HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-18 - Newport Balboa Press~ . I 1 J . ,, -1. • ~th YEAR -NUMBER 14 BUCHHOLZ FREED BY D. A. MOVE Peri.-y Charges Dropped lefore Retrial-Today CllARGED WITH ARMED ROBBERY AND KIDNAPPING-The trio pictured above Wia at the Newport Beach police station thia morning following their arrest in Corona de1 Mar late la.at night. Left to right, arresting officer R. J. Brockie, Richard Thomp- aon. 19, Marine of Camp Pendleton ; Maurice Max Cates, 22, of Artesia; Gary Dale Cook, 18. Marine of Camp Pendleton and officer Don Munson who asaisted in the ar· rest. The trio was charged with robbing at gun point a duo of aervitemen picked up u hitch hikers in Huntington Beach. -Slaff Photo SANTA ANA COCN8) -Two perjury charges were dlamiaaed P'rlday agalnat Newbope cafe operator Charles H . Buchholz, ln· dieted by the Orange County Grand Jury on two counts of per- jury. A superior co\lrt jury could not agree on hia guilt or Innocence on the charges, last November. Buchholz wu achedulcd to ro on trial today in auperlor court In a retrial of the cu e. However. the district attorney'• office announc- ed FTlday that charre• ag"ainat the cafer6.n were dropped. LOCAL COPS CAPTURE THREE THUGS IN CDM Suspeds Held at Gun Point: Victims Identify as Robben Three men are In Oranre County jail today charged w1th arme<l rob- bery. The wife ot one, t.belr In- fant. and tbe glrl friend of another of the men are being-held In juve- aile b&1J a• aides ln the commi.- .ion ot the allel'ed robbery. New- port Beach policeman R. J . Brockie While on routine patrol ln the Co- rona del Mar area recognlzed the ear oarrytnr the .extette from an &1J potnu radio bulletin a few mln- utu ..,.u.,. from BUllUqt.on ..... Brockie punued the vehicle In and out. ot Corona del Mar ltreeta ftnally 1t.op'ptna tt at Orchid Ave. and Oce&n BIYd., Brockie held the 9\YpeCU at run point. unw aid ar- rived. A shakedown of the car revealed a cut aluminum type model of a Cknnan Lurer on the floor of the suspect• car. ldenttflc&Uon wu made of the auspectl by thelr al· lel'ed victims at t.be Newport Be&cb police 11tatlon. Lodged In Ule County Jail are Richard Thomp110n, 19, Marine of camp Pendleton. wh<>M home addrellll wu given aa Utlle Rock. Ark.; driver o( the car Maurice Max Oatea. 22, of Arteala, and Oary Dale Cook. age 18, Marine ot Camp Pendleton, who gave a home ad- drese u Artesia. lo the car with the trio were Cates wife and e monlhl old batsy and a juvenile gtrttrlend of one of the other thug•·· Newport Beach received a radio bro&dcut general alarm at 8 :10 p.m. within 10 minutes the auapect wu atopped and the occup&11ta were at the police at&Uon under anned pard ~ 1:.0 p.m. 'Die trto .... .....Ufted .. , D&Yid Darryl Vame.r, 19, U. 8. FINt. Bonar School, 8an Diego, and !Aland J'. Boulet. 18, of the U, 15. s. Floyd B. Parka of Ban Jrrancl8co. The pair wu robbed of 17 and a watch. The watch wu found on the wttat of one of the trio arrested here. According to reports to the Sherttra om ce Var- ner and Boulet were p icked up ln Huntington Beach by the trio and then ordered out of the bandit car on Highway 39 In county ter- ritory. One of the women while being questioned at the Newpert Beach police elation admitted they had robbed a Navy cbJel petty officer of 14. earlier 1n the evening. Whereabouts of ,Schooner Still Mystery T!le m,.tary of the t2-ft. achooner Prlnteer, owned by s. W . F1>i1ter, 438 Seville .Ave., wu atJll uneolved Monday mornJn1. The achooner left IC&aler Sun- day on• shakedown cnUle to San DleJO. Unreported Saturday the Cout Guard lnaUtuted a harbor check for her and then put out a plane which the Coast Guard re- port.a aichted the Prtvateer ~f Dana Polnt, headed 1815 true, which la interpreted &1 towatd San Diep The plane reported the schooner u {lotnc 10 Jtnota and ~"No .-ft&nee nqutr- ed.• On the Prlvat.er a.re U.. J'oe. ten and thelr three chDdren. Wbel\ they lett they ea.Id th«y expected to be buk ln a wuk. Deputy District A ttomey Ken· neth Wllllama moved for the dis· ml.aaal of ch.argea against the for- mer Detroit U. basketball 1tar. He told the judce: "If we tried the cue again I don't think the rl'ault would be any dltferent." Buchho1z la the 1eCond man cleared ln Orance County's liquor license lnveatlpUona. 01 over Docklna, Santa Ana mu.Ee machine vendor, hu bffn found not guilty of ooniplracy to obctruct ju1Uce. HARIOR WEATHER T9m.......... ...... .... "'"" la &M llarhr .,_ -re: IDp IAw ~. AprtJ 11 .... _ Tl 49 WedlMellaJ, Apftl 11. 10 H Tllunday, April H .... tll •• ll'rlday, April lll ... _ ... 11 4' aaturd&y, April 11 -... A · 47 8unday, April 17 _,,_ IO 4T Monday, April 11 ...... &a DECISION ON UPPER BAY ANNEX TONIGHT Protest Received From County Against Tidelan• Inclusion Annexation of the Upper Bay area of 1800 ures to the City of Newport Beach will be decided by the city council in adjourned aesaion hearing tonight. Protest baa been re- ceived from the County of Orange to the inclusion or thei r 315 acrea of submerged tidelanda.,in the city annexation. According to law the city coun-conalderably for lumber 1torage ell will determine the valu• of by the Ward Harrington Lumber property owned by all pereona pu~ Company. Walter Spicer, chalnlllln Uc and prl'V'&le ln the area. If the of the Boar~ of Harbor Commil!- county valu&UOCl la more than 60 •lonel"ll of the County of Orange. per cent of the total, the anneJt&-Lii manairer of the Wud Harrington tion wtll be dead. lumber yard scrosa the Co&at Hlgil- \.ALUA'DON TOTAL way from the County Dock. The land3 :n Upper Nt'l•tport &y theorttlc11lly ownt'd by the County of Orange art' lht 11111>- lands which were granted to the County when lhe City Tidelands were granted to It. The lands a re actuaJly held In trust by tht' Coun- ty of OrMge and are not theirs to dispose of. What l'ffttt this woultl have on their protut 11 not known. .. - HARBOR· PRe·ss NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 19M 'Pbooe Barbor 1818 Gunman Shoots Cop, Bites Oser in . Daring Burglary A pollceman wu abot. a family terrortud, and the whole of awank Lido Iale turned Into an armed camp Mfore daWll today wblle half a hundred police Marched for the aaa&llant. Police were called to the home of Alex Oaer, ~2ti VI.& Lido Soud at 6:25 a.m. wbe.re prowlers were reported, Upon arrival of police ottlcera Bill Talbot and Robert Carter Uley found Mr. and Mra. Oeer betn&' !leld at bay by a man with a l'Wl· The man eodMvored to UM Mrs. Oaer u a ableld for hi• HCa~. He wu tired upon by otrlcer Talbot wtlo a~l"Qltly mJ-.d. T 4L80'I' IBOT wuMd)yter'&"1 ...... f//I .. l)lnln&n ta a hud-to. .... ,..... A rwral alarm .,.... 11•1 a1a. all oft duty police Git Jf ...... Beach ..... called to w.tL. .... cars were dl.,atd»d to tile .,.. from HWlttnston lleMb. ~ Anaheim, Banta Ana. aad tlle ....,... Itta otftoe. The Rafter l&MtM"• launcb.ie ,,-troUld ott ...... JM Lido Jale area. nu.. and OM-Ult ..,..... an... Ute mbooUnl' Allred wu fouad a- board UM motor )'M!ht ~ n" bJ Mtpper: ~ a .......... The •ntrJ to 1li. en.ft ._. beea made b1 ~ a wtndaw into Ulll ID&aa ........ OIVD llSl.P UP GUNSHOT VICTDI -Officer William Talbott rlita in Hoag Hospital eme~y room while a doctor woru on hia flnpra fol.lowtDr the lJurslary ... hootinc thia moroa. ins pa Lido Iale. Talbott wu abot through b band by William Allred. auapect. -Staff Photo Th• bandit. a.tar MleaUOed .. w1u1am r . Allred, ao, ot IA er.. centa. ahot and wounded Talbot. la ~band. Be ............ ... i,. tM -u.r. 0..-~ ... ..... en.I wUd ...... ., ,,... .... -- alderable cS&mase, Oeer J1"&Pl>led with the SUJUD&a ucl Ju. band A.DN4 uMcl Oo&drUDlr to eall ,.uee ud Wba tM ...,need ...... did -..... flUll ... ..................... ~ ... u. .... lllt \0 De ........ caDed poUee. S. WU ua.a lato (Cea" a• .... I) -----------------1 STUDY SEEKS END.OF NO. 1 FIRE ZONES EllmlnAtton of all nurnbf-r one nre sanes from the City of Newport Beach will be rec- ommended to the City Councll tonight_ The proposal ls the ruult of a atudy committee report to the Chamber of Commerce and a Jolnt atucJy by the Chamber or CommeN'e w ith tht' Fire Chlrr. Under the propo11al all buJ1· lne&11 a~ will be made F ire zone two for future bulldlng. The B<>ard or F ire Underwrll- t'r11 will be a.!lked to make an- olhf'r 11urvey And recommen- dation rnr future ordtnan<'e11 within the City or Newport Beach. McCartlt) Funitwe lrings Up From lay When W C Mt'Carthy or 130 South Bay Front retnevetl h18 deck furniture from the b11y Jn front or hi• home. he told pollce he flAhed out one more chatr than he lost. He ll&Jd the fUmlture wu thrown into t he bay from the <lock A prll IO. On A pnl 12, he aald moonng ltnu on hi• 12-tt. boat wtr~ rut And lhe boat wu r~vereJ thr, next day Ued to a 811looa oll c1M k. GAVE SELF UP-William Allred, at&nda anncled between two N~rt Beach police- men, Capt. Walter Dyson, le.ft, and officer Kenneth Thompeon, right, following the early morning burglary· of the Alex Oser b:ime on Lido lale. Oaer wu bitten tiy kttred and Officer Bill Talbott wu ahot through the hand In an attempt to apprehend Allred. -Sta ff Photo OIL BILL IN MIU. ----. -------Assembly Gets Stanley Total valuation ot the enll~ Upper Bay annuaUon on the tax ro11a ia 13M.470. Of thla $317,620 i. &Meued lo the Irvine Company. No valuation la levied a.piJat county lands. But, It le pointed out by the city engineer that s imi- lar 1ubmerg-ed arwampland3 to those the County of Onuige owns u. -d qaJnat the Irvine Company •t 116 per acre. JC this la the formula for ..--Ing &«'a.iJwt the county, lhe total value of county-held Udelanda would be H 726. The county had prevlO\INy asked the a...a Jt propc>Md to de- velop u a county watt'r park be deleted from the annuation. ThJ11 Wll.8 tlone before the hearln.g wa11 called. Installations Set for Elks; Anti-Drilling Measure League Cities Favor Stanley Oil Drll . Bill Finl or tht' •core or co.1trover· lilRI oll bills b<>fore the (:Allfornta L<-_i::IRIML1r-e hlLll mov1>d out or th,. romrnlltl''" on MO\nutacturlns:. 011 nnrl M lntnl:' 11nr1 h• prep&r~ to 11to to thr '11111r for Ariton l()(h!y. Thi' blll Is A B. 1709 aulhort-<l by Earl W Stanl<'y. m11Jorlty n ( the f't'Or'" 'rr""'""I SANTA AN A IOC?'\81 -The MIRACULOUS ESCAP&-Haa just been made by Test Pilot ~rge Franklin Smith, above, as Mal Fink ad- ministers first aid aboard Nora Kate which brought the pilot to Newport Harbor Coast Guard dock Feb. 26. His F-100 jet exploded one and a half miles off Dana Point. Note the bloated appearance of Smith's features.-Staff Photo llRTHDA Y MIRACLE ·'Exploded' Jet Pilot Celebrates After Crash .A. mJnele took place In Room Hl11 very escape from t he Jet was 14 at Hoag Ho11pllAJ yestt-rday. mlraculou11. ORA."-ATIO RE8Ct"E Oeors-Franklin Smith celebrat- ed h.11 31et birthday annlver11&ry. Seven weeka aco. It did not ....,. poealble the North American A.t&Uon tt'1t pilot would llw.. Feb. • tu. F -100 ellploded one and a M1t muu off Dana Point. SmlUI Miled out at 10.000 feet. reported· tJ at the tutut •Pffd any morta .._ ~u ever doae llO-.en4 lived. Smith wa11 rucue(! from eea by Mel Slmon1' Bella Bea after the crump~ Jet mt.ed the 20 ft. pleasure craft by l l'>O feet. The ln· Jured pUot, hi• bocjy bloated and dlltorted, brul.eed and l&cuat.ed by the tremendoua preauru the rend· Inc cba.nse ot alUtude.e and llpMd9 exerted on him, ,.. .. turiied over lo Capt. J eu K1plan'11 Nora Kate. (0oat&Hed 09 P .. e I) Al Matthews to Become Ruler The county at one time had of - fered for aaJe the County Do<'k area on the bay front eaat of the Archea overpa.a1. Later It was found by the county that the city of Newport Beach owneJ a alu- able ponlon of the waler front- "«'e· Thl' county contended lhat It wanted to U.9e the money to be realized from the •le for dt'velop- ment of the Upper Bay County Water Park. Ofrlcera w~o will 11erve the New- port Harbor Lodge of Elk11 for the cn11ulng year w1ll be halalled on Thunlday evening by L.•A. "Fay" Lew~. put Grand Exalted Ruler, and hi.• corpe of Grand Lodge Of- flC'er11. ~e high dignitary of the fraternity was the lnstaUl'lg offl· rPr for the LMUtutlon of thte local lodge In 1948 and hu honored l./;!em each year w1th hla vi.Ill. Many peraora bellev• lhal tht' Ottlcena, ele~ted and appolllted county prote.st.a to 8Nl"XAllon t11 a.re, Albert H. Matthews. Exalt- 11.n ertort to extort from the City ed Rul~r; Richard I. Newman, f'A. of Newport Beach It& pot'tlon ot tt-emed Le.ding Knight ; CharlM the County Dock area. Lennlnl', l:etee.med Loyal Knlgilt: NT.WPORT VONTENTION I Henry Vaul'hn, J:.lteemed Lectur- Clty ot Newport Beach of'Clclal1 lnl' KnlJht: Leland B. i-i.. MC· heve coatlnually contended that retary; J. M.. M. Leonud. treu- the.y were ~ to abandon their rtpt and lnterut to the dock of iu·er: Jeeee R. Bre-r, Cb&plaJn; the County ot Oranire wdUJd eolld-Earl Lewtli, Aa't Cbaplalll; Rob- Jy commit the tundt to be reallied ert f'. Wlllm-, J:8qu1re; Robert /or the Upper Bay developmenL Smlth. AM't. E.qulre; Mel'fta o. Thi• the ClOunty bu declined to do. wauoa, Inner OU&rd: Claar ... PreffnUy the Count)' Dock la used for the moortnc of OoodwUI Am•. TUlr; ud C. IL V.,..., wbe lt ll ID port. AJ9o &l la ued 'I"ruaee. ' . . L. A. "FAY1' hEW18 To 1ut&D otftcen • Th• bill prohlbll-8 oft 1hore dr111· Ing Along the Coaat o! 0Tangf' County 8<i11th or the Santa Ana River lo the San Otego County line untll 197~. The bill wu amen<1· ed to prohibit the Stal(! Land• Comml11io1on from malong any tide land leuu In the area cieecrlbed unleM the lldtland1 were being drained from adjolnlnf property. The meaaun! now r oe• before the aMrmbly for a vote and If pa111ted wlll move Into the 1e11.Ale for acUon. • There wu no OJ)poelUon tn the Auembty commlt tff to ltanle7'1 bill. Other btll.a lnt1'0d\lced by A• ~biyman Sh.-11 atru nmal.n wtt.b the committee for turUMr he•rin•· ~mblyman l!lt&llley commend· ed Ute people of tu. diltl'tct W'bo have written to eo many of the leal1l11tona thua mak1nr It ~ Ible to Inform all of the law ma.k- en ot the ~ et U.. ~ by the ml'ast1r". Cl OrAng!' County V ll«Ue of Un Rtanlry A<l<ll'd the lf!1tl11l11llon 1 U N'Ulln bollr<I Thursday 111g11t W<11tld ,..,ol prohibit th4' developmrnl w"nt 'ln rrcnrtl 11,. r11vortnr A .. ttf th" tltl"l11nd• <ill In lh,. 11ru hy I ,.,.mblyman ~Ari w l'lt&nley'• alnr1t drllllnr; Crom on11hor~. j bUI 10 halt oil f'!tplna1ttllm ot I•· T .. 41 Or11n.:" County IPi.;t•IAl ur i l•nd11 off thf' rnAAI. """' re111clPnlll c•f the 11r,,R, MJm• • CouncUman O. W Carrick ot llm•·• refened lo u thi. RIYll'rn San Cll'menll' told \h" JrrOUp ln ot <'•llfomla.. want to obM>rv11 re-Frledem11nn'11 Hall, OranaP. If otf• · 11ulli1 of drilling from m11.n-mAdr 111-•hore drllhn( I• JVl<'llone<.I alonir Janda in other arcu ~forr pu · tht coul. the beaches wlll be mltllnr; any 1u<'h opel'8Uon 11 oft niln,.'1. the coaat tectlon running from Carrk k •a id lhe stat.Al r.corit1 Nl'wporl Bt'llCh to the San Dlt>~O ahow 1n 11vrrar;e of four welll ~ County line. blown 0111 uch year. A" warned Martt11e Goes to YA After Gvlty Plea lh11y coul1' be on ort-1hor11 111111nd•. Huntlnr;ton 8'-ach Mayor R.o1 Senbr1dge. chairman of UH• In· ((Ue'11 t'U CUllve board. Hid lit• city h&• acted tor "proper nlirulA· BANTA ANA (0CN8 )-John C. lion a nd control of otfahore l.tland• Martine. 20. of La.kewood F riday whf>n It ~~me lmmlnPnl th" 8t1te Landa Commlaelon W9Uld wae commlUed (() U\e youth au-,_ off·•hont dr1UIJllC •llH." thorlty after hl1 ,ullty plea on a I Tbe s tate Land11 Commit&. ti second decree burJl&ry dlarse.. MJ>f'Cted to make lta final drtllln1 Martine admitted breaklns Into I pcHcy June e . a eervice station at 901 Bayside Oeor1e N . W•lmtr, Oranp ellY Dr1v•. Newport Beach. "1th Ron adminwtrator, wu rtoommended 0. Nlcho". 11, of Beilnower and I for aPJX!lntmC'nt ... alternate to two juv~ • • <.:tty Admlnlatr•tor John J. 8•11· N'lchola pt• 7ear1 JeJI aentie.noe or• of ,._,.wpor\ Be.ch OD th• wa~ded a.n.d w .. placed on three 1 1 County-City Civil Det•nee Jrllla· • , ,..,.. Jll'Oblt'OO. ~ ~ Boe.rd. ; p - EPIPHYLLIUM BLOOMS IN MESA PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 MAKE HAY WHILE ·RICH AVOCADOS PLENTIFUL By CAMILLE CAllBON Thia ia a vintage year for avocado1. We ca~ remember I when theae wondrous pears, carefully bedded in cotton wool, were worth u much u the emvalda in Cartier'• windows. But thinp have changed since Ulen and today they are pile(! high in our markets, well within the reach of everybody and hla .pocket-book. Thia reminds ua,, ed en• over the top rather lhlck- that &mid all the talk of every. ly. yit.nr -cotnr to Ha.du on a tobog-For a food mixed veretable a&J. can. 10m• attuatlo~ have definite· ad featurinl' avocado., try thla Jy lmproved. one, which la pa.rllcularly nice for ' An avocado la a.a bland u but· t>uttet .ervlce. For 11111: people, cut t er. and aJmoet aa rich, ao It. flna three larse celery hearta. Peel treatment ahould be almple, with and chop two amalJ onlona. Peel, no over-powermg flavors to de· -d, draln and chop three toma- tract from It. pleuant. 811\00th-toea. Klx all thae and chill well neq, Tart French dreeatnr ill said, Juat before .ervlng, cut In two and with authority, to be the beat ac-r,move 11eeda from three average, ; compe.nlment. and the knowing or two la.rre avoca.doa. Scoop out frown deeply upon any drea11inr the meat with a •mall aUver apoon with a mayonnaille ba.ae. That la and add to the otper veretablu. too much like aervinl' mayoruw.l.M Make a ~ with two u .. on mayonnaise. blespoona ot taJTagon vlnepr, one TASTY, COLORFUL scant teupoon of aalt, one-halt teupoon ot prepared muatard, one Here la an excellent recipe for tal>lespoon of chill aauce, a duh a dressing, the gift ot an lnven-of t.abuco and tour tableapoona of live friend. Jn addition to It. fine oil. B1ead lhla well, add to the navor, It ha.a the advantage of a aalad, tum caretully until the veg'· beautitul red color, perfect again.It etablee are well coated. Serve the yellowlsh avocado grffn. from a well-cb1lled bowl which haa Rub a bowl with g-arllc. Put into i,.en lined with lettuce leavea. It In the following' order: one tea,. AVOCADO DRESSING llJlOOTI of aalt, one teupoon of pap-Avocadoe are rich enough In FIRST BLOOM IN 15 YEARS Mn. Mae Vinson looka al century plant bloeaom with her aon, Lance at 2214 Newport Blvd. They ha\f'e had the plant 15 ycara and thJs la the fln1t Lime It has bloomed, ao they are not too wre/ 6boUt what the bll>l!SOm Is going to look Uke or when It la coming. The 11pike grows about 11lx 1nche11 a day. -Slaff Photo Dice Home lurCJled of TV, Watch, RlnCJ wu IM-lleved uaed to wrap around the TV aet, lnvntlgatlng ottlcus surmised. • Wllllam R. Dice, 29. of 2:12 San· Some call it cactus, but Mrs. Loretta Pangle, 624 W. Wil- aon St., Costa Mesa, calls it Epiphyllium with all the familiarity of an old friend. A.a a matter of fact she has had this plant for 10 y~an1. The bloMOms are crimson and have been coming and going for weekB. Mrs. Pangle aa.ys some foll<s call it orchid cactus. She baa other var- letlrs of varieated colore. -Staff Photo FOR THAT SHADY NOOK Plant Begonia Seedlings Now in Pots or Ground rtka. four tablespoona of powder-thenuielvea to be uaed a.a dreaalnr ed 11uga.r. Blrnd t.heae well and add for tomatoea. .Maah one large or two tableapoona of cider vinegar. two email avocado. unUI complete- SUr well until all the aoUda ~ ly ll!looth. Put them t.hourh a flna dlaeolved, and then add :I table-sieve lf neceaauy to a chieve lhla 11poona of oil. Beal thoroughly. Fin-atate. Add the juice of a btr green ally add one lablupoon of tarra-lime, one t.eupoon of f inely chop. con vlnerar (no other I. Beet ag&ln ped penley, and a amall amount unUI thick. of onion juice. Add aalt and two Thieves •tole a televlalon .M't, a m\n'1 wrist watch and a tltarnond ta laabt>I St., said the burglary ring from a Costa Meaa nome occurred while everyone waa ab- whlle the re11ldents were away for sent from home on April 10. En- the week t>nd, Me.a pollce report-try wu gained by t eanng a acreen ed. A cloth coat, also mtaelng, oft the rear bedroom window. Artistry In flowt'ra • lhl• phrL~i descnbfa ••ell the rc11ult or plant· Jng tutAlroua begonlu for t.hla bulb flower bloom• In auch a v.'lde vu· rlety of luscloua oolor11 and un- uauaJ bloom forma that each truly -m• a work of hortJcuJturaJ a rt. .Allhoufh tt ta customary to plant begooiu wing bulba or t u- bua. tbl• flower can be gTOWn q~1te llUCCt>llllfully from serdllnga.. ~dllnlo:'• can be obtained trom lo· c.a nurwenu all ready to be set la the ground. 8eedllnc tube.rou• lx'eonlu will flower In their flrat Muon. Thry can ~ planted ln the ground or In pot. 'of fin to alx l.llcb atse. A pod potUnr m.lxlure la half aandy loam and halt ~at mou wttb bone meal or orranlc fertlllMr adcS.J. Or JOU can work w1 th two-thirds le&t IDold &114 oee-third aoU. add· tn~ lha aame ftrtJ.11.uni u above. Allow for dl"alnaK• In the pot by p~ctng piece• of broktn ptl or gT11vel tn the bottom. firm the pot· tin( mlxture tn the pot by tappln« tbl' pot and pl&nt. the aeedltnga In l!MI top. P\ll the pol In a warm place, -u ahaded a nd waler. Af· tcr two or thref' week• f Ped a II· qu!d ferUll&er and <"OnUnuo to t~ evt ry wel'k to 10 daya.. Whether you plant ln a contaln- er or In the ground w w re to IMll th" atedllngs wllb the leavu JUST OPllNI FUB.NlTURE RD"INISHINO SHOP OJ>f'11l11g BpHiaJ Patio f"llrlllhare ~ Finr rt Synlhellc. Enamel Va m lAh or Stain A!\'TIQl't: a 7,01..ATOSF. ns1i;itn:..~ Phone F'or Ealunatu 6 P1ck·11p Servlre AUBREY EU.SWORTH ton Pi.ttetla ...._rty a.1•1\I 8&rtlo r 1118 CONCRETE Satisfaction • pvinllng the way you want the blooms to &how ... C-Or the tw· i:onut 111 a one·way fat·1ng pl•nl und the ltiavea poinl ln that dlrec- tlvn. Jf you plant In the gTound, l'hOO•e a partially shady alte, l'X· <"epl In very hot arta11, where full shade ta nttdtd. Overhead waler- lng la aJao recommended. Another dre.uln( la n.de u fol-food duhea of t.abuco eauce. lows: To three t.able•J*ll"ll of oU, Arrance peeled and aUced to- add a duh of aalt and aucu. Add mat.Dea with the alicea overlapping one tableapoon of Ylnerar from In rowa on a amall fi.t platter. pickled onlona. Chop very fine Pour the drea•inl' "ver them anti th~ or tour of the pickled onlona Mrve u once. and the pulp of ooe oranre with ------------ all the membrane removed. Add thue to the oil and vinegar and Esfate Filed ml.x well. Fill the hoUowa of the avocadoa wllb lhla and aerve M:· rompanlcd by crtap unbuttered tout. SA.1'\;TA AN A (OCNS) -!At· lera of adminletratlon w ith the will annexed wu a.aked ln auper1or LAn:N IJllPO&T court here Tuesday by Jo Mar· ROBERT FORBES luDder PHONE HARBOR SllMI the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DesiCJn and Construction COROSA DEL MAR PROSE HAJlJIOR 1&8 A• far u d1eeaae1 a re conceml'd the begon ia suffer• moat from m1lllt-w. Quatlng with 1ultur helps &0me u <lD<'a kttplng the lolla&e dry at night. From Santlago de Cuba comes ahaJI of Costa Mt11& In the estate this lllmple aalad: Cut peeled and of Charlea L. Barkdull, who died stoned -.v~oe Into amalllab ~luch 31. Per11<>nal property waa r,s:!I!!!!======================~ cubu. Dual hghUy with a&Jt and _ea;;;;Uma;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;ed;;;;;;;;a;;l;;S;;IOOO;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ The rl'J1Ult of your p rdt>nlng ef· foru Wllh tht tuberous beionta will brlichtcn your garden and your K•rdentnr heart. pepper, vated onion pulp and th• • Juice of fl'\'11h Umea. Mix well, but carefully and pile of lettuce leav•. Sprlnkle flnely chopped hard-boll• Ready Mixed Concrele Dunao:8 -UPllOLaft&INO -SLIP COVEQ WAIL PA.na -OAJU'STINO OOllPLETE INTE&IO& D&OOtt.ATINo_ LAMP UGHT SHOP I. Don.It/ H•ll Construdion (OlllpMly OE..~IERAI. CO!\.,.RACl'OU t!M-D \\'. Cout BWJ. Se.-port .... CaMI. ARCHITECTS M1•Mrl of AIMricaft lnllt•te of Architects ' J . Herbert Brownell Willi_.m 'lurock Ph ilmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger DON'T GET STUCK! Ill aplt.e of UM C..-t Sltortace We Are lllU.lq EVef7 P-iWe &ttor\ to 8&dafJ dM N.-of Ou Growtac 0-aaltJ. Fer c-.rete -OaO c .. WILC·H'S READY MIXED CONCRETE tll 01mme>rd&I w..,. 008T A llJ:8A LI l.fta1 ~a BwyD_t& 8-tbla'tea Ila Lu. Miit JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder &00 Coea& Blvd. CORON A DEL MAR PHOSE HARBOR nu REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CAl.L HAKBOR U1l\Z f'OK ESTIMATr:, \\'ITHOl'T CHARGE 101 E. BALBOA llL\'D BALBOA MAX W. POPE Inc. GE!\"l:RAL COSTR.ACTOM "We Arrange Flnancin.:" !Sen•loc All Orance Cowity Rt:!"IOt:STIAL • COMXl':RClAL • o•:n :LOP.MEST 40'7 Bola Avf'. .lu.t oU ~pt. Blvd. at UtJll Newport Beach Ut.erty 11-!281 Refini1hi1r Service Opens Furn It urt' l"t'finlahlng I• a fta1le In lt"C'lt. all many a houM>holdl'r ha• found out when hi' hu trl~ to fix up an old \•hair, bul Aubrry Ell11worth. who h11!1 just <•pt'nl'd a ahup a t 2032 Placl'ntla St .. Cn11l11 }fr~. u y:i 1t 111 not too hard when you have the C"qu1pment. F.l111worth hu ht-en In the patnt- tn~ bu11lnC"ss all nr his life, ht1 1111y11. aml finding th<' wlnl<'ra too 8i'VC"re to paint m1t.~1dr In ~C"ago he tonk up working In t'urnltul'\' shor.~. l~t.-r he practlc, hl11 traJr In Flnrlca wht•rt• he tou plenty or N-fm1shlng 1 n do, part i'rttl!tflY whllt he call11 antiquing. For i.heo lut 15 y<'an hf' h1111 !><'en doing ~vemment work. mostly on al planu, partk ulRrly 11t F.I To o, where hi: has been for five year . SHAG RUGS • Beautifully Dry Cleaned You'll be ~ell(hled ti• llartM, Balboa ...... t60t Bo. Mot", 8o"t• J.M While he will lakt> on 1<1me up- holAterlnj{ with his refinishing work, Elhrworth 11ay 11 hi" fntend11 to apeclallze In wood flnlshln& u I much as possible. .. __________ _ HOW ABOUT YOUR LAWN? ""· how altout that alee ''"" 1&"111 J'OU'\·e .,..... waaU.,T l'lee ua for 1<ood -d and thfl beat fertlUur. Uae of rollfor Md ftortUlur •pn!&der FREF. U you buy from iae. Dichondra Seed 1/4,lb ••••• 2.75 Lawn Grass Seed from •• lb. 45¢ up 5 & 10' NURSERY 1'1!1 8o. Newport Blvd. -TUS'l'ni -Ctwf ftm ....,. ;!) DID YOU KNOW ••• Merclffy sold more units than any other car in its price c a•• In the los Angeles District in 19~4? '. A•' yo ur Mercury Dealer Wlty. See your participating GAS RANGE DEALER POUR IT THI EASY WAY AND SAYE e ---. -''It leaves th8 commonplace far ·behind 1·" Ha"' -.ampkty your Nll'.M'ttt~ wort! w1&11 a loMI of pnM'i..ao...mb ed l'f'mf!•l ••• p~ to your onlff et a •..U.W· Liberty l-221J BAY llFADY MIX L~C. • • • 711 W. 17th St. C'OSTA l'fllSA ... I ~-- For a Good ~n~ Fntt l ' ou Need QmltJ Mat~ria.ht and t;XJW'rHoDN'd ''Bow To Do It" Aclviee \'OU GET B<ml AT QUALl'l'Y FENCE, INO. S f t. Red wood fence, Installed tt.39 per f t . DO I T 1'01.QELF A !\'D 8A\"J: •• , "8 per ft. Chain lJnk fence, installed $1.US per ft. DO IT \'ot"R"r.1.1' A~D f'A\"J: ••• He .,., ft. -SEE US nns WEEK - -Open All Day Sonday- QUALITY FENCE Inc. COSTA ~A 179 E. 17th St. . Liberty 8-454~ ., C••• LWAD Ttte P••ltle11 Para•• in the beautiful Chrvsler Wind90r Delulle V -8 ... the moet excitinrly MMi-IJlylni car you could pol!lli bly be aeen in. ll' 11 the car that is j~ifyini the enthusium of style-coruociou.9 motorist.I! everywhere by ringinit up Mies a11 ne~ before. Lon,m'. loweT, IMncr. the all-new Chryaler ill d•lfl'lt'd 11nd cn:;n N'n'd to whli!k you completely 11way from the lftodo Md commonplace! It StelHle O•t, T .. , .... Ye• DWlft ltl You'll feel younger, more vita!, u you lrclldle it.a rreat new Spitfire V-8 enrine to it.a full brMt.htakiq perform&n09. You'll IMm what tAkM>ff' r:ip re11Uy ill with Power- Flite Automatic Drive. You'll Jeeve "mWl- cle work" for the caT to do .•• with Full- limc Power Steerinf and Chrysler Power Rr11ket1. See your C'hiysler Dealer todAy and drive AmvU:o·a mo.I mtarUy dilfennt cor. CHRYSLER WIND80N D•LUX• V-8 WITH THE "100-llllllON-DOLUlt LOOK!" -----GOOD DIUV Kn DlllVK aAl'SLYI ------------ LOU REED 6 ASSOCIATES 4123 W. Coast Hi CJhway-101 Newport leach Harbor 4070 Ahr May ht New l•RdfnCJ and New Locatioft at 1200 W. Coast Hl,hway FOa TMI llST rN TV, SH "ITS A GHAT lift," "QJMAxt" AND "SHOWll OF STAIS." SH TV 'AOI FOi TIMIS AND STATIONS - ' .. .. .. '. ' j "COME AND GET ME," GUNMAN TELLS POLICE a,.rCJlar Swims Channel DGwn, Then Telephones in Cold Police Four hours of terror OJl fashionable Lido.Isle came to an end this morning when an armed robber, hunted by more than 50 police, called Newport police headquarters and said, "Come and get me." Early this morning he burglarized the home of Alex Oser at 525 Lido Soud, shooting at Oser and police O!tlcer Bill Talbot. a few been! while l was there," William Allred, 30. an unemploy-he 11ald. Hr told of ta.king curren· ed logger &nd aeaman, who live# cy !~um & pur!le in the kitchen, ln La Crescent& was found by off!· Oser" mu hanging In the hall- cer. at a pay telephone booth on way a.:1d the \'!cl11n's trouser poc- Udo f'e.nlnirula, acro.111 the bay j kelil 111 :l bedroom. . from the home which he burghlr· 1 The burly logger said he aaw i.&ee and where he ahol Tlllbot in Mrll. Os<'r lltlempl to hide a dia· the hand. mood ring and wrist watch ':1"der the mattre.ss of a bed. "lt slipped Allred 1hrugged his lhouldera to the !Joor." he a&ld "and when When uked why he gave hlmaelf it dld I uked her tor lhem." They up. •·1 don't know, I wu cold, 1 were found by pollce In hi.a blue sue ..... I ruea I couldn't a gol ahlrt pocket. The bl11•, all wadded away. Into a tight ball, were round In H• aat Ill a small room la polke h.la pant'• pocket. headquart•ra .UrTOWlded by police. Allred said he did not know how HUI handa were held high e.nd far much money he took from the apart. He had empUed hla &'W1 at home. "Gee, that man mut be the two men. NobQdy wu taJtine doing allright," he said of Oser, "1 any chancu. •w a check In the wallet made •·1 broke Into a window," ha out to the government Cor income told officers. He told police he wu taxee Cor '8(),000." He Jett lt. juat pualng through the commu-When he -am the channel to ntty and had parked h1a car on Lido Penin.sula, he a&id he crawl· Udo Pentn.ul& acroee the bay ed abo&rd a boat moored there fro111 the 0Mr home. and heard 80llleone walktnc on the CELEBRATES Coatilnled from Flrw& Pare The 35 ft. cabin crulM>r ruahed Smith to ?\Oewport Harbor Cout GWtrd doclt and from there to Hoag Ho:1pltal. The pilot lmme<Uately bec.ame a l'\avy projt-ct, ev1'n 8.S attendantl labored to 11&ve his llre. Studies were launched to rPcord eYery physical reaction Smith'• body !lr.tll'rwent In i111r:lvine the o1r- !l<'f'nt. Jt wa1 top &-cret Inform~ lion. RELAJ>i;~ Only one ..e'tbs.ck vccurred a• Smllll began hi• recovery. A Liver· condlUon, apparently cauited by the sudden change ln altitude and speed, caused the trouble. But 11ince then, Smith h11.11 been Improv- ing noticeably. Which cauaed Jack Bsyan. chief test pilot at North American, t-0 conceive a little cele· bratlon tor Smith's birthday. He approached Hoag HoapltaJ Admin· lstrator Mr11. R. L. Bacon. She agreed a ·chance tor friend• u d buddiea to visit the recovering pilot would cheer htm. up. The cooperation of 8oag extend· ed trom the furnishing of six cakes und decoh.Uona to the efforts of the nuraea. Nurae Lucy Spina beau· tifully decorated the cakee. Spec- ial Nune.a )\fa. Fred Reed and Mrs. Arthur Cole and Surgical Supervl.tor MIM Betty Parrlah, who have been c&rlng fer Smith, handl.ed ~ementa. Open house wu declared tn Smith'• Room 24 from 2 to 5 p.m. yesterday. DOUBLE BIRTllDA Y Another happy coincidence oc· curred. "It'• also Bryan's birth· day," Smith revealed yesterday afternoon, surrounded by friends and th.e annlveraary cakea. Smith MONDAY, APRIL: 18, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~~RESS -PART I. PAGE} BIRTIIDAY ANNIVERSARY-Was celebrated in Hoag Hospital yesterday afternoon as Terltt Pilot George Franklin Smith i8 well on the road to recovery after escape from exploding F-100 jet off Dana Point Feb. 26. Smith leans forward on bed to blow out candlea on beautifully decorated cake.. Beside him is small friend Vickie Easton. Oth- en1 pictured from left to right are, M. W. Easton, G.' E. Penner and Pete Barker. Also present were Special Nurses Mrs. Fred Reed and Mra. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Tannl Greeley, Mr. and Mrs. ~·~W. Young and Mmes. Penner and Euton-Staff Photo 4 Freedom Taxpayer league Members Resign Positions Too Late to Be Claulflecl 35-Dop, Cata, Peta DEATH NOTICE RANDY OAU.OWA\' Privat e C'l"1l veal de aerv1cu tor Ran~ Galloway, t1ve day old son • of Mr. and Mra. Davtd J .. Gallo-1 way, 1'9~ Walnut Piece, Co1ta Mu a. wUI be held at 11 Lm. Tuea-1 day ln llelnwe Abbey Cemet•ry. I The Rev. Charlu F. Hand will of'tlclate. Baby Randy wu bom l'rtday, April I In HO&C H011pltal, died In Ohtldren'a Hospital, Loa Aflsetea. Buldea hla parents, he la 1urvlvl'd ' by hla maternal gnin4parent.a, Mr. anct M rs. Doyle Gravina of Santa I Ana Hetcbta; and hia patf'mal gT&ndmother, M:ra. M&J'1 Aah- baugh ot Coeta Meaa. I Pa.rkea-Rldley Mortuary la In chars• of arranaementa. ;;· $7 .80 Cash Taken John W. Smith ot Lakewood, re- ported theft of $7.fO from a cub boK ln a Coata Med opuoa\ labor&• tory located at 103 E . 18th St., Co1ta Me... police reporta show. Smith aa.ld he dlacove.red the money mJaalnf April f . .. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 -n paya to read Ua. want ada. W • tak• plusur• in MHU>unci,, g th• ~soeUliott of MAURICE T. SWIFT "I could Me the liCht.a on ln the deck above him. "I tried &t> dry houlle." Allred a&i<t. "It wu the myeelf off," he told police. only hOUM which wu lit up 10 I "I called up to the guy and told could -·" Re aaid he drove hi• them to call· police. that I'd be car around to Lido Nord and ma.de ready In a minute, but they didn't the entry. pay any attention to me." Re aald waa tmable to guaa the chief jet Unable •to 0 Ne rye to eye" with Richard Sargent. TWo director• re-pllot's age. "Eighty?" he quea· WANTED-home.a for kJtten.a, 3 male, 1 female. BeauUea. Wt-II Uoned friends. Preaident V. E . Maccarter on 10me main along with M.acCarter of Re u.aed a run wbiqh he &dmlt-he came on deck and again told ted takinc from a home ln L& the men he aaw to call police. C&na.d& ao daya -.0· He aald he "When they didn't ct.ll. I went over entered an open window In that to the pay booth and placed the houae too. call m)'11flf," Allred aald. "And currently, the report on Smith'• I pollclu, four members of the Free-the original aeven·mernber board. recovery Is: "He's prognMlng dom Taxpayer• League board of The relliCTJing board membe.n In- well." But the jet pilot mulll re· dlreclora have resigned from the d.icated they· felt the ''immediate main ln Hoag Hospital "at lea.at recently Incorporated organl.tatlon. purpose of the t.axpayera leagua a couple of weeka longl'r." At the 11ame lime, It was learned waa ta.ken care of when a.djuat- lhe attorney who haa been hand-menta were obtained on tax In· llnr legnl angle• for the league c reues" In the Freedom Homes haa given up hla Interest In the tract. L&teat acUon ot U.. league organization. under :t.facC&tUr waa public u- • behaved. LI 8-3003. fOc '8A-Apta. for Rent YEARLY, nearly new 1 bdrm. turn. duplax apt. TUe kJtchen It be.lb, iarare. Adulta o.nly, 565. mo. Harbor 3M7·W. f0c42 DEAN WITTER• Ca. MfMllll NIW YOlllC ITOCIC llCMANOI Chi..,. a..4 el Tre4e, •• leo Alleeie• Slwd ......... .... ,,_,_Sieck, ......... Allred couldn't remember how I the operator wanted a dlme for the long he wu In the bowie. "I drank call too." LIDO SHOOTING Maurice Swift · Votlt.blaed ,,_ Fine •ace Joins Brokerage cu1lody at gunpoint at the phone booth. Entry wu gained to the <>aer home throuth a window a.ccord· tnr to the famlly. 'fhe bandit ap· parenlly enjoyed a couple of bot· tlea ot beer before he wu di•· covered by the tunlly who were all In bed. He forced hla way Into the OlM'r bedroom a.nd at gunpoint forced Mrs. Oaer to 1urrender her rings and a watch. He frisked a purse on a night 1tand &11d Oeer'a cloth· ea whent be round a quantity ot c;urrency. &NDA.NOEJIS WOMA.N When police, who bad bet'J\ call· ed by ~,. Oeer ardv.d. the gun· man fore-Id her to 1bl1ld blm. Thi• la Y.•htn lhc bat tie occurred be· tween 01er and th• bandit A Ured. Th .. Kiin ba\tle followed belween poltc~ and Allrl'd. In a.II more than .Maurice T. 8wltt. aummer resi- dent of Newport Harbor hu join· ed the rlrm ot Dean Witter It Co. In thla move he l1 rejoining th• firm In which he first entered the atock brokerage bualness 26 yeara ago. hl!I company then btlng known u WIUlam Cavalier A Co .. which latrr consolidated with Dean Wit· ter. ' Since teavUIJf the University of California In 19211 Swift hu been attUJate.d with many lndualrtal ttrm• on t.hUI oout. moaUy planta producJnc lmporta.nt .,.rt.a for air· ptanee. He haa lloeen p....tdent or tour of thue tlrma and v1ce-preal· denl of Ol'le. Reaident ot Loe An· plu alnce childhood, h• baa re· cenlly 11pent con1iderable time ln Wu.hlnKton. D. C .• and the ea.at. a holr cloZ('n ahota Wf're fired Into the Oiw r hous<'. Onl' wild bullet ,.hAltarlng lh<' radio In thf' living room. Another b111lrt tore throu~h 1 the wall "' thl' h11llwa). Quantlt1r1 or bloocl Wf'~ sh<'J by both offlc:-er Talbot antl 0ltl'r. F or I a um.-It wa11 thoui;ht th11t the bRnJlt h11<l ~rn ahot 100 hut when I arrol"d hr w1111 surrerlng from •·old nn•I upo11ur'• 11nd flight bu t no ~n wound• wrre found. Whf'n raptured At Lh t> phone I booth on LI.ti) PPrlln~ula near the bo11t "(;lur"n 11" Allred 11tlll had I hll'I p<><'kt<IS 111uffed with monty obh1n1>1l 11l the Olter hon." ·.1.uu;o IDL,'TIFTED JllAUIUC.: T. KWl>"I' B.fljolM OW f1nn Local Women Aid in Troian Alumni Day Prepa.raUona are being mt.de at the University ot Southern Cali- fornia by students, faculty and alumni for &"Vera! thowiand form· e.r Trojan.a and their entire fami- lies when they ret.um to the c&m· ~ for the annual Alumni Day on May 7. A.ulaUng in dlrecUnr pl..,a ere Mn. Howard Petel"*>n, 302 Dia- mond and Mrs. Challm Landers, 819 W. Bay Av,. DEATH NOTICE A. .. TllOMl'90!f ll'wll'ral 1erv1ce.. for Albert Sid· ney ThomP900. 78, of 220 3oth St., will be held W~eaday at 2 p.m. In Parkee-RJdley M ortuary Chap- el. Roy A.. Carl8()(1, pa.at.or of Chrl11t Church by the Sea, ot which the decu..ed wa.a a member, will officiate. Mr. Thompson dll'<I Saturday In Pht"K'nlx. Anz., at the horn!' of his dauJ[hter. Mrs. Don W . Han1s, whe"' he fUld hla wife were vlJ!lt- lng. Th'Y had b«n thf're tor the I put four montha. Hr hAd bcfon 1n tll health tor 11ame Ume but drath C'&me auddenly. He waa a native 1 of LA Plllta. Mo. and came to Newport SNC'h In 1938. He WU a RUted real t'..atate brok~. I Surv1v<>r11 an h111 wife-. Sherry J . .nd a l!On. Harold S .. ot t.he hcmr a ddreas; the dau,mtl'r, two brother>-. the Rev. ,Rey Tbom~n of Campwood, Tex., and J. M. Thomp110n of Kirk•v1lle, Mo.; a sitter. Mr11. Ruby HardgTov... of ' Columbia.. Mo.; four grandc.hJldrm I and fan g'T'eal·gT&11Jcb:lldrm. 1 lntt't"tllent will be In M:e.lroee Ab· I bt'y ee~tn,.. I Allr.,.1 h11d psrkl'd hie cat near I tw Oser honw n l :.25 Via U do Ruud. In It Wf'n!' appArenlly all of h111 clothes and tho~ o! a chtld and 11 woman. Pollt•e Jn going 1 hmugh th(' car found hi• 8'8mana r•p~rs a nd btrth rntlflca te. Iden· llCIC"lltlOn Willi lenlAtlV{'ly m•4'1~ o ( 1\llr ••l1'• l'irture by the 0.<'ra. An nll r.ilnt11 hrlladcut had bffn dis· pntch"'I ft'lr hl11 arrest for arm~ 1obbt'ry. t1 llC'mptcd mur(ler and 11.1t1t1111lt w!lh a dodly W"&f'<ln be· tnrp he wiu found ...,..,. ..... ...._ ................. THE OIWA;'l l'Ot; C AS 1'1.A \' AT OSCI: I llile woederful - HAMMOND CHORD OIGAN ..... lfeM_. .. ...... ..- c ........ Prow. lttoYomwlf ........ .t .. ,_ __ _ ... lrJ ... ... • « ...... °'199 N .. &......_ DANZ·SCH .. T mo ftil'O • OSOAN ITOU Pnt,wtet'a fetr AD ...... •• _ ... Orsw IU 1-11 .. Ht So. MalJI 9-ta A.- STAFFORD 6 SON HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS! CRISIS! Perhaps we have the answer Bec.au1e we do everything here casa .pura "SERVICll WlTHIN ROU'fta -WHEN NIZDl:D~ COMPLETE LAUNDERERS Md CLEA.?'4'EB8 !'U Rl!\'T.R'!' MILE LLUID PlfYAn WIHI 116 N. MAIN IT, • IANfA ANA • IOMMll.Y 1·1147 t .. "-* • ... ,,_.... . °''-. ...... v..-• _ .. Tho.ae reaignlng from the board nouncement oppoeing the M-cent of dlrectora were Trea.surer Frank "tax override" propoeal ot New· C. Owen,, Secretary Mrs. Loulae port Harbor Union Hl&'h Scbool Mardealcb, Recordlni Secretary Dl.atrlct for e~Unr a new blrh Freida Wella, and board member school. 8INOLll APT., turn. $3!5. month. Yearly rate Including uUUUe1. Harbor 7fl'>-W. 309 Eut Bay Ave., Balboa. 40c42 -·-• _., Hlllo • .... ... .. L--• ho -1.. I U.• .. ._. • ... D1ete _._..,. • ... _ .. • v .... _ • -· Exclusive with AL'S in-Orange County! • Ya.1 be Mpti..d ..... you ... what one day's exJMf1 won wilt do for ~ carpet -™> MO..., how dirty yow a11 pet is. it will look like new. ean .. for lrtformotlon ,,,.,, ··•••1•••· FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE RUGS an~ Upholstered F1rnil1re to be dNMd .. OS plut Klmberly 2-6400 Upholstered Cleaned • ID .. ls • r av o I u t i o n • r y, proven proceu developed by llGELOW ... the most f 1mows name in ~rpetin9 Furniture and Rugs Our Modern Plant We invite your iMpection of our plent. You'll see the very newest and scientific cleen• in9 equipment; experienced workmen skilfully end carefuUy using the finest meteri1l1 end detergents. Our drying room is our pride. Here your rugs ere dried indoo" in controfled temperature, completely 1w1y from the damaging rays of the sun end the he.vy dew of our C.lifomi1 nights. Wall-to-Wall Carpet laying /Anti Repairing a Specialty OIJy One location Perfedlea bmt.ea ........_ .. Tlwrfl le -tJ -AJ'a ~ md ~ Wcwtb, Ollly ............... 1 ..... 112• AL'S ·Carpet & Rug Works Kilott 1-5411 HJ So.,._, Klmberty 2·6400 .. 1 I ' I ) ___ .... __ ---• ---•oa--____ ..,.. _ \. .... (}overnmenl Gxcepl :Jrom PAGE 6-PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we can ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. ~non.) \u1URY7' JOURNAL By HORACE PAR.ID!!R EDITORIALS (M 1111 -l'fftf) If~ MO 1.uiutv If YOA/vf 6<11 10 f\A\tt 0~11:>6ef'11:> WOIK/ (Ed. Not• -Tlah ""'um• by Rorue f'vlller wW ..., .._ U.. Uttle-kJto'"' IUatork!&I flM't• IN llM dfe41ed •• a. 111111 .._. in.,. iaa. t111 .. Met& eouatrJ 1a ,_, T....,. 1 Low Blow on Upper Bay The Qty of Newport Beach WU dealt a low and foul blow Urla put week by the loud mouthpiece of the Coun- ty of ~ge. The man venting hia verbal 1pleen again1t our c9'4in~ty wu Joel Ogle, county coUMel. • Ogle attacked the City of N~rt Beach for iu endeavor to annex the Upper Ba~d lindl aurround- ing it. Ogle'• attack wu baaed up<>n the fact Ulat he wu able to influence the Board of Supervieora to protest the annexation to the City of Newport Beach of the Up- per Bay. The County of OranR claim• to own 820 acrea of tidela!ld• in the 1800-acre annexation to the city. It aeema inconaiatent to u. that anyone in county govemment ehould object to the plan of the City of Newport Beach to bring within ite llmite. the Upper Bay. The City of Newport Beach. u we eee it. ia endeavor- ing to be a good ateward of ita public trµat -ita tide- lands. The City of Newport Beach, u we aee it, ii offer- ing to develop that vaat Upper Bay area with the tide- land fund• that it will have from oil. Thia we feel ahould be considered .a• a dividend by th·e people of aJI the coun- ty. But Mr. Ogle epeaking1 we presume, for the chair- man of the Board of Superviaors, WlDia Wamer. and certainly on behalf of Cy Featherly of Santa Ana, a aupervl.or, and of Costa Meu'1 Supervl.or Heins Kaia- er, 1lapt1 the City of Newport Beach'for never having done anything to protect for the public good, the landa which the city might have. Mr. Ogle & wrong. Mr. Ogle lmowe be i• wrong. ' Mr. Ogle i• the one who largely waa reaporulible for the aucceulul extortion effort of the Board ot Super- vt.ora of the County of Orange in ~hich they P,ined 'TOO feet of property on the bay westerly of the Bay aub property. Mr. Ogle aaya that the City of Newport Beach bu never done anything to protect the publtc intereet.t. But we uk Mr. Ogle, ii the fence any lower a.round the 700 feet of property which wu extorted from the City of Newport Beach! la the &CC8IS to the public any easier, any more J>099ible; ii it any better! Can the public ue It now! · · The aame tenant ia on the property, the aame ten- ant who occupied tbe property under a t-ree leue from the City of Newport Beach. That la proper, and it ii right. The City of Newport Beach •till continue. to pro- vide 1ewage di•poaal, atill continue. to provide water, •till continue• to provide each and every munici~ 11er- vice to thi.t county tenant, the Sea &out.a. We have no fight with them. The County of Orange once aga.in ia epdea•oring to bail it.elf out of the blundering of the loud mouthpiece of the County of Orange. The blundering of one Joel Ogle, who advtaed the county that it could .ell that prop- erty euterly of the A.rchea, known u the county dock. He told them "go ahead and 11ell lt." but be forgot that the City of Newport Bea.ch owna a ab:eable portion. • ·The City of Newport Beach offered to atn.ighten out that title when the county wu eadeavoring to ""°rt ita pound of fleab out of the Bay Club leue. But Mr. Ogle waa too smart, be knew too much and bil po.a Fanner McCabe Writes ... . Well I jeet got through dividing up my lut year'• loot with my Buaineu Putner (Uncle SamL We've got a purty nice workln arrangement-be teU. me how to do, and 1 do it. then we 1plit-he get. 60 percent and I get 40. Only onc't have we ever had any trouble. He thought I took a little more'n my part and the fim thing I know- ed be bad a llJllalJ army of money hound.9 pilfering a- round my place. How eome ever. after three day• of argument. I give em $3.40 and they left the premillea .. I'm aatiafied, tho.' cauee where t>lae on earth could I find a Bueineu Partner who'd look after my Hide and my Jack, a.nd at the u.me time furnish me with one of the world'• molt aimplified Forma to figger my earn· inp on. Farmu McCabe. tau n1hu rewrvec11 Formerly UI• Newport-Ba!boa Nm·TlmM and tbe Newport·&.lboa PreM A »•• ....... Lee.I l..ut.tae. tor 0..r Pert)' y..,.. ._... M 8-d-ct .. Mattu at tlM Poetotnc. 111 Newport BMeb CalUontia under UM Act of Warcla S. 1179. ' .......... .. ....... ...... N...._ ... A~rUJ n tnla _, All ~ ., U.... el .. -...,.., o-rt el 0...S-0.. &rl A ... H .. A.-ll 1ft BEN RZDDICK. PUBLIBHEJI\ WILLIAN A. MOtJU. &dJt.or ORMOND J:. ROUNTRIIE. AdnrtJ9'~ Dtrertor CH.UU.&a A. ARKS'nlONO, Mecbanlcal lluperiatendatlt -atupidity bu cauaed the county to have ~ther law luit. No, we cannot agree with the loud mouthpiece! The City of Newport Beach has been a good and faithful cuetodian of more than a seore of miles of beachea for all of the people of the County of Orange and South· ern California and California, and New Mexico and Col- orado and Utah for anyone who cared to come and en- joy our public beach which ie kept clean. Mr.10gle, what about "tin can beach"! The people are welcome. We have provided parking Iota, a great thousand-car parking lot at Balboa and eeveral smaller parking Iota, A and B street, and on the beach in Newport. Ana we have provided a great public beach at Corona del Mar for ALL. the people. And there ie much city funds and there has been much city treas- ury go to the -perfection of this great beach. Mr. Ogle hu revealed the fact that the County of Orange through iu Orange County Har~ Diatrict will probably call for a multi-million dollar bond iuue to de- velop the Upper Bay. Why! To provide the precious lit- tle dictator bureaucrat• of the county with eomething over which to ruler Too much of their domain hu be· come inc<?rpo(&ted citiee. They .ee themaelvea governors, without a state. And ao now to find 10me uae for the monument that the Orange County Harbor diatrict com- miulonera built for themaelvea on our bay, they must have eomethfng to develoJ>. They've got to find a job for that-1taff of engineers tbat they have on the pay- roll and ao THE~ want to develop the Upper Bay. But with wboee money! ~ ·.,«J ' ·!·•'f . , ;,z::.,"'~~ .. ~, .... Now a N~ity YOUR SENATOR WRITES By 'ORN A. MURDY IR., Seutor, 15th Dtatrict The Senate lntertm Committee I recommendaUona wu the auffM- on Social Welfare, of which your lion that the cu~nt -Ion of lefialator ta now cbalnnan, hu · the le1talatun1 conalder •mend- aubn\Jtted recommendation• t or I ment.a to preMnt law which would crackln1 down Oii abeent faUlera I allow civil court action ~lnllt the who abandon their ch1Jd1"8n t~ th• deaertera. • Stat.a Aid to Needy Cllildren pro-D.ullY BILL iram. The four•man committee (Ed. Note: Fourth In a aerlea on the Temeecal Ttn Minta. Thue mlnea near Corona are for aU practl('al purpoaea the only commt'r(•\a.J tin mine• developt'd In the United State•. Tht'y <'IOM'd d()Wn aometim11 In 1892. never to open agam. Jna•mUch aa tin la ao Im· portant to the national 8Ccurlty and deofenae, lt ll could be produced In the continental Unite<! StatN commercially It would be or tremendous value to all of ua. Why the mlne.e closed down h&.11 been a mystery to th<.' general public.) .. CONCENTRATOR -In operation at Temeecal 'na M.inea, 1891 - C. C. Pierce Photo The money of ALL of Orange County-you and I, and Brea and La Habra and Fullerton, and Anaheim and Placentia and Orange and Yorba Linda and Garden Grove and of our moat w._tem, eouthern, east and northerly portion1 of the County of Or&llge. wu dlreeted by th• lt&S lapla-Of lnterut. lo the d&irynwn In Lure t.o look lnto uu. problem ot the dilltrlct '6 a bill ltmllln1 the The Riverside Presa and Horticulturist on June 27, 1891 u.ent ft.there who are nauilq up power ot the courta to mt.ke lhe report. that they picked. up a news items from the May 30 The County Harbor District baa cloeed.off a large portion of bay beach. It baa built a beautiful building on it. It bM built boat ramp. and workahopt1. For whom! Not for the public. recorda of milk dlstr1buton avail-,__ f h Lo d · · · · · · th• Btata'a c09t ot th• Needy ChD· t.bla In court acUona. The meu-UN1Ue o t e n on Financial Tames m which an extraol'di- =-.!'~u!>' d:'i.r!'~my~ ure la t. reault of the Safeway 1 nary general meeting of the debenture holders of the San R.aporta ~ompUed from vartowi Stora a.tit In Klnp County In Jacinto Estate Ltd .. wu held in London. Sir John Stokes welt.H ottlclala fix th• number of which the conilltutlonaltty of the presided and informed those present th l be f h fathera wbo bave de.Mrted their Dumond portion of the at.ate milk · a cause O eavy The public ii not permitted uae of the boat ramp. The public hu no uae of the building. The pluah omce. are for the once-moi:ithly meeting of the commilafonera. The vut engineerinc offices, from which little useful work comea, i.t for the u.e ot unneceaary county em. plofee9. 'I1tla i• where the money of the Orange County Harbor Diatrict la going and hu gone. control lt.wa 1" conte~d, noo<ta In the Temell<'&l region. He staled that Roblnaon spent famUlae at U,000. Ft.rmen will be protected from work wu slowed up and more cap. more time developing buUdlnr• COUNTY IKJll&&NINO clt.aUon• by the hirhway pa trol Ital wu needed. and groun<i3 than In mlnlnf. AlllO Reoommandatlona of the com· under a bill clt.rlfylnr the deflnl-Rlt'll MINE that many or the men he had mlUM call upon county bo&rdA of Uon of unreg1at ered farm lmple-Capl Harris, late manager or ~round thr ':'?lnes ju11t loafed for 1Upervleon to check up on their menu which may trt.vel on elate 1 the Great Wheal Vor mine who I a lmospherf'. county wellt.re adml.nl.at.ratlon and hi hwaya. I hu jU&t returned rrt m an tmipec· Harris 11lated tl'i&t two lhatta ln~Uon •tatta to mt.ke cer· 1 . lion trip of the Amerk an holdingll IM feet deep had been sunk on taln that enl')'Ullq pc>Mlble la The bill detl.nea an "Implement reporla that the tin In t he Temu · the maln Ceja.fro lode. At lha pres- Ye.. the County of Orange would .U the County Dock. The city agreed to let lta portion go providing- Tb.e County of Orange would acree to put the money into the County Water Park. That ii the uae the county originally aaid it wilhed to put the money to. But the county will not agree to •uch a l"Mtriction. belnc done to obt&1n aupport fro1n of hwibuldry" u a vehicle uaed 1 N I IA very rich. Sir J ohn Stokl'• ent Ume only a tu t plant wu ln deeartin1 f&then. They uk that axclwdvely for farm J>W'pOHI. Un-then •l•tttd that the ortglnal 00,· , operation but It could tum out county welfare a.dm1niat.raton be Ider the Pn!~nt law, farman may 000 pound• had been expended and / ptiylng quantltle• of tin, .omelblJI&' mol'I cantu.I tn acneninf appU· be cited by hlfhway .,_trolmen 1 uked lhat the debenture holden like !$00 pound• per day enou111 cant. tor needy children t.ld. for movlnl aome t ypeti of farm , su~nbe another 60.000 tor fu r· 1 tor 12,1100 pound• of lln plate. Ttl• "nle committee au11eated thal vehlclH on elate road11, even I.her developml'nl of thl11 very rlf·h t·f\pt.1ln h mo~t enthullOd about each COW\ty Hl u p a CO•Otdln&tlR" I though the machlnea are dNlgned and valuable tin properly In th" potenllMhtlea <)( thC' m(neit and " 110lely tor u.ae on the farm. Thi• · h •1 ul ·1 kno be h •-committee made up of aupervlaort t Amerl<'a. ,. "'" ' w cau•e e .., an Pure and simple. The Boa.rd of Supervl.ont of the County of Orange ia trying to uae It.a prote.t on the Up- per Bay annexation to EXTORT from the City of New- port BeMlh the title to a parcel of bay frontage which the City of Newport Beach owna. The gyp deal will not work. welft.re dlrectora and dwtrtct at: altuallon would be correcte d un· Wilen one of lhl' Rlvel'!llclt Pre1<11 ul1I tin mlnrr rmm Comwa.11. to1'1ley11 to locate mlaalnf fatheni lder I.hie blll. 1 ~porter11 con.'<ll. I Col. R11b1n1mn C'OUl RfTL PAtiT and otiWn .upport from them. It HIOHWA Y UTl'I;R >tt the minrs 111 the latter purt of In the lllte tall of 1891 rumora went on to recommend that coun· 1 Jr you've bC'en dlJ1J1u•t~ wHh July 1aD1. Rob.n11on sppe!\n'<l n<'t· bi·1:11n l'omlng out of the Temeecal. Again we aay, Mr. County Counael Ogle, Mr. Super. viaor Helns Kaiaer what beach haa the county opened and developed. and where? We presume the &Dl'Wt r will be the pitifully •mall boat launching area inland of the Cout HJgbway. And. if ao, whom doe1 that land and uae benefit! It benefit.a one pel"IOn, a Mr. Heins Kaiaer. aupervU<>r, operator of the paid picnic grounda adjacent. ty .upervl.eon and court. appoint the Utter on tht> hll(hway• a nd vou11 and 11horl tt-m 1~re<l 1tnd not On<' w11,. that t he Engll8h tin In· a 1tn1le arency lo t..ndle wpport roa.da, you'll be glad to learn that hie 111.ual conhal •<'It. In t&ct h•• ll'f••llt.• fr11 rful nr Aml'tlCAn com· money obta.lned. AJong with Wf · the lef1alature hH pu~d a blll more or le113 an·ui.MI th' p1 t'l!J' In J><'tlli()n WM '•' goln~ lo (')'lll,. down reatlon. to the codnUea, the com· provldlnf for prosecution or "lit· grntral of p111lhshlng en on1•011s th<' m11w ... C1tpl. H>trrls 1111ld thla mlttee urfed that proper ottlcl&la l<'rbup." Law enforcement otrl· report..s about t.hr Tt>m1.,•t'al Tin 1 wu llflly, with nt!arly ''~0.000 do everythln1 a.Uowed under cur· cera, un(Ser t.he bill, wlU be t'naul"d Mlne11. Thl.-i came u a 11urpn.11 .. tn •rrnt In thf' Ttme.111•111 tin mine dt · rent law to aoclt.l .-curtly num· to luue citation• tu anyone ll ll•r· the Rlvenudr P1 e~:1 rq ><orH r wh1) Vi·lopm"nt With F.ngll.-ih c11pllal It be" of Lhe abecondlnf pennt.a. • 1~ roeda wlUl prt>.,-e. rana. bot· w ... u11etl hullnjl' g111nlll011t• lll)d w1111 h11 rdly ln1<tl<'lll lh41.'y woulo lim· Moat Import.ant ot the iroup'a ltlff or other refUH. eloqut'nt r"J><lli.ll t rnm t he l'olonrl ll JllCMluctlon. NO COMMENT By WALTER CHAMBLIN nt. AFFAIRS OF STATE W ASHJNGTON -The OCflc• of comlq down throufh Rome. B7 lfENiy C. lbeABTlltJB Oefen.141 MobllluUon la tormulat· rranc41.'. En.1l8nd. and a hOllt of In~ t. rtt0mmend&Uon that Coll· other natlona. u well u the urper. v ,... (fve atand-by iwUlor1ty to l~ce In lhl• country In World War ---------------------------1th• Pneldent to ordaT a fraea of ll &11d In the Korean conflict. h ... SACRAlilENTO (CNSl -Dia-been 1rp111t lllepny. 1un I• a moot prtc:N. -en, and poeelbUy renta. found that controla promote black cuaalon In ~ lr~alaUve balla cor.· queetlon, but ooe of the lntt rven· In lhe •vent of a national emet""-marketa and that black markelJI tlnu.. to ~ pa ramount on the or• In the svp~mr court •u lt f tn cy. promote Inflation, and that act u· aubJect of th• t.on1 Beach oU re· which decided the city muil atay I PntMnt lndlcatlona are that thl1 •lly what you have I• a ronn of venue.a, Wh.lch Ult atat41' aupreme In purpoMa ot lht trual. a.• tar 1111 1 propoaal w1U be offered U an lefal control and a very a c:tJve In· <'ourt .,.,, to tht n t•nt ot at npendltu~ t.l't' Cf)n~rned. he.Id amendment to the Defenae P roduc· nau onuy 11Plr&l. l<'u t ~ percent. ahould r41."Y'trt to t~t tht llO·callt'l'I lll•ir•I u p .. ndl· lion Ac:t whk h la now before Con· Th• oppont>nta of controla are the .tat& of C.lltom ul. t11re11 mla>ht bttome 1 property rre .. tor exten~on for ont year of th• opinion that there could be A. St.at.a ConttoUer Ro~rt Kirk · llt>n on the clllatn• of t..onr Bea.ch. from IU U'plratlon In June 30. no more •mfortunllte tlmt tha.n wood N t 1?\" wht<'la lft motion for 1965. I the-p,_nt to nt·Mddle the nation return of th~ vu t t.ruat tund In The court held •J>ttltlcall,y that Tbe Te.nae Formo• Situation-wtlh pnce·wa,.e t.nd ~tbly rent acoordan« with the aupl'fln• COllrt the •late hu no authority under In which the Red Chtnua will de· treese. It would IN>ck th• nation'• 1'f!!Clalon. lhue were rumbtinf• of the oon,.tltullon to &1vt •-7 pub-termlne whether the~ will be economy which Ill lhf put year a propoM.I belnr conatdu«! tn 11ee· lie mOftlf'a, which It h•ld 'IVOUl<1 ~ 8hootlng . . Ill promoting &dmln· ha.a •t.ood up •lroJIKIF &f'&lnal rel to dtmand a tull~.-cale U\vull· done 1" the "vent Lonir Beach l•tretlon t.c:tlon alonf thue llnee. thrff N Vere Jolt.a. weor• allowed to UM t he lrullt tun& ni t.hne I j 1 r.r•tlon or the Lonit Beach oil attua · for munlclpel purnnaea. •uch u CONn-OL POWEM e econom c o '-aur· I Ion by I.ht state ltf l11latUrf, · r -·· vlv~ ,.,_ ( 1 I A vtl.&l downward NWel"I. atrHl.8 and h.lghwaya, a For over a year It hu been nt&dJi»tmeM In federal apendlns - ILl.SOAL 8.Pl:.NDINO pleui1r• palace In which to hold known that govem mt>nl ~ncles I fl ) tmentoritie, which had befn Purpoae of w ch an lnYNtJp· the "Mlu UnJvenie" conteat. and we...i con.tlderlnf pl&na for control bulldllll up at a ra::-ld rate, went lion, It wu learned. would be to other ltema nonn&.lly paid tor by powtn. but until rec:m tly theae In the Clppoelte dlr.cUon~and l3) •1etermlne Ju.t how much money. I.he taapt.yen lnatf'ad of tht •t11~. pla.n• were a pert of &11 O"eraJI Net outata.ndl.nr lnatallment credit, If u y, Lo~ Beach hu -r>ent II· In ot.her California l".ommun11111,_., profTt.m for national dl ... ler re· which had been cllmblni awl!tly, tesally of U1e tunda darl•ed from IAft8FACTOaY BRJ:All lief ahould one or more cille9 be lgvelled off. o.,1te louct crtea ot the oil ra..-mue from Udelalldll 11t.ruck by an H or A bomb The Llkewlite. there w u M>mt1 dlli· • · I "Wolf" u th111 Import.ant ad· l(t&nlad the city for harbor, navt· Cl.INlon or lnvnllrallnr the nu J'~•l~nt a t a preM conference Juatment. ""1"1 u.klnf pli&ce, total talion t.nd tlahertea. corporatl()n whlr h h•n111 .. ,. th• nl' rxpr1'11Md doubt u to the need economic acth1ly !ONP) tor 1964 8ubeaquenl to the tntroducUon trom the mor<' th11n 800 well• 0 "1 rnr 11t•nd·b)' control pow11r1 .•. t.Y"e~ed N per cent 9f the 11163 of a blU . lty ~blymaa Bruce the rich tldt1l1nd11 pool, tn IJetc" :l!l It wu hl11 opinion that Con..,..a ACC>rd-but thl• ta no r!'uon for , Allen, San Jo., ct.mandlq that mine whether or not tht' J)"oj!I' • ouhl act quickly It It felt lhey lnY1tlnf f'urther jolt.a. tl'le le,ulatur. MCUn return of aU are 1,ttlnit • llllll•fllrtory l)ru ' v«-rf nef'dtd H• ltldlcated, how· Oll&AT 8TAJID..ITY Utt 1111rplua montee. t.mo11ntiq to on th, otl rl'mow•d ver. that he "'"ouh1 not oppoM ln a weaker economy, a down· approximately '191.000.000, and a irh authority Ir It wn-e Initiated wt.rd tnnd ml(tlt have aet In and potentlt.1 of 80ftle p bUUon. ~ Lta1~l•lo1·a r•port"'1 lhf oil It>· .' CongreH llMlf. 'continued. Tradtllonally, both bue- W.Un Auditor A. Alai! Poet wu ea could writ bl' • 8ob•,.ct nr 1 Now, howev .. r. atJmJnilllraUon ln .. f.l\d penonaJ apendlnl would dlnctad to Nnd a man to Lons veatlg1t1on, "• • rpotttdi,·. th<'<' 'nklng app.irrnlly \11 underrotn1 have drop~ ah.&rply ... prlcea Beach to brlnr back u ua.ct pie· peya drllhnl!' •nd opt"rallon OOtll. "han1e. Conrrea• l1 hopeful ot j and pronta would M•e •kidded ture ol how mucb money Ula city for alnkln~ the wella &11d opn 11t1n 1 adjournment by July 31. U thla dowtlhlU and the atoc.k market actlat.117 hold& la tnaat. them att.-r lhey a~ In prndrn·tl• 1()uld mat«rta.llM ... and a ahoot· lwould have Join.ct UI• deba.cl•. lo tar. tlM Poet Nport hu Mt and Ulen JMllT• a llS·percenl "l'oyal· I( war 9t&rU .omawtiera ... But, wt-4, UI• economy allowed been tvnMd • .,... to the l41C1alatur• ty lo cart..aln oil concf m t to h11n• 'nnJH• w6Wd be out ot ... 1°" lrr-t .ia.Mllty. More ... 110m1· It will be ready ln a tnr daya, but the product. Thia. It wu point ,d lb• admlnlatratlon would be th~ t.lmo« wit hout precedent .. there 11 an Indication. acc:ordln1 to out. would amount to 11everal mt 1thout authority to lmpoee priff lnnauon wu ltOpped without de· c...UIA ~,uiatora who are c:Oll· lion dollar• annually. td wls"e conll'ob . nation reeult1n1. Black market.a alderinr an Inquiry, I.hat tome PllZI• to aacure the truat tunl'I There are two Khoola ot t11oupt ri!WiU~ from cont rola woul8 140.000.000 hu been apent by Ult for lh• elate. howntr . .,, ao fi 1 thla In Waahinft(ln. Ona Iii U1at quickly chanfe thla aallllfact.ory city Of Loni 8f'&eh for purpoeet In the forma lin i tace, ... leg1o frt eae of W&J'9 and prk• ,..~14 llluaUon Into an tnnatlonary otller than tht tru.at-lhat la. for requlremenu mu•t be mf't. Cor •bill• the economy •.• the other ~d. "municipal tmproY&ment." which troller K.lrlc-...ood aald, howen i that waie an4 pr1c• coatrola Iutead al freastq prlcu and the lllpreme court u ld could not that tht atate abould wut,. no tlm • 'rupt the economy rather than ._....., tl'I• .OOnomy could be ad· be done under the t.nn• of U11 IA fonnulatlnr pla.na to obt.aln th< .a blllH It becau..e u eoon u con· ju.ated 1ty controlllnr lnt.erat trust rrant. monty, In m-of t.lle amount In roll .,.. lmrx-d Waelti marltt•t. rat.. credit. t.nd Utt llke. Aloeo, Ult l'OSSllU.& &ICPAYMJ:~1' volnd, and II• w"IU con.ault w • levaaop. nMIOn ••• 11111Uk1 a t UI• out.Mt of W halher d llu.na of Lonr ~ach l)oUI Ula attorney pneral af\4 1, BLDfDl'O~ l&L\'U Korea ••• hu amJ)M .uppl.1• of W'lll ~ requlreod to re-pay the •lal• •t•te landa comml11lon whlrh Ad\"Oalt.ft ot control• blindfold ' C'lctlcall)' ~ryt.hlnt on hand . , • the 140 mllllnn, or any ()thr r •um .1i11>l11nt.I• JllrUd.lcUon. •• to l 1em11elvfa to hl•tory. S vf'r)' n•· , ,rh In lt.afllt would tend to al· that mtt"M ~ ""'"rmtned to tl••f eldum. . t~. 1ta.n1n1 "1th Aby ... nla a11d 1111)1 rent<' """"I'· who wu.. I.lie grnr r8 J m11n11gt r or I Anolh1 r rumur glllning mo1114l'n· the n11n e11• tum """ 11nl!V.•t•rtd l>y <'11pt, Harr111 PC'tllh~nl ly flohln11l'ln •tilted th11 t w ,., that ~" """1' llhOwlng fs vor· t.hen• were n1>t 2!iO men 111 the ttll•m fur < 1llni11h mlnPr• c;Yf'r lo- mini'• &II h•d bt'f'n lltated but r·111 Amfr1('3nll H11rrl11 •lated lhst rather uni 80. No ni;w C()n(·l'n· I thr only h"IP 111A<:hargf"cl w•rt • Y thui<,. w11rktn11. vn the 11am whh h trator11 hull .bf,.n sent Cor .,. ~·I hf' nr<I not t hink t r u lblr 11t l hl11 f>Or-t~I. lhe "rill' l'OO!'rnlralor W811 llml', In ("Cl he W118 hiring mrn ~llffl<'l«nt. Thr (Iv(' •tamp mlll In or the 100 m••n workln at th11 Qf>er&tlon •l lilt' mint'.11 W811 no mlne11 only flvr w«rt-c o:nh•hmen m11.rv4'l anll WAI< only ll n e•ll"rl· Fr"m lhf' River111rt.. Pre118 un mental m ill ""f'&bll! hf r iu•hin i; 0('tob"r Ji. 1891 w11 fln•I thsl U nit. "''' ton11 of ort' U-olly. " .. NI Stalct M"rl\hA I G~•rgr E. Ga1d H r flKUred tb•t wllh t hl" Jlllo~ 'Jl<'nt ll<iml' tlm r l\l lhl' tin m lnr" and t xpcrlmrOllll IW'>lllf' 60 tu •6 nnt1 r<'p<•rt~ llrv•fly Ttitrr t1 rt 113 ton11 or tin hra.rlni: l'allllllrrllf' m< n wnrk1n1r. 20 <:nrnl•hmC'n, how. roull1 br crn~hf'fi 11.nd workl'l'I J>l'r l'Vt'r 12 ()( lhl'~ hAvr been In Ca l· month "" f1Jr lhtr 11uitetl th11l or!' ltll~tl\ I0·30 Y*'Al"R. Atwiut ooe ton Nnnln,.r u low ·~ l 11 p~r <'t'nt f'f Jlllt tin J'!"f cl11y I" tu mt<I out, of tin could bi' 11w reMhill~ wnrk-with ~O ml'n wl)rklng tht mlnf'8. eel, althl)ugh 11h•!\ll,V th,. """"'ll"r· Th· 4.(t VIM.\• ltvli'rll1t"" 8 pt'r Ct'nl lte runnln1t !i·IO JWr ""nt n( tin tin In rontn111t tn ('ornw&ll'11 I •9 wu a.Imo.~ lmJ>Oll"lblr lo hi<n•U" p.-r c•rnt !'llxty ton11 of or,. p41.'r t18y Hll!tTOilC' BA(':<(;ROl'SD .. r,. going th111ui.;h th,. mlll Jn latt Au1t1Jlll or 18~1 l hl' C()I· I A('Tt\'Y. TODA\' t41i New11 !lfl'l<1fW'<I t h1• P.lvcr.tlle Th" I" !!re i'IOO '"In• nn lht' prop. Prep with a Ilise 11iory nn lhr Tl'm·' ntv within iOO '"'l, with 30 tmc•.-. l!l<'IJ Tin Mmu. C'ol JI: N Rob· ftbl ,., Two llh"'~" h11vr bel'n 1111nk lnJl<ln h11d been t trPtl !VI grntrll I ao ft•r l tontl l ht "' h"r 60 fl'l't l'lt'f>Jl, manaiter of thr mlnr1<. h,. had be"n Th" n11un "lead'' 111 Mini!' workrd recallf'd to Enl(lnnd v. h••rr hill 1•<1n-on twc• I• vr l11 the low1•r Is 1112 r<'"l nectlon.11 w ith the r11mp11ny h11t1 '''""P and tli,. upper ltvel 400 r .. et. be.n M V••red. r ,1plnln H11rr11 of Th•• 1111nc ll' p11yin1t l!Jo way, ,.v,.n Cornwall, EnRlftn•J whn v111lt,.d Anti thoui:h $7~>0 00(1 wtt.11 11~nl on It. rl'ported to lhr 11t oc·kh•1ldt'r11 or hi,. I Th•• 1111111 •t thC' mouth of ttll' T"m• trip In lolarr h 111 thl' T~nH•v11I h1ul r1w11I 1,. helnir worked on aga in. been made 11~ne1 "I n111nager So t iling" al thl' Trmuc1I Tin The c11pt11ln tllAl'h1rgrd all lln· Mine lll!tm to be on a more 80lld nece ... r)' emplOyt"JI and 11top~l'I tounrlatl()n. nl'w manairemenl and work on th,. d•m tour mllr• from •~"" pinmollon&l mateTlaJ tor pr- the mint on t he Tl'mr11rai Crel'k r"le1u1,.11. ABANDONED-Street ecene at the T~eaca.t Tin M.1De u it lookll today where much Englh1h capital wu lnve.rt- ed in buildings and grounds rather than minin1. -Hor- ace Parker Photo • , I --Feeleys Ship Danish Sloop Souvenir To Newport >Harbor Home From TeachhtcJ Year In Holland, . Couple Refitting Craft for Cruising ··souvenir" la a new member ol the Newport Harbor yachtlng tll"l't and ahe 111 abo a 11011venlr of a pleuant year Jlpent by Mr. a nd Mra. John Feeley u Fullbright exchange tea.chers In Holland. The couple lives at 1107 West Bay Ave. Mrs. Fl'eley teachu at Huntington Beacll. Thi' •O ml't.er sloop. which only Jut week got hl'r tall mast. wu pur1:hued by the teaching couple tn Denmark and •hipped to this cout on the deck of a freighter. Arriving In October the Feeleya have been rebuilding the Interior fltllng11 to take the 11loop out of the racing claJUI and make her rnore of a cruising type boat. SEAWORTHY The rearnanrement lncludu JMmlla up In the bow, tollet faclll· tlea and better galley arrange· Jnent.a. A 2:S horsepower gae en· a lne will alao be lnatalled. While ' the boat wu deatgned primarily for racing ahe I• full enough to 1naka her euy al II'& and the J'eeleya are looking forward to pleaaant cruh1lng. former owner of tha craft Mrs. - Feeley met his 1t.ter, who told Mr1. Feelc.>y aha had via~ed the United Statea anti one time bad the pleasure of ulllng on a beau- tlf\11 little bay known u Newport Harbor. HOLLANo·s PUORT "Souvt'nlr" la 38 feet long, 8 feel a lnchea acrou the beam and draw1 a tc.>et e lnche1, with a fin keel and all outside ballut. She hu bent oaJt tnmu, every aeventh one being about 3 lnchl'a 1quare. The lolertor la finished ln pine, but the decl< hoUlle la teak. • Attn nearly a year back In Newport Beacj\ 1unshlne Mu. Fee· ley I• still aorry for the hundred• of people 11he left In Holland who lone to come to this country. Hol· land 11 dlallnctly chilly and damp and tuberculoslR la the worst kill- er In the country. Mr11. Feeley aay1 lhla i. largely cauaed by the damp· neu and cold, fuel belng acarce and expenalve. Nearly everyone auftera from cold• moat of the time, •he found. Ona feature of the 1hlp en• tJrely dl!terent from local con- •tructlon 11 In the planking. The boat haa no caulking. The piano •~ clo" fitted, a meUeulou1 job of workm&ru1hlp not usual ln the United Statl'I. While they did not mHt the GREAT EXPECTATIONS -Soon to Ail again "Souve- nir", 40 meter sloop the John Feeley• bought in Den- mark, received her mast last week and shortly will be ready for the cruising the two teachers expect to do this summer. -Staff Photo Mesa Cops Seek Armed Bandit Who Took $74 Coat.a Meaa city police were lo· ••Y aeeklng an armt'd robti.ry sus- pect who held up a liquor atorP lrfonf1ay night Rnf1 eacaJM!d with S71 ~O. The robbt'ry occurred at T:20 p.m. ln the Liquor Mart a t 2138 Newport Blvd .. Coat.a Meaa. The atore la owned by Jack Ken- •edy. Victim of tba hold-up wa1 Mal· eolm S. Overton of sae Broadway, C:O.t& Mua. Overton reported the knc1Jt left th!' l<"ene Jn a four door tan cclore<I car, make un- b own. .. I j Sullivan Reprieve 1 on Pier Granted · J John J. Sullivan geta to c-on- OFFICER GETS NEW POST llnue temporartly hla kayak rental bUlllneH at the 19th SL pier, city council decided Monday night, al- lowing him lo u .. the faclllly until Sept. 30. He presented a petition of lH 1lgners aupporting hla cauae. I Council earllt!r thought of ou11t· Ing him from the ..property u the public rutrooms there are in dis- repute. City cleanup crew1 will take care of them. council decreed. Richard Ullma n, at Quaker In· 1Utute of Intl. RelaUon11, Sa.n Dlego-'1'he dlstru.i1t of the USSR Is not bued on real Information." Council May Meet Tuesday Mornin~ 1 Day Ume city council meeting•! That'• what's In the pollllca.l wind. City Council Monday nJght dls- cuued A motion an ordinance be prepared, changing councll meet- ing time to 10 L m. the eecond and fourth Tue&daye of the month. Prfleently aeaalons are the 11econ1J and fourth Monday even Ing a, elarllng at 7:30 o'clock. Council members felt preuure of long houra Monday atternoon1, pourtnc o v e r matteni to be brought up' that night could be lessened by Tuuday ' MUlona. More con1lderatlon will be given Ule meeUng tlme. Overt.on aatd lhe 1u1pect entered Officer Robert Upeon of the lo I Balboa Li I C the 1tort and Hkt'd for • fifth Newport Beach Pollce O.parl-yer I no eum o. Of wht.key. 'J'ben he aJmulated a ment became an lnv..U,ator -ilACK BOYER - sun in hi• r!itht coat pocket and with th• Of'llJ\&'• County dta- •ld, •-nu. 1.s It. 1 want the trlct attorney'• ottlce today. %SOI W . Balboa Boalevard m oney." He completed two yeara aer· e U.oleam e Robber '1"Ue e ()orll While Overton wu In proce11 vice with t.ha force uu. month. e A9phalt TDe e Oarpet • Formica of glvlnr the robber money from Us-on .erved ln aeveral dM· e Yacbt e lastal)atioa tha cub reglater, C. J. Wllaon of •Iona of the department, Ill· 233 w. WU.On St.. Corta Meaa. cludtnc the detecUve burHU Harbor 5389 Newport leach a robbery waa In pro~eu. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-.PRESS -PART I MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 PAGE 7jRoU.111d Fred9rlck s.rv.. .. C9rier -Call Harbor 191t to plae. )"OUI' Ad on lhla ~ ,. SAFE CYCLING RULES URGED FOR CHILDREN IY POLICE IA.CR.UOmTO-Puenta are ursed to teach t.belr chll· dnn to bicycle the rtght way • Lut year, according to th• California Hlghwa.7 Patrol. all but four of the 27 blcycll1t9 killed ln traffic wtthl11 th• at&tft were under the ac• of lll. A.m0ng th• lnjured 27t0 of 12119 wtra ln the Mm• age groupe. "Before permit~ children to ~ btsyclea, J>&"l'l• abould ba cerl&ln that the youngalers ~d traffic law. and wUl obey them. This b th• nrst requl~ent for avoldinl' trattlc accldenta,'' B. R. Oaldwell, C&lllomla Highway Patrol Commluloner cauUoned. Caldwell llat4d a aeriea of eight aafe bkycUnc NI" to ba taught and followed: 1. Ride with traffic, keeplnr u far to the right of tha roadway u poaalble. 2. Do not weave or atunt. Ride ln • 1traigt)t line. a. When rldlnl' with triendl, travel atnrle file. 4. Put boou and packqee ln a carrl..:r attached to th• bicycle, and never carry pauengera on a bicycle. &. Obey all traffic .sens. algnala and traffic law•. t . Never hitch onto trucks, automobllt1, or other mov- ing vehiclee. 7. U It is abeolutely nece .. ry to ride at night, bava a good head lamp and rear reflector. 8. Never UM a bicycle that I• not in good condlUon. GLUCD .,_M INATtD MEMBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPAN, AFFORDING GREAT STREti.IGTH A.T LOWER COST. COMPLETE &UILDING UTILITV DELIVERED TO JO~ ~ITE FROM ~II!! PER.SQ.FT. OQ COMPLETELY ER£.CTEO, tNCLUOING ~LA&, FROM t I 9 PER. SQ. FT. FO~ COMM ERCl,t.L, FARM OR INOVSTR\AL. UU. AWWHE« IN .SO. CALIF. Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER 8.A.N DDCOO, Calli. (J'BTNC)- Rolland A. IJ'ader1ek, alnnan, USN, 80ll ot Kr. and Mra.. J . R. Brewer of SOI a.5th St., Mrvlnf aboard the Nav)"1 attack aircraft curter USS Shangri-La which ii .,.edWed to arrive at her home port ber. ln mld·A priL The earner waa re-<l0nunbalon9d In Br.merton, Wuh., tn Janl&AJ"1 .rter a 2f·month modem.IJlaUon at th• Pudget Sound Naval Shipyard ther.. Th• 8ba.npl·IA received the tint •t.n.K:turally anl'led fJJght deck 111 the Navy dll~ her mod· emluUon. A1ao tnatalled we,. new heavy-duty •team cal&pult.I and and encloeed lburrlcane" bow. Th• Shangri·La'a &naled deck " a n-mnov.lion ln Naval atr wvfare. Then-.i..m catapult. provide areater aatety and Im- proved techn!Cl'I• ln launchlns jet alrcratt. LORENZ IEWELERS IOI l\". 4tll, Saata Aaa Opett Jl'Mda!f to t p.m. Free Parkl1tg at any Lot HOME LOANS At O ren9• COUftty't LHdin9 HOM• L•ndi"f ln1titvtlott QUICK 24 MOUR SERVICI LOW LOW "REDUCING• INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIElfDL Y SYMPATHETIC SUVICI WI IVY TIUST DRDI OH Will LOCAm> HOMD LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHn Avewe LAGUNA BEACH "'-oM HY 4-1171 BROADMOOR TRAILER HOMES I D IOIO Newport Blvd., Ooaia M--. o.llforala 80-40 a. l!O foot lot.I. Prtvate l~pbOl!4 .and natural cu avallable. Cloae to (l'OCertea, bus MIV1cl', ate. Excellent lelevt.alon reception. Adulta only, no peta. _ "IDEAL l'EA&-'llOUND OLDIATE" BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 170 Superior Avenue Costa MeM.. Cahf. CHAPEL BY THE SEA 1620 E . Ooast Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calli. ~te~the~.Ht'WU\IM~tt ,~~~~~~~~f~~~-i~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overton described the bandit u ~~=======================~~!..===========::::::::::=::::=:=:====::::::=~ aa-•0· a· 8" iao-tl'>a •b•. with a crew "Entrust Your Furs Only W ith an Expert Furrier" Phone Llberly 8-2121 Phone Harbor •~ cut, receding chin and acne mark• on hi• fa l'" Fire Caused by Kids With Matches Children playlng with matchea touched off a bla&e In an old car parked at the rear of 2543 Oran.ce A ve , Co.1la Mesa at • .20 p. m. Tuelld1y which raused SIM In e.Um•lrd damage, accon1lng to Fa"' Prf'Vt'ntlon Officer Ralph Lee. <Afl aald tha chJldren were • and I'> year1 of ace. Apparently they found matchea on floor of the car tht'y wne playlnr In and atartt'd atnkinl' them on the n oor- boartl. The children were not ln- Jurf'd. A<ldlnr to damqa to the c-ar. IAe reported. wu a cutUng t orch In b&<11 ant of the vehicle Council Praised on Easter w ... Letters of pratH to the naw city council tor Ila ertlclmt work and praise for the handllnf ot Euler Week Wf're tiled Monday nlfht. Burton S. Grant, Loa Anf•I•, compllmr nted the council on Ila Initial work while communication. from Mr11. Grainger Hyer and Ray R Reevt!a, both Balbo41 Ial.-nd, Jaudl'd the council for It.I control of lut Euter Week. Residents Recover In SL Jok'Jlh hospital are Paul D. Baillie and Mra. ~neva M. S tandcae of ea.ta Mesa and c. W. )lanna!ord, Corona del Mar. PROTECT Your Precious FURS Against • MOTMS • FllE • THEFT • HEAT We Rave The Largeet aDd F1Deet FRIGID COLD FUR STORAGE VAULTS ID On.age Coumty on our Pl'eml~ r.=====fUR STORAGE SPECIAL= CLEAN, GLAZE allcl 9 FllGID COLD STORAGE $ 95 for yos hrs Up to Dec. 15 · M..U. ef Apttl Oa1J a.q. e 1 UO FREE WITH OUR COLD STORAGE e llO?li"l>ED ME88E."'iiOD nCK-UP • COKPLETE L"'iSPl:CTIOM or YOUll OOAT e 9" 'ITAXINO TO Kl:DJSTIUBUTS PELT OIL e COllOUNO AND BllVSlllNO e OLA.ZDiO e MINOll IUP8 llEP.Ull&D e BLTl'ON8 M"l> LOOPS UPI.ACED All Thia Peraonallsed Servtca FrM Of ChUs• Willa ~ery Fur Coat Or Neclr-pteoe at.or.ct CALL NOW FOi rua STOMOll PICK.UP Fur Restyling SPECIAL! Durtnl' t.hla alack period wa W1ll restyle your outmoded tur coat Into a 1mart STOLE or CLUTCH CAPE $s9so KIMIEILY 2-G652 lllN& YOUI FUii TO US Gm than the btmeftt ot ICIENTIFIO dry, eold..U .tonp where a .Wt of .-pen ...,.__ ..,.. &Mm tlle ...,. tMJ d 1tne. ~ANTA ANA FUR co. 301 North lroaclway r MAY4.I~~ 'ce' I I <>.<><><> 11 ROOK•T " 00 AHEAD I Try th• Moat Proved -Moat Popular Hlgh-Comp,.aalon •nglne of Them All I A/,,.,...,. mrlf'finp oh....J-1hat"• th• rr<'(M'<I Qf OltlUT1nl11l•"1 ··Rork«I .. ~ nJin•' Anti 11-. IJH>n 1h11 "·~ ••. ri,h1 frnm thf' d1y thia famou1 f"'•"" rla•t l•un,.fir·I 111• hiah..("l)mrr,....ton rr a ' r,_..,. ,.,..,th_. .. Uod1.rt·· C!"h ~·1.,,11~0 ••• ,.,,.ry ,.,.., • MW ..-.uatill<I for artinn: -.;n ... it .. lht' "R,,,.1.•i"" :o: -m.-..1 1h,.llm1 .,f tlorm all -p>wmn1 th,. mo.I 1 ... illiant and huotiful Old11'11<>1 .. 1,.. ••~ 1 • .,11 • '"' nhrtt•I. dri•e • 111:;:; C U1l•mnl.il~ y-lf! O<amY,. •hy flt, ,,,U.l• ,.,.,..,., "' n ' fl.,rArt 1r·1 OL. ... • ... >SIVIOEllL.E Ill TOUI NIAlllT OLDIMOllLI DIALll -- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Hlc)hway NIWPOIT llACH PhoM Uberty 8-2261 -•o• IHI Hit UllD CAI DIAL ••• LOOK •o• OLDIMOllU'I IAfllT·lllllD llAL .. , ~ONDAY. APRIL: ·11. ·1955 PA&E •·PART I -tilEW'POIT HARIOI NEWS-PRES$ YOU WILL GET f l.OCAL SCHOOLS PARTICIPATE IN l.D. TAG PROGRAM -K..,ort Barbor Elementary School younptera will be ~.the tint in the nation to order the official civil def_.. ldentiftcatJon tara now offered nationally by a milk coneern. David LeCoun, far left. reprwntative of the milk company, abowa the tag to Edgar Hill, civil de- fenae director, and elementary 8Chool administrators. Standing, LeCours. Hill, William Ritter, Roy 0. Ander- een, and Thomu Woodward. Seated. Mrs. Grayce Sevier, Miaa Aileen Martin and Miu Bernice Vestal. -Staff Photo • \ A BETTER DEAL from YOUR LOCAL DEALER HE is in business as a permanent part of your community ... tfis stability depends upon his reputation. HE expe0cts you t~ be completely satisfied because his future depends on you. I HE will meet any competition because he wants repeat busi- " . " ness-:-not one timers HE maintains a service department that assures you of com- plete satisf actton In I NEW CARS I Ii UIED CARI 'T •tNT SAFE kle, c . D. aMdel!MJm, Mark So.-------------You Will Get a ~ :~0·:w.::'~rs~lm~ occ STUDENTS TO REPRESENT Better Deal at Honie Vlejos Plan ~::,::.:.-::BURMA AT MODEL uN sEss10N Cotton Goff Buff lo HeadeNOn. Gordon J"\ndlay and to a i-IMell wW aMl tnexp.rtenc.<S Members of the Int.ematlonal Relations Oub at H k M 1 drinkel"ll Orange Coui College will participate in the model aus en otors nc ~r;,=~n°'Bo~: :: = :~ United Nation• to be held in San Franciaco on May I • VOLKSWAGEN P088CllE 2116 Newport llvd. Harbor. ' M-G other forelrn 1932 Harbor lhd. make car. AUSTIN-HEALEY ... • Sf'mce Costa Mesa Membership brook and ottkerw include Robut 5, 6, 7 it WU revealed today. Thia year Orange Cout O&rdner, prMldent; 8tetten11e11, will repreaent Burma. J h & s LINCOLN 900 W Coast Hwy ~ Vlejoe &N plannln&' a toutmuter; Ray Copelin, treu-Approval bu been granted for aix student.a and 0 nson on • • SftDd Ume Wedneed&Y when they urer and Irvtne,HnidenK>o. Stanley a faculty advisor to attend the meeting. Miles Eaton, MERCURY Liberty 1-5545 ptber at the Butt&Jo Ranch tor • RJdderhof, Theo Robin•. Kal•er. aocial acience instructor, will be the advisor. Stu· ...t.ena butlequ• t.h&l I• billed lo John Boyd and Hambrook, direc-M·,11er Chevrolet CHEVROLET 1000 w c H mu.. an .,....sou b&l'bllquea look ton. dents will be selected at a lat.er date. • OCllt wy. l1U NWhll' C!lrcle meetinp. JOM --------The hoet this ye.ar, on th~tb anniveru.ry of OLDSMOBILE ua.-.u 1-2261 Ro9&1l &. ec!Mduled to bll lh• major ...... CM Couples the birth of the U. N ., will lie San Franciaco State -·r domo and the lmD• Company to ... ._ boat.a. College. Model general usembly eeBBiona will be held L R ed & A CHRYSLER 432J W C H lnclUded Oil the pl'OCJ'&ln ... the Announce Births in the War Memorial Opera Houae. A banquet in the OU e ssoc. . . ocnt wy. l&uoln&' ol a butfMo by IM Stet-Gold R f th F ' H 1 -..:•1 be h ld PYMOUTH Harbor 4070 feneen. 'bu'bllrllhoppUI' by H&dd nu. ea.ta Me• couple• l>e-oom o e atnnount ote wu e on ~. Ted Hambrook and Waller came parenta of b&bl•• at SL the final night of the conference. Th od MeOoll and t.be.mWliq ot. wild Joaepb'11 HOllJllt&l .. follow•: Kr. Each of the major universities and colleges of e ore Rob·1ns FORD 3100 w. Coast Hwy. Wtftlo "1 Mnl• ln1M. and Kn. Rlcb&rd M. Lemke, au the western atate. and llOme junior cqllegee will 11end con Martn11r'• Mlle) B&rteDde1'9 wl ws!ten wUl ln· Monte Viet& St., boy, t Iba., 2 os., ...... ll!J" ~ l-J471 elude urtiaa Bell. WWiiw 1Juck. J. April 2: Mr. and Mn. Jam• Walk-delegatlona. Each delegation will repreeent a diffeflo ' w. Caaum.cll. ~ J'uwell. er, Ut 11ut BroadWay, boy, 'l ent country and conduct buinMll and vote 1n the M-~. 0.01'1'11 KcN~ lb9., 6 os., April 6; Kr. and wra. conference Heaions. mar&. Joe NtcJuna, Oeorp 809-Mu K•lly, 1ee2 Newport Bl..S., High Quality-Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Quality Printinn-Ph. Har. t~1~_ .. ky, W. J. Cow-. Col. .A..1&11 Mle-pl I IM .• U oa., April 6. -----------------• "-'Pi_ Now-out of Chrysler Corporatlon ... come the most rugged trucks ever bullt! Annauncing new D11t/g11'1Trucks! TM pow•• One with luU-vlew deaign I Come In todayl See th••• great new truck• on dlaplay I O'BRIEN MOTORS 16" Newport llYcL CGSTA MESA 1· r ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 . PART TWO, PAGE ONE NUMBER ONE STEP -Three prominent citizens lend their active eupport to Newport Harbor's civil defense program by registering for training and duty. Mrs. J. A. Beek, left and Mn. Richard R. Lili~nthal accept the aid L D. TAGS AV AD.ABLE -Edgar Hill, right. aaaistant coordinator of the local civil defeme, puts an identifica- tion tag &r0und the neck of LuEUyn Davia, Horace En· aign eighth grade Btudent at her friend, Barbara Nott and Principal William Ritter look on. The identification taga a.re offered to local Btudenta through the school.a and a milk company. r of Maurie Stanley, president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce; City Manager John Sailors, co- ordinator of civil defenae and· Hay Langenheim, execu- tive aecretary of the chamber. -Staff· Pbotoa Civil Defense Is Insurance By PllYLLl8 J. JAOKSON Insurance against diauter, military or civil, is selling well in Newport Harbor. Policy holden include many hun· dreds of local residents, buaineesmen and women, housewives and children, who are sharing in the benefita of civil defenae. The program ii a quiet one. There 18 no room for hya- teria. It calmly accepta the fact that Newport Harbor would be affected should war come to our ehoree, but the program ii baaed on the equally important fact that .Preparedneu ta important to handle any diaaster or emergency which could come from cauaee other than war. Roota of the program are 10 stet>e to wrvival advocated by Auiltant CoOrdinator F.dgar Hill : 1. Register in civil defenae, liating apecial attributee; 2. map out your own )\Ian for-survival. including raid signal.a, food, first aid and radio information atationa (640 and 1240); 3. sponsor another per- son to register; 4. provide yourself and family with a food emergency kit; 5. make up a first aid kit; 6. make up a survival kit including blanket, flashlight, first aid kit in car or home; 7. check the home for hazards; 8. take_ a tint aid course if you have not had one in the past two yean; 9. re- • quest training in a civil defense training group auch u police, fire, power aquadron or others, and 10. request emergency eervice uaignment. · ·The operation embraces several org&niu.tiona already an important part or Newport Harbor's community life - the Balboa Power Squadron, the ground observers, the tele- phone company, police, fire and harbor muter departmenta and the echoola. · It is being actively supported by representatives from local service clubs. The program is well organized. effective and neceaaary, with an important place in it for every citizen of Newport Harbor. EVERYBOJ?Y JmLP8--.C1ean.i up tbo.e paint cam, • and other hazardous odda and ends which peraiat in accumulating in any home or garage la one of the most Im- portant phaaN of civil defeme. Judy Anaereon, 9, of 709 North Bay Front finda an un- wanted jug to diBpoee of while Ron:aJd Hall, 7, of 219 Ruby Ave. Jett, and BW Berl.a, I, of ~Diamond Ave. get ready to throw out aome old paint cana. They ue·helping Mn. Wilfred Berl&, Bill'• mother,. who 18 active in the entire program. THESE WO~JEN ARE PREPARED -Through the cooperation of the American Red Cross. first aid training cl.-ea are available to local residenta u put of the dd -. fense program. In foreground, Mra. Roberta Clementa gives reneitation to '"victim" Mfs. William E. White. Mra. Eugene Di.Maio adju.ata a bandage on the ''broken° arm of Mrs. Cecil Powell and Mrs. Lawrence Fredri.keen begina th• head bandap on Mn. Ron- ald Barlow, seated. FOOD l"OR SURVIV~ -Dave Holman of LeValley'a Market, 18 one of the local gro- _.. who Ja lending hi.I wpport and advice to local ciri1 defeue. He ia ahown packlnc a food boz in a specla1 water proof container while Mrs. R. Ai. Henog, of 200 29th St., left, and her three llODS, Ban-y Dean, William Wayne and young Letilie Lee on the coun· ter learn the importance of the box. Mra. Rose Arnold of Santa Ana. finris h~. shoppinf ~ Ila N.wport Harbor filled witb iDterellt. 't' FIB8T AID 18 A MUST-Lonnie Vincent, right, chair· man of the flrllt aid committee compoeed of local drug- gista and phannaciata, explains the importance of the first aid kit to fi~en and Ex_plorer Scouts. From left, Don Briscoe, fireman; Larry 1"'aua, captain of ~he Cor- ona del Mar fire elation and Explorera Tom Baume, David Harshbarger and Mike Gaughan. The kit. p&clced in an old auitcue or box easy to carry, ii compoeed ol practical ltema neceuary for a family of four. , TARS TAKE ON OILERS THURSDAY SaBor Nine Seeks For Lou Revenge In Secnoa Ope .. r Second round action 0~1 ! In Sunset League diamond dolnp for Coach Emil Nee- me' s Newport Harbor High nine T h u r a d a y afternoon whtn the Tan Journey to H11nt• lnrton Beach. There'• 11<>mdhlnr o~ fa re\•enre motif ln the offlnr. toe. The Ollera opened ~ loop aea-- phly, but 111 p~M'nlly tlf'd tnr lnop top •pot with Anal\ .. 1m. Tile Ul11 d ptac .. l"c-al11 plan to do aonutllll\C about thal. HOUSt TIIAJU.a llf S UllA.NC& AHYWHUC L .. ,. Talaa .. .... ...... _ •• ,.,~ c •• , ....... \\'A TF.IC K&A TU8 IAlU UIVICI a-. •ff••t• }011 IJ.,,/,10/cl P LllMIHNU l'llM\ It 'H Clfj1 OOWN ,.._ ........... Call DAN'S TV aeme. ......... ..,,.. Ubefty 8-2228 10n on the Ho.rbor High pea pu-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; tur, and proceedf'd to club the Satlor11 tnto aubm!Mlon, 2·1. Juy h ykowakl hurled a two-hitter ag&J1111t tbe Neeme knockera, f1V· In~ up only atnglea to Pttcher BUI Wrtul and Catcher DIC'lc )flrko· vtch. OIILU OFF &INC'I: .IOBNST O NE 'S Mesa Auto Wr.ckers Uaf'CI Aut. ran. Md~ 20:15 Plaeeatia Avf'. Llbert1 l-1tll Ooe&a Mf'M LINKS LOVELY LOADED WITH llELP...i...Coata Mesa coed Lynn Overman receives in· struction from' four golf pros in the Orange Coast College area. Golf instruction will be offered as part of the adult education program at OCC s~rting Wednesday. Reg- istration for the class Open.I at 2:30 p.m. in student center. Pros shown from left to right: Bill Parker, El Toro; Bill Mast, San Clemente; Jay Nunnally, Santa Ana and K urt Apel, Laguna Beach. P. S. Instruction will be given even if you aren't aa pretty u Lynn. -OCC Photo Sine<! then, Huntington Beach !••••••••••••• hu dropped conteru to Anahtlm, Fullerton &lid Santa Alla while the HARBOR Western Stars Set For Santa Tara defeated Fullerton and Santa All&. Anaheim, or course, wound up flrat round play by downtnr the Sailor •lugger• 2-0, this •rain on the Newport home field. ~. \)O~ · ' Ana Bowl Rodeo It waa mainly allck fleldlnr that accounted for the three Tar vie· tortes nrat go-around of the loop. The pair of deteata can be con· PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 SANTA ANA, (OCNS) _ The trtbuted entirely to weak hltUnr. It'll be thle weakneaa the Harbor flrtt profeSj!\onaJ World Champion-hol"!lehldera wut llffk to end &hip Rodeo In Orange County will be staged ln the Santa Ana Munl· agaln•t the Ollera 'nlurllday. clpa.I Bowl Aprll SO to May 1 for · 8ILl:NT 8LUOOl:ll8 the bendtt or charity. 'nle Sailor J>OW* at the plate The western apecta <.'le 11 11pon· ltea tn the big war club• toted to sored by thl' Santa Ana J unior the di.ti bJ Wetsel, Jim Newkirk, STARTS WED. TWO WEEKS WINNING END OF HARBOR HIGH POOL AM Sailor Henry Hill'-the man at the triumphant end. Hank •urred through the B 200 yd. freeetyle water way in 2 :22.6 for the win. Thia took place during the recent meet with Lt. Habra'• swim team in Fitzpatrick Memorial plunge on the Tar campus. Tbe Tar lightweight. out 8J)luhed the rivala by a 65-11 margin. -Staff Photo SAILOR TANK TEAMS ·FACE WHITTIER HERE AMistance League and profll• w tll Mirkovich and Denny Fttapatrtc:Jc.. be used to contanu, lhl' u pandlng Cutl"ently, It'• utUe R.oy DanJC'W aid program or the group. Prln· whOM f ive aln&'l• In 13 et bata clpal obj ective ot the league la a top loc&J rappert with a .3M av- peraonallzed charily strvtce, or to C'r&ge. Mirkovich la etlcklnr the J:ive asmatance wh .. re hl'lp ts not apple at a .. 333 pace while P'IU- forthcommJ: from other l!Ourcu . patrlck, a .•OO alamJ!1er la.st Ma· TITLES AT STAKE son, rate. • mere .293. The extra baae blowa have been few and far between. I.IKE A BmD-High in the sky goes Mike Denlinger, Harbor High diver. The Up of the high diving board at lower lcrt shows you which way is up. The board is ten fret up. and Denlinger is C\·en Upp<?r. He's in the midst of completing a one and a half pike. -SWf Photo Hornets In Tune F ULL.ERTON, !O C :-; 81 -It wu Uttlr Dsv1d Apinlt Bir Go· ltalh Th11 r11rt11y, but tht1 tlmt, Co· ll&t.b won. Bir; and powerful Fullerton JC'a swlmm<'r11 "upeet" Mt. Ban An· t-Onlo In tho Hornet'• pc>ol, In a tune u p tor ddenH of thl'lr Eaat- e m eonrrrence ch.amplonahip. Co•ch J immy 8m.ith'1 Borneta dunked the MoW\Uea, 6'·ll0. Jl'ul· IC'rton won alx ot the te.n event.a. How ever, th«'y did not have their uAUal powerful squad. malnly Jack Webb and Dave Haa.krll. Dick J oy won the 100-yard ln· dlvldual medley ln 1 :OJ.e. tor Ule only oulltandtnr Ume of the meet. Brian Stuart o( the MounUe1 won the 220 free In 2 :24.4. and th• 440 free ln IU5.1. He who merely know1 r11ht prtnclplea la not equal to h1m Who Jovt1 them. -Contuclua DID YOU KNOW ••• II for 3 straight years Mercury has returned more of Its original coat at trade-in time than any other car In Its field? ·-' s,e your Mercury Dealer for detall1. ' THREE HARBOR I'S GET ATHLETIC A'S Amonc wtntar aporta awarda preHnted recenUy at a ban· quet on Ule Pomona camput to 48 alhletaa were a tlrat ~.,. Jetter 1n croM country r'Unnln&' tA> David II:. Bur, 18282 Bear St., Santa Ana; third year Jett.et' In water polo to H. Seymour Beek, eon ot Mr. and Kn. Joe Bede, 628 South Bay Front, Balboa Ia. land and a eecond year letter In water polo to Bruce Baird. 2142 MJriuvar, B&lboa. DON IN DUO Beatty Adds Mile to 181 Laguna Win Don Beatty appean ready tA> take hie place along-lllde Miler Tod White and Halt-miler Larry c ... tro •• a Tar dl•tance atar tomor- row when the Newport Httrbor HJgh thinclad• are acheduled for return tA> acUon at Excelator High School. ~ally captured the mile and the 880 race• In the !Int an· nuaJ Lacuna Beach l!:uter Week IDY1taUonaJ 1ut Wffk. Thureday, Beatty ramblC'd the mile In 4 :Sii. coming clOM t o Whlu'a ':31.2 recorded earlier t.hla aeuon by the SunMt Lurue'• champ at the dtatance. Tuuday, BC'atty unleuhed a 2 :02.8 In the 880. The Jean lad .haa a..lfta.dy de· feat~ Ca11tro .. vtral tlmu In the ramble Ulla ff&M>n. • _ Tomorrow'a 11ealon will be a trl&ngular affaJr. Torn.ne9 S. a lao •lated to Join the cinder H•lon wtt.h Excei.tor and tha Sallora.. Fullerton Hlfh topped conclud· ln~ day of the Laguna meet by winning' tour out ot alJt eventa. Top race of the day wu the 100 yd. duh. A.Jan Henry wu the win· ner u flYe nmnera flnlahed wllll· ln a two yd. ranee. WlnnJnr Ume wae 10.8. Fullertot1'• Dart'ell Ro- bert. wu •econd. Rod J onea or Oranp third. BAVJ: ON AUTO JN .. s11•0 N.eot--.t10 ............. IMflt ,,.._, I ""-D•-.e IHll• ........ 8el BOB lleOOaD, t• PU:l'Dal:D nrat7LUfOE fAU UNIS) -~--0...-­..... u..t, .. TUI Potent Meet Serves As Tar Prep For Sunset LeacJue Go Next Week A return to form from the Easter Vacation Jay-off will be sought by Coach Al Irwin's Tar t&nk teams in the Harbor High pool Wednesday afternoon against their seeond most potent opposition to date. That would be th e Whittier mer· men, slated to appear in Fiupat.rick Memorial water ways at that time. Gt.2 In the 100 and 2:04.6 In the Most powerful cla.ah face<! b1 the 200. Tant t hl11 11euon came from Long ------------- Beach W11.l!on March 21. Al thul. the Tars won B and C aplaahea whUe the varsity equad auffeted Ila lone dual mC'et Mlback. And In the ClF Mldwlntera at Lons Brach Poly. the W1laon whlrlwtnds streaked In first with Wlllt tl'r aecond and Harbor High tblrd. HOPE t~OR SWEEP Natu~Jly. the Tara hope to aweep a.JI lhree dlv1lllon.1 aia.lnat \Vhltti,r, or at le.ut malnlaln the B and C dual mttt euprerna.cy off the 11eaaon. But even tr th'Y I011e, the Whllllrr <.'Onie.st f lK'Jrtl! to whip t he Newport navtgator1 Into pe&Jc perlormo.nce tor the Sunert League meet. The loop go la slated with the preltmlnariea April 27 and the fl· nalll April 28. Scheduled tor the Orange Cou t Collrge tank on the Mesa.. lt'11 only natural for lrwtn'a cha.rges lo rate as prime fnvor ltea to cop top apot. L'1DJHDUAL l~TE.Rt:ST Main individual lnlerut In both ll\e Whittler •1~..im this week and t he league mttl n8'Ct week will be lh.e Tars' aenaallonal &0phomore Don Reddington. Already this eea· son , the treeatyle flaah haa knock- ed over Harbor High"• 100 Md 200 yd achoo! records. Given preMtng competition In hta event.a. It would not be •urprulng to ace hJm once more lowu h.111 time of Race Regattas in Long Beach LONG BEACH, -On two or the "blr three" l'\a llonal Holiday In· board raceboat r,gatt.m1 !!lated for Long Beach Ma rine Stadium this year, n11ttonal championships wtll be a t •takC'. The btr; mttl•. all tra· dlUonal. will be on May 30, July 4 and Srpt. ~. all faljl.nr on :r.ton- daye. Commodore Kf'nt Hitchcock of t he Southf'rn Cahfort11a Speedboa t Club, world-reno11mt'd In boating &.11 the •·club of champion•." eald tha t Dt trolt headquarters of the Amert· can Power Boat A11l'IOCiat1on hu 11pprovNI two meel8, but dl'nled a I thlrtl llnd th11 t "lhls lit und<'r pro· I lett"' by the Southland racing c roup. 1'he All·Wet1tt'rn Mf'morlal Oaf I Swrrp11t11krs rrgnlta will fl'ature rn:;~ l'\ot1on11l Championships for the rough-shod a nd gaudy Cracker I lloit nina bout clllS9. C11rl lltaginn. Gl~nda le r ontr&ctor, ls defrnder with hta boe l. Hc>t Jcr .. On J uly 4. rl'gntta feature wUI be tltlt" race tor Pacific One De- algn hydroplane11. In thla daaa the national champ 111 Marion Bea· vC'r, ex-mayor of Parker. ArU, in Ms record·holdlng Lillie Beaver. IT'S BASEBALL TIME! (lJIJJ!Hj IJQ ~ ~~SHOES 87 lbeOresor alM FAMOUS HOOD "P-F" ATllLETJO BllOU U :AGt 'E Uniforms • Caps Shoes • Equipment 19&3 BuC'baJl RulC'lt A "Uttlf! 1-pe" Ruin A Complete Liiie of Top Qaullty 8portbtg Goods ~lboa Island Sporting Goods 0,.. 1>9117 t to. I -lllllda7 t to t !22 llutlle An. llubor !641 Balboa lalADd FSOM N&Wi'OWI' • ~A. *'" ....... ~ .... ...._A,... ..... l!tiMtoll, .................. .. tr.ck Mt:ruo9. -.-.T ou ........... Pee'fn•a. ...... ... FriMpl I.JO p.llL ..... l:ODpll&. -· The show la .anctfoned by the Rodeo Cowboys Association and world l1tlc-11 wlll be at stake In most l'venu, Including calf rop· mi::. bronco bu.'!Un', bull dog~in' a.1 i ulhPr fruturl'K. Mnllnl'c per· form11nceft only will be held. Stars of the event inl'lude many familiar names to ro<i•'o 11nd west· crn film tana, each a top-f light ur· list In the 8l'•'na. Amnn..: them a rr Casey T1bb11 and Buc:k R 11llwrfo11J, leading oil-around cowtxiy:t 1n the naUon: Monty Mon t11nn. tntema· Uonally famoW1 tnck r·ldt'r and roplnr expert, and Shc>rmun Cra n<' ot Westminster. Anwrlt11'11 No. l ro<IC'o clown who will lt'IHl a rorps of hi& grotl'S'IU•' com p an Ion"' around the anna to kc•t•p lhl' fun moving at a faal rhp durinJ: lht I two-hour show. TOP PltOIHTt:R I Andy Ja11N'gu1 or .\'twhall will produ<.'e the 11how. J11urC'gu1 ha11 II<"· counted for sevPral u Jii An111•lrll County Sht'riff:t omc\' r otlrol! HOii many olhtr western l'J'('<'la• If'~ 11nd ia recogmzed •• ont> of the na lion·.., foremost producers. Nut Monday aflf'moon. the Tara are 11eheduled to take on Fullerton on the Harl>Or High di•· mond. The Tribe dropped a 4-3 fray to the Sallol'I In flrat round Hits Parked Car Wh1>n Edgar Bradley Wttmtr of 2715 Cove St. fell asll'ep at the wheel ot hta oar on April 10, he told ottlcera bl hit a parked car re.iatered to Calberl.ne M . Kane or 3022 Balboa Blvd. The ac• t'ldent occurred In front o{ Boe W . Balboa Blvd., po!tce Mid. JtTUE HAJlRl8 J AMES DEAS llA l'JCOSD MA.HEY ~ORT~(/r., . ' . ., . . ~ .. , ~ , - STEELCASE FURNR'URE . OUR STAFF wn.L HELP YOU PLAN & DESIGN YOUR OFFICE ICIZ N.,,,. M•llO I t. l eft-. AI08 tUlftlNf11' ..... at once • 20 OLDSMOBILES CHEYROLETS . PLYMOUTHS BONUS ALLOWANCE UP TO $850 OYER BOOK ALLOWANCE A GUARANTEE·D·· •• '50000 M!NIMUM OF ON ANY USED CAR. DRIVE IT IN, OR TOW IT IN BUT TRADE IT IN ON A NEW 1955 PONTIAC V .9 AND ONLY e B14nlmatae . .... • • 'IWbl I• vi.on • e Clllnme Gravel 0...... ( • • • • •2686 20 • Claro11M .._,.., o-Nt• • DlrecUonal Slpall e Cit,_ Tnmlll a.... e Ana ._ta (Fre111t-Bear) e r.lect He O pntt.e Ur;htf•r e A.,. Tray (f roat·niM) We Mean Business CINDDEU.A 11TOBY-Mrs. Stanley Kaufman of Anaheim, one of the country's top llluatratora of folk 1toriea. leafs through "Cinderella," book she illuetrated u her chil- dren Diane 12 and Paul 10 look on. laby loy Arrives Mr. and Mra. Thomas L. Van- llouun, ~1 1 Bay1hore Drlve,,?Were parent. of a n IJ.lb .. 3-cn. boy, April 8 In 8an la Ana Community Hoe- pita.I. MA TTR£tJ81!:8 Boat. -Hom"" -Tra11en lrtt(Ular ~ Uberty 11-ISOS COSTA ME1'A MA1"lf\i.:SS CO. i1&0 x-·pori Bh·d. BE SURE -INSURE wtUt MAUKllJI'; '°'T "-lllU:'t' h111u,._ o.Jy PhoDe lbrbor UH 1315 F.. OoMt m11,..,.,,. Coro-clt>I Mar . PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY l"ormuty URAl't:L ('HAPt;L 110 8r.-tway -('O<lla Me.a Uberty II-SO S ud ll--UJ·' MESA 'JPHC.-_ :L:RING I' 1'llolaterln1 & U,..,..ry l.llwrty lf-4 ,~. t :L\41 ~" jll Ill\ 11 . 4 '"'-M- EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Stevens Says Chinese Need More US Supplies By WALTON TREGA81U8 TAIP EI, ri'ORMOSA, Al'RIL 1.4 <OC~S l-Dl!'!LAYED -U. S. Sl'Crf'tary or the A"°y Robert Stevena aald the Chinen p ound for<"H ne«'d more artlllf'ry and trucke from the United States. After a tour or the Chlnese ar- my fnatallatlon11, Steven• m1ult thie dlaeloKure to your OCNS cor· respond!nt. confirming what we had heard from George Yeh. Na- tionalist China's foreign mml11ter. In an exclusive lntervltw a fort· night aco. Yr h charged that Amrrlc•·• Jl.h lpmtnta of mlUtu y malt-rial are way behind •che(\ule -that only half of the upec\cd war material• haa bun dPllver<'tl hy t he U S. ovtr lhe last few year•. JU:LD TO l "R Your rt'portt'r made lh• tour to a Chlne11e Nallon&ll1l tralnlng bu r In aouthem Formo11& with a prC'lls party accompanying Sl'Crl'- tary Steven11. 11nd had further 1•or1 obOr•llon of the 1hortagt1 or blir i:un11 In the Chlnr1<e rround Deputies Chase Trio in Flight fon::ea, fro'i the cround forc-e11 comm ander. Stevf'ns u ld he would rel'om- mend to Wuhlngt on a faater flow of military good.a to the Chlntsl' a rmt'd fore-ea. It 111 u pected his observation• will havt' aome bea r· Ing on Wa"hlngton's decl~lon on the t ouchy l1ta11e In the F a r E1111t. WAR SOT r"tMT.Dfi\TE Sleven11 lnc11cat,.d he 11aw no lm- medlatr lhreat of war In t he Tai- wan ( Formoi1a 1 stra.lls, but 1le· clared he will rt'commend an ex- pam!lon of the 111ze of the Amr rt- can mlllhiry a1111lstanci> a dvlllOry gi-oup hPre by 2:) lo 33 per cent. • We w"re tot.I by the gPnersl In com•rnnd ut 1111 the Chlne11<' Na- tionalist ground forces. Gen. Huang Shlrh. that thi>re i• a definite equipment llhortag~. "We need heavy gun11, t ruck•. 11lgnalllng rq111pml'ot. evrn 10me r1fle11," Gen HuAng 11&1d. The ln- lt'rvlew wu truialated by hla Ila· Ison nffic'"r. SANTA ANA cOCNS I -Thn\e Whittler youtM, two 17 a nd l he other 18-year-old Vincent R. Len- 1 ton, Wf're rtagited down by aher-I ---1ff'11 dl'pullu after a hlath,•pel'd . chaae •Ion, Cout Highway near rorona del MQr P'rlda y nlg'hl uid t.ooked on J>Oll~&Slon or a lcohol a nd blackjaC'k <"ha.rge11. COLl.ICTIOlll A~t• -SotH -ca.a-ol any khtlf of &1.-bl11--.y" °"'re In ""'""'c-a. •·so coll.-c-t111 .. -So fff." \\ e .clVIMK'e 9'1 t'Oltla. CKEDIT BUKl:All ot \\,.,..._,. Uranlff' C.:ount7 f~rly <:rf'dlt ltul'f'eu of s -por1 8t-M'h. IA«uaa Bf'&C'J• and Coata Mf'M. tCM KJn raWe AVf'., l'.O. Bos UI St;WPORT 81!ACR. C.u.a.F. I UPputeeA u ld thry were patrol- In~ nu r Merle'a Drive-In re•tau- nlnt "hen they wert1 atopped by a woman dnvcr. Sever11I M <'UP"nl.JI wrrt' an the car I The dnver toli1 uepulle• another <"ar had tr-1 .. d to crowd t hem ott th,. 1oad *veral lime•. A1 they were tal•g. the 9\18~t.t' car hreeu d hy a nd the deputies gave l'hltll<'. o .. put le• Mid t h t y clocked •Jl('ed• up to 9:1 mllH p<'r hour In the tlve-mll• chue .outh or Cor- ona del Ma r. The c&r wu reg1a- leAd to one ot lh• 11-year-old Melloffs Vacation Mr. and Mni. Wa lter B. Mellott of 2812 ~aeon 8t.. 'II.re va.caUon- lnc In N~u. lhe BIUtamu. Many lou.J fr1 enda have po11tcard1 from the cnuple. Mellott lA the pru1- r:11'nt of thr South Cout Conat ruc- tlon Compnny •nd dtveloper of Harbor Hlgl\la.nda. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL UC> aoth St.. Newport Beath Harbor %531 ~G •• t:..·,.. ... --... --.... .. ... _. __ .._ .... , .M.U. MA1THEW R • .KEN~'l.:Y To "4-tlre HARBOR AREA TO IE HOME Army Home Town Ncw1 Cen- ler, Kanau City, Mo. Aprtl & -Maj. Matlhtw R. l<t nnPy, who retlrt-• from 30 ye&n ot mlUlary aervlce April 30 at Camp E ta Jlma, Japan wlll make hi• home wtlh hla wtfe and daughter ln Corona del Mar. KeMey. flr1t enlf•tNI In the Army In 1920. He •pent t en year• In the Marine Corp•. before receiving a com ml11111on In lhe Infant ry In 19t 2. He holda the Bronze S tar Medal, Commt ndatlon Ribbon, the Republic of Chlna·a Order of th,. Cloud aJ1Ct Banner, and the KorellJI an<I U N Service Ml'dah. U s. -Army Photo. Shoplifting Raps Jan 2 Local Boys -Two J7.y,.1r-old Newport ~ach boy• we~ taken Into cu•tody on a chargt or 11hopllftlng from the Hou"" ot Harmony or 1819 New- port Blvd. In Cnt!it.a Mell& juet recenUy, Police Chief Art Mc· Krnzle reported. The pair were uught and held for pohce by J ohn W. Harrl80n In lhe •tore, report.I •hnw, McKenate eaJd t he mullo •tort hu bffn loatnr approllimately 100 record• per week q,iut'd at 170 due t o allefcd petty thrfl• by juventlu. NATIONALtY KNOWN ILLUSTRATOR MADE BID FOR FAME AS YOUTH Orancie' County Woman Recounts Diligence in M~inCJ Career By .IA~'1l BOE'JTSER A. tO-year-old Orange County woman who t urna out aket<'hee in a "bedroom cubby hole" has taken her place u one of the nation'• top UJuatratora of children'• booka. Sofe·apolten Mra. Stuley Kauf- man of Anaheim told the writer .. I wanted to be an artlal ever atnce I can remember. My folks .. Id I alway• tolJ thun that." Although Mr1. Kaufman, who draw• under the name of Ruth Ive., would be the laat to admit It, ahe haa reached her goal. She ha.a just t lnl•hed 111u •tra t1 1\g Sleeping Beauty for the Trea- 1ure Booka urlu published by Grouet and Dunlap and has been comml.uloned to do "Llttle Men". She commented: "That '• an extra long Ume. They uaually are In a hurry. Not eo much Doubleday u Gro1111et a nd Dunlap." 8ATJSFl'JNO WOBX 11Ju11traUng booka for children'• bookahelvea acrou the la.nd ta a "aatl:dylng·• u i)t!ril'nce for the Anal•f'lm h'>\:~wtfe. mother of two. but It wu a l-;1.g hard pull P1 an ling Co. •'It gave ml' " rhan<'e l l) rullow drawing& all the way throug11 ," 11he u 11t rled. BIG BfC EAK After 11he wa11 fully 1ndoctrm1ll· r tl Into the firm ht'r big brc11.k camt-. Grouet and Dunlap wanted her lo do th1• 11kelcht11 tor Its Treasure Book ltne 1'U1tlim. My Flr1t Book of Pr11yera. Ruth quickly ended her pn nllng corupany tour of duty and returnNI to her work bench at hom.e. There, with cupy guttle \iht'«'I•, •he pen- ciled the drawlng11 of children In reverent poee11. Ht r work wu accepted readily by t he publishing hou11e. It later c111led on her to do Cinderella In water colors. It wu 1lated to be one of the small 2:1 cent books. but wu blown up into a much la rgl'r publlcaUon. She alao did lhe Life ol Clar• Barton and Under the Lllaca, Mrs. Kaufman leaned forwar'1 In her chair amid the Victorian fur· nlllhlng11 of her living room and re- called the Jong. tedioua •tepa to a pollillon of promlnt'nce In the II·' lustrating field. She wu graduated from Ana- heim High School In 1932. Then followed three yeara ot training at the Choulnard School of Arla, Los Angeles. After completing her studies then•, Ruth Ives looked toward New York. With the help of "mom and dad" t Mr. and Mrs. Bn lrl' B. Ives) who "subsidized me" the tall alender girl was able to continue her car- eer .In the Empire st.ale. E ARL Y START She i Ot her flrat job u • free Janct•r on the W oman'• Home Com· panlon, t hank• to a "wonderful man, • Mr. Qulnan." He a.sstafed her al.ao ln lining up apot jobs 11· lu11trat1ng artl~ll'I for lht: Pie· torlal ReVlew. Moil of Ruth'• work wu done for I.hat publica tion before lt went on the rodul. ••Jt waa j l!At occulonaJ work tor me,.. the arll•l explained. "They didn't have much tor bl'glnnen ." After her work on the Pic tor- ial Review a bruptly terminated Ruth wu engaged to t uhlon a .. rtea of l!Metchu for wtdely known Poet Tl'd Malone'• column In the Good Houaekeeplng mag- u lnt>. Later ahe bnu1ched out into U\IJ advertlatng field. "More money there." ahe commented. M"an· while, •he k ept 11t the work near- est her heart -drawing children'• 1ketchei1. She turned them into the pubHlht-r-a all ovrr New York. They turned th.em down just u fu t . One of the quullona they usually Uked her waa "how can you dn1w children when you don't have any ot your own?" TWO CHILDR£S She did 110methlnr: about that , tal<in' the marrta.:e vow a in l!M I. 8ubffquenlly, Dl11ne, 1.2, and Paul. 10, were born. She c:ame back to Anaheim during t he war while Stanley wu 11ervtng In the Mer- chant Marine. Howrver. •he found caring for two chlldren rnn1 e prt!Uling than ahe had Imagined. Sh,. wu fnrctd lo let hl'r ratf'et alme sllde for 11everal ye11ra. In the l11te •o·a 11he Illustrated gTeellng card• for Buzza Cordo:s.a IU\d the Orthopedic FoundaUon. Los Angeles. for about Clve yeani Meanwhile. 11he kept rlrlng um- plo of her work •crou Ulc coun- try to her r\f>w York agcnL She found •·a wonderful pl•ce for an Rr lllrt to work" In Fullrr- ton. ""1th tht Orange County PACJn c FLEET (FllTSC J ohn C. Aldoock, boat1waln'1 mate second clua. USN, 110n of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jacob Aldoock of 117 46th St., Newport Beach. Is t he lddlng P•'ltY ofrlcer of hlJI di\ll11lon a board the attack aircraft cu r ler USS Yorktwon. H I' hH re- 1pon1lb1Uty of eeelng thM hl11 men and equipment a rr always In top ehape tor rerurllnl' wlUle al aea. H I' entered the Na vy m 1943. Yorktown I• patrolling the Far Ea1t with the U.S. 7th Fleet. Walkers in Pcwis on European Tour Mr. and Mra. Blalne Walker of 907 W. Bey Ave., ara alrt!ady nine daya behind achedul• In tht1lr tour of Europe. Accordln( to postca rd• home they have toul"l'd eutern Gem1any. Amaterdam and Rotter- dam In Holland and a re now ln Bru.uela, Belg1um. Their next ma- jM atop v.'111 be Part.a tor HveraJ Wl't'kS. The couple took delivery of a Volklfw114ron in Europe and are leisurely motoring to all the polnta of lntereet and by-waya I.hey care to -. Mn . Moody Leaves for Northern Visit Mr1. Rose M. l\~oody, H>Ol Haven PllCI". who w1111 dlvorcl!d from Fred H. Barker In Sant.a A na We<lne•dey mom lng, 111 leavlnc t he flral ot the week to vlalt h1>r daughlt>r. Mn . Rlchu d Bare, In San Mate<>. F rom t here •h• .... 111 go to Portland. hrr old homt. for a few wttks befo~ retumlng to :\ewport Beach. Mr•. Mondy first falf'd a year a go, but. a fter trying for a year to make lhe marriage work. JI.he pu11htd the dJvorce through, the flnAI aellltment being by mutual a it reem .. nt before Judge Mom son. •hi' g&ld. both book• for eight to 12-yrar· oldtr11. Rulh epN•lallzes In a Vktorlan •lyle dnwlni;. Her copy hu jn· t'h11:led pen am1 ank, ~nt•al and watrr r!'lor ... Shr !Ikea plf'nty of tanar to do her work. "but J aelolom gel It." HAS HOPES The height ur her 11mbltlo11 1.8\ tp tllust1at1• Haoa <.:hrll!tlan An· der.scn. Shi' (1 C'h•1ck full os 1dc1111 on how 10 do It, Joo. She'd 10·1t1 to go back to New York whtrr she probably cuulil .:rt mut'h mort' work and "bto n1•a1· thl' •t&gc·. muaeurns a nd wonJi>rful ttrt centers. but t he chlldrtn •'Ome !inst. \\'e on<"r thoui;ht about t1·y- ing to lln• In Cllnnl't'llt"Ut and <'om- m1111lcat.e to New York.. but thl' Idea never w•s followed U1roui;h .' The un•Mumlng artist waa born In Canada . but recelvetl moi;t of her acho611ng 1n Anaheim. Her parenta have o,,.-rated a grocery atore at the northra.at comer of North Olive end OUve Sts. for 27 year1 .. In that Uny nelght>prhood store today may he found books for ch ildren, lllu•tratl'd by Ruth Ives LEGAL NOTICE I OERTlnc An OF BllSl!'a':"" FICTm0118 FIRM NA~IJ'; 'nle underl!l1?ned doe11 hereby cerllty that 11he 111 conducting a day nursery 11chool a t 440 Hello- trnpe Avenue, Corona dl'l Mar Callfomla .• undt>r tin' flctlllou1 name of H•Pl!Y Day School anrt that &11 111 bualnese la compollf'd of the following person w hose name and place of n stdence are 1111 fol- Iowa: JEAN F . VAUGHN. 440 Hrllo· trope A venuf'. Corona dr l Mar, California. Wltnl'll!I m y hand this 14th duy of A'rll, 19!'.ICi. /s/ JEAN F. VAUOHN STATE OJI' CALFIOR NJA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE lllll. On lhl• 14th day of Apnl. 19~. bl'fore me a Notary Public In and for .aid County and Statt-. residing thercln. duly comml111loned 11nd 11worn, peraon11lly appe•rect Jf'llll F . Va ughn, known to me lo be the peraon whOfle name Is sub11Crlbed to the within Instrument, anrl ar - knowledged lo me lha l 11he exe<"ul· "d the aame. Wltnu s my hand and official seal. /11/ MABEL FlTZMORRlS Notary Public tn and for aaJi1 County and Slate. My Commln lon explru Oct. 8, 19:16 No. 681 N"1a-PreM 4/18. 25. 6/2, 9, 19&:1 !liOTla C'n~na dt'I Mar, C'alllornta Aprtl f , JtM I have thl11 l11ty purcha11ed tht' :Sur11ery School k nown as HAPPY DAY SCHOOL localrd s t H O Ht-llotropt' Avrnu,., Corona del Mar. l will not be reeponi11hl<' ror 11ny dt-bt.t contractl'd l)rlor to lhl11 date. nor any f\Jl ure llab1lllle1 ex- cept by my 'order. 1•1 JEAN F. VAUGH N ST ATE OF CAWFORNI>., l COUNTY OF ORANGE 11111. On this 14th day of April. JMS. before m" a Notary Public In 11nd ror &11ld C()Ullty a rft! State. re"ltl· lng th,.reln. dul9 comm1u lonerl and ewom, peT*>n&lly apJl('arPd JEAN F. VAUGHN. know n to ml' to be the per110n whol!ll n11ml' t1 aub11erlbf'd to the within ln11tn1- menl, and acknowt!'dged to me thal 1he executed thl' um~. \VltneH my hand 11nd offi<'lal seal. /I/ MABEL FITZMORRIS Nota ry Public ln anrl for 8&1d County and State My Commlselon up1r,.11 Oct. 8, lft:I~ • No. M O. !ltf'Wl·Preu 4/18/~!'I Ct:RTll"IC'ATI: OF 81'MISl:lil!'4 t"lCTITIOC'!i\ FTRM XAME Th.f' unc11'nal,;nl'd do hrrrby <'e rtl· Cy thlll thry are <-ondllCtlhl? a f111h pa<'klnl? and 11lbacor" prncu~ml? bu,.nf'l!l! at 2Ul-20th Strt'l't. r-;.,,('. ~rt BPllCh. r a1tfnml11. unc1Pr thr flctlth>u11 firm nllmf' <it El.LI~ ABALO:\"¥. COMPANY M d lhAl sal!1 firm IJO r1>mpo!W'•! of lhf' l1>I· 10 .... 1 ng per11nn1 who~" nam1>1t In full a.nd plarr11 of rrJlc1enrl' 11 e 1111 follows. to-w11 · J AMES[) ELl.JS-19119 F,.rl,.r11l Slrt'rl. C-nlll& Mt'llll , c ahfoml" PATRlciA M ELI.JS -l!lllfl Ft>dr ral Slrt""t. <'net• M"~a C11ll· fomlit . Wltnl'Sll our han1111 thli. 13th day or April. 19M. I J AMF.S D. ELLJg PATIUCIA M f:Ll.18 STATE OF CALlFOR:\"IA COUNT Y Of" ORA:'\GE I"~ Ot t his 1:\t h rlay of April A. n HODGE A LONI WINNEI Dtclt Hod,., left ot R. L. Strickler Re&lly ottlc•, won "Ma.a of lhe Month" award Monday at Multiple Uatln1 lleUlon for ma.k- 111( l&rp9t Mle of .A.prtl lt lnvolvt'd commercial property tn U'lOWlt of M3,000 llated by Fffit Crwler and L. W. Bn,.p. Rub Powen~ eb&l.nlND, pl'Nmt. award. -4tAtl Photo f )~~·'•. lwfnrl' mr. RUMP.HT R HURWITZ. a !l;olRry Public In an•I for the Uhl County a nd Slntr, re- 1ldlng thi>rl'lln. rtuly l omml1111lon<'!1 anct irwom . per90n11Jly apprar,.rl JAMES 0 . ELLIS 11nd P ATRIC-IA M ELLIS known t o mt-l•> bl' th" pen1on11 whoae na mu a1" """· antbed to the w11h1n 1nstrum• nl M d acknowl~(f'd to me tha t t h"Y executed Ille 11am,. Jn w1lnf'11s whneof. I hl\Ve hrrr- unto set my hand •nd 11 ftlxl'i1 my olflcla.I aeal the dRy and year In U1l1 Certltlcall' far~l •bove written I ROBERT R. Ht.:RWJTZ My Commla111on Explru May 31. 19~6 No. 679 ~ewe-Pr-4;18. 25. 5/2, 9, 1P6n CE&TIJ'lC-'TI: or B~81NE81 f'lctluoua f'lmi Name nt1t UNDl'!R8 JGNED do hereby cerUl)r that U>ey &n conducUn~ a Boat Building and rep&lr yard and lilart1te ha.rdware w.tn.. at ltlJ 1At.,..tte IU..C. H...-port NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I . PAGE l MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 -------------------1-------------------LEGAL NOTICE 1 LEGAL NOTICE Buch. C'allforni., undtr thr fk ll· n. 111:\.•1, betore mt", ROBERT R. llou11 f1rtn nam' of HANS DICK-H 'RWITZ. a No:>t •ry Public 11\ MAN BO AT WORKS a.nd that a nd fur the said C-Ounly and 8tat8. said firm 111 1·omp,,aed of the fol-1 l"'C'ttl<lln1: ltl<'r.iln, <luly <'omm(Nion- lowln1 persona. whoao namea In I ed an<I •WC1rn. )'tr11onally appeal"Plt full and plat·•·• of rntdrn~e are Lii rRANK W SK l~NltR and J EAN followe, 10-wlt: K. S KINNER known to m8 t o be FRANK W. SKJNNER. 817 lht peraon1 whose n"1tlM are aub- We11l Victoria. Cotta Ml!aa. acr1bt!d to the within lratnunmt. CauCornl\i and a1 knowi.ditt'd to me thttl thry JEA!:I. K. SKINNER, 817 1'.Xf'<"UtrlS thr same. I N WlTNl:SS WeBt Vlctorla, Coala Mt.sa, WHF.REOI'', I h11ve hereunto M>t Callfon1la my h1111.1 11nd affixed my official WITNESS 0111· hanlf11 this 24th 4ay 11r._1 the lf11y and year tn thlAI Oer- of March, 1 9!\~. taflca te fi rst abovt' wratlfn. Frank W. Sklnnrr Jt'an K. Skinner Statt M Califor nia County of Oran&e, u . OF THJS 24th dil)' or March, A. ROBERT R. HURWITZ. My Com• ml111lon Expirea May 31, 19:16. No. OH New1-Prua 3128, 414·11·181M 1 WANT AO will cost you only s2 and it will run in alt 3 iuues A Min imum ed is 4 linH. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harhor NeWTl·Pl'MS Monday and Thureday editions. Plus the Coastal Shopper, WMnndays NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ( Every Monday and Thul'lday COASTAL SHOPPE R-Wednesday• 4 Un~ 1 Paper $1.00 4 Uneti 2 Papen 1.50 4 Uaes 3 Papen 2.00 Coaatal Shopper Claaalfted Ad• mm& naa I.a~ 11Mda7 or Tbunday Publlcadoa MINIMUM AD llJ ' UNE8 All Clwlned Adi muat be paid tor Cult a. adftW of P9Mk!llU.. DltADU.NE8 for pla.clnl or cancelllnc ada an1 F or Monday Put>Uullon -Saturday Noon F or Wedneaday P\nlDcallon -Tueaday 2 p.m. F or 1llunday PubllcaUon -Wedneaday 1 p.m • The publl&hera will not be re9p0n1lbla for more than one tncornd tnseruon ot an ad, roerve th• n cht to corTecUy claaaity any a11d all ad8 and to r eject any ad not contormlnc to n.ilea and refulaUona. NE WPORT HAJUSOa P VBl.l8111NO 00. HU Baabo6 Blvd., N ewport lkech. Oallfo..-Ja. Classified Index J ..._,.., NotleN I Card of Tbaka L' fl'uftt'l'&I oc~'°"' ~o Buw."99 Oulde l 1 BuUclla1 Materta.la •n ButJdl-.r Sen1CN IC P e 1"90DllJI 16 SJaare Your Car 11 T..-1por\&UOD n Roonac 18 &-auty Akh tO l:leeJUI Alcb n t.o.t aod t"ound t a ScllOl)ta, h tt1tructJn• is Sltuallo• \\'a11lfld Z9 Help "'aalNt 30 MJ~u-~u• Si..A l.'l"''aP" 11()-8 Appllant'<"• :n \\'utf'd to Buy s i t'urnlture for l'(aJe S:?·-' Afltl4J"" aa Boata. ticippu.,. 14 M-'a.I. Radio, T \' » Dor . C.:atll, Pl'te Put Pep in the PocJ<ctbook ~y Putting Profi table. Want Ada to Work l ~BuHdln~ !'tl(>n·~ TIME TO PAINT M. W . Ross P aanltni: & I •1•• 11rt•lini: Llberly 8-:1:121 or llarl>or :l089·M 280 A vor!lfll>, <'1111111 M,.~11 LIC!'n~•·d • fu ll ln!l'ur••<I :l8p~I PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 012 :18th St , Newport Bu ch PHONE HARBOR 24M Uc GENERAL CONTRACTING F r11m1na .t Fo11nd11llons Frt" E11llmatr11 A Plan Strvl<'e C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 311 tr House Plans LIBP.:RTY 8-412~1 lOtrc COMPLETE PAINTING ~ Paper Hanging Servi<'e EUGE Nlll! 0 , SAU!l:DERS ~ 31'l ~trttl. Newport Be•rh. Harbor 2978 ~ Har. 4'•t. Uc It P ollltry 11 Uv•todl as 8fM!dal ~• IS AatAle Waa'4!d 60 Aat-tor 8aJe .O.A TlrM a Pane •1 -'uto S.n1ce U Trallen •• Atrpa-u w ... ld eo &eac ~ -'J>tL & H-. f or ._, 61'1-'-Apta. for l&dt U lllla -fer Real C.O-Tnaller 8P9C'e U Rooma for Rora& at-A Keet H- •t-B "-A Boud 64' "-t.. HllN'~ H 8to,._ & OtftOM 6S·A 8UtJ~ Reat&llt ,... Rw.1-• Oppo~ 5.'\ M oM y to 1..-. M Moac7 \\'-t.ed Ill tw.J f:atat.e \\ .. t.ed to tncotiw! Pro~rty •• It-a Eetate Eadulap It R~J f:•tat~ y Newpo rt Harbor )ll'eta every Via Oporto B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Thuraday I p.m. -CentntJ Ave. ~11wport. Beach E lwood Shell. Exalted R uler 1 't-BoUdln~ Sen1cerl Painlmg & Paperhanginr We do t he ~"ork ouraelvee. :\\) Y"!lrli 1'ltpl'r11'nr e 1.1,..rnl!l'd • lh•url'CI. ~1tll1<ractlon ,-u11ra.nteed. F.~t1m11lo tr,.r. Call Johnnie. Ll R-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfo Painting, Decoratina Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARI>Ti J,ll'ENSBT.> ( "Ol'TTRACToR 878 W lllth Rl , C'"o~ta Me• l.lbl'fly 8·8628 CEMENT & BUlLDING All K1n1ltc FREE E STlMATES Liberty 8-6109 C ARPENTE R Repair Work DON Your Home N,.ell ReJl&lrVll or Remod~hnc ! C•ll Fnt..nk. Llber~y ~ All Work Guarant.e~d 7'Uo ASPHALT TlLE L INOLEUM ln11t11ll the a bov,. rh,.aper ~ mo11t. AIJIO "'II Tile • U nol.um. Non-unl<m. 26 ye'an cxperMnce. Cl'lrnpare snrt ae.e - .BIU. COKER U t4l06 TUc •. • • PAGE 4 . PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS1 32;-Fu~l~!~t: ~-~-Fuml~'!-~o!.Sa~~ MONDAY, APRIL 18.; 1955 Bay Furniture Gives You Introductory SPECIAL I' A TIO FURNITURE reflnlahed, tlncat 11ynlhdlc enamel vanilah or sta in. Aa low u - $3 .50 5 pcs. $15.00 We apeclallze in &nUque and Zolato'ne flnl111he1. Phone tor J!llltlmatea At Pickup Service Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Plarf'ntla, Col!ta M eo. L I 8·7!l!ll Har, 1378 .Op4!1 PAINTING J:-.:TERIOR -EXTERIOR LICE!'ISF.D -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 -31st St. :-\cwport Beach Harbor 3176 22tfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H . 0 . Am!erson t8--81taatioM Wuted -----COOK .tt all &round flrat dan maid. Beel of ~erencu. Wages $1711-'200 mo, Rudy t or work April 211. Write P , 0 . Box 6~:1. Metro Station, Lot! Angelo :I!\. 40p42 WOMA!lt experienced In l'llllmat- lng, ulling, eewln( anrt orrlce work, wanll work an Orapt·ry Shop. Ll 8-30-03 or Har. 427~1 arter 6. 40p42 WANT IRONING IN MY HOME Liberty 8·3079. 38pt0 . ~----"-e~lp..__W_an __ ted __ ~~---- Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen . . . Bvys of a Lifetime During our remodeling sale NEW Bunk beds, hwd. compl. with 2 innerspring mat. $129.50 value ........ ············-·····-···-·-·····at Bay $79.50 8-pc. bedroom group, complete with guaranteed in- nerspring mattress and box springs $199.50 value ................... .... .... . ... . at tiay $139.50 Innerspring mattress & box spring sets, matching. Guaranteed construction. $99.50 value ...................... ·-··········-······ at Bay $59.50 9-pc, livi'ng room groups, choice of styles, includ- ing bed-divan, matching chair & ottoman, or hassock : 2 step-end tables, 1 coffee table, 2 table lamps, 1 floor lamp. $319.50 value ···············-················-·····at Bay $199.50 Bay Furniture Warehouse Annex must make room for new . . : Must dispoee or present stock or used •.. No reasonable cash & carry offer refused ... BAY FURNITURE 427 E. 17th.St., Costa Mesa (between Tustin & Irvine) Free Storefront Parking ~ Terms Open Eves. till 8 p.m. COSMETICIAN pre-ZS-Help Wanted WA NT BABY SITTER for 3 mo. CARRIER UPRIGHT deep freeze. V V CHECK THESE USED CARS . Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to beck up wh•t he Hiia TODAY I '6-Aut09 and Trucks see· THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. brown. Radio, beater, overdrive. good ................................. . 2·tone Runa .... $1025 1953 FORD 4-dr. sedan. 2-tone green. Over· drive, Radio, heater, tubeless tires, dual pipes, only 18,000 milea ........................... $1495 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Club Cpe. 2-tone gray. Radio, heater, power steering. New W.S.W. tires. An excel- lent buy . . ··-............................. -$2795 1953 BUICK Super Riviera, radio, htr, pow- er steering, power brakes. Looks &: nine like new ... ..... .. . ---·-···~---......... -..... $1995 LOU REED 1200 West Coast ffighway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Locateti at Our New Building . .. SPRING ! SPRING ! Time to sprin·g for that 0 Ked. USed Car~ .. .. and LOOK at these Bargains ! 1955 FORD Cuatomline 2-dr. aedan, R Is H, Fordomatic, WSW tiree, many other ex· tras. Leu than 3000 actual mile. _ ..... $2245 1955 CHEVROLET Belaire ~-V-8 81dan. Fully equipped. Executive car ...... _. ........ $239& ,. 1953 CHEVROLET 4-dr. 8edan. RAH. WSW tires. Sold new and serviced by ua .... -.$1MS 1954 FORD Country Squire, R It H, Fordo- matic. power steering, power braket1. W S W tires __ ..... . ............ _.: ...................... $2496 10 1' E. Balboa Blv<I., Rulho& Harbor :!4!IO 1!3lk ferred. Must be ex- perienced in selling better -name lines. Qlct b!lby, my home. Hre. 7:4:> to 3:t :> Monday thru Frld11.y11. Start Apr. 18. 2063 Maple, Costa Meaa. Bought 2 yn. &go for $67:>. Will ll2-FurnltuM for Sq 1eU tor $470. Har. 2867. 39c41 84-Muslcal. Radle, ll T V -1951 IDLLMAN MINX convertible aedan. Heater, r.ew top, new paint job, Good rubber ......................... , .... ·-··················-··• 58C5 FOR RENT 38p40 Skill Saws, Elt'c. Drills, Pol111hers, all typt'a or Sanders, Wheelbar· rows , etc. BOYD'S HDWE. SO-Mllcellaneou• for Sale Salary open. · KATEY ooANm 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY Liberty 8-343:1, Newport S ch 28ttc Paperhanging New A nearly new •pparel for women It. children. Kindell'• WRITE giving full Patio. 2721 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. 28d..2 details. to Box T-56, ---------- this paper. 37c42 Painting I Kimberly 7-1121 l------------- 3l P4.6 WA!';TED -:.-00 PEOPLE to come -------------, to brt'akflll!l Satunlay, A pril 14--Penonal9 30Lh from i :OO lo 11 :00 a.m. -Gooolell Jinll. lhr l!lt Church Dy EVERYBODY LOVES a good the Sea. 1420 w .. l'l B11lhua BlvJ. Book Review. Don't miss ServeJ by the Mens' Club. Tic- Edna Stearns Dayton, Lido kets 75c. •Op 15 Theater, April 28-10 :30a.m. G1RLS- 4::!c44 A.lcoholica Allonyniou. Write P. 0. Box SU Newport BeaCJl, Ca.lit. Pboll• Harbor 4796 tto !!::l~~f)'_A_ld._a ___ -__ _ Superfluous Hair PermanenU7 removed from face a rma, le(•. Eyebrow• IUld hair Une ua~-No more tweei:ln1. J:u..EN L. BRYANT R. I!. Lido'• Salon of Beauty Bar. 2076 Uc 2Z-lmt aad-Folllld LOtlT -lilue Cardlg-a n swt-at••r In <.;ornnll dl'I Msr TIH!IMlay - JUST A • JOB ? MORE THAN THAT-An oppor· tunlty to work In an interesting Industry which Is expanding and otrera ndvanccmcnt opportunity to qualified young women. OPENl:'\GS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -APPLY- 5H.,. N . Main St. Rm. 211 -Santa Ana Mon. through Fr1. 9:00 t-0 4 :00 p.m . PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22lfc SEVERAL GIRLS to addreu. mail poatca~. Spare time every wu k. Write Box 161, Belmont. ~lass. 34p42 722 GolJenrod, Har. 04i0-M or WAN\ latly to care for children In Heu bor 3361 39c·O I my h<•m,~part tlmP-regularly. Nl'wport BeaC'h. Phone Harbor LOST -Boy'11 J«:m11 on Fun Zooc 4<17i. 39c0 1)(-nch, Apr. Hth. B&•llY nct•tl eye JC:lauu, wotch, blllfold, with WANT HOUSEKEEPER -t or t111porlanl paper• In pockt'l. Ktiep m unr y please. Return to M<10re. :ma Ii:. 21st.. Trlr. H . Co!ta Mu n. Call Ll 8-00H 40p-1:.! g1•nll"fTllln .t: motlier. Live In, t."ull Liberty 8-6"88 AFTER 6 p.m. 39cH WANT: Combination altrraliQn A ro11nt..r gl1!. fi"i!lh St.. Clca.ner11. 218 !ith St, H untington Beach. 38p40 LOST -Apr. 8th. w hit" pllr"l\" con- tain in~ ~ltu111f'11, W ft llrt Ac hous' k ... ys. Co11ta .M!'sa nrru. Rcwnrrt., Call Hnrhor 41 7-W . ~Od2 ------------- \V ANTED reliable girl or womlln STRA YEO grey • white loni;: I from 9 a.m. to 12 noon dally tor !nlred CRt male. Small hole In ll~hl h•iusework. Must ha ve own tip or lell e!H. Jl:amc Sm!'k~,. trnnspart8tlon. LI 8-4309. 40C'42 Llberty 8-11:"..t";, 4()('42 -- AGGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE 24--SchoobJ, lastructlon S Al.E$:1fAN for well lo<:atetl or- -Ca e Rr x Rech. Rl'lllly. Harbor Real Estate School ~1 "6 Har. 98i . :i5trc PARKER dbl. ~led ehotsun. JS gauge, ~ood condlUon. H&r. 38H -W alter p.m. 40c'2 • FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Ory wood, 16" • 24" len(lh. Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor 1014 Evenings Harbor 6391 19tf BICYCLES, table Zenith radio, Underwood typewrlttr. Rernlng· ton elec. &haver. Ford boJy, dbl. solid rock maple bed, 5H llllat Ocean J-'ront. corner oC Palm. Balboa.. Ph. Har. 3238. 36c411 FURNITURE REFINISKERS: - lacquer undlng aealer flat, Mml gloN .tt hl-glou lacquer. Jilg-h- e11l quOlllty. loweat prlc9*. Hari- bor Paint Center. 412 32nd St.. Newport Beach. Ha.r. 18111. 40c45H GOLF clubll, m&tched McGregor Irons. steel ahalt.a. 11t.&inlesa at.eel head& H&r. 3814-W after ll p.m. 40ct2 Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We Give a.R Oreen Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main SL at Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1115. 98tlc ANTIQUES -Old furniture, cul gl&a1. l&mp11, old plcturu, clocks etc. Bar(&.1"8 (&lore. BJ1 dla- count.a to d ealera. Charlie Oavte, 1806 E. Anabelm St., Lo~ Be&ch. 6~1311. 29tcc USED POTI'ERY MOLDS, corn· pru11or. barrel&, mixer, kUne, 2 dilsks and mlac. equipment - Some flnlehtd pieces. LI 8·4251. 38c40 SOLD MT BEACH HOME 19:15 WEDGEWOOD range deluxr. The blggut A: beat with auto· matte oven clock, vanh•hlng ahell, griddle In mlddll•, .t. big new aele.cto (rill broil oven. Its brand new but pd. dn. to $278.27 from orig. $396. No dn. pymnt. just pay the pymta. vr $14.16 per month .. See Bau1hn'a AltS WarehouH 220 So. Main St. 6 blk1. S ot 4th Sl. Sant.a Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11·6 or Phone Kl 3-7201 19110 PKILCO refrigerator. The latut croN top freezer clleet model with ap&C!e tor botUu . a1ao nice veg. A: me&t kerper. Its new but pd. dn. to $ 122.38 No dn. pymnl. just pay the pymt.e. ot $8.64 ~r month. See Baughn'• AltS Wan:house 220 So. Main St. 6 blka. S of 4th St. Santa Ana. -Open daily 9-9 Sun. 11-11 or Phone Kl 3-720l BENDIX aut-0. waaher, flat top model, excellent condition, $45. See to e.ppreclate. 827 Plum Place (Newport Vista), C08ta Meaa. 39pH 19115 GENERAL ELECTRIC auto- matic washer. The big bcoutHul filter flow model with a~ll&tor, ovcrllow rinae It blg l 2 lb. tub. Its brand new but pd. dn. to $239.83 from orlsiJlal $3•0. No dn. pymnt. if you pay the pymta. ot •12.•o per month. See Baughn's A6 S War«-houal' 220 So. Main St. 6 blka. Sot 4th St. Sant.a Ana. -Open dally 9·9 Sun. 11·!1 or Phone Kl 3-7201 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-year cuarantee on Jobe done and OD u.sed wa*tra.. 2488~ (rear) Newport Bl., Costa Meaa Llberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. 64Uc 18 CUBIC FOOT chet1t·type free- zer, good condltion. 1923 H ick· ory St., Sant& Ana. Call Kim- berly 2-2582. '40p4!1 S2-Furaltun for Sale 19~.} GENERAL ELECTRIC rrr- rigerator. The big delui1c model with revC'lvlng ahclve1. huge croN lop rreuer chest, 1h1'lvel' In door 4' two 11potli's!I por<:!'laln rnspers tor vegetables. HH all color interior . Ill new but pd. dn. t o $258.97 from $380. :'\o dn pymnt. tr yo1.: pay the pymll. or $13.-lO per month. See Baughn'1 AcfcS Warehouse 220 So. Ma in St. 6 bib. S or 4th St. San!.& Ana. -Open dBJly 9-9 Sun. 11-:> or Phone Kl 3-7201 Wanted to Buy UPRIGHT PIANOS not over ~O" in hPIJ:"ht tor our rental dept. Hii;-hr st trade allowanc<'a or cash price u.t- 1953 DESOTO Firedome V-8 club coupe. R & H, auto drive, power •leering, power brakes, EZ eye gla88. Local one owner it~ l9M PHlLCO rdrl2nator. 'f1"1e big I 0 cu. ft with large cross top frt'eZl'r vhl•Ft, beautiful dairy b11r shrl"J<'a In tlour. nice meat rhlllct· tray, huge v1•i;. cril!pcr alol'agc. ll11 brl\nd new but pd. <In. t o $228.0:.! from orig. $34-0. Nn dn. pymnl .• It you pay lhe pymLS. nf SI r.61 per monlh. See Baughn"• A&tS ~\!arehouse 220 So. M11ln St. 6 blks. Sor 4th St. SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since Hl07) 1- 421 -423 :-:. Syt·nmnr<'. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0672 1952 CHEVROLET Styleline 2-dr., R It H ·-·S • 1949 OLDSMOBILE 98 .f.-d.r. aedan, R It H Hydra, new paint job ·············-"-···········-····• 59ft Santa Ana. -Open daily 9.9 Su n. JJ-11 or Phone Kl 3-7201 CHlf'f'l-~NOALE rose i;ofa. :> pc. bllh' d1rc111w 1lml"ltc l'Wl . blcarh- l'd mRhOi,:. b11ffl'I. ell JtooU cond. l 2x 19 JC: recn B1g,·low ca 1 pct. Harbor 3861. ~Ocil CONNSONATA Ele('trlc Orran. all)thlly 11sNI. Save $400 Qn tills be¥utlful organ. DANZ-SCHM.IDT Big Plano Stor e. 520 No. Ma in, Sant.& Ana See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display rnr.:> :O-:Oll!JF. wa.r.ier n11xkl AW· WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 4!):i. J u~t push lhl' button. 1ias 1318 Coast Blvd., Coruna del MIU b•!! tub, a s•tator. n ow rmsP. Its I tThaden Interior Bldf . I brnnd n<>v. but p1I, tin. lo $168.12. Har. 3382 045 Uc Jl:o dn. pyrnnt. Jllllt p11y the rymt11. ,,r SS :;s per mnnlh. SeQ Ba11ghn'a A&:S Warehow1e 220 So. Ma in St. 6 blk11. S flt 4th St. Santa Anu. -Opt>n •lally 9.9 Sun. 11·5 or Phune Kl 3-7201 ATTRACTIVE blontlc d inette scl 6 uph. chu1r11) buCfrt, tabl" a nrl 2 h·avc!I. Excrll. r•md. 1;1:15. Uphol. arm i:huir $5. Har. 5027W 38U BED-COUCH .. chair, 2 end ta- blu. good r onJ • all 145. Mahog. 1&telec dlnlnc table • • ehaJre, $10. 20272 Orchid Ave .• SW San- ta Ana. Kl 2-1667. 39p11 CRY ST AL liherb~l8. punch bowl cupio, candle hoh1c1 '!. tr11y mirror, Bavarian china. r1l I E. Ol•ean Front. rorn••r or Palm, Ba!hoo.. Harbor 3231:1. 3ic42 1-"l..OAT RE~TAI~ for t1cny size HAMMOl'\D t:HORD or11an detnon- strator, with m•w g~1111·antt't'. Big 11av1ni;- DAl'\Z·SCHMtOT Big Plano StorP. :>20 No. Main, SantA Ana April Spinet Specials! BBAU"rtFUL 41 ·· K1n1hnll ~plnt'l pia no, l1kt> n.-w, i<.11'•· S2t12. LOVELY Hallet & Dnvl11<10"111)h'lct like m~w. HVl' S130. FAMOUS MAKE Sall'm mapll' eplnet piano only 4 mo·a. old, l&Ve $1 2~. BLONDE Wurlltaer 1plnet, like new, aave 1280. LOVELY 3S." Chlpp"n1lale walnut Kimball aplnel, like new. aave S29L l Ol"LY rull k1'yboard Lr'!lel eplnet In fin!' contllt1on $46:1 Convr nlent l(·rml! at - SHAFF.R'S Music Co. I Slnrl" 1907 1 421-423 N. SycllJTlorr, Santa Anll Phone Klmbl'rly 2-0672 TV Service boat -• 3706 C"haJ1nrl Plal'I', Philco :"1•wport lsl:ind. Harbor 121i ·J. R C A 30l!c General Electric •sy:van111 Kaye HaJbt-~l Admiral TRADE Booutlrul 10.rt . aull. •<'hooner. F\11ly found. go anywhere. Will take equity In rroperty or 11mal- lcr bnnt. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd .. NewpQrl. H11r. 3032. . 39tfc: t:HRYS LER Marine englne, 4 11 to l n •dut't1on ~Pnr. REFRJGEHATOR. 110 volt D. C SF.E J AC K HARPER at L1t10 $hlpyenl. l'lld nf 3tsl Streel, Ncwporl Reach. l!Otrc BOAT trallf'r, $6:>. C"hr1s Crart 8· Ct. dinghy. hbl'tf:'l&lla bottom, with nar11. $6!1. PhonP Lib~rty 8·2532. 36l!c Antennu Installed ONE DAY SERVICE Phone Collect LEx 6-4630 H . J. LaVl'rn" 1C11rly l 322 Main. Hunllngl!•n BrRrh 36JHO $!';.00 PER MO. rPntl good p r!lt'l tt'•' piano. Tt'rm Tf'nl appl11·1 tr '0 11 buy. Good procll<'e plan••• $89, 110. 111r1 OA:-\Z-Sc:lHllDT Big 1'111no Sto11'. :i20 l'\o. Main , SanLa Ana REXT an oq;un or ptano wllh TPntal to l f'p)y OD future pur• t'hUl" a t- 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-dr. lled.an. Many economical milea left ln thia one .... $ :525 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain deluxe 4-d.r. aedan. R & H, Hydra., 2-tone paint. A 1 owner car that loob & rons like new ·-··-···-··$ 6M 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 deluxe 4-d.r. aedan. R & H, Hydra. . . ...... ., ~--·-·· .............. $1165 • 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion convertible coupe. R & H, O'drive, W S W tlret1. Will paint to suit cue ~omer .... . ·········-····$ 59!5 1953 CHE\'ROLET 1:: ton Pickup. 4000 ac- tual miles .. . ..... $1195 1950 CHEVROLET club coupe. R & H, 2-tone paint .... ... .. .. . S 665 HM9 BUIC'K Super Sedaneltc, R & H. W S W tires, no Dynafl .................................... $ 495 1947 NASH 4-door ·--·-.. ---···--·---·····$ P5 MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5633 •G-Aotos and Trucks Vacation Specials 5:1 .IAr.L"AR Xl<120 Roa•lslr•r. bind< paint, r•·d &t. b1Scu1t lf'a- thcr uphOl!itrry - '!II TRI L"MPH TR2. r(!d paJnt . blu• kbt'rry 1nl .. 11»r, :t1.lnt. allttpe ·53 llJLUl;\N '4 ·tlr. IM'dBn. Low mll,.ai;c. A nlrc rtean 1'ar All llll~ ~rt1111an1ee(I. &ow down ptty 1111'11l,., Uank rann"'llclng. B uy f\ fut"ll?ll rar from a recug· mu•1I ru1t·I~ <!Ir •lNler. Harvey Mayer Motors , Inc. 1950 NAIH St.atrll17\an Brou1ham. Ratllo 6 o'drlve. Full price U 9:J. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd , Coale M,.11a l'hOlll' U berty 8·~:JI. 3~w:l7 l!l'i2 Hl"DSO~ Hornet t1l'dlln, 2· tone! finish. Hydra., R6H, Unt,.d i,tln1111, etc. S uprrb condition $981'>. :-\n tlnwn paymen\· Pvt. own•·r. Harbor 2933. 38p40 ':'l:t PONTJAC 4-dr., new brt1ke11, HydnunBll<', tlre11, <'hrum1•. """'" .tt 11hlne, local owner, Harbar 401\ri M 11ee rlU' flt UnlQn 0 11 St.alloa. 2201 £. Cc>ut Hwy . 2137 ltitrbor .B1'•11 . C"rW!t~ l'h1mr Llbnly 8·22~16 Mt'!lll JU7~. •Oc42 t0ct2 -l~H! nt.Ds 88 CQnvertlble, A • H. \\'ILi. S,\C'IUF"H.F: l!Hll St11J,.. bak.•r Jt'IW.e ll•·tlan. H1u ALL WS W llru. PhoM Harbor 301 fDr appt . to lnsprct. 1181 fc rxtru . """rythlnfr ! 123, 3Hh • -?\-.E\\-,-19-55-RE--N-A_U_L_T_Mda.n. ___ De-_ " 0l'W''"rt lie11r h -IOn.12 in Santa Ana WA:--1 molhns helprr, whit", 11"1.' In rspl't'IBll)' good With <'hll· dri"n -I yr .. 10 yrs. 4' 12 yrs. :lfuvini; to Corona del :'\far In J unP :'> tlay wttk. Salary $'Zl0. mnnlh plua r ar anti •'ll P"n.sr11 I 'h""'' O XCortl 9-31 ;;, 38r·t0 TWO 8-ft. Frigldlllru . $75 ea. Unl- verMl ru rang,., $100. Wedge- wood gu ..-nire, $ISO. Rattan ext. dan. t.&ble. 6 chalra, $125. 2 couchCll, $211. each. Set of mlac. ma ple pll'Cu . rood condlUon. 64 Beacon Bay. He.r. 29:13-J or R)'l'n 1-6087, can be .aeen Tuea., Wed . .tt Thure. 40p42 WOOL rugs. on~ 9 x 12, SlO. One m CHEO FAIR Chry8l~r Roy· 8 " 10, 16, ln faJr condJtlon. Ha.r &le. 2 to l rrducUon. both $400. SHAFER"S MUlllr CQ (Slnr" 10071 421-423 !'\. Sycamor". Santa Ana Phone KJmlX'rly 2·06i2 " •·-•· livered equlpJ*S, $1215, 111 ·.i HLL:F, "ADILLAC convl'rt· 1hlo·, :w llOQ n111 .... On i;lnal own - cr $2.05-0 \nil Har i113i at ~ p. m 38p40 Hausken Motors Inc. MEN • WOMEN prepa.re ln 111>are lime Cur unlimited opportunlllu In Real Estate. ~ew clasaes weekly. Al 1)'ll!r tnstructlng. At- tend Clrfit evening free and learn about th11 great field. Ca.II or writ e now for lntormatlon. Bu111- nes11 l n1tlllute, 41::>1s ?\. ~vca­ more. Kl 3·1753. i 4lfc China Painting Day and . Evenlne c 1u1u Ordel"ll Takl'n Now l'hohe Liberty 8-l'>G48 9Ufc !8--Sltllatlou Wa.ntH GAROENlNO Ganlm malntrn•nce, )•&rd c:lra.n up. Call Klmberly 11·3026 or Har. 303• alter 4. 40p42 Roy's Maintenance HoUN cleanlnr-Floor wuinr W&ll wuhln1t-wtndow clranlnf \"rnetlan bUnd1. Upholttery Jn.sured. FrN Eatimatu Liberty ~-1332. lUC Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 llOllc JiOUSEWORK. EXPERIENCED. Rrrr~n11H. Own transportation. $ J.:'10 ~,. hour. Ph. U 8-<1649 38p40 -------------l!:W ERLT MAN drawln( t!malJ pension, •<'live, irl)('d hl'll.lth, dt'· •In-• position na w11lr hm&n or 111•h1t ha\'e ~·"u to orr,.r. G{><••I r!'r1-rrnr t>s. \\'rite Box.holder H 2. l Coeta ~ •OcU EVERYBODY LOVES a good Book Review. Don't miss Edna St.earns Dayton, Lido Theater, ~ril 28-10 :30a..m. 737-J. 39c41 H&rl>Or 1911-J 38d3 A TIF.:-110 ::" ALI. BOYS C'amr r rout"l'I arc now Qpen In ynur neighborhood. IC you art 12 to 1:'1 years old, csll the ul • rula lion t.lrpart.m .. nt. Harbor llU6, fnr ~our :-\Pwpor l Hnrbor 1'<'ws-Prr!lll a nd Coa~tal Shnpru•r roulr. J{'llf W A:'lll' coUeg" boy ror part time w11rlc:. 3 h111r dnv~ a week. SEE J11 y Perry, Ctrculatlon Dept. Nl'wport Ha rbor .''<•w11-Prf'!lll. Phont' Harbor 1816, 10-12 a .m. or 4-!'l p.m. only. 39ctlh CONSTRUCTION SUPE.RVJSOR wRnted Cor Orange County YMCA Camp, Barton Flats 11rta In San Bem1<.rJlno mounla.lns. Mt;ST be able t o read blueprlnll It order material. Carpt'ntry .t other con•lrucllon skilla ner ea- eary. Work to began Immediately --60 to 90 day job. Wkly. salary. Board It room optional. INTERVIEW by 11ppL, Call YlfCA LAmbert :i·33Cl2 or Kl 7-UH . 38c40 BookkeeJ'l'r thru trial, wage open &veral 11t,no·1 _ ... W11ge open Mtdlcal ~t·y.·bkkpr. Top wage Domestic poslUona. ll\'e m &nd day worken . JvNE FARRAR !i:Tnployment 40211 • 32nd St . Newport Bea<'h (Acro119 ~t. frnm City Ha!J) 38ct 0 rosrnn:-; opp;:-; tor new • u1rd rar s11l,..10mll1\. Alan lubrlr11tlon man •\rrily at -Terry'& Butrk. 5th It \\ ia.ln ut, Huntlnlton Bch 42c44 M0 \'11'G EAST-Con.tole 21" TV. $90. elec . heater, $:>, lg1. book- cue SHl, 2 plet uru $10, 3 plant- ere, fllled, Jt:>. 2 table l&mp1 $5. floor lamp $15, clolhea hamper $3. 11toragc husock $6, child'• tractor $15. ALSO dl11h ea, pan11, etc. -Phont Harbor 240::>-W. 38c40 nlURSDAY AT a P .M. l9:>t O'KE.EFE It M.ERIUIT r&nl'e. Tbe big CP a.II a utomatic, gr1ddle ln mJddle, llrt top and nice frill broiler. Uud only l mo. Pd. dn. to $118.52. No dn. pymt. It you pay the pymte. of $8.39 per month. See Baufbn'1 AAS WatthouH 220 So. Ma.In SL e blkL s Of •th St. Santa Ana. -Open dally 9-9 Sun. 11-6 or P?tone Kl 3-7201 BLUE WOOL RUG 9x12, large cb&tr and hauock, a barrel chair, pteler table, aolld mahoi:any. Libert7 8-4031. 38c.40 "Haven't even had breakfast yet!" SAID THIS ADVEansu. '"I've ~ .. many eau. r -·t .. aa,.ualas INt •-·er the pboee Md the door. l'\·e aJ- ,.._.,. NW eenr-.1 .........._ NM'er upeckd AClll woa- derftll reepome I" BEU'• " COPY CW' .ma AD• I 30-llhcdhvom for 8Ue Rl!!Aa<>NABLE. Roll away bed davenport, lamp1, l'U heaters. Universal Mml automatic wuh- e:r. kJtdlen t able .t: ' cb&Jr.. Oc· caaional chair, 2 occuional ta· blu. kldlley • ab.aped nnlty dr~r. aoaalp bench, h12 wall tent. ll lanterru, 2 cot.a 6 Cole- man atove. LI 8- \\uleftr you ....., aa ad la .,... .,....,. cl...efted MC:Uoe wtU brt.DJ 709 ,...ata, &on--Qt"Al.JTY _,i. I C'a.11 Hartlor 111' Mid aaJr for U. .. taar.r. JktO ~============:t:========::J .. 20 IT. UTILITY Wlth removabl• canvas top. Gray M1trlne En- glne, 1650. caah or terms ar· rangPd. LI 8·7384 39c41 S!';IPF:. :->o. H 33, In good condl- Uon. 1400. Phone Liberty 8-473& 39pU M-Maalcal. Radio, a T v llO USED PIANOS wanted badJy ror our renta l dept. Highest cuh allowanre in trade on new piano or organ. DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano A Organ Co .. Ci20 No. Main. Santa Ana SPECIAL Accordian Buys ! Four uaed 120 ball!! accordlona tn fine <'ondillon. Cue lncJuded. Yqijr choice, $i5. Terma $10 dn. and Sii per month at SHAFER'S Mwilc Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Sent.a Ana Phone Kimberly 2--0e72. STEINWAY ORA ND. Jn wonder- tul condition. See and hear th1a lmlm'rt.al ln1trumenL All ottgtn- a I condition and m atert&I. TlW la no rebuut plano. Alao Knabe. Muon It Hamlin, Lealer and many othere at great aavtnga. Really! 100 piano• from which to Ch()Ofle. DANZ-SCJDUDT Big Plano !tort, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana STUDIO PJA1'0. A hard to get pla.no. Perteet condition. $:191".. term11. SPECIAL April Organ Buys O!llE 0 :-\L Y run 2 manual conn· sonata electrunlc urgan, like new. Sa vo $4110, 01'.'E 0:-.lL Y bt-autttul Mln1h1ll 11p1nel organ, like new, Save $100 ONE ONLY' 11lngle manuaJ Min· shall organ. lllw! nrw. 811.vr $200. Conv,..nlent lrrms at-• SHAFER'S Mu:ilc Co. (Rlnre 1907) 421-<123 N. Sycamore. S&nta Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0t\7:.! HAMMOND OROA1'S. Complete line ea•y terma. Yuur old piano taken ln exch&nge. Try brCore you buy. Free roor1U1 h're Cvt practice. DANZ·SCHMIDT Big r 1an11 Store, !120 No. Ma.1D, Sant. Ana BALDWJ:-\ Ac:ro11onlc Spln"t P ta nQ Just like n!'W. You ran !'Ave on t hla. Bnullf\11 A rt MQdel Splnl'l only 138.'i. Another Spinet Mah cue. Lovely tune only $497. Al- ways lots of wonderful bargalM Ill -- DAXZ·SCHMIDT Big Plano Stf'Jtf', 52() No. Main, Santa Ana 100 P IMo:i to chooee rrom. Euy term11. Open every FT1i.lay eve GREAT DANE, fawn w ith bt.ck m!Ulk. champion •how atock. 6 moDIJU old, trlmmf'd It aJJ necea- 111try thol•. AKC regbte1ed. S ac· r1f1ce. 1316 So. Coa.et Blvd .. LA· !?'lna Boch. HYalt 4-90!)2 39c41 l{•;.t 01·~0TO rul'lom flt'tl8n Haa r n•hfl h•·llll'f 11uto lr11nt1ml111lon Good tire ... Jfrrrnlly •WI rhoule•I ... $i9~. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 H!lrbor Blvd .. Cost.a Mesa Phone Llbf'rly 8·Wlll . 38<'40 ':13 ENGLISH FORn Contwl aedan, fl,000 t1rl111nal mlhil\. 1 4'lwnrr. ?\eitr new i:nndlllnn . S8115. Haw~ken Motors, Inc. 1932 Hai bor fi lv11., t'o11ta Me!<a Phonf' Llbt·r ly 8·50~1. 3r.c37 l9M MF.RCURY hard top con- v,.rtlbll', 2 tone. r xtra11, tubele11111 Ure11. S2.4VO.-l.1 8-i3i.i4. 38c40 Available today <No waiting) NEW J!J~,r, f"ADll..1-AC: M-60 Flt•ctw1>o•I M•da.n. AJr cond1t1on- Pd. S 11h 1,. whP<'ll!. r,, "'' "' pun1·- ture pro0r tires. only 1:.00 milr11. $6 HIO 1 SO ve O"~r $800 1 Factory ~UBrB/lll'e !'lilt In f"rl'I'. F~·r ll&Jr b~· towner 340t Oporto, apt. :l, l~Hlr• 1-~nlrRnCP. Call Hu. 3109 morning or arvr 5 p.m. .39p41 I !ll\2 F"ORD 4-tlr. Clllllomltnf! "'"'· R • H. no trail,.8. By prlv1<t ,. party 11 owner). LI 8-4!H I. 39<'14 M-Speclal Aa.noaacemeat ---------- DA="Z·SC HMlDT Bl,; P lano & !I CUTE kllll!M, a bout 7 wka. old, Or~a.n Co., 1120 N o. M.aJn, S&nta I t.o be (iven awa.,. C.U LI S.-7Kb I 4Da J • 60c.4.2 \\ANTED -:,oo f'EOl 'LE lo come to breakfBAt Salurrlay, Apnl !10th Crom 7 :00 to 11 .()0 a .m. OOOl.lell Ha.II, Chrlet Church lly the Sea. 1420 Wf'~t BalOO. Ulvd. St'rYl'rt by th• Mena' Club. TIC· k•\.a 76c. ·~ J 9:12 Bubor BJYd.. eo.t.a M.- Phone Llbert.y S.!>061 29cll Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyll. f'l,88 s Cyll. SM.88 lnctua ea both l&bor and part.a. New rm1•. wriat ptM, ftlye rnnd, ntun• of maua UMI rod be&rlnp. Ellpert. motor tUDe up. 90-day or 4,000 mUe ,_,..i.e. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUll..T ENGINJCB -UP to lG MONTH.a TO P.AT- Bullt ln our own t&ct.orJ 111 *11Jecl macblnlata. Doll't OODt..d wiUt the mJddl• ma.n. eu, d1rect. REBUILT and INSTAJ.J.JCo SHORT BLOCK FORD _ •ut.Gt CHEVROLrr tHUO PLYM. • DODGJC aw CHRYS. A DI: SOTO 1170 8TUDEBA.KDt -1170 OLDS At PONTI.AC I tt 70 BUICK •175 KL'DSON •171\ Loan C.r rr.. Towtn1 Nw;W CAR QAJUNTICll Block muat meet our 9tUdard• Plua tuaa, 1uJ1et.1 ud oU Open SundaJ 10 a..m. to I p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS O~ltn OaJI) I to T Mat. .. dtd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. a.uru AM.A I I I I I U-Apt11. ~_!l_o_~ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS ~light!ul living, Apt.-Cabanu. Utilltiu paid. with Yuht alip accomodations. ' Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For •JJpl. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tCc ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Summer Rentals on Lido 1sle and other fine Harbor homl'fl. Rioh Hahn's Garage TOP LIDO APT. Authorlaed Part. A Service 3 lxlnn11 •. 2 baths a.Lio Good Trauportatlon Unt\JmJshed -ground floor Cara J'or Bala A Home In Every respect Auto Radio Repair '180 mo. on ie~ «>CJ E. 29th St. U~rnished 2 bdrm. apt. Newport Beach, Bar. 4726. ~llc Top albOa Location -------..,.,-----Sto and refrigerator tZ-Trallen 1100 mo. on leaae Nothmg nicer on Peninsula. LAKll ARROWHEAD LOT with boat dock. '1600 or wtll trade for late 27-tt. boUH trailer. LI 8-7'63. 39llc 8ACR1FICl!l 20 !t. 1111 aluminum trailer, 1leepa 4, •t.alnl.,• ateel klt.cben unit. ElecL braku, ma· ho~ tlnlah. l'QOd tires - Harbor M49·J. 38c40 Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 V 111 Udo Harbor 44'4 40c42 ON BALBOA ISLAND aa ua tor yeei-11 &!Id aeuon&l rental& NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe Manne .A..-e. ft&rtlor 602 BALBOA ISLA.ND 7tto 48B-RODIH for Rent FOR LE.ASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new Jrvlne Terrace unrum. vtew homu. 3 BDRMS .. 2 batha and 2 BEDRMS .. 2 bat.ha. Call Harbor 177~ or Harbor 4H8. EARL ·w. STANLEY. Realtor f rvine 1"rrace Otflc• Coroaa tlel Mar. Utfc: FURN. 3 bdnn .. 2 bath, Lido Lile home AvaJlable from Ma1 1 to J une 1. Ph. Harbor 488~. 40c'2 liN FVRN. 3 bdnn. houae, large fenr rd yard 3 U Pirate Rd., Clltt Haven. 3k41 UNFURNISHED 3 bedrm. Corona Highland• ramlly home. W /W carpeting. drapes, co~y uaed brick fireplace, ra ised hearth, birch pan11led kitchen. Ocean view, lge. yard. Stove, retrt1 .. automatic wuher Included If dealred. See now 80C Seaward Road, Corona del Mar. Ph. HYatt <t-:>e91. • 37tfc CLJFF HAVEN, 190. unfum. 2 bdrm. houae. 1\"cwl.v palntt-d, flrt'place. Har. 51M or Har. 987. 36Uc: NEWPORT BEACH-Furn. 1 bed· r oom Ir aun porch wlth pragt'. Cl!•an. yearly rental $S9. month. l 06 • 28th St. EARL w . STANLEY, Rwtor :u 13 N1>wport Blvd., ~pt. Bch. Harbor 1013. 38tlc SMALL HOUSE -No bedrooms. Newly tum .. Incl. TV. Nice toe .. Coit.a MeAL 182.~.-cheaper on yt'ar·1 lcue. Lt 8-4862. 38c40 YEARLY-Nice 3 bdrm. houal!. Carpets, VPnetlan blinds, drap· es, elec. r&nge, garb. dl.llpoau.I. 1\"lce yard wlt.h ooean view. U ' CA.MP$TER. aluminum, very llfht. 1leepe 2. Ice boll, $100. 123 25th St., Newport Beach. 38p40 1 BDR.M. HOUSE eultable for t $81'>. mo. Lt 8-3572. 38tfc f'7-Waated to Beat Rentals Wanted We need ap~ and bouau In all MCtiOM for both winter and 7e&r'a '-· l'ura. or untum. U you have a •acanc7, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 YI '::aL Hwy .. Newport Bc-..h Phune Uberty 8-3481 208 :.tarlne. Balboa faland l'hone Harbor fH nr 2 adulta. P artly tum .. $47.llO. ORM t h 11 Gu & water pd. 805 Vlct.orla, 1 B . un urn., rear ouse, yar . Coata Men. LI 8-7073. 38cf0 Couple A child okay, $40. mo. l21·23rd. Co1ta Mesa, J¥r. 3!'.>08 2 BDRM. tum. It 2 b<tnn. unfum. duplex. ChUdren welcome. South of Hlghw•y. Cor ona del Mar. Mrs. Kay. Har 3779-J. lltl c -------------Choice Summer Rentals on BaJboa Island & Lldo Isle Small A cozy or large .It dehae S7r> to $300 month VOGEL CO. %08 Man ne Ave .. Balboa Laland Ph. Harbor oc or Hart>or ~151 89c4l 4_W-__ T_ralle __ r_s_.~.__ ___ • Trailer Space STA Tl: APPROVED tor Cab&na, large Ioli. 11pace for cu11tom lots. SwlmmlnK JlOOI by J une 1st. Acl111ts & c:tuldrt'n nver H . LIDO VILLAGE, 700 31at St .. Nev.7>or t &>ach. 34.:18 2867 E. C'out H r .. Corona del Mar l-'hone Ha rt.of 11A I Lido Ottk t, 34HI Via Udo Re•. Har. 1786-R or Har. JOMl·M C9--Rooms for Rent • Mtfc Hubor 4971 32t!c ~Apts. & Hou1e9 for Heat Balboa Island Choice y.iarly and 1ummer rental., now l\v111lable. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Manne Ave .. Balboa llland H1rbor 20 ll~Uc NF,W DELUXE 2 bdrm. duplea, UnfClrn. hdwd. tin .. tlrepl., prb. dlsp. sun deck•. Laundry room11. G11rt1,1:,.11, TV •nlennaa. AOUIU. nn 1w 1.1\. 700A-7008 Acacia, Co- ron!\ dtl Ml\r, OWnn 702 Ararla, t t:prer a pt I Ph•ne Har. 1736-J. 33l!c: y 1-:J\l{L \ .. S1 ,\L IJalW. b land. f111 n I h•l11 1i~wtr duple11. Mo•l••i:t & • "lllh>rl 11ble. Nl'arly """' Jl .. 11,.11n&blt Hu . 2927-\\" 38r~O n..-:A \ 'T. FRO~T \..1 b<lnn. unrurn. G ,.r•Jit. 1a11n1lry rni .. draptA Wa- t •·f t><I. Ne"r bu11 dt•l. MUllt Ke lu "Pf'''" 11•1•· 2:18 R1wh,'ltrt Ll lJ1·1 l \ &-611:'3 38C"i0 BEACON BAY 3 bdrms .. 2 ba. v1<.'w home, !-;ummer only. Come to the Garden Court t o live-for fun and sport, close to ocean and bay - Here you'll r.elax and play. REASO~ABL.E RAT.ES. Har. 082:l ll2!i E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. 39c52 ~~un:--i. 1 bdrm. n011s<'. AlllO t um. rm. with private bath. Harbor 2!'.>49-R after 5:30 fik. daya. 4111> \., Poppy, Corona de! Mar. 38pf0 48A-Apta. for Bent $~0. redecorated unrum . 1 bdrm. duplex. Including rt"frlg. Waler pd. 221 Coat.a Mt!M. SL. C. M. U ber ty 8-1234. 40<-H Charming Harbor Haven Apartment• -Patioa NEW 4 ROOM. atrct't ~veL Neu ac:hoola. 1hopp1ni; district. Quiet. ple~ant. u clu111ve. Garbage di•· po11&1. laundry, 1torace room1. garaet'. 182.~ up. Occuplca en- ure street. Goud 1upervi1lon. Mgr.. J~l Havt n Place l Block South of High School ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WI.NTER RA TES 3ttc TWO LAROE BEDROOMS on ground noor. Prtv. t ntr1tnce an<1 bath. 1... l:>U<. rrom ocean, nea r Bay. Gentlemc.>n prcte1Ted. H11r. OH ri-J. 361"H BALBOA. ISLAND prtvate room • bath. kllCllPnetL•, Wiii sac. for JO wk. 11lngle, or $10 wlc fur 2 tall J une h t or lSlh. Harbor Hl26·J. 40tfc: NICE tor workln6 man. private entrance. lM:S Oranp Ave., Coet a MML •Otte 3 OFYICE irpacu lor leue. Ap- proJL 17'x36' e&c.h.. ln U do Shop- plnlt areL 600 Vla M&lap.. H ar, 3327. 16Uc AV AIL.A.BU: -A.bout 8000 aq. fL ll&hl l.nduat ry 9J>&C• on i.t • 2nd. floor. u. S. Hlrhway 101 and Bay Front.a1e. Wiii le ... all or any part llr N'model t o IUlt tenant. Vo~I Co., 1418 Via.Lido. Ha.rbor 4971. 28t!c AVAILABLE • • • VF.ARLY unrurn. I bdrm. &fll. NEW STORl!l BLOO. 1200 11q. tt. HA I.HO A f'F.;"..; 1:-0:!'H"LA 2 bl.Irma.. with gvragt'. Balboa lllla.nd. uppo1llt1 B"lboa Bay Club, Ample I '. bfl l"llff\, llpl YR LEASE Har 26:.5-W or Llberty 8-H 38. parking. f'h. Ll 8-J373, 3.'\c"411h • • • 3Mfc ------------------T H F: t; F: PROPP:RTIE~ Uf' JUll a '"Jmpli· r1r !hr "11lc r1n~t' or I''"" . l0<·n 11rrn It 11rr11modlltlon1 \\'•• hav.-lt~lf'•I. COST A MESA. 3 rm. apt.. t urn. SSB-1.odustrlal lknt&h or unlum .. Includes ullllt.le.a. Call HYatt 4-43~T. 28lfc ~FT. OR MORE FRONTAO!l on The Beaumont Co. •HARBOR AP'I'S. w. l1lh. IJ•nit le&31!. 7to w. I Tth. Co!!ta Mu a. 38ct0 43•-:i?nd ~t . Ntwport Beuh H11rbor 429!l 33<'ib RENTAL v SPECIALISTS C11JI Edna Cral6 Blanche Gates, Rltr. JJ I Marine Ave }Salboa lalan~ Hu. 1871 72tfc Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Front.a I other choice propertie1 H Aroor 1.~111n11. B&y 8horca, Bu· ron Bay. 11uallflt'<l r llcnta only. Harbor Investment Co. Modern furnished apt•. , day, week or month Near bua. atoru 6: bay. Rl!._.ble rates. 104 E &y Avtt . BALBOA Ha_rbor :'>34 4. • 1 :"Uc OCEAX F HO:"f r. n,...,, :\°e\•-port pier lln~I<' apl w 1lh k1trhr nl'\lt c\ b1Hh ~l81tl "4'rV11 t', 11111. pd. TV Sl~ ~r Wttl<. Har. :tlM <'r H 111 b<•r \UH 3Mrc A T'TIL\t:TlVE f11rnl.Jthed mOl1em 11tud10 apts. UUllUf"s paid. St"MMt:R or Yi:AJU.Y ratt" 3424 Cout Hwy., Corona del :!ltar Har. •0363-R or Ll s-;n ;. 2icl0 1:-0: CURU~A DEL MAH-2 btlrm. 11nf11m . apt. RP11.~nnnble n •nL L',.11 FiUmorrl~ RN1lty I ·o .. Hnr. 21 ~2 2Pr l2h J->11 rl>or 1600 •Eve.. Ll 8·4386) :lit!c __ TWO BEDROOM g9.r&J[e &p&rt· Choice BAYSHORES m1•nt turnl8hed. Couple prefl'r· summer renta.la ~·l. Year rrntat Nu pet.a. <t3t>'~ Hrholrope. <'oron& del Mar. A l.SO COST A MES A-3 br. cbolre :llk-4 l .. a .. ~!de, IJ[r. yd . ff'nted, dble garaKf'· ,NEW VERY ATTPACTIVE furn. CLAIRE VAN HORN. Rltr. a pt. Garbage d.11po$al. Sio Incl. ut1Ut1r!' in Cf'nler or Corona dtl Ma.r. Ha.r. 08:>3-R. lOt!c 2i:JJ W . COA ... t Hwy .. :-r"'1><Jrl Bch. t..rberty 8--4277. 38c40 Choice Yearly Rentals f'Ll FF HA VP:."'l-Lce. 2 br .. encL pauo. 1ara1e. $87.60 unf\1m. CORONA DEL M.AR-2 br~ !1...- place, ,-angf', S7~. unfurnished. OCEAN' FRO:\'T month to monlh. Av1\llable 2 bdrm. $~. llU J uly. UUI, ptl. Enclotcd paUo. Sff al 7304 W. Ocun F'roul, NewporL 34lfc Muriel M. Pinover. Realtor '8B-Bo119H for Bent H04 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bcb. Harbor 4'10 31c40 J BDRM. tum.lahed, $PO. monUl on 7M.l'l.y leaM by the month. ~ blk. from b4ly, 2 blka. to ocun. Jot. Hl.h at., Newport Beach. Har. JJ«--J' :SkCH Lido Isle Re;,tals TWO 8UJOCE'R ..n.d -TS.ARLT rental. AU ""•• 3 bedl"OOru and clOff to Club. BALBOA R.l!:ALTY. 00. LIDO ISLE I YEARLY REl\"TALi U!'O"t..TRN. 1. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. i . 4 bedro<'Vna, I b&lh1. Choice loeallona. EARL W. ST AN'LEY, Realtor 3113 .Nrwport Blvd., N•.,.'p<lrt Rrh. Hubor 1013 40tfc i.~R LEASE on H•rbor Blvd - Lerge hoUH on 60ll376 grounda 1 Commercl.al I facing 2 1t.rttl11, I next t o PluUc Boat Plant I. All or parL LI 8-3:i72. 38t!c M Boa'DMe 9J»P>rtmlltiee COFFEE SHOP, LAGt:NA BCH . H •toot.. For M.lt rMeOnable. Good local blU1ln!'11a. Ph.. owntr. HY11tt 4·t99~. 3:1e40 SPORTTNG GOODS alore lllld Boet A Mot.or AJenc7 located In tleMrt. nnr rtvera A l&kea. Good opportunity CClr outboard motor- ma.n. Will ecll f•)r Inventory pr1re 1111e to other bualnM• lnter - u~. Wnte Bo1t R-1)4, tJIJa paper. 34p47 NO COMMISSION No AppraJaal Fee sA.LEs' -REFINANCE CO:-O:STRUCTION Call for Fl"M Fut Com.m.itmenta oe Ru1dencea and Unlta ~ Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St. OOST A M.ll8A LI I-* 1 LI 1~511 LOAl'IS TO BUl.LD, DlPROVll BUY, MODICRNIZE, OR R&J'1N Al'!Cii We Buy Tnilt l>Hda QWPORT BALBOA 8A VINOS 4 LOAN ASSOCIA TJON .INt Via Udo. Pti. Rar. 4IOO ti• WOCLD like to buy l irt and 2nd IMPORTANT INFORMATION for someone wanting ' beautiful home in Balboa at a right price- 1 . .O.tt. lot on Balboa Peninsula moet beaut. •treet. 2. 3 lovely bdrma. -2 with ocean view. 3. 3 baths -2 sbowen. 4. Large beamed c.eiling living room looking out on a terrific patio. 5. Full ai.r.ed dining room ansl nice kitchen. 6. Quality built by owner 2 yra. ago-Thia home bu oversized beams. tongue & groove flooring, heavy steel girder, Rheem F . A. water eoftener, etc. 1. Three car dbl. atreesed garage plumbed for apt. :l 8. Strictly a beautiful quaUtf home for $29,~. ) . THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coa.st Hwy., Npt. Bcb. Liberty 8-3481 100°/o INCREASE IN SALES! More than a Million Dollars in Multiple Listing Sale8 during the month of March: . $1, 147,061.00 Compared to $578,305.00 for March of last year. In BUYING or SELLING eee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS IT ISN'T DONE WITH MIRRORS But here IS the impossible. A 2 bdrm. home. hwd. floors, fireplace, best location, cute as can be. Lo\ cated on a lot 60 x l.18. nicely fenced, room for pool and lot s of gardening. South of Hwy. within spittin' distance of Little Corona. No callll, pleue, just come and take a 'Jook. Exhaive with R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 277ol M-Monez to Lou LOANS for Homes II" -JO yr, Loua Construction Loans 8J:ll 808 Bit. Tn.ER 2!116 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona de! Mar B&rbor Hll Rep. POUUJ:R MORTO.A.<a CO. ... tro Life I-. r.48 KL 1-l)t~ '8tlc w ANTED-Lav(ll lot CoroNI df'I Mar. R-2 or R-3 north aide of 101 Hwy. Give ~z ... pr1rc A addrtP Rt'ply Boll V-~ thr. paper. 38!HO Business Location With Res. 'ncome F< 1t ·R BUSJ:-IESS LOTS r1>ntr111ly lrwate\1 ln :--. wpor t Br a,h. !'art nf propc-rty improved wJlh one :S br , 2 l)n lh apt 2 I br A balh 11plll t>llll 2 <'"itlfJ NI v.ilh b3th All a ni furn Vr ry neat and ('lean. :I p raie• and extra lugt ba..sement rtcre11Uon nn. Pr~nl 1.ncome plu.t t\Jture dcvtlopmt'nl mn.k<'!I l.OVP.Slml'Ot ln Ull• prop- t r ly vPry 1ttract1\•I!. 130.000 on easy tenns Ralph P. Maskey Ru.I tor JH I N""P()rt Bh.·d . NpL Bcb. Harbor 402 For Sale by Owner CORO:>:A OE:L ~!AR -2 1tory comblnaUon. <Air. It •.. bal.h. U l floor, 2nJ noor ha.a I.a.rte llv room. bea.m,.d cl!lllnp, bedroom. ~hOv;·er, utlu.xe kltC'htn. Snack ba r, gla.ueJ 111 •un fl4.m :h, lge. pallo encl wllh 6-ft. brl<'l< wall. J13,000. TenT\8 tp 1Ult. Room to build on front. 702 Aea· cla, Coron& dotl Mnr. nr phont' KlmbaU 9296, Hnnlln&lon Park. 33Uc 61-Real &ta~ r..~1!' BALBOA ISLAND. 115 No. Bay Front. Yr. old modern, $65,000; take Pasadena or Palm Springe for part. NORM WIDTE, 650 N. Hill, Pasadena. SY 2-1148. 27c40 208 Kings Place FOR SA.LE OR l.ltASlt With op- tloa to buy. Attractive 2 bdrm. A den, beam eelltllgii, '8r(e •lnr loL C:llH Haven. OWne.r. Lons Be&rb 900·3li. 39p62'K ntREF: llORM. f.rame on l.t acre Fruit t rf'ell. etc. 2626 Elden Av,. .. COllta Mii11a. Owner. PLymoulb :,.;iO'H .COp-4 ~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. home. 4 yn. old, lovely vi-oceaa A bay. TUe, tenced p&Uo, dbl ra.r., mntorced for 2nd noor. ft;.2 lot. Muat be aold to •ttle •tate. <>p.ll • 608 A vo- cado. 40c53 331/2 ACRES VERY PRODUCTJVIC LA.NO In beauUlul valll!Y l..nland from Ocean.side. Convenient to bu.sa- ne• 4r achool.I. Ripe for 11ubd1- vta1on. :it.Int. wattr aysterl'I, A realdence to JU .000 ln Newport artt. Wiii be conaldere<l u ~rt pymL Owner 2300 Cliff Dnv ... Newpor1. • 40c"42 CHANNEL LOT 3608 Marcua A\'e. S9~. Small dn. pymt. Phone NOnnandy 1-3033 durlnr wttek or tnqulre e t 4:WI $1'a.8hore Drive', NtwPQrt Beach, wl'~k-rn'1.tl. 40vM SJ:l,000, FOR SA.LE BY OW1""ER 3 bdnnti., Jin. rm., st tached gar· ajtt•, W to W carpeting. hwd flr1 .. Therm0tttat heat. g-11.rb. dlt'p kitchen !&n. Including nu.rly new a uto. wuber • dryrr, l"l!frlJ It JU ran~e. u~ dn.. 17000 Gt loa.n. Will ron.sldt'r "2nd con- tnu:t. 329 Bro.d-y, Co«& MN1a •Oc~2 BACK BAY OomtT of Mu a Drtve .It Cypreu, 8 yn. old, tieauu tul view. 88.3 a HS" lot. 3 b<lnNI , lge l l .x 20 kJtr hen, wall to "''all earpeL Solid Pl.uni bloc conatruction, walled paUo. LotA ot room for Income a.ddlllon with bay view. Pnvat'J p~rty. 115.900. F'h. LI 8·5841 !or a ppointment. 32p411 BY OWNli:R CU'Mi: 2 bdnn. houae. nrar ooun It c han.nrl. BBQ In nag-atone paUo, brie.k waU. throughouL Se('rl0cf' for Sll.9~0. or larp;e boat. 208 • 4 lat., .NeWT>Ort Beach. Harbor 4533. 29p43 85' View CORON A HIGHLANDS Ot'W, I b<lrm. 2 btal.h. famJly room . 2 car ,-ange It car port. L(I". lot. LandlCS~I Ir fe.nced. Owner 468 Cabrillo Terrace. Corona HJ1hlaJlda. 28p40 $65,000, TERMS KOG'\ol plua t unit., lot 80 x 118 to &1.ley. t -car gar., 1 ,. bllLL to elt.be.r aurf or quiet water. Beat locaUon. G. R LATHROP. 3835 E . Cout BJ(llway, eoro-del Mar. Har. M42, nes. 3~11-J 38<:40 OCEAN VIEW HOME, 2704 Cliff nnvf'. F'ull price fll,000, trrml. 11500 dmrn. OWnar, LI 8-z:,:12. 23t!c 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Har. 32i7 llc40 NlC"E 2 bdrm. duplr~ on Cllf< 11r. w~rx.u1. $Pl1'1te. h'<\·11. flt 3. l°'<•tl hrh•k flN'pl11re $1lK• on lrl\.•r. Har~r 4'81 ll"1•, L.l 8·6011 n lt•a. 39c40 Tnaal OMda. Call Har. 2328. -("all Harbor 181 9 to plaH JOlfU OWNER'S nearly new 3 b«'1room F'r('f'dnm Homr. choice IOI ullon, lan<tAcaped, tllf' I, h'nccJ. 1 ,.tte- <'OratPd. Price h .800. IUJ'nbfrly 1·:1821. •Oc•2 "UO .A.4 Oii Ulla IM'CL ' Here's a . Beach Home AB ctrnD • CLLUJ ... the pro- n~ buc'a e&r! 1 bdrm., llvt.nc nn., klt.chen, partly tum .. tarre trodt encloNd paUo. Dble car. and only Sl.llOO. Balboa Triplex ( BDRK. HOUSE. 2 bdnn. and a 1 bdrm. apt.. iol.I t\Jm. Juat a few etepa .rrom U1e Bay. One ot the beet rental 1ectione ln Balboa Now Available TWO VERY BICAUTJFUL build· inc altea on thl! Point. Coast Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 26~. 2!'>97 and f900. ·Lido Island Call for App't to Sec 126 Via Triest e TWO BEDROOM. 2 bath hou~. 1 yr. old. Built in Thermador oven • etovt. Outlets for HJ-FI. Land· acaped. ol doors from C lub House near tennl11 court1. Excellent l lnancln1, '2~.7~0. Newport Heights Open House, Sat. & Sun, 12-5 400 Kings Place WE HA VE a beauty, 2 br.. and den with l ~~ baths, time &nd 11pace will not pt•rmit us to ttll )tOU all the nice thlng11 "l)olll thla beautllul homt'. FULL F'RJCE $26,500, TERMS II ART" ADAIR REA.LTOR 16&6 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-3792. BUILDING LOTS 3 adjacent lota 60 x 234. 1 Irregu- lar. on Mcaa drive, ne.ar Country Club. 12250 euh each or will con.alder otter on all thrtt. OWNER LI 8·8688, 11 Lm. to 11 p.m. 38c40 Need larger Home MUST SELL ne.arly new 3 lxlrm. hollllt>, l&rge corner lot. Hwd. noou lhruout, fireplace. Patio la enclo11ed 3 •ldl'll. DRIVE BY 2221 Sant. Ana Avf!., Colll& Mfosa.. Ph. owner LI 8-7139. 33p4tm av y EAR-BALBOA JSLA.l'{D- Clo•t t<> abopa. Available May lat. Nice •lngle family, 2 bdnn. home with d blc. garlljte. Fum., 11&0. mo. to right family. CALL Barbor 83, J . A. BEEK offlc-e. 603 Park Ave.. Balboa II land. 38t:40 CORONA DEL J.lAR INCOME Vartoua unlt.e It pricu to mett your W&nl8, '13.000 to seo.ooo. ALSO 2 bdrm. home compl"t "ly t urn.Jlhed, d t>uble garage $H.~. CALL M iu Kohl11te<IL HM . 21:>2. 3 135 Coul Hwy., C D.M. Eve. Rar. om-R. 38c51 CLIFF HAVEN BEA trnFUL custom built ra.n<"h home, overlooking Hnrbrir, 4 b.·<I· rms .. 3 bath1, 11• n, 2 t1repl11cr•. ALSO 2 bdrm apt .. wl lh pnvalt paUo. 149.600. Call owner. LI 8-3221. 29c42h For sale by owner DUPLEX on R ·2 Iola. 612 • 1114 J&11min• Corooa del Mar. Pr lC"ed right. Call Har. 2911>-R a ttrr 8 p.m . or Suml1ty11. 31~:ih Owner's Sacrifice LARGE 1 bdrm. h OUN . t; bl()(k to Bay. 2 blockJI to bu.sine.., t'en- tu, S9,GOO at 618-:Mlh Street. Nn."J)Ort Be.a.ell. Pll. own,.r SYcamore 8-3657. 32pt6b BY OWNER 3 bdnn. hoUM!. l.&r&"• te.nc"d yanl. fOr •• 1u ll'&M l- 315 P lt'lte Rd., Clift Haven. Mc49h COSTA MESA F'Um. 2 bdrm. horn•, wall to wa.D carpel, hwt1. nr&, cement p&Uo, fenced yard. •-e.ni tn. Full pnce 19.500. $3,771\. down. Ll 8-2i22 s::.c48B OCEAN FRO:\I LOT~30 ll lt,,~. R·•. The la1rt avail.able lot bl'· lween 1~1 h • Nrv.rport plf'r. Pr. .$10.500. term•. HOMER SHAFER REALTOR JOI Mc Fadden l'l., NewJ><>rt ~llch Har. H O lcivn. Har. 1137-Ml 38c<t0 Bay Front Ir.come I Unlw-1 6 I ~ ru,.. ~ Pier, float and pr1nt. beach. 1000 ll. Balboa BlY<L. BalboL cr-M-19848. Cour· i.y t.o brobr& Uttc :-."EWPORT R.EJGHT8-8ee thl11 bNU1d n l"W 4 bllrm . 2 btlth home Wall lo -11 C'&rpel tor I 11 11!'\0 before you buy anyw9lerP Her. 3M8 or LI 8-7976. 37r:lll OORON.A. HIG•LA..N'D LOTS - Choice Btlell Anilabl• Call Harbor 2328 Utte '9 .000. ?\"J:WL T P AJNTltD 2 bed· room 1tuceo hom e on corner, 4 )'TS. old. Small t ncloaed patio. HarboT' 61M or Har. 987. 35Uc NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 5 MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 BEST BUY BACK BAY + JUST BEINO COMPLETED + Wonderfully Plumed Home -Check Some Feat.W'M A -3 large bdrma., 2 with Kr. and Mn. doeet. B • 2 tiled, heated baths, gt.u. enclONd doon. C • Hot Point eJeetric kitchen. Stove Ir ov~n buJJt in. Disbwuher, disponl, ex.haU81. fan, cup- boards galore. Finiahed in na.t'l uh. Large breaJdut area. D -Large living room, !~place, Arcadia alldinr doors opening onto cement patio. E • Big .er-vice porch, cupboards, plumbed for washer. F -Hwd. fin. Forcer air Thermo heat. Entry hall. G • 20x20 attached garage with ~lectric door. Thia bargain only $24,~ -aultable tenu. ORANGE COAST PROPERT'IES INSURANCE -S~ -LOANS -BUILDERS • 1857 Newport Ave-, Co.ta Meu Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO EYM. BEFORE YOU BUY -See thei1e bomea in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. Open ~y 11 LID. to d p.m. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 le~ Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Immediate PoueMton Sewen in and paid • Garbage nt.poal Encloaed garaga Kitchen fana Colored rock roofs Birch Cabinet. Total Price, SU.~ See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. Between 15th St. and 16th St. 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 YACHTSMEN'S ATIENTION I ON BALBOA ISLAND'S choice Eut Bayf ront - An exotic "•pot ashore'' with &11 the fe&turM you seek - a ch~ home with 1epar&te CUMt quar- ten -private pier and float -extra wi~ frontage accommOdating craft of over ~ feet L. O. A. -- superb sunny location on "Little Ial&Dd'•" abelt.end Eut Bay. You'll want to inspect tli18 deUlbtful haven. owner. reque.t by app't pleue.. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor. And Aaociatee Park at Mtrioe. Balbo& laland -Barbor Me2 ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE with the income from thiia excel.lent property located in choice rent.al district. J\18t 100 tt. from ocean. There-a.re 3 unit.a -a new duplex and a t'>-room hou.e on 2 lota. 2 unita are furnished and rented on yearly buia. Owner"• home available now. Three garagee on alley. Pre9ent income can be 1Umt•"· tlally fncreued. $6000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EAR( W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Huborl018 BALBOA ISLAND SPACIOUS living room with Cittplace, l bdrm., 1 ~ bat.ha, bright kitchen -AND amal1 bachelor apt. $3500 down -Full price Sle,ooo. CHARlllNG bayfront home -4 larp bdnu.. I baths. Exlnt. heat -with delightful rental unlL. •• $(9.~. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 502 -Evee. Harbor 2306-R LOADED WITH HIDDEN VALUES BALBOA ISLAND. We oUer exclu.aively an unu.a· ually deairable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home . .DcUgbt!ul living room, large dining room. Maximum equare footage. Cloae to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. CaU Harbor 1775 Eve.. Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa hland VOGEL VALUE YOU'LL NEVER KNOW -How much you can buy ON LlDO -For only $24,900 •1th a 11mall dnWTI payment until you let WI ahow you this 3 bdrm .. 2 bath Rancho Beauty. • VOGEL CO. Mru.n Office, 3201 Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 r ------------ a BDRM .. dln1n1 rm.. hardwood Eve~bodfi Reeds the C L A S S I F I E D noor11. ss.a:i0 -231 Avocado H b 616 at.. eoata Me.._ KI 1-u22. aouc ADVERTISI G IS HE BEST MEDIUM-Phone •r or I ' I L I I PA6E 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR News.PRESS 911.5--1.IM.... ...... a .... ..... !a~·!!-~·~·!!!·~---.Ja!!:::!·~=!!_I_!~~--~ .. MONDAY, APRIL II, 1955 -------~--------------- a ._. r..ea.. a-.,... ~ ----------.-----· -·--·· ----- a ._. r..aate BEST RANCH ·HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It'• a ahake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu 1 % bathl, dlninr room, breakfut room, larr• IJvinr room with nauaive f'lrepl&ce. Tbermodor elec· tric: ranre ll oven, beamed cellinp. cedar panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. It'• fenced and landacaped and bu a patio. Space proh1bita the mentioning of the many other featurea except to add that It la IU!TOUDded with quality built ranch homea. Priced definitely below value at $23, 750 KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view -2 bdrma., 3 bathl. Large Jiving nn., dining rm., huge den, patio, laundry rm. and aetring rm. Radio electric prage door oper· ator. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. Ertra large garage. E:irterior flood Jigbta. Thermador gu ranp and oven and Jarce built in refriprator. The suest bdrm. la completely fumiahed. Price $38.~ with euy tenm. CUFF HAVEN SPECIAL Only $1SOO down. I bdl-aia. with partlally completed den or nnnpua room. Full price $13,SOO. Better hurry on tbil one! CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT -· On Cliff Drive. 8l5Kl10 -price $7000 Cliff Haven Iota are u .carce u hena teeth, better grab thia one while you can! Call FRED BARKER at EARL W. STANLtY,.Realtor 15th ll Irvine, Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8-26M or Liberty 8-QOO EXTRA· ORDINARY BUYS COSTA MESA $1000 Own. Lovely 3 bdrm. home, only 10 mos. old, beautiful new carpeting In living rm, hall and muter bdrm. F .H.A. Joan, · $61.00 per month, partial ocean view. Only .-·······-···-··-···-····· $9,275. $2,000 DOWN. Unuaual 3 bdrm. home with fireplace, oak !loon, automatic beat, breezeway, lovely laiid· acaping, P'. H. A. Joan at $34.44 per month. Only ········-······························-·····-···········-···· $10,750 $2,111 DOWN. Spacioua 3 bdrm. near Santa Ana rolf club. Rdwd. floon, fenced, extra lar(e bdnna. 0n11 ·-· ................ ····-························-········ .... $11.lSOO. INVESTORS DREAM. 1 bdrm., very liveable home on E. 15th St. Bbq, prap, fenced. •blcco and pluter. Only .......... ··········-··· $6,500., total price GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 Newport Bl•d., Newport Beach Harbor 2552 (Evea. Liberty 8-3188) • • THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Farm 80 &erM t..tween eo.ta Me.a and Santa Ana.. Ready for beau, tomatoe. or lettuce. $3000 acre. ~ down -Bargain Buy 129xf7f, all K-1 Zone, Plaoen~ Ave. Will 1eue for 10 yean. Submit term.a. $1500 dn. a bdrm .• 2 bath ranch atyle new home. 8to'fe It oven built in. U9ed brick F.P. Unit beat. Rwd. flra. Pa.nellinr in livtnr room. 80xHO ft. lot. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1M7 Newport Ave., ea.ta Meaa Liberty 8-1832 Liberty 8-HOO Evee. BEFORE YOU BUY -· Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - J bdrm.a., 1 ~ bath hom• Clot1e to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with ·DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8-7978 33tlc Accent on Value placed rightly here On thia modern f bdrm. bayf ront home with 1 bdrm. apt. over 1arage, $45,000. Good financin1. This is just one of the many VOOEL VALUES~ have to show you. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 44.f BALBOA ISLAND Prtnte Pitt' ll noat. Cho~ North Bay Front. Ftnt time oU.-.d. Small, weU built bome. $46,000. DORIS BRAY Nona Byer Chet Saliabury Harbor 20 -Harbor 64 %10 Marine A Ve., Balboa laland ' . I p. a. palm~r incorporated developers Call For Appointment To See 123 Via Genoa. Lido lale New and extremely beautlfuf 3 lure bd.rma. and 2 luzurlo\&8 batba, .tiding riu. dool"a to patio from dinlnr area and muter bdrm. Therm. oven and ranp, fully carpeting and landacaped. I-car PraP· ALMOST FINISHED-deaigned for sraclou living. New Orleana wrought iron and abuttera add to the rraceful line. making tbla outatandlngly Inviting. Charming entry, .tate f'lreplace, fully carpeted, 3 bdnna., 2 bathl, encl<Mled patio, every extra. 1~ Via Wuiera, which i• fbout a perfect location. $34,000. r ARCHITECT ll Bun.DER worked overtime to make thia luxurious amaller BAYFRONT HOME with pier and &lip a home of d.iatinction. Every room radiate. quality and thought in planning. 2 bedrooma and 2 batha. AU the above homea are exclu.ive with ua, and we are 80 proud of them we would like you to .ee each one. Remember, we are the developen of Lido 'tale, Come to Headquartera. of Lido Isle • LOOKING 7 Read This WILL TRADE 75 "itrea tine alfalfa land, all equipment, aprinkler ayatem, etc. for 3 bedroom beach property. Some cub required. Deal lnwlv• $50,000. .Aak for Hodrlduon BEAUTIFUL BATHING BEACH (>cean front. lhake roof, ranch style, 2 bdrm. home. Plus 1 bdrm. apt. 2 patioa, barbeque. Open Sunday-4208 Seuhcp Drive Call or come Me Dave Oabum CLIFF HA VEN VIEW Beautitul new 2 bedroom and den home with .2 ~~ bath•, 2 fireplacM and many other outatanding fea- tura, auch u fully carpeted, built-in cooking faclli- tiea and many more. $29,750, sood.termL AU for Bill ram.worth FAMILY HOUSE for a family of f to 8. That'• the impreuion we have of thia home. A family room with a fireplace and barbeque for the evenings. A living room with a • fireplace. Be.idea thia 3 bedroom. and 1 !% batha. A.alt for Bill Meuenpr BILL'S BEST BUYS NEW 3 bdrm .. 11:: bath under con•trucUon. curbfod It paved atreeta. ~ blocka from downtown. Your choice of fioor plana and colora if you act now. Poaaesaion May 15th Full Price $9 ,000 Only $350 Down 20 NEW 4 bdfl!n., 1:1~ bathe. Some avail. in two wka. Colored tropical roofa, garage•. FHA financinf. More than halt aold now -Better Hurry! Full price only $9, 750 Down $650 $69.M mo. pymta., ind. prin. int., taxea It ln1ur. Eastern Owner Says "SELL NOW!" Drive by «3 Magnolia -(Do not dilturb tenanta) Call us for appointment to aee thia 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. firs .. 2-car gar. on alley. Comp fenced bac.k yd. ·0utaide it'• nice -$700 mastic paint job -inaide ifs a mesa! Neecb complete paint job. Do it younelf or have it done -either way it'• $2000 undel'wmar~ ket at $9500. GI 4% Joan. $62.50 mo. includee inter· eat, taxea -insurance. Submit reuonable down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Like Our Friendly Service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Meu.. Liberty 8-11• · p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management • • 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hicbway -liberty 8-5:573 Look CORONA DEL MAR Look Duplex VERY ATTRACTIVE Duplex CLIFF HAVEN A Million Lights OLl8TEN UK& DIAMONDS from tht. nearly new ahalce roof Cape Cod view home with 3 wre bed-rooma. 2 ~ batti., 2 u.eed brick ttrepl&cea, bulll ln kitchen ranrw. Jhery luxury Item you dMire 1a ta lh1a 2400 equar. feet muter· piece ot ardlllectura.I dmrn and C01Yt.rucUon. Priced below ,.._ product.Ion co.t at S2t.7~ ln· cludinJ wall to wall carpet& and drape a. • • • Artistic Moderne A RUSTIC th&t'ia dlfte.rant. You'U be dellrhted wUhlhe novel treat· manl combloed w ith the tune· tton•I character of lht. lar1e three bedroom, l % balh home with Mp&rate dlnlnr room. cov- ered lanai and pallo-breeuway to extra lar1e pra1e-very- lhln1 lhal ·~ILi qualJly, dulrn and refinement. '26,I~. • • • COSTA MESA Feel Like Falling IN LOVIC AOA.lN ! Hett ill your ~I Channlnr tamlly home of a bdnne., 1 % b&lha. cri.p color .cb-e Vlrourbout. MQ<Sern day ll.t.nr wtth rrape•lak• fenc- ed paUo, ftttpl&ce, Mr kitchen, for'C*I &Jr but. parquet tloora, ru.,_.e d1llpOe&1. 2 car rvac- UIK'qU&led nlue at SU.000: • • • ; .. --. . To a Small Boy HOM.I: JS J UST A rILUNO ITATION. bUt to Mom and .D&d It"• much mor~n '" •ucb a llome Ulat often eve1 .. htnr- a~ Olli)' a hop. •kip anti Jump to ahopplAJ center and tdlool. Y ... It la nearly n-and bu a bed· r6o~ and fireplace. Prlc:.e ? SlO,t~. w1UI low. low doW'l'I. Bay & Beach Realty 18" Newport Blvd. Coeta M .... CaUf. Uberly ._1161. Evff. L.J ._UM This Old House ON A BU!llflrlt88 LOT 30 11 to. 2 bloclu from run 7.one. Sl.4CJO. termL Commercial Bldgs. JU:ART OF BALBO A -1 it.ore, J rmtala, aun <Sek. neect. flaJ.na. Sll.500.. S0,500 wm handle. 2 8TORl:8. 0 driwle rent.al8 with TV. '40.000. COURTUT TO M OKER8 The Locator of Calif. CI07 l:ut Ba.Ibo& Bhd., Balboa Harbor HOe. alc40 Corona del Mar LOVl:LT come1' locaUoa. Apart· mot onr J car rarare. Room to build borne on tront ot Jot. Nie• pello A 8llt1'a room wt.-bath. A1I aeelleat b\13 al: SlUIO. Ray Realty Co. (.Acrom from the Banlt I HU a. Cout. Corona del Mar Hanor nu LA.J\OIC LOT On Cliff DrlH ln Clltt Haftft. A..L80 tO tt. atreet lo atrul l.ot on Oenoia. Udo laJ• and C·2 lot on Newport Blvd. Mn. A.hrena, Rar. Oltl. 13lfc BY OWNER. cute l bdrm. hou .... NMI' Ht1h School. Room to build. Lot tostoo. pn~ 11.:aoo. U .100 ~ S40. mo. LI M80t . llctO ON LIDO ISLE Open House - 1 to 4 p. m. 339 LIDO SOUD Thia ,Orgec>U8 3 bdrm., 2 bath fumllhed home over· looking beautiful Lido Bay hu a Pier ll Slip and an extra J&rse encl<Mled yard. A real family home f9.r $49,500 * * * * AS YOU LIKE IT! Clever: captivating; thia charming two bdrm. furn. bomi with ita uaed brk:k fireplace, cedar cloeeta, beamed celling, and ruce patio, bu plenty of eye appeal. It ia already to move into for only $21,500. * • * * YOUR HOME IS YOU! Thi.I du:zllng clean two bdrm., 1% .bath home with · a nice yard ii aure to meet wlth the approval of every member of your family. Carpeta, drapes, die· -poKI, and it ii •tniued for two atory for juat $~.500. * * * * See Us for Lots and Rentals * * * * BAY & BEACH REAL TY 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643 • Bar. 2999 evea. Juat to the rirht of Lido Bridge Entrance Open House Every A~ernoon 706 Larkapur Corona del Mar HERE·s A DANDY lltlle 2 bdrm. wllb fireplace on R-2 lot. Dblt'. iarare La dut1ned to bUlld sn- com. unit above. Prlc~ to Mii tut and .>nly '2.500 down. Nothing Like it JUST TA.Kl: A LOOK at 630 Kins• Rd., Cllft Haven. There·• nolhinc , lo compare with lhl• out.tand· Ins 3 bdrm.. 2 bath home. rea- tu~• plore. and It '• unMrprlc.d at S22. 7110. Xlnt lerma. C&ll Harbor 20.2 now fur appt. Builders Special TWO Ll:VICL R·3 LOTS ON HAVEN PLACE. SlOOO EA.CH Frank James Linwood Vick Rl:ALTOR8 C. 8. Rua, Wm. 0 , 8ohmldl, A.MOc 312 Marine Ave .• Ba.Ibo& Jalud Harbor 20.2 BAYSHOR.ES CHARMlNG 2 br.. knotty pint Interior. ljte. llv. rm.. rompect kit. w/bklat. bar. PLUS l1e r•t rm. over Jer. 2 pallcJe. Ul.600 BACK BAY + Please Read This • Here i.a really a duplex that doeen't have that "HEMMED IN" feeling because It la built on TWO LOTS. Thia gives privacy for each 1'8ident plua a large backyard patio. Check all theae fine featuna: v One bedroom each unit v All large rooma v High & dry hardwood llool"9 v Flagstone ,.~piacea v Service porchea v Separate ovenize dbl. garap By lhe way, there ia a nice aize gueet. room, all plutered, in the garage building - Gel yourself a REAL GOOD BUY, but HURRY! ALL THIS for only $18.750. Thi• property i1 clear and we can arrange excellent financing if so desired. Duncan Hardesty, ·Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 One of Balboa's Best ! 8 UN~Two 2 bedrma .. five 1 bedrma., and a bachelor. All completely furniabed. Wall to Wall carpet., furnace beat, full tile bathl. Lup, spao· ious room.a with plenty of cloeet space. · Extra fine location on Pen.lnaula --------------------BEAUTIFUL ' br. W/dt'n. 2 fir~ VACANCY RECORD very low. All rented to 1ub- atantial buainH8 and working peop~ No noi8e, trouble or fWMI. Very euy to care for. Property In excellent condition . CORONA DEL MAR 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Mari1old Ave. Hu 2l}J car ran1e, hwd. floora and tile. R·2 lot with room for additional dwelling. Only $12, 750 with $1500 down. Balance like rent. 2. Very nice 2 bdrm., cloee In. Hu expoeed beama, forced air heat, flaptone fireplace and atreaMd ga.ra.ge. Full price $14.~. 3. Luce new 3 bdrm. and playroom. (1950 eq. ft.) Ha.a beautiful view. Wood ahake roof, 2 batba and all attractinly finiahed. Open daily. 509 DE ANZA, CORONA IUGHLA.NDS EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. J:i.4.2 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Kar Harbor 1862 TAKE TIME TO LIVE Want a private beach! Need a pl&oe to keep your cruiaer ! Prefer cloee in location near Lido Shope, etc.! Buy thia ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Cove. right on the waterfront.. only 3 yna. old. Lota of tile, parquet floora, F. A. heat, dbl rarage, nice featunis. Pier ll aUp prlvilegea. A real value at $26,250 -Terms . Excellent Newport Income Duplex funiiahed. rood rental distrlct.. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3000 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. ST~NLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Be&cb Har. 1013 Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Charming Farm House 2 bdnna., hwd. floon, flreplau, Dutch door, 1arp living room, cedar roof, niCe redwood fenced yard. Dbl 1arage, laundy. Ocean aide of Hwy. We are proud to abow thfa n1ce home for only S12, 750. 4 ~ GI Loan THE VOGEL CO. 2M7 E. Cout BWJ., Corona deJ Kar Bar 17.U .1477 ' .. placea. View. A•klnJ pr. 132.~ RUSTIC RANCH HOUlllC on •,, acre w/view. J br., Wied brick fireplace. dlll. nn., patio. room for horaea. s:n.!W>O. l ACRI: chicken ranch w/alnl. 2 br. home. Good location. Eatab• Uall~ routu. Claire Van Horn .REALTOR 1731 W. Cout Hwy. U M277 Corona del Mar U' YOU"VI: TJlllCD TO BUY a l•vel 40 rt. R-2 lol ID U\e ~e­ 'rie'W atta, South ot the K11h· .. ,. t.ble a bdnn., 1, bath home w1ltl room to bUlld ln front I• your buy of the yur. 110.&00 Only ST .000 down. Muriel M. Pinover RL\LTOR M04 Newport Blvd... N.wport Bch. PT-. Parkins Rarbor 4610 Uc•o Look at this a bdnn .. , hwd. noore. tlrepf&A:'P. dUipoNJ. WI~ for elec:lrlr atove. renced. located at ~41 J'e.1my Dr.. C'ona M ... Sll.2b0. Pb. Har. 364 l·J. 39tf• Drive by 236 Magnolia Coata Meea C\lle A COtl.J bome -I bdnn. I pane.led den •Ith fireplace. w C.0 wall carpet. V try clOM In Sll,000. PbOM Uberty H 21 23lt BY OWNER -I bdnn .• l ~ blltl ~ oe dbl. LICVEL lot. Lars rma. thtuout. n~&ace. patio fenced yd .• dbl. sar. New 1 bdr. bou88 on raT ol lot few l!lcom• Har. OH1-M.. t16 Jaamlne. Cor on& de1 Mar. H e I BY OWNJCJt--Octan front bf-•• houe, SU . .:IO. Good term GJCM Sta Shore DT1Ye. Harb<• 11M-W. Court.ee)' to llrokert Jtp4( BY OWNER Oorou Bi11'Jaad.I -I Wrm., 2 bath t~ J'RA commit· ment. ,.., ll&r'8Dr 7._J. tttfc FOR &ALI: hau:rMted In a hOfM • acnecw ! Pboet OW1le1' LI ~. ltpO ' .. INCOME $8.000 per yr. f rom perma.nent tenanta. Price $57,500. Take clear home and aome cuh tor equity. SEE Lila B. McFarren with- BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor :\186 or 2517-lil or 1725 Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Call For Appointment To See 0 2316 Pacific Drive (Drive to end of Acacia ll tum left) . DELIGHTFUL 2 bdrm. It den. 1 ~1 b&th home - Some ocean le bay view, W to W carpeting, cu.tom drape•. Color bAth fixtures, handy kitchen, cosy den. Service porch, beautiful cyclone fenced yard. Room to add extra bdrm. & bath or lncome. Reduced to $21 ,500 to aell! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 1741 . 1477 OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1-5 p.m. 535 DE ANZA DR.. Corona HighlandJI. New S bdrms .. 2 balha on cornt'r with ocean view. Fire- place. BBQ. patio, ciiahwaaher, Tbermador atove, garbage disposal. Quality conatruction. 483 MORNING ~ANYON Rd., Corona Highlanda. $18.500. 328 POINSETTIA. Corona del Ma r. :5 rm11 .• l '}i lot.I G. H . LATHROP, 3635 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har 5442 (evet1. Har. 35U·J) . . 'OGEL VALUE-NEWPORT HEIGHTS I Pride ln Own~rahip -Located on quiet, beautiful at.rttl among other quality homCtJ. Lovely 3 bdrm., . 2 bath tfome with glU1 doors from living room to a truly lovely patjo and privat.e ha.cit yard. Pleue aee lhia at $21 ,950. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Be.a.eh LI 8-3481 ' I I - ' ' I ' I I • I l II ,, I• "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "d' THOMAS · BA YSHORES VIEW HOME An unobstructed view of tbe Bay II only one of the many attractive featurea of thll 2 bdrm. Ii convert- ible den home on Bay'lhore Dr. It hu an entrance hall, spacious rooms, firepla.ce in liv. room A ma- hogany paneled den, F. A. heat, deep cedar-lined wardro'-es, 2% bath•, 1de luxe kitchen with diah· waaher, calcinator 6 extra bar •ink, 2 patios, 1 with fireplace &: grill, large 2 car garage Ii dreaaing room for bathen. A beautiful home for the deacriminat- ing buyer. ~8,000 * * * * * . Home and Business Property 100 ft. zoned 0"2 juat 1 block from 17th&: Newport Blvd. Fine 2 bdrm. home only 7 yra. old. Property has excellent possibilitiee for many typea of b~eu. INVESTIGATE! $19,750 -Term. * * * * * CLIFF HAVEN Excellent family home -3 bdrm.a. large rumpus rm. with firept.ce -Hdwd. floora -Bay window in liv- ing room -lovely fenced yard -Good location. $16,500 * * * * * See Us for 2 & 3 Bedroom Summer Rentals in Bayshores "C" THOMAS Realtor I . 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 .. C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" TBOKAS "C' THOMAS • r FIRST TIME OFFERED 1. 3 UNITS completely turn. on 60 ft. lot. Thia la truly a bargain in home and income. FrOnt unit conaiata of 2 bdnn.e. with large living room with flagstone fireplace, separate dining room, hwd. fln. throughout, 1 V:i baths and built around a large beautiful bricked patio with built-in barbe- que. Two income unita are 1 bdrm. each -also completely furniahed. Three separate garages. Thia property ia being offered by out of town owner at far below replacement coat. Should sell quick at $26,500. Immed. poaa. A we have ~ey. 2. VIEW of CANYON AND HILLS-2 bdrm. hOme plus large rumpus room. Built-in stove and oven. Attractive fireplace. Nicely decorated. Large dbl: garage and only 1 year old. Reduced from $23,500 to $19,950 for immediate aale. 3. SOUTH of HIGHWAY-Will take trade, 3 bdrm. and den. Large covered lanai,. 2 baths. Owner bu movM -immediate powuion. Will take small home or vacant lot u part pymt. Price, $24,~. PRICE T. McCUISTION · MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR M47 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Get ready for summer ! 4 BDRM. HOME with $1,000,000 view for UNDER $40,000. Beautlfully'built oa 2 levels. 3 baths, 2 sun decka, Thermo kitchen, carpet.a, drape1. Conaider trade on small, clear lncome property. C-2 LOT on Harbor Blvd., near 19th St ln heart of Coeta Mesa's new commercial developmenL Lot 58x143. Priced right, term.a. 3 BDRMS. and extra large den. Brand new. Fine mahogany and African cherTY paneling. 2400 aq ft. Every convenience. Beautitul ocean view. Good loan committment. $27,500. BAY VIEW, Bay Shoree. Newly painted furniah· eel home. 3 bdrma., 1% baths, 2 pati09. Rattan fur- niture and 21" TV !let. Bee thia before buying. $27,500. Tenna can be arnnied. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W. Balbda Blvd. Harbor '5188 SPRING CLEARANCE Only one to a customer 2 BEDROOM older home near the beach, bu a aleeplnr porch and a garage and ia completely fur- nlahed. euy walk to the pier, juat $7,500 and $2,500 down. 1 BEDROOM home juat Ys block to the water, com· pletely furnl9bed, read.y for the wmmer, only $6,900, and $1,t500 down. VACANT LOT, 30 z M, .nJST $2,6'50. 2 BEDROOM home with J.arse den, comp. tum. just a block from the city ball and the bua., Pnc. $12,SGO with f2,t500 down.. PAUL C. JONES, · Realtor l820 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 $12,000 First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALLY A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. "Clean u a wht.tle.1' Panelled living room and amall dln.ing room. carpeted wall to wall. good kitchen, breakfast 1pece and eervice porch. Ample c.upboarda 6 storage •pace. Ovmliaed 2-car garage. Nice en- • cloeed patJo. Moat convenient corntt location. 2 bllu. from City Hall, Newport Beach. - EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 BAY AND BEACH REALTY-·REALT~s · BALBOA ISLAND On Little llland - A home that bl really different. Designed and built by Ellerbroek. 4 bdnnl., 3 baths. Very attractive living room, unuaual firept.ce. Kit- chen all elec., with built-in BBQ. Owner will make terma attractive to qualified buyer. Unfum. except for all appllancee. $45,000. BALBOA -BAY AVE. R-2 Lot. Good•locatlon. Flrm Price -$8500 cub. * * * * NEWPORT BEACH OCean Front -$12,800. Cute beach cottage. Lota of yard. Wonderful beach. Only $4000 down. * * *· * Cloee to Qcean -Small beach house. Neat aa a pin. Partly turn. Full price $8500. NEWPORT ISLAND -EXCLUSIVE Income -PlWI nice home, cloae to beach. 2 bdrm. home, newly decorated, nicely located with 1 bdrm. apt. for income. Full price $16,500. I BALBOA .,... INCOME 9 Units -Shon xtnt. income, furn., private patios, plus add'l vacant lot, room for 4 more unit.a. Near Grammar School -$74,000. BALBOA -OCEAN FRONT Wonderful home for large family -2 spacious liv- ing roome, 2 fireplaces. 4 bdrma., 3 Y2 baths, beauti- ful glau ebcloeed patio. Illness forces aale . Asking $35,000. Tenna to ault buyer. BAYFRONTS BAY AVE. -62' Comer lot. Pier & aUp. 3 bdnnl. plue maid'• room, ~.baths. Nicely landscaped patio. Thia home wu designed by Neutra and la one of the flnftt homes in the Harbor AreL Shown by app't. Partially furn. $125,000. EXCLUSIVE * * * * BAY A VE. -Sandy Beach. 6 bdrm. home, recent- ly decorated, 2 fireplaces. -$60,000. * * * * LIDO -3 bdrm., 2 baths, pier &: slip. Furniahed. $49,500 -Tenna. * * * * ALSO ON LIDO -2 bdrm. & den. Pier & float. Large attractive living room, full dining room. Reduced to $49,500. Submit QJl terms. . BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bdrms., 1 V:! bath home, with nice patio walled for 1 privacy. Excel. value. Full price $16,950. * * * * 3 b<lrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. parquet floor thruout. Nice kitchen, fireplace, 1'"'. A. beat, Iota of cloaeta. Cloee 'to Jetty. $19,500. Lown dn. pymt. will handle. * * * * Owner has moved inland and ia anxioua to sell nice- ly furnished ultra modern home on J,arge lot near bathing beach. 3 bdnn•., 2 baths. Full price $21,500 -$5000 will handle. '.BAY & BEAC.H REAL TY 1450 WEST BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 12&l FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N . Martin-LI 8-1774 W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E. B. Cbue -Har. 2762-J Katherine Olson -Har. 4134 Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Houston Values fe,250-with $1 ,500 dn. buy• 1 bdrm. home-Cloae In Eut side near Mkta., Churchea Ir Schoola. OLDER BUT GOOD-3 bedrm. Newport Ht• .. te,600-terma. WZ HA VE 3 Pil!lCICS of choice M-1 property. Don't tall to tee theae. Exe. Jocat.lorui Ir priced ~bt. 1·" ACKJD ON 8UPERJOR. •· crou h'om million $ H•llpot development, only $10,M)(). 2·85 x 175 ON SUPERJOR. near 17th St. With large 3 br. home plua rm. for ahop.1. On aewer, 112,900, with low down. 3· 7 ~ ACRES 1n tut CTOwinS ln· du.t.rlal area. .Ju.t 1 blk. ott Newport Blvd. Leaa tha.n "·000 an acre. • ACRES BACK BAY. &auUtul rolling land with view of mt.I. A real buy at $5,000 an M!n. LOVELY 3 BR. HOME on E. 19th. Bit. In oven Ir ranee. prb. dltp. Sewer In, paved p&UO, dble. car. Only tS,000 down. FOUR. THAT WILL GO! on Balboa Island "ONE FOR THE MONEY" ••• Darling, little mod· em 2 bdrm. home. Good comer location with room to builcJ another uniL J'ireplace, beamed ceilings, and nicely furniahed. An exceptional value $18,700 'TWO FOR THE SHOW" • • . And loaded with CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round liv- ing. Beamed ceilings, huge rooma, grand patio with BBQ. Two bdrma, two baths. Completely furniahed ·············-·---··--····-····-·-·--·-··$29,500 "THREE TO GET SF:I"'' ••. For summer living, that i.. ! A good two bdrm. home located half -blk to beach and cloee to village. Furnish~ .An ex- cellent value --··-···--········"··----··-·-·-·--·····$20,000 "FOUR TO GO" ••• A glaa fronted modern 4 bdrm. BA YFRONT home, grand kitchen, bklL bar, paUo with BBQ. F. A. beat, two batha. PLUS 1 bdrm. view apt. Both fumiat:d. Terrific buy at '45,000 MARINERS ISLE REALTY ff,000 FULL PRICE. % a.ere near 318 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Harbor 4781 aolt course, with l br. homl'. --------- Room to build add. unit.. A rul buy. ... th1a quick. Low down. Bayf ront 156 Feet Beautiful, Unique Ocean Front ! PEmNSULA LOCATION. View ot buat adlvlty 2 be(Jrooma. double g&ruge lnclUdtnl" ntce be&t'h sJiowl'r. Terrific patio. Beat poqlble \•11hu•. fl8,600, complet~ly tumhtht'd. West .Ocean Front! 3 BICDROOM HOKE, FURN. ha· ahore oolony bul OOMA troot locaUon. Larr llvtng room, ve.nted heat and lovely fire.place. "' 8 monthll old and only t18.000. Peninsula Duplex! 3 BEDROOMS A: TWO BATHS IN EACH \J~T. FurnJ.Mled and ln i ood conrlltlon. Large comer lot and nlc:r patio. Sw•ll tor home w1th lnoome or tor r·ent&J. only. U9,760, JS,700 down. Balboa Duplex ! CLOSE TO BAT ANO OCEAN. 3 bedroQm• and Ule up~r la fllrnl-1\efl. Hu room tor one more unit a11d 3 prac•. 'Lower bu been completely mOdt>mlaed '11.~00 and good terTNI. Bav Front Home! 0 BEf>ROOMS Ir 31i. flATHK~ ~RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 MONDAY, APRIL 18, lf55 Balboa Island 20:r incre~e in bldg. material costs. No increase yet on our good listings. \ MOOR YOUR 60-FT. boat to your own private pier and float in front of this delightful 4 bdrm. "Little Ialand" Balboan-Engliah home. Price about ~78.000. FOUR BEDROOM. 1'':! bath home near South Bay. Large living room. AU on one floor. Draslicnlly re- duced. Price $26.~ -$7,~ handles. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, large living rm .. nicely furn, home. Ready to move in at $21,500. NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent house bdrm .. plus three othera, 3 baths, apoUeaa. $26,WO. CUTE, CLEAN. DELIGHTFUI:. vacation home. 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. Patio, den, Charming. $15,750. Sub- mit your down payment. Balboa Island Income ~T OFFERING ot this outatanding South Bay home. Designed for immediate conversion (close 1 door) to hVo !lftila. Perfect .buy for executive re- laxation and tax t'elie!. Two living rooms, fireplace, 5 bdnrul., 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Price about $65,000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyou1 livlnS room, large dining room in main unit. Priced con- servatively at $35,000. · Beacon Bay ONE ot BEACON BA Y'S superior homea. 4 bdnu .• S baths. Abeolutely exceptional living room, fenC.S yard. -$32,000. VISIT EUROPE this llUDlDler FREE Oil lneome from thia beautiful Beacon bayfront e bdrm. heme Ir apt., 3-car ,_rage. BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -ConlUlt U1 for excluatve, . desirable homes. CALL HAR.BOit 177t5 EA_RL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. SUMMERTIME is just about here and we have t.wo fine ·excluatn listings that are ready to move right in -older homes with 2 bedrooms on large lot.a with nice land- scaping and BIG patios. The full price furniabed la $~ tor each home ~ 1"• will work out tenna. "You'll Want It" when you aee it, for here i. a Top I.Jdo buy ready to be moved into for $24.225 full price. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, completely furnished right down to a deep free~. washer and dryer. It's on a wonderfuJ street a atep away from the beach. Street to street lot. Most pleuing inter· ior with a brick fireplace and open plan. A versatile home, It can be a fine !am.Uy home for year round living, or the p{-rtect aumm•r home, or buy it for income -(summer renta ahead). We can work out excellent urm• for you. Exclusive with ua. "CONSULT US FOR LIOO'S FINEST" LIDO REALTY Associates )4()() Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCJll) Houston Realtv Co. 6 ASSOCIATEs llOt Cater St. Coeta Mua Desirable Bayfront Residence Pemnwla location. v,ry Sood -~,------------------- LI Mtll LI 1-TTN ror JDve. tntonnaUon call - LyUe-LI 1-2642 Benner-av. 11111 P•Utt.-LI l·Ml7 8eymuur-H&r. 5291-W Dividend paying Real Estate CORONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX, So. of Hwy. on M&rcuent... 1s-c1ow1 t br., wttb ttreplac.; 2 ~y 1 br. apta. View or ocean from wn deck 6 paUo. Triple pr; Extra laundry rm., coa\pletel1 f\ll'1l., '8:S.OOO, t.rrna. 1'11117 rented, llO a&ll to.... • TWJN DUPLl!Xa-1 tall Iota. 6 ~t I br. apt.a., ..cb wttb OWD flnplac9, bctwd. tk>ora 6 ,..,..... S2t5. 9CbaduJed mmW, mcc.... hll pr. PT ,aoo. ,_ a.u. "·000 down. CLIFF HAVEN 2 IP A.CIOUI I bdrm. e.pta. tcr bOIM Ud lncame, J'ILt. lout., STUI mo. IDc1ud. lu. 6 --. OU-lide l"Cli.4 llT.IO -~ J'. P. flt,000 (not a.•'dll). Muriel M. Pinover l\&A.LTOA '906 Newport~ lftiWpart Ma. ... Parldna Bu1»or 6'10 ., awo roa SALE OR TRAD!: BY BUILDER NEW RANCH llT1'L& AD<>Bll. I J&r1• bdrma., 2 W• bat.ba, atucco 6 pluttt. BJ>"loua II•. nn., flrepl .. ,.U., kitchen. dtJI. rm., dble. car. attached. wm t&k• cl~ lot., car, bou., or what b&n 1ou. 1 T2 II:. Wllaon, eo.t& X... Lt 1-2932 alter I p,m. tw -.elrfttd•. 17"2 To the yachting family of exacting taste and re- quirement.a we offer a marine residence of excep- tional merit on 156 feet of Newport Harbor's moat deairable leuehold Bay Front. Vigoroua contemporary oonception, adnn~ func- tional deaign and equipment. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathe. 24 ft. x 24 ft. view livtns room. View and privacy from expanalve muter bedroom. Large dining room, completely equipped luxury view kitchrn. marble fireplace. All on one level terruo and carpeted. floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. aystem throughout. Movie projection room. Planned area for swimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead., moor your 100-tt.. or larger, yacht to akilltully engineered, well lighted private pier and float. Thia bayfront remdmce lhown by appotntment only. Call John Macnab, Harbor 1775 or Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY 228 Marine Ave,. Balboa Ialand ml DOWN BRAND NEW 8 bdrm. home with 2 full baths. Hwd. floora1 forced &tr heat, garbage disposal, 2· car garage. Vacant, move in today. FUlL PRICE $11,750 4 Bedroom -2 Baths On a very nice street, 2 bdrm. home. 1200 aq. fL Garbage diapoaal, garage, beautiful lot. $1900 down and balance like rent. FULL PRICE -$12,350 Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everspn 18M Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa ( Acroaa From Coata M~ Bank) Phone Llberty 8-6761 Ev-.. Har. 4366-Ll 8·f 03 eondlU011 a.nd bu pl.,. r1Cbta. iu.m . Peninsula Income! 2 Ir 1 llEDROOM.9 O:'\ ONE LEVEL. 2 bedroom •PL ln ~ It 1 bedroom apt. I.ft tronL Nice 1tucco property and a 2 rar garage. Surely a pttterr.S rM~· al l<>Catton. t t l ,600 and good tcnn•. Newport Heights I 2 BEDROOM STUCCO HOME WITH GUEST ROOM • BATJL lbl8 Uvtni room. Ooor furnace and nlce patio. A Sood Y&lue e t $13.900 end t•nn•. Balboa Realty Co. no .. Greeley Al Corne.llUI Ed l~e Jark Pinkham Joec.>phlne Webb 700 E. Balbna Blvd., BAiboa P hone fhrbor 3277. Business & Home % BDRM. HOUSE. plua extra lot. M·l aone, low price, eu 7 i•mi• 3 BDRM. HOUSE. near Chic Cen· t•r, 17 MO. low down r-yment. BEACH HOME Sl.500 dovm CHANNEL FRONT I BDRM. BO)(E, pier and noat. ll.900 down. N. B. C. Realty Co. 32114 II Newport BITd.., N pt. 8cll. OCE>.N VTEW modent I bednn. hom• with utra room and " bath on double p~. PrtCll '23,500. L:>w lawn p&Jlll.,\ or 'lf\U tab Yim Tru.l DMd tn trede. 2'Tl2 Cliff DT1vt Ca4,J&eeDt vacant lot available) Ph. owner, LI 8·2M2 llUe LIDO ISLE BA Yf RON TS 3 bd.rm .. 2 bath furn.iabed, pin It alip M.9,!SOO 4 bdrm. -den le m&Jd's room, 112 Iota, pier A .Up on Lido Nord . . ... . .. .. . .. ... -·· _ _$89,600 3 bdrm.a., 2 bathe, <\ne 1tory, pltr A float ~54.9,500 3 bdrnu., 2 bathe. lovely muter suite, 2 years old, Lido Nord, pier le float -----····---~.tsOO Another Choice Lido Home When the preeent ownera bad thla lovely home com- pleted. they never expect.M to 1ell it, eo here ta a new listing of a ono yea.r old 4 bdrm. homo th&t la just about the finest on Lido. A 4~ft. street to atreet lot, a !kar garage plua laundry &rea. Com- pletely turniabed uid otf ered for lcsa than co.t at $39.500 with $13.500 down and bal. at $24~. mo. Best lowerpriced Lido home Channing 3 bdrm .• 2 balh, 2 year old Ranch type home -vacant and rr a.dy for immerllll~ t>C<:Upancy -lovely loc11tion on the h\lland . Only $24,950. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3-tlS Via Udo. Newport Reach H8r, 4971 or 4972 $23,500 LIDO BEST BUY $23,500 218 Via Palermo -Open Sunday 10-4 Two bedroom with two batha on 45 !L lot COMPARE THlS • 2 1.~ yr. old charming home and large aunny pati<>- WITH any bouie with 90 many feature. at &flywhere near tbls price on BeauWul Lido ~le. KEY AT OFFICE -Will abow any time, DUNCAN · HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 N-.port Blvd., Newport Beach. Phon• Har. •118 l . . •• PAGE a. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR t;jEWS..PRESS Greenleaf on Iowa Balboa Ialand. u eclw'vw '°...,. MONDAY APRIL 11 1955 rtve hen April l!I uo.rd UM Mt· ' ' H()ft.J'()LIC. VL (l'BTNC)-u.blp U88 Iowa alt.-a tau.-• moath erui89 Ill UM Kediten....a. L St h I . I b Cro .I Jobn a. o....m.at. SWU*"'• mate Durins tbe c:rWae u. 1 ud Jll I er 0 e w1e. ~u:,Nn~~!: otllel' wait.I ot UM u .... ;a.,..t ----------putk:lpUed In anwal NATO •· Coad DeMolay "Sweet~eart" u.a ~ Mii bee ~ bf u.. ~ 1:: ::::... ofna::.. oft.k. Oranp County Ddlolay Council· 8be atopped t Glbralte Ona Ml., Lynn Stahler, ltt anw. be i--t.ac1 ud CIOWMd by UM °"' Club, with Bult.a Ana put ~; Alben!_ Greece; rNapa..: Ave., ha.a l»een eMc:ted u U.. napecttfe muter eouncilon about mutAr COUMl!or Jim Wbeeler u and Genoa, It.Uy; llltanbW, T\ftey chapter "Sw .. tburt" ot Orua1• tf p.m. llaturdq. Kuter Council· cha1nDaa. and eaan-, rr-. Cout Chapter, Onier ot DeMoi.y, or BW RiDS wtll *> UM honora Publicity work ha. bee don• b7 ---------- and wlU repre•nt th• local chap-for the Cout chapter. HW'lliD&'ton Beach chapter, Car- ter In the 0r1U'ltre County DeMo-0ranp Cout eoue,.•a !Un. den Orove heada the refrealunenta To pl'e'nllt child Mlddeat.11, do lay "Sweetheart.. B&lJ" Saturday will provide u.. mualcal rare from committee, Sant& .Ana tha queeu• not leave cbect. and tnmb wbere Dlght, April 23, In Oran1•. 9 p.m. to midDlpt In Uw <>raqe nowen commltt.e, and OrMp, u children may climb into them and Mlaa Btalller, 17-year-old Ml\lor County l'arm Bureau Hall, 1911 hoeta, the deooraUona committee. IM autfocated. at Newport Harbor Union Hip W. Chapman Roed ID Oran1e. Ad· p;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; School will relp over tha county• m.l.ulOD 11 $1.IM> per couple and I• wide d&nce aloof with Uve other not llmJted to DeMolay. O~ will chapter "8weetheuu" from Jl'ul. be aport u .. tw th• men, cock- lerton. Runtlnflon Beach, Garden tail dreeaee for th• women:'- Grove, 0 "'U'• and Banta Ana. Other COWll "Sweethe&rlJJ" are Special •1995 Selected rrom fl'OUJ>e of fin t.o 1 Mven nominee.I by popular vote, C&role i.u-, Garden Gron; Un- 'the atx count1 "Sw.ethearta" wtU da Hall. Oranfe; Carol Buler, ----------Santa An&; au.an Stanley, Hunt· IJoO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DlllCTOIY APPLUNOJ:8-~ Puta -n.Jer -8enSCe LIDO SLEC1'1UO MM Via Ule -...,._ '"' AUTOJlOBILE DEAIJl:RS : New and UMd Can NIClmaTZ BTtJDll&Am .................... 1'11 N ........... -Bar. Ill BAND. 1111Uel.._._:NTa8A MM Via UM -Bartlor 1111 MUW8BOP8 LIDO SllAVINO llUO b ........ ...... tor Ilea Mii Via ...... -....... .... BE&UTI' PAIU,()Jtll LIDO SA.L9N OF B&AVTY .... ~ Via ()pelte-Bar. 1111 800D BOO& CAM 1'11 Via !Me -...,.... MM c.un:a•• a a.pp .. TINClmlT LIDO oauo. NftV1al.Wo-BarMr- (lA.8P11:1'8 A DLU'l:JllES DJClll llAO&Za Mii Via Lllllt HMtler fall CIADCBING IUOllA&D"8 LIDO MAllK'ft' Mii Via Ude -.......... OLO'l'IDNG -Ilea'• Betllll /) BIDWELL'll 8110P roa amN , auav•u..-11ut1wtM1 VLOTBING-W--'a ..-U LIDO rA8BIONa MtotVta~-....... ..,1 9BADD00&'8 MU V• UM -an-_,, VAO.AllOND BOVU Imported SporUwe&r NM Via Ude -...,._ 9tM D&VO STOKES VJNC&N'l"S LIDO D&DG9 Mll\'laUle-........... tLr.Ol'JUO OON'DIAOrGa& LIDO a..moraJC MM Via LWe -~ t"1 IOtJ!f'IAIN,GIULL YDlfOIDIT'B LIDO oauo. Mil Via Ude -...,...r ... ftAMDAALBUMa a-••&DT STUDIOS MltVlaLWe-......... l"UaNll'tJU DIC& llAC.- Mtt \'la Ude -...... ~ QDT&BOP ~ LIDO IUaa:ft' Mia Via UM -........ USI DmVMNCE AQDl'l'8 W. 0. BUCK. CNC. .... Via J..Mo -........ "" IN'DSIO& Dl'XX>a&'l'OU l -..urOBE FUJ•E!UON .LLD.~ M&e \'la I.JIM -llAIMr 1111 DICIL llAC1LE& NH \'la J..Mo -..,._ Ull ••urn ~LIDO ... •arr MllVlaLWe-~- liUILSl:IUE.8 lllCllAJU>'8 LIDO ... axrr ~Taba. Ansnl'ementa NII \·s. LWe -llartler 1811 l'llO'l'OGBAPB 8TtJDI08 Oft941WT 8Tt1DI08 Mll Via Lido -~ .... auL ESTATE LIDO &EA.LTY ANOCIATS& Udo Salee la Rental• .... Via Udo -ltanw "" ,. .. ~. __,......... ......... -. ........ t. Ullvt.Udo-~1Mt VOOl:L f'OllP ANY Mll \'la ...... -...,..., .. " MVING8 a LOAN A.880CLU'ION8 NE"'?OaT BAJ..BOA M VINOS A LOruA880CIIATIO'lt' A 88¥ lnaUtuUon Lone T Home LoaN ... ,... -..,..,, .... IEBVICE STATIONS UDO IUClll"IELD NU ~-..n 111•'-lllt.r . ..., IBOU---'1 BIDWELL•s 8TOU P'Oll llSN MJI Via LWe -....,._ ... DIEADl'.a LIDO TllKATIUI eo-ult w. paper -prof1'Uft Via LWe aa N...,.n ...._ ..,.., 111& IOYS UDO TOYLAXD MU \1a Ude --...., 9" VPROLSTERINO DIC& MA<'1UIR 111t v1ai..--..,..... .. ,. lnflOn Beach and Linda Coleman, BLlJB J'Ullert.on. 8ponaored jointly . by the 1ix YELLOW COUDty cbapt.en. the plunlnc fO'f 'l'ElUlA ()()'IT A • FUCHSIAS UCWSIVELY JOO properly named varietlea tncl~ the better patented Y&ri•tl•. Pricea ala.rt u low u 3&c up accordlnr to at.se. Blc beeuutuJ hanc1Jl6 bu· k•ta at leu lhaD you u.ually pay. LEE'S FUCHSIA GARDENS :r~ ()eeta --OPSN 8UNDAY Wiii Not Rust -100o/o Aluminum OROLITE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS "HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES GARDENING TOOLS • FULLER PAINTS MASONRY SUPPLIES • RED.E-CRETE OPEN DAILY MONDAY THROUGH 8UNDAY 1-.-.-tp.m. Sc,uftz-fiu/Lerl BuifJerJ .Supp/'J Phoae Liberty 8-7855 OL08ZD F&IDA'I' m Vlet.orta St. (De&r Newport Blvd.) a.ta lie.a "Home Means More with Carpet on the Floo;" 3 · Years to Pay For on• room or for every room in th. house, Now you c.n enjoy qu•lity C•r,,-tin9. New S.nk t..-m1e J yeus to p•y We've eYerJ color and pattern you'll want •.. ln our decorator-auembl~ .toclu. Patterna and weavee for EVERY room in finest all wools.· Viscoee and cotton•. Tbe nation'• most famou.a Mills' efforts bring you luting beauty and long wear. You'll b<' surprieed at how little it cOllta to enjoy the •fll:Y belt! •.. and now on the eaaieet ot tenna, Notilinr Down with up to 3 y-.ra to pay. OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT i.a equipped to do the finest job of cleaning or your Rug, Carpeh and Upholstered Furniture Wall-to-Wall ~t Oeaned in Your Home CALL U8 TODAY , C.....~ Dufg•. T"Jlr~e ~I •U wool • SCULPTURED WILTON By Sanford. Ch~ f rom lht.w lovt'lv <'Olon : Sprlni Grffll Cloc!11k ln Bif!lfl, Dove Orey. Clnn~mon. t ·, lJ' Of' 111' width• $9!~ Complete line FLOOR COVERINGS f:r Linoleum '{:{ Rubber Tile * Form.ica * Carp.ta tl Aapbalt TUe * Cork Tile CARPET W.0Rk5 -Miii••-·· ... __ ..... ., "t 1622 SQ MAIN SANTA ANA ~ 3-1615 ~kl 2~3178 ;r .. I IDCd L 811.&. ,,,.-.,, · .. .-..~.-. GUU W. aJCllA'~ ._,., , .. ,,_.,.,,, USL L11flf D4ftlt ,_..,,. ,.....,.,. :.. • . ..-. ·• • UJfJfmr '°"~,,......,er--I o. w. UCllA&D d.n r. IUCKA1' orr1csa1 IAllU Liii.ii nurut&Jf JflLIOR W. llllCS JOllJf T. llOTD, IL LllUI T. nnuD DIHCTOH LTM.U B. rASWSU. G9NOI M.. llOUTIPI 11.UaY L mcaua ftOIUI .A. ftlOlllAI March 30, 1955 Mr. Ben Reddick Newport Harbor ~-Preaa 2211 Weat Balbok Blvd. Newport Beach, Calitorn1a Dear Mr. Reddick: Ve have Juat received our ahipment ot pr1nted.torma and stationery which we ordered thrOugli the News Preas. tt 1• moat gratitying to t~ you that our order waa tilled pi'omptly, the wor nahip or top .quality and that your organisation extended our new bank every courtesy and consideration. When the aubJeot ot Job printing tirat arose, we naturally were oonacioua ot competitive bid•, and we were greatly pleased to learn that a local ahop could meet the pri~ea ot ttle uptown prlntera. It i• the desire or thi• conaunity bank to place aa much buaineaa aa poaaible looall7, an~ tor this reason, 1t waa a privilege to place our 1n1t1al order with you tor the· many tor::m that are needed in a bank. Congratulation• on a big Job well done. Sincerel7, The Mariners Bank IRB:bom ........ fED&&AL D&POllT llfJUaAlfCI coaroaATIOIS THE NEWPORT HARBOR ms -Pllm. Job Printing Department has just delivered the largest single printing order ever 6lled in the Harbor Area .•• Over 3'4 milHon impreaiom. PLENTY OF PRINTED FORMS FOR IANK .' • WUn Marinera But Mecle4 an md1-nrt1tJ ot prtnt- lac to .n• lta depomtorw ad other cu.tomen. it c:all· eel on th• commercial prlntln« 'department of Newport Harbor N"""".,..,_ to produce it. Shown bwe d.atTwtns nearly seooo worth o.f printed forma are, from left. am Berse.. baadinc box to Glenn Schroeder u Kenneth Faw· , Jer, ua18t&nt cashier of bank, checb load on band ~ beJd by Earl Lindley, printJnc department bead. Let us figure YOUR next job-call Harbor 1616