HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-31 - Newport Balboa Press• ' r 48th YEAR -NUMBER '9 TIMELY RESCUE SAVES COUPLE Dramatic rescue of two per- eons caught in atrong rip Udea yesterday off 30th St. was made by Lifeguard Lt, Bob Moore u siated by Ufeguard Vic WllJion. • ma.1. Aulo8T VISIBLE -Newport Beach men with county officials triM yester- day to tnee down the eource of any and all smells that may be offending delicate .,.. iD tbe neighborhood. They are shown above looking down into the tank into wllida flow9 all of the 8eWage handled by the Talbert Drainage District: From left, ~a-rm, Anthony Sidlow, Paul Gergin, J. B. Stoddard and Jam.ea E. Edwards. Susan Sheddon, 14', Arlhig- ton, was caught in lite rip while riding a rubber 1urf mat. Jack Briz:on, 26, al110 from Arlington, plunged in after her with hi• clothes on but was unable to rescue her. The' pair wu 800 feet off- anore when li!eguarda arrived. Moore and Wlleon swam out to the pair while Llfel'IJ&rd Captain Jack Jones enllated the aid of e.n untdenUfled dory flaherman who plck,.,t up lhe four and broug'ht them tnto lite Newport pler. 9•" Photo LOCAL ODOR SURVEY MADE BY . OFFICIALS Ca..ty, City Experts Tour Bad Areas Causing Nasal Irritation Monterey in New Drill Try Across River lt.eqmnt for a permit lo drill a trttll west ot tM Santa Ana River ao.J t~ ft><et Inland from the cout Bipnray wy tiled with lbe Stat<e a.n.11 ot Xatural Reeource11 by llonteny Ot1 Company tb111 week. Tk drill aite baa be-en ata.ked 911t a.ad lncalaon of a rig on the a te bas bo>t'n or~red by Mnn- .,,..} J oint venturers In Ole well w'1l be Wootuey, Humble and ~ 00 Comll&Jlln with Mon- tn•y .,. the opc~ratoc. "?bl-proptrtv tr> bl' 1trlllrd hi lr.,...l bv :\t1onlNc·y from the uwn- ~ an th<" arr,,, Tb., n<"w J nll •at,. 1 ... j tlllt Inland frno.ll lbf' H11n11ngl<>n Beal·h Sltall' P•rk •••" which the !<lall!' has In· '1 ''\tl"d at 'A'lll oCfcr for lt>a!le tor wtl1pdO<'k "IM'rataon!I Into a !lip· p--.1 t1'1• la<rt1I pool oft !hun . Th--a r ... , ha.a beo!n n·rwat<'llly t.appr<t in y•.lr • past a n•I an th•• at• ... , ! th• new explonallon tht•re t.:L• .,_.,, "'' t l'turn. lnlanct from UliP ., .. ,, 'her .. hts b<'rn rrl'<Jvery m qo1 ~nt1• ,~ •uJ:wlrnt to p11y NHUHS Beac;on Wins Honors in Contest An overall picture ot poaslble odor lfOurcea ln the vidnJty o! Newport Beach wu pe.lnted yea- ter-day for county air pollution of· flclala. Taking moat of the for enoon for the trip Anthony Shllow. a.Ir pol- lution control officer and Paul Gergen, lnveallgator for the coun· ty &Jr pollution gro.ip. went wlt.b Councilman J. B. Stoddard and water pollution reprt!aentatlve for the city health departml'nt; Jamee Edwards. prt'sldt>nt of Newport Island A1u1oclat1on, Inc. and Jo· !!t!pb Guerin, rc>prcsenUnc the As· soclatlon. BEGIN IN UPPER IJA Y Thia group atarled at the Uppu Bay Art'& and lnveatlgated pump- ing atatlona for the sewer Jine11 &JI the way to the elough area that border11 the &anta Aft& rtftr. ln Ulla area \bey -w open ~l oil sump!! antl ovl'rflOWt trom oil riumplng planu. J•'rom there the group visited the sewagt> tri>atmi>nl plant eut nr the Se.nta Ana. riv11r and aaw the <•pen ovt'rflow from the ~1- bert Dralna~e Dl~tricl. Thie over· now. the county men were t oll! by S to\ldard. wlll ehortly be direct· •'•I 1nt11 the old outrall which rune 3000 !el'\ lplo the ocean at thr mouth of the Santa Ana rlvrr. Pip¥ for lhlll connection ltaa al· ready been laid. but final connec· (C'nntlnllf'CI oa Pa~e 6) to Harbor High after being a.n ex· c·hange tt•acher ln the Netherlands, \\'811 publl8hW Oct. 27, 19M. MIH T >orolhf'" Hllllart1 11 Joumali1m lf'arhl'r a t the school. The Bl'aron tied with Santa Ana for third plltce for but front pa,re. Jim Everl!on tied for flf'1'l pl•c• In bei<t column wllh Orllllge. I The Braron l'&me In tor fourth ~-port Harbor Union High place mention In the beat &11· ~-~,.,,,. HI •l'nn. lO"tudent nt'w,.. arounrl new~paper <'lualrJcaUon. r-r"•· <'llme In for fi ve m11jnr Thi' Santa Ana High School Gene. a•...r•ls tha a!tc-tn•lOn at lhl!' I rator won the !Weep•lAkea trophy S&IU& \ na <:'">llrge Joumnlu1m wlth lhf' Andhelm Anoranco 11ec· w-o•Ul:l.,r ond lllld the Orange Refiector Stu.k'nl• acceptlHJ flnil plat-f' t hlro a..-.,. 1~ tor t h,. be•t .-po)rtio •l'l"Wm j Vtri;-11 f VTP 1 P11rtch =-i-wport .,,, """°l fntur,. St'd1nn )t111J< H11rt>nr c"1'toon lst, \\ill be one ot !lhamo C'tnwt a<'<',.pte-1 lhr lh1r<J 1 h" kry 1<pe11kl"r~ Ill 11n author'11 m r>l 1''"'f' the hf'sl 1nt,.rvl,.w. Theo M nf!'rrncr tontirht 11t the ••nil"~~ &:l!~l"W \\o lh Mra. Juhn p, r<'"I· fnllowlru~ the AflPrnO<ln joumallarn fl" t:n.thah 1e11<"hf'r who rt'lurn,.<I 11t'!l\'1llP11. Port Orange Expansion Plan Bared Barrett Says Large Trailer Park Project Under Way Announcement ot a long-range apaulon plan for-a fisherman's trailer park to include an undieclolled number of trailer apaces, new coffee ahop and offices wu umo~ today by J . S. Barrett of Port Onnp. W.ork 19 UDdel' .,_ now on the initial stages of the project which will include 12 of 32 trailer 11pa<..-ea on the b&y Completed plana call Jor eirp&n· 11ide Of CoMt Hlgltway at Port aton or the propoeed tra1ler park Ora.nge. Each space Is pl&nnl'd to to Barrett'• property a.croaa Cout accommodate a cabana lo be bulll Highway from Port Orange. by the lesee. Barrell saJd he ill PLA.""f 100 SPACES lntPl"ellted In att.racllng people He aald ape.ca for approx:lmately who love lo f:lllh and wlJI make 100 trailen and cabanu la planned lbe tra.ller-caban&s their perm&.-u well u new eating faclUUea and nent, yea.r-rou.nd rc.aldenoe.. ' and office. BOAT WAYS FlUZD Barrett wd It may take from The boat way• tn front ot Ule two to five yean to complete the belt recelvens are now beln( tilled project which a1ao c:aJla tor re· ln, he aald. The next 11Lep of the mode.Ung of aUpa tn front of Port pl&n wUI aee the 12 ~cea exp&nd· Orange to a«ommodate nahJ~ ed to 32 and the eventual remov· boat. wttb a a.cUon ~aimed for al ot lite exiAUng 12 colt.A«• yacht.. OFFICIALS DRAFT NEW CITY OIL ORDINANCE Wlth alate 1e.-11laUon likely to affect Newport Brach Udeland11. city council Monday nJght inat ruct· ed City Ma.narer John Sallora and City Attnmey Karl Lynn Davis t o pr,.pare 11 n!'w oil ordmnnce gov- "mang petroleum producUon here. Coun, 1lm11n J. B. Stoddard, ru111· werlng the m11n1 i:t'r'11 question If he wl11hed to bring up IJJ)f'<:llll oal ordinance maltt>n, 11111<1 the Stan· lev bill. AB 2i38 w(luld nullify lhl' ('llY rhartf'r wtllrh prohibit.! new 011 r.lnlllnit within lhe 1·1ty W1thout aprrov11l or the rl~clorrol,. H.-conl,.ndrtl thr rll)• •houl<I h8''" an ordlnanl'e 1lrt1flfll "In <'1\H 1t ,l(Ot'I I hrOUj:h" th,. legl11l11t11r P. 1 F'or rllalnru• I cm11me11t. 8('e Pagt:' 2. Pait 111). In•lructed the managn to tennl· nate commeTclt.l usage ot the 19th St. P ier because o! unaanit.ary con- dlUona preva!Jfnc IJ\ publlc rut · rooms there. Delayed to April 11 dtclelon on re1111bdlvt11t"n or • lot owned by Jamu Van Every, 3130 Snv1ew Ave. Referred to lht tra.fflc commit· tee a lctltr f rom s.Jboa Improve- ment A~clatlon prolr1Un~ heavy traJfic on Bay Av,. bt'lwttn Ml\ln l\n\J A RlJI when heavy truck• and truck tratlen U!le t.he road. Rl'f,.rre1l to the city manager rr!'ommf'ndllllon.-from M. Dudley HuJ:h•'ll, rllv oil l'Onrultant, for co11 lro1 nt otl opHa t1on11. Ssllora H~RBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 19M Phone Harbor 1616 SLOW DOWN! 45-mile Speed Coves, Cypress 'BACRAKENTO, MARCH 31 - r.tabUllhment of a epeed limit of 45 mUea an hour for l mile on lbe Cout Highway 1U. 8, High· way 101 Alternate) between Bal- boa Coves Entrance and Cypreaa St. In Newport Beach, wa.a an- nounued today by the Stale De- partment of Public WorkJi. I I The new speed zon,. extenda between two exl11tlng 35-rnlle Z<>nea. Reduction of the 11peed limit from 55 mllee e.n hour wu rec· ' ommended by State Highway En· I gineer G. T. M cCoy following an engineering and traffic atudy by t.be Dlvll1lon of Highways, The Newport Beat.It Police Department concurred In lhe recommendation. The change wlll be effective with the po.1Ung of algna, probably .. MU. U~NETIJ COOU.'(0 Cooling Out. -rr.fflc volume on tbla llt'Ction wtthln a week. p e t e °' the four-lane divided ttlgltwey r1es ID as averagu 18,000 vehlcle1 dally. Pause. Dockins 1!~~~~e!~ K ...... (Florence) Coollilg', Monday nlg'ht F t • H els wu ~oved from of/I~ by city a e ID an council. which a ppointed City Clerk C. K. Prl•t u treuurer. f My Jodat Council look Priest'• dutlea u 0 g ublir infom1allon Officer Of the etty away lroM hJm. (For edit.- ta.I comm•nt -.,.... t. put m). BANTA ANA, MAR. 31 <OCNS) A minute rl'eolullon WH adopt- -An 8-man, 4-woman •uperlor ed. expr<'ulng the coum·il'a and court jury lhl• attemoon w••Khrd c11y·11 1tppr~latlon for Mn. Conl- Ule fate ot 1111apend"1 Orange lnj(ll work while 11t1n•lng aa tht' County liquor chief Herman P11.wie t'lrcted t'lly tr .. uwer. a poeiUon and Glover Oockln.t. ~he won in 19tl2 u a wrlte·fn Ca.rt· The defendants are accu11ed or <11Jate while not eeeklng the office obstrur llng JUAllce and the due publicly. A ll"gal oplmon wu admlnlJltraUon or the law. ,.,.Ad from the city attorney'• nf· J URV RETl'RF.8 fie ... • to t he t'ffe<l th•t und!'r the Superfor Coun. Judge Franklin Sttlfons or lhe city dtuter both o. We.It wound up hla Jury 1n8tna·· city t'lrrk t\nd treasurer posle are tton11 at 11 :30 a m. Juron1 Imme~ appt'inll\"1!'. dlalt ly r,.tlred to chamber~ off the A rtMmmt'ndallon from a jC\b maJn courtroom to begin thrlr de-lltfl'f'V firm, htrl!d by lite tttunc·ll, ltberaUona. rccommeond1>d M,... Coolln1f• Job All 12 must a.gTNI In order to be cont10lldated with that or city con\'lrt lhe defendante. <'lrrk. lnumu<'h llll hf'r po!dllon reuse w1.11 lndleted by the dltl not n'qutre full time work. an(! Oranitl' County Grand Jury on lht I "Ontt•n<lln~ that mo11l or hf'r work allegation lie u8ed hl11 oWre for w11.11 auoinr ll1<ht'd by her deputy per80nal p in In the uaJ\t&nce a nd 811'°"' "Y· tr&nlller of lllJU(lr lloen11e11. Dock· .M a•. C'oolinl' Mid tod1tv: IM Santa Ana mu11tr machine "M11y I hC"rrby thank th,. vot,.r11. vr~dor, 111 allegrd L(I havr con11ptr· 1 thr rr"""· th" city otflt'Lal• and ed with PuWle In ll cf'nill' eppllca-en1p1 .. ,.,.,,,. Wh() hiwe eupported me Uona for Snuit Harbor, formerly tn '" 1 \"tni: 11• '''"'''"<J rtty tr .. ~surt't known &II lhl' H&rbot Cafe. I d11rln1t thf' ra.•t tl':t I'•' Y<'Arll The pro8<'<'Ullon Ml!erted f't'\'tral irregulartUu an the application Woodward Theft and tranA!n of ll~naea to the cafe w hJch waa flr11t operated hy I Theft or powrr .,Ji:rr rrom thf' Pau.se'1 Wife's flillher &nd later by b~d Of a lruck p&tk,.J OUlaltJe the Mra. Clare Beebe, Pauee·11 •l•ler. rear of tht 8" hv/\I bus gara)!f' w111 FOROIED SIGNATt:"REA rrport"'1 ,'0 pollcl' yeatnJ&y by The proeecullon &llegl'<I &l'veraJ ThomH \\no.Sward. U~.l!t•nt 11u-Jl('rlntrnd,.nl of lK'hoola for the •lgnatul"e11 were forged on the :-.: .. wport Beach Elemrntary School document•. OlatrlcL He vall'l'd Ult' lo.a at Th' dcfen&e argued lhe proll«U· 1 1 ~ lion waa ruilty of altempUnc to --·------------throw up a "5moke &Cret"n"' to ob· et MJct the true tacu . They 11.l110 etruck at the tettlmony or key prOlleCUUon wltneu Mn1. Ch&rlolte H~ or N"wp<in S-ch. She opent.te<1 the Harbor Cale for the PauMa late In 19:!1. More Time for Defense • ID Track Removal Case More delay in moving Pacific Electric Rallway Co. tract. age out of NewJ>Qrt propet-resulted from yesterday'a P1ahUe Utility Commiaaion two-hour hearing u the firm r.c.lftd a 4().day delay to submit additional polnta in the &l'IUIMDt. At the end of the afternoon the company attorney, Wa_Jter A. Steiger of Loa A.n.g-elee, asked menta to pa.rta ot UI• Jaad ... addlUonal time to 1ubmlt addJllon-eluded 1n the ProceedtnsL Tll• al poanu and City Attorney Kart etatement declared u.. ~ Lynn O.vla wu Jiven an e-qual hu no authority to coedemn theM time lo answer. parcela u tlteae com~ee are not ln the meantime the company public utllitJea and not 111:1bject to attorney declared lite petition tor lite jurtldlctlon of the eommi.ton. condemnation lnauftlcleot and de· manded the commt.alon diamlaa 'Ille hearing opened wtth Bert t.he whole procttdinp, a motion Webb, city enrtneer, u ftnt and which Wilaon E. Cllne, U&mlner. only wttneaa of th• attemocm. 11itllng for lhl' · comm1uton. took Webb produced a ~ ot the under advlaemuit. property tnYOlwd whJ be lclentl• A• part of the a.cu.on by lhe fled pl•ce by piece u • pucelAI company the attorney flied With which the city wUlbee lo condemn. the comml.ulon • atatt>ment which Followtnr hi• teaUmoriy R. B. CU. lneludrd a claJm lite comml.lalon aa.t'ly of the comm•lon lltaff qu ... wu without power to order con-lloned hJm aa to Ilia lnc1u.6on ot demnallon of th• railway prope.r-certatn lmpronment. OG th• prop- ty unlll .uch a procHdfnl" bad the erty to -lf he WOlllld have IA· approval of the lnter11tate Com-culded theDI In an lnveatory. Some merce Commi.l .Ion. The &ttomey of them Webb MJd be would ln- dKland the Ctty of Newport elude and ~• not and on que.- Be&ch abould tlrat file a petlllon Uon declared lboe OllN he did not for dlaconUnuance of the raUway Include were not perl.1ntmt to the auvtce wtUI the 1. C. C. and that operallon of U1e ~. until • rullnc .. ma.de .,, that TO .. DCLtJDSO col'CIJll1-km the p..-t petlUon ebould be Mid ln a.beyaace.. NOT Pl1llLIC l'TO.ITIS8 T ,,. •••• __ , --....... 1a ._...f/lelladnaf/ltMeoCoplla. the Padltc Land Co. and UN Southern Pacltfc Railway Co., wltlch an llat.d u h•rinl' ..... Included ln the tmprovementa Webb Mid M would aclude from anolnvenlory were the Vane• .Roof -a,.. Co.'a IM"Ml11.. 1M11141np u.cd llf' .. ~,.... • ,._ i.ulld· lflW ... ..,..... at UM nortllem end of the property and a PQWf'r (0-tla_. • rap I) MESA OFFICIALS SEE RICHFIELD OIL WORK Tour of Facilities leach Procluctlon T oclay in Bus In an effort to prove •t te- ment~ that an oil tll'Ld in a c m11n1ty need not br "not•y. tmell7 or offf'n11 ve t(I •ny rH ldtnt.'' Rich· r1ell'I 011 Qlr-p t0<lay rumhahf'd a corporation bu• lo 1a,ke t::i Costa Mt'&& city off1ch1ls and rf'porten on a tQur of oil flelit 1n1tallatlon1 In Lon,; U...ach Of-parting E. 18th St. acrh"3 t he •ln•"l from the M"'a po11t offtc" at 9 a m the party tnrlnJrd City Co11nr1lman C'h11rlt'11 T(Wtnkle. lite rnUr,. MrAA r lty plUlnlnl' con1ml1U1IOn, anti rr· r~11 .. ntallVH fn>m Mua ( "hambf'r or Commerce a.ntl Fr,.('(!om Tu· payera lia,;ue, Jnc. Sp<>kMITT'llln for RlrhflrM, I~ by Atlomi>y Mervin Pht'lllll. llJn'l'e<I to T'f'qUf'.!lt a ••eek"11 rtl'l!ly from the Orange County Pta.nnlng Com· mlulon In conalderaUon of a drill• 11te var1an041 Immediately out• lllde C'o1 ta Meaa'a north ell)' Um- ll1t. Th,. eounty comml•lon wa. auppol!ll"d to rule upon the matter yea-terdAy. Agr.-ement to lh• delay t<> allow further conald.raUon of the vanance by the Mea& pla.naere Wllll made by RJchtleld dUMDC Co .. ta Meaa City Planrunc c omm1 .. a1on mf'"llnit Monday nl(hl • Nrwport Jwttce court. PRO ASD CON After p•lnllnc a complet.11 1rlow1ng plrturf! vt RJchtleld t~ oil flrl•IJI, the oil r.ompany spoke•· m"n hnrd hot prote.U acainat any lYf"' nt oil •ctlvlty In tM Me• wher,. Rlchtteld bu purch&Md mineral rltthta cOYertns; 1500 (C-U.-4 •hp I) COAST COLLEGE HOSTS CITIZENS COMMITTEE Jn .. 11ier ar ll•\n, rnun~ll: n .-r.•rrf'1I pelltlfan• fnr a.nd A· Jt"lllntll an ~xten1l0·ol t'tlrkang lot ru~tl'rlv nr :"f'WJ'lfol t P lrr to thr r1t y man.•i:~r r"r 11tu1ly. F'uml~ fr<>m p111 k1ng mN <r revrnue wo111u tin11nt'" thr c•xpan~fon pl11n. will 11t u•ly them and report back -------------- ~rill hundred "twJiOrt Hu-I }'t'Br wlll i<t',. A nt'w 1't'lf'nre bull/I- ~ ,,....Jd,.nts. member.s uf l.be cit · lnJ:. renrndelJng (•f rll111.•rnonu, 11<1· 12#"'1'11 .arlYtM>ry cnmmllteoe. wne <11 t1r1n to the t•'Chnl<'ll l h111ldlnic. Jlniit<rd by Orange Co.at Coll~ire I "We llrl' nrlt' of few jun10r t11lle11;1·9 admini.tnitton and faculty at a to rnmplell' the rampu11 rm a PAY· cll.nnif'r wt nlchl. De<licalion of M-YUH·,l?'o ba111s:· Pet.eN!on 111tld. the conece'• new audHonum 1u1d 1 .. ,.,,.e do not antklpste coming bsC'k mt&Sk bw1d1n( followed. j to Mk the ~opll' for more monl'y," Dr. BuU l'lrtenon. collel"e pre11I-f'f'terl!On 1111 ld. ~t. tolit the «TOUP enrollment The pre.~ident H id u fu a.s the b DOW al 1218 day o1tudenta and 11chool 8dmlnl11lrat1on know11 now, la t'SpP'Cted to hit ovtr 2000 by the colll'ge wlll tcm 11.ln s two-ye8r J~ Tbe ~ce st&rted ln 1948 11l'hool. "\\'' hnve no 1111p1ratton11 with ~1:. aitudenta. :"'ight l'll'hOOI [to have a fn11r-ye1n C'ollege here."' ~ent '9 oow ovl'r 442:'>. Petrrson PXJ'la1n.-<1. "The 11lAte ~ TOW ''""il!ll11tur' recommendl!I no mQre He ..act total expe:nditurn a l the four-y<'ll~ college~ be built In <""all· Kbool u ot July, 19~ a.re $3 •• fornlr1. \\ e have Long Beach State ~.~o. all rtn.anced on the 29 Cc>llege near .us 11.11d w:. need a so- ttnta pa SIOO a.Mell8ed valullllon r111led f"'?Ple 11 college, taa Toted by the community in Ol TSIDE DISTRICT JHS. n. 1~ e.:.hool year wlU Ht-1"&.id 40 per rent ot the cur- kmc ow MYen·yH.1' buil dl . I rf'n l enrollment Ill from Qutslde sram to a doee. be ll&ld. nr pro-I lht' college dl11trlct. "W~. do not Ptterwota Mid butldlng pl&na for ~d~cate them for nothing-, ht utd. aw rnrutJnckr of thia year caU tor \\ e gt't a tuition from their -~t-,_ lfbn.ry add1Uon _ county equ&I to cost of educatlns la4Jdehn.r oC tbe uphol.stery b~~~-them plus 1100 pl'r atudcnt:· ~ ~n f~ track. b&Mbllll Dedication ceremonleJI of lltl' ~ and bletlchen. connt'ctlon new buildings were Attended by Win. :Mif'tropoUta.n Water Ol!lt nct ~Arbor re111<l«nt.A Wh(I crnwd~d the -a tv::flllC ot tJw rootblllJ field. l .00-11el\t t\lldllorlum. Studenta of t tht' r1lllP1?e prtl<ent«I a muslr lll r"• ~ <'0~8TIU"CT10S ,,Je. hrln(:lt1 ~ bnr k many old fll· ~ llu1JdiAc prosra.rn for nut 1 vonte eoaes astd comedy rouUnta. Ring to Urge Site for Harbor High While in Capitol ApflllC'allon of =--ewport Harbor llnlon H igh SrhM I for a 11trip nr the olll army Air b&l't' .tor a nrw high 15/-h1iol Ill\,(! Will be 11dvancl'tl 118 rnul'h All po!l:d!)le by H. R Ring. =-:"""P''rt 8 ••1tch member of the hljth ,rhool board, "·hen he vl11lb \\'a 11hlnftl"n, D. C., on • trip eaet. Ll'avlni: thl' flr•t ot the week, Ring lntend11 to lnrlude Ws'l'lng· ton In h la ltancra.ry &o that he can ca.U on loclll rl'prnl'nlallveA In congrua and urg,. thl'm to further acllvtty ln behalf or the if>e&I board. While th~ c-0n._~1111ml'n hllve 1ignlf1e'1 by letter that thc>y an! lookJng a rtl'r the 1t1i:h Mhool'1 lntereata, Ring f!'f'la r<·~~•hlv " per· l!onal c111l will t-mrhiHlu th" n,.P<l for pu~hlng lhroush l h•· ~,.hoot'• appllca lion. to roun1·11. A pprnp11ate<1 up lo 11200 to send a hw11I poll<'<' offker to the FBI school tn \Vashlnicton. D. C. to take " 12-week training counse Au.r. 29. Booked on Bad Checks in SA SANTA ANA, MARCH 31 <OC· "s 1 Mrs. Tho mu Schaubert, 31, ot 61:1 12 Be1tonaa Ave .• wu Ar· rcslt'd by Santa Ana pollre yuter· tlar on rhargea of 1s11ulnc worth· leH chrckl!. S a.nl& Ana police all.Id today hold.a have been placed on the wome.n by oth!'r communltlea throughout the Southlanl! on chargee of I 11 • u I n 1 worthll'llll checks. Sgt. H. H. Ely of the S&nta Ana forgery detail aald he had hearo tram Se.n Dles;o. Whit· tier, Lo11 Angelu Co1mty alterlff'1 office. Norwalk. Pico &nit other C'ommunlllu where th• .womru1 usertedly culled fkUtiOUll c:heclul. The woman rtportedlr ueed a Santa Ana addreu on lhf' bottom of hu checu. Oftlr,r11 slAt,.<1 they did not have any Idea how m&.111 had beeA ~ HARIOR WEATHER S.A1''TA ANA iOCNSl-O"nge C'..ounty Wuthcr F'orecut-Clear today through F'nday. Loca.lly windy near canyon11 today. W&nn· er t oday w1tb high neu 80. Newport Beech --Sunny wllh high today neAr 7:1. Water tem- perature 60. 'l'f>lllSMll'llhl,... tlle put Wf!ek la the Harbor .,... •·ere: RI IA>W Friday, March 2~ ...• 66 47 Saturday, Marl'h 26 .. 64 49 Sunday, March 27 ·-.. 68 ri3 ~lonctay. March 28 ... 68 :141 Tui-Mlay, Marr.h 29 .. 63 62 Wedne&day, MATCh 30 64 :il Thuraday, Mllrclt 31 64 .,7 Delivery GuaralltHd Dt-llvery ot the NeWJ>Ort Harbor Ntw•·'""-la guar- anteed. Carrle.r boy1 wUl de- llttr their papera befort e p.m. on Monday and Thur•· day. U your paper la nol dt- Jlvered by that hour pl,ue cllll Harbor 1818 and a 1peclal route man will lmmediately respond w1lh 7our copy of your Nt'W"p<>rl Harbor Newa- Preaa. ................................ ~~ COOPERATION OFFE&-We would not b..? averse to any reasonable regulation•. ct. claims Richfield Oil Corp. Attorney Mervin Phelan, with gesture., before Me.a clty planning commiuion Monday night. Phelan stands beside a map of Richfield leulnt activity which compa.ue8 1500 acns of land inaide and outaide Coata Mesa city limlta. Under consideration by lieu dty planners wu a stand in regard t-0 request for a drill site variance immediately out.aide Mea city limits. Included in the picture from left are Commiaaioner11 Art Meyer11, H. C. Sampeon. E. L. Patterson, Walt Weimer. Ha.rt. Phelan, Building Official A. J . Volz, Setretary Margaret MutTay in foreground and la background Ru.ee Boggie, Paul Ni~n. Robert rearsol &nd Jack McClean. -St&U Photo • PAGE 2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 Effort for City Master Plan Continued by Mesa Chamber Costa "'""" C"hs mber of C-om· m "t <'" will , •int tnttl' a .trlvt> lo trf· t• r\'Sl n ty uff1r lal.11 In cr<'aling R )talitt•r l'lun fur lht• rommun1ly. II "''na lm11ratNI nl I\ Mnnday l!Pl!lllnn or the ch1rn1hl'r'11 plannlni: 11nl! umln&; romm1ll•"' tn Hal'lwr lfou~'" Ch111ril11n1 W1llur.t T. J <•r<lnn 1.,. ka8f"tJ ronlrnl:. of letlt>ra whir l\ in· d icat1'<1 cost or 1mch a plan would ran1,;c aro1Jnd S 12 000. At th~ aam" Umt, pll\nll were lnlrl to bring Cordon \\'hltnall. n planning expert. nr 1111me othrr m1111tcr plan ellvn1·ate Into Costa Me ... n tn ptt~ent all n•'CUMry fart" for cnn~trlrr&tlon by rlly plannln.: cnmmlHlll•m m"mh1·r111tnd cllv councllmrn. A epe1·111l mrel· tni la eJ1pectPd to ~ an arii:rd In & f••\V Wt'f'k!t. ,\ letter !rum J . F:dwar<l H arp. a.11sll'llant r 1t )' man111:cr uf Red· land,., lo chumbt>r Prt>!tlcl•'nl Don Youths SeekinCJ Life Guard Work May Now Apply Any vounir man. JR or O\'er, or who will be 18 nn May 1, may a pply for 11caeon111 t'mplnyment In t he Nl'wp<irl Hra<'h llfr g1wrd 1er\flce, before llf•Y J , atattll J al'k, J ones, captain or Lhl' local life ~uard11. Applications 11ho11l1I be martl' Ill the Balboa fire hall, 703 East Dov .A\fe Applicant mu1tt p liM a re- q111rert physical .--comlnatfon. han a t leMt 20-30 \'1~1011, takl' a rom· petltlve pertormarwt• examini1t Inn or one halt mlle 11wlm anrt a run· •wtm-nin or 800 yarcL,. Hutfllll'Rton revealed that commun· tty lnstallrd a mll!ltcr plan at a r .. ~1 or Sl2.000. to101 planning com· mi~~1rm budi:et tor 19~2·:'.13. C.:ll~t or &n ttonomlc real'arch or the M"su wu 11et In a range from $8000 lo $18 000 in a IHter rt>cl'1 \•P<I by J urdj\n from H. A Pru'f', mana~er of the Stan!onl Re.111>arch lnstlt11t1on'a economlc11 rl'!ff'arch bureau. Wrote Price: "Such rP.scorch t•en p~vent dla· organized and uneconomic develop· ment of a rPg'lnn or community by getting Its rPllOUrcea and Its commltmenta tn r<'1ldenllal. com- mt-rrl11I and industrial development in· propi>r halanec 110 lhnt lantl value• will be optimized. A aounrl rramework of N'onomlc planning ;::1\·e:1 rommunlly plnnneni a devlrl' for evaluating m1d conlrolllng 11c· tlville~ or mMter planners and ll<!· veloper1." AFFAIRE D'AMOUR ENDS IN INJURY Sherman W. Burkhart. 2:?, nr 373 Wlllmn St .. Coala Mr AA. \\Ml 1rr'ltrd S11nrln\' at Hon~ H1 !ip1lnl for lnj111 ;es to h 1:1 r11.hl knee which he aalt1 or· cu11 .. 1I when 11n 1111!dentlflrd as•nllant at1a<'11t•d him. lit' said he was a l a locnl drive-In with •'friends when a former boy friend o( one or t he .:Iris In his party came up to the cnr 1rnd eni:l!J;cd her In conversation. Burkhart 1!8lll whrn he objected lo the con· vl'r!lal1on,, the unldentlf1l'd man punche1I h im In thP mnulh. Burkhart aald he r ot ouL ot the car . a tusi;le took plarP llntl hi!! right knee \VRll Injured. DEATH NOTICE a short lllneaa. He wu a. naUvo ot London Eng land and came lo thi.3 country and lo Costa Mua &IRS. Cl.EO CA.\IP t'ljt'ht yurs ago. He wu a retlr?d Tunenil 1erv1cra for M1 "· Cl~ i·ngineu. Survlvora are hl11 w ire, I l.oulH Camp, e~. nt 103 Via An· I Slmonnl": 11 nlne·yNt.r·old aon. tibea will b" hrld In Parke11-Kldll'y Michael or the llomc addre1111. ln·l Mort.uuy Ch&pt'I. Cost.a l\1c11a, Lerl'ment was In Holy Sep1Jlr hre Saturday flt 10 a.m. Thi' Hev. Koy Cemetery. A . C'arl.l!On. pastor or Christ Church by the Sea, wlll otflclatr. JOllS E:\fER\' SARGEST :r.trs. Camp dlert &t her home on I Funernl servkes for John Em-I W ednellday morning ottrr "11 l'X· rrv Sori::Pnl. 84. of 309 JMmlnt tended lllnf'!I!!. ~h,. Willi a n&tlve A~·<'., will be held tomorrow, 11 ot Belmonrl. le .. and hRd llv«'d In 11 m. et Baltz ~lortuary. ('oron11 California tor 3~ yt11r.. In Ne.w· I drl Mt\r. The Rev. Perry Shrock port Beach for l'llthl year11. Shr of <"'ommunlty ("ongregatlonsl w11.11 a memher ot I 'hn11t Church Church will octlclate. Orave11ldt by I hr He.11. R11rvl\•or" &re her hUR· llrr\'IC'el! will be t.t Hlll11lt:le Cemf'· ban<l, Ro..lph I'. l;nm p or the homr trry, Rr<lkmds. 2 p.m. a<lur • .,~. B ""'n H.jll'h M . of _c;oata Mr. S"rgenl dlt<1 Tuel'lday at Meso n il.i\1Kht1•r . ~ti i. \\ llllem th•! h•lme ot hie d11ughter, Mr&. 1<1ng 1,f !".•lll.l A 11a ; u H "'' r. Mr~. O p C If Matwl F 1ilZ1:••r1ilol .,, MIM~r tirl; El!'llnur B1.•tcn of 01 a110~. a 1 amt thrtc srontlrhlltlrcn. Ho wa• bom In Pleuantrun, 0.1 lnt<'rlflt'rlt "'Ill !><! In Mclro•e Ab· Re lived In Corona del Mar Hven bry '"'11'"'' 1y p •a111 anu In C'••llfornla 66 years. 11 \tlf(\' 1,f:A('ll H e prl'\'1t•t111ly 11\fNI In Upl.nd and Jo'uiwr.d ,. :\·1,,,. f11r IL11ry \\a!! owner <•f the Uplnnd LumbPr U(\l'h, 111, nr :118 l'dty W A}'. l;OS· and Mllllng Co. t11 llh•:o11, were htld lltnrch 2 1 Al Ht 11 aurvlV<'d by two daugh· 2·3u I' 111. In 1'81'k"~·Hldh'y M•JrlU· l l\ nry ('hapel with the H\'\', Thom&.~ ter1<, M r!!. BattPn and .trs. Koth· .J. N•·vin """ 1n11n~. II•• t11,•ol llfl"r Mlnr S. MnllhCY.ll of Cnllun RED MIGS OUTNUMBER CHIANG'S FIGHTERS Jty WALTOS TRt:UA~Kll' I mn!tll thP U. S. could throw In the 100 :-;11vy flKhlfl'll nnw w1lh the TAIPIE. FORMOSA 10CNH1 -g ,.,,.nlh Fkcl. Only a lHlM ll pl'r· Chl&nK K&l·•hek' .. llrlll·h nf' t11;ht· 1 ~tll•1<•' i.C the11e. ho\\"''" 1, .tr!' e r planta are 011in11mbrrC"1J nwn • , ,111at l•i th!' :111g11 In p<'rfnnn11nrf'. than ten to one lly l:ommun1111 .. KU:\I rAl IFI(' M llf• In the J. 0 1 muim nrrR The t• R I\ 1 r Fore•• couM mull· Thlll wtul Ille 11l11rthng ill-. lo"'° u r 300 1-~-6 S ,1bre1<, rnughly eq11AI ure ms de bv thf' l'htr1el'I•' 11lr fnrr " lo thu Mti::. frnm It!! 11ratl!'rl'd f'11· <'omm.11n.i.-r: c;..n,.rul "Tii:rr" \\'A.nf.t 11f1r bn..v~. Shu-min~. In 11n • '<<'111•1\'" IO I"•· Uul, \\'Rng r f'littN.I, lh<' C<1mm11· ''"""' "Ith ym1r <1C":-O~ rnrrl'~p .. n!I-01~18 ""'IJ ,,a_.,ly rtoubl,. the 300 e.nt. ~ 1g J~'" an•I 1; • now h&JO•'<I up· t.ienN~ \\'ang'a r1 .. nk nnd "'""'I po•1to Fnnw1~a "The Commun(11l!I a pprAJMll '1ave ll\llrlllni; •h tads of 11.in • \'"' v fl•·i<lhle numbt'rs . Uw Ht•I thr .. al. 11111• th1·1e a11• :IOO it •J'I" ml• on IA h•l thr R t1S8l11r11 Red ;\Iii;@ .n Lh• 1-'••n m••" "'"·1• Jo>l'O•I 1hrn1 · t hat he h.u .. nly :l:'i pl1rnr" • a p.1bh· \\ h• 11 hllk<'d p.•1nt-hlank whRt of me,.l lni: thl' threat. H1:oi olh• r hi' 111 .. 111:111 \\•lllltl happ<'n \\llh lhr jl't fli:hter~ ;irr 1 ~10 obl'lnlrte r ·l'H 1: ... 1 "11111 .... \\'llng rrplll'f!. "I c~- Th11n1l\•rJ"t:< 11111111,. lh•• t ·1.mmu111l'll1' wtll alto1 k ttf;o l"Tltt:~t.Ttl :h .... rr .. ,11 .. 1c 1-len•I• · "The L'o1111n11nlat llt1 .. n1tlh In s ll He addtd, ''The Communlata will Chin& (Including :lt11nchurl11 1 Ill ne\'cr forr.t!'l two dll'f'ct1nni1 -one. ahoul 2000 pl11nr1. Thr C'ommu· Taiwan 1 t-'orm/l/111 I , two, Th111l11nd. nlat a ir torre 11trrngu1 lhrc-otenlnjt Thf'y tuwe twu 11hJrC'll\'e!' -nn". J"ormCM!& la a bout 1100 flgh\t'rl!. rlrt'. 1111d t\\o, rubtw-r, their lf'th· bom b411'1! 111d a tt11ck plantio 11bo1Jl nlque Is to llel a tire In one dlrec· 80 to e:; pu !'tnt C1ghl"r~. 11hn11t lion and lhr n &nother." 20 pt'r cent hnmben, lht> r"•l 111 • Thr n the extroverted "Tiger" tack pl&nea." Wang toltl about hl11 prngTam for The Red CPtln~M. he u Jd. ha\'• bullt:llnlt' 11nd m&lnlalnlng lhe mor- two new Jtt bun In t he a rea. The &It or hi• nlrra. Hla "Tlg-tr pn>J· baae al Lu·Chow, 1oon to be rom· eel" t,. to ma.ke the m"n br11ve and pleted, already hu more lh&n eooo 11trnng. \\'ang ur1e1 hla men to re· !tel of p11vrd r1inway. The llnuth· pe11l the word Lall·F'oo whf'n they ern bue, Foo-Chow, le only l~O oppro11ch a tllfgf't. Thu rep<'t ltlon mllH rrom 1'tlpel. l11 auppoaPd to mal<e the tUer bnwe Wanr admit• relying heavily on 11n.1 running 1uHI atronit. llC'cnrdtni: U. 8. Air Force and na\'al aid In to W&nf!. th• v.·ar with Communlat China. I Lau·F'oo meana "Tirer," the Jn the evant of an attack on F or· l'ymbol ot the Chlnue Air F orce. 1 MAKI us PIOVE IT I.. I . Coln11 "'l\'e have abotn1 mM1 aotomobUe dl'tn n bow to M'l'e morwo1 ta.e State Fann way. Jual lh .. Ull fhll opportunity to prove f,o 7ou the moM y M\10(• ach .. ntarN of &lie llD.lq11• dJtrrn-nt pl-plo-red bJ S tate Fann. State Farm Insurance Co. IU.OO~J~GTOS, ILL W I. Laa•lo 133 E. l'Tth St., Co~ta ~lc-'a l.J 1'·1011 I LANE HEARING POSTPONED Because ot number of witnesses srheduled to be heard during p1reliminary hearing of Georg1! H. Lane, Costa Mesa auto dealer, the hearing was continued until 10 a.m. April 12. Lane is charged with five counts of grand theft, one of forgery. Here, Lane, standing left, watches Attorney Rube Hurwitz make notation of 'the d::it e set by Judge Donald J . Dodge Friday afternoon upon appearance in Newport Juslice Court. Sitting at right is Public Defendcr Nick Meyer. -Staff Photo Sundries REYNOLD'S ALUMINUM FOIL 'SaL·tatfon Okaved I Wfltf'rly 111111' of t.fC'ntc ,.l•t11 """ 1 Petticoat Ta•e11 ~ -r 3~ !rel no1thw110t .. 1ly of 11p.t111 I SA?\'TA A~A 1oc::-;s1 The A\'r , n"'" t' .. 11111 l'-h>oA Tl11 C•1·1 .1'11'' ~n d lit [)tnmonJ Southern C&Jlfonua EJlit0n (;.). •nj<1 CvWlly l'l••lllllli 1.:'.u1111111 .... 1un \ '" tu!•t •• ,. ·1 1.1·~ lh~ " whH., I ~·l'•terday wa1 Jinn th• J O·ahead I recomm•nded tht boar,t of 11 • C"otll rr--f·":u .. .>11 \\ ""' 1111<r 11 tri)• I ~'6nal on a propoted electric di•· vi110 r1 approve the condition pu-her t'~1Jl11ll' h~t w•'"I\ r .. :i\l 11HI trlbutlon wbltaUon on th• aouth· mil requut. 7 :SO p 111 .)'". Mo n•ltty ---- THI FIN.EST AND LOWEST PRICED &rr, Ammeu MAPLE FU'RNITURE .•.• an'Jw~ere Open Fridays until 9 LIDO DRUGS "One ot the l.ldn ~hop•" s.&61 \'la Lido, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. Coast Hy., Corona dr l ~lar BALBOA DRUGS '716 E. Balboa Bh·d., Balboa '\}tricerib ICE CREAM Quart Pins HAND PACK ....................... 59; ........................ 30~ BULK STYLE 1, rat. ... 79• COSMETIC SPECIALS 19c KLENZO Facial Tissue April Fool Specials llOO'• 3 ror 49r ZEE SANDWICH BAGS ao count . ..... 6C Delsey Toilet Tissue 8.50 •h~fll ......... 2 for 19f TIDE 281' 1.1. 1'1171' 65' SKIPPY DOG FOOD 3 can-19~ ·(I~ PAY LESf v .. , \\ '"'' •'" nod 2 ( ENVELOPES S" A:,·· J.\ l'n\<'IOIW'" !UO rt. KITE TWINE nn .. , Kii" 1 '" ROASTER Ill "" f'lljlllP. '"ll· '!.I!) llE .\\\ U\h •. U t •. ,\:\I H , f>ut'nn& MOP 1'"' '''It· Z.l!l ~l"'ne<' \am "..;\\t:'I T l'tr." ~AST aRON SKILLET ro•i: l.filll ~If 1·1. ApJ>d. Mubhf-r <'"''•I ""'"ti" ~··I•"""· ( omb, llutC'h All.it 111111 nl lt·n&. f'&n 28l' KLIEN KING ro·i:. :i!)r "l'lla.lnlNll ICl#rl and ~·"l'IH'f ( 1 .. 11n"•r" Aluminum IS·nL 19' TU MILERS _ . _._.... rl'i:. '!."i•· IOOK MATCHES t-.. , "' :.o 9<' SPECIALS FOR MAR. 31, APRIL 1, 2, THURS., FRI., SAT. ~ Boxed Chocolates 2.50 lb. NOW s200 EASTER PLUSH SITTING RABBIT Sits 20" HiCJh A 1.'79 \'al111• Only 5133 All reCJ. 10' EASTER EGG DYE MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SOX rt•,:. 9Kr DECORATED FRUIT and NUT CREAM EGG JWc. 4k 9UEIN ANNE ('H()('Ol.A Tt: Manhmallow ECJCJS VkATE o.-11 rf'(. He COU>RfTL SAND PAIL With ~hMrl nt.u:o WITH EASTER CANDY DEFENDER FOLDING Fountain Syringe t.An;x ,..~. :.u 5129 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO LIMIT 9UANTmES SPECIALS LIQUOR DEPARTMENT 0 I • Lido Store Only T. V. TABLES R•rular •t 98 $139 !ILV!R RJPPL!! Gin 80 Proof FIFTH 2'7 Twin Oaks Bottled in Bond 100 Proof 7 yra. Old rIFTB 3s1 Shady Grove Blend 90 Proof nrnr 2•1 PRIDE OF INDIA~A ~tral~bt &urhnn \\ hM1ey 6 \'re. Old Old N Proof ............ -. ........... HAND CREAM ..... ,, ... .,... ._. ............ -"' ..... -..... llllo ...... ; .. ..ca. - • IA tie at• ........,,., ......... ..., ...... ........ ,._Cfl ... 1 .. ,, --e"4 _ ..... t ........... -.-.-.. ire 11•11 hale& UM,..-..., fw ..ioety .._. .................. . . _.....,. --·-.... , ........ . Stec~ •I' -~ lili9i I Free 47 day Trial Size Stoppeffe Deodorant with Purchctse 1.25 size "FREE" 50( VALUE LENTHERIC MIRACLE l.. .,., Deoderant Pads ROTll uni)' Lu<1t r11 l rrmo 159 SHAMPOO ""&: %.1111 '12 PRICE SALE ~~~-~RIA CREAM 125 DRUG NEEDS J\i•I tlr 11f i;,11 T11hlrl• UIC. "'l',\ltl.1 :\c.~ RX THIRTY rcri:. IS ~II 594 ttOTTLt; Ot 11111 TARl.P:TI' 494 T AFON ltt.Ul ( 1:\0 TAM ltf"tc. ;, ftt. . • 'rlllAMI:\ t: U> OHi>( 111.t>RlllP: "VIT 1·1"-100 MG 100'• . 2'3 ' ( ' JOHNSON ORGANIZES BUSINESS SHOW Pictured above are Otia L. Johnson, 2535 Crestview Drive, and Miu Marie Engen, Queen of the Southern C&llfornla Business Show to be held April 12-15 at the Bilt- more Hotel, sponsored by ~he Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Cost Accountanta. J ohnson, past president of the chapter, is responsible for much of the organization and format of the show, which ls the eighth to be held. DIRECTED VERDICT ACQUITS COLLINS PAIR, 2 OTHERS IN UCENSE TRIALS Claim 'Insufficient ·Evidence' as County Grand Jury Ignored SANTA ANA COCNS) -An Orange County Superior Court jury took exactly elght minutes to find former Con- gressman Sam L. Collins, his eon and two others innocent of three counts of conspiracy a.nd grand theft Tuesday. The jurors r<'turncd their verdict within minutes after t hey had been 1111u nsct M by Mono County S uperior Court J urtge w al t er E •111ns IJll l\lnl \\•'I ~ C\llltn~ 1orm~r mented the jury and ~ed Ule rourL Sam L.. CoUms 1sauecl a 11tat&- m!'nt t o oc:-.;s on ~halt or htm- ult and his son' The statement license procured tor ~rge t:n· dr rwood, Buena Puk caJe opera- tor. The Colllnau were tried on the char&'et prevloualv, acquitted or one count. but the jury did not &j'ree on one oount ot irranli theft. The Collin.Mt are llclled- uled to be retried on that count. Ordinance to Umlt Protrudinq Chi111Hys A mot.Ion to amftld U.. ordtn· lll\C' to limit 8ldt'y&rd nreplace protru1tona ~o Ill! to lu v, a 2·ft. cleara.nce "as piu11~ March 17 by the Newport Beach Plan.nln& "I 1·nk••1 "' 11'1•· ,\!.M m t111 , h1i. sun, :;; 11. 1-•• r.n I •11 ... n ll'a 11t'I.!> Jlnrry J,•· .1.1:1n 11r. I c ·1, 11 lo • t:: l>e1 ine. T 1 r quar t<'t:r \\&I rhari;«"l by the <Jr11n~t' 1 11·rn\\' Grand Jury wrth .tl\krni; ~1<1.111111 from .'.\Ira Ella Lt1111,,•· l •.q : .. " Coun.wlman for en· IC ,,., n1111 "" 11n-v-1, gt'nt'ral liquor from lh., rormer apeakl'r or the state assembly. forme-r wngrui<· CommlN lon. ma.n. a.nd former dUtrlct attomty ------------ read ··:-.;ecdJesa to aay. Sllm E T -L i N a.nd 1 are extremely gral.lfleo.I S t"< arnOWaae n GYy J• • 1 •r I I • r Tl!t!ln bar month• of anx1ely and heoruch,.s Ott'l Rohr1 t Tamow1<kl'. l!On of can acarcely be eraued Ln 11 l'llu.'le Mr tUld .'.\tt1<. O. R. Tarnow11ke, moment. The verdict 1·md1uo.Ps r.:i Tustin A"e. 111 now Ill San our U dt>rtlon or lnnoct'nct' frnm I Diego Naval Tntlning Center ror the •lart. The court's ln!llr\IC'tlon n ine wet'ka recruit tr&lnlng, hav- t•> a,·qu1t <'lrarll· •ltmonst ralc:1 Ing l'nlttited In the Nal'y ttu. put that no f l'ldtnc,. or a ~Ingle at"t wt>ek 111 Sant.a Ana. '0 \\ IT~t::o.:o-t,-. 11, d1.11n111.c \'trdtct was reach- ,.,, 1•\ •'n 1~101 o th11 •ldl'nl!e re11tt"I 111 , rat' 1n lht' ri.iutroum. Actual- 11 'I • ''"ff'll•" ha•f nut put unl' or Y.TOng uorng w1u pre,,rntC'<I and \\llr ~' r'1 th•· ,t~nd wh,.n the when• a g rand Jur\· h:u on1v l t ,, • .a 11brupll\' m t-ore by the hear83y f'ndPnce an•l ·but onr l't•t~ GrHt Baby Girl I! ' ling e.nnount't'ment r r 0 m preaentl'd, unwarra.nted conclu1-, r r" '-'l'llllng uttornty Kt'nnl'th Wil-'"n• Are bound 10 nc1.ur., Marine Cpl, Md Mrs Kl'nt hJ 1'< thl\t ·the pt'Opll' ru :. · Oarge A-'hmort' or Nt wport Beach -.:t'wp<u t HnC'h t.ar o~l'ator ·~o E\ IDE.SC"C" welcomed a bRby s-1rl ln Corona R i,i..er J 1:.i1lr wu <in the •land A 11l11tement from de!en.se roun-:-.aval HosptlaJ Mnrr h 18 e:i•! had Jll. · g1,., n hit. namt' to aela Carr and Lloyd Verry rPad 1•111 t'•lllr1 Ill' "•• .11c~ .. ,1d witncati 'Frnm the \'t'TY inception or this I nl th,. 1111y Eull••t , Ulguna Beach cu e ar.lf a!trr reading lhe t ran- b;ir "" n!'I' ~·rank .'illJIUlo had tak-l'lcripl of the tutlmon)· given be-I l'n tnf' 11tanrl to ans\\"r qut11tlona. fore the g-ra.ntl ;ury, It wu our l"J' wu not 1 "°"ti·uaml.ned bv lhf' conaltlered J•Jdgmtnt and opinion I lf"frn•c Th" Attom "Y• ror both that there wa3 no evidence of 11ny ,., , , ~; ,-• th .. 1111 iontl' or lhe C'rlme ha1'ing been commJtted tiy n , 11 ; ... ., 1:onaultauo~ w I t b f'lther Sam L Collins or Sa.m F: J •1tl1i:• 1·, .,, \ 1n 1 .. 1 chs mbf'1l' nr I C'olllnl'. 1n wbla~red h11·1111'11 at th" ~nrh 'Our judgement ha.a ~n vln11J· ,.0 P HO'f.(TTIO::\ cated b\• the dec1s1on or Jud1te \\ Walter E vans &ml tht jun-. 11flr r \\ t.".:1 f'n•I'"• u• r illi11ms matl" .a full du closure or "'II the ~'1t1f'nre h:• 1 ~n1.un<'l''llrnt . 11 '\ t the p_ruple I in optn cnurt t' , 1 .o~rd Lht'.r ~llf>t> Rud· fl lie--\\' t h uJ h f• , \' , m•, l"hl\rlf'• p 1::i.rr ' t' hOpt' tha t e rea t of t 111 t • idtng a 111;in: ,,, f<' ir •ll'ft'n.11e l naJ v.'ill \'1ndlc&ll' the Colllnaea In I , nqru1elors _ Jurni N 10 hts teet the l')'H of all thf' peoplt' of lhe a r J asked ··The .-ourt a d,,bt' the Sta tt' or Calt!onita and that thl'y J 1ry that the ,,'1dl'nt'e prutnlrrl ma\' t akl" tht'1r rightful pla('e In I• insutrlrlrn 1., warrlt.llt a r on-thf1 community &n•I In thl~ 11ta1 ... " ' ctJon and 1n111lr.1l t the jury to D. A. STATf;~:-0.'T 1'rlnr In a.n 11C'quttt11J verdict." P rol'eC'utor W1 ll1ams. quc11ttoned Judr11 E vans thPn 11.nnounced he by OCNS on how a la.ck of t'\•j. would Instruct the Jury rollowtng dence could bP found 1n Lhe lll!\t' the noon rece.11~ when the Califnm 1a .!!upreme court \\'hen cour t n!convene1 at 2. lhf' had t urned dO\\'n a wnt or prohrhl· a ttorneys wl'nt Into another clo.11· tlon for the Collinsea on the e•l·<loor 1e.1111lon ln Ule judge'• gound.\ there wu .!'U!rlclent rvl· <'hambt>ra. ArtM 1~ mlnulH Judge denc• brought th111 reply "\\'hr n E \•&na u cendtd Lo lbe bench and a grand Jury hands dov.'T! a.n In· e1ld "defense rounu lo1'11 h&ve u k-dlcunent. Includes statements hy • 1 for a dtreelt'd ,.erdlcl acquittal the defendants that ra n't be 1ntr<>- a nt1 tha cnu:-t 11 ,olnf to r r ant dueed lnto co.: .. whtll' altempttnr 1 h:it mottc>n · I wrll 1ru1t ruct you to pro1·e a corpu!< tleltr tl." ''' hrU11; tn a "''l CHllt~· 1·t rdlct Willia.ma expla tnt'tl there was In· o, all .-ount!I !or oil dd endant.11." suttJ•t'nt e,,dm re in tht te11tl· Tht' JUd&e aa1d the evidence pro-mony of Ml'!' Ella Loutsf' Du· C:ul'l'd In the <'U e wu lnsUl flclm t pleb: Counulm&n a nd mw~ndl'd to "''WT&.nt ronunuauon of t.he Orange county hquor chler Her~ t ·1 al. He l old the juror.-t.hey m&n P&UH to prove a corp111 de- "rrt> not bound bv h11 advt~tt lectl or actua.J proof that a crime ":u or.ly h.1 rerommendaUon. had bMn committed. He polntt'<I Hr wever the vt'nl.re reured to re-out t.ha &'f'&J'ld Jury lndtct:nent t ·.m In e1thl rr.Jnutee with Ultt.r tranac:r1pt could not be W!t'd In u r.nnlmo111 1·ertltrt of uqtlitl&I for court. a ll W IUl&ml bad hJgh Jlr&IM for l:'IOTJO::\'AIJ...\ SHAJU:X Ju<1ge Evans who was us1rned The four dttt :idants t&ch &hook lo the Orange County bench for .. ,.h t mnllonaJ ,.:rain aa t he aertu Lhe t nal by the atate Jlldlt'tal 01 'rr.11et11 v. u rcall Mrs. Leh-<'OllJ\clL m .1:i rl'&<"hf'd &1·rul! thr ctiurtroom ~TILL ~ TROl-BLE '.' b1trri,.r &n11 hl'hl the hand or ber Trouble for tht Colllnnll. hO\\"• h•1•b11nrl Shf' llOhb!'cl opcnl), u t1•er. 11 not over . "'1llta ms hlnter1 th~ ,·e-rd1rtii Wl'rl' to!!rd b\' thl' He Mid the fatht'r a.nd "°" will C'> 1rt clerk · I ht brought to trial In the middle f "'l11w1n~ !hi' rr11'1tn, ot thl' ,,r .'.\1111· nn rh11rges of r"n~;>lrJ\n· dr. 1l'1on, Judge El'ana c:ompll· 1 a.a the outgTowth or a liquor COfFll CAKI ·i ,. m.,. J7c ea.) Devil's Foocl DILUXI SQUAii Sf'-.. 17Sc ... ) JOrW ~~~~~ COSTA MESA 1700 Newport Bh·d. OORU:liA DEL MA.a toJ Coe.at BWJ. AOORD'I l..AUl:SA HACB ~81 Brtlad-1 BALBOA ISLA.ND 100 llilartlle Ave. ~T.\\'PURT BEACH 8:?0 Cout Bwy. 1HIG)t SCHOOL REGISTRATION I DRIVE NETS 80 NEW VOTERS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE J THURSDAY, MA CH JI, ltll In a practical a ppllcaUOn ot t.be dUUN &11C2 prtYiler-ot Amertcu dll&anablp. t.be student bod7 or Newport Harbor UDJqn Hip School bu completed a campatcn to l.ncrM.M tn. awilber ot re,ut.er.d YOten tn t.ba blcb llCbool dietrtct. TM •tudut ~ ot contJ'Ql, bee.ded by Dick ' lnAent. dlrecttd tM undart&k1ns wtth t.be &Uist&nce ot 1-Miller, 90C1al atudt .. t4i&cber. u.m, poei.ra and public &dctn. an- nouncement.I. the commltt.e &Chined sraUt)'1111 ...Wt.a. Over 80 newly re,utered ~tera wwrt added to the U.t.1 by etrorte ot the •tudenta. In r.portins ruult.a of the drtn, Innent aald. "W• ln the atl.ldant boa.rd ot control an very pleased uid proud ot the ahowl.nJ' our .tudent body memben made ln Uilr campatsn. Wt hope that thle acUVtty can uid wtll be continued t'rom yeu to year u pa.rt ot Ult ch1c entel'priee w1th which we ebould all be concerned." Assembly Okays Higher Pay for County Offlcen 8ACRAMENTO, (CNS) -The Ueembly hu Approved & bW by Earle W. St&nley ot B&lboa laland whlch woUld booet ll&la.rtea ot var- ioua Orange county ottlc1&le. The meuure would lnc~ the &Uddltor'a pay to fl0,800 a year, the cU.trtct attorney'a to f12,000, t b • county superintendent of ecbooe' to fU,000, and lbe pay of MCJ\ eounty 1upervtaoT to $7200. The bill now l'Oee to the Mnate. Mermaid Malt Shop Has Electric Fire An elect.rte motor ln the Mer~ maid Malt Shop, 118 22nd St.. e&UMd & ama.I tlre eary yeatuday mornlnl'. Fire department enpnes 1 uid 2, .quad truck 1 &11d acttng Uliltant chief Roy ~ re- sponded. The bumn .. I.a owned by Homer Killer. Th• bu1.ldlDJ' le owned by Wllliun Webb Of Anaheim. FIRST OF .SEVEN FOR DISNEYLAND Councilman Stanley Ridderhof, executive of Rosan, Inc., left and Jerry Meumer, man. ager of the Sea Craft division for Rosan, admire the first ot. seven explorer boau to be launched at their yard for Disneyland. The 26-ft. craft wu built by Gl&upu ot Co1\a Mesa. It will carry 26 paaaengera. A canopy and dummy amoke at&ck and boiler are yet to be added to the boat. They will be used for excW'Bion1 in the true life adventure &re& of Disneyland. -Staff Photo , Again Safeway brlnet you a I lg WH kend of Ovtato,,.lng Valu.11 t.few•y Pric" .. Atw.ya a..w ... th ... Vol"" repntMnt btra s.m,.s fer Yew,._.., Shop Today ... Sove Today .. , crt Sofewcryt I 59c COFFEE Al•WAY Amlld llOB HILL Rldlond 77 oromotlc. C , ..... .... -~ .. --= JELL-WELL QIA~.=:-r Sc TOMATO JUICE~;.~llc Fordhook Variety. CORN :: COB 2 '.::25' BEANS ~ 1:;:15' PEACHES --'~ 17• EXTRA LARGE FUERTE tutt.ry rich lft ,..,,..,. ... Hl9hly ch· ... ttltle. PM tomethl... tllfforeftt UM evMIHle lft ... fee41 cecktwll, CRISP CARROTS Betl•eed Prlee Featlll'M New •• Sale! .FRUIT CrcftTAIL ::::;:.~ '6:19c WESSON 0 L Solod. JJrylne, Baking Oil. CAKE Mix ,..lUIUlY. New Orange flovor. Whire, Spice, Choe., Yellow. TABLE SYRUP sg~:c=.· ::49' LARGE PRUNES su~~i~· ~~:25c !k'::47c PEANUT BUTIER Beverly. 12~35c • Chunk or Creamy. ,_ SHORTENING E~~~:-~i'!:.. ~69' lrond Newt , .. ""' Butter 'le Ct'llltl Nothing like 11 h.foN. Get Hd"1ive ltoyol Sotln Reci~ frM at dlaploy. lb. SMALL SIZE, 3-k or llHler W.O ..... "' PM. At this lew pricie .... , ... -ettfoy ~ FREE lea!lets "How To cook SpareribsU Ask tor it. BACON sw1w1 ,,.m1u.... s 7c IM•uq" 4 7c R.th'1 lladrhowti. •• Grode A .•• Sliced locon, In h.at MOled pockogn. VEAL ROLLS A1"'4t"' Stor ltrend. Bonelt n . for •00••1ng DRY SALT ~PORK ~=~:g. TC>f>I remov~. Fre1hly pull~. •· 5c S.• Food V•l•n% Capfal•'• Cllel~e POTATOES u .• Na.1·• 10 _ 49c ldohc. lu • ..e11. ..._ FILLET SOU ~": 45' FILLET COD ~ 36' RED APPLES wo•hc~~;i:1cr~aap. 2r.s.25c BREADED SHRIMP '~ 49' marYIOAICAll leMDMriPeM ... ...... &..ywc.b. ,.., .... , .,., 3~ &r-. Crlden ::-·· !: Jtc WI Crlden !::. !:. 2Sc Hi-Ho CrlCbn ::. :: Uc CORN FLAKES ::!1,''s~;14c1~9< . LUNCHMIAT ~i..... '~35c --IO-XM_Y __ ALMOND Q.USTEIS ~~ =29' .... .......,. s.~ .. t s...~ Spr1141 =-C; JSc <a.-t-21c) Gr.WT• =-~ lk Illa Pepper ~ ': 12c {1\o\ ....... -1Sc) llldlu ~ 59c ~·tc Cwww ... w, PH-• o.....o PH .. o.oc. Dliry Dria ~-~· n c Dog FOid :_ 2 '!:-2Sc Cle••t.• B•y• TIDE Detergent :.::•· 2 5 ~ •::.": 5 9c PARADE Detergent ,, .. •·25c · ~L49c ~I· Ma AJAX Cleanser Foo ming Acri on. 2 ',4;:· 19c ..,.. .. , ......................... ~ t.~ .... ..n.c+.4 •"' ........ itell'M. Artichokes .~ -10C Grapefruit 8 ~ •• Pean Turnips ..,._ "-'·• 'ltaS lffKTM llmS.. flt. UT .. MAICM Jt, UH t, 2, t9S~. ll URWAY JTOIB • Tl S AMA. (Thro Sundly 1n Storti optft Su11C11y) Ari-. In ,..,. bc19. STORE HOURS Dally 8 a. m. t.o 8 p. m. (Friday Ull 9 p. m.) 8anda1 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa - PLENTY OF PARKING ON LAl•I PAYED LOT • .. l I OAGE '4 • P/\RT f _ NE'· '"""'lT H ~RBOR l'IE\VS -PRES5 'Nayne Harpen I Jail r11 .1t ,.:1.0• 1 " 11111, '" h 11 ' h ,.,. 11 11 11,·,-.1 h r,rr fM four Y""u '" TFU SDAY ~1ARCH 31 1955 th1'<'1'~tClll(l,lh11,:h1.·1a Th1•11f•\\'lll • ('.it ... ,1n11 (.1r 16 )•'":.. ~h .. l3 ______ ._·· __ • f ' • • Newest Granclchllcl rival hH two 11ialer11, Judy, 2 •lld l!Urvlvrd b)' two dauJhleU , M 1:<. OOULD HAVE KU.I.ED IDM-AJ Demnicki, mechanic at Mark Downing Ford gar- age in Huntington Beach, looks at th'e end of a 600-lb. pipe that whippe<S through the 9iindow where he bad just been. The 3-in pipe, 110 feet long, had just dropped from an oil rig acl'068 the alley. -Staff Photo KAL'S SHOE OUTLET · 411 West Fourth St. Kl 7-8868 Children's Shoes i-llUtt 8•1 -to I width• A to E for .... Entire F amil.y· ! High Fash ions 8~ 11)" •Of! U IO ~IHI •\'aJJf'y •.Johan11en •Ama&no •Madf'moUll'lle •Ft>r<"~ • Dfl Mf'llO •Tw~ • 1. Mlllr r "'""°° •Cuatom •)l;d,,.,. •StepmMter •1A&7Boaee ·~rt ... Jn. •Bobfa Hood Craft Long Rig Pipe Nearly Hits Auto Mechanic _/ FIRST IN .THE HARBOR AREA A ASA A with the AUTOMOBILE SAFETY BE LT. • plan for your safety be prepared be safe Brakes stop your car -a Safety Belt stops yot1 THE I. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. A AS.A AUTOMOBILE SAFETY BELT: A quick and easy to fasten a nd unfasten g tves good protection without d iscomfort stops the forward motion of driver whe" brakes stop the car'1 forward motion reduces chances to lose control of car prevents passengers from bein g thrown through wind1hield prevents o ccupa nts from being thrown out of automobile reduce1 fatigue and strain on auto trips economically and quickly installed available in six colors to blend with your car's interior without unsightly appearance • come 1n for free demonstration R & l AUro -CLINIC OFFICIAL BRAKE STATION 4009 3001 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4606 - ' .. I M W H f TraCt'l)', 3. \\'alla('e W. Slmpt!On, PIMhur~I. Mr. and n . •)'11• arper o ----------N . C. and M r1. Ralph N. Bakrr Shore Clitb became grandparent.I DR.&TH TICE Ul ot San Dleao; lhref' llOM, Sam· again lul Tb u r • d • Y when • 5" NO uel B. of s.,p DiflO. Jlm of Nrw aon, Jettrey Waynt>, wu born lo York C1ty and Willi.I of Sao An· I.heir llOl1 and daurbtn·ln-law. Mr. tonlo, Texu. S.rvt~a were helil MB8. CAROLl'N STE\"f:N8 -" ln ""-J•· M and Mra. Dlcit Ha.reer ot Whit· • luuay at 11 a.m . .... ... nr· Uer. Mrs. Carolyn Garland Stevr na, luary, Corona del Mar Cha r• I, with the R.v. lldwln Oornke offl· The younpter arrived at Sl. Jo· 70. dl~ March 28 at her re11ldt'nCt', C"latln&'. lntombment wtU bi In th•! •pb'a H01Pltal. welJbinJ I lbl .. t18i,.t Dahlia Ave., Corona del J.(ar. Jim Stl'~na maUIOlewn al Romr . ll OS. He la tbe 8en1or Harper'a She waa born In Lowell. Maaa. a.nd N. Y. malde'l'f;~'s sensational r • /Jm dzscouery..1~re-lllde· ... wtth th• exclv•lv• contour INifHll that IVrYM elHI tepa""•• I At your fovorfto atON ftOWI I We Give S&H Green Stamps Pure genius-lhis contour boodl Curviog up between the cuot •• , cl1oging fust enough to prevent 1lip-up ond wr1nl:.l1ng T odoy, discover Pre·lude, os shown, 1n line while p " 1 ,.., ., :>tll with circulor stitching, A, B, ond C cups. A\10 ln while embroidered brooddoth, ot 2.00 NEWPORT o.MRTMSHT S10Am Ooe Short BIO<'k f~ On thl' ~ Front at %!nd St. 11>--port ~r -NEWPORT IEACH )J Thur., Fri., Sat., March 31st & April 1st & 2nd VISTA BUYS are BffifR BUYS IADIE8 -th j' Rayon Panties fllll&H ll -•• 1 Pink or Wh.lte 3 100 I &r Trieot Pal.r ME.'li''M Md 801'8 YACHT CAPS ;:'.;ylonnets '1 98 Ouaraatn-d BOY'S4 tac SOX .,.,,,. LADIES SPORT CAPS -·• M inn 79c SPECIAL! 21 .s It FRAMED PICTURES Aa11't 8ub~t JIA.P1Z er WRITE RAMES ~ IAIY SHOES Slv.01 !1 11.a'a CU.p-oe BOW TIES 84! _,.. you lllav., aafflf"l~nt CAMY:RA F'IL.W for P:A"Tf:R HM Boy'1 FADED nu·r: DENIM SLACKS t1.98 LADIR' STRAW HATS J'or llMdl er a.... 49c ... •P t Oc •:u 2fnr 15' Dyes ...... . 11k-FAAtf'r 2for15' Gra11 ...... tskk 15~ to 59' 0Md7 F\lJed 39' • Novelties ,.,. f'Dddly Soft Eaatn 91' l1111nles... .. - FREE FREE TELEVISION NIGHT LIGHT with S71t Worth of c-h R#1rlatf'r ~pte ' ""•utlful o-lan•, Haad C.'anf'd PIMU.-~ Raad Dyl'CI IOTART SOW ! MA\""E \'Ol'R RF.CT.1P'l'S t Easter Gifts for "HER" IC) Oau1t•'. II Drnl,.r. &-llffl Mid $1 .25 :"\l'Utral TiwP"o ~·Utt ~I ,. ... Ml'CI .. J,(Hllf. Cannon Nylons.................... ,..., Hoffm-M&Jd,.n I.an~. !'lfllk aoc1 $1 .25 Dark "'""'" loxed Chocolates .... -···-·· .. Tu•.v-Mldnl1tht $1 .25 Coloqne .................. (pin l&Jll C"olonlaJ D-S1JI lath lubbles ...... I phM tasl Marjorltt All• Costlltne Jewelry •100 n .... ,. a., (;WWOlabf- EASTER CARDS "ITS FUN TO II NICI TO PIOPLI" IE 11 ER PHOTO FINISHING ONE DAY SERVICE PARK WITH EASI SHOP WITH IASI ANY DAY-IVIRY DAY 821 W. 19th St. CAT Pl.ACE~A) COSTA MESA UlllTY 1-3231 c ,!CHFIEl D lMMG Tm RetuMs STATE PUC C....,._. ,_ nne hr of $14J54 fo C'aUawd ,,_ Flnt 1'f1Cr NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I. PA'9E I THURSDAY, MARC H 31, 1955 • l"rP'f, 700 acre.a w ide notth1t.· .. at 212 Lof Owners Un• that nm• on part ot thf' ,..-------------------------• .~ Mesa. The oppof.lllOn ... ., proputy. ONLY SLIGHT INJURIES When this accident occurred last Friday, two Marines were sent to Hoag Ho1pital but were treated only for lacerations and abrasions before transferral to El Toro Dis- J><'nsary. Treated when car left Coast Highway and r an into ditch 1500 feet south of Bayside Drive were Bruce Sanders, 18, driver and Robert Fisher, 20, both Camp Pendleton. ODOR Su RVEY. I the treatment pla.nt and hew much I their wells through cleaning plants from the open sump area nn the a nd t hf'n after all oil ha.II been flats, wu a matter which neltlll'r clunino.tecl Crom It, direct into o:ie ('ontlnuf'd rrum F'lnt race Sto.it1:1r1I nor the county mC'n or. or tile sewage disposal lines. This tlon wall:t 11n h.•t'<h·nin.: 11! <'•'m· frrr•J nn;v opinion. 'J'hf• need 10 l:t being done by the Monterey Oil f'ntl.'•l joint~. wait until the effects of the dJ,. Co which la oper·aUnr Newport 1•ho1·1;e or th., Talbert srwase tlr· Ucach th.leland11 \Wlls. Tbes.-o pen PIT HA~ \\'()Oil C'O\'t:n 1 el't into the r·lver has bern t•ltml· sumps, with their oil coating, have T h<' i:roup 11111n<1 thal 11n ••p<'n rmtr11 wl\s f('ll, at which thn" ll been a thorn In the !lesh or the pit in thl' trN1t111 .. nt pllint haic re· wnullJ nt> caillf'r t o trac .. the odors rlsh end• ganw drpartrnenl11 u C'<'ntly heen 1 J,.,,,,,I \11th 11 wouilt'n wh1l'11 llan;r ovrr the flnl.s. duck trap& Stoddnrd 11ald. llO their rnv~r. which 1~ exr"•'t••tl In d iml· Xt:t:D OIL t'IBM AID ellmin11thm would help both de· nalP R<>lll•' nr th" otlnr Wh('rl' th<' partmcnts. t11ff1u1lt to ~l'l the different oll Erlwards looked nn the other raw :."wn)te Is S• 1 f'l'nl',\. Stoddard b4.'JIC\'e1l It will not be I Ju~l how 01111 Ji Of the utlor, fl083ible I OUrl'<'S of unpleasant w hlt'h h>111 flt tu111·!1 h••• 11 hlown compamcs ln\•ol\'l!J In t he surnp I odora wllh his tongue In ht• < hcek nvl'r :>:rwp'>r L P.•·111 h. •·11n1c·'I frf•m 11\r•·a tn pump th!' salt watf'r from and declared that In times past. "hen the l!mrll tlrove him from Too Late To Classify 29--Helr, Wan~~---_ 29-Help Wanted SALESMAN -ASSOCIATE in the building specialty field. An opportunity for a man with established contractor following in doors, metal sash or similnr lines to participate in profits and management of a new local distributorship. It you reside in Orange County and are interested in joining forces and sharing management and finan- cial responsibility, send a brief resume to Box Q53, this rarer. 33p35 %2-Lot.t. a.net Found 82-Furniture for Sale LOST -Blue plu11c bait tank ~fAHOC. i-hrst of drawer•. 11ep- hra home ln West Newport Bea<·h. his no@e had ll'tl him dtrect to the 11ewai;:e treatment plant an<! 1t ll'ns to that plant that he ultl· mately led the paf'ty. f.:HLORIXATIOX Xt:ED~ The probable need for chlorlna· lion nf 11ew11~e In U!e old outfall pipe whrn thu Talbert d istrict line ls connertrd, w:Ls 11et'n. During the past 11ea!IOn 1<cwni;e ln tile n"w outfa.11 wa.s trt>atcd nn•I an 11.11alys· la or wntcr al the Pnd or the out· fall 1howcd one J>art uwag• to Sa part1 11ea waler, S toddard aald, while the chlorination e!fl!ct wu better than lhut found in the Los Angele11 outflow. Chlorlnallon In the hlrge, new outflow, costs about '60.000 a ~uon. hteny u prrllllt'd by Wl&Jtt'r Bur-I Rrt'lmd of IU.~UO ror O\'er· l>urln~ Webb'1 teaUmony tht ough•. Paul ~axn. M.esa cbam· pe)'m9l ot taxa u bf'lng ma~ to queeUon of whtlher luu mony ,., l'Tf'llldtnt Don Hudmdtoa, V. %12 lot owun b Cu.ita ~te.sa I shou.ld be Included to ahow th• uw • Maccarter-, rrpre~n~ P'T'M-Tnd.a 171% and 17U by lh" e<.un· of the property wu taiMd. Jt Yt'Lt vm Ta.xpayea ~ague: Ne&! Mar· ty'a .-·a otfk«. 1t "'''s an· rul~ the pnNnt hear1ns wu for ln and RUl!I lki~gle. lnc>UM'ed U.S.y by Ute F ue<lurn det tmunlng the 1uffklenry or lhe \\'h<o the informal llf'&rinC j'rupayera Ltugue. Inc. Ol&Jrnun PC!tltion only and that Lii• u1111 or ·lo~. Clly r:anner Bob Martua 1 \·. E. M.t.c:Cant r rPp"rtett apprnx1· the land and It.a w.lu. •hould be noved tl:at the cnmm1Nion f'fl:Om· mAltly IH more tot numbu-a Wt'N ~ltnnln~ at a tutu,.. heartnr. nend a denial of the vanance tt-entJtled~o funds. t In reptd t o tutu,.. UN of the 1u.ut by the oil company to the 1 ~£rror. I.II e assessor'• o frl"<','' land If the condl'mnatton l.t 1uc. ·ounty planning commlutOD. The wu b MaC'Carur for ceuluJ Wt>bb wu a1ked what It notion died for want of a lltlC'ODd. caUllftl' the \'"eramcsRnentJI. ~be· wu proposed to do with existing "It la abeolutely neceaiary to Carter ald the noh&nd9 are bt'mg lruu on parta of the land e.nd nal<e a d.-dslon at thla mHttnr!" ma.de direcUy to tbe Bank or thl.t wu an.wered by Oavta who \liked c 0 mm 1 a a I 0 n er Barney America. Tb• b&nJt. M.M:'Carter said he underatood that the South r-rancque. aid, ha.a notified the le-ague it l!I Cout Co.'a leue had vcplnd and !\-.::£0 C'Ol'STY E.~TEN8IOS cred!Uns the amount. ~funJt>d to that the company had no tu.rther ''W Id h to h the tL1l lmpounda M:counts and Is-m\ereat ln the 11\e. e wou ave ave an e•· _,ft_ boo'--·th tf'naion from the county," replied -niew payment """ Yt'l Chairman Walt Wt'lmer, a1ao a lower monthly payment.a ln most member of t he county commLUlon. ~...ro..... ~-,• ........ Martin 1ald he'd conducted an ---r rrpo.~. • .. e re- investigation or hla own tntl'I 011 tundinc Of t.bHe amounts 1t.·ill eo· ac tlv1tles. "I'd llk1 to -~ tall oon.idua.ble book work &nd noiseless, odorleu. non...,rren.sln 90IDe contumon baa de"tloped u locations vou spoke or.. ).fart.Lii to •bo la lo ratund what betwe-e11 \Jlforml'd Phelan. ' the bank and UI• Globe Escrow Co. In eome bultanca. a part. of tti. moa.ey will be rrtunded '11.rect to the bomeoW'Dtt by Globe ~ aow. But moet Of the rrhmd.s will be credited to impound account. After a conference w1Ui thr~ olh'tr Rlch!rcld repreaeotaUft:a Oil hand, Phelan agreed to ~ Ule i-ounty planners for the week'a de- lay and offer~ the oiJ company bua tour tor today. at tbe bUlk~ Francque a.eked th• Rkhneld repr<'1entaUves, "Supp o • e the IONDS SOLD county goes along 'lll•ilh your nri-----------a.nee reqU<'!!t. Would you wblp- stock into Costa Mea !" "Not on the nm -11." WU the reply. "Suppose you 1U'Uclt oil!" Franrque persisted. WHIPSTOC& P088IBLE "We'd have to aak tor a chUap of Costa Mesa's city ordJoaDc. a- gainst Whlpatocklng,'' wu Pbelao'• explllllatlon. Sale to Cost CM ·District S15L981 The Richfield repreaent.aUve.9 In_· SANTA. ANA. ((>CNS) -Tbe sllted they would go alonf with BaPk ol Amrrtca 'l'Ue9day pur- any rt a!!Onable rule. requeated by ch.-d J.520.000 wortb of Coat& Costa Men offlct.la and can<'h' ~.:-ct Kea UaJoa Sc.bool Dlat.r1ct bonda. OITY INTENTIONS Newport S-ch'• lntenuona ,.._ prdlll&' the uae of the land, Da- '1• aald, are enUrely explained ln a re.oluUon adopted by the city councU, a oopy of whlch he plac- ed iD ev1dence. Thl1 reaolullon Davia quoted aa 1tartJ.n~ on page 2. that tha city lntended to uae the l&nd for 1treeta. An dfort wu made to .,et Webb to •ate he knew ot eom1 other u..e that had bffn dlacuued around city hall otnce., bul he dented thia. John Peanoo a.-tAed Caal&dy 111'1th the commlaelon'a end of t.be heving and D. I'. Bqull'M, vtce- preaideot and g'eneral maoacer or the Pacific Elect.rte aided 8telpr. Int~reated 1pect&lol"I at th• heartng were Mayor Dora Hill and Councilmen J . B. Stoddard, Lee Wilder, 8, E. Rtdderttof, Oerald &nnett a.nd Ctly Manager John J. 561101'1'. I. I. Footbridge Under Di1a111lon With the comment: "RicbJ.eld On recommendation of Auditor Board of director• of the Balboa wouldn't go Into an activity like i-!'did, t.be On.o&e County lllaad Buafnesa ~atJon Tud- Hu.nUngton Beach. It i.rn profit-Board ot 8Uperriaora authorized day d~ poalbWty of P,.._ able. They'll lose tbelr ah1rll. Jt'a t.be edliq of tbe bollda to the iienting plan1 to the city tor a toot· like using' a thoUJOand .ira .. a oa bank. low bidder among tour. bridg-e a croas Grand C&nal at th• one sip." Sale at the bolad9 earned the toot or Balboa Ave. a.ccordlnf to Propoled by Phelan waa replac-X-8Chool d1atrk\ Snto wcond Kn. Dorl• Bray, pttlldent. Ing of Colta K.ea'a ordinal!N'!4 pbw ot lbe muJU·mWlon dollar Barny D. Peue wu appointed against wJllp•tocklng and oil Ile"' acbool llalJdlAC procram. recently chairman of lbe committee to ln· tlvlty inside the city llm.lt.a wtth approftd by aa owwnrllelm.lng ma-veatlpte the plane. C. A. Higbie, the Ox.ford type zoning ~ jority ot diatnct YOten.. Thal r.a advisor to the board, wall work !!UCh as Loa Angelea baa. Under the ~ Oil $2~.000 trom "out legal a8J>eCll. Kenny Nichole th11t l1w, before an optt"Ator c::&D tbe llt&te.. will eerve on th1 committee with apply for a zone .... ~. be muat Tbe 9Cbool dllltrk:t application la Peue and Hl&ble. ahow tnterut ln mineral tipt.s of -la Ule n.p.rtmnt of Finance. The board dlacu.ued wtl.h Hlfble 40 acret of property. Only COD• An:laU.eda IUlmu, Wrtpt and the possibility of obtalntnr a tull· trolled drlU!ng 11 allowf'd by UW Wnpt r.ce11U7 not.l.Oed Superin· time police pat.rotman on th• I.a· orrtlnance. ten~t Eftrett ~ conaide.ratlon I.and for year-round duty. ln answer to an a~ qlM9-ol lbe applk&Uon '8 aot acheduled lion, a Richfield epoll""'811 aa.ld to came up Won the A.lloc:atlon.1 the 7~ acru (mlDtt&I rtPtll) aa.rct -w UM 11.&7 16 meeting. under le-. to RJcbfteld out.a6de ll WUl amt tM dllllrtc:t fl:)4,t81 Meu city limits la ID09UJ' owned oww UM•~ -tunnc period. by G('()rge Capron and bla wife lDt.n.l nit. llbow i pa cent on and Mary Bamwsr Norrta. A-. f lM.000; 2" ,..r Hiit oo 1112.000; !!Cmblyman Earl Stanley &UelMJ.J' and I per cent OD 1182.000. own• a 37·acre paroeJ on the ..-t Pftall-olfered by tlle .,ctorloua side of the J!'aJ.n1ew State .._. llWdmr -.-. pit.al tract. oc:a.--.a-:~ .... ,._~ C.o .. 1233.IO premium, IUl2,IOUO 11et c:oat; Security Flrat Na Uont.l Bank of Loe Ang'ele1, f 141 pre· mlwn, •183,074 net collt, and Tay- lor and Co., '289 premium, 11es,. 1'.131 net coaL lntereal nangcd from 2% throueh a ptt ~nt 00 the J.oe. ms Mctders. appmx 16" x 26" Rcw11rd. Hor. aratt' mirror $20 upholstrrell 1 316·M ~k chair JI~. hookN'.1 rug!'!, etc LI 8·7118 33c -lt pay1 to keep PQl ttJ. Read SEE UEFORE SAT. ~OON - the :>:ewa·T1mes 1Tuesdaya1 and I Bt'<lronm <11m1ture. 11tuJ1v coui-h, TV SPECIAL ..• Stevens and Sons the Pre111 tThu,...d1 \•~I for Cull """eral t:hatra, upright plnno. n'w" rm•rrnge or the ~rwport 2021i i\hr11mar Drive, Ralboo Harbor arl'a 33p . f\OVI iI\ s ea.sol\-·· every day is when you wear Foberge's sunshiny yo\lng-at ·heart fragrance 'J:ltAW ff AT ... the 'licest gift of all ,..,..... P\lf\t ~full't 2.$0 C .... iw 11tlroordonowt 2. o'WI 3.50 P~-'te l11MtftW• "'"''°""' pwfvmt willl me1<hing cologtoe J.00 ....... • ' ' .. \ ' ' ' .. , .. , '. ' ., . ·, ' \ ' ' .. \ '· '· ' LID0---3461 Vla Udo, Newport ~h "On" nt lhf' U do ~hopi." HABBOft,.........,.UOI t::. CoaAt lhn · .• Corona dtl Mar BALBOA-i Hi E. Balboa' Bh d., Balhoa GIANT 21-INCH SCREEN Com,_e tllese let111ns! • J9t Twnlng 0Mlg,...Conven'-flft1 sNo<ed _. ~ "Hid.owoy" 'ower Cord ond "'°"11.()wt"" UHF fVt4I Ol'ltnna <ol'<eoled If! .. J.t Twftiftt c.,c--.. ... • Ntw Speclol "TH choule-Z......, -rched. •ne· --4 letled o'WI 111ro...d for d.P9f'6oble .,.,._"""' • c.,,..,;,.. C0tcode Tuner_.. oblllty '°-...., il'<Oflli"9 TY •le,,..lt fof b.Ttef rec~ • "'i<tv~od" Stabilizer Clrailt-1'-,... ~ -•ptloll Ill ''111robl9"'" loccrt~ . • t0<0l.Olo'-C• Swlldi-reltiority~ ..... .., .. _..,._ ef loc9I OI clitloftt atatloN. WHIN YOU OWN A %fNITH YOU ICNOW-~ IVlltlOOY .. DIOWl- YOU OWN THI PINEST STIVENS and SONS WE SERVICE ALL MAKES · TELEVISION AND RADIO 1879 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8-2301 Yes .. It's TRUE. .. WE ARE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY! . ~ ITS HOME · ·f)J;;IJ FIX · UP TIME ·!~· ..,,4 , ... ~ . 'b Need to Do loin• . PLUMBING?. * We have the Hw bot Area's mad complete selecti• of galv•lllcl pipe and fittings. ~ Also complete threacli11CJ & pipe cutting facllltle . WE CUT AND THREAD PIPE WHILE YOU WAIT! Iring In Your Sunday Paint Problems We Can Supply All Y 01r Painting Needs COMPLETE LINE OF FULLER PAINT Attention Garcleners •••• AM•lor....__,._o...c '...... We_. •rr-t tbe proper plut food, ,..._. or fwmala for better prclen results. Glad to belp yoa ! Sprays. Insecticides. A Garden Tool for Every Need! NEED TOOLS? * SAKRETE, Ready Mix CerMnt- All you do is add water --------------* Renew your old upholstery wlffl tM amalinCJ new FAISPRAY -1 • Decora t or Colors To Choose f rom * Sanden & Floor Polishen for rent WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS * * * VISIT OUR NEWLY ENLARGED and REMODELED STORE * * * AL FOR<ill HARDWARI Harbor 116 2205 w. Wboa llYd. Newport lead • .. PAGE i · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • THURSDAY, MARCH 31 , 1955 IOTH BREAK .CLUB BASS RECORDS llra. a.,. Greeley, Jett and Mn. C. A. Dilman, broke white sea baaa records for Balboa Angling Qub and Newport Harbor IAdy Anglen respectlvely March 23 when they retumed these beautlea to BAC dock. Mrs. Creeley'a fish weighed 43 lbs .. 13 ~!! o&. on light tackle, Mrs. Dillman's 46 the. 6~ oz. on 27-lb, teat lin.e. Both were fish - ing from Dolphin lll, s kippered by &:Jdie Offerle. Mrs. Creeley is first BAC member t.o break a club record this year. Old BAC white sea bllB8 record was a 40-lb. fish -ta.ken by Harof<fw-oode in 1951. Thia type bUS is gell ing closer, catChea betng report- ~ at S&lt Creek and Laguna kelp areas. -Kent Hitchcock Photo High School Students at SAC Workshop E ight journalism student.a from Newport Harbor Union H 1 g h Bchool at~nded the S-.nta An• COll•lil:• }ournalllm workahop th.LI atternonn wtlh their ln11lru<:tor. Miu l)Orolhen. Hl\Ua.r<.l. Jane Ol!Lllndf"r wiU br "''ork11hop ch11.1r- ml4n t or ye1ubook e<1111.1r111.I. ThOIOa .,..ho all~nd.,.;t wer e M erily n Inirmundaon. Ann Slew•rt. Jhu Ever.an. Carol Cr&l11. Jo Anne Oi;tlen. Jam G1111trop. Gllll f'r•lln1 ~nd Jane s r.-tson. Th'"Y part1cipatf!d In work 11hop1<, vor'A- tlun•l panel•and 11wartl pr.-M"nt.a• lion' 11.Lung with 300 Orange County high 1chool journ1111srn atu..i ... nt11. MAIS TROl'flli-;1' .\-laJ<>r trophiea arnon11: lh" 88 awardal ii.re for be11l new11p11p.•r by Oruge County Publlsheni A!l.l!U- ciation ; beat joum111lst -.nil he11l ne.,..·~ 11\ory. felllur ... pholugr11ph. ~purlll ~tory · IUld eJ1\or1al, by Or· 11.nge COllnly 1-'reaa Club; be11t year book ~d betlt l"raphic arllt--Jlro· <lur .... t year book In Qr11nge Co- unty, by Oran11:e County «lull nf prlnt1ng houae cmftsmf"n. Kn•! 12 11Crapbooka by S. K. Smith t.:o\'er Co. The college ll a .... ·ardlng •·er- l1fic11tr11 lo the flrBI threr pl11~e "'1nner11 -n 16 c:at,.gort,,. of 1'om - P<'!Hn1n. Among ll-dv1aera ror lhe et11•lenl workmbopa .,.. Lorraine i,:i.•m. <4rden Grove; Carl Sawyer. Or- Sai;ita Ana; Carmel• Clark. Long Ueucll lr1<Jcpendenl • Prc-s. Tell'- gr111n ; \\'all Taylor, An11hel'ln: J ln1 l lunk1ns. Sa.nlu Ana, Pa11cual H11•a.~. Suutu AnK and Tusl!n; Hor\ Contrl'f/l.Jj, Anaheim; and Phyll"' J . Jac-k!tOn, .Ne\\'pc:lrl 1-ln.rbor Newt· l'Tl"llll. A •·ur1111un11.I 11ane1 11t U11.· gen- eral llt''~lon cOr>Nl~tll .,f l''l'ed Allen, Garoll'n (.;ro,·e :>:e"''· modl'rator; :\Ii,._~ J!lck....,n: Fronk Hall. Brea P n;gr<:i!lll publisher; Glu•·er Hen· drick11~•n, Heatlng 11.ntl P lumlling Journal e<litor; :>:eliton Carne11, yea r b t1n k nn·rr n\an ufao::- turer; ;>.Ir~. Chns\\n11. Bee110n, Col- lon lllgh S1.·ll~>0l 1ni;!r11•'lu1·. 11.nV \"'O ,;tudcnts. n .. nn1~ ~l'"G"ahr of Or,.ni;e an•I Chul"k P,\'ron or Fill· lertnn. ang .. ; Dorothy Dtt>i. 'f\uUn :>:ew11 Cal1rornh1.n11 paid S~~.J28.000 ln l'lhlor; Bob F.J.lrner. t.lSC: T11uly ~LI.LOI l<lillt•!I lllk un llU!oniotive f'I "• Tr•ljfln hus1ne .. rnanag e1: i..<J\lhi i!uct¥ 1n l !l~oJ, >t.:c<\r,!1ni,: to lh·· :>:11- Uarrf"IO, 8-.nt• Ana : Cary Butler . I tmnal ,\ut .. rn•Jbll•• C"luh, ,. • IH AnooU11ebt1t the Appolntm,.nt of LOU REED and Associates 4323 West Coast Hwy. Newport lead!. Calif. Harbor 4070 Aft.rr Aprll l~th -Nf'W bulklln1 Uld ftt'W !Qcadon at I 200 WHt Coast Highway INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS In Nf'W"POrl &.ch • Vicinity It is •·ith genuine pleasure that we announce the appointment of LOU REED 1111d Associate11 as the new International dea]('r ror thi11 ar('a. Mem- berB of this firm have had a wealth of expt:rit'nce in the automoti,·e field Md are fully capable of rendering the efficil'nt 8f'n-ice clemandl'd of all lntl'm11tional Motor Truck Dealen. LOU REED and A.uociates offer you the most complete line of truck11 in America -200 basic modela -a truck of the right t ype, size. and power for every deli\•~ry and hauling job ; &1110 a complete 11tock of genuine lnUmational parts and a well-equipped ahop -...·ilb experil'ncl'd mechanic• to aerve you at a oon\·enit:nt location on Weet Cout Highway. INllRNATIONAL HARVllTIR COMPANY • • SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 OTH ~~~~sy b; ~~.~ ~.~~1~C:''" Spring Savings /\Sale on Home Appliances • . • . ~lar 189.9!5 SUvertone 'Zl-ln. Conaole TV. . $16988 Vertical cha88is, Zolotone fini11h rabinet ......................... . Keamon Hydro Swirl Washer, sir""" wuhes, rinse11 and spin drif!B. 8-lb. capacity ···········-·············-:1' I Family SIU! Keamo re Waither, large 7 -lb, '6"°° capacity, Special for t h is !!Ille only •. ---············-·················-I ~;~d:U~~: ~11f!!i.~~~e:t~~~-o~~-~----··--·········--·····-········· '2JCJ88 9.2 Cu. Ft. Coklspot. Refrhi:erat<'lr, 14~988 full wirlth. 40-round fret>r:Pr chf"lrt, auto. defrost ....... 6,~ You STIU have tliM to take advanta.-of super valuH In every department, but you"d better h·orry. Monday, April 4 Is the last day. Come early .•. join the crowds to Sean Santa Ana. You'll be glad you did. Shop Friday and Monday 'tll 9 p. m. -Park frff. . Values for Women .•• Robes and Dust.n., ValUHI to 6.98, cottons, flannels, '~00 plisae. rayons. Miuee end women's ai.zea ............. --··-···-·· ~ =~ ~:e~~~e;;~k~l~e!"~~~~Otrim. ~~~~---······················· S z11 ~l~~n~-~~a1!~~;_~~~";·2~;~o-~ taffeta'. ...................................... ~ '1'' :!~:r n~~~o: ~/'~~~~!'tt~t:~t?nru, in fine ··-····························'IT Rf'~lar 1 .1~ 8hN'r N •·lon<1, full f::r.11hionffl 12 rfPnirr. I""' 1h("('r 66 gauge. Hairlinr !t!"nm11 . pr. I Borqafn -fa th tifoi1n<e--;-;;--;-------~~---~"''-""'~d~·~·~•u1~00'!'-FFoms~t~r~\~V~h~1t~,JC~0>"'1:"~'mtne•J•~·~·~·r~lror:..<llilk<J:o._~-;:!l.if.ll!ll__-------' --5 r e-ame • • • bracelets and eaninj?"S. !19r or -...................... . Cotton Carpet, $.'i.00 liq. yd. Valur, ~ ,, lk-~lar M.9~ Child'" l'hflf'-.. rlt<'KllV b\a('k Lovely color a11sortment. 12 ft. widths .............................. ··Ml· )·d. pattnt with novel s1r11.11 ttf"nl-mf'n\ ................................... . ~~~~ r;:;;G~~1;;1d~s~~'. 9xt2 .......................................... ~4888 ~ott~ Prtn,'",· v, alduf'M 7!lc to ~J·,•.·, l•bn'•• , •• 4~• ,...11111"1, ,men nr ti r 11 rn>111'e , .... r .. c .. -····-··-··-··-··· . ~ :a~t1i~~l6;~~!~u~~i~~ . ·····--··--·······--·················-~-· MJ. ,.,~,09 :::-;~~~:.:'1l:a~~1;~;,~r: )~~J~t:.: ..... ---·-·······-------·-········· s39ss ~~!a~i~·;;. ~~~it ;;;n~l,.tnn. --···········-······-··-·······-···· IMI· yri~169 ~glilar 9.!SO Rf'\"f'f'!lllhlf' flra•· DraprrlH ~" 99 pinrh-pll'ntrrl tops. 50" \\•irlr. R4" \nng ······-----.-·····-·····--····-···· ('Ir./ RPi;:ttlar 7.!"10 C'ltroms('lun RNIMpn'ad11. $.(,90 Double di:imnnrl ouilted. F'ul/ or t\\-in ··--·······-----··-·········--········ ~:~ry 6~~11~~~;~~:i n,.~~-~---···-····--·······--·····--·····--·-·--··· s: 400 ~~~;.~~~Rh~~r:':es!~~a~~~~se RJtrHrl: ...... --··--·-··········-.. ·-······ $§97 ~:i:;:;r!i m~;~mf~11;<~~11'.:;i:!~~:. _____________ ........................ '§97 T~l,.phon11 Staadio, 6.9.'i \!allff', s499 it h o~ & planter. it hfUI 11.n a..sh tray! ------···------·--··· .. !:~~~r 1~~~~1!i'':;;:;;rrved --·-···-···--···········-···-l C)e 2:~9.!lO Mapl~ IJ\"lni;:: Rf"Mlm t:nAemhle:. • '219 "" Sofa opens into double bed. 5 pieeee ------···-······-----·· Rea;ular 119.9;) 2-Pr. Broclroom Sf't. s9988 Carolina popl11r in kaclrflC' finish ···-···--·--···-·-····-·--·-·- !\-Pf'. M•pll' Oln,.ttr Srt. i;olid •1988 t'l\!!lcrn ~l.1.pll'. 11 9.95 value ·······--··--·-··-··--···-········· ~~'laf~a'!·~~t:Xa~~~=~ ~~ ~~:~~---·······--·-·--·-········ $§CJ88 }'1111 ~lzit Fntlm l.aff'Jr Cnmhlnatlnn hlf91111 }.l altrl'88 and Box Springs. Sure <"Ute tor insomnia ·--·-······· I Rri:ular 4~.90 \'lllae;,. CIKlth. 30 Inch '11.788 11rddth m11 ltrr88 with boJt 11pri ng• on 6 1egw ·----------·-· ~ ;!:;r:;~:::;~.,a~~::; :;~e~-·--··-··--·--·······-----·---··-·'§'f88 Re-~lar M.9."i lii•i\'f'l Ror.l<f'r $,1!288 No-aag spring"'Seat. Tapestry cover ············---······-----·····-, Rf'~lu 49,9.~ Bruief'!ll. 24 -inch '11.488 deluxe model with heat re11,11tant finish -··----··----·····"'~ ~~~·~:~~~~Gs~~~~:~.· ·····---------------·-·-·-----·-··'r 16-Pc. P)1'1'-x Dlnllf'nnrf' Set, from Sft,95 lltO\"f' lo t11.blt withnut n brea k ... -·--·-------·-'7 K PRmorf'\ Portable 8f':111-laJ MIM'hlMS. '44" All the ff'ature:s you ~nt al our low price11 -------·· Rotn-Rroll ".too". don't conful'I@ this with the 14488 1m111lcr "20,'!"" Roto-Broil. Al'lk for the "-400" ______ ,, I. 69.fl.'l l 'atue Rntl'l-0-maf. for ind!'lOr 14488 11nrt n11tiinnr Cl"IOkt-ry • ·--·-----------····-·--. A Look at these Gardening luys ••• 129.95 "-.lue Roto-8pader .. '.109 9$ •'ith 1.6 H.P. Motor. Save 16.07 .... ·····-----·-~---··· to7,, OFt" ON CJIA.IN l..ISK FENClNG. 36. 48, 60. 72-in. hr:if',!ht.11. G1111vanii:ed fabric only Rf.i;:tilar 2.98 \\"I"" t"rn~ 13 ga. 1266 wirC's. 11 ~a. picke~. 16 in. hei.i:-hl ···--·---··--·············-·-·· :":;~.r h~:~.r 51~:.Nrk,.t F',.nrlni; -·------------------·-· S 100 Rf.iular 5.t 5 Prat M~.;. S 466 An all round J:llrdl'n 11ervant! Sa\•e 79c ··-·--·-·········--·---········ Rf'1t1ilar 109.r.o Pttwf'T Mower. I 94M 1 H .P. Bri(gB and Stn1tton motor . 18" cut ····-·-·--···--····· Rl"~lat 4.7.') l'la!'tlr Jf~, 7 JR inrh di11mttt'r.. I '1.86 T n1nlll'lllrt'nt '1"t!f'n. 50 ff. IPneth ···-------···---·-. ~ l .~9 Vatn.<. Gladinhtti Rn!~. has:: of " · 66' 2 fl"I 21 ~ lnrh. An l"IUtllt.11nd ln~ buy? ···----------·-··--·--...... Save! Mlscellane ous Soec:lals ••• ~-: '::~gc:~~i~~~~11r_~_ee1 f~~~:····--·-···-···-· ~ §288 ,,, .. npeutlf' l 'lf&fW'rh. 100 c11p11ule.. J f 9,~ Reinilar price 7.75 each . ·····----···---···· tor Tf)ilf'f ~llf'!l. l'l'(Ulartv "°kt I for 2 for 29c-Now · for g e &Pf'r Kap l 'ltamln; Get !HI ··r;;-s 40 Wilh 11 bottle of 100 .. ··-· .... .... .............. ··-· '".2 11~.~ llf'mln_itton Port.hie Typewriter S 50 with T.!rbulat nr. P!u11 F. E T 89 Regular 19.9,'i (f~-m Se:t. ~I ·~j ...... -.. ..... 81 ~-~l11y .. ~-m*'t. Buy now and u.Ye ... JS n{'(U r 4~.9!S Df'lm" ORde Ride. I ~288 A !n'Tn llif!'t: the kid. will lovr ! -------------~JI~ Sua.r S..vinas for Men ••. M,.n'i'i F1annrl ~ult, Pill!\ 9.90 Slack11. S ~91111 ~uit regul11rl\" pricrrl 11t 34.!'!fi. Roth for ................ ---·-···•···········~ R4-11:ular 1.-19 Mf'n'11 Sport S hlrh1, V;:iriety $1%9 of fabri<''I in harrts11mC" \Va!l~~r.nlnr!I ···········-·--······--··········· Rrt!1d11r 2.9it J•a.Jnmn~. nu0 ,.NJ'"rottl"ln in S 1"" 11nlid ro1nrs. ~hort l'lf'tY<'ll k ..-hort f'rll"lls. ........................... . Sport~ Shtr1!', ltfo~lar 1.49. S o-Iron rnttnn pll!lllW'! S 1 %9 11nd cotton dl'llU\•illP. ~hort ~ltrves ............................... . Mrn'll ~hOMI, lt!ln V11.lnl". r.nlrt Rnnrl C'R!IUAl!I. "r"~ J.11:r1''"'" ["ll"ll""·l'nft ]l'11thrN1 ................ pr.l' !<'paldinr; A.utnirraphNI Hrn~· K1tm!'On, (;nlf Clt1h!l S 691111 f"rm"rl"' ~1'Jf\.(l()_ ~l inrl1J<l("' 1 v.·<Wlio. 1 irons ............. -..... . Rf'piar 14.9ri "Roat aad Mf:r F1~1o.c Rod. I 999 i:-.Hrf l'!'llll'll'I bl11<lf'. !'Jt,.\nlr•" llff'-f'I ~ldeti .. ·····-----············ -- Rr .. ul11r 79t' """'" fll'X" Sorl!.!'. miniclP l'lt rf't rh 2 f 1"° n~·lnn. (1!"1('"k n11tt erni"!, in tl"I 14 . ............... P"'- ·~!Ill lo JI ~l;~~n~~~!~ \~1~:-~~fno;ton 111ith ................................... 4 fn~ l 00 Cotton Shirt", !;1 .4!l \'ah1f'. for girll'I or 99• boy!!. S11nforiu-d. ~irR~ :l-6x ·-·--·-··--··········-·-·······--·--·· P,.alm .f..aa" .lloub~ Fabrk' Kn.-. 1 f 44 fu~ kn<'fl ~antntl'f'd Hf P l"lf Jt>11n11 ·-········-----·-·-----M---- Rf'plar Sl.19 Knit !"hlrt11, noinfnn:rd with ...,. nvlon 11t crtw nf!t':k. ~!r:n 4-1 2-14-16 ········--·····------11 Jie,;ular $.,.AA Sport Shlrt!i, '°'·rinl<l,.·!!hl'd '1" plairla 11nd 1tolid:ii ("',,n,·ertihle ----····------·· Jr. Sport Sult", Coat :vt .. ~ •·ool, Ml,..• rs yon I 91111 acetalt> _ir1\b11rrtinr nant!I ·······-------······· '---· Rf'ir;nlar 79r Royt1' rl)lo Shirtt'. 11hort •h-e,·ed cotton. 2 f 100 1tf11nv rolorful itlrinet1. 3 to 6x -·. -······--···-for S.ir;ular M:lc Otrl"' Pa.nlif"&, 30 dPn ier n}·lnn tricot. LL e Ela11tif"i~ ..,.-~i!lt . t\!ll'.l"lrtt"d ~t,·le11. R-14 ···---------· VV Olrk' 100~ ""<Wll Tnrpef'!', 1'Z.ft:i \'ahH', Special purchlll'lfl t 861! for thil!I 1111!,. nnJv. f:i1"'° R ,,... 14 .... ·-·----·--·-····· Save Now on Building Needs ••• ~~ 45e aq. ft. Pl&etic Till", '9 ... eye-c11tching colon go clear through -·-···----··--··---"'I· n .~ I ~~ ~~:~~~~ii~~-k ~~~--------····---··---····· -.ch 5. ~;J ~~~=~ ~::=p~:·1 ;aey . ...... .. ·········· --·--·· ·---~-9" 101-OtT ON l.A.BOR AND MATERIAi..$. Homart roof 11h!ngle11. Fire, wind re9i11lAnt. :::•~ ·~~~.~oc-k Wool P~l,.tA. ·····-------------··-:--·-· 25 n!.1 t9 GaJ\wtlRd Gutte:rioa, regular 10-ft. len~h. S 1" No 11oldering ntt<led .. ------···---···- S.rular 7.r,o MIJrlnit FalMlflt, chrome plated. S 6 M wall-mount type. Savt 62c .. -·-·----··-----·-··· ~~~)'~:~~~~01~~~~~-9~·-····-·----------·~-14488 ~.~~~ A~'!i~:°::: :;;; ·-·---···--···-·-----·------······-···' 18S :·~.:-~~Jo~~\~C~t. ~othe~.of pe.~rl._ ····--··-·-------·····-S 681 :1~-:Sh!:d~o~p~:~--~~-~~-~-~-~~-~-~---------··· S 10: Kr.plar R9.9!'i Wat.er HNterw. Glal'lll lined. S 71 insut.t~t 10 year protection plan. 20 gal --·----·---· t Ve.r Oaarankof.r4 Waler HM.kn. autom&tic S ~-Ml' therma.U.I. rock wool lntrul11tion. 20 gal_....,_ _____ -:_ _______ .... ~"7 Rceplar 6.%.' ffoo11ie Paint. one coat Ci>Vtn . S 4" =rn:_;.h~~~:-'tto;~··w~-~-i;~ quality:· ··-plln; J" Buy now and a.ve 70c. ···-······--···--·······---····-•an;-91 Retrular •.ft R11bhtr 8--Flat Paint. ~ Odorle., appliett smoothly. Save &3c ____ gallon ~ ......... 1.911 Ro11tt ud Paa !lot. '1 '° t..eaTM no bMMrh mark•. Euy to u.. ·· S SI -~.!9 8top Lo<ld<r, ~ ft. ..... t ·lteel bnoed. lhrrdT ~tlon . ----····· ~ I 716 So'. Main St., Santa Ana Telephone Kl 2·3961 REPUBLICAN WOMEN ot Newport Beach induct officers. From left to right. in front Mn. Viola Friedman, vice-president; Mrs. Walter Parke, president of Orange County Repub~an Women &Qd installing officer; Mrs. Sidney Peck, recording secret~ry ; in rear, Mn. Lewis Gardiner, parliamentarian, and Mrs. Richard Teachout. president. In· atallation took place at the home of Mrs. Robert Campbell, 2667 Bayshore Drive. -SWf Photo Council Hears 2 Speakers Mra. R. L. ~on •poke a t the mu llnl' ot the Harbor Coun.cll of Churche1 rollOWUll' a luncheon at Harbor Luthf'r&n Church. She re· vlf'Wed lhe history and irowth ot tbe hoepltal and told ot the needll tor additional ~ .. It It la to ke+p up with the expanding c~mmun-1 tty It 1erve1. The Rev. Robt>rt Gronlund 1pok11 on "\\71at la a Lutbera n.'' The Rev. Edwin Goml<e or U1e Corona del Mar C'ongregatlolltl.I Ch urc-h will .&peak at the April Ill meeting lo be held in that <'hUrch. The Rev. M . C. Cronic prealded and the hoet ~•tor lecHn lhe Len- ten Rrvlce. Good Fru1ay service will be held at l he Cosl& Mu a Methodist Church. The Rt>v. Roy C•rlaon wu named to replace the Rev. l'uul Moore Wheell'r on lhe civic affairs commlM lon. Dr. Rich- ard Pou of the Southern Baptlat Chu~h w &1 a vh1ltor. ~nnouncing Billie fay Hair Stylist and Coloring Expert Now A11oclaNd with 111 Coral BEAUTY SALON FORMAL DANCE PLANS -Jerry Farquhar of Newport Heights, Carolyn Green, Judy Ferguson and Carlton Dawson, all of Lido Isle, are on.ly four of the many mem- bers and guests of the Newport Harbor Supper Club who are looking forward with great anticipation to the spring Formal dinner-<iance to be held April 16 at the New- port Harbor Yacht Club. -Beckner Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSOA Y, MARCH l 1, I 955 L. A-. Women to Address Harbor Group • C of C Committee IS Sponsoring Luncheon 3732 E. Coast HIWOJ ('ORO'S A DEL llA& KLDANCEFOR YOUTH SUPPER CLUB PHILHARMONIC GROUP IS HAVING MUSIC WORKSHOP A call lo the lnatrumenta has been sounded and muaclan• or Orange County have round their proving ground5. Under the aw1plCf'A or lhe Phi~monlc Society ot Orange County and at.a able conductor, Frieda ~Unfanlf', a work11hop w ill be held once a week. Her e, ln11trumenta.ll11ta of alt ages. who Miee Graee 8toe1 n1e1 , -put pti!S!de~ula'iia Atherton Irish, current vi~e president of the women's divi- sion of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, will speak at a lunc heon meeting sponsored by the women's committee 'Fortnightly' is Model For Teenager Activity On April 16 the belles and beaux of Newport Harbor. Corona clel Mar and Balboa will doff their windbrcakcr11 and don party clothes for the Newport Harbor Supper Club's Spring Formal to be held at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club ll fll'\'<'n o \'ltt< k. I 11p<>rts to tncludt t he mor& "pollte" The .. Supper l'luh .. 1~ l'\ew11'lr l lll'll\'1111'8. Many of Ule famlllea who oncl' Hs.rbor'a "Jf'orlnta:hlly " A new I ""f'1!"l t he 1ummer at the bearh" organfzat1on l•~l )'l"ftr, pnttrrru'fl now llve hf're yt ar 'rounrt. The aflt'r th,. olit .. 111 .1bl1sh"'I J.-1111 An-I 11pon11orw ot the new grnup hope ftt'h•a grou(', It brings tol:t'lhrr thr lha l a l r1ulit1en llJ In the mda~0tn1~ i.nd I hAt as llmi: gOt"s on a n o " let'n·&gt' <hll.Jrrn o( f11rnlllt" an lhl' 1 rnf'mlX ra" rttum homt' tor var11.- bl\~' area who w111h 10 ruuml out I tlonit trom 1·01ie-gc11 all ovrr lht a vc1-y fnll program nf fun 11n'1 countrv th~ "Supper Club"' partiM wlll afford a meet mg Ph•Ce for old friends. DecoraUonll for the party art being a rran1tP<I by Mls.8l'11 Melinda Lrllholtl, Jane Enright. Joan Far· q11har, Sally Pfister and J ulie Hm m11Jl1. Spon11ors anclurte Mesar11. llllrt Mm«'"· Morrlanrt Leltholrt. HT:>ward l.awaon. Thnrna.t Web11ter and J ohn H umdall Fuchsia Expert to Show Slides for Society • wl8h to play In a gTOUp and who meet the requirements, can get orchnlraJ t raining which la olherwl11e una vailable. They w 11l have a chance to actually ma ke music together. Eventually the beat arU.t.a, tr th«'y 110 df'&lre, could join t he Phllha.rmcmtc orchf'•lra, or give concert.I or their own. The po.!Ulibllltlt• are endJeu. Orange Coa1Jt CoUege h .. don.l- et! the ta.tie or Ila new and beautiful mwalc hall. Rehe&nl&la began T hursday, March 2• a l 7:30 p.m. Anyone lntereated ,,1 .. ase apply by malt to: Miu Frieda .Bfollnfante, P . 0 . Boll 118, Corona tlel Mar , Calif., or come In peraon, w1th 1.natru- ment, Thur.lday night. A NEW ANGLE Easter Vacation -But in . Paris of the Newport Ha rbor Ch11mber of Comm('rce April 1~ at the New- port H a rbor Yacht Club. Miu Stoermer 111 a ret ired vice pre!ldent of the Bank of Amer- ica and one of the original round- er11 or the womt n'1 division or the Chambf'r of Commerce In Loa An- gt'lr11. She 111 intemallonal mem- ber or Beta S igma Phi and a ctive ''\ Bu11JneM and Proft11elnn11l Wo· men's AllllOCla tion. Both Mlsa Stoermer and Mra. l r1ah are native daughter. Mt.IJ Stoermt>r will 11rPr•k fro m a b11111lnl'll)t wnman·1 \'IPw or the chamber CJ( commerce 11nd Mrs lrai<h. \\hCJ 111 pre.iently vtce prerclilcnl of lhe H ollywood Chnmb, r of l'11mml'rCt', will llpt'a.I< on lhr· lt1yman'11 a pprn11rh. Mrs T. 0. St,,warl hr chairman J UN IORS ARE HOSTS Senior Ebell Unit Honored The "H~toty an,\ Oevelopment Of f'U»hSill$" WIJI be lht' topic Of Ktnn .. th \\'. T••ri y "' RedonJo Flo•A1 h "I" 1kln1t Ill th•• rnf'1•llnK or !Iii' ( ···~l.1 l\\t""ll·HA)• Cltll'll Un lnf'h I n( th" t'11hCorrua :":'lt11•n11I Fuctu11a Tht"re art' many Ha rb<>rltt'll who Sol'h•I v l•" April :'I at i 30 p.m. In pl1111 ron Utkini: var a llons 1luu ng thr t:\ 1•1 o•lt A . H l'11 ~t hnol a 11ll1· E1111t1"r \'acatltm. ThPy gn to tht ln1111n1. '"m"r 11( 1f11n111t<Jn 1tnrl rtc11••rt. to l.Ais V11i;:iu<. t1Pk north or Mry"r St~, {"o~lll M1•:<a Ti't ry l'Oulh to ~IPX1••u. Hut th{• Harry will a ll'o show cnlnr ,.,, •l1tlt•a of Campb1 II family 1ttws fartht't a· luc h~lll" .. n1J fud'""' i:"t'l"l\'1 (lrhl. Form,.r t!"111rl!"nts of IAnl? or lhl' wl>ml'n's commtltcf' of lhP and w11l have to f11?1•rt ll1t• tor· A pnl IM'l'll!1on. whtt'h 111 open to elgn t'Xch11n1o:e "Y"l"m lntereslt'd w omt n In the Harbor lwld IJ l11n1 htvn ~lllrl'h 21 Ill t hr Jn·lne l'n&Al C-nunlry 1 'l11h. Ill J11ttwa Y.'hll t , wt.ya 1Jntl • ln•1rm11n. ll'JK>rl!'•I on lhl' r un1m.111'" 1111 I,. t f)TTOS ".\1,1~ Thi'\ mnnth th" F'ur-h .. 1a Snell.'' f b la nrt, th"Y Wl.'rt a rcuiilornNI to wlll <'•'ltbrall' 1111 l!PvPn lh ann1v., • 0tjoy t hP f.11stl'r program 11 •t 'U\ry bv l11lnorin1: lht' p1111l prell· Radio City M1111tc Hall. and tht rh•nt~. I 'ht1rlr!t, Gut hr Ir, M n! 61' ._ d11ncln1r RoC'kf'lt!"io So three )'PATii l'nllv 11n•I lht' 1111" Dn1t t; .. n. Ray· T h18 Y•'IH It w u Ca pt. C amp· mn1111 Jo:. Knarp bell. p1!ot tor TWA. ""'hO 1u1:itf'sted ml"lln; Iha H 1,.,. M n1. t:•'"lltlll Wll~on •\O tlriuithl"t :->1mc-I ('t't8lladed rtc"n I /\I Uullu•tPr, M.,. f:nllh• ~lnortt· ln .. m to 1:0 b•ck to the l!pt'c tacle. Mr~ C't>e ti I.ink•,. h,.11 ,,._,.n l'r• .01tlrnl o..-.. n 1'1olm11n rxlr ntll' htJ< wift' anti tlt•u~hler go to Pan11 which t h• Ir l'll<Jn•ors. mrm~t' "' ""'''"'' rhn1rmr1n ol thr annu11J to l'Vt'I, 1•nr 1tn ln\'llAl1un to 11lt1•ntJ for Enster \'111 at1on. It look 110mt the EWll C'lub, were g'\•"8\S. Irma 1·011 .. n Unll lo b,. ht'lol In Junl' nnt\ 1111~ mr• lini: .,. ""II Ai< future tlmf' ror t ht>m to realize ht r rally H uttman May.s lnlrq >rrlrd "The th<' fr•llllWlnlt l'l1•n• °b"l'n -~ls:tlt'd on•"• whlrh '"" ho'l•I ''" the first mt'anl H. but :o-;flnc\, a junior 11.l )\lnit and 1." i\ramatrzani; "" h1a:h· lo lier cnmm1ttrr 1'u<'••l.w of Parh m••nth Ill 7 30 H arbor Hlith .1rnd her molhtr a a:e U(lrhlll ""'' l'lntt in~ tht' Rtldi;• ra C'"-\ht1tm111n. ~lrP f'"rr,.sl Al· I'm. in th" Evf'rell A Ro 11. School J"anng Lhf' l"venlng of April 8 and H&mmer.slf'ln 8<-0rt lint.Irr. •lrrora11ont'. Mr" Ed~~rd •utlltunum. Tht'y rx~cl lo be g-one a Wtt'k M rs. Strrhnii: r.n... Juniors H. K .. uy Md tlCkt'lll, Mr11 Rel ty I l'\arhtl rlants '"ti tl(>nltn&te thr ('r mor ... WtlJ 81'1' P&n!, poaalbly r r('IUdcnt, w .. JcnmPd mf•mb<'rJ< nf Rt\"TlOld". Ml'ml><-1'1'1 r ltctt'd to lhf' rl•nt tl\blr thu• 111011\h Two rtoor RQme and Umdon. the F:ti.U Club Mr11 r aNs infMm· n11;..l nr1tlng re>m"11ttrf' lnrlurtP Mn pnz,., will be l:IV••n ,.w,.y: on" Cor They h1tve 11 numbu or h 1t>ndll ell the m"mbi'r"Aip that :-;rwport A Hurr Wh1\r Jr . M ~ E. H Kel· a \'Ull11r and on" rnr a mrmbf'r. ovt'r \hue, lndudinit ~an Carpen· Buch 1Ji "llllf"'ltil'to hl\'I' 10 J'AJ:t'll I\· 11.nd M11< Thnmu ~hrM1lf1 .. r. Rt'(r r~hm,.nlll "''111 rnn11l19t M birth· tl'r. manAgln" dfreC'tOr for thl' H1I· pre.o .. nl (or tho• flrr.l <1•v .,f thl' Th,. "X"<"Ull\'r board <'( thr J un-•lav rak""· rofrrl.' a nd lt't.. Ad· tnn holt'I 8)'Alem In Euror<>. and a nnual Soutl'tem tll11lrn t Hrn"it 1nr f:b-'11 w ill m~t Arr•I I ' Ill mi.011ion 1~ frf'r, his "'"1"'· who I!! Conrad H11lon'11 C••nw•ntlon Ill !hf' HunllnJ:"(u I Hn· r Ill Ill th,. hnme-Of KAY Kl'lly 1--------------1'18ltr. \\"lull' MM! Campbell llJ)t'nt tl'I, rlliuul,.na, Apnl 28 1Jntl 2(1 ~h" n llAlbolJ Dili;rl11'1. )l')('all'd In Slln Bernar· llOme time In Pane flvr yur11 a,;n t1I"" rl'mlntlc<i m !'ml><'r' <if thr n"' • In ll llll'l'lllll' Crlltll~, Jumon •hn•l County. Is t f'Jlflltf'ol by !hi' this 111 :-;anc1 I' Clrftt vtlllt. It wltl f'll•llY nt Jil'l\lnit thl"l r Jl<'tn\11 talm-"'''" "'rr,. ....-~inn2 ITil'mbl'r•htp :>.11t11in11l Auwm111)1l11 (1111) t o be a rnt11.lt a bit of wnrk . for shl' h&• latl.'d 11ntl "' nt lo )tno CJnn l'l'lr1-pin• "'""' 11lllcf'•1 In tlraw for • tour111t 11uflply point. bM"n appointert bu11lnf'111t mana1ll~r. W>n F trtrnt\lc}n ExtPns1on rl"prr-, rnzr Thi' ~1rt w11~ • l1J1m .. 11 by p;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;:::;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;::;;;;;; ... n1at1Vf'. M r~ Paris intro<lurl"f1 ~fr11 f: <' ·1 w11 hrll )fra. Rtrharll tinltl,.r u 11 nt'w 11r· Amonjf th,. ml'mhfor11 Of thf' Eh->U Uve membtr. r111b rr,.i-tn\ W"ff Mu N tchnlu \'A('ATIOS i\10 llrPllnl'r, r rr111dr nt. M1io 89'111 f't't!'r.omn. ft Mll vtrr·pr"i<lflrnt. M rll. n11rtng lhe rha1rmen rt'J)C)r!.11. Am1•l11J t;amhll' Mr• ,\t11 ry Dl'dtl, )fro N om111n \\'.1\ll'On, Bullrl a j Mn1. 'TW11 hl'll, Mr" l'homM t. Let· J'\l't Irr f'nmmunl\ v • h11lrTnt\n. ••It-to Mr• Jnhn JI l,Jn1ton . Mn c. ••1 for \'nhinlf'tr11 to ht>lp on Hill· M. o .. sk1n11. "''" John !Amar Md twill laland for lht' F.11.J1tn \\'f'f'k Mr!'. Roy N"tlo!tn. VAr1Jtinn Mr8. \\'l\ll'"n h~ lw-f'n A• ll\'f' In lll"'f'IJk lnjl to r 11rf'nt g 10llJ!fl In C'ltlrtt tn Lhf' IJl"f'I\ nn lllm11 Miss Doris Reaf ror • ""nt r .l'pnni ,., .. "\'"1'1 '" Transfers North Nrwport Harbor Mr11 R<"nakl B1rtrh"r rtmtnJl'd Mwi Onr1a R.tl.et ln.l'trurlOf' In m 1 m bf'ni of the Ynuth Cnn~n •· ht1J1lne11~ l\dm1nistratlon anti coun-1 t lnn f'und tor which a rt'• 1rlrnl ,,.lnr "' nraniiP \f)llll\ C'nllrl{I' wlll h~ not bf't'n •tll'Clt'il. ll \\'A• wit· ,.,.,·omr dr11.n nf womrn 111 An1ert· l'tl to pay tor nnt nr mnrt t'l\Olfl· I l"nn Rl''"r Juninr I 0111ll'jtl.' In ~11c"­ er11hl)>ll to lhl' YMCA 1111mmtr !"1lmt'nlt" Dr. Bill P r1e1<l, hrl\d nf <'•mp. the camprriihlp to be gtvf'n the cnllPge's t \'t-nlng dhialon. ls to Ntv.'Jl()rt Harbor youth. Mni. j 1'3 be J>rf'!!ldenL , Bruce Martin FOR ALL YO~R IN8UR.ANC5 NE.EDS NO APRIL FOOLIN' Commencing Friday April 1 sf We Will Stay Open Friday Evenings 'ti/ Nine P. M. Come in and see Our EASTER FASHIONS We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! \'our ~oat wlll be u ~autlfui a11 r \ 1•r. art"r our •pt"('lall"h r ompl!'te Ch,.lr b•n1t ... urk ~ W~ Pickup and Delin•r Uptown Cleaners 19?.I\ Wut Balboa Bh·d -Nwport Beach We •ret•lall:r.11 In ('lf'anlnr and Hand Prf'•11ln.. nf LA41M' and (i"ntl"m"n"'' rlnf' \\t'arlnlf appa~l a rea. Rel!ervallon11 muy bi' phoned to Mrs. Hay Lani:cnh Ptm at Ll 8·1 l M , or t o any committee mem· ber. Ga~ler al Circus Bootery such a wide variety· for your child -WANT Adi aell hom.., boa .... cars. furniture. appll&ncea. etc:. -Jt paya to read tb• want ad9. and •very on• lrrnlstable ! • GIHmin9 Patents • Snow White Calf •Red Calf Prtft'd AC'C'C>nUnr tn ~b.fl s.n . e.!11 •.• 6. '7.t6 •s~ CIRCUS LA.BGEST A&'K>RTMENT OF EDWARDS SDOF..8 INORA.NGE COUNTY BOOTE RY TWO LO<'~TIOSM SANTA A..~A IUmtM-rly t -68411 11111\ ~. Main e<rou fro"" Seer• COSTA MESA l.lbforty 8-UllJ M-('"nt...r-1'7UI • 0,._l'e -....... "''""• •••• •"4 n.,;1,, BOTH !ol1'01U:s OPt:s t"IUDA l ' SIOHT~ 'Tit. l :f)ft You'll love the life you lead.~. with an all-electric kitchen! It makes meal preparation eaM-. Jaster, more pl.easa.nt. .. and meals turn out tastier, too woaD GITS A•OU•Da TM really modeMI. kitdr.enl a.re a,ll-elRdric! &£ VoUr Dealer ~ AlltO -T111elr ~ Flre-Uf• einert's _____ .._., l.OCAL AOE:\'T ......... ()(ftee Uberty 8-5063 liberty 8~ 1193 Ne rt Ave., Costa Meu IOUTHIRN CALIFORMIA EDISON COMPANY DEPARnlf;~"T STORt: Ult Se.port Bh·d~ Co-ta M- FREE PARKING REAR ENTRANCE • • ... ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF1''ICERS, shown here after the Installation luncheon in Newport Harbor Yacht Club are (left to ri ht) Mrs. Norman Gamble out _9_i n PAGE 2 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 PRESIDENT-ELECT Mrs. H. B. Robertson (above l and. in exchange of "galloping gavel" ( . ) Presidents Mrs. James Aspin of Harbor and Mrs. Ag- nita Hewitt of Garden Grove. Zonta Elects New Officers Election of officers, exchange of the "galloping gavel'' and. as opening C\'Cnt. a delightful program or Norwegian dances by a troop of Garden Grove Girl Scouts featured lhe et ~ ZeM6 Ch•e r.-: ' amount ot m oney for the trip. M ra. I Marcella S.1mea la their ltadn , Mn . Caln, broua l)t colorf'd plc- aulst~ by Ell~n Ltndt'r, co-lud-turu and a vivid account of an er. Mr•. Olga IA>gerblorn, Cormtrly ot Norway, la lhl'lr tnatructor. unu1ual t'Xperltnce on hJ1 lalanda Members of Nt'!\.\·port Beach z on-trip, Saxor and hi• party cha~tl'red t.a will take the "plloplnK ga\'t'I" a plane to 0)' ovf'r Hawa U • r~ to Long B«-a<'h on April 21 , w ith r •nlly t>ruptln~ vokano. about 100 17 mt'm~ra partlclpatlng In thl' ft'<'l a bove the cnllt'r, while It program. waa In action. Not an undertaktn1 Takes Flight Over Volcano Returning from a trip to Hawaii to aptnd a couple or m onth• at the Floyd Ca ln home, 1924 Mon- rovia A~e., Co1ta Men, Harry Saxor ot AllquJppa. Pa .. brottier ot For!!!! pain relief tor taint tlf'arl•. dl'cla rea U11 eaat- emu , but a nry l'XclllnJ experl- cnce. Mnt or t he j iln'"'il>r'Xux1 1ary; . AUS m . turtevant, unior ad\'isor and rs. Peterson, first vice-chairman. -Staff Photo ,......, _ .. Brcnusc of the program, business was in reverse pro--b' cedur<> with t>Hkt'r t>lt•r tlon n<'arly ;drnl of Ourd<'n Grove Znnta. BUFFERIN th .. tas l ltrm. Cho!'!1·n \\r re Mrs. H. 111111 "i:;11lloplni;: gavt'I' u one o ( 13. Hob1 :l~111 pf li.llboll Jslo.m.J, pr•·· thr,.e which we1c 1111u•t1"I "" lit• lr ~1tknl. .:'>Ir:<. ~I. c. Shreley, f1r1<l ~ 11y fb rwry Z<•nta r~"."'' 11. 1 n ee pn-!.h.lcnt; J\tri<. c .irlton Meara. l .lhfu1 nla 11nli Arl:r.ona.. l::ach • ll.•r· tw• f t 111•c:on1t \'ll:C prc1rn.Jcnl. Mr!I. H. L. tr r pruv11.h.•s a program Bl one ,,f ice as as Uacon, corrcspom.11n1r II• en tury; the r,•gulrtr med Inga or a neis:h-1 Mn•. Jor Hamblcl, r• 1;ord111~ •• c:-b<nlng lhupt .. r, a.U.o pr"11Pnt111i:: the m.iiiii.iii.iiil.ii __________ _ relary; J\lrs. •wt>.·rl Juyr.·tl, trt•ui .. , tw8l<'~ll rlub \\ llh the ~awl. This as asp1r1n I uri'r. Board mernbl'rs at l:.ui;t• w ill 1·hnpler, In tu1 u, prt'.'lt nta a pro· • be Mrs. J nmr s Gallai;hrr nr d rc·i s:ram an1J the i;nvel to anuth1·r to Councl•l Qf ft.Cer l~.~~g1n~~:~:~':;~~ ~'t';.r~:1r~ .. s ~~ brour. is r·noJEcT t~ an t•vrnl o! April 28 al the \ ll· The Ylalt111i: irroup puscr.trd HI · · d 1 l\f ~ nwt ht Dunran 11not la ~lorlna. nwm hrrs t•f Ulrl Scnut 1'roop 122 !-'11ulh Coast Alumnae Club of P1 Beta Phi met We -hns ell~s r ·1, It' Th -·i1 111.1,cm....., llF:\lt U or t,.;111urn <:rn1•t . h dllllc:i' .. or Nnr-. 'if rs. ,,a,t. ~ .,uff''"·!'I. , ....... , .. , .., '* ncsda~'. ~l an·h :!3, in the home of Mrs. Samuel \Veavcr m ~ieetlnif of the r lub will b<' ob-Annual n>poru 01 All committee I way anrl wca rinR 11tr11rllveo coe- Santa Ana. GUC!:ll was M.-.. William H. Manafield of St. Loui•, lu rvanc. of roundeni' Dey Wrd-chairmen were read, •howing pre>-Lwnu. Thia itroup i. plMnlng lo h bee k ' d A pril 27. A 12 30 lunrh-i:r<..,!t nn1l many 1wr:lc<'S of the , \'l•ll Norway u• an l11trr11.,t.on11 t \'iC'e-prC'~idC'nt of Pi Phi Grand Council, w o hu n ma rng ~.~~ :~it be hl'lu 111 Villa ~1..rina.. , tub u r.u. r kadn,.htp t>C Mrt1. Ai-Slouttnr pruJCCL in Hl.J9. TI1e g1r1.t COAST GROUP Pi Beta Phi Hostess .... ,t .,... ,._ atelMAI LEE'S PHARMACY Balboa blaad 1Mike Bovee ! W ants Letters 1.oc11t l1 l•n·'• h~,., rN'•h' ... w11rd f:o:n \hi' l\111:.• l 'O\t'I' f1 •11tl)', 1103 North II .. )' Fr in: thl'l thrlr tKJn, Mike Jr. h"• a hrt•k1•11 tea and will be ,·nnfln••I f II • x \.'Cf'kl , woul<I Ilk• 10 hl\'t II': te n from frlt'nda ht'rt' I 'r.1t llovH• 11 <' •p•ndlnR the rear ab1 o.J anl1 M iko I• trolna to •<'ho.11 In l:lwl1ur:11n1t. H I• ;al1drH a 111 HotC'I Du P1lmlua. Montrt'Ull, Swlt&r1 l&nd Thi' t&:i11ty upect. to return home In l:ll'IJtember. ---- HOME LOANS At Oren9• Co11nty'1 LHdln9 Holft• Lendi111 lnetlt11tio11 Q.UICI 24 HOUR SEltVICf LOW LOW "REDUCI NG" INTEREST RATES EASY ) MONTHLY fl A YMENTS FRIElf DL Y SYM,ATHETIC SEltVICE Wl IVY TIV5T DHOS ON Wil l LOCAn o HOMES LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHn AvettVe LAGUNA BEACH flho•• HY 4-1 177 h•r .. 111.t ll \'lhlt to ~tu Province. rushing rhalnnan, Mrs. Moore; pin. !arc lt'11ming ttie l&nguagl' and cus.-302 Marine A\·~. f're1<Jtflni;" nl the bu•111~M n'lrrl-ways a.nrl mean~. Mr:<. AuJ1lln I The "i;allnplng gu•el" w 8 a t<•llls of the country and are work- lni: 11•1~ th,. 1 , 1 """''nt. ~trs. Gto1i:r Sturtc,•anL. and hlstori~ and pub-Shops to Show bruui;ht t•• the mtl'lmg by 1 I j"ii:iihilU':d~to~ni:•~:ei.~th~•i.~r;t'q:uilirl'idijiiiiiiiiffijarilbo~r•!~J•&8 .. iiiiii.ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii H ~I ••IC, :\..-wp .. 1L tk.;l't1, who an· hCll~', Mn1. Thoma.a B. Fro1l, all lllt llo bcr:i , I tho Garll•·n c..;10,·e Zn n. 111111111' I t 11.11 lh•· ~l)lltht'rn Csll-ur :\rwrt1rl BNIC'h. s I "' ('lob 1111•1 r•rt'i<-nted IQ Jllni. M · fur111 1 Ar('.\ t:11unc1I .. r 1'1 P.cta T'h1 J•m k IUlll \\'lute peach bloMoms Easter t y es 1•111 "'' Mr!' Ai:;mta }frwltl. prul-'""''il" hr.Id 11... ~·1oundlr' D:w cfr1or.1tt'd the tea tabltt and wcrt Jun< h• "I ,1t lllt' ~J11 ,111-.1r llOld I~ 11'4'<1 t hrt1llJ:hOUl lhe tlOUl!t'. Pl r ht11 t s f 1".1111.1 ~I"'"', ~1t1111l 1v .\pill 16. 1111111 S cmtil Ana, Laguoo lie11r h, a ea are T"ra 1n• •nt;. 1 • •·( th" • 111h :ir,• pl.l l'I· :-;, w1 01 l i; .. ar h, \Vhttllrr and nrnlo: t .. "'l• 11 I, 1111111 ,,.,. four J,0 11 J.: II• ·•d i allendt>•I the l tll h11n- (;11hl1·1\ At '"" l•"'"'h"' ~ \\ho \\ 111 01111i; .:0.lrs. ~ta1111fleld. Ill' "~I"" 1.tltv f• I• 11 Th• V nn· .:0.11:0 llO~Tt:S~ )ly1• Ila Th .. mri~. ~I r•. (~rori;I' U.1 A11J1\s'lln1t Mra. \Vl'tW«'r Wl'rf' c-o- Bii;t>h•w, M1'' 1\.1 \\ "'-h. 11not ;\l1i;,, 1-'l"r"nce ll1ch111.i~. 11 II 11( l.nKuna cr11•·h. Sermon Themes s .ou: on·u ·t.tt:-1 I Otrlcera tlerled fn1 thl' romlni;-f p t t \'"U follow : prc~ldrnt, :'-11 .•. J1>hn 0 as or a ~net11lnj.tt1r, of Loi:"n" I!<> th h. nee-I pr.·111d,.nt. Mr,.. Ch1J1t•·· '' c1111 ... 1. Mesa Baptist ft nd rrrnrdlng "" rit II\'. ~111<. P hilip \\', J ,.hn hu'h .. r ~antn I "' C 1 . I F'nr Palm Sunday et ~"' " Ann , <vr1<·•1• 111<l1n).: ,.,., r"' r<r), Mn!. J-:.irl c:. C'•Hkl'!I, ,,( Hnlboa; ~lcn F lnt BapU.t Church the l rl'&Utr1 , .:0.l rll Alll'll U!'hl• l1dl, ••( Rt'V. P. 0 . Nl'Umann wHI hl\Vl' al LaKW1a li<'A• h, 1111i:.1z111•· • 111111-his theme a t the 11 a m. 11l'rvlce. mill\, Ml,.s h ·& \\'rl•h <•t t.ai:11n1t ; j "Th,. Triumph of ChnsL" The Spring Decor Course a t r~ntr will sing the anthem l'rnl·c Yr the Lord. lht' Almighty. AL th,. 7 ·Jo r m. ""rvtc" thl' pu - 1nr wilt pt•'8C'h on ''The De\·tcrs ot S11tnn." There will be l f'i'rl&I music. 8 un la\· School convenu Ill D 4:, Coast Colle O'e I a 111. wtih d3.5S<'ll for 811 o;:e~ ;\ h nuri;rrv 1s avllllabll', Mra. Evrr~ll A F~claJ Fprtni: dr .. nmllni:' Brll<'l' ·nrllng •.s ln1tructor. Thflrf courM wlll i tart &l Orllnj!'t> Coll.At 111 11 8 1blt' Story hour with .-ntr r- \olleit"e t>n Arni 111. tt \\'I'~ .ii•<-lainmt'nt for rh1ldrtn f11•e ~·r11 r1 clo•r<I by nr. Thornu A. lllllkr-l 11nd 111111.,r. The Plevt 11 I) <lock Jy loduy. Junior C"hurrh, fnr rhlldr1 n ~- "Aftu a Ion,; w1ntn. f'Vtn thr lwt>en 6 and 11, I• unrlrr t h• lead· brst cnrrd tnr rnom ~l'l'm• In nc·rd rr4lhlp r f )Ir. aml Mrs. J<rnn<'th of l'l fn:"llh lou1 h: n•'W tlrnprq. n .:ll1tr hl'll. l'h.alr 11rnt r.c·rm·errd, or c"lor·!ul I Frlrlay nli:ht Il l 7 :30 111embrr11 cushlon1<," 11rrordln1? to .:O.lrs. C'hrlll· of K ing's Daught e rs' S11nd11y Une Frcdtrlrk. drcorntlng ln~truc-Srhool clflSll wUl meet at the home tor. nt Mr11. Kt nnelh R. ~athers, 167 Tailorrd to f ll 11n rlghl-wr ek l 'Abrtllo Sl. Thill ctu.. Is undrr t erm, the COUl"31' Wiil featurl' dt'111• 1 Lile leadership or Mr11. Gus Slat!'r. onstraUon l<"cturr• lllustrntl'll hy I l\lonflny, April •. Ill 7:30 p m .. a am..U·l!('n.lf' house In whlrh t ny 1 the St>mnr \\'omt·n'• !lllsslona.ry turnltuN' will he U!'c1l. A wc11lt h L'nion will hold-Ill moolhly meet- ot glly \\'11llpaper8 11nd !rl'llh tab-1ni;. All women ot the church and r te. etralght from Ul• loom. wm Cr l1nda are Invited. An 1nlt~•llng 11Umulate decorftlln,g IJrAA. Stu-program 11 l>l'lng planned. dmlll' probltma wiU all!o be irh·m lndJvldual attl'ntlPn, Mr& Fn>dr r- lck Mid. Mra. C'hr11'llne F'N>dt>r1ck la the t1uthor t>f r1,·e book~ In thll1 fltld and is nftllon&Jly know n M a 11pe&Jter. She le 11 fomll'r HouMhold Editor nr tho Lnihu llon11 Jour- nal and 1$ a prllcllclnj!' drcorator. Th• rllll'11 wlll mttt each ~ton- 116y and \\'C',lneiol1e y ••enJnir Crom 7:30 10 9.30 o'clock 1L11rt111r on A pril 18. ,., ... ,, ~ Wlrt Say It WIUI Party Rental lt~ms 3403 IJ. Coo,iit 811., CoroM d<I Mlll Harbor 6071 JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE II you ut seeking Jewelry Items that ere Scarce Let us know ••• We may Buy It For You e 11:\\'l:l.RT llOt:ORT e ROBERTS JEWELERS !d1; Mnrlnl' ,\\'I'. -Raltioa hland -Harbor !~I • E3 lr r, <'Olllplrte with 11pr1n1? no\\ I r11 llnu lr ••Ill h•nnl Lunlllt'S, I wilt be lhe •rlllng or the nrxl fashl"ll fllllty Bl tho ~eafar(' Lrnli:;e wh1rh happcma thlll .,'1td11y ~ nli;ht 8t II o'clO• k. Cluttll t ~ln• I ,..,.ltt-r. I~ .handhni; the 11tagtni;' am.I Ir: ~ llfll'J Sk1pl 1''1t klinR. n11t1on11.I 1-·a~h1un @' .. cummc-ntnry. ~rJf ___ ,. , .!q The pre-E1111ter p11rade will I .. ·· hlRhllitht tho ncwf'sl ~pring atylN• ~ from ltu1hlon11blt111011th c1o11"t 11l1"P"· nil wnrn by h<'B11tltul modd!I l.1L· µ~~~A~J ii tic fur w1np•. rxr1tlni: J"""ln, ~ cud<'l..111 sntl aftrrnnon dr<'~•· •,the newest In un11!11111t foutw1•11 r n1 1• 'airlT~•P.1'911~: llmons: tho Ctl!1h1on .. r 11ru 11t11• Jl nrrt 11 up. \\'hll<'·Hall, Du pt ltl• . .:ll.1r,.1e I \\'ebb, Hult' II or ('altC•im la, lluu~e ' of Jay. Srawc-t'd's. l..nl~·l'11ul Md Ew1'1ls J~wtl<rs are ahop • con· trlbullnst to Lh<' • \'<'nl lla1r 1<r· o... -llcM-o<Ntflcoo"7 lecb ca" i.. -1'- rllni:tmcnt!I are r•IAnnl'•I by Chrol 0,,d ,.,.,.,.. llcl. foole<, fo ... , --o< ce" of ReaWt'l'•l'8 St) hn~ R11lnn. 0~~i..o. I Tho rolor ful ~rnn.; h·1rk~ro11n•I • 1 . 1 l o••d f•d .fiJte Of' Y-. OW ....... I la bclni; r ron rlr<I b\' Th,. fln" rr 1 • NTU. C111 l. mue1c I• h8ndl~J by Jn l;mU ~Ille l\'I"" S ru• c;u,u• anrl Dill Sk1lt11. I ST ROOT'S llard"·ar--Cur'lt'I mny \'ltW th!" 111how f1om lfou"'"arr• ttie meln dlnln~ room M < vkt11ll I lounge. ntnntr ru,.rv8llona nre 111-0? :\"r"p<1rt fth d. lllftftl''l tNI. C 11,.IA ,.,,,. SAVE s1340 ON A Sm"ith-Corona CLIPPER Complete With Case 79so• •f'lu1 Tu A SPECIAL PURCHASE makes rhis sovir>gs pos· s•ble on this Bl!ANO NEW MACHINE •• , 50 ONl Y, 10 pion to come in eo rly. CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ••• Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Spedalit for March SJ, April 1-2 Don's Meats f111\\..r Rra11d llOU--'~O HAMS ........ . ('l rl'I,. K BACON ........ . .. rylnr; RABBITS ·-- DINER'S ...... 2'' can ... __ ~ 4tc .... ~6tc CLUI HONORED AT "'9ro;· Shop " Grocery Department Dole O~uk PINEAPPLE Atokf'l y'1 11&1 'tN PEACHES _ .. _ ....... JJMt1'• SALAD FRUIT U bb1'1 P....tf'd TOMATOES N~~- POTATOES TIDE .-Ot. ~ ..... ! t~ n • .,.. scon1Es 0.-1 !110111,. Koahf'r or DILLS DICK'S Green Grocerlea Yr-h u,..,.. :sortJt..r• 14c BROCCOLI -·--.. --·-· .. Mf'd. ~..-t. flpaal.. 5c ONIONS ................ ·-·-... lb. .. _,. Bab:r 2 13c CARROTS . ..... ..._._ Speclallllnt In 9•11ty Pro•c• You Select ••• We Deliver 200 MARINE AVENUE ' Swedl1h Twl1t COfHE CAKE ... J7caJ Dnll'1 Poocl DILUXI SQUAii 5 .. -. (7Sc ... , . ... ND "MIRROR, ~URROR, ON THE WALL" -Here it re- fl ects images of four among the 22 UCLA women initi· ated into Alpha Sigma chapter' of Delta Gamma on Mar. 19. Chapter president, Miss Carole Strahan. presided at r ites which were followed by a formal banquet and ,. danoe gittn by ~ active chapter at the West Side Tennis Club. Los Angeleti. Fram ldt to right a.re .Mlaaea Nancy Tritt. Udo Isle; Lou.We Tripeny and Patti UJ. rich. Long Beach and Ann Dewitt. Fullerton. -Edward Delong Photo Sadie Hawkins Fun Tomorrow at High SchOol Annual Dog Patch Dance Planned for Everyone Celebrants at the annual Sadie Hawkins clan~ Friday, April 1 in the high tchool gym will be treat~ to an evening of aurpriaes and fun from 8 :30 to 11 :30, reports Arlene Huff, Girls League president and general chairman of the festivi- ties. Glenn Thomas will be master of ceremoniC9 and music tor d&nctng will be furnlahed by------------- the popular Ritts ot Oranre Cout [ Berry Boy Born CoUege. Plenty ot refreshment. will be av&ilable In the aoclal hall A boy wae born to Mr. and Mra. under the ch&lrma.nllhlp of Kayla Robert Bury or 6202 Seaahor' Hurat. " Drive\ !\"ewport Beach, Saturday Th• l'YM .i. being t.ranitonned In l!oag Hospital. for tlle even.Ins In true Lil' Abner taahlon. Gally decorated bootha laby Girl lorn will line the •Idea, teaturtnc tor· tune tellJnr. c.artoon1 and por. tr&ita, wefl'ht ru• .. tnc. telegram• and flowers and a· photographer. Marryfn' Sa.m In the person of popular faculty member Web1ter Jones will be ready tor bualneH and he promlse1 weddinr ce~mon­ lq performed with neatness and dispatch. Old levla, Dog Palch outfits. or colorful cottons will be proper drea\ tor the occaalon. Everyone at Hart>or High la lnv1ted -etudtnl• are urged \o come and enjoy them· aelve.5. Felicia Beltran, ticket chairman. ~ports lhAl ticketa are being 1old for 11.ngles. couples ant1 croups. . In charre of booth arrance- snents are Mn. Dorothy Throop. Olona Chapman, Lucille Pope, and Andy Schulberf. Mr. Zimmer, the IChool phc.torrapher, wlll peNIOn· ally enap the camera at the photo- The Wayne Ladrsona of 20H1,,. Maple St .. Co~ta Mesa, welcomed a baby girl In Hoag Hospital Sal· urday. Millen Have Baby A baby boy was born to Ma.rfne etc. and Mrs. Sa.muel C. M1Jl~r Jr. j of Ba.lboe. March 1~ In Corona Na- V&J Hospital. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART If • PAGE l THUR.SDAY, MARCH lf, f955 -4-nnouncin'} • • • We are now equipped to Barbecue Chickens,· Leep O' Lamb Turkeys, Squabs Meat of any kind • • • NOW READY FOR YOU I Fresh Barbecued. Chickens Hot off the barbecue, ready for your luncheon or dinner Cftphy booth. JOAN IRVING The Oirla' L"•gue 11pon1ora thla annual 1pring Sadie Hawklna ' They' re Delicious Try #hem today SHOW AT dance and fetls that this year's affair wlll be topa In entertain· OCC GALLERY ____ _ Painting; and drawtn11 by Joan I.n11lg I !\Ira. Rexfor~ l Bratldt . weU·known Harbor ar~ artLft. are now on ex· hlblt at the Orangf' Coast Col· ~11! Art Cf'nter CiiJJuy. Th·· daplay roa.11ai. of :;g paint· ln~• a.nd draw1n111. la.nd!(aP· ea, portraii. and Wu.atrauona. Mo B~andt employ• the 1ou::Jclle lfcbn.lque to convey tile ~--. ... of the loc.al ~e. .Art:lau appraae her work aa capturlnc lhe nalllJ'1ll ele· mena of sun, wind and clouda. Her la.ndscaJ>f:s are not t'X· ~l'J'l.• from nature, but an atyptcal. Portraat.e and ncur- " oft~ 1rtl3t'1 chlld(cn ehow a h i1h degree ot eeMltlvtty ~ e::U11b tt ,,,1u be open 9 a.m. to " p.m. weekdays through A prll 4. "Bl.O\ HAIW FOR THl'.: WISH. Katie!" urge friends who surprised .M~. Ralph Quinn With a birthday cake ~londay evening When they gathered at the Arnold ~&e:gli home. Ldt to righ are Mrs. Quinn. Mrs. B.!n Reddk k, Mrs. ~at>g1i and l.l.n;.. lh.rTin Pursell. Party also included husbands. -Staff Photo P-TA UNIT Council to .. Elect ... WHITE SHARKSKIN separates by F. B. Horgan are worn by Trudy Weaver. modeling for Lido FashionB. The clever and colorful bag and hat are Maybelle Marie Birch originals. -Don Bush Photo !Master Point April 4 !Tourney _Slat~ i lbe-Bartlor Councu, of Parent· 1 TeaC't'r1 A5aoclaUoru1 will dtct new 1"hr &allxla lnplx~• ~ offi«n a t lhe April • meeting. Oub "'1ll !l.aTI! • lol.ucc::-Po\.ot x,.., Oenrl• Hort.and. who h .. Apnl For»I ·~.in ";i f'rt<:&y r-ompJ.-te-d ,. sw:cessf\ll year aa the l eYenm~ at f 14 &:ut Oce1.1:1 F ront COWl.cLI'• f nt pruldent, wUI pre· in BalDOa 1ond •"ID. Sw>day •f~r-1 •~ tor the Jut time thl11 7t-at noor: ~) ~..u .bold • .:i.tu:; .. r f'»snt ~n th• r roup mertll al !1.30 a.m. l touma.rn~.-r..art:i:~ •t 1 30 111 th• admln.lllration building of o·, lock 1: ~· Ebr-U Cb '1.-e t!w Xt'WpOrt Harbor t:nton Hlfh I EA-«l·~ ":=r~ ;r. l.foc-.4.a;r School llltemoon • ~ -·" ~ nw no m I n &UD.c committee, ~"~' CArro:. ar.J )In. C'b..s.tl•!! rhich la l"l~tf:d from \'nrlous I Boudma.:i 'K'tWe htg!'I «r• P-T.A.s will make \ll rtport. and I nonh...-.001" ""'fT't M~ ra.rl f'llw-inc.tud ... limes. C. Orby Andereon, • ell and £.lo • .;, a...~ or E\·•..rell A. Rea: Nornuu1 Wet-1 I R=.nt~1'·t.r ....,r.-a-•1: ,.."re J.tn. a«i. Ho~ En.sign, Jack Bnid-I Carl lki-r:o:: &;;"' f'..a.lJ.1' c ... ~ bury. ~fWPOrt Beach Elemenlluy; Mrs f'nr:1< R<.-d a:::.! )l:, llu: ... Ellward Cl.rr. Ll.ndbf:rgh. and WU. llct:'ol"lt..--)~~ C E l~.:i :a:d (Jani O'Britn, Ha.rpeor : )In A. G. ~.l:"g Ru::-..::t:n·<:rt> ~ Haeber Council. ""'hlch rt-p- north-~::.h •'t'rr >U9 v~~~ F.::w. rffe!lt.t m~m~ra f rom ten P-TA I ~r a..n,1 :.t."". P.cy S:~ z ).In., 1 unita ln ~ ~ewport &a~h ·Costa I Betty C:iombt a.z:..:! )lr. E:. J . x-ana. hu gh·tn local un.Jta • WlcK:ma:.· ll.-s. B B ).IC"f'N a.::d 1.11 opponun1ty t o C'Ompart-met.h· \ :Mrs Lr.i R..-u oda ot woril. hu unltf'd In com- lntert>~""CS ~ pi.a)"rll are tr.-mo::. project. and coopuat.ed In vnN! t<' •t:er.1 ~ ,.ame u:d nv:r dittln!te llneit or work for the lm- l"f'N'l\'t mt "Jrtr.a !.1eo •bn-~t tb-m by pl"O.-tm•nt of conditions atrectlng (lhonll'I~ H arb»r .?:2S-W 'the ,..t l..ta..r-. of chlldnn e nd you th, Universalists to Close Charter Palm Sunday On Pslrr Sundiay. A;~ 3. the Sunday School at 10:30 &M morn· t.;m,·t>rn.hr ("•mm'll:<11~· FPIJooir-Ul6 W'Onhip •t 11 a.m The Rev. ah;r w1il rla."'f IU rhartu and ,......1. ~rtc.k RUl~t Is putor I ooroe 11-3: ch&rttr me.n:twn tnui tt.r t·nn~r~l-<t O:uttb Cit Amu--1 Poets Hear 1c• u an c~ F~ aa1 11-..-ru a.a 1nd1vllhaeJ mcnbU'a ot tJ1it ' Lord D cllurch. A n:r.bobc oommWUOD unsany jMn1« wUl ~ ~ '1utlalla·I ._ poeta Jewtll PauJJon Woltl Uan. and Sue C.b~ J ohn1on a ttended 1 Tbt N"nr.oti on Palm Sanday Uld 011at&lld.1ng program of Poetry 1 Hietal Mesa Fir91 will bf bufd oc the t;..D&J lllate-1 A• n d t & "o u • In C le,ndal"' lut l'Df-"lt ot t..'a l"1:.:""""ra.l:st ATCwal I TbursJay eYtnlng. Lord Dunaany of Fa.!Ui.. "'We a\"O'W' c--r f&Jtb •. • of oUbll.11. Inland r.nd London . In lhf' ~er c.t ::.ell of iood W1D I c-...!aod. noted plA•Tlght and """'l. "I d ... ain like to adv\M re.al· .. --"" ·-• ._ ' .--~ -,. an ............. c--. spuit to ~ wu f'lHt .peakrr of tht twnlJIJ, r!ente of Co1la M... that the,· all en1... "'1~ P~!..iy '! ... 1 m&lti.-:1 Illa only Soutt.trn Call· Prompt Lee WarnftHJ 11re liablt fcir the fir" tht y at.art tablt~.b th• KU'lcdem c.: Goel !omia a ppeen.nce on thb trip. Ultiral burninc In Co~ta MtSll wh1C'h gPi. out ot control." I.ff I liln. ~el1clt R1C('t at '.lit J.tn. Woll wu al.lo on lbt pro- tecently lgnlled nf'arby Kl'UI and j announctd. "Thtv can be u qu1rf'd piano and :M R Tbocn;.p.90e of Cc-iram teadSiiJ a1croup of member'• lumber end resulted ln .int tr\Jcl< I · rona del )tar "1"ltb the no1m 'll'lll poema. 01l Sunaay afternoon Mr1. i nd 1:1 \'Ol\JntMra e.nnrerln1 Ult to pay the coat ot Ute troek an d j pla)' • .,.,,. Palma-'-7 J. Faure and Wolt and Mn. Johnlon attended a 1clarm. Fire PTt\•tont.lon OC!\cfr ttremen te.a'pOndlnr ." ''ll~lody 1n r h IJltom. 'Re~ !lo&rd meeUnc of I.be Calif ornia lt4Jph U-e r.rort..rt The blazt oc· r U R IHld,.d that burnlng hourJ lJI ltt'ln F"tdettllon ot Calltomla Poet.a In currl'd •t lhl' r1>sr "' tht Anna I Co,.111 ~ll',.a city ltmlu 11rl' from ~ T'lt FtU~lur ~t. "M'° S.ui· Lo.t An•elu t.n help pla.n the an· R~1rh pmptrty at 60·1 \\', 19th 111 ni lo HI 11 m 8 11mn1 lll"t' rt'· day r "'r -. 11 ·~ ~· •"!•Jb nu.J state con\"t'nUon In Lonf l It, Lu ... ,d. l quirtd to hu ·e a permit othl'T"''Uf. Hoiat. ~l) e.a:t»a B:'C\;;~ &;b..a_ Bnlc.11 nut month. ,~~~Iii • Hom" t:n«lnf'f'rtnr Co. JOHNS-MANVILLE E11du.!\'t1 F_.._ o-k.r &16 No. M al11-8ult. A- • Balboa Market 301 Main St., Balboa -FltEE DIUVIRY- J•t Cal tt.bot' 656 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 161' 8qtette. SHOWER CURTAINS t HEML~G"'A \' -nsHING BOATS AND NETS, tied with iishennan's yarn11. bring the salt and sunshine of the Caribbean lo your homC'. 3- color print with subtle halftones on smartly contrasting backgrounds of Green. Yellow, Blue, Peach. Hunter, Rose, Gray ·-and Snowy. White. Seamless. 72-inc!l, heavy G~odyear VJNYLFJLM that wiU hold its lush JoveLinE'"• for yea.rs ! ··-·-·-······· .. ······----..................... __ 2.V!> SCOTLASD •• BOllii""SIE PLAIDS in Antique Gold and a choice of color com- binations that will make the most or any d~c­ orative scheme. Greens, Yellows, Blues, Pinks, Blacl<-and-Whttea, Ro6e8, Reda •· and striking combinations of Turquoise and Coral and Pink- Li lac. A JI beautifully laid on Frosty Clear GooJ. year \t INYLFIL.\of .. lovely to touch and with 8 rich, full body that wrn keep lltl satiny dr&fi6 through the ytars ! ....... _ .................. -.......... 2JJ5 SPRINGTIME .• PERT LITI'LE DOGWOODS, in delicate fuJl.to-quarter·tones. brfog gaiety to tasteful pastel backgrounde of Green. Ytl· low, Blue, Peach. Rose and Milky-White. Also in excitin~ contras ts to backgrounds of Hunter Gray <ind Ebony'. All combinn t ions blend wit h today's fa\'ore-d 1harles tn towels a nd are on rit>hly drapin&', Bat1ny, aeamle:>a Govdyear \'INYLFIL~f . .... ..... ............. . 2.95 Prlctd from $1 .25 to 12.9~ -Wtndo 11 Ourtalns and C:omplete 8eta available. mezzanine Shoppe Updeirs in Rieherd's Lido Market / PAGE .. • PART I 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 3_1, 1955 • We are proud lo announce the opening ; Orchids to the Ladies Each lady Attending Our "OPEN HOUSE'' Saturday APRIL 2nd houn 2 to 5 p. m. will receive a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid * Commemorative MARINER MEDALLION FREE to each Visitor on April 2~d and April ~th * • • ..a..--;: NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF~--:~ -~':::Jllfllit:: ~--'--'"" .... _ ..:.. ' " . - I • j ... ·-. _, OUR NEW BOllZ--Gn die Jlarillln Jim. Rz:wpwt Be11cb. Jt incorporate. the moet modern banking equipmmt and fecililW... Drlliped by Anhitecta, Pleger, Blurocl< and Hougan, and constnlded by Amtia SblrteTut Co. GeeeraJ Contractors, it fea- turea a green-gny rock wall ...... tile plate p.. window• facing the bu.sy Cout Highway. The rear entrance from aw priqtr 50-<ar parting lot will function as a seconda~ front door. · TH E employees, Drectors end StLlders of the Mariner~ Bank of Newport Beach, extend a sincere invitation to visit us on Saturday, April 2nd where we wil hold "OPEN HOUSE" from 2 to 5 p. m. As the newest Bank Enterpise in Newport Beach, we feel it our duty and privilege to dedicate our efforts to the best interests of the com- munity we serve. • Our bank is owned locally and the maiorify of our stockholders are well known citiiens and business people of this community of which the Bank will now be on integral part. Capital $200,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 OFFICERS F.DGAR R. HILL. President Oren /or Regular B~ moncla'I, Arri! 41~ GERRY RICHARDSON. Ex. Vice-Pres. KARL LYNN DA\lS, Secy. & Treaa. KENNEY FOWLER. AMt. Cashier MERLE \'AN PELT, Chief Clerk ESCROW DEPARTMENT RUBY B. MJSZKO. Escrow Office}' BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOHN T. BOYD JR. KARL LYNN DAVIS LYMAN FARWELL EDGAR R. HILL GEORGE M. HOLSTEIN m SANDY F. MacKA Y . NELSON W. NEICE LESLIE T. PETERSEN DICK RICHARD GERRY RICHARDSON J . LESLIE STEFFENSEN HARRY E . !;TICKLER, M.D. TifOMAS A. THOMAS JIE /llBBR l'F:DERAL DEPOSIT /,\'.'>t"RA.\"('8 CORPORATION • We Invite Commercial and SavlnCJS Accounts • Safe Deposit Facllltles • Escrow Service ' ----------------------------------------------~~~ Hours: 10:00 a.m. lo 3:00 p.m. Architects: Pl.EGER, BLUROCK a~ HOUGAN Gttner•I Controdor: AUSTIN STURTEVANT CO. Sub Contractors LOt:J.S D. JIAR.KEL DA VJDSON PLYWOOD CO. l\TlnUN ELD:. and KASON CO. DOYLE and GOODMAN W ABD • BARlUNGI'ON i.BR. CO. VANCE ROOFING CO .• INC . SJO'J1I BROS. CO. PERMA-SEAL CO. OF CALIF. BAIJIO.A GI.ASS CO. TOUSLEY LINOLEt:M BllEDf.2IOFT PU."lllBING JONES and MARTI.NE CO. • '-B. mMONDeON CO. STAFFORD le SON 811.lJDmQtR A WAI KER FR.AJ',.1{ A. KATNIK SL"LLY-Mll.l.ER CONTRACTING CO. • . . , . MRS. LOUIS LIBBY (center), retiring Welfan'l chainnan for the Auistanc• League Juniot" Auxiliary, handt check for $858 to Yrs. R. L. Bacon who will use it to purchase a polaroid X-ray film developer. At lcrt Hrs. William A. Lester, nt'W welfare chair· man, Jooka on. -Staff Photo To Present Great Religious Drama Early Easter Wfflr for Fullerton Boy A 11 -Y•'•r-old •llllerton lad r•'allr \\'llllti!'rl to start Ea11tet \\'ttk f'arly thl11 ~·ear, polJce ce- cide-d atlf'r t hey caught him h of Thuntd11y rnorn1ng at a locaJ tl•h· The l11 .. 11 1 r~ 111 Ot11nge County lmr,11ng l'"J".<'antry. I " atory ' '' I I k Jng lanlllng-. He was 1one from rfcelved .. nolh•r t..""l thl~ 11e~k tl!H ~''1""11" l ie P')"~r" o <at'· n"!l!I \\ nttf'n "" t he l'rar11J1h au-hla P:onHi four dl y1 •nd relra9t'd Whf'n Dr. L:<'•>ti-;,. ~. l~·w\~11. Jlt"-~'-lh+•r (':\ltl,ron oll' la F:iu"l!. it600-Friday fllllow1nto: hit !l rrea\. dent 11! 1·1i.11•n111n 1·.,u,~,. in 161!1• 11 1_. ri>:.:-1\l!trE-d thl' }:"rr11t~1<t . Jo'Ul lr r1011 IJ(>llce notitled clty po-Orang~, Hnrtollnt ,.,j that •·The Ci'ln~tl an rh1y or all tlmto<, I J1('e the lad ,,,,.~• nils~lng alter a · I . . r,.1>i<lrnt here !irat n-porte• him Great \\o"orlll 1·11 .. atrl'"' .... ·111 bto pre-The pr-ctenlat1on thl.t IUn1mer roamin1r the a noa on a (!ti'• b!-•~nted on thr l"ni!<:"jl;e campus thl11 \\'Ill u11e" r aat "' UpW&n:l• of t:'>O cycle. \\"hl'n 111llea ha uU'1Ue1 .umm,.r. I 11r1n1.,., 111...,t or .,-ho1n .,.,II be res!-d11rlng tour daY• Of aelf-sopport I .,ent.'!I ()f lhf' i:~v 1U1ti 1'{1\.ln\y of he r.. hr t nld poll<'e he h11d been To hf pr .. du. •·•I 11nd •l:rl'f'l•'•I by ftrani;:,.. In •:1n!<1' drln. Svn~z..rll1n'9, ... ihn,.;-pop bollll'I to buy food H1r11 hl D}Tt'l\f<J r·1!J, o.f !he ~1wrrh wh• rr thr filly 1~ J.."l\"l'n l'\'ery and !l.-pt In a n o!(I b11!t tank •tOr- a rta dr1•111·tn1•·nt nf C'h11pn111n . !he lhr•f' ~-~·,:.t"!!I 1"1'1 ~f•n b>" ll\IU<Ji au-NS nf'11r :tlst 1n•l IJ\F11yrtte Ave. •hf'n1 "" rOn• a ll u•·,r t he "''orld. • .. ,\'orld Th<-.1\n•" v..·!IJ hr. Ut .. la.r~-1 f'•-"t ._.r O\•er ~ p<"<lpl1• L'\ w.c-d I ••l •peeta•'le e\·tr pr,·aente<t in The play hu bo <'ome a C"f(<U.\ tour -Prnsure Cooker Oran,.-:e Count}'• Th,. pli1y wlll be f lst a\\rartion thfr... l prt•en\J>ll ou\dl'l"Tli \\"ll~ th .. nftt-"The Gr .. 11t \\'corld Thee.tre" .. 1 11 Cause of Minor Fir• Ural "11tagf"' of the Cha~m11.n be pno!lll!ntf'd a t Chapman In J uly I l llnor dam•ge to a preuu,_ c:an1pu11 to ht! u11oed. Thet;> "'111 bf' o! tm.11 yl'ar lll1d will be p~ioentrd cook('r .,.Ill <'•u5ed }fond•y by th• no artlflc!RI scentf}' used..,. lhe on thrt-e su«.,.Mlve w..elt endll. ~-1 rookrr a t the hQme of JQhn H. play 11nf4111• on the 11.!Pps o! the ir\nntns:: Frid1y nl(ht, July 22. It )lf'yer1. 120 Pearl Avf'., {!re de· a dn1ln111 trul!nn bu•](ll ng .ind &Jlf'· i~ hoped by Oynonfnrth fhat thla partmrnt Information u td. Clll llG:hllnt:. <'O~l\lfll" 11.nd rr111~1c wlll ~the bf'11:111n1nir ot a"'"" of \ F-11g:lne11 4 anJ 5, 1qu11d tn.ick 1 'lll"\11 be tht' only ··prnrwi " Ullt'tl I lfllmfTler pl<1y1 which wlll be. pro-and A..Utant Chief P. A. Hayd .. n ThL1 Qlll<kl()r •pt!<!taclt h .. ~l duced al Chapman Co~&'"• and tHlpond.-<110 the rall. pre11entr•I ""'~' oncf before In the which •1U ~ • drama ft'llU· Un!tf'd 8t R:•~. lhl\t l lme by Dyren-J,-aJ to rJ \•a l the ~",... of the f,)1111 Rt ·'ll s1. ~1 11ry ·1 Coll""" rt&mon• ,.-,.111h·••. 01a1 F"n1h·lll. Faberty Purse Gone tn Lo,. Ar.~f lo :o At lh•t lime l hf' Svita Barbara n..-ta and othe"° J1la 1· ''"'" "' h•·dull'd tor one wttk ('.fl\!. but llP' lar11e t lr11t-nlght a u-I , d1rllll.' lln•L lhr tnimrndoua requ .. 111 1M1nnesota Guest for 1·rf'l!1t f'l'' r1,rm11.ncr • m•de Oy-f L&.•t •·r.ok gue1ll a.t tile D. A. re.nrorth pr""f rl !he r lay for the :\lt"C•rtln horn~. 1934 COr!Unmt.aJ f ollowln,t t wo wttk~. I \\'lth011t 11n~· 1llrl'<'I pN'llChlnif, ~\'f., ~oil.a M!tUI, .-~ra Mra. Mc· "The Grr11t \\'111J1! Tl1 .. atre · l<'ll• l •rlln • Aunt and unclf, Mr. vid ttre •udlf'n•,. •·111 n1u1l<' .. Jllnt"1ng. I Mr.s. l-:.:1111·\n l'ollurn of Rfd-.·ood a Lmpll' ~l"'"<'h, rlne •clink a nd 1'"1111, )finne.IKllA. Tbdt of ht'r purle contalnlng S2!'i vid prr.onal pa~r• f rom a cloaet 1htU Ill the bedroom ot htr home wu rt!po>rtl'd 10 police Mon- d•y by M.ra. G. E. Faberly of JUI Coronado St. She U.ld It W&.a IAllt -on Saturday, 2 p. m. and rould h•Y• been removt!d fTQm 1h11 houaf! on Sunday betwffl'l noon Md 4' p. m. wh'n the family \\'M tn the patio. looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? v' the Want.Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE? if the Want Ads AN A~CTIYE RENTAL? if the Want Ads Whether yoe wut to buy or wut to WU. the a..lfted rolumn11 of thts MW.paper offer the bnt opportualty for ~ , .. A fov Im• .d wOI appear )loaday, \\-~,. ud nanday .. cn·er 28.000 oopWe • • • ( this VALUE I .N~W~~Ress Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker y THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 19SS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 LOCAL POETS OCC SESSION Ver11e \\'rilf'ra In the i:olJlllll area ha\•e i,~en irH'lled lo 11.t- t~nd a n1ett1ng to bt. ho•l\1'-Bt Ontln~e C0111t Coll,.J:e on April 4 at 8 p.m., la waa announrC'd toda y. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 19 · ~ HAS FUN WITH PLANTS Mrs. W. P. Tho1nas, Leader, Now Girl Scout Director The meelinl{ la bei ng r a ll1·<1 by Vernon l'llltf'tllO/l, rh11lr- n1an o r the dt>parl1nfl'll ot lan- 1:ua~ea arid literaturf', an1I J.tary t.fcCheinty, Jo:ni;!l11h 1n- atructor , t rcm the collei:e atafr. All tho8'< artH·l'ly writ· Into: Vl't9t' of &lly fonn llrf' in- vited to attend the me<'tlng. r11t ter110n sR lil. The grnup \\'lll llll't't In t ho< Jl-01r'9 room ot the Girl Scout Troop 19 has b('('n busy "'ilh ('Xr ursions reecntly, and Norman's Nurser y v.·11s on th<" agenda. Thl' girls lruirncd about the pl=t nting of s<'eds and their care, and desi!;'nation or di!ft'rcnt plnnts nnd Oov•ers. Back at the Srout •. H ou"e the i:lrl!I rl11nte1\ their own l.ln1!.•!.-1H 1u t'f'r A11sl•t11.n1. A rll'· .Adniinl~tnitlon bui lding. flowf'r •"ed~ In 1m11lt rans 11rf' ""\\' rf'nf -'lolhPr1 nlf'ttlng found many --------------111.nx\ousL~· v.:nltln~ for """" l1fr In off~rl n <: In 11ld !he lr1Hler1, 11.ppear. The i.-11 ~ler11, 1'fr1. \\' P. i A family ppt.Jurk 1\!nner Is · Thoma• and ?.lrt. C. A. Reml<"Y bt'hlit ptaiiiu•d a!on~ "''!th lhe aecompanl,..d the girla on this t.nur. y,•11rd,ng of b11.di:;f'!I', A\110 helplnl! "''llh 1r11n•rortn:tnn TO !'!F.r. OAIRY Wf!re ?ofrs. K enn•th !>ft rrlam, :'lfr!I. At the nr xl trnop 1nttUn1r the Samuf'I Hill 11.nd 1'1rs. Dru<'<' ~f11c-,e:lrl.~ will vt1<lt Todd'• Dali-y In Hlrth11 :<farch 21 11t Hoag Ho•- plta l included !(It 111r. a nd :r.1,... Ste04·11.rt SrhwPb'l. i•tl> \Veit B•Y St., Newport Beach, clrl; Mr. viii t.t r,. Bohby i;·ra;r;ier, l9t6 ·V.'alriut St .. Co.-t• Jl.l e•a. girl: ).tr. and Mrl. Richard Cra n1<'r, '.!07 1,1, Emtrald St., B11lboa l11land, 1lr!: Mr. Md }.lni. Edward 1ol 1tr!hall. 212 ~1 Opal St., Balboa Jalllnd, girt: Donnld. Sonia Ana. 'f:hP h o me 111 11. k er ~ Father'• Night w as a 11ul'l'C'!l1 b11dJ:e t9 no•v brlnK \\'orked for. t l'VC'nl during r.111 rch. The Darb Skn tln~ le1111on1 at the Harbor htlped lhtlr d11.ugh!Pr~ niake HollC'r Rink 11 r(' belnft' taken ltl "bunny burnera" tor lhf'lr future earn the akallng bRid,:ea. MRS. W. P. THOMAS -St aff Photo ~ group eooklnft'. A frw or !he fath-F.a11trr t ray ravora for the p•t- er1 "1o:ooferl" wh .. n p!llylng a gllme lent11 In th~ hOl!plll•lll are be!nr that Willi rh1nn .. d . ThA! \\'3JI pllrl marlf' by the gtr\1. Dirth.I, ?>larch 19, Ill HOii' Ho•-of the fun ano1 ,:11lcty lhnt thls ---------------------- pita.! were, for Mr. and Mn. John f!Venlng gave forth. f'Ollldf',\ an<\ H. Mulroy. 6~0 JJerul l..ane, CO.-hot chocolate were pl't'!parerl and la Mesa, ll bo.v a nd for ?>fr. vict aerved by the g\rla, 1.ln. Robert li:elchrncr. 406 Cot-PUT TO l"St: ta Mes. Sf., Co1ta !.lei s, a girl. The night or Marc-h 18 \\"ftS ex- Blrth• at St. Joseph's Jlo1 pltal clUng •• the troop B\aye<\ o\·~r­ ln<'ludrd for ~I r. and :<In. \\'ar-ntrht at the Scout H (IUM', then ren Clemence. IUl NucLNu., Cor-t"OOked thetr breakraat outsid" thr ana del Mar, 1-. .. 1n boy1, 6 Jb11., 12 n .. xt morning: on the "bunny burn- oi:. uid 7 lbll., 6 0%., '-lllrch 18: t.fr. ers." Some c&m11 homf' rather an.d JI.tr•, i1~on £. Slier. 280" \.\'ear)', but ill are looking forv.-ard CUtt Drh·e, Newport Beach, Doy. to 11.nothrr at!·nlght 011\!ng. 7 Iba., 131', 02 .. )larch 17; J.tr. and Mr11. Thoma~. having been Jf'11tfl!or M,.., Albert Gray, 115 29th St., of the t roop, 111 now Girl St"out Crusade Group Calls on B. I. Methodists O\'er 60 homea or parlahlonera ot t h11 Balboa I11tvid community Me!hodl•t Church w Pre vl1l""2 \\'edn .. 1d11y evening, t.farch :23. aa a pa rt ... r tll• loea.l congtt'K•tlon·a Church Attenda nce C'ru~ade. N-·port Beach, glrl, 7 lb•., G oz., ~x:eeutlv11 director. "° 1.!1"1. Hr mley V111Jtor1 rnrt &.t the church for Ma.rch 22. will take her plat"e, with Mra. Jea.n d-rt bef.,re rea.h'ln.t I.heir In- ... ' J mt.ruction •nd m~\i.in~ vl~!ta. The program \'""' pl:inn~11 llnd 11up .. r- vl•td by }.tr11. ~· .. unl L. Lo"·e. chlllnnan of the Co1nmluLon on \\'ork•ni lnrh1dc11 t.lr. Md Mra. Tfd R. Hauvr. :\Ir. and Mr•. P . F. B•!ne11, Mr. and ?>Ira. Leon1rd H11.rgr1vt, Mr. and )lrl . Kobe.r t Jbbot•on. Mr. and )Ira. Donald G. .!app. J>fra. Ste\·~ Smith, Mr1. Ber· tha P inkham. l\lr!. J.lnrtha A.Uen, :\In . Clair'.' B. 811mf'tt. Mr1. Fran· <'I• Rllt y, 1'lr11.. Arthur Price. a.nd Mra. D\rker110n G. Bllker. To Judge Students of Piano All 11u1hl 1on r .. hellr.i•l .... ·11s h~ l11s1 Snt1lr1!1y h.'" !.Ir!<, \\'1!\111111 .... R. '\ 1 Kathlrt·n, l"olrn>a:i fllt Ill of her rl11ru1 ru1•1l11 "I''' 111~ pn·1>11r1111: to ··nt.·1· \hr Natn•llllL G 1\1lol of l'11tno T 1•11f il<'l'a' IO l!fl\11\\ l ll•hth1n11 HI May. E11rh or !h1·~1· ~·1>0111.-!'"''Jl!<• haa l>r••n prepar lnjl • r•per101r1 t.1 be 1•111 )'•'1! b-ttnr.. •n .. u1-or-•l•t• J U(!i~ "'!H.1 \\'lll •'>'llluat .. th0'1r a e• c•on1pll.shmtnl! or th•• r111t )'fllr, pre11 .. nt 11 ""rt1llf'l11r. • rfpf'rl c1rcl 11nd a p:11 tl1•nut\ng me.11\b•r- ~h lp in th .. Nul 1011111 ~-r•lr.rn!ty ot Stud,.nt i.tu91,.l•n9 for t.hP cur- rent yr•r lo llll \\"L11nr.r11. P up1!11 pr•p•rl nK tor local honor• ire 1-i:nt hlfen H nbt•l 1.1"1 <1 Sydn•Y H11rl. l!l(slrkt h Ul'<'r Pnlnu1\~ !Ire Cnr11lllcl' Brown. Ui.inr Ch•pman, O.•nn!11 Hrook~. C>1rullne Chung, J oyce K r1111, ~hlrlf')' McCuL1Uon, Andrf'\\' S1••I. J<>n,.\h.~n Se•\. Sa• <1in•• \Vhltn1nn nn<1 Pnl~y \\'all•: 1t11t• honor t nln1nl-'I llre Maxin• Chun~ 11 nd Kil\" l.o,e:.,.;\on: national rntran11 arf! Cyrithla Petere.on and N1ncy Wells. Newport Sermon Baptist~" Topic~ "Joumty to Jel'\lll..lem" la - men topic c ! th~ Rev. Harbert JOhnaon for tha 11 a.m. ~ce at Flrat BapU•l Church of N- port Beach, 19\h St. and \\'eat Ba.I• boa,_Blvd. At 7:30 p.m., hi "111 pfi=a.cl\ on "JUt11. th• U &'ht ct tll8 World," &nd "''ill •how colored alld• ot U:I• llt• or Cl\rlat. ~ ~ commun~ ptrts its m~ 1D worf.!qi~,, • OfPJC!U DIRECTORS . r •DCU; a. RIU., PrniJnl - c aaaY "· a1CH.U.Dtolf, E-ti• r .. '"""-' .-· -' Lt.aL ll'l'llf DAVIS, 5'rw"""-TrtlUW'l'rr ~ ~ ·.- U l'll'l'ETH rowua. b.il'-1 Cu-'Nr o. "· arca.uo l.ufU USLJS ST&rrl.lftll'I' JORlf T. aol'P,JL Lnf.t.l'f Jf. l'ilW'ElL Hil&Y L mcn.u. ~DT I . llUCU"I' 11'.lUOJll W, llllC:S I.QUI 't. Pn"llfD C&OaCI If. •OURIJf T90IUI A. TllOM.UI le the cj]icm and Jirtd4n of THE MARINERS BANK on tk opening cf tkir """ conummilJ 6an.l April 4, 1955, a! 2712 Wat CoaJI Highwa7 The economic heart or any community 11 the local bank. ... the ready tourcc or available money. Thia moncy,circulatcd through the community manytimet over each year, helps finance the Jocal merchant, lhe manu fac turing plant on the edge of town, the bu1incu ., and professional people 10 essential to the welfare o( that commu nity. Thia putting·to·work the commu· ni1y'1 money, wi1hin the community,can only be done \vhen a sll'ong local bank with community intcre1t1 at heart, tales upon itself this imponanl reapop<iblli°ly. Thi• job you will do well in your commlUUty I • w, are prviul to ,_""' "' cqrrupcndml MIMll& flDlaAL DIPOllT 111101.lJICI COIPOl.lTIO• • &IDO M.t.1111 WITH SALLIE March 31, l&M Penonal Setter addreMed jo Mr. 0 . W. Rlo..,d •.. .. De~ Mr. Rlcb&rd; Thank )'Ou for the •how, aeelog •herlf john. and whlltie lol- lipop. We had a lot or fun. •bnmiti and Herbie -'ohn- iton, 2099 Continental Ave., Costa Mesa." Wllh I could reproduce here the red lin- ed paper, the Irregular &et. ten done In ~ pencll Her· ,bie It seemK "'a& the brains 'of the duo, him belag In Snde one and all. but .llm· mie, &ged thl'ff, WU right on hand to tell him what to N Y and to be 11ure that he s:ot his name on too . • • This Saturday afternoon, April 2; the new Mariner'a Bank down on the 101 Hiway, rl&ht next door to Boyd's Hardware al 2630, will hold Open House. Next Monday, '-;-,-;-April 4. the Mariner'e Bank will be open for business •• , June 20, 1954, a foursome at the Irvine Coast Country Club between teeing orr at the first and winding up at the 18th diacussed the need in this area or a Home Owned Bank ••. The foursome cpnsisted of Karl Lynn Davis, our City Attorney, John Boyd Jr., owner or Boyd's Hardware, Lonnie Vincent, owner or Vin- cent's Lido Drugs and 0 . \V. "Dick'' Richard, owner of l Richard's Lido Market .. , j The ne'IV ]l.fariner's Bank is 1 the result of that golf game. 1 The fa.ct that the State Banktng CommU..lon allow- ed the planr1 for thl~ Mari- ner'• Bank to procttd ln auch a short period ot time ••• about nine month!. •.. lncllcalf:!' the nttd tor a HOllMl Owned bank In thl11 &n'i& "'IM appatt!nt . , . Jo:A.1- lltlU" R. 11111, hu11band of our Jl9dam Mayor, 19 Fft!Sident. He hu only recently tum- f'J() the operation of his bu11- lnt>8.<i, the HiUco Company, O\'f"r to hi!t *"'0 boy11, to 1 tak,. on thl!t tt16pon!lolhillt~·. Gerrv Rlrhard!M)n, \\'ho ha.11 an Pn,·iable t't'Cord In the banklnJ:; buAlnH", hu come down frnm the l)io~rf Bank ln Palm Sprin~1t to be Vlof" -l>r""idenl .• , Thi11 bank i11 taJlorrd ~pt>t'lally f or you , .• S,.M·port llar- hortt.4-s ••• ~·ou arr ('ordlal-' I}' ln,·iti:'d t.o t'ome in and ~ }'Oll r old frit>nd" with ntM' r,.,.pon!'lhllitlrs ... You knov.• there isn't any auch thing as 11 "bad bank !" Every dcpoi;1t in any Bank or Building and l..oa.n i s insured by t he U, S. Go,·crnment up to Sl0,000. I quotr from .. Small Banks as BabMOn Sf'cs them" a rrpr1 nt from th e Commercial Bullt'tin, Sept. 24,1 19$4 "Thc rral ,·alu{' of bank lltock dr>pends ''<'ry largely! on t ht· 1•hnractf"r , integrity, and en('rf,:Y of the mf•n who / ope.rate the bank." \'Vith a ( bome-ov.·ncd, home rontrolll'd 1 bank you know the men y,·ho I Gpf'r11tr y(lUr bnnk. lntroduein~ M c C lf>ndon F1nt r l 'and"'1l, h1'hd·made npttlall\· f n r Ric-hard'"! ()ur llk-'k Ki<"hard. M"hn I" tmf' nf tht> ptinclpal "tOf'k· hoktl'ni; and a ,.,.,.,_ acth· .. mrmlw•r o fthe Board of 01· rec-t or'!' of thlcl ftf'1'" Marl- ""''" Bank. for thr pMI ~-"n ·''f'&r!' hu l"f'«l\·f'd from Mn1. Laura 8411uddt"'r at Chrbotma!' time a hox of t ht"N" tlnr Ml'Clt'ndttn can-d"°"'. Rf>Mlt>nt" of IA>na; Beat'h and \\'flfllit.-ood Vll- lar;fcl are famutar with tht> two ~mall tthOPI" that pro- duM" th""' hhth quaJltr, cu"tnm madt> ('and~, hut u•tll now , .• thl!t F riday • , . thf'y ha\·e Rf'\'t>r two.n a \·aUahlt> Jn u\· othrr 11tol'f' . . , Our Pick hM httn w·orklnJ: oa thk t\"f'r 11lntt ht. r'f'("f'i,·rd his flntt hox 8f'\'f'Q rra.n ago and Is \'f'J'y proud to p~at McClen· clon'!\ for the n,,.t tbnf., ror Eut~r and Mother'• 0.)'. \'OU CSll .urt.'-ie t.heftl this Friday ... \ ery ope- olal ! Mint -.adwk-JtN ntW trtth chocalatt-... Had to put on a cou• of pounds &o do It. hut } trWd f'\'Pl-r· one In the &Mflrtmf'nt hox ••• "How· MUdotM t'&ll we 1el!" Richa.rd '.8 Lido Market 111 . -· .. . · ., .;..~· - -· . \ .-. ..,.. ,.,._ ........... ..... '"' -........ .... ' """"'' ..._ ... "' ..... "'' ... _ ........ -.,...,.w-01 ,..,......,..._,_ ¥. ............... ....,... ...... _.. ....... ... t ,__ -.._ -I! "'~•I I W .. ,... ._ ... . __ ......, ..... -........ Combine pow! "-f, ~ .... --Alil,ea. ...tame.. Shape into b•ll~ ltt inche1 ill di•l'!Wlcr. Brown irl tlcil'ld ill holl W--s- Oil. rt'"°" from 1killc-t. lq ~mo: st illet. ll'ool onN. Mtd .,__ pepper M'vcral minutn, Add rr.AI of inpedic.CS. hc8f kl boililts- Add -halls; co....,r, Md simnilC1' JO mi'lllk:l. Malei 6aeni.p. TOMATO SAUCE 4 '°· 25c I --I Tutf'w .. u tr.a ..... ,.f <llll'rd PEACHES ---· •"Rt:SCH'K WOR'STERSHIRE 5 ··-17c ..... ~..., ·~---1111-.~ , ... ~--, ................ ,.... _, / MEALTIME MENU MAGIC FOR SPARKLING FRESH MENUS AND REAL MEALTIME MAGIC • SERVE RICHARD'S· EXTRA-FllESH CHOICE GROUND IEEF Hundred• "ill agree that here l!i the.way KTIJlmd beet .. 1111ppo!led to be. Rich, Fta,·orfuJ and Tuty becaWN! ltA ,round juat right and Ktound extra fft:lb. Only Manning'• Qualtty &e.-r 19 Wied "'Ith just the right amount of fat lert In. Ooee )'OU try It. you too, 1''ill &Kree that hel'tl la real Ground Beef1· . • "D l'!Wci<H<,. 10 ma>1!f •l'<'l!f .. " R~hard'11 Extra Fresh GROUND BEEF lb. 39~ i;rti"4er 11"4 rwu of Fi.:..1•01·" U.S.Cbokle ROUND STEAK lb. 79c • "R~U!f nu1kl'!1 a Tltri/t11 lleol" U.S. Choke Stoc.-k up Nrly for ••• lb. 79c SWISS STEAK EASTER ........ ArUftr tal 0,.... ~UK&r • C aady l'.:JI• Choooi.le Bu•...W. );ut .. r fi:,r,r Dyf'• !!!luffed An.JnJan "1Voftdtirfwl wit~ rre,ii~ Vtgt1tobk1" U. S. CtMMce -BoneleM BEEF STEW "'T~ Ba<;Oll wUll. Ill."' 1moky /ltu•or" S wlft'11 rtt191um ' lb. 69c Try \\'E ... ~~-anti SH : WESSON OIL lb . 59c SLICED BACON quart 5Jc PilSd41ry'• A .. 't F'Wavon 291 CAKE Mlll'ES 11-•• l'll~r)' \4'tallfl or •·ud(fl 29' FROSTING MIX ... ---··•••- .,_,. 37 1 100·, of "'""'! llS9UICK_ )'lllMr'• S!'W SCONE MIX • Jl,l""°"Y" GREEN PEAS Rln1->'' 771 CHICKEN THIGHS _ '"- kll·ha r•I'• A .. ....,rtMI t1a''"" 2 45' ICE CREAM _ ,., •. • l'IM!ll'r'• S&lt<-d PEANUTS Nun•l'lhl'f' ~"'" ("~ HI HO'S 11 11.n·1 .• 23¢ •·a.nnl111c'• 8,...a<I and Hun"' 191 SWEET PICKLES ,.., .•• l .lnd-.1· IArce RIJW" 271 •PITTED OLIVES _, S o. 1 halery T IR'R."llA \' tU,.l'I l)«lh·lu•1-~·Ol,U 39' POUND CAKE •• ,.,, A tllff,.u·nt 11"1·•1 ...... h •h~y RYE ROLLS t"RllJA \' .. ,,,.. ... ti .. ·llh 6 .... 181 oNio'N"'iioLu& ; ... 19' ":o'prinK t •a1·0Jrtlr" APRICOT PIE !CATT'ttllA\' l.at1t'> 1" 'i·l•yrr 1.ao.t~· R•lllmnM LAYER CAKE .,,, 52' ·~· 871 ,_._.,,...._ .... 1 """· ...... farm fresh praJuce '4 ...... .,,_.._.... ,_.. FU.f.)'o Crisp, Tflllder i;~b1.1rs2 ," 25c \\'J...,q.,ln "49c Miid l.H:t:LlUAK CHEESE ...... , .. t 'l"t Q1utJ1ty l'OMO 49c SALAMI "' FrtAN'i<s"''",. 47c • each ~Is fled..._ perpw.-.., ,,._ ~r .....i ~ o. HlllM's Tom1to SnJ<:t, Prt~I in10 grc1.1td 9 l 1: s :-inch blikina OM. 81tt Oii lowesr Jlwlf in hot own (450' F.) tor 10 m""-t.. Bn;ii'I S m1mitn. lonrtr. Wllik rnc11 h coo':ln., c:ombinc tftft&itt- inl toftlalo •--. tupr ind Wor~ril'lire •ua.. &ring to • boit. Boif a~ l mi~ Add fMM drfrpi11p. if ikUred, C..- mtat ill half c:rws-~. Arnn,. •net.id\ futnOlll on ,:.nw, ~ ......,. -.cc bttWtt'A 1tld OJI top o( --.. Stna 6. ROMAINE ,., Sc 19c -· 19c -----'°' You'll find a Udo Shop • • • • . . to flt your every need ! one of t hf" J_.ido Shops in Ne,.,'· port Beach, California., SPi;CIAL8 roa MA&. Sl, APB. 1 Md 2, 1~ -ol lllo Ullo ..... I l • .. " NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, · 1955 PART THREE; PAGE ONE ' BY THE SEA, BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA-ITS COOL Newport Harbor saw its first large beach and bay crowd of the year tal<c over this last weekend as inlanders took to the surf. Twenty thousand people joined the kick-off to sprmg as they frolicked in the sand and wa- ter. Lifeguards said it was the biggest crowd to hit the beaches this year as shown by the multitudes at New- port Pier. Two minor first aids at Little Corona were the only mar on the day, they aaid. -Staff Photo t'/Srt. MJC'HAEl. I . CARl'8EU.E (oa Maeeuvf'ni) TAKES ATOMIC TRAINING FUTURE P~ENGERS-Two of many small fry and adults who attended la unchlng of Captain, newest ferry to be put in service for Balboa Island • Balboa run watch craft Blip into Newport Bay following rites Saturday on island. -Staff Photo CAMP DESERT ROCK . !'\EV. (FNTNC)-Now at th" Atom- lo Energy Commhu1lon Proving Grounde here tor th,. lntul eerle.11 of atomic t ests Is Mar· ine T. SgL Michael J. Caru- 1elle, 110n of Mrw. Murlt> A. Ca.ruselle ot 340 E. 161h. COii· ta Mesa. and husband or t~ former Mia.'! Allct' G. Morgan ot Staten lsl&nd. X . Y. HI! rn· lcred 11r n •lre In llH2. Whlll' h1•re he wilt parllctpitlf' in an air· Kf'OUnd PXl'rc1se during w hich Rn etomlc explo11lon will be rmployed 8Jtllln11t hypothrt· lc11I l'nrmy torcr11 The Marines wlll t eal a~sau ll tactirs rt'· latlng t o a tomic warfare. In· e luding the art or vutlc&I en· velopmtnl by hehcoplf'r. Ht 111 a mPmber or the Jrd 1'1ar1ne Corp11 I'rov111lonal Atomic Ex· erclse Brii:-a<lf' which hu nown to this fl<'!!trt site lo partlc1p11tP 1n the atomic al· tack problemft. NEW. ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY Presiding Criminal Court Judge John SheA hands in- structions lo Orange County Grand Jury foremrtn for 1955 Bromley W. Hill of Laguna Beach as rest of jurors look on. S!'atrd at ~h<'a's l<'ft i~ court repot tl'r \'iC'kil' Crawford. A new 10 ·member Jury was sworn in r~ cently. Thirty jury candidates were selected by the fi ve county Superior Court judges. After four didn't answer and seven were excused the minimum 19 remained for duty. The> jury was to meet to Corm committees today. -OCNS Photo , "MARINER" AT HELll-Preeldent Edgar R. Hill, Lido Iale, bead of new MartDeN Bank, draws laugh from Karl Lynn Davis, left, eecretary. treasurer, u h• ta k • • "helm" or wheel of bank's new vault. Bank's emblem ahowa old time martMr at lhlp'a helm. -Staff Photo News • Pictures lil \\'Il'iNERS AIL-Fred Schenck. Tom Skahill and Bud Gage all received hearty con- ~ratulations from Commodore Harry Mann. left. on their respedive eeriea victoriee tn the N('wport Harbor YaC'ht Club's Sprin~ Gold Cup Rt'gatta juat ~~ntly. Fred wu particularly happy since this wa~ the first app<>arance of his brand new Snjpe, Cbe- quendcque (it means "hot stuff" in Cuban. we understand I. Tom hu collected honon before in t he Lehman neet with his Tomoptrris <we've never known what THAT mean11 l and Bud is no newcomer to the wmnt'r0 11 r1rt'lc in t he Luden claaa with hla Es Velcro (simple -it means "sailboat"). -Beckne r Photo REVERSE COURSE-The unusual Southeasterly winds just recently provided chance of scenery for the small boats sailing NeWJlOrt Harbo r Yacht Club's Spring9Gold Cup aeries when they sailed the customn ry course in reverRe. Ten lntemational-14• found t he brisk breezes t o their liking with Carl E ichenlaub of MBYC particularly pleued to coUcct the .en.a-award. -Beckner Photo • -- .. (jovernmenl G xcepl :J.rom PART 111-PAGE 2 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 3 1, 1955 ''God gront us the serenity to occept the things we connot chonge; the couroge to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) . EDITORIALS New City Oil Law Needed to Protect Newport Beach There ilJ another oil well pumping away, producing wealth for the City ot Newport Beacb. It is a bleuing. Like all bleuinga it bringa with it certain responsibilities. The new well we talk about is the eighth well 'trom the site in-nd ot the Coast Highway at :'>7th St. This drillsile proves a point that we have been making for quite some time -namely, that where oil la it can be produced without completely destroying an area or a t own. Thia operation proves another point -there is definitely oil underlying a goodly portion of town and tidelands. Therefore, we as the City of Newport Beach must face several tacts. Either we exercise our rights lo the ·tidelands granted the city originally in 1919, 1927, 1929 and l 953 or we prepare to abdicate our rights to the State of California. Either we set our plans for the de· v~lopment ot the harbor, navigation, and fisheriee u provided'under the grants, or we abdicate all rights and titles to the state and t}}e state will operate a program of oil development. F.ither we as the City of Newport Beach carefully prepare o ur pattern of operation and our lawa, or we J>repare to knuckle under to the State of Ca.lltomia. The Stale of Calilomia has de.finitely cbartM ita course. The Stat <' of California wtll ofter for lease any and all state lands from which oil can be produced, uplanda, lowlands, beaches, parks or t idelands. The State ot California now hu before it in the Legislature bills which would force those operating un- d <'r s ta te leases to comply with local regulatory ordin· ances but specifically A.B. No. 2738 says "As used in t his scction. the tcnn "rcgulatory ordinances" does not Include ordinances which prohibit drilling for oil, gas or other minerals.'' We can not argue with either the intent, purpose, or ultimate consequence of this bill. To our way of thinking It merely cnforc<'s the constitution which guarantees that each person shaJl be able to recover his assets. If assembly bill No. 2738 passes we are certain it will completely invalidate the re£lrlction in our charter aga in~t 1itl op1•rations within the City of Newport Beach. Wl'. in our mind. arc certain that this provision is uncon· atitut.w nal at any rate -but we are neither attorney nor C<>nstltut..lonaJ atudent. But for the greatest protection in the City of New· port Beach it ia neceaaary at thja time that the City Council prepare, with all dispatch, an ordinance provid- ing for, and properly regulating, vcploration, production, and tran1portatlon of oil into, through, and from the City ot Newport Beach. Thia ordinance if adopted by the city council would ot cour1e be of no effect until and unless our prohibition ag&l.nat oil operation in the City Charter be invalided by State action or be declared invalid In the courts. But aa a 1a!eguard again1t such an occurrence an ordinance 11hould be prepared and either adopted or held, fully pre· pared for puaage u an emergency meuure if and when needed. Here i1 the exact wordage of Assembly Bill No. 2738 which has been referred to the Committee on Mu- nicipal and County Government. CA LIFORNlA LEGISLATURE 19~ REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2738 • • • • • • lotroduced by Me88rs. Stanley, Levering, Lyon, Chapel, Allen. lkavC'r. B<-lntt1. Bradley. Cooli dge. Oolwig, Donald r>. Doyle, E rnest R. t;e cld c•1', Hegland, Holmes, J ohnson. Kilpatrick. Klocksci m. Lanterman. Lindsay. Luckel, Mc- Millan, Millt'r, Schrade, Smit h. and Thnmas. January 20, 1955 Referroo tn Cnmmillee on Municipal and County Gm·emment An net to ndd ~eclion 6501.3 to the Public Ret1ourcN1 Code. rclat1nl{ to rnmplinnr<' wi th municipal a nd county ordinnnrt•s. Th<' people of thr State of C:i llfomia <lo <'na1·t as follows: 1 S ECTION l . SN'liu11 650 1.3 is add<'d to the Go\'em· 2 ment Code, to read : 3 6501.3, Every lellSe ot submerged lands or tidelands 4 granted under .this part shall be subject to the con- --------- llEWPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W~6 PRESS Formerly the Newport·S.lboa Nm·Tlmea and th• Newport·Balboa ~ .. ICnt•red u 8eoond-Clue MattH at the Poetottlce Ln N'"lJOrt ~•ch. Calllomta u.nd'r the Act ot M.arcb 3, 1879. Publ.WH!d E••l'J MoltdaJ Mid n11anc1&7 a& N-,,ort Beach. Calli. 117 UM Nl:Wl'OMT llAJtBOM t'l BLJSHl~O OOKPAJ.'W Teleptao11e Harbor Hll Qoalllled S. hbllaal ~raa Nolk:IN UMf Adnrtl.mente of AU Klod1 ll.J 0..-of UM 8all(lrtor Coon of Ora.a,. Oo. IJI AcUoD No. A·tl 701 ...... , c.illorala N_,,.,.., Publa..-n AMOdatlOD Ment_, NaUolUl.I EdUortal A..odaUom N.•mber of Oranc• County New1 Suvlc• BEN REDDICK. P1.1bll11hcr WlU...LAAI A. MUSES. EdJtor ORMOND E , ROUNTREE:, Ad\•trtm ng O lr!'ctor 8t"BSCRWJ10~ RATES: Sr..-port flarbnr !'\!'W•·f'N'f<•, T" le'4' \\"~lcly In Ora111e Cou.nt7. _.. 1M1 Pf'' )'Nr: S/f.00 '" mn" : ~I.AO lhrtt mn1. Outalde ot Orang• l."ount1 $7.00 1~r 1uv ' 5 dition that the lessee shall comply with all valid 6 regulatory ordinances of the city or county in which 7 the lea.aed property is located. AB used in this eec- 8 tlon, the term "regulatory ordinances" does not in· 9 elude ordinances which prohibit drilling for oil, gaa 10 or other minerals. ·Lyon Would Bar the Press, Public in Court-closing Deal Freedom in these United States has suffered some low blows in the current session of the Legislature. Free- dom of you and me aa guaranteed by our C'onstitution of these United States and in the Constitution of the State of California ie hacked away by cons tant efforts of socialist bureaucrats and hireling elected officials to entrench themselves in power. One proposal that sickens us is a Constitutional Amendment proposed by Assemblyman LeRoy Lyon of Fullerton. Lyon hu proposed that all trials in court1 of this state wherel.n 1ex offenses are alleged shall be closed "1lar chamber" ae•lons. He does not propose that the plaintiff or defendant shall have the right to ask for a cloeed hearing (the defendant now does have that rignt). Rather would Mr. Lyon abdicate this sacred right to the whim of the judge presiding. The jurist would be able to exclude everyone but the attorneys and principals involved. The north county a.saemblyman has indicated that he would be willing to amend hie proposal to per· mit one representative of the preaa chosen by the jurist to report on behalf of all informational media. We would take this opportunity to point out to Mr. Lyon -who apparently is not well vc·rsed in hiatory, either legal, medical, or h uman -that such court.a as he proposes were conducted prior to his time. History tells u~ that it was a one·tin1\ common practice to dispose of politically noxious persona by hold- ing "kang"aroo court hearings'' and sentencing them to indeterm1natr smtcnces in secretly local';!d pri1on11. Yea, and in our time we have read and heard r elated ot the release of e•pohtical prisoners" of one style or another. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Peron executed them witho\lt hearing except before the "mas ter". Mr. Al!semblyman LeRoy Lyon , we commend to your study the Constitution of the United States and ot California. and we furthrr commend to you a simple, mosl interesting source of reading. the History of the United States of America and the reasons for it.a found- ing. And, pending that Mr. Lyon, we commend t o your constituents your banishment lo the oil field jungle located in your district at Huntington Beach where you should be forever confined at the smallest level on the highest der rick where you might look out up0n and across a portion of the greatest country ever conceived upon the face of the earth. Councilmanic Trading Post Step right up, folks and see your Newport trading post m action! Yea, it's r eally nothing, j ust nne of those new city council surprises which shouldn't catch us be· tween thP. eyes, But this one does. The seven new council members Monday night oust- ed Mrs. Kenneth (Florence} Cooling as city treuurcr and consoli4ted her position into that held by City Clerk C. K. Priest. Jn the same brrath the council kept Priest at hie present pay scale yl'l relfo\'C'd him of his pubUc information duties. Whether the $150 per month 11alary paid Mnl. Cooling will f ill in Priest's pay was left dangling by the council, pending return of a salary s un •cy now under way. The RU!.ggcnng thing 1s the n:m·etc. to speak kind· ly. the st upadity, t o s p<>n k harshly. of t he council in forgetting their city clerk publicly admitted in these columns more than two years ago that he h ad fl outro his responsibilities as the t hen city assesMr in neglecting to assess posscssory inte rest taxes on t he Balboa Bay Club leasehold Rnd other.:;. Various contradictory reasons were giv<'n al the t ime. finally the county assessor being blamC'd for this malefaction. Howe,·cr. Pri"8t earlier had admitted his was the responsibility. So now he's city trrasurer ! Whnt counr ilmanie fore· Right! What polit ical a plomb ! A shrewd stroke. indeed. The office holdcr who had no st rikes against hr r is let out while he whose record docs not warrant taking over her job Is crowned with the laurel wreaths. Now what will be done with his public information Job and Ila pay which Rti!J makes up a fair·11ize portion ot hia salary ? Could it be the council will delegRte It to another ? The local chamber of commerce no longer Is the city'1 fanfare furnisher. The chamber is on its own. Even though the council m ight elect to pay the chamber for public information. we doubt t hat body w ould be foolish enouJ?h to be gulled. The people \'Oted the chamber only $2-100 per year, nr xt fiscal period and the chamber has acccpfrd the challcngr. stepping out on ita own to master it.a own dest iny . .'ho11l.t th1' council crauly offer it the public lnformnt1on s< p. \W wonder if the chamber once burned. will not be tw1tr Hh~·" So there you ha\'e it. Two dcrted official~. one by popular Wl"ilc-in vot e as city trea...,u r<'r without publicly aeeking office, the other a r rofrs...,1rn11l pr1liti< ian who sabotaged Mrs. Cooling in city h:ill com·<·r.;ilti,ins j tiRt aa consistently Rfl he did form<'r ('nunnlmnn An1lrf'w W. ~mi th. 1 k nllll'l haw ''lcots M friends" as nnP. of our present counril mcm bC'r~ st11 t~'!I in star rh:t mtwr s t·ssion . And on tho present counr1 I it woulrl app<'ar t10. Yee. lll<'p n~ht up folks .tn the Newrort pnlftlra1 trl\ding posL T he r<'unctl'a trn•llng ewrrt h ing. even the poet.a ' p ASSING THE BUCKS! l tT KU~ CARRY IT -Hi CAN'T VOTE/ BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PAIUU:R (Ed. Note -Tlll• rolumD by Hort1C'e t>arkrr 11'111 dral "ltll the Uttle-kno"'a hllltork~I hact• he h&a dn.<tard 11p la hi• many trlptt Into the llllM'k <'tlJUlll"J la rec-eat )'eara. I One of the saddest stories of the brush country i,; tho old Indian Graveyard at Old Temecula. When Lhe:' l ndan n1:1 were moved from the Little Temecula Runchn, leaving the graveyanf behind wherein lay tht'ir dear ones, was one of the hardest blows of all. No doubt Mni. JaC'kson had visited the old cl'm{'tcry many limes for •h•' de11t'rll>N• ltlth•• 1·shullh111 ((l r.-ti1•ul rr .. m 110 vividly tn ht•r novC'I Ramontt : ITt'm('111lr1 In Aguani;I\ 1111.I tht're " ... un1I hr t urned the h1•1~c8°1 lhe twu 1C1r'"" woulJ t111n t<lld 11n· hl'ad11 In the chrC'\'lio11 or th' ~lk\'l'· nlhllate lhC' \uhfumlan1- yu d. It WIUI surruunJ1·•I by 11 low Th1•rr wn11 1•nly on<' lly tn 1118 artobe wall, w1U1 on1: sm 11ll !(Ate otntn1t•11l .• )111111 Antonio. lh<' grl'11t ot wooden paltnii. As they "'·" h· 1 t·h1d nt the t 'l\h1J1ll11•, w 1111 A t rn'st• ed It, AIMl!andro exrlaimed, "The t'•I tte•t ,."tit ••r the Lug .. s or San lhlt'vn have takrn lhr gttle!" Bl'rnnr•ltno where J uan Ant1t1110 "Wh11t coulJ thev have wanted (lnce llvl'tl. So arcon1m1; to plan with that ?" >IJllJ Ra mona. I the T<'mt•r ulu re lrNlf'•I. but m- "To bum:· hi' said dui:i;C'Jly., ~ll'IHl u~ b••tng alhrB. Wh<'n th.<'Y "It wu wood: bu1 1t \\"U~ ,.,.,y ionlnc-tqJ lh•• C'ahutl!"-". lht' Ltt• little. They migh t h&\'' left l ite I hu1llu• r,ll uron thf'm !fo1111 helWf'f'O graves safe froui wtld bt'Mlll anJ I th1• two ,rorre11 38 Tt'me1•11l1111 w<'re cattle!'" k!Jled. No wonder an 111\I 1111ylnlf among lht> T!'me1·ula• t~: "Ne\'1•r Strange events 1"1 lo Uie u lab-t ru11t a C'ahullla." llahment or thla old gr1tveyard. ll The l l'rrtr1ect remnants or the all started at Fort Ll'nv".nworth. Te111ecul1.u1 brok' throu,::h the t'a• Kan.. n'arly 2000 mtlea away hullla llne11 ant.I nod to J\gua C'ttl• when Col. Stephen Watts Kearny I lr nte 1 Warner's Hot Spnni:a 1. 0 1\ ---------------------------wu ordered weatward on June 27, Jan. 2l, lMl, Col. Philip St. 18fll by Secr,tary ,or War Marcy, G<"nrl:f' Cnt1kl' snct his Murmun to aecure Texas. New Mexko nnu 1 Hntlohott 1111 1 hi•tr wav lo lllUll llC, Calltor;nta ror future Anlt'ru.:ans -In tht' 1'<111q ue10t of ru11ror nh1, t'n• and. h 11 l'Ventual dereat by the e·amrw.t hi Al:llll t'alirntt. Tht• lf'r• C&lironuano11 at the Bllltle of r1f11·1l 1'f'111t•e 11l11io lolll him th1·tr San Putual. I 11tory a nll he l'Alll',f J \lnn Antnnlo Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO, ( CNS )-A memora ndum from the office of ctvll detenae to all local r ovem- mt>nls luu'd rec,ntly, has a 11omr· what shuddering dtec t when ttad ca rPfully. Th' m'mora.ndum Is a patt'm for Action In the ev,nt there Is an attack with modern thl'rmonuclear weaponL 1t point• out that "'very racet or our 10Clal, political and economic •Lruclure Is lnvolvl'tl tn clvll detenn pl&11nln~. The memorandum <llscussts the 1ltuatlon In the evtnt there is such an a ttack. SAFE D18TASC'ES It point• out thAt In disp,rsal plans, 20 mllea from ground zero 11 d'em'd adequate for reu onable safety. However, ~verf' blast and heat dtect.a may br 4'Xpccled In part• or the art'& 20 to 40 miles from ('round Ul'O. Bomb 1heltl'r1 w ithin the areas ot tlrutorm1 will be relatively in· effective, due primarily to t hi> lar k ot oxycen, the memorandum aay•. How-. the llteltu• a.... not completely uMleu , and 11hould not be dll!<'ard'd Jn dlaperaal pl&1111, all avaUabll' road1 must be nst>d, thrrefore. proha ble rnJlo11clivr · fall·out pat· t'rns •hould be lgnorNI. Dtsp<'n<al wtll be voluntary. and the public 1hould be notified ot dl-"})rrsal by an approp rtatl' 11lfmal. AMPLE DY.STRC"<TIOS The memorandum lnflll"ates any city attack .. d wtll be aubstanllally dutroyed. 8l'vere to total damag' or dutrurtton 111 probable out to about J l mllt't1 from the d'tonallon polnu. IA"Ul'r blMt damage11 and t1re11 may orcur at .l!llb&tanlially .rrt'al!'r dh1tancu, a bout 40 m llrs mAy be uard for a plannlnlf f tgim>. Oamag"" v11rylnir from Bt'V're lo nil probably will be 1potty at thl' largl!'r distances. Th' new and Important anti· personnt'I etf,ct or lhennon uclear weapons la from tall-out redtoacU· vlty. which presents an uq;l'nt rPason tor rc·exa mlnang all prev· 1ow1 dls:ister planning. Residual radlo11cllvily In hu.ard· Otts amounts may be lipread down· wind for distances that vary from ~ to 300 milt's. drpendlng on the velocities or wind. Whtie lht> l'xact driatance which provldu complPtc saCtty cannot be' reartlly determln· ed. the memorandum advl1e1 that stor'd auppllea and matertAl.11 should be lor11t'd at least 40 mllu from the main target areaa. M.UIY l N Cl.EAR Howev,r, It appear• llktly that llOme 80 to 90 P'rcent or the total area or the stall' would not be 11erlou1ly arrecled by tall-out rad· lallon. Further, 111b1tanllally lar· ~er num~n ot caaualtlu •lloultl be Hlimated than have b'"n pr,. vtou•ly plaen•d. eo..cie-tGee are Utat ta"l'et ell· lea. (Loi Anl'f'IH, San Dleao and San Francl•co Bay a.rea on a pnmary ba1!1) wlU not be a ble to cope with poat·attack probltm1. The memo 1talH turther that any city In the Unlt'd St.atu ca n be attack~ by air or by a tomic weapon.e amucrted lnto the COWi· try, and any city In Callrom ta can be a ttacked by guided mh11llea launched from 1Ubmerlnu and coutaJ cltlu by atomic weawna conct'aled ln 1hJpplnr. It 11 a.nwned tJ\at a lta ck1 will be araJn1t center• ot lndu1lry, popula tion, covemrnent, and m llt· tary lnrtallaUon1, and that tnl· tlal attack would Include 1urttclent nuclear weapon1 to hit all three or tha prime tarpt area1 a t oner . AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTRtJR S ACRAMENTO -(C!l:SI - Some lnd1call<>n ot how the 21· m•m~r eduC'atlnn commlltPr l'lf lhe C'allrom ls u l'll.'mbly. hPadr•I by A911rmblym•n Dnn111'1 Ooylr. or C'ontr11 Co11IA rnuntv. la itOlrtg 1•' Jl#rrorm thb 11eeson, I! 1<•'t'n tt1r kirk-off Mf'ttlnjf O( \hat j:ruup Th!' 20 or 10 b11l11 prr!M'nttll to the ('nmmttt"t at 1111 flr11t mt>elinJo? vcrtuAlly aJI h11rt thr1r nr lgln In lh,. state dfparlm,.nl oC l'rlural1on. "llk h 111 t\f'a(lr<l b~· Rnv E. !'imp· lion, 11talf' 1111penntrndrnt or rubltc tn~truC'tlon. FOR EASIF.ll rsms b·rfore th' com"nllt<'e wrr"n t t>\•rn thPrt> to explain them Rt'llEA t TRAT~ EXPLAIS Aul that clll1n't mllke 11nv t11f· f•0ro'n1 P MMl nr th11 bill•· w ere "•l,.pStrlmf'nl ' bill•, "" 1t,1 r lcl't· rtl tr pn·"l'ntatlv•·' or th" ft"Opfr m<'rt>ly l<'nel t hrtr n11ml'!I tn l he rnr11~11rr1t, \~hllt' t hr h111 •••1t1C'rAl .. l:tk' nv• r thf' r xpl,1n111111n• anti llUl"rPPd Ill J:''ltlllj;t t l\t>m Olll nr 1ommlllrt• \\llh 11 "•lo pn.. ti'· rommrn•lat1nn Th,. mPAlltlrf' whlC'h rrr.tl<'tl A ~ltizht bit <1( 1n:rrt'lll 11n !hr p11rt ..r :onmf' m••n1br1 io ur t hr rnmmlt· lt't' w11 by At1M'mhlym11n r arl1>y Strangely 'nough, most or the l'ort,r. nr Lo• Aniretu county. lt>~1latlon coneemied pnm11rily the who wun t prn,nt qut'11tlon of milking ll l'Hlrr fot The mHJturr, u plalnert by •rhool dt11trlcl.s t n unite. all or Wrl(ht, &llnwa pPlltlons for unity· which beAn out t.hl' .contention ot Ing htirh 1JrhO(ll tJl•tr lct11 Intl) union many t>ducaton on the <"ounty or joint untor: high achonl di•· and city level• that th' 1t1tP de· trlctl to he 11icned by a m11jortty partm,nl 111 ensag'd In a long· of regl11tertd voters, u well o r11.11Ge campalKJl to Cl"nler more by two·thlrd• or the htrh 1r h0<•I 11nrt m ore powrr and authority In board. On the face or It, thl1 look11 tha larrer dt•lrlcta and the state like It m lcht be a rood ldt1 -~1ve department nr t>ducatlon. pArllcul· the peopl' a chanre to de\t'rmtnf' arty the atal' dPpartml'nt nt edU· whelhtr they wa nt to unity or cation. not. But ot courae, thf' people hav,. Only one ot th' bf111 crrat,.d a to vote on the matt" anyhow rlpple of controvt'r&ary In the com· and the bill deleted the ,..quire· mtt~ r11eellng. For the moat part. m'nt that tha petition 1\at' thr membtor1 aat and uked a few ln· locaUon of the hl(h achoo! u d~ nocuou1 qe1llon11 "of FTllllk Wright. tf'rmlned by thf two boarll• who rrpre11enttd lhe Dl'pllrlment BREAK l"OR Pl'JH.IC"T or Educa tion, anll presented tht Wr11Jhl upl•lntd th,. r!epert· btll1 on beh11lt or the mrmbera or m'nt had had a llttle trouble In one the l'gl11laturl'. w ho are th• t lect· dtatrlct. where the bo9rd wnuldn"t rll rPprf'~nta tlvu or the peopl' co-operatP. ao the d"partment 11.11d ~.-ho Introduced lhtm. Severa) wanted the people t o h•vt ot thf' l,.g1,l•tor1 w ho had blll• a rhanc•. Arter Kt•arny'• 1"8CUe by Stx k · In 11.11d rrAd t he "riot ttl'\" lo him ton's Ma rines frum San D11·i;1•, 111nd lo \hi! \a.hulll3J1. Al th•• a11ni• Pico and his rorce of t 'ahfornla r111. t Im~ ('u()kt' prornll1l'tl lo rsi-urt t he who wer' nevPr too enthuseJ, were Teml'\·uk111 hon1e eo that thry could demorahzed. They broke up 11110 hury their ilr11<1. 111111 hf' Jld and •mall g""ruups &!Id ehMppearcd 11110 I the 38 Jnill1U111 "IRln tn the Trm· t he ce1untry1wl•·. One surh gruup l l'Ull\ M ....... ,., rt• w•·re t he f1n1l fil'Pd "holed-up'" on t he 1•11uma Hane ho fotr lhf' Ulel Tt>ml'e·UI• l;l R\'t>yard ~longing to Juan Antomo :5er· famous In tustvry, 11<1ng a nd fie· rano, whirh is JUst east or lhe' u on prl'sent l nlltan vilhi:c or Pala. On 1 Ttml' an..i ICM•klng bl\l·k In rl't ro- ci r about the night of Dt•1·. 12. i<pt.'< t hcal1< 11111ny wounds. \\'e 1846, the I I Cahforman~ ''"'re kn11w t hul Krl.rny tnlknl with the awa.kenrd hy the !n!'nelly \'Ok•• of lnJians ur T••m•·l'Ull\ Al 'Warnt>r'a the loca.l Indian chief, M•rnu,b to prtor to tht' b11tt1<· or San Pu cual. Cola, op,nrd th' drtU r and w ere l"n dnubl ht WM mlsunrtertt<t0d ICIZ<•d by the lnl1111ns. tn hl.s talk wtlh tho Jndtan1 about Arter a den oua Journey cir tor· hl'lplni; tht' I\ merlcanL They pro b· ture llJ1d Insults the lndlllJ\11 ably Clgurell 10111 or killing belWO I\ brought their captives to "Agu a the CaJtrornJ11n11 And AmerlcMa at Caliente," or Warner'• Hot Sp11nga San J>a11cusl, tile war Wit.II allll on, aa tt la "known today. Twu while ao wc"ll help th,. Amer1can1 end men ltvlng with the lndtan.s flt k ill tiome 1'11llfom taru1, and no Agua C11llrnt1• •••ll.led the Cttl1• l•f doubt lht' Ml'x lra11 a nd renegade theee L'iillrornt&J111. One. a Mrxl· white u11•n al A gua Caliente nur· can and t he other• \\'llllam Mu· tuq11 tht11 1·onct'pt. ahall, a deaertu from • w hu11ng I Antone Ashman, a T'mecula •hip In 1M• and a natlv' of Rhode htm11.-1 r. apolo1tlzt>11 ror the Ca.hull· I.land, rnclt'd the lnJ111.1111 tu tvr-kli. by n ylng, "The Mulcar1• ture and klll lht!lr capuves. 1 brlbell the l'a.hulllaa with whllkey The CalHomlans -yre torturt'd and guns." Juan Antonio could to death In a moat horrible m an· J hArdly do olhPrwl1e for he had llv- ner. The only mP rcltul murder \\"IU ed moi l nr hla llfe with the Luco• or Santo1 Allpu. a boy hardly tn In the San Tlmot'o canyon and hla "teen11," who t hroughout the thry wrre hi• f rlt'nd1. AJt'r hi• horrible night did hla but tn c«tn· little t.Uk with Cooke he aJwayt tort his oldu cmnpanlons and .ad· wu mo11t loyal to the Amulr an mon lah'd them to di!" ltk,. brave couu a nd btocamt' "the Cahutllu' ml'n. Because or his braven's.t t he gN'11lut 1·hltC of All ttmu ·• lnc11&J1J1 irranted him a choh'e or So the htlle ln. .. t gntvt'ya.rd of death• and •l his r-equti<t he wa. Old Tt·m~ Ill>! r .. prt'llrnta proba bly allot through the fort'heart. more· bl .. odllhl'of Ulan '" 1•urred In SomPttme pnor t o JAn. 22, 1847.1 th,. 1·nllrl' C'Onqu l'11t or Calltnm la the Calltom tAns u nllrr Ramon during lhP Mcx11•1n \\ar, with Carrillo M d Jo"" Lugo rode l• l\t11oe :in whllt'" anll neuly •o In· avenre the mrn l)r thr f'11111n&, di11na lw1l11g th,.lr IJve~. lt'ad1nr to M&a1acre. The Indian• of ,T•·n1!'c'· j ll1< r11lubl1ehml'nt. Anel J1111t u ulu were th,lr fl~I JXllnt hf e.•ll Alt..,..111dro pr~rttc te1l In flrt lon, The Tt>m,.l.'ulA11 knew lh<'V WP••· p1•n1 . r11I 1·11tt le now iirau qvrr the coming and broad1e1I a plan wcth fuq:ul l••n gra vu In Old T'mecula. EARUER DAYS-Old Temecula grave yard\ "Etr hed from Nature," by M. E. Govrr in 1891. Temecula Cany<•n is In right background and the old Wolf 11tore to the right. -Horace Parker Photo READERS W·RITE Edllor, l\'r" port :-.rw11-Pr r~11. mn~t f''Jlllt1bll\ 11. 11y a11 lh<' pt>nple Newport, C&llf. Mi.1 t h "lb. 19:>!1 "'ho will b,. U.11ln1: thla 1rhrif'll .... 111 Ol'ar Sir : be I"• ytng I hr l r 11h11 rr ln11trHrl of J with I<> exprr!!~ the appr,.rl1t· w .. wh,, wltl p8y·ln·aolvenr .. (111• It lion or th,. lragtJe a nol 11 , 1,,., 11e a nrl r•r,.h•e \r r y llttlr brn,.f11 ot lht :-..:r,..port f:ja lt.<•u \"t 111 tc•1t 1 I \\·e •re iirt r1111r f&r l• •n•t l1f 11rr• llrea rur thll ralr lln·I liiili.U • •I llO<'h.hlr•I anti w fll r"ll'av I hl'm rtpnrtinJt 11.c h11\"I' t1l'"n '" •1111'1!: lnrlllt11ng yo11 r .,111'1<' on lt.r t.11;h tchool la11 onrrlrte <•f lul y, 1·t>k l•• • 1.11 fr 1tm I mt tn llmr hr.f•lnit • fj\J well ; 'tnl tn11,. ltt flrPHh' II' 1Tll 1'1•'t•J! l.f thlll IO•tt' 'J°ft d•t ''' hf'f • 14 I•" 14 c. ,111 bf' a jp'&at '11•.vf\ 1 II Jt 11 111 .... ·ey1 In lh!' p11hhr 1'1 lo ll i• ,.nllr" 111,1 Fanner. McCabe Writes ... tere•t to ha"' a Wl'll mr••11 ••I (1• 1.rr nr 1t•n1r.11t1r1n1 a nrt 1n,1 vt•I· public and to prul'nt b<>th 111 Ir• I uHl a "'" rnn\a• tll'I: 11_ to 1, 11 ~•••tr ot any controvP1"11laJ tasue. ~1 , .. .,.,,1 """ 1, ,, • , J,.,111 1111 in I ust<1 think that I wanted to live by the side of the Road and be a friend to man. About all it would require, I fiJ?J?Pred. was a cup of coffee and a few kind worde or helpful advice. How 1iome ever, I done found out that It requires " lot more.!n that ..• racta is, I've found out It requirM BO much that you've gotta w.ork at it steady like In order to IUcrttd. (alJ nrht. reserved) \\"e f,.,., lh:tl whrn lh· I tlol • 11 ,, •'" I • tf•f•I• • l1tlr " rflallzPll. tl1rv1t1<h 1·utt1111'"', li,1' 1,.1! 11 r 11 ,. 11 • "'"I 1n 111" the 1oca!le<I O\ ••rtt Ir• l ,,. •~ Ill •' w 1 .. , •1 • "I , • • 1 • .. '·"tin~ 1111. "pA\0•11.'") tlll•i(U' lll"tll"'' 't \,\X l \\ t• f .t I t• o1 t i t• 11 11\ .r .\ h t>lt ,nJC lion but I• In r,.,sJ11v 1wh .. 11 1111!'<1 '"''"" h-~1,ol "'' ar~ 11\111 ll"'k1nr ror achO<ll ('CJlllill ltUt1IH 'I J•UI In· I \I ... ~ 1.n 11 ... 01cr11tl• el .. 11 1 lllVllnre" pl1111, t hry Wilt )'''" fl.• 1n ddntlnp; thlll r'"" ~n'1 wf1•r •tur1y llJI 11'1 ""'"""~·· ., ol I Un•IA u 1111t In f'l"'.,.'ni.: " '"·r.· 1 I~•"" Th• bond.I are the aa!er, 1urer and 11.111.~ • · .: ; '•'I 11i.;.a1n. 1 rl'ma l\.' k it ~,.r,.tv VC'\tlr" ~ \ 1· M11• r",\HTf':R J•r,.1'idrnt, t r,.,.,tnm Tupaycra ~ lnc. ( , HARBOR ~o~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111-PAGE l THURSDAY, 1MARCH ll, 1955 FITZPATRICK TOP BAmR ' Although colleclln« only Tar Juniors Lose Out to Fullerton MESA MERCHANTS TANGLE WITH PRO BOISE CLUB AT MESA PARK . SUNDAY Ex-Mafar Manag1r, • Leagu1r Lou StriRCJ•r, May Cavort at S1cancl I alJ1 ma.rk"n In lo dent th• dlah and Calrher K•nn)' Mo.ls mq • ....-M lhe prlula ri;hl on. oul cl lhe r-rk ror a on"·on. homer. Norm RJdpay doubled to h•lp lhlnp alonr •• 11 batten went. Th u ., •--ta' IJ-•-L ,__ Li to the pl•le for the Mt!l"C'h&nla. e •e:&a -ercU&Q uag game 1.&ae9 p .... ...,, on ona • ------------- Field in Coata Me.a Sunday. That'• when ~u Stringeor·a l a ... c professional ball club from BoiR, Idaho tangles with Eastern Loop the local town team. Game time ... been ... at I ,c p.m., ;1 bu been an-Athlet"1c Aid nounc~ by B11•!-.1111 ~t'.\n•r;~r F..d Sar.. • ahould M-111\arp for Lllnl' Lane •d<kd. ··string•r'•: S 1nna .. 1 • al11&1era. He w•at all nine doe..,,·t look lik• 11 Ctu. C tM -.._y lut Sabblith to r!'<:eh·e club. It look• n1ui'h bellf'r," crtldil for • T-6 Mraa trlun1ph Laws Tighter· llOISt: LOA.Dt:D oo; .. -~e lMgu·::-g :,n&t:"•hi~•~l":i"':;: Spring tr1r.i ntn1: al Onurto, t wo hlta in H•rbor Hi1h'1 rtr11 pair or Sun11et Le•ll:UI' b&ll game11. Shorl.ltop Denny Fil&- plllrl~ w•• the Tani' top b•t- t er rolng into thl11 anernoon'1 tangle w ith Sant• Ana 0 11 th!' lac•! d!•mond. 'He'1 hitting .333. Boilie is luad<!d v.·itl'! • c .u:c uf um". the >1..-.n& ""'l'N! poundin1 Tig ht•nlnll' ot re•tr!r l1nns on f1 n• H•rbor High"• Junior V•r•lty I younir. lllllt n••jor leag1:e ho(M"-oul JO blov."•. a nr11L aid and ellctbillty for •th· ntn• allowed one lo g"t 11way from lul11. A nuniber of thenl. Uk"' Lou 81g blo11: •nd bit' inning carnl' Jet"ll In the E••lf•rn Contrr•nc• FIUp•trlck went hltleu •· ga in.al lhe Oiler•, bul waa cr"'- dlled wllh on• time a t bat. M on d a y 11galn1t FUiierton, Denny ba8hed out • pair or 1ln1lt• In ba.t trlpl t o tht pl•t· ter. Leading lhe Sun11et loop 1lugg!'r1 I• Mike Jewf'tt or Fullerton with three hit• In five •t b&Oi for a .600 ave rag•. them Mond1y when Fullerton'• JV'• 1eor..ct three run1 In bottom nr lhl' tenth tor a S-7 vl<"tory. At thl' "nd or rl'gul11Uon uven. the 1care wa~ knolt~d 11t ~·5. Opening the third overtime can- to, Tar R lghtf\elder Jim St'~one• a!ngled and P ltch•r Gary Grt'"" tr!pl•d. Both run• 11corl'd to 1 ive the local Lad& a 7·:\ 1,.,d, t;CORIN(i MIXTt'RI': Balla 11.t tlrsl ~ •nd J l'n)' Ca· 1t1 the rlr•t. Th• Mer<-'hants 11ent W•• unantn1ou1dy •&reel! upon at J>f:n• bt'hln(f thl' plat ... 11re off th.. • ml!l'tlna of junior colle1• admln- l!SC t·&mpu1. T he ll'am nu.i:l•u. I T k T J.t.lr•tor1 hrld laat Thurllday at L1 cent•red ···oo.ind • C'fUUP ...ntll ! IC II eam Oran.ct! Coa1t College. H w•• an- l l !eul one -uon rt pro C"om,,...-.f nnun•·ed tod•y by Dr. H. Lynn titian alrraJy I Sc D bl Sh"U"r· ronre .... nc" pr••(dent and Aa •n e;:a,n1ple, Pltch•r Ro)' ares DI e dln~ctor of Fullerton J unior Col· Y.'hlte "'·on 16 •galn11t only three legr. 10 .. el ... ·htl• llo\'ltilng tor \\'aro. Natator ..... Adnpted .. one or thf' guldtnr T"'xu. And tht'n there·• the \'l'I· \ pr1nclpl"'1 fnr Eutern COnfel't'nce e,...n •l&hlhl)" •Upplled by Slrin,r"r 1 . _ . at hJ .. Ur• '••U thl' ~llo"·\ng; "No him11•lf. The Jong tn\'W' PatUit' By lt:K&\ THOJllPSOS richolarah1pe. or gr11.nt ·ln·&id may Coa.l U•~l' perfOntiff \II U<~l· Or.nee Coast Coller" .... ·1n1mer11 be •v.·•rded to pro•ptttlve or cur· ed to do a little c11.vort1ng-at ..--•lrortcbf'd lh"ir Ra.on dual mt'et rl'nt junior rollr,;e 1tudenll U TAXI, MISTER? ond. juat to •ho"'· lhe Jada 11cnoo· ii '• record to ~·en ,.in.1 FTid•Y after-a\hleUc comJ>f:lt'nc• 11 the prlncl· done. noon at Coat& V•-u they '"'on pal rr!l•rlon tor irelertlon." But a mhdur"' of w•!k1, error& •nd •lnglt!I by rival Pltcht!r Giv- ens and C11tcher Vaughn 1ent • trio o( tallle1 trooping at"rou lh" Cc 0 f'EA. PA2!'TUllE '"ET lll'T..n out a l ltt1 ev•nt.1 lo dl'fral t•11JCTHE R ASSl 'RA.S('£ 0 arsmen String•r, of cour1e, ., ... food Pomona-O•r•mont and UCL.A'• To in•Ure rur lher t h1 arn•teur The ~tback conllnu<!d Coach eDOU(h,lo make the big" time for tT..hmf'fl by ~31 and Ml·l:I 11tatu11 of ita •lhlt!tea the Eaat.m Randy Rlondall'I Tar junior• wln· 1ev"'ral ll'M.aOnll wilb the etucaco ao::ona. Conr"rent"e admlnlatratoni a I • o dl11h for t he win. R d f 1 .. u In loop compeUUon. They CU blr a.n d ea.ton Brave.I. Ttl•n Co.st .opbon)f)re Bud O..lah• •J"rt"#d. b:.-un•nlmou11 vote, to •drl ea Y Or drapped another one-run tu .. le l a he retuml'd lo tb"' t"CL to maiw11• l~ Ui lhHe nnt ple.eer. and to II.• rulea en ell&"lhlllty the fal· th!' Huntlngtan Beach Oller1 1·6 the Holywood Sta,... tor • time. bett•.-..d two re-cont. lo J>llt"tl! the 1o ... ·inr 111.atem,.nt•. !n the lea gut! oprner here. So lhe guy know• hh1 way around BtJC"S to l ht1r doubl• win. 8"l1h• "A 1tudl'nt ts ln•ll&"lble to repr•-sc S t d Tft1o OF TRIPLES that s-p..ature. poated • 2~13.f. clockin1 In U1.e Hnl • m ember lnalltiJ.tlon ln an a Ur ay For t he Men:b&nt.. Lane hu :no yard r,.,...1yl• to era.e the athl•llc 1port if he hu r.c•ind Yet acatn1t the T ribe th• Tar ... k BALBOA 'IONS-CLUB '"'Nl!IN tobb<d Al SianUnl lo otart -<h• ,,,.., -~• .,. t WM =••Y 0, U P'•-''"m ~y ---11, · -.. · ·· ___,..5 ·~~----f---:--:--o:--:--=c-::--c---,..,-=-;cc-J-''~1~0m~"~"~~~;bu~:e: :1~tll~=tr!~~i~~:::-~'::;~""'o-~N'="~~"¥''~'J~lm~~ Santa Monklo"• Gena ~7,":7", IOUl"C'e oth!'r than ha lmm.S\ai. Coe.ch Paul Batiste sent hi• OT'· Howard wUI be on ha.Ad to hdp oul c atton o family u n eM •uc r c ~ Complete with trophies, perpetual and individual, are membera of the Balboa Lions ange COii.lit College cr•w charce• 1maah tar the TTtbe Junior•. tha t for t.hrM or four tnn1np ~ achnol 100 ,,_ martt with • M bftn approved by th• otttc:lW ot Club bowler-a who rolled off with the Service Club Bowling League title in Van's bowl-through hard w orkout. ovl'r their • double. Le.t.dinc •ticker for the eo1-.. tH off on Al. n.t ridory. th• colleie." Ing, Costa Mesa. From left to right, standing, are Ben Whitman, John Sympson, aleo 2000 meter North Lido ChanMI :~~i1:, :~b:}r~:.u:~~ t1!~h!~ TOf' 81'1A!W -'OB BULINO raclnlli' courae th\1 Wet'k 1.11 the Probably lhe Cll'ntury wu th• "A •tudf'nt la ln•lll1ble to eom-preaident of the roll loop, Howard Balmer and Al Clemence, Lions Club presi_dent. Pirate oar1ml'n prepped for their b11f g•r1 and t wo RBI'• J im Schon -OCC Gof ...... Will c>f lh da with Bodah · Kneeling are Norm Dunton and Charies Jamison, meeting wt th th• Unlvenlty ot ~• got tlve blnglea u; flv• trlpa. ~~t p_:,_·! BnM:• Baird~ :":!e ~n ;~hl:!~':r!' ~:. r::t~ Lopez, Fruehling Named for ; ,• •: Southern Callfor:'l!a junior vanity CentPrfleider R•y Lamb &llO Over Mounty Men • Nnrport Harbor HS &tar ba.ck pay I• more thllll the amount. and tnlhmen S•turday &t!em oon 1 _•m_..,,. __ •_•_'"-'-''-·-------I lft 1902, I.II • lhrtllf'f. Baird wu ueually paid tor •Ucl!. .. m e•, or at San P edro. OT-.,.1~ OIJut CoUq:e s-olten t ltned In !t4.3. and al9o WOii lh• \f lha dutlm -of th• .Job lot'9 1- Outstanding Casaba Play J·-: Bapt11te •lated hard •prlnts and luc Net Crew Drops 11.arted thrir ~ .....-Witll • lloO •Plrt in 24.3. lhan t.h o.e ordln&rily &Mlped for racing 1tart1 for the C:O.ta MU&Nr ....U..nLnc effort 0YC1 Mt. 8&n An· Tbe Pint• oan.tora won the auch pay." Tllla rullnl appUM to thro11ch Thursday. 1\acklng ort to Match to Santa Ana tonio t111t Friday In a m•I.-: .. play· ~"1111' 300 yd. m edll'y .-..i..y and both nn and off.um~ joba.. • long euy pull Friday afternoon. ed a t t he Lo• SelT&nOll Cowl.try ....,"' ntYer headeoO by either Po-The lnt!'r-ooUectat• alh11Uc pro• Th• encounter with !he Trojan Coach Bob Oiborne'• o rani• Club. noona or Ow undennaruied llru-cram of th• .Eutern Contennc., jayveu •nd froah wlU ba th• ftn l T he PLrale• prf'v•llPd ~ • babel th• rt"m&inder af th., day. Kid PT..ide.11t Bl\9Uv, ta J o'f'•med Ten Harbor Boys' Boslcetball Playen Make All·Slar Tea ms in Four Lea9 .... rac• of the year for t he Cout Coul Collegp tennl• tra19 wu w"ll bal&n~ Mountaln"'r \e&ITI aLIAY IU:H.BUl'Tl..I'; by the Athiat.lc Cod• 0( t.b• caJI• crew uilng eight oared p,.11.. 11tlll wlnleu this week after drop-by a.&. Chuck Rt1btrt•. OCX::-c: num· ni. rflay trio went thfOUl'b a fomla Junior Coll•• ~ N 'O 00!1.'TESTll pin& • 1-2 dKL1lon t.o unbeaten b(>r I man •·on l and I ; Bl.Id aa.t mlflut• reahufnin& when baek· l.l'ld th• addttlon-.l ,_trtcUon• The op•nlng' re.ce of the •ltt!r-Santa Ana March %2 on the Dons" Sleva. No. 2. •·on : a nd I Utd .,.. ~ Alan H~ t 11med up adopt..S to apply wttllin lb.• con- noon will g-et underway •I 1:%0 home court• Jn Eq t"m Conftr-medal111t for lhe Phy •llh • TL wtlh UM nu. Jack 8tdnlrn&n, the ferenC41 Mii alao ba retCOrnm«tdl'd P.m . Jn C•rrltOll Channel, USC'• Sid Tov,att lied 1 '>1.·1 ~: Boll ~ '"'"'yit!r. swam th• tire\ to tll• 81.&lA1 A.thl•Utl Oommltt-ent"e match play. T"'•o H11rh,.,r f\()y 11' C lub bR11ket- b8ller11 w••re ~el•••·l"d >111 out~lltnd­ lng r•hlf«t..O (;f th" n•,•ently , . .,,.,. rlud•••! O r"ni:•• Coun\~1 Ju111Dt B1u1- kl'll11t U Lr1111:u··• Ill " rtl•'•'llnl! of lr11i:u" r .. 1tr•h1·11 ~lun1lAy 111l(ht. and gQr)(I blll'kl>ollrd WQrk, The teR1u wuund up 1n fourth pl11ce nrtt"t polll 11e11J10n pl11yoff11 w!lhnut I Lo1'''7. who werit out rnr high ."{'hi'M"1I tra•·k . F"ruehhng p1trrd !he !i•11 lh J:t11 <\e tf'11n1 tn c-hampion. .<hip11 or thf' Cn•lll M""" Klw11nt11 I Tnurn .. y 11n(l S11n Dlego-Or1111ge Cnun1y Bny.~· ("lvh 11n!I s«ond I rl1u'" in Onu,i;:e County ll'11gue plll )'. The lrw11I" ln.•I 11 thriller to Fulh•rlon fnr ttl" 1•h1unp\nn•h1p, :10-28 J.'rneh\11'111: "rnrl'<I 18 point,., home cour1e, a 2000 nleler 1t rip Walt• tied 1 'i·l 'i ; aac1 Boll lot ,..,,,. ~.. ~ nut month for --~· &eeap-Letterman Chet 8hrlden •nd p 2 I L l I.lie aM:Oftd bnut lying between Termlnat b land and t re1hma.n Leoriard BIK IJlus team-l•hl won and . ,_ -• lane•. Wilmington. with the HCond con-Saturda y the Pint•• will tall• .troll• •P Uld Kmcl!.t 8oO)' tomlJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=; tt•l 11t artlng •l l :f.O. Commercial ed up to defeat Santa An•'• Larry on th"' Stanford rroeh i.. • ma tel!. UM tr-1yle chore, f\nlahln& JMal'- wat,.r l•Jlill lo •cecn1nuxl•t• •pee· Cour hman and G11ry Butlr.r g.o. •l P•IO Alto. Thl• w!U ""'the nm ly ten yanhl In l'Toal ot .econd I 0 H N 8 r 0 N E ' • L~"nRrd Lo>1~1.. 18-y1·11r·ol(I ,.,,n of :..1r 11n1! ~I r~. J nhn f/'!J"Z. 22ift f"»~l""" A•"· 1·11~!1t 1'1••,..,, w1111 Pl' k• I •·~ 1 f.o· "t11,.u1n<hn.t plll}'<"r in "h" 1\ >•·Ml:\l" 11( h l):h l<•'hll<IL b'1yJO. •11 I ,{,JI F riu•hHnj!, 11·_\'f'"!-nld II• I " :.11 llll•t !\\r,. !:N>rJ:P ~~n • .-n. II ,.:. l:!lf \J1>1 \.<H"''"· Wfl" <\P"Oll;".11~· I tator• will follow boll! rw.c•. :"1-T. t ·3 ln the third <loublu t<W llrnt. an o .....-e. 0oua17 ,_...,.. "°'" ~ .._..,., -lrJ'-........... w--&.91'1 &lei are ont! <loL\ar for a<lult• for the tlr •t Coa1t doublt!• victory or It!&'"' 1011 learn ti.-• fac-f'd • m•Jor L,_ ...on-d .,. ~ l'W5a both r•c"$, :o,ol for •tud,.nll!. · th• Ul!):"I Muon. 11nlVi'r11ty, N•sl 1.-..-~pell· double by wlnnlq th• 1&0 lndl· v.:: ~ i;::- Snme 2% C9Ut ruwen wlll m•ke Fifth 11lngl#11 •ntry J,rry Evan1 h on for th!' BUH rill be will!. Yidu&I --U.y aAd tht 200 ]'9J'd I013 ~ Jk A,ft. ~Tl'ART K . IXMAS :ro.·""' OC(; (.'.-...i1'1 the trtp, w ith f'lght regular•. a won by default for the oU!rr OCC Chaf!l"y on Apnl 8 •t th• kllta ~. and Jack Bl-II ...Uy swept Ullowt7 a-ltll 0.... ._ 1:01111\\•a!n 11.11d two a lt"rnatH for point. Ana Country Club. Ute dS'l1nc. .. u ..... 111 .. •HH"t"n•Llll.t r1,.y··r In ROUGH LEIGH t no• I• l• , !;lH' fur .. ix\ h i;r11<11'Tll, j t rut:tt~ s A,•t:u I t,:11 Bri.~,.,,,. <1! Curnf1 l'.•rk WA~ p\,·\\··•I "" th" ,.01t .. t11n1hni: "'.l:hth 1tt•11d"t h~ll\'~'Wl'lj:ht 11wl Jl u11\Jl1fl:· I n 1: ...... 11· .. B"h Thlt>r~· "'"" f'U k - ro! 11~ \hf' h"~t f'i!=.hlh P 'lll!<' llithl· I'> ll::tH Don Downs Dons 11-1 For Pirates ,.,,.,,,,~ !"'~"'\ "" 1111 -,.1.11 1 .. 11m tn Mii Jno r lr1ti;ll"" L"l"'2 '''!'" \\,;\. Ml 1•!\ (!11• rir•f "fl 111 1: ,\ 1"Hlll ""'I<' 1111,,11i.•i fl"•h"I J-;t\""' •'h•h· !'a11l11 11 nr1 f'\<1t1JO. rr,r n1~ !t1x1h "'1 r,,.,,,. ftf\'11! I ...,,._., p;, kr•I '"ll l!l••ll•f'h ilf \)'""'"'"'""An thr !\l,<'llll 111,. ,.,.,.,,11,1 jv,,.,. f 'hArlt'v 1·11vtnr !'t'"tll•onrt Tue11•l;o v .,,. 4'o.ao·h \\en· 11 .. ,, liininr Burk.•. "h•• ~P"1tdi•~.1<t· .1 .. 11 P1('krn~· l '1r111 r rrrw rr,..m1111 .. .-t f'd I.,-~<'iunoJ pl1trP <'U,'hlh jtTll<IC !hf' 01'1"'•!tlnn 11·1 11 Wllll 1hll"I t""fl\ .. :trt n1un\•<I ln th" >111 1f)ur-j ~::a~1 .. 1n 1•.-.nr"r"'l<'I' 1"1<-'Vn.v r,1r !hr nry H It'""' ""I th ~uiud r:;11 ry r il·k-<1,.frnd!ni:-l<'!l!O:Ut' hnr11rhHI •• 1'h8nlp11 en11 l <'r"'"'"I:' ~nnrl Hlrn1.t ho1nrir11.I 8 1'T j);o.i F, 81.0\\" t•IR~T. !'t'.j 'fJSI) ~TRl.SO:oi l-A1gh 11 tlo\\'••il thr O"n.• h11t onr ,,.,.,.11,. C"nnrll of the thlrrt plllt"e blo"" lh11t 11 rlnuhle by Boh T 0 111lry c ltll.m \Oo'llll pitk"rl •" ,. 1,.,.0 nd 111 l 0 hl' ~ui:th "·hirh 11rorr1I 811n\a •trln 111 ril. F riiehllni;: ... ,.,. n•m-An11 111 Inn .. run Han•ry LH r11 i.::ot <1 11! fi'rll\ lltnnit rnrward un thP on 11hr1ut or B<>h thro11.1:h 11 11 rrror · :\JI.th ~r•<lc 11u.~1111r' ttllnl. Anothr r A bl i: fOUr'lh fr11mt' "'tllJll't'•I t lrllt 11trlng bt'rth .,·ent In Ron11 Jrt th1ni:11 11p for th,. B \1<'9 S I~ 11.111.• P&.llllerri ,.11 11 i:u•i·d. J .:ohn Hugh· ll<'Or•·rl un lhr<'I' tut~. B111: bla~t .. and BIH 1\r.'••l "''ere named to "'""II 11 lh•'fi' run hnn1"f by G6l" th• 11ttt1nd •tring "''"th gT&de •ll H,.rb,.I. H"nry DeCu1111 anrl Bud(\y tnum!'y team. P!erc" "''lllkPrl, Tony Lc>n1hllrrto L<:>J>f:J. aJ19 rked 1-hfl A te•m to a lrol on, by " m !ll('ue. IA"lfl:h $lroll,.rt. ~ nl'I lie by t"Onid~tent ll('0'1n"' Bob \\ttirl 111n.i:l"l'I •nd HtrbeL Ill\· o "' lea.,h!'l'I hl11 four-m1111l"r. TO PIRATES FROM DONS St">1rt K . Inman. b1111k"t· b11JI roa r h Hl SHn ta An& C<:>l- tr1:P (nr 1 h" p11.~t two yr 11 r11. will ('nn1!' ltl Oran&:" CoH~l <'nll•'lo!.'' ne:tl y1'11r 1111 hM~kel· h111! ro11 r h 11nd ins1 r11rtnr In ~"rull ""'enc·... H.r "''"" llJ'· l'ncnt"•l \., the f11 r ulty 11l lh" !\la rrh Zll mr.-!lllt OI th,. /lnRT'd nf T rnJ<l""ll ,,f thr col- lrt.<'. lnn111.n hll~ hcrn tP,.rhlni; tn \h,• ~"n!R t\111< ~<·hoAl "·''"trn1 ""rl 1·"llC'h 1ni: ~1<nt a Anl'I Ctol- lr£P hllllktl h11l\ \r Hm l.hP· r 11"t '"·o YPllf" In th10 r11r11c'1y h<' hrn11i;h1 !hf' f'\nn10 f:'um pr'!I"· tlcll\I\' n••lhlnli?: In " 1 .. a,11ni;: l'nO!,.·nd•·r In t11r F~ll"l"rn Con· f"rcnrc. Hr 111 11 i.:.·r11<111a!e of ~"r .. ,.n.-. !'.tll\(' r oll·•11::e \\"h!'!'f' hr ~1111'1't'oi Ill b~J'k<'lbllll. ~fl\p~ F:11rnn, "'ho hn11 hl'l'll thr b11~­ k~1h11ll n1rntnr Ill Cn11 ~l. h.1.• 111~kP.t 10 be rrll,.ve(t or h'" r1111rh1n~ rcspon111bi!!ti"3 to de· vntl' full llmt! l D \"•thing poh- !lrlll 11c1rn~r. r•r h 11trfl1. -'Mle-PiratH-wW row l1<.·o Trojan e!ght1, the "'Plon,.er" and lha "Hel'n of T roy" while the USC t"reW ,.•JIJ UN the "Trojan Kn I chi," which will be chri•l•ned Satunl•Y m am lng In 1pec!a.1 cl!re- monl"" prettl!dlng the raclnr . THI; BAPTISM Allhough they a re getting their bapt11m under fire tn etcht-oared comp!!lll!an. the t~sl• h•ve one "'In alr•arly hehlod th,.m. They d,.f~1led S11n Dl"go RoW\ng-Club 11111t week 11! S11n Dl!'go whll• r&e· lnJl' four-A•r..,I. The 1011.1 ...... the f\r11t th11l lh<" l'lllll O\l!j{aM had t11kl'n In tour ye•n of rllclng rnur ... White, leatty Gain Points at Chaffey l\"~"''J1'0rt Har bor H ICh 11plke•t'!'rt r amt up w\lh 4 pnlnt1 In the 29th ln1·itanon•l Ch•ff~y tn1rk me-t ~t Ontario S•tunl•Y· Tod White. Suni;et Lragi1e mlle champ. look ~cond 11.nd Don Be11tty fourth tn • 4 :Z9 l mlle !'•llop, The event wq won by Larry \\'•rd or Redlu d1 In one of the faate11t ru.na or lh• CTF' l!tt!llllOn. Newport Bowling Gree111 Reports Santa Ana Holdo Harbor View Wins Panthen to Pair PAIR I:\" ~t:CQSI> ORAt>GE (OCSSI -T h• Or - Artu•Jly. !he P1r1ttr11 "''on th" Over CDM 23 3 ~ame 1n the l!'f'C:Ond ~tau "'ht•n I • anite High P11nthl!" loat lh"lr Jle'C• th"Y ll<'<ired ll pair "r m11rkr1·&, 8 .V RAShV RF.ODICK ond ilralghbt l"'ti~ertpb m_e._iMon!d~y Geor!Jr Blllh'1JI ""•lked. J ohn E1r· afttmM n Y • ""• re ... nJ 0 S I 'I h 2 • h 2 acort. 5"nl& An• P ltt"her Rod· trad11. 11nrt Bu<l•ly Plrrrt! r"arh,.rl 1.tur< 11y • 11rc 6, the .. L b11..-on "r ror11, 111nr\ l..omhar-do Rr111'1r11 or HArbor View arhool •nd rlqu"'• Umlted the Panlht!n to two si..teen ml!mlwr• P41rllclpated tn 11ln.tltrt. ('oron1t <lel ~IHr !lchool. had • bll!!e-h\lll and W&• only In troubl• once lhfi wttkly Alll!trali&n 11n11:lff The Bucl! 111k,. 011 Chl'ffey in • ba ll gamt!. On the f lr11l Inning th• a11 the OHS bill club lo•dt"d the tournament at lhl! N,v.·port Be11ch 1,.ague rnroun!rr hrre tnm orrnw. 11cor!' .... 1111 o t(l o. Th<'n by thr 3rd bell<':ll In t.ht 11evl'nlh but were un- tA.wn Bawllng green1 ;\f1rch 22, Inning Harbnr _VJ,..,· "'All tn the •bll" lo ll<':Ore. with tha following rl'SUll•: Mn . lf'll!I. th• llt"ore .,.,.,. 8 10 o. Thrn The Orange }C bl•w up •tlelrl P •araon won flr1t plac• w\lh 11 The N"vy'• h~ei·y cru1s,r1 USS by th .. 7th innin~ (!he 11111t inntn.r) and m11de g l'trotll •• th"Y out· points. "'alt"r Wood ttt)()lld with Bo11ton ind USS C11nhtrra are HarbOr Vic"'' Won b)· 20 polnl•. hll Santa Ana J V 10 lo 7 b11t \he 10 point•. Walter Ptaraon third btr'lng f'Onverttd to 1:111dffi fh\911i1• The 8('ore .,..11~ 23 to 3. uneamed rul'll coil lh•m a 6 to 9 wtlh a, points. Herbf'rt '"'h•el•r l'Fru::;'';';:';:';· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==============~"~1~'~•~1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ \ tourt.h •Ith a point•. IJ i...t Thunday 14 m ".mber1 ot the Newport Beach La,..., Bowlll'll' elub, "'1th lhelr famllle11 and frttnd1. made lhe trtp ta Rlwr· •ld9 ror • picnic and villt.atlnn bowllng t oumaml"nt •1th tht R!v- Summer Leagues enrld• Club. now forming ,,,"" pn1eo1 of Tripi"' and • pm• ot Rlnk1, f. players. t a • t>Mm, were play.d. Niewport Beach won I out o1 ! In lht Triple• ENTER NOW ,.,.. •• but lo1t lh• Rink• .r-•m•. In MON. 6:45 p. m. U... tnl•I ta1.1mament pll'Y Nt!wport 1'tach tlnl1hf'd first v.·Uh • 19 plu• TUES. 6:45 p. m. -N. The t!'am of Biii 8rtm~. krs. WifD. 5:35 p. m. ltnopt a n<t C. B. Rudd won th•lr THUR pmf! •1t h • b!J score 29 points lo • 6:45 p. m. JO. J o• Sl&mp, Mr•. Bnm1 •nd FRI 6 45 X..rlln N•l#on v.·nn with " acore • : p. rn. "495" Sc"'tch Trio Lodies Handicap Scratch Trio Lodies Scratch Trio Mixed~ of 28 to 18 point•. Lloyd st .. "v•~. l:d \Vllcoll and Mr•. \\'~ler lo11t v A N, 5 B 0 w L I N G u to 13 "°'""· \\'•Ii" r .. -n. / Bert Knopf. Mra. Pr•NIOn •nd I Bn1et Hr..,..drop~dth"1rgaine nl • li03 SllJM'rltlr, Costa Me.a BILL K',._, M... In...-•- 1Unk1 19 lo 1t po1n~a. l._ _______ ·,,---------------~--·"'--~·-· _______ -_-_..;·•_~ __ ••_•.J I TIRES FOR ANY BUDGET! FROM $4.00 TO ta.GO EACH GET UP TO se9ao Tracl1 In AllOWQllCI on 4 Tires far Month of April Our Own Recaps at These Bargain Prices 600-18 610-15 10.'15• 110-15 -11.800 180-15 -ll.W 800-15 - 1 J.854' 820-15 -IC.MO' •WITH RECAPPABLE TIRE IN EXCHANGE USE YOUR CREDIT • NEIGHBORLY BUDGET TERMS Change-Cher TUBELESS TIRES 331f3«yo off! in on • GOOD/iEAR DOUILE EAGLE TUBELESS They're • coming -In every day CLOSE· OUT ON GOOD/iEAR DELUXE TIRES 2~%TUDE.JN ALLOWANCE ON YOUI OLD TllU lloc- IOO-ll -U.10 lll0-15 -:U.911 110.15-n.• .... 1114>-15 -SO.!O R00-15 -sz.zo RZ0-1 5 -S4.M • P Lt.i8 llpoe. 11.48• 19.15• !1.204' TA.X ANO JU:CAPP A BU: TIRE 8poo. U.20" 28.oo< %7.05• Courtney & Lester ..... ·••rty a.1197 • 1596 Newpart llvd., Coda Mesa -- '· \ J I I ~ ; Mesa Baptists to Pi:ese~ Wheatotf' Choir Saint fames Church · ~ Island Church to Welcome . 1'114 Whe&t.on CoUece Qapel dlotr, a ehonl l1'0UP of •& mlxed YOlea. wtll p,....,,t a acr-.d eon· e.rt at Flra\ Bapu.t Chu.rdl of Cott& M•aa.. comer ot M.aJnOUa &rid a.Ate Ana Ave• •• eo.te w .... Thunday, April T. al I p.m. Holy W eel\ Rites Young Members1 . "The T riumphal Entry'' ts lht al'nnon topic aetected by the Rev. Donald G. Sapp for Palm Sunday I sl.'rvlcu at the Balboa Jioland Com· mun1ly Methodist Church. Jdentl· C'al service will bt' held a t 9:30 and 11 a m. :'\ursery rare tor I small children Wiii be pro,·lded at , Palm Sunday Opens Traditional Season Under the dlrec:llon ot Paul Holy Week and Euter will be observed at St. Jamea' Warru Allen. protemor of m1111lc Epblcopal Church, Via Lido, with the traditional aervicea a t Wheaton cOU.s-. t.h1a croup of •tudenta ta malQng the annual atarting with Palm Sunday obeervance on Sunday, April 3, aprln1 vacation tour lhrou11\ the the Rev. Ralph Burleigh Peue, curate, announced today. 11<>uth-w .. t.em 1tataa to Bout.Item Palm crouea wW be ble111td at brated dally durini Holy Week. CallfomJa. where tlley wU1 hold th• a:to LD't. Communion rite on Xonday throurh Thurllday. On concerti In many prtndple clUea. Monday and Tuuday the Com· On th• return joumey tlley will Palm Sunday and will be di•tnbut· munlon Hrvlcea wlll be held at 9Jnr In Wyomlnr, Colorado and ed at all aervleea tllat day. l'amlly 9 a.m . AllO, there wlll be epeclal Nebruka. Service and Sunday School at 9:30 eervlce1 for the bu1lnt111 men oC Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES It. Aadrews PreMl)1ertu Clnardli Hlh 8t. IL 8t. Andrffn Rd., a croea from H lrh School Liberty •·3171 Putor: Rev. Jamu 8. Stewart Colmault)' MeUledie& 00 W . 19th Bt .. Coet& MeM Liberty &-•033 R.v. JC>Nph W. Mclha1'• n. Qaftla of Qsiat 10IO Church St.. COft& Me,. Llberly ··~1711 Tom Baker Jr., Mlnieter aui•I Cluarcla By Tbe S- Communlty Mtthodllt Balboa Blvd. at Uth. Nt~rt Harbor S:lill Mlnlater: Rev. Roy Carlton 8t. •oe.clllm Churcb JIM Oranc• Ave., Coat.a Mtaa Uberty 1-1091 Yathn Thomu J . Nevin l'1rN B&ptll& Cburcll of Newport Balboa Blvd., 19th It Court St.., Newport Harbor 3M3 Liberty 8-3072 Paator; Herbert O. Jo~n lli••-pert Raner Lu..,,... Qwdl 2S01 CUlt Dr . N.wpc>rt Hetrht.a Liberty 1-3631 Rev, &but Gronlund A.eMmblJ of Oe4 22114 8t. It Elden A"·· eo.ta M ... Liberty 1·1781 llevertnd M. C. Cronic, Put.or Sn•U.~ Mftllu.t Newport Blvd. at Bo\A 8t., Ntwport H•l1ht• Eld«r Richard BernAI Uberty 8·1:s32 a..rell ., .... ,.. ••• 1m Anaheim, Co•t• Mua rutor. Rev. Clive Wllllama Liberty 8-7181 F1nt ('h un-h of Cllrtet. 8eie9U.t 3303 Via Lido. Newport Buch Harbor 2128 t 'nhf',.U•t t.'ornmunJt) •• .. 110101\lp ICbell l'lt1bhuu11c. ~I~ 811l bua Blvd tln1Al ~1 . R r\•. F'. W Rlnge ,t ~uuthf'rn S.ptl•t Churrb o W . Hamilton, Coal& Meaa Llbtrly 8·12M rotor Dr R1ch1 rd H. Poaa Coruna tlr l ,\tar t\1mmU11ll) t'hurd1 • 1 'uni;rt111H1onal 1311 llt-llolropt A 1·e. Hubor :,2Ji Paa1or Rrv E:llwin \ \.-mkt t'lnt B•plh1l l'hurC'tl S1n111 Ana A l't It MaJTIOll• l'on a Mtta fttt\" P. G N~UmUln <'llurda nf Our Lady of ML. CanoeJ l 4tl w Balboa Bl\·1J, Newport Karbor 0214 P'athn Slrpl'ltn Kiley. Putor Yatht r Otorg' 1"1mu~111 AHt. Putor Chri•t Luthtra.n ChCll'l'll "' <.:oe• ""' .. 4 MINOUrl Synod) Coit.a Mua Putor Rev Lother T"mow ~t. ,_ Eptecol!M 3 203 Vta UdC'I, Nrwport Buch Jfarbor 1230 Curate . ~v. Ralph Pnw. Kt. J ohll \'IMuwy 31S Manne, B&lt>o. bland Harbor 0214 Fatlltt Bt.tpllen Kilty, Paator F'etller Oeorr• Parnauua A.Mt. Paetor O.Cnl ..... 011ttb Onq'e An. al Urd 8t. eo.t.a Nee&. LDerty I-MO! A. A. Kadef9. Pa.tor .......... c ,., ....... . 11& A.Ila'-... .., a.i• leland MlllU*: ReT. ~ l&pp Ollnln6 ., ........ lkM9ce "tld.ae Of Mlnd" Lacuna lkada Art Oall•ry IOT CUtt Drt..-HTatt •·T2M ftn. Ir1a 'IWIE. ~- a.m. willL tollow the order of the community a t 7 a.m. on Wed· )lorninr'Prayer with a aermon by nesday and Thur9day. On Maundy the curai... and there Wiil be a Thuraday the Holy Communion celebration of Holy Communion eerviee wilt be celebrated at 7 with aennon aL 11 a.m. The Senior a.m., 10:80 a.m ., and 7 :30 p.m. At Choir haa prepared special mu11lc the evening 11trvice the curate for thl1 eervlce. will preach on the "In1tltutton of Holy Commu"nlon will be cele· the Lord'a Supper." PAGE '4 · PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 PLAY 'FAMILY PORTRAIT' TO BE HOLY WEEK EVENT One of tll• moat. populu rtllfloua dr&maa ever wntten, Joyce Cowen'11 and Lenore Coffee's "Family Portrait," wlU t>. preeented a l Chrl.lt Church by the Sea at 7:30 p.m. Mon· day evenJJ11 bl the touring M. Y. F . Foolllghtera from the White Temple Methodiat Chu.rch ot Anah·elm, who tiave won naUonal ftme for their ut lHzatlon of the t1ne11t in N.rl'f'd dra.rn. u part ot their youth prorram. The periormera will be peraorually directed by their putor, Ule Re''. F rank E. Butterworth. The lhr~·&cl drama involvu a cut of 18 peraona pley- tnc 23 role• and they carry with thtm a full Ht of rich coa. tumea and t!Jatoriuily accurate propertlH . l t t~lll!I th• atory of U\• rudlona In the houaehold at N••reth to event.a ln the life and deal.I\ of JHu., the eldeat aon of the ca.rpenter'a f&m· 1ly. The confllcta which HI• mlnl.Jtry ralaed In the hopea of Hla brothtre and tn the drtanv ot His m other ., .. revtrently portrayed. .A.lmOllt a complete .urvey of Hla life 111 preHnted 1econd·hand u eventa move ewttl.ly In Hia family back home. 'n\e public i. lnvit.ed t.o the performance, which will lut toe al.mewl two houra. A fr-11l otferlnf v.1U be recf'lved. WORLD WIDE SCOPE Jehovah's Witnesses to Present Special Message A 11pokuman tot Jehnvah·a WIUIH•H announced pl&Jla today for delivenng a 1peel&l meua1te to the worltl. Mr. V. A. Abbott, local pru 1dlllg minister C'lf \hf' Co11ta Meaa-Newport confTefall(ln, re· vealfd aome nf the <Seta.Ila of this apeclal campalrn. which lnrludea gponeortng the publlc lecture "'". titled "Chrlatmdom or Chnstlan- lly-Whlch One 11 'the L11ht C1f th• World' ... All congr'°gallon& of J rhovaJ\'1 WltnelM'• throuJhout the world llh•'"' arf' 11 pprnx1m11tr· ty H .000 In 1!'>9 land•) will parU· r1palC' Mr C. H. Oshner Jr wlll d•llvC"r U'le dl1cour1t loc•lly, to which the publlr la cord1ally In· vtted. l,.t will be dellverf'd Ill 2!'>&0 N~a't Blvt1 , C'o1t11 M•llll nn Apnl 3. 111 6 30 pm Aflu thf' d1acourM a nn!>' 32· pare booklet cont.alnlnJ utraordl· nary Information will be flVtn Cre,. to U <'h pHaon 1n a ttenda nce'. Some S00.009 nf Jthovah"1 W1tnrue1 will thtn begin dlatnbulJ011 ot mil· horui nf cop1u of this 1pec1at me•· 'Ag" 1n m11ny l11ngu1~e.oo lhrnugh· out lhf' wnrldc It 111 th" Mtlrtt of Sermon on New Prophets ·The Spin! of Prnphf'<'Y' will be tht 111 bj,.C't of lh• 11trmon '"'tn by Putor Richard F. 8f'm8 thla Saturdt.y, Apnl 2 •l th• 11 o"clock 11ervlre of the Stvenlh·d•Y Advent11t chur<'h P.f'Vf'lallon 12.17 and 19:10 wtll be the kry !!'Xis usf'd by Putor S•rn• In this dttcuu ton on "mnd· ~m pMpheU and Yll!lon&. ant1 are they from God?" Spe<'lal music wtll bl' glvC"n by lhe Anrborette Trio The Church al Study. which ron~ .. at 9:30 •-m· w111 be~ a n•w 11erle11 or le»on11 nn ''The Oturth: tt.a Strunte1 and Vic· tor1u." The p!Jue tn be dl~uaud UiJa Saturday wm be "The Ea.rly Osurcti:' The •er ... to be mernor· !Md are found In the book of Matth•"''· chapter %8. veT8ea JS to JO. Vlalton •A a lway• wtlcomt. Community of Corona Church del Mar Jehnvah'• Wll.nten.a to place 11 eopy tn v•ry home. Mr. A.bbotl NJd tb.e content.I ot thl• spec1&1ly prtpared bt>oklet had not ytt bffn made publlC', but It.a mM1sage wu untque and wnuld be of 11pec1a1 ln· terut vi pen ona or all faith-. "Advlnrf' preparaUon and th<' wor lll w1dr 11eope of this lptriaJ umpalrn Jive lndlc•Uon that this may W<'ll be one or the grutu t u1tc-1ou11 procl•m•UoN ln modern hllltory." Mr. Abboll .. td. He went C'IO In t~ll or 1he local plans that hart bef'n madf', •tatlnc Lhat Jf'ho· vah'• Wltnnau here ar,. r~ot1y a nd eagea ly look forward to thle 11p•r1al rampal.gn. Palm Sunday Services for Lutherans Twn f"stlve P alm Sunday Ptr· VIC"ll at ,. 30 e m. L!ld \ 1 11 m. 11re !'ChMul•d Sunday for ll:l'Vo'J>Orl HarbC'lr Luth .. r11n Church Pu •tor Robtrt B. Gronlund'• M>rmnn at bot-b. ... rvlce• wtU be a llJ>flrl11l P11lm Sunday meUAg~ · HC11&' To Uve Tnumph.anl.ly." Thf' ('11 rol C'hc-lr u.ndt'I" Lile dirf'c· tton ot Mra. Gronlund Will Aini! ''Lift Up Tour Head3." Lwellyn Rru.za will pret1f'nl a rnuzo-~ prano 110lo "R~11t In The Lord." Rightly t,.nned a Joyful ou l.a In the m ld8l or tomber Ltnt, Palm Sunt111y hu a.lwaye been a high day In the C'hurch, and lh"' ~eW· port Height• congregation will relf'brate It 1111 llUC'h. New mern· IH'n will a lllO be feeelved Into Ule rhurth 11.t the n o'clock 11uv1ce. Church Women Take Part in Sale of Lilies O\•tr $100 v.·u taken thla paat weekend In c1onat10111 tor Ult Cr\ppltd Chlldren'1 F\and or Or· an1• Count)", u member• of the ~ewport·Mua St vf'nth-day Ad· ventllt C'hurch laid aelde Ul!Ual Palm lund.ay •"1cea at Com· "preparauon day " rtutlu F'rtd1y to munlty Church. Corona del Mar, help tht1 n111on11l caus"' tn the w1ll be beld at 9:4:1 Lm. and 11 Harbor area. a.m., with the Rev. Edwtn c., Women w)lh bukeu oC paper Qomkt, Lnt.ertrn mlnt•ler. occupy· !:uter llUea made by lht hU1dl· lnl the pulpit. Kia aermon topic capped were at.alloned at Vlnc<'nt s &. "Kini 1'or A Day." Tha C>l•pal Drur. TeWlnkle Hardware and a.c>tr wtD atns The Palma (hurel Alpha Beta Markel at \.be Mtly Mmce Uld lhC' Chan· Both Friday and Saturday many eel Choir. wtlh the combined Jun· willing donor• alao pu ffd the lor Cholra will •Inc Moea.nn1 J olly Ro1~r wbere Blll and Per;p (Pt.oberta Btt,ood) tor Ult 11 Schtvo of Balboa W!'re do1n1 o'cJocl Hn1ce. lhelr bit for the "Ll.ly Pan4e. .. On Good Fnday the trad\llonal Three·Hour aervlce wtll be l'eld from noon until 3 p.m .• with lid· drel8('1 on the "Seven Last Word• o( Christ" by the curate. the 1 t o'clock aerv1ce. Special mualc has bun arrangtd I Euler Evep, April 9, th) Ch1I· dren'a urvice will be helt1 at the church al 3 p.m. 'fhe Cherub Choir will etng. Eaater 111 the tradltlonal time for baptlam In the church and the .. crament will be admln· lsured to both children llnd adults a t tht• Children'• 11ervlcf'. The chlldrl'n will pre•ent their Ltnten Mite Box offerlnc and l'iCh child a ttending will receive a potted panay plant. by Leel1e Van Dyke, dlrl'rtor oC I music. Thi' choir will 111ng "The Palma" 1 Foure-Buch l and Mar· I Vf'lle Moody Wtlt sing "'He Wal A lone" 1 Paxson I. On Eaeter Day there w ill be a celebration of Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m., 7:30 a .m., 9:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.. tollowln,-Fe1tlval Morning Prayer at eleven o'clock. Ten youth who have completed I t'hurch memoersntp instruca6on wlll be received Into the memberahlp or the church. Tht:Y Include Sandra Fl<'tr. Madlyn Shoott>r, Nancy Shoole1-. Susan N«>aly, Valtrle LowC"n, Steve Ferry, Bill Ferry. Lance Greenltaf, Allen Guenther and Brooks Blair. Christian Science Board Member to Lecture Here RAJ.I'll E. l\' AOEJl8 The apphul.lon or Ood'• he&11nc power to problem• of every day Uving will b4I the topic oC a Chr!&- Uan Science lecture to be given here Monday, April 4 by Ralph E. Wagera of Chicago, 111. Good Friday Cantata at St. Andrew's 'Seven Last Words' is Holy Week Feature The most meaningful period of the Chnstian year i• the memorial of those events of the last week of our Lord's life. To every Christian the Holy Week observances have a very real and <lee? s1gnif1cance. The Holy Week services at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church are arranged with two pur. poal'• In mlnt1. Ct rat, lo i.1v" honor tlle cn1Cll1Xlun. A 11 member• and I and 1 1ory 10 Ult crurif1,.t1 11nd frlenrts o( SL Andr<"w'• a.re moat rlee.n Chrt.l!'t, and 11,.rondly, to 1ttve 11r1enl1y lnvllf'd to ~ pruent for the prtM'nt..allon nC lhla great work. to evf'a y <•n,. t hi' op port unlly ot rn\ 11plrtti111l g1<1wth Lhrou~h the wnl'llhlp ri,prnt nCl'll of th~ "'""'" Th" plan11 fC'lr Holy Wt-<'k "'" a.a foUowa. Sunda y, April 8, ll .30 and 11 :00 am. TradJUona.I P alm Sun111y ffr- v1cu . with reception of n.-w mf'm· bera al both hour11. 11rnraday, April i . MAunday Thurlday M'rvlce, 8 p m. C°l'l,.bna· lion of Holy ('ommunlon. It Wt\11 on th.11 n11ht of the flrin Holy Wl't.k that this aacrament wu ln"1ttnted. GOOd Friday, April 8. 12 noon to 3 p m c ommunity GnnJ F'T1· d&y •"rvlcf' ... 111 be 1pon10rer1 by t hf' Harbor t"'oun"ll of Churrhe.a. Thl• aerv k t I~ tn be h•ld at I.be Community Jltatllodlft Cb11rC'h In Cl)tlt.a Mua, L!ld will be ronihacttd by aeven nuntslf'rs of Ult.a 11r<'a. Fnday. Ar nt 8. 8 pm One or the t111hU1:hta or the Holy Wtek ob.ervancu a t Sl. Andrew·,. will be I.he IUll'rtd rartat11, "The Sl'vtn Lut Wori111'' by Rtg1nald Du Bola. The cantata will be pr1'8tnled by the Sanctu•ry Choir un dl'r lht di· recUon or Mra. Lewi• Klr1d<'r. The 11o)ol11t.. Include Mn. Davi(! Fr•· ac:r. aC1prano: Ml"ll. Howard Folto0m, baritone , a nd Mr•. Ltw1s Kidder. tenor. Thia marnltlcenl choral work Is bal!td upcin the wort111 that Jew. 11poke durtn1 the houn1 ot Sund11y, AprU JO, Euler Sun· day ll l ~•. 9 :JO Rnd 11 a m, lhrff gr,.at Eutrr at'rvlc~s At 3 p.m., Cl'lcbrallon <>f lh• eacramcnt of In· fa.n t b11p1111m. Study to Fellowship Precede Meet Thia )'Pllr P rubyterlan women are 1tudy1ng the Epl.alle lo the Kebrtws. The WQmen's Ftllow- 11hlp of fl. Ant1r .. w '11 Prtthytenan Churc~ wtll mrf'l w1t.h th~ Rf'Y Jsmrl! fl, Stl'Wl rt at 11 30 a m tnr a p .. r1od or 11tudy pr~~lnf lhe monthly F 'llow6h1 p lunchton l)n We<lnrJld11y, Apr 11 II. Mr11. J a.m . H K. Stewart, mothrr nr the pat· tor. w1ll be •rea.ker a t the &.Clu- noon mt'l'Ung-Mra. Robt-rt O. An· 1 drew1 wrn be th"' aololat. Pllk.£8 · KIDLE'f MORTUARY l'ormer11 <.iaAl..'t:L CllAPl:L l 10 BroeodW&J -Cota Mee& U~r1y •'"3 Ud I-MU . ... . .. --...... -. ,(.(tit// f1L 11r /'(d//cT till! /;(:// ;o ' • • ~ • • • './" .. • ' • Free Lecture on CHRISTIAN . SCIENCE: "CHRISDAN SCIENCE: THE OPERATION OF DIVINE PRINCIPLE IN Ol'R BEHALF" B)' llAL.PH I:. \\AGER$, C. S. 8.. of c.Jcaco. IWno .. ~tember oC the &•rd of Lecturetihlp of The Mothtr Chllr{'h, Thf First ChurC'h ot Christ. SC'1entl8l. ln Uo11ton, M11u11· chuartla MO!lo"DA\", APRIL 4, 1!:10 (XOO!lo°J L.11>0 THEA TU ~ewport Boulevard and \'1a Lido, Nt1A · port Bea.ch • A..,.._ el ""' CliveJll et Cllrtet. Sd81U.t, ~nrport 8eMll lliESi:i"vi"o-1 I SEAT I I II thi• it the Int I Cbriltiaa Sc ieDc:e I 1ectore ,.. .._ I I attmded. we .,iJJ I ••u a _. for I "fOll bi \Mt 111di· I I 1orl-utU 1.-i I .u..-lldore ti.. I 1ec:t-1-"'• I I -• tkie _,.. I , . .,., ...... ·"!.~.:_ __ _J • --. ' . ~ . .. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms KOPPll KmLE Balboa lalaDd Mann & Smith Shell Service Your Corona del Mar Dea.Ina 2801 ~ S600 E. Coaat Hlgb•-ay Harbor 5368 ....... ~ ....... Harbor 2710 MARGARET'S CAFE 8~1a1Jze In Sea F OO<i• -Ordu11 lo Go 2614 Newport Bh•d. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry Cleanln& -Laundry -P1 <'lll!lng 106 Tut.ill 1't ewport Rueb NEWPORT HARIOR BANK Corona dfl Mu ROSAN INC. Sea.era.ft Dlvlaion & Fol't'lgn Moton y Vincent's Rexall DruCJ Stores Three ll'l('l tlnns to ~en·e \'011 foiewport Bf'ach. Balboa. Cor~a.a dtl Mar Alice of Udo leauty Salon Hair 8 tyllnf tor the lnt1lvirtu•I 408 !2nd (OD thfl l'O St.) Harbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Huu ng, \·t'nlalatlng <l'. She<'t ~l .. tal Ul Sbt St. Harhor 44.J6 BLUE SAILS ST A TIONERS stl6 Ma1n St., Balboa. HarhoT 67M THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of Dl•ttrrtlon·· 21.5 Marlne Ave.. Balboa 11'land Harbor 070i General Sheet Metal Works Shttt Met11I -Heating -\'rnt1h1:1ns.: 405 30th Street, Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All O<"ca•tona MOSE. COMt Rwy., CDM. Harbor 50;~ MAC'S CAFE r 1r1t on r1sht toward Hununston Beach UM cio..t Hwy. Barbor uai.a MARINI IEAUTY SHOP Peraon.aliud Sen•lce In HAUr StyUns 327 Mutae Ave., Balboa lllaDd Harbor 151 MARKET SPOT ZOO Marine Avt.. Ba.Ibo. bluet Harbor 1000 · NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Compltte Horne Fum~h111gt 2620 W. Cout Hwy. ~rty 8-UIS Reinert'• Newport Dept. Store • \'Qur Family Stor. Sine" 1914 · dttaa Front at 2bd.. Harbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ottaa llal'bor 91! ~e•-port Buch R. WASEMILLER ''T ile Worktnrm11n·1 Stor~ ZOOt W. Balboa Bh·d .• ll&ebor 6332 ART'S CAFE "Where ell FO<>'I ts Cookert 1n Bult~" 3086 w. CoMt ""'~'. Uherty 8-0062 IA YSHORE RICHFIELD 17th £: Coaet H•·y. Liberty S-9145 Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. Lmol~um -Tit .. C.:11"P4"t -F nrm1ra ?!O I W. Balboa Bh-d. Ha rbor M88 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION FrM Pick Ul'l "' d"'· -Whl'f'I RAIUlc• S301 Sewport Bl,·d. HarbnT MSG GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru11 a nd <:•rp1>UI 12Z Apte Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 32~l6 HOUSE AND GARDEN Complelt Home f"11m111htnc1 Dr• l'>f'rll'.~ R 11{• S017 W. Cout H"·y. Llhtrty 8·6511 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ' ' I ' I Fun for Cub Scouts as Knights of Yore Cub Scout Pack 37 of Lido Isle met at the Newport Bea.ch Elementary School on March 17 amld•t the clang . of armor worn by cub knight.I of yore.' In keeping with the theme of the month, Cubma•ter Herb Riley and the pai;k committee chairman read all announcementa from old-time 11crol11. The mNetlna: wu opened l by Den 3 with a fanfare by the Port•r u Robtm Good. ~rce 1ona trum~la cf the ct.y1 of Twl1t aa Sir IAug'ha.Jot. Tom Ban· I knJ1ththood. Bound wai rurnlihed n•tt .aa Black Mlk!, •nd BW by 0.vtd Gl~n from bsck i t.a.1e. 8a'l'Yer u Surplu•. 1 Tba ueual Inspection will replac· I Den ;;, icarbed In plum~ and •d by ln•~<'llnn of the kn!chti' coat.t c•! ahlnlng armor of the I •hlelda. Tha awat'd waa kept by! 11lriclly ho1ne-t11ad11 varlet)'. cave D•n ; for iui>ther month. I':, 1klt In a mor11 1erlou1 vein. All e.acb boy r eicelved hll award I (,het Sll1\1bury portrayed Kln&' he knelt and w.aa llnlrhted with a Arthur, wh!ljl Chr11 Muller. Jlrn· 1 1word !n the bdt tni.dlUonel m•n· my Ba.rnt:tl, Mel 1'9.rk, Dion Ken• nedy, Johnny Richwine, John Lowt:, Kim Ovialt, and Bobby Blackmar repr.e.ented the knl1ht.t ot the Round Table. Mr1. Ann Muller. den mother, and Mrs. Clalre Barnett were the director•. ner by the cubnl.a.ttar. Aw•rd• w ere: 8111 Undeke, 11Uver wolC ar· row; Ch•rlu Bt:ll, lion badge: Scott Gate1. bear ba.dce; Charle11 Trt'to11, bear badrt: Bob Sawyer, one year "~Ice pin : Brucie Mc· C l•Lre. two 11\ver !Ion •rrow1: R lc-h1rd Horn, 11llver b!11r arrow: \'emon l!:d.ler, two •ilver Uon ar· rnw1: Mlk!l Kutn~r. Webe\01 ba.dcie; Sandy l:a1Lm111. tYebe\011 ba.d(t:; Robin Boyd. wolf badce: BU.Uy PertlOll, 1Llver bear ar-row! Georce McCuUy, llon ~ce. AWARDS 0 1\.EN A number "or award• were &'lven by Richard Park, cutlmuter. Homer Alexander became a Bob- cat. Recelvlnc their wolf badge• were Dion Kennedy, John Lowt:, Chri15 Mclachlln, Kim Oviatt, Jolin Burrea and Btev• Gol'rtn· John Sura-ea and Steve each won a allver arrow, Cbrta. a 1old. arrow. &.nd Kim. a r old and a all· ( CHRISTENED MARCH 28 at Saint Jamee Epi.1COpal Church waa Eileen Marie Crart, five months old daughter o r Mr. and Mre. Kenneth Craft Jr. of Phoenix. Ari&. and granddaughter of Mr. and Mn. Hadd Ring, 101 Via Zuric.h. Grouped around the bap- tiamal font after the rite are the four generations, Mn. Gordon HoWngabead, great-grandmother; Eileen Marie, Mn. Craft and Mn .. Rlng:. --St.aft Photo Denner• were Kent Edler, Bill Donoho., ft.lehard Horn, J im Cad• 'Walader, Bill Welch and Gf:'Orce MeC\llly. A1et1tant o.An•r• were Curt.la J:Umore, Stephan Broylae. Rlchud Vandetv'Ort. Gordan !'or· 1e:r. Charle. Franklin and Buay 1"11non. ·~· -~hi~""~:.,'.'°!~ :i,:,; Mesans Visit Craft Daughter Low11n wer. awarded their bear badl"•. with Carlton ... tune • R bert wn·ghts Den e pl'flC'lt.d a llUt of ltinJ Arthttr'• ftound Tabla. Den.t eio. 9d With a elev.tr puppet ahow ia- tnc hand puwat.a dr-..ed a.a Cub Scout. whl<'h were m ...W by the boy a. · CUB PA.Cl\ 0'Kn.i1ht. of Tore" "'.. alao them11 of Cub l!l<'out P.Ck 81 , hald laat Friday at Corona &I Mar l!I e h o o I. Dlln 2. under the lndarshlp of Mr1. Bill Twl1t, .... ellted by Mrto. R~ley Sawyer, prelJl'nted • aaHrlcal akll, with ailv11r arrow, Chlpa, a g'Old and 0 • B 0 d Ill.Iver. and Bobby a 11ervlca 11.a.r A croup of HarbOr area fnenda lS apt1ze and • Dmner'a •tripe. vt1lted the Robert Wrtg'"ht family Lion ti.di• were. stv11n to Jim• my Brldreman. J hnmy Jonu , and In R\verlS!de Sw:1day to ~joy • I Ell "-. fi th Id potluck luncheon a.nd renew old Baptiamal rites or een .inane, ve mon • o ~dy Wr1sht, who ai.o 1'01 • a.cquatntance1. Mr. \\'rtg-ht wa.1 daughter of )tr. and Mre. Kenneth Craft Jr. of Phoeni&,. Ariz:. 10 a arrow. Lee Felllflce, ChtP' formerly a junior high tehool in· Gunther. J immy Jone•, Tom Mac-•truetor In Costa ?.Iese and Ne""'· were held at 4 p.m.. on Saturday, March 26, in St. Jamee Mutua. Miil Park, P ater P'laJlerty, port Bf!ach. H11 11 now t.each!ng Episcopal Church with the Rev, Ralph Peaae, cur•te, offl. Rudy Wrirht. and J immy Bridge-,. .., •• ,1,, Junior Colleg•. Th b b · f urth ti' -· tati' ••-•-·-w -1 K t • n.. ~ ciating. e a y 1e: o genera on rep~ ........ n ve, Uut-man ._,.e e ..... OS. eepe:r 0 ThOIWI ln the party wt:re ltfeMrs. the Buckakln wu urned by Tom &nd Aimee. Vern Allen, Ed\l·ard l&ff side, for a. local family, Grandparents a.re Mr. and Mrs. 10n ot Udo Iale wu g'odtather. MacMuter, Bill Sawyer, • n d MLrkovJcll, Art Drummond. t.ll~u·a H.11dd Ring. 101 \'1a Zurt.ch, and Johnny R.lchWlne. who a.Jao l't'CelV· Marton Par~ona, J o!"le!Je Par&0ns. ri·eat-gra.ndmother 11 Mt!'. Got· 9'11 ... ••=vk• •'U .. Po. ~· ~Fnli ID'l"<r"l:•,,;.-,.,,.,,,,,,+;.,,,..,;;.tmpttead. Mt•· ~ Bre111 Chris Vaile u Klnl' Art, Larr)· won hie L'llll1tant dennllr'• atr1pe. Bro'l-n, torml'r prln<'ipa\ of ?rilain t'.r of Udo I1Je and Phoenix wu ----------------------------...:-School. godmother an~ Mr. Tom Hender· A butfllt 1upper waa hald •t lie Rln&" home after the ceremon,y. Gue1l4 at both event.a Included Mr.a, HoU!ng'shead, Mra. Brt:wer, Christ Church Methodist Features Special Music Spe1.;11t mU•lc by th• Poanctuary Choir w l\l bo!'faa tull!d !or the du· pile-a te ~ervi<'ea al Chr11t Church By l ht: ~e•. Newport 8e11.ch, on Palm Sunday. Tht: 1nthema to be aunc arr· "Ride On, R.lde On" b)· Scott, an<l "Th.-: Palm1. by F11ure· Buck. Solo parla w lll bot 1\11\C by Mr1. DeleYen Freitag and \\'Udan 'T'hnm11 R. Th• rhoir ii dl1'111C'.ted by ;\f r~ A J Rutl,.r. The rhur!C'.h or· 11:11n1.•t. Mrs. t..aVl'rnie Je<'ob1. Wiil r l11y ""As:nu• De1" by 8 11-t!l •• • be rec:e\ved Into Cull mt:mber•hlp In th• church at the e•rly 1ervtce. An early bre&kfaat •t th11 cb urch will honor the1e youth 1111d lhe!r parent•. A aerv1r1: of Holy Commun1nn and Tenebrae will be obsen>M •t the church on Thurlday 1:ven1111 ot Koly Wffk. BefinlllnS at 1:30 p .m .. I.he 1erv!ce w11\ lflrlude the anthem. "My God and f " by 5,.ri;:•1, which w ill be auna: by the 8a11C• tuary Choir. prrlud.-: to \Oo'Or1hlp, i nd ":51t1etu1"l -------------- by Gounod •• a po1UUde, March Session Interesting . to Cub Pack 105 Tfle Ch,.rub Choir "'Ill e.J.o par· l1r1pi1tt 1n tne l!&nc1 1.11ry M!rV'IC•• on PR!m ~undm y Th!I rho1r 11 r omp!M('<f n! O\"er 8() eh1ldren and \1'111 JOtn 1n M • P11lm Pro< ~a.!ilf'nRI" lnr 1n .. ~"l"\"I\"'•· r.1 r1. D .. lt:vln f.·r,.1· t•~ 1~ rflr,.rtnr of th1 .• r nolr for c-h1l '1·"n 1n 1:r11.d,.8 1 tn :i CUb Scout Pack 100 m11t M"•rcb /·----------------------------·]Mr. and Mr1. Hendenon, a ve17 proud unel8, BUI Rina; Mr.a. Rob- ert \Vebb, ireat a unt, and Mr. and Mn. Otto Hoei. alJIO "iruta:" ~. and Mrs. MUC11 Knit, trlendt whom lhe Kt:nneth Cntta met while the two couple. were honey· mooning; Meun. and Km.ea. Ja.me1 Webb, Ja.c.11: Cole. Geor1e Pilers, Kenneth St.amp. Kr.a. Gor- ANNUAL SPAGHETI~ FEAST HONORS TAR CASABA MEN Harbor Ta.r Varlity, Junior Vannty, B and C baeket.ba.11 tell.ml were honored Thur1ri11y .-:vtning. Mlll'ch 24. \Oo'htn a croup ot mother! enlt:rtain"ri thrm at the annual •pqhl'lfl dtnne r In SI. Andrew'11 Pteabyterian Church. In addll!on ro te.aru mr mber1 honored g'\lfll.8 Included Co11ch JuleR Gl51"11 IUld Mt.!!. G•ge; Coach Ja.me1 Miller and Mn. Miller. 11\ao P1ut Dielr. boya' c-ounselor et th• Beverly Hl1\1 Y. M. C. A. Mr. Delp t11lked on .11portamanahtp and a.I a ~urprtae, Coach Gage aho•'l'd mol 1011 plctul't1 ot thl flnel pme bftween Anaheim and Hatbor. Th• dinner wa.1 rurn!llhed by C<'lftta Me~ l.1011.11 Club and mother• or th• boY• M'nt homl'mad11 p1e1 for dea.trt. rt ••11 pnparlod and •......S b7 Mme1. Cb&rl-J'ooUua, lfatVld Knipp. Georga Mabte, Ed,...rd Mlrkovtch, Ma• P ope ari1' R.o· i don Grundy and )(lM Lynn Stahl· "· Mr. and Kra. R1q an IMviDI' nut week tor Waahtnaton. D. C. and New York City, comblnlfta bualn-and pi-u-a on the trip. H. M. Fords Off to Mexico bf>rL Ze.lgl~r. Mr. a.nd M.rL H. M. Ford, :its , _____ .,;. _______________________ •[Ora.nd Can&!. long !!me rnldenU TEA ON SUNDAY ot B&lbo11 l:d11nd, wtl! ny to .MeJUCO City A.pnJ JO for & ~·· lion. Their d4U&"hler, M!11 Daryl Ford. who repr-la • Hollywood tr.avtl advt.or burea u. 'Ii-ill n y to Acapuko on Aprll 11 and Joln tl'lem In Mnlco City. TM trio will tly to Guatemala a.nd w1ll tour !hi t cnuntry. Th" Ri'\". Roy A. C'1Jtlr.ot> h•.11 18 1t Newport School. P'ollo ... 1ng rho~"" ~~ th" th,.m,. nl hill Palm the them.of "Kn1cht1 of Yor,," ~11·1.1~1· ~·11nnn. Th~ Vir<l nf t.11ch rtrn """' ~ 1nt,.r1:1!1ntt: <II•· 1.1t,. · Th,. ""rly ,.~rv1r .. °"1ot1n5 1t 1'111)' nf 1rmnr tor pllrPntR to lQClk 9 ';t1 ,. 111 , "r J.'\ m1nu1 .. • ,.,.r llrr •I \\"hllf lh<l Jud~r~ h~ltl ln•pPC· th/In u~ulll. Tilt• >"rnnd ~~r\·j~,. ill llon. l1r~. Ru:hard Ltl1-nthal. P·TA •L 11 "in ,\ rlR'l!I nf yt>uth i• !n pre~Hlent st Horitcr E:n11Jtll School. b be r th 8 1 d ---------------tinform"d thoM pre1ent about CivU BJ OllWl:LL IA.ts.sos out•landin1 exh!b1l.8 "'" h11ve had J~nl:~-Tz .•. 0 • "'or I.II International Has Show at Painter Laguna Cahnnpit Camp H ears OCC Vet on Youth Work Dl'lense Volun!P~r R"11:11tr1lle>n. In yeara. Anoth•r f.-:a1ur~ nf th• e\·eninc Lasuna 8'facb waa clod on Aa uaU&J durtnr Aprll tile Lovo·er TIIS "0""1 !bit~! Altre,d R. ~t.c,"'11 "'II." 11 rolorful mov1 .. of l!('enPI Monci.ay and Tueld&y for the or 111 'l"O u1e J>U mon.... rew •n<l 11cth·l\\r& in the Herbor •rea. ha.na:!nf of tllfl new .-:xhiblt11. In Gallpry will bl! glvrn nv.-:r to an much fllYOra.bl11 commeat and NV· Drn I. l°""ar1n11: ."l'uelflll end the Foyer Gallery 11.111 be a one uh!blt of I.he wOTk of ~he Lmguna enr.J of hJ1 conYu t:• were IOld. The --~ 1h-of lht .,.·atercolors of btauttfu.I •Ull llfe '"Shou 1.Ao" .'M"nrd11. r11n11uctf•1 the "P"nlng ..... , .,_ Bllach Junior and Srn1or HJ1h r•remony In 1 "knlf!lhly" maMer. on8 of C11lfomla'11 famoua Wlllfr· SChoola. undi1r the rl!rec!lon ot Wl'nt to an eutern bu)·er. Cubma~t er Bob l••rdn,.r presl'nttd colorllta. Arthur Blla.wnmlt. A r'1:ent v!1Llor to th• Ga.II•!")' I K• f C d NEWPORT HARBOR· NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE 5 1 1ng o ome Y l ====T=H=u=Rs::o:;A;:Y·;;;M;:A""R~c'-'H~l-"1,-'1~9s"'s-----=­Depicts Life tr !\ad th• sir!• m•k• ....,. ltlU• 1114&110• Aft.EA &hamrock• to WMJ' In thtJ.r lulJ.r. lin Hollywood Girl Scout ~ .• ~~ .... °'~ ... ~ KlNO OF <..'OMEDY by M•ek lhell coUectJOI\ I t th• Pavilion ~- Sennett, reviewed by Y.'\\llt.m N e.nuy. Th• oullnC' wu 10 eue- H&Uat&d, Oran11 Co.at Colle1e U· ews • eed\ll that lead1n Mn. Cleoi't• I brsrtin. P!clt1rtna' and Mra. J. 0. Bmllh Rl'IC.'.enUy th111rr 1ppu..red on lh•i--------------·lhav1 made ~enienta tot' th• '""nlll la Your Life" ptOl"f'&IT\ an ~o (frl t. 11coui Troop 15 ean troop to vi.alt CAt,.VA Dall7 l'arm I elderly centleman proba.bly com· aay lh1'1 bored with tl1)Qp ecllvi· AprU to. Olrt. ln I.he troop ..,., 1 pletely unknown to lh!1 1enenoUQn uea; ror mothers ot lhut fifth Vicki Smith. Linda "'ebb, a..rt.ra or theatre1oen, but \'try wt'll lf'dl a<:out1 met ~entJy at th• Varner, Denealle Com , JI• n knD"'D to the old•ttra. H e wu home ot Mrm. Robert Fotbel to O'Connet, IAuri• Smith, Beley Mack Sertnett, one ot the real vet· plan an lntere.tlng' &Jld vartt'd pro-Rolll and Gall Plckertn,.. er.nJJ ot H oU~·ood and the lnvtn· griun for the remalndtor ot tha Troap It, lleCOnd .rr-d• Browntr1, tor of a!aps:.Jck co1ntody. srhoot uill"m . l'l&d their nm outin. on IS&turdey I Sennttt ""• originally a Cana· l1rto. Lea Nott. leader, and Mra. at Coit.a M-Park. Thla "'Ill dktn, comina: to Hollywood whu J , A,. Randell, co-ltader, nported Juat a "tun time'' but Mch 11rl that cHy ...... !n awaddllnl' that the l"lrla u a troop will eom· WU uk~ to pack her own lunr h lclothtos. S<!.nnett wu early U&Oc"i· pete their second Clu. requli. for lb.a almpla picnic. Mn. l7Jvt4 ated with D. \V. Gr1ftlth. the ongi· n1ent1 within a few w~k•. They Johuon and Mn. C. A . Herbf'rt1, W HoLLywuod genius, aua::cuted th-.I Ute molhet1 en· 1-den and kn. Ruth O.born, I t wu the development by Sen· couraie th'ilr dau1hter1 to earn HrYed tha bever&(ee. Glrla ln the nett of the Immortal Keyatone not more thi.n four badia. by Ula lrf'OUP were Martha Ann Chltten- Cop1 that gained for hl1n Iaatinc end ot Ole tehn. Thl1, howevu, la den, Cla.lra Ba.rt.on, Ka.thlMP, Er. fame. It wu.11 In thl& film terlea not a requlremnt tor th!i year.. wood, Pamela Hartman, . P.laT)" that the prat-!eU, th11 1110-burn, Pl&n• were mad• ror a ' train Haworth, Cami Herbert-. 8&Adn1 the double tll.kl', lhe CUlll.ard pie trip lo San Diego and a. vlaJt to Hemandea, Pamala Jotmaoii, Bat· aequence ·a.nd above all Lh11 belly the San Diego Zoo. 10 bft held b&ra. Mut.ller, Cla.ucU.a o.bof'Tl. lauch "'ere fore\·er initial~ Into Saturday, March 28. A trip to Suaan Sta.ff, Trudy S\l·a.n, Sandt the .American .cheme of thtn~a. Dohl'n)• Park \l'\th ptana tor the "'•Iker and ctndy Oroen.ndyke. Sannetl developed movie com"'1y glrl11 to do their own cooking' ta Troop II. Fltth Grad• Girl to a _place ne\·er before or aince Kt for Saturday, April 30. SCOUl1, recently enjoyed a &hell e.tta.Jrl'ed. It .,., .• , &RTf!ed, bil'!c11.use of the excur11Lon at Doheny Park. Tide The book, \!.'htle an autob!ogra· full IJChl!"(lule, to combine the pool• were uplored and 1'9\'N.I~ phy of Sl'nnett. eould a.lmo11t be Famtly Pot Luck, Father'• Night baby oc:top\, ••• anemon• an<t ll'rmed a b!og'r&phy of Mebel Nor-and Court or Awarda at th• Girl atar flah to na.rna Ju1t a fflW of th~ mand. Miu Normand 11 racornl~ Scout HOWie Frld1y, t.t.ay 13. )tr1. d!acover111• inade by the eager ed today a1 one c-r the !!neat com· Harry \\'l'lrh volunteered to maka l!lrouta. Mn. r::. \\'. Sehult.s, lead· adlenne. of ah Ume. arra.ncemanta for the dl:i.nt:r. er, report• that C1rla h4\'e almrnit 'Ol.e carl'et o1. t.UM Normand tll M:rs. Smith Newberry extended comple!.M their .e<:ond cla.u re- U..Ced f rom 1>11C1Dnlng to it. UD· an tnvtlaUon u, lha troop tor her qulr11ment.a. Thl'y are now lurTI· ttrruftt-end ~1lh the death of Ula dl.tJ&'hter, Vicki, to a swlmmlna 1111 1lmpJe folk rlance11 IUld plan a comtM:U anne In 1930. Hrr put tn party tn their pool on Ude> Jal' foUC d&.nell\I" party for Ula near the 1ucce&1 11tory of 8enn1tt June 8, the 1 .. t meeting of I.he future. lhtoUlh the ma.Ju.hi" of ptctlll'tl year. ~ Tbtrd Ora49 .......,,.. of Troop tor hif' 11 vtvldly told. Th11 real ~ of tr&n11part&Uon prob-1 ha\'& blen "111.n«\ns llk• mad" end1nl' or her earttr bt!fin• with lem. Troop 2, Fourth Gra.de th!>le popuJ4r 8 cout IOnl": "Oh, the 1enuUonal mun;ler ot WUll&m Brownlee,, h .. formed two unit.; BeauUtul Banner," "Tapa" llUld Oalmond Taylor. the famow dlrec· lfni. V. o. Cusumano contlnutns "Girl 8couta Together." He~·· tor, In Ftcbruary, 1922. Milla Nor· a1 le&d•r fe>r the rouowlnr g'trl•: one troop wh.leh \Fl.II rqJJ7 know rnand wu the Jut pl!craon (othtcr Unda Lee CU•UITl4hO, Rlta "'a.I· a.II the wordl \l"he11ever the Plm thllUI the mun1ertod) to -Taylor laee, ltfary "Hutch!nAOn. J>hylli• &""'t together for l'un and -.a. aUve, and the 1ub11equmt ad.vet111 Hackford., Bet.ay Tippin( and' A trip to CAI-VA Oa.lry Uii plan· pubUclty t.elped to ftrti.h her ea-JU.thy Schwarer. Thia unit h.aa ned for th• near future. Mr11. J. teer. The Tliylor llu.n:ler I• one been wm-klng with pottery and 1a Caaala and Mr•. Coleman hav11 of the cla.ule. o~ the Twentieth looking torw&td to ah.&rlnr their been a.cUnc le&der9 for UI• paat Catury and alter l3 year1 la 1UU e'.llperlcncea with th11 gtrla ot the Wl:·wf!ol!lu, Mn. Doneld !ldler an~ UhlOlved. The book ta worth rMd· IJl'Cond unlt. Mr1. M. Roc1:r1 will re.sum• lead- ing' alone tor the fine manner In Mn. W . J . Krf!Utskamp Jr .. h .. tt11hlp aoon. which lhll Taylor Cue \1 told. uaumed the le&del'lhlp of th• .ix 1--------------- A hl &-hly rl9C(lmmtcnded book.. girl• who live ln lhe "Helsht.a." Byam Caravan Couple Here Teachers Select New School Books Ba.turuay momtnc a committee rtom the CollL& t.le&a IChool dla- U1et acoompm.nled MtL Hilda Mc· Cart.ney. dl•t.nct 1ebool librarian, to Vromana I.fl Pa.aaden.ai. to help aelec:t booka for the school Ubrary. Th'* \I\ the party were Mrs. Lo- Uta Greabac.k, W . P. Buchard, Mn. HJld& Mc:C&rtney, Mta1 MAbel Kor.l and M1aa A.nne Hosper.a. '?!aH Uii u much crutn-of mlnd ln aclmowledctn• a sti04 tWTt, ... ln dolng' tt. .. ,-· They are Sb~ COndry, Nancy Condry, Judy Haren. Peula Ht:n· deraon. Beverley Kreutz.ltam p l.lld Ce.ml Tough. Mt1. KreuU.kamp 11 all.5illtfli by eighth irade Scout, Donna Condry, who hu ta.ken over the rNpona!btlltlea of lnapec· tlon and c1mea. The unit haa bten worlctng towudll th• ..,,y Up" requlre1nent..; but jwit IO none of htcr ctrla would bl "plnch· ed" on SL P atz:lck'1 Day Ole lead· Returning from the W.al.Jy Byam Trailer C&J"ll.VUI tour ot JIWoo, M.r. llUld Mr•. 9.'11d11 RIJWM of Quincy were (U"IU for 11o11veral day• of the Frank C. Owen family, 9341 Ev.or&"'l'een St.. oo.i.a Me•. The C&l'l"nll of ~ CAtl llpl!nt 10m• Ume In Me.idoo vl•ltlnc many polnta of Utter«•t. CHURCH OF RWGIOUS SCllNCI El'M9t Holm-, founder, author at "ktenc. of ~ M SUNDAY llEBVICJDI 11 a.m. l-Cltmdl Md Nan0ry llon 11 LJD. ...... ..... ....... ldU&.r LA.OUN.A. llZ4CB AJl.T OAU.&&Y BTMt .. nM IO'I C11tt Dr. J.U•11 Cha rla Urnrr, art 11urvr\'!eor. ~1 •. •---k , id •"'llrdR to fhl' frillr>Y"l n~ boy1: Bii· In the Main Gi!ll'.r)' wlll bl! IU1 •-WaJI "t• . .-w ... ,., ,...., e · .,. ow ly \\"h1! ... "''nlf b1J1!g~ •nd iro!d er· t:IO!Jb\t of the o!lll ol the llllerna· The 11.Xhlbit.a WW Opt'n fOrmllllY of \1111 famous art.lat Lawton Park· 1·111r1.,,1 Tla11on 11 1·rt urn"d K"rr•11 vr1 .. ,l.., ri.i1<o· "tl"n(!.nt: n1- 11:i ' ~·,,~~! 1· u .. ,.. ~""k" ''" '"A lll"llraJu~lrl l nr Yf•Uth ;ioT \hr ~t(\n !<1.y f'\'rn1 r11:-mr .. t1ni:-t>( th~ ~111n1~h \\"11.1 \l~l!!t'&J11 •nt! A UJlll!· ll r\· B:11 ln11. a n 'K·SrtJUI m111\fr, "l:ll1nf'i 1t 11l~n fnt h11nrt llng rrnh· l•r-1• f•f •\f'l .,flr,.n )Ollth 11r11rl f r.,Rl t f1n u ~• .. 11 •l1,.r1rllna r~· mrt h · " .. '11p:n~ •rl. row.: Oannr Hun,11k .. r , "'<)lf gold uonelly knoWtl arUal, Roland with \lie Monthly Tea on Sunday, tor, A.N.A. Mra. Parkt:r pre1sed llJ'TO'I. J on fl \\'<'h<'r on•1 .r • I v. Struaer, which will <'om prise pie·•.,.';';';' ;';·;;;;w;hl;cl>;;;;;wlll;;;;;;;;"';;;;;';P";;;;";~;';"';;;;;°';;;;';;;;G;•;ll;•;'Y;;;rn;;;;o;"';;;;";';;"';;;;'Y;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) bee. "'"nit 11lver 1rrowl!I , Ra.ndy ture:a painted throurhout tha Far ~ \\'arno n. "'"'O\f ~lh·<'r arrri\\' 11 11••, .,. El.at ,.. \l'f:ll u aome of h.l• por· 111t1nt d .. nnt r1 alflf><'I! Chatl•• trait. and other worka. .Mr. Str&J1· BALTZ MORTUARIES G1tdn,r. Tim tt~rrl11!e 11nd Robf:rt wr h.aa only be.ten In tile Un.lied COSTA MLSA. CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE Sl:A B"ll . 1crv1r., !!lllr~. at.al.al for two yea.ra and hla w ork 17f l SupenQr Atenue J.:120 E . eo..1 81Yd. O..n 3 ~fh•rd !l'I .. trophy eup Ja not u wllll known here u In Coat. .\fl!.U, Ca.II! Coro11a dt:l )f•r, Ca.llf. for th .. bf:11l 1n~p,.rt 1nn Mnll arcnnd Europo and the F'11.r Ea.st. Y.'e bf!. I ' • d I> ,_ ' , _.. Phon11 Uberty 8-2121 Phone Harbor 42 r 1c-.. n .. a n r•~ . L"'" rt:re v~ ;~"~"~'~"~'~·~••;.bo;;.~'~"~';.;'~'..::°'~';_;m;;~;'~l~:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:=;:=;:::::;:::::;:::::;t I 11 ... ·errt lleg1 for at1rnd1U1ce and handrr1ft O..n 2 tor 11 rhlPv~m•nta 11nt1 i;oo<I rondur\ C"'11bmatter Gllrdnfr announcl'd a bo•t trip f<:>r the Pack on !<11 rrh 211 and e th~atr~ party to ~ Cln~rama in Joley. Dell 1 clo:.ed tht: met tlng ""rlrlnl' \lie 11rmor th~Y had marle 11 tn1• m onth'1 pM'.IJ•rL . n · • "Tlrmber. M fl' Hnm"r \\.f'!~t' ~··~ lnlllllf'I llltO the L 11 t!',. • ,\11:111 li~ry f'r,.hm1n1ry pl•n5 f•)f ttr .. f.,r!hc,..m1n1ot nff1r1~I ,,~1 1 I<> Snuth,.rn C11!1fornl• In Arril "' :-01uonal Prt51dPnt c.-. t1\111. ~1 J.,hnlllln wer~ civrn b}' AUXlll ll.f\' P r rP1def1\ E dith t.toul· Ion. Oringr tounty Cem,p C11lum· pil will 111.ke rert ln tht: ptogT'm !or thr rl'<"l'l'llnn ant! .. ntrrtaln· meot of lhP n11tlnn 11.l otfJC"Pf. IN ame Bal boa On l1onday ev.n1111. April 4. Holy Week Services Palm Sunday, April 3rd C1lumplt C•m p :-;(/, :?f. Spanlah Bn.dg w· \\'er Verrran11 I~ planning a rer ep· e inners !Ion fnr ~tat .. f'('lmmander John J. F 1-lehonPy of 811.n F'ranrlactl wh•n he ·makr• hi• off1elal vtllll ro ll'le Camp 1t thfl Amrr!c11.n IA· a;lnn Hsi\ In Sant.a Ana. Tahitian Chief is Foster Son of Mesa Couple c har!•• M.au1.1 of Tah.IU, who I• the !oater IKlft of Mr. a nd Mr1. Edoue rd &qulnat of &Jf P lum Pleet, Coat.a Meaa. 11 now on a vaca tion trip to Muico City with frl•nda rrom Pu.adana. l\fauu I• bu1y In moVle and televl1lon •tU· dio1 acUnc .. technical advlM>r on plclure1 1.11d ecenee about Tl· blll and the SOU\11 s... tala.ndL He appa.ar9d 1n lhe mOT\e "Moby D k·k" and Art Unll.laltar'1 "Peo- ple Are runny" TV prosr1.1n re· cently. He i. chlettal.n ot mon than 3000 /f'&MUan• and 11 a;dnc bark to hta natl•• laland moon. M r1. Equlnel h&a ju.t retunied (room a motor trip to San P"Tilln· ci..co whare Iba V\eftf'd !rl.-:ndll Me hed not 1etn for more thi n ten )""•r•. , t.lra. Frank R.l!9d and R.o~rt Lusk "'ere 'li.nner• or r>fa.ater Pn!nU playtnr north·!llluth ""hlle 1'l r1. Charle1 Bo4rdman and !>Ir•. L iiiy l...a"'"' were winner• in "•Ill· wie1t ~ltlon In the Mell.er Point OJ!"n 011.me. hield ln Balboll nn l\l•.rch l!I. R unnera • up north· -ilh were 81.11}' Brown M<I 8tan Huakt:y; Mra. Georg11 Carroll and A. D, Wetht:rby; Mr, &Jld Jolr1, Joe \\'ll· C0'.11. Runneni·up toaat·wtlt wer• M.r1. C E~ l"'1n and Mr.a. Ca.rt1e Saundtr1: Mn. Ginny Laus and Mra. C&rl 8en110n; Mn. Amy Ken· nedy and )lrL A. D. W•therby. llrl. Arnold Gut:er and Mrto. Edna MaeMa•tat1 were norlll· .outb Winners In lh4 Monday a.tter· noon g'1J.m • whlle h igh 1eorer1 eaat·we1t were MrL Robert ROI.I and Mt9. Fratlk For•I. Runnen· up north·l!Oulh were Sa.Jly Brown and Doylll Gilbert: Xtl. Pt:l'O Joh.DIOn and Mr1. Toni Tarlt:ton: Jack Powell and Ka1 81.f'M!ler. Runri11n-up eut-weat -re M.rL Pauline Si m and MrL P'red J ohn· ""'1: Ralph Grav111 and William Ducan: Alice Cole &Jld llle.n Gan· ahl. Th• gTOUp wilt me.t on M'on· d•y 1ttto rnO<ln ""1th play •t•rttnc at l2:30 o'c-lock. A'SO lM. HOLY OOMMUNION 8181.lng of th11 Palm ero. .. DIAtribution or Cn>NN at all llel'\icew 9:80 A.M. Mornlag Pray11r with IMmOD Church School clu&n 11 :00 A.M. Holy Communkin and Sermon MONDAY tt TUESDAY, AprU 4th and 5th 8:00 AJll. Holy Communk>a \\'EDNESDAY, April 5t-h 7:00 A.M.. Holy CommunJon MAUNDY m URSDAY '7 :00 &..". Roi}· Oommunk>n tO :SO A.M. Holy Communion 11 :15 A.M. )ilnlstry of HNI.Ila~ - t~:OO :Si"'" •• J:GO p.m, SAINT ThP. Laying on or Handl wtt.h 1>n)·er GOOD FRIDA\', April .7th TH.I: THRT.F, HOT'R t;t:R,1CI: MLDITA.TIOXll O~ THE 81:\'1:.S LA.ST "·oRDS or ClR&IST Bl' THE C171lA. n; JAMES CHURCH ll'ISCOl'AL Via Lido a t Udo lale Bridle ~"'l:"'POKT B.EACB The RE\', RALPH Bt;RLEIGH PEASE. Cua1o • Ask us how to put the house in the picture Uke. mllliom or otha Americans. you m1y be dreaming of building your own home.. t.t1ybe you've eo.<en picked ou11 &lte like. thia-compleu! with a broad la...-n, pleuant tnn and a hilltop """· lo lhort. maybe you·, .. got ~·t,)'IA.illg-acept lhe money for the. houte. itx!r! U IO. now'11 lhe time. lo eoruult an ln11ill:d S1v- lnp and Loan A~~•tion. Whethtr you·~ building your <1"11 hame. 11r buying one. lti&fs already built. tt-A.ssocil· dona ~n be of tmne.ndl'US llelp to you. The)' .-lJy mw boox9 and h~·ftnancing. Tiwy make liberal IOI.ti~. ~y !ICC to It that you get the cnoni..j quk.kly and at modente rstes.. And you•n find 1hem wund. friendly and under· 1tanding people to do businen .,.;th. /\'6 ~ mtNt AmrriC1Jl'l.1gn IO IN11rrrl SIJ>'f'W1 -' Wan ..tuocWhu for Aomt ,,.,, ~'t'n otm 0'9)'Wltvt 1/Jel Of coune, yoor UIOdarion i' r1r mOTl' than ju.ct lhe "home" of home loan-. ll"s alw a woDdtrl'ul rl•ot io put your 5a•·ing\, \\'hen )OU open a ""''1ni;J aecount you get all th9 11J,an1ab'" o( C:\a(k nt fCf111ns, .. pli.u f~ndty and con,·c:nlcnl ~l°"ic:c. And your aavinp .... .•'1f~. They llrt. prntK"lcd by t.oUnd managcmcn1 and ruh<.tant1al r~l'V<'\. They are fnsuted up 10 SIO.COO by the Federal Sa•"ing\ and LOlla 111,urance: Corporation-an •gtncy of the U. S, Go\·emmc:n1. For I home loan or to orcn I 'livings acx:ounr, "hY no1 drop in •I the ncaresl insu1cd Sa•·tn&-• arid Lo.r.n AsMXia11on~ You'll be glad you did! NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS end LOAN ASSOCIATION a§ ..... P. A. Palmer. Pra~ident ll66 .,.,. Udo Herbor 4200 --NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA • = lilmnW ot. tM S..vm.p and Loan Foundation, Inc., aponeOf" nf thie ad~rti.H.ment In L!J'!:. SATI.IRDA Y EVl:NING POSr aod TWE. l I • I • • ' I, " NIP AND TUCK BATl'LE-Walt Elliott'• Cal. 32 Escapade. left, deft!nding NHYC's Lipton CUp Sunday la Bhown with Ken Croan's PCC' Akahi, challenger from Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club. Both displayed excellent uiling tactics in neck-and-neck ba\tle. -Beckner Photo LIPTON CLASS!C CANCELED f_L_A_D_Y_A_N_G_L_E_R-+S-,~~::; ::.;!~.,_ AS WIND DIES 'ERE FINISH I B)' STELL (Mn. Rayl MAICSHALL ~:~.~.;::.:·:~;:~ ,:0:f::~::~ I Perhaps ll la• bH e•rly to m•k<' pr~h<'tion1 o( our Ja.·•al l111lung -l'l\'<'J in liun •11 11.nJ I• now a n1<'n1• Determine When and if Race Re-n;n Set SCYA Officials to I rn;,,,.,·rvrt th• blr; whit• Ma bli•• ha11• r1•1.lly <'rl'11ted a ,. .• ,.,. (lr l'lli'll<'-~r of th<' •~11 Infantry Dlvlalon. rnenl which niak"• the aportar1&hermrn hoJ)f'tuJ 1hal It 1111ghl bf' a j:l)(.lll (",1nt!nu!n:; 1:11 tral11lni:. i he sea.on. ThrK ,,., bau air ""' big lh•l lh•'Y n1•k• }'our .. ,. .. ,. pop. "B .. vnn~t" l)lvlslon la thfo only U. I .,.,.el"ld ng In 111 :io t.i 60 pounWi 11nd o••rr S, A1111y Jlvia1on th"t ti... l'f't11a 1n• ' l"<I "\ li•ll't'R Jlihi't' lht' C'l'l.M'·ril'f', Jr ea u·hlng lhf'St" lunk•r1 w111 1n1:ler1 "''"" •r<' r•vrHnic in lh• 1 P•·( ·F\orrl<'r, l''ho entt>rt'd 111"" 'l'h• Lipton T1·ophy Rll'-'" la alw11y11 11._ hllllol")·-11111loni; rvent and e••Y· natur•lly everyone v.·oul!l tit> .. t1111 a~lio1r OT tuJOkLn x th"~" n1ar11·.I Ai ini;· l~•l Ju\\·. romplt'ted btuila th• conteat l•~l Sunday wa~ nu •1tc••ptk1n. Thi• tnu ... ln11t1•ad or re· d oing lt. A<·l1•1<Uy onh· • Arna ll 1wr· 1n1otoh ctoak"r-( trc-hnic-11 1!)' kno ... ·n i u ·alr:\n 11.I Fot.l Of'd cord btt'&kln11: time or record br,.•klng: rO'peat wlnn<;<r~. It waa the f1J"11! c,.11\aG"' of fl ste1 ml'n L~ 11.et t111;: •" lh.e !.')'no11e1on n<>bllla l ar" lit 1~. It _ ---,-- time In I.ht memorlea or the aaaemb!~ y•chtn1en that lhe gr·~•l ch••~lc th'm n~v~:the1eu lhl• tloP:. provr ;c A. Ollhn11n. a n1•w ml'lllber who h It can be .lone. :.o une kno11·• all le•!l• ""'Ith A 411 lb . 11 11 oz oo 30 I d had been can<"l!led aJthouKh th~rl! "''nJ ll n111·ro ... · •qur11k In 111!'.13 w "n the an.:w"'"· bu! lhel'e are a 1.,w _ lb. t ~at ll n" an!l 1'-lr•. Rllll• Gi·HI"}'. I \'our AU tho r I ti Gartz Gould'• B11lernla b•rel)'. th,. 80-\Jodd boa ! •P~l1lol' fl<:>et it lalll'lt. iutrci:n"~' to l•llt-~111.,rt t3 lblt. 13 ' so lb 1 1 h 0 I •neaked under lhe wlr•. whk h wlllitlMl,eJ. Wllh \hp U~Ul:ll .. ' ~ oz . l!I ne TH A l.C nberl: ·-.. lh~rn. If l'ie blg f!11h -...·,.rr not P'l1111h-~h~ I• tPllll)' to bt> i;-on· 1 Tht canc.llation wa1 nt'C<'~ry enthualaam and 1-.. ~p..ct . 11. iuprl'm<' amart lhry would have ~en gn1tul1tl!"d. llealf'r In the Harbor due to lhe comblrlf•d rule1 In the tac!lcil battlt> ~1""'"n top-notch cau ht ton" H ~o. XE\\' l "t.l 'R l!F.C"tlND deed or gift of the awaai which .. 11or,. Overan11:1ou1nf'•1 reault,.d , t: ~ •lite .. th' r•ce muit con•l•t of 111 •call-back et the atart for Alex Ll'Rf; l :lf't>HTAST j Sh• ii fl ral lo brr11k • rlub r•· al lea•! 1. l2-mlll! course .. and .. the lrv!n,t'• Sparkle of BYC 1.nd Ltw ln out·•rnartlng lhe11111 1:•111"' fl~h 1 l"o1 \I thi1 .._....,.on -h ~ld 1ln<:e 111!'.10 rice nniat be tlnillhed by •Un· Whltney·a Alorrante of LAYC the lui·e playa •n lmpoitant p.rt.l b.v Be•tie Bullied. I down." Al Rundown Sunday the leaving Krn Cr0«n'~ Ak>1hl of It mui;t act •• Lf It w .. re n ot on .lifr1. Ray Ca ll. who n .. rd1 no In· leading boa.ta had barely complet-C YC and \\'a lt !:l!Jott'a E acapade the #nd o f ·our line '"'lttlout li!t-lroductlon. ho!dt1 ltlt l•r¥""l on ,d 1 mile• or the course. A mef'\!ng of C out In front. Ung thr fl'<h !;now that Wl' at.., 1 &ptnn!n~ 11c';l". ,,..,.!o:tlt 37 lb .• 4 ..,.,. •• BrftlK.l'OQr ftber· ~laM proMem• to UR. l'aclfic F..,flass 1eo1 ,,.. c· .... 1 ""·3·. n . I.I 1-t•1t ot SCYA official• w!ll determ!n" A •n'd E K •p!ld" o:l~a r"'d a rounJ. 1'hl' "•)l<>Ofer" H .. 1111 to'be 1oz .. ;\Ir,. G l~n So.Jpn, known •• wh"n and tf th• race will be run the lln"' a n11t.de a few yard• pref,..1·red-pa intPd or Bhlny I• a 'ou,· hit.rd luck K•L .tln1t.lty btoke Acrou ~roniAll-An>erlc•nMkt. •g•ln In 19~. ! progreu. the wind at the line died d rbat•ble Qul'1Uon. th' j lnk• by lt;i't.llng lht larc••l I':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! completely \e&vln11: the other two Jn chrcklnl" with Ille !Ady Anl"· to date on ~1111 larklt>-wetght 4t I· In •pile ot t •lugcl•h and and Gould"• Ballerln• froni SDYC ler• who h•ve become acquaint-lb11. f'Ven. :J" vagrant bn1rte1 lt.l\d lhe .. nau1ng: lying de1t.d Jn th"' w1t.te r. 8efOl"l' ed w\lh the big one9, It Mema to If lh# l'lsel\Cl' of catching-lht9e now canceUaUon. t ht' llflernoon Wf.I by theH threr could ret under w•Y t>... a n1atttr of cl\olc" and it KDf'• bll" 11.e• ba,. could be 1tatl'd in ·I ' no means con1lderfd wa•ted by •Kain, Akahi and E.c•pade had without aaylng th•t th" mono-Olll' ~ntrnc ... -tak .. It e••y-patl-the_ B.JG- ----------------------------------------------------------l,11abllahed a con1ld11r1t.ble lead filament le•'1e r1 arf' a mu~t. S in-ence Lft the n11rk of an expert. You PAGE 6 -PART 111-:-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31 , 1955 NEW POWER SQUADRON with !:11eap1.de pulling: out Jn front 1Je hooka only lfl' pern1ltl .. d Ln nur m•y (l't one !he flr•t 1l1y out- by qult"' a n1•rgln. Spectator• club. We belleve In 11vlnc the flah t.hrn •11•\n 11 ma y f"'quir .. many counte!l a lead or ovf'r t mlnutr• a •porting chan~l'. ! dry runs bt!rore you have th• honor tor E.ecapade whf'n ahe rounded I w\1h I could think ot •n in-of welghln1 one 1n. Tak .. • t ip th' marker off the N"'wpo:irt Pl•r g f'nloum o~nlng with which to In· 1 from one '"·ho b .. llev•• In th .. old MARINE NEWS CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCED oo """'·•M·•·h•" &ft., <h• """-'"'""°'yo" <o <ho '"'kY r•l• who '°"' "P"'""°" •• o ''""'" -A tack made by Eecap•cle ahort-are In the h"'•dlln••· Certainly you'll •till be arelnJ mf' on the ly aft,r rounding the mark whtch they rate top blll\rll". Among lh•M high Hll9. TID E .... Timo lflitb Friday 4 ·30 a. 01. A pril 6•2J Jl.1U, Saturd11)' :I .111 ... '"· Apt!L ' 6.!'.1.1 p. UI. Sund&.\' 6.32 ... m. April 3 1:21 p. "'· )fonit•y 7:19 ll. 111. Apdl 1 :47 fl· rn. 'I'uf'.5<'.!1t.y 800 a.m . Aptll ' 8:12 r '"· \\'e(!nrM.iay 8•38 a."" April ' 8 :36 p. n1. ThurMlay o·ta •• Ill. AprU 1 9c00 p. 111. J @ f'IK8T FULL QVAJCTF.R MOOS Mar. 30 Apr. II TA ILE UL '·' . ' ... .., •• '·' " '·" 4.7 '" '" a.3 .., '-' (f IAST QVUTER Apr. 111 nm. ·~· ll :t3 a. m. lJ:llO p.n1. 12:27 p. m . 12:41 a. m. I :04 1 :23 1 :35 2:0 1 p. rn. a .m . p. ~· a.m. 2 :03 p. m. 2 :37 •. Ill. 2:29 p. m. 3 :12 •. m . 2 :53 p.m . • ...... MOON Apt. 22 --0.3 : ).7 -0.3 u -0.2 0.6 0.0 " 0.3 -Q.I o.o -0.2 0.9 By ~S. G. N. PEAS!: I commander at S1nt1. 81.tb&Ttl. Several new chalrm•n for tht Squadron and now a remldtnt of trachlng program of Balboa Powll!r l Balboa I11land and an &UOCl•te Squadron ""'ere announced at la•l rnl'mbll!r or Balboa Squadron, waa Thur~•)' n!fhl'• dinner meeting iinnounced ••the new d l1tr!cl com· at Nll!"''port H arbor Yacht Club. mandet'1 a id. Keith Cordrey ot 11.ttll!nde'I by m ore th•n 280 mem· Udo Iale. allO an 1UeO<:late mem- bf'r1, and ~t•l•. ber of Balboa 8q_uiadron. Wiii con· Comn1ander Po•h cornplfted hi• tlnue In h!a ,,o.t u D\atrlct l:du- sl•ft fnr th,. corn!11r. Yl!l r. •nd caltona.l Ofrlcl!r, Urban Beh hu appolntrd Lfon \Vare aa chairman bet'n •ppolnted to the Important of 11dvanc,.d ~adri: Ray Donald. ro•!tion of h•rbor defenMI. vrllh!n rhm1 rm11n or elective cou111e1. 1t.lld the civilian deten11.e pro11n.m of F.lmer I.a Ll<nne "" ... reappo!nt•d the City of Newport Beach. r hmirm1n of lhe local bnard or 11dmi!Slllon&. with i....e McColloch a• hi~ •11•1at11nt. Thf org•n!z:•Uon of the le•chlng schetlul.-puts .n•vigator, junior navigator. a rlvanct'd p!lollng and SP1t.m11.n"hlp courat"• un<ler y,/are : we•th .. r. rnglne malnten11nc1 and sail r:outl!<"A undl'r Donald. and I m&kt• La Lii.no .. chief coordinator of th~ piloting courM""•. Nt~\\· UISTRIC."l' All> CI • 11 rt" C'hirperfll'l!l. former Dean Campbell. chalnnan of pre· !llcted log racing fnr the 11.quadron, Ml pllllltilnr a aerie• of thta race• to bl!" acheduled within a few week•. Tom Allen wLU lnlpl'N\r.11! t he manning of a USPS booth a t the 1t.port1t.man'1 •how •I Pan Pa· d flc on the day• of Apr11 18 and 24. w!th the a111l1t&nca of Balboa Squadron mern~n. CATALINA CJRU1,8!: The a ll Important rl!ndnvou• committee, which hu chargl! nl the •nnu•I 11.quadron cru!t1e to Ca\Allna. wUI be lleaded. tlllw ye•r:. by Dave Firth. Tile d•tl!a for thta Y"•r'• event heve be,.n set for Jun"' 11 1t.nd 18 at Avalon. 1_..11t y .. 111r·• rrn,lei:vou• waa allended by HIO perllOTI• •nd 38 boalll. A m11ch l&rJ:er 1troup i1 ekpectl!d thb y,..r, I-Inc'" thr memberahlp and fleet ro1ler ar1 much lariter. Balb<>a Squa!lrnn now numbf'r11 240 rnrrn- ber• •nd lncludP• 170 bolt.ti, both n\I and pow'"'· At la~t Thuriod•y niJtht'• din· ner, a program Qf unu11ual lnt•re•t lncludr<\ tnunlnk fllma on w,ather tn:im the Marine Corp•. 11nd A C<'.ll· ored rum taken trorn Errol Flyno'11 Za.ca on a crulllfl down the ro•1l, lhroui:h lhP c•n•l It.nil •round tht l•l•n<\11, 11.J)"c\flc•lly Jam111lca. The f1ln1 cnnl11.inrd many thrill· lnir N lllng 11hot11 •nd WAil • r 1re •l udy nr 11e11. hf•. E1t.rly 11.hot1 BhowPd clo..,. Ufla of the wh•le1 off z.. J olla. t•ken fr1>m 1. hl'.llcopter. ~ SEA LORE INSTRUCTORS -Presented to auembled membens and guests during the Balboa Po w er Squadron'• annual dinner meeting lut Thursday at Newport Harbor Yacht Club were Ray Donald. chainn11n or Elective Counts (\e(tl : Leon Ware, chair· man or Advanced Grades: and Elmer LaLanne. ch airman of Local Boa.rd or Admission SOUTH OOAST CO. !Srd a Ne"•port llh·d. M A nJ:'\"r: l 'PHOl,.oiTt:RISG llOAT ('O\'l:Rs "ALBOA CAS\'A8 MHOr pu.uled 1. numt.t>r of the 1~ctator1 11. we are teU111bly Informed, a 1tandard t•cUcal mantuv11r d<'· •l(nPd to &Mure the le•ding boat a weathl!t berth an!l co1nplet• coverart1 of hi• oppon•nt. South Coast to Handle Correct Craft Boat Line as 'Exclasive' are quiet! An unpredictable wlnd1htrt a tew rnlnutea later nullified the •d· With la•t werk'a arrival of three vant•1e held by E.tcapade after naw Correct Cratt boa.ta by motor thla lack •nd the n"ma.lnder of lranlt.JM)rt direct from the factory lhe battle w111 & ap!Jt 9l'Cond d,aJ In Florid•. South Coa.at Co. of w ith the lead con11tanlly chanr· Ing. When the r.ee w111 called off Akahi •nd Ellcapade w•re. off on dlfter .. nt ta.cka and ll •111 dlfflcult lo detf'mllne •ho W•• lea dlnlf al- though 1!:1eapade appeared to have p. •light 1t.dvanta1e. In the meantime. Ball11rtn& had Newport Beach announced It will be f'llClualve dealer tor thl• Una of boa.la In all Southern Ca.ltfomla counUea ""~ Sanlll BarNra and San 01e10. Bob Entil"n. man111et of yacht aale• for South Coa•l Co .• called clawed her way up rrom a poor 1--------------lut to a fair third and wae movlnc w .. ll with Sparkll' In fourth and Atorrw.nte t ln.h. 'ROCK AND COVE GUNFIRE NOW ON HUI ForcJery Case Naval F1nflre and bomb· ardment wlll keep San Cle· SANTA ANA (0CN81-A mo-mentr l•land are•• jurnp1n11 lion to diamlu a tor11;ed check th!• week a• U#ll1t.l. Col.it chArlt;"e 11aJnet Yred K. HUI. 21. Gu•rd ottlcl•I• w•rne<I rn•r- ot RJver•lde will bi-argued In Su· Iner•. per\or Court lier' at 11 •.m .. April 8. Dan1!erou1 lo naviga tion Rl'que1t wu crante<I by Super· will bf" Ca1tle Rork. fro m 8 10( Court JudJe J ohn Shea. a.m. lo rnldn11h t today and lfUI hu bffn a ccused of ra la-tomorrow and d11yl1Jhl hour• jng the fllC'ltlng by ·~ on a on Saturd•y •nd Sunday. r y· cheek made out by hi• mothrr, ramld Govt will bl!" blaaled to-- Mt11. Wilma K. Hiii. 20ll-A Toplll•-·"·'·'-'.~-m-·'·'-·.m •. _'°_'_•.·m_. __ AB .. ., Balboa J1land. 1 • attention to th• rnany out1t•ndlnr feature• of thrae boa.lit. which tn- elude daub.le • planked mahor•ny hulllr thto\llhout. unuallal rooml- neaa without aacrtltca of •peed or perlormancll!, •nd i choice of 27 dlrtl'rl!nt atock mod•!• t11n,tnc from IP'n•ll runa~Ul• to comp~tl' famtly crullll'r1. ' Shi more or t he CotTect Craft In dlffere.nt •l)'le• •re now In lr•n•lt from th• factory and wtJI II-. on dt1play at Soulh Coa"l Co. ahowroom• wttllln the nellt few JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean, Merine and General Insurance * orn"': U°"ta ,.._ Baak Ndl'· LfMrty a.tl'tt .-...1 ......... ~ ........ South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llhd. A1JTROR.l'D:D f"A("T()ll\' 8EavtCIC R in the SENSATIONAL Evergliarcl ''b . ,, a1tsaver I right I. Commander Curt Do8h (second from left) made the announcement, ~ -Beckner Photo ''"ft ~~mm••••• ·-••t•d 01 M••· · 11~~'";';,.~. Llyc S • I !luring !hf' inlcnllve n"mod~llnll; ,, .... v .. v •• MIWPOl l l lACH oc1a prni:r,.m l1t.k1n1t;" place •t Ult Udo dsrn1!1 M . A. AnrlerllOn, A mnld f ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~;;;~~;;;;~fl 11!" AR.ocl111tlon hl'Adquart•r•. Broylr!. Dona ld Hart.. M•rgaret Season Opens l.J\'C Commodore M . A. Ander-TTlder \\'h \ta and M . J. Lockney. LIVE BAIT TANK in 'Sprayride' ,.n11 1.-,.Jron1ed l!U"~I" and new CUn~htr of t he ~venlng: V.'lll •n 111n11b,.1 " <l11nni;-It•,. tvenln" of f'illt~n111ve Sprayr\!lP tour ol the rt1nn,.r •"'' !11 nr1n,i.: 11t J\'HYC U do Channrl. to th ~ acromp•nl· 01" .. r·Rll r ha11·n•11.n of the Spray-rn .. nt or th,. LIYC Glt'e Club, 130 r <I lhPlf 'f•:'! ,.,,...1al 1<"11:0011 1•111 A rr,1,. "''Ill" R,.~r -C<>rn m0<·1"'" K .. n-volr"B slron,i:. "Sprayt1d"" pt11·1 ,. l11 ~t Fr1rla y 1 n• th l\1n,i.:1<ll"1 , "f"'"'"'ol by Mr -I ~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ r11ght. wh"l'I f'll'~r 130 1ncmhi·r~•nfl ! 11 nd ~lnr. Art RP11111me Biid L l. Col f'U"""' clln11>f.<! 1t bn11rrt Art Gr .. n-111\,t ~\1'11. :-.1 S. ObPr J r, 9ky"1 tot~ bo11t from Balbo111 P 1ntll· hon. d~i<t!n,.tLon N .. ,,.·port H11.1·bot Yac ht Club. Shove-of! 1<1\f '"·111• t he Clubhou~e pll'r, l111~t <l1h'h See :-01 r 110<1 '-11 ~. J Otlfph A rnold h.-(!.df'd th .. d .. cor•llon commltt""· [ 11.1d1"'1 by i\ll'!Ullllml'~ H•rry Rog•r•. J 11rk N"f'wcon1b. H11roht A. Ke· noy,.r 11nd Jo~"Ph Ktln1. lnvll•· j THE SENSATIONAL NEW BAIT TANK Everguarcl ft Keeps Bait Fresher Much Longer "VIC" BERRY Sheet Metal Specialties 2527A W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8·3613 • HEADQARTERS for EVER GUARD PRODUCTS Featuring the new ''Bait Saver'' • UVE BAIT TANK Complete Equipment Available at One Location PUMl'S, FITTINGS, HOSE AND INSTALLATION LIGHTWEIGHT e DURABLE e COMPACT e Fits Any Size Boat VERSATILE • • • • UGHTWEIOHT ~weighs only 3~.i poundB COMPACT· can, be IJlored quickly in a rew inches or 11p1ce VERSATILE· al.-o doubles u a fi11h carrying bag ADAPTED-to any size boat .. , 25 1 ~ inche9 long and 15 icnhes deep for 24 root boatJ; and under -20 inc hes deep for boatil over 24 feet ... tank, complt'te itelb: for $49.M each • • • • El.IMINAT&~ • "'bfoat-u~ba.if' problem and f"f:all y keep• bait LIVE and FRESH STOPS . un1dghtly 11.nd ill·l'lmelling effect or "garbage c11.n '' on board your boat SE\\'FJJT -improvement in live bait tanka in '.\-"CA.rs DURABLE-made or snow·white vinyl cowred nylon fabric with anodized ru111t-proof 1lumJ. num rrame THE AMAZING EVERGUARD TANK DOUILES AS A FISH CARRYING IAG South Coast Co . IT IN SO LOSGEK SP'.C'E81'AAY TO CARR\' ICF. ASD F01'L-8Mt:LUSfi n~H llOX-1'01' 00:'\"T HA\•g TO HO!!!P:-OO"'S \'Ot:a llOAT-kf:EPK l'P TO llOO LM. OF FUilH nr:sH -WIPF.14 c.:u:A s A.~'l> DR\' Ql"ICKl,Y -111!-"1111T8 l!ITAJNl!I. OJI.A A~'D IOLDE"'-"'IU. N(Yf' RAllDl:N OR CAACa Vic lleny's Sh«< lletal llpedal- "Anotlrer Gftlt Fint by EVERGUARD • Mffe -m Newport llMclr" 409 28111 St • NIWPOIT llACH Hcwloor 4274 -- • SMITHS ABOARD TOLUCA FISHING PANAMA WATERS A'va nee Easler NewPoRT HAR10R News.PAess -PART, 11. PAGE 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 Week Activity told offlC:t',.. he had four bub oap• laken from hla c:ar Saturday whlle for Loe.I Cops It wu 1>4rked aome place IJ1 the PANAK.A., Jt. P. (March 2tl-1 Harbor atta. Vlaltol'll from Lido Jalt> are nrt A lel ll-.:c6 Among the numerous compl&!nta Ray Copt>lln, local membt'r of ln Panama. e.~clally tbo9e ..-ho I CJIP ..,..,..,...... ot atolt>n hub c•p.s. nol1y partlea lhe NeW}lvrt Beach Plannlnf Com- anivt 1n lb1a Latin Amt>r1c:an ~ Lyla ........ Attend and gf'nr ral dl1turbancu recelvtd mlaalon and realdt!nt of 21!) Oat publlo on a 11\txury cu-1 yac:bt. 1 _...,.. ovu lht' week-end by the Newport St., told pollc" & hub rap wu til· Thus while Mr. &Jld M.ra. Jl'oreJSl N y con.a re I ~ach police department. WU a t'O from hla car between 8:30 anlt Smith J r., and family Wt'f'e m05t • • -.et nee contpla lnt fYom a property ownt r 11 p.m. Saturday Whtie parked lnteruted Ln Panama. realdatta who rented a houat' to tt't'n·agt>ri. near 1:>00 Miramar Drive. here wt're al.lo lnteru led tn the Mia Apu Blo"?qul.8t end M is.• 1 Jack T. Ht1mlnge11 of Loa An-Thue were other C'omplalnta Smith&! Lyla BaUCb ot !liewpot'l Baloc-.a gtln told poll<'e he rented prop-which In gt'nt'ral kt>pl pollre buay, Q•lck Service roa Roller Shades. Standard 8ha4• C1ot.ha and Cuetom Speclaltl• • l>r&PerY Hardwani • Venetl&n miadll CALL llAJl80a 1M THE SHADE SHOP •H Hnd 8t., Sewpon ..... Bnlde th• Poe& omo. WEEK'S l"l81T Sa\c'"IJl&"I and. Lo.an Aasociatlon •1-e I erty at 31:> Fernando St . lo eight a noisy buch party Saturday eve· Thtty docked in Panama on lll :St"W Yorll C"ity UU. wttk to flrl.a and two <'haperone1. H~~m-nlng, juvenllu driving a •Pffd· J.l&rc:h 19 for a week"• atay, and allflld the annual conte~nc:. C.f plained lhat drlnklnc wu going Inf car acrou Horace l!:nalgn ------------ Lil order to be moni ceutrallJ lo-the AmcncaA . SaYinp and Loan on in t.he hou.se and that boy1 playc round while younptttra weni rll'l~~=~~==!!l!!I-~~ cattld for algbt.aeelng purpmH. Mr. IAabtute and ot LM Am,ric:an S:r I were 1leep1nc In their care In playing, Uleral flru on the beach- and Mni. Smith, their tour chil· dety ol S&vuip and Lo&n Comp-front of the houae. ea and l't'porle of Intoxicated dren and Fabin R.lclcart CKra. trolleni, ~port.a ,rre.tdent PauJ A.. SEl:IU"SO nGHT youtha. Smith'• tat.her, from HunUJ\CtOll :::::::~ lM N.wport Beach aa-Ernie Mort.,naon of 117 28lh 15t. ------------ Park), all moved tnto U.. Hott>J tow police )'Hterday a group of WATl!:IC Tl!K8 El Panama. ''Thia la making a won-'Ille inllltule 18 UM nallonal ..... l!) Rlveraldt boy• were prowllnr 1Al1' "''flCI ..... HP•iu derful beadquartera for our 8t&J llOClll'lca for t.ra.buDc of •vlnra the Balboa Fun Zone "lookln1 for J B. " Sn thl1 dellghlful ~t.1'7.'' .ohm· Uld loaa ~ a fight." Police lnveaUrated but // ~ / teered Mr•. Smith. ~ two !lrewport Beach •tatf found them cone on arrival. O' ~t'h 0 d The tamUy'a yacht. •'ToJuca. • ~ben wW tour Ne-y York At 10:~~ p.m. yeaterday MJ•• M. PLUMBllliU fl on her malden 'fOY&ce· and &en 8todl Dchance Wb1le lhtre ud K . authertord of 327 A.lvarado ruwi 1• '" Cl'4f OOW'4 _.,, _._ •t ~-Hu.... I.SM Udo Jale on Feb. lt. &Ince that .......... t 11eYeral ot t.be metropoU. Place told poUce-a gyoup of boya ------------J time they have callt'd at m-., tall .-:llaUO.. 'lo 8tUdJ blst.aila-were ln a brawl at the end of ;;.==========:;, plac:e11, lncludintr Acapulco. "'But doll ot eew eledromic pwicb card Al..,..do Plac. at lhe bay. Police we Ilk• Panama bat of.all," -1d aecounuac eqaipaMmL arrtnd to find five or alx youth• BE SURE -INSURE Smith. Their main lnt•reat.. and Oa tbeir arrtn1 tben by p\ar.e, 1-Ying the area In a car and an· WSU. that of the •Ix crew m.mbua. la tlwy joUled Jin. Jama F. Joou, other croup dl1bunln1 down the lllAURIC~ !iTANL&'I tlahlng, and thttlr tar(et la black fQnner\J Uie MW'datt.,,.·a ncep-•lreet. lnauraoNO OaJ, marlin a11d u many world ,_-d8 t.lon1lt bett. Her laQ8band i. a Mar· An alert realdent, Mn. D. E. Phone Harbor Hit u poulble. Since Pa.n&ma la bM Oorp8 pilot -8\aUoned at Wood of 1~ Balboa Aw .• told UIJ F.. Ooaat HJ1hwa1 known for ltJI fabuloua fLlhlnf. tbe a.r-r, Point. N . .._ polke ahe heard a car with ".sort ----C-oro_na_de_I _Ma_r ___ , Smltba plu to try their luck bere. Illa .._.. and K'-Blolnqlllat plpt>a"' cTUiaing Litt.le hland about LIKE PANAMA will tttuna about April 1. mumJcbt and then beard the clan1 All are reported imp~ with of a bub cap dropplng on the pave- the mualc of the country, and k1ft G~ Britaba aporled u m&nJ mot. Police arrived lo fll:ld two to watch the Panamalan folk dallc-~ can u I.be United capa mlaatng trom a car r~glater­ er1 at Ule Hot.el El Panama. 'Ibey Sb1M dwi-s lt03. aec:ordiDC t.o ed to Thomae R. Nlchah1on of llH2 have visited the hlltortc ru1aa of t.be NaUODal Au~OllM>biJe Club. Balboa .t.Ye. Old Panama u wttll aa 8Minf \.181TOR BOBBl:D Private Polioe • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 other lnterelltlnf and lli.torica1 _ .. _ _._ ff. A . Lei.17 of Portiand 0 ptac:e1. After IMvinf Panansa -.a~ =====------·--"-··.:.._ ___________ _:============ City, Toluca wUI "fialt Panama'• bay for flahtng, and then ~ farther eouth. They plan to be l>M'k ta C&li- tomla by June 1. O......_._,wC. llMNcupw•-- STUDY BUILDING-Forest Smith, owner o! the Clock chain of reataurant. in Cali- tornia, arrived in Panama on March 19 for a week's atay, a.board his yacht Toluca. He and hi1 family, photographed above, moved into the Hotel El Panama during their .tay. From left, Forest, Michael Smith Jr .. Fabin Rickart. (Mrs. Smith'• father), Pam- ela, Suaan and Mrs. Smith. They are pictured in the patio of the hotel, admiring the unusual architecture. -El Halcon Photo Mn. Joees • Fal Mr1. Ethel .s. Jon•. ~JO Dall· II& Ave., Ma.rcb 22 reported to po- lice ah• tripped and fell 4"'ft' a porUon of rallied tddeWalk. .... talnlng a apralned Jdt anJl1e and knff, & brwaed left band and cb.ta. Newpllt YmktJ Yoe& 6 ... le BTOIU: •• a.. a-...... ~ t'nll& !'(_, fter S&Wl'Ol&T mE&Cll Th• 1ldewalk Call occurred at ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;: Grant's Surplus Buys Present· Carverc~afl Sile, Nearby Loi aet tor uveral moot.ha yet, apoke.aman aald. Matth 1~ on CamaUoe ..\Y&. t. ;; a tween Secmd ud Tb.trd A-......_ u.ld. Something NEW . . . H•I a.... Add.cl Ladle1, lmqtne a hair cSner WITHOUT HEAT, Seema 1mpo.lible, but it'• true ••. and we are lb• flnt 1n th• Harbof' ..,_to have lhla MODllRN JilIR..\CLE. n.-t.e hlllr ABSOLUTELY COOL. .l.mqtM llUdll Comtort I Bud Grant'• War Surplue etore I "We'll UN lhe ul.atlnir buildlnc at 1829 Newport Ave., Costa An<i a.dd onto tha prt'aent atruc· Meaa, future 1lle ot Coala Mu a I lurt'," Grant 11ahl. Bank. hu purchwied the prop<'rty He doun't expect to move the currently hoWJl ng Carvercrll.ft at aurp~u• et";e ~nt1J lbe ~nd o~ D~ l 7~ N~wport Ave. Carvercn1tl 11 cem er. Vo eamf'n or oa building a nf'W plant al 1998 Hae· Meaa Se.nk. now located at 1887 b<Jr Blvd , Costa Mua. Newport Ave., aald the bank"• new Grant lll'lld he purchased the s tructure le aWI In the planning 1 Carvercra.Jt location u well aa an l •w..Je. Date ot con9lrucu-at lilt a djoining lot for lhe aurplua etore. Newport Ave. l•n't u~ted to be Susan's Style Sal011 11t E. llUll a.. o.e..... u ~,.. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK To Serve Your luildlng & Remodeling Needs ~""e~ AlUMlllUM CHAISE MOOfL •l69 OROLITE FIBERGLASS PANELS en low en 4 7 C sq. ~. * In 8 • I 0 • I 2 foot .. lengths BluH -Greens -Yellow Rose -White -Light Brown Gracie "A" COITUCJClhcl 55' • 65' sq. ft. oaoun: FIBEllGLA8S P..\~"EL8 IDEAL FOR! A ........ Cabe• .. , C&ftoplC9. Cupori., Fttntt, PaUoe, Bllower Doen. 811.JU1llta. 81111 81telt#ra, Wtad-~. ttte. • ( F Acro&Y 9ECO?'ID8) WILL NOT RUST NO STEEL 100% Aluminum FRAME & WHEELS CHAISE Available in BLUE GREEN TERRACOTTA DIRECT FACTORY JOllEI KWIKSET LOCKS • WES · CHROME hy DONNE • RYER OABINET KAROW .\llE FULL UNE of FULLER PAINTS Open Dally Monday Throu9h Sunday 8 a. m. • 6 p. m. Schultz -JJul/nrl /Juif Jerj Supp/g PhOM Llbtrtr S.78M 222 Victoria St . ( nMr Newport llvd. J Costa Meta t SA WHOLS1IUle Ve' ' .. a •us I ...._ ... .. -........... ~ .... JUST ~Ttf el POST OffJCf lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Cocnt llvd. Lat-leacll 80 CLANCY TODAY roa moBEST TUDE-IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT Jlor Pontiac Demoutr&tlou OF THE -- ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF T~E MONTM EARN FROM T~E FIRST Office Hours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a. m. to 8 p.~. "' .. ..., ... -. ,. .. -. 'PA~ I· PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH '11. 1955 DIE 01.D ONE-TWO -b capably demonstrated in this bit o f ring lore captured dur- ing Harbor AIU Boys• Oub recent annual meetin g of the boar d of directors. Richard Flore9 takee a swing at t.M same time that Jesse J oe Flores takes a swing and that adda up to two. d oesn't it! -SWf Photo OOllE TO PAPA -George Biabop. Bue first sacker, makes the Jong st.retch to pludl oU a throw from eecond for an infield out during Orange Cout College horseh ide practice session. Bi.shop figul'\-s to rate u~ p late power for Coach W cndt'U Pic kt'ns during loop com petition which opened Friday at )Jt. San Antonio. -SWf Photo WITHOUT IAmNG EYES YET Tar Nine Comes Through in Clutch for First Loop Win Commi: lhrnui;h tn t~ d utcb. C'.-.<'h &nu t Xttme'a Ugtit hllllnit Tar batwball n1n.-l!lf'<>t c<l '"" rUI\11 m Ow "lf?hlh inning to 11QUN'%e out a 4·3 S unM-t Lr"ft'J" ,, orv ovn F\lllerton J.londiJy allernoon. The IOC'al la•b ha.I 1 .. tnld ot! a bottom of th4' inning' rally by the lndr&ns to do 11 The I numph It fl l h• Sailors with a .!.otJ loop I" l~nta,:41 i<flt't tW'O frayc0. th" oP4'nrr a nanow 7-1 win by HuntrnJ:l•m 0.-.ch. To •lalf' ~ Harbnr H•.:h hu..iwrs l\a\•en·t found tht'tr bat11n~ • ~· ... Tht')' came up w 1lb a f'd lr • ! tnni:~ a11:unst ltl" 0Uf'tl' fl\,. bk•lo • &n•J M tlftday rould m11n •J:.<' nnl\' M ll •rnJ:l"l' a- l ottnsl 111.. l'Ttbo ·~ nin.• ~ k nn('kll. 1n• I• 1.1• 11 hM• -run and doubl" ~F.Wl\llCK \ ICTOA Pembn>kf' to e;pen bottom of the .. ,J?h~ Thrtt quJck smglt'I 11udden- HO USE HOLD \\'ARDROBE FOOL WARDEN BUT SOX IS DOWNFALL c'OLUSA -Game law v10- lato111 often go 10 lnf(cnlous le111:lhl! lo b1•ut th!' rules but t w•• 011kla ntl n•f'n found that whit.-t hev hall the w11rdtn i<t111111Jl'd 'ror 1\ ttm<', they rotthln't fOfll his dog. Th" rr11ull was ftnt>s totaJ- lni;-$300 fe>r' po8seMion or phl'mmnt:< and tlucks out of 11eaMn untl riulurt to show a hun llng hC'<'nil•'· 11s!M'1<se1I •· i:a in"t Wa11h Evans and l,,i•roy E. Minter, bOth of Oakland. Th•• ra!I•' beL:an wh"n \\'ar- tl1•n J <1n1es B. Crunnell of \\'ll- 11ams lj8\V tht• men 11h00Ung from 11 .11stan1·!'. He drovP up to thrrr 1·11r Hn•I bei:an l!N1rl'h· 1111: 111r I hP binll• '"hk h h i' had SI'• n fllll A t hor1111~h i.f'nl 1·h fn1INI to rf'\'P!ll the rontr11b1<nrl. 11nd th1 n r.rttnnPll cull1•d nn hl11 dog "Snx." Aft<'r nn« qurck turn throuRh thl' rar ~h•• Im· ml'fhlllrly Wf'nl um1l'r th•• ve- hlcl1>. Thr11•. rn a ..a.C'k tied to the top of th•' nxle houi~lng Wf'rc t he •11Ul fl( llrlll!On ph1?a11&nt11 11n1I 1111rk11. J Ullge Rlrhanl E. Patton of ColuN handed down the fine•. $12~ rnr F:\•an11 11nd fl 7;'i for Mrnttr. <Jn hill caM rrport. under the hf'itdlnl:' "u.11l1tted by" Grann1>1l wr!'li' "~ox. my do~ ... Kids Cause Blaze A gl'1l1'11 nre orcurred at • :02 p.m. Saturday el rf'&r of 407 Wal- nut Pl11cf', Costa Mr.i1a, in lht aJ. ley. It wa11 reportt'd by RaJph Lee. MtSa fire pl"t'vrnUon officer. The blazt:' wu ev1denU&lly c11113t'd by rhlldren playing with m&tC'b!'a, Lee llAJd. One truck and 17 mPn an- swered the 81arm. wrth the game In jeopardy. But with one t un In nnd two men on. big J im got Jewett on an oulfltld ny aml ranntd th!' ~aJ blltler to race him. Tb1> Sailor linl'up Monday: ThompliOn, centtrfleld: F1Upat· rick. 1<hort; Paul Lorentun. !lnt: Xf1'·kfrk, pitch; Wl'tzel. lf'!t!leld; Mirkovich. catch ; Tamura . thlrd: Oanklll. rlghtfleld an<1 Fisher. i<l'COn d C RISI S? CR I S I S? J im :-.-..... 101 k • .. 11 ... 1"1 Uw '". t oi ,. O\" r t'ull, rt on ~ '"" ~11k .. Je ... ·etL J .-w. tt "'nrkc>d ;i , fram• ~I a1vm11: ur four runs an•I ,,..,. hlh befort' bemi: n lu , . .,..1 by Run~t•n I In aJl. lhf' Ta~ w•·nt dmirn ..,.,ni=· tni: 11 t '""'"' llJlJ ,.ttf'l\'Mi , ..... I atroll11. J rm 'tm<-k out ,,,.,., walk· I •I three. nnd waio .-ffKltv" wht>n It COUDteJ The 1'ar11 Jumf)f"d Into a 7-0 k>ad In the llf'<'Ofld llt•tu.a.. :'\rwklrk and BUI \Vl'tul •·a lked. OtC'k M1r ko- \Otch f1rw out to lbird ~ Davf' Tamura •'Alkf'd lo load UM!' Pck11 and alnir:ws by Rny f'anrf'la IU'ld Lee Fil!hf'r ,. .. nt the talllr• ""~ tlMi plattr r. Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here l~DIA.'°14 TA.LI.\' Fullf'rton earn .. nght back 'llnlll a ~rt> in bottom of the f nunt oa thl'ft llln.:ln . Tht'n. in the !out'- Ul. the lndlana h~ It up with a llanir. J M.I l'\l"rkjrlt lttd otr - 1"" N""J>Orl ~e Wllh a blul onr l~ lt'n.tlekt ,_ wll.ldt lancMd la Ole achoo!'• allffp ,.,.. Jim Nnrtdrk m lpt haw tie. -..Plall about the lncldftlt. but ..,. cert&tnlJ' wu1ft llhaJl.m. It rocked alon• tllat ... ,. &llto tlle utna lruwJ,. ,,_ Jf'W9tt'a Rpport collar-cf. K1rtrcrt1cll a.nd Tamura rf'ac.btod hue oa ~ ....... f'rt'Or'W b)' tJw 1DdiaD Infidel. J_..t l aUucJl out l'liaaieb &Dd ~. but sing-In b)' BllddJ' ftomJ19011 and Dmny J1Up&tndr Jmock.d In two nma and ja.rftd Jt'W'et l trom tile ~d. nrar;r. Qnnl o~ Fttllng hj~ oata, Harbor H1rb'• Jun Ne-·klrk f&ADed FUlleno:a • I casa pura "SE:R\'JCE \\'ITHl:-0: HOL'RS -\\ llE:-. :-OEEDF:U" COMPLETE LAl'XDERERS and CLEANENt !\'EWl'ORT BEACH RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRl~L-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO .Jlla. St.. Newport Beach Hubor W3 • HARBOR HIGH CAGE Pl.AYERS HOLD ·~:;~~n!~ DR. ~RnfUR BJrTZ. L A. ed- ucator -•'1.Adl of frieftda la laC'k ol ability for Ult . Many M><&lle-d friftldahlp are mf'rely bateablpa.'' A.NAKEIK ({>CNS) -Couh ANNUAL BASKETBALL LETTER FETE John WalUn'a Anaheim varsity bueball aqU&d racked up their celalor and the Compton tourney. aecond alralKbt Bun.rt IA•S'M Ylc· Leacue play will atart Ju. 10 tory Monday u they ll&ndUy d11- .,-ainat Sant.a Ana. poeed of the Huntiniton BMcll Coaches Gage, Miller Present Awards to 38 Tar Performen Oilua by a 2-0 acore. Old EatabUahed ~ As-t'Y AU line9 writlftl. BOWAJW W. OmlSB 1808 Newport Bini .. eo.ta M- ftlO~E UllEllTY •161.1 LETTERS AWAIWED , Dave Slt phenaon atarted Oil tile Vara:ty -Denni. Flt&palrick, mound for tbe Colonist.a. He wu . . Harper. Paul Lorentzt1n, Frank Na-nevtr In trouble u UM A.nahf'lm Letters were awarded to 38 N ewport H a rbor High I va rro, Ed Pope, George Schuitt aggre&'atlon left tbe Oiltl"I tor be- School buke tball players during annual cage banquet in St. and Bill Wet zel. Managera Richard hind In both battlnl' and fieldinr. Andrew's Presbyterian Church last Thursda ni ht. Coach Mirkovich •nd Richard Gould. I The Huntlng1on &-acb nine did . . Y g . I Junior Varally -Bob Allen, load the b&-In Ole fourth Inn· Jules Gage awarded letters to eight varsity and eight Junior HoU8ton, Gen!' Hubbard. Bill , Ing. But there were two outa and Varsity performers while Co ach J im Miller presented letters Lamb, J ohn Lewis. Mabe<!, Bob t he apunky Colonlata merely Iott· to 1% membeni of the Sunset ~-' John Hcnrotin mOllt valua ble and Vllllg-r'ana lilld L&rr)I' Warlaumart. e<l the final out •l lhird baae to Call DAN'S TV gue championship C quintet and to DavP Buck man mrurt ln1provrd. B C's -Dave Brtckner, Buckman, cloae out the crucial lnning. 10 B playr ra. 111011l \•11luubl1• performer wu Dave John Foatlu.~. Billy Hayes, Mike -;---::==----:::======::::::=;;;::::::;;;::;::::;::::::::::::::===: Highlight ot the evening cah1e Tumura with V on Babbs most Im-H11yei1, Ron Huywsrd, Bob Hender- when Gage gave high praise to proved. 11hot. H<'nrotln, Dll'k Moralea, Rich membera of the SaUor varsity LOSE OSJ.Y ti Palafl'rrl. Dave r .. ttlt and Herb which !inlehed 11econd In loop com-I In the past two 11eiuions, Coach Y.-1.'. petition thl11 aeu on. Oage tabbl·d !Jage pointed out, lhe 1'1trs varsity I B's -Babtis, n oy Danit>!, Terry Paul Neumann, SunaH Lelli;,'"Ue 1 r<?curd shows 33 wins agam11t only Hall, Jerry Kem~·r. Bruce Knipp, I Pl6yer of the Year. u "the fl.nest 12 losses. In league play, It stands Bob Martin, Sta.n Schonu , Tamu- ba.+1ketball player l 'Vl' ever worked ul 16 wrns agoinst H los.>sel!. Lllst rR, George Thompson and Mike with." Ht. ... umn. the A's w on 15, lollt 7. Thi• I Vaile. llt<cnagers Bill Abrahamson, TOP SELEC'l'ION~ r ha.mpion C's had 17 vicloril'8, four 1 !lfang end Don Pierce. N eumann wu selected mOJ!l val-de!uts. The A squ11d won 12, and uable va.rslty playt>r wrlh Larry tlrop~ 8. Harper the most lmproveJ. George Gage announced practice games Mabee was named most valueble for next 11eason against the AJum- JV performer with Tom Houston nl, Long Btach Wll~on. Rlversrdt , mOllt lmprovecl. I Torra.nee, Cnliforntu, Huntington For the champion C1s, It WIUI 13tac.h tournament, Paramount, Ex- • Kroll's Crew Loses Heartbreak Setback to LACC on Final Relay Lack or per11onnel probably made nt tht' clay, In 3 min. 24 sec .. & the t11ffl'rence brlween winning new school record for the di11tance. and )Oiiing for co11ch J oe KroU's Belshe 11.ml H odgP!\ t arh had Or11nge Coast Collrge tankrr11 )Ml their 11ha1 c o! thrillers. Al the week a!ter droppln~ a 48-38 heart-llta rt or Ure 100 ft'PI' the gun Jam- breukcr t o Los Angeles Cit y Col-med fo r a arC'ond and then fired, ll'gc on lh!' strength of a LACC and B··hihe htl lhp waler a full sec- win In the final relay, ond ~hind three l..A CC swimmers. Swimmln~ without thl'lr num· O SI': Ot' GICEATf:ST ~r one 11p1·intPr Graham Gibbon!! 'l'he cu:1loma ry ropt> lo s top a and deftndlng ~tale diving champ race after a false start was miss- Jack Bell, the Bue llpla!lherll won Ing. 11nd lhr Coa1>t 11ophomore went lllx of ten !'vents Tucsd(ly, l\larch on to swim one of his greatut 22, at Loa Angl'lrs but Wl're l'<lged races of his JC competilJon, edg- out In the deciding four man free-Ing out LA'll Dave CroNelt In • 11tyle evf'nl by the Cubs, runnl.'ra· Judges' decision with a flashy 6~ Gaines Writes of Gulf Fishing "Brick" Galnea, rormer Ne-w11- Pre11s columnlal and vet eran Har- bor sport~fiahe-rman now on "for· eign dut y" In T t xu, la•l week p3Sl!ed 11omc fl11hlng news to Lee JonnB. Balboa Angling Club. By <'lipping he lllfonn!'d J ona.a that varieties of ytllow tin tuna, rang· Ing f rom J 20 to lTO lb11 .. are belnc rRught a:> to 75 miles out In the Gulf of Mexico by Texa• State Fish and Game boala. Althoug-h thl• fish and white and blue marlin also are available ln aOO-falhom water, Galnea wrote rommtrci&l canning ot them la ~Ing con1lder,.d by Tex.. toter- uls, 11hould sufficient catchea be docktd. Shrimp flaherm"n are planning to fish for the three typt's 11flu shrimp ata110n enda, he wrote. Kimes Takes Post Oat clocking. up for the state J C championship William F . Kimes, UBlitant 1111• fut year. The Cubs' Saul Bem11telo . third In last year's statt champlonehlpa. pertnlendent 1n charge of buaineu BEL.~HE WJXS THREE took a win ov.-r Hodges by Inches a t Orang• Cout College, bu ac- Bud BelHhl' racked lhrt>e w ln11 In the 200 back but had to come Cl"pted the chairmanship of the In the 199, 220 and 440 rreesty le11, off the wall on the final t urn per· State •School Building Commit~ 11nt.l George Lyon11 added two more tectly to touch out the Cout ........ . .. ...__ . . ... ,,..,_ ST AFFORD 6 SON 11• WNELS and DOC" IELU'TIUCAL <'U~"'nlACTUU ...... l.Drrty ...... .._..... 4.._ ~-..... .._.. Boyer's Balboa Unoleum Co. .. -IACK BO\'ER - %301 "'. Balboa Boele\rud • Uaoleu.m • Rabber Tile • CAJlltl • Asphalt Tilfl e ~t e F-'ca e Vacht e lutallaUoa Harbor 5389 Newport .... AITHOIY'S MARKET *Home-made ITALIAN SAl'SAGE *Complete S~k ITALIAN GKOCERH.:S *IMPORTED ITALIAN DELICATESSEN Fre1ib Made RA VIOl..I -llt"al or C11eet1e BEER and IMPORTED WINE THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS S'79 E. 1 '7tb St.. Coner of r.tm ea.ta .. ···-51n 0,.. 1 0a,. a "'H!ll -7::Je a.-. t• H:91 ,. -. WE CATER TO filPOllT FISHL"G BOATS frrsts In the ind1vld11al medll.'y and frtshman. The two men hit tht of tht Cali!orula AeaoclaUon of 200 brPast.. Alan Hodges, Lyons wall together and Btrnsteln'11 6 Pubhc School Bualne111 Official.a., and J11.ck Sl Plnman won the 320 !t. 3 in. frame m adl' tht dl!!erence He will serve durtnr th e ':15-'~ y_a.r_d_m_e_d_1r_y_rt'_l_a_y_._t.h_e_,,r~1r_11_t_e_v_e_n_l_1_n_lh_e_1a_11_t_f_o_u_r_>~·•_r,_d_& ______ llC'_h_oo_1 ~y-e_a_r._ _ _____ __:__:~::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~ r I , Thia Famous "Rocket a· ' C>LC>SMC>BILE'S ENTIRELY IT'S A HARDTOP WITH 4 DOOR91 Jt'e the n ew H oliilaJ· ~Nfan hy Ol1l11mobile-tbc fiut completely new body t ype ~inrt' tbe introduction o f the lloliday Coupe. llt're you find all the Ion~. 11m ootb-ff owinJ? buuty and charm of a hardtop; 1; plu.• tb,. euy-in~a~y-out flpacio1111nf'~8 of a fo ur-door. y,.~. b ere'1 fo ur-door M"dan 11pace with h ardtop grace! And, best of all, only Oldtmobile bringl!I you this thrillin g new model in all t hree aeriea-"88". Suprr "RS" and"~inr1 r· Ei~ht ! Sec thf'm at ~·our O M •m o h ile d ealer·e. NEW c~..,,) L--' .,.,) S ~. c~,..,,) Ea I '-5 -Youa Numt OL;'IMOMI..,... -------..---------• MILLER CH .EVROLET CO. 1~ West Coast HMJllway NIWPOIT llACH .) I ~ ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 31,· 1955 -SLEEK AND POWERFUL I 955 Oldsmobile Supe" 88 stops briefly so party can admire $25,000 prize Arabian 1t•llion, "Alyfar.'' led by Student Joe Fran~. et famed Kellog9's HoMe Ranch ne.r Pomona. GRANDE DAME of Don Lugo Rancho is Mrs. Julia Fuqu•, who pl•ys a few rel igious hymns on centrury-old organ while If rom left) Mr,. "Slim" Barnard, Elmer Wolfer, Alex and Florence Spring· borg, proprietors of Glen Ivy Hot Sprin9s, join in the singin9. Mn. \. ugua came to ranch in 1866 and her father once ruled I 0,000 acres. SMORGASBORD table ett Glen Ivy Hot Springs offers more then 50 d ifferent vari- eties of color meets, fish and cheeses. Sulphur baths and rubdowns from • 0 a n i s h masseur put-new life into the p•rty. The sheltered outdoor swimming pool is filled from • nearby warm water spring. PRICELESS twin Arabian hones, Calmyr •nd Celamyra, are put through paces by trainer . John Tresh. Ranch is now • portion of Cali· fomia Polytech· nic Colle9e, where '400 stu- dents Study horsemanship. TIME OUT- 8 r i e f Stop i1 made on ro•d to GI en Ivy Hot S p r i n g 1 to Jet "horsemen" pass ~ •nd pet two prite St. Bernard dogs. Glen Ivy b•thhouse is in the bedground. PART FOUR, PAGE ONE Tour Includes Historic Sp9ts Thia week's motorlogue is something Southern Call!omlana tbouJa clip for future use becaUBe it provides an excellent week end aigbt-aeetnc trip for relatives and friends when they visit here. Our route covered only 162 miles and yet took ua through auorted scenes-Kellogg's Arabain Horse Ranch, Glen Ivy Hot Sprinp, Don Luco Rancho and San Juan Capistrano Mission. Another plea.aant featute' of this trip ia the c<>Bt. reckoned at .ome- thing like $11.45 a person, including meals, lodgilig and guoline. Of coune, the expense can be leaaened by doing the route in one day, but overnlghtlnl ia a stimulating diversion. For this week end, Miller Chevrolet Co. furnished ua with a 1965 Olct.. mobile Super 88, which our party found roomy atld full of power. We left here for Tustin. The road from Tustin to San Juan Capiatnno is through golden rolling hills and ranch country and at San Juan ther. ia the famous Mission. Capistrano Mi88ion was founded I n 1776, the year of our country'• Declaration of Independence. In 1812. fieveraJ of the buildings were wreck· ed by a series of earthquakes and, until now, only some of them have been restored. But the ruins, among the reerected structures, givea oft a charm- ing aura of the histt>rical past. It was pleasant indeed sitting in the Mi88ion yard, munching popcora and now and then flicking some kernels to the multitude of pigeon• strut- ting there. SULPHUR BATHS The Mission is at the junction of Highway 101 (which brought ua from Tustin) and Highway 74. We took an uat on 74 and drove until we viewe4 Lake Elsinore. The lake, which desperately has n~ed water for yean, la growing again from. the recent hca\'y rains. It would have been nlc• to aq with our beautiful vlaw, but ..,.. rolled our OldJlmoblle onward Ull• tll we jolnf'd Hlchway Tl where w .. tumrd lrtt to Corona. Our next atop wu fllY'/ folr all to llt'e for It la landmarll-4 w1th a huge totem pol• •lsnalllq the enrance to famoua OMii 1?7 Hot Sprlnga. Ila proprtetor, Asel , Sprtnrborg. &hipped • pol• trmD Brltl11h Columbia. w,. were w,.11-met t.y Axel aa4 hla wtfe. Florence, Md -decld• ed that w e would ap.nd th• 111P' In thl• lntue1t1nr hoalelry, _,.... the cu1tom of lbe houae 11 to Nne Danl1h amorgubord every kt.,.. day. ln the mornln1. lt.f\er br'e&ktut. our party tool< 1ulphur betM an4 rubdown• from a Danlah m.-utr. uter on, we took a plu.a .. ln tM •hellrrf'd ll11tdoor swlmmlllf pool which 111 tllll'd from a warm water aprlnir. Mu~·h refreahl'd. w• bid our JM»U irood-.,yr and aped on Hlpwa1 71 through Corona to the famo\18 Don Lu110 Rancho for an encbant1.nr visit with MrA. Julia rucrua. tM 1rRnde dame of the raacllo. Mra. Fuqua nmf' to the rancll In l~ wht'n 11ht' wu two ~a,.. old. Hn tathtr once nia.d 10,000 a rru . Mra. Fuqua rttOUnted talra of the oldl'Jl daYJI. The taMe at which we aat wu 100 ,._,.. old. RANCHO H08PITAUTY She told ua how llh• had to do hf'r .. ahopplnc" when th_.. -re no itorea betwffn the ranebo aad Lo. Ancelea. On a ahoppln1 day, Mrs. F'uqua took a wacon -d four ·horee team to Loa A.nplea. ll'aving at e a.m ., arnvtnr at th• gl'nf'ral •lore on Main at1"99t at 8 pm. lt wun'L lonr betor• •h• took us Into a drawlnc room where llh• pOlnted out an orpn more than a rl'ntury old. She aat down ud jpnt• ly fln1trreJ out a walta and Ll\e,n rln~d hrr Impromptu concert with · Nrarn My Cod to The.·· and we all Jlllnrd hn wllh our volcea. On" halt'll to bniax off a c1Jv•r- 111nn hk .-lhr onr we had at the rancho :-.-everthelesa. we boarded nur motor car and took Htchway 71 through Chino and Pomona to thf' frt' .. way. 'Wr tnok thf' off-ramp 11 t the Kellogg Arabian Hone J'tanr h. Th111 S• 00(),000 11prrad wa• 1 tv- rn t r1 th,. State of Callfomla by t h.. W I< Ktlloitit P'oundatlon of r1tl1fnrn ia Polytrr hnlc Collr1e. Wh• '" 41)(\ 1'lut1tnta •ludy the IH• "•l•nl!. ••l•ln~ 11 n'1 tr111n1nr ot t11t1••rl' A f<AKIA;\ HOR14F. lilHOW Al I hi' rR "' h rv,.ry Sunday, lh"r" 111 e '"'"' A11thoon hllr"" 11ho- """" In lhr puhll1· for 40 cent11 Hdn11•""" Th,. "how 111 an hour l••n11 Anti h1111 111 11rv . •II nf thtrm I'" l 1•11l111ly 1n1r r,.~lln1t lnr r hll· •lr•·f' J11hn Tr,.~h " l hf' ranrh·11 horae tr1110• r Hr hll• t1111nMI honra for Tnm MIX r; •. n,. Au try. Rny lllo«• "'" 11nrl 13111 k J nn".o R11rinlph V•• IPnllnn " ~ll'l'ol """~ tr111nrtl at the r110 .. h. 11nt1 thl' ~v~ll ,. 1rtor'• 1ad• di" I~ on ~xlh1Uon I h"""· Th,. rl'lum t Mr """" an •U1 MAP SHOWS· route ta~en by Motorlogue p •rty on 162-mile scenic tour of the Southland. Journ,.y. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--=----=--=-::....::--::.....=. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCAL SCOUTS TRAIN FOR CANOE TltEK Three Harbor Scouta take part in the fint ot two canoe treks offered by the Orange l:mplre C.Ouncil of Boy Scouta of America during Euter Week \•acation. The trek will be & three-d&y 70-mile exploration of the Colorado River. Repre8entlng the Harbor area will be, from left, Bob Potter, Dan Pierce and DeMia C.Ole, all of Explorer Poat 5. -Buah-Pierct Photo SILYERADO SITE • Scout 'Wilderness' Camp Made Possible by Gift ORA:'\GE. (0CXR1 r 1nns rnr •1 rmr('rl\· mllke II SPlf·l!llfft('1enl In Boy Scout ramp 1n Silvera<!" 11"rt' wn l<'r 11aprly. reve11lw tod11y Al' W 111111m H :-.rn . lfnwnrd l'• hllof~ll.Mlstant Srout ler or Sll1·erado ml'l wl.h th" ill•-"Xr• ut I\ e nf th" 0 111nii<' Empire · (.'n11n«ll. 11111<1 th" Srout off1cf' lrtC'l allornl'y '• or.i" to •h11<"u•s rl11n• rnr lhl' l'llmf' nrr trntallve. dttdlnr of canyon lant1 to "(he but 1nrh1d~ d t'!Stll;na11ng the allt u Orange E mpire Anoa C"'nunol of a ··w 11t1ern•'.•!!.. • 11nir . •·llhoul the Boy Scout.. of America. r11bln11 &nd 111 the mll~l. only one M iiler. prestdt'nt of tht' Dougla11 lar1ore building tor mttllnir1. Hotel G<>rporatton of Omaha, 11nd Thf' ump probably .. 111 bl' re- forml'r ownn of \ht' R1h· .. r 111lo Ho-l!t'T""" for oll'ler boy 11 of txplorer lrl 11nd other holl'l proputle11. ran)( and above, be adt1f'<I. plana lo dHd over aome 40 11c res If th• traMfer ot land ta ac· of land mJd~ay up lhe ranyon. Thi' loc11Unn fron111 on S1lnra"o compll11hed. the camp 1o1.111 be nam· Crl'f'k IUll'I t'ltll'n'1JI bark ln lhl' f'd ··e11u1. .. Bill for am Miller cr .. l o! lhe mowilaui.. Sp1 inp on and Ze! tor hill liv1nc wllt, Ha.Ml. 1 Award Winnen' Names Listed p ,1.. ,., C'onflllllon In ll~tlng n.•m.-~ or :'\l'""l><lrt H11rbor t:nlon I il~h !'t h<K•I •ludr nl • v.'hO won • •·rl1f11 ntr 1< Anti rups In th!' rtc!'nl l!.1nk .. r A n>"rl• n 1u hlf'\'"mt'nl ll\o\'1trol• ""n'""l thr n11mf'11 art' rt'· pcitl!'d hl'low C!'rtlflc11t.-wlnneri~ werr f)on11ld Bt'ally, ma lh: Jane 011lran<ll'r, l11oor11lnry 11<'1cnct . Cami Sh11w. music; <.:h11rlr11 Rk f'. E ngll11h . Judy Stewut. art; Rk hard R&g,.r. !!O('lal IK'lencf'. J!'rald HUibert. for· t'lgn l3llgua11;es: Sue Ktlm. bu11I· nea11; Bumi 8hJgllkl. hume f'cont>m· ICJI. and Oen• W&«l'oner. agTlruJ- lure. CUp wtnnera .,.,.. Bea.tly, cen- ~ral ne\d of ttelence and math: Ml .. St~art. fine a~: Rice. llb- l'l"lll •I'll. and MIMI )(elm. VOCll· llonaJ al"ta. Th~ rour W111 ro on ~rtolW competWoa ln April. - HOE/'4 SOKTll -Al•meda, 1FHT:-.-c1 NRvy Lt. !Jir> Rily J. Wud, 111m <>f Mr. and Mrs IlouRlH rt \\".trd of 123 v,.. ndlnl'. !llr w f)llrt ~arh, anti hu,band nf lhf' formf'r Jtfi1111 Ann VtrMtultn of Grand Rllp1tl~. Mlrh . hu reported to the U. S. N11v11l Air SlAtlon here for d uty u Air !llavlra · Uoa Ot flet•r. Prfor to 1>nlf'r· lnr the 1'avy In July. 1952 hP WU cradualed from Ule l:ni· nntt7 ot callfomia. Only !1/2 Months Left for Mesa lo Seek F1nd1 CO•ta Meaa hu two and a halt monUui to put In tor C>tapt.er 20 at.ate monlu for conalrucllon o( public work11. City Manager ~o­ r.:e C:n<rey wnnt<1 Mraa city coun- rll rrc•ntly. Approxlmat,.ly 11'4,• 000 I• available fllr th" Mu ... .. we·d like d,.tlnlte ln.t1lrucllona u to Whal proj,.rt& the montJ ehould ro Into.'' Cotft'y requ.ted. CoUllcllm&n Berl Smllh Mid bl 11tlll felt the m onty 11hould 10 \n~ dr&ln•ge pr-oblem• faclnc Ole com- munity. He ukrd Coffey a bo11l the coal ot an election propo11\ns «:na- tion of ten 1eparat11 draLnas• ..., trtclll In Cotta Mua .. Cotfty eallma trd •Ucb an ..... Uon would C09t 12·3000 . • . . 'Spain Co!or Film Set for Monday Show loat La11ached Here by Gre~enber9 A 01 \\' ~1i;htsN·llli:" \'\ .s;Jt'I ~lh1W 6 onl l11l th~ :-\1>1\'J'•'l't Hnrb.•r \\3• ter \\'111·" r,·,·1•ntlv for fl11I Cll't!I· tenb.•1 g's J.'un Zon~ Boat Co. It will b r outrlltrrl In thl' wnlt'r anJ reoJy to <'II ry 7~ (>Pl 11ona 11n daily trip:! t11 (,.lll(llrlll 81'11Ch il nd 1r1111111I lhe ~y whrn the eummt r u a8'\n bt'&lnl'I.· Grettf'nberg a1111t. HARBOR HOUSE STARTS FASHION NIGHT At Harbor House Restaurant in Costa Meaa laat Friday evening a large selection of fashion• wu on display before a capacity crowd which 'attended this "first night" event: Plana are now being mkde for another similar evening shortly after Easter. Shown here a re (I. to r.): Ba.rbara Worsham of Santa Ana, model ; Gloria FickUng of Laguna, commentator and producer of the show; John Majuri, Harbor House owner, and Charlene Ward of Laguna, model. -Beckner Photo PAGE 2 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Mrs. Hartlein THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 Takes 5 Awards MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS By nM MATHE.NY Who was it who said what about the idea of "eating lion the first of March and putaking of lamb at the end of the month?" Can't quite recall, but the idea of dining on lion's manes ala Arlean, or "King of Beast ala carte plate No. 2" doesn't eound nrarly 8.1 lntrtgulng I.II l&mb I Mr1. J ohn Hartlein, of Harlleln Flow,ers, Corona del Mar, return· ed from the IntemaUonal Flower Show l.n Hollywood with five awards. Flowera from all over lhe world were arranced and displayed In the competitive 1how. Further recocntUon of the local flor l1t'1 work la rewa rded by Mlec· lion of M t1. Hartlein to be one of 20 designer• lnvllt'd to display a t the Design School a l lhe Flower Muket.. 1-. Loa Angelea. Thla 111 a show limited to "trade v1sltor1" and wU1 dlaplay work designed tor wcddlnga. Euler and 1uch 1eaaon• al evcnta. SMACK-AND AWAY GOES SHOWBOAT Mrs. Dal Grettenberg, wife of owner, give1 a might smack with the champagne bottle to launch the 40-ft. Showboat last week at Rosan'a ship yards. The excursion boat will be added to the fleet of the Fun Zone Boat Co. Showboat will carry 75 passen- gers, with room for 30 persons under the canopy. She was built by Mitchell Boat Co. of Costa Mesa. Grettenberg expects to use her for daily trips to Laguna Beach during the summer aeaaon. -Staff Photo ANNUAL 'HARLE9UIN' MAS9UE DANCE SET TOMORROW NIGHT The annual ma.equerad1 d:lllce planneod around a "Harle- quin" theme will be held tomorrow night In the Student Center at Orange Coaat College, according to Dean Marie V. Howu. Decoration for tha event will consl11t or varl-colored harle- quin cut·outs, vivid pasteboard balla, confetti and aerpenllne.\I. All those who attend are reqneated to wear costumes. Betty McCarthy and Dean Ather ton are co-chairman In charge of publicity, decorallona and program. Music will be turnlahed by Charles Eru'a 1even p iece band. "The Tones." The dance wUI run from 9 o'clock to 12 midnight and la aponaored by the a ctivities committee of the 1tudent body. Admission 11 t ree to student body card holder•. ~O cents for those without. Dardh: Schaefer, Balboa, was ln charge of dance band 1elecUon. Committee membe,.. are: Penny K eever, Price El- w1nr er, Penny Elwlnger, Mike 1'e1I, Mary Hetrner, Carolyn Dielman, Chet Shelden, Kathy McGrath, Patti Randall, J ohn Web1ter and Pat De1Ul11. 1lalled include Horace Clark. Hugh PlcJL.up, both vlce·presldente; J a ck Lockwood, 1ecretary: J ack J.tul- roy,"' treasurer; Ba.U DeDl11le. 1ergu.nt·at•rm11. Toasll11asten Set Officer lndudlon at NHYC Tuesday Newport Harbor Yacht ctub wU1 Knowles Car Found Cook and Ed Lynch four houra after It waa nporled atolen from China Coves by Raymond V. Know- les of China Covu. The officers found It In a parklnc lot at 2848 Coaat Highway. IALIOA INN • CAf E COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m. Daily (Cloaed Tuetlday) • SATURDAYS • Dorothy Nesbitt le1ds COMMUNITY SING IN BAL BOA c hop•, llhlllh kabob, lamb 11addle or to manruver youraelf Into a. apot •vory lamb atew. So we'll take where you can watch Buddy Roh· Toa.atma.,ters Club on Tuesday, thr "tcmng.out" part or March and ner pluylng' hi• piano a n aUll l'et the Water Front," plua "Caine be the acene ot lnatallallon of Recovery ot a. etalon car WU new officers oi the Hu bor Area made on March 23 by Newport Be•~h police oftlcen Buclay T. face A nl Fool's Dny quite nal· a glimpse or the lovely view of MuUny," a p&lr or Academy W. Stephan Smith ot Newport .-.... _.. ..... ..__.._. ...... _....__..11111111.._f//ll.._...__,..__..11111111.._f//ll.._ .... _...._. urally! p the hllla, bay and ocean at your Award nominaUon1 : at the MESA Height• wtll be h.anded the c•vel T H E p I 1 AT E feet. In Coat.a Mesa. held over for Vt· u new club president. Whrnrver we think or llhl~h ka· Buddy play1 nJghtly ln the pl· tended MlJ\, "The Long Gray Uno" bob 11nd 11urh llcC'llmp11nyln~ tll'll· ano lounge at J oli yCoburn'• hill· and a t the LIDO In Newport The Harbor Area club la one o! c.1c1cs we lhlnk nf KARA:'>t!'\ 10 tip rene:tvoW1. and f rom the way Beach, •tarting Sunday, the much over 1800 club1 In Toaatmu ten Balboa. JIM KARAM hu t'!lllb· happy CASTAWAYS 1 o o k I t talked·&bout, long·awa.lted "Coun· International. which hu ca.lned l!Ahe<t an f'XCClll'nt r·t'put11t1un with 11ernu1 as tr everyone ta enC>jlng try Olrl" with Bing CrOllby, Grace pre-eminence In the field ot train· m any Harb'1ri~ tu1 a pla«e fur hfe with a view. Maybe you ought Kelly 'id Wltllem Holden. 1ng men In the a.rt of publlc 1pe&k· auperb fornl to cutaway your troubles one Il'1 true, there'• a lot of place. Ing. There are ~2.000 munben Don't NIY t hat we 1l1dn't warn night r'&I ll()On and go on u p there to Jl'O, a lot of people to He, ._ lot throuc hout the United Stal•• and y nu. you'd hellt•r IZl'l owr to TH ~; and join the gay crowd. 1 ot t hings to do, but you do have a In many parll of the world. A rtC"HF-~ t hi" \\• • k on 11< • 11u.n1 Th,re'U be a lot of guya and gala lot of ,Ume ln which to t.ccompllah T he local club celebrates the be- J ohn \'1lrllr 1,. 1:l'lt111~ t•11tly to mAklng a bee·llne for CHRIST· your deeds. So, talce It u.1y, play genning of ll1 fourth year llnce 28th St. at Newport.Blv~ -()pea 10 a.m. dally Tap Beer ._, tile J!1reew. -Hot Dop -II-.& •em You~t f'ln~" 1<hop l•'r h1• 11nn11111 holl1l&y j rAN'S HUT this week-end you can It aa.te and ltk k around & Jone belnJ chartered. to all ."111plny:·• • Thry·ll be oy1n bet('ha! ll'• a popular apot when time. Be carelul. H ave f un! Other orflcen who wU1 be In-~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~ until Ea.•ttr SuntlAy mirht. 1<0 y1111 folks come to Bal for wcallon. r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;; hav .. l1m1· ttl nb~orb som, or that I Mt.lire rt' );farahall and Art La gr-011 t1m•• "''tr nt t h" r<>rulnr Shelle can point out a. lot of younc C:oa11t Htghw"y l<J'OI rolks whose d&ddlea and molhera F.\'l•r 111'11tlt•1I lo sl11y In fur Uic &re a l90 "regulan." at THE HUT. f'Vl'nlng 6nrl th• n ~cl hofl1I eml TradiUon-Uke. eh'! hungrv for 110~lhlr1~ "rhtr1>rent 7" Jack10n Goa~y 1a est&bllahlng Or h11\'e you had j!Ul'~l" '1rop In a pleuant tradition 'round lhele 11nt1 pl11nt thrm1<f'h« • ''"".,, with pt.rte. You co to THJ!) PIRATE on 1 thAt hun"ry lnnk ~ 28th St. t.nd ec..,. In lhe enjoy· 1 ="""l 11111.-th"t 11 .. ppnu. tu you, 1 able ~time ot quatttnc tap brew juM 1lun t wnrry & amgJ.-hair cm i •nd dabbllill' In amall ta.1Jc by the I your htad ~trp to th.· phone and tlrulde. You'll know & lot of the contRrt t :l~A;'\;UOLr~O S 1lown reople who frequent THE Pt- B11 lt>-ltl-l••l'O) A~k Frank 1 , iw r'" RA TIC. They're all local pala and Up hoping plat~ll <tr llUC'('lll<'nl ~Ill~. lll"'l:hr• ti rr111ly W br clrownrrl In A cute glmm1ck at THE P I· t hi\t <1chr1nu• :<B11t ,. Tell him you RATE i. the MrYinc ot raw hot w.1J1t to tnp 1t orf ''Ith m11unt111ns 11loif8 which you rout your.cit over "' 1 heritC' und 1>h<tmJ' nq a f<'W tall· Lhe fire. t y break •l •• k,. "h1l•t •I• ''ourtn~ TomOtTOw nlc ht la r..blon that true Ito.JIM rt.o.I. :"lght a t SE AFARE LODGE down GflA:"liUULFO S nC>t only lll'rvu 1 Legun&-way. There'U be mualc, fa.m1l y ~t)'lt• rlrnnl're in their d1U1cln(, ec tertalnment &.Dd ~au. quaint f"l!lAUr&nt , but lht y &N' 1 tif'\11 model• In • cala "J!:ut.u J"Mdy, "1llln1t an1I a bl1• to prepare I Par&de." M vory put1u to R'•' lo your homt. Jo Lant.a and Bill Skiln a.re the cab&n•. f'6tlO. yacht M 11hllfly 11pot purveyors ot mualct.I ttd·blta tor undl'r a trN'. L1kr p1u a 4 y our plea.sure at SEAFARE On the octa.n front a t Bal there I LODOI: A ND RESTAURANT. A b a •ort blentllnir or 111•a breeze11 lot of people aroWld h ere teeUty and hwiky \'OIC<'• every Saturday lhot a good time la alW&YI handy bight. That'" when Dick Md K&tl' when the crowd coee to lhe spot Dent tum ovet" their BALBOA high over the ocean, j ult ~t La- lNN CAYE to popular Dorothy guna Beach. Netibltt "'ho lea48 the wandering Maybe your tut• w1U caU for t.enorm and altoe Into a weU ollNl a gr'lOd movie thla wee.k·end. The community 11lng.fe11t. Try It for I local boya gc> all out to eee Ul&t I au. aome Sat. eve when you feel yc>u and your famJly enjoy only I like alngmg. Try It M>on. Makes I Lhe bMt lnclnem& fan. H_..., a you fN I real cood! ea.mple ot wb&t'a wbat oc the wide ' Th• thin&' to do when you r:o up 8CTHJ\a In the Harbor anal at the the hill to THE CASTAWAYS I.I PORT, In Coron& del Mar, "On PLAYING NIGHTLY '" PIANO LOUNGE C..,_ l :IO p.m.) Coast Hwy •. at 17th St. ' • Liberty 1-3071 DELUXE LUNCH ll:IO a. m. -1:00 p. m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES 1:00 p. m. -1:00 a. m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Pnc. the Year Around CHINESE CASINO 111 llala St.. B&lboa Harbor 2203 RIAL MEXICAN FOOD ILA POSTAi 8~.U for 11tOM \\'Ito DeaiN U yoa prefer to stay at home to tee your favorite teJevWoa program try oOJ' boxed Mmcan dlaaen or llpedal orders to ta.ke out. l'bey're l'M'ty to Mne. l'UVATJ: PilTY aooM FOB LAAGE PA&Tma !Ml Newport Blvd. COSTA MISA l lllodc SoaUli or Sjuta Ana eo-u, a u ___ r_.,_i.._-~3-I Grantlollo 's (formerly of Hunat) complete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAOllETl'I e LASAOSA HOM!: • MADI: llA VIOLI e STEAllS e SEA FOOD ,OOD %'0 00 s11 1a1boa 11vc1. BALBOA ttcat.or 4131 Oloeed • ...,.. THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge ? OPE.'I H A. ll. TllllOUGB I A.. II. • N...,.rt lllYCL -OoMt lllc~ N'&WPO&T BEACH • <We an Ol-4 oe n..,...,._> ''Superb Foot/" PA.A&IXG BDVICE ROii oua oooa Tht' bt>auty ut ~p1Hn.A "n:<1okrr1I one of Europt'e ftn•'"l v11.-&uon lttnds. will be ~hown In N lor.f1l111 at lht :--<'wport H11tlx•r L'nhln Hl&h Sl·hool a11J1t 11r1111n. l\lunilay evening, April 11. the fourth color·rlfm to bt 1hown on lhl.' world travelogut' anlH ChfforJ K1U1u•n. pholographeor. will appea r aa narrator. under th~ 1u1plcu of Elmer W1laon. In aouthem Spain he 1how1 Se-ville, olive gTOVH and ractoriu a nd thr Rock of Gibraltar. ln reontral Spain 11 the trodltlonal Cutlle with it1 castlu, !hf' cltln of Bur· r oe, Segovia, Tol~o and Madr id. Aleo the mlnea and aleel mlll11 of Bilbo& and factorlu and harbor• of Barcrlon&. Jn thr Baaque country he fUmtd th~ F1eat& of San Ferml.n at Pamp· Iona. cllmu f'd by a bullfli;:ht. Thi' film a lso Includes Mallorca, In the Ba learic hla.nd1. r! t:t¥Lt-.m HELD OYER Tyrone Power Maurffn O'Hara "THE LONG GRAY · LINE" 8TART8 Tl:l:SDA\' •' ftea'ular PrlON iiiiiii ---..... . ...... Tblii marks thf' alxth year of oper11 tlon1 In !':rwport Beach. ac· rordlng to GrC'tttnberg. Shnw Boat Joins two othl'r 1\11ht11eein1t craft" In hi• fleet. Belle ot 8 1 lboa. and O.y Quef'n. Grfllenbnc operatu the year-round. TWO ACADEMY A WARD PICTURES START WED. ONE \VEEK °"' .,,.. ,._.~,.e .•uwa .....-.•--·Ull• . ... -... -............ --·--·-...... ---.. --·--·- M•llTTH• M•N OPTH• CAIN•I ......... -.-·--9"~ -...... --.--.. ---.... ----·----, ___ ,_,. __ L I D 0 71i,·c,trt · .. ..... ~. . ' THE BIG SHOW OF MOVJE MUSICALS! W1t11 Richard HAYDN • Wilham DEMAREST ~t.----~ __ ......,....._ JOIL" IRt:1 .. um "FAST AND FURIOUS" ST ARTS SUNDAY A Talked-about Motion Picture Brings You Three Talked-about Performances This drama and its aclmg achievements will be talked about all through 1~5 ... and for many yeaf3 to come/ ~Tim CXJUhiilY QIML' AP~"CT\M& ~ "A!'!"H.~")ft.~T C 1111.l>tcJ'.~"-4 arton-~f'W11 IUds ,._ ... Sat. I :"6-"A."WEL.tj IS THE Ot.:TY1£LD'9 ' ) C .A SUH FA S 11 10NS NEW FASHIONS FOR HARBOR AREA Preparing for an April 1 opening, the proprietors of the new Ellgene Shop in Costa Mesa discuss the caaual fashions they will offer for milady. From left, Mr. Mel ' Gehrke, co-owner; Mrs. Mildred Davis, manager of the new store; and Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Phillipa, co-ownera. Ellgene will feature such nationally famous lines as Cole swimwear; Pat Premo golf t ogs; Fleischmann denims; Copeland separates and many others. -Beckner Photo LIGHtWEaGHl' BAIT TANK EXAMlffED Vic Berry. kft. Everguard Bait Tank distributor and Bill Severance. m a n a g e r of South Coast Co .. which also distributes the prod uct. examine the lightweight tan k which keeps bait live and fr<>sh. This tank is aboard the Hunt.er craft, Hnppy Holi-. days, owne<l by Jim HClliday of 809 Lidu Soud. Nate S<>al's E verguard Co, is local· • ed in Newport B<'ach. -Slatf Photo Death, Injury RemaiR From Easter Week Car Accident lalboa Girt StfH in Coma at Hospital Following Tragedy 18 Harboriles in. Loan Class Nt w "3Vln"" 11nrt IMJI t~lnln~ rlaMl'll 1n l'IAntA Ana have llrown 1\8 rnrolll'f'11 tmm .UI f14lra nt OrMgt' <'ou11 ty ttpnrt" f'r·ed f'rmton or l'\rwpt11 l R11lbr>~ Sav- 1ng-11, r•rN•llltnl nt thi-OrAtlite fty PAT )tlCllAf;I .. " l'1111nly rhnpt!!r M the AmHuan ~A NT A AN A i\f A R("H 211 11WNS1 11 wo " Wt'Pk Jwrl Ilk" So 1'1ni:11 ""<1 U111n ln11lll Utf nn<ler thh1 tht wr('k bf-fMI' P:a&trr \'1Hat1nn. It h11rrwnl'd ('arlv 1n th!' who.<e llU!IJ'llll'll the t ralnln« p10- " f(Mlm \11 rnnrturtrrt, mnmlnl?'. on Balbi11< Bl vcl A.tlll \ofUlt Ht,hwny. nn Ap11I 111. 19:11. F.l~hlr••n ot lhr NPwpnrt BfUhoA Thr Jlnl811 u .. n-1.Hlrn v•l11n m11dr n lrt\ turn in rn th" p1101 of " $avlnitl' l<tarr Rrt' ,.nrnllrd In tht· huize ~,.m1·n•H,.nkrr \1 llWl\ng up thr hll?h"' ilV from !'Ian tllfll:<' pohre N•Ul"llf'". C'rnxl'n 1111111 The 11\lbJ"c'• P jW'•rt,.<1. I 1 1 Rhc-hAJO not IH" 111>\'tn,11 11nd l•111n prln('!plu, Tl\"I" "'""' 11n ,...,,.,.r11111n~ r111'h <'ll lll -'nni 11"'" l't'&l ,.,.111\•• 11rrn1111111~ A.nrt e11rrow11. Y'lun~. lrrrlrir•I h•wllt·~ ~r•ll,.rl r~~nst•"I irtnrl' t ht rtfty •hi' a rrt''• Crn:rnn rrnd1e11 !ht llU!l rmtn1t'. He from lhl' rRrr<>nin1t ""''"" RJ! ll <' r,.r11rt11 tt)AI 11tulll'nt11 A rt' "nrollrd plumn111lf'd 11<'r<•~-th" "''"I 11nti 'T'h<' lr11i;C'd)I ~!ill c11nl ln11•'1' I'' from 11<•\'pral othH fl<'lrtll r"l&t.ed ur "" embAnkmrnl. Thl'l" ""'" 11 mnr 11\" livr .. "' 01h"r" 1n,.,f1 .. •I tn the 1111vlnj!'• llnl'I l011n tntlustry, .. rP&hl of lllr«'n"," 1·rnwtl 11f I o-A ''"r"n"r'11 Jiii y '"1111'1,.l•'IY \\n. ""' Wf'll "" rmrn all 12 nf Orl\n1te pll'. Rn<l thrn whtll'·l'Ul\l<•d mt•11 In cl11 ·''"" Tr11< k Urt\'•r Ch11r1t·~ AJ. c nuntv•" ""'"'"," an•I lrwui "-""Od· U\,. 11.mbUIMCl'll haulrd th1>1r bAl• hn Rrnn!'\l. 2!', nf ="lllrnnl\I ('lly llltr\n~: t••tf'<I, hlon<ly rar1:c><'ll l\WA,\/. Hnwl'Vl'r 1\1' And lh" fl rnt hr rrp· J Att••ncHnir frnrn ~f"'·rort S nllw>a 10 IS\'()l,\t:U ri.,,,.nte.11 nrr <'1111 .-ntlv thf' 1111hV•l l ~""•n~~ 11r,.. Agnrs m omq11l1<1. Trn young8l<'NI. )ooklnir fnrwi.rrl Pf m u 1<111111 f11rd In Orn11ir1· (',.un-~plltl 1':R.'llma.n. Rob H1el.d. Mr11. to " ht•ppy 10pnni; ~'Arnt Inn h11•I I\" ~llp"n11r C'l>11rt. hll\llllll~ hl ll1 J)nn AakhlllO, :\ill'. CToxon. Mr11. mt'l with tragedy. ,,,,. t rt11tedy fnr lite rra."h Thi' • ron1plr11n11nl" -C'Rlhl'rtn~ Kirt1t.rr. Oolorn Ha.'lry, atilt m11rll th<'lr llVl"ll 11nd tllf! hV<'JC lh<' rnrl'ntic (>f J11 c k1r Y11mt ll 11 nd Deni\ rrauley. l\l r1<. B<'n Amel, of tl'IPlf f&mllltll. Two were k1llf"d lllanr. !l-"k &n llnwunl lh11t r"'" h· Lvlll Rnu.sth. Frf'd PTl.'111lon. Steve outrlithl. l:'l·yru -olol Jl\l'kJE' Ynr· I I'll $20() (l(IO. S~11th. F.:lt1~•a glROdA~"· Pl\lricla n "ll of f'Mlll MPllft 11nil 16-yMr·old The l1q1tf1r t1lore whrtr lh<' Ntl11on. Mr11, Carl 811n<ly, Beil)' Rnbert Hnllls M11tht•w!! n( Hunt· ynunJ<10f1•rJ1 u~rrt111lly hought lh•·lr Kn1g, Jnan Wl\lHbury and Mni. lngton Btoarh. heer hRd It..• IJ('otniw 1<11srw1ndl'd ror Doyl<' Ctl~rt. Somt of Ult> fllhtr11 hovtr•<I near three months. lt 111 now bllt'k In ------------- dralh for a tlme-11tlll others rt· hu111nr11&-however, Di-pMt mrnt nf cu~rated 1lowly. Alceo~flllr Bt'vrra1tc Control ft1tl'n~ Rezoning HeariftCJ One I• 1llll In lhe ho11pltal, eUll krer tt undn 11rrut1ny ronsla ntly. UO<'On&clllUe alm()llt "-yur a.(tf!r REMAL~DER JlEMl:-.-PED tht tr6J'IC al'<'ldent. I LytnK on while &hte~ 8t The oUlerP.-lh" living. 1John Public he&ling on a rezoning ap- plicinlon .1111hm1ttl'd by HAiry Hll· ll&rCI Md Harry Wnghl Mii bttn l!l't by Cruola MeM City Council tor April .f. The appllrAtlCln I• to make &II t.he propert y ov.'Md by lhe 1n!.l1, betwl'tn 128 and 131 Ro- cht'!!ler St. a genera.I bus1ne11a a rea. A portion ot the lot. 11 now aon· ed suburban ruldrnUa.I. Orange County Ho8pitaJ. obltvio~ M, Kellogg. J8. Shennan E A<l· to ~of time. 11tlll In crlticll.J cox. 18, Oonlllcl JMn HI('(>. 18. all condlUon. UI pretty 01"'1\e Doolit-of Hunllng~on Brach; DnMs Har- Ue of J209 E. Balboa Blvd. A yeu lo\TAVe, 16, Co1t11 Ml'llll ; John Cu.1111. ot 11.f• hU .Upped awa.y from thl1t ttto. 17, RIChArd C"U11A.Jllo, 16. both (1rl who WIUI only u when tlwlt 1 H\1.ntlng-ton Beac-h 1. a.re 'ro1U1t&ntly iut. conM:tou.e moment of terror reminded or thBt tragic momln1t a •hatt•red her younf Ufc>. She wu y e&r 11go MOl!t will bf' wltne!Ulr11 lO )fonda,.y. She la ff"d In\ raven-I tn \.he comln1t ltg&I llUll.& -but ------------- oualy by tube. She la vi.alt&<! by llke 12-yeu-old Loui.8 Doolittle, LEGAL NOTICE tier parent.JI. Bul she lie• unk:now-broUltr nl Dl•ne, who al80 wu In inc on her bed. Ult aubjert nr pity. the 11ed1U1 a t the limP or the ------------- inf rlancta from n~ and doc-er-uh. t.hty will nl'ver be able to CERTlflCATE OF BrSISf1SS ton who hovft over her. forgt t that ear·l'piltUng acreerh. nCTmot·s FDL'I s "1\l£ 8TILL cRmCAI, the ewervlng. plummeU~ can>Pn· The undert1lglled doe~ herl'by .. Wt can't. (\w any progn011IA."' In' of tht-lr car. the bodlu being r~rtlfy that he tl! conrtucllng a J ohn Llnaon. chief ot t.ht hOlfJllt.al splllt>d 11'1\o t.he 111trett•. rabtnt'l m1rnufacturlng bualne .. at medtcaJ lllllr told OCNS. "Slit But m11ybt> they·rt luckltt lh&n 2~iJ :-:"'''Jl<lrt Blvd .. Co1ta Men. im1y W1tkf up -Ahc may nrvi-r lllllnr. She can·t remember any. \ 'lllt!•'1t111t. umlrr n1.. f1ctlU011- ..,ue up. She i. autJ IJl ulrem~ly Lh1ng ] flrm na111' ot PACffIC CABINET LEGAL NOTICE J LEGAL NOTICE ------------------------------CO.M.P ANY and that lllld fir.-. 111 compollt!d of the following per- aona, whoae name.e In tull and placn of realdence are as foUowa., a>-wlt ; ARTHUR M. RAMBO 9t9 Dogwood. Coala Mesa, Calltornla. Wltneu my hand thl11 9th day ot March. 1956. ,1/ ARTHUR M . RAMBO STATE OF CALIFORNIA l u herelnaftn fft forth. and .. 1d orflcen of tllee\\on atiaU conduct 831d election and makt return thereof pur1ua.nt to law. The votlnc precinct•' polUnr placea and election otflctra duly dealgnated anct a.ppoinltd art u follow•: PRECINCT NO. L Cotta Mt11& Preclncta No. 1, 2, fS, 7. 15. 19, Riverview and that portion of Grunvllle lying within Ule Coil& Mes1. Union School D1alJict. LEGAL NOTICE Mn. N1na K. Holtby, Judgt.. Mr11. Aurelia Niemiec. Judgt . PRECINCT NO. 0. Pr«lncl1 111 ln City Electlorulfl, 7. 10. 12. 13. 14, 16, 21, 22. 23, 29, 30, 31 , 32. 33. (Th~e precincts Include: Balb<>a bland. Beacon Bay, Harbor I•land, Corona del Marl. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PA6E J THURSDAY, MARCH 31, I ~55 a:t-8Uiidiii~ Sentc. -Paintir\g Ir Paperha1,1ging We do the work ourselves. 30 yeara experience Ucen~ A: 1n1ur~. SaUefactton guara.nt«"t'd. E1tlmatea free. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 Sltfc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM Real Estate School in Santa Ana COUNTY OF ORANGE )1111. Of this 9th day of Marc-h. A. 0 . 1956. before me, ROBERT F. WILLMES. a Notary Public In an<I for the said County and State, re· aiding therein, duly commissioned anrl sworn. ~r110naJly appured ARTHUR M . RAMBO known to me to be the perlOn whoee name 11 aubec rlbed to the within Instru- ment. an<I acknowledged to me that he ext>cuted the ome. P olllnr place: E. A. Rea School -Hamilton and Meyer Plac, .. Of· !leers: M ni. Lillian Balll'y, In· spector. Mrs. Loretta Pangle, Judge, Mrs. ,R(iae Rider. Judge. Polllni Placr : Corona del Mar School. 810 Carnation Ave., Co· rona ctel Mar. Ottlcrr11: Mr•. Anne Crowl, Inapector. Mn Jane E. Morgan, Judg.-. Mra. Martha M . C\mnlngha.m. Judge. PRECINCT NO. 8. Precb1ch u In City Eltttl())ia 9. Jll. 20. %7. 34. 3:). 36. (These preclacts Include: I 1n1tall lhe above chea~r than moat. Alao ull Tile .tr Linoleum. Non-union, 26 year• ex~rlence. MEN A WO)U!lN prepan In spare time for unhmlted opportwlltlee In Real Eatate. New claue• weekly. Al Tyler tnatn10Un1'. A~ ttnd flret evt'nlng free and l~rn about tht• ,.real field. c.JI or write now for Information. Bual• neaa lrt1Utute, 4111'' N. 8yca· more. Kl 3-17:'>3. T4Uo In wltneu whereof, I have hf'rl!- unto aet my hand an(! &ftlxed my offlcllll aeal the day and ytar In th!• Cerllf1cate first above wrlttrn. /'111 ROBERT F. WILLMES My Comml1111ion Explrn Novem~ 18, 19~5 No. 1302 News-Prellll 3/10, 17, 24 . 31. 19M Cl:RTITICATE OF llU81~8S FICTITIOUS FJRM NAME The underslrned dOH hereby c:ertJty that she 111 coflductlnf a real utatt bu.tnu• at 3201 W Coaat Highway. NtwpQrt Beach Calif; 2667 8 . Coaet Highway, Co· rona del Mar. Calif; 308 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif; 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa bland, C&llfomla. undPr the ttctltloue firm name of THE VOGEL CO. and that eaid firm ls compoaed of the following persons. who .. namee and addreu· e11 are u follows. to-wit: LOIS T. VOGEL. ll<lle owner 518 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, Calif. WltneM my ha.nd thl• 22nd day ot March. 1965. LOIS T. VOGEL STATE OF CALJFORN1A COUNTY OF ORANGE )111 On this 22nd day of March , A.D., J951'>,1before me. a Notary Publ.lc In and fnr said County and State penona.lly appeared I.OIS T VOGEL, known tA:> me to be the pnaon whoae name le •ublcr1bed to the Within Inatrument, and acknowledged to me that ahe e:xecuted the aamt. In w1tnc111 whereof. I have here- unto •"t my hand and aftlxed my om cla.I 1ea.l the day and year In thll cerurtcate tint above written /el ROBERT B. POWELL Notary Public "1 and !or said County and State. No. 1307 Newa·Pre .. 3/24 . 31. 4/7, 14 . l9M N<mCE 01' SCHOOL l:LECTION NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electon of Newport Harbor Union High SrhooJ District of Orange County, Callfomla, lhat 11'1 acrordanct' with law, an el<'ctlon w\11 be h•ld on the 20th day of May, lllM, ln MJd Dlatr1ct, be· twffn Ul(' boun1 of 7 :00 o'clock A. M. and 7:00 o'clock P. M., at which ell:'C'tlon there wlU 'lw! aub· milled t.he queallon ot ahall the mulmum rate of ta.x ror t1ald DI•· lrlct be lncrn&ed from 1.75 per each 1100.00 a.Me8aed v.\u3tlon lo ll ,30 per (!&Ch 1100,00 ISAU94'11 vah1.aUon tor t he achoo! yur com· ml'nclng July I, 19~. aaJd tncreu· td t•x ratr tn ~main In effect tor t he yurt1 1855·~ to 1966-H PRECINCT NO. 2. Coeta Mt>11a Precincts No. 3, 4, O. 9, 10, 11, U , 13. 16, 17, 21 , 22, 24. Polling Plact : Main School, 1901 Newport Blvd. Offlcer1: Mre. Alice Jones. Inapector. Mra. Nellie Og· den. Judge. Mn. Beute Louna· berry, Judgl'. PRECINCT NO. 3. Coeta Meaa Preclncte No. 8. u ; 18. 20, 23. Bay· view No. 1. 2. and that portion of Paulamlo No. 1. 2. lylnf within the Co1ta Meea Union School Dl•- trlct. Polling Pla.ce: Lindbergh School, 23rd and Oranl't Avtnt..e. Officers: Mra. Sally Hlneely, Inspector. Mrs. Wanna Roberta, Judge. Mrs. Doro- thea D. Martin. Judge. PRECINCT NO. 4. Prtdncta u In 'city Electiona 1. 2. 3 . .f. ~. 8, u . 11. t8. 19, 24, 2:1. 2e. 28. (Theae precinct• Include: Weal Newport, Newport, Balboa. and Lido l•le). Polllnc Place: Newport 8c)lool, Uth and Balboa Blvd. Ottlcera: Mrs. Julia Mae Etl'ert. In.apector. Newport Htlght1, Cliff Haven. Bayview No. 3, Bayahoru and Bay11hore Camp). Polling Place: Horace Enalgn School. 1400 Cliff Drive. Newport Htlghls. Officer•: Mre. IDdna J . Jonu. Inapector. Mn. Mary Tay· lor. Judge. Mre. Mary L. Daum, Judge. That the rrturns of Hid rlectlon wlll be canvaaee<I by the Govtml.ng . Boarit of aald School Dlatr1ct on the 24th day ot May, 19511, at tht hour of 1 :00 o'clock P.M . JN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have htreunto 11et•our hand• thll Uth day of Mart'h, 19o:'.l. DONALD J. DODGE ZOE RAE BARLOW DONALD DUNGAN H. R. RING J. L. STEFFENSEN Memben of the Board of Tru•· trea of NEWPORT HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIS· TRICT 01' ORANGE COUNTY, California. No. 1300 Newe-Preaa 3/2.f, 31, 4/T. 19~5 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2 end it will run in all 3 iuue1 A Minimum ed is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor News-Prets Monday ud Thu.nday edltlollA, Plus the Coutal Shopper, Wednetday• NEWPORT HABBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monda.y and Thurlday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unee 1 Paper $ .'75 4 Unee 2 Papen 1..50 4 Line. S Papera 2.00 Coufal Slllopper a..aned Ada muat rwa la tile MC1Ma7 or TllandAJ hW.C.UO. JO.NDl1JM AD J8 • UlaS AU C\ualfte41 Ada maat .. ,.ad tor C.... ill ..Sv.-of pabllcaUoa. lndu11lvt>. to provtde mon,.y tor t.he DEADLINEa t or placiftt or canc.utna ada are: fohow1ng purpoHe: 1.4:1 of 1uch In· For Mo": PubUcatlon -Saturday Noon cr;o&el'4 111ox. rate to be Uff\I (or For Wedn 7 P\mUcatlon -TUuday 2 p.m. •c hool bulldln&"· ('quJpmtnl and For Thuraday PubllcaUon -Wedne.tday 1 p.m. nther upltAI outlay, the remain· The publlaheri wtU not be rellpOnlib&e tor more tha.n on• IJlconect lnit 1.10 to be used for optratlnit tn-.rUon of an ad. reaene th• rtpt ·to corr.ctly cl....tfy a.ny and a1J IUld mafatena.ncl' ex~n11ea ot the adl and to reject any ad not contonntna to ruJe1 and rel"Jlatlona • .choola of aald DIUr!CL NEWPOaT llA&BO• PlJllU.8HJ.NO (.)(). For the purp<:IM ot holding aaJd nu Wbea ...... .N-..n 8-ell. <Jallto,..-. eltctton. t.hta Ple-cUon shaJJ be and it la hneby ordered conaoll<lated with the School Trusteu Election called by thl.t Board for t.he New· port Harbor Union Hl&h School Dl•trlct, which eJetdlon ahall be htld on the aame dale u ald Jl't'WJ'Ort Harbor Union High School D I• tr l c. t election: t.hAt noUce of a..Jd Trusle~• Election wHI be publl11hed In the NEWPORT HARBOR l'EWS-PR!:SS at. lull onte a wttk for thrtt: conaecutlvt Wef'lcl prior to A&lel elN:llon, which Noll<'" ta hrrby r"ft'rl'f'd \n for thr de11gnat1on nf f!lection pn!t'lnct11 and Ulfl name11 of elteUon offtcera to c:onduC't thl.a el"'Ct ton. The rfturn1 or iMJl<I •lecllon will be canVJJ~d by the Govemlnr Board on the 241.h day of May, Ill:\:\, at lllf' hour of l :00 o·l'lock PM. l:'l WIT!\ESS WHEREOF. we have ht reunt•> Ml our hand11 thl• 28th day of Ftbrua ry. !9M. H. R. JUNG ZOE RAE BARLOW DONALD J DODGE J . L. STEFPENSEN Memb1>r1 of the Governing Clauiflecl Index Spedal Notbil Newport Harbor ~ you having troublea? Compare •nd aee -23-Sltuatlons Wanted BILL COKER LI 8..e20• 7Uc PAINTING Painting Ii Paper Hanging "The Beat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38th St., Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR 2'°4 tto Remodel & Repair CARPICNTR.Y. CEMENT SLABS. painting. plaaterlng. Dependable • exputenced In all building trades. Call FOSTER BROS. LI 8·2932 or Hu. 397fS·R. 23p36h CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. O. Ander110n 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2•00 83tlc "A's" VACATION PROBLEMS! WILL CARE FOR 1chool a(e chUdren In our home. Weekend• or lt'Vt>ral wel'k11. Middle a1t>d exp. woman. Lor al r!'f. and car. Llbt>rty 8· 1073. 33p36 Three b11by 11tttna available for tvtn1ng11 Phone Llbrrty 8·2722. 3~pUH Bookkeeping COMPLETE SERVICE lnr amall bualneH Including •llllement • tax tom111. Competent, re110n· able, confldf"nllal. Har. S•fll· W. 23c361\ TYPING. my home. Reuonabte. rut a acrurate. Manuacript..t, etc. Phone Long' Beach 708--072 or write Beatrice Johnaon. 4611 w. 171.h St., Apt. 2, Lone S-ch. atpp3t ONE FULL TIME GIRL .. on• part time c ir!. Fountain uperl· ence. Kl 2·'1498. a2eU VENETIAN BLIND GARDENER LAUNDRY Clean up. All Yard Work. Will come to your hoD)e, ta.ke down Ca.II aftrr e p.m. LI 8-UMI your venetian bl1nd1, take them lf no onawer call LI MTOI to our laundry. 1.Aunder the alata. 11 t•J>-.-eorda. -.::::======::====~r_..,. ...... ...,. with our new machine -proceas method. Return your blind• and ~-Install thmi In 2.f ruwn. Price very reuonable. The aver· are 2 l•pe residential bllnd- Only $1.00 We alao repair and rebulld vene· Uon bllnda. All work done by ap- pointment. Phone now Liberty 8·5701 or Klmberly 3~827•. ppUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. Prompt Repair Bemce Ma.tnt.atned Phone: Harbor ••2• 2801 Balboa Blvd., N.-port 8dcll pltp FOR RENT Skill Sawa, Jl:lec. DrtUa, Pollahen, all typea of Bandera, Wbeelbar- row1, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. H30 W. <X>ABT HJGHWAT 1Jbert1 w•~. Newport Bcb 28tto COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAUNDJCR8 ~ ll•t StrMl, Ntwport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. OH. ttc GENERAL CONTRACTING Frarnln1 a Fo1mdat1on1 J'ret £1Umat8 6: Plan Servtee C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 Slt.fc CARPENTER Repair Work Do. l'ow Home Neod R.epUrtq or Remodellne T C&ll f'Tuk. Ubarty 1-etM AJJ Worlr Guaranteed 74Uc PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good local rtfe~ntu THOMAS COLL F'or frl'e t'llllmate, call Kl 7·150 . 2lp3-4h CEMENT Ii BUILDING All Kind~ 30 YRS. EXPERIENCE tn matn• tf'na.nce 6: operatloa of commer- cial •port tiahlnJ boat. oc: yachU Know locat walera al.lo. I . r. to Pana.ma. Phone San Pedre TErmlnal 2-Me~. 11.pM LJCENSED, nper1enced aktppor available. Phone Har. 1119 ·W atter fl p.m. ncaa CLEANING A: IRONING by t}le day. Exp. Kl 1-IOM llpU PAINTER WANTS WORK. 16 year1 exper1• ence. Non union, Hourly. Liberty 8·2722. 30p8'R Roy's Maintenance ~OUM cleantnc-Floor wax.tn.r Wa.11 wuh1J11-wtndow clea.ntnc Vtt1etlan bllnda. Upbolatery lnaure<t. Fre. Estlmalea Liberty 1-1332. ltfo Experienc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 IOt!o COLORm> (\rl, 22 yn., upen. enced. children, l'tnwal oook- lnc. Uve In. RefrrenCM. •r.21 Grove Ave., Rlvemdo. Phon• Overl&Dd l·tt03. atpU EXPEJUJ:NCJ:D flberclaal molder Pl:RMAGL.A8 I.NC. Phene Klmberly 7-2084. llcU GIRLS- JUST A JOB! MORE THAN THAT-An oppo,.._ tunlty to work In an tnter..unw lndu11try ••blch h1 upa.ndlnf Md <1ffer11 "dva.nctmf'nt opportun.lty to qualified younr worn~. OPENl~OS NOW AS : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -~APPLT- ~H 1~ N. Main 81. Rm 211 -Santa An• Mdh. throu1h Yr1. 9 0() to t :OO p.m PACIFIC TELEPHONE 12tf• FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 FINE SEAMSTRF'.IJ8 WANI'l!:O. 29tl CALL A M"ER :., Harbor 887. 11<:36 PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 60l • 31.t Sl. Newport Beech Harbor 3178 22trc WANTED P"rt um .. .11t .. nosnphlft h1>lp Ct11l Harbor 3376. 33c.1~ HO\ •SF:KICEPEH for month I May t 11ftt-r r.hlldblrth. Aao hAve a 2 yr. old. Permanent po- llltlrm If dulrrd. A we can af· ford you. Har. 2299-R. 3Jc3l ~ard of Nl:WPORT KARBOR UN10N HJOH SCHOOL DI8· TRlCT. y B. P.O. E. 1767 Let a Want Ad help you 90Jve 14-Penoa&la -;,..:...---~_.;.::;.;;..;._,~----~--2 EXrERlENCED Cor1nlhfana to h"IP owner. wlfr • ehll4 all •o.-\t ft. k .. trh lo Trtntdlllt • lf'a v1nc May l , llJJProx . lime. 2 month.a. Wrlle full particulan lat letter. John ~. 9,.11.rd. 149 •16th It .. San Bnnsrdlr.o. Ph. 842-179. NCl. 130<! Ntwa-Prelll 3, 2.f. 31 417. 1950 SOTICE OP t:LEC'"l10S NOTICE lS HEREBY GfVEN to Meet. every Tttunday a p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Beach Elwood 8bell, baited Ruler the qualified elector• of NEW· ~ard of Thanka PORT HARBOR CNION HIGH SCHOOL DJSTRlCT of the Coun· CARD OF THANKS ty or Orange, Sate of C.llfornla . WE WISH TO EXPRESS our that In accordance wlUI law an deep apprtetatJon to our many l'lecUon will b1! lltld •>n Ule 20th friends and neighbor• tor the day of May, 19~5. tn 1ald D latrlct m&11y klndneaata ,xtended to u.a ~tween the hours ot 7 :00 o'clock In our bereaveme.nt. A. M. and 7:00 o·clock P. M. dur· MRS. WALTER A. !BARNEY) lJlg whlllh per1od and between HEYltR and f'AMILT. which houn lbe polla shall remain W.A.LTl:ft JI:. HETER 6: FAMILY <lpen. That l&ld election la held for 33c tht p11rpo1Hl of elecllnlf 2 membert -------------or the Boa.rd of Tru.tee1. For the purpo11e of holding .. Id 10--Bnebtw Gulde f'lectlon. the School Dl1t11ct ahall be and It la hereby dJvlded Into Mechanica1 silt eltcllon preelncts numbert"d 1 to 6. 1nc1u111ve. and th• peroom Swee~·n Serv·ice hl'relnatter named, btln1 compel· Pnt a.nd qua.litled elttt on of A id P ARKl'NO • super market.. Dh1trlcl a.nd of ~tr respective Drtn-11\1, etc . rltctlon p~cta. are hereby ap-RatN by week or mOftth. pojnted officer• of f'lectlon u b•re· COAST SWEEPING SERV. m Afttr de•ipated. to terte ln Jt25 Ha.rtlor BlYd., eo.ta Me.a Ulelr rHpecUn el«Uoll precmcll UbertJ I-NU. JloU them! Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENBlllD CONT1UCTOR 878 W, 18th St., C011ta Mua Liberty 8-M2t House Plans LIBERTY 1-412~1 10tt\'. Paperhanging Painting ~T-lW 11P4t Alcoholie1 A.Donymoua Wrtte P. 0. Boa 381 Newport Be&cll, <.:aJ1t Pbone Harbor f79:1 ~~ty-~~·-------- Superfluous Hair Permane.nuy removed trom fac1 ann1, lega. l:yebrowa and h.a.lr Une allaped-Ho m01'9 tweestn1. ~LLllN L. BRYA.Nr R. I:. Udo'a 8.Moa ot S-ut7 Bar. 2171 ttc China Painting Da1 and i:Yftltnl C1uoM Order1 TUftl Mow Phone Uberty 8-Mt8 tHfe PIANO TEACHER PJU8CILLA MA1TH£W8 Formerly ot Chlca10 au Loll Aqe1-. u &-1toe. 11cae 31oU MEDICAL 1,.cty. In~. of. ~cty. bk· kpr. t.hrhtn" opr. PoAllng ma• <'hlnr WallreM. Da y hou.e· cleaner. fukpr .. cook. Uvt In. June Farrer Empl11yn1tnt Age,ncy 40J 1,·32ntl SL. NPwport Bt-ach I acro111 from C:-lty Hall 1 J2c33 WAJ\'T MOTEL MAID. STAGE MOTEL 3026 W, C-ou t Highway, Newport B"'tch. 32c:ll MlDDLF; AGED woman W1th am. ln<"ome to pr,.J>IHP mr•AI• for •I· c1e,rly 1·<111pl!! In "X' hanire for rm. and t>oud for f"W mt"Jnlha. S.y Front homl'. Mu~t n11t 1m"k" nr drink. Hubor 40:.4-R. Upl4 WANTED mAn I or pl\lt ti me """1-tnr work in hl1th clue liquor •tore. Moat h11v" txperlenc.e arod good education, Wnte Boa P·!\2 thJa pt.per, U cH I, PA&E • • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 3t-Fantlture for s.Je ___ THURSDAY, MARCH JI, 1955 PROVINCIAL multi-colored 9xll rug It pad 1315: twtn box spring It mattru1, 1415 per aet: Paint· rd llhelvu for book• or! fl5 ea.; J03 Via Saa Remo. LJdo lslt. Harbor 1612-J. 32c33 ., ....... ,. .... BOYD'S HOWE Close Out Ughting Rxtures 50% • more OPT Complete atock includinl aoUd brua out.ide fixtures 2eao W . COut Rwy .. Newport Bch. 29d4 ftATTAN davenport <dble. ~l C'h•lr to match A: end table. Meple arm chair A: end table. Blonde dealt, T dr, wtth bench. 2 Meitlcan chain: Odd11 A en~ •C houeehold itema Incl. allver, dl1hea. ~d1pread1, drapes, etc. Harbor 2126. 32c34 Fresh Hearing Aid BA Tl'l:ROlS We Otv. Mii Grffll 8t&mpe Gunderson Drug Co. M&1n llt. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 515. 98Uc FIREWOOD ntlZ DELIVERY !)ry wood. 11" -24" len&th. C4lJ B. I\. ~TAGG Pbone Harbor 101' l:wninp Harbor 5391 8A8SINE'M'E. · like new. 19tl Harbor <lelt·M. 32c33 1000 EMB088l!:D bualnua carda, s.a.tt-3 ltne rubber atamp •1.00 4 lln• rubber atamp with cut U .00 1114 cutal. Book matchea. L . W. ·~.-----;;:; March Clearance l!IERV&L ,retr\s., 6 cu. ft.; t."tra nice ............. ... . ..... . .... .176.00 E.Al!IY l!IPIN drler, runa puftct: clean .. .......... ....... . .. . .. $69.110 O'KDJ'I: A MERR11T ran1e 31" top. conr, fT'lddle . ... .. $d.50 O'KEEJ'E • MltRRrrT ranre 39", clean ... ..... . ...... .......... .. $39,:')() BENDIX llCONOMAT WASHER, &lmoet new ...... .. ..... __ .... $79.00 BENDIX AUTO. WASHER, late model deluxe ................. $79.60 MAYTAG WRINGER WASHJ!:R, clean ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... $39.50 V .ACUUM CLE.ANE:RS. aeveral, .. ..... . ....... .. 17.60 • $49.60 Everything Guaranteed TERMjJ Jl'1'ff O.ltvery and lnatallalaon 8TROOT'S Hdwe, Hou11eware11 1802 Newport Blvd. Llberty 8·3426 Co11ta Mesa 33c 19154 PHILCO rt'frlgerator. !'-fic·e <'roae top freezer che11l model with 11pace ror botUea. butter, ve1. 6' meat. Pd. dn. to $128.17. No dn. pymnt. ju11t pay the pymt11. or $7.89 per month. See Bauchn'• A.ttS Warehouae 220 So. Maln St. 6 blJt11. Sor 4th St. Sallta .Ana. -Open dally 9.9 Sun. 11·5 or Phone KI 3·T201 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-year cuarantee on Joba done and on UMd wubera. 2488 ~ !Al.EM maple deak. Ilk• new, $49.60. Wool Chlneae oval hook· ed rug. 6x8, $49.60. Chrome dMp teat table for 11rnall kitchen. Pa· tlo chaln. Lido lale. Harbor 0279-M. 31c33 1955 Gatfera &. SatUrr ran(t. The nke CP all a utomatic, oven timl'r, fl'lddle in middle, sim- mer burners, •~lg grill broiler. Pd. dn. ~o $138.82 while 11tored. No dn. pyrnnt. if you pay the pymW!. ot '8.49 per 111onth. pymt11. og $9 .. 10 per month. Set! Bau1hn'1 A&S Warehou11e 220 So. f-b In S,l. 6 blka. S of Uh SL S&i)ta Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11·5 or Phone KI 3·7201 J9l55 G E automatic washer. Its the new filter flow model with lllg 12 lb. IUb, agitator, waler 11avrr. Illuminated dial. Ita new but pd. dn. lo, $238.67 from 329.915 while stored, No dn. pay· ment juat pay the pymts. of $12.315 per month. See 8aughn'1 A.ts Wart'houae 220 So. Main St. 6 bllu. S of 4th St. Santa. Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11·15 or Phone KI 3-7201 SS-Boat.a,. Supplies FOR RENT -dock for Harbor 2903-R. boat. 26tfc t rear) N•W\")rt Bl., Coe ta M..... TRADE Llbe.rty 8-4503 or Liberty J 8-4327 64Uc I llelluh ful TO.Ct. aux. •chooner. • Fully round, c o anywhert. Will WA8H1NO MACHINE. automatic-. Ueed twice alnce complete over· haul SM: C&.n be tnapected from April 2 to 10th at 316 Coral. Balboa lllland. 33c3l5 ta)(e equity in property or •m•I· • ler boal. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport. Har. 3032. 24c38H CHRYSLER Marine engine, •~i to · 1 reduction ge11r. COL.DSP~-re~~I· Cl~an ~ good ~~!Rl.°ERAT?R;,._!!._0_ volL 1!· C. .. ~-· ,-. ---·-- co;,;-sori; .f. ~, 0;,~~.-j;s;·,~. l check ed In. save f'OO on lhls 1lmo1t These Used Cars 54-Muslcal. Radio. ~ T '' -J( new ore an. . lla TOD.._ v , DANZ·SCHMlDT Big Plano Stort'. Bliy from a local dealer who wiU be here TOMORROW to back up what he ae n.> · 1520 No. Main. Sann. Ana $396 BUYS lovely HtUe Baby Grand; others $4715, $660, $686 etc. Story ., Clark, Knabe. Wur- litser. Kimball In Salem Maplt'. Lester. McPhaU. Alway• 100 piano• to choo11e from. DANZ·SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. 620 No. Main. Santa Ana SPECIAL IO-Autoll and Trucka Easter Specials March Organ Buys ·49 Mercury 2-dr, OD. $ 529 ONE ONLY rull 2 manUAI conn· 11onata electronic organ, like nt>w. Save $400. ONE ONLY beautiful Minsh&ll spinet or,an. llJ<e new. Save $100 ONE ONLY alngle manual Min· 11haII orcan, like new. Save $200. Convtnient terms at- SHAFER'S Muaic Co. I Since 1907) 421·423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Kimberly 2·0672 HAMMOND or,-ane. an modela. eaalel!t terms. your old pla,no accepted Jn exchanga. Free prac· lice, try betore you buy. DANZ-SCHMlDT Big Plano &. Organ Co .. 520 No. M&Jn. Santa Ana BE.Atml"UL KIMBALL bunga· low upright piano In perfect con· dltlon. Term11 140.85 down and '47 Ford Conv. '48 Pontiac. Loaded '47 Olde. 4-dr. $ 359 $ 459 $ 289 '52 Dodge Coronet Sed. $1029 '52 Mercury Cpe. $1379 (Not Your Dollars R,Jbbits) Multiply at TERRY'S BUICK $14 per month at-2612 Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach SHAFER'S Mueic Co. (Since 1907) 421·423 N . Syca.more, S1mta Ana G. M .A. C. Term11 Harbor M21 Phone Klmberly 2·0672 TV SERVICE WE RENT portable record pl11 yer11 A: •mpllflera, also P. A. l!)'Blem11. STEVENS and SONS 1879 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a M,.sa LTberty 8-2301. , .,. 32ttcpp -·-• --.., ·n~~· ..,. • 32c3t GMC Trip le Checked l Jc.od T r11r:lrc THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 A-1 USED CARS '54 FORD Victoria ............................ . R & H, Fordomatic & wbite aidewalla $2395 '54 FORD Cust. Ranch Wagon ...... $2295 R&:H, Pow. steering, Pow. brakea, Fordo. '53 FORD V-8 Custom 4-dr ................ $1545 R & H, Fordomatic '52 FORD V-8 Custom 4-dr. $1295 H., Fordomatic '51 FORD 6 Custom 2-dr. $ 895 R & H, Overdrive '50 ~ORD V-8 2-dr ..................................... $ 695 R&H '50 FORD 6 Bus. Coupe ........................ $ 495 '49 FORD 6 4-dr ... _ ...................................... $ 395 '47 FORD V-8 4-dr ..................................... $ 295 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 3100 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-3471 -32c33 t7-Wantfld to ~t Rentals Wanted We llHd apta uct bOUMm lll •!I MCUou for boUI wtolM and 19ara i...... run. or UAhanL U JOU baYa a ~. pboM tod&7 The Vogel Co. 3101 W. cai.. Hwy., N...,ort 9ch. Pbone LI~ I-Mil IOI Mart.ne. llaJboe ........ Phone Harbor ff4 2MT JC. Cout Hy., Coiona ... Mar Ptlone llarbc>r ITU Lido Otn~. sue Vta Udo Huber ttTl Utlr WANT TENANTS 7 WE AU BllINO IW AMPED w\ th lnqulrlea tor awnmer mo-. and term 1 ...... Lt« 70Ul' prop· erty with ~ and pt NM&lt ... Our repreeentaU\l'I "1ll .ii at your requeat .. .A11l" For Bobbe Tuner 'The Beaumont Co. · U•·32nd St .. Newport BM.ell Harbor •299. llc43 ts-Apta. a ao ... tor a.t In Corona del Mar 2 BDRM. tum. apt. b7 OOll&l\. wtth view. f15 Ul June. l BDRM. turn. apt. \Mlow lea· view, •TO. mOJ\UI. STUDIO turn. apt. faG mo. lildud· lng utWU-. l BDftl,l., pa.rt.Jy turn. ._ mceth. W. E. Fisher, Realtor 3034 Eut Cout Htchway Corona del Mar. Huber 2443 NEW I:>ELUXE 1 bdnn. dupln. untum .. hdwd. noora. pn,. dl•P· ~un deck•. Laundry room.a. 0.T· •1e1, TV antennu. Adult., no pets. T7A-700B Acacia, Coron11 del Mar. owner T02 Acacia, (Upper apt.) Phone Har. 1138-J. LI MOlJ.evu. LI 8·6160. pplfc " T Anaheim. 32c34 Shipyard. t>nd o! 3lllt SlrMt. rental to apply on tuture pur· 'H GMC a. T. PICKUP SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU. BUY ANYTHING 33tfc 6 ft. N ASH Kelvinator refrig .. ft!!ezer compartment 6' full atu crl11per. Perteet cond. Har. l 289R 32c34 Newport Beach. Z9tfc chue at-'49 GMC •., T. f ·SP. PICKUP '49 STUDEBAKER , T. P.U. '!il CHEVROLET ~ T. PICKUP ·~3 CHEVROLET 'li T. PICKUP '4•1 FORD 1 1-a T. C It C CORONA DEL XAR--l!'um. apt. on yearly baala or moat.h to mo. 150. rent. To -ca.II P'lt.&morr111. Harbor 21152. 20c33 KATEY DOANE Mew 6' 'nearly new •pparel tor women Ir children. Klnl:lell'a Patio. 2T21 Cout Blvd.. Corona del Mar. 28c42 I CARVED burfeta made In Aue- trlL Silver. 1tamp11, colna. en· &T&Yinp, 1nndtather'a clock, etc. u a.1212. 31p33 196-t O'Keere 6: Merritt ranre. The bl1 CP all automatic, 1rlddl1 In m iddle. Uft top, ~lmmer burners. A that nice C"T111 broiler. Pd. dn. to '126.24. No. dn. pymnL If you pay the pymta. or $7.78 per month. See Baushn'1 .A6'S Warehouae 220 l!lo. Main St. 6 blka. S of •lh St. 8anta Ana. -Open dally 9.9 Sun. 11-3 or Phone KI 3·i201 SLIP RENTALS Ma.xlmum bum S', length 32' ALSO ROWBOAT RENTALS AMERICAN LEGION HALL. ll5lh & Bayrront, Ntwport Beaon. Harbor 4 62. PR--t.t FLOAT RENT AL for &ny al.le boat -3706 Channel Place, Nt>Wt>ort Jsland. Harbor 1217.J. 30ttc SNIPE. No. 4433, In good aondl· lion, $460. PhOne 1..1 8·4738. SHAFER'S Mu11c Co. tSlnce lll071 421--4 23 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana. Phone Klmberly 2·0672 W--Autos a.ad Trucka 1962 BUICK Super Rivera ·Hlr. ~edan. RlrR, Dynatlow. 2·tone paint, tinted glua, WsW tlru.' .... ... --··· ............... $104!> Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout HI")'. l\ewport Be.ach Liberty 8-2261 185:5 Harbor Coats Meaa Uberty 8·5633 '<18 FORD PANEL 'H FORD •, T. PICKUP See lhe largest volume truck rlealer In Or&nge County for lhe beat buys in uard tr11ck11. We carry our own contract•. W.W. WOODS 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Cpe. 2- tone gray, power steering, radio, heater, power brakes, WsW tirea ............. -......... $2695 1953 BUICK Supe!' Rivera, radio, heater, pow- er steering, power brakes. Looks It runa like new ........................................................ Sl995 1953 DeSOTO V-8 Club Cpe. 2-tone green. RENTAL v' SPECIALISTS Call Edna crats Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marina Ave. Bal.boa llland, Bar. 1671 Titre Nl!:WL Y FURN. Ac decorated 1 bdrm. hotae. Private yard, BB~. l\EP'RIG. 1 P'r\&1dalre). 9 cu. fttt. 196.-Camera IClro Jl'lul, 85· mm. r 3.lt Wollenaak len1, i•o. C.ooltr P:YaporeUve, uUllly, $2.'). 820 M•rru~nte. Corona del Mer. 29c34 BY OWl"'ER. 1961 CADrLLAC GMC DEALER power steering, WaW, a loaded car ........ $1695 ALSO.tum. 1 bdrm. duplex. garb. dlsp. Each S715 mo.. 11¥11. utll. M2·604 Jaam\nt, Corona dtl Ma.r. Phone Har. 2164-J. %9C34 32tfc SNARE DRUM'. and ma.le German Shepherd. l yr. old. pedlfTHd. WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR 1 L.Eidngt.on e ... 386. 33p3' CASTER srr. m&hor. commode. lamps A: mis<;. It.em•. 880& •••· •horc Drive. 33p Movie Proiectors FOR RENT ll·MM 18-KM 3~·MM HOBBY a.nCI MODltl.. AIRPL.A..NE SUPPLU:S ALSO Ge\fl'r Counten for rent Mears Camera Shop 17112 Newpw t Blvu .. Co•ta Meea Pbone Llb!rt)' &·'10*2. Pr U -lttCrtc· er. self detron. S9t , W t~-HoUy T.T. n .nge. 1•9., T ~1111. cha1re, elc. HanAy-m1n w1 pat1rl t ruck. 219-32nd St .. Newport Bciach 32p36 An\1qUl'8, ol,! chlnt , <'Ut (l&MI. phonoi;raph• ,mual~ b<>11. organ•. l11rnpa. pacturu, l>rir • •. br"r Vln1t my Ja'fl' new .\tort l •1110 hu.y 6 I rade Ptu~~ bring your tttrn• In Cha.rile 01v11, 180:. E Anaheim St . Long Beach 860139 29trc OVERSTUFFED rhair $20, Kl'n· mort wringer t~ wuher S40 Liberty 8·1187 31t33 32-Fu.nalture for Sale -----Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted & Juvenile Furniture Thia Week's Special! MOdern hemJocl<. dble. hddbd .• a dr. Mr. 6: Mra .. two a dr. com· modu. All cheat11 with center rutdtl • dove talltd drawer•. tlam, higher .. $69.911 In ProvtnclaJ. 11tthUy Complete eeta In 80Ud maple. Incl. 30"x40" plate 1lua mirror. Sal· .-m Hnl11h, rndy t.o u~ ... Jl29.~0 Terrna <'lln I><! a rr&nJed. 2J21 Hubor Blvd . Coat.a MrM Ul>erty 8-164~. 31c33 19!\" PHILCO ~frt1erator. The big JO t.., cu. ft. on&. B ig cro11& top fr~vr clle1t. dairy bat shelvt'• In door, all 1teel 11.hl'lvrs. Vt'getable criapera. UH<S l wk. Pd, Cln to $228.02 from orlrfnal $320 00. ~o cuh needed If yuu pay the pymt.a. of lU.61 per mo. S~ BaurhJl'll AAcS Warehouse 220 So. M41n St. 8 bllca. S of •th St. Sa.nt.a Ana. -Open dally 9.9 Sun 11·!1 or Phone Kl 3· 7201 MODER:": RED FRIEZE COUCH maku bed. matehlnf club e h•lr. Good condition, 1411. 881 Vll'tona. Co1ta M~aa. Ph. U 8-6:i90. 3Jc35 LOVE Si:AT ~. dinette table & 4 cha.Ira '3!\. lg upholst,.rt'd rhalr $60, solid mahog-Ounr1n Ph)'fe t11b le WI!}\ lfllw•s SJ2S. Ll 8-886-4. 32('34 STE.RLL~G MARJI'\£ ENGINE 180 hp. dlrttl drive. SJOO. rtag- 1hlp ma11ne 8. 2 to 1 ~uctlon. 11 7~. -See Hubb&rd a t Part Orance. • 3lp33 22 rr. HUBERT Johnaon UUUt)' Fin,. tlah1ng boat. Ma'1og. l11p· 1t&lle conatructaon. Un1ver11&l motor, run about 100 hrs. Har. 1S3S-J, 8lp83 FORCED TO SELL-Practically nPw H' Bltc.hcraft • 7 O Ev1n· rut'l~ Forward t-nnt.tol, many extrt.s. Call -Harbor 3167-W '-forning,. 31c33 PADDLEBOARD. approx. U ft. long. Pracllc.ally new. A.ailing $r>O. 711 Ora.nge Ave .. HunUng· ton Bch. Ph. LExlngton e-2~. 32c34 32 rr. SPORTFf8H1NG BOAT. 3 yn. old Radio. Iron mll(e. All f'lectrlr. 430 Allao Avf'., Newport Jie.lghta. LI 8-4912. 32clH M-Moslcal, Radio, a T ~ ST!Cl~WA Y GT'IJ'lda 2. bOth In per· r~ct ('Ondlllon. M&hog .. not re- built, won<Ser!ul tone . rut action touch, lovply Knabe sptnet ln e bony f1nl11h, eave 1230. A!llO Muon .t Hamlin spinet llke ntW. DA;:.;Z.·SCHMI.DT Big Pl .. no Store. 620 ~o. Ma.Jn. Sa:lt& A.Ila MDISHALL Or!fa.na electronic. l mahog , l Blonde Oak $675 up In good condlUon. Uaed Solovo11 Organ atta('hment to piano 1160 0.A.."Z·SCHMJOT Plano • Organ Co. 620 :-o;o MaJ.n, Sant.a An• J 20 Bu• Plano .Accordion• S96. up. AN°Y pule! ahade flil t wall paint matched, 12.:10 gallon. RoUtr P~ fmm $1.49. Free 4·1nch ny- lon 1>ru11h with 2·1al. <'Xlu\or pa.tnt.. H.ARBOR PAlNT CEN - TER. H Z-32nd St.. Newpo" B.~h. Har 2838. 28c'33H I0-8-ApJ!Jaac-~--~~--- TWO PRO'VlNClAL hlfh wing bar.k love Mau, brown. Barbot S337 .12c34 See Baldwin Piano MAPLE sTt.:n10 c ouCR, u~. & Organ DIS' play SIHpw 2. -818 Coronado St .. Balboa 32p33 WOODWORTH PIANO CO. ltS• '-\'HillLPOOL auto. wa.siier. The bl& tub modal wtth &Jlt&tor. ovnflo.rtnae, evtrythlng. New but pd. dll. to 1132.71. No dn. p)'DUlL nMdfld Juat pay Ult pymi.. of H et per month. 8" B&u1lln'11 A6'8 Warrhoutt no lo. Matn St.. 6 bib. S ot 4th St. S&at.a Ana. -Open dally 9.9 Sun. 11-6 or Phone Kl 3·7201 11 CU. rr. COLDSPOT electrtc r.trt1 .. • rr-, old. f•rfect cond. it.uon&ble pT1c,., Har. 0824-W. 33c3& 1964 ADMIRAL rf!trtprator. 'Ml• big 12 rt. double door dual temp. modtl. 'no <ll'fratUng, 90 lb. fr~tr rhot, 'helve11 In door, two veretabl& criaper1 • Ill C'OI· or Interior. l111ed 3 moa. Pd. dn. to '288.~7 Crom $~29. :-\o doW1\ pymnL Juat pay the pymll. ot SU) 19 per month s"ee Bau1hn'11 A68 WamouM 220 So. Mat.n St 6 bll<a. s of 4th St. Santa Ana -Open dally 9.9 Sun. 11-6 or Phone KI 3· 7201 The More You TELL, the more you S E L L ! 8G..._&tmw -.,.. Mbd "Wla7 do 10• al-S.W • U.. fer • ........ dMlltn.d .. ~ .. We ......_ .. of U. ,_.. 111'-..Pn. dttdDM ... .,. em~7 ~ lll beit-.._. --...e die Mwrttwr to rtn C'Om· .... ~ ........ ""U• • ,_ ..,...~-••• .... aplk!tt -•• ,.... prtee --- •otn .......... . ,,...,.... .... Md,_ .. ,.._. .. ... ......,.. ...... ~ .... ,,...._ -n. Mon ,_ nu., ti.. lltOre ,. .. RU!" ... ---; ..... C!llll ...... ,. .. M. ..... .u ... .., ........ ,.. <.a ui.i "111 Mtr-.cl ......... oa lllll Cout Blvd., Coron.a del Mu I Thaden lntuk>r Blds. I Har. 3W N Uc $37!1. BUYS lovely full keybolltd Spinet pJano: ttnt&l RETURNS aave U lH on be&UUful spinelll Hke new, Wurlltur, Loter, Flacller, Knabe, M&M>n • Hani· tin. 11<1ma Blonde Oak and Salem M.aple. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. 520 No. MaJn. Sa.nta Ana SO RENTS good pracllc:e piano or buy at 187. $91. '126. Mlrro Splneta 1235. OA:-:Z·SCHMIDT BlC Plano Stnrr. 620 No. M&ln, Santa .Ana SPECIAL ~~~~a~e~~:!, !~r.~. Oulhranten. ~1ter 1nd Wurllt!· er spinet pianos. UberaJ trade Convanlent tenna a t- SRAFER'B Mullo Co. C8lnce 190i) 421-423 N. Sycamore. Sant.a .Ana Phone Klmb&rly 2-0872 • 50 USED planoa wanted for our rental depL T'tade your old piano on new electric organ, •glnet or grand piano. Hlstieat allowance . D.ANZ-8CRJCDT Btc Plano l ton. !\20 No. Main. Santa .Ana HAMMOND aioni orpn. l alirhl· ly uaed, II.Jr• new. Tau can play ~1 lhout a Je~n. II ,_ WMt WJ la wrltlq )'oer ... • CIAU. B.All80a ltlt u4 ull tor the AD-TAllEIL DA:'\Z·SCHMIDT BIS Plano St.on 9l:lac:1e1cx::1Ca:=ICICl::ICIC11:1C1::s:::i1::1:::1:1ic:Ex:::1:z:::1Ca:::s:::ica:x::1cc1Ca:::idl I)() No. MaJn. Banta Ao.a Coupe de VIII!.!. 12.2-'°· Call H.ar· bor 302•-W Sunday. 32c3t 1960 CADILL.AC 62 4 df, 11M&n 1.n 619·19 E. •th St. Santa Ana Open Sundlly 11.m. Truck headqua.rtera for Orange ( 'o. Jood condition. lltaO. Privat e ·•1 FORD Se(!a.n, truuportatlon party. Phone Har. 2~19-W, 31<'33 ear, $22.5. -Har. 32157-M. 3lp33 1961 CHEVROLET Stylellne 11lx. 2-dr, R .A H, Powerrlldt. $7-46. '52 FORD 1953 n>RD 4-dr. aedan. 2-tone green. Over- drive, Radio, heater, tubeleaa tiree, dual pipea, only 18,000 miles ............................ $1495 See Our Many Low Priced Cars available at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank Choice Winter Rent&W on Balboa laland & Lido lale Small A cosy or tars• 6 deluse 1715 to 1300 month Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Coaa:t Hwy. l\eWporL BeMh Liberty 8·2261 JSMHarbor CoelJl •tee• Liberty 8-~>633 ro~~~~ ~~~~-. terma on the balance if credit _ approved. VOGEL CO. 108 Manne :A.•e .. Balboa lal&n•I Pll. Harbor u.. ur Hubor 21b l fteL Har. 17M-RK or Ll &-6:197 Pr1v~te J't.r1Y-Klmberly 3~37~ , LOU REED Used Car Lot J9S3 CHEVROLET 210 4·dr. J1cd&n 2·tone paint. ~H. W11W lln•11, ... _ .. _,,. $134& be King this Spring ~ -"Across from Port Orange" Barbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 Mttc 2 BEDROOM J1JRN18BED DU- PLEX, Corona del Mar. IOUUI rir Hiway. 1100 month Incl. utll . Miller Chevrolet 1000 W . Coa.at Hwy. Newport &11<'h Llberty 8-2261 18!\6 Huhor Co•ta Meu Llwrty 8-5633 19S2 CHEVROLET Stylellna 2·dr. aedan, ~ •. S84~ Miller Chevrolet lDOO W. C<>&at Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-2-261 lSM Ha.rbor ea.ta Mua Llbtorty 8·5633 be King this Spring S2.5. DOWN Buy• You Thia '~2 CHRYSLER V-8 all mtta.l •talion waron. Fully powtred J1teulng • windows. OrlginAI. A ro>al uUUty wagon. A genuine itOod boy .. Sl,699. Johnson & Son UXCOLN • MERCURY POO \\'. Cout Hwy,, Xewport Beach J9!10 CHEVROLET 1~ ton ptck111 RAH. e.:e.Uent U"'ll . $!19!> Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Rwy. .\'ew·por-t 81'1lr h Lf~I ty 8•2261 1~6 HarbM Costa MeJ1ll U~TlY 8-5633 rn~,, <;HEVROLE1' d!'IUJte 2 <1oor 11N'llln Hlr, radio. etc. E:11c.ell~nL Nindltlon. Phone Ll~rty 8·31104 32c3t 191\0 n-fEVROl.£1' Stylthne tllx 4-rlr 11f'•l11n New 2-ton,. fWllnt. R •Ji, Powngll<ll' EXl'l'llcnl mtrh.anlc"-I condlUlln .... . $695 Miller Chevrolet IMO\\" ('011111 Hwy. :0-:twport &11r ll Li berty 8·2261 18:16 Hubor Co•la MeM l..lbHty 8·t>633 ~HEV . '{ii Bel•tre rnllp". 3.-..000 m1le11,e Prlv rsrty Sell' on A(("Ount M stckne1111. Hiit'. l 572W 32p3• 1953 DESOTO Club Cp&. F'll'l'doml' V-8. Power 11lttr1n1t. bmkc!!, R A H, EZ r ye rtau. 22.000 a ctual male•. $1595. .. ............... $1!1tl3 Miller Chevrolet IOOO W. Cout Hwy. \ ewport Boch Liberty 8-2261 J8.'i!I Ha.rbor C<>l'la Mu" Ubt'rty 8-5633 J9.46 ENGLISH Standarcf 2 lloor eedan. Just recently O\•crhaulell, 31'i mllu per gallon. SJ t:I. 12~. DOWN Buy• You Thia ·~ HlLLM AN MINX. Genutne lt athtr Interior. New 1parkttn1 lfft!rn tlnleh. A m11ney aavrr on ir;u 6' on initial price, only $499 Johnson & Son LINCOLN • MERCURY 900 W . Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach 1952 H UDSON Hornet eed. Hydra, RA H, tinted 11ua. etc. EllCf'P" h onallY f1ne oondltton. S960 Tenn!'I: Har. 293R ~lp33 be King this Spring S21'i. DOWN B11y11 You Thia ·~,o LJNCOL....: 4 dr. sedan. Radio. heater. Hy<lramaUc. Wblte. wall tlru. Plut1c •eat coven, A dttam 1n drive . .A rMI buy at 1799 Johnson & Son UXCOLN • M£RCt:R Y 900 W. Cout Hwy .. ~,.wpcrt ~al'h NOTHING fnr m y equity. 19!'l3 HUd8on Sedan. like new. H.ydra- mallr, tlnttd gl•N!. RW. WsW 'J'llke nvrr p11yments. Harbor 1571 ·\V 31c33 be a King for Spring " with thJs '63 L1:0-"COLN Capri roupe. Fully r ow,.rtd • equipped with all !hr e)(tra11 tha.t makp modPrn rlrlvlng-A ~en111 ne ple.uure. O ur r!'llured price . . 12.699. Yea It hH only 13.000 miles orig. Johnson & Son UNCOL!'< · MERCl."RY 900 W. Coast Hwy,, l"~·port Beacl'I tO-Aotoe and Trucb 1~1 CHEVROLET SlylelJne Spe- cial 4-dr. udlu:I. Fully rqu1pt. Exc,llf'nt condition. 11. bb\ul v tor .. .. $79~ 19!\2 STUDEBAKER Commanller a tie~-O'd., n.t-H, etc. Week- t>nd 11pecl&l . $885 EASY LIB!:RAL TERMS Complete selection of new Studebakers, sport coupes, sedans & station wagpns. Buy Now & Save S S S So Hurry. Hurry Hurry! The beat deal here & now Save plenty o! S $ S JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER 341 ~ Newport Bl .. r\t'Wport Bch. (at cntr&nce to Lido 1 Har. l'ilO 33c be King this Spring '2:1. DOWN Buy11 You This ·~,3 MERC. Hu Mtrcomallc, htr 6' ls txcepl lona lly rl"an. 011r spring pnce to you reducell to nnly .. $U99 Johnson & Son UXCOL.." • MERCt:RY 900 W. Cou l Hwy, Newport Such 1960 PONTI.AC Chieftain delwcf' Club Cpe . RA:H. Hyt\ram"Ur, W1W Ure11 . .. • ~74!1 Miller Chevrolet IOOO W . Cout Hwy. ~ ewport Beach Uberty 8-2261 J!IM HarbOr Coeta M elll\ Liberty &-56:13 1946 PONTIAC. 8 cyl. 11e!1a.nette. Full pr1ce $96, be King this Spring Hausken Motors, Inc. $26. DOWN Buy• You Tbil ·so MERC Club OOUJle. Radio, htr , nf'w bA)cl'll finish. Mot11r In e•ctUent conl1. only . S799. 1932 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Me!IB Phone Liberty 8-50111 29r3t Nl:W 19~~ RENAULT Aedan. De· llve"'CI equipped, 1129~. Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd,, Coat.a Meo11& Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ____ $48.88 8 (;yla. -$58.88 I ndudca both labor and part.a. New rlnga, wrtat plna, valve (Tind. tlttulp at rml!I and rod bearing-a. Expert motor tune up 90-day or 4.000 mile fU&l'&nlte. (NO MUNEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 10 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own raclory by akillea mach.l.nlJita. Don't contend with U'le middle m.vi. Buy direcL REBUlL T and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD $1.29.00 CHEVROLET IH9.6(1 PLYM. It DODGE .$15:i t:HRYS .tt DE SOTO --.1170 STUDEBAKEP ......... ·---.S170 OLDS 6' PONTIAC I $17<! BUICK ,,_. Sln HUDSON --· .$176 Loan Car fl'ree Towt.a, Nf;W CAR GA.RA."ITEE Block mU8t meet our atandarda Plu.t tuu, cukta e.nd on ~n Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open OaJJy 8 to 1 St&te Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SAJllTA .vi.A NICI!: 27 ft. Colonial Houae Trail- er with large Cabana, ln trallu park with private b•lh on Cout Highway. Sff Manarer. YinMce arrangPd. Liberty 8-1521. San· dy'a De Luxe Trailer Park, 2912 \\'. Coast Hlfhway, Newport Buch. 21P33H MRS. KAY, Hu. 3779-J 5lfc LOVELY large 2 hdrm. unfu1 n. apt .. guage. Garbqt d1~pos11I Laundry rm., nl~ lawn. Yl'arly r~ntal. Chtr Haven. U 8·2426. 32r:l4 2 BDR.M. duplex. hdwd, floor ~. Private fenced )'ll.rd. Cholc" 10r11- lion. •78. month. LT 8· 11 :19 Choice BA YSHORES sammer rentals CLAIRE VAN HORN, Rltr. 2731 w. Coaat Hwy , Newport Bch, Lfberty 1--4277. 32r.'H ON BALBOA ISLAND ea ua for ,_,.1, &lld -..on&I nataJa. NELDA GIBSON, Re&Jtor 306 Marl.ne Ave. Harbor 501 BALBOA 18LA.ND 7lfo CLIFF HA Vr.J 2 bdrm. dUJllf'X, patio, pr. d.rap· o .tt c.a.rpeta -910 Clay St 32c34 2 BDRM. unfuru.. duplex. IH Ju· mini'. Corona del Mu. Phone Har. 2919-R a.rter fl p.m. Up3T RENTALS HEADQU ARTERS for summer r1>nt1tl11 In thll Harbor ar.a. LOTS-ROMES-INCOMS LOCATOR ot Cal11orn1a M7 E . Ba.lboa Blvd., Har. 4411 LET US LOCATE FOR YOU llltfc; Balboa Island Choice yearly and rummer .-t&11, now available. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Ma.rtne Ave .. Balboa Ul&nl'I Harbor 20 ll5Uo FURNISHED LIDO HOME F OR SAL£-40·ft. Pan Amtrlca.n 2 bdrm11. 2 b8tha for 8 month•, De.luxe. Tr-a.lier. twin beda. LI at.art.Ing April let, 1351'> mo. 8-~96 or Har. 3923-W alt.er f . -- lllc33 Un!um. 2 bdrm. apt. Hausken Motors, Inc. J 932 "harbor Blvd.. Coit& Mua Phone Uberty 8-60.:>J 20c22 Johnson & Son Phone Llberty a-.60Sl 29c31 '7-Wanted to· Beat Top Balboa LocatJoo Stove A retng. $100 mo. OQ leue. 900 W. Cout Hwy .. ttaa P'ORD Cuatom v.a 2 door. Hu radio, htr., Fordomatlc. 1 Newport Beach owner. Near 11-coodltJon. Full 19152 MG TD roadlltn. JC"ceUant J'OR llALJ: -19't A.rner1ca11 Club Coach t.ralltt houae. Har. 2450. lltt prlca 1139.5. lhroU(bout, Slll!S . Hausken Motors. Inc. Hausken Motors, Inc. :i.•· umvnsAL houae tn11er 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Mua 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coit.a .Neaa I Newly rebuilt. 8leepe f . 3&4 Pbon. Uber~ ~l 30c.22 P!IODe ~ l-0061. J'lows, 00.tAl M.Ma.. IJpM Nolhtn1 nlctr on the Pm!Mula Lido Realty Assoc. 3•00 Via Lido Hubor •4H Ill!< BAY F"'RONT HOME with beach rronta,-e for month of July, Aus . • to Sept. l!i. 3 bdrm. It maJd• nn., If poeatble, booat of (&l'I! will be elven owner• home. ca.n f\jr· nit}\ nneat ot local referenc••· -Your Ad•u'tlslnl Dollan 10 E Jr. D11commln, ~O Avnnd.111' fa.rlhu. do mort. eell mOTe. wtle11 Roed. Ban Manno, or call Har. you adnrUM In Ulla ,.,... - eM-J. llttc ~ B&tbar 1111. • I I I I ·1 •, '· I j .I I ,, I' i ! . I i I • I -&e•Row Summ•r Rentals • Dse.hudve Bay l'ront. + other choice properties .... lllud. _ ....._ ... .. 11a7, qaaltn.d clieta only. Harbor Inveetment Co. J!larllol' 1800 (~ LI 1-6111) J1t1c I NWW umn near Udo lbopplq ca.tnct. au • Ard at., N.wport Jleecb. 9Qilt.-lJl .a.ctno lltO'rllll, . ......... &poeaJa. ..,.,.i. l&Un· dr7 1'00IM. Upper uatt fT5. JrlJ. Lower unit 2 bedroom1, flrepl., forced a1t b.at., po, yrly. Adult., no peta. 13• W. TetTaCe St., .Altadaul. 8T T-UK. ¥ q• At*. fora.& CharmlDC Barbor Haven Apartmenta • Patioe NEW 6 ROOM. ltnet leftl. N-.r ecboola, e!lopplq dlatict. Qui.et. pl4uant. aclulltft. O&rtiac• cU.- poeal, lallndty, .......,.. rooDla. ......... SQ.GO u.p. OocuplM en· ~ tin .treet. Good Ill~ ~ .. 1601 S.ven Plue 1 Block South oi mp Sc1'ool Al.AO rtJ'R.NI8Bm) AP'I'S. WINTER RATU lttc BINGLm A:IT. IOr lad:f or .-u.- mu Ml. ma. utU. pd. No pet.a. 1nq. la nar 1M II. lttll It.. CO.ta M.-. attar 6 p.m. uttc NICICLY tun. I rm. apt. mar A.lpb& Beta Market OeatAlr. !Awsdr,y t&clllU.., prqe. U1 m. 11th Pl&ee. Coeta Meea. LI 1-lllO lltte Yearly apt. on Oeean front UAUTIJ'UL VJZW. 2 bedrooma, furn. or untunl., uut paid. Harbor 4~L .. tlc 1"URN. 8TUDIO APT. ocean view, fMI, mo. yrly. rental. UUl. paid. A.va11. now. LI 8-1627. 83c36 lST JUNll TO JO SEPT. Lcn•ely view apt., furn. WW rent to rellable people. '800 tor enllre penod. Other summer r.nt&la available al weekly rat.ea. LOUISE APT8., CUn.aUon Ave., near Seavlew, Coro~ del Mar Harbor 4018. 3ScJB COST A. MESA, 3 rm. apL, tum. or unturn .. lncludel uW1U-. Call HYatt •-43a7. 28Uc A TTRACTIVJ: turn.IMed m~m 1tudlo apt.. Utllitlee paid. BUMMER or YEARLY ratu. it24 Cout Hwy., Coron& del Mar Har. OIM·R or LI 1-7171. 27«0 REA.SON AB.L 'I pnoed, cle&Q l • a bedrm. tum. apta. UtlL pd. Laundry room. P1ay&'1'0\llld for chlldrfll. Blue Top Apt.. •oa l't!wport Blvd., Newport Bach. Above the .Arcbee. lOttc I N BALBOA, nearly new f\lm. up- per duplex. CIOM to Bay &11d tran1. $e0. untll·J UM HI or yrly. leaee at S711. mo. Call Harbor l317·W after 11 a.m. 32c34 $60. redecorated unfum. 1 bdrm. tlupltx, Jncludlnl' refrlc. Wa~r prl. 222 Cotta ){ea St., C. K . Liberty 8·1234. 32c34 BACHELOR AP': .. tum .. nr. Lido Druf, one pereon. Pan,Jray heat. .. 1,ct. refrlf . No cookina. Quiet up11t11ln . lnq. 2<M·34t.h, Npt. Bch 32e34 FUR~. down1ta1ra apt. 2 bedrrna. Adulla or 1 chlld. 128-tOlb St.. Nt"'''f'Orl ~11ch. l'lee after F'rt. UplH HARBOR A.PTS. Modem furn.iahed apt.8. day, week or month Near bua, alorett A: bay. ~ble rat.es. 104 E. Bay A.ve .. ~ALBOA Harbor M ... 17Uc --1~ CORONA DEL lU.R--2 bdrm. 1anfurn. apL R.euo.nable r"1t. c.u ntanorru Realty eo .. Har. 21ti2. 2t~Ub t8B-llomee for Rut FOR RXNT-lt not aold by April let Untum. 3 bdnn. Corona Hlghla.nci. family bome. W/W r arpetlnf. drapee. COi)' Uled brlrk flreplace. T&lffd hearth. birch paneled 1dtcbe11. Oc-.n view. lf'e. yard. Stove, re.fr11'·· automatic wuber tnch.tded tr desl"9d. See now 804 ... ward Road, Oorona c!el Mar. !tc36b Beautiful Irvine Terrace Owner wW be out of city for oae yur. Deetru to If' ... new 'tlome with an outat.&11"1n• .WW of bay and ~n. Never occupied. Un- tun:Uab~ $276 mo. R.m'Jl:R.. 1.lNCU. Harbor '448. lotte FOR LtABE TWO 8&4lJTD1JL new 1"1n• . Terrace unturn. vtew homtL I BDIUU .. J 119 Ula and J Bl!DJUa., I llet:ILI. C&ll llal'bar 1716 OI' Jlal'bor ...... LUU. W. BTANliT, Realtor lnt.Da Turace om~ Cial'oDa dfl Jltr. Jltfc i BDJ\K. untun.. r.r ~ JVd. Ooupl9 A chl1d o1r.&1, ••o. mo. lfl-llrd. ca.ta M-. Bar. a50I Uca. l:xCllPTIONALL'f NICI: J or a bedroom ~. model'D flln1.. "3. mo.. ICM4:1nd lit.. Jf""JIOl1. R&rtlor 1-.. . JW8 l'OR LU't'lllt W8K. lll6PP)' llft' I ot I bdrm. ~ aa. A I.lo a ftJ.I. nloaly f\U'n.. roam. * 32nd •t.. l't9wport. Bar. JJtl. 5' ... !9'~~ Capital wanted- • • Drive by 236 Magnolia eo.t& lleu C-BeeJ r..tate ------ ( NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART rv • PA6E I THURSDAY, MARCH 31 , 1955 BEAUTIFUL c.i location_ No Fancy Slogans on Cha"m&n Av,, wut ol 0.--...... , .,A._...... -o~• .,_.._ .. _ ,. • JUST HON!:ST VAL~ch .,_._ ..,..._..., ., __ rAMaMO &111e. (City). 1'lill blodt no. -----------------...-..------I:5Z'At W1th rrocta.ie on a et.a. ta that hard to !Ind thrltty BEST VALUE IN TO EXP~ unique coe t reduction and de.tp en· operational expeue. High tine buainees. ~.ooo re- stneertnc ..-rice. Low return. Permanent excl cute It coq home -2 bdrm. • panaled den with tl~place, wall to wall e&r"pet. Very cloee In fU.000. Phone Liberty 1-6282 23tlc 85' View U9,:IOO. <>wner will col\9tder choice In It'• a.rea.. trade for cle&r Udo or other Harbor Area property. Udo · Realty ~ Balboa Island INCOME-While v&lue lncrea.aea Bpacloua 2 bedrm. apL Obie rar. suut rm. • b&tb. Room for lowly home or alfded lncoml' In rronL 119.750 r11rnt1hed. ssoeo wm handle. NEWPORT HEIGHTS quired. Can be budgeted Will consider working approx. $10,000 quarterly. arrancement it qualified. CORONA HIGHLANDS new, S Aaaocia tel 252 P aimer St. bdrm. 2 balh, famUy TOOll\. 2 S400 Via Lido, Harbor UH Contact',Box otsl. thia pa _J .. .,.. for .. , Yl!ARLY rental. Ocean Front 1\1'. 11-th 6 Newport. hrn. I bdrm. dup&e.x. 'with ,....C-. fl06 mo. Bar. MIC). 31c.SI BALBOA ULA.ND ,.arty tiua. 2 bdrm. turn. hou.e. •100 per mo. Good loc&Uon. Coata.cl Jealyn Bnmer at John B. Prenderaut otnce. :123 Marine. Balboa Ialand. Harbor 1511. 32dt Nmw UNFURN. 3 bdrm. Wall to wall carpet.a, drap .. , l&nchcaped, nlc. netpbon. PO. A. MONTH. 202• Republic A.ve., Coat& Mea. In Freedom Tract. LI 1-3360 or Uberty I-UM. 3%p33 2 BORK. t'Urll. home, automatic wuher, pr. '90. UI • ltth Bl.. Newport. lalud. a1p31 NSWPORT KllIGHft -a bdrm. horu with 1 ~ bath1, hwd. fln., dbl ........ 2 ,_,.. o1d. Untum. f12$. mo. LI 1-2772 or LI 1"'5SI 31c31 480-Tnller ·~ MODZftN trallere to 46', USO' tl"OCft Npt. BIYd 6 8torw. U5 mo. no xtra ~ tor S chi'- dMn. Bunny Acree Trlr. Park. 11 • J:ut Wflllo:n· Cost& Mea. 31c31 &9-Boome for Beat SXALL atncle room for worktnf man. Comlort&ble bed. hot and oold -w. fl wk. Prhr entr. lU·ilth at., Newport ae.ch. 32pp3.S NICE LARGE ROOM. BATH. neat tnn.p. No drtnkera. LI 8-1832. • 32p33 51-8torea ~ otftcM a OJ'FlCll ~ for leue. Ap- proa. 17'd5' ea.ch. In Lido Shop- Pinc are&. MO Via Malaca. Har. S327. Uttc OFFICE SPA.t:m FOR R.D."1' TTO W. 1 Ttb .• Coeta MelL 32cM 51-A-Bml-a.tall AV .A.ILA.BLll -A.bout 8000 IQ. tL 11Pt lndl&8t.T7 ~ cm lat • 2nd. floor. U. 8. Rieb..., 101 and Ba1 J'rontmce. wm a-all or &11y pa.rt • Rmod&I to .Wt tenent. Vopl Co., stle Vla Lido. Harbor •rn. •tie CAJ'l;-tor rent. 119rtly equipped, cood locaUon. 1U·22 nd SL Npt. Beach. Kl 2-1498. _32<:33 538-ladaatrlal Beat.U :iO FT. FRONTAGE ON W. lTth. t.on1 leue. 770 W. 17th., eo.t.a Mua. 32c34 LEAS& -Lars• 2 atory hOuae and b~ent on Hartlor Blvd. zoned t buaineu and Ille mff. !Colt.a Meaa) 110 :11 375 d~p. drtveway, front.a1e on two Sta. All or part. CaU owner, LI'ber1y 8-~72. 33p3ll 5l>-Meae7 to Lou NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee 8.u.&8 -REFINANCE COl'STRUCTION Call for Free Fut Commitment. on Reeldencea and Unite only Don I. Hw'dleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI l-6M1 LI M582 WA.loltl TO SUl.UJ. llU'tiUV& BUY, MODERNIZE, OR RD'IN.AllCE w. Buy Trut Deeda NmWPORT BA.LDOA. BA VINOS .. WAN A8SOCL\T10N S3M Vla Udo. Ph. Hu. UOO Uo LOANS PROMPI' 8DVICI: 6~ tint uu.t deed• 20 yean Orange Cout Properties 1~'7 Newport A.ve ., Coat& Me• 1..1 8-1832, l.I • '400 E\'t.a. 9:1Uc LOANS for riomes 6~ -20 yr. LoaM Construction Loans an aos u Tl'1.ER 1$14 EA8T COAST BLVD. Corooa 0'1 Mar Harbor a88I Rep, PUUUl:R MORTGAGJ: GO. Kauo Lit• Im. l'U:ndll ICL WJ~ UUc REAL ESTATE LOA.NS Intarart Rate 6--6 th,, Loue 41Udt11 IUd9 ID UM 8-1 Ana aad Ooa&a M-. 81J:llle OT muJUple Wllta. New or olc1 k --aad ... bJ ~HQdn& JOQr (llWIDt loan. llaimWD O · .,..._ Ho c.barp tor pnUml· 11&1')' apprallal. Pllcle9 Sanu Ana IDmbert1 ..-Cit wrtt. ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.pee &.oua Oor1apoodet Ocdden&a.I Lit• 1uuranee C.o. tsa BouUI Mala lut.a A.Jle 51-Bmhlll'~tlee COrnll!: SHOP, LAGUNA. BCH. H 1t.ooll. l'or aal• r.80Dable. Good local bu.el.Dea Ph. owner, HYatt •-2995. J9cM WOULD like to bU:f ut and 2nd Tnllt DHda. Call Bar. 2328 '8th car prace· It car port. J..ce. loert. (urou fl"Ol'll Richard'• mkt.. entr.) Lanctacaped • fenced. Own Hart.,or 4:198-M. 18p40 29tf SOLD 801 Via Lido Nord, Udo Ille by Multinle Listing NEWPO!t'r HARBOR BOA.RD or REALTORS ONLY $9500 DRIVE BY 287~ REDLANDS DR.IVE. G. I. reaale out. Meaa Dr., • blks. <Santa Ana Country Club) 3 br., 1 bath, tlrepl, hctwd. n.. 2 e&r garage. Carpet Uv. rm. Fenc- ed yd. eax120. •11.500. Loan $8,0 3.38. ·~~. 172. mo. Will c.rry am. 2nd. COURTESY TO ALL BROKER~ 70% OF COM. The Locator of Calif. Balboa Peninsula 2 BDRM. COMPACT HOME on MrRAMAR. Cozy knotty pint lnren or. Encl patio, car .. only Sl0,700., J~. month. Corona del ~r ur YOU'VE TRIED TO BUY a level 40 fl.. R·2 lot In lhe Sea view area. South of trut HJrhway this 3 bdrm., 1 ~-bath home wllh room to build In front la your buy of the yea.r, $111.llOO. Only $7,000 down. Murief M. Pinover HAVE acellent outktl for JIM· vate money on l•t A: 2nd Tru.llt Deedll, call Ideal tor workln&' or retired couple 2 bdrm. tunctJona l modern, easy to malnt&J.D. $t&>O down. Bal· ance 51iC). mo. A location of di_. tincUon. Har. 6l!le or Evn. Har. 987. 21tfc , 18M Harbor Blvd., ~ta Me• REAL TOR Liberty 8-lMl. 3lc3' 2804 Newport Blvd., Newport Bell DON 1. BUDDLllSTON 8 Real r..tate Loau lTS It 17th, Coeta Ka.a Libert, ~1 28Uc Uranium Prospector NJl:ICD8 GRUBSTAKE. U you have $100, are wUUnc to speculate, lhtu b-.r my llOry ••• Pro. peels look good, have acellent reterencea ,If lincerely lnteruted write Box N-60, tllia paper. for mt.emew. 29c84 WANT TO SELL your propert1 ! l'eflned J&d7 will call at )'Our home tor llltJns. Phone Mre. FWll»cll wW1 F. J , HORVATH, RltALTOR. Uberty 8-:1101 day1 or LI 1-3989 afttr BALBOA-A.ttrac. mod. borne. A· 1 cond. Lee. Uv. rm. OCean view t.hru plct. wtndow1. S bedrma .. dble. pr. Nr. achoo1' beaches. Thi• property haa &'ood Income opportunity. Non·l'9&. owner. Come anyt.lme. 122t W. Balboa Blvd. %1p34h DUPLEX Near the OCeu1 and tbe pier, two one bdrm. unit. In excellent condJUon ju.et f9600 and SSOOO down. Ju.It rt1ht for vacatJona or for Income. PAUL C. JONES, 2620 Npt. Blvd. Newport 8-ch. Hu. 2313. SOLD 5'1 Cat&l.ln.a Dr., Newport Heights by Multiple Listing SO L·D 215 Del Mar, eo.ta Mee& by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF RZALTOIUI Real Values 2 BR. A: DEN Eut llide, close In. Thi• 11 an older home. but well kept. Full price only 17,830. EZ TERMS. 3 BR. HOME clOINl to Newport Blvd .. near Country Club. With 2 Iota, 2 e&r garage. Thi• 11 a real buy. Look thia one over. Full price S9 ,6-00. B. A. NERESON REALTOR J'ree Parking · H1.rbor 4610 32c34 SOLD 2024 Miramar Drive, Dalbo& by Multiple Listing NEWPORT R.ARBOR BOARD OF RPJALTORS Open House 502 W. Bay Ave. Sat. A: Sun. Apr. 2 It 3 -1·:5 p.m. <Jenn Bennett) 2 ~ROOM older houae 6 1tudlo a pL 1 block to Bay. Good tor IWIUTler bom.e. VIZW ot .JETTY-One of tlneet homH on ocean h'ont, 3 bdrm. • den. lllneaa foT'Cff aale. 5p.m. 30p32 Nl!:WPORT HA.RBOR BOARD 011' REALTOR.a lta2 Newport Blvd., Colt.a Meu Pbena LI S.187a J:vea. LI S-~87 5 Bl:DROOM ocean front play· NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Brand new bou.e. Well locat1d, Sl 7,600. ~. ProllMh SI b 0 . ~ ::;x··:V.~U:~g::~ ';.!~ For a e y wner CHOICE INCOME it.. 11e~n. No bond.I or ......._ 1201 Cliff Drive 3 unit. _ f2f.750 menl.I. Full pnce '11.9:5-0. Owner a BEDROOMS.: baths, larC'• tenr· Harbor a1:se or Liberty 8-7974. ed yard. WW take tru1t dee<U u 1::r Grouee $5500 yearly Uc33 pa.rt payment or eeU on .low d.D. if owner managed ------------pa.yment to quaJJned buyer. to settle estate Harbor 1277-M. ~ DRIVE BY Home ot lhe late Mre. Blmpaon, SPACIOUS HOM:ll and ..,,Mt or 1811 W. Balboa Blvd. 008 Avocado Ave.. Corona del •-Mar, to ba eold to bicb•t bt6-Income apt.. 2 Ula batlla, at.all Deh.axe spacloiu 2 bdrm. home der on or an.er .A.prtl lit. Home ahowara. Hctwd. tloora. a tumac· TRIPLEX near Bay • ~an. 1 bdrm. each. Always ~ntl!d. WeU f\Jrnllbed, S21.~. Tenna can be arnuired. Balboa Bay Properties 1606 W. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Npt. Bnch Harbor 111'8. 32c34 nnllnC to repeat tenant. for open tor lnapecUon • lnforma-u, prb. dllp. OllJy 2 yr-. old. '400 mo. In aummer, and two tlon. '1c83 Owner, 602 Jumine, Corona de! ------------ equl.lly d•lnble wut.a which ____________ Mar. 23p38b S O L D brtnr In $2e<> and '300 month. NICE. LOTS Thia property, belnc c.loee t.o • s o L o town and beach, will alway1 be !:AST SIDE. COSTA. MESA. ffll7 to renL Cloae In. Oood eoU. water, -tr. See ua to iUpec:t 12.190 ca.ah. 321 A.ll&da, Baloba by~~ting We haw Ul• Jt.ey. CHAD TWICHELL. Harbor 39~. ROY~ JR. Cl:'ftl.) Bu. 1.317-J). 32c37h 1121 N.wport BJYd., Newport Bch. by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD or REALTORS SOLD BOA.RD 0, B&AL TOIUI lniere.ted lD a Lovely Home OPEN HOUSES a.nd A.uodatel 3.112 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch Harbor ~2 ~ 1108-808~ A.cede, Corona dtl Mat in Garden Grove! 12·5, Sat. & Sunday BALBOA INCOME byBO¥~~f1~~~~~ng Heated· Pool 535 De Ama Drive ' BEDROOMS, 2 .,,UJ., lge. ~ti-Coron& R igbJanda 5 lJNITS---O~r property central• ly Joe., 1 ~ b1k:a. to heart of Bal· boa. UUl. rm. JUlt r.sucecs t.o '23.:IOO tor qutc:J< Mia. ~ dn. Owt11T Harbor 1898. 7~t!c NEWPORT HARBOR vity roorn, p1.uo. W to w cupet. llitped aUy nice -Larr• lot landlC&ped • fenced. 3 bdrm... 2 blillh•, rarb. dl•p . CLIFF HAVEN Sff.llOO, Mre. Loredlzen, LI 8· dl•hwuher. Fenced lot .. $29,000 BEA lJTIEUL. CUilom built rt.nch 8378 or LEhlfb J-1333. l2cU home, overLookJnc Harbor. • bed-BY OWNER F S I b 0 rma., 3 baths. den, 2 nrepl.M:ft. Or a e Y Wner ALSO 2 bdnn. apt., with private DUIRABU: 3 bedroom, bath "' patJo. U.9.llOO. Call owner. half. CORONA HlQHLA.NDS CORONA DEL MAR -2 atory LI 8•3221. 29cUh family home. Cosy Wied br1clt comblnaUon. Ga.race • lbower ------------fireplace, ralaed hearth. Central Ill t'loor. 2nd n oor hi.I large liv. B Fr I huL Channlnf blrch paneled room. beamed celUng11, bedroom. ay ont ncome kitchen. Dapoea.J, carpeted. Lt'•· lhower, deluxe kitchen. Snaclc 1 Uult.-J 6 1 badn.oma. ftlnl· yud, view. $11,&00. Sff IUlY· )>ar, fl.e89ed In BUll porch, !abed. Ple.r, noat ana prtvate lime. llOt Seamrd Reed. 28cia J 13,000. T Prm• to 1ult. 70:.l Aca· ~ 1000 ID. Balboa BIYG.. ------------ rla. Corona de.I Mar. or phone Ba.lboa. en.tVlew lt!MI. Cout· s o L D Klmba.11 92'M. ffunUng'ton ";;~~ tesy to broker• lath OW?\"ER Mlllntr moaern 3 bdrm .• 11-8-1 .Eetate EsMenJ!_ 2 batb bome at lop of Corona del M.ar. Mortpse paytng turn. BALBOA ISLAND, 115 No. gar. apt., 1.uto. dah wa.lber, Bay Froot. Yr. old modern, wuhing machine. n'w 11.0ve. re· trig . dr1pe1 6 floor co~rtnp $6.5,000; take Paaadeoa or 11:1clodtd. Many built Ina. Jou ot Palm Sprinp for pa.rt. room for k id.I. W1.1Jtln1 dlat.ance Non 11.1 nnrTfl'E aicA N Hlll to achoo!. $25,000. Har. 2:1<>6-M. ~ ".c.u. ~ • v.11.1 • • 17tfc PuadenL SY 2-1148. 27c40 ---------- HA. VJt t'i rm. ~ • JUHt apL South of hwy., COM. WA..l\'T lot or small houae. &ll· flower or Lakewood Village. G. H. LA'nfROP. MM E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Bar. MO. fl:vta. Bar. S:lll-J ). 32c34 EXCHANOE J bdrm., l~ bat.hi, F . A. hMt, w1t.h II at.all borM bam., tack rm, 11ep. S rm. a pL on 21.i acrea fenced • crom fenced. Ex<'h. tor 3 bdrm. home In Hubor area. By owner. Ph. OX 7·1327. 24c37h Channel Front Lot "You can't hardly ret lhem now" Marcu.t An under Tm O. DON l'>OfUtANDY 1-3033 or f:lOl Seuhot• Or. Wedc'"d.I. 28ttc BY OWNER Corona Highland• -3 bdrm., 2 bath CumlloWlr. FHA commit- ment. Ph. Harbor 78-J. 99lfc OCEAN VIEW, R-2 lot Corona Highlands, Har. 3864 32c33 431 Rlvuslde, Newport Bel«tltl by Multinle Listing N~POJt'T HARBOR BOARD OP' REALTORS Corona del Mar ~"J:STLJ!:D CLOSE to the IUll.ll la t.hl1 lovcly 2 bdrm. home, artl11· tlcally decorated. which uude11 cht.rm from lta art brick front and brl(bt red door, Ile lovely floor plan and IU t'low~r 1t.rewn patio. Owrslad dble. carage atreued for 2nd Ooor, JU ,2:1<>. term a. Call Jr.tel& Nel10n owner. Hartior 115110. or come t.o OPEN HOUSE DAILY, 707 Irla Avt1., 29tfc Owner's Sacrifice LA.ROil 2 bdrm. houM. ~ block to Bay, 2 block• to bialneu cen- ter, S9.600 et 518-360! l!lt reel. Newport Bellt'h. Ph. owner SYcarnore 8·38:17. 32p4.6h SOLD ALW 328 Poinsettia 2 bdnn1., 111 Iota. Oueat apL I: Z te-rma. G. H. LA TH.ROP, 3W E. Cout Hwy., Corona. del Mat. Har. :1442 (Ev-Har. S6U..J) 30c32 SOLD BUI SE Cor. C'at. Hwy. It Jumlne Corona ck1 Mar by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOA.RD OF REAL roRB Excellent Units !'IEAR NEWPORT PIER -Atioul tJ ytatl old. Good Income All rumlahed. $19,000, terms Homer E. Shafer R.ltALTOR 108 Mcll'1dd<'n Plollce (At the Newport Pier) Har. HO. Evea. Har. I 137·M. AP tor Bera.Id 0 . Spit•. 20c22 Corona del Mar 0:'< TOP OF THI: WORLD - BTJJld new! bdrm .. 2 Mlh homtt, hlih up In Corona H1gnl!U\de PIU\orarnl<" v1ew. C..n atUI cnooee color of u1 ... t l<' Call Mr. R. P•tllaon al- S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 le* Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move In Sewen ln and paid Garhage Dt.pou.1 Enclosed garagea Kitchen fan. / Colored rock roots Birch Cabinet. Street curbed and will be paved. See owner living at 262 Palmer St. Oft Santa Ana Ave. Between 15th St. and 16th St. LI 8-11:WJ 252 Palmer St. Open House Sunday 1-5 p. m. 231 Poppy. Corona del Mar BEAUTIFUL HOME for the d.lacrtm.lnating ~. Near Ocean. Vermont alate entry ball, oak panelled dm. Lovely living rm. open. to patio. Roman brick fireplace, acoultie pluter. 12 x 1~ d.inin6 room opena to patio. Dream kitchen hN m.ahop.ny cabl· net.a, diahwuhtr, dilpoal, built-in laundry. Lota of atorage apace throughout. Wall to wall ca.rpetlnc, cu.tom drapes. Large forced air furnace. 2 unusual· ly large bd.rma., each with own luxurlou. bath. ....,. t.er control lighting ay.tem. Be&utitu.J landllcapins, walled ya.rd, electric pn.ge door. A truly fine home for the pa.rtlcul&r buyer I THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 17il·H77 Want a HOME and Demand V ALUE77 Drop ln and we will 1hOW' you a home that will tu1 all of your qu&llflcatJon.a. A wonde.rtal home for the family and at the ume time lot. of room t or entertaining. Thia one 1ella itMl!, the lovely view and t.be fine Mt.hogany paneling, the two laip llrepl&ce. and many other very nl~ feetW"e9 a.11 add ap to the buy or the year. We are enthtlled &Dd are SUN YOU will be too. The price ia $27,600 and & guaranteed value. Pleue call for appointment.. PAUL c: JONES, Realtor 28.20 Newport Blvd., Newport· Bea.eh Har. 2313 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE WHEN ~ ln qua.lily income property lo- cated In choice rent&! diat. Ju.t 100 tt. from ocean. There are 3 unit. -a new duplu and & 5-room hou.se on 2 Jot.. 2 unit.a a.re turniabed and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. 'l'hrM ga.racea on alley. Preaent income can be llUbat.a.DtJalJy increued. $f5000 Will handle. FOR INSPEC'l'ION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Har.1013 "Its cute, its lovely, its engaging.'' We mean a 2 bdrm. RwstJc home, ahake roof , waed brick fireplace and plant.en. Open beam ceiling, carpeted wall lo wall, wired f or electric range. Fenced ya.rd. dbl. garage. South of Hwy .. near ooea.n in Corona del Mar, Priced right at $16,500, very good t.enna. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar BALBOA ISLAND Open House -228 Apolena Every Day 1 to 5 Beaut. 2 bdrm. home comp'I turn. Studio Uv. MlL, full dining rm .. large patio with BBQ. Priced right wllh xlnt tcnM. SEE IT TODAY. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Manne. Balboa ltland Harbor •78! OWNER haa new home, SaJbc>a P'ninlU!a-Son cc>lng in un1ce. 110 will take large trai..ltr( preter Udo ParJt l u dmrn payment. C&1J Mn. ray, Harbor ln., or Ews. Hubor 1868. S2cSC OCEAN VIEW HOME. 2704 Cliff Drift. Full price Sll.000. terma. 11 500 down. Owner, LI 8-2532. 23t.fc 330 hnt& Ana Ave .. ?'\pt. Ht.& by Multiple Listing W. E. Fisher, Realtor This Is The Year • TRAD!: tor N-mwPORT. Beautiful u~.ooo bo~ 1" a Cret1eenta. Ctlurcblll 9·980t. 30p42pt Your own pethway to .,LitUe Corona" Beach mu.am& VIl:W 8ITll. I ~e belnnA, tremendoUI ~w. U'ftnl' room. H' balba, tun.lda paUo. ~ pnc. Si&,600. Call Huber 1776. e-.-. Har. ~59 Earl W, Stanley. Realtor m Mat1ae An., Ba.lboL laland 33c36 COITA. lilE8A -Oc-.ii Y1"'. 3 bdrm. home. W to W C&fl>et.. bullt·lu boobhel•-. 419,pea. •tn· eu.an bllndll and cvtainl, prb. d~ &lld &Jerlrta ranr• ln latcbm. HI~ LuMs.aped and pa~ ania... $11,000. 12SOO down Oa» "'"*· u &-1171. Upaa Need Larger Home MUST SELL nearly new I bdrm. howw, large cornn II>\. Hwd. floon U\rUout. ftrtplace. PaUo l11 enclo11td 3 sldea. DRIVE BY 2221 Santa Ana Ave., Colla MeM. Ph. owner LI 1·7U8. 33p411H BACK BAY Comer of )fraa Drive 6 OyJIRM. II )'1'. old, beauUful v\ew. 81.3 a 145' lot. I bdnna., lfe H a 20 kitchen. wall to W&ll carpet. Solld PUml bloc conltrucUon. y,·aJI~ pallo. Lou of room for Income addlUon •1t.h l»y view. Pmate perty. $16,900. Ph. LI 8·M48 tor appolntmtnL 32p45 FOR SA.1.1:0 0R TR.ADE -MoWl· ta.Jn l"ILftdl, 2 bomea . 1prtD1, and J wella. J...art• dam. ft\mmlq pool.. LI 1-llil. • Uc:a1 N EWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS LIDO ISLE BY OWNER -40·ft. lot -1treet to 1lrada. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. We.II to wall urpeUng, natural blrc.b kitchen, built-In atove, fan It prb. dlsp. Full price - '26.000. R&r. 6139. 2:5<:3t BT Ow1'ER CUTE I bdrm. hOUM, Mar oeee.Jl It ch&ru1el BBQ In tlagat.one paUo, bt1clr walla t.brourbout. Sau1flce for fll.t:IO, or larfe boaL 208 • '11t., Newport a.a.ch. Harbor •MS. ap.3 FQR SALE by OWNER· BUILDER. 3 yn. old, 2 bdnn. home. 232 Mapoli&, • an.1 ASSOClAT£S 3034 IC.~ Hy .. Corona del Mar Corona del Mar Ph()lle H11rtx1r 2443 SOLD No. 2S B11acon Bey by Multiple Listing NICWPORt HARBOR BOA.RD OF R.lll.ALTOM This Is The Home • BAI.BOA ISLAND. We off er e.xclu1lvely an unua· uaUy desirable 4 bdrm. muJti-bath borne. Delightful llvin~ room. large din10g room. Maximum 9QU&1'9 footag~. Cloee to beat beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. ' C.U Harbor 1775 Evea. Harbor 6368 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor For sale by owner 225 Manoe Ave., Balboa I.aland DUPLEX on R-2 lot.a 1112 It 1114 Jacnlne. Corona del Mar. Priced rtpL C&l1 Bar. llUt-1\ an.er 6 ~~-ar 8unda11. 32p45h $7950~ N'1:W I bedroom. bdwd. Ooon on lot lhHO' -W AYOC&4o 8L. OCEAN VIEW mo4u11 2 bednn home trilh eatn room and " bath on double genre. Price '23,llOO. Low down pe)rme11t or Will t&lc.e l'lrtt T ru..ll Dffd In trade. 2712 Clift 0r1 ... (adJll.C«'l\t ..cant lot an.U&blel ~°'"*•LI 1-Wi 13tte • . SOLD 16U Mir.mar Or1w~, 8aJtJo9 by Multiple Listing ~RTHA.llBOR 90.AJU> or~ I L • • .. .. 4 PAGE 6. PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ft:-:'~-~--a.-a.a r.tate ~n~•!!!•!.l..!ll!!~~·!!....---a .... r.tate THURSDAY, MARCH 31 , 1955 ------------ An Unusual Buy 3 bdrm. home In a fine &ocaUOll ......... . a ••• r.tate ;;,._ ___ _ 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' ~ ~y :C~'C::~-~:; Buatn-frontap, Newport Blvd. 132'x150' "PLUS" home only e yra. old. Rowlftr, 8 income unit.a on the rear l 32'x150'. A real buy at the yard 111 nerlected and th• $47,500, reuonable terms. 3 bdrm. home, atorage room, dbl. prage, work •hop, on 1 acre plus -$13,500. 2 ama.11 homes on one acre, plenty of fruit treea. $8750. NEWPORT HEIGH'l'S -3 bd11n. older home, neat It clean, large lot, quiet neighborhood, $8500 with SlOOO down le $70 month . . Well built, newly decorated 2 bdrm. home, comer lot. $6500 with $1500 down, bal. $55. per' month. 2 bdrm. home It 1 bdrm. rental, paved alley, beau· tiful yard fenced. Will consider lot u part ... ot down payment. $12.~. Jl'UIL BASEMENT, latge 2 bdrm. home, bwd. flra., fireplace, dining rm. $11,250. Drive by 3309 Clay St., (Newport Height.a) and phone ua tor app't. A·t Agriculture, two acrea ·-·----.. ···-·--......... $6500 C-2 Bualneu, 60 x 140 ....... _____ .............. -·---·-3500 R-4 Relfdentia.1. 66 x 100 ......... _. .... -...... -........ 28M houae nffdl clean1n1 and paint· tnr. U you are handy In "fixinl' up" thUI wUJ really tnte .... t you. The owner needa money now. U0,500. Prlce-UOOO down. Immediate Possession 3 t>ctrk. A 1 ~ bath home In New- port Helfhtlt. Good location near the En•lrn ecbool. Lovtly hwd. floor~. and many nJce tealurea. SUS,3-00-$3600 down or leaa. Newport Heights WE HAVE a beauty, 2 br., and den wtt.h J ~ bath9. time and 9J1&ce wlll nol permit u to tell you all the nice thins• about thl• teautltu.I h ome . FULL PRICE SH,:IOO, TERMS Costa Mesa 2 BDRM. home, a mo. old. Good reeidentlal area. w to w carpet· Inf, 1arb. dt.p. FULL PRICll .9.~2,000 DN. Is there Elton Barnett Realtor 48e N. Newport Blvd. (1 blk. above Hoar H09pltal) Liberty 8·2172 LI 8-71N eve•. 1.5 acres with ocean view Bay Front Home! 5 BJ:DftOOV, 3111 batlu. Temllc Bay vww. Balboa P~J& location. A·l cond. Pier rlptlt HtN'• an eacltlq buy for ID .. \. U•.600. lenna. manL S.uWW mpot aa ,tM cUtt wtlh eom• oc:.an ne.. n·. on . Pen·nsula Duplex• the outakJrta of town now 1IUt I • wlU 1100a be IJI lh• mlddle Of SPACIOUS B&AtmrUL BUIU>- lmportant new pro~ta. OoWd ING. I bdnNI. and 2 M~ each make • n ice k>t.a. .'.J'bMI la red bot. apartment. Nlcely fUmlahed. •eooc> full pri«. 8ltuat.d on tarp cor. lot. Nice laundry A 2 car 1ara1e. Ut, 160. • M.IOO doWh.. Newport Heights 8 • B .1d. .1 Her•'• • real llOOlfY a bdrm., 2 useness Ut 1n9. IN THI: H&ART OJ' BALBOA bath home .nd th• prl~ 18 rifht. JIUSINZSS igc'l'JON. Suitable .Ex~U•nt location on 71ilt12T k>L for moat retan bu.atneM. Good Hu ~utltul wood paneled condlUon. 'sH.000. iis.ooo down. w.U.. alldlnf f l&N doon \o pauo, forced a1r heal, .upenor Bay Front Dupl•x! con•trucllon. Jlt.~. Bubmlt A WONDICIU'UL VALUJC •.. U your tema. you will do a little fl.Jl'~. 2 ~ rooma up and ~ down. P'umlahed. "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.As ''(.,-THOMAS &Mt Balboa rental area. Private bMch. pMr rtpt.. Qt. 1~ lem\• CLIFF HAVEN DOUCULATE 3 bdrm. It rwnpua rm. home. Large liv. room, nicely landacaped, · compleWy fenced yd., detached 2-car gara.ge. EXCELLENT BUY at $18,500 KINGS ROAD NEW -REA.DY TO MOVE IN -Attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bath RANCH STYLE home, W to W carpeting, F. A. heat, fireplace, OCEAN VIEW. MODERATELY PRICED at $2 .. 500. Balboa 2 Unit! TWQ UNlT8 ON ONC LllVEL. Euy S.y Awnue locatloa, cloee to belt Bay .wtllunlftl beadlf1. Ideal for l"tftt&la. $10,500, '3.500 down. You will h&" to b'llrT1 to buy Ulla one. Peninsula Home! J BJ:Dft00M8 and DEN. Dandy atueco bome. Rec:qll.J rwpablt.ed out.dde ud ln. Belt .alue on Ute PeniMUla. SH,000, 16,500 down. Mernbera. )(UIUp&e u.ttns Balboa Realty Co. G. N. WELLS, Realtor koy R. McCa.rdle a Wheel Chair VIEW VIEW VIEW (~t. ..u ot ~) Ra. Ontiq Al OanMltua L -.. IAe 1810 Newport Blvd., . Coeta Mesa. LI 8-1601 in your Fam~ly 1 WHAT A VIEW from the llv. room, den It muter • • COUNTRY HOMlll wllh doon. bdrm. in thia lovely owner-built 2 bdrm. It den home. Jlldt PiUMm Joae. kiM Wellll TOO m. ~ Bhd., JlaJMa .Pbon• Banor-am. ___ .......... a._....._ ·--~----~------- MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES Keys at 3201 W. Coast Highway See these Lido Isle Specials 1. A LARGE 2 bdrm., 2 bath home .Jl:verythlns about it ia large except the priee. A LARGE maanificent livin1 room overlookinl a LARGE IMllmY patio. 2 la.rge bdrma.. W to W carpetlns. drapee; LARGE '6' lot., beautifully la.DdllCaped. A 8MAlJ.. down payment of $6500 will eel1 W. one In a hurry! 2. Thia one la .imoet. brand new with beautiful new furniture, carpetiq and 'arapea. Long livinl room with dining area, attractively decorated. Slate fireplace It aunken planter. Each bdrm. with ad- joiDJ.n1 bath. Only $25,tSOO, completely turn. ABSOLUTELY The Moat Desirable Income Property in The Harbor Area Located on tarre comer lot amonpt lovely llDate family homee on the beautiful Ba.Ibo& Peni.Daul& 'Point'. Thia ~ month old deluxe cu.tom built pro- perty conaiBta oU roomy 2 bedroom apta. and ' Jarse 1 bedroom apta. Plu. 9 lndlvklual prqee, laundry room with 2 wuh*9 and drier, ,.torqe room, and a beautif\11 llUlldeck Oftl' ..,.._. All apta. except ownera an on yarly untunu.bed -... •· The preMlt toltl .ched.ulecl Income 19 $MIO.OO -• and ju.t look at thfa ! Owner will tab Pt,000 down and carry the btl•nce of ~.000 at S800 per month includJnc lntereBt at 5"7. Excllllllv• with The Vogel Company s 0 LJ) 3201 w. Cout HJ&bwt.y, Newport Bwh 3°' A·B-C Dall1&a. 0.-0.. Ml Mar ___ Llbert __ Y_8-M8 __ 1 _____ Ete_._Llberty ___ &-_1Me __ _ * VIEW HOME rarnpa 6 frip buut MJ'eelally for 2 bat.ha, 2 fireplacea, din. room. 92-ft. lot, lovely wheel chair owner. 2 br., den, NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Cl.JFF LOT 1% b9tha. 1.oa A c fnllt treee pat.lo around lddney--1laped SWDOIING POOL. Sp.cioua 1 yr. old home, 2 bdrma., convertible 'D&D· completely fenced. CloM to r.an f.or IP. · .. _ ~-••·-'-...nn • v • , oor-ro:celliilg windo=..w.:;;;a::;:lea=...t.!-din::::::. ;_,,--f--~e'!l:lr1m'lti~PT'1"d ~".~~i!;= ~ . Submit otter on ASKING PRICE of $42,:500 to veranda. Panora.mic view of bay and Catalina . '22,:l-00 to low price of 119,000. See U f B h S R tals- apparent from the liv. rm., din. rm. " model kitchen. u term•. 8 or ays ores ummer en Thi. pleuing home bu much attractive tile, rau.ed "C" THO~ JAS R It brick fireplace, newest featurea in kitchen, forced M • ea Or air heat. new beautiful drapee a.nd carpe*1r· Only One Left m w. Cout Bl1hway, Newport Beach Libert}' B-M27 $23,500. (Not a leuehold) $795 Down $795 "C'' TBOKAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS UC" THOMAS * VIEW LOT Cliff Haven Area -Level Lot Unobatructed view. Not a lea.aehold. * 714 ST. JAMES RD. CLIFF HA VEN -110' Lot Exceptional home offering view. Large attractive lMnr rm., 3 bdQU. BeautJtul f encing, paUo. $15,900. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 Newport Bh·d .. Newport Beach Har, 2552 ON LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., April 2 & 3 . 1 to 4 p.m. -339 Lido Soud Bayfront -Pier & slip. Furnished 3 bdrm. In an ntatr. Heirs are anxious to sell. Buy now and enjoy the summer. If you can't wait until Sunday, we have the key. $49.500 full price A far cry indt'1"d from the ordinary! This two bdnn. cUtif' has a ZTP and a FLARE that you will like. lt'a detailed for comfort. $23,750 U you need a fifty foot lot at a sacrifice price snd have ca.ah, see ua. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VlA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to the right of the Lido Bndge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3&43 (eve. H. 2999} BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD Multiple Listing No. 5390 Open House Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. 530 Kings Road, Cliff Haven ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm., P 1 bath homes in thia neighborhood. Charming desjgn and all rooma are well arranged, light and spaciou11. Large slid· Ing doors from dining room to outdoor patio. W to W carpeting, forced a.ir heating. indoor planter, dbl. ca.rage, attractively la ndacaped and aprinkler •Y•· tem. Thia home will pleue the most. discrimi.r\ating buyer. Priced at only S22.75d with attractiv~ terma. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Ruaa. Wm. G. Schmidt. R. W. Rayle, Aaeoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa 1aland Harbor 2042 Model Home Open Sat. A Sun. -------------------- 12. 6 2llt • Oranre Ave., 3 bdrm., 1 ~ bath•. bre•ktut and dining anaa. Full price $10,100. LOT, NEWPORT HEIGHTS SS.:l-00 M·l Lot on Placentia ........ $12.11-00 C·2 Lot on Newport ···--· SlO,:l-00 C-2 Lot on 17th St .... ,-.. $12.11-00 3 R-4 Lolli In Coet& Mua .... $1.200 How Can You Miss 1 e unlla A c.ate on C·2 lot.a. Income appm11tlmateJy J400. Full price, $39,11-00. l:1t. Term .. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR le&e Newport Blvd., Cotta Me .. Wberty 8-3792. S 0 L'D 21e2 NaUnnal St .. Ol•l• Mu. • • BAY SHORES • • (2) T W 0 (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun, 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vaste Dr. • Bay Sbore.' Clev~ Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., ra18eCl u9ed brick fireplace, diahwUher, diapoaal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, terms. AND • Comer Marino Dr. & Vista Dr. • MODERN TYPE HOME 2 bdrm., 2 betb, ~quiaite kitchen, built-in range a oven, wall to wall carpeting and drapee, Large wn· ny patio. Expen.lively landacaped. Full price $29.500, terma. For preview abowinc•. call HarboT 1600- ( Ev-. Liberty 8-MSe) by Multiple Listing NllJWPO.tf HAKBOR HARBOR ~TMENT co., REALTORS 0<1AfU> OP' JUiALTOR8 ------Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Builder Needs Cash $7850. 81';f.f;INO thl11 1'1111' 2 ~rm. home nn • l'nrn .. r Int ti.low rMt Al· ml'lllt n,.w 'l'#n r ar 1ar•1" R<t0m fnr-11nnlllr r unit. flul111"~ n...,111 lnN1m,. tu monf'y .. ,.,, 11,.r,.·• " t.....nflr h1Jy "'°" mr lmml'1ll11t,.ly nn thlll Jl'ull prlcf' ac111n I• only $7850. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18:\e Nc-wport BlvJ .. ('Ottta Ml'N ( AcroM from Coal• Mesa Bank I Phone U berty 8-87&1 Evt11. Hilt. 4386-Ll 8·2103 SOLD f.ot 200 Blk. E. 2lllt. Collta Mt• by Multiple Listing ._ NEWPOJt'r HARBOR BOARD or UALTOR8 Income $90 month 2 RENTAL8 on 1 lot. I yr. old 1tucco. 18.&00. 8ell oil Um~ or e.c.hann for Income or horn~ n••r beach. VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Ofrece BUSINESS PROPERTY-$32,000 lnv.tmmt b\lya a groe. income of S:S700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equipt. T.-rrlflc Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with eome view of bay. Completely fumiahed. $3'500 hand.I~. For evenlnit lnformatJoo phone Harbor 3069-M. SEE US for several extra apeclally fine BAYFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave.. BaJboa Ialand Harbor 44"' Sweet · and lovely l-$1000 down. 9 montha old conventional S bed· rm., carpeted and lmmaculate, F. H. A. loan.. $66 mo., eo.ta Mesa. 2-$2000 down, Ranch atyle 3 bed.rm .. 2 yeua old. Fireplace. oalt noon, b1eea ... ay. fenced. patJo, pretty yard. A GI loan, $84.ff mo., ea.ta M-. GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY Business propertv KULTIPLE LISTING 1ut.u:roa . by Multiole Listing NEWPOJElr' II.ARBOR BOAN> or REALTORS You Can Afford a Better Home llnjoy t.M modem llVinC of th'9 one RofJ, J bdrm. bom• with completely turnlabed apt. o•• doUbl• prq'e. l'l:A TURJ:8 lovely bath, modem kJt.cben with dla'poe&I. f\lmac• beat and fireplace aDd la.da of wardrobe 9P&Qll· Her. la hoW • • •. Tbe MCOnd unit -• AJce apt. brtnp 11200 yearly at thl9 chcMce Balboa bland location. Prteed well l&ftder uo.ooo .... thla property f or Sood t.enna and pod IMn1. J. A. BEEK, Realtor SOLD Buetn .. lMO Npt. Bl•d.. c. M. by Multiple Listing NSWP<>ter llA.IUIOR BOAN> or ft.LU.TOM Here's a Beach Home AS CUT'E A CLEAN .. tlle pro· n?1ri&l buc"• eu! 1 bdrm .. uruic rm.. tlltdleft, partly tum.. laT19 front encao.cs pauo. Dt>I• pr. and Ofl!J' N.IOO. Balboa Triplex ' BDRM. HOUBlt. I bdrm. and a 1 bdnn. apt., aJI turn. Juat a few at.pa from th• Bay. One ot tlle beltt rental ..cUou bl Ila.Ibo& Now Available - TWO VERY BCAtml'UL build· 1nr •t• °" the Point. Coast Properties Co. JOl E. ...,. Bl•d.. Bal!!<>& Barbor MM. 2!lf'7 and tlOO. SOLD IOI AmeUU-•t. B&lbo9 hland by Multiple Listing NmWP<>Jl'T RARB<>k BOAN> or ll&A..LTOIUI BUSINESS BLDG., Downtown Balboa S LOTS ln fut 1TVWtn1 m~~f ac· "tllrtnf dlltrlcl. Partly tmproftd. 13:5 E. 17th St., eo.ta Meu, Lt 8-7781, eves. 8-3188 COSTA '~A Oood Income. pr1c.d under to---------------------~ GOOD BRICK BLDG., atreued for 2nd ltory. Ooe stoN bldg. and larp 3 bdrm. apt furniahed -Can be converted Into 1 or 2 large oUicee or •tores. Best location. Only $22,000. l~ d°'fll or will trade for Balboa rental property, You can't afford to mia UU. one! SEE Lil& B. McFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES I I i il9 E.. Balboa Blvd. -Balboe Harbor 3786-R or ~17 -M day'• market. WUI mall• a quick Nm'WLY decor9t.d modet1l 1 Md· protlt on ttJlll.lf.' Teltpbon• for BEFORE YOU BUY -rm. lbaeco ~Oil .... r Of IJOL detalla. Harbor 1406. Room for addltJoeal"UDlt In tmt. Be sure to see these NEW HOMES-::' t.~ • ...... Pr. NDOO. N.B.C. Realty Co. 22nd °" Ne"}>Ort BlYd New-port Beach. 3kH SOLD JUI cr.t'f'tf!W Dr .. ~ by Multiple Listing NWWPOf€'r RAKBOll BOARD OJ' l\&Al.TOIUI 3 bdnna., l lf.i beth bom• Cloee to everythinc. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE PbOM Llbwt1 a-me · lltf• TED HAUSER -_., ........ OollCa .... Lli.tJ MTl1. Udl LAN1m LOT • Cltff Drt"9 • CUft ........ AUN> .. ft. .... to llCl'eet lot -a... tlclo,.. ud C-1 let -~ ...... Mr. .u...... -· t»1. .... , Best in Year Around Living $21,950 ' 320 Holmwood Drive, IDGH ABOVE THE ARCHES (Y• -there la a. view!) To thoee quality comciou buyen 1eekin& a larpr and finer three bedroom two beth home ·we •UI· geat your critical iupectJon. Thia fine home la located among expenav. l'eli· dence9 in a b1ghly reetricted nei1hborhood. The lot la level and tbere la over eighty foot frontqe on Holmwood Drive. Complete fencin&' mall.• for awd· mum priY&cy. The srounda were prof eaalona.lly la.ndac&ped and are beautllul to behold. Sewen in a.nd paid for. The_ home w every feature one U90Ciate. with quality buildinc, juat a few a.re the atra larp amount of fine CU8tom cabinet.8, generoua amount.a of ceramic tile. top quality hardwood floors, alidll\1 11ue wall onto the patio, wood· burnlnc fire place wiUa log lighter. diapoMl, to uy not.hlnr of the very unu.wal Jdtcben and dinlncroom. Why not ... lt today! W. STUART FOOTE, Rea~or 2117 W. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Newport Beaeb Phone Harbor 24, Eventnce Liberty ~90 This home provides many opportunities to really enioy lif- want a private beach! Need a place to keep your cn&i8er ! Prefer cloee in location near Udo Shoi-. etc.! Buy thJa ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Ba.y Co"8 rlcht on the waterlrol1t, only 3 yra. old. Lot. ot t1Je. parquet floors. F. A. beat. dbl prage, nice fe.tu.r.. Pier ll alip prlvilegu. A real value at $26,250 -Term.a Excellent Newport Income Dupln furniahed -good rental dlatrict. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3:>00 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bea.ch Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Attra.ctlve modem 2 bdrm. furniabed home. Good comer location. Room for gueet or income apt. on rear ot lot. Price $18,7M, tel'1D8, WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor I And • ->Ciatee Pa.rk at M:arine, Balboa Ialand -Harbor Ma v' Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. SHORE CLDTS -3 BORK. 6 DEN BOMB. pha. 1arp rwnpu. room. 2 tireplacea, a betM. view of oceu, canyon It hllla. Completel.1 f\ll'Do lab.ct A barJa1n at ~.000. Property located at 318 Momlnc Canyon Rd. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY UNTIL IOLDI PRICE T. ·McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING UAL'roR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Coraea ct.I Mar Harbor ft <Offtoe ~t.d aat door t.o Coroaa clel Mar BIM) \ ............ a ............. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST . '51 A MONTH lncludela tasee, luuraac:le, iDterwt .t '" and principal. 2 large bdrm. home, -l yn. o1d. Hwd. •nn., Jot 75 x 100. EKcellent buy at '9150 with $2450 dwn. DETAILED It planned for California llvlnf • Bay It Ocean Ylew. 2 bdrma., den, 2 tiled bet.ha • Car· peted, drapes, tinted view window'8. flaptone fire- piaee, sra.ttf thermo beat • Attractive appoint· menta, 2 yn.. old, lmct.caped. $28,500, suitable trna. EASY TO OWN -Buainem location on eut 18th Sl Improved with lovely 2 bdrm., den, dining rm. home. l'l.replace, bwd. nr.., 75' front. a.Uey, aewen. ~ dn., no finance charges. 8ES1' BA.CK BAY buy, 5 acree. $~.750 le $8000 dn 127-ft. FRONTAGE, Placentia near 19th. K-1 sone. $70 foot. EAST ·OF NEWPORT Blvd., 70 x 130. Trees le water meter in. $22:i0. BU8INESS INOOME. 2 atorea and 2 bdrm. apt. Leu. available to ahow gro. of U %. Room to build additfonal unita. Dbl frontage lot. $12.000 -t.enna. $1.BOO DOWN. New 2 bdrm., den, built-In stove 6 oven. Unit h-.t. abake root, 2 tiled bat.ha. J'um Style, must be 90ld. \ l _a-__ ... __ Eatate _____ ~._!!::!•!!•!•~r.-.!!!!!*!.•----·~a~::!•!!.a~ .. ~·~•!.------._. 1J1tate ,A p. a. palmer incorporated · I FRENCH QUARTER All the traditional atatelineu of by·1ooe daya keyed throughout to modem living iD um home you will Jove at fint aigbt. White cut Ironwork entrance, muaive railed·bearth fireplace, carpetio1 of band'· · loomed wool, matchJng papen and drapes. Lovely kitchell with diabwuher, dJqoul, hood over range and louvred abutter& to cla.e of! the pua-through to dtnlng area. Sliding glua doors to patio from both living l'OOm and muter bdrm. Located on one of Lldo'a finest comer Iota to inaure permanent prl· vacy. 3 nice bdnu. and 2 well appointed bat.ha. You can't build for any lem and ttu. I.I perfect. ~hone for appointment to He thJa now. $33,500. UlTRA .. SMART · Typical· of Lido Iale'• ultra-amart, modem bomea la this 1triking 3 bdrm., 2 bath house ot unique, com- pact demgn. The living room feature. u hand.tome •lump-atone fireplace and beamed ceiling. Beyond it ii the trim, tailored kitchen with oak cupboard.I in luatroua natural ti.nilh. Sliding gl&ll doora ftom . both the dining aru and the den-bdrm. to the abel- tered, 1UJ1DY patio. FULL PRICE $27,~. DEVELOPERS 01' LIDO ISLE p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 vta Udo. harbor 1800 BAY SHORE BOAT RENTAL Thia I.I a ft!')' well elltabliahed bualne• with imme- diate income. Everything goea including 26 boat., 8 out'6oarm, abop, 13 bait &led.a, mbc. toola 6 equip. PLUS 2 Bedroom Waterfront Hou.e ALL FOR $16,000. . ~tr~erry Shortcake wu nevtr better tbaD thll deJJcfoua 2 bdnn. home on Lido Iale. Expoeed beam ceillnp, Wied brick fireplace, (large). Shinlng bath, BUDnY patlO. Com· pletely furniehed 1D F.arly American atyle. Here'• a chance for you to own tb1a immaculate home tor only $21,500 (terms) p. •· palmer, inc.' ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hlrhway -liberty s.a573 Eve8. Harbor •923-J . BILL'S BEST BUYS CORONA HIGHLANDS THIS WEEK'S B~T ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ -Panoram.lc view -A new boUlfl too! One of the lut choice Jocatlona in Corona ~bland.I. l'laher built. 3 bdrm.I., 1 % bat.ha, &bake root, db~. garage. Still a-bulldlng ao can pick colon of form.tea and ... tllO. Neat l BR. BOUSE on C-J LOT. Have home A bualnea eoauo Ju.t ott Newport JU...S. $1.000 dn. h~. int. PeUtte Liberty 8-M87. INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS A FURNISHED c!leaple, elOM tn, 18l'57 Ne__...,. Ave·, ,,,_._ _._ on 6h13!5 toot lot. U600 tnclud· -r-· _,,."6 -tnr TV. Only nooo down. -:--Llberty---s--1m ______ Llbe __ rty __ s._14_oo_Evea. ___ PRIVACY AND QUIET - INCOME-BALBOA 9 1Dlita -Show exeellent rettlnl. PractJcally full t1me 100% occupucy. 8-utifully funllahed. Pri· vate paticm, 2 gara{ea, 11 carporta. ARl!l ASSURED u well u IN· COMJ!l from nntal unJL 1bue two WIJU are OD a large cM&a Jot. On.17 M8&0 OD lerma. exteriors, Thi.I buy won't Jut. Open House 1 • 5 Every Day 448 Rivera Terrace TWO ADJOJNINO 'Iii A.CJ\U. !:&eh baa l br. bM.. wtth rm. to build -.c!d. uni~ Cu be aold HJI. or to,..ua.r wtth uo.. tla- uce tor add. llu!ldlllp. Pre9eat IJlc. 1110. mo. JCft. inf. htltte Llberty 8-M8T. NEWPORT HARBOit News.NESS -'AlltT JV. PA&E 7 THURSDAY, MARCH ll, 1955 a ••tr.a.a. Balboa Island MOOR YOUR eo.rr. boat to your OW1l print. plat and float in front of t)lJe dellabttul 'Mrm. "Little Ialand" BaJbo&n-Eqliah bome. Price about $80,000. South Bay J'1RBT Orn:RING ot W. ~ how. D. mped for lmmedlat. OOll'f.,._ (elml 1 door) to two unit.. Perfect iMa)t for .-cratift, Nhadcm ucl tu relief. Two ~ ~ ftnplMa. I bcbw&. I b&tM. 2 ttt.elww Price &boat .-.ooo. A Vacation Home CUTE deu delishtf\ll 1 bdrm.. dbl pnp. P.tio. den.~. $16.TS>. 8atait your chm. ,.,_t. Balboa Island Income . TWO older unJta MU' 8outJI Bay. Good bacome. Submit clown. Price $1',900. Two Units Near North Bay JOYOUS LIVING ROOM, lup ~room ba mala unit. Priced ~ tathely at $35,000. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA rs llUJ*'for boma ' bdrm&. 3 betba. Abeoluteb' aceptiooal liyfq roam. f..-1 yard. -$12,000. BAY SHORES \ WE SPEClALIZE -Couult ua for ac1UltN, demlrable home&. CALL HARBOR 1778 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor A1ao ' Iota • Near grammar 8Chool Room for • more llllita-$74,000. BOW CAN YOU MI.SST - VERT ATTRACTIVE I bdnna. wiUI hardwood fJooia. Drift by Hl Mapolla in Coata M ... - then call U1 for appt. to Me. ruu price aio,760. · Best in Back Bay Greau.t ftlue -Lowe.t price liM ACRllAOI:. I acr.a la tut 22& Karine Aft., Balboa h1&nd devel. area, 16,000 per ae"' '1' ------------------- Peninsula ~down. J'urn1ahed 2 bdrm. home. Large patJo. Near Jetty. Balance il.25. per month. ...., Near Jettv ' yr. otd a bdrm., 2 beth ~· :lln ~ I'. A. heat. ftreplace. nice petio. J'ull price $19.~. Good tenu to npt buyer. 2 Diee beach houea • Co. to Bay, near library. l . -3 bdrm., modern Jdt.cben, SoOd heat. Lee. lot -$19,500. . I. -' bdrm., ideal family beach home. $15,'"50 I bdrm., den It aleeplq room. 2 bet.ha. Modern home cm conaer Ocean J'roDt lot. Real fun home for only $2-i,OOO. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1~ w. Balboa Bml., Balboa. Calif. Harbor 12&1 !:Ye. Barbor 18f56 Do you went the best buy in Newport Heights? • • • HERE IT IS I OPEN HOUSll 1-S P.K. SU EL MODENA, NEWPORT llElGRl'S AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home wtth 3 bdnu., 2 bat.bl. F. A. beat. Dlabmuter, prb. d.Ja- poeal. e&ec. fan. Touch latdl s,.tem on cupboard.a. Mercury lwitcbes. kar p.raps fitted with 220 volt wi.rtnJ. Entirely surrounded by concrete block Walla. Carpet. It drape19 included. AU for $19.~. COSTA MESA U you an looldnl for a good 3 bdrm.. famllj home, '"ban It. Sttuated on Eut 19th St., Price $12,960 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It lrvt.oe, Newport Beaeh Phone LI S-26&& Eves. LI S-7058 BEACON BAY Sl5000 dbWn. Dellghtful 3 bdrm. home with Income apt. Nicely fumJabed. BALBOA ISLAND $MOO down. We've Sot It -that cute wmmer eottap ·corner brick fireplace., 1 bdrm. PLUS bachelor apt. for rental -aD tumlabed. $18,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 llarlne Aw., Balboa laland Barbor '502 -Eva BarbQr 230&-R TOO MUCH CITY LIFET LIX.IC Ult widt open ~· T ni.D coulder thi. 5 room Ranchette. Oround9 71'x2&2.' Vrry W•ll kept and hu 18 auorted bearltlt fnllt tree._ Room t or a hone. Completely tenced. J'\lll price, •.11,600 with saeoo down. INOOME, CLOSE IN - DUPLllX 1· )'I'. old. J bdnu .-ell 8lde, cJoee to 8CJM1ola and OD city bua Une. ..,_t tnoom• IHI mo. IA& ua t1bow 1'0'I UM OM. ~ )'dee •ta.-o wttll OBIT fU60.doWn. CHOICE LOTS AV AILABLJ: DOal&O 11150 and IOslllO '1&00 wtua onJ7 saoo down. Ot.htn ln· cludinr corMn UOOO to SIMO. CboS.C. llack 11&7 ...utcted lou htGO ucl up. W. A. TOBIAS amALTOR "10U'U like our trMll417 Mnlce'' m JD. 1 TUI IL. eo.t& X.. LDert7 ~JUI SOLD COSTA MESA Hard to Please? IJ' 80. W. ~ bome II for )'OU I ~ paulm• onr UM muter' ftNp~ aocattuat. the natunl wood built·ln ldtdam • 1&rp dinette in th18 cloee-ln ...uld9 &&re• a bdrm., ab&JI• root homt. flt.too. Feel Like Falling? ta loft acatn f Here u JOUr dsanoel Qiarmln1 ta.mu,. borne ol a bdrnlt.. 1" t.tba, cn.p co)or echeme throufbout. Mod· em dealped for modern lhrtns with ,rapeet.ake fenced paUo, fireplace, bar kitchen. ton:td air heat. parquet floor•, prbaKe dl1- poul, 2 car caraa--unequalled value at su.0001 Bay & Beach Realty HM Newport Blvd., Costa Mue Llb«rty 1-1181. Evea. LI .. S158 SOLD m euta babel, cMta M..a by Multiple Listing NmwPORT HA.A80Jl BOARD or RULTONI 6 W tw • Wml. t.N.11er, eom· ------------------pletei, turniahed, carpeted. ... CORONA DEL MAR 1'8-foot ocean view lot in PaJoa Verct. ottered u down payment Oil 3 bdrm. boue ln Corona del Mar. Uafunll8bed cottap on R-2 lot. ~ft. liviQr room. a,.. to ball4 anat .... alt.. Price '8800. ~ d:D. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Jte9lton ~ Broker 3135 & Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Mar. Bar. 2W ,..,.._, lot., beach, boat dOcJl anllable. Brtclt lana1.. carport. J'Ull price 11760. Udo VIU&Je " ~er Park. 700 • llst 8t., Newport a.ch. Lot No. ... H&r 10lf.M. Jtttc SOLD 1. One acre of property 2. Complete and 11P9Rt.e cu.t home, llpe. (. s. 3 bdrm. hou.le, oi. IA.rge rumpua room. 5. Double prap. 8. GO-ft. encloeed mt.r.4 n1JDJDm, pool with ...,.,.te drJ ,. room. &D4 ....... 'I. Plenf:7 of rocm for ablel &D4 Jsonee. All of the aboft cu b9 panbued for u low u $aooo down. run prb. PT ,600. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bu.DpJow. l'lreplace. dbl. prqe. Only 3 yra. old. Can IDOYe ID fmmedJately. S3:500 dn. will handle. nuoo tall price. eoaru.y to broken. Call Mr P&ttl8oll - W. E. ~ISHER, Realtor and ABIOCUTl'B ION E. Cout Hwy., eon.a cW liar Har. 2"3 CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Income Properties 3 bdrm. home It turmahed, ..mdlo apl Can)'OD 'f't.w. ..,. lot. 2 patJoe, ftnplace, hwd.. floonl. E:&ceptlonal opportunltJ at '1J,200. 2 bdrm. home It bacbeJ.or apt., both furnJahed. Hwd. floors. flnp1ace. Jmt reduced to SU,750. Owner fOlnr eat. Duplex, corner lot. 1 bdrm., 1 % bat.ha 6 2 bdrm. Both unit. fully fUraiabecl. Near aboppinc, euy walk to the beach, beet rental location. See tbia. Priced at $18,000 with Sood tenna. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E. Cout Rwy., Corou del Kar. Har.17'1-H71 CORONA DEL MAR View bome in Buel Drive, perfect for 8Wllmer or year round. clo.e to I.Jttle Corona Beach. Hu two bdrma., 1 % batha, living room, fireplace, gla.Med ln IUD porch, completely turniabed 6 landacaped. P'enced for prtney. -$22,500. First time offered. 3 bdnn. and den home iD Cor- ona Hlghlanda, quiet street, ideal for kida, bu hwd. noora, f\replace, 1arp ldtehen, extra bedroom le bath on lower lnel. On11 two yean old. Excellent financing. Multiple 5571. $»,600. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS l'ROll THE BANK) 3U4 E . Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Balboa Peninsula Open House Sat., Sun., 1 to 5 April 3rd & 4th DOUCUUTE ' bedroom It de family home, or ideal for entertaiDJq. Lup wiDdon la floor pl&A afford mutmum liPt It ~ tJuwPoat. RoomJ kltcb• 6 le* of ltorap 9P9CI-Onwly decorated bar It rumpu room. Cutom built furn· lshinp ~nal. Dola't .... WI. 1576 E. Ocean Blvd., Balbo1 da. l!n. blq. Benner Har. 1111. ' A.au:& BACK BAY wtua 'fMw ot mt.a. 6 hlll&. RoWnc land. Ideally .atua~ tor eiltate bom• '20,000 with ~ dD. ~ 1Df. 8'11DOW' BarlJor 52"-W. TAADll NllAT L\.NTA AJfA I mt. ROMJD at ... ,oo tor a to ' br. borne bl Jlu1Mtr .,_or ..U SJ.GOO dn. • '45. IDOllUI.. , 1111·1 ~ ACIUC cmNTlllft ol 'J'OWM, .....,.... bo\IM A pound for ahop.. A t.rptn at 112,toO. Terma. LOVELY 2 bd.rm. A den !'RB lt you rent out the cuut bouee . Only SUOO required. Eft. PIL Liberty 1-JMJ. L)'tle. UNUIUAL QU.lLl'IT for Ulit money. Very modern a bdrm. bome. BuUMn Oftll • 9toft, prb. ell.Ip., etc. s.a klc.. aa.ooo S2t2'l5 FULL PRICE Three bedrdom and 2 betb completely fllmllhecl Includ1q deep tn.e, wuber and drJw, etc. lmt a ltep from the beKh. '1'1m la a ba.J. The proper-- ty la clear and we cu work oat acelleat tenm tor 70'l- Exclusive Wrth Us A euta ta... • & 415' lot, ccmplltely fvDJllbed. Wonderful petlo. )(Oft rtcht In for the eummer. 1'u11 Price $22,GOO. •'Couuit U• for Udo'• nne.t" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3«>0 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S KAR.KET ENTRANCE) dn.IM. i..n-tyl.Jld.i.,t.i.. ----~~-~-------~---- NEW a BR. aoxma ta ao.. 1:. ~ lldw'd. ftn.. r .A. beat. M~ IA elect. a.. 6 ~ ~ root 6 di*. pr. f16,JOO wtUI low dn.. r .B.A. teraY. RMU7 nice. ll:Ye. Se)'mour Har. aJH.W. I CA.LL • COJld !!f to .. ~ sood "71 at Houston Realty Co. It ilSOCIATD !IOI O.w It. • ea.ta M-. Pb. Ll Mtll SOLD • .,. Baalltoa, o.t& II.- by Multiple Llatlng NlllWPOltT BA!mOll ao.um or R&A.IJl'OIU BAYSHORJCS • CRAJUONO I br., boUJ' plM ... tenor, Jee. U•. room. oems-ct kit. w /llktlrt. bu, PLU8 i,.. p. rm. owr su. I .,.U.. 111.IOO- BACK BAY BTP'UL. • br. •/elm. I flnplao• view. A.aides prt°' ps,eoo. RU8'11C ft.ANCll aao.... ~ ecn W /YltW.' I W ,, med br. llreplaee, din. rm., p&tlo, r'OGID tor --. 122,llOO. 1 Aeftm ...._ rude wllllllt. J br. bome. Oood loc&Uc& SI-• tab1t.IM4 rout-.. Claire Van Hom UALTO" • 2'711 w. Oout ...,., Ll MIT' SOLD COftU!fA RIOMl-AlfD LOT9 - CIM4oe ... ·~ cau....__ The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spedoal bome of 4 bdnm. It elm. TrulJ a bome tor gradou Uving. A puoramic Yiew of Sq It OceaD from flV.-, room. Sola sJaaa iD Uytq room, .UCS.. inc doon to 2 IAID deck&. ~in Tbermador raap 1a cm.n. cUalnlublr, diqola1. 1.up ,.my. r. A. h•t. a 1mnanoa. batM, 2 ftnp&a.tm. a..uutW cm-- pet and dnpee IDd1ldecl ta price ol Sl8,500. Tenu can be &nUlpd. 811 KINGS ROAD Open Every Sat. 6 Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. 12m.Deltna' CaD for Appointment to See BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1l50C5 W. Balboa Bhd.. Newport Beadl. Bar. d1.8S TRADES LIDO 18LE BA YJ'RONT I bdrm. home. WID tnde for lncoma properiJ, Barbor Ara BAYl'RO!Cl', M0,000. WW trade for mall bGIM or bi•:-proper\1 -BUBMlTl • Balboa Ialand home, $22,000. WW tnM for Income unb ~pood. Pl•de•, Gllia4a1e or Whittler up to SGQ,000. The VO<jel Co. -Udo Office 1'11 Via Udo. Newport BMch Har. 4171 or W72 Outstanding Ocean View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm-t 2~ bath.a. Jee. hlq room. Mp&Gta dmiDs room, larp lmattJ pine din with ballt.-ln bar, JouDa'e. 2 OnpilOMw lMUllBMDt with 150.000 BTU fllnace. Espentdmy carpeted wall to wall thnHat. G.n.p ~ and dlalnruber. Boue I yra. old. L&rre doable prap with laan- df7, ndJo.eontroUed door. Lat ISO s lU'. Well~ ecaped. Tldl home mutt be .en to be a~ Located at S312 Ocean Bhtd. owNm W1LL ACX¥P'l' ANY REASONABLE ona Shown by •gr,.!1tment only pcme <>wmr. am IWI J • . . . ..... . ...... . -. PAQI I • P.ART IV -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS THUISOAY, MAIOf JI. t• C. II. lili1p lill llew High HARBOR HJ LITES datr and .nm oo.trap. lllWee l.7· man. 8ue Kupa. Patty Whlte- Oeld, Joyce Aad.Nw•. Doll.n& Ram· Utce, 8al1y Drader, 8bb Haader- Glrl, 11. Tells ofM•'1Attaci Awmd Sewer llcl to lxlM •Finn Newvort Harbor'e l)'1ft WU bunllnr at the M&Jna J'rlday even- ln.r at tl'le donkey b&lketball came. Tiie teacllera w11r. clad Ill Yarfoua coatunie• of lltO out.Itta, cowboy• with tur capa, bermuda abort.a. lonr red underwear, and u plain old hldul, which provided t.be 1tu· denta With plenty ot lall&'ha. Miu Ballard. t.be Diru.b t.e&dler, won tl'le mualcal chalre eonleet aad llbot. . AND ftlSl'f TBD& WIC&E Cart Burpron. BucldY TbolnpllOft. Jobn Hmrotln. Bot» Slallh, Kayla Hunt aad Jerry cro., Pat Riley and Bolt DMll1. Jackie Oarttt. Kar- 1'4 ltoY&ll. Denny H&l'W'OOd. ~ e.rtol. Judy Ham. and Cb&l'l.le Berry. 1\od 8wtebel and Kary Cov· alt, Cblp .Repa and Donna Small, C&rol Oreea &I'd Dtck Campbell. Gary Locker. O.ry ~. ·Bob Kall&way, Jody Lieb and Roy Dan· 1.... Broce Knipp and Chametl'I St.are,., Jim Taylor, Sue Klem and Vic WtJ..Qn, Oiorla Chapman, 8blrley H.urtpn. Ann ~lc;)n ud BNce HartwlJ, Blll Bartlet and Charlene Drake, Jane Oa- wu &iven a minJ&ture dook•y truw and Jim ~ Be-t statue. Pftrrman and Dlclc Onrby, Sandy Swln, Katl\y Jlutt, Sue Souden. Bet.y Bl&clnnar and John Grauer, oWnCULftD ·. All of the t.aclaen had .quite Vlr&inla hctt. VlrJlafa CUM, Penny lllloobar, Bonnie Oeor~e ud •hard time lltaylnr OD t.hoM don· JDaton, Dick lnnerMt and Merilyn keY' and rwnbn &re 1o&as •· lnJlnOMOn. round tb&t .ome of them .,. Pert• Rolland and Denny Ben· pretty 90l'e ud JD1Cbt not be at ~non. Btev. Watcher and Brenda llCbool today, upect&lly Kr. Goer-Barnett. Jean Booeey. Triah Knapp. ke and Kr. CaJdwell. Amoar th• L7ft Mchrland, Joanne Sue• W tllr _..-., ........ fGr UM . and O.Orr• Koott. I>lane Joye, &Mrttr• del"IU• tockJ wvt Ola U.. loOkcMlt tor aa at\adler after a.n Oraap drift.In tl'IMl,. watt• ,... wu forced lo wbmlC. at kllll• point early Saturday momlq. Shertlf"• depuUea quot.cl tl'I• 1 .. year.old 1frl u teUtna thta •t.oryl After concludlftl' work In tl'I• theatre mnack bar, •be Sol In her car and at.arted l'lom•. W1Ma llbe rt!ael'led Harbor and 06rda oro.- Blvda., 9he cl•im•. a man ........ up In the ba<'k .... t. held a knlt. on her and vabbed her around tl'le tl'lroat. Tb• •utpect irowled; "Don't try anythlnr and you won't r•t hurt. Don't alow down. Oo a UtU. far• th•r." The &irl &aid the auaJH!Cl crawl· ed In ll'le rront aeat with her and forced her to drive to a polat rrear Adam• and Wr1Jllt Ila.. Huntlnc· ton Beach. Tht>re, ah4i alle,ed. eh• wu compelled to eubmlt to hi• ad• Y&DCM. Attn tl'le ,,_rled attack. th• wallrffl ,.... dr1ftn back t.o the theatre. Tiie auapec:l r ot out, ran to hla car and left. ahe a&Jd. ......_ a. = ptJoa to the ~I ~bor clan wwe. main• L&u...1 Wooct.on, Kerlin Couch. Cllllla ..._ ...aw, Dl8trtct Compton ~ Dick Kltl'lott, Mar-Nancy Bryant. Jane Stet.Ion, sue bor rfrla and Ulelr dau• who were ftw~ ... awwdad to Radleb Ian Koerner, Anita Palm, Ann Tbomu, Linda Adalr, Karda -danclnr were: Johaa R1rth" ... l'Mi i.e. ol W for 8tewart, LucJ Pope. o.,,. Tamura. xoo,.hMd and Berry Muon, Bob and C!luck rrtak, Pat llltchle and .... a.,.. en.--ced "7 ~ Jack SmJtb. Howard Kltdlea. Ted K1lum, Lyn Boea!y and Ku Jab-Sam ~r, BUI Reed and Manha aid a.ic.wtary •. r . <>wen. Be .J and 8b1rl8J 'l'Jle Carol ob9oft. Alan RyplMkl and KlWe Moorehead, Ann 8tewvt and Bklp _.. '!-~ would lltart i:!:. Tom Inl&Dd, N~y ON· To9fte, A.nn Allen and Charlie Scl'lwans •• _. ' -.-l;J. ty Tom Webater and Kary Kay Reich. K&rall& Kelter, Bue Swank, Bill *1'• !land beckoned a fr# .. ~ .. __.,. an liCbedWed t.o be Hdm, A.nn GlbeoQ, Larry Walk>-Tom Niquette and Judy Sanda. Harbor1lff 8aturd&1 --"ll to _ ...... 11-ladd • Ole dMltrtct nortla of me.at. We Pope Carol Tonoray Tiit. ye&r"'• •nfon bUketb&ll the Paladlum. J:njottq the danc· .._.. 8t. Md Mat ot Bartlor lobD 1Awta, nn7 Snowden, Pai p\a7en iot all deebd out In Ber--lnr and tl'le almoephera -re: lllllL 'It. ~ wu .......S mucla abort. and Ione aocb, Joanne Sue• and Tod Wbita. Kar- -.-ti. acu. A lloDd electJon Ro~. Kell.ad& Becktold. Ra-uan llhlrta, and "odd" bat. Ian Koerner and Bob Milum. Olen ~BANK VAULT-Board of directora and officers of aew .Marlnenl Bank check door to V&Ult in prellmi· nary survey of inatitutlon. From left, Harry E. Stickler, George U. Hoa.teln m, O. W. "Dick" Richard, Net.on· W. ~ !'Apr R. Hill, bank premdent; Tbomu A. Tbomu, Le9lle J~ Km I.pa Dniil C-.. .. ..a) John T. Body Jr. (fancau I) J. ..._ 8hC _. Sandy UacKay. Unable to be Ill ' _.. ...... 11"- .... ....,, t. JtM appnlftd a bond Carol l:arly, ~ JolUUIOD, J... lo play th• faculty &boNd the don· ThOll\U and Carol lltTart. Delm1 i1111'!' el Slel. .. to COftl' eoet of 8waw and K.a JODM, IClatM keya. A!t.r two bll&noua quarten ntspatrlck and Karlee• mnvt. .. ....... o,.rt and Pbil •JlroowMll, Ruth the 9CON WU .. &o ··-· Alan Ryptnaki and KIWe Toaae. Dudley Kary .Jue A.nutroq Paul Lolomt..a an4 8'aa ~ n. KuJ'• llnt ab'plaDa mpt Bob ~ ... Pet. IA.rdner, o.rtni 8W'IHO AND SWAY Donna 11.&miltoe, Tlaa Jhp ... .............. JUUU7 1911 CneleJ, K.arcta Allla. 'hd ~ PlaoenUa -th9o M\Uq for a Swnye adllpk\ and M&rpl'e\ ,._ u. .. tt ..... U118 PmmlJ'-JUC17 Kadmly, KUta V&IM ud dance Karch 2t, Jlftll by tM 8&raroe& went lo U.. P!UJbar. ......_ ta ... ~ butlor. Dl&IW r.thent.c>De, Kary Sin· a.AC boy'a dub. A f-at lhe Bar-manic A~t.or1um on Jlarc!a lt. man Fanrell and Geft7 Ridw._. qh+ •Im: pcm dent. -Staff Photo MARINERS BANK DIRECTORS. OFFICERS REPRESENT MANY YEARS IN HARBOR Pnmdinc new Nnkinc faclUU. H• w -.w.r in St. Al\dnw'• cenUy •l.ect.ed to dtJ -0 Mn. at 2712 W. Cout HJfhway In tM Prwbyterfan Church, married and 19 active loe&lly IA the u..n.c. heart of Martnert Mlle, ll'I• Hu-hM three children. Illa wUe la and rMl u~te bwlloeea. Karn.t. bor'a newf'•t financial tnalltullon. lmow1l u Mayor of Newport h• haa two children. KarlMra Bank, boLtt• a board of Be&ch. NeJIOn W. Neice, Udo 1llle, ... direct.Ot'a &nd offlcert well known Rlchal'd, oWet" ot Richard'• Lido olhu direct.or, bu Uved lD um Ulroul'h th• areL Ka.rket. la married and ha.I one area 10 year1. t. ID4"rled a.ad .... Or1anlsed by Karl Lynn De.Yla, llOC\. Ilia auoceM u a bwilneuman one child. He la execuU" rice- Balboa Ialand, J ohn T. Boyd Jr., here 19 recorded J>y hla mart'• con-prealdent ot C&W'onua M.ul an4 Ed&'ar R. Hill, both of Lido at.ant STO'flh O'fer the paal Mven Enamellnc Co., Lo9 ~ !Ce, O. W. "Dick'' Rlch&M, New· y..,.. Since It.I tnceptloo. Directi,r O.Orp M.. Hollit.e6a m port Ktl(bta a.nd J. Lealle SteUen· MOllE DIBECl'QU cornea from a well known Han.ar Mft, Corona del Mar. the new bank Davi.I, a auooeutul Loa Angelea f&mll)' long enp1'9d ln larJe .._ beC'&n wtlh an Idea to Jive friend· attonwy, moved lo Balboa ltlland velopmenta and cONltnacUoe wwtl. IJ aervl6e from a loc&lly owned premanenUy In 19~. ~ually Married, he bu three ~ tnatttullon eltuated In theo vort11• J wlndinJ up hla metropolitan prac-Harry E. 8tldller, a.aaa. - or the Harbor arn. Thl'n olhn \Ice. He wu appointed city attor-othf'r direct.or, a. a pbyaildall. • well known bu1lnrumen were In-ney J une 1. 1964, th~ opent'J prl· man-INt, hu two cbildr'ftl. fie baa Yltf'd to participate aa dlrec\.ora vate liaw otflcee. Ka.rrled. h• hu I been U\ bu•-kn UM ,..-J.t aad bllclterw at Che ttnn. a aon at~ law. ,...,... Of'FICl:M AND 8TAFI" Boyd, a l'lardwan me1"Chanl and n.UI EXl'.IOV'llV& ~rry w. Hit :1anlJ10n. formerly fonner Newport poetmaatt'r. ta Two other cUrectont ..,.. t..lle ~-prf'lllflrnt or C'lllwn'a Na-married and hu three eons. He T. Pe~nMm. vt\croan M-0-K ...,.. tloflal Bank or Kh•tr111tle 1tnd ex-llV•·• on Udo I.ale. Uve. who malntaJ1111 1119 a-. • ecvU\'f' v1<e--p.1>a1,1ent of t he Du· 1 Strffviaen, tor yun 1n the lum· Little lal&Dd but la a Barbor .,.. ert Bank and il.3 two bran<'hU In I ber bu.llneaa, hu ~ hla own erty owner .rho bu beea ~ lb• Palm Spnnp-l ndlo a~•. wu lumber firm ln U.runa Beach and fled wtlb Lido Ia.le ~ cho.en to htlld the ba.nk atafC. 1 prtMnUy la en~aged u an execu· ln rKent yeara. \\'IUJ hia wtte ... PenonMI will lnC'ludf' Kennrlb live with \\'ard-Karrlngton Lum· chlldren he I• a f"'CIUt"Ot ,-.- Fowler. aulnant cu h1er; >ihrle ber Co. Marrtl'd and father of two he~. pl&na \0 aetU. la U.. - Ven Pt'lt, rhld rlt>rk; Mrs. John °11on11. he la • k>n«·tlm• Harbor permanenUJ. lloufTOI•, tellPr; Jotra C. F'. J.tackh, reardent. Thomu A. "l'bomu. Weal "-· teller: Jotra. Lynn Mrycu. 1ttno-Anolht'r director, Lyman R. port, OIM 0( t.be OWMn at W~ 1f11>hlc a1ld ufrly !lqlOll1l: J.lni.. I FaTWt>ll. Balboa. comee from pion-em Oannt'l'll. la anoU>tt dl1"9C't.' 4 Rat.y Mruko, n r ruw otrl«cr. I '1'r county atock.. He l• a NfTt ll'le be.Ilk and a man -u ~ Dlrecton1. hf'lldrd by Hiii, poa-pro~rty owner and cllrua rrowPr by •por1.a and commtt'CW fllber-- ... conwldcnibh: ycar11 of bualneu 1 tn addition to bavtnc oil lnt~rut.t. men here. Married, be la faUler .i uptrlencc and 1e111Jcntl•I tlm• j He 11 Mnlor warden ot 8L Jamu a-· Thoma. hu l"ltMded k:N .a.. htrt. Hiii, 11 r oldl'nt herr for 13 Ep\KoJllll Ch\l~rch. mOllt 20 Jt'.&rll. durt"I' wbldl t'- y..,.., rctlni<I rl"t'l'nl ly f rom hi• 1 NAMED TO OOUN'OD. ht' hu .,..._ acUH In UM tMlb _. owa lJMI Ani:l!lu ftr m. Hlll<'O, Inc. Sandy JI'. MacKlly, BalOO., re--nlnl' bu.ainMe. IANK STAFF DIPOSITS FIRST DOLLAR ..Jalt to be ahel.d of tb• rmb. Kenneth J'owler, 1-+tut caabler, tlWd from left. pata 'Mariners Bank'• fint dollar lato 1arp l&fety depoett box inalde vault. Watch.inc him. ttom Jett, Merle Van Pelt. chief clen: Mrs. John Bourgola. te~r; Fowler; Ura. C. P'. Jlaekh, telltt: Mrs. Lynn Meyera. Ilene> and aafety depoait: Mn. Ruby Mlako. _. 'Crow officer. Vault 18 protected by lS.incb concrete and steel wall Gerry RicbardloD. uecutive vic~-prelidea~ wu unable to be prt1e1tt for picture. -Statt Pboto • YOUR .MERCURY. SAVINGS DONl . STOP WITH THE "DEA(' • • •f nl ,_, ,._ -"'.._ M..,.., .,,.. "°"' 90887 the daJ ,_ buJ, ewry _. ,_ 4lh.. ud wbea ~ tnlle .... 8hoW9 aboft. \be 116-t.p Mei:--., bMd.top eou.,.. •ID-... Jll lm PllStlf.CAI. Mercury'• t... -••"9 p p*:rity pmnite 1.1a to ope:rete on• h.ich-TOlame ........ ~ .... JVU • ...u.y.....,,.. allowanaa. • Im .. • llY. Macury priom .tart below them el u _.... .. di. low-pric9 field.. -191 • ..... CISlS with Mercury'• proom V-8 4'-...... ., ia fmnoaa rcw operatinc economy and low ...... Allll. am ,.._.. W.cury ia nen more e6::ient ...... ,_.,. t I NO OTHER CAR OFFERS BIGGER REASONS FOR IUXlllG IT • ~.a..-•""-' ltylU.. ...,.. .,. llO otJwT car • N-SUPllt·TORQUI V_,,~U..°" ~ """'8 ( 188 """ I '8 """'-'""*'"' • 4-....m tlaQUtM ~ OIS ~ """"" ., ,.. atlW OD« • D.,.J a~ Ill"° ntna m« o" oJI MoMdaira Mil Monamry. • s.11.-}oittl ff'MI wlwl lllU,w.MiolS • U ,.;q.. ~""pr-nMo" aporlt pl""1f • C-.i*"lly ~ ~ ~ '" ita /Wtl -MliCI Fiim Tiii( • ... M..-cury hM oocwiet.ent.ly w ii.a .... .. __.. ..... accionlini to lndeJ-•!l _. ......_ v ... .,. ft#y...,. with a Msc:ury. IT PAYS TO m E 8 cu RY FOR f'UTUR£ OWN A STYLING. SUPER POWE< ...., __ .,, __ ... .,..,. ~ ......... ,.,,., ... ... , ..... We.....-.. ... M .,._., ~ °' THI TOWM." ...., ........ t• ti. tA ....... D«'f, a...el I JOH-N & SON, Lincoln ·Me•cury .. W. Caal llglJwur · NE:wPOU llACH, . r ~ .... ..,Clllt .... ,., ....