht piano In fine condttlon. 1350. Tnm1, $40. down a11d 111.~ ~r month. SH.AP'!:lt'B Mualc Co. (Sine• 1907) Ul-U3 N. Sycemore. Sant& Ana Pltone Klmberly 2-0872 13711. BUYS lovely full k•yboard 8ptnet piano: nN!tal Rrrt.-it:...s .,,. 1161 on beauUful •pln'ta Uk• new, Wurlitzer. lAetar, n.cber. Knabe, Muon Ir Ram- lln. eom• Blonde Oal< and llaJem Kaple. DA.NZ-llC!DCJD1' Big PW\o Store. 620 r->o. )(.&in. lant. Alla XEW RCA VICTOR. 21u TV SET. T•ble model. t:a .. d 3 mo'•. 11110 Call Bar. :ING, 9.a., 29Cll M-Maalcal. bdlo, I T V ______ _.__,_ ___ CONN80NATA Orian. ju.t tred· ed In. Mve ltOO on thl• almoet new orian DANZ-SCH)f.II>T Bl .. Plano Store, 1120 No. Main, knta Ana Hammond Orran InatructJon Claaalcal • popular Harbor Slll-W. aedl Qt6 B\TY8 loftl7 lltU. Baby Grand: otlln• f4TS. IMO, "'3 •to. Story • Clark. ICn.Me. Wur- lit&er, Kimball &n 8&MID Napl' Luter, McPb&U. AhnJ'I 100 planoe to chooee tram. DA.NZ.SCHMIDT ate Pa.no •ton. 620 No, Main, knta A.a& 80 U81lD planoa wanted for ou.r rutal dept. T'r&cr. your old p&ano on new aleotrlc oraan. lpSMt or pwid piano. BSsbelt eJJowuce. DANZ-SCHMIDT Btc Piano 8tGre. 1520 No. Mam, knta A.a& RA UTIJ'UL blond• oak eptaet piano, like new. llan UICI. 0.. wn.lent tarma at.-- SILU'D'S Kut&o Co. (Stnoe UO'T) Ul-US N. lycamore, Suta AM Phone Xlmbar~ J.()ITJ H.UOCOND OlorG orpn. l illllllt. ly UMd. Wt• new. Tou cu plq wttbout a 1.-on. DANZ-ICBlODT ate Piano ltcn.. 620 No. Kaln, knta AD& SPECIAL March Organ Buys <>Nm ONL T tul1 J IUllual OGM- eonata •laclJ'onlo Ol'IU· llk• new. 8&"'9 '400. ONE ONLY 1-uUtul MJnllh&ll •plnel oraan. like new. 8ave 1100 ONE ONLY eJngle m&nual Min• ahall or1an. like new, Bav• 1200.. ConVf'nlent Urm• at- SH.AJl'ER'll Muafc Co. (Since JtOT) 421"'°23 N . Sycamore, Santa A¥ Phone Klmberly 2-0872 HAMMOND orrana, all snodela. eaaleal tenn1, your old piano •ccept.ed In eachan1e. J'rM prac- Uce. try before you buy. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bl( Plano • Orcan Co., 320 No. Kain. 8anta Ana SPECIAL March Spinet Buvs BIG SAVINGS IDcludlnr Kim£.11. UuJbranaen, Luter and Wurllt.a- er •plnet piano•. Llber•l tra~e. Convenient terma at- SHAJl'ER'S Muafc Co. (Since 1907) Ul.,.23 N. Sycamore. Sanla An• Phone Klmberiy 2--0e72. $& RENTS 100<1 practice pluo or buy at 11!17, 191, $1211. Mlrro Spinet. 1233. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT Bii Plano lton, 1520 No, Main, Santa Ana RENT an orran o r piano with rmtal to a pply on rutur• pur· chaao at- 8HAl'llft'8 Muatc Co. (Sin~ 1807\ '21-423 N. 81camo~. i.•nta Ana ~ KlmM.rty 2·0672 Jaguar XK 140 M. C. Triumph TR 2. Doretti. Hillman SEE and DRIVE theae 1955 modelt today. a t . . FIARV1'Y MA YER MOTORS 213T He.roor Blvd .. Colla ..... l 9SO BUICK Special. 6 dr. IMdan. R • H. Dyn•Oow. WSW Urea. -.. -....... -~...... -.• 11!195. Miller (:bevrolet I 000 W. CoaM :.wy. Xewport Beach Liberty 8-2281 J 1150 CHJ;VROLrT Iii ton pickup. R•H. ~ew Urea .. ... - . U~ Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Hwy. l\'ewport Stach Uberty 8·2261 1 9:;1 CADILLAC Coupe DeVUI&. XlnL cPnd . jow mUe&p. UIOQ. RICKAR080N'8 Yacht Ancl1one9 Harbor 369 or t168. 21cJ1.b 19!'>0 CADILl.AC 82 4 dr. Mdan la gond conc11Uan, llMO. Pl'tftte party. Phone Har. J&li-W. Ital l fl!\3 CHEVROLET Bel Al.re 6 dt. ~l'dan R4'H. WSW Ur'H. loJ4 n~w >tnd l!f'r">'lted by WI . 11416. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Rwy. ~ewporl Bt&cll Liberty 1·2261 . l 9M CHRYSLER Wlndaor, 4 dr. ~>:Ian MH. Auto. drtve _ .-~. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cou~ Hwy. :'\eWJlOrl &&ch I ,J berty 1-2261 I 948 CHEVROL!;T .AeTO. Ra.di• and He•ter ....... -.......... _ .. _ ~ Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Hwy. :'\ ewport Beach Uberly 1·2281 ll&a~ Colrt& MM& Uberty .. &933 19r,3 CHICVROJ..l:T 2 dr. allllan. Powerjtllde. Heater, N-Uru. _,. ....................... -.. a112~. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Hwy. ~.-wport lk•ch Liberty 1-2ie1 l&.~ H&r'-'r Coll& Me.A Wl>«rt7 ,_ae.u 1903 DtSOTO Cl)\Jpe. TUil n..,... Miller V-3 .P't.tedOm• Club power. M.H. Uk• . .• Ile&~. Chevrolet 1000 W Cout Hwy. JMO Harbor '.\·ewport Bearh Coeta MU4 ~a.au u-.MUa v' v Check these Used Cars Buy from a local dealu who will be bei. TOMOMOW to *k up wtlat be .... TODAY! SEE THESE TIP. TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Cpe. 2· tone gray, power steering, radio, beater. power brake•, WsW tirea ............................ $2795 19~ BUICK Super Rivera, radio, heater, J?OW· er eteertng, power brakes. Look• & run• like new ····-· .. ·············-·--······· .. ······-·--···-··$2095 1963 DeSOTO V -8 Club Cpe. 2-tone green, power steering, WaW, 1. loaded car ... _ ... $1795 See Our Many Low Priced Cars available at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MARKET -top 'location • well establlahed. Show. grou $100,000 lut year. Leue $150 mo. One fam· ily operatJon. Full price $16,~: CAFE -Reporu a grou of $26,000. Rent $125 mo. N"' prope.rty,· owner will improve bldg. Ii area. Full price $4500. R~TAURANT -Well eet.abllahed. excellent loca· tion • long leue, $300 mo. Owner doing good buai· neu bat •pent last month in ho~pital. Will u.cri!lce for much leu than price of fixture!J. $9000. - A Good Deal! For theee 1.nd othen see - THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-M81 Evenings Liberty 8-3580 the best of terms. $25. down and low b~nk'8-A ___ p_ta._a_8_0-_.------------ terms on the balance if credit approved. f 48A-Apt& for Bent LOU REED Used Car Lot Summer Rent a s "~~ u~d~octem TRADE FOR LIDO HOME Luge view lot in Altadena'for $7000 equity in 2 or 3 bdrm., bath Ir '~ U do lale home. ALSO WE WANT - A Bayfront Home in exchange for clea.r Culver City Motel worth ~.000. Good Income. See T~e Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, N ewport Beach LI 8-3481 VACANT or IMPROVED WANT commercial or M l property. HA VE clear duplex on corner, 2 lots. good section of Colta Mesa. Will assume. CALL RUSS FO~, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-3481. E ve. LI 8-3580 30c32 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART f I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 D-a-1 EMaae ~~------------ DOt:.LARS MAKE SENSE WHEN INVESTED in quality income property lo- c.ated in choice rental dial. Ju.t 100 ft. from oceaza. There are 3 unJt. -a new duplex a.nd a 5-room houae on 2 lot.. 2 unJta ue fumiahed and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. Three garages on a.lley. Preeent income can be 11ubftatially increued. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har.1011 BALBOA ISLAND "Across from Port Orange" • Excluaive BaY. Front. SUMMER or YEARLY ratee. + 3424 eout Hwy., Cc1ron& cSeJ .,.,. ... to-L:=:::'aeome~~~ . .!Pro~pertye!L.. __ _ Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2581 Har. 0863-R or u 1-7177. 27ct0 -other choice propertiea Barbor l al&nd, Bay Shoru, Bea-REASONABL't pnced, clean 1 CHOICE INCOME 61-Real Eat.ate Exc~ge­ BALBoA ISLAND, 115 No. $3500 DOWN 2 units in excellent location • 19M OI.08. 98 St&rlln Convert. cpe. Full power, R.ttH. Hyd1'9.. WSW tJna. Wire wheela. !New cost WU $4,800.) NOW .... $32911. con Bay, qualltled cllmta only. A 2 bedrm. tum. apt.a. Util. pd. 3 units -$24,750 Harbor Investment Co. Laundry roo.m. Pl.aypound tor Harbor 1800 CEvea. u 8-6388! children. Blue Top Apt.a. •OS 'tr Grouea $5500 yearly Bay Front. Yr. old modern, $65,000; take Pasadena or Palm Springs for part. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor SPRING CLEANING 27t!c Newport Blvd., Nswport Bea.ch. il owner managed Above the A.rcheL lOtfc ON BALBOA ISLAND DRIVE BY 8D U8 r--·1J &114 MODERN l bdrm. apt. with nuise 1811 W. Balbo.. Blvd. NORM WfilTE, 650 N. Hill, Pasadena. SY 2-1148. 27c40 306 Marine Ave., Balboa· Ia.land Harbor S>2 -Evea. Harbor 23()6.R Miller Chevrolet Out They Go 1000 W. Co&llt Hwy. IBM Harbor ""•wport Beach Coeta Meaa -,_ and refr1(. Carport. and private ... EXCHANGE MalOQaJ t"ellt&la. patio. See mgr. In Apt. C, 2e20 Deluxe apacloue 2 bdrm. home 3 bdrm., l " bathe. F. A. heat. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Avon ~l .. Newport S.ach. Har. rentina' to repea.t tenant.II for ! with 6 atAJI hor.'le ba m , tack rm, Home with extra lot Balboa Peninsula BUSINESS cl HOME J'OR J•960 FULL PRJCE, a J M . rm. on a C·2 lot, 80xHO Juat oft Newport Blvd. T-1<111 onl7 '1.000 dn. Can do better with mol"9 dn. 11111 11 a «()(Id deal. Evenings. Pellt te U 8·M87. Llberty 8·2261 Wberty 8·M33 308 lolartDe A,,.. Barbor !IOI 4870-J. Httc '400 mo. In eunimer, and two 5ep. J rm. a pt. on 2 ~ acres BALBOA JaLAJfD 7tle ------------equa.Uy cte.trable unlta which ft>nced A crOM fenced. Exch. fot NEW 19~ RENAULT sedan. De· Values Values livered equlpped, $129:1. HARBOR •PTS. brine ln f280 and i 300 month. 3 bdrm. home In Hnbor area. Modern furnished apt.a. 'n\.111 property, being cloee to By owner, Ph. OX 7·132":. 24c37h TWO BEDROOM. t!r'p~. dble. gara1e, Price $21,600. '46 BUICK Super ....... $17~ '47 BUICK conv. ·-····· 195 '47 PLY. sedan ·····-·· 19~ '48 NASH Amb ........... 265 '4' HUDSON sedan .... 245 41' NASH clb. cpe. .... 49 '41 BUICK ...... ······-··· 49 '41 CHEV clb. cpe ..... 125 '47 OLDS sedan ......... 296 Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Co.ta Meaa Phone Llberty 8·50:11 29c31 '52 Sineer Sport Car ONE OWNl:R, MOO mile. $79:1. Ha1.:sken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coal& Me.ea Phone Llbert.y 8-50:! 1. :"ICE 27 ft. Coloa.tal Hou.se Trail· I er with large C&bana, tn lrllllt r • parlc: with pn vat.e bath on Coe.at I Highway. ~. Manacer. F inance uran~ed. Llberty 8-1:121. San· 1 dy'a De Luxe Trallet" Park, 2912 RENTALS HEADQUARTERS tor 11UJ11mer rrn l.411 In the Harbor area. LOTS-ROMES-INCOME LOCATOR ot Callfon\la MT E. B&lbo& Blvd., Har. H 78 LET US LOCATE FOR YOU 2et1c day, week or month town &.nd beach. Will alwan be euy to rt>nt. Near bua, atorea It ba.y. Reuon.able See I.II to !Mpecl rat.ea. 104 E. Bay Ave .• BALBOA We han th• key. Harbor MH . l 7tlc JN' CORONA DEL M.A.R.-2 bdrm. ROY GREENLEAF JR. unfum . apL Reaaonable rent. &.nd Aaeoclt te.e Call P'lt.zmorrl1 Rulty Co .. Har. 3112 N-port. Blvd., Newport Bell 21:12. 29c4Jh Harbor 1662 aoc32 LARGE 2 BDRM. UNFURN., fl.re· place, gu b. dlap. Pm. ,val'•· CUFF HA VEN. Libert1 S...S&M. 29c31 MODl!lR.N untuni. 1 bdrm. duplex a pt.. ~frig It 1tove turn. 2M lOtll St., ea.ta Mell&. Ll &-3713. M Bn9'·f1M~~ COPTJ:J!: 8HOP, LAGUNA BC H. H atoola. F or Ml• reuoneble. Good local busineaa. Ph. owner, HYatl 4-298~. 29<:34 30c3J 5S-8toree a. Otftcm 56-Jloaey Wanted RELlABLJ!I u ecuUve neecs.i U O.· 000 2nd on very cholce new $88,. 000 property. WIUmg to pay IO'j;. lntueet Sl&o mo. all due 3·:1 yra. Wr1t.e P. O. Box 3411, Bal· boa leland Immediately. 10p32 TERRY'S BUICK I W, Coaat HIJ hway, Newport Be&('h. 21 P33H !--~~~~~~----~ F'OR SALE -1949 Amuican Club C-HOICE FRONT 1 bdrm. bung. duplex. tars• room •. nice lO<'a· Uon. C10M to bU.. di.at. Sep. sa.r. laundry nn. Drap. tum. Water pd. Mwrt -to apprec. '3:1. mo. Avail. now. 238 E. Roch .. ter, Colt.a Mt-aa. LJ 8-t97&. 29c31 SINGLE A.PT. ror tady or 1enUe- man U~. mo., uUL pd. No pet.. Inq. In. reu 1.H I:. 19th 8 L. Colt& .J(ea. after G p.m. Illt.tc 3 o rFICJC •l>M*I tor ~ A p· :57-Beal r..tate Waat.84 ~ 17':a36' each. In Udo Shop· ------------2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5021 )(\()() \\'. C C\11 't Hwy. :\'!'WJ"')fl 8 "3' I\ Ll bf-1 ty 8-2261 29c31 J&M Ha1bor Coala Mu11 Ll bn t y 8·:;633 :-·0 TH1:-:G tnr my c-qully, 19~ Hudaon s.d&n. like new. Hyd,.. rnallr. tint~ itlue. R.lttf. WaW TAk" t'l\'("r payment• Harbor lhil-\\ 3\c-33 l CQach t1"&11er houee. Har. 2450. l 3ltf F'OR B~fl. Pali American Deluxe Tra!Uir, twin bed11. LI 8-8696 or Har. 3923· W alter 4. 31c31 21tto Choice BAYSHORES •ummer rentals. Balboa Island I Olol~ )'Mrl.1 uid summ• Nllt&ll. now aYalllllk. DORJ8 BR.A 'f. Raltor 2111 M.arlne AYe~ Balboa !Aland Harbor 20 9:1Uc DEPE:"DABLE 0 I. family want FURNISHED LIDO HOME 2 !>Orm. ho1111e around April l 11L Yearly. 2 bdrm& .. 2 kt.he for I monlha. J p;,;~ MORRJS O><ford 1t.atton Ml!RPHY, Har. r>2il dayf. !Har, alartJn1 April lllt. p.ao mo. w11co11. one nwntr. Low mlltait" 3111 ?·R. tVI'& I ~.11 ~trlrtly "' ('llmJ)f'r'11 t1ehghl ! 30 ------------ mUu to the sallon. '129&. '8-AJ!t!. & Hoaw for Beat Hauske n Motors, Inc. U nfum. 2 bdrm. apt. Top Balboa Location Scov• A rdr11'· l tOO mo. on la&M. ='othlnt nlcil°r on t.M P t nl111Ula. 11l32 Hat bnr Blvrl • C<lata M,.11& Phone Ll.,.l'ly 8·!10M 20c22 In Corona del Mar 2 BDfUt. rurn. 11pt by or•an. Lido Realty Assoc. with vltw . 173 tll J on•. 3400 Vie Udo H&tbor 4Ut OCEJ ~J!r APr. 2 bf:drm. exqui.t t.e view • tur- llJa.lllap. !tent turn. or unt\lm. UUI. pd. MUST .... to appne.lat. Harbor •061 tor appotntm•t. JlcU roR R.E.~-lt not eold b7 .April lat Unturn. J bdrm. Corona HJPl&nda t&mily home. w /W e&rpetin&'. drapee. cory II.Md brick fireplace, ralMd hearth, blrch pa.neled kJl.C.hen. OCMll \1ew, Ice. ya.rd. Stove. rdr1S , automaUc waa.ber Included If desired. Ike now 8°' Seaward R09d, O>rona del Mar. 2~h :-O:EW Two be<lrm. no111e. All Iara· rr :rooma. Gara,.e. 1'wo bloelu to ocean. 203 • 3t th St. $8:1. per mo Yrly. Hu. 3960-J . Utlc: CORONA DEt. M AR-Untum. 2 bdnn. houae. 1 block aouUI of hls hway, nf'ar at.orea 6: t.h .. lre.. Phone t.IMny 1-402'1. tlUc RALBOA $6:1. mo . yearly. Un/Um l'ott.ar. Uvtnr room. dlnd te. kitchenette. 2 bdmi•. Hot It oold -how.r. a ... It wal4"r paid. No p .. u . 108 Ad&m1. Rarbor 1924·M 29dl 19SI 0 1..DISMOBILi': H 4 dr. ndan R•A. HydramaU(' SpotUJ ht. 8#11;t colnr l"e14· Uru $109:1 1 BDRM fum. apt M low Sea· 3ltfr YEARLY nntaJ Ocean Front nr. \'I""'· $70 monl h -------------l":lh It Jlf~rt. Furn 2 bdrm Miller Chevrolet STLOIO furn a pt. I& mo. lnclud-"8&-Apta. for Beat duplo . wtlb ~~ $100 mo. Ins uttllue.. Har. :460. 11 c3.1 1000 W Col!sl Hwy Xewporl Burn LJberty 8-2281 18:16 Harbor Co•ta Mu 11 Ll~rty &-6633 I BDfL'l • partly tum. '66 month. W. E. Fisher, Realtor 3034 l:ut Cou t Hl(hwty Corona del Ma.r. Harbor 2U 3 I CORON.A D!:L )l AR Motor Overhau Two ~nn. dup1~ rum . 1 bl.k No uo~Y DOWN from Bay. F'llmact ht'a t.. S6-"> • ,,L mo. on le&H. 2:128 SeaY1t""" * with this ad * 20P31 Chartn.iQg Harbor Raven Apartments • PaUoe ~"EW ' ROOM, lllrMl '9nl Kear x.bool.a. ahOppi.oc dUt.rl ct. QuJ et. plea.ant.. u cluatve. Garb&ite d t..- poeaJ. lauadry. ato~ roorna. li:&nfe. $82.50 up. bccuplu ~n· lire 1treet. Oood supU'VWOn Mir .. 1~1 Ravm Place 2 BOR.". tum. homt'. &tltomaUc wuhrr, s ar $90. h l · 390\ 8l., .Srwport laland, 31p3.1 :>f:\\"T'ORT HElOHTS -3 bdnn. home "'1th J •• t.th1. hwd. nra . 11bl p ni.ge 2 yeara old.. UnfUrn $1~. mo. Ll 8·21i2 or U ~ 31c33 ptnr a.rea. 600 Vla Malal'L Bar. 1327. l~t!c M-110~1 to~·---­ NO COMMISSION No Appraill&l Fee !ALES -RUI?'\ANCE CO!l:STRIJCTION Ca II for f"rt'• Fut Commitment. on Reeldenoea aod Un.It. only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COST A MESA \VANT TO SE LL your property T R~tlned La4y will c1U "t your home for ltallng, Ph<me Mr9. F l•hback w 1Lh F'. J. HORVATH, l'Ul:ALTOR..Uberty l-~101 daya or U 8-3989 efter :Sp.m. aop32 4 DELlJXlt APTS. 1 bl. to OC'f'&n. furn C'..orona del 1'1ar neta J2'L Only $21 000. t f rDll. LOCATOR ~7 r:. Bal. Blvd., Har. '473 ar ~8·\\'. 2Uc3J BALBOA INCOME :I tr.-l?TS--Oldu property CC!tltral· ly Joe .. 1 '1 bllu. to hc11rt ol Ba.I· boa. l.:lll rm. Ju.t ~uced lo '23.IJOO for quick .. le. ~ ttn Ownn H11rbor 1898. i nttc U S...M41 1.I HM2 6'.l-Beal f'Atate WOULD Wl& to bU1 lit and 2nd ?Tu.\ DHda. CaLI Har. 13211 '8Uc l..OA..N8 TO BUl..UJ. DO>ROVE BUY. MUOER.NlZ.E. OR REJ'lNANCJC We Buy Ttuat Dttdl NEWPOR T BAJ..BOA SA VL"l08 A WAN ABS~UTION ut1 Vla Udo. Pll. Bar. t200 uo LOANS PROMPT SERVICE 6,. flm truat dffd• 20 ytau Ora.nge Coast Propert1es lall7 =""''JIOrt Ave . Cost.a Mc• 1.I 8-1832, Ll • • 400 £\'ta .. 9St1c LOANS for Homes LIDO ISLE BY OW:-IER -40·ft. lot -1Lre,.l t.o alr11l1s. l bdrm . 2 hMh homr Wflll to woU cArpNlng, nat ur11J birch kll<'hl'n. b1111t-ln stO\'t , fan Ir garb. dlAp. F'UU prk e $26 000. HAr. ~139. 2!k30 2 BDRt.t S. A 0 £:"\, M wd tlnora, }'3rd !enc~. Garb. dlap. Nt w ly palntf'<l Lar1e lot. Room fur In· C"orne. 4...., l~n Cho1t'e lncallon Clo&!' t t) t\",rylhlng Pr. $13 2:;0 Equity 5:0:\0Q ht\11 Par!< l •PVf' COlll.A )tt 'I&. O\\':"\ER 21k3 I LARGE LOT on cuu Drive In Cliff H1w l'n ALSO 40 tl. atrf'"l tn •t r,.rl Jot on Crn"ll J.MH J.ol,. 11n•I <"·2 Int un ;->••wport Blvd, Mn Ahrml. H&r 0101 23ttc Balboa Bay Front INCOME DUPLEX. 3 bedrooma upatain1, l bedroom down1ta1ra, show• won- dertul rental experience, Jlt,000. Newport Island rncom~ TWO BEDROOM home, and a nl~ 1 bedroom a pL over 2 car p.r. $18,500. Coast Properffes Co. 301 E . B&lboa BIYd., B&lboa Harbor 2&:18, ~97 and 4500. Attention Builders! CEAt.rrtP'UL level lot., near l'Oll couree, on Meaa Drlw. l 60Jl2U lrreg'\1lar. connecttnc lat 60Jt160. Elli r&11ce on 2 atrMta, total pr. $MOO. Owner, Lt a.MIL Oov- t.uy to brokera. • '9c:a1 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1000 E. Ocean F ront.. B&lbo& "Goal -'8,llOO.OOt In '56R OW:-ER .riling modern 3 bdrm .. 2 ba lh home at top ot Corona dtl Mar. Mortgage paylnl f\lrn. icnr i.pt.. 1uto. d.lab wuher, Wl\llhlng 11\at'hlnt-. nr w atove, rt· frig . drapu • noor cover1np lnrlud~d. Many built tna, lot.I of mom for ltldl. WaJJcln« dl1tance to IM'hool. $2~.000. Har. 2508-M. 11t1c BY OWNER DESfRA BLE 3 bedroom, bllth It h111f CORONA HIGm..A.NDS Ca.m1ly homt. Cozy used br1rk ftreplacc, ra.laed hearth.. CentraJ hr11t <.:h11rmln1t tnrrh paneled kltr h("n O IJ<J")lll1l, t'at'Jlt'tf'tl, Lge. ya rrl, \'l•w $18.~00. ~e !In)'· t1mt'. 804 Sr11Wt11 rd Rold. 28C"33 SOLD by Multiple Listing :!Jn R1vrrs lde A\'". :"ewptirt Helghl11 "Coal -U .:100,000 In '66~ 85' View (Y1RO:"A HIGHLA~-OS nrw , l tiolrm 2 be th, t1mlly mom 2 '~r prai;;t • r•r port ~r. lot f~"\nrl~raptJ ;. fPnrrd Ownn Ha rbor 4 .. fl~-M l 8p40 FULL ACRE Ir INCOME NICAR OOLF COURSE. Room fnr 8 m ore unit.. iruu price Sl 1.~. with onl7 '3,000 down. lnrnmt1 now JJJO per month. trom the 2 amall homea. SN W1 one. E•ea. P9Utte, LI 1-:1487. -368-E.-lQtA..ow:..--~~~-;w ALM08T N!:W 3 bdrm. quality borne. Garb. dlap., for~d air heat. Built-In oven and r &nfe. dream kitchen. Dble. gar. and paUo. PrtC*d lo w U, U .000 dn. .:. .... Ph. LI 8-%642. J..yUe. I BLDG. LOTS I . W. CORNER TuaUn It ~at. Maa SL 60at31. '3150. Evu. 1J l-2M2 Lytle. 3 Bt.00, t.P'l'8 03•116. ~. pav. Ing It uUl All for ~ C"uh. Huny. l'.:Yoell. Ph. SllYM0 \11\. H&tbor 11291-W, Houston Realty Co. It A8SOCIA TES Corona def Mar ON TOP or TH"JJ WORLD - B~ new J bdrm., 2 bath homr. hi(!! up tn Coron11 Hlithlan·f~ Puon.mJo .tew. C&n 1t1ll cbooae color of tile, etc. Call Mt. R.. PatUIOn a&- W. E. Fisher, Realtor anrl ASSOClA TES &034 E . Coall Hy., O>rona del Mar Qlrona drl M11r Phnne Rarbor 2H3 SOlD . by Multiple Listing 417 Snug HArbt)r. Clltf H"v"n "Goal -Sl\.M0.000 In 'M " BEAUTIFUL 31'x12' Cabana A 3~· tw o bdrm. tr81lt r. cnm- plet tly tum l.Bhed, ('err-led, w a- tnfront lot, br11rh. hnal dnrk a ''IUl.able Br1rk lanAJ, ('IU'pOrl. t-~ull pnr e '67:10 Liiio V1U111:.- 1'r111IH r u k 100 • 31.JOt St . !lle"'f'Ol"t !Ua.ch. Lot No. 31 Har 1098-M. 29Ltc SOLD Lido h ie. 117 Vi a Ravenna C'11ff ""''t'n. 320 Klng.11 Road CORO~ A DEL MAR-P'\im . a pt. l Bloclc Bouth of ffl~h School Al..80 f'UR.NlSH ED APTS. Beautiful Irvine Terrace 6~ -20 yr. Loana -Fl:"IEST IN CORONA DEL MAR The LOCATOR 8 Cyl.8. --$48.88 nn ye1rly buls or month to mo 8 f".,1 eu1 aa S:i-0. rent.. To -call .,tzmorru, ...,, .... _. ~ lllcJu4• botll l&b<> Uld part&. _H_•_r_bo_r_2_1._l\2_. _____ 2_tk_3a N-rll\P, ""* pl.U, valve RENT AL Y. snn.ci. nt.Unp ot m.am 1o110 rod bearlnp. IClrpart mo\.or UUle up SPECIALISTS 11()..d..,. or •.ooo mile sunnt.ee. Call !:dna et-aJs WDn'ER RATEi I Uc OCEAN FRONT• nn. apt. Ntc4"1)' turn .• Ji•. """ nn. A bdrm., e WT)' cromtort. N6. mo. Incl uUL 17<>4 w. OcMll Front. Newport Sch. Harbor U T3-W. 29p31 Owr.er will be out of cl t y t or OIMI yu r. Dolru to leu e new homt wllh &ll out.stAndms vif'W of bay a.nd ocu.n. Nfver t>ecu pled Un· tumW)fd. U 7& mo. REF'D· E!llCES. Harbor '441 30Uc Lido Isle <N~= ~~~ Blanche Gates, Rltr. -UP to 16 MONTHS TO p A y -311 Marine Av... C1..£AN f\lnl. 1 bdrm.. apt.. uUl pd. Balboe l.sl&nd. Har. lllil 72ttc ... ...... -· • -• ,....,. Built bl 0\11' own f&etol"J bJ llklUt-d f*r· • •--, ,.,.. .u.ce. .....,. Do ------------U4 W, Wlleoo. 1J 1-MB7. 29d l ~ n't contend w1Ui ~EWLY F'UR..'\'. 6 d~rated 1 FumlA!hed 3 bdrme. A aleeplng Uie middle ma.a. 9uy dlnct. bdrm, llo111e. Pr1V'llte yard. BBQ. $60. redr i nUd wi/urn. l bedTm porch. 21. b11th.I. 1 yr. lt ut REBUll..T aad INSTA.l.I.ED ALSO furn. l bl1rm. lluplu.. prb. duplex incJut11ns retrlg. Wa tu 12~0 ptr month Ptrlect condl· llBOltT BLOCll d lsp. !:at'h s;6 mo.. lncl. uUl. pd. 222 Coet& Meea 8L. c. M. uoo on extra Wide lot. FORD ut.iw 602~ Jumlnt. Cnrona dtl Llberty S.-12M. 29c31 CIDVJLOl..ln' _ 1141.b<J Mat. Phone Har. 21&•·J. ~c.36 -------------f'OR UDO JU:NT AUi, PLYK. 6 DODGE 116:1 -Ch---W------~ CHaTa.. om 80TO $170 OiC6 int~r Rent&J. OD 8TUDDAD!R s 110 BaJboa 1&1.and & Udo lllJe OLDa • PONT14C I f\70 amau • cozy or tars• 6 deluu BUIC& 17~ 17:1 to $300 mooUt BUD80H '1111 VOGEL co. LoM oar n.e Towtq NEW CAA OAIU..NTEJ: IOI Mart.ne A.,.~ Ba.Ibo& telaDd 8looll m\19t meet Cl'lr ltaDdardl Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 21:11 Pim t&ul, pallet.a UICI OU Rea. Har. 1'18&-RK « U &-6217 Ope IUDdaJ 10 ua. to 2 p.a. '4llc BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS [)pm DeJJy I to '1 8t&te Bon dr 1 NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. ~TA A"44 IN BALBOA, neuly new upper duplex turn. Clo" to Bay and traup. 180. mo. unUI Ju.ae ~ OT YTlY. ll'AH at $73. Ca.lJ mr. 1317-W afttt 11 a m. 29c31 2 BEDROOM FURNJIH.ED DU· PLCIC. Olrona dl'I Mar. 11t111th nf H1..-.•&>• S\00 month incl. utlL MRS. KAY,. li&r. 377P·J 6tlc FURN. 8'MJ'DIO APT.. l60. mo .• YT11. UtWU.. p&l.d.. 202 S.Vtnlh 8 t.. BalboL Ka.r. 0084 • M. 29<'~1 Come to HEADQt: ARTERI p. a. palmer Incorporated 3133 Vla U do OCEAN nu>NT-.L f\ml. lilnot · Pbone Harbor 1600 ty ptne... Pm. paUo. l(Wf'ly 1•rd 10c32 M6 ply., uUl pd. 1604 WtJJt •IM' -u-S Oceen J'ront.. Newport. 30p32 , •av-u-..r~--~---- 1 URN. bachelor apL f6.'$. mo )'Tly MODERN tnU.rw to •:i•, 150 ~. 706 ~te, Cnrona rrom Npl BJ\·d. It Stora . 12:. del Mar. i~2 mo. no xt.ra ci.r1• for 2 ch.II· dr~. Sunny Acrn Trlr. Park 1 H J:ut W1l.9on. Colt& Me.a. llc.32 Mii TJ:AJU.T, practically new one bdrm. apt.., tum. 6 unturn. Bar 1toota, ra.nr• 6 tttl1g. rurn. Ocil°an 91de ot Hfs1t1u y. Rent at.&rU Apr11 lat. ll()i Ft rnle&I, -For a deJ>Md•ble Uffd c&r, H t Col"OllA de& Mar. 20cll your local dea.l..r who wiU be hu e fOMURROW lo back up what hr rnsTA )fl:8A. II r-· ft""' furn ~II· TODAY! Check th• \lit<: or u11rurn • lnrl11 I•• B'Yatt '1"7· • Ca.JI ·a rs 1.n th• dulltlt d •~cuon lo H tfc 1•7· Construction Loans au sos &AT'l'l.E.R ~16 It.AST COAST BLVD. orona drl Mar tiarbor dlilS!I H.ep. POIRUCR MORTOAOE l:O ltCetro LU• lu. FUllCSI KL 8·{)18~ •luc H A.VJ: u c.Uant outlet.a for pn vale monty on lat A 2nd Truat Oef'l111. caJI DON I . Hl;DDLES'T'ON Rea.I EAlta te Loans l73 E. 17th. COAi.a Me• l..Jbert1 &·664 l 281.fc . S 0 L D by Multiple T i:ting l'>IO S. Bay F'1'0nt.. 1J .lb<la r-11.11'1 "Gr>al -· $8,tt<I0.11)(1 In 'Mi" Channel Fr.,nt Lot "You ca.n t hardly set t hfm now" MIU'<'IJll Av~. untJ,.r T"n C 0 0 :-0: S ORMAl"LlY 1·3033 or 4501 S~r• Or. Weeke:idll. Z'ltfr OCEAN' VIEW HOME, 2701 r 11r Or1\•e Full prier SI J 000. l"rm• No r~h requlrf(t. Own,.r. LI g.:z:,32. 23tr" Homt plUA 3 unlUt, plu.s l:'IJO l rm . 6 1::11r1gr• ~" r.u:" ~n l9unrlry nn11 Lot 80 x 118. Exr luel\'e W'jl)l - r; 11 LATHROP. 3635 E l oll!Cl :iu7 F: B11L Rlvd , H ar 41711 LET l"H LOCATI': f'OR YOt,; 29r.11 Hwy , Cmona dtl Mar. Hrirl>or to Settle estate :'lH2 1Hu. 3~l1J eVNI ) 3()c32!Homr t)f th .. 1.!1111 Mr11. !lmJll")n. 0~ Ave'""''" A Vt . C'oronn llrl CLIFF HA VEN Mar. ~ t... A<>l•I 111 hl~OAt b1<1- liF' A l:Tll"l ·1. rustom bulll ranr h dt r on or 11 ttcr April l~l. Hom~ t.nme, ovr rln<Jklnic Hubor. ' b~d· OpC!n fur IMprcllnn A lnforma· nn11 .. :\ bnlha, 11,.n, 2 fll"4!'placl"l1. lion. llc33 I\ l..SO 2 bdrm 11pL. with prtn tc l'"llo $49.:r1K> Call t)WMr . OrEAN VIEW mOdrm 2 brl1m 1 LI 8·3221. 29c42h home w ith extra room and ... SOLD li&lh on do11blr g1r1,c:r. Aakln~ u :, 000 Low tlnwn f)3yment • 1 wlU take Jo"lrtt Tnut Deed 1n trade. ON'EY WANTED for Ont mort fife loan on two bdnn. home atut 8 1de. Coal.a .Mta. Owner W e -2932 attn 11 p m. or wu k endl. 29p3 COSTA MESA EAST SIDE by Multiple Listing 2712 Cllff Drlvr <at!J•cf'nt YaC"ant Jc.t av11.labl~ J l'h own«'r, Ll a .:z:,:12 l3U1· Uranium Prospector .EDI OJUJBSTA.KE. U you have 3 BDRM . houM hdwd n oon Kat SJ0.900 411 FlOWl'T SI. <"OAUI Mf'I& Ll~rty 11-3&~,e 21\t tr BY OWNER Corona Hl1bl1.nda -8 bdrm . 2 bath rarmhou.ae, rHA comm11 ment. Ph. Harbor 7S....J 9911• $100, u e w1IUn1 t.o speculate, BY OWNER. Le•· Blvd. lot an•. lhen hear my 1tory · • · Proa preliminary plan• for 8 un.Jt a r· peel.a look JOOd. hue ucellent cade. C.D.K. .Ra.rbor ~8l·R ' re.rereriou ,It IWl're.ly lnt.rruted 29c31 wnte Box N·60, U\l• paper for 1nten1ew. 29c3'4 tWM&Jt.a come PUD com\.Mlt ~! A.a .., ~ In uw •5* W'W ~uoe r.Wt.a ,-70U $7950. N EW J bedroom. hctwd.. noon on lot 82:aHO' -283 A~ 8t Coat& MdL 1J S...1807, 29ll v12 . 3414 l r111. Corona 11el )far · Gnal -18.~00.000 In '6:1"' ONLY $9500 al for wor krng or reUr("d t'Ouplt J. bdrm fur C'Uun&I modern, ,..y 1., mtu ntllln S·tr.oo down. 811- 11.nre l!,O :nri. A loca tion of di~· llnctlon. Har 987 or lt9'·W 2ll1c .ALBOA-Attrac. mod. l'IOme A· I cond. ~~. llv, nn. ~a.n vl"" • lhru plrt. wlndowa. I ~rm& .. dbl8. rar. Nr, ec1'oola. beaches Thia property baa 1 00<1 lllcnmt' opportun1t7. Non·ru nwnu Come uJ(time. 1221 W. 8&.lboa m.~ n~ Bay Front income t. ru u 2 • a 1>11drvuma. rum · ..iaed. Pier, rioar M d pr1 vate a.acb lOOO f! ts&I OO. Blva , Ile.Joo&. <.:ru tv1ew 18648. Oour ·~ to btuktn 1.lllC" COROSA HIOHU NO LOTS - C.:hn1ct ~It"• A 111ut•ble Call H.,bor 2323 R-2 LOT ao x 115 In Newyiott $2~. Harbor Uil•W. 27p.,t • • PAGE 6. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NE)YS-PRESS ~-Eatale MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 a •••r.tate a •••r....tate An Unusual Buy 1.5 acres with ocean view • THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BETWICEN Co.ta Mea It Santa Ana • l~ acre parcel • Excellent bean or celery land • Some lighter 110U wltable for yam.a or peanut.a • Home, bama, aheda, good well • $2000 ac;re, tenna. DESIRABLE R--' Jot. 70 z 130. Water meter and fruit treea • 1 block to atoree It trana. •2~ cub. eo • 300 HARBOR BLVD. Real value at $12,500. Term.1 Cl WNE, 75-fl frontage, lovely 2 bdrm., den, dininc room home. Hwd. fin., fireplace. Ideal aetup for home It buaineu. Situated on ea.at 18th. Euy to buy. Sellen will cury balance due. Aakinc ~ down. 2 STORES, partly furniabed 2 bdrm. apt. Good location. Better income -Leuea available • Should pou U 'jfi. Center of active bldg. program. I $32,000. Terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES IMSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 Newport Ave·, Coat& Mesa Uberty 8-1832 LIWrty S.1400 Evea. Do you want the best buy a bdrm. home In a ftne locallOft In the Broadway H c\Jon or Coe· ta r.t Ha. Thia la • weU0bullt home only I yra. old. Howner, the yard la n'J lected and the houM 11nd1 clea,,lnr and paint· Inf . It you are bandy In "tlxln1 up" Ulla will really lnter .. t you. The owner n-.cta money now. Sl0,500. Prlce-$2000 down. .Immediate Possession 3 bdrm. A 1 ~ bath honM tn New. port Helfhl•. Good location near the Enalsn 9Chool. Lovely hWd. tloor1, and many nlc. teaturea. ,. Sl6.~00-13600 down or leae. 7 Unit Income Prop~rty 7 UNIT APARTMJl.:NT BL.DO. Beat Balboa rental area, cloee to Bay. 2 bedroom owner·a apt .. 3 doublu. 3 alnglu. All t urn. Potential Income $~600. $29,600, only St0,000 down. Balboa Duplex! Elton Barnett Realtor •&e N. Newport Blvd. 11 bUc. above Hoa1 Ho•pltal) Ul>erty 1·2772 U 1·715' evea. Ht re'e an u clt1n1 buy tor tnveal- ment. BeauUful apot on Ule cliff with 1vme oc~an vt-. •Jt•a on the ouuklrta ot town now but will ..oon lM In the middle of Important nt>w projecta. Could make 4 nice Jot.a. Thi.. I• red hot S~ full price. ~ewport Heights Here'• a real luxury 3 bdnn.. 2 bath home •nd the prk• la rtrht Excellent location on Tllx127 lot Hu ~autttul wood paneled waJI., aUdJnJ 1lua doora to patio. forced air heat, eupertor conatl"\lcUon. llt.~. Submit your tenna. WHY LOOK FURTHER 1 Just drive by 530 KINGS ROAD UP in beautiful CLIFF HA VEN and then call ua for an. appointment to see this lovely home. It bu 3 w.ell arranged bdrma., 1 % baths. The muter bdrm. baa large sliding glaaa doors that open into the patio with a.n unobstructed view toward the new Irvine Country Club. The extra large living room baa W to W caq>eting, charming fireplace and large "picture window" with a view of the outer harbor. in Newport Heights 1 . . . HERE IT IS ! 15000 SPENT LAST YEAR TO MODERNIZE thla property. 2 bedroom.a up ,one down. Upper tumlahed and rented. R·3 1~ room tor another unit. 118,ISOO. Jood term•. The very pleuant dining area is smartly arranged beeide a circular indoor planter. OPEN HOUSE 1·5 P.M. 3~ EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 bdrm.a., 2 batha, F. A. heat. Diahmuter, garb. dia· Bay Front! 6 BEDROOM'. 3% BATH HOME. Terrific Bay view and ln da.ndy condition. P ier nchta. SU.ISOO, term•. The kitchen la light and hu a moat delightful ar· rangement of cupboara, all having the euy puah-type h&rdware. We con.eider this to be the best buy on Kinp Road at $22,7~ with moat convenient tenna. poul, elec. fan. Touch latdi ayatem on cupboards. Bay Front Duplex ·' ll mtche.. •-car ara ea fitted with 220 volt i:------:wirl~n:g.~E~ntirel~~y ,;;;u;;rro~un~ded~by;:;co~n;;;c~re~te~oc~~ffiF--hP~osir1T~IVViB:Li'l.'YV--:iA~~1"111!11-rrrr:~l-FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK MULTIPLE LISTING NO. 5390 Carpeta It dnpea included. All for $19,950. V .A.LUI: • • • lt you will do a REALTORS little ttx'IA. 2 'bedmu, up, J dn. COSTA MESA Best Balboa rental area. PrtYate C. B. Ruu, Wm. G. Schmidt, Auociatea beach and pier. Irne.ctn• a Ba_y rbo "Ml...t., front at f29,750 and rood terme. 312 Marine Ave., Ba.lboa laland ~ r "~ U you ue looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price $12,950 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lMh It Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2864 Eves. U 8-7056 A PHONE CALL wUJ Jiv• you info~ation on thette propertin- 1. Duplex, 1 BR. each aide, 3 yean old. $11,500. 2. 2 BR. Jiou.e A atudJo. apt. 1 bllc. to bay. $12,~. I. Ocean front duple., 1 BR. each. Room for houie in frollt. $15,500 •· Ideal ocean front playbouae. 6 BR, lge. liv. rm. Well loc. $17.~ 5. Clo• to 'bay. 2 BR. houae and 2 BR. apt. to pay upkeep. Very nice. $20,000 e. Triplex, near bay Ii ocean. 1 BR. ea. Alwaya rented. Well furniahed. Priced at $21,500. 1. 7 unit income property. Excellent income. $29.~. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Ba.lboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har, 5188 or 1983 Corona del Mar Vogel Value Peninsula Home ! 2 BEDROOM AND DEN HOME. Larr• walled patio. Very rood cond!tlon and repainted. Re,ular foundation .2 car pr&fe. Lo•· eat priced h ome on the Penln· wla. 114.000 unfum., SH,7:IO. Fumlahed. -~~ -down. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoelte Bank ot America) Members, Multiple Ll1tln1 Rou Greeley Ed Lee Jack P ink.ham JONphlJ'le Webb TOO J:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phon• Harbor J.27T. SOLD by Multiple Listing lot Via Waaler9. Lido lalt "Goal -18.ll00,000 In 'M" You Can Afford a Better Home JCnJoy the modem living ot thle one •lory. 2 bdrm. home with completely furnlahed apt. over double ruare.. J'EA TUR.ES lovely bath. modem kitchen with di.poaet, furnace heat and fireplace and loada of wardrobe apace. VOGEL VALUES in Investments Business Bay Front, On West Coast Blvd. The moet desirable type of property in Harbor Area. Hu terrific potential. 25.4 °/. Net Return on $21,000 Investment Thi.a deluxe 15 month old Balboa property conalat.a o! 5 apacloua 2 bdrm. apt•. and 4 lovely 1 bdrm. apta. -all with front Is rear entrance. 9 cans-, plua storage room, laundry room and beautiful aun deck over garages. Present income is $9480. on un- furnished yearly leue buia. The price of $76,000 la considerably below reproduction coet. Take• only $21,000 cub and out-of.town 011V11er will carry the balance at 5%. Thia ia exclusive with VOGEL CO. Main Office, 3201 Coast Hlgbway, Newport Beach .. Liberty 8-3481 • Two Story Newport Heights Beaut. Home for the Discriminating Buyer H•n 1• how • • • IMMACULATE 2-itory home that ii a DREAM! Large living room with a maaive fireplace, plenty of room for a piano and lot. of furniture. E ntrance hall with attractive 1ta.inray. Large separate dining room. A kitchen with dinette epace Ii at.o wired for electric range. Service porch. Top floor bu a mu- ter bdrm. plU9 2 other bdrma. and a smali room. 2-car garage with sun deck area. Unit heal Whit a back yard--! Ha.a unwiu.al brick fence "itb a bub<-que and an outside fireplace. You'll really go Neu ocean. Vermont elate entry hall, oak paneled den, lovely living room opens to patio, Roman brick fireplace, bullt-in clock. Accoustic plaster. 12' x 15' di.Ding room opens to patio. Dream kitchen haa Mahogany cabinets, dishwasher, disposal, built-in laundry. Lot.a of cabinet.a, cupboard.a Ii cloaeta tbru- out. Wall-to-Wall carpeting, custom drape., large F. A. furnace. 2 unusually large bdnna., each with own lwruriou. bath. Muter control lighting ayatem. Beautiful landscaping, walled yard. Electric garage door. Sprinkling system. A truly fine home for the particular buyer. THE VOGEL CO. 2ee7 I:. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741·1477 LIDO ISLE A. NEW • bdrm., 2~ bath, lge. living room, brick fireplace, dnpea, W to W carpeting. 2300 .q. ft. Owner will ..U for $33,:500 or TRADE for like amount lD Weatwood, Brentwood or Beverlywood. 2 bdrm. home, p.rbt.p diapoN.l, lge. living room, dbl. ca.nae. Only $22,:500, with $5000 down. N. B. C. REAL TY CO. l2nd le Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1405 ·BALBOA ISLAND SEE TIDS -GOOD 2 bdrm. home. Hu la rg<' patio Ir a aun porch. Nicely furniahed. $21,'50(). D 0 R I S B R A Y, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days f · F;v·: Che p 'I The eeeond unlt -a nice apt. brtnr• 11200 yearly at thl• choice Balboa X.la.nd location. PTlced wtll under $30,00(). SN thla property for Sood terma and cood IMnJ. Call Powere or Lake cruy over tbia fine home!!! The price ia only $16,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mea (Ac rose From Costa Mea Bani) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Eve11. Har. 43$-1.J 8-2103 J. A. BEEK, Realtor ------------ Hubor 43, 50S Park A"'· B&llloa laland SOLD by Multiple Listing 100 AnUbea. Udo lal• "Oo&l -18.500.000 In 'IWI" Corona del Mar NESTLED CLOSIC to lb• bill.a 11 t.IU• lovely 2 bdrm. bom•, &rU .. tically dK<>r&ted, whlch exudel • chapn from ltA art brick front &ncf'1St1Jhl red door. It.a lonty noor pl&D and lta flower atrewn patio. Onralsed dbl1. prap •truaed tor 2nd floor, •ta·"°· l•rma. Call Meta Mei.on owner, Harbor IMO. or come to OPltN HOUU DAILY, 707 In. Ave.. 2tttc • B~ OWNER CUTI: J bdrm. houae. neu OCU1I A: r hannel. BBQ In Oa11:11tone patio. brtck wall• throuirhout BM:rlrlce for 111,9~. or laritl' boat. :roe • Oat., Newport Bur h Harbor 4S33. 211p4J J R SALE by OWNER . Btm..DER. 3 yn. old. 2 bdrm. bomt . 232 )fa gnoUa. I Coata Meaa.. 30c321 LI DO The very best exclusive listing on Lido Ille. Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath aingle etory home on a 45-ft. Jot, overei%ed garage with laundry. Forced air beat, bi1 living room and fireplace. Spacious South patio where you may relax and 90&k up th~ llWl. You will h ave to na.h to get this one! Open Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo $23,500. Hu a new $",000 loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 CORONA DEL MAR J UST LTKE NEW! 2 bdrm. home with unftn1ahed outdoor Uving room. Beautiful kitchen with Iota of tile and built·inl, diapoaal. Delightful comer loca· ._Ion. Room to build another unit. E:xchaive with - STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor $t7 E. O>ut H~·y., Corona del Mar Harbor 882 a •• r..taa. Newport Heights WE HA VE a beauty. 2 br . a nc:I den with l '-t batha, tlmeo and •pece will not permit ua to teU you all the nice thlnit• about thl• beiwtltul home. FULL PRlCE ue.~oo. TE.RMS G. I. Resale 4,,. loan 2 BR. HOME. hdwd. floora. lot 7h100. R-4 aone. Pymta. 1~0 2tl • pu. month. l'\JLL PRICE $9.~1:1.000 ON, Is there a Wheel Chair in Your Family 1 COUNTRY HOME with doora, ramp• • rrlp built e•1:ieclally for wlleel chair ownn. 2 br., den. 11, bathe. 1.03 Ac fruit treeoa completely fenced. C1o11e to Country Club Ir Bad e B~y. Own· ere aald to ~II. Reductd frem $22,:IOO to low price of $19.000, ex term1. 2 New Duplexes . ._.,__. a ......... v Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. 2 BDRM. HOME, PLUS BLDG. SITE. 2 bdnn. home, dbl. garage. built on the rear of a :>0-ft. lot. Choire location. Room to build additional unit in front. Full price $11 .500. $3000 down will handle. Exclusive with us. 2. DUPLEX BARGAIN -Front unit bu 3 bdnns., 1 % baths, M place, dining area. Rear unit hu 2 bdrma. built over dbl. garage. View !rom rear unit. Separate laundry room. Needs some paint & yard work, but priced to sell at $18,500. Easy tenna. We have the ~y. 3. SO. OF THE HIGHWAY, WILL TAKE TRADE Thia home built on 6().ft. comer lot hu 3 bdnna plus den. Large co\'ered lanai, 2 bathe, fenced yard, large liv. rm. w1th fireplace. Forced air heat. aervice porch, hwd. fioore. Owner hu mov- ed. Will give immediate p<>aseaion & wishes to aell quickly. Will take· amall home, vacant lot or trust deeds in trade. Loan committment of $15.000 at 5"~. 20 year.-Priced to Kil at $24.500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LJSTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (O!fice located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) I H OO SQUARE FEET EACH. Plua rararea. $13,600 full prier. This home provides many opportunities ,3,000 down each. Only Two Left $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. It Sun. 12. 5 2111 A Oranre Av•. I bdrm .. 1 '1 bath•, brealdaat and dintna-area. .run price 110.100. Lt:l't, NEWPORT H&J:QhT8 IS,!'>00 M·l Lot oa 11acentla ........ 112.500 C·2 Lot on N.wport ···-··· •to.500 C-2 Lot on 17th St.. ........ 112,500 I R-4 Lo\I In Cotta M .. -17.200 How Can You Miss7 8 unit.I 6 care on C·2 lnta, Income approximately $400. Full price, '39,500. l:.x. Terma. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR lee& Ne11VJ)Ort Blvd .. Coit& Mell& Ubtrty &-37112. 29c31 SOLD by Multiple Listing 308 Anade, Balboa "OoaJ -18.500.1IOO 1n '66" Facts not Fiction Wll PROUDLY OFFER the tol· lowlnir propertlea u the eound· qt valuea In the Harbor Arf'a Balboa Island SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt. owr dblt. 1ar. + l'*'l room A bath on rear of chol~ loL Hur-f' brtck patio platlted Ir ftnc.d for prlv· M:J. A real buy. •it,760 tum. $8000 will handle, Room lo build In front. SHOWN BY APP'T. Cliff Haven Duplex 2 SPACIOUS 2 br. apta. for homt .. A Inc. STt.~ mo. paya niA loan Ina. A taiu•a. Other aldt rf!n lt'd 187.60 mo. Full pr1ee 119.000. (not ltaaeholdJ. Corona del Mar 2for1 TWIN DUPLEXES -2 tull loll. 4 ea.cell. 2 bdrm. aple. ea. with ' own tlrepl. A rar. Hdwd Ora U95 eched. mo. lllcome. Loan pymL l l:>o. mo. Full price U T .500. 15.000 will ban11t. Muriel M. Pinover R.EA.LTOR H04 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. l"rff Parktna-HNbor •810 29c31 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1'2 C.C:ll Pl., Cotta )oleaa "Oo&I -18.500.000 tn ·114~ BEAUTIFUL C-1 locaUon on Cb&pma.n Aw. weet of Or- an1e. (City). r uu blftCk 2t0ll· 152% with trontare on I eta. 141.600. Owner wtll coneldtr t,.d• for ckar Udo or other Harbor Area property. Lido Realty Aaeociate. 1400 Via Udo, Ha.rbor Hff (MtOel from ft!chVd'a inkt. tntr.) 2ttt Drive by 235 ){apolia ea.ta Meaa Oii .. 6 OOCJ ho~ -I Wmi. 6 pane_led deft with nroeplace. wall t.o wall carptt. v.,., eJoee ln. ,11,000. PhOM Llberl;f M282. UUc IPAClOUI HOM.It and f\Mllt br an-. apt. J UJe MU.., llC&.U *"""· Hdwd. Goon. I tu.nae· -. prb. disp. Oaly I yra. old. Owfter, tot J..U., CoroM del Mar. to really enioy life- Want a private beach? Need a place to keep your cruiser? P~ter close in location near Lido Shops, etc.! Buy thia ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Covea right on the waterfront, only 3 yn. old. Lot.a of tile, parquet floors, F. A. heat, dbl. garage, nic. featuree. Pier le slip privileges. A real value at $26,250 -Terms · ExceUent Newport Income Duplex furnished • good rental dirtrict. Ocean and Bay both cloee by.----- $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beaeh Har. 1013 The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spacioua home of 4 bdnna. & den, Truly a home (or gracious living. A panoramic view of Bay Ir Ocean from every room. Solex glau in living room, alid- ing doora t o 2 aun declul. Built-in Tbennador range Ii oven, diBhwuber, d.ilposal, large pantry, F. A. heat. 3 luxurioua bath.' 2 firepla.cea. Beautiful ear- l*-and drapee included m \ft'lce ot $39,MO. TentUI can be arranged. 811 KINGS ROAD Open Every Sat. & Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Eleie Ebeling Call for Appointment to See BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5188 BALBOA ISLAND J UST IN TIME FOR SUMMER! NEW EXCLU· SIVE LJ8TING ! 2 bdrms •. Jge. Jiv. rm., big patio, step to Bay and Village. Full price $20,000, fum. TERMS. $18.750 -Darling modem 2 bdrm. home. beam ceilings, fireplace. nicely furnished, room to build another unit. CORONA DEL MAR EARLY BIRD SPEClAL!! $5000 down! Spic and 1pan 2 bdrm. home. Only 3 yr11. old. Beaut. patio, Jtlnt. location So. of Hwy,. yet near shopping center. OWNER LEAVING, SAYS SELL. F ull price $15.500. BE'n'ER HURRY! MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Manne, Balboa Island Harbor 4781 VOeEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUSINESS PROPERTY -$32.000 inveetm~t buy. • groae income or $~700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equipt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with aome view of bay. Completely fumiAhed. $3500 handlea. For evening information phone Harbor 3069·1i. SEE US for eeveral enra apeclally tin• BAYFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marina Ave., Balboa laland Harbor fff BALBOA ISLAND AttracUve modern 2 bdrm. Cumished home. Good corner location. Room for guest or income apt. on rear of lot. Price S18,7M), tenn.e. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor A.nd A...oclates Park at Jlarine, Balboa bland -~ Jt6I ............. a .... raate BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor M"l!VBERI or MULTIPLE LISTINC, 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pboae Barbor 1971or1872 BALBOA ISLAND YOtrLL BE SURPRISED at the low price of thia cbanD1DI' 2 bdrm. home, Dr North Bay on Amethy9t. PLUS. blaut. modern 1 bdrm. apt. Both unit. tum. '1'hm there t. a lovely su.t room and bath off a '*uUtul p&tio. Two-car prap;-.An unuaually rood • ~and price la right. Terma. *VIEW HOME NE\YPORT HEIGHTS -CLDT LOT 8pacloua l yr. old home, 2 bdrma., convertible pan- eled den, 2 batbll. Floor·to-eeillnr wiDdO'tfl leading to veranda. PanoramJc view of bay and e&tallna apparent from the Uv. rm., din. rm. A model kitchen. Thia pleuing home bu much attractive tile, raiMd brick finplace, newest feature. in kitchen, fore~ air beat, new beautiful drape1 and carpeting. '23.SOO. (Not a leuehold) * VIEW LOT Cliff Haven Area -Level Lot Unob9tnlcted Yin'. Not a Jeuehold. * 714 ST. JAMES RD. CLIFF HAVEN -110' Lot Exceptional home offering view. Large attractive living rm.. 3 bdnna. Beautiful fencing, patio. $15,900. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 ~ewport Blvd., Newport Bach Har. 2M2 \ p. a. palmer A sparkling iewel ! LIDO BAYFRONT Ellubroek, AIA, deaigted. Perfect condition from boaf 1Up to front gate. Luxury amaller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting and drapes. Dish- washer. built-in T-hermador oven and range. Even diapo1al in aervice yard sink for !iab and vegetable cleaning. Terrific cloaeta, cupboards and built-in featlll'e9. White shingle tile roof. If you would like a lovely home on the BA YFRONT aee thia now! SM,000, tenru1. Exeluaive with ua ! COMPARE! New 4 bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, Therm. oven Ir range, comer Jot, landscaped, patio 35x23. plu.s BAYVIEW 1un deck. Lido living at ita beet. $37,000 -Terme. DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido, 'harbor l!SOO incorpor~ted WAN.TED 2 Bed Rm. or 2 ana Den To $25,000 cash PHONE NOW for quick apprai.sfl Absolutely no obligation. Our buyers have money. We can sell your home fast. WHICH IS YOURS? 2 bedrm., $21,500 Lido 3 bedrm., $22,500 Lido 4 bedrm., $29,500 Lido Duplex, $18,000 Corona del Mar 4 Units, $34,950 Corona del Mar p. a. palmer, ;,,c. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8·5:573 Eve1. Harbor 4923-J BILL'S BEST BUYS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS CLIFF HAVEN Artistic Modern A NIFTY FOR THE THRIFTY J. T $&800, I.Ive ln the neat 2 bdrm 41: collect $1'.>7. monthly tor tum unit now rtnted. Yea, th•t 1• nrht. 2 unJta on e&x180 lot. Rm. tor horae, chlckena, rabbltJI and garden. Term• too. WARNING -- DO INVESTIGATE - LIDO BAY FRONT Pier and Float Attractively FURNISHED 3 bdrm., 3 bath home, ready to move into. Only 3 yrs. old. W to W car- peting, F. A. heat, built-in barbeque, enclosed patio. $M,500 -Good term.. . A. RUSTIC that 111 different. You'll bt deltghted with the noftl treatment comblned with the tuncttonal character ot th.la ~· thrH bedroom, 1" ;,aU\ home. with aeparate dlnlne room. COY· ntd lanai A patio, breeu-y to extra. large garaae. Everythln& tti.t 1peU1 Quality, destrn Ir re- finement. SH.950. I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11-PAGE 7 MONDAY, MARCH 28, 19S5 PENINSULA $2SOO down. Fum. ·2 bdrm. llome.. Larp patio. Near · JfUJ. Be••nce $125 per JDODth. • Also Near Jetty ' yr. old, 3 bdrm.. 2 bath home. Hwd. tJoan. r. A. heat. fireplaee, nice patio. Owner JPming 1n1an4. hll price $19,500. Good terlll8 to rtpt bu.Jer. 6 Bd.rm. OCEAN FRONT • A wonderful family tan home and d for '23.500 tum. INCOME -BALBOA 4 lota. Near Grammar School· Room for 4 mon unlta. S> unit.a. show attllent tttum. Practically full time 100'< occupanc:y. Beautifully tum. Prin&e . patioa, 2 garaga. ll c:arpo.rt.a. -$74.000. BA YFRONT LOT No telephone information will be giTen. R-2 lot W. Newport. 30 x 85 aoee to ocean -$2850. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1'50 W. Balboa Blvd.. Bal._ Calif. Harbor UM En. Harbor 18ftl S24,1li FULL PRICE Three bedroom and 2 bath romplietely furnimecL Includinr deep frea.e. wuber and dryer. etc. Jut a atep from tbe bach. This i9 a buy. The proper· ty ia clear and we ean work out acellent t.erma for )'OU. .,.. _____ _ \JQGEL \I A 1 llfL D~!ne~u~~ a~I:~~~-= CLIFF HAVEN VIEW HOME •-.1 -,-=-~ , IaL.U · __ .,,_.,_.,-f&~~11u1i.@-~ but tht• 2 Swimmin Pool A Million Lights Exclusive W.th Us ' DCUTn., ~~T'b'n ~ ....... ~------..--r.--. GUS~~ DIAMONDS trom NEWPORT HEIGHTS banjo aueet can be had for u ENJOY the terrific VIEW from the huge p~-'!i 1lf.~~ · little u $1750. down. "111 prt" . . . Cod view horne with s Larae bed-PRIDE IN OWNERSHIP -Located on quiet, $7750. wmdowa Jn liv, room, den le muter bdrm. Th11 room•. 2'i;i bathe. 2 uaed J>rlck beautiful street among other quality homes. Lovely DON'T BE A MlLLIONAIRE cu.tom built OWNER'S home ottera the finest -ttreplact1, built In kit. ranee. 2 fireplacee, F. A. beat, thermador kitchen, dining Every luxury Item 7ou dealre 11 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with glut doors from living LIVE LIKE ONll. Thia 2 bdrm. A l 1 ti d kidn eh ped . . 1n lhl1 2•00 1q. t t.. maaterplece room to a truly lovely p&tio and private ~k yard. de.11 rancho oo corner lot' IA Npt. room, ove Y pa 0 aroun ey-a awururung ot archlt.ectua.t deatrn 41: con-m., hu U1 the nn. teatura pool. 92 ft. lot. SEE thia today! lll'UCtton, '29,7~0 tuU price tn- Pleue eee thia at $21,~. )'OU're Jooktnc tor. Built-la PRICED at $(2,500. c;ludlnl' wall to wan eupell Ir ranee • oven, 220 YOlta, 11a&'· Submit Offer drape•. . .A.-'"'-b'l"M: OD~: ~ com~y f~ Wonderful patio. Move right in 10?& ;jmiiW, Full Price $.22,.500. t'Coi.uJt U. for Udo'• F\.oeat" LIDO REAL TY AssociateS ~.Via Udo Harbor 4444 .tone fireplace Ir many othera. COSTA MESA J'ull pr1ce $19,t~ With on.17 $&000 down. NOT A SACRIFICE -BA Y!HORES Feel Like Falling (ACROSS FROM RIC'BARD'S MA.RKET ENTRANCE) THE LAST TWO R-3 Lot.a available on the beautiful Balboa Penin- sula 'Point.' The-price ot $19,500 includes completed plan• for 6 Deluxe 3 bdrm. 2 bath unita. VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE -24~ Evening Canyon Road Shoreclif f s, Corona del Mar Only your inspection will enable you to IT'S A STEAL - BUlLT·lN HOLLY ranee Ir onn. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home In rood clo1e-tn !:a•l·•lde location. Near- ly new, SIS.l!OO, lF YOU WANT TO BUILD- LOTS AVAILABLE: Comer SOK· 102. 12950; Newport Htlchi.. GOxI80. U9GO; 2 comer loll U7xl39, l•OOO; choice Back Ba)' reetr1cted lot., 139:>0 and up. evaluate its merits. See it today! W. A. TOBIAS THE VOGEL CO. and .\SSOClATES REALTOR ___ 320 __ i_w_._Cout ___ H_wy_.,_N_pt._Bc_h_. _Llbe __ rt_y_8_-_=w_s_1__ "you'tl like our friendly aernce" 393 E. 17th St., Cost& Meea BF.ST VALUE IN Ubert7 8·1139 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S69J DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 5 le~ Better Hurry ~ 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move Jn Sewen in and pald Garbage DilpOU.l Encloeed p.ragea Kitchen fau Colored rock roof• Birch Cabinet. Street curbed and will be paved. See owner living at· 252 P almer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. SOLD bv Multiple Listing V' Lot ,Cor. OTchld A: Seavl-, Corona del Mar "Ooal -P .&00,000 tn •r.a• Corona Highlands New S bdrm., 2 bath home - WITH A. Vll:Wl SUU Ume l4 c h o o • e lnurior deeoraUoca. 81\A.ke root, forced air hut. flre- pl&ce ol: m-.ny utru. f29.750. In Corona del Mar 2 bdnn. home w1lh fireplace. Par- tial Ylew. Shlngl• roof, 1 ~ blka. to b•y. Total price only $14.600. $3!'>00 down will bandit . No. 1 - 3 bdrm., 1 a4 bathe, lge. living room, dining room. ONLY $16,500. No. 2 -V~ry attractive 3 bdrm. Ir den, 1% bath home. Recently redecorated. Drape. Is W to W carpet.lng, lge. fenced lot, near beub. An ex~J: lent VALUE at $32,500. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Inghway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS THE TOAST OF THE TOWN Tbat'1 what we're ottering thil week in Corona de1 ll&r -EXCLUSIVELY. So. of Hwy .• 2 bdrm. 'Rustic, 1bake roof , uaed brick fireplace, carpeted W to W, fenced yard, dbl. gar. R-2 zone, could have rentaJ. Only $16,500 • with very low monthly pymta. 2 bdrm. home, carpeted W to W, fireplace, eervice porch, dbl. gar .. fenced yard. Only $1500 down and under $1()(' per month. Duplexes -l for $13,500. 1 for $15,000 (on a level corner), 1 for $14,000 (~""":'I to atorea). 2 extn Speci&Lt, 1 for $20,500 It the other at i23,500. Kany otherw ju..t u good. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Between 15th SL and 16th St. 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del M&r W. E. Fisher, Realtor ----------Ha.r 2174 252 Palmer St. LI 8-1139 LIDO ISLE Peace & Serenity of thll apaciout 2 bdrm., 1% bath 6 lanai home on a 45-tt. lot, testifies to It.a livability. Carpeted liv- ing room, 24 x 26 w\th lovely fireplace. Approxi· mately 5 yr&. old. ''Lucky you," Ye., you ltill have a chance to eee tt. Fumilhed u per tnventoey for s~.500. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido. Newport 8each Har. 4971-(972 CORONA DEL MAR GOING, GOING, GONE. ·Don't wait if you we.nt a lot d ose to the beach. Theee are the only two Iota available SQutb of Uie boulevard on Haul Drive. WonderfuJ ,;ew -$5000 eacb. Corner location with ample room to build your home. Now baa garage apartment with extra room 6 3 4 bath next to two.-car garage. See thia today, only -$12,2M. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3444 E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harb_or 2288 ud A880CJ.ATZ8 303t ICut Cout Rlchway Corocia del Mu Phone Butlor .HU SOLD bv Multiple Listing da CamaUon. Corma del Mu "ao.J -18,&00.000 ln 'Dew OPEN HOUSES 12 • 5, Sat. 6 Sunday 53:5 De An&& Drive Co~pa Highland. 119peclally nice - I bdrma., 2 bat.U, &vb. dl951., dlallwUller. Fer1ced lot ..• JZt,000 ALSO 328 Poln.lettfa 2 bdrma., 1 °" Iott. OUNt apt. • Z lenna. • 0. H. LATHROP, HS5 a. Cout Rwy., Corona de! Mar. Ha.r. &4t2 I Evr11. H&r. 3!H 1-J > 30c32 COSTA MESA ~'LY drcoratrd modern l bed· rm .. atuel«I home on rear ot Jot. Room tOtr a4d1Uonal unit ta fnlt. Pa"4 allt7 fr •••· Pr. tuoo. fUY term• .TED HAUSER, 2029 HARBOR BLVD .• COSTA MltSA. U M71l. ON LIDO ISJ,.E Nearly new 3 bdrm., 2 bath, near Club House. Good patio, ProvinclaJ, owner anxious, low down. See u.. to .ee. Priced right. Beautlful 2 bdrm., 2 bath, carpet.a and drapes - Tbermador kitchen. Le. than 2 yn. old. $23,750. 1 · ~· lot oa excellent 1treet. $12,600 full price. Owner anxious, BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Ju.It to the ri,ht of the Lido Bridge" 1112 Wayet1e, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eve. H. 2999) II d I . " you ma e me ove you --- THAT la what you'll aay when you aee thil C\Jte little cottage. ! i blk. from the ocean. (Yea, it haa a view) 1 1 :i blke. Crom bay. 11;~ blka from Balboa Pier. Completely furnished w\th extra good furni- ture jncJ udi.ng a piano. Yard with lo£a of flower• and ahruba and a emal1 patio. THE PRICE T Only $9750. $2750 down. IEE Ula B. Mcl'an. at Balboa Bay Properties il9 E. Balboa Blvd.. B&lboa Har. 3786 or Zl7{K lN LOVE AGAIN 1 Here la your chance! Charmine tam.Uy tiome ot 3 bdnn•., 1 "i» bathe. ori.ap col- or .chem• throuchouL Modem deallft tor modern d-.y llYlJ\C wtUI sr&plllt&ke f.-.4 pe.UO. rtreplace. bar 'lc1tchen, forced air hv,t, parquet noor•, pr~ dllJ>Oll&I, 2 car l"arage. Unequal- ed nine at 112.000. To A Small Boy HOME la juat a t11Un1 1t.aUoo, but to .Mom and Dad It'" much mor• -ht re 11 auch a home lhal of· fer. everythlnJ -only a hop. 1klp •ncl jump to 1hopplng cen- t~r and M:hool . . . Yea. It 11 nt'&rly new and f\u 3 bedroom•. and fireplace. Pr1ce f 11 O,llllO With jlUlt llOOO dOWTI ! I Bay & Beach Realty 18H Newport Blvd.. CO.ta Mae U 9-1161 !:Yea. LI 9-3168 SOLD bv Multinle Listing '1 Lot Cor. Anre A JU\aca, Lido tile "Oo&J -H .&00,000 ln '66" BAYSHORES CHAR.MINO 2 br . knoll)' pine tntenor, lg ... Uv. room. c:ornpact kit. w;bktu. b•r. J>i..US lge. pt. nn. over pr. 2 patl()jt, Ul .~00 3 BR .. ' a,.th, nuuc:. w w c:a~t. dJ&bWub•r. di.l!un ... ter. dl~ nice patio. 1:3.~ BACK BAY BEAUTIFUL • br. W/de.n. 2 t\r~ pll C!'I Vll'W. A•klns pr. $32.!\00 l ACRE chicken randl w / COYd 2 br, home. It t<> It. Owntr le.av· In ( U t &... 2 IU'te8 w rentai.. A•kln' prier 114..000. Claire Van Horn R.EALTOR J7Jl W. Cout HlV}'. Ll M277 SOLD by Multiple Listing 3111 Can.al 8t., Newport "Goa.I -18.&00.000 "' ·ae- r' Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. SeORE a.uTS -a BDRll. A DEN HOKE. ,._ 1up •-I· room. 2 a an vn a a.ta.. view of ociean. c&llJOO Ir hOk OJmpleteJy tum- lahecl A barp.ia at $4.5.000. Property located at 318 Morning Canyon Rd. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY liNTIL SOLD! 2. VIEW OF CANYON Is BUJ.S. 2 bdrm. home plu larp nunpaa room. bailt-in .tDft Is oven. Attractke fireplace. nicely decorated.. lArge double prqe. ODly 1 year. old. RedUttd from $23.500 to $19,ICM> ror immedia~Jy -.le. Owntt hu mowc!.' Better hurry. 3. CLOSE ro OCEAN Is BEACH.-Tllia attnc:tin modena 2 bdra. home plua parlor oU 1mng room. Suitable for a mmic room. Double garage. Fenc~ y&l'd le only 1 blk. to ocean frooL Reduced to $18,900. Euy lama. We have the key. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REAL roR M47 E. C.out Hwy .. Corooa del Jilar Harbor 47 (Office located ne:xt door to Coron.a del Mu Bank) UDO BAY FRONT ..... Home, eaYironlnmt tbat approacbea the Ideal. I lovely bd.nna. l ~ balhl. erpa.rau dining room. partJy rum .. a1eo carpet.a A drapes. Gracdul liv- ing i.a the keynote with pier le rbL A 6 yr. old home with today'• atmoepberP t.b:rougbout. Full ~ $55.000. 3 bdrm&. plua .aw<fa room. completely fumJahed in aplendid Cl'Ddilfon lhru--0UL 2 ':: batha, fo~ air beat. On Lido Nord tn Jood l()('&tion. Only $59.500. Coomder tra~ aa put. The Vogel Co. -Lldo Office MUS Via Lido. Newport &acb Har. 4971 • t972 Sweet and loveJy 1-$1000 down.. 9 monthll old conventional 3 bed- nn., carpeted and imrouulate. F. H. A. loan. $66 mo., Coeta K ea. 2-$2000 down. Ranch style 3 betlnn.. 2 yean old. Fireplaee. oil Ooo". breaeway. reoc.t'd, patio, pretty yard.·A GI loan, SM.« mo., Costa Meea. $1 ,500 Down GORDON SEVERTS R'EAL TY WlLL BUY lhia rnooern beUh MULTIPLE LIS1"11'G REALTOR bouM Juat ~ block to the water. 13:S E. 17th St.., QJda lie.a. LI S.-7781, e\'etl. S.-3188 co111plet~l)' cumtm.ct nad1 tor --------------------th• summtr. P:~} ~_.;;~~~.~~~ttr EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERING Hubor 2313. 29c31 120 Collini Aw.. Balboa Ill.and. IJltereet.ed l.n a Lovely Home in G&rden °"°"' Heated Pool • bedroom. 1 full. 1-~ and 2 -Y.t bat.he. Strongly built. Wdl maintained. Good nnW. C.1o.e belit beach. -S2e,OOO. ~ * • • I ) ( .. 1'55 PAGE I. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS • # HARBOR AREA SCOUTS IN CAlftJll ' Amorig the 250 boya ud 30 adult. participatidg in a campos:ee went to Tnop • ~ Ollla ...._ JWtl '4''c DELIVERY IOY HEXED IY CAT Wednelday wu not Friday the thirll~enth, but Dat'reU Brook.a. lS·year-old paper boy ror the News-Pres\! and Cout· at Shopper. think. the calen· dar might be wrong. Hr told Hoag Hoapltal nur!lla last night a black cat ~ hla path yeaterday enernoon while he wu dellv· erinc papen1. Whether kitty cut a •pell onr Darrell'• b6cycle or Juat reck~•ly akln· Md In front of the wheel Lt llOl kilown -to anyone but kitty, Of COUfM. IAonard WI,.. HaJJ. n , 111111' I aoutht 1u1pect.. who wu recently I returned from North L&a Vecaa, hu been clearf'd of the ctiars-. I "We &"ave him a lie detector tlll\ ln Loi Angt'lt'I lut week and t:hecked out hlA 1tory." Me.Kena.la aajd. "It cleared him of l~l ,..... tlcular job." Howevt'r, McKeJUle added, he expectA to arrairn Hall on three counta of forcery. •Hall wu pick<>d up In North I:aa Vega.a on a flight to .. void proee- cuUon warrant lllluld by Coet& '4•• police throU&'h the J'ederal Bureau of lnvutiaauon. Recently, a )Carine who Uve. lD Sant.a Ana Hel(tlta wu arreeted on the Pop'a Cafe robbery cha1T9 and cleaN'd by Me .. police at.tu checking' out hla atory and s1Yins lie detector teat. Boy Scout Camporee in recent weekend at Newport were 15 troops, one • .._ ...... me ,... lr'Cla the Harbor Buffalo Ranch were these youths and men from Harbc;>r and SoutJa ea.at 4lilll'kta _, r 5 s "-New-Group lnswance _eo._ta_M __ ea_a_a_n_d_Ba_I_bo_a_1a_1a_n_d_. ·_m_·g_h_ea_t_ra_tin_· _r _•_t_th_e __ po_rt_Beach __ to_s.a __ C'Jrwnde ____ -_•_·_"_PWo ______ ----------fOr Mesa Workers Darn!U Mid he l~t control of tbe blke and fell. Reault- be wu treated at the holpltal for a broken left wrlll and aent bome. LIDO SHOPS IJudge S~tences A~IS to Jail Despite 'Influence· C.. I' f I Dll J•tl aurr.& ASA -te>qm)-Pro-..... ...._. _, _.,...,1q ol rrs A UE Okayed by Councll T t Cl Coet& Mua City Council Mon· es ears day nlsht sranted permluion for city employeu to pay for croup hoapltal lneurance throush payroll CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HouaehoW P&rlA -Dealer -Service LIDO EU:<Jl'KIC MU \'la Lido -Hubor 011 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and uaed Cani NIC&EBTL .STUDEBA.KEB 8al• 8emoe Parta Ml& Newport Blvd. -Har. 611 BANKS BUik of America NT A SA "" vt. Udo -Harbor 1616 BARBER SHOPS LIDO tlBAVING KUO la .W-11'• Stora for Meta MU \'la Udo -Harbor 1111 BEAUTY PA.BLOBS LIDO SALON OF BEAUTY "60~ Via Oporto-Har. 1611 ISOOKS 900K CA8E H It Via Udo -Barbor HCM CAJIEBA8 & Suppl.IN , \'lNOt:NT UDO DRlJG8 Htl Via Udo -Harbor IOOJ CABP.ll.~ & DRAPERIES • DIOK MACKER • HIO Via Lid-Barbor UH CATERING lllCHAKD'tl LIDO .MAR.JU:T Un Via Udo -Harbor 1128 CLOTHING -Men'• Ret&ll BJDWELL'8 8 ROP YOK MEN *'~' \'la Udo -Harbor Oita CLOTHING-Womea'a Bet&ll UDO FAMHJONl!J IHU \'la Oporto -u.rttor Ml l 16KADOOCK'8 Hll VaaUdo-lluhrN1' \'Au..USOND BOU8E Jmporte.J Sportawear an• \'la u"'"' -....,._. t004 DKUO ~TORES \'I St;t;.St"K UDO ORl:Ol!J Htll \la UcJo -llarbor 1001 ll...U,'TKIC OONTRACTORS LlOO 1:1 .• IX.'TkJC MH \'la U do -Harbor ntl FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCESTK UDO ORV(I" 1 .. 1 \'I• Ude -Ha,.,,_,r IOOI FILUIES Ii ALBUM.8 OEIUIAJU)T tfTUDIOtl U It \ la Udn -llarbor HQI FURNITURE DICK M.ACKt:R MU \'la Udo -~r ••ta GI.Fl MHOP Kll'.HARD'tl LlDO MAJUlET MU \'la Udo -ear.or 1811 INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. Bt:Ck , lS<". S4aO \'la Udo -Ha.rt»or "" INTE&IO~&.ll'OBS llLA.'iOO n.'.J,.KE&80N A.1.D. Ull \la u.T -llarlNlr 6111 DI< 'k MACll£1l sno ,.,. Udo -Harbor uu 11.AUt."1'8 IUCBA.aD'K UDO llA.KllET HU \'te U4e -a.... SUI N\JK8t:KIE8 UCllAJU>'lf UDO llAIULET Coraas-Table Arn.ncement.a l"8 \'le Ude -RarlMr l8ta PHOTOGRAPH 8TVDI08 OEllBA&DT 8Tt1DI08 l'lt \'la Udo -llarticw .... &UL £STATE • UDO a&ALTV AMOCIATE!I Uc» SaJN It Rentala .... nat.Wo-llartlor4"' ,. a. palmer, ._,.,.,...... ........................ t. Ula vfa IWe -~ IMO \'OOEI. OOMJ' A.Yi' Ml• \'la Ude -Harhr •t'U SA VINOS ell WAN A880CLU'ION8 Nt:WPUKT 11.AJ..BOA IA \'INOS A LOAN A88001ATIO!\' A 8&vlnp lnltJtuUo.n Lons Ttrm Home Loalll J.::' Vie Ude -llarMr tJOI VICE STAftONS UDO &IOID'RLD Mll .N"'POrt Jllvd.-8ar. •1.n lllOE8-llea'a . 111owsu:s STOU: roa M&N NII , ... Udo -..... r .... 111&\TllES LIDO TllEATU Oauult t.hll paper tor prosram V• 1Mo a& Newpwt 8t"-llMtler UH l'Ol'S • UDO 'l'OYLA.~ MU\'laUdo-...,._llM OPBOL8TEBING DICK lllACllEK IUO \'la U. -....... r 6111 ( LlllJll AMII ......... Jina pr-... _.. w: t ,, ... _ a..... ........ ....,. ....... .. State ·Officialdom's Cle•••cr Requests Fail to Mowe Caa I ......... -....._ ..... a.rt .a.Ip --~ E. ... It ... --u.. et.. PllfJ,. ---~~.,_.,la ~-.w.-i-are- Suspect • deductiona. FlllC&l Officer Ray 1n Hartzler WU authorised to pay for the tnaurance by payroll check. Gu Rabbe City Manager Georse Coffey made n · ry It clear there would be no other expenee to the city. Coffey reported the employ- lntereated in the lnaurance plan voted for It la.et ,..eek. The coun- cilmen themaelvH were al.lo ells· Ible for the lnaurance, Coffey aa.ld. SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Ray Adami, the flral man lndlctert In the Orance County Grand_ Jury'1 probe of uaerted Irregularities In liquor llcenae traffic and the !trst convicted, WedJleaday became the flrat aentenced to prl•on. Superior Court Judge Kenneth J:. Morrlaon ordered the :>6·year- old uecutive aecret-.ry or the C.llfomJa Tavern Aun., round guilty of srand theft, to prllOll for the term preecdbed by law (not lua than one year, nor more than 10 yeara.) Adami, M , a Wuhlngton and Sacramento lobbylat, etood emo- Uonleu when the judge pronounc· e4 the aentence. Attorney Bert Wl'lt then filed notice of u appeal to the Fourt.b Dlatrlct Appelate Court and aak· ed for a atay of execution which WU gnnted. Ad&m• ai.o wu conllnued on 16000 ball. pending the appeal. The auave ~Ultneaaman received letten of recommendallon from 16 lawmakera and Secretary of Stal~ Frank J ordan. He ai.o offere" aevei al telesnm• from lnfluentta l friend• and Loa Angeles 13th Dl1t.. Councilman Ernell Debi. Adami, or Olen.dalr. wu con· Thompson Named President of Balboa Bo01len Membe,. of Ule Balboa Im· provemt'ut Auoclallon met a t Newport Harbor Yacht Club Tuu· day night to elect of1lcen1 a.nd dlrectont to aerve the coming ye1u. Namert pre•ldenl wa1 Bill Thomp· 11on, m1'rket Opt'r•tor, who auc· CePdA (Joy Willa. Director• wltl be Mra, Edward Allen. Gene Ellloll, Monte Grunu. Don G11Ader11<>n, Harold Hannaford. Robert Jayred, Herb Kenny. J . B. McNaUy, Jlm Newlln. Don Phil· llpe, Orville El<'hluNer and Hnmr r Smith. Report. on the o~r&Oon ot the: LMOClatlon tor the pai.t yeur wu made by a ecrt'tary Grunu. Pli.nt· Ing ot nearl.y ~ treca on the Pcn1n1ula wu reporled by Grimes who a.IJlo talked of the developmt'nl of the park area a l lht' foot of Ma.in St.. at the plerhead. Creation of fund.I for a commun· tty aJvertlJllnc program wu r~ lated by Orlmu who di•ple.yed th~ attractive two·col.or brochure. tel· ting forth allrlbulel of Balboa which the or~n1utlon ha11 bttn rtustn bUUnc. Healy Re-elected Association Head at Newport ~eet Edward T. He&Jy waa re·elect.ed prealdent recently of lb• Ce.ntral Z'/ewport Beach Community A•· llOC:iatlon. He will aerve for tbe coming year wttb B&mard Hof· finger, vtce-prealdent, and Harold 01 ... 1ec:nt.ary·tr~urer. The put at.a.nd of the uaocla· Uon. the abatement of lhc: city trailer park with the area to be con•erted Into a ytar·round re· creaUon park, waa rt'a.fflnned by lht' ,.roup. The IUl80Ciallon ... d the matter of what It oalla the "huard, nule· ance and unal(htly appearance ot the Standard OU Tanks" will be directed to Ole office of th!' <'lvll defen.e. Support of the Lea(Ut' or Ci•lc Aaaoci&Uona. lbe Wut Newport lmpronment Auoclallon and the Newport I.a.land AJu1oclatton In their project to f'llmtnate odor ln the art"& waa voked. Six bo&r<J mf'mbera and dt'l.- ptea to the Le&Jue of Civic M· aoctatlon1 wlJI be cho.en at the next meeUnc. TeWinkle Ill MW• Oii Auoclatioft Vote Councilman Charleii TeWlnldl found hlmMlf in a p~ apot dunnr Monday ntrht'a Co.ta Meaa'a City Col/.JICU -'On. The Newport BaJbo& Bannc• and Loan A-1Alloa requeat«! rd'wld or a weed abatement chars• on three n•.-a.cn Iota. City Maft&l'er Oeorp Cotr.y rec!Ommended tile reqveat be d.-. al ed. W.Uly, TeWlnkle emJUed the IGlle "no.. vote. He·a a member ot the ~­ uon·a board of d1recton. csaie4 C , p .... t) dlarp. J'or the aeeond Ume ln recent vtcled by a Superior Oourt jfltly ....,. -....,. piilty ot weelu, a lie detector teat haa clear- of the unl&wtnl ~ ot -• n a p; '1' ..._ ill Ule eel a man arreat~ by Coata Meaa on-11&le general liquor ~ ,_. Su.Alie ._...,, ., ,_. .,._ police of complicity ln alleged arm- M iu M elltu Fonltt' d i...c-.._. ~ ~ 91!1 ..._ I.-ed robbery of Pop'• Cafe lul De- Beach. ...._ -n. SM4 -9Cq11it· emnber. when '31 wu reported "We'll be happy to aend you a bill lnatead of a check at the tint of each month," Coffey com· mented. HAPPY llRTHDAY TO AL Strawberry King of Ooata Me .. , Al Forl'it, at.a known u tile Newport ocean and bay fl1hlns aeer, abovt', recelvea hearly Ml from hi• wife, Pee, on occa11lon of birthday party hfld at J'orglt'1 Hardware, honoring owner. -Staff Photo The convicted taftf'll .--.. .,,,. --mu :tWii!l•lllC ...-.. ~ll b:1 John W . Stewart, pro. lion ottlcial admitted takillc --.... dlmp ...., ...._ fall ~ prtetor ot th• cate. In the toms ot a culder"a dlecll ... • 11--Ima Police Chief Art McKenzie Mid There W•re no taken. from Miu Forster. Tiie 11iomme1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~---------~--~~~~~~----~~~~~~------~---~~~~-~------~~----------~ WU Wied ill a S.. ,_ 0..-- trano bar. Mayor Praises Boys' Cl1ll'1 Accom,tm•e•I In recoin.ttioll f1' Natkmal ..,.. Club Week. Mayor Oma 0. - today called atteatica to cm--- (ty aupport of tbe ~ A.- Soya· Club. ''11lll fine •& I lion deaerwe• tbe ~ ... ~ lion of all of our au-.. -.,,. said. The lhetne c:4 UU. ,,_ra ..,_. Club Week Is "Ope~ ,_ nile Decency" au an otf..-t • juvenile delinquency. ao f 1' r4 today. Mayor H1lJ added aer-ao- menl with • atatem.-t 1-..d .., J . Edgar Hoover. ~ al tk Federal Bureau 01 ~ and a member of tbe ~ Board of Direct.on or Boy_. a.a of Amerle& amoe lMJ: "The Boye' Clubs ol a_..,. b&ve made a llOCaMia ..... ......_ over tbe yeara. to tbe ........, <A deueocy amoac our ~ n. Callhlul work ~ ta-Cl-. a commUJllty alter c•_.....,7 1-e shown uu~t J UYt'mle • "vr ~ ca.n be ddeated. ·· TWO ACADEJIY A \V A&D PICTIJll.EB START WED. ONE WEE& (),,, • ""~t ··-.......-.. ,. ----------·----·-·-:.:"-::·==· ----·· - ----------B':w(-:-~,. _....., ______ _ --.----·----. ------ il>O RT~ ~·--,., . ~.: .... , . Come Drive America's Best-Selling Car! Cqmplete and official registrations for December, 1954 and January, 1955 (the first two complete months for which comparative ftgistration figures are available on '55 models) show that •• e MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING · '55 CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI It's Eny II 511 Why Chevrolet's the B1st-S1ll1rl • •'••_,., ...... Med ear with the beeuty _. .-&tf J BodT by Fiaha .•• Hisft· IA"fl'lli '\"..di.boa Sywtem • • • 6 ~ne­ ~ cl: 1 i ru, iaclad:.itag AtDerica '1 moet • I cs f_. l.wal,prieed!) VS ... 12--•olt -..w.a .,-.. .•. the aa.re-loot.ed 1moothne11 or Clid.e-Ride Front Supen· aion and Outrigger rear aprinp • • • the Hie and llUnneel or Bell·Race Steering. Come ·take the wheel -end eee bow ell the.ti esclui .. r .. ~ pat Chevrolet way, way oat ahead ol ha 6eld I I I ~CHEVROLET~ t ·~-' Sal•• Leoder for 19 Strtllght Yeort MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1-.W-C1 I 11 .. aat NIWPOIT llACH