HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-11 - Newport Balboa Press) f 1! r I ] f8th YEAR -NUMBER 12 NEWPORT BEACH. CAl..lFORNlA, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 Phone Harbor 1616 BUNNY LOOT-"Look what I found!" exclaims little Nancy Wells BS she holds up a rea1, honest to goodness Easter egg for sister Joan to see. Nancy spied it hidden in the tall grass during Saturday's Optimist Club Egg Hunt in fields beside Goldenrod • Ave. near Harbor View School. Parents of the Wells children are Mr. and Mrs. Don Wells of 1200 Kings Road. -Staff Photo Stanley Oil Bills W ou·ld Protect City Multimillion Cd·M HA.RD AT WORK-Some ot •o Lido Isle younptera who 1tarted Easter vacation with day of cleaning up area, are, from left, District Captain Tom Portet, Dana Cor- drey, Randy Hill, Joe Taylor, Dary Mat'9ellua, Joe Arnold, Wellington Bird-Sparrow, Jim McBride, Lee Crieell, Dick Hom, Dave Gibeon and Bill Keppen in background.- Gene Rou Photo One Okays Suit Against State on Beach Frontage Proiect Studied! Lido Youth Clean Up Island as Local Easter Week. Begins More than fO Lido hie younc-·u1e the tunda to finance their at.er• spent the first day of Ulelr year'• prog-rarn of danc... aporta Euter vacation, not llvtng ll up, and d\Jinera. 40-acre Irvine Parcel for Mart Under Survey Posaible development of 40 acres northwest of Coast. Highway and MacArthur Blvd. intersection into a multimil· lion dollar large shopping center is under study of the Irvine Co. This waa revealed today with the firm's statement to the News-Press that Pereira and Luckman. well known arch. ltec:tural firm ot Los A ngeles, has l type ot rommerr1al development It ~n hlrj'd to maJ<e a prelimina ry (all11 for and va noUJI other upect.I. atudy or the c-t>nler'a feulblllty. 1 The 11urvey wlll be balled on Tht' firm h011 made many 11uch Wh••lhf'r the current population aurveya. !Ju11tlfh.•a the developmt>nl, Irvine Actually , a pie-sha ped' p&rcel, l'lpokeamen aaid. the 40-a cre idle Ilea julll ad1acent AMPLE PARJlL~G to Merle'• Olive-Jn. The land ex-There la pl.nty ot room for ir, t.nda on .MacArthur Blvd. Inland or 20 atora oa th• 40-.Cre alt.- and run• back to a hill IM!hlnd the with &mple apace tor pl.Tldng'. The highway. !land now I• used for puturaae ot 80 :'11.E lN!UDE TIU: ,orrx eheep and cattle. Some 10 acre11 .. re now ln11lde ll lies ac1'0A8 the highway from the City of Newport BHch. Thl11 the extension nf Irvine Terrace parcel hA• 11!lequate utility faclli· 1 lnt(l a large, re111denllel &ectlon u tle.i. If pa .. l P"rtormllnce la an m· published l'xdu11lvety recently by dtcallon. th<' Irvine Co. proba bly 1 thr Nt>w11·Pre11.~. will move I ll annex lhl' 30 arrl'" Th•' r1•11ldent1R l rxp11n11lon of Jr. lyinr; nu\,.ide th .. city provld~t.l , vine Terrace 111 lo lncludl' epproxl- lhe art·h1tecte fmd the 11ltt' U!!<lble mately 80 acre11 bf'lwe.>n Terrace ... a cummt"rC'lal devf'lopment. '11nrl A \"Cl<'&do A ve. ll w ill be rte· Th" 11tut1y will t ell whether lhf votrt1 lo h11th grade rP5ident1al 18.11d should be dP\'rlopNl. what pro~rty, Fpokcllmrn reported. Fifth School Site Plans Okayed; Bids Seen by June Blcl11 for Newport lil'RC'h F.IP· 10 prfJ\'iJ1• bt•ttl'r fll'e lnsurnnl'e, ml'nlArv School Dll!t nr\ " 1 ifln n• w • \hP llH'ltlOIH e hMni:;mlf the poltClt'll hool ~l l!'ilh St !In 1 l'llnla Ana "n "' lwol t)ll1 ldm.:~ Into line with ac "rrph11.m1 nt co!'U" rether l han Ave. probably w ill ~ '.ttl•d f\•r for tlt•preun1 .. c1 valueio The 11urn of June, the dlslr lcl tr11~1r• ~ 111.tu nl · $JOl1 ooo m~111 an•,, r11vf'ra~t> on fod a t lhl'lr r"cent nu .. 11n1: Wh• n I"" H .. 1 bC1r \'1••w i;n•I Hl'rac-e En· they llJlproved p1an11 ••·• the "''"' ,,1i;n 111 h<'ol11' 11dcl lt 11m" we11 approv· u nit. Con traC'lors couht lh"n h<•i:1n "" 111.0. work by J uly. 111<111 on pa inllni: for Ho1ere En· The board author1~e.S lht' r .. unl\ •1i:n and H.1ilwr \'1 r\\ l't'hunls w"re couneel to aell $:'>:'>0,000 11( bclnd~ h• 11 "'" r tn an 11•IJourn•rl mPl'l· approved a t the dJ11trlrt e ln~t rler· 1111; 1\ p11I Ill. Al nn f'xecut1ve 11r~· tlon to provloe f11n1l11 for ne"' io1un thnl ~"m" d•n· th•• board will achool nrl'da. ,,,~, Ullll 1wri<onnl'I rnattf'rll invnlv"d In a plj>Vf'T!tlv" mew" lhr lru1!· I 1n rl'·r111pl•>,ym,.nl 1 f 1 ert1(11·a1r11 teu adoplPd a mollon llv Han"tv 1~• ""nn••I. ~·1n111 111 llnn on l'UCh Peeae thal the. boArd fP' n•I Kboul I prl"l'onnf'I will bt' taken s l lilf' M11y 12117 mor .. annually on t·rt>m t11mio b<'n' •I mf't>lml?'. ~~~~~~~~ U CKlNG IT UP -Don Brewer, eeated with ice cream cone, took time off from businese of White Elephant sale 1taged by Seoul Troop 182 Saturday al Richard's Lido Muket to have noon t ime deaert. Sale WR.II success. -St&.f f Photo • Burglars Get $19,700 in Jewels Theft Burglars t ook three diamond rings valued al 119.700 and three 1ull11 Friday night from lhe home of M ni. Smllln' Ed (Ruth) Mc- Connell, 2061 Circle Drive, llhe re- porled to police. She dl11<:overed the burglary al 9:30 p. m. on hu return home when ahe found the front door OJM!ll. Her buaba.nd died Jul aummer. Larceat rlnC. valued al 112.000, contained a c.nter dta.mond wetcb· Ing" almoet 4" can.ta, elc!lt bac· uelteti welghlf\&' about tighl polnla each and 411 amall dl&nlonda welfhlng from one to four point.a, police were told. Another rtnc. vaJued at SG-000. In a plaUnum mounting contAlned two baguette dillmonds wel1thln1t some 11'> po1nt11 eac-h w hile t he center dl11mond welirhrd llh!)ut 21 '' points, s he re· rortrd. The third ring. valuell a t $1700. wu a platinum wed!lln1t ring v.1 th allema Ung bag'Ut'ltu ancl hnltlanl c-ut dlamond11, lhe former weighing about ffVrn and the lnlll'r thr"e polnta each. The rln1t11 were in a jewelry box atop a dr<'Mer. The 11uspf'ct1 lefl erllcle11 or costuml' jewelry. Altho ugh dreHer dr11wera 11howed C'Vidence of r11.nnr klng. three fur coat~. one vah•!'d at S3000. wl're not lom·hed. Mrs MrConnt-11 •lld 11he l"a vN1 the k ltcht>n door l•Pl'n for lhe milkman. police rrporl!'•I. HARBOR WEATHER but cleanlnr It up. By Saturday noon the Job wu The laland wu divided Into three completed and the U~ w orkenr Mcllona, each dlVilllon under the were Hrved IWlc:h prepared by the command of Pele Morrt11, Chuck l'lrll of the Junior House Commit- Vandervort, and T om P orter who tee, headed by Jane !:nrt&ht who took their lealTIJI of boy• and gfrl11 waa ualated by Terry Jay, Judy and cleaned about 5 tona ot debris Fergu110n and Sandy Coleman. from the vacant Iola. The younptera participating ln past yeanr thla clu.nln~ WU l'Ulftd In yeara from 1 year-old under taken. by private contractors. "Chipper" Williama to college atu· This year the young people, denla, and the affair proved Lo be through their Junior Board of Con-ry much tun u It wu needed, trol, ottered to do the job and to club otflclala reported. LOCAL SEA SCOUTS TAKING TO BRINY DEEP ON CRUISER Amonl' t.he 180 Oran~• County s .. llooute who will be gueet.a tomorrow ot the U. 8. N avy aboard the U88 St. Paul, heavy crul.er, will be bo)'ll from t.be Co.ta X.. a.nd Newport s..eh llblpe.. The crulaer .W ._.,. 1-c ...... ..__ at t • • ea4 reh1m lat. _14a:I~ ate.moon attar u ut.eaded crui... poalll'91J' ~ bda.luia or San Cl~ 1lilallde. MESA KIDS ENDANGERED P. 0. Truck Drivers Can't 1 See Children Behind Them Danger to small children In the Fttedom Homta area of Costa Mesa four wet'k8 ago caUMd the C'o11tiL MePtL l'o:ot Office to r&ove the ma ll collection box at the cor- ner or Republic and Gr ove. Poat- mMltr MMI. Hazel Gilt Informed lh,. :-.;ews·Pre11s todey . The child menace, Mr1. 0111 r e· ported. Is 1lue to fact dr iven of lht two Co11t11. Mesa mall delivery truck11 arl' unable lo 11ee 11msll rhlldrC"n who may stray nur lht Vt>hlC'les. were unable to aec out ot lht truck• and tht>y wert hampered In <1f'llvtrlng the m111l, whal w1th yo11nl(11tera (t'lllng a round and In· 11lde the VPhit'lu. Mra Gill said h f'r drlvl'r11 reported often thl'y w ere afu ld to stop, bf>cauite therl' w ere llO m1111y chlldr t n in 110me loca ll · llf'll. Th" nesrut colll'clion box to Rt>· public' anll Grove now, Ml's. 0111 rtported. 18 a t !Pih St .. and Mon- rovia. Mr•. Gill added, "R,.sldenu "In \'lew or evtn mort-loca l children bl.'ing home during Eu ler 1'AXTA A:\A, APRIL t i -\'M8liOn thill week." Mr•. Glll said. should alao kHp garbage can11. baby'• toya and debris a"'·ay f rom front of mall boxu." She M id ont ot the m&Jlmen suttl'red a bad fall from hla bicycle recently when he ran Into a pile ot 1tonu raked tn front ot a m ail box. f OCNS 1--0rnngl' County Wf'&thl'r 1 .. 1 fet'I partnlJJ should be warned forpr1u•l-ot lhe da nger. Plc-a.ae uk mot.her• '.\'tndy tod11y and locally n"ar lo keep childrf'n awav from the p111'~"" 1on1ght 11nf! Tue:idRy. Clf'1tr I mail t ruck•. Jt'• a dangerou.11 1ltua· and dry lntlay through Tt1Hd11y. tion •• T,.mprrafure• th" p ... t "~k In Mall t ruck drlvera said they fhl' Harbor arf'a "rrr: Hlrh '"'"' Tul' ... l11y. April r. Ill 42 \\'l'tlne;<ll>ty. April fl 111 44 Thu1:0>1ev, Aprll 7 G'I "" F'n<l1\\' Apnl I\ 63 49 l':o111rt111\ April p 113 411 l':unrtA~'. 1\ pnl l 0 .. ... 64 47 i\ton1l11y, '' p11l 11 63 411 Wh ite Elephant Sale Nets Scout Troop 182 S300 S.1lcs rrnm the Salurd11.y Bo y Srout T rot1p 1112 v. hllP l'll'ph111ll ll>tl t' wlll .-ll'llr $3110, nccord1nic lo P, S. Baine~, on thl' cnmmlll~I'. Som!' thrrRpeutlc equ1pmrnt dn. nated to the boye from thr Mlle w11s j1,'i\'en by tht'm to the Onan1te C'ounty Ho~p1t al, Bainra Mltl, fll· thl!r l hnn ~II It. H" !'Wlld the Pqu1p- ment w11~ C'f mr)rt' ,·11111e to the ho11pttnl. F<1tlowlnit UIP sat". two htrire t ruck ln11.•lll of uruoold 1tl'm~. ln· rlu1llng clnthlni;. "'L~ tllkcn tn lht' local A.•~1~l11n1,. v11ii:ue Thrift Shop. Camping f:l'llr and cooking l'qulpm,.nt g1vrn In I hi' troop l"r Mle w1111 ret11lnt'11 hy thP lrl'Op f.,r It.A ullt"d lo prevt'nt buying 11lm1IRr ll,.ms. "\\'e wlM we could P"r11nn11 lly 1111y 'th11 n you' to f'\'t ry"n;-"'ho wa" 110 generous lo II!\," B111nes M id. Liquor Trial Witness Hit 1by Defense Residents Urged to Support Local Red Cross Drive Continuation o! free A menc11n Red Croa11 firAl a \tl lllld w .11tt•r SANTA A':'>A , A P R IL I I safely progTa m• In lhr :\ewporl (Ol '~S 1 Th,. dl'fenlll' ha mm ered Harbor a rea la threa ten<'d due lo tot prO!!et'UI '"" wltnti<s Roy Gray, C'ar1~lre.no h11tcl own.-r, "" the II· 1jllt1r h r1 niw> ('On8pln.1cy tr11!1 O( H. E. M11rKrn:r.1e and G~orit" Avu got off tn 11 le le 11t11rl in Superior Court O.-p1u tment :-lo. 2 hrre to- the low returns on the currer., fund ca mplllgn, accordln( to 11n announcement from the Balboa office or the Red Cro.. To d11te, 62 per CPnt Of the $23,800 quota dll)'. M11cKPn11r 11nll Ava" arr ac-!::nN~:.::7:.--c:~~lc~:S .:1i;a hu l'U.~l'd uf the uni.awful lllklng of S8000 from fl1'iy and $750-0 tre>m Other •ervlcu •upported by do· Jar k Kt>nnrt1y o{ C(\Ala M rM tor nations to t he campaign are the ura.nirlnir nn·.'1111" gl'ner-al liquor blood and motor pro(T'amA. Vol· llr,.nse for 1 heir establl&hmenu. unteer aollcltonr are llllll contac- 1 ting local realdenla, but a tele--Une nf the j urors w11.a late a r. phone call to Harbor 1'6a will n v1ni;. Shi' told the judg" i1he In-bring a prompt call from an offl· 11tlnrtentty had b,.en <'Alll'c1 by l .l'IOm('OnP In tht' county <'lerk'" of-cial repruentatlve for collectlon. rlc-e a nd told not to rf'port tnd.~y. --------------- Gr11y Jal't F'n<lay tolll of an al-• Delfy.rv Guaranteed legtd $80<)() undtr·lht·table pay--· I nft to a wo m an he ldt>ntlfled IU! Mlr kPY Joni's. HP aal<t he Jave the I mon"y to lhe Ojai t>ookkef'per In A n111' M>1jt8llc C'11fe hr rt I Gray M id he waa not 11ure un-I dt>r qu,.11tlonlng of Atlom ty Otto 1 Jacobs lhlll he had nevrr h"ard MscKenzle. 11u~nded liquor au- pervlM r of Orange. Rlveralde and Delivery ot the Newport Harbor News-Preae I• l'JU• antet'd. Carrier boy• wUI de· llvf'r thtlr paper• before' 8 pm. on Monday and Thura- day. U your paper I• not dt>· live~ by th• t • hour pleue call Harbor llHI and a apeclal R a ft San Bern111"dlno CounllM, mention GSIGJ renn the $8000 or any other amount of r oute man will Immediately WilUam R.ouy or 202 !6th money. respond •1th your copy of r111cl'. Co11l1t llfel'ft. l\fonllay tnnk 1 ThP hotl'lln9n &ho dl11el~d lhl' your Newport Ha rbor Newa- r•ut " S380 bu•hhn.i: r trmll to I t<ll· userll'd "bag lady" Jone.11 never I Pr .... 11trurt a lllll1C'etl carporL (l'o.Unved on Pac• 1) --------------- Spurgeon in Local School Trustee Race William H. Spurgeon Ill of •36 S nug Harbor Road today an nounc- ed his ca.ndldacy tor rlecllon to the acbool board ot Newport Bea!'h E lementary School Dlstrit'l, &<"· cording 10 the county 1uperlnten· dent'• office. One board aeat , that held by Harvey Pe&11t', Ba lboa lsl1U1d. la oprn at t he May 20 truftlee election. ln a at atem .. nt ot !'&ndtl'lacv. Spurreon, IOnl) known t or h 0 l11 rreat Interest In youth lhrouf h Two bills to protect the shore line intere8ta of Newport Beach are in the legislat h·e machinery in Sacramento, ac- cording to information from Assemblyman Earl W. Stanley, author. Hearing is scheduled tomor row on AB 1709, intro- duced by Stanley and LeRoy Lyon. to regulate tidal oil drlll· Ing. Stanh•y lntroduc;-d An 3792 ro11~t•I '"'"a from J1Qe91ble deYelop- laat T ue11day lo sulhor1z.e t he cur ment ut tideland oil for UI• neat of New port llrach to qulf'l t 1tlt' 20 yea rs. against tht' Stine of Calltnrn111 for The bill lntrnduc-S Tueeday by p•'Op,.rty on the or!'an front bl'· S tanlf'y. AB 3892, would endea'l'or • twePn 14th am t 16th Sl11. in rl'lurn t.o the City ot Newport The 011 l1•g1Rlat1on w1>ulr1 rl"quire Brar h lnt1•rl'at11 to oce&n property a ll wells rtr1llf'd lo nr into th•' lltll' b<!twef'rr nnr and 18th Sta. deed· a ntl suhmer11r.t urnrls of th•· 1datr "'' lo the atale by the city council within Orangf' Count\• srtJar••nl tu Oct. 17, J9t9. The bill would or lying within 3 n11l<'1< nC the allow the rlty to brtnr quiet title COllSl llolllh or th<' ll\0 111 h n( the ag&inll t lh" a la te for poaaJble re• Santa Ana Rl\'1•r In be 11la111 drlll-covery or to reform the reeolutlon ed from a n 11pllu1d or httorn.I 11111', and d~eJ. until Oct. I. um;. ('flM PAJlK, UKIT8 ADD•:o l'KO\'ISIO!' Al'COrdlng to • letter received Th" bill woult1 turlht'r prnvidf' by Stanley from 0eo"1'• 0 . Orov· the commla1<1on be preventPd from u. deputy a tl omey 1ee~ tor 1 entering Into leu ea for extrac-the Stale ot Callforata, UI• deed· lion of oil and t;u front t h" tide Inf by lbe ctty ot lhe Corona del or 11ubmer1re<1 lanrl11 unleu the Mar Slate Be.act\ Park la limited commlaaion be)levee ttdelanch• con· to la nd abor.ward of the hlc!I lain oU or .... depoellJI which m11y water mark. Oro.er -Id thla be or an belnf dTa.ined by wells w<>Uld "8C• .. tM ecatmU.. tMa upot\ adjac.it land.a. Ude and aubm~ IAa4a at :.\ Stanley said he felt th,. blll Corona d"J Mu alte may baY would protect th• N-port .8eac:h bren deeded kck to U.. 9'aa.. Thievery Wave Newport Map Strikes local Booked on J~ 'c!.~, ~.~~.,.~~~~.~ .. I Child Counts ra nii:lnir fr1Jm clolht'11llnl' •nlll<"hlnlt 1 to bn·ak1ni:-into lock1•tl ca r• .,.., ,.,. flook('('f for cnmf's against c.hll· mad" Snt1111IAy 111 the .:"•·wpo1 1 (ll"f'n snrl parolt' vlolallon. Jl"red 8eRl'h pt•lu•r l'lnllnn H• nry J\l11lu , 4:1, of 2009 Court WM. fl 81'UR0£0N JU I M 111. f'11 ul 1 • Br mh•rt of 2111 A,.,.. WtLA tlrTuted Saturday by Vi a llh1u1t tnld 1Jll•t'l'111 11 .. 1 lhr•· .. • .:" .. wpoil r•Jll<'•'. Ht> ltl In county lntfnsive work for Boy Scout• of q111111 .. r l"111:th mu~k n•t <011l v11l11· J1t 1I 11w11llnll a r n11rnment In N•w· Ame1 Ira and lattr rly as head of .. d Ill SJllO wn• lak•·n """' h"r rurl Ju•tlr.., Cl'urt. t he 11r hool d latrtct'a gradt 11tudy car whll" 11a1k••ll'" frnnt .,f 1012 ,.ult,.rlun psrt'nta ot three c:hll· rommllt~. llal<l E. Ba,v F 11•nl Ii< I"• •'II 1 Pm Silt-•Ir• n tul•I 10<'111 police their two Ut· ('1\l'\DIDATE STATt:ME:\'T urday and I ft m Sunday tie )(1tl11 11alo.J Milin fondled them "l decided l o run tor thl' ho11rtl Claron•'•' I.. lt\'ll!' of r,11 ('l\t!I· on ht" homf' wht>re he took them ot tn111tee1 bt>caual!' of my llft>lonK ltna Pll\'" 1'11hl •h•· 11~ ht 1r111 urtcr buying th;..m IC't' cream. Mll- lntercst In t he probl<'nu of the ft'nllrr iokhl w1 .. inkrn r11•m 111 .. ler IHlmlllt'tl lht' ft>ndlln.r. but df'· chllth en of our community. Our· I car whll" pll• k••d rn lh" All /\111• r-"'"" h<' mallr &Jly adV'llnrea to- Ing tilt' past year 1 have tnjoyf'd 1cun :-lrwpurl lir a• h Int l•r nr.tr wa 1•I thl'm. Local police aid he !lfr\'lng lhe school dtatrlct a11 11 11 1·hurrh at \~1\h :-;1. and natb .. a '" " ri g1s\,.~d _.." devia te. memb#r ot the C1>11rae or stully Blv!l. I Th .. children M id thty w .. nt to commlllt'e and chairman or the RIC\'( l.t~ TAKl':S ,. nr1uby a\ore wl\lle their p&renta grade atudy C'Ommlttee. Thl!'i;c JOSl'ph Taylt1r of 208 \'ta Oljnn Ofth"t1 f111m the N-port JMer. two fa.ret.t of 11c-hool l'llstrlct prob-11111d hi8 b1ryrlr w11~ 11tnlrn fn•ru Th•'Y 1u1lt1 the man approached lem11 ha\'e around my d!'lllrf' to lhl' a rr11 h"l"'"''" Vlnr,.nt • 01111: th• 111. bo11,ht t hem each an k " aen·e further the t'Vt r -Krl•wll'llt an•I lh" L1•lo Th•'Hlr" Sa l111 111' rr •• ,.11, "''""· thl'n ukl'd them 1f nfeda ot our expantllni; lK hool f1t-, aftnnoon J°"' r·h.ul,.b<•111 111 11:? thr\' , ,,ul(I clean hi" house. cillllea " :io1h l':I 'a1r1 ''"' h11b r11r "A' 1\(1• r !hi' youncatenr wuhed Spurgeon la th" i:randl!lln of tak<'n Crnm h1~ • •H wt11lt I'"' !\"ti "lr•h•'"· ~"' •f•l floor11, Miiier u- Wlllla.m H. Spu1geon. tound~r of! m front ''' lh•· h11•1~·· ~•·•t•'llly lt'lt"" lh"m a bracelet, Santa Ana. an e11rly Of&llJ t' Coun· l..oM <>I 11 i.:1111 l111n, hlA 111111<· ln1f1 J"'n 11nd SIO earh. HI' 11Up- ty pioneer. F.mpJ9ye<I hy lh" Ir-\'Rrrl wu lf'l"•rtr•I by 1·. I \\ I" 1 ... "•fly M>nt the 11~11 boy to tbe \•ine Co. as • rnmnil'rC"laJ ll!'!l.l!P H11~1lln" nr 2:?~ M1111{ll• l lt• /\\" •I•,,. a n•I lh"n tnndll'CS the lltti. ( f ontlnul'tl nn 1'•1•' i I j..'trl' JUDGE DODGE GRA NYS POSTPONEMENT Lynn Lande.11. left. thil'I morning liRtcnl'I to readi n~ by J utl;;c IJr,nnld D. Dodge ID Newport Justice Court of Business and Professional <'nde C'harges accusing her of furnishing almoholic beverage to & minor. He granted a p•istponcmcnl to 9 a.m .. April 25 in the arraignment due to absence of Mrs. Landess' lawy<'rl'I. A cashirr in a market. 903.907 Cout Highway. Mrs. Landes~ albgedly told inn•stii;:it1ng r1fficcn1 l'lhe wu very buay al the time of aale, the buyer of \'odka lookNI old enough and ahe didn't think to uk him for identification. Harry Andn?WM. 19. Lo" Angrles . the youth ln· volved. wu fined $25 by Judge Dodge th1~ morning fo r ha\·mg liquor in his J><>99U· aion. Al.a pictured above ie Mn. Carla Donica, center, court clark. -Staff Photo l r • ·I t .... MRS. JOE PREININGER. co chairman of the fourth annual Hoag Hospital Benefit Ball to be held April 15 at the Bay Club, seems to hnve a busy signal on her call as Mre. ftenry Lunnl'y of the reception committee repor'ts a definite "of course we're coming". Mr. Prciningcr and Mr. Lunney stand by with suggestions on whom to call next. -Beckner Photo · BENEFIT BALL KEYED TO HOSPITAL NEEDS Emergency Cases Result llnrvt',V ~omers. Ucketa; with sec· llnn ""'"" Mnw1. Clarence Higbie, .\lorgun:t Bruntng. Rte-hard Love· t.on•l. l!t'rnr1r1I Mason. George C.ot· fr~'. t1unul•l 011nga n, and A. B. . . in Strained Facilities !'11\n1" l.111:una Hcacl1. First 11ost-Enskr event on the 1:1ocial calendar i;i the M 1i1 1'1111 1 R 11J;Pl'l'I I!< rleroralions fourth Annual Hoag Hospital Benefit ball, to be hdJ Friday, 1·!1a1r1111111. \1 llh :oil •lt>cnr •lcs1gned at Balboa Bay Club aml which will provide svmc of t he f111Hh1 un.i tlurwt<'i1 to\· •~11·h:irc1 Ek cson. for neces~:iry c·xpansio11. While tit:lc<-'ts have been lim1teJ :.1 1~ ,\l11x !-;tuq ;'<·s h<'ad:1 rnnl<•· 00 · · · h b ·1 I t · l ''"n,;, ~I r. 111111 ~11 >1. II.ii lllkl' hca11 to 6 and 11w tla l H.lllS a\'(' ccn mat e( u pn \'tolls pa roits, t lw 1 ,., "f" 11111 i;rrtup aml on the t he urruir 111 <1pr11 l.i 111\ whu w1,;h • ! ~:· rwliol t 1u11111l\lr 1• 111•c :0.k>'l\l'i<. and t 11 th I Il l 1•. h·JI M,1x ~IUrli(•."I ·•M bt•ll r tau11 11111n, u fl t c ""'I' 11 1 •11011~ ·' ~ M11w11 I n11n11• Vinn·nl .Jolin Hoyd h11ve a1wn 11 r•·t urn ut fo 11111 Sf1·l<> "''111 !'.Ii :1. Joi' l'r.:'.nini;•·r 11 ~ ('Jo-~alvo~111·c ~\onuro ' W 111 la~ "6"'"' 1 1 1 I lh 1 llnlr11wn. • • • "'"' an1 1l K •ixve. Ct 111 ""11 I ( >'Hry11n, Dick n.t<-hard, Mr a . will ao abovo that. OS <'O~IMITTt.:•: Ocoa KC Nor1111U1 Pean anti Mrs. 'rho non-protl'. 11111\tullon wu Th<> cmt\mlt.loe Include• M , J.&ck Com . atar\911 wit» a aapiu:lly of 711 b41d• "'l'nd the plan I• to double lbla. "Oprn\lni: unit' 1hrl klll'l1ena nnt1 rf\ l°'"'' ~\'1 \ \d '\' .di l~• •,I tu u :!•,.!· • ht"tl ••• , .... ; \ ,\( < 1111.' r \I< Tl'I"' fh;,aU#C uf Shi h·t;t\11,u t1,1• hu ... Jllljl II .... l.1i:h I .. ~·II•\ JJ!•• ftn•\ hn" '"'' ., ·~ . '' •11 1 1 t1, 11 t ht· 'lOlt. \\Jlt1 uf ••\• • 1• •' f1 u1u l\ll \11 1111 }'Ill I• Ill '1 la.· ...... 1111•1 ttR'i hr•·O "'. :i , •• , I I 1 'II ut11t liHJ1'\1 l111H '4 t fl1• t I'' I'•• I~ \1f1 Th~ l"tnt\U 1t •l1~ 1 .... 11p 11l t1 t"U plt"li;.,.I tu 1thl lh<' h""l ''·" 11r1· ,,, r hl'•t:<' fl( t h" I 111 Tl• 1 I •'I· rl,..r\t A \ '"'l'• .,,.1•11 1,ppn 1n!• .. I F. S. Paull Jr. Vi sits Pnrents ,\ :-011 "' \, 1l<1;' '"'l Fr .1 \· 1111 I !'u1111il.11 111 lh•• I •1· \'1•111 f\111111'. :!1'.:'i ~l"\Jl"ll I .I I lu f\lt•"C..a \\,\• .. HI I• °'t t• I Ill o1J It R 1•J\\1Wld I ';I\ "'""'~ I ' I ' I \\ • Ill S1n1ttw1 '• f ',1',J 11 ;. ·' l11 •• 't ~'" Uh• J U\1•n1l1' 4•1 • I I l \ nt 'h "' ~11nt.t ~I du •' 1 .. \ "' \In 1"11·\,j\' !,t" •I ,\t I \' nt to th• '"''' · """ '' 1 I • !I'"' 1 nun'' up • ''' • 1"1. \~ "-•H ''' nf th,. 111 1u1t111 .. •' tl •' ud·.• F t· r,ut l'au11 ~t t 1 ~ "h. '' ii ,,,,~ 111 )loJ •,.nl'h -. 111 11 111; 1n I •' •t •I Jl,.h_.11·1'~._.,t, r\•f.1 I fir,• ..,1u111 1otn I t•" t" -I'." 1 t • t t t ,. •l•- tot nll\ H ,, ... ,,,,,,~ '' ""1 ' T iit: OIU1.\' \VI l'l .A\' \T Cl'<t ! lhl' "nn1krful """ HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Now I Nt Need to Take lA'tlllOM Come In and Prove It to Y ounelf We aJH l•vile 10D In NMne In and try the a~w llammond Spinet Oriran-S o'• A ,·allable DANZ· SCHMIDT ftlO rf.\~O ~ ORGAS 1'4TORE HeadquartPr'I for All Modrl• 1l11omm11ntl Oriian~ Kl ? .. \110 :l'lO .'.'o. )lido ::-anta Ana ' ~fJ\ Y nITES -~fr. and Mrs. I.rant E. Parker, 466 Weal· minl'll'r Av<.' .. ha\'c announced the engagement or their dau~htcr ~larylon J nnc t o Phil U. Sparman, son of Mn. N ina ~pann:rn of Cm1ta Mct1a. Both youn~ people attend· cd N C'wpurt Harbor l'nion H igh Srhool. The wedding will be hl'ld in St. Andrew's Presbyt erian Church in ('arly ~la~·- 8ROADMOOR TRAii.ER llOMt:S ·11 !OtlO SP" rmrt Rh d ., t'Ollta Mraa. C'allfontla 3<1-40 .tr W fool loll f'11\'&t1> lelt'phone and natural Jtil!I 11\'11lh1l.llP l '101111 to 1trol'4!rle1. hua 1.1en·ll'e. etc. F:xcell< nl t l'I"\ 1s1nn 1 t'l'•'pllon. Adulta only, no pt ta. "!OF.AL \'t:AK-'ROt"SD Cl.l'.MATF." ---· - J obies i11 Bowl ·Rites Desert Vacatlbn !'.tr. snc1 Mu . H. I-Mel.!llnger, 11311 Baya1dt D""'· and MIM Jilli• Mel1ln1er a r • holld&)'I"-a t C'an11lbark Inn, on U\e ArtllOI\& T he Ea.al..r s unri.e Mn•ic• and dNer\ near Phoenla. SILVER TEA PLANS are being outlined b; thi9 trio ot Children's Home Society mem· hers. The 1mnual a.tfair will be held April 2J at the Howard Lawson home on W. Bay Ave. and wUl feature a atyle ahow by SbadJock'a. Left to riiht are Mmes. Robert Mc· Farren, John Oert!Y and Howard Merrill. S:aff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR Adoptive Unit Slates Silver Tea lhl'lr lon11-a n :1<•1pat...i trip to th• 1 San Vlef O zoo have been t venl• (1f ln\uMt lo •01ta M~a Bethel 1 167, J ob'• Da111hter1 re1•1mlly. The r holr ot the M .. a Bethel Joined cholra or flan Cl.-menle a nc1 t.aauna Bea('h &lhel1 in r t H held Ill 6 ti a. m. on IJunflay In t Jrvln" Ruwl. A!teTrd th• 1lrl1 Jolnoi1 thoae worali1'era who 110 de11lrtXI 111 break(Hl a\ the Ma· IOnlc Tempi~ ln Litg11na Be11oh. The I rip lo the aoo, tor whlr h th1•y hud earned money h~· aervln& u ham dlnn<'r. waa 011 Murch :16. M oling 11t 8 a. 111. they went t o Santll Anu an.I took tho train tor 81111 I >11.'g<•. \\here th11y l'llmc1I 11boa1\I thelr chsrternd b111 anti wert> orr 10 the aoo. . T h<' bus drh•er polnlt'd out a11ot 1 of lntrrMl ulnng lhe Wll)'. 11nd UlO i;ultlt'a tolLI thl'm wh1tl nol t o rnlu in \heir tour. Then they 111\•1.ted into 11mllll gruulf and wandered atounJ a t will They r~\ 11r111 II h111111• via Santa "'"· \\'"' ,. mPt hy pnn·nls s nrl rt'p.,rtt>•I. "\\,. hn1l a m11rvelo11a tln1~. r nn't wall to i:o agum!" In Mexico City Mr. and ~Ira. J Rou Cuten- •ly<'k, 61X Viu I.I.to :'\11r1I. hu\'1• h<'"n s111ymJ:"at t he Hotel \'irrP\'llS On Tue11day, Aprl~ 26, 1\11·11. while v1!!itlng Mexico City. · MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'1 FAitor Mary Price BUFFERlll twice as fast as aspirin! ............. ,.. ........ LEE'S PHARMACY '· Balboa Island 302 Marine A ,.e. Barbor 3168 PAGE.-2 • PART I -'NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 Howonl Lawson win op.•11 her hom11 11.nd prcten, 1220 Wt•11t Bay Ave., from 2 to II t o ,l!UHta lnvlll'd to tho nnnual 1u1vcr tra gl\'cn by the Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the <.:hlldren'11 Horne Sorlety. Balboa House of Beauty • Julrodwriu!I . Flowtrs In 1111mmer gold 11~<1 ANNOUNCE FIRST SESSION while will provldl' ba ckground for NAOMI GUEST Hair Stylist • 4 & p11r11de of fa~hlona by Shad· OF COUNTY HANDWEAVERsldot•k's of Lttlo, 1nodela to be di· • rectel\ by Mr:s. U . Gayl" Suel!ll, f or A ppolHl mPnt · Auxllla n· member M111. Kenn<-th The public la Invited to attend the ClnJt general meetlnJ Starage' ts gimcrnl rholrnmn. Call H1trbor 210 601 i;. Ralb<1a Rh-d. ot the Orange County Handweavere Oulld. The aoulon wlU be ,1 H P .,..h " rll. . ayne , ayer. pre.I· Balboa held Thuraday, April H , l p.m. at 8anllago Puk on North dent, will heat1 the recelvlnJ line. Main St., Santa Ana. There will be an exhibit of lhe Gulld'a wh1rh w\11 lndu•le Mmu. Harold work. CahJwell. Rolnntl Vullely, W. D 11.fl.M Bonita Wllaon ot Lido lale. who ta uaoclated with Malsga lmporll, will be gue11t 11peaker &l tha meeting. She will have eome lovely fabrlct to 11how, ant\ will dlacuu their use In the home. ......_ ( '-., The elected otrtcrra •r\ from aeveral town.a In the t1rea, representative or the county-wide part1ctpallon In the Gulh.J. I'r<!.11ldenl, Lee Barkley, of Coal& Meaa; vice-preiW!cnt, Mrs. Henry Wagner Jr .. Newport; secretary, Mra. l vlll\ Elliott, Or· lll1ge; treaaurer, Mra. Vearl Royer, A naheim. C<>m mittee chair· nwn 8t'e education. Mrll. Wa1nrr; prorram, Ml'.'!. Geraldlnt S<'hrooder; library, Mra. Graeme Smith; exhibit, MrL Louis N. Murphy; notifica tion, Mr•. Ralph W. Selkirk; hoateH, Mrs. L. B. Kl<'nlz. The function of the Handweaven Guild Ill to promote In· tereat In .ho.ndweavln&' In Oran1e County. ltJld to pa.rUclpete In educeltOflal acUvlUu. The sulld will maintain a booth el the Laguna Art Ft!atlv&l thl11 11ummer. with many artlclra on 1.h11pl11y to 11how the ver3aUllty of their craft. ON SATURDAY Art Gallery Calendars Two Concert Artists Members of the La1una Dcach A 1 t Auoc111t Inn •ncl \'l11llora will hear two or Cahfornia'a moat popular youn&' concert arllata on Selurrhly, April 16 a t 8 p. m . when Mta11 UerH g•··Ellen Jo'ergu~on, lync· coloratura aoprant> anJ Haymond McFt cler1, ptanlat and accompa· nisl a ppP&r in con1•orl. ~li:<a (.;eorge·Elltn 1'',rl{\>!IOn, s nllll \'C Call romlnn. ~tnt.ll<'•I with Alexander J.;1s1w11>urr and Jacques S11mason1I. H"r rrprrtolrr lnchrd~ Opt'la U!!I \\'I'll 8.'I full< llOngs llnc1 pnpulnr hRllod... :,hP htu sung l~udrng role• In oper•. •Olo p11rll 1n mvllfln pll'lurea, con<-4!rl. o ra· tona , raJ10 snfl has had ht'r own program on telr,·islon }-'or fl\'t \{'318 ioh<' \\':\II \'{)('8f 11nl1111<l "Ith .he r11mou11 llnnt·ork En.~t111bl1> Rn\·mnn.I !'ofr f'retl'rll, rnmpm1rr, riani.t end 111 rump&.11u1t hlls •p- reare•l '" 'hn('('l l lhrou~hnul thf' l'mled Slalt'll 1rnol (.'an111l11 With -.ueh l'l'lt'bralrd artl~ll aa John t 'h1u lu Thnm111<. Rlrhanl Crookl!, K11thenne Melsl". John Prnnln&- ton f London !'ltrlnr Q11a rtetle1. :\farlnn l<;rby anti Alie~ Uentl~. fie htu rnmpn!!l'ol many 11ong11 and piano compo11ltlona. Amon& the composers r eprestnt· ed for the vocal Item• w ill be Ber· lloi, Rhtne-Baton. Ceorgrs Hue, Pol'6w1kl. Str11uff, NorJoH . Mc· Jo"eeter11. and Nag1nskt. The ptonu 101011 wlll lncluale thu works of Brahma. Chopm. ~lentleleaaohn, Grlfrtl!, Mc:Fc:-eler1 and de FIA.Ila. The conctrt I• trr-e to all mem· btra of the 11.a1oc111Uon. g ue11t8 an<! the public will bl' asked a smoll donation. A('cot·dlng lo program t'ha1rm11n John Btni.;hsm. l he followmi;: t'\'ent11 a re on lht <'altn•lar for the ll'll.!IOn Sam H y 11 e H•rrls. In " l\f'mon1.1trat1nn ot landscape p11tnllng S a t u rd 11 y. Say ll \V11J1 Party Rental ltemi. q n.t E . Coa ~t 1J11 . Coro•1a tf• 1 lint Harbor ~Oil 117 Pounds of Music and Fun for Is on Radio KWll 1480 on the dlal Schock, with Mr:i. Hownnl Merrill at t he ,_uest book. I Mrll. U\\'lltlD is ln\•i1nt10n3 rhnlr· man. olht'r!I ln1·lu11tng Mmt·" John Orrtly, Tod OvHll l 0 1111 P.oherl !'otarl'arren. !\tl\'<11 RllOn~; \\'1lfred A. H; rl11. Rnhrrt S. Hnrrw:1 ttn•l 1 William Curlut l, pi t'llS :-.1 1·~ .lark Riley la wuyll 11n'1 lllP1rns rlinlr· The Opening of man. Mrs. M S. llHnRr1t I~ ln chnrgt' ot tl<'ket~. fon<l hall 11nnnurw••tf awarl\mg nf I \\ o p> >zr~. tmr 1111 "all rxpenNes" Wl'!'krnd for tW•• 1tl Ojnl V11 1l1•y Inn; th<' ot twr & p•1r· ll'llit In f'lltlll l'I~ hv Mr11 1-; I' Mttr· tin, lRIPnlt'd urt111l 1111•1 pasl rire.•t· dent or the Au'tll1ary. MARILYN'S FASHION APPAREL Monday April 18th-at 2348 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa April '.!:\, R p.111 :;;,1\111.t:", :Ila,· 14, UenL<>n !:.coll will 1lt'n10n1<l rate pamtmg 111 olll! ~11111111•1 \', !'olu\' 21 Holnn•I 1'1111<1· \\Ill !:~'"' u;., Marilyn Friedrich cordially Invitee you to come fn and inapect the Jal<'•l in apparel for Milady. A Complete Selection of Clothes 11lu111rato>1I talk "1"'1·h1· \\'r1•k I E:ods 111 Jul'nn · On ~nt urilcl\. June Ill. II: J .I .\I 11kn• \\Ill lc<'l111u t•n · 1:1trl\' <'nl Cu i nu\ l'ul-1 Fashion-Right litre and ('1\1lliut 1un All lt'1· for Your Approval. lu re.a. 11t II p m I .•• If We Don't Keep This Promise I 1C£! "j' 10 2 ' l IN at 10 - • 4 ., 1' 1 10 ~ 'l ' • I 4 7 5 6 OU 1 o t 5 , • I Cash and Can·y ON LY -- ••. and It's That Sensational; One-and-Onlr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • Mor• Dirt Removed • No Ory Cleaning Odor Takr ad\'an1a~e o f our li3htning-fa<t c ash·and-l·arry srn 1\t'. You not only save 11me hut you gt't our complete Sanito ne St'f\ile ... the (1nt'<I dry clunina 10 tow o. • Spofl Oono • letter rreu LHfl Loftier Orop-nf( your R&rmc nt1 before I 0 A. M. and they II he rudy ar ~ P. M. the 11m• da y ur )'Uo pay n othinic .•• when you net'<I dry dt'an1ng 1n •hurry v•• our l1~htntnJ.: ~t'T\llC'. l.lghtnln~ 8firvlce Coat.a SO mo~ thaa our Reaular Caah·and·Carr~· Hf.rvtMI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO CLE·ANERI 1782 Newport llvd. Costa Meta Uberty 8-4014 . .. I ' J I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE l MONDAY, APRIL 11 , 1955 Miss Lynn Pease Named Delegate to Girls State A t lh• lut meeting of the I Unit 291. will go toward spon~r­ A.mertcan ~gion Auxiliary Unit Ing the un1t'1 Girl State l"t'PN'"'en- 291 Mlsa L nn reue Harbor 11 tstl\•e. Mme•. Henry E g.g,·rt and . • Y • Giibert Opel were <'o-<:baarmeft. I HJgb School, wu named the Aux · SpN•ial gutst ror tM ml'ellng Wary'a repre1<rntath'f' to QjrJa' wu Mr11. Helen" Bendf'r, Norco. State an Sa.eNmento lhi• aurnmer., pr .. sldent or the 211t District of Mlaa Peaet la the daughter of r.tr.1 the Amencan Le&ion Aux1h11ry 1 azM1 Mra. Harvey reue. 30. Col· who spoke to mtmt>...re on lhe Im- Hill! Ave .. Balboa lslAnd. Proceeds from thl' bent>flt food a&le held lut Saturdf\Y an Ille patio or J olly Roger on Belboa 111land by the American Leg-ton Auxllillry portance of unit work. I Other department orticf'rs pr~-I ent were Mme11. Hazel Rokt>s, first , vke·pres1dent t1nd memberllhlp 1 chairman. Buena Park: Audrey J ewf'll, hOllpital party chKlrman: Jrene Gittens, rehablht.allon chair· I C. Of C. Wonlen man: Marlon Mathews, ranai1ce chairman, Santa Ans. Mme1. BE SURE -INSURE wttll 11Atra1CE l!ITANl..&l' l .. Gl"Ulefl (Ml.Jr Pho .. Harbor Hlt UIS f"-C'\>aat HlallwaJ' l"oroaa tt.I Mar Private) Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL ''THE BEST LAID PLANS OF - --" ma.ke for a suc-ceuful fourth pital Benefit Ball to be held on April 15. Affair is under the direction or The Centurions general committee, shown here during a breakfaat meeting. From left, Sal- vatore Monaco, first chief of staff of the hospital, Max Sturgee, ball chairman, Lonnie Vincent, J ohn Boyd, Lido: William O'Bryon, and Dick Richard. Plana are under way to more than double bed capacity of the hospital. -Beckner Photo J to Present Speaker Duo Ralph Randel, chsplarn: Jean Markham, urgeant al arnu1 : Ce-1 cil Inna. put pruldents parley I chairman. all ot Newport Beach. j CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL STUDENTS TALK Harbor Hi--P-T A Elects Officers, Hears Panel MR. AND MRS. CARL LUDE Steve Crouch Photo Carol Pierson Repeats Vows Carmel Ceremony For Former Lido Resident Mrs. J11d1<on Sutherland WM tlt>cted presldrnt of the Newport Harbor Union High School Parent· Teachc>r A~soclat1on for the sec· oml conll('CUtl\•e yl'ar Bl the P-TA meeting h<'hl on TueAda~' evening. April ~. Oth"r offlC'ers for the roming Y<'Br 1:1re Mrs. Harvry Peaiw, f111'l \'Ice-president ; Mrs. lhuolt1 \\'11111,.y. 11econd v1ce-presi- dtnl: :\frll. A. L. Hayward, re· 11>1thng lll't'1t>t11ry: Mrs. T. Hord S.-rly, <'Orre11pond1ng S<'Cretary; Mrl! Robert Ze1l{ll'r, trca!lur"r; Mr1<. Harry llllllard. auditor: Mrn. Robt>rt Callll•. hiatorhm; and l\ll'11. Dei.0111 Hogland, par hamentanan. A 11t11denl pantl, ronaisting of Arlene HuJt, Marr.la Morehead. Bill Ring, Dcnnill Fitzpatrick, and Dick l nnerst, gave a comprehen· slve dlscu!lslon on "The Lire or a liarbOr High Student," with King· ery \\'hlteneck or the l!c.:!ence de- partment a<'llng as nioolerKtor. OX GO\'ER:>\Ml:XT Leading the p1U1el was Jnnerat, who 1s 11t11rtent b<>dy prrrmtent. He spok<' on student government, whi<'h Is obtarne1I through the nt11- dent council, the boud of control, amt the 11turttnt court. M1S& H uff explalned extra-rurrl· cular sctlvlttu. euch u the Girl•' ~ague. whk h crestea a better Harbor View-P-TA Board Holds April Session medium or contact tor the girls, and the Olrl1' Cabinet which plane acllvltle1. There Is a club avall- able ror every student. rir.nging from art. drama. music, literature, and many more. MISI Morehead d('scrabed Tri Sigm1t, a club for the top 30 girls In the school, bued on 11ervlce, 11porlsmanshlp, 11cholar- 11h1p, and outstanding activltlea. An outline or the athletic pro- gram was given by F itzpatrick. who placed emphuls on 11porl8· manshlp, rather than wlnmng. lfslf of the girls and one-third of the boys pa rticipate in aporu other than lhe rtgul&r phy1lcal education program. COi.LEGE PRJl.:P Of intc·rcst to many local friends was the April 2 wed- ding of Mu~s Carol Pi~roon of Fallbrook and Carl J . Ludc of Mill \'alley. The double-ring ceremony w h i c h united the daughtt-r of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Ford Pierson of Carmel. furm('r Lillo Isle re1:mJcnts. lo the son of Mra. Thor Lude and Closing the diaeuulon, Rtnc talked on preparation ror college or a poalllon. Once a month buai- nea1 and profeulonal men in var· 10111 occupaUon11 11pealc to the atu· denta to enable lhtm to form a bet!A'r Idea of what course11 they The Harbor Vl!!w P ·TA boHrd fund. The money made from the would like to pursue. The upper me!'t111i;; w1111 h~lt.I Wtdn.,11tk.1y recent P-TA Benefit Show will be lhlrd or the g raduating class at thr l!Ht' Clr. L111I•' "' Mtll Vnlky hrld<'i:"tuom, knt best mall Rltl and morning. A 1>ril 6, At thP horn" or u11ed to buy reference books for Harbor hu a 26 per cent higher wai; Jl••rfnrarl"d ny I.Jr K. F illniure "lh<'I " """""".. wt th 111" I!' <•om Mr~. H.obr rt Olllnder 111 :-Oewport the school children and teschera, a verage than moat high echoola, C1t•y 11l lt1•• l'hur<.h uf lhl' Way· "'""" his •·nwun, l\lr. Oront &rnee Hel1;h11. Prr.,tdcnl Mr 11. Warr,.n and to ~et the P-TA budget. bued on the Iowa teals, and etu· fllr.r Ill l"rorn11•I nno.J Mr, IA••• Aridl.'rlluu. Clrmeflce pre11lded at tho meeting.I Open hou11e at Harbor View dent.a who have been ch~ked ar. <"111•11 ""! ic1wn In ko•l'ptng by Thr church wa11 o.JeC'oratcd with It Wiii announced lhat Mrr1. Gor-School w1JI be held on April 39 ma lnt.aJnlnf a B aver•e In col· h1·r l1tlhrr "'lf••r brl!t11I 11111••11 wu yellow rtui11ncuhur, whllf' 11tl>('k don ~fr.Mahon. waya nntl mean!I from 7 to 9 p.m. lege. ' nr '"hanllll1• lrH •' .. ,.,., 'RI 1n with i.nd pt111 h hl••R.•oms 11nil 11111 wh1 .. h chairman, would a lle,nd lhe Otlth 1 T ilt' next P·TA meeting will be A fruhman ortentallon progTam l1!l"d ~1\11• r 11nol P"rlrnlt llt'Ckllne C"nmb1n1-d lh .. two culora. 1>-lowf're Convt'ntlon Of the Oallfomla Con· I h11ld on Tueaday. April U aL 7 :30 wrn be held on May 10 at 7:30 p. .. .itc• •I "t\h l'•'•>rl~ 111.. l:>m1tf l\nl 1 al11<> .. doml''1 th!' r1t-l'l'Qn hom• grHA of rarenta and Teach«' rs, p.m. at Harbor \rlt'W aulJltorlum. m . In the 10C1al hAll and all inrom· 11k111 "' .... ""'" I• 11111 h. 10,...11" f\11<1 "hi' re th.. r .. 1 c>pllon w111• ht>ld. lnC'. at th .. Shri ne Auditorium un The new off1ter.1. will bt ln11tallcd, Ing freAhman partnts are urged ... 1 .. 11>1: h• 1ni.: ''' pl,.111•· I tullr A \Ir" Adan \\ 1l1<t11l Rn•I Mr• \\'II. Mllv 4, ~ nnrl ti. Tht-mt ror u1., Md &n e,,...Uent prni..rsm hM betn to lltttnd. • • 1• of ~ .. ,. "''£•·•1 "Ith 111•11r1'• h,.l!I l111m rt.·r~"n 1_1111~11. 1tml Mt~" r"m ron'venllon \JI "Teamwnrk Does ll .. plannrd. Gut•lll 1'peaker& will be On April 21 a t 9 J(I " m. the tl1•· fini.:o rt Ip \•r1I a n•! ~h" c 01rrrrd lluntin.i:(on k1•(ll th• gu,.•t bonk Thr 4lh lll•tnu ml't't rn,; wrll be Miss Edith Holsinger. conault.ant-Fourth District P·TA will meet at " " •'• r h"11'111' 1 nf "hit .. '"11111•· For lh" ",.,i,111 ~ M r~ 1'1"""" h"l•I on Apnl 21 11t F'ullerton t.:nton elementary educataun. Mr11. Verna F ullerton Cn1on High School. Thi' ti ""'" " J•" kf't •Ir .. ~• In hr11:h1 n1" y Hi,1oth School. Bremh<ilt, r .. nsullBl\l·speeC'h f'du· to111r will be "The Community \1 1"• Nttn• )' f'1t•r>1"n •ll<"nilrol ht r w1lh gr .. rn .. vn1h11l111111 • ••r~aitl'. M ra Miio G. l..l!ry. homr r"ading rs lion and \\'1llsrd H SttuC'ermAn, Mf'et11 the NPedl of Our Chlldrei:'." '"'•' ,.. "'""t of """"1 "' ••110R 11 wh11 .. Mr• Lu•lo· w .. rr 11 ,,. .. i.:r11wn !Intl hbrarv l!f'n'i<" chairmlln. I"«'· dire.tor of instru<'llun Topic tnr ,The ~tolher11inger11 of Hh Ol1tnd b oll"'"'" lrri:rh '""II d 1 11" bl11r· "'th ""''""l7mg '",. 1>11:1· <)m·j rortf''1 thai 04 lk't of H• ~tter Uv-ithe •'\'l'ntng wrll be "How We wlll present a progr&m and a tilm cl\!\'~' ih11r .... 1111 lw•l11" Jiii krt hi 1111111 inn U1-okle>h 111 llVllllllble Ill the 1 L.·am to Read." on cert'b ral palsy ... 111 be 11hown. II• l ••ldr"'" " " uf f'I 111 nl n• t .. ~I"'' '·•I 1:11°• .. t" "' '" lhr hrt•h •1Achool 11nd will~ on rtu•play at lhr fl ll•I ·• • ti f ktl K •h••\\t r of fllfl" • ' l •·r R11tt• ""'"'"' \I '",. ~r .. no.Jm.,l h•·• "ho '"m" '' "111 ,\1 1n-n• xt I'· TA ffil'l'tln11: for a ll p11rtn~ nl'1tp<•ll!I '"' lho· " .. 1,11111: 11n•I t h" who 111,. 1ntcn•11l••1!. MH1) Jo:ll)n l •11l1·k .. r i-.. n h Hn· 11••" 1t111I M1 ~ ltnll• r 1 H"•fo•I• 11( ll:rRndm,,th"r f•f t h• hll•h•itrunrri., J\ r hl'rk for H for 11 aub11rrlptu1n \'11111 I" >o1~1··1 "' 1111 h i l•h'J.:li•lm, "ht1'<1l homt' 1" tn :lllll VAll•·y tu 11 n11llnnl\I IT1'1Jot1Zlnr was dnnrl\-'" ,. f;""'"""' Id p1nl1 •h1v•· Th~"""' Mr, l.i111t· \\ho "'11" rtl '" H•>HJ: Hn11p1111l magume I •luir """ , """''' whll" , 11 n~-t:;1 111l11Rlrl! f11om ;l:rwpult l lll1h11r l"11111n H111h X• h11u) 11 nil \\ hltll• r l '1tll••1.1• ""'" " Allll of lli.:ht hlllC' Bridge Play \\'11"1 \\llh t1A\ V I'll 11••,.1ttll'll ft•I lhl' hunrvm .... ,,. !l~l'lll .. 1 o n un11 ... 1 ...... 1 at SAC Club NI tl•·,ttnritton Ht'r h1111b11not w1111 i:r"•lt111.ll'fl rr"m l°nivrr.r1lt\' flf Thi-rnflnlhl)' brlit"c hrn~ht'nn (• I t 1 ft 1 l 1' 11 fo r mrmtwra uf San La A n11 Coun· I II I ornt" ""' ,, II I Ill "' "I 1 \ tf tllM :llr Aoltn \\ rl"•ll lu111 J,.•r .. 1 tht' BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17 4 I Su per1or A venue Costa M"11a. Calif. Phone Llberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3~20 E Cout Blvd. Corona dtl Mar, Callf. Phone H1rbor 42 &epean • MalDMD&Dee • lns\AUaU- 1 TAFF ORD 6 ION "NELS and OUC" ELZCTRIC.U. OONTRAC.."l'c.>1&8 no-Ut.ertJ a-1w 110 &h'e.nkle An•ue Newport BMe.11 New Sho\\' by Man<)ir Kllppt1 l>l'ltll Phi, t'l\itinnl\I hon•ir-try C'l11b \\88 htl<I March 31 with I an· ••1luc lltwrr ""' tf'ty Ir\ •nit Man1111 •I 1· •1• ""•I• I \l11r hH• h\'• 1 un•I 1,,.,111,.,1 in 11 101 ••t Thi' r11uplt· "111 h\,. 1n lh" !'an Mr• R (I \\"inr kltr a11 rhllll man I;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;~~;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::==::;=;;:;===========~ Mr• Rnbt'r t St•bll'r a nd ~1rs. ;. th• "••II I• r11 • 11 • '(111r "I'""' Kii I f'r"f\ I" fl 811\' All"A tu-I''• "'nt •h"'" .11 \',I 1 ~I 11111A • ~~:;1,!":.'"11°,:~.' ~:·:.1.:·· 1''" •n Mrs . Smith m Fall f"r •m 1'•'21' '" 1''~ I hr " '" """ Mt~ H11l h 0 ~IT 1 h .. r 2'1.r, nt lht J\M •l lf'UI P"H ht• \A.ttl '\ ..., 11 kr•I , n t he H \ 1, 1, 1 ( ,,111111, 1 n j :-.;,...., port Hlv1I t11ltl fl'•h• r Ml.Ir .13 F 111n1" with lh• fllm•\ll• H11nnll """ •lurnbl .. •l tn ll •lt'fll"••lor. H11rrma11 11111 h,. h11111t h1 t.11. k 111 '"" W><lk •·n 2\<th ~1 in tl1.-1110 ~..,, h hin1 "'''"'" nf 1 •I• rr11t h1ll•1 111 hlo)< k lfl•I Th111 "'ti<\ ~h· •R1tl ,hr h •rn• .. ~t ~l Tu11,. J ·•• \4 •'ti ~• t1ro\(t" h• r ot11~ni or h11 r1 ... 1 •~·•II• hrr \'t rnr ~nn t..:r:•~" ,,.~r.-ho.str'l .. ,..~ Thi' 1111)1"• "r rt• brlithl with "l'rlnl; fl"""" m p1J1ttl 1on1111n,.r• rtml J••lh 1 t'ranuc btlllnl«'~ hl'IJ no.II"· PARKES · RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonaert1 OllAL'EL CllAJ>EL 110 Broed-.7 -Costa M"8 1.ll>f'r11 8-S.US .ad I-MU Oth,.1 r l\n\'HO• ""or t11!11r(ul ':..:'~"~"~t =I~·~·::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;;;;:;;::::;::::;::::;~;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1.1'-Xt•" ••nol t•11,.1 I,. \'11111111 11 n11 B nn•l• r ,,. 11111. \\hol• 111;11111 hi~ the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Construction . C 'CIRO~A Df.:L JM.AR PUO:\"E RAJlBOR 1&8 b111•h ""'"' '" rho• t>11ll111nt 'k''" nll•J 11111untn.n .. o1t lhl' f'A!lfomt>< I flriwrt \\'hair Mnnmr ma,. Mt llm<'ll ~x11,.:1o:.,.111 •· nn.-htnt·•• .. r 11•• ,.,,,. (\I~. h .. 11111y al•H h<1lh •tlllpllfy Anrt •ll~l11r1 lho• •h :\wtni:. lflt<'A•lng 1011r-I ffll'> r1111rrn'I llnfl l•Xl11rr• to ,.~==-============:"'°'.===~--~=---==~ lfl r'l\lf'I' t'Xprl'•ll l'llllll 11111 !'.1>111r11r h11• rrrl'IVl'll rr111ny .,. "'" r olM h11 • h11d onl' m11n "hn-.·•. ln1 ltullni: t~hlC'll.llO ln•llt111". "1 ... r,. he ll<'rvPtl "" th,. l11r111ty. 111 Mii· 'WAukrf' Art l n•lll11tl'. l'a1111drna A rt ln•l11u1 ... th!' Brltmorl' S11lr>n and lhr ("nwll' Callrrit• BUFFERll twlceasfnt•..,....t .... 't ..... ,... .... c .. G•ndenon Drug Co. A j 7 Mein Belboe DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercury is so well built that 9 out of JO ever sold in the U. S. are still going strong? See the '55 Mercury at your Deoler'a. TIUNANS C....pl ... ty l•ltuilt TYPIWllTDS OvtstancUng Yaluet $2950 Portable at low a .... -TYPIWllTll llNTAL.S - ... -.. SHE KNOWS HER GROCERIES SHE KNOWS WHERE AND WHAT AND HOW TO BUY TO MAKE HER FOOD MONEY GO FURTHER. SHE ALSO KNOWS HOW TO SAVE EVERY WEEK She deposit' • reguler emount Heh pey-dey to help make her family's dtHms come true! COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1M, NeW"pOrt lllTcl. l.DertiF ._..,, MIMIU ~lO(Ul OlPOSIT INSURANCI co•'°•"'TION Ot intereat to Harbor women Is the lunchf'on to be held FT1Jay at Newport Harbor Yacht Club under eponsorshlp or thl' women's com- mittee of the chamber or com· merce. 1\vo outstan.11ng speakt'ra have been KC heduJcd by the chslrmen. Mn1. T. Duncsn Stl'Wllrt. She will present Mlse Grace Stoerm1>r. rounder and put presldl'nt or the women's dlvialon ot t.ht' Lo11 Ang<'I· es Chamber of Commerre, retired vice preeldent of the Loa Angr ll'll bran('h or the B1111k of AmerlcR ; and Mrs. Leland Atherton lrl11h. president of the Hollywood 11nd vice president of the Loa Angele11 Chamber or Commerce, women'11 division. Reservatlona muat be In by to· day at the local chamber or com· mer<'e offlC«!. Ebell Sections Will Meet Mni. Grace Webb 11> gorng to re- view "Gift from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindberg for Ebell Book Section n on Wednuday at the Ebell Clubhou~ on Balboa Blvd. The review wlll be preceeded by a aack lunch at 12:30. Mrs. Byron E. Welle lll ch611 m11n or lhe g-roup. The Ebell C1td Section meet on Friday at lhe l':bf"ll ClubhoulU' at noon for a lllC'k luncheon. Both bridge and ean1111ta will be played with the g&ml'll atrt.rtlng al one o'clock. Mr1. A. J. Gant and Mrs. George Stricker rue ho11te&ffa. Thia la an open aectlon for JCbell mem- bere. Kl 2-7027 -It ,,.,.. to read the want &di&. LATEST HAIR STYLINw FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN' I IARIER SHOP B..\LBOA TllEATIUD -.00. BALBOA Opeo Tue94a)' tUtl ........ >' We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! Your COii& wW .,. • IM!auUful M ewr, an. oar apedelh._ _,..._ u.elr lllAad-worfll ! We Pldnlp u4 .,..._ HOUSE TllAIL&a INSUaAJllCE AN VW H£JU; Uptown Cleaners • S..A.T.-. .. 1128 Wm ...,.... lllYd -Jfew,_n ._... -........ " ., ... , c ......... . We mpeclall-le Cleaalq lllld R..cll Pneetq et ......, and Oentlemeoa' One ~ .. ,.... · the exciting ':Sea Fashion'' the hit suit of the • swim season • • in gay cotton prints priced to please the 5 ~smallest budget 95 Hes Shirred Elestie Beck- Sheperdeu Bodi c • Front-Ruffled. • SMART BEACH ACCESSORIES GALORE! rt.A~TlC U:'l.'T.J> s42s TERRY BEACH BAGS • PADDY BOOTS IN TERRY • • • srs TERRY ZIPPER SHIRT • • • • • • s3so TERRY BEACH COATS • • • • S650 Personally Selected Casual Fashions l""<llWnflp 11\83' Barbor Bh•d. Coeta Meea HOROAS'S nou:· ('U)TRr.~ n.f:l~KMA~'l4 !O'ORTifWt:AR l'llR .IAM~l4 Cl EOKOI A KA\' PAT PRP:MO Mt:ESA COU OF CAUP'OR~IA • • .- .. l I ,.~· --. PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11 , 1955 ·HOW ·TO TAKE SQUIRT FROM GRAPEFRUIT! Peal 'Em, Broil 'Em, Pickle 'Em; Add Interest to Menus By CAMILLE CAMBON It may be presumptuous to tell a nyone how to prepare a grapefruit at this point in history, but recently we were aerved one that atlll had the squirt left in, a shocking state of affairs. . , HERE'S HOW. • a A 1eracdul rM'k for china or kmckk11ack1 111 made o~ 1'-incb lumber or of hardwood plJ · wood. The ends are drawn to pat.- tern on two 6 by 28-inch pl~•. a nd cut out with a eoplnc saw. Shelf mort11u are made with a bark aaw and chi1el, 3/lli-incb deep and ""-inch wide. Tht three 36-iocb shelvea are 4, 6, and 6 int"hH wide. In H t"h shelf a V-CTOOH ia cut l 'i incbu from the back a nd ~ -ir.ch deep, with a router pla n• or with a chisel. Tbe MAICI A WALL IACIC CT'OO•• la ~-for 1t&J1dlq platu acai0ns·t~ wall Tbt rack la futaaed wltli clue at all jolnll and then u ndid and •arn11hed. Two 6/32-locb holee a H drilled J ~ locbea deep In th• back of •~h t ide pltct, 4 inch• from th• to". and at a ao deer" anrle, upward. Cor- '"pondior 3/32-lncb bolt• a re drill-4 In the 111'all, at a SO dr-cree ansle, dowo.,ard. Drive a 8-ioch lioitbinc nail into tach wall bole, leavinc 1 % lnchu protl'tldinc. The rack la bunc on the11 oaila. HOME LOANS Let us take a tip from other quarters and do as the can. ner11 rlo, remove all lhe 11kln and I pl&ce In the skin. Dribble a llltle mo•mhrane find brlni;: the clear, honey ovr r the top and slip under (lt1.11Sy, moon-colored eegments lo j' I.he broller until lhll erlges of the tabl•• bathed tn their own sweet-Pffl begm to brown, and lhe whnlt> en~d 'Jukt'. fruit is hot C'omplttt>ly through. To accompllah thll, irrasp the I Some_ hke a epoonful or aheery In 1 fruit in une hand and with the add1t1on to the honey. J~t;l''INISllED -Parkes-Ridley is justly proud of the rebuilding jolt just completed on their Broadway parlors in Costa .Mesa. Not only is the exterior of the building new, but t he interior has been done over and rearranged wit h a beautiful entrance room, new chapel and family room. The company also built an artistic tlrick wall in front of the parking lot and places for flowers have been added in front of and inside the building. -Staff Photo At Or•n9• Count•(• LHdin9 Home l..di,._ ln1titvti0ft QUICK • 24 HOUR SERVICE other ch1tchlng a aerr ated-edged knife. pel'I right down to the mel\t around and aniund In a splmJ di- rection. You will then have in your palm a little globt>, complete with mer1d1an lines runnlntr from pole to pol.,, CUT CAREFTLLV By Inserting the knife along the11e llnl's thr 111egml'nt11 ca n be worked fret, lo be placed m a pretty bowl, over which, by the 1'Jay, you had better ~e working llll the time, In order t o rntrh any escaplnit juke. Whrn you h11\'e In the bowl "" much 1:ra pefmlt as you rl'q111 re, add 11uga.r lo ault your t.ute, .11tlr cl\retully to dl11tr1bute it, 1·over the howl and chill Rll wry thoroughly in the retrlgl'rlltor. This 111 an exqu111ltr bes.Inning or ending to any mr a.I, o"d the firs t mouthful will <IJ!'lpo'.'I nny s uspi- cion" 11.nyone may h1we had that the fruit 111 cannNI. GARDINER'S CHECK LIST 1. This 11 t'"" pl&ntlor time for tubero11& i>f'(onla, 11adlolu11. and dahlia bulbll. 2. Plant thr.i.. ''"Kl'h1h11•!1 '"'": f'Uf'umbt-r,., 11qu.,.h, tll'&nll, llWM't r orn, tomat~. Pf!ppers, and rec plant. In 1om" lor•ll· llr!I, protttllof\ from la,.t frott should IM" pro\•Jded. ll. Ask ~·our nut"M"ryman to tell you about thf' new c•hemk&I llOll condltlom•...-tht'y make sardl'nlnc f'.&11~· ! (. Plrk up and df'11troy all l'&m · •·Illa flow..r11 whlr h flail on thr 1rroun1I. Th1'8<• f,...q1wntly harbor dlM'Mt". ~. Ir ~·ou forrot to plant that ,;had•· trt't-llurlng th .. \\lnt••r month11, It 111 •llll not lllo 1-t••. \·our nur"t'rym.an probabl~· ha." s?:lldf' l N'f'8 1r1m lng In C'ODt&JOt'F!I Whh'h ('&fl i.llfl'I~· hr ll"IU1'1planl<'d nu~. HOME : and : GARDEN I JOHN BOYD, RICHARD SWANK ATTEND LUMBERMEN'S MEET COUPLE BUYS CDM BUILDING Mr. 11nd Mr8. J ohn B. F <'der- splel of C'<>rona del ~tar are the new owners of the business bu1llh11g at Jas1111n1' Ave. and Coast Highway. The trarui.tc- tlon wM handled by Rkhard Hodg e, associated with R. L. Sl111'l<l<•r R<'allors o( Cornnn <:lei .Mn1·. The building ls occupied by Crown HardwaTI', the Staurter Syatem, Mary otml Davld'i; Toy Store and the J. Palmer Miiier omce11. License for Kelso SACRAME:-lTO IC:'\SI --The co11tracwra state hcen.se bo11nl has annuun<'c•I qualltlcalion or Harry Kl'l.90, Inc . 2814 Lafoyrtte Ave .. Newport Beach. for a general building contractors hccnse. MATTRESSES No native South••rn Californian knows anything' about wild crab- epple11. but thf'y Krow all over the JCut. They look like t111y prrpins, rreen-11kmned even who'n ripe, and t heir flavor 111 so much like i;:ra pe· rrult. that wr never ta!tle t he lat- ter \lo1lhout thlnkrnr back to far oft day11 when we muncht-d wild craba on the way home from achool: so t oo, do green pineap- ple guavu make ua think or gar-Mesa Man to Build denlu : a nd often thl' flesh or an Two Newport Beach lumber dealers will take active parts in the 38th Annual Convention of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association, April 12·14 in Los Angeles, it was reported today. Roah -Uumrs -Tr&l.lers Jrrt'1tular Shape• Ubtorty 8-1303 orange 11mellio and la1<lell or rOMS. North 01·1ve Tract J•IC-KLED PF.F.I. Richard D. Swank, manager, Ward & Harring· ton Lumber Company, 3300 West Coast Highway, and J ohn T. Boyd Jr., owner, Bayview Builders Sup- ply, 818 Coast Highway, will attend discussions on increases in construction costs and business failures, the trend in building , sen ·e-yourself trade, the do- il-yourself market and lhe monetary situation as it 11ffects business and industry, c·o)(TA MF.~A MATTRE~S co. '.!l.'\11 :Se\loport Rh'd. The pe<>l of grnpefn11t need not be a total 1011& either. The best po911lble thing lo !lo with It Is to maJ<l' S\\ ~t Pk klf'd Uraj)t<frult Pttl: Peel 2 gnpdrult with thick akl.ns In long narrow •trlpa, t1a you would peel lln ()r11nge. Add cold water t o cover and boil for 20 mlnulta. Drain 11nd cover with cold waler ngein. Boal for 20 min· ute• more. Drain ni:n111 anol repeat • third time. Thrn dre1n thorough· I ly. In a large k l'ltle rut 3 CUp.!1 or ~ and 2 cup11 of cold waler -d 1/1 teupoon of •It. Add one- halr of atra lned honey a nd one- halt cup or while dlallllt>rl vint'gu. Add tht dnuned pet'I and let all boll until tht' ayrup 111 heavy and tht' I'<'• I 111 C'll'Rr nntl hni<ht. Lrt CCl(•J in the 11yrup with a CO\'l'r on th•· p.111. Thi~ will keep without being M'fllt••I In J&r11. hut If th111 19 more COnVtnlt'nt (<or )'CJU. plH k lhl' <"Oh.I r ~··l in Jtler1llz1·ll JAIR, hnng lhr ayrup to a 1>011, J'(•Ur •Wf·r th" J>tel SA:-:TA ANA COCNSl -A· mong nine tentative s11blllv1~1on maps c1111lng f<lr ~ nt•w honw11 on HI a cres approved Mart h 30 by the Oran14e t:o11nty 11hrnn1ni;: Commrsslon were 14 hou~11 un 5.J acres localed J6ti7 f<·et nurth of Grove A \'I! .on the 1·xten11h1n ••' C ully Dr .. North Olive, subdlv1.J1•ll by Odis M. rtarlt uf Co~ta ~ki<a. DRA.PEJUES -UPHOL."tTERL'iO -SUP CO\"ERS WALL PAPER -CAJlPETL"iO OOllPLl!TE lNT.EJUOR DECORATING LAMP LIGHT St:tOP HU l:. <:out Hwy .. Corona del Mar R. Donald Hall Construction Company GE:SEICAL c o:-.'TRACTORS Z??6-D W. Coa~t Hwy. a.yer's MESA UPHOLSTERING UpbotaterUia a o,.~ry Uberty IS-471U !SlW NwpL Blvd., Coata Heu Balboa Linoleum Co. -JACK BOYER - 2301 W. Balboa BouleunJ • Unoleurn • Rub~r Tile • Cork • Asphalt Tilf' • Car)lf'l • Formica • \'acht • Installation Harbor 5389 Newport leach :Sewport Beach, Calif. tUld ae11I ''-------------------------- Coastline Floor Covering e FINE CARPETING e 1\KOILt;u llELlt A('\' Don't furg••l to hr111I It i.rrapefru1t 1 onct' •n 11while for dessert a(to·r a heavy tllnner. But tlwm In halVl'll, loo8en th1• nlt'rnbrnne11 from the meat, or b<'ltrr yet remuvl' them entlN'ly, but lo av,. U1e 11ei.rment~ ln ROBERT FORBES LINOLEUM WALL TILE BuUder ·-· K. C. Tanis Buys Sawyer Property K. C. Tam!'!, furmcrly of Santo A rM. ha!'! pu11 hasnl llw Sawyl'r Apartnwnt~ 011 :O.tlramnr Drive in Balbon. Sal•· wn~ han<llrtl by I.Ila B. Md•~tu·1en of the Balboa Uranc:h 1 o( Balboa &\y J'roperllr~. Mrs. McFar.-en ant.I T1um1 were former real e11lat.e a118QCiate11 In Santi\ Ana and Tanlll will now be ro-manogcr. with Mrll. MC'Farnn, or thf' Balboa lfay Propl'1 l1l'11 at 119 E. Bnlboa lilvcl. Mr. ond Mr)!. I Tanis will make th«lr honh• 111 one of the apartment11. ••• SHAG RUGS l!1'111H 1full~· 1J1 y (."lt>.1111·11 'l'ou'IJ he Cll'llghro•lf "Tb., Soulbland·11 Flnnt SIDt'e 1918" !18 Martnr, Balboa blabd 1601 So. M a111, .S0t1fa A 11a CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT NO MOHIY DOWM J6 Mellths te hy •IT LASTS •COSTS UH t• lftalntolft Jlnm"' •:n~inttrlnir Co. JOHNS-MANVILLE t :"·h1.,h·1• t"raorhlw l>t'11le•r 61.'> So. :'llal~anti. Ana LOW LOW "REOUCIN&• INTEREST RA TES EASY MONTHl Y PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC Sllvtel LAGUNA FEDER.Al SAVIN&$ I LOAH ASSOC1ATtoM 222 0c ... Jw-. LAGUNA BEACH ---------------------- REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CAJ.L HARBOR 071\i FOR 1:8TDIATE, WITBOOT CILUIOE IUI E. BALBOA BL\·o . BALBOA PLANTS IN BLOOM Ml "1th bloom. AZALt:A)(, lot11 of pl'f'tty colora. C Bl,QO:'IUSG Hl .DRA:SGIA'8, DWARF ROSEl!I, loed· 95 up t•AS('\ u :An;o (' \LAJ>ffMK from . ··----·-. Cl:'\Ot:RARIA ·:-1. In Pnh, F'ull of Bl-. MC' t.:ac·h 5 & 10f NURSERY ] rur 'lto IU!I !'.o. :-.-ew-port Blnt. -TUl!ITVoi -Cloaed Ttrw...,. The HARBOR gets up early PHOSE HARBOR 3104J FUCHSIAS Vinyl Cork & Asphalt Tiles FREE ESTIMATES 541 Center Costa Mesa Liberty 8-4481 I THE EASY • day, every EXCLUSIYEL Y 300 r• opt•rh· nnme.I v1irtf'l 11'11 lncluJrn,. lhr l>f'lll'r pRtPnt1•d varll'lle11 Prlrea lltnrt u Ju"' 11~ :l:'>r 11r according to 11lu Big IM'a111 1f11J hl\ng1ng hM- ket... al I"~~ I hnn \ "'' 11~1111 lly pay. LEE'S FUCHSIA GARDENS !II~ ftro"41" :n l 'h. I.I 11-.t I ;.& C'0tota ~I'._ Ol 'E:-.i lff:SDA \' Cl~ED F IUOA \. Ready Mixed Concrele la .pa. of Ute Cemeat Sllo.U,. \\'f) Are M&ldas E\"efJ Po.lble Effort \I> SaU.ty tbe NHllla et Ou Growtas C-unJty. F or C-rete -Ctall Va. WELCH' I READY MIXED CONCRETE IM C'ommeft'.tal \\'a1 COSTA ME8A LI A·MIU QulJH'y 11 Hwy 311_'8 lfuntlortnn R<'h. f Lu. fl-41 ~i .IAMES D . RAY General Contractor & Bt1ilder SOO C-t Bh'd. CORO?\A DEL MAB ARCHITECTS Members of American IMtitvte of ArchltKts J. Helbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J . Ellerbroelr Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richu~ Pleger SOUTH GOflST CDUSTRUCTIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 30th St., Newport Bfoacb Harbor W! ----- MAX W. POPE Inc. (it::St:ltAl, ( O:-.TRAC"TOltl'I "Wt> Arran~e Financing" RE)(IDEXTIAL • <'OMMl:RCIAL • DF.\T.1.0PMEXT 407 Bolsa An. Joat off Xpt. Bhd. at J:St.h Newport Beach Ubl'rty 11-:?~81 LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES takes pleasure in announcing t he appointment of JOSEPH H. GROHMAN as Director of Sales LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via l ido Harbor 4444 • WAY AND SAYE e ff3\,. u• ~lmrillh-~·<1nr '""' r••t.-l\'•r k \1 II h a load nf pr N IJ>lnn-nrl'tl'd u•m•·nt ... Jlr"JIBr•·d to 'nur n rdr r a l a "'\Inc. Liberty 8-2283 BAY RY.An\· )flX l ~C . 711 W. 17th St. COST A :'lftl'IA Ml .. m ttlt hr'1 full """ m1ttfrr11iii"t'' \fl-mat1·h····· n .. , '"''"Ji' Full tlu. nnlr :. ,,.~ at • • • frHm BOO\' tu: .. T f\\ln '"'· ,.,., Ir•·•'· R<I\ 'l'"ln;. 111111 I" II' Kf'\Cl !'fol. •·1111 •l7r % t•r Rn't :->rrlnit :ft>c1 '"''' ,,.,.. T" In ff t.-\ U Roa r.t... ""'" .\ ""' •·!"' In f'hlllrt' "' rnlnr ... '4.95 T" In ll1111h1o '" ~IC , .., ~= f'IUZt.': T l\H.: \\ t:AT I If .I<' JOKJ:)o.: '"' , ...•. :: -2500 "18'11) '491to ~491ttl Jiii"'"' 1900 So. Main SANTA ANA Kl 7-1150 Open Fri. & Mon. 'til 9 1 to 10 A.M. wi .. Ballkis Oft Radio KWIZ 1480 on the radio dial Spring Sale PRICES! ~ ' l ' ., I fl f ·I • • LIVING IT UP DOGPATCH STYLE ---JmsT IN TIME jTO SEE 'CAPS DISAPPEAR ur Roy Pagr of 60 1 ~:.nta Ana A \'r . 1 uld f)OltN• \\", Jnrs- ct11y he wu awakrnP<I nl l 1 m. br 11 Mlrnn~" no11U> and lu<ll<•«t out of 111:< hull><" I~ t1n1e lO 11er 11n1l hear a uu w11 h p1pt's tnk,• of! du\\ n th Ill rf'('I. P11g1• .-.uct hi' W<'nl hnrk lo bt-11 The nr:cl 111t>rnln.i; hf' toht puh<"e he put two a nd two lng .. t hPr whl'n hi' fc>11 n.1 three hub c11p11 mts~ing from h111 own 1·a r. pa1 kl'd m front ot Uw huu~l'. ~ JUST THE FACTS Chicken Caper Fails to Fool Mesa's Goody NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT I -'A&E I • MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 MESA SANITARY DISTRICT STAYS IN TRASH BUSINESS Coffey Recommends to Council Current Procedure Be Retained Appari'nlly th;> Costa Mrlll ron1pla lni. airaJn11 an aU•red ~111111 111y 01strtcl v.·ul ha ve to rt-· 'l·ow barn" type atructure there main in the trash bWllnt•,.,. tts well \\'<•re hrard !rnrn adjoining prop- 118 1u•wai:t' opernl1on and main-l'rly ownera M ra. June 0 . Tuttle h•na11<·c. l>t•sp1te a re<'l'nl N-!IOIU• ot 21 H Jl>atlonal Ave. and Hal 11011 by the 1mnttary ll11Hrl1't b1111rd Robins. M rs. Tutt.It' hu an lndu.a- or lnl<'nt !(> rl111ronlinul' M t'1111 1:ar· trial at ruclure which pr<XhtcM nre hai;o 11n.1 t rash collerlllln at l•nd prolA)ctlon aprtnklers 19 l he area 11( llw op!'ratin~ y.·ar. ('lly Mun· wh1lt-Robins owna multiple dwell• H)(rr C:eorJ:<' Cofft>y Mond11y r11i:ht lnJ:• thrre. re<'ommended t o lily c:o11nl'il thf PasseJ a rHolullon oppoll.nll' a p1 earnt t rll-'h proceJure stay 111 Senats bill for use of Colorado , ct .. 1·1 Hlv1'r watt>r. The rt'aolutlon wu <.'<1ffey pr .. sentt'd reports on rrq11r~tl'd by t he Metropollt&n t ruah t"ollectlon pr<><:edures In Watt>r Olli! rtrt. Uu.,na Paik. Oran);'-' a uu Santa HEARi S O CO:\'TIXUED Oum. da, dum·d11m --clah! Aml 11n•I ro pnrtcd It w .111 lhP C<111· Conltn11r,1 publlr bearing on v .. \\'h<'11 Co14lR Mc~a Pound ~IA11· ,· .. n:11111 t hRt t hi' mt>tho.t rurrl'ntly hlr lr r arklni: l°l il'llrtct No. 2 tor tl'r G. A. I Crn11ly I Goo<ton ctm,::11 in dft'r l 111 Costa M•'l!B wa1.1 the 1w11 Wl'ek11 to learn 1''h•t price out thr th1ow net, canine 1·r11111· llt·~t. IJmJl'r tht• pr1'sr11t syxtem. thn•r propf'rty owner11 will expert nals 111'~ qukkly ,·ulkJ. 1,he .-11n 11nr~• d1strlrt pay" the fo1· lunol nrcrMorv for crratlon of Tht• l':l>lt': M11nlt>r. Thi• \"h'l lm11: 1 rnsh 1'ollr1·tion mon1•y lo thP C'1ty th•~ 111·opo11t'1! dlst;lr t. Mt•l!a rabbit11 11n•I ··h11•ke11,.. l'M1si· of Cui<ln l\1!'11a. which In turn pny11 A1·1•Pplt'd final map ot a l •·lot ble 1msp•'r1,.· lJllRl< t>f all i<hRP•'" 111 111 l<•·nnrth l 'nre. 1·cont rnl't cul· subdlvi~11111 fr"m ~or!'naun Corp. anol HI/.<'~. u r.t••r., !rvm l1<uJquur· 1 i"rtor ot 1ra11h and garbait•'-on a portion of Int 702 of Ne""f'Ort ter,.-F'lnd 'vm. OTHY.R Bl 'SISESl!I Mun Tract. Reaults: Two 11ull~rt~ cnptur .. 11 In other buuness. the rounc-11: Approvtd a tentative map on a and annthrr pair being trackNI Approvfd an agrttmtnt permit· •~·lot subdivision submitted by Hundred.a of Newport Harbor Union Higb School stu· dents had the floor jumpin.g at the annual Sadie Haw- kins Day dance as they did the Bunny Hop (above). Huge tum out saw pupils lo all manner of typical . Dog· patch apparel. -Zimmer Photo down T h111 Coody Is a r<'gular t1nir P olice Chlrf Art McKenile to Juk D . McClran and Robt"rt A. blrddog. a tttnd the FBI School In \Vuh· Por!K'll The proposed 11Ubd1WIOll Ch11 rgl'd with the n1mrs ot ington. 0 . C. !or 12 wuks. S<'p· I~ IOC'&tt>d Rt 18th SL and Anaheim bumping ott sppn;xlmately 63 l"mbrr through Novfml><'r Ill an A\'!'. t hlr kens and il rabb1t.s art' a m1x-1 r xprnl'C or S900. ~ft"Krn~le ex1wrt~ Hl'ard Cotfty report the Oolt• HARBOR HI LITES NtYo'JlOrl H11rbor's gym WM ttally convrrted Into a oJog-patch on A prll l tor the a n n u a I Badie Hawkins rlancP. Thr wnlls or the i:ym werr C'llV<'rrcl with mural 11r·t'm•11 or Lil Abner nn<t his !r11>ndx, balloons, with bubblr J.'lllll In th•·m. and t•repe p11rcr hung from lht• rtlllng. Th•• mo•t popular booth wa11 the mt•rnagl' on,., wht•rr !11111 r) lni; S11m. Mr. J nnl'1<. ~rtormtt.I the cer•·mony. !hen you could 1;0 10 Lillie Rl'mo and i:el cnnrrl1•d by a nlcc> J1l1li;e. "111111 Mr. \\'hlll'nl'rk nAzr: IS ..... Fl'Rr: Thos•· who wunlt•J lo know ab11ut thttr fut111 .. 1·11uld 1:0 to the fortunl' l<'ih•r 1tnJ h11,·1• her gaze Into her r ryatal ball, ur ha,·e th,·11' p11lm1 read by :'\nncy Carnpbrll. Mr. Zimmer wa!I ru3hlng 11rou11d t rylni: to get <'Veryon•·• 1Jlt'l ure In the dlffrrPnl r011tumea. while Judy Stewart and Laurfl Woodl!On drew porlralt11. Bl•tw een visiting the dltferenl booths a ll enJOYt'li daoclng to the music ot the RiCfif !ronl Orange Coasl. J 11:1t a !ew of those p11.rllripat1ng In the g-rand march werl': S11m R1tch1e and P at Coopt'r. Gor-y !'"ta therstone and Diane L<><'kq-. Evelyn Stt·mman a nd Jark 'fay· tor, Chul'k Hirth and J ohan f'ni.k. Bill !\loorehl·Od 8Jlll ~l:.rc10 Rl't•.t, CIPn E gart nnu ( 'flrul Thomas. Dt>nny Smith and Pa l F1lzputrk k. Rill l'alm and Anita \\"••tzel, tJrut·~ ~1.1o>1~s ancl J u;1nn1• Knipp. J11hn nu"Mlt>r nnd S11.-Sw11ln. J uhn l'fi~· l••r 11ntl Snlly Ur11mnc Joan<' F1~· hrr an1l J am Ogct•·n. Hoy l.11·h 11nll Jody Ua111el", Dirk Ku•lh a nd Mary Ovrrby. \\'IS t:ASTEK l'tU1.t:S Kayla Crol!l! ionJ J • 11 v llur;..t won the prize tor bes t c-u11t11m1-:1. A rlrne Havereh1eld aml D1•rr1l Hutt. John Stel80n and J a.ne Ei:· it•·rt. flonn1t' Gcldon 1<nd D1ant' l"l'\\'IOn . J 1111 Keller and l'Rt N1•w· kirk. Sul' Lnrenuen 111HI l'1u1t N1s· lll'n. Nlt'k1 Sn11lh and t:lare Nik.ti'. 8ue La11hell and Rod Thomas, Ann Reit h and Charlie A llen, Mary Kay Web.Iler and Tom Hehn, Gay Hanrlshaw nnd Mikl' A rm11troni;, Gll'nrla Hutrh nort Dick Quern. Marilyn Hurd nnd J im Hill, To1t Ferguson and Judy Wh11 1'. John Baldwin a nd Carol Murphy. Ken Bol'i<'Y and Lyn Jacobs, Judy Jen111'n 11nd Torn Slrl'pcr, 1'•nn Green and Oarlrnl' Hatch. llr \• l'f1rrmann An•I F:Jd1e Lund. U1•v Murch and Tom 1'!1rrmann, Gl<>11a Tugwell and Ouf.:' C"hopmon. C111 a Horgt'r an•I C:hu<"k l'rl('rH. U1ll Mot nil' ;1111! ~1 10 linr Ul'ck. l'al Dlc•h l an•I Bob Hill'~'. F.loy Vine- yard and Bt!llY Mnrt1n• z, Marian Milum and Bub l<o1>rrwr, Trl11h In· her11t 11.111! 1Jlrk2 Knopp, Merlln L'nmpbt•ll on•I Dlt k C11u('h, T11rc11o< Sl·hulb(>rg a 11cf Pelt' Jfoyt·~. J 11dy :"\1qt1t>1lP Rnlf Tom S1md11, J in1 Y1<r· Wfi<ld nm! Phyllis \'1nry11rd. Lyn Ring anol B ill Stalc•r. -'fOIU~ ('Ol 'PU:S Alan T onnl(• nml ~tllh,. Rypln,kl. Phil Dysart 11nd Eln ln,. lirnwn• 11 Pat Johnson and [lick Tutt .... Georgl' M.on~on nnd Sue • Mnor1• Per le Hendf'rllOn nntl Ot·nny Hnl· l11ncl. Crare 011vr v nnd Carvnl Mr· Dermott, Pattlr P11rson1 encl Gary Retmler, Frllrlg Lani:e and Tom Beltram. Bob E.t1t'ObRr 11nct Pl'nny CrGnm. Stanford Haro anil Sandy Lyon. Bob Jo--Ug'lt and V1rgtn1n Easter Week Kids Draw· City . Praise \\"Ith lhe !1111t 1u I of the 1wn- n.1 t Bast••r \\"1•1 k V:H•a t wn play having now l.111.•d urr ~t aJ:'•'. n ·iucJ .. nts, bu"tn .. ,.s lh'Oplo 11n1l po· lll"t' ore sppluud1ni; the-p1·1·!orm· ancr of thr you1h1ul player". Oplmon <>t th•' lnr11 l uudlcnre Is 1·11mphm•·ntury tow<111l the IM!vcral thou~1rn1I Lo11 An1o:,.Jt!s County youn1sll!rH who pi ud111·1•J lh<'Lr an· natal run-C1•11t on the .1>horca of the Harbor arra. ··w e arc pltMllntly aurprllled and plea11t'<i with the yuunKstera this ) , nr, .. l'olire C:hlrr John \Jp- 110n 1<a1d. "11nd the w11y lh"Y Rrc Rager. Krn Fey and Mary CrlC· fllh, J<en George u.nd Donnie Eal· rm.· All'x Sw11nk und S~ Tille, Mike Burrugha and Tony Valle. Befort' the danrP wr all w ent to Knott'• Berry F ann f or dinner. YOU WILL GET A BETTER DEAL from YOUR LOCAL DEALER HE is in business as a permanent part of your community ... His stability depends upon his reputation. HE ex~ects you to be completely satisfied because his future depends on you. HE will meet any competition because he wants repeat busi- ness -not "one timers" HE maintains a service department that assures you of com- plete satisfaction in • In . NEW CARS USED You Will Get a Better Deal at Home Cotton Goff VOLKSWAGEN 2116 Newport Blvd. Hausken Motors, Inc. Johnson & Son Miller Chevrolet Lou Reed & Assoc. Theodore Robins PO RSC HJ; M·G AUSTIN-HEALEY LINCOLN MERCURY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER PY MOUTH FORD ''SlnN' 1921'' other rrm•11n1 makr c11ra 4laW A Sf>nif'f' Harbor 8 1932 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 900 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-5545 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8·2261 4323 W. Coast Hwy. Harbor 4070 3100 W. Coast Hwy. '"" !II>< r lnt"r'" ~11!•· 1 Liberty 8-3471 .-d Gi'rmnn polirr dog -nb,·lou11-to lruve Aug. 28. Ml'lll\ Drtem.e and Dlauter Coun- 11 Iv 11 r h'V<'r 1h~i;u1~e whlr h fllllt:'ol Ask!•tl Coff<'Y 10 check Ullo plans <'II ha" b1>rn duly Cl'rtlfled u an behaving lhf'm~i'lVrH.'' F'ollre <'ll 9 t~> fonl Coody -nn•t 11 Lnhra11or fnr n proposrd mill building f11rlng ll<'t'r•.,tltl'ct dl11a:1trr counrll by the >rnd hiuok tn~ll 111 <· way b£>low lh<' rctl'l<'\"l'r. :-;n11i::ht u r•· a 1•olhe n noJ on I 'omon11 11r11 r I 7th ~t.. Cnstn OrttN• Of Civil Dt>(enae In Sac:.r11.· . iil51 l<•vr l. . 111 li t lie hlnck ctui:, no1n1 lous In th1' Mt•s11 . The at'l1011 w11.s takt>n alter men to. ltt:ASOS •·oR St 'CCESS Cm• hydrant ~<'l. l C"aptuho H11r1 y Lac(' of the l'\ew· The tw.> ownrrs of th<• can1nt's N • 0 d Schwan: suggested the P. 8. ?fo. l f><lf l 1$1•11rh fol ("l' prn111ed residt•nts In cu~lody h8Vi' slrl'Rtly aizrl'l'd to I a mes In r er 1<y111tem. and clvlr tentlel'll. "ThP succe1111 or 11hBrf' l"n!lt of paymg bar k t he fowl tlus y .. er·11 Ent!ler \\'eek 111 dur t o ond bunny own{•rs. Goody rrport· 1 f N s h I '"Othtr achoola have bffn nam!'d lhe rombmNJ d!or111 of our O\'erell ed. I or ew c 00 niter street.II." Rea •aJd. 'Thal'• r lan In :'\1•wport Bc·erh brought V1r l1111lucl nwnt'r'I tnclu,le ~fr11. the eu1eat way t.o do IL" about throui;:h the coop«>rat1on oC Ernlr U''"" 268 E11th<"r. Frank \\'hat 11hould the new C'Mta r.·~idrntll. th•• 1 1ty cuunctl, the 1 John.~on. 2:.!7 '• r.. 20th St.; H. u, ~tc11a ll("hOnl whk h ,.will be built .\l.1y<11 ·,. C'u111m1tll'•·, bluck coun· Mr~lurtry. :.!3G 1-.;. ZllLh St.: Huh<'rl Ill Uh• com"r ot \\ 11Jio11 St. and ,,.Jor8 11n<I m1·rrh11nt~ ... l.ncc 11u1d., Snydt>r. 2111 E 20th St : Mn<. Bon· l 'lac1•nt1n A, . ., be named 7 J>ollrc rr po1lll show there h&\'" nlr J ohniion. 220 E 1!lth St.: Floyd Suprrlntendent Evl'r<'ll Rtn Tl'· Substation Plans Okayed by Board bPi·11 a frw p,.~k 's bud boys who J.'t>rnnndi»i, 11106 Orongr Ave. aiiu , n11ndcd members ot thr M!'lla euuhl nut ~•i<'k to lhf' 11r11pl. Thl~ Tcany Milnchi.~··· 3:11 E. r&th St. 1 .-.·hool d1:<tn rl board lut night SA~TA A NA -~e Boulht>m h.1i. rr 10ul11'ti In llO bookinits to --that they l'huuld start thinklni: of California Cu C"o. TUe.11day 1ot Jale ft,r minor infra('t1on11 of JllO h " name. H1· auggPl!led lhRt· per· trafflr uu1t 1ons tu J11v<•r111t ~ A· yn•1t wa~ pu~11ing thruugh thP hRP"' the part>nl~ and leachfr11 llv· cleara.nre from the Orange County · n .ly 11nd wns not a p1111 hf th•· 1 h ,,, k Boar11 or Su[14'rvl.llor11 to ln1taU an dulls have rumt! In for 3~9 tratfic En \\" k d H 111i: n t Ill ar<'a wou u ma e name citation:< sler t'!' 1 row · " w .. s re· I ~ugge"3tlun11. ell'tlrtc distribution substat.ton on Jpn "<"ii to Juwnllr halt DOPE 1'08SESSIO~ ~ Pouu~lon lmtl drrnkln1t or h"•·r "\VI' might 1trrange ror the r hlld the "''uthn.11t aid11 or Monte Vl11ta Con11de11•d by pohce u th!' mo11t by m1nor11 has bl'en t h•· most rn•q-•ll1C1otrat1na Lhr n.ime chOlll'n lo go Av•., 350 fttt northwel!t ot Tuatln llt'rlous violation during Eloster u1•nl lnf1 at 111111 u! lht· law Cit•~•· 1" 11~htJOI llll day ," rrm1trkeu Chrllr-Ave, ntar Coal& MeM. We1•k to dlllr wo11 the booking vl<•1l1tnrr to th•• problrm bv. TV•lh'" man l' (.'h1sholrn Brown, rdlrct-.. ,,~ d ·' d bl -• The lnalallatton m ull'l be enol~d y1-•tel"day ot a 16·year-old Oar· Is crtdlltd with having v11ry '""' in Ui"'" crow eu ou e llt'l! ... ona llrna boy !or poaseaslon oC a "U.ll· younK1trr11 plckl'tl up by polu:•t tor, in M• 11a 11cho0Ui. • by • br1ck wall not l.e.e Ula.a I pt't'Ltd marijuana clgo.r<'tte. The lntnx1cat1on Nrw board mernbl'r B r ad feat high. • Z-Z-Z-Z-T! New super-speed Gas broilers make broiling even easier ... better Thr nf"1< f.!I' hrnilrrs hav t r1rii1nt rcflttlort 1<hirh dircrl tlie q 1111 L, ;.('11rinii hrnt of thr ,i,.,,, hlur fl.:amr dnwn ... ard. n,,., nl•11 •prrl.l<I the hrat nt'nl) ,.1cr the entire Lroilu ~urf.ltr. TI1r rl'•11li ? Rroilinit that ·~ quirL,.r-hrttrr tlrnn evrr. Brnilinir; 1hat't m1n~·tltu ... that p:ivr!' mt'81' 8 rirli<"ious Aamr-kiur,f n~vor. TI1i• wl'('k ~rr the .itlramintt n,.w ~utomotir Cns ranit<'• 1ll'm•.,1•t rnlrrl nt 'n11r df'al<'r's or f.ac. Cnmrany. JOUTHllN COUNTIU OU COM,ANY ,,l _There's something new in GAS. N .. <1le·111ll•t1 t••• \pl1t •Hond lt9ht1"g - l•ow-• ro1t9•• <ool•t O fHll NIW U ATUIU •... ,, ... , ....... ..,,. r'!O,•tolfy fwf f'tt ..... .. dvt•flQ botb•C1i1P''i •• 1 ...... ,. ,, ....... ·~ .. .,,,..,_, '"'"' Col oft o• ,,,,.. yew M f. Norge-Tappan -O'Keefe & Merritt Gas Ranges Jak.e' s Appliances SALES UIERTY 8·6641 -SDYICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA I j r I .. " PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11, 19~ TIME TO STOP! BRUSH COUNTRY "God grent µ1 the 1erenity to accept the things we cannot chorige: the couroge to change.the things we con and the ~sdom to know the d ifference." {A. Anon .) JOURNAL lly llllRAf't: EDITORIALS I l;d. Note -Tbl• ,...,1un1n tiy tlor•~~ l'arlif'r ... 111 ... I wltll Uwi lllU"'kauwn hl•l<'lrl•-.I fM•I• "" flu dr.-dli<'d llp Ill Ill• -.y tl'lp11. l•fn lhf' IMl<'li roll•lry I• rr<'ral yraA..I Off Shl'rr~ Oil Survey For more than a week, the publiaber of the NEW- PORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS hu bffn privileged to tour the oil field inlt&ll&tlo1111 &long the Gulf ot Mexico. We have viewed the operations of the California Company in Louiai&na and ot Standard in Texu, in Texu-tboee of Shell and Humble and Kerr-Mcgee. We have .een what con1tltutee a platform from which drill- ing ia conducted, We have aeen how a platform is built and whtre they are situated. We have seen a dozen oil wella producing from a platfor m in the Gulf of Mexico, out of Barrataria Bay in Louisiana. We have seen what the oil Industry aay1 i11 the prop- er way to produce oft aho~ oil fields, and we have aeen , what they say ia the horrible example of some produc· tion in bay waters. We have traveled under the auspices of the Stan· dan:J Oil Company of California. We have viewed the work of their sister companies, the California Comp~y . in Louisiana and Standard of Texas. We have viewed the wor·k of their competitors and we have seen the proper administration of oil well operations under the Jawa of these two atates. It i111 our opinion that in both cues, they a.e far ahead of Californi~ where it would let such s thing aa Huntington Beach happen in thia day and age. It ia our considered opinion there is no necesaity for any ofr shore island at Newport Beach within the forseeable future. But it Is also our opinion that the City of Newport Beach must st once perfect llll ordi· nance that would properly control operations off shore and on shore, if our prohibition against oil well drill· ing is declared inoperative. We base our belief that this prohibition against drilling is going to be declared inoperative because o r the billa now before the State Legialature in California. We are fi.rrnly convinced that if the City of Newport Beach does not make every proper effort to recover whatever oil there may be in the tidelands. that our City of Newport Beach will be the target of just such a bill u the Allen Bill now in the Legislature. It would re· capture the tidelands of the City of Long Beach once granted to that city and re-affirm them periodically as a grant to that city. It would recapture those tidelands for and by the State of Cali~ornia. We will go one step further. We believe that there i11 still the danger of the United Stales Government invading t he tidelands beyond the 3-mile limit. ' At this time, it appears to us that under no cir- cumstances is there need for an off shore island or a ~platfonn, or a barge production . operation_ a~ Ne"".port llit&ch. We believe that everyth.1ng that ll ll clauned exllta can be reached from on ahore alteti preMntly a'·ailable. If it should ·develop in the e x:ploration of the tideland11 of the City of Newport Beach by the leasehold and contractural operations of the Monterey Oil Com- pany into the tideland.a and that the full extent of our tidelands and any pbOI existing 3 miles out to ~a can- not be tapped and its pel rnleum content recovered. then we will be the first to propose an off shore platform or an island somewhere near t he West Newport City limita within the boundaries of the City of Newport Beach. We will propot1e it so that under no circum11tance11 will our city be faced with the invasion or ita tidelands by the State or Calirornia as is now being done at Hunt· ington Beach o r an invasion by the federal govemmerit through the Departm€'nt of Interior as has been done in the Gulr of Mexico. We ask all our citizens to be par- ticularly diligent in t heir observance of all of the opera- tions that will be undertaken at Huntington BeJlch. We have seen a platform properly built upon which were lo- catPd many wells, properly producing without any pol- lution and certainly not an unsightly thing in the G.ulf of Mexico. We have IJ('en and we will publish very quick- ly, pictures of these platforms anti of production facili· t ies in the southern states. We will show pictures of equipment ufled in these operations to safeguard not only the men who work on the platforms and in the rields and in the operations, but to guarantee that e\'£'n under the moat adverse storm conditions, or again11t the "'"Orst catastrophe that could happen in such an operation-it.M being stru<;k by a large vessel that might sheer off the platAforms-that there would be no wild "''ell s th rowing their e ffluent into our waters or onto our beaches. There are new technological developments that y.·ill see.I off a well 100. 200. nr even 300 feet underground without the loss of any more oil tl"\l\n that existing in Jlfl!WPOllT ~ HARBOR .NE-W~~1 PReSS Fonn1rly the Ntwport·Balbo9 Ne..,•·Tlmt• and the Ntwport·Balbo-. PreA D:itand u B«ond-Cl.UI W.tttr at Ole Po.tofllce ln Nrwport a..e.ta. C&lltamla under the Act o t Maren I , 1!179. Pwb' b 1 I S.V, ...... 1 UMI "n•ndaJ •I Sewport 8-ch. Catlf, llJ' .. NSWPOKT JlAJtBUH PUBLJ8 HL"G OOID'ANY TeltplloM lhuilor 111• ... ,.. .. ~ Ltpl SoUC-.. Ud A'"rtl-tl pt AD &J .... 8J 0.-... ot!41M flmprrior Cloart of~· Co. .. Adho• No. A·tl1U ....._ c.atf...U. New.,.._~,. A-.ta .... llembou N.Uou.1 EdlterW A-U.U.a Nt.mber at Otani"• CoWlty N1w1 8ervtc• the tubing above the closure in1trument. We have seen safety valves that will close down the wells in the event of the drop of pressures or the build up of pressure be· yond very careful tolerances wprked into the instrument. We are now convinced that platforms ean be safely used and that oil can be produced from the t idelands by them. with no more disruption of the view, no more creation of a hazard lo navigation than that created by the i1· land which has been bui lt al the boundary line or Long Beach and Seal Beach. We aak our citiuns to go up lo the beach adja· cent to the Bureau of Power and Light plant in seat Beach and try with our eye to find that ieland. We will publish pictures of that island. Some issues ago, in this newspaper, we made the statement that any anticipated island or platform build- ing should be done in a location off shore of the coast anywhere' where it is ordered that it would be of the greatest advantage to the population, to the boatmen and yachtsmen and fi s hermen of our coaatline. We would like t o report from firat hand that the beet fishing off shore in the Gulf of Mexico is around the platforma where oil is being produced. That is because small fish are afforded shelter and the large r fiah are attracted by the lights on the platfQTm. These were personal ob· servancea. Spurgeon in 'Trustee Race The News-Preas today printa. the announcement that William H. Spurgeon lII haa dec lared his candidacy for the Newport Beach Elementary School District board of trustees election May 20. One seat, now occupied by Harvey Pease. ia at etake. Hundreds of youngsters in the Harbor area Boy Scout mo\'ement, plus thousalids more acroSB the nation .. know "BiU" Spurgepn. Harbor area parent& know him for his a.uiduou11 "''ork u chairman of the grade study committee, whose recommendations he presented at !a•t week's trustee meeting. It is seldom a man of Spurgeon'• qualifications of· fera his time for public office, in this caae a position which aaaureti it11 holder only hard work without mone- tary gain. We are delighted to see Bill Spurgeon offer his serviceti, realizing how hard he ha.s worked on the g rade study committee and on the earlier courses of 11tudy committee for the district . We were amazed the present board of truateee last week did not appoint Spurgeon to take the place of Councilman J . B. Stoddard who resigned t o take o n his municipal duties. Thia statement in no w11.y refle<:t.e on Mel Berry who was appointed and who we were unaware wu intettated in the board'• work. However, inumuch aa the board happened not to choose Spurgeon for the appointment we a re delighted to see him file ht. candidacy for the job. We know of no man whose wo.rk with youth ha11 been more pain11t11.king- ly conscientious. We know of no one whose interest in youthful problems is greater. The people of Newport Beach are indeed f ortunate a man with Spurgeon'11 background is in the race for the elementa ry school board. Room For Prayer A sma ll room, simple in decor , has just bet>n open· ed on the rotunda floor of the Capitol at \\':111hin,eton. In it will be held, perhaps, some of the most import11.nt conference« that the Nation can hope for in the month11 and years to come. These conrerence11 will not be betwttn eommit t~a of the Senate and the House, nor between bureaucrats and ll(Jlons . They will be private, silent conferences be- tween burde-ned men and their God. For this quif't re- treat is the Capitol's new Prayer Room. Concei\'ed in sincerity and executed in dignity, this non-denominational com er of the world's moat impor· tant seat of Government is dedicated to ma n's faith in a higher po~·er. llfl one stained-glass window-the gift of an anonymoua group of California a rt.i11ta and cran.s. men-depicts George Washington kneeling. in prayer. and bears the words of the first verse of the 16th Psalm: "Presen •e me. 0 God: for in Thee do I put my trust." To its own members, and through them to men or all faiths. Congress has given a beautirul Easter gift. In our Capitol today there le a P rayer Room. In our Natit•n today there is surely room for prayer. Washington Comment By WALTER CHAMBJ.lN JR. Probably no living thinJt hfl:i altert.'CI the sky-line in Southern C11tirornia us n1uC'h as our unorrlcial "State t rN''', the eucalypt us. Like th(• Y.'t'lii n~ populntion or uur Stat e .,.,·ho have CO~l•' from :JI O\•t•r th~ Unill'<I Statl'R IHI ll.'ell JUI the world, the over 1~)0 i::1•f'l'i1's or cucnlrpt i cnn b<> elassNI a11 1t. relatively newcon1er. 111 tht' brit~r i;pun of less thnn 100 yt>ar-a '1h" .-ur,.ly11tu11 lu1., dntl•'<I thr ,.11,,.f ,..,un·•'" nf l!Mr<l·W<><KI liru. 11nd ... :a1:>t" all '''"'I' s,,u th•·rn C11h-[111·r. 11 r1<l 11n• 1111•••1 111the1'1ln11t ru··· f.,riu" u~ •·:,•\I .... tho• l 't'n\r:ol 111"1 l h •ll ,.f bolhLU11i:'t'. 81111'""• hrhlj;:.•'it Nn1th1•rn p11 r\~ "I lh·· ~t 11\•'. !'Kllro)lhlft. !"''"~· t~h•gt'll \•h hlll'll, "Thi! n..•\11·•· han11• ••I tlw ''"""1yp· '''"'"'"· 1•:<\'•ni:. ,.,.ti,.·h•s, 1111,rlc~ tus I• Au11lrKh" 11rut 11nnu• "I 1111< 1ur•I 1n1JJl .. n1;•nt~. furnlturl'. ti..1""' l i djact nt i~l•n•I•. ln<"h"hn~ T11~-r .. 1 ..... "'''· l·luwev .. r . lhl!lr ""'l<lf'· I lntllllll , Nt•W Ullln<'ll, Tlr1101-, 11 nd ~Jll't'll<l U.••· '"\ht• U nltr•t St8\••• h .... un" ot the "fo htfi"IUt " 11><'•·11 nul11t ,1 1~1111J>0inlln111. Th•'Y l H al'lng ll nlllJOr in IMituny I hf"I ll>t•'•' fnr Y~•n• furn1~hN\ n1ur h tu .. ~ ho~d \hill '>•ritlL 11 llttlt• 11u1,.•rfl<'litl "'"''"' fvr C11!il1•r1111•n~. !1tudy of 11 1n11nogr1tph on !ht' •'II· l\lt:lllC"AI. l 'st; ,,..11\ypt11 hy ;\h·Cl•tl·hif' dnn" 111 AM for oil. 1n the f.llrly l ll00'11 H. 1902 11nd nnw out o r pr111t. li. l'lilkw"od. propr!l't<'lr o r !ht ('1111· 'would be able tu u:ltrltif~· IUOlll of fnrn11• ~:uc11l~·ptu" \\'ork11 f'f G11r• I \ht •Pf'Ci<'~. Aftt'r ,., ,, • .,... h <)llT" nf ,,,,n !Orn\'<' n•f"•rlr rl h .. r•""hl<'f'<I a 11tudy 1n th•• f1•·ld I "'"" 1)1 .. r.· • """ i 1"" .-.r •dl fr"'" Ji'l(11 01111 "r 11u•!•••1nl l fusl'd th11n ";·1-.•r, ,;., n1u •I ,,f ll.• nn•t lh•' nuqll1t w•.• l"nif,.,·$ hy lhf' y,•Lll hlll'f' t o) enj .. y th" ("lu'nlypt.~ "~ 111·111!11hl·· """l'lv nr hh•" ,i:um 1 group ra ttu•r !111111 1ndn·1·l•ud \o•i"·~~ F!rty ~·r11r~ ·~" >'t11•11!~·r1u• ~re~I""· nil "'II" 11 N>R11 l11r p11 n••'""· 1t n<t •• l'ltO!\IO"l"t '.R '."i unt:A!\I ""'",_ Po"Q!'ll' j1Hlr.r II 111 .. rllrln .. READERS WRITE During t h•• "h<><•r1111og "it:hh<',. .. ,•ithl'r hi' l1 11 "11tink" nr ""!or. •U· 111 C1tllfr>r!\lll, th .. 1'T"n1 ut<'r.,; llllt•h· r"l,\'1'111; nil T1tt1•rl hlj;h "'\th II it:nod .,d lhtlr 11ta1· t" the prt11uut1on of i .. u,1 "~Unk " T a the Editor Dear S lr. I'm "''riling you In 1pprecl•tian or the )und word~ exprrued , by yoll and ynur new11pap•r 111 n1y. be- half. 1n my 1ucce•~ful bid ror D>rm· bt.r of th'!' board of th" Falrvit.w Count,y \\'attr Dl11trlct.. Youra Slneer.,ly, NICK MA.RDESICH rui·aLyp\1111 gr .. 1·(-,.. JU~! '"~ in 01.. 1'1~ tw•·:< or th,. ""rly b<'~·ktttf"'l'I off1Ct' a nd the Chrl1th1.n Srtrnct' l11t~r Y~"!'ll t h" Aia1nr11 rH hhlt, and ""'''t' ""' lnng In fln!llng n ut \h11t Chun!h, and 11'1 qulte 1 chon<. 1 Karakul sh•'<•r c1&111,• 111 l"r their llH' rrnfU•l"n f'f t>lo1<AOm1< wert ll I t La tht cu1lom11ry •n11LI prr· heyd!ly. ~l y <111.d -1n·L1&"'' lull~ of ''l't;ll\bll' m ine of hn""Y• An<1 on• cent11g~ of thr c11lstnry whn 111.'l'm J1o•to1nl( br0t:huro•J1 II\ Ju"'" olu ru1i,: ,,r 1f1•• nH1n1nrl<'~ th•t wlll .. 1 .... ·•y11 to feel thal any p lanting dune by the •'1trly 190\J"6 u-. "''h"·h 11 1·U<".<· ~ln•• with "'~ 111 th" hu11y h11n1 (If othrni n1wi1 not be prrmllttd ta ly11tus 1,;1u•·<' •rut !1n11n1•011l lnd"l~··n -!h,,"l>•'I'/< ""orkll11;" o•·er the "ucalyp· remain on vi.,w for long, ,1t1•nc1< wn• lht! "'"'11 !hcnlt' \ll~ hlnun1.~. v.•,. hl\'t 1ufferl'd fr<'lm t hl11 pt'·' Evt!n to<ht'' <lll•· """ ...,,. gnn · .. ,. Foor """1" 1·,.nrJ1 Ille •'Ur,.lyrt• cul1ar mental quirk o n tht part of ' planl<'tl n)W 'on ,.,,,.,.th•· llb<•n<\,,n<'tl r ... 11 111111 11\11r',.putr. rro~hly bt- U.e"" ft w an1m1tl'd bt11ht1 on th" drrllnt,. o f ll()ine «l<r!~· ~,..t!l\'r who r·11u"e hUnu1n rmo\lnnJ1 frrqurnt.ly CLVk lan<11c1pe. hOptd to hM-11 f •Jn 'M\ nf nHl e.•· I:°" In f'ldt,.nll'A, the ~·ttrly rumm~t· !Ed. Nolf'-Tht New•·Pn>s1 wa1 R,.cen!L y. on a 1tr1p or l•nrl be· 1rui•u bLe ,111..,1ypt11~. Th,. hll!•' nut.-1•1111 i;:r,.,.·,.r·~ 0•11thu1<ll<11n1 w11.nt'<1 •• t9"ttn our rx-ar:~ct i nd the Sci\'nee ' t>f Si.ulhPrn i ·~l•fvi·nlfl "''"'" 1,,, •• lh\'}' f111l"d !u Ii\'" up '"' f'Xf\f'<'tll- (;a\Jrch, wt h11d ."18 daffodils 1n turetl In !hr tt\lll\11-,,1 11,., prutl!l'!• t lOn11 nnd !nrn••\t tn "n" nf 11ln1o•t Woom . of w hich 48 11rt' ncow gone,·•·•.• .,. lwing , . .,,.,.1 ~··1 \O.'\!h hlli;I', h11t ... Thf'y hll \'f' ™'"" •~<.:UM"d nf happy to have run th" n•WI •tory of Mr. M1rdt111ch'• i:r<ndld11cy Jor offli:,. on l hl' bnsrd. V.'e wt~h him au 1uccta• now th11 t h• is elttted to the du\.}'. I 111r. Btll Reddick, Publllher Newport Harbor New1-Pr"" 2211 Wt1t Balboa Boulevard Newport ~ ..... h. Ca11rorni1 and thty were not gt ntly or pro-rnd leAA for.,•lJ1 .,1 wa vins U'et',., l>l'lni;: .. ~.,\1 r"hbrra", dirty, sm,.lly, perly p1,.kl!d they were ju'lit torn ol""'J'· unrl ponr ,.,,. ll"lllth Th"Y ofr the bulb~. ' KAll.ROAll Tit:~ h•t\'" tre-l'n t'h"f"l"'d •nit t!lpJ'W"tl 1n Y.'r pMnttd 2.) n1 rcl••u11, and 24 1 A.•" kilt o;i 1hc :\loJ••·,.. <ll'~~•l ~rr .. rt.'l In n1ut1h1tt th,.m . hut J:''""n of \hDIM! i re 1:one. nl'nr 8111 ~1<-'W J ~1111 r~n1•·mtwr ><l'c• timP lhl' lontly rn«11lypt1111. "''Ill Our c:lvlc con~<::IOu~neas and our 1ng n•!l1·01t1 tw" n111r1~ of e1 ,,·1t ly 11· llJ:><1n h ft 11,, h~a 1t rand ""'"''"Y the df'a,lre ta contribute to \hr bt'auty tu11 Thl'Y "'"''" rt<>u k,•d ~n•I w.~ c<)u ntry 11nt.• frr-111 ~•r!e h~t!;"h\.11. of our cHy h1111 not b••rn daun\<'d, hsrd •• ,,\l't'l. lln•l Hll• r v,t•alh•r•nJ:j ;\IUltt: :Sf)\\' T ll.A:S HY.l'"ORY. Desr Bl'n: "'ytl. 1lthough l! has rrc!'1v~I .• !or 11 t itn• 1t 1~ ''"11b1ful wh1•tlw1 1 Ar tu·.1lly th•·r" 11r.-pro btob!y I hal'I' r'ad v•r10U.. Lttms ln your consldrrlble m•ul1ng 0\' .. r tht 11 •/'>kt' •·uu1<1 fl.-<l•'"'••n Into th.-in n1<1r•' 1·u1;1 lyp1..~ p l11 11tf'J to..l1<y lh11n pafl"'r &bout effort• or the Plan· yt111'11. I h:H'" b\'t•u Jul•t tl•11 t Wll•·11 a lu\ in yr~t ,.ry1•f1tJ1, 11n1I th"~" of Ull "'h.--. nlng Commlu lnn and oth••r• to \\'• pl .. act f ut' publlc partlclpll!lun rif th~ru "'''''' os•'•l 11rw put 111 1111,.,. 11,.t h•'•'ll rl11111p1wnnt .. ,1 1n th .. 1r h<'lilul!fy our fair l'lly by pl,.nllng I in prolt••ti11g u11 .. nu oth"r" ai;:1<1n11t l!I'"•'"· upon •l• yu1~ itll•I '11th1..: t h· .v ,·,,111n11•rch1l Jll•~"•h1J 1t1.,11. ""\'" ''''*"" Ire'"· 1hrubol and flower11 in llP(!tu· th' r1v1ge.11 of thtl't' prohf1c pur· lil~r•!l,\" y,•r1111 • .,1 unol l "•~l•'•I 1111•· 10 ••·i.:111"1 111 .. 111 a ... " b<•11ut1ru l J>ltrt prlll' 1"111.c .. 11, lvin'nr or our prtlty IX.81,.s. ln): tun ·oc· "'11!1 llu• !HUdh• ,1 ttn•! Olf "Ill" l;i•Uthern c~ullf...,rn111 l"nil· We hai·e nilld\' 1 aptc lal po1n1 vf Sinrer .. ly. ra1li1 Th,. !{itJi.hv !; .. n t.t ~· .. In s ,u \ ~'""""'' \\'ho k n .. -.·~. J"-'t"l1a1•" At altl'mpUng ta br.aut1fy nn1 only 1-'. A. r .1.,1er 01,-..i,:11 l.'uunly .,.._,,. 1u·t..:1n~l!y '"''"· ll')llu • tlll!e Jn !he tuturt1 llnvthrr rt. till• u!flc ... hut RllO the ftt•I E11· l 'r•1<Hl~nt 1•tl !Uh l jlll•nl~·I hy !h~ I Hlir'""" 1tort y,•111 "" n1 .. (IC-In lllll'i.'.l!oll!<fUUy l•t' offlC""e i our e•-offlC<' •era•• f>AP:rb t·"'"l'""Y !11 ""'"IYl''n" • • '' J>f•un·,. ("t'>n1m.,ro·l11l1z,. !hi• Ir<'•? Antl 1.h• I N rW""rt Blllt>OI S•\'· of Ill'" 111<.:n "·hn"" ,.nth""'"•11.-11Uy inl1~>-th~ 1trtel •. >1n tl th" interVf'n ng I •- '.,, ,.,, 1 ~.~ AM "o T"•·•· -,,,, "' , ••1••1 ,,,,. """ ·•ur ... t •t In 1111• ·""'""" t'n.~1 "'II h"'"" va~•nt pr<:>ptrly bttwetn nur "'11' " " -· " · " ' '" , , .... ,.,. olro lliuo l"•·llhr.•·•I llut •• r .. r 1:=. _ _;c_.:..__;______________ 1twc·" In U!>lnl: \l."I" l"r \\II! lh1 • lkll " I f flllO OOO •An•I o nt• r.,,,:,. '"''" .. 111y " fo·-..· nl•·. 111" r111"l~J·l 11~ ,.,•1\111l"''"Y!t n., fict that tht "urpl11""• h11vr bull\ I\· ann<•un1·•••I lh" Jt-1 " 11 · • 1 1 • •-,,,,11,,1 "'''' ,,.,~eful 1,. .... "" · h d 16ll00Q h IM< I mil••" to fuul ~l "f1K " "'"" \·r•u~ "" • "' filr 1n "II''""" or 1h,. g,.n,r111y 1 i.~n • n( ,.,. "llt 1tn 11 0 1•. k · ,.1, ... ,, _,, .,f .,,, sooth..,rn C•lJ· . y • I . T ·k~v w ino ur"I\ Jt. " ... ,... " •ppro1't'tl nnt -y•11r rt11"r"" 1" 1tp· rnl!tJn 1" "1:0"111111· ur f ·' ln AUJ1tr11Ull 1hr •· 1J r" vn.: r·f tht forn1a 111.n'1K 11L)\' i nd llkyhnt. p11 rrnl proof t hllt It h s !< bf-en tn-ChLlr P"*'" 11.nd P1kl!tlan. II.-UI · -~ .,ff!c1tut In ,vilr11. In r•ct Lt h11..' th"r r~porh• lhlll l'Xpnrt~ fnr the b~n "-"tMbll~h,-..(1 thii.t thtrr 1s a1·h1-:elj<rhl nHln\h~ nr l1~c11 l ~.,,.,. !!ll\.~ illy nu 1111lf1 mnneger or 1111e•111r .. alre•dy !.~ rer rent •h"l (I or org,.nlr.11t1o n. ' I th~ urne period • ~-.. er "I:" J'OLITH"AL COSSIUl':RATIOS Gl\·l'.-A \\.At·s Th• m•Jnrlly n1r <'l1her• of thr In lh11 1J.11m!' conn•ctlon. 11.nd In Ot'mocr11t1c1J!y. controlled Appro· c<'lntra1llct1on 10 lhr r ha.ri:e• by pr1111nn11 Conirnl!\t-e h""" ettempl· th" P.,1uK'r11~ !1111.t lhlB !" 11 l.1!v•- l'fl to l1y •11 th .. blam .. on S•cre· A"'·ay At'\mln11tr•llnn. • t•ry of Agrlcult url': l!:tfl T . ~n· hnua,. •I Blllnn Rnu.1:,., .Lou••••~S , 1111n . Thry rh1l1·~, \hit h' 1s dl'll· "''II" bnughl flll'IY 1n \\11rlo1 \\~r h'ro•t,Ly hn1dlni up ••l"s Ln ordt'r1 II ror f 2 R mllhvn anct 11n1d hy \V•r to d i&cr·,.•h t r11r i•I i<Uppnrt pr1re~ I AJtlll'll fnr • 1nt11I Jtll)" rr1•'~ of It n111111 h" rt111,.n1br1rd hn.,.,·tvf'r '20:1,000 or """"" <"•'nls •in lhe \hi\ r!~x1h!e prl~f ~upporlA wrre dn lL11r Tht'n th" CC"'f; 1·r_nt"d lh' •doptrd ,.,nl,y 1••1 )'"•r nn • r,·l t11rill!lt" 11n1\ pN 1<I SHl~flOO i n ~'"'· r Qmn1end11.t!Qn hy lhe Adm1n1Jttr•·J11gt '""" "'""' ~ r r r•od nf 20 t lnn and 1ftt r .,.,•1nn1n1r 1 hltt•rly m o nlhA. In Jun" 19:':11 \hP Air l"orr t fo11e:ht b11.t\l• in \hr Congr"Sli I lt'•••d t"''n-thlrtl~ Of H h111·k 11t •n A11 pt<'lof of the fllcl th11t he 11111n11111l renl•I of ~119.QOQ. Hnd Con· prllgrt•Alng 1ow11r1I lht> ~Alr"d 1r•~• In 19:'!1 11uthn rlt.,.•I II• re· r oal. Stcrrt11ry e .. n"°n h•a ., .. ,.,.1.1 purch •u•' f<'IT' i i :'i n111l1°n Grass Roots Opinion BRODHEAD. WIS .. INDEPENDENT-REGIST ER: "F'rom less than a million in use in the early 1930's, there are today more than -1 .000.000 tractors on Ameri- can farms -. pulling ever}1hing from plow11 and harrowl\ to cultivaton; and han•etJters. They mean more man· po"·er out, fewer backache11. and a ri11e in farm pro· duction of mor e t han 40 per cent in the laMt 20 ye11 rs. A i;QOd f'1t•mplt of U'lll! C()mpltc•-dlt Cnrp•it11ll nn, '"' !hlll II rnnl<t l l!e>n11 that 11r1.,.. a ny llmt the gov-op•r•tf' "" 11 llu.•lnc.~11l1k« t-i;ui:11 emmf'nl cf'nlrola pr1':t1 or q11aT'I-Unrl,'r rht rha n r 1-1:r11rll•'•I, !hr Ullt• ot pni.:lucl• t11 tf'prr•f'nl•d b)' Corpo1·11,nn lu•d 11 011111 r"~r..,n111h1· thf' AJ"rlcultural Pru~11 Support Illy l o 11upptitl f111·r" prlr l!"• wllh1n Prorram. th• h:rm• of thf' 1 .. w and to protttt MOSSTK<ll':-i Bl_.l 't: l~l "M ~This rllgfted, 1'kirt.ed l\nd gnnrlf·rl rild t-:11(·;il_\'!'lll11 stand11 in crl'('k bed 1n Fellbrook country ~l rs. l1;1rkl'r's t11r.e cuhtrai!t11 with tree, Grass l~oots Opinion By ru•rt.nlffin1 a pn rt on r11rm the lnvt11\ment of th,. n11Uon'11 tax product11. the government enco11r-p1yer11 through the 11Rlf' of !hi' •Jed farm~r• la 1rrt•tly lncri•ff cammg;-hUr1 ""'hlc h lh!!r p11rrh11.•· th•lr production; 1urplu.e1 ~•mt •d. It w•• 11uthotlt"d In ln\'t llt up t1u:t 111l\'t', i nd 11.crr1gt rontrol11 to a m1x1mun1 or lrn billion dnl· hid lo be ln\'(lkf'd. Thia •ln1pl,v l•r• ·111n•I Il l th• pr<•~nt Um" h•• ml'lnt tha t crop• which Wt'rr I tot•l nf UV"r ~Vt'O bllllto11 1n- v own on 1crt•K• ln ,,.,,.i;., of th<' I vtl\!'d . 11lntlrd nun1b .. r would not h•vt At the far111 pt( ... lucla rovt'ted prh'"' 11uppvrt. lmmr<1111 .. 1.v !hill by th111 prul'ram h•v"' ~"" p1tr· I!\'1)10 . NE:\\'S . "Th«rl' 1~ no g a<id way for the gov- t>mn1t•nt to "''nlr"l th1· 1ta ~··t••·dny affairR f,r it fret! flf'.O• pk·. Attt·m pt~ tr> d1, 111 1 1111•\'1\:lb!y l'r•·ittt· gr1·atrr and, mon m•'nariu ~ pn obl t·n1 .. •· w11 cirl·umv .. nll'd by 1h .. u"" .,r ch11t'd 11 • f1•trr r•!f' ttu.n lh\'Y BEN REDDICK. Publlahtr ••••t.,r quantitio·• nr l•·tl l li7.l'l~l n1 ,.,. in turn b""" M•ld, 1to r11tt Wlu..J.AM A. MOSES, Edltor l~OOTHl~A\' 1 1 1\l'.8()1~ .\11·:. n ;;r;r sT~;R ; "!o.tli.ny 11dnun1i-t 1·;it1\'" 11111.1\11>1111 111 ~··1···rn rnr·11t dt) rl'qUire men wh n hA\'t' bt"c/1 l'f!J11•r·1cd ly 1r u 1111·!l 13ul it 114 11()1 true th11t ('\'i'ry a~111·et •if g r1\'(•f11n1• nl !'h iould ~ ru11 hy f>XJl('"_lft, by the ,.;1•lf•('t f1·~·. 'J'hos1· y,•h4~ "''11111.J h:i\'t 1t 1u1 IAt k faith 1n the people. Thl'y wnulrl turn t heir baclt11 on demncr~tic WR}'K and wnuld l!l"'TI ""'ld" lh" dr•(H~ tn l.nta1LL<1n1t.n1am and dic:tfftOfllhip." ORMOND E. ROUl\"TREE. AdVtrtJ11ng Director thu1 1ncrr111n11 lhl' l'l.,l•I W1\huUl f•<'•hl1r 1 ha vi• h.-.<l t o llf' IOl"f"ll!lf'd. __ _::.:.:=:.:.:.:...=:..cc.::.:.:c.::.:.:.:.::..cc.::;_::.:.:::::::_.:.:;_::.::.:_ ____ , ,, .. :~lr.11 th" 1u•r"•I'" 1 The co•l lo t 1tori11• I• "'""" f 700.· SUBSCRIPTION RA.TES: AUMISISTRATIO:O.' 000 f'l'r d11y . , Newport H•rbor s,.,,....p,_, h ·lt)I "'H.klJ To edmlnl~ttr th" pro1r1m 1n While the Corpor1t1on ha11 di• I• 0.-..,. Cou11. M .00 per, .... ; P.M M1. mom.: II.ht Un••-. 'lf"n<::y ,.,.iu ltt't ur 1n th,. forn1 of l oh•rlfll It• re•Jl<ln,.Lblhly 1n rtl(11.r<'I o.ta6de •f 0ra&I"• C.:-t1 11 ... per y-.r "corl"<Jrltlon, thr Community Cr .. -11,. purch•11lng lh .. I"""'"'"· 111" • REAL TALL -G raceful, white thighed E ucalyptus sur- vey" rolling hilla of Fallt>rook country, -Horace Parker Photo" --4• ·-• • I f J ' I ·; , UKE FATHER, LIKE SON i MESA PAIR HURT IN 2 ACCIDENTS Mua Police Ottlcu Wtlh&m kvase [an't a bout t o gl'l tuu far ahu d of tua llOD, Michael. Savaie Incurred minor lnjunea 1:::1 a amu hup Tuuda,y ot the police car he wu driving In Coate. lhaa.. Wedneaday at •:10 p.m., aon Michael, 7, of 131 r:. Zlat St., 1ncurr~ minor lnjuriH 1n a tra!tlc acdd.:nt. ApparenUy, Make fell into the aice ot a car drn·en north on Ontn(e by George Da nlf'I Meyera, i2, ot 2680 0:-a.nge A\•e, Co11ta !Meaa. Meyrra tolJ police he waa dlivlnr pa.at lhr•• amall boya who were M:U tfling at the road1lde when lhe accident oc:wrnd. ltldtul we.a tak .. n to Hoag Ho.pita! tor treatment. PLENTY OF GROG Officer Whitey Fredricbon, Newport Police Department, linea up the empties takm from apartment. 107 Edgewater A,,.e_, with arrNta of youth11 aasertedly pouea&ing the liquor. -Police Pbot.o 3 Youths Booked as Balboa Apartment Made Shalllbles Mlmicipal Court Par loost Plea Sellt l.ecjislature SANTA A N A. (OCNS1-0ra111'9 County Board of SuperVLM>l'll Tues- day r~ommen~ substantial pay hik~ for municipal court jud1 e11 and attachea of their cour ts. The recommendation., wlU be forwarded to the atate legislature for ron.slderatlon ln ut ling pay Kales. Municipal court judi;ea' I JltlY wou.ld be boo6ted from $10.000 to $13.:500 yearly. Mar11hala would 1 ret a nal.w of H OO -from $6000 to MtOO a yeer. 8u pervl80ra a1ao approved ·an on r-&11 aalary lncreue for all membera or UI• court and marshal at.a ft•. Two El T <>ro marinee were b<>-Ok· ~ here on drunk counte Thuraday night followln~ the claim of a ="'-port youth, H and hla 1:1-year· old Monrovia friend that one Mar- 1nt' euned th em, then knocked the A grog party of Ea•ter Weaken I nM f rom them a fter his app~ I local boy to the ~ound. Police re· ended In 1 rr.-11t ot three youths hens1on. they took lum to th.-• port the &saault occuh't'd u the hero Friday night when police I station. He is attWN'd of break· tMnqe p&lr left Newport Pier. t d th t 1 l t I ang a police car .,.,ndow m route. Booked went Marine.s J ohn Ke~ oun e upa a ni apar ment a l ntth Merav.·, 18. charged with brat· 107 Edgewater Ave a ehamblu THIEVEIY 1ng the youth and Thomas R. T'ul-wlth 11cveral winrlowa r1·uhed a.nd I loe.. 24. who reportedly b roke up 11creens rut. The 1tt>ndam1ene the f1&ht. found 240 cm pl,. b.·rr ('_llna. 431 Coet._... ,._ nna Par I Pohce q jd M~s Joanne Cbnre e mpty het•r quar lll. 11n c-mply fifth Hlnaon. 21, W~[) I. U $. M1m ne of \•odka. two c-mpty gullon• of :V. A . J.fa.nderb3ch. ~IQent of the ea.. El Toro, made a atatemrnl wine, a halt gall••n of wint' 11nd Balboa Bay Club. told off1~rs tv.-o I reporting both marmea. who had five empty wine f1fth1< A hallway I hub <"a ps wv~ taken fr()ffl hLS rar I dated her up earlier, had been wu 11tackrd with empty beer car-while p.ul<rd on club ~rounds Fn· ctrlnlung. PFC. FaED A. RIGGS Named To)Ml lD ()laae MESA MAN HONORED Recent iy vaduated from the :roop Information and educa - tion lear1el"ll courae at Fort Carson, Colorado. PFC 1''red A . Riggs, son or Mrs. M . M. Riggs of 186 Del Mar St., Coata Mt.>sa. was naml'd top man In hie cla ... He Is a mail clerk In Company C, Slat ~­ g1neer Battalion at the tort. tona and case11. I day mght. -------------- 8o(\k"I "'t•rc flonaltl n . C'hck. T?u· \"t"S apparently put a ~rtrt' LIQUOR TRIAL 18 of r.1enrlof9, charged with In· over the top of a wm•Jaw an tlw I tox1r all11n. r('l'll.lltlng arresl. mah·' car Of Robe rt D E. HutchllliO t Equestrian 111 ured clouit ml11rh1ef anti pear• tllsturb-1 n ° ~ fr-1'lrM Pal'e Helen Mallhewa, 13, of 701 Mar. anrr . a lfl·ytnr-oh) .1t11clent of , 428 z .A Wl("l d<' Ave .. hookt'd th• hint.ct where the t lOOO waa going-. ruerlte Ave., waa knocked uncon- Clen1lora. an11t ht•r nr t'Upllnt <if the en :I """r thf' elH"tn<' n>ntrols and Gray alao te.Ufled he haa talk· 1 •cloua yeaterday when ahe tell place. w•11 chargt'•I wl1h lntoxlrn· I brok" into t h ... car to tak., a pan ed wltb Aa.iatant Atlome.y Cen-from her horae while riding' eut tlon whil,. Ron1l1I r.. Hummf'I. 2<1. ot ala<'kll. h" said. era.I Thomu Martin. co-coun~I of Shore Clltfa, poltce M id. She brJckteomJcr ot AZ:UM, waa booke<l TO"T.LS !<-TOIL" ut the caae with Oiatrtct Attorn«'y recovered conaclouaneu by the tor pul'll"ll!!lon of 11 11l'(·r11n pAr k Mrs. G~n :i.taJ"tan of M27 Co'N Rollert Knffland, on many OCC9· I time police arrived and wu taken of beer when he entered the apart· St. told otfl~u a young <'0Up1e a6olia 10 .. SW\ the atory lined up." to her own doctor. ment. took l «'ll or J2 towf'h from U.. Mkll•Y J-&180 wu named Click reportedly ran oul t.be troat pon"h or M-r bome.. nwn al wtlla llac:K•llD• and Avu In the SPURGEON b&ck door, Oltloer Jamie Laurin tw o fe,n~r aklrt.a from Ilia car IJMlki-t returud by t.he 0 f'UIS• finding h.lm Oil the roof ot the parked lA tnmt ot Ilia ~ ..,_ 0Duat7 Orand J~ry. Charle• next buJldlng, 109 £d6ewater. tw-10 p.m. Friday and T:ae acaiMt lier wue droppad when Wht'n Ciiek reportedly thrHlened a..m. Saturday ......,. ~por1td by .. turft*I atate'• wttneM. She 111 to "t'QOI" a rreatlng otflcera and Will.lam Lewia ot 212 \'a ae-. -.peeled to i.tJ.17 t.omo~. WINS PAINTING FOR HER HOME Theodore Martin. owner of Martin's Furn.it~ praenta oil pal.ntins by Arlin Arthur J . Beaubien to Mra. Garla.n L. Wetzel. Artist painted 1a.rzer picture in window of the 11tore recently. -Staff Photo To make it easy on your self: Get an el.ectric range ... better cooking res ults !!.!_1rr and automatically! Get an tltdric water heater .•• hot u:ater always- and aut.omaticalll[ ! v..ua ... 1nm t'lnt ..,.. man~er, Spurgeon In ytara paal baa aerved th• finn acUveJy u a ~ man on land matter• w1lh th• City ot Newport Beach, Or· ange County, Newport lkach Ele- mentary Sl'hOOI Dutrlct, Newport Harbor Union High Sl'hOOI Dl1trlrl and all Boy Scout Jamboree and troop a tf&lr11. ti<'Ol'TISO HE<'OKD 8purceon ta a member of the HaUonal Explorer Committee of the National Counrll of the Boy kouta of Amrrlca . An Earle llcout he holda the l\llnr Beaver and Sliver Antelope, top a dult r.cop ltlon awarda for aervlce to boyhood. Ourinl' the recent Scout Ja m· boree held on the usterly ahorea of Upper B11y al the 3000-a cra alte donated by the lrvlnl' Co, Sp11r1t· eon aerved aa llalllOn man belwl!l'n the Irvine Co. and the National Scout Coun<'ll In charge of phy1I· <'al arrangtm1enL1. He 11 reglonaJ dJr ector of phy•lcal arrange1ntinll tor the Eig hth World Scout J am· boree a t Fort ]'liagara next Aue· Ul t. Spur("con haa been one or the leaders In the rrcenl move t o eatabll•h a boy•' ram h for the re· habllltat ion of Jllven1le dellnquenu who would be rommlt ted l<> the Youth A uthorlt) 1.ut T uuday the board nt 1upc-r\ 11ore author· laed purchaae of t h• Jorlln Ranch ln Trabuco Can)·nn for the pro· Poff<! boy1' r&nrh. Marrltd, Spurgeon la lhe rather of three children. Sandra, U , Horare Enalf11 School atude,nt; William H. Spurgeon JV, 10 and Shell•y. 8, both Harbor \'l•w SrhPt•I puf•llll Key word for the best in living: See your electr'W appliame dealer ..... ~,,., '-'-' TP91__, Psychologist to Join Mesa School District l'pon recnmmtndatlon of Su~r­ lnttnJent Everett Re a.. R od H~kleman waa Wednesday hired as dt11t rlct p11ychologlat by the Co'4· tll Mesa Union School 011tr1.-t board of trustet's. Salary for tht' polll WH H l a l 17000 per )'<'8r. Heckleml\f will atart work A lig. 1. R Ptt Ml d. Hiring or the psycbolol'l•t rep· r t1ented a "looi< mto lhe future," according to Rea. •·schools with over 900 average daily attend· a nce have lo take over the t esting program which the county has h&ndled up until thi• yl'ar. And I know we will have lo take care ot t he mentally retardl!d children In thl' dlstrlct. Somt body will have to organize that echool." Rea reported HeckJeman wu trained In that f ield, having' helped orc anlae Greeley School. The aup· erlntendent 8&1<1 20 auch chlldrl'n are now attending Oreeley School, "but we have 70 olhera here un· able lo get Into Greeley due to lack of room." "Garden Grove t. building an tnUre .chool for their mentally re· larded children," Rea revealed. ''We'r• going to have to build for theee cl\Udren In our building program alao ... The Mesa dlatflct'• a&'l'et'ment with the county a t $UOO per year furnltl\ed a paychologtat two day• per week. "Next year . we would need one tor three days." Ru advliied. He added that with 128 teachera In the dlatrlct next ycnr, personnel problema would also In· creaiie. "And when Uie building pro,.ram at&rta, 1'11 have to spend more time on conatructlon mat· t era," the au~rtntendent said. Rea txpn•1111ed belief w I t h Heckleman handling all lhls, the price wu reasonable for "one-of the beat psyt'hologUls we'\•e had here " Heckleman haii been em· ployed by the county. He la work· Ing tor hla doctor'• degree al Chico Slate, Rea reporte<l. McMillans Hurt in Sunday Car Crash Three peraona 1mffrr rd m inor lnjurlea ln a two·car pileup YP!I· terday a ftemoon al Hunlln&'ton Beach and Weatmtnater BlvdA. J oan Ponay, 17, of Covina, riding with 0. B. Ca bbe. 17. Weat Covina: Driver Paul F. McMiiian. U , a nd Mary P. McMiiian, 3!>, ot 19211 Con- tinental St., Coal& Meaa, were hurt. The McMiiian• were taken to Hoag Hoapltal. Mlq Ponay waa to ace her doctor. BEVY OF EASTER •AUTY TALENT Surrounded by county high school beauty contestants in eecond annual Euter ~ contest set for Wednesday night dance at Rendezvous Ballroom is Ken Cotler, Radio KWlZ teen-ager disc jockey. Trying to predict winntr, Cotler ia surrounded Oil .-r row from left by Cosette Peltzer, Yvonne Shubert. Leslie Chapm an. Shirley Roice. Carol Hodges and Carol Moquin. Front row, from left, Newport Harbor UDioa Hieb School'» Milly Tonne, with Shirley Gardner, Marilyn Newman, Mary Ann Maddox an4 Janir.e Pomato. Winner will be cho1en by judges at dance featuring Elliott Bro9. band. -Gibson-Naill Photo Neff Enrolls in Switz College and Pwychology •~the countea ot - fned during the flr11t aeaiilon while elementary and advancf'd Frl'nrh , Education &Ad Hli!tory wUI be Of· tertd the aeeond aeaalon. John V. N trt of H O Santa Ana Ave .. hall 11pplled for adm1Mlon to Padlhalt, Radford the Peppen1ine Collf.'ge S ummer s chool 1n 1.auMnnt'. Swltzerlarad. Hurt in Accident It was nnnoun•·ed retentJy by Lon· nit> T . \'anderveer. dlr•·ctor of the Minor Injuries were Incurred by collrge·11 irummtr sr hool program. t wo C09ta Meaane as l"fllUlt ot a :o<eff hR!I ('nrolll'll In both Ma-traffic a ccident In front of 249 E. s1nns of th" Rummt-r Mhool and w1U 22nd St .. Coala 1'teaa, at 2:40 p.m . take the ro11r••'ll .. rr1•rt'1I In French Saturday. lnJu~ were \\'.Jter whll" doini: hl11 i;:nulunle atu1ly. Packhan of 2i9 22nd St. and Dora Acrortllng to \'an11ervrl'r, Pep-Radford, i i, of 2 Ji3 S anta Ana perdine ta atlll acr1'pt1nt; applica· Ave. Both received tre.lmenl a t uona for e1thl'r or thl' two •u m· Hoa.g H1110p1tal mer aeulon.e -the flriit iot&rlinl' Dn\•rr 1 of the autos lnvolvf'd J uly ~ and continuing through were Elmer Garfield Ra.dford, 611, July 2!'1 and the u contl MIRrtlng of 2173 Santa A.nil Ave. and I.aw- July 211 and conllnulnb througn rcacc Edward Fellowa, 33, atatlon· Auguat 16. led at El Toro Manne Base. The Elementary and 11 d v a n c e d Injured paawnl'er• were Ill Rad· French, Hlatory, Pol11 11'11I Stlence ·ford'• vehicle. BUCACHEO Plilllpplae _, ~ tw1n bN1a. \"&IUt y. Mmclt.. ITL ~ Orana: .. An., 1'\.wport H,U.. U berty S.108t. ITcJI :SEW APT. Buitt-tn .tOft. ~· d1-rw-t. 31 l 1 • Drd 9l.. ·~­ more i -6336. Har. l•l·J 11 .. ~W J BDRM. '--. UDtwa. 110. waler pd. ~Trad. lkoe at MO Arltor, Ooata ....._ .,.._ CUn~ , ..... Celled. 11d9 Dlacover thl• new Dodge for youreeltl Take corn1nand. •• get t11e thrill first l1and ! s ......... .,.,,.""' Ols<.o.er o "New OuHooti •• tlltouth Ille hlHp-orouf!d wlndtN•ld, Jw.,,r boc• artd wropped around, ii en<lrcle1 Y® ift o glon codp11. I I I I I I I I .... wfMit'• h·•~"·· c_. ..... ..., .... 1u11 •o"tl• of Powerffife ovtomofic: driY· l"'O lro<'ll the coomol po ... l o .. (0¥tt -· "oo" ...... . ..r«'O,, ,,,.. v.a .,......, -------------------------,--------------------- llltjey whet'• he..-"41 Ad "'"'"II loolu I• II you 11101 "'" llatr lasl.,o...d ne w Dodge rule1 Ille road '" 1tyle It \ \lf'olon9 the-Ch's·· ''°"' ,.,. ca1ll1••I COIL I t's the biggest rmh since th<' Klonrfikt'! ' I I I I I I I I Comt in and cii~v~r for your.1elf 1t1ltttf R linppnim to make this new Dodge the most taJkt'd-about car of the year. Then>'s a nt'w driving experience waiting for you when you ''Take Command ••• Get the Thrill First Hand!'' No obligation! Come on in! sq.~--..·.a..,, .... .., The ..... Dodo• ~ .,.. 10 9 ill(htt 10ft9•• "'°" <Dm9•- .... ~ Yet It ~°'" ,.,.. • Ii !tie MCl'e "'°" ..,. .. low ll'"'•d ..... .r· DlllY• TH• 11.W ·noDGE TODAY I ~O'BRIEN MOTORS 1680 Newport llvcl. Costa Mesa L•irtrl-7272 I I If I ,, ) J MONDAY, APRIL II, 1955 CAR CLOUTER r.r.• te9fllS cors i E":~loyees Like 1 LOCKED TRUNK CACH~J~ TO~S ~~.~,~~ct Pl~r.·~ 1le> the area th•y are url'ed to •elCDM Wal&...-.... I llnd max• th•lr new homea In. 1 ~ An early rround br"t'aklnr for H Id t A the $2 mllllon rlant l• t'llp<K'tt'd e 0 nswer wBAT OIL CAN DO -Thia ii Eighth St. in Huntington Beach at the· comer of Or- ange St. It Uled to be & beautiful street, but it suffered from oil fever and ita recovery ia doubtful. The at&tely p&lmti have taken a beating and homes &re mud and oil splat- t ered. Where derricks now litter the landacape oil pumps and tanks will remain until the pool ia pumped down to where pumping doea not pay. -Staff Photo Seal Beach 'Next' in Oil Development. Experts Say By BERT BIUNTNAU~ HUNTINGTON BEACH IOCNSl -Seal Beach la next. Oil Jeue h ound• have been worttlnr there for a week, accord- iq to reporl.9 headed by Earl Keuler, Who aaye he htada the land departmant or the United California Oil Corp. Thia company hu utabllehed oftlcea ln the Roaa Motel and amonr lt8 field hand8 111 Allan J udxln, wtio haa been working to ~ure land leaaea from lot own - er•. Kueter aays that pre111dent of the corporation ls Selden Kii· &'Ore with offlcee in l..0 11 Angelt>s. There are 1even mE-n l!ef'klng lens- ff aJtogelhn. .SEW OORPORATIOS Keuler report• that his cor- poration I• a new one ani;t that he bu ju8l recently joiner! It, but previouilly he wu worklnit with J\lchfll'ld Oil Co., and c-l1lma he put ovt'r the deal of loclltlni.t Rich- field just north of. the Costa M el& city llmlte. Ia the meanUme drilling at Hunt ington Beach 111 pn the di•· courajt'ed aide with the third c1ry hole, thla one on I Ith St.. near Walnut St. Another thing that It pes11tmlsllc is the appearance or more and more water with the oil that la being vumped. A mild lt>mresl In a teapot has broken out In Hunlinlt'ton Bearh with the demand hy Marcus M. McCllllt'n for the <'lty tn susJ>f'ml Ila 6 per cent take from drillers on 46 a cru the city own11 on east- ern flats. He owns 1ome 6 acres cornering w1lh the t racr which he would have d<'velO[)td b;v whip 11lot·klng, but the city's rontrarl with SlitnAI CRlls for l hP paymPnl nC 6 per Ct'nt for All oil from Wf'lls dr1tled on the city pr,,1w1 l \'. The councll 18 r on11idt'r1ng th•• l'la1m anrt wm· take It up al ton1i;ht'll meeting. \\'ILl.J.\MS AT WOl<K In the meant1mt> :'\orman V. "Cy" Wlllhuns. nty oll inspector. TEXAS CROWDS IN ON US. SOUTHWEST FLIGHT SHOWS ' SeatnlClf• on· Plane From LA to Dallas Is LaCJuna Beach Woman fty DF.S Rt:oml.'lf. I Into Rlvt>rsh1e and later clear Into San Gabrlrl and Los Anitf'les. ll s n1rpru11ng how near t hc-1 . f 'OROt:T AT BAR citlt'" of A mrrlr a a gr1•1\t Koulh· 1 It Kee ms the' tl~t'l1 to ,.lop al west h&vf' g1 own tn t111r ~•Hi t htm Gihl Ben•I ror a d<'Ct'nl meal. Aflt'r C&Ufoml& ll was unlr thlf'<' ellllng they woul<I m&kf' rnr tht hour11 anr1 19 m1n11tr11 f rom Loa b11r In n1 rlt'r to forjtf't the mes l with a fr w quick drlnk1. Hf' told A ngelea lntem atlonAI Airport to Mme nthtr lnlf'N'•tlnit 8lorie11 Love l'"'ttld. llalla..~. :ibo11t t ht' Rio Grandr River, 88)'· Thlt 1reat OC-i cn1lat'd at 21 • 11ng th!ll great atrf'sm •ometin11•" ooo feel or lllt1tude at a 11~ed of <'tirTll's wroter a.nd 8omctlme11 II more than 400 mph on Ill! night C'lln bt wa lkt'd a<:roA• He aa.id TPx&n11 11ay It 11 t oo thick to which aktrhtl the bottom or CAii· •lrlnk a nd 100 thin 10 plow and fornla anrl alm03t Into Ml'xlco at 1u mit rather que11llonAhlP tlmu. A nti, "" alwRys h11ppen•. Landing Ill IJ111!&8, I\ (ru ty-f1vr we found 11011wonr from our Routh minute lay over Allow.-d 11 gllmi"' Coa.111. Our 11cal matf' nn the of tht' Lov .. F'1f'ld &rf'8 Tcxiu< 111 pta.nr w1• Mr11 F.•lwar1I II l'h,.lsn 11:rowln1r ltke t'ahfor nl&. \'ast of 10 091 H11!crrJ1t Ori\'"· l.ftgu'V' llC'rt>agt•11 outlyinK the ctUcs of Bt'llclt OallllJI An<1 Fort Worth sre bt>lnit Mr.i P hf'llln w u (l\'lng 1,. 0 81111,. 11ubt1lvldt'rl and homl'A art b('ln~ t o'.11 ·nd 8 f rw •la·\.,. with h"r l built Thl're arc huger homrJO dau~er 11n .. 1 80n'.1n-IRW 11.nd than llO•lle or tho~e lra r t11 In Call· i randchltllren. An I n 1 I'rf111 1 0 It fomlA but there &rl' hundreds up- woman llht' 11 a natl\'e Callfnm lan nn hundrl'ds o! homf'~ bfolnit built u le h~r h\l'blUld. Her rath!'r. a 1 In thAt gTtat area o! lhl' south· Mr . t'nduw•.>Oll. was thf' ln\'l'ntor Wf9t. of the \;nd .. rwood 1h~ ;'\Int for 1 f:OAR ft()("i~ llRAISF.O the root but for Ulll! 10 rlrllling an TC1nlght, Just about 11uniiet. as Wt' '11mt' Into =-:tw Orll'RO!I, "'" oil Wf'll. roulrl llf'f' that hr r P thf' l"edl\r St:WPORT l'OS:\E<'TIOS bnJ:ll a 1 <' !>ring th n1nrrl An<I l h,. He was nn" who dirt m11rh or thr trt'f'll a nd sh nibs pul!HI 0111. Jn work In the Secnnd St 011 f' plora-=-: .. w "·I·'''"" too I ht'\' Ari' h111 f!lin1t u on proJM"l In Lo• Anit!'lf'• 1a th~ hnmr" In the \'L!lt 11wamplanrl.~ hf'· •arly 190/ls MrJO Ph,.lron. a lthough tv ,., 11 Mtt11llnl Jntem at1onal Air· newlv a rf'111dt nl nf L:tJrUnA Hl'at'h port Anr1 tht r1ty Ntw Orlrnn~ '" I• no0t a 11tranji'(f'r to our r:-nR11t tine, " lirl\Htlfut town, quaint, unl'}Ul' n or to Nl'"''port B•!lrh li<'r ht1ll· anti r(1!11rful band. Edw&rd. 1s rf'rover1n1t rrom \\"t' wn c-llUrprl11t>tl and r trM l'rl a atrnk• for wh1rh ht 111 bf-Ing s gs1n on Bourbon St. Jt'11 • fal>- t reattd by Or. ~mtlt Jllllbos 11101111 little pince It wraps In • b land. bit of Tijuana. 01\'era Strttt and So. It .eem• that N!gardltt• ot bow f1Lr away you may go from the Newport Harbor arta. you al· way• find llOmfOne 1o11•ho IO\'ft It. who hu Jlvf41 thtre or hOJ>f'll to. Mn . PhelAn will 8lay at t he W R yan Kelly,., hrr da11ichtt'r and *>n-ln-law'a home In Oallu , hav- lllg fun w ith thret' g1 Amlchlldren llibe hun't H Pn 11lnce 'hrlttmu . q11ltl' a hit or San Fran!'lllf"n. too all In one vf'ry lnterutlng path way to the pa.lit. Our dollar blll was l!llll 11tuck to lhf' ct illng of thl' nlrl Absinthe HOUllf' Wh Fre Dr. Wtndell Hall. then exalted ruJt r or t ht LAguna ~&ch E lks Lodite anti l put It In 19:11. It's rem!n- lllC'l'nlltlC llkf' that whi<'h make 8 trip to a town worlhwhil!!. So far. we've l'njoyed every minute. h1 on the job trying to ke1•p oil J rillers In line. u he has hrl'11 fnr about two montha In spite of a report In another paper th!lt hl' Is a new appolntM at Huntlnglon Beach. a SANTA ANA. 10C";l::··>t -A suspected rar- clouter who allegedly has admitted a string of bur- glaries in Orange County dealt out 111.h'icc for bc:ich- goers Friday. Robert L. Catlin, 34, of San Francisco was quot- ed by Sheriff's -eputiC's. He ex plained the safC'st place for \'aluables in r:irked cars is in the loc!<~J vehicle trunk. The avC'rn~e car burgla r won't tackle the trunk where hea\'y equipment is needed to gain entry. Catlin assertedly h as admitted 23 car bur~lari<'s in county territory, three in Newport Beach and about 100 others. Catlin and Thomas E. Mayes, 53, of i..a Mesa were arrested by Sheriff's deputy Pet e Winslow. The officer claims he caught the pair going through cars on the Dana Point strand. The defendants are awaiting preliminary hear- ing in Santa Ana Orange Municipal Court April H on two burglary counts. Deputies cautioned motorists to leave valuables at home when parking at the beach and elsewhc.re but "if you must take them, ~!low the advice of Catlin." s ~te Lceal!Gn ".,o " I!! hoped lhe blc movt ('\jn 'b•· mnde durln« the eummer or Bc:d Check Rap , 10~6 when children wtH be out nf 1 1hool amt thti tranafer made aa .... ~ily aa po1U11ble. ll(•ltp t \ PU'"'!, t'-~ ~,,. 3 ! 14 1 1~ MORE t:MPLOYEl:8 SANTA ANA, 10C'NSl Cornna de! MIAr wa1treu Alla La Vera SchautH'rl. 31. of 613 S.1un1a ... Ile t\U ~ fh 1 l lll .\ \ e:' i ! • '"t•\t."l 'UI l I 9,.!t,~h ... i i.nn.,un, ... \! t ,.._.1,1~1\·t"ly 1n lnsl \\,, .:·s J'\, ,\'1>·l'1 \!NI, I.!! b .. t•1g h111lfol 1t!I a 11;i" t"m " ror thl' "''ta· Hellpot pruently employa mor e Orivt, Sa nta Ana. Thuraday w .. than 600 pl'Opl•. but expect.a thi• held to an•Wf'r b.v Santa Ana·Or-numbfr wlll ewell to more than \000 wht'n the new plant le a vall· a.nge Mun11·1rat Court Jude-How- pan,\' hy "111P1"Y<'•• 111 t!H •r hull~l'· oble. The auccu11 of the plan• of ud Camt•ron c>n '' S20 bad check t•1~.111. th<' "lli·I· ull ' P r . A. O. BeckmQO, pruhlent o! chargf'. Luc·1:•,.n ,,f t he--i: • ., .. ' "'"'' tl1• t h<' p&rent company. " vividly She Wllll trl"t'sted after aaaerted· '", 111 Mld 1 :11 .. , r '• r1·a twn.1I fit· 1 olnted up by the net aalu, which' 1 1·1 ltl1t 11 1.' ""' :i "" u ll•~llnt't a tlva n-1or the lut CIAC•I yf'ar. endmc Y ll!.Uin& lht' bogua check In a ''""' '" t h" llt>hpot w1lt ker~ and last Junt, were $18.7 million aa Santa APa market. Judi;e Cameron I th,· 111qi.·r a li<.l ('lt~11 th<' f:i<'l that com1»1red with $1 million In 190. orderel1 her to report for arraisn· th<' .«'hon! S\'.Nl<•m at Nt>wµort "Beckman lnatrumenlll, Inc. ha• ment In •1tper1or court e t 11:30 a. t Cl' 1\'11 1:1 1utoo 811101.J; UH• highest t f ··-IC th I t "'-I "" or 1...,e e roe o """ng a m. April 16. in the slatl' whllt' "t•hutches. clubs In • wth I ·grow~ company' a gro · n-The dl'fc-ndant ta In custody In p111.t ro·n .. :n innat orJ;lt n1z.,t1ons are dustry .•• and pl..lna to produce, ln lleu or SlOOO ball Sh• alleredly mun• llllllH'rous in t11L· ,:enl'ral area di I 1 11 o ~ -th·in 111 any (qu1v11I• ~1 rart ut lhf' ~i:tsv~~~'::~ f:: ~~p~te ~y';::';:~ I ~~e;a;i!nt'd D~; ~u!~~r~~ ~'!.s:h~t- "1''1"" 111 automatic faclorle11," according ho~ check 'counta n F:m ploye~,. Hr<' pll'&.•l'd that nev( to D. C. Duncan, vlce-preeldent p y ' h•mi..:.-e ~ b1•111g built nellr the, nnd general mana.rer. ::1:,• 111 la1g" numbers and art 1 -------------- U\'illla hle tit p1 ll'<'ll luw <'r than thl!lr • t'nunt•'ri•arts 111 the Pl\.'l\td~na ttrl!8. I Giraud Treated Here t:llrn-mnut'rn shopp111g centeni, B\'aila ble a nil planned are also I We8ley W:_ OtraUd of 16111 Santa llll'Htlwwd a.-> an attrttcllon. 1 Ana Ave., Cotta Mesa, wa1 tn!ated LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY l h'llpvt hope11 to bring to the I AprlJ 2 for a mild heart attack n .. w pl.int muoy of Its present em-! aufter~ while on the beach near pl•IY<'"" nm! 1:-. mak ing plana to thf' dory fl1htrmen. Giraud de- help thl'~C wor ko•rs mo\'<'. The P•· 1 clmed medical trt'alment and wu APPLIANCES_ Houaehold 1w r t\llTIC'S a map of the new lo-tran1ported to the police •talion PartJI _ Dealer _ Service c11Ut1n and a route msp to 8how I where he rHled before maklnr the LIDO t:LECTRIO how ••mployeC8 c11n find their way trip home. au& Vla Udo -Jiart»or &111 '' AUTOMOBILE DEAI,ER8 New and u.ed Cara .NI CK.ERTZ 8TUDE&un:11- 8al,.. l!Jervlcie Put. hi& Newport Blvd. -Har' 510 .BANKS Bulk uf Ameriea NT a llA IU& Vla Udo -H&rtMr Nia BARBER SHOPS UDO tSHA\'I NG MUG la Badwell'a Store for 11111• JUI \'la Udo -Harbor HM BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO HALOS or Bt;"UTY 'la Open1 Mur 16,._ BOOKS BOOK CAl!IE IUI \'la Udo -HartM»r «06 CAMERAS a Sappllee \~NOL.~ LIDO DRUGS 1'411 Vla Udo -Banor IOOS -CARPl..'TS a DRAPERIES DICK MACILEJl IUO Via Ud-llart»or UH CATERING RICHA&D'tS LIDO MARKt:T HSI Vla Udo -Hanor s.<J!:H CLOTHING -II.en's ~tail BIDWt:LL'IS SHOP t 'OR Mt:S H %8 \'Ja Udo -Hanor Ol41i CLOTWNG-Wometa'a RetalJ LIDO F A81110N8 "'° Via Opono -llaltMtr H 'JI 811ADDOCK-S a&ll Vla Lk1o -llarlMlr 117'1 VAGABOND BOUSE im,iortact spon.w-r HH \'la U4o -Harbor 104H DRUG STORES VlSCENJ"8 LIDO DRUO!il 1&11 \'la Udo -Hanor IOOI ELECl'BI() CONTRACTORS LIDO ELECl'IUO MH \'la Udo -Harbor un FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCENT'S LIDO D&UG!il l&ll \'la Udo -ear.or IOOI FRAKES a ALBUMS OEIUIAADT STVDIO!f 1&11 \'la Udo -Huhr UOI FURND'URE DIC& MACKER U%0 \'la Udo -llart»or UH GIFT SHOP KICllAJtD'S LIDO MAAXET USS \'la Udo -~r %HU INSURANCE AGENTS "" O. Bl'C'K , L"OC. HOO \'la Udo -Harbor &t« lNTE&IOR DECORATORS BLA..~CllE f.lil..IU;lllSOS A.l.D. Hll \'la Udo -llarlMlr 6UI DICK MACK.t:R UtO \'la Udo -llM1M>r UZI MARKETS RIC..'HARD'l'I LIDO MAIUU;T SUI \'la l.Jdo -Harbor %8%1 NURSERIES RICHARD'S UDO MARA.ET Cor1111!(C'll -T1tble Arrnngrm,.nu 3431 \ la Utlo -Harbor 2H'UI PHOTOORAPH STUDIOS ca;KllAROT HTI OIOl'I Ml8 \la .Udo -Harbor U IMI REAi ... t~TATt.: LIDO Kt:ALT'f AS!ilOCIA Tt~H wdo S&lt'A • Rt111&Js 1400 \ la 1.1110 -Harbor U« p. L pa.Im..,, IJIC'orporall'd ol" hanM>a eo., ~ mcmt. 3SSS \'ta Udn -harbor IMO voor:1. ('0~PA.SY 34 II \'la Udn -Harbor 4111 SAVINOS &: WAN -AS80ClATION8 !\T.WPORT BALftOA KA VIS<Jio TALKATl\'t: CAPTAl'llO It wu a bl( thrill on the Amtrl· an Atrllner. n ytn1 the lenfth of California. be<:auH we had a talk· a uve plane captain, Dan Phllllpt1 H• commenll'd conalderably on )tlalortcal apot.a over whJch we new-the Salton Sea and BlyUle. ~ deecrtbed the AJI ·American Cana.I and lhe batUe of the ltpaniah 90ldlen under De AnA when lh•Y came throup:h the lm· perlaJ Vall•Y from Mexico. HKJP BIO BLOW \\'e n .. w around all 1torms that wn" <'Omtng do"'"' from the Salt I.Axe &n'L W• g'Ol out or Dallu just ahead of the big blo~ A p· parently they ware txpt>cting 11 food one bfcaUH they wt're bat- tt'ntnr down the hatchm and pre- parinr for a p.ll' But we didn't '" It IO wt ha\'fl no unpleuant memories of thl1 flight. _,J/.Jverli~ing • tn the Cofumnj o/ thij a LOA.S A~IATIO~ A 8avln111 Jn1Utullon Lon« Term Home Loana 13641 \'la Udo -Hanor UOO SERVI CE ST ATION8 LIDO RICHFIELD w a did find Qut. though what a thermal la. That'• lh• heat wave that rl-f rom hot par!'hed l1111d1 and u we tried to n y down Into D&llu, tht thermal -vee were bouncmr; our blit plane arounrt aa lhoujth It Wf're ju11t a PIJ>f'r Cub. A.a bl&' u tt wa. and with 611 J pertlONI &board, It •till WLI bulCet- td by Mother Nature. Jutt a lltUe warning to ll'l "" know 11ht' 111 newjpaper o/ Jeejuftj • t.1 NII .Sewport B.lvd--ffu. &A!1 SHOES -Men'11 BIOWEl..L'M STORE roa Mf:S 3UIJ \'la 1.Jdn -Ha"-r M&I rHEATRES UDO TIU:ATRJ; Conirult thl11 piper for pro1 ram \'la Udo at St'WpOrt llh .. Harbor 111& roi-s LIDO TOYIA.'"D MU Via Ud• -Hamor 11N H• told ua aome 11torlu we Md!l't heard before a bout lhe arH around Olla Bend about 60 mUH 111DUtb1"9l of Phoenix. Jt -m• Olla Bend wu a principal •top on tbe Butterfield Stage route. That waa the llne which vile~ Call· &omla a t Ill l!Outhernmoet Up llHr S11n 1'1ciro and !"am t' up ttlrou(h tht' vallt y t h r o u It h A ruan•• Into Ehttnono llnd n\ er a lwa \'I "t ha.nd, Jea lo1111 or her I l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmiiimmmmmiiiiiimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;I prtrn1t 11 I h'tll. Call Harbor 1616 • Display AdvertlsinCJ Depa; lnwnt VPROL8Tt:RING DICK MACU R MH Via IJ4lo -...,.._ Utl • • ,! l • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE ' \ '• \ ~;ij ~. " '\ ' /it1 DEMONSTRATION BROUGHT ATTACK -It wu thia 40MM Bofora anti-aircraft gun that almO.t brought death to OCNS Reporter Walton Tregaakla on the island of Nan-Kan in the Matsu group. Proud Nationalist soldiers had demonstrated the gun by firing 38 rounds. Red artillery on the Communiet mainland -lea than ten miles away -retaliated in.etantly with a barrage that injured 19 peraona. BETWEEN RED ARTILLERY BLASTS -Matsu Is- land children peer into a restaurant on the main street of the tiny community shortly before the community (and OCNS Correspondent Walton Treguk.ia) wu the target of a Red artillery attack from the mainland a few miles away. -OCNS Photoa by Walton Tregukia .. MATSU -There is actually no island called Matsu in the group of six small sandspila of! the Red China Cout. However, on the Island of Nan-Kan i.8 the \'illage of Matsu. Thia ia the entrance to the community -across a crude log bridge over a drainage ditch. The main atreet ol the city can be seen in the background. MATSU MAIN DRAG -The narrow main stre<-t of the nllagt of Mat.au on Nan-Kan laland. The main atem of the community u only two blocka long . Reds Fire on Mesa Woman I Ed. Nott' -Thia report comu from Mra. Richard Tregukl11, Coat& Meaa houaewlfe, now a cortt11pondent.1 By WALTON TR£0A81U8, .Newa-hfte Correepondf'llL MATSU CITY, APRIL 5, (0CN81 (OelayedJ-Look· Ing for Mat.au, the famoua offabore lal&nd ao much In the hot-cold war new• t heee day1, I found there la no si.ch place. Mat.au, I dl1eovered, la a chaln of tiny lalanda. The bifceat one, la a 1-aquare mile 1pot. named Nan-Kan. It hu a am&ll vlllac• on It called Mat.au. We new over In a Cal.&Jlna flylnc boat -t.hJa ial&nd hu no alr fl•ld. Nan-Kan la u bare aa the pe.lm of one·a hand -a 90ldler here la like an ant ten.mbllnc for a hldtnc plact' on a Miiiard b&l.I. Three treee. each under I fMt ln hetcht. compoee the laland'1 htch•llt wpt&Uon. llhallow tn11u:hu ca rved craslly over the laland'a bare 1Urface offer no aecure hldlftC pl&c• tor the f~·n.hlnc clvUJana and th• military penonnel here. The Communl•t•, on tht' Chlnue malnl11nd jual 10 mllea from here,'Ulre pullln& on the heal with a cul-I military buildup. Inlelllgence reporu MY thouaand.11 of Communl1t troope from Korea are moving down to lhe Fuklen Cou t. Yulerday. 1lx enemy F'S patrol bnat" Wf'rt' 11p<.ttPd maneuvering around the mouth ot the Lieng River. Of lhe u1ual 700·1000 fi8hlnf junka Bffn d\jlly from N11n- K1tn. only 70 ap~ared yef terday, Indicating CAmmunl11t marllhalhnc of 111 the l1rrer ve1111el1. Col. Hua. commanding Nan-Kan. 1sy1 he 111 "XJ"'Cl1n1t an attack from the Chlnf'11e Commun111t11 any day Ac- ~ording to Hu11'11 lntelltitenc:e. therf' are 100,000 l(rnund troop• oppoelte M11l11u, four a ir flelda and Jlt'\'trll port&. Two nf the near air flt'IW., FU-Chou and Chien-Ou. are jt'l bue1. Despite Col. Hua'• auur1nce t hat N\ln-Kan 1a Puy tn defend and dlfrlcult to 11tta.ck. milit•try wlse11cre11 ht'r e· about11 u11ert thll' principa l lalanrl can u~lly be fhtnkrd by Communl11l 11elsurt' of olhrr Mat.tiu l'lands. With a fnotholll on ~\•eral of lh'fn. tht' Red.ti ('nuld make the polllllon of "N&n·Klln untenable. Thia would I C('ount for the report. frnm our hl1tht'11t hr F:ut military <'lrcle.s, that thf' U S. wlll nnt 11upport the N11unn&J111t11 In their M•ll!U po111lion. Tht Chlnt..e Rtda acro1111 lht tlrallll arr 11lt'rl rnt•U J:h at th11 point 11n that. wh,.n the Nllt1on111t11t" Kii"" 11 311· round demon11t ration of thelr 40 MM ack-.H'k. wt h11d lln lmmedlatt re11ponse from Red artillery CA\"t , UWELLEK8, 20TH CENT1'Rl' -Hundred.a of rftn•i; pock thtt "'des of Matsu Ji;l11n<l hills. Some &re gun cmr•lo.n•rut "'"· M u.,t of\. i.hclte t i; fv, the p<.>pulatlon when AFTER THE BOKBARDllENT -Two Chinese children on Matsu peer into the at.reel outAide their home after a barrage o! artillery had bluted their community. t;\·t ;s ON THE REDS -A Chinese Nationalist officer 1ie-ers toward the Red mainland of Communist China-10 miles away. Troop movements, trucks. Vt'hicles and sup- plies can easily be spotted from the island of Nan-Kan- one of the last Nationalist outposts off the mainland.. Red gun11 begin to blut their frequent bombardments of the islands. U. S. Army trnta arc adjact'nt to both cavm and the headquarters buildin& above. • ' ... -... 'Whitfield, Spurrier Duel In Offing -At Orange Meet I benefi t the UI With Plabor11te plane htltl for I.tho mf'A'l will lhe A pril 20 Oruni:e Jnvit11t1ona l Olympic Funll. t n1t'k 111N•t. Gamea L'halrman Don -------------- Perkin' unnou111·cc! the aN'<'llla n<'a ot rormcr world reNl'll holder Mal \\'hll flt'ltl to com pct• In the Ol)(lO 1 8110 yard ru n ond a lap In the lili(I yur.t relay. Jnv1teJ to t'ompr.tr In a "rrn;tch 880" with t'llrrcnt world mark holder Lon Spurrier, 1 Wh1ll'ltld \\la& the ftrat to acctpt. All Is nt'edt'd to <'Ompll'lc ont' M the bt'st half mile field• of tht 1116:1 a<-nson i• formal acceoptant·t' ot S purrier. With Jim Terrill, Bill Weoiaa and Jack Sage lll•o o n the acceptanl•e !hit for the two Japper I.rack tanH will be offered a prevlrw of thl• yenr·a tnp running attraction. I The Ornngo mecl heh1 In con- junction with lhci Southern Call· 1111;~~~-lfll~"lli'!ll!ill Corn1a lnde pt>n11enl lolleg'll T111.::1. • . ~ anti Fu•ltl champumah1pa will NOW~•·· May 7 • orf••r a I!) event meet betw;•eon -~ I CJrnpnrn'l. Lung Brarh 8tete, Cal Poly, l'nsat.lenn Nazarene and La I Verne. ln acldltlon to tho "mntrh 880" and the Independent champlon1hlp S r1en Tuu . ttiru Fri., Post lime 1:30 p.111. 9 r.cu Saturdays, :it>st t;:~1 1:00 p.m. PIOM Hl"'l"OIT.IAll OA Ori•• _,.. •• Hlt h••r lOt to H·9ft••f It. twr1t rlt ... er M;9h••f lf to Katell• '*'••""'• 1111 Sta.,teri, fht n t1ft Uu·11 "'ilu te track 1nh•111ce. th1• Orange lnvitutlonel will fra· t ure a nf>en 118U rehty, l!ln opun pot.• vuull n:id an open high j ump. F1lilni; out th<' 21 evl!'nl pro,::-r11111 , will I.Jc• a special JUnlur college 100 yard dash anJ a high at·h<•OI 2211 CUACK Ot' THE BAT -The photographer snapped the above pie just as he heard Paul Lon·ntzrm's war club make connection with the ball. F ollow the gazes of the umpire, the Tars' t hird base coacher nnd Anahei~ Third Sacker Al Story and t here's the ball Rtopped in flight. Colonist Catcher Frank DorC'tti is still recoiling from the pelota having been socked right out of his mitt. This action took place in the sixth inning of play here Thurs- day a fll·r Anaheim had ta ken a 2-0 lead over Coach Eriiil NeC'me's Tars. On first base at the time Lorentzen blast- ed a way was Sailor Shortstop Denny Fitzpatrick. He to(Jk second on the play, then stole third. At right is seen what happened to Deri ny. He attempted to score on an outfield fly by P itcher Bill Welzel and was thrown out at the plate. -Staff Photos HEADSUP BALL BY TARS FAILS TO OFFSET· -ANAHEIM'S PLATE POWER DEANE SHEDS DUFFER TAG Mn. JPrry I Deane I H elperln ot Lido hie hu captured. the 19!54·00 Women'l'I Jmprove- Wetzel Bested 2.0 As Sailors Finish First Round Loop Play •n<l h \\II h n inf lo ltl rnll•·r whkh ment Award trophy ut Irvine I\" , h• ... : II. l'nul IA•n ·nt Z•.•n :s111i;led Cout Country Club. Tho tro- "'"' 1ni.; 11, n11r rn st>1·ond. He blnle phy was do nated by M ra. T. 1!111 I w, tz, l 1 .. Ctl'<I a <ly Into Weston Jay. ~11 .. 1 t 11ght r«nt,.r. 1<-11z.p11t1 lck tug· Although larruplnl' a bout "" 111• Ant i 1wout,•d for home After the llnl<a for only l3 m onth•. R)' RILL PHILLIPS 11.. 1 nt1·h. l>or,;tt1 au rreutully Deane hu quickly ahed her Heads up ball by !'\t•wport Harbor High's Tars failed i.: .. , k• : l 1t·nny off the pllH• for duffer way11. Jn a one year f h A h . C I . 'll• tn)..' Th11l i;cttled It. period, Mr11. H~lperin hu Jow- ~ARBO~ ~o~ PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 • IRVINE. SANT A ANA LINKS LADIES TEE-OFF TOMORROW Open at lrv~nee Move Tourney To Santa Ana For Friday Holes t o off-set pvtC'nt plate power o t e na c1m o omsts on ,.-.. 11<,wtng f:911tn v II l' at 10 n, k h S ·1 •red her handlup from 3t to the t0ca l J1amond Thun;day as t hL' rivals knoc ed t e • a1 -':•·•'"'""' 111n .. retu ma tu Sunset l T. Combining gueat daya, a "borne-and-home r inger" t oum- ors out of a fi rst place Sunset League lil'. 2-0. The sctbnck 1·' .q.,.,u• 1" ti"n April 21 at Hunt-unent will be held between women golfers at Irvine Coast 111.i.:1 nn l3t•1t<·h. Odilly <'no11gh, the left Harbor High with a re<'ord of three wins, two losses at r.11 s lro.~t th<· flrrlt and last Rames BARE IAIT and Santa Ana Country Cluba thia week. The first match will t M c•"l' 111~1"11 n! nr!'t round loop run" And tht-T11r~ <lnn't herilly 111 r11 "t rnuntl piny. Th<' Oller• be played tomorrow at Irvine with the aecond at Santa Ann T op two <'nlrlcl' In th.-880 yard r cl!11· will he the LAAC t~a m of Jim. Lea. Braytc•n Norton. Bob t)'Rnuke 1111<1 Whltflel<1 which will h~ hunl prrssPd by th" Oxy entry n( J.cw111. N ewq11i1t , Carlini; rtncl rtnrke. Bltlh !'!'IC 11n1t l 'CLA 11re t'Xpoe tNI tn offl'r fm•t hrr compeo- t tl 11111 in t hi' r<'ltl.\'. Proree.-111 fr om HELD OYER 'til April 20 IKIN DIYIR ACTIONI AOUA·LUNG TH•ILLll It's FRiii Greyhound's V.P.S: • TailOl'-soade, day-by-day travel plan i11ducWi1- • Hotel .-rvatiON • Sl1htaMiq arranc-nta •Round-Trip tranaportatioe • Compl.N Vacation 'Ibura play. lh·mam1ng In a lie f••r t op )::t'l th1·m no mor<". Thur1<day, they • prn1 ti th,. M'll~nn h1•re with a :il-1 s llJ'Vl \\'!'~<.' An•h .. !m lln<I F'ullt't't o n •:till(' "I' \\Ith fl\'l' liln~l··s ucr th·· llllllllflh bllt have ~In<'!' <lroppl'd harks F1.nd P'riday. l nrhun•. "'"""''ton~ lo~" 1·omr from offt!rlni:!' of Ar111hel11t':; J ue Vllhu-1, ••nteet" ln Anahcun. l"ull~rlon a nd Partlclp&nls In the "get ac-1 Ayre1, Yo1111tll, Pfleoger , War<1; H. JI!. IWAFFORD T ar bats. ··nor (•011111arNI to the nine blow" Xnnla Am<. Aprll 25 the 8allon Wh•t sk· QU•mte<l" llnk11 d uh will~ dlvld-8:60 -Browne. F orbu. Fle'.'1ing, 1100 w. Cloeat HlchM'&J LI IJ-S10S It WllJI R l<>ht F 1tldl'r tJ:w·· Slt>p· h.1~hcd .. tr \\'111.l'I, ln"1ud111.i.: Ii "I•• slat• fl fo r ll clll8h wllh Fuller· I e in I d f'a y ; 11 a.m. ffallberg, \\art.It-, ,., I t l 11 Tl el.I Into four c AN!t'a 'llCCOJ .. ln1t t o Ma-101·1, ,.r•ble·, " 10 -A nl~h. Newport B•ach hen.on'• Jeodoff homer In the 11ec-honll'r ""' \\'v '•ill 1 <~. 101 ""~ l'lfl 11Pr•-. ,. r ~ " ' , ond frame th11t clobbered local tho dltte ren l'a. --------------Ra re T1·d b1·1 bandtcapa. f'ourao mH will be com-I Conley, Wlllll, Plcge1 : 9 :20 -!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!~-----_:_~------- 1 A h i Th I ('C> .. '"T , ... T Tiii<"' "1' poffd ot one high and one low &du, Weld, H unt. W lnbl&ler; 9:30 hope11 si:11 n1<t nn e m. e s ug· ,,,, ' ,, ....... Th• Webb M Jtl'r 1mek··d It Into rli:ht fll'ltJ ftir o, llpit•· llwi. the 51111111,. thrent-IS ay handicap plllyer f rom each club. I-F oott, Oeohegan, Philbrick, Rapt 1 th 1 l Grnu ; 9 :40 --Bla1sJell. Cnward. lhe ftrict tnlly ot t h1• ronlc.!ll. cncd l'ont111ur.llly. In the 11l'<:t•ntl In· 1 l(T'OW n popu a nty of • ')\\' Nt'T "W"RD Be A Good A k I l "" ' " " L.amm, Tl!Canv. 11 .r.o -· H t>fflln"'er, 1-l<' eont11111~d to g1•l into l'hur k -111ni::. ~l11kovlrh ~1nrl..,tl to !f•nl• 1 S S 1 111 1 IV nK In ~'""" areu which J " "' bath di 11 Low net of t he field w lll carry U1bSon, Llndri.11111, Sll!Tltr : 111 am. er Biii \\'t't zel'M hu1r rest or U1e " walk mO\'l·d turn t11 ~t·t·onrl and era or mar Y d l'I n ot frequent alteinoon. steph .. ruwn 11mn .. k rtl a nir k r l'nchf'tl ttunl tin " \\lltl pit• h Don Reddin•on h1111 ln..r1'11111·•l ailttrk d•n t:er. the ot ! a p<>rPf'luat placque a war.:lcd -Strei-t. H11!111111 n, llon1r l. J on•·•; two-bag,:ter In th<• fnl':lh, thr n l:iut with \Wll •l nwu. u11\.,, T•um nn • ~· Department t1f .1--1~h and G a.me re· to thl' t riumphant 1'0lfln1 rol'• l O:lO -Neal. Mcl-'addcn, LJlckln- t h 1 port.JI 90n, W ilder. walked in t h<' 1<lxth tn 11" 11p l e wh1ffPtl 1\);"n1n 111 the fourth. F ll,l.F:RTON, (OC~SJ -W ith · club tor one }~Br. Th11 and other clnch1111t <'olo111Hl r uuntrr . Mlrkovlth ""i111 ... t. .l "k \.\'i llb ;;eltln&' onolht•r Na-J. 11. f'htll1p.. m..nne bloloJl•l prlu11 will ~ preMnled a l " tf!a ' T f'nlh Ire hrn-dow n · 8 o m . -- 1 IKL'f \' "'T<lR\' It h I ,.. " •-II wit h th• 4'-partmenl . .uld tha t or-JI h "'1·• di t di • o:. , ,.. wn" <'II' 1\11\ n l'\~ '.'"" p11 • 11,,11111 J unior Co lll'I.:\' TN'l1rd. Ct,ttl'h d fo owing t ,. r r u ay VO• Jflng Fruehlln~. Juy. L.:oft1ng . 1.A'11tr r ; A •muh 10 i l•·ht t·('ntr r b." ,.,J h111 liq<tJ\ Tit" n•itl la1 l111U11 .lunnw !'u11th'11 H"mrt11 <'lutik<'d lna r tly •harks ~ no th~al to at tht' Santa A na ~ourt1e. I ~ " ·'I l'MlhC'r• on crawdt"<I be.11.ch~ll b\rt IJ' 10 l 'rl«<', """id•. l"l•hnm, r "t - Thlrd Bul!rnie.n Al ~t11ry Ht•nt Dll\'I' d11hhl~11 111\• 111 11 .. nt. 1.r t 111' pint•• 1 • • .i ·1 r1 h <of l 't1sadtna 111 a n11n-that ff k · 1 ExActly 10• t"m• h•ve entered enon. 8 .20 _ Ht>nl.lernon, 1 :rr.h· acroa,. !ht> pink In nlh<·r W•lllA. An11lw1111 l1.nl1~t•·r• l·11111k l •·rdl• r••ll lt11 n" .. "1111m1ngmcet 1'hur8· ,.horeoth..,::=;,~r pol rtio1na ot lh•l thetourn .. y .Tomor row morn flnd a I It wa11 a plu-p• rft•1 t t1f1 1 rnl'lun f11r 11 pmmt '•I "" th• I" 1 .. 1.1 :'\ •w ,\111 lo • d>1y 111 lhe l11•l'r'11 poo l. H 1 1' ' ~ · °'" lnlllAI f•lUrM>mea t•rtnr oft at man, r attlAon, Dy•'. Ii JO ('u~an, the enemy outrieldrr. He ttld nil \'Ir h I• ""' th·· 111•1 •111 1111111• t "" Tit•• 11111 n•·t,. 11lv1tl1•J \hP1r 11quad 111 111~k~ ntedkl,,udt 1that a t le.a.at t wo t lrvln,.·11 firs t \•nd t enth tee-• 'at Drury, Compton, Hoop<'r . 8 !t) l ._ n 1 • ~ 11n" n vr r• one of them , • t he 11c:mng n.nd ri1ppc;l nul two <'X· "" pr•• .i ~"' '"" l''"rri1•• 1<1 Im ( '"''' ~roup mret 111i;: th!' f.:n-f ' • ._.18 a,m . 1,..;older , Cartlt:o•r, Bttnk". l'n,.th. 1 lra-ba~ k no.:·k• tn twl'I ort1<'i&lll 1 lt11mblini: """" to ~··c on•I, l 'J~k l."lrlt C'r,.· \'lll!lll)' 1111t1 tllt' ~l·cond l\l1tl. !""~ ocrurred dunns .,,, 0 • 8 0 1 8 k ~ ~ • <I , f)Ul tnr\'e yt'ara. l TF.I'..-ff' TIMU :6 -Sm11I . " rl', \\ 1!,..111, trlp11 to t h!' plal t>. I'" Rs I\ '"''\ tlll< k 1-\11!1 rton i:n•11ri mc,.l1n1.: the l'uJ I , run-down: 8 a m. -U1ehl; 0 a m . -l.yn1n11, Rlrplh n-Ot'lttng thla rhlU'Rt:t('r •1\ll of !hf' I ltARRIT f:All~ I Tl·rh f1 u•h. Full11rtun" •o·r•llc<l LOADt:u \\mt 8HAllKS f'lnit l t'I" way, the Tars t urnl'd tn 110 out-I But Jll•I lls ''"''"' '""kril h i" \'<trMI\' '"'n t lw•r 1111 et. 6"4 -19. About 2:> apeclts of lhark• ere M anitan, V. Low ... Bothamley, Ir-aon, Albrl{;hl, 0 1ff.,11, IJ Ill -V,1r· atandlng ~am.-Tht•y 1"nnt111111•1I ilrtn (nr lt.•· thrt1w I, lh<' k• \~I• n•'. \\h1le th" 1<• lund icroup Clunked the fouml oft the C'allf<>r nla COUI· Vin~. 8:10 -Lenlh&11. Cheney. V•l-1 lev. M SnJllh. :-:1C!l1• . "' S• lnnw, working a f11J1ry pu k"rr piny lhl\t :'\,wktl'k, \l~lllllh 111 th· IJntt• r " ft,.,.h "' l\•M•t .. nr•. :,;,.zo. ltn" hut mo•t ot lhtm a re'TIOt dan-lely. Grand.)'• 8 20 -(lr('~n. Boyle. 9.20 -Youn.jjbl,~)ll. U··~·lr. Cut1l- aldl'•I ln kn1'<'k1ni; "'"r ll111 n!(•" Ins t I b11x f11r nr•xt "I'. )"11 ... 1. "F1r .. 1'' It "'·•~ in th•· l11 lt~r n1e. t that lt~'~f:ll" t~ human11. ~ut thc:re a rt WatklnK. Gut~1•·r. 8 30 M1r11<'lr. 1 .. , Frnl~"" 11 ::o . (·'I"'" ~I ·· 1 w ee"k, a whole f'lll<••I nf f,1nry Fir.~I"' Do1t tll 11•11,1, .. 1 I\«111Jin1o: S1 ol tlll' ~·111<1lli"llftl \\'1b b M'l h1a 1tc\<tlll '9 rlet!es, lop~ by Ute St:hmult. l.-igt rl"t B. l.4lw t', IL40 M11t:h, T•wl.<'\' Culton~. II 1(1 !leld 1ni: J:<'l1li< W•'tt· t111n• .. I 111 h\' h'. lie lll'~•t.•'•"· ~t ••l'l""l lii• lht"" 111 w 1;111 1 •nttl I•· .. rd lie w11n the ~anentrr o r grellt while •ha.rk, I 1,11 l1fl Moll1•1 <"•lltl1. ~l l'IH'••. thl' fine infl,111 C••ftth J>-:11111 :"1•emr t 11r11,,11 un•l lt•u rll ,., !Ir 1 l11tt )•I ltt1 1u•t ~tr ukl' 111 1.01:) It '"hl(h l\rc 1~llll("f'rvu~. 11mmt'dl&tPIY Thwi If the fl~hcr· !'I ~.,1 '"•lli<. ~-1l•11a• .. • l ,1111, lhJ'· h810 w1Pl•lo-il t11s: ... uwr. ,,11°l l '111•httr 1 ll w••uhl huvi· b,.un 11 1,.11 • .i h11k.• 1h" Fll<·yeJtr-ol<J r'-'<'Ord •tt Th~ •J'f'CIC'lt haa be-en kr.own to man has 1<f't'l\1 ed a !111h. h• ahould tnn. 111 nm thllC'11111•011. l '.•il. Dirk ~t,1rknv11 h 1111'1 (l\tl f,, "''I· .... 1y 1( :-:1 wk1r"k !I td th• n I hill!• ol I•\' !'l1l< kl"" .• Jpn Stclibln11. l rt'Al'h (l length ot 30 fel't In Call-f tt h lmlltlf to 1111(i'ty UJI SfJOn All Jll • ., .. ""· And•Nnn. J"ltrher Jtm ;'l/1•"k1rk """'""•lt;q. , .. nn l •I ll\• 11 '" "" h ,, 1 . --rornla waterll, .aJthouJ h much poMlble It nrdlr\llry prrr11utu1ni1 r el how the ul1J think-tan k ~houll! f,ti \Um•t rly 11,, 11 .. ,,.1~ 11111111 "'''l R S k T k ~mnll••r """" are I ap abll' of inCllc t-art r xrn-lsc•l. the-"f'<'rt 1" no morr be WINI a f h 1.1. I ' • \\'t ••• u I 1'111!•1 ·"' I .I 1111 " ... J oss oc s a en lnj;; ll('\'('rl' lnju I It'll nn " hum11n. I dan1tt>rou1t thlln <1rlv1ni: A flH :\llRKO\ IC"ll ,\111,HT\' ·'" 1•1, 1 .,.,, I " ,1,, I , •1 ,. , 1 : l i1ui. 1·1.r"t1lit1 HrtJ<.O • ( H)ll8 REAl.Ll. S:\IJ:LI, I Otht>r oce11n trh:1b1tllnll' s rt t11 Mirk"' 1, h I""'"" a 11111;h:,-11 ,11 \ '"Tiit" nl \/.f, !" ll'1• lli>v F11ont l"i l 1•11111" Tu1•1<-f'h1lltp• w11 rn,.J ak1ndl\'tr~ flnc1 bf' dangrro11" tr> human• lnr lttdc bfhmrl th• olt'h nnd 11.,t jll'•: ''"I· I <>Ill• lh• lif:h un I all lid", I I t', '•Ill I l r 'I lll~\li "'"k" ""r" •fW1r h~hl'rmt'n lhlll lhl' ah11r\( ha,• thr mflra y, WlllC·M'I, •\n•I lhf' Jtllnlol · h I • '"'" 11 fru m hi• 1 lnthtt<hne 11.boul a hl~hly •l,.velo.....,, .--Ml' of •mell nl)'. The 11eulptn c-~n tnCllo p11 in· In g, uh :. ~ .. i. • 1Juth .. rlfnl1\1•lv ~ •.• 1 .. hr H• y t 11uu1 I• !mill up 1•n-.,,_ alll 1 r • 1 1 nn1tn. a.nd t'an dC!t,.r t blood Ill the watn Cul wound• by "p1ne11 In II.A <ln11 (' n~ tilJt. l f'-' tn h H I A\~.'C A.Hd .,th. t• 111 tZ.t' '"Ill i4~h ·rnr hnp•>-L ilt r--;;.;;.;;;:_-... --------.-;.-;;;;;;__.;...;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;.....;;;;;;. ________ .;;;;;;:;_ ____ _ 11.'I\ '"" A~ n1l•l<lll' lhun "" .. r•· k-\\ , • ., t~ .. "'II llll Id\' Tl"'' I " Tl off 111 f1r~t. lh• 'hunl<\' 1"11·1\·cr 111 It • l a l>.111.:" nl11 c, nt<1 ll• J•I bultf'd .:,1~1 \I 1tll on.-f r tw•• n ntl P ul'11 111 f'<'ll"l ml" ••" n I 11n I 111 JW>rll"n&lly ~l"l'P•·•l n rl\'ill 111n c>1ld 111Jt fur th1t•I ,\ I l•'• t I",. (r 1.i1, a toot from lh•· rlattcr 111 th<' l'IX-1 !'i1J11nl•l 11111 f1 d ltr Hny \\, ""' r 111 t h 11t11nzn . S lNY a ltr mpltrl to Rto1v 111 thr h11t , •rnrr 1n11i;hl come In Crom t hird during a nm-Hui ·,,., ti!• lh11d 11111. d own bl'twN'n (1 r~t 11.11d ~tn1ntl !-11• I Aftl't ~q,,' 11nt1 Ht .. phtn•••n d ldn "t m11k•· II Thtre '"'" '""I WI n1 krtf 1111 Iii" ,., • o1n.1 11nil t1n .. 1 m urh J\!1rk11\'l< h 1.n. the way. An 1h!1111ro111 k•·r. i,;h,.r t~lt·p lwrm) ~·~lh•:_p11.y nff nn la ~~Zl~~"k -l••I ~_rt 1:>1111 .. 111 ...'.'..t~I Hear KWI l's News Chief every hour on the hour Now on Display The Most Bee11tiful Performers of them •Ill The New '55 HUDSON HORNET ffiJt)ltSt Trad,-lo ALWWANCE r1u11 '50"° with 6 Cylinder or V-8 En9ine1 New power, new high atyle, three • times -better ride, body twice ae strong a.nd ufe. See ua. Try this gnat car today! HORNET ~uprr ' Ot•or SEDAN '275006 DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercu·ry sold more units than any other car in its price class in the Los Angeles District In 1954? A all your Mercury Deoler Wlty. ~ is on Radio t:XTltA m :ooicot·s1 On purl'hallf! of any mo11 .. 1. Rr111J thlA ad \\Ith you. Prod11rt of A mr.rlc-11" lllotora rom,., try It for JI011 rtelf ! DF.U\'T.Rf;O --r-:r KWIZ 1480. 1480 -----------~ MAIN STREET GARAGE 410 Main St., Huntington leach LExin«)ton 6-3025 fiipt'Ctl•I dHk p•I• ~oar •••• al •••Ir fl•••r tip•. Ever wonder how your tel• phone husineu offi<X' m11nogeR fl) answer your qutJJ1tion11 about your 1ervice llO fa1t? Here'• one of the rea&0n1: Thia special "tub" desk, shared hy two R<'rvicc repre11ent.ative11 keepe your telephone rt'<'ords •·ithin e1t11y reach at all timC'11. And if your "rep" i• talkin« to another customer •·hen you call. hf'r ''partnn" is in 11 po"it ion to ht1lp you just as quickly. Tailor-marl r <'quipmenl lik<' thi;. hel ps us hring you fai;t , rt li11hlt'. low-cost tclt•phone l'>f•rvice. Pacific Telephone "·ork1 l.o make your te lephone a bi&ge r value every day. 1 11 I f r I REDHOT REDDINGTON RAMBLES TO NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I. PAGE l MONDAY, APRIL 11 , 1955 SECOND RECORD IN ANAHEIM MEET Heavy Hitting Trio Paces coach Al Irwin's Charges cop . ~~fi~0·T~n •• ~~:~~~-' 1:.l:~"a'.·~;~.,1: Tribe Triumph Over Saints .'>6 6 .-10< klnJ:. !!t>l in I !l:'l2 I FLILLERTO!'ll. IOCNS I -Hlf;h· 'en run" homt-Not c.ontC"nt witlt Sunset Loop Dual Swim Titles I ("RI ll'E IS too h~hl t'ol hy lht' hea1y hiltrnr uf th.1l outbur11l, the Indiana up~ F.11 r11.-r lh111 "4."81'""· <luring thl' Ul'inlll 1<1111y1111 and Mike JC'Wt'lt, for four more It\ the third. . Midwint.-rs al Long Btarh. Ri'<.l· I 11lu." the· p1 .. -.~1n~ pitching pn· Big blows t•f ll'le game fM th.• Red .hot Don Reddingto n churned ou t his second New-d~ni:ton l uured th.. :!00 frl'e Ill 11.lrllhllll'e or Kt>nny Enrl~ht, 1-\11· lnd1ana Wl'rt' two tr1plt'1 by J\un- port H arbor High School freestyle swim record of the year 1 2·0f4 ·~ 1~ t inllh off Ko~~,, 8~~"111.1 1er1111:s lndl1111 na~bsll leam wal-ynn and a trlple and double b1 ho,.rs :'14 ma rk of 2. ''" n t'o· I 11 S t \ Tl ·d · Plt·h -0 lfl Id J tl J t• for top perfbr mance at Anaheim W ednesday while Coach Al j , 1 R d 1 , , 1 , 1 d Of"' Rn a , na iu1~ a) ( t-r u e . f'r, ewe . -• .. n.i11 11y, " d nrh n rnel i'' "111 lit' Pl 1 u H t •di d 11tarted 01 the mound tor J'uJIC'r Irwin's t ank squads s plashed lo S unset League dual meet t hi' 200 1t1otunct to flm.•h ~•'•'""ct 10 asY"1 ••n, ~<· orne 8 amt on • ton 1 • · · · • · · · I Tar Fri'llhman Biil Miii.". Gonh1n j the unset ....,Kgue c-onte~t ound · ·championships m a ll three pre p d1v1s1ona. The Tar varsity J uhl nr Hllrbor fl l.i;h w:u lhtrd. lh•' Tribe rolllnJ:" to their fourth Rl'NVON Rt:OOED clunked the Colonists 68·7, lilt• navl~ators. Whittier copped S('C9Jtd Th~ time wo :?:la •· i lt1op win, 13-3, to rf'maln in a lie He workel.l the tlrJt tour IJ\llln,... Sailor B's lowE>red ~~e boom .~6· I pince in lht:', (.'IF M1dwont..1·;( I." The var~it.v tool< rvcry first I with ~nahe1m !or ~hC' lrogue-lead .. giving up thrC'e run1 and two hlla. 29 and the locaJ c 11 sunk em Long Heuch \\ 1111011. while the la1s plal'e ont1 allowe<I onl v 0110• c11111• l O Ll.F.C'T o.s TR.ll'LI: He wu11 rl'lkvt'd by Enrlrht, 37•2· cam• '" thud, r11st to <'•JOW in 11cc1111d. Th 1t W llll Dt-spltt the wide <tlrrerenc-e In Enrl11ht faced nine battera and f'ollowin& Eaett>r v11cat1on lay· f'Ol.ST 1-"'tlR PEAK Anaheun's Jai•k Harker in lht' 1r1• l1111,11rlng, the two teams wt>rt' lied dl<tn't allow a hit In hi• three In· off, Al'.11 water ag·ltator' r1•.turn Thi• W hit tier splashin~ fig11rt'S dividuHI mNlt.•y. Olla•rwis,. 11 WllH1 ht lhl' .,nd of tht> flr1<t lluilng llnd 111ng11 of mound duty, He fanned lo 1tclion In Fitzpatrick Memoriul to wblp the Newport nll'rnwn intu B o.lenhoftor 111 11 2:); M fro•r <l\'t'r ,,,H'·hnlr of pllly. The Sainte l'Ol· two, gnve UIJ nory a walk. pool Hgamst the stmng Whllllt•r f>t'Hk pt>rf<trmnnce for the Sunset R k T J J F 11 h 1 1 ft Bryant StatforJ, 1econa Miit'· uc ; om t•nsnn .. v,.r ""'" llr-1 <"t.u t e1 r 111tm two runs o a man, p ickt'll up two hit• lo '"""tin· l.A·R~lh' M.-t'l In Orange Coast Col-quhar 1n the t011 bre11111. 1 ·1;i fl; 1 trlplc tnl11 leftr1eld by Ot>nterr1eld· 0 --~· RAPPIN' ROY BIG TAPPER FOR TARS Banking out-a pair or ain· glea m three trips to the plat· t er against Anaheim here" Thursday, llllle Outfielder Roy Daniela became Newport Harbor Hlgh's big man with the bat al conc-lu111on or Urst round play in Sunnl League dia mond do1ng11. In the f1\'e games played. CHAMPS CHAMPING FOR TROPHIES Danlel11 delivered 6 'b a 11 c knocks in 13 at bats for ll mighty ,384 average. Behrnd rappin' Roy is damag'ln' Dick M1rkov1ch. Mighty Mil'k has lashed out with 5 blows in 111 11ppearanCl'll with the willow for a .333 percentage. That's the 1tory with these H a rbor Boys' C!ubbers as they wait for Athleti~ Direct o r Rod MacMillan at the mike to p&sa out the loot during annu al b asketball award dinner April 2. A total o f 103 m edals w e r e corra lled by the yo ungsters at that tjme. The boys above are members of the Sixth Grade quintet which captured t h e Boys' Club and Ki· w anis tourney c hampionships a n d finished s econd in Oran ge County competition . From left £0 right, som e with their faces hidden, are Butch Vineyard. G le n n Gardne r, Freddie McGraven, Danny A rnold, Billy Fruehling, Benny Queener, Dick Butterworth, Ro nnie Palifferi, J ohn Hughes, Russell Rapp and Bill Twist. BOUNCE BACK Bue Batter Hornets For Plenty Runs Laguna Wins Orange Loop Track Title JUNIOR JOLTERS. BEGIN BALL TRYOUTS ON MESA TUESDAY Harbor An ·a boys from Ii to 11 yeHrll ot 11ge who wi11h lo play baseball this sum111('1 \\'t're &•!Vised to rPport tor tryouts at t:osla 11t .. sa L1on11 F1ehl starting tomorrow. Boys born In 11143 an1I 1911 81 e ~lut•·tl tfl • • IH•l I tomorrow betwPf'n 9:30 a.m. and l p.u1 . il """" an11011nt'"'' by Rod M11cM1lltan, Ha rbor Area Boys· Club a lhl••t11: tllrec-101. Lads born in 1!!15-~6-H wlll rrport tot l ryoul11 Wrrlnrsdey between I pm. anJ 1..10 p 111. Older bfl)'ll whusr birth <IKle wa!I 1!1 11 and 1!112 a1 ... s1 lwrlull•d tor t ryouls b ... 1w1•l'll 11:30 11.m. snd I p.m. Thtu..iday, Defmding champ1 Orange Coast College bounced r ight ba ck In Eastt'm Conference <hamond com· ~l1l1on ThursdQy aHcmoon with a concusive 12·2 triumph over lhr Fullerton Hornets. The lr1umph cinched 11econ<1 spot In f1r1t round standings afler ~oach Wendell Pickens' JXlkeni were ptev1ously polished urf 11·0 by !1r1t place Riverside. GARDEN GR OVE. tOC:-15) - Lob•rtK 11110 11111 muny (Ir.IL plHt'Cl!, t he Cunh.•n r.roV•' Argonaut.~ eMed out of t lw ro•i;ulur (>1 nng., League ·i rn"k c11111pet1L111n by uropping Lhe '56 1•han1nwn1<h1p t11 L.-.11.'\11111 Uc1t<•h T hun-day on lhr S1rnt1t Ana J C t1a1·k L11i;111111 Jll~l n111nt1~1·1t 111 rnAln· 111111 1111' '""I', 11owr1 ll111t Ill•· ,\rt- Isl :-.p1:H•1 :. 1•11 p11111 .. I 11111! p•11r Wht•11 t hl'y 111111e1'lll'IJ out the Ar· gun1111ls. J(.\(.'K l 'J> 8 \'u1111i;~t1•rs 1111atil.-In nttc·n.i lhl' t1·youts as scht•dull'd may m,•I<•· up lhl' l,.•ts A fH 11 :.!3 bt'lWct>n II 11.111. and J p.rn. at I.ions Fil'f\l. A war111ui.; Wal! 11111Ut'd, howo•v1•r. that boys ml1111· 111~ both the oni;inal ll yout11 anti the makeup 11eA11lon will be placed on the waiting ll11t ror a4elgnment to a tc11m only 1t vacancies occur. Not only tJld Wayne Coughlree adequately handle the hurllng chorea Cor the Bucs, he also pretty well took care ot the hitting. With the tally lied l·l, the Pirates look complete control 1n a big four run filth. Uli.:una Ue11«'11, by rttl'klng up C'1ghl u11t ••I llll' l:J fl""i.11Jlc f1r:1l pl11r r;x, ".ii. ubl1o1 lo •·dg•• uut the ne\'t•1 '"~ •Ii" "" 111ly Aq:onauts by " t.11 (110111 111n\'111ting nh1rg1n ot '''' 1t11\l unc halt 11Vml1<. '1he A1 lo!ll», 11c1t1ly ut 111lt str1•ngt h. nlpj••il lilt' AI ROlllt.1118 Olll or lll Rt pllh 1• \\hot~ the l11u1 otht'r OrltnRP Lt-.oi;llo• '""'I" \llflr'I w .. re left rsr "Last year," MacMllllan reminded, "we had boya who wailed all M>a11on without bring placed on a teum. So make sure you·re here for the original tryout.a and be ule!" GIVI!: 'EK A llQUEEZE Bob Wetzel and Gayle Herbel 1ln.gled. With Welzel rooellns on the hot comer. Herbel elole ffC· onl'I. \Vbereupon John Elllrada pulled Pickens' fa\•orlte play-the two run squeeze bunt. When E•· trada dumped 1t down, Wetzel wu already croulng lhe plate with Herbel rounding third and heading full •team for home. LION IN LAMBS TOGS. In 111.-1111,1 1 .1 .. La.i,;111111 :-.pu11 a.r11 t111l11•ol iO f'"ll t-111 tlw 11 ... k f111.il1' "h1lr I \h• ld1>\0•1111·n I 11 kl'1I 11p I' h1:;h fly•n -t1ft• uf ti' t Ray Raps. Robs Anaheim; Green Chucks 4-3 JV Win The 11t1U12.ll c&me to a ' fitting clim ax when Coughlre.-madt• hke he had musclt·!! unt1 unl•·:lllh••tl 11 two-nan blaJ1t out or the park on \'.-1 1,..,1 lllll'<l"h:d 27'. polllts' \\1th Cary GrP•·n llm1t111~ Ana· to 111.1"' 1h11d 11h1h-tho Tu .. tin h"1m to th11c hit,., Cvinh R:111dy T1ll,.1, t•lo,.,., d up 211 d1~1ls to 1111111• HRn1la 11 :t H.u bor High Junmr vur· ht 11 .1 .. ,.,. f11ur111. lt•a\1ni;: Hr,.ll· 1 ~1ty nan" na1h•d t h.-11v111 JV's t1> Ollnd1t \\1th 1:11 , uni.I <.:11p1i.tra110 tho ~l\il1oi masthead ho·i I' Thur11· ai.:orclt''~ I . :o-l'llCIT t:u C 'O!\Tt.~T ""·" lJv a 4-3 marpn. fhe v1r t111y Tlw ,..1,1111,·d 11n1I d""" llH'<'I w1111 . );II\'" R11111lall's 111pper11 th• 1r '""" un~tllt•rf lllllll lh•• IA~l t'V\'111. wh.-n Hild Sunsrt Ltvi;:ur 11lumph. Tho\\' the Art111t W<'li;html'n tull1c1I lhc l' l'lll•!!hed 1111n lfl11 11rl lo1<1p pl:i.v w11h t'lClrK point• nrn•111<1<ry I.a 11m11J1h two wlni:. lllro'" iirlblll'k~ f11r t h1• d1•t1•rminf'IJ "PJ•u1<1l 111n f111m I c;111 i1,.11 1:rovi• St.ir1o•i 1.,111 Uoka f11111tll pl11·•· 111 lhr ... l1111J111 g11. 11 ppl1rd th« fllw•h111g lloLh hr.o hy I l .A~IR Ht~AI. I.Ill~ r 1h'k1111o; up a ~111nd t1n<I lhllcl In 1 Ray L..tmh, Tar c1·n1t•rf11>lil1•r, lhl' l'llN put. pl11\•o.,t h101•<1 If 11 hon 111 ll1111b'~ Thr Ari:u111111t8 bow nut n ( tile • Oi 1.tnloJ•' Lcai:ui• Rnil awmt lht ·:is , f .. lh.r1.: a~ II" I'·'' l'd S111lo11 b11i<h Sunl<t't Let<g ue '11m1wt1ll<1n. lrav-1 ahd t.n.mllt P""'' l•• l'.!J'<Hk the Int: l..'lguna ~. 31 h tt lonl' Wllh little w111. In lh•· t 1r>'t I I !\II r , Hay !Up· r•"1 a h11t1h r t•1 Jlllllp Lil<' 1110 ,d lt> .• gur Of'l"'111tion 1 ... 1, mto a ti.· fhl'n 111 lh" I tllh, Newporters Knock Over Huntington Jt, 1 .. 1111, •I An:iho•tm • f \\ h .. t 111<11<· , .t Ilk• t< r•"llh.1·1111 'l"'I "ht'n he rh.1•f• ·• h, ,ott 1!ul t intun~ ':\l• h , n " 11111:h1 ~ hl1m tl\" Kii.i. t I.Ott\ Huy 1\:-11 t• .Ulltot "I' with Ut•h c.'t'flnr d"'""'""' :"'l'\\ll<ll t If, •rh \\hit" ·•11•1 I~ h Alh n •l• th, ·rar W1111 t hr1r I 11st lo·ogur j:(lllrl,. "' .,,. t11,, j,1,.h••<I <•Ul "'" 1, "'" o' ~tn~lo s ls11n111:~t11n Ill'&• h 111 1111111• •· 1-:n· 1111 tl1o• lhird ,.tanz,. 1u1 tr.t•11 ,., I'· 1111:n d1,1111ond t>·l \\l'rln<·•.J111 Ullt· 1111.1 1.i11 .... ,., t l.an111 • t\\u 111r a1nnJ1n~ plll\·•·r ft•r th" I•'"" 1.1.t~ thro,. :a1l1.,I 1 1 P'" him 1<•1 111 but \lot1,• 1'.-t r Xtn•ld111d. l•an· U111i.1 h••llurs. Thal """ll t•• ("h111k \'an· s<"' mi: Hunt lnRton',< lu11r tall\·. dt•1 \\ "'" t. 1h1• ha11lh1t11ni.: 111 st 111111 rr·I ror the I 1\'818 In th<> ~'"II.• I . <"hU• k 1'l.u111no ii lllll " d•·•i· t•••llnl\' 11tnn1l111g11, LA .l11l1,1 lln•I blo· in 1111• >••ronil 1111.r ,,., w two Gurdt•n 1:ro1e RI" 11.-J for t1rfil wall<• r..1 II p1•of1•n ""'' rnr flfl(' w1u1 two lrlumrh" llpler1., Ol'lglr111lly tnrpi>•h• tub.-~ on ?\"M\')' dPJC\rt•r!'111 w1•r•• mo1m1 .. .t 111 lh1· b11w .:.:ow lh<-y 11rr mount l'•I In 11 ballrrv 'd llt'h <'«n Ill' tininl'd 1111 lhut t'hc whl}lc ;1hlp n••1•1I not be turned towsr<I th11 tar11Pt. Llln1l)'~ 1111111 .. r 11rf<'o t a rir11l I llnt11 lllrl l kt•• IH• k~,1 up b~· /\1111· h1•1m <1n n.n • 1111r Ao1I 11111• 111 lhl" s, n I I er l J h1111-I• ' "I ( Grl'r11'8 ~lnnt.•. Thi• T:ir~· thlld 11111111g t uunt,.r Sl'lll 111•·111 Bhl'lld. S1nglrs Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER BA\' 8l;\"'DAl'S by Cr«l'n ~ntJ Second Sucker Stan the 3-2 count ''"1lh two out l'1•honfol! in the fourth a ccllunt!'d ROLLJ.S' ROLA.SI.> RULL.~ r .. r RnothC'I , and wAlkA irnd mis· Adding insult LI} drflnlte lnJ11ry. •'Ill'~ in tilt 81xth ~··nt in lll(' win· Roland Hiii. Bue ba.aPpalh 11w1CUy nlnl:' run wound things up for the uC<.: CrC'W 1n the ninth when he cleanly rop· l\'M unlil lhe final f1ame did ~ home. Thi' ateal m&rkC'd H1ll'11 the 11v11l11 t hrt>ktPn 11i:111n. A p111r j 1oth 11UC'Ce11S!ul thl'ft of lht> sea - nf mulf,. by tht> T11111 11ntl 11 fl llkf" 11on. Thuee ha.•<.'•ock11 f11 trly ltnl! sini;le trnndrrl Anaheim two srnr<'ll rolhn' Rnlnnd'11 t rnrhfy room. There wall one 1111 or lunate oc· to Ill frllllt m1tk(' ll look clost>. r urrence to m11r the Plr!t le f"t urn In f11·11t ro11nt1 IE>:igu" 11t1rn1llni:11, to w111n1ng wn.I''" St11.r nut flelrlt'r th• l'!•l11nl11t .1v·11 WOIJIHI up In 11 Pal Roberti! 11urtrrrd a. r1•1 11rrrn1·r II!' with i:;ant11 Ana for Sl'l'l1n<.l nf hatlle wn11nrt~ In a hntlf're<t plAI'•• .F'ullert1m toppNI the l~p knet>. Pat WPnt into the p1t8 for \lo 1th f1v!' l'.llr&1J?ht 11 iurnphs. TriUI· r1>p1urs 11g11in~t Long Aeiu•h City In~ ;-.;.,,,port H111.bor Is 01 an1t<' Colltge March • when he <'a me and Huntington &arh. l11'11 1 .. r a-rrripper 11hding into ll"<'llnd. A p· dub1oua ba1wmenl honors on ttu• I p.-anng &11 a starter ag1uru1t F11l· ba11111 Of four IOSl'f'll 11nd but ll ~In· 1.-rton for the fm~t I 1me SlnC'e the gle win irtJury. RobPrt1 "'11s un11ble lo r un The Standard Man showed me how 1 grease does the work of 4 RPM A•tomotlTe GreHe replace• fou r 1pecial 1reaat'S ••• lubricates wheel bearings, chassis bearings. univenal joint.a. and water pump& It makes lube jot. faat« and Miis-no need to atop and change eilher peue or sun. 8••• time, work and mone1 •ith multi-purpose RPM Automotive Greaee on your ntr, truck. and rann machinery. Available in popular size Jlll<'U!H'S &' wrU u epeciat rww J2--0z. cartridge11 that juat fit your 1reue 1un and help keep frtlUe clean. ftt lnltn111hon Oft '"Y S1onll1rd 011 Co,,.pony el Coliforn111 ,1o4vct 1111 CLAYTON THOMPSON 1 ~02 W. R a.lhoa Bhd. Harbor l M -!l"l"___,,__.,,r.-, ~ -~-.--.~ rn&:qµ,;;,; .:-> ;.j-::· • .w•ilLitp'4',fltl¥u Jt:teA *iHi~ lei;t:'x <·hoke plungl' on the M .. isit D,•nnrs Ht•ndersi•n Ul'f'r p,.,,. Srhul· •·r Rt0ilfonJ. ue his ftllll1Ut1c h1l •lreak. The A irll :.!7 "8 ll' 11 nalu 111 th1 t I µlt1•h..r-lnrl .. llli>r hu now hit •fe-~ ·~ · " 01 Y r 1 brrK In the back. I : l ;,, O u,.,. A II·• Jiu" en·r, the icrune broke Whle 11 win's chaq(t'I will be prime fa vu-dr·ew~ ov .. r Dav .. Muddo·11 in th1• I •>po•n tn bot tom of lht' liet·,.nd. Ef.,. !y 111 th.: palll lt•11 pmu. rilt'I t u cop the co111pt>t1llon. thVml(. anll F8rquh11r In I ·-t G II In \'en Indians mardlt'•I to th .. plalt Relld111gton'a new rrrord came the medley. , in the giaJ1t uprising to send lle\'- ln the 100 yd. free '" Anahelro Tar team11 or Rehultwr~. J .. no<>n I Weflnesd11y. Rt'celvlng necessary and Kolvlsto a n,1 Sl"hulberg. Retl· push from at'cond place La.rry dington. Kolvlsto and Burk copJM'd Bud Belshe Wins Buck and third spot Chuck Koi· t hP medlPy amt tour -m11n 1 <'lllyi! in tlmcio M l :2!1 l and l :46. Freestyle Event out a 11olld hll In lhe second in· SWlM LIKF. F ISH nlng. A guy by the name or Traut Not only did the mishap rob madP li ke he had an o In his Pickens or a key piayer. pussibly m oniker &11 he plckt'1 up a pulr of for the seaaon. but ll robbrJ Rob-triumphs for ll'le Colonists In B erla or loop c-red1t tor hia base splashing. He copp<'d the 110 yd. knock. frC"e In 26.l and b<'&t Genl' Loring in th<' dlvlntt-. Anaheim alao cop· pert the four l'll&n relay In l :46.6. MOR); Fl.S! Othe'rwlsc, j1111t about aJI the Buca had a barrel of fun. H iii rapped out two tor three 11nd 11cor· t'd four llmu: Wetzel had a trio or knocks, one a double, In five attempts. tallying twice; Her~I hung UJ> two for !Ive, one a rto11blc; cloulln' Coughtree and hattery mate" Tony Lornbar<to got two for flvt-, and George Bishop belled a double. Only bl&' hit for the Hornet.II wu Willie Q uezada'• round-lrlp- PC"r over t.he right field fence m the 11lxth Inning. l'llAC'TICE FRA \"S A pair of practice !rays have beC'n rigged up tor the week Jong lapN before aecond round loop play •tart.a. Monday the Buea have a lry agaln11t Terminal 14· land there'. Since the lslandera have defeatl'd Camp Pendleton'• nine, there may be trouble. Thur11· !lay the OCC nine rC'lurna home t or a r lfflo at the SC Spartans. E&11tern <.:onrertnre standings look like thl1: Undefeated RJver· •Ide a lop the loop, the Bui.:1 1ec· ond, Fullerton and Chaffey lied for third, San Bernardino and Ml. San Antonio tied for fourth and Santa Ana bottom •pot on lhe totem pole. Otherwise all first• went lo the local llghtwe!ght11. Psul Mantz took the brea11t In t :13.2; Bob John11on bagged the 200 free In 2:16.4: J im Wllliam11 nlibbPd the back In l :09 snd the lndlvld118I m edley. with Mantz second an'1 Bruer Twichell third, In 60.1, and Ted Von HemPrt husl!Pd out a 100 free m :l9.1. Mant=. J ohnAOn and Willlnm11 <'lnved lh,. water w11y11 for a 1 :SO.• win In lhe ntt'dlC'y re· lay. TWO OOT AWAV Obviously, with but a p81r of points e11caplng tht-m, the Tar Wll· ler flf'a11 ~ust about 11wt'pl out the Anaheim pool. Don Waldron took the free in 28.6, J ack Buck the' breiut 1n 3 .•. :) and J erry Whllaker the ba<'k In 3311. Pl'yton Reed, Tt r· ry Dallas and Orrin Wade collectl'd all the 1C'cond11. C relays wr re taken by the ,,,. 11pecllve teams or BnrknC"r, Buck. Whitaker and Whitaker, Bollt'oe BumB, Brlckner and Waldron. Re- 1pectlve tlmu wne 43.4 and 60.4. A forerunntr or the modem Navy d1111troyer called the "lor· pe<to boat destroyer" wu develop- eu In 1894 to combat th• threat or the Spanish torpedo boat.a. 01'1\nge Coa11t College "ophomOl'C' 11w lmm1ng flash Bud B~lshe A pril I won lhe mens' 200 yd. fl'C'e11tylt cvenl in the 34lh annual Flelchn Relays 1pon:<ored by the Soulhern rac1fic A A U and held In lhe San Diego Club pool. Belahe's win wu particularly oulatanding after he became sick followlnc the lime ll lals m the af- ternoon and felt progreMlvely wor11e u the t'VC'nlng went on, but ln11l11led on swimming. ThP P irate entry's winmni; lime wsa 2:0:).9 Cor the eight lap i.:ourse, with Full~·rton JC'.e Greg Wright eecond. A Coast alumnus from lhe 19:)4 acallOn, C'huC'k A t k I n s o n, 11wlmming for Son Diego Stale Col- ll'g(', t ied for third place with an· other Hornet, Dick Rowland. Freshman Al11n Hodges placed third m lhe mC'M' l l yd, back· stroke behind national J C rt'rord holdC'r for the event Jack Webb and Ca.nadlan Dtan AAplne.11, aJeo from Fullerton. Hullges ' time of l :07.2 l>C'llers hhl own · school r~· corcl of 1.09.8. The heroe11 or mankind are the mount111.11s, thr; h1gh111.nd11 ot tho moral world. -A. P. Stanley WATt;K IU:ATl:RK SALIS, HlVICI ood UrAlll Joe P{!::.f Jof J TUMS It PH CIHf OOWH ""·-.......... .... .IOHN STONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreckers l 'IW'd Auto Part• and Al'C'l'HOMH 2075 PlaceaUa Av~ U brrfy 8-7011 Coata MHa Call DAN'S TV S.mce • Re•tala ...... Uberty 8-2228 l'IA n ; OS A fJTO lNS. s11•0 1s.000-t10.~.ooe ledll1 lof"'Y I '••~· o.,,. ... he~ 6 M•""'• 8«'fl HOB Mc<JORD, for PRF.fT.RRF,bJN81J&A.NOI: !All llHIS) 8H \"&c•torta !!It.. Ceata ..._ Pho11e LllN!rt)' .. , .... .--DIBT-.... . COLLICTIOllS Be altrtl Look for the greatest truck economy advancement in yean- short·stroke engine design. ONLY FORD gives you Short Strok• power in. eve~ truck I ..... _ ............... ~ ...... .. n". ~-·~· ...., ,. .. ,,~ ......... y.., tO•O l'f" .. I ..... ef ..... 1. He.......,_ .. d, wtfll ol ~ Stnilie .... ._.. "'•• ... ....., '"d"'t lr>IClt _.., .. lr>cr-..... k ltUf Lowest priced V·8 Pickup-FORD! New 1hort•ttrolco Y·I'• are re\"Ofotionliinr tn>ck performance! ONLY FORD offers Short Stroke V-8'a with all the en(ineering refinement8 tttiultinc from OVtt three y~11r1 of experience! And only Ford olfen a Short Stroke V-8 Pickup for 110 little money! Gd betttt value now, b.tt~r •aJue later when you tnde-io mocUrn-10 Short Stroke! Ford IriP-le Economy Trucks TNI M9Nlt" MAglltf "Olf ~ THEODORE eome1~()1- CQ// ~ M:Jg/ ~ .. "'} ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Smee 1921 (011 MariHr'I Mlle) 3100 W. Coast Highway Newport leach Ub1rty 8-3471 I" II lo • I !ii ,, 11 '• PAGE 4 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS LEGAL NOTICE MONDAY, APRIL ''· 1955 I ----------------------------1 --------------I 1nuy be a11C•11re1I In I h1• ot flt:" nr tht L!GAL NOTICE I LEGAL NOTICE Aq11t. Supt. in Chari;t> of BUH1n~11a. I S THF, 8t:PE RIOR COURT OF nu: ~TATr: Ot' C ALU"OR!\,A IS .-\ND FOR THE C'Ot ':STY OF ORANGE In thfl M111t11r of the ,\ppllcatlnn o ( GAftY LEE Hf.:J,ME ftlr C'honi;•• bt nam ... Su. A·%Mllt ORUt:R TO l!lHOW C'Al'!U : G11ry L<'e H elme, a reiildenl of lh1· (;ounty o! Orange. Stale of Cahfurnla. hall this day tiled hi• appllcat1un praying for an order 11r I his court <'hanging h18 present n anw tv th•· prupo&e<I name, Gary L1•« F li;hrr !T IS ORDERED that all per· ~ .. ni; inte1·t·~teu In U1e above en· llll••d n11.tt<-r a ppear before the Ruu1 Supcr111r court in Depart· nh•nl 4 thereof, at the Courthouse In 1m1tl County. on the 22 <Jay or A pril 19~5. ut 10 o'clock A . M. M ~aid <lay, tu 11how cause. it 11ny lhi.!Y have. \cl1y,'thc sa id appllcl\· ti• 111 !vr l'hun~e or name shuuld [ n•·t h<' 1;ranlt!d. IT l::l Fl,;RTH EH OROEHED I t h11 t n ""PY of this ord<'t' bl' pub· hsht•J 1n U1c Newport H nrb11r 1'1.'W¥·P1·uss, a new11paper u{ gen-1 t'rlll ctrrulatlon prlnte<I and puh- J1sht•d Jn sru,1 County of Orange. r for four 14 ) succeM1lve WCl'k S prior lll thr 22 llrly ()f A prilr J 95~. 1 Datl'ol: Mal'<"h 18. 10r1:i. I ROBERT GARDNER J ulli;e or thr Su1wrior Com·t. ft{lberl A . E1111tman Attorney ror petitwnrr 123 Eust Rrna(lway CoMta Me1111, Callrorn1n Llbrrly 8·3!10\ J.:u. ~."7 1 1fews -i'11•ss 3 21. 28, 414, 11. 10;,5 ('EKTlt'l t:ATE or Bl'Sl~l':SS ~·H·11t1nus F111n ='111mt· THI': U:"flf:RSJG :'\F.r1 cl11 hureby Cf'r tlry that lh<'y ore 1·111Hluctlng a Btlat Building and n •pa1r yard u 1rl Martn•• hu11tw111.· ltus111rss al 2!112 Lafuydle Sll'eN. Newport B1·ach, C ahfurnt·J, umkr th., !1Ctl· t1v1111 !11·111 nullle of HANS DIC K· MAN BO A 1" \\'ORl<!'I 11nd thllt H itt f1rn1 111 1·ompo1'<'d or the fnl· lnw lni; p<'ri<nns. wh11.~I' n1unt'11 ln full 1tnrl plat• S nr l'<'lllrl"n1·•• >I re B.S fOllOWll, (ll·Wit : FRA:--11< W. SKINNER. 817 "'""I Vh•torla, Ce111ta M .. ~a. C1lliforn1" J P.A:" 1.;. SKJNNEH, Sl'i We11l Victoria, C11~la Me11a, <:allforn 111 ~ ... !.\fi8':' 'OT1n : OF um The Uw111•r r«lt'rvea lhe prlvll.-g.: N11:tc .. '" lwrrby I!•\• n th11t •h•• Board Of Tru4t··~, ' r lhP Or(llH"' Co113l Junior <:oil".,. f1!51 r1"t 1 t ' 0 rJn£c Cuunly. 1·1111. 111111. w.:! r elve bl•la 111> t1> ;!·()(l 1~ M, Apr:! uf rl'Jet·t 111g 1111y uml a lt b1cJ1 or to \\'alv.. 11ny ITl'ei:ular1!1t'11 . or 1n· fnrn.allt1t~ 111 a ny bid or In the I.ti I .1r.;: Adv A pril 4 110.l 11, 196fl. Oj11'n Apnl Ill, l!lM. :! 00 PM :-;1gn<'d H H PE rERSON, 19, 191111 111 thi> orfh •· qf a1<l<l 1 :.;"<'l\. Bua t"l ut 1'ru~tr~s eehool t11&trlct. loca(Plf 11t lfl{).~I '°'''· ~.7.J Newa-l'rl'~s So. Harhor Blvd., 1·uHta :0.1 .. ~n.1- Callr.. a t which lln•l' l\&1'1 blcb -'i'our AJvertlsmg Vollara i:o will be opened for one nnly C"in\111· j farther, do mure. 11cll more. when natl Toolmaster Vertlr11l Mtll••r yuu advertise In tha p3per - with attachments. S f\('nt1r.Hll11n!! P hone Harbor 1616. 1 .... WANT AD will cost you only s2 and it will run in all 3 issues .... A Minimum ad 1s 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 New1>ort Harbor Nf'ws-Press Momin~· and Thursday f'ditlons, Plus th~ Co~tal Shopper, Wednesdays NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS E very Monday and Thursday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 1.Jnrs 1 PaJM'r ft.00 .J Unes 2 Papers J .f>O .J Lines 8 Pa1K>rs 2.00 t'oa.s~I Sllop1wr f'l..,..~lflrd Ad" m111t run lo the Monday or 'rhuraday l'ubUcatlon :\US Dlt:M AO IS • LINES All Chu1111flecl Adli mu•t be pllld tor (;ash In lldrnnce of pubJlcaUoa. ---------------------------- DEADLINES f ur plnclnn or cancelling ttda arc: P\1r ~fonday l'uhli1•a1 Ion -Sa turf.lay :"l:C>on Fur WctJne,.day Puu11cal1on -Tul'5day 2 J>.m. For Thur~d<•Y f'ublknl1un -\Ve<Jnrs<Jay 1 p.m . WlTNKSS '"" hnn1I~ tl11ll 2Hh d&y ot ~111.r<'h. tHt, .. ;"•:rnk W. Sk111ner The publtsh<'r-' wlll not be responsible tor more than one tncorrtct ln~ertlon lit an ad, resen•e the right to correctly clasi;1ry any 11.nd a ll ad11 and to fl'ject any 11d not conforming to rule• and r egulatlon1. J e1<n K. Sk inner S tat.' of C11llfom1a Cu unty or Or11ng-e, 11s. OF THIA 24th '"'Y of Marrh, A. V 19.'1.'I, hdtll'!I mt'. RO lJER'r It. H t.:ltWl1'7., " Not"ry P11hllc In an1t for the llllld County and Stat.,, n >111llng th~rt'ln. duly comnlis810n· ell and swutn, J.l<'rSuna.lly app.,1fred )."HA:-.IK W SIO!'l!'IEH a.nil J l::A'N I\ S KINN EH k nown tu 11" l•o be lh,• p1•1:t .n,. \\hu:.t..~ nantt·" ait.; ~uu ... ,., ... I I In !hit wlthJn wtrume.nt, 111 •\I di;1·1t t o me tn.t t he·y '"" 1. 1 th• -..nw IN \.\'ITNEl:iS \\ t11':10-:ul', I hll\'e hereunto ll••l my hand a rnl 1ttflxet1 my o!flri11l 1ie1Jl lht• day 111111 year In thla <:er-I t1f11 "t•• fh >'t uhu\'" wrltll!n. I RU Bl-::RT H llL'RWITZ. My Corn· n 11u11111 Ellp1tl'~ May 31, 19:1:1. ' N n. ~7 I N°••\'tl'·r'r~~t( 3 .!~ I l·l l·l ,5[, I '.' .! SU'll'AI. ('Ol'RT ~-\'.'T \ ,\,A·OHA!'IOE Jl'D I · ("IAI. l>ll'TRl<"I' <:1>1 'ST~· Cff OKA:~a:r:. 1'4TATlr. o•· ('Al.I· NEWPORT llARHOR PtJBLISHING c•o. Ult Ralbna Rhd .. Sr M·port Bl"ach, California. Classified Index I F uneral N oUcCll 2 l:ard of Tll~ t t'uneral Olrec•ton 10 Bualo~u U ulde l l Bulldlnl( ~bt.-rlala ll Bulldlnit Ser\"ltt" 1' Penon1&h 16 ._....,._ l' our Car 1t T..-aportatloo n Rooflni; 18 04:&uty Al1l• 20 Health Aid" n Lo•t nnd •·ound i• !fehool!•. Jn,.t rur tll)o i8 ~ltuall11n1& \\ anh•<I 29 llf'lp \\ :mh·•I 30 MJMlf'lla.nrou' SO-A Kwap-. :10.R J\ 11pl111nl'•·• ll l W•nt~ to Huy 3? •·urrilture f or Sale 3~·.\ Ant.lqu4"" :is &at.. S~pll•'" 34 M11-lcaJ, ft.411•1, T \' ~;, Ouit"· C'RI .. , l'•·t4 S8 Poultry S1 Livestock H SQ!claJ Announoement 311 Aulllli \\'anWd • 40 Autoa for St.le tO·A Tires & Parts 41 Auto ~en·lce 4'! Tralll'n< 43 Al111t1111e11 n \\anted to H«'nt 48 Apt11. ,,_ Houar• for Rent 4llA-Apts. for R••nt tllS-Hou"" for ltcot t !H)-Traller Space U !loom" fur Rent t9·A K•·~t Homn 49-JJ Uoom & Board 611 lt4"nt. l\11"«'· 113 Stor .. 11 & o rnce• l\!i·A Bu.In-Rentals 6 & HUlllDt>!oll Opportunltl~ 6.·1 l\fun1•y 1n Loan 66 M one:r Wanted 57 ltral f:!ltatc \\'ant4'd fllJ ln("()me Pro~rty e 1 ttcal E"tatc Esch&nr• 6? Keol Elltate l'llK '.'IA Special Notices c ,nut ,, n, I 7PM 12-Building Seni... t 11 .. ~ ... 11 111~ ('OS.ST\IU.t:·~ .S.U .t; '\OTU't : (W ~\1.t: OF ltt:1\I, l'llOl'Y.KT\' I '"llt:K f:'.\.f'.('f Tiii'\ MA t\11 ~~ ~· \\ \ f'~'.l~S I 'I 1tntltr, ' WAl.T~.H ti 1,:-.Al'I' 1 .. i.nd11nl l'ntl•-r nnd hv ''" \11, 14• an F..x~ ... rut1u11 1"~111•d 11ut n r t h" M11n1<·1p1<I l'n111l of i'unt" A1111·ll1 ,1ni:•· J \111 IJ1~1. thr 1 "unh· 11( ll111n,:·'. StAlt .. t C'.1l1r11r111.1, \\ h••!fllll :llAMIR F: \\'ATF:R~ l'lulnt1tf """\\'A LTER H K'\A l'l' n .. r .. nLlnnt llJ"l(ln a J 11di..111<'nt 1.·ntl• r• I 111 .. :10 th 1lay "' S··pt .. m h .. 1, I 11·.i t r t ht llllm 11! I lnr l h1111111\n•I l•11n hundr·r<I fo11rt""" 1tn•I :: I I oo lil)llllri• be- s iiJ<-s COO\t11 un.i 1nl"t• 't 11 now I 81 the dn t" 11r th1" "1111 '" •11 div d11C' Ull l\Rltl J 111f1:1tlf'l!I I hav<', un th+• H h •LI\ .. r Ft bt\I· •• v l9fl~• ll·\·1~·1 11p11n 1111 1h1• r1~hl t ill•· • l.11m nntl IOlf'f!'~l uf ~.11d 1left>n1l1mt 1 or t lthtr nt llwm I in aml to tht rnlloW1ng d•·iocriht'd Ct'u l N•tate, to·\\ 1t. All r1s.:ht llllf' anl1 ITl\"1'"8t u( W ALTEI< H. K ,'\'Al'l' 1n that err· lai n pr<•prrty lo<·at"•I 11t Z~P!I ="""'. pt1rl Blvd . :o-;.,wp<•rt H"A•·h. 1111'11 f i pt'clfH·nlly 1le11criU.•d "" "Lolli ti nn•I l Z Hln..k :!:?7. SPC"t1on A , In lh1• • 11y of :-\1°\\· p(lrl B<-B<h Nn t lrt> 111 hrnby 1t1von. that on F ru'lny th<' l !\t.h dey ot Aprtl, 196!1, at 2 0<1 o'rlock P .M ot ~•ld day J will p1 orn.,,1 to ~rll at 6e7 W 18th St . l"o•la MP~&. Callfl\rnla a t P ubllr Allrtlo n t n tht> hl~h!'sl bidder for 1·111•h 1n u1wr11J nioney of the l 'n1t11.J StatrB. all lh1· 11i.:ht tide. r lalm an1I lnll'l l'l\t M ;.u1d defendAnt. 1nr ell h<'r of lhrml or. y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 M'tets every Thursday 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Xrwport Beach Elwood Shell, Exalted Ruler 12-BulldinJt St-rvle«t PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" ~Yi'!!e~~~e~~~!!r PHONE HARBOR 2404 Paperhanging Painting Kl mber1y 7·1121 Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. ~O years eX'J'IPrirnre L1ren11<·<l .t: lnslu•·d SatlstaC't ltln gut<rantee(! l:9llma tu fr,,., Call J ohnnie, Ll 8-26 'i & LI 8-52~ 9 81tfr FOR RENT In """ to thf' Bl>n\'<' d<':oC'rlbed Skill Saws. EIE'c. Dr!Ua, Po liAhen . property, or Ml much ttwroof as all t ype.a ot Sandel"8, W heelbar· may be ne<:e$.83 rv tn r11 l!'t' IUf· row a, etc. f lcient lo :oa tll•fy 11:11d J1Hl"•1T11~nt with tnteresl 11nd cost'· Glvrn. 11n<l!'r my h3nt1 th11 22nil day of MA rr h 111~.r. FRA S K \'A HOH ~ C'on~t11 hlr <>r the .h111t •re <'011rt ot 11n ht .111<!11•11\J Pt~trlcL Bv I. R . VAVO H N [)rp11ty H11rw 1Ui: It H11rw1la A ll I 11• ,.~ re I P l1111111:t I ".'Ill! '°''"fl''' Rh·d, '· 1, I" 1t g, '• h ~. ; i X e \\S·l'11·53 3 28, 4/4, 4/11 , lllNI BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. C-OAST HJGHWA Y Liberty 8-3435, Newport Bch 28t!c GENERAL CONTRACTING Framlni;: A: Fo1111rl11t1on~ Fn-,. Est1n111lell A 1'11111 Rl'rnce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 JIU1 1 . -· .. . -... . . -..... CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0 . An~enion 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa llart>or 240t' ~Jllc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EliGEXE 0 . SAl.iNDERS 500 311'l Slrtet, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Ha r. 4446. ttc House Plans LIBERTY 8-82:11 10ttc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICEXSED COXTRACTOR 1\78 \\'. 1 th :St , CMta Me!<& Llberty 8-8628 CEMENT & BUILDING All Kind~ FRBE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 29tf CARPENTER R epair Work Ooee Your Home Need Repal.rin1 or Re.modelin&' ? Call P'n.nk, Liberty 8·811:>' A ll Work Guaranteed 7tttc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I Install the a bo\'P cheaper than m0tt. A llo aell Tl.le A Llnoleum. N on-union. 26 yeani ex~ence 1'omp11rc on1I see - B ILL COKEH Ll 8·6204 71!1' PAINTING JNT F:RlOR -EXTEJUOR LICE:-.:SED -L"SURED Glenn Johnston •l'I • ,!l ~t SL. :\"cwport Bf'llc.h Harbor 3 170 :.IJltc Alcobolica Anonymoua Write P 0 8 1111 :1111 Nt'wpol't Buen. t;allr. Pflune H arbor 4 illil Uc \\1lOfl BOHINC ell .II,< 11,nks, m11ltlllp11r b 1Lt "ugrra ttt JL'.ST I l'lvH'·11Ut )lllt'ts. tforbnr f'lllnl A t'••ull'I'. H:il --:.l:lml St .. N••w1>ort JOB ? I llra1'!1 _l~.11 2838. • 3~(39H ~!ORE TllA~ J'lt.\T-An op;x1:. l:lRAND new Bntl1ln"1t1• (t·u~t $16 ) tun11y '" w nrk 111 an 1ntf'n·st111i; I ?i:1iw $t I. Phonl• H!lthl't :12!1'1 in Ill. Irv wl11r h 1,. • x1>0 1111tng an.I 36c38 Superfluous Hair on , ... ·'"van•· 111•'nt '-'1111"'1 ;unity ANT!1.Jt:Es --=-u 111 run11ture. l'ut w q11a!ll lt<1 ,\'lmn~ wo1;1,•n. l Permanrntly ret111woo lrom face Ol'F.=-'1:"\CS ~ti\\' ,,.~ S:l..ls~. 11111:1». u '1 J'lll'!Url!ll, c10.·k11 ••t" Haq;:d11• l:.il••l t' Bil( d111-orms, ll'J;S. Eyebr0\\11 lln·1 hatr ITI!:LEPHONF: OPERATORS _.111111t~ tn i:i·ah'i .•. l'hu~he Da\'I~. l!no Ehuped-No mure tweesln1. __ \t'f'? y 18vf> E Annhuin St., Loug Ei.J.EN L. BRYANT R. ~· :,14 1, :->. M.,;n l;r, !51·nd1. b;lu-1:;f1. 2!Hlt' LhJo·,. Salon ot Buuty Har. 2:1i6 I R m. :.!l l _ s unla Anll ttc M(Jn: 1hroui.;h f'11 1 30.8-App_ll_llD __ CH _____ _ ----~---------!J·IJO t•• 4:11y p.111 22-Lost uul Found PACIFIC TELEPHONE ESTA TE HCA Eh•ctric Stow -· Hutp111nl washer. ·.~2 111odl'I $250. REW ARD LOST -Ladles' whit«' g old and diamond rm){. 3 diamonds about 12 carat eac h, 10 small d.lamonds Lost Mnrr h 2ith, Balhoa hlanll. Phone Mr. Reece, TRlnlty :128~ collei·t. 36c38 LOST ill CoatA ltesa. a blue pe.ra- keot. Saya "Mickey Slater ". Ll· berty 8·7046 or Ll 8-2191. 37p38 ~hools. lnstnetlon Real • '" Estate School Santa Ana MEN A WOMEN prep&re tn apare time for unlimited opportunllie• In Real Elltate. New clasaea wee.kly. Al Tyler lnstr\Jctlng. Al· tend first evening free 811d learn about this great field. Call or write now for Information. Bual· neaa Institute. 41:1~, N. Syca· more. Kl 3-17:13. 74t tc China Painting Day and Evenlng Clusea Ordera Tak-:n Now Phone Liberty 8-:1648 94tfe PIANO TEACHER PRJSCILLA MATTHF.WS F ormerly o! Chkogo and r..os Angelr11. LI 8·395~. 26c39 :!8-Sltuations w~~- EXCE.LLENT rare ot children In my home. $12.50 P"r week. LI 8·3227. .. 36p38 PAINTING by the hour or day. SEVl:'.:RAL to 22lf(" itddresii. Hotpolnl dryer , $1~0. ta.kt•tt Rll U1re.-. Har. JOti:i. :l7c39 1111111 po~tcu1 J s. Spart' tune l'\'ery KE!\'~10RE stovt•, 42" nigh broil· WPCk. \.\'1·ite Hvx l61, Delmont er. lge. o\'en, duluxe mol.lel. SIOO Ma~"· :u p·t:Z ;31 1 Alvarado Pl., Balboa. Har. WOMAN tor ho~e wwk ·~ <lay 4961-M. J~p37 weekly. Balboa Island. Own )9r,5 PHILCO Rl'fr1gerator, the tran.sportatlun. Har. :?15!'1. 36tfr bl~ 10 n. with big cro5,'J·l11p \VA?'\T ••J<pl'rlPnC"'J 11 nl t-;tatl' :><nlesman or brok~r familiar with II arbor Arca for ,~·1•ll c~tabllsht'tl Dl1Hlnea1'. B,~x U·!17. this pllpl'r 37t"39 freezer l'hest, Jatry bar, dhclvt•s In door, me11t d1lller t r11y , rull veg. C'risper. It's new, but pJ. dn. to $196.i9 from $33(1. No dn. pymt., just pay the pyn1ls. ot $10.63 per month. DBNTAL ASSISTANT-Will train See Baughn'11 Alt!'! \l\.'arehouse it nectl>1.qary. H a rbor 3749. 36c37 220 So. Main St. 6 blks. S of Hh St. MA'.\" WANTF.D for i;eneral n11rs· ery wor!<:. Exptntnce desirablt' Santa Ana. -O JJen dally !l-9 Sun. Jl·6 or Phone Kl 3·7201 but 1101 ne<·t11sary. Apply In f'>t'r· lllM GAFFERS and SATTLER ann. NOR~AN'S NURSERY 2625 ~;. ('oa11t H1~hway Corona c!rl Ma r, 361'38 DEPE:\'UA liLE LADY tor 11ah·~ work. 40 hr. WPek with libera l benefil11. Apply In per!'On. STROOT'S Hllw<'. & Housewa n •s 1802 .Newport Blvt1 .. Costa Mesa 3~1t ft' LO<:AL H igh Sch<>11I Boy"·-H-16 yca1.•. utter 11chuol & Solt. work. A\'t•ra1re 1·arnlng11 1.25 lo 1.60 per hr. Writf' f'.0. Box 211 . C"1>- rnna del Mal'. 3ip:l9 Nf.:Eo REAL !!:STATE Salesmun 1)r Bruker tor a ctive l~i<lo O!r1r1·. M11Hl h a \'l' l'XJWrlf'n<'e. Call Har 3643, Mi'. Greer. All replies hrld contld .. ntlal. :1r.c:11 AGGRESSIVE Rt;;AL ESTATE SALES MAN ror well locatetJ of· flco. R ••x ReC'h, R ealty. H arb1•1· :lll'i6-Har. 987. 35Uc Nnge, tho nice CP all automa· tic ovt•n timer, griddle In mid· Ille. stn\mer bu1°nl'r11 an<! rrlll broiler. Pd. dn. to $137.811, no c8.'ih <In.. just pay the pymt11. of $8.4' per month. Sr" Haughn's A&S \\'an•ht•ll>i~ :!:?O So. ~luln 81. 6 blki;. S oC 4th St. Santa Ann. -OJ>l'll daily IJ·H Sun. l 1·5 01· P.ho11e Kl :i-no1 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-year guarantee on jobs done and on uaed wuhe!'11. 2488~ (rear) Newport Bl., Coata Me.a. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-43:a. 64Uc 1955 WEDGEWOOD ninge, the hlg Ci-' all nutomat1e clock, la111p, :llmmrr burners. grUI and b1·u1ler . ll'a brand new, but pd. tJn. to $1'19.4:1. No dn. pyrnt If y1111 pay the pymt.a. of $1U2 per month. small Jo be ok .. Liberty 8·2137. SO--Mlscellaneou11 for Sale Sl'a Baughn'~ A&S W11rcho11se :.!20 So . .Mul11 St . 6 blks. S of 4th St. ~c37 Roy's Maintenance H ow e clcanlnr-Floor waxlnc Walt wash1ng-wlnuow cleanlnr \'cnetian blind•. Upholstery Inaured. Free Ealimatea Llbert y e·l3S2. ll!C Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAf>ING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 30tfc CLEANI NG & !RONl:-.:G by the day. Exp. Kl 3·6096 36p38 2:,.::9-_H;.;.e.;..IJ...p_W_an_ted ____ _ Cosmetic Treatment KATEY DOANE Santa Ana. -Op4-'n d1tlly 9.9 Sun. 11·0 or Phone Kl 3·720l New 8t nl'al'ly new a pparel tor womt·n & c:hlltlren. Kmdell's :12-FurnihJre for SaJe _ Patio .. 2721 Coast Blvu., Corona MO VlNLl OUT-\\'111 sdl m oiit of dd Mar. 28c42 Fresh Hearing BATTERIES Aid We Give S&H Greem Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Ha1·bor !'>l:>. 98ttc FIREWOOD FREE DELIVE RY Dry wood. 16" • 24" length. Call B. R. STAGG P hone Harbor 101' Evenlng11 H a rbor 15391 l 9tf BIC"YC l.ES, table Zenith r adio, U nd1•rv.·1~d 1nwwritcr. Remlng· ton rlec. aha vrr. Furd body, dbl. auhd roC'k n1aple bet.I. llH Wiit Ocean l''ront, r·omer ot Palm. Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 36c411 BRAIDED Rt.:GS. all wool. hand mat.IP lari;1• and llmull !'nil LI 8-t.:i:J:t. 36c:.:8 !llJ'111lUrc from r1 I ()Olli house r,07 R 1vcl'sltk , S 1·wpu1 l l k 1,;h1 s L i berty 8·386!J. :i;1c3i WHIRLPOOL aut(Jmatlc washer . brand new, 11i;ll&tur, O\ ··rrJuw nnse, big tub. H's bt!c11 p<l dn, to $128.17 whlh· 111ore<I. :\"o ca:ih 1w.-<1c•tJ. jus t p11y th., pymL'I. of $i.1:>!1 1.11 r month. S•·e Bnui:hn'~ A &S Wur1•he,Ul'I' 2:w So. Muln St . 6 blkA, s "'4th SL Santa Ano. -Open di.tty 11-9 Sun. 1 1·6 o r Phrurn Kl ::i.no1 --------------111r11 l'lllL<:O rdr1i:~1ator. Th{' 111ce 1 ru11.<-111µ ftl't'Zl!r eh<'sl mOd· «I, !ipnrt! r11r hott h',., h11ttt>1'. v ei:: &r nwat kN•pt!r. It's IJccn ust-d t•nly 1 mo. Pll. <In. to $11(148, No ra.'lh oln .. Jf _\'1111 p11y lht: (')'JnlS. Pf $1S ·15 J'I' I 1110. See Ba11i;:h11'a A&!i \\'nt• h<Hll'" 220 $t), M.11n St. 6 blk11. S o! 1th ~I. ~•a nta Ann. -Oiw11 dally 11·9 Sun. JI ·~ tir Phun .. Kl :1-7201 \\'OOL r11" with pat! T111•11u1111'" 12 lC 17'• ur J:.! lt :!I. 11!11\, • "li- d;\ion. r"ll:'1 .. nu1Jl•• 'i Hl ~' •f'l1lh - tll\'. <'l•IUn ll U"I 1'1.11. II 11 b"t 11;;!18-W. :lllo :ii. ' 1 ' ' Check these Used Cars U11\· from 11 local dralrr who will be here TOMORROW tu back 1111 what he Hila TODA\"! 'O-Aut01t and Truck!' 40-Autoe ud TraeJm SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1953 nE SOTO Sportsman. light cream col· on•d, Radio, Heater and WSW tirea ........ $ 1~ 1953 BUICK Super Rivera, radio, heater, pow· er st~ring, power brakea. Looka It runa hkc new ...... . .................................. $199& l 053 PONTIAC 8 Chieftia.n Dix., Radio, Heat- er. hydramatic, dual range, 2 tone rreen SPECIAL ................................... -... -.•..... $1f96 l fl53 FORD 4-dr. sedan. 2-tone green. Over· dri\'C, Radio, heater. tubelHa tlree, dual pipes, only 18,000 miles ............. _ ............. $H~ See Our Many Low Priced Cars available at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank terms on t he balance if credit approved. LOU REED Used Car Lot .. Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 ~-Antlq'!~--- A NT!QC:ES, twin high buffelll, 2-4 pl111•1• 11e1tini.; .. 111 '"'"•'I' 11nd \'lll'h oll:! \I t'l pa·< ... ~. LI 8· 'i:.? I 'i. ~1!1.:37 33-Boa1s. SuppUl's IO F OOT "11111-a-liuut" flbl'r 1tlt111s· t•d bq11t, ri hp, Juhnlil\n 11111 bot1nl, l't'mnt1• Sll'l'l'lng. ld1-.d f ill' youth, $2il0. Rt!ar nr 41106 H1ver, N<'W· J111rL liar. J 606· W. ::iric:i7 ;") H J' N EPTL':'\F: 011tllunrd m tlto r. 0 yrs . ohl. n•·w 1·onll1tlun, $60. :no Sapphlr•-. Bt:1lboll b lRntl, H arbor 1H9-:>t . ;i~,.·:17 00 OUT BO ARD m<'tnt'8, in111r11n- lced au! 1sfat:t1un. ~J:i & 111>. 2 1,, hp to Ill hp. Oave Spi~s Transportation Specials 1947 FORD • dr .. RAH. 1P:J7 f'ACKARfl. 4 dr !l'lldtln. rx- r<'ptln11Al.r nnrl1tlon. nril('ln11I own. er'1 service manuitl . .. .. . $1 !), 11\~ I DOOCE 4 !Ir 11eJ1tn. w1111• 1l1·rh11 I ran11pu1 tf\lon r ar, Wl'\V tire• ... _ ............ UO~. COTTON GOFF Volk11wngrn D<'11ln 2116 N~wport Blvd , Npt. Bud1 J 'hnnc H111·1>o1· ti 371·:llJ 25 10 W . Cua"l Hwy., N"w1w rt n r h 19i6 PO:-\TIAC, 8 cyl. aedant lle. :i:,1•:17 F ull pl'lr(' $11:1. -2o_i._'T_. -,-ie-),-, ·-r -1:-.:-·1-~0-A_R_D_. i:1P·~ Hau sken Motors. Inc. lliu 1t111• aS7:l·J . :ir-.r37 Hl32 Harbor Dlv1I , Co11l4 W1<8a TRADE Btclutlful 'i'\)·Ct. 11\lx . 11d 1(l()ner. F'ully found. g o 11nywhcn o, \\'11l tilku equity ln 11rop .. rty or sm RI· lf·r l>orot l:!:!u \\". U11lbo.i Hlvd , New pm t. H ar. 303:!. 2 h•:!llH CHR Y~LER M1<rllw •·ng111c, 4 '. to l r .. d u1•t1on i.;t>ur. ,, Hl-:FRl~r;HA T\)H, 11(1 v olt D (' SIZI-~ JA('K H AHl'ER at 1.1llo S h1pyo1d. • 1111 oC :nsl Slrrrt. New put l Bt•a• h ZOlft• FLOAT RENTAL for t1 ny lli7.t' boHl 3706 C'h1.U\nl'I l'IHt't'. !\'1•\\1>1Jrt Jslunll. Harbor l:!li-J. :lfJltc 8XOW 11 l It f'. .-.: II '1 1" 2 Mii.ii l'hune Liberty 8-[111111 29e :ti :Xl':W 1 9~~ llES A ULT lledan. Qr .. livHed cqutpp<'d, $12!1~. Hausken Motors Inc. 1!132 Harb<Jr B lvll . Co.11ta M"n Ph on" Llbrrty 8·.'>0:'I I 21\r::J 1 ·:.:1 F::'\C:Ll~H FORll Con.iii .11 .. tlan, 6 IJOO on1onal m 1l••ti. J own•'r. N "ur n .. w con11lt1on. $l1!16. Ha us ken Motors, Inc. l !132 I flll'llolr Alvrl,. 1'1111!11 M!"•ll I 'hon.. LI h•·1·r y i;i.;,o;.i :111. :11 'll:I HE NR \' J, :l o11 '"·d11t1 t111~ C)'tlrlv!', V1•1y l!"'"I r i•nd1 t1n11 F ull p1 lt'I' • $-411[1. Hausken Motors, Inc. J!l:t2 lln1 hor lllvll. C'u11ta M~•ll P hnn,. l,l hrt tv 8-!'I0:'\1 Jr.. H i.·1lwr.;l.1>o~1"I ru11d1l1qn - I l11i!J1 ,-(\:!J ~ •• J ;i1;p:l!S ~U:kCl'RY ·:.1 C'onvrrt1blt' Mri'rn. HO T t r1t1)1'I'. $6:,, C'hl'llJ C'ra rt 8· II dlrWh,\'. lth1·1i.:IH'-< h••l!,.111, \\llh 1181'/o $():'; 1·1 ...... 1,111. 11y Oll<llC', l l 1f1,., h1 Rtl'r, \,\', \\' lllf'll. l'\rw ll•fl. 1>r1111nnl nwn1•1 lt11r 17-.:t-M !I~., :17 l.!·:!:1:12. :.6th 111:.u ~A::.JI s111t .. 1o1wrn 1!1011>;1111111. ---H11d111 & n •ll'l\'e!, )o'Ull µrtl<' $Ill~. ~~.!'-~~c!l1_!_WIJ~._~_.L Ha uske n Motors. Inc. l'''I:! lfnn ... r Hl wl , l "nAtn Mr,.11 l'hnn•• l,lbo•rly 14.:>(lt.t 3:., :r; fn1 1111r l "r\ d tit i'I ll1i;IH·~t 1·1t11h n ltu\\.ttll . lt1 tt.1 1-~ ltll ii\\' f'lUMU ..... 11:1111 f' :'\Z-:-:c·11~1Il1T 1-. ,, , &. <111:nn S-1--MIJ!~~-Ra.!l!<!!_!._T V_ r:1·rT,\tc. 1i1 .. 1111t., \'rt.:11 rnM~I J~~. J ll\t1, lnt !Udr• tllV Jlurh11r Saleswomen CANNING S17.P: prcuuri-C'nnkt r Sm111l W1<l 1111t m srble tupJ>"d tabl1·, solid w11lnut buff,.tt. four n 18P r nlt11 <-tl vttlll.llt'e l>OX•'H, Lr· br rty 8·'i6•7. 37t 30 2 PIF:CE Sfo:l~flO:XAL L.lk1• n••\\ 177:;.w . 34r3S. s;: •. , :i Pl~l; ,'"•·1·10." ,.. ' i-""" SPECIAL Se-e B•ldw"1n p·aano COSMETICI AN pre- ferred. Must be ex- better -name lines. Salary open. WRITE giving full details. to Box T-56, this paper . \V A);T RE'"· f;~T ATF. ~al1 ~mu n. Lor11l l'XI'' 111•nre pr l'f, rrcd. }'h Llherty !H27i 35e3i a-&ita come n-om coratant practice! An ad rcg-ula.rly 1.n We paper wW produce resull.3 for you. FOR SA LE CHEA P-4 p1inel door;; 2'·0''. :!'-6", :r.o", two :l"ll"x· fl'.lf' fC'lB!IJ! 1•ompl, with Srhl&.1:e II>< ks. 213 38th SL .. Nuwport B1•h 3'ip3ll HEA SO:"AULE, Rull n.way ~I tlavtnport, lamps. ~1111 hC'lll• 111 l:ntvl'n 1111 8•'1111 i.11t11111.111c w 11•h · .,r, k1h hrn ta bl" & t t hRir11 0 1 • !'lll!le•nnl <'hair. 2 11cr~H1nnal tAb· I<'~. kltl n•·y shnpt•ll vanity dreM· er. t n1<91p bf nCh. !•xi:? wn ll l rnl. :! l11 nt••1 ns. 2 N\tll & l'.111,.man !tow . LI 8·76t'i :tr>t".l'i "I was dumf ounded at the response from this ad! "l'\"f' ach·rrth•NI IH'fllf'f' and a.lway. had cnnd rMUlt" fr1'm ~·our pAfl"'11 hut thl" ad nin juJ>I onr \\f'l'k and I hall 11n AMAZISO number of """' ,.,.., Thro II wu ju~t " mattf'r nt ,..-h•rtlnir Utl' t l&ht tenant. Thi' •11t. '" lea,('<! """ for ft )'l'ar '"' .''"" ma.\· ranl't'I m~· 11•1." Hr r" '"a ropy of\\'.(". IUn1l«'r'I' ad - 48A-Apts. for Rent -----~-------· Yearly Apt. on Ocean Front Bf;A t IJFTL \"IEW. 2 lw(fr(1{lnu1, ftun. or unfurn.. utll . 1•111'1 H11rll{1r -34t fr ,,.l\atf'Vl'r vour nrf'd"' an IMS In our 11\rly rlM•lflf'.t ~tlon "111 hrln1t yu11 rr .. ult", hw> -Qtj..-\LrT\' "'""h' '. ~x:iC11:x:x:11:1<c.ax1~1c"x•~rttf!C.~rc1~R='cR~"c"cd:Cax'k:x::'x"~·c1x":"c•~·•i:x1•~kc'x·r~.e1:x::x:1CJc:x'l 4.Uh ! l(UHI, ... H I lo j,,!!11( h• Ht t. u ro-s1 .. un111i1,-11 .... :i111t1.1 :1:. ·~, April Spinet Buy HI~·· U'KF.;::;::;-.IC MEHIUrr-;. •• ,.i;. Ill•: SA \'J "i:s lt\t 111.1111;: 1'in1h~ll. WO~D~~J:T~i ~iil~~yco TI1.; la te.bl ('I'"" .. ull~n11&tw hrt I 1!ulh11rn""" 1,,.1 11 >11!1 \\uilil1· • tc•p. simmer bumor~. gr1 lllll' 11 .. r ~lllll• t 1•111•11 l.1 11• 1111 llad•• 11:.l llJ <:on1t Rivi.I .. Corona del Mu ml•IJh· & n11• .. !{rill bruil••t It • 1 • .. n\ • n1• nt I•• 11·~ ot ( :hndl'n ln lerior Bldr .J OC'W but ,-iu. eln to $118 7 ;o.;,, 1SH1\FF.lt S ~lu•1 1 "' 1!-1n1" 1!•1)7): ll11r. 33!12 6e Uo 1-<l<h '"'"'"I If y1111 pA\ lht 1~1-1 ::·1 N :O:y•llt\1111' :-;J1r t 1 Anll f/)1111• 11t $i "7tl ., .. ,. 1nc111t11 l'h••n•· 1\111 li. II\ :.:-1167/ s._.,, Baughn '11 A&~ \\'11 n h1111~• ------ :!'..:O So. ~t.1111 ~l. 6 ltlk1 :,; uf 4th Rt Santa A1111 0J)<'n dnlly fl.fl Snn l l ·:I or P hone Kl 3-7201 Bargains Will sell at your price! 1 'R \'ST Al~ •her bet.Ii, pun1 h bov. I CUJ"I. ca.1'111le l\oldcra. t rlj ,. in1r r•1r 81\\'ATIAn 'hlna.. c•l1 E . flr l'l\.n ~·rnnl rnrnrr 'lf P nlm, 8 11!b< .. 1 H1.1bur :i21• :.;n<t M-W TV Service Pl11h 11 Rl 'A l<A)'t' HaJbet t I;, n• 11 I F:lrrt ti• Admlr1<J ONE DAY SERVICE l'h••n" C"toll•·i t l.E.11 &·48 !10 fl ,I l..11 Vrt n,. fr11r1v I !!°: \lllln ll11n inirt••n R r11t h 3ep4t SPECIAL lll·l:lJ ;-I Sp am•.,., ~ant11 Ana l'h••n" Kln1h,,d y 2·06'i2 I I I I • r ( ; I I . I I ' I I ) I ' I ' ~ I I ', ' I I I I J 48-Apt•. &· Hou..-• 1U~-A1Jtt1. I lloul'Ml iSA-Apts. for ~nt • 5-l-BwdneP OppnrtanlilH fl2-Rf'al EAtatf. 62-Rnl F.ttatf' ~Y-t:-' A_R_L_\.-. -b-.l-rm-. -,u_r_n_<J_u_r_l .. -X-d-,-.t S PORTING OOODS-:;;-,.:-:i~J 1------------------------------NEWPORT HAllBO'R NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PAGE s MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 ----.;--------~-------------~- ;:t~~) :~::·ic.:~. ~~~;. ~~~~i~ =f:a~~~~t~~~:~~~~:,~ Corona del Mar Vogel Value mM. \\'Ill &<'II for lnvrntory Cabanas Marinas THESE CONSIDER Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. O<'t,;AX FHC>XT, nor !'\ewport pm:e due to other bualnua Inter· pier, single' apt. with klt<'hl'nelle .:sta. Wnte Box R-M, t:fua p&pu. OFFERS paid. & bath . .MaJIJ Berv1ce, uttl. pd ~ UiM7 TV. $!:'>. pl'r WN>k. Har. 51:>6 or H11rt>or 1187. 3:->tfc ~Ughtful lwing. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities with Yacht atip accomodations. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. M-Muslcal. Kadi~ a T V HAMMOl\O OROA NS. Com plete l ine cu y term•. Your old piano taken In u:ch&n1te. Try ti.fore you buy. Free room • ht're for practice. DANZ·ISCHMIDT Blir; Plano Stor e. fl20 No. Main, Sa.nL& .Ana BE AUTIFUL KIMBALL bunga· lnw uprljt'ht piano In perfect con- dlUon. 1'orma '40.85 down and $14 per month 11t- SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since 1907) '421-423 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana P hone Klmberly 2-0672 HAMMO~D CHORD or~llll lltnwn· 11trutor. w ith nrw ~'\Jarant<>••. Big 98Vtnl(. DANZ-SCHMIDT Btg P iano Storc. 1120 N o. M1un. Sa.nta Ana R E:>:T 11n organ or piano with rental to a pply on future pur· chase et- SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 1', S~ort>, Santa Ana PM ne Kimber ly 2-0672 YORKS HIRE TERRlEft P UP P Y, 2 mo. olt1, m11lf' toy. AKC reg. 1-~xnllr11l brei:uini;. 2106 Ser· runri. l:ln lboa. H11rbr1r 2688-J. 30c37 41-Auto &rv"'8 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY. DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. ___ .. _$48.88 8 Cy ls. --·· ___ $58.88 l.111 1111fra bOl h labor all<I parts. t-:1 IV I ng1, Wrill pln.s, \IW\ll' 1;11111.1, ltlllngw or mal11 tll1d rod b"urangs. l::x~rl motor tune up. llO·uay M 4.000 mile gua.ranter. 1Nu MONt.:Y OUWNJ. 48-Apta. ii Hooses f or Rebt Summer Rentals on Lido lllle and other fine Harbor h omes . FURNISHED LIDO HOME 2 bdrma., 2 balha tor 6 monlha, alartlng April l st. $:!W mo. 2 bdrm., Jower duplex Newport Heights -unfurn. $85. month on leai.1·. A perfect street lt':s really nkt•: Lido Realty 3400 Via Lido Assoc. Harb-Or 4H4 ;j7,39 3 BDRM. houise It l bdrm. furn. duplex. In Costa Mesa. Ki ml><•r- ly 2-9418. 36c38 ON BALBOA ISLAND SU ua tor 1ear11 and eeuoaaJ rent&JI. NELDA GIBSON, ~tor 306 Marine A vc. Harbor 502 BALBO~ lBLAND ltfe 2 DORM. furn. & 2 btlrm. unfum. tlupl•'X. Chlldl'f.'n welcomr, Snuth of Highway, Corona llr l Mar. Mrs. Kay. Har 3719-J . 5lfc Balboa Island Choice yearly and 1ummor rentals, now a vailable. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa l11l11nd Ha rbor 20 U:i tfc :'\1'~\V DELUXJ-: :? 1><11 m. tlupl,.x, I lnfut n. hdwt!. th s .. fll 1'1'1 . .:nrb. dt!ip. Sun 1IN:ks. t .uundry 11111111:.. Garai;:I'~. TV a nl••nn!li<. Allult ~. no p1•ts. 700A-700ll Arai 1.1. < '11· rt)na d• I Mar. Ov.•n .. r 'i02 Al'ar1n, t l pper apt} Phon't' Ha t. ll:ltl-J . 3:1lfl 2 HDR~f. lutfUrn. 1l11pll'X, ti I .. J1\,;. m1nl'. Cun•na l11•l Mar. Jlhun•· Har. 2910-H alter 6 pm. J:!r:l7 FL:R:'\ APT . veRrly on lt>Ut'. Lt\'. rm . hdrm kitchen. 1ltnt1tt', bath with tub & ~1111\\cr. CIOl'I' 111 llowntown Balboa. on 01·ea n Front. $~•:'\ mo , utJI pil. Call Ha1bur :1i86 or Har. 2511-M. 3tllfc.: Yearly apt. on Ocean front BF.A UTIFt:L VIEW. 2 be<.lrooma. furn. or unfurn., utll paid. H:i.rtxlr 4051. 3Hfc $~0. r111Jecnrnted unfurn. 1 bdrm. 1luplPX, trtt•ludlng refrlg. Wuter pl.I. 222 c·o~111 Mesa. St., c. M. Lltwrl y 8· I '.!31. 35c37 .\ton~:H:\' I bllr111. npts. I furn. & I unfurn. with refrlg. It. .stove. Kc.1!!onalih· y1 ly. n·nt. 60i rl'I n· l<'a f, C"oronu d• I ~tur. 3ll'J9 ISl' J U:-:E TO 30 'sEPT. Lovely \'l<'W opt., r11rn. Wiii rent to "hablc pt••1plc. SSOO for l'nlire pcnod. Oth"r summl'r rentals ava1labl<' et w eekly rates. LOUl:SF. Al'TS., Carnation Ave., near Sea,•lew, Corona dcl Mar H111bor !016. 3:lc38 !:'\CORONA DEL MAR-2 bdrm. unrum. apt. Rt'asonable rrnt. C-1111 f.'ttzmorrla R cnlly Co .. Hur. 2152. 29c12h A 'M"RJ\.CTlVE furnished modern Hl 11illo ept!'I. Utlltt tc!'I paid. SUMME R or YEAHLY rat•'-'· :H2-l Co1111t Hwy., Corona u~l Mar Hur. 0853-R or LI 8-7177. 27c40 HARBOR API'S. Modern furnished apts. day, week or month Nt•nr bu:i, 11torc11 & b11y. RPa1mnable ralCK. 101 E. &ly Ave., BALBOA Harl>Pr 531 I . l i ltc 488-Housea for Rent --------------For Yearly Lea.se Very cl1•an furn 2. bth m. hnnlf', i:11od lol~1 lion, $12:, mo. Cu.II or "'o Ccort:I' L. Sll'\\'11rt, Balboa Bay Properties rnor1 \\'. &lboa lll., r.:cwport Bi<h. Ha1bur ~I ar.cJI ------------NEW ~ liDtnts , 2 b11ll1s, unfurn. COFFEE S HOP, LAGUNA BCK. Ii 11\oola. For sale rt'&80nablc. Gond local hus1 ne11!!. Ph. ownvr, H Yatt 4-2995. J:k40 LOANS for Homes O'Jf, -20 yr. Loaiw Construction Loans 811!11 BOB BA TI'LER 2515 EAST COAST BLVD. Coroaa deJ Mar Harbor 3W Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Ina. Funda Kl. 3-11185 '8ttc NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFIN ANCE CO:'./STRUCTlON Call for F ree Fast Commitments on Rt>sidenccs and Units only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA !.{ESA LI 8-11541 LI 8-e562 . LOANS TO BUILV. Orf PROVE BUY, MODERNIZE, OR R.EFIN ANCEi \!Ve Buy Trust Deeds NEWPORT BALDOA SA VrNCS A: LOAN ASSOCIATION 3366 Via Lldu. Ph. Har. 4.200 tto WOULD like to buy l •t and 2nd Truat Deed& Call Har; 2326. •8ttc HA VE exrellrnt nutl•'L~ fnr pri- \'ate mon<-v rm 1st & 2nd Trust De1·ds. call 00!'11 1. H t..:DDJ,E STON H••al Estate Lo.ru I 73 E. 17th. C~ta Muu Liberty 8·5541 26tfc \\' .\ :'\T LOA:>; $2,50\t. 1-·ram1· hs,.,. lltt r1ox2rio. \\'Pst \VJlson St rt.'et, Cu::<l:\ ~f• sa. V11l111· $6,f>OO. O wn· ,.r 782 \\'. \\'llson SI. :J7p REBUILT ENGlNES -UI' to I ::> MONTHS TU l:'A Y- Bu11t In our ow n fact ory by ~killed ma1 h n111t11. LJon'L con tend wilt\ tho mh.ldlc man. Buy dlreet. Choice Winter Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small & cozy or tnrge &: deluxe $75 to $300 m onlh \\'all to wnll car(l''l. !'\pt. Ht!'. 60-lnoome Pro)M'rty RF.BUILT and INSTALLED S HOllT BLOCK .l'UHLJ .. .. ..... ·-··-·--·I Ull.OU t ·1 11 v HOLE"l' ......... -•. --.. JH!J ;, I l'LYM & OUOCE ·----·-·$1~1:1 t 'PH\':-, 4l UE SuTU ·---·$1iU ~fl 'llt .H ,\l(f:P ... ----.. $1~1.l u :.11s 4 PONT IAC e ___ .. ,170 l!I 11'1< -· .............. _. __ .. _ .. $17:> I ll 1J~1 1N __ ......... -... -.... --... -.$17:> 1...,,., 1 '>•r Fr" Towlna :\'f:\V r;\ll GARANTEE 111111 k 11 11:.1 ITICl'l our •tan<larda l'IUA lllJtl'•. l(UkCl• &lid Oll llp• n ~11111111y tO 11-.m to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 11r 11 u ,111\ ti 10 7 VOGEL CO. :?08 Marine Ave., Balbua Islan1t Ph. Harbor 40 or Harbor 2151 Rea. Har. 1786-RK or U 8·:-i297 e•uc BALBOA IS LAND -2 bdcm11. unfum. Fireplact', enclD;jed paUo. 6 months to yt'ar l•·a.~e. St2:1 mo. FKANK J AMES, Harbor 2042. 34c39H RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna CTalg Blanche Gates, Rltr. L.Jb<>rty 8· 7976. 37c3fl BALBOA, Sr.ti month yearly un- turn1shecl cottua<'. llv. r m., din. rm .. kltchencllc,, 2 bdrm11., hol "howcr, a'llll le w11ter ptud. 108 Ad11.ma, .l:Sa.lboll. Har. Jli2•-M . :JC.c.:37 f.'OR LEASE T WO Bl!:AUTU"UL new Irvine T errncr unfurn. view 11om,•s, 3 l!DRMS .. 2 l>a tl\11 and 2 BEDR!.ll:i., 2 b1tth11. Call Harbor 177!1 or Harbor 4448. E ARL W. STANLEY, Rl'a ltor Irvine Tl'ITB<'•' Office Coron11 d••I ~f11r. ;i3trc -~~-~-----~ EXCE l'TIO:>:ALLY .:-:ICE 2 ur 3 be1lr<•un hn11 .. e. n1odem rum .. S6r.. mo. 30~-3:lnd St, Nrwrorl Harllor 12:?6 ~:a<':us ~1':\V LOCATION :no f·:aRt :1rd St. 311 Manne An Balbo..'\ l11lnnd, Ha r. 16il T2Uc t;:'\1''t..:R::-.". 3 bdrm. hnuse, llH'K~ --C-.-h-o-ic-·c-· -8-A-Y_S_H_O_R_E_S-.--frncrd y11r1I Jlr1 P1r11tr Rd . Clltl H "''"n 361'.11 ATTJo:~TION Nash -Hudson owners Hahn ·s Garage ,\ 111 I I I, I I P•Jt• 4' ~ •.• ,,, ••• summer rentals. A I .SC> :I IJ<h nt honw. I-;i.sl .ill<' • · • t 1 M• •11 Hr •~nnabk Cl.AIRE VAN HORN, Rl tr. ::~ti\\ t'• t~l llw) ;>:1•wprnt H<h 1.llwt IV b .. l ~77 • ~;., !l'; Summer Rentals • F.xrlusive Bay Fronts ••• Ii t;d•1 I ..... , I t1 llt•U\ I 1:.1• F'111 H•I•· othrr cho1r1• proriertics \uto Jl ad'10 Repa ir lll\fb11r l~lul\tl lllly Shnrrs. Ul'a· /'\ ~ ~"rt 1111\' <1ua1t11 ... 1 , llrnt~ nnly. 409 E. 29th St. Harbor Invc~tmcnt Co. , .... 1,,11 u,.11,n, H 1 t7.!!I 1.ilf• lllltbur 1.;1111 tf:\'t'S I.I 8-~:11\61 '..'ilft -IXA-:\pts. for Rent U:-:1-'UR."l;JSlll';CJ 3 b<••lrm. Cn1ona lll&hlnniJs r11nilly home. \\'' \\ co1 pt Un~. drap••s. ru1.y U!!C'd brl<"k fl rtplll<'f', r ah11d hl'nrtlt. bin h pAncl!•d kltchf'lt. Oct'Itn vl<'w, IJCt'. yard. Stnv1' rcrrti: .. 11u1u111atll wN<ht'r mclulled If tle111r('(I l'te now 80• .!'1•aw11rd HO/ltl, ('oronll drl .MRr. Ph. HYnll ·l·.-itl!ll. :17tfc t I.IF~' HAVKN, $!;0. untum. 2 hilt m. hotuw. :-;, wlv pn111\rtl, IU•·t•IB<'''. 11111 :.i;,i; Ill H;tr t•l<i. 3~th. 4~Tr&lltr Sp_IM'8 ____ _ Trailer Space S T A TE APPROVED fur t"a.bana.. 11 1 ',\\ll '~Tf.:lt 11h11111n11111. \'1rv 1ti:ht 1. q•11 i 1 • 11,., u:zr, r llA:":"F.L rrto:-.=T .. pt. Fum. 1 1111 i:•· 1 .. 1~. ~""' c-tur • 11•l ·m I •ts. 1:.'l·~·, :--;, \\I"" I "'"'' h lllp37 blOl'k to bu~ 6' l.Hlu io.hnl'"· $:-!() Sw1mm1ni: Jl"ll. b\' J ttnr lirt. --mo, mi l ut1l 616 -;itlll\ Sl nl't Athtlli It • hlhlren ,,.,,.,. tl • t n .. 1.100 VII.LAGE, 700 :1 1,,1 S' 47-Wutt"d to Rent _ ~. afl•m1,1nn.• · •l\J"•I nr;~·:\I< :-;,. .... ,,,.,rt BN11·h :ttC'48 Rentals \Van ted I NF.\\' \'l-~R y A 1TRAC.1'JVE fum. 49-Ro<>m!ll for Rent \\ e n1•cd a pla anti hou~• ln all "I'' 1~11rhagl' ul•ro"al $ill 1n1 I •l'\.llOn.t ror bOUt wlllter an<I uWlll"' tn r<-nttr 11f f'ttrunn •ltl ytar'• '"""'"· .. 'urn . .,r unfum. Mui 111\r. (18~.a.r.. lfllfr U you have a vacancJ, -phone today \' ~:,\ ltl. Y •mt11111 I 1 .. 11111 ·'I'' "'llh ~'''""" R.1lho11 1~111nol The Vogel Co. 11nr 211~-w .,r 1.1 b .. 1ty s-11:1fl 3201 W Cat. Hwy .. Newport Bch. !l~olfr Phone Ll~rty 8-3481 208 Marine. Ba.lboa lll11n<1 Phone Harbclr 444 2t16i }o~ CllUL Hy, Cornnn del \far Phont :IRrbnr 1741 LHI" Off1cr. :H1A VI• Liiio H nrbor 497 1 3211~ WANT TENANTS 1 \\' F: AKF: 0 1-:1:-;c g WAMPF.0 wlt'll 111qulr101 tor ~umm1 r moir 11n.1 tr rm l,.it.l!t'S U t t ynur pt CIP· .-rt\· with us Anll 5:rl rr11ull• 1 lur n•prP&t'ntRllVf' will •all •I your h•QUl'!lt. A•k For B(lb~ Tumrr The Beaumont Co. 43i ·32ml St • l\t'WJ'!Ort Bea.-h H11rbor 421)1l. :\3c4!i ~r;w t M nn. fumlahed. Si~. mo. a l 303 -33rd 81,, NtWT'!•rt B<-h. :16~111 Cl.lST A MESA, J rnt. 11pl , I urn. nr unrurn . 1nctut.le!I 111 ll1t1r.11. t ·1.11 H Y all 4-4357. 2Slfc Charming Harbor H:l\·en ApartmC'Tlts -Patios NEW .. ROOM. !!t rct>t ltvtL Nrar schoolll. ahoppini:: 11li1trlct. Quit'!, pfea.<1:i.nl. exclusive. Gn rbaitc dill· po1&l. l:Jun1try, s lorn1te rooms. g"ragr. $82.bO up orcup1es en- tt re et rc .. t. Good llUJl(>rv111on. Mv-. l:10l Havrn Plac .. l Bl<><:k S outh or High School ALSO FU~"ISHED AM'S. Wl"-"TER RATES 3U'c CA.."l;Al. FRO:"\TAGE. lir;t'. l bdrm. f11m. npt., 11un tleck ~ Jiri\'Rl~ ~ttch, uttl rd S~' J"'r mnnth until July l . H.r. 3~4i ·W Bflrr 6.30 p .m. 3!'>< :17 OCEAN FRONT mllnth In month. AV111lahlt' 2.bdrm ss:. till J11lr. L'tll p11. f:nr lt>!ril p11 \ H' S"" i; l l:tot \\'. Ort>11n F'r,,nt. :"("" r-111 'II (1 T \\'(J LAttGF: BEDROOMS 11n l:r<1llntl fl1• •I I 'I IV. Lntrance &ntl luHh. 1, hlk. ""'" cw<'&n, n!lllr Hn\. l;t>nllt•m• n r1¥ft>r11·•I. Har 1111• •. J. :J6ci1 M-4UorH ~ Offlca1 3 OF'FlC E .11pnce~ fQr lease. A p- prmc. 17'xl\!'l' f'Uch. ln U do Bhop- plnit l\rl'B. ~ VII\ M&l•g'll. H11r. a:121. l:it/c OFFIC E l'WACF. FOR RE :-.:T n o \\', l illl., <.,;11ata .M•·•a. 3r1C3i M -A-BU8iDf'98 Rentals AVAll..ABW: -About 8000 aq. rt. lli:hl 1nlluatry space nn l•t & 2nd. floor . \.'. S. H1i:hway 101 and Bit.y Frontage. W ill l1>a.e 1111 or any part A: remodel to sull tel1il1lt. Vo1tel Co , 3-t I 8 Via Lido. Harbor •911. 26l!c AVAILABLE Nt=:W STORE BLDG. 1200 11q. ft. 11ppo1ul,. Ballx>a Bay l;l11b. Ample pa1k1nr . rti. Ll tH37:t .• 1:., ll!h . 588-lnd1111trlal R4-nt aU'4 Business Location With Res. Income FO UR BUSINESS LOTS crntr1tlly loca ted In l\'\'Wport Beach. Part o fproprrty tmprov«I w ith on' 3 br., 2 bath a pt . 2-t br. 4t bath 11ptl!. pJus 2 t·ott11 aes with bath. A II arc furn. Vt•ry nr sl and Clean. 6 sar•gea and extra large ba.aem 6Jll recrl'allon nn. Pr-nt lnc.,mo plu• future <levelopment m11kt's htvl'slrrlt'nl In thhl prop· erty Vt'ry 111ttractlv~. 130,000 un rasy tcnn1. Ralph P. Maskey n t.'ull<'r 3 111 :'l:ewp!'rt Hh.,1. ~rt Brh. Hnrbnr ~fl2 3 units, 3 years old O.m t m1Ni< th1~ s11pt•r buy! T"r 1'1·nrnsula ''" 111 11111 I n1mac11- ta tp! A ~l•'ltl 111 S'.!t,7:.0. l'h111w Hut b<t1 z~,;, I. E"• !<. I.I h••rt v l!·:l 11\6 For Sale by Owner cono:-.:A 111.L ~1.\lt -2 ll tm' •mnhlnRlm11. (l.1r . & •, bnl h. 1 ... 1 flo111 :.!nrl llCl<•r 1uu1 lure" llv. r w•m. Le••rn"tl 1 c1hn1:~. b,.,111wrn, .. 1ww1•r, tl1 IUXI! k1ll'h<'n. J:;na1 \< b.11 ;1t1""'' I Ill l'llll pt1rl'h II:•'· p111 '" 1 nc·L with 6·fl. bnck "u II ~ 1:: flOtl. Tl nn,, In .suit. Rn-•m tu bulhl on fr11r1t 702 Ac.a- r11l. 1 't1u,nn •!l'I M•• • ••r phonr Klmball 0:?66, Huntington J'11rk. 33l!c 61-Rea.I Estaft fAchanp TRADE 4 lov• I\' unit11, frw ~l• I"~ frnm B ii\' l11l :10 x 110. Z<•nl'd <'·I All furnt!<h!!tl, 1mmn, ulnt<> • 11'1•ltl1on. =""l a 1 rnt tn 'l"'""'I. lnl••me $2~11). T1wl•• for 1& lt~•I hn1111r 1 lt1"P 1n :"rwporl us down pl\\· l)tPnl. Paul . C. Jones 2602 N<'Wfl(1rt Hl\'J, Nrwport Bch Hl\rbor 2313 EXCH ANGI<: 3 bd rm .. l "lo balhs. F. A. heot. with 5 &I.all hor&c bain, tuck nn, !tW"p. 3 rm. apt 1111 :? 'i RCrt s fem·ed & 1 rt•~~ r"nt ••d f:x1 h. for :1 btlrm. h11mt 1n Hnrbur llf't'll. Uy ownn. J'h fJX 7·1:12i. 21<-Jih BALBOA JSLA.l'1D. l 15 No. Bay Front. Yr, old modern, S65.000: take Pasadena or Palm ~prings for part. NORM WHITE , 650 N. Hill, P asadena. SY 2-1148. 27c·l0 COSTA MESA rum. 2 hdrrn. hnmi>, wall to wtlll 111rpll, hw•I fir•. ,., 011 nt p11t11t f•·nl'1•11 y11•t1 ,.. w,.r• In. Fl1ll prlcP sn ~,on. !~t ":7!1. ,!f,\\'TI, 1 J " !l7:?2 :i·,r48H U S F L"n N. tt11plu I htln11, nt•llr --=-;.;~------------1 ... nJ.! I• 11~'" 7~ll W. I i lh, "'''r" -4 'All ll>nbrn 1>1\6 to pl&ce your Exclusive Shorecliffs New, modern 4. bedroom.a, H~ b&tha home. Check these features -Lovely living rm. opena t o patio, cantilever fireplace, oriental uh paneling, in· direct lighting. Dining rm. with fireplace. Kitchen baa ash cabin~ts. d.isp., built-in copper stove and oven. Tile baths, F. A. furnace, W t o W carpeting, drapes, many closets, acoustic plaater, free float- ing stairway to ocean view bedroom with fireplact>. Fenced yard, lge. garage cl laundry. A dream home priced under $40,000. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 SPACIOUS STURDY BALBOA ISLAND. We offer exclusivs ly an unus- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large dining room. Mnltimum square footage. Close to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. Call Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island If you can see this print you should be able lo see the value in this home. Just two· bl'oeks from Lido shopping center, two bdrms., a nd a nice den. large fenced yard for the children and the house is completely furnished. We arc hold- ing this at $12,500, wilh $2500 down. and We also have two units on two lots just off the ocean at $17.500, this is the best buy we have seen this year. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 CLIFF HA VEN. Newport Heights Home! They're Beautiful Properties . and Well Worth Seeing l 1) View of jetty. One of the fine at homea on ocean front. 3 BR. and den. lllncaa torcea aale. 12) Lido Isle. Beautifully built and decoratro 3 BR., 2 tile baths. Large walled patio. E'rery· thing for gracious living. $31 .500. Term11. l3) Bay yiew at inside price. Very attractive 3 BR. P 4 batha. Nicely furniabed in rattan. 21" TV. 2 patios. $27,500. ( 4) 6 months old duplex In Costa Mesa. 2 BR. each aide. Nice patio. $17,250. Only $S:SOO down. (5 ) Triplex. 1 BR, each. Very clean and wc11 locat· ed. $21,500. Terms. (6) Bay front 3 BR. and den, 31 ~ baths. Beauti- fully furnished. Total price $69,750. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Bafboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 ' Definitely the in Newport best buy Heights This 3 bdrm .• 2 bath home is owner bunt. Circum- s tances make quick sale necessary. It hal!I forced air heat, diahmaater, garbage diapoeal and many other leaturea not uaually found in ordinary bome. • Birch panelling adda tone to living rm. There ii a 4 car garage and property is entirely enclosed with concrete block wall and situated on lot 75 x 127. We ·believe this ia positively the beet buy in New· port Heights at $19,950. Cliff Haven Steal only $1500 down 3 bdrms. with partially completed den. All for $13,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2664 Evea. LI 8-6300 v FIRST TIME OFFERED OEA UTH-'UL cust11m b111lt tanrh home, c1verluok•ni;' H arbor, 4 bl'tl· rms . 3 baths, 1h•n. 2 f1r,•plact's. ALSO 2 bdnn opt .. with private patio. $49,500. Call owner, Ll 8-3221. 29c-t2h 2 BEDROOM 11lucco ll nt1 J'IMtered hnm,., with IC'l•'"t run1n A ntl bllth. H x 18 living; room. Floor fll r· nae•'. pRllo. A K•l<Jd valtle a t $13,900 with t r rm11. THREE UNITS. compl. furn. oa 60 ft. lot This i.e truly a bargain in home and Income. Front NICE LOTS EA ST S IDE, COSTA MESA . Peninsula Home! C IO!!(• In. Good 11oll. water, sewer. 2 $2,190 eaah. BEDROOM and den home with lari;e opl.'n beam <'"illni;:111n living room. SpaclouA nagatnne f1re- pklcc. nlc.:e patio. A home that Ill "dlfferent" •nd cornplelely turnl•hed. Stll,:K>O, ••ooo <.1own.. CHAO TWICHELL. H a rbor 3975. (EvM.) Hu. 1317-J ). 32c37h Owner's Sacrifice LARO!'; 2 bdrm. house, ·~ btoc'k to Ba y, 2 blocks to buaineas cen- ter. Sll.600 at C>lf·36th Str eet, New)'lOrt Btach. Ph. owner S Ycam o re 8-3657. 32p•l5h Need Larger Home Ml 'ST St,;t.L nt!'arly ~­ ho11.11r. 111.rgr lorner lot. H wd. tloon11 tnrunut, Oreplaec. Palto .... t\"' .,. ..... \ti ;t Jll:lf1•--.!' URIVE UY :.1221 Sonl.:i. Ana A vu., L'o,ta Mi lllL T'll. "" ner I.I 8-i l:J6 3:1p l5H 85' View CORO:'\A lllC HLA!'\DS new. 3 htlt n1 :! hath, lamlly room 2 ror i::;trlll(e A f'Ar (Jl irl LI':•'-Int. l-"n•L-1 ,J t•1••I & (1•n1'1•1I ( lwnrr 4:16 l'll brlllo T t'rracr, CoronR H1~hln~11!1. 28p10 Bay Front Income I Unlt.1-2 A: ~ tle<!ruomJI, turn· lahe<I. Pier, noat ancJ. prtvat.e beach. 1000 I:. Salb& Blvd~ Ba.lbo&. ere.tvlew 18646. CoW"· tt!IJ)I t o broker& 13ttc For sale by owner Dt'PLF:X on R·2 lul:r lil2 ~ 6 14 JuminP Cor<Jna t.lel MAr. Priced right. (."llU Hor 29 l!l·H After 6 p m •'r Sunt1•.Y~ 32p4~1h Drive by 235 Magnolia C'osta Mesa Cl.Ile & M ZY hom e -2 bdrm <l pan• J, • 11.-n \\ 1lh (II• t•la• 1 I\ .111 lt1 wa II 1·0 t)'I L V "l'Y cln:it tn. Sl3 000. l'h11np Lll>..rly 8-621''.l 23trc BY OW:\'ER CUT E 2 bdrm hou~!'. n,.,.r QC,.lln & 1 hann••I HD<.,/ an rta,stonr pa tio, bt lck w11ll:o throurhuut. ~11cr1fh ,. fM $11 ,ll!lO. ur 111r5:1! holll. 2(\fi -•!Ill .. Nl'wpOr t BrM·h. Hnrbor -l:J:!:t. 2!lr 1:i BY Q \\'.:\'F:R ~ bdrm. hOllM. Lil' Ii' fl'n<'l'•I y1u •I I Or wllt Ir&.•• I 31!'1 1'111'te Rel.. Chff H:i\1 n Jf" l!lh CORONA HJGH.t..A.~D LOT:; - Cholee ::iltea Avatlable CaU Harbor %326 •8ttc LARGE LOT \'ll'W of Back Bay a muunt&!n1. lnqulr~ 426 SlerT• • Vl.111&. <.:c111t a ~tt'~a. OourtM)' tn Bn•k• rs. Ll 8-66:->i. 3~1p:l7 ~E\\'l'OKT HF:JGHTS-See lhlll brand nl'W 4 bdrm . 2 b11lh home Wall to wall carpet for $11 Orio b<'fore you huy 11nywhcre - H11r :t:\111 nr LI 8-7!<7tl. 3ic3!l Peninsula Bayfront! 5 BEDROOM and :i ·~ ba th11 A-I ('nndlt Inn. o .. uuliful vl,.w or Bl•)' Mntl muUn\llln~ r rll t! I \It j null S47,:J(l0 10 $1~.~·00 fur QHhk Sille. Trrml'. t oo. Bay Fr'ont Duplex! ARE Yot• I XTERESTF;O I:'\ A BAY FRO:'l:T BARCA!:'\. Stt !hi, 4 brdrnnm ll~C'IRI With II prl''•le bt«1t'h a.nd p11•r rt1:hl" N•'l'il1< fix In but pr11 I' 1·ut t<J compcnsal r. S:!ll.7MI, ltrlTl.'I, Balboa Triplex! Siluatrd on E&1t Uay Avf'nllf' en•I r ll'll!c to ~Ill l<Wlmmln~ b!'ll• h Each unll hlL'I 2 twdroom11. d11n- dy rentu I prnt,.•rt y. I 18,1)00. S6Ml0 dn" n Cnme tn whrn you are •t the hank at rw" th1' "I rcrl 11n•I ll~t '"'llr prop<' ty with 11~ We neetJ h~l· 111g• . Balboa Realty Co. 10ppo!11te Drtnk of Amcr1c11) H,1.~1rt <~n·• l"Y Al r orni-ltu.\ E tl l.1'1' J ack P1nkhRm J nsephinr Wtbb 700 E. Balboll BIWI n11lboa P'hnnc HRrbor 3277. FOR SALE OR TRADE BY BUfLDER :\'F:W RANrH RTYJ,f: A DORF: 3 lar"e ti lrm•. 2 lll•• bath1. atu1·co It pla11r r. Spa<inu11 hv 1m f1repl ~alley k 1td ll n. 1hn 1 m 1lbk 1;ar annrhr I \\ 111 l.llke rl• Ar I• I• • ar. hull~I' or what h.,,.,. """ 172 F. \\'ti.inn c·n~liJ Mrl'a. LI 8·Z!l32 Rftrr 6 r Ill r1r .,.,.,,k.11 I 37p~2 DUPLEX near High 8chl)ol a n1I J un 1nr l111i1h. :'l:H't' ·• h.trm. )'lnme for u\\'n• r w ith· lol•i<rcl 1n· 1 unH• from r<'1tl11I unit. l~M !:" Wl'IJ k<'pl f!'n~l lul. W. I. Landis, Realtor J:JS E. 17th St , C'o•ta ,,,,.,. LI 8·1011 a6l38 LIDO ISLE 'BY OW~ER -40·fl. lol -8lre• l tQ 11t rartn. ll b<irm , 2 hlll h hume. \\'all to wall Ca rf'C't•ni:. nnturnl blr<'h kltchrn, built-In .!ltOVI', fRn .\ (Arb, d .. p F\.UI jlrtl" 126,000. Har. ~1311. 25c311 BY OWNER Corona Hlir;hlMOa -3 bdnn.. 2 bath f11rmhol.llM!, Ji"HA commit· ment. P h. Harbor 78·J. llDlfc unit consists of 2 bdrms. with large living room with flagl!ltone fireplace. aeparate dining room, bwd. fln. throughQut, 1 ~~ baths and built around • 1arp beautiful briclled patio with built-In b&rbeque. Two income unit.a ue 1 bdrm. euh-elao oom- Jlletely furniabed. Three .eparat. p.rase9. Tb1a property is being offered by out of town owner at far below replacemen( coat. Should .ell qulclc at $26,500. lmmedlate pouesalon and we have key. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) VOGEL VALUE BALBOA BA YFRONT WITH INCOME Lovrly furnished 5 bdrm. 2 bath home. Walk from your sunny patio right down to your own private beach. which is zoned for pier & slip. Beaut iful mast<.>r bdrm. overlooking Bay, and no fooling. one back bdrm. is large enough for 6 people. Don't stop now -in the rear ts the nlceet M'ntal unit y(1u've ever aeen ! 2 bdrm. -lge. living rm. - cvl'n a separate dining room. We honestly believe this to be the beet buy on Bay- fronl property in the entire Harbor area. at M•i ,500. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Highway, Npt. Bch. Llberty 8-3481 CORONA HIGHLANDS Here's the home big enough t o raise that family -plus view of Ocean and hil111. :S~~ in1. loan. Three bdrm.. bath and half upstairs, one bdrm. or den Y.'ith :11 down. hwd. floors. dbl. garage. Xlnl. neigh- borhood. Only S26,500. Two 40-ft. lots south of Hwy, Only $5000 .each. . These won't Ju t , act now. RAY REALTY CO. 3H4 E. Cout lflvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES Th<· rent from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. will more than pay the taxes. ins. & upkeep while YOU live comfortably in lhe 2 bdrm. & den houec. Hwd. fi rw., 2 fireplace~. BB<.~. garb. d1s p., goo<l beat & many C'Xtrss ma.ke t his a reel HOME and I\ pleasure to show. H's n Mult1plf' Listing -please phone . R. L. .STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 b<lrm~ .. 11 _ bath homcR Close to ever}1hing. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE HOAG Ho~r• 1.11. 11111 b11r t.l.'-.:· \\' l 'l1Jsir1t 11••t ,, 1~ 11ro· 11•nl1 t" rnlki. 36r :l8 "hv are r<"ally lovktnv '" ''"~. ·'I•.... ;1;,,;17 A•I 'n lhu• I:'~"-' ~:· '•041 ;\"l-~WI ,. PAl :\"T~:n 2 bl'rl- t1tot"t lltUr•n f11 ·tt11• r1n 1'11n Pr. 4 yr~. nltl Rm .. 11 "nrtn~f'll p11\1" HILi OIJt ::, IJl:i "I H11r. !181. 35tf~ Of'EAI" VJfl:W HOMF: 271l4 Cliff f>rl'''' Fu ll pr11·1' $11,0l.)O, IPrm11, u~oo dOlll'll. Owner, Ll 8·2!'>32 23tfc Phone L'bertv 8-7976 33tl• • • ..:::..-..,.. ····----=-·~-="' ·-..... - ~· 111 I ,I I i I . .,....i.iij PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT. HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1.'~~-Ee~~! __ _ MONDAY. APRIL 11, 1955 Balboa Island MOOR YOUR 60-FT. boat to your own private pier and float in front of this delightful 4. bdrm. "Little hland" Balboan-Engl111h home. Price about $78,000. FOUR BEDROOM, 11/:: bath home near South Bay. Large living room. All on one floor. Drutically re- duced. Price $26,500 -$7,500 handles. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, large living ~ .. nicely furn. home. Ready to move in at $21,500. NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent houae bdrm .• plua three othen, 3 baths, spotless. $26,500. CUTE, CLEAN, DELIGHTFUL vacation home. 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. Patio, den. Charming. $15,750. Sub- mit your down payment. Balboa Island Income TWO older units near South Bay. Good income. Submit; down. Price $14,900, FIRST OFFERING of this outstanding South Bay home. Designed for immediate conversion (close 1 door) to two units. Perfect buy for executive, re- laxation and tax relief. Two living rooms, fireplace, 5 bdrms., 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Price about $65,000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyous living room, large dining room in main unit. Priced con- servatively at $35,000. QUALITY INCOME. 4 bdrm. furn. home with Jg. lovely gar. apt. Fairly close to village center. De· lfgned for year round living. $33,500. Terms. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA Y'S superior homes. 4 bdrms., 3 baths. Absolutely exceptional living room, fenced yard. -$32,000. BAY SHORES Wt SPtcIALIZE -Consult us for exclusive, desirable homes. CALL HARBOR 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Two Story Newport Heights IMMACULATE 2-etory home that ia a DREAM! Large living room with a massive fireplace, plenty of room for piano and lots of furniture. Entrance hall with lttractive stairway. Large separate <tining room. A kitchen with dinette space & also wired for electric range. Serv1ce porch. Top floor has a mas- ter bdrm., pha 2 other bdrms. and a small room. 2-car rarage with sun deck area. Unit heat. What a b&ek yard-! Has unusual brick fence with a bar- beque and an out.side fireplace. You'll really go craey over this fine home!!! The price is only. $16,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson 18.56 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa (Across from Cdlta Mesa Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8·2103 CORONA DEL MAR 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Orchid Ave., ·baa double garage, fireplace and tile. Only $12,500 with $1500 down. Balance like rent. 2. Very nice z..Qdrm .. close in. Hae exposed beams, forced air heat, flagstone fireplace and etreBBed garage. Full price $14,500. 3. Large new 3 bdrm. and playroom. (1950 sq. ft.) Haa beautiful view. Wood shake roof, 2 baths and all attractively finished. Open daily. 509 DE ANZA. CORONA HIGHLANDS EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 3542 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Bdroom home on 75 foot lot with fireplace. hwd. floors. large kitchen with garb. disp. dbl. gar. $13,500 F . P. $3000 down. NEWPORT BEACH Beach Cottage on almost three lots, C-1, close to Newport Pier. $10,500 F. P. Terms. J. M. MILLER COMPANY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd.. Harbor 4091 Near the Newport Pier -Plenty of parking Via Undine -Lido Isle Spacious 3 bath home. on 45-ft. lot. 2 king sir.e bdrms .. enclosed lanai. Carpeted floors, diehwash· er. disposer. extra large 2-car garage. The price is more than right - $25.500, excellent tenna. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2552 (Eves. Liberty 8-3186) DUPLEX Beat Costa Men Location 431·33 Eut 19th Street $1:5,500 $5:500 down Monthly payments only $75. One aide furnished & rented at $85. Live r:ent free. Property comp. fenced W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES ''You'll Like Our Friend.Jy Service" 393 E. lith St., Costa Mesa. Lfberty 8-1139 COSTA MESA Watch Your Wife Her eye. will llfht up when J OU ahow her lbia brand new ahiike roor tamlly home -A reaJ rua· tic charmer with 2 u~ brick flreplacea -built-In electric kitchen -knotty pine and nat- ural wood . , • Lot.a of room In an Ideal location! Only 139M d1I and 180 per month on FHA tm.e. -* * * Charm -Personality Jnd comfort were uppermoat In mind when this modern style 3 bdrm .. l ~ bath home wu built. It h&a a grapeatake fenced patio. natural 'woOd burnlnr fireplace, bar kitchen, forced air heat - Unequaled value al $12,000! I * * * Tip-Top Quality Buy Nearly new 3 bdrm. home with waH lo wall carpet.a, 220-voll In kitchen-land&eaped and fenced lot -all ror just $10,500 wlth low down and balance 163. per mo., incl. takes • lnaura.nce on 4 ·~'lo FHA loan, Where, we ask, can you beat thla ! * * * If You 're Tired looking at lnnated prices, make • date with ua &nd see what $14.000 will buy-in Newport Helghta, loo Three bdnna., bright and airy, l % batha com- pll'tely fenced back yard and patio. Sounda g<>Od and la g<>Od! * * * Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa Lil>t'rty 8-1161. Evea. LI 8·3168 1 Bdrm. C-2 $4950 $1,000 DOWN takes this nice deal, 60xHO lot jua.t 180-fl. off New- port Blvd. A real bona.ride otter. 3 Bdrm. on 11:! acre M·l Lot BEST M·l locality, center or town. only $2,1100 dn. $12.900 tu.II price. Nearly New Quality Home 3 BDRM., bulll-ln oven It atove. diap .. l'tC. E. 19lh. lo<·. 113,9!!0. EZ tPnna. Eve. Inf. LI 8-2~2. Lytle. 2532 Santa Ana Ave., C. M. 2 BEAUTYS on one half arrt. Pr. $13,800. EZ term• .For Inf. after II p.m. Ll 8·211<12. Lytle. Houston Realty and A 1111oclatea 1109 CE>nter. Conta Mel!ll. LI 8-691 l Eve. lnform. Lylle-W 8·2~2 Petltte-W 8-11487 Benner-HA 1611 SPymour HA l!2118·W. OPEN HOUSE Sat. &. Sun., 1 to l5 p.m. 1913 Court St., Newport Bch The Perfect Beach House, CORONA DEL MAR Magnificent view of entrance channel & entire bay area. MODERN 3 b d r m., 2 % bath home. Garage. Enclosed patio. Unfinished studio 18x23 with view. Reduced to $47,000 for quick sale Owner at-Liberty 8-4982 Courtesy to Brokers. OPEN HOUSE 125-Kinqs Place Cliff Haven, Newport Beach Call for Appointment to See VIEW home on NON leasehold, 108' front LEVEL LOT among choice leasehold property. Thill beautiful home has 3 bdrms., a corner windowed den overlooking harbor & ocean, a formal living rm .. dining room, large kitchen, breakfast nook, util. rm., 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, dbl. gar., <lisp., dishwasher, fenced. yard beautifully landscaped. See this and compare for the sac. price of $32,500. (Owner must sell). THE VOGEL ~O. 35c37 Bill's Best Buys DUPLEX 2 bdrm1. each aide. Only 1 year old. Both 1lde1 rented . Income 1146 mo. Next to Catholic achoo!, cloee lo ' tran3porl•Hlon and shopping. Full prlce..$13,900, only $2300 down. NEW 3 BDRMS. 1 ~ batha under conatn.icllon. Pos- se,ylon 6 weeks. Choice of rloor plan and colora. Full price 1~00-0, $360 down and 170 per month. ON LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun.-' 1 to 4 P . M. 3::;~ Litlo Soud -Bayfront. Slip- Well )Ol':ll<"li 3 B<lrr:i .. ~ bath. F'urn1shl'd, Lgt.'. Lot, Landsrnpt'<l. BETTER SEE THIS ONE! CO'ty 2 Bdrm. house. $18.000 COME FOR A VISIT Stay 11 lifetime. This b<'autiful h1)me is keyed to har- monize with it's s11rn,undings. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath on Corner Lot . Near th<' Club House with features you won't fiml anywhcr<' else. It's Provin<'ial. with carp· ~ -; els and drapt•s. Nicely landscaped with a minimum of work. Lt't us show you this as it is priced right. Need a 50' Lot 1 We have one at a sacrilice price. Sorry, no phone information. FOR RENT ON LIDO 3 B<,irm. Fur. June 15 to Sept. 15. $1 ,500. 4 Bdrm. Unfurn. Years lease. $200 mo. 3 Bdrm. Fur. JuJy & 'l\ugust. $1 ,200. BAY & BEACH REALTY 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643. Har. 2999 Eve. Just to the right of Lido Bridge Entrance. CORONA DEL MAR You owe it to yourself to see this -For leisure living or retirement -2 bdrm., 3 bath home-triple garage--on Hazel Dr. overlooking Shore Cliffs, just above the beach. Tropical landscaping, huge view windows from almost every room. Space for large pool if desired. Will compare with any home in Newport Harbor -bar none. Call for A ppointmenr. 3201 w. Coast Highway, Newport Beach T. his is ·1ust about finished Liberty 8-3481. Eves. LJberty 8·3580 ---------------=--==-__.3-BDRMS~S-··-·1----..-.-il"tft--a-be-auty to-behold! LOOKING FOR THESE 1 BALBOA ISLAND - 'Little Island', 3 bdrm., 1 ~ baths, hwd. floors, fire· place and apt. -······· ........ ..$26,500 Beautiful little 2 bdrm. home. Perfect remodeled Provincial ··········--...... -....................... ' .. $19,500 THREE BDRM. BEACH HOUSE - furnished with attractive 1 bdrm. apt.. good income record, 2 patios, 2-car garage, $6000 dn. $24,500 CLIFF HA VEN - Drive by 402 Kings Road and see the quality con- struction, and outstanding features or t.hia 3 bdrm., 2 bath, plus den-dining room home, Fully landscaped and beautiful 18 x 36 pool. Lge patio, and sheltered patio off pool. 65 x 140 Jot, with al· ley parking to 20 x 26 garage. Terms . ... $34.500 ALSO on Kings Road, with view, with Jots of pine panelling, 3 bdrm., 1:}i baths .. . . $24.250 WALDRON REAL TY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 0234 ntarly new. Built-In Holly range and oven, cl03e in location. f'rlc-3 bdrm., P 1 bath, high in the Highlands-Unexcel· ed at l lJ,IJ-00, submit ~ low u led view of ocean a nd rollmg hills. Thie doesn't need 132110 down. · selling, just showing. Pr-ice $29,700. Call for app't. Owner moving to San Fran- claco. Mu11t "ell lmmedlaUly. 4 bdrnu1.. 2 baths, NEWPORT HTIGHTS. O<"CUpied only 6 mos !'\eu Nrwf>{lrt High Srh1n l OPEN 1 to 4 "15 Holly Lanr, /between Tu~lln la-lrvine). Full prfce only U :l.800 W. A. TOBIAS 1 and ASSOCJATES REALTOR "you'll like our trlrntlly ttl'rvlre .. 393 E. 17th St., G<u1ta ~l,,All Liberty 8-1139 You can choose well here- CALI .. Mr. Pattison or Mt. Hilliard. W. E. FISHER, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3034 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 2443 $23,500 LI DO BEST BUY $23,500 218 Via Palermo -Open Daily l to 4 Two bcuroom with two bathe on 45 ft. tot COMPARE THl~ 21..:. yr. old ch11rming home and la rge sunny patio-- WlTH an,v home with so many f PA.t UN'8 a l anywlwr1• near this price on BNnlli(ul Lido Ji;Je. AT A PRICE you can artord. --- So rlosr to the bea1:h that the $12,000 NEARLY ="EW Balb<•ll lsllml1, 2 unit. with 1111 tho11e fN1lur"~ lh"t add rh•~r to y•>u r llvlni;:. A m()\]· un )(ltcht n, furna""' heat. fire-· plare. lo11d11 of wartlrobt €f'IV't' .. mo11t llvablt patio A 2 cu gsrsg,. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Nrwport Ben<"h. Phone Har. 47H! w1tvea lull yoo to aleep every night. yet han<ly to •lore• and to the ba.y. Thia little beauty hu 2 bdnn1 .. kitchen, balh and larite llvlnit room with a cheu · fol tlrrpl11re for root ev1>nlng3. The Price Is Just $13,750 · xlnl. terms FISHER and CO. 2603 New!lort Blv!l . Npl. Bel'ch Harbnr H29 3rH:37 BEST TWO UNITS IN C. D. M. LOCATION-Near Main Beach- Wal11ang tltel&nct -•hopplng - FRO NT -2 bedroom home REAR -2 bt'c1room -wit h ,.xlra !nJCllt mom It a. bath. G. E. <li.11hwuh~r • !1ll1posal, PATl0 -2 car g11ragl', lsundry- $27,500 Full Price EXCLUSIVE WtTH- F. C. Andresen Realtor :\348 E . Cout Hwy.-•t Mu1gold Corona del Msr Harbor IMO OPEN HOUSE 183 Rochester St. NICA T 2 BDRM., 11) yr1., Mwd. noou. 11ewer11. curbe. Submit 11.000 dn. Ste thla barpln. OPEN BAT. A SUN. 10 a.m.-0 p.m. Houston Realty and A11odatH ll09 Center, Coit& Mesa. LI 8-(1111 l 3~37 OCEAN VIEW modem 2 ~drm home wllh f!Xtra room a.nd ..,. bath on c1ouble $rUllge. f'rlc" 123,:'>00. Low down p11yment or wlll fake P'lrsl T rust Df'c-d In lrsde. 2712 Clltf Drtve I !ldjllCCnl vat·ant lot av•llat>lel Ph. vwnH. LI 8·2~32 23Uc First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALJ...Y ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. ''Clean as a whistle." Panelled living room and small dining room, carpeted wall to wa ll, good kitchen, breakfast space and 8ervice porch. Ample cupboards & atorage space. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice en-~osed patio. Most convenient comer locaLion. 2 blks. from City Hall, Newport Beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 OPEN HOUSE Call for Appointment to See 1576 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa The Vogel Company 3201 W. Coast Hwy.. Npt. Bch. LTberty 8-3481 NEW on the market Downtown Balboa business bldg .. 2 large offices, suitable for Doctor or Denti11t. A 2 bdrm. lovely furn. apt. with view of ocean & bay. Room for ex· pansion. Approx. 8 years. old. Full price $25.750, with ONLY $5000 down. SEE Lila B. McFarren with - .BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517-M VOGEL VALUE *• INCOME $9,480 * 9 Unfurn. Deluxe Apts. All on leuee. Only 15 months old. And located in Balboa's strategic rental area. Operator can substantially increue the in- MmP. Ti.J<PA $21 .000 cub -balance on 5"~ loan. The Vogel Co. 3201 W Coast Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Evening1 Phone Liberty 8-1646 A ONE STORY. 2 big tx!rm h~me with the 2nd unit ov<"r thl' (l bl<' g-11n.i::e ·A J bdrm. comr lcll'ly furn 11 pt Pnre $28.7Ml , l•·1m ' Call Powers or l-8kl' J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 6:1, 50:1 P11r k Av11. Balboa Jal&nd • BAYSHORE~ CHARMIXG 2 br., knotty pin' In· terlor lg". llv. room, romp11rt ktl w bkfsl. b.r, Pl.US lgp l:'t nn ovtr gar. 2 palws, 521.500 3 BR . 2 bath. ru11t1c. w fw cu prt, '1l11hw1111hf!r, t tc., nice pllllo. $23,:x>O. nACK BAY BTFUL . 4 hr w 1'Pn, 2 r1n•pl11rrl\ Vh>w. A11klng p1 lee. 132.:iOO RUSTIC RANCH ho1111e on 1., 11n•• w v1rw. 3 br. und b1 f1rrrlitt•• 1lln. rni . pallo, rouni fvr h•1r11.,,. 122.500 1 ACRlt chkk<'n renr h w!'lllnl ! br home. Good loca tion. E3· tabllahc<I rOulu. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy LI 8-4277 Ocean View 'i BLJC. T O BEACH, 4 br rurn Like new. 2 lot•. 3 l'•ragea. $111,DOO., term1. 5 P"URN. UNITS, nur besch Mil bay. 2 lol.ll near N,.wpo~t p1f!r 130.000. l ll.000 down. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR l~ McFa!lden Place Har. HO .Evu. Har. 1137·M EXCLUSIVE LISTING FIRST TIME OFFERED Charming 2 bdrms., Colonial at 223 Apolena Ave., Balboa Island $21,500 furnished SEE MRS, BRl.NER al PRENOERt;A~T'S OFFICE '.?'.?3 Manne> A\'1' .. B11.lbus lxlnnd Ha rbor 1331 35c37 Are you far-sighted 1 IF ~O ~···u w1ll quw kl~· n·r·n~nizl' th<> potrnt1AlitiC111 111 t h1~ q11:d11y 11il·f!ml' pr11p1•1'ty lncal<-d in 1·hn1 r11 r• ntal d1i-ll wt. J 111-t tno ft fr••m n<'ean. T ht•r(' art• 3 111111 :-; -a 111·w d11l'J.·x !Ind a 5-rrnim hnm;e nn 2 Int~. 2 unit:-ar•· furn1~lwd and rentrd on yearly ba~ts. Ownc-r·~ h1inw 11 \·11 tlabll' ni1w . Thre1• ~R raJ:l'S •in 11 llry. l'n !Wiii anr1irnr can b1• 1mbstnntially 111!'r4 nsl'd s:-,11110 will handle. FOR l ~SPECT!ON CA LL HARBOH 1013 EARL W. STANLEY RF:ALTOR 311.3 Nl'wport Blvd .. New1•ort Beach Harbor 101 3 BALBOA ISLAND Just a Step From North Bay SpaC'ious. comforta bll' yN1r round home. 3 bedrm1. & den. 3 batlu•. 3 flr<'plnrrR. PLliS 11 ll ra1·tl\'P ~U<'At a pt. Excell <'nt location. Must b<' A<'<'n to bt• apprrcialed ~ $15,000 will handle Mu lllpl<' Lu~tmg 5512 tr WM. W. SANFORD, Real+or And AsHoc1at,.g Park nt Manne, BalbCJa lsland -Harbor 2462 I I I I I r ~· I f ' I I I ft-Rf.al r...tate Gi-~aJ P:stata ------·---------·--· --.... ·-----, THE GREAT ORANGE COAST ACREA G E 10 acres, corner. Good investment. $3200, terms. 80 acres, celery, lettuce, yama or spinach land. Bldge, well, ready to pla.nt now. $3000 AC. 29 ~ do 100 acres. Farm, celery, tomato or bean land. Bldga. aheda, well. Suitable terms. $2000 acre. 160 acres. Well, older bldg. Bean or celery land. Surveyed with tentative subdivision map. Bargain price ot $3700 acre. Terms. EXCELLENT LISTINGS Commercial or business location. 2 bdrm., den home on E. 18th St. Sewers, alley. 7:5' front. $5000 dn. 3 bdrm., 2 b~th. Landscaped. Newport Heights view home. Appointments at peak of planning. Very lovely, $26,~. Tenn.a. 2 store bldge., 2 bdrm. apt. LeaBeS avllable. Build- ing area. $32,000 full price. Will show gross 14 ~C. 60 x 300 Harbor Blvd. $12,000 with liberal terms. Mfg. area, Placentia north 19th St. 127-ft. frontage. $70 foot. BACK BAY RANCH STYLE Prompt action allows choice of colors. wall paper. tile. Complete Hotpoint kitchen, built-in range and oven. Ready soon. Exciting 2 bdrm. with Mr. & Mrs. cloeets, den, 2 tiled & heated baths, forced air heat, fireplace, natural ash cabinet, hwd. floors, ce- ment patio, 20 x 20 attached garage. Goo8 sized lot. Priced at $24,500, suitable terms. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INStJ.RANCE-SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Llberty 8-1400 Evea. Bay & Beach Realty -Realtors BALBOA PENINSULA Close to Jetty -Best buy on Peninsula. 3 11:.: years old. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home, hwd. Parquet floors thru- out. Nice fireplace, attractively decorated. Low down payment will handle. Full price $19,:500. 4 year old 2 bdrm. home -1100 sq. ft. Attractive- ly landscaped, plus additional 35' vacant lot. Near Jetty. $21,500, terms. NEWPORT Neat aa a pi.n! One bdrm. Beach Houae partly furn. Large front patio. cloae to Oeean. All for $8500, terms. SUMMER RENTALS Bayfront -Ocean Front -And In .Between! -BAY & BEACH REAL TY HM W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 1264 Eve. Harbor 1856 ------------------- LIDO BA YFRONT HOMES BA YFRONT HOME F.NVIRONMENT that ap- proache1 the ideal -3 lovely bdrm11 .. P 1 baths, eeparate timing rm., double garsge and separate laundry room. Graceful living 1s the key note--with pier and float. A 6 yr. old home with today's al· mrn;ph~re throughout. Carpel. drapes, stove & re- frif:. Included. Full price Mfl.:500. Wf' have the key. IF YOU ARE THINKING of a larger Bayfront home that offrrs 100 11('n nlcs in value for every dol- lar you spcnJ, why not look at this 4 be<lnn, and den with ma1d'A 'lUartrrs. New \.\'all to. wall carpet• and partly rcdrcorated, on a lot and ll half. in beet Lido Nord location PiPr an1J ringer slip plwi a large awimmmg nont. Excellent fmanciog available. Full pnce MR.500. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido. Ne'"1'0rt Beach. Har. -i971 or 4972 This home provides many opportunities to really enioy life- W1mt a pri\•ate b<-ach? Nttd a place t o keep your cruiser? Prefcr close in location near Lido Shopa, etc.? Buy this ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Covea r ight on the waterfront. only 3 yrs. old. Lota ot tile, parquet floors. F . A. hent . dbl. ~aragc. nice features. Pier & 1dip prinlcgcs. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnishffi -good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -FuJl Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Nev.•port Blvd., Newport Buch Ha r. 1013 HAPPY EASTER and welcome to you all - SEE US for Choice Properties m the Newport Harbr r Arca. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nonn Hyr r and C'hrt ~nll11bury, As111,crntr1 2J6 lfa.r1ue A vc., Balboa Ialanu H arbor 20 .. ... ,!fl> • -• ----- -• • " • ._ ............ .._, ______________________ __ .......... ·-·-------·-·---·-------- p. a; paJmer incorporated .. developers of Lido Isle a "lot" for your money! - Juet under 60 ft. Street to etreet comer Lido lot with a houee on It. House needs modemwng, but who cam with a location like thl.a ! LIDO RANCH STYLE More for your comfort, convenience and money. Wool carpeting, drapes, electric therm. oven and range, open beam ceiling•, med brick fireplace, full furnace, large double garage. 2 nice bdrm.I. and 2 batha. $23,7:50. ULTRA-SMART Typical or Lido Jale'1 ultra-ama.rt, modern home. ia thia •triking 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, The living room featuree a handsome slump-stone fireplace and beamed ceiling. Terrific 1torage area In the kitchen with ita natural oak and matching fonnlca. Sliding glaaa doors from both the dining area and the den- bdnn. to the 1heltered patio. $27,000. COMPARE! New 4 bdrm., S bath, 2 fireplace•, therm. oven and range, comer lot, landscaped, patio, 3:5 x 23, BAY- VIEW eundeck. Lido living at its beet, $37,400. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1:500 Newport Heights An Unusual Buy Open House, Sat. Ii Sun, 12·5 3 bd h tn t i 1 . nn. ome a ne ocatlon FOUR HITS, NO MISSES !! wow !! The ocean for a front yard, Iota of aand to lie on all summer. A 2 bdrm. house and an apt. tor 1CUe.it1 or income. WOW! Call me, Dave Osburn CORONA DEL MAR 60' lot, corner llarguerite Ii Seaview. R·3 wne. The only one available for 6 unita. Only $14,900. Ask for Harold 01borne, Eve1. Phone Harbor '923-J NEAT AS A PIN You'll atop looking when you'" thla 2 bdnn, 1% bath beauty. Huge living room la only one or many features. 415' lot and ready to add 2 bdrm•. over the ,arage. Priced right at $2!§,000. A.Ilk for Bill F"arnaworth WORTH EVERY PENNY Vital 1tatiatica. Location: Newport Heights two bdrm. dining room, large kitchen, patio, barbeque, beautiful planing. Full price $13,500. Ask for Hodgekin1on p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Evee. Harbor 4923-J Close to Stores NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 ~ONOAY, APRIL 11 , 1955 BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS , lt'• a ahake root lyplca.1 ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu t ~:a batJu, dlnlnr room. br«!akrut room, larp llvinr room with maulve t1replac.. Thermodor elec- tric ran,e Ii oven, beamed ceilln&"•· c.edar panelled wali.. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to W&1l carpet and drapea. l t'a fenced and 1111dacaped and hu a patio. Space prohibit& the menUonin1 ot the many other featurM except to add that lt la 1Urroundtd with quality built ranch hom.M. Priced d•tinltely below valu. at 128,780 KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view - 2 bdrm.1., 3 bat.ha, Lust ltvtnr rm., dinlnc nn., hu1e den, patio,. laundry rm. and teWlnr rm. Radio electrto 1ara11 door oper- ator. Wall to wall carpet and drapt19. Extra larp . 1araae. Exterior flood u,bt.. Thermador 1¥ ranp and oven and larp bu!lt ln rifri&'erator. The pMt bdrm. is completely furnished. Price $36,500 with easy terma. CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL Only $1500 down. • 3 bdrms. with partially completed den or nunpua room.. Full price $13,500. Better hurry on this one! CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT On Cliff Drive. 6:5x110 -price $7000 Clift Haven lots are u acarce ae hen1 teeth, t>.tt.tr grab this one while you can! Call FRD> BARKER at 400 Kings Place In the Broadway Aecllon or Coa- WE HA VJ!l a beauty, J br., and ta Me.a. Thia la a well·bullt 2 b<lrm. home only I bile fl'Ofn downtown CMla Meaa, ~t In " g ood neishborhood ot homta. EARL W STANLEY Re•ltor Thia attractive bul small home • t u ckn with 112 baths. lime and howie only 6 yrll. old. Howevt'r, apace will not permit us to tell Lha )"8rd it ne&le<!lt'li and the Elton· Barnett Realtor 111 I"""' than J yeara old • hu 15th 6 Irvine, Newport Beach i<)\rily hwct. noo~. Iota of <'1011· Phone Llberty 8-2664 or Llberty 8-6300 you all th,. nJce thins• about houac-needs clunln(I" and paint· this beautltul home. tng. It you are rood at "tlxins <'l!l, ls well·dt's1gne<J 1uul well· --------------------- B'ULL PRICE $26,:iOO, TERJ.15 up" thla will lntere11l you. The --owner needs money now. U0.600 Costa Mesa price. -$2000 down. J BDRM. home, 3 mo. old. Good Newport He"ght residential area. w lo w carpel· I S 4M No. N-port Blvd. ( 1 blk above Hoa1 Hospital) bmlt. Nlre fenced yard le pello. S9996. 1.5 Acres with Ocean View Here's &1'I lntere11llng buy for In· 1111. 111rb. dlap. Ch I I I bd Jl'ULL PRlC!: 19.000-U ,OOO ;oN. . o ce ocal on. 2 rm.e, Ir den Country Home 2 BEDROOM, DEN. 114 BATHS. home with 2 baths, tlrl'place, ae· lect oak !loor11, Arcadia alldln1 11au door1, !JuTe aunahlne)' kitchen, many cloaet.a. Includ .. drapu II oarpetlnl'. Ut.&00. Liberty 1·2772 Ll 1·7111t evtl. v .. stment. Beautiful 11pot on tht rllrt with an ocean view. lt'a out on lhe outskirt.a of town nuw but before Ions wlll be In the middle of Important new projects. Could make 4 nlc. Jou. 16500 tull price. 1~3 Ac frui t trees comp~t~y ~-------~-~-~-~-~~~--~----------~ fenced. C1o&e to County Club and B&cJt Bay. Ownen aa ld to Mil. R..duced trom 122,600 to low pnce ot 119,000, u. lama. Only One Le~ $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. &: S un. 12 -:5 :Uat • Ora.nse Avt., 3 bdrm., 1% b•th1, breakfast and dlnlng area. Full prlet fl0,700. LOT, Nl:WPORT Hlt10HTS U .600 M·l Lot 130x4H ......... S13,f)()() C·2 Lot on l'\ewport ·--· 110.600 C·2 Lol on 17th St., .. ·-··· Sl2.600 3 R-4 Lot.a Ln Costa Meoaa ··-$7,200 How Can You Miss 1 e unit• A e&ft on C-2 lot.a. lncomt approll.lmately liOO. ruu price. '39.600. EL Tuma. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR l&M Newport Blvd, Co•la Meaa Ub4rty &-3792. Ocean Front Duplex 2 unit.a. 2 b<lnn1. u ch. rbolct property. Good rtnlal a1.inct. Exct llt.l'll valu11 st 127,000. Lido Isle ' BDRM. hmJJe, new &11d attrac• Live. in .r,oo. Al.80 2 bdnn. homt , 121.600 N. B. C. Realty Co. 32"'1 A Ne•'Jl()rt Blvd., Npt. Bdl Open for Inspection 1321 W. Bay Ave. Sat., April 9, 1 to 6 p.m. n:R1'. Dl-PUCX._!.Mpn up A 1 c1n., wllh t"1""" lire. dl'tachf<I r ump1111 rm/. with flrept. & Bar· B-Q. Doubt!' rnr g1ra1ft. Prlre S20 :.oo . wll h t~nn•. Houston Realty and Anociatu :109 Center. Coeta Mua. Ll 8_.111 35c37 100~0 INCREASE IN SALES I · More than a Million Doll&rw la MulUple Liatin1 Sal• dunng the month of March: $1 ,147,061.00 Compared to $578.305.00 for March of last year. In BUYING or SELLING aee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member or NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS HARVEY D. PEASE, REALTOR Balboa Island Bayfront Bargain In thi• { b<lrm., 1-atory home you have an excellent opportunity lo buy a newu, well built, completely fum.Ulhed property of attractive design with modern equipped kitchen iocludin' blrchwood cabinets and table--top stove and oven. A dream apt. oftera choice accommodations for your guests or good rental income if desired. Large plate glue windowa aero• the f ront ot the living room afford an exciting and ev~r chani'ing view or the water. • Property I.a clear -and to a properly qualified buyer, liberal financing term• can be arranged. Price $45,000 ISLAND REALTY CO. 498 Park Ave. at Agate, Balboa Island Harbor 377 36c38 NEWPORT HEIGHTS OCEAN VTEW HOME -located amongat the lreea in the <'Xclu.eive Cliff Drive and Santa Ana A \·e. area. 2i ft. living room, etudy, 2 bdnn1 .. 3-car gar· age. Only $39:50 down. Call u1 for the low price. (Not ~ leasehold) GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY C d I ~, MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Orona e Mar 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2551 TUCJ<ED AWAY on a quiet atrfft (Eves. LJbet1Y 8-3186) I 37c39 clollf' to •rhool. church • 1hop11l ---------------------Vivtly 2 bdrm. home, artistic· J a lly drcoralfll1, flrtplace. Lovely ON LIDO ISLE p11tlo. Double pr11~e. J\e•aon· ably prlred. We WiAh you could Bee this charming 3 bdrm. 1~~ FOR SALE BY OWNER bath Ranch t ype home that is only 2 yrs. old -pan- Call META 1'£LS01'. Har. ~~O I be ed U d. · 29ttc elled h·ing room. a m cei ng, eeparate Jnmg LARO&: LOT on Cliff Drive ln Chrt H aven ALSO 40 ft. 1tr,.1t to 1t~t lot on ~ntlll, Uc1o i.11 and C'·2 lot on Nl!"t''P'!rt Blvd. M~. Ahrtna, Har. 0191 23lle room -rwitic and oh, so restful. Reduced to $24,9~ We Uke it and believe YOU will. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 \'ia Lldo, Ne1Vp0rt Beach. Har. 4071 or 4972 SPECULATORS ! Here's a sleeper BOHl:D C-1-A cute I bedroom tlou~ on lot !'IOit112, zoned tor bualnf'M and lncome. Full price nnly 110,000 with '2,IW>O do'""'. 171'1. mo. BETTER HURRY! Cliff Haven SEASON'S BEST DUY on ex· ehullv~ Klni;s noad. J bt'droom, l A• bath, w to w r&rpf't• Lant.I· Kapct.I, c:Lc .• $22,7:-.0 Xlnl ttrm•. ALSO VERY ATTR.ACTlVE INCOME PROPF:RTY. THREE 2 ~dnn. unit•. priced to Mll tut wlt.b only 13,500 down. Corona del Mar IJ{;ST LISTE[I SATURDAY! \'rry •ttrl\r tlvr 2 bdrm. on IArkapur. 82.~00 duwn. Builders Special TWO LEVEL R-3 LOTS ON HA VE'=" Pl..ACli:, 11000 E.At:H Frank Jdmes Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B Ru~. Wm. G. Schmidt, AMO<: 312 Marine Ave. B11lboa Island Harbor 20-42 Here's a Beach Home AS CUTE 6 CLl:A."11 11,. th~ f'll'O· \'l'rbial bul(1 eu! l bdrm .. ltvtnc nn . kitchen. partly turn . IM1tt frnn t rncloArli patio. Obie gar. end only 18.llOO. Balboa Triplex 4 BDRM. HOUiE. 2 btlrm. 11ntl a t hdrm. 11r1. all turn. Ju~t • fPW 1lc-p1 from th,. !3ay. On,. of Lhr bul rtnlal Sl'<'llone 1n lialbua Now Available - nvo VERY BF;AUTJFl:L build· Ins 11tu on the Point. Coast Properties Co. 301 E Jl11lb<.oa UM I . Balboa Harbor 2~8. 2~{17 and •MO BACK BAY Com,.r of M,.sa Drive 6 Cyprr111 6 y,,,. olt.1, buuUful view. 88 3 a u :,· lot. 3 bdrlllll., lge. 1' x 20 kltthtn. w111J lo wall c~t. Solld r'Uml bloc ~on1t.rucunn, waJl"d patio. Lot..11 of ro0m tor Income.. addition w ith b11y ,.I~"' PrlvA11' p1trlv 81:1 POO. f'h f.l 1·6141 for appol.DllMllt. UJH6 . "You'll Want It" when you see it, for here is a Top ·Lido buy ready to be moved into for $24.,225 full price. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, completely f urnished right down to a deep freeze, wuber and dryer. It's on a wonderful street a etep away from the beach. Street to street lot. Moet pleasing inter- ior with a brick fireplace and open pl&n. A versatile home, it can be a fine family home tor year round living, or the perfect aummer home, or buy it for lncome -(WJDmer rent. ahead). We can w ork out exoellent tenna for you. ltJtclualve with ua. LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) BEFORE YOU BUY -See these home. in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND $76 MONTHLY Only 4 le~ Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move In Scwera in and paid Garbage Dlapoaal Encloaed garage. JGtcben fa.na Colored rock roof• Birch Cabin.ta Total Price, $11,4.50 See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. Between l~th St. and 16th St. 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office I BUSINESS PROPERTY-!32,000 invettment buya I a (T'OSS Income or S:S700 yearly. BOAT ANCHOR.AGE -Fully equlpt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with aome view of bay. Completely furni1hed. $3500 h&.ndle1. F or evening information phone Harbor ~9-ll. SEE US !or aeveral t.Xtra specially fine BAYFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 444 WOULD YOU •••• BUY A GOOD SMALL HOUSE, all furnlsh· ed. in tip top ahape, c loae-in Balboa, good location for M.2~! SURE YOU WOt'LO ! We Have 4 of Them-(TWO DUPLEXES~ for $25,000 -EZ terms Of rnu re~ you can't buy them one 11t a tlm<' but you can buy iill four et once.. A good de:U r or Rome one -let ws ebow you. SEE Lila B. McFarreu with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES t19 E . Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517 ·M '"'t I I • I I I I I j .iJ ! II ! I ' . ~· I I Ii II i I I I PAGE I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955 : Carrillo Tabs Beaches Over Tidelands Oil I · I Mesa Teachers Get Raise ' Eff ectite in September Four f'&t<'t:Orlew of cla•lfl.J Pf'r• I to n-1>l11r f' thf' l11tt •'r fut t •'lllfttrhlr .110nnt'l N'Ctl\·~ wage ln<'rt'L9ff, of the ll<'h1>0I ,\"81 !hr~·· ll'BI hl'r" ru1gnf'd and 1111t I OTHt:K IU Sl~t:1'1' Wiil! lllrt'd ftnd neKI year'• 11al•ry In olh<'r lrn~1n .. ss, th .. b.1111.t: PALMER OPENS ACCOUNT With his executive secretary Mia Agneta -Blomquist, left, looking on, Paul A. Palmer, center, president of the Newport-Balboa Savings and Loan, prepares to open an ac· count in new Mariners Bank with President F.dgar Hill. Palmer commented, "We're h appy to have a new local bank." Respcmded Hill. "We are very pleased with t he re· 11ponse we have had, and the comments made on how beautiful the bank is. We appre- ciate the interest expressed by the people of the community." -Staff Photo Jack Kennedy FOUR LOCAL SAILORS WIN Testifys to NAVAL RESERVE PROMOTIONS Among 21 active members in the Naval Reserve who earned recent promotions are four Newport Harbor boys, according to Lt. Comdr. C. R. Semple. commanding officer of the Naval Reserve Surface Division 11-28, Santa Ana. $7500 'Payoff' SANTA ANA 10 CNSI Co11ta Mesa b11 r owner J11ck Ken- n~y April 7 tnld of a $7~00-ln-cur­ rency pRyQff for an on -aale general liquor hcr•n><t' 1111 the liquor con· sptr11cy trial uf H. £. MacKen:r:tf' and Ct<>rfi[t' A vas contln11r<I In su- pt'rlor court hl'rf'. M11cKen:r:t... suspt•no.J1•t.l oltstr 1ct liquor bnsa. anJ Avllll. S imla Ana bar kttper, are accu11ed nf tht-1111· lawful taking of $7600 from Ken- nedy and $8000 from San Juan Cap11trano hol1•l owner Ron Gray for Png rneering liquor l1cens1•R 'tor t.hf'lll KAISt;o MOSE\' Kl'nnedy, who also ha~ an off· aale liquor 1ic1•n11e 1n Co1111 Me1a, aa1d hf' 1 RU!f'd the money rt'questrd by; Av1111 by borrow ing S3000. writ· lnr a St~OO 1:h1·rk. cashlnit 110m<' w .. r b!lnrls ancl other 11011rce11. H 1• ftxPd the Ume nr pnyment t u Av8~ nt tht' l111ter'J01 b11 r. Sant11 .A n11. u J uly 16, 1953. Krntll'•ly ~nltl lhe monl'y WIUl In si0t1. sr.o, s20 """ 110 hllh1. H .. test1!1t'd he tuc•k 1t tu Avas In 11 papt'r ha~ ktl<I •IJ't'lnrrol "Ht>rf''!! th,. mon~y. 11111nl 11 .. Thi' l'••~la Mo'""" 881'••1lt'd ht' walke•I 11nu t ht' l'a (e'11 kitchen. The nw nry wu plscl!<I on 8 tllbll'. He quotf't1 Al'tl.A "11 ~"Y'"I: "I }<now It'• an h.-.rr .. l'llO:\t: \IAC'tU :SZl1 Ktnn• ti\' 11n111 h· ha.I " ''"".: conv•'• ~ l ;<in11 with A \'as The lat· t .. r. h,. te~111 It <I. lttlol h11 11 lo• 1 .. 1 .... pho nl' MncK .. nl\te a bout thr lllt'n"r Kl'nnedy l C'llllflrd ht-tolk"'I to th,. liq uor l'UJlrl v.-••r unit Wllll 1n· fonnl'•I. ··R•·lax ~:v,., y\111n.1:"ll b4' a ll rtRhl .. I Th .. w ltne"" d <c 1111e1f he rrcc11·td a call from ~\ 1•t111 a Cf•w cl11y,. l11tt'r telling h1n1 111 i;:o l•• ltw Santa A.na liaArd of F:quahza ''"" ortu·l' ancl m11k" 11 llo'rniol' apphr11t1on . H r did. H f'rm11n f>ftll l"' At:'Cl'ptt rt tht apphi.d1•lJ 11n1I ···""''••'' J.\: ... n· ftf" f\ f .... J h • 0 t I Promoted to yeom<'n third class were William A. Dosta, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dosla, and Ron- ald E. Birtcher. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Birtcher. Ronald E. Carr. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Carr was promoted to professional fireman and James C. Davy, son of Mrs. Myrtle Davy was promoted tn professional seaman. TO MINOR Lynn Landess Booked on Sale of Liquor Rap Lynn l..llndus. 33, cuhier of 443 Irvine Ave., Friday night was booked on a count of aelhng liquor l o a minor at 903 Cnut Hl~woy, pnlk f' ro>p<>rn<T.-Slle wu t'l'ffl'M.t'C.I by 11tat e liquor officers f'Aul De 1'10 and Oliver Elliott. H ury H. Andrews Ill, 19, Los An~eles. wu booktd on & poMl!ll· 111on count &Iler allt'gedly buying a bottlt-of vodka from her. poltct 10t1 ul. I In another arrest. J ohn E1 d- t111U1n. 19, El Tor('I Marin<', wa;c 11rrt>11Letl Ill Tust in Avt>. 11n•I Cuu l H1ghw8)', lllltgedly hrwtng two c 1tcns of stout and some vodka In hi11 poMu11lon. J o hn W. Wllllen111, 20. carprnler nf M8nh11tlan Beach. also wa11 &r· rf'sled Frtdfty on a puMe1u11on ••f 11lrohol 1·oun.1.-Ht wa,. bookt<I &181' on charge11 or being lnlox lcatcd ln pubH('. R&lph \\'. Bwrh11.'\ty, :,J, for whom pollre had no 8ddreu , but l'-'ll'd him &11 a retlr!'d Navy man. was bookrtl on a drunk count e11 rly J-:aturd•y on the beaC'h at 2:?ncl St • 1w ltl'(' r"portffi. DEATH NOTICE ~RS. SARAH PETEHS Mr11. Sarah Hay P et»r11. 69. of 652 Ai:ate S t .. Lllg1111a flN•ch. daNI April 9 at Hoai: Ho11p1lal. Shr wa11 born In Nf'w Jeraf'y, la ~i.1 1n L&· gun& ~&cch for 23 ye11t . She Is 1<urvlvt'rl by two dau11hll'ri1. Mrs. Ann Wolfr o r s .. aul,. an11 Mrs. Rtrhnrd Calbally of Bn1wlty; a 11111ll'r, Elizabeth H ay of l.B KW11£ Bt-ach: on.. br(lt hcr. R1ch8ro l K. Hay of West pm t, Conn. Servlce11 wlll bt' hel•I T111••1lay at 3 p m. at St. Mn1y'11 F.p1 .. 11pal Honon Not Guilty Hill Enten Plea On 3 of 5 Counts On Check Charge H unllng ton llrRch a1rcn1tt build· er·de111gnt>r Wtllla m E . Horton wa..~ found nut g11ilty on threr l'Qlmlll ol rontempl In Los Angl'les Fe.f- eral Court Thu111<1ay. Howev..r. the Inventor of the ra tllcal "Hor- ton \\'lngl;oM" plane w1111 founl1 SlJllty nn t wn ol hf'r count11 of vtola llng 11 l-<tcunt11'1 and Ex- chan1te Co111m111~1011 anjuncllon ac&ln.11 ma lling 11lock r rrtlflca t .. a by Ftder al Ct111r l J udg e W11!1l'lm C. M11lh .. A. The Judge imposed a f1nr of 11000 oo Horton and 1u11pt'ndtd other lk'ntr n<"•'•· Horton had orig- inally been 11entf'nef'd to a 90 -d1ty Jail term by another Ff'<ltr &1 court Jwdll l' \o\·hen he originally plt'adtd p llly to llll f11•f romnl" nf ron· tempi Juclit Matht•s tetday 11ugi;:utrd SANTA ANA, iocs s ,-Den lrd " mot.Jon lo dlMnill.9 lhf' charjlr, I Fred K. H iii. 21, of Riveniide, f 'rl· 1 day ple&drd tnn<>Ci!nt on the a rcu- 11a1ton hi' raittf'd the tfgurf' on a Chf'c k written by h111 mothf'r. I Superior COurt Juclge J ohn Sh• a S•'h"dulrd a jury tnftl tor Hill 11l 9 .30 a m Ma y 18. Hill i:o frl't' on ball. Ht '" aa used of hfllng a $f1~ check to $5~:i. t he d1fflculllt1 Horton wa.11 1n rf'· sultrd from unfllmlliarlty with tht rulu end reg-ulalion11 or the SE<" HI' ali.o 11tated he bf'hl!ved H nr- t on'• t rouble& 11temmed from un-t f&.m illft rtty with courtroom pr< .. Cf'dure on tht part or H orlnn'" prf'\'lou11 dl'fenioe co11n1Wl -1\ pll lPnl I a ttomf'y. :-lo oil 1:1 wurlh 1<1< 111uf'ta a11 11111 j unspu1le.I bl't11 h•·" Ll'u 1 ·arrlll11 who l'&1·11r11 I he n1ckn1111w 11! ~1~ Callfr rma. told tho~·· ):lilho·r1-.1 ,.. lhu rN'l·nt ""roml annuut 1•11·.-~ br•·okfast <1! Lii•' Sunttl ,\11,1 ~1110s•· Lodge. ":-lu u1l ll; wo1 th tec·u1•"n 1t 1l means tht-loss o( <•Ill' '"''L ot Californ1a·11 pre1•1ou11 t>eH• ht•'" ' he tialt1. I Thos.i gathere,1 ror tht• hres k- fllSl. anclu,lco.J nwmber" or Ith' I nt'w&pllper profrs1<1111'. r11 \' coun- ty and ata tl' o!fic1u1~. BEAl'T \' Pflt~n:nR1·:0 Ci..rrillo ,;ale! he w as lhe une who h1td >tuthorl'd sevrral re~lral't1\'1• meu ures, lha t he ha ll entlt-avurt•d to get the S111te [k n,·h 11 nJ Park CommlHion or which he 1'4 a n11.•111- btr to put1. He 11111<1 that thl'l'l' were tho111> who h t-Id I h1t l otl. rt-- garJless Of the i<t1Crlf11 e 01' o•ttst or ll11 re<·overv. l!ho11ld bl! rerov.-r- e.t if oil then•' is Hut Ca rrlllo s11HI he would rat her fori::<·t 1rny 11l·he1< from a ny 011, for Ult' p lt•asanl m em ories or the beuuties or t h o• be&ches flf Orang!' County and Los Angell'" County amt Vent 11ra end S11.nt1t B8rhara an.J San OH•jro Counties. Carrillo se1d he treasur,·d th<' beeches, the bag bca,·h ul Coron11 del Mar and the beal·h at 1'ewporl Bt'ach. end Rslboa and H untini:;ton Beach and t hat hi' hof'l('d l hal 1111 (lf the off llhOr<' t>pCrlll l !ltll' l'Hll ho• conduct<>d ft'• •111 11n ~hN <' i'h"lt 1101111 and that r li:,.. l'an be wh1p::!loekt'il Into the 1t1lo·lamls pools that Oil companies and t he State l...anol Com mlsR1on are f1r111ly 1·onvlnreol exist. Carrllh• thrllle~t the hun- dred and fatty persons who pa t·k1·d the M OOll<' l ..o.lg~ dining room nl nn f'li rly Sunduy moaning br1•ak- !a1JI. CLOSE HARMU~\ -Mrs. L. G. Kidder of the Costa Mesa public school music department listens to one of the liiscs she has helped prepare.' lo aid teachers through-' out Orange County teach twn-rart singing. While it takes four-part music for good "barbershopping", this is a start. -Staff Pholc County Music Teachers Cutting Discs But Not Plugging Platters s"hed ult' was a\'cepled by Co,.tl\ 11.•t•I 1w txt'r ull1'<• ~•'Mll•n 111tl'r ;\lo l!ll I 'n1on Schr•ol Olatrkl bo11rd l8sl night's 1 «'!;lllnr lll'i<sh•n lo 11111- ur It u11t t l's \\'t'dnuday night <"liq 1>••rs .. 1nnl'I pr1•blt'11111 Rt•a t••hl \.rnnlt'J raises lo put them In lhr l11ur l'!llllt'l\11 pr('llf'l\t 101 the lln" 1\11 h t ht> 0 11n1tt-Count.'' a 1 l'r-1 •·irular lllt't'ltng lhKI no 1l,.l'u11t1na llj:<' W••t,.. Owen 1{1dm1rn. 1111rwr1·1s-cvulll .,,.. 1111111~· I•.'' tlw l11111 nl Ill mg 1,:i1lunt1 k•'f'J)f'r of all Mr11a t'Kf'C<ll t\'l' """'""II· 11chool11 ; u rrtc.. s .. cretary M rs. l:rnnt<'d USC' uf l hl' nll\t' Mu & Am ,.lm On1mmon1l. Acc ounting dlatrlrt bus .. .s 111 I r&n~1><wl 1~11 I Cl<"rk Mn. Ruth Tavlor and Ca!f' Scout• to t,t1r 11nr11•RI Apall 30 Ma1111ger Mrs. Ruth ~lllllkln. 1 pl1t,\'(fa,\' 1tl It vlnl' l'i;rk. S;1ptr1ntendl'nl Evt'rett RtR rf'<'-1 Ai.:1 <'N! In al t,.nll th<' llran1tt1 omnwndc-1 lhe wag<' ..-ale upping County ~khO<'I ll•'lftrds A111<w1atmn hl'caun ··g 00<1 f'*'Oplt' art' hartl tu I nu•etang al T1111t an Apr rl ::s. R,.a find.. 1 H1d he wou1<1 a tten,1 t hi' aft t'l'll(>On t ~gl11h1tlve Wo rkshop 1rncl Study In tht' llt'W l!Ahtry acalt, thref' j •eNron al Tu11lln that '11\V co~­ loni:-Ltml' Men t eacher• ~el\'t~d durll'd b1· Aurmbll·mt'n · Earl an lnl'rl'allt' trum a maximum of Stanh•y ftnd tA-Ho\' L\;on a nd S<'n• $HMI to a mAxlmum of $MOO Alor J ohn !lturilv· - whet·e they will n ·maan unt il re· n,.411,.11t.-..I Truatt>t> R \\'. Mr· t lr.,ment . Tilt'y llr<' _\flu \'Iola Clt'llftn Jr. to r!'prest'nl th<' bo11rrl T1111111111nol. !'.trio N .. 111 .. Long anrl ~1 ,.,. Milolrl'J Fi1<her at any ml'el111g:< of S8nta Ana llt:('OtiSITIOS D1'J: Salo! Rf'&, "People who h&vt> gh·en that many year-3 or urvare lo the 11choolll 11hould be «iven re.-ognltton." Agrf'f'd membf'r• of lhf' bout.. "Tht'y worked on the 11low 11i<tf of thf' ll'<lgtr for a long time.'' The acall! lncreuea starting Ht"1i;hta \\'fttl'r Co. 11tO<'kholden. Th•• Mt!'AA d1Mtrict own11 20 11harr• In lht' wnt er t'l1mpAny for 10 ,.' arr .. a al Lm1t~r1th Sch1>ol and 10 acru Al Montf' \'1J1ta School 4 Harbor P-uf!ils Now at Whittier aalary from $3700 to $3700. Be· WHJTTJER -Four rnldtnU or cau:u• lt>I' provlaional teaCht'r Nt'wpnrl Be11ch are arnon1 lht1 schedule wae too lll&"h In com-1008 11tut1enlJI enrolled al Whltllt'r pan son lo rt'malnder of the coun-Coll'"ll" for the Bprln~ aemutf'r ot ty. top provu11on&I a&lary was the currPnt "chool year pegged at $391)1), tx~ept fo r lhoa.-Nt'wport Reach rullll'nta cmroU- Rlrea tly o vtr that amount who wlll f'd art: Charle& C. Pahlll'r, 111 remftln a l lhtlr pruent aalary un· 211th St.; Jane R. Sodf'rbf'rc. 4.28 tit receiving t heir crf'dtnl1a l. ~fllx-Weatm lnett r ; and Erne a t O. lmum AB n lary waa lncreued Thompaon. 123~ W. B&Jbo& Blvd. from n100 to $11210. and Miu Sally R&ndaJI, 134 0!>4'1 ''Thi• pulll 1111 on a bf'tler bat· Aw•. g almnir b&8la for m•w tea cher•," ' Th" retrl•lratlon figure la the Rea commented. h1ghul Sprtnl( ""'mtaler enroll- Reslgnallona • t t e ct Iv • neitl ment al Whltlif'r rn the rut five HOFf'MA:'lf l'RF.!o!IOJ:S H ,•lp (fir muslr l<'R<"hl'r 11 In r tiun-1 mli;11inn 18 only gnod for thrir u11r er hool year w;ore recf'lved from I ye&rll &nd 11 well above 907 "'1•· The brf'R kfast was presided ovrr ty iwhools '" lwtni: )lromott'd hy a 1n O rani;I! County. Abilene Allf'n and Albert Kohl tratlon for lh" co rreapondlntr IN'• by Ray Hoffman, drnlrmnn o! tht• coun.ty .t·omn11llt'1• 11r wh1t>h Mr,:. O ther m<'mbers t•f the t·ounty Ray. A realgnatlon dul' t o health muter lul year. press tnbllll' and the m astt•r 11f L 1. K11liler 11f tho· C1>.'•l11 l\11'"'' c'>mmllll'l' nr,. Ed nft J n Adllmll from Blanche F'. Merritt ~'a• --------------- •'f'rf'nwnl1•s wa11 J a1:k Frl'••m11 11 oH l'•I Y ~rho•il:<, ~Ir" I ten" !'1-httt•pnr., 'supl'rvasnr nf niuslr nt GJLrdt'~ .. rtectlve April J. Mra: Margutte Tool lox The~ Told !ltaywond who i'I lit" i.tnt" 1•halr-,r:•unty 11111:<11' 1·11nsultan1. "n d r;,.,1.,.: l..aura Alexand l'r, Laguna Connor of Co11ta Meaa w·u hired F r1acnk B&Jdwln, Ill. of 1943 Re- man for pubhc1ty fur the Onll'r 01( I ll'rt'•' f'11lt• I-"'" • uunly 11ut1111-\'l1'· li"ll"h: Dol"is Ba<"keb<'rg, Lo Ho-puhllc Ave .. C'ol!ta Mu a r eportl'd Mll<n<P, ual roonhnatit1 111 " mt>mh"1"· brn. Ahce Jo'ltlchrr. F u !lerton, SchroedPr. Huntington Beach. H el-theft of a tool box end 'ioota vaJ- Gue5l8 lnC'IUflPd 0 1 a.ni;:-1· Co111111· Tha;a romml:t•'•' '" making •lol'o'". I n•ne ~h'C'andlt's.•, St>al Beach . I t'n Shuck, Santa Ana : Cla,.. f;llt'n I ul!d at $2.\ re<"r ntly. P olice Kid the She riff J un Mu11lrk, Supt•r1•1,.ur from ""II!:" 111 lh<' :<l11tr 11111,..1· H11rri••t l H11 o'. Cypre1111, H Prrlett SJ>f'lman, Nf'wport Beach, and tool box wa11 taken from the OJ>f'n C.V F eathrrly. Col. J . R Uatll'I' of ))o(1k . :"t•~t· ~1111111' llnriz.m• olc· Sl·hadl!wald Anaht>1111. \\'llllam Mnrl&c Sunbury, Or11njtf'. "r""UWll,1' of A81dwir1'• rt"ldenc.,, t he M11r1ne Corps Air F1w11ttv 111 vt-lov1ni.: I"" paru. i<Ul'h .1ic nltn Santa A na an<I Nl'\'t•ral olh<'r :'.\Ill· and 1111pr.1n". 111 h1 l11 I 1flh gl\11!~ 1 anti Corps off1rcr11. c·n11n1·11nwn 1 1t•arh1•1.~ 11·tth t "o·pru l 111~lr111 t1011 Chal'11•11 Tt'\\'1nklt' nncl Ball(''' :'l'ln1 -1 T h1s 1" hun~ dollll' bt•1'lll'"'' nf lht• tin of Co11tl\ ~l·•."oa 11nd .Jerry H"n· IM k 1•( prrp111 lltl"ll on I"'' part 111 nl'll of =""" p<\rt Hr•arh e nd ~ln.1111 ~11111• 11( tile t••no ho I'. :'.\I r" l\11!1!••1 Claire x .. 1~11n of < ·u,.ta .\1(•1111 i<tnted l'hlrf" of l'ultcl', .John l'pi<on of I In th<' w 1•1 k S1111.111 llr11wn ur Xe1,·port Hi'll1 h 11nol Arl :'lfrl(t'flZI<' Z"'"' 1••1t I H 11 r b o 1 l' 1111111 I la~h of Custa ~11 .. •1a wt-r e a ll!O Ill th<' Stho11I h11., h t•I 11 porl pl.1y111~ I J'llrll' fr••tll lht' 1101 bor lhltl flUl•· ot>hi:itl"' for I ht "Ill!:•"' JOU1nt>yetl up lo th1M ""ronrl an-1 So far l'IJ:ht l<•lll>:• hRl'I' ho•n I•'· nllRI hre11kfa8l or lhl' Sant .. A llA C'Or•lt>cl "" th11•1• ,,,,., H wh11" Ill•' !ltOOI«' l..01lgt. I t t•8tl)' (u r th,tt1h11Unn -:-;n1 ·,, 11r lh1• 'tn.:"r" I• rr«lo "'"11:01 l'l 111 nf" Church. Laguna Br•r h w ith thr untJ"r "'"" f11r 111111tll•r olt~l'' 111 hl' fi•'V. V<'rnnn llnrns ufflrlAllng In-I 11111111• to h• Ip "''lh i:i.1tf•• h ll• ,,.., , t<•n11rnt wall h1• prlVll\(' f\Alt7. l\lr!' l\lolol<1 lwit 111 >:• t pt'r1111i. .. 1•111 ~t11rtunry of <'t•run;i cfrl Mor Ii< ftnlll t 1,,. mu•• h••"k 1'11hl.-l11 1 1 .. ln • hArJ.!•• ur anAnJ:•"flH nt~. i nlnk1· U ,. r,, .. r,J·nc.,. 011 t th1~ 1~'•· • WANT ADS H OUSE H O LD \V ARDROB E C RI S I S? want to buy I sell, rent or trade? C RI S I S? Perhaps we have the a nswer Because we do everything here casa pura "!'P:R\"ICE WITHIN HO :RS -\\'HEN ?\"l:EDED" CUMPl.F.TE LAUNDERERS and cu:.un:RS ~-EWPORT Rt:ACll CALL Harbor 1616 I • ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER '