HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-02 - Newport Balboa Press•• -• f I .107 Yacht Entries Listed . for -Newpott-Ensenada Run . ~ Lut minute prepa.raUone a,.. be!Jll' mi.de tJu-c>uPout Newport k&rtlor tor the UUIU•l Newport.·EnHna.da ~ Thursda) when 170 ll'fr1ta will let fly with a.JI ac:roM tht at.arUnc lln.e o!t 4.11• ~Uy M Mae.-• ._ . ko11ow1n1 11 ll1t of boat entrl.a Wlttl OWMT", All aumbtt, rt1. Ball.rlna Muleamelle )lal'a 9erena Luk Jrenu O.llfht ~U,.u11 Bhenantpn Coqulllfl i'Pcklnr Chair II usa 8&.lud.a 8 eat1rift 1'Jordly1 !Arend J:venlld• Bayader• J ada AetrM J<Jtwi Vol uni.er Pnma Donna ()(Su•7 Queet Typee Sea QuHn CaroUMI Mornl11r Star Vaerlnger ll Nalu J ohanna Varya )Uc key Bah Medley 8&11tana Rampart Galatea ~lphln• Cntton Bloatom Jllymph Cynjo OCEAN llA.CISO a.AM. !IA.IL OWNER NO. John r. J opllnc K38·1 fl, W . Bhef)'lrd K3&·..2• Larry Courter 63 E . O. Gould PCC12 Gabriel Cla.nnlnl A8 H, C. A Bllrn•y Hu~r " l~ J ohn 8 . Kilroy lC·ll C.rl 'T; Long J e Oren O. Wade 7t Harold C. R•meer 6 Al 81\lnn K38·11 A. Dewey Callah&11 10/l Willie Boyd ,. H US Navy Electron lc:.1 L&boratOl")' l 01 Lyman tf. Yarw•ll lS~ Waltrr 8. John.eon H2 CharlH Ullman 72 BtephH> M'. Nf'wmark J97 Jamu H. Nicholton 77 Georgl' R. Sturgtl 132. Joe ll'llck • !'22 Jl'ndenck W. Lyon PCC8 John 8. Broome f3 Donald Metz K38-211 Richard Steele ~·II Howard F. Murphy 84 WU80n E. Hau 121 Fred F. H•n1• ~ Ashley C Bo,,.'n 32 Rit'h&rd S. Rherm 84 Landon R. Cray 711 Pner Gr{llll e Wiiiiam Lyon• H8 ~orge Carll'r J P»OP H r.. G. O"Bryan 4 J ack G. Helm H ·60 " Dean Harrel • 38 Humpnr"Y Bogart l\'11 Gordon M. Dougher!.¥ 39 R. M. Stockton N ·lO · Jac k Paschall, Jr. 92 Jt. H. Halton Ql8 Bruce Smith K38·35 Cordon A. All•• 76 .. ~--~~~iai.'°"~iiJ.1"41..,_~~C~ou~l~L. E<ldv 13 S ynove t!. Rr>ll'ft 31 Marianne Donald Chilcott 130 Even ing SUr Walter a nd Gen" Trrplt eo Bonnie Doone Eurene W. Welle 232 ltwttp Jo!lllph E . Grant K38·1J 'l'rlnket Clift Tucker 2~0 Wutw&rd R. S. Miiier 23 R enfgade Hale F'leld 239 Tehani Charlu L. Sw1nden Q9 Duhfr Jamea W. Twitty 107 A kahl KeJtlU'th F'. Croan 20 )'lvlng Cloud Earl C CorkeH Q·l &llloquy W. D. Smith l\'.10 Whirlwind Stuart K. Aalx'ock 127 Dtunr Howar<! B. Laweon PCC·H Strlut Howard Ahma.n110n 1().15 Valt>ntlnt MIH Pl'glr)' Slater , 22 Skylark _p,.an Brown 21 L lttlf W1nr J Baillie 8 24 Sf!ll Wolf ManhAll Sawyer 19 Ii<'• Belle E. I.. Doheny 35 Du.~tn Robert Sunipf K·38·9 Bolero J ohn H. Connl'lly JO Rl1que Robert L.. Maw 3 Hlf•ria Owen Ryburn J().S E1,\i£IZ"1'• -··· ..... Earl Scl\,11nrk. Jr-. 29• Rellolute Edf1on Kt. Fabin• 40 ...,,.... M.UtQe a. w .. etQrlb J ..... rr.d....... u Mal ~I John is. orttnth ' !M Constell3tlon Frank HO('lykaaa 141 Jlnker ARBITRARY Ct.ASS <Horge Wellt &11d Clark Swttl Richard ).I. Lunil" Rob<-1 l A. r,!HTUon Rllhl'n11 T ran<Jull\I\ O~ a r Tybrlng F.nN're ~larduat ·· Ceorgr R . W•ll Wilham HoVtnl' Dun OaCr•rh Symfon1 C yp11y Clipper !'elly Bly S1txmnry Thi' Bll1c-k f'rlnc-e Wln,dfall Samsran,; Al~rt C.:. :Marlln, J r. Vernon T. Kelley David Young F rtll Logan Rjora Fabrr n ot>rrt ~. Wlllhun1 £'h1llp C. Smllh --J. C Joh11n11on 20 233 224 7 21T 21 08 SS 7 2• 11 NS 28 G-3 PIO • RIO 81oop .Sloop Ketch Sloop Yawl Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop ·Cutter Sloop Yawl Sch. Sch. Sloop Kf'tch T11wl Yawl S<'h SIM p Srh. S loop Yawl Yawl Y&wl K rtt·h Sln<ip Kr11·h Culll'r Slr>or !';111()(1 Slonr-Sloop Yawl Sch. Yawl Sloup Sloop .cutt"1 ,Sloop Sloup K etch Sloop 9&•t-00 Sch. Yawl Ketch Sloop Sloop Sloop Cutter Slooi; Sloop Sloop ..Vawl Sloop Yawl Sloop Sloop ~:1 Ketc~ Krtch Sloop Sloop Sloop Cutkr Ketch 'J<etcb 8Mot. = Sch. CUtte~ Kelch Cutter Ketch K!ltCh Ketch Sloop Sch SM. Sloop Sloop Yawl Sch. , .. , .... ' HARBOR HAllOI WIATHD ,._,.,..,... \fie ,.., ...... tlle" kanor .,._ ...,.., PR :S-SS ~ ff\Pl.- Tburwday: April 21 •.. 13 Fl"lday. April J9 ··-61 Saturday. AprU 30 .. -60 Sund•)'. May J ............ fO Monday, May 2 &T R&llllall. Apr1.I JO .33.. - 48th YEAR -Nt1MBER 18 · NEWPORT BEACH. CAL.In>RNLA. MONDAY, MAY 2, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1e~- May 1 .34 May J .04 FIRST CRUISE COMES CROPPER It wa;. a sad fi rst sail on the 28-ft. auxiliary sloop Blue Sea for 'purchaser Malden Gregory of Los Angele.!! and hls guests. Friday Gregory bought the sloop, Saiurday he and his guests started for San Pedro. Undertaking maneuvers toward the open sea th&-craft was caught in wind and current and dashed against rocks of the west jetty entrance to N~wpert Harbor. For the $5000 be paid, Gregory has a salvaged b oat hook. The craft was a total 1088: Aboard t he craft were Gregory, Harry Rindfleisch, Roberta Moat. Lola Bushnell, Dan and Harriet Haines, ~l of Los Angeles. Pictured above are lifeguards and volunteer helpers trying to make the wreckage of the ..craft fast against the jetty rock so that it would not ttatlier endanger navigation in the channel. -Staff Photo ~occ SWIM POOLS CLOSED SATURDAY TO iECREA TION Recreational awfinmlng wm not bt a vailable at Oranre· Cout College on Saturday, May 7, It wu announced to· day. The coUcg'e pool• will bt tn UM tor the State Junior College awlmming eh&mpion- llhlpa on that date. Swimming will be ava.llabl• on other BaturdaJ'a u UW&J trom l to 'p.m. Sale$people Aid in Arrest of~ Suspects we11 .. No~. 9 DUI; D~ep Test Fails .. I ... -New Tidelands Production Seen; Kadane Rig Mov Oil took a aetbaok in Newport Beach today u t he rig on the vertical teat well pf Ka.qane and Son in Weat New- port wu being removed. Brown Drilling Co1ppany of Long Bea.ch had aunk a vertical hole ,to a depth of 6000 {eet when operation• were ordered halted by the operator. Ir' Accordlog to Ray Wrlghl, pro-from th• tideland• oft1 Newport ductlon .eupertn~ndent on the K.a-Beach. Accordin« lo E. J:. Pylf•, vi~ d&ne operaUont under Ja.me• Gil· Id t t th M t Oil '"'·· I , pre• en o • on erey ......... 1trap, no ahowm1 ot oil ~u en· well No. 11 la at a depth ot 4523 counte~d In the drilllf\&'. Not ev11n feet loda)' wtlh 7 ·Inch cull\&' to the typical heavy u phaltwn crude 436 Cttt 't.nd ahoul~ reach Ile ea-I -.. found Wrl(bt w et tlmated .production redr!U or •690 feel by midweek. FollowlJIC the Culnr had been Wnk lo a runnlnf ot Bcltlumberpr t<>P. lli• depth of 00 feet and vertical well "''Ill be pl&Cfd on _producUon. dr!lllnr wu puahed u tu aa poa· Pylea turther at.ated. thf,t h1a 11lble. com~y will then moYe ~~ in Many feel that tilla will leuen on Well No. 7 &11d redrl)l ft to trnslon ln th• Weal Newport area compteuon. flpeclt.1 equipment 1a and tumiah further proof that the now available tor -th• opttaU011 only oil fo be recovered protll.&bly ~lea 1ald . from the N11wport Beach area 1a Wrll No. 9 wtU be at a depth the tideland ~overy which Mon· of •890 feet and will have a.n ulll· terey 011 Com,,.ny I• pumplnr tor mat"'-whfp•tOck location ot 2000 the City ot Newport Beach. (eel offllhore o( Wut Newport. -..Monterey w1ll brlnr In lta weU, The new well, It It follo'tn the pat.· Newport. No. II, on the cl~y leue tern ot prevtou.a opar&Uona wUI thl1 wHk. City Manl.l'f!r JQttn...J. brtnc.etty of Newport Bee.ch pro- Sailora aal4 today. When Monte,..y ductlon ot a.n ••ceN of 150 b&r- h .. completed No. II thtr. wm be rel• dll.lly, and city lncoOM ln ex. el(ht prodoctnr weUa drawtnc I c-. ot 15-000 per montll hom the mor,. th.an 1400 b&.r1'e&a per da y oU operaUona. RAIN__ STORM STRESSES MESA DRAINAGE ·.WOES City Council May Hear of Crop Loss, Street Flood Conditions FRANK SAWYER Sawyer Rites Set Tuesday Benictt tor. J!'rank..Bawyu , tl ot Bay Sho,..' Park will a,, held tomon-ow a t 2 p. m. In Wlnbl1ler Memorl&J Chapel, Santa Ana. wtUt the Rn. Jamea 8 . lt-.rt an& officer• of 8ea tarlnC-Lo d I •. F 6 A.)ol. No. 70I oftlclaUns. In- u rnment will be In F&lrh&nn Mau· aoieum. Kr. 8&wyer dJtd ,J"rlday nlpt at N~ Harbor Tu.bl Club follawtnc a heart att&cl<.. H, had been att.nd.lft&' a diliner m~t­ lnr oi an albecort S'f'OUP u a .-i- tx.. AqUnr Club repreMntaU''' wtlen he IWSdenly btc&m• UI. A. nattve of Pawnee City. Neb., Mr. kwyer laa.f lived ID Ora.na• County .a y..,.., coml.n.r to 11111 Harbor ..,... nln• y ear& •l'O from aanta .Ana. He wu reUr9d 1.nd formerly had been White Truck distributor tor Oran.re Counl~' Hill mollt recent loe&I bu.ine.w• a cUvlty wu ow"-1"9hlp of ffa.rbor Houae wh.lch hf' eold eome monUu aa-o. • Gullmar ·• ' , •~11rle C'din .. ,... 8e'hnat1e N11tom11 Mararotl Knnw How B11ll Hiit Fr11n c"'11Ca M11ko11. Wlllt11m S. Cla.rk Jam1•8 M. c 11.rl110n John W. Dee 6 222 2711 Slcrop SC'h Krtrh Ketch Sch. s1oor •Sloop Slonp Cutter St'h. SEARCJI FOR PRINTS Sgt. ·Virgil Pbebua; above, dusts cabinet of Lloyd Wood home here for fingerprints following householder discovery of man in residence. -Staff Photo AlertneN on the part or two Udo 11hop aalupeople Thu~ay aided local poUce In a ppr"hendJng UtrtP ahopllfllng 1uspect11. Coata Meaa'• dralnare won 1 Ot halt a doun •trawberry were once again undf rllned by the ' g-rower• In -the Meaa &rea.. only wef'kend 11tonn c-ond1tlon1 and F orgit and TomlT\Y Molo are rat· city rouncll. meetlnir In Newport ed exten11lve rrowers. Black eaJd Justif'e Court tonight a t 7 :30 that in the face of conatant JfTOW· o'<·l.xk. la cert&Jn to hear •bout th a.nd dozen• of new eubdlvrsloM the trouble. of IU! clllzena. 11prtn~lng up, CoaL.I. Me.a hu be- A ch.artu member of Se&tarll\6 Lodge, he aJllO hi.Id chartn •m· .btrah.Jp In Elk• Lodi'• 23•1. Sant.a Ana 38 years ago a.nd In Newport Harbor Lodge of .E:lk8 No. JTt7. He wu lmme<11ate put prealdenl of Balboa Ans11nr Club. He wu &cUvely Interested In sporuftah· Ing Md blr pm• hunUns throughout the world. .. B<1nn1e Ooone Munrll'amo GRl .. ty L81:11 L.11.n1ru Calyp&O ~ S ea Wind E t tu y F at Squaw Jaybolyn B<>ifn P atl,.nCe Cibola Marin Sundowner Minerva Vagabond Drlma 11 Seminole Ms.nuwal Hunakal Gale Seven Beu Gypsy T okerau Bluewater 11 Arcturu1 Sea Ca_per Ktlem ?':Ila Kukrl ll Oyinet Maradon Chantey Tara Carloca . Homeward 9oUM bland Bird Zavorah L ittle Dipper, Bo Jae Tropic ltar Jubllo Bobbv Boy J•Jobo P1!1y Gal LAlfaJI White Wlnp 8hrr1dan ~r 8pt<'tl"'e San• SouCI· Trident , .!!lea OYJ197 Tantalua Sealanr X eomm_...m Truant • Gayle Jdril 8u1urro J'leetwood Btachcom"1 Indifferent Manl)'ft Men F«ve 8ko,·a Soulherft Croea s11.11~tt• n Jortna La Oolanc1riaa ·~ Howard Harlny Patrick K. Lyon• F.d. T Malonry P. Ltwf11 and R J . Cox Donald E. Gillum rrving U\by Ralph J Bogard111 Edwin S, W right Albin A. Putzker \\'llhani B Palmer Jar k Morrl11on _Dix K. Brow J. 0 . Ml'xnl'~• 4 93 53 Q-10 240 2111 7 Q 12 2H '49 .252 F2 ~ l Oena Bolin . Wilham E. Bodt nlol, Jr. C'~raltl T. Hiii'>, Harold J udson and Donald Ayrea Harry E . Bh1cher 127 27. 24:'i H36 l Eric ~lckeon Donald W, Blackmore Edward E. Wall. Clifford R. Ch11pmaa Manutl 0 i'\elson Richa rd E.. Hin A. Wutermark ~mu J . P tlRrlm ~raid }.1(\()re O. A. Ford Harold L Curti• George \\·, Pea rMln,,. ~Varrrn L. SPamlln Jitt\k EAAllr.t W1lllam C. Geiran Carroll W. Koks.nour l'Atall<' L. Cnmmone Alden D. J . Hno\en Stuart D. Bafrd :'l:el11cm P ringle Ralph E. Middleton Cmdr. R . .H. Mllthew•. Jr. W . ~~.Print Edlt"flr C. Turner Art Krumm .. W11l1am W . F'oattr Karl lh Dlf'terle Bud 0Henberg Biii P. Oaterhol t Carl Grove J . T. l"ll'kto0n Marvin .lnhn...,n C.Mrj:e E. S1lvrr John F :'\1c-kr1"110n Emtll L l'Hri Roland I' K11L11yJlan Stanw('Od B•dJtt T eti Spertor J P. Jon~• Gf'orjll' A Roblnaon Ralph I~ l.m.irenbior• Irvin& F l..auma.n Frf.dl'rlrk ~tntn1, Jr. Arthur I". Bn'.l•h W&llH ~ Cl11.rk Ruth p; P•W~1•n, !83• Henry C Srh.,lfll'ld Ol\n H. Hmnrhnu Ru_..n W111J11m Lll.rnb <.i.arlt• Mllllnl'nir FrC't1 B. Hunlt H~rd V Rtchty ~la~ H. 'J'racy 8.ifl~f'f J: Harry O. Gordon Sa.nlol'd SJ*IC'l'r l. J.fu rtey. Jr. Ramon J :i prrttlcr Paul H R '"'"• lf&rr7 L. BJ.Od~ett· Q8 2r11 71 8 2 19 88 0 - 000 ASF:I M32 2!13' 0829 215' ll 66 mns 221 268 • 10 40 10 1 1 11 2~!\ T3 260 242 2 Ii pp 41 Q14 10 (""l';S X2 IC·l 110 CC311 S-32/7 J 1t '2 .. 112 ... tO K~tch Sloop Cuttn Sch. WOOD SURPRISES -BURGLAR AS HE ENTfRS HIS HOME Sloop , ShaddOC'k"• Inc. calle<t pohce to aay they dl•<'ove~ 11everal cuh- m('re 11wtat.-rs ml1111ng aftt'r, three 1u11p1rim11 looking men left the 11t.f1re. When pollc-e arrived, the trio l<IPnllfitd WM In Bidwell'• Store-tor Men. ' t •p11n lnLerrogaUon. the men ltd orr1c .. r11 to a car which Utey •ald wu lhtlr11. A March f&U11d to rr- veal 1.ny cMhmere 11wea ters. Sloop Police ere lnvesllgatlng today ' pttt holtt'd f or the front door. 1 N h" u t k Th8' men were relf!l3ed for Jack ~tell-U>& burlJl•cy.JUld &~\emnted a rm· ol mg was apparen y 11. en SI ~ -~ ~ Aouee.-h.e-d b"' •h of evldrncr. Mra. Irma M.a.r oop rd robbery or the Lloyd c . wooc1 · .H J ' -we or v--bOn<rl'l'Oul!t ancr-a --'·•· Ketrh _ bedroom wu completely rt.Mack· -.. -e<U~ Cutt tr home, 2, 2<1 Ocean Bh'd., which oc· erl. Cupboards In th" ·dming roorn per.on from another Lido 11hop Cutter cur-red AL 9: 15 p.m. Friday. were found 8'landlnir o~n. I.Did police they Obl!erved lhe three KPt<'h Wood l!ald he and his 14•1fe ar· The• bandtl pa.ssed up Mra. mtn drive up tn another ca.r Sloo~ rlvl'd hom& at that time from &11 Woocra jewelry and ~eru whirh which wa.a •till parked In front ~~~~ ovem1ghl tnp. He 1111111 he entl!'red he had thrown out or cupboa..rdll. of the ahop11. The three me~ were Yaw l rhe t11lu.."" rrom the patio 11.nd \\~ Woods sa.rd he ,.aw anotht>r figure returned to the ecene and \\ 1lll1u CUiler putting a box on the dining room run with the Intruder when he Kenneth Parnah producrd kl.'y• to Sloor table when he heard a nol11t from got oul8i~e. I the 11tcond ca r. A aearch <If the Yawl the dlrPctlon of the bedroom. \\'nod Pouce ~d the Intruder en~red trunk compartment revealefi a C'\ltt .. r l!&Jd hP lookrd around Lo II!'" a the Wood home by apparently Jim: paper b&e contafntnr seven •weal· KetJ:h str•nire man llta.ndlng fight feet mylng a lock "n anotht'r door off tu with Shaddork label•. Sk~~ frn'!l hlm. pointing a gun at" him. lhe 1>ncl~d patio. Marks on the Pan-lah, 29, ot Los Ang<'lea wu ~loop \.\"()(>(I tolrl offll f'rl he qufrkly dnor lndlcatl'd tie trff'<i tn force bo"ked on a uspklon of burg lary Sloop ran out of the rloor he htld just th~ rtocv open anti f\lllO trle<J to and receiving; Lee George Oante. Cutter entert'd llnd the unldentltlef1 •II~· llfl the pins l'Ul of lhe h\ngu. 311 ot Loa Angelu waa booked on Srh llWlplclon of burglsry anti Willl&m -:~~~~ ·Nat·1onal C D Alert ·Plans :,~1"=~~3~"0!u.~~~:=~"b\~; Ketch • • 11\ry. Complaint.. agalnin thr trio KPtch weui eXpt'ct"rl to be obtained ~~~fi for Harbor Area .Discussed -t ~llly or tomorrow. s100.. 2 CUTTERS J\Ptrh Pl11na for NPwport Harbor'• McColloclc s.nd Robert AJ&.m•e)' s~~hp p111tlc1pat111n In the national Cl\"ll 'u dPpuu .... ror umnJe Vincent, Coast Guard <'.>• dtferuie l\lert"· June l~ and 16, drug 11uppllel'. lllld "Mnt. Daniel Crtter Wl'rt dlM·u111et1 F'"rlday by Asa111t· HuM&ker and Mr11. Richard UJ. KS-l'loolt'ph ant C'oon:t.mator Edgar A. Hill fi nd len~I. om c, chltfa. Sets Escort hh '11\'\IROll ( lt1t'f!I. Thf'y Wt're --------- S,·h IUlkt•I t n out \Jn" "hat I heir di\"\· KKt •• ttt'chh llH•n~ Wl\lllfl tlo In'""'' or 11n llll'rt New Vaccine Sign-up to Ensenada Thlll't' wh1• 11tt'°n<lt'>I w'°re J ohn SA~TA A':"A. ~IAY 2 c'oc~S l ~=~~~ l°pl'On 1<1111 H&1 ry Lact . pnhre •I••· OrRnize C"ounl) .. 11 pl11n to rr1111me Kc-trh partn1ent . ~Ir~ • Robrrt ""rf"'n, 1 antl-pnho1nn~ulat1ona May 11 re· Srh Red Crottfl; Phil Haydrn, fin! 11.-. main .. <l film l uflav lh i<f'll" of t.r1s SIOOJ: partmrnt , l "rboln Bth, Wlll"r 1 Ani:-l'lrll' prol:Tllm"s podlpontment. Kl'lt'h LN1.n1<port11llnn 11nJ hta depult!'S Emma \\'har ton of the C'ounl y Yawl Ray BrldR• II 1n1t Jo!M'ph GUPrtn: hPAllh d1>partmenl 81\ld I!:. L. RUii· Yawl 1-·N'd :-1 Andnl'On, ..., deputy fo1r !Jell. count1 h"alth c>fflr,.r, 1nrom1· Rloor Tto H&mbrook. <hll'f' or cummur11 · rtl her Y"t1.ferd11y to JtO aJ\!'ad ,,."1th Stoor cawons • .H11rvty D. l 1•1\.-'t, wtlfA~ lh" .new 1chedule 11.nnouncfd f'rl. ;!~f. r h.lr{, J. B. "'ebb, tng'tntcnni;, dlly. Sinor Milo U c-y, 111ppllr11: Lt'la.nd .I, Superlntendtnt Roy O. And•rten Cuttt• oft h" Newport be11rh f!lem,nury s1oor 81oodm...'..Ll•b-e Uni·+ Sch<>ol or1trlct said notlcu art out Sloor UU llr · , tn loc&l pllrents •rh'111lng them Ktl<'h C • • .&L--there will be a new al(ll·up tor the euit.r om1n11. to Ha,-UVf' resrh,duled •hot •. KelrJi ":I He .Pld the loc&J dletrict do~• ~:~:; The ~d C'10 .. hlnotlmob1le unJt not yet know the date t or ?'tw· J<etch W1U be at the Amt'rlclln ~jt1on port Beach lnnooul&Uone. Tbe aec· Yawl Hall, 680 W. 18th l't , Co•ta ~lesa.. ond conaent formt aJined by par· ~toor M!I\" I\ fmm l to i p 1T\. Dl-noa entt t11 11 be a Jl!ferent color tha.n SIOl'f 0111~ rl\ll Harbor l 60 for a ppoint· the original ones. be aaJd, to avoid Ket.ch ment.. oOAt\MMIQ. • Two of the lu~r11t United Statee Cout Guard cult,.r1 on the wot cou t will be In :'\ewport Harbor tnr the start of the En11en11da f\ac,. Th• USCG Pr rMUI of San Otero will enter :'\ew·port Harbor WC'd· need11y •.venlnK before 1Un&et. Sh.e will be anchored 111 the Tummg Baah1 overnl(ht and wlU clur port allead ot moet of the aaJling era.It that will tour to ltNNmadL Oomma.ndln« otncer of the Per· 1tu1 11 Lt. Ondr. E . J. B~me­ ler. USCG. Ott the harbot' entrance jetty tor the race llt&rt and ucort will be the U800 cutter Mlnneton.ka of San Pedro. "Minne" la too tarp to neroUate UI• ln11er Harbor aad wl 11 f'ftn&in ott lbt H a.rl:IOI' en tr- anc.. Commandlllr otflc1r ot Min· 1tttqn)la i. Cmdr. E . V. Carleon. I (O.MI • • l'llP f) . I Chuck Heller, .Men atrut au· comt a "light"' agTicuJtyre aru In pertntendent, wu out until 1 a.m. the c~nty. RetUM\11 from straw. Saturday, p\Jmpln( the chief berries lu t year ran $25.000 on dralnBge hl'&d&cht at Maple St. the .Meal\ a nd are expe<:ted to bt ~out h oC Hammon Bl. to ket'p the ll(hter lhla yt&r. flood wat.en from cloomepe. There AGRIC.TLTl"Rr: CHAXGE wue eJeo tsood cond!Uoria kept ln che1 k at Oranr• Ave. and R~ rhP11ter St. Heller reported, wh1i. Wll~nn St. waa In bad •hape where d!!chea tQT 11tw11r llnea are beln1 dug. FEW COM.PLAlNTS Heller u .1d ther. were tew com· pl&lnt.e, mainly becau., flood con- dition• were controlll'd before nearby ru1dtnta h11d reuon tor complaint. '"There were the u1U&J holu In 1trnt.e. too." H.-lln add· rd. ·ndtrhnlng the change In Coeta Me• from agncultur~ to resid•n· Ual ar,.,. 111 Peterson·,. Wholesale Produc,. al 436 Hamilton SL. Coe- ta M...a: 'nle <'OnMl'1l buya. pro- duce from the Lo• Ang.lea mar- ket. not from M eo grower•. Mold decay wu doing !ht dam· age to the cllrr11nt count.y 11.l"llw· berry crop. Bluk reportt'd. For- git aald lhe b.-rriu have to 'be plckrd ,very day a nd attn four or five days of not brlnf plrked due lo rain, the mo\Ature r11u1td the berrlea tn mold •I the l>Mt.om. OrMge County Deputy Arrlcul- ture Commiufon R. .E. Black re· ported "comdderable" damare to "We lo11t the hli!gt'llt WPtk nr 10 an e11t1m11ted $l.8po,OOO •trawberry day11 of picking fmm the •·rop." crop whlc-h 11trected Uu• Mt M Forg1t M id. a ri:a to 1e>me u trnt. Al Forglt, Oddly enouirh. while ' th,. ram with 7 acru of •ll"llWb•rr!tt Jn re.me too llOOn for lht 1lrawberrlM Co11t& Mfn at 17th St. and 8Mta It came too late In county •~as Ana A \'e .. eald his r urrent t'rop for hay a nd it rain crop11. Bh1r k wa11 wiped ouL Howevtr, Forglt reported. '"We had r;C>Otl h&y and Kllid he had gotten four Wetkll or grain CNlpll In 1954,'" BlBr k •Bl<l, excellent plrklng from the Cl"Op "but \\'.Ith the rein roml111t tou ll'IL", with the 11econd crop only three h11y 11nd grain crops for 195~ wlll wetkl'I o(f. ~ I h" poor." · ALLRED LI BURGLARY ARRAIGNMENT FRIDAY Lido bl• allefed robber William F . Allred of L& Canada 11 In Or· &n«• County Jail under 120,000 edly breiaklng Into thr Oaer bon1e r arly th'°) "me momlo(. holt1ing both 0 11er and h11 wtff' st gu.n point, ahootlnc Offlcu _ W1llla m b&ll awaJUn,-arralcnment tn Bu· Talbot In the hand, robbing· thr H1a 1urvlvora lnclud• hUI daucti• tu, Mra. Hal Dike, Udo lllle ; ht. brolhf'r, John J . Sllwyer, Lons Beach : two elet.eni. J.Jra. l"mo Uhl and Mre. Pete Hare. both PaWllM City and two rnndcblldren.. County Suit on Upper Bay Still Slated SANTA ANA (OCNill -'"'9 Oran1tt C'ounty J\f>ard of Super. \"l3ur11 ha.~n't d'"OIJl'l'rl II• pla.n ~ bring l<\1lt 111taln•l Nt'wport Beach nver the l<ttltr'• annexa tion of more ~han 1800 t ·pper Bey aa u . Ch111m1a.z1 11f the Bou d Willi• W111n!'r .1n11t1" thllt .-1 .. 11r at ·an ad• jo111 n~!I 1up,.rv11101 a' m"l'tln( P'r\- dtly-> Sup!'rvl11nr RA iph" M«Fatid• ) brouithl !ht m111rrr ur a• th ....... l'l"n Wi\11 r,..,1y to hf' 11t1j1>11rn,.(\. '"I rP11tl In t hr f'llprr Thur11tlay nlKhl I hat th" • "unty will dr<1p Its iotlll .. M r Fallll"ll l.J'l'er\M, "l thl11k then· 11houl1I b• •n offlcl&.l hn«rtl tml"r If the rl'f)<lfl Ito true." 11 .. 11tftlerl "l n1 not fnt) oprrilMld to '1r<1ppln1t It, hnw'"'''"r " W•rnfr .u.111 th" 11)\lrity coun .. l 11 J(o1n1; &hto'1 with draw1n1 up hf 1tf,. l'f1111plaint lie 11&ld the f1n1t tlm" hr,.11 hra r•J UHl c-oonty WAi! <Riling nft 1l11 •<lion w 1.4 on ThurNIA\" 14"h"n h" h••I two N.lle from "'""' "P" P!'T publll•hl'ra who had rud lt1,. atury. Tht 1 ounty l'lu prt.l•·irtf'd th .. In· <'IU•l11[1 Qt 111•11 I' t h1'" 600 ('()Unl Y• owned tl<le anti 11ubm•rire•I landa l.n the llnnri1.11 t1 t.n. perior Court Yr1day on t.he armed couple of '32 In !"Uh, a d1a mont1 rob~ of"'bi. Alt.II C>Hr home al rln( &11tf diamond watt·h lliltf ,;ntp- 526 -Udo Nord. S'e I• char(· plinr with Oeer, the IU•ptc t 1wam I'd ... 1th burrlary, robbery. kidnap the channer"1>.twee.n the 0 11er and UN.tut wtth a deadly weapon. home and ~ldo P~ninau!•· Rule Attack CaM Al•o waitlnr to make hi. plea Bhtn1ch. wu 11.rruted the nelCt J at 8Uper10C' Court arra.lpment i. day at hi• LA C11nada home by UfOfS 911Htloned Uncon A. 8herrlr.h aJeo ot La Loi Anretu Shenrr. offleer• at j SASTA ANA MAY 2 tOC'NI) Canada; .btlWNd by police to be th• requeet of Newport Bu.ch po· -Rob .. rt Rul" 21 .. .,, 420 Mnrntnr an a.cc:ompUce ot A.11.-.d and lief. OtflC'en ••Id ltema Joun1t In Cllnylln H•I., Nt:'A•pnrt [tMar n. wtnl "bralna" of tb• burrlary &\tempt. Sherrlrh"• home allererlly ra mt I on trllll h!'rt l11tJay on two a ttack Sherrlch wtll &n8WU lo Ult -.me trom a La Canada home which C'h3rlf•" A ,.,,,,,lf'I, h• ·~ ·r: charrea..,f'l'a ~ wu Mt at 110,-All.-.d admitted to police he burr!· of all•< klnlC a l~·y.._r 'lh1 A.II•· 000. • td JO day. prerioU8. He told po·' helm girl the .nlc;\'7t llt v , Allred 'WU arr.l.S :aco.d&J, Uce the (Un he uaed lo 1hool Tai· The V1Cllm c.l&lm11 th" tlefenda.11\ April 11 after h• tei.ptiOll~ •po-bot durtnir th• ~r home robbf.ry •t MM"I< l'l•r In the no-. and .._,Ua llce....tilmulf from Udo J*lln&'ll• waa •lolen by l:Um trora th• i.a ant1 frirced -h~r lo •ubnilL aM&e '° ~ .. ~ ..,. An.-&lies'-OIM4& ........ ~ * .............. ' • ... ·• \ ' , .. ' NOTING THEm FO~DERS DAY, Pl Bet. P~alumnae in1t.alled offtcer1 at ~ iunch· eon in Villa Marina. Left to right are Mmes. Riobard Wenker. Corona del Mar; Auatln Sturtevant, Newport seach, wayti and means chairman; John Snetaln,er, LAguna ae·ach, new president; and ,George Moore, Newport Beach, retirinr preaident. -Staff Photo· PI PHI .ALUMNAE. INSTALL· 4 • Junior Ebell~ "Enters Contest * - I HOll!I': Tit AILI• IN!>U'C>NCt ANYWH£~& f Junior F.btn or KrwpNt Br11,·11 1010 N• .. r•r1 at.fl, <;oot• M ... ha., cnlerotJ a <''1lllt.tl •ponsur.-iJ bf • &. A h t!"••• fl'd.-r.ntlon jut11ll1 :'I enrt h<'lil onnu-P.l_llll•_lllli_illl_•••••••• ally Jn C'O<'p<'rslllln with 1!1•nrs. ------#-r------ Ro!!bUCk Foun<latwn. C'11s1~ aw1n•lll are g'IVt-n rfob11 rf'ndrrln~ mMt lf Ulttandlnir rommun,lly aervlce un- der "D111ld a belier community" 11fforla. ... r.J . Tile local C'hab hru l'iVl'n :1796 obler8 h~U'fa in Mmmunll)' s~r1·1<'t, •t· br w... ---- comm& l.o Mra. Nor111an Watson. I Part~· twntal ltf'ftt• chairman. J11<frf3 for thr t·on1r~t " WlU·be. Ty Cobb or bueball f~ll'.j J.OJ E. Co11.~r lly. 1·omtta dl'l 11., Pr~11ldent Wall••'t: strrling or I Ha r bor 507 l Bl&!iford l:ntv,,rstt)'. Anti Mr11. Run lte-nda~J \Shlrlry Tem1,lr1, · I -tt ps\'11 to ro d tll9 wut\ada. ----------- ·Mother's Day~ · MAY .S . 'j ~I ~~!F..?~t~et ~~~'~!,~!::.~.~ •~· April 27, to honor· the 12 foundera of Pi B.eta Phi, who, on boa; and Mn1. Allfn Behren<jt or Larger bowl.fit beaters for higher, lighter, fincr-ccx· cured· calcn. Snet time, armwork. I MRS. H. PAYNE THAYER (center), president of the Harbor branch of Children's !tome Society, welcomes guest s at the s ilver tea held Jn the HDward Lawson home, West Bay Ave. 4t left 1-MJ:i. Lewis Gardiner, at right of Mrs. Thayer are Mrs. Otto • Chri1teneen and Mn. Torn McDougall. -Staff. Photo · · . " Silver Tea at LaWson Home Attracts Many Harborites Event Is Benefit Children's Home For Society slylea t rom Shaddock '• of Lido brought comment.a from the many guests, who provided contrruit in their 11me.rt suits, sprlnJr dre11ses and beautiful furs. Among those glimpsed here and By MRS. \\11..FRED BERLS there were; Mmes Tom Norton, C d James Garland, George Pflei;er, louds scud ing across the ·sky cJear ed the way for Robert ·Ingold and Henry Schaifer. euns hine and s uccess of the annual Silver Tea held by the Others seen a t the tea table we-re N ewport H arbor Auxiliary of t he Cl;lildren's· H.ome Society, Mmes. Richard Steele, George Moore, Thomll8 Frost, Stroller Laguna will 1erve a 1econd. term that same date in 1867, met tegether at Monmouth College, aa treaaurer. Mon mouth, Ill., to organize this oldest fraternity for women. Mrs. George H:Moore., Newport coming year. President la Mre. Beach, p resided over thl! luncheon I John Snetsinger ot Laguna Beach; m<!i!!Jng at the Holiday Room at Santa Anana, Mr11. Charles Cutler Vil~ Marina and installtd the· new I and Mrs: Philip John, will aern officers ot the So'uth Cou t Alum· air vlce·pre11ldent and ncordinr nae Club, who will aerve for the secretary; cor?eapondlng aecretary • i. BOOK Rf:\'ll:WS Mra. Au1tln Sturtevant, Co11ta Mesa, u ways &nd mean.a chaJr. man. 111 completing plan.s tor an- other winter series of book re- view• which wUI feature Ma.ry Greer Scarborourh Proceeda will ~ NEWPORT HARBOR Joc?_el'I be uaed for nurstnr BCholarahlp purppee11. Other commit~ chaJr • men who 1ve ... lnatalled were: hle- torla.n and publlclty, Mrs. Thomae • B. Froet or Newport Bu.ch and Mlil9 Iva Welsh of La"1fla, who will be maguine chairman. .MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society EdJtor On thl1 88th blrthd.-y celebra. lion of Pl Beta Phi, the fraterrr:: lty'a tint pruldent, Emma Brownlee Kilrore, waa riven hon· GI' at the candlellfht ceremony, which waa conducted by M..._ --------------------------.Oeorre R. Blfelow and her llater, PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Mi1a tn. Welah, both ot whom are Golden Arrow memben. Two MONDAY, MAY 2, 1955 oUler Golden Arrow membera, Pl COFFEE MEET .April 26 at t he Bay Ave. home of Mrs. Howard Lawson. While and Ray Reews, a lso J\lrs. From the first arrivals until the very last minute Harold Mathers and Mrs. Phelps p • } p • t w thrte \\'II.~ a <~mtlnuous .flaw of rest ll:eal. Orval Stewart, Edward J\lerlci<el. :en1nsu a 01n om en guest~. whll,. th<' ('OO'hln·a tlon or Miiiet. James Taylor, Sterling O.S TRF. TERRACE , ...... Phil tor 60 yeare or more, who I were preeent were Miu Flore-nc• 1 Richard.I &nd Mra. Mf"Ua nom. u, both o( lA&'una Beach. <JENTZNNIAL In 1MT Pl Beta Phi will cele· "FlnwPt !I anti FRl'h!ons'' a.nd the Paris, N1chol1V1 Brettner, Alberl Arriving with Mrs. Arlhur Plann.1·ng . D1·nne·r Dance J:'rarloull hn~pltallly of the so-1 S(ocl<ton anrt J . H. Riggs. Le~ wer" 1>1ra. R. s. Jonea a.nd . .. . rir\\·'~ mru1b· n• m11•lr rarh vl11l· l ra • • fli &nntveraary of IU! foundfns .and at th• laet conven. 1 tlon a new fratemlt7 project wu : Mt.bllaJied, the Otntannlal J'Ud. e!YW Mtet1 o!t•t.;,...., _ • .,... ... TM 8"UI ~ av• Y9tN ... lh't th• ,ouce department la In-.,.,. •10 u a atart toWatd th&. atalUn'r croM'WaUta and atop alp• tund, whlc.h wm be developed Into at Balboa Blvd. 'atid L St., Ocean ao~• national philanthropy. . T BLf: OECOR Mrs. Hay Langenheim; Mra. Con· . tor lo11thl' tn l<•a\'l' Amnng those A ·' • verse Wurdvnann and Mnr. Jamee Mr•. LoulM Oa.U .. her. dSllnnan rec<-1v1ng wrrc• :vtr.q. H Payn•' Tall 11ilver candelobra with Webst•·r cam'e togeuier and on the or the women·a dl~lslon ot Penln- TI1n.vror. A11;oclll:irv prt'.~i•lrnt. and white, grt>en and golrt. candles teri ace wa.S a group whirl! fl\· ~.owt Assoc1at1on. preitlded 1-l r.~ 1.;,•nnrth StRra:te. tf'a rhalr·j hi;hted the table and the floral eluded Mmes , Charles Ullman, over a morning coffee at the home rr.nn. 01 hrr" ot 111•· <IMr werr. ce~teqJlece, n.rrangeJ by Mrs. Tod Harry Sli~lder, Larry Brown, Roi· or Mrs. Robert Stabler, 1722 E. p:iM • prc~u!m\11 .\I r.~ H arold Ov1ftH. cons1,.teJ uf grel'n Bells of and w 'rignt and F. 'R. Hub('r. Ocean Front, on April· 25. Plans c·~rl11t l,.r. M1:<. F.. l'. Mnrtin. Mrs. I !reland, ye.ll.uw carnaUon11. glad· A<:compamng Mrs. Paul Rogel'll were trntatively scheduled for a \\ ilfrNI A. Hc·rl~. anrt Mrs. W . n. 111lq9 am! white camellias. • were Mra. A. v. Loeffer and :'>it's rlinnt'r-danc,e on Friday, May 20 Srhnc-k. I Highlight was the awarding of .f. C.' Bannister, visiting f1 om at !'ewport Harbor Yacht Club. Prl'Sl•ling at the t"a leble dur-the two pnze!!, J unior ho11te11sc11. 'Grosse Point, Mich. Mr11. Golda J oseph Is chalrm11.11. as- Blvd. and L It., and at the Coast Pretent from the Harbor area OuaTd pier. Th•re wW &190 be I were: Mme.. Paul lnmqulat, J. R. I cro11 walk• and Jiedeetrla.n 111~1 Wel\lctr, 8t&J\ley Van Dyke, H. M. I 11.t other alreelA where cblldre!' French, Marvin Sloan, Moore, and croea and all utatlnr croee wa1l{t rro11t. From Coet& Me11& were will be repainted. MmH. Selim H. l'ranklln and $0UAll SHA,. coots 20% MOH tho" lewul '•" NOW ONLY s199s Perfect controlled hear for more delicious foods by simply ~uing the dial No more cooking fai lures- everything is more deli· dou..We .... ,.w.-.-r.. Yes:... We're Open Sundays - L Al Forgit Hdwe. lni; lh<> nr\r1n >on wer,.·thr prt>!ll· Llw. anti Sally t.awson looking All lhel!e, and many more ll :!Isled by Mrs. Gallagher. Mrs. E. d.-nt'4 of tlw 111:.n\· wnmcn'll rhtbS f ltke stor.·trook dolllt m floor f<'nglh ·wa.s a !leltghtful affair aml n.s S. Moore, anct block chairmen. throllghnul the · i-tarhnr are :i .• 1 .tr~sscs ;,, white 1•1nbroldered or· e;ocpressed by one or ~he i;11est.•. l Mrs. Stuart D. Baird led & dls- ThMe assist 111g lr.1clltdC'll Mm,.!!. g11ntly, marle thr presentaUons to )Its. Tom McDougall. "a v.oudc;r-cu11sion or th<' small boat mooring F.<lgar R Hill, C'l111ll<'man Smllh, Mrs. Denn lJradford, winn•'r or a ful way of extPntling a helping problems at street end11'. and •P· Helen n ob1:rtson. Hnrntd B1rt1. For· 1 portrait in pa.sti·l1>, to b,. t1onC' toy han<J. or-confi<lenlial aid tn an ex-1 polntefl't111 a Rtudy committee Mrt. M.re. H1.rtell1 Barbee, mmm'lnr 8turtevant. Aleo prtee11t wu Mra. I.aeon chairman, announced that llanley Chamber• ot Palm Dee-1 2205 W Balboa Bl d eummer clueu will be available ert, formtrl;,i of Lido tile. • y • to Penlneula Point children at ·UI• Next meetful. ot Ul.e !o1llh eout Newport Beach Harbor 116 :>1 1!1 E. C'. Martin; and to Mrs. pectant mother l/1 distress." J\fra. Art C. Kistler, ]l,\ra. Bruce Mac· Weldon \\'. Schori;, Cosfa Mr11a , Thayer, prrsldent, l!pokesman for Donald. Mrl!: Jos<'ph, and M rs. J ohn I who won the "all·C'(penaes-pal<I" lhe Auxiliary. praised the rom-Kimble. Cou t Ou11rd ~ach through-" IUI· Alumnae Club will b~ In J uly. 1-------------------------...i pice• of the Newport Beach Re- creation Comml1slon, be'1nnlng •· bout July 1 and oontinulng eight week!!, In two week perlod11. • HOME LOANS Wf'l:kenrl for two at the ~Jal Val-munity for llll part on the adop-Mr.:i. Don Pbilllp11, lramc and 11 ry f n n. t w n program, past. pr u en l . a n-J p;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;. I Informal modeling O! summer f11t11P!'. SMART WIFE-· At Orange County'• lHdi"t Hom• Lendin9- lnstitutio" QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHl Y PAYMENTS FRIEif DL Y SYMl'ATH~TIC SE.ftYlCE / wt llJY Ta.UST DHor ON W!U. lOCA m> HOMts LA_GUNA FEDERAL S~VINGS & LOAN ASSOclATION ' 222 -0,c .. " Av~nu. LAGUNA BEACH· Piion• H'Y 4.1177 I Smith~·Hill Wedding Will I IBe Held in Pueglo, Colo. Lt'onar<I Smith. one o! thr o\vn- 1 ls ltring hdd In the hom!' t O\lo'Tl of crs or Bay & Beach Realty Co .. the bride's mothrr, the co~e will • i11 looking forward to May 9 Whf't1 tllkA a month to get to Detroit. ttur-pltrn.s-tiT bt> CPn\A!;r-a.islinl' 1n_. buy a car and 11ee much of the east Pul'blo, Coln.,• with I\ b~autlful and i;outh before lllklng ·up their brl<lP, Mls.s Ja nk e Hill oC Holly-rdomesL1c life In a hnmr whirh wOO<I. Smith has just purchaseu at 2001 i Folluwlng thP ceremony, w~lch 1 Miramar Drive, BalboL • ~t' LA TEST HAIR STY UNG FOR HOME PERMANE:NTS DAN Is IARIER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDG. BALBOA O~. Tllffday thru Sat-urday Harbor · 0718 THE NUMBER 1'0 CALL ... FOR -·· FROZEN FOOD '- SERVICE & LOCKERS Harbor Frozen Food lockers . iMch ~ Newport 411 30ttt St •. Htlrbor 0711 for Mother's Day 27!? E. COMt RJahwa, .__...,. __ ... __ _. ............ ,,__. -----~----_.. .... __________ ,_, __ .._ _________ ~-~ -~---------------- • ' Fools Husband with Old ''New Dress"! I Amazing Proof "o~ How You, Too· Can SAVE witfl SANITONE DRY CLEANING I / ~ Yea-amuing is the word fo r the w11 D~ C.., O"" Sanitoat keeps dothu looking new 10 'l"apes s.i+e,. . ( the t>'art I much longer~gm out imbcddcd di'rt that Holda ~; • ca11H1 premature wear. Try it. See for Longer JleQlly Jouuelf-give 11.1 a riog today. • • Spottes'\ No Clednins ~= ~t>ersp'u·atior, Ou+!.-.... . <'Odor . LIDO CLEANERS 1782 Newpon ltvd. COSTA MESA Ube(ty 1-4014 ~ . ; , . ' NEWPQRT HARBOR NEW~PRESS PART I · PAGE 3 MONDAY. MAY 2; 19SS NORMAN FRAHtM HONORED FOR 35 . YEARS OF SERVICE SA \"Z OS A t'TO ISS. s11•0 9$,.,...._..,, ......... hollft lkl"'Y I '""· O•-.. . . .... ,.,.,.... ~ BOii JIC'(l()&D, tor PJlEPT.aREDIS8UaANC'I: IAU l l,.UI At a tc1, in th<' ~-umpany loungt> at Lo• 4neele&~n April %%. Norman H f'1ahm. H 2 F'itnlraf Ave . w-. hnnol'f'J on hu 3~th •nllfvt'n111ry wtlh rhl' PMtfir Ttl•phone ,and· Tt'legtap'l C.>. Catht'r<'<l to rrl\'brl\t .. th•· ,, ... r ulon WC'rf' 1:\0 (f'llOW f'm• plO)'t'f'a a.nd gll\'al&. Fu..hm 1' a Ila(( IH.lpUVll!Or COM«'~lf'd with r .. e 1IJJ C'<lo1r deparl111t>nl 1<l lh! main ofnN!. IN \'k'iorta 8t,. o-&a Ilea - ..... l,J_~rtJ ., .. TIUS FOURSOME OF PI PHIS from t]SC Include lL to R) Mi88e8 Sheila Stanton. Janet Benjunin, Jerra Lynn Tyler and Diana Green, here gathered at the Ho~ Ben- jamin home in Balboa. Misses Benjamin, Stanton, Green and Minnie Brown were host- e88e8 when the entire chapter was present for tbe wedding of Miss Sarah Preston and AlJa.n Millison, afterward attended the Pi Phi.spfing formal at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. -Beckner Photo CHRIST CHURCH Wedding Held At St. Andrew's • Mrs. Of Delight Montana Jaax Bride Attorney Fun For YPF t I At St. James A tre.1~urt hunt on playgr~df (I( St. Jamu Day School wu en. 1t·ttainm1•nt whtn th« Youn~ f'eo· plt'a Fellowship hdJ a box llupper •nJ •odal 111 the Pai lsh Hous •. Foll0'-"1111: rlt•w8, "·1nnt•rs of tre111rure were. K1ke Mll·hi;uJ, V1r· clnla Ch:,i<r Waller F'ranz. Connie s .-r)P)', .ind JO)'('to Endtoman Cit I Cardt>n Cmve. Mr~ A. Alf'xan~t>r 1 HaJnllton Wl\8 in l~l\rge, and 43 young ~opl,. att•nCll'd. hr MOTHll'S. DAY or for the UIDI • E11\"loiwe lhcliaaa Co• trol liHI JM -e P"'- Ma to&R whed1•r brh• ia frouo or ,,. .... ,.,.. ~ whic•, thick o r ah ie • . Brud lo-n l1Mlf MIOo marically, eo l•w•u 10 puah. TOUf' rala .. iuell ail.ntly w""°4M •i•a-. -poppiaaor...._.... $2750 Wearing champagne Chantilly lace in l!allerina length, and a beaddresa of lilacs. Mrs. Delight Jaax became the bride of Mr. Irving Wubington Church of Great Falla, Mont. in an afternoon ceremony at St. Andrew's Church. Altar flowers Wf'te Illa~ and pink anapdragon.a, WSCS.-Election, PJans--En_~ ~--+-~-..:~.,!~~~r~1~..,;:=-Jam.ea s. Stewart -COURTNEY & LESTER ~, r . l&'Jt"'Wii 1t~ . c ........ dllughter. Mn. Jotin E. St&llman. M th D ht B t or Corona dl'l Mar. and by MMI. p . er~ aug er anque ~:i~~flan ~:;n~,~~~a~l'p~:!~ ~~~ ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ot Mr. Church. were g-rbom.amen. .Elecuon of ofl ll'<!I s. a program Counul or Churehea; ~rs. J . A,,, I at ldyllwlld Pinu. J uly Hl-33. on statu• o( wonwn and fllAns for Bndman. on Eh11ne and Marlhl Progr&m commltttoe for tlft the Molht'r·Dllt1Rhlt'r b1tnr111,..t in Ht>1tl'E'I. c11lught .. r11 o( Rev. amt Mrs. Mot.her-Daughter Bllnquel, May 2~ Mlly wPrl) on ~he agt>nda whPn tht>' Ht>ll.,•·I. fnrmrrly nr <'hr i11L Church Includes Mmts. A. J . Rutter. &d- Wnml'n's Soc1 t lY n( Chri!man Sc~-by thP ~"a 1 thl' ,l;'\rla ar4' now man and Wlll30n. Las Amlgu In a recepUon at lrrin•.COuntry Club Mr. Cllureh and hla bride rreeterl many triend1. Mrt. R&lpt\ Kennon !Suzanne Satterlff l. for· merly Of Mlnneapolla, pf'Mtded at .,v1rr hel.t its ~I l\t>i<s1nn of lhP m1,.s11>nRlll'!I in H11wau 11nrl Slnga-C1rde will do the dl'Coratlng. ('hur<'h y•'•H at Chrt11t C'trn1 r h by pure 1. La.s A.mlgas group 11erved tht' thr ~ .. a . M11111 Cla r» KohL~trift pri>-1 Mn. Ferj.tUson, the ltfe O( Doru1 luncheon. Ulling an Euter theme. the coffee aerv1ce. The new Mra. Cburcll S. W't'll knov.'n In Mtnn•polla buinfM ,.,.,,.,1 ShP will h"'lir1 thR gr•1up of 0 11}'. her faith and work: Mrs. --------------------------- n• w nff1t·"1 '· wht• h mdur1t>!I ' I Mtllf'r, a bout Ruby Goodwin, Cah· Mri< Willrnm 1111'4l\'. \'Ir •· Jlrl'!ll· fom1a·,. .Moth<'r nf the _Yi-ar : and clt-nt. ~11, ... F:lioir :'l.'••wlnot.I. t .. ,.nrtl-1 Mr11. Pl'rcy F'. B11lno. on Mayor 10 .. ""'"'"l"iv; Mi s. f..('"r\ J.'PrJ!U· Dnra Hiil. Mrs. Otl~ler iiave a.n l!fl~. trt>Rimrr'r ~Pw ""'"ret111 '""Ill P a<'rnunt of her reC'ent v•callon In J\fmr,. <'i•fVtn s11lwrlf. ..p111t11al I Hawaii. Jiii' f'h11Jfr11 \Y1J:j:, p111motlon; llE\'OTIONS J nhn K F:ll1nll. iotut us c1f womf'n, The devotional: 9f'rvioe was baa- 0 \\-'. Holtby. n1t:m1>ersh1p. Mina ed on lhl' book Through Christ h 'l'l!. nrnu•lon"ry l'dllC'llllon: W1n1-1 Our Lord. by Dr. Gt>or~la Hark· f1 Nl Yrntnl(. so(·111I rt>latwns e nd I nesa. profl'!lsor of apphed theory '''""' ;,C'tlv1t1e1<; Arthur Mltlt-r, Ut· at the Pllclflc School of Religion. r1 a LU1 ,;: Ct>orge CQrldner, 11upplle:1. I Mra. Slonebac~ wu ch<>ffn dele- Mftm11o Fontt>, Ho")? Ho~pltal Auxl· g1tte to thl' World Friendship Camp 1l11ry. Bnad Frella~. car<l11 and • fl ow•' I is. May Delozier, children'" wnrk EarJ S~ontoback. youth occ Progr am STAT•·8 (It' wo~u::-. As i<ei.:,reltll y (or i llllUS uf WO· mt>n, 0:\llsll !\'ewland wall 1n ~·hnrj:'I' Posterll 1rr "Chrl1<t1en women tn the nf'V.•s" \\-.•11' c:Jl~playtd. H111tor- le:1 of thn!\e honor~d wer1• related by the. rollowm~: :0.1rs. Sullwtll. nn Mllr. Made· line Baral, •a11M>c1<1ted with the F rl'nch Unrtergrounu l\nd World \ Is Again President For Ebell Club Installation Offkt•rs will be 1nstalleJ and Coo.st Colli.•ge mu1111: and drama dl'pl'rUnt.nl will pro•~nl lhe pro· gram Th;1r11day afternoon ror Ebell Club. For music. there will be ll variety program by various scliool 6rganlz.atlnns. Including the Con- cert Singers. I.he Wottlen's Glee Club and the Muted Cho'rus, ~Jo. l11ts will be J ohn Trueblood. JoM \~1lliama, and Pat Atkinson. Dnuna Club will read a comtdy, F F A C I Introducing a cla..viroom situation Or whic'h will give prt>llminant's lo e • • producing a play, creating the mood, and meaning or th' produc- Mra. R euben Day we.a re-electl'd I t1on. Tht>y will bl' under direction prealdent or the Cost.a Me11a FT\· ff Krnnelh Boetrhl'r anti Robert day Afternoon Club al the ~ct>nt eat. • __ .A pril D'letUng. Othl'r o(frcto111 for the coming yt>ar wm be Mr1. Paul 1 M T h Roberti, vice pre11lde.nt; Mra. Sher· esa ea,e erS man Salter, second vice pruldent: Mni. L.-'1. Covt>rl. correspondintt To Study 'A-Z ! MCret.&ry ~nd Mr~. E I Moore.• ~~en who reporlt'tl Rl lh<' Writing Plan annual Hlislo11 were M1 s. u. [I Lido Cub Scouts Study Trees, See Theme· Film CUb Scout Pad< 37 ot Udo 11le knlte and pocket flaabU(bt. wu awarded a a1lver cup tor first Foreatry waa the theme fo~ place in the Harbor D111trlct for Apr11 and an lnterNUng movie on the Window ~ contest held pl)"Nood. from the cutting O( "the durlng s cout Week laat February. tree through tha rnanutacturtnc The cup wu preaented to .~t>-procesau, waa ahown. mu~er Herb RUey by Neighbor· Inspection wu won by Den 1 hood Commlnloner Ben Madison for the fifth Ume. al the Pack meeting on Apr11 21 A gr1duatloq ceremony wu con- at thl' Ntwport Bt ach Element.ary ducted by Sroutmuter WllUam H. School. Olb10n and the Salltlah Patrol of Highlight of the evening'• fun Troop II for Vernon Edler. Vernon wu a fl&hlng conteal between lhe wu also pretented a Scout kl'.llfe Dens. The Cubl fished for wooden by the Cub Pack Comrnlltu. fish they had made In Den meet-CUbmaater Riley prennted a· Jngs, using polu that had also wards lo tht> following boys : made. Dens 1, 3 and • were tied for Wolf badge, CQrdon Forgey and first plllre al lhe end ol lhe regula· Buton ChrtsUer: wol! arrow•. non time. Den 1 won the run-off Cordon Forgey, B!ll Llndeke. John llnd thl' prize of a gavel to be used Shields. Ricky Jackson and Bobby 1n Oen meellngs. Sawyer; bea r badge. John Reilly A "Tree Age .. conteat was aJso and J immy Cadw11lader: bear ar- held. Using the ann11al rlni;11. each f'OWB, Larry Ctbson and Jim Cad· boy was to, esllmat.e the age of watac:ler; lion arrow. Charle. Bell; lrPe from which the l!t'CtlQn of the Webeloi<. Kent Anderson, Andy trunk had bttn taken. A count re· 'Seal and Bruce llkClaire; dennrr, vealed the tree lo be 42 years old. Richard Vandnvort , Cordon For- Jtmmy Cadwaladtr and Larry Ell-g,.y and Greg von Hoffman; a11- mAn won wllh eatlmatea or 41 11l1tant denner, Bob Chacon, Jerry yt'ar1. They wtrl' awarded a Cub Adams. NOW OPEN King, prognrn: Mra. Relnl Ka~ CJn Wednl'8day, from • :15 to .. card 1ecUon, who 11.180 reported fo'r · Howard's i ti: 15 p.01 ., the first, l!Pcond ~nd Mni. Claude Z l'kle on art. Md fnr thln:I Kf11tle tl'tH'h•,.,. in the Cost& M111. Torgenon: Mrs. l<en~i>lh :\te!l3 1orhonl 1<y!\lr m llre inv1t.t-d Stewart, mem.~n!hlp; Mrii. t·artH~ to M.u°n School. Room 18. for pr11- 8mall. hl11torlan, Mr~ J. Ear ·· · I l!ll'nlstion •1f I\ rc~!'Rrch on mil.nu- and craft.a; Miss Lyda Conllnt, 11rrlpt w rllmi;, 1m1I eitJ)frlmentl book 11ectlon; Mrs. P aul ""bf'rt.l!, with th;. "A to Z · llpf'lhnrr·writtng nadlng progn.m: Mre. Ar!le Sws!' Ia n u . community 11ervlre: Ml111 El~e P · Leiser, publicity~ Mr•. A. L. rink· I l.>etafls or lhc rf'~&rch carryed . )ey, Hoag orranla.atlonaJ membfor· on dunng the hut year by ltt1chfil ehlp; and Mrs. P. V. P1trkrs. p&r· j In lhr lowtr pr1m11ry grad<'I! w111 lli fnenttlrlan. be pre~nted lnch1111ng rltmonetrll· Mri. J . c. Payne read the report lions or writtn~ tl'<'hntqnt"« and ot lhe nomlnaunrr comm1tto Which d1!1Jllay11 or ,·1u1n11c kinrl~ "f paper waa unanlmoualy adoptt>d. ult"J. • The book sec t1C1n ~ill meet May Tho1<e In the 11ysu-1'4' ho have e when Mrs. ReM from lhl' Santa 111,~d the 111ith0tl will 1 t'por t on Ana library w ill speak. thP1r uperlf'nru and th,.,., \\;111 be Decora tions 11nd corMftfl! !fir thl' 11 f!lll'~l•nn 11 nC! t11sC'u!\111on pt"rlod annual metlmg Wfre ur11nrred by r"'1ow1r1t OnP 1n~t!tut~ ('f'f'dtl will ){ra. Kau1e r. Hoatese was '.\lrl'. h<' rrwrn fnr l\ltentl&n<'e. t\f\nouncu IJtt> ... a rt. who wu ASR111tKI by Mill ~111'." Annr HMpeh rurnculum \\'a ttr1 a.nd Ml'!'. Brown. ··oord1nator. Mary Prk • e'alboa House of Beauty • • l"trodwnt19 NAOMI GUt::ST •t Hair Stylist • /nr Appo1•1t"-t ·{'all Harbor t In $OJ t:. Belboa fth·d. Balbo6 !I Restaurant & Coffee Shop · .. . on . ' Coast Highway Just past The Arehe\ to~ard1 Huntington Beach OPEN 24 HOURS SEVEN DAYS A WEEK lrealifast Served Anytime .-Day or NiC)ht . "try . our coffee SH it made always fresh we .-111C1 ow owra" , L • Dry~rs. Ranges \11\IDT'S .......... Uberal Trades SOI Newport Blvd., eo.ta lleM ~I-MIS y_, LeadlRt Hfilhr Area • ...._ Wedtewoocl Applmce D1ml• Real Cool! • Tiny Gas needle-P.ilots give split-second lighting· .... can barely be ·-.n OTHH NIW PIATUlll Yoa 11 hardly believe your eya the &nt time you tee the new Garneedle·pilota-a brand new feature on tod1y'11utom1lic Gu rangee. They give fully automatic, i1t1lantantoru li«ltl· in«· And bec1aae they're IO \'tty •mall, your range 1tay1 cooler than ever. Stt the gleaming new automatic Gu nngee m>w on dit· play at dealen' or your Cu Compeny. IOU;ltUN cOUNTIH eat CO•PANT ! There's eomething new in o.As. cooking '. .. " ,n-· ... " ........ --. ... .., ~ ... o. .......... . CMM•aa.m•n.lltlC(•Ul'flll a umo .... aa • •nae._. nan 1 innm • IC& m1t1 ...... ........ • .... • ,..,.. • WllTlm·tll.LT , Norcp-Tappatt-O'K~ & Men:ftt-Wed4)9woocl Galla'"Jft ,. . . ..... Jake's Appliances 1937 HARBORBtvo:cosTA MESA • • ' .. , .. I • ., ' ' • I l -• P.-.GE 4 • P.-.RT f -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS '.\ MONDAY, MAY 2, 1955 TEXTURED .CARP~Bttght comfort ia offered by floor covering• which protect amaQ younpten from draft.g, They are euy to clean tor the busy mother· houaewife. WARM, EASY TO ~LEAN • ' BEAUTIFUL. IMPRACTICAL. . . KITCHENS ARE · USELESS ~ho0se Your: CulllKlll'f (quipment for Performance, Not. ~ppeara.nce ~ C'AMll .. 1.1: C'AMBtlS. cupi>o9rda clM.ti OTI UMful ·pots It wu Brl!lal·S•varln, that ""'lait l!HI pana, wun~ara ha.ndlly ~uip· and ..-iitty Frenchman . .,..h,., ·.,orn· pt d '1111lh 1 few. bu,t ·not too man.y poaed thl.11 oft·quottd a.int ... nt •: tl«trica.I 1Jd1 &11.d dr1wer1 hidl!)g ""T'tll"'ffia wfiil you iat and-r wm 1i.•1<t1:u·1 .. -d ~y raund-li.ot·-waiffins: tell YQY 1•;hat n1tlnnfr pt mJll\_ y9u wh!•k•, beater•.-lpoazl!._ cu,Utr~ are:· tie ~ou!cl have en!e.rif'd thla and moufd1; and-crowTiliig all, • to rtad: ··111 me He your k1\l'h<'n knife rack holdln1 lha \-try bf.11t and I wHI tell you Yl'h&t manner knlv"• obtaln&blfc. Ttlfcy cati look ot lood you toal and wh•l mannfcr Uke the wr-._lh. of Jupltfcr ducvtd- of m•n you are," Jt ht hlld had •-·""1hin"•c, upou Uie otftndilll' Grffkl, ldf'I. 'or how fato we Yl'ould 11t y no two hanc!Lea need matct\, In the malt<'r or kltthf'nr.·'!'ho~e They wtrf' purcha.ed tor thOH he •aw In America .,..-hen he r11· fine cutting: 1dge1. V.'hlch ,will r<'· caped to Nrw York. from U}e 1pond io an QCculonal ltroklng Fr,nch R<"voJu!lon, Wf'Tf not so dlf-on a 1harpenlnr 1tee}. \\°atch a ny ferent from tho11e at home. But he butcher to ttoi wh.at ht doe• t o 1hould .ee Yl"h&t hu: harp.ened aharyen hlll wondertuul knh'"'· to lht.m now: IMP RO\'ISE lt t• 1Jn1ply a.mulns to find Some of & cook'• ra Yortla aqulp· • . . HERE'S HOW. • • MAKI A Tall.US - ·• when they &ra crown In t ontitn- er .. 01.n J.hem tn11r r•Unf Ptrlod durlnr th• hot W'"t&thtr by nol fHdlnJ. but lhe eotl mv•I bl kepi motet a t , all'Urn••· r1ma l.tke more nllroJlll food than I• fo~do ln t1rtlllll•r•. UM a i:(l()d liquid fertlllaer. To Ui11 ~dd three teupoon• or t.lood n1Ml to 0111 p.llon. Mix the 'blood m1al u • nour pu l1 and p du1Uy add th• "''I.fer Md on1-haU tl'le •lrencth or th• l!qul4..ferl111ur r.eomm1nd~ 14 by tt\#1 manut1tturtr. ll ll wl1t1r tO t11d • weaker aoluUon of fr.r· .lllt&t.i: and mor1 ottrl\, J'Hdlnl lboUI every 1hrer we1k1 11 very !!.trtt&W , tor conta!ntr. 1rov.-n '~"''· l c•le. mealy bul' .nd aphldl are th1 main lnlllCt probltm. A propt"r •P'.._1 mat1rl•I u-.ct co1·r.cUy 11.'ltl kHP' your rem. Clf>lln, N•V•t u .. an oil bue •PTIY d14rtni real hot i..·eather. In u•!n1 1n oil b&M 1pray do ID l.1te in the 11rterl'loon and 'pray the follan .....,th 1 1Ln1 apr•y iit water th1 next rnom lnr. Slue• and an1\Lt mu1l bfo f'l!mlnated frorn the crowlnJ{ plaee of fun1. They love the t•nder, JlllC'y lt~'ld .1nd can ruin a 1peetmen pit.lit la one 111cht. -· Tweed -Carpets Harmonize, With Modern Interiors in homt1 of comfort and charm, ment m&y never come ftom Ulf' with all the late1t ln ILffiUlll'mf nlll ha1J11eWare.e departnttnt. For In· lJ\ll decof. k itchen• that nobody atance, the thr<'e largr·sl:ted kip- love&. Such a ragcle-taggle of old per can•. well a.crobb<'d "'"th .oap make-shift J~k. Oh y e1 ! 1ome-and heated to T<'ffiO\'e al! trac<'• tlme1 they llNI dcC'Or&lfd to the o/ th<'lr former cqntent1, v.·hlch r&rter•, with a ,-ood many pd-make auch 1plen<1!d cake pllll.I for getll In hartl)onl.itni color• crowd-.. 1maH flUTllly. Two are oval an\I ed In 10 make them Into duzllnit the other oblong, 1.11d ll bat.ch ol 1how-room"s. Every hQllM mu1t c11.k11 batter illvlded among theml------~~~------~------~------ hav• one of evf'ryt.tdn(, azid th.la and baktd, -produce.1 three l!ttlr la the kitchen. Cute, lan't lt T But cakf'11 ot chRrmlng AhApe and al:te, ju1t try to produc~ a decent l'.l\t.&l whl'ch may be l~ed In three dlff<'r· P"or those hvlng In 111Ud chm1.te1 many trrn• will (l"OW rtghl In thr llhade gardrn, Do not plant a amall lern dlrtt!ly In the ground, The hol1 1hould be much Ja.rgtr than the pot tne fern ll growlnl' In and In the bottom 1nd 1ide1 of th•, ha.le u.e either Formula No. l or So. 2. Oo not plant the fem dffp· er than It wu prevto11oly 1TDWll'!1', In dl~t c••• It \1 bl!l1t to h•v• It on an 1lev1ted mound u lhl tlll<'d In hDI<' ,wll! 11r1tl" CULTURE TOLD -• Any mother whh playful. M'ttVe home. Mothcr can cmcf'ntnue f'ul· In the• playthlnp. tnt Y1'&y1 t o give variety U/' lhf' YotH'\(llf'ta .campe,rtnc U.raugh ly on Juqlor'a Mrtoua "conatruc· P RETTY, NOT P&ACTICAL menu. Aftl'!' one third of the baller lhf' hou•e wUI find Lhlll multl-i:OI· tlon" probltm with the block-. i1•ln It• pan. atld spic<' to A at"concl -• I We know O"e houll<'holder' whll 'hi,d. '"' <111-op r11.!•ln11 or nut~ Or<'<t twp...., WI'.)() r arpet a A"n"•t v.·lthout worrylnl' a bout ht'r Lilli• '' c " """"· Mlllll playtnc on a cold bare floor. ('Te•tly favor1 red. Ev<1ry knlfe. to th<1 thlf!l pnrlHln tn ve.ry thlng1 " Aoo. , c•.....,"A• mlnlmlz.es allppl"• f.ork. el'&·beater m uat have a r<!d 11till funhcr. • ;uy l.O katp ei..n. lhla las.tur--... -..... . .. handle, and there th~ tab\e "of A rP&lly good op&gtietl\ 11auce Ferns Thrive in Coastal Climate. Garden Shade . fikOl lNP P l.ASTISR F'trn11 1fro1o1·n In the jl:f0Unr1 do not requlr .. 111 murh ff'tdlnJ Al thOllf' J;n1 y,·n 10 rontainer~. lfOYI'· ever, tt 111 benf'flclol. I n thr 1prlng •rl 90ft floor covering doe& not and cushion. falla that 11omPtime1 -Do , t ahow toll -.nd "camouna.c••'' any nc.:ur.when th• chUdrt'n are pla,y· 1pec.lflca Uon1 end,':: nt f~ O will ~give yo1J.r ~hllrp knh'f'B a 8)'M1t1'.S1"L \'f A 1.EATll.ER~'I,' '" , 1 '"' ih ••o hoo-. l'lffl • potato wlu• on• o oat chance lo ahow oft. On a wood.VI ·'''"' ilk• 0 ,--• ...,.0wing I~.&· •f'Ot& u••~ ml&hl ocrur. Ai.<!, w th " ..,, -.... 1 1 • h di"• k I " · · ..,... ... the varltly or color• that go Jnlo She will find that be11lde11 offer-y"ar Ing Jiit ""'"1"1 an """, .. fl Wk•,· bo.ard, cut Vf'I')' f(ne a!x medium Uon out of the w ind and draft1. I _, d •-_,1 ou ml~hl llJI Yl't gOU&'t ... e • n onion•. Clne clove of g•rllc and onf' Th•y mo•I •-krpl wl'lL v.•o1•-d. the weave, the twttdll 11!mpllty the ng eye ap.,-. lln ue&Ul)'. w .. • ff h ,~ Lo I -•• I •• 1 ~-• 1 o wll a .crrw-nvrr. Vf' f large ...,.een ""'PPtT. Hf'lll thrtf' A hi•h h••mldliy I• doolr·.•. Som• h"'us"Y1'1fe'11 r1ecor1t1ng pr0hlem11. o • ...,._. c11. ,,.,ta llnu room-• t • 1• t h • d j ·--• h •· .-•- I o u· 1111 le>neu can y •r• ,......,,., ere ta bleapoon1 of olive or pe·llllut oil <•rn• Ilk• ni'"rod oonli•h• or -m• Conc•rn over color ma tching: I• ruga In woo, collon, man-mnd1 d f'lj-• 1 ii l "" " .._ _, fl._ b'-•-l 1 1.11 lhtre 1 '"" lo'' th u11. Y ou -In 1· 111.rj!e nan. In It cook the cut ••riy •norni'ng , .. -. Th•-•• , -m• g reaUy elimlnatf'd alnce the•• C$r-...,r1 or ocn...., are t.uy o c ean f d:i k d h Ilk r-· "'' '" ~ .... _,, h••mool ' •il h p <li<&il &.rid covrr. unRl<hliy, w~. or o .. It crac tr1 Rn l\IC e ytl'tl.ablPs until they begin to tern• that re1ent the iun but do .-i; v. ra Y ~... oddment1. Yoii can j;"O !nto Oil.I brown. Add one pound of ground II h basket. IQ hr 11ure Jind-Un .. thr pl11rp ll top ~!rr~ainl:' around thr ba.~ktt with 11 hf'a.vy l11y .. r of gTttn rrrn~. 11Dnul three nr four lrll'·hpll 1pl1111num 1no11. df:f'p, of on1 ,-Ill.Inn hoar n1n\<1 11.ntl Some ft rnll h11ve "fttt·• irhl-on111 ~•llon 'v.·t.11 rottf'd 11trer man· :om··~ 1 anrl Ji!Tl'P.n sph•i;num mo'~ ure. T o ea!'h i;;AUon ad11 three te11· ple r<'d on 10Ji of the llOil, around '!!pDPn• t &ch of /0011 JJJJlphur. blool'I lln<1 11n!ler the "(ert" \\'Ill encour· mtA!, 11i1rrrpho~ph11\<'. h11mlal1e age lh.i "ff.r l"' -I<' aprt11.d ecrou and 011e-hlll1" rup of •1innJ;e rock. Ask AbGftdonment Two fMl\ltelt ~r abandontnant ot land pa,roalll '•orw reft-l'ftd ICI Iha city 1n11netr by Nawport City Council Monday nl1bt. Tht 1'0'· QU•t• w1ra trom Geort1 I:. 1.1111 Orac1 '£. ftf:1an tor UL• aballdon- mf'nt ot IM t0uth-...t1rl)' 10 fwl ot erO.cl st.. bltw..n .Cat&tlr." Dri.-t and· 8"11 t• A na Avo.; tron1 ftoy Pact, Cl&rQDI McCUUoch arid Mtrwin Orwtw• fof' a lMUidOl'lftlanl ot th• northY.~lt•rl)' j_Q ltial nf BfOtd 8f.: tiflwHn Catallfii:Drl,·1- and Santa Ana An . ot damp ~at mo.a ipr•d OY'lr UI• top of th• aoLI 'tt'tll pri vet drytlll' &Ut and k"P thl fem -rOOtt d&rii11 a.nd ~1. Blood meal la uMd b¥ DWlJ' In. th• dry form. Ke•p hi mllld '"'' mu~h will bum your plant. Uoll\Ji: It In dry torm a 1mall pinch -I· ·tcr,d ~ound th• fern I• 1ufttcl1nt tor about thnt• week&, . Watrr thor:ouJ hly a.tter applyll:lf . 'l'1l9 U•<' ol-dr-y-blo!td-ma:1-n '~ whtre't here are nlae \1 not ad\'\•· able u tht blood mea l dra.,... lll<r n1to1· and Uiere will bl an .lnllllt•· tlon ot · mas &Ot•· f<e;idy Mixrcd Concre fe &ny ~m ...-heme. ac.ratched wood Ooor•,I bo •• 1 need rood ~ t. •.......................... .;,.,.p;,.,"'"""'"'"'fo"°~=~:-----;,-----:-· I kitchen ju1t fore u•• cven 1'11' round or chuck of bef'I and con· The lt'.rowla.g place of your fern11 meal, but don't look for Mll<lame tlniie to cook until the me11t i1 de~nd• on your district. Fern• lflany nrw carpefa a1·atkble. P•l· ·~~ ~ ... • ' , ,1: here, busying herself wlth that.Mt-broYl'Tlf'<1; Add one largeJ&n (')f thrive In garden• clo1e to •the the mosll. In fact 'A'I \ pre,,f.'i;' ... '°ft,';o',..;•;.;•;;'°"g:,,',';,1~'.-.food,;.;;..,m,•~Y;;·."'.· .. "'""-·~l..JlllWMJ.11-Lr~.·. rl•<.:e ap lllo'TIUm mo11 on -[op o t'bllow lng 111c111fs~r•••'-"l•eet(a11a W t'(Wi the 110ll of all polled ftrn'.11 u well In !ht f~ll • top dTP~•ll'll:' ot th~ IMI the bask.ii.a. Thll help• hold abovt lngr<'llirnlJI Ii reco!Jime!:!d<'•I moi•tu~ sround' lh.e 1url11.ea roota for the h11..rdy typoi:a uf !t.ro• you and hrlpa cr<"ate humidity. h•Yo tn the ground. To determine -:JIEADY MIXID CONClirl - Urns hive come to the fore qaln 1 ' I , ~· ual which ev.ry devote-d home· tom•toea and cook &lowly one-ha.If OCf'an and In cool hot hoUM"•. J.i any ,. not only lo tweeda, but In ITT•'"· maker c•lcbr•te1' Oll the hoUN· "-or. Add one-half •>nund of la '"" r --ferns are gTOWfl &.II hoUlle plan~ ·. ,}&, -.r.rlped de1lg™1 •nd even plal4'. IQ hold alt•r. Sh• ls in her· boudoir cleAned and •llcfd muWoon'I,, on1 A tine ml.It of wAter'at Interval• Ferna with "feet" lllould be pot· • h.a.rdy fern. II Ill• trm lhat doea led ID the toot II at an ancl" a -not gf't n!ppo.•d or troun by frolt Ill Cl -... 009TA l(D;\ U ._.., • Cupet me.keni 11ay that nf:ver bf'. dreMlnl' 10 go 10 U111 club. (Thi:•" teiu110on of \Vnr~e1tershlre &BUCt, dur!nr Ulc day In hot weaUler will fore h11.a there ~n 11uch t< wide ~'-------(1'1pe11 .eem to llave bffn picked a 1hakf' of Tabuco 1auct , a&lt help to /tow lo~ly terna tn the hot a11sortment of patterns, coloni. tex· __ '...-:;; • trifle too ISOOn~J and pepper to taate. Simmer for dlltr1cti. turt• •nd "''e&\•es ln \hf> atoru u Glve u11 a kitchen weU-•tocked three-fourth.!1 hour lonirer until There la mor• than one IUcce .. therf' llr,. thl1 telllOI\.. The budJ'et· wtlh cont,.mporary 1rocerte!I, with thick a.nd Wf'll-bhmded In navor, rul wt':t-t o grow fern1. However. w1~e h1)n1<'rn11ker w\11 alllO h~ h11ppy ;,.:_::_::_::_::::,:_::c:_.:c_:c_.:.__c __ _c_::c__:__:__c__~------l"°me ff'rna require mure euct llO!I lo learn that lhf'11e c11rpet11 can be requlremenlJI. PltUc not• which pun::hued at 1lmo11t any price llhf' one I• marked tor your 1pec1nc want.a to pa.y. fem. SOIL 8UGGE8TIOS8 IP your dl1trtcl, , crou the t op ot the pot "''ilh •Ph· lf you ar• In a dl1trlct where It agnlim tucked under the foot. A set• hot dur1nK_ t.lll iwrunee a 1.0p root potted to atand upright dot• dr-tng" from three to tour tncbu very little (TOWln&, U any, Do not ~·...,.·41 ---..-. ...... cover the "feet.'" Upon repottlng or &hU'lilll fel'nl, nevf'r cover the crown. In moat ca•• a fern aliould not be Polled ROBERT FORBES tl•eper than It waa preVloualy luff-'-· growing. Occ1stonally on aome USI" • Onl'e i.prlnit cleaning la out of the way, hoU!'lt\ldVf'B like tile mo- th~r 11hown hert ~hould 11l•rt Ui \nking: about the mllny new C9.I'· J»L.11 now a vJll•ble and Yl'hat they can ~·n to her hornt 11.nd fam- 161J·rtAflll G.tOll6f Ko\.· JCHITlllY iAV!O Vl[N"'4 "°91 1()1(61JllG TUii«~ 11" $WlllMn.iG T"' t».Hl.llE $£~£11Al TU.ii!) TO CtwTACr Tl"E 1L1$T1t1.r.11 AIMY P01~ED NEAl1.3Y.•W)'!tN Tll[ Turt!I W(I[ 110\ITID, T"rl U'T llll!ND SM:U al corrfl, TllfM ~NOWN IN Vl(IOIA, 1'1"[!1t wutf AY<.\llllD TO llOL..~tl'!tz•, ro .. 1o11) Mf«DIS.111, "4f THtM OVflKD THI! 'HIST f# nc. ,...,,.ou~ \llfNNt)r CO,,f( HOL/~{1. r ormul• .No. 1 : l gal .-.ndy Joaln'or light~ (not und\. 1 g&I. oak lf'IJ' mold, l gal. pl!'llllt mou . .. varielleB the Crown r•LI•• and thc PHONE lt&JUIO& ,11.N pot Ung medium or •ph1g:num msy I ~~=====::===::::::::::;:;:::::;::::;::;;;;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::~ be placed under the croYl"n I lly. , The aoundll of llttl1 feet rnmp...._ Ing acroN< the fl0or5 Arc 11lmost completely mnfrled by elrJ>f't ""hlch •b~,..,., wunda. and cuta down noli•e·111.'Ll<1e And outal.lfp the Home Show Set at Fair Grounds SA="TA. ,\-:o;A tCX:-:-;1:1 1 -An· nnuncl:'mtnt "f li hu111e ,..now lo~ 11ta]i!td 1n Or:tni;e Co11nly June I to ~ on tlle Oran ~,. County >'111 r .i:round~. \\'fill m11d<' br Henry 'C. Co11 , l1nn1" :ithO"'' .~ha1 rn•1111. Slx ty-f1\'1' Jl"r •·t'nl ot the apace 1n u1~ n~wly. ~"•nr1 ... 1e,1 »xhlblt n1ut<11_nJL .... -... n .. ''' th .. ~ho.,..·._h•" br•n taken ny ,•:w;h1hllur,., Gnx91!Lld, Tn•· Or:•n.i:" County Hon1• Show, v.·h\Ch Ill •n nn v.·11.v ll!'IN'.>C'>Rll':tl with lh~ Or11ni:t• l"riun!y fo"111r. Yl'llL be the t1r111 "''rnt t9 h•· :<tai.:ed In the nrv.· h1nld1n.i: ••n !11" ie round•. 'l'hr r ir~t 11111jor l'hoV.• rvcr et•g- t.d In !ht rount v. th,. h"m~ ... vent 111 tirlnJ! 11Jl<)nll••r~rl by th•• Ur1ngt Count)· Uiulr1rr1' A,.,.,_...,,.l1t>n . _CONCRETE Satisf a~tion l"bliR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e • lla\"t ue llmpltt.r yoar runC"ret& worlr "1th a lnad of precb.too-mtJ;f'd tWnt.nt , •• prepar"M to your ord&r al: • •\'tq• • • • Ube'!f 1-2213 BAY -.ll£,\Dl' "'"' l:SC. • • • UTILIZES SPACE The three·dlmen1!op kltchtn of today 1tack1 the atnrlll't ln1te1d of th• pot• and pana. • Here 11 handy 3-D •t•cktd wtorare il'i a kitchen built or we1t IX>Ul hemlQCk .. Note how evf'ry bit of •P•e,. 11 ulll- i:f'd : ~ 11torag~ !r•y11 u11t " 11\J -' •pact Cn lhl11 opening and 11ld- 1n1 Vf'rtlc•l dr1wer11 provide e&•)'-to-r~•r.h hanging room tor pol•. frying p1n1. long- handted tool•. The nlc<' thlnJ •bout buildlni: 11 kitchen nf wooo;i 11 th•t you c•11 u.-e your !ndlvidual ldei.11 and take ad· v.nta1e of .. very foot ot 1pace beC&Ullt WOOd 11 BO n .. x\ble. GARDENER'S CHECK LIST. I, nM 'nearut n ov;er ah.iw 11 a t yout nel1hborl'lnod 11v1111try. RIJht 11ow a mullltudt!o .,f ""'ru'-and '"-..,.. ill bloom. • t'1 a11t Ulftlfl l\t-..,,.. "'r lm· med .. Wt rolor; r hod,-ndl"Ofti'• "'"lrU... kolk"1t.:le (bN.utf huab), 111owbaUa, df!dllto1tJI au.le ... Wld o:J.maU11. !. Art.tr your 1pr1111 n o,,.,·<'rb1( hlali. MM'.h aa t ullpti, hya- clnUla. and daf'todU8 flnl1b blonrnlal', _....,., l"°"m on:a- 11lonAll)·, Anll aJlo" U1r topR In di<' natoraUy. Un not ,,... m o,·e th" gl"llf'a 1..-,.,. It _vov • Yl'Ut A"ond llo\1'<'1'11 n<'\i'.I y,..r. I. Tbere are man,,. unu~1ia1 h<'d- lltnc plant•. 11.,.,. an ad1·<'n- t1m> In prd~lnll': Tr)' ii '"' on yoGr llUl'M'I').,.,,...'• rt"Nlm· h'llflrl!Wt.lflll,_ '· Dn11't d,.lay pla.nt.lnJ dahll& lnbe.ra u d Jl.adJolii1 bult.. &. Plant t hat la,,.,,. "°""• .., 11 WUl bri r:at&bllaMid brio"' Ule hot aummer •••tl,.r, Builder Licensed S ACRAMENTO (C:'\'5) -.11\e c»ntractore at.at• ltcenlll!I boord Rn -711 W. 17tlt St. noun~d quallftcatlon of \\'Allcran C08TA MaA Inc .. l200 Clltr I>nvt, fnr, a gt~Pr&l ::;;:::::::::::: ::::::::::::~"";;;'~''~'~"~·~'~"~"~'"~';'~''~·;,;·~··~·~·~~;·~·;;;;;;;J MAX W. POPE Inc. !773·MISTOllANS 5.lo'T' ll<l IO~TOll TE A PAt TY Ill'~ tAll,tLY llCSPO"ll ll l f roe ... flolf OYrllMlt l N""' POPUt., .,.. t.\ll!T'I" M COf',lf ltJ. AllfliLCA.'1 fAYOt lt[ HOT 1£VfRA'{. PllO- TlSTIJI' A'A\~1T M£.4YY TAX•' ATIOM, (ITLl'fNi T\lb(I) •RO"' T(A TO 'Offff , ltOW AMEl!IU.'l l 1ti:.fST LMPO!ll'T 00\.LAA•Wli!, COfffl 1• T!I( I A)I) O•" t J)(i &!tl10N Tll:AO( Wlr M l .\TIM AM(ll:ICA, 11/S.-fltflKH IMYAl CAPf.t.I N"'l- lltCL 1111,t,Tl>lf[U ot Cl.1[1J &ll0\1'o>1T Tll[ f llP)Y C0'ftC lt[( tO Tiit WCST(ll:N H£Mt~Pl1Et:t.OM T11t RIGOll:OU) VOYAGE UIOM ,IAt.1<;[ TO MAllTIMIQUt. D( Cll[V U~f.0 HI~ ~C,,Nl'f W ... 1(11: IATION 10 •EtP Tl![ 'llA,•ll Pl•"T A\1Vf.. L""'l[lll v,l.N(lOJ ll[QL/lliE ..l<INIJAt CIOP Of l SOO 000 000 TR[f$ .. MAN'I' °" M 11 oi )(.tMOtD fllQlll Of (Llfll'J, COl'f(l Tllft~ NltDo ,\ SUl ·TliOP'!CAl Cli.ATf ...... o P\tNTY Of' RAl),[FAll. .......... BOUGAINVIWA-VINE CAN VITALIZE WALLS, FENCES • BMIUanU)' colon!d, lh• bougainvillea \'ine can transfer " dull wall or ln.tpltl.cant fance to a rlol r>f gR)'. Y1·orm color~ -purpli1h n d, deep m actnt.a.. ct"-41, pink, bron:e. gold or brick red. An ever(r'laen vine, the bouga.lnVlllea wear• ordinuy me- diwn (rttn toll1p lllld nry pkin flO'!"'ITll Which lln! llt'l In th• middle ot: lll!'fll bract.a -until lll• heil'hth nf .ummer \l'hcn tht bractt bur1t forth In glor!ou• colors. The bougaln,·illu. on the who\"' dOf.'I beat 1n a.reaa where immm~ra a rw v•ry .Varm, a.IUIOUl'h there Are 110m1 varl<"l1e11 th•t perform well In milder e.rl'(l.ll. The bo:IUJt·•1n\'1llt.a. Rpo:ct•- blll1 111 11. mild 11r••a v11.r1t.ty, blooming _ln 1>h11rieft of purple·rrd And ma1enta. The hybrid Ro"' bju1'111.rnae In color, alao Jl'l'T· torm1 well In cool JocaieL • Jn i t.no:ra.1, It II recoffiltlendfd -that wht.n ph1.nt1J11' the b<)uga tnvill'" for a permanent outdoor o:are-e~ you 1:hoo,.e 11. 11unny apnl v.·h•T11 the dnt.ln•lt'.e Lii gno<I and the !'!Oil JP rlrh. In Addition, nurflf!rymeni·aay the btluga!O \'ltl<'A Wftnt" a he1v1er tha.i;i no~ feedln(. If th\1 v\111 s et.a out of hand you can cnn· lrol It by prunJng. ARCHITE.CTS Members of 'ANrlc1111 hlstlhrte bf Ar&ltects • . . J. Herb-ort Brownell William Blurock Philmor J. Ellorbrotk Raymond Kent. Harvey . Frederick Hodgdon George Lind ~.._A,.._ Richar;j Plogor J aet ett Spt. Bh•d .... 13U1 .. I ... -. F ormula No. 2: 3 ga.11. oak leaf mold, l ~al. llllldy Joan1 or llght t op aoil (not aand). Tht. n11jorlty of fern• are irrown In either of the abov• two tom1u- la1. ~ F1;irn1ula No. 3: D11mp pe•t mo1111 orily with the edited lngr.,•l\tnts re- comrneni1t.d further <>n. Pormul• Nn. -t : FemR lh11! t<:'· quire a ·llmo;,.too,. <"ondlti<Jn, 1111 matdenhalr f<'rnft. To cr•A\(' thl11 condition add either one-halt cup of chipped plf'CH of •i."'4 o:f'm"nr or oyater ahetl. (Th\1 !11 1vHl111ble In poultry •upply •IO~R ) Adrl this to J.'ormula No, 2. SOii, FOOi> To 'ach of the above tormulu a.dd to e•ch &'all on thr ee tca.spoDlls llOll 1ulphur, three tf:1111poons blood meal, thrl'e te•spoono auPf:rpho1- phe.te. lh,~e tea11poun11 humlslte and onr-half cup 1ponge rock.· A good ocld foM may ~ u1ed In place of the abo\'e tn~ed1t'l'llll. The •ddltlon of the blood moelil, huml- 11!toe and l<pOni.e ruck IA N!'l'om- mendf'd. Good dralnllge Is ........ ntla.l. Place 11tver1l P.ieer1 or broken crock<'ry over th• draln•ge hole. The larger the pot the more piec•s or crock-''Y Bhou\d be U8"!I, \\"hen you receive your fem .a do not ahlft th~m Jo l~r,g-er _pota trn- rnediatf'ly-:--G l\'e tfiem a chlJICt to Tf'e5 \ablJllh thcms('!Vt.•. Upon ahift- lnc rern1 t o l•rC"er pot.a do it (rt.dually ; from • Ulree Inch to a tour Inch pot, and later to a ttVe Inch pot. etc. ' t"f;RS BA.'SK t:TS A tern fron1 at le11i1t A four inch pot i• shiflcd to a b1111ket. :-;r v!'r pl1t.e 11 ~mRll p!Rnt tn 11. b•~ket, r1tht'r grow It on. A fern 11 C'olnit to he.ve 1 permanent home !n •I 001'RLE l"O'l'nNO Ferna trofn ln pot.I llliter frt<n1 lh• porou1 pola drylnl' out. An ideal w1y tu remedy lhl& I• to rrow them In the double pol 111.1thod .. UN anolb~r pot 2 r.. ' lnche• larjl:l!!r. Over the dralnagt hole place a piece of· crockery. ,On top· of the pl•ce of crockery add enou1h 1~a gnt.vel ao that lhl!! ,,.,.o pot& wtll be !<'vel on top.\J.n thf' •P•~e IJ.f!twtf'n the tw'o pot1 ,111e ! e1thcr d anip peat mO&• or 1p'h·1 11gnum nwtlt. ·Tlil1 will keep th•• Lnnt'r pot da mp and cool. Jo'ern1 do moat uf lheir (T'OWinC' 1 during cool we11,ther 1Lnd 11hould be fed rt&Ul~rJy dur1n1 Uli• period * Fully Jn11urtd Cold Storage * Fireproof Vault. Moden.~ _Pricet1 Ph.one l {rrrbor 1() P rom pt plc:kup at your door by Bonded ftootetnian DRAl'f:RlES -UPHOLSTr::RL~G -8UP 00\'EJl! WA.LL P APER.-CAllPr:rl..'10' OOKPU:TF. ISTt':RfOR llr;COftAT'r!"iG LAMP LIGHT SHOP zt.a!I F.:. Cna11 t H'!~·., (;orona dcl Mar R. Dona/ii H111/ Construrtion GP.:Sf.:RAL COSTllACTOR!!!o !Z'!fl-D \\'. <;:oa1t 11¥1-y, Sewport Beacla.. C..llf. lla rhor 61'!19 Company -1 l.Therly 8-1'0!1!1 ~ /lev LOWER COST ZLF J~ ™ r.tJILDINGS 1111a1D r a....- GLUE.D LAM I N ATf.0 ME.M BE R S, G IVE CL E.AR SPAN , A FFORDING GREAT • ST~E.NGTH /lt.T LOWER COST, COMPl..lTE &VILOIHG wr11.1TV OELIVCA.ED TO Joe SITE ,FROM t 1!1 PER. SO.FT, OR COM P LETE LY E.RECT ED, IHClUDING ~LA.~ FQOH $ t !I PER . :.Q, "' fOA. COto\HER.~\,.; fMU"l.OA IND\/$TRW. .l'tl . ........,.. et $0. CM.IF, the Richard Beeson Company· Laadscape o .. hJii ..., C1aa11wll1• JAMES D. RAY General Contractor & Builder ~ Caul Al\•d. 00RO:'\A Dl!:L MAR PBO?'CE BAAito• ....... Bc:iyer's Balboa Linoleum Co.- -dAC& BOl'ER - 2301 W. Balboa Bolllev•rd • Unoleum • Rubbrr Tiie • Cork • A!Jphalt TUe • Carpet • 1-'ormica · • Yacht .,. • ID•tallatJoa · Harbor 5389 Newport leach'. REMLEY & Q.A VIS . PAINTING-CONTRACTORS RESIDE~71il -INDUSTRIAL CALL llAKHOK 01.ll t "OK 1!:8TIJIAT!:, "'ITHOUT CH.UWS I OI f.:. RA.I.ROA fU,\"P~ ftAIJW:f. FUCHSIAS ·PLANTS in quart .cans Q\Pr 11111 \ 11rlrll,... to t:h D<-. from 351 ·~·· 851 · 5 & 10' NURSERY --&';.; .. :~,:: ~~ • . 11(;"7 4 &Si~·;l ~-Land 1capin9 i s an lnv eSt men t ... Inve st Wisely t;ar11~n J,.~.,.•plnc Pt"f"'rly rlr•l.r;n~ anot 111.1ntf'tl lty ._ pr,.l•·•,ionRI j(.IM~n;.r. Pel In 1'1A11llln.r;-... 1'4f"'"la lty ' :0.'11 ./1>h '"" r.an;r ••r '"" l'im•ll Sauth Coast l.iaRdscape Garden Service i . ' ' 4 • 1 ' ..• .. 3 ORANGE' COUNTY ·YOUTHS SCORE IN 1BANK CONTEST Four New~ Harbor. Stuclenh Runners Up fof Top RanklnCJ Spot · . t Mesa A111al . Board to Oppose 'City Reports . SANT.\. ANA «>CNS) -;-Ttle Orlllc• County Board· ot Super-Now Ava1·1~ble vlt0ra Tuuda.y went on N'COrd u oppoelng a le~ature bW which n would'•lve teachera uml·moril.hly Coplu of Coat.a Mua • nrt &11· "' nu.al ttpc>rt are now-avaJlablt> In war• che<'lul lnatead of monthly. }(eaa city hall. it haa bffn an· Teacher Pay Time Supervltort lnatructed COUnty nounced by Ci ty Man&ier Geor&C' Counael JOf'I Ogle lo voice the Coff.,.yr The bookleb were orl(ln· ThrM Orang• county atudenta &11d eneou,..,..ment to younr pt<>-bo&rd'1 protea\ via telephone. O(le allv luot>d to l.he 315 perton• at· and one-from OcelUllllde wen win· pie wbo ahow \UIUllU&l promlle of la to cont.a.ct Sen. J ohn M'urdy. tendl~e·A prll 20 M"Cond ann""' nen recently In Zone I ot I.he future IUCceM and Mrv!ce to IO· The bill already hu C'lear~d I.be progreu danntr 111 Friday Attn· 8-k oi' A.m.erica'a a.ruwa1 1tatt.• cle\)'. Cull..awKJSI wlll be W.e•nt· . ..-.mbll' 11.nd wW be up ~tore the noon CJubhoUN.. . . "" ---NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 ·~ONDA Y; M~ Y 2, 195~ BROADllOOR TRAILER ROMES I • · H10 Newport Bh'd .. Co.ca Mf'AA. C"alJ fonata SMO 6. ~ toot lot1. Prlu le teltphone 1u1<\ natural pa vailable. Cloae to g~trto, bWI 11C'n '""· f'tc.' JCxc~nt televtalon rtteptlnn Adull11 <'hi)', nn ('C'te. "ID.EAL \' E.U l-'llOt' !\"1> C l.IMA TF." .:,i ....... e .._....._. e 1 .. ta11MMM SI AFFO•D & SON~ wide ,Ac.bj1vernent Awarda pro-f'd at a banque t to be .>ttended aenate J.tay 3. Covering the period trom Junl' ' IC'f&m. They wt\l rect lve Jrom 1100' by 600 honor lltudentl, puenta, County School• Supt. Linton 29, U53 lo June 30, 1n4, the re· to $1000 each May 19 when they edue&ton and prom!ntnl clt!Mna. $lrr1mon1 I• oppoeed LO lht c~e port lncludt1 total revenun, n · . "NELS ~d DOC" ELllOl'IUOAJ. oor-'TllAcrou n... LOlert7 f-l'61 ap~ar before jUd&'te SJ\ Loa An· '1:00lt8 · In pay poUcy. penditurta and tu{l'd b&lanrea or lit .............. A. ... • N"'11911 8-dll· relea. Tbt clYlc Jeadera who acted as th• newly Incorporated commWllty. 'the wlnnera · wer-Llnd& TboJn· sone judsee at Hotel 1.AcVna wtre: Two c .. bt Crash Be.aldtJ a ll•l1n11 ot au clly officer~ .-!""'"'-------.,..---------------, u , Cardell Grove Union HIJh. In Ben Reddick, publlaher, Newport and offlclal1, the report aleo In· vocaUonaJ a rt.: Lola a aulMll, Harbor Newa • Preu , Newport Minor accident ooc:W'red Frtr cludu cartooru and comment.a cov· , REPRESENT OOUNTY-.Jack SmJth (left), ~ Park Lane, Coet& Mesa, and Bob DeLong, 1635 Eut Balboa Blvd., Newport Harbor Union High School etudenta, have been named to repreaent Orange Count y on Cali- fornia Aasociated Student Council, Di.at. 19. They ex- pect to attend the annual convention at San Diego ln Auguat. -Stall Photo LOCAL STUDENTS HONORED . Jack Smith. · Bob Delong Named to State ·Council . . . A a o . Anaheim Union. Hl&h. I.ii fine art.a; Beach; Mrs. Win Hull, pree1dent, day at 17\,h Sl. and Ce>Ut Hieb· erln11 Cost-. Mua &dmlnlatraUon. Dennla McGeally, Oran1e Hlr h cambr1dge School P·TA. 0raJl6e; way between ca ra driven by Albin r eneral government, fl•cllJ. police, School, llbe,.I arta and Jl'rank the Rev. Emil E. Gelstteld, Put.or, Leon Solien ot Puadena and Julee bulJdlnf, fire and etreet depart· aln Oceanalde·C&rla~ Hlgb Grace Lutheran Church. ~on· Ellaworth Brad)' ot Lone Bffch, menta and a meaaare t~ Mayor School, ecfence ~a mathcnatta-. C!ldo: fiti'i: A:M Gflttln, eo-p~M-tt&li1:~1..ut:--------~011.1n~ld9-.---- NEWPOllT CLOSE er, Ramona Sentinel: and Brip· dler General J ohn A. Bemll, form- er Mayor or Oceanalde. U nton T. Slmmona, aupwlntendent, Orange I County School1, Santa Ana, acted q ~ ot the group. BALTZ MORJlJARIES COST A. JIJ:8A CHAREL CHA.PEL BY T HE SEA. 17'1 Superior Avenlle MlO E . Coul Blvd. · Coel& M~ Calit. Corona· del Mar, C&lif. N9Wp0rt Beach atudentl who re- preeented theA>ca1 hlfb achool. ln· eluded Dorla suean Keim, Judith Stewart, Charlee Lynval Rice and Donald Bruce Beatty. In nearly every cue .I.hue 1tudent1 were runnt rs up for first honora. There were 32 top ranking atu· dent.a In th• conletl whlch wu held a l Laguna Beach. Th• ecoring w .. b&Md.. 60 per cent on (T'&du, 2~ per cent on leadtrahlp and out· aide a.c:Uvltlea during lb• 1tudenta' lut three yu .r1 of high 11Chool and 2:5 ptr cent on group dl1cu.ll01111 before judcu : Pboll.e Liberty ~1121 PhOJlt Harbor U Harbor Hi Hires r~~~~~~~~~~ 15 New Teachers A• Lota.I o! $3:5,1100 la being dis· tr1buted Ulla year in the 1tat.ewide program wblc.h the bank aponaora lo brin(t-Jiubltc .att.tntlon~ rew&rd Newport, Laguna Can in Crash A t ender bendtr accident oc· currtd ~cenUy at Cout KJ(hway At leut 300 mon pupU1 are u · peeled at Newport Harbor Union Hip School nut year, a.ccordlng to Principal Sidney Davldaon and Monde,y nlcht the 11cllool board hired 16 new te&chera for l)ew poll· tlona and replacemtnta. There are alre.ady 2~6 eighth gyade pupUa who nave alrnlfled their l.rl'te.ntlon to attend high achool and wtt.b the new puplla who wlll move Into the dl1lrlct by September Prtneipal Davtdeon tit· peel.I! the number to b« ,..,elltd lo a t Jeut 300. The echool ·board aJao ttlUted all ot ~ pre~nl ala.ff at the Monday night meetln1 an:! ln Ttblrtnc four driven by Jamu Rodney Trotlt•r, the eyatem pve them t.ba. •tatua 27, 'or 701 Goldtnrod Avt . a.nd ot permanent tenure. ThtM \.eaoeb· Frank Curll• Charter of South era are Paul Caldwell, Zalba Tai· La&"Una. police aald. lum, · Emil Neeme and Riptu HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CR.ISIS? CRISIS! Perhaps we heve the answer BeceuH we do everything here -- ra "SERVICE WITHIN IJOURS -WHEN NiZDED" . COMPLETE IADNDEBER8 Md CLEANED MAAll'tiT.a•a 1111.& zawroar ~ca fOI\ MOM ON REI\ o~t , Puftct Conuol~d Heac for more deli· <iout foodt by simply •n:i~I the dial. No more cookin1 f1ilures. Now Only •1995 .......... ,, .... WATll liALm....,, Ya. cu ._.,.. ..an PM ha Walilt up co coo. IN( ..... * ........ MEZZANINE SHOPPE UpaWra la 1Uc:Mrd'1 UM Jlal'ht S43S Via Lido llarbcw 18%8 California As.,nl<'llllnn of Slut1f'llt Counl'lh1, Bob OeLon11: llnd Jack Smith of :-;ewport l:iarbor Union High Sthool Wei" \•l1·ctetJ.1. otf1· ·<".,.rs nf th1• orgr1111U1tlon. DeLong wa,; rlr•( l(,J pt "-'lllt·nt of the group, which co,·ers all or Orance County 1m<1 the i-lmt.ont govl'rnm<'nl In u ch of Lhe county high schools. SmHh wu l'leeted tre~urer. bara to San Diego. Bob'• activl· Ilea and outatandmg record at the high achoo! me.ke him a b.!ghly qualified person tor the job and lhe stu<lenla repru entlng their high echoola were almost unanl· mo111 In electing hlm to the po.111· tlon. Troller told ortlcera he waa Goerke. """ golnr~uth on Po~~WaA~.and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i came lo a !uJI atop at Cout Hl&h· I ~ way interaectlon. He ll&i d he did not •• the Charter ca.r to h11 Jett u he pulled out In troot o! Wllh his e!ee t1on lo thl' pru 1· dent's po11l11m l>el...ong becomea repruu 1tu1Jve h N 11I of all the tlU· denl go\"HOmt'nl s:roupa tn the 1.-ounty and 1illl0 runcuuns 1u a member of the rci.;tqnnl l'abinet Wh!l'h t 0Vl"l ~ all ()( othr S!•llthe rn I • The California A.11oclation of Student Councill wu 1ta.rttd about eight years ago lo meet lht need !or a gn>up of stuJenta represent· in~ the student irovernment g-roupa o! C111lfomla high 1chool1. At the preaent time the CASC contain• 22 di1tr!ct11 and five regio-n• In the 11tate. ., SEAL· SAMPLES BAY SWIMMING Th11:i sea lion. or seal, evidently decided to take a rest from so much salt water Tuesday morning and climb- ed up on the flQat back or'~a.sa de Manana,-1014 East ·Balboa Bl\"J . He greatly astonished Mn1. H. O. Ander· son. who has JUSl moved out here from the Dakotas and is not us<'d to having marine life in her front yard. The visitor was about three feet Jong. light to dark brown and had a nast.nnl for photographe.-a who ventured too close. -Staff Photo To pr·Pvcnt ch1h.I acr1.!cnt!. nc>ver leave baby alonP In lhl' bath even for "jual a minute." If the doorbell or phone rln11;s, Ignore t he <'Bii. or takP b11hy with you blm. .Charter .id the Trotur car pUlJed out In front ot hla a uto. Charter akldded 27 !eel before he atruck Trotter'• ear, officer• a&ld. OCHS Reporter to Cover Rupp Gas ·Execution SANTA ANA ("OCNS) -OCNS reporter Pat )tJchaell hu been granted permleslon to co•l'r the execution or William F. (Biiiy) Rupp on J unt 17. Warden Harley O. Tel'ur ot Sa n Quentin noU.lled OCNS and Mlchaelf that 11peclal arn.ngement.A for Orange County New• Scrv1ce l'Overare had been made at ti~• prll!On. Rupp 111 scheduled to die for the 1laylng o! 16·year·old Yorba Lln.da baby sitter Ruby Ann Payne two ,years ago, He was !ound sane by a )ury and later convicted ot nrst degree murder In the bruCAI blud· 1eonlng of the young girl. Rupp'• ca1e hu been carried to the United State• Supreme Court. He wu defended In Santa Ana by PubUc Oerender Nick Meyers. Later, app«ala were mt.de by an attorney hired by a San FT&ncl11Co newspaper which became lnteru l· f'lfUi (he C&M. '°'Mle newapaper nu maintained l.hat Rupp ~hould not die btcauee he wu not 1ane at the time or the murder. ""• R\U)p le echeduled to die tn San Quentin'• p..a chamber. Permit Granted Application by Lucille a.nd Ever· ,tt Kruwell tor ruubdlvtalon o! lo~ 10 an<t l1, Bloclc 61, RJnr eec· Uon Into fou.r bulldln( 1ltt1 WU gn.nted by th• Newport Bea.ch City Co~ncll Monday nl(bt. t o answer. Balboa Island -------------.j 1 Pri~ate Poli ;1 • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMllCIAL. SICUllTY P.ATIOL Kl . 2-7027 . CHEF HENRY JONES 1u9gests Park-Avenue Special Monday 'thru S~turday Crab Meat NewbUrg SISO t1Ml&& OUN ! . Baby Beef T -~ne · ttso I "Rendezvous ol the Mariners" Park AvenH at Marine L;;;;;;;:;;;.;;;;.,;-.~~----~~--.... 1 ''-------------------------------------------. ' • m Orlnge County! ..... It performs miracles in one day right in your l>ome ... be.;kJ ... • ,___. ....... 4DY~ -s:i ,.. WOltt wtl do for. pos Wipilf -"° ..... how clrtr yow ca.pet II, I .kd ...... ~ .. .... ,., 'OM .... • 1 ,, FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY . SERVICE Oil RUGS 111~ Upholstered F1r1it1re to\be~ .......... Phone ' \ K,lmberly U400 - ,,, .. 80_..,_ ...... ,,,,,. ... KARPET ·KARE it • r •" o I u t i on • r y, proven process developed by llGILOW ..• the molt f •mou& n•me in Mrpeti"9 Uphplstered Furnit~re -~d Rugs· .. , Clean~d in ~Our ModerD Plant We if\vite your iMpect~ of our plant. You'ft see tlie very new~st _and s~ientific cle~n· ing equipme~r e1perlenced wonmen s~ilK~lly and car•fuVy us1n9 the fr_nHt. materea.ls end detergents. Our drying room is our pride. Here your ru9s •re dried 1ndoor1 1n conttolled temper.ture, completely ew•y from the d.tm.t9in9 r•ys cf. +he su" end the hMvy dew of our C.lif0mie nights . Wall-to -Wall Carpet laying Ancl . Repairing a· Specialty 011ly 0111 Loc1tio11 ' WrfecU• tavtlM lm.UaUoa. TMr. I• oal,y -Al'e Carpel Md •111 Work.a, oat1 ,He MWreea. Be 8un I n -Kl 2-6411 AL'S Carpet & Rug Works ' . I ltJ lo ....... \ • • PA6E 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS. PRESS MQNOAY, MAY 2. 1955 ''G_od h _ gront U$ t e serenity to occ.ept the thinq~ we connot c.honge; the c.ouroge to change the thing$ we con and the wi~dom to know the di'fference." (A. Anon.} EDITQ::RIAt-S . 'Charity, Rackets to Get Short Shrift Henceforth The gre&t heart of America has just sent in'to ob- livion the ireat crippler, poliomyelitis. The ,reat heart of America. inspired by the im- pauioned plea ot a crippled mu who overcame his handi~J.P to reach unparalleled greatness. tou~d the 10lution through the March of Dimea for thl' isolation of.poliomyelitis. The March o( Dimea waa an inspired campaiin that nw creat millfone of dimes and dollal'll garnered and apent for the one aim -relief for the sufferers of in- fantile panlysia and elimination of that dread diseaae. Its aim bu been a.ccompllshed. There will still be a need for considerable funds for 'the continuln' relief of thoee who have already suffered the toll of tbla dread d.iaeue-. There Yt'W be many more fund drives. lt is our ar- dent hope that we will be able to send cancer into this t ume oblivion that we all hope the 'Salk vaccine will eend create new facilities. new ,Wba and ovedlea<U,, and re- apportion;all fund,a toward the 'support o( thoae deserv- ing agenciee which remain. We are through listening to charitable1ap~ata on their second and third round for t.he. parties ;participant in the Community Chest campargn. We aer:v.e notice to all commercial prom'oters: "Get out of town or we will endeavor to set men upon your coat tails to expose your vicious schemes." ·And tn less harsh words we sen •e no- t ice on every other Organization, participant in tlfe Com- munity Chest -"Live on the budget you get or rai~ it from your own members. but do not further attempt to extract from the cit izens of Newport Beach further money' to extend over your head while giving leas and less service to those whom you claim to be your own children." County Upper Bay Fight on Annexation Continues polio. ,. · " Action taken by the Board of Supervi.c>ra at an L We all hope that the effort.a of the heart fund and &.djourned meeting late tut week wilr apparent.Jy con· the mUiaCular dystrophy fund and the eerebra-1 pa1ay ~ tinue the efforts of that body to slop the annexation io fund will be aucceuful and help us in eliminating from N~wport Beach of the Upper Bay. our "ay of life theae terrifying diaeaaes. . Although Heinz Kaiser of Costa Meak, S,upervisor, But while we are thinkfng of the success of the told the City Otflciala of Newport Beach that the suit March of Dfme., we alJN> ebouJd seriously consider Ute was dead. and 1imilar announcements were made by the continuing aucceu of other campaigns. great and leaa county counsel, other members of the county governing 11"Kl. body felt differently. Yean ago the Community Cheat wu started aa an County officials have been ardent in their blame of elfort to unJte in one campaign all the fund drives of Newport Bea<;h for not consulting with th~m. It now ap- wortby organlsation1. At t~ inctption of the Communi-pears that Newport Beach i• wise to keep its counsel ty Cbemt the public WU given to believe that all t'hose to itae)f. County officiall cannot even agree one with who JOtned iii the united camSSaign wo.Ud not run any another. campa.lp of their own. Thia bu ceased to be. Orange CQunty's loud mou~piece Joel Ogle ~ade a We have (l'OW'l\ tired of the continual tap of charity big pretense of wisdom before the Newport Beach City ban. and charity dances and charitf parties and charity Council when he admonished it not to abandon the road cai:d ,amea, not thoee that are. purely for the communi· around t he Upper Bay. ·1gu9r&nce or ham acting, one, ty. but became ev.ery promoter in California seem1 to Jnflicta the voice a( the !JUperviaors. The road around think that the Newport Harbor Area la fitUbg bait for the Upper Bay is a county road. It will be the premiae hil sucller pines. of Ole County er Orange to keep that road not only We are Ml'Vinf noti~e now that we will not give· of available to the ·people but in . repair and pusable. The whatever amall amount of money we might have or be road belongs to the county. Unleaa the supervisors would able to give nor will we give apace in the P!-per to. any abandon that road to the city it remaina a county ro&.!1. campaign pf any kll\d MU\ by commercial. promoters. ~rtainly all ronds in the City of Newport Beach are now We ~not give to nor be tolerant of any campaign and have been in better repair than those ot the County froiil which any bind promoter gets pen:entageCThis Road departmC'nt. SOM t-. .._ our owa fa~ ~&JM. whlch .,.. few. Newport Beach City Attorney Karl Lynn Davr1 We feel that t.be ti~ 18 at hand when our citizens contends that all the County of O~ge owns in the Uir muat atop and an&lyu the.Ir ability to give and their per Bay amQunts to roada, either dry land or water. Th~ de.ire to chooae the recip~te of their gifts. attorney states that the tidelands granted to the county We cannot believe that the peopl~ of our t own art are in fact roads for na.vigation...:and fishery• and are willinr to create mott and more organizationa that will therefore not available for eale or aggrandizement of consume more and, more overhead when there ia a con-value such u the county appraiser claimed. tinuinr job to be done by the existing organizations. Onc'e again it should be pointed out that what the Now, for inatance, we have t een c~ted in 'thi• N;wport county is really trying to 0do in its effort.8 at litigation Harbor Area a Boya' Club. It ie a good club. It eerves over the Upper Bay ia to extract from the City of New-"' a fine purpoae. It ia a participant i.n the Community port Beach it.8 title to a portion of the Old County Dock. Cheat ot Newport Bea.ch alld of Costa Mesa. But it Jlaa Thit window upon the bay the county would seH, but fo\&Dd it neceesary to raise additional funds to keep· it.a can't , because Newport Beach o\vns a sizeable portiop e...,....rowi.ng, ev~xpanding operatione and facilities of the property. fOlna'. We believe that all of it.I funda are honestly and The· county counsel has made a great to do about properly apent. the necessity of keeping open "for all the public" water· We Me al.to the need for more and more funds for front on the bay. Yet it is he who has been trying to get. tM Boy sCout movern~t In this growin_g count.N of till~ to the Old County Dock so it can be sold into private our.. we cannot expect the Boy Seoul.I to continue with-ownership. · In the budget they have had any more tha.n we can ex-Other portions ot water frontage on the bay owned pect the Boys' Club "to continue in the budget it hu had by the County of Orange ha~ 'au been closed by county ~ _ rovide for the needs of more and more· boy1. a enciea including the Orange County Harbor Com- A.nd the tame thing hol~ true for the girla' organ1u:---m ion. -. t!ou in tbia wonderful county of o\11'1. cOntrariwise. the City of Newport Beach owns, The time la therefore at hand for the Community maintains and provides more beach "for all the people" Chest to re-evaluate the agenclea it 1upporte. Trinf back than all the other cities of the County of Orange com- th• dead "ood. cut off all t.ho9e that are endeavoring to blned. Fa~er McCabe Writes ... Well one of the beat Side Shows going on in Waah- iftston ia ·about to come to an end. It concerns that fel- w Matu.ow who claima to have invented a stringleas Yo-Yo. He·admlte to telling liee worth the money and nen cla.ima to have gotten u much u $400 for jest one lie ••. If it'• anrthlng like a lot of others he's told, why tt muata been a Whopper. Formul)• the Newport-Balboa !liew1·'Mme1 and the Newport-Balboa Pnu WASHINGTON REPORT Thtrl' ••rt · lY,:n ltrm!I or i-on111d· t i able lntt1 l'~t to <.:111rorn111 that 111" tx-111,; l;i I'd nboul in \\ uiill· lnl(lon, nnt or which ha.a hfen vrry poorly repn1 tf'rl In· the press snd thl' olhrr. whlrh I will take up next Wcl'k, hu hnd no publicity what11~vtr. You h•\'C no doubt renrl 11om" of the rtle~s reg .. l(hng th!! propos- ed ronlrsrt by the 1"ore1gn O~ra- 11ons A 1hnin1.~trat1nn to hullrl a g-raln r lev11tnr In PaklMtan. Th111 lm'•ll\'"3 Soulhun C11ll(ornal\ by I th" fa.cl lhlll lht b1t1 of a S<>uth- trn Caltrornl.1 firm w11,. an tplrd, aubject to flnnl TH'J:'"t111t1on,, and would mtan 5t'\'t ral n11lh•>t1 dollars worth of .. tPel r11b11cat1on lhtrt . There wert' 11ome t1v1• prnpu3AIS with St&uen ao that the matttr could be l.llaposed of. Conrru.sman Phillip• hu betn vtry cloae to the PtJ<.llltan situation. which Is be- coming rather delJ~te. · You must remember lh•l Palc- latan Is 111tuated between India, which Is pro-Communi.t. anc1 Ru1'" ala. and hu declared th1H ll Is • ataunch frltnd or th" free world. ellp,clally tht U. S. ~ey were be· i<innlnit tn' fr!'I th111 w1> w,.re J(rl\nt 1111t for1~1rleral>lr 11um1 pr mo- n"Y t o l ntll 1 fn1 111 mamenl11 an'1 riulro111b l\nol wert 'drai:elnr: uur IC'l'I sn rar 11s P1k1111.rn w1111 ron. Cl'rn d Al thl" po1n1 I want 10 l', y that Pek1•::in v.-.1_. C"on1111m; n-: .•O pe1 ' ••nt , r ll\ • rr.un~) t ) i:on't 1t1l'l th .... : .1 f !ll"\'Al11r a1 & nlt>d•I <1t A De..-d•We t.oc.I luUhaUoe for ()\·pr t•orty ,.,.,.,. · made lo f'OA., •nd artn c.iretul .. ___ t . n .:1.11 ..... n t, i, 11 , ··I ·11 f111:l ~ tlNd u S.C:Ond.Ow MAtt«r at the Pa.to(flce In Xt>W'p<>rt Buch, ,.·as <'h"-•t'n m A u~us. 1!1,\1 rr•·I• : 11 Ill \\l,Jl'il f'11lcl8:11n wo.•l·I u111lc1 ~•"' ur Pl(lht mo1e. Al· ~o. you mul!.t un<leratancl thu lht rropoSAI• or b11h1 w ert not upor. 11 .•~iflrd plan bul t hat u ch con• PllllY m11de a propo&.ll nn 1 d!'1lrn and ropac1ty of II.JI own. c.JJfomla under ~· Act of March 3. 11179. I Ont of t he olh•·r h11hl 1 ~ "u a hait s• t..rr Jl..._y UHi nurMay •t s-pori ~11-:-(·.m. Kan~11.• Ctty rtrm wh<»" 1•r• 1•u•111 ">' ... NKWPOllT HAJUK>R Pl'BUSHl~G COMPA:\'l' I wiu soml'v. \HH I 'Jiii tl1nn l h~ 1. .. ,. ~ Ttle,.oM Hartlor Hie Angelo firm. AlthullJ:h Mr ~l""'" , £ ~tn, v. ho IS ht11d of .. UA. 11.1.J In· ~.._. '9 ...... N•ttcw. and Advtrttwmnt• of\An Kinda vlled the L(i~ Angtl<'~ t1rm tn nm MASIJ>l.LATION8 ..... et. ... Sa or Court., o,..re Co. Ill Adto• ~·o. A ·tl70t CllJ,lt' \I• \\'.1~1111 . .,\Ull 11 11<1 , .. nt1111lf' nl'1tnll11t111n~. nol hl'nl: tu1 lhl'r v.. ~ clon1' 11nt11 D1·1.emb1•1. 11Jr,1 Thtn tht Lu A ns~11 .... tum ·~hirh hill.I sprnl P•>fllt 5:1~.000 in p1 tp111 in~ The-~ An1te>lu propo~ wu 11 <'llffiJ'lctd par ka1tr dcl\I which ln- r ludrJ th~ fabr1ca11on. the p11ck1~ IJl!t anrt 'Jllpptnir to P11k1A\llJ1. thr .,..._ c.ate -N'.-,..,.r PuMl~r. AaAMlatto" ,. ... ._, s.u.... Ecttt~uw Aeaotlalto" ..... .._, ef o....,.e County .Sl"t.. !'ervl~ BEN ltrDOlCK, PUBLISHER WlLLlAM A MOSES, Editor OIU(OND I:. ROUNTREE, Advertlaln.. Dlr~tor CJIAALE8 A. AJUlaTRONG, Ml'Cl!anlcal 8uperlntendt11t l>tt>lr propot1AI. r<'quuttrl a rtn&I constnirllon or the t l .. vator. •nd dtfinlte an11w,.r 0 lo whtlhl'r or• the technical us111\anrt tn operav ,nol lht~· woulll p1 O\.l'l'if !~:o~a~i~l~u~! ~~~/:~.:~. u~I~ ASK.S AProl."T)fE~"T othtr pro~als wer" for nnly cer- Bl'lrit unablr to get auch •n lln· lain tuturea ao that tht Loa An- awer. one o~ tht membtra ot lhl1 relta bid. whllt It . wu not the flm1. v.·ho 11 " roMlltuent of loweat In dollar11 -s bestd on 1 Conr~•mAll John P!lllllJH!, uktd .mucll mon •llsractnry dNlp . him to lf't 110 11.n •prolntmtnt n. Kan ... City ltrm hu h•d • • ( - THE APPLI or Rl8 IY&- Sacramento Sidelight llA 0 CRAM.&NTO (CNI) -Ap-Into th• •UMt.ton of UM .tloeall°" penntJy, the,.. Lt more t.b&n meet.a at )tlp-1 fWICS.. I BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL f y HORACE PARKt:K ( M . 1'i ote -Tille C!OI-• b1 .Jlo,_ Pariltt ti•tll ..., i. IUI ttM llttle-kDOW11 lalatork'al fac.ie lie' llAa 4Ndc" up la 9-la lnMl1 hipa l•l• .... Mtil toomi~ a.·~~ .x-.>- HISTORIC SPOT-Over thia narrow canyon floor trod the exciting history of our Southland-annieA of the Mexican and Civil Wars, cox!!red wagons, trappers. ban. dita and murderers. Spanish exploreni. stage coachf's, military mail riders, prospectors and cowpunchers - the pageant of Southern California was funneHed through Box Canyon. -Horace Parkt'r Ph'oto • .r-- ' the •:r• behind the rMOIUUon In-Uk.-.riM, m&ll)' ... mbly1Hft troduMd In the u.rm~ by A.. feel they Mff bMn ''ahort<lr- eemblymaa ftichard H. Dolwir. of cutted" by the dJ.t.ton of hlrll· 8•n Mat.o eoutny. w":!~~~~r~~·~~~th~a~t~d~l8C~U..S~~~~~~~:::;~;'.!!!!::!!!!!!:~:!!~~~~~~~~~J!~C!:~~~~~~~·k--~·'":-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~t a tull«:al•-ln...Uptlcm of the i:out.ea ha" p m _... th h!Pway llltuaUon In CallfomiL ducted with ~ eenator1al cu down on e " reeway" into South~rn Cah(omia. Dolwll' 11 .upport.ed In hi• ,... of the Jeptatun. Even after nearly a half century of continuous USl'. I doubt qu.et for 1 100.000 to ooeduct Ua Th• hlgtiwaya l'Ow wu bound whether a modern school bus could negotiate lt.s l<>ngth with. probe by 5' otMr .-blyrnen, to brMk into the open eventually, out becoming wedged between the canyon walls. which w plent)' to P9i" th• h80-u compla.1nu ha•• been loud and luUon Ulroup the )loUJM. . ~ong" partJcullrly on the part of Jt al.I •tart~ back on Jan. 19, of " waaon ro1td ln1 11 tht -.)Ulh· communlUea where the dlvlllon 1847, wMn Lt. Gol. Phillip Sl. 19Jld. 1 LOO.&.L Dl:SIBU at hJl'bW'&)'IJ hU svn• eontrary Gfflrl'e Cookt, Southern Callror-In 11 boat <1u•a1ttrr un lhf' ('ulnr- to th• wtllbu of th• community ln nl•'• fln.t "fret>way" bull!lu 'nit-ii.<1n Rlv<'r. lhl' M11rm1111 tt11 tl11lltlfl the JOc&uon of free._.1,, lated conatructlon by atr1kln1t th,. h11d 10111 Bil nr 11 .. rn1111 tn<>IJ<. p1<'k1<, Like a lot o_f Ulo JNbUe.!. IOtne of th• aaeembly~en now lll't. wa- in( up to the fmct that t.ber• could be aome tmprovemtnl in UI• metb- oda uaed by the lltato la fHeWay conatrucUon, acqullltlon Of f1Cht· of-way, and In recoplatnc the de· elrea ot aom• of Ule local. people who u"' with the hlrhway• th&t are con1t.ructed by th• 1tate. l>olwlr uya there l• ''Wtdupread dluatiafactlon wltll th• kirhwa:r commlNlon'a procedure• In con- nection with tr.away•. COlldemn ... tlon practlcea and the h&ndllns ot acc ... ~de." He •1' tbe preaan\ hlthway pro~ wu Initiated In 11M7, and tb&t the ueemblymen want to t&lul a Ions look and "aee what'• l'OiJlC on." There ban been cornplainta. h• ltated. that tbe atate la payln& too much for rlcht-<1t-way. The (l'OUP want.a to know Whal la beinS done . to remove bottle.necka, and whether conlllden.UOft la belnS given to th• •Y•tem to bandit ultiJl'l•te m... trana ~lion. Aleo,· II• aye t.bue bu been aome crtUct.m about the Jetunc of hlchway contract.a. and th• commlttff H well. wanf;a to Co One 11Uch row i. under way a t ftr-t b~ with an ax• agalru!l lhf 1<h<wPl!1 1;1n<1 the lik,. (Inly .,~,.11• • the preHnt time, afftietlnl' the city rdek ledgu In Box Canyon. I crowlmno An.I s '"Pll.•I(' nr two rr- ot s.nta Barbara. ln virtually Colonel Cooke was a n officer •nj mlllnrd to Whl"n rfox r·11n.von ff\,. evuy In.stance. the dlvillon of high· Oi!n. Kurny'1 Flr11t DragQ.On11 dur. the PIWWIH~f' nf llw w11gn11~. way• h .. ridden rourh-1hod ovet lnJ the• ,Ml'xlran W•n. It Wl\JI his ('OOKt:'1>1 t"XA"r1 Y. u,e communJty, and haa placed duty In C<ilUlcll e1urr1<. · Iowa. tn 1· ·· · · trecwa19 where the civil NM'lce ralH an· a rmy of :JOO tt'<·nuts lf"m "Srt I ing "'1 •·i..•mplr lllY"<'lr ·• enclneeni want them placed. amonK the Mormon f~th tCI b\az.. Mid ('nl. <"nuk<'. "1 II••••• "A" nnH h Some leftal&tor1 Indicate that Ule flret wagon road Into South-l11b11r nn It b"for,. tht wn,l?'on111 at Jeut part of the tault llu with em California, a.nd then th!' re· came. I hl\l 11' with RX~ Wf' Governor OoodwlJl J. Knlcbt. who crull.I wne to do prriaon dOty in poundrd. brokf, "r hl 1tn1I hf'Wl'd Jau Jett a Warnn-appolnted ell· th• at&te. · lh; nx-k11 to inrrf'MI!' the nptnlnt r«:tor tn the department of pub-RECORD MAaCH 11 wf'nt on a ~hC1rl rllstu11.-and Uo woru Addle. Thl1 i. Frank Thia 2000 mlle flll.9talnt><1 mart'h tound a Mil to hf' """"ntlM, tn B. Durke., who orlftnally wu a by the m•mbeni of Cookr'a Mor. I 1wo1d 1a 11t1ll narrov. u «1tnyon. with cl.U Mnrfce employee of the d.-mon-&tWJon wu Vie longest ..111-J i:rral rork '" hf' h.roktn lo partment. and who I• canyinc out fantry march on ...... ord up to that plet·e8 With our Rx •s iwrnrt •t was th• policin or t.he lat• Charlu Urnc. And on Jsn. 30, 18<1i Cooke . practl!'~blt·. Mu< h WOI k WllJj don~ Purcell. laeued In San · Diego at th<" tl'I m1-~ert'. I\\ hrn lh•• lt all V.11./1 marl,. I Governor Knlrht, who had op-naUon of the march one nr lhl' nun• thnt th..rl' w"'" at ll'1111l a porlunJty to flx a new and co-moet famou• Ulllt cltatioru '" foot of soll•I rock ton murh • Th" operative policy betwun the dlvl-American mllllary hiatory. com-wa~nn wns 1 un bolf k •n•I rn<oi e aion of hlgfiwaya a.net Ole peoplt memorallnl' lhf4 Jong and dlffl· wnr k WI\.~ ilnne \\'~ ••II Anti of the lll&le, pa.Med up the chance cult trek. ht'W<'d 11t lhr mnunl111n 11111' 1'ha when be left Durkee In u c11rector. Ten wagon• we>re hauled a.c1ose "'8Km1'11 b 0 •I Y w 11 ·• hroUKht thereby living the new admtnlll· the mounlalna and deserlJI to the lhr<tlll:h. and lhO' runntnK l:l'llr n in tr1Uon'1 approval to Ult dictator-Colorado Rh•er. Chnnlmas eve, thrnu1th with •ftf<wuily llf<'n, lal and roup-Miod poUclea of I.he 1846, waa c<"febrated by the men with 111111 h 11111r" P' '""'·rr11•1t l11b<Jr Old, Which now lhrtAlen lO bring Of th• °Mormon BaltaliOn t(ltln_g lhl' oth~r "°81!"11" "!'I •' lirought upon him the combined wrath Of bean1 111d mt>lons with the P ima t11rou1th w1l h lnnrt snrt m•tlMf In'" at 1eut 54 UHmblymen who re· lndle.na on the Gila RIVrr. After For ltu ti' ilrr'Hol!'• thoul'l•n•I~ of present. the ptople o( th• 1t1te. th!e Chrt11tma'11 "fe&bt" on the 11oulhl1tn<I P11111<'•'!1< 1''1111l'd lhrnu,rh b9Jlka of thl' Gila, rallon11 were thl" nor1ow f111111o I ••f n lw•x r 111- great. many Oovemment contracta Senate Government Oper•tiona m ghtly 1 tmpy In the next few "'"""' or l hl• U••lt• tforlrl Ovrrhinil 1 I k yun, into <.J.illtnrn1u Tt111 hlir ('""" and know •.. o~ to be a Jow bidder Committee, which, by tht> way, l• hun,red mllc11 tht'y "loilt>tl until " .. h ... '" M11tl llnl' lftll"r•••I up 11nd out nf by ·x~ludln( a lot ot Item• which th• old McCarthy Commltt•e, de-t ' rl'•ch..... ""•rner's Rant'h In ' ' ~ S DI c· Th Httx C'a.11yc•n An•I II "''"n'l until t h • ., kno~ they wm have to put 'In m•nded that Mr. s•·-~n ap.,.ar an ego ounty. e mulP.'l of ~, .. ..,. ........., .. ~ la~i th.Al 11 n._ .. ,. n~111 111 ~"n Oll'jtl) dnd then r•quut r•·n•l'olJatlon for bdor. that committee. bnn""n• two of tile wagons "gave pul" and ~ ~ ~ •• " h J Wiil\ br<·k~n fulluw1111; Rln11,R 11buut a much larrer amoW1t. It la ui •II ot h1-r.COrde concerning thl• t e wagons we!'f' abanc oned «t the SAtn,. 10111., "~ th•• pr,.111'nl u. old army rame that 11 too often tranaaction. ,., Alamo Mucho. we11l or Yuma.. Thi' S ., ·-··d ... th tr tight r emaining. hauled by lx-· Hi.1:hwny DO played. It woul """ • aamt aa So we ue now facln( • furth•.r hauit•d mulea and wu.k. di~cour-Trart11 dr•1pprt1 11tt hu1 th,. old a.....co.nf.3$ll[J • to build OU and furthe atr~'ll.n~ t r•~t:.~414 ~tumin~~~~-fln~lly ron<I <1ont1n111'1I r .. lw u~•'<l hy 1 home leavlnr out on• or two latlon. with Put.ta.n .it becaUH r;:',chtd the gTeen cool c1tnegu 111 tii.-in ~all•)' £\'<'rl'l l t '11n1p- room•. and •ll•r Nairlng a low the K&n.eaa City firm'• propo11&I Vallecilo. After •· !lhort r1.>llt thPy I>• II "arlv uttl,.1 Ill th~ M11..,•n bid and atarllnl' conatrucUon wu not conlidered ... •pproprlate rJogg~ly conUnUffl on blnuni: th" \'1111<'\' ,.,;Id, "'fhat r r•nrt WI' u•Nt "''ould con'.e. to you and recommend aa wu the Lo. A.n~ln Pl"OJ>Ol&.I. tlnit wagon rnad Into Soulhtm rnr a h11y 11>11•1 It v.r111 t•o0 n1u- the additional rooma for which you .PUYINO POLITICS California. rnv.• 1" .11•·1 hH)'·\\11.l:t•nA tbr~u~h would have lo pay considerably 11rt wr w11ll'nr•J 11 11"'"1 al rr. t · more than you would have had to Th• Nnator from Mlnourt •p. TOO NARROW + pay the contract.on who pn you parenUy I• the only one who be-In Cookt'• own words he MY•. OSL\' A ~ \tOU:K !I-OW a completely d ... l"'ed home. Uveo that the I.a. AnreJeo flrm'1 "Tht-n, up a mountalll torrt>nt bl'd, N nw a nrw •11rt ru•<1 foll••v.-11 HASTE NEEDED propoeal •hould not be acciepted, I came to the canyon and found lhr 1111111 11bt•VI' thl' 111'1 Hrtx C'lln· Now back to the point of cl-. The ch•frman of that committee. It mue,h worse than l exp('('ted -von. And s h111t<1r1!'11l pluQllf' 1'111\1'1 parlurt. Mr. Phillipe went with hi• Sena.tor McCltihln, be~evea It to there were many rO<'ks to <'rOM. 1n p111 t "Th,. t•M w11y ''llrt<•U~ly conaUtuent to ... Mr. 8~n and be the bt1t, and the chairman M etc. But the worftl Willi the nu,r-knnwn "" Si1nffl a ('ol1tr111lo 1t111·r look with him a oourt reporter to the corre11pOndtnr l'omm.tttee In rnw pau. br11ldes ·crookednexl'I or ur Soulhl'rn F:m11rr11nt T111t1 •net record every word o( the confer-the HoUH or RA!preoentt.tlvu hard,, high rock~." Dr Gri!rtn, h1lfr kn1>11.'fl "~ r 11.. U11t 11>rflrl•I "nee. He upl&lned lo )(r. St.-n ac~ that th• Loa Angelo pro-ntPdlro wllh Grn. Kf'IHny Who ()Vf'l fAn.cJ M111I ltolll•• l~l\'I'""(' the need for hute In order to keep poeaJ l• the belt. pulM'tl through th111 118.me t 8.l\yon , Box • ·.._nyon Jll"I f'lllll nt hHr ou relattonahlp with f ,itl•t&n However. tor political purpoaea tt.rller on Ort•. l , 1846. said, "-I qpenl a m11rntnl(, 1lr!'1t.m1r c from falllnC apart and that f~ thty Ue permitting the MnalOr It WU 110 narrow thn.l atl ordinary 1 tu HI •"a.rchlng r11r tht• aJCi' m11rkt ther delay would cauM th• lo. o( trom M1aeoW1 to bavo a .field day •lud wagon could not h11v•• pa.~'-on the r!l<'kM ''' r ht~ n11..1 row r&n- a coNlderable amount of cropo ln with the admlnl•t1'Uon, •nd Mr. ed." Capt. A. Rt> J ohnM>n aJim with I yon'• w11lll'I 11nd I lmaRlnr•I th,.y Pulat&n. It wu MUm&ted that 26 Stu .. n does not appear• to have l<tamy aald, "-a h11d road for werP. th!' v"ry on,.11 L'ol .. Cooke per cent ot the ,:raJn crop of PU· lb. fortitude to proceed With what our Ullle howltz:era anc1 lmpa1111-M.rul'k, when l'l<'lllnK 11.11 ""ample Iatan la deetroyed by roden~ and he know• la rl(ht for fear of publl~ able, without work, tor we~on~'" tor hi• men. h~ 11llarkl'd th• ,.,.,,.ky othtr vt>rmln while In open •tot· &!>UM by the .. nato,. from Ml9-So It would appear that thl.8 lrd.RP• 11> m11k,. wey tor Snuthf'rn "fe a,,d that tt\I• elevator wduld llO\lrl. iw.rrow, twi11Ung box canyon I Cehforma·1 f1r.t. t r1u 111conllnentlLI hrlp the people t htre to help them· The charre ,.... &lao ID&de that mll")t prevent tit• ntabllatiml'nt frH-y." 1<elvetl. ' ~ · th. Loe Anfel.. flrm wu not So alter the conference Mr. even ln Wllence at th• time tbo StaM<'n notified the Loa Anrelu proposal wu mccepted and wu firm that they were to proceed. lhentfor. a "fiy-bJ-nll'flt.." ~ Fo1 lhwllh. tht aena tor from Jill.. an.wer to that lo that It WU" a ,un who 11 .: member of tll• rroup of lonl'-exl.tUnr contractlnr READ·ERS WRITE · ;.-wport Prua ,,ar· Slr1 . Ar 1lnctrr thank you to the pr- •r all the publicity you han given '' the Newport Ebtll Club thll aat year. Wt th• member• ap- •rtcrall' all the lnl•real ihown, or all yo.)lr co-oJHr.tlon H well 11 all the ,.rl'lce offered to our C'iub · Pleu. accept our thank• ~or your l'•neroelty. Newport Cbell Club MRS. W. E. LACHENl(TWl. Pub. Olm. tor lMf·lNI. .. Orma propoelnr a Joint venture l'OCh u the 1111.x coaipani.. whlc)I jolned t o('tlher to build Ula Hoo.- er o.m 2~ yean a.co. Conaolldated Steel of Loa All· K•lu ta one ot the propoeera mnd tbey aurely eannot be calhld t. "fiy·b)'·nlpt." AnoUler la the Panon• Enl'lnoe:rlll&' firm, which hu built, more than a h.Utidred tu,ch graJ11 ell!vatora In the U. S . and In fonnlnr • Joint venture they are not f Olnf to cnate ~ orpnlutlon until the propoul Lt &ece9ttd. J can OA)y •1 Utlt th• cOfltract should be Immediately neroll•t.ed and work atarted and that ~e de- lays cllUffd by t111a antic• of the eenator tl'Onl MWadurl .,. enda.n- 1•rlnr our trlmdlblp wtth Pt.kl· It.an and ma.kl ll&' a poll uc..r '-'ae al UM UJ>MM flt lM:Jll~. ' , ROCKY-Ledges prea in from both •ides o( hilltoricitl Bo1: Canyon -Horace Parker Photo '""' ., .. .. ... G:icepl U~at .Ji :J.rom ·-··· ,A6~ 6 -PART I NEWPORT 'HARBOR NEWS -PRESS MONDAY , MAY 2, 1955 THE APPLI or HIS IY&- r I ... .. , . • "God gr~nt us the serenit y to oc.c.epi the tni ngs we conno t chonge: the couroge to chonge the ~g~ .... e c.on ond the wisdom to know the d ifferenc.e. (A. Anon.I -· EDITORIALS 'Chatity' Rackets to Get Short Shrift Henceforth T~ great tleart of America has ju~t !"~nt. into ob- livion the great crippler. poliomyelitis. The great heart of America. inspired by the 1m- pU8loned pie.a of f crippled man who overcame his handicap to reac.h unparalleled greatness. tound th(' aolution through the March of Dimes for thl' isolation o! poliomyelitis. The March of Dimes was an ins pired camnaign that aaw g~at millions Df dimes a nd dollars garnered and apent for the one aim -relief tor the sufferers of in- fantile pt.ralysis and elimination of that dread disease. Ju aim hu been accQmplished. There "rill still be a need for considerable funds for the continujng relief of those who ha\'e already suffered the toll of thia dread dlaeai-e. · There will be many more fund drives. It is our ar- dent hope that we will bf' able to~send cancer into this aame oblivion that w~all hope the Salk ~·accine will send polio. · We all hope that the efforts~( the heart fund and the mUACular dystrophy fund and . the cerebral palsy fund will be succeaaful and help ue in eliminatin~ from oµr way of life these terrifying diseases. B'ut while we are thinking of the success of the March .of Dimeti, we al90 should 1'enously consider the continuinr 1ucceec or' other campaigns. great and less g'l'Ht. Yean llgo the Con)munity C~est was started a!I an effort to unite in one campaign all the fund drive.g of worthy orgaliiz.ationa7"'At lhe incept ton of the Communi-, ty Cheat the public wu given to believe that all those who joined in the united c&mpaign would not run any ca.mpaign of their own. Thie has ceued to be. We have grown tired of the continual tap of charity... balb and charity dances and charity parties ~nd charity card gamea, not thoae that are purely for th"e communi- ty, but becauae every promoter in California seems to think that the Newport Harbor Area is fitting bait for hie 1ucker games. .# We ate aerving notice how that we will not gi\'e of- whatever •mall amount of money we might have or be able to give nor will we give apace in the paper to any campaign of any' kind run by commen:ial promoters. We will not give lo nor be tolerant of any campai~n from which any hired promoter' g~ts ~rcentages .. This •oe. for enn our own tavor9d cha.ritW, which are few. We feel that the tJme t. at hand when our citizens muat atop and an&lyu their ability t a give aod their de.ire to choose the recipients o( their gifts.· We cannot believe that the peopl~ o( our town a~ willinr to·create more and more organiulions that will con.au.me more and more overhead when there ia a con- tinuing job to be done by the existing otganiutions. Now, for inltance. we have attn created in 'this Newport Harbor Area a Boya' Club. It i11 • g06d club. lt 'serves & fine PUJl>Olle-It i1 a participant in the Community Cheat ot Newport Buch and of Costa Mesa. But it has foWld it neceenry to raiae additional funds to keep its ever-crowing, ever-expanding operations and facilities 1oing. We belle"'.,e that all of iu funds are honetitly and properly apent. -. We aee alao the n~ for more and more funds for tM Boy Scout movement. In this growing county of ours, we cannot expect the Boy Scouts to ·continue -wjth- ln the budret they have had any more than we can ex- pect the Boye' Club to continue in the budget it has had and atill provide for the needs of more and more boys. ~d the aame th~g holda true for the girls' organiza· tiona ln thla wonderful county-o( ours. - l'f'eatc new fac1litiei<:" new j(>bs and overheads. and re- apJJOrtion all fuhd11 towa,rd tht' support of I hose deseJ-v- mg a:;encics which r:em111n. • \'le are thc,ough listening to c'harhn6Je Ap(>cllts on thei r secvnd und third round for the parties participant in the CClmmunrty Chest t•a mpaign. ·w e serw nQtice to a!l commt:rcral promoter!;: "Get out o{ town or we will <·ndt>a\'or to set men upon your coat tails to expose your viuous schemes." Anet in Jes::; harsh words we :erve no- tice cm ever y othC'r organization, µarticipant jn the Com- munity Chest -"Live on the budget you get or raise 1t I rum your own member:{. but.do not further attempt to e.ll.tract trom the c1tizrns of Newport Beach further monc.y to exuind o\'er your head w hile gi\jn~ le8!1 .!_n<l le'>!I service to those whom you claim to be your own duldren." County Upper Llay Fight on Annexation Continues . . Action taken by the Board of Supervisors at an adjourned meeti~g late last week will apparently con· tinue the effort.a of that body to stop the annexation to Newport &;ach of the Up~r Bay. Although Heinz Kaiser of Costa Mesa. Supervisor, told the City Officials of Newport Beach t hat the suit was dead. and similar annou"ncementa were made by the_ ct>unty counsel. other members of the county governing body felt differently. County offici als ha,·e been ardent in their blame of ~4Be-ach for not consulting with them. It now ap-~ars that Newport Beach is wise to keep its couneel to iuelC. County officials cannot even agree one with another. Orange ~unty's loud mouthpie<:e Joel Ogle made a big pretenise of wisdom before the Newport Beach City Courtcil when he admonished it not to abandon the rosd around the Upper Bay. Ignorance or ham acting, one, inflicts the roicc of the supervisors. The road around the Upper Bay 1~ a county road. It will be the premise of the County of Orange to keep that road not only a\'&llable to the people.but in repair and passable. The road belongs to the county. Unless the supervisors would abandon that road to the city it remains a county road. Certainly all road11 in the City of Newport Beach are now and have b<-en in better repair than those of the County Road department. Newport Beach City Attorney Karl Lynn Davia contends that all the County of Orange owns in the Up- per Bay amounts to roads. either dry land or water. The attorney states that the tidelands granted to the county are in fact roads for navigation and fishery and are therefore not a,·ailable for aale or aggrandizeme'nt o( value such as the-county appraiser claimed. Once aga10 it should be pointed·out that what the county is really trying to do in its efforts at litigation over the Opper Bay is to extract from the City of New- port Beach ite title t o a portion of the Old County Dock. This window upon the bay the county would sen. but can't. because Newport Beach owns a ~izeable portion of the property. ~ The county counsel has made a great to do about the necessity of keeping open "for all the public" water- front on the bay. Yet 1t is he who has been'trying to get t itle to the Old County Dock so it can be sold into pr.ivate own~rship. Other portion11 or water frontage<'on the bay owned by the Couht}" of Orange have all been closed by county • agencies including the Orange County' Harbor Com- mission. Sacramente ·Sidelight SACRAMENTO !CNS) -Ap-Into the queaUon Of the allocation parently, Ultr• la more than meet. ot hipway tunda. the aye lMlhlnd the re.olutlon In· U.kewiae, many aoemblymen troduced In the .-mbly by A•· feel· t.lley han been "ahort~lr· ~mblyman Richard H. Dolwig'. of cult.ct.. by Ule dlvUlon ot high· San Mateo coutny, which calla for -ya. in that dla<:uulana ovtr•local a full·aeale tnv .. tlpllon of th• rout.fa have bffn pr1m&rlly con· hl(l:lway altu&tlon tn -<,dlltomla. _ ducted with the ee11&tor1al aid• Dolwtr la .upported In hta r~ of the legl1lafure. quut for 1100,000 to ~t. tU The hl.ghway 1 row wu bomfd prob9 by M other aaaemblymen. to m-Jt Into the OP9ft ev,ntu&Jly, which I• plenty to p ... the re80· .-complaint. hava been loud and lutt21\ through the hou1e. long, partlcul11rly on tht part o! communlttu~ Whf'rt the dlvl1lon LOCAL DJ:SOU:8 • ot .. highway. hu •one contrary Like a lot ot tha public, aome to th• wtllhu of the community in of the uaemblymen now •N> :wak-th• location o! freewaya. Ing-up to the fact that there could One aucb row i,. under way al be '°me lmprovf'ment In the melh· the pruent t.tme, affectin g the city od• uMd by lh« It.at• In f!'ffway of Santa Bar)>ara. Jn virtually con1trucllon, acqul1ltlon ot rltht· every Instance. tht dlvlalon or hl~h­ of-wa y, and In r eeornh:lnc the de· ways haa ridden roul'h·8hod ov<'r slrf!I of M>JnJ .2!._the local people the community, and ~H pieced who llv~ with the hlchwaya that freewi.ya whar• the civil MrvlCt &re conatructed by the at.ate. engineer1 want them placfd. Oolw\g aaya there ta "wldup~•d Some leg11latora Indicate th&t dluatiafacllon with th• !llghway at lea.at part of the fault "" with commlu lon '• procedurH In con· Governor Good$ J. Kntrbt. who nectlon wtth fruway1, cond bu left a Warren-appointed. di· \Ion practice• and the han tor In the department of pub- acceH road a." worlti aaddlt'. Thi• la P'rank He aay1 the pruen\ Dur kee. who originally wu a program waa m ltlated tn 1 civil aerrice employee ot the d•· lt'lat \b•.&NembJymen,want &.o , partment. and who 11 carryln( out a long Jooal and ... ~.;what'• oing the pollclfl o! the lat• Charin on." There have b9eh com ta, Purcell. he atated, that th• atate la paytng Governor Knight, who had op- BRUSH COUNTRY . R~· JOURNAL uouct: , ... uuum \t~d. S otf' -Thla rolumn b,\• HorM-« rarkn "Ill c1r••l \\Ith the llllll'->'kbO"'D hhtorl~I f•C'tll h" 11'9 c11'f'(I(~ up In hi• ma"" t rip• Into thf' NC'k C'ouniry tn •~nt )'f'•"-1 \..., 1 ...... -._,_ .. _ ........ HISTORIC SPOT-Over this narrow ('an~"E).I,\ floor trod the exciting history of our Southland-arm~~{ th«> Mexican and Civil Wars, co\'er<'d wagon!I, trnp1'4.'r 11, ~n­ dita and murder ers. Spanish explorers. l'ltag<' cnarhr", military mail rid<'rs, pms!)('(·to~ and '""•''i •unrhC'n1 the pageant of S0uthcrn C'ahJornia W l\1< funncll1••l through Box Canyon. -Horac·c Parkl'r Phntn The other day I stood on thr s1tlt' nf 11 <·anyu11 anci look- ed down on the firt;t "i'f'~a~··· into ~out hPm l'allforma. Even after nearly a half <'~ntury ot c-ont1m1m1s t1!'f', 1 doubt. wbet.he.r a. modern. school bU.s could n('J:Ol1at.e ill> lcnJ:t h with- out. becoming wed~ed bctwe<'n th<' canyon wallt1 Jt all 11lllrt,.d bark nn Jan l !I, 11f 11 """i"" I"'"' 1n1.. 1 h,. ~·1111 h' 18H, Whl'n Lt. Col Phillip 81 1 lantl. Gi>orgt' C'OOkt, South<'m CahC11r-1 In 11 h<°llll •IJ~n!Ol(·r 1•11 th11 (',.l••r· n lll'A fltr.l "frel'WAY .. hutltltr 'nl\-1\111\ 1(1\'o r lht• ~lnJ lll••ll flr1f lafl"l1 lated t"on11trurllon hy s1nkln1t thr h1111 111,t 1111'''11., I"'"' ''"''' 1•1• k ... , !Int blow with IU1 ax" ait111n1<l lhr shn'' 1,. 111111 Ill<' 1111• c •Ill\ "'' ., rot"k lrdgt11 m B 11'I t'any11n , 111\,·ll'l1 ~ :tll•I 11 ~I'·'"'' •II tw .. 1•. C'olont'I CoukP Wiil\ tin orfll"t>r 111 1 •lllllr• •I I•> \\ 1tl• 11 fir" I '1111\1111 l•lr Gt!n. Kearny'11 F 1r11t Orap;1>0ns d11r· tl,.. ra,•.1 i;:r 11f r II•· ".1i;:11r1 • Ing the Ml'Xlrttn \\'11r It WBll his I lllHO.'' t.\ \ \ll'l.t. • duly 111 C'l'ilJnC'll Bl11ffc .• lnw ... t.• I · · ral~e an 11m,v or:,()() rr• r111t.• (111111 "~ .. ~tini:. 1111 ''.x.11npto 111\~•·lr " among the Mormon faith ln hl1t1.1• ~"''' ( 111 1 "1111" I h1·1°· '' "" 111111 h the f1r11l wagon l'OAd mlo S11uth-ll•hot olll II hPfltl•' lhl' "'"!:"'"' f'rn Cellfornt&, and lhl'n t h .. ro'-rnmr 111111 I• 111tf1 "''' '"' Crullll Wt'l'e to do garr111on fluty In /'111llntlio.f ht tol!I' •plit Kll•I l11•w r<I the •talt. th•• 1o•k' to1in11 •·11•1' Ill!' 11ru·nin11 RfXORD !\lAR<.:H j' "'' nt .r1 " 'h1•rl •l! .. t1<11o1• 11nrt Ttua 2000 male "1U1hH11<'d m.•r• h fflllJ•ol n hill 111 .,,. ""'""""'I. tn by .lhf' membera or Cook••s ~lur-rH 01•l rt •1 111 '""'""''' ,,,11,·1•11 wt\h mon Balta.lion was thP lnnge>;t in-' i.:•• .i( r•wk 1" 1" ht11k1·n th t " I h p1.-o1 ~\\Ith <1111 ;1\!' h"foo10• ti Wiii' antry mare., on l'f'N•r• up 111 I :11 ti A d J '(I I"!-(' k f'l1ll !11 11tl0 \Ill• h \\'lltk \\I• 11••01' me. n on «1.n " .~ , •M.• •· l l111ued In 3&n D1e~o ~t ·t h• I 0•1 mi· h• ri· \\ h• 11 1 ' 11 llll "11" ll1ll•I•· I nation o! th .. m11r1 h on .. l•f t'h' 1"11 •I 'll.J' 11 'I,. "'" lit l··11~r • 100 much tor rcght-ot-way. The portWllty to tix a nfw a nd co-moat famous umt 11tat1nn,. 111 JTOUP want.I to know what. la ~lni o~rallve policy betwttn tht d1vl· APhencan m1htary hll\tory 1 11111- dont' 10 rrmovl' bot\l .. necks. and s1on of hlghwaya lllld lhe peoplf' memoretln( lhlis lnng and d1rt1· lPt-t" • f '' l •l 1 t't k t •fq Ul\11 h' 'f'l11" \\h~"U \\ '" 11flt t'°'l\\< tU\·t It ~•ttt \\ ••t k \\ • ... I , .. ~ \\ t• I IC • ,,., h•\\I I ·•I Ith• lltttt111tu'" 1':•1·· rttta wh•ther conaideration la belnr or the atate, pua.d up the chanct cult trtk. go1ven to the ayatem to bandit when he left Durkef In aJI <1tt•f clor. Ttn wagon;o "''••re l'laul,•<1 11.1 ,,.,,,; ultlmata maaa t11UU1portallon. I.hereby glvUlg tht' new adminl11· lhe moun\aln~ 1u11l d~"Crt~ to lh1· CONT'AACT CIUTIC18M Alao, h• a&ya there haa been 10m• crlUclsm about the ltlllnC of highway cor\tract.e, and the committee aa well. want:--to go tralion'1 approval lo \ht dictator-Colorado R1vrr < 'hn~tma~ • 't' lal and rough-..hod pollclu of the 1846, wa.s r(•ft-br111t·tl b\'. thf' 111,11 old. whlrh now thr~Bll'll 10 b1mit of !hf' Mnrmnn µitllallnn l'itCTlijf upon h im th• combined wrath oC I bt&nl llfld melon~ wiili t h.-P una at leut :H 11.uemblymen who rt· lndltlll.• on !hr v ila R1\·, r Afl1•r 1>resenl tht ptople ot the atall'. lhl.t! Ch rl11tmall "It ut · "n t hr ----------------------------bank• or \ht> Clla. r"U"n" v. 1•1t' jt'real many Oov•mmenl contract.a I Senate Government Operallone mi1<htly irkimpy 1" thi• n .. ,.t '"". and knowa how to be a low bidder Committte, which, by the way, 111 hun<lred mlll'~ tht•v '1 .. Jl,.,1 1111111 by t11clUdlng a lol oC Item• which the old McCarthy Commlttre, de-t h'Y ri'arh"ol \\'ei iii·r·,o; Hni11 h Ill thty know they will 'have to put In manded that Mr.-Slaa&en appear Snn Die.:o Cit11rity Thr 11 ul• • "' ond then request rt-neC'otlalion for before that commitlet, hnnglnir; 1 lwu or the WllJ?flll~ "jet\\'•• nu! ' 111111 a much i..rrtr a mowit. ll ia an all of hla recont. concernlnr; lh11 tht wagonll wl!11• 1<hu 11olon1•1I "l old am ly rame that 18 too often tranaacUon. Alamo Mu.-ho. wr1<t or Y111111t Thr I -" l Id b th I! Pight rtm11lnln1t haul1·•I II\· • >.· p •Y""'· l wou e t ...me ll4! So we are now fa'tlng a further haUllled mule.s a n•I wr ak 111,,.,,111 . \\,,j,!uf 1111 h•1 I\ \\Hf. .. h1nll~hl 1111 111.•1 1111 I !ho• 11111n11..: i.:•·111 rnn 1111 ni:h '"'h .t1!l1•11l1 , rh•n. \\ttli't11H•h 1T11f1 r••l•l \•'1111~ IAhnr lht\ 11lh1 t \\,q.'t1I•"' \\•'I t htoUJthl lh111UC,1 \\ t•t J. ,., :Ill I n,11f••<rt Jo'. f..14r lht• •• dH H ''" th U,~.11.1d1'i nf ~011thl,trid 111••H• • t f•• l1t 1•J JhfoillJ,:h t f , .. ,,,, r '. t qtu1· 1 , ' •• ~., , , t, \'+•tl U\T" t ,Jlt1•f11I 1 •J'f11• h)J.: t ·11fl• .111ol~ ,,r ti• Hll!!01IP·lol l/\'o•tl1111•I ,\t:ul 1111• l&0lo• I• d l1f' 1111,f 11111 • ( HH\ r ' tf•\* •H A11d 1' \\ ri'n'l un111 J ,.:-;-t ll,,t ,, "' ,,. 1r,.11I I•• s . .,, J H• ~·• \\Hi.t hr1 k1·J1 f·•fl•1\\11q· tt f•1r w nl•• ut tt,t .... tft•• r• 111 )t"' f)lt' 1'1• "'' hl l• s 111,•t ~\ ''" 'Ill r. •Ir .. ·1• 11"" "•·l t ''"' 111 .. •·1•1 r.,. f ~•1hf•1tt1• t I t). 1'1..,••d h\' rn• ••• 1n tt • 'uU• \ t-'\ • r• 11 • 'rt1•~1·· t11 11 f I f I\ J>I I' I; f ll 1 ht• ~1 ft""' 11, \'t\"• • .... q.f tr rt •' '" ""' ti•• 1 The time ia therefore at h~nd for the ~mmunity Cb•t to re-ev1.luate the agenciea it supporta. Trim back the dead wood, cut of( all those that are endeavoring to ContrariwiRe, th4i-City o! Newpo_rt Beach owns, maintains ~rnd p1 ovides mMe beach "for all the people'' than all the other cities of the County of Orange com- a contractor agreed to buUd you delay and further 111ra1nlnf o! re-1 ag1><1 bill 11,.1,.rmtn"'' m•·?I -1 ;i"llv a homt Jeavlnr out one or t\Oo la.tlona wilb Pal<lat.&n all btcau11t """ChPd the 1tr,.!'n c-m>l cwn .. i:·•~ , ·, roorr.1. and arter Hcu~ng a low the Kanau City f1un'1 proponl Vallf'tilo A.!t..-r ., Mh11n r<'~t ;h,, t>ld and atartlnr ~11\.~t.1 WM not. considered 1.11 epproprt11te •lnggt'dly <'•int•nu•·•I .. n l>lh7111i: 11,~ • .. ·nuld comt to you and recomme.nd a. wu the Loa Ang-ties propc>MI. flr .. t wagon rna•l tnM ~tllllMn root ,. 1t11v 1 .. , • •11 ",, 1 .. , 111<1· tht addttlon&J room. fo.rw~ you , , • , L• r r-i,-., .,~....,... 1l,1••Ul!h Fanner McCabe Writes . • • Well one of the best Side Shows going on 111 Wash- ington ie about tp come to an end. It concerns thfll fol. I« Matuaow ·who claims to have invented a strinf{less Yo. Yo. He admits 'to telling lies worth the money and even cl1.lma to have gotten a8 much as $400 for jest onr Uie ••• It it'• anything like a lot of others he·s told. whv It mueta ~n a Whopper. · · (all rtghtl f Ut'rVl'dl . NBWPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W~6 }!RESS Formerly tht ;-.lfwport-Balboa :-\tw11-T1mf's and the ?\ewport-Ba lboa Prull bined. \ <J W ASHING1~0N REPORT Ry \·our ConJtn>!itsm&i! JAMES B. l"Tf Th1>rp ••rt' tw,, 1\• 111' 11f nrnl'l1d, w1lh Sl~n ao \hat th' matter eiAhle 111\~1· •t 111 C1<hl11rn11• lhal could be du1poseJ or. Cong-r,Mm11n "1 ,. h•·•·•~ I.• " 1 "1 ... 111 111 \\ ·""1· Ph1lltps hu bet'n very clos' to tht I ln1tl1•n. 011" 11f v. hkh h!L.• 1)(-en \•t'ry Pal<littan situAtlon, which Is be· p1•111 ly I• pnl t•••l 11'1 lhP pre~~ ~ntl C-Om1ng t athtr dtlicate. th•· 11\h• 1. wnJ•·h I v. 111 111kf up Yo11 muiit rt>member th.i.t Pllk· lll'X t wo•rk. hA.• hlld no p11bllr1ty 1111.;ln Ill io1tuatt'd between lntll&. wlll.llM>\'Vt•1 which Is pro-Communist, anrl ttu1- Y11u hit''" 1111 d•1ubl rrn•I ~omt' or 8111. and ha3 de(·lared that It h1 a th" r"lr11>'N r ~·I( 111linl( t ht> pr11pa~-~taunrh friend 11( lhP rret' world, •·J n1ntrn( l l'I\' the t'11r"11:n C>p<'r&· ,.~pt1·111lly th" U. 8. "rhry "''r" be· \10111< 1\oh111111Nl111l11on I• hml•I a i..1n111111: tu (Ml that '"' \\'l'f' 1tr111n "l~\l\l••I Ill l'11k1•ti\ll Th1JO 11rn11t111): 1•c•11 .. 1 t,•r.<hlt "llnlS of mo· an\'11l\'1" So\ilhrrn <"ilht1,rn1n by ,,,,. t•• 111·!. 1 : .. , Ill ITIAlll•'UI • 1111rl I \hf' fall lhlll \hf' l>l•I ••! II S1>11th· 1.1111•11"1.. ~11·1 \\•'I~ tlr11s:::1nr. 11\lr I ran l'11lll111n1 1 lnm v.11~ :11'• rpl,.11 fr..t ,., f,1r <1~ f'11kt"' 1n w~~ l'N>- aubJt1't lu rrn.ol nq; .11,11.11n" klHI •rrn d woulJ nH"1n ~r,r1nl 1111111 .. 11 J •llil1b At \ ~ ~·111t I \\'l\t.I lo~.' thllt \\'••r•h ur :-l•'C'I fnbt.rat~un thtrt:' f'Hlc. • "ll ~\'•~· 1 un~t•h11 n" ·•l P~• TI1t rt ""M• 11um.· ti\• 1r•'I'""'''~ ••n; 1 th 11 ·•··~ t• rw 111111 A Df.P"1dabll' l,.oral lnalltutlo• for Ch·"r f"ort~• ,.,.,... OHlll" l11 F u A 1111•1 llt lfi-c 11"1111 th.• .1 e "'ill •r .,,. i. 11111•1~1 .. , -----~----•'"\ n t · •. -. t [llt ,l\':l,t1·J•.,k u•'AI W"9d u S~nd·CIM• ~•lltr at thf Pnfltotflc,. Jn :"\"""'JXll l Ue11r h wt1-, •1· ., !\ in ,\11 11 1 • o1 "" 11,1 .. uhl , , r "1,:1i1 n"'•" Al- Callfom1a undtr the Act ot ~larch 3. tll711 , • I un .. , f tin• nth• 1 hi : 1 1,. "'. a '" .. Y"U mu5t under.HAnd th.\f lhr r;,·ary Monda )' Mid 1liu"'4a~· at ~ .. ~part ~h. ( a llf. >'11n•111• Cll.• 111111 "'"''"' JI I 111 pr-oopu:.Als or b. 15 Wtrl' nn\ upn1 .... XEWPOftT H.-\RftOR Pl'BLISHISG COMPA.~ "",. "•l11<·'A 11.1t I· .. • 1,,,,11 th<· '-•' n ~1>t;c-1flt'd pliin bul th .. t eiir h ('nn Tf'wpllnllf' ffarlMJr Hit -I Anitf'lr• (11 111 A lr111·11~11 ;\1 1 !'I.•·· p11ny n:n '"a 11ro11""'·'' on a dr11lg1 .. n v. ·'" 1~ lwa•! • 1 ~ UA t ,, I in· "ni:I "irac1\y 11! 1111 nwn ~ te hbUtah I.Ara.I ~OtlN11 and AdH•rtlwml'nt• nf .\II Klncl• \'lhol l h· L " ,·\11,1:rl1•• I r11 •n AIU ~I \Sll't'l..ATIOS~ wnuld havf to pay conald,rably PLAYDlO POLITICS I t'llhfomia •oo ", " ,, 11o t 1t ""'' 1111 I• r r more ttt.n you would t'Mlve had to The .enator from Mluoun a11· I TOO ~ARR.O\\ t Q•Y the contractora who p "Ve yOOJ parenUy f1 ~ only one who be· I In Cook' a ,,,...n v.nrdll hP .. Ayi.· ""·' \ \I \l<kt.f< '11\\ 1 complttely dHll"led homP. llvea that the Lo. An(elu flrm'11 "Th,,n, up a mount&tn t"rrrrt h• J ~ " • ri•"' •111 I 1 "" 1 .. 11 .. 0A .. llA8TE Nl:EDED propoeal lhoQ)d not_ bt acrep\Pd i J c&me l oo th,. ranyon 11n•I t"un•I th• I 111• ;\I•·' .. 1 h• • l•I H·•X I· .. , Now bark to the point ot de-The ch&.lrman of {hat comm1llef 11 mu•h won"' \hft n r "~l'"""'I , . .,,, \rl'I , h ,, rt•,, 1•l·•'I'"' •n• par\urt. Mr. Phllllpa went -.1th Ns Sl'nator McClfllen, t>e+i"''H ll to I lht r,. wfrf mitnv rn< k1o t•• , 1 ·••• m I"'' I rt ,. "i I v. •• ' ' .. 1 '11•'v coneUtuenl to .ee Mr. s~n and be the beet. and the ch&1rm1n n( l'tt• Uut...Llle ""r!<t wet .. th1• 1 11 k•·Jwn 11,. ~ .. w.1.1 1· .. 1, in•I•• I' , .- lirok with him a court reporter to lh• C<!_rrespondlng commit\" In rnw p_u.11, l>•••1•I"~ C'r•••k<'•ln.-.. • "' ., l'•,11tli•·r11 ,..n I.!! •n• Ti 1111 ftll•I rec-ord ,very word ot the confer· lh• HoU3e o! Jteprutnlt1llvr11 ha11I, hli;:h ro01 k~ ·· I 11 1;r111in. l1t• • r 101 .. wn 11• • 1,, 1111 ,,., •,,.f.1 ,.nc•. He tllplalned to Mr. StLlffn agree• that the Loa Ang t'lr11 pro-mrd1rn with (il'n J.(,,.,n~ Y.hn 111•1 11<11.'I \11111 11••111• t1•11>1••l\ lhll nel'd tor hute In order t o lleep J>Oa&l la the beaL pMiM·•I thrn111:h 111111 1111111.-. •A.n\t•r. ll•·" c •ll)'l•H Jil'I ,.,.,., .. r II• 1~ 1111r rtlatloruhlp with Paklata.n Howevn. for pohtlcal purpo11ea tBrlll'l on IJ•·• I I~ 16. ~111>1 I 'l"'nl 11 1111111111 .: •Ir • ''"'1' K rrom falllng apart and that fur• they are ptrmltllng the aenalnr It w u 110 n11r111w lhl\t an mrfm:uy ""'' 1<0·1111 ti•111: r .. r tt1" 1x0· nPHk• I her del.ay would cauae th• 1~ C1f trom Miaaourt to hav• a fltld clay 1lud w11i;r<m ··1111ltl n11t h11 \ •• r'"~·· .. 11 th~ rr .. k• ••f 111 • 111111••w • 1111. 11 conalderable a.tllount of cropa In with the admlnJ1trallon. a nd Mr. ell " Capt. A. K. John:<rin 11li111 w111i \•in~ w11ll" i-1111 I 111,111:1n .. •I th• v raklat&n. Jt w-. eatlmated that " st-.aen dM• not appear to hav• Kl'amy RA.tel, "-a h1«I r"&tl rnr .,. rr•· ll11· v••rv •lll"" l ···I "'"•k• per ce~t ot the (T&Jn crop ot Pak· the fortltud~ t~ procted with what our little h,,w1tur11 11.nrt ln1J•l1.•,._ ,fr111 k, Wh••n .... 11rn11 "ll • .uf11111l• llltan le dtatroyed by rodent• and he.lmow1 la Mfht tor fea.r ot public able, without wn1k, for W•R••ll'"' lnr h111 ""'''· h,. llll"• k•·•I lh!'n'Firky n\hPr vtrmln whlll' In open ator· abuae by the aenatnr from. Ml• • ~ ll woul1I a ppear lhllt \hi.II l•·rtio:r• tu n111k" "''~" tnr ~·1uthr1 n nge an<! that thl1t elevator would 110urt, Mrn>w. twl11\lng box rw,·1111 ''11l1f•tf'l'l1A'.t r1111t l1"1111ront1nt'nlltl h•·lp the l'"OJ?le thl'rt 10 help them-The cllarg• wu al.0 made that mlJhl pre\'ent the t':,tabll8hm,.nl frt><'WllY · 1trh ~11. • the Loe An(tlH firm waa not ~., llf\l'r the conf Prtnce Mr. aven In .xlatence at the time the !"tu .•••n nntlflt d the !As An(tlN p10po1al wa.a ac~pt.ed and w,,. ru m ·thRl they wnt to proceed. Ut'1·etore a "ny-by-nlfhL" The. ~·m lhw1\h lh,. ~n11tor from Ml• answer to that la that It wu a 11r1 who 111 • • membf'r of tl\• group o! long-n l1Unr contracllnr f1rm1 propoe1ng ·a Joint_ venture READERS . WRITE 1uch u lht ah1. companl" which joined together· to bu lid the ff()()v. er O.m 2~ yeara &1'0· ,, 8y-D9efte et~ 841~r1« Court ot Orani,. Co. 111 Artlnn ~o. -\·1110'.? r .. 1 .~ • • \\ nri:11t 11 n :11'\ll.1· ~ :111 th<'J ,. • '"'~" lln'" , ... , .• , h· I 1 '.'l. I T l',l'n I I 11.. 1 ... ' ,\I i.··I· ' t .. 1.. ... hh h .,,,., . I "'''••nt •, ~;,. ,, .•• "lltl 1n f'' ,.,,,_, tt1~ lh!'lf pr••l"'>ll l JO q111•~i "ti 11 fu1 AI I •l•f .nitr 11n~w ··r 11 • lu Wh•lh('r or flw l,..~ AnJ;l'le$ pt"l"'"nl WA.· wp11rt Proa a c .. n.pld" p~r~eK'' 1tc.1I w h1rh 1n. 'Nlr Sn• ConM>Udated Steel ot Lei. An· g•lea la one or 'the propo11n• and they au rely oannot be called ·a ··ny-by·nlpt." Another la th~ Pa r90n,. EngmMrtl\C' firm. which h.. built more thtui a hundrtd f!Ch gr'aln l'le,•atora In tll'I' "t ". 8 . and :in forming' a Joint \'l'nture lhl'Y are not' go1n,; to rrtal' lht or~nlzaWm ,until tht pr<1poHI la llfftlk,-Callfom ta Sl'W•p•r Publl•hl'ni Au1wlellnn ' Mtmber Satloaal Edllortal A•M•datlnn Mftft~r; of OFlll\lf' C'nunty St-'• !'. .. ~, '"" BEN ftEOOJCK. Pl.BUSHER WlLJ..lAM A MQSE~. EJ1tor ORMOND I!:. ROl'N'TREE. AdvttllllnJ 0 1"• • 0 1 CHAN.Ea A. ARMSTRO:-ii.;. Mecha n1r-_1 Su~nntendl'nl t , !~ir•I t/;l•' fAbi 11 ~: '"" thr Jl"t'k•R ,., ~lrirPrl' "thank you to -Che prNI 1n7 11n I •h1pp1ns: to 1'11k1•t11n. 11,1 1 1111 lh" p\1bhcl\y yma hav" gtvtn r11n:-1rurl111, .. r lhl' f'l<>\'A\111 .-r.11 1 th,. :-;,wporl Ebfll Club thl• the-to>1·hn11· .. 1 "-'~t~t11n,..,. tn rir•1"llt • n•t '«'a r w~ th« mt'mbfr• &p• 1l tor • p«-11011 n( two .vM r• unlll •rrr:a0l~ all the lnterut 1hown. thr nlltl\'U cnuhl tak" ,,"•r Th~ l'lr all your . co-aptratlon ae ""ell '"'(' \f'l'Ol~T~E:\T nthtr pr(•r1.~a1,. ,;.,UI' f•w 11111\· t "r-A all th« l t'rvice o!fer~<1 to Ol.ft' 8••1: J: 111 .. •)111 '" i.r•'t 11uch 11n an-lll1'1 !uturr.a 8C that lht u;~ An-1 .ub Pie._.. acCl'pi.. our l.htU\lu. ,aW('t, llllt !'( lhl' ml'111b• r~ Of lh18 , gt'lt'; bl<!, "'hilt ll WU not lht . :or your (.ilt.l"Oally. firm \\'hO I~ " f•'ll~\l\U~nt Of lov.·t~ In dt>llArs WQ• hllllPtl on t :-;f"''porl Jl:bell Club Conrruani11n J ohn Phllllp!'. u k!d much more llAtlMart"'X .i,••rn. MlHL .. ~-. E LACHENKYm. him tn ""' tin "" ll l'J>o)lntmf nt Th• l(°&nM\• City firm hU had a Put>. arm. tor l -ltll. accept'd , 1 can only aay Ulat lhe contract th,,uld b~ 1mme<lla\tly nraot11t"d ant! work •tarted and tha t lht' <II'· la y• caund by the ant1ta of Ult. ..natoT trom Mi.ourt an endA.n· gennr our frlpnd1htp _,th Pakl· atan and rnalrl~ a ~llUc:&l laaue al Thi HJ*! .. ot llonM~. \ ROCK\'-~ges pre8S in from both ttHIL'I or h1~t nrir-nl Box Canyon -Horaee Puk~r Photo - 1 ' .. MUST BE WMHED -This is what can happen to your car when it is parked in an oil city. such as Huntington S...ach. This car happens to be parked next to the Hunt· ington Inn, where Huntington Beach Rotarians park their cara of a Friday for lunch. -Start Photo MUNSON MANURE-MACHINE VARIANCE UNDER STUDY 2 DEFENDERS U ... PE°' BY EIGHT BOYS SA_:llTA ANA --IOCNS I -and du.st wuhers &nd cleant>r11. Whether Mun11on M11glc Jnr. wlll <'<><>lln~ oox. grintlcr and packaJ:in.: Two ~·o.>ung men who n HI be itran\rd a vad1nre to e11t11blt.h, •rea. !-tirnu,-p wo4't1 De 1thlpped t u l ht'.),' wtnl lo (]le defen~e of a 11 chlrkPn manu,r~ df'hydratlng the plant on a d11Jly ~as1•. plant northweat' of Conta Me~a ill M unMin ha• blo .. n np.-r11t1~g 11 11nrt1>term111,.11 119 fnr 118 lh" t)rirng,. plant on ~ :11!'11111 N~ate in Co11tll county lll!lnnlni.: C'l1mmii<iurin 1, Mes11. Ma) ur Claire Nelson, 11pe11k- conoernef1. Ing fnr • Cii~ta Mr11a. a1111ertcd. Planner• htard atrOn JC a ri:u· "Thi~ prciJlo:.ul Is thr :rsult rif m<'nte on both sldn or t hr ft.nee rn11ny months or work. \\ 11 b<-llr\'<' al a pt~bhc hurlnK \.\'e<IM .tlay It Is the prop<'r ~e\hod of ~\'l nK and then took the matter under our tly rr•lblo•m ' aubmiuion. A Llnrt~rgh School P-TA 11pokt·"· The pla.nt would bf' locatM on man ul,n wa1J In ravor nt lhr µl11nl. t he north llldf' oi Gar(if'ld Avr. I t "'HS explained Costa Mrta f'Xt.md"d abouL 13211 r .... t l"MH of !l('hOOl11 ioprny· daily to combat Ward St. near thl' oltl 1 1J11nt v "w-rtir• aire rlll!po~sl plant · l J1y Hineman. hra I of the poul· grmtp ot 11mallt'r boya wne t trc·r1te<l 11l !long t-to~1tal u 1 ly SaturJny mor'nlng fur minor 1nJu1 lt11. R1<·ha1.t McGlnnla, 22, Al· hambr11.1f'1H on~ H. Hall, Z•. O~rktlf'l/, II ll"11 poll Cl' t hf'y were julnped h\' a group of "tghl bo\ :1 • \\ h1le at Main 8!'arh. They Hid the p oup which jumpe<I them was mn· lt'11ting a-group of i.moll<'r boys. \\'htn they Wf'nl lfl th,. 11ld or thf' smaller lx>\'11, th"Y ""l<t thf)' wn" 11ltacl<l'(I llJ' l he ol hrr group. Co111u Mt!lll. 11anilatlnn urt1.c111I! try "1'·1~1• n nf lhl' !aim burl'llll C'oata Mf"4 t'lt'mtntA1-v 111 hl.)(ilit nn•l"141~k~I Lt,,. rttflnners 'ln give lh" Vn>- rarm bur,.au lf'lltll'rll .11111 in r.,,·1·r posal " · 1:1al run ... lt'a a llll'Jl In of the plant for "al h ii-t n Ina/ I the r.~·111 •·•r• rl mn. h,. aa!d r un · E h111ln11tlnn or the flv prrih· --------------------~-----.-,- lf'm 111 lh ... hlf'f 1111:11m· nt r .. r th .. T 40 Recei·ves Flag llunson operallun. l roop Tht> opposition rl1h,f1• tllr plant . .,.oulct bring more fl>••, lo\\ 1·r 1u 11p· r~ imb<llvliolon 11n'1 1•1111111' t>,1<1 ert\· \'lllur11. ruin th .. " ... a rnr ru-at VFW Loyalty Day R·ites od~. - Arcih.<J..lng to th•• a pplh;a t1on. thC' pla nt woihlJ con11l11t uC a recrlvinic a rr11. rnnvr11"~1rrb()x clryrr. air Too Late t Classlflecl rnutl!r of ceremon1e11. the Rev. R. H. Pn11s <1<'11\'f'rrd lhl' ln\'br11- llon &nd lJ011i;l1111 \\'ult11n l!PQk•• for the Scout tr1,np11, Trc>CJ p11 63. 81. 6, G6G 1u1rl 40 a n•I Poit 63 and Ship 306 b<'lnl( rrprl'simt.-11. ' , ClEANUP BEGINS · AS-OIL ~STRIKE TAPERS · AT -H. B. . !Mesa Boy, Girl Hurt in .. Crash NEWPORT HA"BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I MONOAY, MAY 2, 19SS PAGE 7 ~w.; Dlllllnt Permits l11ued Give Folk Hope ~ Enclincj PhU Dean. Spann&n, 18. 1000 Harbor Bl\·d • Ca.ta Me-••. and hi• l'utf'llfer Marylon Pa.rk•r. lT, •H Writmlnater Blvd., Wf'rt turn to lloag Hospital with mlnot lnJurie. after lhe1~ <"ar collldl'd with an· 0U1rr on S llw•rado Canyon Jld. • about 26\1() fffl aoulh of 61h·erado R ufttlnftbn Jkach I.a bei'lnnlllr .,.111• block~ by truc~ but lllatj l'o•t. OrrtN late n 1uraday arter· to cle-an up attn n 1 <>rrY and It la common In town now and a l n0<>n. Tht'y wt're trt'ated for 11r· !+. ¥; W\Ulllma, en lMpector. can Ula Uma U11u lna . .4-~ crane er.Uora-a.nd bJ'u1au aru1 releutd. hammf'r on the drllllns. companlea 11nloadln1 e<l·fl. caalnp from • The othf'r lnvotvf'd ''thklf' wu on en and hard enougtl hi hopa tructt acl'011 the trt?fft from the I opf'l'a tfd by ttell'rt L . .Tlllll, '2. of to have Ult city all poUlhed up tor poUce 1tat1on, b~Ot'kJnr the whole SLl\'erado. _ tlle Foutth ol July. ! ~ 1treet for the .,.tter part ot the Redts Opens New H•bor Offlcei • Rea R~ha. lonr eetabllahfld tt•I .. late man In Ult Ha.tbot &rf'a l'lpened new ofnree al 2307 W Balboa BJv<1. Auodatf'd with him .,.. Mr9. HUTy M. 0.M•tt an<1 Ml'9. C. Coopf'r Hf' mo"'<! from Hoe w. 0e..,, P'ronL IW<!ha la &n early mem~r ot lh& ~wpdr-t. H&i;~r Boa.rd ot-~ tor• lll'ld •h10 a membu ot lhf' t:oe Anrelta Reafty Hd)rd. lt~ tll'llt worked with Charlie Dtnnl•, pl~n"r N>al eali1tf' mlltl, In Jl>f3. Drtlllnr 11 ~1Jnntn• to 1tadim &ttatnoon. ,.. ' - off. Thtr• h.Jv• l>etn only al per-A. town that ha.a n.ever had 9JJ BY J>EMAND~ .. mil.I IMued alnca th• nr1t of lut drtlllll• ln It ahoUl~ enact 1trln~ -------------RACE ESCORT . molllh 1111d there ,,.ere ma.ny day1 gent tawa with tulb tn them lo SA p t • In the heat of th91011 boom when rfl'U)al• It, Wllllam1 declared. aren s IR <Jonlln-• fro,.. f'trst ..... " nful;v that many-permti. '"n" ''There tm't 911 enough und'I" fllf'J 1n one day. The He<!~· Oil Newport Be:acl\ to pay (or ~--v le r ABC por t com111anJ1·r or ,lht 11th t'ott~t 0 0 Ouani Dl~ttlrt , Co 1~ tlnlling five wellt a lonr 10th damare to Ulat bu utl!ul <'ll\' Both Mlnnl'tonk!l and r eraeui St . but that ta the only large which town lot drtlllnc could do will •learn 10 Ensl'nada .,.11h the operation now In t h• fltld Scat-lo It," Wllllama l la tfl4. Report Cards &&1lln1 tl<"el ot lhf' ;\'ewport-Ji:n· 1.-red well• are be1r.g dtlll•d here "Ot ~urae. we al,..ady had 011 Sl'nada Rar• A rt1.nklnj: ofM<"er anJ there. here and people w,re Uffd to ll SA?l."TA A~A IOCNSI -Suta or the Mexlt'"" Navy wilt bt" a- C'(Tl" IPQKS BETrr:R to aome u tent. Still this lot drill· • -. •l"m•ri•nry ·~hoo' pa-ntai\ board J'eraeua dun n• her 1t.y 1n \\'1111am1 Is \\'Orkin.,. to ~et the .___ _. d 1 ( ..u•u ~ • ' .., ~ 'I " ... ... " ln(c.1 ... c:aua.., a peat ea o the Harbor anJ1 for llle Journn· •lrl'ets cleaned up and the rurbll hard fel'llll"' between aome tolJis \'Oll'd o\•erwhelmlngly to return lo-t'" th 1 , • I • I to nr u ern ~1 /. ant1 aldtwallu r t'pl1ced. In P arn who w&ntfd wells lived a longside cal report cards to th• A, B. C fY• he 1a EUCC't'~lnf> anJ the fresh ~pit who did not Some ha\'e tem or grading IJ\ a atraw \'Ott M Fous lool& d brick w.i~ that must bt b111I• d •"d rn•" .. \ not -t e ma •. monf'y -· -·Y na •e held by the board or education this '•• • round each lJUlk anJ lhe n'w and th&t hu added to the ten-D -L D f cement JObs around them u ern lo aion," Wiiiiama Mii~. pa.st Wttk. I GI ru... r ver . pron11se a ~llf'r lookinr J.funtlng-BalloUi count~ by achoOI chiefs Janet Rulh Fo11a1 or 23l Tu11tln ton Beach than haa met the eye TAPERl~O OR' showed that almo11t th~• tlml'I a.a I Ave .• Newport Height•. wu book· !or many weeka. Report.I from the field In gen-many perenta prefe~d the older ed Into Or.nge County Jail a t J :O:J Tht pol!ce contlnuf' to g et com-utJ IU't lhal lhe a.inounl-or oil · a..m. today by Coata Meaa pollrr on plalnta auch u that or Mra. \\', .,.Inf pumped la ta~rin1:-otf. AJ110 systl'm of Kr&c.hng than the "grow. a charitf' ot drtv1ng whil e drunk. I Judd. 116t, Hunllngton Ave .. ltlft• la an lncrea1lnf amount or th report" whkh hu bc-en uaf'd In Mra. Jl'ouat, 3•-yrar·old house-wher~ oil •prayed ov1 r her horne hlt water coming, up with the Santa Ana echool tor the ~t 10 wlft, allf'itedly admitted ahe had &nd, 1.nchlentally, hrl'-eon. Vltflnl11 oil. WUUame believee the prf.sent y.eara.""' 86veral drink•. Darden at th11o. Huntington lnn Pf'rmlt1 that hne bf'f'TI lllSufd for Thi' board of education la ex-Inv.alll'alln• otrlc:er1 u.Jd tht'y 'flit: dl'W \' \'Cl\' C \:S l 'IM\ t AT O:S( f:: H._AMMOND . CHORD ORGAN The \\'hnl" t'unll7 l'•• Play la \\ llbu11l L.>non•: Come In and Prove It to Younetf We alao lA\·lte )'OU to come la and 1r1 th11 nf'w Hammond BplMJ Or1a'it-Now A~ DANZ·· SCHMIDT 810 PIA~O I> ORGAN 81'01ll: llradquartf'ra fur All Modt la H-111011d Ors-a Kl !·&1'0 r&Jltd to compla1n about. oil and drtllln& will• be a bout the end-of peclPd to take up thl' quutlon at aaw htr car travelln• erratlcallt' viu•I betnr l!prayed over cara aplurge; at leut he hopea w. lt.3 ntirl regultt meeting, Mey 10. on Newp0rt Blvd. -------------• pa rked by pat ron11. Al.so the big ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;,;i;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~iiiiii-. ditch that wu dug t.lona 8th Sl for a pipe line haa ~n Mttllnr; and ca ualng !'-traffic hazard. &tO ~o. Main G.\RA'OES BLOCKED Police alt0 b&d calt.. oC 1ar., Mesa Trailer Law Consider~ion Due Final pu.'l&ge or a ~lly tr&Jler ordlnan('e will 'be <"Ol\llidered by Cu.na :\teaa City Cou.nc1l In ?l:ew· port Justice court durtn1 reJUla.r 1ts.~1on scheduled 'to 111--rl at 7:30 p.m . today.· Mesa counr H gll'\le flrl't reat11ng 1o such ~ ordinance wreks ago. then hdd It up pend· Ing a uniform Orange County or· dlnan<·t'. Jn othl'r b11slne111 the council la tllpt"t"tl'd l o take up a elty plan· nllJK cCJmmlulon recommenda tion lo h.lre a 11ptt1all11t for preparation or a city s1reet master plan at 11.11 outlay "nol lo exceed $1000." Tht commlulon exprused belief U!at with Ulls u a 11tarter for a city m uter pl&n, city otftcl&la eould "take It trom Ultre." --r 1 n ~- ., •' -. /'' '"<:--· • · .. ·~··'- • in ,, .. 15-Share \'our Car The flr3l Loyalty Day ot Ule Vf'tf'rllM of Foreign Wl\rs post wn.• hel•I ~i.t ur:da~· aftrrnoon In L•·i.:1r1n l lnll. / a1n p.f 011t from the 1111nl wh11rc the Cl'rt mony wa11 ~rhl'1l11lr1t..t<;"vcn lloy Scout troops "1·11" repruent.ed lll'ld Troop 40 wu presMtt"d with a beautltul r11rnn flag which had formerly httn 1 l'•cntcd. -Lo the po.st by Mavor C'l&Jrf' Nclllon 0-:ade an lnip11 Ing Loyalty .IJay addrcu Public heanng on )(-partllna ca lllnit attention to . the need for district No. 2 ls ag&Jn elated alter nnt only lo,·ini; ones own coun· several contlnuancb. Tonl6ht la try. but for Meklng out hl'r ene-alao d•l.e ttt t9r public htartns on miff, auch u communlst.1 .But.. a rnontn'f r«iue.at by Varel Inc. Lf:A \'!~\. for 'Xtw Orlt11n1 Fri· r111t\· Take 3 or 4. Hf'r. tx- ' h11nc .. ·I l.Jnlll,.r . Harbor 18HI 46J>47 %2-Lot.t a.ad t"-0und ------------ I laroor ··~l ).fomorlal Puk. In a am <'•~moAy, lba .llag wu r «eelvt'd 15 color l\l&rd con- sh•Ung ,,r Lf.on rydson. f,arry An1l<"r~1n, Mike Jng lll'ld Rill Gllr'\'H• nt"<J11tt Spmk &de lhe rrr~ .. nt11tlnn, and a dru . and loo;,.:t•• rnrp" from th~ hri:;h 11r I at the la.me time "J\lnyvr-:'\t"lson • cautioned agAlnat hyatf'rla In 11u<"h a hunt and alal• •I hr b.-llev,..I a rondlllnn of nf'ar hyst,.lia u.latll In 1·osta ~f"1111 11t the prt<srnt t ime In the cue or 11 m11n who ha.s M'r\'<'<1 LOST --\\'hll" Ani:11ra nit. with • bushy t111I, allf'n' I rnulr Uni• -tmy te..n ~rot "" 11.q .. • or n"' k b11nt1 IJW\'lllrd Ule musk. \\ 1u1 W111ar.r Wagner acting a.~ .- he rnnimunity for n111ny yrari•. ~· n Slnt'la1r nt Troop 81. B<•y (! -~ SC'Olll uutllne<I growth or the 'I 9"U rlir~, • 11nd dollar ,.,7,· "'""'"'I "" hir Patt Sues F1·rm Rrwa11I l'h ll11r :!:l~ll-\\' 16r18 ;:-;\,,,.,.~·~1:.1!.";",!~~-~~--\on Oil Lease l'OLOROJI) LA!'\ll 1 11mrra .tr ar· I · RA:\_'TA ANA IO<.:NS1 -Morf' rt1<11or1 N•. UHetl .. nty for 3 tllm11. than S60-00 •lamar es wu uk~ In FlA11h. mel"I'. \',1lut SJ 17..!'>0. Hllr· I\ Mu1l flied In Suverlor Court her<' p in S~.~. Httr. 0863·R. 46r18 AJ'rll 2!) in Nnlll'('llO~ with 11n ?«F:\\' BEIC:t-: raw 11llk dr11pen1>11 f nr IA r i;,. llnnc room. Sell for hn If I I H • I.I 8·3003. •kU •2-Trailt>ri. BARGA!:" t9~4 H -rt. vacation tr111ler. Rlm<'A n•'W. Birch wood lnter111r l'rl\'11 tr p11rty. seoo. Har :l'-1:? \\ 46!)48 f TRN. 1>m&ll ho11~·· .. r 11pt . )'l'&r- ly rtnl!\I. hy hui-hl'l"r on Bal· bo11 1 ·nrnn>1 nr :'\ • \\ p<orl H n•11. Rrntal t•• $100 111t1 \\'ri!P Box J.~t. 1h1 .. 1-iprr • r 1•ti '"" llar 2628 '""nmgi-41$r48 A1<.11ert t>d lea.so or nve 10111 l:>n l7lh St . H11nllnrton Beach. Sf'eking judgment agalrut Eire· lro Cap Inc. 111 L. \\'. Patt of l"ew- 1 port Ueach. ran rf«lhf11 he entered Into a n n,1trt'l'mtnl to leMe tbe five 10111 11n Ja.n. 19, put up U!)OO with an ti<l'rt>W mllll an1l pa11J out Si!)O In f'X()l'nl f'8 He rl'>nttnde hr W/J.11 to get ! ht' It He "1d oil ~·eJJ equljr. ment. 1'11ll allPI(~ the rlefendllllt hu F'f'fu.~rl lo complete-lhe dl"'lll. Hardacre Son Hit in Strfft Crosslng L>o11glni1 Hardacre, 8. Mn n( th" -------Ho1fr \\·. H1trdacrP~. 3 11 l'uan~,l· IO·A -('onuul'tclal, lodustrlal ~~~~---_, ____ _ tta /\ ve . ",,,. m111n rl ~nt11r!lsy 11(! rrnoon. J>"lt1•1• rl'porled. whtn Amen r11n •tag l11_.. talk WU II· , IT1 n5'~_!.i hlAlf&ll'd h~ hf> prf'sPntftllOO fl f ~_;~~·' .... rop Plr.111,.'I. flags by lh•• rn J:"Uil••I. 1>tart1ng AVAfLA•~t "1th tile hLW•nr n111tlt'anake "ll ~ANH (TT, n.,. Othtrs on the plnt!nr w' re llerbert \\'oru and Jame Thomu and Arthur R"mlcy " presented froni the floor. We Freeze Your "Catch" Filet & Wrap Frozen for Your O.wn Home F~zer orJ:ocker Storage Special -Locker $7.75 Year • ~t'.1 CORNER Hatbor Frozen Food Lockers hi WIU! h1r In n rrl'>s!'walk on Coast - $7959 Hh·d. 11• .J.1•111ln" Ave. h.v 11 nr .JJR •30th St., Newport Beach rtrlvf'n bv 11 ~nn f lit·~o :o:a ilnr ';::;;:::===:;:;;;:;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;=:;-~ -~=~~ Harbor 07J8 l27 .(l. (rr.nll\$tl' "ll l'll\C'l'lllll\ cnr· ner '1f ".:0th. ';O·fl. •lef'p. T11p lo- cau .. 11 '""' 1 h,. he11t buy In Co11' a Me.!':\. \ :\l~lv1n ~;ll)ll'01· l~r•ynl, 2::!. t hP r olrl\'tr, rep<11 tf'1fly *8:" j:•1l0j;' Wt•itt "n thP tn•11ll' l:\nr wh,•n hi' hll the rlull\ all h' wa:. ll"tompanyini: hi~ l mnl/\er aero~:< the 11trret, police ~llhl. Thi· :.11un~~1n was 1rr11tl'd I f,,r a llk lnrl<'•I ll'fJ II'~ h~· 11 rrtva te ·17 Ar rcs, Santa Ana M·l phy111r11111 . ~\'••L fli'"·"r1 -.r\\·rra.1i.t•1. \\''H*Pr . Ntllr ~n. r11r1flr ~ R . 1111 nr I Son for Merritts J'!lrl. ~&le 11r lra,<1•· ; ~Ir. Rn•t ~lr11. \\'1lhe :\le1T1tL Gre-t'nleaf-St"\'C . · Realty :.1~!1 Harh<lr Blvd_, <'Mttl :'ttl'1111. t112 J\'l'WP''>rl HI , :..-,. ·port n<'nrh 11 f' J'l\rtnll ()( a 7 lb, J2 CIZ • boy, Har~r .t6~2 ltVt& U 8·31 61 I bOrn Apnl 28 In Santa Ana Com· 481 18 munlty hospital. Balboa Fun Zone QPEN Sl T. & . SUN. ALL WINTER • 1'17 Poands of Music ·and Fun for .~ Orange CO..nty • 1s on. Radio · KWIZ 1-on the cllal , l .. • • • . and that deep peace wt.ich Sffwlty brings _ _:Knowin9 that your family is weR provicled _fJJr ••• your home is financed Oft a so•nd basis • • and you're buikling a Savings Account for the fvture least a tenth of ~hat you earn should be yours to ~eep -so said one of the Wise Men f old. It's still a good rule to-'ay -e spec:ielly if your Sevings ere earning a high return w'lt-us. Our current dividend rate is Jl/2 % per annum, paid '4 times yearly on ALL accoun ..... We help fam ilies bu'f''their homes -that's our principal way of re-investing those Savings which you entrust-to us. During I 9 yean of •ervin9 Oren9e County, we heve helped bring home ownership to thousands of families . Escrow . Servic~.. ln.surance Agency, Loons .to buy, build, rem'odel -ell pert of the broad service wa1t1n9 for you here. ~ ... SAVE BY M.AIL -~~I or drop In and ask 111 about 011·r convenient Save-by-Mail Pia!'.· V'•11 01ir r o111 "''",,' .. Corona del Mar Drane~ S.Wl !Mt OoMt HIKhway Harbor 52i0 Be•ourc es i NEWPORT BALB-OA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1366 Vie 'Lido I BEACH NEWP·ORT ' now In e x c e,s 1 of P.A. PAtMER, Pr e,ident Horbor '4200 CALIFORN.IA $18,500,000 .00 .. .. , .. . . ' ' PAGE a·· PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MAY 1955 • , , Pay-As· You-Go Foundation Laid Charles Rice Wins Realty _E_ls·ay;-C_!_ntest' _ , ' .. ('ha rlr.• R h:e. H n!Or In lh• N-· port Hirbof\Jr\\i)n High SC'hool. h a11 bt'en rte<:\• rl'd wll'lnt'r 11'1 an ~·~Y runtrat aJa1ed annu&Jly bJ' rn•n•b••• (•f th• Callfornta R11a.I Estate Aqoclatlon. Th• tlU• of lh• •""•.V wa1 "Why l v.·ant to Own My Own Hom a." ~!ra. Mab#-1 _PiUmorrla of P'1ts• mnrrla flt'ally and Mr•. Jrnn Il#n- l'lf'll of •B11lboa Ray ' PropPrtu•a, were judgea. R ice w 11l ahorlly be pre11en1ed wilb a t rophy from Or- &.n«;e CounlJI T)t le C,,,, at an a· _,,,, dlnn•r 'feetln11:. LIDO SHOPS CLASSIFIED DIRE C .T 0 RY APPUANCES ..--Hou!W"ho1d P•ru -De11.lt'r -s ,n·ire LIOO l:U"£1'1\IC 14,%4 \"la l.Jdo -Jl&rbnr C191 &UTOMOBlLE DEALEt!-~ New ~ uaed' Can1 • ~-rciu::RTZ 8 Tl:Dt:RAKJ:R KalH 8erv:I-Par! 11 Ml ~ St'wport Bh·d. -lt1&r. ,3 10 BANKS ~ of Amf'rk-.....-s't ~ SA UM \'la Lido -Jlarbnt S3SS BARBER SHOPS LIDO !!IRA \'IS4:0 ~l."fl h 8'dwf'll'• Store '"' ~ .. n 14!8 \"la Lido -Harbor Sllll BEAVTY PARLORS I.JOO HAJ..0:"'1.' Oli' ttt;41:T.\" 1413 Sp,t-. Bl\'d. -ltar: %.171 BOOKS · HOOK CAst; S411 \"la JJjjo -\,111rh11r ~1()1 CAM1:RAS • Suppllt'§ \'l!\"Cf.:ST 1.1041 Ultl"G:o( St.al \'la l.Jdo -ltar/J<ir SOOll CARPI!."l'S .t DRAPERlF...S Dlf'K MAC-Kl:R .s .. zo \"la Lld-tt&rbor •szs CATER11'G Rl('KARD'S LIDO M.4.RKF.T SlllS \"la Udo -tlarbor "!112K ·~ .. ' . ': •-·' . ··' . • • .. TO El\&ERTAIN-Balladeers double qua]1rt will be fl part. of the program Thursday for the Jooe.I ElluJ ~loth­ en Day tribute. Top ·ro1", from left, Howard Folsom, J im Davis, Fred Harria, Jtbe Rigdon "and J ohn · \Velt~-~­ &ttom row, from left, Rod c:raves, Ben P..lor itl\s and Bruce Schroch. They are under the direction of Rut h Armstrong, accompanist. TRIBUTE_: Recent Newcomers 1--- R .. c .. nt birth• •l s11.n'"· An• Elks to Honor C"ommunHY h'•1<pilal Jnrlurte I n JI. lb .• '·' ni. 'frl. oom Ap"I ,. Jn Mothers May 5 Mr. and !'>I r~ FrP<\ Sl·ott, 3038 32nd St., 11nrl t...,·in bn)'ll wt'IJ;hlnJC • h p I .5 Jb11 .. 6 &n(! 7 oz .. _ April 24 to ~··· Wit . rogram •n•I .t.lrs. George\\ 11/lac ... 769 \\Pat 20th St... Co11t11 :P.ltsa.. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis I Nc11o'])Ort Harbnr Lod.ce of f:lk1 • vo'ill hOlll its 11nnu11l ~lnlh.,r11 D11y t!>O~T,?,tr...,n.· • • 4 , r. ,.,,,.,, .... ,, .. ,, ,t;~p STARTS. WED. CinemoScope · "StranCJe Lady in Town" ~;u t:t:k GAR~OS -llAS . .\ ASDRt;\\"~ 1:eri·1no11y Thu111r1r•r, ~l ~y ~. ~t j 8 p.m. 1n th1·1r ludi.;-l' roorn. Th111 1n1prl'sllt1"fl ,..,.n •irc ho11onng llli4 niothl'no 1!1 opt>n lo ntt·fnllers, th .. lr j.,"UPllUI ILl'ld fr.iend.~. A!I are 1nvH<'d 1 to attend. A &l<'ttk dinner will' be 11en •f'd 11l11.rt1ng at 8 :30 p.m . Store BroJien Into 11rg ary 11 , •'II o<)( a e L•'• a~ :!61,.6 :"\e\,•p!;lrl flJl•rl. \lll!tlnea- day t~rbeing ln'<'"e.'!tlg11.te'1 by rohce. orr1c .. ra AA1d "tntry wa.~ 1n11.11e by >1bontd•rlng a rear d1JC.>r unt1! It i:-1n •e """"Y· · T h1rtrt>n dollar.11 Y,"l'T(' rakrn from th<' r111<h n·giatt'r, 11.r- ''"rding (O l'lnl'i Hn11bi11111 •. uv.•nerc MATTHEWS INSTA,LLED AT ELKS •·To you 111 given by-la .. ·• and the ombLl"m or author!ly," 11aJ'I 1--A. i_.....,.·1~. put Grand t:xalled Ru!Pr of !he Ord•r of r:lks whtn hii> 111.~tallt',I Al ~l11Uhl'y,·11. left, M f~x&ltffl R11l~r ot the N;,v.·port H&rt>or LodJ.:t! for the ,-,,n11ng )"<'l.J". ']"hp. ln~111.lktt1on nr t he ofrl•"ftS to ~o\•rrn !he JrM'll l lodge rnr the .:omlni y•·ar "'II.a ll'"COml'h..hfd 'Jllunld,JY night. -Staff Photo 6 fl ~ h<iard Ht:O\\OOD l'ATIO TARLt: ' All Al111nin•1r11 t 'llAJSt: W l'S Gt: ..... All Atuminurn Saran \\.t'b St'llt ~TACK t 'lf.°'IR,.; ,. . '19" Hi·1t· J!9.9l '69~ • _ ll"lt· Sl.40 ' " .. si-:1&1 59" t"OU S PKISO J'AIST-Tt\11': t'l "LL l.ISE t'"\:1.1.t:R l'AIST8 . ··-M •fOM" &II t}l't;S OAll.\" '.\IO~llA\' TllHOl"Cill St;~"OA1' !I 1t.n1.-6p.m. ". MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL 6 TURKEY DINNER : .. $250 !1e!lrlou.11 Criap Salad -Cho1re of .!\_our - A f'J>r11zrr and Df'Rl<'rl -Atl for S2 .~(i JON'S RESTAURANT 3543 Coa•t Highw~y Corona del Mar F or P.l'M'l"\'1<\/o.na Call Harbor 09M ·> • Heatin'g-Ventilating ·Air Conditioning Quality lnstalla.tion .& Service 20 Years Servin9 Or•n9e County ern S rewsbury, Heatin9 Desi9ner and Es.tlmo·tor, ( form·erly with Smith B•o•. Co.) is n!IW ossoc:icited with ow company. "A RACE FOR LIFE" Slip Plans Approved · ,.,.,, "' J ."·l'-c-oodyk• •• (?I. . l!l 11 Cl l J? l!f. s. /) L QR EN z ~;"1:~~1;~,~ .. ~,~~~~l:r:l'~~~~~.~~::err~ Jc lttllz-..J-l1tl'ber V-'itilCi erj uppl'J, JSS w. 3rd St., Tustin, c.lif. .IF.\VF.:Lr::R8 "Louie" Schmetzer Co. lll('HARU ':'0:0.."TF. ~AR I Al.IK)S ly half nf Jot 61 , TNtr t 907, Lido U'holesn/e d ' R~t11 il Buildrra Jlnrdwu re 1n1 \\'. tt•, s .. u. "-- 1.110!. v.·are 11ppru•'i-d _by 1h .. :-o .. w. Phnne J,l~rty X-7855-_Kimberly 7·1609 Opr~ ,..riday to 9 P·""· port C"!t)' C0un1 ii \:l"'t :-.11Jn1hl)' ~~2~2~2:\~'~le~t~o~ri~a~S~t=·=~(~n~•~•~·~"~•~•~·po~rt~;B~l•~·d~.~)=~Coa~~ta~M~eaa=:::!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'~'~'~"~'~"!'!''!'!"!"!'!!;"!'-!'!Lo!!'!!'~ night cun1·urr1ng "'1\h 11. rl'Mn•· menda!!on r.f !he Joint har!J.or ~ l•••••••lillll••••• romnattre. CLOTHING -Mt:o's Retail _ _ --·----- a1o"·t:1.L·s 8HOP FOR ~J:!'li ~t?ll "11. l.ldo -111.rh<>r 00111 ' CLOTHING-"''omeo's Retail LlDO t'A.SRJOSS '"" \'la Oporto -ttart.or !lt11 SJIAllDOCK'S Mii \'.la Ulle-a.nk •'fT V A<IABOND ROUSE ln1ported SportBWear lf"!6 \'la Uoln -, llartwtr %004 DR UG STORES \"l:'\'Ct;~T·,;i l.llJO DRt"(;S Stll \"la 1.ldn -llarho r ~OOll ELECTRIC COSTJ(,\(,"l'O ltS LIOO t:LJ:<.TKU ' 14%1 \'la IJdo -ll11rt ... r 1191 FOUNTAIN, GRILL \'lSCEST'S 1.1.00 uu1·1 ;~ S.f&I \"la l.ldn -ll11rhor SOllll • FRAMES 11; ALBUMS GF.RHAIU>T STliDIO!oi llllll \·la l..l<lo -llarbof 440ll • F.lJ.RXlTURE Pl<"K M A('t\t:li S4'!0 \"hi l .i•to -llllrhor l ll'!ll Gll'T suot• RICQ"'KJ)'j. U00 \fAllJi_t:'t. -i l llll \"la l.hlo -llarhu r 211211 lXSURANCJ:: AGt.:.~TS \\'. o. Hl "('K, IX('. lllt)O \"la I.Iii" -ll11rh-Or 1111 INTERJQR DUORATORS R l..ASC:l(E f."{;J.t\t:1tSl)S A.l.ll. S418 \"la .IJ1lo -llil.rhll r l't:t,,8 DIC'K MAf'KJ-'.K Sl~ll \'La 1-hlu -ll•thoor l ll'.!8 MARIU."TS I KICJIAllO',.; l..lllO .\IAHKt:T Slllll \la l.hlo -llarhor :t-828 !\l.iR.SEJtlES KICllA.KD'!'l l.IDO ,\IAKKJ:T l.:or~•ge•-Tnll!e Arntngem<'nts J4~ll \"la 1.1.1n -tla rhor 2112K PHOTlH..iRAPll STUDIOS 41f.:RHAROT ,.;Tl;DIO!oi S41B \"la I.Id" -llarh<>r «Of REAL ESTATI:: UDO l\£ALT\' ASSOCIA.Tr::S Udo Sa le11 & Ren111.I• S4-00 Via U<lo -Jlarbf>r Cll4 p . a. pa!mf'r, lnC'l!ll"p(lfllllf'd <>If! hal>11on ('(I., aalf'<I Mll"lllt. I SIS ,.la lido -harbor 1.\00 \"OOJ:L COMl'A.°''1" 1411 \"la Lido -llarbnr 4971 SA\'INGS I; WAN ASSOCIATJ01'S !'o""l:""PORT l\ALROA "A\"1NG8 • LOA.'li ASfOO<ilA T IO!'"" )I. S1vi11¥I l n•Ululion Lonf T•rm H13me J .o11.na sue \"la Udo .-~amctr 4!te SERVICE 8TATI0"18 LIPO · RICHf'lF.l.D 141, !'i"P•·port Bh·d..--Ha.r. 48S1 SHOES -Mt'fl01 lllDWEU. 'M 8TOU: Foll ME~ J•U \'I• IJda -flanor ot'I ruEATRF.S UDO Tll!:A TIU: COMUlt this raper for prorrarn , ... Udr> al Sew-pnrt IU'"d . .Huttor"l114 .. rovs UDO TOYLA.'\'D U4S \-'la I.Mio -~&rtlor JIM UPROLSTER1"1G DIMl MACKER -UJO \"la U4o -Hu1>or 4SJI • • . . . DID YOQ KNOW ••• Mercury is so welf built that 9 out of 10 ever sold in the U. S. are still going strong? Ste flit '55 Mercury of your Dealer's. * -* * * COME TO THE * * PARTY ... * fridat , May 13, 195~ ... 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM ... * * * * ~ Win a $25.00 Insured Savings Account ~ There'll be free refre~~ments1 .coffee, coke, cooki,s a nd punch . ~ Gift balloon& for the kids. I ~ "Goo-Goo the Clown" will be there, too. * ""', .. , hitHs ... :--.. ,....,.. ..... 1, .. 11 ..... .., lit ....... .....,.,. A M D lo 0 " A .... "A I I 0 C I A T I 0 .. Un -RYD. • COSTA llllA. CAUf. . . l....., 1-3491 • Perfect Controlled Heat for more delicious foods Oalr the Sunbelm gives you ALL W adva.ntagft of fr.yins and cooking y the correct, controllfit heat every time. ·Baron. eggs, chicken, pork chops, 6sh, ham- burRers,--e,·crything you cook "''ill.be more delicious. Perfect resuhs 'll.'ithout constant '9\'atching. No more cooking failures. Plug into any oudtt. Warer snled --cle'nient~ou ·a n iriimir~-entittpiii :-il'i Wit~r---righ-r­ up 10 control ~nel for ca.sy .,,:uhing. Aluminum or glas~ co,•cr acids to~ Frrpan's usefulness. SQUARE SHAPE COOKS MORE rt.. ....,.,;... IOI'> Id ~ Fry"" .... ,.,....1. _,.., , ... ..,_ ·~'"bt' of oq.-t 1...,._. of ....,!If"'• ..,,.,.,...ot .; f<kl"4 ll'i! 1 ... ~ pe•, ... , i ..... 1 .. tqM .. ol.ope it1oo• 1J1w h -· ..... w. .,.,..\;,,,. .... -. It will ....,. 6 nripo <>I bot<!• .. ,.pa,o<I wltt. 5 1M;p. ;,. tloe to~"4 pcjft, II will hoW -• po""'I""· ho- b.rt.->, Mtd "990. -. ... d i..n ...... _ ...... rl .... It ~. _,.. '°"'poet, li9h ..... loctod!. ..... ~ ....... bl.o11ftd __ .,.._ llEST ELECTRIC.AP'P'UANCES MADI! I i a.q.. ..... .. Y.OUIDI .1 ............ ., ... I P elwoe lw ,._ --....,_ CONTIOL DIAi. "'"''-............ _ . ....,. .. _ ....... ... COllTROlHD HUT .? t .., FRYMN NOW Only · ~$19.95 . ' .. ·) .. • I ~. ' t,ilDDIES ADD TO FABULOUS SHELL . RECORD "Jlh• U. S. ~a1·&l Arad emy shell. wha·h will drftnll tts \\'egte1n Spnnl 'h1unpionshlJl In :-.orlh Lltl<' ChRnnel h"r" !llJ!Y 2K. Satm•luy ••Xt,.ml~11 us fabuloua c0Jkg11ttc rowtog 11·1n slrl'11k to 31 Bllllls=ht \'u:~iy came Jlt ADU oh • In Ii ruu~sng f1111lth 11! I he ~ tt1YPr mtlf' 11nd H1rn- n ·l rlt""r ~prtrH K+,'!ttln"'l r ,,, ... ,. l ll Cu1111ll:1 l'll'"'' Tn" t.1 . l•!tl''I \\'ltn '"' "'" 111•'.l 'l-"w.c was tht' lhl11I ~lwll &:1 th .. rat" 1111 th.,. ·rip ~o..s T n·1•h1 ' :'\.t\\ :< 111111' \\;Ill i-fl~I \\1th c· "r" ll'M • fm kllll; .. 1111 1•;..: ht It/, \I:' 11( ll l'••l'l>lld !11•11 r , ih" ~~ . .i, ,,. .. ity h1~ rr•t 1i .. n I . HARBOR 'o~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I MONDAY, MAY 2l 1955 rSAILOR t TRACKMEN . . ICOP LOOP TOP SPOT ' Washed · Out -Anglers As~ured Season Won't StaY Wash Out ~-+ __._,...... ..... - Oeputment tit i'~lih and ~a!i>e all"I nl will m un t hat 11trn ma ottu·tale l!ympa thl:r;., with thos" "''h1l'h alr<'a tlv ha,1 drvp~ tn n'1•t· a n&lt ra WhO 11\•rre ~•Uhnl 0111 <>r Sllmntrr lf'Vt'lll ,.,Ill Ill> llh\'e for opr.111ng day trout flJJhln.r or· annth"r two or lhrre month•: WJ:'Nr fll\'Ol'ltf' l\H'llll\S Wt'N' hlCh A 1111' hlghh· lnll"<'rtAllt. In llOm• ana rolly. b11t . wrrllt'n.I 11torm1· 11ru11 1•r the t1tl\t r , th11 11tl"nn 111111 wrr e worth plrnt~ for I hr 0 11lt1tf''1 ! mun a J'Olll(V'nt'ment <'t tire fleh lltt' Allhvugh It I.a too n rly do""'"~ "111.-h t'\'t ry >!'n r rut off t o t!\•aluatr t.hr lnrrt'a8e !" «trrs m tm•n'· m11 .. ,. !\f 9trf'11m11 •ni1 llflllIT• n1nott wh1r h "'111' ~~ull:-rtif'rt will "" er< la ke front th,, .. n~ltng ll•C.. > be plf'nty ot hrnrfiU for tro11t. So If opl'nlnl( _<Uy 111rrlf'\I nut te Dlvlalnn of \\'Iller Rr10ourrrs be a 1hs10ppQlnth11•n1 In llOlllt' anit· l'•lhnl\tU tha\ th•re wlll be a 10 lc>nt a1 e a1tvls~J to k<"t'J' in mind ~r rtnt 1ncrrue In run('ltf, whlt'h th11t thr ~tonn \A11u• the ti.al thlnt on anme atl't'anla "'•M W...dlfft'r· that "ould ha,·e h appc>nl'<t to C all•· rnrl' bl'IWt't'n thnusand1 ('If trout fo m la f1~h. a n..I In \urn, lo Ca lt• • an.1 young M\f'f'lhm~· dy1nic In I torn1& t1s1wrr'lilil1. 1lrti.'1I up pools. or lwlng to ... b.-------"~--------- _F,avored Harb~r Hiqh B Cinder -,.r~ir:..~:t' 1 ~~ .. ::1t11~r ;~;'~~:~a~~ c·····:;:···;~:~ .. :~~-·-·:1 '' ""1 • I ,. .,, .. l . • 111'• I .. "' --,.tpnnemenl of fish ~!\t'Ut' oprr·. l' ~ ~ l• .!I.II•• l-ttt\\11;; ,,,, .... 1.111 .. 11 Crew E_nds Up Second; A's Lbst I at111n11 hy lht' <1t'p11rlm~n1. \011 " I 1 I 1111J'"'11,.111r=-111 !It 1111·1... I '"'It Pr rhan1'" of io1irv11·111 for '11i'nu· I : ( "' "• 1·1 .111111" I!''" 1 t<11nt111 nf fish. tn !\thf'r &t f'll,., l ht' :- Jn 1 '1·· .'\',·,qw•r I 11111 t .. •r It took the Newport ~at bor High C track squad lo : f:• 1'1'., J,l··i:: ltl.1 II•~ II •I.... brtn~ hon\<' ll championship r111111 the ~Ull~('\ U~gur meet Tar JV's Tr·1umph t, \I ,. ,, I I I ... : • "'i: ...... ,.... h fl h I 11 111 1.,1111 .. 11 ,.. " ,,.n. 111 F:1llH <1111 Fnoay a~ I .r 1111 .ii t':u,·,·1i:: t cull er ('.rew , , rt-:-:11':-1 ~ .. ~11~17• 1;-=;17-. 1;:·-;;h~' -~.T..~,:;:, ~,;_:,r;..;.,.._~"'"·nr t""·tr+t~•it-1 '\'\-n1,.., ,.,11,,.1t--ts..-1t'<'t'"• ..-.i"'c"'t'GA!il t •bw~• -~u I le rt op' s 36 T he ff! \'Pred 1 A hti; rr1ur-1 un "'"rt h Thur 811 _" . ...,' __ •,.,' ---4-...IAllll.-IMW~,._--~------I -..... -:11 .. 1 ,-.. R~h -~"'" i. Httmhl11"1' I 1:•"1 ·~1 .11• • st11111•11 " •1·:-;1 ·and N1•w1 11•rt B sriuad h ~d t o st'ltlt• f1lr a i::c1·o nrl t n An:ih1'tm ~f'WJ'••rt H nrlX>r ll1g-h0 J11111u r \'Ar . : • ff"!.\ \\ht .. lh" •!•pl·:·r1 \<1r .. 11y r!IHI(< .. I\' Olllj>" 11·2 ~un~l'I 1 ..... 11'(11" : ON.E BACK r .. 1111 n 111•11:.-11 11w1• :1 • 1"•1111 llllOll lft ''Tl.t ' 11111111rh .,,.,,r S1rn r ~ An& 1:1u1 1 •• • I '" 1;"1 r•l 11 ,. 1;..,lri: .. H .. 1111 .,( l111rh• ll1i:h 1,11•1•n l'htll'ke•I "· ff\·e hllll'r for 1 • I ••·•1•.r .. 1111· H ,. •. th><• K, t t•' Stu· wa. lh .. lnnt> f!ri<\ 1,1 .. ~~ \\Ill'" t.,. ln r thf' nrltin I •· t I I '1 '\'n11 <an '<"C m111c nf Fu1npe and T I \\ / I I' t I f : U\C UJ' lo S 111\l t\111ni; II -tn .. ,. 111 1 .. ,. r lltlll•·r~. fll 11 ,. lh1 l "it rn \hf' \rnl"k "''''"" hill ('1111\t In~ nul .. ra r n 11111'~ l \l•ltr O\lll f'\1)1111m 111I ll1llm1n '1111.t 1•1·11 1:1 ,o11y •Ill!" tl1p•llJ.:ll 111 I\\ 11 .. i.1 •\•Ill \l•lurr .... R' I ll kn•'4h-. Ill lhe J\lllhlr Tar"' ntnl'·hll :Minx <••nlr tn '" rlton" Ui 11 .. , .... 1.t111--\\'lul .. ,>:Allup .. 1 •11 11• k W its s .. runt! "'"' kf'r St11n I ll !.1 ,,. 1 1.,:.:11 111 :0:1111"4•\ L•'Rl:ll" l 1tfull "' 111n1w1·up "f'Olll j?ll\f' lo-S•·hon!'!i Lnnr rtiiut" '"''(' "lnin : 10.\J\ an l "''II "II '"u 1u•1 ht'""Y •• Y. 117 • lt11 kin~ wh11 '1 • .. 1 fl"a"• 111h1 thsnd11ds 11. 1n-posn\ Im• '1 olll b v l'hor1~1or Jl,.b \\ 1111,. : hnw ihr 'nfl'llltrn!. rnr•1'<'n.,vc Ion k· '"' ••·' 11 111 .. rk 11r :I I~•:! ·'' l 111Hri.:111 ••"l'I F11llt rlfln. 11111111 hur-Th1n l lla~Pn\lrn Roh Allt'n, 1'1•n· 1 R1•11~i Lht·1>cJ\ Ddrni-y Pl&n 111 lh• 1•1• lrn1111.q11"' Thi• !1111" 1•i-· ''"'I lhr 6tin •111 I 32 6 Jim ~t'W· t"rflt't.l Rav l..11n1h. R1i:hlftf'1<1f'r -.or~s 1, 1• 1, I 1 , < ·1 ~ 1•1 .. , .i hut 11rnr••I h"rry tw111 thr ,;.,1., \ n11lt i.nrl J vhn, J1111 !'r hnnPs I :r,.,.n !'al• hrr I 'art· HILLMAN MINX h·· 1""''''"' I 111t•" i-l 1n<IR1•I ~'""' ll1•n11111n lh1: ith•1I rn Tut's<lay s <..' Bf'IJt'ron and Lt'ttfll'ltlf'r fl"·' lhl' llU\lk \\,,I I lllft•h· 111 .. 1·11-· ftt'lol l'\('l\\I'. Ip'""· • ll·11111>1"11,.111p aff 11r. I F1111 .. r11111 b1 1>kr lhe four·)'<'\tr ---------- HarH\ Ma,·u ~•otorii · • I • T-ars T opp rt Saints· 9-4; Orange Next \••a• h F.11111 ~t'•·n11"·" H11rb•ir· 1u :.\TT\' . .\l~O~t: -. ~ <l11111u111t1nn "' S11,111a A mi rn vltr· \\'hrn mtn llrt> mn~t rf'l!A1n 111111 fl.'111\' I• I roll !he Wll)' I{\ the "11\' '11nlJ1••ttlH•n I" 1 "P lhf' ltllt th•tr l\C'llnn.~ Rre g u1.J,.,I b\' 11J111 llhl• 1 .. \\!ii 111 I ~-i ~• 1r,.k1ni; th• \\Ill\ ii•, I•• lhP ::;Arnt~ iO Hunt· 1.n.t pHn.-tpl.'. Ulf'\' a r,. 11.,., 11f11>n • 111 .1· 11H1k 1., ii"'""' I \\,~ .. _. llli;l.on Hel\1 h WllM third Wllh 21 1, m o,·1ng by h1111l'h ll.lld exp••1t.m f'. '!I !rT IC.. rhor "" <1. : I ·o~ra !It"'" • H1..:h 'I 1r hA-. ball 1.rt•• '"nltnil<'•I \\Ii'' k1· i.; th• hall Th111.-.. ,,. m ,lutu.tr·Trl11mph : Santti An:\ 111r " :,.~ i•xlin-uirini: 1-1 .. 1• An ;i11111r.11t·d •lu.J h•·I""'" 1•11111•. Kayn111nd Mt•lty I Lnu111ph "''"" tne ~wnt~. \'1""1 ~ Ht ,,tJy •rnd \• n11111111\,. l.nn v «a."· !!'111·~ 111 .. ''"al prrp 11111~ .. hool• r.. . .. l111li•• 111 I'"!• 11ah7•' i·a~tr1) Unr•·lll· tllllma n • ' . '······---·-····-·····-' ; 1 "'" w 111•, t > 1 '"' Jn•"'' m-~1~'7't°~r ,:n:'-:i .. 11:i ... 7."1 ":,L..:::11~1 ;;, h~r~n~lrh: •• :-=:.~.,~.-:,~11:...:;:.:::..:..::..+-.--.-~111!1!~:ll!l!~~-----...­L•·Ri:-ta.· • "IHIH'llll••n nnd l1 ti lh•rn l!\'Dn'JDUAI... Mt;Ul.t:\· -And Herman o! H~tington ,!>(>at It n1a1t,·~ ~tn1 tly r111 in· dividua.1 riicr out of it. In the top photo, Herman in lane ·t, n~hl. build,.; • a bat:k · stroke lead O\'Cr Harbor High's J erry Far~uha r in Jani' 3. Jn tht:' b11lt•1m pll'r1tu i,; f1~1· i11h of the varsity event during Thursday's l':iunset u:igul.' fm;ih·;_rn Orrrnr:'.' ('o~st t'·.f· Jc.ge pool. Hr rman has JUSt made the touch in lane 4 and ta krs a look n,., r h1~ !'houl- dt'r to watch Farquhar come in second. Herman's time was 1: 13.3, a n"w 11'.'agllL' mctrk. , -Staff Photos HARBOR HIGH VARSITY, B MERMEN CAPTURE SUNSET LEAGUE CROWNS . . . ,,111\· """ J.! 111,., ha• I< 1,f ,,1111·\IP•l In thP t:l'.!11 ;\11~1" O•lr"l.\'kt, ,\r. •h<'tm 1tnrl ~·ulln-t• r Kit. f'•Lo; '""' J :rry Hlllt "'?. tri\ll· T 1m111111w 1 hal ~· 1 ·llp t• flp(rn· 11 .. tv <Iii<' l" und~rl{o rfifUll:•'-.-.: .. w. J•••r 01 ,J1.,11ld hit\" !Ill t'/1~)' till•<' \\'II h \\• Hk·•l,t• r lllHllJ;:P !\l '""<tn :11 ... .1 ,. L ·• ~ F 10'ld h11l It roultl 1;11 •••lhtl ''"'" \\lwn A n-<h11111 l1a\'l'I' •"I \\'h~ .. tq th,. filll~h Jtr11' tn lhHt "rd .. r. 111111 .. ,.t 1 Hlitl<htn/{ th" Ta.11- \\t\h" .-\\1 l'J• •• r lh•· th;.111111•e run. An nd1l1t ... ,.,, B l•• ... t by Bnwf" t-:1 f I' 1•1 ti .. I ::11 I"\\' I 11nllr•l<'' I" 1 ·1 h \\ '"' •I 111 n•1l • ll'lll~h to fJ\ "' • to F11ll•'1 l•m for a "''1 "n•I round i·.,111e·,J\n.d11'111o Th•• t "'""'~IS fin· ''"'"'"!""'"· B"lh tl'\lnt11 htH'e 6·2 11111rk • 11nl\' 1111 uncXJWCl•••I hume run b\' Th1rcl Bas:>nran DU\'<' T:ltn\lrl\ n;ttl a p1·rfP1 t throw uut at tht' rlnt" b\' Ufl l"tt'hlt•r J1rn ::-;t'W· 0 k1rk f't .in11tted lhe Tans to h11.ng on thrvuJ?h rf~"lllat1on t1mt' Thurs- day. \\'1th S\tnta An& lea.Jing 2·1, Eastern Loop Net Tourney at OCC Orange Co1<~l Collect' tenni11 Jllny~r:; hail this "'l'l'k finish.rd E1illtt1 n \.'nnr..1 t'llt'e mslrh play Don Reddington, Jerry Farquhar Team Up ·to Break 3 Loop Marks Tamura unloaded hJa round t rip. llCh<"dult, and were polnung to· ,.... with no one aboard to ue It w u d t he a ll· confenmce toum&· team tel • nt'w me-rt r<'rord of u/ In top of the th.ITd frame. I ml'nt on the M,.~11 college court111 1-.111 fhll. br1>1tk1ni;-the l :l:'i,7 Twn runs In the fourth •Ul.Tlza MA~' 11·6·7. • mArk ~d by Hunt tn,Klun BPll.C'h tn st'nl Nr wpun Into a 4.2 lead. Bill C oach Bob Osborne'• nellen 19!12. Thr ulht'r Hllrbf>r Wlralty \\'f'tul .who fllsrted for thr Sall· I tlrupp<"rl • Q·O shutout Lo boaUn& hN!l wa~ J erry F"rquoo,.·s 1 0118 or,. lift lh" mound In til\'or of San Btrnarrt1n11 April 21 to in tht-100 bri'i.L"l. h<llt'rtng the l'a~l -l..orrntZl'l1 111 thP foflh. n w \\irttJ up th,.1r rnnfl·rPn• r r ..... .,nl at Newport Harbor High varsity and B awim teams cap· meet mark of 1 10 l'<'t 1n HHO. ont.\\tn """ f t\'(' 1 .. s11rs nnrt th•·11 O!'\ •; n t"IK:'T • R,1int.~ 11ut g1•tl ba~·k to 1w11rr nnre ~en10on murk Ill one lf.nd tight I turt>d Sunset League championships in Thursday'M loop titl~ Th• ."atlflr 8 " P" ki'J up nnly tn the l\llllk 111111 as.;1t1n 111 thr M'V· 0 C r>-ll Co h Al l • '' t'nlh tying ll up 1tl ~-, 1 In the re1H11re stni:l<•s p1<1nngs competition al range oast ~ ege, ac rwtn 8 nne f1r11t phwr. bu~ J!llll 'llgt't..I ' l't.a<..-t:c·T t•t.G OC'l' r11plnln c.ne T} lt'r IO:.l 6·1 .• hea\'yWeights swamped lht' opposition by piling Up 96 points, A naheim 1\11•1 Hunl1n~on l3t'Rth But for :-;,\\l<uks l"'tfC<l Pi'I: f;.tl Ill San Btnl1>o s l.A'lln ~nuth while lhe lightweights edgeci out top spot wilh 65 points. The "'ho rit'd tor i:ei'nn<1 with [)8 r sch. from JeCt '"'''' -111 b<llt"m of th• inti tJw 1'11111.·11· 111n~r '"ruabl• , l'a.ul l\\11 1111. nHbbed lh4' 10-0 breut !lt>Vt'nlh, thl' S.tu\ls rrlll('ht hJ\• •I 11·Pr Jrm Arm10tro111r """'''' 6 ·3, T sr C hopeful.3 h&d to ~ !!~L1sfltd l yd. fr·Pe.oityle •with " win Jn ~6.1'. m 1:14 2 • "'"" ll lh<'n hnll thert Uut with .. :!.111 th" lnd111n~· Pun \'"nt.11\·Pn w ith a s~c-on!l to Ji"ullerton "' flta· This broke Be!Jihe'10 1 .. ague t11111ni: • Jl!rry \\'htlllk"r fllrn1"h<'•t t ht' two nul. ('1•t• h1•r 1J11 k !ll1rk• 't• h l•h•'o l i 11:.l l p• ·mt• llht'a I 111 the "'~•1thU1. ' 1 of :)66 ~t In 19!>2 anrl 1ll-"'> """ T11 r Cs \\'Ith" 1 .. 11r fu-· h\' l:tkrng g .. t th!! boll 111 tJn"" tu l:lJt s.rnta S.11h1r;.· ~~·, 1111'ltl-••1,.. Sophomore 1w1m ti.a!.~ Don Red· CPt'dt'll Red11l.nict"On ~ •rhool marl< lh•• !I•) ~ii. h.ll k-.i,. kl' 111 :j'.! :i but A lli\,, J11hn Wtl!'On nut al the ,,.. ......... .__ ..... ,, ..... _.. _ _..._11"111 ............ , <lington broke one· 11chool and twC\ ('If iif,2 racked up earlier this !tr~ls by F11llt'rl1>n 1n Rtl \he. olht•r plate. I 1 lea gue frf'ttlyle record• dUrtnjl' thl' l!tMOh. 1 · \"ellt!l p•~•'Cl ~p 6!.I pninl!I lo H t.U• Thul WA.~ 1111 th" l• l'Wll)' lh• Tilra Call DAN'S.TV 11 two dRy mrel. I n a ZOO yd. pr\'llm· Harbor Hlgh'.a fcou r m&n r<>lay bor High " 4-I ne<>Je•J. They ht uk,• 11,.,~ .. \\ 11 h f '"" I tn11 r1· hritt. Ri!ddlngton aprd the run11 1n lh•• .-1i;hlh. ch;u11\J: (;1\ dtM~n''" Ill 2:04.8. Thia AmMhed G If D t • l~0<lngiJe:r. f t• m \he h ill 11.n,1 b.<t· B u•lll\'. Bel.she'• 2:0~.:) clocklnjt 8tl LOCAL LAD IS 0 .iepea ID tPnng n •hPl! J <'ha1lr~ ll· rrymAn. Liberty 8~2228 MAY I NOW OtUY '1995 druifiiiim C~llTROlllD HHT 4'tt1WH11it' FRYPAN ~t the Ji:tl and you get Co•lrolleJ H~11t , for pcrfet.'t cook ing resulu. N o Et"~ work-no constant wacchin~ .. Seal~ in rhe narural juices. Your f•voricc dishes ar c m o re Jcliciou .. ,, Water scal<'tl ele- menc-you can immerse thr entire pa n in w :uer r ight up, to the concrol panel ror easy W.!\hinft. Aluminum o r gla.ss cover ad.Joo to "t•pan's uK'fulnt'S1. ......... _,...._ PIY.OUIOI-' NUT CONTIOl DtAL ....... .............. 11~~~~: .. ~RUGS 'I 111..-11f I 'u• L1•ft1 Shi J ~ • 3161 \'ia Lido, ~''"r>ort ~M'h II A R R 0 H fl R l' C. S • 3301 t:. ('oa .. t Jin ,\., Corona dt>I Mar • R .\ I. R 0 A I> R I' <I S 7 J6 t:. Ball>0a Rh·d., Balhoa -f.flt Huntington Br.sch sn 19~3. f'lr11.11up, lo111t• r r 11•111111• 1"117.patm·k L _ _ _ _ J-fow,,vt'r. it t6.llect 10 b reak Rell-ONE-MAN TEAM. Qffi·ng .S OCC r11,· .. .i th" 11.11o1,.111urr11.ullck wnh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=============~------=-:~-========::::: ding1.on'11 ow n .achool m ark or two h •l" 111 r hr .. ,. ln~~ Tamura got • 2 :~.~ •et,:::rAthi::,uon. IN A9UA ·TANK Golfers :1Cop Two ::: ·~: .. 11~"""·1 ~ R~y F:· 11~. In Thurlfday'a flnaJ.a. R_,ding. ,...... 1 A k f s 3 "' 1 · t b ..,,.ar ea t 111!10n, o I c. A r•·r•·flt ••f n~t Yl'fl• i. two-"llm I •lhi·r 1 •11 ", w 11 .. w••nt tn c·o· l nn !Oii.fed to vl~to~ In lhl' 2C\0 Bay Ave.. I\ ot1P·mr1n tP11111 l'Olll•"t 1 .. r 111" 1-;,, •l••r n t ·.,nr .. r .. 111 e i·a pt>1r:1 Hiid i-;1. 1 ,, :I 11 II• 11 \\ rn· In 2:09.•, t.llrn c ptured bolh the from San l11e)(11 l:>la l1> I '••I· )("lf , ha mp ""'hrp " 1• Jnomh.g l• rburn 2· I .• 11>1 Uu!) \\'1tth ~-1. aehnol and ml'"l lllllrk In the 100 Je.i~._p1rl!!!! ul' IO_J>01nt11 in ,. Alli t-11 .. """·" n ,1-. 1•rr1r1;.:e t 'cm"l !'l·l 'tltt,· .. ct \\ 1;1 11r .. J11n1• 01·1·, 1~· --• ..;-the Cllhfornia Sta'li--Cotf"~.,. t • .. 1tt .:•--17nK•n ,-.nt· rrtm ir~r 11ai~.~1ll"l1m:;:-!i•o ,...., _. ·h,.1-.f~~...uw.i G d B .. t 11w1mming l'hamp1onsh1p &l 11f \\lll""''1 ~11\.11\nrtnndt'htf· ~ .. w.drr. roun I ea s S11n Jo!W A pril 21, 2:! arltl ::1. 1 .. ,. ,,., I ::~ 1 .. I.•.,. 1·". WI' h T"n"'' ''"' ( •lh h H..... 1~ .... ,_.,·~ Ht won thrfl' mr.tal~ o1. f, r t,ni: • 1,,.,, I'" ll I! 1 • 1 • I\' , 1111 g.-• , , "•1 tri111 1 ... •111: ll•'"' h Belshe 3 T·lmes Alklngon p111ce.1 1h1r<t rn the Th .. , ·' • 11 • ..1 .. 1•.11 .... 1,1,"' ,.,, ~t !'1111 .... t ::-; 11 ,, "", t, .• 11 111 .. ,...r. J500mf'"tt-r an,t 4 i0yd. fllt• \l-.\ 1. t\t• 'l• tr-• ,. lttf.Jl untfh:tf:1I t !•ll·l"1tnrfh1JO P't•t: 1,;tne Ground• cont1nurd hla dornlnRtion of rrec!ltyle watcrwt1\'S O\ll'f Orange Coa.sl Collrge's n udoly Uel•h• rlunng Southf'm (.'11lltorn1a J C swim rhamJllonshrpll FndR~· a nd Thuraday. 1;ro11nds or S!l11ta J.tonlca City COll~t' t ook firlll. B~l1tha tecond In I hP 10(\0 rnetrr, 2:!" y<1 and \40 frl'f'lltylf' efforts lhll 1l wan"ullrrton JC. part<! /by "t"rlmit Jack \\'l'hb, which cop· ~··I 11.~ l~th 1tra.Jgt\l :"'CJC titlt a t Jnrtl&n HJgh rlungr ~,tft 113 r 01n 11 · O\'l'r Atcond place Sant a Jllonka ~ilh :)6. Coarh Jor Kroll'• B11r1t cttmt up with :l2 polnta for 111x1h ~pol. Wtbb caplurr d lhr 200 and 100 y11. bar k!ltrnkr!I 11nd lh • Individual m "<lley l!:ulltr thl• eeuon. Grounila led 8 1Lnla Monk a to IUI upe!'l \'lctnry over OCC by a !\8·2~ lalh He drfeat~ Beish• !n the 220 y,1. frwetyle for th• tin t tlniP Hudd~· 1uttered a "tback II\ the r n•nt O\•er a two yta.r ap&.n. Then .,,. bfft Buddy out In the U (I. . loat Radio Stolen Theft of a radio fro m h11 broth· er'• boat, White Cap.. • 26·tt. crutaer. from th• rear of 2736 W. . Cout H.i1hway wu r•ported t o police April 24. by Allen W . Gray ot 22{)2 Newport BlYd. He at.Id his b rolh61', Theodore W. Gray, UvM ln Puadena. Th• IC>clt t hr hatch wu forced. pollc~ d. and 'A'1re.a ot the radio cut. 11\vles iuid f ifth In lhl' '.!'.lO \'ti ('1111r.11 ,. 1 ·1 ;h l1t,\(. 111 tJ,•• 1· •' l. , , 11 n•l 11 •• 11 ,_. t t..1, k rntn , • n· fr~4?. fl> ts th<> sun 1.1( :.tr ll;l•I I 11111\ \\ill 1111to:;1Jl,1'<l .. 1,1· tl\j1t•1111 1, 1, 111,. Jll.i\ \\•lo\ S<1Jo lfrn.•ll•!tJJV ~\tr.s l" L .. Atl<ut:i-nn HP'""•· tlll•'. l .. t!'\f ~·'·" 1 •• H· 1 L. ,1.,. th1"1-~11'\t.' 6. a1ro:,,11, .,., ~n·,ta A.nu Jl<'tt>d fn r Ornn~·· l 'ua-.1 l'•,I· •·I th• I 1 .r d '' • ... \'1 "•'Ill I"!;" h1:<t Yl'llr "h'·n ht> pl:u • I 1 .. r. t ", n A I '" '• n. tn th•· ~anu thtt't'" ~'''*fH~ .~t • ._ ·~ ..,... 4 1 '" L • '\•d .. , ·'i'· the State J unior Cc•lle1te nu" t 1 11• .t 111• .. 1111 •: It.,. t • w1'h 11 :o 11l F'rP80CI. I '<I l'.m111 t\11 1 '"' i· 11' 1 ·1111> 1-·r. '"' Jlt' .~w1ms for th•• H unt1ni:· ln I"' .. lh•• l l11o ~ I" ll l'l-2 \\trt ton Bl'11ch 11q11~ 4l11b in 11, .. ' '''" r• l'i.: r,1 A1 .. 1 :.r 1 11 · !< .-~• , summt'r. J 0 II ~ S T 0 :\ J·: ' S Mesa Auto Wreckers I ••·11 .\ulo l'a rl• anti ''" .••• .,.,.,rl1·"' ·111~ ;, PlarPn t ia A"'. 1.rf:·r1, ll-~1113 c '"'" ;\11''3 J ZUJr.: n .,, •rt 'h.uf• \ H , ha~··"' ,,, · ---------------1~· I Al I.ti•' r1 l'hftlfry 2 r 11 Pirate .Crew RQws -..;...------------~ 'orange Cout t'ullrs;:1· 11ew ti•'· The HARBOR featf'rl lht l TL.A frosh ·, 11r,.t11•'n hy t hrre length" !';111 11rola y ,.,,., r n 2000 • m,.t,.r r"1tr!<e 11t e .. 1111111t Crt'rll 1 Plr1\'a lll'I Hf'\' 1 Tl1t row. tng r ace took platl' 1'n a. d2""11J'nur ot rain• \'1rtor~· gan• the Bue ahell Its W11rd vnn aga1nat two lo~t'!I dur· ~If Ult rrl's~l Crl'W llCU(ln. Roat• -H'omt• -Trallrn l~plar l'bapn Llben,· ll·t30S CO~TA MESA MATIM~~H'(). U60 ~·•·port lU''d. DEBT ,, COLLICTIONI Attee11t. -S ow. -Clabna ol ~ IU..s et ~.....,.ltlere la Amf'nc.. "'No OO''eetioM -1\o twe... We .....,. an _.., oaann 11UaEA v et W~n Or..,. C-.t7 fonMrty Cne& a.r.u of ~_,.n ... a...c-8-d ... Ooeta Ii-. • SCM 1Un*9fde A•11.. P .O. Bos llH I ~EWPO.T BEACH. CAUT. m·~1c1 fT~! PRlZl:e! TIMF.! \\ ");~ Tn.:pl : IOK.£~1 C8 f'lT.t:!! 9ets up early every day, to 10 A.M. \ witli Hal !Javis on Radio 1480 radio on the dial SEE IT TODAY __ J:.he 1955 .... .,_ .. ---... :~ l .... ...... /'-·-..-· -.. . -. . :"' I ~ ) J I -I ' ,. .. t<tO•tl.-0111ttfll C\.l""t • C.~t tn.l> f'ta. the car that makes it smart to be differentl I , I( Y••ll lwal!-1l • to hu,· ~. mN h llm·pnr• ""' bec1.111M IHX th• Ultn .mRttc T rAn1tml1ts\on -n ct•is lly ft,.,., 1111•n•h11 hPI)•" " \\Ill h~ •''"' \bo•h ··11 c11.r ' ••• thf' 19~!> ~ :!/'/" r « I ,.r ''"" · F· 1 lh•' ClipJ'f'r yo•l 'I\'~ ftnt1 th" ~hf1 ,, :, 1 ,,,,/, "'"" rlu ~ 1 • ~.-.f'k ••• Anti to \A."h•C"h you rn one. tou<n of a rlng,.r. ynut rhlllr" or 11t11r111 ..• lightning t taw11y or rnlls lng 1tlll'.1P The besuWul llnu and thl' huuno11a lntPnor11 of lht> r·11 ppl'r \\1ll appral lnstJ\nlly t'1 the 11 yl" coniit-1ou11 .•. fort 1t I• aa gla mornii• u It 11 .. mr1rnt Comp&r~ It with any r11r tor a ppettranrt':" tor J)"rf<•rma nrP, tror 1111•. 1ta~d1ng \'Alll" ... a nd ,vou ll rp11rkl\' ll l{rP~ t hat t h,. Ill~~ <'hJlftf!r gl\'h you d\.1l"1cl" I'! ovl11 \111101\tv tn lh" m .. dtum-prlct Clrl!l'. . 626 .,.,_ f r.1;1)1\d .. ,,.,,,,.. t •n lh• 1r11fd tilt l!'"•.1 l'ltpJ"'I I ''''·"II 11 ~ rt11llnr t1on 1·1 I"'' f••11n .. n1" Br d :tilnl """ \'.i, ,.ni:.n~. "'1lb 225 r,r • l"• hrir~"I'""'' r t1rl:\"l"r •1 '11·"'"' ''"" r"•rnn""' In tr11ff1r '"I ~ J! .;in/;!' T"'" f'r nn lhl' hll(hWll \II •.. r1nmAtrh,.d '" ; h•· m"'hwri rr1rf' f1rlr1. Tr11mtd wllh lhl!er (nginu 11 L We in vite you to Take Jhe Key and Se e • LET THE .( Now on Displ~ at ! HARVEY ·.HIERS "\"Ol'R FRIENDLY PAOKARO DEAU:H" W .. 17th St. SANTA ANA RIDE DECIDE. Kl 2·8861 .• .. I I r-• PAGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR N~WS-PRESS , MONDAY, MAY 2. 1q55 ST. JAMES sru·o·ENTS PRESENT 'MIKADO' SELECTIONS . !csplcndent in m lorful orieotal robea members af the J:mws-Brown;-Car;y ouch, Tim Gore. \'incent Healy, upper ~rades of St. J~\mes Day School last C\'ening sang-f{ichard Ingold, Manuel Jarrett. amen rnrr, Many chnrui::es from the Mikado for the school. Shown abo\·e Lockney, J ohn ~lacke\', Jon Martin. Jennifer Roach, 1" t~e cas t int'ludin~ Di~k Sta.hler: who took t he pa'rt of John Robinson. Cail Salisbury. l\Jark Scudder, La~ l\atishn and the chorus which included Knight Bf'Ck, ~umers, Tom Thorkildsen, And Bill Wakr man. Horton Firm Corporation Papers Okayed ; s ,\:-.:TA A:-.:A 1nc·:-.:s1 •TI111 S "r1111ur·, nn•I F.x< h11ni:e l'•1rnm1~­ "'"n ha<i 111 • • J·l• •I l ht> l'oorrurat~ J"BJlt>l"ll nf thi> Hnrton A I runt ft I r n rdlng. tn Banta Ana Attorney .J.am••C'. Mnnrnr , \nut made Tuea:. • day. The mC•\·e hy ll\t' ~ F:. <";. muks tho f1ri<t llntP the firm h111 b('Cn f'!Parrtl by the ~11\·ernmrnl with- out oppo~itlon Earhrr. th,. com- plUly ollrmptP•I on 11r\'""'' ocra. r.1on.t1 to f'llt' the J'n pt-r!t, but W ;JH tumNI dim n Latrr, Pn ·11lil1·nl \\'1l1111m E Hor. tnn "' Huntlnlfton It. n< h. WRli brought l o l'ourl on charges of contempt o C t he S. E . C. bttaust' pa~r~ wrre not ftlr•I but atoclt ~rtlf1ca lN1 wf'rt> beinir 11<•1•1. NEW OW.HERS SERVICE FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Now Available at a Special Price Ta king advantage o f our services, discriminate shoppers are assur- ed top-quality meats cut, quid-frozen, packaged and stored for convenience and sa vings in our mo~ern frozen food storage plant. 'I' • Many. owners of home-freezing units have ava iled themselves of our meat cutting, packaging and freezing service ••• finding · it thrifty and convenient. I Rent Yoilr Locker Now Before the ... Summer Rush Phone Harbor 0718 The firm pl&nll to build thl' r11d· Jc-RI "H orton Wlnkleu" airplane c1r\•tlnpNI by lhP H untington BParh invPnl"r w ho ht1111s lhf' or· 1an11at11°~ ~lnn1e>e Mid nl'R'Olla· ... G I O llnllJI w II b.· unrl4.'rwav lmnwdlalt· ~ H b ly to a pply for l!pace ~t U1e Cfranl'e' ~ : • ' • . a r 0¥ r FROZEN F'OOD LOCKERS County Airport In San.ta Ana tor ·.-, a f11rt~ry 1&llr . H e H i d the firm p lru\:i In t'11 J'l y :100 pt'rl<On!I and 1 .XpN 111 tn r1rn1ure 11n "t!x,·ruli\·I!·· ~ WHOLESALE m 'l<lool, lO. ['A.!'.•t'nj!rr w lnglPl!S 418 30th St. Newport Beach crllfL ----~'~=====:::=:==::==::==:==::==::==::==::==::==::==::==::==:=:=:~:-"-'.'~----~================~ One \IVay 1:~ Find Out \IVhat The Shouting's All About ••• . ., I \ J ·1 $ 2 465·00 °' 0 •'-09'!'\_I' '*•·· J>OOC># ·~ ,,. ,., ... fUtftl Ar tltt'lM'Tt t:M\t,,.-H:O u.Y•U.\'1 ....... , ·~411 ANO t.OC"AL f ~11,U P t lllA.. ...11111 Yt'Jllll pfi(• 4f•PMdt •llKWI tho.<-• •' ................ ff'YM~ .. ..,..... fftilllpi.o.,..f OA~ OR .. .., ,.. ''""..-,_..,,,or• ............ c.-....... CO~•"" b •CCWO C"f '"'O~ :::.::'" --~·--tMt .. ~ Drive 11: Yourself ! Clrirly, 1t•1 ll1t Olrl•m,..hilt' yrar! ~alH ur rnrkr1inr. l'M>plt <'\ "~Y" hrrr IN' ulkio:: .•. 1n•l IH1 "'"II t Jl1I• u n~' n b.-forr. \l"<''d lilir lo~liow '°""' ,.111-. fir•I. a frw m1nut"• on 'bur thOwTOOm ••• th .. n • f,.w mnN' on th,. roar!. Y nu'U mrrt th,. uftra.,mart and t•clu•ivr 0Trl>ol\l1'i11f' lnnli.-11'~ a fuhinn lradcr in~idr an<I nut . Thrn c<•mr~ your in1,,.~lurf 1"n I tn 1hat trnifir liil!h·rumprl'••inn P"'""r tram .•. th" · "Rnrlcrt" Fn,?inr 111lf'f llHlra· \lafil' :'111.,.r l>ri,,.•. Tn tup ir"lf, .,..,.·11,IHl"' ~Oii I Jnw Pfll r lhal rafl• '"' 81 loon. C"llH" in •nnn (rw .""'" "R,,:.l.,.t R ;,J,.'' .. ynu"ll jnin 1hr ~hn111111i: •~o you do! \' oO 'II make Ul<ltmnbile ,..,,,, ,.ar for ·:, i '• • (>pti-../ ., "~ ,., .... 0 L D ·s M 0 BI LE • CCIII Yee S.., ,._,, ..... ~· Oed Y-Cot-Oed *~1 --------------•o AMIAO ••• •M " TOUIS~" TICI •otN .. I OllAT IN • "IOctn ... , ------------ MILLER CHEYROLET 'r:co. \\ . . 1000 West Coast Hi9hway NEWPORT BEACH -Photte Liberty 8-2261 -----IOH'T MISS 110 .. UNO IOMIDO'S Mil MUSICAL "IUaT ION•"• ITAlllNO NIUON IDOT • IAT\lllOAT, MT 1 • ~ty ---- I I I . GRANT EX-FELONS CIVIL PROTECTION SAl'RA'.\f E:-.'TO. 1C:-.:S1 Th .. stale arnuu., after Ieng-thy c1tbllte adopttJ a ml'".sun· wt11ch ,n;uld pruhlt>•t dbd1•· •u1 e of lhf!' fall tl\"t " \Oo lt~ nru 111 " • 'ti • 11..-.-1,, 1rn "' · fdon. The h1il. by s~nat"r £11rl DtM1on~ SBl'n111urnto. wa~ r•J' p•l~t>d by ~f!'nlilnr l>on Gnu . i.ky pr S&nta C!ruz. whf) maw. tlllllt'l1 that tf ~\lf'h a li\f'!lfl\lr• 16 Adopl•·<i. ll _.houht 11JC~,: l nnun11l, llS \\'1•11 a11 1·1\1I 1'~'~ Final \'ole nn t hf!'. PifMltR" \Oo lU• 21 to !l. a b11rf!' n111Jor11y lo piµ.;i the m .. 1uur ... IN PRINT- 'Speed, Spray' Boat Magazine in Come lack ~A:-.:TA A:-;A !OC:"<l'I t' R Pubi1ra11011.~ ltir. at FuUntnn un· noun•·f'•I the pm "h11.~e o f 1 he de· ... , - There's nOt enOugh food for Yo.JJ and _the.,, bugs Aa any beckyard gardener inowa, you have a light on your handa frOlllflbe moment you tum over your 6nt 1padeful of e&rt.h. At every 1tep,'fungua rr9wtha, wee81 and in- ~ W1lit to destroy· JLOUr lawne, lrtt'tl, •plant.a, ftowera. A di11111Lr~ning 11trunle· for Grf'enthumben ... a round-the·C'lock fight for commt>rrial (1nmt>r11. But, thMt-'a a growing li1t of weapons yol.t' ct1n wield against bugs. Some of ttwl moat f'ffec tive have heen devf'IOpt'd by Stt1ndt1rd'a 1ubaidiar)', California Spray· Chemical Corporation. In 1907, w11 brou1tht out the lint ba11ic l;nd 1m1enste to 11top the codlin& moth, a fruit erop de11troyer; l11t.er, new-type summl'r and aormllnt oU spr ays that ufely l'hecked 11,·nle and other in11ect11. Other Standard rHearr h ArhiM t'm,.nta >(iave been chemical• to lldl 11phU1, 1mtt\9, t'llripa, and almilu IUl king in11.-d1 ... dut<ta to d"troy funru• d1M!nac'1I hkl' ru11t.. Might, mild""' . : . 1praya t1nci duah C'Uatom-m iute t.o knO<'k out l'Uch ent•miC'1111" thv 1tr11uliop- per. holl w~-..:11, horn"l'rm . Oth1•r Jl<'l'I · 'kill!'n boost milk prod11r t inll fr.•m our dairy hl'r:dl, ht'Jp bef'f1·1\1tli' fatten fa11tftr . 0~ Jood ntltlOn )'OU li\'t' in l hl' wnrld:a be11t.(l'd Mt ion i11 '\lC.''"11111<1' if\~l'rt invad<'N hav~ ~n h,.ld baek on our fllrm11. nu1chet. and orrhard11~ thank11 i11 p11rt lo Stnnrlt1rd'" roruilanl hunt for 1ww way~ to mak,. l>Ulro- lcum d o more Lhinp (qr ynu. -. J!IBct boa~~·~·~·lp.et~-~+-t~~...-Mtt.--1· and Spni ,. .. 'l'h<' firm pllU\s 111 ruume publica:1on oc the nalldn11l monthly. Th<'_ P<'rlOlllcal. d1wnt4.'rl to pow· ~rbo:\ling and a thr.t \\'Al4.'r arort11, has llee.-ab!'IPnt frnm nrwMtan1ls tor the p.1~t II! m onth11. It for· merlv WM eubll!lhed in No "l'nrl l31111rh. I The fi rm hu opt>nl'd [l<"W offire!I in Fullerton Cec-11 U>om19 Is pub· lt11her, t'y F'en o buiJinl'l!l! mitn· ai:er. Ronelrl Myrlrk ad \•r rt111mi: 1n11nngPr lll1'-l KPnt.H1tc/1coc-k e1ll· lor fARKES · RIDLE\' ·MORTUAR\' Fonnert1 ORA UEL CHAPEL . l l(I Broad"·a1 -Coe\a Mesa ~rt1 8-SOS tuld 8-SUf~ MESA UPHOLSTERING Upbol1&er1.D1 a Drapery Uberty M'78l 1860 Nwpt. Blvd .. Coa\a Meu ,BE SURE -INSURE wllb ~UlllCI: t>TANl..ET I nAUr'MMle Oil.I' Pt.one Harbor !C' 1315 E. (~ut Hlfh"a1 Coroaa dtl M.ar \ .. WA.Tt:R HEATERS SALIS. SUVICI ••4 UPAIU I Jo~ rfJ::.~!o/J ____ .....:.SJUDARLOIL COMPANY OF CWFORNIA \ -·-..-. l TUM~~~~• ,~~.~~N~ll~OWN High Quality Printing PhoneH(i.bo-r 1~616 You· WILL GET A BETTER .DEAL f.r om YOUR LOCAL DEALER . I _HE is in business as a permanent part of your community .•. His stability ... depends upon his reputation. HE e.xpects y~u to be completely satisfied because his future depends on you .. . , HE will meet any compet.ition because he wants repeat. busi- .ne.ss-not "one timers" HE maintainoa, service pl et~ satisfaction ' department that assures you of com- • • In In NEW CARS ' USED CARS . ' . You Will Get · a Better Deal ~t Home ,. Cotton Goff Hausken Motors, Inc. 'Johnson & Son Miller · Chevrolet . · Lou Reed & Assoc. Theodore R bins , ~ VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE M-G AUSTIN·H~ALEY LINCOLN MERCURY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE .. 2116 Newport llvd. .., Harbor 8 1932 Harb'or llvd. 1r 1lK• l'Ar~ ' Ka&u ~ ~··"'"' Costa Mesa 900 W· C~st Hwy. Liberty 8-5545 1000 W. Coast Hwy • Llb_erty 8-2261 CHRYSLER ~ 4l23 W. Coast Hwy. P.YMOUTH Harbor 4070 FORD l 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1r,n Mnrln,.r'• Mil" I · "Sbace 1~1" Llbftty 8-3471 ) • • \ :;.;. ; ; \ -- ' L~AN COMPANY COMES TO COSTA MESA Califor nia Acceptance Corp .. has opened offices at 1898 Harbor Bh·d .. Costa .Mesa. This company F;tart('fi in 195 1 in ~an B<>mardino and sinre then has opPn<'d a branrh at Fonl.ina. The Co<1ta ~l<'~a offtce will he open from 9 a.m to ~ p .m., except Saturday, anci will Ix-k<>pt open un~m. Frtrlav for con\'enience of patrons. • e..11>oa !.a,irno rm>: ha.r r4'11 1 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS-PART I I -PA'GE l r •. , .. ,..~t 1u t,,,. tn th•• '1 ,.,.. '' Jh ,\I • ch1t<'c' 11n" >-:n~•"''"r ~1 .. 111 11·.. MONDAY, MAY 2, 1955 d-.·.sag<n anl\tJ\'it.td :..a • t •: •• • a1r \\' ------------------''------------- buthhn,.-H .. '" 1t kin,; :-11 1111 .. .pl•• In Wflll' lln Allll'lr tit I flll\1ur.I pll'IUI •II 1 f lh~ b111l,h1•)! (It \•\lb· 1 l\f11 l1un an lhl' ~r""'"" llUt)!l\Zlll( A n1I t.•t it-.. nt'"~ "' ="~"'l\\11 Hai bor J:•Jt•• ruunJ th" "111 I I LEGAL NOTl~E lllhl ll'll"I t~I ti( 1ia1J nllntlf Ill 11n1I I•• a ll t h11t •~•lam r"l\l 1n•1 •1t1 J'ftl 11rulnrlr dt~ 11b,.,I a:o f,.11. "~ I 1·\\ 11 At Alumni Party ., An un.h\ .. 1 ... 1 !\n .. ·~•Xlh Ill· 'J',1 Atitnd lh<! an(IUBI apiir1,1t I• rt'•I In l..<•I Z In Bio\ k :! I I "c•o.,kl.111 P&rl)' of Slnnf(lnl J 11nrur "t <"C1ron11 <J<'I Mar. at Hook Alumni a l lht' Amba..'1.aJllr llolrl 3 l'ag .. ~ •J ·•:l ''1 Mt"" "1111""•'ll<I !llar~. 0111ngc-<'~,11n1y, h.••ni: LEGAi. NOTICE Anl 11111ti .. 11"••'1'•·.S 111 th" •fort .. •11 1,1 ••tfh r 111 11n1· llnli' aflpr the 111 .. ~ ,.,1hlh 11111111 h"tr!\( l\lld M fort J ..... 11( ""'" l"il•••I A1'1 ,I ::~ ll'!'t' 1'1 L('lll Angrlr• $!\tlit'\h<V \\tll' ~lllllltt>J In thl' City o! ;.:,.,, .• ::;::=~~=-=~~Mr. 411<1 ~!rs. !ilnl.J<'rl 1'icti"• k ll n•t JWil.Pe,,rli..J.lt.11nL\'._i)! Oran, ... I St r. in.i , r~ l:onlon '\'\1ilfi-nf f'tt1t<' of C'.ihft1t ntll \\'ALn:tt IU'::\':"F.T :'\EHt.S, -l;uar111 n .. r lh" t:.atata of l-1:'1."flA XJ\llLS, a minor. 8="\" PF.R •n·I F l.E'rl'H ER, a nd o·:-.: F.11. J 12t 1''ti1r 011ks A\'l'llllP, P 0 Hux 3f6 HOM•: -J oseph Noel of Newport Reach tells OCNS. foreign correspondent that life in Manila is not as pleasant' as in Newport Harbor -Tre- gaskis Photo JOSEPH NOEL TELLS OF FAR EAST LIFE I Corona <lel 1-tilr nnd ~t r 11n.t ~Ii ~ , T~JJll~ uf Sali> ( 'll1>h 111 lliwfill DonaJtl TbtUllet n! L11guna Fknd1 1111,n, y v( lht l'n i1 ... 1 Still•·& 1m I 1·ont11rm11t1un i;lf ""le. St1l1th T'111<11,1.·11a. C'11Hfornla A I 101 rwv f"r C:uar-.111\n ! !GAL NbTICE Bids or o!rm ..W be 111 writing :\'o ~82 ·x .. "~·l'rr~" ~ 211, Z8, ~ I . II C'J,.RTITt(' \TJ': Ot' J\1·s 1;-.Y"'S F l<Tn'l Of '"' Yllt'I .._A"~~ T ht> lllHlt'r~I· OP•! "'"'~ ~~I ~b\' l'Prllf\· lhn1 'h" " 1·on.!·w1•nr 11 1fav nu1• .. r1· '•h""' 111 •l t\l ''"'"'" trn-r.. ,.,...,," ~" ri"I ~.,.r raJ1fn1n•.'1 Ufl•f· I H1·· fu·fttf U'- nam· e>r H11nr,· 0 111 ~··h•••' "'"' I hnt MH•I hue'"""~ '' 1 ""'"*•"""''' .,( th .. f1>1lo1<·1n1~ r"• on "hn, .. lllllllf' ,.n,! rlilll'P nf 1r•ui~t p At' ''" r I· ln\\·!" .IF:AX r \',\ t·•~ll.'\' 11n M1 hn· tr"I'" ''"'""' C-i;trionl\ tl•I !'>1Ar nrl\in \\'1tra.-~ ~h •nrl th~l'h ''·" • C\f Ar1'ff'. JO?, • J}o;A:-; F \'i\t '•~H:\' IR1'ATF: <W f'Al.Fll"IR:\'I:\ I C"Ol';'\'TY rw (lf1..\;\'l~F: ·~· -. DELIVERY GUA.RANTEED Dl1ll\'<'ry of the Newport Harbor News-Prts11 i1 ltUftrttnte-t>d. Car-ne.r bo~ w ill. defu·cr lhcu: papers ~­ fo rt> 6 1•.m. 1111 Monday 'and Thursda~·. If your pape-r ta 11e1l tklm :rl'd by that hnur please call Harbor 1616 &nd ~your l'll rn<'r will bring your paper. • On tht~ H th tin\' 11r Ar111 1~1'\~ ' ::.'-------~--------------------hdn1I' mr A :'\olar\' P11hh1· 111 1111d ft•r "1iirl Coun11• 11n<I !'llllt'. 11',l•hni: thPrPtrl, <luh . •·n1Y111111<~1<ir1r ,, Ul\•I I 11wnrn r1•r11nn11lll AJ'J'• lt1•' I J• "" 1 f', \'1<11j!hn, knflwn In l'.l\<' f,, b1• 1 h•• I per11on whnJO" nanw •~ ~11h-.•rlh1•il 1 lo thP within 1n,lrt11t1Mtl, nnrl RI'· )lnowle1tgl'cl lo mr thnt ~hi' t'X"•'lll · i ••d lhP Mame • \\'ttnl's~ ffi\' h1111.i :inr1 nCtlrrnl ~~·1 . I ,,, MABF.I. FTJ'Z!'>IOR RI!'; I :i."0111 r~· Public, in Rni1 for :<Aul Co11nty an'1 Statr M,,. <'nmm1•111t1n rxr11r~ Or t 8, 1!1'\•1 . :'>:e>. ~St I :-.-.. _ws·PrrM i I • .,. ·' 2 9 .NE\\.PORT HARBOR NE\\:S-PRFSS Ever)• Monct11y 11nd ThurlSday COASTAL SHOf>PER-\\"ednesdays > . • 4 Lint>A I PaPf'r $1.00 -l Unc-s 2 l'&J>enl 1.50 4 l .in.-M 3 Papt>l'!J 2.00 Coutal 8bo.pSW"r Claalllfll'd Ad' mu-;.t run In the Monda1 11r Thur!lday f'ubUc&llon ~U-'l;L'\11,;ll..AO l!; .. ust;~ Alt C'lu•lfll'll Ad• must be p&Jd f-Or Cub In Mh anl'e of pqbUeaa.. Cbiht Molesting Trial Date Set 1.111~1 l:tl-ll\'I•''!:'_ k{"I<; on lhP hn•hf'~ •1( I h<' two girl~. • 1gh[ 11 nll nfnl' \• "" i.l·I April fl I 'fl •' il1•f Pllfl11nt arlm1llrrl \,\I n {'I •t rrt1 1\'t• tu1n"i:, --rnnJr!'t1ni: anrt 1••'11 \' I 111 "II\-)htl"r 1•: in 1 u•lrnly Beer-Burgled .From ~local Cafe For~o~ Crisis 'Plagues B~· WALTON TREGASKJS OCNS Foreign Cor rPspondent Cl Says Him' • ·sntn .. '" -h"TP+,~ pYt"n· 'fh11t F:\'l':LY:-; R RA\\'~(!:" \'l'nrlrir whop,. erl•lr .. AI' 1 .. l~>iH F l"h hrr l ~I. tn th" ('lly o! ('lranit•'. C'CIUnt)' 'If Orllnt.:f', ::::111tr of Cr.hfnrnin in· t1•ncla lu ,.,.11 '''I. RAY HAR\'l·:Y I •nil ~f AFU F: .\I 11Af1\.EY, \'rn1lr r •. whn:or 11rl1Jrr•• t• 21:!>:11 l"•t Hutiot, in th" <"1ty or A 1 l•'""'· c .. 1rn1y nf l.,os Ang~l··i< S111r .. , ttf <'11llfnrn111. the fnllow1n.: •l,,l'r r1hi-rl 1wr11t•ni\I " DEADLJ:-:Es tor placing or canct"lling •d• an-1 F'or ~fnt1tlav Publtrat1tin -S11111r•l11v "l\'oon F nr \\"e<Jn .. !!dar P\lblltcat1on -Tut'Adsy 2 JUl'I. • J-'or Thuriod11y Publlca\J~n -\.\'tdn'iod"Y l p.m. Classified Index • I • !",\NT,\ f\.S.\ •l"I•':\':--• JUST MORTM of POST OFF~ -- SANGLEY POIN.T, MANILA :OCNS) -The crisis in Fo?"mosa c!osrly affects Newport. Beach Sailor J oseph Noel at Sangley Point Nava.I Air Station near Ma nila. Noel, who is on a tour of duty as an electronics technician, fears for the i<afety of his family in this Far Eastern hot spot. !\"()el has been lllJllloned el Sang· -er! lhl' wea ther 111 warmn than 11',Y Point for the p38\ ten months. Soulhnn f"ahforni8 '11 cllm11tt. prop1'rly, t n wit · He co~1uned abo11t dirty brach· ""' 11nd t he pool' water' 111\1111\lon. "HOWPVI'~:· he 11a1d, "lt'• • ROOd rnur ,.,, d11ty." T hi' ET 3/C f'xrl111 n- HAO WAT~R All sto<'k tn tr ode. ructurr• equ'1r· ment l\hd K"nd will of a r.-rlRln Pnultrv b11l'line1111. known n:o. CITY POULTRY and PROVISION CO. H11vlngo to haul wat .. r becauu lllld l&•t~<I at 28!0 Ni-wport of a poor water 1'ituatlon thf!rf! takrll up mHch of Noel'• fref' Umr Blvd:. In the City nf Nrwpl)rt l\nd hi' 1<&1d A Int nf time wAa t1tken Bl'llf'h~ County nf Oritni:r. ~t11r" M I C~lfom1a and that• MOie, tr&n.9fer up by work a round hJa home. How-and a.aalitnment. of th" aam .. wtll I><' r1·rr. \hp Mrvlrt'man l<lllt,.d hi' 11tlll m11'1I'. llll" tht <'on.•ldnatlon thu"· round plenty or oppor\11n1ty tn just fnrp will ~ pt11ct At 1n·no n'rl(l('k 1,,,., · am , nn thl' l:lth di\\' of M:.1y, 1!1r1!'1 I Funnal N otkl',A, , . i C'1trd of Thankir • •'uneral Olrf'r ton1 lU R1111lnt-1<a l;uJde · I I R111ldln1t Mat .. rlala 12 fh1Udln1t lffn ·ll'ts H 1• .. ,..onal,. 1:1 Hh1u e \'nur Car 18 Tranaportatlnn l'1 Kooflnc 18 lkauty Alda 20 H~th AJda u Loo aad Found U fkhoola, lnalrudJon !" Sltualloa11 Waated 29 ..... p "'-~ SO Mlaeettan~u• SO-A S~'&J>A .0-B Ap,.ua-11 w_...., to 8117 H l"'uraU:ure tor ~ 3?·A AotlqU"S 33 8<>1111, ~uppU,.. 34 Mu11lcal, Radio. 'I' V SS Dor•. C'a h , .Pr h ~ntl w11ntA l!\ go b&ek lCI school at lh" """rnw tl"l'"' tm,.nt nr RA y llflPr h" I~ rl1sl'hl\rJ:"d frorr~ \hi!' I £!';CROW C-0 . I \'I' ftl 11!7!> H11r· nu vy. Jlr ~all! hi' w11l be f'ltg1ble bnr 81\••I in 1 hP r 11 v nf <"n•t ·1 fnr lhl' c: 1 b.,111 fnr f1nancm~ "r I ~ff'l!il. Cnunl\• "' Or.t ni:r !=it.ill' nr g ....... :lal . Notices r11rl Of his 1'0 f'jt.e ex~nan .• oe CAhfnrn111. . ,,..,.. - I MAKE THIS vou·1 .. - ; . "l~. -t11tPd hi' h1tl< bl'"n tn lht navy 10 Dati-ll April 27 lll!'ll> I f'IKhl m!\ntM. H1A wlfC' an•I rh1lrl V!'ndo r m!\l'lt hi' 11.11rl will b" dllll'hll.(g"d In Jo:\' EIA \' :" R RA \\'SO;\", lf IHI' with him 1n thf' (orl'ign lslancl G. RA y HAIH'E:.Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E . 1767 Paperhanging Painting .... I :.\ .. , OF THE ~ ALL FUNDS RECEIVED f ON OR BEFORE THE }/ 10th OF THE MONTH $?·(;>'.. ,. . EARN F=ROM TME FIRST ./1.t -· ~v ~-~ ' For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:·30 a . m. to 8 p. m. -- " Thi1 (Amity t>xpe'c:ts another child Vendrp 1n 11bo11t four monthfi MARIE M. HARVF:Y · Mrcts every Tbu-rsda y II p.m • :'\.'O SW1'0USO Ven\}<'<' Via Oporto -Central Ave. ~wrort Be&ch Albeit H. M11tthrw11. Exlll\Nt Ruler When H!tk•''' '1( hf wf'n\ -5wlm· No. :183 Ncw11·l'1e11s :1;2 :1r> mini: Clflt•n l"IX'I 11S11d no. becAu11e \hi' burhrs Wf.'re Vl!'ry unktpt !'om· I ('J;RTlt1C'ATf: o·· nnu~t:ss p11red 10 thr1111• !\long lhl' Orangt FICTIT101'S t'IH~I ~A "t: Klmber1¥ f -1121 <.:011nty •'OH"I ltnl.'. The unrt,.ri111?nrt1 do hl'r~bv rr1 t1·' 12--BuJldlni; Sfln1celt l'ot'I w1111 rerenlly stationed on jy that t ht.v llrf' l'ondur11n,i: A fr~h j Painting, Decora~1 Pnrmo~a. He 111t1d he hopee he will packing !llld alb1tt•nrt' rrnrP11H1n1i1 PAINTING 1111! I)(' sPnt bark. Jn eight. month.ti bu11int1s At 216-20\h !'ilrtl'l, N••W· he wnnt11 to hr In SIU) DiPg!L ~nd port· Brarh. f'111tfornl9. 11111trr 1hr rP<'f'1ve h111 <11~('hl\rge rrom the I fit'litlou"' firm n~mr ,,, l':l .Lll" !\'I\ vy. Bui lht fl'ar of po1111lble A BA LO:>: F: l'OM PA N Y 11nd lh1t t troubl" with t he C'hlnr~ !;ommun-1 l!ll lrt firm 111 l'11mpn.Y<t' of tl'r ft•I· 1~18 plagttl'a him "I 1mre hope thpy 10 ... ·lng. pt<r~on11. whl'l:<I' nllm"" In I don t 111art anything OVl'f here tult &nd pl11ctl' 0~111111'111'" art "" Paper Hanim. GEe. BURKHARD'l1 Painting & Paper Hanging UCENSED CONTIUCI'OR "The Best Money Can Buy··--878 w. 18th St., Cnsta M ... Sympson & Nollar · ___ Li_1>e_ri_y_s_·86-2-8 -- ~12 38th St., Nl'wport Beach ASPHALT TILE PHO:-;E HARBOR 2•M LINOLEUM 1 Fllrmn~a) •bf' fore my dl•chargt ," follow11. to-wit · · :>:otl 11ald JAMES D. ELLIS-I 11!1 F'1"!"111l ____ P_A_IN __ T_l_N_G __ _ Strf'l'l, ('f)~ta ~1 .. ,n. <"flltfnm111 tlo I ln11tall t he abovl chupw .._ mosL A IJ10 nil Tile It Llnol.wn. 1'on·unlon. 2~ yeba .xpen.no.. C<Jmpare ll.Jld l l!'t -PATRICIA M ~:u.r~ l!IR.!I l;\'TERIOR -F:XTF'.RIOR LIC E:\'Sl-:0 -1:\'St:RED BILL <:OK.En LI 8-e204 "'9 NO. IGNORE Balboa ·Loan Forwards· On Madrid Mail form11 \V1tnf'ss our h11.nd11 th111 lll~J;iy of A pr,11. 19~!1. · ~·01 811~~~ Joi;~~~1! .. arh PAINTING Harbor 31':6 22trc ~EXJ:.l:RIOR INT9IOll t". & S. Mli:t.LO JAMF:S D. E LLI!' I PATRl9 1A ~! ELLIS STATE OF' CA LrF'OR:\'IA COl..iNTY OF' ORAZ'GJ-: \llll Of t his 13th tlay of April, A . 0 1955. bl'fo1 !' mt>, ROHF:ltT R HL"RWITZ. 111 Notary f'ubllr-ln 11ml I ro...-ihe said County and Stat(', r"· House Plans · LIBERTY 8·6251 lOltc s1drng lhC'rPin, cluly romm111NIOnP1l C A R p E N T E R The rnvt>lope Willi 11omewhat anrt sw·f!m, pPTlll)111tl/y 11ri:ir11rPrl 11hor\"r th11n lhP AVH!lh bll511'1Pllll JAMES 'D ELLIS nn•I l"AT~I C:I A Repair Work tnvrlore whwh ronw11 to your M. ELLIS koo\\'ll to me 111 br t hr Doe. Your Home Nctd RtpalrlnC m111tbf)x Th!' paper WBll or a prrsnn11 whnse 1111111P1t 11r e 1111h· 1 or Rtmodellng "! 11tr11n((1>, or?-whlle hur. On th;. blur-scribed to thP \\'r,lhtn ln)llnt~Pnl Call Frank, Ll!>rrty 8·89,">4 rl'd p11111m11rk, you <'1Jt1ld make out f and acknowle1li;:1·!1 to ml! thJI{ th•·y. All Work Cuaran\ted Htfc "\h11n111rtln. Madrlrl .. lip tn thP executt rl the l'<ame L1t'*n#ed JM:, Irvine Ave. Call evu. Liberty 1·481M. UU. Painting & Paperbangin1 We do the work ouraelv ... 3'h yl'ari1 t xperlenf'A J.1rrn"'"d .t. lneured. S11 tlSflll'I '''" g IJl\1Mtee4. F.Hllrna 1 .. s t1 .... Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & Li 8-5289 81tfo FOR RENT rl1thl·h11nd .top comrr, A bold llkf'· 1 In w1tnr1111 y,:herrof, J h11vp h"TI'· ""Ila or Franc111co Franco rtomlnat· unto-11 .. t my hand 11nd l\ff1x".i my !''1 ,lit.rite g"retn lltamp l\bove thl' 1 Oftlci"I Real th!' ~!ly a n.I )'tltr In GENI:.:RAL CONTRACTING Skill s""'"· f;lcc. Dri111, roLLaMH, 1111 1)'11!'.ii or SIUlder•, Wheelbv- rowa, tll!. words, "CorrPos 1':11pAn11." this C1'rttflr 111 .. t 1r1tt 11001·<' wrlltf'n T he addrcu Willi \ht< moi l un· ROBERT R. H \;RWITZ usul.J thln1t of alt. It rod: ''Th" My c,,mm1111<1on Exr1ru :'\twport Ba.nk Building ot Ca.II· May 31. l!.lM fornle U. S ,A." One oC our •ure· l'\o. :li9 f1rP po11t•I detecUvu had pencllted J"twa-Pr-us 4 18. 2:1. :> :z. 9, l!l~~ on 11: "Try :'\rowport B&lboa Su '-1 , -- .ng11 11nj1 Loan A~Aoclat1on." • SOTIC'E hf" SAl.t:' n t· I RWHT PLAC E I REAL PROPF.RT\ 1';urt t{IOU~h. thAt waa the r ight AT PRl\1ATF. :->Al.t; I plac... Thl'I mHRAte Inside wu , :>to. P-. P ·l40lll F r11mlng & F'ounrls t'lon" r rf'P F;s11m11tr11 • Pl11n SH\'IC'8 C. Sherm ·Allen Liberty 8-7576 3ltfc TIME TO-PAINj ~f. W. RO~S Paint ni: .. [IPt nr11ltnll' brtt( It came from F C•Mlnello I ln th' Supn1or ('"111 · "f l'eru., Madrid &rth1\ecl, and edit· I Sla te or Ca l!Com1a In a nd t •r or·rn·rh1rf of lht magum• pul>-I County ot IA• Angtlt'it t ht Llbl'rty lj.3:121 or HarbOr 3089·M lhf' 2 0. A \'OC'11rlo, CQJl!a M!'A!l hsht<I by thl'I f'ngine,.ring !inn In· I ·In th" malll!'T of t ht u tat' of ftltlule T"cnico d11 la Conatruccton U l'\DA NEH LS. a minor. y drl Ct'mento. It ••Id. I NoUce I• hereby grv"n lhAt Lht Lit "n•rrl Ac !ull tn~ur,.rl J p:,1 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAiR WORK .- :-;o JO B T CJCJ SMALL 'Oet.r SI,_: I 11hould be very undersigned WA.LTEH BJ::;->:-;ET ,nteflll If you wtll klnllly paaa I.JI" Nli:H LS. Ouarrtla n oC the otatf' nf t>nrlo8"'1 '"' trr to UIP ar('hitact o f 1 LlN DA NEH LS. a n11nor. w1ll 11l'll your bulld•ng. Mr Wenculao Sar· at private ~·· t n lhl' hlghr,t bid· m1,.nto, who'f' alldrf'l\ll I IKnQrt." der, upon tha term• IU\d con'11lloM. Rl!iQt'E~T Rt:\·1::u1:0 hllretnatt11r ni~ntloned M d eubJI'< l.1 _______ _ • Tht lf'ttf'r 11 a r11quut tfirec!Ad to conl'lrmatlon by 'the a&l<J SU· _C_O_M_P_L-ETE p AINTING to SarmlM to, dulcnfr with the pertlor Court. on or after lht lOU\ B•nk Bulldlnir a nd Equipment day ot May, 19~!1. at 1124 Fair & Paper Hanging Service Corpou tlon Of Amtr1ca who d•· 0 1k• ll!N!nllf', City of South Pan· El't;F::"F.: 0 SAL'NIJERS 111gn .. ,, 0lllld bull~ J.he h&.ndeoml' new dtna, Coµnty of IA• Anreleit, 8111\f' ~t)() Jiit Strel't, t'ewport lieach ~l b.Uquarlan of N ewport ot C&ll16tnia, .U Uli' ncM. UU• Harbor 2978 or ll&r. UH. Uc ., \ , BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 .\\' COAST HJO HW AT Ll~rty 8·34:1~. S~rt Bch 28t11 Gener~1lrS!t:~tractor Kew Work -:-.~emodeling J .1.fILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 44pl57h Elec. Tool Repair !'kt! ~ .. ,..,.. l•rlllA ~11 nrln1 <.it I' 'I( ~~:I~ \'Jr'~: LEWCO ELI-:< 'TRI<' CO. CE MENT & Rt;ILDING A II l<tndft F REE E. 'TIM ATES Liberty 8-6109 .. ( -, I < , . PAGE <4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR ESS SO-~li11ttllan,.ou11_~~..:~~­ MQN~A v MAY 2, 1955 ~S-Boeta, Soppne.: ---.~ .... -..... ---.---- AJcobolica Allonymoua Write P. 0 . Bos 311 Nf>WJ>Ofl 8e&Ch., Calif. -1"tloft• B&ttlor n~ ~S..uty Aids Superfluous Hair Permanently removed trom tac. anne.-le!41.-Eyebrow• and b&1r Unr shaped-No more lweulnr. ELI.p;N L. BR TANT ft. IC. Lido's Salon of Beauty Har. 2&76 Uc r o\ ·:--:r1 r'hangP pllrAP Thursl1ay """r All Amtnc:an MkL Corona d•·I ~far Har H l!l -R. 411<-U ~----L <1ST IArs:t rtml ll' 1<able rolltf', ·April 21 . alUWPrs to name Baba . 6 yr• nlrl. iarnr htp F'itmlly .:r .. l\11nir Ph LE1<1ngton ~·3766 RF:\\'ARD 46r 4i 2 BF:A t:Tl.Fl·1. 1"'11• linctJ ..t11nU I · TDADE 111' bMk rtr•rea l.aq?e 't llow '' 29--HHn Waot.ed I rn•"ll ''" "hilt ba1 k~r un1I R~ut 1t ul 70-fl. aux 1rhoontr ----:::X~---------1 Har •61 1.w . 46, I f'ully found. l C\ 1nywhtrt-. \\'111 r take tqulty in property or sm al· Custom Dressmaking ter b<>•\· 1220 w Balboa Bh·d . Cosme ti~ Treatment Saleswomen For a leading Santa Ana Dept. 'Store. Must h ave experi- Cvll.J..llll, r"~r! "'"Ar, _ttc I='<\ k}{l'l lltlOn~ I f'M ne llurbnr ~:?68·k for arp't I ~i;l>4~ \'Ot'=-'GSTO\\'~ ~-ft k 1tcht n. sit! 11nk wttl\. ~prny. 4 •loors and :! rlrawpr' Xlnt. l'lln<ltt1on 1 new SIM f>OI onlv Si~ .. 1~28 Oo11n I HIY<I. 1·n1•11111 ,~, Mar \t'tllR•I ..Q( io'rrnlea!I fla!'. 4107. Hc~6 ANTIQUES -Old fum1lurt, cut j?lll.'15. "'inps. old p1cturt11. el<Wk& , t< Barg1t1nl' 1?lllOl'i' Big 111<- rounts to <lcalers. C't\arhe Da\·1~. J8U~ £. Anllhtlm St., Long e~ac:h. MO·l 3!l. :.?~Ill\ e nee in selling bet .. !!D-;\~~~s ------ t ~ J' l wA:-:T 1Jmall !<All boat -Snnw -er·name tn es. bll I or " \\'111 !o'\Vllll ~Clod U~1·d <'•lr or n .. ,\. Stuolf'bak• r Ne-:-pert. H11t. 303:! 39trc I f-FT CL.ASS boat • 111 hp Mr r- cury out boar l. J.'rrst C'la11d c•ondl· lion 1'.112-SSth St., N ewport 81 h 4llf(' Z£=-'lTH ~tERJ DI,\,"'\ PORTABLE 9hri1 t W1lV~ r"'elver. 3 b1tnd'a. LJk; new ?d ral for E~~E1' A DA RACT.. r.o; H orbor 70f H eid 18·FT I~BOARD, 1·11. beatn. 6· volt light pl.ant, jig polu, lines, JtJtl', f'\c. 167{1. Also boat trall"r :iM Stuhore l.lr Har ~087-W. 4:k4T 84-&lusicaI. Radio, ~ T V SPECIAL Accordian Buys! F'aur used 120 bau acc:ordlona ln .. v' v· Check these Used Cars Ruy(.rom a 0 Joc:a1 dt>&.ltr who .-•1JI be htre J'O~fORROW . llT back up \\ hlll ,,,. llC'll.t TULM "! .&0-Autos and Truck. ·U~Auto8 and Trucks ·---------·------~ I :__ WE DON''F SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars '53 B\JICK Spec. 4-dr .. ma.nu:il shift. very clean. '51 MER<;'. 4-dr .. O'D, H tr .. Rad., A-1. . '52 DODGE Wayfarer 2-dr. Radio, above average. '52 MERC. 2-<lr. ~d. Merc-0-mat., R-H, nice one. '-48 BUICK Rd-mast .. t>ynn .. R-H. Reconditioned. 'H PLY. 4·dr. H-R, A-1 & tow· priced. ... Cabanas· Marinas Lido Penin~ula, East 31st.St., Npt . .Bch. OFFERS ~hghtfuJ linng, Apt .• Cabl.nu. Uliliflea paid. ._,ilh Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. F or appt. or res"n ·ation. Call Har. 2992. -A~Autoe for Sale ·fl-Wantf!d to -Rent ~-~;;;.;;..;..;;.~-_.;----~-.,,,.,,.., JiW4• •=> ·------: • ' 111!'>1 01.ns~ou1L~: Hn11,1.~; os Rentals Wanted .. • Must i<r!I. S99~. n...irm!J 11 Aaanc-We nffd apta and bouael lD d lalt•J Ser\'1Ct. 2~14 J'\f'A•port MctJon1 for both wtaw Md lll\'11. N"wf.>Orl DeaC'h. 4.'lcH See ·us for a ro l deal on a NEW '55 BUlCK. Je&r' I It.... l\uu. OI' UDl\&nl, " fiN9ooocE Coronel 4-dr .. clean. U you ha•• a ,.~ JERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach--H-ar . 5021 (A few blks East of Newport City Hall) Prh'•d I<\ aclL f'rwate• party. 2oe pbOIM todQ > £ 1:11h s1. coeta Mt4a. LI~ny The Vogel Co. ' 8-2~39. 4~c•7 UOl ~ C.t. Hwy .. Newiiort .._. Pbon• Liberty W'8l ftl Mar1D•. 8aJboe ,... ---~--Phone R&rtlor '" 2667 r:. Coa.tt Hy .. Corona d.J Mar • Phone Hubor 1Hl --Motor Overhaul Salary Open !~~·hools, lmtt-ructlon write. giving <'all J OY. ;>;J("f<t:RTZ "Your :4111Jrbaker D··nler· Httrbnr ~'1 0 4•,, 4i Udo ornce, au1 Via Udo Harbor •971 Qtl9 fi ne t'onditlon. Cue Included. SEE THESE TIP TOP CARS Your •'hoice. $7!1. Terma $10 dn. - and S~ per month at .,,,..,-\ NO MONEY DOWN * w~th this ad * o Box ' ~-!:;-~pJ'M?.!'cu. Real -Estate -Sehe~­ in Santa Ana S HAFE.R'S ·Music Co. 1Slnce 1907) Rf:-Y-QU 8' IV A Iii. IVTLJl~G_ ·tZl-423 N Syramorl'.-sftnta An~ll+--IM::f"''t> :e> ~~ i=1 ~ 6 Cyls ................. $48.88. 48-AJ?ta. a Ho118N 8-~ ..•• ~ S58..88.:.._ • -·---~----- I Washing Machine Phone lcrm berly 2·0672. )(E N It WOMEN prepare ln spare time tor unllmittd opportunlu u In Real Estate. :-;ew classes wreKI~·. Al Tyler ln~trurtlng. Al· E 69, this paper. 45c50 S:i 00 PER MO. rf'nts (ood practtc:e SE RVICE · piano. Term rrnt apphu If you !·yea r i;uorant ... e on Jobs done buy. - l ent! rtr~t evcnini:: fr<'e an1I l••am a houl thl& i;1e11t field. Call or 1A rltc now ror 111rormat1on. Rusi· nr;~ Jn\tlllllt', 4 1!>'~ N. !':\'I'll· mnrr . K l :l-17!'l:l. H tfc ~nu on u•etJ "·••h1>r11 2488 11 " ~ ~ .,.. Good practice p1ano11 $89: 1 JO. 19!1. (rearl Newport Bl .. Co,,}A M14u.. Llbe 8 -1503 Libert OAl"Z·SCH~tlDT Big Plano Store, A rrF::-:T10 :-; -R1 hahh· wo men rty • or Y 520 Nn. Main, Sanlll Ana , wnntNI C·•r hQusr 1 h·anirg Cu 8-4327, 1 · 6-1tiC 1 -------------- Own I ran"I''" 11111 .. n -·-----'-"'----------~OY'!-1 ~li\l;\'TE;S,\:\'\'£ I l'hnr.t 1.lbl'rl\' 8-13:12 4·., H !Z--FumittlN' for Sale China Painting \\"A:'\T a .)••uni: won 1U1 ,, r '11'· 118}' nna· F:\·~ntng Cla.9.su li\'o•ry i<n•I >-:"""nil 11"" 1•1 ~fi,,p Orrl,·rs Tak•·n Now wnr« 0pp,.rmn11y tn 1 .. ,. 111 h11,.. l't\orn• l.lhu 1v 8-MHI< 9 1tCc. '""" Af'l•h' in r-·r~n ;\'011111<11'" ------·--t J.~Jn\\. r !'tl'-f'. :?t>::"> F t "~..,, ----, --------I ll1gh"ll)', C011'n" d•I Mar f~J~~atloM ~~:anted 11;1 1 Going to Travel? 1 !;,AR<:!': ton~ .... t111111itt:l'rl 1rtt1 ,.,. lal,. firm ""''''' "KPHltJH "" ~tO\'JXG -Antique walnut b• d- r.t.'°"' srl. :i flll'~8. rompltte. $!l~1: A mcr11·1tn 011c-ntul 9 x 12 rug. l'olrlspnt rl'frtif, \\'tllnul 9-plerr ol ninir '" 1. ~1·p1e1 ·· bolrm. l!!'l, , "nl}'klt' $60, "lUUIV C<•UCh, hkl' 11 .. w Sl8. ~mall 11awinport. 11ve1111 , . .,,.,.r. $1 IJ. Blanktt.,, lln,.n11. 1•an='. 11\<•r, 111:11\t'S, g111drn to11l1< !1 x J2 11111!• & null<' . .JiOl Li!kl' "''. ~"11p"n Bt'llth. 4:,c-i7 WJ!.L TAJ.;~; l'ARE of ~nur hi>Olf'j "·'···~m . All .IO!IWH3 ko'I t r"n· r"r (r,.,. rf'nl _ He•t lo~al 1 ~(tr~ fttll'nttfi \\'i 1tr Rnx >.Oil, thl~ 1•J11·1·• llAr o.~6·.1 4 11 11 pllpl'r PIPll•h• llllllf' •111allt 'a· 2 L~l'l\'E ~EATS~\llth I 1\°l'fi! !or ---ll l'lltlt11' 1 f' 11 41}< .J'll!!.._f'f """ I mRpl" 1.llt! Sl'A:-:ISll F'ILIPl :-:O <'Ht:F" a g n 11 ~11,an ,,.((~If' I plnl' , op- Rr.,un ! :!!t '":''~ ''!'"'""""' · " 1 111insrhH1r Ha1. 111 13·.l\". 46r l~ ll l1AR i11rn r ... "1 <'h.n"~" ''""1. 11~ r"Th1s Ole House needs help. w .. 11 os ~:ur .. p•1\'2 plan. \1111 11111_ YOl'=-'G &·E'r \\'!now "111 ex· nr12l ·J •~P' • r hl\l\,i:" hnnv'-."'"k"ol ll'l"lll'< f"r I' \'l:'\'Tl~G ' . F:'I"'' "'"' "" p1Unlt1 hv the <lay or nu ru•1nnal t•11 rr"11t1 \' \\rill' Bux 21;:C::;11n111 An<. r n l"•r l7 h"'" ~:''"'"'r nr 1ntPnor. ~m&ll 1 \\'A..'\"TED. ('om~tant. l'Xpl'nenc- jr•bl' nk LI ~-:?1:17 H c46 1 "'' h•111lm11r for l1ic:ll dub for -· 1 l'Ununrr p• rind. \\'rtte Box E·fi7 Thr"t' b .. hy 111Uers available this r11~r 4HC1 for f'\Of'Dln1:11 rtir.nP Llbuly 8;2722. 35p36H A ITE:-<Tf<l~ Al.I. BOYS - MA :" <\ \\'O~tAN will Ito gviera l h"11•rw• rk noor waxln~. w1n- '11ow d<>:l nlng. FAst worker~ • w h1lr. qq 1-; 20th St.. Coetn .!\°Nl'll-l'r•'S!< (IHI IC'.T route a rl' n•IW np••n In !<Onlf' nl'l~hborhonC• - Balboit, \\'c~t 1':1'wport. Aalh<•a l~l1rnil, :-; .. wport Height~ enct c· .. ~1 a M· s.a a r.ns·n :A D. :.pr1ng 11ntl mattl'r""' ,1,,11bl1• $1'. Oil f'IF:!==K. 1•r<1o ,. • .. ,k a;2n on C'l-f ~:.-.T ri( !'> nRA \\'F.RS . ~~ 00 llnr :rn2R-H o1r Jh1 :i:::n . .i11p1 EXf"f'l.l.F:'\'T ,•nnl1111• n mspl• 1-p<' Mrm '" t. 111\i n nn1l rh111r & mi ... ,• flan•'•ltl~ Rl'a:o1nnably r11rt-•1. l"h H.flr~r lfi»:•-R Aftf'r I p <lfiC48 ::;QI.ID mapl1• bunk hN1t<, com- plr1,.· 1 1t1~ maplr ~"<"re111ry $i !' HnrbOr. 4 I fl2. <11p~6 '~!t·.,t. LI 8·2683. pptt If you ar .. 12·1:1 y1~ olt1. ha\'e a rv cumb11111t1•in 21 ', dbl bnx Roy's Mairrtenance Hou.!111 f!'ll'anlng-F'loor waxfnr \\'1111 w:i11h!ni;-w!ndow cleanln& \' ··nd1an blinds. t;pholstery l nsurrd FrPC £5t1matea 1.tb.-rty e-1332. ltfc: Experienc 'd ga.rdener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 bwyr lo>, npply 10·1 2 a.m. or 4-~ i:pnng &. mlll\re,,.,, I yr. old p m. only "' ClrC'ulatlon Dept .. I Mlac. a rtlclu . very rea.onable. Newport Harbor Ntw•·PreH, . Phone Har . J783·M, H c411 2211 Balhn!I Bl\011., Nrwport H!'ach Harbo r 1616 39l!c <.:HAIH.S, liunps, t®lr~ & misc 1ll'ms. \'er\' rPa ROnable. 2816 Cliff Dr. Np!. 13ch. LI 8 -4628 RJo:CtSTF.RF.D ::'\1.RSE . for dor· tn1 's nrft..1>, \\ 11 h ;.hnrlhand and l vplnl? Writt' q11:ihCtcal1nns, age. ""f'"''''"' e ln Box F~S. lh1,. pap•r 41c:\6 \\'A=-'T F RY COOK. lft>ltialel f or 1·nn1·r,i1lon wnik a t L .. ni;: S!'llnd. I ' I '<•t• 1111 Jl'I ~tar. ~taln Heiic,'1 BARGAJN OFF'ICE d,·~k" & < htltra. cottrr t11hl••, 2 ht 11.trrs. tPh•pt\one 11t·an1I. '' t)1row n1i:~ 417 ;\tl)rntng Can· »• n R1011J. c·t>rona •ll'I Mar. <!Sc4i Wanted to Buy CPRICHT PJA:"OS not n t·rr !10" 1n hr1i:ht .fnr our rrnt;il olrpt lllgh,.~1 tr&l11' allowan('rs or ~n~h pr1n• el - ~II A ~·~~.K s ~lllMC: ( 'o. I Since I !l07 I 1:?1-12:1 :-.;, :,.;), ,1nl11r'" Santi\ Ana f'hnn" l<l1nb,•1 ly ·2-06i2 CO~~SO:\' AT A Ell'ctrlc Oq~an. slii.:hily useLI. Sa\e S400 on thJ" bt•1111t1ru1 organ. DA:'.'Z·SCHMlD:I' Big Plano Store. :.20 No. Main, Santa Ana See Baldwin Piano & Organ Displa y WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coa.st Blvd .. Corona del Mu !Thaden lntt rlor Bid~.) Har. 3382 68 Uc HAM~lO:'l'O C HO RD nri;s n tltmon- st 1ator, with nt'w guarantee. Big f'A \llllJ:. DA.!\'Z·.SC'If;\IIDT B1~ P iano Slor". ~•20 :O.:o. ~fain, Sa nta Ana ~pril Spinet Specials ! ,.. BEAt;TJFliL 41 ' J<1mball r;plnt t 'piano. llkt ntw. r;1 ve $:!02. FAMOl.iS JltAJ<E SalPm maplr •plnet pit.no only • mo'1. old, save $1 25. LOVELY 38" Chippendale walnut Kimball i.p1n, l, like nt•w, aave $291. O.'lLY. full keyboard L ester apmet m !rne· condHion SJ6S. Conv1•n1rnt terms 111 - SHAFER'S Music Co. (S111ct 1907.J 421-423 X. SyC'amore, Sa..nta An .. f'honu J{Jmberly 2-0672 1949 HUDSON 4-dr .. 2 tone. R;adio & heater. An excellent transportation car . .. ......... $ il25 .1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. 2-tone brow11. Rad'io, beater, overdrive. Riina 1951 good -......... , ............ _. ··~· ... S1~5 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4·dr. Light green, automatic tranm.ission. R &. H. A ont'-owner car -······-·· .......... .. S1245 . ]!)54 CHRY8LER New Yorker Deluxe Club • Cpe. 2-t.one gray. Radio, heater, power st<'ering. New W.S. W, tir es. An excel· knt buy . . ................ $2~95 LbU REED 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone l..lbcrtY, 8-3486 ,!Jsed CarDepartment Now Located at Our New Buil din·g" !H-Musical, ~-~~o. & T " 140-Autos and Trus_k_s __ lnclullea bolh labnr a n•I parts !\t'W ring•. wrut flln•. \Oalvt g:-lnd. fltllnga or main an~ rod bearings. Ex~rl moto r t unt up 90-<lay or '4.000 mil .. ituarantu . (!':0 MO:-.:EY 00\\''\I REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MO:-."TRS TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by ~k1lltd mach1n1st11. Dnn't contl'nd wllh tht nllddlf' m11 n Buv d1rrct R£BUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOC'K FORD . CHEV ROI.ET r1~nr. ~ ooncP.: Sl29.r>O . S\49 !IO S15.'\ ummer en as on Udo hie and other fln• Hart>or bom-. Jl'1 NI: LID() R OMID 3 ~drooma, J t.lh&. Jl\Jml.ahed. 12~. mo. on 1 ..... Will conllldtr rentlns fDr IUmmV. P'Um. Ap~. tor .um.mer Y'lne U do Loc.-a Uon Bachelor• • l bdrm . 1400 -$000 month Som• nrht on th• Baytront CHl1YS & J1Jo: ~()TO !'\Tl'OF'HA,KER ' OLD~ & PO:"TJAr 6 RllCI< s 17o Lido Realty Assoc. S!70 toliCI 3t00 V;. Llrln Hubor ,4444 Sli~ 46c4S Hl 'l)SO!'< _ n;~. r,oan r11r• F1 ,.,. TuwinK !\'l·:W CAR C.t'ARA.!\'Tf:E Blni·k must nwrt our &11rndartl~ l'luii \IU H l'. ~ai<kl'ls anti ull 0Jlo'n ~i>•I;<~· 10 11 Ill {n 2 p nt Choice Summer Rentala on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small & co:tY' .Dr larr• It deluu n :i. lo 1300 monlb VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa li lan"a ~ T~h. Harbor 4U or Harbor 2l ~l :10 I "SED r1 A :>:OS want •·d ba•lly tor our rtnlal o"pt. H 1i:ll1 ~l • 11:-h 111!01A·an1" In !rlldl' on n1·w p111n" ~t11t~ s0n'1e'1 BELl:ES ENG~ REBUILDERS ~•I Ali~TIN HEALEY two ront Of'"" Ot1ily 8 t n 7 hlue. Ht>llltr. tnnn rov"f". wlrt wheels. fta<ho, o-drlvl'. Sl>e anti Ru Har, 1786-R or Har. 30:.1). M 6"1fc or or~nn. DANZ-SCHMIOT Pian., A Organ Cn, ~20 :"'o . .M:.11n. SantR Ana -----------__.___ ~T1..:010 f'IA:-O.·o. A hHrol to l:d p1a110. f't'1 fre t ronrl111on, s:w:. l l'rm~ OAl'\Z·Srl-IMIDT R11: f'1s.nn & Or1tlln Co .. :i20 No. Ml\ln, San ta , drive lhl8 <me 2t:l7 H11rhn r Rl\'d~. Cn~t• Mf"'" I.I 8·2:?M <fllr18 1953 Plymouth A11a _c-t.t:"B C'OUPE Radll'I, t>'drlvr. HAl.L IC RAF'TER porll\ble m a rine radio rl'Ct'tvl'r. Mu<ll'f S-72L. new, d lr l'C'llonal. 11 0-voll a ni1 balll'ry. ('nmpletf' w11h battMy. $!1:'1 Xo tAK f"n•d U 111•nz. 20;,~, lla1 b"r Bk1l . Co~ 3 Mes;i I.I 8-:1!>72. \I;< lbll good llrr11. Exr l'lltnt condition. S995 NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. ATTENT ION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authonzt'd f'11rti. & .Sc>rVl<'tJ al110 Cond Tran,.pm litron Can1 Fnr Snlc Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Garden Court rlose t <) ()('ea n ancl hay Hr r" you'll relax ancf plo~·. Hf:A~O:-:A lll.E.,JlATF:~ Hnr 11.11:!.t 11:.ir. J.~. H11lho11 Bh.,J H1tlhr.11 .1!1r'•Z RENTAL v , SPECIALISTS CaU E dna Cra11: Blanche Gates, RJtr. 31 l ,\larl11e A VC'. U1 lboa lllland, lh r. >671 72tre '4i FORD station wagon. with ra<l10 & heater .. S2-15. :"rwp .. rt B,. ... ti. Jlai ~-;iri I.'\; 8A LHllA :""Al h· r •·•\ 1111 , Uf>p.tr dupl,•x. ll ' I I f ,;I\ "' •I t111n~ Ji;u """ I I I ,. · l.'ol lt • or ~·.trly 11.Jti_:..'\ 111 )7.ui. JfHth•1r COTTON GOFF P l'HE BRED Irish \.-atf'r spa nt• L1. rnr 11111 .. Fm· '-t gun ""K"· \\'(In. Volks wage n Deale r tlrrru1 r'•·l:t1 1.1r chllrlrcn. ~~~~~ :!l lfi :-;""port Hlv•l. !\'('\\port llrh Llbrrly 1>·6 26. 1 l(a r bnr R H c46 t'l'T~~ C'orkPr pups .. $ lfi LI 8-1310-Afto•r 4 Jl Ill 42-Trail.-n. • 1:1 ti-\\', afl"r 11 11 111. ·II• 11; --------------------2i THAJJ.F:R, lnl'I, 1111)11 11>1 \\'•II HE,'>TAI. Sl.Z!,IJ Jlme 1·11h 1 .. .!Hh r. r ~~·Ut) ~I u .. t lw Ill"\"' I S"JllC11th1 r I ~-I h 3 "' tlrm , ltull\ )'!•'"'I ' •. ,.. ~Ir Uutll'r.I r11TI1:.lh•I lla);<h"I "• l.!ol•• l'.ttk Nt>\\'l"-111 LI• IH'll 11111) St•j• TH~~ \'111 :1-·1, •'(l I.I K-:Jll-1 ~ 1, 11, \'06 ~hnre A"'' 44c46 f'l•~!O:'\A 1'01,t.£(;F: .ll ';\'l~IH 1 -------------- " ol·~1r,.~ po""'"" l"Arlnl{ f,.r rhtl· LAIJ\' .\l'ITH CAR (or Avon P ro- \\'Ai.~:\ 'T 111 np lt>llf tab!" S30, ~;~,.y·wa11hl'r $3~. 3 pr. 11llk /aillt> • ''"' •m 1111111.. clr11 p1•11. val11n1'l' ~:h•c. rhnfln.: 11tsh S'I 'T't>nnls nrt &. rnr l1rl Ki-ro~rnr lamp SJ. 1 P86 Pomnna Strl'l'l, 'Ol'll.J!> Ml'~ll M-W T v Service 10-Autos and Truck• 19 ;\lEH<"CRY !lt1111on w112nn R•lo htr , <'·•hl\'P A ~lo,tl ,It i;·1!I~ 21:.;; Hur~r" Hlvll , Custa ~l··~n LI 8-22r,G. 4111'\1' :.!7:'.11 • '44p l6 1 :1:1111 \\' 1·vau l h\'t .• pr ll· I• '\0-1-T l'A:-1 A~IF:Bll"A!\' l!l'ol ON BALBOA ISLAND :\llll fHllofltt••ll Wllh I\ X ::tt A 111111-11-H• "'Ill 1 abanu. $2700 .,r will '"" • ubann ror $:,1111 cn.·h. l,ido Tr:ul. 1 l'11rk, 4: llr 1k<' 81. :"fWp111t J!,.;i, h. -llp4~ SU U8 for J e&rlJ a.nd H.U<>nal rvit&la. dt ~11 f1 •IOl J une 1:. lo S1•p1 l ol111 r • 1n :"ew,..,1 l 11rr 1 ~:,...Pf· Philco R C A Sylvarua !13 HILL.M A:\' 4 tlr i;edan. Nice 4t l:xpPll• IHI I l.1\'" ' ... h11t l\\'lltl· ll'nl r1ur11! l"<ll ror HJIJil Kl I Kaye Halbert rll'ltn. "°" will take Amer11'an 19:1-0 B CJCK Supo>r 4 dr. Absolute· I)• pf'rfrcl X11mt> your dnwn payment. Low ltttnk nn11nr 111~ 2137, HRfbcir Bl\'•I. <..:o~ta .M• •f• Ll 8-22~11 • 4.'}• l S NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 1tl1ll' n1~hlli "hen ''"' .J, ·I ll.1\'" 3-(l:l!ll 4 lc:~fi Genera l E lectric Adm.Ira ! 1 .tr In trod,. Sile M.artne AYe. Harbor (iU1 (•\\n t11111~p•ll lllllnll A•ldtl'>H flnrhnr1t Rrn1ni11 d 127 131111 .. lrll LIVE 1:-.; plta11R 11l bayfront Nim(' H11ll. 1 'lllr,.mont I ·1111r. l Ip 11; 11111lol "'"" ''·' roundin~<. n "a - ~.~p4i --------~---\\'A L:'<iliT vem'i!r dlnt tte 1et .ft • \\'('MAI'\ v.1nts br1th Al' •U\\Rr•I· ,.,, 11r ro"k on yR<'ht ror fii;l.11w hoet. 1 O'll<l>tl ur !•111•1~11. 411 F. l )C-•olll Apt :.l, l ;•I\)! ll•11h :i~~-j 11 -1.;1-..!- '"nl\hl» ~alnry fur k!'rpin~ huw11 & , n 1nng fur my ••·nu-1nvall1l 11111!hl'r. I •lh\!< 11 wo .-k :->o 1·h1I· •lr ('n P n \'11 11· 1011ni &c bath I 1'11\Atc enlr11n1 •· llor. 1:.1;2.J cvl'nlnl?~ H t•ll\ 1 hair!!, 1101td mshog ·ounc&n Phyfe d!nln.: table & II &\'es. u p· holst erell ~hu.lr 111 110 tin antique c11rveol nrnhng. rn•llH', l.ove Sl'llt w ith l'ro\·lnc:1sl pattrm In vun. Liberty 8·6&tH. H c46 ltl·:LIA'Rl .. F: \'O CPLF: \o n ·ln·IJ!•· \\',\:-;(' J:llMt1M11d ltlll l»1><1" 1'EAHLY n<·w Early American "pii r lml'nls "r rent11I'\ 111 , x• • 111d1•ftn11J11. l'lrnt\' <•( fliu1r t111w , """* & d"tll, i1nuque pine !let· r.ir a pt 111 rh13 11n"1 r..rl· I• m·· • l1b..i11I t"n1m1~M1 n. W• II 101 Jt.:J th•s, l11d1ler back 1 h111ra &: Kt'n· lla1bur 3 7!1 mutnll\I:•. ~\"nm.i::• ,,fC1rt I mure au.to. washer. LI i-6it7r.. r>r 'lll1'"1l"nlt!! 11'1'111 Homer Shafez.:, Rltr. ••c•e \\'lll111m ·p,.tl'" PAnirlr f'tlJ ;\lt Fadd•'n P lur, .'\pl. Br h. Ol'R ::'\E\\' HOME Ill c11rpl't°f'<I ~·• Tl1AC1'0 H \\'OHi< Ph Hor. I IO I ~:\'f'/I. He r. '.l:i:w~1 • WI' h11n • 11(!\'C'l al 111.rge SIU aoh<I f)1!'k111~ -Plow1ni: -~fll\\ 1ni: 4:;.-li I rnf.~red n11:• and ~evt'ral amall· )'h, U 8·l":flf\ Ph LI 8·2 ~?': _"_____ 1•r & Or1entol throw & runncr111 ll'lp4t1 SO--~tiscelJanc.'OUS t•>r 5aJI'. ALSO portnllle BBQ. -----------~llsr rha lrs. omamrnta & p11 · PAINTER Fresh H · Ald curl'~ WANTS WORK. l!' ytan rxperl· enc:e. :-;on union, Hourly Librrty 8-2772. 4ip18h lRO:"l~G \\'ill tlo )llUr t1on1111: 1n nw home. E'<r"ll~nt work Ph l..Tbrrty 8·i36!1 11\Jl l'I OllU.8 - IT'S A Gffih'S WORLD! earing SEE AT 33().1 Via Lido, TrleplH>l'I" BATIF.:Rlf:S H111 bnr 4.111-J 121 ~; We Give S&H Green Stamps Gunderson Drug Co. 52-A-Antiquee ;\(11ln St. 11t Balboa Bh•d . Balboa Harbor :11r,. !18ttc 1000 ~;MBOS$J::IJ bustnc"~ c1rnls. S3 !l!I 3 hne rnbber.-stam p $1 00 4 line rubber ~temp w11h c:ul 52 00 111s.. cut111. Hook match <'!!. L. \\'. \\'HJTE LI 8-•0u e\'t'I. LI 8-!l I ~10. pplfc IT A LIA~ -P air Of ant lquc 7 C'Bn· .110 1cuncc11, 40.. t.l.ll. Orlgllllll .:11~l S200. now S9;1; pair. Pl 'SH ~f A ;.;·s. 2i!\5 F,, Coa.•t Hit;h· w11y, Corona c!dNar. Har. 1212 .~,. ~ i . BA.S.:)1:-;E:TTE. Ilk" r "w cn11 S I~ S,:-\OWBIRD In goo<l cundlllon. All And you'U aflTee wh en you hrar •tll for $8. 1nr1urt1ng p.~•l. GW 11 • fibctglaMed. 2 seta or aa!IL Ro- llf U'9 many job opportuniue~ r•0tni1clllll,· c •r~•na orl Ma r M>nable. C&.11 Ha.r. 0210-J. 4:i1:t 7 tor quaJ1tl@d young w omen In •:'>c l'; OW' bualnl"M today. TllKE8 6!Hl. ~l!p.!1 for rent. $'!\ • • • FOR XO ROOM ln tht w:ndow fur th• !IP mvnthl Ill Lido \\'harf Ya1 hl OPE..,.l:\"C~~OW · ' llhort11 6' 1'"1l:il pu .. hu.•. It> ... 1u Landin~. 3 116 \'1a Op1•rto. 11h TELEPH~NE OPERATORS H at $2 ~s & s:i l!l j l.lbert~· 8-.'il'IOO, 46r60 Apply-Monday : Ulrough J"rtday Donalt!~· 11 'p ~-.u 4t Ten A nlennM Installed ONE DAY SERVICE Phune Collt cl 1.£l( 8_.630 H. J , LaVerne ICurlyl 322 Main. HunllngtM Be11c:h 36p49 ' SPECIAL . April Organ Buys OX E ()~{LY full 2 manual conn- sonA ta cler tromc org&n, like n, w. Save S..00 O~E ONLY buutJtul Minshall llpln.et org1uC like new. Save SJOO ONE Q:>:LY &1ngh> manual Min- :i;hall ori:an. like nrw. S&V• S200 Convrn1tnl tenni. &l - S HA rER S Mu~lc C"o. 1Smc:e 19071 421-f '.l3 :--:. Syc~m'i1rt. SMla .Apll Phone Kimberly l ·06i2 H A ~I ~!O~fl ORG A :-:s. Complete line -easy ter m11. Your uld 11lono tsk~n 111 ••xr h11nic•· Try h«Cnrc y•1u buy. Fr Pe 1 ooms here f(ir praC'trce DA:\Z·SCHMIDT Big 1?1ono Store, 520 :'\o. Marn. S11111A J{na r RF.~T an org11n . or pia no ~llh rtnt11I to apply CJll futur~ p11r- l ha1111 Bt- SHAFJ-:R'S Mu11lc Co 1Slnc:f' 19071 121-{23 N. SycdmnrP Santa A n11 Phone Kim berly 2·01i72. BALD\\.'111\ Acro.!nrtlf !lplnct P lano Ju~t like n Pw. You r an sa1·e on ~I~ 1, :"o. M&Jn ~t. 300 Main St., B11lboa 9 oo to • ·OO p.m . 43c4" HALWCRAFTER portl'lble m&r1nr tr.111 B rau tlful Art Mod'I SplnPt Hl•ho r .. r e1ver, Model S·7:!L only S3 ~. Annthcr %>!net M11h R oom 21 l, ~ft.Illa An• PACrnc TELEPHONE 22tfc """'· d1r•C'l1nnal. 110-volt 11n I <'ll.llt' IAvt ly ll'lnt only $497. Al WIN Anson J ackpot, get your t>.'lttrrr. Cl'lmrtt>~ "'HI\ bat11>ry. w11ys lots or·wo.nderru1 barg11.1n1 STOP THE ( jUS1C I 'S9~. l'r\ 11\Jt f'N-d Lorr ra. 20V1 Ill -M H&rb<>r Blvd., CM!& Me.a. LI nA:-.7;.SCJi~tIDT Big Pia.no S tor t' I 8-:\:'ii 2. ~6c4~H :.:.on !'\o ~fa!n. !ra'ntA Ana \ COl.!1.I ER GIRL, tx:ptl'lf>nced Apply a t S uUy'11 l.Aal Stand ~l11t@ Bu ch, Cornnll dtl :\tar 11fler • p m. 4!1r4 ~ blank£ at RAY FIELDS, Lido Wa.tch Repair V.111~,.nt Dn1,~. ~481 Vta Lido 42c6iR \\·A~T a uto Nleam an lO aell new lJIC"YC-LES. tablt ~nlt.h rawo. l'd man prtftrrtd. ton eltc. aha\'tr. F ord bndy, dbl. 1 1100 f'tan~ to <'tlOOlle from Euy BOAT t l'llllt r, $65, Chr111 Crt,Jt 8· tr rm•. Op<'n l'\'ery F'rlrta , t \'P rt . dl.nshy, r1b,.r,1rlu.• bottom. .,.,th 0.1'11, M6. Pho n• t.P>n.ty . . , • 8-2Q.12., 36u c ~TEI:"I."\\ A ~ GR.A:'\D. In-wonder- 1 ful condit ion S"e llJld htar th11 8-FT. BOAT a.nd.2 hp. motor, w e•! ;mmorta.I tn•trument. AU origin 3 hn. Uberty 8-81~9. '2p-17 , i.I condJtlon and ma terial Thu1 Forde and uaed cat9. Ellpt>rlenc-1 l'ndtrwood ryptWTittr;. Rt nung- nn:OOORE ROBI~S, Ford Olr.. l!Olld rork m 11ph1 bt<1, ~14 ~ :1100..w. Cnul HIA'}'., Npt.. Burh lktan Front C'nrnrr of Pa.Im. ClfRT SLER Marina enruie. 4111 1, LI~· ~-3•71. ' 4fr•6 . Balbo&. Ph. Har. 3138 38c49 1 reduction rear. • n rtburlt p llUlO. Al.lo Knabf' '4 i.son .t H t.m hn. Letter anrl .any olh<'rt at ire.at aavtng' aU)'I 100 pl&llOI trom Which ---------~ RF:f'~IGERATOR, 110 volt D. r Rel!Ult.1 come rrom COU\ant 1 R .. •111·~ •"1T\t' fr"'ll r ·r.•lllr.t ~r-E J ACK"HAfll'f:R a t 1 •• 1 prartlcl'! An ad l'l'jUtarly ln Ul l> pra1 th·r' A'1 a I r~C\.l~·:, 11) tht~ Sh1r~81\.I, rr. I rt ,,Jat S:1r• paper WW produce ...WW tor 1'*'-1 pepcr Wiil rroduce rt~llla for you.' Newport a.a.ch. 21111 . L • 1·h'l08,., 7, CHltlDT Bir Piano i tort • / Xd. ~ &141& AA&- 11'.li Hllrbor Blv1I. C:oata M.eAA 1.1 8·22!16. 46c48 47-Wantt'd to Rent l!i:;I C'HEVRO l,ET d• lux1• 2 tfoor 11rd~. Htr l rnilln. £1« ••!lent Mii· :i(I F'ORO . ht1on. l 'h. llw1 1y 8·!WOI ~611<IR heater. .! Ill •It;\! II' it ·~1-~ i:at ''' I"'' '"·'"I· I , 1 • lu1•1r.•··~ 1""'1 1.. I .I 11-'.1:1•, I tl1 <•·•lit\'•' I lldto1 Ano! I I' ,, stir• I !i I' Ill 1·11 IJ l.J ~-!s .. !1i llk~I< A n1u• rur. ,.,n,. 1111·1 ~· THI UMI'll TH2 red. eK1" 11 .. r.1 1nnrht!on. S!\6 IJl• lllh luw tJu•"n l'J)•ment. Bank fm:ino 1ni: ;n :Ii Hnrh"r Bl\'11 , < '!t'l3 Mes;, I.I 8·22!>6 46r48 &nr·1ng Yr111r lr11ole \•Ill m.ok•t \\\:O:l Tt l 1n.:-:·1 y ,.,m.: '"''f l• •Ito\\ 11 J l\ Ill• nt ".1nls 2 b•lrn1 furn "pl hi h~ 2131 Hntbor Bl\'1l~-CL.$U. ~lt·sn ......... y1q1r'11 l•·11~· e b•HJl s-;-·, 111 .. Lt R-nr.fJ. , 161 '" l'h Jh u l>-11 &!!·J <18Jlli lfll!I r OHO f 'lt'Kl'P. l/tl• .,r f,El.IAHL~; FA.\tll.\' t.f llVf' 1l•s· 1919 :'>IG TC'. hghl blur i::ot•d "Ktra~ '"'"' m1lea1-" E~rlJcnt _ 1,e1aU.ly n....,li. (•un h1'U!J\' !\:pt· e<•n<hllon. $11()1 Call Hft r 266!l·ft' c.on.lilfon. 107!> -'f'tistin Al<' H.1lb1111 bv m<1nth or yr11r Mu"t llt'tf'r 6 pm. -lfr16 ro~tR :'>1··~11 1 l<'JI; \'A• 1111' w1ntt1 1<•ntal bt<fl•I" -------------r ---·----· -------J un" 12 11 11. -1:\fli-~I 11lc4~ 42-Trallent 42-Trailrn Port Grange Trailer Sales hEFI X ~:o J:r!lll.-1111111 w Hit.I hko• I 1 11nl I t><!rm f111n ,q,.t nP11r - "'"1111 flf.tllt Ph•tnP J,l\\\f•l\I" 2-1210. r:~ u .. r 1: .. : I! •6• 1!1 H1·~1 ,·1-:ss 1\1 1\IA:\" "'" "X'h h1ot l!k't ""l'ln• I\ 11ni: ,,, 11'1\'r r· t 1~ll\C f'••rv I fl t ar;1h ltJ1 ·~nl f11J ~"RU ,., • f I ~, •• ,, ht'1\,fW I\ 111 Ii· rh· '.l ""~:! llr 41\ BACBOA. lSLA.ND . 7lfo -~E:W llEL.UXF: 2 b,Jrm dupl• ~ l "nrurn h1lwd. rtrll . r1rl'pl.. ~arl• •l••I' Sun dN'k.11 1,11unolry rfJl)111~ 1:11111_1! ... T \' >tlll••1111nM. Adult• • 11" f" !'(, 7t"1A 7U(JH Ar Au ll. C• .. r •O·• tl• I .\l •1/. 1 h•'ll• r 70:.! Ac1u Ill, 1 l 'l'J'f'r ap: I P hnnto Har. 1736-J 33!(1' Balpoa_ ls~~- Cho•t'e yearly and summer rental.a, auw available. DORIS BRAY. Hultor 216 Manne A v'. Balboa 1'1anl1 JlnrbQr :W lllitto Summer Rentals • F..xrrusivc Bay FrOTtt• ~ C1lbcr ch<lll'o' proJ1f·•rlJ(.'@ llnrh"r l~lt111d nay Shorn, .Qea. '·"" Bt<y. 'I 1aJ1!1"d r ltm ta onl7. Ha rbur lm·('strricnt Co. NE\V 16 ft. t o 24 ft. Travel Trailers. NE\\" 35 ft.. t o 45 ft. Mobile Homes. \\'r mnlt• ynu to 1n!:pC'fl thrm at 2200 w. co;i.;t Hwy., :--.:1.'Wf'k•rt "Beach Liberty · \J:!ll A rn::-:TIO;>; IJ\\·:--:v1:-. I "" 1111· . ., " ~1r1J1 n ""¥ Uf•Jlhr"·. 1-J11 r11<1r Jf\1111 i l·:v .... I.I 8·:181161 ....... !oil ,, '1 1 r l"ntnl~ 27ltr f·t.~:o\:-<~. I 'Al.I, r1111 ••f't• <' 8.lld 1.~l '""'' 11 ylt!TC•· :.ny pla•• 141 1611 ·un' 1., 11 .I I"; II I.A T llHlll', :ltl:Jr, Y. «'•Jllil I II\\\ 1-.:1°11 1 •l·I :.t.•r llurt. .. r rr===========================:::;i :.i u ~:," l I 1 • :.:ii t-J ' 11~ 16 sro -2 BI tJ {~I unrum. lr1plu., i.;.irba~•· . "f''' ,.! \\'1tl ... r p11 1•l 11n1I ,\'a1 .1 111uin1""'"''· :-\1•11r Kiah l'./11.111 11v.n11 2i~ ll1 nR1lw11 v. 1'<1•1>& Jll, ,, Jj K-2i711. '1tfo ''What a reputation __ your WANT ADS have~ "THE\' \{USr HA VE-the way people grab I or this pa}er and . 6 go over every single ad. "Wlly, I bal"f'l7 r nt 11-thf. other n.r~ "hen there the)' Wf'l'e ~ '""mlnit to -tile turnltur41 J adn r- llw4. 8old tt rt«hf a"·~, Of 'VU,,... -but ft re&IJJ Jurprt,rrl mt' \o -bow• man1 JM"ople ,_ Mrt to aaawer my ad." , Wu tever .,_ --. aa act • ow at,..q CllM<ll&cl Ml!Uolr wW brine Jflfl rMolte, too-Qt" A UTI' nnlbJ _ Call llarMr 1e11 and &all tJw the ad taar. 't' \;.;n.11 1.v 1 .i r;;,1Jy 1 1~0 I 4RA-AJlf". for R4'ot ' 1,. It"'''·~ j;1 , 11.1 11" r, 1111 Hitl· ·------------------- ,, .. 1, 11-1.u, I . .l ulv :1,11 1 .. Alll! 1:11n\·q lll''l if{<l<JM s:11ra,1:,. a pt ;- At ... 111 ~-:·, J'l:'t "\( lh1. IS'<7 I: F111r • · h• I r"C11r .. •J y,.arlv ;\I I "''"J' 1 lf·tlj P·f•! ti ;,11 IJt!t'l. 4J:,•, ll~ll11lrop,. -I 1 ·I • .\1 II irh••r ~'\:11\ ~ U r ••I \\ A=-'T au r a• i"t 1111 •11 11. :1 ht11111 ___ ._..__ __ ''"'"" fror y1 lv r•'•~RI l tu11i:hlrr l.1\l:l;F 11·• l1,-1m l"XF'l"R!'l.•pt. , 1-. \\fit• H".it 1.).1;1, th' 1"'1•· I ~'·' ll"·tl• _y~1·!, llllrft.$tt>. I IJ"i"r. ~1h47 llarh..r Vl41·M. GI:. Ja.amlnf' list· Yo-ur ~entals WITH L"!-' \\'" )lll\'~ Ii: "'d t• na n!~ wa ttlnJ( fnr boi h p.-nns.n"nl and aummrr rentlll•. Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 \\' B11ll.r>11 Bl" J !\:""'P"rt "'Harbor ~1:i'\ 4~>e47 WA:-:1' TO HENT-t.e~y wl1hP11 un/urn. d ean ainirlt apt i>;r. man111t. Pay up lo $~. month C&ll Llb .. rty 8·796!> HpH~ LZASIC with option to,buy moo~m 1 btdroom home .. -Ith v1"w. -- Apprt>Jc. U O()()() J I. BATE!'! 3&3 f'uadena A"' . · s,,. Pua - """' Ca.ll,t. PY 1-2oe:i. '6p48 Cliruna d• I M .. r. 4Cc:4•• YE ARLY unfu.rn. l bdrm. apl, wlt.h iiar&l'.t' Rt.lboa lllan11 Har 211:.r,-w cw Liberty M •:lll J t>tr r <'()STA ;\ll!:S A, :l rm. apt., furn. l)r unrurn. tncln<lu ul tllU•. Cid H\1i.ll •-•J~.7. :U Ct: 1·;/1-RSl'HIF.l 1 2 b p d r o o ... •parlmrnt with 1Jar1<ge. l dP11 I lrx:.allon fot" c.omblnallon UY1nK &11'1 n f(lr " I P!l-C• or .. otfl• - 11p1<t' rxrl11111vely Apply 4:\•I 32n11 S t, S pt. Bch . '6.-47 NF:W vi-:n y A TTRAc::nn f\I"" ap Garbllll;" dt~poHI t70 11\r I. u1.Jl1t:r1 In rrn~r of Coron.& 11• I Mar. }fa.r. ~-R. 10tfo 1 . I , __ I " ' . 9J-A·pta. for ~t ... _5.\-S __ io_,._~_ot_neee ____ r 5t;Bul•w OJr:ltuldee _a-s.r .... ._ . SMALL GROCERY 8TOR.~ 11J1d Newport Island Waterfront Summer R~~tal.a .f\ATt;s by w"<'k.'month or ~uon. 370. Cha.nnft PL Hu. 12JT·J. '1lfc OFFICE SP ACE ruaurant with Uv1nr quarters S30 aq. ft . 3011 Newport Blvd. tocat~ ln)ll very fut rrowtnr "Newport Beach. Hu. USO. 46p4i "ew lhopf>tnr a~L E.xcell~nt 3 OFn CE 1 l A ~ apot for a llquor atore • oa aale .Cor. Irvine & Cabrillo ·in Costa Mesa PREVIEW SHOWING ' Channing Harbor. Haven Apartments .• Patios , ~cu or e&.M. P· ~er, • wine. Call owntr at prox. l7 x3:'1 each. Jn Udo Shop Ll &-SM3. Court.Uy to broken plnr ~ 600 Via MaJ.ap. Har. _ •Jd;. 3:127. l6tlc " .'9 ...., ~ White King. Contest Home 'I M-A-Bosi.D ... RentaJA s.IA·Bu.Mnee. Op'Uee \\'u~ BY MESA . BUILDERS *" Jl:ZW t R OOM, etrttt leYeL Near echoola, ahopplng dlttrlct. Quiet. AV A.II..A.BLE -A.bout 8000 • ~· WISH TO BUY Into email buaint'8t1 plMaant, l.'ltlllllalve. Oubag-e dU-fl. liJhl tn<lullti-y 11p&ce on Ut' ft-Newport. Balboa, Laguna a rur Po&41, lau.n<lry. 1t.orage r oom.s. 2nd. flool'. U. 8. H.ighw~ JOI pr..C .. rably mar1n'll! hardware 01 (lira~.· $82 . .'.IO UJ?: Occuplu en-and B1t.y F!onl&gt. \\'ilJ ltase Ill allpphu or! Al worlctnr p .. rt- llre 1trtl-t , Cooo 1u~rvlir0ii:" ..... "'OT ~ • ~odel td lltnt'• f.!'r 8ubmlt"'otfenrto-Boit..ff..7~ M11r., l~()l Hay_cn Place tumnt. \'ogtl Co, 3416 Via Udo. 1hla paper. •6p~j l .d lock Soulb"bf H1gb School Harbor 4971 26tlcl A~O FURNISHED APTS. • w11''TER JtATr.s AV AIL~LE _ M-Monez to Lou 40 Beautiful Homes from $19,650 -to $21,750. bovely 3 bedroom, two batch ~ with~Q...l'OOC. .. built-in l'al1ge and clothes drier· tirepl.&ce -full hardwood floors. lath & plaster walia · 2-car garage. Make your reservation now. Developers Investment Service Co. ~Avon St. .• Newport Beach Lfberty 8-1194 3Uc NEW STORE BLDG. 1200 sq. tt. • -----------opposj~ Balboa Bay Club Alllple NO COMMISSION Lido Bayfront parklnar. Pli. u s-1313. 3.k•Bh NEW -1''0R LEASE on Hsrtior Blvd -- Large house on 60x375 1:rounds. fC'omrn.-rc111l 1 faling ::? s11-etts, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, immacu- lately furn. apt. IMMEDJA'fE O<'lUp&11c y tor 6 mo. tnf'xl to Plutlc Boat ('lantl. All nr part. LJ 8-3:1~2 38c46 No Appra.lsal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO~STRUCTION Call for F'ree Fast Commitments 5.1>-Honez to Lo&a LOANS for Homes on R~atdencu and Urtt. only ,wrlCld. Apr. 28th to Oct 28th. 119' _ 20 yr. Loana $2850. M-BW>b>eA oe1>0rtunJtle8 D I H ddl t I NCLCDES enlltP summl'r 11euson on. . . u es on Construction Loans !l:o pets. ll:o chlld,...n. Shown by D 't a ppo111tmenl only On SEE BOB SA 'ITLER H ARBOR DlV.B:STM.ENT CO • • 173 E. 17th St. 2516 EAST COAST BLVD. l'hone Hu. 1-400 -f•YM..Jk.r...1a1o+,__ Y-eu-Betteve I+ -COSTA MESA corona aei Mar Ha.rbor 3888 -__________ ._11_1c IF \'01.:R FRIE:-:o" TELL uou _LI_8_-~_li_1_1 _____ u __ 8_-s_se2 Rep. POIRil:B MORTGA.Gll co :) • Metro Ute 1'.u.. l'Ullda KL 1-~l& Z XTRA LA.RGI!: 1 bdrm. garage lhere sre no Kno<l v1<lt1P11 on t'o· WOULD like to buy u t u d 2nd 48tlc /umlahed spt , $75. mo. yearly •tsy'11 market Tht'n look at this Truat Dteda. Call Har. 2326 ------------ le•11e, on GolJrn~n<1 A\le, (near 17 units ninlt l Wllh ~900 mnnlh •••• • '\ -we 57-D-aJ Ir-'--'--\V•••-A footbrJdg,.l Cornn.a del Mar. t11c-01'111'. f \111 pnce Sli9,500. S28,--------::,.-------·-11:"911A<oG -..1eu Harbor 4381. 45l"'t7 0()1) dn. or eubmlt on trarle up to .,. BACHELOR Al-'T. rurnlahed on Ooldenmd Av~, nr. tnotbrnlgr, <'orona llel Mar, SJO. wk. Pbone }{arbor 4~81 4 ~ci7 HARBOR APTS. Modem furnished apt.a. · day, week or month Near bua, 11toru & bay. n',asonablc ratu . 104 E. Bey Ave., BALBOA H&rbor 634.f. 17ttc MODE.RN· UNFUR.'\'. l bdrm. a pt. with r efrlg. & SlOYo!. Reuonable yearly l'cnl. llOi ·~ Fernle11I. c·o- orona tlcl Mar.. H l'l6 J IJST srrlvl'd in lhc t;JarbOr Arra'! ld .. nl ftor "('1 king man or wo- man -Smgl" 1Jpl. w 1lh k1tchen- erti•, TV, pnw11e bath, -maid 11er- \'l•'I'. uttl. prt. Wel'kly rale11. 2306 W. 01 •·an Front. Xt>wport Bch. 3~Uc Sl~.000 for 2 or 3 b·hm. hotnt. ALSO 8 UNITS It CAFE with incoml' S400. mo. Full price $37.~00 with 122.~00 do,,.·11 or 1ubmtt on tr11d!' up to Sl~.000 for 2 -0r 3 bdrm. hom!· \ "ART" ADAIR 1668 Nl'wport Bl\ld, Colta Mesa . Ca.Ur. Phone 1.lberty 8-3792 Distributorship Franchise !l:AT'L. COMrA:-:Y. nr>w :t<"l'l'pl· Ing apphcatton11 fl)r u1 .. tr1butor- ~hlpll In this RrNl. Our bt·Rnd l'lew ft-different, program Is t10 11ensat1onat. that 9 011t rir tvcry 10 who U P our proi.Ju1·ts antl I P\111l1t· llonary mrthod or ml'rch1ind111- lng ws.nt a fr&nr hlse. Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day ~ervi~e Applleallon may be made 1ll per· son. by phone or by mall. . CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 18!)8 H11rbor Blvd., Co.<Jla Mu a LI 8-77:S1 -Open Fndaya Lill 8 Clo11l'd Saturd&y&-41 lfc LOANS' TO BUU..O. OCPROVE BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REFIN A.NCI: Wt Buy Tnat Deeda NEWPORT BALDO A ·SA VINOS A LOAN ASSOCl.A 'I :ON 3388 VI& Udo. Ph. Har. t200 tto WANTED WE HA VE CUSTOMERS for va- CllJJt A: tmprov,d, In buslnua • zone 26lh St. t o 32nd lri New- port. Also. want •ctt:a1e Coate Meea area . N. B. C. Realty Co. 32nd A Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Harbor 140~ •WANTED • ~~ WE NEED Newport an<t Ba.Ibo& listlbg11 ot J6ta, H om.u and In· come properly. Multiple or non- muJtlple l!atlng. So. Cout Realty A Jn'V. Co. 302 ) la.In St.. BaJOO., Har. 2034 dc48 \l:>;Ft•R:-:. :: b!lnn. spJ, 180 mo. 4:10 Narr11111u11, Cnrnnll rtl'I Mar. P hone H11rhor 2MO·R 411'46 THIS El"TEHPRISS:.wfU abt1olutl'· ly 11la.nd your rl1r1cJ 1nve&t.1got1on. 60-lncome .Property '> 60-labome Property 1'J~n YClUr bank Pr•_. 11pprllv81. Jt ______ ....,__"'"· ~--....;;;i-;._.._;;.;,i;..;;..~~~s;.;;;;"..;JL __ _ • f MB-IJoWK'" for Rent --------------t.:XFtJH;>;JSHEIJ 3 ~rlrm. Corona J11,i:hl11.nda tl!mlly hnnw W ;W enrpcttng. drapes. cozy Uffd hrlrk ti re phi<'"· r11 I""'' hl'1trth. h1nh pa neled klllht>n. Ocean 'I•'" lgl' )a rd. Stove. tcfrlg . &111<1111allC' washer mclmlNI tf .<le~lrrd S!'r now 604 S1•11wnrd HM<t CC1ron11 d"I ~it1r Ph. HY&lt ~-~>6tti 37Uc C.:Lll"J.' lfAVl-:;'1:, $!'0. unforn. 2 bdrm hm111l'. :\<>wly pa1ntt•d. tuPplar1'. Har !"1~6 or 1'1!1r. !)87. :i:'ltrc HY YEAH -Bt1lboa bland Clos<> ln ·~hi•)'\!' A \'II II able May lst- .:-.1ri• w1n1:l1· 111m1ly, 2 bP<lruom h<1mt with di»·· i.:ara);r !<'urn. SlilO. nm lo 11ght fnm1ly t'Kr.l. llARBOR 6'1. J . A . BF.EK otr1 .. • ':~ 13 I 'rt 1 k Av•· • 88 lbo& lsl11ni1. 4 l r•IG otfeNi l!"C'Urtty, T"'rm11nPnt'I' & t111:on1e above $20,000 fm!I ye11r. to parties ~cl,.•·trd, AppH ranis neC<t nnt be t>llpl'rJenced aa wr p rl'!er to traJn under our provl'n m ethods. TO QUALIFY _ You must haV(' good credit and choracter references, be able to follow our plan!! to the T. o..,. vote full Umr to this buamna. and 1upply 12.119:'1 caah to eecure ln1l1'l inventory. - (THIS IS NOT VF.NDINCJ SINCEHE PERso:-:s desiring a profitable life long bwum•ss, who mHl th" above quaht1ca- l1011r are lfl\'ltrd to reply. Sl'nd bnl'f rt>i111m e' &: phoM numbt•r to WEST COAST HEGIO:-:AL OIRF.CTOR VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Balboa lnc,ome Don't !'f~ Thia. It may be & lo~g tim9 before we have another to equal it! 10 UNITS -almost new-quality construction • attractive inside and out. Planned for minJmum maintenance. Good income. Beaut,i.!ull · and completely furnished. Seeing will convince you that this is a real value at ' $68,000 -Tenna. The Vogel Company L 3201 W .. Coast Highway, -Llberty 8·3481 Newport Beach or Harbor ~142 .VOGEL VALUE Important Information ! • For anyone looking for a real buy in exclusfre Cliff Haven. 1. 3 bdrms: & den on Cliff Haven's most beautiful street. _ 2 2V» bathfi 3. Large living room looks out on a beautiful patio & covered porch running whole length of house. 4. The yard, both front & back, is BFJAUTIFULi Y landscaped. . • 5. Covered breezeway t o large garage. also leads to large separate laundry room. . 6. This home was custom l:>uilt by owner and has extra drawers by the dozen. · 7. We have a down to earth .price of $25.000 on this one. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach U 8-3481. COSTA MESA . . Owner says "SELL" This is your opportunity to purchase a nice 3 bdrm. home in good location, East Costa Mesa. Euy tenrui, EARL W. STANLEY, Re~ltor 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Llberty 8-2664 (Eves. LI 8-7056) 45c47 YOUR LAST .CHANCE TO BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES , Open Daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. -252 Palmer St .. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sewen1 in and paid Garbage Disposal Enclosed garagea K.il.chen Cana Colored rock roofs Birch Cabinets TOTAL PRICE $11,450 See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. between !5th St. & 16th St. --( . --·--·~ N,fw-PORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 11 • ,ApE I MONDAY, MAY 2, 1955 ,. . ' LIDO --LOTS LIDO ONE HERE IS A SPECIAL comer lot -a fine luge one'-irregular i.n ahape. Permanent view of the bay'; A rt-1 bu.y at $16,500. , TWO HER~ IS ANOTHER large one -almoet 60-ft. ~ alrada to ltreet lot for $16,000. We have a perfect aet of pla.m for a 4 bdrm. home desiJn~ by a prominent builder. See t.hJa lot. Jook over the plan. THREE STILL ANOTHER aEAUTY -•O·ft. street to at~t . -.And a top location, too. $12,7~ full prite. · ·Shore Cliff Lot. A large, well located homesite. 0 $16,000 cuh -Better eee it! A ecaree It.em -Very few lett. CLIFF HAVEN (Leaaehold -M yn. -$2!>0 yr.)' A fine lot with a -permanent view acroaa the Me.a to Mt. Santi.a.go. -$3500 full price. An Unu.aual Barg_ain ! ''CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FlNES't" LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor -4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Lots for Sale Cambridge Estate 16th & Irvine Restricted Area 75' Frontage S3650 Going Fast -11 Sold in 2 Days PHIL SULLIVANJ Owner GeorQe T. Everson -Exclusive Aaent 1856 ~ewport Blvd., ea-ta Mee& Liberty Mf61' Eves. Harbor 4.3ee • Llbert;J S.2103 .. ~ WHERE , CAN YOU J'lllJD twO 2 bdrm. -.... Md a bed»> Jor apt .. LIKE NEW -on an extra large comer lot -Very best locat.Wn -(Inoome $2650 on a yearly bui.a) -for $21,0001 ONLY $5000 DOWN WE KNOW WHERE! You won't believe Jt when you see thia beautituJ property r See Lila B. McFanen with -· BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 3786 or 2617-M NF:WPORT H~IC HTS unfurn .. l Ix.Inn hu11•t', 1:1\11.11:1•. F rm,:.l'J yl\r1t J\J11tt1t Y1 .. 11 ly S5:.. See ownrr 1;'lt1 All110 A\•P Lfberty Wrilr Box B-64 lh1s Jlrwspaper le Jll•rsonal In terview will lie ar· rani;.<•d. This nrny well lie t he lai<l oil you ''"''' n<'l'd an:oiw<>r. Prime Investment Opportunity -252 Palmer St. LI 8-2657 or LI 8-7976 _____ c_N_~ __ to_th_e_0o_u_H_o_u.se_> ___ _ 11·4!1 t: H c-46 ----------- . * * * Owner rooving forces sale of this most at· tractive, modern triplex, located in high-income area on Balboa Blvd. Spacious,units, beautifully furnish-. ed. and only a stone'a throw from beach. Age four years. all in first-class condHion. Priced below the cost of re-production at only S2·1, i50. Xlnt. Terms. LIDO ISLE 'J Yf;AHLY Rt-:;'l:TALS l':-:Ft!R!\'. I 'J bellt 11oi11:;, 2 ·b!il h" 'J I hl'ilm11m11. :.! blllt.s l'.:ARL W. STANLEY, Realtor !! 1 l:! :" ,,w~orl Bl\•,t , :\ l'Wporl Bch. H.11bor 1013 IOtfr BHA:-:1> :-:1-~w 11n1urn. :1 llccJrni. h111111• $7r1, month. :'\1':AHl~Y :'\!::\\' :1 lw1lrrn home, ''''' •· & 1 • frl1: ~!1(1. ntonth l'hon•' Lib• rly 8-366:1. H c46 NEW n~vcr occupied SPORTING GOOOS store nnd ..B<Jrtt &c Mot or Agency localrd In de.!ert. near rivers &: lake3. Cood opportunity for 1111t1>1,.1rd molor- tha.n. \\'111 11ell for tn\lentory price due 10 othtr bul!lneas Inter· 1 t>~I~. Writ... Box R-:i4, this paper. 3•1p17 ---1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • CA F'E newly d<'corated-S 12:. mo. rrnl --well equ1ppt>rl -se&l:i1 211. Shows Rross S26.()(lf). Co1.1I• t b" GREENL~AF -SEVERTS REAL TY .MULTlPLE LISTING REALTORS a112~wp<>rt Bl\!d.., Ne.wport..Beach l:Ja.rbo.r 2552 _ '= lEves. Llberty 8-3186) ~~~~--~~~-----~-------~ 61-ReaJ Estate EXCflanJ!_ 61-ReaJ Estate EJ:change incre11st>tl. :\'ow 111 a goo.I 11mP let B!G Bli:AR. LA.KE -Almost two buy th1ll for only S1,ri()(I,... acre3, Metcalf Bay. 2 new cab-Time to Trade --# tna, 2 older, lrallEr park. Pro .. BEER JOl;>;T reporls a g10"" of pane gaa s)'stem, <;llectrlClly, U 0.000 -t~.ntal I I i:'I mo. Own-hot 8.1\d cold wall'r, private n mull leave -1•i1tabh .... hl'fl 3 wells will\ plenty or water. Idt'al WHAT YOU HAVE F'OR WltA\ VOU \\'ANT! HAVE 112.0~ Malibu OC'ellJl tront tot. \\'111 trade r"r Ha1hor a1e11 1nrcime & as.'lum•'. ________ _....:;,._---, BEST BUY "Clean as a Whistle" EXCEPTJONALJ.-Y ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. • . " Panelled living r'O.om and small dining room, car- peted wall t o wall, good. kitchen, breakfast space and service porch. Ample cupboarda and storage space. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice enclosed patio. Most convenient corner location. 2 blks. from City -'Hall. I"cwport Be'll.~h. &iy $1'2,000. - EARL W·. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3ll:f Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND PLENTY OF ROOM FOR ALL ON BALaOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND. We offer exclust\tely an UD118-- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home, Delightful Jiving ..room, large runing room. Maximum lquan # footage. Cloee to best be4ch. Can only be appreciated by in.lpection. _ CaJ.!.!!arbor 1775 Eve.. Harbor ~ --EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Accent on V~lue · placed rightly here ) .. Fl 'lt~ \\'•W rRrpd~. ~ bedrm. & 1h•n. l1Jth IJ.· , • Priv. BBQ 4' pall•>, for1 .,.1 111r lwal. Al tractive 1 .. 111'1. 111-4 lll :ll111ninJot Csnvon Honll, C111'0nt1 drl Mar. 4;;cc yn. -i:vw dJl'nttle, -Or:lng-1· loC6tlon. Sl3,i50, terms. or will Co11111y·11 laq:cxt drafr ht•er tr&d e for Harbor a rea property. 111111'., Miking 1•riu• $1:! OOll, Chad Twichell; Harbor 397S, Rex Rechs, Realtor .. FTVE BDRMS .. 3 bathi-. large fireplace & barbeque. Sliding glass wall, dining room adjoins pat io. 2-car garage. This atlractin• well built home, close to Bay, On ~his modern 4 bdrm, baytront hb~e with 1 bdrm. apt. over garage, $45,000~ Good fin&nci.ng. SUMMER RENTAL evee. Hnb<>r 1317-J. 43c48 2:101 \,\' Ualboa i:llvd , .1':e\\1'0rl H.trhor ,,1;';°6 -45c Ii E>.1 t.1111' e B&\'fronl home. Brscnn H.1y. 11\•.11l~ble ror July • Au- p1•l. B,•ttut1tully furntshl'd. (;iir. haitP dll'IJ<ll!llf, dlshwuher, dr«p tr. !"le, 2-<'ar ~nl"flgP. Adult!', n11 The Vogel Co.· 3201 W Co1Ut Hwy .. ;-;pt Br ll. 62-Real Es&a&e Ll S·il~81. E\'{•~. I.I 8-3r1SO • l"'l· liar 2i71, court,11y to .11:1 nL.s. ;Jue FO R LF.ASf: T\H) BEAUTlFliL 11ew 11'\IJOt' Tn rnl'r unfurn. virw homca. :I BDRMS .. 2 bllU\I an.-S Z UEt>RMS ., 2 bat hs. C111l Harhnr lii:'I or Harbor 4448 EARL W. STA1'LEY, Rr allor lrvlna T«tTace Ofrlce <'oron& dt'I M11r. 33tfc- \'EARLY unfurn. 2 bdrm. house. "Do-Nut Shop 11 CHECK A DOUBJ,.E-CHECK 'anti ynu won't find one to cnmpnre '-'1lh this. OroM $24,000-l!l~•'I . net SP !ll6.~S.-F111l prli:e ,J 7.5ll0 ca.sh. ('lo~ S8l. aftl'moon A Sunday11. ALSO CAFE ON OCEA;>; FRONT, 111ltt 69 people. Bur l!cen11e. 4 yr&r lt1Ulf'. S;l.000 down. .. 3 BO~.. d1ntn' rm.. hardwood OCEA:-.1 •1l0:"\T beach housr, fur· noore, S79SO. -238 Avocado ntsh~~ $13,950, tt·rms -~304 St., Coit& MeU... Kl 2-2822. 39Ue Se11!1hor .. Dnve. Harbor 3706·\\' ....._, H p16 BAY FR.OJ\,. new modrrn hOml', boat. allp; 16 Balboa Covea. Owner Harbor llOO·W. Otte BY OWNER LAKE ARROWKEAD LOT w1Ul boat dock, llfl<lO or will tradr for late 2; -ft. house trailer. Ll 8-i .C:'13. 39tfc 4 BEDROOMS, 2 b&l.hs. Brand ------------ nrw, near High School, $1,900 down. J'ull price 112,850. LJ~rty 1-9701 or Libert7 1--2103 U c49 OCEAN VIEW HOME. 2704 Chff, Drtvl.'. Full price 111,000, lem11. •1soo do11·n. Owner, LI 8-2r1n. 23tfc Dbl. gange, 1;~ mo. I~ 9 Orang-e. Ave , Costa Mua.. Ll 8-33·40. Ctttc "ART!! ADAIR· , si-ReaJ &tate 62-Real Estate 1486 :-:e'Wl!ort Blvd. Coat& Mu a. Ca.1.lf. Phone ~rty 8-3792 Trailer Space GIFT SHOP 8TATli: APPROVED !or Cah&na, huge Iola, space f or custom lol.3. READY TO GO \ Swimming pool by June l at. M~~<hee 6: flxtu.ru. 11000. A!lulls • childn.n owr H . tenna. Low r.nt. '6u niMt.h. LIDO ·VIU..AOE. 700 :Jht St.. Htart of Balboa. Dlneu ln tam-Newpor.t Beach. . S4c48 II y. Own~r. ~07 !!. BalOO. Blvd. Har. . 49-Roo~ to Rent l. 36-0e. 42c44 PLEASA;\I ROOM -Nice tor A.re you huing troubles? work1n,: rn11n Pr1,·&1e t>ntrnnr,. Let a Want Ad help you solve $~ wk, 1;:,~3 Ora n.gt AVt, C'o~ta Me:i. 4~tf<' them! .... NO RENT TO PAY Ju.tt enjoy the income from this excellent property located in choice rental diatrict, 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unjta -a .new duplex and a S.room house on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are furnished and r ented on yearly buia, Owner'• home available now. Three _ far&gea on alley. Pr~nt income can be aubtit.an· ti&l.ly increued. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPF.cnON CALL HARBOR 1018 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 ., \ . bas many extrni-which will please you. A value we are proud to show. ·W.M. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Assocfates ,. Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 Open Daily 1 -5 '$19,500 CLIFF HA \'EN 55·year leasehold · New custom built home on a large corner lot. 3 bdrms., 2 tile baths. Fireplace. F . A. heat. disposal, kitchen fan, house completely draped. Sliding glass door to large patio, completely landscaped. 420 Eaat 15th SL, corner of Kings Place Courtesy to Brokers 44~ . NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE VIEW LOTS a.re alalo1t impo88ible to find ln the If arbor Area. yrt· we have one tor only U500. Try and find one for t.h.i9 prlce. THE VOGEL CO. ~7 E. Cout Hwy.., Corona del Mar Har. 17il-1tfT ' -I ' This is just one of the many VOGEL VALUES we have to show yota. VO-GEL CO. 208 Marine. Ave., Balboa Island BALBOA ISLAND Open House 1·5 Sunday May 1st. 113 Apolena COMPLETELY CHARMING home & apt. near So. Bay. Bea.uti!ully furn. WeU financed. $37,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 M&rine Ave., Balboa l.aland Harbor 502 -Evea. Harbor 2306-R In Corona . Highlands Only 2 yrs. yottng, 3 bdrm. & den home. Large liv· ing room , some ocean view. A perfect family home with plenty ot room for kids. lnllurance loan at 5~ MuJtJpt. u.tlng No. 5571-$26,500. RAY REALTY CO. ~ E. Coa.t Blvd., Corona dill Mu ~ 1111 ' I I I .~ ' I -· I . . - • , . - ,A6E 6 • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~~-~-te . , ___ .,ft-~ Estate ft-8-1 -~ . MONDAY, MAY z. 1955 'tlME • ·,~--.-BE~~ RANCH -H~-~~~--BUY . ~ ---..._ . lN NEWPORT · 'HEIGHTS BILL'S BEST BUYS SMALL HOME and BLDG.-• • On 81' ~ 130' lot c~ntrally 'located with paved and curbed St. Sewere in and paid. Wood fioors, pluter· 'td a.nd completely fenced. Bldg. in ~ar hn11 poasa· · biU6ee. Pnce $7000:-Arnnge te• • -• ' ~Full Load of Living- Excellent NE location. 3 bdrm.., ahake ro,:. • .. 11. Hwd. floors, F A heat, uaed brtck fireplace. Large Jot 80 x 13.5. Ju•t 9 month• old and price at $14,750 ~ Nifty For The Thrifty- 3 bdrm., c!oee-in near Orange Ir Cabrillo Sta. Ju.t l 'bJlr. to Thrifty Ir Alpha Bet.a. Owner anxioua. ~ing Drafted -Must Sell for a Change --- WE RECO)fME!l:D you Irv BAL· BQA ISLAND, wt1., .. we haft a t\nr-nearly n~ ... two 1.:i1t, homt . and apt. with dbl. ga1agf'., Wiii be a vailable for •umm,r., Load• or wardrobe 11pa ce. Stt thl1 ...h,!lll'\ tQd•y ! • ITS ~ MODERN 2 BEDROOM homt, with forced air heat and wall to wall carpet. plenty of gla.u •round lovely patio. Fire· place and lot'• or tile. THE .A.PT. rs F'URNISREt> ano brlnge I? $1,200 a yea r. PRICE '28. 7~. on food lf'rnu, and wtll worth the money' Call Powl'r• or Lakt " J. A. BEEK, Realtor . fiarbor 63, ~3 Park A ve. .. lt'a a ahake roof typical ranch type S bdrm. ltome. ~ .. l ~4 baths, dining room. break,aat room, large living room with muaive fireplace. "'1ermodor tlec- tric ·.range le ov~n. beamed ctilingt, cedar panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. lt'1 fe~ and landscaped ~d hu a patio. Space prohibit.a tht menU6ning of the many Ot:n~r feat1lrea except to ad<t-that it ta-surTOU~ witli quality built ranCh homes. Priced definitely belo.w value at S23, 750 • KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoranti,c view -2 bdrma., 3 batlu. Large living rm., dtning rm., huge den, patio, laundry rm., and aewing rm. Radio electric garage door ope.r- ator. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. Extra large garage. Exterior flood lighta. Thermador gu range and oven and large built i.I) refrigerator. The guest bdrm. is completely fUrti~hed. OPEN HOUSE · 400 Kings Pl. Call for app't. to s~e' OOJ1;T J 'ST DRIVE BY Stop 11nll .et' 1h11 2 bt.lrm, lllld dtn hon·"· \\'all I() wall ca rpets, 19.').~ G E retr1~etator Bu1lt·tn Thi'! nl•· dOr atov• •nd O\'t n . Tbia la JfOO<l llvlnr and location. Pr $26,600 OPEN . HOUSE· 182 Ca)>rillo, C. M. Call for app't. to sec WKE LlVll'\C UP.TOWN• Th111 3 b1!rm. hon~ l1 Vl'I y llllOd LI>· cated In an •rea 11\111 shnuJd pick up \'alue~ Pnc, SIO.Ml<l .. , . ' I LIDO ISLE ·-t" ALL YOU NEED Is your fart1Hy and per'80nal tx-. longing& to move into this one year old lovely 4 bdnn. one story homt . Largtt living rm. with atoo<' fareplacl', Sl'parate dining mi., modern kitchen 1'rith all conveniences. 3 car garage plus laundry and cteep trene a~a. Stt!E'l girder and subtloor IN to expand ovt'~ ""H'ag&. Carpeted and furytiahed for $30,!500 ""'ltionaJ terms. Compare thja! WHERE 1 L. ~ BA YFRONT would you ex~t to find such a lo\·ely 2 bdrm. & den home. Why, on LJoq, of col}rs.e ! And on th<' delightful North Bay at that. Sporkhng new from the tip of lb~ float to thr Rtrt't't r '1 "ri<'e S59.500. VERY LATEST .• a 3 year old ~ bdrm. home on 1, , lr tcly furnished for just $20.500. 3 bdrm•. with i 11:.: batha, only 4 moa. old. Lot eiu ~---~..,-x=-fi . new paved and cur6ed •freet; ~n;-cto1 _____ -t-_ - ln and on bua line. Near Grammar and Intermediate Ba.lt;ioa laland Pric~ $36,50() with euy terms. OPEN HOUSE 205 Del Mar Call for app't. to see DO YOU LJKE l'OMF"\', coiv llvtnc ~ Wllnt a quality h1J1ne ~ .Coppe.t ph1nibl AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are hstl'd P>cclusivcl~ 11. ,. • School•. Immediate poueaion. Full pnce $9400 with only $1000 down and $&7.50 month. W. ·A. TOBIAS, R~altor and ASSOCIA~ . "You'll Like Our Friendry Serviceu 393 E. 17th St., Coata Men. Liberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL < I # Hou.e • Income • Cabin Sloop • Shore Dinghy Shore and off.shore ~oorings. All in One Tidy Package $22,MO with $5000 down. ' Balance to suit purchuer. . BACK BAY ~ acre. rutlie <'h&rm. view. 2 br. 6: den,paUo, room for hdl'au • '22.&00. 4 BR. BACK BAY, view ... U2,&00. 3 BR. BACK BAY, t'Orner 122.950. CUTBtl t., br .. Bal. l•land Jl6,7~. M·l BLDG. 60x.93 Newport-uJe OPEN HOUSE ·Sunday 1 • 5 ' 2515 Cre8tview Dr .. BAYSHORES ~ Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI Mm CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT . On Cliff Drive. 65x110 -price $7000 Cliff Haven Iota are u scarce as hena teeth, better grab this one whil.e you can! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th Ir lrvine, Newport .. Beach -1(-Phone Liberty 8-2664 or eves. LI 8-6300 panf'llng. 100', wool rarp1'11ng. · B1r<'h and Form•r• k-rh('n, ftrt>· pla<'e, 3 bdm1 wllh '' ba th Th"n ate thl11 Sund11y • ARE YOU TIRED ot buyln~ prop· erty fol' aomeone tlM' ! Tht>ll ltl U1' 11how lhla 2 bdrm. home, Jtutl 3 n)o. old at !Gell Maple.. St. Price $9.~00. Thia will go. "ART" ADAIR eet: co. -t:toe efAC£ 3416 4/ia u°t.10, NPwport Beach Har, 49il or 49!2 EveR. H1tr. 2191-.M on.LI R·5:?97 THE GREAT · ORANGE COAST . THESE YOU ~ILL LIKE RESTRICTED BACK BAY area. 2 large bdrms. &. den. Oversized Mr. & Mr$. wardrob~. hwd. floors, COR~NA DEL MAR 1666 Newpqrt Blvd. 2 baths, tub & shower glass enclosed, ceramic tile, · V .Co•t& M~. Callt. u 8·3792 colored fixtures. Soil proof wallpaper, copper pipins. • I-CHOOSE YOUR OWN INTERIOR coi..oks,_ / <'lectric healing. Large living room, ~ntry way, slid· REALTOR 2 bdrm. &: den. nearing completion on Seaview. . OWNER ing glass doors, fireplace, forced air heat, cement Shake roof, 1% bath• on large lot. Thia will ' patio,. large kitchen, ceramic tile, fan, Hotpoint Wiu sell before finiahed. Fim come, first Nrved. LEAVING STA TE atovt It oven, disposal. dishwasher, all built-in. Many .$18 500 extra cabinets. large ~rvice por~h. laundry tray. Attractively tumiahed two-bedroom house, lhemo- atatically controlled heat, p&tioi amall rear house with patio !or owner'• use; property completely fenced. Open House 2-EXCELLENT SMALL DUPLEX-on Poin.aettia • ' You can have all this and electric garage door tor It fth. Good rental record in good nelrhborhood. only $24,500.. but be quick. ' .~·~~-.. . l~a.m.-Sp.m .. --~""Oiieiic!lf;~~llTil'm!'nr~!T'fi""'~l'lll"e,"--i~:;~~;:,~~.;~.::::.~~ . ..:;~~r;. .. f:=...::.::=.~-:=~_,:::;::.,~B~~;:;;K;:::;P;RNOMa:;:.oc~·7~~~~~ .... ll!ll!!J~ ......... 509 De Corona Anza Dr. Highlands 3-FISHER BUILT 2 bdrm. home a block above Carnation beach. Flaptone fireplace, dbl. gar- age, _!Ucely landacaped. Only 3 yrs. old. ~r auto. wuhf'r, carpet • drapu. Beat6 Lota 30 x 104 • R-2 zoned None priced Jeaa. 18 Foot Sloop . "Escapade" Surpri•ingly roomy, with head; ahore dinghy re- eentJy flberglaued; moorings in lat claaa condition. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 208i Sapphire St., Balboa Island During· week, phone EDgewood 2-609.1 Brokel"I protected. 45c4 7 THREI: or tour bedrm1., ). b&t.ha, m.,.nUlcent kitchen 6: dfnJnr room. 2000 ft. plu• l't.rt.l'e. Sea view•. Builder wlll Mil thit houee at a. very rea.aonablt pr:tce 6: &ood Lerma. May ta.Its eome trade. Phone Hu. •626-JK. Otte coRoNA oa MAR Look at this . $1500 down $1500 down $1500 down J bdrni ... hwd. noora. tl~pl&ce, l. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Marigold Ave. Hu 2Y,i di1poea.J. WI~ tor electric car rarage, hwd. floors and tile. R-2 lot with atove. Fenced, located a t 2Mt l d U. Onl $l2 71U\ 'th Fairway Dr.. Co.ta Meaa. 'fOOm for additions we t.ng. Y , o.!\I JVJ $11,2~. Ph. Har. 3~1.J. 311tlc $1500 down. Bal1Lnce like~ -----·-·------ Open daily, Sat. & Sun. at 712 Heliotrope, C. D. M. 2. Very nice 2 bdrm .. close in. Hu exposed beam•. ... forced air heat, flagston~ fireplace and stressed garage. Full price $13,750. EXCLUSlVE with "' ~ BEN J. WHITMAN & /\ssoc. 3542 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 " --·---- Build a Home on your vctcaof lot. ~ AND DERIVE some -ineome frolh that investment 12U 9<1. ft. )}ome, __ ..... ...... ..... . ....... _ ... $9100 OUT OF TOWN OWl\tr aaya "pt offt r" on corner duple1t So. of Hlway. One untumleJ\td apart· ment haa 3 bedroom•. one fur· nl•hed •tudlo apartment p.ra.-e . All In good <'Olldl.tfon. Call Miu Kohlatedt. Har. 2152 eve. Ra.r. 0829-R. 3136 Coast Blvd., C.'D.M. • u uc on Irvine Ave. , Lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. New wall to wall t'srpetlng and Ira· vent-draptnu. Block wall and lan<J~c•ped. $16,76-0. Owner, LI 1·15437. 44~7H LIDO ISLE Two 36' lot on Via N ice. H~ ea. anxioua. ~BDRM. HOME in BACK BAY. 40-ft. f'lltered . awimmlng pool, Jge. rumpus room and eeparate gueat house on acre of ground. Swimming pool and Jot are worth ulring price $27 ,500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E .. FISHER, Builder Dick Billiard 30M E. Coaat Hwy .. Corona del Mar Pat Pattison Har. 2443 BALBOA PENINSULA GENUINE SACRIFICE! • Owner bu ,purchued ranch and is very anxiou.a to sell thia modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath, nicely furniahed home on larg~ Jot. $5000 will handle. Full price only $21,500. Y2 BLOCK TO BAY. 3 bdrm., lltii bath beach houae on large lot. Kitchen bu diahwuher, dilpouJ and Iota ot other modern improvement.a. Cloae to New- port Harbor Yacht Club. FuU price, !um. $17,~. $3800 DOWN bllya thia neat, roo'1iy beach ho~. cloee to bathlng beach. Near Ubrary. Partly fum. 3 bdrm. le den home. Full price SUS, 7:>0. NEAR Grammar School. INCOME. Furniahed duple:it, plu. additional lot. Xlnt, value at $22,000. . BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa .Harbor 1264 L&rfe loL Ocean view. ''2·000· And hard to find at 1Lny price, $2250 to S2500. 6?<, 20.yr. loan commft.ment. Nothing bttter for the money! • Select yo uni today! _. G. ff. LATHROP, 363!1 I!:. Coaat Hwy.. Corona. del Mar. Harbor 1420 KINGS ROAD •a,./ ~42. I Evu. Har. 3611·J 1 H c•e ~ nice address, a n~ce h~me. 3 ~rms., ~ ba~. h' B B Fireplace, F. A. heatmg, picture windows, ~lR, Rex Rec s est uy disposal. patio. landacaped and I\ view. Oprn 1 lo 6 Newport Ocean Frontage daily except Mon. & Tues. Priced to sell: FURN. t bdrm. oh1er l)omc, neat It Can·l Last Long! A clean, $13,!IOO, $:'!.000 down. Shown 'by appointment only. Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Harbor Ill ~ , 45cH 33t ACRES VERY PRODUCTIVE LA:-:D in beautiful \'alley lnlantl f rom ~an•ldt. Convf'n1enL to bu111· nu11 It 11c.hoola. Ripe tor •ubdl· vlaion, xlnt. watH •Y•lem. A r~stdtn<'t' to $1:1,000 111 Newport area wlll be considered H part p)'mL Owner 2300 Chtf Drivt, Ntwpon. i :X-H 1 Bf ock to Lido Mkts. 3 BEDROOMS atucco, dbl. iarage, laundry. Streastd for apt. Wall· td-cn yard. Nice 'quiet nelfhbor· bood, $12,1100, tt>rm1. Homer Shafer , REA'LTOR 106 McFeddrn Plact>., Np! B<'h Ph. Jfa.r. -HO. ICvu Har. 1137·M or Harbor 21'>29·M. 41\t'47 . .. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUll.DERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Meaa Llberty 8·1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. DEAR PUBLIC : If you want to sell in a hurry, Without any trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor,' in~isting On Multiple Listing. . Fully financed. 19 tr. Bldg. le Loan. Forced air heat. Hwd. floora. ~ Tna1v1d\iit"'"Cr11'.J0'1"<nnanrMn:v:---- State. Veteran $8500 3 r; -$<i9 month. Owner, S UnHt 1·6032, or 10726 --------.-----r-----------1...a.ndalt, No. Hollywood. 44p46 Fixer upper COMMERCIAL BLDG. -a t 609 E . Ba.Ibo& Blvd, 30x90 lot-Stort' and 3 rentala. 2 bike. lb tun _zone, 11.8.~00. Srn_all_ dn, P.>111l. Newport Harbor Board of Reaf tors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach . MARSHALu HOMES Modela open -Newport Blvd. It Mitchell, Tuatin KI 7-3293-KI 2-3569 & (Eve.. LI 8·4073) ·HcSili BEFORE YOU BUY-::- Be sure to see these NEW HOMES- 3 bdrm•.. i 112 bath home11 Close to everything. Only $400 'down and $70 per month CALL MR. GA TES, With DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8-7978 33tfc ., deal Home Environment J'OR YOUR FAMILY la pro"'1ed in thia lovely home. Want a private beach! Need a pli&ce to keep your cnailer ! Pref er clOM in location near Lido Sbope,efc. ! Bu:r UU. ideal 2 bdnn. home in Balbo& Bay Coves riJht on the waterfront, only 3 yn. old. Lota of lilt, parquet floors, F. A. heat. dbl. prage, nice teaturea. Pier A •lip priri.legea. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplu furniahed -rood rental diruict. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3MO 'Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 3UJ Newport Bh-d., Newport Beach Har. 1013 ' ' I • ... St3.000, FOR SALi: BYOWNiR 3 bdmu., din. rm., attached ,...,. •ft. W to W C&rpeUrlg, hwd. nre .. Thenna.tat hea t. fl.rb. d1sp kitchen fan. Including nearly new auto. wutler It dryer, rtfrlg 6: ru range. $1~ dJl., $7000 GI loan. Will conalcter 2nd con tracL 329 BroadWo&)', COii\& Me.a •Oc62 208 .KinQs Place FOR 9ALJC OR UtASE w1th op.. lion to buy. Attractive 2 bdnn .It den, btam ce!Unp, i.rre vtew lot. • Clltf Haven. Owner, Lonr Bea.ch 900-317. 39p62H BY OWNER -3 bdrfn., l ~) bath hou1e on dbl. LEVEL lot. Large rm1. Ulruout. F ireplace, patio fenced yd., dbl .. JU. New 1 bdrm llou~ on nar Ol lot for Income. Har. OHl·M. 815 Jumlne, Co rona del Ma.r. • Oc:Mh COSTA MESA rum. I bdnn. home, wall to wall WE'RE LOADED! --~----=..;;.. With outstanding buy1, Uiat is. The following, all Exclusive•, are ABSOLUTELY the beet in C.D.M. Two bedroom-& playroom home on Orchid Ave., close in. Wall to wall carpeting. Paved, walled P•tio. Dining room. G. I. loan, with the beat of t~rm•. 2 BDRM. le din. rm., paved patio, 20 x 24 gar., R-2 lot, F. A. heat, W to W carp., fenced yard. Top qual- ity t}lruout. Many extru, too numerou. 'to mention. 60 x 118 CORNER Sea view & Marguerite, 2 R-3 . lots, room for G units, with view. Ab.olute beat Joe. I IN SHORECLIFF, level lot, 55 x 130 x 80. the low. eat priced building ai~ listed there. -~ch of thea~ av~lable for under $20,000. R. · L. STRICKLER. Realtor 3822 E. Cos.at Hwy., Corona del Mar Har mi • e&rJlet. hw4. lln., cement p&Uo, ---'--------------------fenced yard, ._..,. In. run prlc. ... St.600. $1,71&. dOWll. LI 8·2722. • ~UH Drive by 235 Magnolia Co.ta Meea CUt. 6 OOC'/ bome -I bdrm. 6 p&neled den with flrtp1-ce, w11ll to wall cuptL Vt 'f7 elOH In, Sll.000. Pbone LI,,.rl)' M282 23tlc BY OWNER Corona HlrblandJI -3 bdrm.. ~ be.th fumbol,IAe, ntA comma ment.. Pb. Ka.rbor 78·J. 9911 S UNITS, cloet t.o b&y, bea~tl A llb,..ry. Comer lot. Term1. Own er. 20t·6tb St.. Balbo4&. Harbo1 Ult. ' '6c:4 • ' Like· CHARM 1 -and PROVINCIAL 1tyle !. -USED brick! -CORNER fireplacea? -HARDWOOD floora ! -a GOOD addrea.!-a LARGE lot ! (Not Llehld.) Thia one atory, 2 yr, old duplex on beaut.itul CLIFF DRIVE ii YOUR answer! 2 bdrma. each, natural birch kitchena with di•pc>Ala. DRIVE BY- 1101 -1705 Cliff Drive , Cliff Haven Then phone oui: office -Better hurry! Only~ down -i24,500 full price. MARINERS ISLE REALTY Harborf781 318 ~An., B&lbc:.. :i.&aD4 46lfc 507 E. Balboa Blvd.. BILlboa The Locator of Calif. --------l- 1 - 0 - 0 ------- Phone Ha.r~r 3606 H c46 Vest Pocket Palace PAMPER your.etr a.nd buy lh111 .unny It t'httrlul 2 bdrm. l\ome Fireplace, •mall ya.rd. Juat Ima.. ~ne -011ly 19.600. tenn11. Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport. Harbor I'll~ or 987. 45<'47 LARGE LOT on Clf!C Dri ve In Clltl Haven. ALSO 40 tt. •tnet to 11treet lot on Genoa. Udo ale and C·2 lot on Newport Blvd. M~. Ahrent, Ha.r. 0191. · 23tfc CORdN A Dl:L )1.AR rNCOME Vutoua unlu It pncn to meet your wa.nta, 113.000 to seo.ooo ALSO 2 bdrm. home completely t\JmieJ\td, double l&ral'e SH.600. CALL Mia• Kotil1tedt Har. 2162 3136 Cou( Hwy .. C D M. I Eve. Har. 0829·R. 3k~t HOM}; complt lely fum11hed b)' O'llf'7ler, 921 Cliff Dnvt, CH!f Haven. L&rge llvtn1 room, din· Inc room, 2 t>.droom.._ $19 9~. Liberty I·~ for· appt 46p47 CUF'P' HA VEN. I bdnna., fir .. place, o&lt fira., pa tio, fenctd ya.rd A dbl 1ar. SJ 4.600. $41100 down. 4% la.I\. 1100 Clay St. Liberty 8-4971. U t 47 OCl:AN Vfl:W modern 2 l>edrm horn. With extra rodm and -\ bath on double pr&J"f'. Price UJ,ll-00. Low down payment or Will t.alte l'\rlt Truft D'ffd ln tnOe. 2712 Clitt Drtnt (&dj&cent vacant lot a..u&ble) n. owaw, LI t-~32 Sitto Open Daily 1 -4 p. m. Lovely 2 bdrm .. 2 bath. with a. largt> sunny patio . 218 Via Palermo ALSO 4 pedrooms, 2 baths, new. 3 bedrooms , 2 baths, e}Cceptional. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath&, waterfront. 45 ft. waterfront lot with pier privilege• a bargain! DUNCA~HARDESTY, Realtor "Luio ~pecaalist" Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd . 4 Dear MOM and DAD: I Newport Beach Sis and I found a ~WELL beach home in • CORONA DEL MAR. Sis says its '!->PANISH RUSTIC' ... anyway it has a HUGI:; living room with RAFTERS. real TILF: FLOOR and a bag FIREPLACE! Sure it 'II ta.Ke Borne FIX IN' but WHAT FUN 1 ••• and with WORLDS oC WONDERfl'tJL WEEK ENDS to look forward to ! }t"i; only~ • 1 a.nd the man say1J you won't NEED much money NOW. 1 ha\'e the KEY, iv1 HURRY, won't you ~ EXCLUSJVECY You"' STANLEY A. $MITH, Realtor-2647 E. Cout HWJ, Corona del Mar Harbor 88J (\_ . ' ' .. .. .. 62-BuJ f'.Mtate "Y ou'li Want lt" , when you see it, for here ia a Top Lido buy ready to be moved into for $2~.225 full price. 3 bedrooms and 2 batha, completely !urniahed right down to a deep !rene, wuber and dryer. It'1 on a wonderful atrfft 1 ftep away from the bea.ch. Streetl'll't> street lot. MQft plwd:Jfg inter· ioz# with a brick firepla~ and open plan. A v ersatile ome,) can"l>Ci11ne family hem• for year ro1.md living, or the pt1rfect 1urnmer home, or buy it for income -fsummer rents ahead). We can work out excellent' terma for you. Exclusive with us - A WONDERFUL BRANO NEW HOME with three bdnns. 2 ate full aize and the master is extra large. 2 tiled baths, master bedroom carpeted ~d slidinr doors open fropi it onto a magnificent sundeck. Beautiful kitchen with built-in oven and range, dis· posal and dishwasher. SC'parate dining area. Used bric;.Jc fitftJlace. paneling, fine wall papers anq special l!ght fixtures throl1'1hout. It's extra nice an~ exclu· sh·e with· ua ltr,$29.~ tun pril'.e with a tnrb . :Shore Cliff Lot A large well located hom esite. $16,000 cash __.: Better see it! A acarce item -Very few left.. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REAL TY · Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Balboa Island TWO BEDROOM. one bath, large living rm .. nicely furn, home. Ready to move in at S21 ,500. NEAR NORTH,. BAY, Fent tiowse bdrm., plus three otherl!, 3 baths. spotless. S26,50Q. · ct.rrE, CLEAN. DELIGHTFUL vacation home. 1 bdrm., dbt gar. Patio, den. Charming: $15,750. Sub· mit your down payment. ( .EAST BAY FRONT, nearly new house plu1 income apt. -S55.000 Balboa Island Income FIRST OFFERING of this ouutanding South B&y home. Designed for immediate conversion (close-1 door) to two units. ·Perfect buy ·for' e.xeeutive re- laxation aod tax relie!. Two living rooms, fireplace, f> bdrms .. 3 baths. 2 kitchena. Price about $65,000. Bea·con Bay ONE of BEA"CON BA Y'S superior homes. 4 bdrms., 3 baths. Absolute11 exceptional living room, fenced yard. -$32.000. ~ VISIT E UROPE this aummer FREE on income from this beautiful Beacon bayfront 6 bdrm. home & apt.,, 3-car garage. l BA y 'SHORES L WE SPECIALJ ZE -Consult ua for exclusive, desirable homes. 01\LL HARBOR 1775 · EARL W. ST AN LEY,. Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. LOOKING FOR THESE 7 Corona del ~er • Near new 2 bdrm., just a few ateps from .Carnation Cove -$l~.OOO • Balboa Island , "Little laland" home-3 bdrms. &: 11.<: baths. Two bdrm. apt. -$26,500. Nt>ar North Bay - 3 bdrma., · 2 baths. Fu.rn. $5000 down -Full price $19.500. Costa Mesa Dream home -Back 'Bay area: 2 bdrm. &'den, two fireplaces, cuitom features thruout. Carpeted. Only $24,950. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave., B&lboa•Jsland Harbor 0234 VOGEL EXCLUSIVE ' Nothing · Could be Finer Tha.n thiJ ll'Wydiatioctive new quality built 3 bdrm., 4 bath b·ome With unaurpasaed ,·iew of Harbor from both lh"ing room and maeter bQrm. Located on beau- tiful comer lot cloee to Ocean It Bay on lovely Balboa Peninsula. 2 fittpl.aces -finest mahogany and &Sh panelling thruout ·spacious enclosed patio walled for privacy. Triple garage wjtb workshop area plus many other out.standing features too numerous to mention here. $49,500 cuh. Top Loan Commitment to qualified buyers. ·Call.and make an appointment to 8ee. The Vogel Co. . 3201 w Cout HJ1hway Newport Buch , Liberty 8-34 1 or Harbor 5142 .. • I ~ . p . a . p a_ I m e r_ i n c o r p o ·r: a t e ~ developers of Llc:lo Isle Almosf · Finished Look below -one is yours ! DHJgned for gracioue Jiving, New Orlearur'Wl'Ought Iron and abutter• add to the graceful, old world .linel. Q.la~ th!I out.tandlnely lnvitinc. Channing ,. planted entry;-.i.1.ilreplace,ToUVfeapus-through f~m kitchen to dining area. Nylon Vt.coae carpet·. ._ ing; 3 ·bdnn1. ud 2 bath.a, alidins glaaa doon to patio. Therm. oven and range, diapoeal and touc.h ·plate uh cabineta. See th.ii deluxe home today ! $3t.OOO. Another home by the same builder, very aimllar ex· cept it's on a comer and baa 4 bdnu.I an<S 3 batba and also 2 fireplace.. lf you desire a larger home come In and we will be happy to show you why we think this la a terrific buy st $37,400. Back ·Bay bMutles -Located ln. the moet beauti. t\al uu of ~ Back 8-y ltanda 2 bouaea on· the nme street -Both are artlltlcally dealsned wfth ~oeent on. Early American . .Pn• ia J bdrma., 2 b9th• at ~.450. - Tb.• other la 3 bdmui. 6 family room priced at $2:5,950. Large lots &: plenty of room. Both will be open Sunday! Call us for addresses and directiona. Au fOt' Bill Farnsworth or Bill Measen,er Large view -Small price Immaculate 3 bdrm. view home, a real buy at - · $17,950. Low down, adjacent lot also available. Aak for Dave Osburn. BUIIpERS OWN HOME on 00-ft. wide north BAY -· _ FRONT 'site. Extremely beautiful masU-r bdrm. Fun House on Lido suite with frp e., largmerbi1mnr.,-nr.lrid'w-t'901Pft-it:nd --~----- very lovely gu~t houac. Full dining room, bar, boat You'll get a big kick out of this cute 2 bdrm. ome house, 2 boat slips, etc. U you are intereeted in a w!th fireplace, double garage. Beautifully furn- larger BA YFRONT home you should see thia. lshed and ready to move into. Excellent $110,000. nlue at S21,450. p. a. palme'r incorporat,d p. a. palmer· incorporated , . . .. ole hanson co., sales manageqient ~ 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 ole hanson co., sal~s tna11agement 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 COST.A MESA This .Week's Leader Charm .Personified VERY SELDOM ate w~ fort unate eqough to list a home with 1uch a ppeal. Jt you are llred or look· In" at ord~nary housu then let ua show you thla plcturuque Ru~tic with 2 large bedroom• and den opening onto a l>e&uUtul Pnclosed patlO with covered lanal~es. bath and ·"· ti-place. hdwd. floors, dinlnlr and break!aat .areu! Unmatched tor moat wanted location! 03.11~0 wlth excellent tennL • • • First Time Listed HOUSTON VALUES C-2 ON NEWPORT BLVD •• downtown an&. 80-ft. frontace. Chtropractore .Wr.. ot ottrcee. 2 bdnn. hon;ie 6 rutal unit. Valuable piece of property. ' A home Ii opportunity to eany on a good practice. $5000 will handle. 4 ACRES ON BACK BAY. Wonderful view. Priced rlght. .Will divide. 4 BUILDING LOTS 56xl3G CLOSE JN WEST SID~ On paved St~ Mu.t be 99ld together. Bargain at $5600 cub. Peninsula Home ! A HOME \YITH THE HALL- MARK OF GRACIOUS UVlSG. Roomy w1UI t bedrooms and 2 baths. 3 bedrooms up and one down. Situa ted on 2 large comer Iota tolalln1 75xl02 feet. Large hYinc room w ith fireplace, W to W carpellng. l''ull lot paUo, bad· . Peninsula Income ! TWO HOUSES fflR THE PRICE OF ONE! Two unlta on on11 lnet 2 bedroom apt. In rear, one bed· room front. !'flea atucco prop- erty with a 2 car car~• and preferred ~tal ~e~ FUrnlahed. ot courM $18,t>OO, tenna. • • • Balboa Duplex! SP AC I 0 ti 8 UPPE!t A.PUT· XllNT. t\lrDSahed, '""' a M4-rooma and a one bedrOom lower ..-u,. -~ . . . . dla- ponl, conlrl>lled heat ~d every· tht.ac. L&rtr• lot. --,., -more unit. flt.&00, tetma. • • • Peninsula Duplex! 1'0 ONE ABOVE OR BENEATJ:I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 MONDAY. MAY 2. 1955 ' . ........... . ·-·~ . You'U surely ay we1re entitled to a reward for of- fering you t.b9 opportunity of buying this real neat · 2 bdnn,, home, with a fireplace, hwd. !loons, con venl- ent to sto~• Ii bus line. AND ALSO &n inc.ome unlt 'ALL l'OR Sll,000, witli terms that are a ltnoek out. Tbll 111'80 GOOD that OV1" tfsting Rfeeman, MP. Rayle, le fOlns to h&ft OPEN HOUSE· on THURS., FRt.,' SAT. A SUN. at\erJ109ns (but we doubt that lt will lut till !mMll.1). Oh, Yes, the addresa i• OO'IRIS <South of the Hwy.) in COReNA DEL MAR . BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD I • OPEN HOUSE Tliul"I., l'rt.: Sat., A Sun. afternoons. AT MO l{INGS ROAD ONE OF THE FINEST 8 bdrm., 111, bath homes on exclusive Kings Rd. Charming design and all rooms , are well arranged, light and epa<.'iotts. Laflfc 1licl- I • 1ng oors rom m Oot'/"1l:tttt~t...U~----...J W carpeting, forced air heating. indoor planter, dbl. garage, atU'actlvely l&ndecaped and sprinkler sya· tem. This home will pl .... the most discriminating buyer. Priced-at only $22,7~, very attractiv• te.nna. FRANK JAMES & LJNWOOD 'VICK REALTORS . C. B. RuBA, Wm. 0. ScbJDJdt 312 M arine Av~ .• Balboa laland Assodatee Harbor 2042 .. C'' THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS and Buy Now 'fol,' Your Summer and °Tl!Kt°*l'O\iinHi'Mfte"'-.,,.._...-...__..,._..ll BA YSHORES -Attractiv. modern 3 bdrm. FURN18HED ................ ,. •..... $19,500 BAYSHORES -Exoeptional 3 bdrm. RANCH style, Extra lge. cor. lot ...... $38.250 BJ!lAUTIFUL KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME WITH SWDIMING POOL -A Muet See! .............. $42,500 LIDO WATERFJ\ONT -3 bdrm. "complttely FUR· NISHED, j\4.St . redecorated. inaide and out. PIER and FLOAT - Onl7 -·-· ···-········-·-·-·-···-·-$58,500 "C" · THOMAS, Re•ltor 2U W, Cout Highway, Newport Buch Liberty 8-5527 \. 1'C'• THOMAS "C." THOMAS "C'' THOMAS ''C' THOMA~ ' A:-.O WE CHALLANGI!: YOU to bellt thls buy! lmmaculat~ 3 bdnn. home 1n a beautiful gar· d'n JU8l a pltC'h and a putt from the golf course ... Large rooms, M.wo. floors, ffrTplaCf'. cappar plumbing, weather·atrlpped ~ ree:t quality throughout and completely repainted and rede, corated. Sll.9SO fu ll 11rlce with a Gl • FHA lo&n payable $119 J)l!r mont.b lncludln& tue1 and insurance. Eve. inform. o~ tbeae Seymour· Har. 5298-W YOU IN THIS SEMl·DETACH· ________________ ......_ ___ _ • • • Fresh as a Daisy AN APPEAL11'0 3 bdrm. home un a beautilu.lly landscaped c:or· ner Jot with the most eltractlve patio and barbeque you've ever • seen ... iH,700! Ma)" w' •how you through! Bay & Beach Realty 1896 Newport Blvd. coeta Meaa, cant. Liberty 8-1111. !:vu. LI 8-3168 · EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS ' I • DUPLEX on BAY A VE. in NEWPORT BEACH. Exe. rental loeatJon. A etep from the bay. $4DOO handles. M-1-4 ACRES. Paulartl!.o d.lm1ct. ~ an ac~. 13 down. Eve. inform. on these, Benner Har. 1611 . HO.USTON REALTY & Associates 509 Center S t. Llbetty 8-6911 Costa Mesa LI">erty 8· 7784 v Shoreclif f s Exclusive FIRST TIME OFFERED Quality4wlt raru:b type home • 2 bdrma. & den -2 bat.ha. New ca.rpetin( wall to wall, CtU!tom drapes. Immaculate condition. Forced air beat. Elecf.1'1C&lly FIRST 'ITMm OITERED. Very • lovely thrN bedroom c1atom controlled th'nnostat. Used brick fireplace. Copper built bf>me. Larr• muter bed· hood over stove, nicely arranged. Shake roof, built- room and bath, phu t wo better in bar~ue. Covered patio, beautifully l&ndacaped than averar• .... bedroom• with ""'t 2nd bath. Uvtnc room hu larg. and fenced :yard. !lrepla.ea &nd ntdwood paneling. Only 3 yrs. o ld. Owner moving inland. Yes, the pri~ Elltr-.m1ly convenlen~ kltch'-n-will amaze you, includ~ carpetin( & drapea, bu11l·ln eaec:trlc ranr• and thtr· mador ov4n. bnaktut b&r OJ*I· Only S ,900. lnK lnto \l cosy dining room. Llvln1 room &!Id kitchen have Better Hurry on Thia One! acceN to enclOMd patio 1'-"lth b rick barbecue. HoUM Is Ranch Listed Exclusively With Ua -· elyla with beavy 911Ut shake roof. rinlCE T. McCUISTION Ovef"llsed. double pr1ge. Inter· rl\ lor la corqpletely carpeted wall ' MULTIPLE LISTING RE;ALTOR to wall anlS drape• are Included. F orced aJr tunace. Vltw of 34f7 E. Co&Jt Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor •7. ~~~ E=~~~~. ~der:,~ __ <O_f_fi_1c_e_l_oc_a_ted __ ne_xt_d_oo_r _to_Co_ro_n_a_cs.t __ K&r __ Bank __ > __ hllvt the kt'y. Fred J. Crosier and Assoc . 3:130 Eut CouL Highway Corona del M.ar Telrphone Harbor 3&71 ·Balboa Island BA YFRONT, accmt on location, • bdnn. older weU built homf', pier It ti.oat, $33,:IOO and well worth It. C&JI today. Rex Rechs, Realtor 230i W. BalbOa BITd., :-.eWJ>Ort H11rbnr 98i. 4:>c'7 BY OWNER -3 bdrm .• clOjle to 11hQpplng, etr .. on qulft St. kt1·d. tin., h ncad wt. ... l"I, ran. ·.u.p., allay f'Mr, Room tor la• coma. New paint. 4':\ IQU •t "4 ~r mo.. tnehadlq tu• 6 t111U PTlce 113 280. D8t Par>t Dn•'e. C~i.. Mu.a. •OtJa " Balboa Bay Properties Presents 2 Iott, ocea11 front. 35d0 fron_tage. $15,000 for both. ) $5000 doMi. Balance $105 month, Near Bay, Library, traneportation. N~t, attractJve 2 bdrm. house plua 2 bdrm. apt. over lars• pnct. J ust reduc~ to $18,950. Terma. '\ Ocean View. New extra •Jarge 3 bdnm. A din. I bat.ha, 2 F .P. Dbl. garage. F .A.. heaL $27~. E Z t erm.1. Muat '" to appreciate. 3 unit rental. Older property. It you have Ttmon you'll eee the nlue. Rooin available for expanalOD and rental increue. S6000 down. $18.500 full price. Excel. downtown Balboa Jocation. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1 .;;.,, W. Balboa Bh·J., Newport Btacb, Har. 5188 ~ts EtB DUPLEX; L&.l'.ge comer lot. Earh un it has 3 bed'rooms and 2 baths. Terrific for 11 home with l"Q&ome or ror nntal pUrJ>09H only. J29,750, only $6,700 down. • • • t Ocean Front Home! OUR BEST OCEAN FRONT V A.LUii ON TH& PENINSUl..A. Dandy "'"' of all bO&t acUv1ty . I badroom1, llvlng .room wHh fireplace. f\lmlshtd, and a te,.,. rlllo paUo. Your obance ot a lilt' Um• tor an Ocean front home. · 0n17 •1uoo. Balboa Realty Co. ftoM Creeley Al ComeUua Ed Ltt Jack Pinkham Joeaphlne Webb 100 S . Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Phone Hubor a277. BALBOA Bay Front Duplex J'\lmlahad and within walking dis· t.anca or lht library In Balboa . f 34,IOO, TERMS. - Duplex in . Balboa ON EAST BAY A VE., 1 blk. from 8ay. Completely rum lshed. Ex· cellent rental area. Walking di•· tance to Ubrary. 2 bedroom house plu1 1 bedrm apt. $21,500, Tl:RMS. -\ Costa Mesa NICI: J Bkl>RM. JfOUIE on ~· HO' Jot. WalklDI 41at.ance lo ator• 6 C.thollc echool f13,000. EXCELLSN"I' TEJU(S. Coast Properties 101 S. B&J~ Bl•d., Balboa Har"* 11&1, IGt'f. &nd 4600. Lido Lets 45' LOT, ITUllT TO STREET. lit Ul'ne ottered. Attra cllvetbuy. ~. ~ tntonnatlon. Homes wm BA va uanMoa 1a ai1 aru.a. Let • ftM ~ 7C* want. N. B. C. Real+v Co. ..... J'wport 81Yd.: ~pt. .Bcb. ....-1.oe Bev Front Income I utdna-16 I""'*••• .. fWa. ....... .... no.t Ud prtftte ..... 1000 &. ..,,.,.. mft.. BalMa. C\'Wn1 .. 11Nf. Otw- lMJ to broUn. 1Jttc NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE . Owner moving and hu priced his nice home to sell quickly! Check these featurea: , 1-Nice. unobstructed ocean view 2-Near stores & transportation 3-3 nice bedrooms·with ample closet.a 4-14.x.22 living rootn with flagstone fireplace & large view wipdow 5-8x10 dining room 6-Handy L·shape<t kitchen 7 -Hardwood Floors. Furnace S.-Larae 2...car garage 9-0nly $17,950. FHA Loan includes taxes, tn- aurance, interest and principal at $83. per mo. Be s-qre and eee thia nice home. • :THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 1741 -HZ1 .LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA· Lo 1 3 bdrm 2 b th V OPf:N HOUSE SUN. 1 -4 ve y ., a . ery lge. home on '50 lot. Com. 2575 TUSTIN A VE. fortabfe liv. room, forced 3 bdnns .• 2 baj..hs. Back Bay view. -$24,9QO. &ir heat and lanai on on& of the nicer St•. $32,500. °{( ·>.'r 1 bdrms., 3 bath1, 2yeare old. Underpriced at $31,500. ~ .-:t ./'. ... ',~ Acre 66 x 300. M·l with 1280 B<l: ft. all m~tal bldg. Wlred for 110-220. $13,150. . . . ,, Comer lot 200' x 116' M-1. 40' 2 bdnn. 1 % bath. Ueed briclc x &r/ a11 metal bldg. $20,000 fireplace, Thennador, dis-'(f -t: poaal, dr. A cpta. S23,150. 21/2 Acres, M-1 -$21,500. SEE US FOR BUSIN·ESS OPPORTUNITIES Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Office 3112 Latayttt., Newport Har. 3M3, Hu. 2999 eve8. ... "-.. . Juat to the rilbt of Lido Bridge Entrance ' , BATHING . SURF -CASTING BOATING For enjoyable living on BalbQa'a lov«'ly ocean front . Buy this out.It.anding 4 bdrm., 2 bath ocecm front home".wlth , view of the bay and ocean from the upet&in living room. At the prite of $18,000 turn. --tt'1 abeotately U.. b..i buy at the beach. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Sch. Liberty 8-0.St \ .. ... t.!. PAG~ I· PART 11 .-NEWPORT HARIOt ~EWS-PRESS MONDAY;.MAY ,2, 1955 . .· . t . . ! - -~_ ... ____ J. .. MAY 2nd THRO MAY 7th a bouquet of exciting •alues has been gallwrecl for you from every clepcw hnent all over the store • • ·• fashions. men's ancl children's apparel, thinCJS for the home! Shop EARLY for best selections ! / . dozens of styles at ex~iting s~vings! summer millinery . / regularly 10.95 to 12.95 ~·~~~! . \/\/_ Y\ •I You'U be ias excited es we «e • \t , I ' '1. )' when you 1ee this eye-bri9hte11in9 .. , . / collection of summer heh • • . ;. '7 /, piques, teces, 1tr1wsl White, ~ ·' sale bonus! $10 savlnCJs! wool shortie.s re911larly $25 to 39.95 Here'• just the kind of velue ycxi'd expect from 8uffum1' May sat.I Right out of our re9'1lu ~k we brin9 YOY an outstanding group of 1hortie wool coats. l.i9htweighP wool boucle 1..d nub-terlured wool in two most w..,tecf 1tytes. (top) T urtdo front shortie with h11f 1"00fl pockets end cuff s'9ev•. tbottom) Club coler1 cuff slffves, button-trim, with ragl•n ehoulcMr •nd .,..., pockets. Both rtylet .. b.191, to..t, twquoiN, qold, '9d. end pint ... ,to II. n.vy, black end neturel. T eilored ind dressy styles for your dresses, your suits. There 's a hat to f11t·, .. +er every~f Ke, pleese every t..te • • • en<f yO\I SIV; $4 to $6 Oft Heh end ev-rv'bMI . ' • I . r ..) •, • .. I ' I printsU!ots! stripes! sollclsl J . regularly J.95 to 5.95 Siv. end rei*nish. your blou.. w.rdrobe 1t this very speci1I low price I Y out f•vorite ,l.'9v•le" • 1ummer blouses in e choice of two popul.r styl.t,. Peter Pen and ltelian collers ... fine cotton br04td• cloth in • g•y Nlection of p1ttern1 end colon. You'I w•nt sev,rel of these to wHr with shorts, d1cu, skirts, suits, just abollt everything you ownl companion values ••• CJCIY cotton skirts 599 r•g•larly 7.95 to 10:91 Just w.a Ufttil yo.a lff this bright, wonderf" colto- tion of cotton sUrts by Sir James, top c."t.fornie 1portkwHr designer, known for good f eshion, 1rwf top qu•lity. · Choose from t wide 1uortrnent of stripes ind dots end florals in better cotton fabrics th1t would ordinerily. self for 7:95 to 10.95. coat values that wHI cimaze you! l~ng w~ol coats • regularll 39.95 and 49.95 .. • stunnin9 tur•do style! • versatile cardi9an style! Seve $IS on these beeutiful e!J.wool toets. RHI ' • I coet trHsure1 et this little money ~rice l Here's.• co•t toDeetion by one of C1lifomi1's most femous meken of fine co1tsl You'll love the fr .... MW 1tyt.n9, the Califomi• weight (1bric1 ,. • . I oo-;. wool ~ps1din9 ind ba1~et w .. ve tweed it. *'t dim tuac:Jo or c1rdi91n styf.s aft f ulty teff.te ' lintel. White, beige, pink •• blue ind Gme . L _ • ' .. ' . I . l . ' " • ,