HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-04 - Newport Balboa Press.BARBOR .Ress .... 1·5-re Cagney Propa ly Slid far $1.SOO.OOO Plant Easter Ti• Tempo Up .as Orup CouaQ' ...u.r ....... ~ lQday ,wttb ... ~ dnu*T-· a.r ~. RIC" mp today ....... TO. BllPU, Wllnner 'l\M9CllQ'. 0.-J llOftJI ..... ~?Mlow~ k.-port Bwtl -<>Dmaf•d ..._ ckRMffr-. JI.die YllOUlt.y. -..cted ..... air ...... tun •• --t.eiptl ........ ....., OU. ----"1 Q ............... .. .. -.. ..... -: ........ .,...,, Marcil • -• It Wecs....say. lludl II M 61 'nmnd.a7. Mar. 11 -T1 t7 rnday. April ,.__ • ti m.twday,A ... t -16 ta lltmday. April I --11 SI Kanda~'· April 4 -lie tt ........ ,,.,, C1l1br•t1 Hear Cries fw Help WllD&E II' GOES-Site for location ot the new $1.tS00,- 000 plant for the Helipot Corporation on property ad- jacent to the Qty of Newport Beach Corporation Yuda la papblcally depicted above in aa aerial photo by Neal Beeb•. The 15-acre pveel wt¥ch the company bu purchue4 l'UDI through from the Newport Blvd. Free. way to Supez:lor Ave. At preeent it i8 not withia the IASTIR WEEK CROWD HALF AS LAIGI AS LAST YIAI ...., ., -..... "' ... ,..,.. a.u. ..,., 7 .,..._. • ... • 2 • ., .. • ,.., ...... ,,, -tmmt .. eMrp flt Ille ..._ lllllld _._, WeeJl detail, 8tm:ll1aclr aid u..n la little mdenoe ot drttldDr and tnr -pllaiat.e. Be .ucl a trattso dleck wu nm at the Balboa Jil1ud llrl4p ~ .apt. Trame wu mo'ltJIC at the rate ot Ull'lll MocU la 1& ...-. 'n.. ma rat ,,.. ~ ill ~ pru.. of the u a.n.oa IlllM4 tllo* eoo-•-. wt.o an ~ WUb police. JI• l&ld ~ a dNMe wt a pw.t deal. TO .OKAY DRILLING Crowd Rises • \.. / Drinking, Drunk DrlYlng c.ts Jan s. Youths Oty of Newport ee.cb but la in unincorporated terri- tory. Picta:red bl the Wt foreground center la Hoq Bo. pftal, while at loweJ-rtibt la the Archea Cate and the Cout Blchway. In the background at the top of the pie> ture can be .een the ~ Homa Subdivision in ea.ta M-. 2 HARBOR JUVENILES BOOKED~ fOlt ' -A fTtCK s.ta Ana Youth. 11. lllYOIY.ct: Ellson Co. Offers Plan to Aid TrafOIRIU Arel Siner.din to Costa Mesa Cops Mesa Pe1·111its Over Milffon During March Two Barbor Atta Ju~ ud an 18-)'e&rsOld youtb Wet'e booked All olftt to IMmiUty Ila tzw. ti19 INlt ... -:--~ ... ,..,,. Into O~e Count~ Jail ottr UM fonMT ataUan ca Bailloa ~ 9't7 t. ..... 5 f ..._ weekend on an attack charce hr W-154.b -4 lM ata.. ta I. n.& aw ' ...... ..a .... ~ ... ....._ ... ...... YOl'ring a 14,yur-old A.n&hdm N_,_t Bwll llM .._ OC&fWj .. wallt Md tM '-&e .. ~ ctrt, Costa . Mu.a city police ,... to the "'8aninc ~ ot U. ... rt.lit r.. ._ ..... .._ la portt-d Saturday. The &irl laid lbl' Cl•-of ,.,_ Beech bJ u. u. I-ft. ...... -..... . ..,.. bodily t&Jrni to a IAluM ~ ~-r-• • ,... n 0 I ,._ h pa.rtm t -... _ ... --&outhenl CaJlfomla J:dlroa c-.. ........... to enet • --.... ac a en w;, ....... o """'' peay crwte llloell ~ .,.... ....., oul.81de Harbor Roller Rink at Under daU ot Jlal'C:ll '5, c. D. u.. a.n.a ...._ ~ • ... 172t ~uper1or Ave., Coct& 111-. IDMdenbelm, dl8trk:t m&aacer tw ol the dlUI Mak t ... It tM ...... Frtd•> nig11L the vuu~ COllftJed a Wter Cft'-1dq_ ~ • ....,_ Allegedly admltt~ the attack .. ..i ... ,.._ fol . ._._ ,,,__,_.,.,._ • .._ .. _ • ._ a _ .. --,,,.,,.,__., Rlchfl Id r .. -. 1i'..t SIL l'or the ftrttt Ume, conat.nacUon th g1 I lt4' ah t --..... -p .. -~~ ·-,...._ .. _ ---.. ~•Y np tO'WI ln eo.ta l(qa ac-s.d OM mils =-~pu:n.· of r u.:a~a.:~'!t: PJ'Ol1"&lll : t.be atillty to ...... ... .. ot COlm .. mt-IOl--•n c•--0 all tJon doUara duf'lnC a one-month Allen l.Ancuttt 11 of 13711 1. R4placl iw-nt aectlaa °' 1 lhe traMloiw ........... k - -· -.. ~ · ---.... p•~ Oft per1od, BuJld&ft&' Otndal A. J. ' . WOOltm f"'1Ce wlUI chalA balr t.-micleneolr • ...... •t pro-,. Vol& -vuJecl ........ TotAI tabu.I&-Eaplllllade. Santa Ana. • juv.nlle I feet laJc'b. 2. Set beck -dlallll I fNa U... ft , t h ..ad tlliat • •• ....._, from COllta w-and ont trom · _ 11&91' lllUNTNALL Uon ~on value of permlu i.-Newport Bea.ch Bot.ll N""'"-Unll ,_ & ~eel f~ froet Pidie-UHt r.aan aoUac ._. .._ ._. -1 iued dur\nJ March hit the $1,0H,-are 111 polJoe aid. walk alollC Bau.o. &ml. S. Paial tMfor. wu llecam9 el .._, *-· Metnbent ct t.he Coela JI.... Book Balboan 421 mark, Vol& reported. Thla ahot · . U.. ..an llaUdillc bolMd:n& equip-I tu. ln t.llle ... wttll ~ t.111e Pla.nnlns Oaimm?.Mton •• al first · UI• 7.ar·a tot.al t.o •1.971,327. The P~ ~"TO OAS .... t a dull sna1speen color. '-st.aUoe -tn·~ a.ta. la~ band bow IUclltleld CM pomp ou Breakdown of the t.ot&J llhowa •" • t tn...tlpttas ""'I Plia.nt ~t tYJ pleat. atone and eoloftas . ... _, ...... 1111 luued f 8'JI, flcen she akaled wtl.h one ot t.be A birthday part1 at ae& tut wtlh an ln•tallation whJch they .,._ ... • wu or I yovUu twlc• wtlUe at ~ rolkr nt1J.al ruu.lted ln three medical d alm would not be objecUonabJe on Beat·1ng. , .. dWdlJnp. 1'7,744 for multiple rtn)( Friday nlcbL Whm .... •mt I . I k bUlll~ tor t.llle ]MW ...., .ta&knta from Loe A.111elee ~·q to raldcnl.t of nearby homes. bouelnC, •164.W fOf' commercial outaide t.be rink to IM\'e Jl&8t ~ 1n1en II "We ............ '""7 ~ ... rNC1Jed fnmi their watuflUed AccordlJ1C to Walter Weimer, lt.NCturee and Jlll,454 for lndua-tol"ll lO:IO p.m ... ~ told polio. snutJtnl neepUaa to _,. ... aa.llbo.lt 2 ml.l.ee off Newport Pier. cha.lrmtt.n. th• commlalon wtU Un• w R t .rtal conat.rucUon. ()( u.. Mll,111 I I.be lh1" boye pulled btt lnlo tbe H11 l•L for ~ OU. mflndmc -&ta tint A. little worae from llhocll and doubtedly vote approval Of Ule eapons aps YaluatJon .. l on boQliq pennlta back ... t of the car Uley wue lll • _, of ~ .. HW ...... .,... dpOSUre but quick to rally wtth RJclltleld ope.raUon al an adjoum-1-led, approx..lmaUJy halt a mtJ. after ebe ttf\lftd an ta.tt&Uon ~ F•nt H If I penou _,.. llept NJ' all *7 hot food and allowen were DaYld ed meetlnS" t.oftAC)t. ~Ir approT-HOil cloLlah c:ame hun ...... Join tMm.. I I ay ... notJd.nC but ~ .... OWnu, Leonard Nnia and Jack al wtU undoubted\J C&UM lh• . BWlciln which took out 40 per, Pollq ~ported the strl _... eccouata &Dd UM baa)l ........... Sllumway. counlJ planning commi.lon to A Balboa man who ~ mita fw eomtrucUon of thrdlin.. held on the floorboe.rd of the car A.Ii ••meted JOO ,__ open-~ ~ to set .-to lmcll 'J'My are etudellta at UnlftnltJ r1" th• ITff1\ Ufht lo th• RJch, ~•t hi. w1fe and threatened to nllled from '12.IOO to 113.500. when t.he boya droYe frcm the lid acco-\a by DOOa t.oda' with UllW l&le. CC-Uli:•M .. Pap 1) fteld people, u t.h• count)' (r'OUP kUI het' and a man he charpd The~ an bdJlc bul..lt In the roller rink, 'liley took w illto u tJlle ....,.... Bank la Jiil&rtMr'• All ..u--... uoo •ar•or bad alftedy voiced appro•aJ al a her wtth -lng, w• &rnlal ed 11ere .00 bloc1' of C&brlDo It. COen'I r 1 • .... ,) XU.. lldpr RlD. ~t, ,. fn-dP au-ded U.. a.&W'6a7 Man:h 23 meeUq, ho t.ndlcat.ed. Frida)' night by Newport pollc~. Toppt.nc U.. mwup&e ctweWns parted. Today 19 t.llle tllllt dq ol ~ ._.. ol u. ...ar, aa ...._ TOO Btl8'f' TO oo acUvttJ were two pennlta for C. Member• of the eo.ta Meaa Hol\ae Carle, 31, of 315 JC. B&l· W:"ntomaa to build duplaea tn the City Council and chamber of com, ,boa Blvd. wu cba.rsed wtUI wtfe 1100 block of MeJer PIMle, both merce wer!' lnY\led to m&Xe Ule beating ant1 <'oncell.led weapona. tw •H.172. M. ll. Koff~ Jr. took trtp, but alt or them ple&dl'd b1al-Hoag Hospital docton •1d. the =~t -:..!:!n°!t i:t":~ ':; ~l~h at. MN u • rf'UOn for p1U11Jing up ..-the chance to wee dr111lnr at ll.9 man'• wife, Geneva, 31• INffend An ... .200 tndulrtrtaJ boo9t came ~Ill. multiple abrasion• to t.he rtpt from Crilmon N.adlhM WM'b The trip, made In a bu. at the c.het'k, noee. neck. llpPf>r lip and to CONllruct a macbl&M lbop aad oil company'• lnvilal\on, wu to lower •Ch!'ll and a l11<> suat&ined a office at 7'5 W. llUI IL Joo ca... beJll lhe commlMiOft tn maklng tta I fraclnu•d rib. She 111 a Wall,_. Yer .t.oolt out a Nf,IO() permit to decUllon on thti oil cornpeny'a re-11t the Cirque rataurant ln J'ullel"' CONtrvct a com~rdal -.l•roaaa qUMt for pennlAJon to drtlJ ln lhf I ton. and ahop at lttl llartM>r BiTd. eo.ta MtH al"t'a. I N•wport orficere. called to UM Denn1a HC>Jland alao tooJt oat a H&Tinr flnt had to pu1 by the couple'• apartment b1 n.l1hbora. commen:l&l pennll, UW. oae tor wr.cll&ee Ulat la Huntlnrton aald lh•y walked In lo ._ ca,te '31.000, coutnlctlon to take place Beacb, membera or lb• comm\Mlon I strlke hi• wife. Thfy 11ald he wu at 17e& Newport A••· could no t help but be tm~ bellgu-ent. bJ tb• dlfferen~ In mrthoda. They When Cagle lltarted for b .. car leceno T .. ~ -N ahOW'1'I movlff of the oil pf'Os after ortlce,.. errlved. hLI Wife ducUon at La Habra and tben were warned oCflceu he bad a sun In tilm out on the W11terfront when the car. Police followed the man lbey aw producUon al fll"ll tiand. to the cu while he ttportedl)' N'Ol8EutM ptrMPa threatened, "l wilt t.alce care of my A.~llne R.ece.o of 2U Cypnaa SL told police P'ridaJ a ttre•exttn, SUlatler WU ta.ken lrom the out· .. do ot tu boUM. A.monc the t.hlnp they .. ,.. and wtft-and· you offlcera w1M4 I set ------------ were to.Id that Ule compen)' 111 to the car." D.U.~ ~ •• ,_,aad mma 'I'll& Cl90lllJXD -pianptq commilaloa mem· ... w IMJiw tM ; , ... plat wotb wbe lmtalled _... poaad....,.. doekwlw are Robert wu.on, E. L. ,...... .... .._. W._., J. 0 . WUcoz and Arthur pwnplnr from undn an area With Aa C&gle climbed Into the front a rs~ of about 6000 feel. that eeat, police p ulled him ouL A. by thle whlJMitocltlng 111elhod It 111 quick aearch reveall'd a .4~ cal. poMlble to d1'111 Into oil bearing reVQlver loaed will\ five atleU. fonnauon 10,000 fett from the under U.. riShl front waL derrick. That wltb the n.w, hy: Kn. Cail• told offlcen bar bu. dtauUc pumptnr metllod the whole tM&nd pkkl'd her up nrller In UM apparatua cu be put under rround enninf from I.he J'ullttt.on ...tau- u aooJl u t.he well .. dnlled and rant and tba W91ll to a pool tall t.be deniclr tilen awq. 'n1e9e 1a 1'UUertoft n.. • .W )le new pmn .. an noteeJe-. obt&Jaed u.. pa. De -.i M M•mben of tbe coauni.1ee ~t.ened w 11.t• and u.. ut• llladr ""'"' effort bJ t.llelr qu•• ot UM .... lie aee.-. w flt Ddl....,.., of the Newport llutlor N_..Pr.m a. .,_,.. Mt.eel. Carrier boJ• wt1J dlt- liftr' \hetr paperti before I p.m.. -Moaday and Tb11n- da7. U 109r )l&per a. eot de- ltftftd "1 Uaat aour p1- ea11 a.... 1~· ..... apedal route ... wtD .......... ...,. ...... Wtt2I JWr fllllV1 ct JWr !(..,art ~ M..,.. ........ nm 00~ -Pl....._t IJdpr Hilt of the ...., Marinen a.nil ta llllowa u be took In !Ila ftl'IJt fl'l!t"*daJ account froTD tbe tn.tttution'• net,bbor Hannatla Dect:tic and Mta. Oo, Left to rtgbt. BID. F.~t ~1-:nager Robert W. Baker and C. A. KDOWltola of~ -ltalf ........ Ma••~.urwo .cc 1° ........ ,, ....... • \ , KAY DAY BRUNCH favors a.re occupytq attentiou of t.hMe memben of the Llon Tamma Club, u they dbcuu plana for the umUal benefit &ffair at the home of Mn. George Pickermc, 3S8 Holmwood Drive. The May 3 affair, to be beJd at a local dub, wUl provide a donation for the Carl Harvey School tor Handicapped Children. Left to rtpt &re Mm.e1. Harry Vine, Richard Bolder, Charlee Pattenon and the·~ Mn. Plcketlnr. -!-Stall Photo -TUESDAY EVE • ~Lives of ' EASTER BATS ..... dMtiMd for·,&M..., ,.,.... .,. ...... WQl'll .,,. ao ...... of the Udo Putt Qab wbo taJoJ9d a pot hack 1ncbeon Tlnuwday 1D the pu~ ncnatio1l ball. Table9 wwe py wtth aprtnc f10WW9 and ..-mon colorful ...,. the hat. which the women decorated With ~ buDmle and ehtcau, and tJowtr1 (real) from their own prdena. -8tatt Photo · NEWPORT HARBOR New Members for Pilot 'Class J • 24 Great Horses Book rnlew by William Hur- •WI. Ubrari&n, C>r-sqe Oout Col· Jep. Title, Tbe Smullen, by C. ,w. And-. The turf enthualut.a will enjoy lh1I work on the live• or 2t gre11t lhol'C)\llhbnd• &dequat.Jy don• b)' the author. a.n out.atandlac llt!lo- rnpher ln bta own rtrht. XI'. AndeNOn hM choeM M bor8N M MU~ cleeern the rt1ht. t.o be tenned peat, ud bU wntten lhe!r ltwa u dlaplayed by thelr raolnr teat.a. such rac~ fm- mortala u Maa O' War, renerall7 pouidered to be th• cr-t .. t. of American ra.cer1; the mat at.ayer -l:xtumtaator; the "Picture ....... Squl,.., t.b&t. ooWd - be faulted either ln pertonnaace or conto.nnaUon; rall&nt old ,.,.. bi.cult, wbo commuted from cout to cout and took on all comen: and the bluln&' Count J1Ht, th• UflY duckllnJ, bUt maybe anatar than all trom the atandpolnt of Ip.eel, all live .,.atn throU(ta t.be worda of Mr. Anderaon. ftrM famoua fUU. -TwWCht Tur, Buaher, and a,JJorelte form the feminine eqWIM COD~IDL TbeM lad)4ie of \.be turf on mor. n. Pllou:::luil of Clu1at Q\urdl than one occaaion • tlubecl acl'Ol9 by U.. ._ met rrtdq at OodeU th• flni.h Un• &lle&d of their malt Ball wtth X-. Jamee. ~tor op~Uon. Del Karkln lee17 ..nlaC U lto9t· Th• book i. WTltten In an ...,. Fire Scll~ol • .,., Ralpl\' i.e._ tlre prewnUon otrt- a.r el Ooeta 111 .. Jut ,._ctv re- ~ from att-fP'I a Uane-day ltat.e ftN trala.lnl IC!ilool ta llak- ....n.ld °"r tale weektM. Lee ,... port.C t60 rertatered for Ule count, repreaeattnr HI t.owna. a atatff and one fortlan country. De.nett, located IJt Ian &e,..,.. dlllO Couat1, a. a CIMckinc atatSon for automoMJelt •t•rta1 Ct.lltor- U&. TB&. OIWAN fOIJ CAJlf ftAY AT ON<ll:! ......... rhl .. HAMMOND CHOID OIGAN ,...,, .......... ~---c-.. llHI Prove lttoYoawlf Student Panel to Feature High School P-TA Meeting ..... roar .,.. ....... ..... f ' .......... u.. a -\. 'l'lle7 ...,. llyle, delightful to r~ad, and 0 --r· -,,-t lntel'fft to lover• of the . ..... ~,_ ........ ... 11'1 ... ... •• •• ...... Or......-.N.. • ........ MRS. WIND'RED BA.R.BRE, Womm'a l:dltor Mr. uct Kn. BaroW AJtllaP an4 turf. Formation of plane for tomorrow's P-TA meeting and a -----------Mr~ ~~at1':'::': .u prntoml7 mmttoned. tn-111r- tour ot the new home arts boilding at the high 1ehool occu-Miltth•as Duo PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .......... ....aon. Court~ tol· thor 1.1 a.n outatudlAc Utborrapb· pied attention ot the high achool P-TA at a recent board 1 MONDAY APRIL 4 1955 lowed. wlUl XrL Lud&a ud R.t.lpll er, UMS on• Of UM oot.at&ndtnr t-... meeting. 1 ' Wateoe IMlldlq' hll'l acon1: Mra. t1&na Of thLa work la Ule dra• ' D*Mr--SCHteT BIO PIANO a omGA1' ftOlm I ' . ........... ~ ......... .... Orsw .. Ml .. .......... Tttesday eeuton will be at 7:30 p.m. in the aoclal hall Home From Trip EBELL PROGRAM INCLUDES ArtJnar M4' Baroid oa... laAd 1ow. 1np. 'I'll•~ 1a 4lu.etrat.ec1 ot the 90bool. Program will include a student dlscusaion panel Kr. and Mra. Lewi9 Matthlaa, A Nan csna1aer .l'9qUinl about wlUl twat.Y·ttn maplftoent tlall· under UI• leaderah.lp of M.r. Kine· Southern Cl.llfoml& u well aa &o-Balboa eon., nturMd Karch 11 MONUMENT VALLEY VIEWS C0,000 ,.UO.. ot ma water iD a Pace UUlorrapha and tw.nt,y-foar e~~l~k~,~~u~~~~~~~~IG~~~~tta~~ . :~~~~*~r~·~~~-~-~~~e~·~~~~i~~a~~~r~~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be Marci& Moorhead, Arlene Butt, the hlCh achoo! amnulum. On and UM Ba.h&mu. 1b Ito pe4 at WheD JCblll meben attelld UM r-erai hmdMoD m.etJns jo Dick lnnel'llt, Btu IUn&' and Dennie )fay 8 ~ board wHl a1ve lhe an-· ey p Th\ll"lday, U..7 wU1 be abk to .... 'ft& p~ ,aome Of UM Fitzpatrick. There wm alao tM a nual banque for the O.A.A. MJamJ. Ulen went to Nuau.wheN Navajo lodJ&u liYins ta Monum•t Vt.lle7, Utah. DMU Clu~ w~wlnd qu!Atet directed by CllG· P'orJareo~ of lncominr freah-Kr. M.atthlu atteoded the NaUon· Joined with other Harbor croupe and tndlvlduaJ. ln ae.ndlllS tOI S.wlll. men . orlant.atJon meeUnJ will aJ Cemetery AuoclaUona confab. •upplle• of food and clothJ.ns to lheM people of a barren area UBOIC TO s.EOl8'l'Ea be held In the aocl&l ba.ll oa May On the way home they 1topped al al Chrllt.mu Ulne. An tnten.eiYe campatp to re&i> JO at 7:so p.m. at wbkh UJlle New Orlea.n•. CllzliOn Emmeraon, one ot the mm who dl'O'N to the ter Yatera haa beea conducted by freahman faculty t.dv18ora will be the P·TA Sn preparation for th• preaent. to provide Lntormallon and The Jaunt wu Uloroughly de-ValJey, and who carried auppUea penodically, Will abOw the •ote on tH bond 1_,, to" a -an-er queaUon.t. UghtfuJ, lhe couple reports, &11d pictures. Hra. L. L. Huddleaton. cbaJrman of Indian alf&Jra hlfh achoo!, to be htkl on May zo. Everyone who la able la ursed to Mni. MatUuu hu relumed with tor Oranp County, w1U be apeaker. Mn. A. J. Neeb Jr. df Jn a report &1ven by Xra. Dennil contribute to lhe Blood Bank, many •kelchea ot colorful blu of Coat& Meaa. member of Junior EbeU. will llnJ lndlall Love Hogland, lh• c. c. P. T., after wh.lch wtU be at the American Le-Na.uau ll!e. Call. careful atudy 11 on record t.a op-Jlon Hal.l in Costa Meaa on Friday, Luncheon r ... rvauona ahould •be made With Mn. Lewi. polled to th• followinl' adoption Ma.y 8• from 3 to 7 p.m. 0. C. Mothers Club M.atthlaa, Harbor 1562..J or Mn. J . A. Gant, Harbor JOI. law1 oomlnr before the atate l~ A maculne aubacrtpUon tor lature: A D 1&23. A D 1eae, 1840, teen-qera WU contributed to Meets Wednesday and 3874. On May t to 1 th• at.ate Hoa& Hoeplt.al Ubrary tund. Mra. P-TA convrt1Uon wUl be held ln J . P. Sutherland. pruided at the Mra. Eleuaor Hempel. n cent Lo. An.eel.,. Tbureda,y wtu be hlch mttUnJ . winner of a televialon "Emmy" for ~day and an~ 1.11'-W ------------the belt local chU4ren'a procram. l.e U1Ted to attend. T C t W'l1I pttetde on Wednesday, Aprtl Mrs. )1argarel t.tay, b.e&d ot 0 Ompe e at 8, at I.he Oranp County Mothera' atudenl welfar<', rcport('d on the Headdress Ball Club mePllng-, to be held at lhe uae oft.he h~allh tund provided by Santa Anll Y.W.C.A .• Htt North the P-TA. Much of It bu been e&• Morrt Mol.ho, propnetor of Flow-Broadway, Santa Alla, at 7:30 pended for glaue•. aome for dental er11 by Morrl, ha.a been choMn to p.m. Something NEW . . . Hes BMn Added Lt.di•, Imagine a halr dryer W.PJ'HOUT HEAT, Seem• lmpotllble, bul ll'a true ••• and we are the flrat In the Harbor Area to have th11 MODERN MIRACLI:. Dnee baJr ASSOLUTEL Y COOL. lm&&°ine such Comfort! work 11nd school lunchea. Due to participate In the "Headdren At the pre-rioua meet.Inc thl'T'I thr <'Xpt>cted 1nf\Wl of frtilhmtn Bait" at lhe .Ambau ador Hotel ln were 128 motben ln all«>ndance nut a.ill. more atudent IUd will Lo• An&elH on Aprtl 22. Mom dl.acUl~ng the "Negative Child." Susan's Style Salon probably be nl'~ed. Two $200 will contribute a centerpiece. Tiie MemtMrllhJp i. free and open to soola.rab1pe wUl be f1ven t9 K!'d· competition Is entered by lnv1ta· au moth«>ra of pre-IChool age ch.ti-l 'H E. 16th St., Cotta Meta U 8-'Tl5U ~llng~n~~ thla ye11~ Uononl~ d=re:n:·~-~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AllT 8HOW TEA The "Headrus BaJI" 11 an an- Tbt P-TA wlll apon11or a tea for nuaJ af!alr conducted by the L&I the Junior Art Show on Sunday, Florlalas, Junior Flower Club. lta May J. P rofeulonAI artl1ta from procttda are ua«I for charitable purpoeea. The theme thla year la FAC .Section . Hears Dutch About Women )lra. John Fffley, uchan1e teacber to The Hasue, Holland, wu -i>e•lc.er at the April l meet· tn1 or th• book aecuon of Costa Mua Friday Afl•ritx>n Club. DI f t e r c ncu In hou.Mkeepln1 Wl're of interePt to the women, u wer·e detaJIA of the .cbool ay1tem. Only one tenth ot the elementary •tudrnta go to hlJh achoo!, Mra. Ff'elty IJ&ld, and evn amaller 11 the per eentai:• which conUnuee In hl~hl'r !'duc:11llnn. She a.lso showed c-nlo~d 11llctu or the country and H11 Pf'Ople. Mno Ff'e.lry 1111ld that her Dutch h oll1t'll3. who llvrd In an old bouae. fl'lt that Am«>rlcan wom<'n hlld the har<lt'r Job of kttplnr houee In 1plt• of modl'rn bulldln,ge and ap- pll&nct1 tor her o•'TI •-ork ,..... done by a aervanl. Wlth tbe hl&'b blrt.b rate amon1 Ule Dutch, moet. of the younrer J'NMraUoa feel there l.e little op· portwut7 for t.h4ID 111 their own ro•trJ, and apect to 1mm1rrate. t.he apeaJler atat.d. TN. m..un. marked doee of a t.hrM ,_,term fw t.be e.Ulrman, Mi. 14da Ooll&Dt. Uld abe la ,.._ tJr&111. A new c.baarman will be ~lect.ecl at UM nut .-ton. HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE "L& Prlmlere du Clrq\le". F• mt pain relef 0 BUFFERll twice as fast as aspirin! ..wt .... ,... ....... . LEE'S PHARMACY llelboa ...... IOI Jlartae A ft. Barbor 1188 CJRl818 r ORISIS'f Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "SERVICE \VITHl."J HOURS -WHEN NEEDltD" COllPll"l'E IAUNDE&ERS &Dd CLEANERS NARl*"\l':R'~ MILE !\"f:WPORT RF.AMI • .. ••• If We Don't KHp Tiiis Promise I 11 12 ' ,'o ~ 2 a rte&! iJi. a t 10 • 4 , ' • " 12 ' 10 ~ 2 9 I • 4 O U T o t S 7 6 s Cash and Carry ONLY _,, ••• 1nll It's T61t Sensational, One-and-Only SANITONE DRY CLEANING •More Dirt lolftovod ~No Dry Cloonln1 Odot Take adYantag~ o( our lighrnipg-fa,1 c .. b.aad-carry Hrvicc. You nor only ••••time b.ar you g~t o ur complrlf Sanirooe Service ... rhe finrs1 dry duaiog ia rowo. •Spots Oono • letter Pron Lost• lon1•r Drop-off your gumenu before I 0 A. M. and rhey'll be ready ar ' P . M. che same day or you pay aothiog .•. when yo. need dry cleaning in a hurry uu our lightning Servic~. Uptain,; ~rv~ eo.t. NO more tb.aa oar Rfogubr CMh-and-Carry ~n1oe ···············••••e•e••ee•••······~·········•••ee••••••••e••········••e••• LIDO CLEANERS • 171~ Newport llYd. c ........ .. Liberty 1-4014 DELTOX WOVEN RUGS , •• the onswer to toocf loolJnt, lont wHnft9 floor covering for every room in the hOuse •• , et ~ nothlnt short of •rnaint Blt!l FuU Pqe Color AdverUaement ln April 81111Ht•Maraz1ne easy on your budget $2395 9'x • from reversible for twice the wear Whit a WI 11w hesb new •cuuat• fashJOD1 in Deltos woven !ber rugs ... perfect for the young·ln·beut with 1lender budgets. Fuhioo bnportaooe for f!W!rf ooe al your ftoonl Now ••• cet twb the t>e.ty. twtce the wnrf AD Deltas Rugs have two ·nght• act.. QOC)N from our array of pattern•. colors, temlrel, in all popular sbel. U you oeed a spedal size. we1J be glad to cut ft lot yoa- from any stan¥ width roll, In any length you wish. See Our La.re• Selection of New All Wool Ca•petlng In A Wonderful Array ot New Colon, Patterna and Tutura !,....,.ptjme la Clrnnlrl(I T1mr OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT • rqwfpP"'d to do tf\e JIKr11t jotl of Clt!nnlng of 1111wr Rug, Carpets end Upholstered furniture Wall-to-Wall Qupet <Jleued la you Rome Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS tr Carpet. * A•phaJt Tile -(:( Cork -tr Unolewn '(r Rubber Tile 'ti J'onnJca Of'Cl"O• COtl"ftt'e Larfut ,.,__ OOV«iftf 1"1rl 12' C.RL UI 1'0D.&Y ~~-=·.,·;....CARP ET W O.R KS 1622 So. Main S..ta Ana Kl l· 1615 • Kl 2-3171 ·IT KAKES IT MORE FUN when everybody gets into the act especially when detailed plam for such an important event u the fourth Annual Hoag HoepiW Benefit Ball HA. W A.UAN VISIT -Kr. and Mn. Omer Darr, U31 Cout Highway, Newport Beach, are abown OD arrival in HOllolulu via United Air Li.nM oD a buainea trip. Kr. Darr w owner of the luxury yacht Vega which will begin regular .ervice between Honolulu , and Tahiti thia summer. -United Air Li.ne1 Photo HIGHEST FOR CUBS Pack 187 W ebelos Scouts Receive Arrow Badges, Ranks are under way. Shown here, reception committee chairmen Kr. and Mn. Hal Dike d.ia-H!ehllpt tor the l.atut meettna ud iold anew; llcott 8mJth, wolf Kac Renfro and Dou« Cordiner or GUI their duties with Mn. Joeepb Preininger, co.chairman of the ball, and Max Stur-of Pack 111 wu a Webeloe cere-ti.dse and iold anew. Den 3, 1ed by Mra. BJ"O'flm, gave _ ... _,_ Th Ii · rt will '"-1. l A ril 1" Beck Ph t mony for five bOya. Don Gordon, 8EKV10J: STAS the cJoetns ceremony whlle Klu .... ~man. e g ttenng pa y ~e p ace on p "· -ner o o Suaan Brown 11layed Tapa. ___ .._--------------------------------ileadt!r of the Webeloe Dt!n, con· Den I ; John Macy, denner atrtpe UNITED NATIONS flap atop the miniature building are emblematic of the trip on which Mn. Lee Bamee (right) left April 1. She wu honor guest at a farewell party given by Yra. Vincent Salmacia (left) at her beautiful home on Lido Soud. -Stat' Photo Bon Voyage HOME Party Fetes LOANS Lido Matron At °'•"9• County's LHcll, H011t• Lencli'"J n1fit11tlon QUICK M HOVlt SEltVICE LOW lOW .. HDOCIN$'" INTUUT ltATtS EASY liAONTHl Y 'A YM!NTS FBIEIDLY SYMPAn-m'IC s(ava WI tA/'I 11UST DllDS OH Will LOCA llO HOMU LAGUNA FEC>tlAL SAVIN$$ a LOAN ASSOCIATIOH 222 °"" ......... • LAGUNA BEACH Mrs. Lee of Honor Barnes Guest at Gay Affair One o! the moat delightful of bon voyage eventa wu that hoatessed on Tbuniday by Mrs. Vincent Salmacia, 215 Vi& Lido Soud, fo r Mrs. Lee Barnea. also o! Lido Iele. Mrs. Barnes left on April 1 with Mn. George William.a of Arcadia tor a plane lrlp to Europe. ler, Phillip Stambeqh, Robert A. coloT tht!me of purple, yellow Templt!lon, Irvine W. Atcher, &. and wl\ltAa .,,.. ... choet!n tM d~ora· N. Waterhouae. lion&. At the e,ntl'1ll'lce wu a lar~• SendlnK b«t wiah .. to the hon· «lua t•ble on which 1tlood & r t>pU· ore. were Mmea. Rarry Hart. ca of the United Nation• bulldlnr . Howard Wllli11, Ralph T&ndow.ky at It.I top a world globe, a.nd Ila and Kennelh C. Klnple7, who btllcooy ~I tiny naga of all were, unable to attend. nauon.. On the l &ble wu a 11pr6y of red and whit.A! amatlon1 tied S f G · with blue ribbon and •t.iidlnr on or arc1as ruard wu a white dove. The dlntnc table wae cenured w\lh nowen1 ln a bUg• purpl• an.w bat. tlanlted by purple can· dl• &domed wilh l"aJIU· EYen the -..rt carried out the theme, dt9· Nrt belnr edible Euter l>Lekt!t. ftUed w1t.b purple Ice cream topped w\UI Uny Euler ......... Attendtns ~ Mm-. 8arne1, R&.lph AJlrena. FIOJ'd IC. Buell, WU· llam Maclterud• Brown. RJ pley Ba.Jlees, R.obt!rt Bettner, Chari• L&mb. Holdm, Chart• Klt!Nlf, Thomu LeU.o, M. J . Lockney, M. C. M&rulella, CUnton Crane, Marton Olaen. J0e S. Prelnlnpr, ~n• W, ~ Oeorp I!. 8UYW, I.. H . &Ult- Born In Santa An& Community Hoepltal to Mr .and )(ra, Pete Oercle. 1711 ',i A. Sl., HunUnrton Beach, waa a boy, T lb .. ,H a&, OQ K&l'CJI Jf, BayftWltll "7 Wlto 'flo•er~ Party Beat.al It.. 140$ r . Cocut Hr .• CMOM ,,., II• Barbor 50'71 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENT~ DAN'S IAllR SHOP ducted the cuemony and 11reaent- M to Bill Spurg'eon, 8111 ~ nett, Kevin Wat110n, Tom Ander· aon and Bob Skinner tht!lr Webe· Joe arrow badge•, the hlghut rank In CUb Scouting. and two year Mrlvec et&r; Chrta Elma, an.i.tant dt!nner .ripe; Boettcher Duo Rick J ohneon, bear bad1e : s old and atlver arrowa. Den 10; Mllc• p f Pt!lla, ont! year Mn1ce at&r; Ra.adJ on rogram 0 Prior. lion bads• and sold arrow; Dt!n 6, under U.. le&dt!rahlp of Den Mot.her )(ra. Gt!Orfe Curtia, ht!ld the openine ceremony. 111 keeplnr with the theme for the month, ''Knight• of Yore," each boy held a •hle\d and g&Vt! a part of the knight'• code of honor. Tben they led the audlenoe In The Lord'• Prayer. Cub• of Den 6 are John BoUat!ranc, Tom Gamble, Don Oloclmer, Kilton Maraton, Rick R ylett, Mare Miller and Crals CUr· tta. Rorer P'tampton. wolf badse; A A U W Ralph Skinner, woU sold and llll· • • • Omen 'ftlS llOUND TABLE Kn. Albertha 8mlt.b'a Dell 'f, wtaoM membera ..-. Alan Gordon, .Alvan Oordoa. a.&rlee Hotm&lul. Jbiea Humpert, l!lcott Bmlt,ll. Randy 8p&p0klU, Terry Lomax and 'nmmy Wlll\&me, pn a e«tt C?f Kine Arthur'• Round Table. Mra. Bob Crowner'• Dt!n a. mem· bera RJck Andenon, Torn Ander- eon, Brian C&mpbeU, J amie Crown- er, Chrla Elma, Rick Johnson. Oary Packt!r end John Macy, pve a aklt •howlnr the lrnporl&nee of Ule coat of ann1. Brad Cnwford waa Introduced lnto the Pack In a Bobcat ui. mony conducted by WOiiam Spur• geon m. AWAJU> UST Award• preaented wt!re u fol· low1: Den 3, Mac Ren.fro, one yeu 11ervtce atar; Rick Dawaon. two yur eervloe at.ar; flick bf'Mltord, w11t and 10ld arrow; Teddy Barker, bur irold and •liver atTOW9. Den 4, Al&11 Gray, wolf cold arrow; Bruce Trotter, wolf &old I.lid Ill· ver ~TTOW11. dennn 1trtpe; Sam Downlng, Uon gold &rTOW; BIU Downing, lion badf': Denn.le Bondi, wolf 1llver arrow; Don Orupt'. Ullltant dt!Mt!r st.ripe. ~n I!; Don Olocltn,r, lion b&dge. lion gold and two 1Uver arrow1: J ohn Bolueranc, wolf said arrow; Rick Rylelt, wolt bad,e; Tom Gamble, Uon blldge., 11on cold and two •liver arrow•; Marc MJUer, wolf gold arrow. Den 7; Alan Gor- don, lion badJ'e and gold anow: A.Ivan Gordon, Uon baqe and iold arrow; Terry Lomu, wolf bad,ge ver arTOW1I • lnape<:Uon wu held by Dena with the audience watchln(, Den 6 capturtnc Uae Pack tJac for the monUL Group. •tnstns wu led bJ Larry Brown with Kn. Brown at I.be piano. CUb Bcouta Ted Barker, JUclt Brad ford, JUclt Da-. Ttm Brown. l'rtts Kott, Bob Olander, Panhellenic Revelations Barbor PaaJMUenic '8 -ua- patins -unu.uat and-~ progt'am ..rben It m..U April JO et the bOme of Mn. ~et.er A. SmJUI. 611 Santa .Ana Ave. MlM Happy King, handwrlUns analyat. will tell cl'laractert1Uca of mem- ben aa r.vealed In t.b.11 wrtUJll'. A bualneee meeUnc will follow. Oulert will be een9d al 7:30 p.m. by Mn. Smlt.b and her .-..... Inf bofiW Mmee. C&atl4mM Smith. Ralph )()~ Wllllam Dana and Reed ff-. fethen mother's day is • month •••y 9ive "HER" • wel~es.rv9d v.ution Wffk-encf $25 'round the worCd $2,500 a trip La • flt\ lutlne a Utetlme cdm trevel Mr¥tce 3M2~ E. Cout Hwy. OORONA DEL MAR RutloT ISM ( Nutua.I Theatre 'ncket.IJ Easter Baskets Toys and Novelties Galore Nylon Dresses IAOI: ud a~ TIUJll 1 • ex ..... ... -· .4'8 BAUFOOT s.urnAL8 :'~tu ....... '1" to'r' CANVAS OU"OIU>8, ~~nJ ~d .. -.'11.t~ .... _ ............ '1" 111.1.TE DE:-i.'IM IAClll:l'8 e3n A SLACK 8E1'8 Al • 8 ...... °"*'Y "1'1'41 Glone. t41tl to .... LUTEa BO'SNET9-A ....... 8~ ft~T tlllw ... Tote tllrw '?MM See ov lup ....... ., ..... wl acce.ortee -4AI f &n ._. low .,te. '"J'Jle Hearttie.l of a NaUon" will be preeeated bJ Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Boett.dler at the NcuW eenenJ Procr&m m.eettns of lanta Ana branch Of the American A.a· 10Clatl011 of Un tvertdty Women, April 14 al I p.m. at the !:bell Club HOUM In Banta Ana. A ruli.tk a pproach to tb9 peo- ple ot Y~vta. UU. Jectun. demonetraUoa lnchJCIM eons' dan· cee. &Dd tolklon with empbuil OD the bopell aad ldeale ot t.be '8· dt'ltdual la a -oommuniet n&- tlon. Mr. Boetteher S. cba1rmaa ot t.bi dlriaion of nne and applied an. ot OraAa'• Cout OoUep, wlaUe lln. hattei.u ill a oa.tnMo U'Uet u'Cf la partkUlartJ Doted for folk mullc lllt.rpnitaU011. The prorram will be preceded by a pol luck aupper to wblcll eech mem~r wtU c:oot.ribul• her fa't'OI'· Sta dllh. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -ftART I •· PA&E J MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 .io,.:. AlllllenoD ot BunUaatca llMdl told Newport police latur- dll,J two llult cape ...,. reD\Oftd from Mr car W'lalle pubd aero.NI u.. _,.. ma u.. ucao Tb•tre W..... T ~ 10 p.m. Jllareh 15. • u.., ••• , ... T!Mtt ot lliil Jenau.b racl.q bl· CJ'C.. W"U reported OD MU'dl fa to poUoe b7 Kllc• Mans. ua Via Surteh. He Mid It wu tu. tram lD treat ot JOO Via Dijoe tllat -me . EASTER Shoes For Boys end Sirls q.lt)' ... 8tJle Combbled ,_ .... ty Md Loq Wear Cblldre•'• 8 b o e a expertly fitted t.o laeare prepfir powtb ud ecNllfort BaoWN 8IMl8 u s; ... • $ LEE'S Shoes I "'A.. la A.reaM .... www 8-n ..... ,..., Pleat)' ot Free Putdmc casual sl.ttduJ: ifm o"' slylt f rofll 011r 11ew 1Xtl11JiH toll1n{o11 ;,, so/it/ tolors •"" frilUI tono silhouecm molded In toft wearable and plCbble navy. royal, blad aU piped wida whit. BALBOA TllEATU! Bl.DO. BAJ.II(),\ ,._,..HY 4-117l o,_~-.,,.~ DOllALDSOll'S FIVI A Tlfi 300 Main St. BALBOA l20 I.AST CINTD e ANAH!IM • DYITONJ ,_,... ,.. .... r., .... .. -.r. ._..,_ ...... GARDENER'S CHECK UST Lftula ..... '*-I...._ pne: ,,... .... .... •• • d ...... ,_.r: ....... ... ......... ,.., .... .......... ,_, .............. ............... ~ . .............. , . .,. .. ..-prlle ''IC a .. ....,,. .,. ................. q . Ml«*1 ..a.. A ..U m NM I le anllMle ~ wtll _.. .... me.I& .............. Local ........,..... wUl ~ .... , ........ ,.... ~...., ........... .... wtua u.. ....._., ~ -~---.... -........ L.&11 .... te ......... w.11 .. ,......,. .... 119 .... .... ...... u.e .. k1 ·". ly M/xr:.·d c ()f/f'ff·ll· WILCH'I DADY MIXID CONCllTI UI 0 ... WllJ QUAINT CAARll -The exterior of the Oun.rt home is redwood batten board with a low facing of Wied brick to form planters. EKtra thlck ahake. add lntereet to the roof •. Plantinc 80fteaa hou.e linee and brinp the natural colors uaed in lnaide decor do9er to the houae. -Staff Photo FBENOR PBOVINOl.&L -J'\armlhinp, of J'rench provincial era ftt Into the iucb type home of the S. J. Oxararta at 212 Driftwood Drive. The dining area ID backp'omld is separated from the kitchen by a bar-counter. Wood panellns and wallpaper are ued lntercliangeably to cr.te variety in decor.-Staft Photo Slnllclll.olesGear OOft.& IDS.& u Miit Qillllllr • .., ... ............ i..s.Mlll Wal~ 1em1cb ot llt UDd 8t. told poUce w..__,. b• Jett Ilia ~~=~==~=~~ ftabblc tadti. boll on the jetty ott BeJboa and DOW it S. IOM. He aalcl the alwnlnum colored boll cont.a!ned an auortment ot t\ab· S. J. OXARARTS PLAN PROVINCIAL HOME Design Centers Natural Colon Around Used in Patio: Decor Built around a patio and designed for informal living, the S. J. Oxarart Jr. home at 21.2 Driftwood Drive ia French provincial architecture. The family created the baaic plana for the home and construction ·wu by Ingram and Collin1. Room• ln the holllle a.re general-chen •nd from the bedroom hall· 17 larse and open, rambling de11ign way. stni. turther teellnr ot apaclous-IAROE BEDROOMtl JleM. l!:xpoHd ratten1 are a ft>ature Sons Rickey, 13 and John, 6, ot evel'J' room with wood panellnr .aha.te a bedroom decorated In ahad- f.114 provlncl-1 wallpaper uaed tor e1 of brown, a.qua and gold. Daucb· wall decor. Uaed brick fireplace ten1 Sandra, 10, and 'mu.lure, t, wtth a r&laed hearth In the Jiving have their room decorated in dell· room adda texture and warmth. cate llh&des of yt"llow, coral and NATL'l&E REFLECT.ED green. Th• mutAir bedroom la refreah- Colo ... throughout the h ome plcl< lngly tarre. Color• carried out 1n up lbe natural, earth tonea. PeMJ· the tarre tlo"1 wallpaltem are vlan linen curtaiNI la wheat tonM cocoa, aott pink and green. Dia· can be drawn acrou the larre l!v-mond paned windows break the Jng room and dl.nlnf room win-plalnnea.t of a large "'lndow which dowa. Quilted chlnl& UMd to cover overlook.I the patio. COnllnulty 1n the 10-fL couch and club cha1r la decor ill achieved by repeatlng col- Hpe&ted In quUted cornice&. The ora and the.dlng11 and ualnf one print la cotton blo.eoma ln brown, carpet. Callfomla tweed, through- white and chartreuae on a cocoa out Ule entire house. b&ck&TOund. The paUo i. centrally located to be ent.ered by French doora oft the lJvtl\I' room, a door fro.m the kit.-Co1nty Firm to Handle Aw1ings HOME : anrl : GARDEN PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MOtilDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 CONCRETE A1°=• "oo' •WDUIC• are now , • ........,. to l'fnrport Bea4la buJJd· Satisfaction POUR n THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e Have ua lllmpWy your .-nt4! work Witt. a IOIMI of pndaloe·mb"1 -"'*···P~to 7ovr o'*r at a eariq. Uberty 8-2283 • • • BAY UADl' • MIX INC. 711 W. 17th St. COSTA· MESA era lhl'ough the Home Engtneel'-tnr company ot Santa Ana. Or- &11fe county Johne·Manville deal· era. Thl• awning ha.a been In uae on KM:y'a department .tore In Loa Angelea aince 193~. but 11 now on the market for general dlatrtbu· Uon throughout the west. ThUI alum inum product rolla up out of the way for perfect v lsablllty when not in uae and la a complete pro- tection against llWl and atonns. The metal la alod!Ud to protect It from .salt a.ir and other ravage• of lime and hu an .8 of a mill baked enamel coaling. No bollll or 1trut1 are m1ed t o 1c-t up lhe new awnings and their steeper pitch keeps out more glare and bltnd1 with the e•ltrior of the CaJlfornla homt. dtt\ll'n clslm. RecruitinCJ hc)iM The United State• Air Force opened the HospltalHy Holllle at the end of WublnJlon St. In Balboa ror r~rulting from April l through Ea.!lter vac11tlon. from 9 a.m. to C> p.m. T/Sgt. Sam M. Isaac from thr main Station In Sa.nta Ana will bl' avllll•ble to give In· formation on t>nllatmrnt and the avlatlon cadet progT&m. ~ 1/6,,, ~c;asy B J_ ~ elJILDINGS a1e1D f:~ CLVtO LAM INATtD MU1&!RS, GIVE CLEAR SQllr.N, -'''OQOING OQCAT STCH.NGTH 1'T LOWEQ COST. COMPLlT!. &UILDINO vm.nv DU .. IV!.Rf.D TO Jo& ~rrE. FAOM .,. PER.SO.FT. OR COMPLtT!LV lRtCTlD, INCLUDING SL-.&, FROM t I • PE.R . ~O. PT. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSillAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL l30 30tla St.. Newport 8-elll Barbor !533 ' COLORFUL Kl'l'CllEN -Yellow and brown with a dub ot copper are the ingrecUenta for the attractive kit· chen. Provincial, geometricly designed wallpaper ia used effectively. Cabinets are knotty pine with wrought iron hardware. Floor ia cork. -Staff Photo SHEET METAL, HEAT GROUP REQUESTS NEW DEPARTMENT SANTA ANA. (OCNS) -The Sheet Metals and Healing Contractors Association auggeat.ed last week & new department mjght be a good idea for the county building aection. The association explained it could be called heating and air conditioning. A letter from the as- sociation on the·matter was re<:eived by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The board referTed the Jetter to the building department. County Counsel Joel Ogle noted there ia no beating ordinance to protect home buyer11. "Codes have been established for electridty and plumbing, why not air conditioning and heating?" Ogle asked. Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -,JACK BOYER - 2801 W. Balboa Boo.Jenni • Llaoleum • Robber TUe • Cork • Asphalt TUe e Carpet • Formica • YacM • lutallaUoa Harbor 5389 N•wport haCh EVERYDAY SPECIALS 001.EVS, lot. of ptttt7 eolot9 la I lDC!ll pola, .. .......... .. ... ·---···----··-·--· ...... each =~ 1::!\~~····----.. --··--·-·····-· l'adt 10( KARGVEIUTES, la-• ff'Uow OI' wbJ~ •. doall $1.00 5 & 10• NURSERY 1'1!1 So. Newport Blvd. -TVSTL~ -OIOMd Tbvnday1 MAX W. POPE Inc. "We Arran~e flnaaclng" U.~IDE!\'Tf AL e OOJOD:aCIAL e DEVELOl'llENT 4m Bol9a An. loat off :\'pt. Blvd. •• Utai PREPARE, DO. MOP UP- Cooking, Like Gaut. is Divided into Three Parts Every t&ak I.I oom)>Olled ot three pe.ncak• that took two dece.dea part•, and_th1• appllea to every-to ~· 1>7. They an called MW. thlng from the Normandy Land· 1Clella Peterllon'• Pucak• att.r tnr to cooklllg the Sunday morn-the wonderful angel-of-meroy wbo Ing pancakea, or wuhing the out· enliftlled our conT&leecent. boUn 1lde or the picture window. ln the ho41pltal once upon a time, Thoe UlrM ateJ)ll may be label· wtlb tntereaUnc and ltnowln• tallc ed u foUoW11: L Preparation; II. aboUt food. Accompllahment; m . Clean-up. And upon thia orduly •q,uenoe depend& the •ucceu of any under-t.altinr. . THINK. THEN ACT Combine lD a bl( bowl 1 e11. " cup phw 3 .tableepoona of milk and 2 t&bl~ or aalad olL Beat tht. t.horou&hJy wtth a rotary beater untll well-blended. We have all bad expeirlenoe with Set the flour llltter 1ll a m1e Ule fellow, who out of klndne.. paper plate. Into the litter place offera to waab that difficult win· 1 cup ot alf'Ud all·purpOM flour, dow, and eoe• to hla wiaccust.omed .. ~. tulc with a llrbt be&rt and a rood a tab17--~-::-=-or wpr, 2 t&!>le- tnr sear. '"" r-"SpedaJ Apparel" T"tl °"" CUS'IOIL DRY OLEANING •ITAYI UP eftlOUI •ft LAl1S •COITl&m ....... wlll Soon, however, hw-cheerf\ll IJ>OClll.I of Mlllns powder (,.... all', but 1nal1tent Wbl1tle fJ!la ts down we mean 2 tablupoool) arid ~ tN>m tbe top or the ladder. and teupoon oC Alt. Bltt. t.hla tnto the thoup you may lsnore It for a ID ~ while, 100ner or later you are fore-plate. .._. ~ V.. ed to answer It.a calt GlllDDLI: TIPS JOHM•. u .& uvn 1 • "Dear, would you be klnd ln ...... •-to th Ill ....... ...._..._. ~,...,... Add lbe dry (1'..,...en... e HOl Bo . .Ill .... ,....,_ .&M lltsd 'te b 'I 1 0... anough to bring me the .queegH ! UqUide ln lb• boWl and beat until ~~~~~~~~~~~~b~l~U~lf~ .. ~·~·~t~~·~·=ta~~Aa~~;. 1 Mero to have torsotten tt. Bet.-mnooUL. Bake Oil an unrrea.ed r ter bl'ing a clean rag, too, t.o wipe f11ddle, which bu been previous· lt with." Pretty aoon you are aum· 17 heated alowly but Ulorouply. mone<l to bring a raaor blade for ot courae. you abould bake a trial that atubborn palnt 11pot, or t he cake to teat th• tem~ture. The bottle of window cleaner, alllO balUr la thick and will b&-to be overlooked. Now juat ha.If a t.bougbt ln pre-tpread tmooth on UI• Jriddl• w1tb paratJon would ban ~llmlnated a lpoocL all thl• bot.beraome bual.n-ot A.a aooA .. UM c:aJcaa .,. broWD R. OOIM/tl H•ll ConstnKtioll c_.,_, Q&NEIU.L~ fetA:htns and c:anytnc, inaldnc a oa t.be bottom and ftrJ ~ two-man Job ot eometblng that on the upper wrt-.ce. -... t.belD D&&l'l:IUD -~G -ma co.... could eutly be done bJ one. °"' c.allY Witll • pancake tm'D-•. WALL •&Piia -O&U91111G PUT 'EM BACK er. No place here for fancy ntp-OOllPL&T& Dl'""MW DIDOOIL&UWe p~ effect.a. EaM the.m overt .. Accompllahmtnt" ha.a It.a own When broWDe4 on the bottom they LAMP ua&a9 SHOP reward& But how about the .,.. rea41 lo eat with warmed ~I ''Clean-up?" That aeem11 t.o gtve butt.ar and ayrup, and keep t.be~rr;;;1;;"';;;&.;;o...a;;;;;;;;•;;WT;;;•;;c--;;;;;;;;;;; ... ;;;;...,;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;...._;;;;;;:;;;-;;;;;;;;~ the moat trouble or all. ~ember-acoompanytD&' aa~u on a bot lng to bring in U\e ladder and hang eeparate plate. Wbo want.a IJYl'\IP ll Melt in Ila accustom~ place la more often trouble than the ac-;:oa=tbem==·= 1 ========. tual work \taelf. BE SURE -INSURE "1Ua llAUJUE STANLEY '---Oal1 n-Bartlor U7' 1116 E. c-& ___ .., Coroaa del Illar ln the kitchen. 11<>me thought of the preparatory •te.ce la an ab- 110lute euenUaJ, unleq you mt a.U the drawer pull.a and dooT Jrnobe specJc.Jed with dough. Spoona and ingredient. •hould be arrayed upon the counter before anything elae I• done. How maddenlnl' to ;;;~c;;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;: find aomethlnf mlaa!nl' wben both handa are covered with nour or 1tlcky with cake batter. MBA UPHOLSTERING Pancake• can be a meuy btUJ· nu •. but It t hey are rood they are weU worth the trouble. We prefer Krlddlea that do not demand rreuJnr;. u they keep the hoUM free from amoky atter-unell11. and make thr clean.lnr of the •ton u........,.., a Dl'9fl9l7 l...DertJ .... ,.. U60 NwpS. ISl"d... (.)eeta 11- very easy. lU8T. ft 1' TJIJ;M Here 11 a recipe tor big nutty REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTIACTOIS BF..8ID£NTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CA.LL B.AJUWR 17~% l''OR UTIJIATE. WITHOUT CHAIWE IOI E. BALBOA BL\"D. B"'1..BOA. the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Dnltn a11d Comtnctioll COBOS A Dl'!L MAR PRONE llAA80a Ill ARCHITECTS Memben of American IMttt.t. of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William Bluroek Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger ROBERT FORBES ....... e .... , e lazl *M STAFFORD 6 SON "Nl:L8 and DOC'" ELSCl'IU0.&1. OON'ft.AO'l'OM ....,.. LDer11 ... . 11081 ........ A..-N ..... ._. JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 600 C-t Blvd. OOROSA DEL MA& Coastline Floor Covering e FINE CARPETING e LINOLEUM WALL nu Vinyl Corll & Asphalt Tiies FREE ESTIMATES 541 Cetlter Cotta Mesa Uberty I 4411 lltJ81CI FUN! PSIZEfll~ 'l'Ddl WUTREa! ~I COlf&&!l gets up early every clay. 7 to 10 A.M. Bal IJavis .. Radio KWIZ 1480 on the radio dlal 81DEW ALK CONTRAOl'OB8 -Groupe of oldaten p.ther daily to "supervi.le" dril- llnc operations on rigs in the downtown oil boom now in progreae in Huntington Beach. One of the oldtimera resting on the steps of a residence acl'OM the street from one of the wella on Fifth St. greeted a buddy with, "Have they atarted work at your place yet!" -Staff Photo ....---_.... .. KIDS DRAGGING IEACH WITH I I • .. AUTOS CAUSE THEIR ARREST l'OU youtba were booked b,r police )'~rday mantnc tor 1 ....... anc1 ndJIC can• the beach...,. the Balboa PMr. Nice ..sci the -.cit wu Cl"Ollll'fed at the tune. Driven of the oan wen Gary Fred Maaey, 11, Ill lloa~e; .Annand Joeeph Amaaca. 19, Ban Gabriel and Bobble J.Ae Durr, 22, and Donald D. Lobban, 24, both of Pu.ente. CAN IT IE TRUE7 Easter Week Fling Kids Wam ·Harbor-Not Coming 111 GAIL BAUEB later clalmlng we bad broken two 8AN:l'A .ANA, (OONS) -Moat chair .. a Mt ot dl9bea ud aome Banta Ana Collep and hSgb IChool ahrubbecy. They threatened to aue our parenu un1esa , we p&ld up. studeJlu plall &o 111u6 Uie New· Naturally our tolka thoueht we port Barbor an& du.ring Jeuter WU. In the Wl'OaC aad they paid. vac:aUon t.bla year. The mubblng It coat another $1915. ot the old al&Ddby -where gen-NO F&l!lNOB 8WDI 8Url"8 eratlcm• ot COUDty abldenta have One firl complabled "a cop told ADDually held their 9J>ring Vac&-me to go home and cbaDp when I Uon -ruulted from wh&t the wore a l'radl bat.bSnl w.lt lul atUdent.a •Y la a "c:l&m,Podown by year." n. atudent ..sci that ah• local yokela." felt Palm Sprlnp police would A umpUnc of 1bldent.a at both treat her dlftenntly. '"?be mo.te Santa AD& IDIUtuUona lhowed .iar1 wear them owr tbere all the that m011t wbo plu to go awa1 Ume," lb• lllid. on an Eut.er Y&Catlon will hee.d _ Another youth cbarpd "IODle tor the duert community of Palm iuya left 10me beer cana tn the Sprlllp. "We aire.d7 h&Y• our troat of our aputmenL TIM cope NMrra~" a ltudellt le&de.r came by and woke ua up at llOO told OCN& "And they were toup o'clock lA the monun, and ac· to iet. Tbere llll't a room at a cu.eed u ot drlllldac·" Yo1t~1 looked NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA6E 5 MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 ii loat Theft 11 )'Mr• ap, .etUns \Ip hla proc- D • .a '1H N0.,..-1 Uoe u a 19nenaJ precUUOMr. Be Curt Pbilmey and Ray Jolm.aon. l ~ 1"-bad lived bl Ca.llfumta •O yeara. Harbor patrol ottlcen. anut.td ------------U. wu a lieutenant colonel 411 th• Bt'nry Cook, 11, of La Habra and D&. .&. v, ANDUW8 U. 8. Arm,y ReMrve. a 18-year-old Fullerton boy ln UM Private mllltaey Mr'Vlc• tor Dr. Friend• yeaterday obffrv-4 an north Bay Channel J'rtday when A. v. Andrewa. llO, ot 121 Clltt attemoon•1 vtatt.aUon ln the Bait. the youtha could not explain own-Drtff, whc> died Tbunday IUddtD• Mortuary Chapel. Corona del Mar • erlhlp ot the rowboat they were ly ln Loi AJactl•, wen held today He lravee hi• wife, Ella M. An• In. The)' laid lhe7 borrowed It but t 4 30 p m at Uie F•' .... "'ven drew. and two dau'""'t·-· II .. • dld not know from whom. PeUUoia a : • · ...,._ •" -.. .... llaU80l.eum C!aapel w1Ul Chapk1D ·-.__ all of Uie home Ml-wen tiled ,agal.nal them with ju-Veld.mark and u.. Rev. JOMph ..... ,.,,.....,..,, venlle authorltlu. McSb&ne atftc1at1Ds. Interment dreM; a lllter, Mn. Martoca Con· Two Loa An1e1ee COY• and a wu ln Fairhaven Cemetery. rad ol Dari.I and a brother, IAWSll Montebello boy were lxloked for A native of Ohto h• came bere A.JldnWa, Loi An&'elee. vtolatlon and poueulon under UM -------·-----------------alcohol and bevvaa• acL Police r.e~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!m==im111 ______________ ~ aald i..wrence ~en• HanHD, 19, and Jerry Dwayne Miller, 19, both ot Loa Allg'1ee. and Ronnte W. Chambers. 11. Montebello, all ad- mitted ownerlhlp of aeveral quart• ot beer tound by ott1cen ln their car. Two teen-age girla ai.o tn the car were releued by ot!lefta who had •topped the ca.r for lllep.1 1 muttlera. Huaen waa beld for the abore patrol due \o poelel810D of '. a poqlble torpd Anny ldentlttca- tlo;, C:.~:!~ vwa Marina ' told polJce yNterday he loat two hub capa trom h\1 ~r while It wu pa:rked ln front ot 210~ Apo- lena A.Ye. John McOowea, tndUllrtal art.a teacher at Newport Harbor Unlon lllgil School, and a trtend. Don Weinhardt. brought a dnmlren 11- year-old Barbor Hip 1tudent to the police atatlon where they llgn-1 ed a cltlsen'a UTelt" on Ule lad cbarstnc tnt.osScatlon. The)' aa.ld he wu drunk at a ec:IM)ol dance. I Police aa.ld. the boy wu too dru.n.k I to book. He WU releued to bla parent.a. Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon introducing MR. FORD Hair Styhst who ioins our staff with Beverley Dorothy Marilyn. Susan OIL DRILLING DESTRUCTION GAINS ON BEACH NEIGHBOR Andree Home's Burglars Take Uquor and Mix motel, hotel or roomtnc bOUle tn 8tW another aid ~ merc:b· that tawm. llftcybody ll ping anti rob JOU. EftrJtldnc soe. up there." wbell the lddl come dowa tor n.. Car Skirts 5-tchecl The plUlb delert communlt)-la caUon. Tbey dOn't can If you IN THE BIRTCHER BLDG. ordln&tUy eYM:U&t.ed ._ durins tbe don't have ~ mcJM)' Sett _ tMy Tllen of tender 1ldrt.a from Illa Burs'lary of hla bom• at 201 bot -i>rtn~ monthl by Ule bolt of rob you, USen klelc you out. 1 car parked OD Irvine A.Ye. at N-- -Bl!R'l' a&INTNALL A well broupt 1n at the Oranp O&rnet A'le. and removal ot aev• Hollywood cele'brlUH wtio annual· think t.b&t'1 why llOIDe ot the klda port Harbor Unloo Blfb Be.hoot i.e. than two bloclu now aep-end of the ltreet ll reportedly "° era.I bottlea of liquor, boxe11 of I)' winter at the re.art. ret arrMted tor burgl&ry or Mop-wu reported to police Karch ' 2515 E. Coast Hwy. L __ _jara~te~th~•~•the;adLyJm~arctLhJiotyfndi.lest~ruQcii_· Wrt~c:dh~lha~~t '.!drll~l~era~w~an~~~~th~e~ow~n~-tp:an~calc=•;mlx;~an=d~a;;clpret~=te~ltc~h~t-+--.lflC.llLDtlOOJIUllmZ!ll'Z---tt~~IlluJlut to ..-t b1ck aL 26 by Lari')' 8ea1 of 1911 New-1 Uon that baa ~ er to move bl.I ho thOM merchanll." . popo~r:t~B~l~vd.:_ _______ ~~~~~!!!~!!!!!~~!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ amce the pttMnt oil lxlom put '"'1l another well on the aarne by c. C. Andree. He Mid the ''Thoee people are IJloolUUtent." ;,, Harbor 2187 Corona del Mar DOUBl.li 'l'llOUBLli bunt on the city and the eat.ab-lot. The J>0881ble oil ac:rou the entry occurred 10mettme tn the a atudent told OCNS ot Newport Um.ct field on lbe nat northeut atrut. under the church, la to be put month or alx weeka. Beach. "One minute they welcome Cbanfial' the Ume cm our 'llMl&· ot town. Wells this week were reached by whlp.ttock drllllng. Inveatlp.tlon dl9cloeed the burg-U1 wtth open arma -the next Uon ta my re&IOll fOI' lo&nc t.o 8PUdded 1n beyond 11th St. DIS'l'Blcr ENDANGD£D lar entered by reacllln&' hJ• arm they 1&y we''-a bunch or brata Palm Spr1ngi," a well-d.reMed 1'hll doea not mean that all the The fll'9t well In the new drlllln& or a long object through a hole in out to ra1lle heck. Of COW11e we youth laid. "We'll be able to set territory already pillaged haa 1een t-0 be •tarted on the ooean lfcfe oC the wall where m.l11c i. kept. The want to ralle a little heck -that'• twtce u much f\ID tllll J'e&r, be- the Lut ot the derricks. New we.Us Highway lOlA la being put down nJche opena Into a cupboard door what vacaUoaa an for. But we e&Ule we caA p down Uld meet are betnr drUJed in territory where on the be&& at about lOUI St. next to the houae door, o!flct:ni don't want people pointing thelr the out-of-count)' pie alt.er acboo.l It would lflflm there are enough nua I• toward Long .Beach from Aid. fl.Dgeni at ua one minute ud pat-houri ne•t week, ban a ball and •eU. to take care of the •upply. the public be&ch, 1>ut bialneaa men ------------ting UI on the bead9 the nezt. U be lick of the pW:. by the Ume 80RRJEST AREA tear that l! this w~ll blows In thr they'd atay collliatent -either our Y&C&tlon COlllell. '"IbeD •• CUI Slsht.ll st., around Orange, i. ruulttng oil may be carr:led by Grand .My Names way -It would be okay wtth U1. ro t.o Palln Sprtap aad m.t 10111e perbape the aorriest part ot town tide to drive away t1:c s11111: .. , • 8. W. Hlft CL-1--n We'd know bow to tacJtJe Ult new Jdcla and at1ll b&Ye aome moo- and the condiUon1 there were not crowd ot bathers. 111111..,... lituaUon." ey left." helpe6 when an oil truck broke The u•ual complalnt..t continue to SANTA ANA, (0CN8) -Or-The Harbor area alluldonment, IJMn...U. the moflanent of off a tire hydrant. The 1trl'et wu come ln to bother the police. Ma· ange County'• newly appointed accordlnr to both male and ttlnU ,out.ti lD the two COUDl7 eeat bad enough be!ore with du.t blow· chine WU being run at 319 Eighth grand Jury held Ila !int MUIOD atudenta, extencS. to Otbe.r rrtev· acboola, Mem1 to be away tram lng rrom the ditch that had been St .. eana mutfle.r. the nollMI tear· ln auper1or court Tbunday. aneee. "Our pcup paid Sst!O for Newport Beacll Uda. year. ''TbeY·'ft dug throurh the pavement t-0 ar--Ing' the eardruma ot ndfhbort Pu.rpo.. ot the ....ioa wu to an apartment tor a w•ll down ,ot SW1mlalDC pooll ID Palm ry olJ plpe1. but the flood trom the from tbelr mooringL At 323 Ei&'htb llelect a aecretary, chairman pro tbere l&lt ,..,.." one •tudent aid. 8prtnp. • cme ltudat .ad. ""nl.e7 broken hydrant made a mudbole St.. Harold SplndJe nported that tem and commitleea, accordinr t.o --rhen we pt a b01 a '""' wMlfa are c1-Dar tb&a tM IMIMla. of It. The 110utbwe1t aJde ot UI oil man had broken a window County Cowwel Joe 01le. ;:=====================::::;;~ l:lahlh St. between Olive and Or-ot hw home and Mn. Jame. Ren· Bromley W. Rill ol Lacuna Ul'e Sl.t., haa a rig for nearb' oer. 811 8ecoD4 It.. MJd the nos. Beach bu beeD nam.ed eha1nDaa eYery lot. had become unbearable. ol t.be 19-m.mbu j\117. COUNTY· CHAMBERS MAP MAJOR HIGHWAY PLAN SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -The planning and develop- ment committee of the Orange County Auociated Chamben of Commerce drew a bead on one of the county's biggest problema Thursday -mapping of a general overall high- h!Pw&1 prosram .tap f« tM tutun. It will depend on "fl"fer)'Oll• pWnc to&'ether" lt the county la to be prepued for the 'YUt tnflux of the next decade, accordlnc to the ~ commlMioner. Berth Y<>hmt.eend all lhe force. at hla command to work with th• ch&mhera of commeree denlop- me.nt committee. Alao appoiJlted to th• commlt.t.ee Thur.day were Vice· CbaJnnan Hennan Hilcher ot Fullerton, Mra. Ora Heine ot Sent& Ana ud Wal· way plan. tu Wei.mer or Co.It& Kua.. 'Ibey Under the chaJ.rmanahip of veteran engineer Nat Neff ~ to help coordJ.n&Le lde&a tor of GardPn Gron, an all out dia-He explalned l1 la nec...ary to m~ h.IS'bway problema In the cualon-8'.yle ~ oa hJsb-1• 1 .... 1 ppln _ ... northern county, Sant& An&-een- WeClecm STIOOCI I CASHIEIE COATS by hmlCI! y.., ~ w1ll .. .. ~ ....... .,... .. If 11' .... _,..t. Uletr -.ct-work ! We Pickup ud Delfver act -· n ma C an on.--. tral and cout.al rectoa.a wu tleld In Oe.rd9D Orcml. plan acceptable to ctUu ud unlJl. 8 · · Cba.lnnan u t Cl .IORN &ULOa8 'l'ALIUI corporated areu alilce to avotd a-Board of upervtaont p own eaners peu1.,. condemn•Uon proceedlnp WU.U. Warner wu at t.be dinner- More lllan JOO wen OD band to ane:r the buildup occurs. meeUng whlcb aw mayora from hear County PSuMr Han7 Berp, COUNTY MUST PA&PA&I: pr.cUcally all count.y clU• In •~ 1928 Wm& ...... Blvd -Newport lleMll ROIUI Comml.llSaaer A.I Koch, 8&D-1bua ta.r, It wu UMrt.ed. only lendance. Moet or the chamben We .,........ la?::--....... Pu 'ac ., ......., la An.a City lllanac'er Carl Thom-the western county Met.lea hu a ot commerce al.to -re npnMD~ _. O.U.._..-a.. __._ .___. ton, Anaheim Qt)' A~ ~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ed.:..::_ __________________ ~~====~~==~~======-==~==--=---~==~~~====!:.. Keith Mu.nloell aDd Newport Beech .. City Admbllltrat.or John 8ailon deliver key talJtl. Koch patat.td out ha office la movmc forward lJl plann1q on the uaunpt.taa <>rap Ooula~ ,.,._ tually II Coins to be all relldentl&J, PARXE8 -RIDLEY JIOBTUABY l'erlllNt7 Q&AUEI. CJU.Pa. commercial and lDdmt:rtal.=.. __ __:~==========~ DID YOU KNOW •••. for 3 atrai9ht year• Mercury haa returned more of its original cost at trade-in time than any other car In its field? See your Mercury Dealer for detalla. ta.gu.! S.-Fe l'aaaJJy Jtm. .... ic pOllihM fc. yoal faaiJy IO So pa.. --rhiap rhM..,. oaaide J'Gm wcatioo bud&& Now go fanh., at '-met. MClft c:oefonable ti.a drmag ,om cs. Sbotr 1flGI family tbe Gnat Soudl .... complete wirh ,..J ladiaal. l.Duod.m diem eo c.be bi& dU.-Chicaa'o-New Yodr. PbiWelplt& Tab c-. duoatb ... lowly quiet ol NIW '+-' Yoa'U bep.d JOU ct.o.S.... Fe '° Oaiago. Big Di.-can. refa•d 11 ......,c1eep .n _.r Tbt perfect a.- for ,oar faailJ'• perfect ...catioa. YoatS.O. ,..,._will .... ..., . .,. .... ..,.u~.-... 0. D. LDmSEY, T. P. Ar ._..re o.,.c.. 1• r.. '*' 111t. ...._.llll-U&tltlD'-'* 8A.V?~ ANA, C&LIF. "Al ._. -., want OK Used Con, ....... ....... " Wlftl aD owr Wlllt OC Uted Cln of tbetr own. It'• the k7W<Ott UJWS lo a fam.Uy't tecOGckar needl. Tbe red O~ Taa awb a car tbat't da- ouafdy iDlpected and deadlcaDJ nooadldaeed. You own with pride and driw wi1b con8deaot became OIC Ulld Can an wunDlld m wdliDaf MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast H....., ...._., 1-2261 thwport l•da • LOOK AT lHESI USED CAR IARGAINS 1951 Cllev. 8tJl Db. I-Dr. R.R. PG $795 1952 ... Slip Rh a. B. Dyna n ,.,. WSW' , • ..,.. ...... F.Z-1 01- $1095 -1953 DeSoto n.......vaacp.r.ap..., .... a..1 OIMa n,,....._._ $1595 1951 s ... c ...... r...,. E•ulPllM $495 1953 Ford 581111..., Fordo \\'SW a.a. $1545 1950 c-.... 19SJ CMY. 4-Dr. a. .. 1-hM D-1 o ... "'"' $1395 1951 Cllew. 4-Dr. hll7 ....... ms 19M Clln. Z·Dr. '·-~---$1595 USED TRUCKS AT SENSATIONAL SAYINGS- 1952 lnt•rllatlo• .. l T• Plds .. 1953 Ford i T• Pldl-. ........ v ... ... M'n.I -$195 $1095 MILLER CHEVROLET HIGO W. Co•I Hwy. u..,,, Newport .... 1-2261 . . . ........ '· . :J.rom PA&E 6 -PAIT I NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL ~RACE PARllD "God grent us the serenity to accept the ~inga we cannot change: the courage to chonqe th~ things we can· end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.} EDITORIALS (IW. Hete -J..._. "1 ................ wW ._, .... ................... ...,.. ................... ..., Juvenile Decency? '"'- ICuter WMIE n.cation hardly bepD Oftl' tbe week- end but IOIDe en. were beard UllOllC bnllin9'Dltn COil• cernlnc the relatlve dearth of vacatJon buei=w Some crttic1ml wu •oloed that Mayor Dora Hill'• prosram to control Euter Week miecblef wu to blame. We would like to point out that Palm Sprinp,.1 whence our n.catlon ...umn reportedly have flown, ottered c:U•erti11m-aa for youth prepared and f<Mttar· ed by buein""""D theft. The ume tbinc happened at n. IAuderdale, Fla., once ovenun by juvenlla 1n wild deb.uch. The point ii tbe bt•d-r men who feel moa affect- ed by only DOOO ~ of 30,000 young people invading th• dty lhouJd make 110me effort to entertain them w~e they are here. The people limited the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce funda granted by the clty to $2400 per year juat recently. Yet the chamber ia willing to accept all aid buelne-men care to releue. Many bum- neumen who complain the loudest if youthful pranbtera do not drive bumper to bumper through out city streeta are the very one11 whoee DaJnea are not found on the chamber memberahip rwter. So tar, Ea.It.er Week bu opened in what we term normal faabion; that ia. a nJce bunch of younpteR ia here, moet of them behavipg them.elves, having fun but not in the wtld orgies the metropolitan preu would like to portray if lut ye&r'a miaerable mia-coverap of the new. ia a criterion. Tbe Mayor'• committee, which ment apeakera to in· land 8Choola' P-TA group., had them briefed to iell bow much fooH•h-w thia dty will stand from unchaperoned younpten. The Euler Week control committee appar- ently baa done well by Newport Barbor. So far we have heard no complablta from raidenta on beinf unable to aleep nJgbta. If the fact we can drtve about the city, park our cara in coune of normal buaine.a, inhabit our home11 without hindrance of drunken vacationeni during Easter Week la "bad for buaineea" we cannot mourn. We would rather have 6000 well behaved youth.a here than fS0,000 running amok. So far it appean ~ ua that fut year we reached the low on the thermometer of public acceptance of our town. Not that the vacationers bere were ao bad - w. hanctW tbem badly. 'l'1Ue J'9U', eo tar, to ~ will AFFAIRS OF STATE By llEN&Y C. llKARi&lJJ& _. Wle the other end of the bridge. We feel that along the p.th there ia a point of common acceptance -a proper quantitJ, of highest quality. In truth we ahould aet our aim for oUI' town toward cultivatillg Easter Week and every other day in tbla community u a day of "Juvenile Decency'' and forget our talk and reputation for "JuvenJ.Je Delinquency." "Hell Week" ahould be baniabed forever and we can re-key the amueementa in our town and the plaM to be made for entertainment offered for proper juvenile d~ty durin~ Holy Week. City Needs More Parking Time la now ripe for the Planning Commlulon of the City of Newport Beach and City Council to bold aome joint .... lou on fbture planning for parking. Juat ·now Orange County'a largeat city, Santa Ana, ia auffer- ing untold agonle11 becau.e of the laclt of good plaDning through the yeara. · Good planning particularly 1n the location of park- ing Iota to aerve the entire population ill a neceeaity. The City of Newport Beach ahould take warning from the horrible example of Santa Ana, and by the same token benefit from the careful plannlnl undertaken by the City of Ana.tMm and the City of RJvendde and of Huntington Park in tbe creation of ofl street parldnf facWUea. In all theae citiea the IODing laws ban beell adapted to the uae of whatever propert'-Ue adjacent of C-1 buaineu properties to the u.ae of pub& parking lota. In practically all the cltiea parking metera bave been tn- atal.led on the off .treeta Iota and thus the program pays for itaelf and over the long haul and will generate funda that will permit many needed city improvementa. Thia great need here in Newport Beach iis becom- ing more critical every day. It doe. not infect just one area. In fact there ia only one area, the Lido Shops development, that bu adequate parlling for all ot the property contained within it. Thia area ia a good example ot proper planning for the benefit of everyone In the city. People who might be inclined to protest off lltreet parking ahould weigh carefully their c:ompl&inta againat the 1ood that adequate off at.reet parking can and will do for the city u a whole. Not just buaineea MtabU.h· menta, but rather for th«: l"ellidenta of the community wbo patrcaUe our bu•!nw e.tabll•hmenta. ' '" ......... ~ ..-"7 .. ,_. ,....... 1 received conflnnatloD today of the mo.t beautiful atory to ever have come out of the bniah country -the Miracle of La Jolla -ill wbat I ahould like to ~U it. I tint heard of It from an Indian friend of oun of Pala, Julia Calt.c. htMI' ~ otrarciot. a »"raD$-bard. AJl4 I lmew lhllt It wu In can ht.bu Who apeet many yu.n lM .,_ of LA Jolla. But I did 11ot. &m~I tht Indiana of Pal& and rt" tt fllrthtt U.OU.lll. A. weelt Uld a ball lat.r wbliD 1 went there 1WTGUndlq COWllr'7 Md wbom we for x.., Ulea I MW wbat had ... ,.. from uma to u.m. caned UI• bappeMd. "~ pn..t." WT'Ote UM .to17 CRU&CH arAUD la cleU.D for m .. One of ~ ~ °n'at •torm wu a cklud bunrt. Uaal UW.S-about It u t.b&t t.11• It rained do. to two Inches of aUte be wrote ID la 80 much like water. Aad It bad conc.nt,..ted a&7 own Ulat u I l"Md alone l Oftr that .,.. of Utt mountalna thol&Pt 1 wu ..-dine -of my wber9 my chapel waa. The ra I\ own eohlmna. form.cf a 1tream of waler and It AU m01My received from ttu• cam• down the mount.atn llfde fal'- collllllD wUl s o to .rather Julian ~ t.b• cbape1. An.d ll came direct. to UM ln hJs work u he .... flt ly tow&nl UM t:~I tUI about a amonr th• nMdJ men of San bundred Jard9 a-y. f'randeco, The "mlracle" obtained Tb•n th• ..Ur apllt Into a T a churdl for the Indiana and I one 1trHm eotnc acroea u 1n: Junior N--'.-a N-,'.Swt" of a~L.'.. want to -rat.her JuliaD conUnue dJaa'• property Md nowtl\a Into ~ "'....-UUKa b&a Sood work wbeNYer h• mlPt a ~. UM otb9r eotq tnto the ------------------------------be. op.,.Ste cllnctioeCU~t.hrough • R "llmAOLli" ll'IO&Y a field, wull.lns out lbe ro.d a11d W . I T E The incident about tbe 'mJracl• tlndinl',.!~ ~! Into a.not.her can. of LA J'oUa' wu ~. It wu not yon. u"' c ... pel and p ... rty ____________ '"'!"' ____________ a llllnc.k la th• strict aeme, u were untouched. But where th• doea to & ccmmuntt)'. We u...._ noUUnc occured coatr&ry or be· at.ream.a of water had IJowed, there ton, ill tbe iplrtt ol reoaoctMatk>n. yoad UM ~w1 of nature. But I remaln.t a plly wub-out about &N prepared to· cooperate com-belieft that it. WU & apeclal &c:l four fed dMp and perhapa ftve p&et.17 wWa &D)' pereoa OI' p.r1IOlla of Ood, • ..,.ctaJ fawr srant.ed feet or ~ w1d-. READERS ni. follcnrine Jett.ff refer• to one publlah~ reoenUJ ln the Newa-Prua. wrltt.i by M.ra. Albert Delphlno. Th• New•P~ la publ1abllls tai. an.wer In th• lnter.1ta of both aldH of the qUMtJon a.I· thousb ""e believe th'8 letter cto.8 not uwwer V:ra. Delphlno preclMly, rather bep off for want ot apace, etc. Tbe Nm-~ ta coul.lt· enUy anU _.iytblnf Wbich u un-American u reedera of t.be publlcatlon well under- atand. Biped, W.A.M. Mr. WIW&m A. )(09a9, l:dllor Newport Harbor Newa·Prt• Newport Buch. Caltfornla O..r Editor: ~ ~ ill d.tlcoftrtnc t.o our Pr&Y91'9 and lhroulb the Alter lh• MUI, the lDdlaa !Mil Md publilblnc t.b• trulll allout our lat.rceMlon ot tM ~ Virrtn abowed me the rull7 where lon8 procram a.ad acUTtUea. Mary. and ton1 of rockl lay npoaed. hcGed. -an aUMNq 'bere-1'hillfl happen.ed ln UM IUJl\lller of Tbey took me ebout a hundrf(f wtth a copy ot JM N&Uoeal end 1Nt. Tb• UW. fNme chapel at yard.a t.o the rlstlt of Ul• cba~l, Pac:lt\c 8oUUnNet ~ otfl· La Jolla wu dedicated to our and ahoWed me wher• and end cera at ~ orpal.laUOQ. u aom.-81....CS ~other Mary under the crave! bad bffD wuhed and de- OM bM 1.atomaaUOn t.b&t any of UUe ot "Out-1Ady of Retuce." poatted to a depth ot thrw fMl. U.... penou .,.. ~ we Tbla chapel needed to be rebuilt. Atld ~ men Kid to mt : lDvttA a public 4lrect lltat.ement, Tiie atronc wtncb and -.eat.her et ··rather, here I• aand and rruel d.-.o&4 el-~. to that ettect. tbat 3000-fl fievatJon (ed. nou: and rockl. Ca.II we have a conc...t• 8inc.nl7 Chapel la on the .outh aide of Pal· chapel T" wsi.on c·. aw. omar MOW\l&ln.) had blltt.er'ed the "Yea." 1 aa.ld, Mlt will be a con· Re(1ooal ll«retary chapel eo Ulat many ot the •hlnc· cret• cbapel that wm 1tand for WCft:pm 1 .. -re ott the roof and the buUd· many 1.,.. ... Enclo.ure Inc ,.. .. twl•ted and kanlns to oM The chapel wu berua a11or1..ty l!fde. The rain would come throul'h at~rwani.. Tb• men uaed a u.m Kr. WUaon c. ltllea Tbe FelloWahip of ReclonclUatlon Rectonal Secretary la an lnterfaltb, non-profit, non· f'eUOW'lhlp of Recoftclllatlon pollUcal rellrtoua padt\at orpni· I .,.. nporter et u.. March 1 •Uon .. Memben of th• J'eUOW9hJp FOil meettnc at W'hldl you lntro- r.co(nl.u lM unit)' of th• world· duced UM apH)l•r. tbe Jtev. John th• roof and th• wtnda made It and waeon to haul th• rock i nd away from aide to llide. So a n-eand the tew hundn-d feet to th• chapel wu needed. ch~I alte. They boul'ht nr Um· W\de human fami17 and Willl to explore the -ibWu. al lo'N for Nevtn 8a11"e. to which a reterenc• ...-. I.I ma4a \a )'OUr t~ p&nllft~. diacov•nn. tnat.h, ~"nr an· and I quote," The t.cludque of t&l'Ofllama. and nconc:Wns ~· Kn. 4-ptte all dlttereae.e. la a trt.4-lDn\MndO 80 aklllftll)' uMd lty l I ...,.. ....... Jo DllplalM (loM N..U. Sayre ... Y aoc ety. • ,,,., --"• that v., ll uat.ed u a member of t.be ACLU auch M that -n pre-mliMDUy ln . . . .. uid. follC1W'lq par~ Jeaua. muat •rve u t.b• t.na• ptde '"nle typ. of amear u.-c1 ap.lD8t of penton&J conduct ullder all cir• J'OR. •. ". OONCILETJC DIP0881BLE ber11 down from the mountain top Th• Indian J*>Pl• uked tor a tor the roof coruitrucllon. We nttd· concret. chapel. But I told them I ed to buy only t.h• C11111ent. ti\• th.at It wu pncllcaJly lmpomlble. doora and window• and a ff!W 11MN _. flO Miid and rraveJ In other thlnp to buUd t.he CflapeJ • that area. We had no tniclt tor It 1tanda there today tn tai. hl<r h&u11ne. And I had l\O money lo mar mountalna. ii monument toOUr ~Y tile txpenM ot h&vlnr t.b• ma-lAdy, Mrvlq th• Jndlen&. terlala hau.Md from a dilftanoe. I RAND OP 000 finally auneeted an edobe chape.l. Aa I Aid, while thla lnclde11t Thft'e waa a maunla.ln •prlnf clo.e by and ao.11 aultable for adobea. may llOl be a mlr.cle, l do -In WASHINGTON REPORT &everal. of Ule mtTI even at.arted It ~ band ot God. and a •pee.Lal cumatancea: and they llMll to deln· 1 M Nle8 Ula Br Yoar Coa--n11_ma_a '• --B. UTI' on1tnt• thl• love .. lh• .ttectn>e May point out, r. • t 6" -~ It 1.8 NOT Mra. De1phlnO whom you 8&crammlo (CN8 )-8om• lnt.,·· utll\s fl.cUnie ta coaaectloG wtt.b tM pro~ bdon t.b• S.plature to Inc,__ tM m111Jmwn MlaJ'7 ot u.d>•n la Cabtornl& lO 14200 a year. compand lo tM "400 In ef· feet at UM prMtat um., ba" bMn de .. h>J*! bJ' the calitomi& TU· ,.,..... A.-,d&Uoo. ------------~------------force for onTCOmlnf evfl and en la effect ch.arc&nl' with tact· about 30 per Cftlt cn-ter thua the BJ aoBDT A. ClEIEll makea a aln«re effort to ... every tr&MformJn&' eodety Into a ~ IC8 of "am.-r'' and "lnnu.ndo," Aile naUon·wlck aven•e '"' tlM A ..... tra&tve ~· te tlve ftllowahlp. b\lt U.. 81:NATI: OrTHI: STA.Tl: • ,._ cout.ltuent who vi.tit. the Capt· We wbmlt th1a lllforma.tJon ~ 0 ., c .. T T_.. ........ favor obtained UtrouP Mary'a In- to mak@ abdobu. But we lit.HI con-ten:ualon. If It had not be«\ for ttnued to pra.y tor help and ruld· t.l\&l lltorm and lta effect. we ance In Ole matter. never WO\lld h&ve t.h~t ch&J>f'l A llhort Ume attn lhl•, one That rock and rranl wu wuhtd att.enaoon about th• middle of Jilly there juat whf're and wtwn we a IMavy bleck cloud tormt'd ovl'r I need. ed It. And I. mtpt .cat• thlt. the moun\aln.I. I could -the .. Ions u the lncllana Ila•• been ll(htnlne llalhln,c trom Pala and llvtnr Oler«, noUIJnc lite• that Ila.a I knew thlt It m111t be ratnmr happened before nor 8'nce." The •tfort u Mine· ~ not. u nonnaJly 1n11Uld be opect.t by lh• C&lltornta TMe!M.n A.aoclaUoo. but by a t.&c!Mr'• wUe>n Whlc:b curre11t year. ,.,..,, • lwee B. UU lol and thia often neceMJtatel one A•v __ .. • "' AMUl'v.._..., .. -. -· cau.. on Mon...,,, v:~ •t. )'OU I uaed tJI• aam• retennc. tn my rurtbermore. a.ceordlns to lM M Ull.atant to your con.,._ of ua penonally ~I th• Yial· pubU.hed a Miter f1'om IWS. Del· of _.... I bo aurw)'. M .T percent ot Ole ~-tor to the commltt .. room or to phJno whlcJI by cJe•er Innuendo ato17 tlM r v n. ••on, a ut era ln CallfomJ& recei•e $3500 a man. Jlmml• Utt, I can a.ure you I.be H J'1 t h W Bayre and Paraou, UM l:lennth .... t __ _. •-b h OUM oor o meet lm. e attempted to l4enUty our orruJ-•-rt ~ ..... •--•-T--1-·•-1 year or more, which la 1100 per .... • ........ you m .. t ffl' •bout &lao arranc• appolntmenta W\th •tlon wtt.h Communilm. 'We an ·-.-"' ..... _..., ...... _ ...... y..r abo" U.. ll\l.nlmwn required the car.free, p&ltY·lovtnr life of people ln t.be ~ntaron or tai. var· dMplY rrtned b)' UlJ• becaue of Committee on Edue&Uon. lt&I •• lD C&llfonlla law. Only 12 perc.ot a concnaunan have no 1>ui. In iou. •senclea ot the &'OVemment our lonl' record ln oppo.IUon lo llon, publiat\ecl by the a.a.ate ot ot Hew York'• teachen are •bon fact ln thll cue. tor vtaltora who come to WUblnt· Communllm and our ~t UM 8\&te ot CaUlornta. 1 llUn-t the ~ bracket. ton on bualnea. policy of ha.vtnr no oqutaaUoftal that lf any ~ ot your article "In Othtt W'ofd•.'' •111 ~ ... TYPICAL DAY Llateon otflce1 have been aet up collaboration with Communllt& w1ah to t\nd out for~ th1.:.'!"~ aoclaUon. "11 narcent of N-Rather Ulan beln• unu-·•I, ... c lO 1 t 1 wai.tlMr or not 11.N • ...,.. _...o ,_ r-.. ·-.,, .. • ua n maklnc appoint-We find It a•-.. •• lo beUne •--·~..... tt .... •- propoMd t.11.e -~rt. Tork'• cluaroom teadlera aA r.-foUow\nr •---•••mple ot the s en· •--"th lb --. "by ck!WI' u--a t1np_, -.. -··....... men..... • peraon moat qu&ll· that In her ....-...eh Mra. Del .... '"'o ....... .. ce.lriftc le• than '3llOO per yur, e...i p&e• which 11 kept by J immie fled to dt.cuu the bu.1.n ... of the ,...... ld•tltY our orruuwauon .... ... A rep~tatlYe of UM C&lllor-compend with 1/10th.e of one .,.,... In NP"'"*'tlftC th• people of lh• conUtuent end ln th1a way we CAii dJct not dlacover that the J'OR bM eommunt.m." that they ....., Udl Illa T-.cMw A.aaoct&Uoe .-id that cent for C&lltomla." Uth Dl.-... ct: "-• r-·nt ... y, he f oppc>Nd Communlam. u ...U ru--U ~rt. ·•--• ....,, vu • ~ ... o tm aave hlm annoyance a.nd Ume Lam throu-out It'• fort• -r (l'CIUp r-.Ullel Uaal ll &ddl.--IOGB --~ ..... attend.ct an 8 a..m. bntaklut -t· ... ch ~·• c • ... ,.,_ You -'-" w111y, Mr. IU'-8. Kn. apemdttm. .,.. can.cl few. ~ _..,._,.,. ,,...... "'" .. .,...4 othenrlae be e&uaed hUtory. W• do not kDoW •bat her Delphn\O did aot dliacoWr •t»t UM mult be addltiaaal lllelom., and Tbe m~alary 11\ C&llfoml& '"• wiUI the Weter R.-ourcee by b.a•tnr to tell hla ctory to halt mou .. 1 ue. but _. do know that roR. Ila.a appoeed QommUAWD-." coueqaentl7, It wtll Mil.Mr apon· tot&ll $'70 per year which la Board at which a dlacUMlon wu a cSosen peophi before ~ns direct· attacu of thla kind play rllhl an,. M.ay I tell your aor•or wwlc ......... UN btU pro-'8/~ pu"ttn •boye 0,. 1Hl-4T kid on Colora.do River pt'Oblema. ed to t.M oat who can h•lP him. to th• ha.nd9 of th• ('.ommuaA-ta by Beicaua, 1n UM -t.e commit· polllnJ UM ma-.-la mtntmum median of n 3. o.ttln.J out of lhla meeUnc at W• uve lnformauoa concern· attempUns lo conru-t.b• public t .. report. ._. found ft" out ot alaf'7. nu. atUbade la eomnrhat l n a reprumtaU•• stud7 co•· ~t t :IO, ti. had about halt an ln~ the 111&11y tou.ra of tnt•rtat In and maklnS It dttftcult lo dttfer-your reSiOn&J m.mben (per )'UGI' dlrecUy oWOMd to the wua ttve tr111f' •&.~ teachera ln Tl di> hour lft which to review a tare• thl.I.,.. u waU u detalla °" wbat eaUat• betw"n Communlat. and attadled lllt) UIWd u Camm~ apCMMOftd by Ute C&llfomla Teach· lrlct•, allO'Wtd that ooly 21 were atack of mall and direct \ti dlapo-can be -ad t.be belrt. Uln• to non-Coaununlllt f1'0Upe who atn-QDl.,.udwal'L A.ad I quoc.: .,.. A8aoci&Uon which lncreutd belnf paid et SHOO or )Ma. Ute 8'Uon. At 10 he had to be In com-do ao. We are clad to arranp a cerely bell••• ln broUIUbood. U TM ..... .,..... Cllrft)', A.It&· UM a--.. d&ily •ttf'Ddana al· a.. than "!lntmum IDY'Ol'YiftC part· mltt.M rnMUQC (Interior and lnau· vllllt to the Oelle17 ot lh• Houae Kn. Delpblno, or an1oae ..... clla-dane.. Pap 110, alper ot Man ap- lotm•t. to ~I clleU1ct.a, which ti.me tt-achen1; ~le.5 or 11.• percent tar Attain) at which hMrtnp when It la 11\ -10ft and with the acTMe with tM purpoee of the peel for unneety tor U.e Ulllt.ed contmMct no pn>9t*lft for a.ddl· ~Ted aalariee ra.nctnc from wen held on Ole Upper Colorado ualatance of our Ca11tomte Sena· Pdlowablp of R.41coadll•Uon, It '8 at&t.ea COMMU1'fl8T L&ADSRI tlonal t.come. and whldl at the "401 to 139". or 16..8 percent IU"r proJ-cta. to,.. to~ a YI.alt to the OeJ. ai.r perfect rtrht to do ao, blrt to coenet.d under ~ 8mlt:ll act-," )r'MeDt t1ma 1a re.poeatbS. for th• ranpd from 14000 to 14"'; JS,912 Tbll mtetlnc lMtff unW oooa lery of the Benate. tnalnl».te tb&t our orpni&ation u a.i.o P-.. • lilted u U\'\fte 8'p· p1aaa to IDaeue at.ate lall-. or 30.9 per«nt fTom ~ to at wtllch Um. t.be BOUM of Rep-Dl8T&lC71' P&OBl.1:118 "l.nftltrated by Communa.ta" .. a ed an "opo '1ett.r lo a.at.ore ud Tlr.ACllEa BUT P.UD ~nt; t .111. or 20.1 percent from ~taUYN went Into ...mon, a.nd Throurh our llauon cont.act.a, """ d1-rv1ce to th• ..,Ure CGm· eonc-n-men urstnc repeal ot th• HOOO to Mitt and 113, cw 1.1 Jtmmi• _.. _,_,. t.boee preM1lt. JlmmJe perilOl\&lly In many CMH, mUllltJ. McCarTan Internal llecurlty Act." Tbe Ol.lifonU& T~yen Aue>-percellt 1'7000 or more. It wu MC-1'7 tor blm to take and the atatt other UIDee are able Tbe t.dlnlque ot lnnutlldo IO TM .... on.-. .......,, J:1 JlllllAOLE OP LA IOLLA-Painting bJ La•erne 1bon chapel on La Joli& Indian Reeervation., ''Our Lady of Refure." :!~ ....-~~.:!h~ .!~~ Reprdlng lncreueti since 1948· adnntqe of a lull In the proceed· to help In u.. aolTinC of many alllUtUlly \&Nd by Mn. Delpbl.no Mont.. alao at1ned l.M l.U. Ullf• '7. th« Taxpayer. A.->clatJon lnp to duck out for a quicll hmcb problenu of hla COllltituenta. In a (John Ne.in Sayr.. •. 19 liated u tnc repeal of the V:CCU"l'U lllter-------------------------- ::::.an t.b• beat paid "' UM -~~If the dl&nl'9 In th• pur-~.~-.:~ rellt&Urant Socated In pneral _,. t.beee conatst of dltrl-~:.·~~~::,,.th;.,:.:!. a~~ ::;. 8eellr1ty Act (Papa 81 and ........ IY coat.U. Oii • IUr• ctiUnr power ot the doUa.r II t.alt• culUes In . otlt.alniq ••t.erana' man and Bllhop Edward P&nOnl llr -....n Vepl ot PaMdefta. Farmer McCabe Wn'tes ... •>' Oii t11e Mataaeal Dtucatton A1-en ·tnto con.al ... ·raUOn-lf 1.......... At 2 p.m. one of tla nbcommlt· ristlt.a. •ar10U1 military problem• .tee-chairman of thl1 0--.. 1~ Wbo • wu conlldered lm..-•nt ""' ""'"" t whJch lndudlnl boUI enllatment and ·•-rv• -ao:htf-i, tile ~ STOUP •ya 1' a&lar111 an 'deflated' to the 1M6· teea o h• I.a a member beld hardahl dl.ach ti Md lion •.• Dr. Harry Ward II well ..ourll to be rt•• t.be whoa. of -------------------------taial tM • .,_... a1ary for all f7 dollar Yalu. U.Ch-. l&Jal1M & meettn~ and he left the BOUM P US• nquN known for hll front acUnU. .•• Pare 111. eb II• ...,...,. In C&llfornla'• a.re tar b!per in JfM..M than Ill noor to be preaent. with the com-dltllculllea •lt.b a.ny one of Ute and BWbop Panone \a lilted u Dr. Au.. B•ter, Loa Anrei.e. Some State Chamber of Commerce Blr-Wlg aJcl ,eu. ..._.. ta lft26. which ll l..._.'7. mitt... many federal bl.u'Mua aad apn-t1e1n1 atttUat.ed With 21 front ac· memller ot UM llloard of the CMI that none of the folka who come out here to 11ee C&llf ~ ArriYIDS Nell at th• otttce at clu. To the limit ot our .. lped ttvltlee ... l would take lonpr to Ubeltl• Unloa (Pace '2). and: la brln in l fiab · l b'rd ap~ •:IO p.m., M bad quanlltle: we t&ke C&n! of reqUllUI an..wer than l!p&Ce will allO'llf In ~ &e.. llMftJ ~ U.8.C. D f & I g e . •a amg e i Or even a alnlle drop to ,.-new th• mall which had &e· for man> r overnment publk•tlon1 thl• lr tlrr, but the FOR now, u lcbool of R.eltc\Oft, (Pap lit). of water with 'em when they come out h~ to aee Cali· cvmulat.ed dw1aS the day It.here and bulletlna. •Jlway11. tnvltea a.ny lntereated .,.,.. And the 1'01\ ftftlta Commun· fornia.. ru bet that he'• never been act'OU the State ·1m. •"' four mail dellftri• -.ch daJ We have had a a umt1tr of re· 110n or perwonm to lnqutre l.nto 11a a.m' Tut. tut. Mr. Rlla! tu.elf, cau.e lffen be bad he'd know that it'• next to lm· to ft'MlallefW° ottlcm) and cJ)eck cauesta for Hw11rch material from 1 provam and acLlvlll... Teadllq'8 ot UM J'ellawablp of UM iattan wbldl .,.,.. tned ~ madenta WhOH home. Ire In the The type ot •mtar u8ed &1&1Nt ft.ecoDdllaUoft....,. dnetJ....,.. poeslble to sit by the State Border Patrol with any. ~ tile ft~ .llaDlaa N .... ~ tnc UM dtq It)' Jdl .tAll tor llll 28th District of C.llfomhl and who the FOR 10.1 beyond po•lb\e CG9-• >MMad toward sood people wtw> thlq ... ahort of your car, your clolhn, and your h.lde. &ail tM _,.._n.-. ~ ruaton about the orranl•Uon ud haw a sr-t .,..,. for peace bl Farme McCabe. ;~~~~~~~~~~·~...-~-~-~~-~~..,_~,..~~~~~~~; 1are atudy1n1 In achool• througt:out th~ poulble hurt that membera ot u.. world ceupled wttJl a am&JI r A D• kit ......, las Ilk Mac lar o.. r~ 1 _,. a ~ .!~ ot~ =1th• country. We are able lo ret the O'S'anlsatlon may suffer. 1t • :apaetty for Jortaal UWalllDS· (a.JJ rtptl ....... .ct) • I -• -'t.b --'~ CTOU-on -·b'-"•· I a wMlth or .Uch lltuatu ... In moat part of & p&tt•rn that lt not lillJ'. 8&yrebud otMn of 1WI IDt -... 1 aaa ~ • u. ~ -,. __ -..... ... ... .. _ ...-... ,..... ..._........ ....... ..... __ .. -.a----~ ... --r-•' -~ •-•-•-.... __ _.,.. I c---. which l\U __. ot llDb-c---...... .,.._ -~ -r-.U.. teacb P ot .18Mll u auUa~ dl .. r ; I ..,.,.. ~ tlM world." _.., IM Act et Mardi I. 1111. -..,..._ - -_..,,.... r-·-cloe aJl orsanlat.lon& Putor ..,._ Olfty for ,.anwm. Wlwt la tlMlr (8t. JobD lt:U). I p , I .._, ......... n I• .a ,...,_. ....., OllK. I aspt point t1Ut Uaat UlJ8 atanUal help to tai.. atudent.a. tin NetmoUer'1 obelrl&Uou '8 ~ .. u.ont1 fo.-dotftc ao ! Waa J..ua Mr. llqre talkld at Cl'Mt le:nrth -• Jllllrloa't •• _..,. PViaaJllBlltG <JOllPAJQ ac!Mdaak ~ u.at Jlmml• I mlstlt at.at• that we a.re aJl tlnent at W. point. "'Wll• Riller a ,.anat wt.a lM dr'ft9 tt.. WJ on UM ..ala um JOUl'S natJoa !hi 2 I ..... 1111 W'&Ut .....-al milM dartq t.be quite proud of UM fl&C\ that OW' bepn to pene<:ut• the J"'8, I ,.. ...... ,,... ti. t.all!pM. and °""" hM ...... ~rtllc It.I wtde do- r; ~ 1 .. ....,.. ot • daJ' ln l'°'as tnaa th• compl&lat ro. u almo.t non l"Nt.d tt but 1 did not lat.erf.se; tau-4 tMtr .,.at)lllleet T maa ud la wanea atfaln ta W ...,. • ...._ ... ....._1' n el All IUllel ON BOUie Otn~ BaUCllDc tn which -er-attn all. I am not & Jew. WMa And wllat w.n Hll wOl'da • the the Orient; ot ld.a owa coutatrJ ..._el• .. vb Olmrt el Onrp Oa. • ...._ life.. A·tlM ltll omc. la W..t.ed t.o the N-t.t«nt w~ our ftl• ot lett..._ HIU« cloaed lbe C&Utollc Cllurdl· lllltjeet f NftU.U Mt taat 1 un IMt W DO sood to ay. Of J\ma&a, r s .o?,.. ,._ pr ... ?st' 31 a A •el•-Ho••otnc. BWJcllq tn whlcb Ill.I of appreclattoa for •nlcea re· ... l t»tran to •et uneaq, but I ooane to ... ,_ oa ...ut: 1 i.. bM oni1 pniw.-WHTT •-~--•.-a•-• w • 6 lzt'• • committee mMU and to th• C.p-d•red hu rrown to a al.-b'9 YOl· did not.hlnr alloul tt; tor tMel oama Mt to .... ,_., Mil a W... Mlkecl die ...,uo. ''How -----.!"=-=-~~el~Olll~~ .... ~!!~oa.~~l;r~lf~ ... ~~ .. ~n1~I09~~----Ito& wt\en the Koue meet.a, a.ad um•, and 1 attrtbut• U\111 fMt to were aot my chun:bew. Aad, Wb9a IWOr'Cl." (JIAU. 10:1'.) AJld ~ 11\&117 -Omunamat.I .,.. Ul_.. In '9traM. HIUer f\nall7 rot aroud to J"nt.. "8UPJHI ,_ 9at t un w t.o 1'UlllFl&T" M ,.,._.. to auwtT. Ila llDDICK. l'UbUllNr lM cloae pet110ft&.1 •l~Uon wbJch ea tan ta. It wH too late for m• to pw ,... • ..,.. T l e.D J'llU WRY T WIU..IAM A. llC>aa. Mi. UllVIOU aPDDICD Jlmml• rt.,.. to 80 many ot UM do &nJlhlne .i.c>at It; I., .. ta a If~: '-l ,.._ ......_ .. (Lub ON lie fMl It too llllpltlcult to •MQWD & ~ ~ DCndGr '11M otbertl\ree membera of hi• prolllema and t.o tai. aound polJeJ concentraUOtl camp •,...U·" 1.t:ll). a• tmt die Oomnnmtat part)' in atatt and I 111\lll MCleMU'tly take w1lkll ai. l&ld clO'wn for bl.I ltatt I W• know that UMre an WJ Wllat U... ta Ma ta 1tn• el .__.. la 00'9wl4•ed to mamlMr O'YW the rendft1ne ot man1 Mr--Whan he ti came to Waarit • f&Jr-mtnded peop. bl th• ea.ta ,_a f ..,.._ Ulmp I lilaft ..... ..., IO,.OOO ,. r 11 cece\JT UM Y1c.a lo UM p.op&e of th• dlltrtct nt ~ M-.,_ W11o an&J aot bow UM en •te JW, ~ Df -,. mcM -. --I lMerd ~ t.1 UM w11Jc:b Jimmie Ju.t atmply dou Mt tOft and lo whkh we baft •~. natun of our OriaalMlklll. or ta&,.. ,.._. b Ulll 1FCll'ld ,. ..U eltief et, U. Lee ..,.._. potiee ba•• nlftdelll t.lroe lo do. lie adbered.. what -.uciclu .....-C!f tb&a adD4 lilaft W h"'9 1111111 lie f/f .... .....-..... w • ,_,. .... In otJMr word&. the Orm lit part7 la a amall, doaed ~ Uon which bu ruled fOt' --., 7"&n a la.rf• portkWt Of tile ,_.; pie of Europe and ..._, '!'Mt 18 alplflca.nt. .. tt not' The chief ot UM .. Red'' ~ outlt ned plana of UM party to t.all9 control of the army, M'f7 Del lf(lffmment of thl1 ooqsatry. WlldJe held ln abfyance -... W«td War I, there II no r-.-t.9 tMwk tha pta.n wu d~ 1a f1M:t th11 ~vldenca la all • t.1111 __. aide. It Ml )'OU, Mr.. IU\elt, Wiiie ..... to be uatn• "e"""" • 1.-1 ••med. MRa. WIJflJ'am> ....... • RIBTAURANT EQUIP . :f,.J!riTa'-put1. IO cu. tt. refrlJ. s M" p1ddle, e ft. bottle .... Map ai.t ranie, boot.be, ~ ftl1ea. Pll.. Bar. °'•R Lm. AMY UAIOM.A.BLS otter taJr• al w part. . 14cM BA.a.a. 2 wh .. I. It.Ml tn.me. ....... 112'~ N~ Bl'td., ,..,. .. • ...... '!H!!! I" JI.I'. ldftCUJlY outboU'd 6 lllMtrle outbo&rd. AUJO OM n.t &..U.ble. Call alter a p.m. llu1Mlr .... McM WANT " to 80 ft.. bo&t around •uoo. can POpJar a-1660 ancr MESA PLAINEIS 2 JUVEllLES • p.a. or write 1un •tats Bt., No. llou,wuoct. Melt 11M OLAJllPAJl tuperltte 10 tt. ~. ecrftr • tnany Gtr&I. .uAO lMC llVINRUDll T'iti h.p. lllllat 01Jttlou4. ft.Un 40 bOUT'I. Olnpa.t. outnt. HJ&. Har. 2121 Mell after &:IO. a.-A ... ud Tl .. ... CRSVJWL&"I', . ..,. a.a . l"&d:lo., .... LI MTQ. 14df 48A-Apla. for a.t JllODmftlf l bdnn. apt.., 1 f\Jrn. 6 i ualw'll. wttb retrls. • 1ton. ~b1e 71'l1· Nill. IOT J'em - \Mt, COroD& del Mar. Melt '8C-Tnller !J!ict . Trailer Space l ITATll APPIU>Vlm few OU.... larr• loll. .,.ce tor cuAolD lot&. ~pool~ J11ne Jlt. Adulta • ~ °"" ... LIDO vn.LAOI:, TOO lllt Bl.. N fW1IO"l ltlMJI, "°" a .......... Corona Highlands LAl\OS LOT, oceaa .WW. 0 rm .. partlJ tuna. .,...... 111.000. ltXCL\JBIW wtUl 0. JI. Latbrop. MIO E. ~ • .,,., ., OoroDa hi Xar. H • Md. &.... llanot' UU..J, l4eM ........ .............. 1Ulmm ft~ oe NICll ,.....,._....,...,.Mw•..i) ..... tn.• 2',000 JUIO .... Jt.000 ,.,. ,.,... u .... ... , .. .. , .. . 16,oot .... JUDI .... ..... ,. .. , ... , .. ,., ... ,.. .. 1-A. "" • 1"7 . ,. .. , "" , "'° . , .. , J" "'1 ... , .. , J"' , ... I~ 1'61 tY. "" ;t :::: , 1ftt , 1'70 a tm a tm • tm . '"' J 1m n.14 • cm. U0')'0 uor. U O')'. 2.01'1. 1.20~. UO% 1 • .-0,-. UO% U 01. 2.101. 100 1M'1. 1.H1. 1 . .01. J.""· J.H ')'. 100 100 100 100 ........... -.......... ............. _,....., . ..................... "' ........ .., ~ O""'-......... ,.,.. --~ ........ ~ $520,000 ~01ta Mesa Union School Di1trld ~ CewifF, Celtf ....... 3~ .... a,-. loncl1, Election 1955, Serl•• ~ ....... '·"" p,_lpol 1-4 -'·•-1 "'"'-(AJol I .... °"*9 I ) ~ M dW .... 9' fl>t T,...om el e>n,,.. C-, .. S.-M&. C.11- lnrllio. ,,,. f"f'O" h eonl I ,.,_ .. Arfll I, lt)f. ~ .... .. ._i.._ .. 11.-f't·--"" •. , ........... ... ... ---. I• th ·~ ef ,_n, It.Int,, ~, ., IN CN.- tr~t ~ .. "' .... "' .. _,. ~-.a '"'"" '"'"'*' nJ SUit •f C.Jlf-.U ~,..J ,_,_ u.n ~ ,.i,,., ,,.,,,,,,, ,,,..,;.. -' ,..,. Mdileei. r, ...,.._ ~ ,..,. ....,, -""' .... ,,,_,., .. CJ ifen* f_. ,_,.I' ,_.,, ~,. • ,,,.. 1'-'- w l-·~· '" ......, ., • ._.,, ...,, ... , """ •• llA-Ut /11J ;,..,,,_.,, "" c.llf_.. f# '""' '-"""" #~ etll#r ,_., .W•.,, w -..W .. ....., ....,. -""" ._,,_., ,., _.., ...... -' .,., ,,;,,.,, id ,_.,, /# ~ •f ,,,... _,, ._ CJif.,.. n.. bortdl. to be ilmtd ... ,..... ... "~ J, Clap.a 17, Cafjfomil r.ct.at• <Ml. .. ..... echool,..,.... iD die opiniDe., --.. ..... l"lll'e die ltraJ 111d 1>irwlils eblipioN " .. c-Al-. U .. Scheel Dimiel _.will be ,.,.W.. ._. ~ c:lpll ........ ,,_ .. ftb'lm-~ .... die .......... fera. .., ... ant.I...._,, 5 .. ,. ..... --..... " ....... ,...,.., . _,. --,..... ...,.., ...... ~ .... ._.l.T.&LL ...... ca. .... .._ ..... ,..,.. 11111ca ... lllr I... ... & ,..... "*IWllllll 1 Cl. ...... , IL C.IM&CI ,,,_. "· ,,,, - ·- DIATH NOncE l l kl7·C&n PIXIE CUT wt lb OenUe Permanent l • pretty haJntyl• tor )'OUr LI t t l • Cltarmer. GenUe curved endll and p ert b&np. 9o ... , to care tor. ~.. ·~· ........ ;, NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -MRT I • 'A&E 7 MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 ............, .,.... . .... '1 .. PERMANENTS ...... IUI 1.12· PERMANENTS • • • • ._. ... ...._. . '5 .. HAIR Tl~TS ••••• ·1· SOAP CAP •• • •••• '2" SHAMPOO & SET <...,.> OPEN TOUDA.T ... TH11&8DAY EVEHINO 87 Appllut r\ H .. KWIZ's News Chief every hour Oii tiie ... Is Oii Radio Hardtop ••• with 4 doors I AND ONLY OLD•MO•IL• OPP•lll• IT IN •v•111v ..... c. RANG•• NllW BY Wla.t • "ltoeket"'I Wliet 1 Nellpliolll ow..oM.·1"" Beliday W. U. J• about turMd \hi. tOW11 apide .to.. widl escn.-tl hit •~I T1wre h ... 't t-• cat eo coapletel1 ~ ill .,,..,.., e .. ·• ID impired ooebio•tiue of tJN .. _ ... , Ooliday eo.p.·. .,,._.., t.lr plw all .a.,,,_,~ olOldr•'l1ila'• bis ~ '-Door W-.1 bd to top It II .. t.w. ..., ...... -tD..JJlll U-ell*-ow.-l>a. wm 6. ... .W. NIMt)'· J:ictat ••• briDl111t Swper .._.. ••• Ind bMrt·JI'~ .. M"t ~ -' ~.dill tlriliac rww ow-obiJe Doi.Way Sed• y~ OLDSMOBILE ------------------YOU. MUI• ._.Ollll DU&.• ----------------- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. ' 10M_ Welt Cwt Hl .. w•t NIWPOIT llACH • r . -"-·~ ~••PAIT 1-lilEWl'OIT HAMOR NEWS-PRESS·---------------..----------------------•,---..---~ t.ClNOA~ APRIL ~ 1955 , ' . . • : . l ' . l I ....... -... ........ u.. • 191 on 'fOVI PuU Paid Cmi6c11a:, ( i-.-::1 in ll'Klhipks ol 1100). " l's!!' KUIWK eaml lNJ"El..EST • .. aatrmc ntc of 3~9' a yeu. !ii!! •inal att •ft! Ede --.. illlUftlll '° SI0,000 by .a A6'fK1 of thr United ~am Gowmment. M.YIMN ACCOfMTI O•IMIO IY THI lent Of TM MONTH .......... ," . ............. ,.... ........... (&. -- From the atut, make your wedd1nt an oota· •ion of long remm1bet"ed good tute and dia- tinctioll, ln.Tit.at.ioas mt t1ae tone ot formal porfoctloll. Coowlt .. oo ..,, probi->"'" may ha ... Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices· Newport ffillbur News-Press 2211 lalboa " lllYcl. tt... 1616 'OPERATION OF . DIVINE . PRINCIPLE .IN OUR BEHALF' DESCRIBED BY C. S. LECTURER -Oirietian Science Eali.W Grbdua Se!.-: The Opentioa •I Di.fa. hiadple f,a Our Behalf hr Lip~ E. w.,... c.~. B. ol. ~ llliaoM ' • - • .................. , .. -QolJY_...._ ... ._.,._ ..,. ... a ..... ..,. _ _. • ~ •. , .,,, . ._ ......... -deGnlUoa of NzetJ's Wbkh " ao1 .,.,cUk.U,J ..... t ...... ~. 'l'Mt ~ ...... .._ .. ..._...,.wtllhll ---~·­,_ "7...,.. mad "°" ......... e.pled ._ .............. Lon• .. ~ •-<•'• .. ~ Wna '""' • ... Wouw Ifft ---'-" ............ t. ..... ......... .,..., -111 ...... ,.,.,... ,... ........... km. Md ll -............ i:, ... ,..., ............... m11 .. ,. • ... --· ftll ..... ., Pr? 'g' .. ..... ... ....,. .. ,....,,_ .... _ -1Wtw.1r .......... .... ............................ i...--..~---lq' ....... • 1 I ' ' 80N llilD BIG 8PLA811-.Don Reddlncton, Barbor Bl&tl'• 1eDMtlonal 110phomore strimmer, 9Pluh• into the fbdah .of the 200 tree.tyle behilld Orange Cout College ~ swimmer, Buddy Belahe. BeJahe hM jU9t made the touch, Jett. •to win the event by two ltrokea over Reddington. Time for the water way feature of lut WednMday'a informal vanity meet with OCX: and alum- ni swim.mere wu 2:04.3. -Staff Photo REDDINGTON EARNS WATER WINGS; HOLDS OWN AGAINST BUD BELSHE Discus . Toss By Kirkland Decides Meet free ln 26. '7; Jlm Williama taktn1 Saph Star Joins F.-quh• For ~:i~r:-: ~~:.a~ ~~ T• Swim Win in lnfot11Nll Meet c~ppl~ the tour man relay ~n Bud Kirkland'• Wrd place tn 1.48.2. Wll~ teamed up w\th hrqu-the dJJlcua, tlnal event on the pro. -' Don Reddington, a hefty H-year-old aopbomore, turned bar and Reddington In t&kln& the rram Friday at J'ullerton, raft la a top.flisbt pertormance apin9t one of the beet junior rnedl.ey relay over the occ team Orance Coaet Coller• thlnclade a compoeed of BeJabe. Frank .U-.er· ruor-SJ• Ba.Item Conferanc. •· eolJtse 9P1uben Jn the hn.tn-here Wedne9day. Along man and Jack StelnmaD. dn-wtn onr tbe Hometa. ee..a. wttb Jerry Farquhar, a vanity, ~et for the Newport Bar-VON ew:vw:ar arA&& Nei.e>n . vi.ea M&ved th• platter bor Tar lrW1m team. Reddiqtoa P9ced Barbor HJsll to a U.. Ted voa 11...w\ .,.,tad tM lll tt. 1 tn. to W'ID tM nenL 11 wtn oftl' <>nnp Oout OaOece I J :OI ta UM JOO tne before tM ..._ B'• °"" i. ._....... T9d tooli ,... ~ ot Coadl BUMt.Oa and aJum.nl mermen ID an In.formal M&IOll u ov•:: •tllueed Tv U.. 100 free la lt.'7 and tbe IO tree Rarper'e Bu. 11quad ln the cts.cu. m.et. Coach Al Jrwl& ln IT .a. Otblr lill'lt...-Pt fl.-. Uld _.P. In the broad jump and ~ WU tW9 .trokee .,._ R.eddf.llctGn Ued JW11bt ta u.. takea .,.... the rMCUe7 nlay poi. nult off·Mt a tbrff-wtn pn- b!nd BUdCt1 Be1libe. P\..U. JC Ali.. 100 frM ta 07 nat. 'Ibe llCbool ...,. ln l :IU. Jobn ArDOld In the bnut rormance by Fullut.on'• dtatanc• A.mer1can ""1Jnmer. u tM OOC cord tn akJw J'Uapatncll lhmorlal ln l :ta.•: Bill In th• 200 tree In a~ Danny SchwelkerL Danny boy .iatwart took flm tn UM 200 frM-pool on the 1kJ1or campua a. M.t. 2:21.1; "-ul Breithaupt In the ti.ck rambled to vlctorlff In the h&lt etyle tn J :M.J, ReddlnctC>n rwcent-Don aa.o -am a 8Jl"d,y ancbor ln 1 :13..9 and the frefftyle relay In mile, mUe and two mUe. 'n\e re- ly Mt tM Hbbor HJcb ~l re-u u.. 8alJor medley rel&)' dd~ 1:111.1. 1pec:Uve and rupect&ble Umee eord of J :CM..a ln the event. ed u OCC t.m, which lntluded c wlMen for the Tan Included n.n 2:0'7.3, •:U .11e,nd10:14.I. WD.1. -PJTEll Belahe -tmcn1n1b~t.I.A1:31.L Ron Orel.er ln a 8'7 f\U breut. Hookland of the Pirates al&n"ed · "I e,.,,.ct Doe to be P~ rarquhar aabbed ftrwu l.D tbe D.ve Grant ln a 38.~ bacUltoke ln the sprint& with top century and -----------100 br9ut bl 1:11.1 and beat Bel-and Brickner ln a U .2 t reeatyle. 2%0 ~rfonnancea. HookJand hook· F N• Ille ln the •&ntty lndl.tdual med· ed the hundrl'll In 10.e and the lllertol 118 ley. Jerry'• Ume wu 1:'7.8, ,bJ.1 The nea welpt.e al.lo copped the 220 In 22.f . Other ttr1t.e came from but outaa ln the event UtJ.a ....,. medley relay In " flat and the Nale Varney wlt.h a 8 ft~ ~ in. Ill.Igel oi·len eon. J'arquhar had to ...un .,.Urwt treeetyle relay In &0.3. leap tn the hl&h jump. c ulll&teon n • &&.be In the trlumptwn medley with a 111 ft., II In. broad Jump, may. ~---lllLlll ~-L-f..tL..-Jack Kennedy With an 1J U.. I In. I ~ A SL t t DOWN LA KAUA ""'----• .,.,..... nuw lift In the pole vault and KJrk-y .,-W •• 01 ln a dual meet qa.lNil L& Habra J'ULLllRTON ({>CNS) _ Suf· land with a HI ft., I ln. !leave of fftcll, Irwin"• B'• won 6&-11 wbl.le ferl.D.c Ulelr wont beaUnc 1n bll· Uae Jattlln. l"U~TON (OCN8) -Be-the C'a triumphed a&·l. AU three tory, J'UU.rtona 1W1mme111 lo.t to ----------- llind the Uu-M-btt pltAiblns of Ger-Sa.tlor dlvllton. are undefeated ln Anaheim Hip Wedneeday In the A .gLl8fm · E.I.... aJd Runyon, l'ullel'toll'I IDdl&M Sunaet lAape compeUUon OU. lndlan&' pool 41%·2t% ID a Bun· ~1.un ,.,... dd1&led Hunt1AJt.oa. Beacb Bllh ll;MIQn. Th1a Wedn~, the Tv eet lAal'\M mat.ch. Or-lll9 Out 2 A Tbunda7 aJtanoon lll a SuMet t.ama io asalDlt A.nabelm la the --·~ -V '-CU• contfft • t.be OUen' di&· Oolon1at"e plUJ>Ct. AnalM1m ii rated J'ulluton bu lo« by • CA&ter •ond. th• Jocal lade toupe.t rtval to m&f'J1n to oppon•t.a thta year. bUt ORANGI: (0CN8) -~Oar The 6-0 lbutout for the Tribe date by Co&ch Inrtn. not to an A.n&IMlm H1Cb uam. ~Ulnl Oru.i• dra&led the Sun- wu Ute OIJen' f'ICOlld •tral1bt Dour Allen. tormu "1llerton atll· Mt ~ leadinr An&helm 9e1uad Wan.kin aad tad t.be l.Ddtana . A.notber out.ltand.ln&' Um• ln YU• i.te, pWJed Ule upeet of Uw ,... Into an ulra In~ affair 1bun· with a f...-':'1oet mark of I· litJ water wtactn&' wu blmed In ll01l. when hit moved many ot bit claJ before the at.rong Colonlat bat. 1 ..... _ .._.-..t,... ,__ cM.mpe lut WedneedaJ by Paul Kania ht B'• to the vanity. IUllk UM Panlhen 2 to 0 in UI• · •...., ._._ ._-a B bl"llllll d.hlbAUOI\. Manta t:n&de ----------- collected on.17 aa btta. wttll ~ wtth the mucJa to navtpte the et1hth l~g. coml•r off U1e buaJ llat ol Bryant dlltance ln 1 :2f..8• hit a-t effort Horwets Lose Golf Anaheim a right hander VUluul- 8 tattord. of the yflt.r or t.brcW a tln• cam• .. he went ~n.handed Run.JOD WOt"ked Uie Other A. ·NWlta 'la the occ and J'ULLERTON (OCNS) _Ca.ch the tull etctit frame• for hle th~ enllr11 ram• fot" Coach John Val· alumni meet found Ken Bod9Nlol· 1-nn Kahn"a JC solf team lo1t to hit ahutout. Anaheim Ftnt Sacller I •Uon. He •tnadr oCat Ollty two bat-beatl oul Bob Ibbot.locl ill t.be BMJanJtt bit two ro' three to an· t.ere. but a.lknnd a mere pair of •r nr Mt. Ban Anton.lo Friday 9-1 in an ne1t ti.tlln« honora. Orance'• Pete free pa9e1 to ftNt f or UM top l:Mleru Contennce mat.ch played Mo~no rot two of the Putben p&~~~ro~ ot ::::.ace. eec;ond lllcla• JY C~Glllpl tn Chtno. Ulree blnpe, kMman.. llftc1ed ln ui. Wrd. Make . lepemt lld fourth and ....,.UI frun•. Jt ln&rked th• •tc'tll ~t pm• .. t1a1 hit l&fely. All lllt. ln tb• pm•_,...,_ T• NctlWI a.- nn.LERTON (0CN8) -N· i.rtoo RIP School'• ~~ Buneet Ll&C1M ~ bueball cb&mp. are maldaf • •trans bld of r.peat.-tnc off tbelr . fine performance Tbunclay. Newport Harbor HJp l!ldlool'• Played on th• HunUncton Beacll STEELCASE FURNITURE OUI STAFF WIU HElP YOU PlAN I DESIGN YOul' OFFICE I t c· , n rl l 1 '1 t.IWI teame dropped c1Ube9 a· H igh rampue. UI• lndlane blanked pm.t Sant.a Aa& Saint. Oii th• the OUer1, 13--0. lndlana" chuck· Joc:al camp1&1 court. Tbur9da7 111 er Tom Henry, be'4 the Otlfra to ======================= ..._t ~e competitioa. Th• a mere f l•e l\Jta and pve up no ,..... n.ntt:r loat '7•1 wlal)e t.be Jun· nma. Centerf1eJder tc.M7 ~ '-vanity wu ~ 1-1. connected tor two bomer\ln.I. \ DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercury I• •o well bulft tltat 9 out. of 10 ever •old In tlJe Ue S. are atlll going 1tron9P SH ••• '55 M•rc•ry at ,..,, Dealer'a. See your participating GAS RANGE DEALER ........ ELEPHANT RIPLACIMINT HARIOI to~ .., llOSSI witlt-till the 6ourmet Accompenlmenh ITALIAN DIMMERS .... ROSSI CAFE c ........ 1121 E. eo..t BWJ. Bar. 1111 ADVERTISING IS THE IEST MEDIUM-Ph~"" BUT-· IMPORTANT ONES, WE BELl.E\IE ! MHt your friends in our lobby when .,_•,. comirHJ downtown. Wr!fe • note whle you're weiting. We 1up~ the note paper •nd ~y the post•ge for you. Gl•d to do it -just pert of our welcome to our friends •nd customers, •nd the fMftY visitors who come to '" our but1ding from .. fer and ne•r. DIVIDENDS '4 TIMES YEARLY on. All ACCOUNTS An EXTRA ..me. .Mh mHM higher eernings for your S.virHJS. Our 17th consecutive divid9nd w•s peid Merch 31st to more than 5,500 wvin91 investors. Compounded •nd •dded to your •ccount, those dividends stert Hmin9 immediately-ind you'll be surprised how they help your wvings grow, especialy .t our hi9h current r•te of lV2 % per yHr. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Just • little thing, perh.ps -putting those impor- t•nt papen in a wfe, secure plec.. But • BlG lou jf fire 1hould destroy them in your home. Private coupott booths end conference room •re ~rt of our S.f• 0... posit Service. Veu~ sefekMping for your veluebles cosf1 es Uttl. es $4 per yHr. • ' S•vings deposited by ... I 0th of eny month Hm from the I st IEWPORT BALBOA SAVllGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAJION JJ66 Vie Udo NEW PO IT IEACH P. A. PALMER. "..acl1Rt ~4200 CALIFOlllA Corona clel Mar l~aRch et 2407 Eett Coa1t Hl9hway PAR 2 • PART I l -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .... OVICll llAMAOIB OD -Catcher Dick 11.trko- 'fteh of the Tar nine pata plenty of power into a ba.M hit MONDAY, APR'l. 4, 1951 2-0 triumph over the Saints on the local d iamond. -Staff Photo aplnat Suata Ana Tb~. Harbor ~h r a . Hmbor High JY's Drop 8·5 Contest Come to Our 2nc1 BffiTHDAY SALE 'l'BTING FOB TRIPLE -And wcceaful In the attempt aplut Santa Ana here Tburwday wu Shortstop ~y Fitapatrick. The Sailor ahortstop ii leading hitter for the Tar nine after three Sumet Leq\ae tra)'a with a .300 percentage. In downing the Saints 2-0, FiUp&t.rick be.abed out a double tn addition to thi.I th~bagger. Denny lat-- er a:ored oa an intleld out tcw the~· 8eCODd run. -Staff" Photo SAILOR SLUGGERS START SOCKING AGAINST SAINTS FOR LEAGUE WIN Attar a drousht of but lmocka 8111 Wetzel Twirls Two-Hitter In lbelr ttnt pair of 8UDMt tu.IN , . lht T1.r1 manal'ed to move teem As Tan ne Indians For Second batUnr up lo a .181 etnclal leque aY1r•c• a.aed on 15 eoclul la II I ted 11~• S attempt.. Thi. put Usem bdllnd Newport Harbor'• Tar nine oca It.a co lll:"C\.lve UD8et AnU.lm and ruueroin. lied for League batting eye Thwwday to defeat Santa Ana 2--0 on top tum battln« at .218 ud a· the local diamond behind Bill Wet.zel'1 two-hJt twirling. The head of Oranre. HunllD&'lon Beach and knla Ana. win gave Coecb Emil Neeme't hon1ehlden a record ot two Tralllnr P'llltpatrlck with lilt triumphs a galnat one lou and moved them into a 1eeond w11low wavlnr a,.. Ro)' Daniel• at plMle loop lie with FulJerton. Ana-fielder'• choice. With two out. .285, Wet.ul, .209 and Lff nlher, helm top• lbe circuit .. i th lhrff Berryman lOlt Illa be&rlnp and -~· walked Jim Nnrklrk and Wetul Tbunday. UM Tara take on their •t ralg'f\l ~ctorlu. to load UM bap. But Dlclt Mlrko-bl&' one In t lnt round play .,.hen With Shortltop Denny Fltapal· vlcb wmt down IWt.Q&'IAr. the le-cue leadinr Colonlat.a come rick !umllhlng Ute extra-but llOIUC OM BAS.: to town. ThJ.a att«n00n, the Sall· power, Wetul and hla matl'll aock· Afaln tn' lh• thlrd. U.. Sallor1 or1 alurred It out al Oranre. ed out elg'hl hll1 of f the offerlnp ,;ot men on 11econd and lblrd. or Cbuck ~rryman. Fllltpatrlck. TbomJ*)D •trolled and Fltapatr1ck STARTS WED. Bailor'• leadlnr 1luir ... r with an doubled. "nere they d!ed. o rnc1aJ bat awrage of .300, smuh· ed a double and trtpi. tn thrM Bo It WU a ICOn l-battle t rip• lo the platter. golnc Into bottom ot the fourth. n..a t.bNe sucicum" .an. ... by IKI• DIYla ACTIO•I 8L.A.''T 80Ll'TIO~ P ave Tamura, Roy Danlell and I r or aanta Ana. on1:r n.1rd lack· tAt J'1lhar 1ent Tamura 8Calnper-AOVA•LU•e 'lllal"'9 . er Dan P rorant ca me up with a I l"I' aero• with t.be n rat tally. 11e>lullon to Wetul'a alanta. Pro-Havtnr found tti. ranp. ,,bl· fant b&ahed a alnglf' ln the third palrlck led off bottom of the nrth frame and a double In the fourth. with a boomirll' l.rlple over the left l n each cue. the Saint batter fltlder'1 cranium, 1Udlnr •fely In· readied H<'Ofld, but rot no Carther. to third. Another duh and allele on The Tan threatened early. Bud-an lntleld out. and Fitapalrlck dy 1"'omJ>90n 11.nJled to lff4 ott polialled off the 9COl'inf aa well u bottom of llle opmlllg llanaa. the di.ab. Paul LorentRn wu •fe on a Fm8T LOOP WIN H1rbor Hi l's, C's Win Titles W et.Ml, chladL!q bi.I ant loop win, fanned four and walked three Salnl& Benymu blftr the DUft'el put lix Tar 8Wi.ol't ra and punched out a R&lr of tree Ucket. to llrft. i10BN8TONE•S M.wport Barbor H1P 8chool 8 Meta AlltO WNClcen and c forctl9 rrtday captured Sun· Uaed An. ...,... Ml I-cue ctuaJ meet dlamplon-Mid Aeee 111 ... i DQRJ "7~ .r .. ~ /1, UC ,, a111,. u tbt llphntPll equeeaed 2015 Plaee9tla Aw. put Anahe1m •T" to 47'i' and lbe ~Llh~~rt)'~l-~Tt~IJ~~Clell~le~ll~--~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!~~ flea _...bta bombed out a '1·15 - t.rtwnph. Delpit. UM tact tbat Cl> eo.cbM RaJpb ft.ct .... 0.. Bu1U loaded UM B'e wttll ...... ftl'llll7 ,__.., Ult Tar ~ .. ai.o woa U"'l. AlaoaS b1tber1o Yanlt.)' peetDI• .,. •ho picked up b6a polllta - UM Hartiior Hlp B'e ._.. Tod W1lft.e. ace mlllr. wbo tOUNd UM u n ID I :11.• and A""' Olltrow- MS wM came ID leCODd II Ulll ~ Replar B ~ ·3ettrJ ll1Ulard IDade It a local .....,_ ll:ntwtaDe .,.,.."' rwu>• 0.. BeattJ edpt t.eunmata lMr7 a.. tro ID a 1 :21.6 B eeo. · ' Bruce KaJpp. B ...,war. ~ tured a palr of lmnOe nret.e tw tbe llaUon. He 1kll'IUllM °"" Ule 70 Jd. b1"'8 Ill t .a and the 1Jt low Ill H .l. • Balboa Fun .Zone OPIN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTll 8corine ln DIOJ'9 clu.ten, the Sant& .Ana J unJor Vanity Dl.Jl• dealt out a third atrai&'bl Mtback to the Hartior H l&'h Wa htr9 Thunday 8-6. Coach Randy Ran· 1 daJ.l'a ho111ehldera have yel lo win their finil S unael Lt'asu• looper of th• aeuon. Trouble wu, tile Tar Jlinlora pul all thelr erg• In one bukel. Tney talllt;d five runa In lbe !ourt.h tram., and that WU the end ot It. Oddly enough, only one hit wu deUnred durln1r the bl&' innlnl' !or Newport. Carl Berceron walk~. 1 Pete HelkM waa •fe on an erTOr, Chuck VandeTWoort 1trolled, Bob White wu aare on a fielder'• choice, Bob Allen 11nrled and an· other mi.cue by the 1econdary Baintl accoun~ for th• five markera on a •Ingle blngle. Meantime, Santa Ana 11ent tn one bl the aecond frame on three '.UOU. and an lnlltkS out, thl"ff lll ua. t.hlrd lnnlnr oo a pair oc bue lmoclul and a couple or walb, two tn Uut fourth on two more •lnglea and a few more trM Ucket.,. and •ln&'l• laWea In tile tJf th and 11.Xlh. I AND HILP US uJil THI IOOP (Per 0. New hcl ..._ Ad•1l1•> letllli M011clay, April 4111 ••• I.. Salurclay, April till MIN'S surrs $60 • .Je7 .80 ---Now "8-00 ,75 • $85 ........ -.. Now -.oo '1i o -··--·--Now '8LOI SPOIT COATS $31.80 • 5'2li0 _ Now ISLOO U5 • $4.T.80 -Now ..... SSC> -····----Now '8UO ,...., ., a.-.... ... o.o..--. SLACKS $18.915 ··-·--··-Now r ,19.95 • $22.50 -Now $2'5 • $29.50 -·-Now .88 $4!S ·······-··-··-· Now .88 ......... -a...-D.a.a -ALTE&AftOKll Nor INCLVDl:D AT aAUC f'SICS - ALSO llANY nNE FU8NIBlllN08 AD BPO&'D WU& aw IN BllOKEN mm no• 0118 WtJJ..&8 8TOCK Ar 11181BDAY SALE PRICES. • BIDWELL'S un va. u. Newport •••ell ............ 09'8 This big super-po,,,ered Mercury costs le11 than 13 models in the ~'low price'' field* And Mercury'• price tq JI~ one,_... ft pa,. to own a Mercury. Our high-volume alee permit m to pw 7ou the top aDowanoe for your preeent car. You ave u you drive With Mercary'1 famom economy 'md low upkeep. And you pt a car with a 3-yeu NCald far the hi&hwt resale value in it. cl-. Start a.tn, at our lboww today. IT PAYS TO OWN A mERCURY FOR FUTUll£"1'YLING, SUPER POWO ... , -. ..._ ~ ............. M ...._.. "WQMI .. M ....., ....... _.,.. ..... tA ....... IOCln, ~ I .. JOHNSON & ~N, Lincoln I 900 W. Coast Hlgllway NIWPOIT· llACH ·Mercury . . Liberty MltS ACNl9 .... .,, Clllt • ' llcCorm1ck low MONDAY, APRIL"· 1955 NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS-PART "·'A6E J 01 Atomic Ted 8ro11~ Miaio1 CAMP DllSl:RT ROCK. Hn. Cnn'NCI -How at the Atom1e EIUlf'l'Y CommialJon P r o Y l a s Orounda here for tbe latqt aen.1 of atomic t•ll la Ka.rin• P(c. Noelan P. McCormack, aon ot Mr. and Mra. Lacy Field of Bandy'• Trailer Park, Hwy. 101, Newport Beach, and hueb&nd ot tl\e former Mlu Edith 0 . Davll of Baldw1n Pull. a.tor. entertnc tl\e Hrvice &n Deoember, leA, be at~ded Bald· wtn Park Hta'b School and wu ..,ployed ln Downey. · WhUe b.,. be wW pa.rt.lctpall la an a1r-f'l'O\llld exerclM durtn& which an atomJc exploeton will be emplOyed a 11 • I n 1 t bypotb.Ueal memy fore•. Tbe Xartnea wm tan uaault t.acllce relatlnr to atomlc warfare, tncludin6 the art .,, cl TVUea1 envelopment by hell-nLll OF IA HABaA -Members of the a.ta Jlea ptanntns Oommllllllon ._.. oopter. Tra1nJ.nc ln p11ya1ea1 pro-abown a 90und colored film of the Richfield lmtalJatlon a\ La Habra and were told thla tec:Uon meuuree IUld lndoctrlna· · Uon m th• ettecta of atomic type of equipment would be 1utalled under-cround at lieu. Shown above, left to richt. splcMdona on equipment are other back row, Arthur Meyera, J. J. Hart, E. L. Pattenon; front row, Walter Weimer, J . G. llllportant ph&MI of tb• exerelae. Wilcox, Barney Francque, H. C. Sampaon, Robert WU.On and L. Jobst. -Stalt Photo Mm tJNDU GllOUND llDE -Kemben of the ea.ta Kw Plannlng Q>mminion are abowa part of the~ in&' plant RicbtJeld maintaina at Long Beach Barbor area. They are told t.hil equipment will be undergroand in •uch an inatallation u that at La Habra. Shown aboYe, left to right, are E. L. P&ttenoa., E. K. em.c.... J. G. Wilcox, Barney Fnncque, J. J. Hart, Robert Wil· -. Arthar lleyen. two IUchfield oil expert.a, Walter wem.e.., William Hix and Mervyn Phelan. Benlbn, Hix and Phelan were Richfield men who looked after the Ilea party. Wilcos ill director of Freedom Homee Corp. -Staff Photo H9 la a member of th• Int Ma-----------rtne eo.,,_ P1"oYWtonal A tomic Ex- ll'Ct.e Brtpde wtlJch wu flown to The larpr the Income. tl\e bard- thla delert .Ste to putjdpete m ar lt la to Un wlt.hln tt. the atomic attack problem&. -Richard Whately 4 car Crash But None Is lniurecl A wild acctcNnt at the lnte~ Uon of N.wport Blvd. and E. 17th St. at 8:45 p .. m. Wedne8day tnvolv- ed toUI' ca,.. but ruulted 1n no lnjurlee, eo.ta M-ctty polJce re- ported. Blamed for"tll• weird trat· fie a.cctdent wu a defective toot feed. , App&rfttly the foot feed •tuck ,__..-DIBT-- COLUCTIONI AooeaaSI -N.--OW.. of &81' kbMI ., ........,.,..._ .. Amiertea. "Ne eol:ecdoe. -Ne ,_H w .......... _... O&a:DIT BUUAV et w ..... Orup Ceut7 fonaet17 Ondt\ ....... ol N~llaMll.a....-._. ...o. .. .._ -------------------------------------------ln an auto driven by 0.)'le J:va IM &1""611eA.....,P.O.llN- NSWPO&T ••OB. C&LD'. TRIPLE PLAY BY BUCS KILLS Off Mother Cl1im1 ~:;.:,.:~~~~:: ~==: VICTORY HOPES Of CHAFFEY NINE '!!~"!:~. ~!1e IA•· ~~¥2~ tera ot admlnt.tr&Uon ln the •• almoet perfect circle. wound up • • ._ • • ie.dott .aagle by Ro-tale ol • COllta Mea couple wtllch almoet at lta •t.artln& point by Defending Chmnps RelllCllR Atop Ucl BID and • rub of three er-pertahed 1n • pl&ne crub were •trllclq a third vehicle. ~tc!~l ron.. Bcortna oa the mlacuq were uked ln Superior Court Thur8day Involved we.re autoe driven by Stand• wl.&L Four 'li'-L .... BlD and W~L . Ela Joy Stanly, 27, 217• Tu.Un lllCJS nw l'MH_.... Lone CIMll'fey tally occuTftd 111 Mra. Buel Van Wormer, Banta Ave. Coeta MeM; J"nulc• J:Ua. · Ute t.IUrd e&nt.o. .RJnl Clnacbr Vie Ana, &lb the letten. 8be ta the beth• H&lfteld. r,o, 406 Catauna Unleuhing a eenaation&l defeuive triple play to choke Lopd b1pled and cr-4 u.e d1ah motbu ot Mn. Sla.nley Healy, st, Drive, Newport Beach and JCucm• • • Oft -~ oat. wbo wu killed wtt.h ber husband. Thomu Colcan, 21, of <>rans-. eff a potential nval rally, Coach Wendell Picltena ~mding llaJrtnc ap a cunplet.e pltchtn' Their llcbt plane lun ed to the Only the Stewart auto had to be Pirate champs downed Chaffey 6-1 on the Mee& daamnnd UDlca fw UM my. Oouptree ling-VoUDd near Lake ~atll~• March taken to a...,...., NJIOl'll llhow. l'riday. It gave the Bue nine a four victory no lc>a record kd home • pair ol marken for ~===================;:;;;;;;; ' OOC 111 Uae fte'lrlb to wind up tbe 20. &top Eaatttn Conference stand.lop. ~· eoaptfte WU tlJbl ln Tbe OOUple left DD cJilldren. Tomorrow. the Orance Coa•t Then rttd ll'emandd teM oft• lM d"'..._, pennJtUnl' Ule lln-TIM Heal.ya lJved at 111~ aan- College crrw bit• the road tor a Oouc'hlrft ataaL P. ,_ -_....... lillta. ta U&!M1 Aft. PerllOll&l property trey with IUverllde and a Tbun-a Meet'-U. ....._ cat fUll BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A Kl:SA CHAPEL lTU Superior A'ffftue Coeta 11.-. C&llf. Phone Libert}' 1-2121 CHAPEL BY TBS SEA UIO II. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Pilon.• Harbor 42 The Standard Man showed •• how to 11ve o repair ~Ills .. ............. ., ....... C.....,tlC.-.... ......... CL.A YTON THOMPSON ...... la& day <'ontHt at J'\IUerton. Rlnr· The llD4 drtwe ••-H rtaM 11t-.u..ae;;;;. -..-a •-ber of WM ~ at '1100, wtlb an uti- lllde '-lll1lo undefeated lQ loop pla.y to 8ecoad 8ac.ker BudltJr Pieft!t'a ~ outfteJder BanJt DeCaau ,...... '9eo 1eart1 income. A. 4u- wilh a 2--0 mark. Tbe Hornell have g&o .. wilb Goodwbl ldc1d.dilllis It ~ u.e ........._ wma • tl'tple pa.a at 111-lU~ ll&Dt& label wu ~====~==============~~=============::::::::::::::::===:_ wfrered a pair. of eett>aeks while for lleCOnd and DaU&hnt.J for t.Mrd. ud 1liaCle ID tluM attempt.I. Included 111 the eetate. copplnf two ~amea. Pierce tOMed to Oeorc• Blallop al --------------------- CLOSE TIJ.T YET first. Blabop ·~ oa tbe Mc ---------------------for the eeeond out and Irie lm8 With lhe 11rore •Ult tight at 2-1, to Short.atop Bob W.ta.el at eec- fav<1rlnJ the Bue.. Chaffey start· le ed th thrff-kW ed bulll\lng up for t.b~ big l"t ond comp t e _.., • down F"rlday. Wa,me • Ooughtrff Ing to end the lnnlnc. It ended wea.kenM momeni&rily on the Cnatrey hoP8 too. mounrt by walking> CJ\Affey batteN KE88 OI" Ml8CCD CIHrk Goodwin and O.rnll Dau· Plckml' pokf'n jumped lllto a Chlf'rty to opM the tourtli tnme. two run ~ad In bottom of the ftnit LET 'ER RIP -And Wayne Cought.ree boob that arm to let ny. Cougbtree 18 ready for the Eutenl <»nfettnee title defeue with Coach Wendell Picken'• Bue baeebd- en after Sunday chucking with the Me.a Mm:hanta. Picken. count.a on Cougbtnie aa one ot hie three top twirlers while the OCC athleta eeek their third atr&.igbt pennant. -Statf Photo -----------~ ln Balta MOl'tUuy, aa.-cMI Mar, wtlb UM Rn. Roy out-DIATH NOTICE "°" otnda.t.tq'. lntumeJat will be -----------ln 1Dve111wn Cemetery, RJ""'4e.. Ma8. ALICE POWELL OPEi EVERY DAY ...... CIAJSE ( lllducling Sunclay) ....... --WILL NOT RUST 100o/o ALUMINUM FRAME & WHEIU NO STEEL e BLUE e GREEN AVAILABLE IN e TERRA COTT A OROUTE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS HDWR. PLUMBING SUPPLIES GARDENING TOOLS FULI.ER PAINTS MASONRY SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL NEEDS CABINET HDWR. Open Daily Monday Through Sunday 8 •· m. -6 p. m. Sc~uftz -.JJu&erl Bui/JerJ Suppf, .._ LlbertJ 1-1155 m Vlr.t9ria 8t.. (-. Newport Bht.) V... ._ JUST MOITM ., POST OfflCI OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME IO~h OF TME MONTM EARN FROM TME FIRST OfJice Hours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. .. ' I . I ll PA6E 4 ·PART I I-NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 UGAL NOTICI UGAL NOTICE llm bor Binds --------•· ---&J'1, 1166, lmed upon au t.be rtpt. (~ U•AL NOTICI Ut.kl, cl&l.m llld tat.er.al ot aid ------------·I defendant (or eJther ot t.hem) 1n R t Superior. , .. , ot tM .... wU1 .. 11\&de, =:: ~.:i~~~ ducrtbed real Ulle. claim ancl lnte rHl ot aald ddend&bt, (or eltMr of U1em)-of. In and lo t.he above ilu crlbe<I p roperty, or 90 mucb thereot u may be nece-..y to n1M tut- tlclmt to -A&ll.ry said judiment wtth lnterut a.nd co.wt.a. a e ud t.be COIUd.deraUOll thentON AU rtsbt. title and 1nw.t ot wlU be paJd at 10:00 o'cloeJc a.m .. WALTllJ\ H. KN.APP, 1n that eer- Fes I OD the 11th da7 of AprU, 19M, at ta1n propert.y l.ocated at not N..,.. p lven, under my ha.nd thla 22nd in tlva ~~~~.Ac:'~ ~; !:= ~ mon ~ Bruch, 115 m. Balboa .in the "Lot.a 11 ud 12. Block m . day ot March, 1855. FRANK VAUOHN Conat.able of Ule Juatlce Court ot .. 111 Jud.lclal Dl1trlct. lA U.. -.nual cal1ton1a llCbool Ctty ot N~ Beac:l1, County ol Bectton A. lJI the· city ot New-"" bud ucl ordl..tra 8JIOUONCl or-<>rans•. It.at. ot Calltornia. port Buch. / anew County d19t.r1ct f..Uftl beld Dated April 1, 1956. Nolle• i. hereby 11vea. \.bat Oil at BUD~ Beech Hlp acbool BJ:IUll:RT LLOYD J'rtday, the llJtll day of Aprtl, 1158. By L. R. VAl:lGHN Deputy ~. March M, Uie Newport Vendor at 2 :00 o'clock P.K .• of .aid day, Hanor Un.ion Bl~ Con· J081:PRINI: M. LLOYQ I wU1 proceed to eell at lie7 W. Hurw1ts It Hurwfts Attorneys !or Pla.lntlf't cert llllnd, the Tar Band, and tbe VendOT l8th St., Co•ta Men, California hlp eohool orchaatra were n_t.ed No. 67T New1-Prul 4/f/M at Public Auction "to the blghut , 2611 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach No. l'l7S Newa-PTua 3128, Vt, 4/11, 11>55 auperior. Tbla ratiq, t.be blfb•t ------------bidder tor cUhl I~ iawtul money pol9fble to adl'-"9, wu awarck4 No. 11117 of the United Statea. all tbe rt1bt. NO'l'ICS or am on tbe bu1a of mWllcal perlonll· NoUce la hereby stnn that the p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ance 1114 appeannc.. Tbla year wu the ttr..t t~ 1n Board of Trulteea of the Oran(e the ~ ol uu. fnt""'1' tll&t Oout Junior 'Oolles• Dtalrlct ot ~ btch IChool entered tor rattna Orans• County, Calltomla, will re- in more than two &TOUPL The con· celve bide up to 2:00 P.M .. AprU cert band and the orchestra com-19, ·10M at the ottlce of aald pet.ed ln ell•• A. and the newly acbool dlatrlct, located at 19961 t d T "--d t d ,_ 1 Set Harbor Blvd,. Coela Meaa, orme ar .,...., compe e .. c au Calif.. al which tlme &aid bids E. All three ,....0una, aa 1 reault of will be opened tor one only Clncln-•· .-naU Toolma.ter Vertical Miller earn~ lbl• honor, are now ellg· tble to compete In the atate tee· with attachment•. Spttcl!icat1on11 may be secured In the oHlce of the Uval which thla year wm be held AJist. Supt. In Charge of Bull\ncH. ln Lone Beach. Bealdea the banda and orchutra. The Owner reaerves the privilege Newport aolol•t• were rraded au-of rejecUng any and aU bids or to waive any lrregularlUcs or In· per1or or excellent. Theae Included formalltlea In any bid or ln the Oree Adam•. clarinet; Bobby Tay-bidding. Jor, Martha Whelchel. Robbie OrelMr, Beverly Gibbons, Ca.rolyn Adv. April • and ll, 1965, Snell, and Nanci Campbell, all vto-Open: April 19. 19!'>5. 2:00 P.M llnlata tn the achoo! orcheetra. S1gned: B. H. PETERSON, Secty., Board of Truateu No. 1176 Newa-Preaa 1 WANT AD will cost you Of1fy s2 and it will run in all 3 issues A Minimum ad is Phone Harbor 1616 4 Newport Harbor News-Pre89 HOiiday and Thanclay ecllUou, Plu the OoutaJ Shopper, Wedneedaya lines. $5000 Mesa .... I• Palllt StonhOllse JN THE 8~PERIOR COURT OF ~------~~~---~-----~ ........ ~--~ D&ma«• acimate l.n the blue whtch lnvolved the rear of a DanJel Paint and Glau Co. atore- hoUN at 1670 Newport Blvd., Coeta NM&, Tu41aday night w .. today Ht at S5000 by Fire Pre- ,,enuon Otfleer Ralph Lee. Cau.e of the f1re wu undetermined, Lee reported. The tire alarm waa 110unded at 8:19 p. m. Four truck.JI and 18 men roared to lhe act'lle where paint and turpenllne atort!d In a rear room or the vacant .tore wett aname. The Danlet Pa.lnt Co. i. located at 1SM Newport Blvd. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP' DISSOLUTION or PASTNEllSHIP Public notice \a hereby rtven that J . c. Brundace. B. W. Rice, Jr. and F. H. Winter. heretofol"f' dolnr bualneu under the flctllloua firm na..rne and ltyle of bland Tranaportallon Co .. at 42t Pirate Road. City of Newport Bea.ch. County of Oran("e, State of Call· t omia. did on the 28th day of P'et>- l'UU)', 19615, by mutual conaent. d1Mol'N tlMt Mid partnenb.lp and termtnat~ their ,...,1at1ona .. pert- nera therein. Sald bwllnna In the tutuf'e v.1U t>. conducted by lAland Tranapor- tatlon Co., a Callfom la corpora- tion, which wUl pay and dltieha.rte all Ua bllitlu and debt.a of th,. firm and rf'Celvt all monlu payable to lb,. firm. l"Urlh•t notice la hereby gtvcn that the u.nder11lgned wm nn\ b~ rupon.able, from lhla day on, for any oblll'atlol'UI Incurred by E, J . .Jacklin In hla own name or In lhe name of the f irm. DATED AT Newpor\ Buch, Calltomla. Ull11 twenty-ttcbt.h day ot March. 19:>:>. CR-.31'6 J. C. Brundage B. W. RJce, Jr. F. H . Winter By Volney V. Brown Jr. A t\Qrtlt)' tor ea.Id ~rt- nf'nihlp No. &i t N ...... Prn• 4 M NorlCE Ot' ISTF.SUF.O XOKTOAOE Notice 11 henby g1v~n. ll\at DOROTHY S. EDWARDS. Mort· 1•1or, Wh09C' •ddru• 111 187!'1 An•· helm, ln 01 .. City of Co11l• Mu a, County of OrAnJCf', St.ale of (~1111 - fornla. lnlelldAI to mortrac• to BANK OF AKERJl'"'A :-J.T .6 5.A.., BALBOA. BRANCH. Morlqee. who• addrt u la 618 &. Balt>Oa &ulen.rd, In the City of :"tw - J><>rl ~ach. Ct)unty or Oran~e. St.ate of California. All 011turH and tq'Ulpm,.nl nr a crrt111n Rl'.1t11u- rant bu8lnu11 knoWTI a.a RERT"S CAFE 11nd lncatl'd at UJ94 f':l"'A'· port Boulevard. In tl'le City ot Co11- ta M-. County <tf OranRe. State of C&Ufornia, a.nd that an e.uculttl mortpr• p t lha .. me wtJI be d~ live.~ and Ult conalderatlon thne-- for paid al 10:00 o'clock a.m. on the lltb ~1 of April. 1965, at the e11CrOW dep&rtment of the BAN1< 01!' AXERICA N .T.68.A., BA(., BOA BRANCH at 815 E. BaJbM JJIYd., In the City ot Newport BMcb, C.Ounty of Oran•e· State Of OalitOrTlla. Dated April 1. HM. DOROT11T 1!1. EDWARDS Mortacor No. 318 N_...PrM.t 4/f~ THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CO._NTY OP ORANGE ln the )fatter of the Application ot GARY LEE ffELMIC tor cha.nee of name. No. A-!5611 ORDER TO SBOW OA U8J: Oary Lo Helme, a ruident of the County of Orance. State of Calltoml&, haa thl• day filed hla application praylnl' for an order ot t.hta court changing hi• present name to Ule propoeed nam•, Gary Lee Fiaber. rr 18 ORDERli:D that all per- J10na lnlereated In the above en· UUed matter appur ~fore the eald Bu~rlor Court ln Depart- ment • thereof, at the Courthouae ln old County, on the 22 day or Apnl l9atl, at 10 o'clock A. M. at aald day, to ahow cau11e, It any they have, why the aald appllc•- tlon ror cluulce of name ahould not be CT&Jlled. IT JS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of Ulla order be p11b- llllhel1 In the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu. a newspaper of gen· eral circulation prlnted anll pub- l111hed ln aald County of Oran~e. lor rour ( 4 > 1uC'ce .. 1ve werlca pnor to the J2 d&.y ot April, 1961\, ~Ledl llU"Q 11, 1966. ROBERT GARD~ Judre of the Super1or Court. Ro'IM'rt A. Eutman Attorney for petitioner 123 Eut Broadw•y Co•ta Meaa, Call!ornla Liberty w~ No. 07 1 New•·Prt• 3121, 28, 41•. 11 . 19!)6 cr.1nu·1c ATI: Off Bt:8CNES8 FlcUUoua Finn Name TKE UNDERSJONED de henby certify that they ore concJul'llng a Boat BuUdin .. and rYp-1r yar<l and Manne hardware bualneaa at 2912 La.layette Street. NC'Wf)(lrt Beach, C&lilomk. under lbe flcU- Uoua 11rm name of HANS DICK- MAN BOAT WORKS and that aald firm I• compoeect ot lhe f Ol· lowtnc pe:l"IOna, W'bou name• In full a.Jid plarM ot ~•ldtnce u e M tollow1. to-wit: FRANK W . SK.lNNER. 817 Weet Victoria, Co11ta Mua, CaUtomi. JEAN K. SKINNER, 817 West Vktorl&. Cott.a Me.a. CaJltomla WITNESS our hands thl.w 24th day of Ma~b. 19M. F'rank w. SkJn.ner Jean K.. SkJnner State or California County ot Crance ... OF nus 24UI dily of Marcll. A. D. 19~. betc.re mt. ROBERT R. HVRwtT"L, a Notary Public 1n &Jld for the aald County and State, rrstdlnr lhl'rein, duly conun.Laalon- ~ a.nd .worn, ~reonally appured FRANK W. SKlNN"ER and IF.AN K. SKINNER known to me to be the persona whoite n~mu al'6 11u1>- &crlbed to lhe w ithin tNJtrUment, and acllnowJed1ed to me Uml thry utcutc<I the N.mc IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto 111.'t my ha.nd &Jld atflxt<J m y official aeal the day &Jld yeu In thla Ce r· Urkale flrtt abav4> written. ROBERT R. HURWITZ. My Com· mlmlon £.xplru r.t.y 31, J9~. No. 67f Ntwa~PTu11 3/28. 4/t-11-18150 IN THE Mt"Slt11'A.L OOl"RT 8A..,'TA ASA-<>RA.~01! Jl'DI· CIAL Dl8T1UM <'01-:\'Tl' Of' OllANOW:. STATE or CALl- FOR~"JA C'oaJ1 No. 1791f NOTICS OP' INTENDYJD -,,,,. No. MO'J SAL& C'OSl!ITABLE"8 SAi.£ Notke lo bemy st,,_: Ulat NOTICI: OP' SALi: RER.BaT U.OYD ud .IOUIPll· or a&AL PllOPDTY INI: M. U.OYD, v---. WbOee tTM'DEa l!Xr~ON addree lo lTll nan.rt. ·~ KAMRI E. WATl:R8, Plalnutr, tn ttt. Ot7 ot Ooata ·1119. Oomlt7 .., or 0,..,.., 8ta&e ot ~ sa-WALTl:I\ H. KNAPP. Defelld&Dl . tend& to ..U to DOa01'11Y L J:D. UDda' llld b7 .utue ot an S:X.- W AIU>8, VendM, wbOM addrem eutJoa 1-led O\lt of tbe Munldpal la 1871 An&Wm 8tnet. 1n U.. QtJ Qiurt of '8allta Ana-Oran,e Jud. of ea.ta X... Ooullty ot Oraq'&. Dwt., the C.Ounty ot Oruc-e. State State ot oautorm._ U.. t~ ot CalltornJa, wherein MAMII: E. dut'rAied penon&l proper\J', te>o WATD.I Pi.lnutt. and WALTllR wn : K. ICNAPP ~ndallt. upoa a NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS-PRFAS Every MOCl4Q and 'n\ureday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Un• 1 Papel' SLOO 4 u.. -z Papen 1.60 4 Uan 8 Papen 2.00 Couta.I Slaoppeor Ornlf\ed AM maae nm 18 tM lloeda7 or 'l'11111...., ~ ~'UIUM AD 18 • LINES AJI OIMllllled Adi -t be ,.W for Cull la MYbe.le of~- DEA.DUNES for placlrl1 or cancelll.nc ada are: B'or Monday PublicaUon -Seturday Noon J'or WedMad&J Puollcallon -Tueeday 2 p.m. For Tburaday Publication -Wedn.eaday 1 p.m. The publlahe,.. wtU not be rdponalble tor more Ul&A one IAcornct lnsutJon ot an ad, reaerve the rtcht to correctly claaalfy any and all ada and to reject any ad not eoiiformlng to rules and refUlatlona. z-IEWt"ORT H.A&ISO& l'lilJUlHlllllO (;(). nu aaaa,o. Bhd.. N-pori a-cii. ca&lfonia. SpeclaJ NoUcea y Newport Harbor B. P.O.!:.. 1161 Meet.a enry Tbunda7 I p.m. V la Oporto -et,nt.raJ Ave. Newport Beach Elwood Shell. Exalted Ruler Mechanical Sweeping Service P .UUClNU LOTS. l'U~r marketL DnYe-inl. etc. Ratea by wttk or moat.h. COAST SWEEPING SERV. 111~ Harbor BlYd., Coll& Mf'M Lfbert7 8-6&4.1. 21 c33 House Plans Lm!:RTI' Mt81 10t.fc Paperhanging Painting Klmbut1 T-1121 Painting, Decorating Paper RansJ.nl GEO. BURKHARDT UC.."llN811!D C'ONTl\AC..'TOR 178 W. 11th 8t.. eo.t.a Mna Liberty 8-182' It Poalfr7 11 Uv•&oclk ...,.... .. , -e at A•c.e Wuteel " A•tw fer Sele ,.._A 11tte • Pana " Avlo 8e"1ee fJ TnUeJr• '' A.lrpW-., \\'anted to Rat • '8 AptL & H--for Rul '8A.-Ap&a. for R«-tll '8&-lto-for ~•• 41C-Tra.Uer 8pace 41 a-.. tor Krnt "·" Rell 800M'9 .. ... K-... Boerd M Rut. Mi.c. Ga Sto"'9 a Otftcea llS-A 8~-llueal• M .,_.... Oppo11:oaltlea M Jlo~y to I.AMI M M-7 Waaled Ii "-I r.....te \\ .. W .. ._._ Proprl'f}' •• ..... ~ E:J:cbap n ._, 11:etate ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lnata.IJ the above cheaper lhll.ll mo•t. Al.lo acU Tile It Unolcum. Z"on·unlon. 26 yeara exptri~nce. Com1>9re anti ..ee - Btu. COKER Ll M204 7ttc CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnd11 FREE ESTlllA TF.S Llberty 8-6109 29lf Remodel & Repair CARPE:-;"TRY, CEMENT SLA..88, paln\lng. pwt.c:r1ng. Dependable • txJM!rh•nced In •II b\llMlnc tn6tt. Call F OSTER BROS. LI 8-1932 or Har. 3976-R. 23p3tb CARPENTRY MINOR REP A1R WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL R 0 . Anc!enon 101' E. BA.lboa Blvd.. B&.lboa Harbor 2460 83Uc FOR RENT Sktlt Sa-. Elec. Or111a, Pollal\ers. au typea ot 8ander11, Wh~bar· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. :830 W. COAST HJGHWAY Ubert.J WO~. N«W1>0rt BCh 21ltc OOMPLETE PAINTING Ir Paper Hanging Service EUOENE O. 8A UNDl!RS l'lOO 311t Street, Newport Beach Barbor 2971 nr Har. 444e. ttc GENERAL CONTRACTING Framlng • Foundluaa. "1"M Eatlmat• II Plan llen1ce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 31~ --. --i' .......,,...-_-·-._.--=------ -SALESMAN -ASSOCIATE Aall4(uee. old china. cut siu.. ~ph• .mualc ~. ocpu. lamP1. plctw.a. br1e -a • bra.c. Vlait my larp new atoi;.. I a1ao bu.J • trade. Pleue brine YOW' lt.,ma IA. Charlie Dl'ril. 1906 a:. AAaheJm It., Lone Beach '50111 TWO JtaOvtMCU.I. !UP .i.n, badt low .. c.. Wowa. llartlor NJT. UcJt in the building 1pecialty field. An opportunity for a man with eatablithep contractor following in doon. . metal aa.ah or aimilar llnea to participate in proftta and management of a new local dlatributol"lhip. If you reaide in Orange County and are int.ere.ted in joining forces and &haring management and finan. cial reaponaibillty, 81C!Dd a brief re11CDe to Box QM. this paper. 33~ ltUe llN WHDU.POOL auto. wuber. UVINO ftOOJ( llCIWlatJ' dellc, 146. Two •t.I .......,._ matt. Clll&e. w. ... .,...,.. ... MOh •t. I 9....-U b.-t paCll Wt ....................... ~ maoa taw. aio. 8nmal cM.tn. ~ ....... etG. oal1 LI .. nao. Nolt Tlae II(&' tub model wtUa acttat.or. 1to1 ~ 11 8att.ler ...,.. o"tftow rtut, .~. NeW n. aJoe CJ' all • ......_ o.- JNt pd. a to auu1. No di\. Umer, plllGa lD -WO.. aa:m. PJ11Ull. bMded ju.rt .-1 th«. ................... plll lllMJer. . p)'mt.. of ..... per m•U.. Pd. cllL to UM.II wtau. .co..4. a.. &aupll'• AU W~ M• ... PJIUL if J9'l .-, U. C A R p E N T E R MIDDLll AGJCD W01UD wtu. lllD. no ao. M&tn BL• blU. sot •u. st. p,.-.. ot ... ., ,., .. taa. lllcom• to prepue mull tor el· Sult.a Ana. -Open dall7 M PJl6t& OS ""10 ,_ _tla. Repair Work derty couple ta achaqe for rm. lun. u-a or Phone Kl l •TJ01 ... ~·· AM W~ Ooee Tour Home Need Re~ and board tor tew moadla, Bay __ _.......,. llO lo. Mala A I WM a ot •Ua SL or ftemodeHqf Front home. lluat not--. or AVTOMATIC rebUJJl .-.-... ta .AM. -Opie~ t-t Call 5'ranll, LlllertJ a.48M drtak. H.arllor ·~ llp3' A.BO+maUc, perfect. nJ,IO. 8UL u.a •..._.IQ i.1101 All Worlr Ooaraateed Tttto ------------=-• -Apex lluplll, ITt.GO. Rotpolllt ------------WOMAN, ...... ta prwpuaUon ot Wre MW, ate.IS. ltol 0 • aatmll&til ...... n. PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good k>c.i reterenou THOMAS COLL ror tree eat.J.mat.e, call KI T-15'1. 21pMh PAINTING PalntiDc Ii Paper Banging "The ae.t Money Can BQy" Svmoson & Nollar ob ubi st., Newport Be&cJ1 PBONJD ILUlBOR 2tCK PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR UCENSICD -INSURED Glenn Johnston Ue ~1 -3lat St. Newport Beach Harbor 3171 22Uc 14-Penoam Alcobolica A.Donymoua Wnt. P. O. Boa all Newport Beacb. Calif. Pbone Harbor U~ !.!::Bea!ty_~·~~----- Superfluous Hair Penn&De»U)' removed from ta.c• anm, IA!p. JCyebrowa anct baJr line abaped-.No more tweatns. l:LLEN L. BRY A.NT R.. E. Udo'a SIJOll ot Beauty Bar. 2il7t Uo ft-Lost ud Fomad FOUND, March 29th, Uttle black male puppy, 2 front paW3 are whll.e. Jn Newport Htlghta. Ph. U 8-0170. 34c3$ LOST-ROLLEIFLEX camera, Vl- clnJty ot Newport Beach or Co- rona del Har. 16(). reward. Call A nanuc 1.-u. a.pa. Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN It WOM.£N prepare tn apan time ror unUmlted opportunlt.lee In Real Eltate. New claue• w~kJy. Al Tyler 1.Dat.ructlnJ. At- tend ttrat nulinC tree and le.m about tb1a anat fltid. Call or write now f or &ntormalJon.. Bual· ll... IMUtuu. 0 6,,. N. 8yC*· more. Kl 1·17111. 7Ufe China Painting Da.r and 1:nntna 0... food tor oate f\111 or part,Ume. AutomatJc Wuber llntwprt911 tu...., !DW n.tr mod9l Wlth Aleo COUllter ..... L Bar. oallJIK. ... Newport Blvd.. OOOta ..... 1MS 11 a. .... -cttator, waw Melt Mo ..... lllmP'MW dial. Ita MW Ml pd. 4IL to PJl..81 b'Qlll ..... wtiu. ...-. No da. ,_.,. WANTJCD-LADY to NJ witJa t llA.TTAO ....-Mr, NO. IU PltUe children trom a:ao to o:ao dally M., OUtt B&no. NeM Call after • p.m.. ~ :::. March Clearance on ruu. TIJOD GIRL • .. part Ume rtrl. Fountain uperi· eflce. Kl 2-UH. 14cl4 lllRvmL ~ .. 1 cu. ft.; extra b1oe -··-·····-··-··---···•Tl.00 mill' SPIN drier, f1IU perlect: clean ···-··-·-.. · .. --...... -......... sat.50 O'Klll:l'll • KEIUUT1' ranc• 31" WANT woman tM cenen1 baue-top. coftr, srtddle _ ......... f4t.50 worlt la ~ wiUl all modenl O'DEn A: KERJUTl' ranee It''; appltanoee, dail7 JIOOll to T p.m. clan -·-· .... -.. -...... _ ............ tat.GO Own. tranaportatlqn;no chUdl'9. BllNDIX llCONOMAT WASHER, Hart>or 1!16-W evea, or Harbor almost new ....... -............... Tt.00 6T daya. Hc36 BENDIX AUTO. WASBD. Jat.e model deluxe ....... _ .......... -17'.IO GIRLS- JUST 'A JOB! MORE THAN THAT-An oppor-- tun..lty to work lll u lntuuUng Industry which ta expandlnc and oftera advancement opportunity lo qualified young women. OP&NlNCS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -APPJ..T- (51( ~ N. Main St. Rm. 211 -Banta Ana Mon. thrOU .. b Fri. 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22ltc F1NJ: SEAKSTRllSS W .urrm>. CALL AJTE.R 6, Harbor MT. SJcJ6 WANTllD .-ri Um• eteoosraphlc help. Call Harbor 3378. Sac36 SO-llDKeB n om for 8-le MA TT.AG WRINOICR W A8RSR. clean ..................... .. ...... -..... 139.50 V ACUUK CLEANllRS, 1everal. .......... _ •. _ ................. ST.60 • '49.GO Everythtnr Guaranteed TERMS J'l'ee Delinry and Inat.allaUon STROOT'S Bdwe. Houaewaru 1802 Newport Blvd. Liberty 1-St2t Coat& Meaa Qc:SO 19M PHILCO reCrlprator. Nice Cl"OM top trffaer chetit lllodel wttll apace fOT llotUea, butt.er, vec. • meat. Pd. dn. to •12a.1T. No dn. pymnt. juat pay the pymta. ot ST.st par mont.b. 8ae Baqbn'a A.AB Warebouae 220 So. llaln St. 8 bllu. 8 of tUI SL Santa Ana. -Open datly 9-t Sun. 11-6 or Phone Kl S-7201 Washing Machine 81:RVICll 1-year suarantee on Jobe done and on UHd wuber1. 24U'i& (rearl Newport Bl .. <Jolt.a M...._ Llberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-m7. &itfc m•t -ptq tllle PJIDta. ot •11.U,... moatb. ... ......, AM Wanlllowle no lo. Mala It. • WM • °' 'ua IL ... ta AllL -0.-~ ... Bua. 11-6 w Pbo9e KI l-'101 UAtrnFOL AJft'IQtJm lla&Uab wa!eat bed II ~ wtUI ~ b1e top, QOO, UDUW&l Welch dn1911', ... ~ b?Ne Jamp wit.al c:uat.om made lbade. MO. m&rb' ~ l'\IS. bl.I, ftO. a m•tchlns mnau.r rup, ia. ea. Twtn boil 1111rtap It matt. S25. •L J utfllue encl table9, fll. ea. ' antique plat-. '3. -. OU.er ml8C. lt.ema iu~·• Yacht .&acborsre Call Bar. '1M or llar. let S4c36 J'OR RENT -Cloek tor boet. Rut»or nos-a tettc TRADE BeautJtul To-.tt. au. achooner. rully towid, So aieywhere. WIU lake equity in property or •mai- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. H&r. 3032. 24c38H CHRYSLER Marine enrtne, •"!. to l redUC'UoA par. JU;P'JUCERATOR. no volt D. c. SEE JACK HARPER al Lido Shipyard, and of 31al Str..-t. Newport Buch. 29t(c FLOAT RENTAL for any a11e boat -3708 Cllannel Place, BABY TENDA, metal 6 plutlc. ltt exten•lon, like new, SU. Bicycle, 2 wbed,, couter brake. H ", food a!lape, SU. roLDINO plJI,)' peA • ear ... t. p , WASBINO MACHINE. automatic. Newport bland. Harbor 1217-J. UllertJ •5680. BOYD'S HOWE Close Out Lighting Fixtures 50% 6: more OFF Complete atock including eoUd bras.a outajde fixturea 2630 W. Cout Bwy .. Newport Bcb. llk:W GIRL'S SCHWINN blcyclct. Honi, Ji.eadll,tll It Urea all in (OOd eondJUon. JJG. 112 E. Ocean Ftoat, Balboe., Harbor 31193~\V. 34c3e Ulled twice 1lnce complete over-30ttc haul $60; Can be t.n.pectld tram ------------ April 2 to l Otb al 318 Coral. SNIPE, No. u sa, ta Sood condl- B&Jboa bland. !3c36 Uoa, ••~. Pbone LI l_.736. 29c3• OOLD8POT nitrlg. Clean • Sood eond., NO. Ml'iii So. Lemon. A.Jl&belm. 12a4 6 ft. NA.SH KeMnator retrts .• h'Mser compartment • tull al&e crtaper, Perfect cond. Har. 12S9R 32c3' 19M O'Keefe It Memtt ranee. The bl( CP aJI automauc. (rlddJe In middle. lift top, almmer burner•, It that nice grill broiler. Pd. dn. to 1121.24. No. dn. pymnt. If you pay t.he p)'mta. ot $7.78 ~r month. See BIUl'hn'• AAS Watthouae 220 So. Milin SL I blk .. 8 of tth St. Banta A.n&. -Open dally 9 -9 Sun. 11-& or Phone Kl 3-7201 PADDLEBOARD, approx. U rt. lont. Prac:Ucally n-. Aaklng ~. Tll Orangr Ave .. Hunting· ton Bch. Pt!. LE11ngton t-He~. 32l'34 32 rr. SPORTrlBHING BOAT. 3 yni. old. Radlo. Iron mike. All electric: 430 Aliso Ave., Newpor t Helfbta. LI l-t912. 32c3' STEIN\VA Y OR.AND. ln wonder- tul condlUon. See and hear lhl• lmmort&J Jnavument. AU orfll{1n· al condition and mater1a.I. Thi• ta ~ rebuilt pl11110, Al.ao Knabe. Muon It llamlln, 1.-ter a.n<l many olhtt8 at ll'ffl •Y1ns11 . Really! JOO p l&J1oe from Which to cllooee. Ordtl"I Tum "'"' Phone Llberty a.MU 9'tfc ~-----------ll>M PHI.LCO refrigerator. TM DANZ-8CJDODT Bir Piano It.ore. blJ 10~ cu. fl. one. Bl1 cro• 6IO No. 11a1n, ea.nt.a AD& PIANO TEACHER PRJSClLLA MATTllEWS F ormerly of Chicago and Lo« Angeles. LI 8·3966. 26e39 VACATION PROBLEMS? WJU. CAAl'J FOR achool age chllc:ln!\ ln your home. W~4!lldll or 11evenl Wfflu, Middle agei1 exp. woman. Local rd. and car. LJbc>rty 1-7073. 33p3e Three beby altt.era avaJlable for ev"1lfn gw Phone LJbu'ty a-21n. 35"348 Bookkeeping COMPLrn: 81lRVICE for email bualneu ln('luf!lng statement "' tax fonn1 Competf'nt. nuon- able, tonfldcnllal. HM. M~l\-W. 23c36h 30 YRS. EXPERIENCE ln main· t .. ""'ance la operation of commer- cl•I apart O.hlnr 00.ta or Jacbta Know loca.l wat~ra aJ80. S. F'. to RATTAN dannport (Cl ble. bed) dlalr to match • end table. Mapl.e um chair 6 end lablt. Blonde deak. 1 dr, With bc-.ncb. 2 Mexican t.h&irw; Oddt It end• ot boUHbokt llema tn('l allver, dlabu, bedllpreada, drapes, etc. Ha.rbor 2121. 32c:Jt SLlOBTLT UMd ACJO: ftfet.able • truJt Juicer, coet l&O, NU J30, LESS NO'M' l:LECTRIC CO., 2821 Newport Blvd. Kar. 268. Stp Fresh Hearing Aid BATn:JUJC.s We 01 .. 86.H Ol'Mll 8tamp11 Gunderson Dru2'. Co. Mal.II SL at BaJbo& Jai.d:: BalDoa Barbor 611. MUc FIREWOOD l'RES DELIVERY Dry wood, 16" -2t" lenJUI. C&l1 B. R. STAOG Phone Harbor 101' Ennm1• Harbor ~9\ ltU Panauna. Phone San Pedro KATEY DOANE TEnntaal 2-~l~. 3lpM ------------New •nearly new a pparel for Roy's Maintenance Rouae cleantn1-Ftoor wUlnt Wall wulllllC'--wlndow c:leenlnr Venetian bllndL Upholatery lneured. Free EBttmatea • Ubert)' 6-1332. lUc Experienc' d gardener LANOSCAJ>ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30tlc women Ir ~hlldren. Kindell'• Patio. 2721 Cout Blvd., Corona d <'l Illar. 28c42 WOOD BORING. dr11la, oountar- allllu. mult.l•pur bila, a.ucer-at cloee-OUt pr1cee. BMt>or Paint Center, 412 -32nd St., Newport Beadl.. Har. 2338. 34c39B R&FRJG. (FrtsldaJre). • cu. teet. $1>0.-Camera (Clro Flu). SO. mm, F 3.6. WollenMk Jen.. 140. OooleT EnponUve. uUllty, S!IO. 820 Marsucrtt.. Corona del Mar. aJUo -.....ee1r Wanted ------------8NAR& DRUM IUld male Oermall top treeaer chut, dairy b&J' ------------ ahelvee ln door, all •tffl abalwa, S 8 Id . Pi "Jet.able crlapera. Ueed 1 wit. ee a Wfn tanO Pd. dD. to snt.02 from ortcUial o_ Or Dis la 1320.00. No CUh needed tt JOU m ~PD p y pay tbe pymt.e. of su.11 per mo. WOODWO"RTH PIANO 00. See Baupn'a AU WarebOUM JIU Oout 8IYd.. 0.-. dll Mat no lo. lla1n SL. blU.. of ft.ll SL (Tbade lilt.nor 1A4«.) ll&nt.a AJI&. -Open daJl7 9-t Bar. Ila .. u. lua. 11.a or Phone Kl 1-1201 MODERN Ra:D nu:DI: COUCH ma.kH bed. matchllls club cbat.r. Good coodiUon, '45. Ill Vlctona. eo.ta Meaa. Ph. LI t-411f(). l3cl5 LOVE 8&.AT NII. dJAett. table Ir ' chain m. i.. uptioia\end cha.Ir MO. solid maJioc. Duncu Ptlyte table with le&ftl I~. LI MM4. l2cM GO UlllD PlANOtl WIUll.t badly tcw our l'llltal dept. Bl~ caah aDowuce Ill tn.de on -. piano or orp.n. DANZ-aemm>1' PW1o 111 Orpa Oo.. 5JO No. Ma1n. laat.a AM SPECIAL March se:~ Buvs BIG L\VJN08 1Da'6ll, Oulbraum. Ll9t« Ud 9'Wtlt.&· 19114 ADMIRAL refr1C'erator. TM er aplnet ptanoa. Ubenl trade, ~ 12 fL double door dual temp. Conwnlet t.enu at-- modttl, no oerroeUnc. t<1 lb. SBA.rl:R'I MU&c Oo. (llDoe HOT) ~r cheat, ahelvu la dOOr. tZl-421 H. 8YC&IDOft, 8uta Ana two •e~table crlapera • all col-Phone Klmbetly l-Oe72. <ir Interior. tf-4 ! mot. Pd. dn . .::-::-::::-::~:---:-------­ to U 88.fo7 from $529, l'\o down HAMMOND chord ors-n, mabo&'· pymnt. Jutt pay the pymta. or Like new. Buyer ru7 ._.,. by Jlr>.19 ~r month. "8Urnln.. payment&. Ll a.Tll76. Ike Baurhn'• AAS Wa.nhou.ee lfcM HO So. M&ln SL I bike. 8 of ttll SL 8ant& Ana. -Open da\ly 9-9 CONNSONATA ic.otno <>rsan. lun. U-6 or Phone KJ 3·7201 lllpUy ueed. 8&" 1400 °" Ull1 WllDQICWOOD 1t.oTe, • IM&rner, Jrtll. hlfh broiler, nearly new, 1126. Davenport. blue mctallc, 17&. Modtm black plaatlc: end tab*' 124 ea.ch. Larp tonnlca cot1M table, 116. Slnp t>.d and cbut, 136. Baby'a hip cba1r, $9. h Uo tumtture It umbftlla, 125. fO Balboa Covea. 3fc36 MOVING -Maha«. dlnlnf Mt. 8 cha1111, li5. Preaaure cooker, 110 Sennl 11\iae, ll.w\a. 2UI ~ mar, Bilbo&. B&r. '618-J. UJ)31 APT. 81D H14•~-bed, 8lmmona, cfb. bed wtdt.n, ••~ '°' onyx. B&lJ»o& ll1uid. lfcH beautiful orpn. DAN?rllCHXIDT ate P1aoe ltore. ~20 No. Main, 8ant& A.Da GUJTA.R, blonde, Yep model lM •1•. lncludee cue. llutlo; 1771-W. lfc.31 STUDIO PIA.NO. A bard lo I'd plU\o. Perlecl condiUoo.. f395. terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bis Plano • Orp.n Co., 620 No. Mata, l&nla Ana WANTED mu tor p&rt ume e'f'ftl· 8hepberd, 1 yr. ok'. pedtsr-4-NSW davenport. •· Walnut tW1n tnr work In h.l'b clUa liquor WILL uu. OR Tl\AJ)JC J'OR ! ~. W\lb MW 88utPMt rn&t- KAXMONt> O]'QANL Oc-.p~te line .. Y terma. Your old ptann l.&Jtftl ln Uchanl•· 1'l7 lldnre you buy. FTte roc>mm .._. fnr pracUc .. DANZ-8CHXID1' Bis rs.ao l tore. 620 No. Milin. Saitta AM •to~. MWlt ban ~nee and ~ e-.aas. Up38 u... • irpnnp, $100, 6-pc. fl.rt· rood ~lion.. Wr1t.e Boa P-62 pt.oe •t. f12. Uphol. den chair, thta .-per. l2c34 Retrts-~ • ..it defrolt. .... ; ft.a .• lt • nae. SJ2 W!lb pad. Weet.n·BoD1 T.T. rusa. Stt.; ftartloy M>Jt-J. Mela '3.00 PER MO. r.rlt.I pod fi'aetlce plano. T•rm ret .,,U• II you buy. All llt.ocll ta ~ nzi....... .luctc-t reMhd Ule ~ daJ equlpm.at ud pod wU1 ot a cc--ot a.purmbu, ltM, tor the awn ta1n f'lltalll'Ull llalbl-. lllJlowa Of <>De ~ four b1111dr"4 aa amn-a cus. uct locat.t at rourt.a ucl 14;100 DoUara. .,._ 1-. Hewpon Boulnvd, I.II .. llSdel C09ta and lllure.t: .. DOW Cat CUJ II Coca M .... Count.)' of U.. date Of UU. wr1t) a.caaaDy due ~ State of Ca.u.tonua and on •Id Judsment. Paintinc Ir Paper~ We do the work otlnJelvea. ao ,...,.. -,.rt.ace Llcenaed • lnl!Ul'ld. eaumcuon l\larut~ l:ttl.mata fre.. Catt Jotm• ~ _,. U..-eom\Alllt EXPERJICNCP.:D fl~ moldd Tabll9. cbalra, •to. BIJldy·m&ll Oood practJce pi.no. ... UO, lt~ DANZ-8C'HllOD1' ate ~ ltore. 90Ho. XU.. ... ta£M Ll 8-2687 6 L1 ~-81Uc Ula& a --tJUlll• Del aulp• l bava. OD Ule ·~ ClaJ ot f'ebnl· wtlb pi.Ml truck. nM2Dd Bt... -Cal.I Harbor 1811 to ~ J'OUI UcM N~ llMCb. l2p36 U oa thi.I pap. prlCUoll 4-ad ~ UI Ula. PEJU{AGL.U lNC. ,.,,.. W1U ,......_ "'91118 b,... l'boll. Klmberly 7-~ ,- ·--·-=-. --' I I • I I -- v'v'Check These Used Cars Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he eelJa TODAY! SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 19M CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Cpe. 2- tone gray, power steering, radio, beater, power bra.keAi, WsW t iree .............. --·;··· .. $2695 1953 BUICK Super Rivera, r adio, heater, po~'- er eteerlng, power brakes. Looks & runs like new .................................................. _ .. $1995 1953 DeSOTO V-8 Club Cpe. 2-tone green, 16-Autoe and Truclla CHE~. '61 &tatre coupe. 3~.000 mileage. Pnv. party, Bale on ac('ount of alckneu . Har. l:'l72W. , __ 32p3• 1917 CRANE SIMPLEX black 11port.!I car, excellent mechanical condition. Only 23.000 roJlu. $1 i :'>O. Ll 8-6345. 34c38 NOTHl:\G for my equity, 19" Hudson St!dan, like new. Hydra- mallc, tinted gla.118, Ratl:I, WaW Take over payment..a. Harbor 1671-W. 3lc33 1952 MG TD roadJJter. Excellent 4.8-Apts._&~R_o~w-• ____ 43_-_A_pta..___&_R_o_U9N ___ _ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu, Utllitlee paid. with Yacht slip accomodations. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 48-Ap~.:~!!~~ 148A-Apta. f~~n_t __ _ BALBOA ISLAND -2 bdrma. OCEAN FRONT month lo month. unfurn. Fireplace, encl011ed patio. Ava'll11ble 2 bdrm. $61S. Ull July. 8 months to year ll't.11e, U 25 mo. Utll. pd. Encloaed patio. See al FRANK JAMES, Harbor 20t2. 730f w. Ocean Front, Newport. 34c39H 34Uc: --~--~-------power steering, WsW, a loaded car ....... $1695 lhroughout, $1195. RENT AL v Hausken Motors, Inc. SPECIALISTS MODERN 1 bdrm. t.pl., tum. or unfum. Carport and private patio. See mgr. In ApL C, 262,0 Avon S L, Newport Beach. Har. 4670.J . S4lfc 1963 FORD "-dr. aedan. 2-tQJle green. Over-, drive, Rfdio, heater, tubeless tires, dual pipes, only 18,000 miles ...................... _ .. $1495 See Our Many Low Priced Cars available at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank terms on the balance if credit approved. LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 \ 40-Aotoe al!'!_ T~~ __ I ~Autos and Truclr.a 1tli2 BUICK Super Rivera ·Htr. lled&n. RlrH, Dyn&flow. 2·lone pal.llt, Unted &')II.Sii, WIW Uru. ................... - ................ _ ..... 11040 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Coa11t Hwy. 18~ Harbor Newport Beach Costa Mesa Liberty 8-22fll Liberty 8·:'\633 19:'11 CHEVROLET Styleline 1!1x. Easter Specials l 932 ttart>or Blvd.. Coata Meaa Phone Liberty 8-50:11, 1950 PONTIAC Chieftain deluxe Club Cpe. RAH, Hydramw.t1c, \\'aW tires .............................. $7•11 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Coasl Hwy. !'\ewport Be11ch Liberty 8·2261 180:1 Harbor Costa Mesa Liberty 8-M33 1916 PO!'\TIAC, 8 ryl. 11edtu1ette. Full price $9!'>. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 HarbOr Blvd., Coat. Mesa Phone Llberty 8-~:11 29c31 NEW 1955 RE~AULT eedan. De· livereJ equipped, $129!1 .• Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd .. Coat& Mesa Phone LIMrty 8-5061 2Dc31 IZ-Trallen 24' UNIVEP.SAL houae lraller. Newly rebullL Sleep• 4. 3~4 Flower. Coata Meaa. 32p3• Call Edn.a Crate Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand, Rar. 1671 7:1Uc NEWLY FURN. le decorated 1 bdrm. house. Private ye.rd, BBQ. ALSO tum. 1 bdnn. duplex. garb. dl1p. Each $75 mo.. lncl. utiL OOZ-504 Jasmine, Corona <lei Mar. Phone Har. 2164-J . 29c3t Choice Wint.er Rentala on Balboa hland It Udo lsle Small le COSJ or larc• It deluxe $7~ to $300 mont..b VOGEL CO. %08 Martne Ave., Balbua Laland Yearly apt. on Ocean front BEAUTIFVL VIEW. 2 bedrooma, furn. or un.turn., utU paid. Harbor •05l. 34Uc lST J UNE TO 30 SEPT. Lovely view apt., turn. Will rent to reliable people. $800 tor enUre period. Other summer renlab available at weekly rates. LOUISE APTS., Carnation Ave .. near Sea view, Coron& del Mar Harbor 4016. 33c38 Ph. Harbor U4 or Harbor 2161 COSTA .MESA, 3 rm. apt., furn. ReL Har. 1786·RK or Ll 1·0291 or untum .. lncludea utllltlea. C.11 efttc HYt.tt •-4357. 28Uc ~------------:I BEDROOM FURNISHED DU· Pl.EX. Corona de! Mar, •OUth of fflway. $100 month lncL utll. MRS. KAY, Har. 3779-J 6ttc A '!'TRACTIVE tumlahed modern 1tudlo apt.a. Utllltlu pald. SUMMER or YEARLY ratca. 3U4 Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar H&r. 0863-R or LI 8-7177. 27c40 5S--8torH ~ OffllW --------a ornc1: 91>&ce.e tor i.u.. Ap· proa.. 17'x3!). U l'h. Jn Udo Shop· ping &TflL WO Vtll Malap. Hu. 3327. l!)tlc OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT '170 W. 17lh., Coata Mesa. 32c::S• AVAILABLE -About IOOO eq. tt. light lndu1try apace on lat It 2nd. floor. U. S . .Highway 101 and Bay FronL11ce. Will luse all or -11y part le rt'model lo autt teoont. Vogel Co., 34HI Via LJdo. Harbor 4971. 26tfc 5SB-lndutrlaJ Rentala NewPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11-"AGE 5 MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1955 Capital wanted - TO EXP AND unique co.t reduction and de.lgn en- gineering llel'Vice. Low operational expenae. High return. Permanent excJtinr bualneaa. $.0,000 re- quired. Can be budgeted approx. $10,000 quarterly. Will conaider working arranpment lf qualified. Contact Box 051, thhl paper. 32c34 ----o· -a o .. --.rt-Re.a l!Atate 60 FT. FR l\'TA E NW. 11th. 61_-_ReaJ_ -~~_te_Ez_cbu __ p_ ----------- Long .lease. 770 W. 17th., Cos ta --NICE LOTS Mua. 32c34 TWO bedroom, 15 yr. old tum. LEASE -Large 2 story h<JU:te a nd basem1'nt on Harbor Blvd. zoned tor bu11lness 1ind lite mfg. (Coat a Mesa I 60 x 375 deep, •driveway. frontage on two Sta. All or par l. Call owner, LJberty 8·35i2. 33p36 ~oner tC?-~---­ NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES REFINANCE CO~STRUCTlON Call 1or Free Fast Commitments on Ruldences and Units only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA U 8·5M 1 L1 8-6562 LUAN:f ru ~Ull.LJ. l.AU'hUV Ji; Btn, MUDER.l'JlZE, OR RE1'~ANCE W1 Buy Truat Deeda Ni:WPUR1' BAL.DOA SA VtNGi A WAN ASS<X.:lATIUN 3381 Y1a Udo Pb.. Har. 6200 house Monrovia. Trade equltJ of $2000 for lot or amall Im· proved In Coet.a Kua Of' vtclnity. Write Mra. F. A. Howard. 228 W. Olive, J.lonrovla or Phone Elllott 8·331L 3•pt7 .. ILL TRADE UP? For Newport EA.ST 8101:, COST A JiU:S.A.. Cloae In. Oeod llOil, water. ~wer. n .1eo ca.ah. CHAD TWICHELL. Harbor 397!1. (:mve..) Har. 1317-J). 32c37h CLIFF HAVEN Area. 3 br. home 1n San Cle· 81:.AUTIF'UL cuatom buUt ranch menll'. 1 ~yn. old. Hl14re double home, overlooking Harbor,• bf.<!· gar. Patio, brick Ba.r-b-q. Com· nn1., 3 bat.ha, den, 2 fireplace.a. plelely tenced. W to W C&l'))et.9. ALSO 2 bdrm. apt., with prtnte drapc11, acrt'en11. Best value OD pat.lo. $•9.~. Call owner, So. Coa.sl. (Near salt course). U 8·3221. 211cUb HYnclnth 2·1736. 34c36'--·------------ BALBOA ISLAND, 115 No. Bay Front. Yr. old modern. $65,000; take. Pasadena or Palm Springs for part. NORM WIUTE, 650 N. Hill. PaaadenL SY 2-1148. 27c40 ---·-----HAVE 6 rm. borne • l\)eal apt.. South ot hwy., COM. WANT lot or 1mall houae. BeU· !lowfr e>r Lakewood VIU&Je. G. H. LATHROP, MS5 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar. Har. 114•2. c Evra. Har. 3511-J). 32c34 EXCHANGE 3 bdrm., 11' batba. F. A. h•t. ~ .... I\ ........ A_ ..... rft •a ft\, - Need Larger Home KUST SELL nearly new I bdrm. house, large corner loL .~d. f1oora thruout, ftttplace. ~Ug. la e11cloeed 3 aldea. DR.IVE BY 2221 Santa .A..na Ave., coeta Me-. Pb.. owner LI 8--7134, 13~}{ BACK BAY Comer or Meaa Ortve It Cyprem. . 8 Y1'1· old. beautiful vtew. 88.3 JC UO' lot. 3 t>clrma., lge. U a 20 kitchen, w..U to wall carpet. Solid Pwnl bloc coutnicUon, walled patJo. Lot.a or room tor Income add1tloo With bay 'f't-. Private party. $15,900. Ph. LI 2·dr. R & H, Powergllde. $74:1. 1 ·49 Mercury 2-dr. OD. Miller Chevrolet , $ 529 $ 359 $ 459 $ 289 U-A.oto &rv~ LOVELY large 2 bdrm. W1.tUm. apt., garage. CaJ'tJllfW dtapoaal. Laundry rm., nice lawn. Yearly rental. Cliff Haven . LI 8-2426. REASONABL~ prtced, clean 1 '--------------eep. 3 rm. apt. on :2'Ai acru fenced a: cro11a fenced. Exch. tor .... ----.. _. . ._ 1000 W. Cou::.t Hwy. 1855 Hai bOr 47 Ford Conv. Newport D 1•111 h f'nl!ta .Melli\ Llberty 8-:?:!li l Lll.l•·r lY 8-r,0:1:.i '48 Pontiac. Loaded 1953 CHEVROLF:T 2IO 4-<lr. llt!dan 2·tonc p1tlnt, R&ll, W sW t1rrs. '47 Olds. 4-dr. '52 Dodge Coronet Sed. $1029 ................ ·-.. . ......... $13 .. 6 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W . Coaat Hwy. Newpor t Be3r h Liberty s-22e1 l~ Harbor '52 Mercury Cpe. C:nsta .Ml'sa Llt>Prty 8·5e33 $1379 195l CHEVROLET stylehne 2-dr. Your Dollars (Not ae<1Mi.n':rH ·Chevrole't~ .. :; Rabbits) Multiply at 1000 W. COfllfl Hwy. Newport BcRrh Llbr•rty 8·22u. 1~5 Harbor Co11ta .Me11a Llbl'rtY 8-M~33 34-Musl~ RadJo, a TV TERRY'S BUICK Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl.s. 8 Cyla. ____ $48.88 ____ $58.88 111c1udca both )Abor and paru. New ring•, ~rat pw, valve (Tino, Clttlllp ot ma!J> and rod bearln1;s. Expert molar tune up 90..day or •.ooo mile &'U&l'8Jllec. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUU..T ENGINES ' -UP to 16 MONTHS TO P.A.Y- BuUt tn our own factory l>f akllied machlniata. Don't cont.end with th11 middle man. Buy direct. REBUILT aod INSTALLED SllORT BLOCK ... S2c3• Choice BAYSHORF.S summer rentaJa CLAIRE VAN HORN, Rltr . 2731 W. Coe.at Hwy., Newport Bch. LlbeTty 8-tZ77. UcM ON BALBOA lSLA.ND a..-U1I for ~ Uld --.i reAt&la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor :SOI Manne A ft. Barbor 602 S.UJK>A l8LA.ND Tete CLlJl'JI' HA. VEN 2 bdnn. duplat, patio, pr. d.rap- H It carpeta -910 Clay St. 32C:W SPECIAL March. Organ Buys 2612 ~ewport Blvd., NpL S..ach • l'ORD --------.. ·l.n.60 ~ yearl,1, ~le. New t>!'\E n~LY full 2 manual conn· IUIOU\I\ I l,•1 trt1nlC 0 1 g'fln, ll\<1• n• w Save 1400. 07'1·: ONLY b<•auU!uJ ?tll n11hall hJ•lnc·t 1111:1111, hke new. Suvr ~ 1(1() U ll: I': ONL \' 8tnglc manual Min· h11lt u11;.i.n. llke nrw. Savo• $200. I •11 \'t mrol lcrm.t &l- l/:l I\ f'F.f\"S . • t>IC Co. (Sine<' l!)Q71 1.!l·l:!:l :-:. ::;y1a1111>1I', Santa Ana / l'hu:11• 1-\lmb<•rly 2·0672 0 . M. A, c. Term• Harbor :>021 CHEVROLET '149.00 untum. front duplo... l bdrm., 32 3• P l.YK. la DO.DOE $1~ Uv. rm.. ldtc.h.. bath. and l'V· ____________ c_ CMRYS .• DE SOTO ___ ,nu ue-••UI.. N-i>ort Bea.cb. K91- B'i OWNER, 19:11 CADILLAC STUDEBAKEP $1711 •tone IS--4870. l4c3e C'OUpt' de. VllJt , $2.2~. Call Har-OLDS • PONTLAC • 117U bor 3024 -W Sundn)'. 32c34 BUICK-· •175 HUDSON 1170 10:i1 CHEVROLET deluxe 2 lloor Loan Car Free Towtnc 11cdun Htr .. radio, t'le, Ext'ellenl NEW CAR OARA.NTll:Jll cond1t1on. Pbone Llbert,y 8-3H04. Bloc.k mumt meet our atandarda ___________ 3_2c:_3_4 Plua t.uaa, ~•et.a &11d oU l9~ CHEVROLET 1, ton plc kllf., lt.S:H. u ct'llenl tlrt·s . .. -$59~ Mil ler Clievrolet 1000 W. Coa"t Hwy. :\1>wport Beacll Ll~rty 8·:?261 J 8~ Harbor Co.ta J.le11& Llb<'rly 8·5633 Open 8unda1 10 LID. to 2 p.m.. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 1 Sta~ Bonded RENTALS KEADQU ARTERS for 1ummn rrntals 1n the Ha.rbor area. LOTS-HOMES-l NCOMIC LOCATOR of Calllomia 607 l:. Balboa Blvd., Har. 4478 6: 2 bedrm. turn. a pta. UU1. pd. Laundry room. Playground for children. Blue Top Apll. 403 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. A.bove the Arches. lOtfc IN BALBOA., nearly new tum. up· per duplex. Clo11e to Bay and trana. $80. unUI June 1:1 or yrly. lea.ae at $75. mo. cau Harbor llU7-W after 11 a..m. 32c34 $60. redeeo,.ted unf'Uns. 1 bdrm. duplex, lncJU41n1 retrls. Water pd. 222 Collla Mta Sl., C. M. Llberty 1·1:13•. 32c34 BACHJCLOR A.PT., rurn., nr. Lido Dru&'. one perllOn. Puelray heat. elect. retrt&'. No cooking. Quiet u~a. .lllq. SOt·Hlh, Npt. Bch 32c3• FURN. downataJr1 apt. 2 bedrma. .A.dulta or 1 child. 12.MOUl SL, Newport S..ach.. See a.fter Ft1. 32p3• HARBOR API'S. M.odern furnished apta. day, week or month Ne&r bu.a, 1torea a: bay. Reuonable ratea. 104 E. Bey Ave .• BALBOA Harbor IS3U . l 7ttc IN CORONA DEL M.A.R-2 bdrm. un!um. apt. ReaJJOnable rent. Call FU.zmom1 Re&lty Co .. Har. 2162. -29c42h 48.B-Hou.e for Keat LOANS PROMPT SERVICE ~'70 flrat truat deed• 20 year• Orange Coast P..i:operties 1~7 Newport Ave .. Costa Me• LI 8-1632, U 0 '•00 Evea. 95Uc LOANS f~r Ho"}es 6'1. -20 yr. toilir Construction Loans 8E1: BUB BA TTl.ER 251~ EAST COAST BLVD. Corona dt1l Mar Harbor :>888 ttep. POlRJER MORTGAOE <.;O Metro Ute Ina. Funda KL 3·518:. 48Uc SPORTING 00009 atore and · 3 bdrm, home tn Harbor area. By owner, Ph. OX 7·1327. 2•c37h Class Will Tell OCEAN VIEW. 3 bdrm. • den, juet brine furnlahed, $27.~. LIDO ISLE. S bdrm.. I baUu. Nice patio. Oullt&nd~. $31.~. BA YFROl\'T. • bdrm.. pier &nd float.. 145.000. Charm It linbU· tty! F or these an4 other A·l propt'rUea- BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150:1 W. Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Sch. Hart>ot !ital 14de ~t • Motor .Agency located tn Your own pathway to ~ nN.r rt•ar• la 1&11 ... Oood "Little Corona" 8-ch opportunity ror outboal'd motor- man. \\'111 Mll ror tnnntory HILLSIDE VIEW SITE. 2 iars- price du' Lo ot.her buat.nesa Inter-btlnna., tremendou.t view, llrine esta. Write Box R-M, Ulla paper. room, Pt batha, hlll.td• peUo. 3 7 Aak lng price 126,000. ___________ ,_•P"l_ Cull Harbor 177!J, ·eves. Har. &Slit COFFEE SHOP, LACUNA BCH. Earl W, Stanley, Realtor H atoola. F or nlo reasonable. 225 Marine Ave., Bal~ lll&nd Qood loral bu11lncAt1. Ph. ownrr, 33<:30 HYatt •·290~ 29c34 55-Mo~Y-~-~~~~- woULD Wc.e w bu)' lat and 2nd Tn&lt Deed.a. Call Har. 2328 •Sue UAW 1\\ 1;11 Anoaonlc SplnC"t r1ano Jun li ke new. You can 11&ve on 11 1:11111l1111I A rt )f()(.IPI Splno'l "11h· ~ ;, .• , ''""lhrr Spine! M11h , 11· I. .wly 111ne only 14117. Al· "' "• I• l!> or wondrrtul b11rgl\ln.8 Ill 1950 CHE\..ROL.ET StylrHne dlx '4··1r-ee<lnn. !'\ew '.l·tonr pc\lnL R A H, PowergllJe. t;xccllrnt mechanical conc.1JU1Ju -·· _ $61>~ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. LET US LOCATE FOR YOU _________ u_t_rc SUMMER RENTALS 56-~o.n_e_y_,~-~!ed __ _ or aea.on. • bdTma. COSTA MESA -Ocean vi-. I bllrm. home. W to W carpel, built-In book11helve11, drapu, •en· etusn blind.a and curtainl, garb. <IL~JIOl'lll and electric r&ll&'e In kitchen. Nicely land.caped and patio area. $11,000 $2000 down. ('a.II Ov.'l\tr, LI g.3572_ 33p36 Drive by 235 Magnolia Costa Mesa BANTA A.l'fA Balboa Island fl,\ "\Z·i' "HMLD'f B ig t>lano Stort, ·''" '" ~tu111. Santa A1111 11111 I 'u111<•• l•' choohe from. E••Y 1. r ,.,. 1 Jp•n every f'"rl<iay "ve. Miller Chevrolet l~ Harbor 47-Waated t.o Rent ~1111ta Me11a 100<· \.\', Co&.\tl H 'A'Y· :o\rw p<.irt Bl'nrh Llberty 8-2:.161 t U bt·rty 8-~3 BAY FRONT HOME _.ll.h beach Choice Ytiarly and 1ummer rent&IA. now svall•ble. oorus BR.A. Y. Rtaltor 218 M.arlne Ave., Balboa llland Harbor 20 t:lttc 2 bdrm., prlvat.a beach p&Uo. • bdrm., near Bay, July JS()(). 2 bdrm .. near Bay, $JOO. week ' bdrm., ncu Bay. July 1500. BaYl!horea 2 A S bdrmt., meuonal m ; \I "Tl 1-'U L KIM l:l.ALL bunir:•. • ' 11pru:ht phmo in pr rlttl con· 111! 1 .. n Term.1 S 10.8..'\ down a nil SI I 1..:r monlh a l - 5:HAF"t-:R'S M 1111lc Co. (Smee 19()7) 4 ~1·123 N, Syt'amore. Santa Ana l'h11n• K lmberly 2-06i:l 1953 DESOTO Club Cpe. F lredomr V·8. Pow1•r at•erlng, brakc11. R It. H. EZ eye gla.'1.'1. 22.000 a r tual m 1lr1. $1595. . $1~•05 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C.:OJ1't Hwy Xrwport Bearh Liberty 8·226 l J8~5 Harbor Custa Mt'lll Lllwrly 8·~633 H i\:O.\MO:-.:u t"HO RD nr~an 1.htmt'n· s11.1l•1r. with nPw guarantl''". 8 1)) ~11,,011 tl>t6 E."'GLISH S La.nd11rd 2 tlo<or P A:'\l':-SrH:.tlDT Big Pla no Storr. I 111·<1an. Ju1t re<"rntly ovnhsule\l. ~1:lll Xo. Main. 'iant& Ana l:i m1lea per gallon. $l45. t Hauske n Motors, Inc. l!f~ST 11n nll .. n or piano """lth f• nt•I lo "A ~ ••n ruturtt pur· 1032 Harbor Blvd., Coata Me .. 1 halll' 111 Phone W~rty 8-~1 20c.22 .RHAFEHS JllUSI(.' t:o. (Stnce 190';') •21-4 23 ~ Sycamon.-, Santa Ana l'hnne Kl ml>l'rly 2.{)672 ~Dogs. c.~..__Pe_te __ _ 1''A WN BOYER. AXC reg .. 8 mo. hid IS39 HamJlton. COBt1& Mc1111.. Ph, Ll 8-Jl i6. 34c38 1'1-~"l:'\ESE Male dog. 19 monLlu .. i.1 r r\lls;re1 d. Ideal for breed· 111.:-. wstch do~ or pt"l RPa..~n· ably prir C'tl. 108-18lh St .. New- ro• t BMc:.h. 34p36 111~>3 FOR.O C'u11tom V·8 2 d.-.or. Hu radio. hlr. Fordomauc I ownl'r. Near nrw ronol\\lon. Full prirr $I J!l". Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., C'oslt. Mu a Phonr Uberty 8·5-0!'J I 2(){'22 '52 FORD RANCH WAGON F OR DOMATIC". R&H, Like n<'w l'n \rale party. Kfmherly 3--0637 33c3~ The More the more You TELL, you SELL! ~u.._ w• ~ llllk...t .. \\1\y do nu .i. '°"' ' U-for a minimum .. ia-.1ril'd ad'.'"' We bfoUevft oae of tltf> ,.,.....,n. ~-... r""'• ca...ltled adl are c•'-'Arily ·~~•tu.I h ...._ C'!Mllle --,..,-e UM IMfYrrthon .. II""-.. plete lat~Uoa la llillA ad. "t.: .. a feW' adjHU\'H • • • ••Jle aaplJdt • • • .. 8&a&e p"4l9 --- .. Ot,.e locatl-Oa • • • "bc'ID&le t.odl Mid,_ a pftnH" "'" ~· ..W,._. I:~~--h.. Pmftll "TINJ More,_ TEU., UM more )'Oii Arti.!" 8o "'Ilea you "-"' <:oml>O"lll« your ad. "''"" all~ laf.,_,..,_ 10• can that "10 aUrart thf' ~r. OR 1f '" wurt liwlp ta w11tlaa J'OU .._ f" \I.I. HARBOR 16 18 •nd a-k for tbf' A.D-T/\KER.. rronta11e for monlb ot July, Au~. A to &pL 15. 3 bdrm. A maJl'l.I nn., If pomlble, but ot c:are W1ll lie gtven ow11er-a home. Can fur· n1sh !lnest of loc&J refn~nce11 E. F. Ducommln. 960 Avondale R.o~I. San Ma.rtno, or call Har. 6~·J. 32Uc Rentals Wanted Summer Rentals on Udo I.Ile and at.her fine Harbor homt1. FURNISHED LIDO HOP.IE rent.all. Balboa Bay Properties l~M W. Balboa Bl., Newpon Bcll. Phone Har. 6188 2 bdrm11. 2 bat.ht fM e monUw, NEW 3 BDRM. bo11s., unfum . 1711. at.artlng Apnl lat. 13~ mo. watl'r pd. Freedom TraC't. SeP ,,i __ 980 Arbor, Costa Mesa. Phu11" Wt oetd apta IUld bOu-ln a.LI eeoUoNI tor bot.h "1Dtu ud Unfurn. 2 bdrm. apt. CLlnton 7-0941 Collect.. 3 l r .u AVAl.l..ABLE NOW -Ideal L1tlO ule location . Slip a vallablr. De· )Wtt mobU• home. turn. Bho\\·er, toilet. Sleeps 4. WcekJy Cir mo. ra tes. P hone !:Xmont 8-:)361 or No rmandy •~272, 3t µ36 fUZ"• iu..e. 8'Jn:i. or UJJiurn. Top Balboa. Location U you h&v1 • Yacancy, Stove 6: rt.Inf . $100 mo on leue. {>holM t.od-r Nothlnr nlct'r on the Penin.uJa. The Vogel Co. . al 1201 w. eat. "'~% Newport er11. L1do Re ty Assoc . Pbone Ubuty 8-3481 3400 Via Udo Harbor UU 208 Ma.rtne, Balboa u Jand 31ttc Phone HarboT U4 2M7 E. Coast Hy., Corona dd Mar Phone H11rt>Or 1741 Lido Otfko, 306 Via U do Harbor 49i t 32Uc WANT TENANTS 1 WE ARE BEL-.;a SW AMl'ED with tnquirlu tor aummtt mos. and term leUH. Ual your prop- 1>rty "'1th u~ and ~et ~lta. Our repreaentatlvt w1ll call at your requuL A1k For Bobbe Tumtt Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts f- other choice properties Hubor hl•nd, Bay Shorea, Bea· con Bay, qualified cUenll only. Harbor Investment Co. JfltbOr 1600 (Evn . LI S.~386) 27llc 2 JllE'\V U:-O:fTS nea r Lido ahopplng di.strict. :u 1 • 33rd St., N<'wport Besch. Built-In electric 1tovea, UNF'UR.'JISKED 3 bednn. Coronll HlghlandAI family home. W W carpeting, dra pe.a, cozy Wied brlck tlreplal't, rat.eel hearth. birch paneled kitchen. Oee11n view, IKe. yard. Slovc. retrlg . &ulomat.lc wuht'r Included lC desired. See now 604 Seaward R-Oad. Corona dtl Mf'r, Ph. HYal t 4·5e91. 37tf(' BALBOA ISL.AND yearly baal.a, 2 bdrm. tum. hou11e, 1100 pt"r mo. Oood lOCAUon. Contact Juslyn Bruner at J ohn B. Prtndergu t office, 223 Jifan ne. Balboa l11land. .Harbor 1331. 32c34 I The Beaumont Co. ga rbage d~I•. aeparate Jaun-FOR LEASE 434-!2.nd St., Newport Buch Harbctr •299. 33c45 43-Apta. a Ro11W for Heat NEW DELUXE 2 bdnn. duplu. Unturn. hdwd. fire., nrrpl., trarb, dltp. Sun decka.. l.aumlry room11. O&rag-u., TV 11ntrn.na.a. Adults, no peu. 700A-i 00B Ac11cla. C<>- rona del M.a.r. Own!'r 702 Acacia. (tJp~r apl) Phone H.ar. l 736..J . 33tk 2 BDRM.. dupl.tlt. hdwd. floor11 I Prlntf fenceJ yard. Choice loo· Uon. Si 8. month. LI &-ll39 2 BDRM.. unf\1n1. dopleit. 81 • JU· dry rooma. Uppt'r unJt 115. yrly. TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvin' l.ower unit 2 bc•lrooms, flrrpl., Terr11ce unfum. view home1. forced air hc11t, 190. yrty. Adult.JI, 3 BDRMS .. 2 b11U11 and no prt.... 124 w. Terrace SL. 2 B,EDRltf.S., 2 ~t.h1. A..lt11dena. SY 7-5336. 29c3~ Call Harbor 1775 or H arbor 048. "8A-Apt.. for Rat Charming Barbor Haven· Apart:menta • Patioa fo."EW ' ROOM, atre.l Ind. Ntar 1eboola. ahopplng dlalr1cL Quiet. plca.n.11t, exclualve. Ga.rbage d1a· poHI. laundry. 1t.orage room1. gara~c. '82 :10 up. Occuplea en· Ure street. Good aupe"111on. J.lgT.. 1001 HAvtn Placa 1 Rlock Soulb of Rlgb School ALSO f"UR!'IISHEU A.PTS. \\"L''TER RA. TES EARL w. STANLEY. Realtor Irvine Tfrr&ee Office Corona deJ Mar.-33ltc l BDRM. untum .. ,..., hOUM, yard. Couple le chlld okay, UO. mo. l21·23rd. Cott& Mil.., Har. ~ J:lc34 EXCJ:PTION.A.LLT NlCID 2 or a bed.room houae, modem tum .. 16:1. mQ. 304·32nd It., Newport. Harbor U26. 33c38 FOR EA8T£R WEJ:K. anappy new :I or J bdrm. hoUMa, JM. /.lw R\'All nlcrly 111m. room 304 S2nd SI' Nt'wpnr'L Hu. 1228. I mint'. Cornna t!PI \far Phon,. Q::a::x::x:::icc:x:1C11::x:x:::icc:x:1C1:xx:::ic:c1c:11=::::c::xx:a:xx:icx~ Har 29~9·R a nu e p rn. :i~rJi I Uc 13c34 • . HA Vil excellent oullet..a tor prf· vale money on ut a: 2nd Trust Deeds, call DON I. KUODL.ESTON Re.al Elll•te Lo&n11 173 E , 17th, Coal& Me.a Liberty 8·554 l 26t.fc Uranium Prospector NEEDS GRUBSTAKE. It you have U OO, a re w1lllng to speculate, thC'n hear my 1tory ... Pr0!!- pec:l4 loo!< Rood. h&\'e eitcelle.nt tfl(fftncrs ,If 1lnc .. rely lnure.eted write Bolt N ·:>O. thl.s paper, frir Interview. 29c34 Business Location With Res. Income FOUR BUSI NE SS LOTS centnlly located In :'\cwport Beach Part o ty>roperty lmprovf'd •·ilh one 3 br .. 2 bath 11pL 2 1 br. & bllth apt.a. plu• 2 cotta ges with bath All arr furn. V..ry n1•nl and Clean. 6 garagr11 and extra la1 i;e bu~mcnt recrf'atlon rm. Pr,Mnt Income plu" fut ure dev1>lopmrnt makrs lnvrlltmrnt In thl~ prop· erty very 11 t t.ra<"tl ve. $30,000 on euy tem111. Ralph P. Maskey Realtor 3t11 Newpnrt Blvd. Npt. Bch. Rarbor 402 Cute le cozy home -2 bdrm. 6 pnn1•l1"I <ll'n wllh nreplacr, wntl to wall carpt'L Very cloee In. $13,000. Phone Llberty 8-6282. 23Uc 85' View CORO:-.IA HIGHLANDS new, 3 bdrm. 2 balh. ramify room. 2 l'ar garage • car porL Lg~. lot. Lan\l11eapc•.l Ir. Cenced. Owner Harbor •~9e-M. 28p40 ONLY $9500 Ideal for working or reUrrd couple 2 bdrm. functional modem. euy to m11\nta1.n. S4:i00 down. Bal· a nce 1r,o. mo. A location or Ole· tlncUon. Har. 11166 or Ev\'s. Har 987. 2Illc BALBOA-Altrac. mod. home. A· 1 conll. Lgc. llv. rm (.)c:.-an view thru plrt. "·lndow11. 3 bedrm11 , dble. ~ar. Nr. s('hool.3, bt'achrs. T hl11 property hu good Jnrnme 011port un1ty. Non ·rell owner. C't)mr anyllme. 1229 W, Balboa 0 Jv(l. 2tp3•h DUPLEX Near the ocean llDd the pier, two one bdrm. unit• In exC'«ll1•nt condition )Usl $9500 am\ UOOO down. Just right tor vacation• or for lncom4'. rA tJL c. J (lNES. 2820 Npt. Blvd. Newport Deach. Har. 2313. For Sale by Owner Bay Front Income CORONA Df:L MAR , 2 11lory I Unlc.... -2 6 3 De4rvom.s, tunl· c:omblnaUon. ~-Ir Ji bath. lebed. Pier, float a.nd prtvat. ht floor. 2nd floor hu lari:e llv. bet.ch. 1000 Ir:. Balboa BlvO .. room. beamed cellln1ot•. bedh10m, B&Jboa. Cratvlnr 111641. Cour· 11hower, tlf'luxe k.llchon. Snarl< teey lo broke.ra. Utlc ber, l{IUIN'd ln aun port'h I F lge. patio rnct with 6·fL br\ck Channe ront Lot wall. 113.000. Term.9 .. to wit. 1 "You can't hardly ,.,t thm now'' Room to built on tronL r02 A.ca· Marrua AvP. undl'r Trn C cla, Corona del Mar or phone DO:-< ?-:ORMA~DY 1·3033 or Kimball llUCI. H unUngto:i P11rk. •!)()l SN&hor• o r. W.Uenda. lat (c :llt!c ~~~----------BY OWNER OWNllR hu NW llOme. "Balboa Corona RJrblandl -3 bdrm.. 2 PeDlMula-Son sotq lD aentoe. I bath tarmJioUH. FHA commit· 90 will take 1arre trailfr( prefer menl. Ph. Ba.rbor 78-J. 99trc Udo Park) a.a doW1I payment. ------ Call Mnt. Jl'1y, Harbor 1264. or -Call Harbor 1811 lo pla.ce J'OUf Ena. ll&J1>0r 1J5e.. Uc34 .A..d Oil W. pe.p. BEAUTIFUL Cl locatioa OD Chapman Ave. weal of o,.. a.nee. l C1t1 >. l"ull blodr 280ll• 1621,.9 with frontage on I 1ta. 149,~. Owner wtll conalder trade tor cl-.r Lldo or other Barbor Aru property. Udo Realty Auociatea 1400 VIA Lido, Harbor ••'4 (acrce& fJ'om R1cU.rd'1 mlrt.. llllr.) 2tt.t DRIVE BY H75 REDLAND8 DRIVil. G. L niaale out M..a Or., • blka. (SU.ta Ana Country Club> s br., 1 balll, ftrepl, bdwd. n., 2 car pnc-.. Carpet lh,. rm. renc· ed yd. Mx120. $11,liOO. Loan $1.H.3.31, t ~ ~. S72. 1110. Will c.arr, ... IDd. COURTESY TO ALL BROKERS 70«}& OF COM. The Locator of Calif. 1 ... Harbor Bl~ ea.ta Mesa Liberty 1-1981. 32c3• For Sale by Owner 1201 CUtf Drtv• 3 BltOROOMS, 2 bat..ba, larg• tanc· ed yard. Will tak• trust dted1 u part payment or Mil on low dn. payment to quallned buyer. Harbor 1277-M. 32c3• SPACIOUS HOME and rueat or Income apL 2 Ute bat.M. al.all ahowers. Hdwd. fl oor•. 3 turnac• et. prb. dlap. Only :I yra. old. Ownn . 802 Jumlne, Corona del Mar. 2Jp3eh Interested in a Lovely Home in Garden Grove? Heated Pool 4 BEDROOMS. 2 batM_ lge. actt· vlly room, pstlo. W to \V ca.rpet. Lar~e lot landscapl'd 6: fenced. 126.bOO, Mr11. Lorent.Un, LI 8· 8576 or t.Eh1gh 9·1333. 22c3e Corona del Mar :o\ES'fLED CLOSE to lbe hllb la lhi11 lov.-ly 2 bdrm. hnmt", a rtl11- t1cally dec:oratr>d, which exudea chum from H8 a.rt brick front and brli;hl rl'\J door, Ila lovely Cloor plan and lta n own atrewn p&llQ. Oversl:tPd d ble. 11:arage 1treased for 2nd floor. $13.~1 tfnna. Call Mela NtllllOn OWller, Harbor 6~eo. or rome to C>PE."11 HOUSE DAILY. 707 Iris Av!' , 29tto Owner's Sacrifice LAftOE 2 bdrm. hOUM, i,; blorlc to Bay, 2 bloeka to bualneH cen- tl'r, 19.tJOO at 5J6·36Lh SLreC'l, Newport Br aC'h. Ph. owner SYC'a.more 8·3657. 82J>'fth LIDO ISLE DY OW:"ER -40.tL lot -.U.rl to etra11A. 3 bdrm . 2 bath home. Woll to wall carpeU11g, natural birch kltChl'n, b\lllt·ln lllove, fan .t. e arl>. tl18p. FuU pr1ce - $26,0<>0. Hnr. GIJ9. 25c39 Oct;AN Vlf:W mOl.lt m l bedrm. homo with e;11tra room •nd ~ b•llh nn driubl" gararr. Price 123,!,ll(J. I.ow fl uwn pnymanl nr will tllkC' ... int Tru.t1t Deed In l1a\JP 2712 (;lift Drive !adjacent •-..cant lot a\•a.ll&ble l l'h. ov.'ller. LI &-2:'13i 23t!o LARO,.: LOT Oil Cliff Dnve ln CllU Hann ALSO •O fl. ~trtet to t1tru t lot on ~oa, U dn We and C-2 Jrit on Newpnrt Blvd. Mra. .A.hren•, Ha.r, 0191. lllfo $7950. NllW 3 bedroom. hdwd. Door• on lot 8%x1'0' -283 Avocado St. eo.t.. M.-. LI I-TIO'T. t9t.t "' ' I j j ~ I I I i• .. I I I I I PAGE 6 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _n-__ RN.1 __ 1Ata_te ____ 12-__ ._. __ Ea_tate _____ ~Bnl ~ a 8-.1 FAtate MONDAY, APRIL 4, t 955 CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A nerlouae too! One of the lut choice locationa in Corona Highland&. Fisher built. 3 bdrm.a., 1 ~ baths, ahake roof, dbl. guage. sun a-building ao can pick colon of formic& and • exterion . Tbt. buy won't last. Open House 1-5 Every Day 448 Rivera Terrace Best in Back Bay Greatest value -Lowest price l . One acre of property 2. Complete and separate guest bou.se, sips. 4. 3. 3 bdrm. house, 4. Large rumpus room, 5. Double garage, 6. 50-ft. enclosed filtered swimming pool with aeparate dreaaing room. and shower, T. Plenty of room for stables and horses. All of the above can be purcbued for u low u $5000 down. Full price, $27,500. Call for Appointment. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. Fireplace, dbl. garage. Only 3 yrs. old. Can move in immediately. $3500 dn. will handle. $14,500 full price. C,ourtesy to brokers. Call Mr Pattison - W. E. FISHER, Realtor &nd ASSOCIATES 3034 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 P. a. palmer incorporated FRENCH QUARTER All the traditional atatelineaa of by-gone days keyed throughout to modem living in this home you will lov~ at first 1ight. White cut Ironwork entrance, masaive raised-hearth fireplace, carpeting of hand- loomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dishwuber, disposal, hood over range and louvred shutters to close off the pau-through to dining area. Slidlng gl&88 doors to patio from both living room and maater bdrm. Local~ on one or Lido's finest corner lots to insure permanent pri- vacy. 3 nice bdrms. and 2 well appointed baths. You can't build for any leaa and thia is perfect. -Phone for appointment to see this now. $33,500. UL TltA-·SMART Typic.al of Lido Isle's ultra-smart, modem h omea is this striking 3 bdrm .. 2 bath houae of unique, com- pact design. The living room features u handsome slump-atone fireplace and beamed ceiling .. Beyond it ia the trim, tailored kitchen with oak cupboard& I n luatrous natural fin.i.sb. Sliding glau doon from both the dining area and the den-bdrm. to the shel- tered , 1unny patio. FULL PRICE $27,500. DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 BILL'S BEST BUYS BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ - BAY SHORE BOAT RENTAL Thi& ia a very well e.tablished bualneaa with imme-- diate income. Everything goea including 26 boats. 8 outboards, ahop, 13 bait sled•. miac. tools Ii equip. PLUS 2 Bedroom Waterfront Ho~ ALL FOR $1!1,000. Strawberry Shortcake wu never better than thia delicioua 2 bdrm. home on Lido late. Expc>Mi beam ceilings, uaed brick fireplace, (large ). Shining bath, aunny patio. Com- pletely fumiahed in Early American style. Here'• a chance for you to own th~ immaculate home for ~nly $21,500 (terms) p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Evea. Harbor •923-J THIS WEEK'S BEST ~ F URNISHED cheaple, clOM tn, ----------------------on 62ltl36 foot lot. $4600 lnclud- lnl' TV. Only $1000 down. This home provides many opportunities PRIVACY AND QUIET_ Best in Year Around Living $21,950 320 Holmwood Drive, HIGH ABOVE ·THE ARCHES S4.860. Naat 1 BR. HOUSE on C-2 LOT. Have home A b119lneN. 80JlHO Juel ott Newpor t Blvd. U .000 dn. Evt . Inf, Petitte Liberty 8-IH97. Want a private beach'! All A.SSUJ\ED u well u IN-1 e-COME fl'orn rental unit. Tbe1e two unit.a are on a large clean lot. Only JeMO on term•. Need a place to keep your cruiser! Prefer cloee in location near Lido Shops, etc.'! Buy tht. Ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Cove• right on the waterfront, only 3 yn. old. Lota of tile, parquet floon, F. A. heat, dbl garage, nice features. Pier le slip privileges. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnished ·good rental di9trict. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Sl 13 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUSINESS PROPERTY-$32,000 investment buy. a gross income of $5700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equipt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with some view of bay. Completely furnished. $3500 handles. For evening information phone Harbor 3059-M. SEE US for eeveral extra specially flne BA YFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island This Is The Year This Is The Home • • Harbor 444 BALBOA l SLAND. We offer exclu&ively an unu1- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large dining room. Maximum square footage. Close to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. Call Harbor 1775 E ves. Harbor 5359 HOW CAN YOU MISS! - VERY ATTRACTlVE 3 bdrma. with parquet floora. Drtve by 412 Mapoll.a In Coat& M .... - then call 119 for a ppt. to .. . Full price J10,7C>O. TOO MUCH CITY LIFE! LIKE t he wide open 1pacea ! Then conalder thla 5 roorn Ranctiette. Ground• 75'•232.' Very well kept and has 18 a11orted bearlnr fruit treea. Room for a horae. Complttf'ly fenred. Full price. Sl2.:$00 with $3500 down. INCOME, CLOSE IN - DUPLEX l yr. old. 2 bdm11 each •Ide, ctoae to schools and on city bua line. Preaenl Income IH:S mo. Let ua llhow you t.hla one. Full price 113,900 with only $2350 down. CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE 50Jll f>O $1150 and 80Jl1~0 11~00 with only $300 down. Other• In· cludlnr camera 12000 lo $2960. Choice back bay reatr1cted lot.a '31150 and up. W. A. TOBIAS R EALT O R "you·u like our friendly eervlce" 393 E. 17th St., Coat& Men Liberty 11-1139 No Fancy Slogans JUST HONEST VALUES-each I• that hard lo tine! thr ifty choice In ll'11 ar~. Balboa Island INCOME--Whlle va.lue lncrf'ue1. Spaclou1, l ~rm. a pL Obit. p r. guut rm. A bath. Room tor lovely home or a dded Income In front. 11 9,760 rum lahed. $8000 will handle. Balboa Peninsula 2 BDRM COMPACT HOllE on MIRAMAR. Cm1y knotty pine lntf'r1or. Encl p•llo. l'lr., only $10,7!W>, l~O. month. Corona del Mar IF YOU'VE i RlEO TO BUT a lf'vel '40 ft., R -2 lot In the Sea- (Yea -there t. a view!) To those quality comcioua buyers seeking a larger and finer three bedroom two bath home • Yte aur- geet your critical inspection. Thia fine home t. located among expenaive reai- dencea in a highly restricted neighborhood. The lot ia level and there is over eighty foot frontage on Holmwood Drive. Complete fencing makea for maxi- mum privacy. The ground.a were profeaionally landaeaped and are be&utiful to behold. Sewert in a.nd paid for. The home bu every feature one uaociatea with quality building, juat a few are the extra large amount of fine custom cabinets, generou.a amount.a of ceramic tile, top quality hardwood floon, aliding glua wall onto the patio, wood burning fire place with log lighter, diapoeal, to aay nothing of the very unu.aual kitchen and dintngroom. Why not .ee it today! W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 21 17 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 24, Evening• Llberty 8-M90 TWO ADJOINING n ACRES. J:ac.h haa 1 br. Me, with rm. to build add. unit.a. C&n be .-old aep. or tor elher with e1tc. nn- ance tar add. bulldlnp. PreMnt Inc. $110. mo. ltve. Inf, Petitte Liberty 1-6497. M-1 ACREAGE . a acru ln t .. t devel. area. '6.000 per acr e. '• da. l!:Ye. lnq. Benner Ha.r. 1811. 4 ACRES BACK BAY with view or mt•. It hllla. Rolllnr land, Ideally altuated for .. talc hornea U0,000 with ~ dJl. E ve. Inf. S.ymour Har1>0r ~HS.-W. TRADE NEAT SANTA ANA 2 BR, HOME at 0 ,400 tor 3 to 4 br. home In Harbor a.""a. or 9ell n .ooo dn .• 145, month. M-1 119 ACJ\lt CW:NTEI\ of TOWN. Large hOUle It around for ehopa A bar1&Jn al 112,900. Terma. LOVELY 2 bdrm. It de.n J'RR If yvu rent out the «Ueet houM Only $4,8()() ~Ind. E ve. Ph. LlbUt J' 1-2~2. Lytle. -------------------------------------------~i-- BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready t.o Move In Sewen in and pald Gubage Dispou.I Encl06ed garages Kitchen fan• Colored rock roof• Birch Cabintt• Street curbed and will be paved. See own~r living at 252 Palmer St. Off 81.nta Ana Ave. Between 15th St. and 16th St. 252 Palmer St. LI 8-1139 UNUSUAL QUALITY for Ult money. Very modem a bdrm. home. BuUt-ln ov,.n A atove, rarb. dl.tp., etc. 1:-8 loc., U ,000 di\. Ev.. Llberty 1-IMZ, Lytle NEW I BR. HOMES ln o e. J:. aide. Rdwd. tlra .. F.A. hut, bit. In elect. oven It ,..n~ •hake root A dble.. 1ar. 11~.2~ with low dn.. F .H..A. ternu. Rully nice. l!:ve. Seymour Har. 5291-W. CALL or ~wg IN to -Ulue rood b\Jya at Houston Realty Co. 6 ASSOCIATES &Ot ~tu Bl. Ph. U 1-Hll BAYSHORES CHARMfNQ 2 br .. knotty plne In· terfor, 1,,. II•. room. compact kit. w bid et. ber, PLUS Ir ' Cllt rm. over pr 2 ,.>•t101, 121,&00 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor view area.. South of the Hl~bway ----------------------3 BR., J bath, ruaUc, •I• ca rp,t. dlahW'Uhtr, etc, nk• petto. U 3 ,!500. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa leland OPEN HOUSES Open House 502 W. Bay Ave. Sat. A Sun Apr. 2 It a -HI p.m ( J e.nn Bennett) J BEDROOM older houee A 1tudlo thl• 3 bdnn., 11" bath home wHll roorn to build In tront la your buy of the y'ar, 115,600. Only 17,000 d!\wn. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2804 Newport Blvd., Newport Sch. Free ParklnJ Harbor t8JO 32c3t Want a HOME and Demand VALUE?? Drop in and we will 1how you a h om e that will fill all of your qualificatlone. A wonderfuJ home for the family and at the same time Iota of room for entertaining. BACK BAY BTFUL. • br. w/den. I flnplac.1 View. Aaklnr price, O Z.MIO 12 • 5, Sat. le Sunday 535 De Anza Drive Corona Highlands 11.tpeclaJly nice -apL J blO<'.k to Bay. Good for ----------- This one sell& itael!, the lovely view and the fin e Mahogany paneling, the two large fireplacee and many other very nice features all add up to the buy R USTIC RANCH hoUH on 4 acrt W/Vltw . 8 br., ~d br. flrepll<'f', din. rm., patio, "'""" for borH• 122.~. a bdrma.. 2 bath•. rarb. dlap., dtahwaaher. Jl't n«d lot ... JH,000 A~O 328 Poineettia I bdrml., 1 ~ Iota. O\!Mt e pt. I: Z Um\&. 11ummer home. VIEW ot JETTY-One of rtneet homea on ocean front. 3 bdrm. A: den. lllneaa force• n le. 5 BEDROOM ocean front play- G. K LATHROP, 363& J:. Cout bouae. Well locat ed. 11 7,500. Hwy., Corona. del Mar. Har. M42 (!:Yea. lkr. 3511.J I SOcU -----------TRIPLEX near Bay A: Ocean. 1 Excellent Units NJ:AR NEWPORT PlER -About I ,rean old. Good Income. All tumllMd. $19,000, terms Homer E. Shafer REALTOR bdrm. each. Alwaya rented. Well tumlah~. $21,6()0. Term• can .,. a1T&11ged. Balboa Bay Properties l~ W. Balboa. Blvd., Npt. Beach Harbor IH88. 32c3t Here's a Beach Home Al CUTl!l A CLEAN u the pro· •ert,la.J bU('a ear! 1 bdrm .. llvtnr rm., kitchen, parUy tum .. larre front encloeed pa tlo. Obie JV· and only '8.500. Balboa Trip lex t BDRM. HOUSE. 2 bdrm. and a 1 bdrm. apt., a.JI tum . Juat e rew aupe fro m the Ba y. One of th• beat rental 1eCtlon1 In Balboa Now Available - TWO VERY BEA trnnJL buJld· Inc alt• on the Point. Coast Properties 1oe McFaddt n P lace C l At tN Newport Plrrl BT OWNl:R 0. Har. H O. Eve._ Har. 1137·M. 301 I:. Balboa Blvd .. BaJboa Aak for Hen.Id o. Splu . 2<><-22 CUTE 1 bdrm. houM, nn.r ocean Ha.rbor 28M. 2!'lt 7 and te-00. A channf'I. BBQ In Oa111one OCEAN VIEW HOME. 2i0'4 Cllff p•tlo, brick wa.JIJt lhrourhout. FOR 8AJ..J: OR TR.ADE -Moun- Drivf'. F\111 price $11.000. t~nn& Sac.rHIC't for $11,9!W>. or lar,e t•ln n uu:h, 2 home•. 11>rtnr. and SI~ down. Owner, Ll 8·2~32 boat. 206 -4 ll L, Newport Beach. 2 ,,.·ellJJ. La.rre d&m. rwtmmlnr 23lfc Harbor t~3. , 29pU pool 1.1 a-ant. Uc3I or the year. We are enthueed and are 1ure .. YOU will be too. Tb~ price i• $27,500 and a guaranteed value. Please et.ll for appointment. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 2313 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE WHEN INVESTED in quality Income property lo- cated in choice rental dl1t. Juat 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unita -a. new duplex and a 5-room hoUAe on 2 Iota. 2 unlta are furnished and rented Oil yearly b&eia. <nmer'a home available now. Three gangee on a.lley. Prnent income can be eubetantlally lncreued, $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR ~ua Newport Blvd., Newport a.ch. Har. 1013 l ACRI: chicken ranch w/•lnt. I br. home. Good location. J:.. tabllaht'd routea. Claire Van Horn Rl:A..LTOR. JTJl W. Oout Rwy. U 1-4277 -BEAUTIFUL 31'x12' Cabana A &3' two bdnn. trs.Utr. com- pltt.tly f\lmllhed. carpeted. wa· tertronl lot, beach, boat dock available. Brtck lanaJ, carport. Full prlce "7DO. Udo Vlllaft Tn.ileT ::Zit 700 • l hl SL, Newport• Lot No. II. Kar lOM·M. 2tttc For sale by owner DVPL&X on R·I IOC... tll 6 11' J...,.Jnt, Oo"'*A dtl Ma.r. Priced r1pt. C&11 Har. lttt•R attar t p.m. -a\llld&ya. •2'M~h -OORotlA RJABJ .. JQ> 1Dn - a.Okie a1t. ~~ c.u ........ INCOME-BALaOA 9 unita -Show excellent return. Practically full lime 100'' occupanl'y. Beautifully fumiabed. Pri- vate patios, 2 git.rages, 11 carports. Al.Jio 4 Jots -Near grammar ac bool. Room for 4 more unit• -$74,000. · Peninsula $2500 down. Furnished 2 bdrm. home. Large patio. Near Jetty. Balance $125. per month, Near Jettv 4 yr. old 3 bdrm., 2 bath hom~.-Hwd. floors, F. A. heat, fireplace, nice patio. Full price $19,500. Good terms to right buyer. 2 nice beach bowie& • ClOtle to Bay. near library, · 1. -3 bdrm., niodem kitchen, good heat. Lge. lot -$19.500. 2. -4 bdrm., ideal family beach home. $15, 750 2 bdrm .• den & sleeping room, 2 batha. Modern home on comer Ocean Front lot. Real fun home !or only $2•,000. BAY & BEACH REAL TY H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 1264 Eve. Harbor lSM The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spaclou1 home of 4 bdrma. 6 den. Truly a home for gracioua living. A panoramic view of Bay I& Ocean from every room. Solex glue in living room, elid- ing doora to 2 sun decks. Built-in Thermador range Ii: oven, dishwasher, disposal, large pantry, F. 4. beat. 3 luxurious baths, 2 fireplaces. Beautiful car- pet and drapes included in price of $39,500. Terma can be arranged. 811 KINGS ROAD Open Every Sat. & Sun. 11 a~ m. to 6 p. m. Elsie Ebeling Call for Appoint.ment t o See BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. :5188 ANNOUCEMENT: Roy Greenleaf Jr. and Gordon Severts announce the consolidation of their respective real estate businesses under the new name of GREENLEAF -SEVERTS, INC. with offices at 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 34c3e CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Income Properties 3 bdrm. home "-furnished. studio apt. Canyon view. 43' lot. 2 patioa, fi replace, hwd. noora. Exceptional opportunity at $13,200. 2 bdrm. flome & bachelor apt., both fumJshed. Hwd. floors, fireplace. Juat reduced to $13,750. Owner going eu t. Duplex. corner lot. 1 bdrm., P4 bath1 6 2 bdrm. Both unite fully furnished. Ne1.r 1hopping. euy walk to the beach. beat rental location. See this. Priced at S18.000 with good term1. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona dtl Mar. Hu. 1741·1477 BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD Multiple Listing No. ~90 Open House Sunday 1 -5 p.m. 530 Kings Road, Cliff. Haven ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm , l ·1 1 bath homet1 in this neighborhood. Charming design a.nd all rooma are well a rranged, light and spacious. Luge slid- ing door& from dining room to outdoor patio. W to W carpeting, forced air heating. indoor planter, dbl. garage, attractively landscaped and sprinkler sys- tem. Thi& home will please the moRt discriminating buyer. P riced at only $22. 750 with attractive term1. • FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. RU&8. Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. Rayle, Auoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 v Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. SHORE CLIFFS -3 BDRM. & DEN HOME. plua large rumpU9 room, 2 fireplac:es. 3 baths, view of ocean. canyon & hills. Completely furn- labed. A bargain at $45,000. Property located at 318 Morning Canyon Rd. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY UNTIL SOLD! PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar Harbor 47 ( Ottlce located Dat door to Corooa del Mar Duk) ( '~ ' 'I ,, THE GREAT ORANGE COAST $53 A. MONTH lncludeti t.axell, lnaurance, interest at • % and principal. 2 large bdrm. home, ' yn. old. Hwd. firs., lot 75 x 100. Excellent buy at $9150 with $2•50 dwn. DETAU..ED Ii planned for California livmg • Bay 6 Ocean view. 2 bdnM., den, 2 tiled baths • Car- peted, drape9, tinted view windowa, nagatone fire- place, gravity thermo heat • Attractive appoint- lnenta, 2 yrs. old. Jandacaped. $26,500, auitable tm.. EASY TO OWN -Buaineu location on eut 18th St. Improved with lovely 2 bdrm., den, dining rm. home. Fireplace, hwd. fin., 75' front, alley, •ewers. $5000 dn., no finance charge.. BEST BACK BAY buy,~ acres· $15,750 & $&000 dn 127·ft. FRONTAGE, Placentia near 19th. M-1 zone. $70 foot. !!AST OF NEWPORT Blvd., 70 x 130. Trees Ii water meter in. $2250. BUSINF.SS INCOME, 2 atorea and 2 bdrm. apt. Lea-available to ahow groee of 14%. Room to build additional units. Dbl. frontage lot. $32,000 -terms. $1l500 DOWN. New 2 bdrm., den, built.lo· stove 6 oven. Unit heat; ahake roof, 2 tiled batha. Farm Style, muat be aold. ORANGE GOAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1867 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. ON LIDO ISLE • Call for app't to see - 339 Lido Soud Bayfront -Pier Ir alip. Furnllhed 3 bdrm. In an etitate. Hein are anxiou• to sell. Buy now and enjoy the aummer. If you can't wait until Sunday, we have the key. $49,500 full price. I A far cry indeed from the ordinary! Thia two bdrm. cutie bu a ZIP and a FLARE that you will like. lt'a detailed for comfort. $23,750. U you need a fifty foot Jot at a ACriftce price and }lave cub, eee wi. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIOOE On"ICE ''Juat to the ri,ht of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eves H. 2999) CORONA DEL MAR (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) View home in Haul Drive, perfect for summer or year round, cloee to Little Corona Beach. Hu two bdnna., 1% batha, Uvins room, fi~place, gla.ued In sun porch, completely furnished It landacaped. Fenced for privacy. -$22,:SOO. F1nt time offered. 3 bdrm. and den home Jn Cor· ona Ht1hlanct., quiet street, ideal for Jd.ct., bu hwd. noon, fireplace, large kitchen, ext ra bedroom Ir bath on lower level. Only two yea.rs old. Ezcellent financing. Multiple M71. $26,500. RAY REALTY CO. Uf4 E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Outstanding Ocean View TWO S"JX)RY, 2 bdrm., 2',2 bat.hi. lge. living room, iep&rate dlnlnr room, large knotty pine den with built·ln bar, lou•.g'e, 2 fireplace., buement with lM,000 BTU furnace. Expenaively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage d.iapoul and dishwaaher. HoUM & yn. old. Large double garage with laun- dry, radJcrcontrolled door . Lot 00 x H.2'. Well Jand- 8C&pe4. Th.18 home must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocea.n Blvd. OWNER ·~ ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Rarbor MM 32c34 BALBOA ISLAND Attract1ft modem 2 bdrm. furniahed home. Good corner location. Room for gueal or incom. apl on rear of JoL Price $181 750, tenm. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociate. Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 24e2 100°!. INCREASE IN SALES! More tJwa a MIJUon Dollan in Multiple Ihtlng SalH durtng the f\lOnth of March: $1, 147,061.00 Compared to $578,SO:S.OO for March 'of Jut year. In BUYING or SELLING eee your MULTIPLE LISTING ' OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS U-Real r..tat.e 6% Bea.I r...taa.. -------_ ... ,..._._,,,,,_ -.____ -,. -., ---...-.. EASTER GREETINGS We are really busy. whai with selling Real Estate and remodeling our offices - We hope to have the finest Real Estate office in the area when completed. Carpets and Drapes, t New Metal Furniture, etc. anda Large Paved Parking Area for our customers Drop in and see what we 're doing! Incidentally we have a real fine choice of Listings all over the Harbor Area. Philip Terry Joe Stawicki Tom Payne DUNCAN HARDESTY, Rea It or . . 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 4718 Newport Heights ·'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THUM.AS WE HA VE a beauty, 2 br .. .i\d den wtth l ~ balhl. tlm• and 1paca~I not permit u1 to tell yoll all the nice thln11 aboUt this bea tttut home. FULL CE $28.~00. TERMS Costa Mesa 2 BDRM. home, a mo. old. Good .rMldentlal .,..._ w to w carpet· 1ng. garb. diap. rut.I.. PIUCll ,9,1100-U ,OOO ON. Is there a Wheel Chair in Your Family 7 COUNTRY HOMZ wttll doora. ramp. A Jrlp built upecla111 for wheel chaJr owner. 2 br., dan, l % balha. 1.03 Ac fruit tree• eomplet.Jy fenced. Cloee to Country Club Is Back Bay. °"1l· .,... eatcl to Mll. 1'4duced lroal '22,500 to low pr1cie ot '111.000, a term.a. Only One LeH $795 Down $795 CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATE 3 bdrm. & rumpus rm. home. Large llv. room, nicely landscaped, completely fenced yd., detached 2-ear garage. EXCELLENT BUY at $16,500 KINGS ROAD NEW -READY TO MOVE IN -Attractive 3 bdrm., 2 ha.th RANCH STYLE home, W to W carpeting, F. A. heat, fireplace, OCEAN VIEW. MODERATELY PRICED at $24,500. VIEW VIEW VIEW WHAT A VIEW from the llv. room, den & muter bdrm. in thia loveb' owner-built 2 bdrm. Ii den home. 2 baths, 2 flrepla.cea, din. room. 92-ft. lot, lovely patio a.rdund k.idney-ehaped SWIMMING POOL. Call for appointment to 1ee UU. TODAY! Submit offer op ASKING PRICE of $42,500 See Us for Bayshores Summer Rentals- "C" THOMAS, Realtor 2M W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THO.MAS Model Home Open Sat. at Sun. -------------------- 12. 6 21•t A On1.n1• ATe., I bdrm .. Hi bat.hi, bnakfaat and dinlnc area. Full price 510,700. LOT, NEWPORT HEJOBTB •uoo M·l Lot 011 Placenua -·-'12.600 C·2 Lot on Newport ···-110.600 C-2 Lot. on 17th St., ........ '12.500 a R-4 Lo~ IA Coet.a Mtea -· f7,200 How Can You Miss? I w:llt.a A e&I• on C·2 lot.a, 1t1com1 approKJmately '400. Full pr1ce. •39,600. lCx. Terma. "ART" ADAIR J\&A.LTOR 18841 Newport Bl'Yd., Coeta Me• Liberty l-37H. COSTA MESA Hard to Please 1 IF SO. UU1 ch&m1tn1 home 11 for you ! Ced&r p&ntilnc ottr U\e ~ muter t lrtplac. aC«11luatu the natural wood bullt·ln kitchen • large dinette In U\11 cl<>N-ln eut•lde Jarire 3 bdrm., 1balr1 root home. 118,1100. Feel Like Falling 7 ln loye ap.tn 1 Hll"I b JO'llJ' chancel Charm.1Jlc family borne TRADES LIDO ISbE BAYFRONT 3 bdrm. home. Will trade for income property, Harbor Area. BA YFRONT, $80,000. WUI trade for smaJI home or bu1ine• property -SUBMIT l Balboa Island home, $22,000. WiU trade for income units Hollywood, Puadena. Glendale or Whittier up to $:50,000. The V pgel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Newport Buch Bar. '4971 or •972 BEACON BAY $5000 down. Delightful 3 bdrm.. home with lncome apt. Nt~ely turniahed. BALBOA ISLAND $3500 down. We've r ot It -that cute aummer cottage • comer brick fireplace, l bdrm. PLUS bachelor apt. for rental -all furnished. $16,000. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Iala.nd Harbor 502 -Eva Harbor 2300-R Of I bdrma., 1~ llatlla. cNp ----------------- color 11ebtme thJ"ousboal. Mod· 9h\ d.tped for ~m ISTU\f with (Tape1taJr1 fenced paUo. fireplace, bar ldtohen. fOT'l*i air tleat. parquet noor.. prllep di• poea1. 2 ca.r canp-unequal.W Ya1ut at fU.0001 Bay & Beach Realty 18M Newport Bl\'d.. eo.ta w .. 1Aert7 .. 1111. Z... LI W1N BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 bdrma., 1 t ~ bath bomet Close to ~verything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GA TES, with DIKE & COLGGROVE Income $90 month Phone Liberty 8-7976 33trc I JUCNTALB on 1 lot. I yr. old -------------------- Bay Front Home! 5 BEDROOM, 3 ~ bat.h1. TerrUlc Bay v1ew. Balboa Pt nln.ula location. A·l cond. Pier rtcbta. $H,()00, tenn1. Peninsula Duplex! SPACIOUS BEA tr1'I.FUL BUll..[). INO. 3 bdrm•. ud 2 bat.be uch apartment. Nla.ly ful'llilbed. Sltuated on large cor. Jot. Nice laundry 6 2 cu prage, 1211,760, 18,800 down. Business Building! IN THI: HEART OJ' BALBOA BUSINESS SECTION. Bult.able Cor mo.it ret.aJI bu.IA... Good condltJon. •11~.000. 18.000 down. Bay Front Duplex! A WONDERFUL V ALtJm ••• If you wUl do a Utt.le ttx'l.n. I bed· rooma up and 2 down. f'umlalted. But Balboa rental area. Prtnte bMch, pier tt1bt.a. Ull,160, tum. Balboa 2 Unit! TWO UNtT8 ON ONE LEVEL. IC.uy Bay Avenu. loc&Uoll, dON to be1t Bay IWIJnminc beacbee. lcM&J to:r rent&Ja. •10,IMM>, to.500 down. You wtU haft to hutT)' to buy Ull1 OIMI. Peninsula Home! 2 BEDROOMS a.nd D&N. Dandy atucco home. Recently l"f'painled out.Jde and In. &•t value oo the Pen!Mula.. '"·000· to.600 down. Member.. Multiple U.tlnc Balboa Realty Co. (Oppolllt. Bank Of Amtrle&) Role Grt dty Al Cornellu• Ed 1- Jack Ptnkllam Joeepblne Webb 700 I!!. Balboa BIYd.. B&lboa Phone Harbor 1%77. You Can Afford a Better Home EllJoJ U\• modem UY1J11 ot U\18 one 1tory, 2 bdrm. bome with cocnplelelJ tumialtecl apt. onr double prqa. FEA TURJ!JS loftly bath, mode.rn kltcl'ltn with di.poeal. f'wwace hut and Clrtplac:e u d lo~ of wardrobe 1pace. Here I• how • • • The MCOnd Unlt -.. •le• apL br1np 11200 ,-rl1 at Ul.I• choice Balboa J1land locaUon. Prtced -u under U0,000 .... tht. proputy for Cood t.af1U and cood 11vtnr . Call Powtrw or t..llt J. A. BEEK. Realtor Harbor 83, 60.1 Park A ve. Ba I boa lllJa.nd Builder Needs Cash $7850. SE:t.LING th1~ cule 2 bf'dnn homr ()O " comer lot bf.!ow Cll!ll. Al· mo!lt nE>w, Two ca r r•ra~r, .Room !or another unit. Bullill'r N ~WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 1 l -PAGE 7 MONDAY, APRIL '4, 1955 . 0-Keal t:.tac. ·-· ------------· ·---·------- MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES . Keys at 3201 W. Coast Highway See these Udo Isle Specials 1. A LARGE 2 bdrm., 2 batb hoaMt .tverythlns about It 19 1arp acept the price, A LARGE mapi.ficent llYiq room overlookin1 a LA.RO• aunny patio. 2 larp bdrmL, W to W carpet.1ns. drape.. L4RGE ~· lot., beautl.fully land.leaped. A SMALL down payment of ~ will ...U thlil one iD a hurry! 2. Thia one la a.lmo.t brand new with beautitul new fumJtuN, carpeting and drape.. Lons Uvine room with dining area, attractively decorated. Sl&t.e fireplace• aunken plUtet. Each bdrm. with ad- joininr bath. Only-$2:5~. completely tuna. . ABSOLUTELY The Most Desirable • Income Property in The Harbor Area ... Located on large comer Jot amonpt Joftly .tnate family homes on tM beautltul Balboa Penlnnla 'Point'. Thia 16 mdbth old deluxe custom built pro- perty conaiata of 5 roomy 2 bedroom apta. and 6 Jars• 1 bedroom apta. PJu. 9 individual ~ laundry room with 2 waahera and drier, storage room, and a be&u~uJ aundeck over garages. AU . apts. except ownera are on yearly unfurnished leu· ea. The present total echeduled income i• $9{80.00 • -and juat look at thla! Owner will t.alte $~,()()() down &nd carry the balance of $M,OOO at $M0 per month including intt-rest at :S5(.. Exclusive with The Vogel Company 3201 W. Cout Highway, Liberty 8-3481 - Newport Beach Eve. Liberty S..lMe BEAUTIFUL C-1 LOCATION On Oiapman Ave. west of Orange, (City). Full block 260 x 152Yi with frontage on 3 Sta. "9.~. Owner will consider trade for clear Udo or other Harbor Area property. Exclusive with us - A WONDERFUL BRAND NEW HOKE with three bdrm.a. 2 are full aiae and the muter ia txt.ra large. 2 tiled baths, muter bedroom carpeted and alidin&' doon open from It od'to a macnJftcent w.ndeck. Beautiful kitchen with built-in oven and range, d.ia· poeal and diahwaaher. Separate dining aru. Uaed brick fireplace, panelinr, fine waJJpapera and epecial light fixtmu throughout. lt'• extra nice and exclu- aive with ua for S29.500 full price with excellent term. available. REMEMBER, we ban Cine summer rent.ala LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Definitely the best buy in Newport Heights Thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath home la owner built. C!reum- stanc~ make quick u.le nec.eaary. It bu forced air heat. d.iahmuter, prba«e diapoea.l and many other feature. not uaually found In ordina.ry home.. Birch panelling addl tone to living rm. There II a .( car garage and property ia entirely encloeed with concrete block wall and aitualed on lot 75 x 127. We believe t.hla ta poettJvely the best buy ln New- port Hejghta al $19,950. Cliff Haven Steal only $1500 down 3 bd.nnl. with partially cosnplet.ed den. All for $13,500. EAgL W. STANLEY. Realtor 15th Ii Irvine, ·Newport Beach Ph<me LI 8-2664 Ev•. U 8-4300 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET 12 unit.a furnished. Ocean f.ront, nicely located Oft 3 lotl!, center of Balboa. l bloc k from Bay. Alwaye rented. Show. top income. $(8,000 full price. • Reasonable terms. SE.'E THlS NOW at the beginning of the ee.&Bf .I ~ce Llla B. McF&rren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Bh·d. -Calboa Harbor 3786 or 2517 ·M .tueoo, N.!IOO. l!llD Oil Um• or nec-•IJI lncom1i ta.JC money .. --------------------- ucJa&np for lnOCllDA Cit' bomt near beach. Business proper+v a U>T8 In tut crowing ~~/ac­ turtn~ dtftrict. ParU1 lmJl"Oftd. GOOd lncomt. prt~d under to- day·• markeL WUI make a quick profit on rua.I~. Tcle>phone for Clltall& Harbor HO&. N.B.C. Realty Co. 32nd It Nl!'N)>ort Bl"d. N""PC>rt 8MeJi. UoM "Its cute, its lovely, its engaging," We mean a 2 bdrm. Rustic h ome, ehake roof, ueed brick fireplace and planters. Open beam celling, carpeted wa.ll to wall, wired for electric range. Fenced yard. dbl. garage.. South of Hwy., near ocean Jn Corona del Mar. Priced right at $16,500, ''ery good terma. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona deJ Mar Har 2774 \ . llO h•·ri•• a ternnc buy. See me lmmf'dlately on thla. P\111 price •11&ln I• only- $7850. Phil Sullivan & 'George Everson iaM "'ewport a•~~ eo.ta w~ .. I Acro1111 from Co.ta ~ Suki Phone LlbertJ M1t1 Ena, Sar. UM-Ll 1-llql BALBOA ISLAND Open House -228 Apolena Every Day 1 to 5 Be!lut. 2 bdrm. home comp'! furn. Studio llv. rm.. full dining rm., iar,re patio with DBQ. Priced right with xlnt term.e. SEE IT TODAY. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 M&nDe, Balboa bland Hubor 4 781 .1 ,I 11 " :~ I I ' I I 1: -. PA6E I • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MOND~Y. APRIL 4, 1955 • l'IR8'l' roa RIOllABD80N-Fint commercla1 account . to be opened in the new Marine!'ll Bank wu opened by Auatin Sturtevant whoee Ctrm did the remodeling of the building on the Mariners Mile. Pictured getting re- ceipt number 1 Gerry W. Richardaon, vice-preaident and general manager i9 Sturtevant at right. -Staft 'Photo NORMAL EASTER WEEK NOTED; TRAFFIC LESS Eaat&r Week In Newport Har· llot' c ot otl to a normal •tart thla y.., when the tlret early bird• rolled Into vacation land. ''Tr&t· fie ia leM thla year than lut year M tble Ume," Capt.In Harry J..a(:t ot \be Newport Beach pollce de· partment •ald tut night. He uld traffic check• which were planned tor the entrance to .Balboa b land were not put Into effect Friday nfcht but will be later If nece113ary. Car check• wlll be made ror liquor, Lace aftld llnd l4t -It the youtti. have lldequat.e retervat1on11 tor ttu1 night. 80 KENT AL FE~ HALEY ADMITS BOGUS CHECK SANTA ANA (OCNS> - Edward G. Ha.ley, 33 who~ lut addreq wu given aa La· guna Beach, Friday pleaded guilty to pa.aaing a $t:'l w orth· lua check at the Cout Supt'r Market. 3347 E. Cout H lch· way, Corona de! Mar, March Jt. Haley lhe.n requeated pro· b&Uoa 11"1'1.nc and deJ.ay on pleadlnlf to a 1lmllar count. Su~rtor Court J11dre John Shea eet HaJey'1 heartnc and 11ent.e.nc1nc for 9:30 Lm, AprlJ 111 and <-onllnued arralJllmenl on count two, anothn alleged $20 b11<.t <-heck, to that t1m•. Half'y la In cutlody Up to Friday night. only 80 per· aona took out th•· nf'w rental II· <-entt, according to Gordon Sick · Jer, city tlnance orrlcl'r. SlcklflJ' eaJd there are lln e11ttmated 1000 nntala available In the &rea and be a&ld It I• hla opinion the new law haa put a damp<'r on rentals. to whom lettera or commenda tion The law requlru owners with Ina wm be written w ith an tnvlt11Uon than lhrl'e unlta takf' out a uo II· lo return n•at yev . cenN with the city. Jt further Spttlal toot pstrola of pollc:e •tatee that policl' and tire otflctal.a a re patrolfng thr Island during lht' will be able to c:heck the preml&l'll l!Vl'nlng and Pt1rly mo rning hOUl"ll, at all Umei. Upson u.Jd. Olher u ctlona ·or the ' 'J'he,re Wt're lhf' u"ual lncrellled <-ommunlly. "1<"Tl LS Buck Gulley, and Corona del Mar maln beach polio cltstlon.~ ror 111,.eal muffins. elio have •pttlaJ ottlcer.11. mpeed and lmpro(lt'r <'&r llgflta banded gut to fnn·agf' dr1ver11. F~TRA LIFEGUARDS according to polll'•' r1•cor(J11 811t· Captain Jack Jonu or the lite· ur'day. guard 11quad aald utra guards &rt' MA 1'0 R'l!J WEl.c'O~ out a l Buck Gulley, m11fn be11ch M&,yor Dorll H IU welcomed the and rocky po\nl, Bslboa pit'r and l~th and 23rd Slt. Two lifeguard TlleaUonlnc young1ter11 to NPwpor t truck• will be conetantly on pal· Harbor and urged tht>m au to hsve rol, he aald. tun, but c:rtat" nC1 di.turbancu. Ru.tdenla who fonn tbt Bal· .. A vacation for fun Md not a boan1. a ch1c .,roup. uru the fte&tlon from good manntra &nd V1aeatlon1n1e younpterw to UM Sood home •tan<1Ardll 111 th,. lhtmt' Hosp1talily Pier al the foot ot el Eaater Week," 11he a&ld. "We Wuhlnrton St. on the bay u a W&nt lhe yr.ung11trr11 In have fun !Jere, but '"e want lhl'm to behave meaaare center for their trfend1. Teen·•l'er• ma y reg11ter here ._... aa thty do a t home In their volunt&rlly. llaUnc their llChool. own community," ahe Added. ''They home addrtA, ttmponry "'1d~&1 are going to h11v" a frl .. nrlly wt'I· 80 frlenda <'&II locale them, the 90me until lhty violate lawa:· Balboana Mid. "Our <'lly 01 11;.wport Heacb la ------------- Do longer Jlll!t " summer plac.." 11.ayor H llf l'mphulud "It i. a ta.l·Jl'OWlnr. all-yeu home tor Meire Utan 17.000 peaple. \"v·e hopt that !AJ1ttr tlmf! will be a t ime et rtlallv11 pure Md quiet lhla J9ar." PoUct Chll'f J ohn Upaon Mid U a.Jboa h land home ownera are ~rallntt with police u block eouftfflor1. 'Tht'y wtU elltend a *1endly gt'fftlng to youn1t via!· ton." Upeon upla1nf'd. and wtJl Jilek out rrour-., good l"IU&vl1 Pad .. loard Theft Thert of a paddle board and damage to the roof of her home wu reported to police Sunday by Mn, Edna Davi. of 219 Abalone A,,.. ~ones Car Damaged Hit and run damar• lo hi• car 1trurk whJle parked behl.nd 2912 Nt'wport Blvd. wu reported to police WednHday by Myf'l'11 J1mu . l1pervisors to Co1sider New Department of Public Works IAJl,'TA ANA. (0CNS) -0.... Ml• County Board or Supervl1<>rw je e llJ>f'CtPd to aet up a n•w county eeou on -the '1epa l'tment or pub- IM worka. H•ad•d by a director yet lo bf' a&med. the department wouJd cut a way nod t•pt' Md aave onrlap· t"'· a ('('ordtng to Supervl.or .eU\1 Ka ll'er. Approx1m11ttly 32 d I\' I 11o n1 W0\1111 hr c11rned In the new de· pu1.mt>nt which wlll be patttrned &Cler thr St&tl' ~pArtment o r Public Worktt. W()rklng dlr-Klly und,.r lhc ftl!"Mtor wouM be the ro.d l'omm11Q!IOnl'r, nood l"Onttol nig111r• 1, 11ur''t')'or an d right-of· -.y Il l• nt. Th·l'h·,. ~~. t 1nn• '"nuld b<> unJn the J11ri•d1• 11"n "' thC' ro11d N:•m· n1IN11"n• • 111un1 .. r 1hC' flt>1\1J r1•n · lrOI PO,. n• I ' Kaia. r i.'4tl th• '' ·oq.;.rn1&nt1..in -wtll j[O lnt(I effect 900n, It apprond by the boa.rd or l'llpervl110ra. Road CommlNloner Al Koc!I ot A.na~lm probably would be Ml.Cl· ed dlrtttor of lh• drpartmenL OCC Staff to Att9nd Junior CohcJe Meet h culty memberw fmm Oranr• Coe.at Collel'• wtU attend tbe •Prinl meelinl' ot the Soulh.rn California J unior Colleg-e A.uocla· Uon April 30 at P'uUertcn. ac:rord- Wr t.o Dr. ~ H. P•terwon, p,_t. dML Dr. T. R. NcCOMell. profeeeor ot educelloo at the l.'nl\'eMJlty of C&llf oml", will lldd~111 1nstn.tctoni and 1dmlnl•tratona on the 11ubject , "The Re-Study of the Ntr<lil ot lliKher Rducatlon tn C-ellfom ln" 1 ""'"I,. ll•fJ .. lll nf111t l" ZR ,,,., 1 lc>n A I "" \I! i;<I l 1ir aen11nl r d1•\.UaaionL • I I Poore, HalTiS j ~~ll!;'~"~~::~::~ .. ~~·%:;~i~' NEW GRAND JUIY SELECTS Boys' Training to Join ()CC ~:~:;:::·::.~ ... c:; I CH~~"MAN; TO MEET MONTHL y as Citizen Aid R06so, Poore will rcplac:e Hueston T Id I(• • 55-56 F I Harper who "''" devote tutt tame SANTA ANA. (OCNS) -The new O range 0 IWlftlaftS acu ty to tell.('hlnc ln life aclttic. County grand jury haa selC'cted it.a chairman pro . Kania 1• a &"r&dUale or Long tern. secrelury and auditing commille<'. Nl'l'd for •ome rorm or trRlnlng SN.ch State Colll'Ct'. He rui.1 F B I W H 'll 1 led ,.i L 'II tor dclinqu~nt bvya was •lttUt'd 'lb.e Board of TnalM11 of <>nnare taught <'&rJ>entry at "1Uerton Jun. OrC'm:in rom ey . 1 se ec "'rs. uc1 e Cout CoUep at their regu.Lar lor CoUqe and mt"taJ t radfS at P inkley of Fullerton as secretary. Henry Read o f meellnr Mar<-it 28. a ppoinlt'd twu Carden Grove High School. He Is 11 San Clemente was elect~ chairman p r o tern. new 1ni1tructor1 tor the 196~·~9 I joiim•yman carpen. ter and hu year. Appolntmenta lnclu~ wu.1completed apprentice Lreintnc u Picked to ser\'c on the auditing committee were liam M. Poore, matructor ln tech· a madllnlat. Chairman Bert M. W ells of Buena Park. F riu Goos· nology and cbt'mlatry and uaiat· f G rd G M J R Fl h f S ant football eo&.e!t; and Kelllletll E . sens o a en rove, • rs. . . etc e r o an Harris. ln.atructor ln building con-New Car Clouted Clemente and Nolnn Doss o f Laguna Bench. atruclion. The jurors decided to holJ r egula r meetings the For two yeara Poore bu .erved A •pare wheel end tlrt', Jug d T u in.ltructor ln DIAU'lematlca and wrench and Jack all uJued at ~o secon uesday of <'\'ery month during their t our aaslstant coach al Huntington were remc;ved from the unJoclced of dut y. Sessions will be held in the pl3nn ing 'com- Beach Hip School Re la a grad· trunk or a 19M car in lhe rear m ission conference room nt Sixth and llirch Sts .• uate ot Whittler Collese and Jl'\IJ. of 023 W. Cout Hlchway, Lou Santa Ana. Int.on Junior College where he Reed, car dealer, told police Mar. wu out.atandJ~ In football. Poore 29. -------------------------- M&rt'h 2f •l a mteung ot thl' Klwn11l11 Club. Heinis Kalsl'r of the Orange County Board of Su- pc'l'ViPOrl WU gul'lll. Biii Spurgeon &nd Bill Votaw apok e In favor ot the c1ub 11pon· 11011ng a boya' rtthlbll11tlon ranch In Traburo C11nyon 11nJ detalle'1 sue· ce.111 of euch boys' homes In other counU!!•. Spurrcon aaid lhe Twin Pinu Ranch maintained by Rive r· aide and San Bemardlno count1l'• haJ a reN rd or rehabilitating 88 per r•'nl of the b0y1 trained there while the state achoola a t Whit· Utr and Pruloa •'l'ed le• thaa I~ per cent Murh of the cioal for n1nm11g the ranrh would b\· returnM t•I 01 ang,. l·nunty b.v lh" 1<ll\ll' t.•r o.Joinic the J•Jb loully, hi' nld. SU<'<'\'18(111 w ork i.Jone with dr· llnqutnt boys by tllf' 01 an -:1• l'••1111 - t 1• Youlh Co11111•l1 Wll• nt1tl111 ... 1 lt1' Vouiw. This 11111 ~1C111p <•( 1:>11·:1111·~;. m<'n i.Jonottng 11111\"h 11t 1111•11 t1111r t11 •'OHnllt'ltn~ \\'1th tho' 1)(1~ 8 hll1I WCll ktnjC With JUVl'Dll• O(lh ,.,, Tht'y havt• bt>1•n 1111'cr AJOt111 n11111v time• In 11tralghtrntni.: 11111 b,., 11 arter r111l't1nla anll Oflh'"r:< ""'''I•'· 11i;ntd to M>ndlng lhr-!Jo) s tu t ht• 1t11tr rt formatory •~ u ,1• ''"'Y 1111 ... wer. Votaw 11&1J. H«-tJUOtf'iJ ~t111 1~· lie• tu !!hnw Orlln>:" t \11111\\ t 1111 one o( tht' hl~he11l Jt1Vcn11 .. t!o•l111•tll· ency n~tt's In the• CCllllllry, "h1, h he •aid emph1111tzro.J Ull' '"'Pol 111r surh a boya' ranc:h. A Navy crullwr hnkt' sh1•11 111 11 ... t produce about 4,000 ti1·rv111~11 P•'r day for her crrw. -----------------------------------===-=======---~ LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HOWiehold Pa~ -Dealer -Service I.JOO ELECTRIC SU• Via U do -11.utMw tltl AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New a.nd u.aed Can Jli ICKl:KTL STU DE.BAJ[J;ll SAIN Mervk'e Pan. '415 Newport Blvd. -Bar. IH BANKS a..11 or ..._rtica NT • AA ,...,.iaUdo-......,1111 BARBER SHOPS LIDO 8BAVINO llVO la llldwell .. Sten for - 1411 Via U.S. -...,._ - BEAUTY PA&LOB8 LIDO llALON OF .BEAUTI' U441 Y, Via 0,-C.-Bar. 1111 BOOKS BOO& CASE Stll \1a Udo -Manor t4M CA.llEBAS A Sapp&. VINCENT LIDO D&UG8 ue1vaau.-ear....- CA.&PLn A DBAPERJEj DICK 11.A.Clll!R H!0\11a~UU CATERING BJCllAJU)'8 UDO llA.&IU:T MU Via LWo -....._,r !UI CLOTHING -h '• Retail BIDWELL'S 8BOP f'O& lllEN SUI \'I.a Udo -....._,r ..a CLOTHINO-Womea'a Retail LIDO F A8HIOSl't UM Via Oporto -BarlNN' 1111 8HADDOCK'8 1411 Via LWe -....._ llT7 VAGAJIOND BOV8E lmported Sport.a'#M.r 14HVlal.Wu-~-.. DRUG STOKES vni'OENT~ UDO DllUG8 .... \'la ...... -Ha.nor ... ELF£'1'RIC OONTBACTOB8 LIDO ELl:CTIU<; HU \'&a Udo -Hanor t191 FOUNTAIN, GKIU VJ..~CE!\T8 UDO DRUGS MCI \'la Udo -Hart.or .... FRAJlES Ii ALBUll.8 OERHAaDT l!!TliDI08 Ull\'&aUdo-~r ..... FUR.Nll'UBE DICk llCACIU;B 14%0 \'la Udo -llarktr U!8 GIFI' SHOP RJCHARD'M U00 MAIUll:T HU \'&a LWo -Hartlor %8!3 INSURANCE AGENTS \\'. O. Bl-CK, ~C • StGO \''t Udo -llutior u.M INTEBJOR DE()()llAT08S BLANl'KE YUL&.Ell80N A.1.0 Hll \'la Udo -Hartlor 6Sll DJCk 111.A<,"llE& W t \'la Udo -Barhr UUI MAR&.ET8 RICllAIU>'8 LIDO 1llAIUll:T MU v .. Udo -~ nta NUBSEBIES RJCIUJW'8 LIDO llAJUlr:T Col"N4fte-Table A rnLn,{emeota SUI Vt. I.Ho -lluiler 18U PHO'l'OOBAPll STUDIOS Gl'JIUIA.&DT 8TU DI08 1411 \'la Udo -~ MM REAL FATAJ'E LIDO UA.LTI' "880CIAHS Udo 8aJ• 6: Renta.Ja .... \'I• ...... -Ruhr ... , p. .. ,..._.., ~ ......... -. ............ aw.-..__._..,1 ... VOGEL C'OKP ~-y HJI \'la Ude -Kanor '971 SAVINGS Ii LOAN A880CIATIONS NEWPO&T ML80A SA \"INGS a LOAN ASSOClATIO~ A Sa\'l11g1 lnaUtutlon Lone Term Home Loana ,.., ......... _...,..., .... SERVICE STATIONS LIDO IUCHFmLD MU Newport llh•d.-llar. 6811 SHOES-II•'• BU>Wl:IL'8 8TOH roa llL'" MU , ... Ude -lluMr 9"I rREATBFA LIDO THl':A nu; Conault thl1 papt'r for program , ............. :s-,,.n BtnL llarbor 111 • ?OY8 I.JOO 1'01'1.A~"ll U.U \'ia Udo -Hartloor nM l fPBOLSTDUNO OICk MAC'IO:R :W.!lt \la Udn -R~r UU L•DO From ~nY A.ng\e · LOOKING'S GOOD IN oy/dnd t Hey Kiel• 1 Enter the Roy Rogers Bullet . Contest. Now! 510 FREE PRIZES • SEE TllDI IN OUR WINDOW. Guess how m•ny Roy Rogers buffets there ue in the pltstic conteiner in our window. (Officiel Heedqwirters for Roy Rogers ContestQ Complete New u ... of VOGUE DOW and Accessorlet ••• DAVY CROCKET 1001<5 ••• EASTER IAlllTS from $1.00 .. Hey Perentsl Sign up for the Birthd•y Club for Children ••• Surprise! Surprise! 3442 Via Udo Hart»or 2954 ALWAYS THE FIRST with G.E's Newest! Introducing the New UIERATOR Range FINEST G.E. TWO-OVEN RANGE ever made * Celrod •utom•tic top burner -can be set eny temJMreture you went ... Autometic oven Timer ... Calrod cooking units throughout ... Focused Heet Broiler . . 3424 Via Udo * EXCEPTIONALLY LIBERAL TRADE-IN Haibor 4797 Diel< Macker 100o/o WOOL-EXTRA HEAVY Japanese Braided Carpet ., o~~ Comp~·· l COLORS, BEIGE, GREY AND GREEN 12 foot widths for well to well Installed ~mplete witf1 peddin9, carpeting - tackleu strips and door metal. 3420 Via Udo Harbor 4321 1Lcen~ UDO DRUGI for your EASTER GIFTS •• and Cosmetics FTance's FINEST PERFUMES • • l I D 0 1 Choose from these World Femou1 Perfumers CHANEL e WORTH e GERMAINE MONTEil LANVIN e ELIZABETH ARDEN e GUERLAIN CARON e DANA e FABERGE Tradltlonally Yours thl• ' M A R K I l G<Uler SunJa'I . · • HAM AND EGGS TIADmONALL Y RICHARD'S .... Menhetten Hems with the Old Fashioned, Down· on-theFerm f1evor. Eutem raised pork! The le91 shipped to lon9 Beach to be cured end· smoked especially for us. You 'ff notice the differ.nee in flevor with the erlra 24 hour smoke. E.ch end everyone 9u.rentMd. TIADmONALLY RICHARD'S .... Our own 6'-Mn C.rton Rench E991 .•• Personelty selected from one r•nch end brought in freth eech momin9. So herd to find! &tre Ler~ Eggs! For • memoreble Euter BreeUastl '