HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-28 - Newport Balboa Press. - • . ' _ .. I I "" / 1 ( />' ~· (' ANCELi.ED HERE -S udden cancellation yesterday in Ora nge Cburity o f the Salk po lio vaccination shQts oC'l:u rred before · Co sta Mes-~ y oungsters w e re to r~civc first sh ots today and New port Beach stude nts to m orrow .. F orty -thre~ fir~t and second graders in nearby W est mrnster r eceive4 s hots yesterday~bcfore the 8t op o rdrr came. Gly nda Lowe, 7. abo \'e, recci\'cd her sh ot from \Ycstmin ster pl')ys irian M y r o n S. M ir k elsnn . -OCNS Ph ot o ·HARBOR AREA eHILDREN _RECEIVE . . . •' .• i8th YEAR -NU}.IBER 17 .. ... • -=----- .,._ ... / I • NEWPOR.T BEACH, CALIFPR.Nl.A. THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 Phone Harbor 1616 FIVE CENTS ... -, CO,uRty Mikes Bid . . . -. . for ·Ai.r Base Land New Members fill Vacant - ' • Asks . fer .412 A~res ·also Requested by High School By BES REDDICK League Seits -Thr"" n<'w . ntt'mbera hsve bePn O ne e.ffort o f lhe Orange County Board of Superviaon AppornlNH o th .. bosrd of dlrector11 to scuttle the growth and plane of the N ew port Harbor area of Fr,.~dnm T11 xpsyPr~ IA'agu·~. w ent b y the wayside this week and an other was starte d. Tar· .l.rtr. ll w11:< annount t>d today by Pr!'lllflPnt ~· K MaC'C'BrtPr. M1tr· gel th is w eek is the planned p r ogram of exp1uu1lon of the F1lhng Vft r&nclrA on tht> bollrd, ,top thf' annf'Xllllon to lhP City HIC.H ~f'HOOL nMT ' ~O VACCINATIONS AGAINS110L;;;.,;;...;;:;.IO___... C'11rt!'r belllllPd an~ged ··troubl<'" Newport H arbor Union H igh Sc~ool district. Target whlch wfth1n the 1<'11..:uP due to r"\'f'nt w~· nnt hit. and th!'rdore t>. limlns t. 1 m11'1111tely nnrth of th~ Orus• r't:<tgn!ltlon of rour boud mPmber11. ed wai< thf' .. rtort of thr C'mmty to County F'11lr Ground•. MaN'llrtl.'r 1<a111. 11rr J. Reu. · 90( llf 1'.-wport BP1tC'h of tht-1800 &r r1!' N!'wport Hn bor Union ·Hirt\ ~(·. 2Cl~h St. l"osta Mesa. vice-pru-l;pp"r Bay p1trcel. SC'hl'll\l hs~ 11 lrocly u kl'd th&t 7'0 ldl'nl. ~nd trea1<urti.r: J,u d w i' Al Tues&y·, meeting' ot lho ·a.r n •i. or thu rit.rrrl be ILllnral!d e~=::ir~~~_' ~,IC~~ oarcl of:"Stlfltt'\1TRl'l'TC6>.lll ~li'slrs tn It for UllP of a ~f<'Ond hlJh Mr11. S .. D. HubbeJI. 2109 ~~deral I Heinz K.alM"r moved thllt.J;he C-oun-11rh0<•I whlC'h i11 planned. Th• re· St .. d1 rtr tnr. One morl' mPmber. of ty or OranRe apply 10 L'. s . Army que'llt or thP high achoo! o1l11lrtcl thP boarJ. \\·1!1 be sesttd at the Gr,nrral Srrvlt l'S Adminl~tnltlon .,.·a11 fl\Pd ln.J,tarch ot 19~3 wtth th• Set for Newport T octciy Cancelled Inoculations i:riday, ~ Mesa Qppositio~ Voiced . lo / Mesa Annex / 11.ext m~"Ung. MJ\cCartl't 81\Jd. for the> 412 arre pllrrl'I rl'm":mlng govPrnm~nt. Ma<'(arle{ l!Jl!JJl'd & · l~ngthy or tht former Santll ATill Army Air At the 11ellooT ~lrC'lT61i tn~ ht.Id ~tlt tPmrnt whlrh lnrl11dPd thl' fol· Biue.· The property 111 th11t Im-t'ontlJloed on P'rt1 I lnwmg: '°Tll('te hal! been ron!lh,Jer· N o H a rbo r j.~a sehool rhildrcn ha\'e received Salk .anli- polio ,·a~c 1nalions, luc:al µar C'nts were as~ured t oday. Costa Mesa inucu latiohs w e r e scheduled to begin· t oday, Newport H a rbor 's tomorrow . All sc heduled inocut:lt\on s of first and ~cond grade pupils. w ere can celled yesterday. b y the Orange MrB. s~!~~d. ~~e ~!?v.n! o~~~~~~:OK~krl IT. ~~:~~:£:el~: r~~:::~o~:~~:.:::~. COUNCIL r1>pP8lPtily i:n·,.n thAl the cause I VOTES DOWN MEETING C.HANGE County· Health o ffice. The un•~r.<tamUng Is trnll nPw rlwir lnr>tulatlQYr.' 1' he cUtter da tes will . tie ~l't for Ule inO<'ula-hra1~l Wll..'< m6cuhrted Into appro~­ t 1en11 when a nll·pollo Nerum t·an lmatl'!v ~!'.100 • Mhool ct)ildren In be .brought Jn rrom I.he east. Dr. Orang~ Co11nty before the'ha,Jt or- Santa Ana HeiCJhts Residents Hold Country Club MHt E . L. Ru1<11t•ll, OrMge County der w.·nl oul. · h ealth otrl('\>r', pofntl'd out Ule Ru!\Selli pointed out that tounty By MRS. wtND"ll£D BARBRE Culler Laboratorle11 or Bukcle)" health ohiclala will keet> a cloee Metre t.M.n 200 reeidenl.t ot San· brand of va('dne wll.ll the only' .guard over .the children who have 1 u. An& ~ghl.t lul nlfht met .&t typ., In •th .. na tion under q. uestlon. ,~en inocculaled. He 11&id .t here I Sa.nla An& ~ntry Club to Mar "W .. are certilmly nol &ure °'"l ma-y be no connection livilb the reuone for &nd &galrult ~ t h'! vn.-<:ln<' 1111 causing t)le .11111es&.." \ rul) ot J>OJlo Dlll_!!. and the ,vac· tlon~ of t.)la t eec:U9n to C~te.. Mel&. Ru~11ell :-air\, dne lllMUfRcturPti by Cutter. At >la cloae tt\ey were un&nlm~ l'.li \·t:!4TIGATI01' o~ "Nnnt1&I lncub&tion period for In opposing the proposition. Jnv,~tlg11t1on Into lh• C"11t(fr r "lln 1~ 12 to H dayJ," l'le sald, Milton Maxwell, who llv~a in \'A»1 111r w:>~ h1tm<"l}f'd when Nix I "anti t he va ccine _gwer\ thi11 week county &Tta by chol<;.e. becawie l'111il • 1 llllt , nit.lrt'n, two 1n S,1n ' n111y have no C'OllOPCl lon." l'fow· l "there are 11ome thinks you can't U1o>h'" came cl11wn with polio erncc I . ("ontinuf'd on Pa11t" S t'alue In dollar11 anrt cent.11,'' Md •"the country is lht' onl9 plac<' to bring up chilrtr<'n:· 1'ha1rmanned a.ii ordr rly ·ricrting l\l which key mrn ~poke on w11ler. police and fire prott>ct1on. sewera, eleC'lrlcity and telPph<ine ro11t~. Rummary. 11howlng monetary l'adv1rnt11gi>s whid),.mlghl be expc1•t· ed ln bal11 nrr l~ t sllmB ted rost of S:!O pl'r owner in joining t he says Ute .ya.cht la a.lnady tor the Eneena.d& cla11stc and 11he hopes the 28·footu gel.II better than third place lhi11 year. Thr BaJrds have had the Rhodea. de11lgned-Dltm&r built cutter in Pvery ~ada race but lhe !irt1l a.nd h&ve drawn third .place twice., Salling unaer the enaign of the Voyagera Y'achl Club. th• rwarl7 J.00. ~r cent Power Squ11dron c~w will Include Jack Swa.rt. Udo lale; Albert R¥iett, Bay Sbor9s &nd Al Smith, iA&'Un&--St&tt Photo COUNTY .DROPS UPPER BAY SUIT . AGAINST NB Dredging Begins on ~ropose~ . - County Water Park Development Plans for th~ develo pment o f Upper Bay m oved ahead rapidly this wee k. Wo rd w as convey~d to Newport Beach cily officials by H e inz K aiser. C o!)la Mesa supervisor, that mumr1 pallty. were n<-..:at1\'e PX· ro>pt f•ir rlectr1c1ty. wh11·h wouhl lhe County of Or a n ge was dropping its s uit against the Ciiy be lt>s!l ... nrc1 by S6.60 per year. 1 of N e w port Bl•ac h to halt the annexatio n of the 1800 acre WATER II'> Rf.ACK I 1 -~ , pru-ce . • • H11rry B rown or ~ta 1.na The Roard or Supi>n 'i!lors has bt> ;q::1·l'"'L tn h\' tht• lrvinP C--om· • I Heights \.\'11lvr ~i11t11rl pornt~o ••lit j aulhonzed lei;:-al agr.·ements dn1wn pA.ny wturh ha..~ g1v"'n p<.'m1is!'lon lhal 1·ompany I!'! opernt1ng '" the \\'Ith ::ih1'llmuke1. Jnr. l•• \lrl.'dge fur plarNrn•nl or Uw flll•••l mati;>nal RJo:\.ITAUZt: t:UfCATJO:\-Roy L. ~·awyer. t e lephone c·xcculi\•(', a<l\'isi's appr ux(m atf'ly :!00 bus inesl'!men at- tf'n\)ing Tuesday night'::1 a.irnuu l·joint s l.'rdce cl; Q-dlnne r ,.. "\\'<'mus t gi"e t he C'durat ur i.l place b(•side ttfe other pro- ft>~sion~." • Saw yf:'r's brirf aci<lrl'ss, based o n Public Sl•h ools Wct.>k, was delivt•r ed in Ne w port Harbo r Cnion H ie;}} ~rhonl rafet C'ria. F rom lf'ft to r ight at the t able bC'~·nnJ Sawyer are Mel lkrry and T ed H ambrook. - St:tff Ph1ito Harbor ·Service Clubs . Hear -.... - Sawyer · Tell School Heeds ' ) ~ bla1 k. again.st. a. tolsl of $86.000 in the pnir•ised C()11nlr \\'atrr on i<ome of its prup1'rly. bonclc•d lndPble11m·~!< f11r t he three I Park Rr<'" lhlJlir cnl to l 'iiasl Mivh-l ' I c " "' ll1111Rlt' ""' .. 1op1n1 nl £_omrs_!llo" wh!C'.h ~up~ C'll"l l\ ! way on \lw ea.'4l !lldP o~ l~J.!£!'.L . ~ ~ ..... .ui.,n-o~l't'f<tt't MPM. wafer, ""' e CT\~. hir nirl:rtlRY.-~ni; iiilO)ieKm w11h1n art•a t" 'l'""'I hoat~ l t1•pth of th"' "$11 .000 on f\ note, but we have a 1~ cla vs • · · -b11.nk bAla.nce or $32,000. tr we are · · · 11.: .. a wh1·re 11w11n111111g "ill ue per- t akl'n inln Cnllt a Mc.'!!a tht'V can In all t11"r" will be tlredi;Nl b~· mtllt"1 will h" t'l,!:'hl ft!t!l. l l Is take in our watet iH!ltrirl a~d r M Sh,.lln11tkt>r [>11 "'"l r11hlr yl\nts. of pr"f'USl'U that Fi11 ",('rl'li of 1111ndy ~and a t a ··nst !If Sll,11110 l Ill· :<ll)I watt'r bN•l h will bP provi.tl'd conUnuf'd on Pacn S mately I.here ~·111 he dredged !rom In the Watt>r Pllrk when the 'NUT HOUSE' 1 TO. GO; KARAM TELLS PLANS W ork on whnt J im Karam rails "An !'Xpen~1ve p11rbng -_ lot" wm stllrt Mon•lay with the teu lng down c>f lhe "Nut Hous~" back ot Kar11.m'11 C1lfe c1n M11in St.. and a •Ot t.age on I ht> Bal~oa Blvd. 111<.le of the C'A r". th" \\"at::.r P1trk ares morl' than pro]ect 111 complete. 300,llOll cubu: yard!! of mucl Mii I Acron1ing to S11per\'ls9r. l<a111er ~arirl nl A.n e~t1matr•I ''"!'t ()( Sfi~.· • 000. This will provide about a 25 lhe rciunty llUI'\ ogamst :"ewp.,rt · UN1ch will be t\altPcl M t he rounty aC'r" "''·111101111.i: area in the will still retain till" to lht• road proJt>Cled park a rea. aniund the Upper 8Ry a11rl to the S-WA ,. Acau :E:\IE'.'IT t iilt>la nds undPrlyrng th" l'~r The agreements between the BAy to do with as they llPe 'rit rounty and Shellmakt>r a lso wlll Contlnul'(J on Pae" S COLLEGE KIDS IN UPROAR ' ' Tt>lrph""~ F.X'C'CUl1ve R oy L. knodong on 11Choolh'o1"i'i!if d•"1r!t and Rl\W\"•'I 111ld 11pprox1n1At•·ly :ino ' fll) 11111rp. rl111<stONll;'I a re' n~•'<led­ H111 i,,11 .. "' "" b11>'111:·~~m"n t" "l"l.'"l """ry ~lon1IA\' '"''' 11111 1;" "'"'" Al l•"~""' h1 th•• pr .. blt·m~ 11f : POl'l"l.ATIO:-." l '.'i( Hf:.\~t:/ Thil'I lrllllrovrment. whlch will ~t\'t' th<' KArnm Cafl' & I'•" klllJ.: ~."p1tr" (nr 7!) r 11rll. will N( l I h" ow1wr bark t(bout UCLA Dean· Promises Action Over ·Disturbances ror thl11 110-c11.lled 'l rouble' le the · l!t'lnd <ff the Board of Direct,1r1> I nr lht' lt•Af:UP or lhl' 'tax ovPrrlde.' OWN Thi.• 1s 1111lru ... Jn a~n nri;anizatfon s11 !At ~e as thlll there 1s bound In be <'<'lteln number of pPople that du no~ set." '"Y" to eye' at all times, but l would hardly call th.la 'trouble' ." -Mesa Seeks City Street Planner Citizens iii Strong. O.biectiom; Smith, CounCUmen Tracie WcH-ds • Tempers and the lltreGgt.h of public opinion aecompan• ie4 arguments Monday night when the Newport Beach City Council reversed ita previous stand and voted to defe at it.• A pl11n wherl'by Coita Me118 own proposed meeting time change. c(luldhl ubtRrn found11.tion for • AU but one councilman voted against the ordinance ~we ~ ;·0,;:iredr~I <'~ly Mll.slert ,;iatn which would have eeeh the coun-15th Sl. urged the coun<'ll ell 1.ip .'t'(r ·a' r 1 wt "1eMl>"";en eul hto ell meet the 1ec.ond and fourtli the ordin&nct.". "We believe 1t he•.• " ·~ 1 v <'"t1n~1 , onu11y n g . . 0 c I c • • The eih·:rlsnnmf{ comml~sion has fuesdaya. l a.m. ounc Iman . IM'en a great help a11 cltl~..en11 to I 1• •n 1 1 h f ' 1 I A. Hlgble voted lo conce'de to· the llaten lo your d iecu1111or\11,•Y"u rrN' t'' h11111 t ' P' 1nnK o a spf'<' a .. "'i.. .. 1~1 to a~w;t. ln rf'priratton-of a majority of his colleaKuea. Coun-gelling ~ul Q! 11~ .. &11lnf{ ~ 11 ufty maslt•r phrn fC<r .~t v Klrrl't!I a t 811 I ell meeting times will remain the meellnir. • he told thP co11nr1i. 1111:111\', nnt to t'x•··~\'tl $1 000." !same, Aecond and fourlh Mundeya WEAfl\' co1·scll.~'(. Thi' nrnt)nn wa1< mRde bv Cnm· at. 1 :30 P rn. ~· In. r,tply to a quPstion fmm tjlr nu•sumr1 l~ob \\"Jl~nn. A~d•n.deu OJU~IOSS STllO..~G lloor put by Arthur Pl'ltreoh a11k- h.'· .f:. L. Pal11·r~vn 3 nd u"nan1rn11uA-Although the c1 owd which et-Ing ~is reAson ror ravurlng t hr Iv RPI'"''"'"' by 111hr-r memb<:>rs cir t1•nded _.Munday night's ml'el111g time change, Cqunclln~1tn Sandy th;• , 1ty pJRn11~·n. . .. I was 11mall. feeling egain11t the M1cKay 1111id ht> thoui;ht the <'01111· -"'"'•I ot thP rommunllv for • r hange lo daytime hours wa.s ell could bl'Ml iierve thA city by a ma .:n plan has rec .. 1ved tht> b11r k-strong. mom Ing mPeting •when' 1' cuunrll· lnio: v.r pn,·ate C'itiun~ 11nd M ellll A l'eller from A. J . Lon·nz of men were fresh." ThP council prr- or~11111z11Uoni< like lht> chl\mber of 208 Hazel Drive was re~ad protest· vlou11ly explalne<I onr re&!l(Jn fo r tom111,.rc,• for months. Biil f'sli· Ing-l ht> r han,:'e 1tml urgrnl( _the the chsni:l' in time W¥ beraU'!ft me t•"I c·ust u ( ripprox1nmtely $12,-cou11<'1l tu 1<•1•11nB1<i1•r its 11tantl to the J?'T'1Up now mt><'U Mon<111 y llf- 0(J0 t o• hit•' mnsl.-r phrnninJC spec· allow lh<' rlttzens to p11rtic1p11 te lt>rnoon for 11.11 executive ,. .. ~slo11 lnh.:s haJ ptevent~u city !&thera In, city l{OVtrnmenl which usually la.11.11 to within an frf\111 taking action . ..., · From the n oor, Ed Hl'aly, 113 conUnuf'd on Pace a c'lur •1·h1i-<111 nnd I:'"'' n11r,sthot1l.s · · Ex.101l1w Y•'lll' uwn ll}lt'rt's\ll Ow thin~' th1·y n"•"I In do " t:0 •"1 Mrdully. ~aw\t•r a dv1:-•·1l · 11.n.t Jnb" <111nn1t 11nrH•~I JOml sPr \'H't' b~onil' betl"r · a .. quamtt>•I with duh "'""''r In :-; rwport Hnrh••r ,·our 11d11" ~ Ht• R.Jdh l t ll••rl' hA•l SiO.Ol"lO' Hl' ~RH1 The Cleve-L ' '-• t·oatlnuect dlslnrba.nce calls from Ne"·port Harbor residents re-1,1nd Wrrdnni: ~·,,. or Los An- , -~ l:n111n J-1 1,1:h l'rh.,nl C'Afeterul T ilt'$· ·bren 11 6.'i ptfr <-enl lni-r1·11~" In ds~· .. ,.l'OHl)I . Hsr,h.1r ar•'ll pnp11lalh>n since ll!~CI. Th""" nt lhi' 11nn11lll dmnr~ in a ;:, per rent mrn•11;ie m h1i:jl (lbSl'r\'an1'1' of .P\1bht' Schnnl~ \.\ el'k I ~fii1)i1I enrnllmtnt "Fu11 r pn crnl ht" A ril ~" wyPr s brief R•ltlrr~l'I. ~ot nf lh" lorn 1 p<ipulal 11111," Sawyt'r a ll"l\.<r r glimpt11• u! 1"'t'lll';' ft~mi I said.-"ti! In you r h li.;h schC'OI. Al· t ht'; hij:h 11chn111"s F11t111y mj:hl j:lrf'-me>i-l 20 p<'r crnt o ( lhP popull\'t.1(ln 111'11Ut1on of Tht' Mikado. r",·";'"''1 1~ \n your grflf!P l\m1 h1~h !irhoC1l~" a prt'irw of~ tenth._ftnnual New-___ . ----=-------- port Harb<1r 1Hl exhibit in the> Ct•le~ 1~ "Xl"'<'tc'•I to move l('ar.lln.g nol~Y parl1t'11 lnvoh·ing colleJ:t' 11tudrnl.8 vn 11pring vn~tion wr,•rk1.ni;c nrn~hrnt>ry on.lo the here, b ri;m.:h t a prom1~ from Dean Byron Atkm~n or •UCLA lh&t Mn111 ~l s1d" or the job this Brum 11tt1d4:rfn would be disc1plinf'°d.. by campu9> aulhorily. · . w.·~k with work ~tartmg the Atkrn!'On t11hl Newoort. police yesterday he hrui received \elephone f irst ot nl'xl Wi'f'k , callt f rom lc'ICAI im•pl'rty O\l"Tl<'rl! 8"-•erleolly told officfl'll they c'ould \\'Ith tnl' two b\llltllng out o! ;or(lplAlnmg or dl11lllrbancts 'r re· ! Mk. the n11m"s of thr 11t111lent..s t the w11y Karam will havt a lltl'd by t;<.:LA atudenl11. The de.Ln I wh• n lhey )eft l he hmt8e. Police lnop dnv" !nl' hi!! patrons. H" t o\11 lo,·lll o!r1C't,'r1 lo fnrw11.td &II w111ted. No ch&rRcii werP filed. will landscape lhe Mam SL !lllm t•8 IVld a(ldrl'.sllt>ll or \'lolatortt SE\'ERAL ("ALLS l\H!f'. tn ))Im And he WOUid take action Q(!icer11 11\1~. they TPCl'iVt'd0 eeV• Thl'I ":-\ut Hou-"'" haa i>l'Pn 1'<>r the u m,•er11ity. <'ra1 calla from ne1g hbMhlng re11I· v11r11nt for aomi:, ttqw ll w11a ATIOJl:TT. :S~\lED dt>nl.3 r~~nrdin• noise ,llnJ'disturb· formerly uard as & d&nce hall Amontt thf' two dnzt'n or mol"t' 11nce at the housP. Two cail.11 were .. . . . r · Jttrli<' i:-ymnl\~tum. then Wlllt'htd Three-Way. CPCIS_h ('nmpellt1on for H.,u'bor' High mtn- M 11po1 t5 <'h11min11n~h1r~ tn !ht A <'ar dr"·"n b~· R11b('rt Thom· tioy•· h ·mnaMUlll. bt-r1t DeBolL. J:i. 224 Grand Can~. unJ.11 d 1'ii tu r b " n c e • .lh•r9 namn on l""C-ord now with Nrw-1 recrtved l&t e Sun!My n4fht !rom b:ouihl •.bout I~ clo11ur&--,. ... r·nr·t pol11·e wh1cl\ will b.I 11ent lo resid!'ntl!I who said thl'y_could not l I Al.Rln110n 11 tll<' n&m• or Ronny 11let!p. Police warned the group to , • fil~'HOOI. f'OSJllTIO:'\S Balboa l!'klnd, wa:s lnvqlvl"d In a SA,,rye1. pol'\llnit up cgnn .. ctton thri-l"-way ,traffk ac.·1dent at Hlth· · b;•tw•••n PubliC' 1Srhonlll>.""l'K·a~d . \\"llY 101 ·A a11d . thr &~-Mort' HAR.OR Wr aTHER B&11f. 21. tnp lTl..A \'kl"lllt\' bru!· qu iet dnwn. On Monday and • ~ kt;lb&ll irtnr. Bil.TH' \dentlfi~ him-W~neadAy night., police recelvrd self l-0 police early ye.,~t erd11y 1 f•lher CAllll regarding the aa.me 'r , mor111nr wht'n he ~•rl'd t he hou..~ ' I t he 11p1·omln1t ~ii.th acjjool 111,tri t 'rBn1tg•' nenr hr N! ye~tPrday: It TempPrata~ "" p .. t ww.11 'u pan•1on ''<'lf' i!'l th4!""lt11r 21> ~1e • "'"-' reported by ~ie Calitornn ~be flu1»or .,.. "-en : l ion, "'"'ITll'l\tt'd on the rrow~l:jl!fhwtly ~lrol. Hldl Low condll11'n M~pghool8 a.nit the !!etl·l Drh·er J&me11 H. Robert.a Jr., Friday, Apti) 22 ....... 1 :'>9 !'II ' dl"'Or of a homl' In China Co''" ' Llvol night pollce qu1<'t"d • where ,police fnve.sllgatfd a 11111-1 no111y puly al 207 Gl'1Uld Canal tur~nce, The n11met of 13 11tu-1 whf're they said they found ~O or llent.8 wen tllk<'n by police M th~ 60 l'CLA students dr1nk1ng, 11h11ut-ous tul'hr..t~h<'rtlL~ Califon u11. or Anaheim, wae 'R.rre11t~ on l!UI· S&turday. April 23 ... 1 60 48 Ile dtdll rei.t tft11t. ··e\'er{Mondny I p1qol\ (IE drunk dming 11.fter the Sunday, Aprtl 24 ...... , 112 ~~ mqrnlng. new pt'oplt' to fh• ~t•tc ··rtl.«. r¥"pof111 .Mow. HP wU. taken " Mond11y, A prll 2!'! ··-1 62 M afe 11t~l<1ng 1800 addlUon.•1 hm111t'9 to Hoag Hc>iij>lta.l fM lrl'AtmPnt of ,' TuMri•y, Apnl 26 . _ 61 ~2 thert' 'Ari' 2100 mc>re <'llT'9 on th• lnju nrs. Th" (lthtr drl\'• r ln\'l1lvtd Wf'dM.aday, April 21 _~II !1 •t.N'el11.-lPOO mon> lflPJll;onu 11rr lwa.t Don.alci-··.J. ~een ot LQ.n11' Thur!lday. April 28 -t i N • uqu1re4. 2200 mort chlll.1rtn are Beach. • April 211 rain, .oe.. \ l .... .. ~· ( ' _,, - yo11ths. r&nging In agu from Hi Ing and <M!aUntr a g "'Tlt'rsl dl11turb- t o 23 c&me out o! t.Jie hou!'t. 1 ance. Of!lcel"I! aald thPy .rllflle '>nto Police ,,,Jd B&n• told lhtrn the a.JOO. I11llu1d lut mght to f1J;1d ch&perone. 21-yt&r-<>ld !)lane Jane ' ftv• cemtnt' b"nchee 11trun1t •C'ro111 1 McCondach wu u~li1'1-atfffp. ~la.l1n11 Avf', blockl.nl!' tr&mc and Whu ah• ta.mi downet.tn. •h• crutmi-a tra.t!lc he.urd. 1 \ \ POW i RIGHT ON -THE KISSER ! The ki8tler ~long• lo Glen Thoma.a. the right t o J im ?-:ewkirk. T hll:l1gi\'CR & ramrra"• eye view o f th~ type o f 1craping that tQOk place in H a rbor H igh gymna.Amm dunn g m ino r sports c hampioruibips Tuesday when 21 b<.1utJl w e re sta~ed. Complr>le r P11uJtA , can be found on Pan 2 eport.8 P&ietl t>f today's Ncw11-Prc..q, b ut . in thu1 o ne, Th~ w as the ,·icto r . Pho t o by Bill Phillipa ~ -. ... -· ' .. ·. -. PAG.E.2 ~PART I ·-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . THURSDA ¥1 AP~IL~, 1955 GOINGS ON AT THE I -BAbBOA-RA ¥-CLUB-· - By DAN Bi\ YLE$S If all the dollar bills raised for philanthropic purposes·~ flt the Balboa Bav Club were laid end to end. it would take dtty!I to foHow the trail. ·For· thi) m int-green palh wo uld brawh off in all dtrC'Ctions a11d end at many wor thy doors. • ... Thanks· to the hard work of 'dozens of organizations, [ '~ • f Pns ·of thousands of dollars have beeA realized from parties, • •. lun(•heons and b all51 The funds· were.used to he lp build hos-/ ,..o::-t.. pitals and schools. place orphans in proper h Qm('s. send youpg ~}J •-) "' ·. 1 • \ I GOVERNOR SIGNS OIL · ltlL . Lido lale Home ON CONSEIVATiON ·· ~COMMITTEE ~urila~ized , . ' . -• ' , . rn11a1 fllley or tbe Jl'rillk Bal· ( Good -. JMU.,_ fl.om• al 111 Via Qutto ·t-. ~C:"R.AMEN'TO CNS) -:-~r. Win ~ni '-iftvull,rat-4 ">' Newpoa L J. Kn~lit hu aign SB 1558, tiy Senator Clarence poli<'i: Ward, Sant& Barbara, the controvenitl oU bill gtv-qtn~era aald" u \ll'lldenune•I party enter.It the home t.hrouib "' !pg_ legal ncognition to the CalltonU& .coUervation ivaa• door. Qpllk 110me UqU<J1· Committee o( California Oil Prod~ra; but ap,,.~tly did not rtn'loYe .any . . . In aigt'Ung the bill. the governor Kid the c;om-.._ . mit(ee hJl.8 fot' many yean worked s.o-operatively in devel:of>ing metho4• and techniquea for t.be con· servation and development ot California'• oil and gas resources: t.hln1 Jrom Ua bome. Blood etahi11 were round· •f'veral plae•a In •\h" houae. The culJll::ll apparently cut hl1 hand on a wlntlow Cit.al whlC'h 'he broke In the p r •1• ~for-. h;i found 1;he door ajt.r, Howard M.et In Afrlca·-ftw ·Hunt ''The extraction of theee re.fOU~ under a maximum efficient rate of production will re.suit in greater recovery from the oil poobl," h e ~tated. ml'n <1flri women to college. furnish gifts of food and clot}\ing t <) the nef'dy, buy equipment for institutio ns. maintain rec- rea t1on ror,ms for the aged, l'upport symphony orchestras- t he lis~ is endles&,-~d ~.?; i';pr~~ve. THIS. QtiE DEPICTS AN ADOBE VILLAGE . M!!.~:~ Ia~:a~:~1ty~~: o~~ l~~ G t · · • th l O h J N · ff bo h 'b' h · I • Th --ld th uld ak ' wel!k tor EuNlJe and Atrlra. 8tarl • ..,, O!l Tuesday, May 3, the J,ion Tamers w ill hold their. an-. e ting a pre\ .ew 01 . e t annua ewport ar r art ex 1 1t in t e git s gym· . e governor IMU e measure wo m e no Ing t.t o~io. ?.faut PXP8<'l• to tour nual "May Day" brunch at the B?C. This, too, i! a party nasiwn it Newport-H arbor Union High School Tuesday night during annual joint ser· difference ID th~ ~and.ling ,of an anti·tMlJlt suit bx Europe t>Ptore colng tn South Ar· with a purposl'. • ~ · vke club dilmer are. fcft (o rigllt, Leslie and Wa.lter Miller ·or QlBta Mesa and A. B. the federal govemmen(. which hu been file<l agaiost rka where hP plM• tn do eoi"" Thi:' Lim1 Tamers, n Newport dub: for women. has been· McCollum of Newport Beach, The painting attracting their attention is Raymond Ku seven major oil compani~ of California. hunt mg Ml•t make movi~rnm for · . one of· the Hollywood lllUdloe. He in PXistence for. about b 1 z"'yrut'S·now. and was organizC'd as backfs Ado~ Village. -. Slaff Photo ------------~-----------expect. to b<' gonr uqtll Chrlatmu . a p11rely Racial ~rou1~But it was n't long ~for~the club l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ found a m1ssicm -helping the afflicted. ~ Always small in numbers !there are only 18 members today). thr L ion Tamers .arc n one-the-less mighty in pt'r- formanct'. Thc·i r f-rst act was t o buy an incubator with an iron lung for Hoa~ Hospital. Then fhl' )adtL'S settJE'd on what has beeome a permanent project -the Carl Haryey School for Spastic Children in S<.inta Ana. I _ The school serves UH' ('!\lire Orange County area, aod operate-" busi:es in ol.ftlyini; cities such as N ewport to ·pick up chilclrcn and lake them in for spC'cializcd training. The Lion Tamers donate equipment to th<' Har\'ey ~chool. Sometimes they buy a spC'cific article and present it to t he ~()hool, a nd at other times they apply money ld· waru the purcha~e of a major item wt)ich has ~en orc.lered1 by scimulnfttcrat . a...-: Money raised from the brunch\\lill be used in this way. LIDO DRUGS ''On!' of the IJdn Flho1>!9" . S.ffil V~ Lido, Ntwport BfoacJV· HARBOR DRUGS 3301 E, Coast Hy., Corona dC"I Mar BALBOA DRUGS Na~io na I Baby Week May 1 .• 7 -Visit our laby Dept. Week· end Special.s . For April 28, 29 ll SO 7116 E. Balboa Blvd., ~boa . ~~,.:1!11--~_,,,----~~~-----...--.-!.,,.,,.,...,,....._,~~·-"~IDl.._.ll..O....&..O:U"'-~--~---.._,- VINCENT'S Mrs. C'. B. Lovejoy, prl.'sident. invites you to attend and promises a m ost enjoynble tirnf'. The party will get undel'- way at 11 a.m .. a11d in addition to the delightful continental t-----tune~Ot\ there wm be. &--Wl'iagC shi'>W ..presC'ntcd bv Morri Flnris ts. Morri will illustrate what kin<j of flowers to wear with ~ach type of costume. 1 ICE CRf1'M \ • F or tickets. call ~frs. Blanche Gates. founding prwdcnt of Lion T amers. iit H arb~r ~671. S he'll be happy to reserve them for you. This is the 4th Lion Tamers brunch t o be, held at the B.,C. and we wish the members enry success next Tuesday. U.ndl'rslandabl_y, the 9lub ~njOYf!..(l!ayjng a part in the plan- nmg and staging ,of such an event. We're always happy to f ind that o ur facilities fill a real community need, and are being used to Bl!Ch good advantage. KO-. KO GEJ.S THE WORD Ordns from Ulf! Kmperor l!B}'. "Eiwculc Mmt•l>ody -lmmedi· a lely:" Th1s ls what f'n•>h·Bah. the Lord Mlgh Ext>cutlonC'r anr1 l'lsh-Tu11h <lu«·ov<'r In tl1111 flt'«'ne from G1lb••rt rmd Sullivan's The Mikado. Players, from ldt to rlgl\l, are -Lyle Llonb&rger, Dennl.t Hender11on and Dave Lerchl'y. They appear In tomorrow night'• Slh·er JublJtoe preiicnt.RUon In Nowport Hubor Union High School auditorium. -Stalf Photo POW-WOW Fire Chiefs Plan Meet for anJ Al Storey and Frank E1Ung1, I customer urvke. The Jut two named will give I tll'mOnJ1trallon11 ehowlng the 1atety 1 o/ gu In the home, that It i. light· er th.an atr and quickly dissipates • llst>H 11nd Is non-toxic, even In 1 extr,.me conrentratlon11. I ( ICE TEA TUMBLERS VINEGAR CRUET (ilu" with "ttlpJH'r reg. t !\c llf'll\')" UIMlll, l'quarl' ASH TRAYS PICNIC JUGS I cal. llthl welrhC~Kt'('JI• hot or" cold Scott Toilet Tissue · 1000 :-IH F.t;T WASTE BASKETS hNl\'Y mrlal In """I'd rolnr" 3 Roll!! 25¢ ALUMINUM TUMBLERS In brla;ht colors WOODE~ CLOTHES PINS 13~ l'ackaice of S do1.. - PORTABLY. LAUNDRY CARTS ~·-...... $349 Your Favorite RCA Dealer • RCA VICTOR ·Quincy • Here's a smart radio for smart lii·i~g!.New R CA Vir tor Qnint'y comhinu fine pt-rform- iinre 11 n1I up-to-tbe-mioute 1tyling •. at a low, low price ! ,. • Exclusive "Golden Throat" tone ayatern lirings you ri<'h. realistic sound f~ in·pe~a Ustening plca11'ure. • Automatic Volume Control ma.illtaina uni- form volume on both weak and.1tr~ atatiooa ••. • Trim, C()mpact calllntt com("8 in brown pl.a1· ti<' ••• "ith golcl-c~lor ~1ming s219s Jial. Ile sure to aee it today!' Save on ~rst ··quality hosiery DOUBLE DIP ..., CON!I ............. . JUND PA.CK!D 'FINTS .... BAND PACUD QUARTS ..... . BUtK &TYL!! >i Oat. Premium Quality AMY ruvo& 1oc 3QC 59C 79c GEZ=GDDA DOROTHY GRAl. HOT WJ;ATHt.::K s100 ~OLOGNE sz.oo u 1,., T l188" C.ftc CREAM DEODERANT·"'lf· 11 .00 '1V- sricK DEODERANT ~,. 11.00 50c HELE~" Rl'BENSTEIS HAND J>EUOHT wlUrPt:D HAND CREAM ·. T\:88\' . ,. . :s1 oo AFTER. IA.TH LOTION ,onry · "''" fl.76 lllM' DOROTH\' GK-" Y Dusting Powder & S0ap In matrhlnc !ranrtntm·f>• A;;;~:D;~t: DEODERANT suw 50c N'f. •1.00 "'·•:R s12s . . Cleanser BEAUTIFUL r .. ,. sv.-0 ,;!!~~!~!~!i~•~"-1 P~ ~acle ~eacl I . Ing 100 flrt> chiefs Of Soutbt'm of C1vd Defense . California he~ !or a one d11y m1•t't· 1 ' 1 i -~· --•' • # DRUGS l trig tomorrow. Starling 111. JO 0-. Appointment 0 Harvey D. <'lock nl the Villa r.fartna the ,:roup Pe1111e 81 41r~ctor of the welft.re Ill h di t" 1 11 . b . 1 <Hvlsron or the local civil deft>n1e , w an e \'e assoC' a on JI 1111 · t neN \miler dir(•clion or C'h1t't Ar<'h t ori.:anlzatlon wa.. made Tueeday Al!orr1 o( Whfttter. wh1~h w11l b.t I mornlne by City Mt.nag-er John . I J , Sallora. · followed by a program arranged by t he Southt m .Countiell Gu Ca. Pea!te wlll have charge of food Justin M. l<Pnnedy, m<lnagq or a.nd 11helter problem• In event . of thr Orange Count v dl\'ls1tm or lht emergl'n<'y. The first step he "'111 ~its rornpany, wtil Introduce the tnkt'. PPue al\lll, ls to make a com, Jil"\lf:Tl\m, with !ht folhiwmg mem· plete 1111rHy or 1tock1 o! "''allable brrs of the .i.ta.s rnmpru~ start t.ak~ food In the city 11nd of emergency 1ng part: M. 1'l Temple, 1111per· •helter In auch placu Ill 11chool.I lntcnJenf or operations: J. A. and churches. ReadP. cu11tomt'r Mrvlcr ; C. C'. An~ounC'ement n( hl1 commltltt Westmorl'l11nd. 'public rt'latlon11; wtU be made latl!'r, he 1nld. ' MAKE us PROVE IT ~ . . "l\·e bave eboW11 ,.....,. aatomobUe drinN bow to •ve m oD4'1 Uie State Farm •ay. l U1!_ i1n • lb• opportunJty t~ prc>ff •~ ~ou '"C! m OIM'J U \'fn11 adnnlair,.. of Uil9 anJi/uw ctiffflrf'nl pl.. pl~ by State Fum. State Farin Insurance. ·Co. -r L t . CelrH W. L La1ulla • . ' l.33 F.. 1 l th St.. Co .. ta Mesa u 8·1011 -. . I . I --r BEAt:TIJTI. COi .OHS BLUE • <'fl,\ll'rRF.t>s t: WhfTF. Rn•I \·t:u .ow F ull·fashroned, closely knit to &ive you long, flattering ~ar. Newest shades. 51 Oauge, 15 Denier, dark or pllirn seam. PARAKEET CAGES VALUE (. 1.29 99 Reg. S4..19 $295 SPEC/Al P'· ' -SPECIALS LIQUOR DEPART.MINT· - Lido Store Only ' .. , Shady Grove llencl 80 Proof nrnr . r--.SILVER DT'Obny Ivory or JadlM Cereal Bowls RIP PL! Vodka Gin Ivory or Jadite 80 Proof ~~ Coffee Mugs 80 Proof .• Pi1tb rrr~ ./ ; . ..... 52•1 ••• 2'7 a -c t..' each :< r - ---- \ Bathing Epsom Salts ·s lb. size 19c Ascorbic Acid -Vitami.-"C" 250 mg H?O's $120 ~ PRIDE Anchor Hocldn9 OF INDIANA .! 11/4 F\lra.l1ht -.. Bollt'bon Shot Glasies · Whlak"Y .-,. l'.~n. Old . Oad ""'Y° ~11Ln. nouoin 111(1 Pt-Oflf ft4otr. I fko "9efl ~-~· """ ~ 2ior15c i ~- 0 • I -. ' .. . ~. , r " .. -UPPER BAY ANNEXATIONS I COUNCIL ' I POL'O ----------...... '""'to""". '""10" -··,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -·PART•I • PACOE ] . ' · . . c.~....;... r~ FIN• ••r BANNING. 'WEU :;~":!' ;:.,";";:-;;:·;":' ;:~:,-,,:; . THURSDAY, APRIL lS, 1955 ··., .. PASSED. TABLED BY CITY ~ ~::~~,·~~:z:: .:·~2::~:~~ ?i:~: ?.#~:J::F·~f :~;j ;f.~~~~~.~:,T. ~~~:i·.~5:::.~::~:,~~~:~ ~:m~;~~::.~:.:;~~~, ?~';;,:·~;::!~.;,r:;:: ""' t r•lin1ate rutur, co.!\8 h u\'.I bUd'r;f't nu..Uot1! Henry POMf. Paul Ni.. F'l.n41 wamlq: W}A .volcff b1 -.1800-AcreSWill be PaM of-NB -UH! a111:r .. TTn"-M-3&-p!'()fllto ho!..-U.. f!lnl___,_ ~ ~-betwttn )IQf\\trey Wt>llJI IU\J. h&d IM'•n p.rcparl"d, and vnphR!!11-" •en, "''Ith • f'tm&rk about .am&o Cfffl•y, ,wh~ re1nlndecl-lhal " .ii· in ., , m;i\~•1 lu 1.,. m ~lon~lay nlll)\t '& n:u~. Sauk \'&rclne IQ-•lock 111·111 : lh<1 Sinta AnQ Rl•'t r hu b<'<"ll ,,1 1,13 l thr "~)' ".L, t •k:n<; no t!JJng ~lnr .imnu to "people In ntx•tlon ramfl to lhe vote, Ol'llJ 30 Days •, Co,.ey lsl'e fO Wat'f •rrn\\·d.' "" ttioul!lh t tw,, lh11t.1" oc I be ktpt, th!!...Jto:oalth nffi1·1a.1 ••td. iua~n<Md for 1.he pre1tnt. I r · r.11~. ('lthtr tor or al\'l11.1t •lln•>-•· N•-P9rt ~ who try to run I rtfl•ltre-d •·01er1. would ti.vi • !hen1 l'•;ul.1 '"ni;··in .the d11yt!rnt. until Lt 111 prnvt'd .whtth .. r !I b rori-. cor.l!nc In J . a. Gllst~11p, m"n· t io:i. -,our .chool 1.y.iem''; Lou Mark1.\, voli:e. 1,'nunr1lln~n ~11nlry R1•l•l~rhof m1.l!I tam1natcd ur 1:ont1on1. h11rn1fu[. ag<'r ror Kacijlll<' A Soni, who lb<' .r 1.11nrtl h•tJ only 1hu1. turm11 l c:htmli:al.1. havt ~l"O elnkl11g tht prol]l('!:l St'1"'n~ rt1.dln1r of th.,. l'IJnt ro•·•r-1 lka.th. Lttt'r•'.. \\'ffe rt(~rr'til tu !'lbjt,tll)n~ f rom cltl11:t,n1. protr1.t-CA.'liCt:LL4. TlOX lXQD,~ITt: hv lt. 1.!111 t.pp!'r fl"Y 11n11~xat 1on nrdln-U1e ~it )' n11111agtr 1ll1: Lh" 11n1a c:h11nr•. but on auch llottoru,d 1.t eooo ftl'l th• I t:noT Jll'lllHOF. ... kl 1 1 b" .He stated .that the lnoctatlon >> h 1.nrel wrnt bv the :'\""'""rt Ut,11·h "1"•"'''"' 11.'I Jlllr ng o pro ...-m•. 1 0 < .,,.e • owed no al.KM of pro· ' ' R • , t "'" >" "''I"'~ !.~Ia n<! _, ...... program n l)llli:"' 'ourity "111-• .. , .rriu ' rv" "' · ·the plaoe "'Ill IWlHllP"""·" • nrtt' I > 1h.1('lllJ: oU 11nd !hf' Mg.h11.'I been City Counr1I !>f••nd1_. O>j:ht "Ith· nu,,,n,.1111 ..,,.~O<"•lltiun f••I' 'h,. i·:ty protf'll.'la.re"noughtoch•ngem)' deflntey"canc"'lled.H.,,.aidqu1n-r"movf!ld. at Jeut tor th~ • h " b • • r o b , · Utit• of five otht'r brani.I! of •·ac-nut to n1ur -•• • rst11r., 'Y" ro ... · 110 1-un,.truct a f\Q n , !:,._'""{''"" uund. though. h 1111.!d. prtMat, Gilstrap at.ate•. trom th~ ('nunt y nf Orii!lg". Thr 1..iM1.r {'anal ,pt Bait.on.''''"· Wl<Jl~ • Alt,r olh•r ptoplt all '<'lne -btlnr ut"'d throug!H:iut the • J tlio It 11 er f r ' eountry-'wllL. not be a\'all11bl,. to ---·.-----------·! new 11o1.i111on nf 1811(1 •r l'f·• In lhr , .. 1 .. 11·,., tu i.1 t· Y ~ni.:' r ·" e to ~ ag•lnat the time o.-.nga County for mome ~e be·l oPPOSITION r!tv ~hvuld bec:nn1e t fff'oth·e In a rrpor t 11.nd c"~t r~urri Llt', • lt'hll ' cludlnJ aever•l local •tu-c:&UH ot rommlttmen\1 ti) n!her · I Thl' library 1>o1r1! n>qU<'lllt<I lhl'1r dent1 obs•rvlng councllm•n!c pro· I 3n •1•)'1i. full 1() rr11 t 11J1.,tn1 .. nt 111 tn•• a1x Cl'll in,i, Andrl!'w \\',Smith. former 1.tta1 ot lhe country. The \'llrl'ln•11 C ID Fl • c· · uMd In th~ ILl'KIJ have not bf'el'l , ont UO":d from . 1'111 ••Sf' ~ Althou'h the l'01mtv. ha" thr,.~1 -, r>dr, 11 • pr'u\•ill•·'1 1n Oir t·n~· ha rt· o:-011ncllm11n d~f.eatedJn th" l111t • 1 '' 'fh 1 !I t found to \pd.".ce Ill. f'ffeo:-U. j Pro-r1.le.,,the!r llab uu ... ov"'r • I t nl'd a lllWllll\ a.i:a•nlt 1 ~" ,.11y ,r. ,. lax rite 11 now 11 rl'n ~ elec:Uon, ro~ to tan e 10dth the h 1 I wuh !hf' rounrll ullor11\1ni: llddt-pr f'lll'nt body. lie &aid )he had i:on-.. Jl'• a horrtbla thine to h1.•·e t 8 c ty. In an 111\empt to Atop 11nnrxirtlnn. 11.,081 nir-nies froni t hil i:rnt'ral tilc:ll'd man~ople tr the com· happtn •• Ru11.ell 11.ld ""nle "'hu\e Bro ... ·n alio alated that wfth u:-, th• dty W•J~I ... _r•'•'<I p11.p,..ra I rund . T~" btlord ~ub1n1t1tJ i:om-munny to ff none 0~ \,b.tqi C('>Uld prorr~ !n ·ea1tromi1. w111 come <''P~lon (if 8 or 10 hyC•1trit~ no"· (>n 't h~ !hrl'lll Jlr •o llllllllin" tlie l"'rntl\'" (lKllre~ !•• the. r ou(ldL 1mder~tllnd th r .. aso for •·day-to· a •tantt.Ull" l bt'inl' !11111.lle;I, 1ome double out· " lete at 1!her&e1:t fon1, 11ni.1 with e nn,xa tton. Ut&nu..!.l!:!unlY P.n>1 rr1 , ,.h.-.wu1,t: local (un,J,. 111 .. ~uh~lalld· tim, rnel'tlng n r w•r they to; !t. &o~ 8HOT8 STOP prel!Url rahiC"d •• lioon 111 r;plar•· r nf Supl'rv11"r11 cl1.linr.d the •l•IP· lll•l ('nunr!lh ''"1"'1, 1''. l't'!_•r 1,h.. •Hi r~11d • etalut11. from ·atate \\'h'n tha c&n<:4!ll11.Uon or(ltr ment• ar11 cofup!..,ted Ln one ~m•ll m11t!,.r \n I " cit)! nl 1n11i:rt or \a\\' •tatlng all auch mtl'ting~ 111 4 \11n11a nr Uf1Jl"r Bay, g rant!'1I 111 It ron-i•h•n•l'lun "'•lh 111 .. huili;tl M>\U\rll m .. f'tlnc" •h('>til<.I bf! mide wtnt 0111 , h"'alth aulhorllle.i 1•:ork· area, th• d11ti·11:1 11. equ1p1H'J to I " ...,. ..,d hvtr\1hly ·to ~•ch \'flr1ou1 1 1erv1ce lhP Fnrc1try Fire Depart, by tni~l fnr "n11vti:atlnn 11nd !1.,h· Th•· n>11n1·1l ]'Q'i<r •I 11 r .. •nhnlon for publk par\lc!p"!lnn. k .• • ' , , , ..:hoola .. qulrkly 1111·po:ulbl<'. Cl'r- 1 nHmt. . t'r1~11·· IJY the $ta1 ~'nf <·1111fnrn•"· •' llli: "'"' "'-"''' '' "1l'"1 ''1~ura ! In r ommPnt!ng on·a prtYloualy · ' $ · ,. , r >h • o ,. ta1n achoo! dl1trtcta._uc:h I.JI G1.r-Th& fol't'1try af'l"\'lce I• c:on.aldt ... i• 11f ,rl'lll"r \'11.liu• th~n th~,,.. ·•l <>~·•I•· 13 .• '"ni ,. '"\In Y mane 1ui:grallon (rotn th<! tloor I > ' den Gniv-wtr• abl• to be .,,.,.rn. ·, ing 1tabl!1h111g a filt' 11.llllon n•ar n1:11n!n~ pr<1p•·rt1 ...... r '""t~ .. 1r ... 1; h11:/1"11'· 1H11r~ i:a• lax a:· '" l"llY <th1t '""CU!ive n1r~Un,11~ i:ould b• · -· I ' t ' h< f •d bt'tor. today.'1 lnO<'ul&Uon pro--I the C'>)unty a irport, llCCordlnl!: to lJ.I, E<l w1 n t.. 1ilun,.y,11n.!''lh" II · tun"s •r arqu1.1u 1r n "· 1•1:' ." !>lnnrlay 11r•,rnoon-an!J l'ounl'JI n 1 1 c " cram 1t11rted. P10J , 1-fa.rt!n, and th'OM Jll't'&ent v1n·e Co. ,\nll,.xnl1nn p•····· ••!l11i;~ '"''>' nn 11. """' 11c1":~11 '''11' " o-m1·~tlnJ!R 'I\itllday ·night, Smith v.•t-r"" '1rlg1 n111Jy ~1111 t.-il l•y 11 l"'!I· I rnn:t <l-;I !>111 r llt•\tC p:i1 k ruu~td the !re of Rlddtrhof. t iun 111.i:nP•! hy 11r~1i:: ii n•I !>hu:•~r ' Xt~\\' u 1:oi,T1tlt*f "I •to not bt'U•ve In meeting Mon-' Xf:\\' AXX t~XATltl.~ Sr<q 1f!t'lll1t•n~ t>lun ~ 11nr! It lll"fl ,t.111y lhl'n J:'Olnlt back lo your b•rk· ,,f "~"'"'·•111r11t du;.11,1 If, r the: .I"'"" <'rs b..,fo1' ITICet!ng TursdR)'," Fr.llu.,,1ni.: i'Orl1 pl .. t 1•>11 .. 1 .onn .. ,;:1-111ry 1111pro\'l'm<:n1 ••t t:llf~ Dn•·,. :-::m lth 81.id. t 1r•n !'tl'>or·l••i!.!-'. !lw ,,.1.n·•I .,,. 111111 otll'r right!!.,( "'~Y "·"re R· ''I rr11ent th1.t , Col. Smith. you f "l''"'I f"'\lt1"11 ~ •1 1th .~n •'111' .. d·•pted. ln rOnJUnl'tlon with 1'•1-ft•·· tint of otdfr," gn11 p1M"r Rld<1,r· nf 11"''" 1111111 ~·I /'' 1 .'"Ill 'I l!u• 1 t1u r,; up lh~ dl•trw1 . 1h<' O::••Jin• ,1 r"r. 11 formrr 1tl'nl'r11I in the U.8. Jll''l'<'l l\' ••Wne r~ (1f I n' v l"l 1~n•I \'•,lrd Ir• 1«·qul'1l l'••U•1lY ron~"nt I )I ;nn• ~. • THE FINl!ST AND LOWEST PRICED f'.ul)' """'rleu MAPLE FU RN l.T URE. •••. ·an'lw~en • '.:::i Open Fridays until t !. 11~s1r•ni.: nnn~Xl\llnn to 1/'ro 1·11y.J 111 11111k1ng 6'•1ne of 1111· ~~w.'r ~011·. °SnHth rnntlnul'd hia que1t!nnlng <'""""'I vOl<'d to f:le th~ rl'<jll• ~I ~tru• lion an•I t on11• rllon• wh1 r h Inf th!! cOuncll by a11kinr if lha 110111 1 ·pr "r u~y h llll• x •\LOil 1,, cro-..~ ru11nty 11rol\'l'.11y I rx~1·111ivl' 1,11lon1 V.'fr1. open to 1--J I· J 1 \•,.I'•' f lnll!. ".nth~ 1:1uund• lho• '•ty l'llr•J T llo> rily t'lrl1 k Jll'••~··nt~·I 1:t lo·t· the public. · t rn1l.1• l!P·~ n<> l'"ol11>11 .. 11~ hu1.1~.to tr ra ln the c:ounc!I, ""'·'t ,.f "lu·h1 Counrilman Ve W llrl•r who ~e­ C'nn•·y !-l1111rt n• 1·..i1111r~.i 11•1• 1111 h•• ~11J,1\\'rre111 1u111.~,. nf the rerl'lll fralt d Smith In th"' r ecent 1li-ctto 1111nrx11t.1n11 \\'hrn 1'1•1,.·1 Bli\' Ii•· J::i •t• r. \\,.ek [tujU'tm llf thl' l'lly. rrmln~rd _!!la blu1t<'_i::y, f~rm .. r ' r.~fl<,; .. IJ.\· l'"~l .. , 111___..1,,_.,_,~,""""''""· s..rt Wt"bb T"pnrt>-r fiifb"r, they ,..ere open ffiH,.r.i.,d·--f ?\".·1'l""'t.. Hr111'h tl)<'n '"''" ,. 1 •· , i ~h·· (•!>I R. Con~tru~tlon Cn JU1t 1111 much a8 "''1l'n he wu on h•n•1 will b1• r11nti1:11011~ l•> 111 .. n•·w •••11\J•l•·tr,j 1:1.'t.1111:1.ltun of the Rlv•·r r t~.~ cnu.ncll,'':Yr~. v.·e ji:l'l a Jot of l'!n•t. lt'hu ru1••I "'Al•·r 11u11n Ill ..,r <'<n'lh<1lr" l'I., "'R~h out of our ~Vlt<"m" In "lh•1 hll•ln•·!!~. !hr ~lst1\. '"n'l'1·1t1. 110 .. •·•ntr11r1 "n•l II••; •••Un.:11 \\'ll !•·r :u1!<\\'t tfd. ' • ' tr<>!lrr r• p•rrt"'t II"· ··••1n1111 ... 1 ~u.:'1..l .. 1.u:J.f.l!!fln"" 1·f lh" \1'•}rk ,.,.,.,p .. r.~ flarrd hrirn )· bt't"·rr1, fll<>torvr!1 1o•lrJ,..n·1 ~".;'!11••1 l 1•"•· \\1!)1 1111 ~11t~ ~llbtnill>d t h th•; !hi' p1u r. \\'l\t'n Hrnno>lt 11tttmpltd l\Jo>nt In :'\•"wf.~•I Ho•'")' ·.!••r 1fi;,: .. •'II>' r .. r thr ~up11ly nr ll~ht bulh1 l1n rn,t<"r lhl' rnnvrr~11flnn. Smith :'ifl "'('>U!•t t><l s,11; .. n 11\ SI '•J 1~ r th" ~JJn1r 4'1ty !>l 1111 11~t'r JVhn J . grn,Yi;d Bl ~layor Dora Hill. "KHfJ r11ptc11. 1, .. 1 I•~ r•,..111 H•'""' I ~ :W!l,,r,. '"' onun~nd,.•t th" r1ty fol-that j1cka11.'I qulrt." "'•yor Hill \\'are Rn!! lr<'nc \\·11rl' 11111\ t:rnn:· 1 I••"' i!.'I J'lil1c~· or rot>1Uo:>n. ~.r !he brought the gavl'l down •h&rp!y 111 !>lalJof wr1r 11•;1•1 ·.~n·1 fll,.•t "'•ntr:irt 11m nng th' bl•hll'r~. '!'he Ion the rouni:ll !able arid told tht prnl•'"'"'I: !' u:nn;! .f,.,.,.1 .. 1~11· nt.• cnnlJ <h l '\I 1111 11••:11r<I•'<! to l..c5 :-.utl .hu11ky ror mt>r Anny rolon,.l thl'rc 011 p -, "'"'·111 f1• nl 111 :"C"V"rt f:l<'c:lnr '·,,. · · would be "" mO<'e ,.urh lan gua~l" !1\ Thi' <:OUllC.i! c:h11 mhl'1'8. COUNTY UAKES v.·a1 th•~ lat1l'r b<iard whlcb ,11~-"I •1~nt ~rte )'l"lr1 a1 mayor.'' m l'Rt r h•·d 11 l•·tt• r tu l hr Bonrd or the peppery rolonel 1111!<1 '1111d :-.u 1l<·r•"'""!~ <IJ>Un whl<'h Klll!l'r lh<>l<' w:i ~j)<J prr rent (lf l'Vt'r)'thlng <·onllnnf'd from f''lr"' l'•Je ~1<1 h.· 1,,1~t<t .hi~ nu,uon .,.ktll g ~'lr:r• pt t~ \:ote dtcld<'d befor.., th.~ . I for the r11llre ~ 12.acr•1 df J'0''"'-"11 111e.1t1n.,r. Speak tor yoor•f'lf. M11r ZO. th<' :<:cwport H arbor 1111ap-d Rldd..,rhaf h ' ' k ml"Tlt J'TOJ"'Tl}' ,,-• U11 1''" ll1i:h 1'r ••• < .. ~t •1 • t l• !'" • • , • • Fnllnw1ng the Yfrbnl barr1ge. in;: 1h" t .1 -;pu~""' ••f th" •l1~!1 u t 1 \II~ ~·llOI :"i lls B··nn~tt orf~re•l '!O"\.•ithdraw hl11 tv 1,,1uHtn :.-,.,.nt 1"l'~ltKl of1111· l t .111 1ntl'"'°9t111g lo note that or1(inal motion 10 chllllge thl' M.Alll'•I \'11h1111thn · !;uf"'r T11x ·to ht ..,·h..n th<' 32n<I A~rkoltUTal 01~· I mt"t'llng Umt•. City Attomey Kiri Je~•\'JI 1u L'• n n1t hu!lrhni.; r<n•I 1ricl ~ propo>r 1111n1 tr of the. Or1U1r;;e L)·nn Davia adv!1.ed lhe eotincll or~r111lon of 11 Mcon1FlTIJ.:h 11choo1. County Y1.lr Board-wu !(ranted to put the orlflnal rnoUon t.o \'tit .. A f1n11 nd11l 1u-0J,.rtlon l""l'are~I by lh11 1(0\'ernment land for H• lllld then detMt It. HIJ'bla made S)'tln• )' D11v!d..-.n. ""Pf'rlnt,ndr nl groun.11 It ,.·aa t..qulred lo operate. the moUon Whl.ch brw1bt th& COii• or the hl1t h lll'h\lt .: •li•tt~i:l. t1tlm11t· pro\'ldt. llll(I mainta in • yea r round trover.y to a c:l.oaoa. · '~ th11t S:J,!l~-.0.000 will '"''r11l•P•l r~cr<'11t1on11I erl'I.. Thi" hi~ nnt - '"'' hud<lln i: nf t hr Jln>pr.~ed n<>W been done. In tu( the fa.Ir sround '11,11'~•I nvr r 11 10 y~a r 1..,.r\('>r\ In I• unly 01"'" aOOut l"'O week1 ou t COUNTY· DROPS ~ !·11 \lnn r r .... t,. al!\• A 1111\l!on •In!·!"' thf' y,.11r with a very rart uat'• ' l11r• "·011111 ho> ra[.,.•I for f'!Llf:t~ I ~ge In the pe.r1od bt'tween COUf\t)' O-U.1M'4 ,_ nM r.,. ''"'" ••r 11,1.,rtn••·~nt ""' ,,f tb" n,,,.. f'll lr1, Thi• wu the contention.· of Uil fn • 1l1ty, '· Kal11eill told the New1-rre1• he l:ll)' of Newport Bnch. ~· ~·t1s t·1·100 ,"i'. h••I ""~ t'onaullt'd 'll'llh the ~IJ'h C'ITY 'J'OLI) OOVl'fTY. \\'l'lyt.the 11.uiJP r•·i•or• ,.·oulJ not 11chool tni•l!"'' a bout Wl<'lt prior Jn effect City Atttom•y JCart 111.ke tht prlvr rfqur~t 'tr r th<' a.:h;;,t>l r~que1.t for .,o a<:tr1 ()f t he forn1er L.ynn D•"ll a.Ilea~ t.o the city rll.•t.ri~r. """~l·l~ratLon ,.,,111J air ball'. Ill' 111lrl that ~.e fell tht -counr ll In th• ann1111.tlon Jl-1• n .. t he-Rtl•''Jll"t~ly rxpliiln~'1:-~n· county t,Qu l<I ~ttl'r lit' 11\1' ai:l'nry that all lhe! county· own~ 1n th• P"r•·i~"r i..11 .. c1· to\.J lh• :'\cw•· '" __."'!'""' 1 ~~ ."·1.u1~ fJft rl'"I ~nd Upptr B1y wu a f'OMt and rlrht.. J>ies,1\thi• in<1rnlnl( !hAI h111 "·11nt .. <t lh<'n pr t .. pl 11!10('11.t .. • pa.rr el fo r or w~y for wattr •nd boat.I.. Th1I. lo jtl't lh·· ~!:Z 11 n -ci (or tht Ull" nf lh! high 11rhool for l'lll't'hll,..., he A id thty 'll'OUld i t t1.ln. O.Yll. lh··~lli [ro· o·.iunly. Tli" """'" phtll~· )11':!'1,\ At:~f:f'IT Ukt11eo1 the ra.da and rtrh4 of 01,. . .,..,.. 11.,..11 .,..h~" th" •II.In~. k:a L<f'I'. R t<'sldt'lll of Coll, Mrii "·ay to a 1ubdlYl11on which •city rou \)· bt)<'!y •n<le1•''"1'"1 1,.. 11lop Rn•l .11r,1,.11t "·orkl'r on bf'ttalt ol 1ntjl'ht ann..,... The ro&ta Davia t ne 11.nn~1u1llnn or !hr t'pf"'r 811y !hill rlty, •&L•I h' thougnt the 41 2 lolJ lh" c:ounc:ll do not bttome the "lo l-ewrort ~··h . !Irr .. r•rk "'a• 0,.ed~d (or that proJierty Of the ann..,xlnJ ctty I' 1 d h l<I until 11.nd unla1. Uity are qult· • Th" a11perv11nL'!..._.\h1 tJ11gh _th"1r~ tll pldly grown( "!~a 111 ~ QO . elalmetl by th<!! eow11y, Althoufh 1.11 n1nt~ JMI l!i:lr. t ounty t'•~un-1 h._. gotl~n hrr .. r~ • 1111bdlV1,lrr t•Oiil•l Ule c:Ou!!l·Y ~ouriaeJ did not II.IT• •'I. ... 1d thry w .. 111,1_ 1t~11u1nl' '"'111-1>rt hold or It. . . •l the llme, 1.C<'ordlng to Kai.Mr, pl~tt 11nrl 11 b1NJlut• 1m1.trr>l or 11ll Th" l''"'P''..,.,1 :-,,; ... ·1·0 rt ll•rl>or th th Ince beo-n tha rt&l.Ofl 11f the Newpoi t Harl>ur watrni Union H11rh s ... pool Dl1lrlt'l'111•c:t nd .• ,..~nn ... ~!:d~M by htm ror requNt· ··r,.r (he bf'n••!lt ,;f tnr ,..ntlrr rt'h<\i.11 wuuld be l••i:l'ly fnr , the in«i that any i u!t be dropped. c:uunty." hl'nt'flt 1>f Cc.at• M,,,_ JOO. 1.lthougtl nn" of.lhr mrn1bera ot U1e Or· t h~ 1.:uy of Nni.•port ~•ch '"'oulrl an~r l:ounty M11rbor Cu1nml119(on ! rrov1•1c more than two,thlnb nf !1 ltnv F:•lw~rd1 wh•' al..->"""'"" nn 1h<' fnnn,.y tnr ill b11ilrllnC' •fi ne! th" 1 ;r~ni.:<' l '••Unl ~· t'><•r li••11r.l. It ••P,.l'illlf•ll, ---------- Too Late To Classilf 'l'.J-Help. '!.ant_"'~---- Cosmetic ·Treatment Saleswomen ~·For ii Ana 'leading Dept. have ence in se ll ing bet_- te r-name lin .. s. Salal'y OP.en Please . '. g1vmg f11 ll details. to Box :\2-t'urnituN> for Sale ltf OV!NG Antique v.·alnut b"•'· room act. :. 1uco:11, coll1pl•t~. sri.-.. An>erlr~a. <)rlental 9 x 12 1u1:. l\Jlil~put rcf11i:. \\·a.lout !l·l'i•"t' Uinll\/: g<'t. ••·JHe!"' b,!rn1. so:t, cnmpl<'ll' 560. 11.u•lio courh, Ltkc n""''· $ti_.. Sn1all r!Ayenport. n• c,1, , . ..,,., r, $lfl ~!1<nk<'L•, hll• n~. pan~. 1ll Y,r, dl.~h•"· gar.Jen \/ollll 9 x 12 ri.1~" & 1n!11C. 3~0 1 L11kt A•·· ;o.;r~·J'111 t JJC!ach. 4 ~,.-47 -.11 -. .\1110 ~r\'l<"P 19Hl MOGE .C'oronoe t 4-<lr., clean. Prl\'rd ti'! 11<'!1. l 'rh:.,t•~ra.rty. 2fle It. 1!11.h St., Co111 11 J.lelllL Llblorty 8-2&19. ' ·~41 !\!-.Store!' ~ OfnCft OFFICE P O .q, n.., ~11 :Jt""'J'Ofl 8"'Rch. E 69, this pape~. 45c50 -F't1r • ~i"<"o'l<'ll1blr 11~ rlr. _ l \'OUt 1.~r11l dflllfr \\'hO .... ,1 bf! htft ATIE~Tto:•; -Rrl111bll' V.'ill!ll'n To!>tORRO \V "° b!&C.li u-p •·ra.t tlr llutterHom COffEI CAKES 2 ... 11• ~.21w '1f"/ Cln- . ROLLS ••••• • •• • • ·~ 23« 11 ... 77•,.•I __ ... A~lwllf COfHI CAKE • , • 25'• _ ... _, ......... MUmN$ •• •, • .4 ... 15' ,....,.. .tcJ Qii:au-_ SUGAR-LOAF •• • ·23' • ..... 11 ... .J -MUFFINS •• ,., .4 ... 17' ....... ,... .. , u.r---.o . .•.. ' CA.Kl • ; • •• • •••• 79'a , .......... ./ _...., v~'"tiG;~j;~ X itAt.l alit·tl1illUIOrt tr.I etmA Mt:SA 1ioo Sewpor\ Rhd. ClOIW"" A Ol':L MA.R ,. (;out n..,.. ACORD'!f LAUt:~A Bl:Al.'ff • !IS Broe.d,.·a y BAI.BOA lft.A.:'l>'D II • LIUY'S or IUNNYD'AWN • SKl'~llK •llE.ut_ l'~E!i TOMATO JUICE· Bmmrllllll•lll!AI -,WAT !00"1111111 '2i' 2~ :::; 25c :::; 23c 111111m , .... .. l'IC · ": 23C ~· 23c ..... ~ ... Y 11.N CAMP'S · PORK& BEANS 2 ':: 23c JO;:;I~ COFFEE ID#;fo579' Nt:~1~ SHASTA BRAND PURE FRUIT -· 75" AIRWAY MJJ,f. , ... ,.. 73' 21 ....... -. .... <iRAPE PRESERVES or JELLY IATK llACKHAWIC PORll DAINTll Smoked bone le1t por~ t~ulclff bun. 2·l lb ... ov1ro9.•. •. 6~ • ~ . . .. •' . ~. •• OlANGl ANGEL RING C:raeken ••• c..kletit JHeW.1CoHies ~ 49c Coconut Chocolo1e Drop. ~ ............... -,I.,~,_,. 1"'-'t&., .... ~.--w.. 39' ~10vuam c ... 1 "'· '7\. "'""' ,,.. .. , ... ...._ ......... &r·•-er··•en ~!'' ',..~ 2tc -· .__,. IPIClA&.I IL -.... ....... '---""--. ----' ro r-er.aers ~ J.Cc . \_, • STORE HOURS ... ~~ . ._..,.. ....... ....., ... __..,.. . ............. .,. ........ ........ . ...... PluMp. milky youno eort witk '9ftde~ n•l1. Goodna11 -prO'-tltd by Sof-cry't con. :rolled r•frf9A o1!ool ~lAl NICll , _ ...... ~ 111(11 lffimft•1a1, Ill. I.II. -II, If. JO, 1111, II llllWll Rtlll 11· tm AllA. 1 rnw. s.uy in Stom open W11cb)1 I~ ......... ..__....-Ho .. i.. .............. , .. , .......... • ........ -· .. Dally 9 Lm. to 8 p.fn. 1722 Newjport Blvd.,. 1,1.1•ntrd !or h('lll"<' • l~nnir.I(' • .. :o I 1 · Tf'I T ' ("" It Q>•n tran~1 ... ,1 ·~· ., Y lJ f'IA .. r .tr..e n~ H,\)\'ij !>\.\l :>>t::"A:"~·t: '"~ i:, :t r •'1• ! • '•'1\ ""' r h .... e Llb<'1:y s-1::ja t :'it l7 d l)'. !00 Mart~ A•''! .. :'l>'J:\\'1'4 1KT IJ;f:AC:ft • ., t.:ONt,HW'J. ( Ftlda.y tll 9 p.m.) Sun day 9 a.m. lo .6 .p.m. CQsta Mesa · PLENTY OF PARK!NG'-ON LARGE PAVED LOT . . ". -. . • ·-• • / • ' I ! I . ' I. ' I . .1 " I· I \ AGE 4 PA RT I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS TtiURSOAY, APRii. 28, 1955 KNOWS U IS N •;UTKONS--Tracking ne·utrona 'lliidA a.nd ·B pa.rticlee is ,evr ry dar stuff to modern scientific studentJi in Ney,·Port Unio n High School and in the pie· tui-e above Ds! Page is shown "~:ith tbe cloud chamber he ha.s bW.lt to take to the fourth Rnnual Southern Cali- fornia Science 1-~air to llihow how this tracking can be done. -Staff Photo IN THE CLOUDS . > Page Represents · N"UHS at Science Fair · in LA 1 flt;J1~en11ng · Ne'"'l}()rt 1111rbor I <'1rwi"<I at euh l!nd. whkb ragt' l'•n 1'n1nl\ lltgh St•hCIQI. l"l11 n Pagt': fill with 11u~r-utur11ltd ""'11t i:r ''"'" 111:.>:1 !-;, Hl\Jbo11 Dh ·ll., 1~ t•nto•nng ,pt1r. An 1•ll'.-lt!C1<lly 'ch11r1o:"d pl11!~ h1.• l'doud ('htun!wr" In th~ fnurlh al th<' hnllon1 of the ctJ11nibt>r r•» j «nn1J11 \ S<:t\1thern C11.Ufuml11 81~1ence 1novr.~ llll dU.'ll from t he a ir uo \hf F111r .t.o be held Aprll 23-29 in lhf' cyllndrr Ml that Wht'n the 1·a,..,r / l"'l'I AnRe\e9 County ~!u11eum, ln 11 rh11rged it is ~1lble to 11l'e the Lu• Ang"J""· t~rk11 of neutnina an<l A 1tntl n I l\_•Ke. •.11enlot In 19Cien~'tn •the JWlrl lr ll'I throuKh lhfl 11tn10..ph,.Nl.l hli.:h. ~•·hool, h11.11 been working nn .\l ure than 1100 entr1e11 Ir'& tiX• Ill~ doud rh11.m~r under d1rt'(l1<!!l p<'l'\~,1 11t th,. 11r1enre f1lr thl1 .. r h 1~ phy,.1r11 prof,.-.ir, J ohn l-~ch· 1 ye'!r. r'IT>f. Erhtt'rr111r h 11a~·,. hf' al= 1 l"rr111ch. rrady h;i11 MVf'Tlll 1111pll.• pklnnu•.( I ~ The 1·1'111.rnbtr 11 • gli.i!11 l')'lln,ier, Pn\nt'"'f"r :"xt yta r'11 fair. I· ..;f ~ ... I Pl.ANNI.NG-President of the Net\lport-Balboa Rot:irv Club. Roland N. Lagcrlof. is shown abo\le, left, with Bllilcy Abbott, y,•ho is i:hairman or the cniertainmcnt .committt~ for an assembly of the 39 clubs of Southcm Califomia h('n> :P.iay 6 and 7. -Staff Photo 1 Local Rotarians to Host 39 S4uthla1nd Clubs Here May &; 7 · 1 Men1t>O!'r1 uf t he JP IUn•1')' club,. :-.Cewport , U11lbo11 club an,1 Orrln · ln a oulh"Ml C11.\1fnrnrn v.·t11 nlt·ct ~\'nio:ht. o.c(TPfar\· Tt"· "·'"''•nbl\' · .. f !ht' :;~ club~ Ma)' e a n,1 ; 111 thl' H:.n,.~a B11y • " \ 18 l:>r,i!. Jy !" J."l''f' th" 1n('~>n1ln.: club when°''" 1 • .-,•kt'. ,11~111,1 i.:O\'• prt'Mhl••n\~ an•I ~f'<'l'&l 1111i<'• 1111 op• I 111rnor: Stuitr\ l·o11lh r l!ll'"r111ni.:: P••rtunny . ~" o,.., . .,m,.. ll C'lu111oritl"i! 1.ll•U-k't j.'.OVernnr nnd \Jnb BDV.""· >1·lth ."~' h nU1<'r 111n,1 >1 ith th~ !'<"\Pt' 'difPf lur (lf j<,1111rv ln:Prn .. 11nn11.J, of \hf' 'ori.:-an1z11t h•ll ()f''"·hich l hP\• "'Ill ho• pt.....;nt ; RI'" <!ffu•t f"~. • ll-&ll"Y Ai>h1•tt "ill ~!1'\'"-i\11 Hntar~·. 11 nnllnn•l ~Pl'\"lf•t' "'. chai1'f11an "r ~thi• h,.,.1 •.,,~11!'111\\0'"l ~llt!\.1."l l;•n !<J\lno[,.d ;.,1 ~ ... ,., 11~··: ~d lhL• \'ISltl)t.• \\lll b· 11r .... 1 .. ,, hy nn"· htUI u 111,!llh•'T•h•r ,,, ·Hll\11(\\} fto1l11 n1I l""~"d"f j•J'l'"'"ldo•nt lrt th" lh &:~)(} • :ub~ ln ;f;' f"<)Untnt"•. • /f REEZE . )I( :~~~, We Freeze You~·~catch';· • Fil~t & Wrap ' Fr.oi en for Your Own Ho.me Freet e1r or Locker Storage Special -Locker $7.75 Year Harbor Frozen Food lockers W • JOth SL, Newport BM<lll Harbor O"il8 ' ' Costa M,esa . Ptalll1ers Study Harbot' Blvd. Parking Needs -'. Sl•w•lls Required on 5'obcll!lllons; .. llirM-Tet1hltlve 1064.of Mcips Oluiyed · l ng hOUM. ('l:L-Dt:.St\C: OKI\\' Four llctnw.1 to open.ta bual - nt"&I were ',;ranted by Newport City Counrll Monday rilgltt. a.II bt'lng on ch11nge1 of ownerahlp. Th~ore C. ff.Ill wu given a lire11,w. 10 run a lt'rvlee 1t.Uon at 1S6 \\'t"rt Cout Htchway, Pau L. NeLJ10n to run • afnrtce it.a n at 3700 r=u t CoUt Hi&"hWI &r• Ian !:. D•uc~~rty ~d uth A.. L.apollce to operate y Comet .. . . • • I • , are 01!!._new ~prin9 DRAPERY -. . 01'1tN ~-F.\fE 'TIL t Slip. Cover and Upholster(:· FABRICS Springtime a.tld all illl glory 111 han:lly • match for the af'i•'t't1cin •f f11b r11•11 we hav·e. From thf' n11.t i,11;'11 n1 ui:t , ramoue mills wC'\·e (,'hoM'n the beat o{ their acc(lmpli11hml'nt~ P&tterna lh1t are 1gay or 11ubdut'\l, 1~ flol"LI, gi'Ometric, modemu1tic and plain ,color11 ; matl'fiats that art" longt1n1e favorit('a plu11 ni:tn\' ll f'\\.' wi&vea t o excite )'(!U. J'r1Cf'M 'to dr- light, from 89f to $~.PS yd. OUR 'EXPERT DlXX>H°AiTING-s t:R\'ic·t: le av.i.i.bJe .t nn -t. l'lrlna: In 1our d,.,,,.rallnr: p~ or ,.._ f<1r "'N'"""''Ualh·., 1(1 r•ll 11 J'l'll' lwi ..... , • SANTA.-A.cuo.~J--~-1 102 EAST FOURTH sr. COR. MAIN R.e1oe1nded originAI acl1()n rf· 'lllt'HLl\I!'. rt:mo,·al of a rul·df·MC on V11ta 811.ya St. In a 17·lot coun- ty 11ubdJl'i3ion prupo"fld by Paul· lnt' F'ug1n, a nd approved the tt"n- rauv,. map .. 11ubmitted. Ra.Ip!!. \\"atenna.n. It\ adjotnlng property o"'ner, advf9'd ti!.• rommlgajon Mo lnlt'nda l<l ~Nate a 11lmllar l yJ>9 11ubll1\'1~1<Jll of vlt"w Lot1. ,.l the corn"r of 6th and Ba.y I'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"" Avt., and Gw1 Jame• and E. N • Approved t entative mllP1 aub- nuttrd by K. \\', Koll o! {19 E. Jame• to o ratr a food conr N · 111on at E.ut Edgew11.ttr St. , High Qualify Pri.nting-Ph. Har. 1616 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ~· -· ,__. JUST PICK A FAVORITE CDlOR, THAT'S Atl ! ROTHINC Tl BUY! • 1034 PRIZES! f!IST I ltlZIS .. Me<11ilw1 fo!ll •• .,.. ~ NI.I.I :JO •tUfS -••loo ,..1~1 '•' ''"ti. d"..olt''"t ho-. Nll.1 1000 ,11111 I t •"..,··1 1.,11.,, '•"'o.11 li~~·r.i.:...o ;me,;,,. ..,.,~,: IUl.C:OlOI io11ow 9h I., -••1• •-), fo•la•t cont•1t yO". '"'' ent9redl ni.Uy blank and • ~cud hem which '° pick ;your f11vorite color. T~ot'• all )"OU do! You oom.Pf'f.a c.liy·.,,kh ral· rifonl8 nr th" w~rn Aateii and Ha•aii. (Colit.t.4 ~·uhjrct to F~...W and St.ate~ You &Q- ~pt lhe.e ru1t'I when¥oa ..i.t.nit 10IU'9!1l'7J . Wfl y '"n.' aponHft "'~ COl\tHI ~ llUl$1nifl~nt pri-are b@lns oft.red In rt' ortlet lo pr0<<e tn yon tlvt FuJJer'1 alection DI !""i nt ""'""' n the~ GK! mmt beou11/.W in : &he \Vl!fll ! All of U-Co,..... WMtenl eolara _,. -u.. a!>la in Full.,r'11't¥0iali~ry i.te:r.·t.. painl.-}'t1~ ! -. f"Uk.'eou:. hu "° anp1~ ~ odor. Ynu ju~! ~ioi! O!,H ~, ..... 1111•\ ric-li: a favl!rite rolor fr,.m !hf' fnn1nU• !'ult• r J!'Wl'\ C'ri ....... 11nd ••rite .... -'*1,. rnlnr ""'I '••UT n1111l#' anrl n<ld r,..•~ 11fl 11n rntry hlRnk. tlr, 1f •·rn.111rt•lt·r. wrih• I•\ 1h1• 11,.11.,..llt uffil'f! ,,f \\',I'. Full,•t &. Co., anti t h.-y will i.n<I you an Jt dri,. in h.t 0111 hour, aod lltaya WMhlibla lot yean! And Fi.R.-Col..Oa pwoayou.aWtlwt-~. unifonn finiah r ver;y tizori, wi th Ntt.r tin.h· ~ roll<'r • Co""' in U.d -• Uda ,_.k •nd ~r that -in th.. Wtilot, •·u.tk r bw1Wa eolor llCllt ! Here's all you do-and it'a'funl ' 1, Cllll tlflt tYI '1011 ,.,,! ...... l "'" '"' ~""'1 ... 1."' '"'""'"' ~ ............ , ... ~,,"'oh• 1;.,..~ .. lt'l" ' ••I •'" 1·~1 '~'"' u•-·•• "'I "' •h•111-on.1 ,,.,. ...... ,~, .. """'' .- 2. 11M!Htal.H $1!P.Lnnl 111hr nun1b<t ool th< <olln no lh• b.,l, \\-,, ,,. 1h11 m1 ... 1w-t on~ "''" no.fl, onrl .,,,,, .... ""·~ nf<!T bhn l ...... , 10 tl>f J ... .rc... ~· ,.,_..,. ...... . 3. ., "" ,. -.... -... ,,, ... 1,,. .-fl! bo l>dd "' •• ~· ""''"" "'J•nl••ioa. II -,,_"" Jo pKl.e<i•IDonl !ht .... f-., ..... ..-111 • ....,,notlol l twd ... .,.. w..,..i H-· ........... ,.._ -"Al · Forgit Hdwe. ·- • QPEN SUNDAYS .. ' ' 4 ForJ ·Ranch Wagoifs ~bsolutely · Free! .1030 OTHIR AWARDS -''"'~ l•'"l""". C• .• ,, '·· , , • p , , I 1 !.• • Come in-Pick a color from the Fuller Jewel Case .. Fill out the .entry blank IT'S. ALL FREE AND YOU MAY WIN __ ., a FORD RANCH WAGON 10.~4 PRIZES _.WILL BE .AWAIDED ! REM~t,ilER-CONTEST CLOSES MAY 29th . SO IE PROMPT ,_ .' 2205 W. _BallbOa Blvd. NEWPORT BUCH 'HARIOR JJ6 (" I I H GREIN STAMl'S r • • -- • -. L--. P~GE t· P~Rr t-NEwPOAT HAiiottrNEWS-PREss THURSDAY, APRIL_,28_, 1955 . ... -.. .. Costa·· Mesa Plinners SfudJ .Harbor Blvd. Parking Needs Sldew•lcs Required on StlbcllYhlons; Three Tentative 1'06-Lot Maps Okayed - CO.ta Steaa C1ly PIJ,nnt~ Com-170L,St. on l 40-lot tract tn the ml.ulon· Monday night fo~d •I Newport-MU& coun\y tract. and lb~ee-man commlu ... to compile a _H lgb.la..nd Home. lnc., on a 49-lot detailed anaJy1l1 ot par.Icing nt"eWI CQW\ty 11ubdlvt11lo11 or1'1!1ally •r>-l u.long Newport . Ave. and Harbor provtd In Feb. 19113. ,4Jlvd. ln downtown Costa llfeu . S . ' Chalrm&n Wa'.lt Weimer named US~ w. alY85 Barney Fr&ncque. Art Meyers &nd M ... • ~ H. c. S11mpson lo tl)e c.-ommlttef. i esa Exft acf 1t1on· • Their Job will be to d't.ermint' . the ndrvl>l'r or parklfll placea Rlcha.rd Edwin Buater, 34. oC which would ~ provided by the Co~ta Meea. haa waJved. utradl- bu.$1neMt'a and II propolll!d aetbark 1 lion from Reno. Jl:evada.. a.nd la to be reserved on the ~r oC Iota being brought back to face chargn &Jcmg Nev.')>Ort Ave.· and Harbor of teaulng a 6&d check a..nd gTand I 8Jvd. Thia Ut In connec:tlon with theft of $326 w orth ot jewelry, 11 req\IUt Crom caty council an rt'· 1 P~ll<'t Cluef Art McKl'n.zle &n- gard to rm~ Mes& parking nounc~ today. Officer Jamee Slo- dtJtnct No. 2_. , I ter ~d Res~rve Ortlcer J.cll Iver· . . sorf were today In JVno to pl~k Sll>E" A U<S up thr suspect, They a.re expl'cted In olher bualnt'M, t he comm1s-lo_ start b11c.-k at JO pm. tonight. _11lon: ' ~fl'"Kt>nz1e. said, • " . _____ a_re_our riew -~rin_g_ ·DRAP-ERY Slip, Cover and Upholstery F A·BRICS Springtime aod ·all ita glory Is hardly a match for the l'l('lc't'lton of' fabnl"J' we 'ha\'e. From tl"tt> natw n's nwi:t . fa.rnou/ mills we·\'e r hoS<'n the )beat of their accompltshml'nti;. Patterns that are gay or subdued. m flora.I, geometric, modem111t1c and plain colon: mat<'riah1 that &N' l011gt1me favontea plus man\' ll<'W weaves to excite you. . PrtC'Cf\ 0 l <1 dr- light, from S9f to ~2 P yd. OUR EXPEBf Dfri>RATINO SER\'ICt: Paued & rellOluUon requlrtni:-In-I Buster,A(lleJ:f'dly cuhed & chec-k at.alJaUon or aldewaJks by the AU!>-with Gf0rg1> H. 81.ahr's m&rket a t dlvldt'ra on a.II 11ubdlv!Jllon11 OVPr 212-0 Harbor Blvd. for $35, and five parcela In' C(llllla Me~ cit;f;ook the Jew .. try from the drt'1111lng Um)ta. / l>1bll' drawer tn h111 molher·a home I Ora..ntA!d a varl11-nc11 ~-elROn at 1 ~70 !If a pit' A \'e . Co11ta Meu. · jn Nov. 1 9~ Mr.•. L&vPrn M. E . Jones, 1I7 DyPr fl ad, Santa Ho I mu, JTlAther (If Bualt'r, told Ana. providing Ii IJ-ft. srtbark 1 police her l'lln had t lJ d \ OPEN RI. E\'E "l'1L • ta llYail&Me at Do -•-Brt;ir In ynur drrc•raUna I P~ or pew-fof "'C)N'M'nlath"fl ~ rail al . ,.ar ,...nw. --. -- . u built to take' to the fourth annual Southern Cali- {ornia Science Fair to show bow 'thia tracking can be done. -Staff Photo IN THE CLOUPS "'"' Pagt' Repr nts ' NHUHS at Science ·Fair in. LA. . I Reprl'~entlng Newport Harbor I cloaed at each end. whlcb Page <'Ill) lln1nn High .!khnol. Dsn Page, C11l w11h 11uper-aatur11ted water w-• 1(123 E. U11lboa BlnJ.. 111 r•nt.>ring ~·· · An t•lcrt11c1tlly charK"d pfute his "l'loud ch1UT1b<1r·· in lhf' fourth at the bnttom o( the cl,J&mbt'r n·- a~nual Southe rn California Sr 1ence movt-• all dust from Ule air 111 tns F11 tr to be held April 23-29 ln the cyhndrr so that when the vapor I Loi. Angeles County Museum, Jn 1 I• chaqted it 1s possible! t o 11ee th,. Lu .. Ang .. Jee. tror k" nf· neutrons and A 1md B I Puge, a eenlor In science In the parltcles through the atm08phe,e. hh:h ~<"hool. hu ht't>n work111g on Mure than 1100 entries are e.x-1 111• doud rhanib4>r under direction J>f"~to>d 11t th,. 11rumre faJ r t hla ''' hl'I phy1m s proff'llN>r, John •:<'11-)'estr. f'r(•f. Echternach sa,·~ he 111-1 l••rnllch. I re11tly h.uj uvernl pupil~ 0plunning 1 The ch11ml>Pr _ 1• a _gla..~11 cylinder, t'nlt It'!< fnr ne-xl yt'11r·11 flllr, PLANNING-President of the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club, Roland N. Lagcrlof. is shown above, left. with Blliley Abbott, who is chairman of th~ entertainment ~ommitt.ee for an n.ssembly of the 39 clubs of Southern Califo rnia ht>rt> Ma y 6 and 7. -Staff Photo Local Rotarians to Host 39 So~thland · Clubs Here. May 6, 1 Meiuber• or the 39 Rn111Q· club11 lA a outhPrn Cnhfnm111 Wiil mo:el .May 8 11n.J 7 ht the Halboa · Ray club when Don U."ll k<'. d11•1 1•1,·t >:Ov'- emor . S tuRrl (·0111\<'r 1ncomini: dhllrl<"t 1:ovem•'r· 1rn1l Bnb How,., d lrf'clor ltC Jl111111-y l r.tPrnl\llonal, Wiil b1' J"l~nl B4U1Py A llh• 11 \\"Ill 1<1 n-r• R8 cha.lm11tn nf lh<" h .. ~l u•mmlltl'• -.ud the vuutor.11 "•II tk ,,:r·M-tl'ft hy Jt.:1l11nll L1tJ?l'l l11f. p1r~1<1 .. n1 of thl' ~;>wprHt Balbol\ club 1\11•1 Orrin W nitht: 8c<rPtary ThP n!ls>'mblv, n! the :JP club!! Is lnrii" I_\· In jr1w thr incomln1> presuli'nl:<1 ll.ll~ itN•ra111r1"ll 1111 op-I pon11nlty to bet•of'11t> s cq11111nt t"tl w1lti u ch otner Rn•\ w ith the ~rope of t ht> ori:-an1zatton or whlc.-h thrv or<• 0H1un. · · Rllf&ry 11 n11taon11I ~en·1· t' 01 - J:111111.,lllt n I0\1D1!P1i :,rl _\ol'1 ~ .llj.';11. ll!lW h'a~ R mimb.•tthir ,,, .fM .llOO In 8~ 'lllb!' 10 3i rountrlr, /"f REElf ·:a( YOUR Fl SH .. We Freeze Your "Catch'' Filet & Wrap Fro~en for Your Own Home Freezer or Lo.cker 5+Qra9e Special -Locker $7.75 'Year _ Harbor Froz~n Food· Locken U8 •SOU. 8t.., Newport Beach Harbor 0':18 _ .... . · • from the pmpl'rfy hnP for a bus. no ve a lneitl! bulldlnl( at 169 E. 18th SL I home for l!f'ven1.I years. The commt1111lon irvlkwted the.9et- bllck,... firob11b1y w,,u1t1' hi' Ullt'd , Council Granh along E. 18th St. from Newport eivd. to Orange. J n.ne11 1nt~nrt~ to Four Licenses lldd a bu11lnt'lla f ront to an ulat-1~g houae. Cl 'L-DE-SAC OKA\' Four llceMe1 to operate bu.II· nH1 were ~a..nled by Newport City COlp!Ctl Monday nlgltt. &lJ being on changu of ownerahJp. Ill wu given· & ty 11ubd1v1aton propo11ed by Paul-al 138 Wut Cout Hlg'hway, P&ul 1.ne f\lgan, and a pproved the ttn-L. Nel.eon to run a aerv1ce 1t&Uon t11tlv" map u 11ubmltted. R&lph llt 3700 Eut Ceaat Hlt hway, Kar· Watenn&n. an &djotnlng property tan !:. Dauchterty and Ruth A. owner, adv1~ lh• commlaalon he Lapollce to operate Cosy Comer 102 EAST FOURTH ST. COR.-MAIN lnttnds to r~ate a similar type at the ~mer of lllth and 8&7 ·~=====~~=================~========~=============~~ .11ubd1v1slon of view lot s. Ave., and GwlJUI Jamu and !:. N. - High Qualify Printing-Ph •. Har. 1616 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Approved tentative maps aub-J ames to operate a food concee· matted by K. \\'. Koll of 419 E. J11on a t 611 Ea.at Edgewater SL _. II ' JUST PICK A FAVORITE CGLIR, THAT'S ALL! ROTllNC Tl BUY! 1034 PRIZESI 'IHT • l'IUUS ... i..o .... f.1 re•d lon<ll w.....-. Ntxr JO ,•tzis ew1ulor pol•I for ti•9l• rl•oninv i.o-. NUT 1000 ,.lllS t ioft.., of fvllor • 1.,_.,. lotu·beM im+orlot • "°'"'· f Ul·COlOlt l••o•11h for -.erot• •-). EotlHt CC>f'te~t you ever entered! You ju~r vi~il nur •torr nnd pir lc e !avori~ color f rom JllP f11mo11• ~ult• r .l!'wr l Ca..-... and wntt> thr Mlot An'~ n111r.nomr and Mhlrr'l!l on an t>ntry hl11n~-: (Ir. if vou JH••ft•r, wril<' lo tht-nPAreat oJJil'f< "' \\". f! I· ullcr & Co .. and thry will l!l'nd you an· .alry blank and • cote. cud Irma wbicb to picl )'O\H fa\'Orlte color. ..... -Thar~ oJI YoU do! v~ oom.,.._ only wftli ,.;. rnont11 of lhP wfft#m aut.es and Haw-.ii (Cooteae 1tuhjf'ct to Fedl'rat and Stat. l"flfUlatiom. You M> Cl'pl. theae ru1'9 whn 7<JG ..hmit ~ enlr7J. Wiiy fuller 1poMOft lflh eon'"' Tiletle ma~ni6cl'nt pri-aN belnc o&NC! tn order to pr04~ to you that Fuller'• •lection ol paint roliiM11a the~ aad IDOlt beautiful U. &he Weft!! • All of t~ rdrpoue ...,_com. u. ""9il. ahle in Fuller"• revoh1ti0baf3' lata-bMa p.in~ FUL-O>L<lll I FUL-Coi:..oa lwl DO anpl~t -p.inty'" odor. It dnN in juet on1 llow1 and ll&19 WMhable fo.r )"l'&l"I! And FUL·CoLOll pvee )'OU a ftlwt-~th. uniform fini1h e~ry time. with either bnmb Of roller. ~in and-• thll wwk and ~r that -in the Wf/lt, Fuller-..._color oo-t ! Here's al,-you do-and lt'1 fun I 1, ftlll lllfl 1111 ITOtl >••I ~ "'" ttlt' tl11r'\•h i:""1h f'lf lfW'I'"' ll "° 'IMf\ tu1nt ,. \, u 1n thr f.tm•"\\14 t •• ''' 1· ~•\ C ,,., f 11 ~ j.Mfn Uf'-n "11 UI ll1flft-•f't1I th~e 1 ''"'"" u~•· , 2: t .. lit C&l.M UIP tool 11 ~ • num~r of lh• color on tb• berl. ~·rut 1h1t nu.mbn and .-°"' n.fft" ant\ .. 111r.-..., 1n .,,,,.. Nanl ent 10 t'w J~wd ~. Dq>ooll ID aMIT bca. Al Forgit .. Hdwe. OPEN SUNDAYS ' . • 4 -Ford · Ranch -Wagon~ Absolutely · Free! 1030 OTlllR AWARDS Come in-Pick 1 color from the Fuller Jewel Case Fill out the .entry blank 'IT'S ·'ALL FREE 1. AND ·YOU MAY .WIN i.FORD RANCH WAGON . I 1034 P .RllES • Will BE AWARDED .! REME~IER-CONTEST CU>SES I MAY 29th SO IE PROMn 2205 W. Bal~ Blwcl. NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 1 ~6 -~ S & H GIEIN STAMPS .• • . ,. • .... '·' • . MAY DAY BRUNCH -Diecusaing la.st-minute details ~ ot the ann.uJl Lion Tamers' fete to be held at the Balboa Bay Club May 3 a.re lfro tn left) M:ra.-DOnald Peterson , immediate pa.st president : Mrs. Louia F. Gates, found· ing pree!denl: idd lrt'!: ~.1Avejoy, the 1955 leader of the club. Funcia raJsfd will aid the Carl H arvey School for ~pastic Children. -Don Bµsh Photo BUDGET. PLANNED Miss Jean Powell To Head .. B & PW Mile JN.n Howell, arcou.nt.ant. ed for a dl11CU3Slon.. of tht' budget 'llVll l htad the l"ewport Harbor an1l ln add1 t1on lo thl' p1esent com· B1111lnu11 and Profel\s1onal \\'o-matmtrll.i members agN"t>d to spon· mt'n'a Club ,for the C'um1n~ ye11.r. !ldr 11.n ad<l1t1onoJ 011 I fa•ouc troop; Otheni t'l~ted at ~e clo11ed '""''l·' gwt' a h oo Rchol11.r~1p to Orangr 1ng h~ltt at the Newport Harbor Coaat C:ollrgP for nnl' hr t"·o w<i· Y9"44t Club on April 21 ""tore Mtsa mt'n atudt'nU; ~200 to Hoag HOii· M•rtlynn Whtl'lt'r, first Vll P·Prl'l'l· 1 plW . sr10. Lo the ~na dl'I Mar d i:_nt: MM11. J ohn J'alen. Mttlnd VkP· Youth Centl'r: and t ook undrr cni1. J>reltldent; Mn1. Arnold Natgll. rt'-~1der1\1111n 1it•v.,n11 othl'r charll11ble ('Ording eecretary. Mni. Oonovan 1•nt .. 1pr1111 s. Cr,n:st1tullonRI ch11ng1>1 Southworth, corrf'sponding MC' rt .. , wen• 11nan1mou:sly adoptl'd. tary: anrl Mre. R uby Slt'\'en11<m, 1 Oelei:111~" :\!rs. Harold 8 1r.d, t reuurer. MIJ!s Jl'an Howell a.nd ~Ir•. J ohn The mret1njf ""RA 1 wind·up of Pa lPn \o.tth a lternate• ~tr11. Al . T. t.he yra.r'a a t·llvttiu wilh rPtlnng ~111:tko. M1~11 Allee Bt'll and Mr-. offict'rA And commattet' l'h1:1lrm"n, Ciirulyn \\ eber wall &Ht'nd l ht' ma.king their ,-..porta. Mrll. Orrillf' l'lalt < unvrn11on at lht-Coronado Schleult'r reported •on R •llt1'<'1!' 1 Hot<'l an Son Diego on M11y 19 and N ig ht. Mrs. John Tubbi! on March 20. of D1mt's; ~lr11 Br:ure H1tndy 011 With onganahty und1man1i;hrd by F.tl11c.tt1 .. n Ma""' .\l11 r1h•n11 \\hf'• I· a ye11r or planntnjt tll'r•ira1a.1n,., r r "n lhl' Y•'8rbotlk .. Mn1. Ch!f Mr~ DuMICI , !lt••tJl:tlhtl.:. 1h1U1· Va.mer on yo11l.h acU\•1t1u: Mr11.. j m .. n. drMIK'd ·l.hP table wlUl dainty Don.u,·an Suutbworth on r1n11nce; mlmalureJI, l'llCb one & c:on\'Crs&· J.1rs RoM ~·t'nton on lnternauonal I lion pit•c;o. A pprornately, Mrs. l't'latlon.,, M r11. Ada Morie Dl1Mlrr 1 Arnold ;\'14cgf'h, acd1umed one of on •lecorallt>nA, MM!. Stdnt'y Peck. the be~l roo~ in the Harbor ~ r ·•bhnt y . &ncl Mr!\. Arnold 1'11'$:~· w&lkrd o!! With lhe door prau, h "" Chn"tm11e Prl'vl~\Y. ~II~' eight andl\·hlual ca~/11.'J olt' ... l>"l 1~ RaPf rPIUI reporl.3 on c .. •11·1 t"i<Y by Mrll. o cvtd Spil'll 1111c1 '. ~t ll'I' Agnes Bh>mqui~t'1 home on hr><llh ron •l M!ety by M1118 Mary Lido hie will tw t ht' Jl••ltang fctr J.111r11h11ll. I & pstlo party tnnight honoring out· f'rl'111dent Mnt.. Harold &rd fall-going pr .. 11ld,.nt. Mn. Harold 81rd Tl1eodore Cranes Reveal Engagen1ent of Daughter Mr. and Mr1. Th,.odof,. J Cra ne. 1 18 Haul Drlvt, havt' announ~,1 Ule engagt'mrnt or their rlaui:htrr, Mies Judith Dodsworth Cr1111r; to Mr. Walter F·. Miller J r, si>n or M r . \\'alter Mtller of Wh1tll1>r, NEW OFFICERS ELECTED-They were chosen at the b i-annual conv ention o f the Orange County Federation of R;epublican W omen's Clubs, h eld Tuesday at H ote l I!a. gt.ma. Left to right; 'Mrs. R o bert Hitt, Orange, first v ice-pr eside nt: Mrs. LeRay Quick , Santa Ana, second ,=ice· president: Mrs. Lewis T. Gardine r, N e w port B e a c h, presi· d e nt; Mrs. Gladys L. P enland, p resident of the California F ederation of Republican W omen: Mrs. Walter E. Parke of L aguna Beach. retiring· president: Mrs. V ir ginia Douglas, Seal Beach., treasurer. and Ml)l. Pauline M c Do well. H untington B e ach , parlia- m entarian. M rs. E. H . Boot~ Jr., of Fullerton, elected secretary, was unable to be present. -OCNS ·Photo _ · · Mrs. Lewis Gardiner .He1ad Of 0.C. Republican Women Garden Tour .. . ·s .Outlinea ·' .1 The public will be aerved a delighUul. mix.ed grill or 35 of tl1e Hµbor'a fineat garden11, both large and .small, dur. iQg ·the s econd annual garde n t our Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May l, from one t o five o'otock. Sponaored by the w omen's cotru0it.t.ee o! the. chamber of commerce, in t\le in· lt-rut of a neatt>r a.nd more beau. Ruddtr Road. tH ul raty, this lour will covtr the I Hub<.>r l1land, John Porter , No. ll.llUre aJ'l!a. Tbue will be l'ardtrui 11; Edward . Grot!ndyke. No. 2; In u 1·h 1l'cl1on. Pr<>granu anu lick· I Jol\D Mc ~od. No. 20 and o. T. «'l8 wall I>.-a va1l,.ble all wet>k at Pflt'(t'r, No. 28. ' the chamb4>r of rommerce and on I ON ISLAND Satur1ltty a nd Sunday at aacb ·car- dtn. Ho:.~e11sea "'"Ube pro\1ded for Balboa lal&nd.CurUa Dollh, 2\1 ea-rtlen. I Pearl. and Mel Martin, 214 Emtr· TAME Tiit; lSOAT &Id. . Jrvlnl' Terrace, John Ba.k.t'r, 100 . A nt>w twist an the lntert'lta of Afa.l•bar . t'L\lt'r tritn11port.\llon h!la been pro; vadt'd by Mrs. Paul Ou •l.I, tr&na· por1at1on churman, In provid1nr a Jen)' boat which wlll •huttJe both ><flt>1 nnons o\'er a course, atarUn.J Ht a 111er on V1u Lti;to Nord and V1a c: .. noa, and istoppin~t Hubor ¥d BHv 111land11. V1111t~~e Lt.iv ll!lt' gard••n11 ·and lht'n park t•n tstdo ~ord an.1 takl' lh•· ferry In both Htu'bor and Bay b land11 a.nd back. Te" will be •t' 0rved bolJa after· nM nA In the garden of Mn . George Stl\er, ~39 Via Udo Soud. ~ra. l::arl Stanlty, IMl&tt'd by Mr11. Hay Langenhtlm a.nd Mra. Chari.ea Lamb wtlf be In charge. Tht'l'I' wall be .noro1n•I charre tor both the frrry ride and the t~ Corona del Mar, John Poole. 220 Jlll,clflr t at Bey t'nd o( Avocado1; R. D. PattlllOn, 2711 Seavlew; Wa.J. ter Mfl'tz, 220 1Ark11pur. CQrona Bl&hla.nd8, Dick Orakt. 428 Rlnr& Tern.cf . Shore ettt.. Mra. C. H . Harry, 302 E vening' C&nyon Roa/I; G. N. Peue, 211 Evrnmg Canyon Roast; Wllllam &rr. 107 Sh_ore qart Drive: MIN K&lh~rine Hanna, 146 Snore Cliff Orlve; Jay Hornbeak, I 230 Driftwood Road. Open House SundaY. at McCall Home Mni. T. D~~n Stewart WO· n1 ... 11'11 cornmauee chairman, will be 1111.~111led by Mu. Frank McCormick and Mr1. CIBN'nce Higbie In charce N Off• J ta}} d At H untinf(lon Beach. parh&mt'f\IA· of ho11tPMt11; Mra. Ralph Ahren•. Mra. <drtrud .. lo1<-Call J1 l'nt"r"' ew ICers ns e -min. • t11:kt'ta; Mn. J amt11 Newlin. llgrui; taln111g from 4 to T p m. Sunday • • Mni. \\ ttltt>r.Pa r;~e. retiring pres-.Mr11. G. N. Peii.."K'. t:•rdM 1eltcllon 'wit>! an Opt'n houst' and 11m orji(U · Laguna Beach Session 1di-nt, r1r~1d11d over the morning and programs; and by Mrs. John bord 11 her nf'w homP, 2100 Kinits busant>l<.!I Hl':<&am. h etn'lng rl'ports NeU. Mra. Ted Hambrook and Mra. Road. She will be aul•t •rt by ht'r . . •. . . l(l\'<'n by rr ... side~t• ot the 10 RI'· I Challen Landers, gentral COtnmll· r hlldn!n, · Grant. and Shir la, lhf' Mrs. Lew1a Gardiner, 2611 \: 18ta Dnve, was elected rubllrAn \\ om,.n :s Cluba of the tee mt'mbera. former now l'f'Cuperating from an president of O range County Federation or Republican W o · 1 county Mri. Rll'haro TU('hOUl . . . emer, .. ncy a pp .. ndtctomy perform· . Cl . . . . l:lH'" the rtpoll tor .:-lewport TOl H GARDr:1"8 e<on April 20. m e n s ubs at the b1·annual conventio n held Tuei;day in l!ea• h . Garrlen11 to be optn for 1n11pec. Laguna B each . Mrs. Glad}'.!! P e nland of San F rancisco. state I omttr tmNft! mf'ttttlteTT°~· .....-ffl be~ lellowe1 • -_ou!!•t• wlll .!!'cludl' Cu rt Havrn . . . . · . andfo~a~~g • president, w as featured sp<'aker, g1nng expe rie nces of rQCent '.'"M the ,.,, ... , rlub wl'n• :\lme11 Ba lbOa Peniruiula. Mni. Georr• bon. co·wockf'ra w alh Mas. McCall \ IStl With P1 t'~ldent E1senhuw .. r. In .. Wllh M f'. cara1ner will bt :-<am 138'. "' 11• Da n Dnskell, Si<lnf'y Hoag. 2102 E._ ~&Ibo& lilvd., J~. In Orange County Phllhann onac Sht' 111atet1 thf' l01tntry ahouhl fefl M mt 11. Ro~rt Hitt, Orang ... f111<1 P .. ck. Kc-nn .. th Al~M«ht, Robl'rt ~l'n Lor;niz.en. 009 E . Bay A ''. SocJety and formt'r fellow em· w ry accu1 e un1ler &o great a 1 .. a•l· \'lei' rreiudt>nt. ~Ray Quick SM ta ~!di ~h11ll, Otto Chn11tt>nllt'n and D !Sttndy l\ .. d<ay. 2000 Miramar Or• ployeu of l:.ong Bn<-h and Sant• ' ' <.; Hoyt I Ernr11t Schu11chug 2060 Ocean ..r Ana. aeC"ond v1<-e president: Ho11e· "' l:Jh d · Ana dl'partnwnt of employment. /\fl~. Cecil Ktnyon or San ~IA· mary Booth, Full..rlon. 11ecrrtarv; • The County ~ederat1on pused · . rlno, fJre~trfent or Southern Uivl· Virginia Douglas, Selil B('IH.h. a n•1«1l11llun. Ul l("tnl? Hlfopt1on 01 Lid~ I.sit, Howard Lewie. 329 Via -i•m. tMlalled uu.• 0111,..,1 s , SPrV· lrPuurtr: p 8 u 11 n 8 l\JrU..well. le_.!1slnthin duagned to d1•ll'gate LIJo soud. Gfar~ Sliver. 639 Udo • autnor1tv 10 c1tlts lllld c:ount1u io Sout.l. J . C. Axel.Ion. 819 Ud.o '"J{\ll&tP 0 ••LI •lnlhn$:, to tnCrt'L~ Soud. Robert For1>1•. 200 Via Ctn. the mt'mbe111h1p or atate land!! OB: Robt'rt Walfcef. 2M Via San romn11ll-"wn from thrf'e 10 nlnf', and Rt"mo, A. F. Heinz, 21le Via GrU · Ont' u1 g1ng 1111r l 'nlll'd l'aLloM l11.n11 ; Jo11e Ro1111.n1 220 Vt& Lido NEWPORT HARB OR MRS. WINrFRED BARBRE, W om e n's Editor drltg-atp lo u11e veto agaln11t ad· Nord. •. · mhmon ot Red China to lht' Uni~ Bay lal&11d, Aaeoclallon planlln& .\'at1ims aua.. Ra.ibo&. Laguna Bt>ach Councilm11n ~wi~ pier Havt'h a.nd Newport V1tn1c:k wrJr<1me.1 lhf" 1:io w omen Hlrj;fit.s, Mni. Ann Bundy, 2922 ·~·behalf <>f lhf' mayor: anJ Sam Cliff Dr1\'e; F. E. Blauvrlt, 621 Barnr11, C'h!llrman of th" Rt'publa-Klni;l!I Roa.d : .Mni. A. V. A n<tttw1, ran (",•ntral CommlllPe, prs13e.d 62 I Cliff Drive Say It With ,., .. .,, i., Wile . Party Rea~ It.ems J~O.S If. Coo.tt BJI., Coro11G del llor Harbor 5071' I Shower Honors Mrs. Ken M,arkham M.-.. Kl'nny t.J.rkhnm, 'no Wtl· eon St.. CM.t11 l'.f,•,.a .. waa i.'Uri1t <>t il'-1.fi0.1"-•l • O.lty.-AA~-u '1~ b.)• thr Amt'r1can Leg11>n A11x1h11 y J,lnal ztl In thl' Am•rkan vg1on Hall Monday nl1hl. HOME ., LOAN$ At Ot•rwJ• COHty'• lHdin9 HoMe lMMli,.. ln1titwtio,t' ' outt1 24 HOUR. Sfltw:I LOW LOW ••REDUCfN&• INTER.EST lAUS EASY MONTHl. T P' A YMENTS .... LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAH ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH ,..._. HY 4·1177 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS~PRESS -PART 11. PAGE I wurk. l.be~· had unnt tche pit.Ill y~•r U.1y Shorn. Lawrtnc,. Gundrum, l..i1ji?'\Hlll Rra1 h mt>tnbu" were 26lS6 Aay Shore Or1w. H. A. SlOr· hm1l•·~11t'!I Al lh" lul"!• h"•ln, h"ltl In um. 24:il, Bay Short' Urtvl'; <::. 8 . th" ,\lor1nr P.o-.m <tf thf' llOll'l ~luehl~nhn1ch. 2731 Bav Sho~ Bruce Martin THURSDAY. APRIL 28, ·1955 INSTALLATION BANQUET FOR CINE-CAMERA FANS Orani:P County Clntma Club wall h1•ld It' .. nnuHI rnnl.,~t -.,,n•l 1n-111111111un b11nqutt st 8 pm. M11y I~ in th" h1.fHv A 1te1 noun < 'hah _Huu~e. l'o,ta ~1••!18. "R•isea 111 'r11ni::" 1~ lo bf' thl'me for drc:oratlon•. Harry Pl'l!'rs or Ne"'1>ort Brach. r f'ttnng Jlri>i11dent of lhr 11mAt,.ur 8 an1I 16 mm movar make1s, wlll ·r 1• • olr. Th" tnl. h>wing are to be indu('ted; Gale Hart.man, An1th• trn. prr!<ld••nl ; Lyll' M'ln!t', cardNI c~(l\11'. flrhl \r1ce pr.~Mtlent . \\'tlharn r 11•1 re. .;\ nHh• 1m, 6"ron1I va·e prt111dPnl; l..-·11na rd l..oR,01l•1n, C'o~tn ~feaa. third \'k e pre11idt'nl; Mr". \\'lllu1n1 Piere .. , ~Pl'f'C!· tary-trea:iuret: Jo~"Ph Ort°l:r;, 11ergrant-nt·•rn1~ Any a malt'1t111 •lf""lnng further lnformMttln m11y l'l\ll tlthf'r Mr . Pelt>r11 or Mr. Lt>~!'don. J . 'Delta Gammas To Sponsor Homes Tour Thf.: 0rAl1J:t' t •r.unty ·A h11nr111r f'h"l•ler ,.f 11 .. lta r..<11111111 hl'ld II~ mumanir rofl••!' 1n• .. •t1111o: 1'~11•h1y, 1 Lon\,., ttalph Ltkt', 2~42 V1•ta Uri\" Bnffln B11y. l -con Yalt, No. 6 Apnl 22, a l the B11lhoa t~lan.S b11v .. --::::;;;~~~~~~;:=::~~ frt nt ho111t' of ~f rs F 1 trnk F:v,.rrtt. The Jllt'-'iffrnt, ~l ri<. l'111l Hlllgren. onnmm• r•t thi.t thr J:l"llP \Hmld 11pon:111r II loll r nf (out luVt•ly homei1 nf the HRrbor ArP>< on Fr1- 1lay, ~1Ry :.!7 lr••m. 1 ·:io t'1 :'.\ 1• m. The prrn e•"b t1 mn th111 t 1111r will I go to the :-;un•<'r~· S•·h<t<•I r11r \'18· oolly llan•ll• .t pp-•I. Chlhlr .. n ~· FOR ALL YOUR INSUR.A.NCI: NEEDS ~ Auto-T111ek ~ Fire-Ufe LOCAL AGENT . omc. 'Liberty ~-5063 IJl!erty 8-5554 li9S Now rt Ave., Coeta Meea DOUBLE GREEN I STAMP~ The bride-t'ltcl \o.ill .be graduat· •d rn J une from Const'rvalory of Mu!'t(', dbrrlln Collel(t'. She WR:! gTadu1tet1 trom Hill School. M¥· N ChUl!t'tlll. prl'VIOWJly' a lt!'mkd Bancroft SC'huol. \\'ol'et'11ler. M&N. She plane a teaching .ca ret>r. Mr. Miiier will be paduate•I from-UCLA In Junt', has aerved_ ·"!Ith. Tue a rmy for .thrtt a nd & h.lllf ye11l'l!. murh of th .. tlm,. over· eeu . ~ 1 To Seat Coastline VFW Post, Auxiliary Officers Mri-. \\'1lh11m Bhmwk Of f..llg\J· "" Bearh r<'ptJ1=te'1'-th<il lt'''"~al Or11ni;<> <•ou111y hlind b1tllle11 1n Bl · t t'ndAn1 t 11l the ·school RI I' nnw bc-fn~ !:l\'l'n that h••nefl1 •RI Parly I lNlnlnl( "hit h "tll mRkt• l'llStt'r th..ir futurt• 11n.·111l adJustml!nt 1Ln1I ~~~~~1. IOXD TllUNKS and Matdtl11r l'4 If I RT, i;;1zea s · tir ..5391 Conservation Studied By Cub Pack 105 C\Jb ~kout f'a\ k lD:'I m{·t AprH J UpITH CRA NE 22 tH :'\t>\\ port Crnmm11r l'l"huol. skat nn camrtni:. All th .. boy!' 'tVllJ:> thl' th1>mf' nf "Cub So;out For· p1l rhril ll.11•1 brokt' ('Amp. !hi',\' i;:rwe ~~ ... [)en :\ <•penNI thl' "'""l•n~ 'th" litH11tnce 11ome J:11l11I 1ul111 tn w ith Prl':udtnt F:ist>nlwwt•r'i. ml"~-fnllow nutdo'lrs. Th,. (ll•nnrr11 lhl.'n ltllllP n'1t1ttl11n1o: t•on11erv1.1t1rln or r11f'Pl\'t'l1 lhP RWarJ~ as f.1llowll: ilst Ur\! n•110un e11. 111ni:lng or Am· D•'n I. 1too<l «ondu<:t 11nrl h1tod· e nc& Wnd th•· ple•IJ!t' 11! allr~nn<-e rruft rlu~~. 0<'n 2. a chaf'vl'mrnl!ll t-0 the rlait Tc1mmy Andcr~n was at.tfln•l11n1 ,._ M •l 11k1l flAJ:i. ll"n 3. t nat lal~d 1111 R H,ot>..·11t a nd I ho• fol-m~P•'t tton r111' • loWinit boys rereived awarJll: l'11l1111a.<lPr Gantner a.'krd for H&nk Th8yer, wplf badi;:1•; l'hll· pan>nl!ll' h1 Ip tn •lt'veloplng l.he lip Oerll,y, wolf ~old 11nd ll1lvrr Ill'· Ma~· tl\em .. or "Cub Seoul Clrrua." i0w1; Bill~· Whlll'. wolf 11lvtr ar~ He 111~0 a,.nnounrefl lhar.. all boy11 row. B'ruC'" l'owt'll, lw11r 11lvt'r ar· who ar .. i11tf"1Utt'll In Ci.ab Scoutm1t row: Ttm HyadaJt'. Robert Bf'll and a nd will ht• 8 by nl'xt R!'ptt'mber J ohn \\'ebl'1, l!t>n·1ct' 11t ars. shoultl Hllrnd this ~111r 20 PaC'k Den 1 prelK'ntP•I an enlt'rtaln• ltt>llllJ: l"~ether w ith llwir par- ing muswu 11klt !eatu11ln1ot .:>.mv'.k.C?Y-e.nLs . .\Lr.a. Bar.bf'•'" -Deon >~ cett-ltlP Bear. Den 2 had &n e•lur}\ltton&l d11rt1•d !hr cloi<tng c-,•r;•m•m)'. ----A WORLD TRA\'EL()(il't.: COl..OR • Fll;fl·--- • "BRAZIL" ~,;~ MAY 2 Vi•ll th cllt.• ef a.a.a, f'ert•l.ea, Mate lo. 9ehl•, hl>ulout "'1 •• J.,,.,,..., tlite huhuht•I cftr ef S•• Paulo erul tt.• cetl .. t lt_I •of S• •••· 'Tlie a111t11 .A• .. •• -4 rh.,. <111 el M•H••· K.AltL lt091NSON, l'I•" ter. St:WPORT HlOH SCHOOL Al'DITORff'.'t Tl< .. te •t Ce•-• 491 Mer Tr•,.•t S."k•, Tito Boeltca-. Ll4e Shoppl•1 Cnter, &.• Ofll<e, alai.t •' IUa, f AO, .ff. I .25, I 10 JEWEL.IV FROM ESTATES AVAILAILi If you .;.; 1Hkin9 Jewelry Items th.t •re Sc•rct let us know ••• We mly Buy I~ For .You .-. ll:WEUlY BOCGBT e ROIEITS JEWELERS 1~11 i Martne A vr •. :: .. : BAiboa hlu11t -Harbor '!31 I Joint inataUation Of officer• M j May BUckl1M 11nd Donall! J dhn· ec<>nt1m1c srnmtv. I Coaatllne l'osl VF\I/ 3:,35 anil $On. 011g an<I 1J11nner bean•ri<. r"~ Thro 1\ll1lre:u11•11 nr th~ r11ur hnme11 Auxlhary 11 •lat('<! for Frltlay, l!Jll'C'llvt>ly; J\'11,0 Willard W111(n.-r, will be 11rn•ium·e<l 111 a l1<tt>1· .d11t ... 1 111!11111--.. • mui<1~u1n : 11n1l Mrs. Frd.llk l'l'si"nll. ·r1. kN~ 11111y bt> procur"d 1h1n11J:h May 6, al 8 p.m. &t the t:o:sla Mt'n Amerlran Lt'gion H11ll. Mr•. J . H l'&ltf'rson, reUnng Auxallary pru- ttl .. nt. l'Xlends an ln\'1tal1on lo &II r••llg1<111s, civic and othrr 11erv1<-e an.t military 11roup11 lo attend lhl" public ceremony. hJ:<t••"1an Mri<. n ~ Bam. ~. ~I fl-71;.Q I Mrs. Scott h11~ (hown lht' follow· Uther • h11 11 rrwn for thr hnm.11 Ing a ppomllH• offtr "r• for the tt1u r Im lull1• M rll . .la< k E 'ti•ld- yPar: Mm1>11. lulrh Phl'IJlll. publl· r..i!l. t»a: \lri1 \\'alt .. r ~l11l"r. frn.,1 tlty; J oseph o .. ·h,nes, A1111•11rHn-booth: ~lrit. J oJ111 (\1r"''"· l11111t .. ,.ir. 1Am. Noland. wnJ',, and mr11n~ 11n1I rJ<, l\trll. II l'11fn" 1'h11)'"r. rn·,~. t rn .. mbershlp; Dtnrhart. lo>1t1sl11t1"n; lmniPd111tl'ly f· :luw1111: thi' tnr• t· IW<>t. C1v1l oerenst; Warren liamr-tnlt' ~Ir•. 1-"rnnk l!:\•er•'tl flew nmlh ton anrt 1•atter,.•1n. hosp1tah:tallon . lt1 rer1e•. nl t hl' i:r .. 11r Ill till' rru- ~~dw1n llnan. C'llncpr: Hcleau, wnr I 'm1 r <'til 1• ri'1.1,. 1, .. l•J A pr al "l2 21, bonds ; Charll'l< Smith. yi>ulh 11 ll· 2t 11 lh• <:runmn l'h11J1\••1 H .. ui..·, Vil)!: T11llm11n. national h11mf': l'nl\· ... r-1ty or ('l\hfnmtR. llt u .. rkf· R11rkl11.ntl, i:nmrrwn1ty 5f'rVl<'l'. 11nd le~· ramp11~ Mr.". E\'l'J Plt w11.• RI'· E11itt'n;,> G11lt'itpl". n•habllltallnn !Unlf"ln"•l bv l\l r11. \\'11yn,. (', T .. 1. DPlel:'a lt'll • t lr, t 111 e :\lnt"B. and, ""''~Al" fmm 'f'aM•ltlna, ~Ir" Brown. Pattt'1 1'• n. Hampton. ()1111" Rll•!lt'll 11. f'Ark,.r. (;l!'nolRlo., and 1 hart anr1 H11rk1aml, altl'mRI• •. l\frJt. llAIJlh C. \\'11rt, ~1U1 F1•r· L:ORENZ Jt:WEl.Y.R!ol 103 \\'.•th. Auxiliary orfktra who will aerve during U1e Pnsulng year are Mme8. ~ymond Scot l, prrs1Jen1, Geralcl :":ohmd, 11Pn1or vice • presldt'nl. \\'Rrrc-n Hampton, junior ,;<'~· pr1.,<ldent. ~!'la Vln1•hRrt. I PC'rl!· tary: K. C. Brown, l re11.surer; Paul T1mm1ngs. condu<'lrt'M, EIJle Her· m11nre. guard, F l'P•l Togl'raon, rh11pllun. J. H. P1tllt'11on. ratrle>- ll<' IMtruc-t.or; May Buck lan•I, Moru11 Root and H<'&ltr T~Uman, lruat .... i; · J ol!eph D•>achenea. Ger· aid Barllell. Wall11ce Beleau l\J\d Robert McDonald, color bearena; Mmr!I. ;-.; olA11d. Bel• au. Joh.nl" •n. nn··~a.n~c:fr~" ___ ....;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;, ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;;;=:::;;::~=:;;;;;;;;=::;;;;:~;;;;;;;;~;;:=;;'.:~~;;;;;;;;:~ Gtllrl!ple anti Uartl••lt ,. Th\' Ora.nite <.;ounty Au.x1h11ry Drlll Tt'am will condui't t he 111101111- lallon ot .Auxiliary of!icen1 ''~' 11 PndriJI lo 9 ·p.tn. ,..,fl, Pt1rk1119 nt ""U Lot HOU SEif OLD \VAR DR 0 B-f; CRI&IS? CR I"S IS:, P~aps we have -the answer Be 1• we do everythin9 here casa,pura "SICRVJCZ WITHIN SOURS -WHEN 2'"EEDED" OOllPLETE LAUNDEBEBS and CLEANERS St:M'PORT IU:AI II . ... exclusive I .• ,,~, .... with • MILAN, IT A1. Y ' \ -. . .... ( .. balboa island ... . -, ·' \ .. ' .• --\ . . \,, PAGE 2 • PART 11 .:.:_ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS IN THE L~E-UP OF P-TA offtcer~ installed at the Newport ElemeQtary School Monday -afternoon are O~tt to right) Mmes. J ack Bradbury, president: Paul Rogers, recordJng secretary; James· ~artindale, second vice P,rtsident: Haro14 Boyvey, installing officer: Miu • • • I ~ I t District Vic-e-presldellt Inducts THU~SDA Y, APRIL 28. 1955 T - .. df ficers of Newport S9,iool P-T A . -.... ln.atallation of oftieera for the Newport Elementary thui; Undeke: ll~lt.allty, l(n. ROth: rtrui 1ra0e. ,.,.._ ~ School P-TA beadlined the pro'"'&m pre9ent~ in the mcbool bonald Fuller: juvenile prot«Uoa, I... Bell •• . ~· Belt)' Reynoldl~ 11\J~tAI, ____ .__..,_ ...... .....,~-- auditorium Monday. Precedinc. the ceremony, the ueemblace, wr.. B. v. Simmon.: 1nu.tc. Mra. Mrs. R. J. Wallace pretldlng, wu Jed in a pledc-e 9t allectanee J. W. lAwnnu: pubUdt)' aa4 by Brownll" 8CC¥JI Troop 1, u11der t prMe, Mu. Mall I . Ober . J~~ t hP dlrl"Ctlt>n Cl~ t.frt. Don Edler. I erlean Lesion Hall, NO w .. t l~tll N ..... u ... -Mrs. Robert Oahlner; Min ~rnlcl" vie.ta.I, 11Chool prln-St. recOTd book. Mn. Paul Weber; ,s1pal, pvl" the ln.ptr&tional. I Cl\'IL Dl:Fl:N8& Mfaly ~ civil detenae. WrL Don Ml..s Clara ,Sptlman. from the I 'Mle pruldenl urced P-TA mem· Phillipe; tr&Npo'1-Uon, Mre. Ger· drpartmrrlt,of n1u11lc. p~Mnlel1 the I bera lo regist.r at the Ctvil ,o.-aid Brama. four roorth f(Ttldn ln a pant'O· frnH office In the City Hall any New inde mot.here wtll be, ktn- mlml" d~pictlng ctrCJ.lf clowni. tlmt trom J.londay lhroush Friday dtrprtm, Kn. Owen B. John· Tucht'rf or the fl"lld<'s a,... Mmu .. and recrJve kit• &lid 1.n.ttrucuon• eon ; tin t pde. Mn. J am• Way· Arlf'ne Bordtn, Alvfr Ana'walt, on how to make up an emer&t'l\C)' dellcll; Mcond JTad•. M,.. rni.nk MarsLrrt Lyall an~ Alire Rall flnt aid foodtupply. Dor tac 111~ C. ltlaraball ~ third pdt, Mre. BurT Mn. Wallace introdu•d )fra. may altlO be obtained at the Clvtl White; fourth pd•. Mrs. Dnll J . '-Jtl!'nnelh Coollng who gave a brief Derente ottlce. I n11tll11' nt th" hh?h, srhonl t'XJl!ln· O.l•K•lel "ta the ltate t'anv•n· 1inn pros;r1rn1, rl 1rifyini: 1fll:IOng1 u nn In Los Angtlcl May 4 to 8. 1 .. r Lht' ('rOI'"'" 1 A<hl>ol Lux to b» will b" ~tmn. Ju('k Bradbury an•I '' to>·I llfo{•n a th" n"x! l'kc"111n I Ph,.lpa Mnlrkt'I ·1 It was ;rnnou~c I'd that th•• Ri.'d j Mr!!. Hal'oa.t Doyvt·y. r1ral VIN• ('roHll OJ orn111101Jtlo• w1ll·be an Cos!ll prl'bhll'nl O! the f11Urtn du.tract p. ~1 .. ,fl .\111y i; :; -; I'm. l)t lh•· Ant· T A. "'"~ imitallln~ urf11:t't' for thr ----follnw1n11; Dea~ H arbison To Address- B. I. Youth- Pre~ldent, Mn. Ja(k Bradbury. ru sl v11'e prealdl"nl. Mu . Vtmun F:1lkr, lll'<'Ond vlre pr••s1dent, M rll Jt.m1'• Martindalr: third vtcr prl'a· ld,.nl, llfr~. Melvin \\'et1on, 11·- co1 rtlno: st•crt'lary, Mrir• P aul Rog- et'l'I c·uru·!>pon !1ng '" nrtary, Mn. \\'arr l'n Blinn, trr ruuru . ~ra. .' "Dcvelopins: 11 Good Per~nnallty" PhPlp8 :t.i.•rlC"kl'I , 'auditor. Miss ~ will be th<-tnpw to b<• IH• .••·nli'<i l\f11 rC'<'I~& Rnbln!IOn; hlstorl~n. Mrs. Marcella Robinson, registrar: Mrs. Phelps l\lC'ric:kel. b.,. ~lri<. Hubo•rl Jo:. H3rb1:.un. J <'n n C'rc·ll 1 nwell. a.nd pu1J&ment&r1an. r I \t :'.'\ H bo L; I Mra. John Sturlda. ' treaaurer : Mrs. Cecil Powell, historian: back row. Mrs. 0 gars " · i·wport ttr r nion SEW CHAlRMES' I . . d ,. High School, who w1ll bt' 1p .. aklng · • • I Melvin Watson, third vice presi ent; Mrs. emon Edkr, S}ind"Y ('vrnin.: tn th•• s .. ntor After TtcrlV1ng the gavel, Mr•. first vice president. -Staf! Photo MNhorl1sl Youth F<'llowshl , •tt1.; Bradt>i,rry lntroducrd her .commtt- Bi.th<>:. 1,.1an•I. 1 tee rh11lnpe11 for the coming yl'ar Thi' ml"•·Ung will bt'gtn at 7 p m. u lpllowa: M llO<'ia le a dvilOr, Mias al thl' Balhda I•land Cnmmumty Bt'mlce Vt'stal: art, Mr•. Harril'I I Sh l\' 11 11 11 d M 11 Foundns Day. Mrs. E.-D. ]'Sunan: JVlf' Ol'•ltt FUBNITUBE BEn.Nl8HING SHOP Patio Furnlturl' ll#lllllaMd Flnt'tlt S}ont.hf'tlc, Enamel Var:ruah or f$1 um aalow aa s3 so 6 ~ $15.00 ASTIQt'Y. a ZOLA TO:\'l'. Phone For E.IUmal~ I& Ptck-up ServtC'e AUBREY ELLSWORTH Now'-AT GUI SfOll RfVOl UIIO NflRY ~/iJrH TV vnth JET TUNING ! IT'S PORTABLE I We111ht only 4' po,H'1d• h't onlr ll~ II\. high, 70'~ In. wide, \6~ in.' dHpi Hoa NO UGLY I Ul-Ot o" batk of serl luUtolft ca"lint halldl ... BETTER · PICTURES S h J b D. , ... c ~lethothst Ch111ch. Proi;n1m ar-Bar~e; c1tlzrn1h1p, Mrs. John R . . a.Sc a aco . Sen raw. s . apac1·ty lllnJ.:'<'ments Arr bt'lng ma1le by Canon; c.ourtuy. Mn. J~~ala; • ri rnn a ' e c an llr yn Olrl Scoul11, Mra. ·Albert O~r&: IP¥~~·~==~~:.;~;:=:;::!!:'.=;;,:==~:;===:;;;=:;?::=:~;=;;=~~~===il!!!!-.i----."'"'--:.ii!"..,..,,..~'l-~--;:.:_. __ ._.....,..~S~hno~l~e~r~.4:A~ll~h~l~l:~h~s~c~h~oo~I ~y~ou~t~h~a~re~g~ra~d~e~mo:lhtrs, Mri, Hale C. F ie!<!; Audjence As Philharmonic o Dist ~~~::~.~";~-:~::;~::~~~~;··"·· "'""""""M,. .... tOSI 1'1-ntla Llt.ttty 8-,.'U •tart.or 1 an Zel\flh llo•lde IR) tube ond "'ieo ..,,. lCKk" ~tobiliHr Circult plut Z.n1lll qvolify constrvC1ion olld ttle Mw "600'' chouiL I Mis·s Belinfante Conducts Season's Final Concert For many 11.stmtn Re-~pig.)\'111 ~tringa WPre traosluctnt. Prnko-Bqy Celebrates, Rlllll! Th~ Rlrd11 pruvt'd a f&\•nrlll' llf'ff''4 C"h1.11,1r11J R~-:hphnn\". w/uch Lf.>r11use nr IU onginshty 11nd gay ,do~rd th .. rr .. i:r 1"1 0Xlnb1teli,(\rtlll· Elders W"stf 1 l:"•lllS' hen, n1i;ht1n1:alM nn111·1u•\wn 1 L1r11)11rly, and 111~0 1·evt'11lcd the A f f l 1 1 humor. For the ew1r1111on or rt-1 try-uf ,;t1111i.;" un.f.,n .. ,dwandii r11r-, J ll - I . . irroup o r1tm .s 11m re a· Hl'~plgl11 rPsor t'4 to l\n lngl'ntou11 11ondurtnr11 1111eclal R•ft for halltll· t•V<'ll i;.ithtrl'd Ill thp· l{,.nn,.th By MRS. MAR\' LEE RICH~IOND orrhtH1allr•n, t'mploylng a h•rr 1ni; th<' f>r.,k11:1rff nu11nn ~or trrn-!Jutro hnmf'. 1 2 C".llml'.u R' . 1• '' ·' The Orange County Philharmonic Society under the 1tnd cd,.8t"· anrt u~mi: •hr W"'"111"\ a nd rhythm •n an lndl\•ldual :\lrs3. F1ld1\\' "'"nrng t • • • lt·1n al• • w1nrt~. bTR~l! and t ,·mp11nt tn dis· unit cx<'lt 1n,.; t 1L~h1• •n. I · · · baton of its dintingw· shed conductor, Miss Frieda Belin-unruve wri)'!I. • . 1 hl' l'i.;t-.th birthday''! lil llc l<••nn~ . . . !'nturJ.J~ 11 I "lf1Jrmanr l' m/lrked J•111r1o. A hilnr1ou~ <\'C'n1n~ f111ln\1· !ante. entranced a warm and ent)l1;1siast1c auctience Satur-c·t:Lt:STl:-H Altr the cn•I or th" JMl-19:i:> s•'a!'On, ,.,l th" h:iibl'ru .. •hnni r. l:11r11t,. day night with a widely rang-ing program featuring the Men-· . but Miu Juh.n1an1~·s growlng I\\ ••re 1 o:.111m1·~ t.1cp1ctmc 1·aJ 1a-I delssohn violin concerto with Sascha Jacobsen as soloist. :\ll5s Bthnf.tntc and her ore he~· hogt or fr1en•I• and 111.lm1rPrs 111 t anmi t1f tht' themt>. "cnm .. ns what trl\ 1ntcrpn,-tPrt this hl'!'ly rnw.11.' 111\1 11 uuld Irk<' to be" A Davy I The 11udience which packf'tl tht' celcratlons of tempo In lhe modu· \\1tft wunt1erru1 J(UMO and df'hcai.:y I louking forwniJ to 11" "'11111llY i.•1orkett mot)! w11s l'a rnrtl out tn beautiful ntw Orange Coast Col· lot1on11 that brlghlenrd Lh11 rtpPll· Tile C'Plt'Sl!' nnJ hnrp o'bllgal us 1 b11lhanl 1U11I mu.~!t:ally rewarding t hr d!'coration~ ancl fo0<1. hsge auditorium gav11 Mr. Jacob· t 1ve pattc>rn. were <XIJlll!lllrly executNI a.ntl the '" ason In I hi' com in~ Y"ar. rresrnl a l the affair wt re Mr .• ffn & hearllell ov&tion tor lua nntl :\!rs. Wayne Dullo I>nnat J ~rlorma.nce. \\hlch I.he magnlll· Bn•I tian I. :.tr and :\Its James ctnt acoustics or the Richard Ntu-BYU Madrigal FELLOWSJ-IJD DINNER-FOR Rohn;:. ~I r. a nti Cltrs J..ewrPnc" tra-d,algned auditorium made a JJ . Fr!"t1r1k~Pn, Burt. P1tmrln Mrl Don· memora ble urperience. s· H . nil'; Roger SlarkPy Rn1I ll!e he>l{t,, In lh1 lyrlc pu11agu of the .llrsl 1ngers ere ST. JAMES ,J·,AsT OF YEAR )Ir. en<f .Mr,. l~ennt'th U11utro, I two movements ot tht conct'rto L J« nny. Su<tr 11nrl J immy Jarqb11tn achieved a alnglng qual-T sda N ··ght A F'<'llOW~h•p dinner -~d prn ..... am, final !lilt' •UJ\lll f&ll. 1ty ot tone tuu of warmth anrt Ue y I ,,. lltnioiUvtty In phrutng. Evt"n ~n !ht will be htld Tilu1 •day, Ma)' I!! :.t 6 :30 pm. f<tr pan~h1oners ' candef}u In the /tut mov,emenl, The Chur<;h of J esus Christ of or St. Jaml'i< Erlsc·opal Church. ll \\'111 li<-h• ld In lhl' l'nrt11h whrre the pyrottt:hnlcs In thr Lauer Day Salntll I• apon.sorln~ H ouse wllh Sr. Ehzabt'th'• Gu1lll 1n <'har ,.,., although the roast mu~tc ltatlt a.re.obvlou11 and with· a choral prngram b y the llladrrgal beef dinner will be catl"rcd. out del"p mu,ical meaning. the SlllJ!Prs of Brrgham Y0t1ng l:n11'-?'\orman H. \\'akem&n will ~huw a rr ngram or n'llU• r C".1nada hnd 3,3!l0.000 motor VC'· t.lt'h•ll tn H!:;:J. 1'1•port.11 the Nation· n/ A11tonwb1lc Club. EXTRA Repeat Sale! A compk-te sell-out whf'a offel'e«l two weeks ago l ~ow a n<>w s hlpmf'nt arrins at Chr &amf' low priei>! lluy,.• &ad Girt'~ TENNIS OXFORDS In Arcad.- bPtw,...n St'u~ and Ma..l·faJr. Tbvrw.. 1-'-'1 .. Sat. llnl, e Rr(. fl.99 • ~a,·y • Red e pad!'d Bfor e· Mir.ea 6 to S For School anti Play. Sponge 111· 11ole, 1upported arch, cushion het'l. L.EE'S ~l-17 6 So. Main llfoll Santa Ana arl1~l lntuaed the slow amt nuance i ersity on TueadS}'. May 3 at 8. !!'> plcturu'. He Is a.n expert In t h,. 111kmg of culorecJ. f1lm1 of of M1 feelln& tor MMdtll!-.,ohn 's 1 p.m. In Orange Coft!!t College Audi· blrd1 a.nd Ullmals and many hrw1.1 bl't'n · lnro1p11r11ll'tl into • • • Ask ·Any Islander BEAUTIFUL STYLING $entollenol Jet Tunln11 dHigR fHIV••t co11c•oled PUll·OUJ entenna efld HIOU.WAY pow., cord. AND BEST OF All ZENITH QUALITY THROUGHOUT! YET ONLY 515995 THI EVANSTON '11141- ln beoutiful new Trend •tyline. Moroo" colot cobinet. Stevens & Son Trlr\'\alon Mid a..dto Jll7t Harbor 81\'d. ('Otlta Mr• l.l~rly 8-UOl joyou11 Btylr; whll" lhe C•l'quteltt torium. S<-veral 18th crntury theme In the andante w11s pl11y~d Europun madrigal' ,wrn be pro· Disney fcaturu. \\1th p~lluch1 rl<'hn,.ell. griunmt"rl. 85 well 811 cnntemporery Mrs. H. L. Oalra.ndu, C ull<I !'ha1rn1a.n, 11ak11 tha t re11 .. rva-ST1UNG~ Sl'PPORT works, folk :sOngs and secular llona be made well In advll11t't', #llhrr with her al Harb<•r 3:181, TREAT YOURSEL' TO EASJER SHOPPING The alrtllJ!I gave tine 1upport, arid wood '111'11\ds nnd horns In ln· trir&te coUJller rnuasu were tll· cellrnl. The lmp<>r tant b&uoon ptrl In the amlanle wu <-x pre:1- 1<1\•cly nnd,.red. and obi\('~ 11nd clarinet• had a vrlvrly trxlllrr. music. or 111 t hr church office, Harbor 1230. The 11tn\tws arl' lrcl by Dr. J ohn R. Halliday of UYl', fom1er a .. ststant Ccln•luc-tor of lhl' fB.moua SA TUR. DAY · M 0 RN JN G Sall Lak,. Tabt'rnacle Choir. Ad· mi111lon Lo the concl.'rl is fr<'c. The Haydfl ~ymphony Xo. 8 oprned the vanl•d program. rr- \'eAllng t.l\e cnnlrol and poll.,h or the 1lrln1t•. with A1l11.1n Wnlll\n•I, concert mu ter. p<'rfn1 m!nit to lo pa rta lmpeccably. Tht Haydn eleg- ance In tht mmurl wa.'l b!'uuU· fully polnled up, ,..Ith C"J tam oc- DOROTHEA MARTIN of Santa Monica. Rebekah Assembly president , *ill • pay her official vi.alt to,,.. Meea Rebekah Lodge oo May 3. Convocation Me~ting Sprlns:-meeting of the Long Beach Convocation, Woman's Auxt- 1Tary o( thl" E:'pl.l!Cop&l Cl\urTh. wm be hthl Ml\y 3 al St. T'etrr'1 Church. l'nn Pedro, opening B<'•· lllon fl 10 I\ m. Th(•!" atlrnihng !'hould mskr reSC'rv&Uon11, and ll'1lll11portn Lion 4TT&ngemenl~ Jr de· sired. wllh Mr!r. J . H. Rlgi;s. Har- bor 208!1. ~r the churc,h (1(flce, Harbor 12:1(1. Club's & Bridge The monthly luncheon meeting ~r.b.rn:hLclllb WU held. llut Wednuday at the Ma. h11ll In Cosln ~l <'s3. 'f'h,. 1•1ori!J1ttt'e In <'harge m~u~l<'•I ~I ra. A. A. Vor· hC'e8, C'ha1 nnll11: ~Ira. \\'11.lter Prok, Mrs. F ra.nk Keeler, Mr!\, \\', H. R:indllll a nd Mrs. CIArence A. Lytlr. FuUowUl' luncheon .the bu~lntS3 meeting wall rondu<'led by Mn . :.telwood · Btrry, prr~1rlrnl, wnh nn nftt'rnOon M cards fol· loWin~. N•wport Yaritty 1·0 1·R I\ and 10 ~TORE We Give Cro"11 8tunpe ~ Front ~8r Pier NEWPOJlT BEACH I-NEWPORT HARIOR GRANGI NO. 776 ':FARMERS Of THE SEA" FISH FRY SUNDAY, MAY 1st AMERICAN LEGION HALL I 5th end Bay Front SERVING 11 :30 A.M. TI 6:30 P.M. PUBLIG JNVI .. r I I I • "-====~i;;;====;a:;;;:;;=~==:?==;::,;;-:;;; .......... ] Four Explorer Sco11ts Will Aid At Breakfast Membu a or thl' ExrltJrrr ScoUIS, Troop 5. O&n Pierce. 1Jcnnll' Cnlo•, Douglas Long 1tnd nnnsl<I G1)nlon Jr., wOt ha\'i' eharge or thl' tnbl• ~ at the Mens Club breakf.tSl In Goodell Uni!, .Saturday, April :io , Catholic Women Slate Program, Election from 7 lo 11 11.m. Pic'rC't.• aml Cole n1oui' twa•llln•·q tiy a_n o< c-ount or Rn t ~u1r~1"n by , annc \ln"·n the (.,•1111111\d I nJ\'l'I' Oth•·r Rco11t:1 from T roop !'i who will help 1111' C:ar)' Gile~, Sle\'e Mr:-\1<'1. Bnb C111 ln..r, Chuck Rem· I I• y and \\'11yn•• \\'atson. Donald G11nl•m !';r 11 al l O\'~rsc t.' the boys. 1 t·hrfst Church hr the St.!n I'< spon- !lur of th" two !"1 oul groups. I The monthly mef.'linir or the The t h k<'l commtll"<' I <'port11 Catholic Women's Coun•·ll o! Our snlrs gomi; .:onj.l •for the brl'nkfa11t I Lady or Mt. Cannel an•! St. John whl<'h Ii. ''I" n to th" publlr to V1annty P tu18h *ill be ht'ld on "come ns \'ou ar e." A ~"'"! re· Wt>dnes•fay, Mn 4. a l l p.m. al I i.pon.~r Is inud pa\;.(1 so t~ the P1r1~h Hall. )!rs. Jtl;h.11 Glu,. I park1n~ flrflJN t may 111' ~ rrality. prl'shll'nl, h11s announCl'<l tha.t ..th<' Tickets moy l:f\' sccurrrl at the door. pf'ogram will bo )ll~hll.i;-hl<'d by 1t demonstr11t1on or nrll8llr f111wn arrangements by Mrs. John Hart- lrln n1 H111 Uem Flow1 rio. Elrctlon t1f off1rers for the nrw t erm will t111<e pllll'~-11t Ure "b\1111- ness lntrrtm. Th1•re wlll \1eo bl' a bo&rd mretlng on l.he Hme day I at 10 a m. L ~ r u n a'• nattonally known designer, manu- facturer of bl1h-1tyle Mp&ratu and dreuea lnvttia you l o dl"Ol> ln· to heP newt; o~ned retaU ahop. M&ny • x c I l I n ~ bar· ,;alns &\'a!lable 1n dLS· c<>ntinu<'d samples anil m0<1tl 1lze1 for 11pr1 ng Md aummer wur. ' I t SPECIALS fpR APRlL 28-!9-~ Don's Meats Loln J;nd PORK ROAST · lb. 55c .. ..Clrd" K .. BACON Lon« lllaad DUCKS DINER'S CLIJ.8 "_ HONORED AT "' Crog· Sho~ '' "'-.... c;irocery Depa,tment ()pl MoDt~ Cut GREEN BEANS. . .. #IOI l>l'I Mont" TOMATOES ......... • ••IOrl11tla PEARS Marllat'ILI CIDER & JUICE .. Bordo SecUona GRAPEFRUIT Ptlhlmry An ... PI Food CAKE MIX BlrdM>y" Froul\ PEAS . . DICK'S GNen Groceries •·~ ('N"ant -6-oL Clflllo <'UP MUSHROOMS Criap Tender 2 13c ROMAINE ... _..... . ,,, AVOCADOS -.. -2 .. , 27c You Select ••• We Deliver I Van dt Kamps ~ '°°' ll(AIJAST • , , SPECIALS April 21, 29, 30 &utter-Hom -~ --- COfFH CAKIS 2 ._ Jf• ROLLS •••••••••• , .... ,,, ,.. .. , t.11,. .. -'• Almond Twitt COFFH CAKE ••• 25•. 1.,.11,h MUFFINS •••••• 4 s.15• , ........... , c1- SUGAR LOAF ••• Ut • , ... _,,,_., lraft M.UFFINS •••••• 4 .. "f7• 2-Utyw Miik theco .... CAKE' • • • • • • • • • • '1fi • ,. ..... -., THE aARflET SPOT--- 200 M~RINE AVENUE .. .. It , i l I • • ' .--• I ' • ·COSTA M.ESA MAIN SC..1l00L P·TA officer'!! were se~ted lhis week. will serve for the coming year. ·Here 1L t.o-R) .are Jo.1mes,.Geofge.Parmentf"r, parliamentarian: Jack \\'ilson, publiclby; Walter Helt(!n. auditor: R;obert Haines, treasurer: Louia Mello, cor- responding secretary; llalpb Schorle, reco rding &eefC'lRI")'; Ted Neff, first ·vice-presi· Sl ")fl\"E S lllli1\KJ -Sta.f( l'hOlQ -J's Nan1e • Zo i1ta Girl dent and Don AfcClintock, preaid_!nt. -Staff Photo .._/ Mesa Main School P-TA ~ :\llJ;~ _Sun1!~·11 Sh\gakJ, C11,•l11. lfto~HI\ ltlld 11 !l~n!(>t t t !"fW· po.:irt Harbour .th ;;h 8£'hovt.. wu cho~ra, Zonta "Girl nr the M;onth " fnr ~l:irrh ~l'lf' \\·a11 prf',,...n\ed hf'r Installs. New Of.c1·cers ;;;;";:",,~;::: .. ~~ :.:.'~:~ .. :--,~~ . r I"'" I"''"''"" "'" "'<11;.m Col•· ! 01.1n, pu!.>llr11· :-1111<1 /\Ir!!. R<1!,w rt AND MRS. ROBERT F1tANK SVESKA Ollerman Photo • The ga\'C'l once more changed hands signifying ope11ing 1 <:1ub~d t~ .. ")f11lnl!nl'1R" by pto· llal'i1:11un. t~.e 111·hool 1 d,:ui ol h A ·119 .. . . r ~I . Sch I i;rarn rha1rm1n Ha'nnon \\'e!IOn, i;1t~R. of a ne"Y y ear at t e u_r1 e\'ening meeting O · am 00 j entertained l•:ith aeventl .an~~ 'si:rn1 \:! wa1 alllO cho.._n u B&nk at Costa ?-.IC'Sa. . und"' the direeUGfl or /\Ir•. Lawls or A n1~rtcH. 10)~ 11ward "''!MU veska-Paulsen ,Mrs. Don ~lcClintock, aa preaidtnt, ,•tepprd in as liirs. ~V1 r,:ina1. l~1Jdtr anJ acco~1ranfr_d rroc1 Lhc 1rhoor 11 homemall!n; rtc- Frank Chapman etcpped out. Other officers are Mmes. Tcd jby r.!ra. :>;1tl\ Fren h. pa1-1 1'1tnt .. t ·nn111dr red 11t1e c.f Ul• --• Nert f!rit vttt , pre!lldenl ; J11.ck A 80("!&1 hour tol!ov.·rd. n1o~t u1nbl\lo~~. U1lli;;ent a:1d r.1·.:i.i::· 1 1--------------· I I LoU!I -~iris in 11chool, •he 11 l•ktd Iver.on , . aecond vie• p_re11ldent '. •nd 1 ~~prct.t.1 by both 1t uUenlJI 1 Duo M-arried FERN TALK Ralph Schor-le recordlnc MCretary: Gene Boero Son llt'H\ in,,1rurtor1. She li\·r.~ , .. !th htr 1 l.o11l1 '-le~. correspoodlnc -.:n . 11~1,.,., !Toll~~ Shizu., Sh.ig-illo. plana • Is 'SLATED tary: Robert Haine•., treuW"!r; lo 11\l"n•I Co11~1 College, then gol \Valter Helton,. auditor. ·Prank Born w e'1nesday I 'o I' ( •. .c; •• nla Bwrb.-rll ca1n ru1, Chapm&n hl1tor1an. Jae}! .\\'il!IOn to runn•lelto. l.ler tra.lnln1 J,n tllete· QN TUESDA y pubhejty, and George P a rmenter. There hr a new baby enon I Q bl' tk~ .. Jn Home Rite parl!amentaria.n. Pti!lclplll Gordon at bomr. 11 t :ii:. ~targur.nll' Avl'; --·------------ Imler ffrv~ a• ll'Mltalllnr o~ttcer. Sia pound. :, oUflee lo'r.n<"lli Joaeph li:art h wlth her thouand Sharing the ~po1!l1ht With nr•w BoeiCJ ... a,, born \\'edncs<l.1y ll'li.;ht p1.,,1...,.~ u .. d. On a month's le<ive or absence, Lt. Robert Frank Svcska, stationed wit h the. U. S. Air Force "at Landstuhl Air Fol'(e Bue, Cerma ny, flew tn Costa Mesa, was marri t>d in a pretty home ceFemony to ).l iss Dorothy Pau'lsC'n, had a California honeymoon and fie"· back to his base. ~tr. and ~frs. l<~erd A. Jaeobl!en of Om11ha. ~<·b., "'ere., no••Jl dre.111 a nd l'otr11. J11eobtlen here to lief' th•ir »on l'XcOOni;e chOllt! a. navy llhantuni MUI , Poth fine• and.\'<)WR w1th thl' 11an1:htcr wdr11 .,.•hite carn11thJna. :..!Pmberl'L of Mr. and l>lr~. F red JI. )'11uJsen, 1 of Lh<' lm'"1edh11e famllie11 were -~ Sant R l ~a 0-:1 St., Costa !To!e!<ll. P.r"~ .. nt und wcrf' ur\"t'<I "'f'ddlng Sylvia D. 1..-athenn&n.-of El )lon;e, an authority on fern cul!ur.-.. is 11cheUuled t o be t he 1~aktr or the f'Vf'ning 1t l he ht'XL r~i;ular 1nonth.ly mei!'tlng o ( the C Ol!lllL !Tol es1-Ba:y C1Ue11 J.:ranrh ol the Calltom l11,. National Fuchsia Soc1et~· May 3 at 7 :30 P-n1. in the Everett A. Rea School · auditorium, comer of llii'll!llon a nd ~lryer !:il1 .. Cost.a !Tolesa. ofticer11 WU Ii pant\ tliKUSlliOn to l.!rs, G .. ne ~ro Ill Hoa~ H O-'· • ·-SalrLU+'! rroup which lnc!uded ?.1r1. Doro-pital. Ar..,or,.hni; to the 11ffll"1le --'------------- thy \Vhltaker. !Tollu Ann H oapu .. rather the bahy 11nd n:iott .. •t l'to- Ch.iaholm Bro .. ·11, an<! t he n ev. 111nna air bulh do1ni; f1nr. The PRull'L• o home "'I\..'> del' .. rlll· l·ak(· 1u1d rhan1pai;11e 11flrr the ed "'ith li t0<·k1t, i'la<lioh nnd \\'l'<I· e!ght o·,·to<:k l'"remony. IA"ndlng d ln11 bells. Th;• ,:ouple ~tOO<I b---aitl "'rr,. '"''o :<i"'t .. r.s·JO·l11w cit the fore the rio .. ·u-banke<I !!rtpln<'" a• bnrl ... ?ilni, f.'r1'.d 1'11111. ... -n J r. 11n11 tli• Rev. Hny A. Carl."On (lt'rfnnn-)lr'1t. Robert 1-l. Paul~'""· f'd the Cl'n•n1ony. AT \IU!l'Tf:llF.l• It t: lll.l:f: l.Al't; ~-. )ltlll'L Paulllen wore ,. drt•s.• ••t n onnu1g a poY•d'.!_ ~,1011 . l'Ollt j ;'.,lr1r. LeaU1em1an•11 hobby I!! eo!lecUng ff'rn• from all 01·er the "'orld and th••n flndLnic uul all about the 11p«i{Jr tern. !T.!111. JAatherman "'Ill di•· cu• ft'nui. the.Ir cultllr• and 1111e, •nd demo1U1t rate "'llh ~ 11ptt!n1rn plant• and tronda. Sp«lflc llOll requlremen\1, feeding, planting, f'le., "''!II 11l1to ~ eo\·ered. \'uteUr.11 or fem• and l'uch· • 11!11• Will fill th• fl\&nl h1 ble thla monU'i. Two tema wl~ .. 11oardf'd u ·($Oar prlu a. lte- frf'l!hmenta "'II be ae~'ed. Ad· le,. blue hicr over llllf••ta "ilh I over. tier bridal 1ro,.,·n. !he new d'ri,ped bod!l'I' &nd ~}11rt In \'C Ck• '.\1.1111; S\'l'~ka· Ir{\ \\'1\h ht'r hUl'Lban<I tllil Je.ng-th At her anoulrler ,.,..,.11 for a honeymoon &L Monterey a nd coruge, of t "'•o while or<"hldll 1U1d •C11rmtJ. SJlC.\\'U grarlW<ttd /ruin h'llr litllf' h11.t .,.,u or while 11aun I Harbor High School rtn,I l-"Jn~ with a blue vt'il'. Sh,. .,:~l'L att.,nd-Br11rh Slate' Cnllrgt, 11 pre~n\Ly r.d by hrr slsltr. )Ir'!. Onnald I t,.ac:hln,: at Huntington Ueach. J•eobi of c 11sta .\IP"'4., "'ho .,.·ore \Vhen 1.:hool clo&es Rhe will 1:0H<1o a blue 11n ,.rnn.;in Ur~~~ /\!HI f\ rnr. Grrmany to join h,.r hu~band. 111-------------- •age nr ... 1111~ c:i.rnatiQrw; I &Choola w~re ~·hiders P rr.p11ratory M • Grooms11111n "''ft I.I r. Ch11 rJ~!I F. Sthnol. \\el'L~gton .. D. C. &r1it1C_D ___ Y_O_Uc..T_H_S_ Schwager nf Shf'n nan O aki , unrl,. Cn!ver~lty or Omaha, where h,... or lh,. hrldl'1troom .,..,, .. ntf,l1atr.t wi th P l Kappa Al N<-Pau1~ .. 11 """'" 11 blue •fter-Alf)l1a Jame• Strw11rt, "·!lh r.1r. Imler a3 modtr11tor. l'ASl:L 11.IJ:~IE Subject .,..aa "!\tcetutK the splrl- tuar. emotlon11l a nd aoclal n~tds ot ehlldr<"n.'• To quote a !ew ex- erpta '"f°h11dren _.hould M taui;ht not wh11t to think. but how to think." "T he thrt e H1 are not l!f!OUj;h, a .. the mental, emoUonaJ and phy1lcU cannot 'be aeparate-d. Ofltn • ch!ld'1 emotional problem ntlllil be llOl\'ed betor• he ""an graftl) th• menlal!" , ·Pledg-e Of 11ll~1:l•nce ......., '8d by cirlt of Scout Ti-oop f9, Edith Hor- ton, Cuolyn Gl,lbert, Cappy P"oa· !t r &nd Na.nc:y fl~ed bJ.' Mr'9. Atlee, Dobb«k. JUOST PAJ;lE!\"Tif Mr1. Dorothy \l.1hlt.a.ker"t room won the prise for mo11t p!Utnt at · tendl.OCP. The fifth !Ind 1tath ~t ehorua. Music Festival Sponsor Camp Fund ~~.~=~Kl~~~~~~, .... Harbor Art Exhibit Has Many Mod.ern .Pain_ tings ,2?.,:~.~~~~~'~"m- Prr.dom1n .. n11y m(l•ftrn a n1I \'try 1 rompo!!tl<Jn or about t he •ame mt r camp. young ~le of the. r ood. That. in a nut ~hl'll, 111 d»-~1;i:<', a ro"· or r005terll, "'hlch Art-Corona de! :>!11 r Church a re to •crlptll)n of !he t•·nth annual :-_:c""· i~t FtnY Chui.:" rsll1t Gay Bl11Je.11. lsponllOt a pubUc breakra11t on Sat- port Harbor An Eah!b1t "·h,!ch !\.or"' M1lll"r 11how1 Toa.~ Ch\l-111 rday, J un .. 4,. at Co1111t S uper· opened ye111erday 11t the hJgh 1 tlrcu and Dorothy i!klar hM. t"·o market. 3437 Coa11t HlJ:h"''>"· achoo! ryn1na.~1un :. It lR hr r11r .._..Q"",.!Jan<I 11cet1;;11 in \\'h1ch her guy I There "·ill not only be p lenl r tfie bt'•t y••t held. 1 :ond 11n1u~1ng l'hlldr,·n are at phty. to eat. pro\'ldtd b,Y the too.I In· The Ji.iry,. l>al;i:el/ Ha~t!e!d. Jot.!1 'ryru_, \\'on&'• Rainy S unday 11 an du11tri. but th~re "'Ill be enter- In ·ing Br11~dt urnJ Doug!111 I.le· 101nlert.'11tini;: n11rrl11gl' of a New 1 tll.ln1n,•nt and local n1errh&r1ta ·.,.'ill Cltliiln, ga,·e pt11·ch>1J1c fl\\'aN!Ji .to En1i Laod-hX•' church "'Ith Japo;lnese donate door pri;i:r.1. tv.·o plclurt'B Ill! ht tie aJ!Xe a.a could 1,.tylr. It \\'1lll l'lC~lltded an honor-r-·Bettty Shannon, preiddent of be ltn11Klnrd. HoJ;er Kunti' 11on1bt-r, "ble nl .. ntion. Thera l• a crool 1pat -gr"Oup. la In 'charge, 11idN . b~· dark l"iazia S11n 1'>111.n:o V."G~ the t,.r L1111<1~,·"J"lt' by Huth Cndn1&n , G~orge \\'eedon. Mli \\'Pncly Gr u- oH 11tleel e\l .,.·hil<' Lh>' 1.1•a.tr r 1·0\nr a kl\'f'I}'. Call r11ole )!adi;inna by well. All mtnibfotlf h1n·r. tleXr ta !(1 vhwr . of the Coata )Ir.a& .choola. &nnowices the annual •Pring Music Featlval Ydll be held at Everett A. Rea School a ud!tof'lum on Fri· da.y cv<'nlng. !T.tay 6. A varied pro- gram of voct.1 and tnrtrmnenu.I mush.'. togethf't wlth folk and square dancing roul!nes w UI tie pteHntetl. .Jolo•t oft.hr. program w ill ~·pra- 1enUd by' Rea •htdf'nta >11·1t h in· atnimPnt11ll1l1 ftnm othrr achooll joining In !he Coit& M:t!&I. AU School• Orr"h~•tra. Tlcketa a.re now on .._le. The pro1,.'Tam "''Ill b9 rr.- pt'llled SaturUay evtnlni;. M11y 'l, tr t he prrlll'nlation pr<i ves popula r. Gtne IWrr> •«all ton11e r!y lh1 operlltor o! G<"n~·· K;_•11aurant and liaXer:v, in Coronl'L. dl'L !Tolar 11n•I wn' one of th11t areas 11rst n1,n•h11n1~ \\'ht/\ he MJIU hi! b111;1nrl;Jl he went to his b1rthpl~"" 1n· ltllly \Vhtr,. he 01et and ma~M··d !lltll. B.wro She arri\'ed _ln L:alJ/ornla jl.l!I "I few months 11i;o. · P eoplt who 1.rr. lat• a.re often \ '° much JO!lh r th:i.n th e Jll'cflle Wbn h.a1'e to wait for them.-l!l"'V.I Lucu ..- • land1'C11~ by l '11u~ G. Riva.a l~ 110 ! P.uth" J.,, O..good. J1ell, or they m!!:12!-!!.!illlntli.-a.t.. ~BE-~SURE -..-fNSUR E-11---~- a tte-no+ated 11111,1.-1~ MIM.:lel)I '1~e(J-Ohn J•, Leeper'• i'il;'UT'l!'9. '-a t11~~l'fi'i1~h ofrrcr. • than " brr11.tll Ln color. I 11trnng ro111Jl()J11t1on or t'wo Ne· 1-------·-------- ·rhere .i;ir\! n ~·"urle or 11l<'f''k l'lln-~rw~. °"'·~IL JP~eT\'•d an honorable IW\'erul recent 11hO"'"· Plllllia SXeJ. 1 v11.1111e..' for th1,J1t who prrf;-r I ht 1 n1ei1t111n. Sn 111."0 did J~mrs Coup<>r lt>n hu 11. gay Balboa Eut•r tr-adilional 11 n<I !he n1o<le1n5 co\·tr \\'nght'1 Cahbllg<i Fir1rl \\'Ith a Wef'X "'" MAt:RIE !!iTA!\LEl' lnRul'anl'e Only Pbone Harbor '!f'f ISl.i t:. t:out Jlla;h"·ey Corona dt l Mar •o Wide • tftrli.<' th"t 111'11rlr P\'cry. \l••,;:..r\\'d plou,ch in 11 w1•t forc-1 Pu~le of the Jlhow at<'m~ to ont 11hOUld rind 1101nrthin~ lo l'ld·j J;:rPUOll an•l raln cloud" 11bO\'"· be RullUlrl Rela.~· lc1ru.s A11cend·l ~;:;:;:;:;::::::::::::::::::1 . mire. Pk k1nJ,! fRv•··rll t'., ""111 br. f\ Fan11l111.r mu1n•.• Ar•' rm many Pn· illg. Ca~un.l 11ludy lrd one to won-! I ]>(!r11onal aff1ur. I Irle,.. Phil D1k~ hu tw" LLltle pit'· df'r whether 1e11ni!I "'118 fn truth The w nt,.r r h°"" t"'·o \·ery op-lure11 of 111ul1xo11u, Ht :o; anti J oan Mcendlng, whelhtr the 11un had po111\e aubJl'rl.I!' -IA'Ona.rd Kap-1 Jr\'Jnlt" llra.ndt are rPpreat nted. Id& nJrrady melted wax of hia w tn11• lan'11 \\'r .. ,.\111 0<1 p a11 ghltra. " 1 •,.•kin11 ha11 IL pltu in,i:: wafer col-11nd he wu plunging towarcl thf' whtm,.Jca l. •·ltin 11ext1•1!\' 11ith "r. !II<>~~ HP11.•'h 11./1<1 Kathrrlne ~<'•. nr If he hRd lnach''-rtPntly Ir.a.!)' t rr•~f'~. whlrll wu uttrrly 1 Knnx "n!rrf'r\ ·u uar a F'rnm t he betn hung upside down! l l'ii h<'en delightful. 111111 " ~trf>111<, hr11l1Al1\ H~ii.hl~. "'h1rh h>l-'I b<'f'n hung in lmo11on to hRppen. , , ,_ < ' - I I For coJ,D.fort you can depend on: : An electric ra nge ... better cooking rfsii(~ always - a.nd anlomat icallu!. An ~l.edric water hroi.er. ~· hot water a !ways-· 1 anli irtilomali.ca/ly! I PARKES -RIDLEY MORTtiARY Fnnnerly ORA t:t:I. l 'HAl't:L 110 Brolld"'a y I-Cotta M- 1.(bf'tly A-S4SS_ ~d 8-S4S4 . • Key word for the best . -- in living: \ I 0. .. ~ """9t M ttll4 SL ~~ liOUSE lflALLEll IN!>U"J1,J'l'C1. AN\"WliE.IU!. L "-. [•1-•1• " NEWPORT IEACH " -. ; ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS _,.,pART 11 ·PAGE l THURSDAY , APRIL 18 , 1q55 ENLARUl.Sli oe- -SAl..E STAKTS Tltl'RSIJA:\· During this remodeling sail', \\' if(' r~uC'ing our entire stock of all lf'ather , tionslly -1td\'l'rl l~ shoes f or ch ildN'n, Al.I~ SALES f 'lNAL ' 1-tlll'r !(a~" D~nllnu...t J", IS. Kl'dr11·,.,. ''al, lo J.,,9:'1 51'7 \\'0 011 .. n'• !<'nmm,.r 1o1..,..,,.1. s2n \'a.I, lo ff.II:'! "·-n•1 and bl& Ofr(R' Mnnu--r S•11dal- a11<I t,at• \'11.I. to '6.91\ ~pW SttH'X M.EN'S A~·o ll'OMP:S'~ DRl!SS SHOES ·• • • • 10"/o Off r.";::ular Stock KEO GOOSE A!li'l> 1.1\.Z\. DOSES CHILDREN'S SHOES •• 10"/o Off MEN'S WORK ·SHOES. 1ocro Off ·t·IELD a "'F.l.LINOTON BOOTS •••• • • • • • 10"/o Off CBJ.LDll&N'K AClll; COWBOY ·BOOTS •• 10"/o Off 0--..1'11_. '.'i11raM"9 t. DA!li'll:I. GKl'it:S SA TIN SLIPPERS • • Only $4.n SO R.t:DllL'TJON9 ON .AgQUJ.AR 8TOC '& V. L &EDI. -· .... ..... , .... High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Our Th,...Rln1 Clocut el C.oli .. bill Hur·ry. Hur-ry, Hvr-r; 10 our wit IP!ow of Jiffon-N.vobfnds• bv Cor1er's. Th•v ore IO right-fOf your~tld-of r~~a ·doodle ocroboh. No binding. No chafi11gt 5.,,...., without ironing. Arid " lh•ir g'owing roont lash. Y•s Slr·••I Corler'1 collons ore Cort•r-S•t ••• th9l' will not ,hrlnl ... ~ .-. it .. i.wlte ---Oiik•-011 Jlfl-N..-Mllld .ai,,. witti Olello111d"'8 !OJ*. &lrth 10 , .,....; e.-.e. ~ 90'll'N wllti Hoftdy·Cufl1 10 11111 ~tj, .. ....., ~"lilln., lirth to I yr. 11 .81 .... ... _ l9h. 6 llOL to J Y"" 12.00 ,~e 10'8 end Trt .. po11t1. fly lrDlll of ... ~9fyl .. l-tD lyrt.. f6o to .1.00. Ct.....-...._~·-~ 5tro• .,. ~ .. ••to 2 riw. 12.11 . , I - EWPOR . OllM:r•Wt:fr Ii~ i ~. I -. ,_ z. ···~· __ .. ) .. ,. --NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -THURSOA Y, APRIL 28, 1955 • 1?_~ 1 L P2 MAlllT WITH . SALLIE SOmetlm-l thlok I'm dt'ft'~tinK my purpot.e \ • • An)' r-Hen•blaace between this and·. typical ooluma for a Groc.-ry Swa:e l8 pul'\"· if lnddHtal ••• Thl8'1>elng National Baby \\'ttk ••• Apdl SO thru ~lay 7 ••• I'd llke to try out my cuUnary talt'nlAf to aeU a holdle for $1500 locludJog a double Jtarage 'with an · additional 10 x 20 room a.crotts .the back . . . It la a very nice Uttle white ranchy type ho~ with a ahln,led f'OC)f 941d broad' porch acro!lf the ~k and front ... WcaW near the Back Bay .... It hu to be moved to ~fl room for a new 8trt'let ttiil•s ,.~ ln ••• Call me Barbor 2828 for more lnfonnatloa. National Baby Week should '1>8 cogitated upon by all of us •.. Becawie that's the way we aU started, isn't it? Now lend ~~~ ~------------------------------...... ________ .;;.... __________________ --;.._ __________ ..,... ________________ .._ _________ ..,.... __ -,.. __________ ~~.-. ,,. . RICHARD'S has .. the biggest, bestest, and ywmrnlest 1 foods in all the whole wide world. They're better than aU the rest at.cause thef're the freshest and lite finest anywe..re. Everyon~rin_9 your wagons to Richard's this wfflcend-Their treats.JIN the best. . NATIONAL _BABl_W_EEK APRIL 31-~ay 1 Open '!ffl 7:00 p. m. Thandays, Fridays & Saturdays ' • . can.atloe -For lalaat F~ EVAPORATED MILK ........... ~.: 2 for 23c SfRAiNfD)ooo ... m•·m ~ 6 , .. 45c CHOPPE0-"1000 .. --~ ·6 ... ·65c , -- SURPRISE SHOWIR - for tbfl n"t "Bally W""'k" l'laltf bona ~t Hoe« MHtloriaJ HoapltaJ from your"Baby N.,.. S'oppllf'f"' of thf' SPWport • t'ot1ta M~ IShnppln,l Dl11t rt r t .. RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET VINCENT'S LIDO DRUGS LIDO TOYLAND GERHARDT'S STUDIO REINERT'S FITZPATRICK N•WPORT OJ:PT. 8TORJI: THE BRAT SHOP J. W . REINERT'S OOSTA M£8A DEPT. 8TORJ: , . . - an ear if you're expecting around April 30 or know of anyone who is! T o the finit 1ml baby born at the Hoag ~ Hospital during National Ba· <ffrber'• or Swift'• -St~ or ~opped 2 37C BABY MEATS . ····-·-··--· ····-······~ for PRIDE AND JQY See T)Mt Gitt'• oe Dhoplay at tbto Abov11 Mforn _ _;,.,_;;;Jllk~~j ...._~~~~~ ... 1 by Week ... Commencing Saturday morning at 12 :01 A.M. April 30 throui:h the next Saturday night at mid· night, May 7 ..• wilJ go the Ill following ... Slx mont.M supply 1or c:aaned milk of the mothf't'a choice· from u" • . . Ri<-h> arcl's ••• A high chair from th~ Brat Shop ln Cottta Meta ... A ('()Olplfte lay- f'ttfl from RelMrt's ln Cos- ta Mella ••• The DettMal'Y amount of diapen from .~ln.-rt's . Fitzpatrick in Newport ~h ... A baby <'&r IK'at . Pride'a Joy, Cotita Mesa ••• A free pboo-to~raph f r m Gerhardt St udlois . . . A lal'ltfl box of a..~~·t'd b.aly gad~et~ and toyM ·from 1~1do To~·land ••• A· •·orm-u-law·ttt> ·(bottles, nipplt>M, bnu~hes, etc.) pins • a stt-rlU2n from \'lnoent's DrugM ••• All of thHt' ltA'ms will be displayed in our front lobby .•. I might add that the first abop and the last thrt-c afore· mentioned are all from our group of Lido Shops wherein there is no · 'baby shop . . . Aren't we lucky to have so many nice friends wit h baby shops close by? To all ~·ou f'xptttant mothenJ who want to han your hair Pf'rm&ne~ted up and your mui§ find bf>fott you ta.ke to tht1 hospital ..• Please note the n.-w loca- · tlon or Udo Salon of Beau· ty, dll'f'CUy acros" from our ParklnJt Lot ... S.t l!l New· port &ole\·a rd . . . · · Booklets of Interest being given away during National Baby Week ... "You and your Contented Baby" from ~­ nation ~tilk . . . "Bab 's Book." "Recipes for T · dlers.'' "Foods for Baby and Mealtime Pl'ycbotogy." "~­ cipes for Special Diets'' from Gerber Produrts Company .. This mil(hl he as good a ~ as an\· t o clt>ar up Canned Milk! Tht• <Hffrr- f'n<'f' betl\~N>n Enp<irotf'<I and Condenl'tf'd ... t:,·apo- ratf'<I haa 60 Pf'rct"nl of the watt•r takf'n out ••• Con· dt>nM>d hu the watt'r tak· en out and 8llgar add('() •.• Baby Foods! Strange n.s it m"ll\" ~m. we've had them since back· in 192i wherein Gertx-r and Clapp start<'d making thf'm a\'ailablc in dnrg Rtores .. , \'egetablcs 1 ,II sold for 15c anJ anything ~ with meat in It sold for :?5c I , • . . Now those of ... you who ' can rememb<-r the price of ~nae<.: things in l!'.\27 can realize! that they were definitely a luxurv ... Now look at them I •• " E\'crythjng froflUIOUp to , ,11 teething b1scult8 for the mere ~ pa88ing of the ealm with a few cents . . . Cs>mpar?o to the other f<>Pds-«nd their priCt" rat.Jo to rear 19~i ... I'd sav Ba by FOods art> Mom'11 best investment for keeping the budget ·~heel baJanc~ .. Karo. Red ~1-Vwd i. fonnu.Ju 23C SYRUP . .. ..................... ·.~ . .101uuM>• • .loluMloa 1 53c BABY POWDER .. : ........... o&. ... -~ . -. .lobAMMI • Joaa-4ne BABY OIL .. ···-·······-··-·····--~o~· 1- • iUiiiit ............... ·-····-·-·--··-···~ Ste Ev~ryooe'• Favorlk 2' 3 NUCOA ·····~--·-··· .,..,, c C & H Powde~d or Bro-1 ftc SUGAR .......... !.'..·-·--··· Jb. u- Laura Scudder 55· C MAYONNAISE .... quart Lau,.. i;cacWer . , 55c PEANUT BUTTER ......... ~~ p,.rfed 8GM-8tay. ~ -Lonser 7· 7c . COFFEE .. ._. _._ ... ____ . __ ... J~ Kr&fl'• -Qllaf't ••• '9c--... ·-... , 27c SALAD OIL ···~···--·····--.. plot .. c lSaMAC'O " . 33 RITZ CRACKERS ·--·--lb. Kera'• 27 -··APPLE BUrtER .. -.. ~. !~ c -: ,__..Betty Crocllf'r -Twill Pack Spedal c.HSC.ERBREAD 2 4& MIX . _____ .~!~ fOf 7- Fresh Grown for Energy Go&(lea Ripe, QeatnJ A.DM'rican "~ " BANANAS -- 2 --. CuCiiiiiiRS 2 • lb•. 25c for l9c ,__.. _________ ~~~~------~··-~--~~~~~--~-· ---- 1 Desert Kblg • Deglett Noor DATES lb. pkr· l9c Fresh Baked Sweets ' TH\J'R$DAY ~----~--~ .... " FRIDAY ------~~-----. SATt"RDAV_,,, __________ _ . 6 '"r l7c IArJe ti...Ufu& Coffee '1ftc: CAKE .. -....... : MrhL1- ao-Mrr1 .. r/'IJ' , , CAc PIE .... -·-··-·-······ MCJI"' "I. - Fftft('b ROLLS ·. ~.23c IREAD __ ........... ..... OtOCI. Malled MUk t.a1er 97c CAKE ·-.. . M('.11 • ' You'll find a Udo Shop ..... Rlr hanl'1 no•· stays Opt'ft UU 7 y.m. Thun.., Fri. ~ Sat. . . . ff f'rfl UDOlljlt tJM. Udo ShOJ"' at the ,..~ to Udo liJlt ••• SPEClALS F0& APRIL %3, 29 Md SO, 1N5 \ Frozen for Later Ubby'• t'ruu n Red 25 Raspberries . . ..... 10 ot. c. Ubby'11 Froa.ea . 2 'Mk Green Peas 10 Olt. ror 1.1- • • u1>t>1'• c 1toppec1 c,r ,,,., 2 29c Spinach .. .. 10 co&. for Cutt.ar;" 2 23 Waffles .• .,.eJc ,.,r c Minute Maid T-cffflMl or 2 27c Orange Juice :, 1iw chid&~i=::2 .-47c Richard'•' Sllerbfot er 7ac le• Cream ....... -.... ~. pl. 7-;;; Fancy Goodies · Int r1Hl.,ir1 11,. I h ... \';.,, O.C·ar Mayf'r HAM & CHEES~ CHUB . knd lbe 1"f'w o.c-.r· Mayn DINNER •OLOGNA CHUB JUr~rd'• t'l'f'll'h T APIQC~ PU DD IN<; oiANGEMARMALADE . ·~. ;:;]9c ' . c'iN'N°AMoN ROLLS .. _\ __ ,_.·.~~.:"i19c Todd'" t•aMnrr l'ltylr-t-rMtb · 23 COnAGE CHEESE ·-···-···--·····-·· "'"t c Bone -uilding Treats "T t rid.-r 1111d To.,1,11 ""'" R1rh B ro11•11 Grnq/' Rit hard'l\ l'. S. Choice 43 ~-~O~E ~~A~~ lb . .'. c "Serr,, 11'llh pol•1IO"ll r111d Jrr~lt 1 "f1"1t1h/1 ~" O:BONE ROAST lb. 53c "TJ1/tnu1ot V"tlh Frr11rlt /"¥'· &11/ml. r111d /ru{ Tr•1" iii'iC:ii~Ns "For.Oft Grode· R,.111.tn r or Th ir~" Rath'8 RIM'khaM•k • -~--,- 1b. 59c SLICED ·BACON lb . ''Con• Ft<d·Pvr' E:l'IAt"" PMk" 1'ath'• Blllekhawk .SAUSAGE • .. 1-lb. roll • • J. I , I· 1 .. • ' ... ---•::--• ··----,. ' • ... • .' -.. • ' : . .; ... ,~. ' ASSIGNMENTS J%NNOUNCED FOR A~EA 1 8~km•h. GoN C•IJw•I!. >!;kt m•k. Jono '°"""·' ftoonlo Cluo, • . C!"11~n•·e, 1'11,1, \ 'r•'l-'Lun .. n J1 i• 1·~11n11t'1l Ha n\'f'll; :\I ll•" JnJt·•n1, -· l.."UrL•~ JuH r urti. l'aul Full KrHll Jll•'"bJ. Kon11111 K irby. ltnb·· . • • J .. ,1 /H0U>of(HI ••• \1 1• lot I h ll, l't "\'' "' 1 I ~•U\'lf'l", •;u·~'"" La l'Pr1f'. O.ry -M· IDGE-T SU1M·· _M .. ER .. 'BAS.EBALl. N. INES ·J ::~:-s:;,.~.-~.~·;;~~·:.~ .. ::~: ~~: :::;;::'.": .. ,~:::t ,'',:!~;;-:, :,:~:: .r _ _ _ ~tl 1:1.a11i·y,•r. ft.""1rl ~ll1•1· i 1ar· ll,,....,, T··r" Smtih, Ch•rtf• TIJ'Oll'•r, -<>Iii ....,n,.•rio <!'\on Z1n1 .. r11 • • Albf.•L \Inn Hurfn111,., M1.:h•l'f ' , "' · ' · · I TlR•l'll : Flrtl prw.l't1t• Thiir•· \\'h11 .. 1i .. Jrf l'iiul R.,..y \\'rlllan1 •• Alf~ Gl'.lnlt'I.. llk hard u:.c'.kwood. •lay, May !:Z, II ~O p.m l.A1'ry H11~· . Fl I T ouh for c· T . Set Bob No1·1·1 J lntn1y Pnq.iy, Dtvht b.•·. S k11• Cr•nk 0 11)' I. i;·u~ .... 1-na ry -~· R•u. G•ry,th•bt-rl. O.Wfdn Sn}·· -n111.~ .\~ontlll ,.., ...... 11 ... Toni 1;111-MESA . . _,..;,.,__ I d~r. Hait \' St11nton. Marlln R nia,,, \ •yn .. l'l•d!IQ('k, Ja•k Har-Oft ........ day al. Corona de M• TaylPf". c11"1 ron.1 \\'1!1i ai.1'0•'<'. J ohn Hul~r1 1'hko! Lut .. •.1 UPHOLSTERING -. _ -_ Giant!: Flr•l practlc~ Monday. n11 ~· Pau l ,\t11rktl11in. J unmy ?>Ir-• ci •I ,.....,., , Notlces"of aa1gnii1ent'to bueball teanui in the Huborf>l•y 9. 8:30 p1n Ok ky Ht•u-C11 nJh~h ~~m•'E"l"°n.OeMl'-ll-Lltwrt1 "-4,?•I . _ · -C h11rl<'1.., "te1111u11:. Bo b )ilc"t•h•n~ ,.,. lll#rt a o - ' C t._·-~ -[ -1( ro.9.f'eh•mp, Don111J.H. 'Br1nd<tn. Dou~ r~rrl ~?n, S:1nlth Ton1n1y T i.-tl<'r -u&O N•p Ml~IMT• ·~ Are& Midget~· 8 , and ~·~~ ~ent ?~~th II wee t~ 1., C'arl110 n, ~11'\ffln_ C~nu~y _l;lis.11. \\'lll~~niMI_~, :Utvrn ' ,~·11.y: _ _ __ _ _ _,,,...__-60Yi. to oliliiiln_a1:e Uie ex.hauit:1ve.evaftiil1?in prograffi"launch--Ou•ty n1r n~1J "H~ti•l!I P111•111 f'htllii• A \\'a (ia .. ·rorth ,•-·"'l"""" ..................... .._ THl8 IS BOXING!'-How's this for a double knockdown . In Tuesday night's ring c"hampiotl4hiJ)ll at Harbor High ? Somebody had to wi n lhe bout'. so RefCrce D. R. Blue ·prepares to help the worthy: adversaries to their feet. They are.Bob \\lindham and Jerry ~ battling (or the ligh\Weigh{ title. After Blue ,got 'em straightened out or this me•, Windham went !;In to cop the official's nod :-~t~ff Photo •.. .PUNCll AND J UD\''! -Nope, Jack MU8Slcman, left. and Dennis Dalebout .. A nd what they're doing ia battling for the Harbor High log riding championship Tuesday night in the campus gymnasium. The daring Arizona bareback ridirig sport ranks as one or the minor Athletic endea\'ors on the campus. N othing minor about the lumps you gel out of It, howe\•er. Jack had more muscle, man, so· Dennis lost the boUt. -Staff Photo ed two weeka ago. Alter a. thorough screening o ( all·ca.ndi· .. '""',: ·0~"1 Oicll•0~,., ',r~n-0n,"'A"1•r,1 \\"hit• So\lc: 1'.,r,.,t IH•rtlr,. ''"e•I· tl • 11nn<.1n, I\\', ~nin•I'. 1n + , T_.j,,a ••. ,, • dalea, the (OUowlnf 1electiona-W,re made: 168 boys were J onell. ?.llrh~'l'l L<'nn\,.,, Dirk Pl't·'""•d1t~'. ~la,v l l. 8:30 prn. U~b Ar· .... ., ••• ,..~1., .. : 1Mlped to elglll cl ... "A."'\e•m•: May 13; 1 :SO p.m. J ln1111y -i\d•rn,.,, Ur. John c, Porter. Kenn..-th Rob-, ch<')'. H.""O'-Br(I"""· Cork~~ 1-.Uiot t, j • ..,. ,~. • 240 boY.I were a11t1ned lo 12 ··e" Dtlrrell BrQOk.i, \.\'•yne t;u1111~1l. e1·1..1. Alln )f, S11wJ<ie , St""'" ~h•r· ~!~}' ~11111("!.•, J ._.hnnie Lin•~rl',j team1: •and SM boYI to 2t "C" Stuart Cooper. D•Yld crr!ght on, rri11n, r.nnnl,. Tibbitl!I, Doug,T nipf>. J 0 11 l.~uw .. ll. Rith•l'rl ~L H11~•· team1, Eddie l<°'r$dt'tle. 1'1oyd G11rdner. Hoxl'r z~1glf'r. , ,11rn1<A · Hirt. 1'l lt'hlf' Hrrnutn, .-Co ,~ M T-" I H _.,., :""-L" H ! -l h1trlf'll K•'WL~h. U.rry 1 ..... -rf'm"<' B<:ly• In ...,,, rona r• ar. ""'' y luuOCOi, n t-nl Go. g.10 11, l n<ii•n~.: Fir.at pnirlicf'. )Ill' 10. . , , , • , BalbOoa 14!1.nd •«•will have a John Hubbard Gerald Kllllng~r. ,..__ ,._ , · li "r"'l<i_> '"'"'ni ,C.t-rry :o.1 .. rt111. Mlkt . " , •. , , 1 • Ul'&<\ll y, 6 3u p.1u. GeorJ(t Adarr11<, :'>lrC"llrty, F'l"l'J !.tcS"'l \'nr-. lt••n•l<t I 0 final tryout for Clau C' l.am.1 J ame• P. McM1h111. r,ug ="'"" -H.k h•rtl U11l..--.o: Gc'Ot "•' Brown I! J • • . · \ p .,.. · . ,. • r-Jounu•, ~nl<'ll l'Jolf••r"''"· J~ffr,.,· • ne:ii:t Saturday at 10 a.m . al corona bitry, Ronald Palmer. ad,. t rry. Leon lll'rdM>n J t«·k Oarpenttr ,,.1 ., 1 · , Y If ' Bob s' I Bob · ' ' ·"' •'•·rn~, .,u1r h \\'11 CUL V...na lJ GOING AB ROA.,? dill Mar outh Center Ba.eba J . Pa~r!C'k Rou:ii:. leg<:. -Dt>nru-' Caqwnt,.r,~Jo"hn Covauh. YtrneU. • :. Fltld. by "IJiterbalham. J.llltt H fll1g110 n, G1tr\' l..o~·t";' J&r!ll'~[ . . ' Other boy• who failed to a ltend "B" l.001' TEA!llS ~l •rtin(\ile J ohn P;if'•I J 0o>I Qui-\ankrr: F'lrat pr11.ctH·r ' Thur•- All )' of the orlJl-n&I tryout.a m ay Athlell_i:1: Fir•l pra.cTlce •tay 12. rnl , LA.rry .Robbin~. D11n~y R"JC l'r-.1d•}', "I•)" 12, 6:30 p.m. l,.rry Allh · r•-'•ter "1t the Harbor Boy:•' Club J,,,.,,., <. ,.,,,1,1 .. , .. Ro•• I •. 5:;;;.-0-1 .. , .... by, H1chard l:h·u}:11P•l. G<'rlit C"r-"'' Thurllday, 7:1!> p.ni. Bill Bl1111w, ~ .. ·1 u"' and wlll get a chance to _tryout Denni.a Brook•. Gary Dunn. A!•n Roll.er! Tu·r•l•l<'ll. K'1nneth \\'11lklr,., I liter in the month. Gott Elldie Hia!I Airt111n 1 Hot t-J11<'k \\"!l~on. RU"11<.'ll -Youni:-. . . · · I . . s,"'"E o:o. .t.l"TO 1:0.s. "A" l.l:A.Gl:I: C'Lt:M man. J <:rry Kt.lla ... ·ay Tommy Kil•· Pir•le$: f."K""'l practirr: Thur~- Br1vel4 l"irst pracLice. TueMlay. tortt. H 11 Knlt:hll'n, 'n11.v1d \'.Lou-rill)', J.!11_'.I 5. 7 ;l !'.> J1.n1. Terry Ciro•ru, s11•0 • ~.oeo-::..tlll,OOQ-P,000 ; .. ,,1, l•l•<t I ,,.,, Do"'•t • lac~ • ,,. ... ~, ' ,. °"tin i.tt RIO-ff of Europr 1nJ •••e up 10 S ~lXl doin,. 11 -1n p'ur 0>••n •·•onum1c1! H1llm•n 1>t1n•. Lome' 1n or rllnM u1 r • .,Joy •n,I .,.t"·JI rrJI tn11 ju11 n.,.,. rhr convrn1nu, lno:•J'CTl•"t Rootc1 Ovrrwu Drl•W'fl' VI.a 1 ... orlu. .. ' ' • • Hll.llUll 11111 • )f1ty J, T:15 p.m. Thon1u Allen. r!t , J olin l'olartln, Danny Mt'1n· 1Tun)· r•a r by. t.ll'nnl-' l l11rb!11<'n. J im 14'Nlr1ck$Un, Bill Fruehling. hardt, Glen E. J.t!llrr, Ch11r ln P<')'-J•J11vid Hert. Bll('k Hnydm. Hnn11hl Johnny lr.,.·in. Dav!d K•mpert, ton, Yr~ L. Rich. J<1n S~horlr.J fm fH uF:h""· Rirh11 r!I l<l'ffl. a uirr Ron~le Kye•. Rich•rd Leonard, Son1"rs. Rober! Sto1·o"irh. Billy l\1 ,•u1tlu11np, .\ldt<>n "1al'.'ltun .. 1>1lk<' I T um Nirkham, Crl l)':" \\". :NJo!rn. Tu~. Mlk<' \\'!tlt'. l'oh ·CJ.·llun. ;\'••al Pct,.r•. 1'1101 PllVl-1 Ron1ld +rtrr;rnt. R.ly Parkt, Gary -Brave•: Flrat pr1ctir ... -Tuc.'lrl ll}'. ··1·11 .. 1!1111~.• ~ti.rfr. Erl i::<'hloe~ft'r, 1 Picken{ T ommy SRndoval, Larry t.fay 3, 8~30 p n1. t'\p.·l Albt>rt.•un. l'ol\\to' SLn1.:rr. \~e \VfllrJcinK . .J Smith, Paul Stirn, Richard Sleek. Robby Arthur, Ruy Benn»lt, Gary B1 UC;> "\\'1lJ<"r, Allen \\'ilhan1•. 1 Pete ·t;toddard, \\"'ltyne Whitney. . Couch, Jfl,n1u D. Cunn1ni;:h11m. M ,. I 81 ._,,.,. \V'lnsln"·· \}turge \'an ,ler- S...-ROR M rCOHU, f11r- l'Rt;t"t:RRt:o IS."11.RASC'E :. llan"f")" Mayef . 1 Moton 1' =· Cardln11!11: Flr•t practl<'I!', W~- =~~~. M~!o~' ~~~t!;~-~:!~ Caldwt'll, Dinny C1t1t11tl. Grtg Gil- bert, Gary GiLea, Ronnie Je11l!l'-t. Earl Lewu1. Mikr M1yer. A.lln Mtll~lng. Henry p,.r1Jt11. Rlc h1trd Sandf, :.;twell Stlrkler. Bob Tra pp, Honn1" Tr.,nt11, Harr<'ll V!neyanl, Erle Vo n Eht"nbtrc. Robert "'•r· n1ingto•. · Dodg.,r1: "Flr•t pra.cllce May 8. Frldll}'. 7:15 J>.m. Ht'rb Avt'r..an. T on1niy Baca . J11-ck · B•!L~y. Ron C..rl. G1ry Cl1rk. l\'0>rm1n C1r\.f0n. lan Guanko, Jon11than Gull•. Peto'r vnrt ... Gull•, Robert H1m<lt'no11, K••nnt-th Huff, Oenn\1 Hur...·Lt1 , · 11 .. nny Kerr. Ptull p "'"rk«y, Bi·ur " l'oh·- Clt\\r~. David P11i;:e. A! ROb\'!!<Jn, Billy S1tnbom. J r.fr L . Smith, Jvhn Smllh, t'e ter Yould. Cardinal•: F'lr~t prart1<'"' \\"rd- ne&day. MICy ~-·8:30 p rn. ·fomn1.•' fled S<~x : F!r•I pr•cOrr : '\'td- l1<'!1<1a.1•, .\tay ! I. 9 ;'30 pm. Bill Aufd~rJieul~. Don Dre wer,-John Alan Hodges Nabs Three Medals in Brennan, John B. Charlton. c.·ori:·~ T k T . Enlitl1.11d. Chrla Ftoglry, Rlr hunll Gft ournament ~:~~~11~"~ic1tS~~:;.0~.0~~~'l'~;· K~t_~~~ Frr1hi-nan Alen Ho.Jiu rolled Bob K,.n;.. St~ve Kunb\e, l'ol ikt I up tlrven puLnl1 for Oran1e Cout -I ' : ' .. • ,. -·, ~ U 1 1 . ff wild, Spirk)' l.onglo:>y, )!1kt-1...-u1~-n11"(!11l8 la31 S aturday aa ht placed T erry Parker, Ru!!.&l'l ~pp. Rich· HIP, 1>l lch11eL Lol'inl'., To1nn1}' .\I on•-ln lhrte l!Ver.ta at the Southern 1 rd Srhli<:henn1aytr, J~kie Shuitt. l•nol, Richard H.IMln , Ernest Slmn••-,,. · Carl smith, T<:ri'y 1'rimblt, Steven -I• ari11c AAU lnlem11llon11l •whn- Tudor. r:r~gg \V1l11nn, J eff \.\'in•-Cube: F lr1l pr11ctir~: .'''•dllt-~-1 n1ln,,;:: ch1u nplon1hipa in the Mia.Ion 10 .... -. Thomu Zodda. da y : M•y !1. 8 ;JO p.n1. lieut An-· · d .. reon. Dariny Atnold. G•·or,., A u~-H~11(;"h :JO yard pool at S1tn D"lito. G 111nta: Flnit pnactice: Monday, l•ll llttt~) llf.f, \"l<"torla St .• Coal& M<"ia Pti0-I.JIM-rt,-~'ut :: t ll.'1 H11"Mr llh·d. 1, 1· ... ia M~ .l .. uar-TrtWnpll : lku'f'ttl-Hllbnaa : '·······---··· ............ .....,, l ~O NI O tlO t Y TH( JUMIO• AUl,1AN(I llAGl.ll Of u.NIA NU '-lay '9, at 7:15 p.m . Hill Bu.ah., tln, J t--l'ry ChilH, R11ndy Frlt, I.ion· il(lolgc~. "'hO "hold" OCC ·11rhool G1try curti_.. Jeff Dike, Gary aid P o•, J im Ga!!aC'her. Don Glork-recllrol~ tor buth ~Ile 100--iind 200 El'Bl\ll,'Dlclt Grttn, H•n-'<'Y crac-g, ner. Sl<:phen H11rpt:"r. O.•nal•I yanl barkatn.ke ""enl• 11-n1\ 11h"rl'a K,•nt tta .. ·urth, Pal Htlmholz, Homemari. John !o!11ck~y. :'>l1k.-111 p111r '-'f 11rhoul r•!h1y i-n11rk11, i:•t- Chlul<:ll H erman. Tom Hu~r. John Ph~nht; Douc-l!* Rho11d~, Lron11r<l ll"l"t'<I a l<(!t"nnd pl•<'" In th<' J11n1or A. Huxht~. Neil ").t c!otlll&n, Gary Riley, Tom my Si:ho<-lt, !ill'phrn "'"n·a ~ y1r1! t""kstrokr. l>tohlnd RobJnsOn, Stevt S imon.an. Mike Smuch, Btll SC<ltl, Gt"<'gory Smrth, Hunun~ton l:lt11ch S"·im Club',. S1ewa r1 , 'Tlm Ten Eyck,. Bobby Bobby ThomllOn, J oe \\'1gn rr. Slan :OIC'ConntU, and a pair of \Vhltnty, Randy Woodl•nd. Dode,,..: ·Ftr•t practlct: ,f."'rl@ y, fourlh 1pol1 111 lhe J unior l'oltn'• . Indian•: Flrit pra.ctlce: 'TUM-May 8, t :JO i1.n1. Tom AndtrllOn, 00 free•tyle and the Men'• O~n Tk'ket". A...Uta.Me d .. , Bue Bashers ~k Out ·13.12 Loop 'iictory d11.y, May 10. at 7 :1:) p .m. Danny John A.ndrew1, Jlm Au1U11 , John lOO bac k11lroke. u:F.'~ PHAllMACl ". Jin Kut.ft .\\"e., .... ..._ 1.a..d: Arthofer: Ronnie Buchan.an, Dick a.uord, Wood7 Brook•. Bill Bur-Jn AAU com~tl tlon, m¢1-l• ire Tlla s.:R DKlJCl co .. t641 WtM v.... lltc11"'91', M_,.,t ..,_. Butt<:rworth, Ste ve Bun.erwortll. 1Wtl. Donald Coke. Pink 1o~ .. 1krr, ,..,..11r<led ror tour pl1c111 atid point.a \•rXcir:l\'T'S Lll>O DRUGS, Mel '\'la U6o., Newport ~h HARBOR De-nr.l11 Ca:rde-n, Rlcll&rd EWaU. I :""'::::'--........ =--:':"':":·....:Rc~:::'::Y--:G:".:..."_":·:· _'"c'..:.":':'c· ____________ c:o:':RO:.:::':':A:...:D:•::.:L_c":A_•_•_HA __ BKAC ___ ._.·;_"_n __ o_._._ .. _ .... ,;,.c'_eo_-__ ... __ .. _ .. John F1el_dl, Glenn Gardner, D&" 1 Gib.eon , J ohn A. Kt MI, BrhU)• UI- CI.I!. Benny Queener, Peter l\ab- bltl. Don Swan&Oll. Cllarll~ ~Y­ lor. Charlt• L. Thomu, Rlchtrd ~o~ \V!Ut11ms. What started nut as an- R ed Sox: Fir.tl pr.acllce : Wed- ne!lday. May Jl, 7:11:1 p.m. B<:lb Anderaon, J.ack Cllappi,a Carl COt- ----------------------------· ton, Roy Dalton. Peter FOJalher&-other run a~·ay :win r~_r the ! NEW PORT HARBOR NE:WS-PRE:SS-PART 11"1 ·PAGE I Orange Coa.!St Collrgc i 1rates · THUR SDAY APRIL 28 1955 of Coach \Vend!."11 P1rk~nR ov_-1 • ' " Fullertou Tu"day 'tun10d 1 BARTON LOC A.t MARC .. IA. NO into a real li\'e.J onn y,brook be· MW. fore the defendi ng champion ··--------------------Bu~ n;no coked uni a 13-12 ~uce Belts McGee to · Cop F.a11tem t.:on!t>rl'n("e _. t1iun1ph~ It \\'s~ tbe ~l'l'•·11lh -JU"t h"n•ly -~"·~J~~:·~~~~!~:ec.,::~:.: .. ~·:~.~t r~. Sailor Heavyweight Crown r11t'""' top hurlrr bn·£:1.•nJ: tht~•Uj!h l hl' tirSt two rr11n1(".i;. l'tt·k('ni!<' II"" k~r~ pile<! up •n 8-0 l•·1ul, .-~nH11l­ ly 1h1·1dln::; ttuni;a 1111:1 by 11ronni:: fuur-n111ktr11 rn <'II• h 1rvi1n11t. Bui H>lrd hlthni: Brurt' H"rlon won t he he avywelghl boAI~ crov.-n of :>it!v.·j>o1 t lla rbr.r f11;:h ~hool Tuelld•J' Tllgl\t dlolf"ing minor 11.ports o;hn1r1p~<lHl'hl1'.•,tn t h•' h>·y~· i;yn1nulum. The 21 prii:e fighl11 at•~~d h~· <'"nto"1olr1~ '" l'L:I: ""' 1'JJJ.-clllDU'lcauon1 toolt place during jo\nl •uo!tl<'n ly L''1U~hlr••c ws~ 1.,_ \!!>Ubl•·.' ~"r''"" ,·luh~· "h.'l.(·11· .. nrr "' Pl1hUc Schoo! Week. Th.Jo. llornrtll came ~ur."1n2 ,b11r lt ·B11r1nn .h11d '" ~luo:-It nut .,.·11 h 1c1m<' Joe~ Jev.·ell f~ lh• r,ather "'ilh thr<'r t11Lhe11 !1> th" third Bn<I 1tur11blli' \\nrJ :\lr(,,.r tur t h,. ll<'""Y crnwn. fll"t mQrt in th,. fourth to 11 .. the titlf'.~~ ]1:'11 •.--r n1nn th;tl\ :'>lcG.--e l Al'lde from the lwo round box- ton, Stt'YOJ Lagtrlot, Lloyd Fortune, J erry lA.wn!nt<', Stephen Lew\1. Gene Lund. Tim Muic. Ronald P1laf1rr1, Cb1rlt1 Phillip•. Sieve RoblnlKln, Derril! Roger11. Wiiliam Sha"'. Richa rd \VaUIOn. J .,rry Wtl- ly. \Vhlle Sox: F1r1t prtcUce : ni- d:i.y, !.fay 13, 8 :30 p.m. Ttrry Ba«- "'ell; J11mPa Butl~r. J lmffl7 Chalk, Jtrry Cox, Ted Hankey, Chad H •n- 111'.n, Al11n Harper, Larry Harpt'r. Ja.ck Houllt'knecht. T\molhy Jone1. Jerry A. '-fann, _[[_ed McGavran. Babe Niemiec, Da:rrell Smith, Mike Smllh.' Bill W olft: Rtmny Wood· •Ide. Roy Yarnell. Y1nkets: Ftr1t pracl\c1: Friday, tr11.v "' 8-8, I ..-._:.ull! h111·,. tut th" r!ll'll'llll rr orn lht lnlt" n111tchca. highlight of the T ut11-1 RArK ,\SI> f"O RTlf n1lchtr !l\ri1::'f' l\:!.mmrr. bnmb.'1 -tlity ·niJ:hl l!f)Orl11 .,~·ent. ....... _ lh•- BackJI 10 tht .,.-,,J),. th" Uuc b11-~h-U11 rt"'TI ,.,,q1h,.l1•.-! ron h111 J ....... Ont" I""['" rl.l.mb. Larry c a,,tro. Harbor •r11 fOU{:hl for br('alhlng 1·Q01n. 1n t ht ttr11t n.1111•t. ·~1rr.t .. !•K>k 11 tl1;:h'• crnill' country rhsmpL'ln. Thry got jt \\"Ith • i!'ln1:h•ton Ln ~t)!lll llu•h In t..hr f11rr. 11 ,~ l•·i:.~ flr,J tht /t('hnol record ln the :10 botlnm (If th~ fuurth 11n1I 1 ... -n dldn"t bu, kfr. hut .\lrG•'" had lo fL rlan1b!•r. H !ll lim' "'It/I 7.2, lh<' n1ore rounler11 in th<' l 1fth fnr "" ~111i:i.:• r h~•·k· fin" •.lnke h111 hl'nll "11ml' .'l.11 th11.t 11Cl by Harolt'I SC'01·J]J ll -B tdge, Th111 r11p1dly "''ll!"\ThT•·ll to c1"11r l ht• 1·nh""•'h~ LI\ 193 :.~ ¥."h"n th+-ltornt l" ,,.h1pphl "Ill . oiiit•t fli:;-ht (h~inp.'! 1<\R("k up like , Don .\1crl'<lllh w:i.11. IW!C<>!Jd 11.t 11.2 thtlr 11t 1nger~ f0r luu1· run11 1n !he t111 ~-<:lr n "1'tJ,,n1ru1 Pdl:'t'll Jim New-·11nd Jtrry Slll'Lftr third In ll 1!1'_5.· •ixt h 11nd a 12-'tl lr1t1I. kirk f .. r th,-. ll~ht hCll•'Y crto ... -n. onll11 nat. The Plr~»11 11~·on•d un" ln bollonL -J l'I rv (;11t1u !t>11k 1hoio ... -ell t r ! II le p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I of .the 11t11nza o n doub!e11 hy J vhn •Lil ~ hLlt1t• \\'1lh l.ou C11mpbell. f!:"lrllda •nd Henry DeClll'll.'! 10 Blll )l a~"'·"ll .1 .. rc111!'d Tom ~lurch ti._ lhr Jlr'Ote A,1:'1tin. Big J~rry !~ice for th" 1ni·t•n .. ""'llrd, lt "'llll Jeri")' .IJ•lln1111:ed 10 ,.unr 1' ... ullerton h»t -1 ~am ..... 1 ,,,.,.,, ll·•h \\'ln<!h1t n1 for the lP1·~ Ln th~ 11e .... n~h 1111<1 rl'llf>t"d th .. hj:'hl"""li;h! 1rtlt. Bill Pott! O\'l'r- few•rd nf h>11 finol lool' triumph .__. Quick .S•t1:vice ' f'OR Roller Shades When lh• Bu~" btolt@d •H~•o."ll lhe .\l•·"R ,.,,11,. ,. d1>•nfl>ntl t oda. lllld Standard Shade Ctolh• and 1''1t1r1h1g n111rkl'r in bollo•n of th<' I . I!\ • . ) Cuttom Specl.a!!ir-' • Drapery :1n11J fr•;;•· G;;·le:<'rbel 1!oj1blrd ~~.~~~~~:~,~,~~ ·11;,..1~~::! ... ~~~ .. ~~ Hard...,.,. e \"rnct,.n Bll.nd.11 o .11cor", on)' •m rdu. I lllfh• ·h .. rc )I"\' ti . ,\l.;OSF. IS :•1t:('O'."ri"Jl • Bl£ Hu~ h1;u, 111 lnrlullrd Rohutd C'Al-1. llARBOR 88, THE SHADE SHOP ~S'! S'!nd !ill., '."ri"f'>'"porl Rea.ch -Ho:1lde !hf! 1'011\ Ofrlce ••Jl)Ul];I , PAINTS ' for every pv1pose l n 111\, UCC el•1utrno "'hllrk•'ll Ifill \\i!h II lrlo> "r ~onjl;lr.'I In fnur J pul 16 b111a knock~ tu 11 l«r \h•·i ,.t bAlll: B·•\J \\"<'lZo'l with l\•>"f1 l•>r Hornet.a. but 1 hrt'" r111N'ur11 k cpt I lh r'f'f, 111..iu.Juig 11 1r1pt ... e nd 11 the local11 11 ;>11 ,.ff bAll!.!14.'". \\"itll hn•n"r hv J,..!!nb"r<-1" j Mt. SILll An r nnln b11 !I •'nni;: Ch B ff.,,. ·.:;:;;;;;;;;;:-~-~-;;;;;:;;~;;;::;::;::;::;::~::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;~::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:;;:::;:;;;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;::, I t -1 1\;el'doly, ,,,,. B llC!i \\"('Tt 11i1 t' Llnt\P in 1rron11 ~pot, but nil' n"1w·rr , R lf f'l"lll.de'11 ILn<lt'r .. 1\t<'<I S<'Kl'<lnlll l't'r"rt1 in loop ph1y. Hl\'>'r.!ldr-•'•li:- etl Slln Bernard1nCJ :l-1 nn JU$t four hit.. for th<'tr ninth "traiitht•"·in. If lh• rlra\e,. conllnl.111! 1<innini;: wa y11 t.raln~l f.~\ ,C11m 1no on thr • • BEmR HURRY to Sign-up for SUMMER · LEAGU'E NOW FORMING MIXED FOURSOME • Thurs. 6:45 p. m. Open Play Saturday and Sunday Open All Night Friday and Sat~rday VAN'S a· WLl.NG 1703 Surwrior, CO!ita Mt'u. Mgr. ' . ~.... l'i ... • • . t 1' ' ..... : ... -"-: ~ ~:." \ ' , \"''": ' ' -" ' ... --- !. -------. .... --_ .. -. a .. d _ FOR~ _.prices ~··• I ...-. as low •• •1759· ... · lOWll,•OIUyPID NICI Of ANY CAI IN rM1 VOWMI hllOI • r You eaa buy a 1955 Ford 6 bu...int&11 2 door for.only Sl759! ~ .· ' LOWft OOWM •ATllUN'I •• , LOWll MOHTifLT •ATMfNTll • It'• euy to fi1un thil one. You [l'.et mo~ for YO'# o£d cu , pay 1-for your new Ford. Mike. payment.a euy! UADll IMICOMOMTI Ford~ it. "low-prioed three'" compo:'~ito" in«•• Konomy io the Mobihiu Economv Ruri in both e Ind V-8 couipetitione! ...... ftAM-IN rOtt YOUI: OLD CAI I Ponl d .. lcrw w1nt you to be drivin« • 'Mo Ford. Tbq'll &nde tM llinit to put yov irito one! ·---- Test drive California's 111111• in sales. •• perfUta1GM1 ••• iconemy THEODORE ROBINS Y-Ford Dealer SIKe 1921 -!On Marln.«'s Mile) 3100 W. Coast Highway Newport leach Liberty 8-3471 TV.. ... ..... Oen'I MIH ...... ,.... ltlCA (4}. 'Ill on My. '1ao p. ill. . . . -,, ... ... I ... I I ... ·. PAGE1·PARTII1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 r .. ,SILVER JUBILEE' ' lELL.S STAGE . HISTORY Stuclen~ Star in High School PrOduction of SiRCJincJ. Drcufta B~, MRS •. MARY LEE RICHMOND "Dry Bones," the Fred Waring arrangement "'bf a fam- ous n~gro spiritua1~tt-t>e-specta:ctrtirrly-st~ged as one ot the short scenes in "Silv er J ubilee," a musical-dramatic cele- bration of 25 years of Newport Harbor Union High_~hool's. stage history. "Jubilee" will be presented at 8 p.ro. Friday 11n.f Saturduy. In the high l'<f'houl , Klni:. J nhn Eggi•i t.' ~s"~b Milum. u 111it1J1 n:in. 1 lckets llrP ISO eenli< I ~hlrlf'V Hourigan. Carol Doane and and no sea ts are r<'~Pf\'t.'<1. l'f>ctl' Henderson \.!1th Dennie Hen· Th.. nwmorabto· .. >.>1 y Bri nes" I <lerson brrllrantiy ~ast sn lhe mu-glisn~ ils t<'llP Pf fret f1u;n R i!ark· j jor role nf the, hysterlcfll director. ell!' l lit&!;•' With il ula• k 11.:ht . . th h 1 1 h 1 f h I :-;tu1frnt dm•,·tor of Lh1a. riotoua r(lwn on t e gn Vee Un<" 0 t e burl~i;que of the11tN! life 1s Tom 11111J:"rH Willi ll ~luw \•'i~h weird I Nlquclle. wllh Cora Peters and fluurt'~rf'nl •' 11nt1 f n I l 0 w · I lw I <::Iona Chapman arting 1'111 student mu.>1• 3 brat In lnlnguin~ 1 hyth· directors In the dramatic short m1c p8'tl••1·ns >IT l'Ut::'\T Sl.S~H:~s J ' 11 ·;:~~~rt \\'i>nlz ts'<lr11mauc direct- ... ... ~,_-~ ~~~-.-,~~~ . r • .. . 'Gorin. Musto To Take Over :~ ... ~~~~·- ~r Martha, &hnouncea aaoclaUon with "J oe" Mualo lo takt. ov~r the ..J. owner1hlp a.nd !!_lana e.ment of Harbor Froaen Food Locker• on aQth St. Corin t'mphaalua that Mr. and ~ira. "Bulch"~&dale will con-[Un-1.1e-tlwll~ -~ wu.b-lh .. loca.I fro~eq food 1torar e plant .and will be on · ha.nd to welcome their ma.ny old friend• In thla area. · 'Speak lnr of hi• partner, Corin p0lnted out that "~uato la aJecond generation butcher who learned the buaineaa when he wu barely high enoueh to stand on a bJock and 11ll<'e bologna." He contl.nued cxplamlng hu1 partn.,r'11 · bar k· l(TOUnd. "J oe has ~Prvt>d aa me11t buyer a l the P omona Pa.Ir tor 4 years 111111g more t~an 100 ton.s of m 1 eat per month." ..... . . i CLOTHES HORSE ~ TO PRESENT STYLE SHOW Mra. Allee Bur ke of Th• Clo,thea Horae will preHnt htr ttnt taahlon •how 1tnce ac· qutrtn.1 Uie Balboa Leland llhop, at • 12:30, lu.ncheon at Ch•t'• lnll._ We<tnuday., May f . Ml'I. Burk• wlll ftature llallan lmport-llWe&tera, l..a.na d"9M• and fu.hlonat!le 1port.a• wear ln addition to the ln- troducUol\, of an excl~1lve lln• . of new 1heaUt dreaMI by Nardi• of pan~·· T we lve m odell f r om Marjorie Hale'• Studio wtll dl•plaJl tbe array ot aprinc and S\IJTl"ler faahlone a vallable a t Th• Clothu Houe. Lana ortctnal1 wfll be·m odel· ed by young Harbor arta &irla, th' Mlaaea Lynn Peaat, J oan Ha.ien. l.1nd V11.nd.t'r. S\I<' Thomu. Jenny Lund a n11 Suaan O"retn. Driv., Smacks JrH. a nd went to Roar RGaf'fW K nn- day a!ttr hi• car Vff~d -oft th" right aide QI Ncwpon. .Blvd. .ie ... 1 teet_,norlh of th~ Coata Mua Cst:t limit• and alammeil Into a tn·"· r ollce a&ld lhuup probabt.f It'll H lfffl, ('!" ·Dinner 5-1 I p • .,,. :.~ o.ny I Cloee<! Tueaday) • SATURDAYS • Dorothy N11bitt leads COMMUNITY SING M1~11-M.1rt,. Hi.-1;~1 11 11 1...:h11ntf'fs.. • f ,, I bll .. .1 M z th .....__ . • .. or t• • u ee , tll1u 1M a a 1\1\ iol boy" 1·h1•11 •• 11rnJ th..-Liu k<'l· · Talrmnn, R1t'4i11t •tl hv Malcolm SET FOR STAGE-Drama stars Carol 'ooane,~Denni.s Henderson, and Carol King, in a t,E!nse scene from t he "The Potboiler," one-act comedy featured in "Silver Jubilet"." The .... mad playwright, Mr. Sud (Dennis ,Henderson) is_practising on Mrs. Pencil (Carol King) p is technique for strangling the heroine in his late.st play. Mrs. Jvoery (Carol Doane) feels t he action is gettipg out of h and. The 11how will go on stage tomorrow ll.nd Saturday night.I, 8 p.m. at Newport Harbor Union High School. It is a student production. Harbor Froun Fond Lockeri1 will provide !ta cuSl(lmen Wllh a display lock<'r or froten meata in urur'r . t.o make st ·('1181 .. r to l t'll'Cl the exact cut desired, accorllinc lo Oorln. Another Innovation will be offered soon when they begin wrapping thfir' frozen meats In Sarah permitting the buyer to aee William L .. Shoup, JO. Hunllng· ton Beach, rec .. lved minor lnJurlt9 IN BALB OA ~· tPS.UilVlllll'\'dl.'.lfl:<~lt•,.,wllllH •"j 'u, 1 ~h · f td .u1w111111an '" n <' arge o S<' e· 1t1>nt I hla n11111b1•1". .\11•1111.i\'I !\ H1 '" LI ' I t Tl ti l.Hii k<'ll<'!>. l<ar. 11 l:ji•irio·b\'.. P at b1gn e11 rnnll nict on. 111 l'n re • . · • rnuslt'&I t•nd "' thr prollud1on ts <.rni.;1:, H fli>na Bostel', .\'!31 y Kav ,,1 t 1 b ,11 •1 H h .. H h ~I S lri T ll H : " ret' f'! r Y ;• Sii " ane IC 9{'11, " ~· • •11 Y. 111' · 11" 1"'"" ti)· h•'11d n ( Har bor's mu1dc dt'part-' 1111. l'ha1nn Crowl. ~1 .. n·,.1,., . .!\!nrnly, ltlfnl. N USTRY Bat1J;i1 .1 llanimt•ntl Tr·1 1v R1 lrh, I D - Mai y UudlP~'. Ruth D1111ley. lkver· ly l'firrrn,onn, Fay Vnt.nd. Su,. z,.r· 1 be. Ann l:.ardner. !'ihs rl"Y Swttf· fo1 d. H•1b1>rtn Sulton. E,.iih' I;•,.. l<'l! a.nJ <.;~•nelh: pysart, Caiol P tss· .trr "'!.." :_kllb"rtl!_Qlli:lrul.!lt-C:h1mt· <'I <' ll.1ve Lt>rchey, Lylo' L!onbar- J.;• 1·, Ray S11.undn~. ~t1t n•tn l.u~k. NO BONES MADE• ABOUT IT, CM 1 PLANNERS GOT PROBLEMS Co11ta •J.tesa's city plen.nsng cmnmtsslon make no bonea about rt,. ·1'~e·g'Ot problems," aeclared Chalrmnn Walt w t!imrr whtle bdctly aJ1 ess1ng t~ .April 20 annual progrel\ll dinner the meJt he buys. Gorin and Muato have eatabUah· ed a 1erve your.elf policy and both a.ssure • money.back policy If their Eastern a ged beef la not aged pro· perly. Bw11ly en(age<! with the work on their new buslneaa ·ana~ aha pfnc up their new Lido late home the two patlners lake lime out dally to THE ARCHES Cafe · ~nd Cocktail Lounge OPES J 0 A. M. TllROUOB I A. IL •. . . ... Newport Blvd. oa .. C-t 111&'~ ~'EW~R! BE AOH • J 1,,,.,. Stell ml!. T1•m l'"ftlNfirl, J oe K••n1 pt'l', Alan-Hv·pm11k1 1u111 ca- " .11n Maug~r. The cholce1l meloJtea and g•y··H 11~en"11 from \'ll'tffr Hetb<'rt an<! C:llbert an<1 l'ulll\·nn will also l'parkle throui.:h the "Silvrr Juhl· County Fair to Emphasize Local -Growth Indu1tr1al expanalon ot Orange of 315 per sons ui FrlJay Afternoon Clubhouse. "A Maaler Plan would go a long way toward aolvlng all our local p!a.nnlng e.nd zoning problems," Weimer advlstd. The Mrs& planning chairman also revealed a certarn way m~l and gnet drop-Ina at their ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pla.nL i (We are Clowd oa 'th•radaJ'I) bl'rt a nfl S1ilhvan apooflng the Bnt1sh navv will be prele.l}le<I In I wo 111'ls, w;th .minor cuttings. 8.>1 th•· mu,,.1r&! f..-alute QC the ev,•nini:. star.., 111., Tom J' ears on, H· l•'n•l B111;tcr, Dave Steams, T eri ~·.,n · H «>nw1 t. Mary Kay Hf'hn, Sharon < 'r11wl. Erl Gib- son a nJ Joe 'Kt>mp«r. County will be recog-nu:ed this UN E · T • to obtain variance req'uests. "Bu:v you r r eal eslute trom Bar· ssay Opie year at 80th IUU\lverHry of Or· ney ·Fra.ncque." Weimer brgnn, Mget your building done by _ --- 1 • t ~~C~n~ F~~ Au~ ~14, It &~~~~~~~·~$~~~~~-~·~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~a~ i+t-llft1'""-!Ml--tltloy>'f. ,..,flP'r1•att11tl""""'Y-1'~.· ~P'M-~-,~fijiUtpT1o~es In e\'ery room, lhen pur-n nounce Sa.ntR Ana, prealdent of the fa.ir c-hue a bunch or !l11h1ni; pnli:s from A rt Meyers and go on a ''Superb Food'' J\11 'S I(' A I ••• ,,\·on I TES Brightly cnM1 1111wi1 mwurul mun· brr" aro t11ken from .'lllCh favont(~• U!< '1'h<' Retl Mill" "S\.\'1'elht>a1 t:<' nnd "T h.i :\l1k11d,o. • .\J.iJL;r star:< !11 the~e sc•·n~·" will h1• T.1rcoa 1!,1)'<'!1, MArvm LU51<. t:ay Arm- >ot nmi:. IJl.'nm~ ll• n1l1·1..on, Lyle I. 1111.>I II.• r. f);H"' J ... 1, lw~. Terry f!t · ·r .. ,,1 p, u1 :<1"n, J u,· K<•n1re-r 111 I 1;\11d 1t• .1.JyR•ll L K ARL RODINSON Harbor High Site For COior Filril· On Brazil May 2 ln the Jn.mall~ hlilf of lhe even· ''The list ot 'Brual'e contrlbu· in;.: \\ 111 lw R<'l'n<'!I rnun "On Bor· t!on11 lO the worhl ls lmpres1ively r .. w ... 1 Tim" .. ;,Thi' C:11P.'le Hani:ll lnng and 11tlll growing" says Karl 111;.:h" · J~".\1'1 F11n.1:y" "HW1ty P.11blri..on who re<'cnlly re.lul'n<'d 11 •. 111 •· " , • ..11,. 1 tla: l>t•r ste1-e f1'0111 a trip throughout t.h&t coun· lo l i; SI 1• .. 1r• 1:1• I< l:iiilla1 J. Den· try. Robinson made a compreh<'n· "" I :111·1111. •;\II• llc-Dy~11 1 l, Bm<'e i;lve cnlor !slm and will prPSE'nl It IC111pp ~l :m ,,, Al ··n. San•'V l,;11!1· 11l Xewport High School Auditor· 1 \, :-11" :'.•••bl•. Tu111 :\1qt1t LI r Ar· 1~1m on Monday evening. May 2. Ii 1 · il1•(( 111111 ll.1 k Inn• h l Tht> fllro ~1101."11 he&dwatere ot J\ \11'.nl'l11• r1 <•m the whimslc~l . Use mighty Amazon and thP, rlvtr •·11 .. ,\'111 t'an Weit " will have J1ti-k rrly rl. M:inaos, carvod from the ~11111 h 1 'nlty C:lr111en11•, 1111d Mike J sngl" 1000 m1!rs 11pstrl'l\m fror:n \.iii••'" """Ill "llanishal'kle l nn", 1 lh1· J\tlantst'. the J .ngle, where I h" \ • ll•·retllt' t hnlf,.r wh1 rh mark-: WJ!Plation an<! pnlmsl hfe carry • I H lwd \\'ent1. io d1·b11t 11s drn· I no a 11•11'ntll'lill 11l111ggle for a 11hare nut,, ••m<h al Ht\rbor Hll(h, will ''' 1111n, e11· 11.mtvp11ce. the Import· ... , 11 :till Rtng, Bill H1rn1blt't, Su<' 111\t <sly flt 61'1em ul the mouth ot :\i,M 1L..AJlll. Qa1Ut.Dhm m 11om~ the Amazon and the riv<'r island •11111r-l)ni:hng mnmen!JI. l nf Ma ra;li. larger than Switzer· 1UtA.'1A T I(' RrTl'I 1 tand. Brazil hu a population et In "The Potboiler". t he msjor ~.o million with an ar•·a la.rger lhan 1h 111!1illl' prt•llt'nlatson. an• l'einl th• l'n1tt'd l:itatrs and ss a store· hc•Ullt> nr fa bulo11a flw a and fauna 'Three Angels'~ to Show Again ~T'\ ,, ac1tl1l101111l pt>rfotmanct~ or ·;\I\• Thr<'o An~cls" will be RIVCn tlp11 \\'~l'k ~·nrlay 11ml Saturday h ~· llw La.! 110 8. };SI! llcil t:.offillUll\J I Y -l 'l.o~·t'rs, lhl' pH.>l'1•1•1l~ to J!n tn the Ill• 111111111.I Kw1n1mlllf> pnol fu1rJ. Ma r,.111e \V111iemson. rceenlly ap· p<11nt ... 1 dlrt>clrir tlC (ol' next 11ea- 1"1111. •~ •ilrectlng lbe pl11y. .. "·11\'fll Artll .AS.!IOlCIAllOn ()( La- jZl.t1 1 hRI' nnnoun<""t1 !11111ls ft um l.1 l ~· ,1~11n's pagranl of the mlll<- t"I • w ill b•• u11ed tf) rn11sln1cl 8 n•'W 1•la~·h!)U»t• un the teslsva l g-1 n11nil•. ><• rommunriy plA~'<'ri1 11re ""P'"'ltn).: In II~!! the IW\\' J<l!IJ;'j> fnt fllttllf• t111t 11,tnlrtO'"''"· an•! n( 1snm1»ts111 rd mrnrrnl W••alth. All of 1 hi" mn1Jf.rn liu~llfng t·1t1cs, tht sml!tl· tm.·ns end v1llei;ri-. lht' ~11·111 111d11slnrs an<! t he 1nt•'n·~ely 1r1Lerrst111i; W"Pl" will be ~N·n by th•· ·;ann1 hn1'"' lrttv• l1•r 111 Lhl~ \'< tY beauur111 film. Re~Prva.~1ons ml\)' be ma1fl' l\l lhl' u .. nki:ase. l.1dn Shnpptn~ Center, al the Co· runa d.-J Mar Tra~c.l 1;111·f'ftu ; :11 111; l-':. i·o:«l Hti:hwR~ "" a l l hP box off1c:r loO 1 hrf nl~ ht I•! l he film. . ,;. ~ GOLFER· RUN OVEll BY GOLF CART! LPsl rr I.Awe. Llc'ln lllle res I· d~n_t, was •·run ovt'r" tiy a ROif c·11rl recently al Santa Ana Cnunlry clut>. He ls r'cuperat- 1ni:; from a broken wrist. THE. PIRATE :?~th St. at Jt\ewport Hin.I. -Open ·i i) a.m. daily Till• IWt>r RI ~till t"lrri.lde -Uul Doi" -Kout ·,.m \'•1u~ 1 ·r s a ·cm G &1> ?r1 , .. s; tl .. 1 l·f,~1,.-, -:=-.. ,, !~ .. ~ -:-'1 (\ • ~.·~ ·~1· [' '. · ··4' :-?, , -. w ;;:; ~ .. ~ .:. ll ,:;. .-\ I } ;, .,,,;,.':: ~ fO OD ~GROG ,,. "'I 11~· -' '""·' • HAJl 80Q 071 • --------------· :iow Open· E n rJ Day ln. the \\'eelt Y&CO lion.' These men are 11.ll memb1·r11 o! the plann.lt1g com- A new industrial exhlbll.11 r!a M mlaslo~, 110 you would get yo,ur variance~" will be open to c!Uu which nave' -----------------------------no agrlt ultural product• to show and a Junior vocational and 111; dustrlal dr>partmenl, ~it!' Nonnan R. Stans er of Orang_e County school!! iu consult.lint, will be add· ed. Thill last department will be open to 'iligh school and junior col· tege student.a to Include sections on wood llhop. metul ahop, draft· Ing, electricity and hendlcraflt1. Officers of lido Toastmasters Installed; Loesser Wins· Talk Ins tallation ot orncers or the F.dgar R . Hiil, and wlvea of ml'Jll· Lido· Toastma.sten1 Club was heltl tiers. at J\'ewport Harbor Ya.C'ht <;l11b on Toaslma.ster was Human W!ntl- Apnl 19. Churlt'r P resident Char·. ba.111. Table tupsc ma~ler, JaC"k lea.Hurls installed: 'Broering, iitarled d1scu11sion with Vernon Allen. president: Rollert his quest 1un, "Will m&nagt'ment PPrrin. first viCCo·prPsldent: R ey sun't\'C 11. guar11nteed en.nual L'E<'luae. ercnnd vJre-pn.,mlent; wuge". Spenk~rs were Pern n,,AI :-:eil t.oe.saer, secre-tery; Al Cuiio-<.:usolllo, Ary. Soule and Lnt'~ser, llto. t reasurer nnd-Ed, Sou.Je, 11er· who was winner with his subjl'cl. Fundam!'ntnlly the fair l.'I an agTil;ultural e xpo&itlnn and wlll continue to b" 110, CranP state:i, but the board fefls th11t to r~prt>· sent the entire county il mwil con· stdu the lt1d11strta l growln or geant-11t-anns. "Soul Enginerrs." Chuck Arr. outgoing pr!'slllent. · many comm\Jnllles. presided. Cu~st~ lntroduci:d snclud· Evahial9ra were Bob McCltary, Pd Area Govemor John Hoisl and Jlm Pennfy, L'Ec.luse. Otto Goel· Mrs. Hoisl; Mayor Dora Hill and hl·I. De\\'rtl Worce8ter and Hugh ·The Orange County Fair Is In· cludt>d In a study a uthorize<! .by the leg1alattve Interim commit tee on fa1 r11 and expositloni to c!eter- mlnr whether theae falr.s should lnclode tnduatry &!I well u ag· rlculture. Unde~ present laws dis· trlct fairs are parUafly aupportt'd by state funds and ·art' deo11i1rne'1 ~peciflcelly u &grlcutural and !'ducalion11! expoeitlons. Davidson· Guilty in~ Dru.nl Drive; Pays· $182 F~ne FOR YOU WHO WISH SANTA· A~A, tOCN$1-Melvln • 0 . Davld110n, IH, 920 \20lh St., _ .Costa Mel\a, Friday plMli!~d guilty TO PARLE YOUS ! on a drunk-driving C'h.rgc 11nd A new Intermediate Fnnch wa.a given his pick of 11. •Jt50 !me <"lua fs underway at Orange or i~ day" In jail. \ Coa.at College. 7 :30 p. m. under Sant.a Anl\. Or&:111;e J.~1niclp11l -the lnstruclfon oC Madam Court Judge Howurcl :1merun Hilda Evtl"t'tl. The clus will also fined Dav\di<on SZ-& or slK mttt Tueadaya and Thura· traffic tit kel warrnnt~. D vsrl:;on pa.id otf a total of $182. lncludlru;: djlyl. an $8 3S:'lf'.SSll1£'nL ll la upeclally dealgned tor thoae who will tra,·e\ or -wTsh to bru11h up on the language. D;t\'ldson. an lns11ranr" rompany t>mployee, \\'llS p~rmsllecl lo ~"4-.li~A his <lrlv1•r'11 license. He <11 lgi,na l1y pleaded innocent lo the Upsy $1n\·· Ing ellrgnllon arter hl11 arre~t 111 Sant& Ana :"O\', 17,~~--l Granclollo 's l formorly of Hem rt I complete menu for the f amity PIZZA e SPAGHT.Trl e f, \~.\G~A ROME . MADE RA \'IOLI • :-!TEAKS • ~t:.\ ··oon roop TO GO 511 Balboa llvd. BALBOA" Hcirbor 4837 - I 1i I I I Mynatt. :-\f'xt me"I ing will bt> at the Harbor HOU8f>, 1 pm. "r11rsllay. I .... I EAL MEXICAN :FO 0 D . ' BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHJL Y in PIANO LOUNGE ! I f"L··A POST~ 6tf'aki for Tboee \\'llo Dfflre U 7oa pref er to 1tay at home to lff your fnorlfr i television prognm try our boxed Me.x.icao dlnnf'rs or + tpee1a1 onlen to ~ oat. 'l'llty'" ready to 1ern•. j PRJVATI: P ARTl' ROOM FOii L.UlG& PARTIES ' •• 1 1111 H...,,.rt llh-4. Orange county h I g h •cbool pupils have a chance tor a trip to the Tenth AnnJvereary meeting of thb United Nation.a u a prlze for writing the best essay on "Why I would like to attend the Tenth Annivenary Se11f10n ot the United · Natlona." - This . prize Is being oUered by the county chapter o! the Amer!· can AllfiOCl&Uqn of lhe t:ni!ed Na- tions. The winner wlll have a chance lo attt'nd a workshop on "The u .. N., the communHy and you," to be held J une 19 a.nd 26, when dtscli!'sson leaders will In· 1·Jude United Natlona clt!legates and professors from nearby uni· Vrrt11l1es. · E11Ssy11, not more tha.n 1100 words long, should b.-l.n the ha.nda of Mrs. Beverly Trickey, 666 West 3rd St., 'f'Ji lln, not later than May 18. Among the judgea ot the con• Le~l will be Miles Eaton, aoclal srs .. nce depa rtaient, Orange. Cou t Coll!'g'e. POKING SERVICE FROM OUR 9«>0B .. Balboa Island Announces ·- Chef Henry Jones is now at .. \ .· · "We Specialize in fine.· foods" ,. (Ute r 1:31 p. m.) COSTA MESA , ... PARK AVENUE AT MARINE-IAUOA ISLAND F•r _.._,,,,.._. nclM u 1-2403 Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Uberty 8-3071 I I• I~ .. 1 .,, \. .. " MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS • IJclo t1 •howlnr ~ ftacer1" ptua "Land of P'ury." oa,.vn •t the Bea- bo&. you may ate "Fire Ovet A!rie&!' alon1 With "MU. Hute to Live." ReoiMitiir -yoji're "Uie other I fellow" t o the othu fellow, IO mayti. you can -<trtve u you u. __________ ._ _________________ ! pect Ulat other one to drtve. H.a\•1 • 87 lDI MATHENY . . . ty.n! May l"eara ita lovely httd from the well-thumbed calf--. --------- endara and .we face a new month filled with much activity. HARBOR Barracuda are bltin' and maata are being unfurled Jike mad. Always have tout though, and from.the Jooka of !b!!11~1 HI LITES the griddlee and pane are bUUin in the Harbor are•, too. That r~·looklnc •Pof on Coul Traube!, RoMmary Clooney or -• • -,. H ighway, headed towards Hunt-f well, you name ont. lt'a odcll~n lngton Beach Juet put th• Archu 1,that yoU:ll fl'el IUce him (o~ her) I By PATl'IE '-r.TMIE'R ovnpau, 11 Ho"'&rd'a. They'J"e when you join lhe c;>ld Fuhlon OJW?n 2' houre every day or the Community ,Slnr at Dick a nd Kate l Juat a few of lhe loyal Rarbor week. Brtakfut i. on tap uiy mln· Dent'a popularapa Where food and 1 tuia were ~le to make. It, up to ute or any hour any day. drink bltnd tver ao rood. Hunttng-tQn J!och lut 'niuraday •I L.OCAl.J OPbATOa ow NAPOLI ._ !or the bu"1lall ~e. Wltnu.i1lng • Paul l(ocb, NewPort Helcht.a Frank and Gina Oraaclol(o. keep ~ur looatnit gamt-wert' Msrllln ''CA....,AIN UGHTFO~T'' AT •UDO · d 1 i h r H lhe plz:za.1 and the 1.,. .... tttl and oerner, Anita Palm. J oann" SUf'M, ~r 1 rea1 en . a t e operator o Olf· · r-11o" B B rt J l ~ k k ... ! anl'a. Ht" la >n ex-'nny Naylor 1.a¥gna rolling out t o hungry ruce a on', m • ew tr · uun Rbclt Hudson and Barbara Ru1h er. own u they appear ln m r r., yp In the .b11 nearby city. moulhA In lhe1r Balboa'• bit of Ill' Thompeon, \\!Ille Roush. Larry • the new picture, "Captain Llghlloot," an txclUnc drama 1how· Paul h._ been out hm tor MVen ItaJy. You can choose yummy ~~:~:;:~lb~;;ard Mltchtll and Ing at ta1e Udo Theatre nut Sunday. Showing u a aecond rea- yura. P'rom Buffalo, N. Y. Th• ltN.k. ·too. or you may order .lo J tm Taylor l~vittd a few of hi• ture oo lhe aame pro(T&rt\ ii "Smoke SlsnaJ," with Dana An· K~ha, hf'•lde buay daddy ara Mr1. l.ake home tr you_ \ldatl! Look for d,ub fPlend1 lhf' • ., oa-on1 up d......,a and Pl""'r Laurie , d · 1 bo the 11lcn of G~lf•'a. · """' " · .,.-.-· an • c ir and two Y•· I to hi• home ln Corona Highland• -------------------------"Pinky" Scott, he or lh• Park ~f' TU!tlaa Room at Oirtat· for a pert A rll 22. Tho r: A\'f'IWe and It.a b&b)( f:\rother ne '-I Hut Is a mNUng place for a dancl ~ :u Jf ~ d Lund, Mona Barlow &lid Cbarlee G ,. p,· Jlatda, comee forth wilh word3 I biiy·v1tv" background to taJk or l Pat ~llln G:rd n('Slw~re d mC an I V&ndervoll, Artie Blrtchtt ,and 1$0 1ne ice thai Chef B•ry J onee hu joined · ~enada and Honolulu nu:ea. l!ldwarda e. Bob ;~hn! e a; 11~~-.ioyce Aben1. j oyce Vltte and Jack ~ the crew of Balboa Island'• fam-Food It Grog enhance the view and qutttt ~nny Harbornn,Dlc~"::,;e,.. St~inman, Joyce Chung &nd Ken Ra1·1e Announced ed reataurant-b&r • lhe converMtlon i:io thd. ll'• an b d Be 1 Pfl ' J k Bodenhoffer,. D•rlf'nt Grten and , · , at mo.phere! y an Vf'l' y rnnann, ac Tom Hatch, C tl!ia Beltram a:nd • NEW llAJllAQl:a s~alc1ng of nautlcal meander-Smith and l=:lltn Tonnie. HOW11rd B b Tu i.1 B l d Increued wagee 11 the reuon At the entrance to &!boa I•· ,.. Mitchell 11nd Donna 'Small. Tony 0 mt'r. t eta e tram an land Woody H older'• VWa M.arlna Inga, The Pirate, eitt~nda ~ hurty Pall'ferrl and Otbby Cnl!'man. J lrri Tom L&nge. Mike John80!1 and g-lven by SLandard OU Co. t or the i. buuin' like a bee-hive. Jamu welcome for the caau~I. m!onnaJ Newkirk l<<'tth Potts Rob -Rtvia.. Shirley St11rrord._l!in Reynold• three tenth ot a cent ralee ln gu- McOlll formerly uaoclated with amsll talk mln(led with tap beer Rudy M~rtlnt7. Jtnn~ Lund anrl and Jack I~ CaJ.) l3ob MOum ollne pr1cea announced auddenly to the Statler and Hilton Hotel! .an~ a; ~pe~ f~e. ~t'sJ 0~ 28th 8~· Chut'k l<lov111to 0 11nd Don ·Thomp· and Van PoJ_mrroy, Pattie Rjll'Y. 1l• dl1tributou lut week, aecord-chalna, la the new .mgr. at the -ar Y ev. por · · oan~y • ~on. , and Bob Diem. Taccao H11yee and VIU.. • • the keeper of the treasure ~tie11t. I ~PRISO DANCE Bob Rt vla. Gay Armitrong and Ing to p ayton Thomp11on, Joe&! Baa Hutchiaon and hl1 Hont->'-ARCHES OPl!:N M H A• I\ ~oclaJ ciub held It'• J.Uke Bartlett. Caro) Green and dlatr1butor. Th• cost la expected beea play for Saturday rve daric-Bang! Johnny Vllelle welcomu ann~ai April showu11 da~ce at the ·n ick Campbell. :'llancy Bryant and to be paued on to the con.sumer. 'Ing In the popular Aquanuni back all his hearty crew at Thf-Prtda v Afternoon Clu b House In Pat (from Fuill'rtor\), Mt'rlln Thompeon said the ralac-atf«I:& Room. Adrian "ntertalns a t the 0 ,..1 Arc,hl'tl lomorrow~lh: ll'll t>e Costa: Mesa lait Saturday. Paptr Couch and :a.Ju 1Fullerton\,1'1ln<'Y all types or fuel. He aald a <U8· r an-piano bar nlghUy except Mon-"old home week" as the mate.~ rt'-I raln-<\,rops wllh lhe coupll'll namu ca_mpbelJ and Wylie Ket'!er, Biii trlbut-0r'1 margin ot profit la the daya when tJau1 Dell comu 8 11 tum from, vacetlon.11. Should be a on them coW'r"d tht waJIJi. while Brck and yours truly, who wert same on current prlcn a.a when tt\• way from Balboa Isle to alt-~ t lmr t o stop by and get re-the celllnir wu dtcorated with cro1l-ned King and Quffn Drip. to guollne wu 10 centa a rallon. ln tor the rullna Mr. A. acquainted wilh all your favorite ytlloW1 ·and white crepe ·paper. carry out tht theme of April l!how· Next Thur.day Vitia Mariu will gals and guy~ who serve up sut'h Coupl~1ttt1n1 at tbe card tables t'rll. M End C preaent Ila monthly fuhlon 1how. nice pol&ble!! 'and chow In the with m nlature umbreliBB on thl'm _Thi' same evening the Koala's, esGft S ourse Tomorrow a t luncht'On the South-Coast-Highway ru taurant·bar. I or dan ing .to the mu1lc or Pettr a Junior "Y" club, held a party at JACKSONVILLE. FLA. 1 FHT· em California Fire Chltfs wUI Jolly Cobum's The CaAtawaya H"nde~n·a band w1>rt sue N1111wn Bob J ohnson'• home In Coal& MeAL NCI __ .Manne Pfc. Danny L. mttt alter our own' local J an 111111 'way up th"re on the hill and Pa I Lorent:un, Karen Wagg-Dancing and eattn11: lhrouithnut th" Robt'rtll . .-on or Mr. a nd Mn. l!:ad •' ' ,. .r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PA~T MI · ~AGE l I THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 , MA'IUl:8SE. 8'•1• ,.-HOCl'N'• -T...U.ra ·.,"'&'Illar ~~ OOOH·~ WHAT THE GOVERNOR OF 1 00 TA~.~:)~!~~E~SCO. CAUFOltNIA SAID TO ARIZONA '~==="ae=_=s·="lK>="=~='d.~· = S ACRA?!IE!'llTO, 1 C'NS I -Whtlt the Governor of S\luth Corallna H id to thr Ccwnhor of ="urth Carolina haa no bl"&r· Ing &t 11! on what tht ~trnor of Caltfom1a 14 n ytnr to thf' Govei nor o! A 1 n -· ~ qui' Iron rl1t by O(lvernor, Ooodw10 ·J. KnlJht of i---~C-a".:'llforn111 is "" h .. r .. ·w B<>n•·lll ?" _... -KnlJ:hl s1•vt>1 al w1°t'k11 ago allkt'd.fnr-retum or W1lllam O. Bontlll. 'fonner lll1•mbt'r'of thf' bo1u·d (If f'<J UBhzatlon fndl<'ttd Ill Suuthun· c,ahform11 In l'••nne1·uon with the liquor •\'.andau, through ~tradllmn. Governor Ert\e111 \\' McFarland, of Ansone, al't a bu.rtnr, but, 1111y11 l<nli;ht, took It off the t'11lirdar. "l m C'Urtoua to ~now v. hy 1t :hiu.n't been e~1ted." Knight <·ommt·lllt"d. Call DAN'S TV a.me. .... &ala ..... I • Uberty.~WI 1 iaynor. Bike Gone -Uve mercl\ant& are thoM w!lo advf'l'tl-patronlu them. Thdt of his 1mn's blCfCle from hE' 20<\ bl()('k on Sapphire Avt'. :vu rt'torted to pohC'f' Saturday l\y S. ~ Gaynor of 112 Sapphlrt \\'e .. Ht said th" whet>! wu patpt· 'd red and white. . NOW --OPEN HOwBrd~ R.estaurant & . Coffee Shop on Co'ast KiCJhway ·-Just-pest Thw Archea towards Hunting ton Beach OPEN 24 HOURS ,. - ·' , B~ h~ ~m~1~~ ., a~ watc~n~ the 1>ve~cha~ng ~en~ ner an T~~S~w~1~~be~l.JS~a~m~C~oo~~rtr~~~•:n~~~~v.~?~r:"~~~b~~a:m~J~B~o~n=n~le~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n.nrem•nta for thll bi&' affair. Buddy Rbhnetentnurnj Iii ·the 1 and Paf"lrl c e .• o n ur ey an r. s Mt~. graduattd Apnl 8 from the W\NM'IWI (f ____ .. No 1100ner w111 the chlefa make Plano Lounge and the crowd joins Judy Sl61'J>f'r, Ly·n BollE'ly and Ken t'lte, Bevt"rlv ·Pfirrmann and Airman P reparatory School at tht EXPlDSIYE ""'1N'lllUl'I theJr exit than a .. ng from the plcture!!que per110nallty of the Jacobs, P lane CUson and Ronnie vtrby, Ja~k Smith 11nd Shelby .. 1181.0 •-?1:11v11 l Air Ttchnical Tra!f!mg Cen-Crana Co. will movt In tor a din· Hiiitop Rendesvoua to atp, ea t and Newlon, J otyi Swam and J ody Ll,b, Tunnel. Pete Schulberg llnd Caro[ tt'r htr:e. a er meeUnr tomonoow evr. Usttn. Have you been up there Tr11h Kaapp and Dick Innrrat, King. J erry Fsrkwar a nd Pam, IAST I F r l 1 • The eight week courSf' covered Sl:Rv\ot: CLUB Mt:ET a e Y ·. Bn1ce Knipp and Belay Blackmar. Ellen Tol}nlc and Howard Mitchell, b8'1ic aviation akilll, such u air· rt It• a Sputlah-Mtxlc11n type Denny P"it:qJatrll'k 11nd J oarme Bob Delong. Rich Paleftrrl, van f 1 I I Woody Holder l&Jd lhat lhe lo-youlra ee~klng, lhere'1 alwuya La Sueas, Bill Wetzel and Anita Palm, era t rf'pl r, gul)e an exp oa ve~. 1•1• .. .... cal Rotary, Klwf:"ll a nd Llon11 Poeta iltuated on Newport Blvd., Dick Cr&Jg and Lauri' Hendrlt'k~. Polmeroy and PhyUi11 Milum. tire fighting. eJ,ctrontc11 and the met In a joint uiilton tor lunt'h ollt near the limit.a of Costa Mesa. Mike Valle and Pal Tullle, Carol uat Of h11.nd tools. at the hlJh achool to observe Food and 11Ur1"9undlng-1rem to Callie and Roy Da.nlel1. School Week thla pu t Tutsday. taJ<e you "11outh of the bordl!r'' In '· THl:&I: Wl:RF. MORI: New Ucense Granted Nice r;ellture, that!' · aulhtnttc manner. Alan Rypln1kl &nd Marl{Ul Kot"r· SACR..\MENTO (CNSl -The Jim Ka,_, from, the rulaurant You're a.lway11 welcomt at ~ ner, Charntlh Starege and Bob Secretary of State'• oftlce an· of the nme name, 4tnnounc"' huge Ill', over In Corona de! Mar. &ay Milum, Millie Totmle and Keith nounced wuance ot a noe&ry pub- nofnodellnr down a t hl1 Balboa lo-"hello" to Mama and PappL Potu, CbJp Regan and Donna Uo commil1Alon to Ann JOh~ cation. To make room for euy, AND Al'TEB DIJllNER ama.11. Tony Palefurl and Bev 1917. Court SL, Newport Beach. handy ~rktng tor tboee who like Johnny Oxford of lhe Porl ;;=========•==; 1uperb fOOd rea.I handy to their 11Hctn-; In Corona del Mar, 11.111 ura. Keep and eye on JLanun.. he 111 holding over "Eut ot Eden" Old Elltabll1hld ln.aurance . Dorotby Neabltt &'et.a more and thro1.1ch n.xt Tue.day. Joe Ha-Agenfoy .JOH NS TO N E 'S Mesa Auto Wreckers more popular each Saturday eve-man •t th.-M-~"' In Coa-All llnea written. ~d Auto Part. nlng <town at ran-a. Old B&lboa ta M$1i. orteri ~Conquest of HOWARD W. GERRISH -d A~110r1H ha Cal-. 9"\ack-dab on the oceen S~ct" plWI "Battle Taxi." Cr&lg 1808 Newport Blvd .. Costa Men 2075 Placentia A \•e. f ront. becauae •he hu the knack Phoenlll, Muon Slier'• ot.htt Cap-PHONE LIBERTY &-11111 U brrty &-1011 c09ta ~ or 111aktnr everyone feel like Helen lal.n-in Charge, announcea that the ~============~===========:!== ilAllllll~ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfO=w;,Siho:w:i=ftCJ:-iliiiiil Ends THSday THESE T WO <tREA T 8 HO\f8 \, ''1·. ~· -.. -~ . 1845-THE ATOM BM •.• -- .,-last Time Sat. Two BiCJ Feature$ Kirk Douglai-''THE RACERS" "LAND OF-FURY'' Adult1 1f6o....lualol"I llOo--Cblld~a tCk Kida Ma&. Sat. ·1 :~ "PRIDE Of" MAR\'LA."'110,. ~tarta Hun..--Contlnuoua ~un. from 2:30 F rt. uid Sat. MM'OOSALD CAAEY MAl'REE~ O'HARA "Fire Over Africa" DOROTHY McGl 'IR£ "Make Haste To Live" ( --· -.- t'O~ll:\t. SOOS 'StranCJe Lady In Town' Clntm11M'OfH' Warnf'r Color GREl':tl GAMON DAS A Al\'bRE W!' -Ptu• - "A Race for Lit." lreallfast Served Anytime -Day or NICJht ''try our coffee see it made . • 1 always fresh we 9'illcl ow own" . ,(' --:-._i--~ brilliant young l1tm of "M<J6nificent Ob#Uion '' --· bnng to tht amen a.ll the pa81ion and drama OF IHE 1952-THE HYDROS.El BOMB.:. T9"' __ .;.··~·~-... •S:•!.•·-........... iiiM·mim ·lilfiU ....... l•·----Yllll -----lllll-•111111 ·-flllll "MM unuvn ro EMTH'S SATELLITE I" ... "TECHIUCOLOI •IHI ... GAIWI ~e--- t ·rature · Aftlt• ~unlora ~'hlhlN'n tlk' IUd'• .... ~·· t P"?'· "\'Al,l.f:\' cw nn: tn:Aotff'.\'T!:M'" Slarte \\'f'd.-"ESC A PE TO ftt ". • · " ' \('fl Tl'F.!'DA r ) • \ of W. R. BuTTJdfi great belt.seller! f 1 ~s;(; .. ~..t',--4 ROCK HUDSON BARBARA RUSH· JEFF MORROW ~ l 'lu11 ~M'<'nd Fratu~ , DAN., "-'1>RE°"t4 -PIM:k LAtllD "SMOKE SIGNAL" Ill Ttthnlcolor "' -. -· ·-,."'·-,....,.""-· .,., ... , ' JUST NORTH .r POST OFFICE • ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TM~ 10th OF Tl-f E MONTM --------- EARN F.ROM THE FIRST Office Mourr. For Your Convenience We are open eve;y Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. -. .. ..- - , ,; 4 .. I \ ~ . , ..... -1- , ... ... ' l •• PA6E 4 ·PART I I I-.. NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 -. • ,- --, - -· ,, . - We Serve The Finest Foocl-E~erycl~y FOLLOW THE ·CROWDS TO THE . VILLA MARIN.A • CIRQUE . RESTAURA. •1 Ailotbei fiiJfiOrtant Anno~riC'emf!nt _ l - From Or_af!ge Coun.ty~ ..... ' . . . ·.Two FamoUs Restaurants•·'~ I DEAR FRIENDS: . We are . proud-to a"nounce the Cirque is continuin9 with the Villa Marina In their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners at t greatly reduced price during specified periods es outlined below. . We ere pro.ud to '·announce. the Ville Marina has served t527 of these s~iel dinners sinc;e starti"CJ. Thanbl On Thursday, May 5th, the Ville will hold • Feshf on Show modeling the latest in wearing eppareL The Circ(ue will hold one on Seturday, May 7. Complete funch- eon served. for $1.50. Please cell for reservations. ' MAY i .. 1955 WEEKLY SP·ECIALS -- j _ \ • • l --r • VilLA · MARINA On ffte ' Balboa lay "'°"' .. -&/ant/, Ca/If. Plto,,. .Harbo; 3930 Po, R ,~Oflons j I o 195S.< ~. . . . -' . . . SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY : :. 4 .. ~ATURDAY .1 8 · MOTHERS DAY 1·5 22 29 ·' . 2 • 3 -4 ·5 . .6 ,. DURING THE ABOVE CALEND~R WEEK WE WUJ.: SERVE OUR REGULAR PRIME RIB DINNER FOR $2.50, OR YOU MAY ORQER OUR REGULAR SWORDRSH DINN.ER FOR S 1.50 11 12 Th;oughout the above calenc:far week, we will serve our New York (bone in for flavor) Stea~ for $2.50 If you prefer seafood, our regular Halibut Dinner will be $1.50 for t~s week. For no waiting, try to .,,an your dinner party for a week day. 16 17 . 18 · 19 20 During the above . calender week, excluding Mother's D1y, we will feature our Fried Chiden Dinner for $1.50, or Fried Shrimp Dinner for $1 .50 Note: Special rnen&1 fc>r Mother's Dey at bottom of the page. .25 26 27 During the above calender week, we will serve our regular • Top Sirloin Dinner for $2.50 or you mey have friend Eastern Scallop' for $1 .!5 A re.J tr9et for seafood lovers • - ~ 7 . 14 ··- ~21 28 30 · 31 · f OR YOUR DINING PLEASURE ! . For the last three days of the month, we offer our regular Baked Ham Dinner for $1.15, or you may order our regular Trout Dinner for $ 1:6S -AT· GREAnY REDUCED PRICES~ . SAVE. THIS CALENDAR - REMINDER I At the Ville, there is dancing every S,turday night featuring a Buffet Dinner ~t $2.50 per person. No cover or minimum diMer. We also 'erve a beautiful buffet luncheon daily for $I .25. ~enu service also. Both • restaure"ts are open every day from I 1. 1. m. tiff 2 a. m. Dick Duln CJrinds the Hammond at Cirque and Adrien Mikesell et fhe Villa. Both houses offer binquet facilities f~r large and smlU 9roups. Lookin9 forwerd to enter• tainlng you . SINCERELY, VILLA MARINA For Sele -Bay Front Home ln Carnation Cove. See yo"r broker or cell Woody H~lder, Harbor 3930 --· . . . '· . WOODY HOLDER CIRQUE .... -.. LES YAUROUGH . .. , .. ·~ , .. .. t f ' j • .. ., REPEAT PERFORMANCE! -Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Howard Ahmanscin swept his sloop Sirius across the fiaish line at Ensenada, in 1954. to take the lion's share of the trophies. She was first to finish, first single- ma.sten ves~el, first in Class "A" ocean racing, first NOSA entry, and fi rst over-all on corrected timC'. How, ard Will have his same c·rack CrC'W aboard in t he 1955 event and thC'y will b<' trying mightily for a repeal per- formance. -Beckner Photo __,__ -· . __,. R 'I NG \'ET~1'Al'\ -Walt Elliott's \'C'teran racing "' p Eseapnde will be sailed by Don Edler this Sunday he again defends the famous Sir Thomas Lipton chaJ. e trophy for Newport. Harbor Yacht Club. Just to p in practice, Escapade won11L. A. Yacht Club's Stag ise race to Catalina last Saturday. The Enttnada ce '! Or course she's going! -Beckner P.hoto · 1eserves Plan -2 Week's Duty al Be&cll Marin<> ReMrvt' Ci r11ny will hav(' two wcl'k11 nr a 1' 'I' ctuty st Coronado, Capt. Jo M Terry . J r. n.nnouncra. S 1al cmphul.a wtll be placrd on ' dt>\'l'lopmrn u In amphihlflU.!! o t10n, hicludlng helicopter ltt 1111 Spe<"ll\J trnlnlnit wtlt bf' r:1\ h. mar l!W g'\lnl. rockflt la11 hf'rs. mnrtn1'" f1r!' 11.nrl ~!·I rlfl inn,.. c L Tr rrr atal~ lhal lhls two """ ot duty \\111 be an t'Xr dlf'nl orr unity for hlJ:h llC'hOOI 1:mdu· at.. •lann111f' t o a ttend college t h1• II tn 1<t art lhl'lr t'lj:ht yr er •mih obll~auon. Thry may &lay In ctol "hllf' thry I ri11n. • 11m a•I\ l'mf'nt ant1 pny t1n1I rom- plrt art ftf thf'lr nhhcatlon. ----- Au th o rla e d A I: C' 0 F1herglaA!I . ler In tht" Harbor lJrlng your fibt-r· !I JlNlhlc-m" to UA. • USCG RADIO GOES ON DAYLIGHT TIME Starting Sund a y, Coast 1-;uarJ radio ~tntlon :-;-'tQ Kheduled reJ:"Ular-broa•lco~ts 11l the followm~ d•yllght 1111\'· In!( tlml'io . Radio tele(:l'aph •t 10:20 am: &nil 9·20 pm. Radio tclr · J•hnn ... 111 10.00 11 m and 10:00 r !ll. Gre<'nWh h Cl\'ll llln(' 8n•I frequenc1tt1 w1ll rrmam un- • ha.n,:etl. ,. . I I BRACE YOU RSELVES. AMIGOS, LOS ~MARINEROS ·ARE . COMING PRONTO ! !Ifft. racll dlva\oo bu hffll mpllt lnto four clauu, A, B, C. and . .D. lrytcad ot th"" u h ... been the c'M lo former ev~ni... 169 Boats Ent-er Ensenacla Race Next Thursday ~ Set Record By NEAL Bl'.CKNER tnar u oltic:JllJ cU.tom1 a.nd lmml- 1 BalbM Y ll{'ht C'lub UI a,c'&ln act· rratlon cl.elll'ance at.a.Uon tor . Saluda11 Ama~os! ! -OR, !.'? use t!ie ~mcrican cono., Ak1ppera a.nd rrewa and tlle New. q~iaD\, ''Hang on to YQ!lr bnta, matei, here we go again! !". JJ>•'l't Harbor. Y&Cbt Clu~ will hott . 1 N . E . a ..1·-. 1...--: .... h b ~ d Ule t radlUon&l _e:Lla fleM& ~_y The '1llllltl ewport to nsen~-cu1muc, WnJC U 11.trea Y [for aJI <'ontutaot.t-on Wediieed&y become ealabliAhed as Ute world'a l&;.q:eat in\ernation.al yacht I evl'n.lnr'before the l'ilCl'. • race, baa broken &11 previous records th.ia·year with a 1tag-?-• GAV i;~SENADA . rerilllr tot.IU ot ljl~ entries; 75 I I NOSA. pruldent, Salvatore Mon. 'boat.I ln the ocee.n ra.clng dtvllllon, J B&rbor ~nU"IUlCe. The Cout QuanJ I aco, llJlnouncu that arrangement.a Md M lA arJ>ilnLQ' ~J.lcap. AWliUary 111 &159 pro_yl~n(' five for entertainment ln E~ada are ~ In ad'11Uon to lhl.s tremendous u eott veuela tor ttte UO mile J'UJ\, all complt'l~ with the c11atomery neet of contHtant.11, the,., will oe . two from Newport and t.hl'ff from bubttue party and the' trophy eleven -o!flclll.l tilK'Ort yacht.II In-San Diego. dinner !ollo.,.,1ng the prtiaenl&llon • cludinr Paul Whittler' a famthu I Addmg an u tlmat.ed 10 or ao ceremonlee expected to be bigger ~Uope whJth w ill a.pin act M. 611PfC\&tor boat.I to Uti• already col-a.nd better tha.n evrr. With the comm1ltH boot at bolh Blart aAd oaal t~ ot Nil and powtt cnt.ft, largeat '!lllr)' 11.lt on record and the 'ttnlali:" Tbe U. S. Navy i. dispa tch-It Ill readily evld~nt that the 8lMl expl!rt and dl!t&iled pla.nn111g by 11\S lhn!e veaaela which «'Ill Jom of lhb eighth lll\J\uaJ blue-waff.r 1dl hwd.s thl're I.a no 1'5.8on why the flfft off -San Dfego, lh4I U. S. cla.selc nutt Thursday noon wllJ be 19M'a N11wport to Ensenada Race OoA.i Qua.rd 1.1 .ending bQJ..h their a kirig-size nau\.1~1 sptctucle. lihould nol ~ the moet aucceut\JI ~ cutte.· Minnetonka and the old The various committee• of the t\'ent In the history or the race. reliable Ptil'lleUI. NOSA, originators and 11ponsors of Come on, Marinero.!! Vamonoe! LAROI: l:SC'ORT Ulla f;'T'e•t event, have lh.ln~• wrll )llewpOrl HarbOr's OY.'ll ··:-10. under control at lht.a t!me and a rti ~40:Z" will U11ume htir customary proceeding with the11· usual ertl· JMllrol dullea at t he 1lart .ore lhe c1ency. Due to lhe size or (he LAD.Y ANGLERS By STELL (Mh. Ra.y) MARSHALL Th>' NewP,Orl Harbor·Lu.dy Ang- ler11, ".Prelude to Jo'11h10g," the fifth annual bent'fll Junch.-on fashion 11how and C"ard pArty, will be held May 13 Ill thl' Nl'wport Harbor Ya cht Club. Thi• Is the cyno11ure of Ill! event 1 111 lhl' Harbur Brt'a. wben tho f1ahl.'1 xnls 1<p110~ f •rth 111 thl'1r 11p0ntanl'n1111 an;! vwar1otu1 cl\.OH\ra.dcne to makr this an af- LPrn11<1J1 o! 111n llO I u i:athP1111g whr1·e t'Vt'ryon•· k nows evf'r)'""'' • l;l.111 tmw o( year tK'(on· i.;u•~J fl!>h111¥ s:..t:1 un.tcr "·•Y 1:4 m I"• d drab t'Xlhh nre for th<-i:;lrls. ~"' h 11 sl8tc of arta1r~ '""I'll ed a;n 1 n- lh11.s1a11t1r l'Qmmllt• .. m llJ."111 In stas:r t ht' fu :<t or t hrs1· p.11 LH·, a.s a pubhl:1ty stunt. The lul:.11 p1 • ss w.UI v1•1 y kind in J:l\'IOlt u;i g t'n• r- ous rov;re14.I' society, is mdred • irrt>at peraonal sat 1s!1tctlon .The proceeds from th.ls party are use<! 1 11 a rr.eruu of t'TlterUUnmg approximately J7"" ot these chlldr1•n and their at- tPndanl.11 wnh an annual p1c:nJc given on the beach t nu limit on hot dogs 11.nd Ice creum t boat l'1Je1. favors and Cun for nil. La.al year a surplus of $JOO bought an a uto- matic bfL to a11I Lht• tN1cher1 in hfl111g the h..avy ~h1h.lrt'11 ' 111 a nd oul o! bu,.l'S. 'r---.... • l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~SS ~PART 111 • PAGE s 0 TS WA'R . -THURSDA Y, APRIL 28, 1955 . . I A NED MARINE NEWS ::.s~:o F rida • April 21f .8.aturday ApNI 30 ·Sunday May_1 Monday May 2 Tuell<Uly 1.tay 3 We<!nuday May • Thursday May 6 TIDE ,,... Hiett 2 41 a. m. 4 ~ p.m, 4.09 a. m. 6:36 ·r m. 6 .23 •. m. e ~u p:.m.. 8·22 a rn. 8 .U p,111. 7 : 11 a. m. T.0'8 p. m. 7:M a. m. • 7:3• p. m. 8 :36 a. m. 7 ~9 p. m. D AYLIGHT QUAKTl!:R MOO~ Apr. 28 May 6 TAILE lb. 4 3 4.1 4 I 4.11 4.1 .....,. ~o 6.1 4.0 0.3 3.9 6.& 3.7 0.8 10;()2 Lm. 10:S8 p. m. 10:61 L M . ll:U p.m. 11~..'.0 L m. ·-..-;•..-..... 12:33 L m. 12:20 p. m. 1:18 L m. 12:G;J p. m. 1:153 L m. ~22 p.m. 2:28 ll. m. 1:48 p. m. SAVINO TDD!: er. IAST Q VAJCTU ~lay H • Nt:W llOON· May 21 BL --0.1 2.0 0.1 1.• 6.s 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.9 -0.l u --0.• 1.• Wat('ra ht-tw .. t'n lhti Mont,.. r t')' 0 11 Compa.ny'11 drlllloJ Ill· la.nd a n1! Sral B('arh ,.re J"Oln& II• bf' ~·I to• pip,. ltne 1.,._ Inf qpt'rath>OI t•y. thC' nucl m.inlh a.n<J marl.ml~ &r• urget to II••' ca'utton tn navlgatm1 betwrw lhf llla.nd a.nd Ute m11.lnla.nd. Pipe IA) Ing I• undl'r way An,1 w1ll rontlnue tor about tour 1lay1. Aftrr" thKt a b&rl(t' will work betwHn the lallU\d ttnd lh., inalnlllnd U'flnchln!' a.nd 0burytnr the ptJ>('a. Th1• operaUon I.a tx~cte'1 to ™' compll'ltJ May 12, Two Hubi Taken Thl'ft Of t"A'O hub Cllpl from h t• car p&rk(d nN'l r t he r ort Theatre -.·u rep0rtf'd to pulloe SatunJa,.v· by U nyd Bachman (If 132 Oral Avt He Aid the 1uu ocrurred bf'· twttn 7 :30 pm. ll.lld l 30 a.m. The. warm 1c•q>t1on vf thu; happy blt'ndlng vf fun ttJ'ld lXUl»· mf'nl apm n•ll ..... un lo greater «!!orta lhan mc1 r rrtvohty 111 the years following, whu:h rrsulted 1n OllT phllnnthropJr project -l he handicapp<'d ('hildren or Orange County. An ·on.lmg to our .;1111ubl•' LbtUr· ma11. -'fr.<. Andy t P ho<lw 1 Andre· ll!'n and her Ld.p8blo.' <'Omm1tlt'e, w l' unt.ler.stanil m01 " • mpha&1.s t han ever t• bclll>t put 111to makll\g this a niu!ll pro11 tablc tumout. -'lr:s, .'\'.ed t Prpeyj J ohn.-..m . of pre- Vious v1Jeo !ii.me. wtll acl u M.C. \.'erna Miller, who LS well known a.s a !a.shlon · eicpert 111 Uu.s area. will pre~lde over' a fa.ihion i;how in which sevm' local :shops will pa'ttlcJpate. Ma~)!Jllract1ve . praz- e11 will go .home with lucky win- ners holding lhe nghl numbers. Thia ta not a cldsed corp0raUon- bring your Lrlen'da and their !rlenda and Join the tun. Ticket.I &re available Lhrough Mr&. Frank I Clara J Keeler, H a rbor 4387 and Mr.1. J im (Alice)-Slemons, Ji.dtor 2H2. Thet1e g1rla wilJ gt.dly take your money-It la all for a worlhy C&UM. ANGLING FOR A PARTY-A commJttee of Lady" Anglen go over plans for the up- coming Prelude to Fishing Party set fo r May 13 at the NeW}M>rt Harbor Yacht Club. From left, Mmes. Edith Humpert, Woody Holder, F. C. And'reeen, Dan McMillan. J ohn Hartlein and William 'lallmJ.ll. ....._~taff Photo ,Mott. wflot 0 ..., ,_ fiehlrltl S..11, COlllpOCt, ll9hf. weiGht, fib right In the tnlnk of your cor. Jo111podred with bl9· MOtor fMt11r• .•• MIOOft\.,, alld QUIETI Tq tje K (l{lrl ot. a auccesi.ful etfort Ml rcwal"lhng. Th<-brtlllance 1Wems to bl' •reflrt•ted ln our own orb1L or a ct1v1ty. Even m a l\ffiBll way, to bring happUieH 11nd a ht· Uc 1unah111e Into the hvea or lh11 group o! unfortU11atc chlldren w ho uhnol take their normal plal:(' 10 GREATEST .Coffey Ta bi Costa Mesa Real Comer . COflt& Meta la growing into "one ot lhe iteatest conuirunlUes In Southern CallfornJa," City Man· ~l'r George Coffey Informed 315 ruldtnlJI during lt.8 April 20 l\tu a birthday party In Friday A fter· noon. ClubhouM. The clly m~r added, "I have never had lhe plea.aure of work111g with & group of men u •1.11rere anrJ cooperative u thti city cnunt'1I of the City of C08ta Me~a " Coffry reviewed the ftr9t.. 22 ~ SOUTH COAST CO. %:h"d 411 S e-..-porL Bh·d. • / MERCHANT PATROL FASHJOS FOR FISHING-Miss LaRu.e Daniger of Cos- ta Mesa models a summer dress for .Lady Anglc;-rs Mrs. Ray Marshall, president: and Mrs. F. C. Andrese, pro· gram chairman. -Staff Photo and HARBOR BOAT .. PATROL ~f~fnJ ~!~1~~!'!nnelt, 2046 Myt"r Placl', Costa Meaa. W<'I· corned A g1rl Into thtlr family on A prlJ 23. She wa.e born tn Hoag lloi;p1tal. • Port Orford tn ON"gon Is report· eJ by the ll:atlonll.l Automobile I Club to b,. lhti mo~t woterly In· corporated city 111 lhe t;nltt't1 Statf'Jll. • DR. H. C. FELLERS, Sacto. pMtor-"Ther e le ll n1>w tnterui on the part o! youth In world a..t- fa.il'I! -drmandl.n~ Intelligent and lntclllglble &n."<Wers to thf'lr ques- Uons." Harold I. Johnson Pro~llar kl'pat,.. Columbian IUld t ·f'drnLI Al!'l'DC'Y Phorw Harl~r 820 !8Jl \'Ula War. Xewport 0.-M'la . , . ~ · t ·ALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY . PATROL Kl 2-7027 ~ l(ev UJWfR oosr B~ J_ ~ BUILDI~ Ooo>o •~ ~ C OST. COMPLETE !>UILDIHG _::;.: CLUED LAM IN ... T[O HE.MBE'RS, G IVE CLtAR . SPA..N, A FFOQOING GQEA.T SDllD S TQENGTH A.1 LOWER · - OELIVEQE.O TO JO~ ~IT~ Hl6M tl!I P£.R.SQ.F"t. OR COMPLETELY ERECTE.01 INCLUDING SL"~ FROM t I 9 PER, ~ n. fOR. COMP1£RCl"'-L: f.aM Qq lNOUSTA\t.L UR. Allt'W!HrK #I #.CM.IF. month.I ot lncorporaUon &11d the I Twenty·nin.e per cent ol U.. UMd problema involved. "You have had car p\Jrcb&ae11 In the United to put up with • lot," the rlly St&tee In 196' pald undn '600 tor m-.na~r told Mesa citizens. "But Utelr .can, acoordift« to Ule N a· )'OU """ trytnr-and .we a re trylnr Uonal Automobile Club. and we an g'TOWln&' into one of the rreateat communlUea In South- ern California.'• capt. Johan •. , .............. · meda, reUr111g fr rry pllot -''1 han --------r&-----a lot ot hobby work ahead. rm making cradlea." M A Rl!'E l 'PBOL8TEIUXG BOAT 00\T.RS BALBOA CA.'fV A8 SHO.P He.._ m 114'!, Jlot "· NlWPOIT HACH 4*e °" '-MCI ... the 5~ today, "*'. lel '• go fialtln9 I Ivy llOW, ... °"'· "'" poy· .... ,... South Coast Co. 2Jrd & Newport llYd • J•ll•••n •H·Hofl• 011llH>•M llolofl -tt paya to f'9d Ule wut a~ MARINE CARBURETORS Rf-paJn -Sales -P.,.._ Zl:NITH & STROMBERG GEO~ J, MEACHEM 2489 W. Coast HJghway Uberty 8-l.SU DAYE SPIES 2510 W. Coast Highway OWNERS N ·EW SERYl~E I .. "' Save· SOo/o BOAT BUNKS FURNITURE PILLOWS INSULATION . WAR SURPLUS COSli MESA Col"llf!r ~"""°" a llart>nr Riva ·EROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Now Avail(!lble at a C)NLY s71s S~lal Price • YEARLY T a~in7 advantage of our services, di.scriminate shoppers are assur- ed top-quality meek cut, quid;{rozen, pada9ed and stored for convenience and savings in our. modern frozen food storage plant. Many owners of home-freezing units have availed themselves of our meat cutting, pada9in9 111d ~freezing service ... find ing it thrifty end convenient. Rent Y0ur Locker Now Before the Summer Rush . Phone· 'Harbor 0718 G I 0 ~· Ifie Fiberc1lass l \\', ('out Hwy. RESIDE~TIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERGIAL . Harbor FROZIN FOOD LOCKERS Pb. I.I 8·UU • Acn (1 nm A II-A met Icon ~ll<t NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SK.ALL zso SOth st .. ~ewport Bea.ch II.arbor ws at WHOLESALE Newport. hach • __.- • -- ' Sermon Series At B. I. Church '1"h41 M.•nr W ho Dreamed l>r11ame" i. the N rmon toplc, 19- • leelf'd ~)' lh4I ~v. Donald G~ Aapp for lhto 1:30 t.nd 11 a.m. Mrvlc .. Bunday •l th• &.Ibo& lala{ld Com· n1unlt)' M11tbodl1t Cbureh. Jt t.. 0!1 thltd Jn.a .. n .. ot }llopaphic&J 11ennoq on ''Gr•t "Men of Old." The cholr, directed by i...jl• Van D)oke and accompanledL by Mr9. Jack Huok•*· wtU ~ "Lord ot ~ft and Ktnc ot Qlory" 1Burk91. N ur.ery car.·~ Pf'°" •id4.d tor IDn.l.ll dilld"-at u.. 11 'o'clock tervtce. · Dlrec~ of HARBOR .AREA CHUICHES .. t. Altdft-P~n.. CMardl !~th I L • BL AndttWI Rd., 1cro111 from HIJh School IJ!Mrty. 8-3773 Putor~ fteY. J111t1u 8. Stewart C'.ommulUty ........ , 4>0 W. 19th 81,. C<Mlta Me .. · LIM?'ty 1·4~:12 -1'..Y. J oaeph W . )lcShana n. Cltan:.i. of OIU't•t 1050 Churcb St., COila. Me .. Libarty 1-6711 Torn B.lker J r ., ~wtni•ter --.-C•rlat Claurc• By The 8fla· Community Methocllat Blllbo& Blvd. at 14th, Newpor t Harbor 6229 • M1n!1ter: Rev. Roy Ca ri.on 81. Joachhn Churr.h .- NEW MEMBERS -Who joined Newport Harbor.-1.utheran Church Palm Sunday {left to right } are : (f ront row) suSan Bent.Bon and Kennet'h Edwards, two of the....chi1- dren receive<J into bapti:r:Cj'.I membership; f1'econd row ~ 1frs. Floyd Bentson, Lewellyn Hruza, lolrs: Ruby Brack· en. Harry Gant, Mr. and }.fn1. Gordon Butth, John Ed· wards Ji'., Mni. Henry A:nderaon; tihird...-rowJ }.fr . Bent- aon, Mr. -a nd Mra. Paul Parriah, Mn. Ronald Evans, Maj. Jarnra Sawyer, Maj. Vic tor Alif~n . Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards Sr., tlast row I Pastor Robert:Gronl und, "fr. and ,_lrft. Rosa.Wilson, Leon White, ~~rs. and Mr. Paul Peterson. Also jolriinK but not pictured ..:ere Henry A-11dt'nJOD and Mr. and Mrs. J ohnnie Becker, -- ~'INTERNATIONAL FA.MIL-Y"1'Lat-ter Rain' Subject For Adventists FATH·ER TO .TALK HERE . plll'tir-ipation In Chi! worship an11 The Rev . Carl Doss Will """' vrn•'""' or '"' ··"""h. Ch1ldren'1 Day "''ii be ol)ar-n ·ed o n 1"4 _Ora.nee A ve., Co1ta Me•• Liberty 8-1091 Father Thoma• J . Nevi n -I e C 0 lS UtC n1enta of n1e Churc11 School. and I B At. (M th d • t Ch h :.lay l by t he chil<1rtn'1 depart· I -. . :. ' <h•y "'" """''"" "'""' '" ,,,. Thi1. Satur<J11y. April 30, Pu- tor R.irhi.rd F. Strn11 "'ill occup)' !ht' pulprt •t the 11 o'clock ""'" v~rr or the Seventh-day Adventist Church and "'·1U dt•llver a· •ermon cnllll<'d ·'Th• J,.11 tter Rain." Ftnl BapU•I Church of :"t:ev.·port Tha Rtiv. Carl Dou. lather or1en111 will h...,e ll,J • special re-e&rh· <'hurth aet•·itf'. Par'l!'nl$ v.'1 11 B.llboiac--Blvd .. 19th • Cour1 St• .. thr famou1 .. l nternallon•I F1m1ly,.E _ 1m:e lr:1der. Donat,1 Brldgernan. be l~vltff! 10 ,.1~11 the various d<'- Nfwpor't of 12 adopte-d ('h1ld~en, will s peak in1t 1•uctor of ('0ur•t>•· on "T he I µartn}llll'l• ntiar the eloee of the Harbor 1~3 Liberty 8-3072 It Chrl•l Churoh-By-the--S"'I amtry--1ruM!liftCoaal CoJl,.ge. 1 chi.."-, pt"rio<t Paator : Herbert G. John.on fComn1unfly Methodl1tl In l'\ew-The reaturt.1 p_rogn•n1s eac~. Sun-The nior'n!ng •ermon by Rev, por t Beach on S~1nd11y, :.f•y 1. •I day ewf'n !ng w11! 1M'1 ll•ld .Jn UJe Roy A. Carl11on al both &•r••lcf'~ Xewport Harllor IAlberaR Ch11reh 7:30 P· m .. Thrr9J!f .. •e; t!\t~'W''i>' o l • • l«tll OJl. e "e"e · , . '"" -----.ilOt-i::'ll r.. ewport Het1ht1 'all:i'ij'lrtd lhl!le ch1illren o mix~ I Sunday n1nrnJng l<l!rvke~ v.·111 ~an('tuarv choir, direc-t~ b,· ,_lr!I. U barty 8-3631 :-parent,age during the put JO !Ol1'e11S the 1n1po.rt11nl·e .or f111n11y 1A. J.,.,tt ui.tcr .. ~('r<:l\·ide m·u~1c. Rtv. Robert Gronlund yea-r11 v.·hltr--ni •r-hool 11.nd whrn Zecha riah IO:l. the le11d1ng lf'»I or thl".1ermon rt•d• "Ai k ~I" or th• Lon i rain in th!! tlm~ of the latt.-r r11ln : "o the l.ord 11h111! make brig ht c101H15, 1.nd givr them 1ho.,.•era of r111n. to every one ,-r•"" in the f)eld." • • And Pa ~tor Sern1 5\attd tha!, .. unlea' .,.., 1.re <t11ily 11.dvanelng in {!Ir exempl1fi('alion or t he active Chrl~t!an virtues, "'" 1hall not re- l·ogn17.e the n1anHe&\lon uf 'the Holy Spirit In the latter t81n . ll • "-hl1 of God J2nd Bl: A, Elden AYe .• Coata Mesa -Liberty 8·3761 ft.averend M. C. Cronic, P u t.or ' ' •ervtng chur('hell 1n northern C11l1- forn1a. At prt.ent they Jlv1~ In 11 l11rge ranch home 1n Rtd!and1. :.Ir. 11.nrl Mni. Dolli are 1te•·ot1ng thttr Unlf to writing_ &n<I le-clurin~ while rai11lng thi11 -f11n1ily . ~1r11. l>o!\11 hill! rl"re'lv e <J n11!1on . w1<Je rtcog- nltion "''Ith maipilturle arucle1 and her rtcent book, 'I'he J.'11 m1ly No· bndy \\'anlf'<l. a11J • n1ay. be f•lllnlt on h1·&rt1 all a- round ul!, but we 11h•ll not dts('rtn nor receive It." ' Th" top\(' of diacu•1ion for the a.,,'NU..-da1 AdveaU1t Nawport Blvd. at Bolu St., Newport Helghta Elder Richard 'Sern• Llberty 8·1:132 111!1 prog-ran1 111 the fh·•t ot a •----------------•.-------.,.-------• ~~~;: ~~ ~::.~::i~at0~11i;.;~:;.~,·:~ PAGE b -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS church at st udy whl('h ('Onven"~ al 9:30 a .n1, will .be "The Rise of the. Rl!'mnant Church ." The \',.rl!f' tp be memoniiii I• l1111ia.h 8 :20; ·1'o the Jaw and to the te•Un,ony: Clnll'ch of Ule Sauttne 188~ Anaheim . Co•ta J.l~.a Pait.or : Rev. C iiva Wllllam• Family Life. An inforn111 l picnic THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 •uppt"r wlll •l•rt each o f the l'\'t· l------------... --------'·'----~·------­Liberty 8-71tl t·1rst Chur'i'h or Chrtat. Selt11U1t 3303 Via l..ldo, N..,.,.port Bea.ch Harbor 2t 21 l:iaJ•·ers&1l11t.(.;~mmunriy l,.ellowalUp Ebel! Clubhou ..... .:\16 Balbot Blvd P.llnlaler.: Rev. F. W. Rlnge tlrae Southen 11ap111i Cllurcll 6!'10'X'· Hamilton. Co1ta J.len , Liberty &-1284 P u tor : Dr. Richard H. Pou -· - ning prltgram• · 11.t •i~ o'clock, which "''Ill be fo\lo11»e<I by 11epa- r111-ta dLllC':l!W!.19.lJ..l:T.9.ll~.tor pue.n.l11. The Junior )-flg h and Stnlor H l,i:-1'\ Youth groupa will mer t 11t the 11ame tlrn~. and will fotlo"'' \he 11an1e theme. The dlSC"uM1on group for pnr- Final Meet For I c~~.~~~. -~~:!,~". "· Cciro~ drl MarOJmmunlty Cb11rch Church School Gu.ild <1f"""\."tlronH (;ongrega llonal del ,_tar Communtl~· Chur('h will tw 61 1 Heliotrope A ve. held on ,_fonslh~'. ~l ay fl at 7 30 Harbor !'1237 p.m. Ill thr hnn1 .. of Mr,., J Qhn •T. P••lor: Rev. Ed"''ln C. Gomke Kcell':r. 224 Ja11in!nr "''"'· ---L....... Offl('er• "''ill be <:>lect~•t for \hr F1rst llapU1& Ch11rr h Santa >.·na Ave. •l Magno\1 & Coata J.lru Rev. P. G. N euma.nn Chutth or Our l..ady of ML Carmel lt41 W. Balboa. Bh·d .. Newport H11rbor 0214 F1Uler Stephen Kiley. Paator F1ther Georgt l'11rn1uu• A•&t. P11~tor (.'.l!dfl_ Lut.buaa Clwn'h or (;oiita ~lru (J.ll1110uri !:i)·nod) Co•ta :.tr.$11 · Putor: Rev. Lothar Tornow 8t. lamt'a t:pl.OW'opal 3208 Via Lido. N"'WJIOrl Btl!'.'h H11rbo r 1230 c ula te : R,.,, .. R11lph rea~e 81. .loha \'lann.-y '315 Marine, 81110011 l•lnnd H11rbor 02 14 Father 8t tphen K iiey, P11ator J'alber O..or.11:e f'11.rii11111u1 AUL P•~tor Oeatrlr.I ftlb&e c·hul"l'h OT11.ns;e Ave. 11 1 23rd St. C041La Me1a. Llk rl y 8-~303 A. A. K11der1. P._..tor rt&lhoa laland ( Oolllmaalt1 Methodl!!>t 115 Acata A ve., Ralboe l s!•nd Milllltar: ReY. Donald Sapp ~ .. a.u,.t.. ~ .... ·•ec1enc.: of Mind"' lAf\lna Beach Art Gallery ao1 curt on~HYatt 4-7284 ft..,. 1111 T'llrk, Min.liter ~ .. ,_ Olr1•l of IMW Da.1 Saint. Friday Anernooa Club Hou•• C041ta Me• lJberty 8·3it8 Blahopi P etet OILlebout nr»t year. A ..oc1al hour y.·1ll !Ill· low the hf1-"lne~11 ,.r,.~lnn, "'Ith 1r· frr11hment~ 11rr\'r<t by ,_fr". ~I . .I. Shannon. "-fr1. \Villlem Hun1•1Jon. Mr1.. \\'111111.ce Calderhr1111. At Baptismal For Susan The annual mtl"tln, or the Un1-\•rr••l1~t Comm1.1n1ty f'e!Jov.'.Mllp ... -ur ha held WELCOME FOR ASSISTANT PASTOR OF ST. ANDREW'S :.1l'lnb<-rs of SL A.ntlrev.·'• Pre11bylerl•n Chur~h 111· .. giving off1c111l wekon1e to lhr1r new 111~i~tant P1u1tor. Dr. Ev.·1ng S. Hud!IOn and J.l r11. H uilS<Jn , 111 11 dtnnPr to be held Jn tht'l chtn-<'ll 1 .. ~nr.:-1 on J.loml11y •• ~ay 9. 'R!'.'!ll!rwt1onil, v.·hl('h 1hould ~· n1adc early, are lim\tl"d lo 120. J',lrl, AlfrPd \\!111!!f'r 1s f!;rnr r11I 1t1nner chsirnlan an•! mc1nber8 of 1-.:.ithl"r Circle or the \\·on1f'n'1 Fellowllhfp. l··d by '-11"•. J ohn "-l•c"-fillen, "'·Ht be hv~t .. s..e1<, A..s1stinK "-Ir~ \\'11s~··r w1 \h dlnnf'r a rrani!<'n11·ri111 "'ill Ile ~lmP>1. Bc1'1 ha T1llot11<1n, Hull"4!ll Cuthbtl'l, \\'ebater J n11••!! 11nd Cly<!e SI0\'1111. ' r1an1 for the a.ttair v.·1>re n111tle v.·hen E:~lhl"r cucle m,.t 11l the home of :-.11·8. F r1·dcrick Byf'rs v.·1th ~lr"f· ·OOl'dOn ~<;l"\'l!'r\,. Hnd r.11"" Flor•'nt•e 1:1<'><>~")' II" 1·1,.hn11t··~"•'"· AT CHRIST CHURCH , May Fellowship 1Day of Unit~dChurch Won1e11 • • If thry !!peak not according to th1" word\ lt i11 becauN t.here 11 no hghl n them." "Everlas~ing . .. Punishment" Is Lesso!1 Topic "Behold. happy 1• lht ma.n "''hom God ·correcteth: \herefo.re dt spiae nol tliou t he rh11•tentn,-of the Al- mighty ... Thia •·er•e fr<1m J ob 1 ~:I 71 i11 lhe Golden Trill of t he Sundt:ty Le:'!Y•n-Sernion on "E•·er- lMllng J'un1.1hment" tn all Chur('h- e.1 of Chrbt. S<"ienti1t . Thi" ne<"r111lty or oxercom!ng 11ln In Ol'ller to f 11_C11.pe 1111 pen1J!ie11 le ~trf'Qed by Chrial Jeaua' In J ohn'• Go11pel •~:I t 1. After hr11\lnl( the lnlll"lent ma" at I.he pool or Belh- ""'111,· .. J,.1u~ fin<iolh him Jn the '"mple. and :aaul unto him. Be· hnlrl, thou 1rt n111de "''holl!': •in no n1orl". 1 .. 11t.11 v.·or1e tli!n,-coma un- to thef','" In ('Orrrl11t1 •·r pall#l11gf'• from "Scl,.,nce ind H•'lllth "''Ith Key to the._Srrlpturr1 .. 1>1.1.ry Bak~r Eddy w ritf'a. "Jf'BUI he11ed &lckne111 a.nd ~in by one a nd the 11an1e mrta- phyft!r11J proct•1111." "Th" Kl"f'llt 111.cl Lhat.God..lovingly g0vPfn11 aU, ne- \'f'r punhhlnll( aui;:ht but 111n, I• you r •l11ndp,;iint. rrom whlr-h to ad••"n.-o• 11nd · r11•1!roy tbp huina.n ff'11r ot 1lckne1J~." i pJl. 210. 4121 :0.lor,. thf1n t rlO.rl()O South\11n'l ('~l h11l1.-s WLl l pe11t i••tl Our Ln<t,\', QllP('rl nf th<' \\'url•t. to 1nter<'f'rlf' "'!th hrr 11,.·1ne ~on fnr "''of1d -. I -Sh1'\I ••it with the be11 ol them. b1e•1111 Into her -f11hioninr h1 v1 1:onc the 111•r h11nd1 of • lfrlall boJ ~ and t he 1en1l1. c•Pcfitnt cd touch ol •n old m111\. Ac rott br i1ln••h1e--.... "'1'"-trl-r titi'ni It UTI J1i!1• will bi\-~ -lo• '(lean •nd while, i nd into th• •Y•• of the1e t wo --will 1tt11J a new li1ht.of p1111ure. _ Thtrt h11 be1n i uidanc't in the m1kin1 of thi1 ho11, the lovin1 1uid•1Ke of one w~o hii t w11thtr1d !ii•'.• -1torm1"•nd 11ined from them t h• comlorl of 11p1r1- 1nce. And lht boy, 1en1in1 thi1 11ptritnc1, it happy -in a chil<Slike con6d1nc1 th1t thi• 1hip ... 1hi1 won- -derful 1hip ... t•n never 1ink. -' ---- Jt may bt th•t.on 1am1 br1v1 voy11e tht liult boa\ will-mitt-disa•\tr, and thi1 lid will lt1rn that rDl- "ttrlal po••cu.io na •o •eldom l11t. Ht it 11110 l•1rnina; to find faith in • 1hip tli.at ii 11n1ink1ble, Th•l .thip ia the Church . , . Ind ill will ·c1rrj flim thro111h calm tell •nd 11orm1 thro111hout t hf vny111 of LiTt. Every child 1hould Jt1rn urly 10 anchor hi1 life to t he Church. '. Do1 l eo• Cho#t• S"•do, .. Pp•l"'o I ........ , ... Poo.1-It ' T~"""'' Mo.t• I w.u ..... ,..... • T~"rotlor M,.k • P•ld1r , Ltoke t l ot\lrdoJ'. •••olttlM rl v •• _ ••• rJ-'' .. ~ ,_H JI.,, 1·11 .. , r ------------------~-------~ -·1 .... '------·· - This Church Feature, Sponsored by These Local Business Firms MARGARET'S CAFE Sl'l'C<'i•li:i:e In Se• F'OO<l1 -Orrler• to Go Harbor %286 NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Corona de:I Mar ROSAN INC. Se.craft DiYl~lon I.: Fo l"f'ign Motors Vineent's Rexall Druci Stores T hree locations lo Ser.•·e You Ne111'])()rt Beach, Balboa. Corona de:I Mar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon Hair Styling for lhe Jndl~ld1111I 4~ S2nd (on the: PO St.) Harhor 28-1.t RUSSEU W. IANGEll-T- Heating, \·enlllatlng • Stil"rt "-let11l 411 3191 St. ll11rhor .&-146 BLUE SAILS STATIONERS G reeting C11rd11. &ok1, A rt 1~1 ~111•phr.• S06 M&ln St .. Bal!>@a.. llarhor 6iM THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop or Di~l1ric!lnn" 215 Marinf'l A,·r ., RaltH)a l"land llart:K:lr 0707 • ~eneral Sheet Metal Works 40!i 30th Strei>t, llarbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS Yor A It ()c('u!on~ 3403 E. Coa.'lit llw~·., CDM. ,Har~r ~7 l KOPNR KmLE BaJboa bland Mann & Smith She'll Service Yo:iur Coron11 <lei ~l11r IJ.-!lers 2801 ~ S600 E. Cout HlithM·a~· llarbor 5368 -······ & -······-Harbor 2710 NEWPORT CLEANERS Ory Clea.nll1f Laundr}• -l'ret1~1ni I 06 I'ustia N twport Beach MARKET SPOT 200 Marine: A ,·e:., BaJboa &!!W Harbor 1000 - Relnert:s Newport Dept. Store '"Your Ya.rnlly Store Since ttltH Oefoan Front at %%nd. Harbor 181 SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 "' Ottan Harbor 911 R. WASEMILLER "TI1~ \\'orklngn1an•• Stora 2004 "'. Balhoa 81,·d., ART'S CAFE .. \\'here 1111 1-"ood 11 Cook~ In -Butter" .SOS6 W. Cout H"·y. Liberty 8-llOC fA:Y:SHORE RK:HFIEU> F p •e P k k llfl "'-Delivery lith &: (qast tlw:\'. Liberty 8·9lf • Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. L1nol,.111n -T ll,.. -C&rPfl -F'onnlca 2:iOI \\'-. R&Jhoa Rh·d. Harbor 5S8I .HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION F r"• r irk ''I' & .t~J. !i:\111 ~r~·pnrt Rl\'d. \\'hr l!I Ba.lane~ Harbor 5.~ ~ORGE M. GRAHAM Hug:"-11n'1 i\\'f"., Rarhor • HOUSE AND GARDEN Complele lforne F umt•hln111 Jj;11 pPrl"~ -Ru!{~ , 3017 "·· Co&At HM·~·· Uberty S.M18 MAC'S CAFE Jo'1rst on right to,,.•an t H untlrirt°" Beacti Harbor 2252-1 MARINi BEAUTY SHOP f'er~<1n11!!7,..1! H"r•Jlrt:~ 32i ~llri•e: A,·,.:, lfa rlK.t' tn ll•lr 8tylln,ir BaJOO. ....... 151 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Compl~I~ li?zn e f'urnllhtn1• WW W. co .. t llw·y. Uberty 8-tii High Qualify' Prinfi~g-Ph. Hor. 1616 --... , . ·- ' , ' •' .• ' " -I ' ' SAiLOR · SLUGGERS-SOCK .INDIANS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 1.-PAGE '7 THURSDAY,.AP RIL 28, 1955 •. FOR 4Tu SUNSET LEAGU.£ VICTORY Pirate Mermen :~;:;:;,:::;~;:;.;::1::::~~:,,;::1: 11 E t d c t ['f'rf .. rn1o·r r-f tht i!a)·. w1nnlft¥· ot tour v1r1or1e1. thr .. e .dete•t1 I en omp on t11 ...... r .... t"i\1.,,,.,. .Uhl tJ.t,a1 1~111. 9111 W.+ml ~ Towering Homer to Pace 12-1 Tar Win ' • H~r High aluggen c&me into their own Mo_nday on Lions Fteld ln ·Costa.M~ and sandbagged Fullerton's top an(\ rnark..t t11• l<-"CCUld ttnl• thl'y P!tllt""' Hu.I II• 1,.11,. 111 thP IOQ h••·<' dO"'nf!d FuUerttm, Thia wa1 B t' L M' t f t'f!t' \'l'1!h " h nr :'13 I rfl,.rt a rid In the fir•t tima \hf' 'I'r11M ha1 drop-u ose ee -\ht' .j Ii) fl •'•' In II :'1.113 "! Thr qu11r• pit;d a pair in one •llMln to H ... rbor ~ trru11 1~ "II' !"r th•• ..... J.,,,10·n .. y ' H igh 1lnc-e 111•8. The 12 rul\,1.-0t • Co1npton C0Lla1 e rulL<"d up thrlr ll!;:h ,.,.,. "'"~ '1 1~·111 Ill""'\. 11·~ U..1- 1 • h h ~h,. tut.~ 11, l\r r, d 11•·•· 1111n11\o•" ll\Pte f'd ar;alnsl the n lan• w .. r .. Ii -&QUI ron1ecuth·• durJ 111•rl >'ll'loi)' thoui t••n 11,,..,.~ t hl.• 11,.,1~.,11. ... 1 .1,1<·., 11149 "'hf'n ei~1!-p••t-I tJ th'em 12·1 ln l"u!lrrlon. Monday ov•r hn.tl~g Or•n~t Cna11t \'.,,.~t_ "'tni1 ""••nt to H•·l~li<' !n lh• ·n •n "'Al" T IF. Colle&;e, but 1.hcy h•d to t1urn1I '.!20. A),111 11 ... 1i;u 111 ""' ::w ller k• • • ' pitclM:r. for-a lopeided 12·1 S®_11iet League diamond win, Th8 Sailor alua:rn Jtnocked southpaw Gerald Runyon 'off the moun-d...in the.fifth and greeted rellefer Mi.ke Jewett like a lonr !Qtt eoU11fri. In all, 1Co&ch ·left field lll'le. Jewttt repl&ef'd him. Emil :-;tt-me'• knockert KOred Fl~palrlek abov.'ed It madt. ll.O dlf· r them.e\ve.• to do It, -lf-3:\. I ,trokt! IUld 1 .. 11.iU).J.J.:_ l_ri_n of 1-lr-.:_!: _ SHU, th~ ·Tntifi ttmalned In a, I J k < 1-'nta YLl\tll'{r Tllrt&Tll l"l\ITU' tn -SU. G~i.:J'. l.)"fOIJ> ftll• -I\'" •• te n· .--Ti tla for lhe loop lead •• Bob It)'· u1a11 Lil th•' 111• .ii.-~· "Ill). T h.• nu••I· kov.•1kl hurll!'d a naahy tv.·o-hitttr Cout l'XJ>fflln1r an t uy win,, an(I lry t hrr<"ll"n1~·,. :1.1~ 'f "'II:< t'IOl!e te~ee •by 11nuhlng another one nt?le lime• In ti!!!!. f!.""l two at do....n the ilne. Squ&ne pl•,.. aeo"" bala. ed Lorentaen and Jl'llll and a bclun· to l(lva HunUnefon ~aeh ,a 2·9'•"''1lc-h.d M"Vf'ral ot I.ti.tit kt)' n1fn t o the.thrf't' •Ill)' ,11,1 :l:t7 ~ 11rhe>..>I 1h11tout o\•er Ap•helrn. 81!1 Coop· Into d1fftr.nl evtnta. But •n un• rnark ..et b)' ttv.l,;:wo, LY'''"" 1111<1 man alngled h-..,.n. Oller "'n. '1 forlff.11 atH,,Utr of U1e PIT'\&lf'1 to Craha:t1 G1!1br•na hi the li:utem Thie aftt-rnoon the Tu• were elattd to take OI\ the Sant.a. A n• Sllinlll on the rtval fleJd. TUeaday it'll be weak-1!1ter Otani"• at Uon• F1eld. ee double ove"r the rll"ht+eenler (!tld ft-nce by Wet ttl uored two the &ttond and •1ra'ln-~n thel .txth. C"Ol.if.t't the aecond. and thlnl pl.a""I_ C011fer<Tift' .. h;u nplon .. hllllL Thur .. Co\on!1t hurlt-r J oe ViUiuenor narrowed the llCOl"O!I lo niuch t•loa .. r ' dAy. wunehed hi.a back oo a throw to i;;;;;;;:"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~_;-;-;-;-;;.~-"-.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::; BASKIN' "BILL -Thal';; what the boys were calling Bilt \Vetzel after Monday'11 12-1 massacre of Fulk:>:rton by the Harbor High Tars. All \V <'tzt"t did was amasb out a ~ering 340 rt. home run ovC'r the right fie ld fence at· Lions Field in Costa Mesa and bounce a double over the right center field bh.rricade in t hree trips" to the plate. Here Bill dashes into third In the four run fifth frame unleashed by the Sailors. The Indian third baeeman kept hoping someone wouldthrow him the ball BOD_l!~C--Staff Photo r JBLAYLOCK BAFFLES BATTERS; . MERCHANTS MANGLE MASTERS , ' Bob RJayliK-k hurlt'd a thl"t't>·hlltt'r Sunday for th11 :Mt'llll. ~!Or('h1111IH tn 11p11.rk a 6-2 \'ktory ()\'~r Invading. Ptteri1on S~uff'1J1a11l.,r11 t>n !ht' Linn,, 1'-ieltl t.hamon<l. A big tii;hth ln11!nr ons Rug r .iutt \\'AAM ur After wanntzia-up w ith a 1lri-· (1' tally acatnat the, lndlen1 In U\e .econd frame and two ln tht- fourth for a 3·1 lead~ the Sallor1 eett.i.d down to bualnCM with four marJ!er1 ln the tltth aiid five In the ali.U\. Culmtna Uon or the ma11- ...ere wu a tawer1n1" 340 tool .'.lomer with.one on by }JIU \Vetul. , Denni• napatr1ek OPfiled tht- ueond atanu. with a line drive lo tenter, 1tole 9eCOnd and movl'd to third on an JAneld out. Dick Mirkovich aquet-Hd him aero•• wlUi • perfect bunt ud lumbered to aecond when Runyon threw the ba..11 awayon a mlac:ue. Dave Buck· man and Jim Newklrk loadf'd th@ b•c• on •troll•, but RunyQn chuck· ed hl1 w1y out ot Lhe dlftleulty. O:'li'"E FOR T'BJBE Aft f'r threatening' on a 1t rle1 of lnf~ld alng:le1, Fullerton f!n elly rot Into the c&me In 'top ot the fQurth on baat:< or a aunflt-ld dQub!r on an euy ny ball and a aque! ~ play, But th8.Ue didn't Jut lonl\'. M ir· koYith bM.l out an Infield toppet', \\'f'ti'l wu aate on Ill\ t-rror and • walk to Nt-wklrk bulred the b•g11. !!Ingle to drive In a pair or coun(- f'TI. That mllde it 3-l. tlr1l and had lo lt-&ve thf' n1011nd ~· mor.. ll'l favor ot Dave 8tt ph,.n110n. The ra.t·a-tat-t.at of Tar war-Sant.& Ana dowt1t-d Orange 2-0. elu~ fall~ ·to dimiab In Lhe handlnl!" the Panther• their 1even· 1htth. Oavr 'I'amura 11nrled. L<V.-th 1tra.lght loss of the 1u..on. t-ntun walkl'd. RQy Dan!f'.UI wu Chuck Berryman tv.1rted a two, 11afe cm an rrror. \\'Ith the buoe•. hitter. again jammed. J.l!rkoYICh aqueued '-------------- one a.crQ111. TwQ riior.e eanie In on an t-rrar which p•e Buekmlll\ a life. Then Wetul bf.thed hl1 towt-r· lnll' drive right on out ot the park, circling I.hf' b&Sf'I Y.'hlle the pelota conOn.ued_lo_bOunee off a perk building roof btyond the rtght fleld b•rritade. Nick .,_.,Grabs Fint in Lawn Bowl .· . l!lightttn namber1 partlelpalf'd In the weekly AWltra.Uan 8lnrlt-• toumamt-nt on l he Ntwport La"-'ll TllIBJ,>_FOR NE"'K Newkirk wt-nf the d!itanc-e for Bowling &;rt-ens A prll llil, Nichol•• ,Nt-wporl without undue 1train for Brettner 'ol'cm fir1t pl.ace with l_& hi1 LhlrJ win of the M&leln. He flnnt'd llill, walktd tv.·o and gave up e!x hit•. Welifl wu. of C"oul'u. top 1tleker In the fray, eoUectlng a double and homer In three ~t bat.. The win rave lht-Tare a r.cord poinl.I, Herbert '''heeler W•• set · ond v.•lth 14 point•. Ed \\'11'::0• took thin.I v.•lth 12 poln!11, beattnc· out \\'allt-r Pean1on'1 10. T•ylor C&rT, Dr. Wil!&rd and J~ Stamp tlfd with 8 pol.n_l• each. BUil T ON -YOUR LOT H-...:Jncome Units i " Galvanlud PIPE Oa ""' len11111 w11 fum.h1ll 1001• yoa etil • ·thl'Nd. HOT WATER H E.ATll! R ("•W lfn ln. s49· 95 nol • rebtallt) tlPf'..CIA.L Rec . Nt.95 Brass SPRINKLER HEADS 36~ .. 50-h. Plastic GARDEN HOSE ~398 • .i , . .,.., t;u.•ranm, FIBERGLASS PANE~S M ,.';'" 47' ';I orES DAIL\' MONl>A\' TllKt)l'till. Sl'SOA\' II a.m.-lp.m. 222 Victoria St. t Thi' .\leNl 1n11i'ers h1me u p with run!I In tht' fourth llnd f!flh !vr a 2-1 J,•ad i;:o1ng lnlQ bottom or the t-lghth. Thf'n J l~w .. y Andl'r.~nu v.·alkril. \t"a lly \\'elbror::k 11-acr lnc .. d him to ~rr•oth1, 11n•l thr••f' ~uc-rtq~J .-.-11lni.:l••11 by Boh \\'1ll1ami<. Gary ' J-',.,<J 111HI Pt11 l Shnfrr ~rnt fourl1111 rker11 g11JI01'lng 8.C"tfl!!I the dlllh Rl'N°YOS ILA C'..&EO RWLyon got ht.. v.1th a veng:e· •nee In the ttftll. P•ul Lort"nUen llmJ\1hed a llOHd 90C'k down the ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIU M-Ph Harbor 1616 Ml(illT\' rtllltt\ -Dick Mirko \"i ch , T a r backstop. moVf'1'1 into thir<i baSl' l'C'oring·pol"it ion, \\'hich he did shorily a ftr r . ~tight}' 1'1irk been me mo!'c like · de,·iou~ l)ic-k ai::air.st F'u l· lc rton ~l onday . In stc-nd of ov CrpOY.'er ing 'en\ at thr plate. ~ljrko\·ich ff{\Ueezcd hon1e t1\'0 runs and bent Ollt a61nf it'l<I roTlfo r. \Vho 11i\id 1.>ick lumbcrC"d round the bas<"paths? -..<)ta ff Photu TOD TOPS \\"llllu.nia led the .\lerchanlll' hit a ltat·k v.·lth two baae knf)(kJI In tour lit bPl.5. There V.'11.lf not an t-xtra. baae bll>W In the g-anH• 11a Ui .. l\l erl'h•nl!I eolh:etl'd 11.x flngle11. to the Seore- n111st,.r11' two, ' Bla.ylOCk. 11.JllU)lll'd fl t El Toro, hu txil!'n la Lhe :'>tarlne• fur t en ye,1r11. l\lnn•i.:er t~d l..11.ne ~xpn'!l!led )lope !he ~le\'tr .\"rt v.·oul.f be on ha.n<f to hurl 11.g1ln•t lhe Loni-!V&ch All· R1 11r" 11t Z pm. n.-xt Sund11y fl t U on11 f'iel<J. San Diego State Wins First Annual OCC Sailing Reg~tta Hf .ft:RR\'_TllO~PSOS I lhlrd, the P irates fourth an'd UC Collel"tlng a flr&l pht ee Jn the LA fifth. The Buc11 end Cfl.l Teclr. ,,p.:ninJ: race for CllllL• B akippera li_ed !n point aeurt-.9, but the En· r1nLI fuJIQ""'n lo": up w1lh a i;econ<J J,:l.nf'<'T!I pic-k!'d up third place on pla.-e in t he Ch•"" A Ji>'i!llon, Safi the ba.~1>1 O( total_ tlap~ time, D S' c 11 II d ", hn1 ... hing 3m. ~3.9. &oaner. Lt'l;O •»te o "l!t ro e up .... Tl fl t d h r h 1 PQint11 on hl\'<'rted ;;coring lu 'M'Jn ie r'I! an 11 ort!'tlt o t • I the f1r,;t annnel OrAnge c on..•t Col-j tv.-., raC<'ll. v.·ori ~y San D~go B lt J:t" Jn"1tilti<1nal two·r!lrf !Wne" ~kipper Alan Nne .alllng Bob off Ith· Balboa Yathl Club jp.!!l Lll.rnmarr'11 PC Slnbad, ""II oVf't Saturch•)'. I a four mlle eour.se b!olinnlng ott Inilugur;>t('d ..-.nd ho.~ted ll)' the t h@ BYC 11.11~ co~tlnuing around OrAnJtf' Coa11t Cnllei:e ,.a1llni: L<·~i.1• the V.'t'"l jrl!y, • ('Wf>Orl Harbor U\" l hi;t }'l'"r of th{· r~ga\la at· .-ntrar C"f', dov:n In !hot Balboa Pier 11r1r\,.,I fl\'•' 1riun.•. '"\!~V•·<'"i'h .. •l "par buoy 11nd bftrk eround the Cnllo•i;t-11n111h1nK ae\·ond, Cal Teeh Jt-lty bf'U buoy. 1.:01U1l'~ ••ntry, ~eori;e Schmidt'• Rrlux .II, wa.11 1k1ppt-rf'd In t he l n t: tidd f'\'f'nlll. J 1n1 Nr"·berr)' fiT'9t rare b~· Bf'n B1•nj11n1tn with r11pped the pole \•a ult for l·l11rbor Di<'k Jur<tlll"I, l•lt ~rm11n Bobby lh1th with a l1tt of lO tt. 6 in. Ghl!M'lln. and t('J\1'11 comn1odore h•hn Henrnlln "'"ll f1r1t ln the Grahe ni C:ibbonll u erf'.v.·. hot !•Ill with 11 he111·t-of 1'10 rt .. 1 in. T~e l!('C,pnJ rour.'M! added il<liue · ) Thill pated the T•r ft-nther lth1°1•nlll~ll byt-xl<"n>ltng lhe eour!M! wr~hl llllo • 19 point )earl. The lo !he =--•·v.·port Pier 11par buoy, l tl:kr~ are 11eC"nn<1 v.·ith !:'!•, "n•I Doui.; H u~r.-Oxy Cl651! A •klf'~r. F ullerl"n thin! 'ol'\th 1'2. How• ·•er. brou~ht in JaC"k Toon·, J:'Lsy Ann ... Full~Lo11.1iuallied J..l c ·8 to X.s:w-In :1r~l pl11r•._ v.•Hh lhe Snn Diego r·u1 t n1n('. The T:i r n ·8 <JU ><hfi\•rl re ~·nn. r or U\,. l"tr.,!~11'. -:l'6t· 1~ nien tn nine t or Anaht'•m and clan tuok the h"lrll 11n<I Benia.min, Santa ,\na. Ghi."'hJl And C1bbon1 C'rf'.Wed. Highlight of Tu r.W11y'11 prf'lin1in -OTIL!'.g<' Ccm.~t C06("h Bob Oa-an.-~ 11·rui ll f f• ,.rd bre11 kl n11 per-bo111e and !he·OCC n1ar!ner~.wrre f 11'l.1.1n. c t :,· 11.irr<"U 1: .. i...•i 111 of rar lie\llarl}' lndibtt-d to )lajOr l-'1ill•'rt"ll in tJ1,.· 11!1"! lnw htir.11,.11. Frink \\'r>od i:it the BYC for nr- g ollo'tlll ~ri~or~·I U1" i;t1rkll In 19.6 n<n2"1ni: tr r the ln11.n nr boa(l'L Crom 1u bt-'.lt•r tire lop 1111irk nf ::11 •. fiat. n1C"in~n< ur t he PC flC"el, and for T Th • I d It WIUI lh<' rh1r.I be•\ t un~ in prr~~nt 1r.g the. trnphle1< to w1nn!nll' ar inc a s fiOUlhl'rn l ".1lifnrnHl Pl('I' rinder !lklp~r ... And '"11n1 rhanir lnn. ranks tlltfl "'~"~vn . (J!hrr tins!.~ loan~d by !he 011"TI- F "t • \'~r11:ty qun!t!l t'r-11 .-for Jlarbor l'r• In lhf' r nJLegl11n11 \\"l'[t' J ohn avor1 es In 11\gh loll\011(\\\" 111rlude Oto.• Bo!-81tby's Blue Chip to Cal Tech and • • • 1ni; 11 nu J nrk llarpf'r In l/lf' 4W : .\hk" \\'ood's Shov.•bo11l to l:CLA. B C Divisions H'1b IJel...,n;::-Ln lhe llSu · Toni 7 \lurrh In the hlj;h tr11rdlr11 anrl c-..,,., Gotldv.·1n J . Kntght-"Even J'"l" 1aull: Howard :\hlrllrll nn!l thQuch 11 'bill n111 y ht of 1s111stanre "T h e s pikestcrs of H a rbo r ' 1:·,,1 !ll'tpkln11 r.1 t ht-lov.· 11ur1fll'11. to thr rol1cf', It l~n·l ... -or th 6e· H igh's B a nd C tC'a ms y,·cr c Md ('haTlie Berry. 1'(•m Trno1en ··omlng l111v If It enr tOACht11 on l I f cd t • t d " '1n1.1 l 'aul -"<'umann 1Q lhi high lh• eon•l1WU01111.J rt.i:hle or our oc ay :\\"OT o cap u re I· JU'''!' riti:ten~ . ,.iliion l' ham pionsh i ps in the I ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Sunut League track and .field t finals at Fullerton tomorrow. J>oint totals at the end of Tueaday'a field event finala found Newport thinclada Je·ad- ing Uie c·. with 19 points "''hire the loeal ir e tr&lled H unt· ln(tdl\ Beach and Fullerton . · Ill l'at1lt7 prellminarie-, thl Tiu-1 plai:t-d 10 q11a.lltler11. LeAd lng Iha way wu Fullerton with ze nien . and Banta Ana with 2~, lfunftnrton Bf'ac:h qual!flfd 12. Aneh.tm 7 and Or111J• '· The SAlnta, u loop dual ,m~t champa, rat. .. favorit.a • lhe I-cue "'"'· WHITE TOP nKE Tod Wbti. of lha S&IJQr's hlrwd In t ha da y'1 top B lime. h e <>riackad hill OWl!. 1120 reeonS by elPt MOOnda to WUI In. 1 :15.l , Just on .. t..,.UI ot a HCOnd of t the C"C7 maiJi. A.nataeUn, n t tld t.be locals' c'hlet t hrt-"t In Ol e l1ghtv.'t!f ht r&nkll, I jumped lnto the lt-•d 'l'11~...i11y w11h :10 '. polnt1, followed by Yullr t· I ton v.·11.h 16. ff eating-Ventilating Air Conditioning Quality lnstell.tion & Service 20 Ye•n Servin9 Cringe C ounty -we are 9lad to announce that Vern Shrewsburf, Heatin11 Desl9ner and Estimator, . (fo rme rl y with Smith Brol:Co.) Is · iiow associated with our COlllpClny. "Louie" Schmetzer Co. 155 W. Jrd St ., Tustin, C.lil. Kimberly 7-1609 •• now buy famous Grant values known co,st to coast . • • . • ' Pack tlie family in tlie famRy'c~r and ride • in to Santa Ana. 4th and lush is the 11d•eu cana"-9nificent" is tM best defi•ition· Santa Ana's newHt and mcist e1cltin store! As you step throu9h tlie 1tainles1 steel «loon, y-eyH will be !l'ffted with a Ma of color and lkJht ••• over J0,800 square feet of seliillCJ area on two h11!19 "-'· And bal"JCll• bvys 7 7 7 7 find "em by tlie lha•a•dl I Vhlt The C1111riyor left Lllach•-~ --· • ril 28 4th and Bush Streets GRAND OPENING HOURS 9:80 a.m. to 9:00 [l .m. Thun.., l'rl. &: Sat Find Bar •.... . sea 'nl:1'e ......... . ... ~-~ 9GlftS Lille l'Jiese '"'"'.'"'•-"'"""""rr. -rs'2.~~~;iosE. · by the Hu11dreds SVllfMER HAND .. .. ... _.. ......... .. ... __ ""'"· 11 98 B~GS, colorful coll , .. , ................. · J "" '.Z F.abnJ . ........ ..~. rc on " · ou11 !\""'° No--1 . ......... '4 ~,._ ll.,8 ......... : ron Dacron DRE!g£S ............................... 1 Sl>otch•· 11/•·l .. .. ..... _.. . .. • .r "' on 80(.'J( ........ . ~,. he ,....., .. ... S, Chlldren•a::,J;~:~-,--.... ~·-,, ........... -...... _:·6 88 " Uttle GJrbJ• SVN ....... ..... . .... ·-.. .._. Men9• .z , , ~ ... sr.ss: ......... ~VITS, 'Short-AJJs'........................... .. prw, 'J i::::· ~i~~~J.1!11:::~~ '. ---' 94 . ... ... _,. -..... CURTAINS ...... _ -.......... ___ ·--· ___ . 1 99 Foldlag IAWJl/-c ..................... -.... -... -.. _ Ar ~~ &le f>rk. ~~· -.. --.................................. J ~ en • 'Daa Rl'·er• 81'() -......... -......... .Z 1 ..... II.If ................ .-.' .. ~T SffJJtTs ---............. _.. for J 17 a,.«.;!!,v.z..~~cr.EA;ii&····-----------1 "' -·--·-"·---... -J7 IM -.. -...•. _ ' al.;:•;,;s:: ... :":::s;:·•::·:::·':.:·.:·==·;;"'l;:,· -;:-:·:.·I !14 I!?! ; J ;, j : ' l~?t .. -.,•...il•...i4tiith_&_luiiisiiih-Sa,_n.ta-A•na-!!!!!l' 1 • ., ......... r ,. ' ' (}overnme~l Gxcepl :Jrom p. . A" l?O/:J{e NEWPORT HAR&OR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRtl 21, 1955 ''God grant lis tbe ser'enity to acceptf the thing~ we cannot change; the courage~to chan9e the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.'' It\. /\non.) , EDITORIALS I • M r H M S h I the bouaee, wbe_J .. e houaes t.re built. Thia can only be 0 e omes, ore c 00 s done at the coU:r:. or perhape at the It.ate level where Once again, the Newport Harbor is bJ~Jning out a.fom:iula of bonua payment or licerwe payment or public ...witJi a whole aeriee of new subdivialorui. privilege-u~on could be Iev;ed, aaeeaed and col- Theae aubdivisiona will bring into our community Jeeted to be · 'buted to the school district. -wlilch 2000 homes. U the ordinary run of cen.sua figures 'and are facing the & problem acroae the very length and average residents holda true, there will be more th&n depth of the t weatem areu o! theee United States. two cbildren to each hoUBe. 'nlere will" be 6000 new retai-Thia problem ia cau9ed in Call!ornla largely because denta in the NeWp<>rt Harbor area occupying the 2000 of the great influx of people from other atatea. For the homes that will be built. With this great influx of popu-most part they a.re aharing in better i.mprovell)enta, bet- latioo will come the problems that poputation · always ter advi.ntagee, better roada and parka and development.a brings. Particularly the problem for achoola. than fhey ever had at home. There of course would be It would seem to WI that the County of Orange u some un!aimeaa in any suoh program. But there certain- & whole should adopt an ordinance requiring that any "' ly is a great unfairneu in the existing type of program developer or home s~bdivisions shall provide for the , 0 that .eee thoae who have buUt a town, who have built "hooling of the J>Qpul.ation..thiu. hia building will bring. and p,l)d for ita faciliti~. who through the years have Tbis Li not an unµsual statement to make. There -furnished clean beaches and recreational areu to any- are many cities that require that a new ditrtrict annexed one wl:t~ might 'choose to take advantage of the area to a city, buy into the asaets of the city when it annexes. provided. ·Thia is what we propose. We find ourselv~a in thi8 New· It would see to ua more equitable for the newcom- port Beach township area faced with the problem with el"ll to thia state, county and area, to buy into the u- building an enti}'ely new high BChool. Not for the resi-setts they would wie end abare and poueu juat the dents who ha~e been here over the years but largely to same 8.8 they would buy into ·a buineaa if they wanted take care or the students of residents who have come to have a word to aay in tta management. They gain to this community because of the fine facilities that their woro in the affairs of management of thia com- have been developed by and paid for by the long-time munity and ita schools and it.a government,' merely by reeident.a of this area. their reaidence here. That ia right. It la the American . It would seem we should carefully co'naider the way of doing things but it ia alao quite American to be ctatementA made by the residents of the Newport-Bal-willing to pay your own way for that which you would boa Vista ~evelopment project when they state that they~ Wit and enjoy. were against the ptoposed super-tax for the development of a new high school. Not because the high school wa.an't needed. Not because the project might not be right, but Public Schools Week a-~:..-..__~~uae~ . ._-~ "hare for it. This will be the attitude of any m&IJS of <r1Se 1c in undere8tlmate the impo~ce of the American public .chools. The preser- vation of the American way of life and indeed. lhe sur- vival or democracy and decency throughout the world is In no small measure dependent upon them. -· ,_ population dumped into our community. This is a natural attitude. But if these people who bought homes or who will buy h9mes in these proposed sub-divisions already paid a portion ~or a new ~chool in their purchase for the uee of their children. they would be on an even ba.sia with th06e residents who had already paid for and built the previous facilities. This is something that could not be done on just a 11ingle· city or even on a township buis. It would prob- ably be a hazardous venture for the City of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. jointly, to undertake auch a dras- tic program of legislation. But we believe that our school officials shoul.d propose it to the Board of Superviaora of Orange County and we believe that board of •uperv\llon ahould work out a formula for auch a program. . For instance, we have just carried aloriea ln thia newspaper about the plans of the Allison-Honer Com- pany of Santa Ana to develop 200 acres of the Capron property inland of Wilson street and between Fairview and Harbor Blvd. This will bring 1300 new homes to the Costa Mesa area. · Already that school district is-sorely taxed to keep up w1tn its blossoming populati9n of youngsters need· Ing, deserving a~1l erttilled to an education. This will hE' an unfair burden to load on that sorely taxed school district. Thirtet'n hundred homes will certainly bring more than 3000 adult~ and almost a.s mpny students. !:iuch a large development will call for a whole new school at the elemt'nt.ary level to take care of its populati~n alone. Costa Mesa. sorely taxed to keep up with its grow-· ang sch1111I requirements, will b<' called upon because of this ur"elopment to have another junjor high school. And yet this ont' dHelopmt'nt ia onl y one of three an- nounced thi:-; w<'t"k. And it isn't just Costa Mesa. It's every city. it's Newport Beach. We voted a mi111on dol- . lars last yrar lo build additions to the Harbor View School. lhl' Horace Ensign School and to crea~ wnoie new-ca"\Pusaffif'scllooT fn t:he NewportHeights area. By the time this new school is built all of the money voted b~· the population in that million dollar bond is- sue, wtll h;n ·c been spent and all of the facilities creat- ed wiU h<' 1n use and we will face the same problem all over again. This as one of the payments that must be made for a. growing community. for a whole section of a state that is bnilrting. buying and growing. We do not pro- pose that WC' ~hould stop building, nor do we propose that we should stop growing. nor do we propose any lessening of our school facilitit's. But we do feel that those who W6uld come in and lake advantage o( that which is here should certainly pay a portion of the freight. Such a payment should be included in the price bf l' Forrntrly the Xewport·Balboa New•·Tlmee and lhe Newport· Balboa Presa - Entered u S.COnd.Clau Matter at lhe Poetottlce In Newport ~ach, . CaJlfom1a under Ule Acl or March 3, 11179. qa.lifted lo hWW. Weal ~otbe aad Actv.~at. of AD IUndti BJ~ of &a.e 84ipftt•r Court of~· Co. In Ad~oft s .. A·Ul" •-w CAllforala ~~ hr.u.IMon .u.od.AUoa , M-ber iS.U09111 Uaort.al A-d•U.. ll""lllH of Ol'Uf! c-t1 ~--Sen1" BEN RllDOICK, PUB.LISRICR Wll.LLUc A. MOSES. Editor _ORMOND E. ROUNTRn. Ad~ I>tnn.or Cll.AJU..l!:a A. ARMSTRONG, M.chan.lc&l aapenntedint 8UB8CIUPTIOS aA.1'1:81 N--..rt lla.rt.M !II_..,__ Twt.. W"'*'J ban.re c-•1'· ..... ,..r 7"4i': ..... .as ...... ; tt.eo ...... -. Oft.Ide of oran,.. ('ouat7 .,... ~r ,., ,. If the youngsters of today are to meet the chal- lenge of tomorrow the schools must in a very large de- gree prepare them for the great ta.sk. What the achoola are doing along thia line~how they are helping to mold the character and the purpoee of our young people ia something which both parent.a and non-p.,renta abCJUld know. During Public Schools Week ·which bu been cele- brated this week, the doora of the achoola have been open and the welcome mat out to all who would, to come and ee. the work being done. Familiarity with our public echoola, an undent&nd· Ing of teaching met.bods and acq~tance with the teachers theD19elvee will help cituens to appreefate the place of the public achoola in our way of living. Tboee who criticit.e the JIChQOia most aba.rply are often thoee who know· the leut about them. ~o be eure, educational metboda and certain school pry>ceduree no douht can be improved, but few are the ~ucators who hold that present practices are the ult.irqate in teach- ing. School authorities welcome con1tnlctive augges. lions from th~ pubHc. So, it you haven't visited one of our .JlUblio schools this week. do it today. Your intereBt wiU be appreci- ated by the teachenr and you'll be a better citizens be- cause of better knowledge ot our school 1yatem. · Our Kids Are Great! '' There ls little to fear about the young generation of these Uojted States. We say tbial from the bottom oC. our hearts. This week we, a.a the publisher of the Newport Harbor News-Press, were privileged to sit as an evaluation judge in the Bank of America achievement.a ewardrcontesrllt Ugwia Beaclf. Before us, in competition were nearly three ~n young people -seniors in the high achoola of Orang_e and San I;>iego Counties. We were happy to hear them . use. with pride, the words .competition, businesa, free entt'rprise. We were happy to see these youngsters in µanel discussion vie with each other to make a point. We were happy at the outcome of the judging al- though we were sorry that no one from the Newyort Harbor Union High School came away in f U'St p~e. This was no reflection on our school, becawie there were ·at least two of our students from this community who were runners-up. The point diffennce between them and the person who won fil"llt waa negligible. But the great thing waa the 1jJa.rkllng wit. The facility of conversation an.cf the ~re o! knowledge that these young people presented in the transcripts of their school. a.chievement records. Wet find it hard. to believe that some of these student.a Who acored 300, the high- est poesible in scholastic atanding, stm had their var- aity letters -one boy for three years. We were eur- prised also that these young 'people of high ecbolutic standing and with community and achoo! acbievemelita tha~ would be the envy·of any of the m~ out.Stand· ing citizens of these United St.ates, ~ had pride in their hom~ in their ,church, and in theiycauntcy....O~ ot the most amazing things to u.e wu t.He fact that 80 per <fenl of lh~ outstanding studenta were very active in their churchea. One, ac'tually a minister and at.ill a eenfor in high echool. There can be little cauae for a1ann .. 'to th• future of our country in this revit.a!Jsing of learning amongst tha lt\ldeJlt.I. P~cularly. to find tM worda, competi- tion, determination to achieve, and williD1De. to fight for, what we believe. Thoee words and phrues Uled by tha.e 1 r and 18-year-old students, in & time when '" all are decrying "juvenile delinq~cy'' and ''teen·&(e ir- ~a,Ibillty." ~. w'e would lik• to turn our country l.Dto the handa of theee three dosen alldenta that we were privil~ to interview on behalf of th• Bank of Amerlea fOf' a wanlini of achol&nbipe to Uaem.. lt wu a sr-t \ rrs AN OLD ADRJC.ul CUSTOMt The poet aab: What ie IO rare aa a day in June? And we answer: A day in May, especially the first day, &lld e8pecially if it doean'l rain and spoil the fun for the kids. Whe)l tbe Maypol~ get to winding in that color- ful ceremony the yourfgaters love eo well we can be aure that spring is really here not only in name but in effecl Along with Euler and Christmas and the Fourth of July, the first day of May is really a big occasion in the livee of kida. We're glad they can enjO:f it as strictly an event for pageantry and fun rather than an occasion for the display. of militance and hate as ia the cuatom behind the iron curtain on ¥ay 1. America's kids don't realize bow lucky they are. And maybe we oldsters dor)'t appreciate our good for- tune either. But as long aa our youngsters march around the Maypole inatead of marching to the beat of military drums we are maintaining the things which help make for them tlae good life. • BRUSH COUNTRY ~JOURNAL ~~PARHD tt:d. ~ote -'nt)e eoa ... •,y Horal°'l! PM"'°'"""'..._,.,... the Utt""°luto-• "'-torkal f...Ca he-ua d~a~ t.ap .. II.a. ~ tttpa Into ttHI "6clk C'OOlltlt la ~•f )~"-) CAMPOSA.NTO-Tbe low rock-cairn at Vallee o in ~ center marks the grave of the "Ghost Bride." -Hor- ace Parker Photo " . ' \ \ The big Concord stage slowed to almost a walk. Ev~ the mules 1Jeemed to trot with care, to prevent the 1tage from lurching. A grgup of 1ndiens around their brush kisha at the healing Agua Caliente Springs wondered why the stage mov• ed so rilowly in the oppressive desert heat. And the driver of th1~ w··~lboun<1 Butterr1..\<1 • U&IJll8h his San Antonio a ntt San atage 1Lll•m 11t<•ly cuJ 8td and pray· 0 1ego Mall, alllO known aa lh• ed that lhl'Y wo111<1 11011n a1rlvr al "Jack111U1 Mt1ll", '""'" lhrougb the Lauator '11 V11llec::llo Stage Slallon. Va ll..ello t.le<'hlrd l!I bull•I a store WhllP Jn lh1· 11tai:e the dr11w11 "nrt 11t11llon thrrt In this litnd ot white face or a 111\ght ·~lrl, In hrr 'IUll llrl"ll adu1W11 lhu &1\J t'OnAlruc -, late trent, p11luwed Ill t hr hip of .ll~n hr u1<e1I Ill 110m111h1ng ot a an older woman .:u r>ed for 8lr. <'Urlo111 1y. C ull t n Ji .. quare 80d Sha had been 11ic::k :vtn bf-for•' bt kks ht'lit to.:t'lht'r bv 1111~ gr11u they arrh·1·d In Yuma But l'ht h11d ruot.s. he l&ltl u p the wa.lls ln&llttd on cnntinulns:. for hl'r fl· The root l•ml>tn w"r• cut and ance waited tor her ln Sacramen· broul?hl down from the La,..un4' to. Mountains lo the we11l by th .. In· He had "atruck It rich In the dlan11, 'rhen a ro6r "at1eetln1(' t1f dlggin'•" and had 1ent her money willow and mc11qulle limbs wt1 a lo come to Ca11rorn1a by the ftllll· rlrmly tied 1n place with rawhtU11 eat means which wu lhe B11tlrr· lhong11. Ovl'r lhl11 a mattln~ of rleld OvPrlllll1I Mall. H1>r IUnRll h11d tule11 were laid, and on lop of U\l',.e alway• been weak and the pound· ht agll.ln used a !aye( or aod brtrk1 Ingot the boundnc alage. 11nd tht' cu~ from the mo11t c111ner:u •Ur· clouds of alkali du11t for day arter rounding the atatlon. Pega and day had ~n too much !or hPr. rawhide held the 11tructur• tO.. Tht' at.ge driver foll~w-;d Mnr. get.her. Not a nail wH u!M'(f. YOUR SENATOR WRITES La.taator Into the cool conflnts or . PROSPE<'TINO \'£NTU1lf! the aod·bullt 1tace 11taUon and Laa.,ator marned the wwow laid th• unconecloua girl on a hard Mulkma who had a "ready mad11" rawhide aupported bed. As )tr.. family ror him. Throuch the life By JOHN A. MURDY .JR., Seaat.or, S.Sth Dl9trlct • Lauator 11t&rted to preu a cup of the Jukau Mall, and theft the Arcwn•ta u to· which ayatem Beach oil revenue-., lepllud win ot wa~r to her llpa the young (frl Butterfield MaJJ, La .. lor and h i• producem betUr le,UleUon, a non· tapplq and draw poker, begtnnin( amUed u I! all• we-re aipremtJy family ran U.. Yallecit.o Stal• part1-n Jeplatun or a pa.rttaan to tak• ahape. happy and wlt.b a aigh ceued' to Station. With lhe edvvit of the lepJature, were featured tn the CommJtteea ·ln both hoUMe ap-breath. Civil War, ,,.._, Oft Ult! Tuma deb4lte leading to recent puaage proved meuurea which would 011.AVEYARDfJ OllOW Trail a.lmoet .topped IO ~tor by lhe Senate or a me~ call-make Ca.lifomlr.'1 child care cen· ' She wa. burled ln the campo-decided to tab • lftU. putuf un· Ing t or election ot 1tate leglala· ltra permanent. 'Action by both 11&11to \graveyard) on Ule Jillie der the gulH or pro11pect1nr. tori on a non·parUaan buJs. The lbe &nate and the .Aaumbly u hill j~ llOUl.h of the Valleclto uavlng thing• ln h1a ~(e'• proposal wu approved by a vote a whole must be 'taken before the Stage Sta tion In her" white wed-hand• he hied away to Art.sona.. or .2e to 9. bill gOff to the Governor tor hi• dlng gown. There wu no head-Apparently he found ICOld becau1"' Proponenu of lbe m...ure main· lrirnature. stone but rather the men plled a lt 18 ll&ld he .aold the c:lalm tor talned that the time ahould never SPJ:CJ~L !KESSAGI: !tlgb cairn or desert bc>wldera over s4ooo. Startin( b&t'k tor San 01• come when a man'• privilege to The Governor delivered a apec· the lllUe &'rave. Jn a few year1 ego, L&Mator and a man be "m· run for political ottlce la t&Jten lal m enage to the legl11lature re· murdertrs, bandits, and "plaln" ployed were attacked and murdrr· awsy I! he doesn't have the bleH• commending Immediate construe· folk were her companions In lhl' ed on their 11t'Cond night· out Oft in"' .of a pollUcaJ boM or machine. tto or lb .,. lb RJ p j l t r v II 1 whal 111 known u Tf'llllS Hill. N"w" .. n e .-c-a er ver ro ec camposan o o a ec lo. or'hl• murder flltt'rtod back t~ Vi1I· Furthermore, they added, partlaan by lbe Stale, the Tz:.inlly River Pro. This wu a rl'llllelUI group, that lasuu ·have d111ap~ared from the ject by th• federal government. wts bunc-<1 lhr~. and cm •hu k l~lto, 80 his "tPp90n John Mu lkin• legislature and that the 158\le& and the dlsputed San L!JI• flellt'r· nlght8 lhcy wnndrr up and down ioet out to find him. ,Mulklna fminrt h&ve been decided In the but In-volr thruugh a federal·llate "pa.rt.-the confine" of the Valll'<'llo Val· lht bodln ol' lhe men snd the terut 0( the people rather thQ er.1hlp." The Governor urged that leoy. Some JUst walk, otbrr.s <lrivr eqmpment. b11t bc>cau11e of lhf' lu1 • along party lines. a way be found to Include the a ghostly 1lage, whlle one rid"" 11 moll or the <:tvtl War. the aulhorl· ONE-PARTY SY~TF.M ! r.aervolr In both projects. mUk whlt11 hor~e like the wlntl In lll'Jt r"flJll<'rt lo pur•ue the mur<ll'r·· Opponent.a expruaed fe11r that The recent Slate Supreme Court the calm or lh•· 1lr11ert nights. Our "Tl!, Thi.' lllt'pson brouitht llOtnl' nf doing away with the pol!Uca.I decision that Lon11: Beach lldela.nda Jillie bride 11pend11 moJ1l of hl'r the errulpnwnt and w•cona bll<'k to V11lll'rllo. party system In CalltornJa'a Legi11· oil f\lnda cannol_be spent by that time in and a round the old 1ta1?C' St> tl1e hlllld"r lature would lead to a one-party city tor anything exc~pt h1rbor station, Proi>pe<'lnrs and dr.t<"rl system. Thev . a rgued that non· Improvement hu whipped up lhe c:ampPu , cnrll mfH'•I 11rnunol l ht' olil partisan legl11lators would become controvtl'lly around 1 .. gu1lallon lo sotl bu1ld1nii: havto iwen hr r wh1 ll' ·1ub1ervlent to the 400 or IO lobby· claim the city oil money for thr d ad r11:\ire Cllll10g h<'r" and lherf', l11t1 who maks up the ll<H:&llt'd state. Proponents oC the meaaure whllP · 11he 111gh11 and calls imflly ln of the old 11(\<1 11t11~" 11tallon 11l Valleclto canit lo a ,.,,.1 .. nl ('nd "l.Mrd hoUN" of the le(l•lature. 11taled t hl'y wtll seek 1'11.rly hur· her lost lo\•rr In Sarr1-1n .. nto . ' • A..!J.n~_a_~•Yttl _lng11_on__l,he,Ll"Qj><J_~, cJ&l!fllng the c:·ll0"4Tl.V fll!IDE vote tll.ken In the Senate. the vote C'OUrt dl'Cl1lon hu Jloo•t.d their In 111rs Ont' or lhr -workera o n on puug1 ot the bill did not tol· ca uae. l.h• SERA project that wu re· low party lines. A bill to abolish t.ht' lax collect· c11niotnic::1ln1t th' old building "-'JUI The tempo of bualneM In the s'lfg functions of Ule State Board l!O bolhl'red by her nl~tly vll\lt • • legill(ature .peeded up noticeably ot Equl!JluUon In ravor or a neow he quit hla job -afraid nt lhe lut week, with decision• on c:hlld 1late dep&rtment ot reovenue wu lltUe f<!hOAt·brlde or Valle<'lln, cere centera, non -pr.rt1aa.n legislJl· 11pproved In the A18embJy commit· Death 11nd VJtndals'UTI ll"em to I ton, water development, Long teoe on irovernmental organisation. haunt thl' old VAllectto Sta1te Sta· Sacramento Sidelight Uon. U you wlll ta.ke H!ghway 78 ~!Ult trom Jull11n, down over the Banner grP.de end then turn right on the dirt road Just betorP you reaC'h the San· li'ellpe r rPek you will be on your wsy to Valle-rlto. 8 CRAKENTO CNS ) I The 11pr1n1111 an<1 r1ene1taio I me11 · A. , -C -t controven1lff tbat utat, not onl7 dow•) .0, V&llM."llo or u lhl' ln· -ma 110me what rldt~uJou11 that In the st.ale but In the naUon, a.lid dlans c:a.lletl 11 "Hllwl" h&d long lb• legl.alatu" of the •tat e of the multltud1nowr aecl.8 tha t prac-Cal1fornla, ln IUllOn after 8elllllOn, lice rellpon under the OOnlltltU• -been a Ct.mp lnl: !!put On lhP Old turrw down blU. wtllch would re--Uonal 114aranlee •that the people Yuma Trllll, th .. flr!ll wai;on road qui-the reading of the BI b 1 • may wo1'~'-aa ttiey chooae th• tnlQoo Southern CAiifornia. '"' . '" : "' f.A~MAT<JR 8TORr; ln t,h• publi<; •hoo1". Bible ret11&1n11 A.II the b11.11l11 of al· J&mf'll D l.aJ11ator 110mtllml' · Only recently, the w nat, corn· most a hundred percent or all re· · ' lllee on education kJUed a mw· llglons prscllced In l.h11. country. about tM7. and perht1ps hrarlni; ure by SenAtora Ne\8on P. Dil· The dilfr renl veralona have Ill· that James E. Birch wa. gotnc lo worth. of Rlveralde county, and tie to do wilh the problem, for the llarl o e a mo n d, of Sacramento 11lmple r euon th11t the meanln~ County, "'hlch directed the state ai\(f .,rtnclplea expounded lll aJr of Boud of Education l o publish a the veralona Of the Bible tund~ ayllabua ot materta.11 that would mentally are the same, promote and encolJrage moral and ~881:!\oTIAL FACl'OR apr1tual valilea, which would be Returning then, to the neceulty made av.Uabl• t.o a.1J public achool.s. of knowledge of the Bible aa a The bUI waa wholly permluiw requlalte tor education, It would la e'hera.cler, where In put me• ap~r llttat ~ •cltools are mlu• alona. INCb meuurM wtr. mU\d&· In( e-n aJ Ji ctor In Ule In· tory. It Mid: to atlon rtv to the young peo- RIGHEa BT~AJUMI pie t Ui. ata\e wtien they nerlect pert&lptni' to tha 'book \hat ''To aid 111 developtnc thoM hlg11· I• " widely nad, and ot which er moral irtandard.t neoeuary for m • C!Oplu ha'" bet.ft IJOld than Jood dUsenahip. mater1&J• that an7 other pGbUcaUon ever llaued. will promote and encotu1lf'• morw.1 1'le ~j hav• not ~m dlla· and IJ>lr1tua1 nhl ... lnc.lut1ln1 ~ tory tn tak r onr alrnOlrt ..,er; lectJona from UI• Bibi.. m&J be r.-d ID t.be pubUo .c:boola." oUwr tunct n that fom1erly wu altod«t tn tile bome. But fft RARi: -This reproduct.inn is or the tintypes of Jt.m~ Ruler LMsator, builder of the Vallecito RLage Station. Courtt>S)'. San Diego Hia- LoricaJ Society OettmtblJ, Uie pnmu, JNJ1>0M t.h4 C&M o dimemtnaUnr know· or Ula pubUo i:boOla ta lo provide ~ cone . lllg th• 81'11e. UieJ an aduoaUon tiw t.be fl.tture dtJ· l\.ave eTadt!d uie tlutrvcUon Dtcff· 8tna ot C&JJtonala. WbeUMr UM _,,. to oomplet.. educaUon. pl"9- 8Qoola .,.. dollar t.h1e or not I.a ~1 becaUM ot t.be ccmt.roY.,.. qveMJOMd Ill many quartera, wt .., betwan eecta, 'Nniklaa and &n the &,act atlll rwnalNI U\et W10lout ~l 1'tl\K't&llce to ftCOllliA lmo6~ of t.be BlbM, 111 1.1141.t· .tM bulc p111\clp\ta upon wt\lch not dual bard17 d<ll be ..iw an edU· 0"11 UM roftrllment. but Wio the cated penon. day.tCM!ay u.vic la ur.. ValWd QUIC. ~ ,,,.. &.be Nli(to&&I lt&t.ee.. touded. llAIN BOOM-The room in the.-Vallecito Stace St.atloa where the "Gbo.t Bride'' of V allecito died. -Horue Parker Pboto .. ·. . • ·\ ... . NEwPQRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 · I PART FOUR, PAGE ONE. / DON'T W S E HL'I -Allen J ones aeta bis mif for a target for the pitcher wlten Don Sherman geta set to make a .ba.ee bit in the try outa ol boy1 for teama in Ult .. THROW IT STRAJGllT -Young pitchers are urged by coaches to t ry and throw the ball Ht_raight over the plate before they try to pitch curves. Here Jerry Qucenrr is try~ to do just that. ·"" -- ' aummer leagues. j erry Queener, who wants to · pitch, watcbe1 the reeulC.. ' .. .....,..._....., - ..: ...---- ON MEAT0 SIDE -Richard Flores has to grab a fast grounder on his right side which will teach him to get his glove around to save the fingera of hia unprotected hand. ' \. - '"" __ . SPEED TEST -Cl)arles Kabis, 923 Governor St., ·eo.ta Meea, J"UU the baal9 u one of the teata to gettipg on a team. The bo)'8 were timed in ma1c inr a c1m&tt of tbit bt.w. GRAB IT ...--Peter Sullivan gets a fly ball in his try outs. The boys had alt kinda of chances thrown at them and never knew whether to watch for a grounder or a fut ball 1traight at them. ROLD tr THIS WA\" -Ben Queener gets instnictior\8 on how lo hold hill bat when buntlni !rom Rod Mac.\lillian, pbya1cal director 'of the Boys' Oubl FULL OF PEP -Some of tbe about 900 boyt who tried out for placee on the different league teama foT 8\llDJDer bueb&ll. There were about 250 In thhl group and every ·one wu aet to ·do hi11 best. To f&eilitate tryouts the boy1 were divided into fivti groupa and rotated in ,tetta o! bue running, catching,' pitchhi~. rutting a nd throwing for distance. From 1eoret1 mad_sJu theae teeta teama will be macW\lp ~•ry effort being made to keep the ~ w~I balanced, 10 that no team will have a runaway la it.a leaiue. .. J ( . -• •' • I ~-. P-A6E 2. ftART IV-NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS-PREss·catt·ing A·tt THURSDAY, APRIL 28;-1955 · ' LOOKS NORMAL -This hen which Mrs. Louise Cal- vert, 2120 ~':: Thurin St., Costa Mesa .. is holding might be any Rhode Island hen from her looks, but Mrlf. Cal- ,·ert credits this biddy )Vith laying the Robins Egg Blue eggs she so proudly displays. -Staff photo EASTER ·BUNNY SACKED . Mesa Hens Now Lay Multi· Colored Eggs At Buck Per Hen1< t hat J11y Easter egg-pre- colore.J, no dye on your h&nds- now ..,, m to be a po4Slblllty since :'>lrs. Lo111s\' C'1h-l'rt. 2120~1 Thur - In St.. Co1'ta :\tesa ha.a hens that e re JayinJ:' rnbms egg blue eggti and red hr.own rggs. Some ot the pa-ler blue egga loo)( grten . .All of lhcm are .tn pa.ate! ahadu and the colors blend, one Into another. and none a.re In the prlah hues popular Jn the rabbit produced variety. Thue egge are being laid by a breed ot bena known as Auracona, Barbershop Harmonizers • Plvity of Newport Harbor .A~ea alt.tuna. eapecl~ly thote who have -a -marltett ~ I•• ·~io.. bar» mony," either aa alnfer• or U.ten- ere. will be lntrt(Ued to-lurn that a chapter cit the Society tor the • Pfutrvatlon a.nd Encourasemtnt ot JWrber Qu&rtel Stngtnr 1n Am· erlca, lncorporated, i. planned tor tbla community In the immediate tuture. Thia remarkable orga.nla&- Uon o f 01lnger1 and would-be 1ln1· ere operatu on an ll)tem&Uonal ace.la a.n.d now hu more than 600 chaptera acattere-2 throughout the United 8tatn and Canada. Formed 1n 1938 by a Tulaa. Ok· lahoma a ttorney, Ow~n C. Cuh. the llOCiety haa crown by leap• a.nd b<>wida. Requlremenu tor join· In(, accordlng to Rtporter Stan- ley J'rank. who l't'Cenlly told the 1tory of the Society'• 111terut1ng bef1nnlnr• .and rrowth, are rigid. Eligible are thoae mt.lta. frte, a - dult, congenial, ot good rrpute. who can &lng-and tho .. who ca.n• but want to Jeam, or are aatlafled Jual to llsten. • Any local cltlstn who can live up to these item quallflcatlona and i. Interested In dolnc something about It . .thould Immediately con- lM:l Da.ri Wedman, Harbor OH or Dale Whitacre, Llberty 8·!19!13. who have charge of the plane for the preliminary organlz&tlon meet· Ing on May 11 flt Elks club. They can be reached at 108 Via Florenct>. Lido lsle or Ml Deborah Lane, Costa Mcia. · which Mrs. Calvert aaya came orl· glnally from South Amerlca."The hens have been bred up. until their eggs do not reproduce as well 11.11 those pf the ~ommoner brl!~s. ahe says. and aa a .result ahe only r ot to~ produclnc llen.1 trom a aetUng ot l!I f'ggs, Mr.s. Calvert got Into the colored egg hobby 111 a dlvcrslbn for her daughter who· had polio. The ldta seems to have been a good one tor the daughter complete~ recovered a.nd haa been able to ruume hen work. .ne hobby 11 expeialve trom a modul atandpolnt, the aelUn( from which Mni. Calvert gut tour hens havlnr co.t SHI. Buldu the novelty of the color there I• a claJm that coloH<t egp are more nutrltlou.1 than plain white onu and bMlth etorea ln Loi Ancelu are selling them at a dollar each price H a diet requirement, Mr8: Calvert 1&y1. ,,..,., ________________________________________ ~----------------------------------------- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE R.EPORT OF 001''DmON Ot TH!. MARINERS IANK LEGAL NOTICE .LOCATED A2' . 'EWPORT Bt:A<:H. CALIFOR~nA • ..\1' OF THE CLOSE OF Bt:SL'"E1'S O!'i TllE 11 lb DAY OF APRIL. l tM f'ubll~hfil fn &CCOrdanC'«! "1fh a t &JI m&dfo by the Sueerlntendenta Of Banke Att.M'lll ('ommtrclal Callh, luilnnc<'ll wllh other bank11. Including reserve bal- am r. amt """'h 1t1·m1 -In process of collection S 880,S2~.8.C l '. ~ t ;m crnmrni, obligation!\.' direct and fully guar- nnt. l'<I Stall'. county, m11nlclp11l anrl 11chool lll1trkt obligations Other bonrl!<. notes and dt•bentures ..... Corrorn.tl' 11tock:o 1 lnrlucllng $ Nnnc 11tock of Fcdtrnl Rt-!lervc Bank 1 • L<1Rnl'I nnrl d1s1•011nL .. f tnrluc1r:ot f. ?l:onr overdraru 1 Bank pr<'ml~es 11111hjecl t o S None ... -... Liena nl)t al'l!Umt'1I b\• ban.k 1 ... umllurr. ·fixture~ l\nt1 equipment.. . Olhcr rtnl e.~tatl' "'' nc:d 1 in1•h1d!'11 ~ l'Old nn contr1wt 1 Cu~tnml'rll' ll1111lltty tn• th1:ot hunk un nrnunt of 11rrept- 99,642 00 None None None 46.~84 ll8 ="one nnr,.io r-cecutro . ?-:one Othrr 1\i.~elS .. None. Tc>tal 1\::" t" . Sl ,032,2~'.? 112 •Jn1 I. S :'\c,ne ln\1 ,, nwnt!'I unol othrr 11..1111eui lndl,l'Ktly tl'pr!':<rnl Int.: hank J 11 11 I~• ti hr 11\hc-r rt11I l'H &.\t . , • I .I.\ IUl.ITI t:~ Comme1d11I cl• pf~!t1t~ 1!,.mnnd 11nrhvlrJ1114l11: partnr r- tthlf'll, C'nrp11 I . i39,li2 99 Olhtr <1tma nd <lr~1u1 1 rn11rlrd 1111•1• ofrlcers· <'hcck11. etc.) ..... ............. .......... .._ .............. -....................... . C6Mmu~lar t1epo11tt-trme ....................... ·--··---····-··-··· Ssv~nga deposits . .. ................................ : ............. . Depoalll due to ba.nks . . ................................ . U. S. Government &nd postal H\0lng11 depos'lta ............... . Slate, ro1mty a nt! municipal depo'slts BUia payable. rffilsco11nt9 and othl'r llabllltlea for bor- rowed 111"ney . Accepta.nces extcutet1 hy nr for llC°Count of thl.s bank 4 l,7i3.19 None None N one None None None and outAt.anrllng . ... None RNervea tor taxe11, lnterc-at, d e .. accmed but unpaid ... . Other liabilities . .. .......... . Total Llab11ltlea I l"Xcl. .subordinated obllga- Uona ahown be.low) . . #Incl. mo~l&'es. or other lien•. J None ........ on ba.nk premlff.a end S None ....... on other real estate. CAPITAL ACCO{':'-'T Capital paid l.n: None None L P.re!erred atock None ...... _1hare11, Par S None.... None b. Common Stock l0.000 ..... ,..11hate11. Par S 20.00 .... S 1711.000.00 ••Reurable at S.......... .... . ...... . Surplua ........................ .. _ ............ _ .... .,. ........................... ~.000.00 Undh1ded prorta-net ................ :..... ................... ....... .... .. 772.26 Reffrv• ( &nd reUremenl account for prefe~ capllal 1 20.63•.39 Total Capital Account• •.. . ... ........ .. 2111.3Ge.6.C Total Ut.blllUee and Captt.&I Account.a .......................... Sl,032.262.82 ~MORA~DA1 Plqed a.Met.I ( a.nd H CUrtUee loaned) I book value) : .. u. 8 . Government obllptlona rledged t o 1ecure depoalu and other lla bUIUes . . ...... -..... ...... . b. Other a.ueta pl.deed to aecure depoaru and other llabWUu ( tncludln&' no tu and. bill.I red!a· counted &J)d 1ecur1tlea 1<>ld undtr repurchue Nona a(l'eement) ................. ,...... ........................................ None Tota.I .. -.-· .. ··· . -................................. -... ····-· -····· ObllaaUon1 subord!J\ated to cla1ma ot dtpo9ltot1 and other cndltora. not Included ln llabWUee -........ . None Stat• of Callfon:Ua. County ot Ora.nee. ... Edpr R. HJll. PrN'ldanl O. W. Rlcha.rdeon, Caahler Sa,'hlr• Combined SI 11.Bll~l!e • 992.380 . .CO None W.6u.oo "None None None None Nohe None None :J.~.00 None Noni' Nont .C6.1584 98 None None None None None None Slll,8:1.c.M 51.lH,lOi 38 Nnnr 739,172.99 None U ,773.1.9 None Noni' 76.8!1• &6 76,8!1• M None None None None None None None None None None None None None ' No.na 76,8114.M 8157,800.7' None Nona • 20.000.00 • 200,000.00 10.000.00 sa.000.00 None 772.2!1 None 20,1134.39 Sll,000.00 28e.3Ge.I" $111,811 •. M U .IH ,107.38 None •. None. None None None None • :: .. of Tb• Martnen Bank. bl'lnl duly IWQm . each for h lnuelf, 1&y1 ht bu a pe.nonal knowlertre of the .mattera contained In t.he rorcolnr report of condlUon and achedulea pert&lnJ.n• thereto a.nd lhat evny alle1auon. atatement. m atter and thing therein contained S. true to the beet ot h1I knowe<IC'e a.nd beJJd. Sevvly w bJK:ribt'd a nd eworn to before rne by both deponent.I. lh1I 2eth day ot April 19~15 nubr B. ~Unko 1'ot.ary Public In and t<1r saJd County State ot Caltfornt.L My C4mmiulon vtplzu June 19, 1~ JCDOAR R. IDLL Pruldent 0 . W. RlCHARDSON Ca.shier • Co1Tect-Att .. t: J OHN T. BOYD. JR. 0 . w. RJCBAJU) &hll No. 121 KARRY E. 8'l'rC1CLl:R. I( D. n 1rl'Cton other than the o(tlctn 11rn1.n& Ule 1"tpoc1 • LEGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTIC! LEGAL NOTICI CERTlnCATr. o•· 1n·:1sEss 1n :HT s CAFE an1I lhllt sahl firm ,111y of Mo.r. 1 9~.~. at 11'.H lo'11lr FIC'TITIOt'r ··•H)I ~.uu: I 18 ci.111))1.>11tJ l)f the 1ollowln1 per· Oak1 Avenut, c.ty or Svuth /Pua· Th". unJtrs\°gn t'd, doi•s htrf'b)' stJns. who•• namu In . full and dena. County or Loe Angelea, Stat I' ctrllfy that Ahl' Is conJurt Ing a n pla ce. ot re1ldence a re aa fo1Jow1, of' Colltornfa, all thf nght, till• lnttrlor and dt;ngmng busuw53 I to-wit: and lnterftl of aald mlnor. tn•a.nd with almllar rtlatl'd 1<ctMtlu at I DOROTKY 8. EDWARDS. lST~ to au that cntaln real property 2620 Avon, r-:ewport lll'&\'h. Or· 1 AnahellT', Coalll J.tesa, Cal.·l!ornl&. pan •cularly dt.terlbed aa touo,n. anie Count)•. CalilCJrnlu. IU)ucr the Wltnn a my haoJ thlll 11th day to·wlt: fictitious firm nam1• or tlt81Jmll· OC April,, 111!)~. An undivided one·.slxtli In· Uon which doall no1 "'1'10\.\. lb~t.t:uc.l. 1tJ DOROTHY S. ED\V ARDS tere•l ' ln ~t 2 In Block 2• l namt or namtt of th" 11t-r~,.n~ 1n-S'rATE OF CAUFOR~I A -,.-of COnina '01•1 "Mar: n Book ter-.te<i in aald bWllness t"·Wll. I l.'OUNTY OF ORA!to:CE )U • 3 Pa.,es U·42 of ltlace.l!anetlua "JEANE' CARROLl.F: On Lhl~ lltb day of April, A. D Maps, Orani;e Count)-. being INTERIORS" 19~. bf!ore me, ROBERT F. t ltuoted ln the City oC New- and that 1ald firm Is compost'J of WILLMES, • Notary ,Public ln pofl &ach, County of Ort.n&e, j the following ~rson. «nly wh"-"'' ond for the said County an!I Slate, State or C&llfornia. . name and Jddreu lit u fallows: I ~~li~lf1~~~111Pe1d~~1~11~~~::~:~ Term1 ot Sale~ Cuh In luvful' N. Jl:AN BROW.N l UOROTHY S. EDWARDS kno •n money of the Vntted Statu on 2~20 Avon. >' con~ormauon ot sale. Newnnrt Beech. California to me to be the peraon 1111•ho1e name -...-b rib~ ~th th 1 • 8 ldLJ>r offers to be In v.'Tttlng \VltneH my hand t.hl!I l ~t dllV of I~ I U 8C e WI m nlltru• and Wiii be rectlvid at the afore· April, f9~11. · men1. and ac owlcJged to me N. JEAN BRO\\°~ I lhat 11he..,txecut rd the e•mt. said office at &11Y time •fler the STATE OF CALU'l.'JR:"IA \ Jn wit.lieu whereqt. l have here· tint publication hl'reot and before COUNTY OF ORA1'CE lit.~ unto 11et my han·d i nd ·a!tlxed my date or sale. On thl• the l st ,1 l\' c>f ,, pnl otflt:lU aell.J th.a ctay and year m Dated Aprll 22. 19!1~. 19:1&. before me, CARHiE \' nt·D: this Ctrllflcate tlrst above writ· WALTER HE1'NET NEHLS. ~. a l'\otary PtJblu· 10 .in·I fnr t• n. Guardian of the Eatate' or d r., l al ROBERT F. WILLMES Ll="DA NEHLS. 1 minor. aa1 <::.ounty and Rtiu". 1»·1 !t"lfl•llY SN ~'DL'R ancl L-1.."""'C..;ER. and ·d N J EA"' IJt••)\\'N My ~onln11Mlon Exptre3 I "" r L' ~ appear" · ·' ' " • ' O'"'EIL, known to -rQe to bt> th•• pr 111,,n Nv\•tmbl'r 16, lDll.'1 n • whose nRme \a Jlllbsnlht•ol 1,, th .. :\o. 1310 • 1124 Fair Oalu Avenue. \li.-Jlhln Jn11trument-.. and :a, know· ;,, \•.··l'1c.11 .a U . 21. !!8, !I .'I, 19~S 'l~ 0 Box 346 · !edged to me that ~ht l'l\t'l°llh··I Sou lh .Pasadena. Call!omla the nme. ~CITIC£ Ot' 8Al.E OF At\ornty for GuarJhm Wltneu my hand an.I t•N!1,ml llEAL PROPf:RTY :o>o. !182 News·P1·csa •12.'I. 28, .'I 2. 6 ital AT PRI\' ATE ~AU: CARRIE V. Dl:OLEY l'\otary P ubli1' tn 11ntl for eaJCI Co11nty :imJ Stllll' ..... . 'So. Pua. p.u o:u . CERTIFICATE OF' bl'SISF.l'\8 In the Superior C.:oull of tM • FICTITIOl'S t'IH~ SA~E Stale o1'*alitornla In and tor the The under.t1gn<'d doe.s . hereby My commlss111n 1 "l'lr<'s Nov. 16, 19!'16. county of ~ Ani;;l'les. certify that he 11 condtlctlng a In tht mnttH of the estate or rtal fltatr buslntsa at 2305 Balboa No. 1309 Ll:o\OA l'\EHLS. a minor. Bh'll , Newport Buch. ·c al!fornl.a . New1-Pre1a 4 7, 11. 21 . :?8, t!l:1:i ;.;ou c.-e Is ,hereby glv~n thst the 11ntlenub"nPd WALTER Bl':N:i.:ET CERTffl('ATE <W IU-1'1:'1.t:ss Xr~ALS, Guardian of the estate of FICTITIOL°S t'IR:\I SA:\t E LINDA NEH LS. a minor. wlU aell The unutrsl.:nttl-11111'11 hl'reby at priva te sale, to the hl11he11l bld- Cf'rtltr tJ111t .'!he 1" con.tucllng ... Jt'r, upon the term.1 and condiUon• restaurant buslnrss al iG9t :>:cw-1 hereinafter mentioned and subject port Blvd., Cost!\ Mesa. Cahfornra. to con!frmaUon by the · aald Su· under the (1cllt1ous firm name of perllor Court,· on or acter the 10th • undrr the !ltlltloua firm name of BA YVlEW RE<ALTORS and that aald firm is com11oacd ot the fol· lowing persol).ll, whoae n11me1 In run and placea of ru ldence are u follow•. to-wit: PHlLJP J. RAPP. 3912 Channel Pl.. Newport Beach. California.. Wltneaa ~ hand this 18th day • UGAL None• or April, 19~~ PHIL.IP J . RAPP STATE OF CAL.IFORSIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )u. Of thlt 18th <1a.y of April, A D. l9M. before lrit. ROBERT F . WlU.J(&S. a Notary Public In and for the Hid County and Blatt. roealdlnt therein, duly commtMlont'd and IWOm, peMIOnally epptt.re\J PHIUP J. RAPP kMW~ to ma ta be the ~raon whose name la 11$· LEGAL Nonci· scntJto,1 to th•· Within ln~trumrnt. and acknowll'rti:•d to me that be tUCUll"ll lhl' aam ... In 1111•1tnu• whereot. 1 ha\oe he,... unto •et my .,tranJ anJ '"'•" 1 my official ual 'The day end yc-ar la Uua Ctrtl(Jt'ale t1r1t ab,•v• writt-. neeE:°RT P. WILl.MIC8 1'~ Cc>111m1Mlon J:xµirn l'ovcruber 16, 111~ Xo. 131~ ~ew1-Pru11 • 21. 28. 6 ~. 12. ltM BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA M:llSA CRAPE~ l70 Superior Avenue C:O.ta Meaa. Calif. CHAPEL B\' THE SEA 3320 E Coa&t ~lvd. Co"°na lit'! Mu. t•a1tt,. Phone U berty 8·2121 Phone Harbor U BROADHOOR TRAILER HOMES ~I -,._..,. Bl•d., r~oa .,_ CallloNla 30-60 It 60 , foot lot:1. Pr1nte telephone &11d natural , ... available. CIOM to r rocerll'll, bua 1trv1rt . tic~ • Excellent ttlevlalon receptJon. Adulu only. no ptl•. "IDEAL l'l:AJt·'ROt'SD C'LlMATE" ..,---........ . ,:~·~-~· P-!_ • -~ : . . . . r -•. ftepal1'9 • KalD~D&DCI • laatallatl ... llASFORD ti ION "NELB ano voe:·· El.E<JTRICAL t'OSTKACTOKS Pboae l.lberty ll-1&49 C... 110 Rlnnlde Avenue Newport &It Boyer'~ Balboa Linoleum Co. -'-'CK BOYER -::- , 2301 W. Balboa Bouleval'd • Uaoleum • Rubber. TUe • Oork • Asphalt nJe e Carpet e Formica e Yacht • lutallaUcna Harbor 5389 , Newport hacll ) e MERCURYS RECORD SAlES MEAN BIGGEST DEAL FOR YOU:! ------------------· ------------. --------------) ~. " MERC:URY MON"TCLAJn lJ '\ llDTOP C''?U~E f Aho\'Pl. Thill low-tlilhnurttr N>upe-only 5S'S inches ~ypi6ea future at yling that lulf'pa Mercury ahead m stylt. Mercun .. r •r 11 , .. tf, 1 .. 1n 3 gn·st Wt . --,.,, 1 ... 1 ...... r \1.,nt.dair •·dO•lr Srd8n--.. lllU'dt.op" beauty with 4-door oonveruence. I. 01v u.... ~GR YOUR PRESENT CAR . Mercury &a.lee are at an all-time high. Our rugh volume lets u.~ gfre you a top allowance for your present car. 2 BIG DUL ON PRICE • Mercury prices start below 13 model~ in the low-price tield . • • .. -' .,. , .. M"';!..,, •' ..,._,.,~ •.. g .. #feil _,, ., ,.., ._.. ..... ,_ -• NO OT~ER CAR OFFERS YOU ·~ BIGGER REASONS FO~ BUYING rT • Exclutive styling shol'9d by no other cor e NewSUl''fl·lOtQUfV·Benginesonevery mQdel (188 and 198 honepower) e 4-borrel vocwm corburttof on~ model of no e11tro cost ' '_ .3. BIG DEAL ON OPERATING COSTS Mercury's famous OJX'r:ifing econ- omy and low upkeep will :-;.1-. c· you money by the mile. 4. BIG DEAL ON FUTURE TRADE-IN VALUE Mercury conaiatently lead.a it.I field e Dual uhouth.ol "<I 111tra cod on oll MontcJoirs ond Monterey• IT PAY S IV OWN A for resale value, accordin1 to inde· pend1ent market re\>°rt.. ffiERCURY_fOR FUTURE STYLING. SUPER POWER e Bon-joint fl'Of'l•·wtit,t ~tltf*ltlon • AMI · fNlng high· comp.....ton 1por* ~~· - • eo..ht.mty hlgheti re1e1le value ~ lh fteld, ocoording to outhortfotfv• ,.porta Oo• I "''" n. b 9 •• ·r .... ~·t ld s. 11 ... I .. TOAST OJ ™' TOWN." ..... d., •-'"'· .... ·-....... rwn, a.._, I ·, .. .. ·\ ., J.O._NsoN· .......... iii;·· 1:·;~;~i;·: Mercury : 900 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH Across from lay Clllla Liberty 8-5545 -- ' t j ' . -· ~ AD\'Dl•uu:sT t"OR "'°"' , NoUce la hneby glv><n thrtl th!! ~,of Trua\tf'll (If th" 01ang' Cou t Janlor (.'ull"J:" D1a1r1n nr or..,. Co1J nty. h .. tt1nsfl,r ret-r· r"d to 1 th• •·ow nu", will , ... t'rJn up to, but not lat,.r tha n 3 UO P.~ 'May 8, J9M, 11t1a ll'<l bt<ls for ta.•· 'fd• ot ('ontract tor lanJ· ac..... . the St.alum. 8ul'b bhlt 1had 119 -<f'IV~·1 tn' the office ot the o.ni.r. l.n tilt Administration B~. o ranJ,e \ot&t Coll~ge. lltlll · JI• ti\ Harbor Bo11ll'vard. · nc .a.t ' M•N, Oranl{e OQun~y. ca&lfonu,. 111<1 11h111J be optmod and llUMrly r .. ad •lout! ll t ht ...... •tuled llmr In th.. Boarrl a... o. ~ .Admin1alrallun Build-... llaell 14 muR oonfom\,, ILml bt ...,.... 1 to thl• 11wltat1tm, the ,.._, • "cltic:allona, and all t•\hPT ~ t comprl..1ng thl' rwrl· .._, nlract documents . r1,r1ta el ~· Contract Documenl8 11.re ... tile a11<J Opt'O lo public In· .... • tn the 11&.ld omru or th~ Olrftl a "'1 of Ec:kbo, R.ovaton & WtDJ 1~. located at 89.Z \\'ond!'r· laad i·1rk Avenu ... Lo11 An1tl'les 46 • a a tt1 County '1\d St•te ·11nd m a)' '1e, etita!nl'd at eithH place by dr · ,..Uni 110.00 tor each 11et. Thi• ...... t wtn bl! ~funded tf thl' ~I • ..._ ot Contract Document11 d"· ....._ are returned In Kood ~on•h· tJon •lthln ftvt d11y1 a fur tht bid •pellbi1. Ollt\pleUon time requeettd tn ~ eat by blddl'rt1. A 11l.ILll'mtnt of financial condillon a nd dt po111l o( lO'lfo Of the total bid by Cl'l llfltd check,'"C&ahler'• check. or bid oond i. requlrtd with ea<'h blrl labor and materlala 1>on1J and r"rfom 1- ance bond required or contractor •lected. " Each bid ahall be madt' out lln a fonn to b4I obtained •t "'ther of th• aald offtcH in wt11rh tht con· lrlL<:t.. documents arr on fllt Each bid ahall ~ a1«•omp1U1ltd by a Cl'rUfied or ca~h1rr's rh .. ck payable 'to tht Owner. or 1&l1sfsc· lo ry Bid Bond tn fa,·or of thr Owner, exttuted by thl' bidder 811 pr1nclpal and a 1allllf11ctory aurf'ty ~ompany a a ll}lrety, In an amount not leM t han ten rwrrt'nt of thr bid. Tht chl!ck or b~t1 bond ahaiJ be flven u a KtJBr&nlel' t}ull the b idder will l'Xet'iite the <.:ontrect It It ~ awartled to him 1n con· f onntty with lhf\ Contract D<>cu· rniint.!I aniJ will providt thr surety bond or bon1!11 u specified thrreln w ithin five days a Cter nollClratuln of· •he a.wart1 of the contract to thl' bidder. The Ownt>r ruervu th.e prlv1lr1te iJt r" jectlng any .)Ind all bid~ or to "w a1\>e any lrrti(ularittu or intonn· a llllu In Ally bid or m the btddlnf:. • ,J'ura1111nt ro lhl' LAb-Or Code of the .Stat .. or <.:ahf<11 nia, tht> "aul Bo"ru of T1 ustl'1.'ll hB• ai.c11rtalnl'1I jhe g••n,·r11l p1ev111l1111t rate or ptr dl .. ni W«Jll'il ror n r h cra ft or typt ot "'"' 1<111en nN•11"11 to f'X"<'llll' I he con11 .•t'l" "h11 h will be 11w1u ll1'1I thl' l<llCl'•'U(UI bhldoc>rs ; llntl thl',1' pt t"VAIJlnw -ratra 11.re con1a1nr<f 1n 11aJ1I spcc1tlca t1on1 adoptt!d by U.e Boa rd, and e.r• u roltmin: CLA881TICATIOH : • Ai'S'PR!:NTICES : May be "m· ployl'rl 1n cnnformlty w1lh $1·rllc1n J 77i 5 or thl' Calltom111 Labor C<>•lt' L,4.BOR RR!'l LaborP1 ll C:en .. ra l 111· l'lln!f niction 2 (l'j~ !'OI•• P'oreg,,lnli: •·rnCU! .. ubJect to flmgt ben!'C1tic O\'ERTJ\IE RATF:K .-oR flAl<IC TRADE~: . OverU11e ~h"ll bl' r111o1 rm· Wl'\I I< per(yrm•ol 1n Plll ··~ of thl' 1 t'~11lar d11y'.11 or -...l'e\<'.• wnrk 11h1I al thP rillt• for lWtrtlm~ of the rrnrt In· volvr•l ., Hohd111·s ,,JI hrn•1n 1 pfr1 red tn •hall ho' 1t•e111Pd lo be l'\ew Yea1 ·.- Da~-. r>e:oratwn 011~-. Indl'pl'n<I· tnce Da:. Labor 0 1\,V, A ll1111'l lfP pay. Thl nk s jtl v ln g D11y a nd Chrlstmlt.. IC 11ny ot th~ uhove holiday" all on S11nd11y, the Mon- day tollovlng ehall bt con"l<lett'•I a le'&l Mlday. It ahall bt mandatory upon th!' Contraclo1 to whom a contract Is .-watded, tn'H upon all 11ubcon· tra<:tor11 Wiier him, to p11y not le1111 than .-Id etneral preva1lln~ ratcl! ot ~r-dtem.Pal{H t~ all workmen t"mployed lJ the .. xecullon or lhl' contract. .. :O.:o blddtl may w1th11raw h1l! bid f p1 11 l"'rll'll nf 30 d11y~ Mirr thr <littr !l't fC1 lhl' Opt'nln1t of Uw bit!~. BoArt or Trub\E'<'ll, Orange Coul ·J unior Colle£1' D111t~l. Or11nge County C"111lf·m1a. l'l11\'fld': A J.; PF.TF.R~():-;, St cr t11ry f'ubh.V.· ,\ln l 21 Rntl 28. 19:1r• Orrn: MN 6, l!l(l.'>,,.-:t.()() p.rn. 1'\o. 1313 f\>W!!•f'rMI~ 101'1( •p; ., •• 11\'TE;"l>EO MOKTOAOE !'ou r, ll httreby gwf'n That C' F:. AC'l£RMAK ."ntl GEJ'IO EVA ?.: ACK~MA :'\, husband and ,. ,ft. Mor-.ror. who11l' addrPM I~ 22!'i·2ht St..t. ln the 'City ',11 Ne"'" port B#ac. C'ounty of Oran1tP. Stllte ot CallfornrR, lnlt'nd11 to n1or tg&("e to THE MARl~RS BANK, a C&Jlforula Corporation, MortK&lt'\ whose addrl'Ni 11' 2712 \\',.11t Coa,.t Hiith.way . In th(I City ot .Ntw~ Btat"h. County CIC Or· •n1te. S\4l! of C'111\fnr11ta: All tt.t1ru and •qulJVtl!'nt nC " l tttaln tu 1 l n I' a • k tiown "'" ACKER.M.:-l BOAT WORKS 11nd located at 2211·21 st Stret l, In t he C'lty ot !~port &Mh. ('ounty o( <>nnr.,state of C'a.lifornla, and that an l'>ec:utl!d m orlltllgt <1f thr earn• will• dPllvued and th!' ron · ald•,.Uon therefor paid at 10:00 o'clodt a_;n. <>n the Sixth day ot Jla,y, l95t. a t the t acrow dl'part· muit of ~t ARIJ\"ERS BAJ\"K In lha f.'lty ot NfWl>OTl 8Mch. Oounty rt Onaf'e, St.Ill• of C&1l· fOmiL n.t.-d .A4>rU 2t. lt~ C I:. A.CK P:JUUN "llor~r Cl!:NI:\' A N. ACXl!:R)[A..'\' Morti-ror No. UI~ Nft'l·i'reM .... 21;~ -L • ..--. ' . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS .-PART rv . PAGE l DELIVERY I. GUARANTEED ·Paperhanging Painting 1-· THURSOA Y, APRIL 28, l 9SS ' ~livery of the Newport Harbor News:Press is ipJarantee'd. Carrie r boys w ill deliver their pa~rs be- fore 6 p.m .. on Monday and Thursday. If yo~1r pa pt·r jg not deh\•ered by that hour plea8(' call Harbor 1616 and your CU'rier'wiU bring your paper. NEWPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS Every Monoay and 'J'hurwday COASTAL SHOPPER-\\'ednesdays ~ Une8 1 Paper S 1.00 4 Unf'8 2 Papen l .;)O 4 Unes S Papen 2.ou ("9u1&1 Shopper Cl•.,•lnoo Ad• mu•t run In the ~londay nr Thurwday f>ubllcatlon *iii '°SlMl_'~ AD IS ' LISt:!'I • AU f'laaalttf'd A4• mU11t be pafd for> t°aah In ad\•ance of publltatton. DICADUNES fOT plaa ng or canctlhnr 11dt are~ For Monday Publlcaf1on -SAlllrllu,y l'\oon F or Wednuday Pu1>11c11t1on -Tuesday 2 p.m, F or Thursday Publication -Wednellday l fl m. Classified Index J f'ullerat N otlce. I Card of Thank• se Poultry S7 LlVtatock Sii SPf'('lal Announeement 39 AutOtl \\ antf'd 4B Aut011 for !'ale GIRLS -New Camera I I • IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! 1 l<lm~rly ~ PAINflNG P APER 11.A:-JCl~G ' R1•11ldt>nl1ul It. t'tlmmerl'lal Work . L.ll'enb('d L"onlr~ctor11 Ca.II l.e"li\f!l.an 6-i!lJ6 wllt'CL. I llununglvn J:lo ch r: . --3.!?.ppi!I -------------------l "-PUM>u.a. ' Bargains! Anti yuu'll a.l\Trf' wht•n ~nu hfar Of lhl' ntlUl)' )Ob llpp·11IU1l1ll'"!' for quatif1,.11 v11ung ~ t"lll'n 111 C HA Fl.~X C"lro :\~1nirn w C'll.N ~ our b11,111~u ,;,,,,". I na~» r•·i: 6!' ~o. 11mv i 1:. .. n1T1·0 3·,mrn ri1r1,1 , ... q1,.:111,. f'l OP F.:-0:1:0-:CS l"O\\' ),"08 lt•ll• w 'rft-"f' 11nt.l fla11.h re•t: t:!O l'ELF.PHON C CJ PEHA TOR~ n11\\ W• A l'I~ '-f1>n1lay lb1 oui:.h ~ uilil,y • !'IU '~ :-111.·'Aaln St. !'HI() 11'1 ~ (I() p m Ruoni :?11 !<\until Ana K Ol>AK Jul\tl1·)( 1111~h ~·ulfll rt g C 19~ SJ'('\ 1111 $1!> fl~ v. h:I• thf'y l"~l I •· n~f:O ~NX'IAI.~ * • P<d'I .. \ RC'lt n· "'Tfl\T1ltl:IT-tT~ PACIFIC TELEPHONE AHGl':' c:i " r11,.., & na-h $12 •.o 2'~tc ITTAJ{ :J!'i w .. Ase ~~ \\-.A-=---·-·r-·-1l-l8_1U_1_\1-~-,J-1•_J_r_l'_ll_l_t_ll_l_llt-e lKOFLEX 36 Tt'.U>tl' w , .. I'.. :'>0 !_t_-\\'aaW Co Buy WA:'\T ·ro 81'\' IM 14 111 tp11!e! r .. rl S m all 11htpa du-·k l!<>X <'·6!\ thl» pap.-r •:\p4!'1 WA .... T TO B~ Rl\'ATE P AHT\' lntl'r~11ll'J In 11v1ni: c>qu11y In boat to •O !11l'l. c 11 1'1"'" 111 r o ,,11r 6 1\21. :-0: 1th llnll~"' Ul>d. Ud~ -Dale's Furniture l!IY.1 8 C'U. fl, Sl'rvel t 9~:: Jo'llgldalr!' 8 <'ll door r4'frh:. llM n. lt'tt hand 1129 :IO ~~~~~~~~~~·~ Alcoho hl·a Anonymous Writ• P 0. Bo1 :sit Newport Buen, C..'alif, Phone Harbor 479!1 uli-.amu. Plenty or floqr tlmf'. A:'l:SCO Rt>fkx A ut1m111l1C' llb•·1 II C•>ll,\ml.!sl11n, wrll located w CMt! 8~ u ri:e Saltm mllplt• , drop 11>111 t& bl\' S·l!l Ml I oftl~. r-' . Kl';YSTONE 16mm A·12 w 2 1 lt'ns 11n \urrel Homer Shafer, R tr. KOO.i\K mai; Hlnrni f1 !) !J!I M&h"-" brt11kfronl 11rllk ty~ rh1n1t t.•ns 6b C'llblnl'l S!l!UIO , Rf:VERF: 99 8mm lurrt'l w u, G • 106 MrFtt1l1l .. n l>lare. ~pt Bl'h. ~l Ph.-Har. J.10 I E ves. !Ur. 2:>2!JM I ·~·<'4i J~Be ty Aid * PROTEt"l'ORS -~---~------C.:Ol ':'\TEH GIRi... t'ltpt'rienrtd. KE:YSTO...,..&,b111m Superfluous Hair Apply 111 s1111y'11 La8t stand ARCus :1[,mni State Be11ch, Coron11 tlt'l ~hr, KO DAK Merit 3r•n)'n -:':ILl. wt • :\~ II '10 n ~o J8';'1 Harbor Bini.. Co~ta M~s~· H N!l SOLi 0 mnpf(" bllnk hl''1$, rtt11l· pl<'l": pl11.11 m11plt ll<'Crela1 )' $7:'1 H111 bor H !l2 •IJH8 arma, lega. Eyebrow• and n.tr Une sbi'ipcd-No more twecJ:lng. '\\'ANTED-500 PEOPL E to come-~O<lW, blDWl'r ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. I to breakftt.&t Saturday, Apill * RE....,.TALS * T V. rc1mb1na\111n 2 1", <lbl, hox Perma.nenlly removed tr~m race &ftt>r i fl m. • -i~r~7, :-.;f'w T Dt" Showpak 3~j11m, Udo'a Salon at Be.a.uty Bar. 2~76 3'0th from ~ .(l(\ t9 11 :00 a.m. 8mm nJU\'t•' • f1lmi.. /ll'OJPrtor• :I~ ,.rnng & 1111111 rl's.~. 1 yr ol•I M 12'1'. 11 rt1rl<'.8 ''en· re1.11ona bl~ l'h1lnl' Hllr 17$~-~I H 146 Uc 1 GonrM I H11\I'.' ('hrlS't (1iurth By I J'\'Yl"l'OJt 1Rmm proJe<'tM'll. ta1w --------------the Se11, HW Wf'st, Bal~ l:Uvd. lt'<'Otd••r C'1Hllt'ra,., 3~mni p1u· 2'> I lli>t and Found I ~rYl'il by the >,tei>5' Club. TIC· 1 Jcl.'lorii. 2 I. x2 •. pn,>Jl'CtQl -,.,.,. ----kets 7~· 40p45 FOl'XO -Ladlt'I! wrist walch ln W A 1'T auto 1<ale11man to 8.l'U new I Harbor Photo Lab C'oronf\ <tel Mar. Ov.'Tler may Fords and u11ed rar.; Exper ltnc- cia1m by ull'nlll1ra11on Ir pay· j I'd man prf'fl'rred. . m<'nt of this 11<1. Box C-65. thll! 'fHEOOOR E ROBINS, F'Or(t 'Plr , Pl)P<'r. •3p+:'l :\JOO \\'. Co1111t Hwy, Npt. Brl\rh · Harbor H 06 T\\'I~ arnnr. i::ET. ru~s. t1Mk. ch1•111. htx1kra11r. t·.irn<'I c·11 blJll'l. <h'l'&scl'. d)aJu. lempa, etc ~>:'>2 s .. awiord 1?11. Hai. :H1"'1 I r~'\ B£0HOOi\I FT R:-0:. 2 Mr .t Mrs. .. Cbt~t"'" :? rnrn11.cHl~11 ti hl'll•i· 1><1arJ. Ur~. ·-Bill Bakrr. 6'..!p Fulltrton An .. !'\PV.'p11rt Httl(ht8 ~4!.-MU8k>al. &dlo. a T V J SPECIAL Accordian Buy,s ! Fm!r U"("d 120 baJJ11 .•~01 Jlona ln r1nl' •'nn•ltl ion C'M I' lndudNl. \'vur '11.vH t. $7.\ Tfrme $10 dn. 1ul\t $11""" )'t"r munt h ttl • ' SHAFF.R'S Mu•lc ('o 1S1n;·e llOil U\.d 3 N. 8)'ca mt1N', 8-Jlta Alla rhon" h.'lmbttrl.y 2.00;-2. --~ . '~ OOJ 'Jitff Ml". rf'nlA ~ flr&Ctll'• pl1t110. 1'c'tm i-l'nt •1>plll'1 lf yoll bu\•, Good r111ctlcl' p1ancu1 $.811. 110. 19~. DA:'l:Z-SCHMIOT Big P lano 8tor .. ~20·11:u. Ma.In. Santa Ana Wanted to Buy t.rfllUCH~ l'lA~OS n.i~ ow.r_~· In htl ht tor our tl'nl.AI 1lert. Hli:htlt track a llow11 ncea or cash J>rlr11 "I - SllAF1-:n ·s M11s1r C'o, 1::-inr• J9071 12 1-~2;1 :-\, ~.vrar1)t•r ... S11nta Ana l'h••n•• Klmlwrly ,.Ofla \'OX:O.:SONA1'A J-}l<'C'lrlt' Orr~ . 11lli;thtl.1· u•1'1I. ~"(. 1100 on lhl1 braufff11l ori::an nA?'Z·SC'H MlDT nti.r 1'1ano Store, Mil\ No. "'''"· Santa. /.IJIL . See B~ldwin Piano & Organ Disp1ay ~OOOWORTH PIANO CO. 4 t''Unt'ral Ol""'tol'9 JO Hwdn""" Ciutde l l Bldldlntt M&tertal• n Building ~n1cH 1' Pu1ooal!1 CO-A Tlr"" II Parh o&I A~o Xtn·ke 24-&hool8, lnstn1cHon Llb.•rty 8-3471. H c18 312\ East Coa.st Highway Corona del ~tar C llAl('<S. 1.tmp11, tRblt't' & m1~•· 1318 Coast Blvtl., Corona dtl Mu Hems. Vtrl' re1bon11bl~. '.!816 C1'hlldl!n Interior Bl~.) I.~ /olba.ce ''our Cat 18 Tran1portatlon 17 Rootlnc- ct TraJll'"8 '3 Alrplanea Cl \\'antl'd to Rtnt Real Esta+e School Santa Ana c 11rr Dr , Npt. H<'h 1.1 8-Hl28 I Hu . 3382 N u. •~1c47 HAJllMO!'\O <"HORD ori;an darp~. strnlor, w1lh nl'w guaranlioe. Bil lli'VJnj!'. 18 lka11tJ Aklt1 ' 20 Ht"alth Alll"- %2 I.oat a nd t"ound U l'f'bool•, l a.tru<'tlon !II Situation• \\anted \?9 lll'lp \\'anrt'd' • SO MlllC'tf(aneou• SO: A S"·aptt llO·B Appll11nt'"!I Sl Want~ lo Huy S'? Furnltu~ for Sal11 !l?-A Antlq~ !19 Boat•, Suppllt"e !lo& MuaJcal. Radio, TV S~ Dog•, Calll, r tta Spttlal · Notices NewPocif Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mrels every Thurllday 8 p.m. VllL Oporto -Central Ave. , r-:ewport Beech Albert H . i\lattllewa, E XAited R uler Cll Apia. & H OU!W'll tor Rl'n• •SA-Apt.a. for Rf-nt •118--Hou-for Rl'nt CllC-Trallrr SpaC'tl C9 Roona fur Kenl C9-A Ke.t Home11 o&9-B Room ~ Board ~ Kf'o!, Ml,.c. !!~ Storl's ~ Ofnett SS-A 8 mdort1" Rental.!! ~• Auslnf"tl" Opportunltle. . M Money to IAan ,'WJ MoMy WHIH .n ~al E11ate Wanted 60 lnromll l'roPfrt.r 61 Kl'al Estate t:xchaar• tt K4'al E11tate . . '" --China Painting Day and Evening CIUMI Ordera Ta ken Now IZ-Rulldlng ServiCM l f'hone Liberty 8-~648 , -ri·ntalll untll Oct I . Man niay P . t " D t• 28--Slt.wations Wa.nl.ed haY!' outeldl' .emplovml'nt. F r<'I' Fresh H. earing Aid am mg, ecora mg rent enct 1111l11ry. Call H11r, 307 Paper Hanging G . to T avel ? Hc~6 BA'rtERIF.S GEO. BURKHARDT 01ng r . I We Give S&H Green Sl11mp1 WILL T AKE C ARE or your hom e LA D Y WITH CAK for Avon Pro· G . d D c Llt:ENSED CONTRM.'TUR for !re,. rcnl. Be~l local r"f Pr· I duw1 In Newport 11rl'11 F:xcrl-1 Un erSOll rug 0. 878 \\'. 18th St , Costa Mtsa _tnce~. H1tr. 07~6.J. 4~,.-n 1 lent profit~ C•ll tor 11pp t Kl Matn St. Bl Balboa Blvd. Balboa Uberty 8·8628 S-9391. Hr~6 Harbor 515. 98t!c Sf!A l'JSH F'IWPlNO CHEF. a.JI --------------ASPHALT TILE a rounJ 20 yeare expl'rience. ATTENTION ALL BOYS -1000 EMBOSS ED buiunus cards, LINOLEUM H11wa1lan rood, ChlnP&e foud.. 111 l'\~-P~11 earner route are now $3 99-3 JIM nibber stamp $1.00 • BARGAIN O F"FJCI!: d<'Sk:< cl 1·h11irs, C'nffl't' l «hh;. 2 hi'8\~ra. IPl•·phOM 11\al\<1 ~ 1h1 uO.· ru~11 H 7 ~l•11nmi: ("Rn· y!\n Rua1I. ( ·nrona <lt•I M 11r 45r47 ?\EARLY n<'W Early Amerlt'l\n pnC11 '& 1·h111r, ant111ue pin~ set· lll'!'I, lli•Mer hn"k rh11ira & Ken· more auto. Wllllher. Ll 8-6:'>76. •tctt OUR N EW HOME I• carpeted ao PA~Z-Sl 'HMIDT Big P lano ltore. M/(l N o .. Mn in. ~•nllL An• April Spinet Specil!I&! BEAllTn~1·1. 41 " K1mb11ll eptn•t pt&n1l. Ilk<' ""w. aave $202. FA!\101 1~ ~IAKF: S11lrm maple sr1net p111nu unly ' mo'a. old, M -W.. ..TV Service Philco RCA o.neral Electrlo Sylvan!• Kaye R&llMlrl AdmlTal PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Beat Money Can Buy" fn111011 the e bove cheaper than most. Also 111'11 Tile & Unoleum. Jl:on-untun. 2:1 yea rs exper1~nce. r omrnre an<I see - well as Europ••&n plan. CAii Har. optn In llOme nel&hborhooda -t line rubbt>r .elamp wtlh eut 0!'.121-J -45pt7 Balboa , Weal Newport, BILJboa SZ.OQ ·(884 ruts). Snok m11U ht'•. lllland, Newport H eight.a and L, W. WH1T E we have aeveral larg'e llize aolld • rolorl!d n1ic11. i nd ~ve1'1 1matl· er It Oriental lhrow It runners ONE DAY SERVICE COMPLETE expert hQUM clean- ing. Spec1al1s1 m floor waxing . Modem methodll, m odem equip., and mod•ral• prlc.e•. Free e1'U· rnat68. C&ll U &-1816. <13p45 CoetlL Mellll. , U -8-•0H evt11. LI 8~. ppltc Sympson & Nollar 5.12 38lh St., Newport &acb PHO~E RARBOR 240. PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTE RIOR LlCE !':SEO -l?\SURED Glenn J ohnston lie :JOl • 31st St. Newport ~llch H arl)or 31i6 22tCc BILt. COKER U 8·620. 7tlc PAINTING EXTERIOR · lXTERIOR I rA1:-.'TrnG F. 4r s.~ MF.LLQ Experlel\('ed painter by the da\' or 1.11 n~.J hour. Exterior or interior. Small 15~ lrvlnr A vt'. Juba ok. LI 8·2137 <t4c48 Cll.ll e\e.s. Llbuty 8-:l39~. 43t(c . • __ Painting & Paperhanging We do the work oursel\·~s. 311 J l'llrS !'xpenence Licensed & insured. OFFI<"'E WORKE R. expt>nl'nce<l in pN Mnm·I. Secretanal & ~ales work Call Sh11nnnn, Har. 3.'1~2-J 4:lp4!'.i 11 y ou art-12·1~ yra. old. have a bicy cle, •pply 10-12 Lm. or 4-11 p.m. only at ClrcuJallon Dept., Newport Harbor Newa-Prt ll!I, 221 I B11lboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Harb6r 1616. 39ttc SO-M lsclellant'OUS LARGE Ina.hog. office cttsk and swlv~I chlllr 175, icreen Mohawk W0<1I ruic 8x I 3 $20. n11xPr U wattle iron $2. •lertn1; co111!01 t· er~ <Kids & en!J11 of n1ovlng. 23 Beacon Bay. Harbor 32!H . i :'>p Movie Projectors FOR RENT 8-MM l6·MM 3:1·~ HOBBY anQ MODEL AlRPLANE SUPPL.JES ALSO Gl'1ger Counters for rent Mears Ca"'era Shop 1 'i82 Newpi:1rt BIV•I.. Collla Mell& P hone' Llberty 8-7042. ·Pr t1 30-A S'!:~P:...."-------Sa ti;;(act run g1J1trRnteNI. Three baby 111t1ers a \'all able C , tor rventnlolll • \\' ':'I"'" I I b s Estimates Crt'e. 'all Johnnte, LI 8_2722_ 3~ 36H BASSt :O.'ETTE. like n<"W rosl SH. I A. • sn11\ I sA1 uat -· now· LI 8-2687 & I.;I 8-5289 8ltfc Phone berty p 11rll Ci>r S8, lnC'luding· pad. 620'2 bird or :'-\\'111 swap ~()aj u"ed House Plans WBEmTY 8·6251 MA:-< & WOMA:-; will do general I ''•11nsetti&, Corona dl't M"r •'llr or new Studt'bak .. ~ I 4:'>C47 <.'all JOE :-\IC"'l<F:RTZ , FOR RENT. Mu11ework. noor wax:tnit. win· "Your S\ud<·baker Dtalei " Skill Saws, Elcc. Drllla, P oll.ahera, d nw cle:1nln J?. Fa•t worktr!I, BROADLOOM Rl:C lh 9. metal Harbor :;10. 4;,,.41 lOtfc all types of Sa.ndtrs, \\'heelbar· while. 19~ r. 20lh St .. Col!l8 lele1Jhone chRlr. door. Iron chl'sl. --------------rowa, etc. Ml'M. Ll 8•2683. pptt covc>rrd granite ket lll', 11quuP c AR p ENTER . BOYo·s HDWE. mirror, etc. LI 8·4738. 43C4~ Repair Work 2630 w. coAs T 'HIGHWAY Roy's Maintenan~e Doee Your Home Need R.epairinf l..Iberty 8·3435, Newport Sch 28tfo House cll'&nlng .... F1oor waxing • or Reinodelin& T Wall woi1hln~-window cleamng Call Frank, l.Jberty H954 ''A's" Venetian bllncts. Upholstery AU w k Gu t d Htl ' Insure<!, FfPO E!Umatts or aran et c Llberty d·1332. ltfc CONTRACTING VENETIAN BLIND GENERAL ~LAUNDRY rExparienc'd gar-dener _ Fremin~ ~ F oundation• LANDSCAPING Fret E!!ttmates & Plan Service Will come to your home, tA ke down C Sh Al I your \•('neu"n blmds, take them and · CLEAN UPS • erm en to our la11nrlry. uunder the slats. Liberty 8-1659 Liberty 8-7576 lape11, cord11, lll'arkllng cleAa .30trc with our ntw m et'hllle proce.!ls 3ltrc method. Rt>tum your blinds and PUMO:'\A <"OLLEGJ-: J t,;:'\JOR NO ROOM In thl' w1ndow for th,.11e shorts 4c pedal pusht r11, to •lu H . Rl $2.98 4c $3.49. Don111c1.~on·a F'lve .I< Ten 300 ~aln SI., Balboa ~3c48 WIN Anson Jackpot, get your SlOP THE MUSIC blanks at RAY FIELDS. Lido Watch Repair Vine ent Drug11, 3i81 Via Lid<> 42rb4H Automatics $39 .50 to S99 .50 De-llverrr1 in11talled. guaranteed. Xo l'Xlra chRrge We Sertic~ Al:t ApplhmC"es !;pecializing in Automatics Auto. Washer E nterprises 2618 ~rwporl p lwl C'n~tn Mr~11 Ll~nv 8-1808 1:'\<'11r Golt L'o11r..•1 . p~8 re·im1t11ll them in 24 hours. •I• ~•It'' pn.•1t111n 1 ar1nlol fnr rh1l· BICYCLES. table Zt>nlth rlldlQ, 18 CUBIC FOOT <'hest-type frt!'· tor aale. ALSO porl4ble BBQ, Mtac. chaJra., omamenta • pie· lUl"ef. • S EE AT 330. Via U do. 'TelephOM Harbor •3H -J . •2<'47 flO l 'l"D 41·111. •lrup leaf nalUrRI •llfll'tte l!lt't, 4 rha1n;, icood con· clttlon. $:l~. H11r 2flH ·R. 4lc4:- ITALJA:'I: l'a1r of antlqUI' 7 t&n· di!' .. M nt·es, ~O" tull 011gtnel l'11~t S2<1<1 now Sil~. p11lr rl"SllJllA~'S. 17:1!'> Jo:. C11a11t Hlt.:h· wuv, \nrona <Jel Mnr. Har. 1242. · 1rlfA7 33-BoatA, ~un~p_U_t'1t--~--- T RAO E Bl'ol\l\lful 70.fl. aux. 11chooner. Fully l111111J, go anywhPrr. Will lit k" ,qu1ty 1n prupnty or 11rn1>I· l"r bo1tl . 1220 \\'. llaJboa Bh·d , ;'\ !'W'J><irl. Har. :11132 :tilt fc t:H RYSLl-;R Marine r ni:ine, 4 •, lo I n •dur tmn J.:t>hr. RJ•:n uc: ~:KA TOR. 1 IO vult D. c. SF.I-: JA(.'I{ HARl'Elt at Lido l'lh1~ttr<I, ,.."I 11t-;tl lll.-..S.~·.,.t. N1'\\ purl Bea• h 2!1lCc B(.11\T tnuler. $6~1. Chrl11 <.:raft 8- 1' fl c.hnJ:h)". hber)!lll'VI 0.1tt11tll, with oa1A ~llli Ph•11;1• L lhnty 8·2:i32. :16trc 8· FT. BOAT and 2 hp. motor. w11·1J 3 hr•. J,Jt?nt.•· 8 ·61'.!I •l:!p47 TIME TO PAINT M .. vV. Ross rrtce very reuonirtile. Th!' """r· •h "n 1111111 ,l1111r t~ 111 ~.-pt. I 1 Underwood 'typewrlll'r Remln~-, ur. ~ood cond1lwn....J923 H ick· age 2 t"pe rt'~identiaJ bltnd-f:xpet 1t rH·t1•L J.1vt' out hut Ava1I· / lon elec-. "ht&.Vt'r. F ord body. Uhl. ury St . Sttnta A nA. Call l<Jm. 14.i'..,.. GL,ASS t)nAI & 1-,,-h-fl-~1~ 11 hf;• n1ghl'< wh1•n lll'l'1lr I HR''" ~. 11,, -~" manl• "-d, "I' Eoi .... I 0. rl.\' 2-2:t82. 40fl4:1 <I T'a1nllni: • n ('t:llrllllOJ: Lfb,•11 v 8-:t32 t 01 Hrtrhor 30S!l~-.t 2. 0 A v,1~ A•h1, l 'n!<tll ~!('~~ L1rl'nt1C'd & f\111 ln.!'Ure,I :t8p51 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AlR WORK 1'0 J OB TOO S MALL H. Q , Aru!er.!!On Only $1.00 \\"e aL~o repair and rebullol venc· lion blin•~s. All work dnn1' by Hp· J""int ment. Phqne now I.I berty 8~701 Cir Kimberly 3-82i4. ppltc H. H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prempt HIH E. B&lbo& Blvd. B11lboa 280J Harbor 2t:IO S3tfc Repair •Service Maintained Phone: liubor 4624 Balboa Blvd .. Ne"fport 8e11rh • pftp Introductory SPECIAL PATIO F\.:ft\'11Tt'RE rtf1nl~htd. flllt''t toyr.thefll' Pnamel \'11m1sh ur ~lain. Air )nw 81'- $3.50. 5 pcs. $15.00 W• 11~lahu in antique M d Zolf\lone ftnl~h··~. Phonr rnr EJ<t1m&h•s At l'lrkup Srn·1ra Aubrey Ellsworth :lO:l 2 T'IAr rnt1a, Co..''" ~ft~ll. Ll 8-';'961 Har 13iS •Op.(5 Generalc;c;;;-tractor LICE.'.\'SF:D New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 44p57h Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saw!ll'1'Drt1111. Sl\n<lerl! Qt;ICK .SEH\'H'E LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 456 ?\o. Newport B11·.1 .. :"pl. B~. Lr~rty &-383. H ite CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE E STIMATES ·-• u ·~" ,.v"" ., , ,. ,, 11uy 11111hu11r.t F U'<I tla.<i.rnn I· 1"'n trun~purtAtit1n. A •ldrt.ll!I Ocl.'an Fron!. c·orner u( £'aim. • 1111~ :.1 2.:18thl'it.:'lo"•wrortBrh. H,1tb1111l Br11tnol4,. 127 Bl11l~lell Balboa. f'h. Har. 3238. 36c49 h llAll. narrm11nt. <·a 11r. · 4tp1s __ __ _ W.ashing Mac ine ~itrr --------------,-F'liR NITUR E RF;Fl :'llLSll ER~: -!';EHVICC Zf;."ITll Ml-.Hll llA:'\ l'CJlffAHLI-: HELIA BL~: <"<>l'T'LF. Ill mnnnj?P Jacttuer santHng 11ralcr !IM, ~l'm1 l -.vear guarantM: on jobll done ~tl'l•rt \\l<I" •· • • '"" ·1 lnnd, RJ'"rtnio nt'I or r<>lllBI'< in r xrh I •" ht l 1 LI l I k I I I •. ,. ·L''' \rlf\ g ~ .,. ·& \ll'ill • 111"1JllH. ' 1i: 1• 11.nd on u11e<f wa•hen 2488 1.~ ·' • nt'" '" 1 " ,,.,:--.-.... r. r llpt In !hi~ 111rtl. Hef1•1t'n<'l'!I l lit I I If -. $-II I -• ltl rio qih1 y. "'""'l 1'1 "<'11• ar-<rea r l New.-ort Bl., t:osta Mesa. HA<·~ .. ·" At .i<•i •"1 •'1"' llArbnr 3147!1 morn111ics, f'\'l'lllOI:" I' r "12 ~2 d · " l'><lr Dint t•nlrr, , " n ~t. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty l•r we,ken•l1'. H r~6 . Nrwport Be~ch. Har. 21'31'. FORMl>~R T F:ACHER nnd t·xpen· I 40c•IJH 8-4327, 64tt.:: fnrr11 s 1·rrER by hnur orwrPk· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;================::;, rn•li: II R 1 hnr 3\'12 1-1{ 4 ~1rr HA NO lrtonmir Jn my h<>me "t :l~6 \\', \\'1l110n. < 'uMa )fe.~a. 1 Br1ns.: hA nll;l'rR I 43p>\:; PAINTER I \\'AN TS WORI-: 15 ~'1'8r.~ txperl· em e. Xron union. Hourly LJ 11,.l't.\· 8-:1722. " 4 ip48h YOl'!'G LAD'i. 24. llr:tr1r,.llfull tnnP .• r<>11 r-rn11n<i office work. Yl'n· 111·rurRl1· w11h tli;rurl'~. h<1<•k kN'l'tnli & j(t'n "orrtcl' w ork. 6 .)'Nlr~ bO..\~kPC plnli .\: t:l\llh1C(1' 1•x p-·nt>ncr. Reply Box A·63 l.h1* p11r11•r. 43p-I:'> 29.-ffe.I~ Want_f!d ___ _ "This Ole-House" needs help~ \'Ut ·:-.;1, \ F:T \\ IDOW "ill ex· f 'f.HURSDAY AT 3 P.M. "Haven't even had breakfast t I" ye . 8AIO. THIS AD\"ERTISER. ''J',•e had #<I many call11 I c&11'C dt> 4'1ythlni but an"''er the phnn" and the ttV";;r. I'\ r al- , .... ty 1101.1 ,..,,·,.ral lhlnp. SeHr up.-rt"<I auf h "'11n- d .. rful tl'11ponw:" • ~ ~ • ' HLRE'S A COPY OF RI:R AD: so-MlillceUanN>Ull for Sale R F.:ASO NABLE . Roll awnv bct1 <111vrnp<1rl, lllmps, ftllA hrati·rl!. t "nlveraal 11eml a utnm::it1c v.•a11h· er. klll'hen table Ir • f hAtrl! tlr · cuionel cht1r, 2 orra.stt111al l!l· blu, klrlhey • 11h11pect vanny drunr. gos111p bl'nrh. 9x12 )"all tent, 2 lantf'rns.. 2 C'Oll Ir Col4· .man 11tove. Ll 8· SLIP RENTALS Ma>t1mum h• "'" g . I• ngth :l:?' 1\LR<> HU\\"}l,(1A r ru~.'liTA J~<; ,\:.lt:HH'AN LEt;IO:'\ llALI •. 15th I & HO\lr .. nt. =--· Wpllll H•'A• n. HMbor 4:12. l'H·tt --- M--M ~lcaJ, RadJo, .t T V -4'..-..--------------#-------STF:l~\\'A 'i (';rtA:"ll. ln "'"ntl~I· ful 1 on11lt1on. SI'<> an.i ht llr th18 lmmni tr1l 1n11t 111111,.111 A II r1r11:m· .. 1 , , n•ht1on 1tn·I nutl<'nal ·1 his ,, no rl'h111ll 11111nn AIM 1-:nebl', M.11w11 & ll1•mhn. 1.41.-r ,snil n1any C1lh• r8 11t J:l l';il 1111v1ni:~ T!•·ally: Jr)(/. p111nos trrnn 14"lu; h tn 1 ht<ll•I' OA:'\Z-S<'Jl.\l lf1T Big P iano St<.ir<.'. 521l ~·o. ,\ln111 :-,o.nl" Ana STI"DI<> l 'IA:-.:<J. " har<l ,,, l:"l I f'lnnn. 1·"1 :. ( t ""n•tttt••n, i :i••:. l l"rm11 DANZ-!5C'HMIDT B1ic P 111nQ & Ori:Rn <:t1. :,:.iu :'\11, Main, Sant11 Ana Phone Collect ~ e ... uo H . '· t...v~rn• <CUrlY) an M&Ul, H untln(ton B!'arh 36p49 SPECIAL April Organ Buys ONE ONLY ftlll 2 manual conn- 8(111lllll elt>Ctronlo or l{IUI, Ilk• new. Sa ve $400. o:-,· E O NLY bl'aullCul Mlnah.llll "lltnot .organ, like new. Save $100 ONE O!':LY lllnJ:I" manu11I Min· /!ha.JI ori:a.n. Ilka nl'w. Save $200. t:onvt'luenL term11 at- !';H A l''ER s MulllO Co. (Since 1907) •21-4:.!3 N. Syc11mor•, Santa Ana Phon,. Kimberly 2·0072 HAMt.fQ:-\Il ORGANS. Complete llnl' e11i1y trrm11. Your old piano taken m f'xrh•ngl!. Tty IM-rore )till buy. Fr1>a room• h1tr• t or prac Uri'. DA:XZ·SC'HMlDT Big P lano ltor .. ~.!lo :'\u. Ma111, Santa.A.na R F.'°'T 1tn <1rgan or pl11no with r':!'lRI to "PJllJ •II!... future pur· ch1111n at - SHA f'ER'S .Musrc Co. (Sln<'e 11107) •:.el-123 1'. Syramor,., Se nta_ Ana Phone K lmb••rl1"l·0612 liA LOWIN Acrosonlc Spinet Plano J u.•l 1tk1· n•w, V11u can &Av• on I ht• K• Alll.1r111 A 1 l Model Spln .. 1. unly s:jst,, Annlh~r Sp1nrl Mah. 1 a~. l,t.vr ly t••n" only Si 97, Al· wny1 hits of wondel'ful bel'(&Ul• at - DA:"Z·SCHMlDT l:i1r.; P1"no Sto~. ~.~It :-.;,, Mx111. S111ltl\ AnA 11~1 I '11tn"11 In c:h•w1"<e trom. Ea.II)' t1•111 1 'I' n ""' y Fn•l"y a v•. TV SERVICE Y. ~: IO•::'\T ~1r\t1bl, record playt!"I & nm pit! r r" ~P. A . •V~teme. ~Tl!:\'J.;:";S 11n•I ~c1:-;~ !!Sill ll1u t.or Hlv1I, <"•1s\a M11aa Ll bl'r ly ll·:.!301. 32lfcpp s.'>-Dop. C.i., Peta -----~------~~~-- P t:RF. BRED lr1 .. h w11ll'r .. panlrlll f•rr sale Fin• 'I l(Un du1e•. won· cJ .. rful lit:l.JI J1,r children. P iion• 1.11>'-rly i<-6B 2°'l •3cU l-'Ht-;f: \•• .. ,,flll h""" Mii ie f't'kln• M l'• Vny fn tnrJJy JI llr. a38fl O d5 SS---~JW'('ial Announcl'iM.at ---------------- W ANT)i:ll-~"'11 1•t;o1•1,1<: to cu1na t , !Jr· nkr ..... ' Ss.1uril11)' Ap1 I :ll!lh 11,.111 7 1>11 \r1 l I I>() a ni. 1:1.,1 I• II llall < l•rl~t l "h•lrl!h lly lhr -.. • .t I 1 Jh \\ • •t H~ ll'J••ll 8 k111. S1;,n~I liy tf,,. ,\I• r·•· <·tut> T tr - l<o :s :·.. 40p45 COMPLETE PAINTING Liberty 8-6101} le ~aper Hanging Service 1 21m <hllll~(" hnmt··r HJkcd mf'al11 tor , nrnts t0nRl csrp<'nlr)-. Wr11# 8o'!-1n ;z, Santo Ano., P. 0. 4:,1>47 \flat~.,.,, yollr nH'd•. an lld In oUT ll•ely r&Mtln~ M!l'tloa wUI br11\( )'Oil r~nlt•, t~l".u.IT\' 1"11H• ! :'>O USED J'I A :-.os wantrd · b••lly &(}-,\ utrn. and Tru«'k" El"l.~F.:->r. 0 SAL":-:DE R!' ReauJta come rrom conat.ant :'>(l(J 31111 ~1 rtt: N»wl"'rt l3e111·h pracUt't'! An ad regi.narty In lbte Harbor 2976 01 H 11r. 4H6. ltt 'pa.per wW prodllo. ruwt.t for JO'l. W A."ITEO: Comf"'tl\J\t, tirper1tnc· r1I bn11lmotn for IO{'al club for l'\lm m~r r•n<>d. Write Box E:~i Uua paper. Hllc I C'all Hart.or lilt and aAll for lbl' ad takn. I f11r our ren111I .i, 111 Hti:I.• •t n1~h ----------- all<>wi>n<'f' 1n \ni•le on n• y,· pu•n•1 l~!\I r 1Ll1:\MI 11J l1,f; Hnll•lay 118. 01 uri:sn I , M u~l .. ~11 $11!>', ltnn111<1'" A_,,· OAl'\Z-SC-HMlDT P umo • Orian 1~1· I :-;' n11t ". :.1:,14 NrwfY11' Co., 630 l'lo. MalA. Sant& Ana BIYd., i-;•wporl S..cb. •:k•7 '. -. J I• '" i •, ·-,· '~&E; • 'AltT IV -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS THUR_S_o_~_Y_,_A_P_R_~_2_e_._19_s_s~--~~~---~A ......... ~-1---"3----A-pta-.__•~H_o_.,. __ ~--~43-~-A~p_t~~~-H_o_llfM"9_,--~~ ' 488-ffollM'tl for Rf'll.t LIDO .ISLE ( ( CHECK-·THRSE USED ·CAR.. S. · .. . Cabanas__Marinas ... Lido Peninsula, E4Lst 31st St., Npt. Bch. Buy from • locel deeler who will be here TOMO.RROW to back up what he aell1 TODAY ! ... NOTICE !., Are you Thinking About A ~ 1 USED CARS AT OFFERS . ~lightful living. Apt.-Cabanaa. L..itilillee paid. with Yacht slip accomodations . Oaily, weekly, J)lonthJy, yearly. Foz: appt. or reaer\'ation, C~l Har. 2992. 34tfc ~ YKAHLY Rf:~TAl..S l"~l-'t•!$:-; I • ~ .. 1 rnoni .... :.! .boJ.b:-,. • •• '] 1 bfod rt••IOIJ, :! b11 l !'I~ c 'ho1e·t' luq• t le>ns • -E:AR [. w. STANLE \', Rt.'&ltor 3113 ~rwr••rt Bh.t. ~·,.wrort lk h Hai bor 11113 .tOlfc. SRAi-:P ~I':\\' 11nfurn 3 bf'drm hf'm 1• S7~. ml•n th, Nf;ARl~Y ;>;jj;W J bedrm. IK>mc>, 11tovci It N-trltt. Slhl. muntn. Phone W~y li·!IM3. H <"•6 • ' • ' !>,I-RMI--. ~!!-!_ Distributorship '1-anr h1se ~..t'r.·t.. COMPAN Y, now •c~pl· inar •JIJ'hcauona tor d1•trlbut.or-- ... - sh1pm In lhTs atta. Our b~d • nrw A dlfff'~nt. pro(T'an1 It "' M'ns&Uonal. tha t 9 out ot evtry 10 who IN'~ our prodUCU and revolu· 11e1nar • method ot mer<:hM>d.i.· In~ want a trat1cl\1M. I • ~ ' I -~--· Buying Another C-ar 1 ·. THUi EN'l'l:RPIUSI: wlU a~w· ly •t&ntl your rt('ld lll.,..Uru.Ma, alto· yoor ~ker'1 approftl. Jl of(tr• 11('(11rlty, pennanence .-.. rl'l'l-l'lme ·~ lto.oot ftr~ to parlltl selectf'd. · Applie&nte '" ,, • '52 Cadillac Fleetwood. One-owner, fully equipped $2699 JOHNSON &c SON '53 Stude . .V-8 Hardtop -Real clean Automatic, R It H $1699 J OHNSON It SON '50 Pontiac 2-dr., Hydramatic ~di~ & Heater $699 JOHNSON & SON '49 OJds. -4-dr. Rocket 8 Save on this one· at $699 JOHNSON & SON '54 Jag-uar 'Coupe • Locally owned Shb ws good care . $2599 JOHNSON & SON IP' YOU ARE. would .you like to be able to drive that car, check it anyway you se. tit (pric.e, condition. etc.) and if It doean't.measufe up t o your expectation• • Bring it back " get au your mon· ey ~funded? Ye9, I'm sure you would and J OHNSON & SON, Lincoln-Mercury ,.Dealer, offers you that pro- tection with their 3-day MONEY BACK GUARAN· TEE. Clyde aaya: "We've been aell- ing our used cars ob that basis for over 30. years. We want our customers to be satinfied with their pur· chase. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN· MERCURY 900 W. Cout Highway, Newport. Beach LI 8-5545 New Studebaker Sales Contest • now going on _- PRIZES for salesmen PRIZES for dealer TO ACHIEVE THE ABOVE, we will make you the prize de8' of the year! We have the most complete stock of new Studebakers we have ever had. WE'RE DESPERATELY in need of used cars -THIS MEANS higher trade-in allowances f or you. f,ASY "Joe Nickert.z" TERMS See JOE NICKERTZ YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER 3415 Newporl Blvd .. Newport Beach 1 at entrance to Lido) Harbor 510 -~~~~~~--~~~~~~ SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1949 HUDSON 4·rlr .. 2 tone. Radio & beater. An excellent tr~.nsportation car . $ 425 THEODOR~ ROB1NS YOUR FORD DE.ALER ' 52 CHEV deluxe 2 dr. sedan1 ~SW ................ it095 50 NASH Amba~or. 4 dr. sedan, Hydra .... $ M5 52 FORD Consul, 4 dr. sedan. Exe. (rm ... : ..... S ~~ 52 roRD Conv. Radio, Heater, Fordomatic ,-. $1'425 51 CHEV Deluxe, 2 dr. sedan.-Powerglide .... S 94.5 "AS IS"/ SPECIALS! 50 OLDS 88 4-dr. R. Hydra, n~ cVTll., paint .... ~90 54 PL YM. 4 dr. aed. Need.a dr. glass & handle .... $880 Ren tal.s W a.n ted We need ap~ and hou.a Lii all -c:Uona tor both winter and ~· luae. rut11. or unf\lm. 1 U 1ou h&ve a vacancy, phoM today The Vogel Co. J201 W. c.t. Hwy~ Newport Bell.. Pbona Ubvty 8-3481 .,JOI Karine. 8&.lboa lalud Phone Barbor Hf 2M7 E. ~ Ry.,.Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 1741 lJdo Ottli:t, 3'1f Via Udo Harbor t971 32Uc ~~!C..~R~~- n o Z BDRM. Trlplrx, Klll'blll(f' 11111p Fan on•r •t<»'t Bt•tw!'rn Hl('h erhllol It Jr. Hig h, W&tt\" pd. owner. Ll!Jerty 8·2778. Clttc -l8A-Apt.a. for Beat ------Newport Island Waterfront Summ('r Rentals RATES by wuk. month or eea.on, 3i06 Channt-1 P l. Har. 1217-J . Otlc Chinning Harbor Haven NE~ never occupied rt·!\:-;, ~,W\,~ -rit~ti<: 2 ~!'ft\, cl <frn. buth .t •'t· l'rtv. Ji.B.~ .t im tlo, for<1td s1r he e t At t rar1 wt lt'llllt . -IH·4-19 Morning Canylln 1-toaJ, ·u~a d1I Mur. 4tlc47 Fll)1."\. l BDRM. HOUSE, Corona del M•r $':'~. yrh;. Ph. U 8.-'7127. • •!'>c SUMMER RENTAL n•rlt not be f'llpt'ritnced ~ pretrr to tra.ln under our ~ mtUIOda. • TO QUALITY You muet have l'ood andtt u t! rb.ara.cter rer1rencu. be able '° follow our plane Jo lha T. De- vote tull lime to lhl• b\19._, and aupply 12,.,& cub to ~ lnlUal invrntory. ll:xclwm·e &ytront home, a racon Bay, avlUlablt' tor J uly It Au· (Ult. Bt'aUtltully rumlsht'J. Gar· bqe dlapoi•11l. d11>hwash<'r, <tr.-p ' (TifiS ·IS NqT VENOIN'O) frt>u.e. 2-car garugt'. Adult., no SlNCERJ!l PICRIONS delllltae a p_el11. Har. 2471, rourtuy to proflt.&t>le 4f• lone bull•••· 50 FOftO ~us . .cpe., noisy tpta. aome .spbol ···-···$360 53 F9RD 6 4 dr. ;&e<I. Needs me~ & pt. wk ..... $9-40 38 FORD cpe.. Needs ringa & better tirea ---··· $ 3& -H FORD 4-dr. Needs 2 tires & more work ··--$HO • WA NT TO R!:NT-L&dy yn.tlu AplU't.menta • Patios 8J'<'OU. ~trr wbo mtet tM abo,,. quallfte&.- unrurn. rlr11n •inglt 11pt. Prr· NEW 4 ROOM.. llttet level NHr 1'7.W, UN~"· 3 BR. h<1ust>, 5~0 llOnt &re lnvtt.ed to NPl1. lkl>d brtet ruume' A pbOlle nwnbs w -48 DODGE -4 dr. Needs multler. & paint ........ $140 .a.o PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Needs pain~ ... ., ............ -.. $280 48 HUDSON 2 dr. Needs clutch & .u-joints ... ·-·$120 40 OObGE 4-dr. sedan: just needs a buyer _ .... $145 47 HUDSON 4-dr. Needs help! .................. -.. $ 10 THEODORE ROBINS Your Fora Dealer ·Since "ON THE MARINERS' MILE'' 1921 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8·3471 '53 BUICK Spec. ·-4-dr., manual shift, very clean. '51 MERC. 4-dr., O'D, Htr., Rad., A·l. '52 DODGE Wayfarer 2-dr. Radio, above average .• '52 M£RC. 2-dr. eed. Merc·O·mat., R-H, nJce one; '48 BUICK Rd-mast., Dyna .. R·H. Reconditioned. '47 PLY. 4-dr. H-R, A·l & low priced. See ua for a real deal on a NEW '55 BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Be&eb Har. 6021 (A f ew b!Ju Ea.at of Newport City Hall) -For a l!ei:>e.ftd&l>le uud"l!ar, He )'OW' local -dealer who wUJ be her. Jt4t MG TC, ltfht blue, rood TOMORROW to b&ck up what he condition, 1900. Ca.II Har 2M9-R MU. TODAY! Check the ~ aCter 0 p.m. U c48 cars .lJl the clualt\ed aec.:Uon to- day. ~ 1!1411 OLDS 88 convertibJe, R • H. ------------ W8W uru . Phone Harbor 301 4.1 -Auro Sen1ce for appt. to ln•pect . 3!tfc ------------- 1952 PACKARD 4·dr. 20,000 m lleti, A-1 m~ch. cond. New Uru. $2.200 cull Ph. Kl 7-4157 s1h. ATTENTION Nash -Hudson manent. Pay up to 1 50. month, llChool.t, .nopplnf c:U.t.rlct. Quiel, VII• on lease. l.Arge ~a.nl, n"ar Call Llberty 8-7~. Hp4G pleua.nt. u clualve. Garba1te ru.. 11l'hool, tron~r & slcn.-,. S72 Summer Rentals on Udo llle and othe:-fine Harbor tM?mu. poal, laundry, et.o1'9«e room•. Vic tor ia St , C'n~ta Meu F'tt. (arll(e, '82.50 up. OCcuplu en· _1_8_0_1e_. ________ •_J_<"_H1 Ure •treet. Oood .upe.rv11.lon . .F'OR LEASE MgT.. 1501 H&veo Place T\\'0 BEAUTIFUL new Irvine ~ Block Soulh of R l(h School Te1·r11\'•' untum. v1 .. w hOm~s. ALSO FURNISHED APTS. J UDRMS .• 2 batha and \t,'JNTl:R RATES 2 B!:DHMS .. 2 ha\hs. - WEST COAST RICGlON AL DIJU)CI'Olt Write Box 8-tt lhlt new11pepel' A per80nal lnte"'1e• wfU be ar· r~ed. • 'n1la may -u be th• lut ad you enr n,ect a.rww.r. U«I "3lfc Cell Hurbor 17i5 or Harbor •us. ------------ FINE U DO HOMl!: 3 bedroom•. 2 t>.lhe. P'urniahed. $2~0. nao. on leue. ------------,EARL W . STANl..£Y, Realtor TWO BEDROOM 1ara.ge a pt. '-I rvine Tt>rrace Otrlce •~m. <.:ouple preferred. Yearly Corona 11e1 Mar. 33tfc re nl11.I. No J)9tL 430, Heliotrope. C D.M. Harbor 2"8-M. 44c4S YF:ARL Y untl.lrn. 2 bdm1. house. D~n't You Believe It Wiii conshlrr renllng tor aummer . LAROE l bedroom UNP'UJ\N. ept. !Avel. prt•atl' yard, tlraJCe. Karbo~tl·M..·~ Jumlne, Corona dtl' Mar. H cf& Ubl. guage, $7:'.I · mo. 1689 lF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU Orange Ave., Co.la MeM. U tht're are no (OOd Y&luet on to· 8·3340. Otte day'1 marlu•t. 'Jben look ·al lhl• A TTR.ACTIVE 1 bedroom f\lrn. apt "''llh view, ,..,..,,, Jaunllry It uUUtlu incl. a l 17~. mo. yrly. r•·nt.al. lummer rutaJ poNtblt H arbor 250f·M. Hc~2 17 unit.a mot.el wtth 1900 moalll 48C-Tnlle S lncomt'. Full price ~.~ I H · _____ r _ _,pace..______ 000 dn. or .ublnlt on trade up to Trailer Space 1 1.MOO tor 2 or J bdnn. borne. STATE APPROVED for Caban&, hug .-lnts. -trace tor cu.atom Iota. Swul')mllli; pool by J une ll'lt. Adulla • cluldren over H . YE.ARLY tmfurlL 1 bdrm. apt .. WlUI ca.rage. Balboa llland. • LlDO VILLAGE, 700 31st St .. :-.t!"'"J)Orl Beach. 34<"48 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa l.sland It Lido lsle Small It cozy or 1.&r1e .t deluxe '75 to 1300 month Har. 26~-W or Ll~rty 8-4438. ------------ __________ 35_u_c t9-Rooau to 'Bent Vo~EL CO COSTA Mi:SA, 3 rm. apt.., turn. 6 • . or untu.rn.. lncludea ullllUu . CaU 208 M.artne An, B&Jboa IAWld HYatt '4-4357. 28L!c P h. Harbor «4 or· Harbor 2151 Ru. Hor. 1788-R or Har. 30~9-M UNFURNISHED. 2 b • d r O o m • ec uc apartml'nt wll h ra.rage. t lleaJ .--A-location for oomblnauon llv1ng G d C~ and office apace or u office ar en OUM lp&ee eJtClll•lva.ly. Apply 4:111 cl!>ee to ocean and bay _:. 32nd St., Npt. Bc:h. •~en Here you'll relax and play. EXTRA LAKCli': l bdrm. gu.rag• REASONABL.E RATES. Har. 0823 fuml!lhecl apt., 17~. mo. yearly lease, on Goldenrod Ave , \ nea.r 1125 E. B&lboa Blvd .. Balboa. 39~~ footbrltlgE'/ Corona llt!I Mar. Harbor O&i, •~47 2 BOR.M. tumlahed, 190. monUs _____ • ._ _____ _ SMALL 111ngle room !or worklllg mll'n. Comfortable bed, hot enll cold water. $7 wk. Pnv enlr. 123·28th Sr • .Newport Beat•h. :12pp33 LARGE ROOM tn private home .tr breaktaat, l{enll<'m lill, l\o e10<1l<- lng nr rtrlnklnjC. Ll l--301H N.'U A. M. Ne130n. '4f>4' PLEASAl\"T ROOM -!';ice for working mlL/I. Priva te enlranre. $7 wk; 1:>43 Orange Ave., Co11ta .Mu.a. t!ltfc on yea.rly 1-by tM month. ~ blk. from bay, 2 bin to ooun. 304 ·31th St.. Newport ~acb. Har. 2344·J. 3.9cMH BACHELOR A.PT. ru mlahed on 6S-1Jtores & Offka Goldenrod Avt .. f'IJ', footbrldgt', Corona dtl Mar, 110. wk. Ph.one 3 OFFICE •p&cta fnr wue. Ap· lfll{~r •381. 4:.CH pro11. li'xl!'>' tach. l.n Ll<So Shop- RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Cell Edna er.Jc Lido Bayfront : NEW pinr; area.. 500 Vla Mt.lap. Har. 332i. J6tfc ALSO 6 'l.'NlTS 6 CAFE w1lh lncomr liOO. mo. FQJi price f37,500 ""1th S22.:IOO down or •ubmlt on tnadr • up lo $1:1.000 for 2 or a bdrm. l\omr. "ART" ADAIR • 1&66 Newport Blvd. Co•t& Melllil. Calif Phone LI~rty 8·371l2 SPORTTNO 00008 •tore a.ntl Boat 6: Motor A1rency located In d~.st>rt. ntar Tivtr• A: Jake.., Guod opportunHy for outbollrd motor· man. -"\'\'Ill aell for lnvf'ntory prtt:e due to other bual.neae Inter· ' uta. Wnte Boll R.-64, thl.a paper. 34p47 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAl"I: newly decoraled-ll:Z~ mo rrnt -wdl equ1ppe•I -"ell8 26 Show• lfrOH '26.000. Could b" Inert~. N'ow Is a gOO<t time to bu)' thl• tor only U .f>OO. -,-- Blanche Gates, Rltr. 3 bdan.s., 2 baths, iinmacu. OWnerS 311 M&rtoe Ave. J~tcly furn: apt. Rioh Hahn's Garage lM!boa laland, Har. 1871 '12tfo IMMEDlATlil occupancy t or 6 mo. BEER JOl:'llT reporl.a I (TOl'/I Cl( S2&;000 -r ttnl.al $17(> mo, O..·n. l'r mui1t leave -Hlabll~hed :I yr•. -~ cUentele -Oranir" C.'t>unty'• larl{ut daft bf'M' H in -uklnc prtce ·112.000. AV AIL.ABLE -A.bout 8000 sq. · rt. llcht lndiutry apace on i.t 6: 2nd • .Jlbor. U. S. Highway 101 and BAy FrontAite. Wlfl Jeue al.I or a.ny part A rt"modtl to au.It t el"IWlt. Vocel Co., 34 IG Via Udo. H&rbor 4971. 2fllfC 41-Auto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. $48.88 8 Cyll. $58.88 '7-Waated to &e.t period. Apr, 28lh to Oct. 28t h. Aulhortzed Pa.rt.. It Se"'1ce I N BALBOA-Neuly· new furn. 12850. 1leo Oood TransportaUon upper duplex, cloee to Bay and INCLUDES entire •wnmer •tiuon. Cara For Sale tnna. 160. mo. ult June 15th. No pet.a. No children. Shown by Auto Radio Repair or y11trly Jrue at S75. Harbor apj>ol.ntment only, ' ___ A_V_A-IL_AB __ L_E __ Al\O E. 29th St. 1317·W, after 11 a..m. 4~c46 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. • "T\17 l:Ul:NTAL _ Sl ,2~ J une l~th to Phone Har, 1600 tevt1 Hao.r. 1210) NEW STORE: BLDG. 1200 11q. fl. Nt'wport Beach. Har. 472!1. 3Cltlc St'pt embtr. 15th _ 3 bednn• _ O tte orro111tc B11lboll Blly Cl11b. Ample parking. f'h. Ll B·l:i;J. 35c48h fumh1htd -Bayehora1. NEW VERY ATrRAC'MVE tum, See TH&.VOGEL CO. apt. O&rbll(e dl•posal. H O lni'I. YOR W::ASE on Harbor Blvd -lncludea both labor and put.a. New ~a. wrlft plDI, valve ------------3201 W . Cou t Hwy ., Npt. Bch. 11Ullt1ts In center of l.'orona lll'l Larxe hou&e on 60Jt37r> grounds. BUSINESS WOMAN wtll u ch. 0 8·ll48J. ~ . 41c46 Ma.r. Har. 08:>3·R. lOl!c 1CommtrC18l l fadnJ: 2 lltreeta. 1nn4, CitUnp ot m&in &lid rod bartnc•· Expert mot.or tune up, 90-day or 4,000 mu. cuarut.ee. bookkeeping. l1J>lnl' or adnr· ------------tn<'Xt to P l&al•c Boa t Pl&11t ). tlalJlg aervtce to apply oo rent ON BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR AP.I'S. All or part. LJ 8·3!>i2. 38tJc The Vogel Co. 3201 w. Cour'H'\vy .. )/pt. Bell. • 1..1 ·~481. ~. u 8·3580 "Do-Nut Shop" CHECK A DOUBLID.CU:CK &nit you won't find one ti cam Y.1th lhla. Croae U 19M, net 19.9111.~. l'\tD ce 11.aoo. cuh. Clo.wed artemoan • Sunday& (NO MONEY OOWNJ. REBUILT ENGINES for emaJI a.pt. or cuut hOUl\r. am tJa ror ,.rtJ alMI Modern furnished apt.s. K.lmbforly 2·0632. H r•e eeuoaal nAta& day, week or month 54-Buslness Op~rtunltiee .A.LIO -Ul-' to 10 MONTHS TO PAY-A'I'TE.VI'ION OWNJ:RS-~A GIBSON, Realtor Near b111, 1tol'l~1 It bay. Reasonable SMALL CROGERY STORE '1ld C Ol'f OCl:.A.N fRO'N'I', lll'9 Bullt ln our OW'D factory bJ ali:Wed We bave a (TUt many a ppllca· SOI Manne Aft. ll&tbor &02 rates. 104 E . O.y Ave .• BALBOA rest su1'nt Y.'lth llV1ng quar 4ill p«>ple. 8-r llC9Me, • ,.&I -cb!n1et• Doo't~r-d with llon.11 tor l!ummtr Tent.a.I.. BA.LBOA. l8LANI> 1tte Harbor ~30. J;ttc locattd '" a very fut •Ing le&M, 13.000 daw1 J • i I t . -. -. ' . 1952 NASH Country Club €ou-pe. t:tone - brown. Radio, heater, overdrive. Runs good .. . .... ········· .......................... $1025 th. _, .. dl• man. Buy d1recl.. P' •AC! .. C ATT our omrA aM.__ __ __,_...------:==---==.+;:;:;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;::::;::;:;::=-==-==::-·-h JI t ,, RT''. D ....,. ......, .. .,.., .~...... _ 1 u .... r v n .'<. ~ ~."'tpt7 t8e ~_new • opp1DJ: ure ,11ce en A A AIR' • REB~T and INSTALI..ED list your•-anytlme-any place ' BEACON. BAY 430 !'a.rd aims, Coroh& dtl Mar. ~T'tfqt ~lt.___ ------';--1111 &HORT BLOCK -any pncf'. • Phone Harbor 2040.n 111'46 beer & w1 Call o· .. ·n1·r at l tsff Nnrpo"'n:Bl.cr . , 1!>51 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4·dr. L ight ~reen, automatic tranmtMioo. R & H. A one-owner car .. .. .................. $1245 ·~ • 195' CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Oub / Cpe. 2-tone gray. Radio. heater, power ateering. New W.S. W, tires. An excel· lent buy ........... _, .. .. ... .. ... . .............. $25~ LOU REED 1200 Weet Coast Highway. phone _Liberty 8·3486 Used Car Department rf ow Located at Our New Building 1953 Plymouth ~ G. M. C. CLUB OOUPil. Radio, n'drtve, rood tl"•· l:llt tlltnt condition. TRIPLE CHECNED 'USED TRUCKS. S995 I l.:q7 FORD 8 atation wagon, with radio A beater -$2-45. . ·~·conoN GOFF ~ "41 FORD ~ T. Pla<UP '47 CKEV. ~ T .-PA~EL '41l STUDE. a 'f· PICKµ? 'H 'WHITE 2 T . COE, 2 9Pffd H it , 8:2~ Urea. • '~l FORD F~. 2 T. 11' Body . , v olkswa2en Dealer 111a NewpcN-111~ Newport Bch Harbor I. . .4tc1e I SJ)ffd. e.v~ Uru .. Ste Ul• l&TJHl volume truclt tinier In Or&nge County for Ui~ ti.Ill bu>·• 1Jr u.aett tru~u. Wt carry our own contra.eta. .. I '41 CA.DILL.AC 4 dOOt'. ft It H. Make offu . P!lone Har. 112~8.J ' ·~·~ 1Ht rOJU> PICKUP. Loe.. of utru. Low mlleai;it . Ea.cellent ooad1Uon. 20i) T\atln Ave . o..c.a x-. .~4· W.W. WOODS CMC DEALER Gl!l-111 E Hh St. Santa Ana O~n Sunday a .m. l'hlc& ~q\Mlrten t or Oraiqe Oo. \ • l'ORD •m~ G. H. LATiiROP, 38:.5 JC. Cout 3 berms., 2 ba. view home. LI 8·366 ourtr:oy to brok..,11. eo.ta M..a. C&1ll. _ _. Hwy · Corona dl'I Mar. Harbor S ummer only . M.ODERN UN FURN, 1 bdrm. apt. ' '4c46 P hone l.Jbl:rty 1-1791 ~~~DOE '1~9i~ ~42. (Evta. Har. 3611-J I 4fc44 • .. • wit h re!ri«. • nove. Reuonablc CBRY8. Is DIC SOTO $170 .WANTED by toca.I family, two BALBOA PE!\T.l:SULA 2 bdrm11. yt'arly rt!nt. 6071-i-F'tmlu (: t'_9>~1J1come' ProDt"rh 60--iaaome Pron!tv BTUDICBAXJ:R 1170 bedrooms. ground floor, on 8'1· 11,; ba. P'urn. 11pt YR. LEASE. Orona del M.ar. /t.t<'4G ----·---·...:il-.__.::.:i..~----------..t~~-----• OLDS It PONTl.A.C t 1170 boa. l9l&ntl. July 30 to Aul'. 13 • • • SMALi.. FliRN. cot:W, yl'arly. BUICK ·--117:1 About $71} per wk. Har. l88'7·R. THESE PROPERTIES a.re just A Ea.ct :-;ewport . _.,lnjul~. no pt'lll HUDSON •1111 Mr. Coop. 44p4G 1111111pl<' ot the wide range of Harbor 192. Hr4~• Loen Cu rre. TOllt1n&' price, locatlon A acromodat1on11 ----:---------- NEW C.A.l\ OA.R.A.N1"EID WANT attractive un!um. 3 bdrm. we have 111,_.d, JUST amved In the Harbor arta 7 hou,.c (or yrly rental. Dauchler Th 8 t C Idea! tor worklnc man or ,.. . .,. 8'oclL must meet our lt&nd&rca l :i. Write Box D·4G, Utl• hewit· e eaumon . 0, ffi!UI -Sl.n,ttle ept With kllrhM· Plua t.uea, ~ta alld oil paper. _ 44t47 43i·32nd Sl., Newport Beach ette, TV, prlv11tl' bath, mo.IJ ll('r· OpU 8Wlda7 10 Liil. to J p.m. Harbor 4299, ·· 33<:4~ ,·lee" ulll. pd. Weekly rat.ea. 2306 BEL.LES ENGINE L·1st Your Rentals w. occa.n F ront, Newport 8"h NEW DELUXE 2 bdrm. dupltx, 3:.uc REBUILDERS WITH US. We havt Sood tenanll Unfurn . .hclwd. tin .. ft~pl .. garb. waiting !nr both permanent and dl11p. Sun deck&. Laundry rooms. Open 0 &.lly I to '1 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA A.NA. t2-Traaen aummn r.ntal•. Oaragu. TV antennas. Adults. no J>f'IJI, 700A-7008 Acacia, Co- rcm11. d!'I MAr, Owner 702 Acacia, (Upper apt.) Phone Har. 1736·J . Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 W. Balboa Blvd., N'e"'l>Olll· H arbor ~1~16. 4:X:47 33l.fc Balboa Island ----------·-UNFt.'RNISllED 3 beu1 m. Coruna Hlghla.nd11 famlly home. W, W carpeting, dra fl"1, .cozy uud brick nrepl&ce, ralM'd hruth. birch paneled kltch,.n. Ocu .n V1ew, tee. ya.rd. Slove. retrlg . ' VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Balboa Income Don't Mias Thia. It. may be a long tune befn " have another to equaJ it! 10 UNITS -alm~t new ·quality conat.nttion • attractive inside and out. Planned for llWUnum maintenance. Good income, Beautif,llll and completely furni.ebed. See1nt wm q;mvince you that tbi• ia • real nlue at $68,000 -Tenna. lhe Vogel Company Choke ~arly and swnmtr rataa, ~ now an..llable. automatic wuhtr lnl.'luded It de.aired. See now &ot Seaward 3201 W, Coast Highway, Newport heh i Road. Corona d!'I Mer. Ml. RTatt Uberty ·3481 Ot' Harbor:Sl d . ·Port Orange Trailer Sales · NEW 16 ft to 24 ft. !fravel Trailers. NEW 35 ft. to 45 ft. Mobile Homes. We invite you to inspect them at 2200 W. Cout. Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-"420 44c48R 30·rl'. PAN A.M'!:RJCAN 11151, t r' TJU.lLER, lncl. cab&m.. Will Xlnt. cond.IUOCI · wtth I · 11 20 ' Alum·O·Room cabal\&. U TOO « MC. tor 1900. Must be moved will il'IJ cab&nA tor ~00 cu .h from prewnt loc. Mr. ~i Lido Tralltr Puk_ flt Dl'&lct 8t., Udo Patti. Newport 8N.c:h. Har Newport ~ 61~ 2711. ,.,.. -. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Martne A.ve .. Balboa Iaiand Harbor 20 9St!c •·~91. 37tfc ------------------------• ... CUFF HAVEN, 190 unf\lrn. 2 bdrm. house. :\·ewly patntnf, 2 BDRM. Cum . duplex. 1100 mo. • tlreptaee. Har. &lM or Har. 1187 .. lncludH ut~IUn. South of Rlway. 3Mtc Cnrona drl Ma r, Mn. Kay, Hub. ------------ 3779-J.' Mtc BY TEAJ\-Ba.lboa h land, Cloll" Summer Rentals • ·Excluaive Bay Front.a + other choice proputiea !!arbor lllll)d, -Bay Bboree, Be&· con 8&¥. qualitled cl1enta oru1. Harbor Investment Co. ltN'~r lt-00 l~ Ll 1"63~) 17tlo . to wboi)a. Available May l~t­ Nlr• .singi. ramlly, 2 ~room home with dblt. ja.r&#{e.' F,\lm St~. mo. to fisht fa.m11y CALL HARBOR ~3. J . A. BEl!:K 'lttl~ 00& Park AYt.., Ba.lbOa Island. ••c4G NEWPORT HEIGHTS unf\lm. l bdrm. houM, pra,., Ff'fr~ yard. Adult. YHrly 15!'. g,., owner. •JO AlllO "'"-J.Jbf'rt)' 1-UU. . ~ Prime Investment Opportu1ity * * * Owner moving force. ule of th1I mort at.- tract1\'e, modern triplex. located in high-incomearea on BaJboa Blvd .. S pacious ur.it.t, beautitu.lly turtiah· ed, a11d only a atone'• throw frorp beach. Age ~f)UJ' yeaf"',. al1 in first·dus condition. Priced below th• co11t of re-pr oduction at only $2-4 ,750. X1nt. Tenna. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 1-3112 Newport Blvd., !';ewport Bea.ch Harbor ~ . . '<Eve&. Liberty ~). " , .. .. ... _ 62-Rt>al fatate VOGEL VALUE · Important Information ! For anyone looldng for a real buy in exclu1ive Cliff Haven. 1. 3 bdrms. & den on Cli!f Haven's most bcautirut street. 1 2. 21 !! baths 3. Large lfring room looks out on u b<1a u'tiful patio .., I ..,t .. -It <!O\'eted por:cb running whole lcnl:{th 0£..lwus1-. ·----... The yard, both-front-& bae-k, ·~BEA t 'T tEJ.;LLY landscaped. 5. Covered breezcwtty to "tar~f' ~arage a h.;o t~ao!R. to large separale laundry ro'om. 6: This home wns rustnm built b~· owner aml hlts extra drnw<'rs bv t'he cinzcn. '1. We h ave·a down.t o earth pricl' of S25.000 on this on!'. • THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast H1~hway. t\~w1w•n B~:a<:h Ll < ·31 1 CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corn~r lot 3 bdnn., 3 bath horn<', imm::icul:t t<'ly an<! c·11mplctc· Jy furni~hed includin~d, 1 p fn•P7A', w:.tshing m::iC'hinr. TV, linens. bla?ll<rts. 1h!>hl'!I & !ltl\'crware. i\o phone information. ghown by appointmrnt only. 1-u ll Pnc~ S3!l,500. ALSO 2 bdnn .. 2 bath plus gue~t room immaculately and completely furnisht'Cl such as dit;hes. sil\'crwarc, TV. Expensively carpeted and drap<'d. Clever landscap· ing. Large cornc>r lot. Full.price -,_ :$32.500 -Terms. F or preview showings, call H arbor 16QO - I Eves. Llberty ·8·5386! HARBOR INVBSTMENT co :. REALTORS !'\cwport Blytl a l :mth :-\t • :"\1•wpurt BC'ach GIFT. SHOP. READY TO GQ M .. rehandl~ &: ftxtur"'· 11000, l"rmi.. Lnw r<'ut. f.6il 111onlh. 11 .. art ur lllllooa. llln~u 111 fam- ily. Own. r. !IOi E. l3.itb,11L Bl\t1. H:ir :l6t>ll. 421' Ii ~'>-Mont-y to ~---­ LOA:"'S TU t11'14/. OlPRO\'£ BU\' •. \!UDE.R~JZE. OR -ftefllfffAl'lG& We Buy -'l'ru!lt Dte\U NEWPORT Bt<LBOA SA VTNOS & LOA.N AS!:)()l:IATION 3386 Via Lido. l'h. Har. CZOO tfc \\iom . .o likr to buy. ist and :trio Ttultt OctdA Ctill Har. 2326 411Ur LOANS for Homes )Jo 5~ -20 yr. Loll/ .. Construction Loans SEE BOB SA 1"TLE:_R 2SI:> !::AST COAST BLVD. Corona <lt>I Mar H&rbor :l88B Ref!. PUIRIElt t.IORTCACE CU Metro Llfe lM .• Funda Kl. 3·51 :; f81fc NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALE:~ -RF.Fl:-\A:>:CE CO.'.'STHtX 'TIO:-\ ~alt for Fr<>e Fast Commitments on Rcahitnces a.net Unlt.t only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA M ESA LI 8-~!\4 1 1..1 8-6~2 Quick Cash Loans WE 'RE LOADED! With outstanding buys, that ia. The following. all Exclus1,·ei;, art' ABSOLUTELY the best In C.D.M. Two ~.Jr\1om & playroom home on Orchid Ave., C'lose in. Wall t u wttlJ carpeting. Pa\'ed. waUed patio. Dining rnom. G. I. l1lnn. with the best of terma. 2 BDRM. & din. rm .. pavl'(,! patio. 20 x 24 gar .. R-3 lot. F. A. hrat. W to W i.'arp .. fenced yard. Top qial-· ity thruout. ~tany ext ras. t~umerous to mention. ....-.... 60 x 11 8 CORNER Suview & Marguerite, 2 R-3 lots. r oom for 6 units. with vit-w. ~bsolute best loc. lN SHORECUFF, le\'<'I lot. 55 x 130 x 80. the low- est priced building site listed there. . Ea<'h of the~ available for under $20,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3621"'E. Coast HW)\, Corona del Mar Har 2774 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO ·BUY ONE OF THESE J-iOMES Open Daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 252 Palmer St. • $650 DOWN ANO $76 Sewers in a nd pai -Garb,..ge Disposal Enclosfd gar Kitchen tana Colored roofs Birch Cabineta TOT AL PRI~ Sll,450 See owner livitlg at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. bctwcerl'l.~th St. & 16th St. ~~ -~-!~~ t:Kch~l!-1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV . PAGES FOft EXCHA.'IGE THURSDAY, APR.IL 28, 1955 \',·ry 111<'1' holn<' <1n Udo <"IHr for ------------------------ buaineu prol)<'rty. l"omna lltl 62-llf-al ~tat~ 62-llf-al Elltate !11 ar, Coata !111'..a or Coa11t Hlgh- wa\". T'nlde ur 11.niJ &.Mume or ra.r l\4h cllffC'rt'n<'C' OWnt'rH only. Wrllr Box Z·6Z, W.• pt1p.•r • .• 43JH~ on Irvine Ave. l..<>\'<'IY :I btl1m. :! bath hllmt ~""I ynlll 11;1 wall l'llr'J'l'llni; nnd tr.1· »m' d ml""" • H>0<k ...it ::;1 ,...._.uwlWl!.';iipt)I, l~..J:x!. Owner l,.J 8·!14:17, -"'.i"k .• OUT OF TOW~ J)\\ nrr SR}'!I "j;Pl flfff't ' on rornrr .t11plt'X So of I Hlway. One 11nfllrn1~hed apatl· ment tins 3 b··llrnom• ... n,. rur- n!Mlt"d l(Udk> arartment gani.:e. All ttl t;;rt<ttl <'<•r .. lllioh <'11ll Mt..a ""hli-•··•ll liar 21!'1:! """ H:i 0 ?!l·H :11 :1:'1 C'Ohlil BlvJ . \.' l' ~1 ~ l\J. LAKE AR11t)\\'llF:AlJ 1..0T \11th l)na t iJockll J:,l)() "' will traJc< for 111tc 2 .. ft.. howi<' trall<'r LJ 8·7t~:t. 39tr.: J bdrm... hw !loora, !ln•place, \'Ired for c<lectrlc cn~ed, 10-0at <'d at 2.149 rway Dr., Co~t.a Mesa.. $1 I ,2J\t. P h. H!\r. :l:>t 1 ·J . 39t!.c HY OW~ER -3 b<lrrn .. Jn balh house on dbl. LEV.EI. Jot. Lance rms. thn.rout... F lreplac,, p&lJo. rcncPd yd., dbl. gar. New 1 bdrm. hou11e on rte r or lot for income Ha r . OHI·M. 615 J aamln1>, Co· rona <lei. Mar. C2c:Mh COSTA MESA. Furn. 2 bdrm. home, walJ to wall cupet. hwd. rlr$., crment pal.Jo, fenced ylU'd, uwrra In. Full prlce $9,500. S3,i7S. down. U 8-2iZ2. 3!)ct8H 208 KinQs Place FOR S ALE OR LEASE wnh oP... lion to buy. Allrnct1ve 2 bdm1. CORONA DE~ ~Alf l-CHOOSE YOUR OWN INTERIO~ COLORS- 2 bdrm. &. den -nearihg compleUon on Sea\•lew. Shake roof. 13, batha on large lot. This 0will will ~II before fini1he<f Fi~t C'omt, first serY<'d. 2-EXCEUENT SMALL DUPLEX-on Poinsettia & 4th. Good rental record in good ne1ghb0rhood. One sidt' ~nted. the other ts ready for occ-uplll'lC'Y ! 3-FlSHER BUILT 2 bdrm. home a l>lock nbo"'9 Carnation beach. Flagstone firt'place. dbl. _ga r- agr, nicely landacaped. Only 3 yrs. old, Owner a nxious. 4-3 BDRM. HOME In BACK BAY. ·40-ft. t iltcl"M Rw\mming pool. ":rumpus room and iwparRte guest hou a cre o ( ground. ~wimming pool and lo worth a.s~ng price S2i .500. ROON ·WALKER, Realtor W. E-. FISHER, Builder Dick Hllliard 3034 E. C<?aal Hwy.,· Corona del Mar Pat Pattisoa Har. 2-141 BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL House • l nrome -Cabin Sloop -Shore Dingh7 Shore and off-shore moorings. .All in One Tidy Package $22.500 with $5000 down. - Balance to auit purchuer. Attractively furnished two-bedroom h&u~. themo- atatically controlled. beat, patio; small rear houH with patio for owner's use; proper'ty completely fenced. 18 Foot Sloop "Escapade" Surprisingly .roomy, with bead; &bore dinghy.~ cently !ibergl&88ed; moorings in lat cl&U condition. OP N SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Outstanding Oce.an View TWO STORY. 2 bdrm .. 2 1-: baths. lge. living room, ~<'paratc dinin~ room, la rge knotty pine den with built-in bar. lounge, 2 f1rcplaces. basement witl 150,000 BT U fumacl'. Exp<>nsi\'d~· carpl'lcd \\' tu wall thru-out. Gaote'age disposal nnd di · asher. H1Jusc• 6 yrs. old. La rge d ouble gar with laun- dry. ratlio-C'ontrolled door. Lot • H 2'. Well Jam.I· scaped. This home must be• · •11 to be appreciated. Appllcat muy ht made an r• 1 • 1 • ' ~ion,. phnne or by mall. I COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth ' CALIF. ACtEPTANCE EASTSIDE I . ? bd & d f Id. h . lot. Clltt Hav<'n. Owner, Long S h I Beach 900-311. 39p52tt· 208! .app ire St., Ba boa lsland- oc E.Ar-; VIEW HOME, 21oc curr During week, phone EDgewood 2-6091 Drlvr Full pn c:e $11,000, terma. _______ B_r<o_k_e_rs_protected. . :=. r 4lSc,i7 , . Loealt'd at 3322 Occ" ln l., Corona del Ma r OWNER WILL AC T ANY REASONABLE OFFER Sho by a ppoin tment only ne Owner. Harbor 3435 l0c45 NO RENT TO PAY Just C'njoy thl' inrnm<' from th•~ cxccllrnt proprrty lncC1 lt'll 1n chnlC(· l't'IH81 d1st n('t, 100 ft. from ocran. Thcrl· .ire 3 unit~ -a J\C'\\' duplex and a 5-room hou~l· nn :.! lots. 2 units aro furnished and r cnt rJ on )'l'a d~· b :1s1:;. Ownr r'!! home nYa1lablr now. TbrC'<' g11 rag1·:; ton allt·y. 1'1 c·i;rnt 1nc11mc ran br :;ubstan- tially incrl'.t!-ol'll. ;-.;,ono "111 handle-. .,, FOi: l:'\~r'E<'TION ('J\f.L llAI:BOR 101:: ,EARL W. STANLEY REAi.TOR 3 113 Newport·Bl\·d_ Xt•wpci rt Reach Harbor 1013 Bu ild a Hom e on y ~ur vacant lot A:-.: D' IJERl \' E "omi· 111t•crnw from that im·cstmrnt l :! I t !-><J. ft. homo.". $fl JOH Full.\' frwnn.J . I!) y r. Bid~. & Luau • Fort t•d :.1,w .h1·at. H\\'J. flum s. lnd1ndual (; Ll<lll' I rmal\\'lllj:;. .'l.1k \'l'l <'r.111 ~ ... ;:,no 3., -::; t!I month. ---~A ltSHA.Lt;-Hm1'ES ~lc1<1els op1 n -N•'Wpor t Blvd. &:. Mitchell. Tu:-;t1n I\ r 7 ·32!'13-!~ I 2-3=>ti!l & t I•:\'(·~. LI c tni3 I I l c·f) 111 NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL Y AlUE \'ll-:\\' LOTS arc almo::;t 1mpn~:-·hh· 111 ltntl • in thl' Harb••r An .1. YC'l we ha,·c oiw for onlr :-:"1.Wll. Try ;ind J inti <tO(' for th1i; (11'111'. THE VOGEL CO. 26Gi K Coa~t Hwy., C;ronn d1·I ~!ar.Har. 1ill -117i In Corona High land s Only ::? y1 ;.. y11unJ!. :~ hd1 m. ~ .i, 11 l1i1n11-. I .:u ~l· 111. ini; nlom, :;11111P cw1 an 'ww. ,\ pi rfl'l t famtl> honw with plfnty of r11om1 Jur k1.J::.. ln~ur:ince lw111 a t 5' · Multipl<' L1!\l1r1$: :"l:ti • ."if1il-~~6,!'iOll, RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Co~t Bh·tl, Coron·a dcl Mar H arbnr 2~SS c ose in. -nn. · en o er ome m CORPORATlON good condition) garage, fenced yard, sewer in & I 98 HJi bor lllv·l .. Co,.ta ?.k~u LI s.;;~1 _ O~··n Frida>,. t111 0 . paid. S7850 with S1550 down & balance $60 per mo. l'lo~('J Sa ~urJay~-4 J ti• REAL ESTATE LOANS interest Rate 5--51/:i o/o Lolllls quickly mnde In lhe Bay Arca and CosUl Mesa.. Slnglo or 111ulttplu units. New or old. Be 111.so and sa vc by r e-financing your presl'llt loan. M111unum ex· pensc. No charge for prellmi· nary appraisal. Phone SMta Ana Klmberly 3-6933 or wnt.e ARTHUR A . MAY Mortg&&c Loan Correspondent Uccidtntnl tire insurance Co. 9:1:1 South Mam Santa Ana pp 57-~AJ l'.:stat~ Waott!d 1\VANTED in Corona del Mar 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath h"m" <1n one floor. •loublc g111.!~1 • 111 • • n \ ''"'' or near th<' o< ea.n. \\c havt• gonrl s11mm,.r Jl'nlRl> Rtzmorr-is Realty Co 1 nE.\ L To 1is j .\l11lt1plr f.l'llnc • Btt .. lnt<•~ f!rnkl'r ::1:1;, E. I ;rt.1st H t do\\ ~r ,.,,.,,, <!t'l .\lift' ll,11l'l<·1 ~1 · • .: , ,,. ,~. WANTED \\'E 11.\Yr: <.T!:-.TO;\l l:;n!:) l11r \''1· t .1\i• ~· q HJ"th\•••d ''~ hq ... 1n'""-h I· t 1 :!tlth 5l. Ill ,;:?uJ tn i\1•\\'· I ·•I. Bltl\. N. B. C. Rea_lty Co.1 :t2nJ .t: ='ewpnrl Hlvd , :-=111 • .Bi h I H111 hor 1 ir1:, . WANTED '-'IALl, \'Al ,\:-\1' bu101111 's 111! :'\"\\l~·il nr C.'.oi.la ,\h ~a .. ~!11 'll~h rn• c a.n ! nr l• '"·' 1\( .. , •11.• J.,, II rnn an I ?onr U\11 • •rRC"nl-\\'11\f l 'U.J!;t 1; .. ~; • WJ'l)rl BP at h I.!• I I ~al F.stat~~~;~_ f Time to Trad,e \\'H ,\"I: Y0l' HA\'I·: FOR \\'HAT \'ot:'\\'.\.'.'T: II\ \'g $12,000 ;\lal1b11 '"~"•n t111nl l• I. \\'ill t mde f<•r Harbor a r,•a tnlome & a.saum1•. RUSINESS CORNER Cwilh l(!dg) on Newport Blvd. (60 x lOOJ -$10 ,500, with best of terms. • 3 BORM. HOME. dbl. garage, rieods paint. But price is right, $9500 with terms. TWO LOTS each 56 x 133, high corner location both for 54000. NEAT 2 bdrm. home, service porch, chain link fence. $5750 with S2750 down. G. N. WELLS , Realtor Roy R. Mccardle 1810 NeWPort Blvd., Costa Mesa. Ll 8-1601 Dear .MO~f al'ld DAD: Sfs and l found a SWELL beach home in CORONA DEL MAR. Sis says its 'SPANISH RUSTIC' ... anyway it has a HUG E living room with RAFTERS. real TILE FLOOR an<l a h1~ FIREPLACE~ Sure it'll t.a.kc some F lXIN' but WHAT FUN! •.. . anti with VlORLDS of WONDERFUL WEEK ENDS to look forward to! It's only $12,500 and the man says you won't NEED much mon<'y NO,W. J hnvc the KEY, so HURRY, won't y uu ? EXCLUSIVELY Yours. STANLEY A. S~llTH. Realtor=--2647 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dcl Mar .Ha rbor 8 2 "Cl ean as a 'Nhistle " EXCEPTIONALLY A'M'RACTfVE 2 bdrm. home. P.andll•<l IJnng room and sma!l dining room, car-. pet<'u wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfast s pace.,,. and si•rYlt'(' p11rl'11. Ample cupboards and stora~e spittl'. Owr~tli.'d :!-car garage. Nice Pnclosed patio. .:\lo::.l t.'Oll\'t•llll•nt L"ornrr location. :? blks. from City H.1H, "!':r \\'t1ort Beat:h. Cnly Sl:?,000. EARL w. STAhJLEY, Realtor \ :{t i3 Ncwpur-t !~l\'l..I., J'\ewport Beach Har. l oi'3 BALBOA ISLANa PLE~TY 'OF ROO M FOR ALL "" Fl\'E BnH ~I!'., 3 b.1th!'l. large f1replarc & barbequc. :'luhn~ !!las!'l w.dl.· ilin1111:: room_ adjoins polio. 2-car garag1-. This :tllr:ltll\'I• WC'll bw1t home, close to Bay, ha,!; m.1 ny c•x lr a~ which will please yo u. A 'filul· Wl' are prottd lo s how. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates J Park at ~t:mnt·, Balboa Island -Harbor 24~2 BEFORE YOU BUY --Rex Rechs , Realtor Be sure to see these NE'f< HOMES -Open Da ily 1 -5 $19,500 3 bdrms .. 11 2 bath homes Clo!;e to t\'erything. / Only $400 down a nd_ SiO per m onth CALL ~ffi. GATE8. wtth l'.bon• J;!~E •. ~.f O~GROVE 33tfc • :!10i ". Uilboa Bhd , ="cwr 11 H11rbo:-lil ~tl. 1::i. 17 010 BEAR LAKE • A lmv:<t '""' ·ftr rto#, Metr6Jt Bav :I nrw r.lh· IM, 2 l'lrlrr, 1r11U~r pfttl<. f'rt · l'l\!1C ~II:< '.\'~tl'm 'l~t'I r1r11~-. l'l'•l RJhl r11lo1 "'''l~r. prh'Rt .. '' 1 lts with plenty ut \\'&lrr. llf·RI lOl't\ltC'n. Sl'.1.~;,(), ttrmll, Ot \\'lll Intl,. fl'r H'\rbor 11n,\ pn~rt\'. l'h111J • 'J\,·1.-hell Hubor 39;:,, 't\'e• Harbor l317 ·J, •3c IS CUFF HA\'t:~ 5j·y\'ar lcai-.•·lw ld ·New custorh butlt ht1me nn a lnrgc cornl'r lot . 3 bdrrns., 2 tile h:1ths. F ireplace. fo~. A ; h eat.. d isposal, kitchen fan, use compl~tcly draiJed. SliJing glass door to larg<' patio, completely landscaped. 420 E ast 15t h St .. corner of 1\1· ::~ Place Courtesy to Broken '4p46 • $1000 down. Qwnu, LI 8-2~2. . "-.:: ~ Z3Uc • BAY FRONT new modern home. boat 11hp ; !.'> B11lba& Covel!. Owner Harbor llOO·W. HUc LIDO ISLE Two 315' lot on Via :>:1i:e. $9500 ca. Owner, SUnaet 1·0032, or 10726 Land&lP, No. Hollywood .. 44p46 · BY OWNER. __. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 bath11. Br&lld nt\\". nt<Rr .Hti;h School. $1,900 down. t"'\.111 price II 2,350. LJbnly 8~761 or LJbtrty 8·2103 H cl6 OCEA.:-.: FRO:-.T Of'uC'h hou11t". Jur- n1i;h1•1l s.1:u1:11), t••rms -[130 1 Se1uhore Dr l\'I'. Hllrbor 3i06· W H p<ltl 3 UDR!1 . .11n1ni;r rm.. hllruwooo floors. Si!ll'IO. -238 A \'oc.&do Sl .. (.'u!llu ~k~.L. Kl :.!·:!&:::.?. :l!ltfc BY OWNER Corona H lg hhmd1 - 3 bdrm:, 2 bath farrnhouae. FHA commit· menL l 'h. Harbor 71>-J: 119Vc OC."EAX VIEW mo.fern 2 brdrm home with extra ioom and '\ bath on doubll' K1tn1gr , Prlt<' $23.500. Low down J'l\•}:mcnl or· will la.kc h~lrsl Tru~l Deed in trade. 2712 Chrf b 11vc .(adJttrr11l vacant lot available) Ph. owntr, LI 8-2532 . " 23Ur Drive by 235 Magnolia Costa Mesa Cule .t. rnzy home -2 bdnn. 6: para.•lt"I ilt-n with f in plui "· \I :.ti lo wall <"arp1·t... V!'ry close tn. ~1 3,000. Phone Liberty 8-6:.°!k:! • • • ' 2:1UC' Lots for Sale Cambridge Estate 16th & Irvine ~estricted Area 75' Frontage- · $3650 Going F ast -. 11 Sold in 2 Da,Y.B PHIL SUUIV AN, Owner George T. Eve_rson -Exclusive Agent 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Llbcrty 8-6i61 Evc.s. Harbor 4366 ·Liberty 8,2103 • Like CHARM 7 -and PROVINCIAL 1tyle ! -USED brick ~ -CORNER fireplaces? -HARDWOOD flooq ; -a qooo address?-a LARGE lot! (Not lsehld.) . This one atory. 2 yr. old duplex on beautiful CLLFF DRIVE is YOUR answer ~ 2 bdrms. each, natural bir ch kitchens wilh .dUtpoaals. DRI VE BY - 1701 -1705 Cliff Drive, Cliff Haven Th<'n phone our office -Better hurry! Only.S5000 down -S24.500 full price, MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 31 Marine A,·e., Balboa aland Harbor 4i8 J ST BUY For sale by owner ON BALBOA ISLAND IJl'PLF.X on R·Z lt>I,.. 612 & 61 ' Jasnunt>. C'o1 Qnl.\ olPl Miu . Prll< •I nt:ht. l "all llar. 2910·R a!l<'r 6 I'm. ,.,. Sun•la,·11. 3:!p4:"-.t 1 WO BEfll{()0~!. K:'\OTTY PJ:>;r. L. R . lllr b,\l.h. PlrclnC' l<ltrhrn '11'111hl•' 1:1>1 :\I:"· •!Qt kr .... m laun lt ~·. 11toreroum. targ" TKIH'll'AI p:ltio. M11ple t111111."lt.rrl, wo .. l <111 1 pctini;:. Rown '" bulJil t111 J;ind ... \'8f" 11 rrn11t, SI:? :1011 f•Jm"~".i I 30:i-33n.i Sl. Har 4:108.1 f11r nr111 1 :If' I ~ "LI FF" HA n ::-;. 3 Mnn~ fir& 1 place. oak flri• pa11 .. , frlH'111 1 y.1rtf & rib! g11 r f l I •,t1f\. Sl!\110 down ~ • lu.1r 11/r Cluy )(• I Llb<I t~· ~-4:17 t. · 121 Ii ---------- THREE BEDROOM f rame nn halt acre. 66 it 3v:l. 1-·n.r1t tre<'~. etp :l626 Elden. \.:oSll\ M 1•11'l\. Liberty S·HOl, 1>\0t'll. Ll 8·39!1\!. H p>l;J • Sl:!,000. FOR SALE B\' OWNER :! bdrrn11., din. rm , 111111.ched gar· I ag<'. W to (\' _C'arptllni;. hwd. I flrl!. Th!'rm<>ata t h"llt. 1arb d1~p k1trhen fan. lnclud1ng nearly new a uto. wiuh!'r .t rtrytr, refriit A: gB.11 'l'n~<'· S 1:.00 rln . $70VO GI loan. \\'1 M coMidrr 2nd con· tract.. 319 Hroadwey, Cost.a Mr u •0cr.2 BY OWNER -I bdrm .. clOM to 11hopplng-. etc .. on qw.-t St. Hwd.: fl r.i . ftnr"<.l lot. lle""flr-3, K&rb. I dllfp .. : allty nu. Room for In· comr~ New pa.\nt. 47.t loan &t Ht ptr mo, \nrludlng lalta! 6: 111811. Pl:lce $13,~ 688 Park I Drtn, Colt& M.... COttc DALBOA ISLAND. We offer exclusively an unus- ually desirable 4 bdrm. mulli-bath home. Delightful 11\'ing rflOm. large dining room. Maximum :--quart foourgc. Close to best beach. Can only be \ """ appreciated by inspection. ~ Call Harbor } 7j5 Eves. Harbor 5359 \RL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:'i ~tarine Ave .. Balboa Ishmd \, Accent on Value placed rightly here •, On !his modern 1 bdrm. bayfront homr with 1 bdrm. apl. O\'Cr garage, S45.000. Good financing. 1'his is j ust one of t he many VOGEL VALUES we have to show you. VOGEL ·co. ~()'l Marine A \'e., Balboa laland Ha rbnr ·H f A LOT of Dirt·- FOil THE MONEY -well loratcd 1 acr e in new den!ropment. Good 90il. Plenty of go•1<.I c hPa 11 wate,r. Pnce9 less t.han a city tut at S3000. See Lila B. McFarren with --· I ~ALBOA -BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. B&lboa Bl., Balboa Har. 3786 or 2511 ·M (Nm to the Doll Hou.e). • I I' -- ,_ ... ' PAGE 6 • PART ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1 0-Rnl FAtate THUll,SDit.Y, APRIL 28, 1955 . • . 1 a ._. ,....... ' a aea1 F.eta&e rooo Ll~NG starts at IRVINE · TERRACE _we cordi"1ly invite ypu to ins~ct these model homes. buµt by Mac~o Corp. exquisitely furnished · ·by Martin & Von Hemert . Nine diversffied floor plans .. When you in•pect tbeae model homes, you will note they include every comfort and convenience Jor GOOD LIVING. L . Cor. Irvine & Gabrillo in Costa Mesa PREVIEW SHOWING White King Contest ·Home .. B\" . MESA BUILDERS . 40 Beautiful Hnmes f11om $19,650 -to $21,750 ..... Lovely 3 bedroom. two blc\tE homes with shake roofs · built-in range and clothes dr ies · fireplace· full hardwood fl oors· lath & plaster walls . 2-car garage. Make your reservaqon now. Developers lf'.'vestment S!JVice Co. 2650 Avon St., .Newport Beach -Liberty 8-1194 . ALL of the planning and thought that resulted in thia remarkable community will provide GOOD . LIVING for Irvine Ternce families for many years. Permanent reetrictiona guarantee you will always be proud of your home he~. TIME • I f ~r a Change - BEST . RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It's a 8hake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home~ Has 1 ·, bath~. dining room. breakfast room. large · living room with massive fireplace. Thermodor elec· To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $22,000 to $35,000 cla.sa we sincerely r~ommencl the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. \ EARL W. ST ANlEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4·U8 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bolds a Leuehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. BILL'S BEST BUYS SMALL HOME and BLDG.- ____ ---· __ ,_,_ ,.-;-, ·r;.;...; .. ~..,. -With nav·Pd and curbed St. Sewers in and paid. Wood floors. plaster- ed and completely fenced. Bldg. in rear has possi- bihtiea. Price $7000. Arrange terms. . , A Full Load of Lfving- ExceUent NE location. 3 bdrma., shake roof, 2 baths. Hwd .. tloora, F A heat, used brick firepla.ce. Large Jot_ 80 x 135. Just 9 ~ontba old and price at Sl4.750. A Nifty For The Thrifty- 3 bdrm., close in near Orange & CabriUo Sts. Ju:st 1 blk. to Thrifty & Alpha. Beta. Owner anxious. Being Draft~d -Must Sell 3 bdrms. with, 1 ~':! baths, only 4 mos.-old. Lot site 63 x 106, new paved and curbed street, sewers, close In and on bu.a line. Near Grammar and Intermediate Schools. Immediate poaeeaaion. Full price $9400. with only $1000 down a~d $67.50 month. ~ · · W. A. TOBIM. Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Like Our-Friendly Service'' 393 E. 17th St .. Co1ta Mesa. Liberty 8-1139 Choice Bay ,Shores · Properties .... AAttractive 3 br.1.. 2 bath house, PLUS combination xtra large rumpus-bedroom with adi.lilional bath over garage. Large living room with fireplac<'. also unit heat. 'Complete built-in kitchen. includes wash- er, drier. stove. refrigerator, dishwasher. $29,500. Terms can be arranged. ~xclusive Beautiful patio in this unusual 3 bdrm. home · 2 bath•· 11:: lot.JI. S15.000 will handle. Shown by appointment only. E\'<'S. Ll 8-6373. Bay vi~w tt $27,500. 3 bdrm. & I 11 baths, 2 patios. Nloely furnished in rattan, including 21 '' TV set. TennB can be arrangl'd. Comer lot 40 x 100. ExcC'llen t location. Summer and yearly rentals. Exclusl\'e ar<'a wi th pn\•ate swimming beach. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Bl\'d., Newport.Reh. Har. 51 8 • VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Nothing Could be Finer Than this truly distinctive new quality built 3 brlrm .. 4 bath home with unsurpassed view of Harbor from both living room and master bdrm. Located on bf"<lll· tiful corner lot close to Ocean & Bay on lovely Balboa Peninsula. 2 fi.reP)acM • fineat mahogany and ash panellin~ thruout · 1pacious enclosed patio walled for pri\'acy. , Triple garage with workshop a:rea plus many olh<'r out.It.anding features too numerous to mention herE'. $49,500 cuh. Top Loan . Commitm~rit tq qualified buyer1. Call and make~. appojntment to see. The Vogel Co. _ 3201 W. Coast Highway Newport B~ch Uberty 8-3481 or Harbor 5H2 BALBOA ISLAND Open House 1-~ Sunday May. 1st. 11~ Apolena COMPLETELY CHARMING home & e.pt. nellr ~o. Bay. BMutiluUy furn. Well finAnced. $37.500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine An• .. Balboa Island Harbor 502 -En~. Jia rbor 23116-I< ~6: Rl-:C"'O~I \~ .. ::-;~ Vl'll 11'' Ft/\L HOA 1!-IL.A :\'.fl. \l hrre Wl' hllVI' II nnr nf'llrly n•' .\' I 1 I ' ht1mt'. 11nd 11rt w1\h •lhl i:·"·'~"' \\•111 I)<' ll\'111!111)!0• fut ~'lllllllf'r Ln11oJs nf \\'Atolr,.be "Plll't> !;l'I' Lhl11 hnme 1od11y: ITS A MOOJ<:R:-; 2 BF.CROOM honw. w1l h forred air h1•11t 11nd w11!1 to "'1111 C-R rpf'l. plent v of i.:h111M arn11n1I lO\•l'ly pal10. 1'~1r"· pl11ce and 10111 M llle. THE Al>'J'. IS F\TR.:'\ISHED 11nct bring11 In S 1 ,200 & YPB r. P'Rl<'~ $1!8.iSO. on i.:OO<J tt rme, and \well worth \hr money: le,. ti l'ow.-ri• or t...ake J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 63, ~03 Pa ik Ave. &Ibo& lill8Jld BACK BAY •w a c 1e . rusttc charm. view, 2 br. & den.patio, 1oom r..1 horse!! ... $12,MO ~ fm. BACK B~ Y, Vll'W •. $32.~00. "J BR. BACK BAY, corner $:?2.950 c.;UTE 11, br .. Bal. l11land $1 5,7.'.IO. M·l BLDG. 60x93 New pot t-11alc or l<·i~e. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1 • 5 2515 Crestview Dr., BAYSHORES Claire Van Horn REAL'rQR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. W 8·i271 Open House 10 a.m. -8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands THREE fr l vur bt'•h n1~, 2 h111hi. magnlf1umt kllt'h<'n & d1111ns m•1m :!\JllO H. 1•lu11 i:ar<1g•'· Sra I Vll'Wl'. liUllJll'r Will '4•11 I hlA holl~•· 111 s v1·ty rf·11111m 11blt' (111~<' I & g11od l"rn11<. Mav lllk~ llllme t rarl('. l'htm•• 11111.'"llJ;!.",.JK 1 llf<' Vest Pocket Palace PA:O.ll'ER ~'<•lJt.!<<'IC .1nd hi•~ th\' sunnv & 'h"•'I Cul 2 h1ll 10. h .. mr I ~·11,•pll\1 •". 111111111 ynnl J u•L 1111.1. i.:me 11nly Jt• :.1111 I•• 111i> Rex Rechs , Realtor I 'I.;.,; \\. l ~alb"t• Rl\·11, .:'\•'" p111 t H.1 I b .. r :>1 ~I; c•r 11-. 7 I ~IC-I I BACK BAY C:orn•'r "} M• ,_. I 1t ",, ,\r 1 ·~ r1 "~· I 6 ~ '"· old. lw1111urut '"'"' II"' 6 x 1 1!'1' IOI. :1 bdnn11, l~C' H X 20 k1t1hl'n \\'All !rt 111111 <lirpt'l, s .. lut l'um1 hl•t1 l nn:.lru111on, Wllll• •I 111\f II• 1.ut.!I ••t roorn ftrr l111·n111.-a•ltl111on "1th hllY vtt w. h 1v111c p111 ty. s 1:1,\lllO, Ph I.I il·MH fur npp•1111tm1111 l. :l:.lp l~ Fixer upper cn-'t;\n:HL'IA r. m .1 11~ a1 :,119 E il11lh1»l Hl\·•l :tnx•m 1111 ~, .. ,, nn.i :i t • nt11 I.•. '/. hlk.. '" 11rn :r.nnt'. $1 -.,111 ~1111111 <In 1•ymt The Locator of Calif. ;,11; F: t'.\albl•it P.h-d • B1tlbo a f'h1ont' H1.rhnr 36t)I\ 41<' 1& By owner-Costa Mesa :i HF:C'IR:O.t A lmoiot nPw :\'.Nlr l;lh • I The .f1n,,~l n r 111hlxlrhMt1 f(lr \'l\llr ch1ld1 t'n -<Jl\ ll bHnJ1I llf('J'I r r1r f' $1 o !':.o. onh· $ 1 S1H) t1••" n f'nrqtlt'l &: ""l;,\:tll 11l1t tl•~•1• U to I\ m r rt CP1hni:11 I~' ough• •IJt :<pl\l'IOU/I c h,•l'l• F1r•·rlt~"· a ... lo1w l''lbl. S&r11f1c• ~Y' own• 1 H11rbor 2~l d11t• 1•nly. •3c4.'h }ff>e:\E FOH ~A LE~;-.- .'I roomit. l bfodronm~. f1r~ph1c" t 1fr •Ink. fl\lt.i. dblt. R" I lll'(P n 1'. for bu1hllnit l\J'l. '111 ln~ A\'~. l'<>rone d .. 1 MAr 's 12,;1(kl. Own••r 1-'hone A Tl11nl 1c I ·'•I•,..:; .t 21· , ... t.ARGE I.OT o? <.;lltr Dnva tn ('lift Hn 1·fn. A LS<..I 111 (I 11lrrel to 11tr• 1 t Int nn Grn'lll t.1rt11 1111" end 1·-:! l't in°""" !"'rt Uh·J. Mra' Ahr.111. liar. 11\f'l I 2 .. uc . , -tric range & ov<'n. beamt>d c<'iltngs. cC'dar panelled ~ . walls. Furnacw Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. H's fenced and landscaped and has a patio. Space prohibits the mentioning of the many other ffaturCI> except to add that it is surrowufed with quality bttHt ranch homes. · Priced definitely ~ow .value at-S23,750 . ' --------· KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic vi ew -2 bdrms., 3 bathe. Large li\'ing rm .• dining rm., huge.den. ratio, laundry rm. and sewing rm, Radio electric garage door oper· ator. WaU to wall carpet and drapes. Extra large garage. Exterior flood lights. Thennador gas range and oven and large built in refrigerator. The guest bdrm. is completely {umished. Price $36,500 with easy terms. CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT On Cliff Drive. 65xl 10 -price $7000 Cliff Haven lots are as scarce aR hens teeth, better grab this one while you can! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8·2664 or e\'ts. LI 8-6300 v . Corof\a del Mar Best Buys 1. CHOICE LOCATION close to stores. thi• one bdrm. home, hwd. floors. all electric, fenced yard. Zoned for another unit. Reduced from $10,750 le> $9950. CI. Resale. $2500 down will handle. . 2: CHINA COVE PANORAMIC OCEAN view from this 4 bdnn. quality built home. Hwd. floon, forced air heat. CI06e to beaches. For those who • can afford it. this is the finest. Shown by app't. Priced t o sell at $4.2.500. d wner will take smaller home in trade. 3-'IDroRE CLIFFS. s~ us for Shore Cliffs homes '!I a-nd vacant lots. lf i"t is for sale, we ha\'e it Listed. 4. BEST DUPLEX BUY. Located on corner Jot, nearly new, 2 separate units. 2 bdrms. each, Hwd. noori>: Immediate possession. Priced at $2 1.500. Lbw down payment will handle . ~ee these today! PRICE T. McCUISTION .MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona dcl Mar Hank} BALBOA PENINSULA GENUINE SACRifICE ~ Owner has purchased ranch and is \'ery anxious to sell this modern 3 bdrm .. 2 bath. nicefy furnished home on la~e lot. S5000 will handle'. Full pnce on ly "$21,50Q. 1 _ BLOC!\ TO BAY. 3 bdrm .. J '.; bath bC'ach house nn large lot. Kitchen has dishwasher , d11~posal and lots of olhC'r modern 1mprO\'('TnCnts. CloRe· to New- port Harbor Yacht Club. Full price. furn. ·Sli.500. S3800 DOWN buys this neat, roomy beach house. dose to baU1in~ Ix'~. 1'ear library. Partly furn. 3 bdrm. & Jen home. Full price $J5.i50: NEAR Grammar School. INCOME. Furnished duplex. plus additional lot. Xl nt. value at $22,000. BAY & BEACH REAl TY 1450 \\'. Balbva Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1264 Ide~· Home Environment FOR YOL'R FA~flLY is prond('d in this lovely hQmr. Want a pri-,·ate bC'ach ? • Need a plat:,e to keep your cruiser? _, Prefer close m location near Lido Shops. etc.? Buy this ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Coves right on the waterfront. only 3 ~Te. old. Lots of tile, parquet Ooors, F. A. heat, dbl. ~aragc, nice features. Pier & slip privileges. .. A real value at $26,250 -Terms ' Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnished. good rental diatrict. Ocean and Bey both cloee by, $-35 00 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. ST~NLEY, Realtor 3113 .-;ev•po1 t Bl\'d., l'ewport Beach Har. 1013 .OPEN HOUSE 400 · Kings Pl. Sat. and Sun. 11-5 oo:-:'T Jl'!'\T C'lRtVF: B Y i::t11r ""'1 5<"" this '..! b1lm1 ll!l1 1lrn h••fl1l' \\'all 10 wall r•HJ~''" 1 11.'I~ CE 1'1'Cr11iterli tu r Dullt·ln 1'h,.r11111 - dor-.11tove 11nd O\'<'n. Th11 111 F"'-;d Jn·lng and lonll~•n. Pr S2B,M'IO ' OPE~rtouse-- 182 Cabrillo, \ C. M. Sat. and Sun. 11-5 LIKE LI\'IXG-u r TO\\'~! Th111 3 bdrm .• horut IS w ry gnnd ,,.,. cat~ In &n 111ta that 11h11uld p11·k up value-l:nt .. SIO M(I OPEN HOUSE 205 Del Sunday Mar 11-5 ' [)() YOI ' l.JKI-: \OMF'\', t'07.\' llVtnj!? \\'1<f\I a QU.lhl.\ b Onlf' • r .. ,,rwr r lumb1n1: J"r"n"~" 11sh p11.nt>l111~ 11)\J•, """' 1·111 Pfl ~ng H1rrh anrl 1-'mnll•ti k111h•n. Ill•'· plMl'f', :\ h1ll lll With,.._, hath Thl'n !'it~ lhts SunJ11y ARF: \'OU T IREfl 11f b11y1ni: rror · trly for 1tQlllt'Onl' "'"'' ~ Thip 'it'I us ~how th is 2 b<lrlil. hC\Olf', Jlllll 3 mo. 'old 11t 1!169 Mnple Sl P rice S9.:ioo.~Th111 will 1:0. · "ART" ADAIR R F:A LTOR .. l 666 :-; ..-wpot'l Rlvtl. C~•l& M .. i<a. s·a11! t.I 8·3711~ Business Property iOxl~ O:'\ ~E\\'l'OH'r HL\'Q.. C'f"l'e tu , tntM" or t.1wn H•a modrrn :.tor,. blth: This prupf'rl) hai< 1< n t'Xl'f'lldlt putt'nllal $17.M>O, t.ermll How About This 11 1 A 'RF:S "llh 11n•11q '°'''"" ,__ 1ic:ean Vlf'I\ Thi~ 111 up..-n~ hJI> tt't nCk pu..s1b1ht11·:. lur \nrumr de\•l'IOpllll'Ol &n•I l'I l111•11lt••I 11• Ill l3rite Jll <•ro...-J 1ndu11l111il ll•·Y• • lopment. Ha~ 11 l\Ht hr. hous .. & a tluplrx n1•a lly Jint.•h•••I Iii "'"'" tor at l"'I'" 6 1111111• un1111 Only $1:} ()(JO SI !\00 D•11.\•n ' . B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1982 Newport Bh•ll . O•ista M1'~8 Ph one LI 8· 1672 Ev..-~. l.I 1>.:,4 g; OWNER LEAVING ST A TE $18,500, Cor{)na Highlands ' l:'\CLUDES nt'W rang,., rtfl rg • auto. w11s h .. 1, cariwt &\ d1apt11 l..llrge lot Orrt1n v1!-w Sl2 tX>\t, :'t',. 20-vr loan <"m1m1lmf'nt ~othmg ·bl'll••r tt'll' thl' mnricy' G. H. LATHROI·~ :163!'1 E l'o11~l H wy., \oron11 rl•·I ~l llr H111 bn1 ~-142. I EVtl' H&r :l:'>ll·J I H r l6 Call for App 't. to see - 6903 Seashore Dr. 3 HR. l:lEAC"H HOME. Entlot11'tl pat1t1 • 1111 l~r 11111111 1 i-turr. 5 H).~()(I pru:e. SI .OQU 1111 ('011· 11hler Ex for Mnrnll l'(jlllty tn S. A. hom1t & s11me cn~h Bayview Realtors 231J."• Bttlbo:i Bl\'J .. :-.; .. "JXl'I u, h Hai bor 3371. Ill 11 Rex Rech's Best Buy Newport Ocean Frontage F'l'R~~ h lrn1 1tM1•r 11111111', n•·ul &-$ l:l :mo. ·s:; noo rtrm-n !"h y li1•polllllll• Ill ''"" Rex Rechs, Realtor 2':111-; \\' llB lliuA Uh 11, ~ t'\\ (' •1 I Haroor :11'>11 1:w1i 33 1 ACRES \'ER\' 1·rw1 1!'(-rJV~; t.A;>;I) 1n h•·1rnti111l v111t .. y 1nlHn•I tttim flt I 1111•1'1" (' .. II\• Ill• nt \II ll\U<I• nr•" ,, ~· 1111111• Htr" f.,t ,uhol1· v•~•·•n. xlnt \\·St• t M_\Ji1l.,n1 /\ l'P~l'kn1'0' '" $1 :•111~1 Ill :'-~")'"It Af ~·u w1'1 hi• 1nn"1tl1•t•'" "" p11t\ p ,1•111( I IWn••r 2:1110 Clrf( 111 l\'f' ~ P'WJHU t. '',, .. 1 "7 1 Block to Lido Mkts. :I BEDROOM!" M11rc·n. 1lhl J(Afhl(", · laumlry. ~1rr•11;. ... .i (11r Mf'I \\'1111· .. 11-1n y11rcJ :-:11· .. qucl'( nf'11thh .. r· h•.-1· $12.600. lf'nTil' Homer Shafer, • RF:ALTCIR 106 Mc F 1ulrlPO l'l1<C'• • :\'.pl Rah Ph H&r H O f:\'r• J11u 11'17· ~I t1r H11 rt>or 2:.:z9.~1 ~:.r 17 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST THESE YOU \\1ILL LIKE, Rl-:STRICTED BACK RAY area. 2 large bdrm•. A • J~11 . o,·ersii.ed Mr. & Mrs. wardrobes, hwd. n oon, 21>aths, tub & shower glass endosed, Cf'ramic tile, colored fo:turea. &>ii proof wallpaper, copper plpi.nr, e)ecfric heating~ Large li\'ing room, entry way,· .Ud· ing. glass doors, fin>pla<-e. foret'd alr heat, cement nRtio, lar~t> kitchen. ceramic tile, fan, Hotpoint stove & O\'en. dlsposa[ disnwalihel", all bOllr-tn. Many extra CJl binetJ, large toeryite l>QI.Ch. laundry tn.y. You ran have all this and f'lt'rtric garage door for only $24.llOO. but be quk k. ., I'.! BLOCK FROM OCEAN Bt'ach Lota 39 x 104 • R-2 zoned None priced .J~ And hard to find at any' price, ~250 \o $2WO. • Selert y ours today! H 20 KINGS ROAD A nice addre11s, a nice home. 3 bdrma., 2 bath•. Firl'place, F. A. heating, picture windows, carpet.. disposal, patin, landscaped and a view. O~n 1 to 6 daily except Mon. & Tut>L Priced to .ell It ~n't La.at Long! "ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Coat& Mesa LFbt>rty 8·1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evee. -LIDO rSLE ALL YOU NEEO is your f~ly and peraon&J be- longings t o move into this one year old lovely 4 bdrm. one story home. Large living rm. with atone f1re plact:'. separate dining rm., modem kitchen with ' all ronvcniences. 3 cat garage plus laWldry and dttp f.rl.'eze area. Steel girtler and subfloor JN to expand O\'er garage. Carpeted and furnished for $39,500 with exceptional terms. Compare this! ON THE BA YFRONT would you ex~t · to find such a lo\'ely 2 bdrm. & den home. Why, on LIDO, of course! And on the delightful North Bay at that. Sparkling new from the tip of the float to the street. Full price $59.500. VERY LATEST Imagine a 3 year old 2 bdrm. home on lovely Lido, completely furnished for J·ust $20,500 . AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are listed exctusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Newport Beach Har. 4971 or ~97l Eves. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 l I DO. · . Open Daily 1-4 · p. m. Lovely 2 bdrm., 2 bath, with a large sunny .Patio. 218 Via Palermo ALSO 4 bedrooms ,~ baths, n ew. 3 bedroom s, 2 baths, exceptional. 4 b edr ooms, 3 baths. wate rfront. 45 ft. waterfront lot with pier privileges a bargain! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido _Spedalist'' Harbor 4718 260:! Newport Rh·d. Newport Beach 100 °/o INCREASE IN SAtES ! ~tore than a ~ftllion Dollars in Multiple L1sling Salu durtnR the month of March: $1, 147,061.00 I C.'tampHml l11 ~;,7R.:l05 ()() for Mart·h of laitt year. In Bl 'YIN(; 11r SELLING see your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE MC'mber of r-.;J-:\\'PORT llARROR BOARD OF REALTORS CORONA DEL MAR Crmo:-;A DElr 'MA R l:'\C'OMF. \'a MOil-" unltA A pt h ,.~ Ill mr• L ynur wa'n111 S ll,(10() t 11 $110 111111 ALSO 2 bdrm hom.. 1 un1pltl"h f 11m l&t\f'd d!lllblr l'lrAI!'" $14 !.1111 CALI. ~t1&1' l<fJhl-"t1'11l Har 21!1~ :\13~ Ct1H,t HW''. CD M $1500 down $1 SOI down $1500 down · Eve. Har. 0829·R# J 8r :1 t Owner's Sacrifice LAROE 2 bdrm. bQuM, ~ .. blC.t<:\I to Bay, :Z hlo~.J to bu.1lne1111 r~n · t"(· $9.[>()() at ~J&-391.h Str,..1. !l;JWJ><>rl BraC'h . Ph. ow nn 8Ycamor. 8·3~7. 32pi:lh s •u:-:JTs. clow t.O ba " *"" • llbn ry . r om .. r lot. Tl'nn• Own· rr 20~-tUl ll.l., B&lbo&. Harbnr 381». \ ·~•7 l.' Nire 2 bdrm homt' OI\ ~fariJ,;nld Ave. Hsu~ 21 ~ ('8r gara~"· hwd. floorR and t1l~. R-2 lot with ro1>m for ;vld1ti11nal dwelling. Only $12,i50 with • t:illo t1nw-n. Balllnre bkC' f"'nt. Op~n d'aily, Sal. & ~un . at 712 H<"liotr11r_<-. C. D. M. 2. \'ery DI('(' 2 bdrm .. close In. }IA" {'XpORrrl bNUl\I, forred Rlr hrat, na~stone frrepJace and Rtrcaaed garage. Full price $13,750. · EXCLt;5JVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 3542 E . Cout Hwy:.~Coron_a del Mar Har~ laeJ i . . I . I . Bl:ANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor • MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine· Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 • OPEN HOUSE l - 5 p. m. 305 Ruby Ave. ~ DOWN. Cha.rm. 2' bdrm. home · Attrac. tum. Nice patio, garage. Full price $17,950. -w TERJl'RONT Deluxe dup ex. One haa 4 bdrms:; batha, and one 2 bdrm.; 1 bath. Both units furn. Laree dbl, IJl'&fe. Finest rentals. S41.500. terms. WA TERJ'RONT. Charm. 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Very attrac. furn. -$29.~. NO. BAY FRONT. 4 bdrm., 2 bath home and 1 • · bdrm. apt. B9th unita furn. Let us sh·ow you th11 TODAY. U5,0fX\ ~erms. MARINE AVE. Business property. 2 good rentals. $291500. Can be handled for $5500 dwn. SEE THIS SHOWPLACE of the 1sland. Bt<autfful 3 bdrm .. d~n­ ing rm. hOfll& on two lot.B. Liv. room and master bdrm. each 30 x 20 with fire'Place. Owner'is leav- ing and says SELL -S35.000.' ... 1. REWARD You'll surely say we're entitled to a rewardjfor of- fering you the opportuajty ot buying this r~~l neat 2 bdrm. home.'. with a fireplace, hwd. floors, conveni· ent to stores & bus line. AND ALSO an income unit ALL FPR $11 ,000. with t erms that 1rre-a knock out. This' 1a SO GOOD that· our listing salesman, Mr. Rayle, is gcing to have OPE N HOUSE on THURS,., FRI .. SAT. & SUN. afternoons (but we doubt that it will last till Sunday). Oh, Yes, the address is 410 ffiIS (South Qf the Hwy.) in CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD OPEN HOUSE Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Sun. afternoons. AT 530 KING~ ROAD ONE OF THE F1NEST 3 bdrm., P 1 bath homes on exclusive J{jngs Rd. Channing design and all rooms are well arranged. light and spacious. Large slid· Ing doors from dining room to outdoor patio. W..to W carpeting, forced air heating, indoor planter, dbl. f{Ar&gl', attractively landscaped and S}:lrinkler sys• , tcm. This borne will please the most discriminating buyer. Priced at only ~22,750, very attractiv~ terms. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Russ, Wm. C. Schmidt 312 Ma~ Ave .. Balboa laland Associates Harbor 2042 ""C" THOMAS "C" TH0~1AS "C" THOMAS "C" THUM.AS "C" THO MAS and Buy Now for Your Summer and Year Around Home BA YSHORES -Atlracti~· modern 3 bdrm. FURNISHED ........ _ .. $19,500 BA YsttORES -Exceptional 3 bdrm. RANCH etyle, Extra lge. cor. lot ...... $38.250 . BEAUTIFUL KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME WITH SWIMMING POOL. -A Must See!.-" _ . $'42.500 LIDO WATERFRONT -3 bdrm. rompletely Fl.JR. NI. 'HED, just redecorated inside and outr PIER "and FLOAT - Only .. .. . ... --···-_ --·-... S58,500 "C" THO MAS, Realtor . 224 W. Coast Highway, Nc\\'J>Ort Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C'' TI-10~1.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THO~IAS "C'' THOMAS -NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE Ownl'r mo\'ing and has priced his nice ho~ to S<.'11 quit•kly ~ Check tbese !£1.\~.ure~;. . • l -Nic<'. unobetructC"d ocrnn vie\V 2-Nrar stMes & tr1:1n!>portat1on 3-3 nicC' tx-drooms with nmple d oscts 4-Hx22 living room with flagstone firrr1f11'f' & la rge \'lew window ,. y xtO dining room 6-Handy 1.-shaped kitchen 7-Har\\\'9od FJooMr. Furnnce 8-Laq::e 2-car gara~<' • 9-0nly ~ t i ,950. FHA Loan includes taxes, in· l!Urancc. Interest and principal at S83 per mo. Be sure and gee this nice home.'. ' THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har 1741-14i7 -COSlA MESA Owner sa ys ''SELL" This i11 your oppQrt~nity t o ,purchase 1t nic<' 3 bdrm. home in J:O<XI h1<'alion. East Co!ita ~IC'sa. E11~,. t<.'rm::. . . EARL W. STANLEY, Rea ltor l ~th & Jn·111r . .:'\l'W(lOrt Rt•:td1 L1 ~1 t~ • -~GG I t Ew:: Ll 8-i 056> 1:;\ t7 ~ . -- p. a. ·Palmer inco r porated developers of Lido .. Isl, .. Almost Finished Designed !or gracious ll\·ing, New Orleana wrought Iron and ahuttera add ~ ~ graceful, old world lines making this outstandingly inviting. Charming planted entry, elate tirepl&ce, louvred p~ through from kitchen to_.cii.ninz...a~. N.Yl9!1 Vi.scoae £_arpet· ing, 3 bdnni. and,2 ~aths,, alidin~ glaaa doors to patio. Therm. oven and range, disposal and to~ch plate uh cabinet.a. See this deluxe home today! $34,000. Another h9me by the same builder, very similar ex- cept it'a on a com er and ha.s 4 bdrm.s. and 3 baths and also 2-fireplaces. lf you des ire a larger home come in and we will be )lappy to show you why we think this is a t errific-'buy at $37,tOO.' ' BUILDERS OWN HOME on 60-ft. wide north BAY- FROI\T'f site\ Extremely beautiful master bdrm. suite with frple., 2 large bdrms .. maid's room and a \'l'ry lovely guest house. Full dining room, bar, boat house, 2 boat slips. etc. lt you are interested in a larger BA YFRONT home you ahould see thi.a. ·-Sll0,000 .• p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha·nson.,co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 • Loctk below -on~ is your~ ! .... Bark Bay beauties -Located in thr mos• bt'autl· fuJ area of the Back Bay stands 2 bou.sc-s on the 11ame street -Both are artistically dt-si~1eJ with tbe accent on Early A.merican. Om• is•3 bdrma., 2 batha at ~25,4 50.' The other is 3 bdrms. & ·iaau1~ 1room pnred ·at $25,950. Latge lots & plrll'ty oi room, • Both will be open Sunday! Call us for addtelilet and directiona. Ask for ·Bill Famsw6rth or Bill Mess<>nier Large view -Small price ,. Immaculate 3 bdrm. view home. a r<'al buy at - .. $17,950. Low dov.'Tl , adjacent lot also available. Ask for Dave Osburn. Fun House on Lido You'll get a big·lciek--oot-()(..thifi cute 2 bdrm. home with fireplace, double garage. Beautifully Cl}rn· ished and ready to move into. Excellent value at $21,-150. I p. i. 'palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8·5573 COSTA MESA Th is Week's Leader HOUSTON VALUES Peninsula Home ! OPPORTUSITY knoek1 again! S 1.000 du\\1l wtll move you into a 11r .. 11me or comfortable living In lh111 n••nrlv new 3 bl'dr·oom a1lornble ramily home m excel· lent nl'lghborhood close In Eut· -:a • , .... .a...Q1·p1•sr..-.. UNUSUAL QUALITY -3 bdrm. HOME. Almost new. Built in oven & range, garb. disp., patio, on sewer. E . side, cloee in. $3000 down. SMALL 2 BDRM. BUNGALOW. $6250. Nice E . side location. -E Z Terms. CLIFF HA VEN. 3 bdrm. & big playroom. $5000 dn. e inform. on these Lytle LI 8-254.2 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.P~ESS -PART IV • PAGE 1 , THURSDAY, APRIL 2.8, 1955 - 6~R!!(, £.ca(., Balboa lslaTid MOOR YOUR 60-FT. boat to )'OUr own private pif'r a11d fl oat in fronf of this dt'lightful .\ bdrm. "Little Island'' Ba.lboa:n-English home. l'r\c~1tbout SiS.000 . l''OUR BEDROOM, 1 1: ba th home nt':tr S1,uj h Ray. Large living room. All on one fl oor. nrast1cally re- duced. f'riet-$26.500 -$7.500 htlndl<'!I. TWO B~DROOMhone b~th, 11\rs~ Hvin' rm .. Ol<'<'IY turu...holtie. R f'ady to move in at ~21 ,~()0. • . .. -NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent ho\usc bd rm .. f)fus three othent, 3 batb.s, spotless. S26.500. CUTE. CLEAN. DELIGHTFUL \'ncntlon home. l bdrm., dbL gar. Patio."den. Charmang. St5,750. Sub- mit your down payment. ......... _. -• EAST BAY FRONT, nearly new hous<' plus income apt. -$55,000 · Balboa Isla nd Income FIRST OFFERING of thiB outstanding South Bay home. Designed for immediate con\'ers1on tclose l door) t o two units. Perfect buy fo r ('X<'Cuth·e re- laxation and tax relief. Two livi n~ rooms, fiN'place, 5 bdnna., 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Price about $65,000. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA Y'S superior, home11. 4 bdrme., 3 bath.11. Absolutely exceptional liying room, fenced yard. -$32.000. VISIT EUROPE this summ.er FilEE on lnco.me from Otis beautiful Beacon bay!ront 6 bdrm. home le apt., 3-car garage. BAY SHORES -WE SPECIALlZE -Consult us tor exclualvc. desirable homea. CALL HARBOR 177!5 OcJOr"-b11•new11 y ' . , Pace 11ellmg \lal11e, at JI0,950. A H OME WITH THE HALL- MARK OF GRACIOUS UVINO, Roomy with 4 bedroom• and :Z baths. 3 bedrooms up and ont down. Situated on 2 Jare• comer lot• tot.almg 75xl02 !eel. Large llvmg room w ith flrt place, W ~o W carpeting. F\111 lot patio, bad· mlnlon court, ~auOl'Ully land· 1caped. Ideal tor J~ family. • ~---_...."lf----a~._.,.--.,..., ....... --.--........ ~ [EY, Realtor . . .. ' Charm Personifi~d VERY Sf:l~M are we fortunate <'nt>Ul(h to list a home with auch a ppeal. Ir you 1trc lir~ ·or look· lni;: 11l wdmary houses then let u1 11how yuu l h11 p1clureaque Rustic w ith 2 !urge bedrooina and dt>n opening onto a bt'&UtlfUI encl•Jsed ptHlo with covered lanul-yl.'s, bath a nti ~. tlre- P.llll't'. 111.lwd. lloor1. dlnlng and break(&!lt al'elUI! Unm1ttl.'hed tor most wan led l{lcallon I U 3,950 wllh excrllent terms. . . . First Time Listed AND WI'! CHALLANOID YOU to bi>at thl11 buy! Immaculate 3 b<lrm. home 111 a beautjJul gar· 1t,.n Ju11t " pltch and a putt from the i;(Olf cuur.se .•• Larg-e room•. hJw1t. floor11, flreplact', copper plumbing, wcather-Atr lpped - real quality throughout and compll'tl'I.)' r•pa1nted 11.J1d rede- corattd. i1 Ul~ full prtce with a GI • FHA loan p11yablo $69 pa month lncludln~ lU<'• and 1nsura11ce. . . . ..-.., Fresh a~ a Daisy AN APPEAL.L"IO 3 bdnn. home on a beautl(ully landscaped cor-• ner lot wit h lht' moat attr.acuve Jlll.llO and barbequo you've l'Vtr Aten ... SH,700: May we ehow you through ? Bay & Beaoh Re alty · 1606 Newport Bl\'<l, <.:ll~la Mna, Calif, Lrbtr.ty 8·1161. E\·rs. LC 8·31!'i8 EXCLUSIVE SHORECUFFS - M-1 on SUPERIOR -110 ft. frontage with nice 2 bdrm. house. Sewers In & pd., only $10,000. LOOKY • LOOKY -Only $6500 for this older, but GOOD 3 bdrm. on Santa Ana, Npt. Hts. ONE OF THE NICEST 3 ~ORM. HOMES in golf club area. EAte. inform. on these, Petitte LI 8-5487 . C-2 ON NEWPORT BLVD.· downtown area. 80-ft. frontage. Chiropractors suite of offices. 2 bdrm. home Ii rental uni~ Valuable, piece of property. A home & opportunity to carry on a good practice. $5000 will handle. ' 4 ACRES ON BACK BAY. Wonderful view. Priced right. Will divide. . 4 BUILDING LOTS 55x135 CLOSE IN WEST SIDE On paved St. Must be sold t ogether. Bargain at $5600 cash. Eve. inform. on these Seymour Har. 5298-W DUPLEX on BAY A VE. in NEWPORT BEACH. pc. rental location. A step from the bay. S4500 handles. _ M-1-4 ACRES. Paularino district. $5000 an acre. l a down. L.. f?ve. inform. on theee, Benner Har. 1611 HOUSTON REALTY & Associates 509-~nter St. Uberty 8-6911 Costa Mesa Llberty 8· 7784 • • BAY SHORES • Open Hou se Sat. & Sun. 1 -~ EXCLUSIVE USTING • e Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista or·. e Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplace. dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, term&. AND • 2601 Ba y Shore Drive • 3 bdrms .. 2 bathe, bay ,·iew home -A.11 electric house. Bujlt·in range & oven. Carpeted ~mi drap· ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting rel:itioni1 or .. triends. Full pri<'e S29,500 -Tenns. F or preview showing. call H arbor 1600 - ( Eve1. Ubcrty 8-5386l FIRST TIME on~F:RF.O Vny lt)\'t'ly 1 hri c bedronm' rusrom bmlt huonl' 1-&rJ:I' mlll!ler tw-tl· '""Ill Ancl b.1tl., plu~ fl.,o bl'tf<'r than ave~I:" 111ze l>e<hooma w1lh :.!nil b11lh. Living rodm hM large flrrplace Md rtdwood paneling. • ~:xt r<'mt Iv runvt'nlt'nl k1t ch"n - b111l1-1n ,:1N•t11c r11ngc and thrl'- m111lnr n\'•'n, h1 l'l\kfn:1t bar iipen- ini: mt11 A cozy dining room. L1v1ng room 11.nd kitchen hllve l\CC'l'l!ll lo tnrlo.111rd patio with brl1•k borh~Cll<'. Ho113e 111 Ranch stylr w1Lh ht-avy i1pht shake roof. Ovrr1<lzefl rlouble garage. lnter- 1or 111 <"Omplet<!ly c11rpeled wall tn wnll anrl dr11pr., 11re lncludrd F'l'fC't'd 111r (Uml\Ct'. View ()( ""t'lln and !11n.J~cape.I. Lot 6!11t· 160 • .F:xcluto1ve with us Md we hf\\'t' 111-. k ty, HARBOR INVESTMENT.CO., REALrORS Fre'd J. Crosier ·and Assoc. 3~'10 Eul C'OA~t 'Highwa y Corona de! Mar Ttlt'phone Harbor 3!\il ~alboa Island BA YFRO~,.. accent. on locall0tt, 4 bdrm. oldtr •ell built hom•. pier t. noat, UJ.000 and wtll • worU\ IL ~II today. Rex Rechs, Realtor Z307 W, B&lboa Dl\ld., ~ewport Harhor 987. 45cH Need Larger Home ~n·~T ~r.t,I. nrarly n1•w :i tlllrm hu11.11r, large corner loL Hwd. fl~ rs thniout, flreplAct'. Patio I~ ' n<'ln~,I 3 1tc1u . PIH\:f: llY Z::?21 San~C\ Alla • /\,,. (.'\"" M!!I&. r n. ow~n LI ~ 71 "G 3.;~13H Newport Bl\'d. at 30th St., Newport I3eacb . -LOOKING FOR THESE 1 Corona del Mar Near new 2 bdrm., just a few et.eris from Carnation Cove -$17.000 Balboa Jsland "Little Island" home· 3 bdrms. & 1 1:.: baths. Two bdnn. apL -~26,500. Near North Bay -3 bdrm1<., 2 baths F urn. S5000 t.l uwn ~ F ull price $19.5ntt. -Costa Mes.a ~am home -Back Bay area, 2 bdrm. & den. two fu cplaces, custom fen ~u rc11 thruoul. Carpded. Only $24.950. W AlDRON RE,A.l TY 308 Marine An., Balboa Island Harbor 02¥ • • • Peninsula Income ! TW O HOUSES FOR THE PRICE OF O='E! Two unlta on C>ne ltveL 2 bedroom apt. In rl'&t , one bed· room front. 1'\lce •tucco prop· ~rty wllh a 2 car garage and pret~rred ft'nt31 arta. FurnJahtd, oC course. S18,500. terms. • • • Balboa Duplex! Sf A C I 0 US UPPER APART· MENT. tumlahrd, .with 2 bed· room• and a one bedroom lower recently modernized . . . di• pos&I, conlrolle<I hu \ a.nJ every- UUng. Lar ge lot, room tor one more unit. $16.M>O. terms. • • • -Peninsula Duplex ! ~O O~E ABOVE OR BENEATH YOU JN nus SEMJ-DETACH· F.-D DUPLEX. Large comer lot. Each untl has 3 ~droom1 aru1 :Z baths. Tt rrtflc !or a hom• with 1nt•omr or for rental purpoAH only. $29,750, only J6,700 down. • • • Ocean Front Home! Oli"R BEST OCEAN FRONT VALUE ON THE PENINSULA. Dan<ty view ot 111 boat acUvlty. 2 bedrooma, living room wllh !irepla.ce, furnished, and a ter· rlnc patlo. Your chance of a life llme for a.n Ocean front home. Only $18,!IOO . Balboa Realty Co~ Rou Oreelt y Al Comellu1 Ed LN Jack Pinkham JCMM!phlne Wtbb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. !ALBOA -9~y Front Duplex ~ um~hcd and within walklnr dis· lance iit lhe 1Jbr11ry tn Balboa. uuoe. TERMS. Duplex in Balbo a < .;-.: F:A ~T liA Y A VF. , 1 blk frnm bnv. C'ompl,.tely fumli<hell. Ex· r .. 111 nl r,.ntal a1 ea: \\'&lkll).K db· llH1< r to libr11 ry. 2 • "flroom ti •11••· r•l11• 1 be•irm ""t 121 !,OO ·n:1:~t:-;. ,Costa . Mesa :-llC'F" 'J HEl•RM. H U\.;SE on !)Ox· 1111' l...t. Walk1n.: tl<11t111n t to ~I r•• k C'11lhflll1" vhnril St 3.000. i:;xn:1.1.E:O.I Tt-"RMS. Coast Properties :\•I I f-: Rlll1Yl11 Rlvtl B11lbl\11 !1111 bnr "2M8; 2:.97 and •600 • Lido Lots 1;,• LOT STRJ.:1-:r TO 8TRli:~I Isl lime ofCeted.. AU rer tlv" buy ~o telephone lnf .. nnallon Homes \\'F: H~ VE 1.lSTl!llGS In 1111 llrrn• IA't ti• •flnt.l what y'>u v.11nt N. B. C. ·Re alty Co. 32nd 6 Newport Blv<l . Npt. Bch Harbor 140:1 Bay Front . Income 3 t.~"TTS-2 • I bed.room•. tum• l11hed. Pier, float and prlnle buch. 1000 E. Balboa Blvd .. BalboL Crutvl<'W l!ete. Cour· lt'll)' lo broker•. Ullo 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. "You'll Want It" when you att it, for here is a Top Lido buy ready to-be moved into for $24,225 full price. 3 bedroom& and 2 baths, -eompletrly furnished right down to a deep freeze, washer and dryer. It's on a wonderful street a step away from the beach. Street to street loL Moat pleasing inter- ior with a brick Ureplace and open plan. A venatile home, it can be a fine family home for year round living, or the perfect stlmmer home, or buy it for Income -(aummer renta abead). ~e can wor~ out ex~Uent terma for you. Exclusive with us - A WONDERFUL BRAND. NEW HOME with thrt'e bdnm. 2 are full size and the muter is extra large. 2 tiled baths, muter bedroom carpeted aod aliding doors open from it onto a magnificent aundcck. Beautiful kitchen with built-in oven and range. dis· posal and diahwa.sher. Separate dining area. Used brick fireplace, paneling, fine wallpapers and epeclal Ugbt fixtures throughout. U's extra nice and ~clu· aive with us for $29,500 full price with excellent tenna available. .·Shore 'Cliff Lot A large well located homesite. $16,000 caah -Better eee it! A scarce item -Very few left. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido ·Harbor 4444 {ACROSS FROlL RICH ARD:S MAR.KET ~NTR~CE) LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA Lo\'cly 3 ~rm., 2 bath. Very Jgc. home on '50 Jot.• Com- fortable liv. room, forced air heat and lanai on one of the nicer Slf1. $32,MO. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • • 2575 tCSTIN A VE. 3 bdrms., 2 bath!I. Back Boy \'icw. -$21.000. . . , • , 4.bdmis., 3 bath~. 2yrnn; olrl. · Unde;,rice<l at $31 ,500. 1:. Arn• 011 x 300. ~1-1 with • 12811 i.q. rt. 1111 m<>tnl bl<lg. Wired f11r 110-220. $13,150. . .. --1: 2 bdrm. P 1 bri th. U!\<'fl brfrk firt'place. Thcrmarlor, d1s- po.sal, dr~ & cpts. S23.750. . .. Corner lot 200· x rt6' :M-1. 10' x 60' all md.d l)lclg. S20,000. 21 .: Acre~. M·J -,,21,500. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIE8 Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Office 3l12 Lafayette, Newport Har . 3643, Har. 2!)!J9 evN1, Just lo the· rig ht of L1dn Bridge Entrance BATHIN<.; SURF -CASTING BOATING F or enjoyable living on Balbon's lu\'f.;ly ON·:1 n front. Buy this outstaudiog 4 bdrm .. :! b:ith oa.,n front home -with a view of the bay nntl ci<·•'·nn from tho upstairs living room. At th<' pr'1cc of p,,000 rum. -ft'• absolu~ly the ht-st buy it the beach. The Vog.el Co. 3201 W. C.out H*Y., NpL B<:h. Liberty S.3481 ·• • -\ • PAGE'S . PART IV -NEWPORT HAftBOR NEWS.PJtE~S THURSOA Y, APRIL ·28, 1955 ltf> at P or( rAu. on . thl' Quit ot __ ..;... ________ ..__ M:~:·~rlean• and Lou1111ana have McK~NZtE ~ERYES tallltd quite. a bit or money for ON ,OUCE ,ANEL Thompsons' Son in Atomic Test .. tht1r atatt treuury from lhe oft _ 1 • llhore 011 drtlllnic 1n the Gulf ot Coll& MfN Polle. Chltf An.; Mulco. t.oulalana I• the b•C win-J.lcKeoi1e Mrvtd on . the ner In lh11 uplorauon. They have "mtlhod ol operaUon" panel EXPANSION IN ,SOUTH CAMP DESERT 1\0CK, N'EV.7 Set. Robut K. Thompaon. 23, wnoee tnlher, W~llam E. ntomp- ioon, llvra at :?38 Flower St.. Coa ta Mt&a. la 1rhf'dUll'd to t.a.ke pert In a tactical armored tu.I< torct manwvu durlng tile rurrent 19M atomic tr11ta In Nevada. • t made 11orn .. fabuloue bonu1t1 trON durtnr Wednisday'a bank rob- the Callfornl" Compa n y and bfory conference ln Sllllt6 Ana Humblr and :)ht'll 1111d it appt!ara city hall 1ponaored by the "'-l the at.ate treuury la now fllll Federal Bureau of lnvaUp· co overfl~inK with rrlonl'y for the non. ApproxJmakly 12~. per-BRINGING PROGRESS - ~ . .· I firat time m many, many ynn. llOC• attende_d. lncludln1. all .:.XP.A~-·o· N E \rJDL"'iT. Oran~ County be.ntte,.. a.nd ~ '"' peace officer• apec:lallainr '" New-Subclivisiom, Schools. He V.111 be a.11'19ng BOO aoldieni . who will ~ .. tch an atomic exnJo- •lon ~d then move toward Ground Z<'ro u part <1f the tuk fMl'I.'. Thi! manruvtr wlll be the flr•t of Ila kind for U . 8 . llOldlerw umlergolng a tomic famlllarlu.tlon. Industries Developing Area They'rr bulld1nr roada, and robbery. bridgea and plll.QJllng m&J\y n.ew -------------11chool1. School•. pllrtlcularly, lo Ed. Note: Ji'ollowing la 1.n article WTJtlen •by the publlaher ot tt)e Newpo1 t Harbur N"W•·l'l'e .. •le· scribing. New OrleaM which he \'1•ltefl nn a rt'Ct·nt trip tolllfltrvl"y the o:I industry of tM gulf. By BF.S REDOl<'K We learn<'tl 11ome new lh1nga about Amenca again. There are 1tlll pl11cu In· lh.-Cnltl!d Sta\ Pl wh .. re you ran 1n11ke a phone call tor a nickel or g_tt your evenln( n~ap•per for a nirktl. Tt'd Ham· brook. man•(er or lhe Newport Beach .. xch•nge or t h11 teltp'hone company will probably b<' happy to know that you can dial all oC Dalla.a, Tex.a• for a nickel. Th11t'• quite a 11pot of countryside and thty don'l dl11conMct you while you are talking. In ll:ew Orleana you can gt>t a nl!Wllpaptr. a pretty good slzt'd chunk of n<'w11paper, for a nickel. They've 11t11I itol llOml! fl ve t'enl atrttt car Hdu and you can ride a taxi rab from one 11l1le of Jd· ff'raon Pariah to the far aide oC Sl. Chorll'a for 70 c:ent11. Price• hllvPn't hit the pot In the .great 80Uth. llerve the Ntcro population. They cout a.a a jtw flilh) taken from •Ull the bu.y thorofare of thla a.re atUJ tranlin" here with J.he the other l!nd. The sA wirt'na, It JCTelilt end of the bayou COWltry. Idea o! equal but uparate opp<>r-aeem1 back up through Lake There are 1t111 1treetcara movlnf. turiltl<'ll for the Negro. Jim crow, Borne from Braden Sound whlle clattering arid banging and you sltll llVPll In New Orleani. The the treah wat.r I• fed tn from the can hear lhem run acron the hol· atreN cart 11ay, "Thia l!ectlon re· rlvl!re and bavoua In the Inland 1 area and .OmeUma. from \_he Mis· low •lorm Main aecllona of Cana Mrvl'd for colorrd," and the white -'I' Street. And lhe atreet car11 •Ill J>1e0ple go rorw~rd -and the colo~ alulppl. ~o off to M>me aecUone of the pei:>ple occupy their 11«tlon. Thty Thty are not much worried here bu11lneu dlatrict. say there 1s no dlacrlminaUon. about the ruing watl!n of the PRICES RJ:ASOSA.BLE lhey Juat hold eecllona to .Pleue Ml•lulppl becau.ae they it.Ill have th People Ponchartrain, Into which gnat We had breqfut In the $t. r · C.h I u t I t th Old ar ?\'ew Orlean1 la a proud cltl:-qu&11UUu oC that muddy river a r ea .,o e one o e e It'• proud ot 1•· put, Ill pr•Knl water can be poured. It can r&IM amt most famoua In lhl• 1ect1on ... ' th i r t with t Sgt.. Thompaon, a membir of the ·72Srd 'rank Bat Wion'• Mead· q1W\rtera and Service Company at Camp l rwln, Calif., entered the Army In 11>48. Hla wife, Shelby, llv1•1 at Camp lrwln. Two Injured in Thre·e-Car Crash of the country; We had ham and and lt'a planning tor the future. ree or our l!e ou over· rgga w ith coffee. coffee with au th· rt pl&lfa ft dlttuently than we do -flowing' anythlnf. .And that'• • Minor Injuries wen sutt'el'M by ority and mavor and tutt and In Ca lifornia. lt attma that planll lot or water over 30 mllu tn Julian 8. Bennett. 34 or Sa!! Diego body and aroma and we had all we are forcl!d upon them here. But length and u far a ero.a u one and Gordon Evet#tt Somua of could l!at. and it w_. 70 cenla. And the put, It trenuru u d U1l!re can .... Chula Vlata when the two can there were t.'altl!rs, waitrea.U. and 11 atatuary and clf'C'lea and atreeta they .Vere driving SaturdAy era.Vi· bua boya all going about thl!lr n.amed 'for the (l'tal people or the New Orll!&lla la coming of a ge. ed with a third driven by Thomu bualnu;j and It didn't 11eem like Loul11lana put In thle aru .. You've! It ia beauUfyinr It.a whole coun· Jackaon CUshman, 69, of 417 Sem there wu a ihortage of help In f ol to be aure that you don't tryaJdl!. There are beauUfuJ areu Drive, police .aid. Tht a C'C1dtnt OC· New Orleans. _ snlrkcr 't'hrn you lhould ju1t ot homea and houiln• beinr deve· curred at Cout Highway and Sta· .I lllTllle, when a Loul1!11nan la talk-.. " ward Rbad. There'• a big new bUlll&IAI under Ing about aome particular point loped.. TheN'• a '171g ~Uhtr~· club All three cara were gOlnf eut. way In New OrlMJ1a. lt la tht ctt-In his community. 1l may be a very area bl!inr built .,or the colored on Coast Highway, oN!cl!rli u1d. ru., lndulltry and really they (TOW Mcrtd point to him, or to other population. lt wm have a coif Cu~mi.n WAS 11topPf'd to make a goot1 oranicu. Good oranges that peoplu o! thle part or the coun· courM and a lake and aome t~ lett turn with &!\nett et.oppffl be- ta, If you do0n•t like the rlrh ora,nge try. • ato ..... homea btln• built with 1_ ... _ hind him when Spmer'a car 8lruck color of a• allfomla aunk.lat. be-• HONOR PAST .,, " ""' the rear at ~netl's auto, push· cauae the11~.orangu he~ are yel· There I• Jack110n, and there la l!rsl a1d, on a alum cle11rance and Ing It 1nto CUahma n'1. the report .. LOCAL FAMILY BENEFITS FROM FUND ' Three of the leaders for the recent Service Fund campaign of.the Salvation Anny, Lero, Ander-Son, chairman of the Mel'a Committee, Paul ~igbton, treasurer, and W. J . Mep. hapi, campaign organizer, are shown viewing the late.st adi:yinistralive, contribution from the Costa. Mesa· service fund colll\cted by the Salvation ~rm~. A hoist to lift the two chtldren of Mrs. Wallela JWerman of Costa Mesa, aifli.cted with m~scular d.ystro. . phy, was installed in the liagl'rman home to assist in care for the am1ctC'<l <'h1ldren. The loeal fund Is on hal'ld ror a<'livation for relief techniques f or diatreeaed familiee, low. A very poor grade ot gt'ffn JC!ffenion Davia and therl! ,_,.. redevelopment project. a id. yellow-they 'k>ok 11.k~ a bad CTaP'· atatuee upon 11tatuu-1tatuea of :...:.._;_ __ .:._ _ _;:,_.:.;,...:., ____ _;_:..;..;._ ______________________________________ -:-____________ _ The growth la here, &lld UlcY fruit In C&llfomJa, but they hava La. P'ltt.e and O.oer&l Beaure- SOUTH GROWING stat~ Mepham, wh;never such relief ls required. are bulldlpg new homea and put'· a l'ood f\avor-and they are aweet 'guard and Ju•t d<>«l!fta of others. Ung In sub-d!vl1tona. They are and they !!o have body to them. buJld a1r ta1kJn of new achoola great.er They've had to a new • HWa g faclUUea and ~ter llnu-Some ot OW' frtl!ndi here told port In New Orluns. It aetl'NI that d t~ •to keep up w1t.h their ua I.bey haw trouble try111g to keep when the alrllnu bepn u.tng the :;r eo':un uJatlon. And that'• Ot&J\ll'M. that 1f you buy • couple gtant DC 7'a and Conet.eUatlooa 'the :mS:P our Pacific '.)ou t. of doun ~d take! them home, that the runway1 along Lake POD· Juel ~ that you've got to figure on thl!m cbartraln were not long l!nough We alao learned'-._ lot about ped· belnc eaten in Juet a couple ot and t he.re wu l'lo tnunedl.aUI -y e•trlan travel In Ne'llV Orleani. We daya. They do not keep well. There· to extl!nd tbern. So they juat moftd learned how acile a pedec!rlan can fore, there are no Loulelana or-around the perlmrter of the lake, Ii. and how quickly he muan. move, anr1!11 11hlp!>f'd away from the ml!t· and built a new lntematlonal air· tn order to avoid being whapped ropolitan New Orleana area. They port 1t 13 used largely by the air· wtth a fendt• of a bua or eveo a are an utll!d berl! line~ with the former ~autil1il •treet ear or an automobile. FLOOD 001\'TROL New Gwans. municipal airport There la one rule here. they being Utw!d for private a irplane. !lave a little yellow rubber pad Therl!'ll aome talk In Nl!w Or· and bualneu planu. w1th l!Ome N•· that they n~1t to the atreet whu-luna about the MJl&lsllppl. lt tlonlll Guard Installation• being enr a pedeat.r1an 111 killed. T h.at'• 11eem1 that the gnat old man of there. a~ut ·an the right a pedutrtan riv.era 11 up \o the U·ft. ll!vtl FlSRINO OJ?D1TY baa tn Nl!W Orlea.na. and yet you which Ill w1thln 3 feet of high nood 11ever '" anyone r et hit. stage. Once again, lhty are talk· Speaking oC Ponchartrain. that'• Ing about flood control and re· quilt a body ot water. It'• more 'l'HEY MOVE DOWN THERE routing or the MiHINippl tn to than 30 mllea long-they tell ml! The cull are more careful, but Barrataria Bay "° that It would without a 11mlle or wlnk t.hal you parllcularl:y are the pedestrians take a shorter course to the Gulf can catch glanl tarpon In the one ureru1. They don't j11.1t defy you ot Meltico for travel and would end or t he lake, and you can catch to hit Uiem, they move quickly aan coMtderable time ln ahlpptnr. fruh water fish In the otMr end. and they \lon'l •lop ln the middle But th.al would have to be an They prove It by aaytng and lt'a of the •treet to carry on their auxiliary canal becauM of the vut a fact that the! world'• record taJ'- noon1111y conv.,.rnUon• or lo dl11· lnvutml!D t• at Carllele, PhoeniJt. pon wu <!aught ln Lake Ponchar- cuu the ureHe• or hala of the Nero. De Vonnt, Port au la Heche train. We saw aome blK fruh ~In• lad.lee. Th•;r ~ove out ol and all ot the other apota aJonc -ter tMaaa and t reah water trout \.,.. the W.y and ~ on a cornw to Ute MJ....,.pp wti.... there la .In· tall.n from PonchartraJn, one end; havl! a cup of cofrel!. dullt.ry and ah.lpptnr u It ..,end.I while there wa.e a black .-bus, 'Canal Street In New Orleana la Ill muddy way toward• Ila out-' (commonly known on th• PacUtc . What•s the best place to save for Cowboys, Indians and Space Cadets? 0( all 1hc rea~Ons for saving mo~y-and there are hun~rcd~0-ctrtainly none is hiwr or more important than hui/ding up a nest-egg to ~kc care of your childrdn's future. A nd where·~ the best place to huild up your nest~~., Right now, 14 million American~ think the best pl:.tct i~ an in(urcd Savings aod1 Loan Association! Here'\ "hy! ONE-You ~et t-xrrllmt rnum.r. That's ~­ came insured 9-vings antf Loan As(QC'jations ia¥est '°°" of their run<U in sound, sady· peying ~ mortga~ TWO-Your savin~ are JO/e-protected by ·sood management and .substantial reserves. 1My are insured up to $10.000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation-an agency oftbc U.S. Government. THREE-Th~ Associations arr loail mgan- izations. They offer f riLNJly, helpful al'td con· vntiMI .ttrYfc,, : And here's &nothn-point : When you'rt think - ing of buying a h.ome. mnCTT)ber lhat insur~ Savi_nv and tpan As~ociat!s>ns make liberal loans. They sd to it that you ~et .the l1lOnC') quic.ldy-and at moderate rates.. Why not come in and o~ savin!JS ~ts for younclf and for your childrtn • today. And if you need a home mortgap:e loan. lefa talk about h ' • .:.:a. t ••~too . .. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVl"GS LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ and Vie 33~ NEWPORT P. A. Polmer, Pre•ident · JPf -~ t.iclo H.,.bor 4200 a I :. ... _. BEACH CALIFORNIA m.-.-. ~ Memb<'r or the ~a,ings llnd Loan Foundation. Inc .. sponsor o! thla advertieement LQ I.JFE: SATURDAY EVENING POST and TW.E.. • • See it- . . Driv~ it- WIN IT'! You'll flncf a wortcl of now fun ot tho wheel of a now Chevrolet-and the e•· dtfn9 discovorfH yo11 Malle can help ·you 'win onel Driving a beautiful new Chevrolet is thrill enough any time. It ia e\'cn m?re rewarding right no.w, bec.ause the things you find out on your drive can help fou win a 1955 Chevrolet plus a·$1,000 U. S. Savfngs Bond! For instance, your dri,·e will show you what it means to ait in ChevrO-: let's luxurious Fisher Body, to sec all four fenders from the driver's seal, and to get a man's-size look ahead through a SwceP-Sight vinrlshield. ¥ott'll learn that Chevrolet · puts new comfort in going! Ne~ Glirff.'- R ide front suspert!Tt>n and Outrigger rear springs take. no nonsense from the roughest roads. Thl•re"s a new ease to guiding the car with' Ball-Race Steering, a new smoothnesa to all sto~ with .Anti-Dive Brakinif Con- trol. and frf'sher air from Chevrolet' a new High-Level ventilation system. You'll discover .the thrill of .com- manding alert, responsive power - whether you dri\'e Che\'rolet's new l 62-horsepowcr "Turbo-Fire VB" or one er the two new 6's. All th<'se en- gines boast the only 12-\'olt elPCtrical srstem in the low-price field. Yoo can learn about the· smooUrnesg-of three great tt·ansmissions-fully automatic Powerglidc. new O\'crdrin (extra- cosl options) and SynC'hro-Mcsh. Come in soon. Pick up your entry blank and gt'l th" complelt' details on Che\·rolet's big Miracle Miie Con~sL Jt•s easy to enter and you'll enjoy your- s<>lf. \\'e suggest you drop in while there's still plenty of time left to win 1 MIU(9,- 102 NeW _Che;rolets ~l1!'8 · ~ ·(t~ ... $1 ;000 U.S. Savings Bonds Gipen Away · It's easy! Jt's fun! A demonstra- tion drive can gi\'e you clues to help you be a winner! There's no cost-n&thing to qu}·. Come in for entry blank and complete detail&. • ,,. • t DON'T IUY ANY YI UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED CHEVROLET'S RECORD • SMASHING ''TUllO • FIRE VI" I t . MILLER CHEVROLET CO. NEWPORT IUCH ,.._. Uberty 18-2261 " • t