HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-26 - Newport Balboa Press(8th YEAR -NUMBER 2:s BIG AUDIE"CE FOR SATURDAY· REGA TT A SEEN An expectt'd 20.000 onlook- er11 will jam Newport Harbor Saturday for the Fifth Annual Intercollegiate Rowing-Re· gatta over the North Udo Chllnnel course. Requeets for po1lt1ona 1n ~e 1pectator boat line has rn.ch· f'ct 11n all-time high. Regatta Dlr,.ctor Hay Langenheim re- Vt'aled tod11y. Theo U. S. Naval Acadt'my eight will be favor- ed to defend thl'lr 19M West, I'm Sprint ChamploMhlp. \Set' Sports Page for details) The Newport Hubor Rf!· ~atta Committee hllll ann<ftl.nc- ed the channtl will be· cloetd to aH boala from 10 &.m. to 3 p.m .. Satur<lay by dlrecUon of the U.S. Coa~t Guard and the Newport Harbor patrol. NEW HONOR Press ~ory Wins Matrix Table Award HARBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ"ORmA. THURSDAY, KAY 26, l9M PHONE HARBOR 1818 FIVE CENTS -., UPP·ER BAY ANNEXED- TO NEWPORT BEACH! RECORD _ CITY BUDGET PRESENTED COUNCIL Salaries~ Promotions, CClpltal Outlay Ups Costs by $306,839 By GF.oROE REASONS .. Secretary of Stat~ -Gives Certification to Project , The vut reach~ of Upj,er Newport Bay today were of. ficially "inside" this city, following certification of the Sec· retary of State in Sacramento of the ~nt annu.ation or- dinance. It adds 1800 a.cres to thia city. When I\ p. m., yeeterday-dead-1trtp acroea th• Upper Ba7 Jut line tor the county'" 11ult to block month. Tiie move WU ma.de upen. the &nnex11lion-pa.~ without a advance tntormaUon from f'lper- complalnt Ming filt'<I. lut obstacle v110r Helns Kai•r to OOllta »- Newport. Beach taxpayers today are faced with a record faclnr succeuful coruolldallon ot ottlclw that the county would bigh budget for. the coming fiscal year but, very likely, will the new territory with the city lltop the Ctty ot Newport 8-eL •pJ>'l.ttl!tly WU cleared. NEW A&EA OEHTD not have to djg deeper in their pockets to pay. it. Auemblyman Earl Stanley's of-Tb• annauUon ot the v a• t This wu revealed when ?'{ew· 1 flee today lnfom1ed the Newa-ru.ch111 ot UI• Upper Bay and ad· porl Bellch City Council met. In • CITY TO U' p PreJlll the aMeitatlon wu ce,..tlfled jolnln&' Irvin•. Company land 11 special l<'t1slon Tuesday to recelvf! by the Secreta.ry of Stele. double& th• 81• ot U\1 City ol the 19~-M budget e1Umatl'. With no ault being tUed aga1rat Newport Beach. 1'111 pocraplUcal The tentative budlet plan pro-annexation, only tiff between the cent.er of the City ot N_,ort PREPARE FOR MEMORIAl. DAY For the second week running, Newport Harbor News-Pru • bu been honored for ti.. achievement.II ln edltonal dt'partment contests- th~ lime 1t'11 an Honorabte Men· lion, <'ommunlty news dlvl1lon of Thell\' Sigma Phi Matrlx Table, tor bf!st new11 story. The New1- Pre1a wu the only Oran.ge Coun- ty new1paper to be llO honored. vtdu tor a total outlay of 12',078,-EMPLOYEES' city and Orante County Supervt... Buch will now fall la 'Ole c..Uer 171.81 u compared with lut or• appanntly 111 the latt.er'a re- of the propoaed hip br1d61 aerou year's budret ot $1,771,332.M. Tbla cent ruolutlon. lnlormlnr the city. th• Upper J(lay. City, count.J, Ir- 1:3061n08319n.cree.ae over l_ut year of SALARIES the county will ope~e Nf!WJ)Ort vine Co., and 11t&te hl(hway ottl• _ Tribute to Newport Harbor's war dead is paid by local residents who served in various branches of the armed !orces and members of military service groups. Old Glory is raised to the top of the flagpole in front of the Newport Beach City Hall by American A Legion member Wh!t Helms who served with the Navy in World Wars I and II while' Gerald Noland, rear left, senior vice.commander of Costa Mesa VFW Post 3536 and a master serg<'ant stationed at the Marine base at El Toro, acts as color guard. At salute are from left. Gerald McRae, Eagle Seoul, Post 666; Mrs. Ralph Bonds. president of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 291: Mrs. C~rl Smith Jr., who served aa second class WA\i'.B stor~keeper in World War II ; Don Munson, former U. S. Army techni- cal sergeant. and Ralph Bonds, former Marine sergeant. In front, Frank D. Moore ill and Michelle Munson read the inscription at the base of the flagpole dedicated to the memory of Newport Harbor men who served in World Wars I and II. -Sta.ff Photo ' . T he award cllme to Ben Reddlck. publl11her ot lhe New .. Preu, who has received mention before by Malrlx Table &ward judgea for ha news wrtllng. The awards were made Friday night at the annual hanqu1>t In .Knickerbocker Hotel, Hollywood. WUltam R. Powell. chairman of Loe Aqelu Nm· • Harbor. clala have ~reed upon UI• loe&Uoa AccordlnC"to City Man&ger J ohn and aliCN',1ent. J. Sallora who l.1 charged with pre· NO 8E88ION SET Tba annexation will add about paratlor o! the budget estlmatf!, A "peace. plpe-smok!nl" aeulon S eq. ml. to Newport 8-ch, almOllt the lncreue will not require ma-Sffk 6.5°/o Rise between the 1upervl.8or1 and coun-doubllnr the at.. of the dl)'. Tiie jor addiUon1 to the present tax ell to date mu. not been heid, the weeum boundary ot the Upper rate. . With New 7-Step 12 members Involved ao tar not Bay annuatton nana penJ.lel to Sailor's analysl1 of uUmatl!'d re-Promotion Plan being able to 11t down In prtvate the eut.erly city limit. ot Coet& venue for the comln&' yNr, plua eeulon becaWle of vartou11 commit-Miiia with a IC)O.tL butter Ill.rip.. tund balance• on band, LI $2,690.-ments. •par&Unc th• dtl.... TM line &87 • .Thia lll mom t.b&n-the tot.Al RellUlu of the l'tlClft\Jy eomplet-Inlti&t.ore of altMxatlon J>l'OCMd• COllU._ &&one lrtYM Aff. from propo.ed budret out.lay and would ed J. L.. J aeoba survey and analyele Ing• for Upper Bay were J:dwtn Uth to 21.at lta. J'rom UMre the leave a balance of S612,4H at the ot the city personnel ay.Um w•re Mun.y and Oeorre BO'-&' ll, both boundaty prooeeda alonr I~e end of th• ttecal year In June, preeented to Ctty Council In ordin-of whom own ahall acreac .. ..S.. Ave. to Maaa Drive. 19~. ·ance form for the t int tlm• Mon-Joinlns the larse. unCS.veloped body IJlland tlouJld&r7 ,.....U.la M- Several ma.Jor cNLn.-1n the ~y nl(ht. and pueed to MCOnd ot water. Tbe Irvine Co.. major Drt•• eut to th• eut bound&.ry propc>Md budret account for tha i'e&dinr. land-owninr ln1:e:reat In th• y· ot Newport Hanor UllJon Blrh LOCAL MAYORS TO COMMEMORATE ~g:.:;,~:.:_~~ llM!~ over 1ut year. Tiie of.dln&nce would r.pe&I UM nd&Uoo, did not prot.eat UM pla. School Dllltl1ct, eut ot the upper MIA&T. CILUIGU preeent "cluaiftcaUon and eal&rJ How.ver, Colt.a MMa City Coun-pe.rallel wlth Jil&c.Arthur Blvd .• A propoiied cha.n&'e in thf! 181&.ry p.lan" and rapla~ It with a new ell pUMd a reaolulion ol lntloUOll bait •&¥ llet1"ml the Upper Bey and claalncaUon plan n.ow u.ed plan to equal ware• rece.lved tn to &nnex an a pproximate dO-ecn and lbc.Art!mr m9'd. VETERANS MEMORIAL UNVEILING ~~~~·~~~;§;§. by th• City, It paaaed, will In· prtvat.e bu1lnta and induetry. cn11.e the budget by $43.000. The ordlnan~ would provide aal- Promotlona and lncretlaed pt>reon-ary Increases to city employeh nel In city aen'ice provide an ad-t otaJlnr 164,000 annually-a 6:~ dlUonal lncrea.M of around 170.-per cent lncreue, a new Hven-1tep 000. Speel&I project., capital out-promotion plan baaed entirely on lay, &dd.IUoru to tlnd U11et.a and longevity and a vacation of at material and supply lncru.MS ltut 1~ con1ecuUve day• tor every Judge Hands Attacker Jail Sentence Before Probation Festivities to Memorial Day Include Plaque Dedications Th e mayors of ::-:1•w1>t•rl Be11d1. Toastmiu<lPr :-:o. JOH . "'Ill OP"" Cll1<ta ,\1.-i;i1. L •i:llrm 13•'"' h un•l ! the <lf'da·11U nn program al 11 11 01., Hunlin~:"•n 11••" h will J.:>tlh,•1· w1 h 11, nrn~ll•r n( l't'Jl•mo\11Ps. ~olulstll I't'PI •'•t'nl a1 I\'\" !111111 11v('r ~111 v..t -I ("r I hf' fll'o~r11m will be Mrs L. •r An untl 11• 1 ''"'" "' i:anizri11un• 11l I!. \'1 .. 11'41~· T•n1Jghtl,r'I ••f The th·· H ill bHf l'!··~t Mr111111111l l'IU k . I A mr111·11n Hc\'illllttOn, Al ht' I L Hay M11v .1n tn '"n1n1 .. 111•'r11t ,. th·· 1111-1 M11lot1~ .11nd tAJwln Grec>nc>. Vf'tlin~ .. r th•' \:t'l,.1 ani1 )1••111on10I 1 ""' umpe111.~t ror the snlo1sts will SIX r1·1r111<'~ Will hr 1ll''lH'Bl rd Al 11" Mr•. Haul Oi•ll. :'\rwpnrl Har· thc-p,1\ It,. 111 " pnl• :.1 .. 111rn 1nl '"'" 7,o1n1a Cluh. 011~·, IH' th'.' A ~lll rlt·~n Lt>U•"11• \'o l•I Af:• r l hl' P it 11!!1' Of Allt•1-;innce r ran" ••f "'''''l!(n \\ "'~· ''"'""rnn a nrl p,.,.11111: rir t '1Jl•11 '< ha''" h•·f'n \'el ••11rn~ pf . \\'111 I.I \\•II' 11 111:<-I Jlf't"formell. Rev. Gt'11rgp J . r ar- e bl1•1! J\nwrl< an Vl't1•111n-. l\l tl11111y 111\1\N-SU!C, or 0 11r L111!1· of :.11 t'Rr- Ordl"I' •·r ""' r 1•' Hi•a t t •ln•I Mill-11101 f''tlhC1lic Chun:h ·will "'"" the ta~· 01 ""' .. r \\'nr l<I \\'11 r11. '"''O•'~tion. . L• .. c i• '" t it t 1C1'tl" }Ft,.,. r•·r••t\'('d cont 1rnm l 11111 A :l·111 50 ~!k '.!l! i:-un \\'unl11 or J!l'P<·ttng lo Lh<' rlNlira- w lll b·· In oll•' I by LhP l 'n•h"I St.1trs t11m ,::alhenng will b1• 1;1v1·n by ?\·1n 11 s11 I'.''"'"· l,1)111' lh•i11 h. for Mayor" r>111 a Hill. City o< .:'\rw port u st> 111 thr vt'l<'raos' ~·· .. Linn <ir the BN<t h; t'll111e :'\t>l!;(.>n, C'll1· o! C"os- n1e111111 ttl pn1k. 111\ ~l,..1111: J Jo~111nk \\'h11 11011. ('1ty 'l r\~Tt:lt f'Y.l!Y,)10-"lt::-. , ,,f U..:11na RNt1 h. Rl•Y !'i'itbt 1dge. n il\'111 J. (ja1d1wr. Hathnr lll'Pfl City 111 H tmt1ni;:-tnn Bt•nrh. :<nd \\'11- CENSUS TAKER ~S NEWPORT COU!\'T-Spe· dal ee.n.su1 enumerator, Mrs. Marjorie Stipp, 2592 Fair- way Drive, Costa Men. llarted her rounds today in the head ('ount in which .Newport ia expected to reach a population figure of 20.oOO. Bcing intemewed i9 Mn. Allen L. Grupe. left, 1503 Haven St.. and her d.aughtt>r Debbie, right front. Little Paul& William•. a neighbor. looks on. -Stat! Photo li11 Warner. chairman of the boerd winning for MJ'll. Winifred Barbre, women's editor, the top awards of aupervl11or11. for best women'• dtpartment, Tlw R<>v. Edwin C. Gomke. Co-weekllell, best women'• depart· rona. dPl Ma r Community Congre-mt>nt, seml-weekllei. gallonal Church, will deliver a R<'ddlc:k".i newi irtory wu print· Memorial Day address. Formal ed ln the May '· 19M la11Ue and rle<llcatlo.n or the s-lx plaque• will depicted the ruin which UH ot then he •made. ,,Edward \-\'. Bra-narcotic11 brought an 18-yea.r-old num, ~ommander for Che Depart· Hawthorne huaband· and father. ment or California AMVETS will The .youth, Kenneth E. Beltz, wu pre!lent tile dedication addres!'.I and apprehended through concentrated WilllRm H. Bannlslt>r, past chap-c-ffort of Newport Beach, H untlng- laln for the DepllrU"?ent or C"~ll-ton Bearh. Hawthorne police and fornla American Legion, will give Orange County Sheriff's otflcera. account for the remainder. clty •mployee and 21 days tor SANTA ANA IOC'NS) _ lu· In his budgf!t meuage, Sallora tho1e "1th HI years service. perlor Court Judge Robert Oard· revealed that revenue from the UNlFORM ALWW ANCE ner yeaterday altl'rnoon chanpd 11Ubmer_ged land oU development 11 Additionally, the or d I n an c e h1a dllPollltlon of the cu e of con· lncrea.smiJ' rapidly. Ha estim':te would provide an all~wance of 16 vlcted attacker Robert Georp tor lbe 19~~-~ Income from thla a month 'lo membt'r11 of the poll<'e ·Rule. 22 ot 9a9 Pruldent St., Co1-eour<'e 111 1150,000. "This revenue and fire departments for uniforms t M ' a.Mures found• tor the city's 11hare. and uniform upkeep. • en . of the Upper Bay development and Jt paued, the salary lncreuea Judge Ga rdner yesterday mom- coatlaaed oD Pare 1 eoaU•ued OD Pace 1 lng sentenced Rule to a year tn lhe llP<llcation prnyer. Reddkk !!Cored & two-county ecoop l'LAQl'F.i;I PKt:SESTEI> I with th!' narcoUce story, thereby . Pre:ientlng lh<' pl.aq~e:~ for the giving Orange County New11 Ser- suc: veterans organizations will be vkP then In lt3 f lr1t weeks of Commandel" Don Mun&ll) and eervfct, a real "bf!at" over non TRAILER PARK CLOSING county jail. On check lnr into the penal code the judge found a straight ja11 sentence would be putting the crime In a mllldemea.nor category. Thl1 11 lmpo1111lble under the code. ~~~::n~;rE~:;~:£~~~ member• of th• eervtce. REQUESTED 0. F ~~~~. ~;~~ .. t~~:p~~~t ~5h;:,1c~O!~ New Seannict COUNCIL The judge had his choice o! put· . Ung Rule on probation or send· lng him to lhe penitentiary. He took the former. MeAA, Veterans of Foreii,,'11 Wars. ..,.._ Commander Ge.irge • Schwind. Ridderhof Says Closed Park Will Mean Increased Taxes Onrden' GrovP Post No. 10 and Anlliexat·1on Chaplain Otto Kut>hn, Jack Fisher 111 • Chaptt>r l'\o. 23. S&nta Ana. Amer- ican Vet1•raM or World War IT: N u d CommAnder V . \'. Lawson e.nd ow n erway An overflow crowd, many .of t Ed k ealy requuted 1ome action Chaplam Ollo KuPhn, Ja<'k Fi11hPr whom expected to IJ'et quick action bf! taken aoon. He aald, "we know Chapt1:r ~o. 23, ~:inta Ana. Dis· A-ntw requellt. for annexation on tht .M.unlcillal Trllller Park ~111-Col\ttn~ o~ P~ I 11blerl Anwrican Vt'lc nrn11. bv Seaqui~L area resident.JI wu j pule, tllled U1~ NeW])Of't -&M:h L'<>mmander Gl'orge Ric ketts, Qr. a~ceptecl hv the Newport e.>ach Cit y .Council chamber• Monday N M L b an1te Belt Chapt»r No. 257 and Cltv Co11nr't1 anct rtferrl'rl to t he night only to see the l1111ue refern-d ame n. am Acting Chap lam Armand Obt>rltn, pla~nlng cnmmill!lon M 0 n d • y back to City Manager John Sall- Sanla Ana, MUitar·y Orc.Jer o! night. ors for further 1tudy. I H d LICA Purplr H••;irt: C'ommandi•r Col. H. Th<' orea lovolvecl ls a1ljacent to Public opinion on the future fate 0 ea D. Squin•11. Orange Count; ~h&p-a pnrccl nnnexert by Newpart of the traller park rieem• lo be ' .ter, Anti tlw Rev. Jam<'s · l<>W· Bearh but lu11t to Cm1la Mes11 In a sh>Jrply divided. Groups both for Lido Isle Community Aasocla · art, M1htary Uril••r of World \'v"ar• tlon·a 19116 annu•J meetlnr Sat· The m••mnrtal pt\)~ram will c .. n. t•uurt acllon last week. ll Is i and o.galnitt the continuation of urday aaw election of Mn. Char. chuJe with "i;annon ""lul,.., Tori-bounded b~· Irvine A\'eo., 16th St .. 1 thiii park have msde appellls to the IH J...amb u president; ·J oe E. H 1 l 1 f ~I'\\ Tustin Aw . and 15th St~ roun<'tl which, as yet. hu made Prelnlno-er. vice • prell'dent and by A lb,. rt · "'11 wy t'f " • • The new · rcque1<l WM containe<I no final decision. " port Harbnr !°'""l Zfil, the bt'nPJ Gene Ro1111 treLIUrtr tor the en· dtcl1t•n fr.,m R;ibl11 l'hilhp R11<f'n-in a petition signed by the follow-HOT LETT!:R suing term. .... ber~ of ~Mt11 Ana r .. m ple Beth mg 19 persons Wlllram W. Sea-In a hotly worded letter addre111-Electlon11 were held In the new- 1 Sholum n l \"rr1tlh Ill SP:t Crum quisl. :-.;ewll W Helm, Harold \.,.'. ed to the City Council and rf!ad at ly remodeled and enlarged Lido sea Sc~ut ~htp "21(1" en<I the Re· Shaw. Wllli_am L. Schus;rr, Jameii the Monday night ml'etlng, F. lale Clubhouse with a buffet lunch- tlrln or t "''"' s. H. F.~Lul'I, 1 homM A. \\ arren, Les I Thom ton Marlin clelmed the pra. eon and l\Ward11 pr.e1entatlon ln the g G .:'\oll. "lherl r:. Mayo. Kenneth I perty "is being fllega.lly renlPd to patio room. CENSUS TAKERS I ro)wJrr:O M11rtan LeGAke!I. l<enneth an 1?Xcl1~lve group from out-or -Roll!l, Mn . Joseph E. Kelm, H Dunn. l..a11 1a Lynch. Mrs. Bf!v-town." Kenneth KJngsley. John Carr, Dun· NEEDED HERE ··1ly ,) B11rd11all. Calvin P. SUI-He urged that the park be dl1-can McAlplne and Col. Alan Mic-~ I well. :'-frs A~1drey M. Cottle. Mrs. continued and asserted that the kle were elected to board m ember- APPLV~ NOW'. . ''· C. Caine. Mrll. Loiio C. Salmane, occupllnts •~not property owners 11hlp. Leon Ware presented a ellver I ' !\!rs. MA.Xlne Rr.>bin110n and Mrs. but alll'nd council meetings and plaque commemorating tbe ac· The spe"'"' cen~ul! rn :-;r"" port began yri;l<'rda.y nn<I ma~· 111ke lnni;rr thl\n anltc1p11t1•ll 1mle!l!I morP Ct'l\"11~ t11 kt'r~ 1'1' n b1' found. Louie!' .r.o·:-.;e1ll. push t hf!lr point of view. In a c101· compllahments of the 191'>4 board. Arconllng lo the request. this Ing pJ,.a. Marlin urgPd the city parr Pl i11 t11nliguo1111 to Newport I to "g-tve us back our beachu." I HARBOR WEATHER Rparh an•l ha!I hten fl l'OpGSt'rt fo~ I Opposing the dlsconttnuanre or annexation lo the Orange County the park !11 the Newport .Beach -------------- Boun<larr C'nn.1ml!111lon. Taxpayer•' A111oci&Uon w h I c h Rule. convicted of a tta.cklnl' a 1:1-year-o)d Anaheim girl lut De· cember, wu returned belor• Judr• ~er at 1:15 p.m . Rule d111led all the way through th• trtal be had committed the aeta with tti. rtrl. H• admitted bf!lnr with her Dee. ao. 115' and conswninr a quantity ot beer. The rtrl contended Rula at.ruck her ln the· face with hl.9 ftlll &nd forced ber to rtve ln to bl• ad• vance11. Thi Judr• put Rw1 • Uuwe year• probatloll. One of the pro- bation oondlUon1 wu tha defen• da.nt .. ,.. a )'Mr ln eountr JM1. A plea by Def. Atty. Jamel Monroe that J\uJa be relea.NCI on an appeal bolld pendlnr Ole lodr- lng of an appeal wu dellSed by Judge Gardner. Tb• J~ pre- vlouely tumed down a bid by Monroe for a n ... t.nal. Rule wu coavlctad· of attack by ~t& At the Mund ! meetm!( T uesday nl@ht, Mayor Doi a H ill announcrcl that lnterf!~l· ~ pe rMnl' ~houl1I apply fo r the Jr1b1 a t the orrlcr ot Mrs. Msxlne Mr Alplne In Ctty H&.U. The po.r<•el i11 Qne left In county claims u111 9( the park property territory following the ccw.trt for a put.Ile beaeti would be ex- llct1on whlrh ct!ded an a.dja.cent I pt>nalve and would deprtv1 the city Sellqulat pucel to Costa MesL I ot revenuea from traller l ... u . Orange County weather tor .. cut-Night and momJnr low clouda through Friday with partial 1 afternoon clear.Ing today and oc· cuslonal drt&.1.11 tonight and l'rt· day. IUT DOCTOR, IT'S SUCH A llG ONI I Jn thl• court action. Superior Tiii• C\-oup, in a .,..:s.uon hffrtnr C'ourt Judge John Shea ruled that 1 4' alrnat\lftll, recommenda the the annexation by N«M"J>Orl Beach property be Improved and cootin\l• wu null and void. ed u & tnJJer pa.rk few th• Um• ------7-,-------------------beln(. ~--ncH Abandons in • :'\ewport dty council action OPPONENT aPSA.&1 '-"" Monda y. At the close ot the council Section• of HiCJhWay Tht 1ecllon. a tiny 1llvtr, at the mMUnr eenral lndlcnant c1t1sen1 Mrner of Beacon and Nfwport aroee and ~ that action be A tlKtton of thr Sl•t' Hli;hw1y -Blvd. wu ruled unnecuaary fol-taken Ol\ the trailer park lMUf. a!IJacent to a parcel of land bl~und· IQwlng the <'ompletlon of the new 1 One cltlHn attacked the council •d by Bearon St., Newport Blvd. fretway. The action wu pueed I for wha t h• called "gfvtnr •-Y and State tllghway ~·u abandoned 1 without obj~Uon. ~bUo propert7 for emall .wna." Newport-Balboa -Cloudy vllt- bWty, air temperature 62. T ............ put ••k la u .. .a.nor -were: Rip Low J"nda.y. M.ay 20 ......... 86 M Saturday. May 21 _ 86 lie Sunday, May 22 --U 117 Monctay, May 23 ....... , 81 · 58 1\teed&y, May 2-4 -·~ 81 67 W•dnuday, May 2:1 .... 64 M T!Nnda7, M.&1 28 -·· 13 l7 Tbat seema to be 7·yeer--0ld J'1 Ann Formanek'11 thought aa Dr. Delbert WarvJic'k prt!pi.ree Co1ta M!•a'1 tint anti-polio lnocuJaUon of tin t 1Lnd llf!con<I grade pupil• In Main School tht. mornlnf. Jo Ann la a aecond rr•d~ 11tudent In Main School 8he'1 the daughll!r of Mr. and Mra. W illiam F ormanek of 112' Oovemor St .. Co1ta Meaa. AMlng In prep1ratlon1 for tlll1 momlng'a lnoculatlon11 wereo Co1ta Ml'la School Nur1e Mr11. Olrtn1de Myen, M.lu Mulln• SW11n10n, Onnttt County Publlo HealUl Nuue, an<I Ml11 Virginia Lappetlto, nuru from Hoar Hoepltal. Thty were u11latell b~ othl'r Harhor Area dodon , nur11e1 and P·T A volunt('erll AA 1tv~r"I hundred youn11t.er11 were to rectlve the Salk va.cclne. -Sta.ff PhotA> l . t I PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, ~~y 26, 1955 GOINGS ON· AT THE BALBOA .BAY £LUB By DAN BAYLESS· ON THE SHOR-T SIDE: Those carpet.era hovering over th& Club's main lobby are adding second-story Qffice 1pa.ce for the accounting and management departments : . . ;pa. cillc Allgelera are doing a bit o! building, too~ Tbey.'..re in· viting members of the· BBC intereated in fiahiilg tQ join their: ranks. The Anglers it.age activitiea 'for the whole family and .hold entertaining dinner meetings once a month. Frank Use- dom of Newport, the Angler secretary, should be contacted for details ... George-Shaw, head of water sport activities at the Club this summer, has a etaff of eight experienced ll!e guards and instructors·to keep things splashing. A high- ly qualified group, the boys hold several national swimming rt>cords among them. One was a participant in the Pan Am- nican gameis at Mexico City. last spring ... The big windows ft'41 along the South side of the main club building are being t rl'aled with a light green coating, It'll absorb the glare of the summer sun, provide an even better view of the magni- ficent Bay ... Big week-end coming up Memorial Day. Mem- b<>rs from all over Southern California have made reserva- t iops, including many ex-collegians who will be rooting their favorite crews home in the Western Sprint Championships. While parents are boating, fishing,. etc., their. c~. ild en will be entertain<'d by Chief Pusa-Ma-Ta-and his buf show. If lhis doesn't make them forget about Davy Cro ett, noth- ing will. • · ON THE GUEST LIST: L . D. Cruaoe of Dearborn, Mich .. executive \'ice-president of the Ford Motor Company's car and truck di\'ision, visited the George Gaud.ins last week-end. The Gaudjns took him on a cruise aboard their big Canim. broU$ht him t o the Club.Tor. ~inner. He was .very impr~ssed with the Newport area ... William Desmond Ryan, the pub- lisher who lisl.8 so many BBC members in his California Reg- ister-Social Bluebook. honeymooned at the Club last week with his bride. the former Monez Parker of Okl!lhoma City ... Meredith Overpeck, columnist for the Los Angeles Her- ald-Express, was also a two-day vacationer. All the homes to be shown on the Delta Gamma tour May 27 are those of BBC members. The trip includes stops at the ~rmuda style residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brokaw on the Pcnninsula bayfront; the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Krieger on Lido Isle, built of bouquet canyon stone ..., and decorat<'d in a far Eastern motif: the spacious provincal home of the William Bauers in Bay ShoEs; and the Chinese modern belonging to Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gundrum of Bay Shores. Funds raised will g:o to a nursey school for blind ba- bies, the Delta Gamma philanthropy ... Also raising money for charity is the Northern Orange County Division of the Children's Home Society. The organization will stage the for- mal Magnolia Ball Friday, June 3. The party is sold out with more than 400 guests expected ... When a birthday party is h eld at the Club, it's standard procedure for the band to play ''Happy Birthday" in honor of the celebrant. Last Saturday night pretty Susan Mangan was honored on her 15th year by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mangan. Like most teen- agers. she wanted no attention called to the fact, and gave h er father i:i1rict instructions to stay from the orchestra leader. He kept his promise-1ie had Irving Watcher do it. Obviously, parents can't be trus~d. NEWSMEN -DISCUSS PLANS Actlvlttu or Kappa Tau Alpha. national fraternity honoring 1cholar11hlp In journallsm. are discussed by Warden Woolard, edltOI' 6! the Los Angeles Examiner, lect: Dr. J oseph A. Bra.ndt, member nr the national council, right, and MIH Phyllis J. Jack.son. Newpol't Harbor ?\ews-Presa. Woolard was tnfU ated Into the UCLA chapter o! the group on May 17 as an honor- • •!Y membt>r. MJe11 Jack.~n w111 •'ttcted as secretary or the chapter tolln~~·tng her tnrtlation u an active member. There are chapters of the tratemlty nn 27 campusee In the nation. Mack Girl Born Fitzgerald loy Born A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mn. J&mea Fitzgerald. 404 Fullerton Ave .. are the proud pa.rent• of & baby boy, born Sun· day, May 22, In Hoag Hospital. Frederick Mtlck, l~r>e Ocean Blvd .. Saturday, May 21, In Hoag Hoa- plt1J. MAKI .us PROVE IT l-r:. Caine "'We II.ave abown lllAIU' a atomobU. drtvU'I liow to Mn money the State Farm way. 1~$ sfv• m lb• opportunltf to prove to you tb• money U\'lnp aclvaata(«'tl of tbe unique dlffereol plan plooee~ b7 State Fann. ,. State Fann Insuranc e eo. BLoo~L~GTOX, 11.L w. l lA••'- U3 E. 17th ~t., Cotta Mtu u 8·1011 ' . REHEARSAL FOR ILACK FLAMINGO Jlm Keeler (left). and Mel Btrry practice dueling teen• from th• Black Flamlng·o. Wome.n's Lealf\le Bt'neftt show, to be preaented May 27 and 28 a.t the Or•nge Cout College Auditorium. I Plan~ing Commission Grants. Several Property Changes .· A rf!C)Uf'•t tor ut.-n11!nn In time by Ur. U&vtd 1. Nlt1"n tor a nve- root front yard Htback WU Jrllfll• ed to make ama.11 dMIJn c:hanrea. TILULEJ( 8AIL!t OK The appllcauon.of J . 8. Ba rrett to operate a tralle.r aa1H Nla b· Several varlsnces t.nd uee per· 1 Ht.back to.r a detached r•raae llahme.nt and ahow room at 220 W. Taxi Regulation Urged by LO}•I Cab Firm Owner m1CA were brought befort-tht 1 wu a pproved. It wu the ttnit Coaat HIJhway wu r rantl'd. Newport Bt<ach P llLl\Illng C'ommta· 1 rear yard vuiance In lhla a rea F'. Robert Vau,.han'1 appllcaUon The nffd for Nl\lultUon ot w t. alon at laat Thursd1y a ml!~ng. and the plan.ntn& bO&rd aald the.re to operate a!\ outdoor &&lea di•· ca b1 ln lh• cil)' will ti. lnve.U...tf'\t An applll~alion by Constirnce wu no a pparent hardship lnvolv· play of pleuure boa ta at 1600 w. by the council tollowllli recelrt • Burham to subdlv1do her prc-perty ed. Cout H11hw1y w 1.1 tJ.1o approved. ot • requN\ trom a eab owner- at 1327 E. Balbna Blvd,, WU IJ)· Appllcatlon Of Courtnt,Y c. Flatt The pennll ot roaepb DiCier to operator tor IOIM eon of eoRtrol. proved by the Board on conrllllon to re-iubdlvl<t. UI• prd'perty ~ remodal an .,uU.Uns •ina'l• t&mily J~ Dkklnaon, owner.and operator that the property <'onrorm to U\e tween 0 Ct'an View Ave., wu ap· dwelllnl' at 30• ftuby Ave .. -wttb a Of a t'ab fll'm 1117 Oout Hlpwa~r, aurvey map u submtttl'd. pro\rw-ty the Boatd. five twt f ront yard tetb&ck an ..t•t-9 ill a lei_t.,. to .th• ctty OOW\• The Board apprqved \he opplt· Applk a tlon of Paul C. Jene• lo a lhrM foot 11paratton betwttn cJI an o.rdln&nc.e lho.uld be pumed t<aUon of-Terry -0. &nnl'll_ to permit a na.1 eetate blackboard dwelllnr 11nd act'euory build~ for tha ~pecltlo control ot t.aa:la...ln have hie property on the Ea.st advertltlng atgn at 2624 Newport wu srantejs. lhe city. New.port Tra~t, Seventh and Hay Blvd., waa ttanted tor Ohe yt'ar The nut meeUnr of the Plan· At preaent, ha claimed, "anyone, A\·e .. n'<'ogn1zrd and used as a duration. nlna board will be held T!luradl.y, re(&l'dlue ol backrround ,aperl• , lt'gal building 111te. l t wu grant· ResardlnJ l-h• pellUon ot 90me June 1e, In the City Council oh.&m· enc:• and cl\araoter. oa.n l't a ll· ed with t.he agreemt'nt to limit M ruldent1 ln Newport Bt'ach ber. cenH t4 operate cabl and the clly bulldlllr to a amsle fa.mlly dwcll· aaklnl' for a resonln1 to buijd c.r Bob De.lton'• nqueat-to waiw .haa no control." t.ns'· port• on front ha.It Of Iott. the ht• appltcatlon tor an otf·1trnt Dlcklnl<>n l\IC,..ted ''an Ordln• A reeotutlon wu adopted to Board adopted a ru olutlon to hold parklnr lot wu approved by the a.nee be adopted llmlUn1 the num• hold hearlngw on ru orunir Lot R ·3 a hea.ring to reetrict car ports to Board. He hu made an a ine· ber of cab1 In relation to publlo to preclude any future owner fl'om rear bait ot Iota. ment with the Lido Center Auto need and convenience" and pro· building a sec(\nd building on the The Board adopted a r .. otutlon Park AHoclatlon for UM of their vldlnf tor a pproval of pereou •P· alte. Area limitation. ln R·3 Or· to bold hearin11 to ame.nd the lot at night. Th• lot W1ll accom-plyln1 l of' llcanML · 1Hnance automatically hmlta prop-City ordinance and permit chlm· modate 711 can, 1ltuated acroaa The oouncll afl""d to t.&ka ttl• erty to •Ingle unit dwellt11g1. ney projection In t ide ya~ to thf! 1treet from bl1 new I Sll0.000 ma tter wider con1lderatlon to df'• The Irvine Co. and Mt.cco Corp. within two feet of aid• yard Une Lido Wharf Rut.aurant and •hop-tterTSlln• It a naed tor N ruJ&Uon appllcatlon to create a yea.r yard but not more than nine feet long. pin& dl1trlct. actually extat.a. , LIDO DRUGS , HARBOR DRUGS BALBOA ·DRUGS "One of the Lido Shope" S301 E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar 718 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboe. 8461 Via Udo, Newport Beach Spetials for Thurs .. Fri .. Sat .. June 26, 27, &.28 graduation gifts Men's ll \\'omeo'a BUXTON WALLETS Men'• It \Vom~n·e PLASTIC WALLETS .. i:vau. American Elclu RONSON pocket "'b""" tihMfer '2 60 from '100 f rom ·4·1· from PEN and PENCIL SETS • 6 7~ Shaefer SNORKEL PENS '815up RCA \"lctrola "t 5" SLIDE 0 MATIC "An Ideal (lfl for rraduatlon·• RCA Deluxe Penooal PORTABLE RADIO New unbreakable "IMPACT"' caee . Whitman's SAMPLER 1 lb. J\111111 Saylor'• . . REMEMBRANCE Brownle 'ilawkeye CAMERA OUTFIT C'nmpll'le with fl&11h attM'h., llb.s200 bo1: '13 65 bnlhtl, fllm SEVENTY FIVE CAMERA ·15_: 7xM, reg. $75.00 BINOCULARS .. , ~A vr.: sio.oo complete - DEVELOPING KIT no: 55 00 '8 911 trom BARBECUE $32.50 ' with boed and decitrto Rotluerte portable, adjultable arlll ..... l>Jed Duok BADMINTON 1111 Two ncketa, 6et.' t ahuttlecoc s419 . . . DECK CHAIR "4-r. St.SO HM\')' .-.aa~.... tubular allamlnum, folds for euy ba.ndll.nJ. Bu1 t for your patio and beach LUNCH AT OUR FOUNTAIN DELICIOUS COFFEE at Our Fountain Any Hour of the Day Your Passport to "Health Your d~tor'• pre1eription ii your pa•por1 to health. It i1 tJ1e pro(ee- 1ioaal obligation of our regiatered pharmaciett to fill it accu11te1y, m- ing only the fine•t. pureet. freebeet drop obtainable. , COSMETICS 8 prlqwood s2so C;,~L~~~!. STICK •uo value ('ara Nome DEODORANT LOTION Ker. •1.00 ESCAPADE PURSE PERFUME F,.... "itll R.l'.' SUO ('oln«ne TOILEm WATER S27!. s3•s holh tor ~1 50 Rublrutll'ln L19UID ROUGE S~lal wllb llplt lA'Long 2 COl,()(1!\T. ~TICK~. TAIV~PIS, JSDJS<.'Rt:T, MIROCCO and BALAl.AJKA • IWJ. 1%.fMI sWiMTTRUNKS $249 Wrinkle IShC'd Fabrl!', rNt, yrllow, blue l'he<'k J>ure Gum SWIM FINS Kt raw BEACH MATS l'IN! u patio .-had" FOR GRADt:ATJOs 0 1n : Bl'ZZA CARDOZA CARDS ,,-;,m . 5c .·r PJ1YL£SS. 1 Liquor Department lpeclala \'INCE~T·~ . ~ . , Book MATCHES Drobny &Ok of 60 Vodka RO Proof 80 Proof FIFTH Early nm es Btralgb\ 4 Yn.Old 8eProof Filth s411 Famous ABC Beer Handy 81.-P~ ICE CREAM ~~~~~ ~·~ .. 1 o~ ~~,.PMlkect_ JO~ Hand Packed 59~ QL~RTS ~. tu l.K 79¢ 1'4T\'l.t: '1 Oal. ('remlum QuaJlty A~Y f"LA \'OK • , I ... ' Local Youth ~~~~ ~lt tund t. aeparale thll. RECORD Cl TY ELKS TO HOLD DANCE M4Y 28 Martn1 Co~ 111 19H, and wu a---------· ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE J World War 11 v•t.,raii. Stamlotd • , D!ATH NOTICE I "It 11 not nece..._ry In my opln· / • Ion Lo decide on the futu re opera-Coatt.-4 from f'\nt .. .,. wtle, Bemtc• and their three cb1l· (. · THURSDAY, MAY 26, ·1955 d.ren, Bonnie J.fane. 1 t, Charlu F. Jr .. a llnd Barbara Lynn, 1, all l'f'- •ld• at 301 !:. 19th St., Coat& Runs Down lion .ot the traller p&Jk when the will five aome rellet to our ~­ budget la paued. t wouldn't n'C· t'l'91 operatln.g budget ".Ji• aald. omme nd that the council consldt'r I ' :: Laguna Woman the bu4CC'l and thr t r•llt'r parlt "Ounnr the current )'t'&r, be tuue concurrt'nUy," he •lJ. • added, "we have lived with.lo our Newport r oll<'ll repor!Pd Mra. Ro~rt Paige, 18. nr l..a1,-una Buch w"' •truck down by a car yutu· Income, llnd . of courn. are auU 1 1 on a pay·u·you·go bane." PAY• RAISE> Sallor• alllO recommm ded ~ ~ ntw Capital Outlay Fund be cre-1 day on Cout Highway at the In· Coatlaued from First Pa~ teniectlon of lrla Ave. will be<-ome dfecth·e Julv J. Police 11ald that Gregory Kin· Requt10l ot South ('oaiit r n tn 11ear Rurhu, 18. 4t8 Carnutlon l!'a11" qlty·ownffi bay frontai:" 11d· A n., •tnlck the woman with h11 j11cent tn tilth' property wu 11IM0 car u 11he and her hutband were I dlwruuP<t 111 th" counctl mePttnir. cro1"lnr the 11'-hway at thl' lnter· ~A(Ser heartn~ the compl\ny's pnl'll· a ttd Lo ulabli.h a rnerve for lbe daf>reclallon or th.-city water •Y•· tern. Thlit move would avoid the I n<'ed tor a bond election , or a monthly aaaeament 11t a future 1 date, accordinr to Sallora. TRAJLf3l PARK PLAN 'Ille Newport Harbor Elb are bold.Inf their 1eml·fonna.I 1prmc dinner danre, lbUi Sat• urday evenlnr In their bay front bulldlnr. J.tu1lc for d&nclnr wlU ~ 1upplled by the Max Lawn nce r our10m1 trom 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. tollowlng a steak dlnMr at T p .. m. .. :Mtmbert and Ul-1r cu••l.t are Invited. Tlckrt1 may be obtatned tn advance f'tom th• oll'lcere or at the lodge om ce. 11tctlon. Paige Mid the car alruck ttttl, th.. Mlln<'ll ln1trurted t he ~alloMI aleo advocated Ua ex· Mra. Palg!' but.;eu_he rar wh!'t'ls rlty 111tornll'y to t1r1w a lenl\I' to"r pan&lon, m()demlntton aJW1 _con. FROM EL TORO did not run over htr. th,. JH'O~rty al $160 nl't per month tlnUfd operatlbn of the Municipal Meaa. Marine Corp1 otndalt aald Ule plane ,... ... on a routine night from El Toro and wu la.at heard or at 2::!10 Tuuday afternoon. Lt. Wilcox joined the Mar· lne Corp1 In Aug. 19:12, &11d waa staUoned at El Toro In Aug. 19:54. Hl1 wife, Shirley Ann. Uvu In Santa ,\na. Judge Recesses Liquor Trial HurhM Willi quoted b)' pollce u for " JO·y,..r _period with option• Trailer Park. He Mid "the pre>-c 1 M SANTA ANA (OCNSl -The 1&yln~ lhf' brakf'a did not funrllon ot J O yPRrs earh at which time ceeds from the trailer park •hould OS a. esan conspiracy to obalruct Justine trial properly and. aa he pulled u p to tti. rental rate• would b.. aubj,.ct be·uMd tor other n•~ caplt.al Of Human P auu, Arthur Gordon 'th• ri(hl or a truck 11topped to al· to revi~lon In line With changing development..." on M1·ss1·n· Eldred and Takeo Takel<oehl 1tood low the pednlrlana 10 cr011• ht property values. At the 'budget meeting, Sallort 6 Ill receM today until 10 a.m. nf'Xl wu unable to avoid hlllln~ Mr•. PARKrso LOT T ALK 1lAted the trailer park fund• are Tunday. ,. PalgJ u 11he walked In front ot Protest-" a gainst plaremPnt or a Mparate thla year. "In my opinion. ' Navy Plane Superior Court J udCAt P'Tanklln Jllm. • 1 P"rklng lot on thP bear h near 20th It It not necMaary tor the council Wut called a halt to proceeding• Huthu aald his father. 9lry St. w ,.r .. t.Parc! !Intl rl'ftrrf'•I to to decide on lbA Cuture operat111n SAl\'TA ANA IOCNS) -An In Nlecllng a jury at 4:30 p.m. yu· L. Hughe11, owner of thP cor. wu the city manayH to hold for rurth· or the LN.iltr park when tbe bud. F'3D Skynlght flghtl'r plane which lerday. A total or eight proapec· au ppoaffi to get th• braku fixed er rommunlrauons. get Is pused," he 11atd. -took off with two aboard from the live Jurore tw.a been excuaed tn ,..1thin a 11hort time. arcording to ' rn " lt'ltt r a!ld~~"d t'> the The propolled annual u lary El Toro Ma rine Station Tueaday three-day• ot trial. police. -• <'ouncll.. Mrs. Gra re S Bl'nl oh· step11 which wlll cost the city '16,· WH declared ml11Slng at 5:45 p.m. Piute, au1penlled Orange County Mri.. Paige wu ruehecf to lfneg Jl'Cted 'to th f' parklnl?' lot rla lm· 518, were at.ea tevored by Sallora. I Pilot of the plane \\'U 2nlf Lt. liquor chief; Eldred, former San· Hospital for lrntment ot mul-Ing that "our b<>autarul. eently ' 1 Richard E . Wiicox, 22, ,pf Kalama· Uplt brulMI and 11 reported In ~ach wa s not lntl'nlfed for sur h TWO AX HllLE8f .zoo, Mich. ~ ta Ana rtal utate bigwig ; and cood condition tod11y. purppaes." Acrording to Sallor11. only two Ra~ar operator wu Malter Sgt. T&Xel<t'ahJ, Loi Angelea busineu· 1f Pr home 111 at the comer o! 1 11 .__ ,..... __ 1 man, a re accuud or unlawfuJ 19(h St. and Ocean Front. Sht' s'ltd ncrf'l.'lt8 In lax rates w I "" pro-,_ .... ., H F . Stamford, 42, of Co1ta I OHN' lllAN80l._ ror 11x montha. He lea vu hit 1.ls· 1 trdm llam1lnA:tun. Mo .. ln 1910. lh• ROl&r)' wlll be rtelled at 8 p m. tn, Jennie, and h11 brother, wu a iprmbf'r or th• Fin~ cliN- tomorrow ln Ball.1 Mortua ry Peter, both ot U:t bome addrua. Uan Church In Dranr .. Chapd, Corona del Mar. for John )(ft~. Jl'DU: BELLE OOB8TL"' Survtvon ln.<'luck a dauctat., .. &M<>ur, H. who died of a b". rt J.lra Judie Belle Donten s.. o·r. J.frt. Naomi Aahley Enrler of Coe· ailment yu terday at h1a Mme, angi rulllent for •5 yeara. died ta Men. two i ona. Dledr1cb and 08 · Clyde Donten ol 1SeatU1, etFt 2 '3rd St. Maaa v.•111 be celebrat· laat nti"ht at Florence NIJhtlniale dchlldu and 1T l · .s. ed at 9 a.m. Saturday ln Our Lady Nurtlng Home,, Oranr1. whtre ahe ~ . Q frM ....... ot Mr. Carmfl Church. had been a patient t or the put c ren. Mr. ~aour, a veteran orj m month&. a.rvtrt1 wUI ~ anbOWlc:.d by World Wu ll. v.·u a naUv1 of A naUvt ol Chapel Hill, 'l'IM., the fta.lph W. Shan.non Funen.1 Lawrence, M.au., and !"Hld<'d here Mr1. Ooratell came to 6re.na-e Home . THI FINIST AND LOWUT PllCID ,...,.., Amerlau MAPLE FURNITURE . ... ~'lw~er•. Open Fridays ulltll 9 TRAILER PARK ~he tnJnyt'd the Vh'W down towtrd poeed the coming year. Under pro-Mesa. lrantfening of Japanete·Am!'r1· the plrr and •. 1 wlll bP vtry u.tl vlsioni< of lhe city chart!'r, Q.n In· M, S&"l Stamford, Joined' the can liquor llrenat'a. ~have~ look " lhoparktd ca~ creue rrom 3 ~JO c.en~ wall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CoaUnlaff rrom Fll'IJl Pace and Jalopies." I uked for the operation of the we have to ilve you time to study "The beach Is for folks to enjoy Park. Beach and Recreation De· thl1". And Willi nPvrr Intended for 5'\lfh partment and from 6 to 10 cf.'nta Cn11n~1lml'\ll Sttinlrr Rlcltlerhot purpo~<'I!," shr nddt'd. for lhe library. admltt1•t1 thP rnunr ll hM no In· I Anothr r h'tler protesting t he Th• council 11:t June 20, 7:30 irwer•ln the tr111ter perk lsstu' hut :?0th St.. tnt signet! by Hermnn p.m. a.e the public ht•arinl:' date on H id, "It may W Pll come up at the 1 I. R&nney 11nd bearing the l'llgnll· the budget. Coples or the bud6el n1•xt mrellng. \\'r 11re 11tlll .:.oking 1 1ure11 or four other citizens 11lso OA111 be &\l'Qllable to the public at at It," he Mid, "lt the trallt'r perk wu read he!ore tbe council. leut JO daya prio r to the heutin&" b ellmlnaled, It ~·Ill 1uld 10 C<'nt1 In thil letter, RRnnf'y denlt>d art· &.I required by thi.-city ch11rtcr, to you r h1x." he R•lded. ditlonal pl!lltklng 11p11c<' la needed. ACcordtnr to Sallors. Another lll1zen 11ro14e a nd 11a1d to "I tftl.vl' b4-en down on Sundays and R lddnhof, "we are w!lllng lo pay I hollda~·s t1urlng the m iddle of the It " Thi" ~tat.,ment wiu grPeted' day and have never had 1hr!lcull.f by a 11 rong round ot a pp1-. finding a plac;e," he said. .SEl'Af<ATE F t'SO I H11.nney claimed the parking lot Tuuda y. at tht' budi;et aeulon 1 would be a h uarlf to children or lh•• • ounr1I. City MenHger Sttll· .itlnce 1t Is an l1lioal bne.h tor famr- oni .11ubmllt1•d thl' prt'llmloo ry bud-hu and h&s rest room f8c1lit1es gPl In th,. ro11r.1 ll, r('markmg "lht' .tn1J a larp;t' levPI beach. Too Late To Classify Partner Active or · Not This is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most sensa· lional opportunity ever offered. Our company want. to expand nationally ·and anticipates a net profit ot S20.000 a week. This i.a proven -absolutely no gam· ble . you must see our terrific product and unique mC'thod of marketing to realize the tremendou.a potential. I am d<'arl posith·e that every person I interview will want 1!1. Howe,·er tbere is only one opening. It you han• Si500 cash available immediately and good referencC's . call Klml;>erly 3-0751 for pe!'Sonal inter- view only. 57c59 SO--:'\li'4crllanroi1s --~-~-----~---~~~-on FOHU (',.11\ ){,(.,II, O'dr<\'1• ~9--.!!_~~-~~~~ted~~~- \\' J\ NT ""I'· steno~rnpher & rxp .!IW~l.'hbuard l•pPl'•tl(ll'. Apply Ht · B?ilbo!l Bey 1 ·t11b r1 ont ••fllr ... 1:.!:.?I W. (.'011;;t Hwy ~1irM1 Swecllsh Twflf COffll CAKI ••• 29'.., ..... J7c-) Deluxe Dnll'a food SQU.~'ECAKI Sf'.., ....... ''O ~ .. --'t'J~········· ~ ~~~~,~~'°~ &I ·····-········· COSTA MESA 1100 ~ewporl BhcL COltONA DEL MAR 901 <.:oaat Hwy. AOORD'S l.AOU:'llA BEA<.:B 283 Broadway : \'1•llo\\ hl.•1 i< l"I'• ~011<1 c11nJI· t1nn 1 hv 11\\'0• 1 ;\ lfll" ~•nt'flr pnrt· 11 hl,• .. 1 .. , I '''\\'IJlj: Ill'" hrne. $:l0. H.11h•1. '-'"•·H .i 71 rc 2 \YAITllf<::"SES want.-<l. 00<' JI "RAl.80A IS L.Allo'D %00 Martne A\·e. 01 '1 ('1 IAI.. STUVE. 11u1table tor 1 "pine" II m -.t rm. l!:vrmng wr1\l rPM 4 I l'it:\\'PORT BEACH Oii 1.1fl11o:h·•I f ;.1n .. 1 nutr<•r. '1'rt·asun•s l•f Y cst<•rday 10 I Coa~t l~I . ="' • L11guna lil'n< h Phnne HYatt 1-3131 !i7r59 rm. 10 111 or 11 r rn. H0SSl'S I 1120 Coaal Hwy. ~c=·A:~~-~~~. ~1 ·~11~-~H~n~·~-~V:6~~.5~·~\V~.~5~i~c~59~~================;::;:::;;> S:!~~\j·£.!!!'~~·~~~~~ fi£1.1 A f1LE r RTY to take over I'"' mrnt.. r n prorllr11lly new !!'"''" & l'h11ro 1 tfnj( w frr•·zt>r u 8-:!0n llftl'r !'i. :'>7c:'IO s·.t-t'urnlture for Sale Al'T S'f•)\"E. Slfl, Coldspot refrlg. $ 16 . < 'hs mben i;:11s 11tovt , SOii. rt;111d1 typt• twin bed framt~. S:I. Jfarbt1r 3()32. 117c59 32-Furnlture for Sale 17" T\' TABLE MODEL. Dbl. box aprln~ A "'"ltre111, l yr. old. Blnnrh! r ht'lll or drawers, mtll<'. ltl'ml! Har. 1783-M. l\7c69 SZ.A-Aatlqw Wrought Iron (&let. 18:1. PaJr oC w11.lnut wardrobu. cedar lined. · •ultable tor p.rtlUona, 1300. Or· ll'ntfll rug, reuonable. Trea.aurt'S of Yesterday 108l Coaat Bl .. N., t.a(una Beach Phone HY 4-3434 57c59 SS-Boat&; Sopp!.,lee ___ _ 18 rr. DORY and pracU~lly nt'W 12 h.p. Sea Klnr outboard.motor. Mul l &ell. LI 8·78'3. 67c59 nt!il!I KITt'ENS. Rouffbrokm It "';e&ned. Harbot' 2878-J. 67c~9 LIDO ISLE II rr. LOT. PRICll .... -.. Sll.500. a n1l a iO tt. loL ALSO oomtorubk 2 bdrm. home. f lrepl•<'e. Incl. ('l rptts A drapet. On St. tn St lot. UO.~. ~nn11. HAVING A 3 DAY HOLIDAY? GOISO TO CU:AS·l 'P PAJ!\"T·t:P \'Ot.'K BOMET Remember ••• We're Open All Day Sunday & Monday With a Complete Stock of FULLER PAINTS and Supplies GARDEN TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES (\\'E Ct'T A.'"1> T KREAD rlPE \\'lltl.E \'OU WAIT) f AB SPRAY (RE·~t:w \"Ol'R. 1 rHOl..STF.R\.) Lumite Plastic Screen Yes -We Carry Everything Need E'J for that Repair Job and e9e'" WE REMIND YOU WE'RE OPEN $_UNDA Y and MONDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE .. AL FORGIT HARDWA•E 2205 W. lalboa llvd., Newport Har. 116 l!I a R Ollf:l':X 8TAJIPS Pbon1 owner, Harbor H23. :>Op69 1 ________________________ _ ~ V.AN tHLtoc 2:;-t3c ~ (AMP'S• unrs n ... 33c LUNCHMlA1' = : MILD CH£lS£ ~-"3 9: W..ot'• more fvn thon o fomlly plcftlct I ... ciolly o family pic"ic that IMgina with 1hop- plrf0 ot Sofewoyl Where you f\l'd el ~ good fooc:h you ne.d fOf' wol'\d1rfvl outdoor eating o"d Mvi"IS thot can't IM !Mot. Come In todoyl Hove fvn ehopplnol Ho¥e fvn pi<niddnol COFFEE BUYS! NOB HILL A•WAY · • R~hand 1-lb. 73c Aromatic bo9 Mild and 1~_;, 6ftc Melrow -. ...,,- NOW 01 SALE . .u.. ... ....,"" ......... ....... .......,.,.,,...._ v....... ..... ....... _, .... . ...._, .... _.... . ....... _._ Ollci11..,. • t_.._.,.,._, ....... CMl'N z..ty "*';a;r1~1~_:5t0 SUMO EATING •NUS ""'"'"( MAOAllMI FRESH EGGS ~O' ... -• 52 KllS _...:. ... i .... 25c Dltt P~Sty .. l"°"'"':::., .. 1: .. FRYERS Plaln °"'KiELISH LARGE OLIVES 3 ~ ,~~~ .. 53c PICKLE 23C volendolipe. 7Y.•a.2 C l H [)et MonM 1roncl. 124S-lrotcet1, Pl"9CI· _. ~ AMS DWUQUr '" ,,cf WI .:;s.onctwi<h:;Treott~t-;;.----IJ ' '"!;6.98 "-.._5'3'•Me.9 .. ICE CIZEAM VALUE SNOW STAI BRAND Vonlllo, Chocolott , 3 7 C 5'row1Mrry flovorL 2 PINTS JOit (H.tf Gal .... 39e.) ( ::~1111 BAKERY S/>f'rtal CHERRY ANGR lltG Mode the way 39 you'd moke It • • . C tot' quollty home Ingredients! (l..,terty, •Sc.) ... SALAD DRESSING D~:.:' r.;29' ~;49c JELL-WELL DESSERTS :r·f~!!:. ~:: 5 c FRUIT COCKTAIL ::.,~ '~19' -.c!29c COTIAGE CHEESE •l~~M ~18c Chive, UIOIT\ fo,,n•, fr\llt-Also Cr.om. forrner, Y1·pt., 1 le. GOLDIN Cl05S Tender ear.., ear POTATOES ~!r'::s~:. tong White. "AVOCADOS.~!~ 3 ..4c •· 25c ..sc CRISP CELERY UTAH "" llll PlPPlRS Colifomlo Wonder. Thkk-wolled. BANANAS Cen1rol Ameri<or. Top Quolityl •. 15< •. 15~ PIN£APPL£ Top Quolitf. fre1h Howoiion. ;·.t5< lt MUSHROOMS Late-l utton. pt. Hot Hov... ctft· n:18' , ..... ,,, .... .......... 2 .. ~2t •o-e..... for NIB IR01ft 1mS.. .. SAT,. M&T 2f. 21, 11, ttSS, IT MWAY SJOll1 • NS Alb. (lln S..., ill S.. .,_ s.Mly) RE QOSll W MY .......... _..... .................. _ ....................... I TUR ... u.s~--!t~I~~~~ ~45C FRANKS ::::~ .... 3ftt: No. 1 Ouollty ,... 7- GRAD£ A BACON ,:.'~!!'~.:.~:: .._•Sc SUCED BOLOGNA .r.:.-:. ~ 2Sc GROUND ~EEF .~ .. ~!!:::, ,. . 3~ CORNED BEEF •oNnus 1a1s1en · • 49 WHOLE WHITIN S.rve hot or cold. •• c Coproi"'• , j.! FISH SJl(KS Choice. plr • 39' Breoded. IO.. •· OAloin'a ~ ~::3tJc Melrose Cookies Gi"g•r. lemo" or Vonillo Snops. 2 ':;' 49c TEA TIMER DEAL~ 7-oa. box of IUSY UKD SODAS 01 NO IXtaA COST when you buy l ·lb box of TIA TIMER CRACKIRS. SPECIAL 34c BOTH FOR "'°""' Qvoflty'' Mlllc CONCENTRATED MILK Luc ... nt Quol11y. qt. 4911 c Add two ports water ctn. /J HOMOGENIZED MILK Lucerne's l'rl11·Wlnnlng. ~· 20 I lof1u1 Quolityl ctft. ( PARADE DETERGENT 2 FOR 1 SALE! Hurry! Get Two Lorge 19·01. l'odtoe-1 f~ the price of o-todoyl Supply lirnitttdl 29( ONI PUjtCMASI IOTH TO A CUITOMa fOI PEANUT aun•• HAL ROAST ara"4L 12-oL 3 3c Spreodt em001hly. I• CRAGMONT BIVIRAGll All ~ULAI FlAYOU 2.::':. 35c NO-CAL ASSOltTID FLAVORS OIETETI<; SOfT DRINKS 2 12-0L 29(''" I• btla. BEST BEER 6 '~::; 7 9c Sold only i" lice'1Md Sofewoyt. 1zmtm:emw- 11 OlDSMOllllS GlVlN AWAY Fill plu' 400 o thet b19 pr11et. IHTIY auNKS AND IUUS AT SKYLAR~ lllAD SICTION ot your Sofewoy Fr•11ll Bakt>cl In· Sk ~lark HOT DOG ROLLS ~~ 17c BARBECUE BUNS :·. 17' • amaaouu DaU1 t a.m. to I P·ll' , (i'rWay UI t p.m.) 811Dda7 ....... '° • p.m. ·1722 Ne~ort BIVd., Costa Mesa·· Pu:NTV OP PAKKISO OS LAJt<.i~ PAVED LOT . l . - . ' I' • f l ,, .. -- PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWi>oRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. MAY 26 , ·1955 '! • Reddick Rites Slated Friday LEGAL NO-TICE ·, .LEGAL -NOTic;E· 1 LEGAL NOTICE ot'thf clunty of Orang• i. her•liY boat t• enpred ti\ towing •ny ob-' tql For lllly 11r.1er to drop hie aruended by addlnc thereto • new Je-<:t. •tructur,i or perlOn. towl111e and ..terminate hi.I 1klln1t Funt1'1 aervle. wtU be c<1nduct-afflion to be dulfn•led •• Sec· lhl For any J)f't.On operatlnr • In e *tramp ar.t1a ot.her than at ed. F'riday at 2 p.m. at the t.UllPf' tkxl. 8 I to "9.d u fol.low•: ' motor boat lo tall to )'\rid the I the dtll(fl•ltd 'landlnt er.a· at said Mortuary In Downty tor \Vlll!llm "8ectlon t .I 8Pl!:l:D AND tlfht-of-wey to the operatnr o! I ramp. I';'. Reddick Reddick puud eway l GENERAL REGULATIONS 11nothf'r motor 00.! 'lllhich l1 en-ft) For th• obMrver In a n101or Sunday ev .. nlrlir ~., tba O.kland l IN A PORTION OF UPPER gaged tn u1.,.,·lng any object, .true· boat whoH 1kl1Pr ti..• tallf'n, and Veteran• Adm!ni.rtraUon Jfo.pltal NEWl>ORT BA'Y. turt or per10n. tor tht ob~rver In a motor boat attrr a lonl' b•ttla with "valllPy t . T!llP term 'motor ~· •• {II For any perton OJ>';rtllnr a •Ps\roM:hlnr a falli!'n aklt'r, to fall fever," u..-<1 111 thl• ae<"t!On 1hall mean motor boat to tow mo ... than two to lmmed!ately ra!•e ona 'tT'ITI lr.term&nt will b4I In 1-h• family a nd lnc:luc!e any and au VeaMI• or i 21 per.on! it on.1 tUne. vertlcaJJy upon obaervlnr lht fal- • • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l!:Rl.Y, RAU'H '· M rJ'ADPl':N.1 Co11111,\•, Ca1ir .. 1·r1'a, th11 1l1h \\'M H. HIRSTElN and \Vil.I.IS or M•y. HI~ ,,, H. \\'ARNER~ ll J S~llTll NOl!:S: SUPEK\"l"°KS, NON!:. ABSENT: SLIPER\'l!!ORS. NONE.• f\J111\t,V C'!rrk •nd <'ll:·of1 1o·\o Cl•tk or th" &ar,1 of Su· I~' •·1~nr1 of Or•n11:• County, C'a11r,1rn11. IN \\'ITNESS WHEREOF, Publ!•h have btrttunto Mt my hand and '.'<l'."'r<'rt Ha1 hor N~w11·rru• atfi•i!'d lhr ~tnclal •••I of th' i ~f11y 28. 111~. Board of Sup1P.n'l10r1 of Or,!lls• 1..t."'o 13:.!:t plol at lha Downey Commi.inlty watrr c~tt p1'0pi!'lled by n~pOu1, ij) For any pl!'raon openllng a len 1kl•r In the willer:· Cenletery. tall()l!n•. or othtr motlvi!' power. m11tor boat to employ wMn· tOW• .llCCTJ:O.N ·2.. Sutw!c.UOn !CJ 11t l ;:====================::=======:; \\'llltam E . Reddick w.a brlrn :tT 2. For Ule purpoar• ot th~ M'r· Jn,t" •ny obje.dt, atrueture or per• ~!Ion:, of Ordinance :-:o. 490 11 11 811E'S KEADY -Mrs. Alan Kinnebrew ia at the tiller' of the family ketch. ~fakaiba. She will ~ccompany her husband on their Alaskan Odyssey this t1uinmer. They will Ail from NewJ)ort Harbor some time next month. --Sta.ff Photo TWO NAUTICAL NEOPHYTES PREPARE ALASKAN CRUISE BJ BOB RAMSt:\' 'I'A·o tledgHni' sa.Hor1 and lhtlr nauticaJ dtbut ill a bl( "'•)'. year• aro ln,HUntln(ton Park.llnd tJon, that portion ot Upptr Nr"'· 110n .. a towline ~n 1Pacna of ""•n• htritby repealed. ! wa• g"radualed from uiat city'• port Bay lying f'Uterly of Ill lln11 ly·five fttt (1!11 !n length .. 1 SECTION 3. Sub~ctlon (hi ,1r llcilCIOla. He later compltled 11. bearlllg North 09• :'>3' 14• \\'••l 1.k ~ F'or any per.on to enrage ill Stclion 6 of Ordtn .. nce No. 490 I•/ eourJM! ot •tudy at tha Callfomla acrou the 'll'lterway and north;>r· 11w1mmlng or ""'•ding for the pur-hf'reby r,.p .. aled. Polytechnic College, San LUI• Ob-ly of a !Int bearlnK Norrh 80• 06' llOl!e of n•creatlon, 1PJ1cepl In arta• 1 SF.cT'ION 4. Thlt Ordinanr" 46• Eaat 11.crou the waterway, tald l1 '"'hirh may bi!' dt•lgn11ted a1 l'W\m. ahflll <•k• ,,._, ,0• •· lo ro-•' Upo. He wu employed u an agrl· '~ n ....,. • ~ I cultural aervtca enl'lneer with the hnea e11tendlng through 11. polnl 1nlng are•• by r...olul1on of tht[lhitly ~M>I dayt from and ..u .. r J . I. Caae....XricJor' c:!ompany Qf from wht'ch'"1.hf' oonunon corncr tn Doarrt ~f Suupervl&0ra. the ll~it• II• 1,11,..ge, a.od prior to lht tX· Oakland an!I Racine. Secttona 28, 21, 34 and 3:1 Jn ()f wh!..:h areas 1h11l be pl•1nly pin.lion ot nrteen l l~! ,Jay11 ilfttr Reddl<'k Wu a vcter-.n of World Town•hlp 8 South, Range 10 Wtst. n111rked by 11pproprl•te stp1 post· the r asstge !hfr~f thts Onhnanrf' 1 \Var 11 ln which he •erved five San Bern•rdlno B1111e 11.nd Merid1· eJ by ~he H11rbor ?.l&.!lte~. I ~hllll be publl!lhl'd <1ni:e In !hf! year• In bolh Alllatlc Pacific and Ml. beara south ~.7• 13' 27• \O.'e11l, •II F or any peraon to. operate or Ne"''f)Ort H11.rOOr Nf'W~·Pr~""· 1 A ll11.ntlc watera. 3478.:1 feet and trom wbich Sta· cauM lo be pJ11ced \herein or there· nev.·l'paf)f'r uf gr neu•l cirrula.llon Survivora are the wldow, Ruth tlon HIA of the ordinary high tide on any motor boat unl'89 the same prlnte<l and pubhllhed 1n thf' COun-I En,n: t"·o 110na. Gtrald, It : 1<nd Un!! eatabllahed Jn 19U by Cour t l11 equlppf!d "'lth •fire l'atlnguillh· i., of Oreni;:<'. Slllt" of C•llfornia.f Ron~ld, S; 11.nd a daughttr; Df'bra. o.lt:rte No. 2!>436 of tht Supt!rior ed ot • type approvtd by the tcg .. thtr "'Ith the nam•a of -the ,'I, al! of the family home ln 5lan Court of Orange County bear• Unlt11.J Statr.1 Co.at Guard 11nd llfe m .. niDrrll of th• B(lerd or SUJM!r· Lor,.nao. South IJ7" !19' 18H \\'e•t 649.!a feet. •avinR ~qulpm .. nt uf a type •P· vl!lllr• votln1: fur i nt.I a g11!n•t the AIJiO aurvtvlng ue iliteri and •hall bi!' known and dea!gnatf'd aa pro\•td by lti.. Unltrd Stalf'I Coa11t iame .• brother1, the MJ1se1 Iva M. 11nl1 'Upper Newport Bay.' Gul!rtt fqr each per11Dn tran•porl-\\'ILLIS H. \\'AR:>ll!:R It 1t11al1 be the duty or !ho Har· ed thertln. Ch I Eiilh•r F. Rtddlck of Downey; Mrf. 11 rn111n of.thl' 8011.rd ot Jack C. Blnnf'r of San Ditto; Joh'n bor Muter to potll and lo keep 1m I f.'or any person lo optrate a SuperviflOrs of Oranr.;e H. Reddick of Placerville uid Ben continuously polled at the Inter· motor boat in the narrow cl\llnnel County. Cahfprnia Reddlfk of Newport Beach. 11tctlon or aald Unea with the ahore weaterly of that ctrtatn l~l•nd de· ATTEST: line on bolh 1ldt11 of the ch.-.nnel 11Cribtd-'11.• Lot 2. Section 26. Town· B J 5 TH , 8,,11 The fa.mlly eatabllllhed a Me· hi 8 So ,.. -· · Ml mortal Rellf'arch Fund tor the eultablt algn.• designating tht • JI u.,,, Rance IO Wtat, S. County Clerk and ea-officio Stanford "'"'dlcal School. P a lo weMterly a.nd aoutherly boundariea B. B. • J.f., and v.·hkh Ii loraled Cltrk of the Board of super· Alto, C11Uforn1a. Purpoat of the of the Al;"i!'a hl'rrin drM'rlbed. !IOU!hwl'flt of 'Uppi!'r B•y Rlln1p.' \'i!IQI'• of Or11ng.i County. tund 111 for itudy of the San Jo&· \Vlthln 11a ld Ui}per Xewport Ba:r (n1 For .11.ny boat Of)f'rator to California. I V II • u hereln dtacrlbi!'d It ihall be un· entt'r from the N orth lnlo the STATF'. OF CALIFORNlA qu n a ey'• "valley !aver. ' --------------l~'ia~~~ and a vtolation or thl.I Ord!· ~~:..?r~~u~ 0i.o~a\.ce~~(~o~s!R;3~ ~~~:~. o:M?TRH~Ng,~n!y CJ~~~ County's Liquor <al F or any per90n to oper-.tit Town11h1p 8 South. R•nre 10 Wtat. and ea-ottlcto Clerk ot lhe Boa.rd or cau11e to be placed thtrelr1 or 5. 8 · B. • M,. llnd which !• loc•led of Supei-vl!IQrl of Oran11,e County, D• frid R I" necl thereon any veatel or .,ater cran North or Upper Bay Ramp. CalUomJa. do hereby certify thal IS . ea 1g other than a motor boat eighteen !O' For any peraqn oper-.Ung • at a regular mtttln1 Of tha Bo11nl feet (11') or leu ill length and motor boat lo conimenct µiw!ng • of Supervlaore held on the 17th The new Department of Alcoho- 1/c Bevtrage Control voted In under prop. 3 on the NoYember ballot hu nallgned Or1L11Jll! County. Thia countY hu been grouped wlth Long Be•ch. Wllmlngton and San Pedro w lth htad offlou 1n Long Btach. Ora nge Count.y prevlout1ly wu In a district w ith S•n Bemardlno ant.I Rlvetalde Countle,1 with head· quarter• In San BemardU!o, with unobatruc:ted O""'ratol"o ""w. water alder aga!n•t the c:ounter-d , M o•• .--ay o ay. I ....,, lhe foregoing eacept pur•uan_t to a 1pectal per· clockwiae traffic pattem, and Ordinance conlalnlnr four 1•1 Ille· mil lo hold • •-·• t d when a t a boat Jaunchln& ran1p """ r-.ce gran e llon1 wu contldered aecllon by pur1uant to the provl1lona of 1ub-from other than a dt•l(Tla.t~ &f!Ctlon. and U\l.t the •ld Ordln· aectlon lb) of Section :, ot thll 'take··Off' a rea, provided that the ... ance wu u1en paned and adopted Ordinance. ~:e:~~a~:hmao~~:.~;::~np~~~ uAY,ES~.holt by the followlnl' YOte : {b ) For any peraon to permit the Opt!r&tlo.n ot a motor ~t ln water, It he can do ao without di•· SUPERVISORS hie po&1eQlon or control by a per-turbllll' the oounte,..olqcJ<wiae tr-.f. HEINZ KAISER, C. M. FEA TH· eon under the age of fourteen ti•) tic pattern of any olheY.(Tiolor boat \f';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ye&r11, or for any ptraon under the lOwinf a alder. age of fourteen fl4) year• to ope-<pl For any peraon operating a Call DAN'S TV 1--------------·lrate a motor boat. motor boat with a alder In tow LEGAL NOTICE who hu taJl•n Ln t aking ott trom le} For any peraonl'to operate a the ramp u.. to circle back wlth-l--------------·I motor boat In other thlln a eoun· out tlrat going' In a counter-clock· te,..clockwiM traffic patttm, tJl-w1M ctJr.cUon acound tha two cept when •pecltlcally dlr.cted buoy pattern at the nmp a~a.. ORDINANCE NO. T•I otherwlllfl by the Harbor Ma.11ter. ................... Uberty S.2228 H~Y!.NTOG;~X~I' ~~!.,~,~~~~~? ~ Remember· •.• We're Open All Day Sunday & Monday ~ ... ,.. With a Complete >lock of FULLER PAINTS and Supplies GARDEN TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES ('l 'T A.SD THKt:Alf J'lrt: \\'HIU: \'0 1' "' r\ IT I FAB SPRAY (Kt:·St;w l'Ol'R l 'l'HOl .. .;Tt:R\') Lumite Plastic Screen ' Yes -We Corry Everything for thot Repo i r Job and WE JlEMIND YOU Needed WE"RE OPEN SUNDAY and MONDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AL FORGIT HARDWARE 2205 W. lalboa llYd., N•wpart Har. 116 8 A H OKt:EN ST~H Alan and Lou!" Klntbr~w. a couple from .Ta.fl, have decidtd lo tum In thtlr &0mbreroa for yachting ca.pe. They' and cocker •JJAl'!lel. Curly. ar• a olng Lo take thf!ir recently purchued 38·ft. ketch. Ma.kalba, trom Newport to Aluka thl1 aummer. port moet of the night• on the trip and 1pend as few u po11alble at Ill!&. Jn &qdlUon they plan to 1top at Santa Barbara, Morro Bay, maybe San Franclaco and H umboldt B11.y. 'I'l1eir routa to A lllllka leads through the Inland pll4ll•gt. At tha. prevaUJ.ni' wlnda Olia time of y•11.r are adverH to their northerly cour.1e, thry expe<'t to put a lot of mlleag"a on Maka.Iba'• !IO hp auxlUary engt.ne. AX l)RIHXASCE OF THE OOl'ST\' 0 Y O RANGE A· MESOISG ORDL"'A."CE NO, 490 Ot" THE (,'OUST)' or oa. ASGE. l:l'o'TITLED "AN OllDI· SANCE o t• THE BOARD OF 811PJ:R\'ISOR8 0 F THE OOUSTY Ot" ORANGE ACT- ING AB THE 00\'ERN'L"'iG IM>DY • 0 F TR E ORANG!: Cd) For a.ny peraori to operlta a molor boat at a apeed In t'ace&I o! thlrty·tlve (3:1) nautical mile& per hour bet.,Mn aunrt111 and aun.Ht. le) F or any peraon to operate a motor boat at a 11peed In ••ct•• of five i~) nauttcllfmllea per hour be· tween wn.t &nd aunrlM. Opens Wednesday, June I·• Rt:s1;L T ot~ \\'W .M Alan la tn the mechanical cot· ton picking bu1lnee1 In Tall and VICTOR H. ROSSETTI, 78, L. COUNTY llAKBOR DISTRICI', PROVlDING RULE 8 AND ltEGtJLA.TIONS GO\'ERNINO ORA.SOE COtnt."TY HARBOR DISTRICT." (t) For any perll()n to opertte a. motor boat manned by lua than two-(2) per110n1 wbtn 11uch boat la towtng any object, atructure or ..-. hi" wtfe recently worked for A. blUlk exrc. _ "Some men 8t11.nd!lrd OH. Neilher haa h11.d any 1.11.ltinl' uptrlt'nce bti'fore, ex· should retire at 41!, but othera crpl for a few ''•haktdown" •hou ld carry on until they Joee .c1·u1 aea to Catalina. Their pur. 1 thelr ment&I and phy11IMI powera, chue or the aturdy, ga!f·rtgged "'hether Ill 80 or 100." The Board or lupe"laora of the County of Orange •ctlnr: u the governing body of tha Oranga County Harbor Dtstrtct do ordain aa r0Uow1: ( C') For any pt!rlOn oper ating' a motor boat to overtake In th• wake ot or follow ln tba walta of double-~ndrr 1.11 lhe rtlUlt ot " I whim. Three year• ago Alan happl!'ned to aee a yachllug n1agaz1n.-, In a dn.111 1tore. He brought It homt. "\\'e forgot all about d!nntr that night," .. 1t1 ti.Ir•. Kinnebrew. "ILlld decklerl tha.t aonit d11.y we wnuld own a bo11t," 1''or the next three yean many week ends were 1ptnt at boat brokere and ya(ht anchorqea all over C&llforni11. Tvo·o month• a.go they decided on Maka.Iba; lh111 yachting cartirr was l•unched. O.Scr.; TAJllTl·B01'NP l'ola.kalba was buUt In 1940; the lnntentlon of both It& pr.-,vlous owner• wu a trtp to Tahlll, but tor d ifferent rea:aon.1 neither trip wu n1ade. The K.lnn1bre"·1 ho p. to make Hibiscus The plant wUh ~y 90c: n 1n11·en. Ukei& ruu aua. MUIJ \'artelle11 .... , Pine Trees Altrarth·,., Hard,\'. Can ta.ke t"O~atdl'l"ll.ble "'ind. BOC: Canary lal&Ad, ){ate. pi!'n11U. Montf'r•y Pini!', Torrf'J' l'lne ud up FOK SAi.to s1 or New 8 rt. CtlR'f~ CRA ll PRAM ROAT . BAY NURSERY' o&M I!:. lltb (!'iev ln111H') Colita. Ml'.. I.I 1-110!1 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAU COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 ' another motor boal SECTION l . Ordlllanca NII. 490 ·WOODMAN ·~~:~s • featurilHJ U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STAU FED STEER BEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" SPECIALS EFFECI1VE THURS., l'"RI., SAT. & SUN. Tender, -'ulcf 1-a. Mooty Cmter Cat CLUB 49c STEAK lb. RIB 39c STEAK lb. sw1ss45c STEAK lb. Tender Fresh Sllc•d BABY BEEF_ LIVER 3 ~ .... 89c Graded Good \'er.rllng LAMB , SALE Graded Good Ye&rllng LAMI RIB CHOPS ...... lb. 251 SHOULDER ROAST . ..lb. 251 SHOULDER CHOPS ... lb. 351 LAMB LOIN CHOPS . ..lb. 491 LAMB BREAST ............. .lb. 9 1 LAMB SHANKS ........ ..lb. 101 LEG-0-LAMB • • • • lb. Fresh LAan Ground Beef 5 ... ~99. PURE LARD .. lb. pk&". 65c J.U..~ra SLICED BACON 3 ""· 98c hll7 Coolled ••• ,,. .. !'.at FISH STICKS 3~89c No. 1 Qm11fy No. 1. Qmll&r _ Sllcecl Minced 3•b•·89c Small ·29c H AM Bologna •. WHOLESALE 18581 SO. MAIN AND RETAIL In Sa11ta Ana COR. ....,. ~ llld. ...... Pl 11-1'711 Nl!WPORT ILYD. T'h9 First ORANCiE CO~UNTY • Home Sh·o:w JUNE 1st THROUGH 5th ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (Between Santa Ana & Costa Mesa on Newport Blvd. See Map Below) FREE! FREE .! ¥.'la Hodel V..UO. 8-Ballt by Hflnry C. 0011 a,nd ~omplf!W.ly funJaMd by RJvle..., 8of• Bed Co. Interior dr.coraUon• by .lan'11 bkrion. N......_I' $to a.1 -NoU!.1111' to wrile. .luat Re(11tpr. Loads of Gifts and OPEN 6 p. m. to 11 -p. m. Dally Sat. & Sun._ 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. Admission 651 Chllchn 251 Tu lacliadfod. ACRES OF FtlEE PARKING - - Latest Id-for Modern LivinCJ Scores of lnterHtinCJ hhlblts STARRING - ON STAGE NIGHTLY Uncle · Willie • Famous Home Show Comic Entertainer l•llders A1111. • • I I i J t J ; I .1 , ( I ~ J ., ' .. r • ' The Nny'• ftr.t .tit, a~.a H an alr~ratt carrier wu the \[A Ra.n1er. Celifornie Colors ln HSY· Uvlns P'ASHJONS by MR. AND MRS. KENNETH STEWART, 272 Broadway, Costa Mesa, announced the engagement of their daugh- ter Mary Louise when they entertained at a faniily din- ner May 22. The bridegroom-to-be is Randall Raymond McCardJe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCacdle of Lewiston, Pa. He is attending Orange Coast College and is a real estate salesman: Miss St.ewa'rt was graduated from Newport Harbor high school and attended Coast College. A fall wedding is planned, when Mr. McCardle will have returfted froll) a trip to Europe. ---Ollerman Photo NEW OFFICERS of the Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the, Children's Home Society are (left to right), Mrs. M. S. Bernard, secretary; Mrs. Tod Oviatt, incoming president 'be- ing handed gavel by retiring president, Mrs. H. Payne Thayer, a:td Mr8. Howard B. La~son. treasurer. Officers not shown are Mrs. Larry Howell, corresponding .ecre- tary and Mrs. Donald Anderson, vice president. -Stat! Photo MiBS Mary Be.rrett of 22 Bayshore Drive. Newport Beach, shown u she wu honored Saturday, May 20, by Delta Delta Delta eorority ot USC. In stepping through the traditional Paney Ring, ehe indicated her engage- ment to Mike Blake, Kappa Sigma. The event wu the 32nd in Tri-Delt hiatory in honoring eenior womep wh_p will receive degree• at commencement on June '11. Mila Barrett ia a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma ,.orority. MRS. TOD OVIATT HEADS CHILDREN'S HOME GROUP MRS. KEITH RIMA HEADS NEWPORT ISLAND WOMEN ·1 hese ore f oshions that g ive you " feeling of eose, " look of elegonce •. come try them on todoyl Over BIOUH 1.N Installation· Luncheon Held at Emerald Bay New officers of the -Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society were installed Tuesday. May 24 at the Emerald Bay home of Mrs. William Curlett. President of the auxiliary for this coming year will be Mrs. Tod Oviatt of Balboa Island. Serving with her will be Mmes. Donald NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor Ander110n. vice prealdent; Larry Howell, corresponding eeeretary; M. S. &matd, recording sec re- tary: Ho~a.rd Laweon, treuurer: and H . Payne Thayet', pullamen- tarlan. Mrs. Marguerite Tandowaky. 1be women'• commltt.N of Newport lllland lnc. mel at the home of Mu. James Edward•, 3900 Channel Place. May 19 with election of ottlcer• lmpotra.nt Item of blllllnuL Named were Mrm. t'elth Rima, president; Mrs. Edward•. vice p~•ldent: Mn. Richard Weber, aecret&ry: M.rs. Arthur MUler, treasurer. ReUrtnr president I• Mn1. NlcholH Wagner. The rroup dl11euaaed po•lblllty of r.duclng •peed limit on the taland, now 2& mllu per hour, u a reeldenUal section. Next meeUnr wu Ml !or Thunday, June 23 at the home of Mra. Cbuter Pollard, U2 Sith St. Homeapun Striped Pant. t.N Ma.ny othe1'9 priced a.ts t~ 1u• Southern California director of Auxlllarles of the Children's Home Society, Installed of!icen1 a.nd com- pllmenteJ the Newport Auxiliary on lt11 philanthropic work. She reported the Children'• Hbme So- ciety of CalJ!omla hu cared tor 1881 llarllor Bh-4. U 1-1* 1200 children this year and &Teauy _R_u_b-1.-0--D-a_u_g_h_t_e_r---------------.. ----------- expanded It.JI adoption program, partlcularly In regard lo children Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jeu Rubio, 121(1 from minority gToup•. West Second St .. Sa.nta Ana, a.re Al the bualneu meeting" a.nnual parenta of a daugtiter, Sall!e Marte reporU! were glnn by otflcerm and born Friday, May 13 at Corona commltlu chairmen and Mra. Ken-Naval Ho•pltal. She welg'hed 8 neth Slanore r~rted on the re• Iba .. 2~ oz. The mother !1 t he for- cent 1!llver tea held at t he home of mer Joye McKinney. Newport i Mra. Law.110n. Be!lch. Grandparents are Mr. and Mr11. Thayer. 'outRoing president, Mrs. C. H. McKinney, 213 Colton 1 turned the rosC'wood and silver St., and Mr. lllld Mrs. M. 0 . Rubio, I KllVtl. a gift to th!' auxiliary from 1213 West Second St .. Sant& Ana. Mr. R1g.-:s In honor of hf11 <1a11Rh· JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILAIU If you ue seeking Jewelry Items thet ere Scarce Let us know .•• W • rfl•Y Buy It For You . e l.EWELllY llOUGBT e ROBERTS JEWELERS UJI 1 Marine A\·e. -Balboa lmlaad -Hart»or JSU NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 • ttr-fn-law. Mr1<. Joseph Riggs. over JUST MARRIED -Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Logue, shown just after their marriage at the home of the bride's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, 401 El Modena Ave. Mrs. Logue is the former Mrs. Marnie Stockdale. The couple left after the ceremony for a wedding trip east, 'will visit relatives -Hugh Mynatt Photo NEXT WEDNESDAY _ _Ga_tholic Coi1ncil Will Install-Officer Corps DISTR1CT CITATIONS . FOR \ VFW AU~ILIARY MEMBERS Annvuncement was mitde al the last mellt1ng of Ladles' Auxiliary to Vl'lernnio of Foreign Wars, Coasthne P ost 3636, of the following cnat1on~ given to membl'rs or the Auxiliary Ill thr ~t'C'ond D1~t11ct mt.'ellng held In Anah!'lm: J\1m('S. Gnald Noland, memb!'r11hip; J oso·ph 0 1·11C'lwne.11, Americanism: Ml·L11. Dinehart, leg111lat111n; Monm Ro<1l, pub- li('lty. H.1roltl Hohl anrl Charles Smllh, ·youth acllv1Ly. Women or thP 1111x1li11ry will be on hand Friday sntl Sat- urday of t his wet'k for the a.nnual poppy 11ale. Mn~. John Turn1•r ls chairman and the goal 111 2000 poppies to be 11<>ld. procet•ds going to the fteheC Fund. Mra. Paul Wolfe wu ln- lllaled In to m1'mbt'rshiJ> May 20. Next aes~lon will be on Juno 10. as Friday,' J une 3, has been voted a dark night. All member• 11r11 url{ed to be present to plan p11rtlclpat1on 1n the Cf'lebra t11Jn Al Huntington Beach over the July t week end. Mrs.· Martin Honored by Library Staff Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Small were among the 20 1 preaent. Mr•. Small, now w ith the county library, wu tonnerly at Newport Library. Mra. Joseph McChesney. now of the J ulia UHhrnp branch a t Santa Ana. waa alao pr1>aenl. to Mrs. Oviatt. Hoateue• at the luncebon pre- ceding the meeting were M:ra. Oouitlaas Ferry, Mrs. J ohn Knapp and Mr11. F.lton Barnt'tl. O.C.·Camp Fire Leaders Meet ' Orange County Camp F ire Lead- l'r8 A11111Jclallnn nwt Mey 18, 1n the 1-~IN!t Bapt111t Church In Co11ta Mesa. with the n»wly installed chairman. Mrs. 1-:;mP11t A. Laurin, 42r1 E . 16 SL. Costa Mell& presid- ing. Newly created chairmen were Mmes. Ralph Waterman of Costm Mesa, hm1pltality: Plllli Rodl't of B11lboa , progn1m: Mrlvin Manell of Orange. Orange County Flltr: L. T. Gle11enkl\mp of Costa Mesa. pea.nut 11ale and T. A. H11xton of Cost& M,u, day camp. Miu Gwen HarpPr, !ltld advisor from Lo11 Angeles. a.nd Mrs. Ha.x- ton gave lnfom1at1on on the com- ing day camp for Blue Birds and Camp Fire G1rl1. Summer day camp thh1 year will be Aug. l ~. 17, 19, 22, 24 and 26. The Cathohc Women's Co11nc1J the pMl year: lnt'lll•1tnlt' :.tmeio A!trr 10ervini:-for 11 yrara as of Our LRfly nf :'>It. <"armrl 11nll .lo~eph ArnoM, "1Pmtwr11h1p: 1-;tmt.'r 11s!U1'18nl lfbrsrien et ::'\ewporl p;;:;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:=..;:.... ___ .:;:;;;;;:;;;:=:=:;::=:;:;, St John \'1s nn"y l'11r111h will in-1'1111 wr. w1•flare. F1ank R QtTO, Bt>A<'h P ubhc l.1fbr111y. Mrs. Har- a tall nl'W off1C'l'f1! Rt th!'tr n•'Xl <1tnfratPrn1 ty. A11hur R <'a 11 me. rieot Martin, I Ill EH~l Orean f'"ront. m<-<'t1ng. \\'t'dnl'it\lny. J 11nl' I. Bl l \Ill,\'!! and nwlln!I. Edward J<(u!<by. Ill retiring and on Sunday wu p. m. Thr nrwl~· f'l<'•'l'"' offu •'r!I fl>'Anr1 y: Tht>odur" Robin!!. altar honortd 11t a bulfrt 11upper by art' as fnllOW!I Hn•I "p1rll11RI 111·t1\'1t1"" and J r•hn Mrll. Lin 1 OC1rolhtnl Sh1>rly, he11<1 Pre11l>IC'nl, :0.1 I'll .J \\' C'Hm tnll<'k : l;ou1·1nn, finanrp or 1 rraioury. hbrarfsn. at ht•r hnme, 420 Cal&· f lri<l \'IC't prl'Shff'nl. Mrs. 1!11rr,\· T Ima. Dr1v1'. Ro,...ers,· 8t't't•nlf \'II•' f'l't'IH<fl'nt, hi~ will be the roncl11fllng ,. Rtarr m!'J11bl'r11 and friend• pre-M r~ Wiiiiam GrO<'nf'r; third VI!'!' nwettui:-for the ioeosun. Thr Coun· senled Mrs. Marlin with a mune· prr11H1ent, )!rs. A rlhur Wc11t ; I <'11 \1·111 rt>11ume 11e11~ton11 In ·e11 rly t11ry gift. to be u11e<t on h~r plan· t rea.,urer. Mrs. .lohn Go11vhm ; I fllll. ned trllvell!, an<1 w 1U1 an orchid. corru pondfng l!t'('retnry, Mr~. \\'ll · ":i;===:;;;;;;;;;;::;:;:;;;;:;;;;.:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:::, llam O'Rryon: recorrllng srcrtlary, Mr11. Edward Kusby and p11rlia· menlarlan, Mre .• John GI~~. At thh1 meeting a report wlll be made by chairmen of the various com- ll'lllttes, M to progrf'M1 m11dP In Kappa Alpha Theta • The Orange County 1-(appn .Alpha Theta Al11mnne Club will meet J une 7 a t 11 30 a.. m at th,. home of Mn1. R uth \'•'•l1lt>r, 130!1 Cove. Corona d1>I Mar. t 11n1'hl'on. for e&C'h one wlll bring h,.r own food. will follow at 12 30. All Thetas a t"f Invited a.nd should call the ho.te.111. Harbor 2201·\\', 9uick Service roa Roller Shades dlrd Shade Clot.ha and tom SpeclaltlN • Drapery ardwar. • Venetian Blind.I CALL HARBOR 18' THE SHADE SHOP Ut 3!nd St~ Stwport Beac.-11 ftfflde the Pod Office eu ~UR STORA4' Always Store Your Furs With A Furrier lit 1111rts store 111~ cltH yeur firs n1 lest Smic1 Costs No Morel Hove Yow F"'1 · RESTYLED NOW AT REDUCEO ,_ICESt OLIVE M. DULING FURS 218 N. Broadway Santa Ana Kl 2-1223 Swtmllull b7 Cole The Stauffer Sy1tem i1 Mlling NEW FIGURES for summer! Th• STAUFFH "Mlracleff ta- bles w il l trim your HIPS, TUMMY, CALVES and THIGHS, 10 quickly and easily you w.ill find it hard to h!I '?'t~ your own eyes. . If yov wovld like to be buying 1izea 12 and 1' lhi1 summer, cell the STAUFFER SYSTEM TO· DAY for your NEW FIGURE I Call PHONE ~UMIU for e complete personal figure an- alym and a complime ntary d.emonstration of th• famov1 STAUFFER TABLES. 3117 E. Coast Highway CORONA DEL.MAR HARBOR 1742 I' A twf •Hit stery ., CATALlll Onn! tt--w sirl• had hipe-- they're 11toM ' -th11nlu to c.taliaa'• -new mmf'd hip "-'-' which -m• to ITW'll inct-fr<>m hiP8 and UjlJ>l'r '"'·The lApt"rM mhorta leg atit!11 to thft alimmin1 effect. And not.I! the pntly rounded bn linl' ""hi<'h impart. the iww ..,_ to U-1lamorou• 11Uit11 Left. Y• Yo~~ pdll& damask ln blWor or-.. combin.t.ioll., ., .. ., Jlisbt: r,. O' II• B..,._ r.... wWtr.Qr~ ...... ·"·" NE"WPORT • Open DEPARTMENT STORE Oii t111e 0-. ......... n .. •'-0.. 81tort ~k from Newport PleT -NEWPORT IEACH We Glv• S & tt Grffft Shlllppl ·-- Sundays .I 0 to 5 • • . . , I " •1 t r .. \ PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY .. to.AA Y 26, 1955 PLAN .BAZAAR -Lido lale Woman's Club is planning a community project to raise money to decoi:ate the new club house. Shown above, left to right, are Mrs. Clyde M. Hom, gift tag chairman of the bazaar; Mrs. E. M. Vreeland, aprons; Mrs. Francis Dawson, tickets; Mrs. Keith Cordrey, general chairman; and Mrs. Leon Ware, cook book. -Staff Photo • f _...._...__. _}.L : ._ .... _ ..... _ _, .. NEWLY-ELJ:.:CTED OFFICERS of the Harbor High School P-TA board are (left to right) Mrs. Harry Hil- liard .. audi tor ; Mrs. A. L. Hayward, recording secreta ry; Mrs. Judson Sutht'rland, presid~nt; Mrs. Harvey Pease, first vice president; Mrs. Dennis Hogland, parliam~n ­ t~rian and Mrs. Robert Ziegler. treasurer. -Staff Photo ' HI SCHOOL P-TA BOARD Superstition Nite 1 Housew!lrming for· Olivers l 'nlon H•rh ~ .. h •I \\ h"rt' h• t • 11rarun11 1n•l 1 u1·t11r Bermuda Guests Entertained Here Mr. a nd Mn. A.ndr.w J. Oliver of 1H2 Sylvia Lane, Harbor Hl(h· Janda, were IW'prt.aad by a Dumber Mr. an<! M11 F'r..S J o""I'"· or ot rne.nda who jolned ln (Ivins a Tradu Hoa n, 30• Main St • Ual· houwwarmlnr party on Fl1day, boa. toel'thrr with Mr. and Mr. May 20. A rtrt for their new home Loul1 H. 81'11t y. <11111hler1 Manh.1 wu pre1mt•d to tbe OU\'tll by a.ru1 !'\a.n~y. Nevl1 81rbo1a •n·I Mm;,, and MaHrL Juae Spratt. I D1wld Melin ot 8 t'rn111da. rormt tl Don Martlh, Cha.rlea Kr&nta, O.Or-t a dinn<'r rarty at lhe Villa Ma1 IM don llcldu and Mn. IA• Barkt!r. • Moa:iday evenlnf. • Comins from hnla Barbara, th~! Mr. a nd Mra. JoHph have beM couple ha. lived In th• Harbor are& 1 :ntf!rta tnlnf the 1 8f'llty1 d11rani: alnce 19111 whtn Ollvir waa em-lhtlr vl1lt tp Dalbo• and South· I ployed by the Newport Harbor etn California. POPPY GIRL -Sandra Leutwyler ia cocooned in petals of a giant poppy, emblematic of Poppy Daya, May 27 and 28 when members of American Legion Auxiliary, Post 291, will sell the memorial flowers. Proceeds go to help the disabled veterans. Miaa Leutwyler ia the daugh- ter of Mrs. Albert Leutwyler, Poppy Day chairman and president-elect of the auxiliary, ia herself a junior mem- ber of the unit. -Ollennan Photo WHITENECK TALKS tt·arper Group Told Needs of High School K. E. Whlteneck, aclence IMtruc- tor at Hubor High. explained the high 11chool expansion program _.t the May JO meeUJl&' ot the Har- per School P·TA. With the a.Id or explanatory chart• he told of the derlnlta need for anothl'r high achoo! to be atarted In the Im- mediate future. The afternoon k indergartenera entertained with aonga anll dances direc ted by Mrs. Keo Kang and Mra. Skinner. Refreshmenta were servtd by co-hostea!l('a: Mra. Ray Wallace and Mn. Dean F lanagan, a.nd were pro\.Jdl'd by the tu hos· tease11, Mni. Jeasle Harmon. Mra. .&mica Hadley. Mr•. R. W. Slagle. Mrs. A. McKirule, Mn . T. K. Dela- hunt. 'MrL J. C. R lcha.rdaon, new pres- ident, announced the appolnlmPnt of the !ollo"1ng rhalrmPn · Co· aoc1al, Mra. Ray Wallace nn•I :\!rs. Dean f'tan1agan; ways a nd meafl.8, Re • t } b Mr1. Curt11 P hlnneoy; hospilahty, Cl a y Mrs. D. K. Roberts: room mother, Mr11. A. Keny: publicity. M r~. w. 1\1!.SS Moody A. Kr mpn; magazlnl' and l!'gu1- latlon, Mr11. \\'. V . A rm111rong. Ml11a Marvalee Moody, tall'nte•I Mn1. Richardson hamleod in ht-r ·young meuo-soprano and dough· resignation e!fecuve May 15, due ler of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E . to t:ol. Richardson and hia family Moody, 3711 Eut Coul .Highway. b~lng tran.terred. Flrat vice pre$!-Corona del Jd.ar, will be heard In dent, ¥n. Kenneth Leathers, will a recital on Friday. June 3, In the bccom<> prei1ident and Mrs. Herbert new Choral Hall at Coaat Coll<'gf' Jenks haa been appointed by the auditorium. Lloyd Hol.z&"raft-, or- board to fill the poalllon. p.nlst at Fir•t Methodist Church, • price salt.~ Stock up now 1nd arlur&e 111 ummu! Fu-rurbin& frasrrncu in almo.t incredibly 1on1·lulh11 aJDOWll. Qu1ntillu are limited. Selt•i-. Come in to &et it today l LIDO-M61 Via Udo, Newport Beach ''Cue of tbe Udo 81topa" RARBOR--MOl E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar PRESENTS ART AW ARDS Prlncipal Herbert Ward .J.11-Long Buc4, wm be accompanlat. nounced that summer recreational Miu Moody, who la voice atudent programa wall be held aa uaual thla of Mra. K~elh ~ttcher. placed The Bob Haines home at 1711 ~ear, with Mr. Allen In charge at aecond tor her age group In t ht' :\lonrovia Ave. Costa Mu &, wu the high achoo! a.nd Mra.'P. Gar-recent Oranre County Muau:&l Arla 1 he i;cene of a combination of con-denet In charge at Harper. , audltlona. BALBOA-716 E. Balboa Bh·d., Balboa • trarlu::t1ons \\hen Holm•& enlert&Jn-j;iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;: . •• l.J.. t>d his 8th grade Sunday School clasll from the Methodist Church. PoslpQnrd a day f1om Friday the 13th, theme or the Jfdrty wu "gupnst1lion" and the i;i.aeala, 13 in number a nd meeting at 7: 13 p.m., Jtave the old tlml' auperst1- l1ons a foll work-out In rames Introduction of New Committee Chairmen Student art awards and introduction of new committee chairmen featured the last meNing for "the current year of 'the executive board of Newport Harbor Hjgh School P-T A, held on Monday in the board room of the school, with Mn;. Judson Sutherland presiding. The annual art awards which tho P-TA J:IVl'S Wf'fl' pn•HnlN1 to Elizabeth Hood nnll Lr!ltli• Oll'ka-tesy; Robert Harbison. racully ad· eon, 11nphomorrs. nnd Lin1ln Crlf-v1Mr; Marls f'ewlsnd, f"ounder11' falhs. S('lllor, by Mr.!1 Rnbrrt 7.1'·~· day; WaMlam B. Coleman, Jtradc ler. chnlr11111n or l h!' 11·r1 nt 11rllsl:1' repre11entaUve; Richa rd Llll,.nths l. tell. hP11lth and exceptional rhlhlrt>n . l'\tw commillt'<' 1 hnirmrn In-Albert Ogden. hospltahly: 1tml T. C'll!dt : Mm!'!'. It T . Stf'Vt>ns. llrt D1 u11ncan Stewart, lntemaftonat re· a ons. a nd po&tf'r11; l.1lllnn H111 nrtt, r1v1I Othera ar John Klmblr llchool P·TA was prr11t'nlr<I a gift, for ortlrtallng at IMt11ll11l1on of offl- rt-r!!I. Pollowini: the business nwellng 11 v1l·tory cake, rch·brat ang the nt'w hii:h lll'hOOI. was 1w1v111. 1 t was bak1·d by Mr11. Dennis H11i.:land en<I 11!-1•orall.'1I In lhf' fo1 m of 11 ioa nirl•: ballot by l>l r11. Malcolm n ec<I. 11nd fun. O~E TO BE CHOSEN Girls of Month Hostessed at Zonta.Club Luncheon deren11e on•I 1,1 .. ml bAnk , Elli" t•or-, 1 ed 1 .. _ ah 'R b I I e1r11cat on an c .u.en 1p; o rrt S l 1 t er, buurli:rt ". nd f111anc. . :\l.i • 1 M 1 ,... 1 ti . ~I pe<' a guests al the lunchl'nn Sheelry, Jsm,.s A!!pln. Carleton Mt'Rrll end Rulh Ba.rcume attended the instellatton dinner or the ZOnta Club of Lagun& Buch Monday night. Mm .. s. Earl Stenlty, Albert Stockton, Tom Norton and Betty Wall!On 11tlendPd the ln11l11llatlon dinner of the Zonta Club of San Ft-1 nando Monday night. ol R 11 <'h 1 rtf'r nn I r<plntu 11 agnusaon. e&'1 a on. · mes z c " m e ', :• ,1 ' ' \'1ri:at Smith. magazlnt-11 and rul>ll· or onta tub of !l:t-wp111t Harbor ecJurntlon; \\ allar 1 Ball~y. cour-pre;;idrnt ot the Fourth n1~trll t lsst Thursday· at th!' V1ll.1 ~far· Visits Son at ration~; Ronald Barlow, mollrm 1n.1 '''-''" the eight h1s:h school p1cturr11. radio and televts1on: r; "Zonta Garis of the MHnlh." Andy :'>torgan Fitzwater. parent ('dur.•· Schulberg. =-:anry CllnJ•b•·ll, Ar- D • c tion; Rarv('y Pealle. ptograml!. h·ne Huff. Patti t:lt>mnicn,r. Sh1r-en lSOn am PU~, Rnlx>rl Blackmar. publicity; How-try Hourigan, Sumi Sh11{ak1. Oanth • ftTd M~lof. pubhclty record book, llni. Harohl Soyvcy, 11 39 West \\"alt1 r l"ollar. recrnllon: Mar· Shernll anti M~mtt Roucflez. A Mme~ Ifobertson, A8pan, Robert Balboa Bl\'d . lrns n•1 rntly ret urn· i:•nl'l y, studtnt welfart. llnd "Zonta Girl ot the Year" will he Jayre<I. J . M. D1old and Harrume flt from " tw.1 """ . • n nford. wnys and mN1ns. selected trom the obuve a nd ;,n. llttendf'd the in~tallallon dlnnl'r of I durlni;: whlC'h 1<hc \'l~tt··•I 111" llrra-lllr!<. J;imes 8.--etoiltlRrd tuld 11f nounced Ill tht' 11.\''lll•lll ctinnt•r at the Zontn ('lub 11f Garclrn Grove •on 1..Jhl\'l'rS!t y r11 mp1111 111 c;rnn· 11 ftroup of women wnikani; with the hlith .!!Chool l:it",' this munth. T11N•tlay n li;hl. anJ Mrs. W11tson ville, Ohio, where aon tto1;1'r ill al· Harbor High sturlenl.3 lt1 ral~e Other guestl! 111~111""" M is~ l>olll· a t11•n !c•I th•' 1n~l:ill11t 1rm dlnnPr of I trndlng C'11llr~1·. She \\'II~ lllll<'h funds J<O that a Europl'an l!t11de11t thy Fln!1on I'll l·.na:t.rnd. Mr.!1. J o til•• Z•mlll t:l11b i.,( Los Angc>lf'll lmP.rl'llS<'cl with the br1111t v 11r thr i n111y <'1>"1" to H111bor nex t f11ll 11ml I ~cCarthy, lli :< 1!.iJlwrt Hni ba~nn, Tl1<•sllay 111ght. c~pu11 1111.t th" f11<'ndl;11Ms ot 11\'l' "ith ll(lme f11m1iy in th•~ 1111·a. I ~!rll. v0cro A. J uhn"<ln und ·'11'~ :i.rrs. Rvbe1 t~nn. l\l rs. J u11t'ph I , I I r . ,v,arle rnnlsun. both "tlldt•nti< 11n1 fn111 ty. n Rtt On th<• stndenl co111m1ttrr pro· , H11mblrl recordlnu llf!Ctl'tar)' and th l t h I I I I n1rs. H. I U.11 1111 "'"~ lll"lnll"I · ,.. • gone llll CJUl to 11.l.ll\lr~ t ho parent.a l\Iri<. H.arb1Jron ~nil r.1111 J11hn , 1111 correspondlnK ~··•I• :.ir~· :i.1 ni .. ;;. ' .-s. i'Or~e l'l1Z ti f'n e e e rwr11onn• 1• t " Ill ion inc motin~ she exrhani;1· pt<tJ.'Tllm 11re ~· · 1 M c B tt d d th a good tlme at the ma.ny event.a Fr,. try from the r11r11lt y, Dirk In· Harold t Hclrn' r,. b"1 t~1111. J••h'.1 ':·Ml< !lh~p Mf'<'tlng at LOng Buch p l&ru1td In thrlr honor. n"rllt, Andy Schuibrri;. and Lau-] ~n. Jani1s Cnll11gh .. 1. M. t . Saturda~. Doug Hoyvl'y, who !., IH'ITln,.t In rtr Henrlnck11. the t:.S. :>:nvy. had pl11nnc.1 to I A lrltPr WM read from Edgar Join t hrm hut \\1111 un11ble to do 110 IR. H all uri:lng everyone to ri glllter 1 wh1,n his ship llA!led 11nonrr lhl\ll for C1\'1J tif'fl'lll!f'. On J unr 6 Ht !l.30 f'Xpected. After ltavang DenlJM>n " m. et St. Andr1!Wll P rr,bvtPT111n I M rs. Boy\'<'Y ~1~nt A wtrk \'ill1tlng It 'hurrh the Harbor Conn• 11· work· ht r wtt-r, .\I r11. 1'". L. lllet tltr of !<hr p wall he hrld. Chlcazo. I ~fr11 H11rrld Boyvey. first v1ce-p;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;:=;;;;:=;;;;:=:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.;=-...;:::=;;;;;;... ____ , Corona clel Mar -Fine Furniture & Accessories Distinctive , Decorating Service ~1 \ Surmner FrostinCJ For Your Hair • T11> y<>ur hair with troaty tll\·er hlonctt> or gleaming gold !or aum- t;.l'r -it 1 the Frcnrh way to i;:1n • ~our hair the R1vatra'1 1un· IJ. • .,.;.J" •Ul'..•NI 1 .. nk 1 • ~ Sun-tipplnit 10.00. A new haircut to ~t It off ·~I.•-.... ,.,. . $2.00 -.,.-.,, Permanents 'from SJ0.00 " ( I -4/ice o/ oflJo 408 32nd St., Newport leach Harbor ~844 • • • Ask Any Islander , TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPEC~ FOR MAY %6 • 27 -28 Don's Meats voaar'• Ruell 69C TURKEYS ·-··-··········---Jb. ~prlfta', Shoulder 65C LAMB CHOPS ....... Jb. Clrda "ll" BACON -----····--···~·A DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ·' qrog• S/wp" Grocery Department 8tokle)''• 17 APPLE SAUCE .......... ~!:s c PtNEAPPLE ........................... !! 21~ ;EA.CH HALVES ~~3 17c A1 PMRi 1 coT HAL vEs ~~3 23c Del Moot.e Crum 15 GOLDEN CORN ... !:!3 c. ~~~~~-·~.. 21 STRING BEANS ..... ~::s c ............... !!!s 25c # Royal Prinre YAMS ........... . Cam pl>f' 11 'a ., I I COFFll CAKI ••• 29'-. ia-..n .... , "-()J:. 25c "an Deluxe Devll'1 Food \'an C'amp'tt 23 TOMATO JUICE PORK & BEANS ...... ~:;,· c SQUARECAKI 59' •. 17kV ..... I Jhti.tf TIDE .................. tarre 2t.iant 69C ·· ~; DICK'S Green Groceries BELL PEPPERS . rb.17c Crt.p G l'H!n CABBAGE 1b.7c N-Crop, R~ BUN 4 23c POT A TOES ..... _ ''"'· SpeLlalillng 1;f 9•1ity Procluc• You Select ••• We DeUver IHI· MARKET SPOT--- 200 .MARINE A VENUE •• BAUOA .ISLAND , . ' , I '· I PROM PRELUDE -Before going to the Harbor High achoo! Junior-Senior prom Friday evening, May 20, this group dined and danced at Balboa Bay Club. Left to right are Jim Sternberg, Miss Sandra Swift, Miss J oanne Hagen, Don.Merrill, Miss Carol Baldwin. who wu the hostess, and Don Chase. -Terry Boria Photo Toastmistress ' Installation The' l'leml·nnnunl election or Of· fleer s w eH helt1 Ill the Harbor Toastnrlstn•ss Club Monday evt'n· Ing at Hospitality Hnutoe. B<1lboa. New oHlcers lo be lnstnllcd n .. xt month are: President, Mrs. Nadine HIU; vice presldtml, J.ira. Albert E. Joh Mon: <'Or respondlng 11eC'rt'- lary, llfrs. uroy And,r11on; re- cordJng 8"C:rt>lary, Miss Clulrlottt Sklnn,r; lreasur,r, Mra. Frank Clend,nen~ rlub repru,ntath·e, Mrs. Arthur M1chacll and a lt,r· nate, Mrit. J. H. Peon:<'. Mrs. Jer ry Johnson ls ch&lnnan for the lnstallauon dlnner a t the Yacht Club and & apecl&I m'ellng wW be h'ld &t H08pltallly Hou11e Tue.day evening. May 3 1, to work out plans for th' J une 8 fl!f&Jr. A report w11a given by Mni. Paul Mora '4·ho representt'd the club at the Jntem11flonal ToMtmlstrM!I Club re~1011ar In Snn Diego lut week-end. NEW PANHELLENIC PRESIDENT is Mrs. Harold Boyvey, 1139 West Balboa Blvd. (right), shown accepting the' gavel from the retirin'g president Mrs. J. H. Riggs of Bal- boa Island. Installation was held at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. -Slaff Photo Gavel Exchange by ~anhellenic Officer Duo Omnibus Group Install s at Yacht Club Luncheon wr re hOHte11~cs for the afl<'m oon nnd r e:.pons1bl,. ror luncheon ar- r11ng1•mmt11 11nd the rnrd p11rty th11t followetl. In 11pprrclatlon for a ll t he ser· vice given Hurbor Panhellenlc this past year, 1'1111. Riggs wu pruent· ed wHh the tradlllonal preald,nt'e gl!l. george Handmade Contemporary Orfglnal!J !S • ll9th Place at ~lmont Pin Long Beech, Calif. ('lolled Montlays DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 7 .Madame L illya Anderson \\'ho ha11 lnll'rnallon:il experience a.s a voice te&<'her In both • lasi1lr11l 11nrt popular \'Olt'e de\·,lopment, will g i\•e private 111•lrur:10, 1 .1 11 limited number of 11t11<!enl3. At'lllTIO;\'S t 'REE O:S FRJDAYS Coll 11\"att 4·6685 for appointment When Harbor Panhellenic held~ts installation of officen1, Mra. H. 0 . Boyvey accepted the gavel from out-going presi- dent Mrs. J. H. Riggs in a ceremony l\t Newport Harbor Yacl,it Club on Wednesday. May 18. Other new offi c!'rs who · ,..'"U work with Mrll. Do)'"<'Y next Hh:h Srhn(ll next )rnr 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ year 11re Mr,.. \\'11ltrr l111lr h. first I Mrs. ~l<'rlon C'1t111Hnn. Mr9 A., - Vlet·presld,nt ; Mr~ ;"1;11llrnt' r op-1 J. Aune, Mrs K••nnt'lh Cooling, l'n, ·at~nd \'irl'·prrsl<l<'nt. M1·s. Mri>, H. IL 1·a,•·y. ~Ir~. (;rnrge Harriette B Arbt r, tret1ll11rer, l\11 ~. Guthrn" 11nrl M1,., R. I.. ''"J•rien Robert !Ank<'r. recnrdlnl{ ~r·crP· t.ary; Mrio 'EdJ:"11r H. s1rno1 Jr .. Strathmore · Trip corruponcllng ~rrrt'tary. Mrs. Cnll11 \'1cl,., :?ICl!l H:111>o1· l'ollow1ng IUIU'hN>n II !OhOtt hll!'I· Bl\·d . Coi;t11 )\l'Jlll. ;l(t f mpnnl'd by llHI nft'tllng ·wlll! hrld. Jt wall I hPr t11111ghtrr. ~I rs \.111.lnn Almond, voted thllt $1110 b1• ront11butP•I :ln•I 1'<•11n1 1hn~n nn1I ~11 ~ Burt • 1 t Rm1th ,.e .. ntl\· m utllft'ol l ol ~11ath· 1 t o the Aml'nn rn SPl\'lt t' n rrnll· mor'f' ~·hei r ~ir~. Aln • n·I n1 · .. n·lt·ol Uonal &ehOlllrllhlp~ t ht' purpol'" nr hl'r hu:h "h '"' 11lnmn1 ~lllhl'l 1111: I ""'hlch la to bnn,.: ll rul'f'lgn rx-!\fony old t ra• n '' '' • r,. \'1•11r I on chanf' atudrnl tn ='"wport Ha1 bori lht' trip --=---·=1 BEAUT.Y BAZAAR 1 · 104 Tustin Ave.· Newport Beach i Liberty 8-5212 ·' HARRIET and nRGINIA Specializing in Individual' Hair Styling Permanents -Tints ., 104 Tu.tin Ave. LT~rty 8-5212 SA'~#E · 1_3'0 ON A SMITH°CORONA CLIPPER "With The hclusive Poe• Goe• FeotureH so . Complete With Case 79 plu• tas C.llEf'.K T HESE f'E.ATI RES! e Ql"ICKSET MARGJS ••• E&~lnt and futeet .,..tftll on Bn)' Port•blf'. ' e PAGE C.:\Gr: • . • TakH £11t'MWorlc cmt of PAC" '"d typlnc. • t:"'f'l.TI~n·r. ... All around ""'"' frame. e TOt CH SELECTOR , , • Sh Pmilt101111. e C'OI..OR ~l'EEU KF.VBO.UtD ••• l'rrm•n<'nt non·irlat~ k":V-·Fnll •lie c.>fflrtl' mnC'blne lct>yboard. e ~KID rROOF fT.T.T .•. Wrll to front of maC'hlne Cballln<'- ~.1 OO~IENT BUDGET TERll8 ,... . tOt Non. Mala 8tr.t -... ta Aaa -IDmbPrly t-t~ THURSDAY, MAY 26 •• 1955 I I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 3 "1 - New-Anti·SliJJ 'lJC)!r-rdJY with f11m arch support A ._,lffel• Nl'.W• .__ .. '"°I ....,,.,,, n-111161., eoa. •"-•t • n.•h..._ .. ,. Kil •"d l t\PI .. ,._v•f bt-for-• ,.. 11\.eUf'f IU"" .1,..,_,, Vftd•tf~ ~ .. , 0. and •••r4 •l .. n1·u eic1 •«'•t•f-. low • ftatt t.t-.•• •""'"'•: •wr~~ tuc\K":. d;l6'K6 ·~'i' OI NIM w ... '· ) I.I w...,_, J 10 •P•t Appl f'• OFFICERS FOR· THE NEXT YEAR were inatalled for Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon Club at the club houae last week following & luncheon. Shown nbove (right t o left) are Ml'l!I. Reuben Day, president; Mn1. Paµl Roberta and Mn. Sherman Salter, ''ice presi- dents; Mrs . .L. W. Covert, recording .aecretary and Mre. E . I. Moore, treasuN'r. -Staff Photo Art Display and Feature Day!~ Music Program One of the most enjoyable events for Friday Afternoon Club ls the annual installation luncheon and that of Friday, May 20, wu no exception, including as it did a music pro- gram a.nd diaplay of paintings. Many special guesu were present among thOt!e greeted at the door by the host.euea, MmH. Joeeph Mc8hane, Florence more than It• bud1"9t of 17000 for E lghm'y and Ha.rey Burdick. the ye11r. Mn. E. M.. Reed, pl"Mldent of Mn. Claude Zirkle. a.rt cbalr· man, presented Mr1. B. w. Brint· Orange County Federa\Jon of Wo-nail who ahowed 30 palnUng1 ln n1'n'1 Clube, ln.atalled the f'>llow· oil and wat,rcolor done In Leo Ing offlcere: Bushman's clBJlll at Oranr• Cout OFFICER SLATE E vening College thla' ye11r. Mn. Mmea. Reuben 06y. premdent; Paul Roberta. fln1t vice president; Sherm11n Salter. 11econd vice presl· dent; L. W. Covert, record.Ing sec· r'tary; A rile Swart.z, correspond• Brintnall urged all to t.al<e &dvant- ago of the Interesting c:our&e8 of· fer'd In the adult 'ducallon pro- gram at the college. ORCJIE8TRA Pl.A YS Ing 11ecretary; E. t. Moore, trua· Olrect.ed by Clinton Sawin, the urer. At • conclusion of lh~ cere-hJi h echoo1 orchutra prtM.!lt.d mony J.tn. 0 . D. King presented ti. n1nth prog"r&m for the club. At gifta to both Mrs. Reed and Mra. tint, u ld Sawin. there were onl) Day. . & few membt n In the orche.tr&. Mn. D11y. who I• ll4!rvin6 a 11ec-Now It nwnbera n 'arer rio. Bob ond l enn, Introduced 1eetlon chair· Taylor, concert ma.st,r. pkyec:t two m'n for the y,ar, Miu Lyda Con· olln 111>loa. ant M d Mrs. A. R. Morrison, &rt.I ============ and crafts; M'ra. KJng and .t.tn. Swartz, book 1ect.1on; Mrs. Paul Robef'U. ttadln~; Mr& Moore and Mrs. Saro M. Cox, c&nU. Sa1 It With FROM OONVl:.'"'TION i-toweN br Wit• Party Rental Item• R.eporta on the st.a.t.e convenUon h'ld a t Coronado were given by Mmes. Winona Sh11ver, Paul Ro- bert.a, J . T. Payne and Calla Viele. Mn. Kenneth Stewart r'ported 1everaJ prospective members. Mrs. Moor. 1tated the club had ra.lnd -'•03 E. Con.d B11 .• CoroM del I/at Harbor 5071 At JO-LEE SPORT SHOP 1823-i Newport Ave., Costa Mesa LETS Prove Advertising PAYS 203 OFF · ON ALL BLOUSES · Friday and Saturday IF YOU BRING THIS AD Community Credit Plan Open Friday Night• for Your Comfort ••• d/t tl.e klaf(, I ThO!e low entry steps are c.~ier to use. Better, recent:ly perfect<>d ventilat.ion provides fresh air. Individual seat light.a enable you to read without strain. Special, tinted, ry o-glare windows keep out strong sunlight. And, of course, every Metro mile you travel is a revelation in smoother riding, due to the wonderful "air-suspensioa" oon- struction, which irons out bumpy h ighwa~ and uneven pavement. • Introduced u g u e 11 t • were I M mea. L. E . Tarbox of SA.Qt& Ana , and R. M. Pet.era of Temple City; H .P. F reed, Letue Brlndent0n and Victor Milla. OS Tilt: llt'l·:A ;\ t•IW;\ T •I • '!net I'll r ... ·t • tin,. &hl'rl hltwk t 1,.m lh" ~t'" I"'' t l'1rr :-.'l.'\\'l"'rl 11 .. 111·h • Mr.. H'ln& Kalaer wu luncheon hoete ... \\t: f,f\ t: ~~II t•Rt:t ;;\' l'ITA~f'" 'HAVING ·A 3 DAY HOLIDAY?. oorxo TO Cl.EAS·l 'P rAl!\"T·t 'P \'One llO"t:'." Remember ••• We're Open All Day Sunday & Monday I With a Complete Stock of . FULLER PAINTS and Supplies GARDEN TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES (WE err A.''"D THREAD Pl Pt: wmu; \ 0 1· W,\ITI FAS SPRAY (RE·SEW \'Ol'R l 'PHOL"'Tt:R\'I Lumite Plastic Screen Yes -We Carry Everything Needed for that Repair Job and again WE REMIND YOU WE'RE OPEN SUNDAY and MONDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE .. AL FORGIT HARDWARE 2205 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Har. 116 8 A R OREES MTAMP~ Stock Reduction SALE lave 25cro socro From . 10 on ALL Our Growing Stock OFF ON OUR SPECIMEN TREES Your Cbut'e to Bu~· A BIO TREE at a BIO SA VINOS I SEE THESE GREAT VALUES AT ·Orange Coast Nursery 380 W . WlllOll Costa Mesa 1 ~ Blocka !'Mt of Harbor Bouee Restaanat Cloeed TpieedaJ• ..,_ brt•r thle ad "1th 7oa . 1, . ,. .. "" . NE\VPORT HARBOR NEVvS-PRESS THUttSDA Y, MAY 26, I 955 -... • OW aa.c-Mr'• T.... aa,_.. C MED. OLIVES ~--·--_! 25 ' I D 0 WITH SALLIE PATIO PARINEAS FUN~ FOOD and FURNliHINGI et ••• SfUFR'D uOLIVES "m····=~· 29C ' May 26, 1966 There'• qH>re than one Richard • . . Brother Dick Richard • • • you all know Dick ••• He own& and oper• ates thJa .•• iucbard'• U- do Market ..• Brother Gor- don 'rud.ard, o"•nu of Richard's Super Markd ln Tomah, \\'lscon8ln, only re- centl)' 801d hltt bwilnete, af- t.for 19 years or df'allnK "1th Krooerie111 .• Brother Frank Richard I• u..-.lstant mana- Jtt'r of Klni;:'A Gateway Ho- lf'I In Land-0-Lak", Wls- coDAln ... To wlad up this brotht'rly foUl'80me "'.fl h*~e Brother Rich Richard who. wlth the openlnK of bJs new ~a Food Markf't ln Vista Vlll~f', ltl the c.au..e or my atraJ~t.enbJK out the Rich ard brotherly "trtt ••• Rich will specialize in Fresh Water F ish .•• Right now Fresh Louisiana Cata might ~~~ offer a variety to t he usual 1 ~~I Friday nite fis h fest ! Or some ~ of the first Fresh Salmon of ~~~ the season ... Pike, Pickerel, Perch and Rahibow Trout too from the la kes and riven of X't11~i.x Minnesota and Wisconsin will be flown in fresh twice week- ly .. Naturally Rich will have a selection of local fresh ocean fish, also crabs. lob-I ~ml ater, shrimp, halibut a n d swordfish ... Let's put it this _,.~..,., way •.. if it swims. "Rich" Richard's Sea Food Market has it ! To sat.tsfy that yen for the unusual taste in your mouth you might enjoy Fre~ Partridge. Guinea lifn, Squab ~Ill Duck or Goose ... 811 West 19th Stre<'l ..• Just get on I 19th Street in Costa Mesa and o:;)OClll'\X)lt keep going towards t he ocean , ~~~ ... Phonl" number Liberty 8- 7644 ... Ci\"e a jingle to fi nd ill~ out wha t gives in the finny c1rclcs these "days ! I -. . /mice /,.eJ~ mealJ ".;hie Corl llow to B11r-be-ctie o!MI• Fresh. Delldous, Te1acler · JR. TURKEYS lb. "If it'• cool 011t111d11 Hn·r" M.anhattan -Flne Flavoiff H AM 1 )Whole or Shank End Butt End ........................ lb. "HomburgPT._ 1\ir tl\e apot"' lb. 65c 55c RICHARD'S Plu a Memortal Day Bartleeue, t ... ftnt of t.be -..oa, wltll oot- door tood.e. twa -d funalablap 1..-IUt'tlard'a. TulJ lhmbUrs· fl"-Bot Dop, Freell Cora, Coke Md 8wt!et .lult'1 Wat6meJoa an tlM u,. to ,_. eat1ac ,~ a.&as la 7-r patto ooatoar el&a.l.r, pull ap a TV tllbl4-altCI muat'll ••&1" oa dae mM.I of tlte cla,y. Be ••re. 11111 .boppaac at IUchard'•• JOU have everytl!Jac for maxi· •-.-r coav...i-. lb. 43c Made with Rlchard'a Leu GROUND BEEF -··-·-------------------..::::;:_- •·wottderf ul f or BorbllCVl"g" U. 8. Choice PORTERHOUSE OI' T-BONE· los STEAK lb. --~ ~~~~~--~------------------- "Wrop aroulld a 1\ot dog for f /1111or" Bath's Blackhawk SLICED BACON "How abovt a aaw.angc dog , .. O!t<'ar Mayer LITTLE FRIE RS • • • lb. 59.c lb. 59c de~cale~Jen ••• Luer'• AU llleat • 45 FRANKS ·-.. -··--·--........... ~ ........... _._ .. _J11. c PlmHto or Plala ~ CHEESE WHIZ ............. -...... .. .. _ .. ____ .. ! 1.1- SDAt'k Time ~Ute! 43 COCONUT CHIPS -.................... _ .. _!. c /,ozen ••• THl·R...,DAV . HpMICU-Rout &Ml W awfH 8 tHll 6ftc DINNERS .......... .... !! 7- s peed6-wtth MWlltroom &auc. 59C BEEF PA TIY .................... ~~ . RUM RING CAKE ............ _.h 54' i>IN'N.Ei ROLLS & 14' . . .. ............. for FRIDAY APPLE PIE ................ -............. eacll 52' LIMA BEANS .... !! ·ror ff .... Tumato ' 2 CATSUP .................... -............ _ ... _.~: lor 41 c MUSTARD """'"''''''''""''"'''"''"'"''""'"""'""'m••~ 1oc <',...... o,,. AMt>rwd t"'lavu"' 2· 39c Bf VE RAGES ...................... ~~ for • PAPEif ~NAPKINS .... 2 ... 19c JloMWU'e Qualjly 4 5c PAPER PLA TES ...................... :!h N. B. O. N-27¢ CORN THINS •Vi .. L Ubbye 8Uaed SWEET 27' PICKLES _ .............. 11-. IUapford 77' IRIQUmES .. · •• ~... :.. FiHstART ...... _ ...... 25' Chrill & Pitt. BARBECUE 37t SAUCE ........ ___ .... 11--. Thi' Black F I a m i n It o should offrr an M't>nlnK of fdttln~ on thP t-d~e of your Keat entntllinm1>nt ! Put on by thf' Womrn's Ci,•ic-v a- RUt' of ~··"-port lharhor, the J>rOCl'f'tls will ~o towards the \"outh anti Community l't>nler in Corona dt>I Mar .. E\'f'.n thf' Mmall fry will bt1 .-nhan<'t'd with th.. Black •"lamin~o .•. It has 80m4"-t hlnK m~·14t .. rious ~olnJ( on from t'Urt.aln to curtain ... Not M'&ry, just f'nterta in- lng ... TirkPb ~1.00 c>ae!h .•. Plac-f': Oran~.-Coast College AuditMlum, this Frtdav and ~atunla\' nit~ RYE BREAD ........ -......... -......... .IO&f 231 flATl"RDA\. CINNAMON ROLLS APPLE 1s1AucE cAKE .......... eadl 87' ·CHTCKiN liEAsT lb. 9tc BlrdM7• .,..,,. 2 41c Blrdileye PEAS a 2 29C CARROTS _ ..... __ !~ '°' Su.a.kt.t 2 21 C LEMONADE _:.. tor Rowing Regatt6 Saturday at 8: ir,. · Always t here 1s something new behind t.be Palm t rees ... Now it's 24 Hour Photo Fin- ishing. films and supplies in our JnformAtion and Maga- zine D<'pa rtment ... Bring in your films by 4 :30 one day and you can ha\·e them 1ate in the afternoon of the next day ... Can't reaJlzf" . that fin yuni ha\'e gont' b~· sln<'f' thf' <'Oll<"J,tt' hOys row, row, rmnd thPlr shells down our Balhoa Ba)' for t hf' fln1t tfmP ••• Thi!• y.-ar's 5th an- nual lnt.-rrolltgiate Rowln,; Rfogatt.a for thf' Wf'!lltf'm Sprint Champlorislffp i.11 this roming Saturday, Ma:r 28. Tht'l'f' wlll bf> 9 thrllUng ""9Cf'!J from 11 A.M. to 2:SO P.~. C'rt>"1' from British- Columbla. Callfomla, Na,·y, t Ore~on Statt', 0 ran ,; t" ~OOl!it C'oL'4t, Stanford, U.C.L.A., \\'uhln~ton and U.S.C' .•.. Grand 1'tand ticktt8 att $1.2:\ and cua bf> purc-hued ~ at tht> Nt'wport Harbor Chamhf'r of Commf'rcf' •.• SN-It thlA ~·e&r •.• 1bf'~'11 lots of AtaodlD~ room aloni the hf'IM'h or on the cliff• &bo\'f' ••• ·:fave 'lour receipli ••• Saw up to SO% on Summer Fur- nlshln~. T-V Individual Servlnir; Table~ Aluminum Sand uad Confour ChaJn, Picnic Basket.A, n.ach Towels and Spectator ~ats art1 youn, at n-al uvlnir;s wheD you 8hop and save for thf'm, at Rlcha.nl's. • • For Your Holiday Salads. Flavot'-fuJ lndlo 2 5 C Jq~at~_e_s __ :,_. __ __ ~e Si», Fuerte \'ariety 15c --~----Avocados ---h~aane2 for 151 ... -You'll find a Lido Shop • • • Richard's is one ot the Lido Shops at the entrance to Lido tale ... Consider our remodel- ing here like moving into a brand new home. It may take ·ilmllllllllli~~llllllll you a while to remember · where you put t hings in all thnse ni ce new cupboards. but think how much more yo_µ • w\ll enjoy it.. . . 1 Sl>ECl.\LS FOR MAY 26! 2'7 and 28, 1955 ( • -• N •w low ,nc." COFFEE ---""--"" 0 "- 0 -"····· •••• lb. 7'f 2# -•••• l.&I "Rfai.ard'• Jbtro-nM Q.MOlity E{J(ll " O,_ OUtoa ,..._h Rancll Ol'Mlti AA 4,C LARGE EGGS .......... ·-·-···-......................... doL "'°" all ~Mt -MMwtclM• 011d 111111111-''' a1Ca.arcl·· ~~c MAYONNAISE .. -............... -.. -..... _ ........ pint ~~ HTu ·Ji~Het" JIO'I tUl 1"ce" iiifrER ·""---"··"" "· -.-... -.... ··--·· .. -----·-.. ·---~ 2'f . • • • Annual lntercolle9 i~te ROWING REGATTA for the ""f'•tf'rD Sprilll (."IWn.pJoaalUp (Olym pl«' nl11tA11C'f') Saturday, May 211, 19M Sf'e th .. lirNt t:lcht-Oar (.'rr~ • ln Artlofl Brttl•h ("olumhla -C0allfornl- N1wy -Oregon Slat,. Omnirr Cou t. -Stanford - l '. (",I .. A. - ~·uhlncton and t•. ~. (". Orand11tand TM, .. 111 11 .U Sow on l'lalft at Sewport Harbor ('hamhf'r of ('omm..,,.., 1800 w . c·oa11t lll&h"'•r s-rwin ~M'h, r am. to fit your every need ! -. ,· 4 -, • •, · WHm FACES STATl'S IEST IN COLISEUM Tribe In CIF Play Friday J'Ut.l.&RTON COC'Nll -~h echool admini.tratora announced today that P'ul&.rton Rlth I• to meet Lonr S.•ch Jordan H lf!l In a lle<X>nd·round CJF playotf bue- b&JI pm• tomorrow at\«'moon lft Fulltr~n. HARIOR ,o~ Chimp Tribe Blasts Saints in Loop Finale OREGON STATE COLLEGE-Here are the 1955 varsity eight and alternates enter- ed in the Newport Harbor Rowing Regatta May 28. From left, Harry Hanna, Bruce Roberta, Jim Wood, Sam Van Al"8dale, Jack Holst, John ElliBon, Jacl< Roberta, Don MacDonald. Kneeling, Jock Burka, Louie Rall and Charle• Garrett. STANFORD UNIVERSITY-The 1955 combined varsity and junior varsity eight.a are ente~ in the Newport Harbor ,Rowing Regatta May 28. Kneeling. left to right, Rowd Davi.a and Cal Gogerty, cox.wains. Middle row, from left, Dan Ayrault, atroke and Newport 'a Tod White. CJ P' mile champion, (OH a.i-lnat the beet prep eompeUtion ln the State Jnfft Saturday a t the Lo9 An1elea CoU1t'Um. White ...,.. an euy mUe mtor tn the CJJ' final• a t Ontario lut wttkend u hi• expected duel with Orou- mont'a Rene Roger1 didn't materialize. Rorer• faded th• final 180 yarda and barely tlnlllhed aeeond. White'• time waa 4 :23.2a. Don Butty ot Newport turned In a record·shaltertng 3:11.9 time In the Clu1 B 1320. He took over the lead on the ttnal lap and ran away f rom the field. Th• quarter-nnat pme la to be played at Amtrtf• Park. atarunc at 3 p.m. Both teama dreW a flnt- l"OWld bye. Tiie wtnn.l' ta to mMt the winner of the Ban Dleco HIJh· S.ldwln Parlit pme. In tlrat-round action yMtenlay, Mont\lhello acored tlve runs ln tlle flrtt Inning, then MW Paramount acore •Ix In the 11econd frame. Monte~llb adde<I 11ll In thC' HVen· th to r apture the iame. H-C. In the other Central 0J'1)up pl1&yQff ~ame. Baldwln Park di'· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART J l I ·PAGE I THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 OCG, CONTRA COSTA VIE FOR-JC TITLE~ Tar John l:lcnrot10 the runner-up spot Clua C ahot p1.1t. nabbed futed Chatr«'y H igh, 6·3. Tomor- Pirates Gain Playoff Berth With Double Win Over LACC ln tht row aflt'moon. the tollowtng CJF games will take plact : San Dle10 meetlnf Baldwin Park. Fullerton playinr Lonc Orange Coaat College. Southern California. JC Champs, Beach Jord&11; Ventura meeting play West Contra Costa. Northern California titlists. for the Monttbello and Mark Keppel play-State JC title atartin~ Friday afternoon at Richmond in a Ing St. Anthony'• ot Long Beach. " Fullerton and Jordan have met best-of-three series. NEXT! Mesans Play once this ytar. Long &acb pre-OCC tam«'d lh«' playoff b4>rth • follnwinR day u Coughlry twlrl- valled OVt'r the Indiana, 4·2. For wlth 8-2. 8· 1 wins Saturday ovrr I'd 18 tnntngs. allowing «'lght hits Atw 't 9 the eeuon, Coach ilill Krltchfleld'a LACC behin d tht steady patching In tht first ~11n1r• an<I only four a er• Beachcombt'r1 have woA 18 game• of Wayne Coughtry. After '1rop-hlli1 111 th<' "crud1J:' • and lo11t four. P'ullerton h&1 a 20· pin( a 13.3 gamr F11duy lo thf' Thi' Oa t1nge hurlPr not only H S d 6 rtcord. Cubs. Orangl' bc:>unce<1 bac-k th• quitll'•I th.. Cubs bat-wlBe but ere Un -ay . l'lubbt'd ll homer an t>arh Kami'. Thi• WETZEL'S BAT HELPS SLUG P1r11tf'11 openf'd the 11conng In Rat· Coeta Mell& hoeta Atwat..er Ml'r· , 11rday·11 nrcnrr with thrt'e run11 in Occ To ST · thr ll<'cond ln111n g. Coui;htry 11tut- chant11. contt0lat1on winners or the A TE PLAYOFFS !'O 11 .,ff with hi~ four-muter, LA Winter Lea guf' playoffs, Sun· flplnn'1 Hall wlllkf'd '11n1I Bob Wt't· da y At Lions F ield. Bobby Wetzl'I la the JeadlnK Orange Cout Colhige hit· ul blUll'll ll two-run homer. CM won lhf'lr Initial geme or tl'r a11 t hf' P iratl's hl'&d northward tor the J C flnal11 with W1'1tt In thr lhiN1. Buddy Plerl't''" lhe MuniC!pal Bueball Aun. 1•11t Contra Costa. The OCC caplll!n Jed' the Bue h lt.llltllCk with .. ini:-11' tlr<wl' homl' nn~ t111ly 11.n•l w~k. 14-1. over the Down,.y North 1 f ,22 to 1 W•l•f'I •lrPw ll fr•·r ~--ti> fore• a l'ague average o ., . pa n the loop. The Pirate• won ' • , .. ~ ~ Amf'rn:en R-OCkt'ts on the \\1nntrll th an the 8N·ontl run of lhe mnln" .. diamond. e learue with a 10·2 mark. ,.. Thi' Rocket. ui1ed three pitch· f'ra In the· sevl'n IJlnlng gamt' 1n 11n 11ttl'mpt to h11lt the rnn-acor- lng by Coi.ta MPaa. Six runa< came ac:rou In the first Inning for tht' locals u lhl'y batted around. Timely hlt11 by Cnsta lltrsa and poor t aeldlng by Down"y lllrnf'd the game Into a <f'C>Ul. On the de· feMlvo 111de of the ll'<lger, local hurler Bob Blaylock 1hut the door on the Rocketa until the final In· nlng. He allowed 111x hlla and 1truc:k out 12. Don WUJlams hit the Jone homer nt the game In the fourth with one on. Ruland Hill, fruhman. wu fourth in l•arut tMttUnc with P04>r l.ACr fieldinir lr.t. m two a .40!1 a verage. Six other oc playtr11 hit ovt'r .300 ai the more Orange nanii 1.u. 'the~ si.xfh team wound up witb a .31~ average. anrt John f.~lrad1t"11 bnf'·b&~r ~l'nrl"d thl' fin11I 01.'t' counter of r1tchtr Wayne Cough try topped the Eutt'rn Conf..renc1 lhl' game in th<> nrnth. with ll perfect 7-0 ma rk. and had a 11·2 rf'CDrd on the aeaaon. A third Inning f'rrnr ant1 a force With 28 gamea under their bella, thf' Buc1 blaatC'd out plt1y good for two run" started l'H doublu , 17 trlple11. a nd H home runs. Outfaeldu Gayll' lhe Paralt'~ off agatn In the decld- HerbeJ and Coughtry blast~ tour homera with Catcher Tony Ing ~mt'. Coughtry hit his eecond Lombardo getting thrtt. roundtnppt'r with Rmry Deeuu lnfleldtra J ohn Eatrade and Wel&t'I led In RBJ1 with 38 on ha11t' 111 th .. fourth rnning. and 30, reapecllv•ly. E.•trada dnn·e in h1a 38Ut RBI LAMB GOES BAM ! of thl' 11P1181'n, topi. for the club. w llh ll 11ingle In the Mventh. A triple hy Gcorl(I' 81Shop. &n In· fil'ld mlt!<.•uf', Md Gayle Herbe1'11 h11mt'r ln the ninth C"nded the 1cor· Ing and gav .. OCC the llUe. F UU.ERTO:'\ IOC~SI -°£1'• plod1n1 for tl&ht run• In the _.. on<t lnninc. Ful1Prton·1 Indian• eond ud .. d Suruiet Le•JU• flllly Tl1ea<lt1\' at Amtrl(I! Perk wHh an lmprea.;h,. ~-2 victory owr Sult• Ana. Behind the d ft'rtlve pltl'hln1 uf Kr.n Enrl&ht •nd the fine .)lltUn1 "f K<"nl r .. mhrok,., c,~oac·h John V11li>11to110'11 Warr1or1 won th• lonp with a two-1tamt ma ..,ln over Ana· F.nri~ht wm kt-J only the tlr~t four fum~. but turned In a per· fjOf'l J'IOrfnrmanc" He fart'd 11 b4tl· ttrs, and lliJn'l 1llow a run or a hit The Burn11 Paik athlt'te tan· l\l'd li\'O' lllld Wlllki'tl Jl"t tWI' Peombrokl' had a fl,.J.I •1•Y. a• he ~an):l•·ll an t ht> 11"1·n111l lnn1nc . llln· glC'd 1n thto than! ant1 11lnglt'd In th• llflh ti-a..nw. 11 .. •l'ort\I two r11n1 and rlay In It'll f1,.ld and at ahort. Julia n r iuhlln work .. d the nut 1wo framt 11 for the lndt ... , ••1lh ~l lkf' J «>welt flnlahlng up wtth one 1nntn1t of mound duly. Uli; hl8:<l of thl' dAy wu Mtke W hite'" hmrwr h> rt'nttrllt'ld Ill th" 11pc·nn1l mnln.,;. Hf wu the ll'11doff b•tler In thf' attond. Th• hit .-ame on oft thfl SaJnta' wt&rter, rh11rll'A Berryma n. . T'ttn J . 8h1el'11. retlm Sacto. Judi:,. ... AL P~ I •Jo not t'011aldn that I h11ve I·'~' l"Y youth, only tht1t 1 h&VI' 11art1 ll." Arthritis Conquered :\'.l'Urttl-Sc-latl~llllf't-a ..... Long Beac-h -A tried and provt'ft remedy. Only one orftce call rt• ulr.d for rt'llt't t'rom thoee tortur• Ing r llln8. AMhrltla, 2318 IC. 7th St , Long B<'&C'h •. Houn Mon., Tun.. ThurP. A J'rt. t L 111. to ~ p. m. -..\dY. Lowest-price.I full-1laect convertible captain, Phil Waters, ~I Loskamp, Al McPherson, Jim Watcher. Ron Rose, Gordon Moms Sponsor Best. Bob Bltta. Back row, Skip Schumacher, Mel Carey, John Mitchell, Warren De· Newport. Scores 2-1 Win in Extra lnriing Tussle ~~~!n!~Jni~~. benham, Kevin Cusidy, Bob Schaub. Dave Mitchell, Ed R_uu_ed_ge_. _______ Swim Banquet YOST BOOSTS US GOLF WIN and M ni. Murray Gardner, W Vla B'll La b' ah lin dri ff .,,,._ i h Koron. haa earned a Untver.tty of l m • arp e ve caromed O u:ia P tc · er'• Redlanda freshman athletic num-llLLllll 111111 JOI 'SS FROM BORDER TO BORDER-That includes the San Diego Rowing Club in the May ·28 North Lido Channel regatta. Here's the 1955 four with coxswain, from left: Rene Blanc, Frank Swift, Jim Blanc. Le:w Genge, and, standing in front, Coxswain Del Beekley. BIG CREW REGATTA.- SET HERE "SATURDAY DefendinCJ Navy Expech Stern Test From Top Varsity Shells Dick Yo11l or Porlla.nd, Ore. aon-ln-law of !l.'ewport drug- ,1:l1t Lonnie Vincent, won hi.ti ,1:0Jf match Jut weelt to add lo Unltt'd Statu' overwhelm- ing 10-2 Walker Cup victory over OrHl Brttaln ln Scot· land. Yo.t defeated John Llewl- yan Morian. Wales. 8 and 7 1111 tho American.a won the Cup for the 14th Ume In l~ trlu. It waa an embarruln~ 11etb4tck for Britain'• tram, repn11'd u tho strongul or the po«· war erL TD TAR <OR>! Fans "ope Berry "as '54 Repeat Ry LTh"N CARPE.sTEll "How many did Berry 1core ?'' That was an oft-asked question Jut footbllll aeuon u Newport llarl>or High'• Charlle Berry rack· f'd up 11 touchdown1. The crew- cut fullback acort'd •t least one 11x-po1nler In eight games. ;>;ewport 1upporter1 are hopinc Bc'rry can do IL agllln thla aea.~n. e~rcc1ally against Fullerton. "I've bt •·n wanting to get them for ycAr11:· the 170 lb. l!l'nlor aaJd. AL.WA \'IS OOOD Remarking on other opponent11. Berr~ quipped, "Anaheim fe Al· ways g•>'XI l\nd Sant& An11 will· have lot1 of •peed." Berry, a apeedsler hlmlll'lf, run1 the H O In 5211. \\'h••n 1111krtl what he pla.ns upon R rarlua~ion, BelTy comment· NI ''I'd Ilk .. to try for the football te11111 if l 1lt'Cllle to 1:0 10 college." Foot b11ll I~ no 111 r11niter in the DP11y fa mily ChRalie'a brolht'r, 8')b. rh1yffi fullbsck on th• 1948· 49 h•11r 1tl l'l'wporl and also for Rusty Callow brings his defending Western Sprint thr Omnge l"out f'leven. Charlie. ' · N N . H bo S t d f th a 6·1 11tocky-built l11d, played foot· ehamp1on a\'y crew to ewport ar . t a ur ay or e I hllll 1n gramm11r ~rhool anti r rtdlta filth annual Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta. · 11111 p1'eBrnt p11o:11k1n prowess to The Nava.I Academy will be given a stem test by seven I h111 rmte·h. Al I rwin, and Rod Mac-. · .' · I d" C i·r · I M11ll1t.n. Rona' Club t11rector. ot the top ,·ars1ty eights m the country me u mg a 1 orma, , lft:tTl" , ... FROST WubJngton. Briti!'!h Columbia. I Stanford, 1 'CLA, 11n<I Snn ()1cgo Xrwport Inst 11omC' vllluahlP Winnen of the 111~4 BraU11h Em-, Rowing club. brrf ur front but ahould hll\·e ablr plre GamN. championship. SLM· Other MlCe fi l&ls in the afl«'r-r~plac.·m('nt11. ··we havt' a lot f•r<t. USC, ·Ort'1on StalC', and noon arc the 11 tli::lf's champsnn-mm I' wttght ln the line a nrt we II UCLA. I :<hlpi with John B. Kelly Jr the be n ght up thtre wllh a lllllt Flrtt race' la 11ehl'dult'd for ll f11vorlte and defrnding t1Uehnldtor, more rractlcc:• the Tar bulldozer a.m. with the Bruins, Stanford. JV t'll'thts fln11.lto. vllr:<1ly 1•il(ht.'! 11•Jd«'1I Br1tlah Columbia and O~gon <"Onsol11uon f inals. &nd th" c .. 0• Bt'rry, who hopn lo 11calr a round 8 t•te vytnr for fln11l berths an I rludlng We.t1lt'm Spnnt R11ce l\l the 180 figure whtn the lle&l!On .Junior Varsity eights. Navy·11 clu· 2 20 p.m. 1011~ around, may ha\·e to handlP •Y varal'.y crew tllktt on Ore,con DELIGHT CROWD irnnie ot thl' punting r horu dut atate, Cal., U'ld UCLA In the ll!'<l· Lo the irra<Suatlon of kicker deluxe. -d race at ll.20. A •~ial "'"enl. "Crew Capeni t>fd Mhko\·lch. or 1 9~'\" l1 l'Xpe<"le<l to be a d(. One of the main reu ona for OOC L~ THIRD light to the crowd. The Balboa 19-:\ewport'• 1uccee1 on the r rldlron Local fua hav1 parllcular In· I.and 8cuW.ng a.net Punttna' club 111 In th1 lut 1evera1 yeara hu been terut in the third f'Vl'nt •ted tor putUn1 on the event. th11 large crowd tumouta w 1 t h u :•o a.m. In which Ora.ngl' Cout Unh·enilty of Callfomlll wm be plenty of aupport for the Tan. I• pitted qalnat the ,)'rojana and dcfendln1 their . JV «'lght:< lP!'.4 "lf we ret that kind or aupporl UM Oolden Bun JV eight& cri>wn whU• Slll\ Dtego Howang thl11 uuon," Berry concluded, Oranre Cout 'alao l• t'nleN'd ln club will be out to win their eecond I ··we'll do well bec&u• we have th• toura with <"oxswaln, •Pt for 1tralght tours w1th cox.awatn lhr hu1tl ... aplrlt. and n.trybody 1 p,m. Olbt!r teama entered are 1 m.atd\ a t Ne•·J>Ort. I will be pl&,J'tnc t.a wtn.." Mothers or the athletea are lo· night 1ponsoring a sport.I banquet for Coach AJ Jrwtn'a 19~ swim· ming teama In the Glrll Scout Hou.. mound in the eighth inning to aend home the winning run eral for" hla effort.a on th• year- .. Newport High defeated Anaheim, 2-l, Tueeday in the ling team t.hla •prlng. A •printer, (' a.I f th f both I i.._ he (T&duated from Monrovia-m game O e aeaaon or C Uuw. Duarte high school in 19H. He The blow came otr ot Colonl1t I te r the t l111t lnnlng. Al Story lt!d I• currently majorinr in tiuam.a pitcher, Joe Vllluenor , with Bob ofr the flrat with a alngle down admlnl.alratlon. ,., •:a• .. 19" -•••a ..... _, The followtng Will rect'ive ltl· ter1: Vanity -Ken Bodenhofer, Jerry Farquhar. Tom Jenaon, Gor· don Juhl, Bill Milla, Don Redding· ton, Pete SchuJber(. Chuck Kol· YIAlto, Larry Buck, Bob Callla, Oene Loring, Jim Wllliam•, Ted Von Hemert. While on third and Dick MJrko-lb• middle and later ecortd on a ;.;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::::;:::;::; vich on tint in the lnJtl&l utra force play. Harvey Mayer Moton ln.nlng. . l The Tan knotted up tht ecore In WETZEL Wl!\'Nl:R the thJrd. Roy Daniela alnglt'd Bill Wet.ul went the route tor went to ettond on JAe Fl•ht'r·~ Newport and allowed only five I aacnnce. and taJlled on White'• lOHNSTONE'S Meta Allto Wrwcken l ' llf'd A ato Plllte aadA~ 2075 P~atia Ave. lllT llaftior BIY'- C.... M- J•t••·frl• ..... lin1Ju, ahutUnr out Anaheim at-one·buer. 0.-... 1 • ~, ....... LI IN<'fT t-1Jlt B-John Arn.old. Dan Andrewa. Dave -Allen, Paul Breithaupt. Dick carter, Derulla Henderaon. Hmry Hill. J ohn Huber. Bob Howarth. Dave Madden, Paul Metcalfe, Ed Minney, Bruce Twichell. Bob John- aon, J ohn Lewis, Paul .Mantz. C~erry Whitak er, Gary Cook. Bo!ICOe Bums, J oe Hush, Don Bullh. Jack Buck. Chip F itzwater, Da ve Brlcknt r, Ron Reiser, Lou Undtr· man. Barry Von Hemert, Orrin Wade. St.4>ve Boice, Terry Dallas, Dave Granl, Howard Peterson, Peyton Re<>d, Don Waldron, Peter L. Corning, S. F . mllchln· lt!t-·'Expens1\'e loy11 aren'l the ol\ly anewer to small fry plea11- ures. Homey putlmes hke manh· mallow rout.I!. taffy pulls, popcom nights still are effective." lowlinCJ Winnen E ightttn member1 or the New· port BPa~h Lawn Bowling Club vied for honor• In the Australian Single1 at the local bowline grNna Jut TueMlay. B&lboa 11\land took leading'. honors with Lew Pettit winning first wtth 13 point.a and Joe Stamp 1econd with 10 point•. Lloyd Steeves, Taylor Carr and Mn•. T. Carr were tl<'d for third with 9 pomts uch. Taylor won the jllB}'·Off. LT. COL. NADINE FLEl!:T, Oakland, PXt>c. Volunteerw of Amer. -"Jt 111 more helpful to have people atrengthen thf'lr own fa.Ith rather th&n preach to them from the outJlllde." REPEAT BUSINESS From Satisfied Customers Pictured above la Jack Hauaken. president of Hauaken Moto111. deU\·ermg a new At:STL"" ·HEALEY 100 to Mr. and Mr1. Jack11on R•ynolds. of Santa Ana. Mr. and Mn. Reynold• purr haAe'1 an MG from the Company a year &JO. QUALITY PRODUCTS PLl'S GOOD SERVICE MERITS REPEAT BUSINESS Come la Today a.nd h &he· Ne• A•U.~llMlq lot OPES Sl"SDA \'8 A..'"'D E\'l:Nni08 HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC. Dealer In MO and the NEW MG MAGHr'M"I: SEDAN 1"2 <Barbor Bh·d. COSTA MESA Tt:NMION MOrN'T8 LlMrty 8-1013 COila "l'M Tenalon mounted u Vllla.wnnr and Wet.ul hooked up In a light pitching duct the Jut four f rames. 1 Newport had a runner In scor· 1 In~ posit ion In the fifth and aixth lnnlnga while Anaheim h11d the go- ahead run on the middle "'•ck In each of the Jut three lnnln~s. The Tars pmC'red aeven hlla oft two Colonial hurlers, and wound up In second place drat!· IOC)< with Anahrlm and Hunting- ton Beach In SuJ\Hl League play. SAVE 50% FOAM Rubber BOAT BrSKM, FU1L"llTU1l~ I'll.LOWS, IS~t'J.,ATIOS WAR SURPLUS ('or. SPwport a Harber B1Yda. C.'OSTA MESA At Your Workingman's I tore GRAND OPENING Our Grand Openin«J Sale Prices continue for those who were ••· able to take advantacje of our EXTRA REDUCED Prices -Many have visited our new fully stocked Worldn«Jman's Store Here are lust a few of the many,. many excellent values Hanes 2 for 1 Knit"T" Shirts, Shorts $ 69 Wla.lt.e -OnJy for Our Opl'nlnit Thl•t I• a vny llpt'<'llll nff"r Wrangler or .IF.A~8. Am.rtra'11 moet lmJ''""'" and Hliheaf Quality .lf'an. ~anfur­ IU!d p..-hrunk, Htra hea,·y r.lppn ... Dl:KL~G OCB OPL~JSG o~u· Mf'n'• l'llz,.• 4 to Lee 1319 BOY'S SIZE WRANGLERS $AVE MORE ~ow 11 to ,.t279 ''Boss'' CARPENTER OVERALLS ALL CARPIE!\'Tl:RS KSOW THf: HJGH ~-iAXDAftD OF l'lO!';l'I DtJIUNG OUR OPE!'l~G Swim t169 Trunks •1'• Boy's Size '" lfl Men's Size ?.911 \ ........ Railroad Work Soxr · !'<ltP Ill t o I~ I pr. ~ \\lllTt: •1 00 (;Rt:\· 1\1,AC 'K RA:O.lHl~I t lnr·•t WORK ~OC'K Hll (A~ JU\' 1,I \fi r\ ._-Tt;t:I> Sport Caps All Sizes Ol"R t~i. Ol"R !'(ALE I hoes Al· oa Special WorllorDreu Mff '1 or loy'1 Wasenliller' s 18941/..a Harbor at 19th -. ·~ • ; I , I ---·. -· ~ ·-' . ,AGE 2. PART r r r -NEWPORNiARBOR NEWS.PR&sS TMURSOAY. MAY 26, 1955 ~U:· l WRONG SIDI PARKING GIVIS CITATIONS TO COSTA MESANS loys Given Wamlnt 011 leclde11 Drlvl11CJ ftJ'M C.O.la MHa drlver1 learned l111 hard way • Wht'n lhey ,ot police Uckeu Monday lhat Police Chlllf A rt Mc· K•nale meant bu11n ... when he aald he intended to rnrorC't lh• law a1alnat p&rkt111 on the wron11 wide ot thf' aui>el. For th~ mont.ha Chief J.lt'Ken11e hu bt't'O carrying on a campalrn ot education. 111auln1 warn1ni;11 10 motorlate 11t un h•• ott1eer1 fou.nd parked the wron1 wa.y. F1 on1 now on auelt drtYen will 1•t eltatlon• that will nave to lta uplaln ... 1 ln juette. eour-t. the chief ~olaffd. "There la nothln1 more dan1no111 lh&n goin1 ect<>11 lb• 1trect to park," accordinc to lb1 chief. "You go a<'rou the 1trt>3m of traftlC' rotting t4 the 'Parkins place and )'OU have to _crou it a1aln 1ett1n1 alerted. "It la not only ar.a~n1t rommon judsment to do eoch a parking trick. It la •s•ln•t Co•ta Meaa'1 ordinance and lh• lllllfl code. There c:an be only one reaaon for It. laalne81. •l\d we do not think ma.ny .drlvua are aoln1 lo want t.o be luy at 16 to llO a time." · A a;rnnp of boye from I.a Jc:11, Hli;h School wu !flV~n a wt11n1n-: I to talH! ll euy Monrlay nlrht. 11·· ,.,>r<lln:: lo N •wp.irl 111•li<'l'. A 1 ~lhltl tlu't they h3d drlvr11 th1 01111h 11 pa1k1n~ lot at B•)'•hh• an11 M111111e Av.-111 .ii t.U'll. wu1~ t pctlc .. to p1t l< tht<m up '"' all~g-M n!t'l<'lf'I• dn1·1ng J':Q compl&ult lllU ma.'1• q~ln:.t the bo)•• and they Wtrl! a..llowt'd tu return home 1tttr quntionlni;. polln n ld. t'.JU. AND IJA , IUIUlA&A ~TAN\\'\'Cll AFTER THE BALL IS OYER-PROGRESS COUNTY FAIR BUILDING "ALL I DESlll" OLt:NN t'OaD "MAN FIOM THI ALAMO'' i'int •ler>tl in beautifying his restaurant property are being taken by Jim Karam in tea.ring down old build.inga on both eidea of hia main building at lH Main St. Above at left is what is left of the old dance hall and right wrecker1 are ta.king put a pioneer dwelling. With these two buildings out of the way. Karam plane to install a 75 car parking lot which will be beautified wit}) shrubs making an attractive aetting for hi• popular restaurant. -Staff Photo JUNE COMMENCEMENT SET FOR 207 AT OCC Hall Is Used Extensively - By OC Community Groups In TttbnlMlor rxt111-m Trailer Show to Feature Mobile Office-House Unit Pan American'• executive nag-1 30 ln Port Orange Trailer Salet' 1h1p wlll be on utlliblt tor the flr1t mobile homes prevue at 22U Cout time In Orahge County, May 27-Highway. -4-nnouncing FELIX & LEO Together Again Latin -American Rythms DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Except Tuesday Opening Night Wed., May 25 Balboa Inn Cafe ~ ( 'ndd:-nl L uunqt: Balboa .....: Harbor 0963 t 'SI: Ml'NIClPAL PAJUU.1"0 LOT SUPPER CLUB BAL.BOA in the --SPEC/Al FEATURE Appearing with "THE VARIATIONS" Friday-Saturday-Sunday -Monday 3 Appearanqu Nightly Phyllis Applegate Dire<'t from Saddle 8r Sirloin, Lu Vegu Mlaa Applegate baa aung on auch. famous programs as the Red Skelton Show, Eddie Cantor Show, Jimmie Durante Show, Donald O'Connor Show and many others. Dinnen Served~ p. m. to 12 m. Prlc ... from $2.00 Complete Dancing Starts at 9 SUPPER t)aivf CLUB ULBOA r -- ,. Jn addition to t.hl• trailer-tractor Newport H~ 37 Lls.&.-.....1 1 CM ~2•, Otrtclil rompl,tlnn of the new Boy Scout.a. 1taging their annu11I 111 'lwtil ~ exhlbitl butldins al the Oran1• Scout-0-Rama laat wttkend. The unit, the lhow will dlttplay house Oranre County Bulldera Auocla- trattera running from the l f.tt. Baccalaureate Set on June 12 County Fair wlll provide more H· Uon wilt hold a flve·day home .tlow miniature ctu1 to 46-tt. fa.mlzy-tenalve opportunlti11 for commun-there, beginnlnr June 1. size unit. lty uae of fair faclUUH, report• Th• UM.000 hall, which coven reroi:i~r=e:f~:l~!:l~r!!; Co.mmeneemenl eurciae9 f (o r ~~OUHC ~ber'i ia~ Drtm~~i~· R . M . C. Fullenwider, 1NCr11tary-· a apace the me of a football field, Sportfllhing L&ndin&, will have &II 207 Orange County College 1 u-rt · •l&e • o A. •. manaaer. wut !>. available throurhout the exhibit of boata and model trailer• denta have been lt't for J une 1T •t llame, Kenn•th E. Bryant, Ot'loru year tor meeUn11 eapo1IUon• and !n the 11how. 8 P· tn· ln the college auditorium. Ann Chrlatenaen, Auru.at C. Thel-P'lrst occupant.a t>f the bulldln& ·1how1 of all dHc;lptlona.Jt la de· 1en and Claymon A. Knudt.on. -re hundred& of Oran1• County 1t..,ed -tO ..... rmlt ln1tallallon of The e•ecullve Oaphlp 11 a 61.e Baccalaureate exerelff1 w111 be .,.. .-- tt I .. 11 ffl h d ll bleaehera tor 1pectator aporb e-. onr mo .. e o ee-ome an beld on June 12 at II p. m. the OAl)' traJle.r tn Hittence that J' I th D . w·11· E t . wnta. and It I• larre enoup to hu. hellcopter landinl' port built Those trom Newport Beach who 1m I ' -on I 11m1 n er accommodate an tee-floor. on lta' roof. will receive the decree ot J.uo-. -Tile Oran1• County •-H hlr, Recently airmen made a llUCCt'll· elate ln Art.a are: Howard C. o c I FFA c t I Mid annually In th• jW1.lor uhl· tul helicopter land.tnr.on tbe flat-Allen, Jamea l!l. Arm.atrong, Lyn· ra.~·e oun y on 811 bit.a bulldlnc and lh'Htock &reu, etttp'a roof port. wood 15. Barton, Harold ll. Bene-0 will take place Saturday. Box Dlmen1lona ot the unit are: 30.I diet. Mary Ann Bowl•. Lorraine Jlm Balh and Ooa Wllllama. atu-climax of Ola FFA l!lchool year 1l&lla In th1 ho,_ thow aecllon ft. truck, It ft. tr&c:tor (tntltr A. call. H&rT)' L. carter, Jerry N. dent repr-.ntatjvu ot Newport ec:Mdule and end1 with the awarda &re rented on occuton lhroupout unit), ta tt. 1eneral ownD height Ev&111, Bal'Mra Earl, June.a C. Harbor Union High l!lchool, enter-banquet held June 1 at lbe Tuttill the yu.r lo provtde •table faetU· with a 1 ft. 1tvtn1 quarter OYer-Davy, Earl R. Gaynor. ed animal huabandry conteatl h•ld Union Hlrh Bebool. Uaa tor larre equeetrtan ennu. head and ~ I ft. width. 11.UlJSO& OUIMI The outdoor .taa• and amphl· It flu t,.wo oU healer•, a ataln· by lh• Oran1e County Future the~t.er, u well u the bona ahow lea1 ateel alnk, a tull bath with Orahanl C. Glbbona, ftoae >fa.rte Farmer• of America on Saturday. Klwa•ll Spoftlorl arena, a190 .,.. available. A.I tur- tub, baaln and toilet and a hair Godll09, Uam 8 · Groe.ner, Micha.•! Cont.eat ruulta are ecbeduled 'N Me ber D 1 ther tmprovementa .,.. mad• ill bath with toilet and wuh buln J. H&lll'y, Richard V. Jordan. tor June 1 releue. eW Ill GJ a.nd retrtgeraUon. Roderick M. La Shelte, JeAnn P . _ K·........ XI la facutU• al the 1T5-aere FaiJ'o The uecuUve hu a bunt-In 21 Lee, Jane H. Llnaon, Burton J . Bath ent.erad nursery, hog, fat Tb• N.wpor..... -vur • wan f1'0unda, more &Ad mON eventa.,.. lncb television acrHn and a wall Lowe, Jr .. Charla R . McCartney, beef, fat ahtep and chicken con-Club wtU bold lt.a luncheon nat to be achaduled on a :year a.round nfe and a <&Ox40 pull down motion J~e E. Merrill, Lyla C. Mtller, • te.ata, while William• aubmitted fat Thunday June 2 at the VU1& Mar· baai.I. picture ecreen. Robert M. Miller, Lor&lynn .\. beet aad ta.t hor1 for Jud&1n1. Both Ina wllh the prorr.,.. oommamo------------- CommunJcaUon equipment In-Mtln•. -· . boy1&N1tudenta of Robert Perrin. ralin( "New Member• Day." Elbab.th A Morton Dardle Newport High School agriculture ln b tt t l I I h ....... cludea an Intercom telephone w1th · • ll1tlruetor • a u e • Y e unc ton ....,._y, loudepeaktr and record player. Schaefer, Freddi• M . Shannon, · the club heartl Dr. GUea Brown, Built on tlle ov.trhea.d ls an oak-Sharon o. Sherrlll, Peter Tatum, Included on the panel ot JudJH world traveler and lecturer, lpet.l& Norman c. van Hall, Jamee L are Dick Barrett and Elfin Ha.11 on hi• adventurH ln Burma. Colot- noored IUA deck with foldlnJ ex-Wheeler, Robert H. Wood, Barbara of Orange Cout College. ed motion film wu UMd to docu-tenalon wtnp; equipped with awn-• Inga, rat11. aluminum stair cue. J . Bleger, Joline Cannon, Lee Projeet jud1tnr comea u a rrient tlle talk. divine board (eollap1lble awlm· A.lhton Chue, a.nd Daniel D. Oroe~ a_.._ ........... ..__... ..... ..___. ........ __. ........ _,_.._...__,_.._. ... ,,,_.._.,....,...._,. mlnr pool la an opttonal extra at Th<>H trom Coat& Kea who requeat) and.a winch to ralae the 111 1 th d f •. -~-aun deck. w rece ve • e1rM o -1:1ate ln Art.a ar.: T.ed R. Blllder. Interior tumlshlngs art' In rnod-o. Ru.uell Bogg1e, Johp ff. Burton, em decor with permanent &iffplnc Don L Cantrell, Patrtcl& M. j accomodaUon1 for Mven peraon1. Ctemhlald. Jack e. Connor; J(.ary The two-aectton unit, wu manu-Davlla, Robel't E . Ghhtelln, M)"m,· factured ln Chicago, wa1 produced a.del Ou.zma.n, W91ley Heu.aMt''. · u an experimental model and may ME8A ORAD8 be put Into manafacture for UM by bualneu eaecuuUvea who muat tTavel, but carry a full 11.&e office · Maureen A. HoU1y, V. Lyle Huro. John I!. Lane, CUrtla F . McCUilough, Joaephln• MeKea. THE PIRATE 28th St. at Newport Blvd. -Open 10 a.m. dally Tap ae.r at U.. '1r..ada -Rot Dop -Rout 'ta1 l'oundf on tlleae trtp1. . Official ho1tua at the local 1how wl1l be J oan Underwood of Sant& An&, now Quhn of th• County Wllllam C. Ma.rt.In. Morna Plenon. lllllilW David I. Pridham, Charlea JI. Sportamen l!lhow. Retmler, Jr., Albert V. 8anUnl, •••••••lilllli•••lil•lil•••••••••., J o.hn K. Sharp. Cheater C. Shelden lll, Oeorre ..-=----=•-=---=--~~===~::=!!=7==~~ Shiraki, Karl SlbUltn1, Jaanna A. T H E A R c H EI ''Superb Foor/" Cafe and Cocktail Loung• OPEN 10 A. )(. Tll'&O.IJOB I A. IC. • Newport Blvd. oa C:out H111tw..,. . ?li"l:WPOaT BEACH la ''THI WILD ONI" -Plua - "FIOM HUI TO ITllNITY" WIU. BUaT LA..llfCA8TER MONTGOMERY CLlt'T Dt:80RAll URR RANI 81NAT&A. :SOW 1'4110\\'lNO Eada T'llOlldaT ftlnmte9"'Wlll lti-111TAY-UIS111Y ....__ •--Mm- &TARTS WSD~'T.SDAV ''THE · ETUNAL SEA" wllb ALElUS SMITH 8TERLL~O HA l'Vt:N Aleo 0t1DMJ' Hit "T~OUILE IN STORE" NOW SHOWING Ends Tu ... • (We are Cloef'd OD ftu~1) Step out witL Fred and I.is Loveliest Entertainment __ Datel PA.&&DIG auvicz no11 ova oooa RIAL MIXICAN F 0 0.0 ILA POSTA] If foa prefer_ to ata7 at home tG ~ JtKU fa•ortte t.a..wo. propam try ou boxed H.a.a dluen er .,.._. orden to &Me oat. They're ready to ..ve. " rNV4n: r411'R aoo11 roa "4SOS PAa'ftm UN N•1'·por1 IUYcl. l COSTA MUA r.r ~n.e I ll4IQ ~ ef u l-240t s. ... .ua c..-, a. ---~ t G.rando//o:S --~- (form•rly "of Hemet) complete menu for the family . PIZZA e SPAGBETrl e 1.AIAONA BOU ·KADI: a4 VlOU e ITl:A&B e BICA FOOD rooo ro oo 111 lalltoa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 (Jleeed Moe .. ye Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES Dinner Sugg .. t1011s Pork Avenue Special llONDAY, llAY Mtla Tll&U l!tUNDAY, I UJifE ~ ..... nJet., RED SNAPPIR a.lie Meunlere TURKEY UeMr 0 .... A-I.A IUSO Ce111Pl•ta DI..,. "Rendezvous ol the Mariners" ,_. Av~ 11t Mat 1· Dadey Tun~~gs CINaMA5coPe ,........ (# ... DtLua TERRY. MOORE · THELMA Rm£R "SOl'TffffOl'~"I> UI T Kl.JXCi"' < uloq11 -~•"'' KM'• Mat. Kat. I :U "J~DIA.~ l'J'IUIUXL" ---------------8TAKT1i N'F.XT Wt:O~F.l'OA \' Two Bir t•f',aturt 111 W.}IU_. ... F<t1'1r -l'i!r..~.ii·· l ' I ) . I ' . ~- 1 I l - We ·serve The Finest Food -Everyday FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO TH& • VILLA MARINA • CIRQUE RESTAURANTS .. ) THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 ·PASE J . Another Important Announcement . From . Orange County's Two FamOu s Restaurants DEAR FRIENDS: W • •r• proud to announce the Ci~ue is continuin9 with the ViHa Marina in their policy of desi9natin9 certain qf their regular dinners at • 9rHtly reduced price durin9 specified periods •• outlined below. We ere proud to announce the Villa Marina h.1 served 1527 of these special dinners since startin9. Thanks! On Thursday, June 2nd, the Vila wil hold • Fashion Show mod.lin9 the latest In wHrin9 apparel. The Cirque wiH hold one on Saturday, June 4. Complete lunch- .on served for $1.50. Ple•1e cal for reMrvetion1. 1955 WEEKLY SPECIALS J_ .. r . • I 1955 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESIJAY I WEDNESDA y I THURSDA y FRIDAY SATURl)AY SAVE THIS CALENDAR 5 .. 12 19 26 ' IT ASSUllES YOU OF -~DINING PLEASURE _;: AVGRIATLY REDUCED PRICES I 1 2 3 DURING THE ABOVE CALENDAR WEEK WE WILL SERVE OUR REGULAR PRIME RIB DINNER FOR $2.SQ, OR YOU MAY ORDER OUR REGULAR SWORDFISH DINNER FOR $1.50 6 7 ·8 9 10 During t+te •l:Htve Mlenc:l•r wHk we wi11 serve Broad breast Roast Turkey with aft the trimmings for $I .SO, or you may order our regular Trout Dinner for $I .65. · 13 .14 '15 16 17 TMou9hout the above celef!d•r wMk, we wil Mrve our New York (bone in for ff.vor) Steak for $2.50 If you prefer seafdocl, our re9uler Har.but Dinner will be $I :50 for this wMk. For no waitin9, .try to plan your dinner party for • wHk day. . 20 21 . 22 ·23 24 ., Durin9 the •bove c1lencl•~~ we wiN serve oor-regular Top Sirloin Dinner for $2.50 or you m1y hive •_friend Easte"' Scaftops for $1.75 A rHI treat for seafood lovers. 4 11 18 25 27 28 29 30 FOi YOUI DINING PLEASURI at - GREATLY IEDUCID __ ' O&lhn9 th. •lte¥e ~., WH~ we will fHture-our Fried Chicbn fll""erior-$t.5(t o"'r-friecf -i------PllC"IS - .. . Shrimp Dinner. for $1.50. SAVE THIS CALENDAR REMINDER l At the Villi, +here ti d1ncin9 every S1turdey night fHturin9 • Buffet Dinner at $2.50 per person. No cover or minimum dinner. w. also serve • bHutiful buffet luncheon daily for $1 .25. Menu service also. Both restaur1nts ere open every day from 11 •· m. tiff 2 •· m. Dick Dunn 9rind1 the Hammond at Cirque and Adrien Mikesell al the Ville. 8oth houses offer banquet f1cilities for large and small CJroups. Lookin9 forwerd to enter- t1ininCJ you. . For Sele -Bey Front. Home in Cernetion Cove. See your brolcer or cell Woody Holder, Harbor JtJO SINCERELY, VILLA MARINA WOODY HOLDE CIRQUE LES YARIROUGH • lj I, l I I . I . , I • I J .. I I I I ,. LOG RACE WON BY BRIDGES CITY PLANNllS SET NEW MEETING TIME The Newport Buch Plan· nlng Conunlselon hU 1Lnnounc· ~ dunng lh• IJ\lmmer lht' res · ulu mt'etlnp wlU be held be· g inning •l a p .m. ln1t.e1Ld of 7:30 p m. In tht' city hall. Th~ nt'W lime Will beRIO Wllh lh• Thurllda)'. June 1e, mtt!tln~. 'NATIVES' IACE War Canoes fnvade Bay , Saturday It'll nalivt' war <'lln<><'ll th111 Yt'llr A new face appearl'd m t he winners' circle when a wa rds as t~me for thoae n u y clowru ..-e re m ad e for tht> Jlr<'dicted log race from L. A. to of :-\ .. wport Harbor. Newport last Satur day. W ith n ine boats co m petm g, t op Thr Bal1><11t IRiand Punting and h SculHng Club will "race" w1lh o oo ra - a nd the Lt•:stcr L owe Perpetu a l T r ophy - we nt Pqlynesian \\'ar canoes aa a 11pec- l o R a y Bridges, (left J, of the Batboa Power Squadron. 1al ~vent between the Junior Var- .. Man Attacks Local · Woman In Her Auto wa"' a ppro\·,..1 by !"t"i'"rt 84-•c" 11.1t\ 1.·uu11,1I T11<..Jay n11thl. l'tw 11 o1,101 • I\ 111 bo: pur,·haaf'<I frvn1 ~h'Coy ~t.1t(>r C•'· for $311311 • 40. The mlldel wuJI •·hnH·n llftrr tu lln)\' ahowt•d It 1uprnoc ,.10 I n· oth.-r tnp maJc~. • SANTA ANA fOC:s'SI -Stwr- itf1 depullu today Wfr9 -kin,; a ''rtd ll&bl" llltack 1ua'p..ct wbo &aat'rtedly totted bis lntrntloru on a 43-yfllr~ld NeW)'!Ort Beach di· vorcee. Sbe told dtpuuet abe wu . toroed off lonely Sa nta Ana ean- yon Road euly Friday by IL trul"lc !IUhlJ\lf ll red 11.rht. Thi! man who tht' 1Lss.•rtt!d \'IC· Um deacribed u tllll and c1ark In· formed ht'r ahe wu <1rlvtn1r too fUL She M id the auspect t'llmbed In lhe right alt.le or htr Jatt' model car and forced htT10 1ubmlt The auapect reportedly tolJ the victim he wu Crom A rtitona and hadn't bttn wl.lh a woman for • month. The woman 1111ld •ht struggled apln1t i..be 11uspt"<'l '1 ad· va.ncea. wit h his recently purch ased cruise r Do ken . Bri<.lgl'S rl'-111ty nnd V1'rslly rr!'w racu Sat11~ celvcs the trophy from Comm odor e Lou \'lt'rcck (r igh t I I ua~he canoes have been borrowed 1 of the Souther n Caiifor nia C ruiser Assn . while Les ter Crom the Wall Dleney Studios, and Acc:ordlnc to depuUe1 the llllt&· ed attack occurred about 1 a.m . Tht victim U lepbontd dtputJl!I Crom a aerv1ce atallon at 17th St. and Tu1t1n Ave. after breakln.& free from the 11Uspect. L ow.-. Adm inistrati\'C' Vice -Comm.irnde r of U. S. Power !are the ones used In U1e fllm1ng ot Squa dro ns st apds a t cente r bac kg round. Presentations 20.000 Leaguu UnMr The Sea. f h h The crt>we will detlnltely go o t ese a nd t he sailing r ace t rophies w ere a highlig l 1 ··natwe" In costume and makeup, of t he Newport H a rbor Yacht Club's opening d inn er-which wlll b .. rurnlshel1 by Para- dance. -Bec k ner Pho to mount Stud1oa. ------I The "ch1tf" of this tribe or !1tr· • CP headhunters will obeerve lhe PAGE 4 -PART t 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS performance or hi!! warr1or11 trom THURSD Y Ay thr bow or the Club's flagsh1p, A , M 26, 1955 Michigan, 20-ft. converted mack· MARINE NEWS Friday May 27 Saturday May 28 Sunday May :t9 Monday May 30 T uo•sd1>y May 31 \\"ednt>aday Juhe 1 Th unit.lay ·June 2 TIDE Ttme HIJb 0 H a rn. •:07 p.m. 3: 12 a. O'l· 0;00 p. m. 4:39 IL. m. 0 :48 p.m. 6 .02 L Ill. 6 ·20 p. 171. 7:12 a. m. 7 •01 p. m . 8·09 a. m. 7 31 p m 8 07 ll. Ill 8 02 p. m. DAYLIGHT J @ nan FULL QO .&.a'l'l:R MOOS May 28 June & TA 8 LE BL 04 4.'Z 4 I 4.5 3.6 48 3.• 0 I 3 4 r,,3 :t • r. 4 :1 4 56 Time !..Ow 8.12 a m 9 49 p. m. t0.09 a. m. 11.111 p ,;\ 11 :01 8. 111, 0.2i a, m. 11 -49 a m I 22 a 111 12 31 p m 2 n7 A m I 01$ p m 2 •~am 1 •2 p. m SAVL'\G TIME (f • U.ST NEW QUAATEa 1100!11 J une 1S J une 19 -1.7 22 03 I 8 0.7 1.1 1 t I 7 I 4 02 l i I I I 9 erel boat. This wlll be the fourth race I.he Punting a.ncl Scullin( Club haa "parllclpat6d" In, u an a ppetlur for a ml"nu of colleglale rowing for the Wulern Sprint Champion· I ships. Two usoclate profeuou will join lhe growing Ch11pman Col· ll'ge faclJl'ty at the opening of lhe fall atmester ,It waa announc~ today by Dr. George N. Reevl!ll, pruldtnl. Or. John C Long, M. for 20 years president or Soulht>m Chn11· I uan lrulJtutr. EJwud.e. Mlaa., will Pen•e Chapman a s assoclale pro- fel!llO r of Engll•I) and hod or com· mumcationi1. Wllfrf'J M. Landrus. ~7. now n11111stsnt to lht dean of 11tudent1 al Wai1hlngton State Collelfe, Pullman, Wa~h .. will be- rome Chapman'K new dean or 11tu· dtnta. Dr. Long will SUCCPPd Dr. Frllnk --------------------------R. Gay, proCeSl!or or la.ng\laf:ta anl1 llttraturt> 11t Ch11pm11n elnce 1940 who 1a rettnng. Landi u1 will iouccee<I Jamu M. Mt"Kelvy, who Is resigning as do>an of 11tudents to devote more time lo choral group lruitrncllon. orr-c11mpus tour11 lllld concerts 1lated for the next school yeJ.r. State .Pa·rk Tax Bill Approved SACR.UI ENTO (C!llSI -A mea.aure requiring the 11tate puk corrunl11slon io pay S 17,419 ll yellr to Orange County In lieu or ta.xes on 1tale p&rk properly within the county wu a pprovrd by the senate. Th<' propollt>d h•gl"lotion. by Sen· ator Edwin J, R1•1tan n( Trinity county. would 1pply lo ILll counLIH ln which &tale park propl'rly Is located. According to Reg9n, lht asse11s- t d valuation on 11tatP p11rk prop· erty in Orange county tt14e yeu WU $402.750. The meuurt pM1rd by a vote or 11 to 6. -OC~crow Gmup Holds Meetf nCJ ODYSSEY SHOWS HER HEELS Dick Steele 's s leek 58-ft . yawl Odyuey really "got going" in Jut Sat~ay's race from Loa A ngeles Ha rbor to Balboa P ier, clocking a first to finiah and a first over-all in this annual fe ature of the season opening ceremonies of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. -Beclmer Phot o BREWING ... ~ity luys Tractors For Beach CleaninCJ Thi purchue of two tractor• to be used for cleaning the b<'&c:hu Your A a t h o r I s e d THALOO Flberglue Deeler In the lla.rbor area. Bitq yoar fiber· ,.... problelm to u. Pacific FiMrcJ1cns MOl W, 0-.t llW)'. n.. u a-u11 Ac:roea from All-American Kkt . MOf\ who I o motor f« fishing I Small, compact, light• weight, fits ri9ht in the tNnk of yovr cor, Jompocked ""'i'ttl big· l'IOlor feoture1 ... tm00th ••• and QUIET! Come on in and see lt)e $Yi today. Then. ,.,., go f111iin9 I Ivy now, IM ovr time pay• "*''pion. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. J•ll11••11 Grange Asks Gove~no(s Intercession In Imports come.. A p)an &lao wu made for mue dlatrlbullon ot lnfomiaUon pert&lnlng to the tuna import alt - uaUon and houMWtvea were uked to peUUon Prea!dent El.11enhower ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~l;•~•~·H;;o~rt~•~O;;u~tb~o~•;ld;;M:o:t~o:r•~ .. to act on est&bll.ahtnc a apecl!lc r Import quota. The Newport Hubor Grange, la compo1ed of a large number ot 1me.ll bollt owuer-operalora from lhla Hubor. Their lntere1t.a have The Ortnge County Pomona· .A. meeting held 1n a.ti Diego ll1ao been lD jeopudy •Ince the ln· I creaud lmportaUon of Japanue Grange haa adopted IL ruoluUon lut Friday brought an 1Lllendance albllcore lllonr with the t una, to be 11ent to Governor Goodwin ot aome 900 people, the m a!Orily spokesmen cllJm. J. Knight uklng hlm to Intercede of them women. Tht>y worked out lofr. and Mra. K&Tl McDoupll, In the current tuna Import 1ltu1L-a pllln In which a 25 per cent quo-membera of the local Gra.nge, wlll Uon. t& on Import.a could be eet to keep be among the repreaent&tlves Ill· T he reaolullon WllJJ adopted al the market open and 1tlll &llow t..endlng lh• 81lCJ'&mento llppul Friday's merllnir bec11u,;e the or-1 American flshermm a living In-meeting. gt.n!zaUon t houghL the Import --~-----~-------~~~----~~­ bhainc>3e here was· "economlc&lly --------------------------: dlautrou1 to lho11e engllged In ' MARINE CARBURETORS ~1:':..I: and tta usoclated occupa.-1 Rep&ln _:Salee _ Pam A.M E RICA...._S Sl"FER ZE.~ITH &: STROMBERG GEO. J. MIACHEM 24S9 W. Cout Hlghway Uberty 8-lSU ,.---~ 1/6,, ~ to5T Bf J_ ~ llUILDINGS Rl•ID ~"""1& CLUtO LAMINAT~ MEMBERS, GIVE CL~AR S~N, AFFORDING GQEAT STQENGTH A.T LOWER COST. COMPLETE ~VILOING UTl\..ITV DELIVERED TO JO& ~ITE FROM t14!! PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLElCLY f.RECTED, INCLUDING ~LA&, f~ •1 • P£R. SQ. FT. FOR. COMMUlCl-'L• F•AM.OA INOU$TR~ V$[, AllYWNE« IN SO. CALI!'. The organllta tJon 1t..aled t hat llC· 1 c:eptance of imported fish trom Japnn('se 11ourcea while AmtrlOIU11 boa 11 remain. tlrd at docks hu '=jijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii brought IL stom1 of protest from I the w1vu of flahrrmen ln 81.n Pe- dro and San Diego. Mellllwhlle, American. boa tll remahilng at the do<'ks are requl rrd to be under Cull refrigeration and crews pialn· tained In ordrr to preserve their catch. Governor Knight hu conMnt.ed 1 to call a meeUng of lhe Committee for l nlemate Cooperation lo he&r I the llppeal of many fWtermen Md lheJr wl\'t • who a~ maklnr a ipe-1 1 clal trip to Sacramento today. Thia committee Act11 a11 liaison be· tween atatu and lhe 11late and fed- era I offices. It mak1•11 Its re('om· mendatlons t o Covrmor JSnlght on maller11 "uch 1u1 thr tuna lmport situation In Southem Clllttornla now. soum COAST co. Urd A': ~e"port Bh·d. MAIUSE l 'PllOLSTERIXO • ROAT CO\T.RS BALBOA CA..,"\" AS SHOP Mttbor 107 114 1 711! SI NlW,OU HACH 7HE • · 'Gve1·gua,J Coatecl Nylon live Bait Tanlt Keeps Bait Alive and Fresh ·tor Days! • THE ONLY MODERN LIVE BAIT TANK DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR OUTBOARD MOTOR FISHERMEN •FITS ANY SIZE IOAT from ,2 ~. up e DURABLE MARINE BOON FOR OUTBOARD ANGLERS More lh&n 100 members of the Oreng" County E~rrnw Assncla· tinn atlPn'1el1 a MnquPt mt'etmg la"l night. al thP Villa M11rin11 Rt>•1a11r11nl. 11rro1dtnjt to Rex ~===========~ r lAhrrty, prt'!lldf'nl Of lht' ll!ll!OClll· r Coated nylon h&Jt ifll ittaln, oU, anct mlldt w n"MstanL wm not harden or crack. Clean and dry In !'ll"CODdfll. Even the s mall outboard motorboat can n ow e njoy the co nvenience of a real li\'e-bait t ank for fishing. tha nks t o the latest de\'C'lopme n t of the E\'erguard Co. of New- port Beach. Pretty Be tty Thoma9 dem on str;ites this n ewest m odel o f the E\'<'rg uard folding plastic bait tank espec ially for o utboard s s hown here Ill nnc of :::;1~uth C oast Compan~··s new Per formt:'r ".Sportsman 15" boat s. -Beckner Photo lion. Speakrr for the occ11J1lon wa.s W1lh&m J. Lloyd, v1cl'·pru ident a nd menagl'r 11( thr new F11lltrton branch of lhe U.S. National Bank. :.rhedule<I t u upen "'"'" month. SP"•klnl?' on lht> eubjf'r l, "Takt' Timi'" L li1v1! trnt·rol "'"II'' of the f >H tu~!< rof • o>nrly 01 Ang!' County )l1sti1ry l•'Bohng IO thl' pt 1'.(1t•nt da y btH>m. -. leality Shop Opens at New Location Ellen·s ~But)' ~hnp 1• nuw epo•n for b11~111e~s l!l a nrw hl<'ll· Uon, 3~,7 .,'\ewpnrl Bl\011, ('rnss· rond11 \"11111~. Thf.' ~11111~ ~hop I~ orfrrtnir ltJ< h1i:;h typP <of qunllty bt'lllll\' 111.t!< Rnd 1" fl'Allll injt R ~clAI pnrP lor rP,.;11l11r pl'r11111n· "1 • " \'o•c 1 • • 111 ntlf'nltnn lo the CATALINA · •"' locall\>n. &l"l"OrdtnJ to thr ----1 I PASSENGER BOAT MAY 28th LeavinCJ Time: 10 a. m. From PORT ~RANGE 2241 Coast Highway Newport Beach t "ur lnrum1all1•n or RE~f;R\"ATIO~'< Call LI 8-5516 ' Harold I. Johnson l'ro1)t'll&r Rf>pa.lra C-Olumblan and Fed~raJ A«t.Jat')' Phone Harbor 9!0 2811 \"Illa Wily, New·pon ee.cJt II\ 1oda) ·i mno.1 po"'trful prN11•c1ion ou1t-oard, tht Mtrcury Marl ~~·Surer· , .. smooth pnwM" now. c 1::; mmrlrtt r1111ne ;=--~ Mltnc1n1. ~-new D} na·Float Suspcn"on for -._ surer qu1c1 op«r•· lion ,..;11i""' IO\' " . of performance ... ,, .,., .. 11., Wilh Full =;:,.. Jcv.ckJ Po,.,<1•! '37?.~ • LiJ:htwelght and can be awiembled or diMMemblecl la M om enb • t:W..11~· stored In a few lnc hf'S of !lpa.tt. e RUST PROOF FRAM! e WILL LAST FOR YEARS e EASILY INSTALLED T o a thru hull ftttlnit ID bottom of boat attach 8 \'Olt pump (draws approx. S amps per hour- &\'~e battery bu ( 100 am1>5) Attach .,;l. ~Jar ganlea hose fro m pump to hail Cfnll. I'' dlanwtu drain hOMe ~~ onr aide of hoet ~ lleeD lD phOtoKraph '4950 COMPJ.ETE ( ~ lloM> and Pump) fi'H> r.v"r«uard or your ll'W'aJ clralf'r •Old Timers • • • "It's a ,New Experienc• in Live Bait FishinCJ" , I I i 1 DAYE SPIES 409 28th Street . Newport Beach Phone Haroc;· '"'4 ~10 \\'. CoM& W&b"9Y .!--------------------------------~ . ' I ',/ , , '. A SONG IS BORN IN. NEWPORT FISH MART Wilson Asks $75.000 for . Auto Injuries NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I I ·'-'SE I T~URSDA y I MA y 26, 1955 Min Arrested As Alleged 811 Stealer I I-he rompany '1 mob1lr ahowla. Th• ~pollt'41 Aid lhf'y found a &-11:&1. ean on thr ,round nf'itt t<> Evani• ca.r and a 11mllar ran under the mobile aho•el'1 cu tanlc Capitol Records Now Releasing Roublan's "The Po~ Sont" Says Trucker's Careless OrlvilMJ Caused Colllslo11 A rTf'lttnr oft1rt1 • a lltge l:ftna told thtm h• w., retum1n1 from ht• mothrr·ln·l1w·11 home In R\Jnt• Sherttt'a oftlcen .tlooked O.nnl• ln.rton Bu rh whtn hr noticed be ~ lilUt._ n. trautmt tn o~ ..... ~ 1.ow on pa. 1:\-ana &ftl'9 County Jail for aDeredly l&.ld be'• beeo c>ut of work for att&Jlnr cu tram \JI• Bully Miller thrf'<! mpnUla and lhl1 wu l.h• Co. Pl'oject. locaWd at Hamllto11 eu1 .. 1t way to ret r&.. p<>Uce of• Nt•w1>0rl li<'111·h tu.lay hlls a nPw proferu•k1n.tl M>ng writer Caplt.&I Recora. r-ele~ ln-l"e We11t Bl'lb Roubf"n'I' "T'ht' Popcorn Sona " Monday~ Roublan la .Jepl'ndin(> 011 "pop" not "b<Jp" mll11IC' tu \·a rry him to 110n1r wnun1r fame. The 28-yl'nr-old owniy-of Sea- food V11r1etlei., 2816 NewPQrt Blvd .. hH wued the dl11c for C~p­ ltol Records. Jt'a hi• uwn compo- e1tlon -word1 and musJc. "I've bun wn tlnit 10nga ever 11111ce I .,,'"' a kid in Pua.dena," Roublan reveall't1, "but lhla la the r1r1t numb .. r lh11t luoka llkt -It alfht ~ tn the hH claulflcaUon." WROTt: Tl'l"t: HT.llLE ftoublan tumtJ out the tune here In the Harbor area 10me monlha flgo. "Tht•re WU a Jan( ot ua popp1nr rorn one nlpt." the younr bachelor reported. "It wa1n't do1nr 110 rood and we start· ed k!ddlng a bout It." Finally b-Omebody aa.ld, "The popcor-n's too pooped lo pop." Rou- bian dad 11 double-take, and In tra- ditional Tlnpan Allty 11lyle cnt d, "That's It !" He hPUded homt to h111 p1anu at 213 20th St. at 11 p. m. Four hours later Bob felt he h&d a rPaJ 1o:ood aonr. "A comp<>•- "" alway1 feel• that way •bout hla brainchild.'' Roublan confea.ed. It ocrurnd to Rouble.n he juat mac ht have that long-eoocht hit on h11 hc'\da aftet playtnr the number la11t June durlnr a pro- icr11m at ttl• Chri1t Church by the Sea. "The next day," BQb explain· NI. '1people ata.rted camnc m• up, asklnr w here they could r et the r'cord or aheet mu.ale on t.Mt pop- ,·orn aong. The kld1 who heard It wtre nut11 about ll " Near the t nd of Jut year a friend of Roublan'• that work• at KTLA ca.me '\1own to H t at the restaurant. "He htard the .One." Bob expl&lned. "and lnall led that I make an audition record. Thil I llOB &Oum.AN Paaadena. irpent two yeua ln the "Sea Bees" during World War D and waa (!"&duated from Mount Sa.n Antonio College In 1949. "Whatever heppena, I lnttnd to atay In Newport Beach,'' Bob uy1 "and whether the Popcorn Soni malcea the cr&de or not. I Intend to keep-"n wrltlnc aonra ... DATE SET ON VET TAX CUT FILING Deputy A11essor L. w. Shot· well baa announced that he 'wUJ be tn the J ury Room at the Ooeta Meaa J ustice Court Building from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Sa.turday May 28. to tllke veterans' tax exe'llpUon re- newal a ttldavfte. Thi1 will be the Jut op- portunity to file the atfadavlta at thla tempo;ary office. SANTA ANA (OCNSI -A 20- ynr-old Newport Bea.ch re0sldent Friday flll'd a $75,000 peraonal In· Jury damage 1ult through hie falh· er In connt>ctlon with a truck-auto colll1ton Oct. 20 on Highway 101 near Orchid Ave. • Alv1n Wllaon, 213 Colton St .. baa lodged 1. 1ult In behalf of hi• 80n Gary. Detendanta named are Theodor• C. Baxter, Keith B. Col- lini and Keith B. Colllllll, Inc. The pla.lntlff a.uerta Gary wa.a an oc- cupant tn a car drlvrn by John !:van.I Campbell wh~n the vehlclt wu rammed ·by a true~ op.rated by ~ter. Baxter l1 accuaed of recklesa, careleu and ne1tllgtnt drlv1nc. Highway Service · Station Leased · to New Operate>! HERE ARE THOSE MISSING BIKES Police have about 30 bicyclea they would like to have boys reclaim. These wbeele have been picked up from time to time and the boys have neglected to come and get them. Shown above are a dozen bicy.cle9 that &re still held at the police elation and there &re about 18 more up at the Corporation Yard. With the wheels are (lt'Ct) Hu· mane Officer ~~rge Myers and Sgt. J ohn Bloom. -Staff Photo PROMOTE 2 ' AMOClaUon directors al their W Sl-L-·..1 I May meeting named Miss Blom-0mGft uallWU qu11t executive v1c.-prelJ!dent. She •I K •fe M• ha L I Fi hU 1erved .. an a.uociaUon di-n n1 IS p oca 1m rtctor for some time, with the Bernice • E ileen Fletcher, 232 title ot exf'cutlve 1Kretary, AJld Newport Blvd., waa acC'ldentally N N will continue aa a director. slashed ln the right a.rm Sunday ames ew Mrs. Baugh wa.a nlLllled secretary by Cah'ln N. \\'Inn, Pacolma, po- <Jf the a8ll-Ociatlon, a promotion llC'e rt>portl"d. Fllllnr 1t.allon operator George E t• from her po1ltlon as as11stam sec-Miss Fletcher aald the accident Hill hn lea.aed the Chevron 1er-xecu 1ves rclllr)i he is alao a n as>11stan'1 happrned while vl111Ung at H8 Via vice •talion located at 17th St: loan lcl'r of Newport Balboa Trieste, and that Winn playfully and Coait Rlshway. s d cd h t h th ht ... A native of Orange county ~r-.Miu Agnea Blomquist and· Mn. a van rag:g w 11 • oug wa.1 ... ,e ge lhlnki lht re ian't any' R}ace Lyla Baugh have been ap.polnted Mai lomqul1t hu.beeb an exe-dull side of a kitchen knife over quit• like lhe Newport &~n area . to new posh1ons with Newport cuUve of the u11oclaUon since it her arm. BL apd Santa Ap -IUTW:trlat• Prt· neera clafm. ni. auapeet. waa ~ --_ day nt(ht. td ov.r to th.rift'• otitoere UJlOD Evana WU lllT'Hled b1!-:CoelA Me1& police offloen R. M, kealy their arrival at th• pwject. and .Ralph Oumto who cl&lm they Evan.a pn bla addn-• u I ll dl1COvered the !Wll*lt In one or Cbicaao St.. Hunlln1ton Beach. NOTICE • • • MUST SILL 15 MOii NEW Lincolns 1· Mercurys -- TH1s MONTH! Special Bonus Deals Balan~ of Ulla month • Mt tw. °'Jee••• 8EE V8 TODAY Johnson I Son LINCOLN • Ml!ft.CURY 900 West Coast Hlthway and pledrea that h will be "a good· Balboa Savings and l.Aan A11ot·I&· wu rounded In 1936. Mrs. Baugh She wu t.reated tor a 3·1n. Incl· neighbor t o local ~otortsi..." lion ot Newport Beach. according wall !loon complete eight years with slon on her r ight arm at Hoag Hiii haa bffn aaaoclated. with ~to~P~re~1~ld~en~t ~P~a~u:_l ~A'..:.. ~P~aJ~m~e~r::_. -~_:1~he~st~aJ~t~·-________ :_:H:o'.:11~p:'.lt_:lll'.:.. _________ ~========================:!1 Standard 1ervlce1 for the put a1it yean and behevea tbl1 ellpenenre wHI enable him to give top quality aervlc• to motonall. loy for Goodalls A boy WU born lO Mr. and Mni Harold Goodall. 812~ Mangold Ave .. Sunday, May 22, In Hoag Hospital. did. and took It to him." p;.;;jjjj;;jjjj;;jjjjiiiiiiiiiiii;;jjjj;;jjjjiiiiii;;jjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii __ _. "The next I heard about It," Bob 11Lld. "Cllffle Stone of Central Sonr• In Hollywood called and wannd mt-to rPcord the 11ang with h11 b&nd. We made the recording la11t Jan\Jftry with Capitol Recordl, ..:nc.'· 8 10NS COl''TRAC'T .I Cllffle Stone hu 1lgned a con· t r"cl w1lh Roublan to publlah all bis aongs, 11nd ht has 11tgntl1 with Capitol Rtcord11 u " ncordlng ar· l ull. "The Popcorn Son.r " wlll be n- Jeued out ht're today, but appar- enUy It hi t1otng very well back J:aat where Bob ~ It 1t on top In Capitol Rerord orde~. Bob credl~ Ba11 Hutchuon, Valla Marln>l entertalner, for fur· then ng has chancea ln the com-1 po11ng field. "W1"ve be~n worklnr togethtr on lead 1hffla and muatc, a nd I'm 1llll studying harmony with Ba11.1." Roublan saill. "l cl'ln· 1111,.r Hutchtll<ln one or lht flntet c u1tars In the rountry .. I MERCEK AD\'ICE B<lb al110 ssys that song writer Juhnny Merrt r, Llc1o tale. Intro· duced I.() him by Hutr heaon, ad· j Vh1td him on ront n1<·t11. and WRa '"ln~trumrnt11I In Jtt'lllng him off on the n ..:ht foot . 1 Tht yr 11ng rompo~er wu born In p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I SAYE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY v:a cr.o . I PER ANNUM-+ I ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Ac:c:ounh Opened On or Befo,.. The I 0th of the Month E•m From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !U ON-an A.\·11nttf' rbo.M: a1· 6-lln LAGUNA BEACH GRAND OPENING PORT ORANGE TRAILER PREVIEW You'U see the 64-fl Pan Americaa Executl,·e Flaphlp • • • The flnt 111ho\\ing in Orange CoUnty ••. on actual display 4 daya .•• May 27, 28, 29, SO. Truly the ultlmalf' ln trallere • , , luJ1urtou11 bfoyond word11. Feature. a bath and • half, oompl4!1A! bu, larre obllervatiitn room, oak tloor.-d •un derk ... l'\'Prylhlnr and more thBn you'd ;Ind ln many luxurtou11 llomM •.• 9ff It to belleve ll. • You'll See America's Finest Mobile Homes 16 TO 45-FEET • 4 BIG DAYS MAY 27 thru 30 RANGER CAMP TRAILER Will Also be OD Exhibit The most complete, practical and :unctlona.J camplnr unit ever offered to the aporllman. '.l . e,t CAMPING IS FUN IN A \2.o.~!P Trail~ ·BAY SHORES SMALL IOAT CENTER WILL EXJilBIT * CHAMPION BOA TS * GLASPAR BOATS * JOHNSON OUTBOARDS * MARINE ACCESSORIES .- • ., took at the break f-OU get because MerCury is breaking sales records 1 YOU GET MORE MONEY FOR YOUR . PRESENT 'CAR~ . ,.,... Mercur.y's record-breaking sales allow us to operate at high volume. You get a far bigger __ allowance. 2 YOU GO MORE NEW CAR FOR YOUR MONEY Prices for a big, 188-hp Mercury Custom 2-door start below 13 models in the low-price field.* NO OTHER CAlt OFFERS YOU BIGGER REASONS FOR IUYINO IT e Exclu.,\ve 1tylior shared by no other car e N ew SUPER-TORQUE V-8 engines on e\'ery model (181$ and 198 honie- power)-backed by Mercury's "cord of producinr V-8 enrinea rr.cltuirtlv • • 4-barrel vacuum carburetor on every model at no extra coel. e Du.al exhau1t.1 at no t>xtra COit on all Montclaira and Monterey1 • Ball-joint front-wheel 1u1penllion • Anti-foulinr birh-compre11ion spark plup • CoMi!teTltly highest resale value in it3 field, accordinr w autborita· tive reporu - IT PAYS TO mERCURY FO~ FUTURE STYLING. OWN A SUPER POWER • Oo•'I "''" -b•e .. lt¥11ietl ~ll, l41 '41111 .. •'' "TOAST 0, THI TOWN." S.,.dt'/ _,.1.,., t• le 'oe. Stetloo lllfXT, Clltllllll I ......... -· ....... ,.ooucus· SHOWCASl'' ............ , ····'·•· N • c . c~ ••••• 4 '00 lo ' IO , "'· 2241 w. com+ ·Hwy. JOHNSON & $ON, LincoJn • Mercury Uberty 8-5545 Newport leach I'°° W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH ___ _... ________ ....,. Af rOH from lay Clab • . . I ' . : . t E vening Theme of Mesa Pastor Tbe R-. P C . NNm&nn, pu· tor of Colt.a MM& 11rat BapU.t Church, i. preacbill1· a Mri•• ot funday evenln1 aermonJ on ''The lttbl• 8e&rcll1l1ht °" the 'One Wotld·lam1' ." L&lt Sun.S.y be tA>Ok u p the Mtbject of Communian lo the Up t of Bibi. teacllin t.h1I eonl&nc &und&J he wtu u1c tbe quewttoa. 1 1 then w ell a th~ u Clu1.1t1an Pacltt.m !" On June 11 M Hp4Cb to .,,_k Oft '"nle ...,,.. UtuUon oL J:dUUUoa." / T CMaAS peopk ol tlM e'hlll'dl u. Plaalllna • bal\q)llj OA J_WMI 10 .&II l\Qaor of ~u•Un• ...Uon. Dlnctory of HARIOI AREA CHURCHES .. •t. Aad,.... ~ .... Chtc!ll l&th St. A SL Aftdrew1 Rd . ._ .• aero.. ftom Hl1h School LJMrty 8-3'773 P u t.or: Rn . Jamu 8. Sttwart 0-ualty Metllodlel .20 W . 19th St .. Co1la Mua Llberty 8·«~2 ...Rev. Joaeph W . McShan• Tbe Cllurcb of Ctlrlal 1~ Church St., Coeta Mua Llberty 8·0711 Tom Baker J~.. Mlnl1tu 4Dllrt1t Cllurd a BJ Tbe SM Community Melbodl1t Balboa Blvd. at 14th, Newport Harbor ~229 Mlnl1ter: Rev. Roy Gari.Ion l!lt. J oachim Churcb l Mt Orange Av,., Co1ta Men Uberty 8·1091 Father ThomH J. Nevin Flr1t Baptl•l Chur<'h of Newporl Balboa Blvd. 19th A Court SU .. Newporl Harbor 3563 Llbtrty 8·3072 Pastor; Herbl'rt G. J ohnaon . .. ·- \ , I REDEDlCATION of the sanctuary and dedication of Joseph H. Thompson Hall at Community Methodist Church, yosta Meaa, were held Sunday. Among those taking part In the eervicee were left to right .. the Rev. Joseph H. McSbane, putor of the church: Dr. Maurice Ballenier, superintendent of San Diego district of the Methodist church, who officiated at the dedications; the Rev. Lyman Bayard, pastor when the church wu first built in 1928, and the Rev. Joaeph H. Thompson, pastor from 1947 to 1951, who atarted the present church building movement. -SWf Photo Nature of Evil Uncovered in Science Sermon Obedience to God'• l1w1 11 an aw a k ' n I n g aplrltual defense against the hypnotic ll'mptatlon1 ot the world. This 11 1lre11aed In the Sunday Leaaon·Sermon In all Christian Science churchn. "An· clent and Modem Necromancy, IF·estival of Music Cllma.xlnr a full yffr of acUvi· lle1. the Oranr• Count.)' Chaptn I ot the California Choral Conducl • ore Guild will apon.eor a larr• I c-horal futlval at I p.m . Oft M•· i mortal Day Sunday, Kay n at Ule Greek Theatre, AMMI• Partc. The choir will be compoMd of •P· prmtimattly IOO volce1 from 30 church c:bOJn trom th• county. The Choral Guild bu .moat r•· centl)' 1poN10red the Pomona Col· lee• combined (I~ clube .ta one ot lt.t special function •. kl.lo the Guild hu held four meellnp dt- 1lp •d to ln tere1t all choral m11alr· lan1 In chul't'h and 1Chool. Out· atandllltr tpMker• ln th~ fteld of church and 1Chool mueic were In attendan~ to lead the dl1euulona Mr1. J . Lellle (Mary Batten) 8tf'f· ff'nat.n, director of mu1lc at th• Corona del Mar Cc>nrregatlonal Church, bu hf'&ded the Guild u pre1ldent Ulla year. P'or the mu11le fl!•llval In Ana· helm, Dr. Lara Hor1•rd. brtllla nl younit conductor of n&llOftal tame, will direct the choir. Cllmuln1 the concert will M hl1 own ar· ranrement of the 1tln1n1 "Olona In Excel•I•" accompanied by a brag choir. or1an and piano . U niversalist Fellowship "Co·ICx:hlt•nce or No-l:xlaten~" wilt be ~. eermon t.oplc at Ult Unlveraal11t Community P'tllow· 11hlp a t the Memorial Da.y 8undax service. Cl'llldren of the Sunday 1ehool are urpd to be pruent to prepare for Cl'IHdren'1 Day Oil Juna 12. Special m111lc will be provided b)' v1ollnlll M. H. ThompiOn, &c· companied by Mra. Frederick Rln· re a t the piano. Jl"e"·port Harbor Lutheran Churc.b I a lias Mea~erlsm and Hypnouem, 250 Clift D . N wport HelfhU Denounced 11 the 1Ubject. 1 LI~" :.3631 Selection• from Proverb• ( 4 :20, PAGE 6 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 The Fellowahlp meeta al th• EbeU Club Hou-. 01!5 Wut Bal· boa Blvd., at 10:30 a.m. lor Sun· day acllool and. 11 a.rn. for "''Or· ahlp. A concrecau onal meeUnr to di•· C\118 matten of policy will take place lmmedlauly after the church nrvlce on June-&. Llberal1 Inter· eated In religion u a way of llv· lnr are Invited to th• aervlcu ol the FeUowahlp, which la under le&derahlp of the Rev. Frederick Ringe. R v Ro~t Gronlund 21; J9:1!5l counael, "My llOn, at· e ' tend to my words: ... keep them NEWPORT FIRST BAPTISTS TO NOTE MEMORIAL DAY Auembl7 of God 1 2n<t St. A Elden Ave .. Co•t• Mua LJbercy 8-3781 Reverend M. C. Cronic. PHtor 8ev9th-da7 AdveaU.t Ntwport Blvd. at Bola& St., Newport Helrhta Elder Richard Sern1 Liberty 8·1!532 Cllurcb or the Na&&eene llM Anaheim. Co1ta Men Putor: Rev. Clive William• Llberty 8-7~1 1'1r1t Cllurcb of Cbrl•t. 8dea UI\ 1303 V6-.Lldo. Newport Beach 911:1.arbor 2428 t:Alverwa!t•l Community Fellow1bJp !:bell Clubhouae, 510 Balboa Blvd. Minl1ter: Rev. F . W. Rlnre t'lrat SOuttwna Bapd1t ~11rcll 6~0 w, Hamilton. Costa Mna Llberty 8·2483 Paator: Dr. Richard H. P oaa Corona df'I ~lar Vommunlty Cburcb Congregational 611 HehotroJ>4! An. Harbor 6237 Paator:• Rev. Edwin C. Gomke F1nl Bapdal Churcll Slll\l& Ana Ave. a t Magnolia Coata Mcaa Rev. P. G. Neomann Cbun b or Our Lady of Mt. ('armtl IHI \\'. Balboa Blvll .. fl;ewport HarbQr 0214 1-~allier Stt•phr n Kiiey, Putor Fath'r Gtorge PRrnas.~ua A1<1!l. Pastor ('hrb l Luthuan Churc-h of <.:ost.a Mt~ (MIS11oun S) nOl.l ) Costa M1>11n Putor: Rev. Lothar Tornow St. l amn Epl11Copal 3208 Via Liilo, :-O:ewpOr t Beach Hal bor 1230 Curate. Rev. Ralph Ptalle St. John \ lanuey 31~ Mannt• Balboa .Isla nd Harbor V2l4 Father Stephl'n Kiley, Putor Father Oeorp;e Pamusus A8.9t . Pastor Cealral Bible ChuN"h Orange Ave. al 23rd St. Co1la Mu•. Llbtrty 8-5303 A. A. Kaden, Putor B&I~ lllland Oonununtt7 Methoclld 11!5 Apl4' Ave., Balboa Ieland Mlnl1ter : Rt>v. Doftald Sapp 1 Olaudl et ReUrtoae ScHace "Sele.nee of Mind" ~· Beach Art Gallery 107 Clift Drtv-HYatt •·728' RtT. IN Turk, )Uni.ter Olavela of .i..-Clhrt1l of LMter ~ 8allala Friday .Attemoon Club HouH CWta M... Liberty 8·3781 · Blahopl Peter Dsleboul nMT $"Jll"llCR OP' CRRJflT 8CIE1\"Tl 8 T t •I \Ile Lin . If••.,_.. ..... A ~ ef .... Me-C""'""• n.. flnot Q.,,,. ef Cto.ltt, lcl•"'ht. I• ........ M•-· dt- "°"4•y k .... 1 ' II I "' s ...... , $«•Ice ----II 00 • "'· WM_., ..... ,... MM li"f • HO r "'· h•f l"f ll""' l.uto41 •I Ull Vie llfe, " .. ,.., he<•. ,, .,.. •••• ..,. ...... .... • "' .. ' .. , "' w ... -...,. ....... it• • .. .. , .. , .. , ,,, ... , ·-1 .... C••••41 ... 1141tn . no. .... 11. ,, ..... 1.11, l..it•• .. • .... , tlle °'"''' s.r.f<H 104' 'iote .... rH dl .. ..... ' In the mld1t of thine heart . . . Slothfulneu cuteth Into a dttp lllet.p." "Man.kind mulll learn that evil 1e not power," declare. Mary Ba· ker Eddy In "Science and Health with Key to the Scrlpturt.11." She alao states, "Sleep and apathy are phHea of the dream that lite. 1ub· 1tance, and Intelligence a.re mater· lal." "Matertal aente dou not Ull· fold the racta o! exl1tence ; but 1plritual Hn,ae lift1 human con· 1clouanua into eternal Truth." lpp. 119:33, HM): 'Teach me, 0 Lord. the way ot thy 1tat11tu; and I 1hall keep It unto the end ... Through thy precept.a I get under- 1tandlng: therefore I hate every falee way." Memorial Sunday will be celebrated In the Ftr11t B11pllat Church, 19th and We1t Balboa Blvd., th1a Sunday. Sunday School w ill be at 9:4~ a .m. with claaaes tor all agf.I. Durlnc the morning worship at 11 a.m. the putor wlll speak on the sub- ject '1"ht Challenge ot a memorial." Hazel Edgar will alng, "I'd Rather Have Jesus." The p&ftor 'Will preach on the topic "The Invitation of Juus" for the evening wonihlp al 7:30 o'clock. CDM Youth to Sponsor Breakfast Friday Is youth 10Clal night and young people wlll 1wun at the plunre. Youn1 peopla of Community Church Corona del Mar. a re 1pon· 10r1n1 a "Come u You Are" breaktut, Sa turday, June t from 8 to 11 L m. Th• breakfut will be a t th• Gout Super Market and proceed• wlU be uaed for the youth camp Ulla 1Ummer. GUEST COUPLE Communion Rite to Be O bserved Special Music Program at Adventist Church Entertalnmtnt wlll be provided and free door prlse1 wm be 11ven. Mr. a nd .Mrs. Robert Baldwin church at etudy, 9:'30 a.m. will be Tlcketa may be purchued trom memben ot the church and tht Pllcnm Fei10W1hlp. "Ood'1 Power ln l..ife" will be the eermon·theme at Christ Church by the Sea ln Newport Buch on SWl· day momlnr . May 29. Th• mlni.ter. ot T11koma Park. Md. will prement "Aaaault.a ·of the Enemy," anothu an hour of medltatJon and mualc 1t11dy on the propheclu of Revel•· thi1 Saturday evenlng. May 28, at Uon. 6:45 at the Newport-Mna Seventh· -------------Many do wtth opportunlUea u chlldre.n do a t the aeuhore; they I till their little h&nda with aand, and th'n let lh• CT&Jna fall throu('h, one by ont, UU au are I rone.-Thomaa R. Jon•• the Rev. Roy A. Carl~n. will give day Advenl11t Church. • ihe 'meditation for the oW-eT-vance Mrs. Baldwln. alllter•of the local or Penteco1t Sunday-the birthday paator·11 wife, 11 a music major of the Christian church. The aacr•· graduate of La Sierra ColJege and ment or Holy Communion wtll be rormtrly muilc teachM at New-obaerved at both 1ervtcu . A soprano eolo. "Gommunlon berry Park Academy north of Loa Hymn." w111 be sung by Mri. Wll· Angeles. Recently ahe hu been Ila Fleldl. The Crusader Choir worklnr u a 1ecretary at the (J unl6t High youth I will elng al General Conterence or Seventh-day the 9.30 o'clock 1t.rvlce. Adventlat1 In T&Xoma Park, while The reception or new membt.u Mr. Baldwin. &Lao a graduate of rnto the church fellowship 11 ai.o La Sierra, a tt,.ndf.d the Adventist planned tor t hla Sunday . During Theological SemlnlLry there. the past JO months hu rectlved The Baldwin• are visiting rel&· snme 70 persons tnto full ml'mber· lives and frtend11 In Ca lifornia be· 1 ~hip. fore returnlng to the ea.at where Methodist Youth Fellowah1p tor he will be eng11ged In eva.ngeliatlc I S!'nior High and Junior High youth work In Trenton. N.J . 111 held ench Sunday tvenlng. bt'-The sermon to be pre11enlr!1 by I guining 1t 8lx o'tlock. J unior High Pastor Sems a t the 11 o'clock ser- young peuple will meel at the vice SatuTd11y ·w111 bt "G<'id'~ Me· <'hurrh. &nd Seniors wlll meet at I niorlal Day." the homp of Unda Kiddle. Top1r of d1scu11Slon t or the Southern Baptis~ Start 1Constru.ctio·n of Chapel Construction hats b,.gun on the I which mee111 &t 7 pm., the pa.ator ('h&pt'l h111ldlng fbr lht> Flt.Ill teachf'S a CIBM <>n doctrine for aU SouthPm Bapt111t Church In Cost• new anrt rntere:ited membere. A !\lesa. ~111,h or the labor Is bPing 11pect11I pl'rlOO ot fun and feUow- •lon11i.e.1 by the memben1. The ~Ip for the at1ult1 will bt> hl'ld Im· building ta localed at the wrsl mf'l1fately afltr the evening wor· end of the church's property on 11h1p service. 6!50 Weat Hamilton SL, The Vacation Bible School 11 At the .. 1even n'rlO<'k wonhlp planntd for June 20-J uly l , Super· ~erv1ce Sunday the pa.tor, Dr, mtendt"nl.I tor the ttve depa.rt· Rlth1i'd R . Posa. will bring a mu· ment1 have been cho•'n and fur· sage on '"A Great People." A <'On· ther. preparation 11 being made. tlnuatlon or the 9'rles ot mesaagu Thf' Orange County Southern rrom the Book of Jamu coratitut· Bapt11t AlllOCtallon meeta tor Ila ea the theme for the tvenlng mu· monlh.ly confer,nce· Tue11day, May &age at •lfht o'cloc. 31, a t the Finl Southern Baptlll Durlntr th~ TralnlnJ Union. Church In Orance. The executive board meeting le 11eheduled for 8 Prayer Guild of St. Andrew's Notes Birthday Pf!'.· and th• proprm at 7:30 p.m. 01'. Pou will brinf th• mu- E;SA Installation Slated for June Th• Guild ot lnluceaeore. pray-Eta Eta chapter of Epallon Sig- n ('TOUp of St. Andrew'• Preaby· ma Alpha elerted otflcen May tl tertan ChurC'h '!VU on" ye11r old on at a 11emon hf'ld In the homt' nf April 28 when the Rev. Ja.mu S. Mr•. Evf'rrtt Br11cf'. 123~ 18ttf"S1 ,' Stewart arl<lrf.l'l!l"rl the <:mid. He Co11ta M'sa. spolte on ""Th• Will of God " • Mn . Brue wu nam'd pre•ldent, I Mr1. Stf'W&rt cut the annlver· Olhtr1 art Mmo Ard)1h Btll'· Mry ca.ke <lurtnl' a tlm" of f!'llOw· bltu1. vtr e rre~1rltnl : Gl!'nn J1rk· llh tp shared by the 82 "'"mber• 11on. reromlnp; Bl'C,...ta~-. Mark attendlnf. Bl'am. c-nrr!'l'JW!nd1n1r 84'<'r!'t11ry The nf'Jll meoettnf ot th• leader• JoMph Stre>up, trr"uurtr. Jn11t11l- l'lf the Guild of Jn1en:,.•JOOr11 ""Ill latlon ~111 bf on Jun, 9 al Ken· bt at ( 30 rm on Jun" t •I th" nedy'1 r1111t.a11rant. 8 pm. lnltl1Uon hnrn,. nf Mrll, LoH Bohn. 1210 S., nf ntw pied•"·-"ill t•ke pl1re a t Bay Frort. the 11&mr ae1111on . The Navy·a deatroyer1 were orl· g'lnally dulgne<i lo carry one tpec· Ifie weapon-the torpedo. Their primary mls11on now le anli-aub· maTlne warfare. Lutheran Loyalty Dinner Inaugurates Fund Drive The Loyalty D1Mer of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, held May 18, In th• IOCl•I hall Of the Co1ta Meu Community Methodist Church. proved lo be the largest dinner gatherlnir m the history of the congregation. Given to explam the $6~.000 bullding campaign the church la pruently engaged In, the dinner wa11 a ttend'd by over 200 adult1. Also ~~ children were entertained and fed 1t the Lutheran Chur&h ll•elf. In a ddltJon to the dinner, which wu ll(!rved by the circlee of the Methodist Church under the di· rectlon of Mrs. Ruth Barnett.. mua· inl entntaJnment waa proVJded by Danny Artboter and Richard Elliott. and a program wu em· cel'd by Roy MrCardle . Included were ta lka by, di• on "The CanvaN." Wedeking. "The History McCar- Donald of Our Church;" F ranklyn Hruu , "Our Need;" Jam" Hayden, "Our Plan." ltdrar Mann. "How to Make A Pledge" and clo1ln1 remark1 by Putor Robert B. Gronlund. A bro· churt on the church and the can· va_i11 and prayer·pledce card1 were dt.trlbutf.d u well u the arctil· lect'1 11te pla n of future develop· ment or th1 church property. The canvu1 will continue throuch lhla week with a com· plete report to be Jiven at the 1 8 :30 a=:d 11 a.m. eervlcu Sunday alone wtth the obaervance of 1 Pentecoat, the birthday or the Chri1llan Church. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1i41 Su~rlor A \'enue Cost& Mt"sa, Ca ll! CHAPEL BY XHE SEA 3!520 E Gout Blvd. Corona dtl "111 , Calif. Phone Wbeity 8·:ll21 Phone Harbor 42 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE f:rnest HolmeA. 1011nd4"1, a uthor of "S\'lence of Mind " Sl"NDA \' St.:RVICES 11 Lm. .Junior Church and Nunery Care 11 a.m. Ke'" h it Turk, JllD.le~r LAGt;NA BEACH ART GALLERY llYatt 6-1114 N1 Clltt Dr. ARTHll'ITIS?? Thf'n R"9d the Popular Did Book MArthr1tl• and c-m-S.991!1" .......... ..... FREt; UCTt'RE F rtday, Ma..v n I p.m. a 7 p.m. Bl"FFt'M~ ll'A!\"TA A.~A ' By Dan ~ale Al•xa.nder HEAR Mil. ALEXA."DE8 LECTt .. & al llaffllml, ltuta A-. Frtday, Marn. ThP poblk' le <"OrcUally l•.tW. Fnie tle'Ju•ta caa lie pick_. ., M ll• Beek °""" Mall ... p'"'9e orMn for Mlle .,._ ... tllfJ 111'<"4!pWod ity Baf"-.1·· 9-1 Dept. .. ' -·-· - I I ' I How PfOod Mother end Dad an of tht lr '-"IJ JOl&ftC 1n 4haat.. They ba~ in the ,tow Crom ber fr11h btaaty i nd qaatt andtr• 1taada'blJ fHl 1 Hnlt of accompl11hmtnt. Jtalallll 1 bab7 daqhter ·~ 1telna ber at· talD tbie thrubold 11 1n achievement. . B•t bold on thert , Did, befou 1ou b~nt witla nat ural ptidt. W hat hu e !oa 11•e<l tbi1 daUlhter other than t.be phy11cal ne<e•· altln ,t food i nd clothina1 What b1vt you done abo11t her 1plrit11al nudal And, Mother, yoa who haH often d!nied yountlf for thla btloved 1irl, what 1nnff endowm1nt have you pa11ed onl H ave yob enrichtd bar 10111 •itb faith ind 11nd•r· 1t1ndina' 1111 CllUlar roa AU ••• AU roa 1111 anntar TM Chwdl 11 .. .,...._ ._. ---... ! ... ~ .. <llar«lw ..... ...., ct"-!li,,. " loo -.. -... el't pVI ..... ....__ Wtti.o..1 a ""'-9 Clluroril. _..._ ~ .. ......, -emu-... -"""I•• n.... ... .... - ·-· .... , •• ..., -•"-lei oll•nd .......... f'9V\llartr -d .., l>Orl th. Church n,.7 -· 1ft ror h .. own oab 121 r. i.,. cluldren I ..... 13) rw .......... ;' .... .,_ ..... ", .... d __ 1., °' '"-aoke ol ti.. O.wd\ ;...11 Whtch 11.eda h• _,... 9'd ' .. riol l \lppo,1 PS-lo - ri11.1.rc11 •-oul«tr -.! ,.. .. • Bl~ doily ,...., t i How 1bo11t it, parent• of thia lovely 1rad· uate have yo11 1i••n your da111hter the re· lisi~111 traininr and habit of re111lar th11rch 1ttend1nce thlt will help her more than . all ilH to mut 1ih'1 problem• with tranq11lhty, to maki th• moat of her promi1inc f11t11rtl I I , I This Ch•ch Feature Spomorecl by I These L~al Business Firms Alice of Udo lhauty Salon Hair 8tyllnr for th• Individual f08 S2Dd (on the PO St.) Barbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Hu.llnJ. VentJlallnr A Sheet Metal fll Sbt St. Barbor 4446 RADDSER & PONTING ''Baldy'• Place" Newport Beach Harbor 2.>l THE CLOTHES HORSE ''Shop of Dl1Unctlon" 115 Marine An., Balboa Island Harbor 0707 General Slleet Metal Wort&s Sheet Metal -Heating -Ventllalin1 '05 SOtb Street, Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All O«ulona MOS E. C~t Hwy., CDM. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE Balboa blaad Mann & Smith Shell Service Your Corona del Mar Dealer11 2801 a S600 E. Coast Highway ~ Harbor 5S68 ··-···· a _ ..... Barbor 2710 NEWPORT CLEANERS . " Dry Cleanin1 -Laundry -Preatln& 106 Tutin Newport Beech MARGARET'S CAFE lpecl"!lM In a..~ Fooda -Ord,,. t o Oo !61' Newport Blvd. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. INcn.ft Dfvllloa a Foreign .Motors Vl11efft'1 lexall Dl'VCJ Stores n.... locaUocui f.o lkrve You Newport ....., IWbo9. corona del Mar • JOLLY ROGD IAYSHORE RICHFIELD Free Pick u p 6 Delivery 17th &: Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-91'5 loyer's Balboa Unole•m Co. Linoleum -Tile -Carpet -Formica iso1 w. Balboa Bh·d. .. Harbor 6181 MAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free Pick up A del. -Wheel Balance UOl Newport Blvd. Harbor 5550 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru11 and Carpet.a 122 A1ate A\•e .• · Balboa bland Harbor S266 HOUSE AND GARDEN Complet1 Home l\amiahlnp Draperi.-s -RUIJI 3017 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-5511 MAC'S CAFI Flr1t on rtcht toward HunUncton Bea.ell 6204 Cout Hwy. Barbor 2261-8 MARINE BEAUTY SHOP Peraonall:ied l:!ervlce In Hair Styllnl' ~27 Marine Ave., Balboa lalud Barbor 161 NEWPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Home Fumilhlrl&'• i620 W. Cou t Hwy. Uberty 8-WI MARKET SPOT ZOO Marine Ave., Balboa lalud Harbor 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Family Store 81nc• 191'" Ocean Front at 22nd. Barbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOP ZIOO W. Ocean Harbor 81J R. WASEMILLER ''Th• Workln(man'1 Blore 2004 w. Balboa 81,·d., Harbor'aaat High Quality Prinfing_:.PJ,._ H·ar. 1616 • ' • r , " Harbor View P-TA Inducts Cub Den Participates in Opening Ceretnony U•ing "Hannol\)"' u theme, Mrs. Har\'ey Pt aae in· 1lalled office,.. of Harbor VieWP-1'A ?day 17 in the achoo! auditorium. Each ._officer was presented with aome object repre11entative of her position. ln.tWded in the ue)'t' group are: Mmt1. Rolart Olander, preJ\1-Johnaon. Bill Killian. BUI Bame;, dent; Gordon ~tcMahon, f1r1t vke Mlke Vt'nable. Martin J ohnaon, r tdent. Do 1 H akl d Francia Romero. .llmmy Grubba. p 91 ' 01 aa 0 n, tecon Billie \\'1rth 11nct Phillip Coonrod. vice PIUident; Nonnan CarllOfl, ~Music was provided by the firth rtcordlJlg Mcretuy; L.ydl But-&Tade chorua 1llrect~ by Mlaa ... urmore. corrupondlng aecretary; Clara E llt'n Spelman. Juu Haint1, t~u~rer; Jonat.han )~Dunctln Slewarl oulllned DaJch. h11torlan, V.arren Clemen-plans for completion of the Youth ce. parllamentart&n and Mr. Phil-and Commuo1ty Ct'ntt'r under con- Ip Maurer, auditor. • structlon nrar !tie 1cllool and Mn. )fre. WarHn Clemence-prP.!llded Xorman Car laon. health and aate- a t the 1e1111ion. which Opt'ned wllb ty chalm1an. told ot a vailable re- • nar aal\6le led b)• Den 2 of Cub I crt'al ion far1lu1n for children dur- Bcou t Pack 8. Mn. Howard &r-Ing i;umml'r months. nu i. den motlier a.nd cuba parll-Rl'fre.!lhments we1 e served by c:lpattnr were Lenny Jone1. Roger fifth grade room molhl'ra. • Renaissance Period Show ... at Long Beacl1 Art Center Little Muter1 of 17th Century Palace ot the L.eglon of Honor. Holland-forbea.n of the modem San Francisco. I camt>ra-will be the 1ubject or an exhibition at Ult Long Beach Mu- nicipal A.rt Cenler, 2300 E. 0caan NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 ·PA~E 1;-' THURSDAY, ~AY H , l'H Alaskan Visit Mra. l.Aonard CuMI, MT W Wllaon It • a l'Mldenl of Colla Meea tor mor. than 10 yMn, la l1&vtn1 Saturday for a vlalt In Aadlora1•. Aluk&. Htt '°"· Warren C--1, tlu been vlllttn1 hen trom Anchor .. t tor lhe pa•t -k or ao and Mra. CU-1 wlU .,'°"',..-1 M_m 1'MI•· Mesa Mothersingers Ooata )leaa, Motherll111er ..... ~ .. P4' .. •nte4 two rec.nl pror-1•11 .,. ...-r1111 at th• cloaln1 "'"U"f of WOllte VIiia l chool P T 4 aA41 Ula •••Ufll Of the Colta w... 1-'0fl• clull. )Cn. 1Awl1 Kidd., dlNet1 the rroup •nll Mn. Walter E. Coif• Ina.It la aJCOft\p&llllt. • ~ • MICJt•Rlttr • e.•'kll•• llAF.!!'!Jlul ION ~ u.&eralCl&L oo~oruu ...... u .. ..., .... .... , ......................... .... TY SALES· • Authorl11cl RCA VICTOR DIALll • Aff Mak11 -All '•rt• I Tu~tt • Honeat Scientific Analy1l1 I Repair • Prompt Serv(oe • Rea1onable Prlcea TARTER TELEVISION CORONA DEL MAR 2904 E. Cout Hwy. HarboT M$1 ~una dt<ac-h Telf'phoH HVatt ·-~~·· OFFICERS OF HARBOR VIEW Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation were installed at a ceremony in the school Tues- day aftemoon. Shown above, left to right, are Mmes. Robert Olander, president; Gordon McMahon. first vice preeident; Douglas Hoskin, sec~nd vice president; Nor- man Carlson, recording aecretary; Lyell Buttermore, corresponding secretary; Jonathan Daigh, historian; Warren Clemence, parliamentarian and Mr. Philip Maur- er, auditor. Not in the picture (ahe ia in the hospital) was Mrs. J esse Haines, treasurer. -Staff Photo • "• Blvd., now until June 2&-,. · These RenaJ.&anee;" ~oUand. art- lau were th~tl lo capture ;. Flag Flies for west Yardley AT MONTHLY TEA CROCHET CONTEST SLATED Varied Show Will Open AT Th~~1~!1:~la1?Ta1~::E£xpo~~.1 ~edulrd June 5 at Art Gallery OJ'.)<'ning on June 1 there will be an entire .new show at t he Laguna Beach Art Callery. 'fhere will be two one-man shows in the Foyer Callery, and the regular Members Junc- J uly show in the mnin galleries. In lhl' F uytr r.ollery <'arl 81.'h· 1 headritl:11 l<'r' in Palermo. Sicily. n1111l will hav(' nn 1•xh1b1t or olla. Thi< uh1b1lfon wss op•'netl by Schm1•lt . \\ho hvt"• 10 Sa n B<'r· P11n""' ;\ll1a•a •JI MontPrrale, a nardmn. 111 a painttr nf Wt''tc'1 n llll'm h"r 11( the 1l ·1llan l'arl111nll'nt lan1l11l'Af'I"" anrt "'' 11lern 8rcn<'1<. tlr whn fl•·w t!own for thf' ncr n9ion has hAll many one mRn 11hnw111anrt 1 and aft• 14'·a1'.I i-nlt>rlJUnPd 11t a exhlb1l1.>•I thr1111i.;hnul the cnuntry. cllnncr pnrty rnr lhf' artist and hlJ! ha11 wnn 11111ny 1<w11rdw I wile In his palaco. . ShllnnJ:' tbl' Fnyrr Gllil<'ry will l\'.owlPn will show some ot the b11 lht' f11111t onr llllHt !ihttwuig in wa t1'1<·o!urs he painted on th111 L11~tm11 of the wat1•1 l·11lur!I or Eu· trip. H~ JUSl rl't'elved an award '""" Nowlen. Nowl .. n, who now al th<• annual Madonna Festlv•l mak<'s hia home In Laguna. came lit Lo11 Angc>k11 ror ht• watercolor here 11ev<'ral yeara aao sftcr he "J.ll'xican Mother." rt'lir1.>d from hla former profl'l!~lon . lfe grsduatrd from M.f.T. In nrch· Tht' ••xh1b1ts will open formally lterture anti was active In thst with the ~lunthly l'ea on Sunday. flt hl for many years. He haa t ral'-Junl' ? sponsor('rt by the Art A~­ f'll'd exteninvely and polnttJ ln I 110clnl1on, Mrl!. M1ldrt-d F . Brown. M•xlco Guntfmllla the F:ir East chairman. On Saturday. J une 11, ' . ' . I '' ·I ·• '.\I " B II h ' a nd Europe. He anti J.lrs. :-:owlPn .-0\\ tn &nu • r.. 1 own w 1 • crw rt'tumrd In January fronl a tnp p1ctun·s or then· travei. In Bah around tht woild, traveling tilow-anrl tht' Far Ea.at. ly llO Mr. l':owlen could paint. I The hl~h llp<>t of thter journey Bearer Daughter wa.s when Mr. Nowlen received an I tnv1lsllon from the )1archPaa Cos-Mr. enol Mrll. Lt'roy R. &arer. tarelll d1 Crl'gOrlo to ~ve a one 82 \\'1.'~l 18th St.. C~ata ?.1e11a. ma.n 11how of 6!'! of hi• watercolore I welromrd a daughter on May 18 und,.r thr 11uspke10 of the ltsl~ 10 ~antll Ana Community Ho11pl- .A ml.'rk:l11 A1111ociatlnn at theirl rn1. Sh.f_wt•iJ!hed 7 ]b11. 8 oz. ~ St•pt. 1 through l I, will again parl1clpale In a nation-wuJe ct <"'~"l conltsl. It was announced b)t Bert J . Abraham of Brllrlr wl'r, d1r!'<'tor. Tht• ta1r wmner will rt'celve an engraved trophy. and be· rop1e l'hJ:•bk for nationa l compl'lll1on , :A braham said. Nation- al enllies will compet.. for more lhan $3000 In prize money, with the champion to rect>1ve $500, plus an all·exprnae trip to :"\'.1•w \·ork City. Trips will a lso be awardell in "men only" and "lrenoi; ..... class1!1callon11. /\ 1 l1cle.:1 muat be of mercerized croc~t cotton In any alze , lhre1t1l up to nod 1m·luding JOO and ,mu!lt be completed thla Yt'llr. Tho annual contest ts i<ponsored by the Natrona! Needle- craft Burl'i1 u. Entry bhrnka may be obtained by writing to the State Fair. --·------ LOCKERS • SPECIAL -Lockers Capp. 125 lb.) $7.75 yr. WY. Fr:ATl'RE SELI:<'TED PRIME and CHOIC'tl ~EATS 413 -SOlh !'t . NY.WPORT RF.ACH Harbor 0118 Smoothest way to Chicago • .. Ull ,. weu Al 'YOU WILL. a trip East OD s. P.'• Gold"' Stote 11 l!MOOTR. Smooth aernca ia 10ura, all th1 way ... with com- ,11-11tary hor• d'ewYrU In the py Lounge, with dinner In tha Di.U., Room -or with a 11ndwich In the Co1ree Shop or new Hamburger Grill Ca r. And when you lift a brimml1111lu1, 70u'll ??al· l11 how '""honil'ol/11 amooth thia aall by rail from Loi An,.111 to Chica~ reall1 la ... why ther(;o/dtl\ ltaC. la~n b7 uperleneed travelerawho app,.. . .. ~tGolden. State,, date tM nbtt. "atru" tut eri tlll1 train .,.n. Rewardlnr trnel like thi1 la ""•' louthen Pac.Ide trta to ,rcwtde. NatuN ,. .. 111 a ••ll ...... ful i.w-.1tttud• route. Wa added aklllful •RriMI,.. 1111. careful rnalnteMMI, and modam equJptM11t. And we Mell looki11~ ahaad, trfin• te work out MW wae lo imJNYe OU r Rmee ... pa111qer Hd fNlfh'- We re rtt11r rallrnad-1ema,M6re of t.h• Wetit anti lelit.h•IR than anr other rallroad-&M ,.,e want t.o be a ceei,road for rour '-Ml" TMt WE ST'S LARGEST . T IU,..SP O~TAfl OH SYSTEM Southern Pacific L W. ~orclon Harbor 4 2500 Balboa llvd. aJlfl Mrs. George Yardlty ity with the I tllty lo detail re .. i•ul the big nag at . their lniacent ot loday'a lens: prosper· homt, !!00 The Grand Canal. when ou1 goodi\'lvu , caroulll.ng peasant.a., they lea rntl1 ot the birth on J.fay bowlfuls of fnlil or flowers, scene.t 20 C)f thttr flrlll lr"andchild. of land and sea. The bHby. naml'd M11rllyn Yard· The Lillie Atutera rwdered ll'y, u1 the d1111ghtt'r of Mr. and tabri<1 a lmost paJatable lo lhe I ~lrs. r;,.,,, ~o Yardll'y Ill of Chu- im:ig1nnllon, objects rich In tac-l'dge F:st11tr!<. AnlVitlm. She arrlv- llle 1·a1ue. and hght ao luminous I Ml a t St. Joal'pll Hel!p1ta l and the \'lcwer can almost fo1.>I ll3 11'1.'iJ:hl'tJ 'i lb!<. 8 oz. .Mn lernal warmth. i:randpar•·nt11 arP ~tr. s nd Mrs. Painllngs by van Goyen. El'f•r-Hlchnn l Ftor.S Ctbson ot Park La dmger, 1·an <it>r !':<•er. Ht'yJ ... 11, Fyt. Brt>a. L o!! AnJ:d<'ll. l:'>eucht>r . .i .. Vries, Ouy,m. H11ys----------- mana, Jon{:'h. Klomp, Ung elbach Veterans' Dance anct Na11·en aro Included. Litlle Maslcrtt of 17th Cl'nlul'v HoJland 1\a.1 prepared by lh~ Metropolitan Munum of ArL New York, a.nd la circulated under the au111plcu of the Amerlcsn Feder- ation or Aru. Supplemanllng th e exhibition will be Dutch prlna lent by the ·sponaorl'd by Legion Pu!lt 4 15 ::ind membt rs of V.f'.W. 35:16. a danc11 is ht•IJ every Salurd11y night at lhe Costa Men Legion Hall. Mu!l1c Is rurniehru by th .. Bill Boh- len bnn•I fraturlng rhythm 11wlng music, fo:< trots. wnll'&t.'8 nnct pol- kas. A 11p~clally number ta •·9111·1 Broom Dance." CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 P UHi-BLOCK COKPAXV -2320 R. l\laJn St .. 81U1ta Ani. Pl"Ml<:i: -CJ~DEK AS D COX<:l<l:TF: nr.OC'KS ftEINFORC'ISU STEEL and Sl'Pl'LIF.S FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 27th & 28th I'd like to tell WRA T l'OU IEl'J you about a new You travel from 11:1 Pue • ~ kind of Gr~yhound new Pan Amf'rlr an Hlfhway vta eacort~ var atlon Jaurn , Chlhu1h1,1n, C1ntar10. Du• to Mexico lhat'1 ran10. Zaratt'e&I, Af'lucallent.M, really operated In Leon. l rapuato and QueretarQ, to the apirH ot lhl' M<"x1ro City tor 1lx day1 of fun Land of Manana. I and alghtueln,.. 5'rom Un rt lpl('· You board the Mexico -bound bu1 lal alghtAeeln« tours u. .chedultd at Phoenlll, travel leisurely l{I your to such eaoUc placN u eu.m&· own "pr I v a t •" coach (with a vaca, Tuco. Peubla, XMhtraOco. congwlaJ g-roup of fellow advcn-and P yraml.de of the SWL On th• turtrsl with paul'lt's along the way retum trtp you vlalt Tolu~ Mor•- for lunch, r~at or wherever thnr'a Illa and Mexlco'a 11ttond larfNt 1omelhmg esped ally tntereatlnr to <'ity, Guadalajara. Th• country lJI ue. No hurried 1eheduie you un-a paradlle tor •hoppeni, and you deraland; ju1t an f'UY day-by-day can bring llome a• muC'h u llOO Itinerary th11ot gtvea you time to worth of merchandiae and -IV•• see everyl.hlng ~"J enjoy & good nll'll duty-free. reel el'er~· night In a flrst-claaa I.OW Pi C09T hotrl, wllh l+'i11ure at the end o( Campa.red t.o the coat of u.tnr each d11y to stroll or ride around other forma ot ~ra.neportaUon, thle tLnd enjoy tlte with the Mexlcana. Greyhound vacation In Me.xlco la AnoU1er feature lh~t mak•a for a rea'l bargaJn-<>nly 1190, double- rtla.x9d t.Nvel. In Old Mexico &a roeni, rate, per ~uon, plu.1 U.8. your eacort, • helpful person whe tax, from P'Menlx. A.nd U.. dollar 1pe&ka Spanlab aa well u Enirllah la worth much09 J>leOI, which and lakea care or aJJ the worrt-mean• 1>d.ra eub for ulra fun aome delalla that can drtract trom in Mulco. St• your local Orey- enjoyment of foreign travel •.• hound -rent for completa lnfor· like 'handling baggage, getting the maUon. best hotel service. Upping and Adlo11 tor now. Thl1 la Merry th.at aort ot thing . .All you have Mllu H ylnc . "I'll be aeelnr you to do la rr lax and enjoy every-and you'll be eeelng Amertca 1 hln to lhe utmost. bllt-b Ore hound I" 17tfl & Candy and Amusement Rides l For ·theKiddies "That Chevron Sign Means I am in Business I for Myself and Anxious to Meet My Neighbors" Same High Quality Standard Oil Produch Outstanding Service Guaranteed Free Pick-up & Delivery We H011or Your Stan•rd OR Credit Card Come In for , .. Free Gift GEORGI HILL "YOUR DEPENDULm MaORBOa" • . tn . so Special • I • l fA.Gt I · PART I I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 HE'S STRICn Y THE IERRIES Charlie Berry, to be a.act. The Harbor High football elnen'a crew-cut fuJJback preeents a powerful appear- ance, even while Coach Al Irwin aenda his Sailor grid 1quad through spring drill. Imagine how the charging po.werhouae back look.a to opposing linemen when be'a clad in all that pigskin regalia! Berry tallied 11 times for the Tara lut seuon; lrwfn looks for him to do even better next fall. -Staff Photo Bue Net Nifties Nab ·rrio of C°"solation Triumphs All <>ranee CO&llt Pntrlu act-Purcl'lla T homas, CILong ~&eh -nnced to UM eeml-tlnal champion-City College. 10-8. 11·1. • atup or coneolation round In the A II winners In the con901atlon ~ Annual J unior College Tt>n· round• r!'celved tennis pins. 111• Tournament for women &l Long In the championship night, a..ch Ctty College on S&turday. Joy Wright. oc No. 2 stnl(leli. Kay 21. Three OCC entrll•!I won I dr .. w a bye an the !1r11t round. then Ull'lr f'ellpe<ltive c on II o lat.I on ,dl'feated Roxanne Boyd. PILlladena roun~. Francie Brown. OC No. 1 · City College, 11·2. before lolling to atnsJu. after loelng to rhampien l J une Ptarson. Lo"' An1telu City Betty Vapay, Loa Angell'11 City College, In a ~mt-final match, 0-11. Collere. 2~. 111'fea ted Barbara 2-6. Bale, Glendale -College, 6-1, 11-1. . • IJld 81llll RUllHll. Mt. San Antonio, OC • No. 3 doublet team. Sarah t-1 6-4 to ~n lb• elng'lu con-Scott &nd Vernon& Oelkera. de-eol~Uon' teated Mary Hendix and Bobble ' Madrid. Pierce Junior College, 11·1 ; TtM OCC No. 1 doublea team. then 108t to Donna and Vonna Dot Horrell and Maraha Eidem, Davin. Ml. San Antonio, 2-8, 3~. ran Into Ventura's ace ~am or In a 11eml·flnal match. CoTMtoclt and Come11t.ock and lost 0·8, but came ba<'k atronr to win Governor-Knight, on OOP can· the c.louble1 consolallon by down-d1tatea for '511-"l'm for Prellldent MIJ the followtnr opponent.: Bev Abram• and Mar(le Hemler, Pier· 11:1.N nhower, flrat, Jut. and all U.e ce College. 8-0; Pill Phlllip11 and lime." )lyma Bostwick, Glendale College. ------------- 8-0. 6·1; Jo Ann McLac:hlln and Na.ncy Donnelly. J:aat Los An- r elea Colle,.., 9·7, 7-~. The ?\o. 2 doublea team. <'Om· poted ot Sara Metcalf and Shirley J:ngle. loet a cloae aet to Clarls1• Deford and Helen Thomson. El Camino Collep. 4·11. but downi;d t.hne opponenla Jn tbe con11olat1un bracket to emarre victorious. They det .. ted Boonie Woodburn and Noft'lla Beltran. San Bernardino College, 11·2: J uha Sliva and Gin· er PytUnak1, EMt Loi Angelea, II· 1, 11'"3. and ..Jo R&e Turner and Old J:.tabll•hed Inaurance Agency All llnee written. B OWARD W. GERRISH 1808 Newport Blvd .. Costa Me.a PRONE LIBERTY IHU% MESA UPHOLSTEllNG u.......-1 a 0...,.ry llM ,....... IU•cl.. Ooela lleaa LDert) M'Jll PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY Formerly GRAUEL CllAPJ:t. 110 BroadW'&1 1-Coata M.,.. Ubert}' II-SUS -d II-Ult BE SURE -INSURE with MA l.JRIE STANLEY IJuunnce Only Phone Harbor U '7' 3Sl6 t:. Cout Hlithway Corona del Miu \\'ATf:R HEATER~ SAllS, SHYICl eft<I ll'AIU Joe P~~f Jof J TUMS IO 'El CENT DOWN Pllofte H•rltor SUO MATl'RESSE!i &o.la -Bome11 -Tra.Uers lrrq-ular 81lapH Liberty 1-lSOS COSTA MESA MATrRJ:88 CO. %1&0 Newport Bl':cl. Newport Varit ty YOUR .__.. 1• &TOaE We Give Crowa Stampe OoNa Froe& NMr Pier St:WPORT BEA.CB Give Green Stamps T:t7 S•re We WHI I 15 to JOO/o Off on I DRESSES lntant. to 8X 7 to 1' • CllJLDRJ:!'i'~ I tt.cftt•ood IARIECUE SET Tab&e A % 114-n<'l'N a.,. t n .H Spe cial 7.91 I -HA 0·1L E Y'S f"1dt·lt·;rC>lf I 187'7 JlubOr 81\•cl Coeta MNa '''rieftd•Jup I• Ov~ BN'"<'~ Too'' NAME BUD BELSHE TOP ATHLETE AT ANNUAL OCC SPORTS BANQUET . j Knlrht SOOC'y, and Jack Steinman. PlckeM Gets ~ Trophv . 'Crew award.I Wtlrf pruented by -~ I Coach PauJ BapUat. t.o o~ For E ...__ -...ball ,.L-ps _ Gibbon.a. Andy Karttn, Tom Ptetu, Gl...-n ................ _ • '-llUlll Bt;n Benja.ml:n, Dick Jordan, Ted J etfertee. Vrank Beall. Bob Gtu•· --"-ln ~= ht of. h 12 · .... =--.:i t le1n, Al Baller, Fred Shannon, Awa~ lejf t e tna.)Or apoa .. recogn~ a l Lyle Miller. Howard Hall 1 mgT.). Orance Cout College were made to athlete& lut night ln the Hal Ha~. Ai Band.lck., aoo Student Center building. The "Outatanding .Athlete'' award, Lauter and Rod Norton. traditionally preaented to the Orange Cout College athlete TBACll AWA.RDS who in addition to displaying athletic proweu, baa shown F lret yt'ar track awarci. were ' pl'ff(nted by Coach Huuton H.ar· ,.uaJIUea ot epon..t\an.ahlp and hM Conference l>Uebell champion.hip .... Pr idham. FN"d Varela. Nat• Vn-1 mont I.awn Bowllni Club. New· and Mrs Bruce Rf'llH. Jiho. an!! ftl'y, Ron Wtnterbum. Nt'leon VI-, port Bnt h tould •h·are onf' out Mrw C-. B. R udd. Mr. and Mn. ael, and Mom. Pteraon. • of tour ma tchn. Wilham Brima. Mr. and Mr.. Oolta Salllnr 1war<U were made by I Sewporler1 maklns th• trtp Brown. Mr. and Mra. W. C. P-.r- Bob Oeborne lo Roland Kammund 1 were: Mr and Mra. Joe Stamp. I aon. Mr. and Mr•. Lew Pettit. W'al· and Pete Tatum: and Coach Ray .t.tr. and Mr1. Taylor Can, Mr. ter Wood and Don 81y9'. Roato awarded f1rat year r otf t M>- phlfll to J\On Wlnterbum, Syd To---------------------------vatt, Bob Watt. and Bob Dlt'hl. Wrellllnr award. WM made by Co&c1' Jamee PUtoa to Jerry Vau(tul; and nrat year tAtnnt. I award.a lo Leona.rd Bilca Uus, Jury Evana, Jack Kennedy •nd ~ne Tyle.r by Bob O.bome, Claremont Greens Glory Is MeaCJre The Newport Beach Lawn B.owl· IJ\I' Club went to Clattmont laat Thuraday for a picnic and vltlta- llon tournament w1UI the Clare- HAVING A 3 ·DAY HOLIDAY? 00~~0 TO CLEAN-UP P.t.l~'T·l'P YOl'a llOlllU _Remember ••• We're Qpen All Day Sunday & Monday excelled u a compelllor, waa pre-lrol!h>' waa pruented to Co.ch ~r lo F?-ed Areveloe, J " Got'(ln. aented to Buddy Belahe. Se,lahe I• Wendell Picken• by Harry IA-Bard, I Alan Hatch. Bob Hookland, Gary an , A.ll-A.merician junior college preaident ot the occ board or J ohnaon, J&cl< Kennedy, Jerry awimmer. He won tour atate truateea. The Pirate riln• went on Kirkland, Ror KunJaawa, Dave llWimmlnJ tJU•. two Htim• a th· to w in the Southern Calllornla --------------------------- With a Complete Stock of FUL~ER PAINTS and Supplies GARDEN TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES lellc trophJea. and utabUabed OCC buebell ch.amplon.ahlR. In tw o record.a In all even ta from I 00 pme.w out of thre. aiain.at Loa yardt throu&'b 1,:!00 metera. Bel. Anretea City Collec• 1.ut wttk· elle la a paduate of Hunllnl'lon end. They ro north tocnorrow to .Beach High School Re wu a con-play Weit Contra Coat& tor the eiftent winner for the Pintea In Stat• Junl.or Colleire t!Ue. • dilt&nce event. for the put two Jacket award.I for two year let- Argonauts Point for First Grid Game Against Champs (WE Cl'T .um THREAD PIPE WHILE YOU WAIT) FAB SPRAY (BJ:-~'l:W l'Ol'Jl l'P HOL8TERY) yean. tennen-w.ere p!"Hellted by Dr. ~ 080~-NO. I all R. Peteoon, pruldent. Jacket. The third .Ucce•lve llutern .)lllere liven to Chuck Rich&rda and MIDGDS LAUNCH PRACTICE GAMES Bud Sleva, 10U; Ceorg'e Biahop, Bob Wetsel, Henry De Coau, Pat . Roberti, RauJ P.omero, and How- ant Allen <mrr.l. l>Ueball; Jim Annatronl' and Chet Sheldon, ten· Mldcet buebell practi<'ll nl•; Graham Glbbont1 and Bob RUIOlla Illa.rt tomorrow night ChJealln. aalllq; Jack Bell, awim- u member• of Harbor Boys' mini': Larry Wrlrht and Dan Club A Rnd B nlnea claah In Caulfield. WN.Ulng; and Bill Gu•· a pair of oonte•t.a. ) tateon, Bill Lamb. Nelaan Vl.wl, Athletic Dl~tor Rod Mar-Md Morrie Pferaon, track. MllJlan announcrd the Bravn FIB8T YEA.A AWARDS ' mttt the Cardinal. at 8:30 nrat yu.r awarda In b&Mball p.m. In B IOO!> competition were made by eo.ch WendeU while lhf' A ltaiue Brave. Picken. to Tony Lombardo, Aaron and C&rdlnalt t.anKl• at 1:16 Maldanado, Wayne Courhtry, Don p.m. Leigh, Jerry Ric•. John Eatrada, Each nine will play two C&yle Herbel. Buddy Pierce, Ray practice fraya before openlnr l!:atrada, Roland HUI, Ml k • of the aeaaon June 20. lllau-Schenck, and Lee Baller (mrr.). ance of uniform• for the A. Coa.ch Joe Kroll made tint year B and C team• begina June ll'Nimminr •-rd.II to Bud Belahe, 13, MacMIUlan aald. Graham Glbbona, Dale Harri&on, Alan Hodru. Geori• Lyon•. GARDEN GROVE-<OCNS - Garden Grove Hl&h School'• foot- ball learn will be polnltng for de· rendlnr Sun.eet League ch&J'!lplon Anallelm, Coach Don Avery aaid u ht. 30-odd ca.ndidatea completed their fourth week of 1prln1 drill. The Grove team wtU be •trlctly SpUt·T th.le year with no •pMad atutf It u~ partlally l.ut year. Avery want• hla club to enter the sunset League with a aplaah. Thfl Arronaut1 open loop play with Anallelm, which I• one way to ll'arn to awim. In four year• under Clare Van Hoorebeke, the Colon· Ult. have ,_.-on thl"ff champlonahlpa and t lt'd for a fourth. BUt II-~. 230-peund Avery t'X· pect1 hia Argonaut• to make a crf'ditable ahowtng In the rough Sun11et League an~ a pPruJJ&I ot the 13 returnlnl' lettermen, the 1lz.1 ot the club and the aplrlt Ahown should serve &11 a warnlng Carden Grove will be no eaay p1c- kln11.' Ot the aeven regul&ra return- Ins. Right HAilback Don Huamon, 11-11. 130 pounde le the only amall man. ot the bunch. Tall tackle Reginald AttJx, All Oranre Lea - gue lineman. 6-2. 221 and au lea- rue fullback Elmer Muon. ~ 7, 111~. head the llat_to (ive a fair picture of Garden Gro•e brawn. Rawboned Jim D\llllavn, 11-1, 11'1, wlll handle the roul'h 11pUt·T quar- terback chorea. Muon will move from run to rlcbt, halfback be· cau11e of hJa nlnnlnl' ability. Along wtlh Altlx up front will ~ rtgular• Tony Walllc:k, ~-9, 180; Geors-Allen. ~-10. 187, may move from Unebackn to middle guard; and Kl'lth Montt'e, ~10. 187-pound t&cl<lt'. Othn leturmen are Bill Sn- ro1. ~-8. 171-pound center ; Carl Lindatromm 11-1, 183-pounder who may 1t1rt at left half; Don Lin· testy. 11-9, 190, moved to le rt ent1: Darryl M&pdeu cheld, :'>-10, 111,· pound quarterback; Bill Wedbeen I ~-10. l~·pound right end: Richard Ponce. 5-1. 180-pound guard. : . ' . Lumite. Plastic Screen Yes -We Carry Everything Needed for that Repair Job a nd again WE REM IND YOU WE"RE OPEN SUNDAY and MONDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AL FORGIT HA-RDWARE 2205 W. lalboa llvd., Newport Har. 116 K C H ORt:t:S KTAMPM I I Most ~®@l©L?ffil Trucks Your Money Can Buy! I I I I ' I I Two ttlfferent 1tylH. One : The lotett lft clllt ~It in light-and medium~uty; I on4 Mfety. With new con• the other in beavy~ut)'.. I veniences throuafloutl .:. L--~----------~-----~~----- C11ate1W celt. Extra-com· fort.able foam rubber .eats, two-tone tnm! New tt•n•r•Mlc wl•tl- aMeltl. For a broader, aafer view of the road! L---------------L--------------· I I I I I I I I f r11her olr In aft lilnch ef New -..t-4 aafety ... ,. Tubel-lfret ......,.,.., en Mere tluraltle framH. New 1111pen1len, frent afMI I 1Clfl9-tlaa 12..,.lt electtkel weather. With new HiJh· They're safer -stay clear '!J·toft mM.11. For sreater Standard width. with fuU rear. For a smoother, I ayatem. For quicker at&IU Level vcn11ta11onl of ice and mud! blowout protection! I paralltl "lidc members! I steadier ride! :· even in cold weather! ---------------y---~---------r--------------r~-------------------~------T-----------~- New O..nlrtva. Saves aas ~an extra<ost option on ~ "'°° modtla. Com• in and see , I I I I 1 I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I Truck Hydra·Matlc. Op· I Pewer lnlkea ......,.,., en I I tional at extra cost on lh·, I 2-ten mM.11. An extra· I ~i-and I-ton models. f ~t op on on alf othen. 1 I I I I the most modern trucks for any iob ••• .......•.. New Chevrolet ·'Task·ForceTrucks Pewer Steerl119. Cuts tum- ina elfort 80%. Available as an extra-c(iij opttou: - New Cam•• Carrier. A new idea in truck dcsign- bWJC for sp«lal jobs. Year a fter year, America'• bett 1err'"; frutl-r MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 W•t C091t HitllWflJ \ NEWPORT llACH f """" .. 2261 I ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . . THURSPAY, MAY 26, 1955 .PART FO.l!R, PAGE ONE ., t . t' -, -. -r N 'l\ • ~ ~ r ~ JI •• • / • ~ ' / .. • • / ,. ,,. .. •• .. ' ·' , ~ ~ •• • • ,. - - J ,,, , ' ,,, .., FULL DRESS -A portion of Newport Harbor Yacht Club fleet which stood in review for the annual inspec- tion which is one of the highlights of the club's opening • ,J .. . day ceremonies. -.'-II Poo.us by N{'al and Jacquie Beckner. SWEEPSTAKES WINNER -Top honors for the an- nual fleet inspection went to the beautiful black schoon- er I1land Girl owned (-and constantly polished I by Mr. and Mrs. J oe Coberly (left). Commodore Harry, Mann kentPr) offers his congratulations, and Port Captain Ed Warmington presents the plaque. YACHT CLUB OPENING TRADITIONAL GIFT -A beautiful painti.ng of the club'; forward deck and some of the docked fleet by the nationally famous water color artist Jake Lee wu pre- aen}ed to Jim Sheppard Jr .. staff comm6dore (right). COmmodore Harry Mann (left) joina him in admiring the glft. UGHT F ANTASTI() -Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the aparkllng rbytbma ot the Elliott Brothers Orche9tra at Newport Harbor Yacht Club's gala open· tq diDJMr..dance Saturday evening. Really "dancing it up" here in forerround are Mr. and Mra. Paul Rogers. while Vice-Commodore and Mra.. Harold Pearcy trip &Jone Jua beb'nd. HARDLY MOTORAMIC -Time out for a bil of levity after the flag-raialnr cere- monies was taken by Vice-Commodore Harold Pearcy and Commodore Harry Mann. They are about to take off for a spin in this 1902 model OldsmobilC', the prized pollM· aion of Addison Gurley, YES -by golly-this one-cylinder antique really runs!! SHIPSHAPE SHIP -First place in the sailing boat diviaion for owner-maintained craft of over 40 feet wu won by Mr. and Mrs. William Periera (right) with their beautiful island clipper sloop PaclflcA. Port Captain Ed Warmington presents the handsomdy mgraved inspec- tion plaque. I , 1 I ~ -~- •I '~ ~ .• , . • ! ' Wl>Ku•<.. •,.;,,I 0\ l::R -The Inspection committee goe11 over each ship from truck to keelaon and notes every minute delail of neatneu, rigging. gear. and equipment. To win a prize, ll ship must be not only pretty, but alao fully found and ready for sea. Shown ~ere inapectlnr • ""' # ·' .t ·--~ - '1 -~ .. I· I r . Joe Coberly'• big stoop Sally at N.H.Y.C.'a main dock are (L. to R.) Bud I.Andera, Leon Heeeinan, Jaclt Cong- don. and Port Captain Ed Warmington, chairman of the croup. _, (}overnmenl PAGE 2, • PAllT IV NEWPORT HAlllOll NEWS . PRESS THURSDAY, MAY H, 19H "God grant u1 th1 ••renity to •ccept the thlng1 we c•nnot ch•nge; the courage to change the thin91 we c•f! •nd th1 wl1dom to know the dlffe,..nce." IA. Anon.) ED IT O ·R I AL S P-TA, Teacher Voter Per.suasion Unprincipled It ..... & IOITY t.ravelty on la• Uld order ud OW' democratic way ot lite to have out.tandlnc cltllltu of this community-tor the mo.t part membera of the Par- ent-Teaeber ~tatton-tn.napeu ~e rulea of elec- tion Jn thta community. Wt 1peak of the recent tu over- ride and truat.M electJon when th'ere were Mt up at the polls tablM manned, tor the mqat part, by membera of the Parent-Teaober AuociatJon, who deliberately en· dea voted to lnfh&tnce persona votin1. Thia ia a blatant, open a.nd tlafl'&nt violation of the law. We can 1peak no better on behalf of more than a score of teaehel'9, tor the mMt part high .chool teach· ers, who aet themaelvea up at strategic pointa neu the polls lo electioneer on behalf ot the M-eent over-ride which wu aucCM&fully carried. If the.e charactera are the examplee of the caliber of peraona educating our childrl'n in the publlc school• ot Newport Beach, may we say now that we u one !amlly welcorpe the ad· vent of complete parochial schools to this community, and that we, in keeping with our financial ability, will en- deavor to send our children to some form o( private school where t.hey can be taught by t eachers o( dignity, honor and who are chary of their reputations. For years one of the moat vicious unions in the State of California has been the California Te&chers Aaao· ciation. It has endeavored to protect in their positJona alJ manner of moral, mental and pbyaie&l lncompetenta. It bu endeavored to pau tenure on t-0 the hign..t and loJr- lJut ot the .chool ayatem. It bu endeavored to ta.kt from the people the right to hlre, fire or .U~the public inatitutiona which have been conaldered-tbe'Hcred . "light of American cltilena. How lonr the American peo- ple will at.and idly by 1thile their right., that were pined and 1pattered with blood, are trampled upon by thoee who abould be the ardent de!endera of thoee righta, we do not know. It fa incomprehensible to ua that any achool ad.min· latrator would permit a~ch llqrant violation of the law and moral decency to, be perpetrated by hi• underllnp. It ts & kno"11. fact that all the pro election literature circulated in th.la community wu prepared for the ma.t pi.rt at \be Newport HA!'bor UnJon ~gh School. Tbe envelope• were addreaed and the m.teria1 wu atutted by students Influenced by their tee.cherw to perform that jotr. It ls our-belief thJa wu an UJepl operation -a violation of the el~tlon code. School teache" Jn their claurooma, pu1.Jcularly at the Newport Harbor Union High School, endeavored to intluen~ etudenta to badger their parent. Into votlnr "Yea" on the auper tax. Th.ta i1 a violation of al~ tiemocntic principle.. The fact the 1chool auperlntendent uaed flgurea that to be gener- ou1 with hlm, were in error, ia unimportant. The fact that theee tlrurea were circulated by a. bunch of 1tarry eyed citizens, who accept for goepel anything that the sac_red cows of the school system say, ia unimportant. The fact that this super tax carried too is unimportant because Jn the over-all picture, we either would need a bone\ issue or a super tax either t o expand the high school, or build a new high school. So that point ia with- out argumenL But it was the methods used that were scandalous. ~ violation of simple good. manners, morals and decency. There has bc<'n a lot of weeping, wlliling and moan- ing about the recent separation from the Costa Mesa school system of two teachers for their membershipe in organi&aUono ot which people of th• communJty were wary. We believe It 11 time for the olU1en1 of th'-com- munity who contribute 7~ per cent of all t.helr tP dollan t or the achoola to evaluate the tchool 1yltem and 110m•. of the people employed in it. We think it ia time -Jone put time. for the people to examine the bill• that the State Teaehen Union is endeavoring to pt paaed tn the Jaw at Sacramento. It ia time the people 1hollld cogt. tate upon tho fact that te•chen are endeavorinr to have paaaed into law a $100 per week penalon for them, tor life. Teachers aa a whole in Ca.lifomla are amon1 the hJgheat paid persona In any manner ot employment. They have a aoft touch, Some teachers in the Newport Harbor Union High School have such a aoft touch that they have outalde employment. They have auch a eoft touch that nveral of them have acquired buatn ..... ulde and eeparate from their teaching. They have 1uch a aoft touch that they get on the payroll of orcan~ tlon• where their work would aeem to be a labor of love, where actually they are )'ettlnc paJd tor their t.tt.r llCbool time. We have come to the point where we an Q.aa-1 .......... IAftl ~ ... ..... • ........... B7 .,..,... el tlle l•W.-el 0....-0.. .. 4--Jlfa. .t.-tlW .._._ ~ • ..,.~tr'"*'" .t.•••.._ ...... ,, ...... __ ......... ~ ·--.. Of'llll9 o..tr ~ ... -...... ·~ .... ,.... Newport Barbor New9-Pftw, Twtoe Weeld7 la Oran&-• co-t)', ... oo pu Jf'V: ......... mo..: ••.ao ~ .... .. oatllde of Orup Ooa~ f'J.00 per jew ,. looking with a c~ful eye upon the IChool lltuatJon et the State of Califomi& and all thoet encased ln the t.eachlng profeeaton. Thll iB not eour 1ral* -we have no feelings one way or another becauae the auper tax wu voted and we did not feel It wu DtM:eM&J')'. We would like to point out thi1 new1paper hu worked hard and Jong and diligently to acqui~ tor the Newport Har- bor Union High School district the TO acrea that they deeire out of the remainder of the Santa Ana Army Air Bue. We would like to point out that we worked bard ud long tor the creation ot Oranre Coaat Collere and that we have always believed in the public achool etruc- ture and system of the United Statea of America, but like all bureaucrats slopping at the public trou1h, aome teach era have become posseuive of the rtrhta and pre- rogatives of the people. And they ta.ke your rlshta and mine u their aacred possesalona. In thla they are wron1 and in this way they dictate their collapM at the band.a of an irate citiunry at aome future date. Utilities Commission Fails Its Duty to Calif omia Complete abrogation of lt. J"lllpOUbllitl• to th• people of California ls evident in the tunotlonl~ of the Public Utilities Com.miaaion ot tbil 1tatl. Repeatedly, NO COMMENT BJ WALTEa OllAIDLIN a. day by day, in the news it la evident that citleta are being w ASHINGTON _ Each week impelled to aeek the aid of the courts in eliminating t}le now 11 lhowtng a.n Iner-In pru- WPOBrful &bu.ee Of their communitiea by the Pacific sure at the Capitol by the Admln· ""':llact:l'il'!"'ft2tllw1"7-brw..._.titir1111:n!-tw!'mllmir-in-1l't1lft'V~~---..-+.;.;;.;'•t_!!:.'on for It.a Jpglelatlve pro-Eleeb h; Rattw ay. "-" 1mb are pending in siany cities ...... in Glendora and in Newport Beach. Violent opposition to Pruldmt EIMnhower pereonally the Pacific Electric and ita uses of lines that were in-11 taldng the lead In batU1ng for tended for l'\tl...,"IW aervice s9lely for the purpose of enactment of measur11 rtcom· r-mended by the While Hou... He handling frei1bt ia becoming more pronounced in the 1a 111\owtnr little d lepo111uon to ac· Loa Angele•, Hollywood, Beverly Hills area. There is no cept comproml•H. aecret that the cit.belle of California and the early-day The preeldenll&l attitude hu shown up forcibly with ruf>ect to promoter. of citJea cave rights-of-way to the now de-reciprocal trade ltgtalatlcm and crepit public utility Identified as the Pacific Electric. hu tncreue<t confidence In ~min· lltntloa elrel .. that the bill u , .. Citi.leu of communities · f a.r nmoved from the pc;.rted by ti\• Benate rtnance Com· m«ropolitan area. ot Lo. Angeles even made up ''1luah mlttH wlll be pa.Md without ma• f d.a" H H t' ab ha-lln jor chanae .. Th• meuure, now be· UD to encourage enry un mgton to pu a. • tore th• laate, would proYid• tor tOthe futhMt reachea of Southern California. The ln· a tbne·1MI" .-.teMlGft ot the ft•· tent for which the richte-of-way •ere stven and th• clpneal ,.,.., ~· &M ,i ... th• "aluab fund.a" paid have long ceaaed to be etfectJve. J'or ::-'1~;.=~!' :,._rec1;:,~ lnat1nce -the P&clfic EltM:tric line wu brou1ht to New-tMff uua\l&l 9tq•• ot a percent port Blach ud the Paclflc Electric 'Railway wu given per ~ear. vut numbera of Iota a.Jong Balboa Blvd. to encourage aauJfD noaY theJ? to come to provide pauenger service. That bu now Th• •tory behind th• eucce•tul ceued to be a function of the milen.ble utility that flrht by th• Pr .. ldent for thl• 11rosram. which wu dratt.d by bUchta the heart of the downtown Ne'WpOrt area. and hi. 1peclal &dvtMr, Cl&rellee B. the entire wuterly area of this city. Thia 11 not a prob-IWld&ll, "an IAterelltnr ••· Ttl• StA&t• J'\nance Committee wu lem exchllively ot Newport Beach. In Glendora that city cloeely dlvtded. ,._, committee bu now announced it will condemn the rigb~f-way member• •ponaored amendm•t.I now unuaed by the defunct passenger eervice of the de-propoell\C UmltaUON1 on tmpon.s it bu ~II· In W Lo ot oU, lead an.d alnc, and othar The Pruldent 11 gtvtnr f\lll 1up· port to h l1 Secre!Ary ot Arrtcul· ture. Mr. Benson, In hie effort to r Pta.ln the Admlnl11tratlon'1 flt•· Ible farm program u apln11t a rigid 90 per cent partly &1 urced by 1ome membera of Co11rru1 with the baeklnr of Walter Reuther of the CJO. 'n\e White Houee baa been unmoved ln tt.a position, de- 1pll• ettorta ot Bir U11lon Bo-• lo dfecl a coalition with Ne\v Deal Ot'mocral1 whereby New Ot'alera from metropolitan area• would support a 90 per cent part~ and In turn ncelve farm wppert tor an lncreue In the mllltmwn Wall lo $1.2~. Or 3~ cPnll moff ,.r hour than recommendtd by t~ .A.cl• l1'llll1trallon. UICKEK AMENDMENT left&tor Brtckpr ( R.-0.) and ~ Secreary ot Sta te. Mr. Dulle' an 1Ull look1n~ at the propoeect arteller Con1tltuUonal A rn en•· ._t from oppoelte po1lllo111. 'n. OIUo .. na tor holda that the.._ .. ••t 11 npcueary to prnwit a tnat1 or other International ...,.._ mint fl"om overrtdin1 the OlltlU• tutlOft and aleo nuUlfytnr federal ud etale law11. Senator Brtolrer, appea.rtnr before the Senate J'or- elp JlelaU011.1 CommJttep, clt.4 Mr. Dullu in 1peaklng bdore Ole American Ba_r Auoclatlon at Loulntlle, KP1llucky, on April 11, ltlll, u hav1og 11ald, IA part: crep pu c u'4ty. est a Anre1-the pedple oommocuuu. 4 hard ttallt wu are threatel!trig to go to court to force the ab&ndoDJllent bem.r ·•.,... for 1Uc.h •banr ... Bue ''TreatJu, for example ,.,, of ci&nt buffing, puffing, vibrating dieeel locomotivee on Mr. llillllhower, ln prtnte confer· take power. away from the Con· what wu aup...._... to be a pusenger line of the Pacific enc.a, prond blmeelt to be a Rill· ire-and g1ve them to the Pre111- yv-.-. 1\11 uptiator wtth thoas Oonrre-dent; they can take powus trom EJectrtc. Thia is an abme o! the right.a and preropUvee m• ... klaS ctlanre. Qul•UY ud Ute .tatu and (Ive them to lh• o f a utility that hu been protected and nurtured by the wtlhout publicity. the Ptelldent federal government or to eomt In· Public Utilities Commission o! the State of Calllornia. cail-4 the dlaMnUn1 leJ1•1&t.or1 to tarnatlonal body. a nd th,.y can cut the Whit• HoUM .,nd made Jmown acro11 the rlr.bu rlvtn the people The PUC has abrogated ita poeition U policeman bl1 detennln&Uon \o obtain a bUI by th"lr eorurtltuUonaJ Bill of that wu eaU.laetory to lllm. RJgtit1:• for the people. It has ceased to serve u an a-ncy for Whil th s nator ... tln 1111-1 1 e 1 .. an I Attn readinr Ull1 quotau.., th~ benefit of the people. It has become merely an adding amendment. are now pl&nnln1 a • machine to increase fares and revenues for improperly vl11>rou. flcht on the Senate n oor, 8en&tor Bricker eald: ''That t• u.. It 11 re<:ognlud that they are war· cl&Mlc 1tatement on the dans·er maintained, badly managed, and dec~it. utilities. The 1n1 an up-hill battle probably a or treaty Jaw." Public Utilities Commiasion of the State of California 1011tnr battle es happened In thP Finance CommlttH . Mr. Dulin, In appea.rtnf Mlon no lonrer aeeka to provide good service, or proper aer-lhe senate committee, dlapeU9' all vice, &t fair rat.ea. The Commiaalon it.Belt bu atated that i'OUIOK AID hopu or backen of the artuer h tlm raiae in f h bee th Hen •J;:.in the Prelldtnt hu Amtndment of workln1 out a OOIS\• e&e e a are U n granted at paaaenger t&Jcea pereonal lead'er1blp. H• hu promt,. In the near tuturwt. 1"11• • UU.C• ot line. declines. And u the equipment of thue ron• dlreeUy to Conaneelonal Secretary ot State held that Ul• utilltiee deteriorate, and there ia beinl none replaced, 1Mdtr1 handlJnr the recommended Brlcktt propokl would hamper Ua• the pa.uenger eervice declines, 11.&a bUUon forelp aJd progra.m. Pruldcnt In hi• trpatY·maklal Tht. conference wu called immt· powent and that Ule AdmlAl•tr&· And th1a atepchild of the Southern Pacltic ia now dlatety after public npre•lona by-tJon had no lnWition of ap~ the f>re1ld•nt ot an Improved or recommending to the left.ate merely trundling in ita <lirty hand.a the feed and barley wor1d •U11&Uon and or the ultl· ror approval any propo11&l1 br'OU,..t to 1orse the parent. It rendera no uaetal aervice to thie mate defeat of eommun11m If the forwarc1 by 1ntemat1ona1 la"' or- communlty that could not bt bfiter eerved by it.a mat-Am1rtcaa ideal of t o1terinr the p.nl . .aatlon• or other tnternau.ul ins facility lll&r O,..n .. 1 Co·-College on the former common rood i. applied to the na· convention• which would .. .,.. • --" Uon'e tnternaUonal relaUon1. purely domuUc legtalatlve tt.w.. Sant.a Ana Anny Air Bue properties. All the UM1"I ot th1a deplorable utility In thla com. muntty have etated that they would be juat a.a well Nrved ••rt tht depot &nd yuda ot the railway moved w•~rb' -tar weeterly, even u far u Huntington · Beach. All th• \&MN of thla railway have ea.Id that they would IM jut u well Ml'Vecl by t.U warehouae propert)' lt&tloal oa H&rbor 111..S., near Baker St. Why thil town should be blighted, u are dosene of otlMr Calitomt. toWDI, by th1a mJaerable utility while Ult Publlo UUUU. ColllDUaion ot the State of C&liloml& coatbluea to Ulla ita .property at far leu than that of U1 IUll'OUDdUt1 property, we do not know. Why th• ...U. UW!tMI O,aun1-ion tinda it neceaary to tolerate '\ tU ..,U abue1 of thia railway when cltJee make known · tMlr nh• la wantinc ita line. removed, we do not bow. Time w lone put when the Public UtUttita Commia- aloa of th• State of Ca.Jltornia lhould Nt ltaelt up u "the mu with the whip" to order thia public utility to toe tit• U. to pennlt the lmprov.ment of thoee cltiee wJUda AN a'"'-4 by !ti facWti•. The time ta Joni put wba tlli ••--of the Publlo UtWU.. ColllJIUMioa ot the It&~ ot CaUfonU& should nad th• law whJcb ~ U.. politlon -When they lhould t&ll)' \be cheolra Ulat ta.., ....... for ..mot they have et&Md to ..... -"919 ti.. peeple el t11e It.ate ef OaliffflllL Yee, the time 11 lonr put when the Publlc UUUtlee Com•••lon need.a to have men of courare to force theae -...,it uWitJea to end th.ttr blight of the cltiea that Uft been abu.ed ~ what wu to have been a eervice tunctioo. i, READERS WRITE X.., I Mft "°"' In 1eur food ,..., le air a few et my ldtu • ~ la ,...raJ. rtl'llt will aey I llka 101ar paper tin• er I would 11ot N taastas It. I •~Joy your edl· tot1ale, .._ tt I don 't apee with all of them-never have •~n any that did ali et tJte111, dJ• )'OU 1 I woulC ,..,. to teucll \lpon the lUl rro•lewn 11 I Ma)', we htar 1 v-clMl a11eut tulns the land- klrd 1'euy. r Ullnll the aame tu Ut&t ll Jl'lt upon a mu Utat own.1 a hue9 thould (111d 11 1 put upon UI• on• that live• 'In It, r1ght or """'I· If 90 why oll wtly should the ric" hate the poor, or the poor the rtcll. Now 191.'• 11t down to the potat. loft a.ad balled. Sup· ,aet you eould tW'Jt Ul1e eJd world late -~ wt Hatnd. l want te IA&)'-.,. ..oulcl )'OU llllJtUeve l l. It wu tJae lat. Rebert O. lnr er- •U U\&\ _,, M U4 rather Uve &a & UlUa lol GUia Mwn on a .,._. 1wUMill wlMn low dwelt _.-. "N''• U\e .uf119nce be-tWMD 10¥1 and hatred. Love 11nd• M1J1 a.M firla i. echool and goee fer •~I~ that I• worth Umr toJL._Ji&tred creatu ware and dMt.rUctlon. (IU&'ht or wrong). r WQqld l•.,. to t()\lch upon a few •ore pole .. \Mt hu to do with OU "917 d&)' We, but f111l like I had but defer that ror aaotW Um'°. If there la another wi... Your1 !or the ftood, the --le a.nd the true. ~ W. J. HOLTZCL W Newport Buch, allt. Mn. Wlnlfred Barbre Ntw"port Harbor Newt.·Pf'UI Whtn ~ch day your deek'1 Uk• &a omnibu1 ... , Tht apace you've doled me le b'lt fabulou1! So here'• a bouquet From our p . TA Wa appreciate ail you have ._ for u1, And thanx to Bill MOM9 aa4 Phyllla .... (Who 1ometlme1 wu temptaC te kill ual. And each O..rnlv&l ad Would have ~l'n mlJhly ... Without Sandy'• hPlp plu1 M WIJlmP•. Il'e hard to convt y 1n mere .,.._ Pondance. our m o 1 t ,.,...,.. cborua, But nftdlue to ny Our achool P·TA OeU a Utl trom th• N ........... tmpetual a11111rt0Ully youra, Polly Ober PubUctly Cha1rma.n Newport Beach Elementary 8c.hoot P. 8. ~ on yoQr !&tat OY&Uon. I • , • • , MJnut.M ban ..condll Muetc hu Ullrda ••. But the N.,..._1:::'£l nnU 1"rom J'O'llr '"11 ~I :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY ,, HOIAOIC PAUU JOURNAL (l'.,4. Not. -ft1e eol11119• 911 It•,.. r'atlln wUI ba.1 wl" ... ltttle-bew• t.Jato.rteal fu&e "9 Ml .,..,_. "' la 11111 ..., ............. Mek _,,, ....... , ,. ...... , Water ta the key1tone to man'a exiatence in Southam California. And having li\'ed in Southern California where wat.r ia auch a valued commodity one becomes almo1t like a mlaer lnaofar u thl1 predoua liquid la concerned. When it rain• I 'don't enjoy aittins In ttie houae and hearing the pat· ur or('fhe roof, but rather In con· 1 T•Mecula mu by 1ln¥lnr. Bo he trut J like to wallt out In .11 or •tarted a aonr 1nd It w11 Tukuu· prefertlbly take a drtve. Wh•n t 1 PV'• 110n1. tor Ta_11io;.•l.ab allO 'lied can, J tour hund.-.dt ol mll11 ot MOOnd 1t1M. ! the bru.h country Ju•t lo -Ult I WhR Tukuupar r11llMd be .,., happy 1mllu on the f~H of II• btcon1ln1 b1Wl\C'h111 )le threw a lnhaltltant..1. and lhrlll to the •lath 1warm ot an1l1 Into the tare of of lonr dead crHk• comln1 merlly Taakwlllh, mell1111 him 1top 1lns· to lt.te once apln. Inf. It wae eome day1 alter a .winter While Taakwlah wu tlfhUng the 1torm, thet I was drawn on a rn•t• Tukuupar bec•n 11ngtn1r a.ad lai(thy tour of R.lvereide Cnunty, d11ncing. When TaakWillh hl'ard ev.ntually t.ndltlf up at Idyllwlld, what Tukuupar waa 11na1n1 tie w- hich In the 8&n Jacinto MO\lnt· came ecared, becau11e ll ...... Taak· am., w11.b'• own ions 1how1n1 hi• cou· HOME OF TAA.KWl8H Ill\ had 14tCOt'ld 1lght. The mow wu bec\nnlnr to mtll Tuku11par finally dtmanded the In ld)'UwUd Md th• roadi were 1calp of hi• eon, aner mueh blck· epen. A.a l drove around the valley erl111 but, becauH Taa_kwlah wu U\• maJMUc mue of Uly Roell 1cared, h• r•ve It to Tukuvp•r. ... m-4 to kt•p a -lehlUl eya INVITAftON TO RAST Oft ue In Uie clear. dean atllle>e· Tukuupu wu cry1n1 a.nd Tuk· phere of the mountal.u. wl1h wu maklnr run of him. Jin• 'nlla aw.Mme panll• ,,.,. ally Tukuu,.r had a plan. He In· llflll aM¥• the valley le tbe hom~ vHed Tukwl1h to a bit fe&•l In et Taalrwlah, U\e devil·JOd of UI• Tem•C\l,la t11llnr him t.ltat th1r11 MlMJon JndlaM. A.e 1 •to d lh• 1-uld be m1ny tat won11. n Uter• ppe he could eat end not have \0 re· e&r \0 \&M a ptoture or the roc:ll. l!IOrt to children. 't'1ak"'111b prom-1 eecalled one of the Indla.n taln I•-.. t or Tukwllh. ""' o comp. '!'ulcwllh hae been 4e Mbed b Secret lllt'l!kn"t'n went o11t 11> •'----.. 0 h hi IC t Y all the lndlan11 telllnit thl"m or the ....._ w.. a ve "en m .. a ••t n yln7 flub Of tight ·tth h . (Hi t ln Temrcula. 1nd Whl'n Ta•k· .. " • u w lah arrlV!'d thpy would fall on ~~like form co\•pred "''Ith ft'a· him and kill him, rh1rtlng \ht'm• · u lvea forP\'tr of thr drvll-do11: bt ~mecula wu • medicine The flnit nl1tht of the teut man named Tukuupar, who wu a everyont' 1tc>r1tPd th,.m~l\re11. and coulln of Taa.kwlsh, and It la 1ald ft'll uteep bt'Core Taakwll•h arrlv· hi. body waa 111 covered with heir. ad. Tukuupar'I llOn had dnap~art'd Taal<wl11h 11tlertt'c1 f<>Ur nr fh·e and tht father w1a aur" that Tank· of th!' !atlnl ont 11 AA tht'y lllf'pt wish had taken him. He wu f ril'f· an<! whl11kP<1 them away to Lily ltrlc"Pn but detemllne<l tO nn<I Rock.• Ole -.Oy: ao he decided to mil Th• nut nlcht the lnd.l11n• w,.r,. ~kwtab °" Lily l\ock. ready tor him and '"" lhou"h he A.a be "Mred th• lll1h ot Taak· appeared l1l1, hllplnc tht'y ".,.r,. wtltl an old woman ll'"lect him. 111 u leep, they tell en h im, and "Who are you," •h• H id. killed him. "I am Tulluupar," wu hl1 an•· Aftpr danrlnr h1pplly aro11n1l -I'. the deed Tukwt1h .the fea11l broke "OrNt1n11. 11911t1nr." Ult old har up, anc1 the people went homf". e&ekled. "f am U\e moU!er of Taak· R£BJaTR OF T AAIC\\'Jl'H wlab." A ahort time later eom,. m,.n TUKW18ff aETUaNll trom Temeeeal weN walking by ~I\ r•tumed home, and and .. w the body ot Taakwl,.h. ..U.. ~ Ult Hn")'l111-ut full Not 11-nowlnr that It wu Ta1kwlllh et lluman toule that JM wu --"'I' they decided to five It a pN'l~r te f&l. crema uon-funeral, "( 1111111 ~ aan," roa_"d Taak· A• the body dluppeart<t In th• .._.. eo loudly the 91\Ure aoW1t&1n ftl.mu, the hurt 1uddenly bur~l l.nmbleod. Ilk• • s lant meteor·fl&ml'. 1l 11rt "1' .. ," M id 1'11 mother. "Tou fjre to the countryeld• an<1 lh" ll'lltll a man, but It 11 yoW' couatn men only N•ed them .. lve" by 1111h· TuJNo,.r:• merf1A1 la a 1prtnr oear TPme· Taakwtlh kn.,. Utat Tulcuupar cula. wu a put M•dlclft1 man wltll .A• t11•1 watched f1arf11lly. onf' eeco.nd el(ht. and he was a llltltt ot th,. ple-ces nf llJrhl tum,.tl lnl1• afra.id. Taakwl1h knew that It he lh• llken111 M Taakw1~h. an<I could get Tukuupar to u t 10me headed 1tral&ht for I,11v Rn"k 1n buma11 meat Tukuupar would be the San JarlnlM. Anrt 1 hf'Y k n"w ltewllched &11d powerlel!I. Taalcwl1h had been ,.,.,,,, n 11,i:nm. Tukuupar hewever. wu prt pa.r· ll would takP 011ny p.ii;• 1 to 1 .. 11 r-d for this btca111e roncteltd un· the hltldPll mra.nlnil In lh1• t11IP. dtt hla bell wtre 1ome rabbit!! But 1111perflrlally how '"mml!ll•'n l 'K'/llch he ate fooling Taakwl11h qJ our uwn f11lry tele, whl'r .. 1n t11 .. 8Pelng that T11k11up1r h"d roolr rt giant ""Y"· "Ftr, fie. fo. rum, I him he decldt'd to ~witch the , ~mrll tht btno<I o! an f:ngllshman." ULY SOOK -Ht1h above Idyllwlld in San Jacinto Kount.aina, thl1 wu home ot Indian devil1od Taakv.·l~h. -Horace Parker Photo Fanner McCabe Writes ... Dear Ikt: Ju.t NCefved word that you're aconna meet with th• LMdetl of Enrland, France and Ruaala to try to work out 10m• kind of peace. 9on't richtl~now who you've 1ot ln mind to take alon1 u adviaor1,~ut trren you'rt ltuak .. to wbo to lake why lit me recommend lo you jut about &It)' ot thtlll olt Cattle Buyert down in Ark&naaw. Thtlll SUY• a.rt to aUck at.radln that they'ev lkun molt everybody over In Okluoma nutt11 nearly evtirything they had (That'• th• ru9on moat o( em are out beret. I rea.lia you can pick a lot of namea that'd Cit a lot ot newapaper 1pace. but ll'a r•ulta that count ud tll1rt aln't 110 1ubft.ltut.e fer nperience •.• Heaven• R0"1 it '• t.hne "' 1kun RU11ia fer a cha.ng-e. Advieedly youre, Fanner McCabe fail npt.1 ,_,.._) Svedeen Gets Top Student Body Office DAV18-Kendal tK•nl SvedMJI •' N~rt Beach hu IM'•n elected pruldent of the 1tudtnt body of the Unh1er1lty ot California cam· pu1 at Davia for the 19:\:l·:'>e Khool year. lved~n. IM>n oC Mr. and Mr1. K. >. Svtdten, 801 Bay•lde Drive. Nl"wport-Beach, i. a Hnlor major· tn, In zoology tn the Cqllege of Lettara and Science. He 11 a mem· Mr ot the Slfn'a Nu 90t'lal frat· •rnlty. Jn carrying out h l1 dutlta u LlGAL NOTICE IN THt: lf1l'TtCE <'Ot'll't NEWPORT KAC'ff lt"DIC'IAL DllJTalCT C'-OUNTY Of" OllASOE 8TATE 01' (.'AUFO•SIA C'oun So. 1 Ul na-. :So. *4 LEGAL NOTICE DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor N....,.Preee la guan.nt.e«i. Curler boya will deliver their papera be- fore 8 p.m. Ob Monday and Tbu.nKUy. U your paper la not delivered by that hour pleue· call Harbor 1818 and your carrier will brinr your paper. <.'OS8TAIU.t:'M !SAl.E sona or. 8AU: lion to the hl1hut bidder for -.ab In lawful money of the Uftlted Stelea. all th• Mehl. UUt. clal.m llnd lntei'Ht of aald d41tendant. of, in a_nd to the above duertbed property, or 110 mueh thtreof u may be nectaaary to ralM 1uf· r1c1tnl to Hll•fy aald Ju<1rm~t with lntert•t and coat.. .._ _______________________ _. or llEAL PllOPDTY l 'NDF.R r:xr.<TTIOS CL.ARF.NCf: BOARDMAN Plaintiff. V8. 01~. undn my hand t11l• 100. day of May . 19M. FRANK VAUOHN Constable of lht JutllC:• C(lurt of Mid Jodle1&1 Dletr lcl. LILLIAN FOX. Defendant. By L. R. VAUGHN, Deputy \Jndt't and by virtue of an EXl'CU· C. A. KJCBIE -------------------------tlon laau•d out of the Juauce Attorney tor Plal•tllt Court of Newport Bch. J ud. Dis· 229 Mar.In• Avt., Balboa tnct the County of Oranrt. State Jll-.,,d, C&ltt. of Cahfom la. wherein CLARENCE No. 1319 BOARDMAN Plaintiff, and LJL-_N_•_.,,,._ ... _P_r_ ... _,6_/_1_2,_.u_,_2_6_, '-Ji.""'-.,.1,....~_ LIAN FOX tnfenda.nt. upon a ~OTICE ,Of' am J UdJ:mt'nt rendered the 21th day NoUce la hereby rtven that th• V Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1787 Me.f. •ftl'Y Tbunday I p.a. Via Oport.o -Cutral A"'· N'awport a.ch ot April. 19~. for the 111m of Board of Truateea of the Oran1a Two hundrrd ninety two 11.nd Cout Jr. Colle&• Dl•trict of Or· 32/100 ••• Dollar., besldea ro11t1 anre County, Calif. will receive and lnter""t: 11 nnw (al th• date bid• up to 2·00 p, M ,Atune 10. ------------ nt thia wrtll actua lly due on aald l9M. al the office of Mid achool 1• ! IMha Bente. Albert H. Matthewa, J:aalt..s ftu.ler For That SPECIAL PAINT -WALL.PAPE!\ D!lCOIU TINO JOB CALL Wm. Baker Kl 5-3621 POI Pallaadea Rd., a. It.. Hta. Aak Ua About ZOLOTONE Lie.Med bl Harbor .,_ Roy's Maintenance llOUM dMAIDa'-FJoor waxlnr Wall waahlnc-wtndow cle&nU11 Veaeuu bltnda. Upbolat«ry luund. rr.. klmatu Llbert' 4·1U1. 1Uc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-lMO SO tic W .ANTJ:D IWlllMT Ume joM. Full or part Um• for 18 boya. H> thn.i J T )'T• .old. LI 1·3042. M<'!IT MAN 6 WOMAN Wiit do 1eneral bouaework. floor wutn1o win· dow de~. hat workera. wtilt.. JH I:. 20Ul It .. COlta Me@, LI t-2GN. eptr PAINTER WANTS WORK.. U ye.ar1 exper1· enc._ No~ union. Hourly. Liberty 1·2722. pp83 Judcment. dl•trlct. located at Jlltel So. Har· !:~:e=:;~ .. ~a~=~~·~~~~--- 1 have, on the 4th day of May. bor Blvd .• Colla Meaa, C&llf .. at FOR RENT 41p410h Ot'ftL8 - 1!16~. leVltd upon all the right, title. which tlmt Mid bid wtU be opened claim and lnter,.at of 1ald deftnd· and publ!dy r.ud aloud for: Mac._ llJUJJ kn, lilec.. Drtlll. Po~ ant In and to the rollowln( de· 111.n• au~r1pllona for 1966-K. all typee of laadtr' ~- 1crlbed real H tate, to wit: • 8peclflcatlon• for which may be rowa, ate. Lnt 23 of Tract 682, Corona. aecuNXS In t he office of the .Aaala· BOYD'S HOWE. del Mar u J>f'r Map on Page tanl 8upv1nt~d•nt ln Cha.rs• of MIO w, COilT HIORW.AT 19, 800 Avocado St .. Corona Bu1lnffl. The owner rMet"YM the Lillert7 I-Ula, Newport !IQ lltlc del Mar . CaMfom ta. prtvUeir• ot reJecttn1 any and all Notice 11 hul'by given. that on blda or walvtn1 any lrre.f\llarttlt!I )(on.day, the flth 11a y of J une. or lnformalltlee ln any bid or In 19~1!. at 2:00 o'clock P.M., of u ld the blddlnf. --~---~------~ PAINTING PAPER RANGING l\ealdmtial A Commerc1al Wont Ucen.Md Contractor• Call Lulftl'lon MHI collect. BuntJn.iloll Beach 5tpp410h "A's" i day, 1 will proceed to aell at Court Adv: May lt and H , 1963 Hoult!, :>&7 W. Uth St., Coit& Open: June 10. 196&-J:OO P. M. Microfilming · BJC IATE, a&\'9 space. The modem VEN~ BLIND way to aateruard• your record•. LAUNDRY Mesa, e allfornla al Public Aue· No. 1320-N.w.·PT- IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! And you'll a(1'ee when you htar of \.ha many job opportunlllu for qualified youn1 women ln our bu.Jntu today. OP!:NING8 NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday lhrou1h rffday llU"' No. Main SL 9:00 to 4 :00 p.m. Room 111, Bant a Ana pru1denl, Svedeen will preelde o•er ------------------------... the atudent body. which I• r'pldty CALL K.l:yaton• f.1663 or Kl: WW come to your bome. lake down 6-01'6 OR.ANO!l COUNTY your YenetJ&n blindal lake them MICROFILMING t SERVlCll to our laundey. t.un~er the alata, PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc approachlnr the 1800 mark In en· tOllment. He wUI head lhe execu· ttve com mill•• of th• Auoc.1111 ed 8\11denta. "''hlch la largtly a eell· 1oevmln1 campua organ!Jlatton. H• I• ruponalble for the lnte(1'allon of ar ltv1tlea and organtu.tlona Into an errtclently 1ovemed body. Police Book Man On Drunk .. Driver Charge t\ewport ~•ch police booked Henry Loul" Reinking. Ill. Santa Ana, on char1tu of driving a motor veh1<'le while lntoxtealed Saturday aft,moon Retnklnr wu •topped at the In· trrnctlon ot TU•lln Ave. and Clay St. when Sgt. 8111 Blue. on patrol Hid he saw hl11 c1r lurch forward ac101111 the while line ind ovtr to t he wronJr al•!e or tht road. Th.. man waa g1 Vf'n a aobrlety tut and found to be Intoxicated. Change of Deadlines for Memorial Day Classified ads for Monday, May 30tfl, ;WAI be accepted until 1 p. m., Friday, May 27tfl "Too Late to Classlfy0 ads wm be accepted up to 12 noon on Saturday, May 21tfl Phone Harbor 1616 today to place yo. claulfied ads. Undf'r th" drlvt>rs uat, the officer -------------------------. found ll tw1rthlrd11 empty h&lf-plnt of 100 P"r <'""' Scotch whlakey, ac- C<Jrdtng to lhl' repl'll l. • S )Cl Slut-tonk R.-lnklng to the Newport 1H11tlun wht're he wae bookf'll and hll!I car Impounded. He waa later rrlrasl'd on $2:>0 ball. DEATH NOTICE F.THELW\'S ~OPHIE GRJr:R Ml,~ F.tht•lwyn Sn11Mf' Grll'r. 70. re.•adl'nt t1f L•ituna ~ .. ch tor 22 ye11 r•. •'l"tl MA\' 20 Ill hn rnl· dtncr, :171 Ami• St . U11:11na Bt&<'h. Sh"'"'"' tii•rn In Bav City. Mich . and 1~ ... 111-v1,•e1I by htr 1l11ter. Miu l>!Rrtnn <irlrr 0( the horn• addrl'llll. Th•· body will be 11rnl to the M•rlr Hill C1 metrry. Chardon. o. fi•ltx ~Ina l11&ry of C"9rona Ml Mar lie 1n 1•h111 r." 1•t Al r~ ng1'11tenti1. SOUTH ~O~ST CDTISTRUCTIDU CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL zso SOth st.. Newport 8-C!I Barbor ms ,PDHll• CURHllT IARNINGS ALL RJNOS R~O ON OR 8'f:OR5 T~l toth OF TM' MOHTM ~N FROM TM5 RRST •. 1 TU A.nall•lm-Oll'H Rd., A.na.h•lm. ta pea, corda, •p&rJtlln1 clean w1lh our new ~· proceN atc83h method. Return JOUJ bllnda and STANDARD STATIONS ------------r.·tui.&tl Utem 1n 24 houra. General Contractor Pnc• ·nry rtuanab1 •. Th• anr-ac• J ta~ natdenUat bllnd-LICJ:NSl!D lju openlnr for Station Saleamen New Work -Remodellns Only $1.00 We a leo repatr and rebUUd nn• AJH 11 • 40 Oranr• County 5-Day-f-0-Hour Week Hlrh 1tart1n1 pay EltceUenl Bendit. J. MILTON McKENZIE tion blln.da. All worJt done by ap- Harbor 3122-R ffpl57h polntment. Ph.one "°"" Liberty Painting M. W. ROSS rr.e EaUmat.ea -J'ully Iuured 30 Yean l:llpel'tence LI l ·aS21 It Har. IOlt·M. :>&path ASPHALT Tll...E LINOLEUM l tnatall th• abon che&per t.haa mo.t. A190 ..U Til• 6 Unolawn. 1·11701 or KJmberl1 a-1274. pptt~ House Plans !Otte lt-Penoula .. AJ~bolic8 Anoa.Jmoua Wnte P. 0. a. Ill Newport ........ OaliL ...... ...,._. 6711 Good opportun!ly for Advanctmenl Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Cout Hlpway Corona del )far Claapman and 8p.9dra Fullerton 1:30 to t :30 a.m. Thur~a. Na.waloa. II ,_,.. ..,.Senc.. ~~~-~--~~-~-"'-Comp&H and ... - A. TI'ENTlON ALL BOTS - New.Pl-Ml carnlt' route are now open 1n 10me n•IJllborbooda - B&Jbo&, W..t Newport, Balboa laWld, N.wport Belstita and Corona de1 Mar and Coat& MML BILL OOKl:R LI 1-ao. TUe PAINTING INTl:RIOR -ICXTl:RIOR LICENSED -INSURJCD Glenn Johnston 001 • l l at Bt. Nawport ISMdl llu'bor llTI 22Uc --......;;~;...-.:;.-.;;;...~--------- Superfluous Hair Parmanau,, nmoTecl rroaa race .,,..., ..,.. ~ ...cs bait lbae lbaped-Ho mor. tweeld.Q1. a.u:N L. llJ\Y A.NT R. S.. Udo'• ... ., a..u9 llar. J871 it. It you are 12·1& yre. old, ban a bicycle, •pply 10-12 a.m. or •.a p.m. oft.ly at Ctrc:ulaUon Depl, Newport Harbor N-.Prue, n11 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 1819. 39Uc EXP. W AlTRl:SS wanted. Apply 2110 W. Oeu.n P'ront, NpL Bch. 66C:>7 C A R P E N T E R ft-(Mt Md J'emcl SMALL 1tructural atMI co. wanll .Reoair work YOUJIC &l'(Teulve U Umator Hle1 0... l'om ~cme NMd ~ LOIT-Bl'OWll lk&l'I•. B&Jboa Bay ' man for Orange Co. Give full de· w ~T Shor., Thura. Aivwera to Bon· talla. Bo-. T·82. care thle paper. Call PruJt. Liberty l-tl04 rue. hmale, 1'))9Jed. Brown col· Mc~7 All Work OU&nnt..cs T•tto or. ucept for white $eat. Red collar. 01.IJd la rrtevtnc tor tier CEMENT 6 Bun.DING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 . Jttf Painting, Decorating Paper Buslnl GEO. BURKHARDT LICllNBm OON'Tft.AC'l"OR 111 w. 11th a~. ec.ta ., ... Liberty 1-M21 Elec. Tool Repair l kil Bawa, Drilla. 8andlJ"I QUICK n:RVlCJ: LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. 458 No. Newport B VIS .. 'Npt.. Bch. bert7 .. 83&3. uuc MINOR REP AlR WORK NO JOB TOO UU.LL H. 0. A.Ile! .... 101' II. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor HM llttc PAINTING Pa.intiDC 6 Paper Haqin1 ''The Belt Money Ca.a Buy'' Svmp~on & Nollar e{J 11th Bl., Newport 8eeO PHONll ILUUIOft MM Painting 6 Paperb.aqin1 • W• do the work ow..elv... IO y•an 111p1rtence Uc.naed 6 t.uured. Bat.t.atactloe f'IU'Ulued. r.tlmat.M tne. cau Jo1mn1., LI S.2687 6 .LI 8-!5289 81t.tc COMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Hanctnr Service EUGENE O. 8A.UNDJllR.I' 500 aut Btrt1t.. Newport 8e&oll p.9l. fteward u ~ .. ~7 CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS WANT Oulld macblnt operator. Cotta Mea Blueprint Corp. l:>&O lu~nor, Coet& Meaa. 6~07 WANT -u .. d car lot a ttendant, .te&dy Job. Nu.et apply In person. m.ooou ROBINS. Ford Dir. 1100 W. Cout Hlpway, NpL Bch. . Mc08 l'nJDY IA ap&re Ume for eontrac· WA.NT Jlrl or coUere atudent to tor'a na.mtAaUoa under & 1'9"· llelp tn snall rroc•ry 1tore. 4·10 •ral COlltnctor wtUI 35 Je&n p.m. t day1 wk. and 8 a.m.-• exptrtmoe. Cl..... TUea. Mld p.m. 8unday1. J'rl .• ..._ T:IO p.m. Attend ftnt 'nm bl:L.L MARKET. Corntr 19th MM(on free. Berta anyttm• 6 Placentia, Co.ta Me1a. Mlfc Al Tyler School tell No. Bro.dway, Bult& Ana Ph. KlmbslJ M2H or KI T-Jall 52Uc Real Estate School in Santa Ana IOlllf It WOllaf pnpe.n I.a apve Um• for UlllJmJted opportUAJU• ta RMI Uat.e. Ntw ~ w1UJ7. AJ '1'111r tnatrucUq. At- t.114 flnt ...ta1 0-.. ud 1eara about Uis. mat n.1d. ea.n or COUNTER GIRL for dry cleanen, age lS.30. Prefer exp. but will train. GOOD pay 6 good workinJ condi- tion•. Apply at 1687 Orange, C.M. or call Lib. 8~3560 for appt.. . ~7 WANT houMkeeper. Mon . thru FM. 1:30 a.m.-e p.m. Live out. Corona dal Mar. Pb. Kl 2-7277 daya or Har. HOl-W . .., ... 1!1c59 write now for latonnaUoL Bual· l..AllOE lonr Mtabllahed real ... aeaa lutltute, U&~ N. B1ca-tat• fl.rm needa UJ>'.rlenctd more. XI J..lTN. 1'ttc ..i..m.&11. A.11 answen kept con· China Painting I>a,. and SYUJJlt 0..... t1dn Ual. Wrtte Box X&O. th11 paper. Pleue ll&te quallflca· caUona ln f\tll. Otte Ordan Tuen N- Pl&OM Llbert7 MIU '100 MON11tLY for dolnc UMmb- Htte 11 work at boma. Wrtt.e KEN· --------------CIUFI'. Selma. Ind. 1!41~7 BONNIE BRAE 8KlPPER-U CEN8ED, Pre-school Excuraion ho.ta. Har. 8. Mc:IS MUSIC arta It craft.a, monilllfs WON.AN lo help with cleaning, only. Tran•portatJon. 1315 lartt& child ccf9 etc. l day per wuk . U • • .....,. B&Jboa Penlneula. Qwn tranep. Ana An., -216· M.,... H&rtlor IJ191. • &ecaa J8......81t.aso. WuW YOUNG WON.AN for po1IUon u dental aaeiat.anL Mual be Inter· CA.RI) OP' INFANTlt or 91n&1J ' Mted I.a denUatry and bt Mtlled. dllldnn lft my boma. Da1 or wk. Call U l-T,91 for a ppt.. Mc~7 LI 1-1125. Cliff Ha.._. Np5T IJDCR.r!'A.Jlla: atenoa ; book· UcmNIED UJ*1efta.d Miner lrM~r: ra'I otnce add. mach.; aftilable for pliftle w eb&rter factory; bO&IMkHper. Cook, lln boat&. Har. lU.W. Mell ln; pn'L ...... Jobe daily. Hvtlor 291' or R.ar. ""· tic------------JUNJ: J' AJUlAJ\ ICmploymtnt BABY 8~ Joliraaoe, .As-c;y, 602~42nd. NpL Bch. H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING ... Prompt ~ lerrtce llalllt.a!Mt Phone: a.... 6IM llOI a.&boa Bl"f'd.. Jf..,.rt ..... ... at lOI &. lk7 Aft., Jl&tboa. (Mll"Ol9 It. mm CHy Hall) lltc-'7 H.anor OT•W. MpOI -----4-------~ HOUU:KlllCPD -O-,U• c..i-ble. Local ........ Mn. WlW&ma. ~ MeT~_.Call 8u.da7 or after. Mplf . NEWPORT HARIO~ NEWS-PRESS-PART rv. ftA&!, THURSDAY, SO-M'-oellaHow. MEN'S SPORT·SHIRTS $2.98 LatNt 1tylH A rolora, Dan River fabrlr. DONALDSON'S ~ 10 100 M.al.n BL. Balbo&: ~3c&.a BE &KilT. C-1 a.J:UAP. Wltou you aave on n"'rly new apparel for women A children. Only btt· tu lfade cnnch&ndtae 11 con· 1lf'"!'d et KATEY DOANE A~ perel Shop. 2721 !:. Cout Hwy. t Klndell'1 Patio) C D. M . ALTERATIONS too! Your CV· menta or oun1. 62ctt0 ORIGINALS A J'TUNOON. Cocktall, dlnntr dreaau A Coordlnatea. Cu.tom Druamaklng Ph. Harbor l\2M·R, l\~p09 CUN FOR 8A !..&-Parker dble. barrel, 141 ga. 1hol gun. Exrel· lent ('()ndlllon. C'11l evM. Harbor 2M·WK. i 7tfc SPINP:l' PIANO for aale rnlOn· Ible. Alao mahocany dnaMr. · bedwt.Hd and 1nntnpnn1t m1t• trua. 406 Frmlt lf, Corona del ){11r. l'tl\pl\7 DID YOU KNOW thml Ray Fleldl. the Lldci Drue jev.·eler the paat 8 yr• .. hu new location at 19th and Placentia ! Vlata Ctnter, C. M. Comp. line nal. a.dvertlaed walche1 A irttta at popul&r·price1. OPEN June 1 :>&r89h Fresh Hearing Aid BA1TER.IES We Olv. 8~ Green Stampa Gunderson Drug Co. Maln 8L at B&lboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 616. I Httc TWO ~.O Penn S~nalor tffl1 and 2 m r lln fishing rod•. ?'\ew llnu . 2.03o~Pomona Ave .. Coata Me~ 67~9 1000 EMBOSSED bualnu1 card1 $3.99 3 Line RubMr Stamp U .00 ' Line Rubber Stamp with cut U .00 (884 cut.I) Book Matchea L. w WHITE Llbuty 8·4011, evea, U l·l'il~ ppttc SACRIFICE. white fox jacket; 4 carat canary It brown diamond rtnr: emerald It diamond nnc. Harbor 141'>:1-M. Mel\8 Movie Proiectors roa 1UCNT 1-IDI 11-IDI 1&-JOC HOBBY and MODEL AJRPLANll 8UPPLIU l. ALSO Oel1u Count.era tor nn MAY 26, 1955 !t-Funlture for Sale Look Today · FOR LOWEST FURNITURE PRICES .. at Bay NEW PLASTIC t~ eAd \&bJM oir .... tablea, blond• or matias. Jl I.II~ valur, at Bay ............ 1&.M TV CHAIM. Cloee O\I\. Frieee COVeMI. U~.~ nlue, al Jlq -··-Sll.al PLATFOR M' rockf'rt -oomty - double epr. conn. P1oor ample cloee outa. ISll.9~ Y&.lue, at Bay .... -..... SH.SO SWIVEL BA81!:, TV arm rock•re. 10.1\0 valu•. a t Bay . . .... IJt.60 TV TABLES. FA'IWI top• ca.tera. 8IC1nde or dark. 119.1\0 valu•. at Bay ~ .... IHI.II 3 PC. RATTAN SECT. e<llld toana rubber cuahlon1. Neweat 'bot~ fie• cover-. , U49 60 valul', at Bay ..... 1117.00 2' PC', MODERN BEC'T. BumP"' •nda. Top rndt dur1blt tr1eae l'O\'l'r. U1 9.~ valuf. al Bay ll~t.60 2 PC. BED DIV AN. w rmatchlnr chair. SJ 39.~ valu•. at Bay ... 187.00 4 DR. MAPLE DESK, mel&l pulla. $H IJO valul', at bay ·~· ... $29.l!O 8 PC. BDRM. ORP. Incl. f\l&l'. la· nen<prlng mall. A box 1prtns- ml't&J frame. e dr. dble. dte-, mirror, bk. cue headbolU'd - blonde or ma hog. $2111.~ value. al Bay ...... IUt.00 THROW AWAY THAT BOARD! And get thl1 Rtlax·O-Pedlo l extra firm l lnnerepr. matL 6 boll 1prlng af't. 10 yr, JUara.ntM It queen 1l&e too. ~ 7 fL). '139 l\O value, al Bay .... $81.50 -' Bay Furniture 427 E. 17th St., Co.ta Me• 1 betwfftl TUA tin A Irvin• I h H Sto~ronl Parldn1-TU11U1 Open Evea. till I p.m. MOVl.NO, WILL SELL Io It d cherry be&dboard for double Md wtlh P911eltd compart.menta ''°' 2 brua lamp• 11" h111t 110 •·• oy1ter colored dra~a cut for a:r w1ndow1, enourh for I to S bedroom• PO. Phot\e Harbor 1977. 17etl ALL I& llACH-IUlllD tum. rock• er, ann d\&11', d.lna. Woodea roclttr. .Plak ..... nae • "' 10. 0.... 114· NC· tot Lartupur, Coron& del Mar. Bar. lOM-IUL Mpll OVAL BR.AJDG> AtrO Id, Nd, Mears Camera Sho P men • brown. J pr. Mauutul 1182 Newport BJvd., Ca.ta Meaa ltned ehtnt. Ue b&ck dra,,.« tt call Ru. 4t41·W. Ok&I Phone Llberty 1-70.2. Pr 30-B-AifllaDcN Used Automatics S39.50 to S99~50 Dellvend lNtalled. cuaranteed. No utra charge We Service All Appliance. Specializing in Automatica Auto. Wuher Enterpriaea 2841 Newport Blvd.. C.oft,a Me• Uberty I· 7108 (Near Golf Courll@) tlpp THOR WASHING machlnt', top wrtn1tr. Xlnt. ~ondltton. Auto. pump. U 8·7068-3/H Broadway, Coala Mua. Mc68 PORTABLE SINGER Mwlng ma· chine. electnc. good condition. '26. Phone Liberty 8-4871 Sun· day or after. 6ep67 BENDIX automatic wuhu. Good ruN)lnc cond1t1on. Flu l U6. t.Akea It. Phone U 8·6184. Pr1· vale party. 07p Washi"3_ Machine S VICE 1-y.ar l\J&ranlee on Joba don• and on UMd waahere. 2418" (rur) Newport Bl., Colt.a Meea. Liberty 8-4503 or Llbuty 8-4327. 64ttc Sl-Wanted to Bul WANT wall tent. J0xl4. camp ltove. cooklnr equip .. 011 lamp. and other camping It uranium pro•pecton equipment. Harbor 1432·R. 63cM WANTED TO BUY. ti1td-Polar· old SpttdUner Model 96A Cam· era with or without 11rc"""°"'"' Phone Harbor 1387-R a round 8 p.m. eveninr;a. Mp68 U-l'unlltan for Sale , __ ... _____ DININO SP:l'. Maple round ta blt It 8 chalr8, 2 piece butcet. 1892 Oranr;e. Coat& Mu&. Mpl\7 . DROP Ll:AP' dining tablt. Mala 10 or 12. N•w rhrome dinette table It 4 chllln. 200 Sapphlr•. Balboa l.81&nd. :>&~l DI NINO ROOM arr •1n ninch modtrn; 8 ch~lra, 2 Capt. cht •ra. t mo old. Orig' Cl'>llt H OO. Wiii •ll 113:1. Hu 370~·R M~ - Mesa Woodcraft \1np.91J1t.d 6 Juvenll• J'umllur• i.e. I dr. chuta, 1pecla l 114 H i...-. r.clJnlllf patio Chl h'I .. 13 9!'> 0.., altd1n1 door ca tiln•ta .. UO,,~ Mlnwu and O.ft flnlah•e Ord•n t&k.n tor ahutten 1111 llatw, C.M. Llbert1 1-1~& pptl ~•deM.wamat.a-. poeture c1'&Jr •13 .. only 1 ~. old. 2912 W. Oout HIPW&T· PboM LI •·11011 or Har. MTT. Mtt• Good Used Furniture TWIN Ba> arr BPIUM'OtJ. matlJ"eead _ ................. -811.TI ALSO doUb&a bide, mat~ ._ 1prtn1•. ROU,A WAY BED 6 ln&tU..., llke new ............. _,._ tn.&o N A.PL.I: DfNllTI'I!, • chatre, A·l ........... -····-.. UIO BLONDE VANITT. lal'J9 plate mirror .............. !.. ... -Ml.00 arr 2 BARREL fl,...d• ~ chartre11H; s.d-dlY&N, ~ • 1u ranru. occulcmal chatN. drop leaf tablea. P1oor lampti, tabl• l&mf'9. l:VERYTHrNO to tumilla a~ or apartment, all VDT Ra.\• SON ABU:. Near Nu Furniture Kart 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch Ph. Har. ~292 · &ec68 • BEAUTIFUL round maple Luy Suaa.n table. II tt. dl&meter 112~ 7 drawer cherry cheet. It&. Harbor 3790. llc&T !,!:::Bo&ta, 8a!lllM Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American Lesion 11&·111UI I t. Meetincs 2nd • 4th Wed. 8 p.m Pl\tl THR!:E 9~tt allp• for rut, ... month a t Lido Wharf Yad\l Landlnr . 3448 Via Oporto. Ph. Liberty 8·~. 4eet0 CHRYSt.r:R Martne enrtne. ·~ .. 1 rt'ductton gear. REFJUGERATOR. lJO volt D. a. SEE JACK HAJlPl:ft at Ude Shipyard. end of al.at l t,...C. Newport Buch. 2tU• OOINO FOR o:-:t.T $61\0.I lt R. mtlhor . plank cabtn crut ... , moore<t. Can ahow. 321 J'Ullerton, Newport Bch. U 1-M•O. 66c6f U rr. COMMl!:RClAL or .pof1,t lllhtn1 boat. t:qulpt. ready, 3 '• .coop tank. rnotor alnt. condo Moopnr •lcltt 12.tllO. Harbor 499·M. N~T TWfN UIUJ!:L cru!Mr ·~ a 11, alNpe e. I hea.da. hydrauU• con· trola, ruu•d, buUt 19•6. 115.000. Cotul1dn lat'-rnodtl car or PfOpe erly .. j)&t"[ pJ111t. U MTM. MplT PARnA.LLT '1N18BED ll~ foot ouiboe.rd boeL ·Au ma~i. needed for tlnlllbtac LNt....._ 140. ~~ .......... ., .l I )1 , Svedeen Gets Top Student Body Office t>AVI8-Kendal IKen l .Sv•dHn •I Newport s.&ch tit• twlen elected preeldent of th• atudent body ot Ole UnlYenlty of California cam· pu1 at Oav11 for the 19M-.'MS Khoo! )'Hr. lfedtoton, 80n ot Mr. and~r1. K. A. Svedttn. 801 Bay1ld• Drive, N•wport Beach, la a Rnlor major· Inc In aoology ln the Coller• ot 1Atter1 and Science. He I• a mem· bu of th• Sigma Nu eoclal frat- ernity. In orrylng out hi.a dutln u pru !dent. Svedeen wlU prulde onr the atudent body, which la r'pldly a pproa.chlnr th• 1800 mark In en- rollment. He will head the uecu· ttve commltt" ot the Auociated l!tudent•, Yo'hlch ll ta.rrety a aelf· J MvrnlnJ c11m pu• orcantu.Uon. ff• ll rupon5ible tor the lntecntlon of a r tlvtUea a nd orra.nla&Uon. Into an ertlclently rovemed body. Police Book Man On Drunk Driver Charge N-po11. Beach police booked Henry U>uls Relnkl.ng, 61, Santa An•. on diugea ot drlvtnr a motor vehl('le while intoxicated Saturday &ltem oon. Relnklnr wu atopped a t the In· teraectlon of T ustin Ave. and Clay St, when Sgt. 8111 Blue, on patrol •aid he gw hl11 c•r lurch forward acro13 the whit• line and ovtt to the wronir ahle of thr road. Thp man WI • givton a eobriety tut and found to be Intoxicated. Und•r lhr d11ver.l! ff&t, the oftlc.r fourHI • two·thirdA f'tnpty hlLlf ·plnt of JO() prr crnt Scotch y,•h11kry, ac- cor'1tnl( tn tht> rt>pnr t. • Sxt Blul' ll)(lk Reinking to th• Ne14'j>(lrl AUit ion Wh•re hr wa1 book"'' end hlA car Impounded. He wa.a !Ate r r-•leurd on 12~0 ball. DEA TH NOTICE ETHEL\\\";\" ~OPH1E GRIER Ml~~ F.th .. lwyn ~n;•hle Grll'r, 7:1, rt111dl'nl nt LIJ?11na Bea<'h tor 22 yur•. '°lrd M uy 20 at hl'r rul- d,.nc ... !'>71 Ami• St . La11:11n11 Bea r h. -Sh .. "'"""' b<irn:.jn Bav Ct!y, Mlrh . an1I 11' ~un•lvtd "by hPr 1111ter. Miu J.11" Inn Grlrr of the home aflfl n•N. Tho• budv wOI bf' srnt to the Mapl.-Htll. C<'metery, Ch11rdon, O. R11 ltz Mort1111 ry of f'orona df'l Mar 111 In 1·hru r.~ .. r Arr11n~tmtnt11. .... LIGAL NOTICI IN THE .ll'8T1CI! COl'llT NEWPORT Bl!AC'H "1'DIMAL • Df8T1UCT (Xff,._TV OF ORA.NOE 8TATE OP C'A.LlroRNIA. C'oo" No. I ltl F1lf-So. IM6 ('OSATAIU.E'8 MALI. NOTICE OP 8ALE OY ai:u l'llOPDTV l'SDEa l!XF.Cl'T10N CLARENC!: BOAADMA N P1al.ntltt. --\'I. LILLIAN FOX, Defendant. Unclfl" and by virtue of an .Execu- tion tuued out ot the Ju.lice Court ot Newport Bch. Jud. DI•· lJ1ct the County ot Ora.nee. Statt ot Calttornla. wherein CLARENCE BOARDMAN Platnutt. afld LIL- LIAN FOX O.fendant, upon a Judgmtnl rendued the 18th day of April. 19M, tor the aum of Two hund.rtd ninety two and 32/100 ••• Dollarl, be1ldta COllll 1nd interut; 11 now I at th• date nf thl• wrltl a ctually due on 1&ld Judcment. ... LIGAL NOTICI lion to the h lrheat bidder tor eaab In lawful money ot the Uhlted Statu. all the ri«ht. title, cla.tm ind lnterHt of 1&ld defendant, of, In and lo the above dtacribed property, or eo much t.hereof u may be ne«uary to ralM 1Uf· tll'l~nt to 11thrfy .. Id judpent with lnterut and coat.a. Gl¥en, IL~' my huld Ull.1 lOUs day ot May, 1966. FRANK VAUGHN Con•table of th• Ju.Uce Court Of Mid Judicial Dllldet. By L. R. VAUGHN, Dtputy C. A. HIGBIE A,ttomey for Plal•tltf Ut Marin• A Vt.. Balboa l1l¥d. Calif. No. U19 Nn••Preu W2, lt. Jt. I.JI, 11:16 XOTICE Ol!A llfif . Notice la hereby itf vtn that tbe Bo&rd of Tn.Llt-of the Oranr• Cout Jr. Coller• Diatrict of Or- an1e County. Calif. wUI receive . r --. DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor Ne1n-Prell 18 guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 8 p.m. OD Monday and Thunday. U your paper la not delivered by that hour pleue· call Hartior 1818 and your carrier will brin1 your paper. Y Newj>ort Harbor B. P. 0. I!. 1787 Keefe nery T!lund&1 I p.a. V&& Oporto -Central An.. Newport lle&cll .A.JMl"t R. M&tthewl, J:aalted Ruler For That SPreJAJ. PAINT -W .A.I.LP APEi\ DllCOAA TINO JOB CALL Wm. Baker KI 5-3621 POI Paliaadea Rd., I . A. HU. Aak U1 .A.bout bid• up to 3:00 P. M .. June 10, ------------ZOLOTONE Llcenaed la Har-aru Roy's Maintenance Hou. clMnln•-noor W&llln1 Wall lnaMnJ-"tndow clMnlnr Vaelian bllndL Uphol1t.r)' · f,Uur-.d. rr... Jtatlmatu u...n1 •-uu. lt.tc NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART JV • PA&! 1 THURSOA Y, MAY 26, 1955 S'l-Funtlture for &le MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 lAtNt atylH It coloria. Look Today Experienc'd K&rdener · LANDSCAPING D11n Rlv~r fabm·. DONALDSON'S ~ A 10 IOO M&UI St .• S.Lboa. FOR LO~ FURNITIJRE PRICES and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1859 IOttc WANTE.D -mn Ume Jobi. Full • or P4lrt Uma for te boya, 1:1 tbni J 7 yn .old. LI 8·3042. 66<"67 at Bay NEW . "\ BE SK.A.RT, !Ml SllA.RP. \\'ben you aave on ne&rly 11tw -&pparel • tor women It chlldrtn. Only bet· tu Jnde merdlandlae la con- alped l!_l KATEY DOANE Ap- pe.,..l &hop, 2721 E. Cout Hwy. I Klr?°dtll'• Patio\ c. o .... PLASTIC top Md tablel or eotr.. tablee, blonde ~ rn&>las. ALTERATIONS too! Your pr- ment.a or ~un. b2ceO 111.96 Vf.hll'. at Bay ····••••••-fa.U TV CHAIRS. Cloae -out. rn ... MAN It WOM.AN wm do renerai hOUMwork. floor wulnf, win· dow cluntnr. Fut worken. white. 1 .. E. loth at.. ColJla ORIGINALS UUO YIJue, at ~ ·······-·· •tl.M Mua. LI ........ ppt.t Pl.A TP'ORM rocker1 -oomty - PAINTER ._,,.. Al'TERNOON, Cockt&.I' dinner .. double apr. C!OMt. J"loot' ample dre11eea It Coord.lnatu . clo• outa. w Cu.atom Dreama.king 139.1~ value, et Bay . ·····-· Ul.&O ANTS WORK. 16 yean experi· Ph. Harbor :1211'-R. 6:\~9 SWIVEL BASIC, TV arm rocker-. ence. Non u.nJon. Hourly. Liberty t -2722. p~3 GUN •"OR SALll;-Parker dble. IU.:M> v.lue, at Bay ·· ··· 12t.&0 ------------bal'Tel, 16 ga. 1hot gun. ~C'el· TV TABLES, tn1•lvtl te>p • cuteN. ._Help WuW lent rondlllon. Call evn. Harbor Blonde ()r duk. 2M-WK. 47tfc 119.110 valut , at Bay _ .... •10.11 I have, on the 4Ul day of May. tPM. levltd upon all the right, title, claim and lntuut ot aald defl'nd· anlr In Aftd lo tll• followlftt-~ ac;lbed real tatatt , t o wit: 1963, at the otttce ot aald achoot1 1.!·~=.!!~~~Mhl~!!IL!:Semc.~~!!'!...--­dJatri<'t. located at lH&l Bo. Har· ..__ --=- bor Blvd.. Coeta Mela. c.Jlf., at FOR RENT '8pl0h OJJlL8 -SPJNJ:r P IANO for IA.le rnaon-a PC. ft.A'M'AN 8l!:CT. Bolld tou. which time aid bid.will be opeotd and publicly read aloud tor: Mara· 8kfJJ Ban, 1:1.c. Dt1lll, Pollllben, mine au~r1pUona tor lN&·M. all typee ot Aud•"' Wb....,.- Sp«tncaUona for which may be rowa, •te. Lot 23 of Tract 682. Corona del Mar u per Map on Pait• 19, 600 Avocado St.. Corona del Mar. California. at1eured ln the otttce of the AW.· BOYD'S HDWE. tant 8uperlntendent In Chui• ot MIO w. CO.A..8T BJCJR1V.A.Y Bualn-. Ttl• owner r~ th• L.n.ty I-MU, N9W110rt 9Q lltfl: prtvUer• ot reJecUn&' any and aJI bid. or watv1n1 any lrn,ula.ritlu or tnformaJltlee ln any bid or tn Notice la hertby flven, that on ){onday, the 6th ,Jjay ot J une. 19M. at 2:00 o"clock P .M., Of N ld day. I will proceed to aell at Court Hou1e, 667 W. 18th St .. Coata Meaa. Calltornl.a at Public Aue· the blddin«· Adv: May lt and 21, 1866 Open : June 10. 1866-2:00 P . M. No. 1320-Newa-Pr ... Change of Deadlines for Memorial Day Classlfled ads for Monday, May 30th, wHI be accepted until 1 p. m., Friday, May 27th ''Too Late to Classify" ads wll be accepted • to 12 ltOOft Oii Saturday, May 21th PhoH Harbor 1616 today to place yo. daulflecl a._ Microfilming 81: l!l.A.R, ••• epace. Th• modern way to aa.terua.rd yoUr recordl. CALL K.Eyatone &-lMI or KE &-01'6 OR.A.NOil COUNTY MICROJl'ILMINO IERVlC& 1712 Allahelm-Oltft Rd., .A.naheim. 61cQh General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodelln1 J. MILTON McKE;NZIE Harbor 3122-R .,p:57h Painting · K. w. K.018 Jne EIUmatel -Fully Iuured ao y •&r• Jexpenence LI l-U21 6 H&r. IOll·M. ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM Mptth 1 lnlt&ll the aboYe cheaper tbU 1D09t. .A.1ao ..U Tile 6 Unoleum. Ncm-uatoa. JI ,...,.. mperienca. Compare and ... - BILL OOIC&ft LI l.ao6 -~~~~~~~~~~~ PAINTING '".A.PER JU.NOING .ft-tdential 6 Commercial WoB Llcel\Md Contr&ctol"I Call La:lnston MHe collect. Hunttn,ic. a..cb atppl()b •'A's" i VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY WW come t.o your bom•. take down 70Ur •enetlan blindaf take them to our lau.ndr)'. Laun4er th• alat.1, t.apu. corch., •parklinl clean with our new n\acttne proc ... metMld.. ftetum ~ bUndl and n-wt.a.11 them 1A H houra. Price nry ree.eon&ble. The ••er-ac• 2 tape reaidential bllnd- Only $1.00 We alit0 r.palr and rebuild Yene- tJon bUnda. All work done by ap- polntment. Phone now LJ:berty •8·11701 or Klmberly 1·127•. ppUc House Plans LIBDTT M1111 10llc Akoholk:I AAoa.Jmom Wrtte P. 0. a. 111 Newport .... C&lil. ...... ll&rtMr fTll ITS A GIRL'S WORLD! And you"ll •(Tee wh11n you htar of tha many job opportunltln for qualified younr women in our bu.atnu1 today. OPENING8 NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Appt1-Monday throurb Friday 6U ~ No. MILln St. 9 :00 to 6 :00 p.m. Room 211, Banta Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc STANDARD STATIONS Hu openlnl' for 8tatlon BalNmen Area lt • •O Oranr• County 5-Day-40-Hour Week Hlrh 1tarllnr pay .Excellent Bendll8 Good opportunity for Advanctment Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahtta and Cout Hlrhwat Corona dl.'l Mar ai..t.pman and 8J>'"dra Fullerton t :IO to t :30 a.m. Thur~•· .A. 'M'ENTlON ALL BOT8 -~ N.-J>Nlel c&rrltt l'OUU an n~ opeia ln aome n•IShborbood1 - Balboa, WNt Newport. Balbo& -"""'!"------------Ial&nd, Newport Helpta and Corona del Kar and Coeta w ... ablt'. AllO m1t10c11ny dre..Str. ~bber ruefi1?._n•. Ntwt8t bot~ br'11tead and lnntr1prlng mil· fX cov•r•. lrtu. 4ot Ftmlut, Corona del ~249 00 valut, a t Bay -··· fll7.00 MAI". l\llp:n 2 PC'. MODERN 8~. BumP4'f' end• Tnp rrade durable tr1eae DID YOU KNOW thet Ray Fleldl. lht Lido Drue jeweler the put I yr1., hu new location at 19th and Plactntl• ! Vlata C~ntu, C. M. Comp. line nat. advertlaed watchu It rttt.a at popular pri«•. OPEN June 1 :lllc69h Fresh Hearing Aid BATTl:RlES We Give Slt:H Green .stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Maln BL at Balboa Blvd .. Balboe Harbor 6111. H tfc TWO 9.0 Ptnn Senator ?'ffla a nd 2 marlin fllhlng rod1. ?liew llnu. 2030 Pomona Ave., Coe t a J.fua :'17~9 1000 EMllOSSED bu11Jne.. card• 13.99 I Line Rubber Stamp 11.00 • Line Rubber Stamp with cut 12.00 I 814 cut1) Book Matchu L. W. WHITE Uberty 8·401 1, evu, LI t -61!50 ppllc SACRIFICE, white foll jacket: • carat canary It brown diamond rlnr: emerald 6 diamond rtnf. Harbor 14M·M. 4 Mct>I Movie Proiectors FOi\ RllNT 1-KK ll·KK 1&-lOI C"O\ll'r. 1219.t>O value, at Bay ll:'>t .ec> 2 PC. BED DIVAN, w -matchlnJ chair · 1139.00 valu~. at Bay ..... '87.00 4 DR MAPl.,I: DESK, ml'tal puU.. $44 50 valUI', al bay ....... J2t.60 I PC. BDRM. GRP. Incl. JU&r. ln• n.iniprtni matt. It boll 1prlnc- mttal ftrune. 8 dr. dble. d ... ..-. mirror, bk. C'Ue headboard - blonde or mahog. 1219 t>O valµe, at S.y -··· •ut.00 THROW AWAY THAT BOARD! And &el t h11 R~lax·O-Pecllo !extra ftnnJ IMer•pr. matt. 6 box eprlng lf'L 10 yr ruarant .. It queen 1lu too, I 7 fL l . 1139 00 value. at Bay _ .. Ht.60 ... Bay Furniture. 427 11:. 17th 8t., Coeta Mt• 1 between Twltln la lrvUI•) rr.. Bto~ront Parktnr-Tvm• Open Evea. tlll I p.m. MOVING, WILL IELL I e 114 cherry headboard tor doubM Md with paneled compartment.I •t0~ 2 brue lamp• 18" hip 810 -.. oy•ler colo"'4 drapea cut for 32" wtndow., enourll for I to I · bedroom• J30. Phone Rpbol' , 1977. IT~I TU. l! !•!ii &ld9 It you an 11·11 yrs. old. ban a '--------------------------~-----------bicycle, apply 10-12 Lm. or •·I PAINTING Superfluous Hair p.m. onJ1 at ctrcutauon o.pt... BOBBT &114 MODEL .A.lRPLANll 8UPPLID ALL J5 ICACH-l\llllD turn. rock• er, a.rm dlalr, dl'ftL Wooden roeller. Pink ..... nae •• 10. a..... 9e1. ns. eoe Larkspur. Corona del Mar. Kar. 10lt-1Ul. ..... SOUTH ~ORST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 SOtb St.. Newport a.ell Barbor WI " o~ -,o Pn AHi• CURRENT IARNINGS ALL FUNDS R5CSMO ON OR 8'FOR; TMS fOtt. OF TM( •ONTM GARN RlOM TM& RAST • INTl:IUOR -ICXTl:IUOR .J!..CENSJCD -INIUR&D -Glenn Johnston I01 •Jut 8t. Newport Beada Barbor 111e· nttc PwmaDatq nmoHcl rr... r.u. Newport H&tllor N e'tl'e-Preal, &n1111, Mp. S,.llnNa ud bait 2211 Balbo&~Blvd., Newport 11M --~Ho more tweeeUii. Beach. Harbor 11111. Htlc CLLZN 1.. MY ANT It. &. Udo' ...._ .t 81uatJ liar 117• JCXP. W AlTRES8 wanted. Apply I • U9 2110 W.oOcean J'Tont, Npt. Sch. ~7 CA·RPENTER Re air Work n Loe& w1 romc1 0... Toarp&om. Need J\epUrtq L08T-Brow11 Beqle. B&lbo& Bay SMALL •tructura.I 1teel co. wanta youn1 •1'1Tt1alve ea.Umator 111.l.s man tor Oranae Co. Give full de· t.aU1. Boll T-82, car1 UU. paper. _. ...,.,...,., 8hore9. Thun.. An.wera to Bon· e.u rru..k. LlllerV 1-tecM hie. J'em&le, ap&yed. Brown col-Mc~7 A.ll won OUUUtMd 7,tt• or, ucept for WhJt• qaeet. Red collar. CJ\lld la rrtnlnJ tor her WANT Oulld machlne operator. CEMENT 6 BUILDING All Kinda FREE~TES Liberty 8-6109 Zttf Painting, Decorating . Paper Bu&tnl GEO. BUJtKHARDT LJOl:NU:O OONTR.ACJ'OR lit W. 11th 8\,.. eo.t.a KM& Llberty l-N21 Elec. T ooi Repair lldl Sawa, Drllla. Sanden QUICK 81:1\Vle& • LEWCO ELEcrRIC CO. 4~ No. Newport BlYd., 'NpL Bell. Llberty 1-8313. '6ttc I CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO 81ULL H. o. A.Ad...,. 101' & Balboa Bl•d .. llaJboa Harbor 2'80 llttc pet. Reward LJ 1-61M. Mc67 CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS Coeta M•• Blueprtnt Corp. 1660 luper1or, Coeta Mu•. - McM WANT -UMd cu lot attendant, ate&dy Job. Mu.t apply In per10n. TRl:ODOl'UC ROBINS, F ord Dir. 1100 W. Cout Hl(hway, NpL Bch. 66cM l'IVDY ln lp&n time for eoatnc-WANT rtrl or collece 1tudent to tor'a nambsaUon under a sen· -..1p ln emall rrocery atore. •·10 •ra.I contnctor with 21 ,..,.. p.m. • daya wk. and I a.m.-4 experience. Cl..... TUu. &11d p.m. Bunda~•· l'rt .• ...._ T:tO p.m. Attend tint 'nm DELL MARKET, Comer 19th ....ion h'9\ Befta Utytlm• 6 Placentla. Coeta Mua. ~Uc Al Tyler School 1111 No. Bl'Mdway, lanta An& Pll. KlmberlT l-'Jn or ICl T.UU 62tf c Real Estate School in Santa Ana COUNTER GIRL for dry cleanen, age 18-30. Prefer exp. but wlll train. GOOD pay 6 good workin« condi- tion•. Apply at 1687 Orange, C.M. or call Lib. 8-3560 for 5l£\ MD • woJdc:K pnpar. 1a ..,.. llm• tot uallmJted opportUDJU• WANT hOUMkeeper, Mon. thru la Rea1 ICM.ate.. New cia.. J'Tt. 8:30 a.m.-& p.m. Live out WMltJ1. Al 'I)ler tutructtas. ,u. Corona dal Mar. Ph. KI 2-7277 tend a.ret ...UDI tree .ad le&rD da.71 or Har. HOl-W. ena. about WI sr-t ftald. Call or -..----------6_7_c:1_9 write now tot latorm&t.loD.. Bu.a-LA"KGll Jone Mta btlahed real H· A.LIO ~tru Count.en for rent. OVAL BllA.IDl:D AUO .... Nd. Mears Camera Shop IT"" • b""'1l. 2 pr. be&uuM 1782 N-BIYd .• ea.ta Mea Uned ehl.nta tie ba.c1ll .,...,... -~,...... • Call Har .... 1.w. McU Phone l..Jberty 1-70'2. Prtt ------------ Used Automatics S39.50 to -S99.50 Delivered ln8talled, ruaranteed. No elltra charge We Service· All Appliances Specializing in A utomatica Auto. Wuber Enterprilea 2t48 NeWJ!ort Blvd., Colrta MH• Ll~y S.-~01 (Near Golt Cour~) . ttpp THOR WASHING machine. top wrln&l.'r. Xlnt. l'ondlt1on. Auto. pump. LI 8-70118-JtH Broadway. Co•ta Mesa. l>&cll8 PORTABLE SINGER 1ewlng ma· chine. electric. 1ood. condition, 1211. Phone Llberty 8-4678 Sun· day or after. :lep67 BE!l:DJX autom•Uc wa.sher. Good ru nQlng condition. F'lrat 1211. IAku 1t. Phone LI 8·1118•. Prl· vate party. 67p Washing Machine SERVlCE 1-yaar ruarantee on Jobe done · and on u.Hd wuhera 2481 '4 (rear) Newport Bl., Coat.a M-. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-~27. Mtlc SXllCU'l1Vll --. wala•t. ... polrture chair 116., onJy 1 .,r. old. 2912 W. Ooa.t Hip~. Pboae ~ LI '11-ll071 or Har. 631'. Mtt• Go·od Used fy~niture TWIN BED arr IPl\JNOa, matU.-• ···-·-·· ·--Ill.Ta ALSO doUb&e beda.. mat~ -W IJ>Mfl. ROLlrA WAY BED A ID&tU..... Ilk• ntw . -··········-·····-1n.ao MAPLE DINllTl'll, ' chair• • .A.·l ··-·-···-·-·-111.00 BLONDE VANITY, 1&r,. plate mirror ······-···-·-···-"6.00 81CT 2 BARR.!lL flreetde ebaln, chartrauae; Bed-dl\'&J\I, eleetrtt It ra• ra.nru. occutonal dl&an, drop leaf t.ablte. P'loor lampe. tabJ. lampe. !:VERYTHTNO to tlll'1Wll a ilOUM or apartment, all VERT llm.A• 80NABLI:. Near Nu FurnitUJ'9 Mart 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch Ph. Har. 5292 ~ BEA UTIJ'UL round maple Luy 8u1a.n table. 5 ft. dlameter '12&. 7 drawtr cherry ebeet 186. Harbor 37IO. llc6f !!=Bo.ta. 8a!'PllM PAiliTJNG ... lutltute, '1114 N. Bye&-tat• ttrm need• QJ>ert•nced mora. KI 1-lTN. Utfc M l Mll\&ll. All an.awen kept con~ Sl W ._.. B ttdenUal. Wrtt• Boll xao. Uil• . -an-.. to uy Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent P&lnting 6 Paper Hanctni "The a..t Money Can Buy" China Painting ~' and EHatn1 o .... paper. Pleue state quallfica· WAJ\.'T wall tent, 10xl4. camp caUon• tn rull Otte 1ton. cooking tqulp .. 011 lamp, Svmpson & Nollar 6U lltll BL, Newport Beadl PHONE ILUUIOI\ MM Painting ls Paperhanrlni W • do the work ou.nelna. IO ye&n upui•ce Llcan.-d • lnwHd.. 8&Ulfactloa paruteed. i:.t.lmatM tree. C&ll JoUlile. LI 8-2687 6 U 8-6289 81tfc COMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Hanctnc 9ervict EU~E 0 . UUNDJ:R.a' aoo lln ltt"Mt, Nrerport Bea.oh Orderw Tlllen Now PtMIDe Llbert1 1-a..1 '100 MqNTHLY tor doing a.uemb- 9'tte Jy work at home. Write KEN· ------------CRArr. Selma, Jnd. ~c:l7 BONNIE BRAE Pre-school SKIPPICR-LICICNSED. l:xcuralon boat.. Har. 8. ~c~ KU8IC arta 6 craft.a, momlnp WOMAN to help with cte1.nlng, only. Trauport&Uon. 11115 8&nta chUd care etc. 1 day per week. U ... ... ...... B&lbo& Peninsula.. Own tran11p. Ana .A.Ye., -·11· 66"'"' Harbor 6191. ~c68 CAR.II or INJ'.A.MTI Or mnall chlldnn 1n my home. Da1 or wk. LJ 1--1121. Cll(t Raftft. Mp8T LJCICNllCD apel1eftced .atlppef" aftilahle ffW prlnt.e • .u.rter boat.a. H&t. U»-W. Mell YOUNG WOMAN for po•llion u dental ualatant. Mu.l be lnler· Mled ln dtnUatry and be aetlled. Call LJ 1-7t91 for appt. ~c:l7 llDCRETAJUU: 1tenoa.; book· ir .. per; ia'l o~ee add. mach.: factory:. bouMkeeper. Cook, llvt ln: pn'l new Jobe dally. JUNJ: J'A..RRA.R Employment BA.BY SITl'D-M.adp Jollllllmt, A.-cy, '°2.,.·12nd, NpL Bc.h. at lOI It. 8a.J An.. Jl&lboL (a.a-It. trom City Hall) M<:~7 H&rtlor ft'N cw Bar. ..... tfc ------------ H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A ,.,_pt "*J*r ~ce Kalataa... Piion•: 11.anor .a. llOl llllllo& mYd.. M..,..t .... ... H&rtlor OH&-J. Mp61 ------------ HOUSiiAa:rat o-putoa. ~I0!,::..,!!!!•~11~1~•~·~e~CMl9~----- c.&pable. Local _..,.,.._., Kn. rftllHCR Ha't'tlaad chin• cut WIW&lu, L1WtJ 1-4efl. C.U -. ltuada.y or lltlr. NplT pa..-~mean chlna 6 mlle. ..... l'lilalM llanor I072-W. ICXPmu:JIM<ZD llilT l11TD. 67o08 -...... .._ ... ,_ -~ "' tM IM!llar ........... °"" .. _.... ..... -Old··-· .. ·-._ ... -·-a -pen-.. -ear, ... ---Jlar ltM-K. ....... ··~u-·--~ .,_ ·--· .. _. __ --....... ..._ ......_ --....--. ......._ .... __ ...... ~ _._ .. _ 1our --.. _ .... -~ --.. •----..--__. TOMOIU\OW .. -*~what~ -------------N. 9uplM ..-., .. &-..U. TODAY! CJ\eck UM med CL&AJmt0 A DtOHnfq "' Ute .... t. ......_ 011riA1tie DaYta, _,.. la ~ ~ eec:Uaa to-da.J. ~oed.. ..._ ~d 1IOI a. A"W. 8t.. ~ -,. ,..._,.._ ID ....... .•pit 9-eL tM-Ut. JtUc and oUier campln, 6: u.ranJum pro11pector1 equipment. Harbnr H32·R. 63~8 WAJ\."T!:D TO BUY. l:IW'd Polar· old 8p~dllner Model 9~A Cam· tra with or without 11cce11110rle8 Phone Harbor 1387-R around 6 pm. eventn111. 66p:'>I SZ-Furnlture for Sale ------·---. -DINING 81!:1' Maple round table A I chair•. 2 ple<'e buttet. J8tl2 Or•nie. Coata Mus.. Mpll7 DROP LEAP' dining table. 1eal8 10 or 12. t\ew chrome dinette tabla • 4 chair•. 200 Sapphire, Ba.Ibo& laland. ~7 DININO ROOM 81!:1' •tn ""1Ch modun. I ch•ir1, 2 Capl. cha1r1, I mo old. Orlit coal 1400. Wiii •II 11311. Hu. 370!>-R &ec61 -------------- Mesa Woodcraft Unpalnttd A JuvenJle Furniture X.•. 6 dr. chuta. aped al IH 96 Lea. recHnLnr paUo ebalra -13 90 Deep aUdlnr door cablntl.a . 110.9:1 Mtnwu and O.tt flnllhu Order1 talt1n tor 1hutten Wl Barbor, C.K. Llbert1 1-1145 ' pptl Amerlca11 Lefion 215·t5UI It. Meetings 2nd • •th Wed. 8 p.m PRtl THREE l~tt. 1llpa for rent .... month at Lido V\11&rt Y&chl Landing. 3441 Via Oporto. Ph. Liberty 8-M>09. &ectO CHRYSLER Marlne en(f.ne. '"' t.9 l redUl'tlOn (UT. REFRIGERATOR. 110 •oil D. C. 81!:1!: JACK HARPEi\ at Lid• Shipyard, tnd of U•t ltrMt.. Newport ~1.ch. 2ttfe OOJNO FOR ONLY 11~.I 11 fl. mahor . plank cabin eru1 .... moored. C&n ahow. 321 Fullerton. Ntwport Bch. LI l-6UO. 66c6T 2t rr. COMMUClAL or .,,o~ fllhlnr boaL ~ulpt. ready, 31~ acoop tank. motor x.lnt. oond. MOGrtnr 1klff H . t&O. Hart>oP 499-M. Mp6T TWIN OJESl!L cru.laer •II ll 12, alHJ>ll I , 2 head.e, hydraullo eon• trol1, ruirctd, built l~H. 115,000. Con1ldl'r lalt model eer or prop. erty a.a pert pymt. LJ M715. Mplf PARTl.ALLY FTNIIHED 1114 foot out.bO&rd !>Mt All m....,.ai. needed for nnaeblq U.CJudM. -.o. Aeel--1a... .... ma. .,.., - )' 1-l 1- .... I ! .J JI I 11 11 ----.. , . ---( ·. .. • ,. I '~ PAGE 4 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ·THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 . TRADE BNuUtuJ '70-tt. aWI:. achooner. Fully found, co t.nywh,e~. Wiil take equity .In property or amal- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., N"wport. Har. 3032, 39Uc tt~t.ASS-.iot.t A 10 np 'if~T-­ rnry outboard •• Fir11t <'lase cendJ· tmn. lll2·38th St., NeW1>0rt Beh. ftlfc 11 F'T. PETRJl!L c.tue bOat A traJI· "'' s-<'Ondltton, f 7r,<>, Hubor 34;12-R. 6ep58 M-&lwdeal, Radio •• r" SPINET f'lANQ. The moat beau- t1ru1 pit.no In the world. Hlgheet grnde. All frultwood c1ue. Jwit hire nl'w. Abso lu t ely! This rht.nce C'Omes but onC'r. Save $325. ~ DA' • ·SC'HMlDT Famoua l>lano Store, Santa Ana, !120 No. Jlfain. -------------USF.D HAMMQ.~D Spinet orpn ln frne rondltion. Big uvmgs. Convenient ll·mu1 nt SHAFER'11 Music Co. I Stnre 111071 431.,.23 N . Sycumore. Santa Ana Phone KJmb••rly 2·0672 HA :\1MOND uRGA::-:s Used. A rnre opportunity. une !a111ous Chun.I Organ, pe1'(N•l condition. One Hammcmll Splnrt 01'K&n, 2 k•·yboa1dR. Jlcm 'l w11it 1f you wish lo malw a i;ood 11av1ng on the world's fln.-s t urgan!I. 1'ANZ·SCHM!D'r. Homt' of the Hammond Organ, 520 );o. Mam, Santa Ana. GO<>d terms. BEAUTIFLlL m1tpl" mlrrur type upright piano In perfect contll· ""'-!on. Tt•rms $36.:17 <Jown aml sfl'.n1 p.-r month al SHAFER'S ~tusk Co. \Smee 1907) 421-423 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Ki mberly 2-0672 ~Autoe and Truck.8 JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER 3636 N ewport Blvd. N ewport Beach Trading Wild ! Desperate for Used Cars Now's Your Opportunity to own the sportiest , mos t beautiful, most powerful. most economical car made. up to 28 mi. per gal. DRIVE IN !or a real deal! -and drive h ome in 1.1. . STUDEBAKER! Now! Hurry ! Now! AMERICAN CAR Trade Ins on NEW FOREIGN Cars 19!'>1 FORD Va·tortn, R. H, O'dr .. v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a IUC&l du.Jer who wUI be here TOMORHO\\' • . to back up what ne eel la TODAY! · " •40--__ A_u_ao. __ aa_d_T_ruck __ • ___ to-Au ___ toe __ ~~ ~ 1952 1951 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 1953' 1951 1955 1954 \ Opening Specials NASH Country Club 2-Tone Br<>wn ........ 946 HUDSON H o rnet 4-dr. Dark Green ... -.... 895 MEftCORY Stati<111 Wagon ...••. ···-' ... 1.om5 STUDEBAKER 4-dr. Sed.,, Au.to. Trana. 795 CHRYSLi:R .• )few Yorker 4-dr. Sed&n 1125 CHRYSLER Windso r 4-doo r P erfect .... 795 HUDSON 4 door .. . . .... . ..........••.. 395 MERCURY Monterey 4 d oor Sedan, 2-tone green. Sharp! • • ..... $1695 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door · Sedan Light gray .. •. . ..................... 1095 DESOTO Sportsman. Loaded. Red and blacl(, 2-tone. .. . ....•.••. SA VE $ $ $ OF.SOTO Conv. Cpe. all the extraa. Red & black . • ............. SA VE $ $ $ LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 Watch our First ANNIVERSARY SALE FREE _gifts to all. Prices Slashed on Everything St,, rting June 1st at JOHNSON & SON 900 W. Coast Hwy. Newpollt' Beach • E-Wutfld to 1'!!9_& __ HELP! e WE NF.ED RENTAL LISTINCS e B olh Summer and Annual -Duncan_ Hardesty, 2602 N ewpt>rt Bh·d. Realtor Harbor 4'718 ~pt8. ~ Rou8!f' _____ t3-_._A_pt_K_. _~_n_ou_8fl9 ___ _ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Ap~Cabanaa. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodatio,. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or reser.·ation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 43-Apl3. & Ron8etl FOR RENT. until June 15th. $25, per wrt•k. 2 bdrm., nkely Clp n. Ol'1'8n front. Utllit1('11 patrt, eled'. rt>friAl!r&tor, Sll't>ps ~" PrArl J. Smith, ~20 F;. 7th St., t:pland. Tel. Yukon 321-154. 5·1t'56 Lido Bayfront Apt. BRAN'D ~EW 3 bdrm., 2 bath Immaculately rum. upt.-IM· MEDIATE <JCCupancy until Oct. 28th fn1• s~.8[>0. PJF:R 11nd lihp llVAllRble. Must be shown by app't. only. HARBOR t :-..'VESTMP.:--'T f'O Phollt' H ui·. 1600 lt'ves Har, 1210\ 4 lt(C <ISA-Apts. for ~nt Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts + other choice properties Harbor Island, Bay Shoret. &a- ron Bay, quali!lell clients only. Harbo r Investment Co. Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-~:l86l • 27Uc FUHN. bachelor apL. $46 mo. 719 \\'. Balboa Bl\•rt. For keys and Information, St>t.• Bay 4 Beach Realty, H 50 W. ~lboa Blvd. Har. 12M Mp66 ''For Rent" Store bldg. on W. Coast Hiway. So. side ot Street.. A\,ljacent Port Orange. For Info. contact. Osborne Realty C9. 2323 W. Coast Hwy .. Npl Bch. H arbor 4923-J (rM.) 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido Shopping area. Both 870 t.rea feet. By lease, $100 & $11:> mo. ALSO atore. 600' feet. WO mo. 500 'Via Malaga, Newport B each. Har. 3327 57ce8 Partner Active o r not w ith $30.000 cash. MoW'y la 100% secured & j ust as safe as real estatP. S hould return investor at least $50.000 net t.hia year. Thia will stand the m ost r)gid type of investigation. Send name, address & phone No. to Box U -83, t.hia new• paper. ~ OO-__ In_com __ e _Pro__.r:-..rtJ_,._ __ OO-laoome Proe!~ INVESTMENT ' 60 USED PIANOS want<•ll for ou1 rental dept. Highest cash allow- 1nee m trar!e for org"&n11, grand JllllQOS. anrt ~plnet~. A!:S IS S6D~. 19:10 FORD dlx. 2 .,<Joor, Ratllo- G. M. C. Your car tuned to perfec-LIDO IS LE f'l.'R:"\ I b1frm. apt., ye!l r leag<- Si.';.-$80. or summer rate S800 tor :J months. Inq. 308 Carna- tion. C'<•rona <l<'I MHr. Har. 4016. Corona del Mar Furnished Cottages, on 4 Lots DANZ.,SCH MIDT. 520 l'\o, Main. Santa Ana. See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH P IANO CO. J318 Cou t Blvd., Corona del Mar (Thaden Interior Bldg.I Bar. 3382 · 6e Uc SPlNET PU.NOS. AU wonderful buys. SllghUy used many rental r eturns. One in beautiful Ebony. Famous name. Thl.e make used by Caruso. Only $395. Lovely Mtrror Type Spinet, only $195., anol.her maple finish , $397. One more, t he Acro110nlc Spinet only 1•6{>. Many other great buys. 100 pulnos from w hich to choose. new. used . DANZ·SCHMJDT B ic Plano • Organ Store, ~20 No. Main. Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. Home of the Hammond Organ•. lilon11., Studio piAno save $265. • Special Buy BEA t:. blonde Kimball Spinet piano. Rentsl return Save $1M. C'onvenlent terms et SH A FERS Mualc Co. t Since 190i I 42\-123 !'\. Sycamorr, Santa Ana Phnnr KJmberly 2~72. t:RAND PlA:-\OS mlllly like new. H1•ut<'r, l.ll•un. $495. 1950 J.'ORD l:u11, station wagon. ~ H, O~~. . . SM~ 19~i(J XASH Statesman at•llan. R. H. 0 \lr. owrhauled $495. 19.'\0 ~ASH Statesman, 2 do<>r R , H , O'dr. . $395. 194 7 HUlCK SUp••r :<edani!lle Radio, heatrr $1 95. 1946 PONTIAC 8 ll<'dnnette, n. H Full prk e · $80. Hausken Motors Inc. Phone Easy 1932 Harbor Blvd. LI 8·M~1 I LI 8·6381 B&nK-of America Terms 57c59 7 Passenger 75 Cadillac 1948. 1:-fTERJOR LIKE NEW. Hydr11., r11dlo & heater-Almost new while wall tires. Engine re· bored. Brakt'8 relined. New Car· ter carburetor. ll:t'w 8 20:15 spare t;re. This car is perf<'cl In every way. Only $1.495. Buy tllrect from owner. See Dick Plender at John8on Ir Son. 900 W. Coast Hwy. LI. 8·554~. 67cr.9 PRlVATE PARTY wl!!hes to srll 1918 Cadtllac. 7 pass. sedan. Orig. blB<'k rlml!h. Perfect cnnd, Brand new tire,., See &t- J OH :>;SON 4: SON 000 \.\'. C'oaat H1o1,ry .. l'\pt. Brh. A»k for Dick P!en\ler ~5c~7 19~ F:ORD 1s T. P.U. Deluxe cub. O'Dr. Radin, tinted glaM. 650x· 16 front, i00x16 rear. 7800 nil. St.800 or lradt>. 207 -16th St.. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '46 GMC 1\ T . PICKUP. '47 FORD 12 T. PICKUP. 't 9 STUDEBAKER '1 T. Pickup. 'lll GMC '• T. PICKUP. '!\2 INTERNATIONAL '2 T. PICKUP. ·~3 DODGE 1n T. PICKUP, SPORTSMAN TOP. '53 GMC ~ T. PICKUP. HYDRA· MATIC TRA!"S. ·~3 GMC ~. T. PICKUP. HYDRA. TRANS. ·~3 DODGE 1 T. DUALS. "H WHITE 2 T. COE. 2 SPEED '48 GMC 12' STAKE, 11>-I T. 'lll .FORD 2 T . 12' BODY, 8:~ TIRES. 2 SPEED. '51 GMC 10 WHEEL DUMP, 9:00 TIRES, B/L TRANS. We have the largeat and clea.nut stock of used trucks In Or"1ge County. Be sure to eee our stock before buying any UMd truck. W! W. WOODS GMC DEALER 61!1-19 E. •th St. Santa Aqa Open Sunday a .m. Truck headquartera !or Orange Co. Steinway. F:xt•ellc•nt condition. Beautiful Behr Bros. Que<'n 11tylt>. J<nabe Grand. Orrlclal Opera piano, only $1450. Lovely Cuops CrRml. Mahogany cal<e, f'tne ton<' alld action, only $495. Anothr r Granrl only $435. Many otht'r wonderful buys In Grnnds. l'om<'! l..<1'1k! 'Cost& "Mr 11a. l~l 8·SM6, l'Vl'S. 5· '' Volkswagen Trade· ins 9 p.m. 56<'rt8 'H FORD C'O~V. G•IO<I condition. '51 FORD 8 Custom club DAXZ·SCHMIDT B1i: P lano Store. \',.ry rt>lts<inalJl<>, H;irbor 21 t7·J coupe, R & J!. Fordomatic. Santa Ana. :'120 ::-:<1. Muln. 100 P mnos. H•Jrt11• or the Hammond Org.1n ~6c58 Beautiful black color .. $795 --~-~-------~ --------fl:{ FORI' 2 cJuor rustom. has Ford· '50 PONTIAC 8 sedanette, R omattr . lladh> &. heater, just put nf'W flmsh on tt and must i>ell..J & H . Syncro-mesb trana-120 Bass Accordion I !'lacrl!ice -see at 900 \\'. Coa11t mission ................... _.-... $595 Hwy. uRyll &. ev•·mng11. Like new. S'acrifice. rn LJ!'\COL!'\ i believe I-h-a-,·e_th_e COTTON GOFF Ph Llb t 8 2237 rlc.anc:it ~9 Ll.acoLn in..the cowi· one er y -try I'm p10111J ur ll but m11st Volkswagen Dealer 56r7:l ~ell Sil m11kl.' orr1'r com,. 11eej -----------·--it al 900 \\'. c·,. .. st Hwy .. X•"v· 2116 Newport Blvtl .. Newport Bch. JA:"\SE:>; ORGA:"\0 . The p111n11 anll electric Organ m one instrtl· nt<'nt. Sold !or over $1000. uur prll.•o $8!17. Term:i. Al so 11ne lleeutiful F.lectronic Or~An. Llkt> n~w. Blond f1ni~h. F'11m1111s n111kf' Our prkc 1mly $68:1. Think of that· port lleae}l. Be there untd 8°30 HBTbor S. 67c59 every l!venlng DANZ-SCHMIDT Bi~ Piano Ct> .. l'Flnta Anll, ~.20 !':Cl. ;\lam. SPEci.AL BUY! ONE O;l;LY l..ow-rry Organo. J.ntr· 11t model. Save $100. \onvf'n1.•nt M MERC' C'onv .. hM radio, hC'ater. Th" tlnlel1 g~s~. 1'frrcomaUe t1 &n11n11sslon, \\ hlte well tire.~ cl mnny more ext 1u, 11'<1wer seat cl windows even ) \Vant to SPll by l'no! O( munth. \\'tll t ake older l'ar H" trad(• In. Am recqiti\•e 1 .. ~nn.e kind 11( 1<((,•r, l'l\n be i:"rn 110() \\', \ull!!t Hu-y, unUl 8 :IOI \J\'l'I y rvrning. 11154 Sl';'I; VA LLEY MERCURY. tenn11 at-alt power eoqu1pml'nt. terms. <'all SHAFER'S Mu11k Co. tSlnl'e 190i\ ownrr. Lt 8·3663 or LI 8·6:?23. 4 21-12:1 :'\. Syramurt'. Snnta Ana • :16tfc Phone Klmbrrly 2·0672 $.~ PER MO rents good practl1'<' piano. Let the ktcldies learn. All trrm rent allowed It you buy l11ter. Good prar tlce pianos '13:>, $H6, $178, U9~ .. DAXZ-SC'HMlDT Big P iano Store. 100 pianos. 1'120 No. Main, S11nta An_a. Tcrm8. 16-Dogs, Cata. Peta M MERCl "RY Sun \'alley, have only put 9,000 m1le11 un It !oral· ly. has rndio. heater, power brakes & st1•cr1ni:-\\'1ll 11at'rl· fire. srr Ill 91\0 W. C'o11st Hwy. 8.30 a.ny evcn111.-. !H MERCURY Statton Wagon, lesa th1U1 10,000 mtl••s. One owner. hll!I ncllo. heat,.r. power brake• 8t &tN•rini:. Will 11rll Al ettrar· live flJ;llr<'.· !l<'P at 900 \'i'~ Coast Hwy. ~I 8:30 any eventng. Pups A.KC, champion a t itud. Pomeranian • 54 OLPS. 98 Holhlay cnupr, loolu like n!'w, on• own!'r. Haa all power fl'ilt ur!'11, wtndow1,. aeat. brake1 8t •leering. Must sell th!a week. •Priced right. A vallablt 113& Wutmlneter Ave., ~1tmln· .ier. Pt\. Wutmlnater 2-2~3~. 60ce8H MAJ.Ill A femt.le Toy Prklnew; l mo. old. il2 Femleat, Corona dtl Mar. Her. 3~3. 6~~80 8lAMl:SE KITTE)'lS-Pure bred, Seal Point. 11~. each. Hol!M'- broken and weaned. ~2 Sea• ward R .I.. Corona Highland& Harbor 34~. 60p57 BLACK FRENCH POODLE. mint.· ture. ftmale. 3 months old. Har. 302~. 218 Pearl, Balboa IslAJ1tl. 60eOT • until 1 :30 p.m. '"l'f'Y t ventng at 900 W. Coast Hwy, Newport ~AC!\. 49 PO~TIAC Radio. beattr. Rune out good A look• aood '600. or mt.ke offer -mut t arll thl• we~k. lee at 900 W. Cout Hlrh· way, Newport Beach. 03 STl'OE. V-8 Hardtop. hu a radio, heater And automatic tr11n&rr.!,11t n. \\'!ii srll this wrek tor be3t 1 ,.,_.1.1n11bll' ofter •... at toO W. Coui Hwy~ 41-Auto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cy ls. . .......... -......... $48.88 8 Cyla, ···:----~-------$58.88 Includes both labor and paru. New rings, wrlat pint, valve grind, fittlnp or ma.Jn a.nd rod bearlngs. Expert motor tune up. 90-day or 4,000 mile Jllar&ntee. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -1..t> to 16 MO?'ffHS TO PAY- BuUt In our own ractory by &killed mechtnlsll. Don't contend with the mlddJ, man. Buy dtrcC't. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ···-·······-·······--··-· .. -$129.50 CHEVROLET ·············-··-··· $149.50 PLYM. •DODGE ···----····-f 1!15 CHRYS. It DI: SOTO···-··-·· 1170 STUDEBAK.lllR ............ ·--·-f 170 OLDS 6 PONTIAC 8 -----l l iO BUICK --··-·~··--·-··--·--$170 HUDSON -··-·-·-······ .. ·····-·· 117!5 Loan Ca• Free Towln& NEW CAR OUARANTEE Block mu.t meet our atandardl Plua tues, ruk,t1 and oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 7 State Bondcil NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. l ,UfU.ANA tion o n the all NEW CLA y. 1 UNFl:RNlSHED. yearly !east> 3 1 bcJrm .. 2 bath, living r<x.m 20x:!O. TON CHASSIS DYNA MO-I 2 riattos .coml.'r 2 strndas, S250 52tfc 3 METER at per month Charming Harbor Haven Apartments -Patios $18,950 . TERMS · Bay & Beach Realty Harvey Mayer Mtrs. i 1~.o w. &lbow. Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1264 NEW 4 ROOM, strert level Near schools, shopping di11tr1ct. Quiet. pleasant, exclusive. Garbage dis- posal, laundry, storage rooma. garage. $82.50 up. Occupies-en- tire stre<'I. Good supervision. 2137 Harbor . Costa Mesa Phone LI 8-2256 56c58 ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authorized Pam It Servt<'e also Good Transportation Cara For Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Newport Beach, Har. '726. 36tfc MAY SPECIAL Foreign Car Tune-up $3.95 & up Plus~ parts 11 necessary. , We pick up & ueUver. BE A Wl:-.tNER \l\'ITH- Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-5051. "7c58h 42-Trallena 1954 MAYFLOWER trailer, com· plete bath. 6 Bolivar St.. Lido Park, Tenns or cash. Hart>or 3236 after 6. Ll 8·7372. 5ll<:57 TRAJLER, on~_whe<>I heavy duty Aircraft duralumln, mat lined, 54x•Oxl 2 In. Completely equip· p!'d. Sell or trade for Q.oat, mot <ir. Phone Harbor 3089-W. 5[sp57 27 IT.· 1RONWOOD trailer. All metal. Exel. cond. Only i ooo. cft.'lh for quick sale. H . W . Wh<'l· 11el. Liberty 8-6781. REASONABLY prtcecl, clenn l " 2 bdrm. turn. apts. UUI. paid. Laundry n mm. Playground for chHC:ren. Blue Top ApUI .. 403 Newport Bl\·d., Newport Bt'ach. Above the-Arches. 49tfc Mgr~ 1501 Haven Place 1 Bio<:!< South ot High School ALSO FURNISHED AM'S. Wl:-.tTER RA TES 3tfc 702 -704 -706 -708 IRIS Phone H arbor 1069 or H arbor 2649·J APARTMENT HOTEL I $24,500. DOWN Mtrc Choice S ummer R e ntals On BaJboa Is land & Lido l~le Small & cozy ur large & deluxe $75 to $300 month VOGEL CO. YF.ARLY LARGE 2 bdrm. HO~fE. I Palm. garage, fumlshe<L NPar Lido Center. S~j!'ase. 214·33rl1 St . Harbor i 308·J . 56C'!i8 Top y·ear· round, Balboa location. Cross income potentiality exceeds $17.500 yearly. with a net o per · ating income in excess of 10r;.. 9200 sq. ft. living area. all in 1st class condition & beautifully furnish· ed. Total price $85.000. Exclusive with--208 Marina Ave., Balb<Ja island Ph. Harbor 44' or Harbor 2151 Newport Island Res. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30fll)·M 64lte Waterfront. Summer Rentals Greenleaf-Severts Realty Corona del Mar RATES by"Wct-k, month or aeaaon. 3708 Channel Pl. Har. 1217-J. 3112 Newport Bl., Npt. ~ch. Har. 2551 (eves. tr 8-3186 2 BDRM. dupl••.x. unfurn. Fn'cpl.. ganige. 1 block lo markets, $75. mo .. yearly olfc t8B-Houses for .Rent ------------- Muriel M. Pinover, Realto r 261H '.':ewport Blvd. ~"\'1>ort Drh, Easy Parkini;:. Har. 4610. 56c58 BRA'.':D :-;Ew 2 bdm1. unfurn. du· plex. gert.>11ge disposuJ. Ka r·age. $7."i. n1onth. :-.ICELY F t.;RN .• 4 room, J br. apt. 1, blork to Costa Me8a b11s1n,ss district. A1lults. No pets. Llberty 8-5768. 55c57 BALBOA BAY AREA-1 bdrm. apt. S5r•. wk. Nt•wlv decorated. Complett•ly furn. Har. 2001·R. CALL DAYS 9 .30-~ ·:io LI 8-4498 or Ll 8·7182 aner 5 pm. & wk. ends phone Har. H l i . r,olfc 4.88-Houses for Rent NEW 3 BDRM .. garbage ll1sposaL $8i>. monUl. :!17·21.st St., CO!!ta Mesa. OXford 6-t6:Jl. :i1c63h CORONA DEL MAR -3 bdrm. unrum. hnuS<·. f1n•place, tt'nC'ed ya rd. Garage. Children 0 .K . S85. mo. rm yeAr'11 Jell.lie. Call Har. 1093-M or Klmberly 2-57il ~.7c~9 49-Rooma to Rent LARGE FRONT RM .. 2 dbh'. bcrts, finl' for 2 mrn. n'nt Sit. per wk Al!ICJ smaJlt•r rm. Private entr. 123·28th St.. :"pt. Br h. pptfc 1-"0R RE:--'T-unfurn .. front unit, Cliff Hav('n. Flreplacr, 01~p .. \'t•nt fen, 2 br11. Sl'p. ~aragr \ laundry rm. $00. P"r mnnth. Hal'bor H i7. 66c58 BEAlt TIFt:LLY FURN .. 2 b(trm,. 5.'-Stort>!l ~ 0ffle8 llCean front. Balboa. J1ml' 15 · NEW J BR. APT. •1ver garage 1hsl will :ake the la.rgest car. 11 11' 'x· 24' li\'ing rni .. lg . v1uw winllow. Sept. 15 $350. Ill•'· Artr·r 6 pm OFFICE SPACE for rent, $:!0 mo .. or Sal. & sun .. Har. 2017. Mc~S ' in bl<lg. with re11I ,.st11 lr office located on Nrwport BlvcJ. nt•ar Hoag Ho~pllal. Ph. LI 8-2772. dbl. tile &Ink, lllsp.. Lile WOl'k FOR LEASE • table. full tsltl ghower. TMll'· TWO Bl::AUTIFl.'14 new Irvine fully peper<>d. walls. ?\tee stove & Terra re 11nf11m. vlPw homes. rrfr1ic .. tlr&pes. Close tn shop· 3 UORM S .. 2 bathe and ping 4' tr11nllpnrtnt1on. Jd,.lll for 2 BEDRMS. 2 llalhs. :ilngle person or rouple. $7[1. p!'r Call Harbttr IT7S or Harbor •HS. mo. on V"arl! leas<'. EARi. W.' STANLEY. Rt-altor T~·E VQgE;.~_CO. Irvine TerracP Office • 63c58 3 GRD. FLOOR of!lce 1rpacll11 tor ll'llllt', llpp. 13x33 ell. Medical prderred. Cl..AlRE VAN HORN, Realtor ... , 8.-07..7~ -~ ~ M-Bo1lnest1 O~'!."..,!ttnftlf'tl DELICATESSEN & i;n..-ery 11tutti and a two bedrm. home loc.at"cl next to .-omer or 19th & Plu · rentll' Costa Me!a. ExC',.llr11t ~pol for hqunr store, br1•r a n1I wint-. Call LI 8·3663 or Liberty 8·6223. 50ttc 55-Money to Lou NO COMMISSION No Appraisal F ee SALES ~ REFL~ANCE CO:"\STRUCTION Call ror Jt~rt>t Fast Commitments on Re•idencu and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-MU LI 8-8662 ('fi"?tirn.1 det Mer. 33 tJc ·53 BOLES E.NSE."lADA 22 !t. 2667 F. Coe..qt Hwy .. Corona dcl Mar ------------- house trailer. Like new. Toilet I Harbor 17H-Rarbor 1'177. 56t [18 Brand New Store ·& Office Bldg. LOANStor rtomes cs" -30 rr. Lo&iw & shw_r. Sleeps 5. $1~50, See at DA YSliORES -Sunimer. t>rarh 1991 Ntwport Ave .• Cllsta ~t~sa, hse .. !<ICl'pS 7. 2 baths. lge r~uo. or cell H arbor 70-R C"ves. 41ttc Owner-Lt S·l2ii', ~·~k~i8 41-Wanted to Bent Rentals Wanted We need apta and hou11ea ln all aecU0111 ror both wlnt.cr an(l 1ur'1 leue. Furn. or unturn. UiA-Apts. for Kent HARBOR APTS. l..!'\Fl'ltX. 2 UDRM. HOME. w lo \\' C'RI P"l. u .. autHul yard. patio, flri'pla1•1•, .:~r $12~onth. Avail11ble July llll. llr I•!>!' 1 "Tll (Jn II a~P. LI 8-5700 Opposite Newport City Hsll aft<'r 5 !i6tfc ELEVATOR I 1EL.J<:HTFL'l4 n1 uun1a1n home, 1w1t1ll1hli· Julv A: Aui..·u~l at fool .. r ~1 1 Bahl)· Fo1 mronnaUon, phnn•· Hnr. :.!J I. 66c:>8 f'ARKl);G .IAN ITOJl SERVWE C-.11 P aul H1•t1 on, IPA1-inR agent The BEA l'J\IO:"\T CO .. Har 42119 03c:60h Construction Loans SICll BOB BA TrLER 2S1S EAST COAST BLVD •. Corona de! Mar Harbor 3181 Rep. POmalt MOllTOAQID CO. Metro Lil• IM. J'undAI KL 1-6116 '8t.to HAVE $10·'20,000 to loan on food U you have a •acancy, phone today M odern furnishe? apts. day, week o r m onth N<"ar hus, sttJrc.'t & b11y. Rr11..~nn:tlllc mtes. 10 1 F:. }3(1y Ave., BAIJ$UA Harbor 03H . lit!c ! '0110:"\ A Ok.L MA H, mo<lrrn 2 hilt 111. Part Iv rurn. house. Encl. t.111 It yard °Cl1•~·· 111 beach a.nrt -h• pplng, SllO 111 1• mo. on leaee :, Lal F••111h1f. Lt !o.·61~88. 56c58 Bt"s'i~~S J.EASl!: ev111l&ble tn r <'111cJcnlial or Income prop, fl~- The Vogel Co. 8201 W. Cllt. Hwy~ Newport Bc:h. Phone Liberty 8-3481 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor 4U 2667 Bl. Cout Ry .. Coron11 del Mtlr Phonti Harbor ·174 l Lido O!flce. 3416 Vla Lido Harbor •971 32Uc \\'!DOW, neat capable. w1U exch. A11st. manager, dllld care, houiu'· keeper, home nursing for furn. apl. Box V-84, this paper. Mp57 ENGINEER de11~re8" nicely rum. amall houae o~ W, In Harbor are&-Yearly rentitr.·wr1t, Box W-85. Uua p11pt>r or phone Har. 2628 evu. Mc58 48-Apts. &, Booee1 2 BDRMS. unturn .. pr•&''· atove, n!frfg. Waltr paid. 1 child o.k. 7~3 W. llllh St., Cost& Me11a. LI 8-8971 or LI 8·3340. 47 t!c RENTAL v' SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cra1t Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Ka.rtnt Ave. H&lt>M Jaland, Har. 1871 '72U1 CORO:-lA. DEL MAR. turn. 2 bed· room duplex. Children welcome. "° 1r1a. tac1n1 ans. eec~ 1 • BALBOA ISJ,A:-;rt, R;iy f'ronl -1 1·1-:~1.....-sn,A P(Jl l'\T, 2 hr., turn. Junr 111 m11111·1 n hldi: t 'hofr•• location r111 Ji''"f•·~.-1•111111 or7 Loca ted n\ :tn:t·I F. Cr1R..~t Hwy., Corona ti• I 1\l11r. July 21 t" !'\ov. 2 1 r,1r pt 11 " or 2 ho111•• ll~eut. f'n<•Jnic1•'1 yard, with PHONE JlLA:"\CHE r;ATES montM. 3 h•lrms. 2 baths. r·VPr)· i,-u .. ~~ hllWI•'. .Jul\· s,;,o(), August Herbor 1671. !17c:\9 thlnjif ll' mAk<' IJ .Jpllghlf11I l\01111' $:\.',(I. I i :ll P hlT.11 tl• I Norte. 8111- :"\o prts. no small ch1htr.-n. H 11r 1>011. M c57 2:1:ir,. w 11 ft ··r t r 111. r,3,·66 HAY \'JEW APT. ort L1lu l 't•nin· sula. N\'w & a ti nwth·c palwlkrl li\•1n~ rnnm. 2 holrntl' SI !lOO r.n ~·early le&s ... f'h. Har. 2::.i .. r Her. 80. ~·3C'~8 l'OSTA MESA. a rm. llpt., tum. or unfum .. 1nl'lulle,,ut1huea. Cl\ll HYsll ~-4:J57. 28tfc BALBOA iSLAXD, bay front. new lower apt. Fll•eplat·c. dlsposal & cflahwasher, f11rn. OJ unru1 n. Owner Har. lJ20-W McM :'o:E:W lgc J bdrm. unfum. duplex. Gal'b. dllp. Water pd. Yrly. $115. Open Sun. Ac Mon. H th & Bal· boa, West 1'\pt, Bch. G7p 2 BDRM. t;xn:n:-.:. APT . 335 1~ Ogll' St .. Cost& M~a. belwt•en 16th ~ 17th. 66p57 NO. 5 U~~A C'U:'\ BAY -SummH rental. Spa<'lous furn. 11pt.. sle,.ps 4, overlook ing bay. June l:lth- Sept. t~th .. $500. month ALSO will takr reservation for w.tnt.tr. Har, 2Hl, courtt-ay to •rant.a. •3ttci IJl l'Tl:'>( ·n VE l'•·n111~11la vat•allon hClm•'. I.~ 2 holm1 . completely AV AlLAllLF: -Al>Out 8000 sq. ~11111 , ~lPcp ~. or 6. !-lps11'lo11s patio I Ct. ·ught lnrtu11try spare on lat It J une I:\ tn X"l•t I ~.J 111() nr S4 7:>. 2nd. floor. U. S. Highway 101 Jler 111" H 111 . !!Ulll ·H. 41:t RI'! 11nd Bii)' l''rc.ntage. Will lnae all \'11e Lane ~.~ .. ~.; or any part & r•·moctei lo 8Ull lenruit. VugPI Co., 3'118 Via Lido. Harbor 4\lil. • 261tc Al.MOST .:"\E\V Imel h11ml', 3 bf'd· l t'oon1. rn,tn Fl'dnitl, roiua M i>1u1. ------------- $1:\. a month, L:nfuml~hed. Cnll N St f R t KI 2-0902 r.:>rri1 1 ew ore or en LIDO ISLE 2 YEARLY RE!\"TALS t:":"\FU'llN. l. 2 b<>drooms, 2 bsth1. 2. 4 bedroonu, 2 baths. Choice Jocatlon1. 1200 sq-ft. Coast Highway, Newpo rt He1u·h. ~ p I e Parking . 1.111 .. rty 8-76;3 55lfc EARL W. S TANLEY, ~altor M-BnAlneM ~rtunJt!!?_ 3113 Newport Blvd .. Nfl"]>Ot'l Bch. BUS COMPA="Y ... ,,th 1onc tenn Harbor 1013 40tfc tranchl•e In tut JfOwing C:o1ta SUMMER RENT AL J.1,..aa. Submit all exchangea. Ph. OWNE:R, Ul>erty 8·3863 or I.I 8-6223. ' l'>Otfc DRIVE BY' cl llet 112 \'1a War.ten. Lido lale. 3 bdnN., 2 bat.hi, completely tumllhtd. A vallable June 1~30-$250. July 1660.- Au(UAt '725. Reduction for en· Ure aeuon. Call Harbor 0 74. 67ceih DJSTRmUTORB -For l:trope of Hollywood" c09meUca and Pat. llW!.ICr•en lotion. Fu.JI or part Unft . Boa !134, ·.uiahllm, Ca 111. 61pOT ·- OSBOR.."'E Rl:A I.TY CO. 2323 Coast Hwy., Newport Beac h Harbor •923-J ~ ~•.) '6tfa REAL F.STATE LOA.NS Interm Rate l>-6~ ~ Loana quJc.kly made ln t.be Ba7 Arp and Coal& M-. ltn,i. or mlDUple Wilt&. New or old. Re wiM and eave by ,._flnADdnc your pruent loe.n. M.1n1mwn ell· pente. No charre for prellml· nary appralaal. PbOM lanta Ana Klmbuly i-41933 or ntt. ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.care Loan Cornepondat Occldintal Litt IAalnnee Co. 93S South Main 8&Dt& .A.Ila PP Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, aa1ary. $50. to $7:SO. or more. One day service Application may bt ~ID ptr• IOll, by phone -or bJ mlUL CALIF. ACCEPI'ANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., eo.t.a Ku" LI 8·'7761 -Opeo J'rtdlf'I U1l 8 CJoeed ........ -'1Ut .. 1 ~ .- \ \ - I . I , ---- ,~ ) . I l I I I I ii ---"" ---.;._~~ --··-~ ' -..__.------.--. -.. ---. . _, ___ _ ~ ~ C-Beal r..taa .... ' ----_515 __ 11_~-J..-to_L_-ou..;.... ___ -:62-,___~.__al_Es__..t_a_te _____ 62-__ RW_~Es-ta_;..:te;....... _____ 62-Rfoal F.state 7 ft-Rnl Eatate ·-·----NEWPORT HAABOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, MAY 26, I 955 • - BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE It APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10,000 down, b&laiice euy. • LITTLE ISLAND -eo Ct. bay frontqe, pier It 'float. 4 bdrm•. $78,000. DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Lwuiry home and income. SM,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. home and apt.~ bdrma. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29,000. CUTE~T low priced home on Jaland. Furn. Lovely pnfo. Good location. All tor $21,500. ISLAND COTT AGf -Dbl~. carac, Fireplace. LOA.NS TO BUIUJ. DlPROVIC j BUT, MODllRNIZm, OR ft.SJ'DCANc:m We Bu1 TNat 0-. NEWPORT BA.l.Q:OA. BA Vll'fGS 6 LOA.N A880ClA TJON IMe Via Lido. Pb. Hu. UGO Ue WOULD Wui to buJ lit and 2nd Tn&at Deed.a. Call Har. 1328 d Uc 80-A • Conunerclal. IDdu trlal Business Property Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu TWO JIVLL ACRl!:S, chalJ\ llnl< fMced. ?.lany i'OOd tmprove· ment. that might be adapted to va riou1 b111lne ... ~ Call L.lbtrty S-ll34a between 6 .I: 7 p.m . $15,750. -----__ 6~- • BDRMS., 2:~ bath.a. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moorinr . Good family home, All for $2-f,950. BAY SHORES A. Bayfront property in the auper class. Shown by appointment only. 61-Rea.I Estate Exchange WANTED 2 or I BEDROOM HOME. Cor· ona del Mar, pre!et"ttd -ex- <'h&J\ge tor 3·bdrm. home In RIV· eralde. BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here la a 2 bdrm. home tor you and a 1 bdrm. home for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. Take low down payment Ii term•. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm .• 2 bath completely furn. home. Lovely patio, BBQ. Ideal 1pot for year-round living. $18,~ full prke. See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm. home, well located on cor- ner lot with space to build in front. Comp. furn., newj stove & ref rig. Lovely patio. ,K>nly $17,500. $3500 down. -'Ne have-some ttal nice bayfront homes a\'ailable for summer rent. VOGEL co ~ 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 444 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CORONA DEL ,MAR Ma riners Isle Realty Stl Marlnt, Balboa h land Harbor 4781 A Service tha t enlar ges the scope of your Realtor's Services to you. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lush tropical patio and yard. $15,000 down CALL HARBOR 1775, eves. Har. 5359 & Har. 1214-J. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I.land. Store Building 101 Hicahway Lea.aed to responsible tenants. Showa NOW 10% net plus chance for increased income. Total price, $67,500. Thia ta a solid invutment in all reapects. • See Ruu Ford 5 Buildings, 5 Lots Ten 2 bedroom untu.rn.iahed unit.a. AU on yean lea.sea. This choice property is well located and after all expen- 11es & loan payments, property return11 $4000 per year net on $30,000 cash required. See RUI& ~rd VOGEL CO. Lido Isle Have choice 3·bedrm. 1 ~ bath. Garbage dt.poe&I. wall to wall carpet, c1rape11, 40-ft. lot, patio. For 3·bedrm. It den. Prefer Tench tyJ>*. Room for awlmmtnr pool. ln th• La Canada or J'llnl· ridge dllllrict, O. H. LatJ\rop,' 3636 il. Cout ~way, Corona del Mar. Har. MO or Evu. Har. 361lJ FOR BALE OR TRADE DUPLEX-NEW, 1 bdrm. ea. Lgt TOOlllll, dbl. l&l'• a ll.ached. Laun- dry rm. Lot 100x170, room for commercial bldg. on Hwy. tront· ag-e. 17208·-0I HunUnrtoza Beach Blvd .. Ocean View. 68p61 For Sale or Trade NEW 3 b<lnn. adobe, 1" btlths, w/tlle, 11J>•clou11 IJv. nn. w;ttre· place, galley kJtcben. attached dbl•. gar. Pluter and 1klcco thrOU(ithOUl. WlL.L TAKE, lot1, hoiae, trlliler, or what have you. Located 172 E . Wlleon, C011ta Mna. Owner- LI 8·2932, alter 8 p.m. or wk. end1. Mp61 FOR INSTANCE: During t he month. of May t he ~EWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS awards a special prize to the Realtor making t he largest Mul tiple Listing Sale in which a property is traded. The pur pose is to encourage resourceful selling. Multiple Listing is modern -professional -coop· erative selling of real property. CONSULT YOUR REALTOR Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Ne'Wport Beach Four single bedroom and one two bedroom uniLI. Thia is one of lbe very few money makers on Lido Island. Only $59,500. Excellent tenna: Call Gloria Gardner. 3201 W. Cout Highway, ~ewport Beach LIB 8-3481 LIB 8-8595 A BIG STEAL! 5fC56 OUT OF TOWN owner 1&ya "fet ofter" on corner duplex So. ot Hlway. One unfurnished apart· ment ha• 3 bedrooma, one tur· Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Speciali.et" Use Our F'ree Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 11/2 Acres M -1, .Costa Mesa $6500 FULL PRICE This won't last 2 days, SO HURRY! Phil s~llivan & Geo. T. Everson 1 56 Newport Blvd. -Costa Meaa (across from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI -6761. Eves. Har. 4366 • LI 8-2103 CORONA DEL MAR ldeal hnme for large family in best section. aose lo bench. 3 bdrms. & den, 1 & ~ .. baths. Spacious living rnom, dining room, breakfast nook, patio, barbeque. large dbl. garage, fon;ed air heat. Has compl<'te guest house make excellent maids quar· t(.'rR. Nicely landacaped; 67xll8 foot lot. $36,700 RAY REAL TY CO. 34-M E. Coast Hwy, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 YOUR BOAT . AND YOU \Viii fit 111to this ideal 3 yr. old Balboa waterfront home with pier and slip privileges. The 24-ft. living roo m f(':ituree open beam ceiling, bricl< fireplace, and a hu~e picture window overlooking your priv- ate sandy swimming beach. You'll enjoy the mod- ern COl1\'en1enC(.'S such as forced air heat, garbage rlu;poMI. fRn O\'er etovc, etc. And you can buy it Fl.RNlSHED for only $26,500. Terms. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Weet Coa.et Highway, Newport Beach Call Liberty 8-3481 CORONA I DEL MAR COTTAGE . 710 IRIS I Lot 30xl18) S4950 Cash Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649--J 54tlc Back Bay Area Thia new 3 bdrm., 2 bath home under ooMtnJctlon hu built 1n Thermador 1tove and oven. lArge roomy lot. Jean Smtth can deliver thia for 121.500, a Blnl ! Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lldo Speciall8t" UM 0ur Free Pu king Lot 260:.? Newport Bh•d. Harbor 4718 .. n Ulhed lltudlo apartment prage. ---------------------- AU In good condlUon. Call MJaa Kohlltedt, Har. 21ll2 eve. Har. 082t·R, 313ll Cout Blvd., 'C.D.M. U l!c on Irvine Ave. Lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. New .... ..u to wall carpeUnc and tra· verae draperleL Block wall and landscaped. l lll,750. Owner. Ll 8·5-437. ~•c57l:f Want a home in the Coves 7 l NFORMA TION and KEYS at No. II Balboa Covea. Owner. Harbor 2876-W. 6-0p63h BAY FRON'!' new modem home, ' bont 111tp; l~ Balboit' Coves. Ownt>r Harbor l lOO·W. 44tfc BALBOA ISLAND ML 5776 • $5000 down Cozy 2 bedroom modern Attractively furnished Good corner location Room to build income apt. Full price $18,i50 • • "" WM. W. SANFORD, ·Realtor And Associates Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Sunday & Monday, 12·5 p.m. 127 46th St., Newport Beach 2 bedrm. furn. home. Large walled patio, near ocean. Owner asking $·1000 down . Full pr ice $12,500 FOR SALE -Altracllve nearly new home. cloee to Back Bay. Extra large lot, fireplace, co\'er · ed patio, fenced, landacaped yd. Living ,!t dining arPa carpeted, $10.750. CAii LI 8-080. 55p57 J. M. MILLER co. MOST OUTSTANDl~G HOM!l In 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach the Harbor area. Thru bedroom. c Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 2 bath, ab10lutely th11 finest con· ---;--:;--;-----------------;;;;::====-1lructton. Top location, tom\!" -• ~··-- view. Entry hall A dining room. Per-'!Ct llUllde .t out. Small down payment. Har. 4718. 66trc LEASEHOLD ESTA TE VIEW .LOT -Cliff Haven OVERLOOKlXG E.ut jttty entr. to Nl'wport H"rbor. Sacr1fl<'e 11&Je, $3900. LEhlgh 9·210'8. evu. Llbuty S-M40. 61r63 BY OWNER -S bdrm., clOlle to •hopping , etc., on quiet St. Hwd. firs., fenced lot, 11ewrrs, garb. dlap.. alley rear: Room for In· come. New pa.Int. 4':"o IOIWI at 164 per mo .. lnl'lurtln1t taxeii le , S500 DOWN The best tract home in Town -Hardwood floors - Forced Air Heat -Garbage Disposal -two car gar. Lots of cupboard space -3 beurooma -2 baths. If you are interested in making a good deal invcsti-· gate this immedfately. Payments like rent. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Bl\·d. Costa Mesa (acrose from Costa Mcsn Bank) Phone Ll 8-6761. E \'rt.;. Har. 4366 · LI 8·2103 lnsu. Prlce l 13,2a<l. 589 Perk ---------------------- Drlve, Cott& Mua. 40Uo Look al this J bdrm... hwd. noora. flrepJace~L! dlapoul, Wired for eleclric 1tove. F•n<'l'd, l<X"&led at 2ll411 FaJrway Dr.. Cosla Mesa. 111.250. Ph. Hu. 3541-J. 39ttc BEACH HOUSE and income on 2 lots. room to build additional unit, 1 block to ocean and store, near bus lines, just Sl0.- 900 and $3,500 down. LIDO ISLE Very lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home on a large lot. lots of room Inside and out. ju~t as nice as you could imagine and only $31 .500, truly one of the the bet- SPECI.AL ter buys on the island. HIGH DESERT Improved •CJ"Ul'e PAUL C JONES R It home11tu. at l!&CrHlce prlcea. • I ea or • All ulll1UM.' Jl:o ueeamienu. 2620 Newport Bl., Newport Beach Harbor 2313 Tenna. YUCCA NOUN A RANCH08 Martell Bldg. Yucca Valley, Calltomta 'Phont; 3!'lel. s~t!c Ul,000 BY OWNER. J bdrna., du1. nn., atta. pr. W to W carpt>t~ hwd. flt•.. lhenno hrat, prb. dltp., kitchen f!L" Incl. nrly n_. aulo wubtr 6 dryer, refrlg. A pa nulf't. 11&00 dn , 17000 O. I. loan. Wiii corual~r 2n'1 <'c>ntna<'t 329 Broad ay, Coll• Mua. Mt.tel Corona del Mar Here's a duplex on 2 loll\ to give plenty elbow room. Its priced below the market at S1 8.750. Good Tenn•. Totn Payne says, "Act quick to get this one." Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Spec11llist'' l'se Our Free ParJling Lot 2602 Nev.'}lOrt Bh·d. Harbor i718· DIVIDEND PAYING-------~·--- REAL ESTATE I Corona del Mar OtlT STA:>-'l>JNG TRTPLEX. f)j;ulh ot H(Jhwa" on Mar(11frll.-Spa· cloua :? b<1rlll with rtreplau , 2 "".,."' I t).li m apt~. \•lew o r O\'t·an from 1mn tln k a m1 patio T'r1pl1' pr11p. ll:xrrn laundry nn (."omplctf'ly f11m111heJ. Ready t nt 1ummf'r rf'ntall' or pri'lf'nt ten· antt will t•n•w luM"•. i a&.000. good t~rm1 tC1 re~ron11tble buytr. Balboa Island Sli;'l;!'l:Y fu1 mshed •pt, r1t111 r unt room and bath, plus doubla irar· aJ;te. rlt'n~· or 1 oom t1u-111'co11d unt . rrt<"f'd ro-w,.11, H .000 d~. In Cliff Haven T\\'O 111,11ea.111.S 2 bdrm 1111111 FHA -1 1,., •, 101111. pa y a blot $76.f>:l mo lnC'lulllni: 10~u111~1rr anrt lllX•'ll lnrotllr Sl7:1 mo 'Hf'llt 1l11pl.-x in ar••&' F'11ll prh<> S l!H)OO, tnol lt'U !'hOld I Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2601 Nrwp<irt Blvd. Nrwport fkh. E~sy Park1nJ! H11 bor 4!110 COSTA MESA WE HAVE a vrry h li:h quality home In the upper buy 8rt'1t. HM 3 bdrm. 1&"• bllh. Japam·~e ash paneling In tllnlng arl'a Md O\'f'r !lreplare. Wall lo wall oorp· eting. Prlre $16000, FOR SALE OR TRADE for 2·b4'l1· N>Om lu.>mt" A larg.. hume ln T Xl'WJ>Orl lw•11d1. 1 block from · <><'1•an. 1 tx><lrv(lm dO\o\-n 11tail11. -I up1la1rs. The upata1r1 rented for $1200 plus per year. Owner1 health 1Je111&nds 1111Ji>. Price SHOOO br $16.500 furnished !'\ICE HO~-\E uptown Costa Men. ~ y rs. old. 2 bedroom. Vtry ~ood lorou on. P11re $8000. I t ACREAGE in Costa Mesa. Lot 11.u 300x33ll-Good tor bulldel'3. ------~ WE HAVE a 4 bdrm. 2 balh home 8 mc•nlh• <Jld. 1:100 sq.fl. Thie I• vay good. $12,!150 Good term•. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 11166 ::'\ewport Blvd. Co11ta Mt>M. Callt. Lt 8-3792 Speculators WE SPECIALIZE In caplllll gains dt"nls. saving on income' tax :"ow offering a $17 ~ buy lb11t will show nke profit. AL.SO one ftl S9.000 With IN'm s 11vallable. M any othu!I in a mount11 to suit. W E C"A N LE:'l:D your money 11t 6~, any amount A ll d.,1111ls hl\ndlt>d by thlll office. For prcip· t>rli\' mana1tN•H nt .rtve us a trial. N. B. C. Realty Co. MULTJPLE LISTING RF:ALTOR 32nd .tr :"f'~l'"f' flh·ol . :'\pt. lkh Harbor H O:I NEWPORT BEACH WA:'\T A "001,L HOl'RE ?" \\'E H ,\VF' IT 1 bdrm. dble gar· ai.:e on 1<m111l lot, clnll4' to L ido Shoprlng. rn·1>1.in & bay. only. $8.500. BALBOA 3 BF.nROOMS & DE~. 1 hlo('k frnm b&y & •m•lln. Only $4.000 \Jnwn .. ::>t•e lhlll. Coast Properties 30l E. Balboa Blvd, B1lbol\ Hll""lSl'H' Z8:18. m7 aM 4li00. Just Enioy the Income from thia excellent p.-.rty (no rent to pay). Located ln choice rental diatrict, 100 tt. from ocean. There a.re 3 unit.a -a new dup~x and a 5-room house on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a an fumiahed and rented on yearly buia. Own el" a home available now. ThrM garagea on alley. Preaent income can be 11.lbat.&n· tJally incl'Ulfld. ~ will handle. J'OR INSPl:CrION Cil.L HARBOR 1013 SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and amall dining room, ca"" peted wall to wall, good kttch"'11, breaktut •pate and aerviCe porch. Ample cupboarda and atorage apace. Overabed 2-u.r garage. Nice encloeed p~tio. )(oat convenient comer location. 2 blb. from City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. BAY FRONT LOTS 105 Ft. of choice Bay Frontage. Bulk.head ta ln. Wonderful view. Lota surrounded by quality home.. Pier a.nd alip right.a. Theee will sell! ACT TODAY! - EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1011 • • BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5. .. • EXCLUSIVE LISTING Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home • • 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplace, diahwuher, • diaposal. Charmingly decorated. Cru8bed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, tenu, A ND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms., 2 bat.ha, bay view home -All e*trlo bowie. Built-in range & oven. Carpeted And drap- ed. Ideal home for couple with viaiUng relaUon. or friends. Full price $29,500 -Tenn.a. For preview showing, call Harbor 1600 - (Eve1. Llberty 8-6386)' HARBOR INVESTMEN't'co., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at SOth St., Newport Beach BALBOA ISLAND ·Large inviting livinc room, 1 bedroom 6 bath. pMt roona otf patio. $19,750 Why Pay Summer RENTS 7 4 bedrooms, 2 batha, Salem maple furnJahing. dbl. garage. D 0 R I S B RAY, Realtor P hone fJarbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer -Chet Sa.UabW7, _____ 2_1_6_M_a_nn_· _e Ave., Balboa Ialand / TWO FOR THE MONEY Neat Duplex, 2 B.R. ea., Fireplaces. HDWD floon , dbl. gar .. near shops. Both unit.a rented mo. to mo. P.riced below rep') with Xlnt. term.a. , 2 B.R. FURNlSHED, Good neighborhood, near shQpa & beach. level lot. Cute u can~ and ONLY S9.250 with euy terma. These Ii other fine listings with R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Har 277f '"UTCK HODGE, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Cliff Haven Special · HEY LOOK ! 2·Bdrm R<'Ruly-B lb 11 d ,.om'I. furn .. even S IL.VER TEA ' S~:R\"JCE: Beaut palllll<'I'. Im· a oa s an pnrU!, eli>c. app1Janre11! Owner J, nnn~ J11r Eurnrw-'¥Ya SELL' $t!l,fWl with l• rnua NOT A LF:ASEHOU J ! Mariners Isle Realty 318 Manne, Balh••& Islt1n•l J1111bor ~i81 We offer exclusi\'ely an unusually de•1rable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delighltul living room. large din- ing room. Maximum square footage. Clofte to bcadt. $26,000, easy terms. See this value Buy! Call Ha rbor 1775 . Eves. Hart>or 53!S9 EARL W .. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa hland i 02 Bl~CCJ!l.'. I AJ> C' J?·~ I <fl,lln<'h l'lyl~ ..tr1pl1 x 1"1r('1tll "'"" llwy 2 hJrm~ ''" F1n .. •l r11rH1t ru. la<ln. Shttk;) 1'1111(, ~·A ht•Rl, htl\\'·I. ---------------------- non1 a. Lo1.. 1111· Srp pu 111<111, f Pn('rtl Un1!1•r ro•pla(·tmPnl. Ol'F.N ~at, elk Sun. nwn<>r Harhor 1681-H M f!18 For Sale or Trade- ocEA:'\ \'JEW rnv-forn 2 brclrm home W1lh 4'ltlra l'Ol'lrn e nd 'i. bath on double garai;r.. 2il 2 Cl Ht I Jrl\'t 1 ad1ar11n t vact\nt lot avallablt I Ph. own(r, LI 8-2~32 23lfc NEW if BDR~t. on '• s rrr, $7,950. 2 3 Avocado, Co1ta Mua. Ph Kl 2·2822. 471fc CORO!'\A H!Ow,.ANDS by ownt'r lovely 2 bdm ranch type home. with vl•w. Shak• roor, ulled brick tlrrplRcl'. tt.c. Ground1 lanr1ecap· ,.d .I: !rnced. Double gl\r11.gr & hobby ahop. Prlced r ight. Sl'f' 11t 1108 Seaward Rt>ad. Corona Jltghlands. Har. 2387·M. ~~.p~7 l..AGl,;~A. BEACH, 7&1 St. Anni Drive, 1~00. dn. 2 bl'. tum. h11e .. Ji?Ar .. ocean view C-OIM•rt folk• o k f'ayrnf'nlK U OO. nwnui HYalt t-3W. 67p$9 . Lido Here's a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a com- fortable 40-Ct. Jot. Built in bubecut. carpel.I & drap- es. A real fine value at $29,500. GoOd terme. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialist'' Use Out Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 3~4 ~. on Highway 300 ft. on the Bay Har d to get" "Ma riner 's Mile" property. Has piers and boat slips, and other improvements -$264,000. Excellent t erms. THE VOGEL CO~ 3201 W. eout Hn .. Newport Beach LI 8-U81 1 •. - I ,, I = J • ,J r • J ' PAGE 6 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _..., r..tata .. / THURSDAY , MAY 26, 1955 .!!:::..~~!1°~=ta~•,__~~-"-=--~...,==-~r..=·=·~1a=-~~~-l 'c~~·~·!•~r..~111a~~"'!-~~~-l'c~~·~eo1~~r..ia~~·!!...~~~~~-~·~eo1~~r..~'"~"~~~~ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST •• ,..._...,~~ Al l Got>d Buys ............... . 1. RHidential Lot ~7x20~. 1 BUc. -from new •hop· pinr center at 19th._• Harl>oT. Juet $2060 caah. 2. R-2 Beach lot 1,-: ·block to ocean. Sitt 30x10<i $22ri0 cuh. 3. C·l -100 tt. Acroa. 1treet from •uper market & drug aton, Ready for d~elopment or aplendid investment $10.500 · 4. OPEN SUNDAY 1-~ Dandy 3 bdrm. l'h bath hOme, 413 Holmwood Dr .. Newport Hta. Furnace heat. Hwd. flOOMI. Landkaped. ~need. $19,750. Term•. ~. OPEN SAT. & SUN, 12-6 406 Sierra Vi&ta , Costa Mesa. • Restricted Back Bay home. New. Forced air heat. All electric kitchen. Hwd. rlt11. F. P. Large rooms. Service porch. 2 tiled baths. 3 large bdrma. Dbl. g3.rage. $24,500 Full Prict>. 6 Big Bldg. in M-1 zone. Thi!! location 11ultable ror mfr .. whlse .. retail or 11torage. Center drive thru bldg. V'ilh lofts on tach aide. Rf's~ roome. Of- fices. Lea8e or Si!ll. ~-J94x3'30 All C-2 uine. Site for trailer court, unite or ~ny bu11inese not needing Hwy. front. Income now $215 mo. from 3 good homes. Low taxea. Near down tswn. $31 ,500 terms. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES . INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1S57 Newport Llbtrty 8-1632 Ave-. Costa Meea Llberty 8-1400 Eves. LIDO ISLE • We \Viii Be Pleased To Show The Following Homes and Lot.11 : 2 Bdrm. Fur. ··················---····-·-··-..·-············-·····-S21 ,500 2 Bdrm. Large Lot .......................................... $23,500 3 Bdrm ................................................................ $22,500 3 &--Den. 50' Lot ................................................ $31 .500 3 di: [)en Fllt ..................................................... $43,500 30' Lot ................................................................ $ 8,000 35' !.ot ................................................................ $ 9.500 35' Lot ...................................... ~ ....................... $10.500 45' L.ot ................................................................ $13 .:>00 46' Lot, Corner ................................................. $14 .500 BAY FRONT 3 & Den • Float ...................................... -....... $49,500 3 & Oen -Pier &: Slip .................... : ............... $96,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 364:3 -2999 evff. "Just to the Right of Lido Bridge E ntrance" BILL'S BEST BUYS Within your Means • OWNER'S LOSS Your Gain SEA\JTIFUL corntt home ln-Bt.y 81\o~•. 3 bdrm•. ph11 uUUt y bdrm. -3 bflth .. Complel,l.Y f11ml•hl'd. Owf'ler lf'I Europ- Muat have lmme<'llate .. 1 •• Asking $32 ,500 Might t~ke -s21,soo BEE THIS! •EXCLUSIVE But Priced Right ! ON THE \VATF::R~'RO!l.'T In 8 111- b<>ll CnVf'll, I "'ltll !lpare tn butld ,l'n11r o:>Wn ho11 t ~llr •. 8 ronm luxury hnn1e ""'1111 2 b.alh•, aa ... a.Rt 20ic2-t ft. Thia hnn111 11 th• BEST nn t0<t11y'1 · m11rket al- Only $28,500 TAKE ADVANTAGE, O F' TH.IS FINI!: OFFER NO\V. •COLONIAL ' COTTAGE (Back Bay Areal l BEDROOMS. I bath•. real din· lng room-fam ily room -out of thl• world kllchen-Gorg-eoua paneling throughout. Built-In. found only in home• twlct th11 price-Curved front drive. YOU CAN'T BEAT THlS fot only $25,950 I terms) •NEW DUPLEX . Newport Beach STORYBOOK HOUSE 329 IRVINE. COR. BEACON. NEWPORT HTS. Open for Inspection, Fri . Sat. -Sun. -1to5:30 p.m. Adorable Calif. Fann 'Hou.e -1h1ke roof • uled brick fi rt'-p lace -knotty pine & bea.m ceiling -1plit· rail fen ce. 2 lovely bedrms. plu11 large den or extra _ bdnn.....ldeal corner location, convenient to Khoola & shopping_ The ~Ir: galaxy or color intlowen • ia a maat.erpiece of beauty. PRICED to 11ell in a hur· ry at $16.800 with only $3800 down A---pmtl. like rent. (You can ca.l_l now for pre-ahowinr. Wt! have) the key). Open Ho use -325 Irvine, Newpt. Hts. Fri-Sat-Sun. 1 to 5:30 p. m. Thls well arranged 2 bedrm. flome ls leet ·than a b\O('.k to the bluff with a wondtrful view of the bay & ocean. AttraCtive flagstone fireplace and W to W carpet. The ideal location and low price of $13,9:SO .> jut;lifies quick action. ,Bettt!:r bring your check book .,.,.Ith you. HAPPIER LIVING CAN BE YOURS AT 530 Kings Road -Cliff Ha ven Here'a truly an exceptional value that you ¥lJST SEE • 3 Bedrooms • W to W Carpet 6: DrapM • Forced Air Heflt • 1:11. Bath• • Large Dining and Living Roorn Art'a • Landscaped & Fenced • Ai-ea for ewimmi9g pool •· Panoramic View • Patio • Obie. Garage • Sprinkler Syatem • Abundance of • Acoustical Ceiling CupboardA You'll be unable to find a comparison to thill home for ita low price of S22,750. Moet convenient term.a. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK cl B. Ruea, Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. P..ayte, Auoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa l1land Harbor 20U -"440 · Via Lido Nord" BAY FRONT home of 5 bdnna. Plus 2 bdnn apt. Ab11olutely perfect condition throughout. (NOTEJ :_ Owner hu juet completely refurniahed in fine taate, incl. new 'carpeting throughout. Million dollar view from 40-ft. porch, patlo A apt. Thia prop. will bring top rental retum. Do not fail to drive by t ' 440 Via ido Nord then contact ua to see the inside of\ out atanding property. We have the keys. Firmly priced at- $89,500. (fumillbed) Owner will carry $62,500 •.. -• for qualified buytr Osborne Realty Co. 2323 W. Coe.at Hwy., Npt. Bch. Har. 4923·J . (res.) And here is your opportunity. Three bedroom, bath and a half home onl y 3 mo's. old. Garbage dis- posal & exhaust fan. Close to schools' & bu11 line. Full price $9,750 with only-$1450 On. NEAR OCEA N A BAY BEACHES ---------------------- ·-· ·-· Five to Pick from Four bedroom. 2 bath horrles in Newport Heights area. Immediate possession on some. See us for details. We ha,·e key11. $12.750 and up $2.500 to $3.000 down ·-· ·-· Live Free One side or thie lovely 2 bedroom duplex .,.,.ill make your payments. Next to schooh1, bus.sea and stores. Tlis won't IMRI . Call us no.,.,·. Situ1ted ,,.,·here re•lty vaLu~• are lncre.,.lng 1\t11.d1ly -uniaually good hon1e will\ lnoome •nd •U1· ciepl1onally low priced~ · at $18,950 rRE}.tE~fBER.. th111 11 br111°! new and on a comer lot .) TO TAKf!: Tl}.1E to 11ee U1111 dupltx today m ay •a\·e II unnece11•1·y trips el1ewher•. BEFORE YOU BUY ANfflHERE Be sure to see these NEW HOMES- ONL Y THREE LEFT 4 bdnns., 2 bath homes C1ose to everything. A-iA TERMS • On~y $9,800. CALL ?i.1R. GATES, with Full price $13.950 ·on.ly $2100 On . •PRIME ---+--COBNEBJOL. _ ·-· ·-· W. A. TOBIAS DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8-7976 33tfo i orona _del Mar Vogel Value - and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like ou r ·friendly service" 393 E. 17th St.. Costa ?.te11a Llberty 8-1139 Lido Isle ------------------~----O NE OF Tl-IE F'E\\' rcm•lnlng Newport Heights Vogel Value OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 p. m. 300 Holmwood Drive OCEAN VIEW New tow price permanent YiE'W home -3 bdrms., large Jiving room, nagstone fireplace, dining room. Handy L-llhaped kitchen. Hd'A•d . n oors, furnace. Large f4!!nced yard. F.H.A. 4 1:.: ~,. loan. $83 per mo. including taxea. insuranc~ a.rd intere11t. Owner lea\"· ing area. Reducffl t-o $17,500 for quick 11ale. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona. del Mar Harbor 17 41 -Harbor 14 77 OPEN 'HOUSE Sat., S!Jnday It Monday. 12;5 p.m. 6510 W. Ocean Front ~autiful 7-room 2 bath completely rurni11he-d home. Right on the beach. Oon'.t miu thia. Full pric.e $32,500. Terma if deai~. J. M. MILLER CO. ) 20~ W, Balboa Blvd., Ne11.-port Beach (Near N~port Pi('r Harbor 40P1 \ ·- "orner lo\11 -M ft. on V1R T!'l,..~1 t 11l Lido Nord. $16,500 B lJ Y :\'O\\'-lhe pru:e• will bf' h1ghP r! NEW LISTING Corona del Mar O:\'E OF' THE OUTSTAN'D[:\'G oomer location• 11\ Corona del M11r. LovfLy 1 bdrm. home -'- Spaci005 l1vtn1' rm, be•ullfuUy l&lldtoll ptd. $29,500 • Harbor Investment Company REALTORS Ne'A·port. Bl,·d. at 30th St. Ne.-port Beach Phone H11rbor 1600 Highway Frontage an.d Reside11ce . 40'x127' parcel on Coa.at Highway ln Corona de! Mar w ith l bedroom houae at rear of lot deaigned for either buaineaa or. T'(!flidence. Ample room in front for building -~~r major corner. Excellent inveet- ment at $19.000~ ... THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del M&r Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 • CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom, 1 bsth. 1200 llQ·ft., fireplace, dra-pM. Ideall y landscaped-fenced-alley, double car..ge. N~t to St. Andrews Pre11byterian Church. FULL PRICE, Sl5.•50 Trust D~ $9500 at 4 t ~1if, wilh monthly payment.: $66.47. Caah from tru11t ~ to 1ale price. Call .Mr. Gallant to ahow thls home EARL W.' STANLEY, Realtor 225 }i.farine Ave., BaJbo& Island Harbor 1778 Build Your Own Hom e. on th is . . Large Desirable Lot on Lido Pive sided lot with 122 ft . frontage on Piaua. Udo and F1orenc.e. Owner hu reduced price wty below comparable loU &\'ailable. St9,700. terrm. • Thone Ol\'ner. Hu. 4274 Tip-Top Qual ity Buy I )'l'. old l bdnn, balh ., homt1 •Ith ne.rly n_. wall lo -..·all ca,,,-u. prb. d11poM.I , hwd. noors. fol"C'td air h•t. t1repl•c•. on a beaUU!ui\y l•n<ho.'•ped 11nd Walled yard ... The loct.Uon la top.a ton lrv1n• Avenu•l and th• pr1C• LI RIGHT:: 111.:SOO with n:cellt'nt P'.H.A. flnanetn,-. Hur• ry on 1hl1 onot. . • WORTH WAITING FOR ' A Lido Nord Bayf ront Home We ha\'e Just liated t!:Xcluail'Ply one ot 0.. tlnM homM ever offered on Lidb-ExcellenUy lociated Charm ~Personality • ..,. th• Eut-<•d. o..ig•ed by .... r w '-''•• pd comfort were UPRtnno.t in &tchitlt'-<'tl of the area. • mind wh•n tht• mod•rn 1tyle l ' The 18x30 livin<> rm. ha• 48 running feet of sl .. bdrTn., 11" Mtl'I hom1 wu built. • It l'laa ,,..'"tak" fancM pallo, Windowa affording a panoramic vieW' ot the harbor natural wood-burn.Inc flrll'pl.t.ce, and hill.I. The den, .dining rm. and inuter bednn. bu lllldie11, torced atr ~at. have the aame· view. -- 'sii'b-dt.~l • ~equale<S I---. _ Yalu• at l tt,900. The lol'ely kite.hen has a teparale brea.ldut room 3 Good Values 1 bdrm., M's.ISO' lot '1 y?'8, old. 18.300 I bdrm., dbl. ('t."'«e. I yr.. old, 18.?:'!0 J bd"" .. ~bl. pra11. Nie• 101 . %Ii yr.. 11.tM> • ACT N O\\', V.'ILt. SHO\\' A.NYTIJ.1E Special Reduc·tion ! BACK BAY.~ bdrm .. hd-..·rl . flr •. tlr-eplt.ce, .eparate dbt. 1•r•l!"e, ntcell nf'Lfhborhood. Nef'<b paint -our be1-t value 160 mo. f'.H.A. term• Incl. l&xf'I and •lnturanre. Hurry! f'Ull price only 110.7~0. Bay & Beach Realty and laundry room adjoining-in 1ddition to the mutt-r bed.rm., t.heN!' art 2 othl!r family bedrma. and a maid'a room~ach having their own bl.t.b--mak-· Ing 4 bathrnu. ln all. Room for expansion on ~thi1 large Jot without bU"m· ing the> Wt!:ll landac.aped patio. Tber. la a new pMr and 40-ft. 11ip. Thi11 ~ome it pricf'd to Mil at SlZ,000 and wtll be 11ho'!l'n by app"I. only. , - The Vogel Co~ -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch .. HI.I'. 4971 or Har. 4072 Eves. Har. 2191 -M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8-5297 1 1898 Newport Blvd. 1---------------------- COlla Mellt. Ca llf. Ubl!rty t-1111. Ev1•. U 8·31~1 REAL VALUES $11,500 i. all they ue u klnJ" for Uu1 lo\·e- ly !Jlr"91! bdnn. home. Ha rdwOC)d noor1, flreplac:e, lilt! IOtcheri &11i:l bath, dll))OMJ, w1r-ed for electric: ranr•· IJe•t t!U\..llde. loc:aUon, comer lot. Not a trac:t h<:>lal!. t';i.% 10.n and monthly pay· mtf'IU much It•• than rent. Bet- thtr call on t.lll1 today. . . . NEWPORT HTS. Lovely lot with peat houH In reu. Thia could be uffd for. a 1ummtr vacation cottare. or build your tarnUy home up front and UH the cottage fot your w~k •]ld ("llt1U. Thl1 can't be brat for ooly l~.880. EZ ttma. • • • B. A. Nereson· JU::ALTOR lt U NeWpOrt Blvd., Cotta Me• Phont•Ll f-111'13 ICYtl. Ll 8·&4117 Ocean Fronts Open House Tool W. Ocean Front ~ br. • IO!t.rtum. 1 y?'8. old. 123,M>O., 110.000 down. TWO IUIHI, f2.l00 t.!OV.'"fl, .. I I I.~. l BR., I'-. lo\1 . . ........ 113.~0. 2 BR .• 3 yr8. old ................ 117.MIO. J BR .• near Jetty ........ Ill.~. Bayview Realtors 3306 Balboa BIYd, H ar, 3371 """ Open House 10 a,. m. to 8 p.m. • 509 De Anza Dr. Cor ona High lands A VERT LOW PR.ICE for thi1 lovely new re•ld•nce Wllh 3 bed· room11, 3 "th1, J1e. IJYl"I rm. • playroom. On1 o1 the nlce1t lnt- ch.enl w1lh •.ti uh cabtneta, •n'1 dlnlnc rm , .. al10 11Ja11ed 1n •un porch, St• vtew from all wb!.do1n. :xioo'-in hOll.., ... tg-e. dble. 1ar11t-Room for •wtm· ml"C pGOI or fll''l houH. VERY GOOD TltRM.S to qualLf!ed purch&Hr. WJJI take 1ome trade. PHONIC owner. Ucen1ed 81Jt\df!r, H arbor -Cl %5-JK. 61!tfc Balboa Island SPACIOUS DUPLEX on Ba.Ibo& J1l111d, 2 bdrm .. J bath i;1_own- 1talr1. 2 bdrm., J bath plu•~11ri · pua rm. up. Goo<1 rental pt<)p- t rty 1howtnr Xlnt. nturn• 13t.~. Tftm•'. NORTH "'EST COSTA MESA. 1 bdrm. •tucco horn• on lar1e lo!, l•wn 6 1hrub•. 17 .000, tenn1. Ted Hauser 20211 Harbor Bl vd . C:O.ta MeM. LI l ·-C 781 SPECIAL HIGH DESERT Improved •create hom .. lte1. •t •ac:rlflct pnce1. AU uttlltlta, l'o UHMment1. Ttnna. TUOCA. NOLL"lA. RANC110 8 Martell Bld(. T ucoa. Vall.,., California 'Plloa•: SM. !l~tfc Bay & Ocean View L.AJlG& dov.bloll trGnta1• Rl·fl.3 lot. 7 nn• .. I M U... Pt.600. lt&a Clitf Dr. at Sant& Ana Avt. Ll 1-tlt J. &41p4!11 BT oWN'ER~rm .. hdwd. rlr8 .. I, nrtpl&ct, prM&t dil'poaal.. 2 CIT ru. NtW"pOrt K•lpta, 4 ')!. loan, Ill .SOC. 621 Rt>dland1. LI 1--4140. Mc~7 -CORONA DEL MAR CUSTOM BUILT home with exceptionally nice out- look from choice corner. Beautiful wall to wall Kulp. tureq carpet, tiled pullma.n bath, dual furnace wtth Thermostat, silent switchea aluminum casement win· dow11, diaposal, diahmaater load• of cupboa.rds. The large bedrooma have ample wardrobn. 'Cht!erlul walled patio ia tlJ1.nked by •UD •helter and separate 3 room gueat apartment. Double ~ rage and workshop. . With features uaually found ln $30,000 homea thia rare value i• offered at leu than todays rept&oe- ment collt for only $20.~. For appointment, contact owner'• apftt • ST AN LEY A. SMITH , Realtor ' 264 7 E . Cout Hiwy , Corona del Mar ' MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO ·DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air-"Heat • lilualve Stent Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven • , • &etually every luxury feature and in 0.range County'• flDMl location. Big EAtate Sized Lot. auitable tor pool and patio! Dri\'e out Firal Strttt in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. Geor ge M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tl OPEN HOUSE SaL Sun. & Mon. 12·5 p. m. 1429 W. Bay, Balboa !Cor. of 15th & Bay) EXCEPTIONAL 3 B.R. 2 bath home on corner lot with walled in ya.rd. Room for a pool. Permanent bay & Ocean view. Comp!. furniahed .. $35,000. Terms if desired-• J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa B\\'d., Newport Beach I Near N~wport Pier Harbor 4091 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plana for 3rd bdnn. to be addOO at small costl, 2'·:.: baths, lge. liv. rm., separate dining r-oom. large knotty pine den with bui lt·in bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage dispo11al and diabwa1her. House 6 yra. old. Large double garage with laun. dry, radio-controlled gara.ge door. Lot :Kl :JC 142'. Well landscaped. Thia home must be seen to be ap- preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del A-tar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFEll Shown by a ppointment onl y Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 • ' 56c.58 \ Harbor Highlands BEAUTIFUL 3 bedrm. home on wonderful comer location. Wan to wafl'-carpet. Hdwd. (loon. 1 % ba'tha. Nicely land11Caped. The ownera have improved and taken care of thia prnptrt~ beautifully. If you ar-e intere1ted-in a fine home, look at thia for only $16,500. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mesa Liberty 84781 1 a.crOM fronl Costa Men Bank I Eve.. Harbor 4:368 • Llberty 8.-2103 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEVBEM 01' MULTIPLE Ll.STJNO 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ·Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 Balboa Island Sacrifice due to illness. Best Income ~uy. Beaut. cor. duplex. ,._o large B.R. each. 5 Baths plu11 extra guest rm. & bath. Comp. and attr. tum. 2 pt.tloe, eun d~ke, Dbl. gar. Sacrifice $33J50. with low down pyt. Average yearly incom&-$5278. Waterfront Income $29500. Attr. furn. 3 B.R. home and 1 B.R. apt. "Term a CLIFF HA VE!N A Steal for $24.750 Spacious 3 bednn. and den, 2 bath home. Large Ii\·. Jng rm, picture window11. Thi~ is a honey, but needs •M!decorating. Don't let thia get away from you. It can't last at this low price! Call us, we have the 'key. CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM' & den with 1:1•1 baths on comer ot Scaview & J asmine. Shake roof. used brick fire- place, garbage•disposal & other extras. Just finish- ed. Hu excellent financing. Can be made Into 4 bedrooms if desired . ..$27 ,500. OPEN HOUSE SAT.&. SUN. ONE OF THE LAST new homes in Corona High- lands. Shake roof, 3 large bedroom~. l3-' baths wilh dressing r oom. Panoramic view o( hills and ocean. Must be seen to appreciate. Good financing -or will trade for lob or acreage. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY 1-5 448 Rivera Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bedroom picture bungalow on Begonia. Cose to bay. ~ble. garage, flagstone fireplace. Owner anxious. Make offer! 60 ft. of Highway frontage on corner ln downtown Corona de! Mar. $12,500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard . Pat Pattison 3034 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' I Permanent \'iew of the roOing greens of the S.A. Country Cl~b golf course, com er location. beauti- ful landscaping. Lovely Home and two spacious 1 Br. apartments including gas ranges & refrigerat· ors. 3 sepa rate garages. S25,750 with terms. Duplex. l la rge bdrm. each side, neat & clean. $95 per month income. Real value at Si 950 with S2950 down & bat. J 60 month. Really nice: 3 Bdrm. home, dble. garage, lot 65x120, scwrr in & pau.i. Go6cl enstsiue foration. Sl0.500 wjth $2665 down & balan<:c $, 2 p<'r month including T nxrs & Ins. I Monthly paymrnls will rl'.'duce to S63) $500 DOWN • 2 Bdrm. home, Hwd. floors. Obie. gara~t'. good caslside location. Total price $9850. Balance like rt>nt. ONE OF THF. REST -Residential lot 57 1 ~x127 ' :! to an alley · right in t<iwn · Eastsiur. S3450. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. MC'Cardle 1810 Newport Bini.. Costa Mesa. LI 8-1601 Enjoy Additional Income Live at Your Workshop M· t Will'. :! story duplex. dble. gangc on rear of lot Ho\1"1 for O\'f'r l 000 sq. ft. building in front. Exccll<'nt location. Bnrgnin nt 514.500, T~m1s. . . On ot'can front ncnr Catholic Chun·h & school, 3 hdrm. home $15.500-$16,000 furn. Will con11ider Costa Mesa or other nearby property 111 trade. Very attractive 3 bdrm., 2 baths. PLUS large rum · pus room. bath O\'(.'r garage. Complete built in kit· chen. Price includes washer. dryer, stove, refrig., dishwasher, $29,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~~ W. Bdboa Blvd. Harbor '5188 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced below replacement cost ... Beau· tiful, almost new two-story 3 bdrm., 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from au rooms. Fully car. peted, beautiful drapes, new pier' Ii alip. P rice in· eludes 20·ft. Century speedboat one year old. Art.h1tic landscaping. NOW, hold your breath! All this for $64,950. Better burrry as this won't Jut. . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l 3113 N~wporl Bl\'J., Ne\\1'0rt 8\.'ach Har. 1013 . . j p. a. palmer · incorporated developers of Lido Isle FRENCH QUARTER All the traditional atate.llneu of bygone daya keyed throughout to modern livinJ in t.hi.e home you will love at first aigbL White ca.st ironwork entrance, maasive raised·hearth fireplace, carpeting o'f hand· loomed wool, matchlng papen and drapea. U>vely kitchen with dlehwasher, diBpoaal, hood over range and louvered abutters to cloae off the pua-through dlnin~ am. Sliding gla.sa ·dooT'B to patio &om both living room and master bedroom. Located on one of Lido'• fineat comer Iota to inatm! permanent priv4 acy. 3 nice bedrooma and 2 well appointed bath1. You can't build for any leas, and thia ia perfect. Phone for appointment to see OU. now. $33,500. A SPARKLING JEWEL -Lido Bayfront Ellerbroek, AIA, designed. Perfect condition from boat slip to front gate. Luxury smaller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting and drape1. ·Diab· washer, built-in Thermador oven and range. Even diapoeal in service yard sink for fish and ngetable cleaning. Terrific closets, cupboards and built-In fe&· tures. WhJte shingle roof. It you would like a lovely home on the BA YFRONT, see this now! $55,000. Terms. OPEN SAT .. SUN., MON., 125 VIA WAZIERS. AND 123 VIA GENOA. Exclusive with p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales ma.nagement 8333 via lido, harbor 1500 LIDO ISLE First Time Offered 3 Bedreoma, 2 Baths-Larse living room, 1epa.rate dlnlllJ room. Large La.nai with celling to floor glasa doen iopening onto a .be&uti!ul garden. Extra tarce comer E.etrada Jot, romplt'tely walled. This i1 a ehanning property in perfect condition. Aak for , Hodkinson. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Rambling Rustic Ptctu .... aque Early American in garden aetUng-un- U!lual floor plan includes 4 bedroom1, 3 batha &nd dining room-large lot with ocean view-le .. than one block lo exclusive beach-$28,500. Open Sunday from 1-:> p.m. 239 Poppy Ave., Corana del Mar Drive by or call Dave Osburn for an appointment to see OUTSTANDING VIEW Open Sunday 1 -5 Drive by 243 Ocean View a.nd see the lovely ex· tericr of this new 3 bedroom-2 bath home. Call me and I will ~bow you tt:ie lovely interior anq ~plain the attractive terms the buyer offers on the price of $25,500. BiU Farnsworth. p. a. pat mer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-MTS Houston Values $6250 v CORONA DEL MAR . SPECIALS Lido Isle Home! LOVELY HOME with 3' bedroome. HARD TO BEAT, 2 B.R stucco on E. 11de. Near mkte. church. A iw:hools. ::->ice yll. B.B.Q. Sl~OO. dn. It poym. $50 a month. Open House 526 Aliso Ave., Newport Heights OPP:~ 2·1'> DAJL Y, Attrarcllve 3 B R. home, newly dt'corated In· 1ld111 A out. Hwd. firs. flrepl. tile kltch, 11hl. Rll r. Near HI School. See thl11 a t $4000 dn. Good term• vacant llnrl lnvltlnir. Lookbox. Eve. Int. on above L~. Ll8·2643 M-1 Superior Nlre 2 bdrm. house on l HHL (r<>n· tag,.-on 11twtr11-0nly 510,:x>O -Termit -Th18 Is a tine deal !or a ahop and home. . Opposite , _ Golf Course 1. View of breakers, ocean & beach Thie 3 bdrm. home, 2 batlu, ca.rpeted wall to wall. Buitrmrre&r ot ocean front lot. Reduced from $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAL--Muet See! 2. WILLJ TAKE TRADE On this 3 bdrm. plua den, 2 baths. 60-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take amall home or vacant lot ii'\ part pay- ment. Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE- Detu.xe ocean view. qu&Uty built 4 bdrm. home, 2 batha. For you who can afford the finest this ls It. Priced at $i2,500. .• 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room tor another unit. This Is a G. I. Resale. F ull price ~9950. $2500 down. 5. TWO ~EP ARATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdrm. house, plus 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. S3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm-.- A. bargain at $31,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION Near the Udo Club. wired tor ell'<'l rlc range, torred &Jr heat, disposal, 2 l!hOwrra &11d only • years old. $22.:>00. $8.~ down. Newport Heights View Home! TERRff"lC VTEW OF BAT AND OCEAN. 2 bedroom, 2 bath beauty, ntcel'y la11dscaped. rtre· place, forced air heat, 2·car ga- rage, SIMI till& d9ndy home at only $21.~00 and low down payment. Ocean Front Home! PENNISULA LOCATION. Tllla la actually th.. bel!t value ln an Ocean tront home we k now of. Has 2 b<'drooms. l&r&'• wali.d palw. dPlat:hed ,rarage tt.rld corn · plttfly rurnlshrd. Btat It If can 8l $1 $,!iOO Balboa Home! WI LL :\tAi..E !'llCI:: BEACH HOME UH Yl-:All AROUND LIVISG. (.'JtJ~c! to :-\ H. \".C. Hu 3 bt'dr<)IJms s ml J '• b3lhs. Some rurntt ur,. in<'ludc<I. \'ou mu!'lt see t ll -&ppn m ite. '1 :!.~o. $1000 du\\·n. Bay Avenue Home! GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TER.RACE We eordially invite you ito ln1pect model hame1, built by Maeeo Corp. exqul8itely furnl1bed by .Martin 6-Von Hemert When YoU inapect th•, you wUt •eta tMy tul• • .._,. emntott and eeawat...-tw ooon LIVING. ~ of th• plaanjaf aad tM\lp' tha' ,..Wt.ct bJ thla ,,._.ruble OOlllftUQJlty wtU provt.de 0001> LIVJMQ tor lmnt Tenue fUllU.. fol' .. ny ,...... Penunent rMtrietJoDI l'W'P* you wUl &ln.19 be proud of your home here. To th• home buylt' wt.o nh.M to P'lNhue lft the f22,000 lo fl5,000 elw wt tln•Nl)' NOQQUllllld Ult lmoe llt&te. owrlookt•J ffewport Harbor. lr.oloe Ternce la leeated ea Cout Rtsttway oppotl&t th• new l"1ft• Cout Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Re•ltor EXCLUSIVE AGJtNTi Phone Harhor 4i48 l'er J\u'lher Infemtatfoa . * For Recoqunenda.tlon, we refer you to &nlOftt who holds a Leuehold m&tate in Irvine T•mce. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCl,ATU 3400 Via Lido · Harbor~ (Acrou from Richard's Market) . . $12,MO buya a •O-toot street to 1treet VIA GENOA Jot. "You can hardly ret them kind no more"·-and we KNOW you. can't set & more reasonable VIA GENOA lot. "GOING" -''GOING" -don't meaa around -GRAB IT -and there you are. NOW here 111 an idea for YOU - --- We have eJUiluaively Hated a modem two bedroom plus den and two bath LID(). home. It's completely furnished right down to drape., w&ll·lo-wall car- peting, deep freeze, wuher and dryer, etc. Thia well located, tumi.Bbed home ta excellent value at the low price ot $24,22~. Summer income ahould pay you $1500 which mean.a by Sept. 15, 1955 you will own this Lido home for only $22,725. NOW is the time to buy THIS home. It t. free and clear and we will submit your terms. We can arrange a low monthly payment 5~£. loan. Contact one of our experienced Lido salesmen anil make him abow you how you can own thia outstandlng buy. W. G. (Bill) Kempton* J oseph H. Grohman* Virginia J.fanson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell • (Lido Island's most experienced &alee personnel) Nice 2 bdrm. Pumt block on 70x- 234 R-4 lot. room for more unit.a -Thia 13 ri'11lly a buy! We -can show It anytimt-MULf lPLE LISTINO REALTOR ON EAST BAY AVENliE Cute ---------=,.....C::-----------21, bedroom. cornr r · horne. Heavy furniture lnrluded. Thia la •n attractive little place and ,.:nod f or home or renlali1. $U.~OO, $•1:ioo doYm. . Newport Bus. Bldg. Nfr,. t:Orn<'r bid!(, close to bey- Has nice po!!81bllltlPS-lncom&- $2i~ m o.-Full price $26,200- Term:i - 2 Rentals -full acre Rnom for 6 more units-Income $110 per month-full price only S 11.500 with SJ.000 down. E\'c, Info. 11n thr11r Pelltte LI 8-5487 Houston Realty and Associates 609 Center, Coata Meu LI 8-778• Ll 8-41911 Drive by 411 Redlands Newport Heights \'IE\\' HOME 3 bdrm1., 1'6. bath hnml'. I3u1ll In Thtrmador range • riven. Hdwd. rloor11, 11hake roof, l ', yrs. old, U 60 11q. ft. Extet · lor mshogany and atur.co. Prtce J:l7.760. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR leM 1'ewport Blvd. Costa Mua, Cllltt. LI 1·37P2 SPECIAL H IGH DESERT Improved acruge homu ltea, a t n crlnce prices. All utlllUea, l\'o ueeasmmta. Ttrm1. YUCCA. NOLIN A lt.UfCROS M&rUU Bldg. YuC'ca \'allfy, CaJltom.la 'Phone: 15t. 55Uc LET US LOCATE 'for you. Property anywhere. The Locator of Calif. 60? ll. a.Jboa Blvd., B11lboa Harbor 1109. Mc~8 OPEN HGUSE SL':I:. 11 -4 i i 4 CONGRESS llT., Coat.a MM&. SI MO do,,·n J'l/rw 3 h~room. ,7,iOO V H A.. L&ntlac.,.C. 67p . 3447 E . Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) LIDO ISL! BEAUTIFm.. furn. new 3 bdrm. & den home with gorgeous secluded patio. Thermador oven and rangl The lut word in architecture and charm. This is worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It just has everything. . Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den home. Choice location on wide street-to·street lot. Spacious dining room, breakfast bar, charming patio. Range, refrig, carpete & drapes included for only $32,500. Extra choice .0-tt. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the bland), only $13,500 fc:-quick sale. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE OFFER a C-2 108x300 ft. lot improved wlth nice buildinga conail!lting ot showroom with 2 addi- tional adjoining roome with a two bedrQom apart- · ment (approx. 2100 1q. ft. In bldg.) with loads of room to build additional income or another store on front. Ideal for doctor'a aulte, turnltur• shop or 1imilar buaineu. Plenty ot parking. lt'a a good buy -let ua ahow you. AND REMEMBER TlilS - many other fine home. are listed ciclua(vely at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via-Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M 'or LI 8·5297 Planning to Build on Your Lot 1 Take a look at our model homea at Newport and Mitchell. Tuatin.' Open Daily 9 to 8 Sund,.ya 1 to e See !or yourself how we can build a 1244 sq. f~ home, forced t.ir hut. hdwd. !loon, 2 car garage for only S9,100. Let ua direct you t o our home1 under conatn.action and flnlahed. Look them over, compare, satisfy YO\U'lel!. We have cu11tom hOtlle planning eervice, financing for State vets, FHA and Saving11 and Loan, a, a 1 stop facility. Nothlnr down. · ·MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7·3~3 -Kl Z.306~ tEv-. LI 8·4073) 5Sc60h Balboa Lots STT UP ANO TAKll NOTICll. I Bay and Beach Realtors Realty ' SW<'ll fl.J lot.a, aide by .ide, cloh WATERFRONT. PIER & FLOAT• $18 750 to town on Balboa Boulevard I 'nutt 11a.fd : • • Sl 0,600 l or a1i l.hree. $3.750 Down • 3 Bdnn. Beach flouae. Half Block Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank of America Ro111 Greeley Al Cornelius Ed ~ Jack Plnlc.ham J OHp!\lne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Salbo& Phone Harbor 327t. BAY8HORES Cha.rmln,i: 3 br .. knotty plne Ill· terlor. 2 pal10l!. Open HouM Sunday l .00·5:00 or appt. CLlFF HAVEN 2 br., xlnt . vlew'lorallon U0.000. CORONA DEL MAR 70' Je;l-charrhlnr 2 br. Ill 1ar. 11pt. shake roof, patio• U2,6-00. NEWPORT H EIGHTS View lot, $4.000. Beach Lots-CHEAP LIDO Lota, homeB. baytront. M-1 C·2 propertle~. aale or lease. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Coaat Hwy. Ll J4277 to Bay • Near Newport Yacht Club Balboa Peninsula 52':.:' Lot -Lge. Llviog Room -Full Dlnlng Room Extra nice Kitchen, Large Patio. Garage finished in Knotty Pine Ii Asphalt Tile. 2 Bedroom Home. Room for expansion. Full Price Sl8,950. $5,000 Down • Modem 3 Bdrm., 2 Bath Home, Nlce-- ly Fumiahed. Balance less than rent. Full Price $21 ,500. BAY & BEACH REALTY 14.50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harborl2M OPEN HOUSE 10 to 5 Sat. & Sun. 314 Evening Canyon Road, Shore Cliffe BEAUTIFUL MODERN, 3 B. R. and den, l~ b&tb home with view Qf Ocean from upat&irs den . 2 fire· places, acoustic plaster. indirect lighting, 'V/A heat, lovely baths. lot's of cabinet. and cloaels. W /W carpete, cu.toot drape.a, Copper Chambent built·ln- atove and oven. A fine home. Glad to aee you Sat. or Sun. Price $39,500 Expect to be Envied The Vogel Co. That's pll.tt ot owntn1 a borne on 21167 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar BALBOA JSLANOI Thia 2-bed· room year-round bom1 ta comp'! Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 furn., near bN.c'b .ad V1Uage. In --------------------- xln't. condlllOft, OWNER. AN· JN SHORECLIFFS -3 bdrm. furnished home, 2 XIOt:s. batha, dbl. gar. Vitw. A delightful home ready Mariners 1,1. Realty tor you to occupy. 318 Marine, Balboa lsl&11d Harbot '711 BACK BAY NEARLY NICW I W... ho"''· f'nc~d yd., nice lawn, lot.II of tU•. Interior pa.lnted 6 wallpaper ld . dhle. gar, tar1e ktwh.ri, 111.~. 20:1'1 Orchtt1, S&11ta Ana Jrt11 Wberty 8·2986. M~1 \. ON BALBOA L~LANO -Tbt paUo ia Uk• anolher · nn. at thia 2 story home which hu 2 bdrma., l ~ b&tm. ln the gar. the" 11 an extra rm. a.nd % bath .. Dbl. garage. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Multiple Uatltlg Realtors Bualne.1 Brolcer 31~ E. Cout Highway,. Corona del Mt.r. "} 2~~ • PAGE 8 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR -NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 HOISi ON IEACH7 'NO LAW AGIN tr Police reported a compl&tnt fl'om Mn. R. S. Pattu9Cm. 8771 W. Ocu.n l"root. Monday. that people were rtdtnr born• along the bf>ach and cre&Unc an unanlt.ary condlUon. She ea.Id •he didn't know whtore they came from but would call it tMy ap~ared on the ecena again, police aalll But. the poDee department Mid there .la no city ordinance aplnat rldlnf horMe a.lonl' tht• beach. Auto Hlh1 • Truck On N•wport Blvd. ' A tnlck bacldn1 out of a aervlc" , •t&l.lon on Newport Blvd., cause•. a eolllaloo with a car owned b \ ltdward J. Broolu, 3SO L. St., Sat- urday afternoon. FAIR 9UIEN HOPEFUL Pretty Terry Reich, 16-year-old Newport Harbor Union High School co-ed, is one of aeven queen C&J!didatea 'tor the Huntington Beach Community Fair, ·Jtrne 29 to July 4. Terry ia aponaored by Costa Mesa Veterana of Foreign Wan. Winner will take a $300 prize or a trip tor two to Mexico City. -Staff Photo ... Brooke wu drivinr norUi alont: the boulevard when he collldt'<I with the truck operated by RJch· ard Drant, 1"7 Miramar Dnve accordlnr to police report. Brooks reported minor damagu to the front of hla vehicle. Couch Destroyed by Rre, Home Saved · A ft.re at MOO Buahore Dr., wu dlacovered and eXUnllJ.lahed at 7 Lm., Saturday before major dam· are occurred. A couch, which caurht fiA fl'om a gu heater left on ovemtrht. wu dHtroyed. Firemen put out the blaze befor• It could IJ)read to tbe Ast of the home owned by Robert W. Cohen. GARDEN CENTER NURSERY (Next to All American Market) ' 3035 E. Coast Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR BUILDINGS FIXTURES NURSERY STOCK AZALEAS Reg. $3.00 IALI .98c •et· $1.25 SALi 49c SO.Ft. GARDEN KING PLASTIC SOAKER Reg. $4.50, SALE ... -............ .. PHILODENDRON SELLOUM 15" Plants ··--·-··--.. ·-·-·-··--"-'159 s21' ALL INDOOR PLANTS GREA n Y REDUCED EVERYTHING PRICED TO 'SELL SERVE YOURSELF CASH & CARRY - - \ IOI II · P-ROGRESS at Seln-Slnt1 111 for wont• and girls: Proof ••• it Pays to Shop at Sears and · SAVE ~ 1.00 Gird l• or Panty; step in atyle, whlt9 royon. S-M·l. . eo. lie 2.99 Shorty Gown Of Pajomoa; In cool pliaw, 9oy colon. 32·38. 1.11 1 . .50 Vol. loyol P'urple Nylons; bor•hMI ultra sheen, I prs. 3.75 1.49 Volue Twill P'.dol Pushen; .4 1tyle1, multi·itripea ond solidi. 7-14 ........................................... 1.00 1.19 Volu. Shorts f« girl11 .4 styles, SanfMlz.d cotton. 7·1"', lie 3.98 Squow Moct, w.dv-hMI Of' soft sole, oll leather .... 2.66 2.50 Vat. WOffteft'a Wolt.h, block, 9rMn, r.d, top cowhide, 1.00 for lloys and tots: 1.59 Volue Boy•' Wo1hfo1t Cabono Sett, 1-4 ... ..4c loy1' Auott.d Sunwitt, print or solid colors, Sonfori11d. 1 ·4 91c 2.29 Siu• O.nim Jeon1, zipper fly, tcipered leg. 6-16 .... 1.11 2.49 Putter Ponts, Sanfori11d, elostic woi1tbond, zip~r fly, 1.77 1.39 Volu. Swim Trunks, droW1lri11g ex skin tighh, -'·12 .. 99c 2.98 Child's ond lnfonh' Sondolt, mony 1tyles and colors, 1.99 79• 'ola Shim, cotton, rib knit neck. 1 ·6x ........ 2 for 99c for men: 24.75 Sport Coat plua 17.95 Slock, amort coots, flonnel slockt. loth for 33.77 2.99 Pvcbr.d Cotton Pojamoa, t0lid1 ond piped, •lo.atic wol1t. A·D •........•....... , ......................... 2.49 79e Vol. Cotton TH Shirts, rib knit crew neck, chest pocket, 39c 49c Vol. Oren Sacks, oastd. pottern1, aizea 10.12, 13, 4 prs. 1.00 3.69 Volue Putlw Twill Jocket, knit collor, cuffs ond wcilst, oll size• .......................................... 2.99 4.98 GobordiM Slacks, work, sport or leisure. Woiat 30-42, 3.11 3.98 Volue Denim Ponts, pleoted style. Blue°" toast, 30--'2 2.99 34.95 Sack Coots, au.de, 3 button, 3 patch pockets. 36-"6, 26.11 • I This is Sears Santa Ana's way of proving thelr leaderihipl Here ore but a few of the outstanding values you'll fi nd. Stop in, ... us tomorrow and shop until 9 p.m. Prices are in effect thru Sat· urday, May 28. for the home: 6.25 HouM 'oint, mildew J)foof, one coot coven ......... 901. 4.M 1.59 Spor Vorniah, heovy duty vornlsh, olcohol rasldont ........ 1.00 1.39 901. Wood TurpentiM, ateom distlll.d, thin• point ....•..... lie 74.95 Homort Dlaposer, you aove 15.07 nowt .•••.•....•••.•• St.II 129.9.5 Cabinet Sinka, 66-lnch, double boaln ond dtoln boord, 10t.ll 4.49 Drow Drapef'i•s, prinh, solids, choice of colof.. '8.S"'. . . . 1.66 ... 9.95 Volu. 'ortobl• lroV.,. ond lorbecues, with motOfs ..•.. 14.11 Enom.led $urlCK• Floot Cov~n9, thick baked-on wrlac.e rnlth ape*, atolnt ................................... : ........... 79. 38.94 Portobt. c-ler, 10·inch fon1 1/'1J H.,. motof. 9.ft. cord, plyt,' 12.11 7.50 to 8 . .50 5crffft Do«, eolvaniud meth; tcmd.d·pln. ~ ... .. 3.65 Rock Wool Botts, ospholt coated poper bock r•tllh ftre .... 2.99 1.79 l11loid Unol~m, apot, stain reslatont aurfoc• ...... sq. yd. 1.49 27.00 Shoo Ru9a, 1\4-ln. loopt, 4 d•corotin9 colon. 9x12 ft .... 1t.ll 4.98 Value Novelty lompt, milk gloss base, cut ruby ;lobe ...... I .II for the handyman: 18·pc. Drill Kit, 5 high bits, mewdriver ottochm9nl, atMI cote ... 19.M "'~·in. Jointer-Ploner, tolid steel cutter h.ad ................. 44..99 Crofhmon "100" Drill PrHa, tcible tilts 90° either way ... , .... 77.99 !·in. Bench Saw, 27x20-ln. semi·tleel toble ................. 76 ... 54.50 Storoge Cobi11et, card file, 2 file drowen, combinotion aof9 II.I• To-r StHI Files, two 5·in. comportmenta, A ta Z foldwa ....... 2.11 1.25 Volue Grou Sheora, sure oction coii spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71c Go1oline Engi11et, 114 H.P., 4·cycle, a ir-cooled. Oth.r 1iHe too .. H .11 27.95 Motors, i,; H.P., 1750 r.p.m., po-rful ond eftlcl.nt ..... 21.99 Moho9ony Plywood, \h36x72-inchet, hafldsome aurfoe9 ........ 1.2t for the sportsman: 13i>(. Spinning Kit, incl ud9i 6-ft. ;loss rod, 200 yds. of line 14.11 Sem i.Automotic Rifle, 4·power 1cope with built.in mount boM 35.11 21.50 Ice Che1t-Cooler, fiber gloss intulotio11, extension troy .. 17.99 9-pc. Spinning Kits, precision reel feotures automatic ,..,_ .. 10 II Heddon Spinning Kit, o borgoin ot thi1 pricel. .... , . . .. 11.tl Costing Roel ond Reel, sturdy ond o pleoture to use . . 3.11 Fomily Size Pool, eo1y to tel up. 18-ft. diometer x 36" deep. 1M.JO for the car: Allstote Mufflers, help prevent poww lou ............ 7.95 to t .95 Re;ulor 15.95 Plottic S.ot Coven, soran ploatk, 11inyf plaatlc trim, t .M Allatote 24 mo. lotteries, 45 h.avy duty power plates, 1M ..... l .tS • Allstate Engine•, rebuilt; high quolity ot o low price ......... 1 lt.tS • Oil Fil* Refill a, pocked to remove more dirt, ;rime ........... 2.25 • Exchance Price IOI at Sears Santa Ana -rt SEARS REVOL YING CHARGE ACCOUNT 1 ............... ,.,, Yow .... ., .... a ,..., ,,,,....,,, t o the 1tldr111 olio-.., , ... ·····-·· ...... ~ ......... . .,,.., s .. ,, c,.4;1 o • ., ....... ... l• lhio ••••· w:tlt;• 11 4ey• ofter 4ola of It.II. J.D _ _, ............. .. ,.... ........... , .• _ ....... , No. Sltt1,ly "''h , • ., ,.,.., .... 1., ,.,_ •• , ..... ....... .. •• '"• 1: ... a •' , .......... , ....................... ,..,~ ... , Yo• ,,. • ., .. • , c. '-• ' • •AY ,,...,...,,.. Y•• wi1lr. ie ..... 1 .... it • , ef ,.._,., ec.c.•••. fr•• .., 4.,.rt ........ '·''., ..... c:..a ........ '""'--' v ... Sitt1ply ,.. .. ,,..yew c-4 ••• .., .. , •• ,. .... le ... So••• 11••• I• .... L.A. ..... , .. ., ,1 ..... _.._ _ ...... " ....... _ , ........ .., ._..,, y., , ...... , ....... " -•••tit I e I Ii e t i I e 4 • .,.. ...... 1716 So. Main St., Santa AM __ J1l1phon1 Kl 2-3961 --