HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-07 - Newport Balboa PressPRE8EN'l'8 BEPOBT-WiW.am H. Spurpon Jn, eha1rman ot grade ltudy aommittee, left, preeenta recommendation to Newport Beach Dementary School District tn&a· tea on propoeed ABC report card. Board memben, from left, Mnl. Lou.la c.enar, Gordon B. Flndla,y, Chairman James Ray and HanPr Peue. At rirht la Thomu Woodward, a.ui.stant aupertntendeot while Roy Andenen, 1Uperintendent, not vialble, 1&t between Peue and Woodward. -Staff Photo A,B,C .<irade Report Card Hits Snag ,,, Trustees Delay Decision 30 Days.. -Hearing Slated • '.8 c •• 1 • TRASH CAN FIRE 'ARSON' HINTID Poutbl• anoe attempta tn traah can• on Balboa hland were reported t.o police by Wl.Uiam Co-.ert. irtreet eu]Ml'• tnt.ndent. He -.ld fir. ba" been lit In carw north of Park A••· In alley• betwftn Onyx, .A.methywt and .A.polena .A.Vff. SCHOOL FUIS Co11ty Co1nb 'Em, Mes1'1 Boal'~ Informed l'ROP08ED REPORT OASD-Tbe replicu ahown are taken from~ of new~ port card dratted by profeuional teaching .wt of Horace En1lgn School for 11eventh and etghth grade etudeota at request of grade etu<ty committee. More diilcumlon on O&l"d ill due &t next bot.rd meeting to which public it invited for lta co1111nent8. I HARBOR PRESS '8th YEAR -NUMBER 11 NJCWPORT mace. CALIJ'ORNIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1965 Phone Harbor 1618 KID 'LUSH' ARTIE ·s· DRAW . M·E·S·A POLICE, SCHOOL FIRE DONNA SORENSEN ASKS BetTY Named $500.000 FOR DAMAGES to Replace Child Grog 'Orgies' Hit Officials_ Wam Parents By BD..L PllJLUPS Nm11e1 Hutsons. lnine Co.. J. B. Stoddard Mel BelTJ, 001 Ctitt Drtve, Tu... Report of a recent outbreak of "lu.h" part.IM. In~ Olhan In Upper lay clclent :: ::!'b,:u w::. ·=~y : .. ~ 1~ anl db 14-hyearN -old grammar 8Chool ltuden~. bared acJu • IANT.A. AN.A. CC>CNS) -'nte La Cr98C•ta parenta ot an 18- year-old ftrl wbo JQ9t bar left &rm ill an Upp. Newport B&y boat ac· cldent Sept. 8 uked more Ulan a half million dollarw da.mac-In. a IN.It fUecl Monday ill .upertor court. Lodstnl the IUlt are Mr. and Mn. H. Edward 8orenM11. They broucht th. acUon on behalf ot their dau1ht.er, Donna M .. Soren- and plowed Into the pl, who 1tandt.nc ln aha.Uow water. • strl •uttered broken bonee, 1ev-ahocll. Internal lnJun" and ber Jett arm wu amputated. TWO ON TOW -.ST YET,' OF EASIER UPSON RIPOITS Wiii THRONGS '"ndl a. u.. bMt mut.r Wefll •acaUOft irou1> of rouns- llt«9 wldcla a... Ttat.ed UiMI .,... In recut ,..a.ra." Polle. CllJd Jolla U)IMNI -.ld today of the holiday c:rowda. Be •Umat.ed between e aad 10.000 vacallonl.lu are 111 the llaft)or .,... .tlldl la c:c:eald«rably Jc:u lh&n wc:re here lut JMI'· Some 15,000 chlJd~n were here Jut year. '"J'h. lnCMt worll we have done poUc:e·wl1e 11 In lr•f· nc bot that J\u betll mach a.. Ulan wt year. When Lhere an many can ~ attr the bndge t.o Balboa I.land. we ban occ:ulo.nly aiow.d Ultm do~ to kMp tht 1trMta reuon· ably eltw' for fln prot.eetol.11. Very t~ juvenl~e h&Ye bttn anuted becaUM t>wy .,-Mad lntoidcaUnr boen.geL Coa· aequet1Uy, It would &PPff.r thla 1ear·1 crowd la for U\e moet part weU-behaftd aad m09t welcome." HARBOR FAIR TO ALL Local Merchants Reply to Santa Ana Kid Gibes Hot lndlpaUon n&l'tld up ln N...port Harbor today onr the tll&rgu ta.ed like Molotov Coc:k- la11a a t local merch&n!JI and rul· dent. by Sant• Ana atudm!JI who claimed oceuhe price. an c:lluc- ed by Harbor bua\nNlff. 8 pokaaman for ma.ny mercllant. count.er.d wtth the claim Ul&l k>- caJ merchant.a are rettln1 le(IU· mat• pr1eta tor mt~hanc:UK. "H ow Call th. klda 1ay we han hlChtr pMc.it.'' Rh:hard aa.ld. • .,._enty per cmt of our bu.lin.., com..-from Santa Ana UI• y~a.r around from coat Olf llvtnc cu.at.omer11 who oome b~re becaUM t.hty Ullnk they ue t.ruted UMI hum&a ~tnp " RJdl- a.rd M.ld hlJI IC.aattt Week b11.11ln- W1 year l1 11 per c:ent o~r lhe amt -.It tut yur. A.a a Balboa laud met"dlant.. Lee MeCoUoch of i.lend Pbarm· '°"" ........... •> save y y t e ew11-Presa, today prompted c.o.ta y.., Police Newport Beach llJement&ry School Dtetrlct board cau.eed by reairn•-Chief Art McKeDJle to alert Harbor area parent.. McK•· lion of J. B. Stoddard recenuy z.ie identified "lush" parties u aimilar to "makinr oat" and elected to city council. Oordon "mU«rtnc" pa.rue., M . they were auc:h attain have happen-4 Wore. Findlay moved Berry'a appoint-~?wn In 0 Jlngo of yura past. . Rea told the achool boU'd lua rn ent be made. Follow1nc • aecond I don t want to dJ.soour.ge 1 ht UM! ___ ,_,_ 40 by Mr9. Lout. Cemar the board children r et-torelhera," McKenzJe. ~I...... re -~:.::r·::::-;:-! .. _. approved hi• appolntlr.ent un.anl· -· 'd "W a1J kno th t I ... rl f •u .ct )'O'UI•·-·· ... ..., ._. .. ..,... ... •· • w • • r-• 0 parental contt"OL "'We ba.,. ne mou.Jy. Crowin&' up, of learning •odaJ trouble wtth them ta echoot, but Active 1n Newport H&rtlor Com-1T•oe• between boya and Jirl•. But th y l lnto trouM. UI i. munlty Playera, Berry LI aecnt.ary we do have to dt.ooura«e drlnkln.g'. e ., gt · on • OU ot Se&fartnl' Lode•. r It AM. He lack ot su~rvlalon and rowdylam aide, lh• wper1nhndent aid. formerly wu manarer Of a Coata .t auch p&rtlu. These tend to dla-A meeting of alJ pubUe ac-c'- Mua firm and 11 now manarer credit tht' .choola and the com-1dfallnr with O~ County ju. ot Udo Tradtnc Co., lnvutment munlty a.t a whole." 'ven.llea wu reccnUy eeDed ta Q conctm. &ZA IN REPORT effort \o aroUM p&nnt.9 ~ Married., Berry hu four ch.II· Mo.1t rel•ent of the ... erted chUd led. McKenr.11' report.s • e..ni. drn1. r1.111111g ln area from f to l3 orglH OC<'Urred In th" county area Ana juvelllle court .. jud19 ~ ... .,, .. r1. One LI In N ewport Grammar outllde Coeta Mesa. Superintend-18latemt-nt uytnr. Any &dult. In· Scbool, two are 1n Horll<'e En.tip ent l!:verett !Ua rf!portt'd on the volved In derellc:Uon ol 1Upe"1aor• School ind lhe youn1eat wlU enter matter during-lut nll'ht'• 1eM1on l&I dut 1e1 v;·ould be HVel'ly dfflt Coron.a del Mar 8cbool next falJ. of Co.ta Mua Unton School DIJI. with" wt\-"lu.!l" put.I• were The Bertya clil.nle here In JHI trlct Board of TMlat.eH c:oncemed. trom Mexico City whf.rt they were While approllht•lt-ly · 30 YOW\I· "8EWINO PAlt'l'Dl:a"T encaged t.n the lumber bua1n-at.era held a party 1n a borne, the Such pu1;1• haft aa.o ma--. tor lh,..e yean1. Prlor to that h• adUlt.t muppoaed to be wpal"V\a&n1 l&ll99d froll\ tn'Jlt&Uona uwn~ wu employt'd by Shell 011 Co. In lbem rvnained In a fnlnt room -~ t.Mll-q. Chia to join UUnoi.. He •tt•nded Wuhln""oll watchtns TV. A. lt•Je&r-old youth "..tq part.tea." ~-no chap- Unlvenlty. • droY• up wtlh a C&M 0( beiW la ..-lac adult.a han been on band, u.. beek -d of hJia car. The sram· bo)'9 ban llllown up. City BuUcUng Pe11111ts OYer MUllon Mark Newport Btoach bu.tldt.nc 'pennlt.1 lopped a mWWln doUan ac-atn In Mar<'h with l:U -permlta luuf'd for 1 total of ll.SSl.Geq. the larseat to\.a.I alnc• lM mont), of January, 1931, accord1111 to R A. GI~ head ot th• buUdtn& d•pArlrntnt. Bulldln( permit. for l"ebruary to- t.all~ Mf 7 .~. A.a uwaJ the W& t ll'lre In U.. 1taU1lla wu for atncle hC>Uld wtlh 35 for a tot&l of M t3,&02. Other calapt1u Include two J. faintly '""-tor Pt,%00; two a. I famllv h-• for Siil 37~ a.nd Ofl• 18.famlly unit f or 132.000 . There .,..,.. U repaln under '1000 tor IHlt aad It repaJr job9 I ov•r SIOOO tor Sts.W . nine cab- anu COit 113,850, lh~I' 11Wlmmtn1 pool•. 17800 and t our priYate P"" •cu. uaoo Five nf'W commercl&J tni-bulld- lnC co.t S4ot.tat, tour cornmf!rdaJ rep&!~ COit 17~ and tour •rn- Utl& HAllOI WEATHEI T-pera.blrft Ule put -11 la the.,..,.,_ Wf!~I F'Tiday. April l_. __ ... 89 8atllrday. Aprtl I --80 Su~. Ap111 a -·--i 11 Mooday • .Ai>nl • --·-~ TuNday, Aprtl G _ ··-81 Wectn.Sa1, April I .... 84 'ntund&y, April T ··-t2 49 48 H 4t 42 .. •• mar 9Cboo1 chlldrea rot hold ot. It McKenaie wanted local puenu ud bepn pah1nr ott, eome tn U.. 1 t ted In .u paUo. olheni In the 1.,.... . .ome n -the • are et lhtlr oo lb• lawn m I.be dar""-. children. "Be w.re ttepoM>ble 1-Ulll °" OOllDIOI. ..... .. ----. • • .. ..,. ._ _. r ..... ,__,... aiL....,. .. AGENDA BRIEFING-New Co.ta Meaa Union School Diatrlct board member Brad Schwarz, right, receivee a briefing on laat night's board agenda. from newly cho- een Chairman C. Chisholm Brown. The men took onr for past Chairman Tom De Fol"Ctlt who had to ~gn when he moved rta1dence from the dlatrict.-Stalf Photo Crowded Mesa Schools Due for Fall Double Sessions M pruicknt of Ui• Newport Har- ._ Cbarnbtr of Commn ce. Maurie 8anley detenffd local butn~• people u compeUU•e u any In Ult country. "Our pr1c• lier• ln lf..-port Harbor an th• Mme Our. 1Df: Eut@r WHll u thfJ are ctur- tnr November or P'etmiary," Stan- ~Y .aid. 'TU compen them &117 day With merchant• In 8ant& Ana, Oranre. ~n or Loe An,.t_ .. MANl' PIDC'U LE8I 'Ille cll&mbtr pfftldent aid be baa fOWld m~ lypea of~ 41• priced lffl In Newport Ra.r- bor Ulan In 1K>1De ereu of Oranp County. Ht WU hjp 111 hla praa. ol th• younpten wtto .,. ~ RICHFIELD . GETS DRILL SITE BY MESA LIMITS With f'Vtry nnok a.nd cranny of Gh!lln1t C:o11la Men 8Ch'l01 ftt'1ll· tlu bur1t1nr at tht-ua.m s. su.,..r- lntend .. nt F.Yerrtt Rfll last n11:ht Info rmed thl' dh1trl<'l boar<! nt trU11tee• douhlf' tulllnn11 woulrf llAve to be hfld nut yf'ar for "nrrybody but lhe flflh •nd 11111.h gTatlu-an1J It ,.nrollmrnl kttp• Cf'l>Wlnr. we m1ty h11 ve l» double .eulon them." Ru.slnl'U Men•r;er Harrlaon Ban· born had countf'd new houae. In lhe varloua •chool arfU u lh• mr;1t &<'ruratf' W•)' to do any en• rollmf'nt flKUr1nl{ "Wbne lhe •tat.> 11verag"" 8;10th of a child Jiff hou.e, the Co.1ta Me• aveni1• -m11 to ~ I l~llOOlh ch11drtn,'' R"ll rr vr11l,.d. R08Tt:R r.oiC'tlEAMF. ot the Harbor In the nrst round tuchti.,ld OU Corp'a apluabWy 11oe or MNa plallnen ln N...port ol S:...Ur Wffk. weU wtU be dJ1lMd wttllln 100 ffft JWIUce court tft1IMd the cit)' com- A• to ~nrollment nflrt yur In ui.. Mua dt.trict. Rn ••irl, "To be (l"rfeclly frank, I.hit h the tlntt lime I'm kind of •lumped." He blarr"1 thla on Coata Mua'a "nry fluid population.'' A• an Hample, Ule •llPfrlnll'ndent re- ff'rred to )bin School whfr" 2•0 puplt.1 moved durln.r thf' ye•r while 100 .tudent.t deputed. On thla ba1tla, Rl'a Mid he tlJ'• Ul'\'tl on e.n l8 p..r cent lncreaa. nut year. put unr th• tot.al dl1-\ t~l enrollment betwttn 4200 and 43()(). Thlt Ill 700 OVIT preHnl "n• rollmf'nt, accordlng to Rea. Thi• yeu th" Iner ..... wu Tao pupil• or • J11mp of 200 1t11dent.t alnc• •tart uf the 1t'hool yur. "I Wnk we've rot a t'\n• buncll ot ao.ta Me•'• ltOl'lkrn bouBdary mluton'• appl"O'J'&l .. "cut and ot lllde here Ulla week. ff Stanley on the him-State Hoeplt.al dried." Approximately JOO Meff -.&d. "It'• nne 4'0mt other .,... tract off Wllaon St. fol1owtn1 ac-ctti.a. att.eoded lk meeUn1 with ta th• lltat• have th• rowdlee and I lion by C<>At& Mua City P1-nn1q Jt men and women spea.ktnr tor we ha•• tM nJce kJc:t.." Comml811on .net Oranr• County a nd ~iJurt appronl of tll• d.rlll tn ~ to tlle charl"M of hJc'h Plarlnlnl' ComJrUMkln lb.la W'Nll. 1ltl' 'permit. Opinloft -med nmly pt1cf'I, O. W. f Oldtl Richard The drill .iw "J>ruetlla ae<oad dlnded. Majortty or thOH l'pM}I· 1t.ep ln an oU play wbJdl lnlually ln1 ln appro•al ot Ille drill lltt •w RJc:Plll~ld purchUla6 rtpt.8 to had eold tnlntral "shl Mull• to DellYery cw ....... d l~ acru ot mJMra1 npt.t, In-th• OU company. DeUnry of the N.-port Barbor New.-Prem la par· antMd. Carrier boy• wtll .,._ li•tr thtlr pap.ra betOf'e t p.m. on Monda.y and Tbun- day. U 10UI' paper b not ct.- UYer.d by that boW pa... eaU Barbor tilt ud a .,.aaJ roul4 ftlU\ will lmllledtaWJ' r.pon4 wtt.h ,our copy of :rour Newport II.nor J'f....-,.,..... cJudtnr 700 ACl"ttl wlthtn north· A.a reported In llon4ay atter- WNt Coeta M-city Umlta. noon'• New•PrMa. memben of lhe Monday ntcllt t.be M-ol ty city plannlnc comm'-lon w"• plannen '9CCllD-..ded C!OUDty a p-con'ftnca4 Ncllfteld could carry pron.I of Rldtlldd'• 1"9qUHl for a out clalma ot drUllq for Oil In drlU 11te ftl1ance Wit.II owta.ln an ·~ odcw1-and lnot- .Upulattou, and ,_trda, alter-feul.,... m&nMr atlft' ~ c:Oftduct- nooe U.. C011Bty eoauni.ton f"Ull· ed tow of Lone Beadt f\elde iut td the oil ccmpuay ftri9Dee on weell. But 11~7 nilbt.. a Rkll· U.O.. te~ 110re .tnnsent twd Na .._.., ,.. ot ~ tban IUu..rtJe ,.....,.S "1 ()rap pound 1'Jdraulie ~t ta County onftnancM. (A. lupe"11ora co.,..,U. wtUl tM deniek-t~ ti..rtnr b du. Tue.day at lt a.a. oper.tiotl waa nm IOtr edlfte&Uoe Oii lM drt1.lbl« ~.) Of atteftdlf\S Cltt.a..&. n.ptte t.hw. dl11TUDUed,...... 'l1laa CM.Lml&ll Walt Wellner ~ UM Moadaf •iPt .... ()1 7' • • .... ' PLE?'w"T1' MORE Flgurf<I on the number of new hou11u wHJi th,. prl'Mnt enroll· m,.nt. Rra All(! 22 nt-w tf&<:hl're "Monrtay at H•!l>f'r SchO"ll " Rl'll would bt> nH'dl''1 In the M ... dl1· ~pone<!, "t>lghl nfw rhlldrcn cn.m" Irle l pl1111 th,. 11l ic leftf'htr cu1hlon. I •• from amonic 18 n.-w 1lw't'nl11 In the wholl' d1slrirt. l n n't e~pl.tln H,. ,..,., he wa11 coin( to rec.om· It. but thtr~·,. a terrific numl><-r m"n'1 lhat tr111r prl'Aent tl'&eht-n alwaye movlnn In and out .. not bf' r,.hlre<I, that two had n -.. 11l1rn"'1 a nti JO WtT" qultUnc "8'l For thle ycar. R• ll t•h1 h,. fll(· W(' arl!! rolnt to I>" hlrln1 111-37 u~ a 1:1 per cmt enrnllm .. nt ln-crea.IO! a.nd marl,. prnv1,1r1nio In lh" n"w teat•hnA a.nd th")' ar .. (Oln« It> be hard to find.'' the tupn· budrtt for hlrln11t afx more 1 .. 11rh-lnlendenl wam f'd . «11 In CaJte lbey wer" n1!4'df'<I "We Ill~ five of tho~ l11C 1 .. arheno," Upon recommendation of ~a. be told the board. "and un nrry lhe bo&rd approved torwattiln( of through tor Ult bela.nce of Lhl' Y"ar I a lt-tll'r to Or&nfe C0&8\ Collt1• t.hourh th• nrat irr•du e rl' a hllle rl'QU"llllna-traMpOrlAtltm &14 nnt overcrowded." I year. Ro polnl,.d out thl• wou)d ti. n. eup.rtntadmt •Id ba and c:.-. • IP'9p ' • • • L- • PAGE 2 ·PART t -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS What we need at this point is a conversational ice- breaker. We could say the game of polo was first played by Chinese women, I Or we could sidle up and state Mt. Fujiyama is 12,365 feet high. But perhaps it would be best to cut the shiUy-ahallying and get right to the point: The Newport Harbor News-Presa will publish a column about "a local club'' in this space every Thuniday. I * * * * * . The Club of the first part will herein be referred to aa the Balboa Bay Club. It is located -for those we have lost already -at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. * * * * * You'll n6tice there is no "membel'B only" sign posted anywhere along this column. While it is true the BBC is operated for the enjoyment of its members (and we intend to take this means to keep them informed on members-only activities) the Club also has a civic side -and a civic pride. Therefore we'll have news of interest for non-members, too, and we hope you'll share it with us. * * * * * The up-coming Hospital Ball ia good example. Members and non-members alike will mosey down to the Club on Friday, April 15, to attend this important affair. It is sponsored by the Centurion Club, and the purpose is to raise money for Hoag Memorial Hospital. The Coastal aretl, which has everything else, de.serves a ~ hospital. It has a splendid beginning in Hoag. But more and equipment are required to serve adequately this rapidly growing community. Only $10 buys a ticket, which may tum out to be a "get well" card for some member of your family or you, yourself. 'J'he food and entertainment will be extra-special *****" Cbairm&n of the Ball this year ls Max Sturges of Lido lale. And when he aays that Hoag is worthy of support, he knows what he'• tallcing about. Right ID the middle of making arrangement.a for the party, he had to go up to the Hospital and have hiB appendix removed. 't * * * * 'lbe Centuriona ahould strike a medal for him r eading, .,Above and beyond the call of duty." * * * * * • A. featured a.ct of the evening will be the Elliott Brothers Band, a new recording sensation. It you haven't heard this group yet, you will. Might as well lay claim to having dis- covered them 2\t the Hospital Ball. Also on stage will be The Rounders, who appear every evening Monday through Friday, much to the delight of the dancers. Since they opened their engagement at the Club last month, the boys have been bringing people to their fel't en ma.sse. When they atrike up the band, the Main Dining Room looks like a courtroom when the ju9ge walks in. I We sentence you to an evening of frivolity on our floor. I * * * * * I Early Easter Week presa releases state this year's teen- age crop in Balboa ia about half the normal size. 1 We don't want to dispute the experienced nose-counters, but we thlnk the SIU\I(• all here. The mL.Jng ball can be j' found at the Balboa Bay Club. This is one of the biggest crowds of youngsters we've had., and we're pleued to report they are orderly and having the time of thell' lives aalling, IWimming in the heated pool, "' playing tennia and dancing. I Their parent~haperonea look pleased, too, at having holiday joy confined to the BBC premiaea. * * * * * oD Euter :::,unday Newport churches will be filled to overflowing with worshippers, and after the services we'll be lleelng many of them at the Club. The adults will come for a apeclal bnmch prepared by Chef Gabriel, but the kida " won't give the food more than a pa88ing thought. They'll be too intent on the big Easter party which 1tarta at 12:30. There are eggs to be bunted and a show, pre- eented by Pepito and Joanne's Studio, to be watched. Prtse. will be given to the children finding the moat tgp, and the lea.st. lt never pays, apparently, to be caught in the middle. , " * * * * * I P&ul Heue, the famous photographer, was at the Club not long ago to photograph Miss Rheingold against our splen-" dld 11Cenery. The aasignment bad been set up severlll weeks previoualy and we awaited the crew -all right. Miss Rhein- gold -with a aong in our hearts. But when Hesse arrived t.he afternoon was getting on toward Hawaii. and th" sage photographer took a look nnd said the sun was our undoin~. He'd have to go across the Bay and shoot from the>r('. That'• perfectly fine, a.a long aA Newport -some part <'= of Newport -geta in the picture. lf it doesn't , you'll hea r & loud click. Cauacd, of course, by se\'eral thousand people nr1!.ching to Schlitz. -Ad\'. Greenleaf, Severts Consolidate \Jleal Estate Firms in One Name 1 Ko,' Orullleat Jr., at1d Gordon I ln the Harbor aru 24 yt'1u11 a.nd lle~rta tlllnounce the con.10UdaUon I will conUnue to <'lll'TY on hl11 build· ot their rtspective n-al utate ing l\Cl l'"ill<'a under hta own nnm,. l\l th!' "3mt adlil"l'ss. buainellMI Wlder the new na.me of , C::nrdon Sewrtii, rormu r"a.llor Oreenleal • Severt.9, ln\',. with Of· of Whittler, httl! htl'n loc11lt'd thls t ic• at 3JJ3 Ne"''J)Ort Bh·d., New-l p.ut ytar at 133 E. 17th St .. Cos· port Beach. 1 :a :\fe.•a. H e ".'Ill rlnsr lhl~ oCflct . The1 ••IU 11peda.llze ln commer· SKrelary·ll'l'&Aurer ot the cor-clal and ln<luat.nlll propertlr1 u well u curylng on a &tn<"rt1I ~ poratton will he J uaeph111e M<'Clo11- ut.&te bUJ!ine,.~ j key. Olhrr o_<cllO<'lotea wlll Include ' Ol'ffnlea! Jr., h.u bffn located 1 Georl{e Ktlmrr 11.nd Ja<'k A dama. 1 HOUSEHoin WARDROBE CRISIS? CRISiS? Perhaps ,;,e have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "Sl:RVJCll W1THlN HOt:RS -WHEN ~"EEDED" OOMPLETE LAU?li"l>ERER8 and CLEAJaR8 • Savage Escapes Serio11 H1rts i1 la~ Crash $8,935,746 State Funds for County School Districts or About I ~ S rrr r•nl r .. r t P:'l!l·:t•. Jo'1n11l f ti;111>1• o n ~lull• l!llppu1\ of Ule ~.:111.wl!! In th11 "'*II\\)' f,11· t11la yea~ could be UP«I~ JO up 1n 1lmllar tuhlon. the l•- Uon pointed out. 8tate f\UM19 totallna P.9~.741 / 1 ..,.. aJrea4y .et up for lh• public Kint loat T aket1 eo.ta Iii.-PoUoe Offtett WU· 9Cbool d.latricta of Or&ll&• county 'nleft ot a t-f\. blue rowboat. U&m ea...-elCaped Mrtoua ln· .. UI• •·prtnclp&l'' apportlcmment pa.lnted while lnalde wa1 r~porttid jlU'J earlJ 'l\ae9cky monUllC wtaen for Ulla year'• operallnr coat• to poU~ TUeeday by Mre. M. R. tbt police car be wu drt~ WU wtU& ..sded .um. tor sTOWtb and KlllJ ot lot 65, Munlrlpal Trat11r "emo'1•bed ln a M9doa crub with other PUJ'POMI Y•t to come, Call· P&rk. Sh• .. Id tll• boat wu moor--a).~ toD truck. 'I1M ooUs.lon took fornla TUpqen' ~l&Uon a&ld ed on th• beach In n-ont of th• plaa OD lhrM-lan• Newport Bl't'd. todaJ• 'j>Uk and UI• moortn1 UM WU n..,. th• Koote Vt.ta tnlftMc:Uon J'or IUt ,.ar, the prlnclp&l 1tat1 ~ppenntly cul with a kJl.tte. at T:IO a.m. apporUoDment to th• llChOot. lllwlftd ta the ..ullup wu • th• ClOWllJ amounted to 17.ell3.-tNCIE drt.-by Manu.1 Oonaal11. ITI. Orowtb. •peclal purpoH, and • All work and no play make Jack 11, ot 1107 W • .,_...t St.., Santa Ana. other •tat• support It.em• brou~ht a d11U boy. Re~ owner of \ha nhlcle th• total to 11.912,0:SG-an addlUon -JamH HOW911 a Kenneth c. Pdce of IMT N. ;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pvk ~ Santa ADL Prloe holda \ha 0-la Kea city truh and prtiap oon.cuon oontract.. Thi poUc. CU' ... Llated u • total wreck, MIOCll'd1nc to Polle. Cblet A.rt KcKmak. Bani" .uf· fered laceratlona around one •Y• and pcNlllble mhlor chest lnjurtea. report.e lbow. The truck tncUrTed front end cSunare. B&-.ac--.td b• ,,.. drl'lb\1 north MAKI us PROVE rr "W• uw •-...,-amom...U. .,...,. .. ow te ••• moae1 t111 ..... r.,. ....,. J•l Ii" • u.. epportualty to prow te 7ou the molM'J aa\1n,. adnatagN of tM 11D14oe 41ffennt plaD plo-red ltJ Btat.e Fann. SPRING SERIES UNDER WAY on Newport &l'fd. ID tb• center • l&ne, p&Mblc uotber auto. A. v .. hJcle, not ln'f'OlYed ln th• actual coW..lon. apparenUy irtarted out or Konte Vllta onto Nwwport. t.hen atopped. Sange wu forced tnto State Fann Insurance Co. I The Ludera • 168 wye one of five clauea which turned out at Newport Harbor Yacht Club last Sunday to get the large boat diviaion of the Spring Seriea atarted. Bud Gage in No. 185 ia now leading the five-boat Ludera fleet. Other clueea on deck for the event included 9 PC sloops, lS Rhodes, ~ MercU1')'8 and e Tbiatlee. The next race bl this series is scheduled for May 1. -Beckner Photo the eouthbound lane when Ole ln- lllde auto nnm1 out. Th• t.n.aclc wu t.raftllnr .out.h on Newport LL c.ar.. • JU.OO!lllNGTON, IU.. W,L.._.. Blvd. ud mr.aahed beadon Into lSS ll. 11th St., ea.ta lleea u 8·1011 the Meaa poUce car. LIDO DRUGS "«>-., ... U4o ~ .. 1411 Via Udo. Newport 8-eh HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. Vout By., Corona del Mar 8AU04 DRUGS UI E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Easter Specials f.-Apr. 7, I, 9, Thss., Fri., Sat. "PAYLESS. . ~-. . EASTER CllNIJY ::~~~ ... PAYLESS •• Easter t>aper Plates a tn •ise. 12c A Tft1'TI0Jf URANINUM PROSPECTORS Complete Snake.Bite Kit Protect your life $ftM on ~· desert I.""' Griswold Skillet Mo. t Reg. $1.715 $)29 YOL'7'AY LESS . . Scott Toilet Tiuue 2 W.olll )C)C KLEENEX aoo roa J7c. Zee Lunch Bap ~·· . k ZE~ Zee Sandwich Bage : •.:,';" HZA VY CUAll 6C BUPZll WAUD -30'1 ALUMINUM ~ HYllOLD .. :::::FOIL •• Peot 1tr I Pet or Carnation Milk Tall Csm 210 .. 23C ---------------------------- CAL DAK LAUNDRY CART ••P ortahl11" Vacuum Jug 1 Gal. with Spou\ Insect Repellant !uz Several for Summer Epsom Salts P'or Batbin1 Tired Feet lleg. $U9 PAB.AUZT CAGU PARA KEO SEED Rf.it. !le boll .Auoned Color YOUNO PA&AK&STI • Jlec.3.98 2 OL PJYlfSS Drobaz Yoclk IOPNof 5267 Choe. Rabbits ... Oo\1oll\ail 39c Rollow mold. -.,. fh Boll of 12 MAICR'ULLOW E&&S 23C JELLY BIRD EGGS 1 ••••••• 3t• .... e....w.,. • H9 ,.., C•tlt • '"Cleci ....... •150 ,.._ f;;it ~:.' - I • . I 8UOAR PANORAMA. EASTER EGGS P'l'ODI 29' Up Butter Cream Eggs 1'oD Wrappec! 3 tnr 2JC Oomplet. .. 1eicuoa of S..&.er Buktta, 0 r a 1 • , Ohocolaw, .... ud Apfmel1 for 10111' ........ -...ptz !Ug. 16o Easter Table MriO <.:over~ 18C a.,. 23o SAND PAIL t "lllNI '"1111 EA~TEK oooou:14 ._ ot U JIU Y IEAN EGGS In r:u: t 'nar,. Plush Rabbits BT AND.Urn Reg. Sl.77 s11• PLUSH RARRITS- rotun Rubber 179 Wubable Brnwn • Hlllf'y 49c Easter Grass a.,. 10c Onen or Purple. 11) 01. UITU ZOO DYES R("irular Jllr u.. -~lte .... ..._... .. "'eM-... 'lt.M ~ OO'MPLETE l!IELECTIOS er Easter Baskets --,...,, holr wll .. _.. .... ~14 • --•ma • Cardoza EASTER CARDS • • NOWI PREVENT SUN-DRIED SKIN while you 10'-'Rto.t~ New ~-Fluff keeps moisture ift )'O"' dtin ••• eoft.na, 1mooth1 while It helps you ton. Speciol tli119 if19r1diet1t 11\0k" It lost long.r on '/OVf dtil\. In Pf•UIX ized con. $cl•-fil''~M Complete R1n1d Pa.eked ~l'WW'l-.r Ice Cream -= llllllH Qt 59° P\.30° f: tH< Btyle o~ 79c 3 . OAL. Oont&lner Any rta•or $596 ~. Spuntex Nylon Hose ~v-'~ 01.10 89C'*' a.w. 11.01 HOLLOW MlLK CHOCOLATll SlmNG RABBIT .......... BF Uquor o.,_ 111w11t Specials PAYLESS . Shady Early Pride of ' TUllY A nsa ••TB LOTl01' Grove nmes lnclana $1.70 Talat s1.oo· -· ..... ~ TUUY OOLOOO OT ......... , •Proof llldnl1bt -Co11wbrtlad $2.00• IO Proof 'fn.014 IYn.Old Brtrbt -.om nrrs •Proof BOJLMOD C1m ....... J'!Na Oolonial DMIMI $1.75. ,... $3.liO ValM 'Y11. OW .., .... 52'7 s411 I s3n M1BBLS BAT11 I Bohl-.... Mo 79C Aa\CL l'nfTUC91 ~I Tn .l4~ > ,. ROADBLOCK-The above ia typical atreet scene in buaineu lectlon of Huntin~on Beach aince city lot drilling of cun-ent oil boom commenced. Huge mobile -crane, t ankers and other drilling rigs completely blocked oft Second and Walnut Sta. dur- ing morning activities recently. Such a situation could well mean tragedy in cue ot a neighborhood fire or ambulance call. -Staff Photo Too Many Straws in One Bottle: Huntington Beach Oil Drillers Report Pressure Loss Evident, Wells Suffering By BF.RT JtRl~'T.ll ALJ~ their ryn to everyU\lng e\54!." ''Too many 11trllw11 In one bottle." I This 11 comment of mpn ln the Thal 11 Huntln~on Bench oil know al Huntington Brach. T:aey ftr ld from thl' 1tandpoint of three saw It !ht re. Thry had laws. bul d lfff'rent Jriller1. lhe oil mrn paid no attention to "It wall all be ovrr In two months th<'m. Caty offlct11ls did not en· at tht' 011:1dde," Is the opinion of force the Jaws because the people anot •·r•·. \1 hn wrnt on to .•!al.-. thot 11111 not wnnt lh•'m enforced, the whe 1 1: • flf'IJ was first opl'nf·d prnple wantPd oil monry, thry 1111y. 400 bnrrel-11·dny wells \\'t're l'U"1· Tha t thty attll want ft 111 evf· mon, now lhty nverllJ!<' 100 b11rrcls denrttJ by the JO drilli!lg ~rmlts a nd thty are dropping down fn11l. IMUt'd already In April. Drlll('rs Rt'DOt:s or:.C'Rr.A~r: :ire still ovt>rrunnlnK city 11lde· walka, bruklng curbs, blocldn1> well.a wlll be down to 15 barnla w ell,. wal lbe dvwn to l :i 1;1tr1 t>ls 11llf'y11, 11p roylng mu•\ on houses and a rlay 11 t th .. out11ldt 11n•l lhal ciirs. will b•' lhl' flna~h. oil mtn 1w"r . XO CAr~r: TO ~St:Eft At that the drilling Is 11ttll gnlnj:' "You people dOWll In' Newport on. Smith New Head of Toast111asten New otllccrw tor the "Harbor Area Toutmuten Club" were in· stalled Tuellday 9"ning al New- port Harbor Yacill Club. Preat- dent Dave Gardntr pruented the gavd to the newly-elected presi- dent, Steve Smith. Other Incom- ing offlcel'11 are: Horace Clark. Jack .Mulroy, J a.ck Lockwood, lllld Bull DeLlale. Elton Barnett, the ft111t prrsl- dent ot the local club whJcb w&11 orS"aniud In 19:12, officiated In the lnllt&Jlallon ceremonlta. Tout- muttr Barnett told hie llatener9 "the a11cceaa ot our club t. due to the following fa.ct: That devPlop- lng the art ot speaking eftectively- lhrough lnatrucllon. practice, and Pvaluatlon. ta the primary purpoee of our organluUon." Men In the harbor area who are Interested In lea.ming more about Toaalmaatel'11 Club acUYlllee may call U 8·2772 or Harbor 26U. Heiner, Transient in 2-Car Accident In Mru-.·h the city i<lrf'rtl' tl•·purt-B,.arh ran Fne1•r at Huntington mf'nt t11~11P•I 34 rlrllhn~ pernu1~. Jn B.-ach If you w11nt lo, but you Minor accident occul'Ted Friday the flr11t thrre off k l" dayl'I or A rrll like 10 have our tax money helptni a t 19th St. and th• bay front In 10 f)<'1 mlta at SlOO each tHlVt' twtn to pay tor county \mprovementi. a parktnr lot between cara driven l11J11< of by Cha.rlu W illiam O'Carroll ot Dr1llln1t 111 1'11111 moving north And llon·t be too proud. What wu MontPrey Park and Oeorge Httb· Ninth St. 111 a bra11llf11l thorough· po.ulble here 18 Jllllt aa po111Jlble ert H einer of %78 Vtrilnla Place, farr. 11r w u . It 111 Mnl'd \\'Ill, 1><-11u-111 your faJr city 11 Ute people 1et Cogta .)feaa, poUc• aaJd. tlful r>alm tru11 nn.I had nfrl" an itch for that oil money." H c-lner told poUc:. he wu badt· homo on 11. huml'y humes. T o.Jay I tnc up from the parklnr Jot when It 111 helrag brok..r1 ur. 1lrfll11 art' And the Huntington Bncb man the accident occurred. O'Canoll wo1 kin>: nn tho nnrlh .. 111e of It and "~ak11 r1 om f'xrer aenre. aald he wu enterlns the lot. ~~:ta':;;,ut1ful palm• art' taking ·13 JUVENILES BOOKED FOR \"lt:W ~fT.'\t\ l't:R~UT D<'rl11lo11 n f lht' p!1tnnang com-LACK OF LOCAL LODGINGS rnb~au11 11( \n~ta ~f• "B 10 approvr dr!lhni; on \he f'•IJ:t' of lht cat)" limit~ I • ra11•1ni: pl!'nty ot rom· ment at Huntington U\'ach. "Th• y·vt i;ot their tr•e In thr door down lh«'re now. It will be I only a matter of months now. A1 .oon RI! t lar t 1r~l \•, • II • uuw• In ~pit' will M gln to Itel! nnll 011 men wall t>ei:in I•> talk aoouL !Ml "blark 11oltl" 11nll I ht'n evnyonr v.·111 want M'mf' of that cash thi.t tht-y can B<'e coming m. The glllt• r Thr<'e Long ~a.ch juvenile boya were booked b1 local pollr e early Sunday momtnir wheo they could not uU of· rt,.. ri1 th" namea ot Uie girl f rlenda and a unt with whom the7 Mid ttwy were goln~ to llJ'l(!nd the night. OUlc<'rll ft>und them In front or 123 Apte AYe. The boya, l 1 nnd 13, told police they hllchhlktd to the IJlland from Lon~ ~a<'h. They had $I 60 betwun the three ot tbam. On!! boy 111 a fltu,Jent at Dewey High Sr hool, th<' other two f.!O lo J errer:ion Hlf:h School. They were booked for lacll ot p•re11tal con1,..,t onrl vlol11llon of curfew, relu.ee<I to the.Ir par- tnta and pt'l1tlon11 fll<'d agaJn1t them with jUYl'nile authorlU... of poulble oil monPy will blind ------------------------- --------I Boat Traner Clouted llHEARSE FOR Nm PLAY Jafem.,.,.. Of CU\ and Crt'W Of J.(I'. An1el a ppear to be looldn• tcw &n&e!lo belnp at OCC Chapel Theat re . .Actua.lly, D\rector l'ucllc potntll out -.ome ll~hlln1 cha.ngu nttea&T)' for central 1tar lnJ'. Around l"ddu are Jackie Tllr kat>erry, W1111dy We1Ml. Dean AUltrton and J oe Umon. Beated lJI front la :Sa.ncl Maxwell. Clfte of IMd9 ta Newport Harbor Community Player• producUoD. Slle l9 STVld-dau(httr e>f Willia m MainHll. foundtl'-<l0mpo9ltor ot Ntw•PrH•. -Hoffm•n 11nd i maU Adult Educ1Uon C1ua Phot-0 Theft or two wheels and tlrell from a bc1at In the Bnlboa Yacht Club grnunda ueenUy wu re- f'Orle I to police Sahirday by M,... II. U. Bourgeo11 oC 1000 So. Bay i----mt. ~~l<omps h~ SPECIALS April 7, I, 9 IUNS • • • w ,. " • 2Jc .... 27c ,... • laltel-Honey IUNNllS ••••• 2 t...15• ·-~---~·1. . I ~I, 9 .--• I : ..... • cw CAklS •••• s· ... I I ( .. v-.. ·~ ...,_..._) ....... ,..... .. ,_,,,,. ...... PASftllS ••••• IS• ... ( ........ .-. .......... ) ........ ,..... .. , ... - 2-1..ayw IASTllt CAKI It'-. ... ~~~ .. • ~•~<•m ... e ~ . -···········--~ Leo Carrillo, right, guest speaker at Santa Aaa MOOR Lodge pnm breakfut Sun- day, gave resounding talk oppoeing off ah>re oil drilliag which would mar California beach aren.s. At left, Ray Hoffman. governor of. loclgle. wbo ~led Carrillo hone clock ahown. .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&I I THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 DEATH NOTICE )Palmer Ave. C..,. ------------C'ounrtlman Dt-rt Smttb ,__t. IESSO: CHILl>Bl:TR I Jy notlfle<.I Costa J.feaa Clt7 Ooun· r1l that property ownera on Palm· Funeral rites for MNI. JtaaJ• 0 . er Ave'. betw~ ~·and Ian!.& ChUd~lh. T4, of 120 Wut Se<"ond Ana Avea. wam.e. to lnalall c:urba. St .• 8a11ta .Ana. will be held ln Ctly Attomt'y Don Dunlf&ll a.dvtNd Parkea-Rtdley Mortuary Chapel. them to ha,•e a rontractor put Coeta Mee&, al l l a.m. on &atur-them lJI. day. The Rev. CbarlN F'. Hand wlll ofn ctatP. Mra. ChUdrelh died Monday In Orange County Hoa- pttal afttr an tll11e• of three week•. Sb• wu a naUve of Tur- lock a.nd had llv.d In Santa Ana th• put 10 year1. llumvor• •re a eon, Howard F. McBain, Portland, Ore.! two dauS"htera. Juale Mc- Ba.1.n of Chicago and Mra. R. E. Monie ot Montana; two lllaten. MrL Oeors• B. Moreland, Coat• x .. a and Mr.. Larry Clark. Ore- ron: one brother, Ralph Wiicox ot Wu hlnstoa, and four CJ'&Adchll· dren. _.. Interment will ba In We1tm1n .. ter Memorial Park Ceml"tery. KetdtmnlbGone l:dwin H. Ketchum ot MO• W. Ocean Front told poUc. Friday hWI bicycle wu tuen from th• 1lde- walk ln tront of hla home on Thunday. --lllllllllllMllttm .... 1191111119 .............................................................................................................. ... SAFEWAY LOW PRICES WllSOll ~ TENDERMADE 1 ~ ....... -. ........... s... ..... .... *• R Pl #I' g ~ DUBUQUE lnll• ·~ 6.79 MIDGET TURKEYS~:! ~49' BEEF RIB ROAST ~~a!.~73' ...... ·--CHICKEN FRYEI 7nc LEGS ~ 7- .. va BREASTS .. v. WINGS ::39' SllCED IACOll =s7c ........ to ....... ~ .. ,_ .. '-. °""9 AQ .. ,_..... ... ,.... filCMl9 R& .. 3F ..... ~,..,S...11411~ COIBW .. 4F ........ ~.-.w- c pf•a.'9 CMIN &let e>ce.. Pe.ch:: a• Whole Whiting 1':: 39' COLDBROOK GOLDEN YDJ.OW CIAlllEIRY SAUCE ltfC:::l. '': I~ PINEAPPlE CHUNKS '= '4:IS• -:23c CORAGE CHEESE .. C::"''~,:.s::.-~ 18• ...._nm..(.--,._, h.lf pint ....... 1 lt. BISCUIT MIX ~ ~ 35c ':' ~32' =19' =17• ~ ...... .,.._..t.._•n• TOMATO KOCHUP SLICED CHEESE DUftM Ml AM1rf•4 ... , ... ~ aouvaY ..... c,.., • ••• c-...ew ·~• NE c ......... ~29' s,1tMM Wr -=2• Piii• Jely '= 29' Fltdf....., .......... T9'\4er wfl1'9 pvfta. .... 2 ... '•lied ,,, pofy ..... Mil ...... DALEWOOD IUIARGARllll foil wn11p1• Goldeft cv~ '!: 19' FRESH EGGS C: :':'~:, .._ 49c "" .. W111 ..._ • ":49c ~~Sc . -~----- u.am O' n.. Crop, Mi••• SC.. 0.... AA. doan 45c MAYONNAISE .:. ...... ZEE NAPKINS ,,,.. t-ky, ..... .... , ........ . v .u.111:11.m GlllN flAS '"V_,,.......,.. ........... _..... .................. _ ....... _ ............ .z: 10c c:' Bt lAYll WE uat "'-'•~ ............ ....... -,,,.,..... -... ""' ... ,. .,._. c_, .,.._ ~· ~ HOT caoss IUNS Wt9'by .... 17' C11my. efl llL,.n•re•• : .... e11· ,.,., ..._,.. IOllS ,.. 25• ef11 f~ White or wk-.t .UD ::;; 2))' lib er.a.. 4' ~. NIC. , ... ,..._,.. QIU.JI» a: 25• ·a: ... NEWI D"'-9f!f dlMte ..-. M IONS =:-16: 17• IEYNOlDS WIAP ~23• /.ll·fNrttOM Af11mh'41"' foll. EDWAIDS COFFIE ....... ., , ... 83' ... ,...... - NOi Hill COFF& .... w..... , ... Al............... ,. • AllWAY comE lletMI .. .......... •-flt. ..---... .... . 7~ ·PANCAKE & WAFFU MIX 5'11Clftll0 Ira n4. ·~~ I~ 2~"'::35' 1U GAIDEN SYIUP DllPS =22' ::.!37' STORE HOURS DUJ7 9 L IL lo 8 p. m. (Frida7 ttO 9 p. m.) lada7 9 L m.. lo I p. a 1722 Newport Blvcl., Costa Mesa PUNTY OF PARKINC. ON LARGE PAYID LOT /" I UPPER BAY RECREATION IOllLESESSIOI :.:-~I.~.i;~ AREA MAY NOT PROCEED C..~w n.... P-se aaid. "Ia Ule WlODd -..tar nut •'better than Jtnc a bua" ,whi yev, -hope we1l ba aha. to ta.Ile 'PA"GE ~-PART I -NEWPORT HAltlOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 i;eated delay wu that "some ot us tfelghh a non-rnde atudy ~-but Y'fllriC'tlona ot RiC'kneJ4'1 13 1 SCHOOL FLIES h'llV•· l!et n It for the fl1'11l time .. mltteC' "" 111bt•r but l'On.ttant at· rolnl• and lllne MJ~fll llOUght b~ Ht Miid from gTadtng and tNch· tender of buanl meeting•. df'c~r· thf' C'ourltv pla.nnrrr; [lrafl :-lo " , ,•r point of vlelll• thr 11yl!tem 15 C'<l: 'Thi! iwoplt-~puke In fa\•or ot will be retained lllld be p•rt of C -llnuf'd frnm 11"' rat• r&all'r than now ui.etl but lh•t he A. B. ('form. F111h1rt-11 the pnr e the 011 flnn"" v•rla11ce f"'tmlt f(lr rll:hl Ith,.,, .. f<'H f\I "''" h "'• would like a "blendmc·• of the two o! aucrt 6!1." She 11dJcd the parent• drtlllni: Some of thf' conditions will !ft 'I" ,.k 1111 ""'Ir 111 1my ay1tC'lllll. of all lowrr gra<.c c'hlldren ahoulJ arf' 1l111llar, othen more atrlni;ent. '"~" 1 Spurceon u1t1 his group'• atud-be sent lhf' •ame qut1tlonnalre1 thtt latlrr to M takl'n by the coun·, 1u brought out the thought that u5 "'tume<l by .Sf'\"f'nlh and t l&'hth ty <'()lllmlulnn. he sa1J I 111 1 "~11"1"' 1" 111" Limll.><·1.:h fl)' p.rl'nt and teach,.r con!,.rrn<'t'lll 11nd ninth i,:rade chlldreon·• folk•. The city. a ppronni; moUon "8 5 l'",blrm Ill th" 11111111 • • rrtJor .. t coulll beat thruh out persona I Ray repllrd th1• first ,·ard 1hould made by Co111n11taiunt'r ArtllUt I ht' brt• k bu1h1H111, II• " rt'l'Ol1<'J t'Vllllhlt1on of pupils' wo1 k . that I be msl<il~d beCort' adJluonaJ aur· Mt'yen. with 1Upiilat1on lht' \:I that AJ'I "~ 11,.i: 11 .. , 11,1 , c the fh• 1 tbe dJat:rict tbe fourth. third, eeftDth &lld The aupertnt.endent aald \be elgtlth Jrade9 ott doUbM -lonL" U&nqortallOD c:rl.al.I would .. m.t • Whe.n prop»ed mddJUOCll are with completloo of p~ MW f:.'.OCllJ>let.ed at Re• Bdlool, the 11Choola at UM c:onM1' ot W11-iluperta~t mid UM 21 room.a St. and Pla~DU& Aft., tD lM a.ck would b&ndle approximat.elJ TOO be.y area and • ~at.. IA UM llbldomta. Too Late To Classlfy ~a-ti-..... 18-!!f!!.. .. 1111 SXCJCLLllNT ..,. el cldJclna la • Bl>IUI.. .._ • • lltdnn. t\anL my home. SU.60 per ....._ U dupla. .. Calta ,. ... Xlm'--um. aepaa ly J..M1&. llcSI ._ ......... , ...... HKW, ..... ,.,...._., rra. IDO. llINOCULAU TdO .._. A at JOI • llrd llt.., N.wport Bch. Lomb, Uaderwood ty.,.writn'. MpN ~ ............... Ulf"11Uf • ...-.-1 Mrm.. ...... bod)', dlll. mli4 racAl ........ Boq 8-ptlaL llaltloc' lJA.W. lit Sul <>c.a mat.__. el Palla, ..... Ph. Kar. am. Mp3I *" -.ul>llD JlUGA. eD wool. UIMl '81 £,e..fwllml ... Jarp ud ...u. Call u . a.aan. llcJI CRAJf!RL nolCT afL W'an., 1 blodl to ... Udo ....,,.. soo. aAlfl> -BathlDett.e I ccl9ll J1I) mo~ lad. uW. Ill· MUI BL. a pt. N~ S1L PIMIM Buttor am. I, an.--. "'-port Be&c:b Mell McU D--hnl&llre ,_ ,... • --......... WOOL "II' wtUl ped. ~ DUPLEX near BJgb School 11 11 lT~ or 11 11 11. lllnt.. coa- clJUoa, ,_...,..,, .. TH 11...-and J -'«>r b1P-Nb I bdrm. "u, eor-a ct.i Mar. Hu11cw ,_,. tor -.. wtth rood ln· AN-W. JkSI ClOllM from ...... aatt. l.&rp • ..... !'&?! ! well kept t..-1 lot. ---W. I. Landis, Realtor 90.AT u.u.r. NII. Chrla Craft I- IL~. ft ....... bottom, lU &. ITU. at.. oa.ta x-wtUl oen, Ma. Pltone Llbnty l-2NI. I 3fttc LI I-JOU McU • ......... a -·Dllam HARVEY D. PEASE, REALTOR Balboa Island Bayfront Bargain In thU. 4 bdrm., 1-story home you have~ excellent opportunity to buy a newer, well built. completely tumiabed property of attnctive design with modem equipped k.iteben inclucliDC birchwoocl cabinet.a and table-top .iove and oven. A dream apt. off en choice aceommodatiooa for your peat.a or good mital income if dMired.. Luge plate glue windows aero. the front ol. the ltring room afford an esdting and rnr cbaDgtn,s new of the water. Property .ia clear -and to a properly qua11fied buyer, liberal finandn&' t.erma can be arnnpd. Price $46,000 iSLAND REALTY co. 498 Park Ave. at Agate, Balboa Ialand Harbor m 38c38 County Conliclen Tidelands Tracie With lnine· Company the ntw •Y•tem would rncourage veya were conu.-ted. poinla be tollowed and Ole Jnll OV••• •lll(lit ··Jlut ,,.n mllllllr• •fl• SANTA ANA. APRIL 1 (OCNSl Whether Oran1• County will be able to proceed on lta long·aought development of a recre.tlon area ln Upper Newport Bay wu a mat· ter ot ~lure today. 8oU"d ot 8upe.niaon Chairman WUU. Warner aald the outcome dependa Oil th• ~ta ol t.alkl with 1"tlle Co. npreeent.aUYH. IA order to mon ahead with th• developm•t ot a 23·-ter-acN MERCHANTS ()•1 ........ 1 ,._ .,,.. ..... 81!)', ... qulc:k to rs.. to the de- f eue ol the k>cal bawtn .. people. •·0ur pncea .,. .. low u any in the count1," he Ald, "and we make a deftD!U polllt to ..U •l the !air lra.cM price, eftD lo pnKrlpUon-." 8PZOIAL Jd:llCllAJ(DISE :WcCoUoch Mtd all th• merchant• oa Be.Jboa lalalld ha" ran• to rr-t t.rwllle to pt aipecia1 mer- cbaadiM tcw .UIUJaa' ldda ln alR9, .tylea and prioe rue• they like. Re emphealwed that ld«Y are an lmportanl put of loc&l IKulr\l!M. "Thia y-ra klda ar• wooder- tul," KcCoUoch aid. "It a. a vtry pleuant aurprf.N to all ot WI and we hope th~ continue to behave Uke people -wet like them .and want them to h&ve a g'OOd Ume." 1'l'oal the realtorw' viewpoint, O.Orp Hart. prealdent of the Newport Harboc' Board ol Rnltora ukttd, "Where can you pt aC· commoct.Uona fM a week at $10 per perwon !" He aaid that t. thtt aYno&f• prlce for Ea.at.er Week rentalai Hart compared the price with mlnlmurn motti prlc:e. of S~ per Digtlt per couple, polnUAc out that kJt.chen facWUes are not provided ln rna.t '!'otela. &ATES 8EA80N&BLE I t t "Jn ('9lleral I bellne our rental ratea are reuonable for a reaort and • reasonable number of occu· pant.. In a houae," Hart aald. He earply cr1Uclzed home 0"'"1fnl who a.bwle th• altlJatlon by crowd· nit an exceulve number of klda nto a houae for the facUIUea of· end. thereb1 "milking" the Ea.e- t.er rentala. • ••we g-et a bani' out of thtt kJd1." Hart Mid ln hl• pral1e for the younsaten who are vacationing ln ~ Harbor thl• week.. "We like to ha•• them he~. but we have p-own up now and we muat draw th• lint acain•t t"OWdyl.lm." H• aJ. 80 p~ the Mayor'• Euler WMk Committee for Ill work. 1'1pMal comment: 8a14 a Newport rwl4-t, "rctr tJie niwt time my n.IPta .,.. not ~ b7 open·mu.t~r hotrod radq. ~ )'O\IDI people a.re wmidfttuL I only hope local 1t11o dmta behave u well" more confl'rf'n<'o than now. 11\t' be aetback 100 fttl f rom Cos· ti.y play area It w ill be nKuaary AnderMn aald: "I recommend RIC la Mesa' a l>Oundary line. H. (.' I th" "''hool 111•·11~ lhl' r1t ... • 11rf' I>&< le for the county to exchange tldt· the card bl' approved u lhe beat HFIELD Sampl!On '"'Ve tht •~ond. Pa•Sll"f' a" n,. he lhlJf'1I land property for lrvlne own .. d t d U all d ·-" I cf ort .•. an e uc11 on Y soun waa 11n11nlmous. H .. gu.:i.:•·st..•J atallo1111n" of ny land. C ~ard. approved by the 1l11ff and Co•tlnued rrom f"lrwt Par MESA FOREWUNED fars ou1,.1dt> ,1 .. .-r11 11C theo brtclc William Spurgeon Ill, Irvlntt o. a good rt-prt8entutton of wha\ the · bullJlrl'· .. , thank th 1J k People think ... the belil rnelh th• fl 11 a .. 1• t e ottlclal, explained the company od ra!l('tl for tnUlvilhml uprt·11srnM Third atep In th. r MetMI. oil play I ,.... •·Y wou ttp own.a th• edc• a round Upper Bay on the aubject of lht drlll 1lte out· lite In the future, but ahould Ole ~ 1<•:1 "" ~·. "'' """, u111-we could arrive at." He conceded r.t ti and ..... ,.. for the amphltheatr11 11Jde Costa J.teP. wtll prove 1UCceuful, Rtchfltld neSA anager a1 ru"m Sanborn ..-the preacnt ver11u1 proposl'd irrad· ad\•111ed • h• be~· 1 1 • 1 t 11 and frtnce devttlopment would have RJCH"'J•LD PROMJS .. !11, 1poke1mvi have forewarned Coit.a • • ·~n. •··~ o. n1 • • Ing 1y1tema don't blend too ea.ally. .. .., "" I th fl t ld S17:'> to comet from Irvine property. Ray flnally blew up, thus: "Well, Comml11ioner Barney Francque MeM city offlclal1. Otl company -~th e 'i'.i 11·~ wou run SWAP AOBEl:MllNT dammit, without being profane, I read a letter from Richfield Vice Attorney Me.rv1n Phelan advlMd e 0 1 1 '"· "Some exchange acreem•nt will Ulourht we had a committee of Pnsldent W. J . Traveni to Wet· replacttment ot the :Weaa ordinance Rea ttportl'd that ' "a rouple of ha ve to be made.'' be aald, "we cltl&en• and profe .. lonal• whose mer proml1lnc lo do the followln( aptn8t whJp1tockln1 and oil acU· 1cuy1·· from the <·minty health dt• don't know what yet, but we wlll rttcommendatlona Wt could accept. things: vlty IMJde elty Umlt1 With Ute partml'nf •PPt'ared at Undbera h WOrk Out -me••"-r with them" It t . ......d th 1 C m 1 t d 1111 ti Oxtord type zonlnr ordinance wch School tteenlly, •·111at In the com· ""' .. ..,, · •eema 0 me we ve ·-a 0'°" In · 0 P1 f' et 1 r .,/'«d opera2 Uon• 11 Loa Anrele1 haa. Only control· dor and 1t&rted counUn• mu:· He -.td di.c1119iona on the prob-ouJh lnve.llpllon by a .-ep..-n· approx ma e y vv ~Y•· . te led drill aUo " lem have bun underway for 10me taUv• "'"""''P ••• U thJa len't the a· port:abltt drtulnf mnt i.u con· In( la wed by t.he ordln· "How <'an you poaiilbly count bod It •-•·--' • ance ru "" ... M I l d tlrne. "Every Y &&ree• .. a recommendation we llhould acet'pt, splcuoua than ~ derrick, a. Keep · ee · uaf' .... l!llpn n en enc. JOOd Idea,'' Spurgeon Kid. what 11 !" Andeneo r.plled: "Well, noise at a minimum. 4. Employ no .And when Francque uked RJch· .. keel them. Th• .upent.ora 1nltruc:Ud~· It la." earl hen sumps. :'I. ~move the field repre~ntaU•u, "Suppo.e the "Oh," I.hey kplted ... wt have a ty CoWUtel Joel Ogle to draw up JUST MAJl:E REPORT drllhng mHt within 30 day1 alter county goe1 along with your van· 1yatem all our own!"' an enabllnJ act which would allow Spur(eoo W ormed the board, drilling, unltsa used for addltlm· ance requuL Would JOU whlpatock the county to take aucb 1tepe. "We are not trylng to force th• a.I drilling pursuant to llllother Into Coit& Meaa !"'J# However, Ogle now declaru the ~tam over-juat turn!~ It ln." permit. II. Provide adequate fire "Not on the flrat S°ell," wu the act would be unconatJtuUoaal. Ke called a tteoUon to a parental control T. Carry' on no retlninJ reply. "We are at a 1t.and1Ull," War-reeponae greater than IO ~r cent proced at the drill 1He. l\irther doubt wu cut upon nu commented. "We had ukttd on the queatlonnalrn eent home It. UH-an under~und pumping legality of the M-'a whip.tock· Ogle to begin nerottattnr with recenU7 for parenll' oplnlon1 on unit 1t the hole I• complet.d u a lnl' ban u R.sc.llfleld apokeanen Shellmaker Inc. fo~ ttmoftl of the gradJns ayatem. More than %-1 pumping well. 11. MoUnt e all pro-repeatedly Warned the ctty plan· 311,000 cubic yard• ot Udeland1, favored ebangln.-the report card ductlon by electric power. 10. l:IJ· ntng commluton: •• You cannot but there'• 'DO uae proc-11nr. method to an A. B, C en-ding ay.. mlnat.e nolM, vibration, duat, odor deny clUsen1 the benefit• of their There'• no ntted of lignln( ••con· tem. Spurgeo.n added, "Wet felt lllld keep the alte •lgbtly. 11. Carry mineral rlgbta.'" tract unleaa we can work out thtt throU(h the 11urvey we would get all oil away by an underl'?Ound However, u one of tii. KHA exchange ,vlth Jrv1ne.'' unblUMd, unprejudlced public pipeline. 1%. Reatore ao far aa prac· cltla.ena obaerwd, "It It'• a dry CAN nLL AT WILL oplnJon. I recommend you 1tudy tJcal to original eondJUon It the hole, that'll Mttl• everything." Warner Kid BbellmaJter would the aurvey cuda.'' He Informed hole pro•e• dry. 13. Adequately The city pl&nrunc comtnl•slon i.. extract the till material and place Ule board. one member of which fence and landlcape the ' alte it aued a 8tat.ement after Monday It Whe~r the county dealred. hadn't undeBtood, that the Enalgn production la obtained. night'• meellnc that lta action Ooat would run Sll,000 at 22 School atatf wu aaked to develop n -. pointed out theM point. In a pproving the drill .tltt out.aide cent.I ~ ..cubic yard. I\ would the be9t tJPtt of A, B, C card. an "far above the uaual oU drill· th• city llmlt1 dld not mean the allow an approximate I-foot depth Ray 11&14, "I don't UJce the word· Inf requirement.a of Oranp Coan· comml.aalon approYed "exploit•· tn the bay wat.er11 to be Wied tor I~ ot the "J"" pa.rt or the card. ty." tJon within the city Umlll." The paddle board•, canoea and .wlm· I don't feel 'fl' ahould be on the Chairman Walter Weimer ot the at.atement aald approval wu made mtng. Power boata would be kept card. It ahould be A, B, C, D and Meea piano.a a.nd abo a COUDt7 "whJch wlll allow exploratory out ot the area. Plenty of Mndy Incomplete. planning commlulon mem~r told WOl'k without lou of either ll\lrlace beach would be offered wtth adeq-Mra. J'ranlc Woodland, Newport the Newa·Pre.M today that the or aiblUrface rig'ht.a." ua.te p&rk1n!. ·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-~ Warner Mid he bu -. no II tlgu1'9 on the cout of thtt overall rttereaUon recton de•elopmenL The dredgtnr. however, would eot1t thf county about $118,000. The harbor commlulon hu gtve.n ll• approval of plane tor dredging the bay. REPORT CARD Colltlaaed ,.,.,.. ,,.... ...... I ma. at the end ot eighth grade lltudlee. Tru.atee Harvey Peaae ra1aiec1 the main objecUon, uklnr whether lhtt preMnt 1y1t.em'• years of ex- perience shou.ld be dJ~ed In fa.. vor of thtt c:ard .ubmltted. .fte moved the report be ~pted and a public' hearing ~ held at the nel<t bo&.rd meetlnf, 30 daya hence. Following conelderable dl11CU1111lon, tNa motion waa pamed. R&y aatd the boa.rd had aald ft would accept the report of It.a com- mJt tee. 8UOOEST8 DELA I' Pe&M aald the reuon he W("- WOODMAN MEATS la IUDD'S MARKET 18581 So. M.m Kanta A.a. Kl 1·8111 F•tmbig U. 8. Gov't. paded. .-t Stall Fed Steer Beef "GUARANTEED LOWm PllCES ANYWHERE" So. Main & Newport Blvd. .. ta.. J-c!Uoll 8pedalia For n.nday Friday Satwday Sunday GRADE "A" COLORED ~SCERATED DUIU9UE EASTERN FULLY COOKED FRYING CANNED I c •• LOWEST· PRICE CAR CHICK EIS HAM READY TO COOK READY TO EAT IN .. ALL 3" TO GIVE YOU ALL THIS IS PLY.MOUTH! r---------., I I I I I e I i TOP SIX : I I I I I I C-------------------------~ The diri/tint. ~au in the low0 prkfo 3-th•t'• Plymouth·, Powf'r- flow 11 7! It.a hip compre118ioo n1tio. combilW'<f with ellclu•iwe Chrome- Sealf.d Action. gi"" '.'OU mar~ pow~ from 1.-gu, and welnt...mooth J>"· formaoct. You'll enjoy liihtning accder•tion. than~it to a apecial mei.ttintt iyainn in 1he c.arburrtor. And the row«'rflow thri•~ oa r~ lar. not p'"11ium p-a~. rod. ~----• ----, t TOP SIZE I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------~ The ~~If. longut, roomie1I car af the low-price 3 -that"1 Plymouth! Brilliant DeW FoncorJ l<>oli 1tyling ~you more glamor oubide, more luxury imide; plui1 the new fuU-View wind.hield, awtpt back to g ive the pdtelll Yieihility in the low-price 3. A.ad Plymouth •• big ane meant you and your p&MeD~ert will enjoy the amooth, tttady ri~ that only a truly big car un gi•e you. r--------·-----------------~ : '1 I I I I : TOP VALUE .: I I I I ~-------------------------J Plymouth is the only low-prict' c&r to gi,•e you Al oo extra cost such Ht:ra ·nlue (ri1t11rrs Mt eleclric '"ind- ah itltl wipc-1"1. Safety-Rim wh~la and an indtpendc:ol parking brake for flT('St,.r Na(ety ••• O riflow •liock .~ 11orh,.rs for a ~mootber ri•le ••• an Oilite fuel filttr anrl oil bath air cle11nu for l11~tin[': cranomy. Stt and dri"t 3 Plym1>ulh toclay-.Ju why il'1 your #nsl-buy lc.r·prict car! WHY PAY UP TO $500 MORE F'OR A CAR SMALLER THAN PLYMOUTH? Don '1 lH' foo~ by lhc: claiim of 80<ded meclimn- price can that thc:y COtl pndic:alty a.be MJM u Plymouth. When yoe ~ prioe tap yoi1l ~ that, moJtl fnr 1ruxM, Plymouth 11t!ll4 for moch, mucb laa than medium-price cars, and g ives you l'DOfe car for your money 1 ..-r Mrt "IW: BETTIA TftADE·IN, TOO ALL·NEW PLYMOUTH • IASTDN HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON 3 .b •. as·· Full Center Slices - 1 lb. Layers 29¢ lb. RIB STEAK TENDER JUICY SW I SS STEAK CLUB STEAK STEW BEEF STANDING 45•. CHUCK ROAST 45•. PR·IME RIB ROAST I-SAN F1lEt4 H GROUND BEEF 5 99c 0-BONE 39c Iba. lb. R 0 A S T lb. CENTER CUT 7-BONE ROAST EASTERS OR.UX FED SHORT RIBS t'LA.Tt! BOILING BEEF 5•. 8EMJ ROST.LI;~!C 45 l':SGLl !il ff ( (J 1· T R 0 AST i. LEG OF !!s!»JI ll • Fresh Side PORK Specials Ill the Grocery Depu; 1mcnt MM:llllll,._ .... .__ .................................. ,,.. ............ ..,. ... ,,,,,,......... I u GAR I G GI c RI s c 0 LOU REED' • ASSOCIATES oaa OndeA ... TE~~o 4323 W. Coast Hlgttwar-101 Newport lladl Harbor 4070 :.•· 83c ;;: 39c ~· 79c Aft« Apri 15th New lld9. I New Loc.tion at 1200 Wett eo..t Highw.y ! .. ________________________________ _. .. 'l ' . NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women'• Editor HARBOR COUNCIL OF PA RENT TEACHER Associations elected and installed J\eW officers on Monday at the administration bujjding of Newport Harbor Union High School. Above are (L to R) Mra. Harold Knipp, correBponding secretary; Mrs. Rich- ard Lilienthal, recording secretary; Mni. Harvey Pease, eecond vice president; in pic- ture at right, Mrs. C. Orby Andel"8on, hiatorian; Mn. Robert Wallace, president of the Newport Beach P-TA and insta lling of!icer; Mrs. Porter Sinclair, treasurer, and Mn. Harold· Boyvee. Mrs. C. A. Hoffman of Newport Beach, president, wu not present because of an accident ; not pictured were Mrs. William O'Brien, fint vice preaiden~ and Mni. Me.lcom Reid, auditor. -Sta!! Photoa. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I -PA6E I THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 AT LAGUNA CORONA DEL MAR P-TA UNITS ELECT OFFICERS Treasure for Gallery From 'Titan' Lecture Joint Session ls Held At Harbor View ·School Of!ic<'rs of bot h Corona de! Mar and Harbor View Ele· m<'nlary srhools P-TAs WC'rt' elected at a joint ses8ion. hC'ld Monday evening. March 28 at Harbor \'iew school with Mra. Harvey Peaae presiding. They included: For Harbor View P-TA. Mm,.._ tducellon ch11 lrmt1n and h1 still ar- Hot1te.1ee1 for the evenlnl' wer. H•rbor View klndersartm room mother1, Mme.w. Geneva Boetwick, Kenneth Smith, Lyell Buttermore a.nd Little and Corona del Mu third KTade room mothers, Mm~. Van Hall. Mal"g'«'Y Andenttn. J ean- ne Klepplngtt and Helen Burgeaa. Art Gallery Opening Tea Robert Oh•nder. pre8idcnt; Gordon MrM ~hon. fin!ol vlc4' prHldmt; D<•ul(i..s HoMklns. aecond vice pre· 1lc.Jpnt; NonnM C&rlson, recording llvt' In many organlutloM, i;eve An &mu&lng and lnfctrmattv .. talk on "Jo'1tmllle. Jn The Stft rrlnJC Role Be11ut1ru1 wea ther combined with Or You Don•t Have To Be Per· lhr'11 outalandln,; ellhlblta brou1irht (t('l To Be A Parent.'' out a record attendance 11t the llfH'ri•tary; Lyell Buttermore, cor-monthly t!'a a t Laguna GaU4'ry on rrspondlng 11ccr,lary; J essi' Haine11. Sund11y. The new e11hlblll ot Ro· On Saturday, Apri.1 t at a p.a. Cun t.or 011WeU Jack.eon wtll rt" Lft IJlu.trat ed tallt at Ule LaJUM Beach Art Gallery on ·-nie Tit.an" (I.he •tory of Mlche1&11selo >. ,._ ~pie reall&e the m&g'l\ltude of thl• man who wu probebly the gTe&l.eet art.lat th Ill ever It ved. '!be rea!Kln la that not one on~nlll wot'k of hll I• In any American m~um with the vtcpeUoo Of eome drawing a. - A man of temputoua moodl &r1d godlike yearnln,;a, Mldlelalll'f'Jo tried to 1chleVI' the lmpoulble and h4' came aa near t o It aa any mor· Lal man. "The Titan" trlll the 1tory o! hl• life from birth t.o the hel1hu of hi' u rttr and unUI hl1 flnel creation. ''The Pina Ron- danlnl," upon which hf' wu work- lnf when he died al to. The entire 11tory l1 told ln plc- luru of hlt grf'et .:ulptu"" and paJntlnp. lhi St.line Chapel and t rf'iururer. Jonathan Daigh. hilltor· T • land ShnaJJ.wr and Arthur &au· Ian . Warrtn Clemence, parllamtn· OaStffitStreSS mont dn•w manv out or town hlblt went to Raymoad Bayln&. O nan: •nd Mr. Phillip Maurer, KUl'lt& Mr. a.nd Mrt. Str .. f'r a.nd flrit. for hla 1ntere1Uns "SUII auditor. Club to Hear Mr. and Mrs. Buumont were In Life" or a llhPlf ol booka ancl. to · Snvlnr for Corona del Ma r r-1 •lltndance to rttelve their many Robert Wood. ~nd. tor hla bl!eu- TA wlll be: Mmu. Staan Martin., H • • friends and admirers. Uful marine "Coulal Grandeur:• pr1'111dent; Kitty Burton. first \•Ir' tStOrtan HoateMes for the t~& W4'rt mem-Arnone m"mbera ttpre~t.ed ln pr,.aident; J oel BeaJJ, •econd vice 1 bf're or lhl' Senior and Junror p. I.he N at1on11I On.nge Show n :hlblt pr,.111'1tnl ; Roy Hall. 1<ecretary; Ro-1 Ml'etlng 11 t 7.30 p .m. Monllsy,' ·r A'11 Flowers wea fuml1hed by were John McLaur;hlln, Mlacha be rt Otto. treuurer; Carl Vt>n-A pnl 11 Ill Ho.4pitelil ,. """" 111 Mr". F . L. Sha rpe and Mrt. Wll-Atkenuy, F"tooe N . Dann. Kalher- 1trom. h istorian: Henry Vaughn, Alllbna. H&rbor T<>ll!lllui~tr .. ,.11 L'lub ' ltllm Rt>td, who arn n1ed the able lne Steele Dann. Norman Hall. Bar· a uditor. t will prt'a,.nt 8 llP"C••I Celltur,. a t I 11nd dPcoratJon•. Hoateu wa• Mn . hara Larimer. Peter l"lelwn, Lt'on· Brownle Scoull of Troop 12 ltd 1h .. 1r proicr•m. Mi"" Charlolt4' J Ptte Mryer. co-ho•t"llffll, Mmea. a nt Scheu. In watel"C'dlOl"I. In the Oag alule. Th<'y lnrluded Skinner. hl11lor1an ot the dub. will All"n Bailey. Don Muller. Elol•e Joehua Mea!lor l• rf'prewnted In Graci' Buttermore. Chen" Thoma-'. 11uthnt tht i:r""''th a n.S •lt'Vtlnp-j Jurf!t'!l•l'n and Cul OWbert. ,T hOlle the currf'nt J30lh annual ellhlblt Cathie WI.Ip, Marilyn Yamer and mrnt of th" oritanluhon 111nc" who poured Wf're Mm,.a Mat Her-of lhe r\aUonel Ar ademJ of Dnlp 8 h11ron Tork. MLM Clllhy AndrewJ1 the' charter <llnnt'r at Irvine Cou t lwrt. F. J. Mc1'1anu•. Mrs. John In :-; .. w York. :-; .. 11 Walker Warner la leader and Mn . Burke Thoma., Club lu l May. Lyon11 &J\d Mu. Jack Pa rsons. Shostrom 1.1 havtn,; , on,. man la ro-leader. Other11 appearing on thf' pro-Popular vote or the v1ellol"I for 1thow at lhf' Artln·a Guild Ca llery KI n g ery Whltent>ck. cht'mletry l(Tam will be ~Ira. :->arhnr H iii. the •·l'bn111ry-March Mf'mber1 b · In Cann,.1 n"•l month ~ pe.lllt.Jap Ill color u weD u coklt'ed •Udft Of ~ and P'l~ f'fttCt'. Wbll.e Ulla t&lJl la ~ OG the m0Yin1 picture '1be Tlt.an." wblch WU produced IOlne )'e&rl ago tn black and whit'!, Jac'k- hu added many alldff In color and a more complete narraUon Of the artlat" a life. The admlaalorl to tbLI nut l1 a "white el4'phant treuure" foT Ole annWll Tna.urt Sat. to be held lD May. Tbt t.AlllUre may be a piece of coetu.me r f'll')'. &11tlque1. ch.Ina. s-i&.. ~ra.mla, U11tUea. ru1a. cop- ~rand brua. boolu. pltcurea.. plc- t UA framn or tumlture. but u - cludl.nc old clot.hea. A 8ID&lJ donaUon wtll lie aaked ol thoee not brins-1.nr a '°lrnaure." 10 wua .. . ._ ...... ~·----~.,...._c-......... • Al1.=e1::-s. ftJ41fDaAJR• PLOWaa.f.ln'-rJU .AlfYr•Ua t~cher a t Har~r High School. tnv~auon and p~dgf': Mr~ A~ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~~-------~-~---~ •poke on the nf't!d tor hl(h 11<:hool thur Michaeli. toutmll!otresa; Mr•. upanalon and \Uualralt'd hla 1ub-Haul Risk. toplcmt11trl'la; Mn. ject wlt.'1 cha.rta. Both P·TAI went J . E. Wolf, Mr11. Ray Trautwrln on record to approve t.he plan and 1nd M ra. Edward Mlrko\rlch, everyone wu urJ"ed lo vote M11y 11pcllkcu: Mr11. Albert Johnson. IO. Mrw. Robert Bogen, who tor l'V1lu1t tor . Mn. P aul Mora , tlm..r. eeven years wu •l•te P-TA paunt and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, p..arl. We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! ,._-* wm .... t.t.atttaJ u ev.r. alter ear •~ta -,aete tltelr ballcl-"ork I We Plc!bp ud Deliver Uptown Cleaners 1918 West Balboa Blvd -Newport 8Mcb We .,_..... la C1Mmq aacl RaM P......ar of ~· ... OftlU-..' ...... ...,.. ~ Closing Out Sale 40°!0 off ON All STOCK including NORCROSS GREETING CARDS GIFT WRAPPINGS BONE CHINA NAPKINS RIBBONS PARTY FAVORS NOVELTIES Jeanj · Y/t~ 2721 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar -_ ...... Master Point Winners Told Local playera to win Muter Poinll tn t he two recent Muter Point Open toumamenta held ln Balboa were Mr9. Arnold Gauer and Mn. Marsaret Holm.... Mn. Edna Mac:Muten and Mn. Merle McCornber. Ml"L A. 0 . Doe.t>uri and Mrs. Cbat'lu Boardman. Placlnl' •econd were Sally B1"01t'ft &rid Stan Huak,y, Mr1. Robert Rom and M "'· Mabe.I Boardman. X1u LeaUe Fowler and,. Mra. Roy Strow. In third poettJon were G lenn Ru.t and A. 0 . Wetherby, Mn. C. I:. ll'Yln and Mn. Het1rJ Ss1ert. Kn. A.my Kennedy and Attllur Brown. la Monday a.ttemoon'a n,ular same north·90UUI win.nen were Bally Brown and Doyle Gilbert dile hJp acorer1 eut wen were Ml"L Jotua DeYlco and Mup.ret llcXJaley. ftu.aae,...up -i . ....c '"" Jin. Oertrvde Co• and Mn. 84!ftl'Y Eg'prt. Mn. A . O. Dou• burr and Frank Focet, Mr•. Robert Ro. and Mra. Arnold OuHr. The r4'gular club Muter Point &'&Ille wm be a eht Frtday ,venln,; at 4U t:.·,. v .... •n Front In BalOO.. Play w111 1tart promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Fh~orescent Cheap Fluoru cent lli:htJn,; la leu ex· p4'nllvc to o~r11te than I• lncan- dnc~nt llghtlng. A nuoretc~nl lamp llgbll a vea ter area than de>ff a.n tncanducent bulb Qf tq11&1 wattagf'. 7 ·,\ ' .J~\ · (rl111iHu /t NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSDAY, AffRIL 7, 1955 Star Styles Featt1re of OES Party The big event of the year for Harbor Star. OES, WU ttie Star •lyl• ahow and canula puty held Thursday evening. March 31, at the Fri J Aftl"rnoon rlub}\puae ~!!Cort• Wl'l't! Eddie Moore, Clyde Juhn11on, Henry l)el1ter and Mel Ber ry. • • Over 30 doot prlllff were doftal• ed for the artalr, Mn. Sam Craw· ford and Mr•. M. B. Hoetellf'r were In cha~«. Mra. Arthur l'lta· morn.. worthy matron ot Hartlor Stn . preatdt'd over U.. •wardin• ot lhf' pnu• and lhanked everyone for their gtneroatty and cooptta• lion In maklnJ the •<fair • llUt'· cea1. Canula and br1dp followed Ule 1tyle ahow. In Coat& fcaa .. A rapacity crowd r-------------enjoyed frl'ahmenta and watched the 1' el1 exhibit types or ap- from 1wlm aulta, with bl11nd- lnc r&lnbow leis, play clothe• and llll-occalion dreasH to the en- trancing "after five" frocks and enNmblu . The ahow1ng wu d i· nc:ted by 1.tra. Joe Stroup of the J o-Lee llhop and the modt>ll were mo1Uy membera of Harbor Slllr and J ob'• Da ughter1. Commenta tor wu M rs. ArdytJ\e Bubeslan; orga nist, M1!18 Kay Kinkaid and thti novelty skit duet. "Over the Rainbow" wu presented by Ml111ea Mary Ann Cooper and Jackie Garrett. Model11 were M mu . ~x Bell, R ichard Newman, Harry Burdick. Unll'y Cornellua. Ha.I Dike, Rlchllrd Smouite. Robert H rn- denon, Richard Slmpson. Leroy .Ander.on, Mu Popt'. Misses J udy Bank., Mary Ann Coo1>4'r. Jar kle G&rTett and Lucy Pope J r. Modrll' CDM Guild Will Show College Film The Oran&'• Cout Story, a film aboul Orange Coaal College, with narraUon "Y Vincent P rice, will be preaented by the Church School GuJld Community Congregational Church, Corona d~I Mar. on Mon- day a t 7:30 p.m. In the church aoclal h all. Mu. Harvey Pea~, 111 ln charg-e ot the progn.m. R••fre11hmenta w ill be provided by Mmn. J Rmu Van Dyke, Harlin Hoy t and Emmy u 1u Kerr. Everyone 1ntereate<1 11 \n· Ylted. the can opener thar-s CEAIED /or easier can opening It'• .tlot yov·we olwoy1 wonted! e>p.,. CGN of ony size, Olfl'f tllope with eGM. (Oflle in. We•d like to ehow you the impoftante of geored·octlon. flVf YtAa GUUAHTfl lflt1't Cod..,_ Pw. $2.49 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Heu Uberty s.M!6 Here comes (dwardS Leading the Easter Shoe Parade One of the biggest treats for children ot Easter is brand new E• '8 Sho.1. And you con bet the youngsters will be tickled P'nk with our many smon styles. Of course, mothers will •specialty apprKiate our thoroughne11 in fitting• growing feet. elReD LlNTA ANA n a..,. ...-1 ............ _ ......... TWO L00&110lf8 COSTA MF..SA LJ~rt,-11-%178 II-(Aoti•r-I 7tlt a 0 ....... ~·· ......... .... "4 .,.,..., 80'l'll 81'011D OPEJlf riuDAY l\"IGllTll "l'IL t:te PAGE 2. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 KEY PLANNERS for Ebell Club'• Spring Feetival, annual event elated for April 21, ta thla group that met Monday for luncheon at the home of Mrs. Amelia Gamble, ~en· era! chainnan, 704~-<.i Heliotrope Ave. Left to right are Mmes. Gamble, C. M. Dealuna, Byron Wella and Nicholas Brettner, Ebell president. -SW! Photo EBELL SPRING FESTIVAL THEME, 'POT O' GOLP' Luncheon-card Event to Provide Scholarships Well•. aecUon chairmen anll com· mlttee member•. Theme for the luncheori, 1hort program and card• of "Pot o' Gol<I," thl' drcoratlvf' theme to be In ra.lnbow rolo111. There will be • t11bll' and door prlzu, With «'ltttrlc Ebcll Club's popular Spring Festival UI scheduled for applian rn aa 11peclal prlzu. Lunch· Thunlday, April 23 a.nd will combine luncheon, cards and 1 l'On wm be at 12 noon and card booth.e for co.tume reJry, attractive &prom and home play berlna at 1 p.m. cooked foods. I · On 1\tund11y Mr" Amt lla Cam-1c1arence Dodd. Ruuell Cral1r. Johnson Reunion bl,• gt>nt'r al ch•lrman, enttrla111f'd , Th_omaa S. Smith and William B. I The Albert E . J otm.on born. at cnmm1ltt'f mem~rs Ill hrr homt', Trilt. w .th phn, for thr 11ftalr romplrt~ This Is a fund-raising event tor ~00 W. W1lt10n St., Co•t• Me .. , 11· 11:.11 t1nw t;uuu mcludf'd echol&rshlpa which Ebt'll pruents wa1 the acene or a family ra· Mm• • :\'.d wl4h llrl'tlnti . prelft- 1 each yea. r. Only 100 tabll'1 wtll bf' union Wednuday whtn Mr. John· ci,-.nt. Byrt•n \\'1'1111. C:. 1\t Vea.kin,, l'OM, a nd Ucketa may be obtalned son'a parenll, t.he A. A. J ohn.on.I B.1~11 p,.t,.r..nn, 1\t..h•an I'A"rkl'r. from .!>11"1'. Cl11rt'nce Dodd, Mrs.)0t Loa >Jlgelea, and hia aiater and --brother-ln-law, Mr. and Mra. WaJ· N.A. Cadet Don Jacobsen Honored at Pensacola '.\:iival A ir CMltt Don J acotie..'.n. """ d Mr '""" J111·oh11 .. n, T>Oi• Xa rC'1~·u·~ Av~ • "11. irrnuuat .. .i r111m 1 •"·Clt:hl t1 .11nan;: 11l F t Jt, p,,1"''' '· Flt•. 11n ~t.•u, h :!;•, II•• \I ll' I:•'' 11 ti ..... u1•t.m.t1n1: "l111ll'n1 1tw111 I .1n•I r• 1•1 \'"d :• ~.d11t•· trc.r.1 1111 111.• hattnli .. n:i. h.n·init b• rr j:l\'t'll th .. ~111tlfln ur hnnor by tht' C'11p t1u n ~fr Ja l ubl'lr n v. ·' 4 prt.u,, nt f, ,, hi ~ "''" s ,:111 1u,1t1nn. 1~ pn '' nlh' l ••nnn~ t:ni;lsn I "all r l'tum In ,J11'\ ("(ldl't Jarob•f'n h&..• l\\H t.r .. th.,r • lv.1tn, (If f"ostll 1\1• •11 11n<I I'• nd~ll n! c·, r<•r..t ""' ~1-.r, 11nrl " \t•I• t, M r• C'ltHl'nC't ~1111 tin i;I~·• t>I C"C1r..,n11 tlf'I M.•r l"'n ... 11,. ar aJ urHtd fru111 x .. w. JX>• lla rbt r 1 n.o n l11i;h !'r h '>< l an1I (\r 11n1" ('•I"' I 'nil•!:<' On Business T rip Leo R ovm o f :,!1~11 l-'r;lrr.11 Ave., I Costa l\IC'M. I• ti \\', •lnl·«l11y by plane on a l\o\o w,.4•k · bthtnl'lUI tnp to !\tll1.11our1 and ('.,lora rlu PUT TWO AND OON JACOBSON Naval Air Cadet TWO TOGETHER ter Cary ot PorUand, Ore~on, were ii:uuta tor the day and evenJnr. May Rite Announced Engaiccment hu been announc· I'd of Ml111 Shar~>n Lee Moor~. tlr\Ughter of Mra. Robf'rt For&berf, 628 W. Jlltb 8'., Cosla Mt'a&. and Mr. VIJTll l foote•. to Waltl'r WIJ- lklm MacKenzie Jr .• 11on of Mr. and Ur11. \\'11Uer )facK,r zle of San Diego. The bride-elect wu educated ln 1 Cai.ta Mt'11a arhool•. Harbor High &hool anti Orange Gout CoUegt. Hl'r f11u1re wu gn .. duatt'd from \\'1lllam Howard Taft H lgb School In Ntw T ork. 1 A May date hu h<>tn aet tor 1 th• wedtlln&'. w hJch wW be beld at Capilla de Sllll Antonio. 'Kamaainas Plan Easter Gifts for Children L.'\w~n~f' n l\'rr an<! thtnc-a "' J:u. rop«'. \\'hll" t1.br\\ll•I lhC'lt t.111r. "4•111a h\' 11111 ... \\Ill tn1'IU•ll' t 't lllh•' the 11111 .,11 t·•r~. S•·otl.11111 1i..111u11t. =-:" .• h \;, 111 1ry an•t s , 1u1 1111w111n ,·ounll"I•'' 11hi,i L11·u•t11h• 1111. Thry 1J1•1ll n lun1 h111111• h~· "'">' of tt.nlt Mn . EJward Ktlly t ntf'r\, !nf'•I .. n.t l.l\kt' Luuiu lh \\11 t' a t 11\'lll( Kamaalna Klob mrmbf'r~ • \rlr.'h tu•r<' •n Aubll&t. 30 at the Roy Kt'f'nf' honw H:1lb<1:\ \ ------ P.-n1n111la Uuslnl'!'S l'CO\f'rl'd 8 · I Bankers at Meeting round Eost f'r plans for «hlh1rf'n of th!' club·~ "111h•ptf'd 111m ily" ?In. , W m Stxl\ln a nil II L Hl'tn1 k Rolx!rt Hl<:kl'lts 11n°I M1 ~. RoY1or the :".•wpo1 \ H.1rbor B1mk 11t · I Kf'\'nf' Wt'rt appo1nlti.1 115 • com·) tl'ndcc1 thf' mo nthh• 1hnn«'r mtet1111r m ll\t'., to purchue an•i <l<'llver tht · Eaaltr basket&. I of tht lnc11'1,r11tlrnt B11nktrt AM••· summ <'r party plana a nd 1 hl' an· cla lion of Sout ht'rn ( 'ahfornta h1•l.S nual Initiation or new mt>mbera rect>ntly In L.011 Ani:tlu . wne alao on th" agPnda. A 1ocu1l hour followrd. with rf'frtahmenta urved. :\r•>t\ lll'~1'1on will be on April 20 at the homr ''' llolrt. Marie Kimball. !'J\8 Ah ioo Ave. Eynon Whi~es ff 0 M ~ to Tour Europe I LO. -_A_ N,S GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE . ELECT are here pre.ented by the hoatesaes, (standing, L to R), Mrs. B. T. Lillegraven and Mrs. Hubbard Howe, to Mis.a Lonita Vincent (seat- ed left). At right i. Mn. Lonnie Vincent, mother of the ~onore<:. Luncheon and shower wu held at Irvine Cout Country Club. -Staff Photo The Eynon Whiltll of Shore Chtf.11 plan 10 ll'a\'e lhe Harbor arta soon on u se\'<'ral montha' cni!H and t\lur of Europl!'. Thl'y will lea\'e ltontrt'lll on Empre.aa ot France tor a crwM down lht' St. Miss Lonita Vincent Feted at Pre-nuptial Luncheon ~ ltr Wlro r1owers At Oreft9• Co11ftty'1 LHdift9 HC>fft• l"41ftt lftttlhatlOft Party Rental Item. Other Hospitalities to pandmother and aunt, Mrw. Mary Francu P ayne and Mrs. Ermll' Payne. Mra. Doyle Hatch wu un. able to attt'nd. U 0.9 B. Coa . .t ffJI., C'oroNO lkil lfar . Harbor 5071 be Extended This Month QUICK 24 HOUlt SERVICE One of aeveral courteaie. to be extended to Mias Lonjta '\ft W Vincent before her April 30 marriage to Richard L. Yost of L V Portland wu the luncheen and shower hostessed~JS~a~t~u~rd~a~~----------------------1~-ll~v-irr;1t~~~~.--r-- t-lrvfne Country Club by lfn. Hubbard HOwe; vocado LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES INTEREST RATES Ave., and her daughter, Mn. B. T. Lillegraven of Costa )feaa. lcent: Mmea. Lola Muon, Richard EA Sy Ml.ea Vin t, ho Ja th dau..... Pleger , Auatln Sturtevant, HllTT)' ce.n w • •" SUckler, Edward Millett, Clarence ter of Xr. and Kn. Lonnie Vin· Hl(bl• and Norman Nlelaon, all ot .. MONTHlY ,AYMENTS cent, 311 L at., 8&lbo&, will be th• HarlM>r ana; Mlle Adele Com· ho~ on S.turday w1*\ a ITOUP 1tock ot ~ Buch and from ot Chi Ome.-a ~ty Ill.ten South Puadena., the br1d~lec:t'a trom Unlnratty of Or.con entel'-r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tain for bv ln Loe Ansal•. An· other ennt 1a a ta at whSob Kra. Richard CuU• will ti. hoet-. on April 22. A.ttendiq ~ lbowar wve the honoree and her lllOCber, Mn. Vin.- Harbor Poets Form Guild A STOUP or Barbor areA JICMlt.I. Interested In readlnr a.nd Informal dlacuMlon of poetry, met Monday evenlD&' IA lb• dlrectorw' room of Ora.rate Cout Collep. Vernon Pa t· tereon wu Mlec:ted u cl\alrm&l'I ot the STOUP. Whicb wU1 call It.HU the "Rhymen Guild." fathers mother's dey is a month awey give "HER" a well-deserved vecetion week ... nd $25 'round the world $2 ,SOO a trip la a &'ltt laatlns a llfellm• cdm trevel service 364.l % E . Cout H wy. OO&ONA DEL MAR H&riM>r tut (Mutual Thntre Ticket&) takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of JOSEPH H. GROHMAN as Director of Sales LIDO REAL TY ASSOCf ATES 3400 Via lido Harbor 4444 , FRIEIDLY SYM,ATHmc SlRV'tCI WI IUY TIVST DUOS ON wtU LOCI.TEO HOMU ! LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVIN6S I I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oc .. " AY9ttM LAGUNA BEACH Pho"• HY 4-1177 Seven people alt.elided the nrat meeting wtlh more expact.ad with a change of mtetlnr nl(bt. 'Ille ~iiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~i;;;;iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MCOnd Tueaday ot the month wUl I be future meeUnc nlthU. Um. 8 p.m. &t eout OoU.1•. Frequent dinner meetlnga will be pWu\'4 u the croup lncreUN. Hla Kuy McChune1 wae named JM>apltallty cb&frman. SHARON MOORES • • • Aslc Any Islander . TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPF...CIAU FOB APRIL 7·8-9 Don's Meats \\'bole o r Shank 69C HAM ·-··----· ..... ___ .-n.. rrytac 69C CHICKENS .. ____ ...... lb. Ud ~loate ('111 GREEN BEANS 0.-1 Mont• TOMATOES CJlortf'ttfo TOMATO JUICE Worfrlta PEARS __ Mar11,.,.111 CIDER & JUICE GRAPEFRUIT ftlrdWffo t°'rOl'"'ft PEAS _ DICK'S Green Groceries PEAS· ,.,,,.. i'Wol,...t IA,.... All (;r•••n ASPARAGUS I.rt. lulry fl'A:\'IOt · PEARS Min dt IGamps 4/J~ . .., SPECIAlS April 7 ••• 9 Hot Crou IUNS ••• w,_ ... 2Jc ..... f7c ,_, • lottwHoftey BUNNIES ••••• 2 t.151 r~• :~: I lmtw I I I 1 CUP CAKES •••• S•... • I , .. ..,_,..._..., . ....,._) I I ...._ .......... , ... tk I I laster I I I 1 PASTRIES •• , •• 15'-. 1 I ( "',,_ • •-..... ._..... ) I I ....... ~ .. ,, ..... I I 2.1..-er I I .,..F I 1 IASTD CAKI 19'-. 1 I UcW I ~------········ -~~ ........ ._..... \"Oli GET ~IORE TRAN FOUR From the start, make your wedding an occa- aion of long remembered good ta.ate and dis- tinction. InvttatJons .et the tone of fonnal perfection. Consult u. on any problem you mq have. Cl"'Je Jl 55c BACON .. _____ .Jb. Fff'9b Sorthrm DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT DAFFODILS P'or \'nor 35< r. ...... , r"1tlf' • -··· dna. when you add TWO DOLLARS plua TWO DOL- LARS ... in a savings account. The difference is in your favor, for the intere.t bl added. &a earned, to your original deposit, and compounded regular· ly. May we help you start your aavinga account nut payday? Quality Printing at · Reasonable Prices "'Qro1g• S/wp" Specialising In Quality Produce You Select e • e We Deliver Newport Harbor News-Press COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" THE MARKET SPOl--- ......... Jfl>llAl °'"~" INSUIANCI cou•OU TION 2211 lalboa llvcl. Hare 1616 200 MARINE AYINUI BALBOA ISLAND WOMEN WHO MEND for H~ Hoepital were entertained Tue8day at luncheon by Mn. A. L. Pinkley, 153 Broadway, Collta lieu, who ta in charge of Friday Attmloon MARDI GRAS Club's organizational membership. Other groupe repreeent St. Andrew'• Church and Christ Church by the Sea. The women aew one day a week, do all mending for the in-L• db h Ch.Id H , &tltution. Pictured at left are Mmea. Boad Freitag, Bertha Tillot.eon, Mamie Foote, Ill erg 1 ren ave and the hostess, Mrs. Pinkley. At right ia latest group, which includes ~. N. van Praag, Mrs. Freitage and Mrs. Rachel Wiley. Others present were Mmea. Florence Gay Tt.tne at Saturday Fete Eighmey, Leonard Logsdon, Zola Brund, Donald Hummell, Auxiliary presJdent; Mrs. Howard Lewis, chairman of volunteera; Mmes. Reuben Day, Edwin Munaey and M. E. . Saturday. April 2., wu a big day alngtnl'. de.nctng', lMtrument&l IJ0- 1 Gordon Imler, Ellward Gen, West. -Staff Photo toT the cbildren of Lindbergh loa and eklt& G«trge Poh, Frank Overt.., J. )(. Don and Ivy WlllJ&mson of La· Pelletier, C. !l. a.con, Georp Rod· School toT the eager ly anticipated gun11. Beach brought their marlon-man, Amador Ramoe, Janet Tllom.. Round Rohl. n lor; FTank Waer, tTaU horae. Mn· ln We.itmlneter, preaentaUon of the day toT the M&rdl Graa had ar-eltes a popular attraction. I u, Jay Zirkle, c.-Orby A.nderwaa. loT; Patricia Johnson, 1tock honie, alJ·rlbbon awardJI wlnnera will be ' 0 ·• h y _ _._ h Id i th ti l t th Ro d. rived. AfleT many weeks of plan· DQlted around the yard were the ne.ip u-""'" and r. B. Hulett. junior, open ( 1 "t years and under ): e n e na • o e un , Mta. Henry Roberta and Mn. Bob Chlld11, stock hone, 11enlor; Robin 1ea11on All ARC member• rung on the part of the P-TA board game boot.he, all doing a bruk Kitt.a 1n ioT. ( 12 yea n and under); FTank the buffet aupper a!teT the awaroa the &ffll.!T wu a great succeM. hot dog 1tand1 did not have fl lull Awards For Robin Roelllller. hor11eman11hlp, jun· may attend. A dance will follow and cooperation of the members, business. The popcorn, punch and 1 were c~e of Ucketa. Waer, pleaeure horse, aenloT; Glen preeentatlons. The chlldren were dreaaed In during the day. InaldP. the build· Mesa Homemakers M R • d Thomas, hor11emanship, junior, ( 13 gala coatume5 ot all deacrlpUon& Ing frellb tacos weTe being made I ca.ta Meaa Homemaken wm esa I ers to 18); Vic.kit Phllllpa, trail horse, D1"st Governor Promptly a t 3 p.m. .. parade form-and home cooked food• could be meet nlday a t t.be M.et.boclllt ( lZ and under); Wayne Hart, quad-• ed for the judging. Music for the purchued. I Community Church, uo w~st 11th Starting at 9:30 a.m. Sunday rangle stake, junlor; Marvin HaTt, v· • para.de wa.11 furnished by the achool ALL RESPONSIBLE St., Costa Meaa. Mre. 0. R. Mlt• the All-Ribbon 11how of the As· quadrangle stake, aenlor; Bob tO ISlt Zonta orchestra undeT the direction ot ho!t and Mr1. William Nichol• "1ll eoclated Rld1>r11 of Orange County Chfldii. polebendi.ng, aentor; Rlch Mr. Allen. AfteT much dell.bera-&bert Burn•, principal and the 1 be project leaders, 1Ubject lampe Gamer. polebendlng, junloT; Glenn GovemoT Vh'gtnla EuWck of Uon by the judges the honor !OT men on bla teaching etaft worked and abadea. Pape!' Ill.Ck Jun.ch. wu held at the Ana.helm Club Thomas anJ Jllch Carner, two· Dllltrlct 9. Zonta International, the be.st costume went to TeM')' all day to help Ullnga go more '----------- sround1. Seven clubs of the U· man r elay (open)· Glenn 'nlomaa will pay her lntt:Jal vi.sit to the smoothly. They were 8 g-reat help Cl W ll 90elatlon were 1·epresented, con-keyhole. race top~n); Bull Dahl: Zonla Ch.1b of Newport Hubor Tyson. N lo the president. Mu. ArthUT ean a paper teat&nta being llmlted to Tlbbon oran&'e race (open); Bob Chlldl, when the group holds lta next JUNO A.'liD QUEE• Kitts and the general cbalnna.n of , AJI wallpaper can be ci.n.d. award wtnnl'ra In the Round Rob-tiguTe 8 1lal<e race (open); Bob luncheon meeting Aprll U. at the Immediately following the par-the Mardi GT8J1, Mra. L. C, Tliom-Washable wallpapeT, which baa a ln aerlu just completed. Judge of Child~ wu 11enlor high poin t win· Villa Marlana. ade, Kl.ng Richard Lockwood and u. I protective coating, c&n be cleaned t.be meet wos Don Burt• of Pa-ner of the day, Glenn Thomu wu All membera are urg"ed to at-Qu~n Diane Caatle were crown-Membent of the board who were by eponglng lt with water. NOD• colma and the ring ma11lers were junior winner a nd Robin RMssler tend anJ hear the m-ge .M.18111 ed. They are aixlh Kradera who In charge ot the va rioUJ bootha wuhable wallpaper 11 cleaned J'orreat Paull or Me11a Boots and and Vickie Phllli 1 winners for 12 EutUck hu for &11 Zontlana. She h&d ti.en chosen by popular vot. ~re: Mmea. R. O. Mickey, Ralph with a materlal ruembllnS doush. Saddle club and Prrc F\1ller of P will 11peak of the need for con· frorn eight contestant& Waterman, Lou I a Oleeenkamp, t which pick• up dirt u It I.a rubbed TM-City Wranglt•n•. year• and undet'. tlnulng the many Hrvicea to com· Two talent 1howa weTe pruent -Cbarlea Jacobe, I. J . Atchleon, on the paper. Winnen In tJ1e various evenlll Tonight, April T, at 1 o'clock, at muntty, 1tate, nation an4 Int.er-ed during the day by the children ;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. WeTe: Cynthia Cox, trail honie, jun-the Trl·City Wransler11 clubhouM national rela Uorw. ot the 9C.hooL Th~ acte lDclUdecl expert hair coloring tints • dyes . '" 9 :00 LID. -9:00 p.m, N~RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE J THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Yes .• It S TRUE .. WE ARE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDiY! -~· f t/) Neecl to Do So111e PLUMBING? *We have Ille Hcabor Area's most . complete selection of CJCllycmlaecl pipe and flttlllCJI. Also complete threading & pipe cutting facllltles ' WE CUT AND THREAD PIPE WHIU YOU WAITI •Ing In Your Sunday Paint Problems W• Can S1pply All Yo1r P1i1ti11 Needs COMPLETE LINE OF FULLER PAINT Attention Gardeners .... AM ua for advice oa your Gardelalaat prublrma. We can aaggnt the proper ~Ila.at food, fertdber or fonnula for betf.er prdea ..-nllill OW to .... 7"1 HERE'S PROOF I f l"llESll PICK.SD -FROM OUR OWN RANCH STRAWBERRIES YOU'LL BE AMAZED! SPRAYS -INSECTICIDES -A TOOL FOR EVERY GARDEN NEED I NEEi) 1~~~~~~1 TOOLS? SCENE OF DANCE-Newport Harbor Yacht Club re- cently was invaded ~by members of Lido Isle Yacht Club whose clubhouse is now being remodeled. Shown above approaching his table in foreground is Bert Tem- pleton, hand to coat. Sc:itcd from left are Vincent Sal- macia, his \\ ifc. Mrs. T('mplet on and, barely visible, Jack McDermott, guest of the Salmacias, from Chicago. - Gene Ross Photo ---- Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon introducing MR. FORD Hair Stylist who joins our staff with Beverley Dorothy Marilyn Susan IN THE BIRTCHER BLDG. Swel!pi1tg l~e Counfrg t'I Stor1nf anJ Ju6l Je/ea6eJ lo U l~e JacLel :Jit /or J.ler maje6lg j '/jactJ A maJterpiece ui :laifo,.eJ Perfection for 11ie mo6l ';})~criminal~ Wonian." ' lxcf wiv~f'I al ...• lhe Cfothe6 'J.Jor6e 1·. Balboa Island A friendly kind of shoe ••• just a light touch on your - f I eet. SALUDOS : 6:::.. (/.$.~ .. ~ • Cu"1iony w.os.. ~I/~ • Goy, washobi. J. 95 '9 colon OPEN P'IUDAV E\'l!N'INO 'TJL • :tO ... M. einert's DSP.&ATlllEHT ft'OU 111e N.wpert ..,..._ o.ta ·- I CHECK OUI LARGE STOCK OP NATIONALLY KNOWN llANDS *PATCHING PLASTER * SAKRETE, Ready Mix Cement- All you do Is acid water * 1 ... w JOlfll old upholstery with tM wnadng new FABSPRA Y -14 Decorator Colors To Choose From * Sanden & Floor Polishers for rent WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS * * * VISIT OUR NEWLY ENLARGED and REMODELED STOR& * * * AL FORGIT HAR~WARI Ha•ar 116 2515 E. Coast Hwy. FID PARKIN• REAR ENTRANCI Corona def Mar ~~ 21!7 · '1igh ~uaHty Printing~Ph. ~a~ 1616 i ~~~~~~-~_o_n_~~o~~N~8-TA-~~~~~~~-~-o_1_~~·-·-·~_u_~~~~~~~~~~--~--•-•_•~~~ I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -THURSOA Y, APRIL 7, I 955 ll•O •AlllT WITH SALLIE I WW'• to do about tbmaf ••• the anny of bard· bolled ea-t.llat mmt ID· vade yoa.r three aquaree via ......., aaacl"'6cllM and ~ ael"OIN ••• Yoa may a la ioldeuod them, devil them ' • • • eene them with ll'Mh creamed upengue om tout ••• bmmm that 1 mut have real eooa .•• NOfr 'the way to be .-und of hard-bolled egp that will atay freeh for tbe loageat leoKtb of time, is to atart tridl t la e 1....-t e1p avallable to begin with ••• All together DOW t Rich· ard'• OwD Greea Cartoa eus . . . llonlag Freeh 1 Penoully aelected from one rucb, are the next .,_t tblag to bavlag chickeaa la yoar own back yard ••• Look for the AA Oii the .,.,._ • • • Y oar ... 111'91Mle that the egp therein are only U bova old at the date they were paded • • • The date .. .tamped rtpt oa tbe C!Utoa.,. Gnde A :fr ~ all over U boan En blowiq • • • I highly recommend for thoee who wtah to ellminate the po9t Euler hard-boiled egg diet • . . or for tboee who go to pat lengtha to decorate their egp and wiah to eave them for a apell • • • An egg can be blown thualy •.• With an Ice pick poke a small hole in the end of each en. place the egg over a aaucer, place your lii» over one bole and blow •.. Of coune scrambled egp mun follow •.. or an omlet or a aumhine cake ••• But blowing egp . . . I pre- dict will definitely add a PY note to any Euter Egg color- lng party ... CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY Hamr EMter'a........_. al favorite! Ob, tboee llaa- battaa ~ •.• with the old FuhlOaed dowa-o11-the- farm flavor ••• wlt!l the Z4 boun extra amoke •• F.Mt-•m 1trowu pork. ahlpped out to Lon11: Bach aad unoked especially for our Meat Departmeat ••. Oaie aad Harriet have taken to our Manhattan Hams . . . Bouitht one for the flnt time duriag our birthday cie&f.bratioD \'la a frieed •ho toted It back up there to t~m . . • Two •eek.a la~r they wnt beck for two more • . . When yoa "'at.ch their televieion abow Friday nJtn at 8, Me If you can't spot that ''We-lllle- Manhat1aa -Kam • look" ln th,.lr t-yes • . . Canned hama! We've got 1 thoae too ... Our J oe main- tains his delicatessen hu ·the l largest variety in Orange 1 County . . . Count 'em . . • Sel&ndia from D e n m a r k comea first because, I got it 1trt.ight from J oe. it i.1 the leanest canned ham a va!lable ... cornea in variou.a aizea from I • ..: •ba · 10 Iba .... Europa. from Canada. Unox from Holland, Osar Mayer I Picnica, Cudahy, Rath, Wll- aon. Hormel , Armour •.. See t.OllliD20 you can have your cannedl ham any nationality you wish. Give a look a& tbe white ;11 tilephaat Mlf' 18 oar Park· lq lot tbla Saturday. Any- thl•g you buy will go to- ward• the procurement of ._.. aad camplq eqaJp- meat for Seoat Troop 182 ••• Thia partlcalar hoop la oaly a yar old alld their drive and me~· ID t'OIJect· Ing thf!ef' ltenw for um White FMpbut Mle aboulcl be enc"Oaraced ••• Yoa cu do It • . • buy IMNMthln~ from ·~ •.• Our Greenhouae H a r r y 1 W&nte you to come ln and bargain with him .•• You eee I ~~ bia greenhou.ee ia going to become a glua houae right I around the comer at the In- formation Deek entrance ... He hu lot.a of odda ~d enda be doesn't want to move, ex- cept to the t.ck .eat of your ear .•• CoDM in and take your p6ck •.• he'll barpin with JOU ••• The M ., .. Shoppe ta Hoppin' Good Eatin '! Easter Ham~ -lust-the way you like 'em and priced extra low for · real pleasant eating. _; "'TA. Bna witll tM Old ,u1'4otle4 1'l4vor"' Whole or Shank Ead Freab Smoked Ham MANHATTAN 1b.49c Butt End • • lb. Mc ----------·---·---·------·--.- "BoMleH " Blm.UU. wU1' BMt.k R9'fM>1l~" Whole Ham ID Natani .lalcie. HORMEL ,. 6 3.4 lb. tin 6.49 "A~pp'41 a-4 r"6U O<wtMa1' r rff" AD Meat· BoneleM Teader Ram -- CUD AH Y 4 lb. tin 3.69 "BecMfw to •Gt P6cldo Ba"'• ll•eh• Cooked Pork Shoalcler by 2.89 l OSCAR MAYER 4 lb. tin , .,..... 33 PINEAPPLE __ ;~ c: Del ...... r&UIT 33c: COCKTAIL ._;;; Del lloa .. HAI.VU 37c: PEARS ...... __ ;~ oNlotiSOUP or . 35c: • YAMS: .... _ .... _ IOI 2 tor 4tc ~~RIPE 2 35 OLIVES_······-~~ for c ~· ftckla IWl:ET 33c GHERKINS ... -.!~ e .......... URAftl"llUIT 2 25c JUICE ___ .! '°" c.u.c• ~ ·~ 2 23c WAFFLES _ .. .!. ,. ...... 7. 81'-d 25c STR'IERRIES ........ ~~ ll&nlM70 OREE'S 2 29c PEAS··-· .. .. .. !! lor For Holiday Eating "Berw U /rull °" B aFM a"4 lala.d.-PiNiAP PLE •b· l2c iiiCADOS 2fo·29c GRiiiPEAS 2 1"· 25c Choice Meah You~·· Ra.ch BroadllftiMW>d 15; HEN TURKEYS ·····-·----·-·-·Jb. Cut up -Paa l"Mdy 59~ FRYING RAlllTS -·---_. Piti.Mia11s .. __ ···---_.. 79; 59' __ ...... ........ IUackbawk SUCED BACON iiiLic 'SAusAGE. __ . ___ .Jt». 39' easter Flowers for Delicatessen o.o.r Mayer 53; SMOKIE UNKS -·····-.......... n~ ... C'Hi15E A...nc-29; ·············-······--·--8-o&. TMtt 0.-8p..... 39' "TWANG" · ____ .......... Pllalladelpllla ... CREAM CHEESE -·-······.._.._ "'1 lflrry MOON'• 49• SPICED DRESSING ·----.1-oL "P~f~ /or Rol"'411 llM14'* l 'uhan Beet Quality COFFEE RICHARD'S WILL BE CLOSED 'viASTER SUNDAY Fresh lake~ 'l'llUll8DAY iiiNG · CAKES --.~ 52c: .,_. ONMll 24C: BREAD -·-·--··-·-···--J_, FRIDAY CROSS BUNS ___ 6 ... 28c fljp CAKES --···-4 ,., 18c 8ATUBDAY ffiiiER ROLLS 6 ... 16c DAFFODIL EASTEI CAKES EASTD IASKm AND NESTS 1b.99c Ill...,• FRYL~U 11• CHICKEN ___ 1 #~1 .......,. ama;o 2 'Inc VEG. . . -···--.:. ,.,, £ 7- iClcRiAM ... rl-7fc your Easter Table and Flowers for Giving Richard's FLOWER SHOPPI MEDiUM EGGS do•. 47 C e MiiiDrNUTS -· ... 53c: MusrARD __ !2 '" ltc MarUaW 33c: APPLE JUICE ._!!. ller9'e 8T&A WK&RI' 35c: PRESERVES._ ....... : aena·. 1ac MINT JELLY --·-··!! 7-.,....... 25 ALUM. FOIL _. _ _: c: NAPiiNs_ •.. 10C You'll find a Udo Shop • • • "II "Of'e llt1UM' • '11'• ,f'IMlt" Dari-Gold AA BUTTER 1b.59c MOONNAISE quan 49c • • • to fit your -e¥ery need : the plat-e for EM&er To79 •.• ht-re at 8'claard'1, ~ g~ry st.on MDOlll the Lido ahop!' at the ntrufie lo Udo lair, N•wport Bt-~b. SPF.Cw.& FOB APRIL 7, 8 aad 8, 1855 GUIDE BALL PLAYERS -Some of the men who will help direct the Boy's Leagues this summer are shown above u they gathered Monday evening at the Boys' Club: George M. Warfen, Charles E. Brown, William Warren, "Buu" Oversen, Bob Lampert, James Butler, Jack W. Hess. James Morrison, Rex Collins, Orma Crank, Richard Forehan, 0 . M. Anderson, Harry W. Whitfield, Harold Roclrwcll, Walter Green, Bill Va.n Horn, Robert Campbell, Jack Blackketter, Heuston Harper, Don D. McCallum, Vollie G. Dalton, Wendell Pickens and Rod MacMillan. -Staff Photo The Sports SUMMER DIAMOND LOOPS HERE SET Watch TO SERVE 900 KIDS, 40 COACHES By BILL PHILLIPS Juvtmle drllnqutncy doe11n'l stand much chanct> In the Hurbor .Area as a homr·grown pr0<luct. It m011tly h11s to ~ 1mportt'<I. And MacMillian Seeks Mentors for lnstructioM From Bue Maestro Newkirk Win Moves Tars in · Top Spot re&Aon fur that ls u sy to ~e attt'r Nine hundred boys are scheduled to play baseball In & •11slt or two lo I he Harbor Area Boys' Club up on th .. M .. sa. the Harbor area this summer. Rod MacMillan, who ie putting How a bout oi ph1cr whtrP kic.13 a lot of hours getting the six leagues organized, ia looking from 8 to 18 can go and watt·h for about 20 men to help with the coaching. He will need at v1dro. 11111y billlanlll, i1hufrl<>bnnirl, least ·10 coaches t o look after the different teams. Only 18 ping p.1111(, m 11k1' flnylhing from 11howed up Rt the mC't>ling hl"IJ I Tossing a three.hitter for a boal11 lo knltk k11a1•k •ht'l\'1·11. play 4 0 eh O Monooy evening an the Boys Club. BOY CLUBBERS -utout over range 8'nylhlng fr om flog footb11ll t o volleyt>.111. 1<0 S('e xu<'h th1n1t11 11s ~<'Xl mtellng wlll be htld the t Tuesday, Big Bill Newkirk the H arlem Clobetrot len1 11ntl the rvrninR of tho tSth, followed oy I USE BUC POOL lifted the Newport Harbor 1111•ellnl(s each Monday night. At aqua11um and tvtn IN to 11ummer th c h ... ,, 11 N k T ball club into a three way camp ! H ow 'bout that'.' I ,.,.._.sessions oac n enue c • Harbor Boye' Club members a.r • ens <of Orange Coast Colll"ge will 'Sun.et Le&...... Ue for top apot. ... 8... \'I I will have two awlmrntng aea· .. -RE~IY. .. , .-.It \ n;s ~ glvP lht> men pointera he ha.a ga. The Fullerton Jndtane, prevloualy I hav.!"'-onJy ln rt•fer memory lhered from h13 own coaching ex-•ionl! at Orange Coaat College defeated by the Tan, knocked over bar k to nn· Jll vrnlle Jt>llnqurnt•y ~rlenr1•s. while MacMillan will pool during next week. Mon-leacue leading' Ana.helm 3-2 to daya when ·brl'11k1ng 11n(l ent~rrng !Jrrng the men up to dat e on thf' Joy and Friday the boy1 wUI deadlock the three loop nva.IJI at in th" .11earch of 11vmt'lhlng to do organlzathm, playing fleld.11 and •wlm from 1 :30 p.m . to J :30 a trlo ot wtna a.nd a 1lng'le Jo... wu but cine <>f my &lfled accom-.11chedules. p.m. The Boys' Club bui will Th• Tarw were elated to have It pll11hmenl11 All thl' khl11 l ron I TfUO Of' ~IAJORS out with the Colonh!A on the ~ leave lhe club at 1: lS p.m. and • . 1 •I with dt•I 11 A \UI Ant h"UH' All pl.inn(••I now the Lhree ma· cal diamond thl1 &ttemoon. v. ., ·1 1 holl• nxe. You know, h11urtl· Jur IPJ&gtl• s will be As follows: "A" rl'lum at 4 p .m. Boya are to Newklrk'a wtn ovel' the Pan- .,., • I y u11 u:.uully hitd tu K"l m· ll'agu.-. boy!I 12·14 yrani of 11ge, bring a tuwel, lheir 1w ltn theni Tuead&y marked the Orange a h . / dtmblni; m111 " m1111I)'. 10 t eams. 180 boys. "B" leagu•'. auil and 20 cent.a. outJlt'• fourth straight loop •et· dAr l; u:.i. anol th•·ll 1 l11mh•·rini; hoys l0-l2 yPani or agt, 10 team•. back. 8t.rllng defe.n81Ve p.lay by do\\ .1 m•l•le th•• h<>uM. ISO bvyll, "C"' ll'~e. boys 8-10 the Sa.Uorw of Coach Emil Net'me In l1Hok111g fur a plani to play. 1 YPM'i< Of &gr. ZI teams, 480 l)oy•. PRmY PACIN' cancelled & p&1r ol ecorlng' threat& """ t uur.11 a .... ay tnto th•• 1111-:h The ''C" leai:ue will be d1v1lled Tar pick oU play1 lmocked off "'"'"'' i:;y111 In ~t11nr11\ '" ""'' M1111· mto thrre &·t•~•m leagues. which Jri·m ,,1•0 three Orange baae runnerw at aec· mer ll ''"" NtJ<y. All my rlll}'-will plt1)' lit Corona dl'I M11r. the ond ~ aa NewlciZ"k cmne up with lil;\11 ~ an·J I h1ul to ''" "'"~ ~h1nnv hri;h ,.rh•iOI atl<I Kea 11chool m Coll· a fancy twlrl and throw manuever. up i<n '11 ... 1~,.1 .. ~ ''" 11h .. 11t 1:0 la M1 .. n Churns Out TIUO IN FOrRTII f, ,l 11\\ io1,: "' """' lo 11 .. 111 k. 1•1.11·-Oth• r l<'&m.11 will be in lhe Inter. Meantime, the Tan t&Uled & t11•11ll\' I' ',,. 11° 111... "'"'· ,h•tni: r1ty L<-111rue, thl' oc Legion. oc s . w· singleton In the third frame and pr~\IHlml•IY \\1111 one arm \\htlC' Junior~ AIHI two oc ~fidget teAmll, w1m In cinched the victory with three 11ett111g 11 w111oluw • s>~n wllh llw ur boy11 wllh aJ,?<'ll runninR from 13 marke ra In the fourth. Jn &II, Har- olhn. th•" 1<w111s.: fr o m n1fl,r l•• 111 1-;· y.-ur1<, 60 boys In nil. Th<'M Sl••v1e Btlcht>r, Lu Kolvl11lo and bor H igh wtllQw waverw 1muhtd r><l<••r 1" lilt "''"" "1 t) ... ~kd. "'rum ln1111s will plAy l\l C'1111l."\ MNia J t'&n TouluuM! prettily paced lhe o ut .11even blows. t h•·••'. <11,.:•1111111 to th" fh1ur w10•" l'A rk w ht'n.• lhr "A" IU1•1 "B" lea-Orange Coast Colleg• fem awim The Andhtlm Colonl1l8 made a l'11t1'h 1-;i.,1 '' "" •H•'urnpl1J1h•·•I hy l:llf'• will ,.1~ piny. p1,.yini;t llmC'll vigorous la.st lnnlng 11tttmpt to cll111h111,: up " r••P•' 11ll1Hll<'d 111 the n ( rhr "A" anrl "B" IPRl:l•r1! erl' squaiJ l o a tH ·20 victory Friday quick succeu but teU 11hort or tht' r1111"r" 1111<1 11•\'\l/llnl: th~ p1 1"'"•'· ,1111 un.r.,1,.1ed. ov<'r thl' Mount.Rineer co-l'cla In needed run and were deteal('d 3·2 J 111 ''" pr111i·•I I 111 ali\'l', PHOGRA .. \I C'OSTS th• rival tnnk. Chumlnc the Jung· by Fulltrton at La Palma Park for 1'r e\'•'nl• tor lhe first time. the their flrat Jos. ot the 1eason. MOit ": Tll \ S l'f,A \' C'1>sl or the 11umnwr n·tTt'allon J:Juc bllb('ll far outclftA&Cd the op· F\Jllerton First BaMman J Ol'I An•I ll A 11 .. 1 )11~~ "·• pl111·r 111 prog1t1111 &!\' d1v1d!'tl IL'I f1Jllow11: pol!llion. Nr~·klrk WM the lt adlng hllttr pl 1) tli ~ \\• rhh lflll llHrhur J\r•n J\rlm1nl1<lrs1t1••n. $3213, uniform.,, ~TE\'ll: STERLL~O wHh three safeUee.. Fru.nk Dorelll Jj.,~ ~ l .ub l ~" ll t•ll •' 11tn11 t hut. S:?2f1:, llan<portatlon, $200: fit'ld Sttvie copped traumpha In the collected two hit.. for Anaheim and Y 1111 ha' t' 111.ly lo1 h• 11r t "'" "'') ~· 11pk•·l p. S 1211. hght11 IMta.llataon. • • 00 accounted for the Colon Isl.II' only cluu "'°'' fl1t l\'Ulf'<l l11111ni.: lhe 11n· ~l1'<1U, llJ:hllrl!; lO~ts, $200, award11 ·•0 >•I. bftr katroke and the 1 ytl. plllr of rur.a with a .evenlh In· nual l°)tllH•l vf •h1t''lu1 s mtl'tin .. " S2•kl l!"rri:larlQI and postage I frrri1tylr. She toured the back l1l 1 1 ' ' " ' . · 38 8 d th f I l 13 3 St l n ng trip t. C'ou1 It' ut "'erk• •go t o knnw lhl11. S:!OU. r qu1pment. S4o0. Thrae costs an e rce n · • · · rv "I TR.IRE LEAPS AHEAD J u1tl lls~t'D' 81" b(' n" bnrn by tht Boy C"lub I also :.wam on lht lrh1mph11nt four H b 1 H h d C t M 8 p k r.•m Crrnlyle rylay In her 11part The Indians leaped ahtad In the "l l>f'lh 'e in Ciot1 11nd lhP r11(hl 13.'1r ~r •i:-1U1 os a "'·~a ar tlmr, I first lnl11ng after Shortstop Mike t r> wor~h1p accarlllnit ln 111y ""' n >Or · I Th~ olht'r men-naml'd m lSll. LC's White 1nn1tled. Magdtllno r tachr d faith an•J r••hxaon. J btlll'\'4' in 1_., ,1,.1,lo. navii:at .. I to flrlll In th!' j C1M!t on an error. Jtrry Fl8htl Amerlu 1 ond thoe A ml'lll -t n wny 10! ,, Hly srm;· Ufk"18rt k uJ 111 bu11t mg ;,0 }d ltt't'i<tylr In 318. and anchor· wall<ed ttlhng the 1>1L1u. Alter It(, . . rn the nn:<t ll11l1t•n an1I his mark.ii. 1 ··d ·b<•th th" frttstyle and Ute mtfl· I C11rl renn1ng-lc>n hit an lnf1tld fly, t h" Bill oC Rrghls I h"b•'"' 111 I.a t ('OSSISTEST ('Rl'IS l!'l'G I•')' r<'lny \'IC:tonu. W hite srored from third. J Rr<ldir:i:tnn pru\'etl he'• nothlnir E:v. n bus1r r wA.1 Jtan. Jiving out •· '' ~ ·-Pia", hl>nt'AIY anJ 111•orlSrnlV\,h1r I F ullArtnn'• two Important ruR• I ~lh 'e In my Bo\" r 'lun. '' hh h If nnl ronslslcnt. LR11t w~k. in "'In~ Ill lhf' :'>() ~·d. brr ast In 40 4 W•'rl" lall.lt'd Ill the third Wh<'n stsnols Cor lhtlle th1n1o:11 '" thf' flluw Fnzp~l:ick ~frmunMJ P''"' find th" 1nd1vldual mMlty anti , ~lai;~l,.hn~ 8.Jld Fishel were wa Ucf'd \\'e ••lull• &hnul1I Ir"" by lh.H •·n lh,. hlJ:li school rompus. l.Jun o'l llioing a IAp in the frttstyle rt· I by C<1lrm1sl f'llchtr D1we Stephtn· code. I'' ,.,1 ... 1 lkl!!he h1mMIC t o the tnut h 1 . ~n. The kty play wu • double 80f'll S F.1':-IATlc)S 111 11,,. 2(1(1 tne. Ju..~ lwo 1olrnkoo" a). CO~fl SO C-f.A8HEl'J '.steal which followed. With both I rt lrH'•kll hkl' l'uA1 h A I Jn ,,,, IHlll t111o k U.•L<lu··,. ltmt' Wl\S 2 01 :i runnt>no m 11con ni:: po.t!IUon. ln· • yt•uni;stl'r who L.1 goan~ lo r'"" i\n•I In lht• 1"no frr•• Ho•rldi~~,;;~ Time tn lh,. m~dll"y rt'lly wu-dtan PHc:hrr Jr rry Runyon won his h I l' • ·-· . 1 11 I with Jan" :"un1tn •nd R tn••• nwn aame w ith e. 11lnale In I ., 11<1 1111.! <' a11• 11•111 .. n "~ I 'ol II• f,h1· ·~ ''.' 11 ot 'fl,,• h11:h l Ellontl J"H11ng with Knivh1to. Fr•'''-., ,., . Oran11r r o11"t C'nllcg<' 11 ll111ld/ ll•·•· ·•''""I rl'1 uni 111 .16 fl. 11n1l ll l•l<•k1' !'ll)'I•' 1, IA)' flMkini:: was 1 20 lndu•te Compton College hPre April 11hl', th11l of All·A111cnrn11 '"'"'' Ir k" thnl hA..~ i.:ot to i::u beh•n' !Jun l ')nttul\ "truthrr t •imlng up wl'h .,1 E l,. A 11 26 r1 mrr. lh '11 lJon H1•1ldini:t1111. ~ " lh1·.,11i:h. , . • • '' • ~ . -:ammo pr "" • Tl'- 1 I _ I oc t 11 lt•p t11n. 1 turn p.o w11h Mt .SAC at 11hort<'r h tfly hunk of laJ. wlw in,o; 11 r• inly \\ 11~ p,,•1-i11• lrour1ni: whtle .•w11n· Cw 111n,: mrets f·•r the Bue babc11I dl11tanres May 3. b mkrn (HI«' frt>Mlr<>k•> n·1·nr<1 lnr mini.. an t h•• rrl{orml\I F'IAtlmf•l'l _ _ _ )iarbor High, ttnol this only hill "lr·•ln~t the hl1rh l!t·huol k td:< '.' J llClplwmore year. 1 k• J n11c r r•11d1 Jo .. J\ro 11 11b11u1 In the ('If' Mldw1nt1•r11 Al lA •nJ: l hl•I H• pllrd Kroll. "R••lc<hQ II"' rr S-ch a~rn1nat hl11 flr8l r.ar • 1•111-lu11f~" 1n11l'!I thr m11rk ,,, t1 to ur ptlltlon. lleddlngtun llJ'l lMhNI rlown • haniptPn whu·h In\ m Intends ''' the w11ter waya lo a 2.04 r, :!110 pAJI~ 11loni: to Rl'dd1~i:tnn Jo'or f N'utylr m&rk. ThlA btostrJ Ken \ '•••h h Ir.' .n 111n't a bout to lc•t lx!n Bodenhofer'1 h igh s1:houl recor•I or l•111f "I <'Kf't'• t h•,'11 be pr"""'"' 2 O:i.9. A heck of a notr. 13o<Jr n· 2 03 In thl' 21l0 free b• fore t he h ofer Ui:n't even through awtmming llt'lll!On Ill '""'r, · 11ald Al. lt 11oundl'd for th• Tar tank teams. and a l· lrke CUl orJtr. lUMICAflOM -CAI "<>llSHIHe AVIW88 l"llOM MEAM 8.un'A Al'f.& ANTHONY'S MARKET * HomE--made ITALL\~ SAl'SAGE * IMPORTED ITAi.iA.~ DELICATESSEN F~h Made R.A \'IOLI -~feat or Ch~ BEER and IMPORTED WINE EASTER WEEK SPECIAL * Made to order IT AUAN MEAT ROLLS * Wilson Certified Hams (whole) lb. 59f * Ricotta Cheese * Mcaorello Cheese * Provolone Cheese lb. 79' * Italian Salame lb. $1.10 Haft te erd~r ITA.LIA.~ MEAT ftOLLI 3'79 E. 17th St., Corn~r of Tustin Uberty 8-9°'~ Costa Mesa Opftw ' 0.19 a Wttk -1:IO a. m. to to:IMI p. m. WE CATl:R TO 1'POllT Fl8BISO ftOAT8 NE~PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE I THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 I THIS FEM ALLOWS NO GREENS GRASS TO GROW BENEATH HER Mrs. Wllllam Brlm11 capt11rect the Callp<>r Lt-11).;11e lttle nt the Newport Beach Lawn Bowling club with thP ller•t pt'rr»nl· age or eamu won during Fr bruary anJ Ma11•h. She pl•y••1J 24 gBmca and produced a .708 victory pNC'1·nt11i:1" Second was Mr11. Walter Ptarson wllh 27 i:ame:t pluyt>d for a .666 percentage. Third plact' wt>nt to Jot' St11mp. Stamp led lhA!I fleld In number or games play<'d. 61 , His win pl'r1•enl· age was .608. A minimum ot 16 games had to be played during the two month period to be eligible for a rating. or lift> 28 mPm· ber11 tnlertd In the ltague, 18 plsy .. r11 quaJlf1l'J. In the Aualr11.ll1.n Singles tournament on Utt IOl'lll g1 rens l&1t Wtf'k, Ed Wiicox wa11 tops Wil)l 13 points. ~I rie. Pt•11r,oq>n -lleiond with JI. Lloyd Sletvts and Brue(' Hvss<' til'd for third w ith 10 point!, but Steoevf's nabbed the playoff. A toLal or 18 players competed. TOO MANY BOO-BOOS Mesa Merchants Drop Boise Battle Sunday by 9-5 Edge Il miscues hadn't messed thing up, the Mesa Merchants would have more than ~d their own against the profes- sional Boise, Idaho cra88 C club from the Pioneer League on Lions Field Sunday. But a rash of seven errors sank the Harbor Area town team, 9·5. the game's lone homt'r by Kenny Bu1lneu Manager Ed Lane of the Merchant.a aald the crowd ot 200 lo 300 peraona WM the "beat crowd In three years." And to celebrate the oc:culon Mayor ClaJre Net.on made a we1comlng oration, ex-major le&gutr J ohnny Moore, now P&eltlc Co~ League acout for the Mllwaukee""-sravu , waa on hand end Bol11e Manager Lou Stringer. also an l"X·blg Umer , creaked around eecond bue for five tramu, ahowlng the young. 1tl!r11 how lt'a done. BOO·BOO BASIS The tt&IOn for Moore'11 preeence 11 th• fact the BQiee outfit 111 a Mllwaultee farm team. Perhap11 th• kpow ledge there _. utuaJly • big leacue l<!Out In lh!I al&nt:t. accounta fol" the defeaUng num- ber of booa·'bool committed by the M~en. Mental pictures of Jumping from &and.lot to 1lugglng champ ot lh• National League may have been more lJHln could be handled by mere mortal•. Juat th• aame, Lane decl&ttd, "I wu proud of my boys. Con· 1lderl11g the compeUlfo n, thry pl11yt'd rood ball. They turned In a pair or double plays and wtre alwuya on b&tle " Ten Mesa run- ner• were ltfl alranded. KEN!li\' CWt"rs 0.:11'1: A 11un-Cly triple robbed 10me ot the Juster from Bolae'• two thrtt-· bajtger1 and a tno of doubles. Oft· stlltng that tor the Merchants wu MAKES FOR MORE FORM WITH FEMS Somt how. the swimming srPmed more tormrul during an Orange Co11sl College tank rl1111h at Mt. 8 11n Antonio ~·r1J11y. And not Just because the Bue splashtr11 won. You ""t'. 11omethlng n<'V>' In lh•• way of Jc; swml 111rrts was lned whrn mermrn a nd co·td tr11tlrra 11ltem&tC'd <'Vents In a combined outln~. The f Pmlnlne lnn uence pro,·· ed fetchtng with tht' mUt"d mtl'l taking on prop<1rt1on1 <>f a Jane RuMf'll tMllltt with musclt'. Poor man'1 11tylt , nr courac. Moat.a and four doubles. ln fact, Moats wu the lf'arllng hitter ot the !My, baahlnr out a double and single In addition lo his circuit clout. Norm Rldpay bal!hed out a pair ot two-bagreni. And ~ess who banr;td Into a double play his t lnit time up. Why ol' major and Cout l..c11gue vet Lou Stringer hlntMlt! ~tERCllANT MtTFS So ll'11 euy to see the muffs by the Merchants brought about their own downfall m ore ao than the profell!lional oppo11lllon. Ea- peclally when you reflt>ct majority of the miscue.a were generally two bMe error& followed almo11t ln•tantly by a Bolee blngle which sent run• tripping to the plate. Boise bounced into a two run tetld In the flr1t trame .and wld· ened the pp to tour t&lllf'll. Single s cores In the bottom or the third and fourth got the Merchants back Into contention, only to have the pros .tent the dish with a pair In the fifth. The Merchanta maJUIC'C'(I lone markers In the sixth. aeventh and eighth 11tanzaa while BolM rackrd up 11lnglet<>n11 In the aev,n· th, t lghlh Md ninth. \\'h(l t thl11 tot &Jh•d up to tor Boise wu nine ruM. 12 hits and one error. F or the Merchant.I It was f!\'e runs. nme b8NI knock11 and IC'l'11 11top whlll' we're •h<'ad l'ASTISI ~TART~ Al Santini started on lhP mount! for Me!lll with &b Baylo<'k t11k1ng nvrr In the fifth Inning. Santini mu1<t hrw,. lhaui:ht h" W'll.'I pi11r· Ing i:nl f. H e chur kPll four tram<' .. , gav(' up rour h1t11 whtch prodUl't'd tour runs ~CRiil!<' of four errori< "Somebody forgot l o ~·ell fo"'°!" compl11lntrl Al ,., hi' hf'&dt'll for th,. llhO\\'crll. Thrl'f' nf lhf'lll! four 0 0llle tnlilr!I wC're unt"arn!'ll. HR vl1wk gril a lilt IC' hrllr r AU fl• port tml gRvP up llt'\'en bMhr>s a.nrl fjv .. m~rker11 In hl11 t1vt r,.ntns on lhC' 11111. ~ .• ball g11m!' Is •<hl'dulrd 11l L I •n;. Frl'ld Eulrr Sunday, Lane announced. \\'ATER tlEATER"4 SAlU, SlRYICl ••d ll'AllS Joe rtl:o~~f of J TUMS 10 PU ~T DOWN P~o•• H•' ._, SJ JO Bue Shells Face U~~ans Orani:• l' •fl ·I rnll··i·,• <'I 1'\\' lhls Wrt>k potntin;: lU\\l<l •I llh f'l· mi: LICLA's Vllr!'llr "'''r th• 1r ll\\11 •'Olllllt• :-:a:ur,!ay ntll'rm .. 111 aflt1 11 los~ l o t l'P l '11i\'• r~1:y ,,( Svulh· •••n C'alrfo1111a 11l San P"'lru ln111 Wl'ek. Th,• l"1•lr111~ \\tll r11 r1' lh<' l'lr8lrs 111 a du111Jlt'h1•11dt'r 1111 llw :!OllO nt•'ll01' :'\111 lh 1.1.fu rim nnt-1 ··o1urst• 111 :\'1'wpor t Bay Sp.'l0l11to1i< ~ .... invited. I l31wk lhg IJ :<r1 mu.. )(ti.le. two Co11s l t•1j!hl 0 :11 ••d 11hl'll'i d1 opp••tl rarP11 to T1°11J11 n Ptg ht• tn I.us An· gC'l1•11 H11 rl1<1r'~ Can1111i. Channt>I last we1•k, Thi' t'SC varslly t'ctl('ed lho• liucs by a narrow qn11r1 .. r lengt h mur~in. Thr Trojans <'llVPr· ... J llw t'hOPl'Y C'OllrS(' Ill 7 min. ~17.~ ser .. t hu OCC's 111 i ;~o9. Rowing un lht Costa Mo'sans' var111ly squad W\'I •' Frank B11ull Rl ~trok., oar. Ted Jpf~l"rlNs. Dick JordRn. Bt•n B••nJamin, Rod ~or· ton, Tommy Plelts. Andy Martin, Graham Gibbons and coxswain Bobby Ghurelln. A Trojan junior varsity entry hnd to t"Ome from b<•hmJ at the halfwey 11111.rk to beat out the Par· ttle jayw.,s by a l<'nglh ftnd & 111asrtl'r w tnnlnit In 1:20 aphurt • a fl .!~ ll\ 'l • <'l1ll'k "'It H11J Laut~r. I T'ltr k Jo;1,.n<'1 . Al Ha lheoway. Carl ~v ... 1 .... n. Fr ... 1 Shannon. Pei. Tat· um, L~ ••· flllll1•r. J~rry Bandlc'k I 1111.i .-ox.,.·n Al RRkt r manned the ... 1 nn.1 r l11C'•' .. 1~ht. HOUSE T•AIU:lt INSUllANC'C -'NYWHCJlC £. A. Tel•••• -N .... ,, 91•4. c .. 1a ...... Call DAN'S TV,: 8'-irvllle • RHtala • l!lalM Liberty 8-2228 I I I Qtllck Service FOR Roller Sha~es Standard Shade CloUsa and CUit.om Speclaltlee • Drapsy Hardwu. • Venetian Jll&ae18 C' ALL HAJUIO& IN THE SHADE SHOP '3! a!ad St .. Newpert ..... &.&de UM PCIM Offtee Bruce Martin FOR ALL \'Ol'R INSURANCE NEEDS :'. Fire -Life U )(;AL AG!:NT OfJlce Liberty 8-506S Liberty 8-SSM 179S Ne rt Ave.. Costa Meu THE NEXT TIME YOU RIDE METRO .. CHICK POI YOUISIU. Tou'll 1gree ntat th driver is friendly, the service is efficient and tifM. saving, and the roomy Metro coach offers H opportunity to re lax. Passenger comfort .. 11 • all·important part of Metro's service. A total of 265 new, smart buses trill ""'9 • added to the Metro fleet by summer ••• and tNrt are more to come. A real treat is in store for lt'YOftl who has not yet ridden in one of these new Metro's, with its arr.suspension smoothness, and Its host of new ideas in seating. lighting. interior fltti111 lld ventilation. METROPOLITAN COACH LINES Serving 12S commun1tJft m 1-Anle1-. Orangt, R1vers1d« and Sin Bf.mardlno ...-, For Mdro lr11t·'I h•/on,..lio•, ..ti Barbor ' C1M.-R,,_til>lt-•f,. ........ ,.. ........ "·" l),,.,. _ .,,, ~,,,. .... _."Pr'· IJ 9S "' ' '. -tol>Jrdo""""'~ "''''°''Ii"' fly. lf-9' ~ylt-'"·h,,., Cooko, f"T'l"' ,....,., I,.,, Terrific Trunks I FIOM OM ~hort "'0«!11 froN :-0 ..wP<•ri Pter We Give S&H GNell StalftPI -NEWPORT BEACH Receive 103 Medals ·at BOys' Club Cage Dinner PAGE 2. PART,,,_ NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~-PRess1 Youths THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 l ., ~ , I Mor• than 2~ Bo# Clubbeu' Don Plerct, Jim Muldl'r, Leonard nnd t heir pertnl• attended the ace-I Lapel,, Lury Shrader, Grorge Mll- onJ annual baekttball awaru" din· llkin. Carl Bergeron anJ CorlJH ner Saturday night In the Boys' Ankeny. · • Club gym. Bon on the various E1ghlh grade heavyweli:hta (lleC· t••ams. third through the 11th ond place Orange County Lea rue) I i:nult' recl'lved 103 meilalt In 4 20 Jo"rtd Barker. Gary Pickens, Rich· Ji:&me~ 1320 lntrtJllur~ and 100 ard Schllcht'nmayer, Kt'n Burka. I lllti•rclubJ. Steve Tudor, Ru:hard Steck, Dar- Ta king top Individual awards rel R oger•, J erry Lawren~"• Char· 1 wrre Leonard Lopez anll Hill Fn1eh-1c11 Taylor, Tom Hubl.'r, J erry ll«tg namrd the outstanding play-Hehn. Glenn Miiler. rh jn their leagurs tor tho sl'ai1nn. Ef.:hth grade 11 g h t We I I ht I I Charley Taylor, J ohn Hughl'll a ml (third placo Orange County Lea- Steve Harper took other top In· guc) Pat Helmhqlz, Dick Green. dlvlduals a.' they were 11war"Jt•d Lloyd Fort~e. Doug Mlller, Way· KOl<I med11l11 for dtmonstrtt.tlng out-ne Connell, Brian Lucu, Steve standing 11blllty In the skills tl'sts Robinson, Bob Siegel, Dace Carty finals with Huntington Beach and J im McMahan. a n•& boys here Much 26. Sllcth grade rorang-e County eec· l\11.:D•L WIX:'\EKS ond place and Klwanl• Tournf'Y · F irst place) Danny Arnold, Fred High school age (fourth place McGuvran, Paul Starn. Dick But· Orange County League) J im Jew-terworUi, John Hui:he•. Norm I'll. Ray Fll"Pman. Ct>ne Bryant, Carlson, Bill Twiet. Ruuell Rapp. Butch Vineyard, Robbie Winter· botham, Mike Smith, Bill Frueh· ling, Steve Holll5ter, Glenn Gard· ntr, Brnny Qutener. J ohn Covault, John Br()Ckman Md Ronald Pala· fern. • --t~·~tl9illti lt • "<:~,• -L-">. ALL LOOKERS L ~~ij~--:r...,..·111;. POWERFUL PLATrER PITCHER -That's Nelson Viael, one ot Orange Coast College's outstanding thin· clada thi1 cinder season. What with Nel's boarding house reach, this boy can really make those saucers fly. Mfll- ter of fact, Vi.Bel hasn't been bested in his weight spe- cialty to date. Reason enough for him becoming one of six Piratet t o enter the annual Santa Barbara Relays Saturday. -OCC Photo Pirates Enter Santa Barbara Relays Saturday Pndllam, lllfh hurdlra. tra<·k f'ntranff'. CEN.ADM.T Clu~ .. .,.. $2 ......... , ... ... - Winners or the flrsl and 1econd string Orange County AU League teams were presented meda\1: Leonard Lopez. Charley Taylor. Kenneth Burks, Hill Fruehling. Ronald Palarerrl, Gene Bryant, Cary l'll'l<ens, Wayne Connell, Bill Twist. aml J ohn Hughts. Sklll test wlnnen were: Charle• Taylor. John Hughes, St.eve Har- p~r. Jim Mulder, Junior Burks, Jim Mcl\lahan, Olcnn Oardnf r, Robin Hannlt, Darrell Roger•, Benny Queen('r, Brian uwls, John Covault, Biii Haun, J im Curtis, R I c ha rd Schlkhenmayer, Gene Palaferrl ancl Micky Neff, Fiflh grartera award1•d Doya' Club shields for performance were: Dave Rosso, Steve Harpn, Gary S c bonc1, E1 H\all M ike M cCart..¥ and Brian Lewis. Fourth and fifth graders awa.rd· ed mcdnls for winning the San Dlrgo Orango County basketball championship for mklgete were Jim and J on Curllll, Rudy Veal, J esse Florea and John Taylor. PMTftMKal t.-. ttw• r, idlf' 1 :30 ,.... s.wru,. l :GO '.& ... .. OF THE \ JU$T NORTH ,, POST OFFICE I .. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST _/ ". , .. ---~· ....--· Office Hou rs: ) / For Your Convenience W e are open every Fri. 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. MOYE ova MEN, WE WANNA LOOK It paya to be<lome a member ot Coach Ja. Kroll'• Pirate eplaab crew. For one t.blnr. the OCC mer- men will be Idle over l:uter -vacation. you know. But better yet, pra.cUcally th• whole Bue team rot to Mrve u llferuarda In tlle New- port Beach, H untlnl'lon Beach areu durlnl'-the two week Ea1ter Invasion of the local aand dunee. "Be1t view In town, -any town!" 11 the con1lderel! opin- ion ot Pirate mermen from their llteruard perch .. on the beach front•. WIN STREAK Buo Mermen Belt Out 9th Nifty Outing 87 .IEllRY THOMPSON Orange Cout College mermen ~day attemoon ea.med their r ight to a two week layoff after racking their ninth atra.lght dual win of the 1teuon-xaclly eiihl more than thry captured over the entire 19:14 campaign -by ded· elonlng M t. San Antonio 47-37 In the Mounties' tank. Tho Bucs swept both relays at Mt. SAC and added tour lndJvldual win• a.s Bud Belshe garnered first pince!! In the 220 and H O yard frtc111yles as did Alan Hodges In the 200 baek11trokc and Dick Und- wall In the diving. Hndge11, George Lyon1 and Jack Stt-1nman tcllmed up to take the op!'n1ni: inedley relay In 3:21 .3. The llna.l event of lhe day, the four man freestyle relay, al.so went to a Costa Meaa t,eam or Knight Sooy. Steinman. Hodge1 and Belllhe. Belshe fln1shrd bl.a final lap as Dick Easl<'y, t he Mount11'11' anchor man. wu taking rr:-• J 00 yaro wmn mr Jrm'l'IJI. TEAM..'fATE Tl'SSLE Top r11ce of the day was strange- ly enoui h between two tea.mmates, yet nc-llher hallrd from the same achoo!. OCC'e Hodgu and Brian Stuart of Mt. SAC, who both swim In the summer for the Huntington searh Swim Club. ft>ught out a 11lit lap thriller In the 200 back and t inl•ht>d with Identical 2 ·Si .6 U111e11. Hodi;ra drew tht> d1'cl11lon when the place Ju1lgf'l'1 rulf'tl that the Coast fr1•ahman had touched out SlUart by an Inch. BE SURE -INSURE .n~ HAVRIOE tiTA.NLEY l•ara11.-. oatJ Phone Harbor in& 1Sl5 F.. Ooaat Rllh'11'AY Coro-d1•I Mar H1rbor High J1nior T 1r Nine PAIJl roa ORA.HO• Ora.nil' ,ot bat'k In th• tray with two marker1 on a pair Qt C F•nt s t L w· walk• an error and a •lnal• In lh• ops I unse oop 1n 1 •lxth .• But • blr .. vtnth lnnlnr ""plu1lon b)' the BaJlor 11C>Ckf'1 a Coach Randy Randa.ll'a Newport bln(IH for tllrte bue knocke In ra('ked up a conclualve trio of tal· bor HI b Junior v anll nlnel I tour attempt•. I Jiu on five hit... Har I , '¥ There wu no llCOU until the Tar I C'atcher Carl Berreron, Pele ca ptured lt.1 n111t triumph of the third. Vandtrwoort'• tw~gger 1 H('lku, Vanderwoort and White Sunwt lAarue eeuon Mon~y I and ainflfl by White and Jim alnglf'd In that o"ler, Bob Alltn wtth a e-2 wln over Ora.nee JV•· 1 f talllu wu ufe on an trror and J im Schon•• sent a par o · I . __ .. ....t ... ,11,1 The victory mond I.be junlorTara truckial' acrON the dish. Va.ndtr· Schonu am .... wrap...,. ... Into a fourt.b place tl1 with Hunt· woort'a free ticket to tint. an er-I u_P_·------------ lncton Beach In loop atandlnr•· ror and White'• MCond 1uccH1lve CH UCll BOB BELT lill.11• Hiil aero• a 1ln1leton to I Many a blf dt&I baa bffn made V :_ t d Bob make It 3·0 In th• fifth. throuch a amall claulftad ad.. Chuck anuwrwoor a n ;:::::::::::::;:;:;:::;::;::;::;;:::;;:;:::;::;;:::;;:;:::;;:;;::;::; White proved the blc ~na for the local lad1. Finl Sack er V'nder· WQOrt h&d a perfect day a t the platter, N.nglnl' out a double and single and taking a •troll tor two hit• In two at bat1. Short.flop White belted ou.t thfff 1tr'alcht ~g, Bad Bucs F'a' Down, Boom Whup1! Defendlnl' J:utem Conference b&MbalJ champion Orange Cout College got clobbered 9·0 by Riv· ere1de TUeaday for It• tint loop loas of the aeuon. And little Don Leigh suffered his aecond eeUmck ot the aeuon against 11lx trlumph11. Biggest blow for the Buc11 of Coach Went.Ml Pickl'na came In' t!M! tag-rnd frame whtn Wayn<' Coughtrte. reµlactng Leigh on the mound, tripled. The tffort was to no avail smce he coul\ln't l'n\l rival chucker Bob Ollbert'11 11hutout. Rlver11!de won It fast with thr•'<' markers In the tir11t canto anll five more In the fourth 11t.anza. The loss dropped th11 Plratea to at•cond spot behind undefealtd Rlvl'rttlde. Tcirs Net Fourth Harbor Hlgh'a trnnl1 tum went lnto a Lie with Orang• fo:-fourth place In Sunset uague atandlngs this wl'ek. UnddC"aled Anaheim Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER - !301 W. BaJboa Boulevard • Unoleum • Rubber 'l'Ue • ()orll e A.pbalt Tile e Carpet e Formica e Yacht e lutallatioa Harbor 5389 Newport l1•di BUil T ON YOUR LOT Homes -Income U•lts CARDINAL HOMES 119 E. 2Srd St. In <mta MfM was fir.st Fullerton u s:ond. .•. U~l----4~~F;-eE"1-t>t~ anta Ana third. Huntington Beach It In the ~ml'nt. Saints Nab Pair SANTA A!'<A toCNS)-Santa Ana High School'• vanity and Junior v11nilly gnt gond pitching from 011 RD<lrllf\Je& and Carry Steffrn to defeat Hunllnrton Beach, 10-3, and 8-1, Tuuda,\·. ''-----------------~~~~~-=~~~~ PAY-LESS ACIOU MIGHWAT fllOM MOAG HOll'ITAl NEWPORT-301NtwPOltT11.vo.-COSTA MUA '' IN MOBILGAS ECONOMY RUN New 120 h.p. Six with Speed-Trigger Fordomatic averages 22.8 miles per gallon Ford'• outatudin' tt'OOOIDY ha• done it ag1in. The rflicievt. 1aodm1. low. f ri<-1 ioa df'eoiJn 120 11.P. J-blocl; b "'Ith ··o..doaiatic b1t pn>Tf<i tbu yoo fan ~t T1luable furl H vinp pint 1~adf'T1!hir perlona&nee Wbnl )'Oil driTe a QeW ·.;; fonl llrtl' •l'T thl' official fecu bf'bind Ford'a l•tm 1lrmon11ra1ton of traditional Ford «onomy: amon' 1U .. Bi,c Thrtt" 0011tettantA, ~· of ,;,,, or ..... ;,1i1. th~ Ford Su 1chKvcd tl:M l:u1_he.t mil"' flt'T r •lloa nentl'" To demoo1trate We bleat of t'ord'e _, OV'1' -nig Th~" tompetJt~, kl'• locil al th,. ....... 1t. ia tf'flll• of ,flU, nrryclay dri\ inr. rr 1U of~ '9••"Jll'itt~f ''Bil Thrtt" wttt l1w.1tl'd lo tbr n1Amt...111 of rall•>fH of '•"°hoe th .. f Of•I u~ in ro,rnnc thf' 13.!i m Ir tm1lr. t11r ~ .. r.t -.oold ha"' ''" dHt ovrr ;11'11"1 •f•rr ~ar ti ha.I ,.,hauot,..I 1ta furl eurrly-1otf ""' I J: m1 /1'$ fort.brr t hao ru C :. f0td'1 pnw..fful n~ In-. .f,.W,H-,n lf..! H I'. Y-h~lr. \.H "Ith fonlom1lir P''"'Nf II• 1utf1- tinn1I 1hrH1 Inn by '-'in« oJ.I I°" •Jlfl<V'fl • 1111 Tlv. .. f'-'lf'ftlr .... OFJICIAl "llC THUi" •KOID MOlllGAS KONOMY tUN , .. ,, ~ 0 FORD 6 22.82 CH EVROLET 6 21.56 FORI!,. Y·8 20e60 CHEVROLET 8 19.6~ PLYMOUTH 8 • 19.37 California's Unchallenged Leader in Sales ••• Perlormance ••• fconomy T.HEODORE ROBINS Yow Ford Dealer Sine• 1921 (On Mariner's Mile) llOO W. Coast Highway Newport leach Liberty 8-3471 Rl'GGED SHIP -First to finish and first on corrected time in the rip.snorting dash from Loa Angeles Harbor around San Clemente Island to a finish off Newport Harbor wu Howard Murphy's 64-ft. yawl, Quest, sailing for Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Rip-snorting is definitely the word for the 140-mile course since the wind was snort- ing and sails were ripping on almost every contender. A fine collection of high seas with square corners added to the difficulties of the 25 boats which 11tarted the race. -Beckner Photo I Esc1pe H1rts 11 Explosion lips Cruiser Three men eecaped Injury hett Thurmd&y nlcht when a blinding uploeJOll and firf' g-utted the In· terlor ot the 38·ft. cabin crulwr W.ry Lee. Ownf'd by A. Ylf'l<'Jlf'r Harrll. Bn-a, the crulsf'r wu moored at Charlie Hopton'• land· Inf on Mariner'• Mlle when the explosion df'tonated. Harrla said he waa partially ovncome follQwlnc the blut and waa pulled from the boat by Bill Bank•. La Habra and Thomae Wright, Et Monte, who had been havlnc a beer with him on hla yacht. Police and firemen .. Id early lnveatlgatlon showed a cigarette poHlbly cauaed the fire. The po· lice and Harris reported a trash can aboard the cruiser burst lnto !lames and u palntera that after· noon had bTu11hed on fresh paint the fire had a qulc-k start through T --36 f ed b A Fl t h H · B the Interior before rearing up FIRE GUTS CRUISER -Mary .L.A.1:, • t. yacht own Y · e c er arria, rea, throug'h the cabin top and shatter· waa charred by fire and explosion Thursday night at her mooring in Marinen Mile. lnr 11au w indows port and •tar· Harris and two friends escaped injury. Firemen above doused blue. -Staff Photo board aides. _ . Althoufh Hurta could maJ<e no I -I early e1tlmate ot damagea Incur· SIOiUI and Past Commander Adam ra6( 'he said the tou would run McQout. • I several thousand dollar• at leul. RACE RE8t:LT8 I He hu owned the cruiser thrre The ruulte u repo~ed by the yeare. MARINE NEWS ~ SOUTH COAST 00. llf'd a Newport lllvct. It's loday"a most powerful production outboard. the M~n:urr Mark ''' Super· llllOOCb power flow, compl•tt enainc ~,-ailcnc:ina. ~ ne•· Dyna·Aoat Swpemioa for ......_ ""* quiet opera. Uoa witlto11t loea of perfonnanot. •1e11 -..... With Full :_i:t., Je-.Ject Powu• r tan.at 1------------------------· 1 Voyager'a chairman Ha! Holtz, u '"I don't know what happened." wt r o to preM, are: Harrll Mid addlnr all he kaew %510 W. Coast fll«ibway CLASS "A" waa the l~Pl09lon occurred, he Quest, Howard Murphy, NHYC; tripped on a paint bucket and wu ------------ TIDE TAILE DAYE SPIES Date Friday April S l!laturday Aprtl 9 Sunday April 10 Monday AprU-11 Tuesday Aprfl 12 'Wednesday April 13 Thuniday April H Time HJ1b 9:51 IL m, 9 :28 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 9 :5:1 p. m. 11:14 a.m. 10:21 p. m. 12:10 p. m. 10:53 p. m. l :39 p. rn. 11:34 p. m. 12.35 a . m. 6 :19 p. m. J Ci) ll"Dl8T t"ULL QOAJlTEJl MOOS A pr. 28 A pr. fl Bt. 11.3 3.5 6.2 3.2 11.0 2.9 2.7 4.4 • 1 3.1 (f IA.ST QVAJlTU Apr. 15 Ttme Low 3 :f8 a. m. 3 :17 p.m. f :23 a. m. 3:40 p. m. 6 :01 a. m. 4:03 p. m. 6:'7 a. m. 4:2f p. m. 8:4'4 a. m. 4 :43 p. m. 7:117 a. m. 9 :17 L m. 8:37 p. m. • NEW MOON Apr. 22 &&. M&rle AmelJe, Gabe GlannlnJ, NH· pulled oft the c.raft by hla two Reault1 come f"rom constant YC; Jada, Oeorr• SlurJla, LA YC, trlendL practice! An ad regularly ln Ulltl ---0.3 no r ate; Sirtua, Howard Ahman· paper will produce NWlta for you. 1.2 aon, NHYC, dlaq.; Hllart&, Owen ---0.2 Ryburn, CYC, DNF. UI o.o CL.\88 ...... Killen, Fred Lyon, NHYC; San· Whitney, LA YC; Flylnf Cloud, JCarl Corkelt, NHYC. ARBITRAA'Y HANDICAP 1 9 ta Lucla., Gould Eddy, WCYC: Na- . lu n , Peter Grant, NHYC; Aka.hi, . Beachcomber, Ch&rlea Mannlnr. 0.3 Ken Croan, CBYC; Atorrante, ~w CBYC. 2 . 2 r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 0.5 2.6 o.8 0.7 3.0 .IOHN8TONE'8 Mesa Allto Wreckers tTMJd A•t.41 Pana aad A~rif'e %075 Placeatla Ave. u.ert7 l-101S Costa .. _ MARJSE CPHOL8Tr:RL~O BOAT OO\~k8 BALBOA CA1'"VA8 • 8ROP · Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL H•rl>« JfP RUGGED 140-MILE OCEAN RACE SEES _Ne_wP-oR_r H-~~_8J>_fs~_!'f_. 5A_P:R_~i5_;:_r:_s~r_11 '_· P-AG_e 3 ;==::;=::::N·~=,·3":::J":u=~H ~ QUEST FIRST' JADA SECOND OVER. LINE r.;:;;::.,:;;";:"~:;.:' ;:,:;:::;~ ~:;:,~":~~~='::.,~';'. S.:'clnu;th~e0~~~r and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECUlrTY PATIOL "~~-....n......c... •ITAYI W •IT IOUI •IT UITI •COITI Im -~""" ........ .., Kitten Fh st in Class I, with Beachcomber Copping Handicap By NEAL BECKNER Race entry, the 64-fL yawl Queo1t. ed by a crew enurely made up ot • ,......,., ot NHYC. Jl'lrt1t to flnieh with aia Power Squadron membere lnclud· err one fl "l'ff.1 hairy old comber". elapeed Ume of 19 hra. 00 min. 30 lnr 13th Di.tnct Commu ctu Tom area. Brtag yoar fiber· Varloua boats were losing aall11 by aoc. tor the HO·mlJe lhrallh, Queet ------------ lhia lime. Fn'd Lyon'a Kitten 11nd wu.11 over thl"M hours ahead ot her I .... probleme to -.. Kiln Croan·• Akahi both loet thl"lr nearest competitor u d 11howa • Herold I. Johnson Fi .__ completely torn to ribbon11! Od~·,. JADA LOOKS GOOD c.iw.w.. ...... ...._. ... 1 w. c-a HWJ'. The big ocean race sailed last, week-end from L. A. Harbor. around San CIC'mC'nl.e Island, nnd into N19wport Hor- bor cn n bc-!!l be dC'sc nbcd as ''real rugged"! This annual HO. mile deep-water classic was originatC'd by Voyager"s Yacht Club and this year was co-sponsored by both Los Angeles YC anti Newport Harbor YC. malnsall3 -not Jun ripped, hut col't"eCtcd Ume of l7b. 37m. Illa. ~ rro.....,. ae,.tn Pacific Mrg..nl My, Marl .. , Amell(', sn1l QUl"lll sl•o .,._,. ... u 1-HTI trorr th.·lr rnR1n11, r•ven while cnr-Georee Stuq;IJI' newly rt·riCled ..._ Har-.. IN rylnK ,.1ngle l'\"d a In 110me CU('ll. Jada waa actually accond boat to UI t VIiie w.,, H-..n a..ell AcrOM trom All·Ama1caJ1 Kkt. NO Rt:~a·rrt: Pot·so hnU.h but she ha.A not yet been L':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':~~==========-= mrMUre<J 11.nd rated with ht'r new _ Rounding c1 .. mentl''a Eut F.nd yawl ng and ao could not ti.-cloue. ortt~ no rup1tt to lh<' now a11m<'· ed u an otrlcl&.I entry ln Ulla race wti.1l b11.ttueJ flN>l and ffVeral t'n· a lthough her l'IA~td um .. of 20h. tries found 11\Jlt dt•plte loM of J 7m. !.o5a. looka awfully good for Save SOo/o BOAT BUN1'.8 FURND'URE PILLOWS INSULATION t now the BIG are quiet! Qu1rl u a ~11ten, but tliNe01 I lot or w1lrlcat action in thOM r~. de~ndabl~ ~ .. Hona. Come in and · liettn to the four put modelt. 5~ to 25 H.P. ) South Coast Co. llrd & Newport llvd. AUTllORIZr:D FACTOR\' l'F,R\'lCE 'l'wPnty·hvt boal.t cl"OllMd the thl"1 r m .. u\8iul11 they had dn•r11 .. d a !'16·fl. boat on hf'r first ~ at11rt1ng hne At L. A. out"r harbor Ir,... lh11n a knol In •pl'C!d with <mly lahaktdown In Sllt urrta\''s gwity w1n1ls a nd h1•11il~a1ls a.nd m1u.ena Oy1ng Tht . rnul?h 11r1111°, boldly· dt1<rt'i:am1ni;: hiit "IN ·d°" n" <'Lme just befun-I Srcond honol"11 overa.U went to ... mall rnirt W1\mln1111 whtr h wrre ,1111411 wh• n the wtnd i udd<'nly dlf'd Fr"d Lyon' a "t'leran O<'tiftn raclnf fly1ni:. 11n<1 fnun11 lhe Wl'Rlher bli:it.11 tw•~lnl( around tn the llllll PCC alo<>p K1ltt'n. at"° of NHYC, .:1ow111g ln!'NNl'lnKIV wottoc 1ru.lr8rt ,1n~r\' llNll• Man" Aml"lle ref'Orted jw llh a t~me.~f lfch ~6m. 8-0to. Gabe of bt-1tr r. 1'11rt of lhr flrt>t n Pfrtl ll rC'<llllrr tJ rour h"ura tn mAkt' th' G11U1nin1 a rrd-hot_ ya.wl Mane <town fur 11 1><>111 to tho \\'1'111 F:nrl i.1.~l ft>Ur milra 10 t he Newport I A ml'he •ddrtl to NHYC 11 ho~.o~ of ('11talin11 while lht' rt'mn1111lrr b• II buny. with a 11«ond pllHt In CIA.M A FOAM RUBBER WAR ""'"ft orf fur a r••llrh t o th,. • 1-t I , Ahhrni,.;h thtr" 18 Mme confu· In 11p1tP nf a brnkl'n lop 11p~ader rn.I of the lalnnl1. hnp1n1t l hnl 111n. ~i .. n nn<I l'llll " fl'W mi11under11tand· 1&nd npped rnalnto0ll. tl1t1nn11 1n1,;ht lw hl'fll•r on th•' I lnJ:~ ,,, h" 1111 ruithte"'led oul, It a p· Arbitrary CIMs hOnQra went to oth1 r •l•lt' of C'atRlln11. = .... __ .... ..:.. .... ....;;;;;;;,.;-~-;..;-;...:,..:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .SO A.D\'ASTJ\OE SURPLUS 008TA llMA Oorwr Ne.rt a Harbor Blvde. NP1thti r Kl'QUP M'emf'd to l\'llln ' h k much advantage from thl11 d1 \'ll•1on 111nce the leadl"r!I foum1 ea. h othn t ('fln\'f'rg1ng on thf' Wf'-•l r n<I of $111\ an ';f OU C'ltml'nte 1n 11bout the Mme rela· • llW ~tlOM.. A!I the Cleet memti.-111 sprroarh· ... 1 CJ40mrnt<''11 flUT'lous t.'ruotle Ro. k l11t" S1llurda;y aJtemoon ttwy rf'Ai· We IUd thJ )' 14ere In fl n•11l l1ri<l·\ Ill!"' extend • M11nn. Tht ".,n11 wa..• e111an1111 .. 1 11.. our sincere up to •o knot.11 in thl' purr. 11n1l the ll"llJI wrre hUIJt' snd 11t""P· fV· a p predation for your • 1n- Cut °"' •fld h i• I r-·-1., ,...,...,._ •• , , .. ,., ... , ....... ··. I ' i loat Service Exchange ; I o I : .............. J'ftVr t,4a f • I : 11'1 TH£ WATElll 0 111 0:-l1H£ WA" : I . ! w. 4o •••ry-th•e1 I R.-••oa•bl• • : I ' • Br •I\• ... _., IZ~SO to t .J for m 4)•f ' : .. o•k. -0 111 wc·u.. CO/\fRAC T : : -----------. . . : P e111t : Verftt1h ' ' C•r~•t•r 1 A"4 oet"• ;,. • •h1I• : Meet W ert. : '""'"• ! MKll.aeuc al I : At .. t• fef' M-44 Vie Opo•to ! ("h•Yl••••lh'"> CU 4e Wl>a•ll , ______ , . ' : Hw. IMI Aali '-'C-•..i.,..· aoe : l__ ~---··-·--••••••I creased patronage • vice to Au departments -New Cars -Used Cars -Ser- and P arts -have reflected outstanding volume increase Our new, modern building and facilities are geared continue successful operation of handling your needs ,. methods and us Reliability of honest in the practice of "o I d fa sh i o n e d '' deals with no gimmicks pays off for you You don't have to go anywhere else for a better . deal - - -WE HAVE IT! show Registration WE ARE No. 1 statistics for 19&f and so IN THE HARBOR AREA far in THEODORE ROBINS t 1955 RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL your Ford Dealer since 1921 Hwy. (on Mariner's Mile) Liberty 8-3471 UO 30tb St., Newport Beach Harbor 2533 \. ........... Kl 2-7027 IUl-8111 ..... ....,._,.q Co. JOHNS.MANVIW s..._...-,, ttt ...._I lllHe.Met= ......... I OPEN EVERY DAY· ( lncluclillCJ Sunday J Special •1995 ~?<.e~ AlUMlllUM CHAISE t" ..... --WILL NOT RUST 100o/o ALUMINUM FIAME & WHEELS NO STEEL e BLUE e GREEN AVAILABLE IN e TERRA COTT A ORO LITE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS HDWR. PLUMBING GARDENING SUPPLIES TOOLS FULLER PAINTS MASONRY SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL NEEDS CABINET HDWR. Open Daily Monday Through Sunday ---. 8 a. m. -6 p. m. Schultz -JJu&erl IJuifderJ .$uppf'J -; PlaOlle Libert)' ~"ISM tn V... k (.., Newport 81..S.) Colt& ._ PAGE 4 ·PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 ... NEVADANS SAMPLE FARE HERE Not exactly Easter Week revelers were the distinguished visitors to Newport Beach who are pictured above at dinner at Karam'a Balboa. Left to r ight, Col. Jack La- Grange, assistant Adjutant General, Neva.:la; Governor Charles H. Russel of Nevada; Lt. Col. Earl A. Edmonds, E. S. Property Fiscal Officer, Nevada; host Wm. A. Barth· olomae, Balboa; and Major General James A. May, Adj. Gen., Nevada. The out of state pa.rty flew into the Orange County Airport and are guests of Bartholomae who bu extensive ranch holdings in Nevada aa well as in Orange County. -SWf Photo 5511 Deposilon Get Dividends from Local Firm STINGRAY HITS BOWLER'S FOOT Douclu Melton Bowler, 1~. of 1307 North Bay Jlronl, -. treatl'd at Hoac HoapltaJ Sim- day for a eUngray lnjury to )Ila toot. Ra wu swlmmlnr a t Chlna Cove when •lllf\&', he at.Id. EGG HUNT! New Boys' Cl1b Houn Stated for Vacation Nt1w Boya' Club·houn and .pe- dal &eUvlUea have been annouru:- ed for the coming l!lUter Week vacation. The Boye' Club will open Ila doora dally from l to 5 p.m. and evenlnp from t :30 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. On Saturday the annual Euter Egg Hunt and tun contul..I will be l\eld in the Coat& Me• Pack a t 1 p.m. Laat year over 2~ members ot the Boya' Club participated tn tbla event. During the week apeclal con- teal..I and tournament• ln various depa.rtmenta will be held. There will be cbecken and cbeu tourna- ments. rope climbing and trampo- line awarda, plq pone a.nd billiard eventa. Plutu ot pa.rt. molding and painting cluaea will be held every afternoon from 2 to ' p.m. Art and d.rawin&' groupe will hold special c:onteata and ahows. MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS Quarterly payment. of aavlnp Tryouts and achievement tests dividends were made March 81 to tor aummer bueball tecuna will be By JIM M ATHENY more th8.n 6500 lnVMtora In moet held Tuesday through Friday. All Happy Easter week-6ld ! Easter-time is the time for ot the 48 1tate. and aeveral for-boy• 8 to 18 yean of age may join the Boys' Club and t&ke part tn egp and rabbita and grass! elgn countriea by Newport Balboa all event& • , • Savlnga and Loan A.MoclaUoa ot j Wed b ate to think that one has to await the arrival Newport Beach, accordlnc to ------------ ot Euter week--end !or ta.sting an egg, for they are ao good Prealdent Paul A. Palmer. c t B with buttered tout, jam, bacon and coffee. But, it is a whole-Thia WU the uaocleUon'• 3Tth oun J uys aome cuatom to color up a few consecutive dividend. Palmer aald, thin-shelled "hen's trult " and and Ila flrat under the four-tlmu -J 1• R h watch the ldddlea hunt tor them. SIEMONS' WATCH yearly aystem of dividend pay-op ID anc Between and betwixt chaalng menta. lu1ppln1" bunnlu anti Ahelllng of LOST IN SCUFFLE ''In adoptlnr the four-time. g aily bedecked el'g• how'11 about ,y~arly method of paylnr dlvl-f B d Bo a ome eerloua thought to treating SANTA ANA {OCNS) denda," Palmer aald, "we have alao or a JS the family to Eaater Sundey din· James B. Slemon.11. 223 Pearl adopted new method.!I of handling' • n~r? Ave .• Balboa Island, waa mlR•-our accounting procedures. Check.I John Majur1, the Harbor n-Ing a 120 wrist watch today. were made out to all full paid hMdman, menUorui that he hu a SiemoM told sheriff's depu-share accounts with the new elec- t roly family ml.'nu tor thl1 Sun-ties he got into a acuttle Mon-tronlc punC'h-card equipment. et- dl\y'e outln&'. J.lr. M. a&ys that he day with two Junnlles who feeling a considerable 11&vlng of loves to aee the family et.Ung In were creating ll rest room time In handling ~vrral thousand a group a nd tor that reason he dhslurbance. ln the process of accoun~. We e.re al.110 using a new haa r one all out to aee that a typ-quieting the pair. S1emons' and more economical system of lcal JEuter Sunday menu, cood for watch wae ripped ott. figuring dividends on regu(ar pua irrown-upa and klddlu, 111 featured Later. a auspect. who tvld book accounts." from 12 noon untU 9 p.m. an attenllant the watch WM Palmer reported that new t.C• Incidentally, ipeaJtlnc ot Har· his, made off with the time count buslneu 111 steadily rising bor Uouw. that Initial lllyle show piece. t or the lar&'• Newport Beach A.a- wu aueh a hue• wccMa a week aoclaUon, and lhnt total re1ourc• ago that J ohn hu decided t o do H you're apendlng Euler Week now •land well above 118,500,000. aame 90me mo .... Next. parade of •l Bal you're a cinch to have be&uteoue mannek.lna ta kbeduled some mlg"hty coocS eating close a l To Show Slldes for Apn1 22. Mak. a aote of that hand. There'• a qu&J'Ut of poJ>U- Jt you are l.ntue•ted. tar apot.a between the bay and ~ ln keeplnr with ha annual tnv ocean worthy ot vl•IUnr . dltlon ':Johnny Vllelle Is cl011int; hi• Right on the earner of Mal.n and Arcbiea thJe S\mday evenin&', art.er B&1tK>. Is tamoua K&rame. Jim the Euler ruah In order that hla Karam has a menu on hand that employeea may ha\1c a well·earn-w111 pleue any tute for any oo- ed relit. culon. According to Grace Woolly, our Toward the Balboa Pier, on ~loa.k 1u1tl dagger lnlonnant ot Main St .• la the popular C"hlnl'..e the popular CoMt Highway 11pot, C.:a-lno that hu been host to llO The Arr h..,. gang 1., lipreading to many locals Md v1sltor11 for sevrn the t1111r wlnde for their fun and or more yeario. F ood to go. C'hln- u11t. Grace aay1 ah!' Is Oylng all ue and Amtrican dishes, Is the th•· way to Ml Ev {lyln1e I sp"clally thne. Ton. thf' C't.l'lao t 1om the Onui Co y Alr}'Ort b<Jul.a of a "moat" lunch! h• the L. nt mauonal! CAn On the ~ch at Bal Ues a spot >''"' lwal t t fc>r keeping ott the which t••mpts natives ot Catalina c rnuntl! bland to say, "on a clear night 1 :nre adda further vacationing you can hear the voter.-. rlnginc Info. J.uc11le Simon to Guayamu; down at y 11 Oldt' Balboa tna Calf'.'' Virginia to San Francisco; Leon• Saturde.y nlght tun at Bal Inn tu the RPdwood country; J oe i. a good, old fa.!!hlonrd Commu· g mn1o: to Yucca Valley and DIC'k nlty Sing led by Dorothy NeRbitt. alh'k lni.; nround to work on his In case you can't Ring, ltt Kate own hllml'! Otnl hold your han<l, or l<'l Dick \\'her.. IS J. \'1lelle going? No D•·nt mix a nice dnnk tor you. or pllH'I'' Ht' 11tays here and v.·orks in 1'-l Chd Henry Jonu concO<"l a ortltr th&l The ArTh,.. "Ill hr llUJli'rb Loulsl1U1ne dish for you. rt>•ulv t~r re-oix-rung on the 29th' Julll a .11horl tos.~ or a plz.ZA from Th•·rc a a good gang troni a nlC'f I the mue Pacmc you'll find Or.ad- 11r •I hOJl<' thty ell havl' fun! olfu'" 0 real llallan·type restau- W t 11 bt looking forward to their rant' with plenty of old wt>rld aa r,. rtlum. l'h&rm and honcst·to-goodnell8 ('On- Spring 1s bcr<'. That's for 1111r ... llnenlAI ti•ocl. Mrs. Dorothy McKenna wlll show color 1lldee of her trip lo Africa at the Community church ln Co· rona de! Mar. Tbunday, April H at 8 p.m. tho sands to La Poeta. It'• like 1tepptnr b&ckwar-d a tffW ~" and e.nteri.ng a desert atronrhold tl"Nh trom a chue by the Ap&chea. That'• aulhe.nUc SpanJ•h·Malcan chow Inside, sub! "Mama" and "J>.pa" II-' han~ out the welcome algn tn both Ital· Ian and En1U1h at their popular Rpa on CoL'!t H ighway over ln Cor- ona deJ Mar. Visit them one eve llOOn and see If you don't feel right nt home v.1lh lhl11 pair of pnlal Harbor ttstaurateurs. U you're Interested In movlea, mra.nlng the kind out.side of a TV set. you know that Grare Kelly won anrt the Udo haa her. Show- In.it currently "Co11ntry Girl," Jane Ru.11sell hM gone "Underwater" for an extl'ndtd plunge at the Port, in CoromL del ~far. The !'!- offers "Long J ohn Silver" and the 8&.lt.o. Is 11howmg "3 Ring Clrcu.a.. .. Pl&y It extra aafo t his b~y. crowdrd weck·rnd. The llvu that you 11Ave by being extra c-aretul may well be thoiie of your own beluved tamlly ! Have tun. SA?'\'TA ANA (OCNS) -The Orange County Board ot Super· visors Tuesday purchaaed the 240· acre "Joplin Ranch'' tn Upper Tra- buco Canyon for uae u a boys' 1anch. The price wu 137.000. Cecil J. Marke, a member or a cit1.HJ1'• comm l l t • e w h l c b 1tarted the ball rolllnr toward the tlnal acqulaitlon of the ranch for dellnquent boya, at.id young1tera will be committed to the prem.laea u aoon a• the deal clear• 4'11Crow. W illiam Rocheeter la the aeller. The land hal a ... aldence and Be"Y· eral •malJer bulldlnp which will be utillted by the wayward boye. Cltrue and oUve grovel alao a.re located on the property. Bo)'9 who are aent to the canyon ranch wiU help ea.m their keep by fa.nnlng. Marks •aid the ranch wUl •tart out with a ama.IJ number ot boys and eventually Increase lo a capacity around eo by mld- 11\llDJJlfr 191Se. Delinquent boy1 now are com- mitted to Rlveraidc County'1 1'\1n Pines camp tnd other ptacu. Those taclllUe• rapidly are becoming un- available. accordlnr to Marki. Bill Spurgeon headed the cHI· zena committee which put up IU own money to hold the land for purchaae by the county. Dave McMillan. probation de· partment chh~f. alao wu lnetru- ml'ntal In developing the plan. Pern in Crash Motorcyrll.11t CorneU1111 Perez. 20, of 2099 Pl•cenUa Avt . Costa Mesa. l'Scapf.'d major tnJury March 30 foUowing a 4 :•O p.m. col- lision on Harbor Blvd. north of Hamilton w1tl) a c.ar dnvtn by George Henry lAne Sr.. 71. of 1932 Harbor Blvd. Perez wae tttatcd In the emcrgnicy room at Hoag Ho.spltal and aent home .• re· ports •how. when Marsha.U, s uave ma1tre d' at 1 rrank llnrt Gina Grandolfo ln-('hrl~Uan•, Hui, rails up and In·, vlte yuur trlephone orders for ·food fnrrn1J U8 that the llut Is now op,\n to lake homt~ Next ttm,. you r~el - llevrn dA)'l!I a Wi>rk., too lazy to go out tor chow, rlng- H R\'C you v1~ltM1 lhl' Tuhltlan up the GrandollOll. R1 .. 1m al C'hrtatla.n'a Hut lllt <'IY? New York City boutl ot ltl Ja< k~n Cosn<'y, belt er known ll&lnhow Ronm. 63 iiton('a abo\'e 1 .,. TIM-Plratt'. will help you 'nJoy .M&nhlitlan. but JUSt watt until Y<'Urfflf anyllmt' ynu gPt the vrge thoM> Gotham1tl'S sJl In J oUy C-o· t•1 l••aJlt a hot •toJt( O\'l'r &11 v1w n burn·11 < ... ta\\&)• aml sef' t he Hftr· I ll•· 11nll wuh down lhat dainty bor 11rra unfold at their frrt. Hlitb 1 drl1 rlftblc with • ooltng quaff.11 of on 11 hill it'.11 a i.lte !or a i<1.t:hl. t"I' brew, \\'e ht'nr It'll a g-rowlng I And --fO()(I anti drink 1u111 Bod-I fail 1n the Harbor 11.ru -s1tttn,.r dy Rohner pklylng nightly in tht a nd 111rpin.i: by the fir,. with lnt11 P111no Lounge. too: That'• ThP I of lon.i: tnlk <ln short 11ubjvcl•! ll'.utaway•! 1'ou'll ""e a lot <lf the "beach Fttl llke golng native? Trot out 11ani:" Al Th11 1•1ratf'! your plnlo pony &lid dMh ¥ro!111 S P A G H ET T I by ROSSI wi th all the Gourmet Accompaniments ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE Corw clel Mar %326 E. Cout Hwy. Bar. 1180 • Granclollo 's I forrnl'rly of Hemf't J complete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAOH.l:'M'l e LA!4AC.SA HOME· MADE RA \'IOU e STI:AKS e SEA FOOD TOOD TO 00 s11 1a1boa 11vd. BALBOA HarlKM' 4131 Cloeecl Mondaya DELUXE LUNCH ll:lt a.IL -S:Ot p.m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES l :ot P• m. -l :ot a. ra. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Sa.me Pttce. the Year Aroaad CHINESE CASINO 111 Mala St., Balboa DIATH NOTICI INFANT aooi:as Pr1vale tun•tal aervlC'n and In- terment tor Infant Ct.thtr1nl' Riil<• en. dau1t1ter of Mr. and Mr•. Uoyd R~ere. tGt Orov11 Plan" Co.ta MNa. were held Mo.nday In. Melroee Abbey Chapel a t 1 p.m. with the Rn. Charle• F . Hand ot- tlclatln(. Th• baby wu born and died on the way lo the hoepltaJ on Mart'h 31. Bt,aldea ber par9Dta ahe l1 1urvtwd by two brothera. Chai~ lH &nd Ronald ot the ~ ••I· d,..u. Parkee·Ridlty Mortut.1'7 waa In charce of a.rranremmt.I. INF ANT CKDI Private srawatde aertlcee for Infant Frank Cttm. ton of Mr. an<I Mra. Ivan H. Crim, ate ftllcom Place. Co1ta Me-. ware held W•<I· needly at Harbor !\Ht Mereort11l Park Cemetery. The baby died 12 hour• attn blrth Sunday at Hoaic Hoapltal. Bealdta ha pa.r.ata be 111 .urvtved by three broUMra. Huold. Michael and Wayne. Park ... JUdll')' Mortuary wu 1n cha.re• .t ar- ranremmta. ~·¥:.., FROM PAGES OF THE PAST-Songs as they were eung at the turn of the century were ;>resented by Orange Coast College music group1 at the Dedication program for the new auditorium last week. A capacity crowd filled the 1200-aeat structure !or the baptismal performance. The program presented muaic and drama over the years. It was directed by Kenneth Boettiher, Euataae Rojas, and Robert Keat of the College staff. IALIOA INN .Qff POPE SUBDIVISION BATTLE WON BY PROPERTY OWNERS Property owner• alonr 22nd St. won their battle against l\.fax W. P ope's proposed 43Jol a'ub\llvialon when Costa Mesa City Counci1 de· nled the tract map by a 4-1 vote Monday night. Councllmtm Bert Smith was the only council mem- ber voling approval of t he 11t1b- dlvlalon. Smith moved the subdivision be approved over a city planning com- mlaa1on n•conunendat.lon tor de- nial with provision Pope co1U1truct .. e-rt.. high fence 10 feet from hi• proptrty line and dttll a 2!'.'l- fl. strip from 01tlnr;e to Santa Ana Ave. lo the city. Councilman A. L. Plnklfy sec- onded the motion to brlni; the matter lo vol(' fl'lllow lng a month- long hassle 11.bout the propo.scd 1UbdJvl11lon. Observed P ope u he left the councU room In Newport Justice court, "That anewera my ques- tion.'' Pelltlona algnc-d by nine 22nd St. propt'rty owner• deed.Ing 25 feel al the rear ot lh~r 300-ft. Iota and rt'queetln&' a street open- Inc act were rt ferred to City En- gineer Don Southworth by the council. He was authorized lo de· velop 11. map tor a future street 1>J.lt>nini act. Th1> move Willi taken when City I Attorney Don Dungan pointed out such action would pr .. vrnt a repr&t alt.empt to subdivide the area as propose-d by Popt. Public Schools Week to See OCC Open House PubhC' sche>o!JI week April 2J.-29 wilt f('Bture an Open Hou~ at Or- ange Cout College on April 27. It ha11 h<'t'n dlJ1Clo11c."<I by Dr James W . Thornton, v1ce.presldtnt. "All facllltlu of the collegt wlll bl' optn "nd In opl'ratlon from 1 7 30-9.30 p n'I ," Dr. Thornton 1a1d "Superb Foocl" uuz=. PARKL~O SER\'l<;E FROM Ot:R DOOR GOURMET PANTRY IMPORTED BAKED HAM mt:AI, FOR THT. f;AfilTT.R Wf:t:K •:~o De lioious Candies • Savory W ipes Bl um 's Famous Ba ked Goods Tr y O ur De licatesse n ! .. n~1;·1:~T FOODt4 FROM ALL PARTf4 Of' T HE WORt,O" DAILY 9:30 to 9:00 SUNDAYS I 0 to 6:00 .... ------....::-..--=-.PJ..nt1 F'"' ruktnir COAST BEVERAGE CO. 1327 N. MAIN ~ SANTA ANA A.. F. Oraau. ~r .-8~ ...... Ill 1--l&M "The public wtU thu• have an op· portunlty to examine featurea or U1e outatandlnf plant which they have provided for Junior collec e education Jn thla community." Regular aduit clalll'lea meetlnc on Wedneeday evening wlll be In ae.111lon. Dr. Thornton atated. lJI addition. there will be a reheanaal In progreu on the atage of the new auditorium, an exhlblUon of student work In the art &'l.llery, And a demonstration of retail aeU· l111t and ucretarlal work In the Bu~lnt.'811 Education building. COCKTAILS Dinner 5-11 p.m. Daily (Cloaed Tu-4&7) • SATURDAYS• Dorothy N•bitt a..ds COMMUNITY SINS IN BALB OA THE PIRATE 28th St. at Newport 81\'d. -()pea 10 a.m. clallJ Tep ~r at the •~1rslde -Ho& Dop -..._. •em l'......U THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPl:N 1t A. IL 'l'DOUOB I A. ll. -. N_,.rt -... • 0-.. 8IP'"'1 n~··m • <"·e an Clwcl • ftwiidl\)I) CAiTAWAYj BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY . '" PIANO LOUNGE lallf'r 8110 p. m.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Liberty 1-3071 EASTER SUNDAY DINNER For All the Family 12 Noon to 9:00 p. m. S,ECIAL MENU FOR YOU e Al'Wl e FRIDAY and SATl'IWA\' DANCING BARNEY LANTZ & his . mUSIC 9 to I :SO a.m. J Jarbor -lou.s~. 1.t~. { AMhoo..J ..J f!.a,toll ~· fiii!l!t5.9l 50il 2260 Harbor Boulcvud • Cott. M ... , c..li£omia ~ 7 Day" A Wttk New Menu Includes Italian DeHcacles . May We Su99ed From Our New FH tures \'EAi. !4CALl..0Pf~l e LA"AOSA e PIZZA PARTIES, IAN9UETS, or CLUI DINNEIS r11o~r. TOl'R llF.~t:lt\-AT10S!4 sow Harbor llYd. at Wilson Uberty 1-5543 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 !FLYING BEER 'Dra·nage, Street lmprovem ~nt CANS AND JAIL Petit;ons for Mesa Approved I anJ ho:dJng d OWl\ ''alUt'& Of prop-be form~ and rn dy to l'O by the N EW TRAILER CABANA-Model above produced by Western Caba.nu and Rama- du, Inc., i• fi rst to be built in State of California under new rule. and regulatlona for 1uch structures. It ia situated in Lido Villa ge Trailer Park. -Don Buah Photo Build First Cabana Meeting State. Newport Regulations The first caba.na built In Call· f omla whlt'h complies wllh the newly est11bllshC'd California 11tale rul~s und reg11lal1on11 na pcrtairung to rabanas In trailer parks hn11 jubt bf-en completed In Lido VIiiage Trailer Park for Mr. and Mra. R. M. Balley. ln a1ldltlon to holdlns the first atate permit, it 11 a.lao the flrat C11b.:'la built undf'r the new New· port 1'f'11ch City OrdlnanC'e rri.;arc'I· ing ca ban:u. An outslandln~ feature of Ule cabana 11 ill method of construe· Uon. Compll'tely mill-built. It rea- tures an <·x<'l1111lve 1 ustomlzrd ay11lem or ma<lule b11lhhn1: devel- oped by \\'e11tf'm C11bnnas and Rnma1lftll l n<' .. or C'o:-ta M<"M . Ql 'ICK C'OSNTRt'<TIOS A 1111mnrr advantage of thl11 ay:11 .. 111. which p .. nntt11 complet~ frttedom ut ,1,•11lgn, Ii< lht' rHct that a ctual erc•cllon on the tlte 111 <"Om· plete-d very qukkly. anJ wlthcut tncnn\'r1t1<'n<'c'1' to the ownrr or t railer park t•ow<'r rqu111mcnt. •ta<'kll or 1umb1'r etc: .. h,we vanli<h· rd from thf' "'·"nt' wllh this •Y•· tem. and wutt> 111 ht>lrl to a new 111tnlmum. Joe \'Hnd•·r Molt>n, prf'~idrnt or W estern Cl'lh11nl\s 11n1I Kl\ma\.11111. Im·. polntc•I tr> llw ru.h1p111btllty or the l!yatc•m to lf'lllllrntlal 111ldl· lion•. partlcul&rly lanal1, ¥'•me room.e, dr.1111 i nd •t utllo11 The module ayatem l• unU1Ually aecu· rate. prrmltUng very close toler· ances. Hencl', windows and doora flt their aperturee to within a frac- tion ot an Inch. Thill accuracy re- sults In a &ma.rt, tailored "cabinet" look. COMPLY wrm RULES Many trailer pa.rlt manager• are today In the proceu of bringing their parks IJ'lto compliance with tbe nr w rules and regulations. Al a consequence, Westem cabanas and Ramadu 19 contemplating t.he corutructton of cabanu In better tr&llt>r park• throu~hout the area. and Is now constnJcUng many Ca· banu In Lido Trailer Park. 3 NEW $20 BILLS LEA YE MESA HOME A house buri;lar stole lhret' •·very new" $20 bills from a ruldence at 1875 Hubor Blvd , Costa l'.tt'lla, Tuesday. Mrs. Gra<'e V!iniC'k or that add~u notlf1e<l Mua pollee yutcrday morning-. She aald the thl.'ft occurred between 6 .15 p.m. 11.nd 9 p.m. whi.le ahe wu at chur<'h. lnvc-sllgaUng offlCe:"ll Mid the burgla r <'ntr~ the howie throuich a window. The bill• WctTe take11 from a trtnJcet box on the drn!lfJr In the bed· room. Metz Garage Plea Denied by Council Appeal ot Donald Metz. 420 M St .. for a variance to permit an exlaUng pre.re 1 ft. /rom the side setback Where It now stan~ was denied by l'ily council March 28 11 a 6 • 1 vote following consldable dlecuft81on. Metz &p· pealed his varinnre from the city pla.nnlng commliislon'a denial Supporting the dl'nlal were let- ters from the Balboa Penln8ul& Point Aseoclatlon and Edward L. Cloege. Metz blamPd an organiza- tional error on h11 part for the clemency. Sex Education Schools, Homes Advocated in Talk "Should 11ex education be taui:ht In the public erhools. ant! at whnt grlUlc should It stnrt." wu aubJt>Ct d.l.ecuued by the Lido Toutmna· ters Club Tul'l!<lay n li;ht. Conc:••n· aus wa. I.hat It 11houhl be tauitbt In both home ond 1chool. and sho1 Id start In Ula tlral grade. I Toutm&11tcr for lhc evenlni wr.1 Ne&J LocKr, table toplca muter WH Al CUaollto. Speaker. for lhe t1venlng were Jack Broertng, ma.k· lnf hi• "lce·breakcr" .IJ>ilech ; Ray L'.1Cclu14', Hu1b Mynatt. Vernon Allen and Carl Jooea. Ch.II'! eva· ula t-0r wu Ed Soule. Other ev&· luatora were J oe Martin, Sandy Steiner, DeWitt Wo1'<'e11ter, Bob When a beer can <'&me ny- lng out a window at 101 'la North Bay Front at 1:16 a m., pohce on foot pa..trol stepped In to fi{!.d five juvrnlle boys. two 18·yl.'ar-otds •nd HI empty cans of beer. Police n ld none of the youths wrre Intoxicated and all denied ownership of the cane which were clusterrd In the kitchen. Thomas Clark Osmer, 18, and Da vid Calrk Shlphcr, 18, both or Los An· gelcs, were released. The tlve juvenlll's ranging In agu from l~ to 17 were released to t heir parents. They were from Los Angeles, CUI· ver City, Santa Monica and Wasco. I He l)alb rlchea sufficient. who ha th e.nough to be charitable. -Sir Thonau Br~wne r!tl!ilJ LAST TIME SAT. 'LONG JOHN SILVER' aad "H~nt91'S of The D"p" BOTH L'1 COLOR Klda Mat. Sat. %. p. m. "BORNEO" STARTS Al f!\'DAV TWO B IG OX E!i VIC£·AND·VIOWIC£ EXPOS£! . ....... _.._ .... _ llEW ML.A-YORK COIRDElllll: ---·---"·..,.~ -..-r·lC-. .. ----9 .. TIE SAGA OF~ WHO SllAHD ,' \ CUSTtl! ' ~. Lipton Cup Race Misi•chJhtcJ 11amec1 Re-run on May 1 for 2-car Accideftt Sir Thomu Lipton cup C'hallange T&cr. f'&llf'<t btcau11e ''' nn wind 011 ;\l &"h :!;, "Ill ~ 119llrJ May l al '\, \'\'furt H11rbnr. $('\?A nffl c1al11 ,,nnnurv ,.,t fulln..J.rt\c their mf'rflnl( lut l.'1iJa ) An appa.rent misjudging of dis· lance before malong a lr ft t um c:au!O(' J an acC'ldt'nl March 30 at Cnut Hlgh"'llY and Superior Avtt McCleary and Dick Opp. Chuck tr A.ry pruldt'<t. I Next meellni: wn1 be April 12. 7•30 p .m. at Harbor Houu. r 111htlna .. ul lh•· rtlC' W iil M E.tc1Jpa1lf' 11. rcnil1 r .,( :-.:cwpo1 t H arbnr Y n< ht Club. A k11h1 ••f 1 ·a· brlllo Brach Ya<'hl Club, linllf'r1na, Ran Dll'j,;C) Y&~ht Club. AtflrTantt'. Loa Anr.rlr11 \' .11 hi \lub 11nd flparkle, B&lbo11 \'achl L'lub. NOW SHOWING 2 WEEK RUN IK IM DIYla ACTIOIU AOUA·LUMO TMllLLll Lestl'r Rickman Jr. 2'4. of 3211 E. lilh St .. Costa Mrsn. told 1'\ew· port p<>Uce he mlliJUJi;tf'i\ the di .. lanC't' twtwrt'n his C'&r and ont> drlv· rn by lit. Gertun le V.'hltln(. 70. or Sant.a Ana Wh"n he made a left Lum al the lntersrC'Uon. l'ohce 1<alil th~ \\'hlt ms: car skid· de<I 42 feflt !>!>fore hllttn1e thr Rickman car. Wt:D .. THl'R!i4., ••Rt .. ~AT. ~artln and IA"' la "3 RING CIRCUS" Tall HUJ1lrr. 0.14 n Adam• "RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND" M ·s .. ~o~ .. Tt'l':K 1 ....... 11,. C'aron "LILI" CiN>ar COal'M)o. RDIN'rt Ryan "HER TWELVE MEN" "4TART!' WT.O. Jll'llN'rt Taylor "Valley of The Ki114Js" H,.n,. Hf'll)' "Singing In The Rain" Now 2nd WMk c rculatlon of lnfoTmal peUtlona 1 ertr. Strttls lnC'lu&od ln the pro-1 t n1e tbt-atretot.a are tom up tor . Ing clrcul3llon or t f'n petlUon1 n "°'~ C:utrlC'l ·~· 181.b S t. from lhr -wa ter line. In proc-eaa of for creation or a combined draln· th e mv Iv •d • ., d dra•·1~ ... · · e ar 3 '' · • • Paik Ave. to Pomona A~ .. Ct'n· b1 I at the rrellt'nt tlmf'. age and atreet Improvement di.a· would run J cent pt>r aquare ft. for tcr s· fro:n Harbor Blvd to Po- lnct b:twccn J:lth &lld 19th Sts 411 proper ty owner• "'ho already ... . · Southworth alJIO ncoaunend~ wl'st of l111rbor Clvd wu made mona. Plumer SL from Pari< Aw . formation ot a reqursled 17tll BL · · p~r •s:i all atrt!'t lmprovrml'nts t A h I .. . p f pos• ble by Cos· a Mesa City Coun· 0 na em n \e.. omona rom lmproytmmt dlatrict tu include c1I ;c'lon Mond.ay nl•ht City E:t· He actdtd It would be no prob~ 1111.h to lDlh and AAahelm from portion• of Fullerton A\•e. and • " · • to cirC'ulate U1tt peUt.10.ns aln« Park to 19th. • gincer Don Southworth recom-t e.!ldenu aloni:: th" lltrerts hllve !l:t'wport Ave. 1be touncll requeat· mendl'<.I crea tion of the .dra!nagc already p~aertted rf'QUtata for Im· JC the dllllrict ta created, pay-l'C1 Ule city en&inrttr and City Man• district In conjuncUon with report provement dlatricta. menta can be ipuad oYer a 10-acer G«>rg9 Cortey to ~n1Ult "1th un a 11lru~t Improvement request year per iod. Caall paymea ls can . . on IOth from Placentia Ave. tol The petlllon1 point out that a lllo be made with tteulUnc ...... the 17th St. lmp r<wement A leOC. la• Maple Ave. drainage dlfflcultlrs are holding ini;1 of lnterelL Tbe council es· Uon ree&rdlnf the l't'conun,nd&• Councilman Bert Smith, lrt mov-back progrl'u In the whole a rr& prell.tlf'd hope t ti. diatrlC't would Uon. j ' lHE 100-MIWON·DOUAR WOK r .. .. A motorcar na111ed TERRIFIC I T ab die word oldie m&D7 tli. +no Uw .,._ ...... it11 \o U.. ti.uU!w Cb17*r Wbadlor Debau \'-8-r,__,. _ -".,,,,_, .... , ,,.. .,.,__, __ ,,.,. • cont...,.,._ r-·u ,_, 11 •I ,,_ •"-L y_, ,,,._,...,. tcUl f-' II. AM ,,._ IDlao ..tcA ,_ ..,_ .. MU ,_, It, tool You1J be ab.olata ~ ol ~ t..t ol llaelr ud lltaa- Di.Qc new~ acyliq, A.ad it'• a lot more than jllllt a """ look ••• it'• a UirilliaclJ' G§nnl look from &11,Yt1W11 elae you'll -. DO matmr wben you drift. • , _,.....,, c,.,..., .. '*"-,,,_, , .... .,,.., bl# ecn. It'• fon#tr t/Mua -r-• br-11ttalrU.. • .,__ ol '•"°'*' ateel tltd, -., , .... .., ...... ,,..,. "'°''°"" r ........ , ....... , • '+H ........... a--rl-.... ,..,,o ........ __.,,.._, ..... el ..... ,,.., ... ~,,.., ... ..., ........ ,.., ....... a.... ,,., .................... , ... ., .. _..,ell ............. --......-., .... ,...a.n ....... 1a U. _....._ Dlllu9 widi fll bri1liat -SpidN V-8 ...... or U. ZSO hp N-T.-DllaD ... ud wtUi Pvw.nte ~ *'" ... ,__.a M9d .a.rt aa.t'1 f• ...... And 90 otber Oii la the -w ri-7'0ll ,.,..... ..... ._...biaw.•wllm,_,_...._..._, Yoar ~ De.ls.._..to._,_ die ............ ..a. es• dill ,_. t.M&y. 8'op t., -I• the,,_.... --...._,.., n .... T.-•w.-a..att~r CHRYSLER WIND801t DKLUXK V•8 ... ..... wtwsnt _.. ..... ue 9oop DltlVS.. DlllYS WAPSJ.JI ~----------------------- LOU REED & ASSOCIATIS 4323 West Coast Hlgliw•r Hw•• 4070 Ne~llt lw• A1"TD APRIL 16 -NEW BUILDING AND NEW LOCATION AT ... W. COAST lllClllWAY ---flOI M mf * TV, -~ A -.AT &a-"CUIAlll" Ale .....,.. Oii a.us.•• TV PA9 flOI -/11118 R~ --- Number turo in a uriu: SCHOOL AND MUNICIPAL BONDS " ••. SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! Here's another way u1e serve Orange County .•• Since 1950 we have org211izcd underwriting groups dut tu.,.., purchased $32,506,000 worth of Orange County school and municipal bonds. ~ arc contiowng to provide: ready ash wherever and whenever it's needed to build new schools ••• hospitals ... water and sewer systems ... and o<her public facili- ties. This ·is anorhcr way diat Bank of America serves Orange Countv lSunk of Amtricu NATIONAL l!~\1;/C'~ ASSOCIATION BANKING THAT 1s 1u1LDtNG CALIFORNIA ••• banking that is b11ilding Orany,e County A l'AMMtMfl' ~C Danny Kaye "ASSIGNMENT CHILDREN" Kids' Mat. Sat. 1 :45 "HONEY CHILE" ANAl91M llANCM IAllOA llANCH fUWUON llANCH LAGUNA llACM llANaf 1JO,... c... ... ..,... "J ,... ..,_. ~ ...... ... ..... "° c-......_, '-"' O.LMea-..... K.M.IWbf,Mer. M.M.W-Mer, M.Lc-4 ....... LA MAHA llANCM NIWPOU llACH llAMCH OIANGI uAfkM PlACINT1A llANCM JOO Watt '"'"",....,.. JU4 Yle ll4e 102 ...... ~ ... s-..t W ... ...._ Pa A- L M. l.,_, Mp, w-4 A,Wtl......... O. ~,,...... L-. '""9,Mer. SAN CllMINll UANCH SANT A ANA UANCM YODA UMOA llANCM IOI S...... fl c...;,...... IOI~,.,.,.,..._ .al ........ ...... L A.. w.~-. -... La. w~.Y,,.._ a-.. ._. J ......... . •J I .. LUTHER ANS REVIVING HAHOI AREA EASTER SUNRISE RITES CHURCHES • .1teb""1W by th~ St'WpOrt Helgbla Directory of Methodist Dq.plicate Services .... .u. ...... ~ ..... Clnardl Outdoor Service to be . I l'ODJ'"'gatlon at th~ re(Ular boUnJ lOUI Bl. 11: Bl. Andrew• Rd., of 8:30 a.m . and 11 a.m. Both of aeroaa from Hip Bcbool H Id t H • ht Ch h th-wUI be In the church. Liberty 8-3713 e a etg S urc Pulor Robert B. Gronlund wlll Rites and Music at Christ Church Put.oc': Rn-. JamH 8 . Stewart preach at all t.bTff aemcH on C-aaltf Metllod.la& U0 W. 19th St .. Coata Meaa Ubectf" 8-4~2 Re•. Joaeph W, Mc8hane Tlae Cl1111'Cb ot C brb& 1050 Church St.. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-6711 Tom Baker Jr., Mlnlater Clluie& a.,arcll By TIMI Sea Community Methodist Balboa Blvd. at 14th, Newport Harbor 5229 Mlnl•ter: Rev. Roy Ot.rlaon 8&. .1-"8 Cl111.rell l&M Oranse Ave., Co•ta Me• Liberty 1-1091 • Father Thomu J . Nevin f1ra& ... Ua& (JIHll'dll of Newport Balboa Blvd., 19th II: Court su., Newport Harbor 3663 Uberty 1-IOTS Put.or: Herbert G. Johnaon Newport llartMtr IAltlaena Claarelt 2301 Cliff Dr., Newport Helcbu Liberty 1-3831 Rev. Robert Gronlund ~~of Ood Und Bl. Ir Elden Ave., COllta Me• Liberty 1-3781 Reverend M. O. Cronic. Putor Sev•~--AclvemU.S Newport Blvd. al Bola& St., Newport Height. Elder Richard Serna Liberty 1-1632 Clnatt.11 of t.be N...,._ 1885 Anaheim, C08la Mua Put.or: Rey. Clive Williama Liberty 8·7181 Fin& Church et <JluUt. Sdeat.lllt 1303 Vla Udo, Newport Beach Harbor 2428 UaJve,...,..•t Commualt1 Fellow.hip ll:bell ClubhOUM, Ill& Balboa Blvd. Mlnt.ter: Rev, F. W. Rinse l"lnt 8ouUlena Baptbt Cburcll ~ W. Hamilton. Co1la Meaa Liberty 1-1284 Putor: Or. Richard H. Poae C..-Ml Har Ollauna.al\7 Cbu~ concre1auona1 Ill Heliotrope Ave. Harbor C>237 Paator : Rev. Edwin C. GQmke ., ........... 0....- .... ta A.a& Aya. at ~lie Coat& M"9A Jt.ev. P. 0 . N•umann Chl.l'1lta of Our I.Ady ol ML Carmel 1441 W. Balboa Blvtl., Newport Harbor 0214 l'atner Stephen J<lley, Paator J'alher George Pama Mu• Aul. Pulor Cllrtst LuUleraa Churcb e>f Cow'8 MHA IMlllllOUrl Synod! Cost.a t.1 .. sa Paetor: Rev. Lllthar Tornow St.. ~~• t:pl-!*I 1208 Via Udo, Newport Bot'h Harbor 1230 Curate Rev. ltslph Peue f4L .loha \'l&aMy 3J~ Marine. Balboa l•land Harbor 0214 Father Sttphen K iiey, Panor f'•t.htr George Pama .. u• Asal. Putor ~otra.t BUiie C.urrlil Orange Avt. al 23rd St. Coa\.8 Meaa. Liberty 8·!)303 A. A. Ka<1n11, PRlltor Balboa l•land C,ommunlty Metho.U~ 11~ Alfllte Av,.,, 8Albn11 hlanll Mlnisttr· Rl'v, Don11h1 Sapp n.urdl of R4'11c1oua i'kll'1t~ "Sclt~nce <•f Mind" t.,.aguna Bot'h Art Ga.lll'ry I0'7 Cltrt OrlVl'-KY11tt 4· 7284 Rev. lri8 Turk, Mlnll!trr Good drlvtr• krep their car,. In l'ood mechanica l conilltlnn, pornu out the Natlona.J A11tomob1l<' Club. Make a rel'llar check or yuur tlru, bra.ku. and •ll'trtnc wheel mKhaniml. O!ficiala of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church announc· the thane ··My R.M.eemer Una." ed today that the Euter custom of an outdoor aunriae .er· The Chancel Choir will •lng at . N H-...... -8:30 a.m. and again at 11 a.m.. Easter rooming wiU be vice on the church'• property overlooking ewport aiuur prementtng "Eaater Ant~m·· by would be revived thia year. wuuam BUllnga. Muaic at the 1:30 greeted with duplicate aer- • a.m. iiervke will be provided by vicea o( praise at Christ Set for 6:30 a .m., the aervice barb back to the early tbeCarolCboiraln&tng "An E .. ter Church by the Sea in New- day• ot th• congregation when the feature wlU be ~e u• of 19'.s C..rol.'" ln addition Dorothy Gron- ouldoor aervice wu a looked-to~ tt. tons by 7 rt. hip Euter mural 1 •und will lling the 80prHo aolo "I port Beach at 14th St. and ward to community event. The u a backdrop. Should the _.ther Know That My tudeemer Llve11" Balboa Blvd. The Chri.tUan mH- cburch gTOUnda will be decorated be lncUment. tbe ..mce will be I at •:30 and 11 -d Wilton Lewton aage of the rlaen Christ will be for the Mrvlce and a nower-deck-held In UM church. a bariUone aolo "'The Holy City" p~eented ln muaic, scripture and ed ro•trum prepared. A ..,eclal Two other z.uter Ml'Yi«• are at 1:30 a.m. sermon. The aervlcea beein at 8 :30 MISS HELEN SPANN Easter Services at CDM Worshippers Will Gather Sunday at the Port Theatre / So aucceaaful were the Eas- and 1l Lm. Tbe Sanctuary Choir, dU.Cted by Mra. A . J. Rutter, will alng two Euler &nthema: "He Ill Riaen" by Haydock, and "Before the Dawn," by Coomb9. A eoprano aolo will be aina by Mn. Delevan Frettar. The Junior Choir will ai.o par· liclJ16le ln the aervtcee. The min- i.Iler, Rev. Roy A. Carl.orl, will b~ u the Euler me-re: ".Eternal Life In ChrU!t." Church School cla.ue• tor chil- dren up lo aixlh srade wtll be held PAGE 6. PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS al the 9:30 hour. Cluaea for adult.. THURSDA y APRIL 7 1955 anti youth will meet a t ·•~en 1 ' o'clock. A cordial lnvltatlon la ex- A CHALLENGE TO REALITY OF DISEASE AND DEATH "An 8ln, ~ &Dd Dealb Ra.I!" ,,. tbousbt a~ tq quuitJoe la lllle wbject ot I.be 1--Sennaa ln the Cllri•- Uan Sctence clWrcbee Sunday. A 8eCUon of the MnllOD la de~ lo P9ter"a proof of the power ot the CILrillt In Uie ralaiag ot Doreu from death. It la related ta Tbe Acta (9 :39, •O>: "Whea be wu come •.•. all the Widows lltood by him weepUlg. • • • But Peter put t!Mm forth, and lmeeled down, and pra7ecl; and tur'lltn,. him to t)le body Mid, Tablt.b&, arl8e. .And lll:ie o.,_ed lier e7eis: and when 8he •W Pet.r ..... at' up.'" "Ute la etemal. We ~ tlDd thia out. -d begin UM demoD8lraUoa tbereot," deciu-Mary Baker ICddy ta "8clen~ and He&Jlb wtlb Key to UM Scrtptur-. .. 8ba conttnu., ·•ute and goodn-an tmmortal." 1hn'• priYlJese a t UUa 11Upreme moment ta lo pl'Vft tbe worda Of our Jila8ter: 'U a man keep my aylng. be ahall -"r -death.' .. Cpp. M•. UI). The Goldal Teat from Palma UOT:20, 21) n.d8. "He aent hla word, and healed them, and dehftred them bun their dutn1cliou. Ob lbal men would pnJ.ae the Lord for hla iood- neu, and for h1a wonder1UI worlu to tbe c:ldldren of men!"' tended by the church lo friend• of the commuhtty to attend. the l:a.e- ter Mrvtce-. Communion Thursday at Island Church 1n commemora Uon of the Laat Supper which JHua had with hi• dl1telplu before hi• death, pariah· lonera of the Balboa bland Com- munity Methodist Church will ob- aerve the Sacrament of Holy Communion at 7 ;SO p.m. lhl• Maundy Thunday. The Rev. Donald 0. Sapp will 8J>e&k brleny on "Juua In the Upper Room." .All Chratlan peo- ple. regardleu of church affllla- tlon, are Invited to participate In the aemce. Serving u communion •teward• will be Mra. Leonard HargTave and Kn. Martha Allen. ter services la.st April in the Port Theatre, Corona del Mar DU BOIS CANTATA when nearly 1000 wonhippen ----------------Newport Beach First Baptist ' attended, that it wu decided lo bold the ~1 L.m. lluter Mr'Yic.. next Sunday •Sain at the theatre. Thia wu made poulble ~ the klndneae of Theatre Mana.cu John Oxford. One of lbe teaturu will be a ..,..., ·-n.· Did ot the ·~ -(Oley 8peaJta) by MIM Helen Spann, radio and TV ...,. 80prano who hM appeared wtth many aym. phonlea In Pasadena and Karulaa City. Shf' I• an Atwater Kent au- dition winner, bu been doln!f con· cert work In Loil Azlgd e• for the pan five year•. OOM.M.UNlON Holy Communion and bapl.lamal aervlcea will be held ln the church St. Andrew's to Present 'The Seven Last Words' One of the h.IPUcltt.. or Ule Roly w..ir ..-.. ·--at at. .Aa-drnr'• will ~ the ~t.atkla ot the -cred cantata. "J'he .,,_ Lut Words" by R.egtaald Du Bola. The cantata will be p..-nted by tbe Sanctuary Cbolr undu tbe dlr.ctlon ot Mn. lAwia Kidder Oft Good P'rid4y at t p.m. Tbe aok>- Lsa Inc.Jude Mn. O..td rra.r. soprano: Howard ro1aom. but- t.one: and Kra. Lewi• Kidder. tenor. 1'11.la magnltkwlt choral work la M.-d 8p:9 UM wm'dll that Jeau.a ..,olle durinc the lloun of the crudftldca 'lbe ReY. Jam• a. 8'--rt wfU st.,.. apokea lntn· Judea oa Adil Of lbe anen worda. Then wtU lie two ~pllcate mer- 'l'lc.. of wonblp -Sunday at Jl'\nt BaptJn Church, ltth and Wut Balboa Blvd. One la at 8 :4:1 a.m . wttb Sunday Sc:hool at the aame hour for nurae.ry lo aecond gni.de children, the other at 11 a :m. Se.rmon topic of the Rev. Herbert Johnao~ will be '"The Dffper Meantns of the Re.urrec· Uon... at both hours. There wtll alao be l':aater mu•lc. ll 1.30 Lm. Adult cholni will sing 1Three Servi·ces the 1U1them "Ea.rly In the Mom- tn(" 1 Clifford McConn1rlc 1. • At 9 :4:'> a.rn . llPrYIC:C'I ror Junlon at St Andrew's .All IMDlbtta aad b1end8 pf the chuttb are mc.t urc-tly invited to be preeent for the preM.ntaUon oto Ulla irreat choral •ork. It wW be -t OGJy a mullleal e•perfenc~ ot high order. but wtll prove to be a m09l l'IMIYtng aplrftuaJ uperlenee u well. .tales lll« putor. Vuper aervlce will be at 7 :30 p.m .• medlt.atlon theme to be "The After-slow of Euter." A baptla· mal aervlce will be held lmmed.late- ly afterward. BALTZ MORTUARIES will be h~ld In the churrh with a • COSTA MESA CHA.Pll!L ITU Superior AYl!nue eo.i.a ~ Oallt. CHAPEL BY THE HA 3520 I:, Cout Blvd. 11ermon by F'rl'd Sh11nnon a.Aalaled by Juniors Choir~ llnd mrm~l"I Of lht church &ehool cl!Wlff. Tht 11 a.m. ~rvke1 at the Port Thul~ wlll be In charge of the Rl'V. Edwin C. Comkt who will p~a<'h on "The ReaJty of JtlUa." The tt"" <'hol1'11 or lbt ci\urch will bring tht Easter m-ge In llOllC. GOOD t'lUDA V On Fnday, Aprll I, Good Friday MrYlCH Wlll tw held In the church 11t 1 30 p.m. The aennon topic wW be "Bcnoth the Croaa," by the pMt•l r Mrs. J . ~ I Mary Batten I Slef· I fl'nstn 13 mln18ler of mu•lc with 1tll cho11·11 under her dlrecUon while I Ml111'1 Margaret Scharle l3 church organ111t. II 11h.oul'J be noted that nuraery lllltnd11nt.J1 will be provided for all ll'rvlt tfl t1n<I pare.nu are a11ked to pluiae lra ve their chlldrtn al the t hurrh nur11try l'ftpartment room. St. James Meeting St J11mra Auxiliary mnnthl)' mrelln.: will bf' hPh1 April 13 whe11 St. Cerela11 Guild wlll 11ervt h1nch!'on at 12.30 o'clock. Rese.r- vataonm are required. Mra. Ollberl PrlnC'e wlll l!J>C'ak on youth work proJtct•. Corona del Mar, CaJtf. Phone Ubttty 1-2121 Phone Harbor il CHURCH OF llUGIOUS SCIENCE l:r'MSl Hollllft, fo,!U'der. autllor of "Science ot Mlnd." SUNDAY 8DlVICE811 Lm. l .... r Cltvela ud Nanery Oare 11 LIL .... l.rla Twtl. llI.Wer On l!:uter 8unda7, AprlJ 10. three Identical aemc:ea ot W'Of'llhlp al 8:11'., 9 :30 aad 11 Lm. will be obeerved al the l!!t. Andr_.1 Pr-ff· bytert&n Clnm:h. npa 8P8daJ min• try of muac will be prrwnte-d by t.he Sanctuary and .Jtnuor Cboln undtr the dlrtttlon of Mn. Lnri• Kidder. The Rn. Je.m. &. S'-8rt wtU preuh at &.11 OU-~ IUJI 11Ubject bring. 1l Chn.t Be Riaen.'• LAGUNA ll&ACll A.aT QAUZ&V HYaH '-TIM 117 CDtr Dr. You Invited Are Cordially to the Following Holy Week Services at the St Andrew's PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 15th and St. Andrews Newport Heights You are Invited to the -MAUNDY THURSDAY -April 7th -8:00 P. M. Easter Worship Services COMMUNITY CHURCH, Corona del Mar EDWIN C. GOMKE, Interim Pastor 8:30 •· m. Worship in the Church # H°'y Communion # Secrement of Baptism 9:45 •· m. Church School 11 :00 •· m. Worship at PORT THEATER (Courtesy ThHter ~nagement) # Nu'lery Atteftdant at the Church durin9 both Worship Services • UCILUIENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Communion Meditation by the Rn. Jamea S. Stewart GOOD FRIDAY -April 8th -8:00 P. M. -mE SEVEN LA8T WORD8" -~ A s.cnd Cantata on the words of Chriat on the 0-0.. preMnted by the Sanctuary Choir. Soloiata, Kn. DaYid Fruer, Kr. Lewia Kidder, Kr. Howard Fol8om EASTER SUNDAY -April 10th MoaNINO SDVICEB -8:15, 9:80, 11 :00 A.M. Rn. Ja.mea S. Stewart will prach at all th1ft aenica SACILUll!MT or INF ANT MPTIBll -S:OO P .JI. Thi1 i1 Euter ••. the rolden d•y ••• tht day of promiH and joy. This is the time when God proffers the rreat 1ift of eternal life ••. when he 1hows, in the lu- 1on of the Tomb .. , that then is no death. There i1 no more joyous occasion in tht Church than Enter. Against the uttinr of Sprina, it touches the land w ith beauty, brincinc a new up1urrtnce of hope, thrill- inr the younr, comfortinr the old. Enter is the time to rtdtdicatt your faith ... to listen arain to a w~ndtrful promise ... to receive arain a rloriou1 r ift. Start attend- inc Church rerularly' by beginninc at Euter. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms Ma1111 & Smith Shell Service Your Corona det Mar fleaJer11 2801 & S600 E. Coast Highway Harbor 6368 ........ & ........ Harbor 2; lO MARGARET'S CAFE Specialize ln Sea Foods -Orders tn Co 2614 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry Clean.Ing -Laundry -P reasing 106 Tustin Newport Beach NEWPORT HARBOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. ~ Dlvlalon " Foreign Moton Ylncettt's Rexall Drvg Stores Three locatlona to Suve You Newport Beach, Balboa. Corona del Mar ... . Allee of Udo hallty Salftt Hair 8tyllns tor the Individual f08 S2md ( oa lhe PO St.) lla.rbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Heating, Ventilating • Shtel MetAI Ul Slat St. Harbor 4446 ILUE SAILS STATIONERS Onettng Cardm. Booka, Artl•l Supplies SOI lla1a St., BalboL Harbor 6i8 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop ot Dlstlrictlon" 115 llarlDe Ave., Balboa Isla.ad Harbor 070'7 ·. C.eneral Sheet Metal Works lh"t )fetal -Heatlns -Ventllstln& Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All Occ'u lona NOS E. CoMt Hwy., CDM. Harb<lr 50'71 KOPPER KmLE Balboa hluad MARINE BEAUTY SHOP Per90naltuc1 Service In Hair lltyltq 827 Marine A\.'t"., Balboa lalutd Harbor 151 MARKET SPOT 200 Marine Ave., Balbo& h1aDd Harbor 1000 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. ComplC'te Home F umlahinr• 2620 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty S-lllS Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Fa.mlly St.ore Since 1111'" Ocean Front at 22nd. Harbor 185 SEASID'E MALT SHOP 2100 w. ~ Newport Be.ch R. WASEMILLD "Th• Workingman'• Store 200• w. Balboa Bh·d •• Barbor WI ART'S CAFI "Where all Food la Cooked la Butter'" SOS6 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 1-toa BA YSHORE RICHFIELD F'ru Pick up II: Ddl'"ry lith Ii Cout Rwy. Boyer's Balboa Unolelllft Co. Linoleum -Tile -C11rpet -Formica ZSOl W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5181 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free P ick up .tt drl. -Wll~J Balance !SOI Newport Blvd. Harbor MM GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rug• and C&rpela 122 Apte Ave., Balboa ..._. Harbor 3256 HOUSE AND GAADIN Complete Home Fumlahlnp Llr&J""rlca -Ruge 3017 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-6511 MAC'S CAFI F'lret on right toward HunUnrtoft Bu4a 8204 Coast Hwy. Ha.rbor-11118 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 161' ' Island Youth Given Special Recognition by B. I. Church · Allen Guen\Jier, who demonltrated out.landing achieve- ment in p~pariqg for membenhip in the Balboa laland Com· munity MethodM Church was given •pecial recognition at the 9:30 lerVice Sunday. He wu preeented a copy of the Revt8ed Standard "(ersl<lft of th• Th• younptera completed a 10- Blble. wMk ln.trucUon coune ln Chrill· Th• U-year-old youth. 90ll of tlan faith. ChrtaUan herltas• ud Mr. and Kn. Robert Guenther, Chrl1Uan Jlvtn&'. 120 Amelhyn Ave., wu amoni a At lh• aam• 11ervtce lh• •cra· sroup of 10 youth who joined th• ment of Chrtallan bapUam wu re· local church on Sunday. Othera re· celwd by Mr. and Mra. Ro~rt celvins membanhlp wel"ll Brook.I A.. Bl&ir and their c~ldren, Brook• Blit.lr. Steve J'erry, BW Ferry, 8&n d Blair. dra neer, Lance Greenleaf, Valene bud.I placed upon the altar Lowen, Suan Nealy, M&rltyn ot the church were pruenled u Shooter and Nancy Shooter. an announcement. of· the birth.I of Brenda Kay M&rahaU. dau~ter of ltr. and Kra. Edward Ma~U; ' and Mary Catherine Cramer. dauchter of Mr. and Mra. Richard Cramer. The choir, under the dlrecUon of Lealle Van Dyke, aanr ''Th• Palma" ( Faurebuch) and Marva I· lee Moody sanl a aoprano 110lo, "He Wu Alone" (Pauon). Thl' iwv. Donald a. Sapp apok• on "The Trtum phal En try." Floral decoration. or palm• and calla IUUu were arranged thr<>ush· out the church by Mra. Wayne Hunter, Mra. Leonard Hargrave and Mra. P. F . Balnea. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111·PA6E7 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 PARK IE8 · RIDl.El' MORT11Alt'Y f'onMrtJ OMAtll:L OllAPa lt• .. .._...., -<-.. ·-... ~ ... , ........... .... RECEIVED INTO MEMBERSIDP at Chriat Clnllh:h by the Sea on Palm Sunday were Junior and Senior High youths who have h3en taking membership training. The Rev. Roy Carl.son greeted the youths and their parents at an early break.fut, arranged by Mr. and Mra. Harold Condrey and Mmes. Cll'lson, and Winifred Young, preceding the 1ervice. ln front row CL t o R) are John Field, C~ulotte Marx, Sharon Singer, Pamela Giles, Pamela Tohill, Susan Haas, Linda Kiddie, 1 Jean Marx, Garry Giles; rear row, Dorothy Woodwof1.h. Mr. Carlson, Charlene Carroll, J ock Andrews, Alden Doesburg, Neil Purcell, Jack Stoneback, Charles Remley, Barbara Nott and Diane Carroll. Not in the picture but alsp received, was Margaret Morrison. Other memben1 of the cla.u, Toni Thompson and Joan Morrison, will be received later. ·EASTER AT SAINT JAMES EPISCOPAL EVENING CANTATA Dual Services Slated at Costa Mesa Baptist \ At St. Jamea Epl.lcopal TblJ ~ Lord'• Day two blned Youth. Junior and Chancel Cburcb tonight •t T:30 o'clock aemcee at 1:30 and t a.m. wtll choln totaltns to -.olcu wtu pre- Holy Communion will be held be conducted to the morning at aent the llluter cant.at&, "0 Day ln obeervance of the Lut Sup-the Flrat BapUaf'Church of Coa· ot Resurrection" under dlrecUon ot per. The three hour Good Fri· t& Me-. The Rev. P. G. Neumann Merle Valdes with Leroy Grauer day 1ervtce will be from 12 wtll b&ve u hh topic, 'The Day at the organ. noon to 3 p.m. wtlh the Rev. of ReaurrecUoo". Sololat.a will be Lola Swtot, con· Ralph Peue aper.kins 00 "Th• KlN Joann Neumann wlll lllng tralto, Richard Ol"lluer, tenor, EI... Seven Lut Worda." "I Know that My Redeemeth Liv-In• Cracr. 110prano. Garry Mann 11:~~ ~~r!o·=':~ce"wt~C: =~b~~:e~::e~.gt'~~Y ~~~~ ~:.~~:1~~i:s~:~~~: ~; •OI 11011 TllPI, LOii TllPI ••• at a p.m. with conatructlon of taken from th• cantata whlcb wlll bert Schumann, Gail Moaer and llClllll 10111 (Individual or fscorfed) Ui• Flower Croaa. Mite Box be &inn In Ila enUrety at \he M&ry Gephart. Concludlns lh• pro- LAGUNA BEACH Knights Templar Sponsor Sunrise Service at Bowl otferln&', and rite of Holy evenlns nmce. gram th• combined chotn wm alns Ju1r tell Greyltound ••• BapUam for both adulta and Sunday School convene1 at 9:4:1 a mpeclal arr .. n(flment of "Chrtal clllldren. Tb• Chenib Choir a .m. with clauea for all are1. A. AN*." I. WHEJlB• JOG wanUo p . I. HOW LONG you plaa '°be •wa.J• wlll alng. nuraery la provided durtng worahlp Tho rite of bapUlm will be ad-2. WHEN you want. to leav& 4. HOW MUCH you want to ...,_ On Eaater unday aervtce11 aervtcea. mlnlatered at the cloM of the even-•1.f you haven't decided yet, Greyhound will be 1lad to 11&pplJ are u follows; 8:30 a.m .. Holy At the T:30 p.m. aervtce tile com-in&' 1ervtce. travel literature and •uictetiona on vacation .,... la all '8 Communion; 7:30 a.m., Choral Stat.a. Aluka. Canada. Mexico, and Cuti.. Tbe Knlghla Templar ot Orange full regalia lo take part In tbe Peue. alnrtn&' of bymn ''.All Hall County a re aponsonnc a.n Euler p1·ocua1onal lo the accompany-lb• Power ot Jesia Name," cloe- Sunrlae Service 10 be held In Ir· meQt or the J ob'a Daughtera Choir Inf ceremony by the Job'• Daugh· Holy Communion: t :llO a.m., M E •1 H Ml.a LouLM OUpbult. .toe pr'MS· Choral Holy Communion; 11 u psi on as de.nt; Mlaa Martha O.hlerktn&'. MC• ••• and Greyltound will do,,,., .. ,, am .. P'eat.lval Momtnr Prayer; ond vtce president; MIM KaUiy L Pttpare a complete day-by.day travel plan, talloMMCle to i~p:m .. H01r0>1~~~~11~1"P'l'1FtFiln-=-l:>f~rn~~~~r,.:.~,;,;,;;;,,;n;d~~~~;;;~~~;r~~bn;;;;;;:~;.:i:~~;;~:;;::,~~::;.;;;;::1::i,;:_~~~~....J 111nglng "Onward Chrlatlan Sol· tera. and the benediction. Small children wm be cared Mra. Eale Enert. recordlns ~ for in the educaUonal buUdln' retary; M.ra. c. E. Hardin, trua· 2. Mak~ hotel ..-v11tiona. vine Bowl, home of the i''l'stl\•al dlers." The member• of each or ------------- or Art. a nd PageAnt Of the Mu· the Comma.ndertes In Southern tera. In Laguna Burh. The Rev. California, other MU<>nlc orr&nl· Ralph B. Pease. nirale ot St. zatlon.a, and all ot the chur"hea In durtJlg the 11 o'clock aervtce. ure.r. I. Arra111• llifhtaeein& tripe that enable you to ... the a.,... Plana are n•.r1y complet~ for poeaible nwnbu ol pointa of intereet durini your .Wt at U.J Orange County have been lnvltA'd Jamea Epl11copal church tn New· to attl'nd th.la outata.ndlng Chris- port Buch. will be the gueal tlan aervk e. mlntater and Dr. Earl Honey will The order of aervlce wtU be: ualst Jn the service whlah will Proceulonal by the Knlghta T em· begin a.t 6::10 •· m. There wtll ~ 9l'ata for 3600 to view the unique plar lnto the Bowl aa the Choir of p rognm which will feature the Job'• Daughtera alnc "Onward pageantry of the Knights Tl'mplar: Chri.stlan SokUera," Invocation the choir or Job·a Daughter• or and The Lord'• Prayer led by Mr. the South Cout area; the 1rtl1try ot organlat Ruth Arm1trong, harp· Peue, •lnglng of bymn "Chrtat lat Harriett Wood, and trumpett'er the Lord la Rlaeo Today," th• .Albert Jone•; and the m1111lrnl di· acrlpture readlns led by Dr. Roney. recuon of Rlllffl CroWoe ot Santa acknowledc'ementa, the mualcaJ .Ana. Offertory by Harriet Wood and The P1Uld officer• of th• •lat .. wide Knlshta Templer Grand AJbert JonM, "HaJJ .Joyoua Kom" Commandery will ~ preaent In by Ruaaell Cro~. aermon by Mr. Seventh-day Adventists Easter Program Saturday Activities For U niversalists An Easter e,g hunt on the E'bell Club Hou1e ground• for the kid· dlea wtll be held •t 10 :30 a.m. Euter mornlng u part of the Euler procram of lh• Unlver· aallat Community Fellowllhlp. The mu.le at th• 11 o'clock aerv1c• will be by Mr. Lewi• Miller, celllat. accompanied by hh mother, Mn. Ruth C. MUler at th• piano. 'n\e MIUen1 are from Lons Buch. Th• Jl:uur eermon .ubJect wUl be, "Our Immortal Hope..'' and will coacem It.Nit wtth Unlnnal• lam'a attitude toward the que.Uon of lmmorlallty. Th• Euler momlns eotf .. hour wUI be ln chars• ot lbe mlnlat.er and h.ill wife, th• Rev. ud Mn. J'redl'rtck R!Dce. The UnlVl'ra&llat Community FeUowablp meet.II each Sunday morning at the Ebell Club Houae, A aacrl'tt EL~lt'r 1"3l!On acn·lre t'VH)"'-ht re the hope of etem&I IH:> W , Balboa Blvd., Balboa. It of reaillnga and mtllllc:. tlt<\"Oted lt> lift-.'' l'a~tur Sems u h.I. la the only llberaJ rhurcb tn Or· an&• County that mttla for rl'f· commcmorAt l<•n oC the re11uruc-Al the 11 L m. lt'rvlce Putor ular Sunilay morning worahlp. and \Ion of Chrtst w ill t"ke pl&ce at Sl'ml will preach on '"nle Euler lnvlln all liberals or the area to Wheaton College Choir Concert TonJght, Thunday, at elshl o'· clock the Chapel Cbolr from Wbeatoo, JU. will (tve • concert at Ftrat BapU.t Church of Coat.a Meaa. Magnolla and Santa Ana .Avea., under th• leM!erahlp of Dr. Paul Warn• Allen. profenor ot muato of th• collere- lncluded ln th• propsm choeen an chonl MlecUOoa of pralae and Uw.nk1ch1ns. Luther'• well-known h,ymn. "'A JiCPty rortre.M" oona· pletea the prorram. An tnvttatlon i.. e:xtended lo all. ~o admlMlon charge. Communion Rites for Universalists Tonl(bt. .April T. memben and trlenda of the UnlverMl.lat Com· munlly FelloWlhlp who wllh lo. will have th• privllf'te of ta.klnlf part 1n an Upper Room Commu· nlon Krvlce at the home ot their mlnlstu, th,. R.n. F'r~rick Rln(e 234 Huel Drive, Corona del Mar at 8 p.m. Contro\'er11y." I mike this their church borne. -~-~~-~---~~~----~-----~ t he ?l'cwporl ·MN & Stvenlh ·tin,\ Ath'tntl~t \'hllrch S1H11nloy eVt'· ________________ _ mn~. Aprll !l, Ill 6 JO p m. llC· r I 1 unll:-t1: 10 l'n~\ur Rlth11rd Stm• Theo 1•utillc J:t In' '1''1 lu •ttt'n•I. I You Are Most Cordially Invited to Share I In 11nnn11n··lnr; 1ho ••·I \'lrl', Pas· t nr f;rrn• pointtd <till th.Jt ''lhr I Our OUTDOOR EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE, \\ 11 .. 1.. hnµ1• 11( humnn M\lvn: 11•n I 11n1l t hi' 11•~111 am•· i.Jf 'l«rn"l l1fr b d O ,.1, •• 1.1,,.ni1rnl "I"'" 111,. ,,, .. :h ""'1 I High Above Har or an cean I I l'lllll I• t I Uri f r I 'hn111 p,, .. ,.111 111· 1111\' "' ,.,, 111 Im m"' th!\\ f 11· 11 In lhl' I 11· .. n1n~ •J.•11111 ot \'1111111 nn tht 1 "The Church Of The lighted Cross. Overlooking Beeutiful Newport Harbor" I r '"' 1~ 111•• firs • .l'trp to\\ artl tn· 1 11,mreo lnl" t hi' l-\lnitt1"m of I 11. ",., .. , 111• 1111 1"1 3 Easter All at the Church -I Th•• A •h l"ll •lll ru c>r l''C pla1n~I 1 l h I h\" It\ n.; ''"" n 11 .. ur .. on Services . . . • Outdoors, b:lO •. m ••• Indoors, 8:30 & 11 •. m. I I ll" 1 ru, I t111 l I "••I lhl' J>l'nRll\ I ~'.~1111:~ ;~~· •• ·;'ni:'~'.'' ... 1 1:~::n/~~1 r"-NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH I 111'' :11 h "nt tr)' i-;\l'r\' c·tin.,tlnn _} "ti, .... r;·: • 1ht' 111h r1r11 • "' t~hr1111 -250-l Cl-iff D-rh·~_., Scwpo-rt-Hel-ght.--Robe-rt-8. 0-ronl-aad,-Puto-r -Llberty-8--7%39_j "" I I ru ,.11 h1~ i.r .. ,,•u h111 mnnv \\1·h 1, I' \\l'I r' 1: •• 1 IL-'I rr \r314'·t In I ,. lllhl" C-'ln t111\I' \ruf' Jll'lll'f' In ,. 11~ n( ",, •n•I 11t1)mlr df'~truc­ l.•>n. ' h,. !\!Ill• I. "TI1,. , ,.,.11 rl'c-1 tnn nr 'hru1t 1~ I h" ~r ... 1 ""' 11 f' • 1 ~,. r-. • r l:"I' rn t r• lhl' tiurunn ""•·It•, 11 1•r 11 orfrt• I n trul' Chrl11l111n 1•1:n nntl \\••~I Easter Sennon For Islanders A -lion "" Hnmorlallly, "PO· wn ·n Enl'llt'llll Lift'," w ill ~ rrt• by the Rev. OnnAl•I (; 8111 ..)Olh the 9 30 and 11 11.m E11•tl'r Mrvlll', Sund11y at the 8111- 't>oa I •lllnd Community Mtthodl11l Churrh 1 Al both 11ervtcr1 Mt1111 Marvellef' Mondr \\ 111 ~1ni;t a l!Opra.no aolo "A ll•l11ta.. Dl'ath So Conquered" ITompkln11J. Sh• will be &ecom · pAnll'd hy J.lr11. Jack llurkabff The rhnir. umJrr lhr d lrl'rllon of Lnlae \"An D~kf', wlll 111nr "Al· lelult." 1 l111mbhn I 11l thl' llf'<'on•I aervlc~. ?l'u~cry ore •111 bto pro· Ylded tor 1mall rh1lt1ren. J oining lht> rhurch at tht 11 o'clock hour w111 be Mr. and Mrs. Robtrt Ouenthtr. n&ST CHlJKt.:H Of CIUUST 8CIENT18T .. "'-u... "........ ..... A .. _. el "'• ..._.. o-.Ji, Tk "'"' C:...cto .,. Owlet ~ le ....... ""-.._..... ....., ~ •:II•"' ..... lenlq ''··· ... EASTER EVEN -APRIL 9 3 :00 P.M. Holy Baptism and Children's Mite Box Presentation Service. Music -The Cherub Choir. Children's Sermon -The Curate EASTER DAY -APRIL I 0 6 ;30 A.M. Roly Communion 7 :30 A.M. Holy Communfon and Sermon Mualc -The Senior Choir Sermon -The Curate 9·30 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon Muaic -The Junior Choir Sermon -Chaplain Leigh-Pink Children'• Service in the Church School Chapel 11 :00 A.M. Festival Morning Prayer and Sermon Music -The Senior Choir Sermon -The Cunt. 12:16 P.lil Holy Communion SAINT JAMES CHURCH .......... '-' ........... -...... •--. •-......... ,,., •1• "'.. I P I S C 0 P A L .. _~ .... _ .. ·-........ ,,_ IH• e. a te \• •"' We4-•n ,...,. Via Udo at Udo 111• Brl.t•e It·• • M .. I 4 • "' s.1-., •-I .. ' -c1-...,,,." NEWl'OaT a&AOB fte _.. .......... 11, ........ .. ........ --._,. D ... -BTTD• _,.B -.. •• "--•-... Q.rd ..... tc. --1k , .. .,.. ~IR! .,,_V ~D U~ .-~..., v-..-~ ._ ________________________________ ,.. ______________________________ . E'lecUon ot ofncera and plan• the luncheon and card party whJch civen place. tor • fuhton luncheon ~upl~ will be held April H at N-port 4. Prepan tkketa cowrin& tranaportation for the •tire trip. attenlton or ~fu l:p1Uon Chaptn. Harbor Yacht Club. Theme w111 be S. Provide complete Pl't'·Plannfd Vacation 1bura ••• ~ lD· Beta Sigma Phi, when membeni April Showen, with Oay Top of dividual or rroup ftCOrted. met rt'Cently at the home of Mrs. Balboa uland ahowlns fuhtona. Lyle Pope, 801 CU!f Drive with Mra. EJlza~th Chapin will be com· R. E. lllWAPFORD Jtln. John Merrill and Mn. Forrell menta tor. Tickets are available Hot W. Oout ~W'aT UllertT 1-1101 Fullmer u co·ho1te11ea. from Mra. Qullt'.nbt-11')' or any Mra. Jamu Taylor presided at mem~r of the chaptl'r. the bualnue aeaaion at which the Nat m"llng w1U be April 13 officer• were named. They Include; al the home or Mra. QulaenMM')', GREYHOUND. Mra. Jack QulaenberTy, prelident; a34 Weatml1U1ter Ave. OR $EE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT $300 IN CASH PRIZESI IDEITIFY THIS 011181 COUITY LOCATIOI llOTHllCi TO IUY! 11011118 TO SEllD IUT YOUI EITRY! THIS IS All YOU HAVI 10 00 ro WINI First of all find thi1 colonial mansion and then '1s1t 1t. Notice everything carefully and take Ill' many not.ea as you need. Then write. In as m1my woru • :;.s you desire, all about it ... tell WHERE it 1s •• t .I WH.\T It Is ... tell about the beautiful grounds . , th~ inur ior ... the furnishings ... the unuaual collP.clor'e items ... de- scribe this hou~ and ground~ u fully 111' you wi~h. Judgtnlf w1JI be based on lhe Aplnr~~ Of }l;>Jr descrip- tion and naturally, neatncas will t:c a f.1-.:to r. FIRST PRIZE $100.00 SECOND PRIZE $75.00 THIRD PRIZE $50.00 Fbttt Prise for Ch.lldn!tl 12 yn.J"M an'I under $25.00 . F1\'f' prba of $10 eub for chtldrea undn J 2 yean of age. CONTIST Will IND AT MIDNIGHT, APRIL 30, 1955 All entries will become the prope:-ty of the sponsor or this contt>st and nonl' will be returned . In caY.' o( a t ie. rlupl icatr priics will bf. awarded, bu . the judge's decision is nnal. Children under 12 years of age will qualifr for the f\rat prize and runner-up prizes but 1n the event their entries do not '"Ill there i.re five ~10 prizes t-0 be awarded in this caterory. If you are und!D 12 yeara of aae be sure to et.au your are on your entl'J. In th e event you use more than ono aheet of p:\1 1 11· r,ul'e to put your nam» Anti addreu on •.:•Ii t.1• l and numl~r them 1n the upper riaht hnnd co. M r l-0 prevent loss. ll'1 1te on. one airlc of the paper O?tlr, pi.c.1. F.mplo~ eca or the aponsor, the newapaper or th r fl!Tn11i.-s will not be "lilltblc. Mall lntrle1 Toa "COLONIAL CONTEST" 12141 GILlllT s111n • . fl RECEIVED INTO MEMBERSIDP at Christ Church by the Sea on Palm Sunday were Junior and Senior High youth.a who have b3en taking membership training. The Rev. Roy Carlson greeted the youths and their parents at an early brea.kf ut, arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Condrey and Mmes. C3.rleon. and Winifred Youn~. preceding the eervice. In front row CL to R) are John Field, Charlotte Marx, Sharon Singer, Pamela Giles, Pamela Tohill, Susan Haas, Linda Kiddie, rJean Marx, Garry Giles; rear row, Dorothy Woodworth, Mr. Carlson, Charlene Carroll, Jock Andrews, Alden Doeaburg, Neil Purcell, Jack Stoneback, Charles Remley, Barbara Nott and Diane Carroll. Not in the picture but also received, was Margaret Morrison. Other members of the claas, Toni Thompson and Joan Morrison, will be received later. LAGUNA BEACH . Knights Tem.plar Sponsor Sunrise Service at Bowl The Knight• Templar ot Orange tull rf'g&lia to ta.ke part In the Pease, 1lngtn~ of hymn ''AIJ Hall County are 11ponsorlng an Euler p1oct'1111ional to the accompany-lhe Power of J eaua Name." cloe- Sunrl11e Service to be held In Ir· ment or the Job's Oaughlenl Choir Ing ceremony by the Job'• Daugh- 111nging "Onward Chrillllan Sol-tef8, and the benediction. vine Bowl. home of the Festival dlers.'' The memben of each of ------------- of Arll! and Pageant or the Mas-the Commandcrles In Southern ters, In Lag1.1na Ekar h. The Rev. <.:allfornla, other Muonlc organl- Ralph B. Pelltt, nirate ot st. zatlona, and all of lhe churchH ln Orange County have been lnvllffl Jamu Eplscopal church In New-to a ttend thla ouut.&ndlng Chrl.a- Activities For U niversalists Island Youth Given Special Recognition by B. I. Church Allen Guenther, who demonstrated outatanding achieve- ment in p~paring for membership in the Balboa I.aland Com· munity )(etbodiat Church wu given 1peclal recognition at tU 9:30 eervice Sunday. He wu p.reeented a copy of the Brenda Kay Marahall. dau::bter of J.lr. and Mn. ICdward Maf8hall;' and Mary Catherine Cramtr, daui;hter or Mr. and Mra. Richard Cramer. The choir, under the direction of Le1lle Van Dyke, aang 'The Palma" (Fau~buch ) and Marval· lee Moody aani a aoprano aolo, "He Wu Alone" (Pauon). Tht Rev. Don&ld O. Sapp apoke on "The Triumphal Entry." Revtaed Standard "{erslon ot the The younptera completed a 1(). Bible. wHk lnetructlon cour.e ln Cbri•· Tbe H·year-<>ld JOUth. 11on or Uan faith, ChrtaUan herltac• and Kr. and Kra. Robert Guenther, Chrl•Uan llvtnc. 120 Amethyat Ave., wu amonr. a At th• aame aervlce the eacra- poup of 10 youth wllo jolMd the ment ot Cbrlallan bapUam wu re- local chW'Cb on Sunday. Othera re· celved by Mr. and Mn. Robert ceivinr memberahlp wen Brooke A. Blair and their children, Brooke Bl&lr, Steve Ferry, BW hl'T)', San· and Blalr. -, Floral decoratlona of palm• and calla lllllea were arranged through- out the church by Mn. Wayne Bunter, M.ra. Leonard Har(CTave and Mn. P. F. BalrlH. dra J.l'leer, Lance Greenleaf, Valerie RoMbuda placed upon the altar Lowen. Buaan Nealy, Marilyn ot the church were pre11ented a• Shooter and Nancy Shoot.er. an announcement of· the blrtha of EASTER AT SAINT JAMES EPISCOPAL At St.. Jamea Epl.acopal Churcll tonight at 7:30 o'clock Holy Communion will be held ln obaervance ot the Lut Sup- per. The three hour Good Fri· day aervtce will be trom 12 noon to a p.m. with th• Rev. Ralph Peue 11J1eald11( on ''Tb• Seven JAat Word•." ·On B:uter Sunday eemcea Even children'• aervtce will be at a p.m. wttb comtructlon of the J.l'lower Croea, Mite Box offertn~. and rite ot Holy Baptism tor both adulta and clllldren. T11e Chenib Choir wlll alng. On Eaater unday aervlcea are u follows; 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion; 7:80 a.m., Choral Holy Communion; 8 :80 a.m., Ch.oral Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Fest.Int Momlnir Prayer; U:l~ p.m., Holy Communlon. Small chUdren will be cared for In the educaUonal building c\urlnr th• 11 o'clock aervtce. Wheaton College Choir Concert EVENING CANTATA Dual Services Slated at Costa Mesa Baptist Thia comlnr Lord's Day two bined Youth, Junl.or and Chancel 11entcee at 8:30 and 8 a.m. Will choln t.otallng tO volcea wm pre- be conducted In the morning at 1ent the Eaater cantata. "O Day the Ftret BapUat Church of Coe· of Resurrection" under direction of ta Mea. The Rev. P. G. Neumann Merle Valdes with Leroy Grauer wtll have u hl• topic, 'The Day at the organ. of Ruurrec:Uon". Bololata wtll be Lola Swi.nt, con· Ml.I• Joann NeW11ann will sing tralto, Richard Grauer, tenor. Ela- "I Know that My Rede,emeth Uv·· lne Cragg, eoprano, Oury Mann eth". The Chancel Choir wW lllnc and Ronald ~arc. barltonu. The at both aervlcu, "O Day Divine", 1.natrumentallata will Include Re- taken from the cantata which will bert Schumann, Gau M'oaer and be aiTim ln Ila entirety at the Mary Gephart. Concludlnr the pro- evenlng Mmce. gram the combined choln will alnr Sunday School convenea at 8 :•~ a mpeclal arranrement ot "Chrlet a .m. with cluaea for all agea. A Aroae." nuraery la provided during worllhlp The r ite or bapu.m will be ad· aervlcu . milfuttered at the cloae of the even. At the 7:30 p.m. aervtce the con; tnr aervtce. Mu Epsilon Has Election, Plans Fashion Show M1aa LoulM OUpll&nt, vice preal· dent; M'lea Marth& Oehlerkln(, MC· ond vtce prealdent; Ml• K&Uly Baue.r, corrupondtnr aec.retary; Mn. Elate Eggert, recordlnr .. c- retary: M.n. C. !:. Hanlin, treu- urer. Plana are nearly completed for port Beach. will be the guest uan aervtce. minister and Dr. Earl Honey will The order or eervtce wlll be: a.ulat In the eervlce which wm Proceulona1 by the Knlghla Tern· begin at IUIO a. m. There will tie. An E&llter egg hunt on the Ebell Tonight, Thunday, al etaht o'· ElecUon ot ofncef8 and plan1 the luncheon and card party which for a faahlon luncheon a<:cupied will be held April 1' a l Newport attention of )fu Epsilon Chapter, Harbor Yacht Club. Theme "'"II be Bela Sigma Phi, when member11 April Showen, with Gay Toi:-• of met recently at the home of Mrs.. Balboa Island &bowing faahlona. Lyle Pope, 801 CUtf Drive with Mrs. Elizabeth Chapin wlll be com- Mra. John Merrill and Mn. F orrest m~ntator. Tickets are a vailable Fullmer u co-hoateaaea. from Mr•. Qutacnbcl'T)' or a ny acala tor 3000 to view the unique pla:r lnlo the Bowl u t he Choir of program wMch will feature the Job'• Daughter11 11nr "Onward pageantry of the Knights Templar: Christl ... n Soldle.ra." lnvocaUon the choir of Job's Daughters or a.nd The Lord'• Preyer led by Mr. the South Coast 11rea ; the arllalry p 1 111 f h "Chn.t of org11nl1t Ruth Armstrong, harp-cue, • ng g o ymn Club Houae ground• for the kid· clock the Chapel Cbolr r rom die• wtll be held at 10:30 a .m. Wheaton, m. will &iv• a concert at Flr11t BapU.t Church of Ooata Meaa, M.agnoUa and Banta Ana Avea., under the leaderahlp of Dr. Paul WarTea Allen, proteuor of mualc ot the collqe. Mn. Jamu Taylor presided at m!'rnber of the chapter. the bualneae aeuJon at wblch lhe L Next meetlng w ill 1>41 April 13 ottlcera were named. They Include: fat the home or Mn. Quleenbf'rey, M.ra. Jack Qulaenberry, pre•1d!'nt; 63• Weatmln1ter Ave. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111·PA6E7 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 HOO PARKm · RIDLE1' MORTtlARV f'onMrlJ OKAllEL OHAJ"a ',. ,.,_,"" -c... .. _ Uhr,.J 1&·14U __. •MM fOI SIOIT TllPS, LOii TllPS ••• llCITlll TOllS (Individual or Escorted) Ju1t tell Greyhound ••• I. WHERE• you want to So· S. HOW LONG you plan to be a__,. 2. WHEN YOll want to leave. 4. HOW MUCH you want to ~ •If you haven't decided yet, Gttyhound will be 1lad to wpplJ travel litf!rature and 1u11eetions on vacation aNU ln all 41 Stat.ea. Aluka, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. ••• and Greyhound will do tlM '"'I L p,.,,.,. • complete day-by.day travel plan, &ailoNUde to 6t your time, your budiet. and the placea you want to vWL 2. Make hotel ~•lions. I. Arrani• lilh1-ini tripe that enable you to '" the ..,._ possible number ol poinll of intere.t durin1 your vialt at AA1 l'iven Placer 4. Pr.pan ticketa cowrini traNPC>rtation for the entlN trip. S. Provide complete Pre· Planned Vacation 1bun .•• both bl· d1viduaJ or croup eeool'Wd. H . !;.. lllWAFFORD W. Cout Hlp-y Liberty 1-llOI GREYHOUND. Olt SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Sat Harriett Wood. and trumpeteer the Lord la Rl1t1n Today," the .Albert Jones; and the rnu"knl di-scripture reading led by Dr. Honey, recllon of Ruuel Crouee of Santa acknowledpmenta, the mualcal Ana, Offertory by Harriet Wood and The rrand oft1cer1 of the 11tat•-.. .. wide Knl(bla Templar Orand Albert .Jonea, Ha.II .Joyoua Mom Commandery wtll be preunt In by RllAffll Crouae, aermon by Mr. Euler morning u part ot the Euler proirram of the UnlverT eallet Community Fellowahlp. The mualc at the 11 o'clocl< eerv1ce will be by Mr. Lewi• M.Uler, celllet, accompanied by hie mother, Mn. Ruth C. Miller at the pluo. Th• Miller• are from Lone Beach. Th• l:uter eermon eubJect wtU be, "Our Immortal Hopee," and will coacem lt.Mlf with Unlnnal• l8m'• atUtude toward the queetlon of tmmort&llty. Included tn the prosrva eboeea .,.. choral MlecUon.a or pralae and th&nlt&&1Ylnl'. Luther'• welMmown hymn, "'A MtstllJ J'ortre•" -· plet• th• prornm. An ln'f1t&ttor1 i.. extended to alL No admlaaion charge. $300 IN CASH PRIZES) The Eaater momtnr cotfM hour will be ln charr• of the mlnleter and hlJI wife, lhe ReY. and Mra. Frederick JUDre. Seventh-day Adventists Easter Program Saturday The Unlveraallat Community FeUowatllp meets each Sunday momlnr at lhe Ebc-11 Club HouM, A aarrtd Ea~ter ""n"°n aervlre every\\ h• re the hope or eternal 151~ W. Balboa Blvd .• BaJboL It of reo•llnga &11d rnul!lr, 1lernled to life." P11>1tor Semi said. I• the only UberaJ church In Or-angoe County that mffla for rec· rommernor11t1nn or the rr1rnrrcc-At t.he 11 a. m. 11ervtce Pulor ular S\lnday morning worsl'llp, and tlon or t'llrl~l will t:1ke place at Serna will preach on 'The Euler lnvltr11 all liberal• of the area to Communion Rites for Universalists Tonl(ht, April T. membera and friend• or the Unlverwalllt Com- muruly Fellow•hlp who with to, will have the prlvileae o! takln1t part ln an Upper Room Commu· nlon aerv1ce al the home of their mlnlllter, the ReY. Frederick RJnge. 2:H H&&el Drive. Corona del Mar at I p.m. t he :-;,·wporl -Mera Sr\'tnl h • 111.,,\' Conlro\'rr11y.'' I m'lke thl11 their church home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AllVl'n\111t rhu11·h Sot11r.t1Jy en•-________________ _ ning. /\Jll 11 II. 81 IS JO p. m .. llC· r I 1 ntthni;: tu l 'nMor Rlch•nl ScrnJI I Th~ ,.ub11" i~ tn' ,, ... 1 to attt·n•t. 1 I You Are Most Cordially Invited to Share I In 11nn•'llllt Ing lhC l"l \'Ir••, Pa:1- l l'll' Runs pninlP.t nut th it "Ill<' II 0 OUTDOOR EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE \~hnl•· l111pr 11( hutnlln .. ntvn:111n ur I I 11nol lilt ;111~\H l\IW•' of c'lNnlll llfr H b d O ... ,, •h r • ntlr•nl "'"'" lhr dt'll lh nod I High Above ar or an cean I 1 •'·'111'1'•·• tun "' t'hrtnl b •npln 11•-I 1!111· nr·•·•I 111 kni"·' lhnl f:lllh In t he I 111·1onlnl:' •lroth or c'11rl11t on th,. "The Church Of The Lighted Cross. Overlooking Beautiful Newport Harbor" I r· '·•• 1~ hr r11"· l"lt'P tvw111ll f'n-1 •••• 111 .. lnlo th·· lilni:;1tom or I ll··:"·~n " h<! "rn1"'' 1 3 Easter All at the Church-I Thn A•I\ c-nt 1~l plUl'or rx11l111nr1t 1 Iii Lt lo\' "'' n .. ""''" 111, lit·· on I Services .... Outdoors, 6:30 •. m ••• lndoor1, 8:30 & 11 •. m . I lh!' 11 11 " C'h111t f"l l: \hi' p('nllll\' t •r 111 ... ''"' .r ,,,,,. ll•l\11 Rntl I NEWPORT HARBOR Lll'l'Ul."DBV CHURCH \\•t1·in··. 111• 11-I nl:' 11'"'" 11\·.ni:: In U I llLl\n11 I 1 h« :n h • • 1,1 11 y k:\'<·1 •., <"h1 :Mien 11 hu 1111 • r·· 111,. 11a• rit1· !'or L'hr1,.t 1_2._;o1 Cll-fr D-rin_ .. Ne"_·port-He.1-ghte--Robe-rt-8. G-ronl-DDd,-Puto_r -~rt-y 8--72S9_J 11n I I r11.~" 1119 t,{ .. 1:1'0 ha11n11n\• 111·h t rP "'11 ••1;,.1 11A rr\Pnl~J In ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I " ll1hl -r·•n h•H·r tr11" JM'31'" In ,,. I I'~ nr \\ tr Rn•J l\l\H'!\11' 11"•1f"\lC·1 t.un. • hr "'nh'I. "Thi' '""" rr'rllon M C-hrlst h thl' ltt"il r!ll 11,. '~·· "'' • i;:t\·rn I 1 .. I h•• hu1 unn r111" Iv , 1111••' 11 nfrr1" 111 1n_1p Ch1111\111n mrn l\n•I w11rnrn 1 --,_ -- Easter Sennon For Islanders A ''"•ion ••n 11nm1.1rlall1y, "Po- Wl'r ·11 Endll'11.<1 l,lfe," will be prer by the Rev. Donalll 0 R1•r .><>lh the 9:30 a nd 11 a.m E.l~t"r ""rvh l'!I Sand11y at I.he 8111· boa l•lftnd Community Mrthodlsl Churt•h. I At tivth 11t"rvlcr1 Miiis MA.rvellee Moody w111 ,01n11: a eoprsno llOlo. "Allr l11!11., Dtalh So Conquered" (Tompkins!. She will be accom· rsnlt<l bv 1'1r11. J 11ck Hu('kabef' Tht' chn1r. und!'r the t.hrrrt Ion or Leslie \'An 0) kr. ""111 111ni; "Al- leluia" 11t11mbhn1 Al thr 11tc.1ml 9t'rv1C'!'. l"unoery C'Rrc w111 be pro- V1ded for small rh1J.lrtn. J olnln11r th!' rhurch 11 t lhe 11 o'clock llour w111 be Mr. and M.n .. Robu t Guenlhl!r. n&ST CHlJKt;H Of CRlllST ICIENTIST Ull wt. ll .. , Ne•,.,. 1 .. dl A .. _. el "'• -.. C••m.11, ~ l'lnt Clo•c• et °"''' .. ._.., lo ........ ._ ......... ....... let.Ml •· ,, ... ....... w •tc.e tt••"' EASTER EVEN -APRIL 9 3 :00 P.M. Holy Baptism and Children's Mite Box Presentation Service. Music --The Cherub Choir. Children'• Sennon -The Curat. EASTER DAY -APRIL I 0 & :30 A.~t Holy Communion 7 :30 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon M tlaic -The Senior Choir Sermon -The Curate 9 .30 A .M. Holy Communion and Sermon Mu.sic -, The Junior Choir Sermon L.-Chaplain Leigh·Pink Children'• SerYice in the Church School Chapel 11:00 A.M. Fe.t.ival Morning Prayer and Sermon Music -The Seruor Choir Sermon -Tb• Curate 12:16 P.M. Holy Communk>n SAINT JAMES CHURCH IDEITIFY THIS 011181 COUITY LOCATIOI llOTHllG TO BUY! llOTHllG TO SEllD BUT YOUR EITRY! THIS IS All YOU HAVI 10 DO 10 WINI F irst of all find thia colonial mansion and then '1i11t it. Notice e\'erythlng carefully and take n:\ many not.ea u you need. Then write, In as m1rny won1 • :.s you desire, all about at .•. tell WH ERI:: it 1s. . l 1 WH.'\T it is , , . tell about the beautiful grounds ... th'? intrrior ... the furnishings ... the unuaual collP.cto~'• 1trms . . de- scribe this house and lfT'Ounde as fu lly t•~ you wigh, J udging w ill be based on the llplnt'~~ of ~r.ur clescr ip. tion and naturally, neatness will b~ a r tt"lor. FIRST PRIZE $100.00 SECOND PRIZE $75.00 THIRD PRIZE $50.00 f'1"'t Prbe for Chlldrea 12 yra,,.. an•I nndrr S25e00 Fh·p prlue of SJ 0 eub for chlldren und~r J 2 YMn of aie. CONTIST WIU IND AT MIDNIGHT, APRIL 30, 1955 All entriea will be-come the property or the $flOTISOI' of this conle!!l and none will bi' returned. 1n ca~I' or a tie. rluplicate prizes will be awarded, bu. thl' j udge's decision is rinal. Children under 12 years ot age will qualify fOr the f\rat prize and runner-up vrizes but 1n tht> event their entries do not wm there llre fwe ~ 10 prize• to be awarded in th11 cattrory. It you are under 12 ye1r1 of are be aure to 1tat.e your are on your entry. In th t>\'ent you use more than ono sheet of Jl:ll 1 w '\u rc to put you r n&ml' an<! adtlrcu on • ,:· h ~ 1• l and number t hem m the upper ra1ht hand co. 111.'r to pre\'ent loss. H'l'lte on. one sitf( of the papgr <mlr. pl«u•. Em rilo) C'C:s of the sponsor, the newspaper or th r f:!Tn1lt<'B will Mt be ~lig1ble. __ , ......... ........ . ..... •eMt.. •-....... .. .,,, ••• l•.. E P I S C 0 P A L ............... 11 .......... ,. ··- ... ~"' tw \• • "' w .... ..,.,, •·-Via Udo al Udo late Brt.t•e Mall lntrle1 Toa "COLONIAL CONTEST" II. • M .. I • • "' "rlN9 •-1 le t -Ct•M4 .._., •• ,. NEWl'OaT ll&ACll "1e .,.11i11c tt t••••ltt '"•''•4 .. •"•~ w.. a... 1en1c.ee .,.. ... ,... , .. ""' Tbe REV. RALPH BURl..EIGB PEASE. CWrate ~ ._ ________________________________ ._, ______________________________ , OAIDIN OIOV~ CAUfe 12141 GILlllT STlln • -· PA'GE 8 ·PART I I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, AP:tlL 7f 1955 -n11nr1 011 l\''"''"'"'l Blvd nor th nf l ~""rl<•· .. St , ~·o•tft "'''""· nnd It • ... sCJn in Cra$h I traffic ac<'ul,.nt ThurH<tay Aft<'r-1 H.t.·n <"hrf•ten1ton. :?!". ot 23T I!:. r. r-.·o lnJurlc11 but l'Xtc."n1t1v• d11m·: 21st St .. <..'011111 .Mua. Drl~r11 oC I C111 I Albi'rt SunMtronm. 36, o& age to both n 11 s Willi ri•1111lt (I( a the uuto.s 1nvulved were Mnrj;Ol , 1...-1.s An~\' In, pol k t> rt'portt'd. Now ·an Display The Mod Be,tutiful Performers of them all! PRESENT COLOB8-Nawport Harbor Scouts on stage at Long Beach Municipal Auditorium ~day opened Ro- tary'• Di8trict Conference with preaentation of colors. Taken there in Harbor Rotary Club-chartered bua, they a.re shown with flags. Boys are from :Ship :.!10. ~ca Scout Explorers: Cub Pack 17; Boy Scout Troop 17: Explorer Post 17. -Gene Ross Photo The New 'SS HUDSON HORNET witb 6 Cylinder or V-8 Engines BIPE FOB ~CKJNG-And that's true of both the orange and any awards which might be (round when Newport Harbor High School Fµture Farmers ~nter the compe- tition. Thia time, a Harbor High citrus team has returned with plaques, t rophies and more honors. From left are J ohn Arnold, big.ti individual in the citrus contest; J im Bath, third high; Don Williams, sixth. They are showing Howard King, right, the fine points of their art beneath an orange tree. Kin& waa high individual in tract or skilla. -Staff Photo HARBOR HIGH FFA WINS MORE FARMING TROPHIES Newport Harbor H igh School wM third high Individual and Don I l"utute F armer teama brought Wiiiiama of Co•l& Metl& ·alxt.h home their 11hare oC more !han high. The truck crop team waa I U M wort h of rlbbon11 and trophies rourth with B-Ob McClusky of Co•· 1 presented Individual and team ta Mesa •IXUt high Individual. wlnnere at Saturday'11 Annual ag-Other team member.s were Woody ricWl w:tl educattcm field day on Royce and J erry Rlnf ot COtrta the Kellogg c.ampua of CnJ!fom la Mesa. I Slllte Polyteehnlc College. More The fttd and eeed team of New· than 1:100 atudenta from 60 hilrh port Harbor wu seventh. .Mem· 1 •chools and four junior collegu b1>1111 were Thelma Huttman ot Co. ln Soul.hem California attended rona dl'I Mar, and Flo Lu Tbomp· 1 the compeUUon. ~n, Lln\la Cleary and Biil Madll!on Harbor Hlgh's citrus team again of Costa Meu.. H orticulture akllls 1 brought home the goltl trophy with team wna aevenlh with Frank I J ohn Arnold or Uclo bl,; re<:Plvlng Braze, Roger George ot Costa a 8'0ld plaque tor high lndlvldunl Mu11. and Bath. In hay loading.' of t he contest. How!lrd King oC Harbor HJgh placed alxtb. Mem- Co1t a Mua w u high lndlvldaul In ber1 of the team were King, Bob tractor skills u the locaJ high l'lhaCer and Ronald Dennl11 of Costa 8Chool team placed tenth. MeM. I On tht' Harbor High cltur11 team. Besldu King, t he tra ctor 1kllla; Jim llrith of Ranta Ana Helghlll members f rom Newport Ha rbor ---- ----were Ronald Dcnnl!I and Shaler. Gayle Brandt Hurt ht Near Car Crash Gayle Brandt. I>. of •32 Avocado Ave., wa.11 throv.'?1 f rom the front ~At a.g-aJni<t the wlndshit'ld Mar. 25 when th" car her gra.ndCather, R. McClusky w u 11cventh high In- dividual In peat ldenlltlcaUon. The SNlr11 Fo11nt111.tton treated all stud<'nts to a Juncb And the college prea<'nte/1 a horse 11how Cor the a fl<'rnoon p ro1?T11.m. Jiil. McDonald. 6.1, Lhln Plltk An· @1) nex. waa <1n vlni;:-m11de a i<udlltn .top In front or Nt'wport T'ost SJ * ~!~<':· ShP Wl\1! .treated by. a phy-, ... McDonnl,i told pohcl' he 'l\'\U r olnJ: eA.•l vn 32nd !"t. when a c11-r 1 -"" ·~:- dr1v.-n hv John llr ulln C lark. 72, ~ _ ~~ ~~l·{;.~"~·h~IR:.~: ~(~~;~:~:I BUFFEllll lnJ: him tu 11t•1p qul<'kly. Hli< g-nrncl· Santa Ana Tent and AwnintJ Save Dollars on COLORED r. ' OR -W--ATURAL BAMBOO DRAPES New Low Prices ! --·-----.. }, rz. •• ,--.... ,.,-.... -: ... ,.. ' ~ :r --.... . I I I ' -· •· p 11---- -II ~-= "' ~ . ~ -... J ,~ ~ -..i: ;;;::::::::i - ~ ,_ ... ..... --I _--.-.__ - ~ ""----=-" - MATCH-STICK dau~hl•·r rn111pla1nNI or w h1>1HI· I a ch" .. rt.•r .1111u ng the "'1nd~hleld, lwiceasfastas•llllrln' I pohcc 111\1<1. • BAMBOO .._,t •.-t,.... ••ull? 1 DRAPES Martindale Theft Theft of a 1TI 1t'rnn1t't"r a nd boll pern hammer from the i;hop nf 'the MamHo Ct>. al t.06 30th Rt wu reporter! to polll'u M!U'ch 22 by Edw11.rd Mart tndnle. O",,er. MA1TRE~l.4E~ Boat• -Homf'll -Tta.lk'n Jr"'c ular Sh&JM"'I Ubl'rty 8-UUS COSTA MESA MA TTRES~ l 'O. '.! 1 50 :S "" rort Blvd. ~ESA UPHOLSTERING v,.,. .......... ~ry l.AutJ .... '111 HM Nwpt. Bh•d,. Ooeta .._ Newport Vari<ty 1'0UR I Md 10 STORF. W• Give C1'9WD 8t.mpa 0-. Fnnt NNr Plf'r NEWPORT Bt:A.CH • ' I Gundenon Drug Co. I r r 7 Main Balboa I Made to 11rdrr In our own "1op -------NATURAL .. 21 r ;~.- MATCHING COLORS fOIWAW .... WOODWOH ODORLESSI \. 4 1 •1J~l :I' PAINTS for f"V<'' y pur 1JCJ\P • AX \' l'IZt~. f\Rl:SH l:S \'Ot'R )lf:A~t·rtf:'.\fl:'.'T~ Kinch Tta\'l'"'C Curtain ltc~I• Comlr~ f\n:11•• In Any !"It" Mn t1y St.vi<'.~ to CltnMc Frnm .---~-~----~- Lor{lrtd S1'/r rt1011 A 111111 11r r1 ' PAT I 0 FURNITURE * Rl'tlwood * Aluminum * \\'hit.. )lpt al * I · m hrrllRA All TypH o f RA!N1\l,rS made to Ot'(l#r O PE:V FRIDA 1' A~O MO!\'DA Y XITF.8 'Tll. I Santa Ana Tent & Awning • FRF.F; DEl.ffE R\' 1626 So. Main St. Kenneth Showalter in Navy Maneuver CAPE ROMAIN. S.C. t FHTNC) -Partlc-ipatlng here in Operation ''L.ANTMINEX" aboard the wood- l'D mine.sweeper USS Bold wa.s Ken- neth Showalter, englneman Clret class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbl'rt Showalter oC 132-1 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. T he operation. aeslKne1t tu im· PJ'ove tile mir1.e warrure reu•llnrss of the fleet, b .. gan Mun·h 7 and ended ~rll 4. It is under the commani1 of Rear Admiral Harry Sandt>rs. USN, Commender Mine Force Atlantic Flt't>t. Old Establi.s.hed lnsurance · Agency f.11 lines written. , HOWARD W. GERRISH Highest Trade-in ALLOWANCE PhlA '5000 EXTRA DISC'ot:l\'1 On purch-of any modi'!. Brine this ad with you. New power. new h.igh style, three • tim,s -better ride, body twice as strong and safe. See us. Try this great car today! Product of Amencatt Jlot or11 -come, t ry It for 11our11clf.' MAIN STREET GARAGE HORNf~T ""I"'' 4 Door SEDAN '275000 rn :l .r\'ERt:D Pluo s.1 •• T .... LIUDM Lantmlnex. an abbreviation for Atlantic Fleet Mine \\la rfare E x- ercise. is the largeist p011t-war op- era tion of Its kind since the encl of World War U. I 1808 Ne,vport Blvd . Costa Me.sa PHOSI': LIBl-:RTY 8-1:11 2 410 Main St., Huntington Beach LExington 6-3025 --=---~~======~-========= -----------.......... "'., See Western's ', , .,. ba ' ,' terr1 1c new ca na \ 1 now on display : \, in Lido V~llage ,1 Our remarkable new custom-module building system gives you complete individuality of design ... uses only the finest of .materials ... and does this at a low cost you wouldn't dream possible ! Get the Western story today. See the first cabana built in California which complies with ·the new Califo r nia State a nd Newport Beach Ordinances ! See why Western's year s of pioneer- ing in the field have paid off in leadership ! lndoor·outdoor liuing is occe11111ated by use of Marshall oil aluminum u:ea1hu.1ight doors. Quality ronstruction b '1dtlrnl every u,here, made ponible rhrout.h lrestem'1 nclusive modult building 1ys tem! fHESI OUTSTANDING AIMS APPLIED THiii SKlllS to THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PACE-SmlNO CAtANAI GlASS DOORS, MarthClll Door JAlOUSIES1 Dennison JC1loulle ElECTRICAl1 Trvsfy Electric Co, MASONRY1 L S. llak ..... PAINTING: Smlth I Gravino -. SOlEX GLASS1 Daniel's PCllnf Hd Olett Co. LANDSCAPING: . Garden Cent.I FURNISHlf'iGS: HouM & Gani.ft INTERIOR bECORA TION: Jackie C .... I '--.. Trailer Park!_.,,' .... ______ __ ....... . -~!'('~, New Flexibllity in . Planning! New Quality In Construction! New Beauty in Custom Design! New t//icitmcy in control of light and ventilation iJ g11ined by use of outJtaruling Dennison /alowin. Higla Je1ip l11terio,1, onJ fl!f1Ulr"'1b16 1paeioa.tfl~ll ore reiulu o/ ll'utern'J compltl• J~sibility o/ deJipt. WBSTEKH CABANAS and RAMADAS, INC. I ~OE v ANDER MOLEN I Wu.,eM& ,.._. Barbor lt'fl·ll I 1651 Plaoe.U., Oo.ta Me.a. Uberty 8·'75'1'5 I ' • ... ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE \. BARD WEAR! -No, these boys who claimed they were from So4thern California, did not have to wear 'em as they joined th~ teenagers for Easter . week. Clockwise, starting with the back seat, they are Chuck Mooney, Coy Sattler, Larry Morten.sen and Ed Weigand. SUDDEN RUSH -There wun't a boy in sight when the photographer lined this girl up. bathrobe and all. Before he could get a foc11t1 on the polkadota the girl nea rly got killed in the rush and 10 seconds later there .,..ere more boys on that corner th:rn a fra- ternity meeting. Who said boys don't like to have their pictures taken. l WOKE t 'P SMILING -These four girls fr."lm LoR A•1..,.f'l ri; H 1~h ~< hool were all a"leep when your reporter focussed on them and t~~n ~cl!· I. Y.•u (,11\ FN' they ha\·r ~noJ dis- positions u they all woke up smiling. WHAT, NO BOYS! -You might think from this line up of sun tanners that there are no boys in Whittler High School, but contrary to most beliefs there were more groups of girls and groups of boys than mixed groups on the beach. -All Staff Photos NO BOYS! -It look.a like the Kappa Ta fro dale run a girl.a' dorm with no boys in sight on the lawn, but if you could look through the window you would aee that the house is full of them and it took a lot of effort lo shoo them off the lawn and photograph the g irls. Easter Gang Having Fun By BERT BRlNTN ALL Whatever the records of the past may have been. girls and boys from the hinterland came to the beaches this year to have a good time and stay as clear of the police as rollicking youngsters are abk. The streets and beaches, particularly of Balboa Island, have been full of them. thei r cars have cr('ated a traffic problem on some narrow stn.•cts. but autos have run under a slow bell and bubbling good nature has kept accidC'nls at a minimum. Police officers. with memories uf p:u;t years. ha\'e ~n keeping thei r fmgcrl:i crosS('d. but are happily sur- prised at the changed attitude they ha\'e fou.n~ among the teenager-R. Dnnking has been at such a minimum as not to be noticeable and the rowdy ~angs wh1c:h. m past years. have roamed 11treets looking for trou ble are also ab~nt. CrcatorR of sport!\wear fur womC'n could ha\'e spent a profitabl(' day al the bcac-hC's and on the local streets watching the many typ<'s of crcat1onK being modeled on some of Calilorn 1a'8 11hapclirst youn~sters who wandcrl:'d about or stretched out m the sand to collect sun bum. Eart<'r Wel:'k is h<'ro anu if the first few days of it are to tx-a sample of the wholl• holiday. Newport Beach and th<' surrounding arl'a wil l look forward to 1t next yc11 r without the worry that pre\'lous perform- ances caui;c<l. A \'A~ ~l \'SHAT -Tim; may sound bad, but the hat lookro good on ~uc (:ei~er as she paraded down the main 11tr~t of Halboa island and her pal, Barbara Pier- B<>n scemC'd to like the looks of it, too. • A FAST BlCK -There were pll!nty of girls along the beach. but wbal ia a pl when there 1.11 a good game of draw poker In progress. These Arearlh boyti w. 1 • • 1 c a'r\COS POPULA.a -Even teen agtrs on an Easter vacation have to eat and theee Ar- cadia girls are doing it silting down. instead of wandering around taco in hand. We tried to gel a shot of a girl putting a sandwich into hPr mouth, but girla know wh• they l0<J< t;ood as well Ill!, or m~ybe better than anyone el"fe. interested. in Lady Luck than bathing beauliea. \ l (}overnmenl f.:xcepl :J-rom PAGE 2-PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY "God gront us the serenity to occept the things we cannot change: the couroge to change the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) JOURNAL By HORAC'F. rARKER EDITORIALS (Ed. Nol• -Thi• Nlwna It)' HoraC"e Parkrr "Ill dral "'ltJI tlM UtUe-kaowa lll1tor1e&I faC'ta he bu dred&rd 1111 lo hl1 R\aAJ trtpe lDto tile bac:ll OOIUllry la l'eC!C\Dl yean.) Thoughts on Easter Easter, like spring, brings with it a renewal of hope and courage, a renewal ot the promise not only of eternal life, but of a better life here and now. The Resurrection ot the Man ot Galilee was the crowning proot or his teachings -and those teachings constantly etressed love and the brotherhood ot man. ffis was not weakneBS, but a strength such u the world had never seen. l! we accept the Resurrection as proof of life beyond the grave, it is equally important that we accept the simple rules of Jiving which Jesus preached in the Ser- mon on t he Mount. One is no less important than the other. To wait for others to sh ow a Christian spirit first is not a Christian attitude. To be mean and petty during the year and then to make a show of attending church on Easter betrays a poor concept of Christ an~ Christ- ianity. · Easter baa its lighter aide -the fun for tht young- ·ater8, the traditional Easter parade, and the happy fam- ily get-togethere. But church attendance should be prompted by something deeper th11n the de.sire to see, or be part of, a fuhion display. Have fun on Easter, but take time to contemplate the meaning of Easter and let its meaning go with you, not just for the day, but throughout the year. You'll be better for It -and the world will, too. We Differ with A. C. L. U. We understand American Civil Liberties Union will oppose the Bums-Chapel bills (SB 1814 and AB 1903) pending before the State Legislature. The bills would re- voke the businese and professional licenses of persons who invoked the Fifth Amendment in any legislative, ex- ecutive or judicial proceeding conducted by the federal, 11tate or munic.lpal government. That the ACLU would oppose me.asures which would put so-called ''Fifth Amendment Communists" oft the public payroll ia understandable in light of previous pub- lic performance. Now we know where the ACLU stands on the mea- sures, we will h ave to take the opposite position. It is be- yond comprehension why loyal Americans would refuse t o answer questions bearing on their loyalty to this na- tion or it. political aubdiviaioza. The f act our Constitution guarantees free 8peech. freedom of the prese and public assemblage is well known. But we wonder why IYlY citizen should wish t o ~over his motives or personal life when called before in· vestigaUng committees unless he is irrevocably linked with the Communist conapiracy. Many liberals have been sucked into line by the Communist. in years past to the point they would be Washington Comment By WALTER CHAMBLIN JR. .. outcasts among their fellow Americans were thelr true activities known. The legislative bills mentioned would merely cause their removal from public payrolls when they are too Fifth Amendment-happy to be honest about thei r true loyalties. He who will not support his form ot government can hardly expect it t o support him. Spare Time Problem Easy Newport Harbor a rea is particularly well situated for handling what is becoming a major problem in the nation, what to do with spare time? When men worked 10 hours a day, six days in the week they were only t oo glad to rest Sundays, but with the 40-hour week and mechanized industry workers are not so tired Friday evening but that they are ready for any kind of adventure early Saturday morning. This is also true ot the longer week day evenings and accounts to a gr~t extent for the popularity of television, because many people do not have the imagina- tion necessary to provide entertainment for themselves. This also accounts for the sudden popularity of "do it yourself'' projects and the million dollar electric home tool busineBB which has blossomed in the past year. In this connection the nearness of Orange Cout ·College with its widespread courses in adult education ts a fine adjunct to living in the Harbor district. Men and women who never thought of themselves u artist1 are finding out bow versatile they reaUy are, while others are enjoying all kinds of courses from law to pottery ma.Jcing. With the college taking care of the mental aide of their nature and the beaches and mountain• for physi- cal enjoyment Harbor residents have no need to worry about that period of let down which hts alwaya been a danger signal when men have reached the time to re- tire, or the unrest that bas come with long week-ena.. Times are Tough in U.S. Let's join the chorus of those who are singin' gloomily about the problema of t he United States. Let's admit it. We've got problems no other nation has. For instance: No other country In the world baa any problem caused by a surplus of food. No other nation has such traffic congestion because so many people own automobiles. In no other country do people take so many holi- days a nd have so much kisure time in which to spend the money which they earn; more money than wage earners get in any other country. And not other country has as one of its chiet medi· cal problems the fact that so many people &re over· weight because of the abundance they enjoy. It's a sad eituation, mates. Chemical Co. at the higher figure j 1ndu11try la le> be highly compll· so tht\l Mr. T'ouley could J;'"l the nwnt~ on the Job which It. did. plant ror 13 million lc-11s t han II.II While It 1_, tru th t. th v _ fflTIOffl\l SUNDAY SCHOO!. WEEK The Sponsored b1 I~~~ m~n's National Con1mittcc April 11 -17 Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO (CNS) -How I property, 12~ (or drawing up th" the 1tate dlvlalon ot ~aches and deed. and I~ for the till, a total park• uaea the 11late'1 power of of 113~ cuh. eminent domain lo threaten prop· "Dulin&' the aummt'r ot 19!13," erty owner1, and appently beat hi• letter aay1, "' w&a ofrered 53· down pricu C'&me undt-r the 1crut· 000 fof\ thl• property by a gentle- lny of Auemblyman Lloyd Low-m&n from Laa Vegaa. I declined yer, Yolo county, recently. hla ofCer a nd told him that l was The story la contained In a let· not lntere1ted ln 1elllng becauff ter acquired by Lowrey from Ro· l wanted to build on the property, bert M , Hool', a photographer, who CONt>l:MNATI ON Cor three yeara was a conn~l!s1on· "In the meantime, the Dlvl1lon alre In the town or Columbia, Tuo· nf Bucht'll and Park• ottered me lumne county, which the 11late park !;7~;0 for the pro~rty. whic h I de· commlMlon hopt>s somr day wfll cllned. Thi• month. (Feb. 'MI. Mr. bl'come the "Wlll1amsburg of the J ohnson of the lund 1cqul1lllon Welt." department ot the Division of Hooe relate• that In Sl'ptem~r of 19:12, he purchued a piece of property a block ort the ma in street of Columbia, Cor 1825 from Frank Dondero, Tuolumne county auperv!Mr, consisting of three acru of land. TllKEATESl:O At that time-, he 1181(1 the l1111d acqul~1t1on department of the 01\i· 11inn of Beachr11 anrt Parka called on him, anrt ln1lslec1 they weA going to acquire the property. and said lht•y would prevent him from buil link upon ll. Tht-y asked him how murh he would &ell the prop· erty tor. "I tohJ thtm I had boug ht the property to build my residence on, and thlll I •lhln't want to aell," the lettl'r Mid, Beachel and Parka oftercd me 11· 000 tor the propl'rty 1nf1 t ritd mt that they would W ei suit tor con· d('mnatfon. I tol<l h im t hilt I would 11ell tor 13!)00, which he de· cllned." Hooe elao Jl11l.11 hl1 troublt1 ln obtaining quarter a In Columbia to conduct his photoi...,-aphlc business. Arter b"lng 11hun1t•cl nrounfl In two dlfftorrnt plores. h... outllnc<l how In thre. yura ot wlntH. 19!)2, :\3 and ~. ht wu unable to hut hi• place o( business bl'C'RUse o( the lack or en out.aide n ut'. JS l'l.T TO IS .It.RY "To add tn.11utt to Injury;• hll letter aaya, "I dlac-overed t hat the but.ane gu floor fumac-e to heat the a partment.11 on tht up~r floor (Uttd u llvln1t quarttr.11 by div!· aion peraonnell 1VIUI not ventMt to the out11lde and a ll the wute f'l\I· u were eJlo'IVed to eac11pe In my place of b11.1lnu1." Ed. Note : This is No. 3 in a serlea nn thl.' Temeseal Tin Mine. There is a buzz of excitement in Rivcrsid<'·lown tonight. The last edition or the Riveniide Press and h1lrtirulturist, carrying the dateline February 14, 1891 statt's: "Everything is looking lively around the tin mines. Tho test mill is up and the machinery for reducing the ore ts running, Th,• !uma1·e 111 ne:irly tal, Lul rul11ng In this hf' wf'nt l.J C'ompll't.-11 and Mr !\falhf'y wlll t:urop•• wher•• h1• founll l::ni;thsl\ soon be rf'atly to make blocks of ~•pllal 11vall11blo unal lntere'4t <:•I tin. The ho1~l1ng works art' b••rng 1 Jn June 1891 t he ff r1t 11hlpmt'nt ereC'll'1I a111t th,• ho1st1ng will bt or pig trn arrl\'C'tl In San Frand:cro done by machrnt·r~· by ennther It a ml\rkl'I II! ni•t found (or 1t Wt'tk. Two nrw shans are bring thc-rr it wlll bl' ,.hlppt-d Eaat. Thtt 1unk a s hort distance from the mrne11 are capable or tumlnr out others. Sl'nral new buildings huve 21100 long t una or tin pt•r year, and been built during the past month they are 11uppo11ed to tumllll 6000 and Cajalco la becoming quite a long tons before July J. 1811~. The town. I st.a.mp mill i. running conUnuouely "Work la going on rather alow turning out l ton of meta.Ilic tin at t he reduction workll on a ccount per day. Thia mine laa turned .ut f h without doubt the flnrt bar or pie o t e 11tone muons striking for of metallic tin produced commer• m ore pay this week; and not lrl'l· I clally In the United Stale.. Ung tl, they quit work. Thia wlll I In J uly 1891, 38.000 1>0und• ot not be tor long and the work wlll Amerlc&11 pig tin wu a.hipped to be re1umed today. The reduction the American Ttn Pfi\e Compeny work• wlll be a big affair, the I of St. Louie at 2~c per pound. The building being 120 x 160 ln size. ore 11 averaglnl' 16 per cent Nn- nlng aa high u 70 per cent, and >.t the dam everything l1 progrt'411· I they hav.. ordeni tor 1300,000 lng n icely and Mr. Meyers will worth ot tin. Over 2:1() men are 1oon have everything In nice ahape. I rmployed on the property and they The muon work la bUilt all the have Invested 1218,000 alnce last. September. way acroaa except where the pump hu been &t. work and that 81GHT Ii VEINS portion will be built ln a few day1. •Jn the nf'ar future they wm Mr. Meyer• has had a great deal 1melt 4·6 tollJI per d&y of Un worth to contend with but he ha. IUC· 12·3000. In U l'l'N of 82 velne or ceeded In accompUahlng bla under-tin ore have now bef'n dlAICovl'rt'd takln&". lt will not be long now on the compuny'a property and until he will ha"e everything iare. vary from a toot to 12 feet In ll t1 worth the trip to c o and vi .. thlckne111. Tht y have cut ftOO It the different tmprovemen~ un· 11T1all block1 or b4u'1 of Un atamp- der way on the San J aclnto El· lld with "Teme1eal Mine., San lat.e.'' I Bernardino CoWlty, cal." ThNe LARGEST MINE are to be a!'nt to membera of Con- A few weeks later on Much 28 gHN a.nd other ~"'°n.a of tnnu- 1891 the new11pap+•r r!'porta that I ence tu •how that American tin '"The Orel nin of tin from the In an actuality, and bee them tu largest mine rn the world hifta Just put on tari!t controla t<> protect come Into town, Jame11 H. Crose· domeaUc tll\ 1ntere1ta. man the 11Uperlnlemlc:nl or tile OavllM Oold mlne11 brought l!f'V· From the Sant& Barbara PreH oral bar1 of tin In hurt ThuraJay I l'Umc" word that Jamn Va.n All•·n all stamped Tt>mc8Cal. They h•vel formt'r A1111ay111g Proft'1111or a t Cor· Cll3L JO tons ot 100 paund lngotll neU a n\J one Ume E ditor of U1e of 99 per cent lln the f\llreet c:vtr Scientific American bad vl.lltt d run In the world. And Caplu1n H. the Temu~I Tin Mine and Mid, S. Harris o r t"omwall, J::nglllnd, "f 11hl\.ll g o bad e EMt proclaiming one or Ure lari;e ownerx In the Snn the 'l"rm1•11Cal lln mlnc-11 the riche~l J&elnlo Elllate Is vi.ltln.i U\e of the k lntl 1 hll\"f' "ver known, mine. and 11 well pleued. I and I 11~nt a month In the Cc.m· He states. ··s eyond all doubt 1 wall Mine.. I Wl,.,1 to •mile at 1 he the vut deposit.I of \'aluable mrn. 1 tin plate claUM' In the McKlnlfy eral ownt'd by this compa ny con· bill, but I have bl'l'n com•erte.r. atltute11 one of the blggeal lhlnR• Tha l cleuae Is all rl~ht. Wr c "n on earth e nd l.t bound to mllke mine all our own tin an<l m11ko Rlvenitde County one of the rll'h-our own lln plat!!'." I'll and mo.tt r&mou. sec Ilona In HA PPV UA \'1'4 TllF.S the y.•orld." ROBJSSOS l'RAISED County, C'ro11111ng tho thrl'11>h<1ld t11 appraised vnlue. However, th.: sale I e a e go em to Shell was crmrtrm"d u Wf're the ment he..! bet'n m11 k1n1e a round l~O <>U1cr 11&lr a by a roll c.UI vote of 1 million a year recently f rom rub- bctter t hM two to one. her production. It must be noted One of the mo11t Important to the resolution and In ravor of It l.11 lnterut Ing lo trnalyu the thnt thl11 net amount waa before In the foll1•wlng 11pring, Hooe sold ht bought 100 yuda of flll and had It d umpe1I on the prop· erly, uflrr which he received an· olh!'r l1•l lrr from "E. E. Powell, of th!' Dlvll'llon of Be11chu and Parka, whlrh said: "I want to call your a llrntlon to our acquisition pro- gram &nil I W6uld nnt wish t o He you arquln-lands tor commPrcl1I purpo-.·s wh1r h might not be rf'al- u:e!l due lo our ecqulslllon pro· grant." Furth@r, he atatu the dlvl11lon pruented him with a blfl for 118 sewage chugt'I, In 11plte nf the fact there were no aanttuy facl· lJUu then!'' He turlhl'r tell.I how Colonel E. btl'Omo the t111 mlnrni; c«"nlPr , ,( N . Robtn.110n'1 f•llh In the tin In the I the entire worlrt. 1'1n and agrlcul· CejaJco lhrooghout the yean hH been unerring ILlltl he alone Is rr · 1 ture win guld11 the erunumlc clf·A· apon1lble for their devtlopment. tlnlee of Rlver11lde·low11 1m1 11n- Crrloncl Roblni;on for Jter• had j vtron1. Thue ar.i hapl))" <1ay1 tn tried to promote American capl· the Oajalco. plecea or Jcglsla tlon pRMed the confirming t he 11afr11. vote 11nrl 11cc th11l Congreas111!'n la.xua. I n the case of corporation.. Co n g r" • 1 re('t•ntly. In r11rry· The rt'llolutlon wu 11d ually di·, who had lhe l!upport Of the· CIO I thl11 would be 62 pl.'r cent without vlded Into two 11r parote resolu· amt l11c J\ D A con11tft.utNl the ha r<I· . • tn( out the a<lmlnlstr11t1un'" com· t i , 11 •th al lr ore or tho~e uppoiln"' lhl' !<Ille RI· lnlere!'lt on the lnvutnient, which "You can undertt&cnd my l"ck of tnthu1lum for living or t ryln&' lt> ronduct IL bu11lnr111 In Colum- bia," he qy11. "I am movlnir my bu1tneu to Snnnra, and probably will build my rr.111den<'e th .. re." on.11, one CO\'ermg a ni l' ~ ca · " mllmtnt to get th,. ~"vl"rnmt'nt with the exception or three plants I hough tho cont mvtrioy wni. n1>t would amount to anolht>r 121 mil· out ot prlv&tl" lnclu~lry, you m11y In Tornuice, Calif. For thellc a Md 11hC1uld nnt be pulillr11I In that llon ani1 without dcp reclaUon r,.c&lJ that lut yt'u e c-om mwtnn 1eparate ruoluUon w. a. lntroduc· 1 former P rcsHlc-nt. Truman 111 lll50 which woulrl be $3~ million. So waa let up to dl1po11r of the •YTI· ed on the ground1 that the "'go· rt'Cummended the Mle M th1•11e l h h l bookke I th llatlona conducted dld not com-pto.nta to private companies The wt ones ep ng, e gcw-Hooe 1!31d he paid 1825 for the thetlc rubber pl•nta. T hill author· ply w1lh the authority In that tht'y 11aie provldl's that each pun h:ut'r r rnment hall b"en ninnlng behind. lty provided that &JI nf'itnllatt'd were IOld u a packare rather 11hall allot a certain a mount or Furlhrrmort, It haa b«n more 1111lea would not become final 11n· than u Individual •ale. even crude ll}'llthcllc nibh<'r In 11matt lhM 10 yfar11 aince theae planta lll a pprovt'd <'r dlurprnvcd bv lht' though they were an lntcgral unit. 1 manufarturers Jn fact thry Rre Conirr-. These thn-e plant.I had a lolal ap· cnmmltll'd to allot more t han :.O.· AFFAIRS OF STATE p!'aJA&l of $27 million. The Shell The comml11lon had the proper· <.:hemtl'al en. blrl th" price up to ty evaJualtd and eoncludrd aalf'1 SJ O mltl~n l did not break down for all o ( the pla nt11, with t ht f'X-1111 blrl i:; the three plant.II ~ ct>pUon ot llne In Trxu, el 11 tfg· th,.y <'O &ldtrl'd thrm 1rn Integral ure tome 130 million Jn t'lCCt'!IS nt unit Rnd d id not want one with· the a ppraJacd "lllll!' 11n•I •nm,. In QUl the ot~r. Con~» for •rrtn\•111. Thi• nr· c) , . proval wu lo lhe form vt a nrg· Pl OS ITIO:-; TO fiAf.E at.Ive r·reolullnn rell()l\•ing thtlt I Th•• lntrrel'llng p11lnt here la CongT'l'sa not a ppro\·o the 11111<· that nn1• "f \hr.••· pl.lnl" wl\,9 llf'I· . pr1U11e1l for S1 mllhon 1rn<l Mr. J:..d C0:"()01'1T.F. \ OTE l'aUlt')", J<1r111rr notl<>nitl lrr~urer The ruolutlnn WU!! reft>rrNI In 'r th.• lJc111111·1,111c: ~;111onnl L'•lm· the Arm"d Sl'..,.'IC:"" Cnmmll\t·e mlt!Pr, "nnt r<I lo buy t his p!Mt a nd aft ('r ·a 11111 M il cnmp!\'lo but would offer only $4 mllUon. hea.rlng by b<'lh oppanl'n~ and So the ntne r>t>morraUc Congre8ll- proponenl.8 or the •ale, t 1'111 com-mt'n from C.11llfomla vlgorou111y mlttce ''olrd 27 to 3 In oppo9ltlon oppo,cd the ule to the Shell B2WPORT rtft HARBOR RE-W.$, PRESS F ormtrly the Newport·BaJboa l"ew1·Timu &nd the Newl>Ort·Balbo& Preu Entered u Se<'und·CI ... Matter at the Poetofflce ln Newport Beach. C&Utom la under the Act of March is. 18711. PubUtlhf'd EvN7 MoeclQ Uld nunc1a7 at Sewport Bfoad 1, C.W. by &be NE\\'POKT HAtlBUK l'l HU~HL~O COM.PA.~\' Tfllel*o• Harbor 1111 Mtmber Call.I• ..... N.,.,1paper Publlalterw °'lllOd.aUon Mrrni.r Nat.lo-' ll:dltortaA ~Uoo Mrmber ot Oranse County New1 Servlc• BmN R..IIDDJCK, Publl1htr Wll.IJot A. MOSES. ltdtlor ORMOND II. ROUNTR.EE, AOvtrtuinc Dl~ctor 8VBS<;RIPT1U~ RATES: Newport Barbor New•r"""· T"I<'• \\Hkly la OraQ,re Oowity .... 00 per JH.t; J.'tOO •h mo,.; ''-M tbrre moa. Outakte et o,._... t;ouat7 f1.00 P"' r Nr ; were rlnl11hcd and new and chcap- l'r methods <•( productlc.n have 000 lon1 per yrar In excraa of bel'n develop<-.J. l'Tivate produceni By HENBY C. MacARTHUR what Lht' 11m11l prorr~ors Ul'led are ready lo enter the fidd w1th BACRAMENTO, -(CNS I-One the trend In lectal&Uon for roveni- IMt ye&r. I ·htch ld ot the more or less mrnnr tsauu ment controla. Whenevl'r one IM'C- • . the~e new rrocessu " wou the 1ta te legislature ts (&elr g ll mt'nt ot an ln<lu1try d~m·t like Ot:\T.LOPEr> BV r.i>Dt;STRV ca use t he ~O\'etnmenl to lose Its the quutlon ot "give~·ways" what another 1rgment dOl'll, the It 111 lnll're~Ung "111°1 t o note thst t nllrri invCJ>tment a ntl <'OnUnue to ' which Include trading "tampa cou~ procedur. la to rome to Sacr&men· wh"n \\'nrlc1 \\'1u ti broke nut nnd lnm bt-hllnd t'h' they had continued pon1, drawtng and other d~vlcu to and a ttempt to pua a lew. o openi. e t'm, d t aJ th th nur rubber 11upply from tha F11r I , . . . , use 0 promote • es rouch e Bt"Rl.:AUCRACT OROWTH I RODt CE CllEAPLt 11nmeUmea qu t•llonable mtthnd of E&.•t wu cut off, the i;overnmenl Private en terprise wlll be abll' glvlns eomelhlng for nothing to In· I It 111 u a ruolt ~t this trend h11d no fa1·1llUrs w1U1 whlrh to 1 tl'I produce rub~r n• chrarly u duce the purchM e of goods. that bureaucrecy hu JT(>wn In pnwlur•• fl\'lllh,.llc n1hhrr. nn l"<'h· the £11,·rmm,.nt. will l'llY mllllon11 -.1 1 1 California. untU r ovemment con· · f J 11 1 tldlU a.I t II •" • •~e t1 vu•mpl fled In A11-" nh'a l )(n(l""lf'ilJ?c In llu~ flrfll !Ind 1 ~Pf'':~ ~:re nn;onry ~~ 1 r:s•~;~~·1 ;~,1 t1embly B ill 3•:i9, by ASllemblyman trol.t are on e lmniil any bu11lnt t8 no patents. Hut It dlf1 create the dt"velopment fo r nt'w proouC'llon" Pat Kelly, of ShaJtc-r, Kem C'Ounty. that can bl' named. Rrstrlctlon or Rubber Ruerve Boa rrl which bor· wlU earn dividends for the 1nvr11~ I The bill ... nplalned In lhe legUI· advert111lng In any form cnn11tltut,.a I tJ di t hlbi•· ~1 I ll rtanger tn the frf'tdnm nt lhr rowed aome 1700 mflllon from the to1"11 who rurni~h tho ropitnl "ith 11 ve gem • pro ...., "' "P a y on h l or near petroleum produC'tll built pcopll'I! (rxcrpt nf courM, fnllle R.. F. C. and made •n anange-which to purcha~ l r11P r ante llnd neaa premlsu of any advertl•ln~ affvcrt1111ng1, f11r If govtmmrnt re· menl with old companlea to Cur-will alJJo1 pay !\.\! hlJ?h or higher medium which lndtclllell or showa atrlcllon ctin be put on ont' form I h th t _ .. _, al I wages w th belli-1• rt>I trement and I pnc• or reduced pr!-· of ""lrol-11m or 11<1\'ertllllng, tho·y ran be put on n a e evuuc LU it.ance t4 profll-sha.Mng lnrent l\'r, ~ , ~ r · ' th I t II II l buJld and operat• the plan~ and products Cor l&le from 11uch rre· ano er, anr even ue y, a ac Vtr· lo pool all Of the patent. COVer1n( Al. a 11lde nnte ln<llr11t l\'e of mlllee. unlua the aclua.I price per llatng would be &'Ovtmment con. Wa.ahlngton reporting. I would i:;11llon of 'uch proclurts, 1ncl11d1ng trolled. all methoda oC 1yntheUo produc-lake to HY lhot this mt•mrntous 1 tiuea. la a lao ihown on the adver· I Appert>:iUy, U>ne "PJlt'Arll to be Uon. P robably nut le> the at om t ",ILllBl\Cllon wa., rrrorrlrcl rn thr llalng medium, togeher with the f'nourh Lew on tbe book11 at the bomb thl1 wu the lmportant tac. \\ Mhrn~on Po .. t tar hnl'k In the I won:t11 •'ituolln!!" or motor fuel. u prcaent Ume to cnnlrnl phriny ad· tor ln ma.lntalt\lnr our •·•r ma· "'JrSrlf'r" 1ect1on white> '' lhl" l'IR I" tht ro11ra may he, and n ch trade ''ertJ11tn1 by the guollne 1t11t tona PHOTO SCOOP-This plctur<' takt-n In lR{H by C. C. P ierce shows steam hoist in opcrat ion at Temcscal Tin Mine. -From Title Insuranc" & Tru11t Co. o( Lo1J An- geles Collection of Hi11torical Photos READERS WRITE II had ber.n dcreate<.I, ln.Jic :illni;: "I or braniJ nAme of the product. I which have "1 1ve·awsy·· attr•c· chine aa we . u our home economy Soclnl111t trend. IL woulcl h:we been I for the dW'&Uon or th• war d 1 h dlln d th f • SO AD\"ERTISl:"O Uona. St.ate law 11 explicit on CalAe Mit rc-h 30. 195:, hu ..:tvtn m"r" I''""'" mo1 1t an ea e on e ronl (l&g t • al1vertlsln&' and all Ulat le ntr-n· M B Farmer McCabe Writes ... Talked ~ith a feller the other day about France. He aed that of all tbe countries in the world, France wuz by far tho best place on earth to li\'e. Wh<'n I a~kcd him wbat he wuz adoing over here if he thought that France was such a hot spot, he replied that he wasn't. ovr r hrro to li ve ... he jest come over t o estimate how well we wuz agettin along tm his government would know how much of a loan to ask fer the next time they line up for the Hand-Outs. Farmer McCabe. (aJI rtghlJI rc1erved) The m• 111ure 1l110 prohibit.I the urv 11 for ·the dtstnt t a ttorney to , r. Ill Moa<'' E '1ltr1r. 1•lr11~11ri• J h"\ 11 i,.. .. n a 11toundt•I 1hspl11y on or nr ar such premt~• .,, ~ewrort Ha lbo1< :">ew,.p ,.,,, I h"•" nri lnt,.n!I n of •-ptylnl( r I ti t dl hi h prou cut.e under a aectlon already ~'"""°' t Rearh Calrrotnl1< tl"I Mr t-1trh·11 t"'lff'r h11t th' 11111 .. n a ny 11' \'er 11 ng me um w c enacte..t. HO\\'eVtr, the propontnte Df'a r Mr lltnar~ tr•" h•· chum"! 11n h11 l"tl"l"I t" r.hows any dillcvunt device, '1!d or lhe Kelly bill IJlJll.rtnlly want I 11'11 8 1111 ma.kc• other revisions rcgan11ng the rutrlcllona even f&rlhf'r. nl'; "•n' r 'I r•r 1n!'•I I~ 11ont', •n lhe adven.llllng tor fl&)e of vanous . S lnct' my leller to thf' rltv rr,•1n 111 v • 11np r• m1tn11 a1111 the tr••· petroleum product.a. I It muee UtUe dltrnl'nce Whl'· rll Wll, print"<! In ,)'Ollr I"'" I I ~I I h \\ "" ""m<' :JI) y~er• In &"TOW• ther an 111dlvlduat Is tor or ai:a1n11t think ll 1 .. ••ntv fe tr t" '""' 1h~• I 1n~ 111 l n~"r •I• llfi"l'I • tha nt ll(h· Thll mea111.1re app&renUy la di-th• methoo o ( H CUrtng bW1lnu1 hy n(IW ha\'(.' 11rle•1~11tf' 81' I'• J1•11iol • lb I' I h•· I ',\ I h I I~ 1'1\'l'I\' tOUIM~ reeled at ~rvlce •t.Atlona which trading 1tamp1 or oth'r 1ltrllC· 11t1111l1AI a nd \\lfll"' I \'• n·I r t l•J "'" All now hive 1111 lltlvrrtfat> dl11eounti Cllld g lflJI with Uona. The ovtr·lll principle lnvolv· 1 Rath"r ~illy l1Xik1n1t hnwrv"r 11n• I· 11 11 '"•I VI•'"' of the &"Ult)'. lht' purchue ot guollne. a practice I ed In the Kelly bill 11 whethrr or •l11ce Mr. F'11r·h lt11t11lr J 1 n thr l',;1,' whlr h ~a.a &TOWn ~.P with the •o-not a bu1lnr aaman can tl°?l"r11to hla 1.u1d1n1t bt>lnl( <'Ov•rNI 11l th" 1lolio•1 An1I "" Fltrh tau built a t111ce ! rAllt'd 111~lf·1trv1ce 1taaol1ne ser· bu.sine .. In the manner he c-hno11r-11, and little r11111111 ull l"(JUn1l otn111' If )••U w1t11t A p lrt11r11 lo prtnt In vice 11t11 llon, "'"here ev,.rythlng from u J1mg u he dou not perf)l't rate Al80 I thmk yO'\J C••lll•I hAvr y1111r l'~l'"r rd ~,m,.lhlnl' turl11l clg&reltca to nylon itocktnp can a frautl on the public. Thls prlncl· aald that thr l"llH w1t11 I rai ,,.,. I ~ntl won•l•rf11I JuAt 111nd around & he obtatnelJ, and 'IVhtre coup<m• I pie 11 one wlllch haa bffn abnept.-without my COl\.8,.lll, I h11il no '"'" 1•hu'o1tr 11ph-r. •re hsniled out wlth r111:ul11rlty u 1 ed by desnea over a period or lhst a l"ller to th,. c-nunc-11 I>• ram,. <'h&Jlcea on monthJ..y ctn.away yea"' •nl1 wllJch. tunda-menulty rubllr rropr-rt y thnui.rh fr••rn th11 A" .. ,.n your ell-ady Ulo\IJ:h automc11>1l"" ' ' • 1," • 1 • 111 A 11 I nit ("Ontrtlllutflr, · 1 111 one nt the conat1tul1•1n11l lt'lArall· r••rr><•n .. •· J h "·· h.1 I I •' ,uhl 1( ~· •1 Th• Kelly btll mlrrort 1<>mewtat, ltta of the American publlo. huve ever prlnt,.d anylhlni v. hll.11 111 F:l~1A JIOr ll , t HARBOR SCOUTS MAKE TRIP TO LONG BEACH Representing the Harbor area at Long Beach Rotary Club District Conference Friday were these members of four local Scput groups. In gob garb at top, from left, Ernes t Minnoy, T erry Dallas, Bob Haig, Bert Myers, Charles Markel, Bob Rodman, Bill Stingelburg, Bill Rod- man, Tom and Richard Atkinson, alJ of Newport Ship 210, Sea Scout Exporers; next row, Explorers Post 17, Doug Reddick. Roger Lake, J ohn Van Dyke. David Has h· burger, Mike Cowin and Tommy Baume; next row, Scout Troop 17, Don Swanson, Kent Harvey, Richard Hoffmarv Bill Wilson, Lorren Fletcher, Jim J ohnson, Tim Driskel and Dick Butterworth, while sitting above row and below second row from top are David Lourie and Steve Butter- worth; lower row, Cub Scout Pac k 17, Roger Zeiger, J ohn Hubbard, David Anderson, Mack Morgan, J immy McGarrity, Pat Crossman, George P arant, David Con· ncll, Rick Brockie and Phillip Bothwell -Gene Rosa Photo Police Question Pair on Burglary of L B. Market 1rn•I beer c.:an weN? found tn their' Monday night. rollrt' lllld. ni r. He tul<l omr11ra he broke orr a Donal() Duane Smith. 111, Loni: 11cnrn from the rt'ar window or B•urh, anti 1 •. C. Kemp, 22. U. 8. th,. markel and forced two met:LI Nav,v, were rrle11.~ed to Long Beach poll<'<' attc.-r tnterrogallon bars al thl' window. 1111 aald hr bv l<u 111 o((lr<'r~. took the l'lgarettu. wine, bt•f'r A Lon~ Bra\'11 youth ttnd 8 Snn ·Smith at !1rill drnlt•cl bt•ing ln- 1 11.11<1 11118l"ll1111eo1111 <hnnge. Eurh Dl•gu :'\u\V 11111n '"''I' ll<>llk .. ,1 bv ,,11\e•I ln 1my b11q.;l.1ry i<n•I Sl<ul youth htt•I 11n aAAc>rlmenl or 1m111ll Newpoi t Jlolu,. ••Rrly uo :O.l lll<'h I ht• always carr1e.1 the tool11 -1 • hlllll:I'. lnduohng Cllnlllilnn 11n1l 29 1 1·row bur, four lllrew drtvrrio. 1-'rPnth. on hl11 perl'IOn, 1><1hll' sn1ol "" 1111~Jlh 11'" of bui I: 31 Y wn•nch. ment knlrt', ma11k1ng tllpt-Sm 1th ""'" he-pl<'krd Ill' K• mp alter p<111111llle b1111:ln1 )' tuola, 32 In hill rar. He later ('On(ciu•ed he 1\11 "hltC'hhlkrr aftt'r the rnnfeioM<•tl pacl<a •>I rl~areltl'l', a wine bottle broke Into a Long-&ach ma rket burglary. _J' MAYOR SNIPS RIBBON ~PEN BANK Mayor Dora Hill, w ife of Edga r Hill. left. prC'sident of the new Mariners Bank on Coast Highway. cut th<' ribbon Saturday which Op<'ncd the glas11 doors to a crowd of friends ar.d well wi!~hers for the bank's op:m house'. Helping to hold the ribbon are Mr. and Mrs. Gerry RichardRon. HC' 1s ext'('Uti\'e ,·kc-president of the bank. Other dirE'ctors and their wiv<'s formed a large \' in front or the doors t o hold the wide, yellow ribbon. -Staff Photo Assembly Approves Charter Changes SACRAMENTO, <CNS) -The &Ut'rnbly hu approved c huter amendmentit adoptecJ by the C'lty of Nt•wport Beach Rt un tlrt·llon Mnrc·h JI> wh11:b lnrrNlJ't' 1 ht' ni1m- ber of member• or th~ city plan· nln~ commuu!lon from •••ven to nine The ammdmeni.. were preioC'nted lo th<' house by AM,.mblymsn Ear-I w. Sta.nlt'y or &JbOa Island. LEGAL NOTICE SOTIC'E OF ~C'HOOI. t:l.t:CTIOS NOTlC'E IS H EREBY C IVJ-::" lo the q11nllflNI Plector~ of :-;,.,,,~rt Hiuoor Union Hl,1th Srhool 01Attlrl of Onu1~c County, Cah«•nH.1, th11t In ecrort.lanrt' with law. nn ,.1,•rt11Jn w1U bt' l11•ld on the 20th •l•y of Ml\y, 1n:.:-i. In 1181•1 Dll'llkt. bf>. lWl'f'n lht' hOllr8 or 7 .QO o'rlork A. M. &nfl 7 ()() o'clOC'k f'. M .. at which el•'l'll<ln thrr,. wHI br 111b- m1lled the qur11t1on Of 11h111l the rnax1nrnm rato of tax ror 8'11<1 C•h•· trtrt bf' inrr .. a11t•1I f111m $ i:1 ~r 'A<'h SlOO 00 a.;N"lf'd v11hmt Ion Ill $1.:JO ~r "aC'h $10000 llAAl'Uc'tl valuntlon for the M'hool vr11r rom-m,.nrln~ J uly 1. J O~~ .. l'Aid 1nrru1- e•I t11x r11tr tn N>m&in rn 1>tfr<'t for th,. y•11111 J(l.'l!'i-~ lo J9M·66, lnr h1""'" lo rn•''"" rnon1 v for lhl' following pt1q><>SNI. $ 4:, of 11urh ln- rreaM'd t 1x rate to two UM'•I for l'rhnol bu1"1tn,1t• NJU1pml'nt 11nd other r11r1t.al outlay. 1he rC'm111n· lnir $.10 lo bf> wu•d for Op<'nlUng and tn11inten11n<'r rxprn1""a oC tht S('honla or llllJd Diat nct. For the purpo11e of hOldlnl:' Mld ,.le<'llon. this elf'cUon ahall be and It Is her<'by orderr<I con110ltd9ltd with the Srhool Trutll'ca E ltctlon ('l'll"d hy U1111 Boar•I for the N,w. port Harbor l'n1on High School 0111trtrt, which election ah.-11 tw> hrlrt on t h" Mme d11tt u 1111id :\l'wport Harbor t 1nlon Hltth St·hool DI 11 t r I c t rlttllon ; that noUr•• of 88ld 'J'rustel'll Elecllon will be publl!ht'd In the l'EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS at ltut onrt> a week for th~ con1ecut1ve JE$$IEJWE$ . aunt Aw new job PERHAPS THf YELLOW PAGES CAN HELP Mf MAKE THE GRAOE FOR EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES fT PAYS lO UX* I WOULOHl BE A R098Erl If I ICNEW N4 HONEST m40E -·---. ·- IN· TME' 'a..ASSIFJEO II PART Of )OUR TELEPHONE SOOK . ' . ,, __ ...... ---- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV . PAGE 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICI weelc.9 prior to aald elecUon, which ty of Oranre. Stato of Cellfornla, NoUce la herby Hferred to for the that In acoorcknce wllll law an dulgtlatlon of ele<:tlon precinct. election wtll be held on the 20th and the namn of ele<'llon ottlcer11 day of May, 19M, 1n Rid Dl1trkt to conduct thl1 election. between the hour11 of 7 :00 o'clock Th• nluma of aald eltoctlon will A. M. and 7=JO o'clock P. M. dur- be canv.-d by the Governing Ing which period and betwffn Board on the. 2Hh day of May, which houra the polla ahall remain 19115, a t the hour of 1 :00 o'clock open. That aai<l l'ltcllon 11 htld tor P.M. the purpoae of electing 2 member11 I~ WITNESS WHEREOP', we of the Board of Tru.ateea. havo hereunto aet our hand• thi• For the purpo1t of tooldlnr aald 28th day of February, 19!>:1. ele-cllon, the School Dl1tricl ahaJI H. R. RING be and ll la hereby dlvtdtd Into ZOE RAE BARLOW 11lx election precinct• numbt'red 1 DONALD J . DODOE to 6, Inclusive. ind the per11on1 J . L. STEFFENSEN hereinafter named, being compf't· Membent oC the Governing ent and qualified el..ctora of aald Board of NEWPORT HARBOR District and of thrlr reapertlve UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIS· election preclnc\9, arc hl'reby •P· TRICT. pointed o!fkera of tlecllon u here· No. 1304 lnafler dnlgnatf'd, to aerve In New1-Preu 3/24, 31 4/7, 19!1!1 their reapeclivc tlt"Ctlon precinct• aa hereinafter ad forth. and aald Cl':RTll"ICATE 0 1" BU8JNE88 offlctu ot elecUon ahall conduct F1CTITIOU8 FUL'W NAME aald election and make return 'J'he undcralgned, dou here-by thereof purauant to law. certify that ahc la conducting an The voUnv precincts' nnltln lnt..rtor and designing b\Lllneaa " . r-g with ilmllsr related acUvillta at' placea and elect Ion off1ct'rs duly 2620 A N rt Be ch 0 dN<ignated and appointed are a a von, ewpo a • r· tollowa: ange County, California, under the PHECJ~CT NO. 1. Coata Mua tlcUUoua firm name or dealgna• Precincts No. l , 2, 6, 7, lll. 19. tlo'ft which doea not ahow the true Riverview and that portion of name or names of the peraona In-o viii I I tereattd In aald bualneaa, to-wtt: reen e y ng within the Coata Mesa Union School District. "JEANE' CARRO~E Polling plart : E. A. Rra School INTERIORS" -Hamilton and Mtyer Plare .. Of· and that aald firm I.a compo•ed of flcera: Mf'lll. Lillian Ballf'y, In· the Collowlng peraon, only whose name and addresa Is a1 followa: apector. Mrs. Loretta Pangle, N. JEAN BROWN Judge. Mra. Roa.e Rider, Jud(le. 2620 Avon, . PRECINCT NI). 2. Coata Mua Newport Beach. CB.lltomla. Precincts No. ll, 4, l'i, 9, 10, 11 , 12. WI h t 13. HI. 17. 21, 22, 24. tneu my and this ht day 0 Polling Place : Main School, 1901 April, l9M. N. JEAN BROWN Newport Blvd. Ottlcera: Mre. Allee STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) \Jones, Inspector. Mra. Nellie Og· COUNTY Oii' ORANGE ) den, Judg<'. Mra. BtPle Louna· 111• bf.rry, Judgt>. On thl.a lhe lal day of April, PRECINCT NO. 3. Costa Meaa 10~•!\, before me. CARRJE V. DUD· Preclncta No. 8, H , 18. 20, 23. Bay- LF.Y, a Notary Public In and for view No. 1. 2. and that portion of u ld County and State, peuonally Paull\mlo No. 1. 2. lying wlthln appeart'd N. JEAN BROWN. the Costa Meaa Union School Dia-known to me to be the person trlct. whose name la aubacrlbtd to the within Inatrumtnt, and acknow-P olling Place: Undber gh School. 23rd and Orance Aven11e. Officer•: !edged to me that aho executed Mrs. Sa.Uy Hlnc-aly, In11pector. Mr1. the Aamt. Wanna Roberta, Judgt. Mra. Doro- Wilne11 my hand and otficlal lllea D. Martin, Judge. Ital. C"ARRlE v. DUDLEY PRECINCT l'>O .•. Pnclncta .. Notary Public In and for In City EIC"Ctlune 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, l7, 18. 19, 24, 2~. 26. 28. llRlcl County and State. (Thea.e p rttlncl.9 lnclu<it : Weal My comml11alon uplru 1'twport, Newport, Balboa and l"ov. 16, 19~. Udo tale 1. No. 1309 Polllng-Place: Newport ~hool. Newa.PreH 4/7, 14, 21. 28. 19~ 14th and Balboa Blvd. Offlcera: Ct:KTlnCATIP: OF llU81NE88 Mra. Julla Mae Enert, lnaptttor. nC"l1TIOV8 n RM NAME Mn. Nina K. Holtby, Judce. Mre. Th11 underalgned dot• hereby Aurelia Niemiec, Judi'«'· certlf)' that ihr'la conducttnr a PRECINCT NO. 6. Pnclncta u real eatate bu.aloe,. at 3201 w. In City l:lectlona 6, 7, 10. 12. 13. Cout Hlfhway, Newport Bea.ch, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23. 29, 30, 11, 12, U . CB.lit: 2N7 8. cout Hll'hway, Co-(Theoe precinct• lncludo: Balboa rona dd Mar, Calif; 1418 Via Lido, Ialand, S.acon Bay, Harbor Ialand. Newport Bea.ch, Cal.Lt; :zo. Marine Corona del Ma.r). Avt'nue, Balboa Jaland, California. Polllng Place: Corona del Mar undrr the flctltloua firm name of l!fchool. 610 Carnation Ave., Co· THE VOOltL co. and that aald rona del Mar. Otllcon: Mra. Ann• firm la oompoffd ot lho tolJowtna Crowl, lruopecl~r. Mrw. Jane Ill. penion1. who!H! namea and addrua-Mora-an, Judgl'. Mra. Martha M ra are aa folloYo••. to-wit: Cunningham, Judge. LOIS T . VOOEL. aole owner PREINCT NO. 6. Preclnrta u 1118 Via Lido Nord, In City F.ltttlon1 9, lll, 20, 27, 34, Newport Beach, Ca lif. llll. 38. (ThtH precinct• Include: WllneM my hand lhla 22nd day f':twport Hl'lghta CT\tr Havm. ot March. 19~ Bayview No. 3, Bayahorea and LOIS T. VOGEL Bayahore Campi. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Polling' Plac<': Horace En1lrn COUNTY O F ORANGE In . School, HOO Clltt Drive, Newport On thlt1 22nd day ot Mllrch. A.O .. Heights .. Ottlce111· Mra Edna J. 1955, before me. a Notary Public Jont'll. ln.apector. Mra. Mary Tay· In' and for MJd County and State, lor. Judge. Mn. Mary L.. D1um. r erl'On"11y a ppe ared LOIS T. J udit'· VOGEL. known lo mo to be tht That lhe retuma of aald tledlon p.•raon whou name la aubacr1bed Will be canva-1 by the Govemlrig to the wlUlln ln11trument, and Board oC aald School Dl1trlrt on acknowleditt•I to me that ahe lhe 24th day of May. 1950, at tht tx,.cuted lhe 11-"mf'. hour of J :00 o'clock P M. In wllnru whtreof, I have here-l:>l WITNESS WHEREOF', we untn aet my hand a nd atrllled my have hereunto ut our hanl1a lhl• om ctal IH!al the day and year In 14th day of March, 19M. lhl• crrtlflcalo Clr1l above WTlllen. DONALD J . 000011! ,•I ROBERT B. POWELL ZOE ~IC BARLOW Notary Public In and for DONALD DUNGAN N ld County and 8tat.. H. fl. RlNO :"o. 1307 J . L. STEFFENSEN New1-Pre•1 S,24. Sl, 4/7, H , J9~ Membl'r• of lhf' Board of TruJ1· ~OTICE OF ELECTION tu. of N~'PORT HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIS· TRICT or OR.ANGE COUNTY, Calif om IL l'\OTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN to th!' quaJICled elttlore of NEW· PORT HARBOR UNION HJGH SCHOOL DISTRICT of the Coun· No. 130.'\ f':ews·Pre• 3 24. St. 417. 19ll5 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2 and it will run in all 3 issues A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Huabor 1616 Newport Harbor Neww-Pr.- Monday ud 11111nda7 edldolla, Plue the Coutal Sbopper, Wecbteeda19 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~very Monday and Thunday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unee 1 Paper $1.00 4 UDH % Papen I .50 4 Unee 3 Papen 2.00 V...lal ltiopper C1aaalned Ada muat nut la tlMI Mo•clay or 'nunday PvbllcietJne MINUIUM AD 18 • U~E8 An Clualfted Ada muat be paid for Caalt &JI adu-of publlcieU... DEADLINES for plactnr or cancelllnr ada are: For Monday Publication -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday Put>ncallon -Tueaday 2 p.m. For Tburaday Publication -W9dnellday 1 p.m . 8peclal Notleee Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 MeeUI every Tburaday 8 p.m. Vla ()p«irto -Central Ave. Newport Beach Elwood Shell, Exalted Rult.r April 6, 1955 FROM THlS DAY FORWARD, J Eleanor K. Gurr. will be respona- lble tor no bllla other than my own. 36p l!-Ballcllag Sen1cee PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 1512 38th St., Newport Bead! PHONJ: HARBOR 2•0. U'c House Plans LIBERTY 8-8251 10tfc Remodel & Repair CARPENTRY, CEMEr\T SLABS. painting, plulerlnf. Depend.able A uperleoced In all building trades. Call FOSTER BROS. LI 8-2932 or Har. 3976-R. 23p38b Painting & Paperhangtnc We do the work ouf'Selvea. 30 yura experlenro Llcenlle'd It lnaured .• S•ll11factlon c11uantttd. Eatlmatu free. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tlc CARPENTER Repair Work Ooea Your Home Need Repalrtq or RemodelJ~? Call Frank, Uberty I~ All Work G~ranteed 1'tte ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lftlllall the above cheaper thaa most. AlllO ull Tiie A Linoleum. Non-union, 25 yeara expertenc• Compare and aec - Bil..L COKER LI 8·82°' Ne PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn J ohnston llOl • 311t St. Newport ~ Harbor Sl 76 ntte Alcoboli~ Allonymoua Write P. O. Bas Ill N"'l>Ort Beac.b, Ca1U. Phone Harbor UM .. Painting, Decorating t~Beaatz Alda Paper Ha.ngtnc GEO. BURKHARDT LICl:NBED CONTl\ACTOR 171 W. lllb 8t .• Coeta Mua Llborty 1-M21 CEMENT A BUILDING .All K!nda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 Paperhanging Painting Kimberly 7-1121 Stp4t CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. o. Anderaon 101' r.:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2450 83tlc PAINTING PAPER MANGINO RHldtntl&I A CommuctaJ Work U cenM<I Contractor1 Call Lvilnflon 6·4948 coll~t. HunUngton lkach 32pp4~ "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY WW com• to your borne, ta.ke down your ve.nellan bllnda. take them to our Laundry. Laundtr the alall. t.apea, cord-. aperkllnf clean w1UI ou.r new machine p~ metbod.. Return your bUnda and r.-ln1tall them In 24 hourL Price very reaaonable. The aver· ..-. 2 tape ruldentlal bllnd- Onl y $1.00 We a1tlO repair and rebuild vene- tlon bUndL AU work dont by ap- pointment. Phone now l.Jberty 1·!1701 or Kimberly 3-827'. ppUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. Prunpt R.epaJr a.me. Ma.IJltalJI~ PbGne: Barbor .-2• QOl 8&U1oa Bl'Yd., N cwport ee.cll pAp FOR RENT 8klll 8aw•, Elec. Drllla, P0Uaher1. aU type. of Sanden., Wbeelbar· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. H30 W, COAST HJQHWAT Liberty W4", Ntwp0rt 8cb 21tlc COMPLETE PAJNTING Ir Paper Hanging Service Et/GE~lt O. SA t;NDERS m 31tt Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. 406. tf<'. GENERAL CONTRACrlNG 1'r•mlnJ It F ottndallnn• rr.. Entmaln It: Plan Servlce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 autc Superfluous Hair Pen:nane11U7 NmOYed from,..,. anna. ..... _..._. .... baa. Uae llaaped-No more \W'eamln .. llLUaH L. BRY AMT A. &. Udo'a aam ol .._t7 Bar. •Tl "" etal~olJll' ............. _ rona del Mar. J&O. ~. A Tlaritlo 7-ee82. J4p $250. REW ARD LOST -LadlU' whit• 1old and dlarn011d rtnr. 1 dlunoade aa,out ~ carat each, 10 a:rnall dJ&monda Lol't March 27tll. Balboa lalud. Phone Mr. Rffco, T'Rtnlty 1)214 coU.Ct. Heat FOUND: Wr1.at wat.<'h near oce&Q. Owner may claim by ld9Uf1- tnr A peytnr Ulla ad. Contact Newport Police Dept. UpH U-&hoolll, IMb-- Real Estate School • Santa Ana '" HEN It WOMEN prepare ta.,.,.. Ume for unlimited opportunJU. In Real Eata te. New cl.- weekl,y. AJ Tyler tnllt.nlctlns • .At.. tend fll'lt eveninr trH u d i..,. about thla gnat field. CaU or write now for Lnfonna tton.. ltu9• nua ln11Utute, 05~ N. ay-.. more. KJ 3-1763. ""• China Painting Day and EYm1n1 0..... Ordera Taken Now Phone Ubuty l-&f48 t4ll• PIANO TEACHER PRJSCILLA MATI'REW8 r ormerly of ChJcaco and Lo9 Ang•lea. U 8··3956. Molt t3-8ltu.aU01111 Wuted --TTPJNG, my home. ~ fut A al c!ratt'. M anu.acrlpta, etc. f'hnnt Lonit ~ach 70IH>72 or wnt11 8 f'11lrlct Joh.naon. 4Q w , 17th St., Apt. 2, Lonr 8-.ch.. 2tpp31 PAINTER WANTS WORK. 15 ye.an •JrPel1- ence. J'l:on union. Hovrly. Ubfirty 8-2722. MpMH SECRETARY or public , .. ,a uon.. Thorou1thly f'Xpl'r1,.n("t'd C&p· abl~ or ...,..,.1mln1t ~•poMJblUty. HYatt 4·2fl7'\. 3~p3t PAJNTINO by th" 'hour or d&J'. 8mall Jobi! ok , l..lbl'rty 1-tllT. 16clT Bookkeeping COMPLETF. SF.RVICF. fl)r 1mall bu111n"u lncludlng 11Uttment A tax form11 l '•JrnJXltenl, rf!aaon· able, rontitJ,.ntlal. thr. 3461-W. 23cM h 30 YRS. EXl'ERJF.l'CE In mun- t.-nan1 .. "' opnlltlon of commer- cla.I •lX1rl t111hln1t boll.ti or yacht.. Know lrJ<"al waler• alao. 8 . F. lo Pa.nama Phon11 San Pedro TEnn1aal l-61H, _.. \ r ·· --. '~ = -.:=:..·-_ ...... ,.,.. - -._.. -... - - PAGE '4 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~!=.!~'!'!r:e. !~r-~1~ __ ~nrnltri~,..._f_or_ ~~'!'­ THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Roy's Maintenance H oUH clea.ntns-Floor wutns Wall waahlng-wlndow cleanlns Venetlan bllnda. Upholatery Inaured. Jrree Eatimatu Llberty ~-1332. lUc Ex perienc 'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30tfc lR()NING DONE In my home at 3~•6 W. Wlli1on. Coat& Mesa. L Hunter. 75c tiour. 3<tp36 Three baby 11tltera available for even(ng11 Phone Llbuty 8-2722. 35p39H Mexico Bound? WILL CARE 1''0R ~hool age chll· tlrt n tn your home. \\'eekPnd.~ o r sev ... ral weeka. Middle age•I exp. women. Loc1&I r..C. & car. LJbert}' 8-707:l 35p36 - CL!.:A~l!'\C & IRONING 90-Mheellaoeoua for Sale_ RESTAURANT EQUlP. by prlvatl' party. 80 <'II. ft. rt frli:- 27" x 3e" gTtddle, 9 tt. bottle box, Magic Chef rengf'. hQolhft, tablf's. misc. Ph. Har. 0489R a .m. ANY REASO.:-JABLE offer takes all or part. 34r!l6 KATEY DOANE New 11: nearly new appartl for women A l·hWlren. Klnil ell'~ P atio. 2721 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar. 28ct2 Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We Give S&tH Green .St.a.mp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 51:S. 98trc FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Ory Wclod, 16" -2~" length. CRll B. R. STAGG Phune Harbor JOH We must move immediately THIS GOOD Colonial Used Furniture SOLID MAPLE 3 bed divans, ea_:~ .. ~:;···· ·--·-··· _ -·-----·-··-·--···········$20 2 lounge cha1rs~~tomans, each ····--·-·--···-····· 20 5 e nd tables, ~ach ............. -·-··--·--·-··-·····-·-··-·····-····-· 10 2 occasional chairs, each ··---····-··-···-·--··---···----10 3 upholste red foot stools, each ····-···-··--····-····--··· 5 Coffee table ............. ·--·-··-····-··-··---······-····-··--·--·--10 Twin beds, each ·······----··--···-··-······-···-····-···----···· 15 Night stand ...... ·--·--·-·-···--·--······-··-··--·-------·····-·---·· 10 Large 4.-drawer ch est ············------··-----·-···--···--·-···· Z:S 2 r ound mirrors, framed, each ··-----·--··---·-········· 5 2 r ectangular mirrors, bevelled, each ·--·---····-·····-·-5 • Dropleat dining table, 2 chairs -·--··--·-·-'·····-···· 27 .50 Free Delivery NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-1113 35c37 -by the Cloy. F.x p. Kl 3·60!lG F.venlng!I Harb11r ~139 l 32-Fumlture for Sale l9tf ----------- SS-Boats. Supplies :l6(l38 F Ol-OIER TJ<~ACHF.K a nd i·xp!'n-1 DRAl'ES , Sl & up per ~air. N l<'!'d SJTTl!:R. by hour or wt•c'k· Portable bar & dec.11ltc·rs. $.!.60 Pll•ls. Harbnr 3021 ·R. ~~r•· Rat Lan ;·hr. & cut. tahl ... $1:> u . Hlnclf .i;la~i. top Mf1.-.-lalJI., S2:'>. %9-Help Wantf'Jd __ omr.s- JUST A JOB! MORI!: THAN T HAT-An oppor- tunity to wurk In an lnttrestlni: ln•lustry whlr h Is rxpan.llng anll otrers advri m-.·ml'nt urpur t unity to quallrled younJt womtn. OPENt:-:os ="OW AS. TELEPHONE OPERATORS -At'PIS- 614 ', !". Mam St Rm. 21 t -Santa Ana Mon. lhrough Fri. 9:00 tu 4 :00 p m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc SEVERAL GIRLS to ad<lress. mall poatcards. Spl\re time every w<•ek. Write Box 101, Belmont. Masi.. 34p42 WOMAN tor hOUKe work ~ day we<'kly, Hr1l bua Island. Own lran11portat1on. Har. 215~. 36lfr DE!'rl'AL ASSISTANT-Wiii tra in If nert!lllary. Ila rbor 37 llJ :l6rJ7 Hlontl1' sq. Cr>ff!'c· I able. $12 :'iO ~t.ffotin Axmn. 9xH rug $27.50 Pad. llx 12, •. ... .... .. . $2.fJO \\'11 l1111t 4 11helr book case $1 2.:iO Mahug. 3 11helt boolt case $12.liO Po~l hole t11ggn __ <$4.50 Plastlr host>, lOc prr toot. Hain hlrds ... -··· $3.llO ea ch 3 :'i h.p. outboarc1 mutnr. - -s~o Hur_ I :l6l-W sftt-r 6 p.m. 36c37 REASO:->AKLE, Holl away bell clav,,nrort. lamps. gas healf'rB. t;nlvt•1sal seml autom~tic wai<h· er, kltch.m tabl•· A • chairs. Oc· c11sional chair. 2 occasional tab- 1••8, kldn<'y shllJM?d vamty drrllS· er. go11stp bench. 9xl2 wall tent. 2 Jant<-rns. 2 cots a: Coll'm&n stove. LI 8-7647. 35c37 Movie Proiectors FOR RY.NT 8-MM 16-MM 85·KM HOBBY 11nd MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES ALSO OclgN' Countel"8 for rent. Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa MP11a Phone Liberty 8-7042. Pr U MAN WAl'TF:O tnr J.!t'n"ll•1 1.11r ... S0-8--A~p~~ ery work. Exp1·rl;>nnr tl••111rablr ----- but not nrcei.11sry. /\pply 1n JlCr· KENMORE 11tovt>, <t2" hlgl\ broll- llOn. er, lge, oven, deluxe mt>del. $100 NORMAN'S NURSERY 311 Alvaradu PL, BalboL Har. 2e2!'> F! ( 'Mtcl Hlithway 49el·M. 35p37 C'urnna d~I Mtll -3&<'38 \o;.~. P HfLCO R~frlgera~ lh-; big 10 fl. with big crosa·lop freezer cheat, dairy bar, ahel\'t's In door, meal chiller tray. tuU vtg. r rl!lpcr. Jt'a new. but pd. dn. tu $196 79 from &330. Nn dn. pymt , Just pay the pymlll.. of 1'~EMALE LJBRArtY CL.ERK. Or· anp Coe.it Colle.-•, mu.t bf' g'OOd typlat. Ubrary experlen~ dcslrahh· but nol rrqulrtd Starting l'alary $230 pt r month. A rply ln Jl''TIOn 1mmed1ately at 8u11mo,. Otr1c• ot Collt gt' off Fairview Avt', ('oat& Me11a SI cl OJ p<'r monlh. 36c s .. r Baughn':1 AltS Warehou11t> 2211 So. M ain St. 6 blka. S of 4lh SL Santa Ann. -Open dally 9-9 Sun 11 ·5 or Phune I< I 3· 7201 --------------\\.OMA:<:. &QIJ•l 1n pri:paratlon ol fo!>d for 1:llfe (1111 or part tlml' Al.a rounl"r gtrl. H11r 031 IMK 34r :lG ~(A YTAG wuhrr. $30. 31:> N rate W :STED LAI.IV l•• 11tuy "'tth 2 rhlld•••n l1C1n1 :l "10 tr, :. 30 •lu•l) l'oll 11ft1•r 6 p m. H iu but ~11 3~ ::\l1:lO G ~;\Tl.i::MA:S for plltL 11111<' work &-" hnl"I 1lt·•k • lt·r I< Jo:xprnl'nr,. nvl 111·1 !'.A~n11 1-:.'(, I. p<1!•1blhl11 • Jlnlhol\ lnn llf•ld r1ttlhu11 ~~ .... :17 nr-1·~:'1JDA l~l.I•: 1.-\1 1\ I• r "'""" work. ~O h•, "'r·~I< with hh;oral IJ<•nc(1l1< .,>.µply 11i 1"'' "''n STK<IOT S i"ltl\\1• Iv ll11111••warr11 Jtl(ll :-\1 wpu1 t Ull'tl l 't,.18. M• AA _ a.-.u. I \\'AXT rtEAL t-:!'=T,\TE >'41• •mlln Rd.. Clltr Haven. 34c36 I ll:>~> C AFFERS and S ATTLER r.;ini;r, thr nice C P all autnmA· t1r o,·!'n ll1111>r. i?rt•ldle In ml<l· dlr. 111mm•·r but111•11< l\nd grill h n•llt'T J'd. un. tu $1:17.8:'1. no la 'h <In . JU6t J>l!Y the pymts. 1•( $8 H per m••nU1. Se.-H1111i;hn s ,\&l) \\'ur• hnuse 220 !'<1,, :\l.11n St. 6 blks. S (}( Hh SL. !-' 111;1 Ann Oil"" rlullv ll•O ~.;1 11 -r1 cw l'hone K l :1-7::01 Automatics S39 .50 to S99 .50 I.oral ""i" 11rn1 f' pr• r .. rt ••I l'h f\1•1" "'"'I lnllt!\111'<1. gu.u&nlc:ed. Llllnty 'I· 1!:77 J"c:l7 :'\o f'Xlra rh:iq:e NF."r-:0 HF:AI. f:STA1.F: !''lf'•mRn V.'e Se rvice All Appliances e>r Hrukf'r tor art1,e l.1t111 1101rr S pecializing in Auto matics WHIRLPOOL a utomatic washer, brand new. agitator, overflow rm11e. \)lg tub. It's bcl'n pd dn. to $128.17 while 11t.1rcd. No c&.Bh needed, ju~t pay the pymtl. of $i.89 p.·r month. See l3flugbn'11 A&:S Warehouse 220 So. M ain St. 6 blks. Sot 4th St. l)an\A Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11-11 or Phone Kl 3· 7201 LIVJ~G ROOM secretary desk, Ull. Two aets lnneraprlnr matt. dble. ~d. box 11prlnra. $25. each aet. 2 dav•'nporta but gTade but need recovering, $2!"1. ea. For- mica table $1 0. Several chairs, dressers, chest.a, et.o. Call LI 8·7250. 3<tc36 ANTIQUE mnh. po11ler bed, box 1prlnr. mattreaa. $150. ORJO!NAL contour chair, $50. WEOOEWOOD table top atove $40. MONTEREY type dble. bed, nicht 11tand, chair, box aprlnr, mat- treaa, $40. MAPLE lamp tables, coffee table, Phil. mah. gatoleg, lge. hasaock. rattan rnaga&lne 11tand, 3 ·way floor )amps. plunter lamp, and· tron11, vacuum, mlac. all very Chl'Rp. Llb<'rly 8·7529. 35p39 1954 PHlLCO reCrlgerntor. The nice cro.'\S·top frec&cr cheal mod· l'I, i;pace for botlle11. bulter, veg. lie n1<:1tl kl'eper. Jt'1 been uaed only 1 mo. Pd. dn. to $1 19.48. No caah dn.. It you Pl.1' \he pymta. of $8.t5 per mo. See Baughn'• AAS Warehouse 220 So. Main St. 4 blk11. S or 4th St. Santa Anll. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. I HI or Phone Kl 3·7201 O'KEEFll A M.ERRJ'M' table top •lOVI!, 'I~-h7 "it Sfttll rue. $8. Platform rockrr. $10. Bunk bNll, $5. !l mattrt'lllll. Reflector lamp, tine shadt'. $4. J;nd table, ,. 50. -9~ Carnation, Corona df'I Mar. 35<:36 10 FOOr-'TUn~ut" rlber glau- ed boat. 5 hp .. Johnton outboard, remote ateertng. Idettl for youth, $200. Rear of 4004 River, New- port. Har. 1909-W. 35c37 5 H P NEPTUNE outboard motor, 5 yn. old. ·new condlUon, $90. 220 Sapphire, Balboa bland. Harbor 1H9·M. 35c37 50 OUTBOARD moton, &"\l&ran- t.eed eaUstaclion. $35 41: up. J ~ hp to -10 hp. Dave Spies 2510 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bch 35<:37 20 .FT. BOAT, INBOARD, $396. Harbor 3873-J. 36p37 WANT 24 to 30 tt. boat around Sl,000. Call POplar 5-11550 after a p.m. or write ll527 Stagg St .. No. Hollywood. 3k39 111~ CLASSPAR au~rllta IO ft. dinghy. cover 11: many exlraa. ALSO 1954 EVINRUDIC 7~ h.p. aoJent outboard. Run 40 boura. Complete ouUlt. $i26. Har. 2323 aftt'r 5:30. 34c39 SLIP RENTALS Maximum beam r, len(th 32' ALSO ROWBOAT RENTALS AMERICAN LEGION HALL, 15th le Bayfront. Newport. Beach. Harbor 452. PR·tf TRADE Beautiful 70.tL aux. echooner. Fully found, ro anywhere. WIU take equity ln property or amal- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport. Har. 3032. 2ic38H CHRYSLER Marln• enrtne, i ~ to 1 r eduction gea.r. REFRJOERA TOR. 110 ~olt D. C. SEE JACK HARPER at Lido Shipyard. end of 11at Street, Newport ~ach. 29ttc Ill~·· O'KEEFE . MERRITT ranre FLOAT RENTAL for a.ny •lie The lateal er all automatic, lltt boat _ 3709 Channel Place, top. almmer bumn1, (liddle In Newport Ial&lld. Harbor 1217-J. middle "' nice gTlll broiler. IL'• I aotrc nl'w but pd. dn. to $11 8.87. No ------------- cu h nrcdcd It you pay the 3 ', H.P. MERCURY outboanl le pymt~. or $7 76 ~r month. I electric out~rd. A L.SO one ~.,,. Bauchn'• AAS WarehouM noat a vailable. Call atte.r I'> p.m. 2ZO So. Main St. 9 blks. S of 4th St. Harbor 3429. 34c31 S11nta Ana. -Open dtllly 9-9 Sun. 11 ·5 or P M ne Kl 3·7201 Bf'.ST OFFER: Virtorlan rtblt. br<I. coll spring&. box matL It Vlrtorlan r1r,.1tl!l'r, m11rb!e top. R<>ck~r.-710 Avocado, Corona llel Mar. !l~1p36 1'V COMBJNATIO:"J 21 In., Blonde bdrm. turn .. tlble. bed, girls Ice 1katfa. men'• 1uJta, misc. Har 1783·~{. 35c37 ;\IAPLE F t.iR NlTURE. 9 r ooms full. Will •tll l)y piece or all C-1111 H11 rbor 3409-R or 410 Lido :-;<>rd. Llr1u 1111,.. 35<:37 S;>.;OWBIRD, No. 24:5, 2 Riii. Fl~raluud. Good condition. Harbor 0215-J. 3ep38 SPECIAL Accordian Buys ! Four ~ 120 baN accordion. In rtne condition. CMe lncludcd. Your cholc•, $75. Terma $10 dn. and $5 per month a t SHAF!:R'S Music Co. lSlnce 111<>7) 4.21-4.23 N . Sycamore., s..nta Ana Phone Klmberly 2--0l72. M u~t have f''CJ>• 111•111 t• Cllll H ..r .3613. Mr. t:rr• 1 All rrpllr11 ht•l I A uto. Washer Enterprises ROSE Davenport, xlnt. condition. ronf .••• !l' IOI :i· .. -:F I 264'1 Xt wport Blvd. C"o.ct11 MP•ll srn. Harbor 1039-M. 35<'39 -------Llh,.rw 8-6:498 r:-:('ar Gnlr Cnuuri 1------------- ACGRESSlVt; Ht-: L t:STATE . pplb 19:,!'> HOTPOl:-IT ~fngerator. The v' •1 Check these Used Cars Buy from a local Juler who will ~ here TOMORROW to t>&ek up what he ~11• TODAY I '6-Autos and Truck• 4G-Aotoe and Troclm SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1953 DE SOTO Sportsman, light cream col- ored, Radio, Heater and WSW tire• ..... $ 795 1953 BUICK Super Rivera, radio, heater, pow· er st eering, power b'.rakes. Looks & run• like new ·······-····-···-··--···-···--·····-··--· .. ·-·········$1995 1953 PONTIAC 8 Chieftian Dix., Radio, H eat· er: hydramatic, dual ra.nge, 2 tone green SPECIAL ·-···--····---· .. ·····-----··-·---.............. $1495 1953 FORD 4-dr. aedan. 2-tone green. Over- d rive, Radio, beater, tubeless tires, dual pipes, only 18,000 miles ..... ·--···-···-·-·········$1495 See Our Many Low Priced Cars a vailable at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank terms on the balance if credit approved. LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 o r Harbor 2561 34-Maslcal, Radio. a r " 50 USED PIANOS wanted badly for our rental dl'pt. Hlghei't ras_h allowance In trade on new piano or organ. OANZ-SCH.MIDT Plano le Organ Co., :S20 No. Main. Santa Ana SPECIAL April Spinet Buv BIO SAVINGS Including Kimball, Gulbran11en, Leiter and Wurllta- er aplnet planoa. Liberal trade. CQnvrnlcnt terms at- SHAFER'S Music Co. {Since 1907) 421--423 N. Sy,·amure. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0677. 80 BASS ACCOHUIO:<:, "Soclal"- wlth case. Just llkt' new, $200 Harbor 3498-M. 35c3i 16'' HOFFMA.:-l TV. $60. 2511 Seavlcw, Corona uel Ma r after a p.m. 35c36 STEINWAY GRAND. In wonder- r-ul condition. Sl'e and hear thl.11 lmmort11I Instrument. All orli;-in· al condition a nti makrlal, This la no rebuilt pla.no. Alao Knabe, Muon A: H&m lln . Leat('r and many oth,,r1 at grea t savtni.:s. Really! 100 planoa from wl11Ch to choose. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bis Pl&f\o Store. 620 No. Main, Santa Alla See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1311 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mai (Thaden lnunor Bldf. I Bar. 338l ~ tfc HAMMO:\O ORGANS. Complet' line eaay terma. Your old piano taken In t'llr hangt". Try br(ore you buy. Ft~ room• here tor practice. DA NZ-SCHMIDT BIS Plano Store. :.20 No. J.(aln. Santa Ana TV SERVICE WE RE!'\T portable record players • amplttlen. aJll<> P. A. aystems. STEVENS and SONS 1879 Hsrbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Lrberty 8-2301, 32Uepp $5.00 PER !\10 . renta good prll<.'llce piano. Tenn r~l appUea U you buy. Oood practice planoe 1811. 110. 1115. DANZ..SCHMlD'I' Big Plano Store. 520 :-:o. Main . Santa Ana SPECIAL. April Organ Buys IO-Auto8 and Tn1cka G. M. C. TRIPLE ·cHECKED USED TRUCKS 'i7 FORD ~ T. Pickup '48 FORD 'Ai Ton Panel '49 STUDEBAKER >) T. Pickup '51 Cfll:VROLET % T. P ickup '50 GMC % Ton Pickup 'H FORD l % T. C 11: C For the larre1t and cleaneat atock or used trucks m Onmge County bl! 11Ure and aee whal we have to orter. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 819-19 E. 4th St. Santa Ana Open Sunday a m. Truck hr adquartera tor Orange Co. 1952 BUICK Rosclma1ter hard top. Fully equlpt. Har. 3253. 3:\c36 ----'52 CHEVROLET, verycl1';;;, ' radio. $9911. LI 8-6762. 34c36 '53 E:-.'GLJSH FORD Con11ul 1tedan. 6.900 orlalnal mllu. l owner. Near new condition. _ .......... 1896. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor BIYd .. Coela Meaa Phone Llbt'rty 8-00Gl . 3~37 ·~2 HENRY J , :Z dr. aedan. Hu O'drlve. Vtry 1tood condition. F'ull prtce . . .. 95. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd • Cuata MellJI Phone Lllx rty 8·:,0M. 35c37 MERCt:'RY 'bl convt>rtlble Merco- mlillc. i-adlo. h<'8tt>r. \\'. w. lire•. N~w tup, origmol owner. Har. 1783-M. 35c37 19:.0 SASH Stal!'1man Brouaham Radio 41: o'drlve. FuU prtce $495. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd .• Coat.a Mesa .Phone Liberty 8-50~1. 36<:37 1017 CRANE S JMPLlCX black •port.a car, excelltnt mrchllnlcal condition. bnly 23.000 mil .. ~. $1750. LI 8-6345. 3·k39 M-llmlcal, Radio, a T v M-W Philco R C A TV. Service General Electric Sylvania Kaye Halbert Adm Ira.I Anltnnu tn1talled ONE DAY SERVICE Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. O FFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utllitiea paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc _..,,. _____ _ 19·{9 PONTIAC, 8 cyl. scdanttte. Full price $9:S. Hausken Motors, Inc. 11132 Horbor Blvd., Coata Mesa Phone Liberty 8-5051 29c31 48-Ae!! a Row for a.t. NEW DELUXE I bdrm. dupl ... Unturn. hdwd. rlra., fir.pl., sarb.. dlsp. sun de<'ka. lAundry rooma. Garages, TV &J\tenn.1. Adult-, no ~ta. 700A-7008 Acacia, Co- rona del Mar. Owner 702 Ae&el .. NEW 1955 RE!\AULT 11edan. De· (Uppu apt.) Pbon• Ha.r. 1731...J. livered equlppM, $1295. Utt• Hausken Motors Inc. 2 BDRM. unturn. duplex, IH J ... lfl32 Harbor Blvd . Costa .Mesa mine, Corona del Mar. Phan• Phone Llbt·rty 8·50:H 29c31 Har. 21Ull·R attn 4 p.m. 32pl1 40-A-Titts ~ Parts Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. 8 hour eervlce Free Pick up 11: delivery Courtney & Lester 1594 Newport Blvd., Coil& Meaa PHONE LlBERTY 8-1198 PjcP U-Aut.o &rv&ce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. 8 Cyla. _____ $48.88 _____ $58.88 1.rctudea l>Olb labor and parts. New rtni:a, wriat pin.a, \·alve rrlnd, rittlnga or main and rod bearlnS•· Expert motor tune up. 90-day or 4,000 mUe cuarantee. {NO MUNEY DOWN J. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO f'AY- l3u1lt In our own factory by 1<kJUt<1 mac.h.lnh1ta. Don't contend wlUl the middle mun. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK ON BALBOA ISLAND ea m1 tor ,_..1, _. ....... ,_talL NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30I MarlDe An. Banic. &GI BALBOA 181..A.ND ~ J...EA.SE, yearly, re.uonable. New unrurn. tront duplex. I bdnn'9 Uv. rm., kltcb., bath, and p.r, 129 • 48lh, Newport Beach. Key- aton• 6-i870. a•ca• Balboa Island Cholce yearly and 1Wnmv nntala, now available. DORIS BR.Al, Realtor 211 Martne .Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 20 t 5Uo Choice Wint.er Rentala on Balboa laland la Udo [ale Small 11: c<>q or i.,.... 111 deluae 1711 to poo month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa lllan.S Pb. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2Hll , Rea. Har. 1711&-RK or t.l l ·ll:l97 ...... "' MUo 2 BE DROOM FURNl8KED DU· PLEX, Corona del Mar, llOUth of Hlway. $100 month lncl. utll. MRS. KAY. Har. 3779-J lltro BALBOA ISLAND -2 bdrm•. unfurn. Fireplace, enclolll'd patio. 8 month" to y!'ar lraae, $12:\ mo. FRANK JAMES, Harbor 2042. 3tc39H RENTAL v'j SPECIALISTS FORD --· .. ··------$129.C>U Call Edna Cralr CHEVROLET -.$149 .llJ Bl h PLYM ... ooooJD 11M anc e Gates, Rltr. c.,"}tRYS. It: Oil SOTO -·J.7U Ill M&rlne Ave. BTUDICBAKJ!II' -······ •110 Balboa la!and, Bar. lt71 7Jtla OLDS 6 PONTIAC t •Ho BUICK -~-$17:1 For Yearly Leue HUDSON .i 11:. Very clean rum. 2 bdnn. homf'. Loan Car Fr~ Towlng good locution. 5125 mt\. C'all or NEW CAR CARANTEE l!'e Georg-e L. St• w1·1 t. Block mu11t meet our 1tandardl Balboa Bay P roperties Plua ta.xes, ga:ikcta and oil ~ 1505 W . Balboa Bl , :-i.,wp<>rt Bt•h. Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Harbor 5188 35c37 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA Al"A ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage a lM> Goud Tr11n•pt11 ta lton C11r& Fnr Sale Auto Radio Repair C h oice BA YSHORES summer rentals. ALSO 3 bdrm. home, Eaat 1ld• Cotta M"•"· Rl'IJ10nablr CLAIRE VAN HORN, R ltr. 2731 W. Coaat Hwy .. Newport Bch. Liberty 8·427i . 115<:37 Summer Rentals on U1ln l11le and otht r tine Harbor homu. F URNISHED LIDO HOME 2 bdrm1,, 2 batha for fl montha. atartin1 April h t. $3&0 mo. Unf urn. 2 bdrm. apt. fop Balboa Location Stove It rffrlJ. '100 mo. on leue. NothlnJ nicer on the Penlnwla. Lido Realty Assoc. Newport &-ach. Har. 4725. 35t!c 3400 Via Udo Harbor U4• licH 409 E. 29th St. ONE Ol\l.Y r-ull 2 m1mual conn- aonala electronic orpn, ltkt Phone Colltcl LEx 8-4830 IZ.-Trallerw ntw. Save $400. H. J . lAVerne (Cur ly) ------------- 0:--.-E 0:-\LY beautiful M1nsn1ll 322 Main. Huntington Beach 14' CA~fPSrER. 1lumtnum, vf!ry llghl. 1tlf'ep• 2. lee box. $125. SAl..ES~tA:<: fc)I "-~II locat~d 1)(-b11{ 10'• ru. rL 80.lb. fretzer fl('t' R1•x R··· h Hl'nltl' H"rbcil Washing Machine rh .. lll. 11hch·r:1 In door, 11psce for CONNSONATA E lectric Orcan. allghUy l!Md. Save $400 on Ulla bea utllul org&n. ~ DA.NZ-SCHMIDT 81( Plano Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana •lllnet organ. hke new. Save JIOO _ ------------- tJ 1\ ~t MO!'\D c hnn1 organ, maM~ J 2:l-2~ ~,.,...f"lrl S.-arh. 3:\p37 ONE ONLY Mnitle manu11I Min- ahall or gan, like new. Save $200. COnv!'nrenL terms at- SHAFER'S Mime Co. !Since 1907) 42 1-423 N. Sycamore, Sant.a An& l'hone KJmberly 2-0672 Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Front. -i r1l :\4\-H11 r lli-7 :J~t(• SERVICE veir, C\'eryt htng. ll'11 new, but pd. dn. to S 188 07 from 01•er 5110. No •In. pym111 , just pay the pymt11. of $10.25 per rno. 1·,Yl'ar KUllra n t~ on Jobt dona and 011 uaeo wMht18 2188~ I rear 1 Ncwpt.1rt Bl . L'osta Me&a Liberty 8-4503 or LJ berty 8-4327. 64Uc BEAUTIFUL blonde o&.k Spinet piano. Uke new. Save 1260. Con- venient tcrma at Glltl~'l'I SC HWIN=--b1ryclt'. Horn hl'Alllighl & tlrc• a ll In gno<I rnn!tltlon. 530. 112 E. Ore11n Fwnt, Bfllb111t, H11rb<"'lr 3Plll·W. Sc'r lil\ui:h1l'11 AAS War<'hnulle 2211 Sn. Mnln St. 6 blk11. s or 4th St. Sllnta An11. -O~n dAlly 9·9 811n. 11 ·~ or Phone Kl 3·7f<H SHAFER'S Music Co. <Since 1907) 421-423 N. Syca.nwrr. 56.nta Alta Phone Klmberly 2-0672. :l4ril6 19M WF.OOEWOOD rnngt', the hlg c-r all auloml\tlc r lnrk, l11mp. 11lmm1'r burncr11, grill 11nd bNHler. Jt':1 bran!! ntw, but, pd lln. ttt Sl 19.1:'1. No dn. pyrnl. Ir ~·ou P"Y the pymt~. ot S8 12 J>l'r month. Bargains GUITAR, blonde, Vt'ga model 186, $1~. lncludu cue. Harbor 1773·W, 34C'311 WOOD BOHING arllll!, counter- a1nk.e, m11lt1Apur bat... a11ger11 111 dOt1e-uut pnC'ts. Harbor P11lnt C-t'nter, 412 • 32nd Sl., Newrort Bcarh. Har. 2838. 3~c39H Will sell at your price! STUDIO PIA:'llO. A hard to stet plar.n. Pt'rfect runt.llUon, $39j. TWO OFFICE DESK8, 9 tt. din· termt . Ing tahl,., 2 eteel chnira. te!r· n,\:\'7. SCHMIDT Big Plano 6: Ori;nn Co., 620 Nu. Main, Santa phon" slAnd, antique lfi"nch. Ann RE:FRJO. 1Frl&idalre). 9 cu. reet. 195.-<:'a mer11 1Ctro Flex!, ~­ mm. F' 3.!I. Wollen1111k len11. $40 Cooler Evaporauve. utility, 125. 620 Marguer1tf'. Corona del Mar. 32tfc See Baughn'• A&S Warl'hou•eo 220 S•> Matn St. 8 blks. s or 4th Sl. Santa AM -OpPn t1111ly 11-9 Sun . 11-~ nr f'h<>nr Kl 3-7201 11'1<'<'. hriller. eofrtt tabla, ,;1111 111eam heater, 4 Ulrow 'rugs .• preHure cannf'r. all late J>lecr' 1 Mu1t 11tll quk k to make room. 447 Morning Canyon Ro&d. eo. I SZ--Furnlture fnr Sale rona del )tar . .Harbor '644·W TRAll..ER--2 wheel. 1lffl frame. • hl'al' !!6l4 i, Kewr ort m wt . WEDGEWOOD 1tove, 4 burner, 86<:38 rear opl. 34p31 grUI, high brotler, nearly nn.', I -$125. Dnenport.. blue metalic. S'Z-A-htiqw Hlll\I EMBOSSED bualnnu card.t. $75. Modern black plutlc end -------------1 SJ 119 -3 line rubber 11tamp U 00 tablu, $2~ earh. Large fnnntca llF:.\t-rtFUL A!'\TTQUll Enstlllh 4 lln<-rubbt>r 11tamp wllh cut cofft'e t11ble. $35. Sin,; le bt'!t ann I walnut l>l'<I "' dre ... r W1U! mar- SZ 00 ill~• n1 ti<I Book matehr 11. <'hMt.. $35. Baby'• high ch&Jr. 19. bl& top, S200. Unuaua.I Welch I L. W. WHJTE P atio fumHure It umbr,.Ua. S2:i <ln·-r. S3.5. Antique braa l;unp ~ LI 8-401 1 ,,.,.,.. l.J 8-M:io. pplfr <tO &lboa Co,·e•. 3 lc3G \\ith custom made ahade. Sii'• 1 ----F:11rly Amt1tkan rur. 9Jt1 !1. SIO 1 ANTIQUJ!:S -Old furniture, cut MOVING -M.ahog. dlnlnr 11et.. 6 3 matrhlng 1mllllrr rugs. SJ. eA J glua. lo&mpll, old plrlurt't. clock. .. , rhalrs, $:!!\. rressur~ <'OOker, SlO Twin box 1pr1n111 11: m11tt. '25 I t'tc. Sarp.Ina '8lore. Big dill-S1•\'t'rnl ml~r. ttl'mi' 2128 Miro· •"t. 2 antique 11nd lAblea. $1!), ea I ('nunla to df'll.ler11. Cnarll• Davia, I mar, Balbo&. Har. 3M8·J. 3,f 38 " 11nt1que pl11tc11, $:'>. -.. Olhc-r 'I 180& Jil. Anllh4'1m 8t., Long P m i~r. ltrms • Br11cb. 6S0·13P. 2!lUr ! APT. SIZlil Hllle-1-bcd, Slmmon11. R.rhnrd11nn'1 Y11cht AnchOl"llC' • t!b, bc-11 \vldl h. 145. 209 Onyx. Cnll Ha.r. 41:W or l'hr. 36 3 0 1 ('.-.• -1 BABY T'E."'DA, me!AI 6 ptuttc. Ba.Jboa h la.nd. S4c39 --' The the More You T E L L , more you S E L L ! f'o1nt-tlms we are .,.kf'd •w11y do yoa al· low 6 liAN tor a mln.imwn cla1111lflrd ad~·· \\'11 bellf've -ot th4oo reaaott" ~,.". r,.... .. C'l11•t1IOf'd IMSJ ani t u .. tomarlly courr ~~. lll le hr- • 11uw-I\ t-f'IOl'Ollraff' lhl' Mh r rUMr lo 1, • • "'"' :• le lnfonnatloa &a hla ad. ••t 'M a few adjectlne • • - ''Be "plll'lt -• - ··~tat. pric. •• - "Olwe IOC'at1on • • - "Jol'locle boUI add1'8• • phone'' ",. ahuy. advt~. l:lfperlc-nrf' hu pro"ett "Thi· More JOG TEl.L, the mor•· , OU SELL:" 8o when 7ou .,. f'nmpo•lnr .' •ur ad. ct•• all lbe IJllormallott J OU CAii Ula& wW attn.cl UM>i ,_.,, oa L1k•• new Buyl'r m11y hav,. by - resuming paymrnt1. LI 8·7t.76. 34c39 4':-Wanted to Rent --------------------UEAUTIP'UL KIMBALL b1111g11 - luw upright piano In pr rltrt rcin- rlitlon. Tcrm11 $40 8b down 11nr1 SL4 per month ai - SHAFER'S Mw11 c Co. (Since 19071 421-423 N. SycamCJr,., Santa Ana Phone! Klmherly 2-0672 llAMMO:-.<D C HORD <•rga n •trmnn- atrator, wllh new i.rua.ra.11tcr. Blit eavrng. DAN7.-SCHMTriT Blit Pl111no SlMI'. ~120 :->o. Mn 1n. Snn111 Ann RE:"JT en org11n "' [•l •nn with r1:ntal le> a pply ,,., future pur- c-ha•e Rl - Rentals \Vanted . We need apts ancJ housu ln all aectlona for buth winter and 7tar'1 IML1e. t>'urn. or unfurn. U you have 11 vacancy. pt'.ona t<1d11y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Lst. Hwy ., l'\~wport Br.h Ph11n• Llb!'rly 8·:1481 208 Ma rine, B31b<>a l1iand f'hore Harbor 444 2667 E . r , :i•t Hy, Cnrnn11 dcl 'far I ',:r ~ h 1 f'I•! I.' I! Lido Ufflrt', :1416 Via U<lt) Hnrbur 4!171 :121fc SHAFER'S Music Co. (!'Inc<' l{l!Jj' i; \ y .J. IHJ:'\T 110~11: "',, h b• At h 121_.23 :-;". Syranlm ... ~11nta An11 (r11nlll\'" (•or,,., 'llh <ir J uly. Aui:. Phone KJ m~rly 2·116i2 &-tu !'1 It 1 ·, 3 b•ln11. • m111•l>• I rm. I( I"' .. •1111". b"P'\ nr r11rr w ill ~ __ D_op._ C.ta, Prb1 ____ be l;I\'• n c.wU•'•• h• m• ~·un rur• ---nl•h r1.,r•t r.r I• f'\I rrf,.r••nr •" F'A\\"N BOXER, AKC r"I:, 9 mo. -,.; F (111orrm1n. !•Jill AYl·n•lnl• I 11111. 5:::3 n nm11t11n, Collta Mt•Nl. R"Ad, San M1u1no cir call lfitr f'h. LI 8·3171\. 34c36 6~1'l·J :t21fr Pt-:KI.'. El"i; Malo tlnrt. 111 month11 I ------------- olt1. J"l'd1grl'I ., ldfl.1 1 r11r brtl'd· w ANT TENANTS 7 lni; wait h do:! c.r pl't Rl'aaOn· :!~~ ~;~~'h'.· 108-ISth St. ~~;·S \\ F: ARF: nr:t:->0 !'WA~n>J<:O with ln•111lr1~~ r• r r1111 m• r mnii I• REE TU liOOD HOMES Dll\r'k pupplH, "-Ulbra•tor. Cuti! and hf'•llhy. Harbor 2:l30-J . alter I\ 3k p.m. nn t t1 rm 1 .. 11,l'JC L1 l y1.ur p1<1J1· 1>rty v.1•11 1.i 11n·I i.:"t r,.•111: .. Our rrpt .. ~ .. '.1 i..vl' "'111 call at :your re'lue•l A1k For Aohbti Tumt-r ler uttnaion. Uke new. SIS. Bicycle. 2 wherl. coutu brake. H ". jrN'ld 11hapt. $12 F'OLDT'XG play J'l!'n A !'IT l!Cal, $3. l..lberty 8-3~. J.lO\'l="G Ul f \\'Il l ,.. II most <•' A:-tTIQl'ES, tw,n hH:lt baf,tt.• :M; 1: '• ' =--~" 1 r ~ H1 hi 'olt 1ou1 a rt r 11·ce1. Ll o . ~ 12. l (11rn11ure 11nm & N'lnm h"11i1" I 21 p!n.,. ~,.",nr~ . 1 -"" Llbc.:. ~-~ •.. .. ... ~; 13 .. ~, ll . I \ o RKSHlRE T&RR1ER PUPPY, 2 mo. old, male toy. AKC "I· ~erll,.nt brttcttn,;. 2109 Sl'r- rano, Balboa. llarbor 26M·J If r-_..., """ ta wrtttq JOar ad. ' I < _·::~="~~~~:~:~~o~ :~• _ ::~_:~ ~ =-~ 1~37 The Beaumont Co. 434-~:>:ewport Burh Harbor U1'11. 33cl:i 1~ other choice propertie11 Hiirbtir bland. Bay Slloru. 8-.. con Bay, qualified cllent. only. Harbor Investment Co. Harbor 1900 (P.vu. LI 1-5389) 27tfo &8A-Apta. for ~nt Yl--:ARLY I Mrm. !um. duplu apt. c:ar . rwar r1t••an, Allt<1. wal'hrr .. clryrr S~r, mo. Har. ll~7-W 11rtrr 6:30 pm 35rJ7 O<'l':A N F'l-lONT, near Newport. p1rr, 11lncle apt . with klU:ht'n•'lle • bath. Mallf eerv1ce. utll. ptl. TV. Sl~. per week. Har, 111~~ ur Harbor 987 3:.tro tTK!'\ Al1". )••atly on ,,. ..... I.Iv. n 11 , brlrm, k lVhen, 11tn .. tle, bat h with tub "' llhower. Cloee In "''"''" nwn Balboa, "n Or""" ,..,, nt. s·,·, mo. ulll ptl ("'all llarb• r 3i88 or Ha r. 2~J7·M.. S:>UO J.tt)I 11i:n--. l Mrm. apt•. l rum ., l unrum . V.'11.b rerrt(. A: atov ... ''""•"nable yrly. rl'nt. 907 Fnn- 1• \f. l'••n1na drl Mar. 34r :19 - ---------NY.W V F:l~Y A-rntACTJVE tum. 1111 <:arhai;f' t11&ponl. $70 tn• I. 11l1htl• ~ 10 t •·nl•·r ot <:orona ,,,., MRr. Hnr. Ok~.:J--R. • 10tfc YJ•;ARLY unfurn. I lld rm. apt , w~th '""'II'~. tl1tlboa J1lant1. Kar 2M6·W or 1.lbl'rty •-H38. l5ttc COSTA MltS A, 3 nn. apt.. tum. nr 11nf11t11 •n' ludea ullliU•. Call H~au t -0:.1. •uo . -.41 .. j I ' • ~ ~ I ,, • 4 -... ._. -. -·- I ' l f t I I I ' I~ ( ff~-Apta. for Beat Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patio. NEW C ROOM. atreet level Near KhooJa, ahopplng district. Quiet, 4_9-__ Roo_m_._, _t.o_Re_nt ____ r60-1neome Property SMALL single room Cor worklng man. Comfortable ~d. hot and cold water, $7 wk. Prlv enlr. 123·28th St., Newport Beach. 32pp33 For Sale by Owner pleuuit, exclualw. Oarii.1• dla- J>OMl. laundr.y, atorage room.a. ~tores~ Off~ sara1e, '82..50 up. OCcuptea en- tJre street. Good supervtalon. CORONA DEL MAR -2 11tory combination. Gar. & •, bath. l~t floor, 2nd floor bu lar:;e llv. room, Ilea.med cclhnga, bedroom. 11bower, deluxe kitchen. Snac·k bar, glasl!e•J In sun porrh. Jge. patio t"1!cl. with 6-tt. brick wall. $13.000. Ttrma t o 11uit. Room to built on front. 702 Aca- ct11, Cot·ona del Mar. or phone Klmball 9266, Huntington Park. Mgr., 1501 Haven Place 1 Block South ot High School ALSO FURNlSHED APTS. WINTER RATES 3tfc CANAL ~ONTAGE, Jge. l bdrm. tum. apt., aun deck .t: private beach, utlL pd. $8:$ per month until July 1. Har. 3647-W alter 41:30 p.m. 35c37 OCEAN FRONT month to mol)lh. Available 2 bdrm, f66. Ull J uly. UUI. pd. Enclo•e" patio. See at 730i W. Ocean Front. Newport. 34trc MODERN 1 bdnn. apt., furn. or unfurn. Carport and private patio. See mgr. ln Apt. C, 24120 Avon St., Newport Heach, Har. 4670-J. 3<1lfc Yearly apt. on Ocean front BEAUTIFUL VIEW. 2 bedroom11, furn. or un!urn., uttl putJ. Harbor 4o:IJ. 3H!c S OFFICE •pacu tor leue. Ap- prox. 17'x35' each. In Lido Shop· ping area. 600 Via Malage.. Har. 3327. 15lfc OFFICE SPACE FOR RE!'iT, 770 W. 17th., Costa Mesa. 35c37 LADY making loca l phone survey. Llke use or phone C hrs. daily. Pay phone blll tor aaml'. WRITE Box S-05 this paper or 1.Jtx>rty 8-9110 eves.-Cabln 11. 35c36 53-A-Business Rfootals AV All.ABLE -About 8-000 aq. ft. light h1dustry apace on lat "- 2nd. Cloor. U. S. Highway 101 and Bay Frontage. Will leaae all ur any part &c n •rnodcJ to Kuit tenant. Vogel Co .. a-116 Via Udo. Harbor i !l71. 26L!c AVAILABLE 1'EW STORE ULOC. l:?OO sq ft. opp<1s111· Balboa Bay Club. Ample parldng. Ph. Lr 8-1373. 35c48h 33tCc 61-Real Estate Etlcban~. TRADE C lovely units, a few step' from Bay, lot [>0 x 90, zoned C-1. All furnished, Immaculate condition. Not a cenl to spend. lncome $2f>O. T~Je for a good house cl~e ln Newport 11.11 down pay- ment. Paul C. Jones 2602 Newport Bl\·d,, Newport Bch Harbor 2313 WlLL TRADE UP: i--or 1'ewp-Ort Area. a br. home In San Cle- mente. l 'u)TS. ol<l. Huge uouble i;ar. Patio. brit•k Bar-b-q. Corn· pldely f enc1<d, W to W carpets, drap1·s. serc••·ns. lk:n vnlutl on So. C1111.sl. 1 :":ear t~tlt l'Ollt se \. HYacinth 2-1736. :l 1l':i6 588-lndustrlal Rt>ntals J 5'1. redecorated unfum. 1 bdnn. --~-----·n~AlJi,; for NJ,;\VJ>ORT, B1·11utirul tluplex, lnclutllng re!rlg. Watr r 50 FT. FRO:>:'fAGF: O:'\ W. !7th. $25,000 home in La Cre11cenla. pJ :n2 Costa Mesa St .. C . M. Churchill 9-9804. 30p·l2pr Llberly 8-123~. 35cJ7 Lon~ lrilSI'. 7i0 \\". lith., C•>:;ta _ ----------- Mt•!la. 3!'>c37 TWO bedroom, 5 yr. old rurn. l ST JUNE TO 30 SEP'll.' Lovely vtew apt., tum. Will rent to r<·llable people. $800 tor entire period. Other summer rentals 8V&illlblt' at Wt'l'kl)' T"llll'!I. L OtnSE APT$ .. C11matlon A\·e .. nrar Seavlt>W, Crirona del M11r Harbor 4011$. 33c38 M-:-Buslness O_~P!»~lt~es _ SPORTL'<C GOODS 11tore and Boat & ~otor Agency Jocatl"d 1n d~ert. near rivers&. lake.s. Good house .Monrovia. Tratle equity or $2000 for lot or small im· prove'1 In Cost& Mesa or vicinity. Write Mrs. F. A. Howard, 228 W. Ohve, Monrovia or Phone EIJlott 8·3511. 3~pH opportunity for oulb°'1rtl motor· ------------man. \\'HI sell fur mventory EXCHANGI:'.: price tlue tu othl'r busuwss Inter-3 bdnn., l ~ baths, F. A. hc.'6t. l~ CORO!liA DEL MAR-2 bdrm. ests. Write Box R-:it, thla paper. with 5 atall horse barn, tack rm, unfurn. a pt. Hl'&atinuble r .. nt. 34pt7 sep. 3 rm. apt. on 2 'ii acree C'ull Fitzmorris Realty Cu .. Har. ------------fenced A cross fenced. Exch. !or 21fl2. 29c42h COFFEE SHOP, LAGUNA BCH. 3 bdrm. home In Harbor area. --14 stools. Jo~or sale reasonablt!. By owner, Ph. OX 7-1327. 2~r37h A TTRAC:Tl VE rurnlshl'd modem Good !oral business. Ph. Ownl'r, st11Jto a1~s. Utihtlr s paid. HYatt 4•299~,_ ar,c-tO BALBOA ISLAND, 115 No. Sl.;MMER •>r YEARLY ratc•a. Bay tront. Yr. old mod~m. 3-124 Coa:1t Hwy, Corona del Mar $65 000 t k p d Har. Oli63-R or LI 8.iln. 27c4o 5>-Money t.o ~-·----, : a e asa ena or HARBOR APTS. Modem furnished apts. day, week or month Near bus. stores Ir ~y. Re1U1onable r ate11. 104 E. S.y Ave., BALBOA Harbor 63H. 17lfc LOANS PROMPT SERVICE 117o flnit trust deeds 20 yeara Orange Coast PropertietJ 1~7 Newport. Ave., Coit& Me• W 8-1632, Ll 0 1.400 Evea. 96lfc Palm Springs !or part. NORM WIDTE, 650 N. Hill, Pasadena. SY 2~1148. 27c40 62--Real Estate ' . BAYSHORES 6%-Rl'al E!ltate • • • BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listing Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr . Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home~ • • 2 bdrm., raised ust'd brick fireplace, dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, terms. ,, AND • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner lot 3 bdrm., 3 bath home, immaculately aqd complete- ly furnished including deep freeze, washing machine, I TV, linens, blankets, dishes & silverware. No phone information. Shown by appointment only. Full Price $39,500. For preview showings, call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newpcrt Blvd. at 3otb St., Newport Beach OPEN HOUSE 125 Kings Place Cliff Haven, Newport Beach Sat. & Sun.12-5 p.m. Apr. 9-10 (over Easter) VIEW home on NON leasehold, 108' front I,.EVEL LOT among choice leasehold property. This beautiful home bas 3 bdmis., a corner windowed den overlooking harbor & ocean, a formal living rm., dining room, large kitchen, breakfast nook, util. rm., 2 baths, 2 fireplaces; dbl. gar., d.isp., diabwuher, fenced yard beautifully landscaped. See thi1 and compare for the aa.c. price of $32,500. (Owner mUBt sell). THE VOGEL CO. -aJ.° W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481. Eves. Liberty s-3580 ANNOUNCEMENT: 62-Real FAtate --------------- Newport Heights Home! 2 BEDROOM atucco ana pla.st~red home, with guest room and bath. H x 18 living room. Floor fur- nace, patio. .A go~ value at $13,900 with terma. Pen;nsufa Home! 2 BEDROOM a;-d den ho:;1e with l&r:-e opc:t b.am l"'lil:l s ., C· ... n room. Spacious flag3to:.e f re- p!•ace, nice paU;>. A ho:--:e that Is "different" and c:omplett>I)' fUrnlaht<I. $Hl,500, $4000 down, Peninsula Bayfront! ~ BEDROOM and 312 batha. A·l condition. Beautiful vtew of Bay and mountains. Price cut trom 147,500 to SH.500 for quick aa.Je. Terma, too. Bay Front Duplex! ARE YOU INTERESTED L"J A BAY FRONT BARGAIN. See thlll C bedroom 11peclal with a private l><'acb a nd pin tights. Need11 rtx'ln but prtce cut to compensate. 129,.?~. terma. Balboa Triplex! Situated on East Bay Avenue and close to best awimmlng beach. Each unit baa 2 bt-droo0111, dan- dy rental property, $18,500. $6600 down. Come ln when you are at ~ bank across the street and Uat your property with ua. We need lilt· lnga. Balboa Realty Co. (Opposite Bank ot America) Roaa Greeley Al ComellUll Ed Le• Jack Pinkham Josephine Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. Bill's Best Buys DUPLEX 2 bdrma. each a1de. Only· 1 year old. Both llldu rented. Income $1411 ·mo. Next to Catholic achool, cla. to t ransport•Uon and &hopping'. Full price SlS.950, only $23~ down. NEW 3 BDRMS. 1 ~ Mt.ha under oon.strucUon. Pa.- -lon I weelu. Chol<"e ot floor NEV/PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PAGE I THURSDAY, AfRIL 7, 1955 Bay & Beach Realty -Realtors BALBOA PENINSULA Close to Jetty"'-Best buy on Peninsula. 31 ~ yeara old. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, hwd. IParquet floors thru· out. Nice fireplace. attr:icti\'ely decor;.ated. Low down payment will handle. Full price $19,500. 4 year old 2 bdrm. home -1100 sq. ft. Attractin· ly landscaped. plua additional 36' vacant lol Near Jetty. $21,500, terms. NEWPORT Neat u a pin! One bdrm. Beach House partly fW'IL. Large front patio, cloee to Ocean. AU for $8500, term•. SUMMER RENTALS Bayfront -Ocean Front -And In Betweeal BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450jW. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 12et , Eve. Harbor 18:51 This home provides many opportunities to really enjoy life- Want a private beach! Need a pW:e to keep your cnalaer! Prefer close in location near Lido Shope, et.c. ! Buy thi.I ideal 2 bdrm. home In Balboa Bay Covu right on the waterfront, only 3 yra. old. Lot.I of tile, parquet floors, F. A. beat. dbl garage, nice featu.nl. Pier 6 1lip privilege1. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnlahed • good rental dlstrtct. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 r' FIRST TIME OFFERED 48B-Houan for Rent LOANS for Homes 6~ -20 yr. LoaNI CHARMING 2 br., knotty plne In· terlor, lg-e. llv. room, compact kit. w/bklst. bllr, PLUS lge. f:"St. rm. over pr. 2 patloa. Ut,1100. Roy Greenleaf Jr. and Gordon Severts announce the consolidation of their respective real estate busine88e8 under the new name of = :!,~_:· ::;g1 ~°!i!n~· THREE UNITS. compl. furn. on 60 ft. lot SUMMER RENTALS Construction Loans Bayfront available now by month or aea!llOn. 4 bdrm!!. 2 bdrm., r1rlvate ~ach patio. 4 bdrm.. near Bay. July J800. 2 b<lrm., near Bay, flOO. week • b<trm., near Bay. July J 500. Bayshor~• .2 A 3 bdrma., seasonal 1·cnt11l11. Balboa -Bay Properties 15-05 W. Balboa Bl., ;Newport Bch. Phone Har. CIHl8 81!11 BOB BA TJ'lJCR ~16 EAST COAST BLVD. Oo..-deJ Mar H.u11or alU Rep. POIJUllR MORTGAG.11 CO. 3 BR., 2 bath, ru1Uc, w /w carpet, dlllhwaaber, etc.., nice patio. ·~,f!OO. Ketro u.te Im. l'Wld.I KL ~~ BACK BAY BTP'UL. 4 br. w/den, t flnpluea. REAL ~ATE ANS View. A1ktng price, $32,500. lntereet Rate ~ Lo&na quickly made tn I.he e-.y RUSTIC RANCH houflll! on 'ril acre Atta and eci.ta M-. Blngle or w;vlew. 3 br .. uatd br. fireplace, multiple UllJIA. New or old. Be din. rm., patio. room for hones. wtae and • .,. by r~tln&ncln& $22,500. GREENLEAF -SEVERTS, INC. with offices at 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 ~ FOURBDRMS. 1" baU\8 N9dy Kay lllth. N- Jll'Yed .U-t. -era in, tropical roota, sancea. Jl'HA flnanctnc. J'ull price J97llO. M60 down. low pymta. lnclude taxea • ln- 3 BDRMS., 1 a~ BATHS nearly ntw. BuUt-ln HoUy rangw and oven, clou In locaUon. Pric- ed at. St3,500, 111.1bmlt u low u $32:IO down. Owner moving to San Fran- Tb.la la truly a b9rgalD ID home and lncome. l'roat unit conmta of 2 bdnu. with 1arp 11'finc room with flaptone fireptae., leJ)Uate dining room. bwd. flra. throughout, 11h batha and built around a large beautiful bricked patio with built~ln barbeque. Two iDoome ..... aN l bdim. -.h Dbo OOID• pletely furnished. Three 1eparat.e praget1. Thia property ii being offered by out ot town owner at far below replacement coet. Should .ell quick at $26.500. Immediate PCJ418(Mknl and W9 have by. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LI.STING REALTOR ti('; FUR;\". :I hfh 111. hou:<t'. lar1;e l,.n•·• <J y:Htl 31:) l'lr'Al<' RJ .. CHU H~v .. n 36c41 )'Our preaent loan. Hin.lmum t:1t· penae. No charge for prellm1· nary appralaaJ. Phone Santa Ana Kimberly 3~933 or WTlte 1 ACRE <'hicken Tallch .,/lllnt. 2 br. home. Good location. Ea- t.abll&hed route1. -------------------------claco. Must aell Immediately. 4 -3fl7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de.I Mar Barbor 47 <Office located next door to Corona de.I Mar Bank) l ";\;1'THNISHSD 3 bPtlrm. Corona H1Khl11nd11 f11 mlty hnm~ W W r aq•t>llnir. draJ)t'a. coi:y wed bru·K r1rl'place. ra111ed hearth, h1rd1 p1rnelt•<I klt<·h1·n Ocf.'lln vww. Ire. yard. Stove. r~frlg .. nutom11t1r w1u1her ln('1\1dl'fi If ""i<lt f'J. St<" now 60• s .. awa.rd Ho11•I. Corona llel Mllr. Ph. HYatt ·i ·.'>-0111 37lfc l'LIF'F' HAVE;\", l !Hl unfum. 2 hdrm hOll!W '.\'.rv.-ly palntrd, f1ruplare. Har. f.1 ~6 or Jiu . 98i. 35lfo ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan ,Co1Tupoodent Occident.a.I ur. J.Murance Co. 933 South Main Banta Ana pp NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALF:S -RF.FINANCE co;-;srnUCTION C11ll for Fr.-e Fast Commitments on Reslllencu and Unlll only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8-4277 BEST TWO UNITS IN C.D.M. LOCATION-Near Main Beach- Walking dlsta.nc._shopptng - FRONT-2 bedroom home. RF.AR-2 bedroom -with extra guut room A -0 balh. a. E. dillhwuher .t: thspo11al. PA TJ0-2 car garage, ll\Undry- $27,500 Full Price It you can tee thJ.a print you ahould be able to see the value in thia home. Juat two blocks from Lido shopping center, two bdrma., and a nice den, large fenced yard for the children and the house is completely furnished. We are hold- ing this at $12,500, with $2500 down. and We also have two unit.I on two Iota just ofl the ocean at $17,500, this ia the best buy we have seen this year. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 bdnna., 2 batll.a, NEWPORT HTIGHTS, occupied only I moe. Neu Newport High School. OPEN l to 4 U~ Holly Lane, (bt-twttn Tuatln .t: Jrvtne). Full price only $13,850 W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClA TES REALTOR "you'll Ilk• our trle11dl7 aernoe" ~93 JC. 17Ua St., Col'ta Men Liberty 8-1139 OPEN HOUSE Sat. Ir Sun .• 1 to u p.m. 1913 Court St., Newport Bcb The Perfect BALJ30 A, $~1r. m<mth yoeuly un- turni~hed l'oltage, uv, rm .• din. rm . klt(ht'nt'tle, 2 hdrms, hot 11hnwer. ga. .It Willer pa!d. 108 ,\•lams. Balboa. H11r. lll24·M. 3~c37 COSTA MESA EXCLUSIVE WlTii-:::~lTO aulUJ .. ~=~:: F. C. Andresen SPACIOUS STURDY Beach House, f"()I( LY.A SF. TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvine Tt'rrace un!um. view homes. 3 BDIUIS., 2 balhl and 2 BEDR1'ts., 2 halh~ C"ll H11rbor 171fi or Harbor 4·'48. EAHL \\'. STA;\;L.EY, Rtallor I rvrne T" rr1trt' OfflC'e ('nrona dcl M~r. 33ltc BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REFINANCE We Buy Trullt OCl!<I• NJ:WPURT BAJ..DUA SAVINGS 6 U)A.N ASSOClA TION 33641 Via Udo. PIL Har. '200 Uo EXl'EPTIO!\'ALLY XICE 2 or 3 WOULD llke to buy t st and 2n1' Tn.l!!t Dttdr. Call HAr. 2326 bt••lro<.•m hotlsl', mod•m furn., Sfl:>. mv. 301-32ncJ st .. Nr wport. C8ttc Harbor l 2211. 33c38 ------------ FOR EASTER WEEK, ftl'lllPPY new 2 or 3 bdrm, houlll!s, S~·~. AIM> ll\'&11. nlr""IY furn. rnom. 304 :l2nd St., Newport.. Hat. l 226. 3lr::6 56-Monr\· Want~ --·----· ---- HA VE ext·r•UC'nt 0111 lrl11 fnr prl· \'Ill<• mnnty on 111! .tr: 2ntl Tn111t f lt>•«I". rail DON J. HUDDLESTON XF:W 3 BDRM. houae. un/um. $70, Real Estate Lolllla w11leT pd. Freedom. Tract . S,.e Rt 1;:1 r.. lith. Cost& M•'-"' 980 Arbor, Cnsta "'M. Phont LJ"Mrty 8-:i:H t 26lfc: CLinlon 7·51111 Collect. 34ril6 .AVAILABLE NOW -ldl.'al L ido lllle lociuton. Slip avail&ble. Pt-· luxe rnl)b1Je h11mc. fum, Showur, to1J!'t. Sltcrs ~ Wrt-kly or mo. ntra. Phone EXmonl 8-Mlit or Normandy c.e2i2. 34pa6 ~Income Property ::...-.-~--- Business Location With Res. Income _'80-__ rr. __ Uto_r_s.,.~------· FOtTR DUSlXESS LOTS r.nlrally Trailer Space 8TATE APPROVED tor C11b&JW1., J11rge Jots. ~pllce Cnt cu11tom Jot.s 8w1mmlni: pMI by Jun.. l ~ .Adulll & c.hlldr1m o ver 1'. LIDO VU.LAGE, iOO 31st ~t .. Ntwp<>rl Bcll<'h. 3•rl8 • •9-Rooma for •nt TWO 1..AR1a; BEDROOMS on i-round f!uor Prlv. f'nlracnce "111l bath. 1, blk '"'111 l'll•t11n. nrnr ~0 \' r: ·n:Jl'n,1•:1 rtrf"ll(' 1 ll'lr 014~..J. :,,;. 11 ' Jocat~ ln ~f"'~rt Bt'ach. Ptlrt o fproptrty Improved "'Ith one 3 br .• I bath opt. :? t br Ir bn.th a pu . pl1111 2 rtlltB~es with bath. All are furn. Vt>ry n•'llt 11nd Clean. a pr111:"~ and extra large t>uement recr.-atlon rm. PrMenl Income plus fut urc <1rvrlopment makts ln,·rstmrnt In this prop· erty nry 11ttracUv.. $30.000 on ra11y trrma. Ralph P. Maskey r.~:iltor :llll :'\1 \\nr1 • I '\' ~I' Cdl 11 H r 4 Z Realtor :1348 E . Cout Hwy.-1\t J.{a.rlgol!l Coron11 de! Mar Harbor .l:i·IO BY OWNER S bdrm. hoiue. IA.r~ fenced yar•I. 1 Or w ill leut>) - 315 f'lrale R<f.. ChCt Raven. 36r•9h 85' View CORONA HIGMLA.'\DS nrw, :\ bdrm. 2 b11th, family room. 2 C'llr garage It car port. Lgr. Jot. l .anols('apc'I I<. f••nl'••d. n v.-nH 1:$6 C&brlllo TNTace, Corona H lghlaJ'ida. 28p40 Corona Highlands LAROE LOT, ocean view, 6 Tm • partly turn. ho mt. S t!I MlO. EXCLUSIVE with G. H. Lath"'P· Sll:l:i E. Cout Hwy , C'oronll drl Mar. Har. 6H2. Evf.'8. lhrbnr 31111-J. 34c:l6 BALBOA ISLAND. We offer excluaively an unua· ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, larg_e dining room. .Maximum square footage. Close to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inapection. Call Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lsbmd BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 b<lrms., 11 ~ bath homes Close to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with AT A PRIC1il you can afford. So clOM to Ule beach that lhl' wavu lull you to 1lt-ep every nt1hl.. yet handy to 1torea and to the bay. Till• little beauty ha.t 2 bdrma., kJtc.her., balh and large living room v.-1th a chPer· tul flrepl11ce ror cool evenings The Price Ia Just. $13,750. xlnt. t erm• -FISHER and CO. 2803 Newport Blvd., Npt.. Beac.h Harbor 029 OPEN HOUSE 183 Rochester St. NEAT 2 BDRM., i 1~ yn .. Mwd noore, 11ewtra, curbs. Subm1I U ,000 dn. St>e lhla bar~•ln. OPEN 8.AT. It SUN. 10 a.:n .• :; p.m Bay Front mcome DIKE & COLEGROVE Houston Realty I Unim-2 .tt a l>l!O.rvona, rurn Phone Llbcrty 8-i976 33tfc an.d .hsoclate• lalMcl. Pier, n oat a.nd private ----609 Center, Cost& Mesa. LJ· 8·11911 bl!ach. 1000 ic. Balboa e1vu,. Drive by 235 Magnolia I CLIFF HAVEN 3,,c37 BaJboe.. Crestview 186i6. <.:our C t 'I tMJ to brullm a l3Ur (ls a " esa · BEAUTIFUL cu.tom built r.anch lnt.erested in a Lovely Home CORUNA RJGHLA1''D LOTS - CholC'e 81\<'Jo l\rnllnble C&ll HarbOr 2326 48ttc LAROE LOT. \'l('W nr flack Jja~· A: mountaJn11. £nq111r·,. 4:!:'1 Si.•rra \.'l11ta, CNlA }.frM C<'urtr•y I ·1 Brokt nt. LI 8·flfl',i, 3.lp:;; t>CEA:-0 \'IE\\' ll~~ff .. :lil>4 <.:llff Dnve. F'ull pt 1r 11 111 Ofl(I. tl'rm11 Si:'>OO clown. \lwn•r, l~I 8·Z"o:l2 :: (. Cute &: rr•7Y h('lmr -2 bdrm. 6 t.ome, ovcrlooklnr Harbor. c bed-in Garden Grove? r nn • ... n ,., 11 rlr· ' ' \I rml., a batll.a, den, 2 Clreplact'I. H t d p I lo wall rnrp••l. Vrry clo~ .. In. "LSO 2 bdnn. apt., wltb prlvatt ea e O(' S 13.00U. l'hunc LT!x!1 ty 8-1;:· i p11tln. $49.600, Call owner, 23t!c u g.3221. 29c42h Need Larger Home l\£\ "ST SELL ne11rly nfw 3 bdrm. BT OWNER holL•<', 11'rl?'~ C'orncr l('lt. Hwd. r UTE 2 bdrm. trou•. nnr ocean fJO'lrl! thruoul, fl! rplace. Patio I .tt cl.annel. BBQ ln Clqatonr Ill l'nd r.st'd :i s·dr~ paUo, brick wall1 throu(llout C•RlVE BY 2221 S11.ntn An11 !'lacrlC!ct' Cor Jl 1.IM, or largr A"':. (. o ~ : ·1 I h o' , r I.I tloat 206 -411L, Newport Bead· 8·71:;6. 33plC.H llarl>t>r 4r.J3. . Z:lpU 6 BEDROOMS, 2 bat.hi, :lie. actl· vtt1 room, patio. W to W car Jlel Large lot landlCSped It fenced, 12t,600. Mrs. Lorentun, l..J 8- 11171 or J...l:hAltl t-13". 22cJ41 $7950. :new I bedroom. Mwd. "°°"' on lot 62itt40' -283 AYocado ~t . CO.ta Mesa.. LJ 1-7807. 28tf $12,000 First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALLY ATl'RACTIVE 2 bdrm. homr. "Clean u a whistle.'' Panelled living room and small dining room. carpeted wall t-0 wall, good kitchen, breakfast space and service porch. Ample cupboards & storage space. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice en- closed patio. Most convenient cornE'r location. 2 blka. f rom City Hall, Newport. Beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Just a Step From North Bay Spacious, comfort.able year round home, 3 bedrm11. & den, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces. PLUS attractive guest apL Excellent location. Must be 84!Cn to be appreciated! $15,000 will handle Multiple Usting 5512 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOCiatetJ Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 CORONA HIGHLANDS Herc's tbe home big enough to raise that famlly -plus view of Ocean and hills. 5"(. ins, loan. Three bdrm .. bath and half upstalr., one bdrm. or den with ·'• down. hwd. noors, dbl. garage. Xlnt. neigh· borhood, Only $26,500. Two 40·f't . lots south of Hwy. Only $5000 .each . ThN1C won't ln ~t. act now. RAY REAL TY CO. 34 l I F:. Cc ::ist J:lvd . Corona rte I Mar Barbor 2288 Owner 's Sacrifice I NICE LOTS I.' 1tr:1: 2 h . r • hu : t , 12 b'ork r.Af:T RIOF:. r<J~ ff\ MF.SA. to Uny, 2 h.01 .• t<1 1,u, tn"•• '··~ trr, '''(JO at ~1c-·;~·n •· rr"t Nf'wport c --orh. ) 11. O'A n•r SYc;irnore 6·3C~7. 3.p-l!ih COSTA 1'1~A Furn. 2 bdrm. home. •all to wti.11 carpet. hwc.l. nra .. crment pattu. ttnrf'<I yard. -era in. i'.111 prii:e ••.600. ss.n~ c1own. u s-2i22 I ~•au ! r •r in. r; -od .,.~11. water, eewtr . $.l I' 0 1 n,11. c: r ft 0 TWfr HELL. Phrbor 197~. tf:vt~ J Ha.r. 1317-J I. 12c37h ------------ For sale by owner P~X on R·2 lt>\.a, IJlJ A 8J 4 Jurnint, Cot'Olt8 dl'I Mu. Prl<'"'' rlt h t. C.il Har, 281._R atter 8 p.m. 01' 8UDdllJ'a. 12p4!.b \ 1 ' I I PA6E 6 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ft-Rl1ll_FA_ta_te _____ U--_R_teal P'Atate St-Real f"Atate -·-·-----THURSOA Y, APRIL 7, 1955 GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & ~on Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. When you in1pect these model homes, you will note they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that re1ulted in thla remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace famme.s for many years. Permanent restrictions guarantee you will atwaya be proud of your home here. • To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $22,000 to $35,000 clue we sincerely recommend the Irvine Eatatee overlooking Newport Barbor. Irvine Terrace ill located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. I EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor f448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. CORONA DEL MAR You owe it to younelf to aee thi11 -For leiJsure living or retirement - 2 bdrm., 3 bath home-triple carag~n Haul Dr. overlooking Shore Cliffs, just above the beach. Tropical landscaping, huge view window• from almost every room. Space for large pool it deaittd. Wilt compare with any home in Newport Harbor -bar none. Call tor Appointment. This is iust about finished -and a beauty to behold ! 3 bdrm., 1% bath, high in the Highlands-Unexcel- Jed view ot ocean and rolling hills. Thia doesn't need 11elling, ju.st llhowing. Price $29,700. Call for app't. CALL Mr. Pattillon or Mr. Hilliard. W. E. FISHER, Realtor and ASSOClA TES 3034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 Definitely the best buy in Newport Heights Thill 3 bdrm., 2 bath home ia owner built. Circum· ltancea make quick aale neceaary, It bu forced air heat. diahmuter, garbage dlapol&l and many other featuru not usually found in ordinary homes. Birch panelling adds tone to living rm. There fa a 4 car garage and property ia entirely enclolled with concrete block wall and aituated on lot 75 x 1Z7. We believe this 111 poaiti\'ely the best buy In New· port Heighta at $19.950. Cliff Haven Steal only $1500 down 3 bdnna. with partially completed den. All for $13,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1~th le Irvine. Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2664 Eves. LI 8~ FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES The rent from the 2 bdrm. a pt. o"·er gar. will more than pay the taxce. ins. le upkeep while YOU live comfortably in the 2 bdrm. & den house. Hwd. flni., 2 Cireplacea. BBQ, garb. dia p .. good heat & many extru ma.Jee this a real HOME and a plea.'lure to show. It'• a Multiple Listing -please phone R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Bdroom home on 75 foot lot with fireplace. hwd. noon. large kitchen with garb. disp. dbl. gu. $13.~ F. P. $3000 down. NEWPORT BEACH Bea.ch Cottage on almo.t t.hrff lot..B, Cl, cloee to Newport Pier. $10,500 F. P . TenD8. J. M. MILLER COMPANY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Harbor 4-091 Near the Newport Pier -Plenty of parking DUPLEX Best Coet& Mesa Location '31-33 East 19th Street Stts.500 $5500 down Monthly payment. only $75. One aide furnished cl rented at $85. Uve rent f~. Property comp. fenced W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES ''You'll Like Our Friendly Service'' 393 E . 17th St., Coata Men. Liberty 8· l t 39 1 ~ p. a. palmer LIDO RANCH STYLE More for your comfort, convenience and money. Wool carpeting, drapes, electric therm. oven and n.nge, open beam ceiling., Wied brick fireplace, tuU furnace, large double garage. 2 nice bdrma. and 2 bath•. $23,750. ULTRA-SMART Typical of Lido Iale'a ultra-smart, modem homes is thia atrildng 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. The living room feature. a handaome 1lump-stone fireplace and beamed ceiling. Terrific storage area in the kitchen with ita patural oak and matching formic&. Sliding glue doon from both the diajrlg area aud the den· bdnn. to the sheltered patio. $27,500. COMPARE! New 4 bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, therm. oven and range, comer lot, landacaped, patio, M x 23, BAY·· VIEW sundeck. I.Jdo living at illl bHt. $37,fOO. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 incorporated FOUR HITS, NO MISSES !! w 0 w !! The ocean for a front yard, Iota of san<1 to lie on all summer. A 2 bdrm. houae and an apt. for guests or income. WOW! Ca.U me, Dave Osburn CORONA DEL ~iAR 60' lot, corner Marguerite & Seaview. R-3 zone. The only one available for 6 units. Only $14,950. Ask for Harold Osborne, Evea. Phone Harbor 49:3-J NEAT AS A PIN You'll stop looking when you see this 2 bdrm, Pi bath beauty. Huge living room is only one of many teaturea. 45' lot and ready to add 2 bdrms. over the garage. Priced right at $25,500. Ask for Bill Farnsworth WORTH EVERY PENNY Vital atatistica. Location: Newport Heights two bdrm. dining room, large kitchen, patio. barbeque, beautiful planing. Full price $13,500. Ask for Hodgekinson p. a. palmer· incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Eves. Harbor 4923-J THE GREAT ORANGE COAST ACREA G E 10 acres. ~orner. Good in\"cstmcnt. S3200. tenna. 80 acres. celery, lettuce. yams or spinach land. Bldgs. well. ready to plant now. $3000 ftC. 29 '1;. dn 150 acres. Farm. celery. tomato or bean land~Bldg1. sheds, well. Suitable terms. $2000 acre. 160 acres. Well. older bldg. Bean or C<'lery land. Surveyed with tentati\'e subdivision map. Bargain price of $3750 acre. Terms. EXCELLENT LISTINGS Commercial or business location. 2 bdrm., den home on E. J8th St. Sewers. alley. 71)' front. $5000 dn. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Landscaped. Newport Heights view home. Appointments at peak of planning. Vef"7 lovely, S26.500. Terms. 2 store bldgs .• 2 bdrm. apt. Leases avilable. Build- ing area. $32,000 full price. Will show gro1111 14""'. 60 x 300 Harbor Blvd. $12,000 with liberal terma. Mfg. area. Placentia north 19th St. 127-ft. frootace. $70 foot. BACK BAY RANCH STYLE Prompt action allows choice of coloni, wall paper, tile. Complete Hotpoint kitch('n, built-in range and oven. Ready soon. Exciting 2 bdrm. with Mr. 6 Mrs. closets, den, 2 tiled & heated baths, forced air heat, fireplace, natural ash cabinet, hwd .. tloore, ~ ment patio. 20 x 20 attached garage. Good lized lot. Priced at $24,500, suitable terma. · ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS An Unusual Buy Close to Stores Newport Heights 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa 2 bdrm. horne only l blk from Open House, Sat. & Sun, 12.5 __ L_Tbe_ rty 8-1632 Liberty 8·1400 !:Tea. S bdrm. home In a fine loc&Uon In th• Broadway aecUon ol eo... l& Me.a. Thi.a la a well-built hOUN only I yra. old. However, the yud la neg\ected and lh• hou..e nffda clMllin,s &l\d paint· In&" U you an good at "fJJdns up" lhl.e wW lntereet you. The owner needa money now. '10,600 pr1oe. -SJOOO dowa. Newport Heights Cbolce locaUon. I bdrma. A den home wtUI 2 batha, ftnplace, ... lect oak noon. An:adla all~ glau doo,... larp llUDlll\lnq kl~h"'· many doeeta. lnclud• drapee It oarpeUnc. •1t,600. SPECULATORS ! Here's a sleeper ZONED C·2-A cute I bedroom howie on Jot 60xl72, &e>ned tor bualneu and Income. Full price only fl0,000 with 12.000 down. 175. mo. BETTER HURRY! Bay Shores a BEDROOM, 1 ~ b&lh, for only 111.:IOO. Cliff Haven SEASON'S 81:8'1' BUT on u · clualve Klnp Road. S bedroom. 1"' bath. ""' to ""' r &rpf'ta. Land· ac•~. etc .. 122.700. Xlnt ~ma. ALSO VDtT ATTRACTJVI'! INCOME PROPF.RTY, TltREE 2 bednn. unit.I, priced to Hll fut. with only JS.MO down. Corona del Mar (JUST LISTED 8ATURDAYl Very •tl...,ctlv" 2 bdrm. on Le.rkllJ>UT, 12.l!OO down, Builders Special TWO r...r;vn, R ·S LOTS ON HA VEN PL.ACE. 1 1000 EACH Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS c. e. RUN_ Wm. o. 8dlmldt. A.ac 312 Manne Av• .• Balboa laland Harbor 20t2 REAL VALUES Little Rancho I bdrm. It df'n home on ~ actt In Back Bay Dl•t. Th'-t.e real country llvtns. Will trade tor downtown Coela Mu4 yet in fOO Ki Pl a good neighborhood of homes. ngs ace Thia att .... cllve but amall home WE HA VE a brauty, l br . anti Elton Barnett Realtor la Jeaa than 2 yea111 old 6 bu den with 11"\r baths, time anti lovtly hwd. noo,., lot. of doe· apace will n?t permit ua to ttll tU. la well-delllped and well-you all the nice things aboul built. Nice fenced yard 6 s-tlo. lhla beautiful home. $99915. FULL PRICE $28,500, TERMS 1.5 Acres Costa Mesa •M No. Newport Blvd. w·1th Oce.an v·1ew u 2 BDRM. hom.:. 3 mo. old. Good (1 blk abcn• Ba.a Bor,>lt.al) ruldenllal area. w to w ca rpet· Here'• an lnterMUnl' buy tor UI· lnK. ~arb. dlllp. Liberty 1-2172 LI &-7151 ..... veatment. Beautllul apot on the FULL PRICE $9.!'.100-$2.000 ON. clltt with an ocean view. It'• out on the outaklrU of town now but before long wlU be tn th• middle of Import.ant new project.. Could make • nice Jou . 1~00 full price. LOOKING FOR THESE 1 BALBOA ISLAND - 'Little Ialand'. 3 bdnn., 1 * batha, bwd. noors, fire- place and apt. ............... ... ....... . ............ $26,500 Beautiful little 2 bdrm. home. Perfect remodeled Provincial ·····-··-·····-········-············-··········· .... $19,500 THREE BDRM. BEACH HOUSE - tumiahed with attractive 1 bdrm. apt .. goOd income record, 2 pati01, 2-ar garage, $6000 dn. $24,500 CLIFF HA VEN - Drive by f-02 Kinp Road and aee the quality con- alnlction, and outatandJng featurea of thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath, plua den-dining room home. Fully landscaped and beautif\O 18 x 36 pool. Lge patio, and sheltered patio ott pool. 65 x HO lot., with al- ley parking to 20 x 26 garage. Tenna ....... $34,500 ALSO on Kinga Road, with view, with lots ot pine pa.nelliq, 3 bdrm., 1 =~ batha ................... $2t,250 WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 0234 Country Home 2 8,J:OROOM, OEN, l \.0 BATHS 1.03 Ac fruit lreeii ccimpletely fenced. Cloae to County Club and Back 81\y. Owner11 1111IJ to 11ell Reductd from $22,flOO to low price of $19,000, ex. tem 11. Only One Left .. $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. It Sun. 12 . 5 2lllt 6 Oran ge Avt', 3 b<lm1. l '2 baths. breakfaat 11ntl dining a1 t'll Full price $10,700. LOT, NEWPORT HEIGHTS $3.500 M·l Lot 130xtH . '13,:0,00 C-2 Lot on Nt'wport ..... 110 ~O C-2 Lot on 17th St , . . $12,:\00 3 R-4 Lota In Coat• Mraa $7 .200 How Can You Miss 7 e unlu A cate on C-2 10111. lnn•me approxlmatf'ly 1400. F llll prlcl", t 39,!IO(). Ex. Tl'mu . . "ART" ADAIR REALTOR Corona del Mar Vogel Value _~:_:;~;~2Blvd • Cost& 1'1"•1' Exclusive Shorecliff s New. modern 4 bedroom.a. l:l~ batha home. Ch~ these featurea -Lovely living rm. opena to patio. cantilever fireplace, orienW uh paneling. in· direct Ugbting. Dining rm. with fireplace. Kitchen bu ash cabinet.a, disp,, built-in cop~r atove &11d oven. Tile baths, F. A. furnace, W to W carpeting, drapee, many cloeelA, acoufiic pluter, free float· ing stairway lo ocean view bedroom with fireplace. Fenced yard, lge. garage Ir laundry. A dream home priced under $40,000. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2M7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 Here's a Beach Home AS CUTE 6 CLEA:< 1a !he pro· verblal bug's tar' I bdrm . hvtng rm .. kitchen, r•rtlv turn . l•rl?" front t nclollf'd p•t1ci Obi(' l!•r and only H.m Balboa Triplex 4 BDRM. HOUSE , 2 bdrm. and & l bdrm. a pt., all rum. Ju1t a tew •tepa rrofh lhf' Blly. on .. ol the best rf'nta.J IM'•·t1on11 ln D•lbo• Now Available - TWO VERY BP.:AUTJFt:L bulld· Ing 111tra on the f'olnt. lot • hOm• CION Ill eo.ta MUIL ---------------------Coast Properties Co. Attention Builders We tl•n "°"'• alee bulJdlnr lot. 6 aubdlv\lllon prvpert7. 8" ua today. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1'82 Ntwpe>rt Bl•d. Coeta Ilea Ptloa• LI 1-1172 ETM. LI 8-6417 LIDO ISLE BY OWNER -40-n. lot -lllnf't tQ 9t.radL a bdrm, J b&UI horn•. W&ll tQ wall ~n.I'. natu.ral MONEY IN YOUR POCKET 12 unita !urniahed. Ocean front, nicely located on 3 Jot.A, center of Balboa. 1 block from Bay. Alway• rented. Showa t op income. $48,000 full price. Reuonable terms. SEE TJOS NOW at the beginning of th.e aeuon! See UJa B. McFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E . Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517 ·M btrcll k.tldl81, buJlt·lll AO'H, --------------------- fan It p.r1a. cl1ap. ruu prtce - IH,000. Har. 5139. 25dt t.AJlOlt LOT on Cliff Drl•• lll Cliff Bann. ALSO 40 tt. lt~t to 1lrt'fll lot on Gftloa. Udo la.It' and C-2 lot on-Newport Blvd. Mr-a. Mrena, Har. n1tJ. 21ltfc SPACIOUS HOME and iuut flr l11rome apt. 2 Ule .,_tti.. ata tl •howers. Hdwd. Oonr11. 3 rum&«'· ""-iub dl1tp. Only 2 yn . old 0..'nu, 4102 Jasmine. Corona del M•~ npMh This Is NOT A Misprint For SIOO down you e&n buy a lot in a new subdi· viaion in Victorville. Thia la an opportunity to in· vest in a fut growing area. CORONA DEL MAR. 01mer 1ay1: "Get me an of· fer!" 2 unit.a ao1lth of Hwy. "1th $2000 down. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Rea.ltor . Bualnea Broken 3IM E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2102 301 I:. B&lboa Rive:!, DAibo• Harbor 28511, 2:197 8n'1 4600. Class Will Tell OCEAN V1EW. 3 bdrm. .t <l"n, Ju1t being fum l•htd. S27 ,500 UDO ISLP.:. 3 bdrm. 2 b1tlh1t Nice patio. Out.atandlnl". 131.~ 3A 'YP'RONT, 4 M rm . J'l~r anJ n oat. H !\.000 Chllrm It llw1b1f· lty ~ f'rir tht M and Olh~-. A· I pro~rue t BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd , Npt. Brh Harbor 6188 34c38 BACK BAY come-, of Mua Drive 6. Cypr''"' I )'Tl. old, ~aut1ru1 view. 88 3 lit 1411' wt.. , bdl'TI'-., lge. 14 -20 k itchen. vraJJ to wall ra~t.. Solid Pumt bloc conatructlnn, waJI~ patio. 1 LolJI of room for Income addJUon with bay vtew. rr1vate party. S tl\,900. Ph. I.I l ·&IU for appoirtmtnl. 32p45 BEAUTIFUL C-1 LOCATION On Chapman Ave. west of Orange, (City). l'ull block 260 x 1521:.:. with front.age on 3 Sta. $49,500. Owner will con.sider trade for clear Lido or other Harbor Area property. Exclusive with us - A WONDERFUL BRAND NEW HOME wttb tht"N bdrms. 2 are full size and the master is extra large. 2 tiled baths, master bedroom carpeted and aUding doors open from it onto a magnificent 1undeck. Beautiful kitchen with built-in oven and range, dia· posal and dishwasher. Separate dining area. Uaed brick fireplace, paneling. fine wallpaper• and 1peclal light fixtures throughout. It's extra nice and exclu- sive with us for $29,500 full price with excellent t erms available. REMEMBER, we have fine summer rentat. LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S0 MARKE'.'f ENTRANCE) VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUS INESS PROPERTY -$32.000 investment bu)'9 a gross income of $5700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equJpt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with 80me view of bay. Completely furnished. $3500 handle11. For evc>ning information phone Harbor ~9-M. SEE US for several extra 11pecially fine BA YFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 444 Are you far-sighted 1 JF RO you will quickly recognize the potentlaUtJea in t his quality income property located in choice rr ntal district. Just JOO rt. from ocean. There are 3 unil8 -a new duplex and a 5-room hoUAe on 2 lotR. 2 units are rum1sht'd and rented on yearly basL'\. Owner's home available now. Three garage. on alley. Prefit•nt income can be subatantlally incl't'al\Cd , $!")00() wall handle. FOP. 11'. PECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 311 3 Newport Rivel.. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 NEW on the market Downtown Balboa busincRs bldg .. 2 large officrtt, suitable for Doctor or Denti~t. A 2 bdrm. lovely furn. apt. with view of ocean & ba~ Room (or ex· pansion. Approx. ycu s. old. Full price S25.750. w1th ONLY $5000 down. SEE Lila B. McFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har. 5188 or 1983 -------- HAPPY EASTER and welcome to you all - SEE US for Choice Properties • in the Newport Harbor Area. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer and Chet Raliflbury, Aaa<><:iatf'8 216 Marine Ave,. ~ lall.nc/ Hvber It ·, &? ~ -· ,,. f •• ,., 62-Real FAtate ON LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun.-1 to 4 P. M. 339 Lido Soud -Bayfront, Slip- Well located 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, Furni.ahed, Lge. Lot; Landsca-----./ NE! COME FOR A VISIT Stay a lifetime. Thia beautiful home ia keyed to bar· monlze with it'• surroundings. 3 bdrm., 2 bath on Corner Lot. Near the Club House with features you won't find anywhere else. It'• Provincial, with carp- et. and drapes. Nicely landscaped with a minimum ot work. Let u1 show you this aa it ia priced right. Need a 50' Lot 1 We have one at a sacrifice price. Sorry, no phone information. FOR RENT ON LIDO 3 Bdrm. Fur. June 15 to Sept. 15. $1,500. 4 Bdrm. Un!um. Years lease. $200 mo. 3 Bd~. Fur. July & August. $1,200. BAY & BEACH REALTY 3112 Lafayette, Newpert. Har. 3643. Har. 2999 Eve. Just to the right of Lido Bridge Entrance. BEFORE YOU BUY -See these homes in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 le~ Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move In Sewen in and pt.id Garbage Disposal Enclosed garages Kitchen fan• Colored rock roof1 Birch Cabineta Total Price, $11,450 See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Oft Se.nta Ana Ave. Between 15th St. and 16th St. 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 Two Story Newport Heights IMMACULATE 2-atory home that ii a DREAM! Large livlng room wlth a maaaive firepla~e. plenty or room for plano and Iota of furniture. Entrance hall-with attractive stairway. Large separate dining room. A kitchen with dinette apace & also wired for electric range. Service porch. Top floor bas a mu- ter bdrm., plus 2 other bdrm11. fid a small room. 2-car garage with sun deck are Unit beat. What a back yard-! Has unusual bric fence with a bar- bequc and an oul.8ide fireplace. You'll really go crazy over this fine home!!! The price is only $16,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson 1 ~56 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ( AC'ross from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone Liberty R-6i61 E ves. Har. 4366-LT 8-2103 CORONA DEL MAR 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Orchid Ave., ha.a double g arage, fireplace and tile. Only $12,500 with $1500 down. Balance like rent. 2. \'ery nice 2 bJrm .. close in. Has exposed ~ams, forced air heat, fla ~stonc f1rt'plat·e and stressed garage. F ull price SH .500. 3. Large new 3 bdrm. and playroom. ( 1950 i;q , ft.) Has beautiful \'IC'W. \\"uvd :-ha ke r0<•f. 2 baths amt all sltrarl1\'l'ly f1n1~hril. Op<>n daily. SOU I >E: ANZ:\, COROl':A HIGH LA NOS EXC'Ll'Sl\'F: w ith BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 3542 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, 1 to 5 1576 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa The Vogel Company 3201 W. f'.oast Hwy., Npl Bch. Llberty 8·3481 Outstanding Ocean View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 21 :.! baths, lge. li\'ing room, separate dining r oom, large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement \IJ•ith 150.000 BTU furnace. E xpensi\'ely carpet<'d wall to wall thru-oul. Garbage disposal and dishwashl'r, House 6 yrs. old. Large double garage with laun· dry, radio-controlled door. Lot 50 x 14 2'. Well lanrl· acapcd. Thill home must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocf'a.n Blvd., Corona del Mar OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Own&, Harbor 3<135 32c36 EASTER GREETINGS We are really busy, what with selling Real Estate and remodeling our offices - We hope to have the finest Real Estate office in the area when completed. Carpets and Drapes, New Metal Furniture, etc. and a Large Paved Parking Area for our customers Drop in and see what we 're doing! Incidentally we have a real fine choice of Listings all over the Harbor Area. Philip Terry Joe Stawicki Tom Payne· DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 4718 COSTA MESA Wat ch Your Wife Her eyu will ll~hl up when you allow her th'-brand new abe..ke root family borne -A re&l rua- tl• charm.,. with J .u~ briell flreplacea -built-In el«tr1c kitchen -knotty pine and nat- ural wood ••• Lot.a ot room tn an Ideal JocaUonl Only $39~ dn a.nd l80 per month on FHA on.. * * * Charm -Personality and oomtort weN uppermo.t In mind when thla modern atyle 8 bdrm., 1 ~ bath home wu built. It he.a a gTaputake fenced paUo, natural wood burnln~ ttreplace, bu kitchen, fon:ed air heat - Unequaled value at 112,00011 * * * Tip-Top Quality Buy Nearly new I bdrm. home wtlh wall t.o Wall carpeta, :120.Yoll In kltc11en-1an4-pec1 .nd 1tinc.c1 lot-all tor J1111t 110.GOO wtUa low down and balance "3. per mo., Incl. tax• • &naurance oa • ~ ~ nu. 1ou1. Wber., '" uk, can yO\I beat Utla T * * * If You 're Tired CORONA DEL MAR Magnificent view of entrance channel & entire bay area. MODERN 3 b d rm., 2 % bath home. Garage. Enclosed patio. Unfinished studio 18x23 with view. Reduced to $47,000 for quick sale Owner at Liberty 8-4982 Courteey to Broken. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 3l5c37 CLOSE IN -2 bdrm. home, den, garage. Sewer ln Ii paid. $7850 with $1500 dwn. le bal. $60 per month. You can choose well here-SWIMMING POOL -' bd.rma., 2 baths, patio, fireplace, furnished. Dbl. garage. One of tbe beat. NEARLY NEW Balboa bland, 2 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART tv • PAGE l THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Balboa Island lfOOR YOUR 60-FJ'. boat to your own private pier and floe.t In front of thia delightful 4 bdrm. "LJtU. laland" Balboan-Engllah home. Price about $80,000. South Bay FIRST OFFERING ot thla outste.nding home. De- aigned for immediate conversion (close 1 door) to two units. Perfect buy for exPCutive, relaxation and tax relief. Two living rooma, fireplace, 5 bdrm.I., S be.tbs, '2 kitchens. Prlce about $~,000. A Vacation Home CUTE clean delightful 1 bdrm., dbl. gange. Patio. den. Charming, $15,750. Submit your dwn. paymt. Balboa Island Income TWO older unite near South Bay. Good tncom .. Submit down. Price $14,900. Two Units Near North Bay JOYOUS LIVING ROOM, large dining room m ma.bl unit. Priced conservatively at $M,000. Beacon Bay ~ONE of BEACON BAY',S superior homes.' bdrm.a.. 3 baths. Absolutely exceptions.I living room. fenced yard. -$32,000. King's Road A very apecial offer • magnificent 2 bdrm.. and dMa exquiaite view home. Priced low. BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -Conault ua for exclua1 desirable bomea. CALL HARBOR 177~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balbo& Iala.nd 100°/0 INCREASE IN SALES! More th&n a Million Dollars ln Multiple U.Un1 Sal• during the month of March 1 $1 ,147,()61.00 Compared to ~78.!0n.OO tor Karch of lut )'Ml". In BUYING or SELLING aee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS looklns al lnflated prtc•. mall• • date wllh ua and aee what $14,000 will buy-In N9Wl><>rt Helght.e, too TbJ'H bdnna., bright and airy, 1 % bath.a com- pl,lely fen«<! back yard &nd paUo. Sound.a Sood and la JOOd! Comer location. $17,000 with terms. unlta with all tboee teaturt'a that -------------------- * • * Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Nua Liberty 8·1161. Evea. LI e-s1aa • • 1 Bdrm. C-2 $4950 $1.000 DOWN lakes lhl1 nice deal. 60xHO lot Jwit J80·ft. oft Nel'I· port Blvd. A reaJ boo&fhle otter. 3 Bdrm. on lt2 acre M-1 Lot 1 118 ACRES -2 small home•. variety or fruit treee. -$8750. Terms. 2 bdrm. home & 1 bdrm. rental. $12.500. Take lot u part of down payment. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Cost.a Mesa. LI 8·1601 Bl!:ST M·t locality, center of town. -- only $2 GOO dn. 112.900 tuU pr1oe. VOGEL VALUE a dd chttr lO your UvlJlg. A mod- em kltche.n. furnace heat. fire· place. loeda ot wardrobe 11pacc. moat livable paUo It 2 cu garage. A ONll STORY, 2 blc bdnn. borne ,,.,Ith the 2nd unit over Ule dble. g'&rag-A. 1 bdnn. completely tum. apt. Price $28. 7110., t.rnn1 Call P owera or Lake J. A. BEEK, Realtor Ra.rbor u . 603 Park AYf. BaJboa Lalaod Nearly New Quality Home J BDRM , bullt·ln o\•en 6: 1tove, I BALBOA BAYFRONT WITH INCOME ----- t11l p , rt<' E 19th. loc. $13,9~. EZ tt nn1. Eve. Int. LI 8·~2. LyUe. 2532 Santa Ana Ave., C. M. 2 u F:,\t 'TYS <•n onl' halt acre P r $I !l,800, EZ ttnna l!'or Inf aftl'r 5 p m. LI 8·26-42. Lytl' Houston Realty end Auocla tta 1109 C,.nt,.r. Cost& Mesa. LI 8·8911 Y.ve. Inform. J,,ytll"-Ll 8·2M2 l'~ll tte-Ll 8-6487 Benner-HA 1811 Srymour HA. 1>298·W. Ocean View ,~ Bf.K.. TO B!:AC'H, 4 br. turn., f~lk" nt w. 2 lot•, I f&ra1ea. $19.600., tenna. !l FURN. UNIT8. near bMcb and bAy. ~ loll near NewporL pter. $30,000, 19,000 dowu. Lovely !urnilhed 5 bdrm. 2 bath home. Walk from your sunny patio right down to your own privato beach, which Is zoned for pier & slip. Beautiful master bdrm. overlooking Bay. and no fooling. one back bdrm. ia large enough for 6 people. Don't atop now -fn the rear l• the nicest ~ntal unit you've ever seen! 2 bdrm. -lge. Living rm. - even a separate dining room. We honestly believe thl1 to be the bet"t buy on Bay· front property in the entire Harbor area. at $44,~. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout li.Jgbway, Npt. Bcb. L~rty 8·3481 Via Undine -Lido Isle Spacious 3 bath home, on t5-!L lot. 2 king size bdrm.I., encloeed Ian~. Carpeted n oors. disbwash· er, disposer, extra lar&e ~ar gan.ge. Tht> price l~ more than rlght - ' $2:5.500, excellent term•. ' Homer E. Shafer GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY REALTOR 1oe McFadden P\aca MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS ""r. uo Ena. Har. 1137-M 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2552 -OCEAN VIEW modVD I bednn. _______ <_Ev_e_s_. _L_tbc_rt_y_8_·3_1_8_6) _____ _ home •llb ut.ra room a.11d % bnlh on doubl• R"U&I'· P rk e U J .:>00 Lnw tlown p11ym~nt or will lllk• Flrat Tna\ Dud ln tratl<'. 2712 Cliff Drive (adjacent var&.n t lot avall&ble I Ph. owner, LI a .2:i;;2 2Jtfr BY OWNER 'C"nrona Hl~hl1U1d1 -I bdnn .• 2 I h111n 111r1r1hnUJ11'. FHA commlt- me11l I'll. Hllrbor 7f..J. tttlt VOGEL VALUE * INCOME $9,480 * 9 Unlurn. Deluxe Apta. All on lea.sea. Only 15 months old. And located in Balboa's strategic rental area~ Operator c&n 1ubst&ntially lncreue the ln· come. Ta.Ilea $21,000 cub -balance on 5~ loan. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bcb. LJbcrty 8-3481 Evtnini• Phone Wberty 8 -1&46 Ocean Front Dupler. 2 Ulllll, 2 bdnnl!. n c h, rhuar• proJ"'rly. C>Od f(',,'l\I •l'•lnll Excrll,nt \'aluc 11l S2i.OOV Lido Isle i RORM hn1111.-, nrw and 11tlr&c· llYt', S:JJ,:iOQ. .\LSU 2 bdnn. home. S2t.:'l00 N. B. C. Realty Co. !'12n(t It NeW'port Blvd . l'pt. DC"h. Open for Inspection 1321 W. Bay Ave. Sat., April 9, 1 to 5 p.m. F t.;R.':. DL,,LEX. J bdnn up At 1 dn., with extra h;t . d1 t:trht<l n.impu• rm .. with rtrt pl A Jl11r· R-Q Om1hle c-11r J:"tai::e. P r1C't 120,500., with trnro1. Houston Realty a.nd A1110C1llll'I :109 Centrr, Co~ta Mc.o,.a.. LI 8·11911 J:,c37 del Mar Y on • quo< l 1: r .. ~1 I, church & Aht.r.• L!JvtlY 2 nn. hc.m•. a rt111t 1c· ally deco N1, flrt''Pl~ct l•ovt'lY pa tio. no ble garai;e. H"Atun· a bly prlc . FOR SAU!l BT OWNT.R Ca.U MET~ ?-;ELSON, Har. M60 29tlc SP :'JOO. NEWLY PA.J::'ll-rlL.D 2 bed· room ~ UC'C'O h1>me on corntr 4 yr• oltJ Small enr loscd rat lo Harbor 61:,f or Har. '87. 3.:.1.lc • LIDO BA YFRONT HOMES . BA YFRONT HOME ENVIRONMENT that ap. proachea the ide&l -3 lovely bdnns., 1 ~~ baths, separate dining rm., double garage and eeparato laundry room. Graceful living is the key not&-with pier and float. A 6 yr. old home with today'• at· mosphere throughout. Carpet, drapes, atove It re- frig. included. Full price M9,500. We have the key. IF YOU ARE THINK rNG of a larger Bayfront home that offers 100 peonies in value for every dol· lar you spend, wl1y not look at this 4 bed.rm. and den \\It h mai1.J'~ quartrrs. 1'\1 w wall to wall carpete anti partly rc·d1'C'Oratcd. <in a lot nnd a h alf, In beat Lido Nord loealio'1 . T'ir r an1J finger slip plus a Jarie 11w1 mmi n~ fl oa t. E.iccf'lll'nl financing a\·aiJabJe. Full price $~9.500. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 via Lido. Nrwport &-ech . Har. 4971or4972 EXCLUSIVE LISTING FIRST TIME OFFERED Charming 2 bdrms.1 Colonial at 223 Apolena Ave ., Balboa Island $21,500 furnished SEE :,rr.S. BRL'Nl::R et PREJ"OERl.A~T'S OFFICE 2:?J Mar::le Ave., Balboa L lknd ON UDO ISLE Harbor 1331 35c37 \\'e wish you could ~c this c ha rming 3 bdrm. 1~~ bntll Ranch type home that is only 2 yre. old -p&n• eUed living room, beamed ceiling, ~parate dinlnr r oom -n.lStic and oh, AO r C'stful. Rcduc<'ll to S21 ,950 We like It llnd believe YOU will. The Vogel Co. -Lido. Office 3'116 V1'. Lido, Newport Beacb. Har. •971.or W72 .. • I I PAGE 8 • PART JV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 ( MYSTERY BLAST ROCKS HARBOR Somet hing popped Monday j ust arter l> p.m. and Ha rbor r <"s.ldt>nts a re still asking t'A<'h ot¥r where the explo11lon was. The1·e had not been any jet planes ca vorling about, or they w ouhl ha,·e tak<'n the blame !or t he explo~ion that rocked houses from the beach to back on the hill. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa pollce tlepurtmenta ar11 still looking for ll clue to the blast, but so far no one had any suggestions to off Pr. JUST FOR KIDS Optimists Set Easter Egg Hunt Saiurda.Y ~eibert Home, Lot on Lido Sold 2 Couples Sale of th<' \\"niter Sdbert home :1l HO Via Lhl11 ;>;m·t1 and the 11d- j111ntni,; Jot for a total 111101 of more than StOll.0011 \\'l s unnounred to- day by E n11 rv ~ H 'Lnson. vi.. ... prt·~hle>nt uf P . A. l'almn. In<'. w h c·h r.•prc>11ente<l buy1•1 s and ,.,.11. ('l'.'1 • • \Ir. anti Mr:o. Pnul E. B('nLzeln of \\'ovdland Hills boui;:th the hoh•e while the L •!ll1e P<'lersens nf Little l~lantl ancl Bewrly Hills purrhas .. d the lot adjoinln~ the hous ... P,•t et"' sc•n is 1;111 CXt'('lltlW Wllh lll-G-M Rt11d10:1 und a director· of Ma riners Bunk h1•n>. The Sleb<:rts plan t't>n· slni<'tlfln or a new Lido hnme right away. W. L . Killion a nd Vincent Healy. both of the Palmer office, handled the home a.ni1 lot sale respectively. Martine Jailed on Bur9,ary Counts SA:-:TA ANA (OCXSl -P ro- bation was denlPd a 20-year-old A movie and egg hunt for oil Lsk .. wood ynulh and grantf'd t o gracle school youngsters in N1·w-his <'0·!1l'11>nd1;1nt. an 18-year-old EAGER FOR SAVINGS ACCOUNT Three aces were tallied on the good luck savings account thnt Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Naegeli opened at the Mariners Bank on th<? first day. The couple received account number Ill when they made their dcposil and three bank 1.iiFectors officiated. Left to right above, Directors J ohn Boyd, T. H. Thomas and 0. W. "Dick'' Richard, with the Nae~clis. -Staff Photo BROADMOOR TRAILER HOMES DEATH NOTICE port H nrl>Or 11rr11 wtll be Saturday, Gardena rcsld<'nt, Fri1lny 11rtn -------------I' 30-40 & 60 foot lots. Private tt>lt'phone IUld natural gas livailabl~. Close t o g ruceri,•11. bus service, etc. Ex(·Cllt'nt television recept ion, At111lt11 only, no pt<ta. "IDEAL \'F.AR-'ROU :SD ('UMATF." HE:SRY W. OHOM April 9 al the Pol't Th.-atre. th.-ir guilty picas before Superior 9:4:'.l a.rn. Admission ls two C'O!Ort'd Court Judge J ohn sti,•11. hardboiled eggR. a l·cordinll( t o Richard Hilliard, Ncwpol'l Hllrbor J udi;e ShPu sent J ohn C. Marlin<' YOURSTONE DRAWS BEAD ON SHOOT Optimist Club, cha lrma.n of lhe egg hunt. FC'ature wlll be Abbott and Co!ltl'llo'a Lost In Alnl'ka, plus ll short comrdy and c11rtoon. to the youth 11ulhor1ty fnr 1111 un- detl'rmmecl period. The juclge put Hun C. Nkholi1 on 11tra1i;ht proba- Funeral llerv1c·es for Henry ·w1t- lln111 Grom, 87, of 429 F.11ther St.. Costa Me111L, were hl'ld In Parkes- Ridlry Mortuary Chapel, Costa Mesa. tot.lay 11t 2 p.m. with the Rl'v. Jamea S. Stewart, pastor ot St. Andrew'• Presbytert.an Church of- ficiating. Reptlln • Malnknaace • lna.Ulatto• STAFFORD & SON Roy Yourstone is pulling down on a turkey in preparation for the shoot to be held by the Kiwanis club Saturday at South Coast Rifle Club range for the benefit of a pro- posed Orange County Correctional Ranch for boys. Yourstone is abetted by Heinz Kaiser and Bill Spurgeon. The tifle range is on MacArthur Blvd., and the s hoot will last all day, rifles, shot guns and pistols being used in the contests. High winds last week caused shoot sponsors to call the meet. Over $500 was taken in for ranch cause. Marksmen who shot last week are welcome to watch Saturday's shoot. A free movie will be shown first. courtesy or the Por't Tht'ah·c._ Fol- lowing tho.> show, the Easter egg hunt will be held a.tlja.<'ent to Har- bor VIPw School, 11 :30 a.m. Opti- mist club membrn1 and Newport police will escort the youngsters trom the theatre to the hunt. Additional eggs will ~ provided by Richard's Lido Markel a.nd All- An11~rkan Markel. H iiliard &aid. Over 100 prizes wlU be given by t1on for three yeiLrs. The youths admitted burgla rlz· Ing a service station at 901 Bay- side Drive, l\'ewport Bf'ach, and a variety shop in W lntC'rsburg. Four juvt>n 1fes also were arrPsted in c-on- necUon with the two burglaries, classed 1111 11econd dei;-ret'. Martine r('portedly admitted tak· lni; part In 34 buri::tariea. All b-Oys Involved In the two crlmu have been ordered lo contribute equally to rutltutlon. Jtfr. .orom died 1uddenly Tues- day at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. Edward C. M adden. He wa1 a n ative of Germany and came t o California In 1908, had livl'd h ere tor a year. He ta also eurvived by two gi-anwiona. "NELS and DOC" l'.:LECTKICAL OOSTKAOTOIUJ Pbone Liiie,., ll-H68 110 Riverside Avea-Newpert llMdl I CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 State Committee Approves Small Boat Harbor._ Plans SACRAMF.NTO <C:-:S1 -The jo111l lrg-islalivl' Interim <'omm1tlt•e on marin<> atfa1n1 h11s rP<'ommend· ed that the !llnl» l'ntt-r tnln d;.o- v,topment o! a n.,twork of harbnrll for sn1111l plN1~ure 11nll t•11mm1·1·c1al bo11t.•. The i:roup recommt•ndt-d that the l'llrl'C'nl l<<'l'Slon of the lt'J{l:<la- t UH' plarr (\dm\n1straliOn OC the 1mall boat harbor program m the atate l&nd11 <'Ommll'llllOll anJ give the r n mm1si;lo11 Rulho1 ity to carry out th1• p1ogra111. .SF.t:K ;\tA~Tt:R J>l~.\S T h.. • 1o11ir111tW•• ""J.:>!"~ted that tht• cr1n1m 11-s1nn 111"l>ll 11' a 11tut1>- w1de no:i.1 .. 1· plan 111<11111t1ni:: locn· Uons qf 1 uastaJ onl.I ltllun<I h1trbors. C-rf'ntl11n of •!All' funrt11 tn carry nut t lw t 111po:ml W•JIHcl be h•ft for 1t<l•l1tw11.<1 ~t'l•lv bv tl\P n1m111illel'. A:t.. :CiHJI' ., .. r1( , f \'•'""'' tu pny for lht• p '' 1 J11 l ht f 'IU11ft'\1t 1 VI\ lf'- ~0!'°' 11.1• "' ,., ' k. 1t1• I t .oc ''" ~rnr. II cu•t 1 t•11 H•l hn'l 11 1•r,~ht,1•r11\I ('rtti fl. an·I ;1 "'"'"" h•i.•l 1..,1 fl'lu• t 0 1u 1111t t• 11 p•• l""'"'' lo !(•ave \(1 " f\11 111 • tJ,1 lt• l h<' d1 l•'ll1\1"8lin n u( h•IW (1;nlf• llh"'ol1t h" <ltHlrlbUl· •'l tor 1t•1t11lft1"'t t ul 1 •u. llh,iOt•·n ... a n11' Hfl·l , qotnl ••lltb·L\' ~ f,\\. l\l!Til·.11 11.\lllllltlS l n 1t ... t•'J'" t. ll ,. ~'tttt\OH\t • ~· pio .. po~f'!I l111th tl" !>uild1ni: • ( ll>'W h~t h• •, t ll•I I hi' llllfll 1'\'I lll••nt of exl~t111i: 1t11 ... • T t,r • "111 111 I•·· f,, 111•1 I h11l f1•rl· ~l ftl IH •f 1111 tho• )llo>J• •I \\<111hl 11f·· pf!'n•I 111u'n t " 11 t•t11 I !'I' tlf' ftt·t1on toward launching and maintain· mg such a program. Und.-r the recommend11ollon11. the t·ommisslon would aid !oral groups In getting harbor devl'lopments lltarlrd. and woultl c0Qrdln1tte et· fort!! or city and county govern- mrn~ to <"ltabllsh harb-Or8. St'na lors who served on the com· mitt•·<> w<'re Arthur H. Breed, Oak- land. l'halrman, f.'red H. Kraft, of San Dl<'go, John McCarthy of Marin Munty. an•I A. W. Way or Humboldt county. Ai<~emblymen mt>mbns Wl'rc t:arl W. ~tanlt>y, Balboa ll'lantl. Charlei< •:. Ch11pel, lnJ'lcwood, 'fhomu W. Caldt•cott, Bc-rkelt-\'. Shi>rldttn N . Hegland. La Mi>~a and S. C. .Mutl'l"l!On. Richmond. ----------- County Won't Fi9ht Fences Inside lay SA:'\TA ANA tOCNSl -Thr Oran~p County Board of Super· vlMr" ln11tructed County Coun11t>l Jricl Ol(le to rl'fnHn from ta king 11ny 11rllon ai;:alnst n>l'Jldl'nta who hR\'~ l'rCl'Le<I frn~NI Into the bsy from H&rtx1r li<land Onlv c.Hu11e for a ction. Ogll!' u - M>rt•·J . woultl be tr(".~11pa.~.111n1t on ro11nty-nwnP'1 tldt-land11. Oi.tle 1<a1d, "I don't think wr rnuld g•·t to flnil btu1e tn court An)•how." Sv\lf'ral letlera have ~en re- <'e1ve<I flV<'r the pa.<1t year by lhf' ~-~-----------~ ~ r('(r1vc:-an 1nrrrt'u ch«lt four 11mn t yrar on your f11ll P~1d Ccmliutr, (1uuc:d 1n m11lt1rlc:-sof SIOO). ~ accoum euns INTEREST 11 the cm r<"nl r Jtc of " : 'Ci a yt'a/. ~ savings u c s~fr' Each •CCOu nr is 1nsurtd to S l 0,000 by an AgM<)' of t~ Un11ed SratM Go••c:-rnmcflt SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OP I NID IY THI 10TH Of THE MONTM IARN FROM THI 1ST. ,,,,, ,,,. lttllllT 11111 I board or 11uperviJ1ors from 1·e111- denta complaining about fences projecting inlo the bay. the Optlmlst1. ~ --- Servlcu wtll be concluded a t the chap.-.1. followed tiy tnurnment at Chapel of the Pines. Los Angele.. Complete and official llgures show PUHi-BLOCK OOMPANY -tstO 8. Maln 8L. Beata Alla PUMJCE -(JINDl:B .U.'D OONCRl:TE BLOCll8 RnVFORCING 8TEIEL and 8UPPUf:8 that again in 1954 -fOr fhe JSTN straight year- MORE PEOPLE BOUGHT CH EVROLElS THAN ANY OTHER CAR No other low-priced car even comes close to matching these important Chevrolet advantages If 1ou'r• planning to bvy a n•w car, the ott• you ju1t can't oflot>d to min teeing I• Chev· rolet-for 19 stro~ht '"" America'• be1t- Hlli"I car. The Motoromlc Chevrolet o"e" you 10 much mere than the other low-priced con that 11'1 hardly fair to compare them. And even the high-priced cars don't hove all the odvontogH that today'• Chevrolet o"en you. The beauty's built In-not bohed onl And 1ha1 makes a hig difference-not only in how your car looks loday, but in how it will look tomorrow, too. Chevrolet's gNXl looks ~pring frnm fine. clean design. ·1 he hcauty is inherent in the b:isic contours of metal and gl:'"'· Then:'s no c'l.cessive bohrd-nn Prna- mentation to go out of style ovc.m1gh1. The lody'1 by Fisher! ?-;o other /nw-prfcrd car h3' a Body hy Fi~her -bu1 many llf the ltr1•lr-prt< ed car~ de> l hal fact alone tells you there must be ~omcthtng extra special about the r;tyle. quafity and con- i;truction of Body by F i.,h<-'r. And there i'! You can ~c it. feel 11 and even bear it ~ ht·n you slam lhc door. Today'• most modem engines! Thal goes for Chevrolet ·s new V8 and two new sixes as well. For example. all Ch<.'vrolcl engine5 bring you a mo~m 12-voll electrical sys1em-dor1h/e the voltage or oth<.'r low-priced cars. This mean~ qu1der cold wealher star1- ing and a greater electrical re\ervc. Then Che\•rolct's new "Turbo-Fire VS .. has the shortest pi.,lon stroke in lhe industry. and develops the highest power per pound (lf any VR in the low-price: field. It 1.1 l.c~ "'ah·<.'·in- hcaJ ~•llkr~hip h'e Che,•rolct's to bring you engines like thc~e! A drive to 111it your driving! Ynu can lake your ch01cc of three dtll.-rl'OI dri\'C \-and C\~ry ''"e's a~ modem a' 1h1\ minute. 1 here·,· Mll y. peppery Po-wcq;l1dc (even better this year!). new Overdrive (both c1ttra-eost options ), and a new Synchro-Me~h transmission that's as smoolh as they come. All the p•w•r helpers you wont! Window~. ~at, steering. brakes-all ar<.' avail- able with built-in "muscles" to make dmmg as effortless as you wish. And you can even have air conditioning iJ you like. The'IC thtnE=' arc e1ttra-cost option~. of coune. hul they more than repay you with extra plea!>ure. Fun Is "1tandard equipment"! You find that oul the fir~t time ynu 1.1l.e the wheel of a new Chevrolet. Herc. yciu d"C1l\cr. i~ a car that take~ the curves li ke it's on r:lil\, that steers like it's reading your mmd. It ~ems !limply to ignore bump~-and when you stop ~uddenly, there'~ no C'.\CC\'i'c lurehmg or diving. either. There has ne· er hccn ~uch a dtfTcrcnce in low-pnct·d c,w, a!> 1hcn· j, today -or co many J!'CIO(J re;i~nn' ~ hy ynu ,Jw uld cir 1 vc a iiew Chevrol,t. Come m and t.il.c the l cy. • • • CHlVIOLH SAUS UADHSHIP 15 A VICTORY IN VALUE FOi YOU! J(n 't it logical 1ha1. ~incc Chevro- let lead\ in ~ale~ year after y<-'ar: Chevrolet must put more into a c.ir than its co mpctilnr\'-more quality ... more crafh man,h1p , .. more ~tylc ... more thing~ to make your <lri\ in l? ca\ier and ~kr and more fun. Yciu h;ive to dn lhat tn he the lcadrr and .tfa\' lhc lcaucr hkc Chc1r11k 1' lkcau\c Chcvrolcl hutld\ lhc mmt cars- and can build lh<'m h<-ttcr to \ell for Jc,\ Chr ' r1•k t \a le' lcad<.'r- \hip i\ a victory 1n value for you' 19 STRAIGHT YlAltS OF SAllS lEADHSH" FOlt CHEVltOUT Over Ten Million Chevrolet owners-Two million more than any other earl MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 Wftt Coast . Highway NEWPORT BEACH Uberty 1·2261 ' f