HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-23 - Newport Balboa PressSUNDAY FIRE HITS BAY SHORE A two-car garage and two automobiles. 1953 and 19-19 ChcvrolclR. were dcstroyed in ·a fire at 2581 Creatview Drive, Sunday. The property belongs to Richard M. Teachout. Cause of tl;te fire ia undetermined. ----Staff Photo l,SLAND P. 0. MERGED ,WITH NEWPORT OFF ICE Fint Class Distribution Service; Better Also Instituted WASHINGTON, D. C .. MAY 23 (OCNS) -Orders estab· lisping the Balboa Islalld Post Office as a branch station of the Newport Bt>ach Post Office were issued from the office / of the Postmas ter General today. Colncident&J with the ""l11bll11h· !---------------------------- m ent of B11lbna bland a .. a 11t11t111n W. L REODICll. ot Newport ~ch wm be lht> IO· Water aUtu\ion ot "rlrat clus service" on I the i.tand. Thie will g-lve overnight .. rvlce in the pickup and delivery of dlapatchu and l&te 11.nd l!arly w eekend delivery or' 11peci11cl dellv· Skien Arrive Here with l~vitation for ,.,ayor Dora Hill ery letterw and parcels. A pair or mar&lhon Willer 8kier11., Af11htiOn&I . pllk hr1tUde WM on Ext.enalon ot the motor truck Dick Walker 32 IUld Dave Heller, h11n11 111 the fo1m or 21-yur~ld pick up Mrvlce of the Newport 21 f s n Di• 'skimmed IO~ 75 TV 11ctrf'M Ct•orgielle Mlchl"lle, :S..Ch Poat Office to Balboa b · ' 0 8 ego. e whu 1wtrtl as 11 courll!r to bring an mile. of ooe&n from there to here tnvitJition from thl' Newport dock· land wlll (Ive Ule lalt.1nd eeveral . houn better aervlce tn d.Lspa.tch Saturday to deliver &n lnvlt&tlon 11ldl' to Mayor Pouleon of Lo• An· and df-.rtbullon ot mall. to Mayor Dora O. -UID for San gelflll.. •tat,. ... Ule Balboa POllL Office I Dle~·11 Harbo~ Daye M~m ... 111· Ac<'ordini; lo Walkf'T'.' Ule pafr waa mad,. a 111Latlon of the New·1duslnttl Exposition, May 21-30, .. sk ied re.ii ~t1uni: all lhP way ~nd port Be11ch r o11t Office wiLh Ker· Mayor Hill received the 111'/l· had no rough w11tl'r till we h it 'bert Kenny, formerly postmut.er. borne tnvit&tlon•w1Lh thAnkll Utt!r Newport breakwater.'' u aupertntendenl of mall11, &lboa 1lll releue from a w11l1"rtt~hl The l!kl1"n1 "'atd UH' only ucilE"- atlll relalna ltA Cli 0 11ltnctwe po11t· 1 packet. ntl'.'nl l'IUTI" when lheir tow craft, mark and It i1 expec\ed Balboa The 11kier11 were met at the Har-Twin B, atn1ck two 11h&rk~. "\\'e htanis will ret&in ltJI ldenttficet1on bor Ma11ter'11 Dock by Mayor HJll, 111most tipped then.'' HdlH 11a1d. tor poat office purpo11ea. Fire Chief R. J. B11sooe, unclP 01 Both wei e appllrf'ntly quite Mn. Hild& Briscoe Watkin•. Heller. and by wi\)es. children. par· atroni: 11flt•r their 75 mile JUnJu•t poeLmuter ot Balbo& Ialand had enlll and a bevy of seven pretty (l'ontlnuf'll on l'ace 1) flORll!!ls m the "Miss Harbor Days" a nd Hrller bon~tc••I lhut, "WI' could <'llnlest. !la\•e ~onl' to San Frandaco." / OCC CIEW NOSID BY CAL FROSH The Calllomla J'rpah ~ defeated Orans• Cout. Col· Jep by a ttCant two feet 8at- Urd#Y Jn a 2000-~t.er • t on l.he Oakl9nd Eatuary, The Oranre Cout crew con- m ied of Grabam Glbbona, bow, Andy MaAln, No. 2, Tom Pletta. No. 3, ~od Norton, No. '· Ben Benjamin, No. II, Dick Jord&n. No. 6, Ted Jetfrtea, No.7, Frank Beall, atroke, a.nd Bob Gh1sleln, co~ln.. • Orang-e Cout will enter both eight oared and four oar· ed crews in the Wut.ern Na- ii NEwPoRT BliCH, .CALIJ'ORNIA. MONDAY, KAY 23, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1818 ~~·d ::~~~:~ •• Voters OK E~ection~ing ·Charged by Mesans at Main School Passes After Long Illness Wllli¥TI E. Reddick. 37. younrer brolher or publisher Ben Reddick ot the Newport Harbor New• Presa puiwd away Sunday nlpt aL Lbe Oakland VeJ.erans Admtnl•· traUoo Hospital where he had been confined for many week• ~th "Ve..lley Fever." Valley Fever la a fungus dllleue common to thl" San Joaquin Valley and I.a known a1Jlo &JI deaert fever. Reddick wu a veLeran of World W11cr U In which he 1erved 5 yeara with th·e United Statu Cout Guard In AaklUc Pacific Waters, and in the A tlantic. Willl&m E. Reddick WU a n&• live Californlc.n. He wu born In Huntington Park where he went through the public •chool1 and then entered C&IPoly at San Louis Obispo. He wu &n agricultural engineer In aalea and Hrvice of farm machinery wJLh the J . I. Cue Company of O&kland and Racine, Wl9Conaln. School Tax Proposal Board Incumbents Defeat All Opposition Candida~es Newport Beach and Costa Mesa voters approved a high school building tax plan and reaffirmed all seven incumbent board members who ran for re-election iri the school elections Friday. By a vot.. mar(ln, voter• Alleged irregularities during Friday'• achool electlon at two Costa Mesa polling places Wt're claimed today by MM& citizens to the Newa-Presa. They indicated they may take their complaints to the county grand jury. Main conrention wu that volun· hind h im: te!'r w9rk•r11 who 11et up their H OW TO \'OT!: tabll" compltte with ll11t1 of votera "Now i1 your opportunity to •ot• within 12 letl of the polling booths If you don·t v.•&11t double aeulon• •nd the tltcllon board at Costa or nv!'r crowded aehool•." Thi• Men Main School may have tx-en could refer only to the 55-cent g-ullty of ele<'lloneer1ng under th!' OVf'rta.x approvl'd tor N-port atalt codt . ll 11p .. C'lfi1"d that no Harbor Union Hip School Dia· .!IOhcltJlllnn of votl'r8. dl•ruulo~ trl<'t. of aubJect matter on Lhe ballot, In· He reported the table at&l/ed lerffnng with the Plection board throughout t he day at a point or l!ler tiont'ertng may ~ conduct· wherf voters could not enter thilll Pd by &nyone within 100 ff'et of th!! polling pl,a<'e without ~Min( the poll1. · workers. Th"Y !liked the YOter hi• Ro~rt M. w 118on, Coal& Mesa. n&me a nd told him the number or whose wiff', Maryalicl'. ran for the h i• prtdnct, he Mid. lat~.)' co11tA Mtsa E lt!mentary School n lg-ht rollowins the election, \\II· Dtatncl txiard of truatPtll. reported eon declared, he and othera attend• he11rlng voluntel!r wnrkera at tht tnr a dance at Main lchool aaw table involv<'d 11ay to votl'r• bf>· (<'-UaMd ...... 1) NEW CHAMPS! cave the •<>-&head to the hl,Jh He 11 survived by hie wldow, lcl\ool building plan which c.alla Ruth Ellen, two llOlt•, Gerald. 11 tor • a&~t ~r $100 of &MelMd News-Press Internships Served by UCLA News-t and Ronald, 8 a.nd a daurhter, QC. 8• ..... -..lu&ttap s-over-rtch,' 1u1 nest ,......_ ll&rdlJ ..._ .. ._. la ~ and Oeorp ft---. 1MIU\ of Debra., ., a.U ot ta.. t...UW ...-. .. I r-tor-a ,o-y'ur >penod. the ,.dltortal room o1 ttr• NflFP'Ol't Loll ~I•. Th• ••Ul •tudent, In San Lereso. .. . tn the conte•t for lhe hlsh Ha.rbor Newa·Prull Oii.a Wffll. at.wart ca... haila from Tarry- Ke i. a.lao aurv1ved by hla bro-JC Baseball llf'hool boerd, Incumbent.A, Judre Thlnp are j umping. town. N-Tork. Lhera and alstera.. M..iM Iva M. !Wd· ,,_ _ Donald J. D~e &nd J . t..-11111' Six UCLA 11tud1"nl.t fn:im Lbe INTERN P&OORAM dick &nd Miu Eat.her F. Rl"ddlck. T t St ttfPni<en, wtre N'lalnf'd with Ed· Oniduate Drpu.,,-nenl of Journal· The lnteni prorrun conal•t.I ()f boLh of Downey; Mni. Jack C. ournamen want \Y. Miium ~ thl' leading con-t11m urivl'd over thl' Wttkend to t.&kln( oYer aome ot lM Jobe UA· Bmnl"r ot S&n Dll"go; J ohn H. Red· t .. ndf'r only 20:1 ,·ott11 bthlnd ~inn thPlr &nn u&J lntem11htp on ull..lly done by the rerular at.art dick of Ple.cervUle. and Ben Red· Orange Cout won the Southl'm 1 Steffne11tn. th111 nl''''" P"~r. They are 1uu1l!ll· Supervlaed by resular atatf•"· the dick of Newport Beach. California JC b&.11l'ball ch:mplon· 1 COUEOI': BOARD • 1n1 the r1"gul11r 11taff in putttnc 11tudtnta will w ork aa r.porterm. Funer&J aervtcea &re pendlnf? at ahip S&turday ..-Ith &n •2· S·I F'or lhl" Orang~ Coaat Collere out this wttk'11 !'dlt1ons. l'dit &11d rewrite newm at.on ... take the Miiier Mortua.ry in Downey: double victory ?v'r LACC attl"r boRrd. Louis Conrady end Horar.. South,.r n Cllhfornla 111 wtll rep· phot ograph• and pther eome rol- lntermenl w1ll be m the f&mlly dm~pmg Friday 11 gaml!, 13·3· : Parkn ktpl their lll'11t11 by a wld!' resN1lPd hy Lhl' group u five of I ortul tutun atorte• ln Ole :-<ew· plot at the Downey community \\ ayne Coughtry w-:s thl" big mari:::in. Robl'rt H Oland1>r. lhl" thr "ludPnlll now mske thr1r homr )"<!rt area. ~metery g-un tor the Orange Jl;ine aa ht onlv ~ontendn ni.n :126 vot1'11 I'll'· in t ht' s .. uthf'rn <\1hfomu1. a rea., Thl11 la Ule fourth WHk ot the · hurled both Snturday wins and hind Conrady· who polled 2481 1 Thr y Rrt F'orre1<1 c·rrY . R1\'er111dt; ru1Ttnt lnterruihlp . prorram tor - , hit a home run in both conteste. voles. Lynn <.:arJ'f'nl,.r. Huntington Park: 1 thl1 yfl&J''a •tudent.a. l:acll year Orange won the flr11l g&me of (Contlnul"d on Pa(I' l) Rill Durk.,r, Hollywood. Bnb Ram-(Co•U•aed " r.c-1) the twin bill with thrte run• tn _ _ ____ _ tht l!l'rond lnntng L'I Coughtry and Bob '\'tt:r.el hit roun•llrippers. \I .. ~ brl bl1111tr•I a homer In the ninth c :'! .. ~ -, .. jt -, - .: !: .; .. ~ " c .. 1 • ... ;, .. ..,_ -... i: Thi' third inning of the 11rcond gamP provrd lh<' !lownta11 of L AC<' 8JI OC' 11cor(•d twn counters r Thr41e walks. an t'r·ror. and a force -,,lily did lhf.' dam age. I' Co11~htry hit h111 11econd fouc·b1t11er the next lime 11rou11d. Gayle Her· to ,.n<t the on'llaught. · .,_---------------~~--...L----1~----------------..., P. E. French Dies While Boating A Wtll·known y1elltm1an. Plltr· lip E. F'nnch, 61 , 211 Larkspur Ave., dit!d or a hPllr! 11 ttack ye:1· trrJay while at tht wheel of his b<>&t In 'l:rwport Harbor. He WM a rl!tlred m&nufa<'tUrl!r. George "Burka nit. who wu with Mr F rf'nch. udlOl"d to 11horr tor I h,.lp whc>n tht attack occurred, C"urt Do11h, 217 Purl Av,., recetv· f'<I thr me11eage and <'lllled New- port Pollrl'. Harbor pollcl". w1lh reiwu!' equipment imd a tloctor, ru11hl'd lo -the 11crn•'. PollCI' 1111.ld he died by thl' time they arrived ancl ~rrort11 to f'pvlve him were (Ult IP. Mr. P'r,.nrh ha11 hPl'n ll membrr ()( !hi' Cott"l G11&rd Auxntary. ~·111t 1lla 4i. tht• MR11on11. a ncl an 11CtiVP nlf'mbl'r or lhl' Power sciuRclron'11 Di11trlrl S&f!'l)' Com· m1Mir111. Jo~\lnl'rJ\I fiPrvlC'Pll h&Vf' bC'tn ar· rani.t<'d by BlllU Mortu&ry. to bP hrlcl at 3 p.m . Wedneaday In the Churr h or thl! R"C'l"l'Bt0n11I. Fnrest Lawn Mtmortal Park. HARBOR WEATHER O ranit-t County WtaLher Fore-- rut-Conaiderable low cloudlnus with .eome local night snd morning drlule but clearing partially in attemoon11 today 11nd Tuuday. Not much change in temperature!!. High t~&y near 68. Newport-Bill· OO.--cloudy ~ky. YiaiblUty, JO mllu t.hrouch lif{ht rain, aJr tern· per&ture 69, water temperature 82. _.Jl.O )tllmn COST.\ \tt:~~ RllAftl) t>c..'C BOA KD .czg 110 1 ~~ , l - ~ ':, "' .-.·? 1 t ~l~ d.34 ~..,!:: .~13 ~')~ . ?fl() • 'I en 14''~ 1 ,.... <if ?~. c,. . -:.. -· .. ~ I: ?f' ";rr 16 ;~() J :::i .J ~ ~C:.1 .. -; ?--/i '1 r ~ ;:.7c. -;.,~~ . , ~,· , ·c ~ ?C..4 ?;\.4 , ~:· c ~,.-,.-r .r •r ~c-.o , t,,.. ;\ :: i::; , .... i:;. . ' ?A ~~, , ·7 O? 81 C,0, "' , ' . . ' C(';l , .. c. ri ?O~ c;>:. . . .-== 4 " ;t :' c;, ?"if> ') c:. C.~C' . :::,.-~~? f ? ~(~ , -r.~? ?OI; 3?t :.c.<6 ... 7$:'- ;;x.,;.,.......,.....----_...;·~'_,..---+-.&.at~r:Mvet._llle~ ·~Jm~l~lai:.O..--_,,,-----------------t-t----i----~~~~~==f====~t:====~i==~=1·------~ tlle Harbor -werT: \\'ARM WELCOME -Long distance water skiers Dave Ht'llt>r. ldt. and Dick Walker, were met at dockside by pretty TV starlet Georgicttc Mit'ht'll<' n!.l•·r their 3-"iur, 35- minute Ran Diego to ~ewport ~ki run. And look what the~· r.u ... • • .1 nt-p1'- ew of 2\ewport F ire Chle! R. J . Brilcoe. .. ' HJsti Low Tut11day, M&J 17 . . es 53 WedMedaJ, May 11 .... 78 1'>2 Thur9d&y. May 18 _ .. 77 59 Fnday. May 20 ... ,_ 15 53 Saturday. May 21 . , 66 lie Sunday. May 22 ........ 14 17 Moadq~ K1,r 21 -11 ,, II (ttaftdrr 20~ ~ea J AB 428 ·""27 "" ,p, \. ~. HARBOR AREA SCHOOL VOTE LISTED The tabulation ibove ahowa unofficial varioua tot.ale on achoo! tru.t.ee races and the Newport Harbor Union High School overtax proJ>09ition. It la broken down by school vot.ini plac. with tot&Y at rl1hl. I G 0 P WOMEN TO SPONSOR AMERICAN FLAG .PROJECT ... Nation-wide Drive for 2M .onnwood now , sho,... C"ltrt•: ll1n. P1ul 0. Davi•. 1207 ~h'll 8 L, B · • E H Jira. ·Nula11 i'T ltulle, lMO 0.y . anner ln very O~e Ftont. Mrs. J ohn 1... 81'•ch, 11~ . Dl1tmond Avt . Mr•. C. K. Boud· Caiifornia Federation of Republican Women, joining j man, 117 TurquOT:~e Ave., Mr1. wffh others ot l'he nation, fa -wponsori:ng ·a-patriotic-projtt~r.anlt SWk i H arbor 1•••nd • • . . M1'11. J11rnme Helperin, 112. Via P al· featuring th~ American flag. lnap1red by th~~ords of Mrs. I W M .• tot"'· a. 15. Ry9da.le.. au ·Everett Grubb. who spoke before the group at the Ne~rt Ml)ntero: Mrs . .Qidn~ sa.~en\ .,_•=-----• Harbor Area Republican Women' a Club meeting, May 19. f Buron Bay: Mri. Roy l<)'man, 12\ membut1 !'nthu:olasliC;•llY f'ndorffd, onh~" 111·tth thl' foUowfn( co~mlt-1 Snur Harbor: or Mra. Dan l>ria~ and pa.SMd a motion to supporl an t te mtmtM-n: J.lra. Raw11on Foote, kt"ll, 229 'Coldenrod Ave. American fl&&' display drive. MMI. Cru.bb i1 dlvl,.,lon Amertranlsm cllt.IJ'm&J'I tor the P"t'dtra11on of Re· publlCIU\ Women. eeee e eeeeeteeeeeeeeee••eeee•e•ee•• WHAT'S DOING • • • • • • • Memben urs-e the community'• cooperation to help •·m1ndk the tin • of patrlotlam In the Marta 1 of our children and fellow A mer!· ran• 11 a aymbol of our faith In ; the Amt rica.n 1ystem of f O\'em- ment." Committee chairm t.n tor ' the project ti Mr-1. Roy HallberJ. I Slog1ul for the patriotic project Is, "Let'• eee a. n.r flying from ev- eryone'• houae by Fl.q Day, J une 14," I Bay area clUzellJJ who wi.h to purch&N rlaga may place lhclr PATRIOTIC PROJECT -Mayor Dora· Hill (left) is abown buying the first flag in support of the new American flag display drive. The drive is being aponaored by the Federation of Republican Women to commemorate Flag Day, June 14. Mrs. Roy Hall- berg, center, committee chairman, presented ~he flag to Mayor Hill. Mrs. Richard Teachout, president of the Harbor Atta Republican Women's Club (right ) observed the presentation. -Staff Photo _____________________ Ronald T. M. Hambrook, you r Telephone Manaaer in Newport Belch • • • • • • eeteeee•e•e•••e••e•e•e•e•••••ee••• MI~S J ODY FRANCES JOHNSON ' --Gerhardt Photo Jody ·F. Johnson Sets July Date for Al tar Walk to W ed Bakersfi eld M an M~n""~!~:.s N~ t J~L; !i1~:so Ave . hove an- nounn :J th<' engagement of t heir daught<'r Jody to Clarence "C" Cl::irk c of Bak<'rsficltl. The announcement was made at I h• Alpha Omkron Pi e••rnrity h "" 11n th,. CCLA rsmpu!!. 1 nes~ A•lmlnl~lrntlon at UCL A 11 1111,1, ... ;, t ,1• 1 1 . .i1 .1 l'rLA whPrt' the )'•lung cuuplr nwt. He 11!11 J i-1 +d+mlo• I\ It 1q :o-;,,"l'"rl w ilt blo' grr1clUUlt.'•I in r 1bruary, H 11 h"i 1 ·n .. 111 llli:h :-; 11111 1 !i nd 1~ 1!•~•6 and is 11 1111'mbrr ,,f s1g111a """" a,.-1,t.1111 hll"'' "' c·ullegi<•nne :->u frntcm1iy on .:ampu~. clri "•"' "· 11 L"" Ang1•l"s 1.h'par l· The l'ouple 18 pla.n mng ti J uly 11 1 • ~t '" JI) Wf'ddm.: Ill Sl. Jamt?8 l!:p1scQpal NEWPORT HARBO R MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEW PORT HARBOR NEWS:PRESS MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 DARR ALOHA PARTY SATURDAY EVENT Miss Lola Lyons of Long Bea<:h recently served as hostess for the Kamaaina Club at the Town Club in• Long Beach. Owners of the club, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Durkins, assisted with the entertainment and a specially prepared buffet. Arra ngements were completed at the meeting for an Aloha party Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Omer Darr at the Roy Keene home, 1576 E. Ocean Blvd., Newport Beach, from 7 p.m. to conclusion. The Darrs are scheduled to sail thei r schooner Vega from Newport Harbor to TAhiti, departing J un'e 10. A potluck supper was held, it was announced, and all club members and their families were invited. ·, .... '" .... : ... t II"' j.;tH1IURtf'd ~·hu1.-h 11flt.'r wlil~h th!'V Will tour 11 l.1 t Ht1.0 1r1f1•itl li1gh1>,·h(•!1l n11rth.m t'alirorn1a. Th;,y will re· .Camera Club " . 1 1 •'·' .11 1111• :-.1 ""'I 11( Bub1• i-11IP in \\'estwnvd. Is Hostess to DeMolay Mothers Alp ha P hi s at Larzelere H o1ne Slide Exhibit 1 1 JllP~ldPnl. i.:avi!' 11 rep,ll l cm nation· al ,.\IJ•h:l Phi al'!lv1t1!'l<. 'I ·r 1 L k 2301 0 k 1 Orange CQunty Camera Club Is I .,i~. "( 11c oy.. 11 mon • A'", ~"nla Ana, will ti .. hOl'lt':<S prt>Sl"ntmi:-Its fifth annual color fnr thr nr:-.t rnl'<'tlng. June 6. I ~lltlt' exhibit Tuesday at . 8 p.m. Th••ll" wh., all• nrl••d Wt•rc• J\1111,.i<. 111 \\'1lllan.I J unior High School Th•• nll1n• l•'" rn1i.1 at lhl" honw C. A . H1tm1ll""· Hobt'-rt IAlrkey. auditorium . .,..11h 410 !!!Ides to be Mrs. Ed Sedelmeler waa. latest hostt"ss to DeMolay Mothers Club al an evenm~ 11esslon In her home. 441 El Modrna A \'e. Mrs. Carl Thomas prt'Slded ln the ab11ence or Mrs. Hadd Ring. Roses and sweet p!'a!I adorned the rooms and tea table. nf ~Ii • R lt hn1 .J LA.rz1 1~rl' "n RBI· 1 Trtl Luc!<<')". H . H. HP nshaw. J . A . '"' 1 1wr..:1<lll.L w •s l'•·llln~ t •r tt,o Bl:ii••h. J . H R1i;i;:s. T. H . Jenw!I. . • :'\':i•l•·•w C11pl<'n, ~tar!<hnll l'at111n :'\t,11· l11n1 11• •II ••! 11 ... 1111• II .\ lpha I u I u I I 'I R h . I anc .:.Ur nn n ys< 8 ... " I'S. 181(' P hi nluinnn1•. )l00n•lay. )tay Ill. was ro·hosl•'l>s \l'llh Mrs. Larze- ~hm«n. Somr or the membrr• nre Mrs. C. V . Turntr of!l!rcd to now flying around the WOl'ld lak· give a publlc1ty book to the club. ang pictures, others have just 're· Mrs. James J\lacCandllsh. who wu uslstlng hostes11. took home the turnert !rom A rr1ca. The public Is door .priu, a wrought Iron t.nd l\I• 11:br1 ~ iznlh<'• • d 1111d1•r ttw um· lert-, lnvHetl to th1:1 show. Ot'ramlo buttt'r melter. b~lla l'l dn u~n~l ~~rk ~r 1hr j~~~~--~~-~~-~~~-~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- Or.1ni;• «1111nty ll•·.1rt .-\!>l<r1111111on • whwl1 Jl;,~ h• • 11. l""l" I fou· the ~1 ""1'•1111 th• 1· •~l )' ar. ur11lt·r the guld.111." 11: 11h1lun1 hrop.1· , .• a1 r- m .• n, ~1 1~. :-. .. l··r11• ('c>pl••fl 1 Cooling Family Is Growing "In two yeara, nine month• we 'addeJ two daughtera·ln ·law a.nd lhrt"e grnndchlldren." 11ay the Ken· neth Coollnra ot Beacon Bay, con· !easlnr they are 1till In a whirl. Gr&nddaughter Marnette spent 10 daya here during time ot at'· rlvaJ of G~gg Newt.on, born to Richard and Marjorie I Holmqul11l) Cooling of Rueda. On her second birthday, her .coualn Jane, five month• old daug'ht.er of Mr. and Mra. Robert Cooling, WH chrillt· cned In Westwood Community Methodist Church. Balboa Bridge Master Point Wlnnt're o! Master P oint.a In the Friday evening t ournament In Bal· ooa were Mn . George Ca rroll and Mrs. A. G. Doeeburg playing-east· we11t and Mrs. Arnold Gaaaer and Mrs. Edna MacMasters In north· south position. Runners-up ·east· west Wt'rt' Mrs. M. Faurot and Mrs. D. Dustin; Mrs. Orart F reeman and W illiam Dugan: M n . Robert Roes and Mrs. Charles Boardman: Mrs. 'Mildred Lytle and Mrs. Ger· t n1de cbx. Runncr11 • up north -1outh were Mrs. Ptg1?y John80n and Mr11. Frank Rerd: Gl,.nn Rust 11nd St&n Huakcy: Sally Brown and A. D. Wetherby tying with Andy Tay· lor and Fred Morrison. EMt-weat w1nncre of the Mon· day game were Mrs. ~orge Car· roll and Mrs. A. G. Doe~urg. while high 1corer1 n orth -south were Mr1. Harry Schilling and Mr'B. E. J. Wickman. Runners-up t'Ul· we11l were Mrs. F red John11on a11d Mrs. Pauline Sayre: Mrs. Grace Preda and Mrs. Marton Brown; Mu. Henry Eggert and Mm. Mil· clred Lytle. Runners -up nor th • eouth were Mn. Anne J ones t.nd ltldon Bond~ Mrs. Carl Powell a11d Jack Powell; Mr1. Betty Coomb1 a11d Mn . Doro- thy Harrt1on. The group will meet on Friday evening w1th play start· Ing at 7:30 o'clock. At the Cracker Barrel Out of Quarry Anny Cpl. Ronald Quurry. a aon of• Mr. and Mrs. K•·n:ieth Quarry, 2:'19 I Ea.st 20th St.. l'<111t1' :'.tesa.-wn'° rt'lt'Med April 28 from the ai my at Fort ~wls, Wash. Quarry recently · parllclpated ln lhe major 11ervlce opera.lion Surf· board, held in Southern Cahtomla. He wu graduated from Harbor Hlgh and wu attending Orange Cou t College when he entered the acrvjce. He ~11 11pend aome time vlllltlng and 1lghtaeelnr: In the northwcet before retum ln1 to Coata Meaa. . Foret Baby Born A. •lrl, 8 lb1., 3 OZ., WU born to .Mr. and Mni. Marvin Ford, 2381 Rodeo Place, Coeta Meaa, May 17, In the Santa Ana Community Hoa· pit.al. TllE ORGAN YOU CAN PLAY AT ONCE ! tbe "oDderfUI '""' HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Now! No Need to Ta.Ile Ltuona Come .In and Prove It to Y ounelf We a.IM IDvtte 700 to -bl ud by U.. tiew llAmmoad 8plae& OrpD-No" Available How many parts make a telephone? U you were lo count the part1 In a telephone, you'd 6nd a.n aJ • mQJt unbelievable number. There are W of them. all told. K&ny of these are complex and preclt1ion made. Yet the telephone la rugged. On the average It needal Axing only once ln about al.Jt' yeara. And telephone people bav,e worked out way1 to make tel• pbonee at aurpriaingly low coet. The. th.Inga help u.a keep tele- phone service a good buy for you. P1clfio Telephone work• to make your telephone 1 bigger value every day, ThrH New Channen Added to Business Office Shown abovt', mnklng plan1 with Ultlr new boSI, Dorothy Burr, a.re Carol Fttt.-rs. Carol Morgan and Barbara Wagner. Tht'~ three young women have jwt completed 11.n l!lgtrt week courae In bu11I· nu !! ofrlrt' opcrat1nns and will be· loalled lg our Office at 31 1 E .. Balboa Blvd. Wht'n you c&Jl the o!flce or comt In to the ottk e with any of your telephone bWJlnes1, you may talk to any one or the threr of them. \\le arc very pleased t o welcome theM three fine people lo -0ur 11l"8.H. They we-re acle<>tf'd C3refully. and trained W<'llT DANZ• SCHMIDT , and we know that you w iU enjoy dt11ng business with them, Mra. Burt, Businl'1111 Ortlce Supervfaor, to whom thru three glrl.11 will BIO PIANO • ORGAN STORE r eport. ha!' been with us just a ytar. She haa plenty or experlent·e ..,...aarten for All Modela with the company, having cohlplet~d a pproximately 26 yeani with Rammoad Orran• Poc1Clc TelPphone. She 1larled htr rar,.l'r ln !As Arigele11, where By CARO EATON .,, i -&l40 she worked In dlfferf'nt C1fflce11 In that r11y, and 8pent St"Veral yon ll'1 not too &oon, to ththk or ,.... In the Buslne.'ls Oftk 1• st c +m pton bcf11re l·'lming to Newport J une, a11d wedding tune. and • honl!ymoon. And there Is the In· Ito No. HalJJ Sant.a Ana Brach. Exp,.rtenc<' ~urh Ill! Mri<. Burr'• and the fine people ahown e~tahle~!t furt~h~~young' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~··~·1~h~h~e~r~a~r~,.~n:u~n~i~b~P r~e~rl~hl~~~h~oo~t~h~t~l~~~l~1~·f~~~8:e~~~o~!~o~~~b~u~~~ln~t~11;11·~ couple. What could be nicer tha.n r ----- a print for ttirlr future quarters! ' - 1'1111 In;.: thr h11~.a1r-11 11wetlng tla.1l 1oll••W•"l Inn• h• "n 1t wa!I de· I 1'1dcd th11t l'lllt1nt1 • 1 ii f1 .. in th•· ln- ,.81 p oup ""·11ld h,lp 111 lht' H1a1 t F1u1d bcmth at,. t )11• OrnnJ.!'C County F:i11. A11j: IV, Al.~u plan< 1 .. r Llll'1 1':1,11lh .. 111 1.:a11furn.11 ( ".11in1 11 11( Al· pl•>< l'ht 1rnnu11 l hrnrhC'tln to bo hpJ.j kt lhf' ;>;rwp•U l Ha1hnr Y11r hl Cl11b .A ui:;. 'l "" i., cl1s1.u,_,Nl. (),·. 11nr,r t"nmrtv n-tmnmrr'\tj tl-hr-hmr-t•·~""ll !Pr tJ;e Rff,11r ~l ri<. La71'1r1". <"i::"'~~·~~·~r"'' • And you'. could make It a mo111•y· POSITION WANTED MAtE --·----· """ 1' All their lives they'll thank yo" for 11u. GRADUATION GIFT! a Sllith-Corona POITAILI TYrlWlml • Jt't the world'1 /llSfrJ/f ponable -witli 39 wonderflll feet-lot ..-&·b typiql. ,. 'T1M apetd ol Ill el5c-e 1'7J1Prlttt. ..... f.U..i.e kqboard •... 1oe,. 1...t.c beeitJ ud •pea.debiliry -11 1 Smftlll-Coro111 poneble I -· . -I • ,, "°' N'1I r. -'"t • I ~v•~~vt 902 North Mal" Kl 2·2365 Santa Ana PREPARING DECORATIONS for the J unior .Ebcll "Cotton Ball" are 1 to r, Mrs. Ed wa rd Kdly, decorations chairman; Mrs. Forrest Allinder, co·chairman, and Mrs. Cecil Link<'y.~"Cotton Ball" chairman. Decorations shown are a magnolia bush and figurines -,of bnnJ<> players atop cotton bolls. The affair will be held June 3 at Capistrano Beach- r11mb<'rs Club. -Staff Photo · ) . laundry service deluxe ..• at bargain prices/ W HAT IS IT? lndi\'fdually wa.•hed-wurtng apparel fluff dril"J by filtered a tr-ll11t pieces profr~slonally Ironed. Your clothes a11d lln~ns 11re done up ONE unit-no mix· up~. nn unsightly mark1 -ralneott wnter, gent.le controlled eoapa. W HEN A VAILABLE ••• l'f'n•lce wflhln houra It urgent, b~cau.se we do everything rlcht here. H OW MUCH ••• It 1s e bargain bundle too casa pura J 100 \\'Niit f'O&'lf 111..:h\\a)· "St:R\lCT. WlTRl:'\ HOl"RS -WJU :S l\'f:t:Ol:D" l'OMPLETE LAl"SDERS and CL.EA .. 'a:RS , order <VI THE CRACKER BAR· REL. 128 Ag:at~-(T}le Fe.tr¥ S ttl"et1. Ba1'6oit. Jiiland, that unfqu' shop where the lol'C birds could 1 wander about hand ln hand. Iris· urcly look onr the myrjad prints or orlglna.111 and find one to their I lute. Those undenitnndlng love I bird!!, Sandy and Elly Enfield, would gladly t.nd happily help the newly·hltch~d with ideas on J!Ult· able framing. \\'hlch Sandy does I expl'rll.v. Olhtr fine gift lteme. At THE CRACKER BARREL, l -Adv. Man with splendid personal and cultural bacl<ground and important Public Rela- tions experil'nce In both San Francisco and New York interested in affiliation in Resort -Hotel -Restaurant or Retail Sales. Has excellent knowledge of faa- hions, both men and women, al90 home decorations. Inter~sted in Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar -Newport Beach and Balboa Island areas. Highest credentia.lt furnished . Phone before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m. Harry Tom McKenn~ -HYatt 4-7092. 'IAll 'CONVlHllNCI 'llAUn •SPUD •fPPICllNCl' •coM,OIT •tUANLINIH •coOLNIH ·AUTOMAnc OPHATION •11Tn1 lllULTI A 11-ekctric kitclwns suit homemakers belt I Ill YOUI DIALll SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY I • f, ' .. E!NGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -When Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Goode, 2040 Davie1 Way, Loa Angeles, entertained at a cocktail party for college friends of the young coupte . .it was to announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Berenice to Don- ald R. Watd. son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward, 123 Via Unafne. The bride-elect is vice president of Mortar Board, national women's honorary fraternity at S.C., has served as secretary of Kappa Alpha Theta, treasurer and vi ce president of Associated Women Students, was named Helen of Troy, is a member of Amazons, Spurs and Chimes. Her fiance is head yell leader at SC. is a member of Knights, junior and senior service honorary; of Skull and Daggar honor society, of Delta Tau Delta and '55 AJ. umni Club, He is also listed in Wh o's Who in American Colleges. A fall wedding is be- ing planned. -Sergis Alberta Photo Lawn Fete at Laguna -. Over the Decoration Day week· end, May 28, 29 and 30, utiet members ot the LAgun• Beach Art MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 ' NEWPORT HARBQR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAG~ l Jeanson-Large Vows Spoken at _Saint Joachim ky rt With 'floU111r~ Pany Reatal ltema H OJ .I. Cooat H11., Coro1111 NI • ., Harbor-60'71 MR AND MRS. LEE ROY CARY LARGE -~rnie Alden Photo Mrs. Wen dell Pickens Is Head of Faculty Wives A ap ... ker and officer election Bridgman. pruident. and Mn . were programmed when OCC Fa-Jamee H. Love, aecret•ry-treaaur- culty Wives Club met May .10 at er The program wu. preaent~d by the home of Mn. Jamea W. Thorn· Morri. ot Flower& by Mom. who ton. Shore Cllffa. Assisting the gave 11 discussion •nd demon11trl• hostess were Mmes. Cyrus Rorkey. t1 on or home flower 11rrangement11. Osca r Taylor, Charles Haley end A l!\o pre.aent buldu the boatess- John Owens. Mrs. Walter LonR· I'll were Mmes. Thomas Blakely, moor was a special guest of the Samut'l McNt-al. Wllham Haarstad. ho~teu. Ja~es McCauley. Jamea Wylie. itingery Whiteneck of the high Thomu 011borne, Robert Grlesaer. achoo! faculty 1poke briefly on the George Guthrie. Basil Peterson, tuul'a Involved In the coming elec· Fred Huber. William 0 . Payne. Uon on the high 1chool expansion Barron Knechtel, Jsmu Love, Ro- program. bt>rt Osborne, J . Robnt Ke11t. Wll; O!!lcera elected for the coming Ham Ackerman. Jllmea P1tton, Cor· year. they are, Mrs. Wendell Pick -lellan Thompson,* Eustace Rojas. t>n11, president, lllld. Mrs. Joseph R. Donald "Bridgman, Dudley Boyre, Kroll, aecretary • treuurer. Out-H ut't1lon Harp('r, Elgin Hall. '"1ohn going l!'ftlcera are Mrs. Donald Neff and William F". Kimes. • IN EARLY JUNE Ho!lle ~eception Follows· Late Morning Ceremony W,earing a custom made bridal gown· of 1'1ce and tulle, Mies Suzanne Jeannette .teanson repeated vows with Lee Roy Cary Large in a 10 a.m. Saturday ceremony tn Saint Joachim Catholic Church. Th<' Rt>v. Thomas J. Nevin per- formed the double ring sernce which united the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs_ Henry Jean11on. , 3a9 Ramona Way, Costa Mua, and ~tr. and Mn. Jo11eph 01rardin of the son of ".fr. ttnd Mrs. Ca ry A., Brlstnl. Conn , hHt' for the month Large o( A~ron. Ohio. Of May. Suzanne carrlf'd a white aatin-The nrw Mrs. Large wore • red covered Bible on wh1d1 wu a 1 a.nd white glazed cotton princesa white orchid wtth 11tephanot111 a.nJ frOC'k and her white orchid for the aalln streamer~. Her gown was 1n Montert'y honeymoon. She wu wlllt:z length, Ch1tnt11ly lace fnsh-~l"lutuated from Mater Del Hl.rh toning the 1tr\lple1111 boJtt e a m! Sch1>ol and her hW!band from Ak- top ot the bou!f1mt tulle skirt , It run schools. He aerved three years ha.d It.a own little huttoneJ JRl'k"t with the U. S. Marine Corpe, 11 with long 11leeve11 and Peter l'.rn uow a1111111tant managn or s Sant• coll&r. H t·r circular veil was the Ana F"1nanre company. · "aomethlpg borrowed'". It WR.s The couple 111 a.t home a t 3233 edged with ll lac11 band and con-Broad St. tined by a wired brim ot lacf'. 818T!:R ATJ'ENDS Mlaa Theresa Jeanaon, attending her aleter u maid or h,onor, wore J yellow net over aatJn, In waltz len(th and with net 1tole over • I atrapte .. bodlce. She carried •a contruting apr•y of red roses. Jamea Brown aerved aa best mlln and gueat.e were u1hered by I Ray Jeanaon, brother o! -the bride, llnd Roy Olaon. I Mra. Wllllllm A. Vlln Heemaklrk Mnl Ave Mula and On Thi.a Dsy, I with Mn. WUlanakl pl&ylng the a.ccompanlmenll and the wedding , muchea. The church w .. decorat- Pd with bukell of plnk and whllp atocka, almila.r flowers being used Ill the Jeanson home where th• re- ception was held. AT Rf:Cl:PTJON. Mra. Jeanaon complemented ·her costume of navy blue lace with pink acceM-Orlea IL!ld a. cor11&ge of pink ro11ebud11. Mr1. Large. who wu prea,.nt with hu hu11band. wore plnk lace with navy acct't!· eorle1 a.nd piok r•>st bud coruge. Mlaa Rita J••en~on. sister of the bride, Wff.11 in rharge of lhe guest book. Special R'Ut'l!ls were lh«! ' bride'• maternal grandp&rent11. Hey Minkl Move Overl Make Room for Me In SANTA ANA FUR CO. FRIGID COLD FUR STORAGI VAULTS The Largest and Fineet Cold Storage Vaults in Orange County on our prem.i&eS. Phone for Ft-ff Pickup Servlu Kl 2-0652 Association wut •gain hold their•---------------- M. J . Lockney. K ent Hitchcock, Donald Colgrove. Jamee 8. Beat· tie, James L. Gray, W. B. Trill, J . E . Gouvian, J ohn Lin11on, Paul M . Rogers, Fr·llnk Splane. C. Gordon Hudaon, S. B. Eaatrn&n, A. R . Yor11to•. Vernon Edler, Jr., R. H. Kirby, Da vid CunninJ<tham. C. I Mon110n, Charin A. Lamb, A. G- Mltohell and Cordrey. £ l tlnnual law• !et~ on the Art Gal- lery lawn, where they wltl exhibit peintlngs a1'<f alllO demoni1tr11.te be· tore the public. Thia event which waa eat.abllehed dunng 'the war years when the Festival of Art.a wu dleconllnued, proved so popular that the arUsll havr rontlnued It. Llllll year some 20 artists wok part Rnd It is ex- pected thl.s year lhl're will br many mnre. The artlllll!' like this bit of Old LaJ:1ml.l as it gwe11 them a more intimate contact with the public than the l)ig exMb1t at the Ft>.st1val. The !Awn frte will be held every <lay, Saturdsy. Sunday and Monday from' noon to :'I p.m. and Is frl'e to the p11hl1c. tallty. Mi's. ~orice Ba~nelt.11crap~ hook; and Mrs. Robert Blsckmar. p111llfrity ' Mr11. J. E. Keirn gave a report on lh" K11pp11 provlnre convention hPlrl last. month In Loa Angelrl!I. ._. lL was voted to $rive a contrlbu- • • t1on to American Flpld Service In- \. ----... ~ ~j ~~ ,_ lt>rnat1on11l ~chol11l'l!hip11 to go to-,,-WRrli bringing en PXCh1tngP student I • " tn N('wrort .Hllrbor l 'nion, High l e • S~ho.Ql.nexl. !alL • · KA PPA PREXY MRS. ROBERT STRAITIFF Among thOMi preMnt wm ~-· Mmrs. Collier, Burger, Hilton, ln· --Staff Photo gels and Barnett, SIU!ta An•; Mrs. Robert H. Strait-if£ Hatt·h, Costa Mt>ea ~ Sydney Handy, Orange; Str&ltlff and KP1m, Nf'w· port, Dlrkerson and Gallagher. Bslboe ; Blackmar, Elizatwth Bu- mall and Stroller White, Balboa ll!land: G~rge W. Bailey. Laguna: and Jemrs B. Stoddard, W. B. 01cklnsfln, R. C.' Morrlll, I.Anker. an~Jlli:isrs Maxwell and MattUe B. Lacy. t:orona d!'l Mar. J-fe a d of Kappa Altrmnae KRpp11 K11rra Gomma Alu~nac A~ciat 1on o( Southnn Oran1(e Count\' 1n~tallrd o(f11•er s wh"n lhr y met Thursday. J\111y 12, at the hr•mr nt Mrs. Lou11tt' Gal111ghrr. In Bal· boa. Tak1ng offiet were Mrs. Rnb· •rt H. Etraltl!! or Nt'wport Besch. pru ldent : Mr11. Jeck D. Hilton of 81UllA Ana, vicr·prrsident: Mrs. Tom W. Cn11itr of Santa Ana, l!l'C· rete.ry; and M11111 Ruth R, Maxwell Q/ Coron11 dPI Mar. treallurer. Mni. W•lter G. H atch of Costa Mes&. out-gc11n g prnident, pru1d!'d al th• cerr monll.'ll. Appointed to committee chair· mll011h1p11 were Mr.!1. Robert Len· lr•r. mtm'bPrship recommtnd11.tlons: Arthritis Conquered NeurtU--Srlatl~Rhtum&tl11m 'Long Beach -A tried 11.nd provtn remedy. Only one office c•ll rt" uired !or relief f rom thoiie tortur· tnc pain•. Arthrltla, 231~ E. 7lh Bl., Lon( Beach ._ Houna Mon . Tu.... Thuna. A F ri. 9 a . m. ti' I p. m. -Adv. .. Yov PRESCRIPTIO~S Flllf"d 'Ill lO f'· m. Mmes. Hilton tlnd Hatch. Penhel- J~mc; M rii. J . T h•)mas gwanson and !\1rs F". Paul Dlrkersnn. inagazm- 1'1'. l\l rll. Dan,1 A. Burgl'r, ph1l11n- 1hropy: l\lri1. \\"11l 1a111 tni:rt~. hMJll· Assisting Mn1. Gallsgher were MmPs. l n~els e nd While. The an· n1111I p11•nlc wlll be held on June 9. Announcing . . FELIX & LEO .· Together Again Latin -American Rythms DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Except T11e1clay Opening Night Wed., May 25 l 'SE Mt-XICJPAL PAJl~O LOT .. Lido Women Planning Bazaar at .. Club House Bua.u Urllng'ementa and plans tor the Lido Isle Womllll's Club fund ralalng event JtOl oft t o ll start May 17 wh•I) Mrs. Thoma.a L. Let to. pr~11~dent-elect and ch11.lr- man or the tea committee, enter· tained with a morning coffee at her home on Lido Isle. Twenty thrre members of the committee were preaent to exchange Ideas for the June 8 affair whic h will take plsce al the rendvated club· hOlf!IE'. PFO<'eetls will go to com- munity projtt~. Mrs. Keith Cortlrey, chairman ot 11pecia.l 1>venta and president, Mrll. Ralph Tandow,,ky, have been llnlng up comm1ttee11 and chanrmen for the bazaar which will take plt1ce ot the !lowPr, antique 11.nd hobby 11how1 of prevlowi year11. The bazae.r will be open t6 the public from 1 to :> 11nrt from 5 t o 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. T ic· kets of admh•1<lon will f"nt1tle pur- C"huer.!I to participate In t he llfhr· noon tea or refre11hments In the evening and to the 40 door prizes. Mr1t. Neil Cameron and Mr11. Paul Butler are tn charge of tlckelll. A cooked food Sil.le &nd frozen food locker booth, hMdme.de apron booth 811d the white elephant dis·· play will be of lnterut. The new LTWC cook book. will be on 118.le. Pop con1 il.lld llOft drink at.and• will ~ 11et up fllr the t•en age group on the bay &ide porch. A 11perial ~iu donated by club mem- ber Dorothy O'Hars will be • dre111. one of five l!tyib from htr 11ummer collection. Mr11. Francia Dawson. ts In chl.lrge of this activity. Present at Mn. Letto's home were Mme11. T1U1dow11ky, R•y Dike, LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is BARBER SHOP BALBOA TREATU BLDG. BAJ.BOA Open Tueeday thru SeturdaJ NOW YOU DON'T • • • UNLESS YOU SA VE SYSTEMATICALLY .•. SA VE BEFORE YOU SPEND • • • • SEE US TODAY ABOUT A aAVINGS PLAN. COST A MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ..., !f....,.,. ....._ ~ I-Mn MIMIO PIOUAl ODOSIT INSUIANCI COl'°lATION -Fun t"or A Dollar Redeeign Your Fura Now at our Low Summer Rates SANTA ANA FUR Ope.a Friday l:veaAlap Uatil 9 co. See ~ "Blak f1amlnso" May n & SI at O.C.C. Audltort~ 808 North BroadM·ay luta Au , • 1 2 I • I ' ••• H We Don't Keep This Promise I IN at 10 .. 17 ' 10 ~ I 9 •• • • OUT a t 5 y • • Cash and Carry ONLY - • •• and It's Tb~t Sensational, One-and-Onfr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • More Dirt Removed • No Dry Cleaning Odor Taite advantage or our ligbtoing-fu1 c .. b-and-carry 1ervice. You not o nly . uve time but you g et our com piece Sanitone Service : the fioeu dry deaAiag LD &OWQ. •Spots Gone •letter PrHs Lasts Longef DrofH>ff J'O'lr prmeet1 before 1 O A. M. •nd they'll bt rudy at ' P. M. the sallM day or you pay nothing .•. ..,hen yo.a nud dry cluning iD • b"'117 •H Mt Lightning S.rTice. Ugbtnlng Service C.O.ta NO more ... OW' Regulu Cub·U,d-Oany 8el'Vlee ......................................................................... ..-- LIDO CLEANERS1 ' -· I, " 't ) 712 Newport llvd. Colta Mela u...,, M014 ' \ - - EXHIBITS BUIU>ING COMPLETED -Newly com· pleted for the Orange County Home Show to be. held June 1 to 5 on the Orange County Fair Grounds near C"..01ta Mesa i1 the $350,000 Commercial Exhibits. Build· ORANGE COUNTY HOME SHOW I PLANS REACH COMPLETION· Modern Home Exhibit Space Sold Out for Show Beginning June 1 • ing above. Sponsored by the Orange County Builders As8ociation, the first annual home 1how will 1how the latest and most modern concept. in home developmc!nt, according to Henry C. Cox, show chairman. HOME : anrl : ... Fl&lf\l ng rood•. Tb1>1e two worch connote to men "their" dilhe._ Dl1hl'1 they alone prtpare-:per- b.1p1 becauee their Uquen1 are uaed! Notwithstanding thl1, however. the great current popularity of chafing dlah cookery hu brought into vogue a gain flaming foods oC au typca: Ice cream aund&e• flam· be, crepe auzettu, tlamln( klpper11 and on and on. The place of pla.cea for Flaming Foods has always bffn, to me, the plush Pump Room ot the Ambul&- dor Eut Hotel In Chlcaro. ln that swank place on any night, It eeema, the room la arlow W1tb tla.mlng Cooda ot every type and d.ucrlptlon: chlcken1 aflame on 1k!!Wel"I, pheuante ablau 1erv· ed on a plate garnllhed wtth their plumage, deaaeru &fire, and lee cream 1undae1 fla.mbe! Y .... " .... Enlo1 Home Exterior CONCRETE Pl•p Wall; Here's ~~~~:~~ .. ~~ ~~~ ~-~1!~: Satisfaction "ma.klnJ'•" !or one that's eimple to a.om. tNyer wUl •vM cbeck a put up e.nd mighty attracUve tor home'• mau nat Uld con.atrucllon dl•pl&yUllf home.work. an.apaholt da.t&Ua. he muat. be •Ullflld with and whitnol. AIJl fol' a -1110 .. t.erior appeaH11e. aad-la.fld· len(lh ot "per;boa.rd" panel .. wtlh ecaplnf. report• th• K•tl1tlc&1 df· match!J\j tlxturea. A .mall pant! )'\Ilion of the Southern CA.lltom•a wlll make a fOOd atarte.r wall tor Plul,.r1nr Jn1Wtut•. • lhr youn••ter. Th.!' I111tllute MYI th<lll South- POUi IT T!ll IASY • WAY AND SAVI .. { land lroyera ue a.m~ th• moet Thl1 _mn ei;_lal la P,er,rorated with quality. conMllowi In the nalion. ...._ holOI In rows •paced an lncl\ apart. Prime ~uon rtven to account tor Mount It on tbe ·wall over apaceni thl1 buyer attitude I.a that manu· • '° the fixture• can be placed ln th h 1 p 1 t ·t t h nl facturt'n of buJl<Unr m•terlala e o H. a n 1 0 anno ~ J\a ve been talclnc the atorlaa ot with the r oom. Lumber dealer1 their produ'ct.I directly to the pub· carry a larre w.rlety ot tlXturea, lie. Thi•. aay1 the ln•trtut.. rtv11 and, rolf tee• allo are UHtU1 for jhe home buyer a food ba..llc edu· dlipl&ylnr llema. c.atlon in what to look tor in con· La Habra Names Meet Director Ja.n R\,\• hu bffn • appointed IWl'ni meet director for the 1966 South J>.cltlc AAU Junior Wo- 1truct1on and what to e.xpect tor hu bulldint dollar. Southern C&lttomla hon~ buyel"I &how a pre.terence for atucco ·~· ttrlors, according' to th• lnaUtut.e, •• It.I many color1, texturee, and varletlea ot 1urtace tlni.lh record the hJ&11eat cu1tomer a.ccept&nc.. men'• Outdoor Swimming' Champ-_,.._ For A Dollar lonahlp11 Aug. 13·1' at the nt'w • 8f!e 'l1Mi "Bladl ll'lamlap" Have • llapWJ JOVI' eo-te wertc wllll a ICIM of ,,......_.mlllf!CI --· ••. pttpuoed '° J'9VI' .,., a& a •rt.,. Uberty 1-2283 BAY U:ADT lllX L"iC. • • 711 w. 17th St. 008TA HJDSA L& Habra Swimmin( Stadium lo-Ma,. IT A II at O.C.C. AudUortwa cated on La Habra High Scl\ool ==========================:; gTOunda. Ru1 I.a a member ot the r board of <Urector1 of the apoll80r- lng L& H&br& Klwanl1 Club .. In addiUon La Habra are STOUP swlmmJnr champlonahlpe will be decided tor boy1 and girla, ageii 9·10, 11-12, 13·14, 13-18. DLU'E&IES -UPBOLBTUINO -SLIP 00\'EU WA.LL PA.ft& -CA&l'l:TDIO OOllPLETll IN'n&IO& Dll()O&ATING LAMP UGHT SHOP Plan• for t he largest hOJ11e 11how ever attempted In Orange County have been completed with a eellout list of natlonally known exhJbitora to 11how modern home conc<'plA In the newly-complett>d 13:10.000 Exhib1u Building on the Orange County Fair grounds, IC'· GARDEN Flamlnr cookery will not bum the food. It wm. lnatead. lmpa.rt & flavor and an atmosphere that you cannot otherwise crealP. Tbe one "sl'cret" to t bla type o! cooking 111 to make certain the liqueur i1 very wam1 before lgnJt· Ing, alao, that the serving dlah 1.9 warm. Alao It is best to IJ>-OOn a little o! the warmed liqueur ovu the dish first. then ignite the la.rger portion or the liqueur and pour lt over the mam dl11h lo Ignite. One cup of mayannal.M, 2 tap. t.4Ij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,__:__J cording to Henry C. Cox. ahow jnr communities In lhe rounty 11 --------------------------chairman. <'Xpected, according to the chair· PAGE 4 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 23 , 1955 Rt;ILDER.8 SPONSOR man. In addition to the exh1billl on Spon.tored by the Or.anre County Builders A11aociaUon. the 1how 11 1ch~uled for five tun day• be· g"innlng June 1. The 38,400 1qu1.re font Exhibit• BuJldlng ,.tl1 be open d11ily from e to It p.m. ,...eekdtly1, i nd from 1 lo 11 p.m. S11turday1 a nd Sund11yl', Cnx ftald. The l\how. while held on the county lairgrounda near Co11t& Me- 111 . u1 not affiliated In llllY way With the Qllnua.1 county fa.Ir held In Augu11t. the chairman explaJned. vtew dally, Cox ..Od that top en· terta.lnment wW be provided t"'ice -------------------------- nightly from the Home Show stage 'CIRCUS' FOR '56 ln11lde the new E.xhlb1t.s Building. FLAMINO 8tlNDAE8 The home. evmt, ti.rat ever s;ioh· sored In Orange County by tt1e. M 11• c I R · T k buUdera aaaoclatton. I• planned a.JI u I· 0 or ose a es an annuaj event. Director o! the show Is George Colouris. national· Put a -eeoop ot an,.flavor of lea cream tn a aervtng dish, cover with muah.mallow aauce. Top thla with a sugar cube whltl you dipped In lemon exlracL Ignite the 11ugar cube-it will arnve flaming and tout the marahma11ow !. OMELETTES FLAMBE uera and hortlcut~ural ipeclalt.ll Prepare your favorite omelette who i ltted their way through thou· -rupberry, or&nge marmalade, aanda of 11cedllng'll ln their aearcb etc. -11prlnkle a little aug&r over tor a varltey worthy o! .uie-awa.rd. It, then pour over the omelette 1y-known for hi• past 1<ucces!lt'11 1n Jop All' Am • A d the United Statu and Canada in • er1can war preaent1ng event• ot the highest calibre, the show chairman said. HJOH QUALITY Only one roae wtll receive the Cox 11ald, "This event ·w ill be cov!'ted All-America aw.ard !or ot the highest quality In every. 19:16. The prize winning variety 11 een•e. We have been extrt>mely "Clrcua" a multi-colored !loribun· selective In the e.xhlbiL~ alloted da. raron. 2 tbap. lemon juice, or ver· mouth, aU~ well and let eland onr nlrht. Serve with artlchoku , 111· ad1, •tc. GRILLED CIDCX&N EXOTIO 1 cup oltve oil i,; cup orange juice juice ~ lemon 1 small onion, diced 1 oa... panley * i.., tip. each : marjoram, thyme, bull l tbep. grated lemon peel tap. &'l'Ound black pepper Mix th• ora:nre and lemon Julee. then add 01.her Ingredient• and con· ttnue to blend. To lhl.I add 1 try· Ing chicken. cul Into pieces (as they do In the 1upermarkeU), put In a bowl with the above mlxture and let 11tand overnight. When ready to serve up the food, get the ba.rbecue ready and· drop on thf chicken, or broil It In butt.er. Add ROBERT FORBES ... ., PllON1' .,...,,,. lltl MAX W. POPI Inc. GENERAL °\:n-AO'roU .. w. Ammi e P'm·dal" llr:SIDENTIAL e OOIUIERCIAL e DE\'ELOPMX1''T 407 Bola Ave. I-* off Np&. BIY.. M H~ "Only the moat outstanding ex· hlb11..& ot modern home develop· ment will be llhown dunnir t.hU event," Cox decl&red. "To be Hen will he the latel!t concept. 1.n &r· c.hltecture, modem conatrucUon, nPwe•t ot building material•, new dl'vr1opmenta m landlcaplng', home 1ppllances and other mate,..._ In t he highly competlUve home con· 1t ruction field." 1pa.ce, not only from Orange Coun· 'I'he .All-America .award le Ute ty but throughout the nntion. F'or highest honor given in the flower lhla re&AOn we have sought a re11-world. To wm the coveted roee trained &Jr and have particularly "Oscar." Circus came through two etimJnated carn.ivals. midways or yt>ars of rigid testing ln .special any semblance o! pitchmen from gardens located throughout the home ahow plans. country. It won through compeU· "Circus" la known u a "mulU· two tablespoon• ot warm rum. To coleP'-' and la thil .tirst-auch tY.Pe this add one-quarter cup ot warm to be 1elect~ tor an award. The ~ which hu been rgnlted. Slice evercha.ngtng colors of Clrcua va.ry and serve flaming! from n ch yellow and r ed in the FLA.1\01"0' CROt.'TON8 bud to orange· butt. !IU.1hed with 4 11Jlcea dried, cubed· bread aa It and pepper w h 11 e cook Ing . ;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:::.;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:=========.. apple blo11om pink. and usua.lly l tbsp. butter • ending wit~ a gay tlouruh of red 4 tbsp. rum or brandy Ql:EEN CONTEST In conjunction wtth the home ahow, a queen cont.Mt will be held the first eveninl' of the fin-day """nt to 11elect an Oranre County beauty t() reign u "Mt .. Home w .. ,,k". Representation from ma. "We have, lnltff.d, eought selec-tton over the flne11t new roae11 deve· u the flower la tully open. garlic salt Melt butter and tout bread t1vtty, claa1 and have allowed only loped In thl1 county and In ------------- Permit Granted th<>1e ~!bite which, In our mind, Europe. would lntereet the modern home The new rose repre.11.nt.a a plan· owner, or proepect!ve owner, In ned development prorram o! 11.lt Orance County." to t'lfht years carr1e-d on by hybrid· • .. 49 MORE HOUSES DUE Ground was broken by South Coast Construction Co. Wednesday for 49 more house1 they are about to build as the third unit of Harbor Highlands, just east o! Irvine Ave. at E. 20th St.. Costa Mesa. The houses are to be 3 and 4-bedroom buildings to sell for ~15.000 and $18.000 with either FHA or Gl0 financing. Shown above la the ma chine digging the foundation for the first of these modern homea. Driving the machine i1 Carrol Satterfield. one of the contractors, and standing be}\jnd it are John Ramaey, SACRAMENTO (CNS) -W. H . Stephen.eon. 1tate corporation com- mlutoner, ha.I announced Lasuance ot a permit to Greenleal·Severtl Realty. Inc .. 3112 Newport Blvd. to ~II JOOO shares of stock. State Grants Permit SACRAMENTO 1CNS1 -· W. H. Stephenson. state commissioner of corporations, announced ta11Uan«! of a permit to Balboa Marine Hard. ware Co .. Inc .. 2537 W. Cout Htrh· way to eell 780 aharu of stock. Ready Mixed Concrele In 1plte of lbe Cement Sbof'ta«e We A.re KaldJac Every P-lble Effort to 8aU.t,r UM Needa of Our Ol'OWiDI CommaaJty. F ol' OoltCl'eW -<Jall Ua. WELCH' I READY M'~ED COtt~RETE 136 Commel'dal Way OOSTA MESA U 1-HH Q1l1Dq a BW7 11_'8 Ba~ Bela. t Lu. Ml• layout man. and E. R. Satterfield, the other owner. -Staff Photo ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rescued from Bay Two Orange youths wen• pltked up Wedneeday at 7 p.m. jUl!t outelde t he jetty by the U. S. Coaat Guard l11un1·h from Newport Bt'a ch .• Jerry Fn11trr. 19. of H863 Park Road a nd John \\'1lliam1. 17. of 10391 S$11tlago Road. wrre reported by obMrver11 l'Wlmmlng ln the O<'ean Aflf.'r their 1m11ll 11ailbnat turned State to Purchase lolsa Chica leach SACRAME."<TQ 1oc;o-;~1 -The As11em bly Conservation a.nil Public Work11 Commrttef' Thursday night •pproved a $750,000 1pproprl11t1on for •late rurrhue o! Bolu Chica beach In Orange County. The beacll>-known u "Tm Can Beach"-111 In the St.lite Dlvl11lon of REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CALL IDlaBoB 0'7&1 roa r.sTDU.1r.. WITHOUT OBA&O& 101 E. ll.U.80.& BLVD. B.&.Llld.& cube1, and add 1arllc l&lt. To t11i1 add l tbep. o! warm brandy or rum. Wllen ready to gamiah eoup, add 3 t&blee,poon• of warm rum to croutons, dot soup and lpite crou· tons . FLA.\fJNO PEACHES l can peacbee. hlllved, drained 4 tbsp. brandy or rum 1 tMp. sugar * Fully lasured Cold Storage * Ftreproof Vault Place peaches halved 11ldea down in w1rmed dish and add l tbsp. warmed brandy. ljtlllle balance o! brandy In a aepar1te dish and pour over peaches to ignite. Ever had te1T&gon mayonnaise? * Moderate Prices Pl\ont Harbor JO Prompt pk.kup at your dOC>r by Bonck!d Rout~man Slnee 1918" Ill llartae, Balboa hland 1601 Bo • .llal11, Ba11ta A M ....... ........._ . ...tallatl_ STAFFORD & SON "NJCLS and DOC" ELECl'IUCA.L OONTRAOT0.88 ..... Liberty 1·1'51 110 IUnnld• .&.e-i;aue N-port a.ea. • -J"AMl-S-D. -.&Y - General Contractor & Bullder 600 Cout Blvd. CORONA DEL llAB PBON'll ILUUIO& ''18' ARCHITECTS Me111ben of . American lnstftvte of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon George liftd Richard Pleger • beaches' nve·year uqul11ltion plan. ~==~======================::! ~~=========== illii _____ iiii over. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-CO~MERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO aotb St.. Newport 8-cb Barbor 2533 , H6'1 KMER COST IWl<M;E &JILOINGS Bnnr U1 your Layout and mff.lurement.I a n d save lO"'r !rom our pre.· ent Low Price.. i AWRENCi' LUMIER CO. "°' !Jo. ... tu 6-llM 8Mla A- NOTHING DOWN t·p to H Month• to Pa1 B.UIKETI\'EA \'I:: RED SALVIA-No«-Ans un• KAO . DAISIES -,Ill, Coaa&ar .. '° .... DUSTY MILLER -Lua• ...... AU .. o.l.loa C... 35; .-ell 3 ,., '1" 5 & 10• NURSERY Klll So.. Newport BIT4. -TC8TIN -CIOM4 ~ •. A. . L~ YOUR NEW HOME, WILL . IT -A.~ LtUt- AS LONG AS YOU tHINK7 IE SURE YOUR HOME IS IUILT WITH MATERIALS THAT WILL OUTLAST THE MORTGAGE - Will MAKE IT WORTH THE MONEY YOU HAVE INVESTED IN IT IF YOU SELL ASK THE SALESMAN -"IS IT GENUINE LATH AND PLASTER?" -KNOCK ON THE WAU TO IE SURE! GENUINE LATH AND PLASTER INSIST ON IT WHEN YOU IUILD OR IVY Southern California Plastering Institute '· '. ..... ' ... I .. .· ., lsOCIETY SEEKS BACKERS OF BARBERSHOP· SINGING Minor H11ded Suspended Term NEWPORT HARBOft NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&(! .. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1955 guilty to 11pHd1ng on South M1ttn St , Sa.nta Ana Pt•ll1·<1 RrT•·,.tl'J l..ew1a alter a ,·h11M1 11\ 11Jli' ... 1,. 1.u1i:m.: up to ~ tnllu, lhf'y , ll\11111'.t. Vok• will be ra.llJE'd In tevor ot ha.nnonlou• 1ln(lni( at UM l800Dd meelln& of Lia Society for PreaervaUon of Barber· ahop QuarUt 8lng1ng, Wednuday nlght, ·Ill Ntwport BeM'h a. ~. according to 11C>Clety apokl'lman Dale \\'hlttacre. Mffft-. atnc for enjoym.iit and an tt•dy to lend their YOteee to ent.r\alrunfllt projecta on the communll)I levtl, \\'hitMCr. added. Pto•pecUve membeni can obtain lnlormaUon front Whlteacre at L.l 8·6893 or Don Wedm an, HA 4'144. SA:O.'l'A A:\A 10Cr\Sl -David A ll<'n Lan,caJtter, 18, 13711 Eaplan- rtde, Santa Anu. ,.~rnlay wu cwen a 111x·mN1lh •1111~11dt"c.I J1<1I .en· lt'llC'• llftt'r admitting the attpmpt· e•I a llack of a H -year-old Costa Mo a f!rl LeWll \\&If 1>rlg'll1a.Jly iJ:l\'f ll a two-month jail •lretrh. but th•~ wa1 11111p•ndrd on C<1fl•llt1un b•• 1erve 10 dayL He allO wa.. pl•~I on three yura informal probl•Uon. -t'na f'nr A O..ltar , ~ Tltf' "81Ac-k t"lam.lap" M"-)' %1 ,_ Sii at O.C.C. A\lll.ltOltam ARTHRITIS?? VISIT HERi Legionnaires Hold Harbor J1mboree1 member6hlp r ot undelWlly at I pm. otncera, cbaplt.iu, adjutant& and Al 3·p.m. a C&UCWI Of 2lat Daa· trict Auxiliary prl'aldenta ~Ith unit prealdenta wu Harbor •lg.ht· 1eelng crulMI waa acheduled tor • p.m. Saturday. Rem ainder ef the Saturday pro- gT&m Included • cocktail hour at 11 p.m .. a 1teak dinner prepared by LaTirMter conf\'ncd the att~pt Ill r•lallon1 wllh l.ht J:l rl In a La· guna Beftch apartmrnt dunng the pail Eut.tr wee.It Vllc&Uon. He haJ picked lhe Khl up outJude t he Har·' bor Holler rtn k. Supenor Court JudAr• J ohn Shea not~d In p&Mlnlt ll'nltncc lhat 1.an· caster had •(1C'nt •9 daya 1n Jlltt. He auapendl'd the aut-monlh t<'ml for a thr«·Ytllr P"raoJ n.n llMd ttlle Popular llwt l\nok "Arttu4U. aad c-._.. . . •S." nu: J.£('T(1U: Frida)', May 1'1 I p.m. a-1 p.m. BC:FFUllS 8ASTA. A...~A B_y Dan Dale Afrxanalu HEU Ila. ALEXANDCll LECrlfRE al 8'atf\Mna, ~ta Aaa, Friday, May t1. Thf' public-I• C'Ordl•ll~· ln\1trct. Fr~ ttClkflC. eaa 1w pk'kf'C1 up at thfl IS1>!1k Dept. Mall &Dd pJw)M O~N for lM bo<•k wUJ be IM't'eptf'd bJ Btlffwns-&ok ~ ~ -4 ... ual ~ Le-a dancing at 9 ;30 p.m. Enttrtaln· lloa Tl1-~ M-be.rahJp Jam· rnmt durtnr the d1nntr wu sup· bor'M wu Mad lwre th1a week· plled by Orange County \Vomen's end N.wport Harbor Poat 291 Poat No. 788 and the 2llt D1atr1ct Commaader Dea Mun.too announc-Aux1"&TY· Thia con1ltt<'d ot aang· ad today. ~trat.Jon of delept n Ing-and • "Oay 90'•" ahoy/ trom 8Ul Lull Oblapo to the bor-Suday regletrallon beg"°1 at 9 der besaaa In tb elocal .Americ&.n a.m. Th• meeting waa c1tlled to Lerton ball a t lllth and Bay S ta.. order at 10 a.In. with openln& cere· at 1 p.m. latmday. montn and an addreu welcoming Young Santa Ana Speeder Jailed WE WlLL ADJUST AND OlL ANY MAKE SEWl.'JG MACHl.NQ ANY PL.ACE JN ORANGE COUNTY Call Kl FREE 7-4401 . ~ EXAMl ~'G "'RECK -Patrolman F.ddie-W. Groom, Huntington Beach Police, shown ex in ing auto in which five youths and one gir~ were riding. Car overturned on Pacific oast Highway, west of Newport Beach, causing one male paasenger to be hospltaliz . -SWf Photo Group$ Back Two Occupants Injured After Car Carrying Five Overturns B u a d r • d 1 ot r.preeantattvea the df'leptee by Mayor Dora Hill from Fourth, nttb and Slxtb Ourlng luncheon. &pin pr.pared ANU att.nded, It'd rupecllve-by the 21at .Auxiliary, Denni• ly by Commander .Al Kalae.r, Ever· Thomp110n played the accordion. ett l:iu'l and V. I!. 8lmona. Con-ni. busln-eeaslon ooncluded at ferencff for commandtta, ~· 1 :llO p.m. SANTA AJl\A !OCNSl -Sa.nta Ana -Orange Munl.clp&I Court Judge H oward L'1u11eron cr1u·ke<I down on •P««dera 11nd reckleSI drlver1 Friday. The jUdg'e doled out ja.il tt'rma to !Ive. Amon, the t1ve waa Ros- coe C. Lewie. 18, of 1654 Santa Ana Ave .. Coata Meaa.. who drew ten days Ln Ja.11 after he pleaded WHEELER APPLIANCE CO. t i '"'" \ I \\ I •Iii ,,.,, .. I \'our Onarf' C-tJ AUTHORIZED Dl:ALER for \\'Mt. • ,..__w..u.c11ow &Dd \'l«omu twwtaa M•tb SlO E. 6th St. -Suta Ana New f~reign oa.mel Avluu. 11.ye&r·Old Lonr Beach youth, waa Lranaferred to Stude t Plan Orange County Ho11ptt.al with 1 ahoulder und pelvic tnjur lea Sat· A lunrht"n to lnterut local urday after the auto In which he wa11 riding went out or control and C'lllZl'ns ln )"'"°It high llChool alu· o\·ertumffi In 11and off the Cout rltnt~ In 11UrrcJ't or a ro~lgn ~tu· Highway. eat1t or th,. city llryait11 dl'nt t'xrhani~ ~·IUJ attendtd 'I. I'd· latP Fr1uay night. l'lf'Mlll)' by c l ti and school repre- 1 Tn•Rte'1 for lnJurlea and dis· •··nt11li\'"8 char,td from Hn&g Hoapltal Wilt A L Hnwr I t:J Puadtna. reinon-Joye Schuen. l 7, of Lalcewood. " ttprP~Pntat\'I' n ( Amn lrllll I Both 11he and Av111J!lr were r1dmg F 1i-hl St rvlre .-ha h ftnt lnltlatl'•1 with thrff other youtha, all boys, when lhf' car overturned aft.er leavmc t he highway. The dnvcr, Ronnie 0 , Mom.on, 18, Long Buch, Kenny Webb and Jerry Costello. both 17 -yeru-old Lor.g Beach reitidl'nt11, were tAken lo pollr.-headquarter!! for quH- lloning ln conntcl1on wllh tht> no- colli111on accident 1tnd later releM- ed. Accordmg tn Webb and Costello, the car apparently hat a aoft ahoul· der, ak1ddl'd and overturned. stul1Pnt exl'h1111ge11, expllllned the l progr11m. Miu H11 nna Zwerr h of POPE Kempton. Ce11111ny, now studying m Arcadia. &:1i F:01me111.:h Gniber ot Au11t1 la. n•"' s~udylng &l Bt>v· erlv Hilla Hiin $('hn<>I, alllO •poke. SUBDIVISION UP FOR RECONSIDERATION ~tu<IPntic a t '\ewport Harbor H1..:h !'t hool lrdlcat,.d their lnltr· u t 1n having lwn e,.,chAnge 1tu· d<'nl!I here ntx SI hoot ypar. Local partnts al110 hlereslr•I gathered A reveraaJ of thlnkin&' wu In-po.11ble for them lo g-o any far· :.her." a few weeka aio Lo try 1tnd bnnit dlcated by Coata Meaa clly coun· .It about. r 1r11l c·ontr1b1t1on for rina.nclng t 111nsportat1on or lhe 8tudenta 1'11me-f1 om Zonta dub with a check for 1200. H.iw,.11 explalnert It taku $8110 for ra.rnd lrrp rue for each at 11rtent. A oral ri mily wo111.1 pro· v1d·· bo11r1l &nd room &nd the Am· "rw11n F 1ell ServlC'e would itlve lhe yovlh $12 a month. rll members Monday night u Max Pope'• controversial U ·lot aubdl· vtaton oft 2Znd St., between Or· ange and Santa Ana Avu. ca me up tor reconsideration. They held Po~·· latest 11ubml1111lon ovrr until next regular aea&lon or the council, June II. He remrnrtl'd councUmen that principle bone of l'Ontenllon con- cerned lhe propo•ed atreet 300 feet 110uth or 22nd s~ .. separ& ting the lot.a owned by 22nd St. res!-I dents 1tnd the Pope 11ubdlvl111cm, Pro~rty owtten1 on 22nd St. ob· J«t t o their rear Iota facing the p.,~ at reet and lhe rear yard& ol! Pope'• hotllll'e. New Mesa City Hall Needs Now 1 Being Studie4 Mayor Claire NelflOn a nd Coun· cllman A. L. Pinkley, who pre· vtoualy voted ap.inal the propoaed 1ubdlvlalon, aald they fell the matter had been delayed tong rno11Jh. Pinkley aa.1d he would "-vor the 1ubdlvi111on wll.h Pope'• latut offers unleas "l.he 22nd SL property owners can come up with The rroblt!n111 of 11 pl'•>prr 1·1ly •omethlng." hi.ll for <.;otot.& Me~• joins tlra ln"JC" \\'HAT'S Dll!ITANCt:! nt \h<' •·umm m1ty a" 1t major head· I , ,.,.h,. 1io-rn1rnclnJC quick i«>lutton by 1 City Planning Cortiml11.11loner E. 1·1t) 111thtr!<. :Urrenlly un•ler study 11.. P11tterson .~~e from the a uell· h\' """nr1lcnr' 111 a propo1111I rrom ence to u k, \.\hat do you mellll 1 i,,. \'1k1ng Co nf Bev,.rly Halls by ·come up with l<lmethlng'? \•1 rt•n~I n1ct ~ S280,000 clly hall With Pope holding 50 per cent or ""rt J•tl on a Z!'>-30 year leue. lhe proposed new 11treet, lt'a Im· l.Al>t April. :."lty Mp.n11g1'r Georgl' ( '11ffl'\' pr l.'!len ed Ct•ptes of a 1im1- htr W1llr11m J . Moran Co. propoeal '" 11 II r1h· c(lunc1lmPn. "The propo11· •I mtrll! nl'•d which wall h11ve 10 b(' met 1n the nea r future," Cot· , .. ,. 1nfl)nne-d the d t v rathcr11. But 1 ·~11n.-1lm11n < 'h&rl1>11 .TeWlnklt' said \IH• """""' r<•ntal o! approximRlely S 1111\0 pl.'•· month was beyond rom- nt11ni1 y mPllhl!. Co11nrllm11n Btrl Smith r11nc11rt'(''I. C 'Ot TI:\' Ufff"l:Riol \ "of(r\' rn•t lo h'alttlly dtclare, ' h-1• JU1l ~Ill of our m1'11n11. Fr11nk· h I tw-hf'\'t' l li"l tn the face of r 1 "'' nl pnor p11blrc and ptreonnel 1 ~l11 t1ons. an aildlllonal $1000 per &nd remainder ot the offlcea m the prl'11ent congealed city ha ll. Caty ofticlal1 ha ve been eerking a 5-acre tract for the needed city hall for 1ome month•. Dickering went . on with J udge Oonllld J . Dodl(e for a pll'ce of property he own1. But 1t w1111 reported Dod1te told them. "I'm 11&Van1t that for my old &gf'." But what la actually required by Co111t.a Mea ll acreage for con· 11tructlon of Ila own city hall. Un· le81 thl11 can be obtained, the Vlk· Ing Company plan lncludea pur· cha.w of a 91le for $~.000. Councilman Broce l\fllrtln and Plltkley ~reed l h e m a t t e r .!lfOUldn 't be con.aide red until the 2!nd St. property own'ra were n•llfied Mayor :->eteon a• k e d tlat City £ngtneer Don South· W>rlh draw a rough sketch of the i&~acre a rea Involved and preaent It to meomber1 of the council and cat: planmng comml11.11lon a week befn e the June 6 ec11Slon. AT POPt:·s Rt;Q\"t:ST Tae recon11ldernllon of the lracl canu up at Popl.'011 request. He saJd he would g1vt' Individual deeu of 30 feet for thl' proposed s lrett to ad)acent properly 011o'TI· ere or the crly to guttrMtee the •treot.. install curb11 and gutters on tle north 11lde of the tract, and erec: a 6-ft. renct' the full length be 1ubdlvi111on'.11 norU1 border, cllhU' a.long t he property line or In tie future parkwa}' Patef'l'On ac.JvlaPll lhe council, I "Wrcng placlng of lhc 11lreet can callllt the IOl!JI of JO bulldin~ 1ulell." ----1 T Ocean Blwl , reported to pohre Sunrtl\· morning thll 11omt'l 1mt a fter l• l:'J a m. iw>mr(lne atolr four I hub o ps from hl'r 1111tomobll<' parked.In V1tla Mdnn11 parking lot. rnonlh 111 cheap. We havp been <l1~r11~1ng mo\'ement or the polire tl~rorlment t n another local Ion I J uly I to K&ln added llJlllC~. Our pr·N•enl leue hu 18 month• to run I fl'el an addlllonal SlOOO (Ir Sl200 per month for an at1,quate l , 11 \' h&ll 1ti:.<>111rt bc-quilt' cronom· 1•111" Coming Soon! Thi' \'lkang Comp11.11y offns 1 '1111l11. Meaa lln adequate city hall 1 ri1n1110.i from SM:'>O p•·r month to $11-7:> prr month. r1f!p1>nr1lng on "h•·Lhtr the city furnlsht!'. its own "'' r 11 n<1 takell it on a 30 year or :?1'>-.rr,.r hl\!'1!1. Th" propo11,.<1 ~lnJl'· 1 turt would be a H .000 l!q. ft. iol r11r l11r.-. ~F.W MLSA C'tT\" \\'1lh tnclu11!11n of the 800-acrl' Raktr St. annexation In the city H1111ts J une 1. llO lncrtaioe In Police Chief A rt McKenzle'11 depu tment h• • nmr• Ob\•1011! At Ult pr,.unL rl' 1 h11ll '"rlllttu for l.he police t!o p11r1m,.nt nr nln11 palrolmtn. 1hv 11 11ergeanlll. 11 cltrk a nd lhe rhlrf h1m~rlf ar bf'lll'Ved f'nl1rrly I t•'•) l'm"Jl. Th~ FRl Mlll two off11•rrJ1 for l'fh h 1000 population u proper I 11111 npO'A'f'r for ll police dcpartmenL The f'ac:lr1c C(IUl S\'trllj.!P I& 1 1. Th<' n&t1on w1•!e av .. ra~e ror ell· tu from t 0.000 to 20 000 person• 11 1 8, Ba.~NI on the llJ\OtraC'l&.I irpt claJ c•tn~u• total tor Costa ~tesa of a litlll' O\"t'r 17.000, ~t<"Kl'nzle hu .8 of 11n ofttcf'T per Pllr h 1000 popula · ' tlC'ln )!ORE CITY .10 88 At Ule~ same um,., t..:Mt•y ha• m3Je It clear lldchllonal fmployeoe1 •n·I 1pac~ are require<\ for other l city drpa rt mf'nta Talk or putttni • tht" police dep artment In ont place and rtm11lnder or the pruent city ltall somewhtre el.H w\11 •Imply f11rtht'r arpanllt < lly hall ot!h u At ptuent tbc t'll~ clftrk 1~ ""l' It's the FIRST ....... 1·5 a-tide a.-~ ot -• m6111oa doU... .. aew prodOC'ta .. • IA...t ~ for modf'm lh111C'. plu• wo9' bmoue Ntt..na.l-..t ae U\fo •t.,e of the (Jlllll'e County Fwilrrroend. aponaared_b • . . --- OrGnCjf Co. luilders Assn. place. the ci~ ~neer another , 1-----------------------""""! ___ _. .... we're back from TH E ~" A R :< E T Thousands of yards of lovely new Spring ind Summer fabrics priced for you to save, and thrill to the 1avin91. Values galore throuCJhout the store. When ALPERTS has 1 sale, It is a "SALE." Doors open at 9:30 1 . m. FrH valideted parking with purchase. Open Fri day even~ng until 9 p. m. PRINTED SAILCLOTH A fine quality, u t1onally ad· verliled brand. a t leM t.h&n halt It.I normal price. Good lengthll lee). $1.39 66cyd. Low• J"loor PLAIN SAILCLOTH Full bolt.a, 12 lovely ahadea. all aanfor1sed, all fln1t quality. 88cyd. Lower Floor SILKS, ORLONS PARTY FABRICS Boll.JI and boll•. hund~ ot yard11 to choo11e from. \"al. to 88c $3.98 yd. yd. Main F loor EMBROIDERED CHAMBRAY Sound• lm poaslble for this 11llk· like fabrtc. For rtreue11 and amart. blouaea. but you'll M ~~7. ii· yd .. Lower Floor . Ruffled Broadcloth Curtains 25 ~o OFF Cute perky aurt.ain1. PrUctllu or Dutch. All 1lz.«"J1. all leng'tha. Natural colored broadcloth trlmmf'd l.n a lovely printed pattern. For kitchen•, bath· rooma. or dl.nettn. Main Floor. iooo y~~~'!'! .~cs Some . bolt.a, aome leng1.ha. 99c Homupun. fand-. All &4-in. wtde. A Mna&ttonal v a I u •• WhU. uMy lut. Kain Floor. yd. Silk· Like Combed GIN~HAM PLAIDS VaJ11e9 to fl.It The loveliest you have ever seen, wuhee and weara lik;· ailk 67c Lower Floor_ yd. PLAIN and PRINTED TERRY CLOTH ........ Lovely •lrlJ*I, eott peat.eta. WOYtn pattema, a wonderful Mlect.Jon ot heaYy •beorbenl leM')' for robe• and beach· wear. Lowtt Floor Pollslled 77· yd. conoN SATIN ReKUl&r ..... The high tuhlon fabric of the 7 7 1eaaon, compare the quality. O you'll want yarda of lhl!M h111ctoua 11hadea. Lower Floor d y • SILKS, ORLONS, NYLONS, CRYSTALINES A fabuloua selection of brand new fancy fabrica. You'll thrill to the selection ··········-.. ·-··-.... \'a.tuea to 67c lt.18 Jard yd. Values to $3. 98 PURE DYE SILKS Pr I n t e d 11h1tntun1r1. nepea, shttr&. ldeal tor blou1e11 and drH•~s. g-ood leng-tha. WON'T LAST LONG : 98c Main Floor yd. Ret. $1.98 Sculptured NYLONS Perfect for ro~ and drcsllt11. A trulv lux- 11rtnu11 t11 brl<'. "r nred low to m o v e fut. H111Ty fnr th la SA V • L"\"CS. 87c MaJn Floor yd. Reg. $1 .69 NYLON and PIMA COTTON You'\·e be' n u k1ng for It. here It 111 at 11 hug-e. 11&\'lng. !l•yd. RecJ. $5.98 NYLON FLEECE P1tnly ot white a.nrt lovely pu t.-Jio. l()(I. For coal.JI, baby c Io l h •a. wu hable. W h I I e It hu•tio 26' Main Floor yd. VIII. &o .I.It yd. Enirslufod Cotton Prints Emboued, goo<f. 5 9 yd. kiddie pat tern•. blou11& f1guru. C What a \•aJu": • AU full bolts. Lower Floor IWI"· ft .%t Dottf'd Nylon Organdy 4:5" iiWlde, In 11 full telecllon o! 87c lovely 11ha<Ie11 !or form11111 11nd · yd. pllrty dresae11. Main 1'"Joor Rf'I". 1191' , ('nln,...d INDIAN HEAD A II rolon1. lh" fine quaJlty you p a y al mniot t11o11'e for G<1nd len.,ui11, allKhtly l rrecula.t. b .u l bowwr f'loor prlrl'd to eav,_ SLIP COVERS f CUSTOM MADE La~~;9. $ 2 ~~~;~9• '--• Tbouaanda of )'ard• to aelttt from! ftf'autlful """ florlll prlnh In \•arioo~or.-d l>M'Jqrounda •.• bold or aubdUf'd patll'rrr" ... !llftlllrt moo .. m' .•. pnl\ofnr lale • , , anlldll. Antlqu .... 11n,., llMlrloth. hark '"'"' .... l#1turl'd ud nuhby fA.hrlr" , , , AU nrat qua.tlty •.• all at AlfM'r1'" 11111' hud1o:,.t prl"""· RJ:RE'8 \\lfA.T \'0 1' 00: ('-0mP ln kl AlpPrt'a. !'ta.kl' )our r h11hr from bnndn'd1 of boltla of fabr1et1 llfM'd&l ly IW'IPcl#d for thl• f'Hnt. HERT.'• WHAT WJ: 00: w,. r ut and flt ~·onr fabr1r on your •landard MM! ~ltuN', rl1"ht In your own homf' ..• llnlllll It In our •hop •. , thl'n ln•l•ll It on your f·umlttrrf', ID:RF.'N \\'R AT \'OU GET : 8 11p eov,.,.. r u<1tnm m.adf' for }Our turnllurfl ..• JU».ran· tf'ol'ld t.o flt. All dpl>f'r <"ln•uN'a. PleatNt nr 11hlrT'l'd fl<:m nr,.10, :O.l'J f·Wf'ltrd ..... .m,., \'011 pay, only for thf' tabrtf' .• , phu It ta.bnr ch&rl"e Oii 1111)' et .. dard ch.ar • : . ''' '4 labnr rh&r111 on u y 11t.aadard ~fa. :'iomhaal trtp r lulrr,. •ut_k1,, of l"anta Ana. lnntel New Fabrics! , 0,... Friday Ni9hh 'til 9 Free Parking at A11y Lot ·santa Ana • 'A6E 6 ·'ART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 "God 9rent u1 the 1erenity to e~cept the t_hin9s we cannot change; the coure9e to chonge the things we c&n bnd tile wisdom to know the difference." It\. Anon.) • EDITORIALS • COURT HOUSE BEAT By IACll llOET'l'ND ... Suffer little children to come un,to me and forbid them not ... theee were the worda of J•u.e Chrllt. Application of thi• admonition today would go a lone way toward cuttinc down on Orange County'• mounUnc juvenile delinquency problem. . So 1&)'9 Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Morri- aon. bead of the Juvenile Court thia ye.ar. Morri.ton, who baa eerved u a judge in the Superior Court bench for 1~ yean, Ml a firm believer in the church puttinr the halter OD Wa)'W'ard kid9. . '1 ult every juvenile brought before me if he attends ch\lrc:b or Sunday echool," Judge Mom.on told the writ- er. "And th• ume roee for the parenta. Some of the k14a tell me they are regular Sunday IChool goen1, but when I uk them the name of the church, they can't tell me. The t'e('Ord ahow1 the church'• effect." DON'T 00 TO CHUJtCH The judge aaid more than 98 per cent of the Juvenile Hall cuea involve those children who never go to church or Sunday school, or, if they do, it'• seldom. Judge Mo~n opined, powever, sending the child to church and atayinr home ian't the &newer Jor the parent. , "Tbe law doe•n't allow me to order the parents to attend church with their children," the judge said. "I c:an aurreat it. In fact, 1 once told a man to attend church 1n lieu of a jail sentence. The atory made the front page of Liberty Magazine (a church publication)." Then there are two other factora which are helpinr to cw-b the r1ae in juvenile problema in thia county, the judJ• pointed ouL Firat ia the operation of a "Youth Council," made up of about 30 volunteer buaineaa and proteMional men. The other ia Judge Mom.on'• tight nin on parent.a •ince he took over the tint of the year. . TOUGH CASES The "Youth Council'' under the leadership of Robert Webb~ put year, ita !int, took on 21 of the Probation Department'• toucheat cue.. One probation· man aaid: .. I wu skeptical of the organiution. Thought it wu juat a bunch of fellowa aeeklng publicity. Therefore, I l'•v• them the hudeet caaee we had. I wanted them to tail. But, brother wu I fooled? "Out of thoee 21 cuea the council made 17 good citi&ena. That'• an enviabt.. record. Better than ~· could do." The council i• composed of religioua factiona, ser- vice. civic and fraternal cluba. It holda a meeting once a ' month to dJacua. common and apeci!ic problema. How- ever, the chief function i9 to g~ nut to the boy who bu run afoul of the law or who ia nur trouble. DLPING HAND A council member'• big job ia to aponaor the lad, find a job for him if neceuary, aupply recreation and a helping ha.pd. The counselor meets with the boy at leut twic.e a month and uaually every Week for an hour or IO. The put year bu aeen the council working mainly with boya who have brushed the law the wrong way. In the upcoming year, it will concentrate on boya ecreened out cff achoola -ones who seem on the verge of getting into aerioua trouble, In other worda, the council is going to train ita guns on the near-delinquenll. • Council members are carefuny ecreened by the Pro· batlon Dtpartment. Only two applicanta ao far have been turned down. Tht cowacil ia doing much to alleviate condition• in already over.crowded correction in11titution11. It a.Jao i• Hving the l&X·payer money. The 17 boys who got •traightened out 1111t year wou~ have cost $2400 tax dollar. each. That ain't hay. Arid the outfit figuru to offer an even better service in the future. PLACE FOR ALL Judge Morrison emphasized there'• a place for 111 in the council, Condition• are that the member be over 21 and willing to undergo a thorough 1creening. Two councila are in the proces1 of formation in Coata Mesa and Garden Grove. It 111 hoped to get a women'• group •tarted in the near future. The current c;ouncil ia made up mainly of Santa Ana men, but ia county.wide in focus. "A lot of folks think of u1 aa a court of punl~h· ment," the judre commented. "We're not. We're here to rehabilitate." A "set tough" policy with pa.rent• of delinquents hu paid oft dividend• in Judge Morrison'• "ar on kid crimt. , The judge hu tied down the parents reaponaibility. Lten4 u hooad.Qw Katt.er &t Ute Poltotnce la Newport '9acl1. e.utor.a unckr tM Act ot ~ a, llTt. J.> •n 0 I S..,. ~ ..t n..,.: a& Newpon ._., ~ 'r .. ~ llAmtoa PUW8111NO OOMPANY T1h1•1•1 ...._ ltlt • When a juvenile goe11 out on probation his ·parents are informed they must report any infraction of Judge Morriaoo'a rule.a. Jf they don't they stand in contempt of court and face a possible jail sentence. BE'ITF~R THAN E\'ER • None has teated the judge's threat. And that's good. Kida on probation are making out better than ever before. • The aoft-spoken, but firm judge opines allowing th'! juvenile to stay out after curfew leads to a majority of the crimes. When put on probation by the j udge it means ret in before 8 p.m. or else. - Most juvenile crirtre-in this count y occurrs in the petty theft and burglary categories and liquor 1s respon· aible for much breaking of the law. Judge Morrison, a home spun guy who has been sitting on court benches in Santa Ana for 29 yearti I 14 in Justice Court) has a simple philoaophy besides his s:om· plete faith in the church to direct little feet in the right dire<:tlon. ... • He aay1: "Peace begins o~ your atreet and in your attitude toward your youngater1 and those of your neighbors. lt we could bring ourselves to invite all the kida in the block into ou.r hou1e11 we'd go a long way in combating juvenile crime." . . TIME TO PLAN Re1ddenta of the communitiea 1urrounding Newport Harbor could well take heed from warning• eounded in Wuhington ~ently by Val Peterson, Federal Civil .f)e· fenae Director. Mr. Peteraon told eenator1 that person• living 10 to 15 mile. or more from Washington should build them.elves bomb aheltere "ri~bt a~". Peterao'l continued in hi1 dJasertation by saying that there would be nothing to do but to evacuate per· aona living closer to the center of the Federal Capit~l city. The evacuees, be said, will fall upon persons left an their homea and buaineaa eatabliahmenta for •helter and aid. 'the Federal Civil Defense Director told the Senate Appropriations eubcommittee that FHA funds are now available for building private residential bombshelten. i'-The beat protection, Peteraon pointed out. ia a •hel- ter under at least: 3 feet of earth. l( possible such struc- ture• ahould be concrete and steel re·inforced. An air intake ahould be provided with a filter, as simple u gaur.e, or-better, for complete protection from radioac- tivity and heat. The shelter should~ atockew with fresh water and food, and finat aid auppliee. Peraona sheltered properly and provided for could have a considerable de-- gree ot indifference to the blut and heat and radioac- tivity of the blut of an A-bomb. Petenon further point- ed out: • A nuclear bomb dropped over a city would redUfl it to rubble and a heat of 13.532 degree• woulci "kiss tne earth for 20 eecond11." Destruction would be total for a radiua of 5 miles. • Sheltena muat be built from Richmond to Boston I San Diego to Seattle), 15 to 100 miles from the center of cities. becauee the outlying areaa can't absorb evacu· ee11. This i• unlike St. Louis, fo rexample, where the city's fleeing"population could be absorbed in the uncqn- ge1ted outlying area. • From now on all schools built out.side the total destruction a.rea. ''should have shelters built right in the building. Suburban shopping centen should too." • The federal law 1hould be chaiged, perhaps, to give the government more control over civil defense in •tatea and communitiea. "Some cities are doing a spotty job. I can't go in and 'crack the whip.'' • Diplomat" have never been able to keep peace, the American Military cannot keep these bomb• from falling on American citiee. The only thi ng to save the people S. civil defense. Peterson completed hia discussion by asking the 11ubcommittee to restore $6 million cut from the civil de- fenae budget by the House of Representatives. \"al Peterson has a thankless job of mountalnoua proportion• to perform. People of this area ahould be thoughUul of their location on the coastline between the two defense center. of Lo~gelea and San Diego. Cer- , tainly the glut of military traffic from inland centen at March Fleld, El Toro, and Nort.on would make escape inland imJX>Nible. We ahould prepare ourselves now to care for ou1'9elvea -and at leu tanother family aa large u our own -or two or three. It ia a •imple matter for ua to Jay in a •tock of subetanti&l proportion• of canned cooda, bottled water, first aid and aanitary aupplie.. Moat o( all, chart with your family where to seek •helter. a nda point of rende%vous if the family unit abould become eeparated. Mr. Petenion wu not talking m W a.shington for a mer. allocation of money. The director of Civil Delense wu Mtttnc forth a pattern for sur\'ival -yours and mine and ours -u well u for Washingtonians an~ At· !antic Couters. We too have a coastline with \·ital manu· facturlnc and W•DM cente"-. Farmer McCabe Writes . .. • • Some Dentiat bu juat declared that iffen folh would •at uncooked fooda why they'd live anywhere'• from 150 to 200 yeara. He au •_! oughter at.art off with a aalad. toiler it w1lh-1ome fruit, and wind lt up with an apple lo clean your teeth on .... Well, he can have hia CTHn 1tuff. fnut and applea to clea.n hie t~tb on but ifa &l'Onna be good ole bMf ateU, potatOf'-' and onlone fer m~. Fann~r McCabe ••II Ofilia ,._.rved/ ' ''The f>ibk1s tht rock on which our repubhc rem• The Rt:: ck READERS WRITE :J.rom BRUSH COUN RY JOURNAL s, HOl\ACE ti'RKER (Ed. Not• -'l'lllte cohun11 by Hunc-e l'#tl•~ .,, df>al .,.._ the lltU..knowa biator1C'al ra1•t• be bu dl"Mnd .. , ...... ...., lrlpe lato lb• back t-0untrt la ~at , • ...,.... We were rushing along to ke«'p a date ln the brush country. A8 I neared Murrieta, I slowed down ~tving the 25 mi1e z.one wti en a siN'n went off. I know otno more un- comfortable fE*ling than the waihng Mhriek ~ the Alre11. Guiltily I checked the rear view mirnm• wondeing what in- fracllo11 had O<'<'llrTtd No nnt' wu nle>lor ~ptt'dcd u tlf pun1p11 11a11. l~hlnd mt. With a •tRh ot rf"lltt I "" MHI t\'fn th-0111. 1 couhln'-t ~··• "'. htl'•I I! , .. 1~ Ill•' ,.irfn or lht! lht'm tht' min twp rtnt11nic bt r l< Mu11e1111 \'1•hrn1e .. 1 •·m Uvpa•t· trum th" .. fo~ nl>ZiiMI • ntent I Wt h.iul lrfl Mur1tll\ at :I I>!\ p. • Wt .Mnpf)t'fl llll' «Ill ttnt1 turni>d m. a nti hy 4 I!> p I lht tlrf' " • a.ruuntl · Like th .. 111111utr 111 .. n 11t 111111<'1 t•cl11tn1I f'lC.·et f(>I ""'"l'I" .; f<cvulutwnttrv \\"1n tana• Wt' C">>Uld ur·· Wht(I I left Jt0ut 4 30 all ·r lite \ht' hustllni: farm. 1 s d11sh111g l&k1nr; a ,lo:ten P•<'Ur"" 1111 th" 1:1. llrl ob• f11'l<l1t on lhe oJ;-art run hl'1t1t· "•'I &hi,. rrrH·£nt~l'r1,.. .. nty th" "u tor th(' llll' h'm"" \\'Hh 1trt· ht'al ancl a futile siutta or am1•i " hghU fliti.hlni; KOii p1l1•1I high with Wl'l'e It-fl l'ntt'ni.lly lht' C'nl1 " r1rl'mt11 1 ht' luur·Whl'l'l••ol drlVt'. • 011ntr)·11111<· rould h&\'I' bur11t 11111• 1111rplus I 11 e truck swuni: p11n1l1•1 • II ''"' V furn1<CI' O bl11z1111t bA rl• V ously onrv !hi' rui;hway W1tt«>r w118 f11"lt111 11111!· bn.1•h IOVC'fl'<I hllla. It 8lupp1111: r10111 h<'r honk" 1 ... ac1tn1: I '-·ould """" ml'.iut thou11andJI • t a p11rRdf' u ( tl1t'k·11ps an1I pu.St>11· dollllrd 111 propcrt: cla111Mi.:e t·v,11t111( gPr r1tr11, lhe cnllrr prnt'l'~ll1<1n lhl' l1txpayl'1• un.iunrrrt dullan. lll&rt1•d nurlhwar!I. w,. brnught up t'AIUIER • t·11u;;1'u::ii1 ':'0 the reML AU thu• wu pev.,nied by t h• ' RACl!'G TO FIR.r; 11m .. 1y &C"tlon ot a •<'ore ot 1,v1- ll wu most ext•ltlng, Spt'i'1.hng 1 lad Carmer" wlo thtlr very own lllung almu~l •:'> mll«s pdr hQlll tire trul'k, Th"H (llyl are phy•1· we (oJlltiwtil the dlrl'ction11 of men <'\lily ltard 11.11 na1ll f rom lone h•nS along ••Cle the rued 118 lhl'y 1110• houn In the r1"ld, and ahopa a 11d tlon~d us on. About 11 half nulce 1f J h 1HI a ny flr .. e lo t11thl 1 d hkft out of town we cuuld 1we towt'rlng th .. m 11n my ~Id", The fire llnlt May H . l!l:J5 I the matter. They naturally auum· ll moke columnll rolhng ovei the wu ~t•rtll!t1 by a •Jl•rk from a AN OPEN LETTER: ed that I favortd the retention of brush CO\'tred hill.or to th,. t ttst wel<le1 . who wu Wf'llllnJ .. t~I Now that the amoke I• clearing 1 Neff a nd Sanborn anu did not Knowing the country f&i rly well 1 ft'nC'e po11111 alonir t he untln1ahtd away In the Neft·S•nborn mattl'r know that I alao turned down • wondered how we could gel to the frf'e"'•Y rlght·of·iay -pu,..ly a c:• It might be well to have another similar request from a loca.I min.-fir~. u far u 1 kntw ther'" were cld('ntal look -And to alert lha c1t1nna ot liter who wu known to favor lht no roads intu It. A 1 the ChPney The 'nlunteer fht dl'1>9rtmtnl la lhl• community u well •-'the en· two In question, Cut we turned 011 a dirt road to u Amu1r11n u "can llli.ker:· The tire Harbor area agaJnat a rroup. The Very Nut Day. the rumor old hllnd (lra.wn "'um,_.r1., a nlS the ea•l, wlndrnit t hrough tinder-., ... ~ or 1roun1 operatlnr In this area w1a out that l wu a c:ommunurt-hooli. and ladller fh truck• a.ctu. " 1 ,._. dry bArley flehls "'' approarh~ who. a.JU!ou•h undoubttdly "'ell· 1 had been aeen read nr • ..,..m. ally lrd lht way into Callfom1a "' the column of Amoke juat ovtr lht Intentioned and conalder t hemaelv· mum1t new~paper I arn not tlle brow or thC' hill. tor I.he covered wagona. Like th• ea 100 per C'ent Americana. are apt ltu t conctmed a bout the rumor Jnchant they wen hert t o STttl b 1 t I h t A, w• camr over the nu I 1aw to carry l helr enthual9$m loo tar tca use u t •t mv a<' 1on1 ~ the 1mmlKNnla, One nu d1 onl y and do much moce harm than speak for thtmselVl'•. But 1 am the fire. About two •er"• of bnuh circulate lhrough Iha Mother Lotle itood. concerned a bout auch v1cloua tac-w"' burning, hrk ing dan1erc:.usly country to realize thl•. To belon1 Two txamplu of their v1clou11 tlca, Where will lhty •trike next! n'ar the f"rlgu ot dry gr am flelda. to a v••lunleer fi r• tvmpany wu a tactics will. I think convlnct our Jl I• now quilt t\'ld"nt how tilt Th•·re WA,<t 11 goot1 wind blowl llO<'llll mutt, Ca rtJOlly kept equip· <'ll1Hn.a that we who art> not rumor of a petition to 01111l Ev!'rf!ll anti I hl'gan ,Rett1ng &queaml mtnt, ihiny antJ poll4hed, llDme 1wayed overboard by emotlnns I Rea gnt sta rted. ~o one apparent· 1 knowing lh.llt bru11h and li:rllSS fires ev~n With botfal1>-41kln ho••• and mu1t be conatanlly on ruanl. ly haa sten .11urh a petition but ra n 11p•·r1l n•••H'ly .1111 fast as the ornat" un1t.1rma wu th .. order "' Flrit. lhOUf;h, let me H y that within a rrw <1ay11 lime everyonr wrnd. S1tt1ni,: ht \i car on a narrow the day. The rlva.lry -• lpten•• t teel, and think the gn at niKjor· • In town hill! hMrll ot ll. Somt-tmc ro11d 111rroundt-c1 by explosive fire btlwetn thr dlfterent companlM. ily of our cltl.una feel proud or stArtrd lhl' rumor to brmit the t ot1'1er 111 & pier" nnl to g t't c·aught Mllny were I.hi' gnod toc:IAI (f'I ·tel· our School Board. They took the Netf.Sanborn ,u u1ttlon to • hf•d T hr11 J !'pletl thr t•leare<l •rta lit gether1 wllh t lth•r a '"beer buar• right action under the clrcumatanc--And the purpose W88 llCComplleh· the n1·w freeway that• bruk1 off or a rhnwcll'r patty. es even thoueh, according to Lho11t ed! 3~., just north oC Tc•mttul& and A TRAOmON Immortal words of Pru. Chrla Other rl'porta and happenhr;a wlll tVf'ntually conne{'( up in lhr The Murrieta Volunleu P'lrt ~· Brown '"we are not particularly mll kt> u11 wonder. 811nta An>l Canyon, anu knew that parlmtnl 111 k~plnl alive thl• proud ot the action we had to Let·,. bt> on guanl ! I could park the <'•r •afely. , IP~•t trad11lon. Thf')I have their talle.'' Ted Neff ia loved by all ,...ho DON HUOOLEST01' DETl:HMlNED FlRE TRl'C• J<'irt'Dla.n·a S..11 and btrbequ .. and know h im , but •• many ot U• say. Thr rNf, blunt tire truck hudelf like old fire h01'9U Uuy champ at tu11lnr to rf'coc-nlze the f•ct tlat 0--ar Mr. M .. s .. .o. voluntf'f'r Cir l'mf'n. She reminded KOOd tire. What a flne bit or he uaed very poor judgmtnl In re· May 13, It~~ I right lnlc. the blaz.t, ttstOQnl'd with the bi t to cet tnlo th nu d<it or a the Of'l&nlu.tlona to .whkh he •d· 1 May~ our :-.-f'wporll'ra hi.Ym"t mf' of Two Ton Tony Gl'lento. Amtrlra.nlem 11 thl1 ~t HTVlre hered and belll'Vl'd In a re not •c· hea.rd <1( L A '• No I tr.:flc heavywtitlhl h •'Clll~ <untender ot ptrronned by all ~IUntffJ' r1,.. ceptable to the m&Jorlty of 0•1r problem boy: .. lJruoptrt " -l eo's I" f Pw yun b11rk. F r-arlt•s and C'omp..,..1. donat1n1 their tlm• c1ti.zen1. Under lhtae e1rcun11tan<'· f thf'•r ev.-r pr t'll<'llt, I hough un•"n, 11l'Wl ngln1t :ooh., wus I'll her going tn 11.nt1 rh1kinr their Uvu without u.ht could hardly expect t(I recel\•• can-.•r or n11mer111110 IJC>lll~,,.ck> .• 1op 1h1s blaze (Ir burn up t r}'lnjt. thoujthl of pa y, to plOtec:t you and ttnure, a perm a.ntnt appo1111ment and an1df'nl& ""ho la a lways will· In a hu ... of Cl••ni<P 11moke I could me and nu r property from the ""' lo our achool ay11tem. Again l 11ay., 1n~ 10 lllkt' ovtr thr whft. tor' ate thll •hi' had 11lOpptd, then the 11gu of tire. lhe Board looli. the only action drunk or sl~py driver~ Tht a1gn11 posalble ~caul!f' the hu t wa .. on po11~ a round J_ A. at lt>Ml pf·rk • and t he two under flrf' would not up L. A 11u· •h1nk1n11 tr&fttf·\lolAf' • b&C'k down. From tht' l•>0ks of our mc U11ln1t Bul ll'ra hav<' a look at th" baffle f1 gurt'11 h .. rt. 1n =""""JI< It 11nrl background. I can talk tlrathand VH'lnliy. 1t fook ' u though :ronp· ti.c .. we I 111•a.a one-of ll:le. t&rget.L e rt ~ ~" of hia xremllr. 1p1e.ci momtntanly, tn th•• group'• vlc· ciu•nit our town tM his prosr•cllve lflUI e11mp11lgn. I ca n •peak frankly h•blt•t1on here. Bit W••ll ber11111e It 11 rommon knowltdKe Whrn my Junior hlCh whvol that I oppo•ed the re·hlnn1 of daughtl'r r11me home he<'kllrg me thu .. two men. for "ome M-hool 11logans. th• onr When l called a mPetinir o! civic porped into my hta•1 .. ~11·h tinugh leMd.,ra laAt week 'to dl1c11u the unuaable for h1•r 1Jchool. m11tht Ntlf·Sa11bom altuatlon l 1oon re· provt at lust thouitht pr<lfnk1n1 celvecl calla from two !l:twport to our l<X·At t"lt1x'lonry. He!Jt'htl women. known lo be lead· ut•• kHp UronP"rt •l'T of er11 In thC' anti g-roup, asklng per· :'lie" pnrt ! mrsalon to attend lh• meeting. l What do you think of 11 I refuMd. ~xplaJnlng that the mtti· l!:ILEEN L. RAPP lnr waa by Invitation only. for the 3912 Channel P la ce aole purpoa. of attempting to ob-:\ewporl Buch. Calf. 's in a fair, unprejudiced Cn>ell· Ed. Note-We think r, fine .ectlon ot community fttllng in W.A.M. Sacramento Sideligl t SACRAMENTO 1CNS1 -Al· leptJona that approximately U m!llJon 18 Involved In ..... rtedly llle(al u~ndlturt1 by four Call- ro1 nJa milk dl•lrlbutore. filed by lhe State Bureau of Milk Control ar1 1ten aa a. po .. lblf' lmpelllnr force In favor ot abolition of the prtce·fbclnl' act In Calltomltl,· 1t wu leuntli here today. The four companu~•. J'oremoat, •l•o known a1 Golden State, Inc .• Arden. Camatlon a nd Challenr•. are ch&rfed 'llrlth Y1ol•llona of th• ecl. which If proven could re.ult In lnl!l8 of their llcen•u. The charg-· ··s 11<ngt trom loaning me11lt'Y and .. q11lprnt'nl tn lt'U11lr1s. to 1quee1- 111g 1l'ta11t-1 • through oank a ttach· mentA to ton ,. uh• ot the dlatrt· but or• p11>011~ ts n ;AR.14' l'ROBE Th,. ch•• gr~ arf' the rulrnin•· t1nn of a )f'•f'.t 1n,·u t1g•t1A?n by the Bur,.•u of Miik Control. wh1cb 11 headed by Don Wt1nla.nd. T!I• bureau. a put of the atate depart· ment of a~lculturt, i. charpd by tiie Dumond Milk Control Act wllh fhllnr th• minimum rttaJI p rtc•• ot mllJt. a.a weD u M1torctng the 80·caJled fair trade practices d~andttd In th• act The Dunaond act i. und•r att&cil 1n the t'ourta 11.1 beln11 unronatllu· t1onal, In that It dtnlea fr~ enter· pn111· t0 relillill. Auo-:-a btl1 by A-mblyman 0tarlr1 w. )(f'ytra, ,1 kn J'tanclaco. rtpealln1t t.he act n It• entirety. I• btfore tht cur· l'flt lert•hlture. Meytra. how1-..r. 111aa Mt tno-nd ·o Ht Ute bill for h,annr. atatlnr hat h" '"pecta ll tn !>. .11 .,1,.nt1f'<'I lllt'i:t, 1-d.....ilc rev111lona 1n Ole act 1laelf. Ht aard ht la wa.ltlng for a mendment• from theCalUor· n1a, Retail Grocera A1~1at1on, ""'hich ht aald cauaed lntr1sucllon ot the b!ll ltaelf. MORE ACTIONI DV~ The &ellon ot tht bureau~ milk control. which lndlcate1 It Ill 11 lnvntlgatlnr other lure rlbu· tort ln Cal1rom1a and ma. havr mo~ artl(lne on file. rep .wnll the tint exte,,a1ve r hucu made apJnat lht big dlstrlbutor1. ~plly. /fl•trlbutora •re p lb· ltt!d by lht Dumond act from r· formln1 any aerv1ct tor a ret r which Involve• the paymtnl or money. lhf loan of tqulpmtnl. ualatance In advertJlltnr lht p~ duct by the r1>taller. Thf bure howe•fr. hu 1nvut11ated tor long time lo drtennlM whethr or not pracll<'"• In v1olatlon" o tj\e milk control act have been 1olnl' on. and u a rr111J1 of Ill lnvullpUona. flltd the charru UlrouJ'h the •ttornay r•ntral. A ttomty ·~neral Edmund 0 . Brown hlmeelr recently aald thlllt th• entlre milk control act ahould be abollahed, and It 11 up to the attonity r eneral'• office tq pro· eecute Uie chars•• pruented by the bureau of milk control. IUJfD or 1Ua1'1U8&D MeanwhUe. ao m • dlalrlllutor lobby11t.1 were little 1-than a . (hut at the &etJOft ol Ule bUrte\I In nuns th• accu .. uon.a. Th• bu· reau In th• put llu worked cloee• ly with th.r mill!. dl.tlib\lton. and f"MralJy h•, ft•llowtd U1r1r re· <'Omm•nrJ,,1 ,,. 111 lilt matter of • MURIETl'A -Volu1tteer fire department an action. -Horace Parker Photo AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTHUR SACRAMENTO -ICNS ) -Th~i <'ontlnulng battlt over loeal or •t•te cont 1 ol of Cahfom1a·~ achOQIA appear• to ~ retolytnr ltaelf in favor of thfl alale liepartml'nt of etlurallon ovu a period of year11, a.111 thl• bureaucra<'y at u ch lerla· latlve •l'Slllnn ma.ke• further in· road• Into the J)4'roiaUvu of th,. loc•l"board1 of t-luca tlon and 00.rd of t r-U•lfea. nMT COSCEPT In the OriKinal concept or educa· n. the 1Jehoola wer, 11uppd11ed l•• opera l,.d by thf communltlf'll In lch they wtre loca ted. However, tlnu"d demands upon the 1ta 1• r1nan<'1&I aid provl<l"4 t ht n-. a tor rl'movlng 11.1• ('•ml r<•I by f r""• ur ft1llr" ···oy -from tht t1,111 •n•l t·u11n11"• l•llllt now h .. wnrl<,.d rtr,wn tO a U lt' Q\lf'llt lfm nr A\tle (II loral ntrol, at"<M<llnic lo k orl< I.a f" ,. ua111\llnl ~ur.,·rlnt,.n· A l•m~lla r llUnl\' ll("t)nol~ ,hmu R. To1rri .. y, Mun• ty aup' eon<l .. nt M SAn Mat"'' •nd M n othtr Of!IC'IAI• 8J'lleA1 ed rece.ntl tore a 1Ub•C'Omrn1tl•" to Mttle f ht N'lnllnuance ot th,. county M fvnc1. which 111 u •lloratlon ~ 11pol'I a v .. t •R' t1a1ly attrn'1 r f'°lr nJl"••ll'lf th• 1'011nty K h'lOI auptrlntt ndent.. t1f· fh ~,. t hl'OUl(h'lUl th,. •llll<'. Lil Flech• told the •11b-cQIT\mlltH that t h<' l'•1unty •Up•rlnttnden111 nm H rvwe riftll'H , a nd uk"d whn rould JUdl(r ~lier th• n;.c,._ry ~rvu'"' th11n an •rency whloh la cloai to th1> fl"Oplr • A 1T ACK'4 MEA!ll"ftE Tonney •llO a ttaclc"d a m...ure handtd I<> th .. lr11l11l•turt thl1 )' .. r hy lfoy E S1mp110n. •late •u~rtn· l"nclenl ••f p11hlor ln•trucUon. widf'r whrille r 111•l11n1,. the ata te depart· mf'nt <it etfur111•1n h•• mlllle II• RTtal1 ~t J11dva 11c ... In prov1d1n1 •ta t .. (•JOtl ol Of the IChOOI•. Th.. m.11Jl'lrlty ot Iha cowit1 At·h()<il 11upoi1 1ntr nr1ce nt1 11upporl ltl• 1on1,.nt111n• of 1h<1 t lAI• l1•p&.r1· "'"'nl nf l'•h1r•t1un In Ila Ct1nt..n· 1111n tt111 1 I! n,.,.,J~ llne•hV·lin« _.. 'l'•I <it 1he l<x •I bu11"""' 'r"' "" y 1 .. 1111"'1 th, 11r h011I 111per· .ntt1nd• nh a .. repuve or.:1.nt ... ""n •· th1tt 111 on• wh11 h runrllon• ,..,-miar1lv 11nt1•r thC' f11~1on or 11111n ... m .. nl which 1n l hla caar, 1 lh,. cl,.partn ... nt nr education, Thi• "•nl"nlJ••n h•• 1>c9,.n aipporl · •·•I httfir,., th• l>oo•l known ...,. ti-Inf Wht n tlll' 8Up,.rlntf'nd•n"8 •n· .1 .. rwa lh• ran<tltluy ot limP9"" fnr the offtt• ot pt1bhe UlatNO• lll)fl, CM SANITARY DISTRICT -EX~ANSION ~-ROPOSED TWo major a.ni:wtaUoia to \ht Coata 1'ftaa Sanitary Dlatrlct were l.oda,y before the Or&nJ• County Boa.rd of surent-or• an.er ft.&J hMrlnc by t~ dlAtrlct dlre<:tore Thun day. l'\o ptottata wne made to the Mnllal'y dllrt rlc'\. • TWO ANNl'.XATJOS~ lnvolvell are A.nnn atlon• !"o. 21 and No. 26. Thfl f1rat covers the territory from Hamtlton St. lo t)le MeM C'Jty llmlla and from Harbor Blvd. to Canyon Drtvt The la tter la t,.ti. u tlre Halecrh t 1ubdlvt1lon betwHn Baker and Cl1ler Avt'a., 'A'hlch wlll offlcla lly enter Coat• Me,. boundartem J un" 1. , Pttt ldt'nt Arthur H. Meyera of th• unitary dl1trlct .,Id the resi- dent.a In ea.ch t.nntutlon want sewers. Next atep, after approval by t h!! 1upervlaora, wlll be a bond ,.,,.~Ion Wllh a two-thlrd• vott n eces.sary, ac('Ordlng to Meyel"8 Annt'11a llon No:-17•u~hedu~ for hurin~ v.uirad&) ltut ..,., poit- r>onl'd until J une 2. Area or thl• e.nne.utlon I• 21st SL lO M eu Drive. • C'08T EST1 KA Tl'J Preliminary tngineer!ng coat of approxlm-llt t ly $17~.000 wu aet on lnstalllltlon ot 11ewer1 1.n Annex•· lion No. 27 takt n Into the dl1· lrlct a few mon.llt\4 ago. The di.s- trict •ttoml'y Is drawing up neceJI· eary paptra tor a b<>nd election which wlll bt' pr~nttd at the nl'itl distr ict muting, Ml'yers H id. The arta lnvolvtd In thla annexation 11 10th St. south to Placentia Ave. and wu t to Supe~lor Ave: ln other busmua, the unitary district renewed Its g'rbage and tra.,h collection contract In Coat& Mu a w1lh Kenneth .Bn ce. Mayor Proclaims Wednesday As Fish Conservation Day Mayor Ddra 0 . Jilll announced dealing with the conat>rvaUon of today that Wednesday, May 25 our ocean tls.h. would be Ftah Corraervallon Day In And. Y.11cru..s: manv boat own- Newport Buch.. Tht' P(OClamatlon ers a nrt skippers are glvlng CrttlY follow1. or lhelr lime and equipment on Wheraaa: It h u come to my at-May 2!'.>th, 1955, to brlng to the tenuon lh•t lher. Is • ,.roup ot publlc'll attention the need tor aportamen In Vie City of Newport more vigilant protection ot our Beach who are promoting-many ocean fish. project a and 1upportlng ler;lalallon 1 And, Whereas: Many sport flah- Accused Thief Granted Delay BANTA ANA (OC?"'S) -A con- tinuance or arra.lpment to May 27 hu bet n l(Tantf'd William K. Par· riah on charru ot burrla.ry and petty theft.An Newport a.&ch. ermen wlll chartt>r numerou11 boat.ii In Newport Beach knowing that all proceedi1 will go Into a fund to keep up tht' good work done by the Ocean Fish Protective Aaeoclatlon, 11.'ow, Therefore, be It reaolved: that 1, Dora O. Hlll, ltayor ot the City ot Nev'J)Ort Beach, do pro- claim Wfltnaaday, May :ultb u Fish Conu rva tlon Day In the City or Newport Buch. Superior Court Judge J ohn Shea UCLA PUPILS appro~ the delay Frtday ln order to l'f•e Parrlab tlmt to chance al· ALL IN A DAYS WORK· .PoHce Find 'Lost' Youth WhO Shot Baby Sister A tmall boy, picked up bJ N...,. -otfl«re Bra-and J ohnaon. port pohoe 8aturoay 11lrht. W!llO~tecl C>Y•~ Ua0\&1bt of poMlbl)' cl&Jmed he wae lost. wu retumed finding lll• boy't home stopped olt to Lon~ Beach today a ft•r police a t the Santa Ana Polle. ~p&rt­ there a&ld he b¥ ahot hia baby meJ\t and uked omcer ~Uth to slater with • pellet fU1S. accompany t.Mm u M wu tamt· Kins llicha.el Aaron. 11,J waa liar with t he ana. picked up In Ntwporl Baturdey tvenll\I attn a puelnr motor~t aald he wu 1lec-plnr In lhe rear ot an ab&ndoM d car ooe mUe M>Ulh of Corona del Mar. Mrs. K. B. Rint Funeral Rites The ottlOfJr9 drov11 to the acene and tound the youneatt'r curled up In the backaut of an old 1939 t t'dan and hla blrycle atendln&' alo"' •Ide. The otflcrra put both Held Today younpter and bicycle In the p&trol ca r and drovt to the auuon. • Aftu two houn of quutlonlng by Oftlcera Ed 8 rawn, Ray Joll.n- aon and Sitt. "-L. Phebua, the rollowtng Information wu obtain- .ct. The boy aald hl11 narnt wu King MJchat'I ~rgt', lJ-y.ara-old. and that hi• fa ther'• name wu Mu· well ~or1e and h i• mother's Mar.- Ion Loulee. He u ld they had moved out from Utah two daya a go, but ht didn't know where they were living now. The oftlcen aa.ld lhe boy wu 59 lnchu tllll, 100 poun4JI 1n wel!Cht. with red sandy hair and • freckled complexion. Youns Kine Michael Mid he had decided to take • bicycle ride about 6 p.m. Saturday everuni al- ter traveling 110me dl1lllnce, be- came loat. He 1111.ld he beC'ame tired, found the abandoned automobile, and decided to ru t lht're. "I <1on'l know where l live," the boy com- menk Finally, a bout 12:30 a.m. Sua - day morning, th• officer• dttlded lo take King M1chJel to J uvenile Prtvate funeral aervicu wert to be h 'ld 'at 2:30 p.m. today tor M ra. Kather1ne Btoas Flint. 87. at the Baltz Mortuary Che pel, Corona del Mar, Mr. Robt'rt Cooper ot Le Canada ofClclallng. Mn. Fllnt. wl<::>w ot the late U.S. Senator Frank P. Fllnt, found· er ot Jl'llntridgt', pa.s51'd away Fri- day al her home. S•Ot Via Oporto, Lido Iale. She had lived here 1lnce Jut J uly. • She leavia hl'r ion, Wllllam R. J'Unt ot Pll$lJ.dena, her daughter. J.Jre. H. S. M.acKay of Balboa: htr gT&ndchlldttn, Councilman Sandy F. Mackay and Frank T . Flint 11 ot B&Jboa; her gTeat grandchildren, Robb Flint MacKay and Katherine Lom.a MacKay, alto of Balboa. Cremation rites will be htld at Forest Lawn Memoria l Park. Friends wlahlng-to aend donations are a.dvtaed that .the ta.rnlly hu sel up the ff. S. MacKay J r. Memo- rial ScholarthJp Fund, University ot Southern Ct.UforutA. Hall In Santa Ana where he could VOTERS CLAllJ slay unUI hlll parent.a were found. 1ft On the way to Banta An•. the boy became aware of the aurround- lngf and when t hey reached the lntt'r9ecllon of Fourth SL and Main, lht boy aald enthualaat lcally, "Now I know where I a m." CoGU.Oaed rrom !"Int Pap unmarked ballota and a flag strewn on th• elecUon board table. l omey1. The defendant II accUHd I Contlllued t..-Ftra& P~ of burrlarlzlng Shaddock'• Inc .. lhe 'IJCLA journallam department MU y1a Lido. a nd the pt!tty theft I sends It• atudent.a to var1oua com-ISL aill D p 0 of aew•n swuter11 trom the aame I munlty nwapapera during a tour-Rn • • pta.ce April 28. week period. usually In May, to Ooattaued from f1ni Pap Walter W'lm~r; county a nd Co11· la Mesa. plannln&' comml11s10M\. reported at Maln School whtn he voted that he put hla own ballot In th• box a.nd that no election board member c&lled out that he had voted, the ...llonnal proc,dure. He aaW no o~ watched him put the ballot ln. tile box. Parr1 11h la now frte on ball. get aome nrat hand experitmce In tht' newspaper buslnus. rMlp ed *t year and ulted that Too Late to Be c1 ••• 111ec1 ~ltaa&oa Waaf.ed ahe be rt'Ueved ot duty by Ma.rch Tho remainder of the year·~ 1. ThJa hun't bem done. Wben the atudy Is taken up ln graduate level coneolldallon 11 achieved, H. Payne colltge courses o.nd publishing t. Thayer, poatmuter ol Newport weekly ca.lied The CaJl!ornla Sun. Beacb, will then be In charl• of ~IASTER'S DEGREE lho lal&nd office &nd at liberty to Culmlllstlon •of the atudent.a' de.t,nate a euperlntendeut ot malla work throuKhOut t he year wlll be lll charJe of the laland office. NO PBIVACT M rs. Cht.rlet Brown, 2U2 Azure Avt'., S1tnt11 Ana H elghta, rtported that at Lindberg School t wo vot- ers' booths were lMlrdly pr1vat- one booth having no curtain, the olher'a curtlLln being drawn ba(k. A third booth WU curtalned, •b• .a.Id. Bile 1&.ld a.lao that votera put NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 1 MONDAY, MAY 21, J.'55 -7 ELECTION achoo! bOard t"Mmber offices, Mil- um pl'Oved the •tro11rut conttnd· C..*-4 ,,._ P\nt hp t r, winnln&' 111 two of lh• atx vot- lnr di.tnrt..a .nd runntn, a atro111' 'Ii\• on• eeat at l•u. on the. lhlrd IA the other tour. I N.wport &.di l:leme11e;ary D1at· I Kra. Robert M. Wllaon ru a rlct. bo&rd wu .imoat t.a.ktn by .. ua. third In the r..c• tor a place· W1U!am H. Spurreon M , the on y o n the COila Mu a Elementary opponent to ln('Umbent H•""'Y D. Olt tnct board. Her ~ dlat.rtct 1 ~ue_. Spurseon ran bot 170 votu wu JU& ScllooJ 111•here abe ran 100 bthlnd Peue who polled 10~ votu bdtlnd t.ht' ltadlng-candldt.lt . l vot.... I Bro"'ll. and 32 behlDd Os den who l n the Cotta Meaa E~mentary I wu ilt'<'Ond, • Dlatrlct. race, Mra. R<>bert J.C. Wit-____ ..., _______ _ ton waa unauccuaful l.n bel' t.t• DEATH NOTICE tempt to unau t either ol her op- ponent.. Bolh c. Cbiabolm Brown an4 Albert O(den . pulled doublto llRS. DAISY 8. WALLllC>M the.&mount or vot .. ot theft fem· Fu.nerd H>n•lcu tor Mra, Oa l1y lntne contender who had 858. B. WaUbom. 81, 1928 Orenge Ave .. T AX HOT t SSt 'E Costa M«'11&. wtore held S.turday. Th• mOlt hotly contested t..Ue 2:30 p.m. a t t ht> Parke1-Rldley of the election wu the high achoo! Mor tuary. Tht> Rev. Roy A. Carl- t..x whlrh ran lnto dlrtlculty 1 In ton, paator of Christ's Church by two of lhe tour achoola dlJltrlct..a the Sta or Newport Harbor, con- voUnf;. dli£.~ed the aervtcn. In the Corona del M ar dJatrkt, • m.. Wallbom P&Ned away the tu w11.3 defeated by a thum!f-Thur1day night after • hn~ertnr Ing 222 vote marytn. The tlnal vote lllnesa A na llvt ot EUcpolnt, S.D .. waa 317 "yea" t.nd 539 "no." M n . \\'allbom came lo t'ewport The hiJh achool tu 111., alao d., Beach In 1929, lived ht'rt' until teated In the Newport School Dist-19f0 when she went back to South rlct, tllough by a narrow mt.r&1n. Dekol&, &nd returned here In 19~. The final tabulation here waa 307· She la •urvtved by ht'r th~ 305. a two-vote defeat. eora Cyru. G. Goodncu, Kansaa: AnoWr district. Rea School. IAWTence 0 . Goodnua, Kanau; carried th(' high achool tax by the Vincent 0 . Goodneu, S•nt.a Ana; aame murgln by which It was de-JJ!x d•ughtl'fl, Mra. LllJl&n Emery, !Nlted 1n Newport. The final vote Nebraska; Mre. Stephen L. Bad- was 19e "yt'a'I to 194 "no'', only 11.g.e, Co.st& Mt' .. ;'l.fra. J6hn J . Sul- livan, Costa M cu; Mn . WUllam two votes dlrterence. _ • • Wclrh, ~lb Dalcota; Mrs. Wll- l n lhe other three <llstrlct.a ap-llam Snyder, P lanada ; Mra. Fred proving the tu:, lhe Ullly wu: Houck, Sacramento; two brothers Costa Mtaa Main School. 401-l U ; and one •l•ter tn Iowa; 2!1 grand- Llndbergt. School, 305-138 aRd chlldren and ao ITe•t-grandchll· Horace EMl(,'"n, 313·218. '-l drtn. BALTZ MORTUARIES C08T~ MESA. CHAPEL 17'1 Bu~or A.vet1ue la Mtaa, C.llt. Pboilt Uberty 1~2111 CHAPEL BT THll 8aA l6lO It. Cou& ...... Corona del Mu, o.m. Phone ~ a ANNOUNCING ..•.•• th• Open~ Of Our Own Shop Upholet•rtnc ud au,_... with UI• S&me 11ne Work We Have Produced at KIMMON 'S t he Past 2t years •••• eo.uaw.a, a& u.. ..... a44reM FOR THOSE w~o WANT THE BEST John W. and Ann L Konkel "4 I!. I TUI St. Cotta MNa Liberty l ·IHI lf ao uewer: Ubrrty ......, SS Wanted SS From private parties Money to Loan on Choice Harbor Area Propert1-. Your Funda "wiU, Eam 6 % on Well Secured Selected property MR. 08BORNE OSIORNE REALTY CO. IOI W. ~ lllc .. wa¥. . ...,._ MIW MILt'M Rl"SS T iii.RD Intermt"nt wu at Harbor Rellt In the ra.ce for the two high ;M~e~m~o~r~la~l~P~ar~k~C~e~m~e~t~e~ry~.~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ DEATH NOTICE P HILIP FRES CH F uneral aerV1cu for Phillip E ugene F'rtru:h. e.i.. .nt ...211 I..a.tk- apur Ave. wllJ be conducted Wed- nesday at a p. m. at lh• Church ot lhe Receu loral, Forest bawn Ml'morlal P ark. Balt11 Mortuary· In charge. He wu t. member of the Opt 1m~t qub, the Balboa j Power Squadron. Al M RJ&lkah Tt mple and Theta Delta Chi rra- lt>mHy, Unlven1lty of Wuhington ; wa.s a vettran of World War l and • building contractor. He Juld lived Ln ·coron• 4tl Mar for two )'etr•· ln Beverly Hille tor 2~ yeari. He waa a native or Great F t.111, Mont. He 111 1urv1vtd by his wife. Ina I B. and a daughtt'r, Mias Dyanlha R., both ot lhe home address: one broth.tr, Georre B. ot Loa Angeles; a 111.tter, Mn. Buena V. Talbert ot Loe Ana-•••· GARDEN CENTER NURSERY DlSHWASHll"O, kitchen help In the award of a mutera' de,.ree ln Corona del Mar 1Ull rem&IN aa rtata urant. work deal red by expert-I Journalu1m from UCL.A tht. Jun e. a Npual • poet office, enU,..17 enced woman. Phone Lllllt. 8·0 6i. All six t ludenta with the New1-contalned wlt h'n tbe city of N-· Mp J Preas lhli week are ve~. re· port Beach wtth It. own )>Ollt- -------------celvlnc their education under the muter. ' ! Cl BIU. Four eerncS wtUI UM Ar-A.ccordins to aurvey• ot the DI· SZ.A-AatJg_UM -my, one with lhe Cot.at Guard, &nd v1elon of Poet Office lnapectora, BEA UTIFUC.. round maple Luy one with lhe Air Force. a u vin(1 of SU.000 per year wtU Susan tablt,' ft. t11amfttr $125., Aftt'r J une gradua uon each itu· be effected to tbe r ovemment ln i d h • con.alld.at4d opera.lion of Balboa rawH Chf'rry c u t .95. dt-nt will Clnd a place for him.elf ltland and Newport .Beadl. At t he their own ballot.a ln th• box•, Forty ptt cent ot the new can watched by no one and the fact eold in the Uruted 8tatee ln 19!'.>3 or their he.Yin&" voted Dot ~ 110ld for ralh, accordln( to the announced. 'National Automobile Club. (Next to ~II American Mw•.t 3035 E. Coast Hwy. H., bor 37&0. ~;-,~~;7 In the Ctt>ld or Journallem. t ither aame time urv1ee can be JTH-U7 u reporten1, wrlteni, public ~la· lmpn>Ved Cor the entire city. With 83--Boat-. Supplte. turns representatives, or work tn th• ~oaa bualneu of Balboa, B&l· -,--------- --Aom' olh~r related ft~lct of l h t boa J.aland and Newport Beach ..U PARTIALl.Y FlNISJiED 11 ~ foot communu·ataona media. nut boar 1 boat "II materials I _ lumpt!d to1ether In the one entity It le held likely that a· lat• night nP<'<INI ror Clnash1ng tn<'hul~. s,10 N Ad Booked crew can be maintained for di> ~I ~· 1 lftc~. Har. 1319. s:lp~7 ew ~tch and aortlng of m&.111, thua 42-Trallus at Balboa Inn ::.c:S:.~' aerv1 ce rendered to au .. --... -----I Post office bualneu for the Har· TRA1L!:R. 011" "'tlt'f'I ht'avy duly. Popular entc-rtaJnt>rs "Fehx and bor '"'' during lht year J9M Alrc111:t •lur1tlumln, mat ltn4'd. Lt'n" will open lhl'lr engart>mtnl ahowe<I: Newport Beach SU7,H 2.· :'>4x40xl Z In Campl't"IY t qulp· at ihe Balboa Inn Cate lh1 W d-oe; Balboa $2~.633.08 and Balboa rrpo11s. 1•1•d, Sell or tradt Cor boa t, mntor. ~ s P Phonr Hnrhor :1089-\\' fl:'lp:ST n('sJ11y f\'t>nlng, ()Wn'r Dick Dent h l&nd $(1,111; Coron~ de! Mar $63,533. -188--l;Ju~·• for Rent I Wt>ll known Crom their engage· C-0.!ta Me..-did a grosa buelnua of $146.971.9• for the yu.r 19llt . ----· · · --_._ · · ----I nicnt11 In C.:htc:ago, Palm Sprlng1, Al.MOST J'l:~~W t l'RCt twine, 3 bt>ll- 1 Hrillywood 1111d the Harbor Area. The Newport Beach Poat Office wllh Its 1t&llon11 at Ba lboa and .Balboa ·lslMd 21hould well ap. proach the $250.000 mark thla year. pu m.ttt1ng a ~real lncreue In 8<'rYlce throughout th• a re& • ruom 19 10 l"edrr al, C'Ollta Mo a • • s:5 I\ month. Untum1~hed. Cnll Jo ehx anrl Leo arc perfor ming ll!I a Kl 7.11902 Mc57 teRm Rgain ll.ft"r Moving been 8e- ----parated 1n their work for JSevert.I !) {. -~ll,10i'M" Rentals reani ~~~~~~,;._~_;...._;....;;~~1 ;;;.::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;..;::;::;:=:=::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;. etrvtce<l by the office. :->1:\, .. rOHL FU H [(l=:;\'T . 1200 ~ h ( .... II..~ Hlgh\'\'ll)'. rq,\\'Jl(ltt I Ll bei t y ~-~73 !\!lltc I PARl\t:s . umu;1· I • ' MORTU ARY t'ormnl) 1atA Ut:I C'KAYt:L 110 Kroad"&.1 -t'o.la M,.... l.lt...rh' lt-!'\Ull Md ll-!'10 4 MESA UPHOL~TER'4tf G Clp1tol•krla1 a o,.pe,., t~ ~"'PC. 81Yd., (lo•t• MNA LnMrt1 11-n1u MA TnlESSE!( 8Mta -ff.nee -Tra&Jere' lf'ftiS11lar Sar.pee l..aerty I · llOI COST A MESA NA 'ITUSS CO. 11&0 ~·~rt 81\'d, BE SURE -INSURE . ..... 11.AD'JUCS an'.A..~LET .... '*' o.tJ ...... ....... , H1' 1111 s. v-.. lllp•17 ow-.... ..., W.&TEa DAKU •. un. NllYICI Of .. '"'" Jo11 ~lajo/J TMMt II "t c:tNt OOWM ,..._ H.,M< U • ' REPEAT BUSINESS From Satisfied Customers Pictured above la Jack Hautken. pr..ildent ot Hau.ken Motora, dthvertng • n ew A'l;STL"ll -KE.ALEY 100 to Mr. and Mra. Jackaen Reynold•. of Santa AAa.. M r. and Mra. Reynolda purchued an MO from lhe Compe.ny & 7.-z -.O· • QUALITY PROD'lJCl'S PLUS GOOD SDVIOE MERITS REPEAT BUSINESS c-I.JI Tod&1 -4 Me the New Aaatla·BMlty 100 OPEN • em-"DA ws• AND EVENINGS HAUSKEH MOTOR~. INC. o..ier ln ){0 and Ule NEW MG MAONllTTJ!l 81!:0 AN 19S% llubor Blvd. Uberty 8--5051 COSTA MESA M ra. Wilaon reported llht aaw -Fun For A Dollar 8ff 'l1MI "Bladl Jl'lamlap" May n a .ti a t O.C.C. AadHortum lhrM unmarked, ot ncl•I ballotll wtllch a l.eA new1pape.r emplo)"H obtalned from tll• M&ln lkhool election boa.rd. The n.-1si-pe""'o- M&A reportedly toJd the board rnembere ahe wu • reporter and A" R-J H R I J I $ ? had no ballot coploa to answer • telephone queatlorui a.a to the elec· Uon. Moel local newapapera have printed Ule candidate-a namu and offlcea they aou6ht at ltut twice. plWt ream. ot copy on the hll'h 11Chool tu.. She a pparently wu tuting J,he election board. Two voters reported no offlc:lal watched them place ballot. In the ballot box nor did the offl•lala re- port they ht.d voted whe.n they ....... ~ ~""" w-4 1 • ..., .. _...-4 ......... life .,,.., i..i.,. crl~IH le -tty ... ,., felM 141 ,,,., "°'1 .... ...... _..._, -•-f,.. "-' te 1 .... I ..... ~~ ......... ._ .,, .,...,_,,, ...... '419'-4 ..... ., .............. u..ite4 ...-. ~ ....,. yw -.......... II y .. wll write _, I wlll ~ .. _ ........ ,....._, _....... .... _. .......... . Mrs. Lela S. Wier went through Newport Grammar llOS Att..r Hilla o,;.,. • w ,,0 .... Hfl School polls. , Jee•-7, Ml..i..i,.pl * Coob food wlthouc l ttta· tioa. Makes ntryd.y uwo- tils automatic! * HupCapaciry YidK>peo-ing Mucer Ono * 2-Shelf hll-Heigbt Com· panioe °"° ' * Ntw ·Sculipt" <Ma U.U aubl crreo ealitr to Mt ioto. nlMt co uae. a.aMt to da11! * Pulbbvuoa Coauoll wida Tel·A-O>ok Upa * Elecuic Miaace TbMt * C.lrocl 11.b Unlc * '"Focwed Heet .. .,.,,.. * AatOID&dc 0... n..t * H.i-Sl-d Sufau UDica, One Eun Bl.Speed . * Al\coauic O~to tloocl Lamp TWO-OVEN LIBERATOR UTllUnc nsnm• UICE SPECIAL WIRING ALLOWANCE Dutn1 Montll of MAY •r .,,, aW.u .• 1424 Via Udo Harbor '791 : NEl\TORT BEACH ' CORONA DEL MAR BU I LDl-NGS FIXTURES NURS -ERY STOCK AZALEAS R99. $3.00 SALE 98c R99. $1.2's 'SALi GARDEN KING . PLASTIC SOAKER 49c s21t SO.Ft. R99. $4.50, SALE ... --····-·· .. ·-.. -· PHILODENDRON ---···-'119 SELLOUM 15" Plalltl ALL -iNDOOR PLANTS GREAnY REDUCED EVERYTHING PRICED TO SELL SERVE YOURSELF CASH & CARRY .{ , ·. -,., . ' . -._ PAGE I· PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 LOUl8 OONBADY occ Board HORACE PAB&ER occ Board IOARD MEMBERS .Abotre are the .even 11Ucc..atu1 .chool board candidate. elect· ed Friday lo ett on the board.a ot Orange Cout College, New- port B&rbor U n to n Hlgh School, Newport a.ch Ele· mentary School DLltrtct and C09la Meea Uruon School Dte- trtct. '· LESUE STEFFENSEN NHUHS Board v J c.rs .... , ..... 111 Mhlor AcclcMtlt I SAl\'TA ANA, MAT ll IOCN8 1 'nle r1pt troot fender of a car su,,.rtor Court bare today ... , OW'bed by ~tty Lou Qold, na uked to approw comP"Omlet at· Vla l:bc>U. w~ deftt~ • a tnlnor tlemente ln two dlaP'!lM lfttnor'a •cddtnt with u a.uton\olllUe oWft• cla.tma. • ed by Ro~rt P. B\ln-owa. ll&ll Ralph L. Wllllun.a ar. ol &io W Ckme.nte Sa turday mornt~. Hill 8t. .ouaht comt aancUon on BWT<>wa' lrit l"MT fen4-r waa a ~ .etUelnent offered wtlh atao damaa-ed In the a.ccldellt on aaaumptlon of liability by Allen the northweet "1np ot th• A~•. A. Riller, 11181 Irvine Ave .. Coat.I Kua. Ralpb 1.. Williama Jr~ 11, -nttUon .-it)\ ui acdcknt al Hai· bor Blvd. and W. ltt.h 8t., Ooata h•d • "'•'m .,.,ut ftttm 1n eon-LIDO SHOPS ~~~I MM&,M6"h2'.~- . ALBERT OGDEN CM Boa.rd Mr. a nd Mra. Ka.JTJ Viner. 0 0 ,. 1 .a. S S I • I I D 11:. ltCh St., Coata Mea. Mk court. ~ "' ~ r · approval ot a claim by their eon. Joll'ne, •. ar•IA•t Blyat.ona Ma· D I R I c T 0 I y chlnery Rental. Th• latter llaa offered a S.~ Httlement wtthoul admllUnr Ua· APPLIANCES -Bou.elJffl CHISHOLM BROWN blllty. The child wu hurytn an Parta -Dealer -BerYloe ' CM Board Id nt P'•b H tn BaJ\ta AnL UDO IE.LEDl'IUO ;e;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; __ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;-..;ac~c;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ au• v~ Ude -...,...,,., 4UTOXOIULE DEALDtS N-and UMd Can Nlcuan 8TUDEBA ua ..... 8enkw ...,... -· ~· ~-~•(fi;!\\~ -----==?--· - ~-'. ~ @-=-~--~ ·YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR I IUI N_,,.rt .,.._ -Kar. Ill BA.NU ..... , ~ NI' • u "" va. Lado -Hanor .... BAB.BU SHOPS UDO 8114 \'ING llDG ............... ,. .. UJI Via ....... -........ .... BEAUTY PARLOU LIDO 8ALON or KA.UTT 1415 Npt. ...._ -Bar. UTt BOOKS Chamber . Director -- Voices Obiectlon THIRD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Featuring · PACKARD Torsion Level CLINIC 8001L OA.U! 1--"UMO.&. Ii. ~.! -......... M.!' CA.MERAS & Suppllee VIN<JENT LIDO DRUGI Ntl V• LWo -Ruttor .... r DONALD '· DODGE NHUHSBoard DEA TH NOTICE to DraillCICJ8 Bond 'Oppo1itlon by HunUnrtoa Beach to-'1Upport tor the propoeed $'3,· 000,000 bond luue for county I draJnare &nd flood control and to the beach a.rea'• aupport for Or· 1 anre Cout College wu voiced at a recent meetlnr ot the board' -----------of dlrectora of the Huntlncton WILi.LUC CLAJtE GRA 1' ~&eh Chamber Of Commerce by Vernon Langenbeck, one of the "4n«aJ M rrlce for William director•. Clan Gray, 111, 138 &lnta l .. bel, L&nr;nbeek .. id that ara'ce the ea.ta x-. wu held at 2 p.m. bend IHue would -t hia a.rea. bt· 8atu.rday ln chapel ot Baltz Mort-tween u and " mwton, he t.hourht uary, eo.t& M..... The R.ev. ~ propoalUon ahould be caretul· Chart• Hiand ofrtclalfd. Interment ly examined u It appeared that followed la HU'bor ft.Oil Memort&l protection afforded the &H& would Park. be limited. Mr. Gray died tn u accldmt at He a.lac> cited the payment of )(ounta.ln Homa, Idaho. Ha la wr-$268,000 by Huntington Beach for ._.ved by hla paranta, Mr. aad Mn. e>ruace Coul CoUep u beln&' Norman O~y of tM ~· ad· J'&Uier l&r&• tn proportion lo the I dr~!\s, and two brothera, Ro, Uld number ol lltUdenu·trom lfuntln&'· R1d·11111t Norman. · ton &ach a.nd 1ricinlty. HURRY ' SHOPPEaS 5 A . ·VE"! BUY A MOTO.ROLA TV spedotJular "9w s..,.., ...... •55 MataralaTV ~ 5-Stor MOGIL IMEM 19M MODELS J'Z" Tabl4' 'Moct.149.95 ti" Table Mo4.169.95 ll"Coneolee •• 199.95 H" T.we Modeb 151.11 "l'hMe .Pric.ea lnclude Exciae Tax Delivery, Puta Ir Service Guarantee and lnltn.lctiona GlA.''T TRADS·ll'f8 £A8Y Tr.RMS WE RENT !:t.~~~~~n~t -he applle4 o• the par- cbue of .._, TV or major "-~ ll.eeolMlltlOMd T\"• 801o: LID ~-i;w ALL GCA.ltkvn:ED PriMit •low M Jt.N SanHlloaal new diala..ce d '· No Down' reception an c .. raty! u · Uf«1-F-alaaialMd 910 LOOK &ube. Tin\ed llt.@f. Top ·~ ,_c.ur., Maboony biab. Paylnellt 8lifht.ly.,... ta blO.d. OPEN SUNDAYS a EVERY EVENING UN'ftL l :IO RELIAICE HO=:.':,~CI u a.noo not N. llAJllf n. IANTA. AMA IQ 1-lUS . Monday Thru Saturday May 23-30 9 a .m •. to f p.m. You'll Be Informed -You'll Be Delighted You'll Be Amazed-You'll Be Years Ahead AS PACKARD ,,,. -"Take the Key and See Let Tiie Ride Decide" Levels the Load and Smooths the Road! r-------·---------------------------1 ' • • t' ' I ' ' • I I f • t .. no • ........... prings? , .. __ --~---------------..., -~------------..J I ,' I / I ' I ' 1/ y ~~ ~· See how ·the Most Revolutionary of all .. AutomotiYe Suspension Systems works .•. at 'tl TlfETHD TOO drift a car for bu8ineel or pleMare, or VV Bervice and repair automobilm, you are certain to be interested in our Clinic. The meetinp will be infonrlal, but they alao will be informative •.• and you'll learn all about thit aemetional tor.ion .-penlion 8)'8tem which eljmina tel all QODV8Dtiooal coil and leaf 9'lrinp. Trained • • IDIC penonnel will conduct the meetinp and there will be special d i.splay• to further illustrate the worlrinp of thia most modem of automotive_~ achievement&. There la no admi-ion charge and we'll be Vf!l'Y happy .to lee you. Check your calendar now and plan to attend one of the -:ione 800D. HARY·EY HIERS YOUR FRIENDLY . • .PACK.AR.D DEALER Kl 2.a68 626 W. 1mt ST. SANTA ANA ' ·-• CABPE'l'8 a DRAPEBllB DICK IJIACllKI& lutV~~ml CATERING IUCllA&D'S UDO JU&arr IUI l'• Ude -Hanior llU jCLOTRING -Jlee•a BeW amwsu..·e aaor POa 11EN Mii Viau.. -..,.., .... CLOTlllNG-Womea'a lletall • IA IUCINS' ... Via llAllc• ......... LIDO F A811JON8 Mfol Via Open. -...... 1111 8BADDOOK'8 U1J Via Udo -..,._ 1111 VAOA.90ND llOOIJC lmPorted 8P*tn'ee.r NM Via LY.-..._ MN DRUG 8'l'OBE8 VINCRN'l"a LIDO D&t1G8 .... Via Udo -~ .... ELEC'l'RIC OON'l'&ACTOR8 LIDO EL&Cl'lll-0 ao• va. a..w. -...,.._ '"' n.o.- &ICIUAD'9 UDO MAMET CloJWC--1'&1* .A.rransementa NII Via Ude -Ban. Sita l'OUNTAIN,GIULL VINCZNrS LIDO DIUJOa UflV~Udo-llutlorllOI J'JLUIE8 II ALBUJIS o,;muaor llTODIO. Mll Via I.Me -....-.. 6611 ll'U&NITUBE DICll JIAcu:li UJO V~ Ude -llartler UH GIFI' SHOP KICBA&D'8 UDO lllA&llP.:T HU V• Udo -llarhe 1811 INSURANCE AGENTI \l'. O. llUC&. JNO. MOO v~ Udo -a... "" INTEIUOR DEOO&il'OR8 BLANCHE FUUD:&80H A.J.O. NII Via Udo -11an.r IJll 01(.)IL MACUR UJO V• Udo -11an.r •Ill DON CREIGHTON A. L I>. M~ lmporte 600 ' ......... -......, 1111 llAB&EI'8 BICllAJU>'S UDO ~ MIS Via Udo -..,._ IHI MIOTOGBAPR 8TUDI08 GER.llAJU>T ITVDJ08 NII v• Udo -Rutter"" &EAL ESTATE LIDO IC.EAi.TY A880CUTQ U do 8aJflll It Ren t.&l.a UM Vla Udo -~ "" P. A. PAUU:R INC . ISU v• Udo -..,_, JIOI \'OOF.L C'OMPA.V'Y UH \'la LI.do -Hertler 4171 RAV AND BEACH a&Al.T'I' \'• Udo Brtda e Officio 1111 Laf'ayeu.., -a.nor INI SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NEWPORT BAUIO.& 84\IINOI 411 LOAS AlUM>OlATIOJr A Savlnge JneUtuUon Lonr Term Homa i..o.n.· Ull \'• Udo -llartiw &HI SEBVICJ; STA'DONB UDO RICllFIELD NII .Sl'wport Blvd-Bar. UI' SBOF.8-M•'• BIDWELL'& llTOa& l'O& ME1' NU \'la Udo -~ 1M1 l'llEATBF..8 LIDO TllEAT'lla Conau.Jt lhlll p.p,r tor Jl"Olr&m V• Udo at N..,,.n ~ ........11 .. ?OY8 LIDO TOTI..UfD uuva.u.o -......,-. TBA VEL ACENCIES BAaaoa TaAVEL AOUCI' 1411 N-port BIY4.-llat. 11M VPROL8TEBING DIC& JIACILI:& Nit~-....... WINDOW OOVEIUNG T'll& AADS 8110P >1..a .. .._.om .., ... # . _, PERFECT P L'Tl' STYLE -Mra. Edward Lenihan sinks a putt to win the first Women'• Golf Championahip of Irvine <i<>ut Country Club, 2 and 1. Flanked by a tense 1allery who followed the close match, the chiµnp drops . ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ PARr 11 • PAGE I MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 • SHORTSTOP DENNY TOPS TA~ BAmNG WITH ;]92 AVERAGE Denny Fitzpatrick. Newport Hlfb ahort.ltpp, lead& all hltt'n with one ram• remalnlnc on the Satlo" echtdule. Flt&patrtck hu 20 hlta In 51 trtp1 to the plate for a robu8t .392 a vera.ge 1'ul Lo~lRD, regular flrat aacker, who la undefeated In thne atart.I u a pitcher In the SunMt League, la batlln( . 275 with 14 hlll In 51 a t-bat.. · the ball m on the decisive 17th green. Watching on the green are Mrs. Harold Small, runner-up. and Art Roux, golf pro at Irvuie who acted as scorekeeper for the Roy Daniell. ouUleld. Dave Tamura. third baae, and Lee Filbu , ae.cond ba.lle. are all hittlnr .200 or abovt u regulan. Newport hu a team average of .215 with 90 aateUH In 418 trtp1 to the plate. i match. -Maggie Price Photo TARS STILL THIRD Lorentzen Hurls Newport to · On~it League Victory Mrs. Lenihan Cops Fem Golf Crown Friday Behind Pa,ul Lorentzen'• one-hit twirling, Coach Emil Neeme'a Newport Harbor High Tara remained in a tie for Fighting off an exciting ral-third place with a 3-1 Sunset League victory ThUJ'llday at ly by Mrs. Harold Small, Mrs. Orange. The Tars now poueaa a loop record of eight wina, Edward Lenihan took the Ir-six loses, identical to that of the Huntington Beach Oilers. vine Coa.st Country Club WO-The OilPr1 def,&ted s.nta Ana nine cro1wd the platter ln the men's golf cha mpionahip Fri-Friday. 8·3. thir d frame. Jim Newkirk walked. day, 2-1. Mrs. Small was down T he Sailor &luggers wind Up loop Buddy Thompeon l&Crtflced him play on Lions Fltld In Coet.a. Meaa &Joni. Da ve T&alura wu Mfe on at the ninth hole. Tuuday against u cond plaee Ana-an error. Roy Daniele 9QUH&ed The two flnall1ta billved th• heim. Full1>rton edged the Colon-Newkirk aero-.. Lee Fllher'1 bln· 10Ut, 11th and 12th holu . Mra. lsta 6-4 Fr1i!Ay to c o into CIF e 9COred T amura. Small nabbed the 13th. 14th a.nd dia mond playoft11. But whereu It took only a atn- 18th holl'S. Mrs. Lenihan won the SO Df:Fl:ATS gle blngle to produce two t&1Ue1 16th. F!>r Lorenl%en It wu bb third for the TU\ In that 1tanu, the n~"E 2AST Rf:CORD 1tralght tr1umph without defeat. sutth lnnlng proved ju1l the re- The new club champion i1 pc»· All that kept the t.&11 t<>Mer from veree. It took thrM hll1 to drive .sea.'IOr of a fine paat record on the I a no -hitter .w1u1 Left Fielder acrou the MCUrtty run. links. She won the 1930 Cleveland Hauck'c lead oft 1in1le In the M c-Daniela Jed off wtth a •lnfle. Open, the Del Monte handicap. ond frame for the Panthen. F1iher eacrtflced. Lorentzen and four limes In the 1920'1 and flnit Only & 11pot ot wlldnes1 In the Fitzpatrick atnrled. Daniel•' dlah pla<'e hono~ In the Loa Ancelu rlv&l 1lxth kept pltchlnr Paul from denUnJ wu the ball r ame. lli29 Midwinter Open. a 1hutoul. H e poured a fut ball M111. Lenihan •nd Mr1. Small In to a batl'r and walked a ji.lr pla n to compete In the champion-to gv with an Infield error, &e· ship finab In Lo11 Angelee lhle counting tor the Panthera lone August. tally. Bill Wetzel had to relieve OTHER WlNl\'ERS him With the b&11 bulging. F lrllt fllght Winner waa Mn. Je-MeanUQle, Lorentun wu right rom1• Helprtn. She defeated Mre. there In lacing Utat ~Iota with Rosali,• Vance, 2·1. Flnit fllcht Short1top Denny Fitzpatrick. Both runnersup were Mni. Robert Oard-of them alapped out two slnglee ln 1 ner, winner, and Mn . C. C. Hen-three at b&t1 u Fitzpatrick con- r1e. runnerup. In the defeated flnlt Unued hl1 bid for the loop awat flight. Mra. Harold Ayers won over title, a ppa rently 1ewn up by Ana· Mrs. J!!. J. Shaddock. Thi.a wu a helm'1 Dave Stepheneon. 19th hole decuiton. 4-3. WJS~ISO MABQJ.~ , Sec.and flight winner wv.a Mn. W inning marker1 lt>r the Sailor A. E. Tiffany of Balboa over Mra. Donald Anderson. Deteatecf eecond MRS. RICHARD DE VEE, So. S. F . mother and truck driver - "People think that If you drive a truck you have to be rourh. I think you c1111 be a *'iy no mal- t.e.r what you do." J O RN STONE 'S Mesa Auto Wreckers Uaecl Auto Parta &IMI A-rin 2075 Pta.eeatla Ave. Uberty l-7011 Coeta M- ... Fish Biting at Irvine Lake; . All Along Southern Coastliie By kL"'i 8MJTH t pk k1n1t up "1UI more and more Irvine Lake 111 th• hot ~t 1n Halibut and Yt'Uowf\11 Croeller Orange County frt'Sh watoer ltah· belnC • cau1ht by angler9 on th• lnr . for Cra ppie, Blueglll.. Ca~f1ah, d1Xk1 and In 1klffa. The er-Ile r Bui and TrouL • are b1tlins t>uth Uw 11&1\ u4 ~ Anot.her ton ()( Ra.inbow S.lt Wat,.r Crawdad•, while t.he will M pla.nted In the lake Mon· Halibut are rhewinr only llv. ball. day anemoon. ~o pro\'1de atlll mdre Catalina bland 11ulen 11eer• t o ,. action. To de te, f~ur=tona of fllh be prodU<'lnlt' a bout the bottHt have l>foen planted from one to fl1hlnic in the area, with lot• ot three pound•. Yellowtall b • t n I •potted and On the aalt water lide, fl1hh~J caught. la plckln( up, wilh Barracuda The Yellow• a,.. alAIO on th• ram- a1aln popplng Into the llmeH('ht. pa11e around Sa.n Otero wtUI the Scootui are ~Inf tuen a.round ·Neond Yellowtall derby underway. Dana Point a.nd Salt Creek. The TM tltlt Blu&fln T\lna ban re-Barrt;• are avera.-tnr uound four cenUy bffn ipotted at the border po~:n White Sea au. are atlll tlty, with a few of the n('hllr• t>elnr hauled in, alonr wtth BaH. betnr caught. eouth of the pol.nl. and plenty of Bir Sliver Salmon hav. ahOW'la good 11u Bottom Filh and Callcoe up locally along the eoulhem C&lt- an belnC caught. fom la coastline. Oc•analde haa The loall bay flshlnr I• •till been neraclnr one a day . Fresno Victor in 13 Innings Th• Buena Park Lynx wound up on the lhort end of a 2·1 U·l.nnlnr lhr11ler with the Freeno Rocketa Friday night. The Na Uo-nal Champion Rocket• 900red the wtnnln( run u Roee Pitman 1lngled home Gloria May to Hnd Buena f>ark down to lta M C• ond 1tralght defeat at the handa of the Jrreano team. lllolee Bielefeld got the moWld C&ll ,tor the MCond night tn a row u echeduled-1tarter Pat 8ne1Un1• came down with the nu. Bielefeld went the entlre,3 lnnlnr•. W!llch 11 an accompllshmtnt even for a man. Elolae hurled the wtn for the Rockt ta, g1v1ng up the lone Bu,na Park tally on Cotton WUllameon·1 homer In the 1lxt h, which moment· a.r11y tied the game. Kathleen Bielefeld played ttn t In pl.ace of Injured Dor11 Ray, who broke ht r ankle In Thur11day'1 came with Fre1no. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMIRCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 LAIGE SELECTION AT IO" 12" Dan's TV Sales Seh .............................. $29.00 ' ' . Sets ..... -........................ $39.00 16'' Console ............ -....... $ .. 9.00 Nlnety Day Ouaranl" Nl:W, 8ET8. ALSO A V AIL-'BLE -BA.l'fll TERKa DAN'S TV SERVICE lMI ~ewport Blvd. C08TA KE8A UIM!rty l ·tHI HONOR TO THE CHAMP -The cup held by Mrs. Edward Lenihan, center, .npre- aenta the re9Ult.a of five gruelling daya of competitive golfing a.a winner of the fint annual Women's Golt Championahlp of Irvine Coast Country Club. LeCt ia tournament chairman Ro&alie Vance, and right. Mrs. J ohn Price, chairman of the Irvine Women Golfers Auociatlon -Maggie Price Photo -I SAILOR .GRID COACHES OPTIMISTIC JUT FORWARD WALL STILL PROBLEM nl("?)l wlnn'r wu Mn. Roland Vallely over 11econd pla.ce )(qi. Laurence Erb. Sunset Scores League Th.ree-Quarters of a Century Given Irwin Co1rducts Twa Expttrimenh to Fill Tackle Sloh Bob l%ykowskl hurled a four- hllter ag&Jnst Santa Ana Fr1day, tnabUng the Olien to remaJn In a llllrd place Suni.et League deadlock with Newport Harbor , 8-3. Sa int mound ace Charles Berryman gave data are Van Pom<>roy a t f11ll, up nine hit& to Oiler balt4'r&. hobbled at pre~·nt by an 1111kl' Otht>r Sunset loop 1port11 11Coru Injury. and right half!! Tom Ni· tut week roun•I Coach ..Randy Ran- quette and J ohn Graut>r. dall'1 Newpo1 l Harbor High jun· in Effort STICK TO T lnr varsity mn11 defeating Orartge T ht>rl''ll bl' nn ch&ngp in system, JV'a ~-2 on lhe rl\•al diamond. The After two weeks of spring practice by Newport Harbor l1'\A.•1n r('pMt11. Th• S1111or ... wrll 1111e Panther var111ty tennl1 team down- the 11trn1i;\hl T with pdh11p11 more e•f the local Jal'quet 1win1er1 8-3. ~:iilor football r and1dl\lCEI. Coach AJ Irwin wa.a more optimis-trag and c1n11~ blt11 km11: 1n the hne OranRe JV nPtter11 knocked over t1r but ex pr C'SS<'d belief ... The line is still our problem." When wht>n th" i.:11•hrr•n 1<<>A110n gPts un-Tar J V C<)urt c·11vorter• 61~ to 21.,. 11pring gridiron act ion got underway, Irwin and his coaching "'';'·ay C'orni'. '8lt. , d d h kf. :'\•'II hPr I f'\''ln nnr R111 n11 ~ee To p1·•\'•nt ~hild 11cctd•nt11 r•-s' 1 ff were faced with a rea !Y ma e vJlC Leid but a d"nlcled ' ' · ' · ~ ' I • _,. . j-muclt ~~in t1!(' ~Timfl"t b-ft• 'llleTTlbPl° 11!tt "T1TIJlTT ~motl ~ f11rn uol w11 ll M'urrymg backs to work \\Ith s:ue grid ra<'r off l<i~t IL'll" n. De· me'li<'s rounrl 1n the family bath· · I b4-h,.n the back11 11re a ll from the 33 v11r11ly mPn out for "Pll,. re pm fNI ln•lir·s. Tar ,..,81 hPi< 1 oom 81 e ooisonous when imbibed 11ghl. Irw in 1'&111 .. They a~ 11m11ll spring '1nll. But herf' again. it·~ look !nr An11hr1111 tn b" m•11 e than by chil!lr~n Kup dtp1lalorle1, 1 but fAJCl And t:harhe ~.rrry a t Ute line posJ1lb1hlle11 that cll><l A 0 n reruty tn ti• ri'n•t rte plJ:l'km crown nail polish rt'mover. permanent t•illha1 ~ 1111pplll"~ N'\;"t Biirk· n~Un~~~I~ i:team m th,. mrntn1 ;o ·Th. 1· 11111v h.11·" '""l plF11·rrio. · 111 'wave solution. perf\lmu and 111ml· f1,.ltl I. <>Hrh C>on Burn• &<ld,.d. e)"· \\err ple1t;ird with lhl' HZ<' I the ,., nc rn~u-· h•1t t hp Colnn1.st lar Items oul of reach of toddler1 . .. Ht'111· V.>IA JUl'l 11bnul t'h .. hi-tit in nf lhP ltnl'," Burns 1011id. 'rm1r hrns: 1111rr I• l flpll •• thr lr>Aj:ll~ IK•l ~ .. llMn :· lh11t mll're'-l'" lhl' hnl' I~ lln· Irwin rerl/l FllllPttnn, s .. n111. Ana. T" 0 RP:Al. \ t:Tiil olrri•l8nt1Rbll'. R"Cl!U•" S11.1lnr bArk11 nr wt•nn\l'r liiU oll'll Gro1\'I' llntl :\l'W· S tai llni: n (f lhl' t111m1ng 0 i:1 mrl 11r r •mnll. 1t ll ta k,, "•1('11 W'll k port Harhnr will bt> right up lhtrP, Jrw1n could <'Ollnl j1111t l\\11 ex· up frnnt tn hrettk tht' \nr llpeed-b1tlthn1or il nut. .. Anvonr .,, lhr>n1 ,,..n en<'f'd vet! r"turnini.; \O the lll"r• inln thf' open. ro11lrt kno<'k OVl'r A naheim .. he llnf', Th1ty Wl'rl' Psul Lorl'O-ttt R1·srn OF RACKS 111\ld. . en.I. 111111 playtns;. hll•t'hM~l. •nd Starting olf With Bf'ny at full. 0Prr y DPern11, the bulky 208 lb. 9 11rn11 rt ported l'XPClll'nt work tn Junior 1tt1ar•f. 1f11t1• tw \'t'\Prnn GPOrJtP ~rhuitt "DPPm11 111 r1rf1111teoly l ht ntO/ll 111 111111.1 .... ·'''"l FP11t .. n nut fnr Improved hnrm11n," Irwin 1<11i•l. Jd' h111f fnr lhi> ·rir11I 11mr, and "Hr '111 1•11pahlP of playlnit elthH Jr1hn Hnpklni<. rlrfenl'i\'P 11('e Ill CUllrd." ood lb II fullh11rk )11/ool SP81101l until lnjllrll'll The boy11 11ppear I! poss 1 • (bnirhl"d him. Lynx Lose 2-0; Doris Ray Hurt Buenl\ P 11rk l.ynx lnt<t the 1'Pr· virea nf lh1>1r 11t.11r f11l!t bal'f'111an here Thurllrl11y rup;ht 1111 W!'ll 1111 the g&mr. 2·0. to t he Fr•·~n" Ro<'k"t s. tin to help Ot'em11 out. Irwin Is '-tttrre's no q11r11tftm about drpth tmprel!M'd with Dick Nabors, a In the ba<'kfl1>ld. Halfb11ck8 I.Arn· 190 lbR. tran11fEaer rr, om22TO ex, II.II. Jnklvtgn Cutro And Dll\'e Tamura have nol a dd• ogt r r y, • 1 00 n \'Pt tu d t b bo h ad uale Ill defen11ve middle . m t ou . ut t """ fir11t F'lrst Ba111'm11n Doris R01y hrokt ~d · strlnirt>rs from 111iol 111>11.~on. Q1111rt-her ankle 111idms: into !<PC "n•I hMe CU ·TACKLES PROBLEM erback11 lncluc1e Gen!' Hubbnd. up I in th" fil'Cllntl 1nnln1r Hay will prob· Th bl hole 11 at tackle. B ut from the \·arsity rl's1>n·'~· and 8 11<1-11bly be out of actwn from four \ll I I 1 r 1 t 1 t In dy Thomp!lon, l1111t \'l'Ar i<-a qu11rt-stx wt'tklh rw n revea • wo ex~r men 11 b k Tam • t.h line mlfht fill the ap. Lai I y 'r "" . ura a nd Thnmp,.on I F reano. nallonl\l <'h11mp1on!I. ~nt ~ r bu ~n shlftJ from end !mf"h up b11seball play tnmorro\\· the aamr'11 twcl 1u11!1 In lht' ln!'t to ~ht tackle, llnd Dick OvPrby Other b11ckfleld 11ta.ndout11 to mnin1r Barbnr11 1 •1 a lt1,.1 •h nvl' trom cuard•to tadele. home one run wllh a ~Ingle a nd Center I• Wide open. "Right now Ragan Ends J1·nx Sl'Orf'd on Kay Rlrt\·11 double. tt appeua to be ~twffn Jack C"nrole J\;1.'llOn, who led Fresno STARTS WED. MAnt.O:'\' BRA~DO In "THE WILD ONE" -Plm1 - "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY" With Bl.RT L.AXCASTl:R MOX"TGOMER\' CLIFT Df:BOR . .\H Kf.:RR t"RA:'\K Sl:'\ATRA 8mllh ancl Bob .AlltQ," rwln Aald.. w:&L-.4 .ft-. ..JPiii.•IU--mpL to U1e C!hamplo!Wup Ju l Septem- "But five boy• a,. batUlnf tor thf ITR "1-v I I" 0 bt'r. made her mound debut and __.,.. ~l~IO~\\~•Pd~~f~tv~e~-~·~t~te~~~d~h~l~IJ~.!!;;:;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..-~ Bertha Rapn p1trhe-d the Or· lrwtn fHla Ma win" are ade-anre Llonettes 10 11 4-0 victory qua te. He'• got Qe. ex'peril"nr'd over th• Sawtr llf' C<'rvl'tte1 Fri· Lottnuen at rt1ht end. l'aul wu day 11fter 11he h111I lnm two out eomin( alontr fut ·at the l11g end of t hree prevlou1 1tart1 aplnet o f laat 1u.1on. ..... U.lell rmt 1:1 Bob th~tta. - Vlll&«rana, up from the Tar Jun-Rapn twirled a two·hltter 1.- lor Yaralty eleven. 11he faced only 23 Corvette11 In hrr ONll OF llEAVU:ST third win of the y,.u, Oranire got "Thal juet about. lllkH ca.re of 11 hit• oft Sawtelle piUhlni;:, In· I t.M key perform.re up front 11 t cludin( J0&n Kammerer'• llKOnd tJlta Ume." lrwln aald. "One thr°"" Inning homer • . wt'ft CQt One Of the hf'&vleet for· Ka.rnme)•er'1 roundtr1pper WU I ward wall• we have ever fielded the flr1t OrAngr nm off S11w1r11,. .uptnr u p. \Ve'll know more a bout lhls 11e11i«•n "' th .. 1 ..... 1 • h '" "11n tt In llnother week." thrc-,. rr"' • "' ~an .. , l•) l. ~ hJ•' Burna r•poN a wbc>M ~ ot ou\ route. LOCKERS PECLU. -~kera (app. 125 lb._> $7.75 )"l'. WE Fr:An-.u: 'li'El.f:C'"IT.0 PRDll': and C HOICt; ;\O:..\T1' Ull • IOtll 8t. ~E\\ PQRT Bt:AC"H Harber nit8 . . of . Chrysler ''.Know How'' AHuring you of Centplet. 8atlafactioa when )'OU Drh·r-in _ f'!r Sf'n itt & ~pal.rt These men have 75 yean of Chrytder Product11 iw n •iet> In their &JtKrt>gale fitlds of experieaee THEY'RE AT YOUR SERVICE. NOW IN OUR NEW HOME '15 )'Pa,.. of C'tiryllf'r t:sperieDC'fl I• N'p,.,.11entf'd In thP total Y"a" of wrvlN" 11f lhMle m,.n; Frank 8Pffre; Harold Croelt~y; Darwin l':lh1lon, Part" Mrr.; ''l'op'' Ke,..tad, Wal~r Mr Mull,.11, 8Prvt~ Mr r.; Don Law"'nc-e. COMPLETE s·A LES & SERVICE FA CI LI Tl ES CHRYSLER I.MPERIAL e PLYMOUTH INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRUCKS • CARS • USED *WATCH FOi OUI GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT * - LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH UIERTY 8-3486 <.°'' ,. ...... -a.II) I .. PAGE 2 ·PART I I -NEWPO R,• HARSOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. MAY 23. 1955 Ruult1 rome trora ~t prJctlce ! An ad rerularl~ Ill Uu1 paper will produce re1ult.a tor you. SHE FLIES THROUGH .THE AIR Demonstrating the greatest of ease, and nice form, too. Is Stevie B<>lcher o! Orange Coast College fem swim team. She wu an outstanding performer off the di\'ing boards and through the water Janes in the women's Southern California Junior Collegt> swim- ming champion~hips in the OCC pool recently. The Bue babes won the m<'et for the sec- ond successive yea r with a winning margin of over.30 points. -OCC Photo COMMITTEE BRIEFS PUBLIC ·ON REGATTA tlon are a vailable at the office of t he Newport Harbor Chamber ot CommerC'e or may bf' purchased at the gate on race day for $1.:le Including tax. Bill Schultz Pomona 5tar · SAYE SAFELY At Or•nge County's LHding Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 ~ASTERN OONFERF.NCE DIAMOND CHAMPS-Here Coach Wendell Pickens' 110kcrs pose prettily for their portrait. After nabbing the bunting three successive seasons, this sort of thing is becoming a habit. Bob Wet- zel, Newport Harbor Vnion High School graduate, is located second from left. third row. One of the outstand- ing performers with the potent Pirates for the past two seasons, Wetzel swatted his way to the loop bat cruwn with a mighty .422 average. F irst row, from left: Pat Roberts, Gayle Herbel, Don Leigh, Ray Estrada, Mike Schenck. Raul Romero. Second row: Manager Howard Harbor area boat operators were reminded today by the Newport Harbor Regatta Committee that college crews en- tered in the annual Western Sprint Championships here Sat- urday will be practicing on the North L1do Channel rnday. Aa a courtesy to the crews from all over lhf' country and Cana da. It la requested that craft I Newport Harbor Patrol. Spectator alow oown when pllMing the ex-1 boat.I will be permJtted to anchor, ~naively !rag1lt> 11hell11 110 they wtU fore and alt, on a line between the not be aw&rnped. I Sea Scout Station boat.I juat m>rth Bill Schult& of 364 lta~olia St., Costa lite&&, ra.n on thl' Po-I mona-Claremont ~lay \eam which took flrat In the Border Auocla· lion dlatrlct A AU track a.nd field meet ln San Dlf'go May 17. The wlnnlnr time of 3:21.8 wu the aecond fUlHt time In Pomona·• achool hletory. All Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Eern From the I at · Allen, Tony Lombardo, Henry DeCasas. J ohn Estrada, Aaron Maldonado, Roland Hill, Manager Lee Baker. Third row: Wayne Coughtree, Bob Wetzel. George Bishop, Jerry Rice and Coach Pickens. -OCC Photo The comm~tee a..Lso C&llt'd the eut of Udo Bridfe. No 1pectator general publ:c'• attention to the boat.a will be pennltted to follow tact North Lido Channtl Wlll be , the racu or to rather at the flnlah loaed to all boat.I from 10 e..m. line. ln order to u aure no Inter. to 3 p.m. Saturday by dln!cllon of I ferenee with the radnf ahella. the U.S. Cout Ouard and the ASK FVLL Dlll:S8 Schultz, a junior. ra.n the futut lap ln 48.61. He aJso placed ll'cond in the 880 ya. run In l :!17 .!I. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS All .pect.ator boat.I muat i..ka up their poalUona prior to 10 Lm. and mu1t Amain on th• llne unUI 3 p.m. Saturday. The commJttee re- quested all apectator boat.I to hon- or the vl1!Unf CM!WI with tuU dreaa for the occaalon. Chuter R . .MacPhee, S. F . Col- lector ot Cualome-"The effect of marijuana cannot be predicted. Normal peraons h•ve gone bf'raerk and cominltted murdt'r after amok- lng Jwit one qr two manjua.na & LOAN ASSOCIATION CREW J.TU , OF BRUINS-UCLA's varsity eight will take part In the Western ~print Championship races May 28. From left, Ray Waters. Noel Hatch, John Lyttle, nalph Rcn(l)dR. Walt Vcndlcy, J im OlsC'n , Ste\'en Sanders, Roger Bell and kneeling, Tom Warburton, coxswain. ORANGE CO~ST COLLEGE-Yes1 the Bucs are entered in the Western Sprint €ham- pionship races on North Lido Channel May 28. Here they are, from left. Howard Hall, mana~rr: George Stackhouse\ Jerry Banctick. Lyle Miller, Tom Pl~tU!, F r ed Shannou, Ben Benjamin, Carl Swedeen, Rod Norton, Pete Tatum, Rod Lauter, Kurt A pel and A I Baker, coxswain. .. Laguna Downs Newport 14-8 Ry 8 11.L FLORY Leli by Mork :\lcMa.nn, Ulf\Jn& Bf'llC'h la.•t \\'l'<'k ddeat~ Hontce Enl'IJ;n 14-S For' the locnl11, oul- al1111Jlng player\\ n• PPll.' Stoddard . who trlplell in thl' third nnd 11lngl· I ('(1 in tht> fourth for his fll'llt two a t bats. --DEBT-- COLLECTIONS l'ClClO"imU--'Nata -<lWma of U1 kind of ~,. ln Amult-. "No oeUecdNa -.No t•" We ........_.all coat.. CUDIT BUR.EAO ~f w..... Otup Ooat7 formerlJ Credit Bartea • of Newporl BMda. l...apu ne.dl and Coeta Meu. tM Rh'e~lde A\'e., r.o. Bos SM l\'l:WPORf BEACH, CAJ.JF. In lh!' i<tnnding10. Horece Ensign 11gn wlll be &JlalnAt Alamitos. ~ 1i< tir•I for thlr I with a 2·2 reC'ord. Jolla and <J11rden Ornn 11re tll'd :-.'t>xl h'np contest for Horan• En-fnr flr11l with four win• ell<"h. TV SALES • Author ized RCA VICTOR DEALER • All Makes -All Parts & Tubes •. Honest Scientific: Analys is & Repair • Prompt Service • Rea sonable Prices TARTER TELEVISION COROS A DEL MAR 2904 E . Cout Hw~·. Harbor M91 l..a«lJna ~h Tl'll'f'h.,ne H\.att 4·.\.\18 FULLERTON NINE CAPTURES fOUftTH STRAIGHT CROWN Ind• J • r A 1ans 1n r"I Meet Jordan Anaheim Victory; in C{F Playoffs FULLERTON (OCNS) -Coming from behind like the true champions that they are, Coach John Valentino's Ful- lerton Indians defeated boat Anaheim Coloni1ta, 5-4, Friday to annex the Sunaet League crown, with one loop game re- maining .. Ch&rnpfon11 or the diamond for the rourlh 1lraJRht year, th• In· d1an1 gave up three runa ln the first Inning to the tough Colonl&lll but. came 11torm1nj:' back lo tie up the game, 3·3, 1.11 the l!econd. Fullerton nut only won the !ta· gue Utll'. but earnf'd the nghl to rt>present the t'1rcull In (\IF play- offs against L<mi: Buch J orda.n or the Coast Leai;ue Fnrtay. S ite of the contes t w ill be dt'c1ded laler thl1 week. Jordan de(e&lt'd the Jn- dla.ns. 4·2. earllv thl11 11eu on. Pl8yotf11 11tart Tuesday. but the Sunset u agup tlrHWS a bye. , PRt:Sl'l'RE OS With the pressure on, bolh tenm.e were on edge ehroughoul the seven Inning conlrst. Annhelm 1rored Ill lnillnl t8lh.-s on a walk, four 11ln- ~le11 a.n11 an t>rrnr. Fullerton c8me r ight back to <tie It up on three 11afrlles. a wnlk a nd an t'rror. The 'sunset lA'•i:ur wtnnt r!I 11ror· ed smgleotons In the thir.I and four- th frame11. with t hr final t.ally pro· Anaheim Netters Beat Fullerton An«hPTm'..-tl-nn1~ t.-am wrapped up Its flnit Sun11el League cham: ploruihJp in three year11 Friday with a 8·3 win ovrr the Fullerton ln- dJa.na, The ColonlBL~ n.in lnlo Cha!· fey netle1'3 l\tonda-y In the tlrat round ot thP CIF' playoffA. Ch11!- fey h&a copped 38 strati;ht match- u . Anaheim got off fast agaln•l Fulll rton I\!! Barry Rr a.n a.nd Steve Morris teamPd to win a doublra match with thrre 11lralght lovt eel.I. The lndtans won the flr!!l three ~Ingles matches to forge a· head, 3-2. vldll\1 the wlnnlng margin. Ana- heim acortd It.I lut run In the home half of the fourth lnnl9g. Ceralll Runyon of Fullerton hooktd up with Dave Stephen1on or Lhc Colonist.a. Both hurlen1 gave up uvt'n hllll. but poor support cost Stephenaon the game. ~ SECOND LOSS Wild throw• pennllted two ln· dlan run1 .to come acroa1 a.nd re· suited In Stephenson i1ropping hu second game of the year to Ful· Jerton. The Anaheim pitcher took big 11tr1dea In hi• bid for the league batting crown, p mert'rt two hi~ In threa trip• to the pl.Ate. JlU1')'.Pn gave up tour run1 on eight hJta In the victory. The Colo- nist• conclw1e loop play Tuesday with Newport Harbor w.hlle Ful· ltrton ent.,.,.ln1 Sant& Ana Mon- day. Loweot-prlcecl full-sized convertible HILLMAN MlllX FOR '55 ,.., .. ... .. ~ ... ... llcnlSH ...., .Han•ey Mayer Moton !U'T Harbor Bh·d. C'Mta Ml'ita J., .... Ttt ........ '-' t Holl"\•"' Liberti l·llS. Colonists Mike Bouck and Bill Olla knottert the m11trhr~ with u lhrre !11.'l dnuhlt's v1clory. Ana· helm clinr hed the win w 1lh 11lnJrll'11 wins by RoM la Hunt and Chuck Lllkema.n. • ., I •••••••••••• DID YOU KNOW ••• You can buy a 1955 Mercury for ' as little a1 $2092 P c~ ..... a..__, s .. your Mercvry dealer I \ HI OeMa .A naue P1aooe: RT &-ll'TT LAGUNA BEACH clrarel.a." ._ ___________ ,. Arr&nf'ement.a nave ~n made to h-a ve Ul• five flnal racu 8a tur- ·day afternoon broadcaat over Ra.- dlo Station KWIZ. Spectator• In homea, boat.a and lhopa alonl' the courae and In ca.re on the hllla can aet their radio dhl11 at H80 and be able to ucert&ln Immediately the poelUon1 and Umu of the var· lou.e crew1 raclnl' and the winner• of th• !tnala. OaAHIMTAJlfD •ITS Thia year th• &Tand.etand been ple.ced on the wut ~d of the County Dock property, enabhnlf spectators a tull view down the courN and of the hnlah line. An lrnprovt'd public address 1yalem will carry a running account of n ch race from llart to finish. A 'a.rg_e retrealunent booth and real ·oom• have bttn provided. Balboa Fun Zon~ . OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTD RIDE A.&OU?m THE BAY SUNDAYS ' Tickets for &eel• In lh11 loc•._·.:..._.:'..==::=::=::====================.: DRINK THE CHOICE OF DANIEL .WEBSTER! The greatest .name in bourbon-historic .favorite of famous men-now in 4 lighter, milder, 'lower.priced 86 Proof bottling as a companion to the worl&-renowned 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! 88 l'ROOP' Kentudc7 Strai'11J Bowbon 'Whilb1 c..JeLrateil Old Crow-lightt:r, milder and lowu•priced than tbt 100 Proof 8octled iA Borid •01TLKD IN 80ND 100 PROOI' Jraahd7 Sltalfhl ~Whhb1 May ls NatJonal Ta\·em Month Ask for Old Crow at your fu·orite t&vera l'HI OLD CIOW DllTILLIRY COllPAMY.' FRANKfOJIT. ~ i - I II 1 --·--------·--- NEW CLERK LEARNS THE ROPES Mf"I. Chari. Kennedy, right, examines builctjng papen •he will be handling u new clerk-typi•t ln Co.ta !io{eaa building departmC'nt. Giving her timely tipa are A. J. \'.olz, .left, building otncial, and Mrs. George Dittzel. building d~parlment E"mployet-. Mni. Kennedy will replace A1rs. Dietzel in the building d('jlarlment and Mra. Dietzel v.·ill re· pl&ce City Hall SecrC'tary Airs. Tom ?o.lurray J une 15 when 1.frs. Aturray goes" on a U.ree-month "leave of absence. -Sta ff Photo • Local Woman Change e»f Deadlines Held on Bad for Memorial ~Day . -_ -Check Raps ClaHifled ad1 for Monday, May 30th, will ... accepted until 1 p. m., Friilay, May 27th Bookl'd on 11. cM.rge o r p11uln~ b11d check1, Patrlria f:. Fair, ·~o. nr ~20 lrl~ A\'tt:., Corona dPI !·111 r . i11 conf!n'1f 10 the Orange County Jail prnd•nJ{ lMJu11nre or a fel ony rompl11in1 by Unr Di11trlct Attor- ue)"" offic .... "Too Late to Classify" ads will be.accepted up to 12 noon on Saturday, May 28th Pohc1tc arre11lPd her Thur11d11y 11r- fPT l"'O •r•nrhel' .or the B11nk or America re110rl NI f1rt llinu11 chP<:k!I wf'1·e "·rlUt·n hy thr .,..,,!lllln. ~~"et11 l r1rtlt1ou11 r hrck11 hll\'11! bt'el\ reporte<I Jn thP City ror La· i;:nna Bf'llCh, Snuth l"'i;11n11. HP11Ch, Co!l\11. ~1eM -.net N',.,,.·port Bf'"('h. fihr "'".'! 11rre.~1erl on thr ,.jm1lar rh111·i::e J<ev .. ral "'"Pek11 111::0 In !..JI· i::una B"11ch 11nrl llPP"Hff'd bPfore .iurlRP c. Cl'll\'llth ... ·hn ji:R\'P hl'T timP 1<1 r11 1· ur the r1ru11,,u11 ' Phone Harbor 1616 today to place your classified ads. Hear KWIZ's News Chief every hour on the hour P~t Michaels • 1s on Radio KWIZ 1480·1480 ' rhe•·k11. police aA irl . · A,.11111t11nt 0111tnct AttnrnPy J. Pai·I"~' S111ith 1111id hP "'ill liuue • ft>lon.\• cnmrhtint aa aoon u pn11s- 1ble. He AAJd hf ,,..;11 probably UM ,.,..o checks frnm the Alpha Bel• ~l11rkPt in Snu!h l...llRllllll • Bt>ll'"h tn!11hn11 $~0 1111 II bll.'!I.\ fl)f thP 1'0111· l)IRl nl bl'CMU!le l hf'y a rf' larger chf'r k11. Th" two hr11nchf'11 r rf"lrlini; the r he<:k11 w .. re the Brlmont $hQre Hr11 nch· 11nd the F irlit Sl. 11nd Pine 1.-<;Jng B,-.ri r h Br11nch. Thr \\'01n 11 n "'""' employrd A.!I J<ecretary Ill a loc11ol club. po~e Mid. CM Father-Son Fete Set Thurs. ThP third 11nnu11l F'lllher and Son R1tnq11t-I. llpnnl'IOrPd by the Co11ta ~! .. 111t Gran11:e am1 F'ul UTf' F11nnf'r11 nr AmPric.i. ""ill h" hf'lrl 11t th" t:"111 1t ~1e1111 Con1munlty Church. fi rm. Th11r11rtoy. ~!lwh "r \hf' fOQd to be used h1111 hP<>n l'R •~f'tl 11t lhP N~.,.·port H11r· bo r l'nlnn High School. llCc,,rdlnJI; 10 11grlcuf\11re l n ~trurtor Rob<!rt Perrin. Co11111 1-lrsa Grange "'ill ,.,,.rvc th~ d1nn'r and •"'Ard a ~•·hnlii r~hip lo the out~!11nd!ng high .~Phrinl s~ninr 11l{rlculture 11tudl'.nL ~ ·2 % rra •1tWu1 CURR INT llRNINGS ALL FUNDS RECEIV'D ON OR Bt"FOR' Tt-1' tOth .OF THli MONTH liARN FROM Tl<'E FIRST LEGAL NOTICE _ ... LE_G_A_L_N_O-Tl_C_E_., __ LE_G_A_L_N_O_T-IC-E--,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART II -PAGE J MONDAY, MAY ll, 1955 SOTlf'E Ot' TK1.8TP:E'S SAl.F. l:S THE 8!.PERIOK C'Ot'RT «).- 1:ns1 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE -•\\'her..,••. rlefaull ha11 tll'en m11dt' In the payn1ent of the U1debtedneaa HCUted by . a nd ln lht! performanae of th• coveaant• t'DhLll (nf'd ln that certaln truat deed dat"d Au"1•l 17, 1110.1. made, e11eeuted and dtt:llvPrf'd by (:.A Yl.lGA HOME.8. INC:-. a Cati- !\'o.,.·, thf'ttfo~. nouce IA hrreby itiven, lM.t on the 2lat day ot J unt. 19:>.S. at the hour ot eleven o·ctock In I.he tore.noon. at the South t ront door ot the Oranst County Court Kouae altualed In I he City of Santa _,Ana. County ot TllE STATE Ot' f'ALll-'f>KSIA l.S A. .... D fl"OR THF. C<¥1STl· Ot' Oll..\SOF. I·------------ Oran11:f. Stat1 or Ca lifornia, CON· -"c:doa brour,111 In the s.i.ip..rlnr Tl~'ENTAt. AUXILIARY CO.Iii· r.,,_.rt ot tM <:owity t1f Oranar, PANY u •Ub•tltut.ed l rual~ Un· -d VCllnplMat ftkd .. tlae Offt('(I romla Corpor11t1on. •• ll'Ulllitr, to der an'd puraUaiilto tht te~1C)rl 0r tlie"Ct..rk ef lhf' llluptrlOr cquit CORPORATION OF A?tll!:RlCA .. !d d d Ill JI bl" I "'' aa.ld re1n1ty. CallfomJ.a c:.orpon.Uon. •II trutt«. sa truat ee ,., l<t . a t pu ic 'I r BANK OF A~tf'RICA NA-auction to lhe hlgt1e11c bidder ror JA?o!l!:S D. r.t..t.fS, anrt JA~lF.S .;'ON'-'L TRUST A'sD SA\~1XGs t'alh 1P,,.YAB1;-E AT Tl.ME OF o: l':LLllt d~111r bU•IM&;' a11 El, ASSOCIATION, a naUonal ba.hk-IS ALE 1~ LA\\FUL MOSEY OF l..lS ABALONE COMPANY, Plafn- tng auoclation, beneficiary, \\"hlch TRE UN ITED STATESl alt the lurt, tru•I deed wa• recorded on Auguit lntPre.1t ronver:ed by u.ld truat • va. 2l. IP~. lr'I Book 2~0. Palj'! :1~1 . deed in anti to the !ollowlnc de· ROY F. WEBB an(I CH.-\RLF.S o rncJal Recordi or Orang• County, acnbed real properly tltuated In EBY. a.nd the veue\ :.;eucl<F.YE.'' Caht ornia · ana tne Co'!,lll)' or Or-.nc•, Sta.te of C.trtJficate of Aw•rd No. 270127. ' ' Callromla., ~d mote partleu1-rly Defendant•. \VtleTea.a. ..,Id btnttlcl&ry hN deaerlMd at follow•, to·Wll: applied 10 and dlrected CON-Lot 403 of Tract No. 1712, In TIN~?o.'TAl.. AUXlUARY COM· I.he County of Ol"Ulge &tali PANY. a CaUrornta eorporat\Oll. ol C.Ufomla. ... JM~ map tht aubaUtuted t!"lltlN under -Id thereof r~ordotd lll Booll 110. d~ of tru11t , tn writ ing. to f'llll!· paget 32 to 38. lnolu•ve. of cute the tn111t by Mid trust dPed 1£1.ll•e llaneoua Masi-record• cr'!l11.led. 11.nd to .make 1111.le pur-of .:id Count._ · 111111.al therPtq; end notlce or 11uch ) breach of the obUga\lon.a of tht Dalf'd: ?.lay 20. 19~0. truator And or th"' bf'nef1cle.ry'11 CO~ll?\ENTAL, AUXJLJART electi"n to rau11I! 10 be 110kl. the COl'ofPANY. prriperty below df'11rJ'lbf'tl to 111ltl11f.\' •• 1'ru$ll'I', 11111d obl 1gat11'ln11 hllll IJ~,.n rerordrd By ALFRED T . T\VIGG •• 111 pro,·Jrterl for by law. anrl A11•!11tant Secreta ry, mi>rt 1h11.n three month11 have CR-327~ elJ1.p11ed 11inr11, 11ueh recordatlon, No. os; Ne1•oa-Pr<1011a 6:23, 30, e;e ·os Th• people ot the Sta\e ot Cal!- fomta aend g'Te@linga to: ROY F . \\'EBB, CHARLES EHY. VESSEL "BUCKEYE," C!'rtif1c11te or A .... •anf No. 270127, Defend11n\6. You ar"' d!rt'Cl'd to &pp<'•r 111 an action brought ag11ln~t you by the abov"' name(\ plaintiff, In th .. Su- P'rior Court of the Sta!r or C11 li- forn!a. Jn 11.iid tor the County of Orange, anti to ana11.•"'r t11"'-rom- plalnt the~ln ~;uiin len day• 11rt'r the ''rv!ce on yoo of thh• .11Ulll· mont, if aerved with.In the County ot Orange. or 11.:llllln UilrtY day11 1f Aerved el8"'where, and you are not!· fl..,d th11 t unlf'&-1 you 110 11ppt>ar and SOTJCt: or ISTENTIOM anA\\'ft 11.~ above required. th<' TC) 8r.LL pl11lntJtf .,..,II tak .. Judgn1fnt for Nol1re ta hf'rf'b)' J IYtn pUl'W\llllll any monty or dftmage1 dl!n••nd· lo th .. provt1ioTia ot ~llon lt.t.G ed ln the C'on1p)atn!. A~ eri1fn& o( I.he Co·Ll-C<ld .. of the St.at. et--· upon C'"6ntrerl. or wBl apply lo"lhe-€l11lltnm larth11 t"""Jttl;.A c..-a"D· Cou11 fnr 11ny other rt1l1rr df'n1and· lPll'. Vendor of 4141 NtwpQ.rt ed ln lhr rnmrl11lnt. BouJ;.vaN, '.Newpo.-t Beafh. Ca ll• C i1•en undtrr n1y hanJ •nd .el!l rornia. 1ntt n,1a to -.ll ta J. MAX· ot lhl! Su~rlor Court or It'll! Coun-JNE S!:LBY, v .. ndf'I!, of 171 Le ty or OraTigP:. State of Callfornta, Pf'rhl i..n ... COiia. Me .... O&lifomla. tfll• I~ day or April, 19:>.S. a.JI tllat ~•rt•ln per-al ~y n. J . SJ.llTH, conat.ttn1 caner•lly ot .it IOO<la.. County Clerk and Ci~rk of Uut warea and nienh•ndl•, aad to Su'\lerHor Court ot Iha Stat• of deliver poQ<l!ulon to ll&ld Vendaa, California. in and for U'le J . MAX.I N£ SELBY. of all Ute Count1 ot Or11n1•. filllUN'I a.rod equipment eDnr.d by Hy /ll ' W'AYN:F. A. DRAGER, a Challa] Mort1age. of a o.rt.aln 0.-puty. ' mark11l·rrorery buain•f.11 known u soncr. .. Hll.1.TOP MARKET" In the City APPEARANCF.:: "A dttenrt•nt or Newport B@adl and l~atad at a ppf'ar.I In 11 n ar tion "'hrn hi' 11 n5• t8fl Ne1•tport Bou!PY•td. Callfornle., "'"r•. drmu t~. nr i;lve• the plain-and th•l 1aJd pur.-hllMI! price th•r~ lift "'n lten nollce nr h1a •prf'ar-ot "•ill be p111d at 10:00 o'r\OoCIC anr •. or "'hen 10 attorney j:l\·e• A. 1-1. on !.hf' 31Jt rl11y of May, 111~~. nolJt•e of •p]'>P11r11nc1 for hlm." •~l hP J..aw 0ffk'f'I nf OUDLS1' \See. 1014. C C. P .• A-FRA;\KLI N. 107 E ... t lit/\ An11wrr1 or d~m u rrPr1 mu1t be Strfft. Co11ta '-!~ ... Caltfomta. bl fn wr!t!ni:. and fll~d .,.·lth lhe \hll County of O~a.nl~ Clf'rk. Da lf'tl. )f11.y 17. 19.511. '.'>o. t'l84 :-;~.,.·~-Pt<!5~ P::Lt..A (', SHERlJll'F, Vllfldor ~ 9. 16, 23. 30, 6,6, l3, 20, 2i. J MAXl!lo'E SELBY. VlltidM 7/4. 1 9~ No. ~8e Nf'W11·PrM111 ~/25~ • 1ToP OCTANE ·.POWER 2 MfJNEY·SYlVINS. MIUAIM 4 BIG REASONS WHY NEW RICHFIELD ETHYL IS GUARANTEED BEST , First gasoline tailored to meet the seyere ~nti·kq~k demands of today's high· compression engines, and ytt get the be.st out of all car1. ~llAUNCEI> tJ PEARJRMANC£ ~ ciOif Every important scientific additive is contained in New Richfield Ethyl to • give you finest anti-knock driving ... longer spark plug life ... rust·proof pro- tection. On mountain grades, scorch.m.& desert, in sea- coast fog, your car makes maximum mileage ... gcu you there for lea&, depend- ably. New Rich!ield Ethyl is produced in the West's ·most modern refinery. You can pay more, bu_t you can't buy a finer, more powerful premium gasoline at any price. Final test of a great gasoline is on tht road/ And that"s where millions of Western motorista bavo already proved New Richfield Ethyl to be tho finest top Octane motor fuel you can buy IOday. Yes. for anti-knock smoothness ... for maximum powor and mileage ... for the perfect blending of chemical-additi>es that-mean trouble·freo_per· formance-New Richfield Ethyl is rti/I tho only gasoline guarantttd htst ! Produced in the West's most advanced refinery, New Richfield Ethyl is best in any car-spank· ing new "55, or in older models. Whatever kind of car you drive, try a tankful of this 1uperb gasoline today. Let yo11r car be judge and jury-fill up today with-New Richfield Ethyl-tho-only gaaoliDo guaranteed best! * Fill up with Now lichfiold Ethyl. If you don't _ agrM it'• best in your car, we'll give you dovble your monoy bock on a tankful. ' Official Gato/In• of Dl•n•yland WALT DISNEY'S MAGIC KINGDOM IN ANAHji'IM, CALIFORNIA NEW I I VeARS AHEAO ••• l'ROM TH& Wl!.ST'S MOST MODERN REl'INl!.RV ' I L r ' ' ( l -. . ~ -- PAGE 4 -PART I I -NEWPORT !-fARBOR NEWS-PRESS !~l!-<;tuo.!!_on• \\'•'!.~- MONDAY. MAY 23, 1955 UDY \\'JLJ.. ~lANACE Al'TS. DELIVERY GUARANTEED ~ Delivery of the Newport Harbor News.Preaa ia gua ranteed. Cvrier boya will deliver t heir papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Monday and Thunday. U your paper i1 not delivered by that ho~r pteue ce.11 Harbor 1616 and _ )'9Ur cam.er will brine-your paper. Xlnt. rel Bo111 S ·8t can ot thla p.per, ~pM GIRLS - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD~ An<1 you'll 11n:e ..,.h"n you h~•r ot lhe mllfly job opportunluea for quaUned younl' wumen In EXP. \\' AlT RESS Wlll'lted. A ppl)' 2(10 \\", Ocean Front, !'>pl. &b. Mc!.7 3%-P'u,;;lto"" fur Sale DIS I NO SET. M:aple round t1blt • II cl'lalr1. ::? 1u .. re bulftl. 11192 Or1 ngt'. C(Nllt. '-'""'' 11~p~7 SMA LL alructural alee! co. w1n11 younJ: 11:grt"••h'I' e1tlmator .-1 .. 1 1 c:12-.c_A.c_-_·.A,a,t•lq>U8-"-~----­ nuui !Or Orll.flte Co. C1v .. full dt1· ta1l1. 8 011 T-82. car" thi• ptper. ROYAL Dallon pit.le•. fl(tll'lne•. 6.'.:ic.'.:i7 plcturea. 1111r1•o r. 'chair, rira.u, (•he~t. t1hlt0 :-le,,.• orga.ndy t'Ur· tt.ln1 & 3 chlnt. l'O"'''· Harbor 20911-l'o.1. !>Jc~ \\'A'.\'T Oa.alld n1itch111,. oper1iltor Col!llll ,\!,,... Blueprlnl Co1p. l!i!IO S11perior, Coata MtMl. ~ 113c57 60-PIECJ;:S m Ht.vi l•nd...,hht•~.._ Mllple ll'a.f d,.s!gl\. Variou1 col· our blaineM lod11.y. -------------\V A?l:l"i:O-P1u·t time maid lier· lr(-11(11'1 mt .... ·L. •~·IUlh St,, H unt· .. ' v v Check these. Used Cars 8 uy trV'rn • loc.&I dealtr wtio "111 be 111-TONORAOW lo back u-Whal hl•Hill TODA t'! SAVE MONEY WITH • • THESE MOVING DAY SPECIALS • Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad itr 4 C)>lo. ......... ~II 8 C)>lo. . ..... ·-····-.$M.11 lnt lud•• both labor ud ,.na.' • N'tw rifllr.. wrist plu. ftln s;n nd, t ltUnsa of m.U. u4 ro<I _,IMrartnaa. D ptrt motor tu.e gp, ~Chday "' •.000 rnll• ~tM tNO MONEY DOWN). OP E~l:-.GS N_Q\V lt'XJR : ~·J.Ce_tor m otel, MU&l U.-w.UhnJ u1gLo.n...&a.o;:h. ix.. i ·2Ul. 1962 MERGURY-Hardtop, Radio. Heaur, Merco- matic, New w+w lit'H .. .... . . .... ¥ •••••• $1495 I-REBUU.T ENGINEll 4 Ihle. t Paper '\.. s1.00 4 Unea 2 Papers 1.50 ' I.Jnfli S Papen 2.tH.I f!eMtai 8llo~r C .... lflf!d A.da mct11t l'UQ In Ille Monday ., nur.u7 f'ultlleatloe MINUl'UM AO 18 • U:ri.'t:8 y· • Newport Harbor B, P. 0 . E. 1767 MNLI aver)' Thurad•Y 8 p.m, Vl& Oporto -Centnl.I Av~ lZ-BuUdlng Suvku House Plans LIBERTY S·f211 1 lOl.tc r.•ewpclrt Beach Albert H. Matthew•, ~alted Ruin-_1_-1-__ P_,_,..._n_a_I_•----·- TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Ml'lnd1ty thmut:h Friday ~l f '1 xo .• )laln St. ll :OO tn 4"00 p.m. Roon1 211 , Santa Ana PAClFlC TELE PHQNE 22tfc STANDARD STATIONS H•• opening ror Slllllon Saleanien Age1 18 -40 OranJi:'c Coun1y 5-Day-40-Hour W eek High startin i;: pay E:acr.Jltnt Benefit• Good npportunlty for All••Aflcf'ment Apply STANDARD STATIONS D11hll'!I 11 nrl Co11•t 1-llghw11y COrllna •1o·l )lar ~·hapu1an Rni.I Spa,!n. • PU tl<'!'l<lJI 1130 to lf.30 I.(\\, Thur.i1!11.y11. • In "''ork S11rurda)'I J Sunday~,l-----~------'-'c'"- H1rbor ~712. 113cM \\'ONDS:RF'lil.. Early Auirrlca.n R. C. ALLE::>i 1dd1nr ma•·htoe 11 nd c111h Tl'J.'\lter <'nl!.lhl_n~llon. $ee BOYD'S HDV."!1!'.', 2630 \\"e1\ Cou.t H·,,.·y .• Sp!. &h. ~k5.5 10" ATLAS circular aaw "''lth stand, r1p blarte It comb. b\1(!11, pl u1 d•du head complete w!tll -. hp. motor. 4' cxten11lon labli1. $1211. ~Har. !)~!>. !>3c5!> sdU:-."D ~QWf',\IENT. Spe11k ers. m1kf'5, Hlcock Volt -AM mtttr. .• New G.£. tlf!C'. bl1nket. lint r<'llo, Bend111 wa11htr. romplete •·nt;ine•nng library. Har. 21i~8. ~t r~ ~IA GAZl :-:F. C IN~: KODAK I6mn\ P'-1.& lena with 1 .. 1thtr (;II.II<'. $1 1\{J ALSO 11npa1ntPd 3 dr. ch.-at. 28'" wide, $10. Har, 42:1 1. ~~pfi6 l'lrln\c lnc 11as.~e1. Antique 1l1v~r lea .t 1'o!!ee 1el Ut.rJ:e oil Ian,!· 1c11pe. Har. Z9:\8. ~4 c!\6 TRADE Benutltul 70·fl. a ux. 1cllooner. Pully round, go ""Y"'"hPre. \\'Ill ta\ce tqulty In property or 1ma\. lt r bnat. t2:?0 \\'. Balboa Bh·d._ Ne1•oporl. Hlit. 303:?, 39tfc 14-rr GUSS boat • 10 hp Mt r· cury outb.:>atd. P !r.9t tlau eondi· • tion . .'.:il2-38lh St .. St,,.·port &h. 41tlc THRl!::E 65·1t . ahp• for reont. $~ month a.t Lido \\'hart Ya'cht Landinjt'. 34i6 Via Oporto. Ph. Llber1y 8·:..l!Oll. ·~o CHR \"SI.ER :<!arlne t>ngfnt , • ~. fl> J Al'o.f ORGASIZl'.\'G A GROUP to l rt ducllon ~e11r. 1953 11152 11151 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 CHRYS~ER N~w York~r 4 door ........ 1695 NASH Country C lub 2· Tone Brown .,. ... HUDSOt{ ~ornet· 4-df. Dark Green •..• MERCURY Station Wagon ................. ,.. 1095 STUDEBAK.ER 4-dr. Sed., Auto. Trana. CHRYSLER New YorJc er 4-dr. Sedan CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door-Per!ect .... 79:5 H UDSON 4 door LOU REED "WE HA VE '-fOVED" 1200 W est Coast Highway. Phone I~Iberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Building lZ-Bu!J<!">I 8errieeo FOR RENT AJcobolica Anonymoua wn~ P. ,o . Boa :sat Newport Beach, Ca.lit. Phona Ha.rt.or 471111 purchaSI' ntl'" F ont" on practl· R~~FRIGERATOH. 110 \'olt D. C. ally 11. cf•8l ball!a. Tra!1ea 1.Uo"''f'd. SEE JACK HARPEH at Lido Phone H\"att 4·3958 e\'enJ.nga. Shipyard. '""'1 ot 3111 Streel.1--------------------------\\'ANT tllpi:rienctd han1w11.1e and Ne..,·port Beach. 29tfc Bk111 Saw•, Eitc. Dnllll, Pollllh•rs, a.U type.a ot Sander•. W'hee.lb&r· rowl, etc. ua • housew1r"a man. Ph. LI 8·3~3~1 -----------:'~''c'c'i ------------- -------------63c.'.:i6 1 ~ ~-r. ~EARLY NE\\" CHRIS BOYD'S HOWE. 2830 \\". COAST HlGRW AT Libert)' 8-34311. Newpo" Bch 21Wc Microfilming ~~ty ~d·~---- Superfluous Hair Ptrmanentl)' nrnoved !rom fact arma, U!ca. Eyebrow• a nd ha.Ir line ahaped-No more tweutns. !:l..LEN L.. BRYANT ft. £.. Udo"• Salon ot lll!a.uty Ra.r. 2&71 PA RT TJJ.I J,; txpenenced Switch· bou rd oper11.tor. Apply in pt'r10n. Balboa Bsy Club. ~:le~ 1''0 \\' 111.klns: aprlicauona for e11· Ju!r!en~·<'d wailrea.~rs. for 1um· n1er help. SEASPORT COFF EE SHOP %833 Cou t Hv.·y" Newport &uh. BE SAFE. ~•Ve ap&cll!. The modtrn 1 -~-----------·1 .-----------"='°'=· way to llllltguard your reeoro•. ?2--Loioit and Found A'T"rENTlON ALL BOTS - "" CALL J<l!:yatone ~·15.\3 or KE N.-wa-Pre.111 ca.rritr route a.re now !>·014t• LOST-on .Mnnrhl\" MllV 9lh Gold op<'n In aome nelghborl'lood1 - ORANGE COUNTY I br11ctlet ·\•ollh 3' dt11 inon<1~. old B1tlbo11. \\'~11t Newport. Balboa ltf!CROFILM!NG SERVICE ruhion~ d.-111.rn. RE\\'ARD.. Island. Ntwport H.-lghta and 1714 AnaheLm·OUve Rd .. Anaheim. Pbone H•rbm' 4317. ~le~ Coron" d.-1 Mar and C<1i;la !.feu . !il cll3h . Ir you &re 12·1~ \·r~. old, have a -------------LOST-Pye gl1U1M1, red lei lh.-r blcyple, •pply 10-12 a .m. or 4·11 General Contractor ca.M. blue • l!1lver fr•mt~f LI p.m. only st Circuta uon Dept., u 1!1·2642. .\ c~ NewpPrt Harbor Newa-Prua, LICENSED New Work -Remodeting J . MU..TON McKENZIE H a rbor 3122-R 4-4~7b LOST-9rn,,.·n ~Ftgle. Balboa B11y Shotra. 1'hun. An11wer11 to B<in· :?:ll l Balboa Blvd., Newport Bearh. H1rt>or 111111. 39tfc nie. Fem11I.-. apayed. Brown tt>l·8 __ OO_K_K_P._E_P_E_R_.-m-,-,-, -"'--.-hi-,-'° or. except ror white cht••I. Htit collar . Ch\ld.111 grievlni;: for htr pet. ~ward LI 8-~386. .'.:i.'.:ic.'.:i7 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM th·-U-'khoohl, ln11trucHon l \nallll th111 above cheaper .... , tak" full rhsrge. \\'e dn not w11.nt an •l!rcutive or puhl\c rela- tlon11. \\"t w11.nt 11. bonkk~eper! Perma.nent employment. Xlnt. ruture. Box Q·f9. lhl• newapa.per. '"" mo1L AIJl.O 11eU Tile 4 Linoleum. Non·llnlon. 25 yeara exper1ence. l'<•rt1pare llnd aee - BILL COKER LI 11·6208 i lfc PAINTING !:->TER10R -EXTERIOR LICENSED -fN'SURED Glenn Johnston :,01 -31 $t St. Newport Beach -Ha rbor 31 76 22trc CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIF JCATIONS STUDY !n apart' lllne for contrac- tor'• <'11a.mln1Uon under a s:en• tral contract\'lr ,,.·\th 211 )'taflll eaper1Pnce. CJU!'!Pll. Tue1. 111nd Frt. evta. 7:30 p.n1. Attenrt fl r1t ae11\011 fret. Begin anytime -Al Tyler Schoo l 4 151 ~ N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Kl .S·l7~, KI ~3469 or KEI 8·2513 :l:ltfc ' Re[ined Active Lady Solicitor MUST Beach, hA\'P hlJtheat refertnct1, mom · 1ng1 only, 12.33 per hr. Perman· ent Pmployment, yeoar round. "'"rite Box R-80 this newap!Jl!r. 54 c~ C ARPENTER . Repair Work Out• f our Hom111 N et!l Repalrtnt 1-------------· I or Rt !llodellng ~ R I E t t S h 11-------------Call Prank. Wberty ll·elll).t ea S a e C 00 EXP. \\'Al TRESS tor dlaln1 room. All \Vo,rk Guaranltl!U 74tte "in S•nta An• GrRndol fo R111ataurant. !'.Ill Ea•l WI WI WI Dalbo• Bh·d .• Balboa. !i'l~ CEMENT & BUILDING All K\n1111 4~ Big Hanging Baak e t CRAIT. Run 11.bout, F!~ri:huu1- -Fuc haia..e. All In bud, or ed cora.rol•, 15 h.p. E•·inrt1de bloom . $3.95 and up. motor. ,Chrl• Traller, H11r. 2126. 286 Bro.d ... ·ay, Coata Meaa. .~Jp!l.'.:i 63p50 \\'ILL ACC!:PT up to $4,000 •·abln -------------I l'n llll't on 3 bdrn1. bearh hc:>111e, MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2 .98 Lat,.llt 1tyles • color1. Di n River ra brtc. DONALDSoN·s 5 & IQ 300 Main St., BalOO.. '"" BF.A L"'r!FUL cry1tal ehandeUer, :i !1tr11 or pr lsma, 18" dllmt ler a 24" 1001:. $4!>. Ph. LI 8·2077. 113c~!) New & Used Guns Al80 •JI l)'pe ammunillon. BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Beach !)Jc~ BE S.\IART, fffl SHARP. Wiien you aav\!. on ne•r ly new a pparel fo r "''Omtn 6 ch!ldren. Orily ~l- 1rr gTade merehand!ae I• con- 81fTled al K:ATEY DOANE Ap- pa.rtl Shop, 2721 II:. Cout Hwy. tKlndell"1 Pt.Uo) C. D. M. ALTERATIONS tool Your 0 &"&r• mtnta or ou111. 6Jct0 ORIGINALS AFTER."\"00:-i, Cocktail. dinner dr~S&tll • Coord1nalee. • Custom Dreasmaking J'h. Harbor !>268·R. &!ip69 GUN FOR SAL&-P1rker dble. barrel, 16 ga. ehot gun. Excel- l~nt conditl()n, Call e"c11~H11.rbor 205-\\"K, • • lt!c SPJNl:.l Pl:.t..."\"0 for aa\e tf'UOn· t.ble. Alli<> m&hoga.ny dre-r, bedaleo11-d l.lld lnnPrwprlng ma.\. tren. 40ll F ernlea.l', Corona de! Mar. ~p.57 I \1 bloc:ka to ocelln, p11rlly furn. • 1l $9.250. Bal. $60. month Ph. owner. Harbor !1226. l!Jtfifih 14' \\'HIT E STA.R -C'ompk1~1y equipped. Xlnt. t c.ndltJon. 10 h.p. John1t0n It p.-tank9, l.!vf' ba it lank. elect. pun1p. b><tt .. ry !ind charger. many l'X\r~&, $6110 c11Ah. corner 19th • BR)'. New1xirt. ~p~ JO' CABIN CR lilSER. 1:ra.•· n1ari ne 4 bW1ke, head. etc .. $2,2~. Lo11g Bd.ch 8·0082. .~-1 p~ F'OR SALE OR 1·1iADE-26' hlll- ho(L"'IY cabin -'<'tUll\f'r, 6 • ryl. 110 h .p. engitie. ainic.le screw. 12 volt battery ba.n\c. 12.•00. Trrn111 or trade for Or11n~t,C.:o. prvpi<r1)'. auto or house trailtr. Can be 11een at 3!104 Marcu!I Dr , :-;,...,.. port. LExlntton 6·4327. !14r :'.>6 TWIN DIESEL cruiser 4 .~ l! 12. llffP' 6, 2 htt.d•, hyllr11.ullc ro11- trol1., ru1 g-K1. huHt 1946. $15.000. Can1ldfr Jatt morlel c11r or prvp- erty u par t pyn1t. Ll 8·4 78[1. M>p117 19:,3 CABIN CRUIS ER. 11' tt. ,,.1th fit Evuv ude motor. $1.795. C11ll alter 4 p.m. Har. l l64·l'o.f. !.o4c!'>6 PRACTICALLY NEV.'. 2 '1 h. p. Johnaon outboard mo\nr. Nev~r ln &11\t wFll~r. Alll(l :i hp. &l!gh!ly lifted. -1.Jberty 8·118118. 5•p[l6 W ANT TO BUY Sno .. ·blrd dolly. Harbor 423f. ~i p:\6 2& PT. CHRIS·CRAFT c11.b ln eruia- •r. nt"'' t nglne. rad1n A ma.ny ext raa. By o,,.'tler. Phone Har. !1339· \.\', ~3c~~ FOR BALBOA lSLE proptrl)' owners; No. Bay moprlng,, 40' -WE DON'T SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars 1947 MERCURY Station Wagon &-Clean. 1953 BUICK Super Rh•iera-A-1. 1951 PLYMOUTH 2-dr.-A good buy 1950 BUICK R oadmaster 4 -dr .-l owner ' 1947 Fd RD ConvertiblP--Priced to Mil. See u11 for a real deal on a NEW '5:j BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK 261 2 Newport Blvd., Newport . Beach Har. 5021 (A few bike Eut of Newport City HaU} M--MWJlcal, Radio. & 1' V '6-Aotoa and Truck• GRAND P IANOS rna.ny llke ne.,.,·, Steinway. Eicct\lel'.lt condttlfin. Beautlrul Behr Broa. Queen ~ty\e. Knabe Gl'llnd. Oftlcl'!ll Opera piano, only $14:'.>0. Lovely Coops GrA11d. ~11hogan y cut. fine tone and 1r l!on. only 14 9~. Anoth~r Gnind only 1•3~: M11.ny Qthrr wonderful buy1 In Granda. Come~ Look! COMPAR!: BEFORE YOU BUY Hillman Husky (The All N.-w Station Wa.t on) DANZ·SCHMIDT Bit: Plano 8 \ore. Santa Ana. :'120 No. Main. 100 P IRno1. H11me o! the Hammond Or11an. SPJN'ET P IANOS. All wonderful buy1. Sllghl!y uaed m11.ny rental return&. Ont In bea\itlful Ebony Famous nllmt. This make u1ed by Caru.o. Only 139~. Lov~!y Mirror Type Spinet, only 1 19~ .. r.nother m11ple flti l1h 13111. One more, tha Acro10nlc Spinet only $465. Many ot.Jler 1re•l buy•. 100 p!11.noe from which to choose. new • uaed. DANZ·SCHMJDT Bil' P i1no 6: Organ Store, 1!20 No. Main, 8a.nt& Ana. Open Fri. EvP. Home ot the H ammond Orgaia. Blonde StUdlO pit.no u.ve $26~. - s1445oo pr;" 4335 , .• "'"'· ,... 2500 M•y Ll"OM . 151335 Fun O.L Prk • 45000 Do•o 3986 Monlh 5% Buk Fiou <i•f F REE ESTIMATES Llberty 8·6109 "" JEEP with cabin ltngth exltndtd 2 ft. Ca.n 1lei:>p Afld cook In IL Outboa rd motor •Ir cooled hu extended 11haft for mackerill. Ma.ke orter. 2280 Eltltn, Co1ta )feaa. Mp!>6 sp&l"t, oft public pier at Sap· SPECIAL BUY ! phlre, _ -· .... -...... $1 00. Llbrr11.t Tradt in Allowanc11 -UP to 111 MONTH8 TO PAT- Bullt In C)U' llWtl factor,. ~ .-.UM n11o~U. Doil't CODttlDd WIUI tll• mlddh1 man. Buy dlf'ML REBUILT and INl!TALLID> IHORT BL0CJt -- FORD ................. -.. -----tt-a--CHl:VP.01..ET ..... _._ 11,1.M P L YM. 6 00001: ···-·---fl" CHRYS. • DI!: 801'0 _:._ 1170 STUDEBAK>:R ---r .. ·••• .. --1170 OLDS ._ PO:'\"'nAC t ... _ . .,-1110 BUICK .... -.... ·-··--.......... ·-···-ll'fl) HVD80N ·-· .,, ___ .... ·-·-· 1 \1:, Loan Car Frte T~ NEW CAR GUARAY..'TEI: Block m u•t meat our •land.a.rd• " Plua la.llu. 1ull•UI and. oil BEttEs 'ENGiNe REBUILDERS Open Dally II t11 7 Slat• 'Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd st. SAN'TA A.NA ATI'ENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Au!Jlorl.led Paru .. llen1c1 ai.o Good Tra.ru1portt.Uon Cara F or' Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Newport Beaeh, Har. •!2&. J~t fc MAY SPECIAL Foreign Car Tune-up $3 .95 & up Plu• p1rla If l'et e•s,.ry. We plck up • dtl\.,.t.r. B!: A \\'l.NNJl:R WITH- Hausken Motors Inc. 1.932 l:i&rbor Blvd., Co.la MeAa Ub"'lrty l·Ml~l. •1t>bllh ·~3 ,BOLES ENSENADA 22 ft_ houae tnJlt r. Llk1 new. Totlet • ahwr. Sleep• ~-$18!>0. Ste at 1991 New port .Ave .. Col!1.a M1111., or ca.II H1rbor 'l'O·lt fve1. •1trc- J9:M MAYFLOWER traller, com- pl<tt• beUt, • Boll.,., •1 ....... Pa.tk, Tenn• or cul'I. H1rhor a2311 afltr 6. t.J·8·7J72. :i~&7 41-Wuted to Beat R:entals Wanted W• need apta ud bou-. ta al MCUaQI tor bolb .nnw I.lid 7eu' I IMM-Funa. or Ullt\U'!l. U JOU ba•e I. "t..C&nCJ, ..... ....,. The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Olt. ff"}'~ Ntwpart Be!&. Pbona Llbarty Wtll toe AlaJ1M, Baibo& It.land PboD• Harbor ••• 2661 JC. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Ha.rbor 1741 U dq orri~. 141• Via. Udo Harbor' 41171 12Uc ,.. CARPENTRY MEN It \\'OM£.~ prepare In apart I MAIDS \\'ANTED Jt11per!ence un· time for _unhmlttd O'pportuntlita ""t"~~ry Part. or rull time In Real Eatate. Sew cit.Yea! Cont~ct h~u1ek~per. Balboll Ba; "'"eekl~. A.l Tyle.r lnatrucUng. A{· Club. 03c5!) lend ftrat 'vt.nlllg fret' 11nd learn ---~--------7 about th11 gre11t fltld. C111l or \\'A'.\'TED-MA:-." caperlenctd In wrlle nuw for lntonna.uon. Bwsi· 1 machine 11t.llO pollahlng. under· ne1s ln11tltute. 41511\i N. Syca· 11r.11t1ng 11nd 1te11m c\ee.n\ng. DBL. LENGTH 13' paddle board. SMALLEST •tudiu upright Bald H M M DID YOU KNOW cood condition ... ·" .. '.-....... 12-0. win made piano in t jne condition. arvey ayer trB. OWNERS •ONOR REPAIR WORK mor"I'. Kl 3·11~3. 7•ttc 3100 \\'. Collrt H11·y., Npt. Bch. thlt.t Ray f."'lt ld1 the Lido Drur· ..MODRL"G at .Cherry Cove, Ca.La· W ith full II& \l"ybo&r1l. T•rma 2137 Ha.rbor CO.ta Mua LIST your ttlll.&la wtlh "I. \\'• je..,·eler t.h11 pa.~t 6 yr1., hi.A new l\n1, •o· •pace ·--· .......... ,, $500. $48.0.to do"''"· S l~.67 per n10. a t, u 8·22.51 hRVa ltn•n~ wa.l_Unr tor both LOClltiOn t.t l9lh i.nd PlacenUa ? 10' PLASTIC \\'JZAR,D dinghy 4 SHAFER'S ~tus!c Co. {Since ll>tll) --------------permanent • lummer t1t1 t&IA, Vista Ct>nler, C. M. C.:>mp. llnt • oar• ........... · -· ......... ··-.. $60. 421·•23 N. Sycamort. Ssnt• An& -REX RECHS, REALTOR NO JOB TOO Sl'-.I ALL H. O. An(!er~on ~3c511 China Painting \VA :-.l' EAGER BEAVER real ea- E. Balboa l.lh'<:I .. Brtlboa Harbor 2450 8Jtfc ! Oay and Even1n1 Cluae1 Order• Taken !';ow Phone W berty 8·&&48 ' 94ltc l•t•• Mlesn11U1 who Is ,,.·Hllng to hohl o~n hou11e• in1leAd of ... -arming a chair 1n the urflce. Top tfirnlni:• for llve ,,.-ir;:. uat. adverU&t>d w1.tche11 It gi!ta PHONE Harbor 4183. :,3c115 :p:':':"':':JQ=m:bo:·:'':'-':·:°':'c':.____ 2307 W. Balboa Bll'd.. at popular prltt•. OPEN Junt t Volkswagen ' f1arbor til*-Har. 1187. &le~ PAINTING BONNIE BRAE Pre-school """ H-Mookal, Radio, a r v See B•ldw"1n P"1•no -------------WI WI V.'lDOW, neat upa.Wa, 'lt1U Udl. Painting & Paper Han ging ''The Beat Money Can Buy" ART C. KISTl.ER CO. 291)1 Newport Blvd .. Npt. Stach Harbor b2:.r6. ~3c.'.:i!ih ANTIQUES -Old f\1111\tuni. cut USED HA~1MOND Spinet organ & Organ Display Trade. "1ns :::.~~r·n~~~~:r~:: gla.M, )e.mp1, old plcturu. clocks in r111111 rondit!on. Big 111v1nga. WOODWORTH PIANO CO _ ...... etc. Barga.Ins plo~. Big dl1-Con ••eri!~nt ltrma at-' &pt. Box V-IC, tl'IU pe.pw. OlpllT count• to de11ler11. Ch1rlte D&\11. SHAF ER'll ~f u11!cCo. \Sincor 1110;1 1318 COUt Blvd., Con:ma del Mu ~X':!E~~.':..~.,~~!~r PHONE H ARBOR 2404 MUSIC art• & crllfta, mor ning• on!y. Tr11.n!'lp!ll'llltlon. 151~ S11nta. Ana A\'f>, LI 8·621!>. .\t~ll SEVERAi~ Sf':C'TY.·STENOS, 1-d In< " Bid I 1 80~ E. Anaheim St., Long f 21·423 S, Syc11niore. Santa A.na •11& en enor I'· A:SSIST. bkkpr . ll'lding 11111.ch . e11p. BP•ch. 6~0-139. 29u c P hone Kimberly 2.06;2 · Ha r. 3382 61 ttc DRIVE!l., truck or bua u p. ------'------- 1---------------I OTHERS-N~"'· J obt. Daily, F t. H . Aid SPINET PIANO. The rno1t be•u· ____________ u_c ~ltuatlons Wanted. _ J U4~:i!~~~<;~-:---;~v,~~i. ~11c;~ . reS1.> earmg tttui'piano tn1he \\"OT'ld;-Hrg'llr.tt P · t • & p h gi .--B ATTERIES gn1de. A\\ rru!twood cas1'. Ju~t JA~SEN ORGANO. The piano and <'lertric or11.n In one 1n1tru· n1ent. Sold rur over 11600. our prlct 1887. Tem11. Alao one beautiful Eltcu on1c Orran. Like new. Blond tini~h. Famoua make. Our pr!ca only $68~. Think of that : am mg aper an n g R , M • t 111cm~1 ~t. rrom City Hall) Oy S •1n enance \Ve 01\'e 84:H Gtten Starnpt JJkt ne"'"· Ab1 o l ut~l y~ Thl1 \Ve do t he \\'Ork oursel\•es, g · ~Jr!>!> G d D C rhanc111 ro1ne1 but (;nt <'. SAve :JO years ,Xper!ence House clfllnlng-Floor ,,.·axJnr REAi~ O PPORTUI\'ITY tor exper· Uil erSQil rug 0, $32.''.I. Llclllnae-d 6 lnsuN.'d. \\"All \\'ll&hlnJ:-"''lndow c:lean!nt icnced rtll ealate •11.ltaman. }fain SL at Salix. Blvd .• Bilbo& DA'.\'Z-SCHA11DT FRmoua Plano Satl1fa ctlon gu11.ra.nt•ed. \"cnet!an bllnda. Uphol•lery \\'RITE qu11.IU1caUon1. Boa L·?.f,, ;cHo'='='°o::'c"c"ICOC.-::O::-:::=:=-c:-:-'-'_u_,_ 1 . ...:':'°:':':· :•:~c':'cA:::_"'c·_'c''co_,C.:'·c·:"c'_:::'"· E1Umate1 ff'ff. Call J oh.nn!t. Jnsurt d. Free E.!!lln1etea 'lrc thll papt r. Jntormatlon contlden· O'KEEFE & MERRITI' dbl, oven · LI 8-2681..&. LI 8·5289 8 llfc Ll ~rty li-1332. llltl. ,03cM BEAVTIFUL 1na pl e mirror type :=-==::.::..:_::_::_:::::__:'..:'.: l ~~;;;-;:J:~~;;<-;;~;:;ii;,~:;: I ;-,.i;C;;:--;;;;;;:;;-;;;-<.;;;;;;;;;;':;:;;;,: lfll-!I rllng~·. Griddle • broillllr. Sii~. upright P'•nu ln perfe~t condl· DANZ·SCHMlDT Big Plano Sllnta. Ana, 520 N11, .\la 1n. Co,. Experienc 'd ~ardener LADY to work In Sa.ndW!ch •tand. 0 E rel rlgerator $41!. Mapla nn · t1on. Terrn" $36 3; do,,.·n and SPECIAL BUY! COA£PLETE PAINTING L "'DSC , ~·c 20 to •o ytar1 ot 11e. Qrtll worll lah twin bedalea.ds $7.~. B•d di· $1 \.7~ p•r nlonth 111-"-'~ .n. "'"', V&ll •111 -10 A\•~1d• co•• O:-:& OXLT Lowery Orga.no. l.&te· & Pa""r Hangin g Service 11.n<I callh regl11ter 1xpenenet. · ' "" u , '"'· Si.fAFER 'S ?.fu11i C Co. (Since 11107) r d CLEAN UP~ l.t-Ha 19811 MK •• 06 11t model. Seve $100. Convenient E UGENE o . SA UNOERS an ._ :.1u1t be fut • rourteoua. To r. • · " c 421-4:.?3 N. Sycamore. $antt. Ana lt!Mn! •l- :\00 3lat Street. Newport Beach · Y~Iberty 8-1659 wa.ge11. Cali LI 8·3748 br.t'!"een 19f 8 CUSHMAN n1()tor ll('QOter. Phone Klmberly 2·06i2 SHAFER'S ?.luaic Co. ~Slnc1 11107} Harbor 2976 or Har. •446._t{c 30ttc 4 • e p.rn. Ci te~ Xlnl. condition, Ill!>. LI 8·7140.1-------------4'll--423 :-;, Syca.rnorf. Santa A nt. Painting, Decorating Piper Hani!Dc GEO. BURKHARDT LJCllNBED C'ONTRACTOR 879 W. 11th BL, Cotta. Meu Lnut7 1-1428 Elec. Tool Repait Ski! Saw•, Drtlla, lkndera QUlCK BERVICJ: PA.INTINO EXPERIENCED p11inter by day or hr, Exterior .Qr Interior. Small job• !lkay. LI 8-:llJi . .">3c::..'.:i GARDENER ; F"Rll:ll!: ESTIMATI:S All yt.rtt r.le•n up. l'lta.'11! t a.II tvenlng-11 LI 8·18411 or LI 8-4708. '°"'' HAMMOND ORGANS ukd, A BOAT BUILDERS wanted, ----------..:.':':":6 r11.r' opportunity. One f'!lmo\11 ~ ,_'_'_"'_KJ_m_o._'1cY_2._116_;2 ___ _ yea r r ound w ork . Good Waget MESA Boat &: Hdwe. 220 26th St., N pt. Bch. . 53c55 Chord Organ. pt>rrect condition. $5 PER ).10 rent~ go(xl prac tlcP 80-~AppllanON One Htinunond Spinet Or1:an. 2 pia no. IA't the kiddie• lcam . All k cybo1trd9. 'Don"t l\·ait It you term tent allow••<! lf you buy W •sh"1ng M•ch'1ne wl•h to m11ke a. good ••v1n1 on l'!!ltr. Guod practice pilU\O• 1 13~. u u the .. ·orld'• fine•t org1UJa, SERVICE DANZ·SCHMIDT Home ot lh• D!~;::~~~\{_~~9;-~lr Plano Storl'. J -year fU&r&ntt4 on Jo bi don• Hammond Organ. ~>20 No. Main, lOO pianOR. 620 Nu, Main, a.nd on UMd wuhera. 1•8814 Santa Ana.. Good ternu. s~n•-Ana. Ttrm•. CHlUSnA.N lady to cook tv1n!ng tr·tar) Newport BJ., Coata M-.1----"-----------·- meat ror adult famUy In e~ch. Liberty B-4503 orl-Llberty Bf:AtJTlFUL Sttln..,·ay Modtl B, -------------1 !or mea l1 • pri. ronm • bath In Grt.nd piano tn perrect condition. ll--.Dnn.-Cata, Pet. bi>autlful Bay l"l'Ont home, Bal. 8-4327, MUc s a ve over ha!r or new price 11-:=...=.=:::;::=::::t!"--"::;;:::i...-=-.:;:::_ ___ I ·51 FORD 8 Custom club ~Apt.. Ir Bow coupe. R .& H . Fordomalic. 2 BDRMS. untum.. la.r&I' ....,,.., l'J!Jr1c. W•W·Jl&MS. l dl1k! o.k. Beautiful bla-c k colo r •. $795 1~3 w. 1111.h· et., oi.ta x. •. '53 PLYMOUTH club. R & ,,_.Ll=M,.,,'='-'~0='-L_J_8_....._ __ -,~"-"-' Ove rorivo . . ... $89~ RENT AL 1"1 '50 P ONTIAC 8 itedanette, R SPECIALISTS & H . Syncro-meah trana-OLll Ed.II& Ch.Ir . • ...... '5115 Blanche Gates, Rltr. miuion . COTTON GOFF Volkswagen Dealer 21HI N<!Wport Blvd , Newpor t Br.h. Harbor 8. 6Jc!illh 11160 BUICK Rlvit ra, [)o.ctor'a Ct.r. Beeultful con<t. All extr ..... Sr.i-0. l.'iOO KtnJ(ll Rnad, l"•wport Hta Mell~ PRl\'AT'E l'ARTY wl11llt1 LO -~u 1948 Ct.(\11\a~. 7 pa.u. .,.dan. (Jrl~. b!R('k r1nl&h . l'~rf~t l'l<>nd. Brand n~\\" ti~~. i;i,.e 1l JOH'.\'!-ICJ!'I • SON 1100 W. Cva11t H,,.·y .. Npl. Sch. 311 ll&rille A""· lia.100. laiand, au. 11171 fttlo BRANO NEW 2 bdrm. Wll'mll. lhl· ple11:. s:arbap 41~ ,...., •. $1~. month. CALL DAYS i .30-4 :10 LJ M•lll or LI 8·7182 •ft.tt 0 p.m. •wk end• phon• Har. 4.'l l7. 001.tc U DO lSLE-~"um"." 2 bdrm., I '!I. b•tha, walled f>t.tl(l, 1.i, bl.ocll ti, het;ch--e/l.'.:i \(I 911::., 11.00(• Cll1 b prlril•l'<l!ll lnclud9d. HarOOr 6454. Mp~•ll FOR RX:-O'T, until J11na l !ilh, 12:... !""Ir week. 2 bdrm., nlc1ly turn. ocean front . UU1tue1 pa!d, •1«1 rtfr11rer11 tor, SIMJN 0. p,.arl J Smith, 4~0 E. 7th 8t., Up\U1<1 T•I. T Uli:on 321·1M. 64cM LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. 4~ No. Ntv.·porl BJY'd., Npt. Bch: GA.RDEXING J11&l:id. \\'ill be conlldam a SH.A.FER'S Mu1lc Co. (Sine• 19071 Pomeran"1an Pups -r r <l ..... -\\' • SllRVEL refrl"., 4 cu. ft. Xlnt. GARDE:-< !.IAINTESA~..;c£. yard .. -• 0 am J . . • . .. •21·•'23 N. Syc&lllOff, Santa An• Alk -for Dick Plendfr. 661::.07 _____ LlOO ___ IS_LE _____ , Llbtrty 8·8383. •4ttc Fo"r Thit SPECLU; PAJ:..'T -WALLPAPl:ft. DltCORATINO J OB CALL Wm. Baker KI 5-31121 U 02 PallMd• Rd .• I . A. Ht&. A.ak Ua Abo\lt ZOLOTONE are• ...... ' 'J •.K coniUtion. Guar111te-e Rtill tfftc-00-, eltan. "P· Call Kln1berly 3-302io " c..... P hon1 Kim berly 2· ' · AKC. ebarnptoa at atud. 111•• FORD Conv. ll1G. 87 owner. 1--------~--~-llvt , $1111. l'h. Wb&rty 8·3003. I:._.:::__:__.::::.__:_______ W •-• d11 r 1 or Harbor 3034 •fter 4 .~ URGE Loni .. tabU.h•d rial ea· l----------....:':'c'-":: I t'iO UBED PIANOS ,.,anted tor. ?ur i13& W•,dllnat.tr A•t;., .... , .. n. PTlct<l tor q11lek •le. R.6U. Gd. !i3ft ... ,. ._ .... ,J'h. W•tmlMtar ll-26111. cond. 1ee2 l t V!n•. c. w. LJMrty ' ------------•-_ lat• firm nMd• up1r!enctd rerit&l dept. Hlrllu t cuh all°"'· -&Oc'3H 1•7,... ..,,. I Au -••• , -~ SERVEL rerrtr. II cu. rt. '""" • -Cl..EANL..,.G • JRONtXG by tilt All. eaman. an.wt ... ...,.,. &nee In trade tor orra.na..Cl'a.n 1------------- r'd.-U•I w-t• •-xeo lhl• condlUon. I yn. old, It~. Har. , d "' •• '''··· •--·f,-r-•. B·'"•• J•l•-d •• · n ~., · pa.nos. 11n Ip •-• S<'-• •--·· H O .. Ill --.. -• •· "" ,._,..,., "'..... Pl "',. uoJlfica f4Ri before I p.m. 114~ 0 ... ..,. ~ ............ · v e, '6.J ENGLISH J"OJU> Ztphy r .._____ P-r.~. JU J -. OeA•• pt.per. e.... Q " ..._.,a.·ICHlCJDT, 3'° l'fO. Me.Ui, ,...,..._ •·-· ••1• _, "'" • ., ,,..., """wv -....... ..., _..., ..... -"· .. aut. blu•. •-mll ... ,, < dr l iY.<i<Tii:i)"-;;;:;;;;;;;;";;;-;;;;;;-,;;u !l-~''~"~~~~<~o~htll".'.":· __ ~-~·~·lt'.'.'.< -~·~U~la~A~·""-~--------l ;:;;x-:;~;uz;;;--;;;;;;,;;--;;;;; ~ WANTED .ummtr time joba. 1'\111 Sl-W..W .. 1k1J rox ~. nand&rd. nne .edan. a no.·room trMh. LMlh,.r or ~time for 1e bo)"I , I~ L!tN WANTED oldar Prott tt&lll woman l~"---'-"""""--Z--::;:'-----1-For a ijtpe:nd•bl• \tMd ear, ... YCNnC' watclll cSore. 1.lM2 w. &UI uphoi.t•ry. RAH, -W. •· W, 17 yr1 .old. LI •.-3042. .">llc&7 tor urttt bouitk..,,pl.n, • com· WAJCT ••U Unt. 1011•. camp f<M' local dH.ier wbo wUl bt Mr• !t., l&l:lt.a ...-. ICl lotUa. McM1_-__ ._u __ ,.._•_'_'·-~---"-'°'- panton for •tied moU\t r. Private llon. C"OOkln1 .quip .. oil lamp. TOMDRRO\V 10 M ck up what h• \\'A~"T i~rl time bookk~p1na: • room • Uflnl' l'r .... Ocean tronL a.nd qt.her camjilnf:' • ura.n.Jum 9'lla TODAY: Check th• u~d )!AL.I:• fnn&)e Tot Paldna .. ; J 6 ~ntr&I orrict Wtll'k. Call Belen P.O. Boa ~ 8&Lbo& talud. pf'O"Pte&an ~--lla.rbor c1.r1 LD. Ula dullti.d -.c:Uoa ~ mm. °'4. 711 ~ 0onna llarbOr W7. 116t -....... 1-..a. UoM 4&1. Ml -.. -· IN&. ..... ' 'tt OL.t>&MOBIL& .ta.Uon "'•Jon TOJI abapl.. Prtftt.a pe.11.7. Har l10f..W. . Kl6I UNFURNISHED. ye&rlJ ..... 3 bdnn .. 2 MUI, llvtnr room )OaJ(I ) pa.Uot ,comer 2 1tradM. l2!ill per month. Bay & Beach Re&ltJ 14!!0 W. Balboa Ulvd .• a..1-. Karbor 12114 REAIO~ABLT Pf'.'C&d. dea 1 A a bdrm. tu.rft. apu. uw. paid. La.undl')" l'OOlll. Pla.7,.,.,._. tor ehlldrf'n. Blua Top Apt.., 403 NeWJJf)rl Bl"4., N.wpod -.Ch. .ui...-. ........... -· , ' '• ' ' • ' • I I • , • t'7-WutM to Beat -&7-Wanted to Beat HELP! • WE NEED RENTAL LISTIN GS • Both Summer and Annual Du'hcan Hardesty, Realtor 2802 N~port Blvd. Harbor 4718 .. .asa-10111ie1 for Rent SUMMER RENTAL LOANS for Homes Exchlll'" S.ytront fl'ome, &1.con Ba7, 1.•ail1bl• !oz: July • Au-&"WIL BeauUtuUy tumi9hed. Gu - be't 4Mip<Ma.1, di1hwuher, deep t"'"9, '-<:&r lf&ragc. Adult•, no pet.I. Hu. 24il, courtuy to q~ 43tlc BA YBHOJlD-Be•rh houJ,., •lcep1 T, J b&lhl, lgt. p•~lo. O....·n .. r--- U Ml1T. !:13cM 01' -20 yr, Loani Construction Loans BEE BOB 8..A TTLl:R ~1:, CA.ST COAST BLVD. Corolla cl.el War Harbor !181 R..p. PODUER MORTG AGE CO. W1tro LU• Ju. Fwus. Kl. 3·!U8.'l 41ttc WA.NS TO BUI~..,t_KPROVE BU'Y, .W.OOl!P-NUL, OR U1fPUJUflSHEP 3 bednn. Corona RErINA..NCI: ' .. • 5.'h.Von•y to 1-a M-Mo""l to t...a NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAIOE 5 _N_O_c""o~M-Ml_SS_I_O_N __________ , MONDAY, MAY 2l. 1955 U.AVE l l0-•20.000 to !OA11 on rood i------------------------No AppraiaaJ Fee I rcald<!nll&I or tn~me prup. •'ii-. SALES -REP1NANC'E OSBOR.'\1:1 RE.ALTY CO. COSSTRUCTJON 2SZ3 COM! H"'Y. !'>'twp.irt &ach Call for FrM HarbOr 49'.!3.J 1Rea.l Fut CommitmmtA ~tic on Reai denc11 and Unit& only Don I. Huddleston 173· E . 17t}l St. COSTA MESA U 8-5.Ml LI 8-e~2 \\'ANTED FROlll O\\'NER, 2 or S bdrn1. home. Harbor areL Gd. loo.. f 12.000-• 19,000. A II ca&h. Ill . Lt<lnard. B<lx L·74, Lhl1 &Jct>:'! CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM Ir: den with 1 ~~ bath• on cortl('r of Seaview • Jaamine. Shake roor, uaed' brick firt'- place, garbage di•poeal &. other utra•. Juat fin.lab· ed. Hu excellent financing . C an be made into 4 bedroo~ Lt deelred. $2i .500. OPEN HOUSE SAT . .\ SUN. -~-=========---------------!-Jlll1ll&n<t• funUy home. \\'/\\' W• au,. Trut OMdli ~ng, drape.. COi)' u.ed NEWPORT BALBO.\ f AVlNGS ------,.-------1 bm)( fire"l11ct, ra!aed hearth, , ,.. ... , SOC! TION '"Otn.D ""-•• -... 1 Ut I.lid 2Dd Ha.Yin.! raat ••late troubltt. ! DI• -Apta.aHouw ~Apt.a. '= Ho1111H •· • ~A-<' AS A n ....... .., .. \'Orce, dt&lh of JU•t 1tr11.pped bircll panelt.d kltc;hr.n. OcellJI UH Via UdO. Pb.. HM'. '200 Tnut Deed.a. C&ll Har. 2328· tor money~ J>~rh11pa I can help • Caoo~s Mari~as. _ ~ riwlr, ls:e. )'Lrd. Stovt., refric., ' Uo •lttt' you. \\'rite Box P-78, this paper .U.OmaUc >1·11J1her lnclurtt<I ·u --------------------------~c!>."> ON~ OF THE LAST ntw homea in Corona High· landa. Shake roor, S large bedrooms, 1 .s~ bath• with d~ulng room. Panoramic \':itw of h ill1 •nd ocean. Muflt be aeen to appreciJ!te. Good financing -!.-°'" - de.ired. ~ ,,_ &Of SN.\Oo'&.fd - Roac!. corona del t.tar. Ph. HYatt ~-~~·IM'OIN~~'!..·!""'~~1!""1~!L---60-lncome ProP!!9' Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OF'FERS Delightful living. Apl-Cabanu, UtilitJea paid. with ._,,;· ' Yacht •lip accomodationa, Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appl. or reeervation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc '8--Apte. &: ll'!_OM9 ~~ 14ll_A_-_ ....... __ r_o_•_B<nt ____ _ Choice Summer Rentals on BaJboa X.land &. Lido lsJe lrnall 6: ~ ur l&rl• • dtlus• • 175 to 1300 morit.b VOGEL CO. IOI Marine AYt .• Balboa Laland Pb. Harbor t44 or Harbor 2101 Re•. Har. lTBe·R or Har. 3009·M '"'' CO RONA DEL MAR·a oul.!itand· · lnK 2 brlrm. 11p!. ocean aide Hwy, view. Lo\·t'ly carroetfld llv1nc rm. Corner !lrepl1.1ce. G11t'b1gf! <I••· pn~•I. Patio .tr g•rage, fllO. mo. ye.v.rly, jplfU[n. ,_!URIEL 1"1!-:0VER, Realtor •c an Harbor 4810. !IJcM REDECORATED, Ul'.'FURN. col· 111~e. living rm.. 1lln!ng rm., kll r.hl'nette & 2 bdrni. Hot 11hwr. j,11~ & v.·11ter pd. $!)!1. 1no., yrly. r<!ntal. 108 Adame. Balboa. H•r· bor 1924 -~L ~3r5.0 .JX,\-Apt&. for Kent R.Al.80 .A ISLAN fl, B~y Front- J uly 24 to Nuv. 2i (or price of J Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts + other choice properties Harbor l•land, S..., Bbore1, Be1. con Bay, quaJUied tli<!'nts only. Harbor lnv'9tment Co. Harbor 11100 (Ena. Ll 8·!)386) 27tfc J,'UR."l, I bdrm. apt., yt11r l"ue S7:'1.-l80. or .ummer .rate 1800 tor 3 n1untha. lnq . 368 C11rna- llon, Corona del Mar. Har. ~016. !IZt fc Chanma, Ha rbor Haven Apartment• ~ Patios NEW t BOOM, street level. Near ..:boo1-, .tiopplng dlltr!ct. Quiet, plM8ult, ucluldve. Gubai;e di•· ~ latandf}', atorage rooma. e&nae. '82.~ up. OCCupl<!a en· tln • .u.eL Cood 1u~rv1s1on. Mar., 1.5-01 Haven Place 1 Btock S~uth of Hlgh School .A.L80 YURNlBHl:D APTS. \\'INTER RA TES 3ttc month•. 3 bdrm~ .. Z bath1, every· -------------lhlng to make a delightful horn._ !"o [M!!l.9, no l!Jlllll rhlldren. Har. :?:136-W atll."r 4 p.nl . rilcM J.IODERN FUHN. APT .. util. pit. l7~1. n10 , )'e•rly Jeue. SWta'1t- f,1r c .. up1e. H11r. 08!13-R. ~ Newport Island Waterfront "Suinmer Ren.tala RATES by W<!ek. month or 11c&110n. ~:'11' Channel Pl. Har. 1217·J. 41tfc .,._ t-5991. -37ttc MODERN. one bedroo1n unfurn!sh- ctl duplvt wtlh g1.r1ge. \\'nt<!r, g1.r1'en'r furnish~. $80. month. S"'c 21107 Elden A\'e., Co.ta 1'1,.~8 Phonc1 W 8·36S3 or cvu. LI 8-!>6~'" :)3p!)!) UN FURX. :! b<1rm. hou•e. 2017 H11rbor Blvd .. Coit& ~tesi:•. ~60. n10 . .Ava!111.blc In 2 or 3 wks. L11>erty 8-7296. !)~c!'.16 AV AIL . TO OCT. 15 ATTRACTI\'F. turn. 3 hdrm. home ln Corona dl.'I ~l!lr. Rrrerence.11 require(!. Andt,'IK)t\, 33~8 E. Ce>a1t, CO)l. H11rb0r l !lfil, :'l tc!'.16 PE;>;J;>;SUL.A f'Ol!>.'T, 2 br .•. furn. hon1f'. beaut. cnt•Jo11ed yard, \\·!th ~Ucllt hOUaf', July s::.oo. Au.1.,-u11t $~50. 1734 P)Mll df'I Norte. Diii· 00a: &:X07 DlSTINC'TIVE Pf'nln11ula V&Clltlon hQm<!'. Lg, 2 hltrm., completrly rum_, 1leep II or 6. Spac1ou1 patJo JL1ne 1!'> to Sept. 1. $1100 or l~i!'>. p!'r n10. Har. 2001-R. ~1 3 Bl'I Vue Lllne~ 611<"117 ----~------- 49-Room.t to Rent XICE CLEAN room & hath and privllte entnince, ~» block to 1.M:eaJI, maid 11erv1ct. 1Z2·42nrl St .. Newport. l:>~c:;& Brand New Store & Office Bldg. A\·tllable J uly 1st. Oppot;He Ne-..'f)Ort City H•ll ELEV.ATOR PARKING JAN'IT'OR SERVICE Call P11ul Herron, le11alng &gl'nt The BEAU)tO!'>'T CO .. Har. 4299 !)3c60h J.I ODERX 1 BDR)f. APT. untum. NICELY FURS. 4 room, I br. apt !------------- Stov,. refrj~·. bsr • 11tooll tum. Yearly. A"<'lu!ts. 607 >-ernl .. t. Co- ron11 de! t.h1 r. t.3e&6 Lido Bayfroi.t NEW ·~ block' to C<Mlt& ).fe11a bu111ne1111 d!1trlrt. A11ult•. Nfl pell!. Llbf!rty 8-.'l768. .'l.'jc!l7 'BALBOA BAY ARJ:A-1 bdrm . apt. •ri.s. wk. Newly decorated. Completely tum. Har. 2001·R. """ 3 bdrma., 2 baths, lmmacu-2 BDRM. U!\'FURX. duplex, with g11rai;e. 33!1 ~ Ogle, Coit& J.te~t.. betwe<:"n 18th Ir. 17th St. 53p5!1 lat<!ly furn. apt. l~l.\t~;Dl.ATE occupaacy fOT e n10. !l"riod . .A pr. 281,h to Oct. 28th. $2MO. 4KB-BoUllH for Reat 3 OFFICE SP.ACES for leu e, app. l3ll.33 e1 .. &TOt1nd 'fir .. nr. Cout Hv.·y. Mcdlc•I pref<!rred. CLAIRE V .AN HORN, Realte>r LI 8-4277. ~3c~ OFF1CE 1ult&ble fo;,r prote111\onal use, re11.l fltata e>r gift ahop. Available J uly. 408 E, Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2070. !)4c!>6 OFFICE SPACE tor re"nt, $30 mo., !n bldg. with real eatal,.. office located on Nev.rport Blvd. nrar Hotig Hoaplt1.I. Ph. Ll f-2772. S3c58 IXCLUDES l'nllr. 1ummer teu.on. !\'n Jlt'l•. Nu chJ~re.n. She>v.·n by 2 BDR'-f. FURX. house durlnc ------------- . , June • Ju!y. 180. month. UtLU· 1r•A-B-·•---n-t&lo 11ppo1ntn1cnt Of'•Y· ......-~ """u 3 INV E-S TM E t'f T dorona del M~r Furni.shed Cottages, • on $18,950 TERMS 702 -704 -706 -708 IRIS Pho,ne Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J - 4 Lots . • 54tfc Corona del Mar Vogel Values Exclusive Shorecliffs Beautiful, n:iodern 3 bedrooms & den, 1 ;~ balb home with view of ocean from upstairs den. 2 fireplaces. acoustic plaster, indirect lighting, 125,000 BTU forced air heat, lovely bathe, extra lot of cabinets & closets, m ercury switches, ~ /w carpets, custom draperies. Copper Ch11.1nbere blt.-iu stove &. oven. 50 gal. water htr. Large lot. One of the finest homes in the area. Priced at $39,500. See this home today. Corona del Mar 2 bedrooms~ dc.n, l ~2 baths home with ocean & bay view on lovely landscaped & fenced R-2 lot which is ls:i' deep w ith Iota or room to build income or add to home. Choice location. Owner has m oved and says "Sell". -Priced at $21,500. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coa1t Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE Be sure to see these NEW HOMES---ONLY THREE LEFT 4 bdnns., 2 bath h omes C1ose to everything. FHA TERMS Only $9,800. CAL~ im. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE ' . Phone Liberty 8· 7976 3Jtfc HARBOR JNVESTMP:NT CO. ti~& p&!d. 1971 P'Uullrtton St .. ~------------ Phune H1r. 1&00 (eYes Har. 1210) _c_o_•_lA_M_•_u_._w __ •_-•_z_o_s_. --"-'-'_::. AVAILABLI!: -About 8000 lq. -------------------------- -B_A_Y_V_IJ:_W __ Al'T __ .-,-.-U-l_o_P-:-:-:-:~ NI~~:: t~:~~:n2~:::~:c~:::~:~~ t.0~~,·~:;,a~pt,·;!~1,Jodl~:h,117:,~,'Lo.~;·l~t 11ul&. ~-• attractlv1 p!lnP!!e(! -· ·~ '"' ~"' y h\'l nc reem 2 hdrn19. s1:,oo nn I --'-"2<_•_0_'_'_'_"_· ___ ,__. __ ,_3_'_"· I teoo.nt. Vogel Co .. 3116 Vl1. Lido. yearly I• ... Ph. H&.r. Z751 ,.,r CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 1971, 26 LfC Har: IO. !13r:'i8 BEAUTIFUi.LY FURXISHED 2 -------------BUSINESS LEA SE avallahle June 1955. Corona llel )l11r choice l~ HARBOR AP'I'S. Modmi furnished apt!. day, week or month Ne"r bu&, lltoru • bay. IJeuon&ble rat-. lM I . Bay Ave., BALBOA H11rbor 5'44.. l 1U c bdl'TTl, hom e. Junr 15 to Aug. 15. 1 blk. fron1 ocun. Har. r.::.eo !13cri::i LIDO ISLE cation. Ideal tor proreealonaJ ot· fice or! BLANCHE GATES, Realtor 311 Martnti A \'e., Ba/boll. lalend 2 YE ARLY RENTALS U:O.'TURN. Harbor 1671 ritcse 1. 2 bedrooma, 2 b11ths. 2. i bedroom•. 2 baths. Choice locaUora. This Is Value- On BALBOA ISLAND we offer exclusively an unus- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room. lar ge dining room. Afaximum square footage. Close to best beach. Can only be ... appreciated by inspection. Call H'!tbor 1775 .Eves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Afarine A ve., Balboa laland YEAR.1.Y...u.n(urn. 1 bdrm. ap1 .. with O ra.gr. Balboa l11linil. U11r. )ISl-W or 1.Iberty 8-i438. FOR SALE. POPS FAMOUS----------------------------EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor STEAK HOUSE. Re11t $150. on J::.trc 31 13 Ncv.•port Blvd .. Ne"•port Bch. !ea!l.e lnchl<.hi'• 7 roon1 homa, \\'ill ·ssoo DOWN Harbor 1013 40tfc {.'OST.A MES.A, 3 rm. apt., fum. or ut11'urn .. In.Jude• ullllllee. Call 1,-'<l-R_L_E_A_S_E _______ _ HY&tt ~357. 28ttc Tv.·o BEAUTIFUL BALBOA lfLAXL'. bey fl'ont. new l()wfl •pl v11~1•lace, d111poul • 111..tiwuh~ furn or unfurn. Ow ~r H"t 1;~~0-\\' $-tc.5-G Terrace un!um. view homea. 3 BORMS .. 2 bath• and 2 BEDR?.tS .. 2 batha. C•ll Harbor l j75 or_ H1_rQQr 4J~8. EARL W;' STANLEY, Realtor FUR~ t.cl w. fJalbo .. 1nform&U See ea, 6: •r ap t., St!) m<:>. 719 ~!\'d. For keys and I• Rt!11lty, lt.5-0 \\'. 1t11r, l26i 114p66 lr\1ne Ten•cc Office Corona de\ M&t. JJt!c NE\\' l BDRM .. gatb!lge di11po!111L S85. monUl'I> 217·2\ll t St .. Co~t• ~f~s11. LI 8-3180. .~tc8Jh Slllfloa 8! ' ' orn.. '., ....... . "F R " · · or ent Store bldg. ' n W. Coast H iway. So. side of Street. Adjact ,t P ort Orange. For Info. contact-, Osborne Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. }Jarbor 4923-J t rea. I ..._ __ Partner Actn. or not wtth $30.000 cub. Money la 100% MCSlniil A juet u aafe u real estate. Shoi.ild return In_.. at leut-$50,000 net thio you. nu. wtll atand the most rigid type of investigation . ~d nux. addre111 Ir phone No. to Box U-83, thia n~•· ~l'O"· :l.'5<00 pay ror ltaelf In next 1 monthR. 8l 1 Elin B11lbo11. Blvd., B&lboao. X o rr111KJnAbll'! ofttr refused. r,3p::.5 DEWCATESSEN & grocery 1\orr and 11 two bcdrm. hon11t located next to rornl'f' or 19th It. P\11- r,.ntia c01t11. '-'""'· Excellent 1pot1lor liquor l!tote, b<!er 11nJ v.·ihe. Call LI S-3663 or Liberty 8·8'l2J. ::.Otfc TEE'-llXG J1ltle ahort order care "'Ith ~parkhng n,..w tount,;,!tJ. Really sood fe>1· 2 p~op!1. 14.~.oo with xlnt. terina. LEE CASE\' OFFICE 2721 E. Cout Highy,·ay Harbor 0848, Corona del Mar fl4 ~~J6 BUB COM:PA.NY y,·\Ul long term tranchlRe In fa.fl: &'J'OWilllt' COstA Men.. Phon• OWNER. Liberty 8-36&1 or Ube.rty 1!1-6223. bOtfc DISTRIBUTOFUI -For Etrope of Hollywood .ioam•tlc:• &net Pat. 1U11•creen lotion.. FUii or pa rt um., Bo• &38, Anaheim. Calif. 66p57 Quick Cash Loans The best tract ho me in Town -H ardwood fluon; • Forced A.ir H eat -Garbage Disposal • two car gar, _Lota_o!~cupboard space,_., 3 bedr.oomt!l _!~2 ba tba. If you are interested in making a g ood d<!al investi· g-ate this immediately. Payments li.ke· rent. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (across from Costa Meaa B ank) Phone LI 8-6761. .• Eves: Har. 4366 • LI 8·2103 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE 710 IRIS t Lot 30xl18 ) $4950 Cash Phone Harbor 1069 o r Harbor 264~J ~trc CLIFF HAVEN on furniture auto salary. Thr<'e bedroom, 1 bath. 1200 sq-ft;: fireplace, drapM. .. n to ,7~ ' Ideally landscaped-fenced--al\ey, double garage. Next ~-~.....,.ormore. S A d p b , Ch h -._ to t. n rewe res ytenan urc . · One day service FULL PRICE, $1~.450 Appllc&Uon may be nll.de In per· Kin, by phon• or by mall. CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORAUON Tru&t. Deed $9500 at 4~·2% with monthly $66.47. Cash from trust deed tc 1ale price. ~r. Galla.nt to ahaw UU. bnme payment. 1198 HarboJ; Blvd., Collta )fell. U S-77!)\ -Open i'n11a71 Ull 8 Cloe.a 8&turd11o1._ 41.Uc EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2Z -....... -l.oland Bortoo.1776 60-A • Commtlctal. lada11trla1 Business Property Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa TWO FULL A'CRES, c:ht.ln ILnk !<'-nc .. d. -"la!ly good ln1provt- n1cnts lhat mt11:ht be ad11p1ed In var1ou11 buslne•w•. Call Llbf'rty S-!13i.5 b<!t "'een .5 .I: 1 p.nl. !12c60H 61-Real tAtate Es:ehaage O\\.XER \\' .AXTS :0-'1':\\'PORT HEIGHTS HOME! CUii:NT wanti to e'ttch&Jlgt, lovrly apaclouR 2 ~roolTI, l ~ baUi home In Fullerton, Ca.llfornla. altuat+d on a OOxJ.20 ft. Jot, tor Rimllar hnme 1n Ne1~1pon Hlll. Or will .ell. Prked at SlT,.'l-00, 5.5.~00do\.\·n. BALBOA REALTY CO., 700 E . Balboa Blvd,, Bal· boa, Harbor 3277. 03c.5!1 \\'Al\'T GOOD FIVE ACRE oranr• grove tor 3 unit rtaidl!flttal In· c:ome. . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l!IO:'I Balboit. BlV<l,. Harbor :'1188 "'" Balboa Island SPACIOUS DUPLEX on B"lboa J11land, 3 bdrm .• 2 b&Lh down- at&lrs. 2 bdrm., 2 balh plu• rum- pu11 rnl. up. Good rental prop· erty showing Xlnt. return1. $3i.!)()(). T erm8. NORTH WEST COSTA llESA, 2 bdrm. atuc:co home on l&r«e lot. 11.wn .I: •htub•. $7,000, term1. Ted Hauser 2029 Harbor Blvd. Comta ~fP3&. LI B-1761 Corona del Mar A'ITft.ACTlVS: 1 bdrm. Mme and am all ntnta.I unit. Lota or Ula In k!tch~n 6: b!lth. Dutch door opens lnto covered patio, fenced. Can be co11vcrltd !ntn 2 bdrm. 1~ bath llnm e. $13,!)00. R.!y Realty Co. Jit4 E. Cout Corona de! Mar H11r hor 2288 will trade for Iota or a creagf'. OPEN HOUSE EVJ!:RY DAY l·~ 448 Rl\•era Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bedroom picture bungalow on Begonia. OOH ·to bay. Obie. garage, flagetone fireplace. OwneT anxiowi. Make offer ! 60 ft. of Highway frontage on com er ln d ownto11t'D Corona de! Mar. $12,500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard ~4. E . Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar Pat Patti.on Har. 2t4' BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced below replacement cost ••• Beau- tiful, almost new two-atory 3 bdrm .• 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from all rooms.. Fully car· peted. beautiful drapea, new pier & &lip. Price ln· clude1 20-ft. ~tury apeedboat O'l'le year old. !'"' Art.iltic landscaping. NOW, h old your breath! All this for f.64 ,950. Better hurrry as this won't laaL EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1 013 Store Building 101 Highway Leased to responaible tenant.e . Showa NOW 10 ~;, net plu. chance for increased income. Total price-, $87,000. Thia is a solid inve11tment in all respect.. . See RUM F ord 5 BuUdings, 5 Lots Ten 2 bedroom unfunllahed unlta. All on Year9 leuea. Thia choice property ia well located and after aD upen- .aes & Joan payment.I, property fttunll $4000 per year net on $30,000 cub required. ' See Rua Ford VOGEL CO. $500 oov.·x, 2 bdnn. turn. houRe. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach gar. 0Ce11n view. Colored folka LIB 8-3481 LIB 8-8~9!) MCZ6 o.k. Payments SIOO per monlh. l---=-:---,------:::-:;--;----7C---.,.---=--;- """"• """· "' '"''"' "'" Planning to Build Your Lot? ' WHY PAY RENT? on Take a look at our model homes at Newport and MONTHLY payn1ent1 nnly $:'!0. per A.iitchell, Tustin. mo. lmms.cul•te 2 br. home ln • beautiful Cliff Haven. Fireplace, Open Daily 9 to 6 F.P. 19,::.00. li&Tbor ~1!'16 or Hat. Sundays 1 to 6 t-987. rile~ See for yourself how we can build a 12·1·1 sq. ft. BAY FRON'l' new modern home. boat allp; tri Balboa Cove1. Owner H11rbor 1100·\\'. 44tf<' F'OR SALE -Attractive nearly new hon1e, cloee to Back 811.y Extra large lot. tircplllce. cover- ed patlo, fenced, landscaped yd Living & dining area carpete•I Sl0,7!iO. Call Ll 8-4180. :,!)p!l7 CORON A HlGKLAr.'1>6 by ownr1 lovely 2 bdrm. ruch type bom1• with-~w .. iih&ka rool,.~brlck fi replace, etc. Ground• l&ndK•P· P-d .I: rmrP-d. Double gar&i;e & hobby 11hnp. Priced right. ~ .. , •l 608 Seaward Road. Corun~ Highl11nds. Ha.r. 2367·M. 11::.p:,; LEASEHOLll EST ATE VIEW LOT -Cliff Haven OVEHLOoKi:-.a Eut-jetty ent• to Kewport H11rbor. Sacrlfi~· 1&le, SJ.:'100. LEhlgh 9-2108. ev"~ Liberty 8-6«\0. 61 tl r BY OWZ.."ER -, bdrm., cl°"• to 11hopp!ng, ete .. on qtit<!t SL Hv.•d firs., tenc<!d lot, sew-tr•. gsrb. >hip .. alley tear. Room for 1n· com~. Ntv.' pt.Int. 4% loan &t .. $114 pe r mo., Including ta.xe1 • ln!Rl. Price $13,250. 089 Park Dr!v•. Co11t11. ~fc&a. 40lfc Want a home in the Coves? l NFORMATIO!" ind KEYS at 7\'o. 9 811.lboa. Cove•. Ownrr, Harbor 2876·W. ~lh BY OWl\"ER 3 bdrm. '-lodem horn,.. near High School. 2ll, yta. old . Fireplsc:~. utrlUI, l tl ,000. Ll 8-2829 after & or we.kendA. '""' FOR SALE BY OWNER VU:W LOT Cat&llna Drtni. t•.000. Ha lt'l"lrP"'fln, Coort& Me1&. crt'Mdom Homu). Olp!'.16 Bay Front Income I UN1T9-I 6 I bedrooll'I&,. han:I· l•htd. PliT. t'loat and prlTll.te Mt.ch. 1000 IC. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa. er-t-n .... lle48. ())ur· ...,. to brvl&.ml. lltto home, forced air heat, hdwd. floors, 2 car gar age for only $9,100, Let us direct you to our h omee under construction a nd finished. Look them O\'er. compare, 6atisfy yourself. , \Ve have custom home planning acrvice. financing - for State vets, FHA and Saving11 a.nd Loan. ftli a 1 f stop facility. N othing down. MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7-3293 -Kl 2-3569 (Eves. LI 8-1073) ~5c69h FIRST TIME OUT! HERE"S a \VINNER the first time listed. 2 large bdrms .• Big Bath. tile sho"''er and walls, Hwd. nr11., F. A. heat, Heat1lalor fireplace, an hon~t to got"Kl- QCS!I 9ining ~t?l-, 24 J__t,_g_ar. Fence~ mcL \V_!!ll ed patio, ani.I manY other refinementa. The idrnl home for the discr iminating couple. The price is right and the t erms arc liberal. Excluaive with - R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Associate 3622 E. C<fst Hwy .• Corona de! 1'1 ar OCEAN FRONT Har 2774 Near Catholic Church & School. 3 bdrm. home attractive· ly redecorated It furniahed. May be hnd unfurn. at $15,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. H arbor !5188 Lido H ere'a a IOvely 3 bedroom, 2 ba th home on a com- fortable 40-ft. lol Built i.D barbccuc .. carpcta & drap- ea. A real fine value at $29.5-00. Good tenna. Duncan Hardesty, . Realtor "Lido Specialist" Ulfl Our Free Parking Lot :16()2 Noorport Bl•d. Barlm 6118 I ... . •I I r I •I 'A6E 6 • 'ART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS C-lleal F.atate 62-Real F.Atat. ei-~ r..tJ. MONDAY, MAY 2l, 1955 ----~--------,-------"----u'!-lleaJ .r...fate ......... a •..ar...... tlDO' ISLE BEAU'TIFUL fUni. new 3 bdrm. A den home with prpoua .-chided patio. Tbermador oven and range. The 1ut word In· architecture and charm. Thia i• worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It jU8l hu everything. , LoYely 1 yr .. olct 3 bdrm. A Ja.rce den home. Choice loeaUOn on wide atreet-to-atreet lot, Spaci9ua dining room, bre•lrfut bar; charming patio. Range, refrig. carpeta A"drapH included for only $32,:500. ---- Extra choice '°-ft. Jot on Via Genoa, (wideet St. Oft UM bland), only $13,'500 for quick ule. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SlOC'TION WE 01TER a C·2 108x300 ft. lot improved .with nice bulldin11 conaiating of ahowroom with 2 addi- tional adjoining room. with a two bedroom apart· ment (approx. 2100 eq. fL in bldg.) with loada of room to build additional blcome or another atore on front. Ideal for doctor'a nite,. furniture ahop or mimilu bu.aineu. Plenty of parkinr. lt'a a lood buy -let U1 ahow you. AND RJl!M!!VBER THIS - many other fine home. are liated excluaively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE Mtl Vla Udo, Newport Beach Har. •971 or •972 EY ... Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 LIDO ISLE A REAL BUY: I Bdrm., ' yn. old, F .A. Heat, Di9poal. Wired for Gee. Ruse. $22,:500. I Bdrm. 21'x30' Liv. Rm., Birch Kit., 1% Baths, l'lpt.ne nreplace, F.A : Heat. $3800 down. "-ft. corner let with Bay view near the Club Houae. For Lido Summer Rental.a See U• Bualne111 Opportunity Brokers Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 1112 Lafayette, Newport. HA. 3M3 HA. 2999 Evea. Juat to the rtgbt of Lido Bridge Entrance BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here t. s 2 bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm. home for rent&J. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. Take low down payment A terma. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm., 2 bath completely furn. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal apot for year-round livinr. $18,:500 full price. See this IlCM.ACULATE 2 bdrm. home,.well located on cor· ·ner lot with apace to build in frodt. Comp. furn., new atove A refrig. Lovely patio. Only $17,500. $3500 down. We have aome real nice bayfront homes av.liable for aummer rent. VOGEL CO. 208 Madne Ave., Balboa Ialand • Harbor". DEAR PUBLIC: If you want to sell in a hu·rry, Without any trouble or ~orry, Call your 'Realtor,' insisting On Multiple Listing. ~- Newport Harbot Board of Realtors 410 • 32nd St., Newport Beach .etfo Corona del Mar Here'• a duplex on 2 Iota to give plenty elbow room. It. prtc:ed below the market at $18,750. Good Terma. Tom Payne eay., "Act quick to pt thia one." Duncan Hardestv, Realtor "Lido apeclal(.t" u .. Our Free Parkins Lot •2 Newport Bl•d. Harbor '718 BAY FRONT LOTS 108 n. of chcMc. Ba)' Frontace. Bulkh•d .. in. W~ Yiew. Lot. IUITOUDded by quality bOmN. \ PW ud .Up rlrht•. Tb ... wtll •II! ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, 3111 Newport Blvd., Harbor 1013 • p \ Realtor Newport Beach ~ WALD RON REAL TY 308 Marine. Balboa lslaqd. HAr. ~.( :>pen House-Saturday, Sunday 1-6 p. m. 402 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Beautiful Early American brand new. Select your own interior decoration. 4 Balboa Peninsula \\'A TERFROl\'T LOT -106 ft trc.ntage. Plt r 6: float pl1vlle11f' • J~u than 1!'>00 pf'r !Tont foot.' Balboa Island ----- ·Costa Mesa -Feel Like Falling UI 'e •p ll)' ed n. ni. 3 bedrm. le den, 2 baths. knotty pine ltitchen, built-in Thtrmador oven & range, Hwd. fl oors. ••rge VIEW lot. Lovely swimming pool. Breezeway from garage to house. Tiered patio. In lov&-•rain 1 Hn• l• yo chanee! Clla rmlnr family hon uf 3 b<lrm• • 1 •, ba I hr., rl1 t'Olor 11eheme throu1ho11t. )tod ern dnl&nl'd tor modrm u llvln& with 11 apeat•ke ft-nc pauo, tlreplar e>, bar k1t che forced .rlr h .. t. parquet floo garbare dl11poaaJ. I car rana1- unequaled .valu" at Sll.&00 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. PLUS apt Bot!' compltttly tl,lrniahed. ln-1 dudes 18 tt. Mil boat •• dinghy, The Chips are Down 11hure moor1nr • an ott •hore wu JH,700-113,!:IOO 11 the ne moorlna. Nlc,t tpt a boat m1tn : red)ICt,0 prlct. Own,r Ill -mu w •t !.fust see to appretlate.' ' No phone calla please! $!),000 down. Bal1nc1 like rent! aell. An appealing 3 bdrm. horn • WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine, Balboa laland. HAr. 023f' .CT u?~~o~:!u ~1~~ bdrm . I Ii, bath home. Japane11e aah I panellnc. hrepl., copper plumb- lnr. ,..A. heat. Excellent quallt Full price 118.000. y" TKl~S~ ~oh~r~ ~~!:! 90 comfortable. ' bdrma .. l°' bath Na tural cabinet.a, dlapoaaJ, Ca pe~ w/w. P"lreplace. P'uU prlc r· •• SIS,7!1-0. • 2089 Orange Ave C MO. OLD., I bdrm.. 1 ~~ bat larre dlnln1 area. Birch kltche h, n, w/w carpet. Ba ck yard tenc~ Very Jood buy. Juat 111.7~ See thla. I "ART" ADAIR REALTOR lllM Newport Bl't'd. eo.ta Mua., Calif. LI 1·3791 BAYSHORES CHARMING 3 br., knotty pin interior, 2 palloa. Open hou Sunday 1:00-11:00 or by &pp MUST SEE. e 8e 'L BEST LOCATION on Jrvine--3 b plue rar. unit, hw. noora, Swtd lah fireplace. lge. Jlv. room r. l App't. only. $22.9!)0. OOOD M·l propertlee, aale or ltue GOOD C· l bu1. bldl'. 27 ll 9 II. Balboa, $29,1100. BEACH LOTS -VERT CKEA p C.D.M. corner, TO' lot. charmln I br. 6: ,ar. apt. 122,1100" ' LIDO -loll, homu . baytron L Claire Van Horn REALTOR. J7U W, Cout Hwy. LI M21 T NEWPORT BEACH WANT A "DOLL HOUSI:!" -WE HA VE IT. I bdrm. 'dble car •(e on •mall lot, cloee to Lid 8hopplnc, ocuJ\ 6: bay, only 0 suoo. BALBOA k I BEDROOMS 6: DEN, 1 bloc trom bay • ocean. Only '4.00 0 down. See U\11. Coast Properties 101 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2868, 2~97 &11d CSOO. I Open House Sun. 1-5 . -• LOW PICTURESQUE .. rly Amtr tcan-ftedWood and br1ck ext.er lar-Unu.ual floor plan Include ' bedrooms. a balha. din room Enjoy a view of the Ocean from the living room then •lep out In to~ ot tM moet i>nutttul car den paUoa In the area. Leu tha n one block to elllclualve bathinr beach. Truly a luxury home In & top location. A •teal at 128.:'iOO p. L paJmpr Inc., 1700 w. c:ou hwy.. ll 8·61173. Come by Ayn day or call Dave Oabur n fOT a p- pointment to ate, 139 Poppy ave Corona dl'I Mu. 53c~!) . . - t . . I bdrm... hwd. floora, tlrepla.ce dl1pcMl&I. W ln<S ·tor electric •love. Fenced, locat.d at 25'9 J'&irway Dr., C-Oeta M..._ I 11,2~. Ph. Har. 3!)• 1 ·J. 39tfc SPECIAL HIGH DESEJ\T Improved &cr .. ge hom .. llH. at •&er1ftce price• All utllltt... No &aeH11mente Term1. YUOCA NQLINA RANCHOS Martell Bldf. T-Valli)', C&Jtromla Phone: JM. 116lfc tu.ooo BY OWMl:ll. I bc1nm., din nn.. atl&. pr. W to W carpet., hwd. n..... themwt 11 .. t., prb di.Ip.. kttellea tu. lnol arly n- auto wa.Mr 6: dryer, "''"'· A JU ranre. 111100 dn., 17000 0 . I. loan. Wiii coMlder Ind C()ntncL Jlt Broad.,,.y, Co•ta Me-. &4ttc on Irvine Ave. Lonly 1 bdma .. I a.th horn.. New wall to waU carpet1nr Uld tft· vel"M draper1•L Block w&ll and laad8caped. Sl~.TI(). OWn.r. U .. 1411. UciOTH - THE GREAT ORANGE COAST $ Livea.blt>. loveable Back Bay Home. It you are look- ing for 3 bdrm. 2 bath brand new home in the $25,000 clua let UI show you thia exciting. ready for occupancy, delightful ranch atyle dwelling. -$$ Beat acreage buy in Orange (',ounty. 150 &crN be- tween Santa Ana & ~•ta Meaa @ $2000 acre. Bound to make inveator money. $$$ An "L" ahaped piece 60' front 300' de.p 132' acroea -back. Makes into 3 Iota. Muat be eold. Owner want. offer. Let ua ahow you • R-t zoning. $$$$ On the aand and near the aurf. Lut of reuonable priced beach Iota: R-2 zone. 30'x104'. Only $2250 caah. $$$$$ Big Industrial Building. Mfg. zone. Large lofta each aide center drive. Could convert to 2 atory. Office. Rat r:oom.e. Centrally located. Site for wh!M., or retail or mfg. buaineu. -Leue or aell. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES · INSURANCE -SA.LF.S' -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO Evea. • Bay and B·e a c ·h Re a It y Realtors INCOME -Bay Ave. -NEAR BEACH. 2 houaea • be.t rent&J uu • Might conaider trade Newport Helghta. Full price $H,000. DUPLEX -Bay Ave. -$26,500 Furniabed. Exe. rental record -almoat 100% fill~ for sum.mer -$6500 down. BAY A VE. -Near Catholic Church. 4 B.R. home, nice dining room, Patio. A truly fine home at a price that i• f•r belo" replacement coat. $23,950 -Terna. Ocean Front Lot -$8600. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa .Harbor 12M Enioy Additional Income Live at Your Worksh~ M-1 zone. 2 atory duplex, dble. gaRge on rear of lot. Room for over 1000 IQ . .!t. buildin~ in front. Excellent location. BargaJn at $14,500. Term•. On ocean front near Catholic Church A achoo! J '\xtrm.. home $15,500-$16,000 furn. ' •t-. Very attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bathe. PLUS large rum- pus room. bath over garage. Complete buJlt in kit- chen. Price includ~ washer, dryer, stove, 'refrig .. dlsl1Washer, $29,500. · ' BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and small dining room, car- peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfut apace and service porch. Ample cupboards and atorap apace. OverBized 2-<:ar garage. Nice enclosed patio. Mo.t ·convenient corner location. 2 blka. from City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. l. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 Back Bay Area Thia new 3 bdrm., 2 bath home under corwtniction hu built in Thermador •tove and oven. 1Arse roomy lot. Jean Smith CAn ~liver thia for 121,~. a .t-.J! Duncan Hardesty, Realtor ''Lido Speclalt.t" Uae Our rree P•ktnc Lot ~ Newport BlYd. HUbor •711 --I on a beauutully lanuac:aptd co ner lot with lht moat atlracll pa tio and B.B.Q. you'v• ev attn. We repeat 113.500! Ma we 1how you throu1h ! r· ve er y 2 Anxious Owners I Reduced! t Q Was $15 600-Now $14 350 :l bd1 m .. hdwd. noon . f1reph1r I yn . old. Plua' Patio. B.B. and J....aha~d unmmlnc poo One• In a llfetlmf' buy: Hurry 8Pe lhta buy In thla be1t Eu aldt lonllon. 11',3!1-0-Exc:elle I! ! t• nt term,., r e. Wu 114.WO. Now Sll .T~O to thl• I bdrm. and den with lir patio, 1 ~ ~atl\1 In good Eaalltld Coat& Me11a location . , . Sav e e 12.T~O today! Bay & Beach Realty 18H Newport Blvd. Coat& Meaa, Callt. Libl'rty l ·llet. ':Vea. LI 1·31~a No Fancy Slogans Ju.t-Honeat Valuea - Come in A let us prove it! BALBOA ISLAND s e. TNCOME while bulldlnf. Ovn 700 aq. ft. of 1unny tum. apt. PLU cueat rm. and bath, PLUS dbl garage on rear ot choice lo Plenty room tor 2nd unit. A1 ing SIG,7!)-0. 18,000 down. t . k· CORONA DEL MAR n h OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX ocea •Ide of Hwy. 2 bdrm. apt. wit flrepla<'e, two 1 bedrm. apLa Vlf'w of ocelln with 1un dee ind patio. Fully tum lahed. ln k . come carrlu . 2 DUPLEX WITH VlEW-<>nly yr1. old. Prtced for quick n le at 118.000. II o. PA1R OF DUPLEXES on 2 ru lot11. Scheduled hwcomf' UG!). m P'ull price UT.~O. $!),000 dn Muriel M. Pinover, Realtor 280C Newport Blvd .. NpL Bch. Euy Parking. Har. 'e10. !)3c~ Cliff Dtive Special . ! $19,9!)()! ! WHO'S THE LUCKY 01'1!:? Very nice 2 bdrm. home Xtra Jae. llv. rm. hdwd., noora dbl. car.. •un dttk with view All Ulla -PLUS -beaut. tum •llverware. d1Jui1rware, elec. ap pll&11CM. MOVE IN TODAY ,_ tfood Lerma -not a leaeehold Mariners ls'le Realty 118 Marine. Balboa llland Harbor CT81 Business Building CORNER LOCATION ln Corona del Mar. 2 otflc... 1000 aq. ft Tenna avallable, Only: UT.WO SPECIAL HIGH DESERT Improved acreage homeeltu , at aacrttlce prlcu All ullllUu . No ueu•menta Terma. YUCCA NOLINA RANCHOS Martell Bldg. Yucca Valley, Callfom la 'Phone: 356. ~~Uc .. Open House 1989 Contlnenlal, Coal& Meaa ' BDRM .• 2 bath-. 1 yr. old. land· acaped, carpeting, carport and many utru Lot TO'zl 10. Bt11.u· lltul CC>mer. ONL T SI 0. 700 Try II.~ down. FISHER & CO. 2e03 Newport BIYd .• Newport Bch. Harbor U 29. ~c!)6 OUT or TOWN owner aaya "c .. ofter" on comer duplu So. o Hlway. One untumlllhed apart· ment hu I bedrooma. one fur- n lahed 1t:udio apartm•nt J&r&Je. All In l ood condlUon. Call Mi• Kohllltedt. Har. 11A2 t'le. Har. Ol~R, 1115 Cout Blvd., C.D.M. Uttc For Sale or Trade- OCJ:AN VIEW moder-. I bedrm. ho111e With ntra room ud ~ kth Of\ double prqe. 2112 Clltt Drt,,. (adjacent vacant lot a't"&!l&bM) Ph. owntt, LI .. w2 ... 21Uc N-.w I BDRJ(, .. ~ MN, tf.HO. 211 ·~ eo.c. ...... Ptl. " · OP~N FOR IN!PECTION -SAT. ASUN. AFTERNOONS- 53() KINGS ROAD -CUFJI' HA VEN- Here'a truly an exceptional value that you mu.at 1H • 3 Bdrma. • P' Bathe • Forced Air Hut • W to W Oarpet • Large Dining and • Patio _ Llving Room Area e Dbl. Gara,e • Landecaped le Fenced • Area for Swimming Sprtnkler S,.te11 Pool • Abundance of • Acoustical Ceiling Cupboarda You'll be unable to find a 1'0mp&rieon to thia home for it.a price of $22.750. Moet convenient terma. Call Us Now for a Pre-Showing •106 Larkspur, C. D. M. Open For lnapectioo FRI. SAT. SUN. AFTERNOONS- YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE with thi• cosy nttte I Bedm . home. It haa beam ceiling, fireplace. encloeed patio. dbl. garage-Come look and we'll t.tl yo• more good thing• like the LOW DOWN Pyt. eta. M.e. Newport Hts. Lot -$2, 950 JW1t listed, a nice leaaehold view lot on St. Jam• Road-Alao ha\'e 2 othera (with no .WW) to. $1.000 each. FRANK-JAMES & LINWOOD VICK C. B. Ruu, Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. Rayl-. AllOC. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa l•land Harbor 20'2 BILL'S BEST BUYS Rustic Ranch Style Home On large lot, 2 bdrms., large uaed brick fireplace, plastered interior, cute kitchen, aba.ke roof, •rvtce • porch, flowe.-. and· ahrube. Cloae ln. Only $9250 with $3500 dn. and $51.60 mo. S.. tt! Are You Fussy? Neatest 2 bdrm. and den, Hd. Wd. noons, plutered interior. Thermo heat. dbl. gar., beautiful lawna. flowers and ahrube. Rear la fenced. Npt. Ht.. uu. Really a nice home. $14,500. Arrange t.nu. Family Life Unlimited In this nearly new 3 bdrm. home with firepla.ce and extra large Jot. Real country living for the young- sters yet located on new street of fine homM. Near new Monte Vista G:ade Schooi and the back bay. Full pm.~ $10,900 with juat $1000 down. Above the Average 3 bdrma., 2 baths, Forced Air heat. carpeted hd. wd. floors;-targe picture windowa overlooking beautiful fenced back yard and shrubbery. Attractive drapea and diahmuter al.lo included. Large lot and dbl gar. located m' choice area. $17.500 with ONLY $2800 down. ~ W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly ..-vice'' 393 E. 17th St.; Co.ta Mesa. Uberty 8-1130 It's a "LIVABLE" 2 BR. HOME An ideal location on Balboa Island with fenced yard, large ahade tree. paved patio plua aand ar.. Smart· ly arranged 2 RR. home with gay Interior, com- plete electrically equipped bar kitchen, p.aaeUed and wallpaper. Just $17,950, furnllhtd. $8.~ loan at $75. per month .GOOD INCOME -TWO UNIT 2-BDRM. stucco home with dbl. gar. and Apt. over both unjta furn. for only $19,500. Apl t. rented the 2-BDRM. home is open. Take over UU. Immed- iate aummer opportunity with down paymtot of $7,000. Call Poweni-or Lake, RArbor 83 J .. A. BEEK, Reaftor 503 Park Avenue Balboa i.tand VOGEL VALUES Scare Items in Cliff Haven l . Lovely 2 bdrm. home on beautiful et. W·W carp- ets. Glass Doore to patio. Nice Yard. Price $15,· 500. 2. Hard to fin<\ 3 bdrm. on 60-ft. lot. Newly deo- or1tted. Swedish frpl. Real buy at $15,1}()() . 3. Choice 2-story custom built home, 3 bdrm. A: den. 3 baths. extra built-ins on beautifully lancJ- scaped lot. Price $25,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI. 8-3481 TERRIFIC BUY M-1 Buy this.for investment or speculation. Corner Int . cloae in • 140 feet of frontage. Undoubtedly the beat buy in M·l property. Full price ia only $10,500 INVESTMENT Firat cl.au • one ~f th~ btat bulldin11. $!>00.00. .. pn month income. Will net 10';.. Good tenant.a . Tripi• A location. Ideal pr~rty for the landlord. Nn phone Information. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. 'Everson 1866 Newport Blvd., C~eaa Liberty 8-eiet i:.-. Hubor , •• Llbert7 1-2103 ' .. . , ' . . . I :I .. ., v CORONA DEL MAR· SPECIALS ~ 1. View of breakers, ocean & beach Thl• 3 bdrm. home, ; bat.M, carpeted wall to wall Built on rur of ocean front lot. ~uced from $32.7:wl to $29,900. A STEAL-Muat See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thie 3 bdrm. plu_a den, 2 b&thl. 60-tt. Jot, South of Hwy. ""~· floora, forced a1r beat, fenced yd. Will take email home or vacant lot in part pay· ment. Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE- . Deluxe ocean view • quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 bath1. For you who can afford the fines~ this ia it. Priced at $42,500 . 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME lloom for another unit. Thie ia a G. I. Resale. Full price $9950. $2500 down. .5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furni.ehed - 2 bdrm. bowie, plua 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. · 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of. oeean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31 ,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office loca~ next door to Corona del Mar Bank) WORTH WAITING FOR · A Lido Nord Bayf root Home We have juat listed exclusively one of the finest homes ever offered on Lido-Excellently located near the East-end. Designed by one of the leading architect.a of the area. The 18x30 living rm. has 48 running feet of glass wlndow1 affording a panoramic view of the harbor 1 and hill•. The den. dining-rm. and master bedrm. have the aame view. . ... The lovely kitchen haa a separate breakfast room and laundry room adjoining-In addition to the master bedrm .. there are.2 other !am.Uy bedrms. Mld a maid's room-each h&.ving their own ~ath-mak· ing 4 balhrma. In aU. Room for expansion on thla large lot without harm- in g the well landscaped patio. There is a new pier and 40-ft. slip. This home is priced to sell at $125,000 and wiU be shown by app't. onl,y. Call Mr. WEED at The Vogel Co. lido. Office .. , .. ·p. a. palmer i n c o r p o r a t e d. developers o~ Udo Isle Our 20th year at this location~ specializing in Lido Isle properties 2 bedrm., 1 bath 4 yrs. old _ ................. $21,500. 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished .. -·-·--···--$26,900 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished ................... $28,750. 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished ................... $32,500 3 bedrm., °"2 bath New Orleans : ......... $33,50'0 4 bedrm., 2 bath plush-modern _ .. _ .. $36,500 4 bedrm., 3 .bath French Regency .$37,400 4 bedrm., 3 bath pool -new ............. $50,000 ' BA YFRONT Hpmes from $49,500 -$200,000 OPEN SAT. & •SUN. 123 Via Genoa - 3 bedrm,., 2 bath and 100 Via Dijon (Comer of Soud) 4 bedrm., 3 bath Both hotpes are carpeted, have Therm. oven and range, c!18ponla, unit beat. landscaped, beautiful and ready to move into. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, h&J."bo~ 1500 View Home Open House Sun. 1 -5 Nw 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with ~ view of the Bay and Ocean. Thia home bu a large living room 16'x26' with a beautiful fireplace. Abo a dining room 10x11. Tbla home ia an extremely good buy and th& owner hu a1T&nged te~ to fit almoat anyone. Full price $2!5,500. Drive by 243 Ocean View or call Bill Farnsworth. J Investors Attention • MOTEL-6 unit. plu1 own~!'ll quart.era. All ue com. pletely furnished-Kitchen facilities are in every unit but one. Thia property 1a located on a high- way and ia only 5 years old. Property 1ise 1a GOxSOO, ao there is room for expansion. An income ot $8314.45 In 195!5 more than justifies the price ot $47,500. For more information pleue call, wriu, or visit ua. · • · Magnificent Bay View Lot Located at the extreme· bead ot the Back Bay high on a hill, Thia lot offers a panoramic view of every- thing. Only the finest and most exclusive homea are adjacent to this property. Approxiinately 2 acres, room for horses, stable and a beautiful Bay View home. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast hjgbway -liberty 8~73 r Open · 'Till Sold Peninsula "Point" Home! Houston Values A GRACIOUS HOME WITH I!'\· ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 1 MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOUSE• APr., No. Bay. BeauUtul be.~h. $10,000 down, balance euy, A HAPPY COMBINATION of Ellerbroek ud Bat. boa l.el&nd -' bdrm:, 3 bath. To a qu&lltled tam· ily who can handle a high 'monthly payment. n otter about S6000 down. GRAND CANAL -2 unit.a • a laJp ~tJo, fenced. Attractively turn.Jahed. $10,000 down.. 80 tt. of BAY FRONT -Pier, float. ' bdnna. Lovely grounda. Thia home la prtced low at $78,000. ' BDRMS., 2% b&tba. New furniture. TV. aBQ. North Bay moortnr. Good family home. All for $24,950. . DELJGHTnJL~ llD&ll vacation laome. Double pnp. Fetching. $16,™· BEACON BAY LOVELY 4 bdrm., 8 bath home on Yawl Rd. $8&800 CORONA DEL MAR ON HAzEL, 2 br. view home. Private pat.bwa,r to little Corona beach, $26,l)OO. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Luah tropfoaJ patio and yard. $15,000 down CALL HARBOR 1775, eve.. Har. M69 •Har. 111'"1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ ~a.rine Ave., Balboa i.Iand. $2000 On. 2 BR. HOME Ir EXTRA LOT. Ea.ch lot 50x200 Qn pa.ved 11L tn good W, side location. A real barga.ln a t '8.250. 3 bedrm. 2 bath home plua a 3 bedrm. and a 2 bedrm. apt. ALL completely furnished. FORMAL CHARM. ' ~drooma, -------------.-------- INVEST FOR INCOME HERE IS AN OPPORTlr.'IITY to make good Income on small In· vutment. A tull acre, 132' front- age. 2 aep. rental• now brtngin1 SI 10. mo. Room to build • add. hOUMll. ONLY S3.000 DOWN. $1UIOO., full price. 1u.COUNTRY CLUB BEAUTY ON MESA DRlVl!:-AcroH from j!'Olt courae. Beaut. 70x23• lot. 2 br. home with 1330 aq. ft. finest const. pallo\ landac., fireplace. A rut home at SUI.SO<>, wllh $5,000 down. Eve. Int. on lheff PeUlle LI 9-5'97 Furn. Balboa Duplex Top rental location-Only $25,950, xln't_. teryns. 1417 W. Balboa Blvd. 2 Iii' of e ·beach cottages Furnished, on C·l lot-2 blks. from. Newport pier Full price $9500 $1500 down WATERFRONT Pier and Float privilege, with furnished beach cabin -Only $13,950. $3500 down, bat. $80 mo. Ocean Front Furn. Duplex $11,850. -$2,500. down Look! Look! Look! Near new Lido 2 bedrm. beautifully furnished. 1 door off Lido Nord. 2 batha. BeauUt:ul comer loca· lion. Concrete block wallC'd patio and badmlngton cour t. W lo W carpeting. Nice !lowers and land· ecapln1t. $32.:>00. tenna. Beach Home! BALBOA LOCATION. Close to ?\'HYC. 3 bedrooms, 112 batha. You muat lt'e at Sl2.~00. 14.000'" down. Bay Ave. Home! GOOP FOR RENTAL OR BEACH HOME! 3 bedroom•. Cute and but a atep to the Bay, Heavy furniture Included. $1',~. UOOO dovm. Balboa Home! AS CLOSE TO THE BAY AS YOU CAN GET. 4 bedrooms. 2 bath•. Furnusht'd per lnv('ntory. It you want a roomy be.acb homr or tor yeu around Jiving IH'e It now $16.!)()0, 16.000 down. Ideal Beach House! LID 0 RE A L.J Y ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Aero• from Richard'• Market) $12,500 buy1 a 40-foot 1treet to street VIA GENOA lot. "You can hardly get them kind no more" -and we KNOW you can't get a more reaaonable ~ GENOA lot. "GOING" -"GOING" -don't meM ~und -GRAB IT -and there you are. NOW here la an idea for YOU - - - - au6 Via Lido Newport Beach. Har. 4971 or Har. 2191-M evea orr INTO THJ8 ONE for hlsb aummtr-rut&la. Good rental lo- caUon on Bay Ave. Jun a atep 1 $21,500-$6000 down 3 BEDROOM HOUSE It Gtn:ST ROOM: On 2 valuable R·3 loll 200 fl. from Bay swimming beach. More po.1111blltllea than you can !marine. u s.~ .. good temll. We have ucluaively u.ted a modem two bedroom plua den and two bath LIDO home. It'• completely furnished right down to drapes, wall-to-wall car- peting, deep freeu, wuher and dryer, etc. Thi.I well located, furniabed home ia excellent value at th• low price of $24,225. Summer income ehould pay you $1500 whfob me&n11 by Sept. 15, 1955 you wW own tbi1 Lido home for only $22,7~. NOW ia the time to buy THIS home. It I• free and clear and we will 1ubmit your terms. We can arrange a low monthly payment !5% loan. Contact one ot our experienced Udo aaleemen and make him ahow you how you "440 Via Lido Nord" BAY FRONT home of 5 bdrma. Plws 2 bdrm apt. Absolutely perfect coudition throughout. l NOTE) : Owner hu ju.et completely refurnished in fine taate, incl. new carpeting throughout. Million dollar view from 40-ft. porch, patio & apt. Thi1 prop. will .bring top rental return. Do not fail to drive by 440 Via Lido · Nord then contact us to Bee the inside of thi.e out.landing property. We have the keya. Firmly priced at- $89 ,500. ( furnLsbed_) Owner will carry $62,500. for quali(led buyer Osborne Realty Co. 2323 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. Har. 4923-J. (res.) to beach. 2 br. up. 1 br. down. Rurnpua rm., dble. car.. pat.lo, B.B.Q. Need& paint, ''·~ dn. Good term1. B:ve. lnto. BenneT Har. 1811 Inviting Attention 528 ALISO A VJ!l., NPT. HTS. Balboa Island Bayfront Corner Lot with 2 bedrm. turn. home and area to build.new residence, $31,500. ART C. KISTLER co. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5226 ALL DRESSED UP ready to ahow ott )'our tumiture. A. C'olonl&I --------------. ------ "C" THOMAS-"C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS 1 bdrm .. Teal nreplace. oak tlu., dua.I t\lmace, Ule kit., din. rm. real eerv1ce porch, dble. iarage, 1hlngled root. Near Hl School. Only fl~,~-Open 2·5. HARD TO BEAT se.m full .,.ice, 2 bdrm. atucco. Eaat aide loc:. A real 111u1 UtUe tiorn.. EZ tenna. 12 UNlr' MOTEL 12 completely FURNISHED unit.a PLUS owner'• 3 bdrm. furnished home • Excellent highway location Prope.rty in top condition & show. a good INCOME Priced right at $55,000 ~ ~~---~ REAL UP TO DATE I BDR.MS, sarb. dl.8p .• F.A. he&t. B'lt·ln oven • etove, BBQ, etc. S13.900, EZ term1. For Eve. Information on above, Ph. Lytle LI 1:·2~42. \ Exe. Income Cliff Haven View Home Beautiful 2 bdrm. & den home on scenic Kings ftoad. Panoramic view of bay and ocean. 18x26 Uv. room, large din. room. den with built-in bar. two fireplaces, P~ baths, heated and filtered SWl:.1MING PO<JL, completely enclosed patio and attrar tively lahd· scaped. Priced at $42,500. Own~r wants offer. Bay Front Home! FIRST TIM1D OFFERILO ... Stt It before eomebol!y buya ll. Eul Penin1ula location. 2 bedroom houM with attached 1 bedroom apartment. Older property bul what poaalbilltlea .•. haa pier too. F.P. '3T.~ and only f7,:>00 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalte Bank of Amer1ca Ro• Greeley Al Comeliua Ed ~" Jack Plnkh&m Joeephlne Webb TOO It. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Tt!one Bvbor 8277 •. HORSE LOVERS CHOJCE 1, acre Santa Ana H t.s e6x3~S3,7:)0. . - CHAN'XEL DUPLEX, pier ant: OQal. colae to •hopping. 120.000 S6.000 down. !3 boata optlonall A:->OTHER Xlnt. duplex S2S.OOO $8,000 down. can own thi• outatandJng buy. W. G. (Bill) Kempton* Joeepb H. Grohman* Virginia Manaon *Gene Vreeland* Tom Campbell* (Lido Ialand'a moat experienced .alea ~nonnel) VOGEL VALUES Choice Income Properties 1. Furniabed Triplex-2-1-1-bedrooma. Good loca· lion. Income $310 per month. Price $32,7:wl. 2. Furnilhed Triplex. 2-1-1 Bedroom1. Newly Decor- as.ed-lnCQ..me ~per month. Price SM.000. 3. Four new furnished duplexu-2 bdrm. each. - Good income. Price $48,000. ONLY $11,000 down to handle. 4. BeautifulJy tumished Bayfront Triplex with pier & float. 3-2·2 bedrooms. Thia la strictly deluxe with terrific potential lncome. Price $70,000 with $27,000 down. . \ . - Just Enioy the Income BEAUTIFUL :>:swt-AM'. BLDG. 4 units. qultl nelghb. near trans .. <'Qlleges. Gd. E. 111de loc. Land11C , lg, room•. ffp. eerv. pc.ha .. and "C" l H 0 M AS, Realtor [:'\COME -"12 unlta. Ocean lo BIV1t. a moneymaker $47.000 Good term11. f5. New 4' Modern unturniahed reaJdence A 1.bdrm. furnished apt. on Balboa Island. W /W carpet.a. Glua doora to patio. Deluxe. Only $28,500. . . from thw excellent property (no rent to pay). · Located in choice rental district, 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 units -a new duplex and a !5-room house on 2 lots. 2 units are furnished and rented on yearly basis. Owner's honie available now. Three garagea on alley. Present income can be substan· tially increased. $5000 will handle. , FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. ·sTANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Exclusive • First time offered • Choice Eut Bay Front location • Spaclows hom~ bednna. 4 baths • Private pier and fioat. • Lure patio • Price $68.500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociates Park at Marine, Balboa Jaland -Harbor 2462 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-M27 "'"' gar. 3 unlll wllh 1 br., 1 unlt-2 br Jn(', $3.100 yr. Full price, $27.000. Low dn. It terma. 3 Building Lots "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS Commercial Bldgs. HEART OF BALBOA Stor,. 11n R·4 ON WALLACE ST. paved and curbed. UUllttu In. Ea. Jot Mx· 135. Mu11t be &Old to~ether. Low c&11h price tor all 3 i. ",1100. Eve. Into. Seymour Har. 112H·W Houston Realty and Associates r>Oll Center, Coeta Mua LI 8·T7H LI a-een APARTMENT H6TEL $2'l.500. DOWN . Top year round BaJboa JocaUon. Groaa income potentiality exceed• Sl 7,500 yearly, ",th a net oper- ating income In excess of 10' r . 0200 aq. ft. living area. all in lst cfaaa condition & beautifully furnish· ed. Total pnce $8!5.000. Exclusl\'e •i th-- Gre·enleaf-Severts Realtv YOUR OPPORTUNITY 3112 Newport Bl., Npt. Bch. Har. 2551 4ev('tll. Lt 8-3188 nna IS IT! lde&l SocaUon. CIOM -- to 1toru. AttractJn older 3 br. redwood cottage. Excell. con· dltlon. OwMr Ill. muat leaYe ana .Convenient term•. Harbor l'>IM. Harbor 98i ri3c~5 BACK BAY ?lfEARLY =--Ew 3 bdrm. home. tenoed yd . nl~ lawn, Iota of Uk tntfrktr painted • w'1lpa.Pffed. dbl" Jar . l•rire kltchtn. 111,!IOO. I W:l~l Or;ch\.I Suta .Ana Hta Llb<,t'ty •·t11~ 64p67 FIRST TIME OFFERED 310_ Larluipur .. Cor<>na del Mar One of the very choice propertiee -0Y.'Der'I home, PLUS one 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm.. .nd a bachelor apt. All have ·garb. dl1p., fana, six 24-ft. garagee plua storeroom Ii laundry rm. 80xl18 ft. fenced lot. quiet at.reel. 2 blka. from the flneet beach in all of Call!ornla.. E Z term.a. Shown by app't. Exclu.sive with -G. H. LA ntROP 363!5 wt Cout High••a);., Corona del MV Harbor :W42-Evt1.~ll-J , 3 rt"nt11l11, Sl8.500 .. S-4 000 down TWO •tnru . II nntaJ11, $4:>,00Q your terms. LET t.:I LOCATE FoR YOt:: The Locator of Calif. (1()7 £ut Balboa Dlvd .• Ball>r11' Harbor JGoe t>Jr:,:, . Newport Heights T\\'O LOT~. N!rnn ~""'"" Ii.caw r. A.tt.rac11\·e p 111 e RpN·ulal'lr .,111 malce mnney on th1.1. SPECIAL RIOH t>UERT Lmpro.-.d ~,...,. , homeeltu, at &&4r1t1ce pr1c.a. All uUllll-. No u.eMlntft\a. Term• TUOC.\ NOW:A. l\ANCR08 )f~ll Bltlr. Tuoca Vall.7. O&lltonLla .....,., IOI. ...., • .. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Coa.st Hwy., Newport Bea.ch U . 8-M81 Lido Income Four aingle bedroom and one two bedroom unit.a. Thls is one of the very few money makers on Udo Island. Only $!59,500. Excellent terms: ·eau Gloria Gardner. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialist)' Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 Owner Set Buy Owner eea make offeT Owner .u will take $100 month' peymtnt Owner.., ... t.b.la cute Utt.le hoUM Pleue uJk t:S> him u he LI. anxfou. and will u.ta t4 low down payment. Call him evellinp Har. aaet - •' .'{ -' I .. . \ . PAGE 1 . PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, M"Y 21, 1955 , .. ''IONNll.' llAGLI 'LOST IY AIELL$ I Nancy Let-Al>f'll, t l. d•ugh· I ter or tht J ohn Abell• O( 2~92 VIAi& Drlvt . h•• bt'.-n a aa1l hlllt ch I alnl'f' Bonnie, I'• r ptl twoglt, lllaepp.>arf'd rrom Balboa Bay Shuru Thur.d11 y nJfht Bonnie, 1t tpay .. J rem1&1 .. With dtlch;mml brown colu1 •ni.: 1 • cxrttpl r ur 11 wh1 lt" r heat, ""'" "ea111111 14 '"\I l'<•llar when Nancy 111111 M W her Nsncy'• falht-r would be m ON' lhlln i:r&lf'l ul f11r th(' return of hH pet. Her phone number ·~ 1..1 ·-~386. .. NO CAPS? Shenick Pleads Guilty on Lido Isle, Burglary . Charge SANTA ANA. (QCNSI -Ae-1 lhrff rounl• uuln~ lhl')" &If' 1lt11• n 1'M'd of kt.lnapptnc. robbery. bur· nllMi•··I Hf' ,_ heol<I 1n SlO 000 b111I. glary ..nd auault with a <lf'lldly 8hnr1<·k an.I \\'1lhau1 ,.. A lh .-.I, ... · .. apon Lincoln A. 8~rrlck. 34. of :SO. 1\1.!IO of 1.r, C11n111l 1. "'"',. 1111••1· l.& Cllna!1a l"nday entered a ,.Wily ea 11Ctl'r th.•y 111111-1•'1ly \l'rro11J,..t plea on tiuratarr and aued Cor & thr Lido !all' houath•tl<I nf Alrc1art proba11on htafllng before plea1lln11 f'u l'rel'1d1>nl Ax1" O~r. 11n tht• othn lhrl'fl chargl!s AllreJ '"l"'rt.,JI)· 1oh1>l Xe"'l"" t SuV<'rlor Court Judte Juhn SM& Offil"l'r W1Jtlam Ttlbtlt In thr hall\! ll<'t'•'Ptf'd lbf' plea on flnit degret' u th11 lat\11 frle>J to halt th .. l••b· buq::lary and aet a probauon he&!:· bery which occurrt'tl Aprll 17. ('uh, 1ng for Junl' 3. At that lime. Shf'r-, a d1111min1I r11111. 1llAmon,1 111•11\r h rltk wm enter pll'U on the nthf'r Wl'rl' amonit th•• trot t11k•n In the ON'r holllf' robbery . Local Builder . Three Men to Face Grand · Theft Charges Shl'rrlrk. a put conttollrr. "u quoted u tPlllnir U1vld Cttt!1u, who wu •~lcned by th• <'0111 t to exan11nt1 him. hf' had horJ the wnllhy Lido lndu1tr1allat <'lrr1td H 0.000 In a monty l>f'll ShnrlC'k alltcedly plannt'd lht robbt'ry. The lloctor found 8htrrlek not to ba lnaant . Use Toy Gun KennPlh P. St·hm1dt. a !'o;ewport Harbnr and P1sade na buDdln( con-• R bb trartor. (ar u Superior Court trtaJ nn ~Nlnd lhdt chargu lnvolvlnc 1n 0 erv ht1 handhnr of fund• ill connection I with a Monttrey Park tract de'ff- Allrf'd wu arcu ... d by poll<'• of brea111nc Into the Oler hom• In lh• euly mom lnl' and holdln« Mr. and Mn. 0Mr at bay wtth a pn. MORE HIGH SCHOOL HOPEFULS - BANTA AN A IOCNS) -Three men Who Ukd a toy 111n an<1 pr1>y- •d on hltchhfklng.prange County service men Frid~ w..r• hl\nd~d term• bf-hind bar1 by Suptrlor Court JudgP John Shell. Thl'y were tint n.bbed in Newport Buch. lopml'nt. Schmidt. who rave bl• addru11 u the B&lboa Bay Club, will ~arratrned on Jun• 22. Pua- dena Municipal Court J udge Joe.• eph Sprankle wlll rule June 1 on how many counUI Schmidt muat an1wu In luperlor Court. DeMolays Make Catalina Cruise Aboard Vida II H«ace Enaign School Grade 8 H, taught by Mr. Alfred O'Leary, appean above in.this order: Top row-Thomu Brickner, Margaret Fruehan, Albert Newman, Diana Fiaher, Bruce (Bob) Ballinger, Jou Reed, Bil.Jy Johnson, Lorr.me Cuthbert, Howard Gilstrap. !econd row: Kathy Romberger, Mike Stewart, Elizabeth Ware, Richard Moore, Linda Lee, Merl• Yamer, Larry Harper, Jim Har· rold, Lucinda Koc~. Third row: John Haskell, Whitney ' Baines, David Glb8on, Kitty Clune, Jim Winterbotham, Su.ean Huffman, John Cock, Rosa Godines, BHly Hoyum. Lut row1 O'Leary, left and Ellwood Todd, right. Maurice Max Cat"'· 22, of Ar· tesla. 11J1d Rich.a.rd Tttomp110n, 19. 1 a Camp Pendleton Marin~. wue ordered lo pri10n for the trrQ'l preacribed by law. CHAMBER FORECASTS POPULATION PEAK IN ORANGE COUNTY BY 1970 ' RobertsOll Tells of Radio Theft Alex Robert.aon, 1508 8. Bay Jl'ront, Balboa laland, reported to Newport Beach Police l'rlday that aomeone had entered hla bom• add atolen an RCA port&bla radio. Thuraday and I p.m. Friday, 10me- one took the radio, valued at $50 from ha houae. Police re-ported tbe home ahowed no 1lrn of forc- ed t'.i'ltry. California bu four national packa and elrht national monu- ment•. a ccordtnr to the Automo- bUe Club. ·Gary Date Cook. 11. at10 or Camp Pendleton rec:•lnd •Ix monlha In county jail. The trio wu arruted by New· port ~&eh police on CoHt High· way alter they had plckt"d up a couple of ll&llon and forcibly rob- bed them. The threeaome had two (1rla In the car when they were apprehend· ed. One wa.a Oaylen 16, wife of the defendant Cate.a. Cndllnc a 2· mont.h-<>ld baby t.n her a.rm• ahe Maximum of 1,360,000 0.pencls on 'Boom' Status, Report Says , twport Beach. H 0.17S.t1: and O&rden Grov., $79,134.18. Robertaon told police that be· ~n tM houn of f :SO p.m. IANTA ANA IOCNS) -If Or- anc-Co1inty contlnuea to boom u It' hu the put nve yea re it will re~h a mulmum of 1,3&0,000 ln 11170. Thi• wu the prediction Tttun· day In an Orange County prog'l'eaa report. compiled mainly by Cecll Dunn and releaaed Ulroujl'h the Aa· 80CIAted Chamber• of Commerce. Jt fa a 11upplcment to an earlier 1Urvey. E1llmate1 Included maximum population ot :140,000 tn 1960, &net 880,000 In 1965. F.atlmatu were bued 11trlclly on a projection of «TOWth rate of lhl' pAllt flVI yeara and c&J'l't ~ regarded u a aupport• able e«llmatt, the report explained. !0-YEAR LAO During the 19S0-19ll0 puilod, Or- ange County lafl'td bebtnd popu· 1atlon perrentage lncrea•u on the • at&t.e tent. During that •pan the atate lnc~uf'd 10.688,000 pttllOllS. a hike of 88.:1 per ct'nt. Meanwhile, Orange County'• population wu mounting to 218.- 000 or an lnc~ue ovtr 1930 of 12.2 ~r ee~t. The picture &ner 1950 changed. llowever. Since 19:1<>. o.-.nge Coun· ty hall 11hal"l'd In the gTOwth ti\• nux of the Soulhlanct. In fact, the oounty h1111 1mrpa~efl all other Bouthern California t'ountlu. Thus over the 1030 lo 19M span. Oran1t,. County• population 110ared by 192 pt'r rf'nt whllt the l!tate'a lncreued 1:!8 pl'r ctnt. POPt'l.ATIOS Jt!!'fP In 1930 Orange County ahowed • JX1p11l11t1on or 111.000. The .. u. mate Jl\Jn. J , JOf\f\. wu 348.000. Th11 n port 11howed f'Vldenc• of 'It ahift nt bullden ' lnterut from On.ng-f' County to the Pomona Val- ~y and Wl'~tem portlona or Rlnr- alde &Ild San ~rnllr'1lno CounUn ~cau~ or the relatively towft' prtcu ot aubdlvi.a1on Land. n<fuaTrTir c'levtl~JllTn1llt1'tarfOOd trllflsport11 lion wrr·.. elttd aa l ll• atrong-nt !orcu bf'hind lh• coun- ty'• ateady 11TOwth. Spectal cenaua reporta alnoe ltllO )lave been made by the followtnc:. ~lrll. 30.059: Brea. 6292: La Habra. ~62: Sl\nta All&. 69.010: Jl'ullerton. 27.~8; Runt I ng ton Beach, ~7t: Newport Beach 17.· 307: TUatln. 1381: Oran,... 12.483: and San Clementi', 443~. County 11Chool f'nrol.Jment wu Jl1ted a t 87,,83 In ttwi y•ar ~ c1nn1nr Oct. 191'14. an tncN'Ue of 10.809 over th" aame period ln 19M. Hunlln~ton Beach haa the low· eat tu rate, •f\.03 per 'JOO or a .. 1te1Hd valu1ttlon. Ttte baalc county tu n.te eu~nUy la 11.24. ToW taxn Include dlatr1ct UMHm•nta tor .choollf. llthllng. remetery, har- bor. flood control and olhl'rt. TAX RATE RA.NOE An11ht1m·~ tax rate rangn from $3.31 to S6 29: Bl'f'a. J~.91 to S8 34: Buena P1uk. '8 2!) to $7.34: eo.ta M-. $:162 to 18 22 : P'ullerton. $:1.92 t o se 34: Lapna Beach. $G.S3 to $3.«; ~ Habra, J8.31 lo M.12 Newport Beach, ,:1.21 to MM: Orance. $:1.81 to ,:1.82; P la- cenUa., ,:1.7~ to M .08; San Cle- mente, $3.78 to 18.88: Santa Ana, '8.l t to M .81; Seat Beach, 18.24 ud M .24: Tuetin, S:l..60 and ,~.:IO. S&11ta Arra led lut year tn pc:Mlt.al recetpta at SM:S.§4.38, tralled by FulJerloft a.t '178:9415.18; Ana.helm, lU,822.:19; Costa Me ... '145,971.- 94; Laguna Beach, ,9:1,9:1<>.U : . Mesa Employees Get New Raises; 6 Jobs Added Coet.a w-City Couacil Monday nlg:bt created aix n8W po9lUona for city employee.a and pve aalaf'y adjuatmenta to e ifht preaent em- ployee.a baaed on. the dty'a aalary ranee covering a tb~e-year period. The adjuatmenta ro lnto effect Jilly 1. • City ~r Oeorp Cof!ey an· nounced the aalary , a.djuatmenta pn the city employeee affected an approxlm.ate :I per cent wagl' lncreaae. Undef' the Costa Mua aatary range, 1tartlng ll&larlu run from '200 to '84S tor the ffrat 11lx inontha of employment. from S211 to '889 for the aecond atx month•. $221 to 1940 tor the next yesr. from $233 to '992 for the followtnr • year, and ma.xlmum d larlea range from '248 to 11<>48 attn three Je&n . One atep &4vancea iA uJary range were &1ven to Pollet Chier Art McKens1e. hla •rgeante and petrolmeo; 1'lac&J Officer Ray Hart&ler, Secretary Mr•. Tom Murray, Stenognpher Klar 8ybr.J Lew1a, Building Official A. J. Vol1 • and Street Foreman Chuck Helter. 'nte ~. new poelUofta. Coffey .&Ta. wtre uta1)1Jil\ell trtbe cttY• eeonomic atatu.e ahould.ju1tHy ad· dlUon&l em;>loyeeL "It will depend on the budget whtther theae 11er- '11cea can be ere&tad,'' Ooffty r«· ported. I Tbe n.., poelUoM include tabor· er, enpneer clerk. truclc drivt r. bookk"Plnl machine opeT"a.tor and planning technician. Costa Mesa Woman lreports .... Tlteft ·' A purae theft wu reported to Coat& Meaa poUce y .. teroay mom· Inf, 1 a.m. by Audrey P'rancu Gemmell, 3:1. 201' Republic A vt .. who claimed eomeone atole htr purae while ah• wu In th• Sham· rock Cafe. The purM, OODt&inin&' •1~ and car keya, wu IJfted from the bu or the I.ad.lea' ~at room, abe told police. ln...Upting-otncl'ra found htr pul'9e out.ajde the ca.le, hlddeo behlnd aome 9hn.lt.. and m lnua tht '10. NothJJlc el.ee luld been ta.ktn from the pww. Couple Awarded S3200 in Riethmuller Estate Suit SA..°'"TA ANA (0CN8) -IU· J"rior Court JudJ• John ShM • Tlluradav awarded • •Uoo Jud~­ ment a ili11111t the eata.t• of the lat• P'Ather M. Rlt lhmuller ot NeW)lort )leach. .Plaintiff Harry O. Hall wu stwn 12700 an.1 co-platnUtf Kr& OnN' Hall, UOO. leach llC)Ultlt didn't °"9 the Halla a.ny money. H&ll ... rtedly had been enpged to ma.nap Ute bultneaa of the de- oedant aftw the woman·• 90fl.. Leo. t.c-ame botl>ltallaed In lt~2. Mn. R&ll allefedly at«ed lnt.o an~\ too...-... th• Reith• muller~ 1tur.e aad other emp.lo,..... MagnifiCendg Alive in looks Only cor in it1 field with Body by Fi1her Yoa can't get any more lite tn automobile atylin& tb&D Chevrolet's "Body by Fisher." lbese three words say all the nice, reassuring ~p that can be &aid about automobile bodiea. Thia year's bood- high ventilation. which mean.a cleaner, fresbef air, is an important a.ad exc1"'"'8 fe.atme. Alive ·;n power A new VB and two new Six•• reach new '1ig'11 in '1orsepower and performance You certainly want life in your engine. And with the choice of power-thrillers that Chevrolet offers you this year, you'Ye got what it takea to carry yo11 into a whole new world of motoring confidence and pleuure. How aboot trying one of our V8'a aooo7 We warn you-it'a a date that leads to Jowl SALES LIADER FOR 19 STRAIGHT YEARS The bulldtnr contractor la cha.rs· ed with U counta of IT&ftcl theft and two counta or violatinc the corportt• eecurlUea act. broke down ift uncontrollable aob• whf'n th• judr• tor e her huati.nd trom htr tor the term preacrlbed by law. There wu no ch&rJf aralnat th• (1rla. The defendant.a. accordinJ lo lh• probation deputment. admitted thru other 1tron1 armed robbe.rlN ot hltc.ktnr ttl"'riee ~I alonr eo.at Hl1bway. Coo)( cot oft w1t.b tM county jail 11entence, Jude-Shea a&ld, ba· c&UM of hla rood put record&. r ourtttn DeNolaya wer• ru•l• of Dean Campbell In a cn1I• t• C&t.a.llna laland l&1t Saturday &• board Campbell'• boat Vida 11. Th• r roup enjoyed apear f1ah- lnr. blcycl• rtdu, r1du on th• "autoetlH," and walcbed lb• warm up prellmlnartu tM lunday'a moton:yc)e ra.cea. Thoee maJdnr the trip were P'rank Otucow, O.n-y Klnatalher, Terry Dalla.a, Eupn• AlmOftd, Oeo~e Palmer, Gene McC&adllah. Bruce Nickole. Dick carter, Skip P'reety, Tom Nlquett•. l'.d .Ander• aon, ICarl Ouatkey, T"ed Melcllar, T-4 nab, a. Xiutather a.nd cam,..· bell. Alive in features Never found on a car ol C'1evrolet' 1 price &elore Anti-dive braking that meant f>ead..up atopping- your Chevrolet doesn't curtsy when you pt1t' on the brakes. 12-volt electricaJ system deliven twice the punch. Ball-Race lt.eeriog makes steering and park· ing .easier. But ti)' tbeae thinp fot younelt. Let ua arranae a demoDJtration IOOO. ~--~.._.... ......... ,, .. " ....... ,... .. ,ll .... Mldll .... - C~ h llt. H .,... llh, -4 •t-.. .,..,., ....._ ClleMet -· .,...11 -e .. _II .. .... ....... --.. ........... 1 · ••too. Thr H1tll• <"lalmed they perform· •d ffrvlcu fof' UM ~t for whlr'°h thf'~' hadn't bffn pe.ld. Tttelr ('ltlm11 lultl t>Hn r?j~ttd, accord· IJIJ ( I thl' t..1•mrl.alnt TM ReJt.bmulltt Nlate llated penonal pro.,.ny worth '180.000. w1Ull an •Unlattd $10.000 )'UJ'IY IDcOm~. lmprow•d and untmpro'·~ lnta In Newport 8MC'h and a IA• Ani:t>l l'a hnttl ~ were lnduJ ad ln the Htale. MILLER_ CHEVROUT COMPANY Tbe der;-e. &rl"ed lb• Mt.ate • 1000 West Copt Hitll-r NEWPORT IEACH .. ... \ • •