HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-05 - Newport Balboa Press' . ... , J ( SIX YACHTS DROP F-ROM CE AffER St ART • '!' AND THEY'RE OFF TO ENSENADA -Thia wu today'a start in the &nn in ll ht winda, murky·weather. -Staff Photo by Phyllia J . .-Jackaon HARBOR , · · -PR SSS WELCOME CNPA 48th YEAR -NUMBER 19 NEWPORT B&Aal, CALIJ'ORNIA. THURSDAY, _MAY•5, 1955 PJIONE HAllBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS .r n Dies _.. i~ C yc-1 e, ·-~~Car Cras~ DEATH SCENL:-Crumpled motorcycle of Guy Bentley Bradford, 20, lies twiat.ed behind the car driven by John Stoner KUllim ot Balboa &l&nd. The front end of Mul· Jiu' .ear abowa Ule point of tmp.et 'betweea tJae bro ..+hletr ....._t ooearnd Tuee- da7 DJcbt OD 'BQmlde Drift. -:-~ PIMlt.e . Odyssey Leading INewport··Ensenada- _ABC Report . "" . OklJICI .·· 1u"chec1 Up Start Macie as 170 y ldats Held for Bii• :-- L ., Gary B. Bradford KHled - in Headon .Collision H.ere Cruahing death came to Gary Bentley Bradford. 20, of 1311 ., Albert St., Coeta MM&. Tue.day night u bis motor-' cycle wu involved .in • M&don en.ah with • car driven by John Stoner Mullina, 17, of 113 Grand Canal. Bradford wa,, thrown from hia cycle and pronotinced dead on arrival at Hoa« HospltaJ. The accident hap-Brw.dford WN r••artnr were pened on Bay•lde Drive near tha wrenched from hl1 feet by the lrb· •trance lo the Harbor Muter'• pa.ct. office. Mull.IM WU treated at HQ&W P olice ~ported Mullin•' car wrJ HoapltaJ for minor lnjurits &nd re· followln~ behind anotbf'r nh1cle lcASed. No chargt'11 y,rere mad• pnr north on Ba,y1lde Drivt aga[ruit him by police. The coro- •hen It crOM~d the double tine Mr 1ald t~ere would be no Inquest. ln an allempt t o pue the otht•r Funeral 1ervicee !or young Brad· car. Bradford wu comin g 110ut.h ford will be ht'ld Saturd.ay, 2 p.m. on Buyslde Dr1ve. Mullin• ea.Id he at the chapt'I of Smith'• Mortuary aaw the motorcyt'le, after he pull-In Huntington Beach. with th." ~v. ed out and attempted to avoid It Harold A. Lambert. putOT of Yll"lt by 111Wervlng to the left. Debris Mt'thodlsl Church In Huntington from the wr-eckage wu etrt>wn Buch, officiating. Jnterment will • .. veral hundred f~l. Both ahoee I Collttnued °" Pase ' J/ ~ .,,.,,..., ,,., .. ·•11oa ~ .. , ... titltf' Jf/ . . \ L . NEW ANNEXATION MOVE Of MESA GOES WEST PWMllRS CLOSI MAit; PICNIC SET B'*-cklHd -ha-rinf wondlrf\ll time! Thi• could well be 'th• U!l'me tor Rich- ard'• Lido Market for Tuu· day, May 10. ln order to per- m it. ~ 1n.11.allaUon of new tro.m food facllltlea. realign- for s BJ ""AT lllOll&ELI W1'1'B M&Wro&T .... lmAM Mal -~ L& 0. -(0CN8) -Dlek 8tMle'• ~ .... ~-.. ;.....th• n..ti.u '11 1 :II p. m. today Jut otf Dua Polftt. AllotJMt' tin ncen are with hill t.beeo • report-s u eKt>'Ollloll Mit craft. 'ntey an. Hilaria. 8oUJoquy, ,... ualdentlfted tlnmed&atM7. .Ut.rM. atru. and eouteJl.aUon. '"'-lllat• ~1 ..& wu whit• alll 'bo&ta aroppW from tM Nee, wltb ...U. ot UI• 170 Jlh!pe whlcb MtCain Parcel Acceptance to Bottle Up New~ Expcmsion ment ot ptumblng-and eleetne· A n-report cud. Ullinf A. 15. al faclUtlea, Richard'• will C. O and F end .. on academic cloee all day May 10. subject.I for MVmlb and elftltll It lan't too aer1ou1 Uloug"b. graders al Horact l:ntlgn lchool lea~ 1a th u... ne.t. One or C..ta.-' • Pace i' QUARTER~ MILLION -. LIDO WHARE ·PROJECT TOLD Tb• City of Coeta lieu Monday nJght launched annuatlon Of an approlllm&tely mllt •t rlp of land which thro.;... a barricade• acaJ n1t any tuturt Newport Bea.ch txpan· 1lon l\Ort.h'tl(.Mt ot the Newport cJty dump. A peUUon ln the name of L. Adrian McCain, 801• owner of the property ln•olved, reque1t ed Coeta M... to annn the are&. McCain'• property 11 a 200 fl. ~1d1 etrip running approxlmattly 1~ fut llOUU\ of the ~l1llng coeta Mua boundary betide the City ot Newport Bea~h'• duwip alte ott WbltUer alMI lttb Bl8., next yeu wu approved Tueeda y ·-• •"-"" t t t .Auoc:t.t .. tn the orcant&ati<>n then approxlm&uuy ..,.,,, " w• nl-t by dllllrk t uVlteu. A multi· lll\rer d who \Llually cater \0 a1J the •" to 8uta .A.a an &Cl"098 whim• and tanclu of R.lch· purpose motion adopted the end· the river bed to the cltf boundary ard'• cuatomera will have a lng 1y1tem b\lt referred the meUI· of HunUnstoa Beach. Tbo ap-of of ratlnf "cltl.M1\atllp" tralta ...... mil _._. ...6 l d picnic.In th• Cotta Mua·com · proximately nau· • ..... •P UL an f th of pupl11 to UM Ent!... 11Chool N ~.... t t tr1 munlty park, u1tn1 ood ey •.. border• e-r-~ • o.n• oo ' • P normally .ell. 1taff (or 10lutlon. 'nllt method wtU .Announcement of a quarter· mil· which run8 .wnt trom th• du~p -------------1 b•_}>Jell'nled the lruat.ua {or their lion dollar Udo Wb&rf 1ooprove-L ·1 I t 1ltf to the•ul alde of Santa An~ approval when, "\t \I prepare4-oca · 0 1ry R.lnr and IJOUlherlJ alon,r th• Sales Tax Revenue before nellt tau. ment plari to tl'lclvd• .. ~w rut.au· . e&.t lllde of th• rtver. • The motion pNYlded for : l'&lll. &1rt ahop and OVt'rhe&d 1part· H I n· I . t Date ot protfft heVtnf on th• Jumps lft County "). Adoption of the ABC Jr&d· menl.I WU reVt'aled lut night by OS s IS r1c annexation wu Ht' tor June e jag JOy1tem for IJ)etlflc academic .Bob Dalton, top Loa Ange\u ru· durtn1 regular Maaa council llff· IACR.AMl!NTO. (CNS) -The IUbjecla. taur&11teur. Conalructlon I• to be· Asse·mbly Meet alon ln Newport JuaUce court. 1tate board of equaltsatlon 1aat .. 2 Adopt Ole it&nd&nS recom· Jin lmm.cltalely In the ltyle ot a Coet& Me.a. After City Clerk week reported tax.able aale1 ln' mended for deten11lnlnt the ABCD 12,000 eq. fl. £ncll•h watufronl Newport Balboa Rotary Clu• ArUe swaru nad McCaln'• 1111· California durtng the fourth qu&J'· and r grade lltandtac of the Ind!· llyle tavttn with com p!l'llon ex-offtu .-. and-mt'mber1 tomorTOw nexaUon pet l t 1 on, Councilman ter of tut year reached an a ll-·"'dua.I atud•nt. pttted for m ld-Aug-uat. "' ~ and Saturday wlU hoet a conUn• C'JlarterTPWtnlde ~ttk'kly m.o.Yecl a Uroe ht1h of $4,3'8,0.0,000. "3 Reque1t that the Horace En· Encomp1ui.f4'd·ln. the plan of rt'· gt'nt of 74..Pn>•ldenl• and i erre. re10lutlon of Intention to anl'iu Taxable Alee in oranp county lllin · proremtona! lli.(f Nt.a.bu.b develop~ent will be the entire tit.r t"• of Sou thlend Rntary clu be, the area. received a HCOnd from totaled 191,335,000 for the quar-for cltizenthlp a 1pectn c ttandard l>uTicllftr pnwntty Identified fnrludlntt all nr&J\J!' county ?ltlb councilman A . L. Pinltley and tf'r. an lncreue ot 15,.02 per cent of dtn which •hall be ahown Udo Wharl ru taurant. The pre· ~ Th d 1 al 1 th 11 ovtt the 1&me quarter of 1~3. In gnd•t•ll 'on ... , .-rt c·--. •-. 1et1t. bulldlns will virtually be con-repruent.ativu e 1 • t r c l unanlmoue approv 01 e counc · · ~ • U> ._.,...,. .... .,.. llN"mbly will be held In Balboe. --------------------------eluding tho" ba.elc facton ddl(• wmed In the crullon of the new Bay Club. CALIFORNIA PUBLISHERS nated unckr th• 'fT'owtb and per· pluah re1taonuit and com~rt'lal R. N JAr:erlof. prt'llldfnt of the I • · eonal habit.a and att1£ude1 of th• center. The '""11 bak!'ry bu~ldlntt. locaJ Rot•Q· duh. ,..It! lhla. hlg-h • • pruent card but not limited to pl'ftently ldenllfle-d " the p&ll•· attend•ncf' 111 fro ma tntal of 39 thOIH' llhowti and noted, u -& ~11' W11l be the-location . of the clubii. 111 but two of which will ARRIVING HERE FOR MEET for Individual 1TadLn1 and evalua. 1Uc40 kitchen for Dalton " n PW be r<'prei1en le-tl. lion of the •tudmt.' rnt•urant. Arrangemtnt.e h a v: The cluhl!' nrrlrlal.-w~ll hur "4. P1ace new rfacs• cud In et· Ileen completed by O.lton fnr u.-talk!! by t he •ll~l_rlt'l govemor, PublishH~ from all of Calif or-dent. Kant l• publl1l'ler ot The fed In Sepl4'mber for the lH:l·M of the phklnlf Int nn th• U llo ()on lAck,., Lnn1t n .. 1tr h i ~tu Coul- nla will conv,rge on the Newport BakeJ'lfleld Callfomlan. Dlrec-tora Mhool yftf for th• .. nnth and lhopplnr Center to. accommod_Mll' tl'r. 1ncomtnl{ .ul11t nrl 1rov.rnor, Harbor nre" t hl• wuk end. Occa• of the orpntr.atlon are In addition el1thlh gradt'I." lOO can. CO\'lna: Boh Rnw ... <ltr .. rt'lr nf Rn· 111nn will he q1.u1rtt rly meeting of to Kane. Stymour C. Sterllnlf, flrat Speaklnc In fa'f'Ot ot a melhod Dalton Mid 112•000 will be 11~nl tary lnt,.m11tll)n"I. <"hi.-11110: pl111 ' the Callfom la Nt'wapaper 'Pub411h· vtce·preall;ltnl, from 8an1JU; Eu· Other than ABC «Ad\nf for Crtl· Oft revamptnc tht> do<:kll In trunl aev,.r11l n\h Pfll Arlllll'1M will !)fl "" A1111odation board ot Dlrectort gene C. Bllhop, 1econd Ylce-prul· senahlp aide ot the unS Wtl"I Ill· t o •ffnrd more <'nnventenC'l'!; Tf'f\· ! h"ltt from 11 " m t•J g J> m both r , C b Th k ...._ ... ___. .. --' anta ln \he anartmenla •illl h11 ve 1 ,.11, •• , at 8 1\lboa Bay lu . 11 mar 1 C'.-UalMld ea ~ 4 ..,.._ • _.. r " " thtl first time the organlullon hu --------------------------COt1tl111M'd oa p~,. • ,.. ' met in OranKP County alt hourh thr~ pa.."t pru ld .. nt1 ot the u-~ aoc1allon rn 1de herf'. Prei1ldlng over the lhl;.ee-day .... alon will !><> W JLltt'r Kant', p~ai· HARIOR WEATHER Orang!' County wutber fore· ca.et. Cnnsiderablt' c'loudlnu1 and cool- • er today with high near 87. Ug-ht rain bl'glnnlng lalt' t~ls aftern~n or tonlghl, continuing Tr!day. I Wind)' Ill tlmu Fir!d•y. ~~ ~~ ,,..__ . ~ • Ji • I Newport Beach -Cloudy today w1lh-light rain lhla afternoon or tonight. Hlgtl t emperature todaJ nnr 64. Water tt'mperalure ~. Tem!Jf'ratorf'lll t111e put trec!lr la lllle Hattlof ..,... 9"~1"11 . Rlrll Low • OOSTA MESA CtJTOfT-Latetrt annexation started through the mill by Costa Mesa \,..Qty· Council LI a 200-tt. atrip of land (•haded) which nm• from Men city limit.a off ·Canyon Drive west of Newport Beach'• city dump tract oU 19th St. and Whittier then approximately halt a mile alongside Newport'• ahoestrlng It.rip west to Safft& Ana , River, cl°099t~I' to Huntington Beach city limita. It cut offa any farther expanalon of Nwport S.Ch city limita of the ahoeatrinr ttrip. ., . Friday, .April 29 ........ 81 ft Saturday, April 80 .. _ to ,,7 Sunday, Ml.11 ........ -to 47 Monday, Ma7 2 -·--lilt &O TUHday, )lay I ····--•1 '6 Wedn.uday, May ' ...... ~ " 'nluNday. May II ...... ~ Ill R.alAt&JJ. .Ma.1 J .a. tOOqUE NEWPOn BDCll amAUl&ANT--811own above la an:bttect'• 1ketch of the ...W Bob Dalble'• t.y front ,.iaurut to be built adjicent to Udo SboPP'nl Center. ~ la to. tJectn JmmecH1Wy. Tbe 12.- 000 1q .. tt. Eltg1iah·ltyle waterfront tavern will contain u an int.egTal pa,rt of lta Cbnllt.ruction, complcl~ yacht du'b facilitia. The project wu designed by Fred Hod- ~ architect. .; I .. I" . / -. ··~ P~GE 2 . ftART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NeWS-PRESS -----------------1 Wldenln~ and tmpro\1nC et .. Teachen ftet ' bera ''!\Jttle. O.l"llldln• Willlam•1B ~ ·& lran.rLee MESA MOTHER. HAS HARBOR'S I Co•1t H1i;hw1y t rnm Su l Budr If g and Kann Watnman. all at Har· VT " IUlw• THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1955 to t\fwporl !Kach and throuch La· bor Vlek School: H Gian I I NAno ... &.L •. &•y WEEK 'FIRSr gun& Burh to ll• connftlton v.'1t.b Ten1re II •1. A)yce Anawalt. Arlen• Bol"CS41n. onor · n n llllJlll ·"8 H1ahw1y 101. • '1 Deleree ¥· Bowl••. Vlratola • The romm!tlee also recomm•nG-Hutch19on. l:vtl)'n Utt~. Patrlria-Brtd rtrfmonlN m • r k In~ TIM ftnt Barbor mot.her of National Baby Wtek, .M~ td Oranse· county ~ allocated Re-emplaye... Mo lon, Cynl.hl• MIUfr, Hflftl Founder'• Uay wlll be htld at the- 0\Ui. Ram.NJ ot lOU W. V1ctorl& .Ave, COBta M111, wtU. mo~ etalf ht1hway fund• and that • Mom a. ,.,,,. E. jl.oniMm and Newport BeA<'h and Bal at o a be ahowered with wrprl11 gifa by local merchant•. Her the S~te H1,;hway Commission al-J • 8 1 anet·.... chm dl. I brancJly, of Bank ot Arnertc.a ~b~rl wu born In Hoq Hoeplt.&J Saturday at 2 &.m, locate aurti<"lrnt tunda to build aec· F our teaeban ~l•ed tenur-t Merchant.a who .,.. bonortng icra. ~aey ue Richard'• ondary ata te highways. Tuuday night by acUon ot New· Amon1 teachen i;eet111lnr . laa· tomorrow u ottlct"r1 and .t&tt A d~l,.gallon to follow lhroui;h port E ll'mentary School Dlatrlct bell• Bowl~porl Srhool. ,... undtr lh• dlre(tlon of Roland A. Udo Martltt wilh a aix·monlh. aupply ot canned mllk; Vin· celved a~lal comm1>ndallon from . cent'• Lldq DNp. diaper bas ·and botllt Mt: Lido Toyland, wllh lhe recommendations lo the b'-.ard of lNlteu wnlch al8o ,.. th• tnat-. Employed here alnce Wrt,'ht ahd H. M. Holker, •&II·• ... d th t ,.._ h ov1 • S di b b , ti t highway commission was recom· rmployed S7 IMtnicton on ptoba· lH7• her ,.. .... •Uon waa accept· acera of lht brancllea. 0 .._...,911 waron an o er oya: ~r a.i-t • lu o, a Y • "' por· mended to Include reprC'aentat1ve11 llonsry contr&ct.e, A number ot •·-. GOINGS ON AT THE ~ • BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS trait: Reinert'• 1"11.%patrtck or, Newport Buch. diapers; J. from lhe Board of Supervison. rulgnationa were accepted from ed with regnt and with t.h&n.k.a for 86th birthday ot A. P. 01....ual. .. If all you believe ia what you' read in the newtpapert, W. ReJnert ot ea.ta Mua, layette' of clothln1: Brat Shop, A.esoclated Chambrr• of CoQlmtrce teachc11 who will not r-ttum nat "Ula wondutul aupport Ille hu fol4nder ot t.l\e at&ttlrid• ~ you'll be firmly convinced that Charle• Coburn, the actor, a hllh~r and Pride and Joy, a baltY car Hat. of Oranj(e County, Leag\le 6r f a.II. li••n to t.1\1 devele>p:~~t of!' orranlaatlon. turned 80 years old thia,weelc. That'a What the dbpa~hea J.:=====;======:::=~~=~~=:::::=:===:~ Clllea, Orange <:ounty Coast A s· Rtcelvlnc tenure were Betty N:i._~~~c~I l)'llte f · s;:v U HlfhllJht oft.he obN~ wu t!fl)', all right. ~lJ. Utla may be tfue. But; we've Ileen Mr. talion, tl\f' cnnstrll~n tndu•-o .C-<>Qper 1f'ld-Beltt ~· a~ Hor-' n 11 •'<,UU.•L cayaa ~ lvt ~~ Coburn on ao many occasions at the Club when be appeared LllGHWAYS mepdaUona ot lta hi~hway and triu and oth~r 1pproprlate or-ace En111~ School; Doloraa Reece, "'1 "' ot t.J\• boar'\ nvo nf ,... • me1M1• trom p,...ldant a. Oarlc younger than Springtlme \hat we find lt difficult to believe n " Lranaporta\Jon cwnnilllef. • · ganlutlons. Corona del Mar: Vlra1nla Booth. It !'lment. 81111, apeclally recorded tor UI• he'& re·aohed the annivenia.ry be aaya he bu. · Among the recommendattona bor Vie w School. occu lon, wh.lch p&ld trtbuta to Th ded S Chamber Group were lhe following which Imme-M M ha h . Re-employ~d were IClma L. Ben-~npolll'Tmn .. .-Ma~-Giannini and dteerlbtd t.J\• ..a.-.. · e last time Mr. Coburn WU be~ be atten the ym-I _.. ere n J Bo d Boed k J hn I "'r nn n•~ ... - h i b th dlat.ely affect lhe Harbor area: •~ aon. oyee Y •c er, 0 Ont of te·d9dica UOn -v it.ft.,... pi ony Ball. If an award bad -been given that n g t t o e • Duti. Tilden Farria, Belly K or· · .row appoCntman\a by Mayor , Lif~ l)f the Party, Mr. Coburn would liave won it b&ndt down. Recommends S~eya, acqulettlon or rlca>t•· Meet Pedro Nine g•n. A.ltrtd O'Leary, Betty Smith, Dora Hill wue approved by New-ber• to lh• princlplM and YeaJe He got in more dances than men halt hie age and wu, tn ot-way &11d construction ot San Clay Sumrell and Paul Watera. all port City Council 1n lta !&et mnt· ot t.I\• founder of t.I\• bank. !Jtrt, b usier t}lan Arthur Murray on a Saturday night. Diego Frfeway I formerly known )I.try Star ot lhr Su nine from at Horace En1tcn School: I Inc. Oalv1n Keene and Don W. Olannlni wu bom in C&lilw9la. ~ . Road Pro1·ects .. Sepulveda Freeway ). San P~ro II slated to furnish Zoe Ann Moorman. Paula Todd Hayton were n&med to th• plan· Mr. Coburn'a love of non-stop dancing baa prompted ContmuaUon of con•lnictlon of Sunday comJ*tltlon for Managrr and Eleanor Worth. all at corona ntni com~ton tor foqr yfar at 8&n Joee, on May I, 11TO. '111• • several storlea on the subject. It's said he waa approached Laguna canyon Ro.d. Ed Line's McAa Mrrrh\nts. Thr dl'I Mar School: Dorothy Bodine, terma and Ra y Coplln for a on• a.nnlv1rury of b1a birth la o.._.. by a lady who asked him te join a dancing group that met Tbe executive committee of the Complt lion of MacArthur Blvd. game wlll take place on Lions Jacquell~ Gaudin. M1r1l)'n Jonea, year t.erm. Mn. H. C. Harry wu ed ln all BUik ot A.mertea efftc. once a week Aaaoclated Chamber1 of Commer· to 4·1&.ne divided highway wllh rr· F'tPld d1amoncl. alartLng at 2 p n1. Philip Jlauer. Mary Ann Morey, appolnlld to the library boaTd to and branchea t.hro\lfbout U.. , · • . ·ce of Oranre County met In Santa locallon to allow for expanalon of Lul Sundlly'a game ,.,.u cancelled Cc.rtnne Pehraon, Donna L. Ran· aucceed Mra. Bttdma.n Hoar, whPM world u an O<(c&aloa Oil wlll* '\-'We have a phonograph with every concelVable type of Ana Monday and adop(ed recom· Orange Co~nty Airpor t. due to Inclement weather. daU, Jamee R. ThomP90n, Bar· term had explr.d. honor b1a memo.ry. dance record," she said. "Mambos, tangos, fox-trots, sam- bas. waltzes. You'ij.J:ertainly get your fill of dancing at our parties." " · . . ''I thank you for the invitation, but I'm afraid 1 will have to dcchnc. In truth I would be bored-what on earth would I do ·while the records were changing?'' Happy ~irthday, Mr. C., and thanks for reminding ua that fun keeps o~e young. * * * ·Good tnternaUonal relations are among the very beat kind to be foi>t~red these days, considering the amount' of snarling that g'oes on over international boundariea. While a handsh!lke is often due Fost{'r Dulles and Anthony Eden, you really don'l have to leave Newport to congratulate men wh<Y are doing something about bet~ring relations between our country and others. A case In polnt Is the Newport Ocean Racing A880Clation, sponsors of the race to Ensenada. Last night the organiza- t ion held its annual kic k-off dinner at~ Club. In attendance , were officials from both sides of the border. repre&enting the governments on several levels, the navies, armies and race committees. A rec•nt Additioft in ow Ca11cly DepcutlMllt "Try Some" 51so &om,. "One of the Udo filhopa" S-IGl '\'la Udo, Ntwport Beach HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. CoUt Hy., Corona del Mar BALBOA .DRUGS '!16 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa <MAY 'Ith) Specials For May s. ' & 1 .n..... Fri., Sat. NEW! RCA VICTOR LISTENER'S DIGEST ONLY •·3991 T oday at noon the race got under way when about 170 boats -a record number -pulled anchor for the 130 mile run down the coast to the Mexican city. On arrival over the week-end. several hundred American participants will co~e to know Mexicans and Mexico better as the)'. fraternize in · Ensenada, just as the dignitarie. becanie bit~r acquainted over dinner at the Club. . A yery fine thing. this, and we want to congratulate the members of the Racing Association, its president, Dr. S. R. Monaco, the gef\.Crnl race chairman, Commander Cliff Chap- man, and everyone else who had anything to do with the growing success of this project. · .. This is the eighth race to Ensenada, and the largest ocean ract' in the world. It ia also the biggest single athletic contest in the world with more participanta (about 680 start- ers this year ) than any other sport.mg event. From every standpoint, it docs great credit to all concerne<J. BAB\' WEF.K MOTIU:R -Mr8. Charles Ramsey, Cot!ta Mesa, abo\'e, with her daughter, Randy, this week were showered with presents from several Harbor merchant. because the baby girl,.bom Saturday at Hoag Hoepital, "won" for her mother honors a.a Harbor'• first mother . for National Baby Week. -Hug~ Mynatt Photo MAKE us PROVE IT ·1 L. l. Ce lrftl "We bve llliloWll ~ aat 1md!De drtnn illlow to Mve mODeJ tlle Beat. ...... "-7• l aat sin oa U.e opportualf:J te '"'" to JOU the IDOIWJ -~· adftllla«N ef .. anique difft~nt plaa ploeeered ~ State Fum. State Fann • Insurance Co. BLOOMISGTOS, ll.L W. l LH4l1 Ul:J F:. lith St., Costa ~le!la u 8·10ll • WIOTMA."'8 SAMPLER HOFf"MA.'0'8 LADY FAIR 1-lb. Boll 51 50 rra&X IOWL SET C..'olored, Set of • ASCBOR<iLASS . ~ 39 SERVA SNACK attractJvely boxed • Senlng-Traya. .& Cupe rfJ. 11.M ~LlJML'it.:M TUMBLERS ln .W AttTarttvr Coto,..- rt'f · Zoo ea. BOOK CADDY In Wruug;bt Iron. holde 8 booka MAGAZINE CADDY • to mat<'h hook ~dy s21' iA.!~~{U.~.-~~!~~ ... ::r.. $_269 A'~r~AT1-c ro~~!!~.t51Q'5 An ldral <lift, w1tb dukn,..._ Mmtrol KLEENEX 300's ]ror 49c ' TIDE GLL'°T 81Z£ 'Sc AJAX . POLllA DOT ·RANGE SETS LADIES NYLON BRllFI in Blue, Yellow. Pink, White Sites 6, 6, 7 A Big Buy Onlf37c~ Tlme'a come when we •top talking about Mom and start doing 80metblng for her . . • like mak.lag her Queen t or a Day \lith famJly dln.oer out, flowers. gifts that ue femlnlne, useful. beauutul, luting ... .,, frivolous. SurpriM& and compllmellta to pleue her . , . somethlag expensive ud glamoro• or day UICI tender \ .•• u long as It's what •be llkee and comee \ with plenty of Ion. Come, aee what'a la •tore for Mother' a Day 1 :J.or. PURSE YOU TAKE YOUR BILLS OUT OF THE C OIN PURSEi Open the coin purse_. .. and you can allp out boUi bill• and coins without unfoldinr th• purM. There'• a aecret computment for bir billa, too. Gleuniq leather in choi~ of colors. $ 5 00 FASHION BASKETS In Straw I> Fabrk • Beautlfullv 0.-eo!&lt'd ·1n t'lowrr11· and Shflh1, A""'ort I'd ColOr!I ' From s129 · . Pocket Size Manicure Seh In GeauJne 1-tber Oue, Blul!, Blad<,.contalna 8daeorw, Fllr, Twffurs and Comb Only 4F Specials Liquor Dept. F1ftll . 2 09 . I.:.. PINK . CHAMPAGNE :VATt:RALU' t~RMESTl:D . WINES for Dinner \ BEArt.rEU \l lli'T.TAJU>, Wt:!\"T'r., ALMADF.l'f •• • Autcmatic "Vdola" '5 pboeosraph M*l 4SEY'I • U duaiat la •c1.ice9t form• Oii JO JtCA View ·~ EXU1:MW Play" m.ta Fidellty ncon1a • 42·pace mll8ical ~ rui4e COSMETICS -~![.Tr!,;.~~!!.~ s2~s_s3•s s3•t _ YA.ROLEY TOILET WATERS Bond Ht.. Lavrader wttb Atoml~r n1-I UO 2 '" 51 so LeW~CJ LIPSTICKS TW~D MIST SPRAT ToUet water (.'ODCelllrat~ GU!:RLAJ.N Pt.:RSE 8 1ZE s 00 PE!!~~~H~re B~u 5 -DA.~A AMBCSH s22s s31s .$,50· COLOGNE ~ 1-0L 6-oit. l ·OL FAPSPOA;-- COLOGNES r A.Bl:KOE TIU RESS BATH SET LENTHERIU ADAMS lUB PERFUME HEM ~oo· LANOLIN ~AP s~· .. •o~. 5 -I' Only for 8uperfatt.ecl, 5 popular bet.broom rolora · plAk, yeUo"·· "re4'.'D, blll"', main f -1 4 TOILETW~TER ...... s25! .. J200 JEWELRY BOXIES ,;_$295 VlNCENT'S ICE CREAM . .::. ~IUllll . DOUBLS DIP OQMll • .. ······-· HAlfD PAOltlD Pllf?I IUlfD P.AOIID QUARTS . ... . . BULK STYLE ~ Gal. Premium Quality ----.l1'Y~ruvoa lOC 3()c 59c 79c I r. I • . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3' PRt:rr\' CRO)''DED -Huntington Beach holl.8e hu close neighbor in this oil rig equipment which ha. spattered white aide of reaidence with oil and dirt during ita oper- ation In oil l>oom. -Sta!t Photo ~ Huntington Beach Oil Boom Appears ·well ooA.ast · Legs . ~ Without a new drilling permll and Ule ao and ao II only pumplng 1lnce April 211 oU well drilling !n eight barrel.I ot oil a day." Huntington Beach la d~tlnltely on Allked hi.I name he exl)lodtd a the wane. Seven• penn1c.. have n-cona tJme: · been applied for In the lnterven· "Don't you au quote me. They'd lnf day•. but none isaued.. laugh me out ot Texu." Perhape the conver!lllllon of one The well 11 on the corner ot 10th or the promotrr1 may have some and Orange Sta. bearing on the reuon tor the Jet-There ti 1Ull eome drtWnC' tn u p In oU adlvlty. Asked what the Huntington Beach, but the jungle well he was 11ta.ndmg near coat be of towers I.I no IOl16er there. A JXPloded u !ollowe: new well wu belnr spudded ln HOW IT GOE:t4 yuterday on 11th St. near Coast "'It cost me . , • near S60.000 Hjghway and the well next te 'Huntlnl'U>ll Beach Inn la atill go- lng 'down next to o.ne that IJI under the pump. Another well i. golng down on 9th St. at the corner of OUve, but !or the moat part drill- ing rlge are coming .do"'~· llORE OOMPLA.Th'TS Compla.lnta 1Ull come Into the police 1tatlon, although the police them1elvea clllm that Huntington Beach re3ldtnt1 have become ln· ured to 1bortcomlng ot ll\'lng In eri oil boom. Mre. Wood. 2 H ,3rd St., t.old police •he d hlri'l want oil and wute water flowing Into h "r garage, John Feater, 3:?2 9th St.. had hie fence damaged and a mt•ss ol oily dirt piled rnlo 1i11 y:inl. Mr1. B ledsoe, 308 6th. S t., com- plained ot dust t rom the drill r ig and a worker 1hovemng dirt Into her yard. • In the dilltrlrt where the drilling atarteJ there Is a rush to get the oil tanks pulnte<I iU1d fenced In with a concrete wall and the cement. walks and curbs are being -re1fatri . PBO"DCCXIO~ DOWN lb all of then thl'r1 are pumps w:lth walking · bt'ams r11tng and tklllng. \\'here ·there are men In atten<iance there a largely c loom. Qu..Uon1 about what the well• are pumping bring a variety of ttcuru, but tew ot them opUrniatlc -12 barrei. a dp.y. 2.0 barrela. 16 b&rret., on~ in a while iro barrels. Bat lt there are 1UQ weU. pump-ms the 100 or more barrela & day ot the ..,.u... d&yll ot the boom there wu no one llround to tell <it !hem. . Naval Reserve Men Receive Top Honor Af,ter lnspedion An outstand1n1t O\'eraU raUng wu r eceived recently by the-Kava I ft.Merv• Surlace Dh'111lo!l ll-28 under the dlrtctlon or LCDR~. E. Sample -Of Coro~a <lei )far. The CHARTL~G COliRSE-:-Lo• Angeletr Sportsman Louis Veiriek, right, points oU1 the route, to be taken by 170 yachts entered in the Newport-Ensenada race, to OCNS reporter-Pat Michahls. Veirick i11 escort commander for the event. -Staff Photo- ' honor followed inspt>cUon hy t. four-man l<'am from Elf\'('n th Xaval District hea.dquarter1 \n San Otego. . Safe,ay 1954 ·AdVertising Sums Exceed $19.000.000 Safeway Storta revealed -today OUl"VHnll dollar tip• on &dver· the company apent n1ore than tialn(. Th• f:lgllru for lVM came from • apeckl survey needed by $19.000.000 In 19~4 for retail 1.d-1 S&reway. We do not plan on an- \'l'rll.elng In lh~ 28 zones In which nu&! 11tudlu or rfport.. u they ar. the (Inn opeute1 in I.he United not ordlnarUy nece.ua.ry for our Statea and Canada. More than operation," l.A!wia added. U .000.000 wu 1pent In the Loa ,_!.. large 11hare of this retail ad· An1tele11 Dlvleton ot 81\!eway. verU1lng money wna .11pent In Robert U. 1..t•\\'ls , manager ot ncw11paper8 In line with Sa!eway's ShetCleld Servll'<'ll, a dl\i11lon or long establlahed policy to UH S:tfewar Storca r<'sponslblc for newspapera u Ore primary med· a<lverUaini dlroctioij, reported a lum for adverUalng atore prlcea Executive otricer ·for the unll IJi LCDR !il Fe.rgwion Of Udo lsle. David W. Madden, son or Mrs. W. C. Madden of Co11ta Mesa. la one ot the new sailors In the group. Race Track COffll CAkf ... l 5 • C2'c v-.1 • • tN'Pnt 11prt<tnl Chl'o'k J>hnwed that nnd aerv1cu. ,. s 1!I6~1 . 11 waa pa lo:J out during Le1i.i1 made no uUmate of Safe· , French lutteri ROUS ......... 6"' 17• ... "'20c) 19~4 for the <'Ompan~"e r"ta1l ad· way's 19~:1 propoeed &dvertl11l111" vert111lng. figures. "So many even!A deter- -The t.dvertllung expenditures, mine adverUalng upendlture1." he •<'<'Ording to L<•wl•. lncludt:d ap· 11111\I. "lhl\t an· a crurate et1tlmftte of pn1prtatlon1 tor lhe 11perlaJ pro-ruture AdvertlSln( ex~ndlt11re11 duce and mel\l <'810pa1gna which canno~ be made." wtre conducteJ by Safrway during "Sa.feway. hoY.-9Ve1', wHJ con· 1964 811 W<'ll All lhl"'ll•IVCrtltlng &p· tlnue fta aped al produce CfJ11palgn • proprtattona tor Snfrwar·a 11pon· which wu carried on during the 110rcd brands. hut eight monthl of 196~ The "l bt>ltf'\'e the total J9~t tlgme produce umpalgn which hu u h1 aa great u It haa bee.n In any llJI mRln theme 'Sllfeway Is The ~·car of Saleway'e operation. Ue-Bt'llt PlaC'e In Town To Buy Pro· •'&UH moat of our advtttlalng II duti' wlll require approlCJmately local retall <'Opy pla<'f'd ,lonlly. Sl .000.000 In advertl11lng. Thi• 111 we have _nnt prf'vlously l"f'portt'd up alfghUy from th~ l91H fl~." .. t Pollllcal A..Jnrtl!'lement I I r oll1 l<'f\l Advr 1 l18t'OH n1 I VOTE FOR DR. ROBERT H. OlANDER r. - ~ ~~ ... Dr. Robert Ol<1 1der ....... Trut.el 0....-eo-t CoU.,. e A -1-i011.i rn•ft auefllied by educJtfioft end uoe•ie rce. e Aef"'9 •A com,..•nity end yollfh -• la fh. Ote•a• Coert A.•a.. e, Fo11r c.one9• d t Cl<Ht,, onclvdl~Q • M•rte•• o.q-.• Oft '"• f.t1d oi Ed11ul.O" e Pl•doed to ,.. •.••• ~ th ~.qli •'i"d•rd ol C••"'<f• Coe•I Co!- \ • leo•. THIS IS AN IM'O-~AN1 llECTION H SU•E TO VOTE .. May 10. ltH '"~ Ill/'),..;;.,,_ .. .. . .. • • . / ~~.!~~~!~ ~ .. -COSTA MESA 1100 l\e\l\"Jk>rS Bhcl. CORONA OEL KA.a tos Couc 0"'1· AOOIU>'S LAGUNA BJ;.ACB US Broed°tfaJ fl BALBOA l81.A."1> tOO Mart.De AH . Nt:WPORT B!:AOB BtO Coeet HWJ • .. Ray SueCI for I . • • . KAJll1S NYLON SALE. EVENT $25,11.5 in Building Case l~'TA ANA (OC'Nl )-A. Coe· ta M~ wo~ ye.terday ttled a .. 111& aut tor d&ma&'u ud llnacll 06 IOlltnlct • 8upel'ior COurt 11 ...... Brin,,_. ~ ut:ioa wu J~pll· IM c. H•denon. l he Mined Jamee D. Ray u det.adant. nia plalntlrt ela1ma Aile •'*"' . . ed lnto a cC>Atn.ct wtth Rq May "Once in a fife time" "1 Our IOtll Anntveraary &lft f.o.. ~--Nationally AdvertlHd NS Buys 3-Pain-. for Just szn 8, 195', whereby U.. 4etmdut w.. ~o build a ctupaq at Hl~ Orange Ave., C<:wta M.sa.. Get Fourth fair FREE! The plainUtt contAmds work wu not at-cording to their ~t, that walka and floon1 haw crack- ed and n oora pulled away. She aaka $1~.l l~ actual d&mq ee .'.rid Sl 0,000 exemplary damagM. Regular $6:69 value--:-60 geuc;e -15 Denier • New Spring Colora KARL'S SH9ES -Ne~ to Safeway -COST~ MIU .,.:__ ·1r.... ..-eon _.. ....., ker-·~~ ·T 1--~ J • ,.els. Goocfnet1 pt~ by $ofewCI) I -CuCUMiERs ~= 2-13~ POTATOES:-. 4 ... 2sc AVOCADQS e:...-... ~ llOCCOU 15' WA~ .. CJ' krf•••· .,_,_ .. Mr.R SQUASH 17' nMWI SQUASH 17' •·• • -. . .. .......... IRnat MU SllCED CHEESE AMRICAH IWIU PWINTO ~2t C'Ol..DBROOK MARGARINE 10c 1-lb. ctn. HBNZ TOMATO KOCHUP ADDS UST YO SOWS ~ 1 ftc SYIWS. ASH _....._ 7 . Louisiana . SPICE CAKE .....,. ,,_ "-......,; SPECIAL o.n..e1y .,.... ..,.. .... 39c ... .,_kl ... ......., wl ... ,....... ...... orlr 45c. DESSERT SHnLS ~. 17c M.l.aeell•=ee .. V al•H? AppleSl1ee ~ ·• 2 '!:" 2Sc M•yoauise ::. ':: 3fc , Sleepy Hollow Syr1p ~ 29c SfONI CltOC1C SAUERKRAUT ,,.... the whole f__.ly to ~ ..... &~toftltel 2 1!: 25' . 21 : 17' GnATll DESSERT a...L6C pkg. SUNNY HILLS BEANS ,._·23c PINTO 23' 2-lla. ... 2-•· ... LONG SPAGHETII GOlD , ... 1ftc 2-lb. 37' MIDAl plr• 7 . l*I· Skylark t'resll Brea•• . ENRICHED WHITE OR WHEAT ... :::: 28• • ..,,.,. Of' hndwkh S1MM. . • 100'4t WHOLE WHEAT BREAD " 11.= 23' HOT DOG ROLLS c;.t :.::: ::!tore ~ 19c ·RAISIN NUT BREAD 1-;.c'~ '•= 211· INftY llAND AND llULll AT lkYUaK RUD llCTIOM ... ........... -..-.................. _ .................... NIB RIM ml. .. Sii.. ., I. 6. J. ttS5. Al MW&t a,m • -a8. t¥relf l<IW PllCtS·· .......... , ..... __ -. ·-Sole ........... _,.._--r-..... ...., ......... SWIFT'S BACON ~-, ... St RATH'S B4CON ::.-i St .BEEF LIVER .,_.so.:::;:,."'b:... 3·nt . FRYERS MAlllOlr~""",.... ... 7 -~0'-d-Gov't Ot'9de 4 5 ~ ROUS -..45. GROUND ., l. . SMOKISEtar-Bonei.., tororo.~ Stote ·~-.. 39c o.c-LINKS .... 49' nv.. · VlMlng ~ked. Met•·-r2 .. z. '"""ED 1trrr .,4a. . . Mild .u 7"· cura. -.. hot°'~ -Na•l-1 .. .,. -~ 11 di • __. .... -'!--y..._. .. BABY FOOD · OWIGE JUICl BABY MEATS GerW-1 Stroined l lb lnmd ~. Ser'd-Junlor 6..:.. 49' 6-19' 5-99' CANTERBUIY TEA '"°' ond • t_pke. of 21c Oro~ P'ekoe. ,.... -.. ·a...1 .. •"YI' WHITE KING SOAP 2~-:~2ac ~=-ss• WHITE MAGIC SOAP 2~~26c ' ~ 51' Su.f'urta llue Detergent..._ 491 Ll41•lfl Bl«-a«-h \/al--.? WHITI ~ .... ··26cva1.44c MAOfC lttl. lttt.. "lllJt ~:--·· 29c .... Jm ftC ....... ..... .,... . ...,. STORE HOURS Dally 9 i..m. to 8 p.m. (Friday ttr 9 p.m.) l ·1722 Newport Blvd., . PLENTY OP PARKING ON LARGE PAVED· LOT I . Sonday 9 .a.m. t.o 8 .m. .. Costa esa· - I r '• • • • • T • ------. 'I i • ·. " .. . . .. • . PART I·-NEWPoRT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS· 'rHURSDAYr MAY 5, 195! . . COUN. TY OKAYS AGREEMENT RACE CLASSIC th• flttl ktpC tlMe·piekM fortna'• r.parter Mlchatl•. lA OM wlD tooo '" 1<o o<&<< do•·o U.o <OU<,· P'" <b• IMd ,_,. '" lh• R~. to.,._Enaenada. J'n addition ta lb• llhlp-i.o..hon. ,PAGE 4 . . . . R ' -c. ...... "'-n,.. rar Amonir t o Orange county N•v•I tacllllte• rrom i... Ou.. ra~ Jt•• ON UPPE BAY DREDGING · rP"'rve 1n•n who •~ ab<i.erd two j t ral <"ha1rman ChN Ch1pm1.11 ,.,._ • • =edllil~h:s~~p~or•~N~!~ U.S. Navy d•atroyer eteoru tt'd•Y \'"'"ll~ ~<llo C'OmmunlcaUon.1 di· tor Ute N1wport-EMlt}'1da rai-t f"Cl trom tti-_ IM'arh at En-..da SANTA ..\N,A. (OCNS1-Th1 Or- an11 (;QUnl y Beard of 8upel"'(l&.oni lh\1 week took the f irat •lep in a lon1-a wanea plan to dre-d.1"• lh1 ti. In W•atmln~ter M•1norial Park. Br•dlord La 1ul'Vlve-d by hla faUt• ar and 1tep-molher. Mr. and Wra. l\u ... 11 U. Br&dford ot 7716 New· Man Ill., Hunthl~<H\ ee.Ch. He mad• hi• hon•• at that addr.u IU1tll two Wffkl •10 when he moved to Coata M1aa. . · He I• •lllO l\lrYived by hi• n1oth- ier, Mr9. Ruth Ann Bradford of North Hollywood. an~ two aiater., Mr .. Patnc\a A.nn FOiier of Sant. A'ha and Mia• Pa mela J une Brad· ford of th~ home addr•111. and hi• wife, Jo Ann Bradford. of Sant. .Ani. Bradford wa• a member nf th~ Pluterera' and Cement Finlahera Unlon. Local 489 in aanta An• and a pluterer by trade. H• wu born In Lo• A.ngelea and' llved In Call· tornla all hie life. low•r portlon of Vp~r 'Nawport Bay for a raereatlOI\ •rM. .\!Upen"i.Dr1 a ppro•lld an .,.re •. n1enl wllh Shellm.J11r Co. whera- by th• 1atler wUI handt. th• dr.csfins at 22 c.nta Pl' cubic )'&rd. • INft'IAL 'IT!:P Gou1inr out of •ppn;udmaW)' 60,000 C\lblc yardii •l • Cl9at of around Il l~ ta lnvol•ed in lha lnl.UaJ. step. Th• mone7 I• ln uw. tllrrent bud(ll, accordlnr lo lh• bMrd.- Actually. Ill• -,upt:rvltol'I hava a IMl·l"lttl', lhl'ff·phua plan· In 1ntnd· rOT th• d.!'19d.fii'I•· ni• tioard'• move Tuffday wu th• first or th• op.nlnl' p:ae. J:ach pbUI lnclUd· u thr1• •llP9· • • Th• pJaycround wlll bl loca t..t below Coney l•land •nd wtU c}a.lm about 23 aere• of ah.t.llow w•l•r and i.pproalrnately to acf'll ot aandy be•ch. TOt&I d~1ln1 coil will run •n>Und 511.000 klr tht Sll .000 •tlmated cubic yania. EXCLUDE rowza BOATS Power boa ... wUl bl kapt out ot the r-.cr .. tlon 1pot which wtll be ta9d mainly for awtmmln•. amall craft and aunba.thlnr. Th• Irvin• Co. will allow tha f<---f-t7 to ituiup d19dfed IOI on !ta property durlnr Ul9' cof\91~· lion period. TOP BRASS -There'll be plenty of busine• at hand when the board of directon of the California NeW.paPer Publishers Aaeociation me:ete thia weekend ~t Balboa Bay C1ub. Pictured above·la a quartet of publiehers, memben of tit11 Executive Board of CNPA. From left, foreground, Walter Kane, President of CNPA, and publisher of The Bakersfield Californian ; Grady Setzler; past .president and publishe.r o.f the Blythe, Palo Verde Valley News; Standing, Seymour Sterling, fi tst ~!Oe-preaident, publi8her of the Sanger Herald; and Eugene C. Bia.hop, .econd vice-prsident; publlaher of the Palo Alto Time.. -Staff Photo. p • privata recreation room, booat locker1, allpa and othtr facllltlt1. Queal yacht.men will ai.o bf. ac· commoda te-d, he •Id. Re1taurant ffrvttil •w1ll be proV1dt'd for boata at th• dock wh•r. mullc ~11 be piped. • Harbor Invutment Oo. handled the 2~-year Jtaae with Mu Crock- er, Chlc•l'o owner ot th• frontap property .,..hi!• Fred Hodrdoll. archlt.ct, dtalped th• n .... prO- jeci. PUBLISHERS . eo.ua~ t~ nnt P•.-.. •n1. from Palo Allo; Berl J . Ab- , .. I 1 .. y :• Paul H. CaawtU. 8aUn1; J. §andoi;n, San C•rlo11; F'Ted W. Hart Clinton. San Mateo: Edwin Speer•. JCacondldo; J . C lifton \\I. ~an. Ingle.wood: Mr1. Erneat Toney. Fllrfleld; Ralph H. Turner, L. Finl•)', Soult. Roa : George Temple Cit)';. Stanley Wakefl•ld, Grlme1. Oxnard. Qakdale: Newton Wallace, Win· Kenny Cawthra, form•ly ._ lated with • Newport lkach dub. will mana1• the r1staunuit ur.d be anl•ted by Roy Btn.IOn, tonn• erly of the IA Jollur. Molal ln LA J<lll• . ABC REPORT rah4m, aeeerlAry·tre~ur'"-r. &JI· Jame• A. Guthrie, San J:!.ernar· flower: A . ,Y.', Bramw1l!, Chico: dlno; Larry Mclj::eown, \1(a li!On- Oeorge Murphy, Mantee&: Arch· vtlld':' Oon O'K11.n1P.. Eur<"ka ; liar· la J. H1o:k1 Jr .. Enclnlta11; A·rttiur Ian 0 . Palmer. Holly.,.·ood; Carroll terii; William Q. Wewer. Al&m..S.: andi'ttom Orange county, J. Frank Kneble or· Garden Oro .... and Ben Reddick . A. Culve.r. River•lde.: Grady Seu-Pareher, Glendlle; Rober-t \V. One ot the event• planned for ler, Blythe: Kenneth I... Adam. Lyneh. SOnoma; Herbert H. 1-lc· evenlnr e.ntert•lnment of th1 PIJb· Lorftpqc:; Starr Baldwin. St.· Htl· Cormtck, San Marino: Maurice U1he.r• I• a moonlig,_ht rid• a lon1 emi; Re)'ftMlfld·F.-Ba.rne• of Br.w-M•rkh•m, Van Nuya: How1rd \\'. the coa11lllne of Orange Cotfuty ----'-~------------------------/aboard the boat Frontier or the 0o.u.aeo1 rr.. nm .._. bert Smith, • te.eher, ')(r. and Mra. Miio Lac)' and Mra. Jack W. He••· Olat of their remark• waa to th• effect ,A.BC .(T&di•r wa. not neceuarlty · lhe beat for thl• por- tion of th• card. TOUR HARBOR ...:... Lt. Cmd r. E. J.\ 'Brumm~er, com- manding Coast Guard Cut~er Perseus on Newport-En· eenada Race escort duty. left and Lt. Cmdr. Juan Fer- ni.ndez Reye.11.' ~lexican Navy, reprceenting his govern· ,ment' on rac.e, not~_jl;_r_bo.!_PQin_!:. of __ i!!_1:._er~~~jhq~ .~. Commodore Lester G. Arellanes. Newport Ocean Sailing Association liaison offi cer. -Staff Photo "· Too Late To Classify . r \ zg........s1tuat10D8 \1'anted f ~~pt&. ~Ho~~--­ BOOKKEEPER will 410 poeting. REASONABLY pr icl'd o:ll'an l • monthly 1tatemenl11 nr keeP' :z bl\rnJ. furn. 11plii . .' UflL r11i(I. -book.I t~r eevl'r•l ~rntll .r1rn11 Laundry r ooni. Pl11ygrouncl fur not nffdlng • full time bkpr. P. children. Blue.,, Toll Apl3., i 03 0 . Boll: 1111, N•wpoi-t Buc.h.. Newport Blvd.,\ Newporl &ach. f8~ Above. the ArcheL 49tlc ~~~~~~~~~ WANT bookkMper re. at.no, ,..n·1 offlc'e ~Pl"· 1 (irl office. Pnif'ft' attnc. UK. type. 11-d .. y -it. POO mb. Cllv• full det&ill la l•ttn'. P . 0 . Boa lt9, C:O.t. M-. 41c!IO 488-BoUNS tor )Jent OUR HOME .ln U..lboa Covea for rent to T11ht party., Avallabl• Jilly, Aus. • sePt. Own•r, Hu . 1688-M·. i~ 61-Real &fate Excbaage Balboa Pavllll<ln. Put prt1ldent1 or CN'PA. from Orange County a re C. H. Holle•. aetotiate publisher of the Santa Ana Register; Frank Ro~paw, pub- llahlP.r ot th• Pl•<:entta Courier : F ollowtn1r th• moUon by Harv•Y Pe"-fl!, tnatn who. had uked th• p&ii ·30' day1' de.lay for 1tudy 'ilf !he ·l'T&de 1tudy commltt•'• re- port and th• report c•rcl, William H. Spurgeon Ul, commltt" cM.lr- man, N ld h• thourht It a talr mo- tion. He Informed th• board hi.a comrnltte• left th1 rtport card0I de&lp up to th• adlool prot--.loa- a>o. J u•tua Cra e.mer, t ormetly ot lh• Oran.I • Dall)' Muns!ngwear Nylo!l Tfi cot Slip. " .._ __ J....:.. ·:.c:· with pe..,,;.d'tfll foting · '695 Bcauly "·ith a txrmanent Wi'lve in 1his ~·lunsingv.·car "Jewel in Nylon·· ---· Slip.-lwhly_trim.Q1ecll\'.ith_ .. permanently fluted .nylon nc.t and embroidered n ylon sheer. OC!ligncd to fit yOur figure with' hand-tailored pcrfecUor:i4 Color•1 ,... black, pink, .,hit•, rid ' Othen from $!." to $10.95 • •• lirigerU .J... you' U tr«JSUr1 Th• recreation P"i'(l"Un baa nc>- U\llll' to do with Nawport Be.ch'• &nn•x•tlon ol. a.pproalm•laly 1900 Upper Ba7 a.er-. T\I county hu protd9d lha lnclu.ton of It.a Udl and Wbm~ 1a.n4-IJs tbli --· •U~ Mcl1glen1 Sell . l1lbo1 Home hrehut ot lM Vietor Met.as· Im Mlm• at ·noo w. Oc.an Front and .. 1. of thotlr Cua 11141 M~ by Mr. and Mn. Edmund Buma waa announC..S today 0 b7 t h 1 B~. 'ni• BaJbm. ap&rttnent WU IOld to ~ 'W. Roye. Of th• HunU Hot•l lll Paaad•na thro!JP. a.4c1--Rtnr- th• .H.rborl ln•.r.m•t c.o. Mr. and Mn. KcL&sltn Ill'• r.- malnl11& bl tM Harbdr ar-. IMa-inl' a hom• at 111· W. Ba1 Aw•. Thi.a ... 111: tbli· BW'ftaM att ~ wvminc"' th.U n-home Mth th.t.r twina Joh.a and JMJ\· nett. who arti oeil•bratinc lh•lr twan.t7·ntth bl.rthd&J'. With tham ar• John'• wit-. Klr'tU. and Jann•tt•'• Jt.uab&nd., WUUam P . Batchald1r. nia Bw'n.-o,....t.ct Cuny'• Clamp Baldy 8-ort ln •-Bernu,-. dlno Mounlal.N for :IQ >'••N. Caaa V•rd• Apt.a. ln N~rt B .. ch for ...,_ ,._,. &Jad th• caaa d• M---. -u.. put 79&1'· " • 1 ~­ \ .. TWO lats• t'adwood \-uo tAblN 6: ti.le-6: 1 al~lnum car port JO a 20. Call •rt·• Cata, 17UI 6: N.wport. B\vd., Ca.ta. ,._ 4k60 80 ACRES W\tll 1320' f rlintqa ~ U. S. Hlgh- w•7 91 '6 488. "" mlle trom Knott& Ca.11<:0 Mine Gho.st Town devalopment. n ear Bar1tow . Wopderfl11 prot!Pf'cla for tutu,.. ~n ... and re1ldentl-.I .Ubdl· ' ~j6n. WUI f':o;Clutng• and II· aum• OJI f ood Income or vanint c<>mmi!!darl L. :A . or · Oranr• Count!~ I .on:~ nt.m.t y 1:\'ENl~O I , ....... ................. '°'_" llOLLTWOOD. Md, limed ,oU book<:9M ht&dbolard. Good mat- u.... 6: 1M.r aprlnp. 140. Lrbe-rty 1-lNI. 4ktl0 eine 1 's ' ..,,_._ ud ~!'> ___ _ '4.I S'nJDEBAJ(ER ptck'Up, ·~ motor. ovfrdrive. 54 9~. 140 In· Fisher & ~omp~ny itua~al °"'ay, eo.t.a _M-. 2603 Ne~·JlGl·f Bl . ~ 4&<::~' Hllthor 44 211 ~·.,.·port Beach •s~:.o DEPART~TORE 1111 !'i'--pori Bl't'd .. cone ·- FttlE PARKING REAR ANCI . ' ~'So l)J\'I: Gr,.-8T .uo'8 ' • \ are\~ Harbor area.mf'n. or th• f1n:Nt or t a rM:'a. port·EnMn&da rac,. [' h hu w_,.. Oat aiid wind &llfht. t~ H,Ul80R Ml.ES • 'fl!• aun t.Med valiantly to s•t 111 "n o .. who are on tht USS Gou y 11 own view ot the l"M:'ll .. th! at.rt-and USS \'"'f'\kn are ),IUffl Gron· 1 e ow· Alert 1r'1·horn echoed b&ck apln.t tht alty, N~I 1 ... S.rln.,,•. Patrick o; cllffa. but Old Sol.only "rfl•~•i;•d Barrett. Gf'Clr1e P."Bunker. Denni• bar-.ly to rut.er throu1h th• 1r•Y.l tt. i....t1hto. Jame1-U. Maloney Jr., f L al OWl'CUL Rudolph Jr>tartlne&, Michael UArt-or ftl: Thou.aanda of i&•rbor realdenta 18tt, Geort;f' B. Hotn,1,.n, lo"rank , ~ ~l\d lou_rl• ... Ua9d the plct~re-ciu• M. Selr.on. J\obert G. Shlfflt'r, Ro-CD R . eel • bhdf1, ot Corona Utl Mar to peer be.rt L. Sn1ith. JaHpb Jn1:T'An1, 1 eport do.-. on top ot lh• t oy n..t. Cara UX::R G. Ii:. s.tnple and LDC;R J.: alonr Ocean Blvd. crept up and W. Fergu.on. j do'wn th.-atrett a• drlY'1'9 look.ct OCNS NI.a bffn provldf'd 1pttL11l 1 t..cx-11.l clvll d1&fen" l\l;ht and beD (OT •IMt-mlnut• ~rkln& placiea, radio facillll~•. lhrouth Radio al.rn1 in Newport Bt'ach poll~ d•· lon1 ·1tnc• taken by ••rly •rfi.vall. K\VlZ tor th., .v ... nt. OCNS R 111>Ul'l· pa~tn,,nt reJl•tier...il a yellow' a lert Autoa lined ,U'I• curb• tor block.I. tr Pat Mlchael1 will be abo:'lard !ht~ at I O;i S 11 .111 . 1ort1y , 1.-eol\111'11 to Every root and Mill d.cck waa cov-11lef'k eacort ve18f'l La O~• owntd pi.1l1(e. 1no1 lo:atln1 an "a tt1ck ro--- •red with 1peetator1 peerinr by Lot '-'ngele1 8pec'l•!na11 Lrn.111 tble" 11larm. j throu1h 1"iu.tea. wlndtn1 movie Ve\rlo:k who ta e11eort conuriandf'r P<ll1..;; .... aid rounty i1alll'n &O cam•~ •il'hllnt" tor tha perfect for the rao:e. . j "'·111·11n cme n1inule. put out • 1:en• lohot. , I E\'F. ""IT,.-ES!J KP:P(>HT er•l brmutraat \<l •ll ca r• and •l•• Nobody na~ed away .tter the. Eyewitnl!u rtpc.rl11 ot th" rao:t !!on~ 1111.yini;. '"Thia l• not a' !eat, tlartlng ltn• w•• Cro..Md .. Hun-arl! rx!l(!r lf'd !o b" prov~t1~11 Ot..':>.'S \hia 11t 1tn Krtu"I w"rnll'\I .'' Th• dred• cont.lnuf'd to llne~the bl uff• by the radio ron1n11~1rlrllt1on1 ~e1 I a11 rle11 r'wu rPCeh•rd h•l"fl at lO:if wa\(hlnl •ptttacula.T •lrht u 1 up. dirl'l"tly front La OM by' 11.r11, , •• or $20,000 ~N CASHI GUAllANTEED ANNUITY PROVIDED ay THE F- NOllTH AMERICAN LIFE AND CASUALTY CO. HerU ftrwwial w:urity .•• u.. ct..not· M» trawl. '.pi JO'll'.. ... ho6bi.. really live. •OrK11 .)'OU r..:A 55. 8F1~~ ................ PAllS . 1-,_lii'ZtilTWA-I . Pm SHI u.,... 11 ,_ ,.._, Oklrioat twe .-k vamtM.. ThriW-. _..._..,...~,_,a .. ,. ., 1...a"7 ~ .. Pan.. .... , ... , c::t.b9. .... --. --·-. t.lwtzwl ltss PACUID Call•• C.aozr''' -l:ultllls -C.. II ... -2711 b .p . ••si--Mll'.b&Mel V..t '9 • inodtrn •utomoW.!-1-.U-·~ atuy,2and S-toDloo&OI'-''. · • Tonion ...... ridtl ••• AID AS 1y POSTUREPEDIC WILL IE CMI FREE to --frDlll · Martl1I hnlltlft · 0... 1'00 ,,..._ .. ~ ..... ,,.,_, Co.. la for JOU1 ol!icial ftlt.ry b1'1nk "~ mU11t be .._. lo --thlil ...._, -- .. .,._WlllN .. ..... .... • \t,__./. ~ ~ ~) HERE'S ALL YOU DO.TO ENTER! JWI ............ ,., .. ...,.. ...... OMCll YOU .... °'" a lllAlY. YOU'U IAY1 .._.,A MAnttUf IT'I lmcT\f 0.ATT" Nlfhlfl TOO ~ -MAI• wmltl'S-~T4AllO, --·-------------------~~--(,.., ..................... ~ ... , .......... -.my ... -··· • ,."'"""'' M1rs n11 ON1 TO a. aACX-AOm •••fr v-·• ~ ....... ., _,. -... ....,., ......, .................. _, c...,,.. .............. .. CllOOSl SUlTr'°'" fWUUfKT Slnrl You C:&M 'T clcep ,_,r.on•P .... tur•p•d c thcon~• t o S.:117 1cien1ific .-.,n.:.~u.,Oll as-i,mua~ .. Oii . Clow!, 't ........... #l*IL ... ..., ___ .......... ......... .. , •;• --...... -::::: ........ ,.._,.,.. . ....... ~ .... ........................ _ .. ._ w..u. __ ..... .. __ y_..,.__.,_ .... .,. ... ................ ~.·•:-............... -....... ._ ........... ............... " • --~ (..; 0. &I ·:::::: , ., • ..,._.... 7 .. --•o. ...... _._ .. __, • of C0\'"9 Friday 'ti ' p. .. EZ l•dvet T- FrM Delhwy Ample P.nJiit .. • I • " .. ____ ..._ __ ~ ______ .:._ __ ...:....__,._ THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE-Senor and .Senora David Qj(·<.la. mayor and his wife of En- aenada, listen to Ken Griewe of the city's sign department explain how decals are made by the 11ilk screen process. Mayor Dora Hill escorted the \'isiting pair yest erday on a tour of th~ city which included the corporation yard where Bill Co\lert second f rom right, explained operations. -Staff Photo READY FOR MODEL U. N. Orange Coast College students receive their final briefing for participation In the m odel U. N. meeting t o be held at San F rancisco State College today and tomorrow. P urpose of the model U. N. is to give .stuuents a realis Lic ,·iew of world problems. Twelve .hundred college and university stuuents are expected to participate. Sh.own above (L to R) are Dwain Gat tcrctam. J ohn Sharp, Francis H arrison, Miles ~aton, in- structor, Max Croszman, Penny Kcc\'er, Inge Grundmann. RED -CROSS WORKEitS tv1Ast£ ~A'iORS Junior Red Cross workers at Horare P,nsi ~n ~C'hclOI arC' making trny fa,·ors for hos- pital pati<'nt;; nt Long Bl':wh ,.,•:1•r.:ns Jf. s' •ital .. t~r11p11litan ."late Hospital at Nor· walk and the childr('n'" tubercular wnn.l o. Or angc County Hospital. ~ince 1950, Lhe students ha ,.e made 13,nno holidrt\' r;i, 0: ii f, r f, iJ t rays. From I e ft "working on Fo\lrth of J ul~ fa,·ors under the cl irrt·t in:1 o: 1 h··ir t•'>ll'h1•r. l\h~~ Crnc Dulinl are ya- tricia· Pierce\ June Akorn. An ne ~l:inl.' :\tu'' r. ~i:iry 1.u I 111wnin;::. TC'd Pur\'cs-Smith and John Fields. Linda Spratt. ~l'•·n·t:iry o 1!11• Jun1. r l!l il CrMs 'C'ounril was absent. Mary Lu i!I prc!;ident of the council anJ Anrn• ~.1.1ric ''ll'C'·prcsidcnt. -Staff Photo , .. ..... LUSH \·EGETATIO~ -F:nJ11:' inc h1!. h.~h .·tin gar,lrn : t :.:n1i1l O< l':1n l~l·•l.l.. Ralb•.rn. is Enic~t ~ch:ir~.·hu~. Thf' neat s:r.-1 'l card 1 C"t 1" I hv ~fr an·I ~Jri-: S1 h:1rvt11~ was incluJed in r ecent Hai l>vr Arla t, .. 1 1 " l v u.. ~ ~ . .11 I 'ti. .u . ., 'EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGES THURSDAY, MAY S, 1955 i TREET MASTER ·PLAN NEED AS MESA ROADWAY SOLD f XTENDED SERVICE -APPLICATION FILED BY . PHONE ·co. FOR COUNTYi . Co.st& Mesa n-ally ne~ a atreet muter plan. Th!• waa rlearly emphaa!zed dunng Monday n ight' .. dty council .U• awn by City Planning CommL.s&loner E. L. Parttreon. fri urging count'U to provide. surh a Me11a ..atreet plan, Patttraon revealtd that a reel u tate pun r~cently aold a J0x600·Ct. 11te that hu bffn a atre~t for 20 yeara. The re&l utale agent, Patterson 1&1d. 11 now·poueaaor of "? utremt!y red face. Gtner&l Tet.phone Co. ot C"aJI. A T tJrat propoetd extl'ndf'd 111r· 1 w1>Uh1 b<' nl'<'P&Mr '. It a1>ld. lo •· !om ht ·today flied an a pphcallon "'···~ ll. propoa, J l111 rbor rxchanr• ):Ill•''''· <'rd r anJ lnatall the re- v.1th &.he Callfornl• Public Utlllll~ would h•Vt> the un·lee to Hunt-1 qull't'<l Njllopmrnt 10 convt'rt \e Cotntn!Mlon coveting. the tAtllblleh-lngt,0:1 and Lit.gun. &achn . exttnM•I 111'1 "" ,., ment of rxtended aen·lcf' In The telephone company Hf!· 1 Tht , •'llll'Anv •llld It dou not Orange County and porttant of Loe matu IC extea<Hd Hrvk• wt re In· &11l1r11111tl' 11 lrn1tl a n11wer 10 th• Anf elu County aucurated without adjunlnr Jlft•· a ppllcAll•m un111 public hurtni• "But the J>Ar1Y for whom h• llOld Ult property bad title to It." Patterson revealed. "The city hu no control over theM haJt strtell and whole atreeta that atart and go nowhere.'' The company ult• th• commla-ent rat.., It would suffer a ntt I h•WI' t>t-1 n ht'IJ anJ the PublJe alon: ll \ to detennJne whtlber lou of •103.408 annll&U.y. 'nlla L'tllltl.-s ·ommlll&lon haa rnvNU• Ute public f?Jterut. requlru the N· tlcun la baMd on UI• r.duoUon p ied all pbuu ot the 1ubJect. labllahment of e.xtanded ~ce lJ\. ta l'tnft\Me 1f toll e&l1a bet'wtlea - YISITIMG DIGNITARY Mayor Ojeda of Ensenada . Guest of City Officials It.a Orange County temtory and &NU were ellmlnat.ed ud ta. In cVtain portlou ot J>o'llfnt'Y, added coeta ot ~ a .,...i..r WhltUt r and Lonr Beach t.ele-tnvutmant t.o accommodate ft· phone exchansu which are ad· I tended MJ'Y.lce wtih a.pproprtate Jacent to Oni.ncA-County; t2) It adju.tment.a tor ctrtatn decreaeea the commlaalon flndl ' ut.ended tn opera~ upt.nMI. CODlp&llJ aervioe I.I In the pdbllc lnt ... t. otnc1ala aahJ. ~•ral t~phone uk.e tor au-1 C.rt.ain trl&l rataa an 11.lQ9l· Jhortty to chanr• and add ttle-.ad ln th• appUc:aUoa coverlllf In· phone. facllltlt'11 Lo provtde tor: It. I dlvtd~ and party llne. bubl .... Mor.eover. It extended Mrvtce and ruldenc• eervlcea. A. ftw are: were authortud. lhe company a.alt.I HunUnrton Bellen ud Wutrntn· for aulhortty to utabU•h new 1ter-one party bulneU ff.rv1ce By PHYLLIS .J • .IACKSO:S Equal lnterut wu ahown by ratea whll'h -wou~ repll>ca pru-would lncreue from le to 111.26 "Con 1:111cho gu11lo, Senor y Ojf<la ln lhe Newport Be,ach coc· ent rates for local ex:chang, aer-Beach ~r monU) wbli. i....wia Seftora." porauon yar~. He aaw there lhe vJce. The tompany further aska Beach would lncreue from lf.60 NeWpOrt Rubor embraced to Ila mechanlca of the city and what tlal toll telephone rat.ea between to 111.2~ one puty and f4Nr pe.r- he.arta the smiling m11yor of Enae-koeP• ll running. the...a.reu covered tn Ula appllat.·' ty rellldtn._ rataa tn Hunlinrton nada a nd hi• wife, Sr. and Sra. When ~hown the complelllUe8 lion be wlthdrawn lt'~d~ aer-1 Beach and Wtetmlnater would l'O David OJ~da. -p! llt'niclng the many parking vtce were Inaugurated. : up U.~~ and II ne~tlvely whJle Although thl'lr \'lslt. In honor ot lnl'ters. Mavor Ojeda smiled. "We The proposed r&tea wou!d be Lafuna S.a.ch would tncnrue fl '"'l'Ort • l!lftt1eP1•d• sa~i. Tl'e--rrG<TnQy:-for--tl,..._-Y4.t..-.in..l..th~. c. aame u the ratea no"'. ~·rr· and 76 centa for th• aame p..- wu brief and hurried, the youni Ellllenada. \\'~ ha"e & parking by-ttl" PM"lfle TeJaphon couple left a glow -0C warm friend· probll'm, but the tourist• would 'i'eleJTaph Co. In the Barbor area. PorUona ahip behlnd them. National duUu. not like the mete~." Whlle Ha'rbor telephone UHl'll can Beach &nd WhJtUer excbanpa of a apee<:h early lhl.e momlnr and now only call Liberty, Klmberly lhe company .tfecled by lhe the traditional raisin~ of Uie flag l n lhe &lgn painting department, a.nd LEhlgh numben w~lhout change under the plan would not thla morning In Ensenada Cor Senora graclowiry accepted five charge, tt Is presumed that Hunt· lncur u tnct'ffAle ln monthly Cinca de Mayo celebrations called de<"als of the City of !':ewport. ~gton Buch and Laguna Beach charru. Ojeda back to hl.9 count(y. Ht Beach presented to her by Ken exchanges would be<-ome avalli>bl• In ~ appllcaUon lhe company w111 welcome local ya.chumen In Crlewe ot the algn d~partment tor u toll free extended aervtce, If aa.ld It would requtre a.pproxlm&t'· hll ctti at the completion or the lhe five little Ojeda.a at home. the pubUc uWltlea commlaalon or· Jy 2' monlha to p~ Hlended race. The allractlve (lrsl lady of Jl:nae-dera the lmp'l'vement In Mrvtce 1 aemce tn effect from the date It Mayor Dora }{Ill ho11ted the nada smiled with a mot,l\!''r's de-t or <aner&l Telephone. When !"I' I_, ordered to do llO. Thia period Ojeda.a with a qulc.k t our of the vollon whf'l\.-llh• aald lilr three Harbor area The Enaenada ma, .. girls a.nd tWJ> boy.s ranre tn l&'et or wu pee.~ly Lntere11ted In t,...·1-. from 9 year• to 7 t; monlha. Centra~ N&wporters Ask Park Not Be ~ept Trailer Facili.ty LOUU C. \'ESATO& L. ·c. Venator Dies in L. A.; Funeral Due Private 1ervlct.1 tor Lou!JI e. Vena.tor, CU. of 8 Ancon B1ty, who Cfled Tunday In hi• Loa Anrelee a partmrnt. \\i ll be hrlJ al Balla Ing the new treatmelft planl of The tour 11ped the couplj on the County Sa.nltaUon Oiatrlcts. throu!\,h lhc clt..y and IU apa.rkllng He 11ald 1hal water ta plentiful In harbor before festivities which blll city a.nd county but the.I the ran1t, forth laat night from Ule proper eUmtnaUon of wutl' watl'r •kippers' kirk-oft dJnner. I lj ot prim~ conalderatlon Jn Ense-e.mlgoa -1011 muy A la1'1Jely a ttu1ded Aprll meet-port impronment ...-oclallon and Mortuarr. Coron& d~I Mar . .nada u It 111 heft'. Ing ot the Centn.I N~rt Com· Larry Bergeron of the Newport JO.fr. \'~nator wu executh•e l f'C· munlty Aaaoclatlon wu unanl· lal&nd aaaocl&Uon apoke on com· rela ry 1tnd g eneral manag~r of lh• l 1 I ~i11J51ft1=1iJH~~:::=1!1~~~E~~~~i:::!~=~m~o~u11ry In favor ot UllJ!IC' traJl~r. •wally, park and recreation prob· StaUI Mu1rum nf Stlt'nco and In· I ~~~.,.., l! ..., duatry al Expol'•tlon Park, h&vtnc an -ordered the ueoclatlon o fl· bcrn .. ..,..-. ... .-~~~ai.g~~~!..----...:.:1 rers to do evtrythlnc poe11l>l.e to lfjt • ., A 'th An ardent yachlJlmAn, he p G1FTS, DENIES BRIBE prf'Vtnt a retraction or .. reaolu-RPfl no er ned tb eall on t he Nevtport·Enae- tlon to that effl'tl pasaed ln..19M nada rllCt'. He had llvt'd-here Ula by the city counr ll. • • M•11• D II pu t •Ix years. The aasoclatlon . also voted to I ion . 0 a r Bdore World War II ht WU .. write the city manal('er relative to rommerclal ettache for the U. 8. • ISANTA ANA MAY ts !OCNS) Kerule llllid he once bought a pl-kreptnri: i;tr"t encia a.lone Bay Bll.ldl•ftfl Month State Df'pa.rtment and the Depart- -The prosecution today brought ano from Mrs. Jone.s for $&M. Avt. open f or public un, aft(r • . ~ ft ment of Commerce In ChlnL Dur- out t he pcreona1 relationship be-Altorn~y Sam Hurwitz. rtpre-report had been made that lt_~t Inc h la care.er he had •erved aa a tween its Jct'y wltneaa Mrs. E~ie aenUng Ava.a. 6.llked MacKenzie If rnC1• are being devoted to proett Bulldltc pennlla In Newport ~porter on the Loa· Ansel• I Mickey) J ones a.nd defendant H . he 'ver asked hl11 client t.o aoUclt "Pbll by adjacent property owners. BeM:h qi APril reeordj!d '1.0.0.· nm .. and u • n port.er and tor- E . MacKel\%1e at the latter'• U· brlbea. Macl<enzle gave an em-The membership alao voted to re· ~. ell1bi!Y' under "'Karcb wbkb etcn co"'"POl>dent m tM ,._ brl.... tr! 1 h pbatic: "No." queat the city remove •nd dune• bad a. hip of tt;au,oeo, MIOOl'd· Yerlll Ttm-. ·~ naUve al~. quor Ucenaa .,..ry • ere. ALLKOED P-'YOFF .rrom the ooe&ft belLcb and stve the tn1 to R&ymond Olenn. 119uUdlfts Arla., be wu ~ ln .....,._ Ma.cX~t. su.apended dlatrlct ~e al.o ~ d-sed beedl IL thorou_p clu.nlns from laepecto1'. Ap..U, tffi had a \OU.1 ne\d Wh•l'9 bia tat.Mr -tn the liquor dilef and Georce Avu, s.a-ever recalYinC STDOO trom Ava. 14th at .to Newport Pier. ~ '751.028. • oU ~ t• Ana bAr owner, a re &ec:umed ot IUI an alleged payo!t trom J ack Art CUbba~ of the Werit New-T?le 145 pennlta 1-led _,.. 41. -A .,-.dual• or Stanford UntTer- arranglng $15,500 worth o! liquor j vtded tnto the followlnr .S.part-atty, Mr. Venator wu a member llcenff payoffa In t.ht.. county. Kennedy, Costa Meea bar owner. mente: sln&'J• wa.tt ,....d•oa' a. of the WIWNn D. Bc.pb-~. Under the cro11s-cxa.ml1111tlon o( Kennedy tutlfled he g&Ve Ava.a Subdivision Denied for 1732.449; ~Wilt 1'Mi· w . r•AX. Al M•l•llalh T-ple. $7500 ln currency 1Lt the latter'• 1 • LO. ..,_ CJ b A o AJislatant .Attorney Gener&! Thom-l'tfaje11llc Bar a.nd laur rot a.n on· Newport Beach City Council dtncu, al.x for 192.IOCI; tJ>ree·fam-A~H u an., Un&' aa W . Martin, MacKenzie admit· llaln liquor ltcenae. -ily Wilt rHldenCM. two f or ni,. Te Corwbtory or Pekin; China. a.dj d L Monday. April ..:!!\ concurred with 7-He ·--·--ed by h1I widow ted g1\•1nc ·Mra. J onea a ,r 0 . an , :-.trs. J ont's wu na.rnl'd In a ""' ....,, ....... n ' !lending htr nrd3 on \i nlenunes 1 grand jury lndlctment with AV&ll the plannlng comml:u.lon In deny· Rep&lre to dwelllnp, under Dorotpy ol th• home .add:-; a Uay and her birthday. One was I IU\d .MacKenxie, but chargell were Ing rl'~ubdl~islon of Lot J, BroeJ< 11000, 39 for $10.P:S; onr $1000, eon.. LUI J., U. 8. Navy, Penaa.cola. signed: with lov~. Mee. drop~d by Jud"'e Kenneth Mor· 12 Tmct 27 Into two R·2 building j 27 for '$9:5.40-0. Cabanu , 23 for Fla., and a dau(hter, Mra. Na.ney ,.. " ' -. 132,600; cvagu, four for $:50:50; ColUra, MexJco City. OA \'E HIM Rl~O rl11on when 11he turned 11tate'11 /lite., a.nd 11\Ji:;gutrd thavihe entire I new commercial, one tor •7200; re· Frle.nda w1llhlnf to memorialize MacKenzie aald Mra. Jones gave cvldence. Shl' hL!I alll'gtd mnking block should be rezoned lnlo an palra to commercial bulldlnp, atx b.lm may donatt to tho Shr1nera' him a diamond Masonir nng. mon· 11ever11I hquor heense r ayocr col-R· l district If subdivision of any ror $9t0. and HYeD •ma coal Hoapltal for Crippled ChlldAn, PY dip an1I bill folJ11. He 1nd1cat· lect ions for MacKenzie. aJ f h 1 1 &JI d I UT~ ' Looi Angelu. ~theynch~ed~ru~Ch~~I J~~~~~~~~~o_r~~l~o~t~e~o~t~a~s~~o~w~•~·~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n·htS. trt&l a~ 4:30 pm. today unt\1 101.. ---- l He denied he ever gave Mrs. 11..m. Monday. The deft'nse waa ex· J ones a gun or told her IL .25·call-pt'Cled to work on char&cter wit- bn' colt wn11 no good and he would neasu for MacKenZJe t his after-I 1 KCt her fl Smith and Weason .38. noori. Four already nave been pro- 1 Martin queried on the guna. Mac-I duced. • J M C · 250.000 Dike and Colgrove 11ubdl· I ~ca ensus vt&lon of 113 Iota at t.he nortbwut ~ ~~~ner of McyPr Place and J~th , H L""' h d A.lkfd City Attorney Don Dun·, I ow aunc e S&n to bring Separate amendmenlll 1 to the next rrs;utar m.eettng crea t· I City Mr\n&ger Gel"l?'ge Coff,.y in· Ing 50 rt. ~t'tbaC'kM for rxtenl!llon of Corm<><! Co~tl\ Mesa City Counc11 1 \.\'e!tt1J110!!l!'r A\'I'. b1•lwrcn 17th .Munday nl~ht the special c<'naus 1 and 18th St.s. aml a propol't'd strerl woultl get underway Tut11day alt-300 fc~l off 22nd St. 118 11tlvocat~d emoon. Supervisor E. G. Uwli1 by the cit y planning comml11~lon. 1 reported today lhe 23 enumerators I Adopted the · OranJ;e County 11tertl!J on ,.ched ule 11nd the cen· tra1lrr park ordlnanre a!I wnltcn. sus would br• c'lmplrted by the.end exc<'pl tor a dl'lrtlon or e. llfOlton I of ne>.t werk I cnlllnit for lkPMI' ft'~ll ·On a ~01111 Bot:1 Cr-Hty a nd L<owls reques t· rectlpt.s basis. I NI C •st11 '.\It'll& 1<e~lt.er.ts who h&\'t ALWW \'ARIA;\('E I t» be ab.-<font ~t>m home on \'lslt.s AutW>rlzed a vanan<:r Cor 11ev· 1 th!~ w.-•·krnd or next we<'k to love ' em.I Iota foum1 In NtOlll llon or Mesa nl'<'<'' s3ry l11form11tirm In • s scall'd llrtbnck requlrrtn1?nfs in llw 9:;. 4'\wPI ir•' "A ili\ a nc1ghb111 l•rqulr· lol Hunny lnvc11tmenl Company • ed 1nrnr matlon lndurles names, 11ubd1\!ti<i<1n br"tn•J<'d hy \\'ol'OOn, f'w hou~· h•1ld rrla:1on!<h1r11. ~l'x. race I mona. Victoria 11.nJ l'ucnte St:!. 1 a.nd aJ:•'. I~".~ ~a1 ,ubjtcl t'l nppro\·a1 rlJ the cit) A."'iSWt:R Tiit: l>OOR • plllnntng comml~sian. I "If you hear 11 knC)('k ol lhl' do,.,r l'a~sl:'<l a 11•sulut1nn rh·clnnn). or ,011r il•-or belJ nni, ,,.. Le\\'i.• wPc.dir as 11 nul•.tnL.e m l lttJ ~It >• ad,.;,.,..i ~ll'!!<l n-:-td•·nl . • pl··~ .. rnrrt I'< ll n r ~Pltln..-Jun<• G n., •lat•• an:slo(·rr. \l mt1y be l~1,. 1 ,,nru~ "' rubl.c 11.·.ir111:: uro 1hc matter. I I enumi!rntur.. I : .. r.-rn ll I•• 1 he • • ,. al\o~e~ Jn nthrr bti.'<on• !'!! ~lun•lav. the Cnr M11tly 1111.i 1rp•o1 l hnrk ::)1111 C n 1 · • · Lt>aridro or.hn.1nces p1·ovldin~ f"' · .., 011 Cl • ~t ~ I I t; '''<! arr.,nd nn 1 fllllJ rPftol.ri: 11rr"r·linl!' in r o~v . :•'ln~rr ,rorJ!• to the ,llr·hnnn ~ \\l.o;·h hro!'<:' ('01 · •• !h•'. C'<thet1c et p!dt.in.:e Bak,.r St. ~o. l .• :.11• sal1u:1 1:1·u •( hmlolon.,i. A ,f._111tr· t ll 11~ 1 i:: 1r u. Jug $-ti ~ 1'(1d t it (·l1iq1'• l :: 1 111' l 1'' tor \r\ , city l1n.1l~ .luae I. n11 l•1tl111i.: ~""' 1· ern <"ahf· rnla U1Lr~ < • .. 11 i.". r '11· 1 t·ou11::.: f ~1r J,:round n J"•1lt1 n . f ,~al!n· ··~t ": n \\ •l•'I ll•"lUl. ~an·aA n'l,\rmv.\1rP•1 :ln•llhr 1:.; ,,\',. •·.·11 r .. ,l reit11l 11 Hu·· ~t1bd1\UH<n. u··,·1 .:'"'·!t-·.i•ll.t .... s.iun.:Si'; ("..,nlln1~ o1 1'11"1.I' hf':\lln~ r-n ."llo•j th ( lrBIOJ:I' ("n1mt )' flO(hl <'Ctn· '1-h~n l'flrk,n~ f.h·lr.d :-;, •. 2 1111111 11' I •ll•t~1, 1 'n r •,f'ltlily. of 11 M:1v hl v.h1•n a 11111 1 .. 11111 11 "'"·"· ,, '"·'•'ntinn •:i i1~·· ,,f I h11Jll"' plnniu:-~~ ,·r,n111u$~ton 1 t•:J 1t1Ht,.:• ::o 111' nti ~ ,,,. th\ ~ta•,, J t.:,:i-i\.il~Jt· \\"111 f''i rt cin $t\·n ihl• pttktt h l' lll• \.n.P t:<ltO"'·•·n t~ n\B•!r. < u~~ ~r' , .... r .r.(' :-;~\\r11rt '''"· 01,.J ti ~!·.«will n:am th" moni~s.. r. HR: b ,r A:, 1. •1,,. t !.• 1 ,i\1n \y ~ ,u be 1 h··ln u,,-.~ HJ:7.lt'\L \ \Rll I' \llC ~:t. "' 1l 111lhl'r \hlln J..:t It rev!'rt back 1 (,.-\\'fl t.r!'>t 111,ttn· ,,. an •f'·l· 'obt~te'1·olfcrs. '\ ni· .. . , 7 .ll • 'I; I'< :l• 1, .• , , ' Rl'•J ucr.I city bu~ine1u1 llceoso \' 1· 1 1 1., 1 1 .. tn'll,. :u~, i: I• " f1o:n S If) lo $12 f11r Costa n'" I • ' I' ' ... \\I,, '"' l\ .. ~ M1 cs' rrn 1· nts With no r1xrrt plan llU 11.c:. !.•,if,.._ •ll ''"• t'f.tt•f'\r, •( b•tnn•"'._ lfu1! ,,,.,. 1!,; ... ,.fl .,·1 111!\'~•nr· -------------- lnJ; $:.,,..,, 1 .. ~1" .. 1 .... 11.111; •hiotn<t CaS(('Pura Enf!Y. · ~. I I J t I, ' I I I .tp ~ ...... ur I t '' "'lo.. ar n.~,·t.q.; , : th< I P;,s•lb!~ stlempte J lllrgal entry re •n I In to Cua Pur& on Cou t Highway 1, •. , f!t1'1 11rr r«n1l to 11n or7lln· wn1 r~port,.d t'l police Sunday nn • o~ 1n1 • nl" n t .. r < t rn 11i; \' .r· whrn t~e buri.;le.ry ale.nn "'IUI dla· r r .a. < ,1 1U1J A 'h·· rt p J,t,.. ~ hr· '" v .. r.-.1 n ngoni; Ofrlcen 1ald a t "A•..,•n p 1 ;~ a:i ! ~1n• n A n:i A \'rs ~· 1 u m v. ,.,, ~ '1.;ltUy pushed ln on I Acct'pt~J final map on lht $1.· O?I window. 1'oth1n& ,..... mlulnl· I • ., . loo~ing fol a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? v' the Want ~els NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 t/ the ·want Ads AN ATIRACTIVr: RiENT~L? t/ the Want Ads Whf'ther you " .. nt to buy or want to stll, the Cla.,slflf'd column" of this neM.8ft&pel'. orter the best O&>Jl<>rlunlty for ft'Jmlb •.• A four line acl "m appear Monday. Wrtlnr·~day and Tbur~ay ln onr 2X,OOO coplc•111 $~00 for Only. ~ • e e this V~LUE. Call . Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker ' - -.. .. • • • . I ,. -----• .. ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS _ __;,,_. __ __....;;,....___- .. . -l. \ ' I I - F I R s T ~ -••. with AtL the Niws -. . . COMPLETE· c ·ovERAGE .. ,.. . . . of th8 HARBOR ARE~ , . ·-4 . Published Twice . Weekly . . . JraWPO~ B~RBOR RE-WS 'PRSSS , '-' UP • •.I • -·.,.,1. Monday· ~ . Thursday . . . S-UBSCRIBE · --NOW! ... • Coining Your · Way ... ·the · ".CARRIE.R BOY'' ~itb his Hom~ ~eliVery of' your local Pap; ' . . PROMPT· EFFICIENT DELIVERY .EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY ' , .... . . .. , l « IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NEWSPAPER, YOU WILL WANT IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR THE LOW SUBSCRIPTION PRICE *' •I OF SO~PERM~NTH. (BOTH MQNDAY AND THURSDAY PUBLICATIONS) ONLY per, month Brings Both Editions to . You by·_ . . . CGrder or Mail for an Entire Y.ear! . -- More Local NEWS and FEATURES . COLUMNS THAT ARE, ;ACKED WITH NEWS 011 CIVIC ACTIVITIES, CHURCH AND SCHOOL AfFAJRS-NEWS OF WHAI lOUR NEJ&HBORS AU DOIN6: I -· More Society News . . . . I WEDDINGS, PAR.f10, SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUB ACTIVITIES, All NEWS OP -LOCAL: INTEREST :ro YOU AS A RESIDENt Of. I.HIS QUAt COMMUNITY. # ' I More Marine News NEWS OF SHIPS AND SAIUN6 ••• Y ACHTIN& AND RSHINQ. YOU'LL ftND IT Al:t COMPLETELY. COVERED. More aassified Advertising . WA}{T ADS, YiS, MORE BY FAR, . THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL PAP.ER, AND " IARwAJNS 6ALOR& rN THESI COLUMNS. ' . Mofe LoCal Pictures OUTST ANDINQ PHOTO$RAPHIC COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRf ARE.(. YOU'LL FIND LOTS OF PICTURES IN EVERY ISSUI. I\ ' . ,. • . . r -·~ -. ~UP AND MAIL THIS couA~ON TO • -. __ , I . I I HARBOR . I I .PRCS-S f I ~ I I I I I ·OR CALL CIRCULATION .DEPT. HARBOR 1616 I I . . I I 2211 IAUOA 'BLVD •. NEWPORT •A~H. CALIF. I I ~ I hereby 1•bscrfbe to the ~·Wport. Harbor News ·Press, and I . ' CICJrH to pay tire carrier, 50f per montfl, or~·~ for a Ml, I I ,.-·· ·~· ·I I ' .... I Name '-----~ .. ·--·-.. I 1t~··t-.-......... -............ ........ .. .. .. . . . . . . . .... . . .. .. .. .. .. :.... ..................... I I City ... -.............................................. .. . ... .. • ................ ~. ......................................... I L------------------~ . . . . ' ' -. . . ' ·, • • • -· • Mrs. Wedekind ' Reveal's Troth Of Daughter Clarice To Be Bride Of ~~;;.s Arthur G. Kruse ·In July :;:i.,:.. __ - .~ ~- • • --- •• -~ 14RS. RICHARD LEWIS YOST -nee ?.flSS LONI-TA VINCENT Sergi11 Alb<!rls Photo MISS CLARICE WEDEKIND, BRIDE • ELECT Photo by Frederick -. .. ,, -, .. ', .... ~ ... Isle women -Business Men's Art Group Tuesday IU regul11.r m tt tlng' at Jn lna COun-c•"i."w•m~-.c•"•wm h•" V1's1'ts Harbor' Stu-d'1'os N T -T "T try Club, 12 .noon on May 10. It VI CEN -YO· s RI · E wBI "a lM<h~o oant puly, Th• ·~•oy w,;, i od did 001 · br!dg'e ot canaata and mem'ber1 • . -._ . . · . -giay brlnl' (lft•t•. M11.t1 rf'sen ·a-d•flJ P.•!l..IPlrl_ta or ,the member-a of ~ monthly t .. ln bour ot. tb9 OP'@'!-1"1" of their &1U1ua.l eithlblt . llo'!!_wlth chKk by May T t o Mra. the Loi An1eln Bu1in11a Men'a A•T SAINT A"N ·DREW'S Jom" Mu<lod•(•. 103 Y<a Yo llo. A" lMliMo..,,d '"''' wl•n . who Th• tea wu apon..ond by th• Art AaeoclaUon uni:l•r th• ch&tr- man.ahlp of Mr a.·Mlldrld ~-Browa. AMl.9Unr her were; pourtnr. Mn. Daniel s. M•y•r•, Mn. Eusen• Nowlen. Mr1. Otto Paula and Mn. Herman W•tnbrook. Help- ing' to ""' -. Mm•. 1Ao DuM· Mr. lAOnol"I ftockWIU, R. Uo,od Ba~ oock, Mlw MaWa Ji'lsftkla.. and~~- Newport Bea.eh. Card priua wUI came down on S..turdarattem91?n. be proVlded, Mr1. Ptalph Tandow- aky •nnouneed. They mada a lrlp to Corona dal ---------------=~_:::::;;:::;:;::::_ ________ I Mu and YJ•iled. Ula Kay Finch Lonita Walks to Altar On Parents' Anniversary Pal~ pink anthurlum• were combine4 with d elphinium for bo th sanctuary .an(,f nllar flov.·ers in St. AndreW's Pres- byteriarr Chu rch when P.1 iss Lonita Vi ncent plighted troth with Richard Le wis Yost. The Rev. James S. Stewart 'per· fornied the ceremony which united the daughter of Mr. and • ~ N E WPORT HAR-BOR -.::> o . c i e -f ';f MRS. WINIFRED B 0 ARBRE, Society &lit or Mt•. Lonnie R. Vln~nt. 322 L SL, I •tock. dl!lphinium and a.f.!Llf'aa. NEWPORT MARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I and the flOn of Mr.11.nd Mn1. Pf'rC'y Sheer orf;'.llldy cloth O\.'l!r pink THURSDAY, MAY 5 1955 L. Ye>at or I'urtlwd. Ore. ... covered . the br\d,·a table, aet In l•----'---;..;..;.;;:,.;;.;;:,.;.;..::,.;;.;;..;.._"'_-'-'-------- Pu1k ~•Hi n b{ty.·" held •ingle the pa tio. . , m1nl!tlui.· 1tnthunun1s to I><'"' .. nus. The nf'w M r•. YOl!t ,..IUI vadu· m11.r k1ng thf' hrlde'11 r•th,.·o1y; and 11tf'd rr11n1 Ne"'f"Jrt Harhor Union It .... -11,oi •·II hla own 2:'.llh WNldlng ,llli;-h Srh<>ol and lh' Unlvl'r!>1ly nf &11nl''•rMry I.hat Mr. VinC'ent l!a-Or .. gon Whl'tli ahe ...,...,, a mem~r corted hie d11ughter to meet her [ nr Chi Omega, Pai A lpha C'ha p- bridegroo1n. 1..on1ta •,..". lovely in ter. · her gow n or •il~ taffeta. a P rla-~I r y 011t at tendf'd Ore.i:-nn Slate cilia or Bollton ~iodol'l. The bodice _Col!q;;e and "'a graduated from wa..• detailed "-'1\h long aleevea, Unh·er"HY of Ortjton. He i~ 11 wide portni.i L ne-c.kUne and .w~ mrnib<>r of Ph! Del!11 Thet11 a nd appliquf'd "-"ilh F"rrnch g11lp11re the 19:':1.'t \\"alker Cup T»11m. I lace" 11et "-'ith pearla ,and r·hlne-The new ly wed11 "-'f'te to ll!a \·e -~o••· Th• •m-<" akl•l n owed PHILHARMONIC IN .{>LA.NS FOR CHILDREN'S CONCERTS ~ \\'1 th . Or11ng11 County Philharmonic Orcheatra htl\•jng •'IC>lltd a 1n0f;t 11ucce11~rut lll!llMn and ~he 1tu1hmlll' workahop unc1e r way, next 11tep·l• to be eol'IC'trt11 for chlldr~n.•Thu1 ""Id ~f!1111" F"rieda Bf'llnfRntl'. orchr11t ra c~·ndurtl'lr, when llht .ad• ,·1 re~s~I a g rour 11tlrnd!ng a ka.lfel! kl11t.11eh Al the home o! ~Ira. ~ttlwood B.•try, Ml Cliff Drl\'1!, ).tr11. ~rr} hiu been n11mf'd chairma n for Col'ta Meaa 151.etrlct. uid 11 planning a ••~ v v todrty ftom N"w York for II hnn- to a chapel train. A plateau C'&p l!}'lf'IOOn In s.-olland and Engl11nd, I-----------------------------ot la ce conflnted fold• of the long On lhelr return they will make nien1t>Jr,.hip dn ve In t h11t ar'a.. P ottarlu, &n.d the atudlo. of 'Iba.Im• Paddock' H ope,, 8-a: lllll!'. JOUt Brandt an!!· auri Proclf!r. IA~ 9.1HllJ!C.th•Y held a -11;. tall part)' '. •l Ula • Hotel ~ taU-W by Ulelr uui-i buuruet. at which thue we ... 1$() mem ber• and ta¥111od. cu-.. After the baliquet Uley ..,ji>um. ed to I.he, Art Gallery for a paint· inl" demont tratlon by J e n n I e Crawtonl, notted noral a rtl•t. and enterta inment by Vera !>.'ewoomb, voc11.ll1t. 1Ccompanitd by Duane Shatar. on sUnday the a r ti•t• attended .... ~ noepU-.at..ld;)'llwUO wu no ti.adicap to a _...., ot Coal\ Meaa 'fllhertntl'I. ctlebrt.tln&' opl!nlng of -UM trout IOi!UOn ~ week•nd. RetumJ$1 wtui their llm lt or f\lh were J:rnl1 uid Ortall Am burgey, Ed Edick and 901'1 ~~ nld, Tony ~1 M6ntt , ud (11e1t Joe TP.el of Su.n Valley. IS YOUR DOLLY SICK 1 lA&.......J>r. ~___All~ o.t_t_M tlaaMI Md Ol"l!Cel n.11 H...pkal Olat-yaVr DOiiy'• 111ns.---:--~odffw--.... Uiitltiii! doll11 lrnm onf! to t,.n da)'• h<HlpJlall&atl•. Call Llbe!1Y 84759 after 5 p.m. fRIDAY NITE AT 8 P.M. I I G FASHION PARTY all k !llualon veil. Siik rnaette11 lh~lr hnm" !n Sratlle. which oma·mented the crinoline 1--------------'~ undeM1klrt had &domed her moth· er'• w 94dlnlf l;t.l'Wn and th,. litUa T t • t blue garter 1'1&'1 bll!n made by hl!r oas m1s ress mat.emal (T&ndmol her. 00"'Niir IN PINK I -New Members" Jn the bridal cntOUf&&'e were DELEGATE TALKS President; s Speech _Reported_J_p DAR_ 1 Mn. Paut-C.-Dela.11 ol-li:UfeA&.--Mr•~ J.--Ji:.-\\',>l(-"we-p.r,.~lcnL __ er.., a.a matron of hOnor a nd a nrl 'rh111rma n of 1nemb,.r11hip, will brlde.tnalda, 1'1l11&e11 Patrici11. Co;w;, cnnduct 11n lnd11t'tion fnr """. znprn- P ua.dena; Act,.le Con111tork, I~· bPrll or Harbtir T o1111tm1111r,.1111 1..:"h1b. Enterta.ltiiMnt Dancla1 "SPRING FEVER" • Beautllul llodet. • Lot~ly 1'11.t/l u)"fltr• 1'om WILSON'S e MARGIE WEBB WALT AH CLARKE'S HAWAIIAN • RULE'S OF CALIFORNIA HOUS~01;.~~AC_~EfNE-~ pna Bia.ch ; Jl!•n Bum•. Eu1ene. ~lun11ny even1n1:. ;,;in fl.I'll. Al Hn11· Miu J.nal Paynl! of PUol.dena. r 1111.lity H "t1"" 1n Ralboll. F.ltC'11nn cou11in ot t he bride, ,. ... junior nf new ofrk·,.,·" "'111 he h"lll. brldf'amald. All w eNI l{OWned In ;\"ext mnnth thr <'lub planA !Cl pink cry11talett• with ,.n1pire bod· hnl.1 A r1r"t 111nr11 \•p1·11111 y tlinnf'r, lcea u d full •klrt11. Thl!y wot" h•\·ing hf>ron1e aff11lal,.rt ,.·1th 111- ptnk headdni-• and g:lO\·e• a nd trrnr.tir>n111 T ri<1:tl n1l11trP11.• Cl11b11 at carriNI nOltl'g"•Y• of pink BounU· lhe rh11 rter d1nn,.r ht>ld 1n J oin,. of tul TOM"•. l••t )"f'At,. 1't r1. llltPI n. R111k Ill David Yo.it of Portland Jent bo!-1t pre11Jd,.n1, J>t r11. J . F:. \\.nil. \'ice man a.id to hi• brot he r. with pr,11hlent. Mr1, A!Dt>rt F:. J ohn11·~n. Dou11laa Yo.t. Ben Lt\l,gTaVf'n and 81!Crr tl'ry, •nd 1'l r11. Clyd" R. Jnhn· War!W\ s turteva.zit aervlng a.a ioon. trru 11rf'r or Hartior ch11pt,.r. -·~ M MI. Vlncf'nl WOMI for th• occa . ,. .ion a lhtath ol pink l&c• ovi r l t.Jlan 11hantun1 with 111.ffeta cun1· blrbund and ... h ; while MMI. Ya&t d.oH aqua laci ov.,-tafff'ta, with mat.ehinr Jacket. Rf'.Cl:IVE OU!::8Tii au..i. ...... rtlCl!lved at th• Vincent ~ • .ti... UI• 4b.,. Uv• tl'tema wu c&rrl•d out In pink Sells Mesa Home Mr1. Ouna lil A. ~lcCartin. 1934 Continental Avt.., Co•ta l>le11>1, hu 1old her horne h're. She and hl!r t,.·o aona, Mike and J.t ark. left by pl•ne :i•turday 1venln1t for Red- wood Falla, AUn n. Whf'r~ her hu11- band will gradu11le next month from law .achool ot the Unl\'l!r1Hy -;f ~flnnelOta.. ' for MOTHER'S DAY BY JEWELS •t.i.,.,.ur, Jf>UMor •. .. -.. ...... w-.~ also Van Dell & Coro Jewelry RoiERTS JEWELER -....... Thr J\'.'wpor t Harbor Yacht Club \1"•11 !h"11~1un2 for the April m'et· 11\,-:: "' th,. f'ol. \\'llll11 m "('11b<'ll C'ti11rtrr of n .A.R. ~Ir~. A. ~:. ~l·ot·ktnn , rt'l(•'n\. op"n"il th' hinr h- rf'n n1e,.tH1t-: wllli. 1h,. fl11,1t "al11t,,. ~, .. ,_ A. I ~ l'inkl .. y, fir•t \.'I(' ... rri:-tnt, rept11 \f'd flll a "P""t'h !'f !he prr•!dent .i"nrral 1 ~f11L., Gl!rtru<t e S. CarrlL\\'")"l of rr!"Plll <llllt. :'ihP AA i1l th11t the flOC•i>t)"" l'oundlng DHUflhlf'rll' pnm11ry plllll; of pre- ~t>r\.'!l1 i;!" !hf! A n1erk11n \\'11;.' <>f li fe 11t1!J. hol•l.'I tad11y, a n<I oulllnrd the m11'fiy objf'rth·e11 l<"l forth In thl! orti;:inal O.A.R. £'on11t1tutlon. ~l r.•.~Plnkley compll!led her re· port by 11ayln,,: that 11U !he 11hna lllld goa!11 of the naU'lnal D.A.R. h ll\'I! b<'en r ut lnt.o effe-ct loc11 1ly "\'Pr 111nce the Harbor chapter .A·a1 roundea." N•Unn11.l defenH chainl'l&n, Mra. Ch•rl<'11 &>11rdman. K•\·e hPr monthly rrpnrt nn curr,.nt affalra and Al r11. J . H. Br >1ch. mot ion r lc· lure cha irman. ~mke nn !ht 0 .A.R. dri\'P "for bf't\<'r mntlon plrTureJ. St11t .. rhidrn111n, Mr11. F"rank R. ~lf'tlO('k. "f"'k .. on th,. out11tan(!lng ..-or k ror th, •pprovf'd .chool1. Th~t, llrf' 13 11rh0<1t~ r11rlng ¥or 11000 rh1l•lrrn And all 11 re co..duca- unnal "'ilh \h r l!xcepllon of one wh1rh 11' 11 bny11' 11chool. ThP non1in11t1ni;: con1m!ltre. hP•d· f'd by ~Ira. f 'h11 r\e.'I Boardm11n. Mr11. Challrn l.11.n1!e1• 11nd ~I ra. Jan1e11 \\'cb~tl!t. offl!red nllf11i·11 nf M n1. \\"1ll111.n1 H. T n lt, 11 rci.:ent ; ~lr1. c .... 1 ge l.luc.:ol,. curr .. ~pond­ ln,,: secrrt11ry and ~l h1. Anne H1 r· beeon aerond vice tt:gent tor lll:':l:.0- ~-Th~e officer• w,re ele<:lf'd and w U\ be l n&tall~d ln MAy, HOUSEHOLD" -c~1s1s• WARDROBE C"RISIS • Perh•p• we .have the answer &ecau1e -we do everyt~ing here casa pura .. SER\'ICll \\'lTHil( HOURS -WHEN !'<o'lCEOED~ COMPLETE ~t;NDEKERS Uld CLEANEM "''"E"'POllT MACH. • ' LOUCKS e SEA ~E-; S l 'ommt nlalr'd h,• tilorl11. t"lrkllnt finnnlf' h .. nl Trio a.afare 'li:j,, 1d 1111111111 T he Ou'y Safe P .-otect io u Ag<1i11st MOTH -H EAT FIRE -THEFT Ha.ve Your Furs RESTYLED NOW ' AT lEDUCIO ,llCESI --.;;.:.t.._ I OLIVE M. DULING FURS 211 N. Broadway Santa ,Ana Kl 2-1223 -· Mn. Edward G. Wedekind Jr., ot Beverly Hill• and · Newport Beach. h.u .. &nn9q,11c"1 t.be. engageme.nt __oC_.her dau1bt.er Clarice to Alag Pattenon Kruse, 90n of Mr. ~ thur G. Kru.M ot Honolulu, T. H, The aurpriae announce. rnent '!'•• reve~ at a b~fet dinner ittended by youn1 riland1 of lhe ~uple. · The brld•-•lect. daucht•~ ot Mr1. Wldektnd and tlle late Ed- ward o. Wl!deklnd J r., att•nded 1411h•ntarf 11ehool Ln Newport and Is Hostess At Morning Coffee Newport Harbor Unlon Hllh A "cortu " w•a h'\d a t the nom1 School "''hllP re•idlntt with hl!r ~r-of Mra. geor){f' Y. Alcl.Aui;hhn. •I ante 00 Lido 11\e. She la a cradU· KPt(h R d , HP•l"on 0.y , l"h&!l'TT\f a ate or Y.',1tlake .School arid Gi rl• for Br•c,1n Hay •nd Harbor 1•1&114 >1.nd Y.'rtghl M1cMahOn 81cni..J.1al I dl1trlct, Fnrd11 S..llnrantP. ,-one School in Be:verty HUia. ductgr ot th' Oran~• <""unty rhtt. Thi 1room.elect recl!lvld hi• harmonic OtcllP~lr• 11:a\'t1 • talll pttpara1ory tr•lnlng •t P\jnahou I •bout the •Im•' ot the Or •n•• Ae1d1my !n Honolulu llfld V.'•• County P h1l111 nnf'ni" 8<,..lf'ly. , \.'I "d Pi l l Wire .Jty fn New York, ,..her, .he waa Mr1. K•ten lOl11 r11:r•I• Urunlnl' . ._ • member of Phi Kapp• P11i fni-...cuUve dlrt'rtor : ~lint~. li on Yal-.. temlty. He. I• now •ludylng at t he <"<l·~ha h·man tnr \ht d11trir t: La- Ariny L&nru ... e SC'hool In M Ol\r renc.. Pfll•l~t Pr, Tt•nC'L~ Kllt•r. l~rey. t Rnallf'll Lnn<1. D'"'"Y l'•ll&han, The couple la plannlng to be l!:a rl St1nlPy. Juhn So·udd~r. Wll• m1r rlld In July a nd v.•111 honey-Uam Tttylor. Al'l hur \\'llh ame, U. rnoon In Hawaii. wht~ the Kl"lllll! thur Sr hmldl. Hf'nty Davia, ~ ra.mliy h•• ma intatnr<I • home'ror "'1rd fh1yr1 ·11 nd Gf'tl ru<!" McCall. 1 h1 pU"t• four jiiii"ratlon1. dl•ttlel pulJllC'lty C'h•1nna11. I I ./ ' , --'....._ Gloree r - Nylon Hosiery Re9. 99• pr. Special May 6 & 7 only 3 P•in $259 ~ Siz•s I'/,. 11 Neatly Gift Wrapped •• ,,,.. ....... l•&!Wric • -$182 plus - Compl•t• t•x • Two cl ... IC fr.granoe9·:~.Twffd, Mlnw:t- two Spring floral•. , . Reel ULaC:, MuQuet . , . In thle f'rHh·u-Spring p.ckag'e by L•nth•rlc. Wonderful for gift•·· .. o,. wonderful way to uH4famoue t,._raneee. SpKi•I Cosm•tic Counselor If\· ettencl1nce TURNER DRUG CO. Liberty 8-1151 2542 W. Coo•+ Hwy. Newport IMoli . - , • I . , ___ . .;......,....-----:--: ; -· ·-, ' ' ' • PAGE 2 ·PART I.I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY ·MAY 'S . . ' . P~ TA .. Q_ff ice rs Are'-Installed • Mn. suMn Martin, pl'Nident. a nd o ther •offlcen f or Corona del M a.r School P-TA .wen inst&lled -by Mn. Jud S u therland, pruident of NewpOft Harbor High School P-TA on April 2!),_Firat vice pt'f"Bidcnt La 1tlrs. K itty Burto n ; aecond prulchnt; J.lri': JOt"I Bf'all; aecn.tary, Mr11. Roy Hall: trtaaur- er\ ~Ir.. Robert Otto; aUd1tor, M.r1. -Henry Vau(hn ; l),lat,ortan. ~Ira. Ci"rl Vanatrom: and p&rltamentar- tan. Mra. l!:lbart Smith. Candida ta ror N~wport ~a~h l!:lem•l)t&ry, Schoo.I Board llarvry Peaae a.pd Wiiiiam Spurgeon Ill w .... rue•t 1pukere. · Mr.. Suaan "lartln and Mrt. JMl Baal~ wlll •ltend the 11111 P·TA con,·ent1011 ln i..o. Anrele.a May 4.,band8 .• Mra. Pea .. reported that two r.-- cord player. h&\'' ber-n p~r.:haaed for the UM Of tht ll<"hOOl V.1th I.he run<!• ra!~ed from lhe rff,nl -..·1y1 CORONA DEL hfAR SC."HOO L fl .T,\ o f ficers \\'C'l'C'•Jnstalled Alonda~'. A p r il 25 at~lhe and niean• proJ•'Cl, "The B~lr•1-• 1 gl•d Ora&"'in'". Cub :;>.:out P1rk IT Co~_nn del hlitr Elementary Schoot L('ft t 1 ~ight, '-lines. Carl \'cnstrom, historian; lf'd lhr rMc 11lute and r.1 r .. Al R be E O J k Be II Clem,nre !i:•V• the lnaplra\Lnnal. • . o rt . tto, treasurer ; ac a. second viC'e president : Elbert C . Smith, parli· F ifth i rade rponi niotheri; ZONTA lNTERNATIONAL of Newport Harbor v.·ill be headed this year by the above-mentarian: !.Ira. Kitty Burto n, first \'iC'r preside nt; ~lrs. R oy H~IJ, aecretary; Mra.. ~1 mea. Ro~rt ~Auchan1p, l"'n' group of officers: Ffrst iow (I t o r ) Mrs. Carlton M ears, second ''ice "president: Mn. ' V.'1i.cill, c. T. J.facMutr-r•, A. 'F. H enrv C. Vaughn, auditor : Atria. S u!'.!an ·t.farfi n. prcsid<'nt. H aro ld B. (Helen) Robert.son, preside nt: Al rs. J ameti Aspin, member at large and i·un. ·~ An:natronr. David Har•hbar er, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~::::;;;~~[iiii]==;;;:~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~1'iiiif""'j em.,nce were oa ue' tor paBt president: seco nd row, MrB. R obert Jayred. treasurer; Mr!I. James Galla SIC es iva At member at lar e· Mrs. · .-fi'8t-v;c.-pres;.mrt~ osep amblet. record· .RECORD BOOKS oecre ry. -!.-lean Photo · Everett Rea School How women Zonta Officers Inducted at -villa Marina Dinne'r Meeting. A well roundr-d progt'll.m !a pro· rn1aed for t he Af'("ond annual Spring Mualc Fe11l1\'al ~rid.By e\·e· nlnl'. May I!, at 7 :30 p.m. at El·er- ett Rea achool aud1~or\um, aecord· ln,: to Mr.. Lewta Kidder. dlre<:tor P-TA Groups Receive Awards for Past Year or mu1lc. The Coat11. MeA AJI !.fra. Caae A. Hoffman. pruldent (port Hel~hl1 and p~91dant of the Past Presidents ·Serve As Installation-'"feam With Villa lo.farina's dining room turned-in~-ge.rden ~f flowers, -Zonta ln~rnational Past President Elizabeth Dozier of San Fernando installed !o.fni. H . R . Robert!IOn of Balboa ·I sland as president of the Newpo rt Harbor chaple.r ot Z.Onta tor the comlnc )'"ar. ReUrinC' pre'11dent, Mr11. J anlU .A.11p!n, de1lcnt"d the btautlfu\ llf't- llng and 111•rota the ln11Ll!.llatlon ~ript U9lng flower f&bltll In rlet- itlb!ng the dutlea of each orfl~rr. Pft.t pre11lrlen111 or the )oc11.I chapter a cted u 'the ln.s!alU nr tea1n including J.lnlf$, Don Hum- mel. EarL Stllllley, Tom Norton. Alboert Stockton lllld Ruth Bar- 1.:umr-. ho11tc11!, ?of,.., Ar\'O !}a.a.pa; Ptl'llll btlok, ~fr11. G. L. 'Howu: publlclly, ~!r11. Olrlton Met.rs; Public 1.rf1!.lr1, ~tr1. W. R. Cole- 11111.n, puhlll' re!stion11, Mra. Ruth Barc.umr. programs, ~tr1. 1'1. C. Sheel~I: ll r r ,. ic e. ?.I ra. Alber t Stockton: til&tua of women, !.lr1. \\'Jn1fred 811.rbre: w1ty1 and mean.I!, '-l rll. JllC'k Relne11 ; year book, ~1 rA. ?>\arsh1tU Drnlet; fl.nnual carn!v&l, lir11. Ton\ Norton; and fall con- rer.•nce. ?.I r!. Earl St!-"lcy. &T&m 111·ere :J.lme•. Robert110n, School11 orche"lllra ,.:ill be dlrecl•d l for lhe Harbor eound l of l'a·~·"_,,111~·:1:1 ~U___waa M£a..-Dennt•· Sheel"'Y· Hamblet. &ni. Gallagher, by \\'llliam Allen,' the ...l!ee...f'.!Yb9 l'•acher· -A"isoc!a:tllllll, ... iiinounce• ,tO~land, Costa Men. JameA Ray, J ohn l.. U~n, Col.r..-_ -----· man; Betty Pagr, Th~ina.Paddock I a:rtd ~1nflng group.!! by Jan1e1 Kin-thRl Xt'111'port u .. ai·h and 1 "" ... Hop... '-fr1, Allpui Yl'Qll mortr-rator drtd and,he llQUllt'e •rul folk da.tlc-\1c11a P-TA"ll e11111 .. ht.>r11e · with and J.lr11. ~lcarA wa.., a "left o\'rr l.;g by ~liu Dl'lrLenr PIAvln, 11chnol nlllllY awa rd11 v.·hen. the Fourth Euter Bupny", pf'e11en1 Ing' pr1r.c11. , ln11\ructor11. P upll11 · fro1n the ele-D!titnct of Cahfotnla C'on11:r....,, or Ot~er~ pre11enl wrre ~l n1t"s'. Stan· n1enta ry achools ""'Ill pill)' In the p & T held Lia April mceun8 1n ley, Jayre<_t. an~ D.rol~t. I All School• orche11tra. · ~·uuri:tun. On .lh-ogram For Travel ~ection BETHEL MOTHERS CLUB TO SEAT OFFICERS MAY 17 J ob'• Daughters' ~lot hera Club met April 20 et the home of 1'1ra.\\'Llllllm S .. qul-"-t 111·lth ~Ira. EJ,,.·ard Hobr-J and ~Ira. H•rold \\'Jll11ry 1111 co·ho11tca~e1. ~Ir•. R11lph Herr opt>ned the mertlng 111·Hh a shnr! pt"m· Offtr('ra ... ·ere eJectt'd »-' fn\!o"'""• Pre11id('nt ; :O.l r11. E rn,111 Crain; \'iC!' pre111d .. nt, ?ol r•. t:. L. Knox : •ecr~tary, ~1ra.'Pau! Cooper 11.11d treaaurer. Mr•. Jack Jt11rrla, •'-:!ne r ibbon• And cP 11!tlcal"• f~r rlr1l place and one i el·ond a ... ·a nJ 1nan nr the tra,·r-1 1ectlon ot the ! 111:r.re rec .. h·ed ror uni! rr<"ord :'\e,,.·p<irl BeAch Ebell Club. pre· books, whh:h included publh.·1ly of wnt .. d ~t ra. J.'loyd Bu,ll 111·ho 1how. the 011rai11t11t1on '1 acl!\'ll!r-s durln11: e<I colored pl~turea of he.r r"'· lD:l-J·!15. J•rogram year book.Ji AnJ ,.,,111 11:1p lhrough Europ-e on Tue1-~rea1e~t lncrea.se 111 1n.1"n1b.·1 .•h1n11 1 111·rre 111!!0 v.·otthy or "fltll A""·ar•!ll I '~}'. ~1a y 3, 8 ~-~· in ~be Ebtll and a trovhy, · I rl11 bhOUJJe, !ll:'I W. Balboa Blvd. ?>lr1. J ohn V. Neff. N~Yi'J>Ort ~l r•. Buell !1 a member of Ebel\. HPlght~. hi\~ be<'zi publ1rity <'h>llr· Sh" ~Jlcnt f<.>ur month• tt 1velln1I man for th•• nn .. -y .. f\r olf\ llarb()r l 111•i th her hu~band In a amall c11r. Council or Pa rcnt-Tei.~h"r A M.~u•:· She •howi-d picture11 of Spa.in. 1a.t1on11. Hrcon.I book <'h111nuan 1>1 Germany, Auatr.l.k. S111·1!_1.erland ;>.trt. Arthur \Vrllt>r, 11lJ10 of New· arid the 111land or Majorca. Aid Hospital Thal 18 ln-e.ervlc• commllteea ot Hoa&" Ho•pltal Auxtllary have riven a tolal or ,.1134 houri Ull• pu t year ln hou,... f rom 'l':l D L m . to II p. m .. .,,. . ._.·reported by Mra. Kow•rd Lewll, e?l~rmafi o r -vo1-=- unteer1, at the re<:1nt annual meettnc of UI• Aux!Uary LI rll- port. war• heard. Speaker wu Vincent· Jor1enHn of lhe boa r ,1 nf dlMl<'t Ore, 111•ho out· 1Lned ho1r1tRI r-l\ran~1<>n plan1. rs._ U&U\'e)' F-•nd Mrac l u• •n J.larlln, aaaiattd al th• t"6 table. Eastern Star Will Honor State Officers A' re«pl!on t11 achrduled tor Sat- urday e\'en1n1. May T.' t p 111. at th<!' l.on1t lk•ch t.1 unlct pal Audi· tortu111 for ~Ira. Eu,;rne \\'arntr, worthy ,;rand ma tron. i nd PhUUp Frf'd,r1c Leahy, -..·or lh)' irand pat· ron, or I.ha Order ot Eulern 8\ar, Slat• or CAUfornla. Hl1h ranktnr orr1cr-r1 qr O.E .S. chap1rr. f.rom all ovr-r Southrm Cahfornta will p..,... Ucl patf. matron of Har1lor '8tar, wlll part.I· ctpate !n th"a floor work by drill tram1 made up of worthy rn•t· rona rrom 28 of th• d.lffannt 0 .!:.8 . chapter1 of the aouthlaad. ~ ...... -.......... AaJ It WIUI Party Be•tal ltelM !f03' If, Coalf llJI·• C--'-' II• Harbor 60'11 for Mother's Day Happy Thoughh C~AIR · '°' LAMP -TABLE ln11tal!ed • \\"ere ?>hne11. ?>l. C, 6 h .. t L1·y, flr•l vice prealdent ; Carl- t on ~i .... r 11, 11eron1I vice prr-11ldent; R. L. DR<'<ln. corrt11ponding-aer r"" tary: J uaeph Hamblet, recordln.- ~,..,ta.ry; Robut J&yred. t..--r- Gufil\.I were 111·eti::omed from San F~rnando, La.g-una Bea.ch, Garden Grov1, Loa Angr-lea, Pua.dena t1.nd England. · Jn11tal111.Uon luncheon v.·111 be held ;\hoy 11 at t h• Br-ach- ·comber11 l'lub Jn San Juan Capf11lni.no. Set\'1ng on !he dt'CDrat- lng committee with ?.tr1. Horr 111·i1l be ~tra. C. Orby Andt r- ann an·d ?>ln1. Herbert Jackson, 111·blle coria«e• "'"UI be made by ?ofr11. Ha.ttlll, ~lr1. Jackl'On a~ Mra. Herr. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE Accessories of •• er, w llh Mra. .Jame. A•pln IU'ld 1'lr11. J ame1 Oallag-her M boa.rd n1en11><·r11 Ill J.arge. · Cornn1itte~ cha.lnuen for · ~onung ye11r 111•tre 11nnounced the new prel'llllrnt aii follow1: tho by OS COM:\llTl'l:t:S Attendll.llc1. ·and lntf'rclty, Mt• . r George Benz: <:!vii deten!Ml, 1'lr11-. J ohn Upaon: fall o w1htp. ?>l rs. l"nuik Brookln11:11; f lnance, budget and parlhunrntarian, ~Ira. K. G. Cooling: !nteriilltlonal r elatlorui, )Ire. ?.lergsret Bruning: member- ahip, -~·-~!t..:..A1Pl.11:_of!lc1al Orts Show Art At Hobby Show 8peel&I ....._ -Mra. Hlllid" ONnt K.11\1'. put s-rwor ot oi.- tr1et 9, and «canlur ot Ole local rlub, 'lOW' a realifent of Corona. del r.lar. AT LONO Bl:ACll Sixteen member-a of Harbor Zon· ta Club pald a. recent "galloplfll" ThoM enjoylnc the evtn!ng In Mra. Sequllt'• home were ·k-. Milton IUeller, Leonarrl Robeton, Anderton, Harr111, Hanry Napl1a. Mabel Rou . .John Walp, David C•rr, J=·· L. Hobel, M.' E. Tyrrell, Paul Cooper. W!lbey. Herr, Ray Traut- ' weln, Crain. \Vllll1 S&ngrr, Harold Beebe. J ohn MeCann, e. 8 . Ruu, J ohn C. MacM.llJen, E. V. Ra gan, R. J . VIiiagrana, T . F. Kelley, Dean 8m1Ui, 0 . E. \Vhlte and the hostenea. • .,,~ .. rult to tho Zoola Clob or OR SCHOLARSHIPS Long ~ach, putting on Ole pro- gram enU!Md "\Vtla.l'• your Clu· 1---------------------alUcatlon ?" EllCh contrstanl sct· ed out her clatai!i011.tion In p11.11tO.. mlme, with the Long Beach mem· bera belng the p11.11f'i, ~ari1e1tia'.ll~rln th• pro- whol1 exhlblt t&klnl ov•r 20 year• E}Jell S12ring_Festival -- Acclaimed Big s ·uccess td' complete.. Mra. Ort appllt.t the Thi committee tn char11 of the door prlze1 donated by .ec:Uona of W'IUI., Pl.an.a lha arn.li~merit• and unual Ebell Club Spr1nr F taUval the club, The blllaar booth• of dOf-11 1111 th.e \"UV~.search for •c· 1 · • · ·· home cooked food, co~tume Jtv,.elry g ven recently at A merican 1.Lg~on curacy In every detail, whL!e Mr. ana apron• ""'ere clf'&ftd out In 11 Ort c11.rvea the dt'lltat1 a nd ml-Hall voted It 1 big •ucce"9. Three Mort t!ml!. Lunchffin ·waa ..erved ~ll'. 1111ll ?.Ira. Ludv.·1 ~ Ort, 840 nuta reproductions. hund.rN people attendl'd the l11nch· by mem~n1 o.r" the Junior Ebe\I. V ictoria St.. Costa r>feM , have 1 ------------~--!t"On·c.&rda &tfalr and -th1 tund for A 11hurt program of ak!ta pl"r.!orm- bttn Jn l..os Ani;eles dlllplayllll' three ecbola"'hlp• ·wu greatly.au.,. ed by .-.c!Lon member" und mu$\cal their voclL known "Ort Wood Js Hostess To malited accordin g tor.tr.. Nlcholaa 11cJ .. cllona glyen'by the Ebf'll Chor· Sculpturt>a"' nr h1111d-c11i=\·ed mlnl-11\ group w119 11rra ng't-d by pro- a ture11, at the Hobby Shov.·. Br•ttn•r. pre.•ldent. l>fra. Amelia l(Tlln1 chairman. :0.1r11. lla9il Pettr- Before corning t" CH.llforn11t five l-I ig}J.}ander.S )'eRrll !lgO, I he Ort.~ had exhibi!A>d \ A May Day thfme .,,.._. ca.rr!ed out -....·hen Mra.· C11.rl Olhofer enter· Gambia wu general chairman. · DecoJ:a.Uon11. ror the pa rty ware planned by ?>Ir•. C. J.I . Ot>altlna, alllated by r.fra._Char\e1 Eaton. tn Oklahoma gnd T e>Ul.ll, Vrtncou- wr. II. ·c., Seatila and PorUand. Ore. The arulpture 111•a• 1'tio111·n 111 t he San D!eg" County F11lr find 1i11-1 In the Bo,•1~r• l>llJ!lotum, Santa talned memboerl of the Highland· Matarlal. for card tab!• prltea Yl'Aa An&, for a year. Paull Recuperating If you ere seekin9 Jewelry Items that •re Sc•rce Let us know .•. W9 mey Buy It For You e Jt:\,'l:l.R \' ROl'GHT e ROIERTS JEWELERS llSJ/.i Ma.rlae Aft. -ll&lboa Illa.ad -II.arbor 1111 • I ~ • • Ask Any Islander IRON GLASS PEWTER CDrOllCI! del Mar STONE Cl:llN,4; -COPPER • lalbaa Island UEAT .YOUR-SELF TO EASIER-SHOPPING Grocery Department 8tokely'1 APPLE SAUCE .. Del Moate Hal\'H PEACHES 8 it W J1ll CE GRAPEFRUI'{ Nlblet'• MEXICORN Ubby'a TOMA TO JUICE . -iORK..& BEANS--.Jt.~-23-c_ - .\Ion dt\(omp'S 4J'b"-.. .,. SPICIALS MaY s, 6, 1 ._, ..... COffll CAKI t2'I v.i.1 .25• .. _.,,_ Frwnch lilttw . - 1------"-""""'-'b)l--UiUca-a.l-WW"ka. or !lrt, th• alx pert uh!blt I• 111ade enUrely or \\'ood, a bout 80 kinct. ttom all ovrr 'lh• 111·or ld being used. AJJ part• or every acene ara carV~ trom 111·ood In natural color, then a-h·en a 111·a.x er1 at tier home, 64.1 F:ullerton A\•e. 1.-Vkltor-llwa.n~lttrM ho1tr11 dutlu . Mmu. Ivea, 'Bftba "and Schepe won prlue •t blngo. Al!o pre•· ent were 1'lmea. George Steven•, Jack Guyer, Ed Fenlon. Barney F'ranque, L. Q. M chlnsnn, 1-,rank Maguire, WltU.ni Charlton, G. D. MacMullan, Don Andr'e111·a, Lucille Sinlt.h, Frederic Slng"'r and Emu Daum. donated by ?.lra. Paul .M. Roger• and th• a.tlracUva hoaifi.[)'-C .•rrml"irpa!nted by ?>Ir•. Dealt· 1.1:Ja u v.·ere the golden pot. ot greenery Yl'hlch cra.ced each table. Tha "'ltc ~rlc applia.ne<f prl%el wete awarded to !>frL Cha.rl~s Per· rln &11d an unidentified. gue1t. while lli people went home v.;tb FOrr!1t S. l 'aull. 2~28 Newpirt Blvd .. Co•t ll :\1tn. la ~ported reat- lllC' comfortahl Ill Hoa,.L_tl.qs>ll!.l antr a •~ere heart attack laal we-ek.-~r. · Paulr-11 a member or 1ever1l hor1emAn grd11p1 In Cali· rom1a. He •a pre11Jent uhh~ ).te1a Bool11 1.nd Saddle Club 11.nd a l'Ul (lres1dcnt ot the C11.lirurnia State· Horsr-rnen·1 A!&oclal!on. SPtX:IAl.S f'Olt MA\' 5·6-7 TIDE ......... '. ..... Gt~• 6~ ·~ ... ~ ROUS ......... 6 ,_·17• .... 3,...25c Sk.lpp7 DOG FOQD rils'::·__ --2 ... 31c • tlnl~. Th• lhrM l&rr• acenea. Frontier r a.rmer, Open Rr"anl"• and Setlleni e.n about !O to 38 In. In a!i.e, th• HUS'ICI ~I PIUZE81 TDOI WSA.'l'llEBI 1011[£51 C'On-Et:~! • I I The. HARBOl gets up early every day,· 7 to 10 A.M. with ' . Bal lJavis Oii Rad ID I KW I :Z· 1480 ' on the radio-dial I U l'our Soul Crave. a.a AUDREA Kt<i'IT but Your Body Can't E ndure t h e Mileage to Be\·erly Jj.i& -:-See GRACIE Gl.JCK SALE '"S~'• Fro,.. .A"drr.n " Coeta Mt4& SAMPLE DRESSES M.ARILYN'S FAS HION APPAREL 2348 Newport Blvd. Costa '!o.fcsa , Now ls the ·Time to have your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded tut coat n· atyled to a amart •tole nr clutch cape. Thi$ 11 the 1IRCk pertOd and to kttp our work- room bu•y 'A'• are offering \'ERY SPECIAL "Oft · n" PRICU SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY Don's Meats· \'nunr'• R.&ll<'h TURKEYS . -·-. _,. • .. ''"' 65c LOIN 1ROAST ........... •~ • --~-· ·.--"'-4~ ct ...... " BACON DINER'S CLUB I HONORED AT I '., /7 •h· ~, ,, I ':JrD'J Jhop I Blrdlf!7t1 rrow• Fr .. nch ~lyl,. GREEN BEANS . ....... 19c DICK'S Gr-n Groceries I T•Jtder Crkp ROllAJJlfr.. 2 11 C LETI'UCE ............... .. ,., ' 6 ,.,33c 11•"'1 lalq COIM'.IH!lla GRAPEFRUIT .. N-<>apT .. w '. 3 14c' ONIONS __ tbo. Speclallzl119 In 9aallty Pracluce You Select • • • We. Deliver • THE MARKET I SPOT--- 200 MARINE ·A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND • I • ' • . . ' NEWPORT HARBOR-NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-i'AGE 3 THURSOA Y, MAY 5, 1955 Scout Pack 187 I • . ' A. wards, Pl~ns a •kit In whll"h tlt• '"'Y• 1>xpl11.lo•"I •llPl't'\"<'<I tnO'!ho,b ••r '~"'l""f:· .,,.: ron1lnf: '" th .. ·1..,rr•T r\• nuhl•~ r rNI,.. ~Ir• Pr t" ~;,-,1,1.·• llf'n 111 !:•"• 11. lk•l ,,.,·tnrh 11 .. r1'"1 ... t l'n1«k~• ~, I.he fff'llr 11<trnnnu.:111n11 r11.rrJr~~ ram~r• 11nd • <'X pl11lnlni" •afr t,v nilt• f<)r flr& J>T<''"""ll'"'· St:\\' KOIK""T~ A Bob-Cat cl!l"enl'•ny "·111 , 1<T1 durt.-1 fvr Sl <'T'h•n S!11uo..11tcr an 1 Jim 811..rnt t. • REA.DY TO TA.KE OFF on the decorated ferry boat for the garden tour are some or the women wboee worlr: made the diaplay possible . On board are )lol. T. Duncan Stewart, Mni. Curt Dosh, Mrs. Frank J.fcConnick, Mr•. Paul Davia, Mrs: Edna Fr1111k. Jin and Mra. Fergua McKay, -Staff Photo The Principia }.fathers' Club heard about the 1ehqol from Mra. George Ward, right, here being greeted by hoslesset, Mrs. Gordon Miller and }.!rs. Jay Hornbeak, wht>n they m~ Saturd&y &t 236 GOldeorod Ave. -Staff Photo A.Wlln.11 prt'~ll_!t-.1 "'<'t~i !{1, 11 Bra4l urd, d.mn"r 1Hnfl'('; 1 Rohh\" OlA11d~r. u all•t Ant •l<'nn'i'r .. !p• Til'll Ql'('l'll'n, be11.r '"1,.,,.. •r•"· Rh:Mrd Jlo!Jnu. \\'lllf biv.4;.c: (l'ciJ . 11 t<1 Grur--. J•·nnrr ~1tll'\', l'ff'nn1~ Bon<l1, 11•al11t1u1t ,1~"'"'r ~t rliw ).llllvu Jharwdt'n .. ,1,·nn,.r 1ftlJ'"· Marc Mill•·r, 11.a..~i1t 11nt d1~nnr r 1lrlpe; T in1 \\'ol.Uaru~. u 1J 1tN1I dennrr .trip411: Scott Sn1llh, dl"nnr r 1tr1pl!ll J tm1ny Hun1prr t. t"''O bt.•ttr .Uver arrowa: Chllrlt-1 HohnlUl~ lion barlre r.nd lion ,::r>lJ a rn1wi Randy Spa~ol .. ttl, ¥1·01r ITJl1I """ Is" Success Jun ioi: Legion Auxiliary Work ;\lrlO 1'l><rt:n<<' HtoPIJ, .~1 7 Cata- llr.ll };\. 1n 'tu11 i:•• of .TIU!lQr n1c111- lwr'11 .. r Anu•no au L..•i,'1r0n Aux1l- l<!"f'I\. 1a11·, unit :!!•I .. -UJ•"r\'l,'1{"'1 >I ll!••et- 1,p.: Al. /\II)"' I!"" Lo•,c lon llut With 1h" i.;1r1~ -.. .. 1k11~ im 1-Yirr t11..~~1~~~-----------;­ f<>r t,r.111; ll· lit II ,-,..t•·r.~n.~ lln~p1tnl. 11nol t!r··~""'I! ·l•>l1JO fnr t h<' c~lpl­ ,Jr.-n'.• H""J11t11! "1'·~· Hn t~r· 11 :'t,111 i11 iu 1.-.u·h 111 .. s~ .1·tJ11n_t~1 .-r tn~rnhera to c1.trry on 1'1.:al" .,f JU~Uct. rr~l'do1n and •!""'"''';" ,-'\I '~" O..bnr11 Ann Gil· bo'r\ -\(·1111 hn,;t,..~s. Summer Camp SL J 1u1i,~!L R•11nn1f'r Camp for ctuldren "IL! be fronl J uly 6·16 •l C an1p Beuo .. ·1, Bill: Be11.r L!!.k•. H:f'J1;11.tra tlon11 are no"' ~Lng taken 11 t th"' U11y Sehool office. St. J11.mc1 Church. Wort.ble9t tc*ee of your IA»-. fOI' -... r;llt o6 Jew..,,. ... It -! o~ ,,.._ ow ,..,.,,.. "*"~ ot · Diamonds, Watches, Rings, Qlstume .Jewelry • • __ ...,,,, .. fJnt. -....... ~. • • • L ! !!I .! '1 !. .. "= ..... ()pr" f'tl. to I p. m .•• ..,..... l'•rklftc a' LllJ' ktl • .. • • • * * * * * * COME TO l)IE * * * -·· PARTY Friday, May 13,1955 4:00 PM !07:00 PM -* '* * * * -* ~ • Win a $25.00 Insured Saving• Account ~ There'll be free refrttthments1 coffe&, cake, cookies onQ p\,lnch, ~ Gift balloon~ for the kids. ' ~ "Goo-Goo .the Clown . wi\I be there, too. • * ..... .,.., ..... H4 .. 1,a.r..n -hip " clta•m."" 1tt w....,._.,. A9eOCI ATIOff un w llW. • cdna ma. (Allf. ~ 1-1491 • •• A Bon Voyage Aboard Lurline Amonr lhoae antert&lnlnir a.t 1hlpboard .parUe1 on the Mat90n liner Lurline be!ora •ll!ng to Ha· "'all wrrc )fr. and P.lr.11.,-Normr.n ~1alden. BAy1hort'1, and J.f11hlen'1 aunt, P.fni . Ruth Chapman cf Park La Brea Towf'tl!., Lo• Angel""'· Thf' thr"'e will 1~nd Sl!\"eral Wffkl al the Royftl Hawaillln and 1oam"' lime. .at the Kona a.nd Kauai Jnn1. Blddlnr "bon YOY .. •" to th• trav.ler• w..-e, from N.-port Bu.ch, Mm• .. lAah William.a. Edna CraJ«, Charlotte W. Marrtman. P.feiosni. and Mm"'•· Lout• r . Ga te!, T. Hord Sftl..,y, Clarenc• Hlgbl ... Ferd Lanldowne, Frank .Janv.:•. C. e . Ru111, N . P. Brettner. H"'rron, E . J . BarUett'." Col. und P.1r11. C11r· roll Hudson. Gt"na \\'elrb11ch; from Lo. AnJ;el"'a. llr. anU ?otnr. Lornf' f:, CannOn, :t.1 r11. Paul Conlr&)". ~ l11s.t U t111n HiJ~lip, Lontt Bf'llC h. Nature \1 often hld<l..,n, 11-0me· Un1e1 o\·~rcome. &f'ldom exlln,1r111:<h· ... Marilyn's Fashion Apparel presents Alexander of California DRESSES • '" Bright Spring Shades Colton Raw Silk Nylon Sizes 10 -20 2348 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • • beraw JDll """" lo g;w hlr IXfrd """'1J 08 MoJ/Ja'1 D"! ~ •:, GIVB MOTHER. .MOJUD STOCKINGS Then:'s nothing like ~ dingiDg bctuty of Mojud I They're the famoua:,.MM&gic Motion" 1todiog1 . •I .. ·ith ntra "gi•e· aM. 1pcing·'*k hi lb1 l"il lot wrinklt ·(rtt flt. and aid well. Stt out line sdOClioft of n"" Mojud (uhion shad e'· In C"IUf degree of JbcJtrol& from t} l~ I MOJUD NEW STRETCH HOSIERY Just Arrived _ .... -... -... -.... $1.95 pr. --We-Give 5-&.H GrHn Stamps ' . N FlftPATRICK T ·""" · E.\Af"po·R DEPARTMENT STORB On lhll 9ttan Frnnt •l 2?nd !ijL gn .. !Ohotl lll1H'k frum :\ .. \\f'Otl l 'i~r NEWPORT BEACH PERHAPS THE YELLElW PAGES CAN HELP ME SAVE MY FACE FOR MIRllOllS AND GIA.'? IT PA~ TO LOOK IN THE 'cLASSIFIED" PART OF YOUR TELfPHOffi: BOOK TH IS l.O()l(ING. GLASS Pf IS USELESS •. IT'S REAU.Y A DISGl:ACE ". , ... . ' ~ . ......................... _... ...... ~~-------.· ·. . ... . - . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS· THURSDAY, MAY 5, ~955_ . r ;4_ .. ____ .. -· ". OC· .. ' . . ·. •oactenlitt the CoverGge of the -r - · Or.ange County Mews-Ser.vice With LAGUNA HACH and Its · · &JtUt~ atnnst .N rms As the SIXTH NEWSPAPER Joining to CC!ver the County with a Mobile C You .. 7 AccU~ate Beiter ·"" ·.Complete Dependable NEWS· of~ - . . LA HAIRA BREA • DAILY NEWS TRIBUNE r.uen... Cal.,.,_ ~· FULURTON YORBA LINDA PLACENTIA ~~ ~ .. ,. Auu~ttm iullttitt fiARDEN GROVE NEWS . '•, GARDEN GRO\"E BLVD. GARDEN GROVE • 'HUNTINGTON 8EACH • raJio _ KWIZ . I -" < II IRVINE . . ·. - 4 C!tnu.st Nrws · " 0 ~ .. ..... .. . .. •. . r '. • ' SAN JUAN CAP.1$TRANO "! • ' . --.... . PA~T TWO, PAGE FOUR .. ~ 5 · . More th,an half a hundred newsmen -& PholograPflen make ·up tM c_,1 , of reporten awallable to staff the latest news ·for memben of the Orancie County News Service. • I • ., DAILY NEWS TRIBUNE Attu4ritn iullttiti .. .ORANGE D.u·LY llBWI . ' .· xJ$-W~aPRess ,, GARDEN GRovE NEws &nutb atdust Ntius ' . /' I • radio . . KWIZ . \. ' , • / I ! I .. ' • • • • • • • • ·'' ( PAGE • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS~ . ' THU RSDAY, MAY g, 1955 CHARMING ENTRA1'1Cf'-.Entering the beautiful patio of the F. E. Blauvelt home at 521 King11 Road, Newpc:irt Helghta, durlni Harbor Area garden tour are M'ra. Stanley ; Morgan of Sant.a Ana, left. and Mrs. IM Schonek of :S21 San Bernardino Ave., New· port Height.a. -Staff Photo PLEASING PA~For colorful neal.l'lel s in patio prdena, Mn. Lee Henion 01, 32Z'o Newport Blvd., left, and Mn. Harold Whitney, 322 Meadow Lane, both of Co• ta Meu, a ppear 11.tiatied with the Jose Roan effect obtained at 220 Via Lido Nord. The ladJN _ ~ the .h4>me during recent Harbor Area garden tour. -SWf Photo .. 1 Variances B·ecome_ Confusing 1 With. Mesa Council Reversal 1 'T'h• qu•;tlon !JI, "''h o'• fonhaed ~ I t-.li. ·to N'<'Ommt~d any •·•ppllta· Yarttn<"•I for nln"' cuport• n · Uun. .. • ' Orlf:'Ullll motion n1ad1 by lh• •lUt-~l"d b)• D1k"' and COICTOV• In , filunrll t.londoay night ,,.. ...... In •P- 11.ll ap"prt!Yotd I ll IOI 1ub1Uv\9lon bf'-prov11 \ht' \'At!AM('f', "''l!h t~o11n1"ll· ti••"· ' !>ll'y'•r l'!&r <:> and Pomona ll11'n A I., l 'inlcl<'~. Chad r 1 T <"\\'\n• A•'<• r:nrth of 18th St. war• a p-kle and :'ll,1\·ur c.111r .. !"tl•••n vut- paztn'.:y approv.;J in rever" dur- lflC COit. t.le:oa City Council lrlHt· ln1' Mond11y nighl. Uut tbe l'i•"'I'•· ·Pr-learneJ to.!ay Dike and Col· ,,.ove 'had beeft tntoftnt d the var1· anc-,.. were actually denll>d. :f ·'ln.Jersta.ndlng-oct-11rTell "ter \ 1 .• ~ 111ncLI l'Ole eph11t irant: 1.-:., ... t Ille requcetrd' on&.toot varl- "'"~e fr.i~11 rtq111rt•I uve·foot side ,yard .etb11tk. It wu 'eppar.atl)· tbe thought. of evtryone t onl'en'i•d that 11 fnur-tlfU1s·o110,1,1ncll vote w11• n<!'Cea5ary In • ovttl'\ll., the elty plann~r•' recommn..4ft!°n that lhe variance• be approvir-<l City Attorney Donald Dunir:an airplalneJ today th11t the council'• 3·2 vote to denv the variance "''u euff1c1ent. C!ly Ptannln1: Cha irman \\ 0a!ter \\'elmer ad..lc.1 lh•l the clly ord!n.l.pce r_eql11T~. a four-tifttt• council Y(lte on a \'1.rl ance only wb~n the plllnnln1: rommlMlon HtUpot Corporallon, which re- cenUy .purchaeed a 1~acr-e ette tram. Jamee c a1ney, nea r H0<e1 Ho1plta.l, announQlf:• rtotenllon of Pert1lr11 6: Luckman. 11retutee1• an.d enstnMn to dulp the 111w I , --,600 plant wh1ch th-e ~· pLny wtll build on the Nnrport -· ..... ~ pllln.t wtU be one ot tbe ahow pl-.cee of On.nee Count y, accord- tnc to D. C. Duncan, vlot prutdent ing no and Hrur• )1 arll11 and llrrt Smllh \'Oljn~ ~-,.,. l)1lui:•n d 1n •1·I· ,.,j \hll! W••r<l1MJ:'· l'f 1h• tll"! ifJO llht~U!<i ..,... I" J,•ny !hr \'U.fUIOCt', 11111 rnaJe 11le n"' •·ute,1 )<I. and th,. r~• "'"t••• nu. Th" ,•,n1n1 rt• ftlr.11\ ... l :\·<.', bu\ l<)l(> "'UU!.ll\'t lUl .... GOING UP '- ~over Million Mark Second -Time on Mesa 8hov.•tn1: a ':".8 Jl<'r rent buUdlnl' tncre•~• O\'o·r Ma r.-h, Co~t• Ml'•• <'Onllnurd hr••:..ltlnit all eoii1trur• Uon r<'ro!'tl~ w ith 111 11tt0n!'I 1trel1:ht mllllon dnll•r monll\, •I"· tord1nir lo tlt'f bulldinir dep&rtml':nt total• compiled Ln ArrH. Tot•I for Ille yl'ar now 1t1nd• at 13.070.l(l(\. ial . J . \'ala re· ported perml l ~ la.ken out or 1 1lrtrl1 f11m1ly hom•• tuml1he<1 major •mount' nr the Apr\\ total ot l1.0l'.l3,T73. Thia l'llCl'f'df'd the Match total ot ,l,014;421. April 27 .. ,. Hunny l nYMtment Company taklnr out 9~ bulldln!l" permL!1 ln e•C"M of '8()0,000 for e~atnict ~n of hon,.!1 )n 1100 block• ot \\'l1110n. Ca plfil. Senate. Con• v esa. Governor ll!'ld Vklorla Bie., thfl 2100 blo.-k ot Puente l!lt. ll!'ld the 2200 block or Pomon1,, Brir-akdo,..•n for the month ot • Apnl llhow• that etnrl• 1truc::ture1 ot the. ttnn, who UY•. th•t t helr totalled 11.049,161, eommll'rclai fll.· • U"CbJtact. are employl!'d by boUI OJS and tr:iduRtrla\ and mi.eeeuan~ Cal·Tee aad &uta Barb&n.. Col· ·oua 137.889. Thir-re W.re no permit• lee\. l•ued for multiple dweUtn11 Irr. .. Aw lh".. world"• lar1r1t man.ut&e• Coat& Mea11.. · I t\U'tr or preclalon pote.nUomtten, -bell•l'a ""' are u:tramely tar· tunate In e.ecurtnr tht1 architectur- al Md &n,U.ett1ng "rvlou or ~. ~!' ~. ;;;.~. ~ LOVELY PLA.~TL"'lG-Vicwing patio planting facing Lido ch8..nnet during annual gar- den tour ot the Harbor Area are, left to tight, Bob Ja.farahall, Alisa Joan Demond and Mn . Marshall, all of Udo lale. Thia planting is at the home of Mr. and Mn. Howard Lewia, 329 Via. Lido Soud -Staff Photo Traffic Deall& Up lhree montN or I.ha year totaled 19, a.e c<)mpattd wllh 17 for tht1 with SH a year &(O, The number of reportable 11.CCt- denta waa 287 e..n lncrtoue of 1111. Arl'B&Ul'IVE 8TVDY-Mn. JUM Rae HUI of 1707 Mtnunar !)rive, Balboa, eumln'" · th• wiahinr well prden ettict obt.alned at the Mn. George Hoag hotne, 2102 E. Bal- .boa Blv4. dwin& recent Harbor Area. ga.rden tour. The Hoag home i1 alao noted for ti. large and beouflta1 bay tionL '-8taft Photo 9,74~ to 10,ISTt . 'lbe aumber ot &e- cldenU ..... up nifle per -t. from e.n 7 to e.M2. Hleld In Phoenix With olher dele11.te• f?'om H V· en.I hundred w~tem MYlrir• ... In Oranna Cou ty A-Jne pertort 1ut year, tha c a11ror--.,-ft nla. Highway Patrol reported .. Throughout the ata•e. rur•l trat. ------------- Comptroller Bob Rttld ot New· toelatlona. hfl w!ll ht1ar dlaicuMklne port B&lboa 8aYin(• and Loan A•· of cw-rent lrf!nde In the a.v\np 90ela1Jon i. 1n Pho.nlic thl• wrelt> and la.rt lnduatry and. t.lllle part t o attend a ·manacement confer-In round table -.ion1 be-fore re- 8nee ot the Vn1Ud Stale• Savine• t11rn1t11 ·to Newport Bea.eh at the 8.ACRA~IENTO. iCNS l~Rural Th; patrol. Mid U'la number0 ot hl(h"'·~_y· deA\ha In the Newpoct.-acc1dent1 In lhfl arTa ~acbtod 4t8 Beacb·Orange .arta durlnl!" the tlrst , durlnir 1ht1 .ame peNOO. compared 110 h.taUUee t.ot&led •29, Juet two Jeq than tor the thrf'fl ritonth per· 100 of 19:14. lnJurlu fncreued from r will •tudy and s•t .l"MdY -.nd the opportunity wt11 cmn•-Abr&o- ham Lincoln • .J • and. Loan Lee.pe. • end ot the week. our • • • ( OUR harbor citizens neecl YOUR direction The C of · C is the "vehicle" that unites All of Us in the growth and · progress of our wonderful City ' \..) You will ·GRtA Tl Y benefit ·by /DINING · NOW! man, U do lalir-, pre•\ ent ot th• 119nnt company' and lte tl.ir. dh'\· .aon., etated. "Pve1r11 • Luckman an lhor-o- qbly famlllar with the dutp and t n(1nNrinC problem• or electronic manutact\lrf!n. \\'fl tiirpec:l to em· ploy a bout· 1000 peoplto tn th• nt'W Hellpot blllldquartera wh"n It I• complet-4 In mld·196e. lAM thu. a yelr •ro. "' opened our 200,000 eq. fL pl&llt for the Beckm&D. Dtvl· a1on tn P'ullerton. Ae le&4ar1 In e.lectroft!C8, chemical tlqllipm.at and many other lfPM or lnetf\I· p:iui\a.. we miat have the mCNll moit.11 manutaecurui• ,._..... to facllil&t• ll!'ld keep pace wtth UI• rrowth ot 'GW" bualneu." • Local Plans for Jt'• a b Jt prfl}'IOUI, but thl• I• )(other'• Day for Ne"'•port Harbor Elld Lodrir-, a nd lhere wUI be 11 1pectal , cere.mony tonlrht a l 8 o'clock lrl th• lodr• rooni when mother-e will be honond. Mem· bera, lhtlr molh•ra and tr1e.nde, .,. lnvitfli l o be pruent, ai.o r.,r th• •leak dinner with .e.n1.n1 to" It.I.rt at e :JO p.m. At Balboa Bay Club lliundl.y will ftnd mll!'ly !amlly dinner pllr-u. wttb. niotber .. p••t or honor:- Rdel"V&tlona should be made .. early aa. poulbfe. • •' .. .1 NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' . ~ MAURIE STANLEY/. l'rnldent HAY .LANGINH!i', Sea.t•r·M•••JW , 1800 Wes~ Coas Highway .NEWPORT BEACH .Telephone Uberty 8-1155 -·-· ·-· ' 1 ' ' I J I ' .. . · . " . .. • . . • ' ' l ~RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS~ THURSD>:Y; MAY 5~ '".65 ' .... . . ' t e 0 .• •~I & I 1 WITH SALLIE -· Dtiy Mof7 ., . tbe dfdde ,,, a.d tldl • -Mom • , • you'll feel De a.denllo aad' _..,. be- a.n.C .. lloata Clam .. OYer aplm ••• 1W119 Ken- udy tbe wbmer of oar 0.-PriM BlrtMay l!OO iauo obplaae, utp w111 n1 wttll her Mother to LM Ve- IM~· ....... for Mother's Day.· Tb.M.)d to made by our ae.... the .treet ... Sallie reqwted LM Vegu, be- .• came alMI bad aever seen .... -···--· apedlled ""° woald like to j •taJ a& the TbudelMld • becallM .... bad "-nl ., •• __ __,._ tlo ~ I~ g n,...U . abe9t nG'di·•i .-.. ~ftaderblrd ud If lbe wutl!ld a tnlly--fabllla• w..u.d , .. tU Thunder- blnl WM tbe !>Mt; place to be fabaloaa bl· ••.• When tlooTll-Joad ·f-•t what the ~ wen for .. , a daOibter a.ad ~ her ~ oa & Mother'• . Day ---n1, Mid tJ!at the trip wu a prbe from JOQ~·wbicb ~for Tll•Y .i..p1y apped ud do- -.W a who~ •olte of rooma, co mplete wttb -. -·pool. ..... 1llom deNrt llvhll ud the n.t of the thln~ that p with I.AA VH;a~ ... to the caa~.:··. . . . Sallie Kennedy worka in the office of the Corona del Mu School where ahe is .ecnt.ary to Mn. Sevier, the principal. and the "boal of everythinc ahe •UJ'Veya" . . . She prom- iaed me f aithfully •he would ea.t a l=-hicken Ie:g and a •pan ioib for me , .. but · !abulowd)lo- tit the '1'111111dN'lliird Oluolr Wagon Satu.rdJ.y after mid~ nighl ... ana request the pianiat to play llnd 11ing Da- vey Crockett . .uoiuer'• uay '. . . UU. Sunday U. one of tbe momt ,promiffnt "e a t I a g-o u t" ---'-'la:y~-&ba-year-.. • .,..A...aew_ re.taurut 'and coffee ahop which will pieue ~om ao •end i11 Howanl'll .• just put the Archea> oa the way to llilntingt(>n Beach •.. Paul Cook tbe maaager bu defi- nite kleu about peof,lo and thelr eating hab t. ... "Some like to eat in a flub ••• MOiiie like te cliDe la ~ potie." Quick luncbei aad dinner <'JUI be had ln the 111:leamlng coff ee ithop at tbe long counter Mith lta com- fortable 8toob!. • . , Talk&· tJ,·e lwichn aad dinners with 11. meaning take place J ln the beautiful ad,il?htlng dbling roon1 to 110ft lighta. ~ ----'~_!" and freM ground «if~Tre)Oc)d-ls" the- sune high quality elLher la · , the dlalag room or coffee "Shop •. " ~arty-1oenJ. fish- ermen a.ad t ra\'elen ... Hen·., a place that's open %4 hou"' a da)·, ~\'f!ft day• • "'ff" . Swet.'l:> lo tile oweet ! Mc- Clendon '• candiea have ta.ken all the •weet toot.ha in the :Harbor Area. by atonn ... ~e fine McClendoq'a choc- 1 •late& you'v(' been accu-Btom-"1 · to traveling to that ont f&rticular a!J,op ln Lo11g Beach' lor ... We have been a.mazed ---i1rrt 'the nuniber of friend• Mc- C'lendon'• had aince we intro- duced them lait Euler ... &o many have been acquaint-1 t, 'with them either lhru Lhe est wood ·or Long Beach l· ~op .. , Thia week-end we've j' \ried to help with the cause Air Mother'& I>ay, by beaut!· I tu.lly ,gilt wrapping our M.c- Clendon'• fine chocolate. and! tpclqng a Mother'• Day card.1 11ndel-the attractive bow . , . ~ father and kl~ in ·a hurry • 1 •.. JU.t •icn the card for a Sft without nurry . . . lo .,._bt. about tut.! Sample ~ f!m .•.. _~en with h .. ute •.. buytwo --· .. -tn · -• • • Mom ftndlo bonoell ~utatnoa ... ' ' ' ~ WbeN . the Dowen an ___ ................... • . .._., thre eean:-. costume elry aad CIU'd:a are ..,.. -.. .... Tho food .. ' 1111tectlver .•• That'• ·JUchard.'a 11.arbt, ome of ,the Udo ·shop. at tbe Ml• ......... Udohle ••• . •"'· ., Sons anJ· Daughters Too! Remember Mot~er on Mother's Day, this Sun- day, May 8th, with 11 ~e11utifully wrapped box of Delicious McClendon's Chocolates. . For ~other's D•y shoppl"'l ....G. HSY just drop Into Richard's and pick up one of those beautifuMy pre-wrapped ----lo ... .._..·~ ' '"· McClendon"s are hand-dipped in only the purest rich chocolate and offer tka finest qua!ity you'n find anywhe,.. Here Is a 9i~ an · Mothe" would love to receive. •. 8. ..... '-"'. _,,. ~. r.wa,, ........ ... t .... drop ......... --... ;,... ..... , .. ,.,. .,,_...., •oU.r'• Do.&:.! ..... lerve~a U.S. -....... PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Jb.69· Man!n.Hen Old ,........., .... ~...... '• "WHOL• HAMor shanll enc1 lb. 53c . --_ ... .Jb. 11111 --lllchud·· roe QaolJty ..,.. . ' ·' GROUND BEEF lb; 39 .. " SLICED BACON lb .. s9. SAUSAGE ' ·-49· ·. "A. Gltt for aio"'9r" ---s2so SPICE or HERB SET . ___ . ··-._ .. _ . s 98 SEASONING SHELF.. ____ 5 HorDMI'• n-t ............. 2 41 1 CATSUP ___ ,...., ,., rU...., Oel-a . Rll'I OL!VES . """ 291 Weklll ..,.._* of. tM ,.._ 291 PRESERVES .. : ............... .. ;.y;~_ _ ,, ... 371 SoU1PS' AMart.d 5\' o•·y ··-·-··· .. ··········-... o.1 •o.1e nurr 31 1 COCKTAIL ........... .: ... '" Doi .. _ .. Moi.lo NEW 2 23 ' POTATOES ........ '" Mixii> "NuTs ............... 531 Tree Top Cld#r nr 2" APPLE JUICE .. """-I ca.·osED l :Tue~ay, May 10 ·For Plumbers . ' • the finest choco- late• • ' . dark and light. creams, nut1 or chews •.• hand , made for Richard's & especially for you. Dark ... Milk AM'l. -·-···-···-· .... !..-.. ··--··· 1 lb. 11.69 Dark Md MIDI ..U.'L -··---·-·-··-·-·-·-·-· t lb. 11.N All 0.Tk Aalaort.M -·-·-•·•-··-······-·---··--l lh. 11.Q All l'filk A•Mlrwd .... -·····-····-· .. ····-··········-····--·· lb. 11A9 l>ar!l ~-Milk Ch•YI·• .' ...... -.......... --·-··-··-·····-·-I Iii. ll.t9 D&l"k Mid Mllli All Nut ·····-····-····-··· .. ··-1 lb. 11.11 All Dai-k OM.Wd !'liuU -··· .. -·····-···-··----I lb. 11.11 AU Mllfl: CoaUd Nut. ............... _. ____ ....: .• -.. ···-·-l lb. It.Tl Chocolate ~I .t l'N:9G ............................ -.. box 11 .-tt Chocoat.e Ml11t 81.adwk b ·-····-·-··-···-·-···· \\ Ob. ... ChO(lOlat.. Mint 8andy,·i,p,h ...................... ~·······-.. ; I b. 11.ta . . R .. ED RASPBERRIES ~ 25c: PiNEAPPLE · CHUNKS .... ·:~· 27c: Blnb.rye $4 °ftA FRYING CHICKEN : •.• ..... 1 V7 ,~ --ium11""--· ---=--59--- ... ., .......................... .lb. CHICKEN BRfAST . . .. -·~ 99c:' "R"U:liiiif'aSlirffie t1r ' ICE CREAM , . ....... --..;79c: -~EANNED-HAM ·. ........ _ CREAM CHEESE ____ .: 29c:. · · . FLOWERS add tho finishin9 touch lo any gilt. Their color and lra9renco plus the rich flavorful te;t, of delicious chocolatu niay well meko Mother's Dey ••• your day tool ~-'tlll 7:00 p. Ill. TliMl'lcliys-;-Ftlclays-lt. Sal•• clays . ' ' . Y °"'II fliicl a 'Lido Shop ••• •SDCJ, Tmder, Silmmer 2 Iba. SQUASH -. 39.: T Hl"K!;OA \' SHORT CAKES 4 '"' 151 BREADunrh -. 24' .................. _ . .loaf 25 1-"KIDAV ........ h 8&11.-d Plfl 541 C BOYSENBERRY . -• . Hnlt,.rfl11.k 11 6 16j ~--~ DINNER ROLLS ,., . R"gj ~Thlt<> ;-1-4...:·--·--'1_ .. 9;!11.C~~AOmood Top~TURDA\' A ltl:I p~ ~ lbs.. BUtfEJ{R"ORNS-.~iJ'·-- ~"""''"'· ttt:AKT .-;HAl't:D MOTllt:K;S DA\' ('AK.£ • ... Start" _/ l.' "Prr/«llJI roo•lt"d . , , ••·nvti.ne·• HIU'11 BroL . COFFEE "011'1r!l11tm•1d F'rr11ll ;...:/."r 11•1ur "•uH•JI 1,,,..1,.:·· Richard's Grttn ~on -Gradt' AA "· ~·83.c -·-.. ', LARGE EGGS ' do•en .. --.. ,,,_ ,-• ----·--r-"< ---- 49c ~ nr/ir1ow~ for Srrt.1rl nr DP~11rrt'' As!'IOrted •'lnP t1a,·on; .....: ,1•:1.1.0 - GELATIN . - .~Th" Qw•r" of C11k~ M i..rr11" r'll~bury'11 ~t Sfollt>r -ASGt :J_, FOOi> CAKE MIX· Pillsbury W~ite _l'.fosting_ Mix • ---. •6::43c pk9 •••• 27< \ .• • • to fit your every need ! . I " -·-SPECIALS FOB IL\1' II, I ud 7, laU ' -. ..._ ,_ -.... tu. ooUecMd -.. "* ....... .. . " • ' • " • ' } ' - .. l I I • •• ll'ii'DJCATING HOW HIGH IS UP-And making an arrow of hia body·to point the way ia Dave Andrews o ff the Orange Coaat College high di\'e. Andrew• took third place f o r Ne"'port Harbor HiJth i.i1 the. Sunset Leagut; swim champion11hips la.st Thuraday. Coach Al Irwin g ot tossed lhto the tank-'later in the afternoon, after hia Tar var1ily pil,ed ~p 96 points for first placf' andM..S.·aq~aa ~bbed the t itle with ~ point.a. SWf Pho t n "t' · - R IGltT 11'\ THE S \\'IM-Is :orange Coast a o pbolhore Quddy Belahe u t;h..!-~junigi: co t gc tan championefiipiiget: undetway In ffielfeaa college pool th~ a!t.ernoon. Bel· she "'ill be one of som e 150 15wimmera and divers fro m 25 California J C'1 participat- ing in the three-day splashfest . Belshe wil l be d efending h is 220 and 440 yd. and 1500 m eter freest yle titles v.•on last year In the state championships at Fresno State. - 'OCC Pho to '. NATIONAL JC TANK RECORDS DUE TO -TOPPLE IN . ·sT ATE. SWIM . MEET ' " IUC NET TRIO ENTERS LOOP TOURNAMENT • .. TMm capt&ln Gtn. Tylar, J.lttenn•n Jim Ann1tron1 -11cl Cttet Cllelden. and tr..tunan 14M1 BilcaUua will be the ora.n1• c.-t eoue1e , .. trla• In the Ea.Item Conllf'tDC1 m- n11 t ouma m111t 1.tlday, toO'lor- row and Saturday at River· •1kte. The rour eot..tt 0pl1yera were Mltttld In ·1nter·9quad ladder play la1t wHk a ner ~ Bue "Jtet.men wound u,p tht:ir c:obnforeii.co matcl!. !HaY IC:hedula at San BenaNtino. • • I .. --------------------------1 ~w U111• al .. , lll tM r1111t I and Wrd laa&ap and Ult Bra"' H • I-I 0 .-........... 4"'\la ..... 1111 to ...-1 " • · . ( • 1'h11 11.J.. 1'f1turally, Bob WUl!l'l • • .;.. around at U11 llnloth. . '\). O_ ~ . --~ F •llo• ...... W~ld ..... •,-. a. ... land WQll !~Jour r•••• lo 1wo. ltut U.. two li!MM• ! lllf ht. Nier, lh1 Tri~'• tap hurlP.r ror l• ,_,. .. 1ot .r~ii wltll"'"" bolh, Aad do >'°" llnow wbU hap,.n.cl , • , WMft Cl"'101aftd pt Into liut )'Mr'1 ___________ "'.'" _____ .;._.,.,__.., ______ l"O• wtUi i'eli.r .tlll Mvlnr a NEWPO~ HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART Ii I.· PAGE I -""""" .......... w..,, .. ,. 1 .. wU1? \Bo'h)', ....... r Al i.ope. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1955 didn't '" nt..10 pnu. tti.111y. H• --------------------------! ~t Bob . 1-•on M d Sul)' 1VJ.n and Mlk1 Garda could k>N T ff IE s p 0 ' Ts w A.T.C ff ;-;::;;.~:--_;-:;:~ ... -... BILL PllD..LIPS • Ttp. hU.Ca '.UU arwad. 1tut -J ma)'M IM wu Jul w.t1"'-tor bl• 1----''-------------------------1r-.placem•t to~""9l• ,alone. Yo"' I bo Bob F 11 · ~·11 d p;t h-• 2-0 8", H1rbt1 Icon, U.. lTldi.n.' won "-'-n u t -11.1tw rw 0.- i..-ct in IN&, lkOr. WU Clftly fO\lr ,.. Tl old. 'f 8" t-bet ftt. ..... 9ob pla.n• to ha"I" .aiv11M lone .....,-h t~'M rMI wn_J(,trb&t _u U.. 1"'11 h•'• -." waaun1 for". . ' "-· ...... "* .... Le••·· Wlil . \ By BILL FLORY Ltd by Pel• Stoddart!, HON« Cn11fn woo Lholr ltt'Dnd 1..,.ua ,..,.... 0\'9{ Oran1•. ~·l lalt Tin•r•- clay. Tht! prn•~w.,,.t lntn ••tra In· nlnp a1 the l <'lir• v.•u lltd 1n bottom Of ltU• HVt:nlh 3-3. The oullllndlna plaY"t for Oruice wa1 Bob Lowe wtrio hit-...!_ liwlcln• run In lht tlrat and a tr~n Lbi. Lb.J.N fur lit. nr1t t.'1?11 i t '-t•. la IM 11and1"11. Ca Joila &Qd a.ro.n Gr<:1ve a rt tied tor t1r1t with thrH Win• 1•ch. Hor••'• En.lp11 nelll hom,.I p:m1 w11J r,. played asaln•t t...l\lna B!•cb. '!'ht top 1in1lo1 ~d doi+b\ea playl'n fr<:1m .. ven juntoro ool· Jt>r•• will be aeeded 1n the •II. conference tourney, with tndlridual and ltam aWarda for·tlnalltll. TOllrA&ln1nt play wlU llave no twarln1 on the regular c:onterenc• champion· 1hlp which , II decided on the but• or mal rh play. Tyler, Annstron1 and B!tralluz will enter Lhe 1ln1l•1 play, adding Shelden In field two t1..m1 In tht doublt1 conlpeUUon. .et: my y e er LI •~I aroun . e eu a 1 eoulh,..W r.ll9r,-t.a.IO'w~ Bob to one-hllter·Sunday. Against a_ h•~·hitting Boait.on 'Red Sox th<I mound qal.Nt u.. ~ ~ nlni, too." I don!t know how many yean I've been ~ading Sunct.y tor 'it.. J:l -''_."' •11 ll• '0 H N .8 T o NE• 8 be.. Wh . h ' I ·-did WU f.a .u., .,. ~tl u., about Feller 1ng through, y, eek, the guy• on Y .-nr.t th,_-,~. -d a Lotal Mesa Auto Wreckers and bu the !uteat cun •e ball in the major league.. NOt ot 1t doWn ..ut.linl' and ('Diiie 1 . ...,.. A•lo Part• only Uiat, he'e in better 1hape than --Vrlthin.Jw.o .K 'L« FtllN'I 11-Ume ~ A~ moat or the pr<:1mlelng rook Le•. f Feller c:ould have had lour no-lilt-ll w hiff• In ·a tray. %07:. f'laceatla A.\'e, Do you reaU:u• !hi• Feller rould I !fr• and that record, lnat1ad or Bob hu to bot coed to Mft wa H• u.i..rt, l ·lotl . C.&a •- jlUll •• eaally be cr~ited vo'lth l!'l lh""e and • lie with two other '""'_~~"...~l~~·~·--~~·~~~M~~-~~~r.J~~·~'J..':::::::::;,,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ no-hit garn<"• ! No kidding. H,..·~ I 'uy1. There wa1 1 came Bo~ wa1 _ Ued wllh a c:oupl,.. other 11uy1 with hUThnK •1•ln~t lht Chlcsgo 'hlto the mo.I no-hitter•. three. And Soll. Hew .. well .on ·hl1 way to Rapid Rotwrt ha• t.,.·irled a r«ord anolhPr no-hitter when'°"'' rlown numMr or Ofl.e·hltters. 12 ott s un-lotted one toward letl rfleld. Cleve· d1y'1 claa1tr. TAl.K ABOl"I T()l "(;JI lane! M1n1grr Lou Boudr,1u 1tart- ed atll!'r lt fron1 hil 1hort.tnp po11- llon. il._j__ • t r '"" lhtmr-BUt ~·tetztl II e 1en t ltldtr <• For Defense 1f link Title hid tough lurk r,hur k!ng ror Cu11«h but Boud1-.a u waved him otl. Wind Jl:nul Nef'mf''I !\'tv•port l l11~r ca ucht the pelota and wafted It H11h Tar team lhl1 Sun.et 1-•(1.le toward the left field Unt wlt.h 11ta110n. yoll'"re rLIJ:ht , Tl!.t l11d un-Boudreau 1tlll In 1uy punult. 01'1, 11.aabed a 11D-hltll!r during the he had It •11 the way. Until It tell pracllce H 11011, but hla rl'rord for toi' a 1ln1lo rl1ht whtn tllt w•ftd Alway• In top 1hape. lhe Or-the loop ff'&ll(l n •l•nda 11 ont win off \tft fltl!Sl!'[,/:~.l!l)?.•v• A1&~ Aft &nee Cout ColL•r• ftrn 1wlrn team and all thrtfl Sailor 11Pt'bat k11, Jim ea1y out catc:h. The,. went I.he no- 1.. w_orklrl& J1Md to retain' their Newkj rk (In th .. other h~n<I h;i.11 h1tlpr. ln1tead. Bob added I.hat one Sou them CalUomla JC t&nk Iii.Ill an •ll·Wh1nln1: J-0 1·•~i"f 1•:h1•...-,. __ , J to hit one-htl -total. ln the rh1.n1plon1hlpt alated tor t l!.e Loreritz.en got crf'd!t !or last Tt:S YEA& ":.uT Plrat-e pool nPxt Thurad1y. They wHk'1 Sant11. Ana \'L('tory. ·l~ .• ,,.,,. camt nut triumphant In a three the ratt th<" Tani wrrl!' lt1Hllng "•Y melt wlth Cnmpton COl\11• when Wetzl!'I l<"ft th'• rnound. and ML !Ian Antonio on tho M••• But 1r ynu think \\'tt1tl hurl .. Jail .,.,etk. In hard lurk. ror11ider Fellrr. Paced by Stephanie Belcll11r'1 Blazln' Bob v.·aill jllllt the bffl there thr"" wln1. the Bue bab<ooa batl"r· w ... th11.l'11 all. l'<"l h<" o~n•d h!'~ ed the opposition menna ld1. Jl'tna.J rartrr v.•lt h 1 junk Clevtland blill total• favorr-d OCC by 61 · polnt1 rtub. He wu the v.·hole dern 1tatf. to Compton'• 24 and Mt. 8AC"1 IO what thl' ri\·&11 did wa .. 1iw11y1 23. . 1ave their M•t o:hul·kpr1 tn throw StephaniJo.: nabbed I.he 2r'I yd. at ""ll"r. S!ill the kid ra re<t b1l·k hac:k1troke In-1811.. the breut-and fo1'1•d that pea pa1t. '•m. Th~ 11trnke In 18.3 an!S trut diving with at•aonl he <11dn't .,.·I n 20 tn 29 a 7~.3 'point collection. J•an Tou-rame1 wer• few and t11 r between. loUM" copped Ult 211 yd. freestyle U NCLI: 8AM. ftECKO!rr,'foi In 13.7: ~•lie Kovl•l.tl c-.mt red Tben j\Ull when ,.~"ll•r ha.d reat h· the !'!() yd, frtl!'.. -fd hll peak, Wht n the lapAe Of time \\'rapping up all fir&l apot1, I.hi betwetn delivery and arrival of the MeN. c:o-ed.I took the mldl.l!'y re· N.U In the c:•tchPr'• mitt v.•a1 non· lay tn 62.4 and the free1tyl1 relay elllaterit, and tu• occu ional c{j,rve In 1 :00.7. Jun1 Nunan. Ml111 Too-b""ka rtfht down the tlr~t b•"" louse •nd B«ky Granier 11pluh-llne, than ram,.. Y.'orld \\'11r II. ed t he medley whUe Kolvllto, Nu-P'ttler went Into I.ht Na.-y, •nd lollt nan, Gr&nl'llr .and Cynt.hl1 Stroth• Ultff of the be•t ye1r1 1n hl1 hit, •r ..,.,re the \.._, from the c~ blueball wtM. in' Ul.e trff. 1 c.a •Wl -c-emembor Ow ·aeuon --------------I w)lon .Feller cama bl.cl!. 2".c:Uca.lly OCC loweri F1ce C1lifor1i1 M1y 21 in 01kl1nd ~I'• c .-t eou. .. ,·, crww took their MC?nd •ln!111t win on r UCLA'• ~n Ba turday att.er- noOn oa "Uil : B'iUbe.lit1' hOme c:OUJ' .. , winnb:lJ' by two JnirtJMi and 27 teeond1 La a 1teady downpour. • The 8UCI lllready had t. fl•t length dK lllon ovez:. th1 UCLA frollh tlU'et weekll'betoro ln Newport Ha'rbor. The Pirate oantnon had mon tr<:1ubl1 with tht alameni. with the Bni.ln Ci'e1hmen. ILOW 001.D 00 __,..ouUAs lt w .. a QO-hl~tar, or one-twoor t.V..-llltt1r. That ..,,a Ult ye&r Bob'• 1trlkeout& were ju .. t on. C(lfttinllOUll ma jor leacu• re- ennl. But aun no 10-pm• ae1.110ri1 Md 1Ull no World Serie•. ONE MORE EA.SY Ten years P'tllt r hi.Cl tn .... n for a World Sert111 chanct. And .,..h•l h•p~ned wht n It cam• In 1948 ! Bob t..,1rll!'d a two-hit open- er. e ut Cleve.land 1o,_l to tho Bol-_ ton Brav11, l·O. Johnny llaln rot the victory with a fpur-hltll!'r. And In .•_a11l1t from Umpire Bill Stew- art. It 11o·u .col'f:ifu until UM Bravt:•' eighth. Bill Salkt-Jd W•lk · .. d, Phil M••l ran tor hln1. l'>llk• ~lrConntck aar'rUlc:ed Mali 10 llti"C- ond and Bob 1ave J;dctia ll~ky 11.n intl!'nl lon1J pe1111 In H I . 111> • doubl., pla y with nne out. Felt .. r and' Boudreau t.htn puUtd onr of thoae 1weet pickoff pl&y1, aur h aa the T1r. have u...t to a.d- \'ent1g1P. lh11 1tl.'.lon. Feller whirl· •d and thr .. w lo hit man..,."' whtl cut tn bi!'hlnd Maal. BoudT11au •u walling 1u1 Mui made •·dt'1ptr1te b<oolly b111ter for the bar. IJl""art c11.lll!'d Phll "'"· Boucl,..u turn..d ~. white and blue with reaultant Cl re'work~. none ot It palrlnttt. Ma•! wu etlll 1aft. Sain ftltd out for what would haM btea 1"rd out. Tommy 'Holmoa .. ,tad to llrtve M11•1 Ir. with UI• ol\e and oncy run: ONE MORE CllANCll: f't:ller got one more C"-CI ln the Serl••. but that pn:ind hit !lay to 1011 up the (Oph•• 1*111. Bob Elllo1t 1muhl'd two llomen ln OPENS FllDAY. IAY 13 1 llCU Ila! thrilling thoroughbred RACING llllTWOID PAii ...._,...I0 --4• 1i11f'"ldio -ol thol'(Mlrh"-' nd., • -~-'T..tritl .. Lltaa.i "--9'" ... .., __ ..... .... -al ..... : • ._.,, ......... -_,,_: 111.-.••n111 .... U1MW : UEOOS' •' lll&f ____ .. l ._ ..... ,., ....... ,.1111-.. ...._ y._,,..m.--...i--~­.,.., . .,. ... _.... • J ..._, ... •1 ao a.uintw ..... .. .... . ... . .... ~ ·Hollywood ·.·park f • -·-.. ·Cl•1NY llt'I., •1U•1t Championships Underway With · Mile Today in OCC Pool Metric The: 2000 meltr cour11 at UCLA Ui tald out In Ballona Crff.k, a man-made 1tonn dratn emptying lnto I.hi oc:ea.n at Pl&ya dtl ~y. Thu. OC*Cb P.aul Baptlata'1 charc· e1 no.t only rowfll !n a cold drlz.r.\. Mel V·,·sel's ,.g ,., ••• ". ••p• up .. I ...... nocin, but were pullinl' agalrat a 1t N>l\g cutTent from tha not-partf· cularly-c:ltan raln-IW'Olltn L. A. AMERICA'S FOREMOST ARTISTS vol't PLYMOUTH . ' ' 8\' J ERRl' T llOMPSON D"1scus ·toss runoff. Six national ju°nior. ·college 1i\loo'il'nn1in~cords w ill be in Grah1.n1 Glbbou rowed boW llWttp, with Andy Ma.rtln number Oiingcr lliIB-w~k"cnd as--some---tWt"lve Southern Ca.li!ornia. ~ B two.,-Tommy_ ~letts' .. .JMH.!..~-__ _ J C's anJ another do1,en fro m the nort-he rn half o f the state ac A#° ucs -Norton four, Bon Benjamin five. co n\·c rl!:e on Orange Coast College fo r lhe California J C .:;~ Dick. J orda.n •LI, Al Hath"'•Y " wvtn and Frank Beall 1troke. sv.•imn11 ng championships in the QCC pool today, tcim orrow NtlllOn Vltel pacl!'d Orange Coatt Bobby Gllltelln waa co..wal.n, &Ll•I S11turt1 .. v. Thrte n11.tio'n11.l College tr11.ck entrltl In \ht! annual m"iks V.'l'rt b;tt•red In !•~t Wl!'t'k'11. 1:02.9 r l!'ntury b1·r11-~t clock1rig lut E 11.11tern Conrerenco champlon1hip1 l>KA.\\' LA.YOFP' South<'r 1 •111 ·hiompinnllhlpi ft t werk to bo:'!tl!'r the e•111t lng lltl· ~torid1y afternOOfl at Sant& Ana use·, Junior vi rally, t laled. to 11 ' . I k I I El ,., ·nn'o C II th bl h h C M ~. • I Long l><"Rr h 11.nd 11n<:1th_t'r tZ"i'I 111114!1-t10•\jt uuar • a1 '1< nu ., o ege 1111. e K aop omore tou -row t ., Dlt& eaan1 ...,, l n ed hv only fra«tion11. f•f 11 11,.,,,,nd I Dnn \~'hll n•')' In the ~ breast, •<I the dl11Cu& 140 ft. 8\. in. for North Udo Channel ti.. CA!lc:eled The thn_t' .. IAV rn••'t in thl'Co~!a covering th ...... 1ght 111.pl course in flr1t ph•ce. Vlltt'l tv.·lrl"d the plat-out. and the OCC'• draw a ·two )fet1a p,.~.i .,..1u· proi;r11n1 the t:'!QV 'l :J~.l'I. ter Pight ft:•l further than hl11 1wr1k layoff from competition. n1etPt fr<'e~Lyle tod11~· 111 ~ p rn,. Th.-•i•nn!s llrt 11 tn1111.up bt-qu111ICyinK i)(-1t of 132·~ \\'edne1· 1'e:r<t thing on tht Plr.te 1KJLM- 11nd the prcJu111 anti finRlll fQr HI" \v.«·t>n C!Jnlpton'~ tton Volnitr (the rtay~ 11!· HunUn 11ton Be11ch, 11.nd ule, prec:etdlng the We1tem Na- r,n1a1nl n,1:: fiflet•n t't'l"llll< li t 9.30 ~outhern CaL.winnprl, El Camino·• llf'tterl!'d h11 o.,.·n OCC 11r hoolm&rk Uon•I Sprint.I Regatta M1y 28 In a.111. 11.n<! 2;30 p,nl, n'IPo"•'lll't'I}' to-Jnhn O'Hourkl', Full.-rton ·~ J Qhn nf 13!1·6 by mnre thin fourtttn Ne~·port Harbor by I week, II a 1n(Jrrow 11.nd 811 turJK)"' p t\;u;p11 r1111! Uio\'e H Kllkell 11n<l the I inrhPs. . trip north to row th• Unlvenlty Sl~"T~ •'Olt t"KIJ)Al' unknown ..... ~qoonUtf !rorn up FUL.lnecl out Satunlay 011 the of Callf~rnla at OU.land l:1tuary • n•••'" u·\th lh• ,ra.-vtne rennrt-Huntln~ton 1 HS u•·•l. ho1Un11: OCC May 21. inJ: 111,. f!nl!'1t cr"p of northrrO toac ~el nn .arper mov=i .t .• Tomorrov."a 111111!! includr1 th' " "''-"-,,_ ""' h h H _.. h :~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil· J GO yanl freutylr. \ht 200 back-C11.l!forni• •prtnt~rll, pMtirulsr!y an-confertnt .. mtr.t tq Sant.a Ana 1 at.roke. the 2'..10 Crtestyle. \he 200 ln the roQ rre ... in the hi.11tory C>f exctflt nt rll"ld. The d'1y v.•u cti1p breuu1rokt. one n1l!'tl!'r d lvu1g and but not .,..Indy .•nd the track d"" I --100 tht' 1ta lt. .., the 400 trl!'C9lyle re 11.y, • "" !111<1 1prln1y, 11.dding-up to perfect back. 100 brl!'out, 100 tr~ .. 44 0 ~l.,IOSS RATE8 running condition• which produc:l!'d tttt. ISO lndi<'lll1111.l ·merll<"y . three Gtl!'j(C :i11\ion11 Or Lo11 Angelr.1 Jnur n'!W c:Onttr<"nce rtconl11.1nd a ml'ltr dh·lnK 11.nJ the 300 ml!'dlcy c;11y CoUl'~•·. on h11 double v.·in-n1t10nt<1 JC mark. nl.ay are c11.nl1d tor Satunlay. ning 1~1f(Jrrn11.nce Jut v.·Pek off Ai• f'XptCl•d. the me<'t turned Prob1blf' Klgh!ight of the ml!'tl tx>lh the one ml!'tl!'r and three n1t· into 11. 1wo-v.·ay battle b"'twttn ~U . wlll be a three ""'""t rtmatch hr-ler board~. r11\e11 \ht' fR\'Olitll, 11pot S&n Antonio'• Jui1! n1 ~et t1t11.llst.• tween S11.nta Monic11'1 Gf'ne 111 the: diving coinpeUtlon, but S11.n-11.nd s 11nui. An11 'a dpftnding Chlmpa. Orounda •nd Oran.gt' CG1111.t'.11 Bud ta ~1 01111"''!1 Bili Boont-,• both Umr.11 The l'>lount111 rolltd up a n 85'-.-Bohihe. n1nn1n1p and Co .. l'a OW'fl Jaek ;9•• m11.rg1n o,·•r thl! Don1 for tht Bellhe, deftQdin( 1\all!' chimp-Bl!ll 11.houldn't be (.ounted nut. Bfll t'am trophy . .,..i th F\l.Uertori a poor Ion ln tht! 10-00. :120 and 440 yard wu 1t1te \hrt'e mett>r champ In third 11 221,. Thw rt'malnlng four trtaety\r.1 . .,. ... beaten by Ground• MUfl a nd on th" f11n1ili11.r OCC EC aqui d1 pic:ked up the crumb•. tn all viree evcnu .. he hit h19 hoaN.c, ml1ht be able to pull an v.·l!h Chaftty fourth v.·i!h t2 1" ,...·b.t uhtt1 Or tha yeu . but fai!<"d upM'l or twn. n111.rkt'r1. Sin Berne rdlllo l:I, Coa1t to belloer JW\1he'1 ,;belt1" !or Ule Tpamwl.11", :io ont flirurei to 10'-, and Rlvoer1ld1 2''1· th""' nen. 1illl Crans• COIUl •c,._, 1t~-11' IM-v.·a)' of_~ f'\lllerto!'! J'rt"!ihma'I OA ry John.on ,., .• , the Jutt ~ag'lna to ahak• off & jug'gern11.ut. The" Hc>i'nPU ~ave Or.if"cOiii"''Me~11.n to pl•re In t ... ·o eomblnatlon of nu 11.nd 11.11 MU· don1in•l•·d the naUon'11 Jun1of col-l'V~nu. c11.rnPrlng a llt'C ond pl11.N' panlcillln reactJon, fl(\U'f'I le givt ll!'ge invln1mlng: .cenl' for l<lmt 18 tie ln t~r al'lot .,.'\th a 4!'1 rt. 1 r.. ~ Santa Monica fWh a battle yeara, with only a 11111gl• JnterTUp-In. put In l\'ednead1y'1 prPl!m1 fDf' eacri ot lhe tl'U'N ~Id meda.I& lion, onc:e during the v.·1r year~. an<! a tinh in the r11aclll. aRllln Jn their ..e.cond encounler. and unlei<J! po~·erful C9fnplM. v.·ho \.·1th a preliminary lollO, •l 12t - SHAJl Y J"OO'.l'U'o"O conquered th! Fullerton mrrrnen l.n 11 .... BOtl\ tha· 100 and 200 breut.· a dual m!'lt thl1 11euon -no Dave Pridham . .,Jcor"1t the lnrit mark.1 •Tiii a.1110 on 11. 11h aky 1!n1j:1Le frat In ll •elf -can pull l!I. po!nt the Bue. 1 ot ln lh~ tr•rk I'· Mt. San' Anton lo·1 .Br!an roup!~ .,;c mlr11c!t1, 19[16 v.·11! prob~ i•"l!'nllt, runnln1t fifth_ Jn th• 120 tlll1'Lod in an , amutn1 ably be number 111 t~ th• FJ C'L ya rd hirb burdlH. -• _, Yeiftt-Mft •1ciclf MWALLl- WOODWOllK •Dir ODORLlll ,.,,,,,. ........... , '''.IJ~i :I• PAINTS lo• , _,,, · 1 ru• rio1f' ' ''AMERIC~S MOST . -----• BEAUTIFU.L ·CAA I'' • • "To Plynwuth 'in honor of the men and women . who desil{fl£d the 1955 Plymouth-most beautiful car of the year" -. -SOCIETY or ••USTRATORS CITATION Plymouth i1 p roud to annQIUlce thi1 1w11d bestowed by the.famed Society of lllii§l11lon. To the tr11ined eye of the profe91ional 11rti1t, Plymouth '1 F orwcuJ U,ok ttylin11 rep~tll the year'• mo.t beautiful •utomoli.,.e dc.ip. ' YC!u'U apprecilU &hi. be.uty, too, oM BEST BUY NEW1 BETTER TRADl·IN, Too PLYMOUTH ' . . LOU REED 6. ASSOCIATES • wh.t it doe1 for you. H•1w, fnr 1.1am11le, it gh-e. you lhe g rc:1tel 1·i~iliili1y of 1oy low·prM:e car ••• the roomint interiora • , , the lir@esl trunk. •r•ce'. But -for your!IClf. 5e'l'l Amoi:rica'• m111t beautiful car tCJd1y -the 11U·new: PLYMO~THl·- 4323 W. c-t Hltliway Newpott· ._. Huibor 4070 ... _ .............. ~ ...... ~ ............ .._ q -, ' ~- , • . ' I J . , - . . • .. ./ · . SPRING SHOW DISPLAYS FASHIONS 'l'he Harbor House Restaurant in Costa Mesa held the second in a aeries of tuhlon abow-dinnera just recently in which a luge selection ot frocks and casual ensem- bles were diapl&yed to viewers. Shown here (If. to R.) are Gloria Fi<!kling, com.men· ta tor anq producer of the show with two o( the 'models: Trudy Walker who modela abutter-tucked tapered slacks and bodice of black poplin with a gaily striped sheer or- gandy abirt, a spring fashion feature from EUgene'a new shop in Costa Mesa, and Virginia Barr wearing one of the original fashions from K im ot Balboa Island. Thia one is a band·screened two P.iece cocktail enaemble with sparkling rhinestone trim.' -Beckner Photo Jerry Gray to Play at Counfy High School Graduation Dance IOY'S CLUI SOCK HOP SATURDAY Local teen-ager1 ww dance to the music ot Pat Patter· aon'a combo Sa1urday night at the Harbor Boy•' Club. Danc- ing I• elated to 1tart •l II p.m. and !lnlah '•t 11:30 p.m. Any teen•· &fer Lt welcome. The price will be Sl I\ couple and nfl •t•g• are allowed. Al usual, the dance will ~ a 11<>ck hop. ORANGE (OC~S)-Jerry Gray m nger who continues the Mllltt w ill play for th• county-wide high I atyle ot muak. wu booked Wed- echool rraduatlon dance lo be held 1 nesday night nt & m~etmg ot the Orange 20-.30 atudent eouncll and J une 16 •l the R~ndeii:voll.8. IJ~all· &tudent advisory committee.' t oom. B11 lboa. Two top name attractiona with· Cray forrnl'r Gh•n Miller ar-'" the group's budcet llsnlt, will also be on hand, althQU6h final arron~emenll With the mu11leaJ and cumetly group11 were not po1- 1fble at lhe ~l'eting. Oser, Blasingame ' . Cars -in Accident ilinor nalrtl'nt oc<'urreJ F11d11y Rule Purse Taken P&tte1'0n pruentld a popu- lar ahow for the Hventb and etrhth grader1 laat month and wu enthu11lasllcally Invited to retum forSaturday night'• dance. at Bay111de Drive •nd Coast High· I. Theft ot a wom•n'a PoUCh·type way A\'e, belwe••n 1·11rs ''11''"n by bag from a shetr at 3410 Via ~o Al~x 01'< r. :.2~1 Vi.1 Lit.In S•utll. 11nd Means DauCJhter Gti11 r ~me Bl11~ingamo oC. Long was reporte\J Saturday by Ra· R A baby c trl WU born Saturd11y. a. a1•h, police &&ld. mona ule to 1>0Un. She valu9d April 30 lo Mr. an() "?Krs. GeOl'ge The BIEL~rnitamr rsr Wll! going 1t ut H O and thought the theft Meani. 701 St. Jamee Road.· She ntJrth on Cv11st 1 lii:;hway ancl wus occurred, April 26. arrived in Hoag Ho1pltal. m11klni: n lrft turn onto l1R):>11ue 1-------------------------- "' h•·n the i.. 11•knt occurred, ottl· r•·r~ r rportld. Out of Control, Rams in Building A 1 Rr rtn\'l'n hv Mri<frtd Elnora Sw1(t.'4';', oC 10111 Grove 51t .. Ooa· ta ~lc5J\. w. nl uul (I( control Sun- tlay l\t c~nal\t. lllj:bw11y nn<I Ht'llO· trope A,,~, JUn1pcol the !ittlewalk an•l ranirru"l 111ln a bu1llhng (\l 2ts:li t"t>lllll Jffghw11y, PolJce HJd. I Thi' driver LOlrt pollrP 11n uni· 1 c1l'nt1(1<'d cR r a ltt•mpt<'d 11 l<'Cl tum 1 Ill Ctont or h•'r Sh(' Sllld llhr BJ;l:- pht'tl ht'f brake• to avoid M ec- r1rtPnt tmd 'the r lfr ~kidded. The olhrr car 1lf•I not 11tor. police 881<;1, DEATH NOTICE ROSS RfRCHE'IT F'unrral Bl'rvtcu for Rou J . Brr <'ht'lt i O 1~71 Meaa Drive. S~nta Ana Hrl~ht~. will bf' hrld F riday Ill 2 p Ill In Parkt'! .. Rldley Mortunry C'h11p!'l. :-;.-wpMl llarbor Elk11 J.,od~r. :-;o. I 76i will be In chArJ:I'. Mr. Birchett a1r<1 Monday I In Orllnf.:e Cnunty Ho11pll1l 11hortly 'afttr a rrr VR I HI' wu ll ne llve ot Ph~nlx, 11nd KTeW up In Tucl!Cln. He owned an<l I optr11trd a n 1111tomnt1t!ve rrMn• at~n bmnnl'M there, wu • m embe.r of lht Elks Lo<1gt nt th1ll city. He came to Col1ta ~tr~'\ t'rght , years ago. movrd to Santa .arM Helgbte thl• year. He la 1urvlved l by his wt~. Ttresa, oC the hOITlt' addru1. lntennl'nt will be In Har· bor Rut Memorial Park Cemetery MRS_.,n :A:-O :-.IORMAN Funera l •trviCN for Mra. Jean II. Nonp.an. 47, 309 Alvarado St .. were Mil! today a t 2 p.m. In Psrk- ~ldley Mortuary Chaptl w1th tht 'Rev. Joeeph McShant. putor of Coeta Me.11& Community Meth<><!· lat Church, oftlctat.Jnc:' MrL Nor· man i1Jed Sunday In Orange Cowi· ~1 O~oual HNJ>ltal aft er a abort Ulne•. She had been a rtc1t tertd nurM there tor 10 ~·,.._ Sh't ~ a native of Albe_rtA.· Oni da . and ca.nie to Calltomta from N•w Yo rk 18 year1 &g"O and had ll\'ed hn~ 1lnc1 then.. Sun•lvon are her mothtr, Mra. Anne Scott.' of C1U1ad11 : a eon, Jamn L. Norman, S)1trm•n Oak•: a ~aughtu, Mra. Wllllam May•. Asuu: two brotherw.. Robed and , by · ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompanidnh WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ·1TALIAN DINNERS .. Go to ROSSI CAFE COl"OllCI clel Mar ~25 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 1180 CCWSED TUESDAYS) Balboa Island CHEF , HENRY JONES 1114J«Jfth ..,> • Park Avenue Speciat Monday fhru Saturday -White Sea Bass • •• PapWott 8Al"'R: Calf Sweet Bread . ... "Rendezvous of tfe Mariners" ltark Avenue at Marine • Jamt'io Scott nf Canad11 : lln I t h rt<' l g'l'lmkhrltlrtn lnttrmPnt wa~ In I Harbor R'~t .Memorial Cemt'te'°Y· ._------------------------....i ' • lo . , ·' PAGE 2 --PART111 -NEWPO~T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY S, 19~5 MATHENY'S ' MEANDERINGS ' By .HM MATHENY Sunday is "M-Day" ! In the non-military vernacular aU our effort& are mobillzed to make lt the Biggest Day of the I !ear for Mother. Or "Mom" u ahe is t.ff~tionately called 1 by-many . • M~y a Har:,bor atea family will join togeth~r t}li.s Sun- day while taking mother qut for dinner. Nearly all our local rul&Uran te are ofttnnc apl'clal menus for· this day and many are pro\1dJng lower·priced platea f6T the ·children In the hippy groupa. \11la Ma.n..., at th• entrance to Bt.lboa lllland, 11 featuring a tam· lly menu with 1pectal1 tor tht kid· d1ea.. Tht \!IUa'1 .iatt r·rutaurant, Cirque, out L& Habr•·'lfty, i• &llO wekomlng Molher'1 Day dJntrs. IJlcldentally, Mr. and Mr•. "Wood.y" Holder ue hH dlnc for Chicago next Monday lo attend a nleeUnc of a naUonlLl re1tau- rant ueocl&Uon. NHUHS "old Vada" will 1tttnd a dance a t the \'Illa tomorrow t ve- nlng. A croup ot 11~ representa· v~ o e .. for dinner Tlu&day al thta Bay· •Ide re1taurant. Been to Joa'1 over ln Cd:W: lal•· ly! Sunda y wUI see a hoat ot mothers tet~d at the tablea th thl• popular · Cout Hlchway eaUng pklce. break wh"tn they ca.n order many of the aame entreu available to mother and dad. Dad will pt a bruk when the fee I• amaller, too tor t.he amaller eaten . tn th• .. group. For rvenlng tnlert9.lnment and tun ther•'• dancinr 1t H. ff, ex· c•ptlng Monday a.nd Tuuday. Don't In tht conatructlon and te•rill(·down near K.aramll 1hoo you llW•Y from .that food food. Tht demolition ot the old 1ur- r:oundlng building lll"ld the buJld· ing of a new drlve·-Y and park· Jnr lot doeen't interfere with Ka.rama food dt'2frtment. Not one at ncl• bit! • at Orandolfo'1 on Bal~• Blvd., but Frank and Olna would love to have ,you and your p&rt.y drop In on them •nd •trike up a n or- der for la.sagna. plaza. ravtoll, 8'paghettl or 1tealul! It'• Uk• a bit of Old ltaJy I!' the cozy atmo .. . ""' . .. WINNERS ANNOUNCED N ART SHOW The tW'O winlUq picture. with the judJea of the Tenth Annual Newport Harbor Alt Exhibit held ln the stria' .ainnulum bf Newport Harbor Union H l 1 b Sch.ool. u. ahown above. The JudPI,. left to richt are Dou1lu ~cClellan, Claremont d o l l e I t : Joan Ininc Brandt, Cot:ona del Kar and Dal.sell Hatfield, Hat!leld Galleriee, Ambu- aador Hotel, Loe Ancelea. 'lbe upper picture la the wlnninr oil palntinr, '1Plua San e tint lace wat r color palntln11 "L&nd.aape" b)' Pa\l.l G. RivU-91 Loa An1elee. Honorable mention ln olla wu ctven to JohD Leeper. Loe Angeles and tor water colon to James Cooper Wright, Loe Angelea and Tyrua Wons, Sunland. The exhibit wu under the direction of Ml'& Norman Fleming of Corona del Kar. -Staff Photo There's a lot ot pl'Ople aroun" theae p1rta whcr will testify. -ear and. a.itlrrn to the tact th&t Ar· t.hur "Madman~ Watah 111 lbe fun- niest guy ever! He la the twtc;e· nightly headUner dowh a t V&WL' Supper C1u6 ln Balboa. phere al Oructolfo'e. Which e&m• ftNl. th• draft br4W GAY MIDW .ay or the •nrarwc "•mall talk" u -------"- aeout.a of Paclt lT. AdmtH lon 11 I 13 cent.a wtlh. tlcketa bttnr ex· cbuad a t U\1 rate tor admluton to Alli ave bootha. ~'t!w Fred Krau.. ravea about that B. I. O. Sunday break!ut-h1 serve. at \'aux from ll a.m. 'tll l p.m. M•ybt you'd llk6 to try It IOOn ! . ~ow of anyone looklnC' for an entertaining pianiat and organist! Kenny Yarborough, ex· Horace Hejdt ata!fer. la av'ail&ble for en· pcemen~. He would love to work LA the H'arbor area and he p&ek1 a tremendoua amount of well· wlahta &lld recommendations from many trlenda made durtnc prevl· oua en(J.&'ementa. It you're inter- eated bow'• about a note o.r call lo ua. John Majuri, out a t Barbor Houw, ta l'Olnlf all out to .make thl• Sunday a big day for flldlly dlnnera. Tht kiddlea wUJ have a both are featured at Tiie Ptrat41T You'll enjoy both when you j oin the crowd ot local folka who make It a habit to Ue·UP at tM 28th Street 11Jp tor tun and hot dop routed -over tha open flre. · - "Pinky" Scott want.a you to ctt acquainted with the.Ir n-food policy a.nd their n.w Chef-Henry J onu -Juat .. eoon u you can ret ovar to Balboa uland and 11top In the P&rk Avenue. That'• Tbe Hatch right next d oor-and adjoining-the Puk. Avenue. How about a b9.y v1-while en- joying food and croc T It inter· eated, any day try Ch.rt.IUAll'a But on bei.utl!ul Balboa Bay. They're open 1e\en days a week. Speaking of v1ew1, the drive to Victor Kuro, down at. Lt(tm• Beach, la rivalled only by the 1eene from the window• In the tamoua ru taur1nt. They're rolling out tbe "welcome carpet" for i.1 ,JUNGLE iOMANCE AT MESA THEATRE Barbara St&J'\wyck. above, as ml.ttreu or a teakwood plantaUon, fall1 tn love with• Robert Ryan, my1terlou. atrancer, wl\tn he aeeka refile• In her jungle par&dtae pictured In "ltacape to Burm,,'' now playing at Mesa 1:heatre. MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL 6 TUUR'K'Ev DINNER ................................ szso Delicious Crt8p Salad -Choice of Soup - AppeUui:' and Deaaert -AU for $2.60 JON'S REST AU.RANT -*43 Coat+ Hi9hw•.y co;a.na del Mar For Resuvallonlt Call Harbor 0983 SPECIAL MENU· for MOTHER'S DAY lrinCJ the Fa•ily to Di11Mr Chlldren•s Plates oa Most Entree. 2260 HarLor Boulevard • Coet. Meta, c.lilomia DANCING EVERY NIGHT ,,. except Mon. a Tues. BARNEY :LANTZ & ~is . mus IC 9 to l:;tc) Lm . Open '1 Days A Week " New· Menu Includes Italian Delicacln May W • Su99est From Our New Features \"EAL SCAl.LOl'l:\'1 e LASAGS4 e · PIZZA AC'CllCllll'loda.doM a_,..uabW fer PAITIU, IAN9UETS, or CLUI DiNNDS .PBO!'QI TOt;a USERVAno:-ia JfOW Harbor llYd. at Wiho1t Ula1"71-IMJ Cub Scouts' rr.dertck Hunt and J ack Black · helter will bt cl-na. and Char- 1• Peyton w1ll act a1 rinpaiit.er. . ... Camfval Due OommlHM membtra Include Mn. I)avld Ooru\ell and Mn. J ean· n1 Kltpplncer, ln charge of prise•; Mra. Patricia Broering, bannrn1 and poet.era; Mra. J ame. Zeiger. Ucket d11tr1llu tlon; Wrlllam o·· 1 Brien, handbill•: Carl V~strom, pre .. publicity: Stacy Morg11n and Peyton. food; Ballt'Y and Clemwce. I "°°th con1trucllon: Robert Brock- ie, public address ays~m ;· John Poole. mo\1ea; D. V. Franklin, eJ\oc. IALIOA INN -Here May 14 AU tM hoopla of a c;lrcua, com· plete with rtngmuter and clown.1, will be featured at the Annual Cub Scout Carnival e.t Corona de! Mar School Kay a from 2 to • p.m. .. CAR COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m. trlC (Un. I Daily !Cloeed Tuellday) The public 11 ln~ted to try lta 1k1U at 1harpeh00Unc. natl and hammer same, b&aketball throw, and other p.mea ot 1klll. Other 1>o9tb1 will feature a white ele· phuit aa.11, neckU1 trM, makeup, hot dop. cortee, and popcorn. Den mothen In charr1· ot In· dlv1dual boot.ha are Mr•. R oy An· dtreon. Mra. 0 . E. Van Hall, Mra. Norman Meadowa. Mrs. Hunt, Mra. J ennie Smith, Mra. ConneU, Mra. JUtpplncer, Mra. Broerlnf. Mn. R1chard11, and Mra. O'Brien. A prl&e wlll be 11ven to tht cub acout who aella the moat trckl'ta. Pack 17 la •poneored by the Rotary • FRI. & SAT. • Dorothy ~esbitt leads COMMUNITY SING Special feature of ttie carnival l• the Cake Walk, with caku to be donated by the mothen of th• cuba. OOMMUmTY HEADS IN BALBOA Club. ·.• H....u.w u.. cand-.1 commttt11 are Mark Balley, Al Clemence and Charita J>eyton. The Committee 11 ual1ted by Cubmuter Jamea z.icer and Aael1tant Cubmuter Howard RJcharda. ''Sup~rb Food" Tlcltell are befnf eold by cub Mother'• Day catherlop thl• Sun- day. ' The llLllC 11 back •t Tbe Arc.bee and they·ve ell 9'ltled down to help John Vll11lt '1 Hig hway bar· re1taurant run along I~ uaual arnooth courwe. • I Anyone t or a movie! Might ~ juat what you want to 1ee right here In our own Harbor areL Let'•· I aee: At th• llleea. In Coat& Mem., 1'Eaope to Burma" plua "Black Tueeday"; at the Ude>, In Newport Beach, "Violent Saturday'" and "Devil'• Harbor": at the Corona del Mar'• Port. "St.ranee lAdy ln Town" billed wtlh "A Race P'-0r Ufe" and at the Ba.Ibo&, "WlJlr• of the Hawk'" •long wltll "Human I De!l'ltt." I Remember-when you·re drlY· Ing,. be careful, th1 life you :eave may be a moth1r'a. Have fun! I PAJUU.NO IERVU.:r: FROM OUR DOOR Special Mother's Day Menus CLEAR O'ONSOMllE HEARTS OF LETIUCE CREA,'\I OF CHICKEN SOUP TOSSED OREES SA.LAU BROAD BREASTED TOM Tl.i'"RKEY, Apple D~1dng Glblet Gravy, Cranberr); Sauce . . $2.50 BAKED SUGAR CURED HAM, Fruit S•uct, Candlf'd Yahia ·-········· .. ... . . . . ... , . ... . ~2.M BROILED CENTER CL'T SWORDnSH ... ···-$2.15 ROAST LEG OF LAMB, Mint J rll)', Dn'fll8in1t. au naturaJ sauce . S2.90 BROILED N~W YORK STEAK) Bordelalse Saure $4.50 8eo1111•fl&ke WbJp.,..cl PolltM• .,-, .. ~h ""'''"" Pt•aa Ml GrallJI Potatoee llot Koll• t. J'Sutt..r C<>U,,,., y.._ MUk 811erbet, Ice Cream, (.h()('olate 8 tra" bl'rry Sunda ... Home·Mw!e A~ple Cobblrr CHILDREN'S MENUS BROO..ED ORO.UNO ROUND STEAK, Mm1hroom 81Mce .'....... .. .... . . .. . ....... ..... . SI.SO BROAD BJ&f!ASTED TOM Tt'RK.E\.-....................... $1.00 BRO~ SWORDf.ISH .. .................... 11.60 \\'1llp ... ~o~~.. P-. Kollt, Bulter, MUie. lther~t. ,,.., ( ..- ' • • -CIRQUE .. VILLA MARINA ... I 111 L S'Glltttoll M. at lm,.rtaa Bl•~ ' IA RUKA LAmbert 5-55!9 a.&NQt;ET Oft thr Ray f'ro•t BAl~A ISLAND Harbor S9SO J' ActUTIES A\' All .. UU.L ' . . ,...... •' -.. --.. ' -·---• • ' • IUC MERMEN WIND UP DUAL . ' SEASON WITH mt VICTORY' Harbor Area Men Place in Spc)fts R1ee ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 · PA&E l THURSDAY, MAY. 5,__1 955 Wind!!!.' up tha 19M dual "'"t ~ ~It.II. th.ir nl.nt.h wi. or tM y..,., Oran&• Col.at Ooll•1• mermen pollabed otr Yitlttn1·EI Camino {:'i·37 11;1 th• Cout pool Ap1U 2'1, to put ._ th• r1Alahinl' Vt.ouch•• on~ vi• o&mpalp that _.w CO&c:h J oe Kroll'• char& .. roll up exactly 11ll'll t1mea w many, wlna w did th• Plratll'a in 1964. Wlnl b)' Bud Belah1 ClhrM). Bob Ibbot.on. AIM Hodp1 a nd Geotre Lyona paved the way, tor. th• Buc1 to La.kt: a aur· priH de<:t.lon from the 1tron1 Mttropolltsn Learu-taam.. Selah• tripled by ltlldn1 the 100. 220 and 4t0 yard trft. llJM., while HodfM pick.ad up a tlrat__pl&!l• In I.hi! too back· itlroka 1.11d LyOIUr a 'nm la the ln&Yldl&IJ. me41ey. Thi! 11PMt ot th• di.)' ww ln the M) fl'eol! wh•n trealmlarr Bob lbbot..9n. up trom Newport Harbor Rich'• ltM SunMt Lnru• n.i.nt1er1- up lol> Nunttn1ton Be9ch, took a thrlller ·trom~ El Cam.lno'1 Al Stuart an!VDon O.vi1 tn H .8 aec. H•rborlt11 partlclptt~ In a •port1 car rae41 In B&kerafleld lut ""·eekend. The t¥enUr were ata1ed ~y ~them C.Ufoml•• Rel'IOn of ,he Sport• Car Club of America with .u ~ c oll!&., '4. uie illva !IO"l J1rn1" - -Lt. Col. Skip SwarU•y at La1una ll!'ad\ drc:lve a n y11e11 h~-c.v1 to .econd pl1ce ln th1 Kt'rn County rophy rice. a H m,tle main evenL John PorteP-from Harbor laland 1abbed ClaU H ~('Ot'\d In an Aard- 1 ·-----------------------... ,-•I ·ark "'·Ill\ Bob Holbl'O(lk of ,the GRID GUYS -GET iOING ;;.::..":; :~~."1""' """ 1 " ' 'll_EAL "'ORKOIT S o Footb 'II p ti Edward Boyd·a Dorelll got a Pring . a • rac ce ···1 w"'00'· Th• ""'°'" ... '"'" ,.,,, ullllld by Henry DeOUvera ln "hi S•n L1.111 Rey trorhy race. then St rts Mo d fo S •1· -JY Boyd twtre. DeOJlvflta waa a n ay r. at ors "''"""' 1" ~'°"" .,.. ·whoo .. •pun out. ) ' ' Hut Boyd drov .. lhl! ume car In Sprinl' football practlc• 1et• boy in Newport Harbor Hie Ill thl! 32 mu .. S11n Gabri<'! trophy undl!rway at Harbor Hl1h 1ehoo hool. Irwin .aid, Practice w · ra ce with • .Le Man.n1 1tart. Thia Monday with 12 let!Airmen snd 1 ake place on l!acn of t.he alx mean11 thl! drtv .. r1 h•ve a foot rllct Pro1pecta up rrom lit.at year'1 juo-tventa for a week prlor to the act- ' In .lo lhf'lr parkf'l'.I c.ara on the trick !or vanity ele\ltil. It w._. announc-ual compe itlo!'•· Thia progi:am - ach Al Irwin. The clUdf'a ktcklnl' th• porktride'-fo r ind the flr1t one to f•llll!n th• Practice rrlnd wt '" ·d+rt-9-n c e, eeR f 1, ;'7;;;;:::;::~-;:;;':~"\!f~~u~f~•~·y~b<~a~,,~,~,,~,··~Boo;".y<d.•~~;::;;kL~:;.;'~·1--_j)l f d, lk•n r1P"'u lau In th<' w.eek11, without equipment a• re-pa1111lng for dlatance, pa1aln11" or quired by Sunaet Le1i;u.c )f~P accuracy and packtn.r the plg1kln San J o•qutn ,.cl!. rule•. • ' ' over a 120 yd. ot>.t•clc l'our11e. \\'l\'r:~ OS HASP Pf:l'loTA.THLON TOO P"oi-the ftnit wrek. Jrwln 1ald, 1>,oil{ f>f !he 1!1('1tl ni~n "'"r" 11.r - COJJ!panled to the rtcl!1 by lht'lr A two v.eek football pentathlon drlll1 wlll W conducted after f1n1!he9. Also pre~nt wer11 Ken· program will aleo )?e held tor avery achool. Al 1100n aa the pre&ent In-ll!'lh Holbrook of Lido liltf. fathf'r Big Game for •uc Nine Set Here Tomorrow tram11rai ao!t ball progTam 11 com· of Holbrook, and Mr. and Mr1 . plettd, practice 1eulon1 will •tart Skip fan.kiln. Mr•. DeOliv<'tl. anti durtng 1\xtb perlod. ''There wUI MrL Boyd belnnc to tha Women'• be a junior vara!ty team next 1ea· 11on," Irwin reported. ""'1U1 a •ht 1_•_po_rt_•_C._•_c_'"_'_· ______ 1 ,..m1 'achedule." • coACHiNo AIDFJJ BRttie Bike Tqken Theft of hi• bicycle ye1terday from th• pier •l the foot of Via Orvleto waa reported to poll~ by · Locked In a frenzy o"f f•ar, love and jealousy ... I.rapped in the f1i1ry of relentle11 pursuit! _.,T•CMHICOL Olt 8UDE. DAVEY, SLIDE -When J im Newkirk, chucker and. outftelder for' Coach Emil J'ieeme's Tar ball club finally got a ~it after a long alump, 1n Stinaet League play, he made it a good one. Above is pictured the result. The bl ow e&me iD the fourth frame against Orange Tuesday with. the bags bulging. Catcher. Dick 'Mirkovich (15) acored, then turned to watch Outfielder Dave ~uckman slide aero• the dish behind him. The two tallies aided the Sailors' 7-6 win over the Panthers. -Staff1Photo CoM:h Wendell Picken•' Oraftfe Coaat Coll•I'• nine f&.ce• lta cruel· cal game of the Eutem Confer- ence .eaaon apln1t le•r.i• i.Mtlnc Rlverlide on . the Meu. cpllec~ dta· mond tomorTOw afternoon. After downlnr Chaffey 11·3 on the rival pea putura TUeaday, the Bue• re- Aiding Irwin In the co•chtnr~or an expected 130 boy1, baaed on th1 number.which tumed out )Ml year, W\11 ~ backfield ITll!ntor1 Bill Ber· na u Md Don Bumi and Un1 mae1· tro John McGowan. Kennelh Beatlle of 203 Via Men-1-------------------------- tone. He aald the lOM oecun-et1. be- tw~n 3:36 a.nd 6:~:'.o p.m. "There w ill be no 1prtng p rac· tlce tor the Ughlwelght football· -;;;;;::;~;::~::;;;:;;;,;;,;~ l!ni," Irwin u ld, "l)ut any -,ya I maln one game back of the undt· SAILOR .. SLU.GGERS IN CRUCIAL ·-GO ~r;:~:;:E:;i:·:::.~.::; • ~ · • • , , W ith tha Ch&ffey .core ltaotttd AGAINST ANAHEIM NINE TOMORROW ;I:~~~f.~~7-:;:~~I; by RJYel"91dt. Tony Lombardo and t lral. reprt!11enlillr th• tytnr doubled. RolaM Hill linrltd, 'Bob who ire not Ct'rtaln whether thv'll be va r1!ty of B'a •r• welcom, to putlclpate." VA..'° Hl:FUX "WINGS o r nu; HA "'X" GU:N:S FORD '"RUMAN DESIRE" Newport Nabs Second Place Tie After 7-6 Triumph Over Orange and winning runa. Panther atrale• Wetu\ w .... 1nt•nllon.ally walked, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I): <"llllf'd for a aqueeu . lnltead, Chaffey comm'lited two fatal ar-• the b11tter punched the ball up. in ror1 and John !Atr&da otnched the air. Third Sacker Dav.e Ta· thl11p wlUi a two ru11 homer .. mun1 rh•rged In. caught the pelot a Wayne Cougbtr•, rellevlnl' Don and rifll!d It to llr•t bue tor th• Leich In th• 1txth lnnlnl' WIUI on• All Ult' Harbor High Tar b11~eba1J n1ne hu to do 11 knock oftr the Anaheim Colonl1t.a crn Lhe rivill field tomon ·ow aft~rnoon. and g11.n1e ending double pl•y. out, got credit tor th• Yictory. It ·Coa.ch Enl1l Ne<'me'a knockera \l\·111 be In 11ole po&&<'~lon of UM B~t SCORISO RUSOO\VN WW W•yne'• llxth triumph a · Le•ii::ul''• M>Cond pl•ce. And ll Fullc1·ton·a lndl•n• •hould stub tlMlr lOf'I Tar sconnr rsn lik e thli: Buddy g•Ln.t two defea t.I. In a.ii, Chattey egainat S11nt11 An11 , U1e S•Uor• would •w111hbuckll' Into a flr1t plmiee Ue. Thorn~on wai aqueeud acroaa by collected 10 b&M knocka to ..... • for tha Buc1, but committed ltll By 11qul"l!zing p1•t weak-11i9ter walked five 1traight b&lt#I, two I Lorenlzl!n'•. bunt In the tlr1t •tan· . ml-=Uell· Or•nge on Co•t• ,.fe.a11'a IJlona runa acorlng. N~m• returned z.a. \\·e1.zel amaiihed on1 lnto rtrht-Eitrad.a wu the top clout.Ir for Field Tuei;day artemoon, 7-fl, \ht' Paul to hi• normal nr.i ~pot!-renltt for a mi1judred double ln tha_,lJuc•, b.shlng out two 'hlt. ln ·Tar tapprra movrd lnlo a ~cond tion and "'•aved mound r.pll.r 8 111 the 1tcond snd acored when,. the thrH a t ball an4 drt'l'lnc in tour ·~::~: l~t 7~1~,u~l~~t:~~'s.ih~o~~~~ ~:~:elfr: '(;C:et~entO ~~t -~~ ~~~~e:!e~:. ~;tr~t.'thlrd went I ~------------- ont of a nrat plere lie \l\'ilh tht' Xeime nlled on J im f'-kirk. Big inning came 1n I.hi three-run Bo U T Pool L I D 0 7ti, :.t r, nun ram..tT NOW SHOWING Clne111C1Scope "·amll'r Color "StranCJe Lady in Town" UREER tiARSON DA:SA ASDRl:\\'8 -Pl,t.:8 - "A RACE FOR LIFE" RICHARD OOl'lo"TI: MARI ALOOS ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Ph H•rbor 1616 Tnbe, 1.ll'anllme, H u n 11 n gt on UIA:HO~D ..... fourth. \\'Ith the bllg11 bulgtnt . ys H Qr --Beaah-•la)'.td....rtghL ~In.ct ,,,_~·-:.Oawlik..-finally_4l.1c Ol.lt of the Newkirk hit a Te:u.a 1-(Uer _., Bw!Jnmlnr in H.arbQr Htrh'1 pool poi'tJ •• Bob Jzykow9kl rhurked • mess. AU al a Panlh9ri&llifia Crou--=-llf!COnd-baal. acortn.g ·C_Msh~~ Dl~.k each Monday atternoon tor the ()lle·hltter to a;:h·t the O\lit11 a ~·O rd tht plat iii tM rni8erably long Mirkovich and Dave Buckman. nex1 ·roill'-W-ffk1--wtll-bt ~emMN .. ~·In over Sant" An11. -Inning on ee!ght ~LI and one Thompaon'a Infield atnrl• batted 11' of the H•rbor. Bo).1· Club. Al Ir- LF.AD CO.\fE~ 1.:A!!!l. l"·o-run ,.rror. But with the 11Core \\'eUel. win, hl(h llC.hool. Coach, wtU wper- The 'Sailora 1t1rted off In fine ':'·6 ihe ten.iioa _..1 yet O\'er And In the fifth. Mlr,ovich'a vl-.e ln1t,rucUon In begtnnlnr and a\o:uhbuckling fa~hion ln th•t Pan· fur' lhe SalJof\all19er1. triple •!"er a 1lngtl! by Innnia advsnced -lmmlnr tor tl'le group ther fray. \Vith Paul Lo"'nt zen Th.!._ Tani wet. K<>rtl.-ii In bot-Jo"itulmmon1 and an inrleld oul trom 4 p.m. to 6 each WMk. 'l'!M! hurling tiothlnt: but goo&e-l!gg1, torn ofTtiF'1txt?.'eame the .11e\•rnth meant two mor• runa. It turned Boya' C1ub bua will leave the club Harbor High gallo~d in to a 7·0 ~n<J Newkirk W9Jked the rlrel man out the Ta.rt n'eded every lut one •t 3:4:'i lei!d. Lorentun. alarllng hi~ fir!l to face him. Wl:jh one out. Hauck or them. p.m. frly of lhe ''u on, had a two.hit or On1n1:e drllJed a hard sma.11h ahutout g1)1ng into tht top of the into 'd~ep le~enter., It "bould •htth. Then that ol' pitching buga-h"ve been a d9\lble, but poor b.1111e boo. the baae "" balla, caught up runn!nJI tur!Md It Into a 1lngle, ·with him. th11 third "'-·knock ror tht Pan· \Vith the Oran1e bench jockey• therm durln1 the cont~lll. flvlng him the ..,,.ork1. Loi"tntzl!n With ona out anfl men on third Harbor Boys' Clulr Announces TH E ,PI Ra TE -Pinal-Baseball Assignments %8)h St. at N ....... Bl•d.--Opea_lO Lii!-~ Final noUo• ot &a11lpmtn~ to the JloJ"I' C\utl •t Libtrty 8-fl•31.1 ~;T;":;;-;::;;';'~';;;''";;;;,.,,.,...,;;;~~~=H~o~<;Do;::;p;;;:;;;; .... :;;;~':;';•m~;Y~o:;u;...i~f~l l Sunday ni&ht to 388 member. of and B play la at!ll under· b&Mb&ll tean11 Wl're mailt'd out iraUon for late C()mer1 for th1 thrff C leaguee tnim th• Har-~~l ~·:1;-;~ub(o ~~ ~anty• bar Bor•' Club. Tbe "?lttll! guya" .. • that may occur clurlng wUI atart practlc• thl! rlt•t Wl!ek t....i: achool 1a out at Coata Meae rark. -...,. .-.on. _______ _ Hsrbot High S chool a nd th" Co· ll'Ona deJ Mar Youth Cl!nll!r. Thrr. will ba 10 C ·tum•· in action a t eo.t• M-Park. 10 a t Harbor Jlll1h and 1ix a t th• Youth Center. Wl!.11• A and B lequu an fflec· tad on th• b.1111 of total all a.round baa•ball abillly snd the a,r1 ot · th• player, t.h a C team1 wwe ml.cttd an th• baal1 of •t~(tll 1dcr.ot111tr•tld In the throw tor d1.t&r.111t l ianlf th• loc•Uon ""'-a boy· 11Vf'4'_. 'Jn order t.o -th• tranlportl..,,._ problart"14 the C ~ w.-. '.-t up C90ll'ph"-Uy. lp«l&l 1...toui. a t Oar-. dll Mar aatwda.>' drew :N bo,.. Vloul".b a wtt chilly ~ lntar- rnlnc'led wtth r TM addrd lll.lnlOUt anablld t.-'to be ftMi.d at Coro d4 -wtth ,.... tor addlnc 1 p lO 0... more boys per" learn .. Ille -- opmll. B&lboa · ... Corona 11111 Mu hoya wt , to bt placed • a trlllTI ,ara u. to .oontact Achilt SwimminCJ Classes Underway Adu t Mucat1on 1wi!T\m!ni: claa9· rt It.I 1.rll th11 wtek , a.t Ora nge Coa.at Colleg, and at Ne .... ·port Har- bor Union High Sl'hool. accprdlng to Dr. 'J1ioma1 ,A. Blakely, OCC d-.n ot 1dult edur.a<Lon. Th• ch'lH~• In the colle1r pool• an held on TUr11dR y l!Venlnga from 1·9 ~·1 th Joe Kroll aod Be\·erly C.n1pbell "' inatructor9. Clauea Jn the hl@'h 11ehool pool &re held Thur&dlly evening• from 7 to 9 under direction or Al Irwin and Zatha Tallman. ln&tr11c!ion la offe'4'd for bol-g1nn~rir. Dr. Blakf'ly .. ld, 1n the An1tn c11n crl'lwt. back1troke and breast~\rokt', Adults may "''1"'1!." In rift~ at' NeWport Harbor Hlih School or •I Ole adult •ducaUon office at Oran1e Cou t College. Grandolfo 's . j (formerly of Henlt'I). ..ftnP,.+. ·menu -for the fam~y ' PDSA ' e BPAOBE'ITI e LA.8A'GXA ftOMZ • ~ IU\'Jot.f· e @.1T.:\KS e sr.;A FOOD • ,I 'OOD TO 00 111 8"1~ llYd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 a,.,..... M'onlla~·· THE ARCH .IS • Cafe and Cocktail Loul)ge OPEN 10 4 . N . TKROUO R I A. M. • Nl!wport Blf'd. Oft C-* ~Wllf' XEWPORT NA.OR • • ("'• .,..,, Cllatoed ,,. Ttl•l'May.) BRUNCH Complot. lrooH•ll 80. Sp•C:ial Dinn•r ·M•n11 . . ARTHUI "MADMAN" WALSH DH COMPANY J Showa Ni9htly tJ I,,,,;, SUPPER . v~ r BAL BO~. " CLUB awa..., .... i1&1 ''Tiie ....... ,,_ Tlie 0c-,._ .. • ....__ ,, ... "1i..-llar 11 "nil CNins Sllpper" . -"Mice of ......,.... .. < ' MOTff,ER:'S DAY DINNER AT 'ON• Of' TH• AMOU. -, I ,.. IJ.:,, : .... ~l'Rm "RIN~OltN' ~AU HTS.• ' SHE will find anything HER heart desires on our complete menu .... a thick juicy~STEAJrcut fr0m Pfite Winnin1 • Beef ... pump CAPONETTE pan fried in pure golden butter ... double French LAMB CHOPS ..• !a'IO!)' boneless SOUAB stllffed wilh wild rice ... or, perhaps SHE'LL choose one of our other del icious entrees for HER dir:i.ner. Whatever SHE chooses, you may be certain that it will be so tastefully prepared and served so nic ely that dinner will be the highlight of MOTHER'S DAY for HER. VICTOR H·UG _O 011111 ll"'d ~OI • 730 EAST BROADWAY 1111 It II•·•· ltq ltlCll • T1l1pllon1 6-«78 ..-R~D HER S HORN RE S lAURANT~ Din tr nntd In• ''·'·""•··· TH!·Hurley ·Bell 3801 E. COAST HIGHWAY • Ttltlltnt HAlhr 2718 ,• lo Uaat yoa will not INi lneoa•nlenered we recommend tbat 7ou te .. pboM IN . reeenetaa. .. r .. .. • • ( , • -- ' • -..... ,tL .. _', __ ' • I --•.-.....,, 111111111111 .. 11111111111111 .............. ~~ ... ""··~~~--~~-....... .__~:~~ ' . .. • ) ' IS 'CLIMENTE FIRING 1!,.!f~¥Y SLATED, M&rLntrt •re "'•med b)' -Coa1t GuarJ olt1 • ....,f. that San Cltn1ent• !&la nd ar••• wtll ~ d&.n111rout '" n11v1ia t1on lhi• weet: bt>raUAe o! na\'Y i unflre or OOn1 bin)I: UnJ1•r f1r,. \\'Ill bt-C••tle Rork rro1n 8 a rn. to 111ldn\1ht l oda;y anJ tomorrn"· and d&)'· l!IJll hour• of S•turJay a ild0 S und11r. Pyran1ld Co1·e "'ill be bla,.led l0<h1,.\' ·•nd ton101TOW1 •fro_rt1 8 •.n1. <lo 10 p.n1. , . ~ Don ·Poagll9 Vt.Its Thailaod with Navy P ACl F lC F L t,:J..."'T ~ io'HTNCl -~ An1ong' ~ho•ci who vl•lted ~ht' ci ty or Ba,n,:kok, Th•ll•nd in M11 tth while .erv!nJ: abo11 rd the ~dar plcWl. dtet ro~·rr L.'SS tt1{bf.e ........ Donald l:t. t'naRUI!, lltinn••r'• n1ate third claaa, L'S!'\, "')n of ).Ir. and! Mr&. G. I!:. PO&RUi' of 22:'1!) F111n 1"w A\'f'., COll l& ~te."". l'our ,t.u.tlliorl!'•d THAl~C O Flberclu9 °'li'f_ In the llarbol' a.re' Bttns yolll' fib... ...... prob~ to UL Paclfi1 FllMnJlcna IMI •'· C-t HWJ. Ml.. I.I l·M11 ActON from A.ll·Ameriun Mkt. -8.F..COND8· APART-'ntrougbout the required 12·m ile course of the annual comi)eti. tio n for the Sir Thoma.a Lipton. Perpetual Trophy t he fiye conte ndera were so cloaely grouped t hat at' One time o r another each was oUt in f ront . At the leeward mark ?n the first lap their position• were: Gartz G o uld's Ballerina o f S an Diego YC lead· in g w ith ·Ken Croanta Akahi of Cabrillo Bea c h Y C in second ; third at this time wa11 Four •h1ps of 0~11\rorer Squad· I '~;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;~ ron 3 n•Ylf &te\I thf' 'h111t1>w 1>1f'· n.iun Chau Phy• Riv~r 2~ n1U,.• lnland ,to dock nf'ar !he hf'&rt o! the <"ity. r.-------,.,;;~rn«entul def'ender Wiit l!:lllott I r:scapaae or Nl'I y c While Alex Irving jj spiirk1e 1 of Balbc:>a. YC waa fourth. Lew Whitne y's Atorrante of Los Angeles YC was .still c law, ing her way, from a poor start and waa bac il in £o mpetition sho rtly after rounding this mark. -Beckner Photo SMI LES OF VICIORY -Entitled t o --wc 8! the happy grih• are the crew ot F..acapa.dt \\'hic h, for"the 11ix-th time in seven years.' \\'O n the coveted Sir Tho mu Lipton Perpelt\l&I. Trophy for Ne"-·port Harbo r ·Yacht Club. $llccessful defe nse of the a~ard wu mut,er~ \\"h lle In Bangkok, th" •riu11Jron played ho1~ lo 30 ch1ldrf'n f rom the Thailand Sr hooL for the BUnd and prt R nlf'd • S!IOO dr.natlon to Private Police • mtnd'ed-agait1 by Dou Edler 88..akippeF g( Lb 8 ~"'licapad.a iu a. toua: · c hallengers. F rom ·1crt : vice-commodo re and race committee chairman Harold P earcy; Sk ipper Don Edler~ Commodo re H a rry ~f ann: a nd the crew Saint Cicero, Bill sever· trailer. to wat•r or vlce·vtru. plua. a mean1 of lar..:11 engtn& ln1talla· ance, T om Skahill, Dan Thompson , P.fark Y orsto n. and Clary Staaf. -Beckner Photo lion or removal whl1e t.he boat 1a and HARBOR BOAT PATROL ESCAPADE WINS 6TH OF · 7 LIPTON RACES , ·--------------,---------------I In t.h• w&tt!r or on the way1. PAGE 4. PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRliSS -THURSOA T; MAY 5, 1955 MAR'INE NEWS ,,. .. F'rld.&y ""'' . Saturday TIDE ........ .... TAILE H• . 3.6 " J .• HL -0.:'l ... -00 Tadical Error Atorrante, at Disqlialifies Weather Marl! ' 8)' JACQUELISE BECKNER PASCHALL BUYS Seacratt Adds KIRAWAN FROM New Marine C. SCHIMPFF E • •-• C. P "Lo"" ~•Kh>U · ot ng1ne -.crv1ce Se11.1t1~. who C.11.me lo the Har· The Seacraft Dlvi1ion ot Ro.an bor ll ft "'' d11.y11 ago, purchutd EnterpriHll announcf'd thl1 wttk the 11loop Klraw11.n whirh ... ·on Rddltlon of a complete n<"W marinr the Brtmud" l'll<"f' ln 1:13&. engine ll('f'\1ce for yachtamen In Ch11.r!ea Schlmprf, .11. dlt Pctor the Nt .,.•port Harbor area. It w\11 a t :-,:~"·part H11rbor Yacht !nflude major and minor overh11 ul Club, ~uld th11 :.03·fl. craft to ef r;alJOline and· dltsel yacht en· ~· • CALL COMMUCIAL" SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 May 6 Sunday May I ~fonday May II Tuellday May 10 \\'~lnt&d•y f\l11y 11 Thur•day May 12 9 :1S a.m. 8:2S p. m. 9 :1H a. m. !:112 p. m~ 10:~ IL m. 9 :21.p. m. 11 :19 IL m." 9:&0 p. m. 12:10 p. m. lO:Z< p. rn. 1:23 p. m. 11 :03 p.m. .2 :S7 p.m. 11:&e p.m. OA.YUOHT 0.0 J.3 ••• 3 :02 a . m. 2:14 p. m. 33&a.m. 2·4.0 p. m. 4.;10 a . ni 3:0! p. m . " -"·' 2.1 Last Sunday's re-run of inter-c lub compet ition for the P&M'h•ll "'ho planll to rat·e 1:1111•11. J11yoot 11nd trutallat!on of coveted S ir Tho maa L ipton f!~:':~;~~~~~~~~~~~"i"~'~'~'~"~'~"~•:T~'~"~"'=·t"~'~'~"~'~'~'~'·~·=·~-=~':'~'~'"~'~'~":'~'~'"~·:•~'!'!'~•1:m::•:1"~'~'~"~-~:!~~~ race· fro m the starting gun to the finish h orn v.·ith Newport ' r'a~lii!r'fiai'1lm.1Tnl'Li! m ee bl' H arbor Yacht Club's de fender, \Valt Elliott's Cal-32-Ea: fore. v.·1\h other y11cht.s. !!port a.nd luxury cr&tt here .. nllllT-: QU&Kh• :\la~· ZR FULL MOON :\fay II 3' u J.Q .. 3.0 .. 3.1 SAVING 4:4.T a. m. 3 :3:. p. m. 0:28 a .m. •• 4.:oe p. m. 11:14. a. m. 4:48 p. m . 7:118 .a .m. 11:01 p.m. TrME • Chamber Group Slates County Wide Meeting on Road Plans -0.3 2.3 -0 2 o.o capade, akippered by .Don Edle r, writing anothe r r emark-1---'----------1 At the heLrn ot th!a nrw !•ell· Rblc page in the long hl1tory "f I the protr11't \\'hich later df!clded l&h with tha other f~r only iec-!ty v.·l !I be Ttod \'arlu!l,.wcll·known .....e av.·ard by 1-ginv hrr i.lxth tho \•lcwr Ill Atol'T'Ute c.me 'dip figure In y~ht engine m&lnten· '" ~e .. ond!i. bt!h.lnd her. The fir.al rewl1-a nca In lhe Harbor a u a . lie hu •·1rtory in '""'"'" y"'ara In "'h11t "'Ill> on the port· ta•:k and E!!capade read by \'ie"'·Com1nodore H11.rold Id )"<lgt .. I In be one of thr tou&:h+'st 1u11J Sp111kle approa..:hcd the -m11rk many year!! iPcXperlencr In the fie 2.7 " 1 Pearcy •t th• Prt!lflntaUon cere· of engine ln1talla!lon 1111d m111ntl'n· 0.2 11nd t1gh!t!!l e11nteata of reel'nt l on 1'1 Rrb<iard. Akahi .anJ /3.lllll'rina monle1 fol!r.\\1nK the race were ancr in IU\\'lll, cnmm,..rcla l end 2 9 y_ear•. 11t lhl1 pn1nL .11.pp,..Bred to ha\'t Ellcflpade, NHYC: Akahi, CBYC: prl\'aie Vl'llllf'b . He Ill well·verH-d · Fu r from ~Ing the usual t wo ~venlh.>CHI the n1llrk and dropf){'d Ballerina, S DYC; Sparklr, BYC; on late\t dtvelopmrnt11 In gu.ol!ne er three blflt batUt!, 111•.'1"11 t Vl'nt Into !ounh and fifth pt11r1'1. and Atorrante. ~ YC. 11.nd di~a(.1 yacht r nglnv• •i:id hi• "''ll be long rf'n1embered for the A!'\l'80Dl'8 RACE Edlrr and his<"~. which num· po!!ltlon at S...&<"rart "''Ill pro\1df' e11c1t1,n1rnl of the con1tant <"h&l'lJ;:-1! It "''ll.l!I •llll anybody'• race && berffl Saint C1c,..ro, Torn Sk&lllll, boat 01o.'rit!ra In thl1 ar"a 11 rom· in the leading po111Uon and lhe \he .. plnnakera .bloaa<>n1ed out for Mark Yor1ton·,· Clary Sta.e.f, 'Bill plete te:t'\'lee for all t ype• or en· thnlling 11e1·ond:o a part fln1!ih ln th" :v·ct1n,1 thnt ond the boats NJ.A Se:Yl'r&J\Co ani;I Dan Th11m peon, r;lnes. "''hi ch all five conle.'ltant11 f\\'ept !Cir th~ Newport tnark. The wind ~lllly h11.d their work eut out for Centrally locat.-d on t he mRln across th{· llt1e "'lthin 1'11 min. by nOw had f1'1'1hent d and the two thfm thla Ume but "they'\'e done Lido Cha nnel and adjacent to thr utrll. Cal-321 V.·ere r tally boon1lng a.long It before 11.11d they did tt agft ln!" major y11cht anchora i;:jia, s.-acrtl.ft TACTICAL MA+"El '\'EJl.S 1n the ltad. JI wu at Ule leeward and the tabl.!lou. tTOphy umalna 11 equipped tor handlmg and H r· A., ill ah\·ay& true of thf' Lipton morlc Atorra.nte est&bliahtd lht! In Newport H11 rbor YaC"ht Club vlclnr; all typea or ynchl•. lnter- Racf', llp!'Ctllle'>rs 1o.·en• treoat~ to lead •be waa lo hol4 unUI UI• fin· trophy ciue.Jor anot.h+'r year. e!!Unr feature• lnciude a v.rUc&.I an ·O\'f'rwheLn1lng display of 111.C· platform lift for rapid h&ulout and t ical n11tnru1·er,. and head.'l·Up launchlnl' of both 1n111l! a.nd lnrge .~ihng by all the skippers and cr11.rt. A couhty:,_,,.ide n-tln~ to dLI· eu~.~ t h•• C<•ur:11y·~ tnll~to>r ruRd pL11n hit ,. be11n culled fur .,lu.y 26 Ill 1:30 I' n1 , In th"' ()IVlljte l.'1tu11ty f'lftn· their cr11ck crews. Out.'ltenlling _ A. "~1ai:;lc Carpet" on ra!b pro· c on1nitrce county road r ommll· ~1h11p11 "'"fla tht fabulous recoY· vlde1 a aafr, rap1J meanll of man- l•·••. llfll\! his lrHHw \'l<'i'·Clh1irinsn •'!")' n1ad .. by LI'\\' \\.h1tney'11 Ator· 1 euv1:rln1> yach\11 In a ny direction Mon, what a f11010r far fishing! Small, compocl, light· weigh!, fit1 rii.,hl in the_ lrvnk of your cor. Jompac~ed {;i."jfh bl9• motor fegl11r1t ... tm00th •.• ond QUIETI • '°'"'°"in 011d •11a th• 5YJ fodoy. Then, lef t go f11hrn;/ Buy now, u14! ovr lim' poy• f!lenl pion. South Coast Co. It'• tod.&)"1 mod powerf11J productioii outboard, the Mcn::ury hlar~ ''! Sope1 · 1moolh power now, t <:>mpltfl enalnc ;;,.-''"' 1ik1Kin1. -nlnfl:' . ~ '••ll\All......,.,.l hcw.Iqwu·ter!!., •11 th 1u•<I l~1 rch Sl~, San\11. Ana. \\'Rlt"r \\'rinier, l.'osta ~l ei<& 'u·.··<'h"inn11n Qf tho: ~outhvm th~· 111,t ,.f A~,,1~·1a t •11 l'h~tnber~ or 11r\" lnv1ll11i:, cit)' 1:l'1•renntst1rc•l rM\t' vi l.1.•.'I A ni:-~le.'1 !\'11l'ht Club._[ while in the ya rd. One ot rhe to attl'tid tho! ~.,_,,.,0n. Tney will Aftl'r 1t L(llll 11111rl Atorr1111tr, forj \ugt'lft crane! In the HArb<Jr, w ith CtJlljt rr..11m_nl!Jtl), •·IU!,I~ s<)Ul~. ai;d ,..,me r~a..o_n ll_!1~_i:10"'n t'Yl'M lo he~ lh1 ramiliar "fto11an" algn &lop. rentr·il 11111tncts ol the county, h• e11pl'ticnc<:<I ak1p~r. oCll'd M , ('ll!l.blni-,•acht--ownt1"9-qttidl:ly-and· -23 ~d & N ----81 ,._ ••Id, ..... fimer'• di11tr;ict run11 aoutb lhOUfl:'h thrre ... ~re bucket& tied fo 81lfl'l)' to t~fl•fer )'lll'ht• from r ewport YY. J>eW 0ynll·flO&I Su1pen1ion for 1uper q,11ict Q(>flria. 1io11 -..·1tho .. 1 JOSI ' of performance. ' 'Whl'l-f'tltf• JcwclN Po•·cr•t .... ,_..,,_ ---·--f.51!.60 of Sant& Ana u far .,:s San Cir· ht!r kfrl and 1o.'M fa r behind her men te. four ri\'&ll et the flr11t n1ark. Inch ~~~~~~~~~ -. • by Inc• throughout the 12-mile courae: Ator rante Inexorably crl'pt through the tlet!t unUI, at t hf' fin. !11h. 11ht! lPd by 14. 1econd1 l\'llh Esca p11.de In aeco9d pl11ce. T;\f'Tlf'AI. l':llROR Howrvl'r, a u11ctical <:rror a t the weallwr merk on the ><ecolld \11 p. j v.·h~n ~he luthitl to ylr ld lo the. ~t.:11'b01tr1! tur k pt>s!tion or l he I':!!· I ' (apade r.-..,uli.•d 111 11 <llsqu11llfle11· t 1":1 f11r AIOrtHnlt' anti thr •·lc!Qr)' I w1·n1 to thr !'\H\'\' 1t.•fen(kr. \\'1\h th•· t'l'l<'l'pt1on of AtQrni.nte. the L1jit .. 11 1·h~lh•ni:l'n• hit the . ~ slHrting 1111r 'i;:ri1ni: nwuy" and I -''--------.=..+.:\/1(' grl'rtl 11nnu .. 1 ha\tlr ••f 111<"!1· Tlln9·wllll under \1·ay on ouo: or i~ , Moonstone Beach Leased . by NHYC ~lO<llUllOO# Beach, the cove .at .WhJte'a Landing, hu beer. leued by Ntwp0rt Harbor Yacht Club j for Wl9 ot ·1ta crul!!ln,lt' melJlber~ trom the Catalina lala.n'd Co. F'ive. mt'mber• of t.he club al· ready hRYl' moorlnga In !he covr ! and n1ote '"e pla.nnint; to obtain , then1, club spokesmen reporrt ' • .. I . ·- ."'f"' :. ... \ 1 .. ,1 mo.~t bl'lllU\1 tul "a!llng rl11 y11 any 1 y11rhtsrn11n 1·nuld v.·1~h h1r. At the fu-,,t mark !QI' hon•1r.'I ,..·,·re in the handll of AJi•Jt; lr•·1n.i;: 11 nd hf,. ~pel'kle of B.111'10 " \'11chl Club w1lh E!ocapAde rlo"•' 1111.-.Rnl. A 1wo-ho11t rr.nl"'!!l on 1 he <lo\\·n· "hill ru11 'ml.w f!rat Sp1rklr Rnrl th"n ~-1 E:Ka1111dP 11urgr She11d, Rt;T f11.r· lh<'r 1nshr.r" l'ti11le Gar\7, Gnul•! nf San Dtegn \'C fl.n (I Kcrf Cruan Wlt h n1~ ('11.hr!llo BPach y e; rhlll· lrnger. A11 1he ·four lxm1.1 POfl· vrri.:P<t nn 1 h•• Jeewarr1 m11rk off SPOS SORS OF DRIVE -Lady Anglers were in c harge of i hc JocaJ sale s of the Orange County Ganeer on·\·e rece ntly . ~1embcrs sold co ri;.ag es in ·•ario us public p la,ccs. F1ow('rs were furnished by the O range Cou nt y Florisl8 A ssoc iation . From {t'ft d iscu ssing the !'ale a r c !il r!S. \V. A. T o bias, !ifrs. \\11Jham Tallman and '41r!>. J nhn 1-I;i rt ll'in. -Sta.ff Photo Ol•t t:~tabll11heJ lnJJur11nce Agency 11()\\'ARD "'-GERRISll HU•,... ;'\:rv.·porl Bh·rt , Costa )lf'all l'HO:'oit: 1,16£RT\' ~1.\1 '! - ,. :-ro ' • t ---•• -·· ' . . ..... .: MARIE AMELIE SET FOR ENSENADA Thi• \1 the Tlnr ot UH• tlll·fL ya"·I t.l a1ie A:11rlle that G11 b.-. G1a.n !nnl ho~ to preH"nt to hi.a rival.a In the 1o:n1tan111da R11.c,.. from now on. Marla Amelie llU been a coial91.ent ""innf'r "inrr joining the N1•v1rport HPll'bof" Y1C"ht Club racing n .. ~l thl.e &pnng ,a~d v.·\U be a boat to watch In bot.b lhe Enk'n&d~ e\'tnl ll!ld th~ Honolulu Race In July. -Jk<:kner Photo MAJUNE CARBURETORS lk>paln -S-. ""'"\ Part5 iEl'o'lTH-1( STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM ?4S9 W. Cout Highway Liberty 8-ts.tS \ ' ' • !'e"·porl r irr Gould's I"<'<..: Hll.!h·r· ln11. ...,,.,,.. nut 1n front l•'l \h C'man's PC'C Ak11hl !n 1<rcr.ni1. F:sc111"•dr ro11nt1ed ·1A third plK•'t wi th Sp~rk!c fourth an\! Atorrante 11\lll in fifth bJl t r1ck1ns: up. llaller!na "ontinued to IP11d the nttt l)a<:k t o the Balbofl. !Jl llrk<'r but Ak11 h\ gained a leadlnl' P"-"I· t1on ut th~ lll&Tt of th~ l!ecor(l lap. Thi! wr11th,.r""·m11.rk of the ~"t'­ ond l"r ·w..., tha ~tl'ne nf th!! un. fortuna te hft ,...,.lf' \\'h1l·h rP.~Ult e<! 1n Lou Rffd Buys Home of Jo. Kincaid · Sale nf the JOI.' K1nkn11I honie at announrt·d th1$ wl'tk h}' Sanl'ly )111C:l•>'fly, realtr.1. ~lH• KHy alsn tnlfi .,f th" pun·hH •l' hy ."1 r~ Franklin \\'1!t'ux nf ~.'If> \'a• l.1°111 SnuJ 11( lhlt'f' re"utf'ntu1l Lull! nn \'hi. Zunr h Cirrlr -'Tl!" r"n•h11...- "'11a nuulr lr<1n1 Roh<·rt ~1Bn£Sn .,f 208 V•fl ~1 1·ntone. ~ /lew tMR COST -8 J_ ~BUILDINGS Al•lD F~ GL\.n.D LAMINAT[D HlMBERS,. GIV E-Ct.EA..R SPAN, .A.F'FOQ.DING GC:EAT STQEMGTH AT LQ\NEQ. COST. <;OMPLETE &\J1LOING - OELIVEQ"ED TO Joe SlTE. FROM t1!l PE.R.50.FT."- OR COMPLETELY f.RlCTED, INCLUDING :IL.A.e, FROM & I~ PER.. 5Q. fl. FOR COMME.R.Cl.A.L. . f&RM OQ: I MOV~TR~ USt, A °ANYWHEffC IN $0. C.ILJF, I - .,; ft ... hi<ftld It FU\\'OOU l'A TIO. T.\ 111.t: • ,\J! 1\!11n1ln11111 • l llAl:o.t: 1.0 l !';1,t: ""9" f 'l6.t ."> I' FUil -"l'IC l-'1t l'.\1-'l ·Tl."l t: • ~·====+==l=l=J.=J.=1.:1:':':· =·=·1=J.:l.:l:CK=l=·A=l.:':T:':·======' • ~ tu l ~ fi l1·ngtll.• 47" •q • ':=:F:l:K:tc:l:":':l.:A:.':·s=· :l:'.:\:':':"=-='======M==l=-=·=u===='='=· =' I l·'llt.t. Kl:\· -I '-•'Y •·Rt:r. .. lib rar h k"J' orrtf'r, ~I I >An t:XTHA Kt:\· f.,r H on.,., t.:er,..f>ata.lle. rlr. \\.ITllOI T ( 0 "T \\.hr n ~"" ori1o•r,. k••y from 111~ 8 ... m. -6 p. m. ' S,,/,,.ftz._J/uft.,rl B,,;/JerJ Supp/~ i 11'hr,/1 •olt' cl H• ''"' 811.Jd,r~ l/n~d1r•1~e -1 l'hone' LJl)e rty IS· j~ _1 222 \'lctor'la SI. (arar Se"·port ~~'·d.) <Asta Me.a Jo/Jnaon DAYE SPIES S••·Hor•• Ou tboard Motor• 2510 "" Coa•t HJa;hway • --.- :J/.e SEA CRAFT D.ivision of Rosjn Enterprise' Announce' the lates t addition to its Marine· Facilitie' .... < A COlifPLETE __ _ MARINE ENGINE SERVICE DIESEL ANQ GASOLINE l l .. · * -PARTS and SERVICE OVERHAUL and MAINTENANCE· * I The ,some high quolily ond prompt service thal has made SEAGRAFT o by.:..ord in New - port H4rbor will prevail .... ' * • SEACRAFT 2841 W. COAST HWY., NEWPORT IEACH . , Uberty 9.5533 I J. __ .. ' \ " ' ----...... ~-_.... _ _;_ __ -· ... ! •• . I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 . PAGE s PIRATE DAY .S~T TOMORROW I . THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1955 ' . AS ANNUAL occ CELEBRATION Mesa 'Street Master Plan The skull and crou boneaJ will be hou1ted to the · · · · · • . • top of th"e mast at Orange Coast "College for the an· naal Pifute Day celebration on Friday.r:la 6, it ·was revealed by Dean Fred Huber today. Co"1mittee Grou~ · Appointed Pirate Day itself will start •·1th an ll mbly at DKtd!nr • pla.nnlntr <'Oniulnt.nt • \\'&JI not nt!<'t .. l\!"Y l)ut \.!1•1 MJ111t~ t l a.m. on May 6 .. The carnival "'ill star! at noon l hlnC" hu to bi don• tu .ul""' and continue until 1 :30 p.in. Judging for ~ostume Co1r~ !.t .. 1a'1 •trf.et and draln•ge and be&td growing contests_ will take place from probleJna. "11 y counttl aeuon ~ -~ M0n<Jay nJgbt ..,t up a 1i.i.t0n or 1:30 ·-2-p.m. The. beard.gta.w1u1:;-cOnteiit h'is 20 en· rity otr1r11111 10 i•S· o\lt· • MM& trant.9. according to Hube.-., and ·at.&rted lut Friday:·: ~tre.\ n1uter p11.n~ Cl'J\u;i1ll.m•n All men on the campu• are requirN to grow aome Brur• Martlll a<"<"epted a 'S\ll"I"_.· tlon. a.d'·anc:'t'd by City Planning type of hinute ~dornment. ('on1nu .. lon•r s.r'ney Yrvicq11t1 GamesLu ck racea, and a tug .ofwar will be held and n1oved that City Mgi;. Ceora.e f 2 3 pm foll ed b lh b hall game be·-C'otfrr. street .Supet1nte11dent 1'9~ • · ·• 0~' Y e ase,.. · Chuck Hiller. City Enr~nef!r Don tween Orange Coast &nd Riveniide at 3 tt.m, The Southworth and • c:ammLttee of final event ot the week will be the annual ShipWrt>C~ .. uy pl1Lnn1r1 lllld cou.nclln1en w..irk Dance from 8 -11 p.m. A luau ;ncrne has been on th'• pr<:1Jtrt. MONt:\' 11>o;r TAUi. ' adopted for thia year'• dance y,:Jth Fred Travarea Con1111l11loner ~;. L. Pa1ten10n and hil Hawaiian trio •Upplying the music. At tbia protest~. "Whllt w• n-1 u event the king and queen of Pirate Day will be rnon<"y not t'"1k," crowned. ~l"rtin . Raid. ''I'm 1ure Cotft)' The lnterclub Council is in gen·eral charge ·of ... ·111 rtqueRt 1 ny mon<"y th1t mlj{ht bf! n('('f'Uary la c•rry out-thfl the week'• feativiti~ with Charles Maier, president. proJo;ct." Dardie Schaefer, actiVtties chairnlan, and Andy "\\'oul<I Mr. ~farun put ILJlother Martin, A.M.S. chai.onan, heading up the committee. d1y or two 1n the wHk ~" re- ornnlf'nd11!11•u1. "ll w u•1 lll be u -.lnlnuy to bring 1n 110riitone to l"ll UI wh-'I wf. alrf!ll\1~· know Wt! have to tlo," c .. 1r.·~· '!'hi. "All th<! pt1.J1n<"r1 neol i. 1 Jtci:u1n t o r arry out thl'.'!r i.leu.~ Santa Ana Tent. ' ' . & Awnl119 ' Timely sevin91 to ~••P interiors eool and ettrective !. ~;;;;;:;;;;;;;:::;;;;:;;~;;;;;;-;;;;.~;;:;;;;:---i qu<!lll<!d Cof~y. The acLlon v.•aa t&kut alter coo-COLORED . lrin of a eon· • PFLEGER FM.ill Y ENJOYS GARDEN I f.~-t~•l~~'~"l~oo~ol~o~pl~~"~m·~'~'m~mlo~-~~~~~~1-----.: 11ultant for 1. 60-d1y per a • HUMS FOR BALBOA ' SA. VINGS <••l or oppro"1motoly $1000. 0>m-ml111loner Robert \\'Uaon explained pluinlng of futftr1 1tl'Mlll and JilA. TOH anc& Between guest.A on annual Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce women's committee garden tour Sunday, the G,. T. Pflegers of Harbor Island took time out for Tom- _my, 4 to hand his m?thcr a flower from curved garden rimming wall lit right. Linda, 6, is.at left whlle Pfleger • 'M~nday ·Friday' Bandits Rob Mesa Service Station ====~fair_Wittl Guns .Take $150 From Two ni~n ht>!d up 11 Co!\1t ~1~11•j lLl1ead 11~rl rou ...,.,,n't "jff't hurl."' F r•1ce ~t11l i1Jn 11t 8~1l p n1. ~f'ln· Th•·}' put P~trl in !he men·a l av. 111.k!n"1: $1 ~0 in bills 11rnl 11. rrd r"om, buth ot t hen1 bntndi~h1ni: 1:11$o11n11 can \\'!lh Z~ cenu "''orth .311 c11hbr~· t"·o-lnch blue rl'''oh·e111 of 1{1111nhnE' ln 1\. Pullr " l 'l\1 .. r Art th~n r n1pt11>•! !hr r11.•h box. Th•·y 7\ll"Ken:cle rrportr•I. \'11"t!n1 of th<' lt'tt "'hlk1ni:. tnkini.:: the t:a110J1n<" a llckup .,.811 at1rnrl11nt L;1"'"'nrP r:i.n \\'Jl h 1tu·111 Two l<"l'rl·&i:c i:1 rJJO , All<"n Pein of :lM Af111.n1B St , Bel· v.•ho rllll out or gu 11nd entered l!o•. Hr "'l•ll nn du1.1· 11t IL l •. th,• 11111.tinn prior lo I.he holdup. X<""'ber1·y'1< sr1'\·1,·e stRt1on 11t 2t36 told pol1e~ lhty sav.• the o!f·Wh!ll! N,....,.por·t Blvd. • 11edan .p1rked 11ppro11.lma tely h11\f Thi· ,b1U11J1t~ 11rt' tx-J1 .. 1'<"d to b,. 11 block north .. r th•· 11t11t 1on on IJ1<"mh<"r,. of Lhe notnr101u 1:.os An· ;.;,,...,·11ort Blvd. ll "''1111 i;onl! "'ht'n geJ,•<' :O.!onday 1t no1 ~·n·lny i:ang. polirP 1nvel!tl,t"&t<"d. a.t1-rall .. fl lroTn n>~uln rny (If pull· \';.-trl d!'.'!Cnbt'd thl' m('n 11.11 15·11 in.i::: thtir Joh• <"llh<"r ~lns:ly nr in rn he11:ht. v.·f'1.i:::h1ni: 160 lb~ .. 2.'S. J11>11,. un ).l on cley Mnll l'i'ldl}' \\'ith 1t11n face~. One sus p<'Cl \\'Or" n1.t:h!"'. ~h·Ji~nZ IP Mld 1l !••a.lit on.-11 bro...,·n dr.·11s hlll ancl brQWll full nf the l!llapccls ... ,.,. b<•l1eved ron-top ro11t. Th<! orher "ne h11d d11rk nerl<"d "·\th th1• ,\pnl I l 11rn1,,•I b1 u...,·n hair 1.nd \\'on-R grey l\\'to:d robb,.ry ur f.7i -~.."1.trnn1 1h•· L!q~orl"Jl"rl cnnl ] ?-l~rl. al 2 l:ill Nrwp"rt BlvJ., ttl.i.o . vn a ~t'on<lllv. C II B"d for R d i-1~i1Lo\K F'A<"t .is a · 1 s. oa Tytni:: th·· 1 .... ·.. J"1,.. '"i:"Vt"r 1 Jobs Th;.ough County ""~1·· ~11111l;i r 1i.-11e11pl1011 of 11 yuun_t:l.'lh 11U11pt"<'l wnh Ito pock· SACRA1o!E:\'TO IC:\'S) -The 1n111 kPti «r v.·r 1nkl1.,·1 rii"''· unrl pla,... stnte <l~p"rtmcnt {If public \\'Ork! li•I( or I( 1:>~.o OT"°"'51 ll't"liRn. or(.White. ... ·UL c;.1.ll Jvr .b!i;b_ thi.'I "'eek for the 1n •'••!•)!'. n°•:11 -•r~n" .,r th" .'ltkk· fo:>ll"11·1n.t: hi.t:hw:iy JOb~ in· Orange UI >< c:ountv: l'eln \»hi in•·,•st 1,k!at1ng orri~er5 Co•;~ln>l'l int 11 truck 11heJ1rr at t h•· i...,·,, ni• n \\'Rlk .. ll into tht Jiil\· the 1)11·1~u>n 1•f H1_t:h\\·11y11 .M11ln· 11 .. n s111·1ni: th"\' h11rl n1n nut Qf trn11nce 11tutlr>n 11t S111nton, l lt ,· 11;.1• l't"ir1 pl"<" I 2~ .-rnts "·urth of ·ooo. J:B>oUliU~ in " ro•,I ran >1nd fl~k~d Grading 11 4fl.fnut rowJbl'd 11nd fur " d~P•·1<•\. On•• .. r th~ .sU:<rf>••ets 11urfac1n.t: a rl'n\r11I :!~-f,.el for " "'u'l h<" .-.my had :,o cent~ A.~ ttu• !rni;th•or t.8 mllr~ on SiJ:n Route 1·1r t1 n1 O!'ent·J lhc en~h_bnx ~ ... Ide 39, b<>t...,·een .2 ·~,11 .. 11 !IOUth ot Im· lht" punlJllt, ltu• fi r~! ~u~pel'I plaetd p<'l ial Hii;hw"v nnd \V h [ t t 1 ~ r s i:11 n In hi.•""'' k BQU]t",'llTd, Sl&0.000. "Thi~ 111 11 ~l1ckup'.'" he said.I. Surfa~ln,i;: 1 1.2 fnilc!I o! highway ··~1n1·"' In your rl.t:hl, \\·alk ~tralrht at ,·11riou~ h~11t1<1n8, $7!1.400. · BALTZ MORTUA RIES COSTA :0.1£SA CHAPF;L l:HAPt.L HY TH~: SF:A" 1741 Superior A1·enue C'o~ta ~ft81l, 'C11Uf. 31520 E. Co1111t Uh·d. Coron& dt•l :'>1Bt. Ca\ir. Phone Liber ty 8-2121 .-Phone Harbor C2 Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.JACK OOYER - '?30 1 • l.Jnoleum e A!iphalt Tilt> • \'acht Harbor 5389 ' u \\', Palboa RouJe,·anl· • Ruhhtt Tiie • Cork • Carpet • t·onntea • Installation Newport leoeh 117 ·Pounds ... ~f Music and Fun for Oran9' County • 1s on Radio KWIZ 1480 on the dlal ' ' etanda on lower ltivel. Their garden compliments their contemporary modem iiew home with a •tunning front entrance treatment &nd fine planting all around. -Staff Photo HiCJh Hit lnvest111ent Totals Palmer ·Reveals For March New 1treoet eJ(ten.1lont wat llM~ 1t 'thl11 tlmt to 1vold eoauY c:ODdem- naUon of houtN now being' con· Rructc-d on t11tun ltrftt lit.ff. Cotf<"y ?'OM to lldvt .. U.1 C:OUD• ctlmen they would •·lJtera.lly bfl throwtng money away" If they hired e. conrult&nt e t thl1 time y,•htn the c:i1y would bfl un1bi. to 1upply tund1 to c1rry out hl1 ree· COAST ADULT REGISTRATION STIU -OPEN iN FEW CLASSES A<Julls may ye+re~ster In many cla.s-now being otfe~ 1t Oruig~ Coaat College, ll was announced tod1y by D r. 'nr.o-r'J mu A. Bl11kc-ly. d<";an of adult educa Uon. Cla.!ll<f'S in \\'hich open1ng• uillt are: home gardealng ; n e \\'ednPlday. 7:30-11:30: b&!l!r p1lnUng, Leo U.U..hma.n, Tuesday 11nd Thursclay, 1 • 10~ painting and drawlng, Thelma t;1opc-, ~!onday fl.ntl \Vtdnttday, i -10: piano, ?ofarga.ret Schar!e, Alanday or Tuesday, ; -II; 11culpturing. Peter Paul Ott, Tut11- d11y, 7 • 10: ar1w1.r• pottery, William 0. Payne, Thuraday, ~ to lO. Other1 11till open sre ceramic• and por'("l!'laln, )lrs. R C. Ho11k1n11, 1ofonday i · 10 or Thurada.y, (I • 12 ; china pa.lptln(, Oct111•ia,r ayne; \\'~n<"sdly. 1 • 10 ; r rllft v.·orluhop, Earleen Kirby. Tuesday 7 -10; correct writing IU'ld •peaking, Robert Kl'11t . :!'.londuy 7 · 9; Crt'alh·e v.·rttlng, Adolph Anderwon, "'ed· r\L'$1hry 7 • 10: EnglL'ih r l'fr<"¥her. Dr. J ohn Nttf, Tuead1y and Thur1;<!1\Y 7 • 9; RUll9la.n, Ludmila. Sa•·onov, Thureday ti · Iii : bu.,!ntS!'I 1ipportunlt!eti la.,.·. Sch\\·arz. Monday 7 • JO; 1.nd typing, H.lch11rd Chabolla and Thom~ Oaborne, Monday "1d wectn..ct.y, T . a :so or a:so. io. Adulle m1y registtt at the A dult EducaUon office In t.he Admlni•tnHl1Jn Bullcllng a.ny day of .the Wffk 9r evrntnga 1ofonc!ay thrU Thur~l!L)'. Hwruntnr Oranre County bual· nest for the month ot M1n:h 1tl • new high rtcor<1 !or Ntwport Balboa S1.vtnp and Loan ASICICl1.- l!on of Newport Beach, with well ov<"r • mll!i6n·and~a-quuter dol· l1r1 ifl. .n~ ""vlng1 lnfftlmenUI topplnr &11 other month• In Ute M&OCl11lion'1 lil-yea r hlllory, ac· cording to Prt t 1dent Paul A . Pa.1- mer. u.vlng1, Paln1er .. Id. Bal1nclnr this again.st v.·lthdrawai. or 1628,· 15i6.99·. the a&19Cl11!on ahowed • net new • morie)> r•ln of ~77,- 0!12:11. ALL-TL'IE MAJUl March bualneh combined with ,ll b111y JMUllry • Ftbru1.ry to add up to ll1l ILJl·tlm• record quarter for Newport Balboa Savtng1. Pal- mer sllld. ~ 1.MOCl1.tlon report.a ae~• of nitlrlt thrM milllon dollar• for Ul• quarter anding M1rch 31. TM (ftlld t oll.I of new 1al'1ng1 r~l!lved waa J4,1Cl5,437.07. 1ofeeUng withdrawal demand• of $2,42~.711.Ct. the aaaoclatlan ah.ow- ed a nrt ,.atn In uv1Jlg1 accounlll ot Sl,719,7 17.MI. · •·we I.Tl eJf})f!rtenclng a ph1no- mm&l rlM In our tavlnp invut- ment rat,.," Palm1r 1ald. "We· paid qu.arterl'y dividend.a fo r the !lral ----------------------------·I time In the IS110<:L11Uon's hl1tary on ' For Countless Years'This Shleld Has Been the Symbol of Aid to the llleedy ! • This is made possible by y-dona-. of DISCARDS SALVATION A!lMY SALVAGE WEEK r - IN l>IEWPORT BEACH ·15 ' . I May 9-14 TELEPHONE Liberty 8-1155 A RED SHIELD TRUCK WILL . CALL FOR YOUR DISCARDS , ·1 March 31. Thua wer1 pala to all accounts, either by check or by credit to a eoo11nt. At our current difldl!ftd rate ot si,;,~,.· ~r year an uvlngs. \\'e w!ll dlstrlbt1l<" consld- <"r•bly more than a n\llllon doll:"'• In dlvidenf1s to 111\'lng' 1nYe11toi:a In 1111515---anothtr new record for 111./' • Palrp.er a ttributes the 1avtng1 anosi11llon'1 record grO\\'lh ms ln· . OS g Second la tl1e efficiency of 1111soci1.tion 's nt>w headquarter• ot- nce11. w hich ha,·e gl.lned \\'Ide· •Pr<"•d 1ttrnt!on throlJgh publici ty for the bulldint and Nt\\:port H1.r- bo<. Anl.l)-Zlnir c u r rent bu1lneu lrtnda,.Pllmer foreeee1 a conUnua- tton ot U IOCllUO!l growth through 111!1.'S lllld wtll Into 19:1&. "W1 al- ne.dy '" aur. al(n• for a lonr· tc-rm 1tt>ady 'r* ln Orange Caun- ty'a bu11!ne111 barometer," Palmer d. ''\Ve re0i1v1 mal'IJ ln.qutrtes Count,y. IUld from people who want to enjoy the comtarb, con~ltonc· ea ILJld ptc-a1ure1 of living. h<"rt. Thtee lnqulrli1 lncr'eul Olli' prld<" In 011r county communltJ, ILJld con· vlnce 111 lh1t WI an lucky to be hert>.'' BUil T ON YOUR LOT Homft -Inc-Un~ flat POMIW. l'••N"BC .U..., .. CARDINAL HOMES 119 E. 2Srd St. la Costa Ml!IN Open 7 Days ()pea. ivM. by Appt. THE SALVATION ARMY ,. Has constant need for discards such a's • . * Clothlnt ..;_, 'Radios * Fwnlnlre -!..· Appliances * lledcll119 * llcyclft *Dishes * Irle-a.brae -tr llioel *.R11ts -R Top *RCllJI -RlloYel * Mhcelane- ' • Your l~lvage Gift May lave 'a Life! ., BAMBOO DRAPES 21~ e A..?'lo'Y 8rzE, BRING L"i YOUR MEA8mt.EME.''TS -·- lmpmed BAMBOO SHADES s-~:.:S-tt. Mr.e -....... st.so I 'x6' .............................. $2.40 5'x6' --········------·-··--···$3.00 Ii' x6' ..... ·--·--··-·· --· .... -S.'1.00 l'x6' ·-·-·-··---------$4.ZO 8'x6' ·····---···-·-··--·-$4.80 '9'·x6' .......... :~----·····-·-···~'l.4tl IO'x6' ............................ $6.00 12'x6' ·-······-······-··--·-··$;7.ZO -·-lmpmed HEMP Si;>UARES XATl:RA.I. ~·01.0R suo••'• •10• .. ~ , ... .., ' , .. J,1,.,.1 '"' Indoor ,,., 11111<tnnr 1· ... ,, frr.\·r rtUhl#l Rug Uaat .. 111 11;h·" y ... na. or .,.n•IC'Jt ---------4 [,11r•1~.•t .'l,./e,-liol\ A "l•"rll...,rt PA.TIO FURNITURE .. """"''"°" .. Aluminum .. .. \ldt .. M~tal .. I mhl'l'llM A ll Typr• .,, ;~tOYf!Tll for yoar pallo runJtu,.._ Open ftoiclay and Monday Hites 'Til 9 • Santci Ana Tent and Awning e Fll&t: Df:U\'l:ltT 16%6 So. Mala SL .......... Pla.JUl-INI ~\ • • ' -r Christ Lutheran In Service \Vork 1 U nivers .. alists 11rec .. , .. -·. HAllOI ~IEA CHllCllEI aL 'N uwa ............ a..rdl HUa at. • at. Aadnw• M.. ...... ,._ Hip lcbool , LIMt.7 1-ITTI · Put«: ~· JUM!' a. Mewart Cw ltJ ...-..... no w. 1t0a at., Co.t& M ... LIMrty a-•551 _. ~·· Joeqll w. Kcahane n. a. .... ., ClalW lOIO Cb~ at., eo.ta Me• LDerty MTtl Tom ll&ker Jr., Mlnlaler QrlM ~ ., n. .. Commulty M•Ulodl.t ll&lbM 8,Yd,. al UUI, N.wport Hanor &2n Mlnl•tft': ~v. Roy Carl.on lh. JOMlltai CllVd 1M4 Ora.are Aw.. Colt& Me• t.lbe.rty 1-lOl 1 t'aUaer Tllomu J. Nntn . . Opposition To Comnlunism Resolutioh Is -Voted At Annual Church. Meeting lhmben ot the Univenaliat Community Fellowship at tbar a.n.nv.al-meeti~ on May-1 went on reconHn a apecial reeolution u being oppoee.t;t to Communiam or any form of dictatonhip which 1'0uld take from the American people tM right.a. priYilecee and reaponmbilltiee which a.re at pre.- •t UMln uadw Ule OoMUtullon l ret.ary LI Mrs. Bernice Cbue eo.- Md Ula 8W ot !Upt.e. ta Meaa 'nd the ouier member or '"'-F1Uow1hJp LI lelil tba.n t.he boerd la Mra. f're.nk Morra thl"ff Ytart old. but hu already j of Santa Ana. made a place for Ubet'al l"lllJlon I Mr .. Stephanie Taylor save the In Ule Harbor ar-. A. lunday report for Lhe A. U. W. u new mchoo1 bu been Of'lanlsed and an pruldent and M11. Rertna Brt1- 4-latloo ot Untver.U1t Wo-bam reported on actlv1uu ot th• men hM>bffn work.in&' effectively. Sunday 1chool. P'taAk MclAtyre ot ea.ta Mua The meellnf followed a fellow- and Henry Hottman Jr. ot N--1hlp dlnner •l which Mre. Waltu port Hei.hta. ...U~ oftlc•ta, 8chllllnr .• Mre, A. D. Smith and were npla.eed by lAOn Rudd of Mr1. E. F. Chrl11leneen were hoel- N-port lhtpta u mocl•rator ,eaee1. Mre. Frederick Rlnre wu and Mra, M. H. Thocnpeon of Cor-accorded a vote et thanu for her ona d•I 'Mar u member ot lh• .ervlcea u planlat. The mlnl1tH board. Tru.arer wtll be Theodore of the Fellowlhlp LI the Rev. Han1nrton. Corona del Mar; MC· I Fredericll JUn&'e, Corona d•I Mar. ...... .....,_. Clluda ef Newport -------------------------B&lboa Blvd., lttll 6 Court Ill., Newport H&rtlor a66J Uberly l-SOT2 Putor: Htrbert C . Johuoa PAGE 6. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.~RESS THORSDA Y, MAY 5, 1955 ,___. . ' . ... ' Family Ni~ht At Southern Baf,tist S~veral Wt't'kA ar;o lht' t'o•"' llan HDmt Week In tht churc~a or i' Men Fini.-SoulhfJI n• B •pl t' l lht Southern Bapl11t Conwnllotl. Churl.'h tnalltUled "Family ·N1;:ht" Th.i artlvlltea ol "l''amlly Nll'hf" I Which I• held t'IUlh Thuraqay I I 7 ..... a part of thl• thfml!. Nut p.m. A nut1ery l.1 provided ro1 Sunday the eermon of Or. Rkhard ' younl'el'>chlldrt'n while tlltrr ~Iden Po. wnt be on tAe CtlrUtlaJt home. 10 vllalln~ tor ont hour In lntrreat Monda)' nenln1 Dr. Pou waa 1 of the church. Al 8 p.n1. everyone guul 1pealcer at the meet1n1 of lhf' retuni• to Ult c-hu1 ch I t which Hollywood Or'iltlan croup Wblt'h time a program, gel• undt'r W8)' mt: In the home ot Tim Spencer. I tor every mfmJ:>n ot tl\e t"&mlly. I A youth rally will be held Sat-I Men or the Bfotherhood stng In urda y cven1n1 at T:SO at lh• 1 the Men's Choir. Womrn uaen~ble SoutMra BapUa\ Churell II\ LA t tor the Wom•n'• Ml1111lo1111.ry So-H bra.. All th oun I• In clety and the young people io td a • Y I peop their a uxlHary mHtlng•. Orance aseoclallon are IJlvtted to May 1-8 la dnlsnat~ u Chris• attend the r&lly. MISS BONNIE CHAPPELL New Secretary At. So. Baptist · Salvation Anny Holding Annual Salvage Week 11&1Lanpnhetm11.u been nun- ed cba1rman ot th• d~ eom- ml t tee Ula.t will Ulllb\ Ule Sa.ln.- Uon Army ~ It.a annual Sa.IYIC" Week ca.mpalp ln N-port Beach May t -H . Other -commttt.. memben are aa foUowa: ehurchu, lh• Rev. fto¥ A.Catt.on; 8Cllooll,H.0 .1Cnat&'n; eervlc:e ctui.. MOftt.e ft. Qrtm .. ; mlacellaneoua clube. Ro._ GtMley and prua, Ben Reddick. · Ourtn1 the drive a 11pedal tlut of SaJntl<>n .Army Red lhleld truca. will call 1n reapon .. to tele- phone calt. from local l"Uldmta to collect dl.:arded but lltlll uabla a rtlclu. Cutott artlcl.. contrlbuled Ill 19:14 enabl4d the. cent.er to pro- vide 293.:l:IO hour11 of ocnapatlonal therapy. t0.180 meala and 20,160 lodf1np . A. toll,I ot Jlt0,000 w.,. paid In -.rea to all typo ot work- era. .-.~~-..~iHl"'lliiitiiw IA.._.. Cllardl 'FAITH OF OUR MOTHERS' TOPIC FOR ADVENTISTS Mlu Bonnie Chappell, new edu- cation MCr•tary, wa1 welcomed tut weeJt to 11.aft.. of the Ftrllt Southern Baptlat Church, eo.ta Mua. A. (l'aduata of Howard Pay- ne Collece. Brownwood. Texu, 1ha received a mu ter'll de(l'ee In rell· rtou. education from Baptlat Theo- loa1cal Seminary, l'ort Worth, Tuu, comu.here from tb• Beech St. Baptlat Church, Teurkana. Atk. Brt1. WIWam J. Parkln1, man- a1tr of the center; Mid th• cen- ter requlr .. a conUnuou. laf1ow of mat•rtw to continue the pro- gnm. Th-Include clolhln1, ahoea. tumlture, ciWMol, matt.rua- u , bed<lln(, kitchen ulel\llla, home appllancea, •IYarware, 1tovea, r&· dloe, rac-. nip , boe*• and brlc-a - bra.c • 9501 cittf Dr.. Newport Hel1bt1 Uberly I-Mil Rev. Robert Groplund .u... .. ,., a.. find It.. • Elden Ava., COit& K•• Liberty 1~11•1 ~vere.nd K. C. Croetc, PMtor "ratUI ot Our Mot.her•" will be the topic or th• eermon Pa.tor Jllellard F. Serna will brtnr to th• Newport-Mel& levenUl~ay Adv•nll1t cb\ll'CA Ulla Saturday, May 7, at the- n o'd ock .. rvtce. She wtll aid the paator, Dr. Chairman ~•Im ur10d lo- cal r ... dent. to ••• Uletr cut.off artlele1 for UM Salo{auon Arm7 and t.o tel•phOC1• Liberty l-11511 for a ~ lblald lnlck durtn1 Ule 8alvare WMlt ca.mpe.ip. ... ._...._M...._. Newport 1Uv4. at Bola It., Newport Helpll Elder JUcllard Se~ Ubuty 1-1&12 Hla1illpUn1 th1a Mother'1 Da y Service wall be the P"· MnUn1 of cor•1 .. to th• oldut, youn1ut, and newut molher. The mot.her of th• moet children will alao receive a corl&('e. Richard H. POM, wtUI records. bul· leUn.. and other MCretartaJ d ull.a. QUARTERLY MEET cavda., ..... !( ........ 1116 An&helm. Co.ta Mua Putor: Re•. Cll•• William.I Liberty 1-7181 Tb• topic tor dlacuulon of the c'1urch at 1tudy wbicb conven .. at t :JO a.m. w111 be ''Th• Threefold MHMfe" found ln Ul• UUI dlapter of Ule book of RevelaUon. New Officials ~At B.I. Church ' ,,,., Clil11ttlil of Cluiet. Sdeau.t 1101 VI& Udo, H-~~ ..... Harbbr 2421 1·.a".,..... •• c -•..it1 Fellow.lilip -- E bell ClubhOUte, lit& Balboa Blvd. Mlnlater: Rev. F. W. Jlln1• CHRIST LUTHEI_lAN Open House At New· Parsonage_ .-~ Member• of tht Balboa hland Lowen; t.he commlMlon on fin. Community MethodLlt Ch u r c h ance. P. F. .Bain... Mra. C. T. wer. pra!Nd by the Rev. Dr. Mait Coane, Claire 8. ~ett. ~rt C. --• ----Lowtn, Tt(f H.iUMr, Ol\O HOe1. n... hutM.nt ....... CltU~ t!IO W. Hamilton. Co1ta M•• Liberty I-UM Pa.tor: Dr. Richard H . PON t ·oro .. '*I Mar 0111111•..ity Clilurclil Cu!"crecatlonal On Sunday aom1 IO peopla at- tended an open hoUH a t the new Chr11t Lutheran Church pareonare ot the Rev. Lothar Tom"ou al 790 'Victoria Sl. In Coala M•aa. Vl1l- ton were member• of Bt. Paul'• Lutheran Church of 'Laruna and the Co•ta M-Chrlat Lutheran Church. 111 Hellotropt Ave. Harbor 5227 Puto1: Rev. £4wln C. Gomke f'1nt Baptttl\ Unird1 S1nla Ana Ave. at Masnolia Co1la 1'fua Rev. P. C. ?l:eumann . niurc-111 et oar L.a47 et ML C<a,_I 1441 W. BaJbo& Blvo., !'Jlwport Har bor 0214 • 'auier Stephen Kiley, Pastor Fathu George Pamauua A111t. Putor c •uiat LD~ c .. ureolt of C..'oeta M• .. (Mlu ourt Srno<l I Cona Mu• Putor: Rev. Lothar Tornow 8t. ,_a 1:,....,., 3208 Via Lido. Newport Bc'ach Harbor 1230 curaw: Rev. Ralph Puu St. ,.... \·i..uw1 Ill Marine. Mli.-leland Hartlor 02U r'atlltr lt•phen Kl'-Y· Paator FaUl•r a.ors• Pamaa1U1 A11l. Putor C..tnl B1W. Clilu~lil Oranc• Ave. at 23rd St. eo.ta M.... Liberty l-630J A. A. Xaden. Put.or ............. 0 ... .., .......... 111 Apte AYt., Balboa bland Mlallter: Re•. DoMld lapp a-'111 ., ~ .._ .. ~ ot Mind" ~ ..Jle&cb ·~ O&lkry IOT Ctitt Drt-aTatt •-TIM ...... Irie alJWk, . KlatlC• a-'111 ., ._ aa.te• ., a.-Dllr ...... ......._, ~ Qui. Hou. The paraonar• 11 th• tlral unit of an exl•nded butldlnl p~am on the Victoria 8\. proptrty. Th• -truclure hu· 186-0 1quare ffft of lloor 1pae•. eitclwilv• of th• double rarare. Included ar• a lu,e~llv- 1 Inc room. den, 1ludy, dlnil'll area, kllchen. ullllty room, thrff bed· room• and three bat.ha. The llvtn1 roont can be curtained off wtUI roldlnr aceordlon doota and will ! be uaed for all m..Un&'•· outeld• of lhe rf,ulu ehurch Hrvlc .. held at the American 1A&1on Kall. Much of lh• con•tructlon ot the pareonar• wu done by volunlMr Instruction iFor Methodists Mtmbtr.'lhlp m5tructlon for thoee dtelrln" to Join the Balboa 11· -. lanJ Community Methodl1t Church will begin Thurllda y ennln1, May ~ anti v.111 con tinue ror the three following Thuraday evt nlna• In May. Cl1uu wall beJin at T:ao p.m. a.nd ltrmlnate at 8!40. Dl1eu11lon lopic1 for the tour wuk• y.illl be "Our Chrl1tlan Faith," ··0ur Chrl1- tlan Herllaft," ··aur Church at Work." and "OuUe1 of a Chrl1tlan Church Mtmb4-r " Thou dt1lrln1 lo enroll hao been rfquuted to rtri~u-at · the church ottlce. 'Abiding Values' Is Theme For U niverst\}ists C.... K-i.iwt1 WT• A.bfdln1 va.lu~• In the .,..,.... cbanrtn1 home wtU be topic al UI• momtnr. Mnrlct of UM Unl .. n•· lilt Communl~y Fellowlhtp on lun· day. lp.d aJ muaic, and a Mrmoe· ette tor lh• childreJa wtU aleo be .....,, ...... Da.l•lloul n:.r CJMUacll fW CllU8'f pnpend. Mother'• Day wt.U be 9Ci&!ft'i81 Mlebrated u It I• beltH~ mMt • "" ~~·•. moUlera ~uld han It celebrar.ct-~·• ~ .;;:;;M, ~ "'_."'"' u a family day-a day f1emlli• ......... .,. • • -wtU mark by '""'' l01'9Uler • .._, ..., t:ll '· ... Th• Ul\lftrMlllt t'ommunlty ..., ......_ -~ 11• .. -. r'ell~hlp mffta efery Sunday Wl!Z" ·~n-ill& •= t:; 1nornln1 at Ule Ebetl Club ROUM, ........ ...... .. -.... ..,. ..._ !U Balboa BIYd., B&Jb(Ml w1UI lft• IA. .. •• ..... W f I f~ ... -., ... _ . ........ f!41 ,.,_~ ........, -f .. t. ,.~·-1 IChool for aD &II l"OUJ19 ~........,... et lO:IO and morn1n1 W1>rahlp a t 'ftlec&::'.te lo ~ ~ • ..=: 11 ·oo a.m Th~ mlnlat.er I• tht ::.._ ....._ .., -"4•. P'Teder1ck ll1n1t. labor. The bulldtn1 commlltM ot the church la now worklnl on plane for the chapel, neirt unit to be corl1l ructed on the ~hurch property. Rose Ceremony For Mothers rice G. Ball91l&'tr, San Diego di.I· and Mn. FrancU RU•y. trlct 1uptrlntendent or Ule Met.ho-The put.oral relallona commit· dlat Church who addreull the tee lnelud.. Mra. Ttd Haueer. memben hlp at the Fourth~uar-Mn. Claire B. Barnett, M:r1. Ste\te terly Conle~ene• ln which reporta S'mlth, Matthew v. Waidelich, and of the y ear a acllvltlem were liven Fount L. Lowe. Muilc comrnlltM by church ortlclal1. n1emben are Mrl. Robert Ibbot· The annual meetlnir followed a aon, Mr11, Clyde Shooter, Mn. banquel In Dearborn Hall. S~clal Matthew v. WaJdellcb. Mr1. Rob- mwtlc wu provided Biii Ferry and ert Moody, and John Stoner. Marilyn Shootfr. Or. Ballen1er SEW 8TEWAJU>8 1poke brleny on the Parable ot Contlnulnc a cu.tom be(WI lul the Sower, .1tallng .. Throughout year, Newport Harbor Luther11n the year all or you have bffn aow- Church wm pre1ent ro1u to 111 Ing. Tonighl w• will learn tome- mot.hen attending churc!1 ,,. .. 1, thing of your harve. 1t:· New communion •tewanh ar. Mra. Loretta Schenkel, M r 1 . ~rr• Jonea. and Mra. Harold Fink. Audlton are Mlu Iabelle Bowlee and Mn. Baroid Ft.nlt. Ulelr cblldren on Mother'• Day AM ELECTll:D Pr.aentaUon Of ·u. ?'OMI, by the Uehen for t.h• nnt Hrnce are C. T. Coant, C. Doul'lul Farry, Wayne Hunter, and Wallace nMr; 1econd Mrvtce. Robert Ibbotaon. P. F. Ba.lnu, Clyde Shooter. and Arthur Price. children wtJl be a part or l>Oth t.1<' Following the report1, an eltt- 1 :30 a.m. and 11 a.m. 1trvlce• lion of church ofClclal1 wu held. wtUI. Putor Robert B. Gronlund Thoee elected Included: Board of prMchlnc ori a Mot.her'• Day tru1tt(•, Richard Park, Robert theme al both houra. Guenther, and Mr1. Wayne Hunt-The new nomtnaliona ·commltlM lncludH th• Rev . .Donald 0 . Bapp, Mn. P'rancl• R11ey, Clem Chri.t!•. Mra. C. T. Coane, and Mn. Steve Smith. on Monday 11l 8:30 p.m. over 100 er; board of 1tew ard1. C. Dougl6.e1 mot.here and daughter• wll! gat~er i;:trr)', Mn. Harold Fink, Mn. C. at the church for a Molher-Oaugh· T. Cvane. Mra. Clarence Bowm~ ter Banquet. Chairman of the an-Mr. and Mr1. ,Claire B. Barnet t. 11ual event 11 Mn. Lorraine Sud-Mr11. Leon&rd Har,nve, Mr. and dendorf, who wlll take ruerva-Mrs. Olto Hoeg. M r. and Mn. tlon1. Robert Jbbot.aon, Mr. and Mra. Ted Text is 'Adam and Fallen Man' The Inqulrrr1<, adult lostrucllon Haulier George JonH, Mr. and rroup. alllO meet.II on Mond.ay al !'>tr•. 1-·ount L. Lowe, B\J~ C. I p.m. Tht1 111 11 new cl11S•, l h,. Lowen. Mr. and Mr1, Bryon Nealy, slitth ~gun hy Paator Gronlund Mr. and Mn: Arthur P?·lce, Mr1. •Ince Octobeor, 19~3. Altog<': Donald G. Sapp, Mr1. Lorctla 12:1 have tAkta Ult ten-week Schenkel. Mr. and Mn. Clyde COUrM In preparation for church Shooltr, Mra. Steve Smith, John memberahlp. Stoner. Mr. and Mn, Matthew V. Th• upllftln1 power of God made manlfMt In Ria 11w.t love tor man keynote• the lA .. on-Ser- mon "A.dam and Fallen Man" In the Chrt1Uan Science Churchu Sunday, Roundlnc out Monday'• acuvt-Waidelich. Mni, Michael Carl, Mr. "A1 In Adam all <lie .. nen ao lll Chrt•t •hall all be made alive" (I Cor. 15:22) II th• Golden Tat of the 1ermon. Ut1, the J unior Hl&h Confirmation and Mr11. P. F. BaJnu. Mn. Wll- C1&a1 meet.ii a t 8:30 p.m. Ham Bowles, and Mr1. Francia Mother Duo To Be Honored At B.I. Church Two mothen will be rtvo spec· 1&1· reco,ruuon ill the Mother"• Day •rv1c11 to bo held at 9:80 &l\d 11 a.m. Sunday a t Ult Balboa laland Co m mun I t y MeUIOd l•l Churck. accordln1 to Ule Re•. Don· aJd G. lapp. , The termon 11lected for t.he day 11 "'Tlte Man Wbo Had a Godly Mother," Ule fourth and final In a Mrt.. on "Great Men of Old." The eholr will •Inf al Ule 11 o'· clock Mnrlce under the direction ot 1.Aall• Van Dyke. Nur11ery r<t'r· Ylc• tor amalJ ~ will be pro- vided a t the aeeond 1ervlce. The Intermediate M •th o d I ~ t YwUI FeUOwahlp for junior high lcllool youth will meet at the church at l :SO p.m. Y-outh Sµnday St. Jemu l:pl1C<>pal Churctt 111 o~ Ma7 I u Youth Sunday and m•Jnben or llle Toun1 P to- ple'a fellowahlp, ...,,111 have chart' of th• 11 a n1 momlnr worahtp MrYlct . Tom Gii• wot be leader Riley. ~ Re-.lecttd u lay leader wu P. A reference from Revelation F. BaJne1 .. Mn . Fount I... Lowe w u named dele1ale to annual 121:3,T) develope thla t.houlf!L It confere~e. Mr1. Wiiiiam Bowlea. read1, "I hMl'd a (T't&t voice out ,._rve deltl'ate; Miu Gene Dulin. of heaven •Ting, Behold lh• t.ab- recordlnr stt(etary ; Ollo Hoeg'.1 emacle ot God la wtUI m•n ... financial lltcrelllry, Ted Haul!er, and God hlmKlf 11hall be "!ilh tru11urei . Mu · F"rancas Ralev." lhem, and be their 9od ... Me that t rn11urer. Mrs. F"rand 11 Rile)•, O"trrnrneth 11h1il lnherll all world llf'rYIC'<" u crel ary. Mrs. P. things." f'. B11tn~a. i•hurch 11rhool lluperin-On tht11 subject Ml()' Baker tendenl , anti Mr8 Clarenre Bow-Eddy 11ay11 In "Science and Health ma n. ha11torlan with Key lo the Scrlpturea··: "Pop- ular lheology tak• up the hlltory of m-n u If he beaan materklly ="11111e<I 10 thto rommission on right. bul Immediately tell Into members.hap ttnd •va ngfhsm wt re mtnta.I am. wllere1111 reve1led re- •1r11 Fount L LI""" M11111 Carol llglon proclaim• the Scltnct Of Fink. Mn. Ted Hau1er, Arthur I Mind and lta -tormallona u belnc Prlt'e, and Mn. Donald G, Sapp; in accordance wtt11 Ult fir« chap-- the comml111lon on education, Mr. ter or the Old Teetamenl, when ant! Mn. Malthew V. Wald•llch. God, Mind, ape.Ile and It WM Mn. P. F . Bainu , Mn. Roberl done." lbbolllOn, Mn. John Loy. iilta. ------------- Donald C. Sapp. and Clyde Shoot-To prnenl clllld u:cldent1, keep r r ; the comm1d lon on nHNIOM, lharp t.Ulroom l.n.8tnllnenta. such Mn. Loeonard Har~ave. Mn. aa fat.Mr'• raaor bladN and .motlll- Clarence Bowman, Mn Mlchaal j er·1 mankurin1 tmpl•menll, Mt Carl. Clyde Shooter. and Burt C. ot rMch of amall cbUdr•n . CHURCH OF IEUGIOUS SCllNCI EmNt Holmea. founder. auUlor of "lclence ot Mind.'" SUNDAY 81:BVICE8 11 ...., ' 'ualor Church ud Nunery <an 11 a.a. R.y. lrte hrll, Mlah~r LA.Gt:SA BEAC'H ART OALL&KY llYaU .. nM .., <lltt~. .. ,,__,,,_,~-) f h< aona ind dauch· Ho• de" th• ::ic~n::•"-On tbl•, her ten and~H ,,. 't fo.r11t her. Tho• b1rthd•Y· th•Y doft k b11t In cac" blo•-flo•era u• j1a1t a to tn. aons there la \oo. . ht them their fint lh• lt ... ·":.::1,.t prayerl· ''" it worda • • • and t ltll their child· wa• to wt.olD tb•Y cam•.=, i too' ready to ~ Mrt., lb• lt waa w .. , . had 1on• -'--1 Ilea wltea ... ryt ... ne . c•-• t ho taucht them bo• wt"CMll• lb• h wu • life-ho• ... .-ial relislo\a la to a ~P:!. "k' part -'tll It 11 tMt tb•f ltalonC bo ;. On htr TI i I f the c llr< ... la th• ac.th• t " 0 b all ef thla ant•· ltlrthda1 tMY remflft :~,, an ll•irc thcit )lift and womH aow • liahllll their o•n ... 11 .. • a .. accOlllPt tratba ab• \eu&ht .. cc...... ··~:~:. sntltwd-. lo .. and ) ..._ do9t fa . Ida th•• founr. ......i~.o wUl r..-i• • lo•u•-• Ind d mad• a 1rut Onftdmotlltr llHir li:.:. Little wonder ) cofttrl\111tl•t1, te th• h th•Y Ill' a apeclal each week •• ch'< . .. ~rayet' ht her 11\tmOfJ· ~ L ~~ .. ......_,_; This Church Feature SpoMorecl by These Local Business Firms NIW;ORT HARIOR IANK RelHrt'1 Newport Dept. S..,. ROSAN INC. Seecralt Dl\'WOll & F~ Mot.on Vincent's Rexall Drvt Stores Three location• to Serve You Newport Beach. Balboa. Coron.a del Mal' Allee of Udo hauty Salon Hair . ltylln1 for lh• Ind,lvlduaJ 408 12ad (on the PO St.) Harbor %844 RUSSELL W. IANGERT Hut1n1. Vtntllatlnl 6 Sheet Meta.I Ul Slat St. Barbor U.6 ILUI SAILS STATIONERS GrMt11'1 Carda. ~kl, Artill SuppllH I06 Mala St., ~ Harbor 678 THI CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of DllUl'Ctlon" !16 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 070'7 General Sheet Metal Works lheet Metal -HHtlnl' -. VentllatinJ Hal'bor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All Occu ioftl 8403 E. Cout Rwy., CDM. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE • Maan & Smith Shell Service Your Corona de! Mar Oealtr1 %801·& S600 E. Cout Rl~hway "Harbor 6S68 -······ & ···-··· Harbor ,21JO NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry C1eant.n1 -Laundry -Preulns ., Newport Beach ) .,, .. ,!!A!~~~S-~~e~ w 0o l MH Newport Blvd. Harbor %288 "Your FamUy It.or. llnce 11u·• SEASIDI MALT SHOP uoo w. Ocean II.arbor llS R. WASEMll.~R • ''The Workingman'• Store WM W. Balboa 81\•d .• BU'bor Wt ART'S CAFE '"Whtr• all Food I• ~ooked In Buller" SOS6 W. Cout Hwy. _ Liberty 8-9062 IA YSHOR! RICHFIELD Free Pick up A: DeU••ry lith a Cout Hw_y. ~.Liberty 8-91~ . . ' loyer's lalboa Unoleum Co. Linoleum -Tiie -C&rpet -Formica UOl W. Balboa 81\·d. HAL COWEI & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free Pick up 6 del. -Wheel Balance S301 Newport Blvd. HU'bor 55:50 GEORGE M. GRAHAM , Ru11 and Carpetl 122 A1ate Ave., BalOO. lllaH Harbor !258 HOUSE AND GAIDIN Cj,mPlet1 Home 1'\lmlahJnp Orapertu -Ru1a son w. Cout Hwy. Liberty 1-5611 MAC'S CAFI i''lnit on rt1t1t toward HunUnstoe 8Mell 8204 Coaat Hwy. Harbor U1N1 MARINE IEAUTY SHOP Peraonall1.ed Service In• H~r ltylln&' S27 Marine A'•e., Balboa w..t ~ llarbor 141, NEWPOiT FURNITUll CO. Compltt• Home 1'urnlallln11 '620 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-lW MAIKIT SPOT tOO Man.. Ave., ....,_ ~ Harbor 1000 High Quality Printing-Ph. Hor. 161' • . ' .. --.. .. .. .. APPROVE PLAN-Prominent local men int~ted in a i.w subdivision on Ha rbor Island road art> shown above checking over a plat of the· property. They. are, left to right. Clarence L. Cooper, Hadd .Ring. J ohn B. Clark, Tola W. Henderson and John oc~ TO HOST FIRST ANNUAL TOURNEY OF ONE ACT ~pt.A YS Oulatandmit drama atu~nta h-om all Orange <.:ouoty will ron\'c-ne Bl Orlin,;e Coa.lil Collt'll' Fnclay, May U f<lr l hl' ~~int Annual Toumaml'nt ·of One A.cl Pia ya. . Partlc1pa t1nc In thf' tournamtnt 1t~lf will be MVtn county hl&h 1choola. A { the honor banquet to •be held 1n the Studt'nl Cl'Dter at a:so. p.m. "'Ill be etudt'nu from •II county high •chool.L- S ak!!'....!.L Ule ~n9.l1et will b<? }\'a ttn P1 Ul1 public 1 otl•· tion-. otncer, SOUlhun Oounhn G1t11 Company. PrlU la' Co.rill· er uaoc1ata.ctfrector of lhe Pu a<.lena C->lll.'!1Wl~ Playhou~. hu jud,ed many ont .. ct play tournamrnlll, and l• widely kn~wn u a 1tlmula t1nr speaxtr. Dr. Hallll H. Peteraon. presl- denl of Orange Coaat College. will rive the walcome at t he banqurt. J . Rubert Kut will act u · muter Q/. cere.montu . . 'The tournament will 1tart at 2:30 p.m. Friday wllb four pl•y• and will eo11unue ·ronowlnc Ula banquet with lb• !lnal three, U. hu been revealed. • ~ fmmedla te-ly tollowlng the rvenlng playr, award• will be puaent.ed !or o~t.and\ng productlo111 1U1d merltorloua per· formancra. AdmlH lon to all play1 lll open to lhe public with· out chargt'. County Votes SPot Salary Increases in Special Meet • ,. C. Abell and Aarold Brownell, kneeling. -Staff Photo · · · SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Tha bud,.t to pay the pubUc defCld· Tar1 Mermen in Cooper Opens ~riday PreHms New 5-Lot <'oech Al tr" In wall takfl 2r. · NPwport Hli;h Hw1mmn 11 to Loni: ls bd• • • Bra"h w 1111on JllunK•' for th,. c1"· 1 U IVISIOn prehm1nA1 1t•11 Frt.h1y. T.<bk IH'll\'l· 1 , tlf'll 11r11 l'Ch f'!hlll'd to start th~rr 1H 7 p.m l nrh111f'.t.1 In th,. tank A choice 11mall 1ubdlvlslon for 11qua11. Irwin l'llld I• rw•ry11nr \\'hn :'\l'wport Bea1·h got under way lhl• plared In t h" Run• l I ·'~""" · · · "~l'k on Hai bor Laland Ro&d. Clar· 111 th!' Oran~,. Cos't plunge last Th11r•ol •v __. 1•m·p L. CoopC"r. Inc .. Is the develop- Orange County Bo&rd of Supervla-er $770. Jt the ottlce la to be ln· Herbtrt Brownell, local architect, ors Friday 6dopted a ·new aalary 1Utut~. however. an ordinance and John B. Cla rk Compirny, cu8· ordlnance, uU1J1r tor 1pot In".. wlU a.ave to be adopt.ed later. l'ri· tOD\ home bulldert. have 1¥ien re· crea.sea In pay for aome poellJOIUI, da.¥'• action wu an erwbllnJ ao- talned lo design and constfuC'l the eiitabllshmenl ot 11everal new UUu Uon. individual home11 In the tract. and the droppin~ ot certaln post.a.. The probation otttce. overloJ.ded, They are lo bl' or rambllni;' •In-There wu no . over-a.ll aal&ry. rot & retnee to handle yout.btUl ..-ie itory rant'h type with all mod· hike auch u occurred lha pu~ tra!tlc vlolalora and & i upervla- r m faci llllrs irncl will be offt'rea three yeara. The ordinance wu lng probation officer. Salary on for 118le with :It-year lt'U l'hold ea· adopted aa offered by Pert1onnel both v.-111 be $39~ to $489. tales. Approxilltlltdy S200.000 Is Olre'ctor William c. Hart and Justice court con1lable went up lnvolttd In the llevelopmrnl of County Counael Joel Osle. from $340 to $400. ~~~·~~i.u~!~~:~~~.lo~~~~;1~11~r ~:;~ Most ot the lnmuea went to Amonr the new UUu created: handle the sale &nd lf'allln11; or the clerical worker1 and where Hart'a junior grade n cht-ot-.ay aren t, property, 111 exr lussve agentll for 1urvey •bowed county emplofeu librarian rrade 1, ntarlne ma1nte-were lower pald tha.n tlloae holdlnc nance mechanic, aenlor civil en&1· C_l_t_r_en_c_e_L._C_o_o_r_er_._J_n_c_. ____ ,almllar jobs elsewhere. Hart aald neer, lfuu!·llM' teduliclan, S\lper· r t l-' >J-m!ftn11l1t ~t..rt Tursrhw •I' nr the (1 \'e-lot subdivision or Ir· \'Ill(' i•1operty 1ymg just IOUth Mn Towner Hurt aft ··m u1.n "l 3 ·Ju In the El ~r;;uniJo tank wl•h lh4' l11p I Z min In rArh F t lrllw nl~ ht I'\' nl I ~rfl· <'~I· lly of lhE' lnter~<'rllon or Bay-• the upward etttcl on th• over311 vtalnr tleld aueaaor, aupervilltnr budge't will be amall becaUll' of en(lneerlnr draf1tman. aupervt..- lhe relaltvely few aalary tncrruea. Inc veteraia clalm1 officer. -clpatanir. 1J1vini: 1<1•m1(in~l11 tsl1" plAC'f' In the llSm" tank 3 30 (1 rn Wedn,.1H1ay, 81ri" Dr'l\'e l\n•I Harbor lsland Road. j i H• .Ja C sh The 111 w subJ1vi:uon tsas a umque ft ·~·~ay fQ He was unable to detennlne the lt" ;illon m·prlookang lhe bay. J. lncreue from lu t year'• budreL Hsrt 'explained that depart1J1enl.a Katherine I. Towner. 82, Pua-have not submittf'd thl'lr budget.a. ... F'1n!ll!I u: 1 h,. CJ r ""'"rm com pet 1- tlnn tnku ''"".. 111 1-:1 R1·i:11n.1u Mesan's Camera Gone dena, wu Injured here Saturday The. dradline II )lay 10. local Thinclads Compete In Meet •t"'"ID~ at 1 :10 I" m M'\,. 13 Rosalie Scttaclmer, "l E. 19tll St • CA.~ta ~fess. Snturdlly told :'\ewport police her car wu en· lcrl"\l while parked on Balboa when t he rar In Y.hlch ahe wu l .IOBS .ELIML"'A'JIED rldm&' waa alruck al s crou walk, •upervlsora ellmin&led lh• ,.... on Coast Highway st Hellotro?e slat..a.nt building Inspector, aaalst-A total or l4 Harbor H.lgh thln· Ave , J>Qllcr eiild. She wu taken ant aurveyoi: an~ engineer, ualat· to H oag Hospital tor treatment ant l'tydraullc el'l&'inetr, a .. octa te anl'I rele8Jled. hydraulic engineer, achoo! Ubrar- cls d1 wtre 1chtdultd to be on Ml. San Ant.onl9 clnderpath.I thl• Lfter· noon. parllclpaUnJ ln a claah be· tween Cltru1 and Sun1et league CIF track quJJiflera. Taking part are the top thr.e qU&llflera ln eacb track and tleld event from lhe riapecllva loop meet.a. Two Tanks Stolen Thtfl or lln 11r1 t \ l<•rtl' t:ink· end Pnrkrng L<.ot un•~ a Japanese-type oxygf'n lllnk <111m 1a va1;ant l11l at 1 a muu, \',llued a l Sl :I. taken trom R1vf'T A\''· a n1J 40th Sr. was re· lhe vehicle. A wmol wlng wu portel'I to police Wedne8day by Ro· lrroke'n on lhl' car to allow entry, bert E nw h of C'h11111. • f·t>hrP ~aid. I The other ('at~ driven by Louiae Ian, reot-geno,lgll!t, part time: jun- May Bish, 49, or OOll ·Nardssu• lor librarlui, map en(lneer, high· A"e., r eporlcflly' ran Into the rear I way department flnance oftlcer, end dt the Towner car when It highway depa rtment tlne.nce offl· made a sudden stop tor a pcde1· cer. - trl&n In the cro1111wslk, police &aid. Superv!aora created a new role · of UIOClate right-of-way agent at Margaret Kabis Hurt Co-Coa chu Ralph Reed and DoQ Burns a nnounced lhe fllllu\\ ,.,,.. u• probable Tar parUclpAnll ,today: " • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -: PART 111 : P,AGE 7 THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1955 . . MESA WOMAN ACCIPTS AWARD Ruth ~lnaclMr, r.pr...nUnf Colla x .. eecret&rtu. wae one ot a pup of Or&l\l'll. Empire National hent&rtM .U.OClaUoa which waa recently p~nted a cert.tncate ot ~redaUoa by-tM Or&lfle County Heart A.MoclaUon ln reeop!Uon ot oui.taad1nr ¥01\lllt&ry M,rv1ce. PNMJ\Unf the award la Joe ·s. Preiill.nflr. MW Jltatn· a.clter ta aecond from tbe )ell. WALK AWAY OCC Strolls to 9-7 Win Over Camino DIATH NOTICI PrlYat• t\&na.ral M"10U fO.f Kn. Puelope Manley, 71. formerly. ot Sant& Monica, ..... bald ~ at 10 a .m. ln 'Pukee-Rldley Mortu· ary Chapel. lb•. it.v. Charlff r . Oranre Cou t'a M pncUce bNe· Hand otttctaUn1. Mra. Hanley dill.Cl i.J1 w1n over El Camino on lb• Sunday at Loi An,.1.. Gll.nenl Meu.~•re dl&mond rrtday wu H09pltal attar an Wn .. ot •'"" ,,ara. She WU a n&Un ot Watv lllrtctly a 1troU. Sewn ~ JfYU Valley, Ky. &ad c&me to th!• 1tai, up by the rtft.1 chuc.ker lll U.. ~ la 1110. • tram• handed lb• auea tOUI' rwua 11\&m.-on an tllrM d&upun, wtlb ,n&r7 a MM knock needed. Mn. lldward J. BrookA, Balboa; The &1tt mukan put Coach Mn. JC. P. 11\&rley, Tau, a.ad Kn. Wendell Ptckena' pldcy pokera back oua Randall. Onpn; two --. In the ,same alter 11:1 C&mlno ftotlert WoolEtolk. New Tork city; had pllll.CI up a 1-1 lead wbile bold· p_ H. Woolfolk. Coklndo. lnJ the Plrat.u to a men tllree Prt,.t.e lllt.ennent wu ln MeJ· bina'!v. Ollly a tally Mclr. ti took , roee Abbey Oemet:ay. juat a bunt to 11.11d OCC lnto & ------------- lead they nuer r.Unqul.allad. Gayle Herbl'l l&Jd down a alxth frame aqueeu with two men In acorlng poaltlon. and boll\ ot them croued the plate Qn th• play. That made the aoore 7-e In favor of the Bucs. Winning margl.n came •boUt In the eighth 1tanu when a alngle and back • to • back double• by fl ' ' t I . we r s .i •• 1 A1 Cl ll, II " ' .. .' HOME LOANS . ' AtOr•~C~'t . ltt41"1. . • L l"f 1utltvtlet1 r . , QUICK 24 HOUR 'SPV1CI LOW LOW .. HOUCI.,._" INTlltlST lATU EASY F;~~';i"y SYM,ATHITIC IHVtCI WI Wt ftUIT Olml ON WIU LOCAT'ID 'HOWll .. LA GU.NA FlOllAL SAV1N9S a LOAN ASSOCtATION 2U Oc"" A...-. . LAGUNA BEACH ,._.,. HY 4-1~17 O«>rre Bl1hop and John l!latrada · scored two run1. Final El Camlno ....... • .... ....._ • ... ,, "•••• ~:'~~th~u regtatered In top of 11AFF0 RD fl I 0 II Don Leich rot credJt tor hi• "N1DL8 and DOC' aevmlh wln or t he aeuon a ,a1n1t l!LaJl'IUOAJ. OONT&AOTOU no. Ln1an1 1-1&11 Minor lnjurlca were suffered by Marrarel Kabls, 36, of 923 Gov· emor St, Coftta Meaa , at 6 :06 p. m., Friday at Harbor Blvd. and Victoria SL. Mesa police ~ported. She ..... t&Jren to Hoag-Hoeptlal tor treatment but not bo11pltaU:r.ed. lnvolved ln the accident wtlh the aedan d riven by the vtcllm w-. a pickup driven by •Ra lph LeRoy Beat, 48, ot 2332 Eldt'n Ave. a salary or $440 to $54~. A® aet up wa.s a hlghway depart.ment buslneae mana.a-er at U H to S~71S; aupetlntendenl or bulldlng and aalety, $~76 to S7l~; chief bulld· Inc tnapector. Stall to $&08 and chief trial dtatrict attorney, S57~ Tod y.'hlte, Don Beatty, Bruce Knipp, J ohn Henrotl.n, Don Mett- dlth, Rich Pallatterl, Oeorg11.~ood. Don Rice, Rod WU.On, Dodd Pear- ~. .Aufl• 01t row1kJ, Bill P11c. Jack New~rry and Glew Buford. a. pair of loaaea. Bl& Jerry Rice uo &lftnlde A.-e N..,.rt ...a nlleved blm. Herbel wu the blf ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~ 1tlck, drtvlnJ ln UlrM rune. i:.- trad& drove In two. j - NEWPORT ENGRAVERS MOVE Ne\\'TIOrt J ewt'lers and F:n1travlng C-0. are now localed in their nl'w and laq:er quR1te1s al 1710 Nrwpn1t Bh•d. Costs Mna.. .two doors nurth u ( t heir old loca tion. Fr·om Jeff are Mel Noack, t'ngraver. F:lwoo I Shell 01111 !\lr11 Shell, proprletor:i. :\ew store Is dr1lgntd for <'U,,tomer t·onvrnlence." -Sta(( Photo MA 'M'Rt:s s f:S Boal• -Homf'• -TraUel"!I J rrf'rular :Sha Pf'• U berty ~~1!'103 COSTA ME~A MATTRE!'IS C'O. :1~0 S l'\\port Bhd .. BE SURE -INSURE nllh MAURIE 1'4TANLF.\' ln•urAnC'«' Only Phone llartK>r tt7t ISi~ f:. ('out lll~hway Corona de-I ~lar MESA U,HOLSTERING ' Upl9ole~rtnjl a Draper,. l.lbf'rty ll°" 71U I~ N•pt. Rh·d .• ('o<tta ~f'U SA VE ON At."TO ~S. s11•0 '5.0M-tlO.Q00-'6.000 .... 11, l•lvfl " ,,... o ..... Q. ltc-6 Me"'~' See 9'08 M<'CORO. for .• Pftt:rt1utr.o rs~ntA.sa IAll llNUI tlN \'ktorta f't.. 01ta. '.\(.!'~ Phone LllMlrty P...7ttt '\ CaUDAN'STV fWrvtoe • ReDtab • 8alea Liberty 8-2228 \\'ATER flEATERS SALES, SU VICE ••d UrAIU Joe ~IJ:e~6Jof J TUM~' 10 ru CENT DOWN "9.ot1• Htrbor SJJO Newport Varkty l 'Ot:K 6 and 10 STORE \\'e Gire Crown Stampe 0 N"an Front Srar Pier ~E\\POKT BEACH . PARKES • RIDLEY MORTliAR\° Fonnrrly GRAl"EL CHAPEL 110 Broadway '-Co-1a ~t'M l .. lbf-rty 8-S4SS and 8-MM Quick S.nic~ FOR dller Shades Standard 'Shade Clot.hi and Cutt.om SpeclalUn • Drapery Hardware • \'enellan , BliDdl CALL BARBOR II& THE SHADE SHOP U! !!8' i"t., Stwport lkadl l'\Mldf' the r,,.1 OfftN lO 'TlO. . DEFEND£& IN BUDGET The way a l.lo wu clellttd tor l h.t' eatabllah.mt nt or the public de· tvider'• ,office on & full time ba- 1111. Provision wu made 1n the . i cir lrM:k quart•rflnala Ulte place ln San Otego a week from Saturday. May 17 tha 1eml!lnal• are 1lated tor }juntlngton Beacll with lhe·flnalJ at Cb&tfey May 21. lnlCJman laby Girt Mr. a.nd Mn. Charin Brugman of 1H8 Meyer Plaee, Coeta Mu&, welcomed a gtrl Into lhtlr family April 28 In Hoar Hoapltal. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 PUJU-llLOC& OOllPA.NT -Ult 8. 11..a. 8t.. Suta Aaa PUJOOE -CL~U ~ OONC&rl'E BLOClll9 a&INP'OUINO 8TEEL M4 SUPPLIES Numher fo11r in a series: SAVINGS -•••. SU RE, B.UT LOCAL TOO! Here's another .way we serve Orange County . • • Last year, our hmk paid out dose to $1,000,000 in interest on savings to people living right here in Orange County. These ' savings were not idle in our bank ... they were hard at wqrk ·building homes, business, .industry, ag riculture, schools and other public works.in the Orange County u?. This is just one more way in which Bank o( America serves Orange County. ; ANAHEIM llANCH UO fotl c ...... s ..... 0. f . H.,._, Mf<. 1Juuk of :Amtricu NATIONAL {~~\1;/~~ ASSOCIATION MIMICI f lDIU l D"Ollf IOUU llCI COPPOl ,U10• IALIOA llANCH PUUllTON llANCH LAGUNA HACH llANCH 6U fetl k lllM .... I-rd ..._I .. •~ti ._..,,. 2'Xl Cooot k vlevo•d $ovlli H. N, Wooe~. ~. H. l. <=-•d, ""9'· LA HAllA llANCH NIW,OU MACH llANCM OIANOI llANCH PLACENTIA llANCH IOO Weot C..."'91 Mww 1U4 Vl9 Utle I01 ~ .. Ole• .... "'... Wotl .. ~ .. '• ..... ~ .. L H. l•-· ~. ........ t..Wrl1M, Mp. SAN .CllMINTI llANCM IOI So.1118 C.•i,.. .... L.A.W, ......... SANTA ANA IUNtH IOI .....,.. M.eoa Mreet .. .. ~ ....... , ... 0 . ZJ,,....,., Jr., Mt<. I. M. '-"·"°'I'• YOllA UNO~ 11ANCH tlO!levtllMei•....et ,_.J. ........ ·. . ' '. ~ I -----,,... .. • • -· • PAGE 9 • PART I t t -NEWPO«iT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, 1MA Y 5, I 955 • SEADRIFT TO 'SHAKEtf>OWN' ON ~CE Lyman Farwell's al.ft. schooner Seadrift Is flying the bu.rgee of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club in the Ensen~a Race thi.e aftemoon. Thia will be Seadrift'• first 'time out in actual competition and will be a good "ahalre down" in her preparation.a for the TranJt.Pacific race to Honolulu thil coming July. -Beckner Photo • El Toro Base to Remain Open Despite Recent R~mor CDM Matt IRYohecl 111 2·Car Colllsloft Mra. Blanche lt&utt~r. 71, ot Se.nta Ana, suat.ained minor inJur· 1 .. when Ui. C&l' ln "'hlc:.b llhe \lfU NEWPORT VISTA ·· WH·Y RENT? WHEN "FOR ONLY · $60.50 PER MONTH ~ . INCLUDING TAXES AND INSURANCE YOU CAN OWN THIS 3-IEDROOM HOMI FULL . PRICE · $8045 $445 DOWN PLUS IMPOUNDS AND ISCROWS • MOYES YOU IN NOW! Don't w·ait·! -IUST A FDI LEn- SEE AT 807 WEST VICTORIA COSTA Ml~ .A.NQES REAL TY-A9en~s- .. \ . ., ' ... ,, . .- I .. \ A aAL• AS G••AT AS ITS NAM•I . on ay . May 9 ·Last Sale Day!· Sensational Saving$ ! First· ·Quality ••• Ever,thillg Brand New! S11op Eartyl Ewery cMpa• tment packed with exclti119 buys • • • all at set1satlonal reductions on ,.,all your Sprl*'t Neech ! H•ny to Sean Santa Ana '°!' your share of savln91. Co~ Quick • _.-. Sale ends Monday, May f BARGAINS FOR WOMEN Bepi.r 8.'JS uaU-ebe ~ lin~~·· cottons, rayons, f!. 00 nylona with a wealth of amart detailing ! ~ Regular !.98 Summef eat. lacy cotton brocades and sleek 200 atraw-llke fabrica in white and clear putela. 6egular 1.59 to 1:98 Sheer Nyloa Glcn·ea dainty lace and 119 ruffled cuff a, ndvelty trima galore summery whites that wuh in & wink. 2.98 8WJU¥r lludbaga charming wicker baaketa with 2 "4 po1y trims, leather grained plutic boxes, shoulder ,bags. aegui&r 2.98 Nylon Shrap. Brief style to wear on cool 198 evenings, to team with your day-time cottons. Paatel colors -..· Regular 1.35 Proportion-flt Nylon Hoee. Two 2. prs. 2 99 1ty1ea. 60 gauge, 15 denier and 51 gauge, 30 denier.~ Regular 3.98 Cord~ .flllptJc Bra, for perma.nent uplift 2. 33 with Elliptic CordteX in8erta in bl18t cupe, white ~ nylon taffeta. 79e Nylon Bra. Croaa stitched underbu.at for firm support. Gt them now at.Seara Santa Ana. 79c Value. Butcher Rayoe. Crisp, linen. like appearance. Washable. Lovely for spring suit.a and dreaaea1· , • 98c Value Bayon Batcbe°r Bayon Printa. Attractive color- ful printa to lend a new loqk to your spring wardrobe. Regular 3.98 Adon Crepe SUpe. Three styles to chooae from with nylon la.ce at bodice and skirt bottom. White, pink and light blu~. 79e Valaaee, Nyion :t'ricot Brief&. Elutic leg, amoothly f!.IC comfortable in pink, blue A yeilow. Small, med. It lge sizes. ~ 'SPECIAU FOR BOYS AND GIRLS <&~ w ·;:1*5 Vuuet, 1'eeo-a&,e .lJreuy flata. Chooee trom 2 ~ many Mtylea, colon. Step-in and one atrape. Alwaya faahlOA J11bl. 2.tm \'alu""-UottoD Bren• 8 gay lltylea, poliahed t '"' $ § cottona, p1quea, cotton broadctoui m pastel prmta and ~ 80ild&. ~ 1-12 l.~ \'~'*°' Oaraa' COtton S~· 3 per¥y stylea to chooae 133 from in crap cotton broadcJoln, no-iron, "kuH-tone" cottona. Aaaorte<1 pnnt or aouaa. '/-14. Hoya' !Sport 1Sbu18. Wastuaat rayon, amartly embroidered 1 ~7 w1tb f(ymJ f1&h, aea horse and pe.lm tree designa. Choice 01 many colora. ti-~. . • • . lk»ya' ~wim bwta. J atylea, choice of fancy poplin prints, 99( aolld twiJ.4 or aatill latex. lioxer & anug 11ltmg atylelt. Hoya' .Pia)' tibort.. Cotton gabardine, aeersuc1eer. Waahfast lie Sanforized. l'wo aide pocket.a, Hoxer waist, fly opening. Sizea 4-12. 8 colors. Boys' Sport 8hirta. Cool, abort aleeve style, in pliue or 99c woven cottoll.8, waahfut colors, Sanfonzed, max. llhrinkage i ~o. Sizea 4-16. · Regular 10.U~. ~pc. Uoaeyauc.kle Layette includea bind-8 S8 ers, shirt.a, gowns, wrapper towels, waab clotha, bibs, re- ceiving blankets, crib ·pads, crib sbeetl, plaatic pan ta. Regul&r 2.'19 Game Daapen. Ab6orbant and qwck drying. 217 Have plenty of the.e on hand. Buy Lhem at thia low price and save. Regular 49c Quilted Pada made of wonderful, .oft cotton 2. '90 sparkling white with bleached white filler! size 15xl7·in. ~I Regular S9c Receivln& ~eta. Beautiful cotton 2. for 1 00 flannelette in delicate put.el colors. Stitched enda. ~ Wuta' Gowu. Combed cottoa, odlt aize fit.a infants up 98c to 6 moot.la. "Easy on" neck with drawstring at cuffa and bottom. Put.el abadea. · SAYE! VALUES IN MEN'S .W~R Regular 50. 75 Two Tromer Suit in abadea of charcoal, 2.9 88 gray, brown and deep bluea. Decorated ~tterna. trim, ~ alim tailoring. 1.98 llea'a U>t&oa Kali 8hlr1e aolid color sport ahir'U .166 "(ith two-button placket. FiDe amooth finiah, 6 colors. Sir.ea S-M·L. 7.95-Value Ka.Joa Gabudiae 'acket. Rayon lnd acetate I!. 99 zipper jacket with two ala.ab pocket.a. Wat.er repellenL ~ Small to extra large. Choice of four colors. 1&egu1ar 6.i 7 Jla&caed OaWta, dreu-type collar, long abirt 4 fO t&ila, Sanforiled and waahfut card1Jd cotton, strongly atitched. Tan or Gray; all me.. ~ IS.S:S ud H .95 C-.lliosoed Sboe.. Cbooee ft'Om 8 88 4 1tylee, and aave ~.07 to 6.07 on each! Plain toe blue · 1uedea. Brown golf ab"oee with cuahiQJled imole. pr. %.98 hckered Cottoa Pajunu. aoUda and piped. Elutic 2 f9 wpaL No ironing necea&ary. )ifiddy 4 coat irtyle1 A to D Regular 2 prs. USS Cc)tton Argylee, wuhfut co&ora 2 pra. 99c atay bricht 6 clear. Comfortable elutic knit·in tope. GARDENING NEEDS PRICED LOW J.9f &e a.'8 Oraameatal A F1oweriac SbrubL 5-gal. aise. 2.2% Cbooee from Mock Orange, Juniper, Beverly Hilla Arbv. Hibilcua and many others. Regular 6.tt Peat lloea, molature h.oldinJ humUI to 80U. 4 "_ e cu. ft. Ilise, Save 1.06. ' " Beplar 2.26 Craftamu PluUc lloee 8prtalde.r. Touch 1 T1 vinyl plutic reeiltl IUD, weather, abruion. 20 ft. Replar 8.45 1'Jac Siie Hote, extra atronc 50-ft. plutk, 5 91 .. l"MWtl acuffinc, weather, strong 1un le wear. ltegular MM Dua.lap IS.IL Power Mower, l hp.,• 9"181 cycle gu eagine, strong preued at.eel conatnaction.. I I Adjustable 1peeda; contro&a on handle. Beplar '6e Meer llanre, U.ted to eJlmln•t. 2. for 1 OI Weeda. Retaina the moiatun 10\l Deed Oil thc.e ~ newly plant.d lawn.a. -- FOR THE HOME ••• SEARS DAYS ONLY Regular 16.95.Mod!rn Spot-bnm F1oor Lamp. 3-way lighting. Choice of color in the shade. NOW 14 88 Regular 9.50 Draw Drapt>riff, beautifully tailored drsp-7 71 eriea, that are completely reversible in wide. choice of colora t.98 Nylon Pri!K'llla Curtains, exquisite marquisNte, 2 99 goaaa.mer sheer. but wear like iron. J\'ory, white, 81-in. length. "\ Regular 14.95 Melmac Dlnnenntt, service for 4, with 11 • new pastel 11hades added to the other mix and matched colors. Save 3.07 now! 8.40 Value Bath Ham~"'· easy to clean enameled slec-1 in f!. 99 5 Harmony House colors, 25 x 20 x 11 1. 1. ~ 17-lnch TV, Table Modt>l, w.ood cabinet gi.ves you reso· 118 ~ nant aound. Built-in antenna. Budget priced. 27 . .W Value Sll\·erplate, authentic Anchor Rogers Over-14 81 la.id "Elegance'' ai1verplate. Regular or grill atyle knife. Service for 8, 40-piecea. ~ara fXcluaive. 104.95 Kenmol'!I Portable Sewing Machbae. adjustable 64 81 upper and lower tension, le double lock atitcb. Call Seara for a free home trial. 249.95 Value, 2-pc. Uvlag Room Suite, aolid hardwood •19 81' frame, coil 11pring bue le back, foam rubber cuahiona. .& Harmony House colpni. Regular 199.95 Sofa Sleeper, full aiz.e, 220 coU inner-169 88 spring matt., reversible coil apring custtiona. Metallic tapestry covers in Harmony House colora. 69.S:S Value, Wgb Low Loop Rug, aize 9x12 ft., choice 48 88 of Harmony Houae colors in sp1ee brown, cherry red. n .95 Value 9x12 Fiber Rug. ideal for patios and aun 14 • porcbea. Finny woven fibers of varipted colon ro clear through, maldmr the rue reversible. • $EARS' DAYS ••• BUILDING BUYS _ l~.95 Homart S.pc. Bath Set, gleaming white. Vitreoua 98 00 enamel steel tub, vitreous cJiinaJava.tory, chrome bra.u. faucet and drains. Colored outfit 25.00 extra. 4.79 Step Ladder, ~foot Sbe, reinfo~ seuoned wood, 2. SI steel braced ateps. Combines light-weight with dependable ~ strength. Regular ts.40 Screea Doon, expertly machined ponderoea 6 II p·ml'. Tightly stretched galvanized acreen, size 36"x81" Regular 1~ Gah·uU.ed Gutter, no soldering needed. Dur-1 • able full weight prime sheets. Water t ight nuit, corosion r esUitant. .. Regular %.98 Bracket Sale, one light wall fixtures ~ kitchen, bath or laundry. Extends 6~·2 in., white glus sh1tdc with clear bottom, sides. Regular 12.50 Dtnette f\xtme, authentically styled, even 9 17 'bu a amoke shield for added colonial charm. Co'pper shade,. frosted chimney. ReRular 29.29 Soo"·bite House Palnt, finest quality. 2~ 00 1-coat covcri1 all colors. even black! Snowhlte · ga11on ~ 6.25. Case Iota. 4.68 OdorleA• flat Wall Palnt, the moat durable._ all around interior finiab we know otl-ecrubbable. 15 colors. &egum 5.:)9 Stueco Paint. ready:mixed. Tough plastic latex ba.se gives a stronger, firm, fade resis~t finiab. 8 colors. Regular 5.19 H~w.e Palat, ~prov~ to resist mildew which 4 68 ia frequently mistaken for dirt. Whi~. 12 colo~. SALE ON HOME APPLIANCES 69.95 Valub Bo. to-Broll '-100', Roaata, Toasts, Fries. 24 81 Broil.a and Grill .Barbecue&. Built-in timer shuts off when food ia done cooking. Chamber holda 8-lb. rout. 12-lb. fowl. ~k for model ''.4~." Regular 89.95 Famlly-sbe Wring~r Wuher. Safety pree-67 00 1ure releue. Convenient ha.nd-higb wash control clutch. Agitator gently flexe~ clothes cleaner. Origtnally 2&t.S:S Automatic Wuhen. 9-lb. capacity, automatically fills, waahes, rinsca, apin-driea. Autp· matte sudJl-saver available at extra collt. Orlgtq&Uy 209.95 Automa* .Clothe. Dryer, simple two-dial controls. Drying time and temperature for any fabric. Automatic door abut off. 9·lb. capacity, woci area top..~ 219 88 .149 88 -~ Regular s.&9.95 Super-Mart Cbldspot .Refrtg. Auto-299 81 matically defroatl it.aelf; holda over 52-lbs. of frozen \ food. Freeur Drawer alidea out, tilta down; built-in compartment.I. Coldlpot 11 cu. ft. Upright Freeser, freezes and 269 81 lltora 399 poundl of food. Built-in defroalin&' drain. Door storage, Handi·Bin ; humidity control /, Orig. 179.95 CiolUpot 10 cu. ft.. Free.er, storea 346 Ihm •2.a ti of food. F our food eectiona, porct~n.!DJ.Dleled interior ~., Delu.xeJ•=ere Orklctlt'fopGu Ru1e, big 20 · · Viaa-169 81 Bile Oven; 36-in. wide: smokeleu Swing-out broiler; ltorqe compartment. for cookinr pot.a and pana. .~~n pMllllHtlf WA"SEARS, 17f6 So. M•in St. S•nt• Ane T 1l1phon1 Kl 2·1961 . .. --· __... -~-• • ,1 . . I l ., • -. ' . , ·. NEWPORT~"HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 5, .195S PA.RT FOUR, PAGE O~ · . \ MAKING UP-Beautifying the dresaing room interior · before the curtain goes up on the Newport Harbor Union High School spectacular in the hi.gh school auditorium last Friday night, are Jane Lamb and Kay Lacefield. The girls were in costume for appee.rance in Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirate• of Penzance. . . .. ,, SIL VER ANNIVE. TRY IT THIS WAY-Stage Directt>r Za.tha Tallman gives her set crew matrucUona on back atage movements while the presentation is in progrus. A co~ple of Jada in the background are meantime watching a portion of Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikadp. Mem- bers of Mi88 Tallman'• aet crew included Stuart Corey, Art Worden, Dick and Bill Ab- ramson, 'Dennia 'Brown, Sherry Inloes, Re:chel Quiroz, Judy Stuart1 Malcolm B11chan· an, Dan Meinhardt, John McGowan, Dave Grant, Dave Patter'IOn, Howard Grah&II\, Margie Stovall and Jim West. ~ . ' I , HA VE TO CHANGE TQAT-So decides Ma.ical Direc- tor )(arie Hiebech from her fooUighta stool. She made the notation while li.atening to musical rendition of "I Am the Very Model of a Major· General" from P1raTeir. of Peruence: Robert Wentz served as drama director of the Silver Jubilee. To the director& go credit for puttip_g I in long boun of work during rehearsal which furnished the ph>feuional touch to the high ~hOGl show. LET THERE BE LIGHT-And there i• du.ring ecenea ot the Silver Jubilee with Elec- trician Lee Moritz at the backatage controls. Other memben of the light crew which aided tn making the prep presentation auch a smash were John Eggert, Rick Ballard, Dick Innent, Ron St. CWr, Rod Moritz and Toey Meston. •• WAJTING FOB CVE -In Japan.e. yet! Tiro of the three lltUe maida, Fay Coaad, Beverly Pfirrmann Ind Sue Thomu, wait in the winp to do their rurt llCtl\e with the Lord High Executioner in 11le Mika.do. Other featured perfonnen in the ~· included Lyle UOli· barpr, Dennia Hendenon, Dave Lerchey and Mike Drt. kel. . OUB TOWN TOUCH-Wu 'furniabed by Jotieph Hamb- let. bearing the impreuive title of "Scene Coordinator." Wh•t Hamblet dtd wu ro down"""DWDOrrlan• before ea.ch .~ilver Jubilee p~ntaUon, recalling · th• .Harbor Hi1h '!ttudent.t who originally appeared in th• plays, muaicala and 1kit.1 and bringing the audience up to dat. on act.Mtiee .of tboee giaduata. ANIJ GIRLS, GIRLS, GIR~l-The audien~~er ba(i to about, "Bring on Uie danc- ing girls!" during the Silver Jubilee. They we~'OD stage all the time. Here'• eome ot -Lll'l'LE"BVTIEBCVP -Sharon Crowl ia featured ID openfng-ecene of Gilbert and Sullivan'• H. M. S. Pinafore u ahe warbles Little Buttercup. And what girl in fbe ~Iver J ubilee ,udience didn't em·y her '.' After f.11. aur- .. cut with MIMQ-owl wer.e Dave Stearna, T~ Von Hem- en. Tom Pe&l'IOft. Ed GlblOn. J"oe Kemper, Helenk Bo.· ter. M:i1ry Kay Hohn. two Mui.nee. 23 aailon and 38 !'listers, coiaina and aunts. No kiddini . -SW! Phol•J~ the chorus line at work during Pirate. of Penzan.ce. Mighty attractive, even if we did catch tbem with their pantaloou down. _. ... WE 1ag a J.n...lho!r ~..:,__ Mll9, the ~· crew Ui th,. t.ou (tleet audt~nce. they a ay. Aps-ttnlly the 811vf'r Jub(le,. wu a definite amuh, Jud&inc by t.M plea.sur• th...-"°Y• 1n ·' rounded by all ~Ole handaome n 1lors ~ Featured in the by ~ill ~119. MAKING THOSE BOND D&Y -la-DI.Yid Vaughn, right. on the percu.ion inatiument.I in front of ~ hi(h schoo l stare. Jfoldlni th• muaic for him la Dick Carter, in costume for hie &J>P!l&r&llc. u a l&ilor in Piratiea of Penzance. Dry Bones, with uae of dark Uchting and white (lowing gloves, wu one of th. Silver Jubllee'1 more s(>ectacwar produrt io!'I,., · l"4 ~··rot out of It. M'am- Ml'll ot th• ~· crew 1"4hld· ed ~• Beattle. Dmnl•- Brown/'oan P1u~•. Joh.n SH· ly, Prtf! Scbulbfty, Bob l ohn- eon, D&•• Ohral r .nm . .... " ... --,. , .. •• ' (jovernme~l PAGE 2. PART IV ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS THURSOA y I MA y . ~. 1955 ''God grant VJ th• terenity to accept th. thlngs._we_cannot change; the courage to change the things we can and the ~wisdom to know -the ·diHerence." (A. Anon.) •. EDITORIALS ' Gompetitive GradingSysten1 -... ,, . . We don't know bow many pupila have been· individ- 1l&l tragediea of the progreuive education 8Chool either. But we do know from pereonal observation how many youtha of high achool and college levele we have aeen who could .ecarcely read or. write intelligibly once through the "progressive" echoola' eystem. We have aeen them apply for jobs, their talenta not presented ln the beat manner because, alu ! they eimply .could not get them across in the English language, more's the ~~ . Now thla might ~ no reflection o..o...progreuive edu.:. cation ~y.tema were it not-fol" the fact. we questioned .... AFFAIRS OF STATE R.EADERs· WRITE . By HENBY 0. MacA.BTllt1B . May :t, 1955 SACRAMENTO CCNS)-A man- l~d battle between California 1chool Lra1e;s and the C&.ll!~ Teach('rs Assorlatlon 111 under way In the atate legllllatur. over AB 2600. a meuure by Orange County Aesemblyman LeRC1y Lyon chang· -Ing the provisions of the tea.chers' tenur• law. Tbe Lyon bill Is t-ndorllecf by the Call!omla School Bo11rd Associa- tion, an C1rganlz.alion formerly ,known as the <.:ellfornla School T ruslee:i Assonnllon. S l mp I y 11tl\letl, the 111e11s11re propoau that the rc:quu·t'ment ot a ~uperllor l°"111·t trial for dtamlsaaJ ot a tea1'her l\hown to be unfit and ln- compt>lt-nt he rep~led, and that the standard procedure ot the California admln1stratlve proced- ure a rt be !0Ubst1tuted. RHiHT ot· APPEAL 'l.'ncter the propoaed 'chan1e. th• tead1er sllU would retain all rt&'hta or appeal to the courts; but the •----fl'tlftff?r; In t1h , file thrm with the state admlnl•· trall\'C bod)' Thr as11ocfalion bu made~ eur- Vf')'. anti claims that about 43~ ot the 90,000 teachers In Ca.llfomla err "d<'nying ioome 12,000 student.a In their i•hari;c the 'proper tr81n- lng Md cdlil'Rtlon." Presumably. these wn111<1 be the teachers who under tenure would be Involved IC the measure pns~cs F rom all indications, however. the Lyon bill ne,·cr will gel out ot committee. One member said the uaembly committee on eJu. caUon, lo which all education bills •&r• referred, 11 alt ael to kJll the bill when It la brou1ht up for dis· cuaalon. Thu.. t.he lntluence ot the CaU- fomi& TMdlen Auoclatlon·whlch malntalfla a 1tron1 and powerful lobby ·ln Sacramento, 11 aeen. In a r.1.... Luued by the A .. ocla- Mr. Albert Kualer, Edlfor of Fel!owehlp MaJUUi• 21 Audub:on...A.u_. '--- New York, N. T. tlon, Miss Jennie !ll'Hlon.1 of Inrle- wood, chainnan of th• Tenure COmmitteror-tl!-. A.11tod.atlon-;-t.h c.lalm ta m ade the School Board a.uoclatlon ill acting contrary to official atan4a taken agai.nat the De&r Sir: bill by many boar<a ot education. BOARDS l\"'EUTRAL f She polnt11 out. that me.ny boarda have voted to remain neutral 1n In ana.,nr to your lettn of Apr. 27, my reply will neceaaarlly have to be a pubUc one, u 1 hav• no the fight, rather than to eupport dulre to carry ,on a private cor- the "anti-tenure" meaaure. She respondence w ith your orge.nl.za- attaclu the bill u "~ un-A.mert-lion. ca.n procedur.e, In which th• &'OV· In th• tlnt place, Why do you emlng board ot a achoo! dl.Jltrkt wlahlng to dJsmlaa a 'teacher. and your fellow member• conUJ)U· would be accuaer, judge and jury." ally refer to the "Tenney Commit· The teacher'• tenure law, like tee 1" It you have' examined the clvll 11ervlce. la a step toward the 11 UI ~port of th• C&Jlt. Invt1U· aoclal.1.ltlc state. and many legU· Jatora. although they will not aay gaUnc Committee 'On Education, ao openly, are hJghly dia1uated u you aay you have, you would with both and the protection they know that ex-Sen. Tenney wu not give Incompetents. Any Jeg\11&· ev~n on the committee. That com· tor who vole~ an -Open opinion mlCtee wu chaJnnaned by Sen. on th• abolltion of tenure would _,. -11'1~ ~~~2!b1!'...."1!!Jlbera wer• the next election, due to th• potent Senator. Bt'eed, Weybr.t. Donnel· powerif:t • California 'Teacher• ly .and WUliama. So ther. I !1nd Auoclatl and the teachen In th• flrat untroe atatement tn your lhe di ct themaelvu: letter. Thia power wu clearly demon· You &180 •tate that your organl- itated a couple of yea.rt qo when &atlon hu never parUclpated ln the Tea.chera Aaeocl&Uon levied aubveralve acuvtuu. Th• i'.O.R. ll.llleasmenls on the ·teacher• ot the hu not only been cited 1n Calif .. statl', obllllned 11lgnaturea by hav-but &11<> In Muaachu11ette a.nd New Ing petitions In achol.s during York 11tale. Allio by the Un-Amert- Publlc Schools Week. irpent thou-can AcUvltlea Committee In the 1111nds of dollars on a campaign. House ot Repre11entaUvj s 7{ith and woun<I up pessing the lncreu -Congren. Vol. J, pagee 1168 and ell &\'erage d111ly at tendence meas-669. The text ot the latter clta· u~e. whh..h now ls rtsulllng In bUla Uon rdda ln part: "It can be for new taxN1. plalnly aeen that the F .O.R. 11 the People In private employment fountainhead of a forelgri-concelv- ha"e no MSUrence Oley WlJI be ed and foreign-planted moveme11t pt>rmlt led to r rtaln their joba If In the United Statu to de.troy t he their work Isn't up to par, and It aplrtt ot national patrloU.-m ot appraN somewhat J udlcroua that Ole A.mertcan people. Thia I• fol· more than 4'00 tellchera aald to be lowed cloeely by othu organized unfit should be-gh·en public pro-dforu to denationalla or Inter· lectlon In their jobs. natlonallse the American public." --------------------------The J'.O.R:. la alao cited tn the Th• P'ellowlNp ot ReconclliaUon, Th• Young Peoplee Soclall.at Lea- g"Ue, The P'armera Union, The ln· cfependenl Comm~,t i.i!bor .Lea· gut', The Methodlat Federal.Ion for Soolal ~eryke (Youth Section ), The American Youth Congnia and other left wlnf iro'1pa. You ai.o aceuae me ot ll.andertng certain Individuals &nd orianua- tlona. Remember. I didn't wr\te tho11e Reports, I meiely read them. Why doesn't your organization 1ue the United Statee Congrua and the Senate Coiytmlltee~ In the VlLTiou1 etatea tor 11lander, or appear be· fore them with evidence of your lnnocenee ~ You alao atate tha~ these Re- portl have been dl,Jcredlted. By whom 1 The only discredit th.t has corn.. to my attention hu been from your letter, ao I would ap· predate enll1htenment on tha~ ecore. And there (until you !11rnl11l1 proof) 11 your third f\\lae 1tat•- menL r • I llr8 A BIG BOT NOW, PUT RDI ON jouo fOODt .. Cordl&lly youre, ROGER W. HARDACl\J: 311 Polnaettla Ave., Corona de! Mar. (ltd. Note: The echool board took action TUeaday nicht after a 30- d.ay period to uae ABC fl'adlni on academic aubjecta next fall. Th• board uked Jtnalcn Sj:hool prof•· sfonat 1tatt to study a new method ot pup.II evaluation on th• "CIU· zenqlp" 1lde of the card and Mr. Spurgeon expre•ed ht.a &ll'Mm•nt with the motion.) Sincerely yours, ALP'RED HASSLER _ -Jl....A.u.duM-Awmrr,- New York 12, N. Y. I>Nr J:d1 tor: Your ~ CroM hu a aerlou1 problem: The J'und C&mp&li\ bu reach· .ct only 10 percent of Ila 1oaJI Any buatneuman knowa. one cannot carry on a bu.sin ... without l'Unda. ~ Cre• 11 your buatn .. and you an ai.o the C111tom1n. Your donation.a pnmcSe the tunda neceuary tor Rid ero.. ·to """ you and §our lamU7 u well u oth.r•. Your ft*1 Cb°" Chapter taupt tOOO children In rw1m cluMa la.It 1•v. How many UYU did Wa (Ed! Note: Rec•nUy th• NtwpOrt l&Yt T Harbor N•w•-PrHa hu nm a .. ,. lea et letteni tbat It col\.lldered Your ~ Crou. auppllld 1511 lnformaUve relatin to th• acUYl· plnta of blood t.. lb~ lloapltala In uea of cettaln, ol'pnl&aUona. A· oran,.. County lut y~ar, at no mong lheM orcantsauon1 wu1 Ui• Why are you peopll' ln the East FelloW1hJp ot Reconclllation, a coat to UI• patrenta for the blood. p.. ~ .,, eop e BRUSH COUNTRY ' . JOURNAL .BY RO RACE P ,\IUlEll newly luued Rttae Report In W~aton. on pare 187. Th• dt· reel q u o ta l I o n , follows: "Th•· Friend• :frirvtce Commfltt't or!'rlln· l&ed ;ti• Student Peace Servlc• ComrnJttee, which aulllted in the orcanllaUon ot the .Youth Com- mltH .Aptnat Viv, which brought t.or•UJer: Tb• American Stude-nt Unlon (cited u a Communi11t front>, n. war MJ1ateT IA&&'Ue. trying to run our locaJ aftaln , -.elf • 1tyled Paclfl1t orpnluUon How many Una did thl• •an f anyway? And why 11ut"h concern that wu orlfinated In Gum.any. Tbue an only a tnr ot' lll• ' tor two men who are 11upposed to Thi• orguliu.llon ac:cordlnc lo It• major aervtcu f1"91\ thropJh your hav. realgned fro,;, your orrant· own literature waa a continual a('!· ~ Crou Jut 7ur. 'Can ,~ at· A De.,_..O'c Loe* i.ttfutJon for Onr t'orty Y-.n tBtend u 8econd..ctw Matter at the POl!totftce. In N~rt BeaeJt, CaUfomi& under th• Act ot March 3, 1879. hMlii1i1 EYW7 llloed&J .. ftunday a t ~f'W!)()rt ..da. o.llf. by .. l\'EWJtoRT R.\.&Bo& Pl.'lJLISHl~O C'OMPA.NY 'hlepllHe 11.U'bor 111 t I QmH"-1 te PubUAal IAt'al No*-and Adnrtlkment• of AD ...._ ~ Dler9eA{ IM l.,.nor tJomt eLQruie Co. 1Al AcUoa M~·ll'm 11-w c.Htorala N~r Publlllh.-" AMIOCMU. 111-ber Nat.lo.I l'.dltortal AllMX'latlon M .. ber ol Oraac-<lout, Neww &rvl~ BlCN REDDICJC; 'PUBLISHER WILlJAll A. M08!.:8, EdJtor ORKOND 11. ROuNTREE. Advertiatng Dlr~tor CBiRLEI A. ~NO, .Mfch&nic&JT Su~rlntmd911l 8UBSC&IPl'IO~ R.ATE8r • Newport ~ !ll"Mn-Pn-t1•. Tu·!N-Wl"f'kly la Ol'Uf9 Co•t.J, ... 00 per,._,; fS.00 111\'. mo1.; f UO tit"" moe. 'lllOut.S.. of o,..... Cowaty 11 .no f'('t fur a tor against th• (OY1mm911t of f rel to ...... with t lt,n M thNI zation ! the \Jnlted Sta tea tn Ula refocation ° ... · ou 1 -r cen ten durtnr th• recent World Hrrieee T '· ,!T • Slncer.ly,' War. ll. There are many other W1Mn W9., can"" en0\1&11 people MRS. l..AURA McCLrLLAN thlnp about the · orcan~Uon durlq the tund drin. we receln Which we have read, explored, J.ftd their l1fta Md roemberahlpa. Th• ~lleved. TM l'OR took occulon thl• paat wHk to l.N1fer aome of Nd lhlll&' t.-Ulia year we di~ not th• letter•. •They a.tao Hnt ua .car-h&n •ouih bolJM.to-bo~Wortl· STUDIES FORT!-Karl Bennis, Brush Country Journal writer'• aidek.ick, look• over "fort of mystery'' from wall · atop lt. Bruab covered moat out.aide lJalla la clearl7 Yiatble, -Horace Parker .Photo ,. Grass, Roots Opinion bon coplea of their leti.n. We era. U you h&n ~t ba4 ~ opo , • . HILUmORO; ORE., ARCUS: '"Tbert Ira great- de&l ot logic in Preeident Eiaenho_wer'• i,uet that t.eim1 , of office ol memben of the U. S. hoUM ot repreeenta· tivea ahould be for four years inetead of the present two. On a four.year term baeia the congreeam'en would be in a position to do a better job'becauae under preeent con· ditiona they must devote too mucb of their time to cam- paigning and give too much' thought to what effect their ''Otes on jsaueia w~ have on th.if ~election." her•wilh reproduce a lJPlc&l ana· portuntty to it ... orb .. • &ll'ea47 U M ~f" be wer and the an.... to ~ W · it ... u4 teal _10! .. ~ i:anneL l T ~a wer. ~) 1 -,oat ~wW JOU ,i;;; ma.II JOU!' Writgs ... ~_, --xpru-JT, Jtft lodq. lt m&J M JOUI' llte that Miu Laura JlfcClellu la •'Nd UINqtl au of th .. Mr• ~27 Weatmlnater A.,..., Ytoe& Newport Betitft,a, C&lltonll& Dear Ml• McClellanr ' !lomeone In JOU!' community, baa ~t me a cUpptns of your reo«it lettir appeartnr In the Balboa Pre111. and deallnir with the cue ot Mr. S&nbom and Mr. NeJt and llDOIJ"!T ,.,..,... JlilJt IODmf ~w~ KM. unvta (IMIJll) OA.N>IND Fund cam.,.aca tAlalrm&ll .,,,. I wua jeet athinkin that Arbniaw le one at.ate tha~ will never e&UM ahy National Political Scandala. Harld1 anyone will nan for otfice back there any more •.• Facta iii, it wouldn't malce-much difference lffen they didn't have any office holderJI atell. cause the onea they've sot ~·t 1eem to know wfiat they're doing anyhow. . . Farmer McCabe. • ' .. S WV A "}" 1 T11 pr """nt rhlM 11<•rldt>n 1.9. a· 1 . UXt tary \old 1-.. ,1ng po;•on• .uch .. a.nl LEGAL .NOTICE j LJiAL.NOTICE LEGAL Nonc1 LEGAL NOTICI NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART IV . P~GE J H } w } P•"te. bu1e "lllprlly and lurpt>nllne -----------------------------------THURSOA Y, MAY 5, 1955 e ps , e come \\'heri' lhty UU•Y bt-found by u -1 that hr, the a&ld Horace Parkf'r. po•t~ noUce 11 hentby S"IV«n Ulat Road, Bull& AA&. Calltomi&, all Ulat Ula purcluue prtce lbef'ti>t --.-------------------------- N . l pll)n tory chll<lffn. Krt>p them c;>n D V. M ., dolnr blalnu• •• ~·w-~he .i.nder.!cned propo11u to ~II that .cmaln peraon&l propert,y w1U be pald at 10 A.M.., on Mon· l~Balld1af Sfin icM !8--Sltutloii. Wutied at1onal Head hl;ch 11htl\'i'I or In lorkrd c•blnt'la. port Harbor Vetennary Hoa.pita), atcJIOllC beveracu at WM pN'm· conllitUnJ of c.rt&tn flllturH and day, lhe"l8UI ot M~. l~~. or at a. hu in tht' o td do& In the .um of l~· described u follows! equip1ntn t appurtt'nant lb a Cale trU<>nable tlme•tter the llceruielil FOR RENT GARDICNlNO N11tlonal Prt11ldrnt Mn:. r ~ LEGAL NOTICE 1\09 00 11111d lllin u11ta an<1 hu M l Edrewa ter Place. Ba.lboa' bu1lne• IO<'ated at 128 w. Cout ha.a Wton latued In lhe name of tl'le lktll Bawa, Elt'C. Drill•. PoUah•ra. GARDEN MAINTlt,NANCJ:. ,..~ J l'hnaon of the Ladiea Aux11110 1..,. Mcome dul' to H id Horace Par'kt'r. ·ewport ~ .. ch, Or&nlf• County. Hli1iway, Newport Bea('h, <*.Htor-lnlnl!trM, a t Tnat Department. au typee of Syde111, Wbeelbar· rlnn up C'all Klmbe,rly I -IOI& nf S panlrra \\'ftr VrtN·1uii1 a.r rivM'I D V M · d Jn& buatntaa H ?\ew Punuant td auch Intention. the nla., ~neraUy lnown u Bay Shore Ftnt Weatem Bank a.nd Tnat rowa, ate, daya ·or Harbor Wt &ft• '· ~l 11.u .K Lo m&lte Al\ oftlcltJ.. vi1tll S OTU'r. ot· lSALr. OY port Harbor Veterjnary Ho1plt., w1dtr11cnt-d 1• applying to the O.· Cate, and to t ra.nater lo aald per· Company . .th and Main Slrtet.. BOYD"S HDWE. '1p4t tn the Slate or <·allfom la jurlll'1ic-RF.Al. PfU>PJ;RTV UJl'1t'r th~ prov11ioo11 ol Se<''/" arlmtnt of Alcoholic Beverage IOo(al an ON-SALE GJ!:NERAL Santa Ana. Callfomla, the J!lacr tlon. A butf .. l auprer w..,.·hl'lrt at <\T J'Rl\'ATF. MALE 3061. et<' of the Civil Code o(lht Control for lu uance on bt1g'lnal Ut"ENSE IJl!umti.r P-22()1..81 ot ot .:.Crow. The amount or thi In· M30 W . c0A8T HIGHWAY EXlfERlE~C!:D yac:ht captahl- th11 Unlque. Cate tn Loa Anglllt N So. r -. P-U USI St11t11 of Ca.llfomla by vlrli' pf appllc:atlon of an alcohollc beve-a Cafe bualntN, k.nown •• BAY t.e.nded conalderaUon for the lk enM !Liberty 1-3436, Newport 8ch 21t.ftl A~y •l•e--dle .. 1 or SU. .U M' p~cedlrjt the otflctal vl•lt a t p 1 . In 1111' SuJ)f'rlor Coun ol the allld doK IX>lng left with U1 lllOd ra ge llcrnae for lhNe prvniaH u BHORl!J f'AFl!l and located at 128 la tl0,000.00. power. IAC?l l and naUonal refer• trfat1c .Hall In th• f'vminK Stale or Ca utorma tn and tor tht' I Ho1•~tt Pukll, O. V. M,,. dotng 1olJowa: W. Cout HIJhway, Newport Dated: May 2. 196~. G. I C . enrH . ~on drtnker. Can aa.ln• Mra. Alfrett MOUl'>'1 vrulcJtnl L'ou.nty ot Loa Anj{elea. buarn• Ill u !llewport Haf!>t V!'l· ON·SAU: Bl!!ER LICENSE Beach, California, Mid ll«nae to RAYMOND G. TREVOR.ROW enera 0ntractor t.io . opt>ratt up to to tt. &Ion .. ot OaJumpit Camp--N~ 39. Wo-' In I.ht mau .. r ot the tetate ot e.rma.ry Hoarm al, tor bo Inc and ~nyone dealrtn1 to protut. the be re-locatad at 320 South Ma.In Vendor and U cenue LICENSED Capt. Sl\anoM, U 1<41T1. 'TP't m.,,11· Auxlltary ol San~ An~ . 1..1:-\PA ~E.H LS, a minor. feeding U ld lfof. and d Juin, In ltl\J&nce ot aur h llcenH may file Street, Santa Ana . ea.llfomta, an'd' No. 131' Ntwa-Prua 6 6/M on the reception commlltu.' ~ ~ Nr;ttl"' '' lfl'r·eby gwl'n that the the eum or SI0&.00 belnK paid a verified proleat with the De art· New W ork -Remodeling CL&ANINO .ta ll'lONIN'CJ 1')' U\e lJepartrnent Drill Tum N '4 1( 1Hulerllgned WALTER BENNET by •~Id Richard ment ot Alcoholic Bnerag;~7Co~n::'1.tr------""I!!!!!~------------------J. MILTON McKENZIE day. EX~rlrncf'd. Baltic>& hl&nd CalumpJl Ca.mp .. -1•tf'd ~~ l~e : ="E!iLS, C.~arJlan Of tht u tale of other per90n1. ~fl• trol at Sacramento. Callfomla. H arbor 3122-R H p57h prtff'rred. Kl s-eOH. ""' 4'eremoruf'a. acting a rscort ~lll-Hfffl:J!. 8 mtnot, wilt aid ltmlal H pro-• DELIVERY GUARANTEED I th• n.aUonaJ pruldenl. J.t ni. Jolin-at pr tvllte .ale, to the h11hut bld· u followa, t o-wt Yidt'd by law. The p';;;Tl!Jff are not --I • El T I R aon will make MYeml Offl('lal Vil!· d1'", UJl-00 thP ter'tns llnd condi tions I• dog, named now llcen11ed tor the .... ot Delivery of the Newport H a r bor -New•-P~ la ec. 00 epair .. to auxlllartee In the llfluthlantl. I h1•re1nartrr m11nt1ootc1 and iubjt'ct black in color alcoho)lc bevuar;... guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver ·'e1'r pa""'ra ........ Skll Bawa. Drills, Sandeni The Put Pruldent.11' C'lub of VI runflrm11Uon by the 1al(! Su· and a cro.. tween a Cocktr ROBltRT D. POWELL Ul r-U1: QUICK Sl!:RVlCE f'alumplt C.mp will meet al noon I per lmr C'our t, on or arter the 10th apanu:I an a brted unknown. No. 1318 Newi·P~H QJ&/M · fore 6 p.m. on M onday and Tburiiday. U your paper ia LEWCO ELE"""°IC CO. In Anahtlm. A llOC'llll attnnoon oay of Mar . 111~· 11t l12• i''alr Dlltt•l :~2· 19)~. n ot deliv efed b y t h at hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and ~l n. w\11 f(lll(fW Ill th h f M 011k~ AYt'nUI', City of1 South P11118· HUR " Hv'RWITZ CERT IFJCATI!: OF "V81N. 1:88 • •M No. Newport Blvd. ~pt. Bd1. B l'IUll<' F'11z:ratn r: omr 0 rs. I d!'nll r,,unly of U)i& Angf'lt8, Stall' Ry: BERT R. HURWTTZ n crmot•s naM" NAME your earner will b ring you,: paper. Uberty 8-8383. O tte The Anxlhary lltwing rirr lP will of 1·1111r11rn111, all th~ ri1tht, tltle At lf'<'Yll for Horse .. Parker. Tht' underatgned doea hereby ---------------------------' mf'f"l on Mond•y. ~fay ll. fnr II 11n11 tnt .. re~t or 1!81d minor. in and n. M .. d1>1n1t b1~11lnl'llA .. Cf'rtlfy lhat ahe 11 conductln1 • PAINTING William "Pete" Pana1e TRACTOR WORK Di1kln1t -PJowtnr -Mowtnl' Ph. U 8-1768 Ph. Ll l-t82T ..p41 MAN A-WOMAN wlll do pnt.ra1 houaework, floor wax1n1, wtn· dow clunlni.:. Jl'Ut wor ker.. v.•h1ll'. l!M Y. 20t.h at., Coata M•11a. L1 1·2683. pptf noon Jl'>tlur k lun,.h.Pon Ill flnwl-t" 1111 th11t r .. rtsrn l'f'lll proptrty Ni"•pnrt Hr.cbor Vttt>rlnary rf'ataurani bU.ln.e• at,.'telM New· lnit r,,...,." C'h1bhnu11e· in Srrntillll'o parlll"lllt1rl)' <1l'llCnbtt1 1111 folluwll, !lhar1tr1I. port Blvd., Coat& Mua, Calllornla, J'u k P \(>·\\ rl :>/I). J318 Newe-PrPllS II !'I/Ml under the ltctltloua firm name of "n 11n•llv1dPl1 i1nr -mxth In-BERT'S CAJl'I! and that aatd nrrn J""PER HANGING Rt'•ldentle1 • com01err1&1 w ork R·oy's Maintenance Llceiue<S Cont racl ora Call ~xlnftot\I e -49H collect. HouM cleanln1-Floor waxtn1 Rambl~rs 4-H - To Exhibit At l"rtst in 1,,nt '2 in Block 241 I ~RTIFIC'ATE OF Bl'SJSESS 11 compowd of the tollow1n1 per- "' C'oiona •I• I Mar. s t Book n<TtYJOrS FflOf SAME aons. wlloee namee tn tull and 3 r 11ge11 .. t-•2 nr M1~1·tllantj)Ull The "1l1f'rl!lgnf'd dOt'.I he~by placu of ftlldtnce are .. t ollow•. M11r11. Ol'lln1te c ounty. bt'lng cert ify that ht l~ l"Onducting a to-wtt: ~1lrrRtl'd In ltlP City of New-real e/llllte bual)irss at 23M Balboa DOROTHY 8. EDWARDS. 18T~ ·Huntington Bel<'h Wall ~lnlot ·-window cleantn1 ~9pf'6011, ,. 1t~ne~ bllnda. Upholstery -------------ln111 red. Frte Eattmatea Ii. H. H O L B R O O K .· Liberty ~·1 332· . JUc Ji<•t l Briirh. ('(111nty of Or11nge. Bl;vd .. Newport B~rh. Callfornla. Ana.tlt'lm, Coal& Meea, California. State of c1111fomia unde.' the fictitious firm· namt ot Wltnua my hand thw lllb da.y NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 29-He lp Wanted !!very Monda7 and Tburaday A Prompt County Fair Te.m a Of salt>: l'ash in lawful BA1VIEW REALTORS and that of Aprtl. 19~. Plant for members to t nttr rx-monry <if the t:nltt'd Slalt'il ~n aaJ1 fi rm la ('Ol1)poaed or Ult' fol· /1/ DOROTHY ~. EDWARDS Jllblta In the Uran1te (.'nunty 4-H conrorm11\11)n O( 1111le. l~·lnK pt'rt1o ns •• whok namn In STATE'OF CAUFORNIA ) "" 1 h t 81rt11 or offers lo be In wrlUng l!ll lllld plscu oC ru1dence a.re Ill COUN.....,. OP' oo"' "'GE )u . COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays tt.~on8::~.!~~~M --------------.--------------· iao1 B&Jboa Blvd., Newpurt Beach plrp rllr IH t ~ 8lr1trou1H1t1 on MRV •• ·~· T, wrre made Ill .th" S1111ml11~ 11n1I will b.-rereiy .. d Ill lhe a fore· ollow11, to-wit: On thla 11th day ot April, A.. 0 . merlin~ n f the Guill Hill numb· said ofr11'1' 11l any lime •fter th' PHILJP J. RAPP, 3912 Channel 19~:1. before me. ROBERT F. 4 Unee 1 Paper . Sl.OO ltrs '4·R C'luti s t thr hom11 Qt (.'hf-flrilt prrbllt'ation h<'r,.or 11nd befo~ Pl,. Newport Be11ch, Cahtornla. WILLMES, a Notary Public In 4 Unea % Pan.rs l ~ ford, Wiilt~. HO %0th St C-"•t& de1Lt nr l!All'. • W1tnea1 my hand th!Ji 18th day and tor tht' aald County and State, -r-..,.,, Mesa. All of lhe club" 17 mem· D11ted Arv1 t 22. 196~. or April, 19~. re1ldlng therein. dul)t commlN lon· 4 Unee S Papen 2.00 bt'rs will huvr entrirs in lht fair WALTP:R BENNET :->EfLS. PHIUP J. RAPP ed and 11worn, peraonally appea.red Cout&I Sllopper Clualfte4 Ad8 mllllt nm a. Ulle Moeday .Da vit> nrvlnl', "t·r~"a.nl·IH·arm!I, \.u11rdmn I)( lhe Eatatt' l)f ST ATE OF CAl..IFORr.:IA DOROTHY S. JllOW ARDS kJ\PWn or Thunday Pa.bncaUoe 14-Penooala Alcoholic. Anooymoua Write P. O. Boa Sil •Newport Beach. C&lU. Phoaa Harbor 4711~ MEN For Construction Work Garage Men . ... J"d the plt>•l~t l')f all~git1nt·t' llnil LINDA NEHLS, fl m1;'>r. COllNTV OF ORANGE Isa. to me to be the peraon who.w name lllDilllllJM AD 18 ' LINEa aecretnry C-hll'ktr Murph," r<in· S:'l:YOER and FLETCHfJt. s.nJ Of th111 18th tlay ot April, A. D. 11 1ubacrlbt-d to the wlthm lnatru· AU C1Ma1fted Ada muat be paid for Cull la Mlvaace of pabll~UOL ·' <)':-.:EJ ' 19u . "·f RO ERT P' -. STEADY full tlmt jobs with'•-• ductf'tl bu~tnl't<I! in llb!<enrl' of the • .., ""· ""'ort m~ B . ment. and acknowledged lo me wv -• pruidrnt a efrt :chmenu wf'rr lll'rV· IJ24 Fair 011k1 Avenuo, WILLMES. a Nntary Publk In tha t &he execult'd the ume. DE.A.DLINE.8 t or placlnr or cancelllni ad.a are: -------------pirbllr nttllty. High a('hool rrad· 1 -. o Bi 3 ... d f th d c d 8 I 1 1o 0 _ ty 11ate11 betw,. .. n 18 .ta 4!1 yeara ot ' rd, atter which Chtford \\'all!l~e · •X .. ,, sn or e aa1 ounty an tate, n w tnua whtreor. I have htrt· For )Jonday Publication -S.turday Noon _o=:.__u _Aid_• _____ _ rrsldln th• 1 d 1 1 1 _ _. t d ... w_ .. ___ _._ .,,__ --agf' w1nt11d tor regular empl. &!_Vie a uemoMtration of hlA 4·H R ~re n, u Y comm 118 o,_, un o atl my hand a.nd a.tr~e my r or ......,.,....y k-uullcatlon -TUuday 2 p.m. proJ~T~~-n~t-;;,;r;.~-~·t~•n~r:i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a=n~~~a~"'~·o~rn:·~pe~rao~n~a~ll~y~a~p~~~BT~~offi~~e11~l-~ee:;;•l~l~;i;ijt;-~;;~~~=i~~~Fioir~Th~ur~ada~y~Pu~b~U~ca.~t~1o~n~-~Wied~n~Mda~~y~1 ;p~.m~.;;~;:::=;;~~S~u~pe~rf~ilu~o1u~s~li~a~1~·r~~;o~P~P~o~R~T~l~-~~~1T~1~E~s~~fo~r~~ad~YU1~~cS•~-;:::~~l.:i~\j }1 .. 1,1 thf' flri;t SatwrdAy In Junr lns:nl. i O ~ a l the home Qf John KPflel. 19:32 be thl' J)erl!on whose niime 11 11u~ ten. -.-iJ~:I I :r:·~ Maple Avr SOTIC't~ "' ~•t.r.: acri!M!d to the. Within Instrument, 1•! ROBERT F. WILLMES '-IGSS Tlea nawx n U veatoek &l"l'M, er . ye OWi an ' lvwancl'S " penslona. TO: RICHARD i',6CHER 11nd to anls acJ!nowl,dged to me Ulat he My Commla1lon ExTilre• I FueraJ No"'-H s~•-• .. ------•• line ahaped~No more tweuln1. Reimer s .To H old Guild Meet The Re1me111 Gutld. \'erse w rit· e rs of th,. ro...,..l&I u ea. will hold their sttond meetrng ~fay 10 Ill I p m 1n the bosr.:I room a t Or· a nge l'1)11st Collejl'e, It has betn a nn<>11nr .. .i. MePW1~s "111 ~ hel•I on tht at'cnnd Tllt'l<I·" of •·&• h 111'>nth hel"t'11ft111 "r,•011l1ng lo \'ernon Pau .. rson, t-:nl(h~h tMlrul'lur A' Orani::• 1 '1111111> All-tho,,. 1nl<'r· fll lf'tl Jn wr 1lrng verM may 111· ten<l. I all olhna t t may ""' >nler· ex"'Cuttd the aame. November ie. 1965 I Ca.rd of Tbaak.I • Au&oe Wu~ ..u., -" ••v ~ .. _ ·r -,...,.._ ~ EU..EN L. BRY • ~•T R. .. APPLY Mon. throu•h P'ri. -m · , f''ltrd In th l"ertsln male dog In Nltneu whe"'ot, I have here· No. l3l0 • ~ Dlree~ra CO Autoa .ror Sale Udo'• .~alon of Beauty Bu. 2678 8 30 11. m, to • p.m. namc>d -fV"•dy," which aaJd unto set my hand and a/f1xtd my Ntw1-Pr111a 4/H , 21 , 28, 5)5, 195~ lO ~ Guide 40-A n ree .t ,....... Uc s o u T H f~ N 11oR' IA 1·01 rPd black snd 111 a offic1 a1 ,.11eal lhe day and yur In ll Buifdln1 Ma~rtala " Auto ~n1ce • cro:<s bl ween a Coc k e r lh11 Ct>rttflcate first aboV'e written. :"iiOTICE OF INTENTION TO 11 8~ 8erv1eee U Trallen ?Z--Lottt and Found SpamPl>nd a brt>ed unknown. ROBERT F. WILL.MES 8ELL P ERSONAL PROPERTY 1' PenciuJa ',! "'w1!!~8t• n-nt k " " !'. I & Share ,Your Oar • -~ v nc c 0 Ho1 ace II r er. <J. ' • I • doing My Comml11alon l!!xplru and 11 ~portatioa 41.1 Apta. .t Hou-tor ~nt LOST Large rem ale 111&ble r oll le, u N T I E s bu,intM it/ :-\l'wport Harbor Vet· ~ovember 18. 19~:1 TO TRAS8f'!:R n Roof'lDI .SA-Apt&. ror IW.11t Aprtl 21 , ans .. •er• t'o name Baba, c>rms ry ~11p11at. 12!) Mtsa Dnve, No 1312 UQt'OR UCE:S~E 18 Bdat7 .tkla •8B-Hou-tor Reet 8 y rs. old. lamt hip. t~amlly Costa M~. Cahtom ia. doea here· Newa-Prua .(/21. 28, &/~. 12, 19~5 Not ice 11 hereby jrlven pursuant 10 B-.lth Alda • '8Q-T,ra1Jer Sp.ce gnlVlng Ph. LExlngton 8-3766 by J:ive. n11llce that, at tht hour to the prov1alon ot SecUon 3H O.l ti Loat &lld Found 41 Room• tor IW11t REW ARO. 46c18 G A s c Q t.r 11'1 J C'IUC'k A.M. on tht 17th NOTIC'I': Of" JSTl'!STIOS TO of lhe Clv11 Code a.nd Section 2•073 H Scbool•, lnatTudto• "-" RMt H00\1'11 day nf)l11y. 19!>r>. at the l'l:t>wporl .t::SOAi1E L"' THE KALE OF ot the Alcohollc Beverage Control .)8 81tuatlou Waated '9·8 Koom .t Board LOST-Wallet cont alnlng caah and · • Hsrbf Vt>lmnsry Hosp1t11I, local· AL<'OHOUC Bfl\T.RAOP.:8 Act that RA YMONO a. TREVOR· : :r!!:e= : ==~ ~~tftcee Important papers. Notify Robt'rl 1030 E. Fini. &t. Pl1 al 12~ Mt11s On''"• Co11la Mn •. ~lay s, HM ROW. Vendor( a) and U cenllff(I ), JO.A Swape &S-A 8 1111.,_ ReataJa R. J11ckaon, United Statee C'out Banta Ana r11lfClm tA, he will l"suse the here· To whom 1t may concern: ot P.O. Box 2l!I, San Juan Capl• JO-B AppU..--u ·Bm.l•Mi OpportuilU.. Gua rd, 2089 Har6or, Collla Mtaa. ln.'tc>r de11rnb4-d doir. ownec1 by SubJttt to lsauanre of the lice.nae trano, CaU!omla, lnten~ to sell to II Wuk!CI to 8oJ la •-Y to 1-Llberty 8·6822-Rt'\\•&rd. U~ OLRL8 - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! RJ'hard Fi.'W'hPr, to be l'Old 11.l applied for, and c:.nmc>nclnir not JOHN w. HALL. Vendee(•) &l'fd H hratlare for Sale M Mone7 Waa~ plhllc auction to Mt.i.ty th• Uen leu UMul 16 daya alter u.. dat.e -rr.n.teree(a), of ate &d••wood SS-A .......... 61 M.111 l!Atate \\'uted .... OF THE All FUNDS RECEIVED 09' OR BEFORE TME l'th OF TME MO~TM EARN FROM TME FIRST ,. For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 e.m. to 8 p ... m. II llMta, &uppU• .. '"°""' Pnl.,.rty I' M mlC!&I; Radio, T \' 1 1 liM..I l!Atate E.lldaaap aa Dop. c.ta, Peta n..., i:.1a1e Speda.I Notte. V' Newport H a r bor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meet. nery Tburaday I p.m. Via Opono -Central Ave. Newport' Buch AJberl H. Matthew•, Exalted Ruler ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 1 lna~ll the above chaa.,;r than · moat. AIJIO 11111 Tiie • Linoleum. Non-union, 26 years expertence. Compare and aee - BILL CO~R LI 8-12<M Tttc 1 2-BalldJa~ Senrtcee CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinde FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 211tf For That SPECIAL PAINT -WALLPAPER DEX:ORATll'\O JOB CALL Wm. Baker KI 5!'3621 2302 P aUaadu Rd , 8. A. Hta. • Aak Ua About . ZOLOTONE Llcenaed In Harbor area 48R§<)h - House· Plans LIBERTY 8-8251 Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN & WOMEN prepa.ra In apare time for unhmtted opportunltJea In Real Estate. New clauea wukly. Al Tyler 1n11trucUnr. At- terfd tlrat evenln1t frre and !tarn abuut lh11 grtat fteld. Call or write now~or Information. Bual· DUS lnsdiute. H:I~ N . Syca- more. Kl 3-J7S3. 7t tfc China Painting Day Ano Evl'nln& Clult'a Urdera Tak!'n Now Phone Liberty 8-0348 ~ituatlQds \\'anted --~------~---·--------ORA Dl. ATE or ('Cl,ll'R'f' ant1 aec&t· t11r1111 "'hC>11I "')1!11bll' for p11rl· lime 1•ft1 ," wo) k f:XP"rl"ncetl and 1.spable or rt':<ponalblllly. H111 bM 246 ·lll · 47p48 PAINTER And you'll &JTff when you haa.r ot l..he ma.ny Job opportunJUee for qua.lllled ~ woman ta our tn.i.inHa today. OPENINGS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday through rrtday :114 ~ No. Main St. 9:00 to 4'00 pm. Room 211, Santa An.a PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfo \V ANTED-A couplP 1 no ('hrldrrn to help care tor beach cabtna. Man may have 01111111 .. emphiy ment. Woman to ht lp with rent ala A clr11nln1t. Free rent and H lary unlll Oct. l 11t. Call Har bor 307 Afl!'r 2:30 pm. ·.acM W A,l'T a younK woman tor de llvtry And gl'nl'ral flower shop work. Opportunity to team bua lnt!l.1. Apply In P"r"On, Notrrlan·1 F'lowl'r Shbp, 262~ E. Q>ul H1ghwR3', Corona 1."'1 Mar. \ PAINTING Pa inting Ii Paper Hangin1 'The Best Money Can B uy" ____________ 1_0t_rc w ANTS WORK. ] !) yura expcri· Tl l JE TO PA}NT· enc('. :-.Ion union Hourly 49r 48 ~X'!!~~~~e~~~~:r PHON!l KAR.SOR 2404 P A INTING D.'TERlOR -EXTERJOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn J o hiiston .tto Ml • 311t 3t. Newport Beacb Harbor 3178 22t!c C A RP E NTER Repair Work Do. Your Homa Nff'cs Repairtn& or R.emodellnl T Call f'ranll. U berty 8-0M All Work Ouaru teed 7itte Painting le Paperhanging Wt do·· the work ounelvea. 30 yea.re expertenc• Llcenaed .ta lJulured. SaUatacUon iuaranteed. l:.i.J.matu tree. C.,U Joluull., LI 8-2687 le LI 8-5289 81tlc COMPLETE PAlNTING Ir Paper Hanging.-&rvice EUOENJ!l O. SAUNDERS 500 3llt Street, NtWJ>Ort Beach Harbor 21176 or Har. u •e. Uc PAINTING llDCTERJOR INTERIOR ,. . • 1. M-1:1.Lo UcellMd 1 ~ THltlt XVI . 0&11 ene. Liberty 8--489'. O tte M "1..Jb r rty S-·1722. 47pt 8h 1-"F:M A LE-s .. ,·rrA I i.ttno'a: l\enn· h<lokkreper. gtn'I. office, raat addtnl!' ma• hrnr, w111trua! llrV• c-rnl <1omullr11 M. W. RO$S PalnllnK • Otrora tlng Liberty 8-3321 or Harbor 3089-M 280 A Yoe ado, Co1la Mua Ucenlled A: rull lnsured. 38p51 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMA.LL H. O. Andenon 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24~ 83lfc Paperhanging Painting ,Ill IRONl:-\G -· \\'111 do )'UUt lromnic rn my home. l'.xr,.llen l """' k. Ph LlbPrly 8·736:, 46p48 Expe.rienc'd gardener LANDSCAJ!ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30t!c WOMAN want.a berth 11.11 ~l,.wa rd· tMI or cook on Vft t'ht 11r rishrnic boat, rolstal or" ror .. 1i:n 411 E O<:tl n, A pl. :12, l..nng ll• ll< h 3~8-711. 16pi 8 -Three baby 111tte111 aV11llable . for ev~nln1111 Phone Liberty 8-2722. 35p36H MAl.E-Salro~: ptruttc·1 exp1, m11· rhlnl' ,.hup l'Xp. Jt;NE FAFlRAR ~;MPLOY AOC Y. 402',-32ni1. :"ewporl Bch. racro!lio from C'ily lfalll, 47c49 ATTENTION ALL SOYS - :'>ltw11-Pre.11A carrier route a.re n.ow OJ>('n In 110me nelghborhoocS. - Balooa. Wt 11t Nt:Wporl, Balboa h land, ="'"wporl Height. a.nd l'oruna del M11r and Co11ta Mu&. If yo11 UP 12·1~ yr1. old, have a b1ryclr, "PJ>IY 10·12 a.m. or '·O p.m. only 11t ClrculaUon Dept. Nt'wpurl Harbor New .. ..r-: 221 I Bal1><1a .B(vd.. Newport 1lr11ch, Harbc.r J61 8. lttte .. Klmberly 7-1121 31~6,rr===================================:d:;t Painting, Decorating Paper Banging GEO. BURKHARDT LICliN8ED CONTl\AC.~R 171 W. 18th 8t., COllta Me..- Llberty 8·8e28 · · "A's'' V~ BLIND .)-LAUNDRY. Will ooma to your home, take down your Yentllan bllndt . talce them to our laundry. Launder tbe lllau. ta~ cord&, l'p&rklllll ci.an wtth Our n.w 'iri~IJlt ~ ) "What a reputaJion your·. WANT ADS have! "mEY MUST HA VE-the way. people grab for this paper and go over every single ad. "Why, I b&n-17 s ot .. _ the other n tnial' -. .... u..,.. tMy "'',.. -romlnc to -tlMI funtlture J advl'r- tl-ct. ~Id It ri(ht &\O a7, p f f'Oll,._. -bul M l'Mllf' n~r1"'41 m~ Lo -~ IDM1 )eopie -. out .. MIWH m7 Ml.'' - GENERAL OONTR.ACTING ' P'ra:mlas • P'OUlld&llOM method. Return your bUnda and re·ia.t.all them ln 24 houra. Prtoe TW'J ,.._.bl•. The &Ytt· ... J. tape l'MldeDUal bltnd.- I 1'1laak1 for Ute pluj, BUI ll&lcf'r! ,,.._ l:ettmae,. It Plaa Un'lt1e C,... Sherm Allen Liberty 8:7576 11.,. • Only $1.00 We as. rep&Jt and rebuild .,. .. Uo11 bUnda. All work done by ap- polJ¥.ment. Phone aow Liberty W101 or lDabvlJ' Mrrf.. ppttc \\~ver 7oar llH'dt, u ad In our Un ly d -atW ~ wtl1 llrt•1 1ou r-uu., ~t· AUTY reaul• r Call 11.anor 1111 ud a.all for~ Ml taker. ' . .· ' PAGE 4 . P~RT IV-:,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS,J~!'-~~·~-~~!'!.~-:i'-~. ' THUR~OA Y, MAY 5. 1955 . .W-Aafoi. fnr Salf' ---- .Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen Fo1\ a Ana Washing Machine SJ:.RVICE 1-year iuarantee on Jobs done and on UMd wUber9 :?48~1'. lrear1 N"'JIOrt Bl., Coat.a lttua Liberty 8-4~3 or Uberty 8-4327. 64ttc · Autom4'tics. S39.50 · to S99.50 .0.llvered ln4talled, gilu-antcc.d. !'\o <'Xtr& rharg<' M • W I V SeCYk~e~ ·Volkswagen I Phlh,11 R <'; A -·. Crnt'111I f:ll'<'t nr Syl\'.AIM 1\11~" tlalbol'rl "A11i111ri11 " An1t11niu 1nallllll'd ONE DAY SERVICE . Trade· ins.· f'hnn" rn11r1·l LEx 6·46.1tl ~I FORll II C1111tu111 , lub 111111"' H J La\, rne (Curly) R It H F'"r !1•11111111• ArnullluL 322 Main. Hur1ttni;ton tin• h bleek l·olut $1'~fl 30pl0 Rl'::"'T 1111 ori;an or pt:inn \\'lllt r .. ntlll In apply nn future pllr· I ··hflll(' 11t - ls HA FE:R'S~Mui.lt· r,~ t Sint••> 1 !)071 421-123 :'\. Sy1•a111orP, Sant11. Ana f'hnne I< J mbfrly 2·0672 'r>3 Pl.YMOl'Tll rluh R & ('lv1•r• :.o PO.:'\TlAC & llHl3ncllc, H & JI ·~,vnrhro•11tt'~h 1rnni.1111i--.1l11t $(1 t;,, .. r ~~~t!_f!>!I_ ~~~ '6-Aut0tt and Trwb . WAIT ! ~ LOOK , .f.J ESE OVER ' Before you buy~wemay have the very car you have been hunting for and FOR LESS J(ONEY S:l FORD Tl;DOR . ~1209 ~h<' 1s clea n, h11a r a<lin. hei:1\r. F orclomat u•. N\'W ltt" blue finish & bnuid r)\w 8.-t of S<'al covers. !ih>tpr's g ood. 50 LINCOLN 4-DOOR . .•. . .. $ 699 leaaing · SantA Dept. Store. Must have experi- ence in selling bet~ ter-name lines . We Service ·Au · A ppliances Specializing in Automatics Autij. Washer Enterpris£1s 1 GRA!'l:D PIANOS mnny like ra•w Stel11wi y Excf'llt'nl condition. H.-au11fut l:khr B111.;, Qu .... n i.t~•le. Knab" Cnind Ort11:111I Oi><•ra pl&ltO. only $ 14~0. Lovely c~oop11 UrwtJ Mahogany c&..se. llrw ton•' aml •• 11on. •mly ,S·l9:>. Antth11 t:rnnd ontv Sil'\. Manv COTION GOFF -- A lul of car for t he m oney, R~dio, ._ater, hy- dramatic. carries our 30-day M on-y\ Back Guar ant ee. 2848 ?\ewport lilv<l .. Coi:t& M\':18 Llbeny 8·7808 1.!\'tar Coif Cot1r$1•1 . p~8 ELECTruc RA:'\CE. Hutpuint, 7 uthvr wonderful buyi. In Cran~ oven' Ha,. never h•·rn <'11nnc-r1-1 C'utn•" Lo"k · ''" Pcrfer t cond1f1on. s:n :. DAXZ·SCH:\llDT Bi.: p;311" Storr Volkswagen Dealer 2116 ="• wporl Blvd l\'rwpo1 t Bi h. Hartxir 8 4lk:i0 Salary Open Please w r ite, giving full details, to Box E 69, this paper. " .. st $360 I. J..J s.-ieo3, Had"!' I Sant• Ana . ~:lO Xo Mam. 31~Z 4 r.>O 100 P ianos Home uf t he Ha.tumonJ G. M. C. 45c50 j LARGE long <'S~abllsh•·d rr1tl f'•· • lllll! firm tlt!l•(la l'X(l•'l l("nl'"d !'i~FumltuN> for Sale Mesa Woodcraft Uupainted & Ju\'enile Furniture FffiST Anniversary SALE! THIS WEE K 0NL \' •le11m11n, All "nawers kPpt 1'<in· SA:'\OF.D rt'atly 10 r1n1s1i lsaln d11ed Org In SPECIAL BUY! O:'ll E OXl. Y Lowery Or.nno, Late· I "t mridrl SavP SIOO Conv~nlenl ltrnn 111- SHAFJ..:R'S Mullc Co. tSince 1007) 14:!1 ·423 N. Syt·amure ~anta Ana I l'h• nt1 l<lmb1•rly 2·0672 flrlenllRI \\'11t1· }fox X61l, this WESTER:'\ Pl:'\E C.:lil!::STS. paprr. f'li•81w ~lat<' 111111hfka· 26 .. ·5 tlr., "rer. 16 !lr1 $11 11~ • 1 l"llU.on:i Ill 11111 1strcf 2s ..... dr .• n·1:-11 (I~ s12 11~ JA.'-:SEX ORQA!':O. The pi.111\1 and 1•1t•1 trk Or~an In 0111· rn"tru· 1111·11l. Jolulll ful' OVl'r SI :SOO. Our J1r1rc Sbli7 1'trn111 Al'"o one lwa11tlr11I Elel'trnnk Organ. l.lkr n .. w, Bl.,n11 !t nl.~h Famous m&ke. BOAT PAl:'\TERS u1 palnt••r~ 26"·3 dr , reg J2!l[1 $1 0{1~>• · \Jur prl1'•• only $68~. Think ol th.it..:. TRIPLE CHECKED USED rRUCKS 'H F:ORD I.._, T PJC'Kl'P '49 ST l,;OE. ': T. PJCKt·r ';JO CM\ ·~ T l'WKl·r ·:;3 DODC:E 1, T l 'lf'l\l·P. Spt•· nlllll top. Looks hke new 'H \\'lllTE :I T. COi';, 2 SJ••·rt.1 axl<' 8 ·:!~ Iii cs. ·~9 F CJ.RO :! T. l'&C :!.'i TIHES. :!·Sl'.l.;t-:[1. ·s1 ... ·onn 2 T. l 2 rt 1>'1.ty., ;i. llp<'ed. 8 2~• lrrh. · b"lper. St rVt<'" Atlo11t. 2802 t'n1t111 J l:VF.~11..E CJiESTROBF., rl..'I:· H1ichw11y, x .. wport Htttfh. 1!11r I !SHED sample, r<'g $3!>, $211 !'10 Oi7J ·liclO . WAN'I' EXPF.RI F.!'<C"E:D ,DRt'U 10'' off on all c ~,on flou r , DA:-lZ·.SC'll:\llnT Bl~ Plano S.u1ta Ano. :1:!0 No. :\1ain. S PINET S PEC IALS ! Co., For the lwst lm\'s In UM'J Tt udo• bl' sur1• to lo•,. /'\Ir :1t .. 1 k. \\.I' carry 11ur own ontracta. CLERK f",.111111 .. r 1111 t1m,. em· P~nP, h :trd w ~ Ind s emi-0:\'1-:-o,:-;r.y f1tll k••yboon.t Lt-5ler W. W. WOODS I .Sp1n1•t 1n l111r 'und1t111n. Sl6:S. ploym .. nt \\'11te J.72 th!9 popPt hardwoods. BE.\l'Tll'TL 4t" Klmball Spinel C~lr DEALER --------~---<C-i_<'_<19 J S~IALL DEPOSITS •111 hold an) f•lftll•i. 1.•kt new. Savp S202. 615-19 E. °'U' :-:t .Santa An.; ~~::a:;:c;;;;;&::~;;;;~ij;~~i;;;;:=::::::::,.~;•~•~1~..,~·~-~:;~~~~~~~~::i:~~~~::~~~~'!:~~~f-;;:~~~:::~~y-am. :::; Cu .. La ~le.u uni.\• !JO da)s uld Save $1 00. Tru,·k h• a•lquant'ra for Orani:e Cu .! -~------· -----· -t7c49 (''"'"' n11•nt term!! al-F rea.h Hearing Aid SHAFF.H's ~1us1c en. 1s1nce l907J ~ <I PC' SECTIO:'\AL $6~. ~tlll(' 1:?1.42;1 X ~\'<·amor,., Sa nta A na BATTERIES l.ablPs & EMy wash,.r. \loll'lnittr Phont' Klntbc;ly !H>6i2 We C lvt 8.tH Creen Stamps typt. gooJ run.Jttwn, S:.!n D C Liberty 8·7189 4':'t"~9 :,11 L·sFf) l'IA.'\OS \Cllnt~d for OUI Gunderson r ug 0. HnLd tJqH H 1~hesl ca~h allow- Mato St. Ill Balboa Blvd .. Balboa BRANO ;\'E\V klng'11 blZ<' b<-•1.1 R'li" 1n 1r11 J.-for nrgaM, grand Harbor !>l~. 08ttc m1tttn!111, spnn~• dot frllrnl! com· r i11nu:1. nnd spinets 1000 EMBOSSF:O bu1tnesl1 CRrd~. $3 99 -3 ltnc rubbt'r stamp ,$1 .oo 4 hne rubbH stamp wrlh rut S2.00 1884 cuu1. Book match .. s. p14'tP, (tou html for mrl. Will DA:'\Z·$<'HMJ01'. 620 i'-:u. Main, "ell or trnde fnr TV. Har. Si4 I. sun tu Ana. 47C4!l ~-----------~ L. W. WHITE LI 8·401 I tvee. LI 8·6160. pptfc 1,;SEO BE:DROOM SET. Xlnt. Nm· dltlon. cheap. See al I~ ~albou Cove$, Harbor 1170. 4 i~8 NO ROOM 1n lhr window Cur thf'se 2 LOVE SEA TS w1lh covers rut ~hoi t~ & µr1la I pu.,hl.'rs, Lo size price oC l<n!.' I mu pie Loz~· •I. IJ.l l2 ~!I & $:1.4!1 Susan coffro table I pine • UJ!· $~> 1•1-:H MO 1ent11 good pracUce p1.l11t .. lA'l the kuld1e11 tram. All lr'1 m 11•nt 1t1Jowed It you buy h1lt•1. \;olli<I prAl'llC'.'e p111noa Sl3:i, $1 Ill. S 178. S 196. DA ~Z·SOHMIOT Bl~ Alan" Store. 11111 planoit. :i20 :"'n. :\tam, S.1n1:1 Ann. Tt>rnu1. rn·,o Bl'H'K S11p1·,. 4 dr. Abaolule· l) pc1 t. ct Xamc your dO\\'n J1••}'111l'nt Low bank 1111ant'tni: :.!IJ i Hnrbor Blvd, Custa M!'.'<ll LI ~-:!!.!"16. . 46c48 '48 CHl!:VY Fll"tlhnt -New yel· low patnl -double ptpea. All a.•t for u·enaJ:er's c11r. Ph. H11r6nr 3:;12-.1. 47p<t9 19.il CHE\.ROL.E:r \lduxe 2 door s<'dan. Hlr., r adto. 1':xrellenl con· dJ!IOll. I'll. ~rly1 8·3!104. ~6p48 :;o r 01"tD 4 UI' Q·drlve, radio and ht•atrr. A nit'.• Clllr. Banis fin· iuwlng~ Yvur t111de will makr clown payment 5~ MERCURY CON\'ERTIBLE ......... ~ •. $2699 Thia has aJJ a ccessories .Me r c ury made in '54. P ower gAION'. One owner. 10.000 o rigina l mtts. This is th£' one for y ou ! ... 50 P ONTIAC CLL13 COUPE _ This' car should sell for more -It's that But it's our S PECIAL for this w eek . .s ~ nice. 52 CA DILLAC FLEETWOOD •....••..... ... . .... S2699 This car looks like n e w . rune like new -the only difference it sells for S3.000 less than new Whoo! Fully powered, 49 PONTLAC SEDANETTE . -···$ 599 Another Special for this week -Radio and heate~. Good r unner. 119 O LDSMOBILJL 4-DOOR ....... .....•...... . ..... :. S 699 R ocket 8 e ngine. Radio, heater. metallic '1"een. . . 54 JAGUAR· _ •...............•....•............ $2599 Near new, 49 PLY~IOUTH 4-DOOR N ew finish. New.tires. Cl~an ................... $ 499 4 STUDEBA'KER CO.Z...\'ERTIBLE ........ . $ 299 N<'w brak<'s. Runs real good. " SEE IF THEY AR~N'T A GOOB BUY AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER 900 West Coast H ighw ay, Newport. Phone LI 8-5545 Some Smart Buys FOR Smart Buyers ! '54 F O RD Country Sedan ...... '. ........................ $2195 2137 Harbor Blvd., Coata Mua ' LI 8-22~6. 46c•8 D<1nahl8'Jn e F 1v.: & Trn tain'l'I chair. Har 461:1.\\', 46..:18 300 M11ln St . RAll)Qa -------------\a;i.;n HAMMOND Spinet organ '53 FORD MaiDttee~l~Goupe ·······-···-··········$1195 ------------~-3_c:_18 AUCTION I ~' fine co111ht1on. lilg sa vings. I Cont Pnlrnt t"rm• at-WIN Anson Jackpot,. g e t your FRIDAY aJte . 1 :io SHA FEH'~ M11~1c co H>tncl' 1907) '62 F ORD Rancb Wagcin. Prlvat r pnrty. 2182 St8tP St, ('nata Mi'H 4&:11 STOP THE Music ~ley &th, at ;~;o~: Fl~~·n. ~.~:: 12H<!J X. SyrnmOJe. Santa Ana Phone Klmb1·1 ly 2·06':'2 blank s at RAY FIELDS u. ~fesa. 6 rmll. ot ht>U!K'hold • goods &: f\Jmnure, mdud1111; SPl:"ET PIA:'\O. The moat beau· Lido W:itc h Repair Vlncrnt Druir~. :1461 Via. UdQ --42c:~~H , BtC\TLES. labl,· ~nlth rad1u, Un<len\ovd typcw11t. r Reml11g- \on rlrr. 11haVl'r F orti tway, dbl. AOltd rO<'k mnpte 1>.,11. !>14 East I Oc:edn 1-·ront. c-ornrr uC Palm, Belboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 36c49 I 20' AMA:>:A ftf'PZf'r Pnf. rnnd. SJOO.-G11regt-••r kltrh••n r11p- bo11nl11. wa~h stan1f11, rluur. pin~ • t able. 11011111 ·1,1n .. <'IH'11t. rhl'ltp H11roo1 1:1•4·.M """s .1•p•9 . . OL·:\' J."<IH SAi.iC 1'11rk1•1 dble. banl'l • .Jrll 1o;a ... hut ,.:un. Exc·~I· Jcnl c11iT(J1t1on. 1·.111 ew 11 Ha1b111 205-WK 47tfr Movie Proiectors FUR RENT S.MM 16-MM a:J.t.nt HOBBY and ~fUOEL AlRPL.ANE St;PPLJES ALSO Crlg~r Countera for renl Mears Camera Shop ra.nge. rdng, wash.•r. Oum·an· t1f11l pia no in th!' world. H1gh1•st f>hyffe dining i;el. bdrm . .titt~ gradl'. All (ru1twood ras,. .lust Ltvtng rm. & kltl"hen aets. 1'ool3. lrkr nl'v.. A b • o 1 u t e I y! This rugs , end t11blt's. etc. H 1mdn~s rlrnn•c romt'S hut onc••. Save or ttenu1. S32~1 Phil H anso n, Auctioneer S.01 t11. Ank All• l111n S<'rVI<'•' 20:J \\'. 17Lh St., S1.1nta Ana KI 3·9<H9. 4 7d8 BEOSTEAD, spring 1rnd mallrc'UC. d•IUbll' S3~ 00 OESK. uffll't•. oak $20.00 Clll::ST nf 5 DHA \\'F.HS . s:. 00 11 •• r . 3626-R or Har. :1a:n. 4t\p48 OANZ·~CH ~UDT Famous Piano !Hor<'. Santa Ana, :.20 Xo. Main. HA LLJCRAf..'"l'ER poi Ul ble marine 1 a•ho re<•tll•t•r. Model S· 72L. new, · t111 l'rt1onal. 11 O·volt and h.1tt• ry C"oinpl"te with battery. S!t~. :'\n tax. ,Frrd Lorenz. :?Or1~ Jlnrh11r Bl\'11 .. <.:n11t11 .Mrsn. LI 11.;i;,n . '16c 18H UEA l ·TfFL/1. l'!telnway 1.\otlr l 8. E-'XCELLE:'\T Mntlltlon • mapl" 1:r !U'l1 piano In pl'rf<'t.t •·ond1llo11. ·I-pr. b<1rm. S\•l, <lrvan and rha1r.I Save·'""'' holf •Jf ri.:w pm'" at & ml!rPllaneu11s. Rf'a~•ln bly. SHAFER·s Mu111r (.'o ($1nre 1907) prHl('tl. l'h, Harbor IO!l:!·R 1\(1('1 421-1>!3 N . S)'<'llll1UI'", St•?ta Ana ~ .J'I n1 41ir l8 f'hnn .. Klmb<'rly 2·0672. '3-Boat&, 8op_p_Uee ___ _ See Baldwin Piano 11 rr BOAT 11e TRAILER :-.1ark & Organ Display 20 M'·r<'111y motor. like .. ~.·,::;; WOODWORTH PIAN. o CO. • HAI bor 2849-R. , "" ---------=-.,.---11Jl8 C<llut Blvd., Corona del Mar (Thaden lnt erlor Bldg,) Har. 3382 68 Uc TRADE lil!2 Newport Blvd .. Co!!ta M!'!I& Phon• Llberty 8·i042. Pr U Beeut1rul in.ft. aux. 11rhoon~r SPJ:"J.:r f'IA:'\OS All wondt'rful Fully rounrl: go anywhere. \\Ill· l>uy1 St1;.rh1h· u~~ manv rent111 i,1J<1· equity 1n propen v nr 1m111l-· • · lr l}(iat. l220 w. Balboa Bh·ri. H•t11m1 One In beautiful E™•ll)'. 30--u1.._llaDeous for Sale .r ' , Fa.mou" namr. This make 1w·J --:'111•w1101t HRr 3032. :l.•tk • ,. 0 l ~3"" Lo I• ., •IY ... an1~... n y ... .,J. ve ; WOOD BORJN\J drill~. counter-l'l-FT GLASS boat &: JO hp :\I• r· .\llr ror TyJI" Spln!"t. only Sl!l-. • -. ' . •ink..s, multl8pur biL .. , augerl! At I rury <"ttbuw r l. Fust t'la~s •·•m•fl· ••n<•tht-r in11pll' flnl11h $:197 U:iP rlo11e'·out prlcu. Hubor Paint 11011 ~12•38lil St., :'\rwp•)rl Bc·h uwri', th" Arro~nnrc Spinet c111ly Center, 412 • 32nd St., Ntwport 4 ltt•' $465. :\I any nth"r 1tn·11t h11~•11. Beach. Har. 2838. •8c:'llh J JOO plan11~ frnm whl<"h to rh<•O.!'t'. T HREE 65·Ct. slips for rrnt, f. ~ nl'w lie 11~11. 2 BltAUTIJl'UL pair llntd ~mu h lie bac k drapes. Large/ yellow month at L1rlo Wh111 r Y11r t l'A l'Z·tiCllMJDT Brg Piano & roeea on white berkground.-I.anding. :l 11 6 \·1a Oporto Ph Or~nn Store, t\20 No. Main, LJberty 8·!'iOo!7. 46c:60 !"Anla AnA Op1•n F"rl. E\'1•. Har. 4. 43-W. 46c48 Cotton-. ru orl wear, ttc. (l'\o a Iteration" 1 Home of t he Ham"lond Oq:aM lll11n.i .. Studio piano 11avt $21;,-, TV SERVICE You ha,·en't lived-'til you've driven the ALL N E W HILLMAN tY11NX SEE ancl DRJVE ht Harvey Mayer Mtrs. 2 I 37 !181 hnr Bl\'d . ('ll~la :\lr"1t or rail for d• mnn1<trat1un ut I.I 8-2256. • 1 ('!)Q :i3 HlLL:lfA:-.' '1 tlr. sedan. Xkc & <'Iran. W<' \\'111 1ako Amrnrun ,·,1r •n 11 Ddr. 21:17 H;i rl•\1 Bl\'•!, ln~t11 1'1 »111\ LI R-22[111 41\r4fj See The All New Hillman Husky $1445 SEF. i111d toRIVI'; nt Harvey Mayer Mtrs. 213; H 11 IJ.,1 l!lwl. r· .. ~1 1 ~lc:-11 or call fer rlemnn•trat1nn al LI 8·22;';6. <I&:~ Xf-:W ·:,;, I.I :'\COL:-;' ( ·11r11. I lh•nl r1111 1 • 1 :-.." 111111o11 1•.i, • r 1h•ll'l1 •. \\·1•1 1 :ik. ""' .. ol hnnt 01 ,,,.(, r '' •d••I t r :-..~ tJ11\\·n J '~ I ,.., ni :-:. , ,, l ~h· II )}l •t .,,n, ~1•t ht ,\-:"'j.t Dhd ll.11 llO!J. 171 l~I ;;-:-,H:Hcn<\' SIRl~'RJ:••n, Holn' btr. u·Url\t·. A 1<!,.al i\l S 1!1:; 2l3; 111!1>111 Bl\'d . C•11<t11 .\lt'•ll q b·::!.itl. •lt;1 .,, MEHC'UHY '17 l:Ll'B ,•ns:inc ,,,. h111lt X•\\' hrak• • W :-i\\, H.tdL. l.lhu tv 8·1\li:.I 1-.,.;,11 11118 TC MG .•tlenl ••md1lh•l1 111\\ t 1rt\:1, tnr anll l<1d•• 1-1 ri't·n~ 1-:•v , lrRI' ~1 3~1t) 11111'. :\fl!) lq, 111 '!>O :s'n·ni-: f"m11r. ~"'' nutn. t rn n,. Go~! 1d111r,. i1ac 1or IP.Os thnn 1. , 1i1i1e bk S.?!I:> •.. 11,11. 1.r s . .i:.x11 I;, I!> • '!53 FOltD .• Malnline 4-dr. Sedan ······-··········-·-•t<M~ '52 FORD C u stom 2-dr. Sedan. F or do ••.•........ $1145 '52 FORD Consul 4-dr . • ·······-.......•. S 545 '52 CHEVROLET deluxe 2-dr. ·-········-·············$1045 '51 FORO deluxe Club Coupe ·-·-·-···-··-······-······$ 695 '51 PONTIAs;,_Catalina. Hy1ra .......• __ _' ........•• $1045 '51 CHEVR6LET deluxe 2-dr. Powerglide .... S 895 '51 FORD. Yict oria. O'drh·e ...... : ...... ..... . •. Sl095 -THEODORE_ ROBINS Your. Fo rd Qealer ~ince 1921 "ON THE MARINERS' MILE'' 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8-3471 SEE THESE Tf P -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY·· ANYTHING 1919 H UDSON 4-dr .. 2 t o ne. Radio & heater. An cxcl'llent transportation car .................. S 4-25 · f953 C HRYSLER lmpC'rial. I -door sedan. 2· ton<' grcc·n. An except ional cn.r w ith all the cxt~as .. .. .......•..... Sl995 1051 CHR~'SLER NC'w Y o rker 4·dr. Light ~n·l'n, a11t1,mat1c ltan)Tiission. R & H. 1 !15 t ,, A onc-nwn(•r c ar -·-. .... .. .. $1245 CHRY~LER New Yorkl'r DC'luxe Club C'pc. 2-lO!J(' gray. Radio. hratcr. power ~tl'.'C'rmg. Xew W.S.W. tires. An exccl- IPnt buy . . ............... ·-·--··-· §..2595 .. LOU REED 1200 Wc!'t Coas t Hig hway. Phone LTbC'rty 8·3186 Used Gar Department .Now .Located at Our 'New Building " .a~Apt.o1. Ii l~o-~:;.::..---~-'.;._~-..__;.A...:p..:;'8._&_· _R_OWIN ____ _ Cabanas Marinas Lido Penins ula . East ~1st St., Npt. Bch. OFJ<:ERS Dd1~htful II\ in~. Apl.·l'aban~. L1t1lttu•is pai~ w ith Yar ht shp a tcurnodatio 1u1. Dally. WN-kly , monthly, )'t'arly. F or appl. or rrsE>rvation. Call H ar. 2092. 34tfo .Mot~r· Oyerhaul NO MONEY DOWN * w.ith this ad * 6 Cyle. 8 Cyls .• ..• . .. $48.88 ···-··--. $58 .88 lnc:tu1lts ltulh labor and parts. Nf'w rin.1t,... wrist pins. vatvf' .:rind. ""f1tt111g11 or 111a1n 11n1l rod be&nnga. E:ll.pt'rl motor l une up. 90-da)' or 4 000 n11I•• guarantee. t NO MO:'\E\' DOW:'\\. REBl'TLT ENGINES CP tQ t :i MQ,.'l:THS TO PAY- Bul!l In our own Cet"lorv bv :-klll~•I mal"hlniste. Don't co.ntt'~d with th11 middle m11n. Buy d11t'C"I. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD . . . ..... ···-.. Sl29.:'>0 CH~VROLET . ...... .. _ $119 M PLY},1. A DODCE . . ........ SI ~!\ CHRYS. & DE SOTO .......... $170 STl'DEUAKE.R ······-···· S170 OLDS .\ POJ'\Tl.AC 6 ............ Sl70 "UJCK ...... -........... 0 75 Jtuo~ON •... -·-··". . ..... Sl7:1 L.tn C'ar Free Towtns NE\\' CAR C~ARANTEE Blt>.k must meet our etandarda P\11 taxea, gaakellf" and oll Opf\ Sunder 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BEU.ES ENGINE RESUILDERS Open DaJl)8 lu 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 Ei.st 3rd St. SA~A AXA • MAY S?ECIAL Foreign Cat Tune-up $3.95 & up Pl1111 part• Jf ne~sary. We pt.ck up & d'lver. Bl!l A WINNER WITH .... -~-~------------~pts.~Hooeee Summer Rentals on U do 1-l• and other fine Harbor honw.. FJ'NE LIDO HOa.11: 3 b. .. Jrouma, 2 b&lhL l"u l'n Ulh I'd. S2~. mo. on lta.11e. \\'111 con111ler renttnr ror aumm•. Furn Apts. tor 1NJ11mer FIJle U do l...o<-a lion Baehtlor• • 1 bdrm. S•oo. s:,oo m onlh Som e rts ht on the Bayrron~ ·Lido Realty Assoc. HOO VI• Lido H arbor U H •tc'I Choice S ummer Rental. on Balboa laland & Lido lele Small • coay or i&JT• ..ti del1111e 17!5 to 1300 month VOG.EL CO. 208 M.ar111e .,,. .. Balboa .lal&nd PJt. Harbor "44 or H&r* 2lal '"'· Har. l 786·R or Har. IO~M •' 8'Ue Garden Court close to ocean and )>ay - Here you'll relax antt play. RE.ASO~ABLE RATICS. Har. 0823 92~ I'.:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 39c~3 ~EARLY :'\EW modt'm 3 bdrm. dupll'x, unrul'ZI., With g-ar•J:I', ro~ta Mraa. Waln pd. No c:h1I· dren. $67.M mo. Call LI 8·1409. 47tfc: • ~DRM vnCurn111fltJ, yrarly lta•f'. on Lldo U OO. pPr. FURN. t ingle a pl $76 on lose nor Lido. 2 . BDRM. parlly furn. vn le&llt'. St 0-0. near Ll1lo. fiausken Moton Inc. Bay & Beach Realty L ido Office 1932 Harbor Bl.vd .. Caina Mesa U berty 8·505.J . 'k~Sh Ji12 Lllfl\Y.1.'llt'. :"'ewport Har bnr 360-\.~v ... Hnrbnr 29911 Just to the rtghl of '12-TraJ.len -. ----------.... --BARCAJN 111~4 H-ft. vacal.tn lr&Jter. almo.t1t new. Birch W°"ll interior. Private party. $80\, Har,'38l2·W, 46p•U ·!)3 BOLER E:'\~E:"<A[)A 22 rt hCtUl't' trailer l.1ke nt'w. Toilet & shwr :-11,., ps : •. S111:.o Sr•• at J991 Nt>wpnrl Ave. C~t11 Me8lj. or call H.;r bor i O·H ('\·~. •i1fc F'OR RJ.::'\T with c•r•llon lo p11r- •'h11.>1• <Jr for !<-JI.• -J rm. •<Jttai:<' tr1'1l••r. elr1 1"111!; Apt Stu\<" tutty furn. Sl,.ep ~. Si!l:.. terms 18th and 0r11 ngt. Costa Mc•'<& 47p.i9 <17-Wanted to Bent Rentals Wanted We need apt_, and ho~ In aJI accttoM ror both wtnler and year·11 lea.au. Film.' tir unturn. • lJ you have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cllt. H\\'y., Newport Bch. Pbone Ulx!rty 8-3481 208 Minne, Balboa Laland P?lene lfarbor H4 2667 E. Coa11l Hy., Corona del Mar t'hont Harbor 17 41 Lido OH!re, 3416 Via Udo Harbor 4971 32Uc L1tlo bridge entranc• 47r4P RENTAL (. SPECIALISTS CaJI Edna Cr-ale ola nche ·Gates , Rltr. 311 Marine A"''• lieboa Island, Har. l•i71 72\tc :'\fl\• DELUXE 2 bdnn duplr x. U1turn. hdwd. fir:! , flrt>pl , gatb. dlto. Sun dtl·kll Laundry roomll. Ca11i.rea, TV 1tnltrin11s Adult.!!, no Ptll. 700A-700B Ar lll'lll, C11- r .. na 1rl M11r. Ow™'r i02 Ar er1n. I Up~ a pl.) Phone Hir. 17311.J . 33ttc Summer Rentals • Excluaivc Bay Fro nta j other cioice prOJ)<'rtica Harbor laland, B&y Shorn, BeA· con Bay, qualified cllenta only. H arbor lnvestment Co. Harbor Jl100 ( l':vo. LI 8·6386 l 27tfc CORO I'> A fJ F;I, MA R·s •111t.1llln1t- lnK 2 bdrm. art. on&n aide Hwy. Vh'lf· Lovrly carp,.t!'d. Uv1ng rm. C<Jrner t1r,..pta•t' Oarti.ge '11•· pow. Pau., & garagt, SI 10. mo. yearly, unturn ~I L.RIEi. Pl~OVER, R.eallor l:aU Hubor f610. '7c4t Balboa Island RF.Fl:'\EIJ itf'nlleman would like In rent 1 brlrm ,rum. apt. ne.ar ocra.n front. Phnne Lllwrtnce 2·1210, E\•e. Har. li~7-R.' 46<'48 11 RDRM. HO 'SE, i;ar. h\· (X'rmon· enl bu~1hr!l11 f'"OJllr LI 8·!>13~1. aflt'r II pm. 1 all LI 8-R:l97. 46r41i Choice )'Hrly and aummer ruatal .. now •vallable. Rft.1 ADLE f A ~II I~ Y nf fi ve dtl· OORlS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine A•e .. Balbo!L lllland Harbor 20 95t!e "'°lll,,ry ncP'1• ru1 n. t1rn1s~. Npt · 48A-Apt1. f or ~pt B~,. by lllnnlh ur yrar. Must · ------ Va\tp wlnl "r r~nt/l I bl'fort Jun J2. lier 4367·M 4tlr48 f..~t ·nN•1111tll ho11se or apt .. ye11r· ly ft'\¥1, hy bochelnr In 811.l· boa. ~nn11 or Nl!'.vl"ort llrea. Rental'<> SIOO mo. Write Box 1·71. Ill, f'Rper or ph<•ne HAr 2628 .. v. 'ni:ic. ~61'48 List Y\u r Ren tals Lido Bayfront NEW 3 bdrms., 2 baths, Immacu- lately tum. apt. IMM1-:r11 A T l': 01 < upancy tor 6 mo. l'"IH•tl A pr 2/\1 h to Od. 281 h. S2JWI Phone Harbor t\268-R tor app't 46p48 HALLICRAFTER portable ll1111111P riu1tr1 rrt<esv('r. Mod••I ~· 7:!1J n!•\\'. chrt'rt ional. I l!l·voll nnd ballrry. Comrlcte with bBttl'ry. S!l~. :'\o ·t11ic F1 ,.,, l.Ar,,nz. 2or,r, H11rb1•r Bl\'<J . \ ·ol!t 8 Me~~ I.I 8-3:i72 41lr I H WE RF::-;"T portRble rernrd pl:iyrrs lt.ampl1fler11, alao P. A. ~ystl'tns. STEVENS Rn<I SONS •5,1 s n·or. ,.. R»l(BI er" ,, it•• •h .. h: r r11•l tn W \\'. v .. ry l"f• a.n IAk" lrn<!r P1 v. pnrt\• f>hon• Har. :1oz1 Jay,.._l.J 6-f;9il C'\'t' ---------------------WITH 1 ·~ \\ h ;i\'P i:••t>d l•nOntl w111t1n,... f<Jr <ilh pe rmrrntnl 1:i1I !'Ulnlll•·r rtnoJ!' l :"'C'LI ·r•E!' ••nl irr 1umm"r .. u on. :"'r1 1..:t~ Xu ch1lltri·n. Sh<l'\'ll hy "l'I"''"' m"nt nnly. ANTIQUES -Old tumllure, cut 1lua. amp•. old plctur ... clocu l'lc. B..,...m. ,...iore. Bll Illa· cowii. to de&len. Charlie Da Via, 1806 E. Anaheim St., Lontr S.acll. &!>0-139. 20ll< POOOR01D LAND camera 6 a.c:- cHaOr1t'._ uaecs ooJy for a nlm&. Flub, meter. value j l 1 T.~. Bu. pin 17~. Har. 0863·R.. O cta NllW BEIGE raw •Ilk llraper1r1 for la~• lJ~ room. Bell for ha.ll pnc.. tLI WOOi. • 4k48 l!IOl""T'H BEND 9x3 ~ Q. C. t>Mch llltht. Uatd 2 ~·Mka only. \\1th or without pr<><1uctlnn toolin~. ~~"· bl ~!I, Ha:r;-3+!'12. Or~ lt6-0 OJBSO:'\ 9 ft rt'fHg. Xlnt. condtUon 16!>. 209·20lb Strut. ~ 03~1-W. • 47p48 CHRYSLER Marine r nl!'ln•'. ~ 1 J lo l rrduc:tion ~car. REFRlCERATOR. 110 wilt D C. SEE JACK HARPER 1et Lido Shlpyarol, rr.J oC 31l!l S!rrf't, ~ .. wporl Brat h WlCc SLIP RENTALS Maximum ·beam S', length 32' Al.SO ROWBOAT R!:XTALS A~fERtCA:-J LEGTON H ALL l6th A: Bay'frunt, Harbor 4!52. :-.r wport llf'BCh Pl-Ml l 79 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mr~n Liberty 8-2301. 32lfcpp LOV!:LY Bt..'XOALOW upright piano In tine con!Jlllon. Terms !2!> 75 down & SP.I!> per m o 111 SHAF F.R'S :\~us1cCo. ISfnn• 191171 •2l·~23 :". Syramor1> .• S1'nta AnR Phc>ne Klmbtrly 2·06i2 Pt.:RE BRED lrt1h water apar.tt>i., ror .14Lle. Flnrst e-un dora. wnn· dcrflll ptL, ror children. Phonr 1..1 btrly 8·8 26. 43ci8 ~Mllltlcal, Radio, & T \• _ cr Tp; C"o<'krr pup11 HAMMO:"D O'RGA:"'S us•<l A LT 8·1310, attrr 4 pm. n~ rArt' opportunity. O~ninu~ rhOTl! n. per Pct ron'11tl'1n &.0--Autoe ..;d ~ One f.illmmom1 ~r•n•'I Or,:·11n. i kl'\'bo11rds. Don't w111l 1! vn11 wl~b to maste a f ood saving. 1•n the world'• finest organ~ DJ\:"'Z-SCH~nDT Hnm~ , r th• Hiunmnnd Ors1U1. 6W Xu M.11n a ana Ana., Ooot1 lt>m11. ., At.'STI=" TI EALEY l\•o tonr blut'. Heater. tonn covti': wlrl' Whffl1. Radio, <>-,9rln. See eud 'drive Ulla ont' • 213i Hl\rbor Bh·d., Coat.a )fua u 8·22~ 40c'8 17 .. 10 ~4 TRtt.>tPH TR2 rrd. exc<'llenl ronJitton, S~. mont!. lnw dvwn p:iympnL Bank f11111nrm~ 213i Harbor Bl\'J., Cost11 MC!l!J1 LI 8-2256. •6c4~ U -Auto &nice A t:rENTION Nash. Hudson owners R~-Hahrrs-'Carage A•1thniizn1J f'11ru & Strvlr e ni.,o Coor! Tran,pnrt11tlon C11r1 For Sale Auto Radio Repair '409 E~ 29th St. Ny i><>rt Boch, Har. 4\2!5. 1!5Uo -WE DON 'T SEcL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars ·53 BUICK Super-Riviera, S harp! ·53 FORD Custom 4-dr. R & H, O'drive. A cream puff! 52 MERCURY Monterey; 4-dr. Manual ahirt. Above average. • '52 BUICK Convert. coupe. Dyna .. R Ir H, A·l. '51 BUlCK Roadma8ter 4-dr. D y na. R & H . A beauty! See..ua ... Jor -a..real ~I-on -a NEW '55 BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Nev.iport Blvd., Newport Buch Har. 5021 (A few blb ~of Newport City Hall) ' Rex Rec,, Realto r 2:tn7 \\'" 'BlllbO fllvtl ~ .. wp••rl Harh'lr :\t "06'~J'j3r !•"Ii t'illr 43-AptL & 8~ for Keat COROXA flEL MA , 2 bdrm ~artly turn. hnuae, o~ tu 11h11p· , plnr end be&• h, I\, mo. ,,n yn r'• '"""" ~16 Ftrt er. <"OM Uberty 8·8683 . 48c6~ DR • 1.\.--.,:: 2 B l\!S. unfl1m . JtRr9\ •tovei refrt~. Wat"r paid. I !\Id 0 k 7:0.3 W 19th SI. C'nllt'.M"H I.I 8·11f'11 ~_!:I 8·3:1 10. 4Hll" = r ----r- • UDO IS LE tTNP'URl"ISHltn, yurly leu ~ bdrm .. 2 bath, living room 2~. 2 paUo• ,comer 2 1tradu , 1, ~month.. • B&y Ir: 'Beach ~lty JOO W. Balboa Blvd~ Balba. Rubor l~'i HMWOH l~Vf;:o;T~n::-.'"J' CO l'hon• H11r 111110 fl'Vt·11 H11r. 12101 . O tfo Newport Island Waterfront Summer Rental.a RA TES by week, month or M&l\On. 37ot Channel P l. Har. 1217·J •1tto YEARLY unrurn. l bdrm. a pt , wlth irarai<' Balboll laland. ,Hllr. 211.~~-W nr Lrbt•rty l _.4:18, 11\tfo eo~'TA NJ'E!A, :1 rm. •pl., turn. or unrurn .. Int lud., ut1Uuu . r.1111 HYatt •-4!!57;' 28Uo \'£ARLY L.EASE-Pen!Nllla •Pl. N,.w 2 bdrm, u1;1furn. tiwve "'"" refrtf. If neede.d. Wuher, dry .. r, rarage S•,. <JWntr day1 I F ri , Sa l. • Sun I 16~2 Miramar. fj11 l- boa, t:vu. Ph. KE.11tone 1-n21. 6lc.60 . ~ . ., \ ,: .CRA-A11t~. ftrr Rent 4Cbannlntt Harbo~ Ha\•en , Apartments • Patios I "'F;W 4 ROOM. stnol't lenl. ?':ear , M'hoola. &hopping dl~ll lrt. Quiet, I pll'&1anl . ~11t,clu•lve. Oa.rbaite di .. I rosal. limnrlry. lltorago room11. j · s:ara~t'. (S82.50 up. Occuplu en· I Ure etl't't't, Coorl 1JUpcn '11lon BUSINESS OPPORTUNllJES. t OWNER R!:TURNED TO HOSPITAL says reduce BALBOA ISLAND .BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm .. 2 bath home near. villag~. -Stueti'o type liv. rm .. frpl. din. rm .• lge .. patio with BBQ. Dbl. gar. Comp'I furn. in xlnt. tute. $29,500 M1o1r . JdUJ Hllvrn Plac. 1 1 Bloa.k Sr.uUi o.t Hl&b School , ., AL. n Fl'R:>;J.:;HEI" Al'TR. \\'t:>;TER RATF.S :iuc: B Y MO~TH ()ft Yl!:A R-nn \\'II· tnfront f'urn 2 bdml. ttpt S::"'r· 11i;c. L~t'. fPlll'••d yar<1 3:'1tl7 Yin· 1 1 I••\', ~Pwt>n1 1 Brh. Hsr. :1781-J <18prio . t his 50 scat Restaurant with $20,000 worth or equ.i.p- ment to S9.000 for qui ck Hale. Doing good busineu. COFFEE SHOr scats 26 -shows $26 .. 000 grou - newly decoratrd -goo<l equipment. Open for A Reu onable offer. Nt:RSERY -landscaping contract s. Well cst.ablish· ed retail bu.s1ncu -shows $45,000 grO&S. fteot $7:) mo. Asking Sl5.000. For lhN'e and oth·ers see - The Vogel Company· 32& W. Coast Highway. Liberty 8-34!1 Newport Beach Eves. Liberty 8-3580 V_N_F_U_' n_::.._·_1 S-l::IB-.U-.--2.-b-r_d_r_<_l o m I 11purlm1·nl wll h i;a1ai;e. ldl'al Jr.c1t1on ror comb1Datlon llvin" 1 an1 1ilficc spaco ur &!I 11rtu." ------------------------ 11pac. lXC'IU11l\'PI~· Apply 4~6 32nd M . :>;pt. B1·h 48""10 N F:W VERY ATTRACTIVE rum. apt. c;arbnge cll3p0~a.I. $70 tnrl. utlllth·s rn •" ntcr of Corona <ltl Mar. liar 0 ~·3-R J(ltfo Di stributorship Franchise LOANS for Homes 1 (l')'d -20 yr. Lot.Ila LIBERAL TERM.$ lf dcaired. OWNER SAYS SELL r EXCL:USIVE BAY SHORES THIS WEE{<'S ~EADER! Opportunity knock.a again! Join the am.a.rt aet and move Into a JJ!e-time or comfortable Uv1ng tn tb.is 2 bdrm .. 2 baut.beauty. Gorgeou11 patic>-<ilntng lanai. Priced right $24,750 with ·term• to auit. Corona del Mar -Ocean Front Gorgeous 4 bdrm .. 2 bath beauty. 2 fireplaces, elec. kitchen, lots of flagst one, F. A. heat. WOND~FUL BUY WITH LIEETIME VIEW! $36,7~ -g~ terms. MARINERS ISLE R~AL TY 318 Marine Av.e., Balboa Island Harbor 4781 HARBOR APTS. Modern furnished a pts. day, week or month N ear bu1. ~tores It bay. Reu onable rate&. 104 E. Bey Ave .. BALBOA Harbor :,311 l 7tfc !"AT L. C:O~tPAN'i. now 1.11:ccpt· 1ng apphcat1on1 for dlstrtbutur· ~hip!! 111 this a.r1'8, Our brand new & t!lffen·nt, proi:t'llm Is l\O 11en.sattonall. that 9 nut o r evPl'y 10 who 11e1• our produrts anrt rPvolu· t 1un:tr\' met hod • •! merchandis· ing "~int 11. franch!!lf• Construction ~oans i SEE BOB SATTLi:R ___________ _.... ___________ _ 2515 EAST COAST BLVD. Now i's THE TIME ! ! ! JUST arrived Jrf the Harbor 1lrO ! Ideal for working man or. wo- man -S111gle apt w1lh kllC:hen- <'l l.e, TV, pr1Y'llte bath, m 1u d l'er- v•ce, ulll. pt!. w.-.. kly rah•11. 2:106 \\'. Ot'"Hn Front. :>;ewport B1·h. 35t!c• KXCEP'l'. ;l;ICE !!'Ont J bdrm ! bungalow duplrx 1o;ar. la11n<Jry room, dra»es. \Ya ter pd. Qull'l I birt cloi;e t•i bu:.: dist So•e to 11ppr1•r :.!38 Rm h••.,ter. C M I LJ berty IH\9i:l 17c4fl 48U-Houaea for Rent LIDO ISLE 2 YEARLY RE~TALS U:>;Ft:R:\. J. 2 ht'ctn><im11. '..! batlu1. 2 4 bt•drtllllllS, 2 buth~. c '111>11 •· 101 nt l1in~. EARL W. STANLE Y, Realtor 3113 )';,·wpm t UJ\·11, l'\ewµu1 l Ud1 , H.11bur llll:l • 40ll~ I\'"EW ne\·cr (;>('CUpicd J-'l'H ~ \\' \\' 1.1qwts, 2 IKJrm &. •I• n b.11h & "•. l'11v. UU(./ & JJ11llo. f01re<1 air heat. Altracti\'1• I l•1h1• 4~7-1~9 ~lornmg 1 ·.111~un H uad, <.:ornna lid Mar. I 150 SUMMER RENTAL Ex• l111>l\'e Bayf1 •ml home'. R1•11 1·tni ~ny,, uvil.Jlable" fur July & Au· gust. B•»llltifully furnishPrt . .C.11r· THIS E~TERP,RISE will a~nlutP· I)' i.tand your n i:1J lnvl'Stl{(&loun ali.o your bank1·r·.~ u1'provnl. ll urfrrs -.·urlly, Jlt'rniantnce & mrnme 11bo\•e $20,000 Clr!"t )'t'IH . t•1 parth·.s .. elt-<"t• d. AppllcantlS nerd nnt be exprrll'nreJ as wP pref Pr to U'lltn under our pronn metho.ls. TO QUALIJo'Y You must have good cre41t and lha1 Rclt'r referencl'lt, be al.II,• tu foll<JW tour plan1 to the T. Dl•· vote Cull time to this· bws111eirs. and 11upply S:l,9115 cuh to M>~ure lmt:al 1n\ entory. \THIS IS :>;OT VE:'\OIXOJ !':l:\Ct::KE l'ERSO:>;S de111rink u pruftlabl" lift long IJuM11t .,. wl.11 m1•et th•• ahove 1pmlit1ra- ll•rnH an• lnvll•·tl l•> r•·ph S1•11ll ·bnt>C r e~ume· & phunc 1nimh••r'lu WEST CUAS'r RECIO~AL DIREl"'rOR \\'rite liox B·64 lh•~ n• W>Jl•lfll.'r &. p1•1,,1.11al mt.-1'\'W\\' "111 11;.• .11 • rangl'd T hi" 11 .. 1\' \\•'II ho: 111• lt1ltl ail ytoU l'V\'r no•t'tl BO~\\'\ r. Manufacturing l"RUF ITABLE It gmwlng, h1o:ht n1°•t;il flfUdllC'IS. with n.it'I, s.oll'~ pu11sihili\µ'•. :"\t:Ji:fl partner with mfg. o r ~11ltJ1 • """"' n1·e. SI0,000 i t>q1.Ure1J Harbor H67. l it·J!I ..... J:uu'" JL•pui<al. Ji:.hwa~h•r. J l.'<P ,,,.. zt·. 2-rer gerogr A1l11lt11, no J•r•t:<. ,0Har. 2.JiJ. courte11y to------.-------ag••nL,. .Jlllc Bl'S <..:OMPA:\Y w 111i long lcm1 __ 1 ~nrhllle In fast i;ro"'•l nlt' Costa F Oi! U :.\SF 'J•Ml'Sll. Phone O\\'.:-;'EH, Llbe.rly T\\O IJl::AL'TIFL'L new Irvine T• rrau· unrurn. view hOn1t•8, :I UI 1H~IS .. 2 bathe anJ . 2 w-:rnnts , :.i hnth • l'11ll II 1rb•·1· 1;;;, 1w H arbor ~ t~8. ~:AHi, \\" STAXt:lo:\'; H"oltnr 11'\'ll•" Tt•rrnl'!' Uff111• r ·1,i n11a ,1. 1 l\lnr. 3:itrc Jo't.:n.x 1 J.;IJ•tM. HOt.:si-:;, 1·t1ron11 I .1..i M1tr $7:, ~JI\'. P h. LI 8-712i 4id8 2 Ill •I :.\I unf\1111. 111 us,., 1:11ra~·· 111 t·"~''' ~1• ~.~ Hr•a l'h 1-\l ~1·!•fl2*• ';'c~ll 8·3663 or LI bt'i I\· !!·622:1 I 7c t!I :»A-Business Op'tit!lt Wanted -------------- \\'ISH TO 8{.;Y Into RmA ll b11,,i111>s11 Newport. Balboa, Lf•i::una an>a. prc•f••rably n~~nne ha1 dw11r11 1•r i'lllllJlht.'~ or? As woi k111g f!Rtl· no•r. Suhr111t o!frrs 10 Box H -i O. this papt•r -16pill -19-Room_. to Rent. S:O.IA LL ~in~le r••um fur w111kmg mun. Comrortabl•• "'''· hot ond 1'11lrl v. lll'l'r, Si wk l•riv Pntr 123·2llth St. !'\rwport B1•uch :iipp33 l'Sl-TH;l;J:-Hl-:IJ :1 bt>•lrm. C111,.n8 111.ichlRnJs fllnnl~· h<>llh' \\' \\' 11111" ting. dr RJ>•'••· r:nzy ui1ecl J 11111 k 11r.·p hH'!', 1 11 1~c1I hl':irth, ------------ "" 1 Ii pnn\'lPd kit< h1 n. Oc11nn 50--Rent, Mi!IC. \'If'"" lee. Y•t1d. Stu\c. 1c1 11g.. ---------- ., .. 1,.11 .. ,1,r washer 111ch11,k.t If C::AHACJ:: FOil RE:'\T at :11:'! l'11r· tfl'i<ll • I S t>" nnw 6114 Rt II\\ 31 cl I 1'1"1111• ,\\'I' • 1 'uri•nf\ dl'I ~II' r 1: .. .ttl. r"'''"·' ti• I ~lnr f'h HYRtt llA1IJ<1r :.!1111'1-.1. 471·1!1 •1·"•6'• t Jitfc Corona del Mar Harbor :.1888 Rep. POTRlER MORTOAGE co. Noffh Bau Front Metro Lite Irw. ~c:11 KI. 3-(118(1 __ u _ .i. _ ' 48ttc Oversize pier a.rid float. • NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REF'L~ANCE CO~STRUCTION Call Cor Free Fast Commitmen.ts on Re.11ldences and Umta only Don I. Huddleston li3 E . 17th St. COSTA M.ES~ LI 8-5M 1 U 8·6562 WOULD l!Xe to buy lit &nd 2nd Trust. Duds. Cllll Har. 2326 1" ~ 48Uc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. S50. to Si 50. or more. One day service A ppliration may be moJ e 1n plt· aon, by phone or by mail. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1808 Harbor BlvJ .. C'1Jsta Mesa 1.1 8-77:!1 --C>prn F riday• 1111 8 Closed SaturJ ay11-4lt!c W AJllS T U .BUl.LJ.l. lXPROVE BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REYI.N.UilC& We Buy Tn.lft Oeedli NEWPU'RT BA.LB0A SA VINCS & WAJll ASSOC1AT10 N 3368 VI& U do. Ph. Ht.r. A.200 Uo REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-5 'h % Loa.na quJc.kJy made' ln lhe Bay Area and Costa MeaL Slngle or multiple unit.I. New or old. Be w111e and nve by re·!lnanclng your present loan. Mini.mum ex· pen1e. No charg-e for prellml· nary appraisal. Phone Santa Ana Klmb<'rly 3-69:13 or write ARTHUR A. MAY .Mortgate Loan Col'Teepondent Occidental Ufe ln.rUn.nc.e Co. 1133 South Ma.In Sa.nta Ana pp 57-Real Estate Wanted •WANTED • \\'F: :..."'E'ED ?l:ewport and R11lbo11 11.'•tlnj::J of lots, lfum1•11 1111d In· •"•>me property. Multiple or nnn· The houae ia sturdy-but needs an artist'• touch to make a beautiful Bay Front home. An Income unit m\Y be added ;with ,little e'tpense -$45,000. 3 choice homes on the · Little Island $28,500 -$45,000 • 0 0 R I S BR A Y, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Chet Saliabury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa hland . BEST RANCH HOUSE Buv· It+ NEWPORT HEIGHTS J It's a shake root typical ranch type 3 bdrm. horn!. Has F: i baths. dining room. break.fast room, l~rge living room with massive rireplace.II'hermodor elec- tric range & oven, beamed ceilings, cedar panelled wallil. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. lt'a fenced JLDd lanct.caped and hu a -patio. Space prohibits the mentioning ot the many other features except to add that it is surr-0unded with quality built ranch homes. Priced definitely below nlue at $23,750 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport Bea.ch ' Phone Llberty 8-2664 or eves. LI 8-6300 Sail Boat Races From Your Den You'll be amazed at the magnificent view from t.hia outstanding 3 bdrm. and den Cliff Haven Home on & 108 · front level lot NOT leasehold. It hu 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, separate dining room, beautiful• living room, breakfast nook in a large kitchen. Lots of cupboard space. Lovely f enced playyard for children with patio. Reduced to $32,500. Let us try any reasonable offer. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Eves. Llberty 8-3580 This ls Value -... On BALBOA ISLAND we offer exclusively an unu.s- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful li\'ing room, large dining room. Maximum square footage. Cose to besL.bea.ch. Can onlf ~ appreciated by inspection. Call•Harbor 1775· Eves. Harbor 5359 rnultiple lli'!tmg. _ AVAILABLE Now ,3 OF).;ICE ~pa1·cs r11r 1 .. a.i,c. Ap· ~" Cna<>I Rc·•lt\· 8r l n \I Co EARL W STANLEY R aJt pr11)1... li'x3:i ""'h. ln Udo Shop· Joi Ms~ St ... BHlhoa . H~r. 21l31J • 1 e Or v1-:H\' :'\11'1-~:: holr111 11nru1n. h>1<' pm,; 11rr11 .-,no \'1a ~lalf11f'l. llnr. 46r~8 1 225 Marine A\'e., Balboa Island , ;-...., 1r I.id·• 1<l1••1'l'"~J:' c1•ntt:1 FA. I :u:i~. t!'Jtfc ' h .. n1, lll•'Pla• "· i.:ai bR).!!' d11oJ"1~a1, , , . • -· U ;.;\SE with opttrm to huy mo<lr1n .. 1lt•hn111l't• r. •!1111hlt• l(arai:• \'1ly.1 T\\ n lrOO.'lt Of'FIC f. S' '' nwnr h 'l bedroom home w1lh view --1 B "Id H t I t 1··11•·· ~1111 onu. '" H"r· n~ihl·· ~.l'~r:'=". HA Rn~:-TY: Hrnl'.' I I Approx. $20000. J. t. RATE~. \JI a ome on yolar vacan , 0 fl•·• pl.. _.,11-:io;e,~port Bh" · :-.; rt. fl_ 11 "1 363 £'11sartcn.1 A \'c. So. l'u~a-AND DERIVE aome income from that lnveatment < • 1\ I.I, • "n• r, LL ~ .1:.511 1 .. 1 11pp t, 11.u bor 4. ls. 1" L I ,!,•1111, Cnllf. PY 1 ·:?06:). 46p48 l7r'•:? 1244 sq. ft. home. -····· .. ·-···-·-···-............... , ___ .. $9-100 ------------LA1:1;i:: Ho :o.11-: rnr r cn~ ''" lf,11111-r l F ully financed. 19 yr. Bldg. & Loan. 1:-; FHl-:EnOM HOME ARF',A -Bh·.t · \<>slit M"iia. 61111 1111'' r..r GO A Commerci~ lndo trlaJ · URA:"\ I' ~I-:\\' 3 b<lr111. horn .. tin· honi·· .~ hu~inesi<• nr p11 l••"lt f\, _.:..__. 8 Forced air heat. Hwd. floors. (111 n . $7:1. n11t11tll. R'"'""nablt·. Lo>a~ .. -.', ""~'""'"'! M-1 CORN~R Individual GI 100~ financing.• 3 m 1H:o.t. HO ME ~t,,,.,. & • 1•f111o:. 1 '1111 ''" n· r, 1•1 i...:1:'\. -l'>tfl $ 7950 . State Veteran $8500 3 ~·fi -$49 month. $!•0. month Pl'onr l,lb1·1 ly 8·366:1. C c-to 53-A-Hi.ioess Rt'nt.abt MARSHALb HOMES 1:.~. ~to. Yl:.l,Y. miccoratt>d un-AVAlt..ABLE -A bout lilJOO "'l Models open -Newport Blvd. & Mitchell, Tusti~ · 1:?7·fL frontage on Pltwentln cor-3->n"KI 2 3569 L 8 073 ~ ll~u nun. 1"nll•!i!«'. Uvin)( rm., d1r.1n1o: ft. hi; ht Industry spar e on l~t &: ner C\! :?Oth. 70.fl, d• ep. Top 1,.. Kl 7 · <.,po>-• & (Eves. I -4 ) , le.,~ 1111 , kltC'hrn~l•'o 2 bdrm , h1•t :lntl: 1 loor. L'. S H1i.:hwny IOI clltlon • the bell buy In Costa --- llhowtr. Gas 11nd w11tt r rnul , 11nd Bay F)ontage. \\'ill ll'M C nil .Mus ,,, Hurb"r J!l2,1·~1. 9 17C 1~ 1•r RJW part I< rrmodrl lo i<uil t t'nu nl. Vni:tl \C\, 3116 Via L11to I 17 A . S-ta A .,, l L AHta : HOM!:: for rrnt nn Harbv1 I Harbor l9il. :.!Strc cres. an na •n· Blvd., Costa Mt>H Su1t.1ble for ' I Level. powl'r, 1ewera1tf'. wnter. home tl: bll'•lnl'M or prt1f• :111111n AV AJLABLE Near So. Pac1f1c R. R , e.Jl or R1'Al't>n!lbl1' Lcwi1• r11ns11lt1Ptl I , po.rt. Sale M leu r. Cilll own<'r, LI 8-3:i72 48trc NEW STOR E ULOG. l:!Oll ~'l rt. ''flPMlte Hntboa Bay nub. Amr le Greenleaf-Severt.e Realty CORONA DEL Mi\R p11iklni; l'h. Ll 8-l:l7:l :1~11'4 h 3112 New.po1l Bl., New}'ort &11ch A'M'RACTIVE unturn. 'J hdrm. ~ Hu bor 2~ (t\INI, Ll 8-3186) homf', new!\· dri·oratect. 3 illl<•l l' -t;luslflcxl Ac.ls a ce read by folk• ~m oc!'l\.it. Yetrly rrnlJtl _1 who~eally looking to buy. 217 Lark~flur. COM nr H11r. :.~60 1 " • ~ 1·50 60-A • Corn.me~lal. lndostrlaJ 60-A • Commercial. lndnatrlaJ 48C-Traller Spa<.'e Trailer Space 8 1'.Al'E .A.I!PR.OVJ:'O for Cllbfuwl. l11 ri: .... 1t1111. 1rnre for .·u~tt'm loll'. Eiwlmmtnit r ool by Ji:nr 1 ~t ,' Arlulll " r hlldtt.n o\·cr l oft. l.IDQ \.'!Lt.AGE, •no 3llt St.. l'>t'wp<wt Brarh. 34c48 I N O F.XTHA rherci· fvr c hlloh·rn t,, ptorn111nl'nt tcnnnts :,1l.ft. 11r a t1 ' I F'.nrt .•r""' '.1. :l•lx64' 11parl". Sunny Arri'•, 1 1~ E \\ clN>n, CM 4;, Ill ATT E N'T I ON Ow11er Op<'rators -Im·cst.oni -SpecuJaton Here's a Steal ! F'OR SALE OR LEASE Hub C'lf Boomin g Bus~ncss Centre Modrrn 2-store bldg. C-1 location, street to alle.)1-. approx. 2600 s q. fL Fireproof, roughed In for plumb· Ing a nd winng for af!t.8. or offices above. Next to a S'.!'.!5.000 <'ntl'rp~sc. &e to appreciate. Phone Har. 5093 for appointment. Cou.rtetiy to broken. 48p60 .. ,,-;· Just Enjoy the Income from thJs excellent property (no rent to pay ). L<><:ated in choice rental diatrict, 100 ft. trom qcean. There are 3 units -a new duplex and a 5-room house on 2 lots. 2 unit.a are furnished and rented_ on yearly baais. Owner's home available now. Three garages on alley. Present Income can be aubatan· tially increued. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 .EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd.,· Newport Bea.ch Harbor 1013 Put Pep In th• PocJcetbook by Putting Profitable W&nt Ada to Work • "t 61-Beal r...tat.e kchu.p BIO BEAR LA.D-Alm09t two &erNI, Metcalf Bay, 2 new ~ab­ ln.t, I older. U.S.ltt partt. Pro- pane pa l}'9tAm. aJectrtclty, bot and coW watn, private welle 111'1lh plent7 of wat.r. Ideal Joc.tlon. $13,760. tarm-. OI' Will trade for Harbor area pro~rty. Chad Twlchell. Hattx>r 3975, n-. Barbor 1317..J, •3c4& "' ' l \. ·1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART fV • PAGE 5 ---~----1 THURSDAYJ MAY 5, 1'51 . Open House a-RMI tA&ate a 11 .. 1 r.taae 10 a.m. -8 p.m. De Corona Anza Dr. Highlands T HREE C\r tuur bfdrnu... 2 ba_tha. marnll1cent lcltrhen • dinlnc rooll\: 2000 ft. plu1 a:-n&Ce· Sra \'li'Wll. Builder will Hll thi. beuM at a vtry r-nable prll.'e It JoOd terms. M1y ta.ke eome 'trade. Phone Hu.•41125·11<. ill[O DEAR PUBLIC: If you want to sell In a hurry, Without any trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor,' lnsjsting On :Multiple Listing. BY OWNER EARLY AMf RICAN ranch ltyle. 3 bdrm., tile baths. Newport Hafbor Board of . Realtors CO:O.tP LET£LY F ENCED RAISED u.~crt brkk f1rcplare BEAM CElW.:00:0. KNOTTY PINE kitchen, garb. d1spou l. LA.NDSCAPltD. PRJOE 116,000. JJrlck PaUo. Costa Mesa Ll 8-!\766 47c49 Cut.. lie coiy home -2 bdrm. It pai\eleJ Oen w llh fireplace. wall to wall carpet. Very CIOH In. $13,000. Phone ~rty 8-6282. 23ttc $13,000, FOR SA.LE BY OWNER a bdrm&., dln. nn., at i.chtd pr· are. w to W ca.rpeUng, hwd. tlni., Therm<*tat heat, g~b. d111p kitchen tan. lncludlng nearly new auto. waaher A dryer, retrlg & gu rang l'. $ 1500 dn.. S7000 C I loan. W11.i consider 2nd con- lracL 329 Broad~y. Com Mesa. ~Oc52 . • • 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach . 4etto • BAY SHORES pen House ·Sa • EXCLUSIVE LIS'ttNG • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Or • Bay Shoret1' Cleverest Ranch Type Home • • 2 bdrm., rai8ed uaed brick fireplace, d!ahwa.sher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Cmlshed rock lawn. Full price $23,~. t.erma. .AND • 2601 Bay Shore. Drive • 3 bdrma., 2 baths, bay view home -All electric house. Built-in range le oven. Carpcted"8-nd drap-BT OWNER ,-3 bdrm., cloae t o &hopping, elc .• on quiet St. Hwd. ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relationa Of' tlr1.1 fenc:fld lot, aewera, prb. friends. FUll price $29,~ -Terma. d~p .. alley rear. Room for In-For preview ahowing, C411 Harbor 1600 - come. New paJnt. 4 ~~ loan at 164 per mo .. Including tax~ It . (Evea. Llberty 8-5386)' lnau. Price $13,260. 1189 Pllrk_1 HARBOR INVE.STMENT CO REALTORS Drive, Costa Mesa. 40t!c . • , · I Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Bay Front Income · 3 ~:~~;~·,~:::£.·~~~:: Corona ~ighlands Vogel Value Balboa. Creslvit'w 18646. Cour· ~ tuy t o broker" 13Uc BRAND NEW -VIEW HOME 343 Ramona Place • BEDROOMS, 2 bat hs. Brand new, large lut on Circle 1t reeL ntxl door to New p0rt School. $1 ,900 down, full prlcr- $ 12, 350 C ALL' owner a t U berty 8-6i61 or Liberty 8-UOI. fTeff Newport Beach 2 BDRM. tum . beach home '2 blk. lO ocnan. .Full Price $5,950 Homer Shafer, R1tr. 106 'McF aJden Pl., l'>pt. Br h. Harbor HU. l'\ltl! Har .. 1137-M or Harbor 2629-~t FO:~~LEK~~~~l~;~ op-' t1on lo buy. A ttractive 2 bdrm . 1 " den, beam ceilings, hlrr e view lot. Clift H aven. Owner, Long &ach 900·3 I 7. 39p62H HOt:SE J,.OR SALE: - 5 ROOMS, 2 bedrc•om•. tlreplare Tlle 111nk. palto, Obi i;a rogc. o k for btulohn.: apt. i 11 Jns A vc., Coron" dtl Mar ,.2,000. OwnC'r. Phone ATiantic l-~983. 47c50 -on Irvine Ave. Lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. New wall to wall carpeting end tra· vPr11e drapertu Block wall and la.nllscapt fl. s 1:i,Tr10. Ow nrr. LI g.6~~STA MES:c 57 H I Fum . 2 bdnn. home, wall t.o wall <:s rpet, hw<'I. tlr11., ct mrnt patio, I fenced yard, aewen1 1.n. Full price 1 19.(100. n .1i5. do\\-n. u 8·2122 I 3~t8H look ~ at this · s bdrm... hwll. rloor11. r1replarl. dh1po111l. W 1rc1I for eleclrlc 11t•ve. Fenrctf, located at 2!)~9 1 Fllln\"oy Dr. Co~la Ml'i.tll. • $1 1 ,2~111 Ph. llnr a·,41.J. 39tlc CORONA DEL MAR 1 CHOICE l..OT on I .11rk1>pur. 1 '• blk. from l he ore;m, $5,7:'10 STANLE Y A. SMITH, Rltor. 26~ i t:. < 'QllSt Hwy • <.:orur.11 11• I M11r. H~rhor 882. 4 i1 I!• BY ·OWNER Corona Hlghlanc:la -3 bdnn.. 2 I 1>9\h tarmhouae. FHA. c<1mmit· m.nt. Ph. H1rbor 'i8·J 119l fc LAROE LOT on (;llf r Drive In Clift Haven. A.I.SO CO ft. 1treet to 11trcet lot on Genoa LI.do ll1c and C·2 lot on :-tev.~n. BlYd. Mre. Ah.rtn11, Har. Ollll 23trc OCEAN vrrw modem 2 bed9rn home wtth utra room u d ~ , b4lth. on double prage. Prtrr '28.500 LoW down paym~nt or Wiii take Flr1t Tron ~t>d ln tnde. 2712 Clltf Drh• (a dja(:Glt ftCUlt lot &Htl&ble) Ph. own•, LI 8-263l • IS Uc \. 3 bedroome Ir large rumpU. room, 2 batlut, j!ntry ball. Quality construction throughout. Beautiful kitchen with built-in range, oven Ii BBQ. Ash cab· ineta. Inlaid linoleum, large dining arp. Encloeed sun porch with permanent ocean vint. , All we a.ak i.a that you come to--ece it &nd convlnce younelf. Total price, only $29.~. with xlnt. finan.· THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del .tdar Har 1741 • H77 .·WHERE CAN YOU F1ND two 2 bdrm. housea and a bache-. lor apt., LIKE NEW -on an e,xtra large corner lot -Very beat location -(Income $2550 oo a yearly buiA) -for $21,000? ONLY $5000 DOWN WE KNOW WH_ERE! You won·t believe iLwhen yo~ see th.is be1lUtiful property! S ee Lila B. McFarren with - . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Batboa B1vd .. Balboa Har. 3786 or 2517-M · tNext t o the Doll House\. E~clusive Listing BALBOA ISLAND Two bedroom houHe One bed.room apartment Two-car garage Fireplace, each unit Execellent'location Str p from Bay All for $23,000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And "Associates Pa rk at Marine, Balboa Island -HRrbor 24-62 VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Don't \Yait untH it'11 loo late to see this di stinctive -~ 3 bdrm. 4 bath beauty situated vn a lovely corner lot on beaullful Balboa Peo1.r1Rula. l ;nsurpaslicd view ot -Harbor from Living Rm. & Master ·a <lrm. Shake · • roof. Jnter1or panelling. Lots nf extra!I. Will 1•lease the most discrimin ating buyer. $19.5UO. Tcrm1 to qualified buyer. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport &ach LI 8-3481 Evea: Harbor 5142 Outstanding Ocean View TWO s t ORY. 2 bdrm .. 21;: baths. lgc. Tivrng room, Rcparatc dining room. Targe knotty pin e den wit b built-in bar. lounge, 2 f1rcpl:irN1, bns1•mrnt with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expen11ivcly c~te<l wall to wall t bn.i-out. Garbage di11po11al a.ml cITi-nwn~l1tr. HoW1e· 6 yr1. old. Large double ~ara~1' with limn• dry, rad10-controllt'd door. Lot 50 x J \2'. V'.4-·ll lan!f .. acapcd. Thi.8 hilme mu.st h<• 1wcn l o he appn•t111 t.e<l. Located at 3312 Oc(lan Blvd .. CorrJna d<-1 Ma r. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OJ-"'fi~' Shown by appointment o,tly Phone Owner; HarbOr 34~ 4ic61 , ¥' - .. . \ . . . •A51 6 • ,AllT IV -NEWPOllT HAlllOll NEWS-P~SS 8!-11MJ r..t.te ft-Real Estate . a-a.r r.tate ----.. -----------... __ _,,_ --------THURSDAY, ~AY 5, 1'55 . ' THE $REA T ·ORANGE COAST The Chips Are Down .......... ..... ........... ' .. ,GOOD . LIVING starts ot IRVINE TERRACE . . We cor.dially invite•you to inspect • model ho.m~, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished. by Martin & Von Hemert Whea you iupect them, you will not. they include every comfort and 9nnlence for GOOD LIVING. ALL of th• plun.tn1 •d tboqht that rewlted in UU. remarkable eommunJty will proVide GOOD .LIVING for Irvine Terrace famiU. for many yean. WAB I U .T00-'13:500 ta t.be new reduce4 price. Owner Ul-mu1t MU. Al\ appeallnr J bdrm. home on a b.autltully la.nd.lcaped cor· n•r lot witb lht moet a ttractive ~Uo and B.8 .Q. you've tftr -. Wt repeat 111,600! May YI'• ..._ )'OU U1rou1t1 ! • • • Another Reduc;tion ! w 8.8 $15,600-- Now $14,350. tT WOULD I NDICED bt Mothtr'1 Da y lt ah• would mo,,. Into thl• lov.ly home. S bdrm.. hdwd noor.. nr1plac• -' pa. old. Plua! PaUo, B.B.Q. and L-ahaped IW~f pool! Once ln a life· Ume buy! Hurry! 8" thla buy In ttlla bHt l!:ut.alde loc:aUon. SU,360 -Excellf'nl terme. "' . Permanent rMtricUona ru~tee 'you will al1fay• c1·1ff Haven • bt proud of your hoJDe here. To the home buyer who wilhea to purcbue in the Artistic Moderne . $ $ $ $ BEACH lot 1 ~ blk. from Blue Pacific. Full price, juat $2250 ca.ah. Lot &0ned R·2. aiae 30 x 104. · $ $ s $ • 19th ST. Aero.a from .market Ii druc ato~. 100 ft. "' front. A apeculative piece. Ready for improvement. Wiae investment, here ia bound to make you money. $ $ $ BRAND new view home. 1420 ~Cinga Road. 3 love- ly bdrnia., 2 pullman bath•, ~arpeted, vieJV kitchen. Landacaped yard. Open daily 1 to 5 except Monday and Tueeday. $ . s $ $ RESTRICTED Back Bay luxurloua 3 bdrm., 2 baUr home. Juat ready for immediate occupancy. Com- plete Hotpoint kitchen, Nat'l uh cupboard.a plore, hwd. floora, Thermo heat, fjreplace, 1lidlng 1lua door to cement. patio, electric eye garap door. $24 ,:500. term•. a-.--_...~IAAIL..LU~u.,uuu.,ii;wi-e UACNill:J'-fell:OllUD<RMl-Ule---1 A-dl-R~U8TlC THAT 18 a1u u-.nt. You'll bed• I le w O~ANG£: CQA-Sf-PRQP~flES ' I • lrrine r.t&tea overlookln1 .N"'J)Ort Harbor. novel treatment rombLned with °'' tunct1ona 1 charact•r of Ull• INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1"1ne Tt~ la located on Cout Hl1hway oppoeite larr• · thrH Met room. 1 % btt.h 1857 Newport Ave·, Coeta Meea • · the new Irvine Cout Country Club. home with Hparate dlnlniroom. Liberty 8·1632 Liberty S.HOO Eves. .... EARL W. STANLEY, tReattor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "48 For Further lntormation · * For Recommendation, we reter you to anyone who bolda a Leuehold F..tate in ll'Vine Tenue. . Corona del Mar Duplexes We have 2 honeys on Jasmine ONE HAS tn 1 bdrm. unit. plua a nice ~mi. attached to the (arq. -lltuated OD 2 lot. to five plenty of elbow room. $18,750 THE OTHER HAS 2 larre bdnna., a larre den ~d a huse Uvin1 room, l:S x 28 on 2 lot.. PLUS a 1 bdrm. unlt with a la.rre 2-ar garage dow'n under.· Each bu it. own privat• yard. $24,500 Both are ex~eptional bargains and won·~ lut long ! Excellent flna.ncin1 available. TOM PAYNE JEAN SMITH DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2e02 W. Newport BIYd., Newport BMch Har. •718 48cli0 v SHORECLIF f S FIRST TIME ·OFFERED r-· i. f1Quallty bultt ranch type home with • out.t.&nding t\tw of ocean and billa. 2 bdrm1. and den PLUS 11\&ld'a room. 2 batha. Carpeted wall tO wall. Cua- tQm drape1, immaculate condition. Forced air heat: ~rbage di•poaal. Built·in dl1hwuher. Lota of tile, cely arranged kitchen. Shake roof, paved patio. autifully landl<:aped. Only 3 years old. ES, the price will amue you -;-.Includes carpet- ing II dr&Pff for only $38,000. Low down payment will handle. Thh1 ocean \'lew home Ja a bargain and at thia price it won't lut long! PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3"7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) LIDO ISLE Brand New Beautiful Hawaiian Modern· Bay Front Luxury HC?me covered lanai and patlo-bree ... ______ _.... _____________ _ way to u lr& larce praf e - everything-that 1pelll quality, dul(I\ and refinement. u e.erio. • • • Bay & Beach Realty 1894 Newport Blvd. Coat& Meu. C&Ut. Liberty 8·1111. Evea. LI 1·31M" REAL VALUES LOOK-5 bdrms. yet IT'S A V.Et\Y ·CLEAN well kept ·older houM on a larre lot that u n be divided Into two Iota. ni .... 11 a nice Utlle Nntal unit ltlctuded with a 1teady taient. A ruJ •lf'al at lt:Z.000. You don 't need 20-20 vision \ ' TO SEE the value here! 530 Kings. Rd., Cliff Haven Open House, Fri. -Sat. -Sun. Don't faft to see this charming 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. You•u love the excellent floor-plan, large pic- ture window. W to W carpet. Well arranged kitchen with loada of cupboarda. Many, many other fea· ture1 that we'll be happy to ahow you. SEE nns HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. . This you must see in Corona de~ Mar OPEN HOUSE Fri., Sat., Sun. at 712 Heliotro~. We have ju1t listed a lovely 2 bdrm. with f~rced­ air heat, flagstone fireplace, at a price that we think ia a "steal" -$13,500 and we can 1et you good \erma. A. LAROJC LOT with t.,,,.o nlce bomu (1 br. A: 2 bni,), and enourh equare tootare for a third. CloM to town A tran1~ portatlon. What a deal for .an Income minded buyer. Thie I• (OOd clea.n property, 110,500. • FRANK JAMES &. LINWOOD VICK B. A. Nereson REALTOR l•U Newport Blvd~ Coet.a Meaa Phone LI 8-1172 l:vea. LI 8-M17 ''BACK BAY i,; .AC. RUSTIC, 2 br. A den, Ire. ~Uo, rHtriCted area ... SU,600. "' AC. 2 br. atucco fannhOOM, nearly new. fruit lreu, View from 1W1deck. CAL-VET loan, .................... .. .. ...... fl7.~. ' BB.. UNOBSTRUCTED VJll:W ot bay •. .... .... ............. '32.~00. i,; AC. nea.r countr:x club, 2 br. houae, furnlahed -room ror unlta ... ..... ... .. ... 41.~oo. i,t AC. nr. c. 'c .. need• repair, 3 br. Real buy tor cuh.. A Y8HOftES, :Z br. PLUS JU. A.. unit, knotty pint lnt.rlor, :Z palloa. SEE THIS . Ul,600. Claire Van Horn REA,LTOR C. B. Russ, Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. Rayle, Aaaoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa !eland Harbor 204.2 . A Full Load of Living FOR YOUR FAMILY!. provided ln t.hia lovely home. Want a private beach! Need a place to keep your cl'\Uer! Prefer close in location near Li~o Shop1l etc.! Buy thia ideal 2 bdrm. home in Bal~a Bay· Cove1 right on ~e waterfront, only S yn. old. Lota of tile, parquet fioon, F. A. heat, dbl. garage, nice feature1. • Pier Ir •lip privUegea. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex turnished -good rental diatrict. Ocean and B~ both cloae by. $3500 Down -Full P rice $10,500 .. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 ., 2731 W. Cout Hwy. 4 14277 'C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS [QCATE HUNDREDS OF FOLKS a.re l&V· In&' time A: money by lettlnr u.1 locate what thfy want- H~W· A BOUT YOU! OUTSTANDING BACK BAY '' ACRE '3.750. C·:Z COSTA MESA, IOX160, Sll,600. $:1,000 down. M·l NEWPORT, I apt• and p r· . .,,, $1'.~. OCICAN VIEW. 1 bdrm., Ul,000. , U .000 down. PANORAMIC VIEW, Kins• Place. · larp home. '30,000. CHANNEL DUPLEX, Pier and l1oat, U2.000. B.EAUTIJrUL bay VI•~ lot H ,000. MANY, MANY OTHERS EXCLUSIVE · BAY.S"ffOltCS $19,500 Furnished Lovely MODERN 2 'bdrm. PLUS den-dbrm. off garage completely and attractively furniahed. W to W carpeting, drapea, delightful bright kitchen, in- direct lighting in liv. rm. II din. area, built-in plant- er, fireplace, large lot with abundance of paved parking area, nicely lancbcaped. A REAL BUY -SEE THIS ONE! ~ "C" T H 0 M A S , Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-MZl G-ae.Jbtat. ---- OPEN HOUSE 11-5 Sat. & Sun 1969 Maple St. rop· ARE YOU TIRED of buylfll p erty for .o111.o11e •lee f Th atop and '" thla new 2 bd tlom• •ppr. a block• from •n rm. new atiopJM_ns aru . • OPEN HOUSE 11-5 Sat. • Sun. 182 Cabrillo St. It 3 LIK• 1.J.VlNO up town? 'n1 bdrm. home ta ,,.ry cood. Loe -4 In an area that iiiould up In value, 110.~. at- pick NA WOULD YOU LIKE TO OW QUALITY HOMI:! Ca ll u Me 2~ ~I Mar. ·3 bdrm .. MUI, J apaneH Uh p&l\t fireplace. 80 NICE. • to 1 '- unr. UR MAKl!l OUR OFP'lCE YO M. I. HEADQUARTERS lnduatrlal Land Buyera! t ue 1how you UK1M1t M. l "' lhl1 area. · ve~ a . . "ART" ADAIR REALTOR llM Newport Blvd. Ooeta Meaa. Calif. LI l ·IT .~ OPEN HOUSE . , &t. Ir Sun. May 7th Ir 8th, U-7 p.m . ' 2063 TUSTIN, Costa Meaa It's red, It's ranchy, . It'• ln the BACK BAT a rea! Ula, I LARGE B.EDRM8 .. 2 tull ba dlnlnr fll\.. ll•U' rumpu1 r with bu)lt·ln barti.cue. elec: t)llt. 1lnk A bar. Wall to carpet throughout. open ba ceillnp. Th!. home could be u lncome property u It ba divided Into one :Z·bdrm. h and a 1 bedrm. home. 2 car ar•. beauUtul landacaplnr oom trio wall am uaed can om• pr· wUh %.:ZOO a circular driveway. Over k ,!!;. in thla lovely home .it uat- • 1id Oil % of an ac,.,. Pl1nt f'OOm for.unit.I, irwlmmlnr y of pool and a horae corTal. SUBMIT . $5000 down Sea Breeze ReaJ ty Corner of 19th A Placenll a 3 Co1ta Mua. Llbarty 8·3&4 or J...n>.rty 8-l:l:Z3. 4 7ct8 BALBOA Bay Front Duple x FumJ•bed and wttbln w.alklnr tance of the libra ry In Ba $.3 •• 600. TERMS. db · Ibo&. Duplex in Balbo a tr om ON EAST BAY A VE .. 1 blk. bay. Completely tumtahed. celltnt nnt.I area. Walklnr tance to library. 2 bedr hOUM plua 1 bedrm apt. Ul .Ell· di.- oom .~oo. TERMS. Costa Mesa 60ll· • NICE :Z BEDRM. HOUSE on UO' lot. Walk.inf dlatanc atore1 A: Catholic achoo!. I~ EXCELL.ENT TERMS. to .ooo. s a Coast Propertie 301 I:. Dalbo& Blvd.. Dalbo Harbor :z~. 2697 and •eoo --rhe igJ;f- INVESTMENT - toil! ia equal to a lifetime of Here'• your chance-0 to beach ~ ahopplng, OORONA DEL MAR 2 TR.. OLD DUPLEX. LOVELY 2 BDRM. APT. PLUS 1pacloua l bdrm. apt. DOUBLI: rarare -pa tio. OUTSTANDING VI~. ONLY 111.000 -TERMS. Muriel M. Pinover, Real :zeo. Newport Blvd., Newport Euy Parkln1. Harbor oee ' tor Bch. 411.j) A world of pleuure'• in store for the family who buya thla beautlful, deluxe Bay Ftont home. A few yarda from your ea.ey umchair, aail and power boat. 1kim by your door. Enjoy the beauty of the bay anf.\ ocun from your beach-side terrace. Buk In the lUn&hlne on the beach at your door. Beautltul interiors aft, W to W viaco1e nylon rub- ber underpaddinc carpetinc: floating ataircue: tropkal pl&ntinc : 2 h~ atone fireplacea: dream The Locator· of Calif. ··c·· THOM.AS "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS --------· 7c49 601 It. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phon• Harbor seot. 47c49 ldtehen with aervins bar, built-in electric rangt, OPEN HOUSE dlahwubtr. Thnt bdrma. plua conv /panelled den : I bu. ran ..,.... slua window wan. with 1lidin1 Sunday i ·fl O.lly 1·6 doon opmt.,. to upper and lower l1lD decka. A 526 ALISO ST. - - home fw J'OU who enjoy tnaly fine thinp . ~•wport HelJht.a JtetUeat YalU.. Neat I bdrm. ColOllf&l. .. by app't. pb Harbor 8093 CoWteay to broken Uk• new, l tHOO. ruu price. _______________ .a_p50 __ Housto.< Realty Co. llOt Center Cotta Mesa CORONA DEL MAR 2 bedroom home. Extra large 2-car ~e with apace for hobby 1ho~d 1treued for apartment. Carpeted living room, with fireplace, handy dinin1 area off kitchen, service pooch, tile bath. Pleu· ant surroundings. Thia will not Jut. See it today. $12.980. · RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast Blvd., Corona d~ Mar Harbor 2288 BEFORE YOU BUY -LI 1-ettl LI 1·77 .. --- 9e sure to -see these NEW HOMES- a .......... 1~ bath bom• • Qoei to nwythJnr. . Only $400 down and $70 per CALL ID.. OATl'.I. wttJa DIKE & COLEGROVE Pt.oM ~ 1-1'71 • • • ' ' { ~on th 33t!c .Sc otrr or TOWN o.mer •1• ",.et offer" on comer duplex Bo. of Hl-7. Ont unfurnlahed aput· ment hu S bedroom•, one tur· nlahed atudlo apartm~nt prar•· • AU 1n 1ood condition. Call Miu ltohLlt~l. Har. •:1162 eve. Har. Gtlt·tt. IU6 Coaat Blvd., C.D.M. ••lfc OC&AN VIEW HOM&. 271Ja Cliff Dr1••. ruu prtce 111.000. te~ SI* down. Owner, LI 1-2632, 331.fc ·SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY ATfRACTlvE'2 IJd.rm. home. Panelled living room and 1mall dining room. car- peted wall to wllll. good kitchen, breaktut 1pac. ·and service porch. Ample capboarda and atora.ge apace. Oversized 2-car carage. Nice encla.ed patio. Moet convenient com er location. 2 blk•. from Clty Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3~\\3 Newport BlYd., N.wport Btacla Hu, 1011 OCEAN FRON T LOT 10d5, sontd ft..•. Located tween Newport A: Balboa. be· Price $7950 Cas h NO TRAD.ES, otfeni or t• NO PHONll INJ!'ORMATION SD LILA. B. McFAR.REN rma. Balboa Bay Properties nt 1:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa (neat to th• Dol! Jrouae) • 7c49 OPEN Sat. Ir Sun., 1 • 5 I· 5403 Seaahore Dr . ocmA.'J P'RONT HO)IE U OOO I ~ 113,I~ -P'Ull Pr1~e dn, Bayview Realtor s 2308 Balbo& Blvd. Harbor 1371 •k OUM BY OWNl:R-CUte. 1 bdrm . .b In a lonl1 netpbortiood. H ip kbooL W&Jl td wall pet.1n1. Lot t0 • 100. 0u a..&I a lilUe paint. Dr1Ye 1»J La h d e Place or e&1l LI 1- n .. r C&T· tll~ 171 ··~·· . •T ... '· 'r ' \ a- . '~ COl!ONA HIGHLANDS Pa lu noramic '~" -A new hou.e too! One of th• t choice locatlon1 in Corona Highlanda. Jl'iaber It. 3 bdrma., l :\ • bathe. ahake roof, dbl. 1ar&1•· ll conaider trade for 2 bdrm. houae So. of Hwy. bui Wi OPEN HOUSE 1-~ EVERY DAY . 448 RIVER.A TERRACE . Best in the Bock Bay Great.eat value -LoWMt price 1. One acre of property 2. Complete and aeparat. p m boUM, alp1. 4 3. 3 bdrm. hou.e, 4. Large rumpua room. 5. Double garage, ·e: ~-ft. encl<>Md filtered awimmin1 pool wttll separate ~ing rooma and ahower. 7. Plenty <>f room for atablea and boraN. AU of the above can be purchued for u low u $5000 down. Full price, $27,:500. Cal!(or Appointment. Neat On Begonia , with partial view little 2 bdrm. bungalow, Firepl~. dbl. pra1e. ly 3 yrs. old. Can move in immediately. ~ dn. On r """ I hmdl~H.200 full-price~ to b"'ro-lr .. ere ... -. ------ 11 Mr. Pattiaon _: Ca ' W. E. FISHER, Realfor and ASSOCLA TES 30 34 E . Cout Hwy., COrona del Mar Har. 2(41 ~ LIDO ISLE A &o LL YOU NEED ia your family and peraonal be- nging1 to' move into this one year old lovely • bdrm. one story home. Large living rm. with atone epl.ace..,..eparate dining rm., modem kitchen with Q conveniences. S car.garage plua laundry and deep eoeze area. Steel girder and aubfloor IN to expand fir all fr er garage. Carpeted and furnished for $39,:500 OV wi th exceptional terms. Compare thia ! LIDO BAY FRONT Extremely nice 3 bdrm., 3 bath. Completely redeeo- ted ~ attractively furnished-Home with pier and large alip-Thia one ha.a a patio alao- ra And a ve_ry nice buy for $58,:500. VERY LATEST I co magine a 3 year old 2 bdrm. home on lovely Lido, mpletely furnished for just $20,500. AND. REMEMBER THIS - m ariY other fine homes are listed excluaively at T HE VOGEL CO. -LIDO . OFFICE 34 2 7 - 16 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. •971 or •972 Evea. Har. 2191-M or. LI 8-:5297 LIDO ISLE bdrm. home on R-3 lot. Room to add unit for income. $23.500 -$8000 dn. bal. $100 month. . INCOME -BALBOA Unita (6 furnish~).-Private Patlo1.1 H.-ex- cellent income record -$52,000. Alao -Adjoining nicely furnished duplex It extra lot. $22,000, tel:'tl)I. BALBOA PENlNSULA . At tractive 4-year-old 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace, roomy kitchen, patio. $16,000, terma. BAY A VE. BEACH HOME N ear l.ibrary-$3800 down buy1 partially furnlah- ed 4 bdrm. home. Close to bathing beach. Full price -$15.7~. / -BAY & BEACH REALTY 1 ~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1264 • 3 4 4 a LI DO Open Daily 1 -4 p. m. ' Lovely 2 bdrm .. 2 bath, with a large sunny patio. 218 Via .Palermo ALSO bedrooms, 2 baths, new. be.drooms,. 2 baths, exceptional. bedrooms, 3 baths, waterfront. 5 ft. wat_erf ront lot with pier privilege• bargain! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specla.liat" Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport S..Ch ST OP! At Our Office and OOK! L At .ijhia attractive 10 unit nea.r:ly new quality bunt dihznJDt 2!\l lota in B!lboa'a choice1t rent.a.l &!91. a L ISTEN .. to " to what we have to tell you about thia completely beautifully turniahed investment property. Built r euy maintenance. $32,000 :'till handle. VOGEL CO. M ain Off tc., 3201 Cout Highway, Newport s.ac• Llbert.)' 8-8'81 -Ev ... Harbor 51'2 .. ·- .. • .. 12-Rl!al FAtate BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Hirbor 1671 or 1672 BALB'OA ISLAND ~ down will buy you FUN-SECt:JRITY AND H.lcPPIN~S Charmingly furn. 2 bdrm. hom~tio-ud amall apt. wit4 patio-18-ft.· eloop with ahore dinghy- t"Wo mo0ring1. Near ~illage center. See ue ~bout thia, but QUICK. Full price $2~,500., CORONA DEL MAR ' Unuaually charming and 1pacious 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplaces. On 4~' lot. Choice locatfon. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. over dbl. gar. Extra par'ldng space. A REAL HO~fE AT A LOW PRICE. $23.500. ~RMS Don't MISS OUT on this BUY. BILL'S BEST BUYS . Must Sacrifice-See This --I U-BeaJ Eatat. si-aea1 Estate a tRMJ "'9tate I p. a. palme .r incorpor~t·ed ( developers of Lido Isle LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Out.tandlng, ao don't dream too long ! On a large comer, Udo lot with a good BAYVIEW. Down- lltain. there are two 2"'bdnn. apta., both leued unturn. by the year. Upataira the owner'• a pt. la a truly outltandlng 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with over- sized tiled bt.r In snack r09m. Large room• and pie· ture window• give a f ine BAYVIEW. It ia a rue . , barpin at $57,500 with excellent term.a. We have { new homes jUBt being eomp1eted. 2 are 4 bdrms. and 2 a.re 3. bdrms. All are caryeted, have sliding glaas doors lo patios, Thermo. oven and ranges. forced air thermo controlled turnaee1 and 2 HAS YOUR FAMILY GROWN u eo, then be w.N to 1ee this fine tamyfhome. Tb.la i• the fint tudia thll property bu ever been off eted for uJe, 10 don't make the mistake of thtnkinr you have MeJl it before. Four good 1ized bedroom.I, one downatain and three u119tairl. Living room 1 { 1h x 28', tremendoua family room 20' x 20', patio 12 x 27'-Electrfc kltch~, oak floora, ahingle f90f. a.nd 1hln1Je ext~rtor-2400· aq~ft. ln the houae. If you are looking for a good ••. OUM with a comfort· able feeling be certain to ua. Price $29,750. Location-Cliff Haven-(not leuebold) HURRY ! BALBOA ISLAND SLEEPER! Jutt a 1tep to the bay -3 bdrm.a., 2 bath8 plua 11Wimmer'1 dttu~ room and ahower. Charming patio with barbeQue. Ueable, Cadillac-11.se, 2-car garage. Euy term.a on a lo\1J price of $19,500 .•. A.ak tor Dave 0.burn. •. . - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA~T 1V -'A&! f THURSDAY. MAY· 5, 1955 a._...., .. BALBOA ISLAND A HAPPY COMBINATION ot Ellerbroek aod Bal· boa Ialand -{ bdnn., 3 bath. To a qualifted tam· Uy ••bo can handle a high monthly payment. '" offer about $5000 down. GRAND CANAL - 2 unit.I • a large patio, tenced. Attractively furnlahed. $10,000 doYorn. . ' 60 ft. of BAY FRONT -pter, noat. • bdrm.a. Lovely groundt. 'l'hil home ia prieoed low al $78,000. I f BDIUlS., 2% batha. New turda~. TV. BBQ. North Bay moortni. Good family home. All for $24,960. DELIGHTFt.n. amall vacation home. Double garap.. Fetch~. ius,750. .BEACON BAY . . ---- Thi• 3 bdrm~. i 1 :.! bath home. only 4 mos. old. mttet go. 63' x 106' lot on cur pave s ree . c e · or 3 baths. They t.re In different locations and are CLIFF HA VEN CUTIE Three bedroom '°d two bath, nearly new .. :vi;:ew~b:_:om~e;... --t---J.J~.l'.J.LL.!LDtlrllil.,...i)...DIUJl..JMlmtk.ozl~US.l~~~~~-----. J.ld .... if~Ce .... r_....cn...,t..,.,a ... t-t'yl~ea-..Be.......,tow.re~~·h ... u~yi .... · n-eg,...., ,,..)lo..,.1..._.u ... h~o ... ul .. ~d ... aee~.1o1th"'---.. +--""""',..,.\wnr..,,.Q~tJ01, ti 'bealIUtUJJyiiMieipid and tn & paid for. Close to schools & transportation. Immroiate possession with $1000 down. bu a large back yard ·an !enced. Prfce of $24,500 Includes ·carpet. and dRpee. Full price S9400, $67.50 mo. .. Only F our t o Go-Soon No More- Theee 4 bdrm.. 1 ~ bath . FHA homes are nearly sold out . Many extra· fine features, so you'd better hurry. Immediate possession. We b_ave many well located lota at this time, t.1110 rent.ala by the year or for the eummer. OPEN SUNDAY 1-tS 1410 KlNGS ROAD W hen you call aalr for Blll Famaworth, Full price $9750-S650 dn-S69.50 mo. inc. taxes & ilUI. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a .. palmer incorporated ole haneon co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 1 Bdrm. Home & Guest House- Wood floors. wall to wall carpet, drapes,· plastered Interiors, fenced, flowers. trees. nice lawns, curb- ed & paved srrt>et. Connected to sewer. Close In. Beach Home! 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth~ Houston Values Pr ice S7000 -Terms. -INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE-· Local M-1 zoning. 1 to 10 acres. $5000 an acre and up. W. A. TOBIAS and A SSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll li ke our friendly service'' 393 E. 17th St., Cost11 Mesa . Liberty 8-1139 CHARMING BAY SHO.RES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner f ot 3 bdrm., 3 bath home,· immaculately and complete- ly fu rnished including deep freeze, wa.shing machine, TV, linen8, blankets. dishes & silverware. No phone · inform3tion. Shown by appointment only. YOU WILL WANT TO SIGN O~ THE DOTTED LINE when you l t'e thl• comfortable horn• ... Ideal for beach 'or year around llvtnc. Dandy locaUon. clo1e to • the NHYC. Hu 3 -bedroom• and 141 bath•. Some furniture In· clud~ IU.~00 and' only St ,000 down. • Newport Heights Home! YOU WILL LIKE THIS 2 BED· ROOM HOME will) a cunt room w ith bath. OOx 127 ft. lot. You don't find property In thl• loca- tion every day a t $13.900. Call today for partlculani. Ocean F~ont Home TRJll llJC8T V ALUlC O N TJJS PENINSULA. You mUll agTff that. a 2 bedroom tiome, turnlsh· ed. with a t.eni!lc. paUo, double ga.rage and close to the jttly la an outltan.dlnc value a t 118.~00. HOME & INCOME: Nice 2 bdrm. h ome, 1ervice porch, fireplace, OCEAN VIEW, plua new duplex and ~car garage. ALL FURNISHED. Very good condltion. Location: Pacific Ave. Prlce $22.500 with $3500 down & balance $190 per montJ\. $5750 is a very low price for a good little 2 bdnn. home, service porch, tenced yard. $2500 down and balance $40. per month. Laree rar.,e le wy_bhop Cover 1000 11q. ft.) AND cute 2 bdrm. home lncludea electric ra.np 6 wall to wall carpeting. A -1 location near Alpha Beta. • $10,850 with $2850 down 6 bal. $75 per month. G: N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle ... 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa.. u 8-1601 MOD!lRN 3 bdnn. home, $3,000 <1n. B'lt. In oven at 1tove. garb. dl1p.. dbl. gAr., pauo. MWUI, etc. a t 113.900 llJ1 worth •ttlnf , worth buylng. Consider the Price Stl.2~NJCE 2 bdnn. bome at 169 Merril Pl .. only $1,~ 4n. and S~O. per month. LIKE NEW S BDRM. ColonllJ on AU.O St .. NpL Height• at IH,500. Pay'L only $63. 7!i per month. FOR !:VE. INFORMATION on above, Ph. r.TTL!l, LI 8·2M2. Facing Gotf Course LAR.011 2 bdrm .. 1'1120 U•. room. fireplace and a larre 1axao ~lum. work 1hop. About 1300 1q. ft.. J.lU1t be Men, far below repW.- ment coat. Lot 70x234. Amuing a t s1e.~oo. good l~rm1 . Futr Price $39,500. Balboa Duplex! ---------------2 acres & fine Home BALBOA ISLAND' J UST OFF HARBOR BLVD.~per-ALSO 2 bdrm., 2 bath plus guest room immaculately and completely furnished such a.s dishes, silverware, TV. Ex1x-nsively carpeted and draped. Clever landscap- ing . Large corntr lot. Full price - $32.500 -Terms. For J>f'CView showings. call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5386) SPACIOUS UPPER APART· ME!\T , rurnlahed, with 2 bed· room1 and a 1 bedroom JO.er apartment• completely medern· lzed ... ~ cute u the dlcken1. There ll room for &nother unit. too, on thls large R-3 lot. $16.~ and tenn1. Balboa · R-3 Lots! HARBOR INVESTMENT co. REALTORS HERE IS A REAL "PICK UP," ' 3 dandy R-3 lots. aide by, 11tde . Newport ~l\'d. a l 30th St.. Ncww rt Beach on Balboa Boulevard ... In Balboa Bay Properties Presents 2 loU;. ocean front. 35x-i0 frontage. S15.000 for both. 15000 dnwn. Balance Sl05 month. Near-Bay. Libre-ry:. transpona~ion. Neat. 1lttra~tivc 2 bd rm. h·c.use plus 2 bdrm. apt. over large garage. Just reduced to $16.950. Terms. Ocean \"iew. New extra large 3 bd rms. & dcn.f 3 baths. 2 F.P. Dbl. garage. F.A. h(•at. S27,500. E Z terms . .Must sec to appreciate. 3 unit rental. Older property. If you have vision you'll sec the valu<'. Hoom n\·ailable for expansion and rt'ntal increase. S6000 down . Sl .500 full price. J Excel. c!l)wntown Balboa location. B~LBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5188 COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL" · ·46c48 T hJs le youc opportunity t o purchase a nice 3 bdrm. b orne In go6d location, East Costa Mesa. Easy terms. ~ EARL W. ST ANL~Y. Realtor 15th &)rvine, Newport Beach Liberty 8-2664 (Eves. LI 8-i 056) 45c47 1 ~ Vogel Value-Easy to Buy-Easy to Pay for the heart of town. They c&n't lut-at J19.~00 tor all three. Balboa Realty Co. Ross Gu elry Al Comellu1 ,... E<1 Lee Jack P lnkh&m Jo1rphlne Wtbb 100 B. Ba.Ibo& ~\od . S.JOO. Phone Harbor 32i7. Parade of ·Features I , . R<lulor homo ~~u~ -'" Btilboa Ialand with ftnc'd yud. 1h11de tret , pavell a nll with ~tln•I too. 2· Ye&r round 'i:ororort-Two well furnished bedrooms; bathtub "1th s hower over; panelled llv· Ing room with vented heat'r 3-Oay Interior -Complett rite· t rlcl\lly equipped rormlca ~~ kitchen. wall• papered. All for $17,950. Call Power• or La.lie, tor app.'t. Hartlor &I J. A. BEElf, Realtor 603 P ark A venue 60 ft. of R-3 Right on Balboa Blvd. on tht Bayside. • ---------- With cute little hou'se and-oversize ga rage on r:ear of CORO!l:A DEL MAR INCOME \'a.rioUI unlta It prictf'S to mttt lot. Plenty ot spKl't'TO build mo~ ~ntltl Ul\ft s. Price your wa.nli. 1T1.{/00 to U0.000. Lt $17,500 -haa loan of $10.000 payable only S50 ALSO 2 bdrm. horn" comp lf't"IY . per moo.th incl. 5r r intett.tt. tunllabed, doubi. ,..,..,. llt.000. CA.LL M.111 l{ohl.ltedt Har. 2152. Submit your down pl\yment. 3114 CoMt e...-, .. c.o..M. The Vogel Co. S201 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach • Ube.rty 8-3.al , . . E•f'. Har. OL"t·R. 38c&1 BAT f:JfO;:>.""r ntw moden home. tio.t 1Up: U Balboa C-OYH. OwMr ~ 1100.W. ttllc fect for 1lib-dlv1dlng, excellent T ke th L ·ndl d off 111 value w ith Sood li':(, loan. Full a e a or your payro . price $24,700. See Ulla, eel d•- He.re ia a 2 bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm. home tall• trom ua. It 11 1'of. · • for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. . Take low down payment & terma. $5000 down moves you in - t o 3 bdrm., 2 bath completely furn. h ome. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal ·~t for year-~und living. $18,500 tull price. See this IMMAcULA TE 2 bdrm. home, well located on cor- ner lot with apace to build in front. Comp. !um ., new 1tove.& refrig. Lovely patio. On!y $17;50Q. $3®0 down. We have 11ome real nice bayfront homes t.VaHable for summer rent. ~VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., 'Balboa Island Harbor 444 • SOME OF THESE .DAYS .•• We will be saying "there are NO lots for 8&le," but In ·t he meantime, here are the best, all excluaiveti. SHOR ECLIFFS, lowest priced lot lis ted, 55 x 130 x 80. Best locatiefn, surrounded by new homes. CORONA H1GHLANDS. Com er, away up high. ~· Sweeping view. Offer might buy. CORONA H1G~DS, one of the beat, higheat & biggest. room for pool, maybe a Polo field. \. View clear to Samoa-Samo&. ._ Each pr iced under $15,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coast Hwy., Corona qel Mar Har 277-l '. $1500 down and $85 per month t.s all that ll takes to buy thl1 very nicely located 2 bedroom home . in Newport Heights. The full price is only Sll,500. A11k to eee thls home, combination of price and term1 are Jard t o beat. TR A 0-E • furnished unJta on twO lot.a in ~nrport., Income . la S250. per month, prioe la '22.600. Wlll trade for small beach home or Redlandt property. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor ( ...... 2U> Newport Batd., N9'fl)Ort S.-cb H&r. 28a Another Dilly ON 82'rax234 LOT. &&uUfUl 2 bdrm.. Mna Drive, 1 % bath•. has 1780 aq. feet I See to apprec- iate. Appolntme.nt only. E VES. Phone PETITTE LI 8·M87. M-1 - APP ROX. ' ACRES. J'ut (l"O"'I'· Ing P aulartno 1ecllon. An lnvut- ment at. $!\,200 per acre. \) dn. ,, Balboa Duplex .EXCL. BA y A VE. Fine ~nt&J local.Ion. 2 br. up, l br. dn. Dbl. gar It big rumpu1 nn. B.B.Q. • extta1, $4 ,000 down. EVES. C&.ll BENNER ffa.r. 6911. 3 Building Lots CLOSE IN W. SIDE. Paftd 1lrMt. ullllllu . Mu•l be sold together. Barpln at l~.too caah. Back Bay ' ACRES ROLLJNO LAND with view. WW divide or trade tor 1mt.Jl ft.rm land tn areL ~YES.. SEYMOUR Har. 5298-W. Houston Realty & Associates · . ' 609 Cf'nter St. toata Mu• LI 8·6911 LI l-77M CASH & CARRY MJJUCJCT In a rapidly crowtn1 eJty In Orange County. A won- derful k>catJon tor a market man .wtio W'IUlta a hot irpoL OWNER LEA VINO Corona del .Mar 1111truct.1 U1 to ,et Ill! nfler cJl1 2 unlta aoutll at the Highwa y. So look a l It and make ue an otter: FitzmorrUI Realty Co. Raaltor. -MulUple u.tJAs Bull&n.., Broker 1114 E . Cou t Htctswa1 Corona de.I Mar Harbor 21&1 NEW I BORX. on ~ acr.. 17.900. las A YOCado. Col&& llaa. ft. 1D I-Im. •TU. BAY SHORES We otter the only available Bay Front home ·wm. pier & float. 165 ft. frontage. Most exceptional. Shown by app't only. I CALL HARBOR 1776 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22~ Martne Ave., Balboa Island. - - ONE HERE IS A SPECIAL comer lot - a fine i.,... one -irnruJar ln abape. Permanent view ot the bay. A real buy at $18,rsoo. TWO HERE IS ANoTHER 1.arge one· almoat 60-ft. A atrada to street lot tor $16,000. We have a perfect let of plana for a <l bdrm. home d•lrned • by r. prominent bUnder. See th1a tot A look over the plan. .. THREE STILL ANO'lf'Vl'J'"'HERnl'D BEAU'J;'Y . -.*ft. street to • It.net. -;--Alld a top location, too. $12.1t5o tun prlee. Sho.... Cliff Lot A 1arp. well focated homeette. sie.ooo cull -Better ... it 1 A eearce item -Very tnr left. CLIFF HAVEN (Leuehold -M yrw. -$2f50 yr.) A t~e lot with a perJD&Dent vi.w ~ the Men to Mt. Santiago. -$3600 ~f1 price. . An UnU1ual Bargain. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S ,FINEST• LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) LIDO ISLE Spaciout • New -Bay Front 4 large bdrm.a ... 3 baths, mu ter bdrm. looks out over th~ water and you can eee every thing that ia goin g on. Lqvely fire- place1 carpeted wall to wall, built-in Therm. * * Unrivaled Family Home - 3 bdnna., 2 baths. flag- etorfe fireplace, just 2 yea.n (>Id on a 44-ft. lot. Priced at $31.500 with excellent terma. COSTA MESA 3 bdrm., 2 bath, ahake root home In the Back Bay, 16 x 24' liv. room, knotty pine kitchen. hwd. floors, .1 year old. Full .prtc• - $25,950. * * We have 2 excellent pleoee· ot M-1 Acreage, one Lt 2 • ~ acre, one ia 5 acra. Both piece. priced right. 'c&ll us tor ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643, Har. 2999 eve1. Jost t o the right ot Lido Bridge Entrance , ~ BUY YOUR · LOT NOW "' # For Your Dream Home J # For Iavest.ment # For Speculation CAMBRIDGE EST ATES 16th le Irvine Co.ta Meea'1 Fine9t Location G 0 I N G F A S T -See ua quick s 3_6 5 0 Phil Sullivan, Owner George T. Everson~ Exclusive. Agent lsst Newport Blvd., eo.t.a MN& Liberty ¥761 !Ma. 8arWr' dee • LlbertJ S.210I ' .. '· . . . . . \, l ,· .. i101 CUDISON IN MANEUVERS ATWURZIURG WUftllUftQ, aJ:IUlANT - Cpl. Robert K . CUbbl.an.. IO. eon of M1' Amold C. Kohla, •M Broadway, c-. x-. recently partlc.lp&ted 1D an ef· tttlency u.t conducted by U.. ' tat Infantry Dl'rildon'1 Tth nel4 .UUUery Batte.Uoa a Germany. .... ''Nt--t..t ta..olYed pGl6ttaa .... ma and tl.rtnc 106 mm. 11-- ltMn. ooordinatln&' tntantry- artlllery movernut and ..tab- llahin( a pertmec.... def ... ap.l.Nlt blttlt.r&Uon~ Cubbt.on, a clerk·tnUt ID the battallo11'1 He.adquarten Battery, lie.a been ov- nine montlla. ~ 1161 lftdll- a te of Newport Hartlor Union HJ(h ·Scllool. he wu a d.Wll tor th• All·Am«icua Market in Newport Beach before •n· t•rtnc th• ArmJ In' hs>t-· ber, 1963. 81.ll nrtancea _,.. JT&ll~. on~ defernd and one cWnled bJ New· port S.Ch City Council recenU,. ~~ regWtered year~!!r~~!~~a~v~~~!TE. ~~!.5~~~~reS~~~~ktey, Earl wl. Ron- ne1 ware rraa ted to~ Ralph I:. Smfth for. ao tnab °""" halls onr a double ....,.... at IOI Diamond A'ft.. to Mr. ud M1' Bryant.L K.anton tor a front yard Mt back Of .. feet, I t.DC!M9 •t Tot Poppy A•e.; to Wayn• II. Bw-- bank and Ont.Ile c. Beardorff for a thlrd at«i addttioe to • bo\lle at G()T 'Poppy Aft.; to tbe 1"tDe Oo. and )(a.cco Corp. to permtt 1tAQ9rlaJ frollt yard •U1ulm la tracta 1TOO &M 1101: to J. B-t land Paddock to permJt th• adcH- ·uon of a lltud,J to a.a est.tinf build· Inc at 1>0 Via Lado Nord a.ad to m. c. CWln1npam to pennlt a flye toot rear yard Mtback al IH l')cMQ amt nated to Newport Harbor High'• Future Farmers of ald Miller, Bob Mart.in, all FFA members; J. T. Van America <-hapter. They will a.id in · e.tabliahing regia-Dyke, A.. E. 'stockton and C. C. Emmen10n., Kiwaniana. tered herd of ~beep and ai,d agricultural education of Emmerson ii chairman of club'a agricultural committee atudenta. Boya will raiae Iambs, ahear and abow them and ii preeenting ownership and regi.atration papera. to at f~ plua learning. ecienti!ic breeding and care ot the Martin, local FF A preaident. -Zimmer Photo NEW T.ENDERFEET-- ·Jhree New Scou a e · Oath at Family Night ~ bJ. Dnma M.ff;.im permJ.Nton to build a ne..-Uoe room, ldtcha an4 bath OYV a two qu ....,.... lD an R ·l d.latrict at 116-Slt PotaaetUa .Aw., W.. dented. • AppUc&Uon of llrto IAIDdea toe, Thl'ff boy• received tenderfoot ·-----------n.. tr t _ _. U>aok r • b&d1ru recrnUy a t the family LIQUOR TAX a , I· on , __ • or • •~-tt. by 11-tt. «)mer addlUoD nl«ht potluck dinner of Boy Scout to an ut.ltJnc buildlq. wu .,._ Troop 81. ferred to permit lAlpeeUon ot t.IM Durtnr their three month.I train· "EYENUE UP property. Thia ~Ucauee b&d be.a Ing 1eii1fon, Ton:r Chesley wu p&t· • • denied by the plaml.IJW COllUllt. rol lrader tor the other two candl· •SACRAMENTO <CNS) slon. datu. Joel Fruehan and Mun Rork. J oel wu scribe and Meer1 The S~ate 'Board of tquallz&· ...,.u quartermaster. Uon thl• wMk reported Call· OCC to ,. __ , ... __ The three boy1 were t'.ralned {n 'forn1a'1 l0lquor t&x during Feb· ~ lllliilWI" the mt•nlng of the Seoul · o•th, ruary yleldtd 11.083.203. a New SalHlrv Raise law•. history of Scoutln"' inc'ludlng . ~ r " . rain of 6.9 per celtt over th• teach the hl1tory of lhe 'badge, Amrrl· for NOi-len can'a creed. organization and ninkl a&nl.e' month :a ytar ago.r pliaa Yariou llcout crafta. The baud aald liquor n• o,_.. Oout·~ a-rd., They are now worklnc for ff<.. venuu .tor th11 flntt el(bt Tnlllt-Wt1l employ -auUll4e ond clus rank. Participation In 'month• ot the nac&J year tot.al· ft.rm \o ~ &114 NII c .. md a the Scoul-o-rama program lo be ed $l3.220.~t. an lncreaae of new Ml&ry ~ed\&Je tor all clqat· put on by Orange Empire Stoul11 l .S rwor n.d employ .... Th1a deolaion w aa r-cent ove.r a year at the Orange County Fair Mlly N&Cheel after emploJM. p....nud 21 11• part of their work towa rd earlier. the board with a propoeed ~ • --'nl• Ml&J')' iitudJ to be made wtll mrndlnr nt• or ra.v f<'r u ch '.!Db 1 ,.un••y Th6 r•ud)' win rovn aft embody a ,..view ol p~nl job 1 No df'ci11lon wu nuldt ••'to the 1 tm~•luyt" a ""'''"Pf Ins 1n1lrect~ C'lualtlcallona aa w.11 u recom -1 ~lrm lo be enl'}lloyt'd to malce th" a nd adm1nl11lratorr· Who cilone knows how to coot yoer favorite distt.s? Is always oroulH:I •Mn yow Ned her a.ost? ~ould tcrimp °" herself to MC1ke sure you hod ew-Y'fting? Moth.; Of counel Show your oppredotioft ewery day. ht .,.. Mot'-'• Doy ipecO. .w.· .. .._ oift •'I• besal . ·LASr MINUTI SHOPPDS •.• Yes, we're open Al clay SHclay Al ·FO,git. Hdwe. : ~ w. lalboa llYd. Harbor 1616 , the badge. -----------IJCbed\lle wit.al h!per ra.tee ot p&7. NIWPQRT IEACH -S&H GREEN STAMPS TBBEE HAPPY BOYS -Joel Frueban, ricbt, pins a MW Boy Scout Tenderfoot pin on the blowie o! Tom Cbealey, left. u Meers Rork, center, 'oversees the deed. ~. three boya received tenderfoot rank recently in Troop 81. -:8taff·Photo PAUSE. TAKEKOSHI TRIAL ( CONTINUED TILL MAY 23 aANTA ANA (OCNSl -The CIOIUlptracy to ob11ln.ict ju1t1cr trial ol Herman Pao1e. Arthur Gordon I Angeles real ·eatate ·agent. are ac· culled of Unlawful dea.ling1 l n Jap· a11e.e liquor Ileen.tea. IDdred and Takeo Takekoahl today ------------ WU continued from May 9 to May ti. l.,,Uperior Court Judi• John Shea ~ to the contlfll,lance on a moUon by thto defense backed by Dtltnct A ttomry l\ot>erl Knee· land. . It wu ~nled out th• May 9 dat e wu aet wtlhoul knowledge of Attorney Walter Stt!lnera' calen· dar. He nprt"11enlt!d Takl'l<ollhl and will be on anoU1rr cut on the day the trial was 11laled Pa~e. au1pended Orange Co11.n· ty liquor boss: Eldred. former Santa Ana real Ulllle tycoon do· tnr time in Chino for grand theft and forgery'.' and Takekosbl. 'Los Second lllfCJlary of Western Uniow Firm A 1e<:ond burglary allrmpi In lhe Jul two months of !he \\'esl·' ern Union Telegraph office. 23v3 Balboa Blvd .. wu rrµorl t•I Sal-' urday to P9llce by Jean W 111l1. 13622 Lombardy Road. CaTden Grove, an employee. 1 After trying lo"Jlmmr a rear door u11.1uccusfully, lhe burglar • broke a <pane from a lowtr win• <low. Afl'r entering he apparenl-l1 ly found nothing, the offli;e Mfe being undisturbed. Last bur glj\r)' ntlled petty cuh. !--------~---------~~---~ - I - 2 w11u· ONLY - Save up to .33YJC¥o I ·on-Quality FIOof Samples SPECIAL NYLON VISCOSE CARPET rr« .... t& ... yd. We must ma"-room for tile 1lllp1ne11t1 of new ·. merchandl• now anivlnt -IO hsry while these amcallMJ vables last. lelow are listed itnt a few •••••j of ... treme•clous ICIYlllCJI i11 tile fhle Colon I a• d SERT A HOTEL MA nRESS Twin or Full Miu - SatlonaUy Famoua - NOW ~NLY .Sf 95 1q. yd. t' Mondltlona.lly ctuarant-.t Laid W•ll to W•ll lnduding 40 01. W •ffl• Pad and L•bor Modenl F...illllftCJI', !9IM sllthtfy shop~ ..... perfect. NOW ONLY •2995 M•tchin9 Box Springs -S•m• Price M ·o DERN KRO:::~ :.~:.:o· G~.~ ... ~~~: ... ~.~ .......... .No~' 129 N MATCIUSU t 'HAIK t N ReiuJar 589.MI , . .... .. . ............ , ............. NOW 59 DANISH U>\'E SEAT . Orttn . lmport4ld Fabrtc • 1aa11 Rt'(Ular $1 69.95 / .. . ... .... .. . ...... NOW . V"7 AR~IU:8S ()CC'ASU,)!liAL (;HAfR. Ptaattc 1-U1Pfttte 24·ae k«ular '41.115 • Kf'dUl'f'd Ollf'·balf . .. ... .NOW BIRCH ( OSTEM .. OKAR\' DISlNG OROt'P E1t4':;: .. !·:~.::ur o.~~ ................... -.......... .Now' 169 N MAT:~~~:~ :i~::.;r.~ .. ' .................................. ~ .... Now'79" "~tR .t MKS." un·sot; <'HAIRS . AJR.FOAM , . r Top Qu&Jlt)' Gold ftoucle "MM." "'I"· •99 60 "MRS." ~r. I M IUUO . sow su·uo . NOW 19 rn: ('llt:AM ~. Kounct r11111e "1tta ' Mui~~=.~~:.,._ .. .. ............. : ......................... NOW I 59 N <'OSTt:MPOR'«'Rl' BEDROOM OROt:H TR•:::..~RE~~::, \~'1Tt~ ~~~.~ ....... -.... 1 ....... Now' 129 .. BOO~~= ~~DO~RD ......... -............................ llOW I 59 N co~=~~ ~.~.~---·--··-···-................. ~ow' 26 M ~': ~.! .-·-.. --..... : ............. -........ _._ .. NOW' 19 N ~. OU I DOOR FuRlllTURI IPICIALI . . , REDWOOD SPRIN.G CHAISE • WITH BOXED PAD 0 .,1y •IJ9s ALUMINUM SPRING CHAISE WITH'BOXED PAD . only si9•s 7 Ft. GARDIN UM•ILLA Vat Dy~d Duck -M~fal Tilt Pole only sz1•1 l COLONIAL LAKGE WING CHAIR· Top Qualit7 • U-(-Owr ' 110 ot Rrplar •tll'J.AO ............... NOW ' wu~~:::,A ;,";;:o"~ .. ~--~nn~ ... : ......... -... :Now' 195 ot MOTOROLA Colonial ll" CoMole 11&5 modf'I • 229 N · Beplar StH.H . NOW HEYWOOD WA.llt:FIELD ,ll. DlNISO 8ET ~'~;:=:: ~~ .. ~.' .Wlrwhor .. ~~ Now' 159 ts ff{,'T~:: :~!."~~.~~. ~.R~ ............... Now'119 N . . . DOt;BLE D&ESftEk WrrH NJRKOR a.Mewi.t .......,... • Maple P'la1all • C<lmplet.e ht S 79 N . ......,..Slit.It... . .. . NOW DU& Cllr.aT-DROP LID. aEC&lln'A&Y nn w-1 .:::~ .. ~ .......... -·-·-· .. -· .. ,_ .. ___ ...... .NOW I J4 H IU.PI.& .... ~:~ D .... ~. -· .. ·--.......... . ....... NO~ S 44 N . . C&rr.:.. ca:::~-~~:.~.~ ~ ...... MOW' 15 N I w aoc>rD lllllCll &XTD•ION .TABLE • '!'u.~ °::..:. ":~ -,. ........... ____ .. .Now' 1J911 ·NEWPORT FURNnUR~CO. 2620 W •. Coast Highway NIWPORT llACH Pho..-Ub~rty 1-1113 . .. r