HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-30 - Newport Balboa Press... . . NaYy Takes Crew Races HARBOR WEA Tilf ER HARBOR T-per9turt'tl lbe put li''Hk I• IJM Harbor •~• •ett: Hip Low ' Tueeday , )fay 24 . 61 !IT Wed.nutl ay. May 2!1 .. 64 M Thur.day. May 26 .... 83 117 PRESS Friday. May 27 • • •• 67 118 Saturday. May ·28 .... 113 611 Sunds,y, ~tay 29 ·~·-6!1 !Ill Monday. May ao ~ ~ 63 1111 '8th YEAR -NUMBER 26 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, MAY 30, ~ PHONE HARBOR 1616 FlVE CENTS SecOn~ Time Stanford Surprise .Second Leaves Washington Third · By PHYLLIS J . .JACKSOS Navy's midahipmen captured the fillh annual Western Sprint Championship Saturday by a boat length to defend t he title they won last year. It was a thrilling finis h lo a day filled with action-packed racing. An estimated 25,000 per· aons lining both sides of the 2000 meter course cpecrcd the m 1rtrttei1 on. , 7 :03.3 and 'i O~:> for lht> I n•tuuvi \\'1u!oh1ngton pullrt1 out In front l'Cl.A l'dml' 1n Lh11d w11h 7:07.3 of :-;,l\'Y al the etiHl n ( the rar e anti th!' pirkle boat made up <>( for 8 ~h·ir~ g ... n l'llll :-la,·y 1V>On I Hllernate tMr«nll'n n( the \'Ill llllll!I "'"''" a hiHtlP for thl' 11'11<! WhPn ~· hnoll!I pullttl a 'i 0 3 tn brat \\'ll~hirisct"n rlrt1ppr1I to ~rrond Cal'll 'i .·11 l:I. 11pu1. "h•• (1>11ght 11 1111t with Stnn-RRITl:o.11 ('0 1.l'.\llUA \\I~ furd 11"'1" (nr l\llMI', l .. • . Antl~h ('olumhia nl~o t11flk th<' S • A!'IOFl)tll) S I Rl'tUSt:S \'1Hs11y t>l,:tht con;.,1lat111n nu·r "1th \\'Ith JOO )'lt.r••~ lo• J:O, :'lla\'Y a·~.i ll. Th• y Wt'r" follnwt•tl by pull,.,1 a boat lcng1h Hht·111I a nd t;~('. t;('LA a nd Ortgon Stal<'. Stanr .. rrl p111 t ht> ~t1111·1 7 .. "n \\'1tsh· luhn B. Kt>lly j,. an1I h111 g11•en ln~ton lo tak .. a •r11 pn1"' ll<'•·llnt1 hat wnn un f"\.IS)' twn·ll'nj;?th ,.ll· •ntl up!'el th" n111 tht>rn trt>w l<•ry ,,,., r Sluarl Law 111 the 1<in- v.·h11 h was fa vm eJ to 1)1\'t' N11\'y a i,:Jr11 rsrt-. B!!h•nd l..aw wall A ll1·n grn11I batllv. !-;m1lh nf ~PIHlll' T<'nrw1 L'l11h who N1•\'y'11 t irnt' WRll 6 11 5 w1 lh r11w"IJ In pl111e t1f H ui1s•·1n Al-Alfy St anford row1nf< " II I':' !l. \\'ash-who wall unabl" to entPr th" 1 fll'l'. ln11ton 1·amP In "1th 6 .11! 6 11nd Charle~ S Mrlntyr~ Jr w1111 fourth C11llfornra !lm,.h1·<1 fourth with anJ Rohcrt G. ="il'lsen fifth. Kt>lly'1 9 :n 7. La"t yeur Na1·y "o n With lime W\UI 8 29 3. e 29 9. Jn lhf Jttnior var111ty righta, Bnt111h t "olumbul ruwcl] ln a rous- ing frnli.h against Stanford with ,, rn t~e (1rsl preliminary J'llrl', UCLA '3 J unior Y11r1111y t'lght won O\'t•r Stanford a nd Orrg-on Slate. (Conllnut•d on l'ase 6) which nosed out Wublngton Huakies, iA shown trailing Navy Crew, for second place. In extreme left bac.kground a University of Callfomia crew which took fourth. -Staff Photo ... FINISH OF CllAllPS -Mighty Navy's v&r11ity eight, right, is flagged in a winner by official at right, a.a the Middies took Western Sprint Championship eecond year running. At left, foreground, Stanford's surprising c~ew . 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Crutcher Office Burglary Yields S500 to $10.500 TOD WHITE HERO OF SPORTS SAGA From bt'st miler In tht' Sun· set Leagi•I' to nallonal prep record holdH -that'• the sports saga hung up th11 aea· 11on by Newport Harbor Hlgh'a a cf distance ruMer, Tod White. Police tOday eought burtl&r1 minted by the United Stat" .. T rea · who took between '~ and $10,· aury Department. C rutchf'r 11111· !100 In currency and cOINI from covered the bur&'lary ye11terday. the Richard L. Crutcher of· Entry wa1 made through a rear flee, 3429 Coast H lchway Satur· wuhroom window. • 150,000--on Weekend Visit Here 1. Cras~es Reported Caused by Vacationing Throngs' 1 Fifty thou:_;and ''i!'ilors crowded the Harbor are& beach· es yrstrrday, midway in the Memorial I1Ay weekend, accord- 1 ing to Life Guar<i Captain Jack Jone~. With driulee forecut for tnday, hr di I not 1•1<pc•rt as many in the area. J111ws r>"I'"' t.·tl t" 11 Jlf'rl'O:is Ill!· I r .1111p or th,. arr hf'• nlmp yNter• 111!··11 I 1'"111 "'If t ~. ~1. r ti ·~ •ti H •I nY 1l11y \I, ti h R rRr 11r1vl'n h v \\'llllam Pn1n1 h .. :id1 an•l "n• ,,,,y,. s .1tur-,PutnArn Cht'ntry nt Ont.Arin, po- 1l11y at 1:.1111111< .t• I )\11r M111n 1t1·l' :;111<1. H"i.'h. T"dAy s w111 .. r 1/n•J"'rn\111 1• I ( rth N ., _ ,.. nPr wa11 gnong no on f'W· \\'811 6-., th\! Hlll'f hl!hl With ll Ill I I kl rt hl u ht •h I f"" t ,., . a 1,•r 111& ng a g g 1 np. 1 urn rrom th1• ramp. Ch··~ry told ACl'hlents b"h• '•'tl t11 br 1·uu11P'1 ~polH'f' ht wae going north on b1· hohJa~ t1111Hl,, 11\ the :-;,.\\J>Ort l"oa11t lfi,1:hw11y when the Lf'fner Hnt bm 11r«-a kt pl l••h• ,. h •~y o,·er , Ar <"llllll' up tht' ramp anlf madf a th!' ~h>n1or 1111 1 111~· \\• ••kt>ntl. ijtht hanit t um. Chenery aalt1 he I Thoonu W Ldrh•1, 31, of Loll An1tdes tangled ' on the 11outhc(llll (Cnntlnuf'd on ..... I ) \\'hite opened the tea.on u · a 4 :33 runner m the mile event on the Tar track team train· eJ by Co-Coac hea Ralph Reed and Don Burna. Saturday tn Lo:1 Angeles Mf'mOriAI Coll- ll!'Um. 11ile of the State Mfet, White &Pt a· new national prep recorrt ot 4 :20 flat. I For tull \lf't111l11, tum to Sports PagfJ. dey night. A coin collection la v&I· P olice aal'1 evidence ahowed the ued at $10,000 but m a y not have burg'lara may have attempted to been lakl'n. break into th e Newport Harbor Crulcher. we&ltby lnvutor , told ~Bank next to Utt Crulchl'r olflce. o!f1l·rr1 he know11 l !SOO ~rth Of I A acreen wu ripped from a a1ml· old·t YP" gold-back U. S. currenry l ler tran•Om·typr "'1ntlow but Iron la mill81ng. But, until Tuuday I bars on thr "1n'1ows App11renlly morning-when he can ch,ck his 1 prf'Vl'ntert entry. IPolice Probe 3 Burglaries bank 11alety deposit box he will I :\tany nf thr coln11 In l he cnllre· not know If the Sl 0.000 coin col· lion. lncludlnir the S21l gold pl<'l'"· Jectton 111 missing. rt . 1nchJ~r11 a wpre owni-'1 hy Crutcher'!! rather S20 g1,1M piece minted in 179, and and grnndrl\lhl'r, th~ llml' in thl' 111 11a111 t n be one nf thP flrl!l l'Vt'r ramily dRllng bi\\ k murt tlwln 100 TIO: ST.\RT OF Fl:'\AL RACE -Relati\·e po~ilion of fmalis ts 10 Saturday's Western 5;print ChampionRhip is e\'ident hrre as \'ar,-ity e1~hts started. From lefl. Stanford crr w. t.;ni\'ers1ty of California, t:ni,·ers1ty uf Washington and t:nitcd States Na\·al Acatlem~'. -:--taff Photo A r~h of burglarlea of local husme311 plagued local police ovt'r t hi' \\ l'Pkl•nt1. Robc1l Lowell, 416 Senlle A\•t of \\'ard and Harring ton Lumber t"omp11ny reported ltl police yes- trrda~· the firm's offh"<'ll were ran· 11t1cked. Xothlng Willi apparcnUy t8kt'n, accorrhng to t he r<'porl. Allred Draws Coast Guard Aids 2 Harbor Vessels Th~ , .. Alli 1;11 .... 1 :~~ ... !' ... " '" 101 1.2 year Rap '.;.~,. o:·:·~~tll••:.~,,.'7~~~'·111gn.l.'a~~~1 f~ • RPI:! \\l'I•' E~q1111. " (1sh111):' l10Bl ~A:"\TA >\:"A 104');:-; I r·. n· 011l It{ :":t'\\('"ft 0 ll lf t">I, o\f1d tl:"l."I" lltl\o' fll i•Hll [Plfll"< l"f l1111i;lfll\' p1l\\t•1• t1111 ... ·r 1-.,,.101rr nntl ruhben· .ind ai-M.rnlt \\'1lh 11 Ht•f't•: ~~ ~ho\\ i-: ... q111rf' fAdah~•t +I• 1illv ,,, .. 11j Ill ,,, rfl ~, 1-tll .. F1 '"·•Y th•• t"1111>1 U11:11.i ,11 6 .111 •-' HI. 111111 I to1 \\'illt1tni F Allred, :11, 11r l.11 ll W/111 -111 1•ping \\lllt'I All 1\\';dnn ( ,·, ~o>ntll , wrn ntl111 1tl• d t• 11 •117· 1a h·11gr hva\ "t'lll It• lite "' rn~ me the ht1tn" t•f II L1fln hit• 1'<111 - " 11111• • nf( C11ahn .. l11lan1I an·I pl" pu111p1"! ;:<1 irallol\I of w11t f'r frnm !'uprr1nr Court J mlj:'e J ohn ~hen the f111h1n!C" btlltl A l<>l&I ~·f Z~ t~l<I M irf"i. · Titt,.-,., Ottf' •-I +h..- pa~11l'nc1 rs wen• nhoard llll•:<l rlni.:1.1n1 ,.,, l.111 .. r.11 or thl' A 1.-•ng l!enr h « ·,,11,t GimroJ 111o:hh flf 1 h1 lr:·LI 1d11ril \•hi. h hn:- llpnlH·• ''II\ l1hl1I\ t .. 111 lhr :'\PW!'· Pre""· · 1-;"111111" "'aic 111•ver 111 """. lll!ii\11 .. F:S K 111.S A I' ti \I' 1r r .• . Thr 1 "'•'·qt G1111·.1 t"wttl F:xplnr· t r 1111 .. :'\""'I" 11 111111 .. 11 "tll'n J llil)(P l'hPt\ Pr.JP& Ptl 111:111 hr r ru11nl k11tn,.p1un1t. h."1u1• .. • +I .-\II· f t' I "•11 .10 •• n Hh"'1•lnt•~ t1 uun 1n1 """'"'" .: thl' • t.•'I lwokr '1rmn of 111 '""'. 8• 1·111d1111! t • J 11 tc• Thi' ~ .. n 11\111',_J-I \\O~ tlnftlnj.! ~h·' Hurµla•v tHrr1t·~ II\• , •• ,,'\o n~ftl l ti" h1 "'·•k'' ut••r \\ •~ h ,..l'< p~r. J ''' h!. ~., •1111 .., r o tJh•'I , .\I l\\" BREAK LOOSE Horse Killed by Automobile on Highway Jnvt'J1l1gat1on r11 .. rlo11el1 entry W<t.8 medt' by p1y111g up a double w1nclow from tho bot tom. t h e n ru.<"hmg through and unhK'king a I .tt .. >r. l'ohcs 11a1d & gum ball ma· .-hme Ill the OrflCl' WM ;1mm1e<I. the money rMlO\'P<I 1u1<1 gum balls ~1·a ltrred ov .. r the flovr. Two 1111· One hnr•P •liPd "' tnjurll'~ r"· MUt't'easful nltrmptll wne maclt t o 1 1•1\ •·•I l11!1t night whrn i;lrut I< hy rra1•k the safe by jtrnmymg . ofrl· a 1 11 Al t"<·A-1 High\\ d)" anti Or· ,.,.r,. l!Rlrl. 111c S1 "'"' anuth .. r h"r"". strur k A t the Grt"yhound Bue Station l>) a !>•, 0011 • ,1r (I\ i: m .nutes Ju· Pr. 'l"llrby. pohre were l•1tlled to 111- '~ J..-, ,.h~hlly 1nJUr1 d. _ vest1gate a burglary which nPttr<1 The tlrall hlll'lle was ownrd by lhe rulpn{ a bout 40 C'tl'IU lrt J 111l\' \\'11~ .. r 11( 21:: t ·1111, <n g: Shi-'httnJ:I'. 1-:ntry WM made by torr· a11d0 8Rrha1f\ 1111111. 7'.lll l 1·ri1111t 1n1e u re11r wmdow wllh IL pry bar. Hrgh\\'8)". O\\"n('r nt tilt' .. ,•rontl ' Thi" "ll"h <I rawer lo the orflcl' WllS hurs .. , toltl P"h'" th.-animal~ w••re tru <l'tl 1n lh!' 11a me manner, poll<"e pt~k· 'r•tl ;j lllll•·s 1nlan.J 1tn•I .;p-!llllil, In ortler lO jt<'L the ~mRll part·ntly hroki• 1 .. ,"' 111 t l .imP 1•h11ni:P An 11n!IUl'<'r1utful attempt du" n 111 th.-b .. a1 h \\RI! 111nt1 .. on thr pmhall ma«-hme. p 111 •l " 1 · •t r111 k hv " • 1r drn·t•n \\ h~·n Iii•' rir•t h•'r~·· trir·I lo ,t 1<1m1l11r burg lit rv \\'IUI lnvesll· «'r••l'S th•• bUH' hictmay 8, !I 30 g111rt1 h\' pnhr e al Orang!' Cour.1y ( C'nnllnuf'd on Pase 5) TOP .TAR All-American Rating for Reddington SrnMlional 11ophomore swim· ming 1<lRr of :'\Pwport H11rbor t;mon High Sl'hnol. Don R rddlng- tnn, hA11 bPl'n nllme<I an All·Am· eri.-an prrp swimmer. The honor wns rl'\'l'All"tl by Tar RWtm Coarh Al Irwin during tht> Thurl!day nti?hl Lank learn banquet In the Girl Scout House. RNlrtlngtnn won the rating In the 200 yRrd fret'11tyle event whll'h found the hefty rartdler twice hruklng" the Harbor High 11ehool rrcord and nabbing lhe C&llfor· nla CJF cbamplon11h1p in the evf'nt th111 !lelllon. Reddington lowered Ktn Bo.T .. n!infer"S 11ch0<1l mal'l< from 2 05 9 to 2 '04.!'i &nd finally to 2 ·04 .3. F"rom eight to 10 -prtp 1tar1 In earh evt'nt a.re 'nanwd All-AmH· lean In the national ra tmg1. Ir· win ~aJd Redd ington-would receive a rertlflc&te anll a jacket ln11lgna dt'l'll:nllflng the l'Wlm Oaah Ill! a m1•p1bcr of the 19:'>!1 A ll·Aml'ncan pr"p team. \VAii ll\ n~' 1nuHt"d1.t'•• d1H1~r-r Allrt•tl 1 Htl plt'iH!• d ~udly n n 11<>n~ nl••a1.t H .. p .. 1111 'h''"' 111 p •1111l1.'· ,,. ~ix t" t•l ~··n1~ hy Byt "~ r ~·,.\,.~ 4•1 :-:11Uth (;ntr.,------------------------------ -llw 1 111~!111 l"hh•'I.\ 1nd AJI\\' Award Troph •ies 1111· i.;1111° nq HI' br11k" tn'•• 111,. !•'• · .r r 1\ •·f ~t1 Hn t )S r"' A l•' t 11o ... , :•..?:• \' 1 I 1•111 -:-; •I I nl I .1 11 ~~·:·;:,·~. ~ ·~·l',,t;·llf'.~:::;1 1i:~· .:~0~~0~~~ I FFA Awards Presented at .•td" i-h•h· i.: m111 t h" rl·11r 11r l\n· .. ~}·tr 1il1 •f'•'J.t11d hy l t"'°'I T . in Conservat ion ·~.' ·,·'.. 1' t A' 11"'1( lh· .... , ·"· I:·;::~ ~.'.. ·~~i.,.:~:~ .. :1 \\'A~ ~1:11• I< hy ·Father-Son Banquet Here Day Angl ing 111• 11~. 11 n i:un t•• t tk• " \\ 1 "' a <.Ar .i: l'"fl "' \\ tlham :"\ Pnrk· l\\.t:.11 1111~ ~II:! 111 • 11 1•11 ,. 111·! ,.r· .. 1 1.nnJ: H"11h l\1rkt'1 '•I:rni:h· \\'1 th mort lhitn 275 per~ms m 1and projeet..Thry were a mong 22~ I $~11 Ill I 111 I •·I··· !-'•,, l I< I ' '111 • .. . ~\111110 I 'n r ,,, I '11 rko r I pR.~· Ill\ ""'hlnr P, 1 he th1rtl flnnulll Par-or 12,000 boy8 in the lllllll' LO rt'· NPWport Harh.i r• ,, ... , .. ,.1 .. 1·1.' 1dll· $.!1~11 ·"•'\\'J'•llt n °11h , .. ,.,l ._.,,.i;•rmll1"\'Rl ,1t•f t'l\'>•lf\hun1p 1'•·n1 andSn11 bllnquetnflht•New· l'l~IVl' th111 honor. Ba th WIUI not1· ln<lu"t 1 y \\'i'<lfl!'~dn\' I· i ~ '1hi;: •1t .. 11 · I,.• "• 1 • ' 1111m"""" .. ., t • ... hN11I. I"" t HR rhor C'hsptr r n r F'ulure f1f'd by Mr11. Margaret A very. Call· IU Rnn1181 ~···n~l'l\'ll'h 11 I " , • \1111 .. l .1"1·1111'1,..1 111 """" h1• -~'>1rmrr:< !'If An1<'r11'1\ v.'Q.~ held In fornla Slut!' Grange lecturer, that bra I inn 111 11 ,.,., .... , 1 "" ,., 1~ 1 .. i:":t""" hy 11 .. •t r;: )IJ • 11 • ., " ''IM Democrat Club 1 hi' 1 • .. n1mun1t \' :\tr1hc .. 1111t Church. h1~ t"nlrv m the N11t1onl\I G range 81111thfl n c .. 11r •. , n1.1 1n~I·,. I' :-1 .. ,.. •• I bl· I 1111 I .... i.1 .. I esa (" ....... :>l t'!'ll Th111 ~t1Ry. Th!' a!fa1r "~""Y l"~ntPllt rel't'l\0f'd thl"1 pl&c'e T rc,phtl'l' m '""' ,..11lt \\ll'rr I: 1fl. I I. Ill arm kn•" Kiili: ll•" ""·'i ' "It Meet Tomorrow ""'' 11ll !llrl1'<1 h\' both H111bor IU't!a 111 t hl' stale. Chl •~l ll\"Rt1nn:< \\t'rl' r r". f ": t'ol 1 ... ""I r· ur .... 1 • fl !hi' • •'I" • 0 1\1>1\'t rq ~rl'. Llora Hill of =--ev.·· Rol11nd \\0 right. m•nager of the S"ll'hrrn r11J1101 m11 ~pu1t:c1:r., lw h111 Alh .. I nt.•nll).."ol I n to.ol l.t>; '""tl M·•R fl•mocr111,c Club pnr'l l:l•lll h 11n·I Clair, :-;rlson of :-lewport Beac h hnu\Ch of Bank or )1 11~nr f11,r11 H tll Thr prP~•·IHR\1 .. 11-Ll.'I 1<11.J n .. 111' lllOH ~·,.fl .. \l'J ll 111'"1 )\n\' :ll 8 r rn Ill 178 t'oJ&ta )lei<a. AmPnca . pre11ented the bank'• cer· wrr1.,hrl.I tn :\e"pon l'1t 1 llRll 111'""'"' h" r11•1l 11 •111,.: 101 .. •~··· :\tn1i::111•11111\'t' ,.,,l'tl\)IP~A. 11 •111~~ t;rangt" MIU'trr Don Slums pre-t1f1l"llll' ot merit to \\'a.gconer. T"r trnph~· \\/Ill n1~:11 •l••1I ri-h·•· '1·11 "'11l1 11 •·1 \\111111111 f'Rll• I 1n l 'ru:n 1r.r l11i.:h ~··h•.,..,l, All 11,.rno· ~""~"'' G<'nP\\'A!ti:oMr. ltlS"RI C"hep·. Hugh B S.pringer,cuhlerof C011t& "'""'"· 11<'8 bal'I'. C-.J. l'rHlll\lf'r. h.1h· :t.1• J'l"•r•• 'ra!!I Al• 111\'lll'ol lo 11 tt<'n I 1 trr \'Ht'·f'll'i<ldt>nl. thl' C"n1<ta Meu Mua Bank. !lwarded the C~fnr· for ll J:ll\fll hull h.1,..• 1'·1 .. •' i "· :O.\\ '''' ( llA:\:\t.I, :--:,•w ,,(11,·,.1•. t lt'rlr•I a t th,. )IA\· t;rnri:" $1:10 11• hnlar11h1r fnr thP mil BankPn1' crrtttlcate. to FFA lf'11 Wi're r resen:,.,1 II J \"unnm0 • Alh•: '"'""' 111, •'·""'•'I h· · · ,, A .. h I h t p id l B b M·-· A ,. 1 a mP••I n• "ill bl' m , hai ~ .. Th•, ~"lllh i. 11\l~lanuinj:' tcnmpus • c ap l'r rea en o ...... n. )la m, 810 Go,nn.1 :-1 t' ,.,. '""1·n L111r> l•l• 1t11l lh·· Lt .. • I' ,,.1•8 o!un1: .. fiur yell.r!I In the 11narlll.l ouutandin( c1llunlh1p I I h 111• ShPllllln ll1tk"'' p•-,!•nt " r· )tl'KA. !ll'aba.·~; C' J r 1111m1 .. r hflh-11';'111 1 I t' 111rn1•• • n ",('" II '•'\\ •••• \ Hr ~.n-r·• r tl!Uf't' f"armn 8V.'6rd WAJI preaenl•d to Howard ,. ... rn Ht'" kn111n \II e·r' •ilrnt r r ..... b ut; L1tll11n Ftnk '"'II>. H~11r1 •. i. .... 1'"1'.1 ~ 11\ttr. )lrll [•al, U·•lt 1.,,,.1,.tan Mrll •lti:r•"" \,,.1,. pn"!ler.t "il to J r>f' Ar· Klng Jnr 11)11 11nl'l"lflah cooper9Uon •nd 1'1,n :\f\'\llt• t •• i n,i: !lrn,·n ,~1-1 1hr ddrn•l11nt Al•n 11.lm1ttr,11"b-1 11 { 1 1 J•I• 110 ... H ~t .. Cui·· l\nd frl•n .. -"'lp to hli f•Uow P"Uture .. t. \rnt ltia!'4 ..,.w!oi~r ll t".l.!IUI P1 Hf"\r· 1 "'' n .. If n "'I\_ " •• ,,. a ~ u.mi ,. lowlntl htn~ II ll11rbank !i.1""' ~1'11 p 11 n l II ; " . . ' • • .. •• • lllln or Or~n e for t heir hrlp and Ft.rn'ln·1. Pro "'rds from tht d·t't·r:ria futh· tre\fl ~rn·irf' In ~1111111 An11 1 ·•• n ~ inbClm, flllhlli "~ · An I 11\0 R ' ''' " I · · I c1 I •' l · t 1 R' I h \\' 11 lntt'rest In 111d1ng' accompllllhmenta HJOH POINT WINNER tni;: b\ 3;, boat~ frnm lhl' :\ewporl Allr1'\I a mothrr ~hol hl~ f11ther "' gll <'II 8 , 111 J:e, a r 11 ll o! Ll\e dub • Marb<•r l'lpnrt Fi11htnR A1U111•<"l11t1nn to dt'll lh 11n11 tht'n kllll'd hrr~l'lf 11n r1 f'rf'tl \\ '''''"· · A ctivity award.a went to the lO wrn M donlltl".t Ocf'an f"1!'hin1: "hrn th .. dl'(t O lanl \\A• fl ~r<tlnj!·I GET f'ARMER DltOR'Eltl boy• Who achieved the snate•l Prottttlon AMOC"lat1.in f"r lri;it~la · •t,.r 11rr"r llnit tn a pr11bat1"n r,.· Lil CrMC'l'nla. \C"ll ~ lmpllulffi In St&tf Farmf'r dl'f(reea wenL to a ccompllt1hml'nll durtns the paat Uve work IQ pn1tet l Cahro1 m a! I'<'' t :i" I. • l •l• r11Jl'" hy Alirl'd. Ht W11i:iiont>r llnd Jim Bath fo~r lcllool 7e&r. The t o p trio receivtd rune ll.IAin( lndu.ttry. L U\<:uln A. Shermk, ~-iJ!o of I.a a w&1Uni; lOW't ptuceN IJ\i · out..stan<Un1 lta4.nb.lp, .ch<> p (0-~ -r• I ) ---·~·-·----­. -·------~ ------- years, he MBt1I. Al~o po!l.qibly among n11i1;o1n~ lll.'m!I are his wlf<.>'11 11aturollzat111n paprr!l, Cnitt hP r toltJ p<ih.re. Ofru·er Robert Brurk lf' "Iv• contlurtfd early lnvrst1J:lll1nn 11f the huq 1;l11ry, notoo proru .. 1· lht· •' m11tl'lws throughout th<! offu •'• odjo1n1111t" Crutrhrr Ii. Althoui;h th" oth<>r rooms In the building Wt'rt' enterf'•I. nothing wa11 LR J< .. n rt rt Pr burgh1n1 to1c1>ll 1·arlou11 desk 1trnw· ers. Many Mexlc1rn rurrrncy <lrnnm· ln11t11>r:11 werp 11c11llfrl'<I O\'••r Crut- chrr I' n(flr" noor but none 8 pp.H· enllr WRS takl'n Al .. n unt11mhrd wa1° a batl'h of nnn-nrflot111bll• mo rtgagu 11nd nole11 t ntllhng about a half m11!1on dollars, C"rut - cher t<lld pulke. The firm's bn ntL'I were 1111f,. In " lot·al h11nk v1111 ll. The coin collf'C'tlnn w all 1101 In· !!Ured, he H id, otldinJ; ft'" fOlkll In thA! area even kn ew hf' poi111t'11~· ed It. .. -~.-nuua.An THAil., -R. L. Crutcher, local invest anJ Offic:1:r H.obrrt Brock1C' chN•k disarray of Crutcher'a belonging!-! wh1 rh Wl're strt•wn on desk and floor In bur- glary which Crutrher discovered yesterday. morning. -Staff Photo FOR OCTST~~DISG ACCOMPLISIOH:~T -Grange ~1;1~t r·r I >on . teaml'4 pr~nt.s the Costa Mesa Grange $15-0 scholaN1h1p t ll ( ;erw Waggonc•r, ldt, fo r hill 11ulRtanrlin~ work during the past four years with the ;-\r wport Harb1.r H1~h ~1·h(){)I FF A chapter. The presentation took place Thurf!day during the thmJ anou:\I l'a1ent and Son Jkn· quet o! the local Future Fanners. -Bob ~leycrs l'hc.ito ,. , ~-------~ . -=--..,..--,.,-~-------- ··~rarkllRm ~on t3orn :\! , ... ., ,,. • '"'' ·1~1 h ~··· k· h. I ,., \\11•.•ll ~I . 1·~·· ''' '·'· ' 1.. , I 1 ~··n \\ t1.:hl ': 1. r.1 •'l , 1 :\Ill\ :•\ tn Santi\ \ 1 l 'un111 111111 ' ltu11r11 itl WAVES SPECIAL ('om111"'" $ 7so 10.ou a•rnnan1•11t • Two Op<'rators - To St-n·e You H O RACE ENS IGN P-TA installed officers fo r coming year . Above. left t o right are ~Imes. Joseph Nickertz, treasurer: J 11hn Haas, sl'.'co111l \'tc·c-president; J oseph C arver, p resident; Rich ard Lilienthal, parliamentarian and out-going president: 0 . W. Richard, recording sec- retary; Charles Hansen, corr esponding secretary. J OB'S DAUGHTERS MOTHERS' Club installed o fficer s at a luneht•<1n in Capistrano Beachcombers' Club. Left t o right are Mrs. Paul Cooper sc·crl'tary: Mrs. Ernest Crain, president. receiving gavel from Mrs. Ralph H err, outgoing pr<'s1d€'11t : and I.he rw w vil'e president. Mrs. Lovell Knox of Corona del Mar. Other thre<? are f rom Costa ~fel'a. -Terry Bo ria Photo Open Tues, May 31 at New location 357 Newport Blvd. Cro~sronds \'Lllage Llbcrty 8·2H2 Mrs. Joseph Carver i~ President BETHEL MOTHERS' CLUB INSTALLS AT LUNCHEON Gllen ~ Beau I y S/, op of Horace Ensigp School P-TA Unit N Ch . nea.n Marie Howu of Orange ahe aaJd, "And cauae and motive Announces e\V airmen Cout College, her aubject "Teach-a.re much more lmporta.nt Ulan the Mrs. Crain Takes Office for Six Months Term 1ng the Adoleacent.'' She ga.ve the a.ctlon lleelf. She outlined five Fo r Com. 1"ng School Year young boy'a definition of the eub-a.tUludes towa.rd the teen-acer Ject matter. "Adoleacence ls a under tbe heading of "acceptance, )Ir:;. J,,si·J•h l'.ir"~" \\.ts in~talll'li us president of the 41arue we go throurh; It Is hard confidence. permleslvenue. em- Newly elected o~i~ of the M others' Club of Costa Me.sa Bethel, Job's Daughters, were ins t alled at a noon luncheol'l held at the Beachcomber's Club at Capistrano I Beac h. H eading the group of officers is Mrs. Ernest C rain, president, a.ssisted by Mrs. Lovell Knox, first vice-president; M r11. J a ck Harris, secretary; and Mrs. Paul Cooper, treasurer. , • • . " 'ln WI a.nd hard on our pannts, palhy, a.nd a non-judge a ttitude," H o ra1 l' J·.11:-1;.:n l ';111·nt· fl·!tdwr At'Sll('tatum for the 19;:i5 <to but we live t.hrough It!" a.nd 11uggeated a motto on lhe wall, 1!156 tc·rm nt a cc•n •n1<111y rwld :lt llor:icc Ensign School. Mrs. 1 BOOK OS PARJ'.:STS "This too shall pa.ea." R oh<'rt. \\':ill:H·<· mdurlHl~ offi<·t>r. uame<l fi\'C objecli,·es of Dean Howea felt that the great-.Mrs. Joe .Cuala'a Girl Scout • .' . . Pr need wu a book for parents on Troop posted the colors and led the J'\~twnal l 1111gr,•ss of P a rents and Teac hers as basis how a•lults 11hould a<'l wh!IP th~lr in the nag salute and Mrs. Claudc of the C('rt ·m111n·. ='l'a l l'ol were t h<' nc•w prPsidc nt and her rh1h.lrl'n are going through t hi>< Walker read the in11plratlonal h<>.1rol, ~ru ... f't•rr'.·r ~ 11, ,,11r 1 11 ~1 , 1•,un~lur 11n•I 1'n1111 ,·11urt11n.1tror; pl'tlod. "Bt>havlor 111 a 11ymplom,'' prayer. The ~Urlng preaident, M111., Swartz. put deputy gra.nd a-uard· Ralph Ht>rr, wa11 commended tor 1an. Job'3 Oaughll'rs: ~f111 Ol'llll Snuth, pnst gunrohan of Belhrl her •uccessful term and pre~nle<l 1~7• an.I Mrs. Rl'"C Alhrii:ht. till!· "''•' I''"''"'' 111. r ·l1n JI ... ~ :--• 'und .\f,.,.,, ~lr1H.':-C !')i dn• ,-Cavn,,r, ruon1 \lt tl fll• ~1•h··1 1 . 11 \\ l:1ol1. •·I io 11 .. ._.,·ntutn", 1•11.h J. Ha "in· 1 .. 1.i111,.; ,..,.,.1a1 .\, ('lt-;-ri.~ l1 1n-·1•or.1l111nal: a11y •·lling • .,p11rc•'ll IC•·n. Cf•FH'!'oltttntl11u.: ... fl."' . .J, ..... 1•d tll llt•U\ ilOd puhhC":t1htO~: \\"11· o>ph · Xwkl't7, 111·11"''" 1•1. ,\. llurr 1 ham Tcibttt :\'.l'wsellr: RQb<-1 l \\'al· \\'hlle. l11stm 111n ll n ii l!lrhard la1·e. f'lnl l><'frni<e. H . PhPlp11 Llh1•n1hrd. parhr1111•·nt.1111111 :\l..rltk• I. JU\'""''" protC'1 uon: Mor· NEWPORT HARl30R a rhint'8tone necklace and earring!! 11-irt d!'puty 1trnnd KUal"\han. by the croup, Wllh Mn. Craln Dale Of lhl' Jllnl' met'ting Wiil! making the presentation. sec for June 22. i 30 p. m al thl' The tables were adornfii with home of ~frs. 01 by An1ln1mn, 21 Ml TlL~lm Ave.. Co11la .Mf'H . <:o· mixed bouquets of !lowers and the I hnslessu will be Mmel!. ~f11lon offlrera wore rorllagu made by Stellar anrl Leonard Robel!On. ~trs. H11rrl11. I Thol!e in a llenrtancl' a t thr In· ~I rs. L1llo·11llrnl, 1111tg<1111j;' p1 l'!ll·1 ~an F 1tz"'\1ler. l•')O>Jla lion; l.,(>11ter d Pnt, prl'Sl'lllP•I Mr ' l '••f''•'1 with S1rnth, nu•lto \'111111.ll anJ motion t ho ga"el. ~11 " 1·n1v1·r In t11m p11ture; Harwy Som1r:<. counte11y ~l\\'1' ,\!rs. 1.111,•nthnl l hl' pnsl p1 1'11-:ind C'luu<l1• \\'alk<•r, reading and Nt'W chairmen appointed wrre; stallallon Wl're Mlllf'll, Crain. Knux, llerberl Jnck!lon. R<•hert F SpPth. Mrs. C. Urby Andei·son, publlcil \'; I IArr:r Jlill1nrd, \\'Riter Burro,ui:hs, Mrs. Herr, tnweling basket: tele· \\'illrs SAnger. Cl!'nn nysnrl. Roy phone t•omm1ttee11wn. art' ~lmrs. :11ann. Bob Chnmbet laln. J1lrold M1ltrm St.-llar . .J\ L. Robeson. l:eest", Anderson. Cy Tucker, 0. Julie :-.:nplt.,1, Rnlph Herr, and F:. \\'hill', Robeson. N. H. [:;dkins. \Jf'r:llcl D1wis. ~;. V. Ragnn. Fr"d i:;,,·111tz. Krn- Id• nl's pin. ltbrnry. Atlt; f'llAllt~tt:X Speaker for th" evening WIUI MRS . WINIFRED BARBRE, W o m e n's Editor :\cw <IH111·nw11 r11r lllf' rom1n~ )"'RI' W•·rc llllf llll!H'l'tl "" M111e11. I Fun at Annapolis ;\hins :-.: .. w1t111.i. 111l 11nol pwt\t'rl<. I Normnn W&lt1<on. Foun•l('r·,. Ult\' Mrs. llay Langenheim lt'ft th1e ftn•I ,.111hl"tll". ~l "I ll"l I\'. hull{(' l'O(l or la..•l Wt>ek for Annapol R, 111111 f .11,,11.,.. I· rt d \\ ,,.,.11, ,;, th. hto:<·, M•I .. lo visit son John at. lhe U. S. J•it •hi,. , ""I Ba 111,,1: 11 .1g-,i7.int·~. :'\.H·111 Aca•fl'm)'. She will bt' gone PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY , MAY 30, 1955 llonorl'fl i;11es1s Wt're M r!<. Frt'd neth J ohnllnn, ('lifforll l..t·wlic, .. ;,1. wflnl Hob('!, F:lll1< Porter. Millon J •• ••n:tr•f t :1 tt\• <i 11111 ., t ;,•nrJ:'' ~lt•h.111.t . l"1hh 1l \, 1(.,1,,11 \\'.ol· J;u1•. l ••·1114J t.HMk .lt r l0:l~JIA. l 11rn~purtHtwn . II l •111w<ontl Yn11n11. """" 1111.f 111o .ln~ .I01hl1 Ho\'tl, \\'o lfa11• \\' I• llll •: ·'·"•11, Mrs. Max Pope Heads Wanikis twu w1•eks and will be chaperone '" RIX girls and lhetr mld~h1pm•'n r•ror-t:i. On tht' way home shl' will ,.,~11 in ''lrglnla. PAUL BUTLER CHAIRMAN OF LIDO SHIPWRECK BALL Mills Senior Walks Through $tPllor, Dean Smllh, Cooper. a n<l l lur. Card Party Slated for Star bright T'nul T. Rullt>r or 101 Y1a San Remo has bem namrd as Daisy Ring A J une 2 card party w11s ph1n- I P "d I h { 'l .. Sh k n-11 h L.. l I 001•1•• Qbando·no·• lho1r trad1· nPd whrn mrmbe1a or S111rh11J:ht I s res1 ent #(l'nl'r8 I a11mRJl o lh" I,.>»• 1pwrec .,., • l I' 1110 "" n an • ~u ~ C'lubof Harbor~l11r('hopt.·r,OES family caml\·al and dant•• which was the b1.6 !'Ucce11s fl( lasl l tonall)' silent roh's la!'l wet'kPnd held & lunchl'on 11,.~,.ion ~Illy l8 m I d 1111mnwr. An•I fl(CUrt'd In lht' rnmftlll1c tl1:s-lodge rooms abovr C-n~la Mf'~a Of High an ers <'IO~Un'S of rranrrll Knrubuhl ... r Il11nk. Time (J( the party \\ 0 l:l 30 • Spon~or.-.1 by lhe <l1rector11 or Lido Isle A!!!!OCIHllUn, the Bnlb"I\ l•IJn•I 11n I 23 other ~l tlls I )frs Don J\·r!I Look 0 , • .,r rtut1,.5 ev('nl \\'Ill a#(run ht-• t·nlued around tht' t·lubh"u~ .. 11nJ trnnis I Cull• l!I' tll'n1?1 :i. )!Ills 11ppc·r .. C'la:s-I P ~irs. Mrlwood Br rry pi ,,1111lrd a t U'i , 11:11rnian or lhe• frlft!Jlandt'rS ('nuns with l'\'ent& und boolhs tu et11·a r t youngest ant1 olt1f'11l men. "bMnmg th". lfnl<'·honn1ed the busineu ~"~111,,n l.Unlhl on "1111 :\lu~ ~l:i-c l'ur r \\,111 n111iw•f \\l11n ~he 1•nt<'1tam<'ll mcinbl'rs re-p1uti<'1pnnl:i. Th" boartl n-.kNl lh" house r1.1mmttll't' lu 11ppmnt Oakland campu11 Daisy R1og Ct're· 1ser\'rl1 tn !l 111, 11 hPt < bv 11 , .,111• rrrl'l•lf'nl or \\ 11111kll'I "tw11 lit•• 'rnt Iv al hrr hnmr. ~22 Ahsn Alie. · tfie grne1111 d101rman IU members ot lh8l commillee wert m"ny. J11m 1.,•J th11mch a garlanJed ml'lrl' rnnipu~r•I "( ~t mr'• Hllr«ld 1\1\"ll of K1wnnH1ll!< 11•rt ;\h\' :!'• ~!11< P.••llerl Td.mlnw:1\ce Wal'! rr· 1 Sl'tl\'(' in la!!l year's dame. hnnp of th1• while flowf'rl to hf'ntl•I Ftnk. B. $. I.. F'l,.llalt'. ll•ih.-il nt th,. hnml' <•f :\lrl'I. llan ~· A~h· tl1111g •h:11nnrrn llo1<lc!IS •lutlrsl l or •r • Annf'llnrr lhei.r betrothRI!! H..r1 le1~on. F1·llnl) ~l.1yf11•ld l';1t Inn . .!!lS Laurel Pl!HP, , . .,,.111 !\f,.sa. Wt'I<' 1<har<'ol liy ~!rs. L . J. Atrhl· The dllte hM not been St't, bill 1t will br near mld·1mmmer. an•I m:u ·nai;r> t Smith Anfl :\tt -~ C'ii"I F lllk ...,., lll :-:rrving wllh h"r '"" '"' ~1!11 I s11n B11lll'r wlll name his eon1m1ltees and their rhnlrmt'n. AlthnuJ?h f ru.ncetr en1;11i;emrn mrelini.: "' St 11 hni;:hl wdl Tl•· 011 \'rrnnn l\orp,o•I. \'1<•' pn~i•lf'rrt; Thi' question of exlrn•llng mf'm· -----------------------------tn HnbM'l Opellr nr Lns Angrh"A jJunc );'\. I ;\Ii i. ·'.i"'k :"\··l•nn, ,.,.,.11,tnl,\' anol I hp1J1lnp wos .t11<r. u:111.-.i. a(lr l'Warol l has already bt'en nunnun•·»d by brr 1 ;::========-======; !\trl' .. r.1111·11 '""1 ""k··· •1r11:<11r.-r. !'11mhn \\'ll!< r1:1\1·.1 \\·1•11 l"P ,.,.,.re., Harbor Wo111en Honored rnrl'nt11. Mr. 11nrt Mr!<. s .. n1amm :llrq 1:1'10ll:" Stl;lk"I' p11•:<1olt•ol h· lol b\' ;\lltl!'!I ,,,,,.k c;r\'<'I, llr1hrrt ... F . Knt'ubuhl nf ~\II Sapphlll' A\'r,. I l'lnnrw•I 1,.1. s1111.i11~" .11111 .. ::t 111 I Shrr•<', l\r1th 1t1111r1. rar I Arthof!'r. all rngai.:•·rt nhnd ..!'.'1"rr'R"'11 ,.,~lnri1 J"ewe{,.'J a Fi<l hrr• 1•11\' l'l<nll' In ('•1:<!'1 an•t l'on An·ll'P\\'!L b L 1 s • lrlkl' pllrl In l 'Utt :<y ni:; rrr· ;\l·'~I\ Pn1k. t h.-1111'1111 R r11 .. ol '.\Ir!! Cl\•lf' t:r<'h<", 2:1fll Azurr y ega ecretar1es mnny. 1 hl!'krn I'"' I ,, k Jn•:.111111 11111 of ~I. Cm11n. ;lln~a. w1111 a nno11n<'ed (, T ht• futurr b11dr ill majuring In new ofr11 , r• 11 "" 1111 ,1111:•· I '"' ni< nr'l ho!'' I'••. p1<yl'holn~y a l Mill:<. At'll\'i' tn stu-nnun ,,r Jun" ~"\ 111 ·"""·" I• , . .,f . l lth<'r~ f'l'-'~r.11 w<>rP :llmrs. Two lla1bor 11rca womt"n ho)IJ I San Bernardino. vlr& p1e11lfl,.nt: ilrnl t1ffiltr!4. i<hP wRll 11n tho> ,.t.,er-nffu:e .in l...e~nl S<•t rl'l.nncs Inc. oC Mrs. Kalhryn \\'r1ghl •if R 1< h· h I'· ... f, r ~h"I' ,,,.. "h Ho•hrn:<on. 1;,.,.,1:1' !'ll••\'rns. Ing l'llmmmill••(' of .l 1• :i ..... ", n y 'Jeo,.'Je Handmade <:ahforruo. :-1 111. \\ 1l111J111 F . llPckl'r mond. PXl'f'llll\'f' !4l'<'1N111y 11n1I ,... r 1 I'• .... ,111.i , 11 1,: .. , ,,,, J•I• l•··I 1:11 11 1 • ,,1111. l.11• 111,. :-:m1lh an•I \\'orlrl Affair:< 'on "r• flt'<'. an1 nf Udo Jlol{' 0111.1 :"orlh Hollywoofl :111:1. )!1lton A\•tla, Soda :-prtnR ~ h I h Alt 0 i I I •1 , 1 1" \\ 11~11!11 1 ·111111• .. n. holtls m• n1.,er11 1p11 n t "' :ir Contrm1wrar,\· r ~ n a" hll\ mit ul'en rMlalle,I M pre1111Jenl trPe.S11rer. · ~1 b Tht \I • .\ t •• ;o-t '._11 I .. , .. ..; 1 I 1• '•• I ,. '. '.\1 11 I I I "' I • "I ''lJ't .. 1 u •!h' I( 11 f I \ 11 1:. ' \\ 1 I \I 1 I Tiit: O IH• \-.: \ Ol C \ '\ 1'1. \\ AT ()'\( t.: HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN The Wholf' f·amlly C'An Play It \\ lthQut l .cnuns! Come In and Prove It to Younelf "'• aJM La'1te you In rom~ Ill ._. try the new Hammond Sp&.et Ors--.Sow Af"&tla blt nl lho t "<'t•nl run\ enll1•n In San A c liat 1~r wa• grant•" t o .!.tarin Guilrt !Intl thr :-.Pwman < u 1 t '.!~ • ~!Ith l'lal'f• 111 H..tm .. nl l'l•·r < ~ " rrll~(ll'l'tl\'l' hPno •fl< l l!I 8 j!tR• 118 f' 111.-go Shi• uppmntc-tl :.trs. John County g1 011p. making 33 aJf1ltate ''' L'Cl.A. 11nd 111 now 1n bustncu-G uests Hosted by H arl1nans l'lilltl or ~C\\ porl D~arh an I l,11s a.:sso~ 111 the atilt('. A dt n· ln 1..nio A nf:'"hs ..... , Anl(elo>I' 1111 •·nrrt'jlpon<iini; i1ecTe· tal tund was establlllhed fl'lr G11 1.~· Prtll< nt ph•n!' of t hP ~w1111t r1111· :ai ,. 11nJ ~lri.. llui.:h L'Otl\\ ay. San Town 111 Arhngtnn. H11kt'ri;11eld pie call (M a f'l"Cemb,.r wrtlo!tnf.! Fr.on1 l!tro. 11 ~ J1lll li:lmrnllu inn wa.s 11eli•cted s11 slle for 1he 19~8 ThPy w ill mnk·· lhPlr !ulure h••me ~I t " 1;,...1i;1.t l.l\'ln~~tnn. P.0111'1-~fra. Hecker la & charter mem-con,·ent1on. In Loll An1tl'l•'!I. , r 1 • 1, 1 t'llll nr i Ju me ~RI oiroll\y ber and a put prtslc1ent or the I ~===========================:; l\!t• r n l\\u·i\!'rk n."t wllh .Mr.11/ls Angeln L<'g11I Secretaries ... .in I ~1 1 ,. ~:•n•~· K JIArtnrnn o! Asllociation. Other eltCltrt otrl· 1 BALTZ MORTUARIES I;! ... \\ HCo\' ,\\ ,. Tl11q Wllll !\!rs. CPrS are Ml111 Marga.rel \\'olf( of f.l\in1:,tnn" 111i:t ,·151t to ~he Har-COSTA MESA CHAPF:L CHAPb:L BY THE SEA t I .li 41 Superior Avt>nuc 3:'.>20 E . <.:011.1\l Bl,·d. ... ~~:~<·r;,3,.\ wrd<-rn•I thP Jfart-Son for Thaynes co~ta .Mr51.l, Cnhf. Corona dt•I Mar. Calif. ma nq ent "" 11n1 •I ~Ir. 111111 ~I rs. It was 8 bouncing boy for .Mr P hone Llberly 8-2121 Ph on fl lln1 bor 42 J'1'.1llop 1· .. .-11n .Ir ... r snn G11bril'I, and M ~i1 Rlrhar_d Tha)·ne. Jo:·~========:====================~ .t.;u~h:. r 11n.t l<•Hl·ln·l:i•\' of Mr. j Monte \ lela St .. l Qllta Mesa, bonj ;.-- irnd ~ll!<. llnrlmnn. Tht>y wrre May 26 In Sa.nla Ana h011p1tal. 11,, ,,,111,ank.t 11,. tht'ir <'hlldrCll. He tipped the acale• at 9 lbs l '1111~111111 t' 1111•1 To'd l O:t. I I • \\ E \\'ILJ. AOJl'ST A="D OIL ,\:"Y :\1,\1\F. ~F.WI NO ~tACHlXG A="Y PL,\l'~: I:'\ ORANGE COUNTY Call Kl FREE .. I WHEELER APPLIANCE CO. \'our \\ hll~ • 11 \tctn ' 1 '' 1 ••IC "" ,,, , Ora111t" <'oonty At"'TffORIZl:~ DEALER for t·rN"-\\ tttlnrbouN a.nd \'tcori!U Se•iaa MachlnH S 10 E. 6th St. -Santa Ana I. PARIS TRAINED FASHION DESIGNER !., T eaches dress designing. L earn fnr your Career o r own use. Small groups o r intli\'ldual le<lching. For Informatio n Call - fn r Madame Fenyo HYatt 4-7203 BEAUTY BAZAAR 104 Tustin Ave. Newport Beach Liberty 8-5212 , HARRIET and \"IRGl~IA Lon~ 144-aC"h, ('1ltif. Open Sundays ~n1 TOASTER Rarh:ml Crrnlrnl I:•' e• vM1 the samr un1f••lln I• :i t whc:hcr llr< .od if rrc 11•r1 , r frc&h. ryr • r " . ·r t', •k or ·t '1 l\f''V •I ~•· 1111~<' frnM f.r~T tn '"' lh< $lll'T f' goltlcn er•' ~r l ' er) lln e au1nrna11cal~y s27so A COMPLETE SERVICE FOR THE · HARD OF HEARING Aft..r many yl'al'll of brlplni: thuu....nd• of llf'C'lllW Cl'l twtt..r hParlui:. "" ro·1·ol(nh .1• lha l •:\'F:R\' ( A~t: 11'4 Ult'1-"t:Kf:ST. t:~h c•i.u.e .i .. mandJ "J:H"dal a.nal~·Ah•, and many tlm"• a d.lffl'f'f'ftt mak" of h .. arlng aid. To 1th:,. you th .. hl".arlni: you n...,..I an1I d .. .,..n,., "'" ~ l'Xpandlnl( b~· ln-.111llln1t th.-"""""t and lin<·,.1 t1"11Un1t .-qulpm .. nt m on•·y ran hu~-. and altoo.•klna: M'\ "'"' Of "'" tw ... t bf'arlJla-&Ida on thr mar kt' I. t:, .-n If ~ "" ar,. "l'arlnc a """" IH-ar1nc aid now, rom,. In fol' a ,,,... "'amlnatlo11__...... ho\\ mu<'b Bl':Tl'T.K 3 ou <'IUl bt•ar \\lib this 1·11mpll'te ht-arlng anlllyalll. ~t•I l)nly \\Ill \\'I' 1th'f' ~ ou brtl!'r hf'arlnJt, but ~·ou wlll &A\f' man\' dnlhu·,._::;m \'our ht'a rlnir uld. on haltnl•"fl and <'Ord•. a.nd un ;,.,,air... :-;,.,. ,;ur full t nul"l"I or hl'arln1ot al•I for &..• low a11 f49.~0. H<·luw '" a u .. t or our In\\, low bal tr ry prl1•r1'. All Battuies GuarantN>d F rt•lilh I: Full Powf'r RAT'J't:K\' ~t:~rnt:K ~IA:-; 1 't'A<~rt ' ttt:t<·~ sn;<;t:l"Tt:o a•t<a<'t: OUR PRICE RMI RM3 RM4 RMl2 RM502 RM625 504-E 505-E 506-E 507-E 411 -E 412-E 413-E .3 8 ----.53 ----.68 ---- --- --- .80 .70 .32 1.00 1.25 1.60 1.40 .95 1.25 I.SO ----.30 -----.40 -----.55 -----.65 .55 .25 -----.75 ----.85 ----1.25 ----.95 .65 .85 1.00 \d•I tor p•·r d"llnr fnr m11illnt: nn.' "h,,.rt• CORDS FOR ALL MAKES $1 .50 H. Dale Rather HEARING AID SPECIALIST "Tiit: BEST ror Lt:SS for thP H ard of Hl•arlnK" X119 :'\. '.\lain ~ ~ JjiiiliM111 COffEEMASTER It's i!ll' ·• i11r -)' 1 ,;1nt ,,... • A 11 ~ Ii .... ,. ' 'f '\ u ••. y. • •'" ~ • :. ,. "'• t It !nri:• • 1" ~r .. · 'IT " 1,. r. rntTPP 1 •I r • 11,·s• ·s t•• ktt!J criffl'e hr t $ 3 7 SO St.Ulla Ana Kl 2-!l.5l0 Give Green Stamps \ ~11 f:/) l·J-.,'~ \ I• I 1 l\ ·~ J}iiibetim MIXMASTER I ' ' , I ·'· r,l l,.11l•r1 1 r,• r. t >h"r (I : ,I ., .,.., •• f t , • Ctf' • ·' r, •• 1" , · .• I I '• 1' ""~. ,., ·, , ,.. , 1 •., r· x.ng . DANZ-SCHMIDT Specializing in Ind ivi dual Hair Styling Permanents - Tinh \\E ('\HRl' C O~Pl..t:Tt: l.l~t: Ot' :-.1 X-Uf'. o\ \I Gl!1'"r "'l•I n s451s Al'l'l.I \:'\( t.-. •no ru~o a OR•1 '" ,..ToRt HNMl•nartl'l'll '''' All ~l o<lrl• Rammcind Or1a n• ti. I t .ll II' !\!O ''" 'l,11n , \11• Al Forgit Hardware LOCKERS -$i.';S.yr. 'I I I I ~l't:< UL -Lo("kPrs 'app. 1~ lb.) 2205 W. Balboa llvd., Newport Beach Phone ·wt. t I \Tl lff "'t t.t:c TF.O PRIME .. , .. I '11111 I , .. ,,, 11'<. 'U•l h .. I "\\l'lll:T lff\(11 fla;h<ir 011" L-.-· .. ·-~-··~---··...,.;_·-······-"'·······------·------·--, &.;;;-· ----=---------===• ---------··--- Llbert.y 8-5212 104 Tustin A\·e. ..... -' • J NEW REGENT OF COL. WILLIAM C ABELL Chapter. DAR. Mrs. Wilham B. Tnlt. center. is receiving at right her e mblem of o ffirc fro m ~l rs. Charles Boardman. in~lnl­ li,p_g officer and organ izing r egent : whale at k ft ~I rs. A lb<' rt S tut'klon. rl'l 1n nJ! n·~t·nt , is ready to hand o\'er gavel. Cer em onies took place at Newport Harb111· Y al·ht Club. -Staff Phot o \ I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE l MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 NeY.r Chainnan ~ for ~1esa P-T A l \l\111 k ll1w 1'1'•'"''· A I brr t ~Ill httf'll 1'1 •ior f\.l ~t 11nll'\' ~krr Pa . k f\1. rilt111 t.;111•. P11r k 111111 llm :'oh 1 • . .n,lltth p, t 113 11:1\1 ll 1 Firth. 1:1rl ~ .. 111t• a"" "" 1 \t n;c '''" t7 i&~'"'' •n , .. •"''' Hfl'\' "'' .. M• I\ ~t ... n ~.·hot<> I I'· T \ I'""' .. ' \ '11b111311111 J .. hn 1111l ' 1'n 11'\1 t "" II• b11.t~ .. 1 11 .... r.1 l'rtn• lj'lll 1;.,,,,,,., pll'•l,.:r or Kllf'l:lll lh .. 611•1 thr H .. 1 Jmlt r 11n ll"llll\lt\I" 111111ht.• .. r.•111nn". A A J.;a,tt'I~ ~"''" thl' 10voC'at""n IPlllnl'.\ M !hi' 11111111111'r r .. • ''"'\'"" .\lno !'lm lth 11 nol Ml"· R{•Mrt Uu· JU UJ.:I a111 an.I "-Oh u.me1I new t•hn1r· 1 !11rJ "1•rf' h11st1'!il'•'' 111.-n w hn '"'n• 1ntro1lur ... 1 h\• thP prC'111drnt. M rs. n nn Mc'<'hnt .... k --- t'hll tn nl"n 1n1'h11i.o· :-.t rnra< f'.,r .. 1tt n 'Hlllr, w .. y ftml 11\l'IUIS, l"r~.ncll Smllh. ~oc1al. 11..n11 Roh1•1 l nu runt, ru-d1111n111111 ; \\'11· lh11n l't \ 'l11lr, n HH11 nw tht>r, Frlln· els ll11u11. '""l'hrtlrm11n l'~o!w11rd Gh1si::ow. w1•lf11r". Thum11s Thslo1. 'JU\ qui\· N utccll•in; .1t1hn Cl11rk 11rni;,0 1n1·; I; "11 r i: " L<>Hin.1:well h~r1111 11ty, :·Hanl.-y i..:m<'r~-. tlower- anot Th.•rn!,11 P .:'\1•!1 . ll"'l:rttn1. !-las :'\d i pr<': .. ·nlt•I ~l"·•k••t'< ~ \\ h'' t c-J I of \ ,t.J hHH A•'\ l\'I( ''°~ nvtttl tl,h· •haatn,.: \th.t ~ii·n 11a••nth~ T lh'\" Ill h d1' I \11 . L••\\'t< I :11 ·~ t •tun. All•"rt ,.;p1•nrt•r llmJ< Clun: :-011, l<1·1· 1-t•' Y ~I l' A . h :tn Part)· Rt>ntal Items I Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL (CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL HOME FROM A THREE ~JONTHS CRUI~ E on Toluca is the 1',orest S mith family, which lt-ft in Frbruary and c ruised so uth. Eto pping at Acapulpo. Panama. a nd t he Cabo Blanc o Club . P eru, for some of thrir best t ishing. The S m jths, owners of C lock Coun- try C lub and the Clnck Drive Inns. hlwe pc rch ased the Emcst Saftig h o me, will occupy it on J uly 1. l.'n tal that time th£>y w ill live on T olur a. L £>ft t o right o n lower d eck are R o b e rt Hill, who met the yacht at San Ditgo: Pamela Smith. Mrs. Hug h H utson. Mrs. Robert H ill, Mrs. F o rest S mith a nd Susan. T o pside are Mic hael Smith, Art Kinzele, Hugh Hutson, Fon•st Smith and son F orest JII. -T e rry B o ris Photo DAR SEATS OFFICERS AT NHYC LUNCHEON Mrs. William Tritt New Regent of Local Chapter 1 Janws n11\' St'h11,,I will< """""''•I the Jlllllor A 111c'r11•an rlt 11.t·n~h1p 1 award lllld D11k1> H11 l1 z tJ( lht' 11111n.- !l<'htJc1I won t he h1•lnn· R\\.111t Patrtl'lll Rlelnnd 1J( tht' _:.;,."I"" t sC'houl was llw111t1 .. d en 1.Scn111 .• 1 InstaUation of new officers and a talk on the w ork of history p11ze anti 1111111\tn· 1111~11 ti"-' E.". CM«t fl.v., Coro11a dcl Mar Harbor 507 1 Kl 2-7027 1Beta S• Phi• the FBI w e re on the program of the last meeting. until fall, and Bonnie Jt'an t•!Qk iwr11n•I phu •·, igm a of the C ol. W illiam Cabell Chapter of the N e wpo rt H arbor AOlPrll'llO h•~lllr\' ll\\ a rd• Th· Col W1Jh11111 Ca b1•lt l'htop:•·r 11b11 !Unit Plans for Coming Year 0 . A . R . The luncheon program was held on M ay 25 at the gan· two 11w11nt11 111 .... 11111,.; .. 1i .. n.i Newport H arbor Yacht Club with th'arty m embers and and cert1f11·111e1 10 t\\u ~111•!.·nt~ guests in attendance. or Ga n1t'n G11we 111,:h s .. 11 ... 1 i. Lmila Thnma8 s 111I Hh1hhl l'lll'lf•' The ,rc,om a nd tsble W• t t> """"° \' t: l{uep~··I. Hug h 111>0\t'r and _____________ _._ rated bv ~trs. A. E. Stock1 on, , ,..1 :It C l'het'h· :>:auonal •lefense App ... ntmt>nt nr l'nmnllll<'e •hair· taring ~eg1rnt. anrl ht>r l't1mm1ttN• 11 hall lllltn. ~I ns. Chai It'll Hoardnu1n. m«-n.irn1! JllHnnang or fulllre "''1•nts w1lh rtower11 m palnnl1< ,u111rs gine h•·r t •·p111l anol lh• pr<'stdenl w1 ,.,. 1tPOH• or b11~1nr's wh"n ~!rs l'mled S tates and OAR rld~I' i(PO"ntl 11 m,.8~ag" w 11.< 1ead by Jal"k Qut•enbPrry pr~str1•"1 at hrr -:'otrs A. E. Stockton OJlt'nt>d thr ~II' A L Pankln·. n•" 1 ei;:t'nl lir'-l ~"~~10~ of Mu F:p~ilnn ('hAp· mePtan<> w1llt thl' flaa i1allllP anti .., l<'r. Beta S11:ma Phi. Th" 111•5i.ion . " " 1-IU ~1'1-.. \nt.H , 1., ,1 ?" h b mtro<lu1·f'<l guests. ~law•r P .. ra t:dwnid J J.;11 bv ~pe1·rn1 FBI \\'8"' 1H' u ·' uy ·" '·" "" nH,.n1 ers H 11 •1 d • B • l l lh h f •1 L·t 1 . and ·' es aml's Louis rti;gs. ai;t nt rrom l11t ~1rn l>ll'l:ll off1<·e In(' H (" omr 0 " r s r na·ence I MR lllllll. 1or1 lMh St. • 'l"'kt' o n thP wnrk or l11s t!!'part- Ch11lr111en appo1nlt'd werrMmPll. occ Executi·ves 111"nt An•t :-ko>ldte•I ll5 hl!t!Ory J ohn MPrrill 11nd Ruth Lewll!. ways I ba<'k lo 19111 11011 mt>ans. end '"rvlce: Mrs. John IM t D. :ltrs. Bol'lrrtm11n. fnunrt1ng rr· Sttoll7.. rrogr11m: Mrs. Milliard, iio-ee at inner !;<'Ill, 1118lallet1 the "~"' r.rru.'('18 Ill C'htl, Mr11. CharlNI Halev. hM tl'llls ; i 11 11h11rl 1·o>rt>111nny. Th1•y Are M 11;. lllr~. J1tm1>s B. Taylor." publldty: Member• ol Orange Coast Col· \\'llh><m BrPwl<ler Tl ill, Lirtr1 Isl". Mr~ f;m1•11t Waltz<'. 8eritt>anl·at· lege board or trustee. and their I r1•1tent : Mrs. A I,. Pinkie\'. t'oetu armi<. wrv('s were entertained at dlnnrr \l<'llB. fl r>•l \'l('P·r1·1t•'nl; Mn1. Anne The propo¥ed calendar (or the by the admlnietrallve ,,tare re-HttrbNlOn, Dalboll. ll!'rond vwl"· y<'s r we11 nutluird, and plans rnau· cenlly. F ollowing dinner in the ' rrgent ent1 ~trs. CN11 J!" H11c,'ola. g 11111t .. o1 rnr a hrut11e 11oclAl and a student center, mu11tcal e.nd tlrR· L1d11 l•I". ro1 rP~l"'"ol:ng l'<P!'rt>· b"A< h p1111,· 1lt11an..: the ,tllllOH'r. mat1c number• wrrl' prl'~ented un-1 l11rv II\ lhf' 11111 lh<'rl· will be the nJllh· der the tlitecUon or KPnnelh ~trio !'ttl( k lun \\R!i prP~•'Ol•·•t " 1 In~ 1.( ll"W mf'mber!'I w1lh other Boeltl'her and Robl'rt Kt'sl. 1111,1 t l'l?PO\'i< prn, <•11 ht•! 'nr•a l)e r 1 oJP• 1:1 a 1 um ma1:f' 1111le 110<1 a Trustee11 and tht'1r waves anC'lud· 1 an.J r oni:rin ulall'•I 11pun th!,.,' l\'P 1 bro• fat fashion 11how. ed Prts1den1 of the Bnartl Hn<l of the C:h11p1 rr tlll1 an)! tt,.r '(';11 o( :-: .. xl m,.etu;ig "'·111 b4! June 8, 8 :'otrl!. Harry Ll'Ba.rd. Hunlmjtl11n ofrlr r · · Tuna Situation Reported to H arbor Grange n1••f't1 nµ. 01 .:\°t*\\ I'"' 1 11.,1 t .. ,r t:t '"'" 2•' ~t .... t'.•t1 .hl1t1n,.:t1ll 1•••1 ut:·r told nt di" 11~• 11• lll"ll):hl up Bl I k tl\d'i!ll).! H# !IH 1'd1t 11lllh1 )11\f'f •f "Ul\'' V111tp••t1,• V• <"nnunttlPt' 1n 1 SRC'r1<nw111o1 1· II'• h ~h,. lln•I M1 I lvkOn11i:All Al '"lltl• I The •IPIP):A! .. Sl••l!•<I lhal Wl\h tWO·thlrrt~ fir thf' 111n~h11Ht~ Wtlh ' lln P~lllHll lP•I ~1 l\fWlllllO w111th n r fi>h Ill 111• 11 h"ld>< 1111 \11: .. to 1111· load a t Snn '" 11,, lu•1·11u~P of thr h•B\\ \11ltJn•r-,., 11itJu•t t• I fa ... h ' ),,~~ t f JJ ·~'Lt l :l'l• 'tH1Ji! f9'h 0)! • 011 11 111111 ,.. 11n I <; .. ,·1·rnn1 J.(nt~h' had ""' n ... ,,. ! I • !Ilk• R h11n•I Ill lhr~111ntl1 r Gifts to treasure' from Richard's • Weddings ... N e w brides loo k forward t o i::-1ftl'I like Sun~am. A l r<'asurC' with both beAu- t~· and quality. A gift they l<ffe to come h ome t o. Anniversary ••• For a sincere m essage of devotion •.• say .it with Sunbeam. Truly a brig ht r e minder to the happy days ahead. mezzanine 269S 37so 2195 On the Mezzanine -Richard'• Udo Market BREAKFAS 'I' TIC KETS DELI VERED Braving a driving snow stnrm I in mid-summer beat) Betty Shan- n on, pre&idcnt of the Pilgrim r ('l1ows h1p Y oung People's Club o f Corona dc l ~tar Community Church (left) and W endy C rue ll I right I sr ll t it kC'ts to Cameron M 1t chell. s t a rred w ith J a ne Ru:;:sell and Clark Cable o n "The T a ll M e n " s£>t at 20th Centur~· • Fox studio. Tick ets are for the ''com(' as y ou are" bre nkfast whirh the youth group 1s spo nsnnng Saturday,. J un<' ·I, t o 11 a .m. on the parking lot o f Coa:;t ~up£>r· ~larket . 3347 East Coast H ighw ay. -20th Ct•ntun· • F0x Phot o p m Ill thr hnml' or !>Ire. Haley,I Beal:h: Clerk of Board e.nd ~lrR I ll Wll.8 lt.OOOUnl'P•f thHl l•/KllP A p .. t (11rl( <l111nP1 l''"'"""t1 t h .. 410 Cah11110 Terrace. and will mark Loui11 Conrath'. \\'l':<tm1nMer, :'-Ir. < ·n1nl' e>f H111 bnr ll1g h \\On thl" "" ..i1ni: .. ,.,. " ~1llA1 1 ot.1111 ,. • n111· f llll't or lhP b1111lnt'll~ ffil'Ctlngi< for I and ~irl'. 0 .;oo\'an 0 . L8Whl'\td, llAH hnll11"11111kPt 3\\Hrcl ~A\'111,I?~ pl• I• •I lh" P\l'rlOI: l h•1 I J•117" \\Ill' lhf' 11ummrr. ll will b4! pre1•.,t1ed Sl'al Bt"ach: Mr. and Mn . \\'11ll"r tw111tl an<! ArlenP H111f thl" J:"'"l 10 ~1 1 ·•ll•l .\Ir• J 11"'1'h l>A'''" nf b\· 11 r ovuo>d •hllh ,.11rper. 11nt1 third M Longmoor, =-:ewporl Brarh: r1l1zPnl'h1r awa111 .Jani' O:<t1 s n· c .... •11 :-01• '" -~===========================~ birthrt11y nf the ch11pttr will be and llte.Hor11ce P11rkt'n cir Bslbo11 r1Pr, 1tl•o nr ll1<1 h<Jr H ig h re• f'l\'!'d -------------. . nnll'd. Island and Co~t.i. ~!!'!Ill. 1th .. naunnel tlt'fen11e gO<Vl rallu n· Adman111trat1ve 11ta/f pre~tnt Ahtp nwar<l. Jsmt>1< ~I Co" 1r. CLUB IN NEW DRESS Dancing Party at Buford Home w"rl' Dr. and .Mrs. BM1I H. Peltr· 1 Cot<\11 MC',.a, WMI 'itl\ •·n !ht> DAR !IOO, Dr. and Mrs. J ames W . Thorn· iiwA11I of mall fur hJR r are &n•t ton, Dr. lllld Mr11. No1man E. Wftl· I r rr11trva11nn rtf th" ;\1111•r1,·an flag son, Dr. 11nd Mrs. Thomllll A.1 :>:t:XT A \\ \HU Bazaar Calendared Lido Isle by M1l< .. r:R1I R11fo1<!. dau,:hlt>I or Blakely, M rs, Mane V. Howes. Dr. I Thi' A mrrtrAn L<'gtnn All'(thary. Cl b W :'-I r. 11nd Mra Robt'rl Buford. 1724 rui<l :-.trs. F rPdent'k Hubl'r, Mr. I Pn111 2{11 . rPr t>t\'N1 the cerllftr Atr /. ll 0111en 1 ~tfl111 nv1a Ave .. Cll!lta Mt'~a . enter-&nd Mri1. Kennrth Bnl'tll'hl'r, and nf merit rnr ltA wnrk wit h dtRa bl· ~ t1110Prt A group of yo11nr; fr1C'nd11 Mr. And Mrs. RobPrt Keal . I r<! \'P("l'llOl<. Mnrgo Reck or St. I ,~ !Jn .r1111• ·1 lt-111 .. 1 11. 111•11 will! T• 1 \\Ill "" sf l\'NI n1 tlal" """' ~t "ilnn11ni: pAr·ty at llrr hr•mrl ,.,.~tl t h -· n• \\ I r--·1t111•h'l•'i1 L1•h1 t :.u 'It n Hrn 1111 and a 1 1 Rll~•·llH'nl~; Sn t tu tlt•,v 1•vPn1nJ(. (.'h1h """"'' \\ 111•11 l.1.J•1 I lllh \\"".II ... • Ill 'h "f.!•' or :-.11.. T homa!< Prr~rnt w•·r·· 1 111.rl~ne J.(mi:sbury. h••lol '""11 111111;.11 !1•111\ I to;~ 11 11.i L• lln. p11·~1.trnl·t'IP• 1 M r• ~lntt l f'Rrnl Young, T11.1ne Hngl!lnd.01ane 7 111 !l I'· 111 1'11· 11• 11• II' 1111111 ).: • 1i. .. , .Ir will hn\'I' '"'II ttr1nks llOlnn, \'1rk1P Alston. M1<rv Ma r· \\tit I""' 11f1• r1on•I' l11f 1tdl\.'1UIOll\" l Hlhl J*OJ'C ·nrn ''" t he h1t \S1tJP P'lr<·h t1nP7., !'an•ha. \hu1ribrr101n: L 1nd8 Jllf>ll"• ,, ~II ....... 11 , ... ,.,, ...... 1, •• r tltr \01101!•'1' j:l'Of'rll\tun I r'f'nll•. P>'IP rt'&lhl'rl'troml', Bob I'?"""'·'' •I .11111 .111 '""' " "'~l>l • t ~'"' .'\• 11 1 •am~i1tn Rn•t ~Ir~ I \\'hltn"~ Daryl Br11ok11. G111y :'-!o r- b\' ~lrll Ralj·h ,-11nd11\\•k\, f'l"•l· l'io•il Butl•r are ·in t·ha rJ::'' nf n•.J,.rr~·H .. hn,G11ryEv11n~.KatlP ~1 Ui:.ilu.! BJ\ll~r pnlel! A llpt't't»I H111tJo, r.rorl(e K ini.: Rnti thf! hos· ;:m~e 1s a .1r<>1u1 given \· 7rr;T~rl' .u.-C.,ul Jl11forti. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP cost .. ••• If We Don't Keep This Promise! Seafare L odge Slates .. Flight Into Fas11io n ·· I •n1 .. 11,,. t I 11111.1 frnm hP1 >nmm1·r ----,_, 12_ , ~ ot 10 " II• . 1t•n In p1 I\ ;i I e llf •' i<hP 11< Net11r~ h8ll appmntr d the I WI· \I 1 < II mk I .. 111!1"\". a l'l•1h nwm· 1 lli;:ht n:< a 1>111lc._ In pRM 11~ ulll 1 .. 1 \!1 ~ ~ •.•nn~ I •,1ws11n "111 .. r 111i:h1 into day. BALBOA THt:ATRE HLDG. 8ALROA Open TuHday· thru Saturday \11· J· I, H·~ulav Anrt :-.tr11 .11 • -----~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iha\• t1•krts •·n the .1risi. -Ceorge F11llo>r 1 l 11••1tlllll~<F \\tl l h~VP l"h81~1' 1.( ~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ r:1t• '-I .. \\ II '•k• ·1" ·,·~th•''' '111• hukt•,f fn<lo !~ Hnd fruztctn fon.f • Fh;:hl '"'' I .-11 ,, Th Ii ·ollt\ 1 ... K• I Thrr,. \\ 111 lu• fl l»1•1th r .. r n1~hr .lun. ~· "h' 11 :...; 1i' h c • ,..,, !'h11P' prr"'••r ' n• \\'(Cf ... 111.rll•'r ti'· p.n .. I to! !'1'IH·'" l.-1tl1=• 111 t •• 1~11n,\ "''n1 h Pr i1d111 fll .. rtiU\U\•~Htf\1 1 ,,( 1 h" ~h"'" 1 :1 .. 11.i F 1d11tm: will J1lArl ~J,.h,~ h~1 '1 '1n~ P'"' ''"!11'~"' II I I( I;, J1 111 t. tn·•a u ,, .1 pron~. t.t.nJ;;lflJ.! fr11u1 1,1,,, k lit••' a1 !n1r,; lo st11.fy hArbi•· • "" .1fln1r,; And p1nafn11•1< for 1•h1I· •h • 11 Tl11" wall h<" ~"l'""''l!'!Pll hy ~''' f:•lt::""" \'rl",.IAnd. Fnr tl1"~•· \\ h" w1~h tu J(t•I A I\• ltd .•lal I t>O I 'ht l~lill:lll hll\'IO~, llt•I•' Wiii \it> l11'~Hrl•0tl hlll?S nr ~If\ ra;:" \\h1d1 111.1.v he <1hl111n<:'11 rrnm ~I•• t'l\'11•• ll111 n ~tr~ Rnh«-tl Anwni: ti .• •111 111 .·h"I'• t.1l.11i: thrtr ~!\I<' tn•t'lr.111• 11 1111111 Ill •If\' of I h•• '' n t 1'1 111 • I 'n1 no·lrn H1 ~··· ln\\', ~··R\\'f'•'d -t 1n1•. lt -7••1 ~1tH\\· .. t11nl, :-.11~11 :-.1 111r•·t :-;1, .. p .ind 1.; ...... h •'l'l'"n will h,· nril" 11r th<' hu~1l"Nl Sp11rt~w· 11r .. 11 .. r 1.11.:1111 1 I<-n• h ''''""''" ''" prl"i-1•hni;r Rt "whtlr Sf"'<'l~I h111r , ri n1 1n11~ hy l'hni. .irr•trnn• · h·~•t h or f:PR\\'f'•"I ~ Rt\'hn~ s 111 .. n l1r1·nr1111 .. n!'I arl" In ch11rjle nf ntl(lr f'rll•'• """' 1111; llll·l lllll•h :'-tr • .lPlllntP Hrlpcnn. Wtlh rro· hy tht' R on11,,. l\'.• n· 11 11~ ,,,, .. •·lh· 1 t• "''o''"I :ir r"-ll>-:• !t.•1nt~ t'l\' ~turrl hts:hhi;hti< "' h ... I , .. , .. II I\' ,, •11111 ~,,.. .IAnl .. ~ ,\ !'8\\ \'f'r •nJOY frnm th<' •ho"·~ '""m .. r '"" hrs<t 11 l11r.c,. g1N1p nf ho11t· cocktall louni:t'. 1 "u r11 TV SALES • Authorized RCA VICTOR DEALER • All Makes -All Parts & Tubes • Honest Scientific Analysis & Repair • · Piompt Service • Reasonable Prices TARTER TELEVISION . . .. CORO~A nt:L ~IAR 2004 E. l'oai-t ""'. Harhor :->4H I l-M.&lln" ri.•a1h T1 wph .. 111· 11\.tll 4-.\.\111 . ~ .... .. A ·~hey, n1om now ii your chance &o UK dad out ol duit old bane.red roclcin • chaw into a sman, ntw loungt model with built in comfo'rt. fM may put up a fight, but who ii be. 8t yow hoUM atl)·how? many ttyl• few pop, aithft' eon· r~mporwy « pro'f'indel p. •· how «iouc • and ,'o '1 2 3 • • 7 5 6 QJll at 5 11 12 ' 10 \ I 9 J • 4 , 6 s Cash and Carry ONLY ..... ••• and It's That Sensational, One-and-Onlr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • More Dirt Removed •No Dry Cleaning Odor •Spots Gone • letter Pren Lash longer T akt adva ntagt of our li~htnin~-fa ~t cash-and-carry suvice. You not o nlr save time hut you get our comple1t' Sanitont Sen •ice .•. the f1nu1 dry cleaoiog io towo. Drop-off your ~ar~rs ~fort 10 A. llt. and they'U ht' ready at ~ P. M. 1he same day or you pay nothin~ .•• wht'n yoo net'd dry clt'an1ng 10 a burtJ •H o.r Lightning Service.. U11:11tnln11: Sf.nire C-0;0ts ~O moe than our Rf>gular Cash-and-Carry Seni~ ........................................................................... LIDO CLEANERS 1782 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-4014 \ I J \ . . -·--... , t::-.:.. • -, ----HO~!~ S HOW A WARD -The model vacat ion home abo\'e on wH1ch bathing beauty J uAnn l'nderwood has the honor of placing the finishing touches wil_I be gh:en away during thl· Orange County Home ~how to be hC'ld from Junr 1 to 5 on the site of the Orange County Fair grounds nc:ir Costa Mesa". Lookin~ on is Henry C. Cpx, home show d1airman and builder of the model home. The hor.i<> will be completely"rurnished and cquirped with air conditioning. THIS COULD BE YOURS- VacatiOn Home Prize to Be Feature of Honle Show H•ithhghl n( lhe Orange County Jinll:l<'S or rhyme.:s nf 1rny k ind to Home Show to be hc>ld from J une Wl"l!e, he ftd"d"d- 1 lo ~ on the !lite or lhe Orange To be <'omplel• ly 1ur • unJ11w n· I'd, the Ill by 24-ft mwlt'I n h"me 1 ·011nty Fair grounds n,.ar Cust11 1 ~ 11uilabll' rt1r movin1: lo llh' •It·•· l ... FORUM ON HOME BUil.DiNG, OWNING TO START JUNE 1 SANTA A NA, tOCNS -An e.1!11!'a l1onal forum duicnl'd to lntonn or'a.n1e Count11uui on ''how t o pla.n a nd build your own .home." "''Ill &et underway th1~ we<'k In SanlA Ana. The , event 11 being 1pon10N!d by lhf' norlh Santa Ana Kl,.'6nla Club und!'r the au1ptcu of Ult>" Sa11ta Ana t:ollf'gf' adult educa tion d1vtaion. No 1dmlu lon wlU be charll'd anll the public hu ~eon invitf'd to attend. -'Rle torwn w111 be M 1d nc.h Wednuda.y at a·oo pm. bt· g'UUUtlg .June 1. The prQgram Will attempt to llCQU&Jnt ~­ lltnta of Orange County with vartou11 fM!'la Involving pla.n- nln.g and con11lrucllon ot a hom ... u ~II as how to 11volJ pitfalla t h.o.t await lntxperlcnct'd home butldt'r11. GonducUng the forum will be Harry R. .Martin. St.nla Ana builder: Realtor Jamee R. (Dick I Mitchell and Jnt1u1"1Jlet! executive Wiil.lam Rittle. Al!IO on the progl"llm will be J l'hn Luu, u ststant vice prealdent of the Orange County Title Company; Don A. Ra.mberr. arch1tecl; mortgage complUly official Lou KeUty; Interior decorato r M~. Agnu J'earlman. and landacape dt>•ignn De Witt Kempe. HOME ancl : • • GARDEN PAGE 4. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. MAY 30, I 955 your henrt-11nrl your atom11rh! CllEt:SE .IA<'KSOS ', lb Cnmrmbnl cheor11e 2 oz sherr y wine '• lb. butter 2 lbsp. dry bread crumll,. Cut the rind from the cheese GARDENER'S CHECK LIST Mesa 1s lo b» the pn ze of a com-, 1 l. the mou ntarn" lh1 h• :uh 11r plC'lely ~11rn1~hr1L nl~-rlr<"'trlc <'Us· I an'"' h .. t .. a homr 1~ n1 • .r.•.r tla· tom mad•· v .. , .. 111>11 '111•1 1·l h••llh h111ltl••1 • xpln111 .. •L JI,• i..11°1 lh1• H1· VllJUed a l more lhan $:,1!1111, UtTllJ ,j. \'h I ,I J-'UI OJf lllt' .\l;illUJ ,ll l 111 ln!; Ing to Hl'nr)~c. t'•I< 1<how 1hn11 · t 'o. or Lui. Ani..el"I! '" nin~l1111t· nllln. fna.: ,.11~10111 111811,. fwnl !lll~ "hit h con•r with the w1nt.> anti let 111an•l 1 r I I for scvl'rnl hourl'l, l.A"t thl' bultl'r Con11tr11 t1011 b\· <"11x'.'I buil•lln" 1 It is l;ll"ln~ .. 1· I H' 1ni11,-. ' " C'O \fl'I rrt: · 30ft<'n. thl'n cream with the cheoP!lc t1r1n. lht• vat".ill"n h••nw 'ldl lw' '· "~t .. al anrl PtHl\llll'l'l" How m.1ny anu wme. l'la~c rn 1 .. r1114crul11r un· J. Tbc-lwllt ln,.11ran<"''° elf pr· d .. nlnc suu""" Jo; 11rc1p!'r 8011 l'"'l*'lltlon. \'our nursrry· man 1•11n 1 .. 11 PHI how to lm- pr•I\ <" )'Our iloll. u1ven HWKY lil the 1 Ins .. I•( 11... J1111 ln•••fl•lfll, iJ····••PltHL•, t•f l ~o:.!11 I " v 'I ·i !'; \ t llnw~ h1we )'!HI hl'or<I ~'""" man 1 tll c·hees .. 11N!I and ll-"I' your fav-1 tlvr-dnv home i.111111·. whu h th• ·'--• 11111 =' • • •Ill>! i Ill• 1"' I''"''''· J II 11 f l I 1 • Xl'I• -~ thul .. 1.i brt•mld<' ll " belnt-: •1rllr mold' \Vh<'n ready to llPl'\'C 1·h111rmnn ~:IYll Wiil bt· th .. IJl)!)!t'.'ll Ill)! II ... ' '"'"I :I lllll', Ill\ II• Ill~ \ II l ll Or l ... 1 1 1 h•'-111\"' 11~ f1111J • :'\111,. nwn out lhl11 "dunk." plat·,. bowl In w • .rm j !'vent <•t II'< lYJlP .. , .. r alh'llllil•·•l \'ll .... ,... • re Ill)!' on·· ~ "'' • 11•1 •• 1 y l" u h 111 ·1·h h 1 ,, ill •1r I •·11 1t ~,·t\lus, nc1tu 1~h nu ulht-.r 1 "·ater f(•r a m1nut~ (tr ~o, Inn~ ln t he 1·011111 y. f 1 • I•· .. 1 u t-: " " """ .ll"ST BEG ISTF.R ·!).-Abhi lu be illu\t'd 111 un~ 1,.,,1 ,. '"'"I 1h .. u)..hL 1'1)" pro 11n1 inK m1ul .. nou.:h In unmlll1I thP • h<'l'llt' Gar· Cox sa lt!. ".i11ol p<1t.1t"•; a little "'d1ffl'1 t.'nt" ntsh w ith bn·ail crumb>1, s<'rve with Only requirement to win lh<' 1Ja1lv hours or the hom .. i.h•JW .,,,,. t 11111 ul 1111.:.-)"11 81 1.'" gt1ur· 1·rar·k.-rll. Jnlt home, Cox aatd, .Ja regtstralwn are fro-m 6 to 11 pm. 11t.ir lln.: \\ , .. 1. nwt: I -------~---- 111 M>me time during the <1how. ne11day_ with Sa turuny nn.t S1111d;:iy ;\mazing. but ti llP. Ir vo u <'lhlk oc G I N Th<'I<' will bl' nothing to buy, no opening. lll't from 1 to 11p 111. lhr ,t• ~liiph 3 wtth u ft•w t'nlhi•I· e s ew -----------------------------ll~hm•·nls lhl'V w ill t11s tr· magni· • :~i;.;n;:~·;r ~'~~~er~~:·rbs un•I ~rices Phone District In St Lows. not t1~0 loni: ai;o. th" "1fr an<l 1 W•'re lnv1le1l lo 11 1101r<'e rt>plPl" wllh the JilOurmet tourh Altho111:h thr n owd wu IAl ):t', the hoslc•!<, with no hPlp, w&!I rrispons1bll' fnr the cll.'h~ht!ul food. anti ht>r scci-et was the lldrnit u1<e of ht>rbs. Hrrl' 1s her rntrt>e- an 11nfor~etlable d111h : tU-Rc;1·.so\• RF.Et-' i,T. l.Ot"I!' I•, lbs. ber<. s1rlo1n (lr <"'l111ck cut in cubes I cup burgunrly v.•lne l rur wall'r 1ntt.1gnr 1nP fir t1utt•·r l b11y lear lll\ll nncl 1wpp1·r '• t~p. i:nr lll' r"""'"'r J)M;h . orl'gftno, th)'lllt'. 11111 0141111 1n.,rJu1,n'• Pacific T elephone 111.lll week An· nol}nred the crrallon ot a nl'W dis· tn.·t fo r Its Orange County opera· l ion@. The new f.11trlrl. with head· quarters in An11 he1m, tnrludtll the Full!'rton r.11rdl'n Grnn , Bre&. Buena. Pe rk a nd l,l11ctnll1. u · Chllllgt !!. The Santa Ana district w ill r1'- la1n the 01 anl(t', =-:twporl Bt>ach. San Juun r 11p1M1 .111U. 011nll Point and San \lrmt>nle t'1trh11n1;es. a nd hPadquaa lers will remain In Santa An&. :?. All l)'Jlf'il of cunlaln1·r-1rr11\\n 11hruhl"ry c·11n t.> tran,.planl- ..d Into I h<> itant,.n nm.-. "fh rch·nlnr; tlm" 1~ all thr tlmt> In (.'allfomlL" 3. <.'hr:u anthf'mum• for I at & a u m m f' r and fall bloom 11ho11ld bfo planh'd n ow. 4. f'u<'bslu and tubt-roUJI 1M-1tol\· •IM art' bolh ht'&.\)' f"l'llf'MI. fo',.rtlllr_e lht'm l'i'lfltlarl~-. IS. i-;uw th<'IW' llf'"dJI In thr \'1'(1'· labl" prdt'n: aq11AAb, '1MI· l•hP11, t'Ul'11mhl>N1, t•om , bf'an11. bt-f't11 and c-.ar,,.1111. MA TTR.t:SSES Boat• -Home• -TraUe,.. lrre~ular Sbapet1 Liberty 8-UOS COSTA ME~A ~AT?Rf:SS CO. ! I ~0 S l'Wport Bh·d. MESA UPHOLSTERING Upbol1ter111r; a DraPt"nr !3~ l\wpt. ffh·d., <'Ot1ta Meea Ubt-ny 8-UIU 4 wholt! <"'I"""" lluur In P11t11bhioh111g the nrw d1slrll't, Pac1 f1c dlv1t1l's lls llperau onll, w ith I 11tx rxm&nge~ in the north t)( the ==========~==~ ROSE OF THE YEAR-CIRCUS Th•· All i\111.-rl•a '"<h1o1 1" hfftl1111ll11rt>'M h1gh<'Sl 11w1111I ..:11•4' 111 .. nly u1u ''"·•· 1t·,,.,,,.. .. for l!•.Ht 1\~ t h•' lnnr \\'an1h·r "'the , ,., 1 t••rl i 1: I··· '" 1" ll... 1A PXJ'h' trtl to h·' 1n J,:.f 1 .~t d, rn.•nd 1dl tt\'t•r :ltnr1n.1!· tlw b,...f In llw b11r- i:11n.ty "'"" ,,, , 1 nii:ht \\"hen )UU Ille I• arf\• to1 ~tall tlinnt•I, roll the 1 b<'<'( in thr (111ur and brown in the maq:;11n111· ur bllllt·r in R 1h1t•h •><'•'11. T h<'n :nl•l 1111 th" h1•1 b!I, th•· :<Rl l And p.-prwr. 1:111 hr a111l rlowl'. 1 110'1 I ii•• '' rnr nn•I waler. L'ovrr, nnd 101i.1111•r 1n a 3~0 tle!jr<'I' ovr n fnr 1w11 h1111r:<. I( )'"II wanl vri:r· 11 :::.1.'~"s,1~; ~~111~.1~1~" ~·~~~~. n~·~6 r~·~:~ hour, C"OUnty an•I SIX Ill th!! MUth. Thi' move 1s duugnP.t to brin~ bu111· n!'SS office and m111ntPn&nr,. opera- tion.~ clo!W'r tn I.ht f'Xchanic!'s. ARCADIA NAMES LOCAL LUMBER FJRM DEALER VICI: • rRESIDENT IUCBARD Nn<ON -"To pl'UU''• ~&e• you muat ~ 11lr,1nir !'nous-h to f\Jht an airrtouo r who dotan't w • n l CONCRETE The Ward anll HarrlnJ'lon Lum· ~r Co. haa bl'f'n nameod to aen·I' as Orange County distributor for Arcadia ~tetal Producta. the na· .t.1on'a. l&rgut manuJacturer o( :tltdinr glua doni, announc-ed D. P. J ohneon, 88IPll manarrr. Ward and Harring ton la the ..Ground Covers Are Helpful Ground covtra llrf' tra ditiona.lly used In lari:t ana 11m&ll areu as lawn 11ub11lltutts, undtr trt'('!! and o-hrtJbs. and tor drco1 i1t1ve effl'cts against contrastlll$!' 1't1cks an.! hull~~ rounllathms. In atlcllllon to 11erving as bt•1&11tlflt•1·• ground t'OV· • •rs in many 11llU1ll1on11 mtan less "'eed1ng. They flll waste spacl!8 where ot-'ier planl3 cannot ir'OW ttnd in nreu where ero1ton Is & U.ngt r lh~lr hundred• or rout s W'lll prrvl'nl nny washing out by hf"a\'y n ins. Furthermore irountl l'O\'l'rs a•·t u a. mulch lo .row .1own wut.-r lu~se11 They keep routs 1 ool 11nd alc1w duv.'1\ rhrmlcsl chan· 1 gea that are hkely l o occur when lht' i.u11'11 du,·• t r11ys 1>11~n up lhl' W)!t'lOble msltf"r in bare l!Oil. a.1· vase nurecrymen. _ An f'XCt>lle11t 1wle.:t1on a~ & irround cover for hot, dry 111tuallons 1aTgut ~ ..... ny In th!' rounly with m retall outleta In Sewport Beoach. Lac-u.na 8!'&Ch, Fullc•rton. La Habra, Brta and S.a.nta Ana.. J ohn 1... Strle.kl&nd u llUJ)C'l"\>flOr or thfl bUfl<lll\g l j:)eClaJ• tl!'ll d1vu11"n The 12-v..e.r old firm hand1"' a numbC'I" ot nation-I ally recoirnlaed branda ln qua lity bulltllng malenala. The new Jlstnbulorahlp wu llml'd to rolnd de w1lh thto Or- ange County llome Show. J unt 1·6. \\'ud and Harnnirt.on will exhibit Arndla •ll11lng doo1'11 In a apt>claJ booth at the -OranJ r Coun- ly Falrground• e\'rnt. The lumbrr company Vl'lJI work rloaely with Rkhard llall. Aru.<ll1 repruentallve tor Orange County A \'allable to b111l<l!'n1 a.nd hom e ownt'ra through 1he luniber t'Om· pany will beo an ad\'lsor~ •Prv1re on Ullt" oc 11l1<11ng glasa doors, St rlcklund salJ . Inrreulng use of Arcadia door• In Orange County prompted the exparuion mo\·eo. J ohnaon aa.td . Arcadia Metal Product.a I• mov· tni; Ila nallonnl headquuters to F ullerton and Is bulldmg a new fal'lory t hat w ill be c-omplt>ted In S!'ptembrr. ROBERT ..... Satisfaction POUi IT THI IASY e WAY ANO SAVI e • • -". Hne • lllmpllly ,._, N>IK'rf'tfl work wllll • load of prM'.ta.loa-nalnd C'f'fUflDt ••• p"'JNU'f'dto 1our ordtr at • aavtq. Uberty 8-2283 BAY 711 w. 17th St. COSTA MDA FORBES lullder PHO~""!: HARBOR 1108 is the manzanlta or bear berry. 1 a California nat1vP with low. spreading growth. For ahade try ----------------------------.J the aJuga repl'nll, glouy -leaved ::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; with obundant bh1t' flowrrs. Gold· 11 en-yellow n owf'rll will hven 11h&dy 111luat1on11 in i.prtn,: an.1 )<Ummt'I when you plant the Hyperlcum calycinum. Bonanza Qualifies SAC.:RAM!o: .... TO. 1C;>;S1-Quali· I l1ral1on of liur1Bnza Con11tru.ctton l;u . 28141, L&rayclle. ;>;ewport I Meach. for .:cnrral engrnt't'nng and i;ent·ral building cuntractors h· t erues WB.11 IUlnuunced by the con· tractors 1tate llceniw board. * Fulh· IMurf'd Cold Sto"ta~r * Fireproof \'ault * Mod~rate Prittl' Pl1mie Jlrarbor 1IJ Pro mpt pkk1111 at your door by Ro ndrd lto11tf'man Since 1918" !UI !llarlnP. Balboa 11.Jand t oll! So. Mra1n, ."111ntn A t1a -r - JAMEi D. RAY General Co~tractor & Builder 600 Cout Blvd. OOKOl'\ A DEL HAR reon a•RB()a nu REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS . RESIDENTIAL -INDUS'm.IAI. CALL HAllBOR 0151 FOK ~8rDIATE. WITBOtlT OllAJl()m 101 £, BALBOA BL\'D. B.t.LIM>A Ch<>O!ie from our Muy DPsigm Brmg l'1 your La)out anti mf'rumrcment.s "n d save 10', from our prl'li· "nl Low Pnct's. LAWRENCE LUMBER CO. '?'!00 ~o. !\la.Jn hi 6-tt!UI ~1111ta Ana I .EL . •·tt. 19c -5-tt. Ille l ·ft. J .lt . m C.:ombed Ruatle ~ l h~ • nuut r ~ 'I ire 11~ A fir 11h11n1l1. IM th!' r11 •I mullr·tQl"r to \\Ill ,\II I. \TE 's1·1·1·t:R t:,.c.~ C 11p lllU!lhl <l'1m l"tllp ~mall ran P\'1tp11r.ttttl n11lk ee.cb I PERHAPS A USED CAR? '1 , 11p :-.1.n ry "me lur• Iii' r•1\"<tJ I u111ly !--U't '' th• fu .. : t\ .\I:~ \\1nn• n~ ,,,.,, 111 n1,u1 ' • l •d-1: !\\\\..ll bct~•t... savor)'. t11t·· ••I 1:. \'• ...... ,.,: .. T•1 ''I •J'11•• n, uf a• b.u 11111n ... h1p 1 ·~·· t d .... " ahnut };:,u ttHH• 1, l'l!=hl ~· .iri., •_!!.1~1· tlll'i; 111 ti ,. t\\"·Y• .1r .\ ,\ 1: ::-:._i··l't11 . .i; .l:.l"h.!:.!l ' 1;. h011d h"ll•-•I "~ft nn 1111· h11.-i!< ·•f n ,, 11•11111 1 .. 11 .. 1111 11111-111 ~1, ••. 111i:.1 11~1 1 ,1 .. ,111 • .t - 1 7'!1'1 iiTI .. ;·rn,•ilfi:1'11ll1·nt11 lt'I· Ill •ilfr1r1J1! l'Cl\l"ns 11! llh' l 'nll,.1i Shd1 , 'l'1n11' \\:l!4 IHIJllllJ;C'tl J;<'lh••r '"'''l'l lhe l').a:ll. 8nd t•htLC lh•• 1nlx11111• in 11 h11ll1·n·d b11kmg lh•• h"•l nf llH' 11w I"!<!'~ lll'\'1•lup1·tl rn 1h1• '"""lf',\' un.J nhr•>:trl. •ll•h. C'ut ll•" harll•ht1il!'<l ei.:,::s 1n 1·1r111~" will hring •'ll·ll•·M.s \nritly I•• 1>1o• I""'' i:.1td••11 II, 1,.111 nnd 1,1.,.,, r ul :1idr up, in th,. r"l"I' .t 111:" t1 .. 1•1 11 r11h )• ll"w i1~ .• 1 n·d 111 th· IHl·I 1 .. hlllt·• 1-~"1 11.,. \\nuu the '""-•l'r"'" tn a 11111.• 11p1 1°· hi '" i • I 11k rind r<'d 111 tht' ••r<n ti I\• i-. IL ll' w..tl ::r.11 •I• !!It'" nnn fnr :.!11 mm11tri1 S\h"•·il I• r" l•Utuh1 i 111 ,...ttd n u.t.t te ~lh h as hl-.•I,:•· ... mn:i; ... J l.,nt1r·£.... ttt~HH ( OTTA<;t: ('Ht:E~E bnrol"r • •IJ.;11.)!"< ""'' I•• .11 h•"t'. IMar)ll'. i;tl•"~Y I• h.1gr )!•"'" A 1 1 • , , ttfti;e ~h""'" wcll·IH•~ 11 ... 1 "I .. 1: 'll"' h1 I\\ ... 11 ( .. \\(I .!'g P•'llu .~ 2 lh•p \\'nn !'llll'll'hlrP ~11111• ::-: .. ni<'lh11 1. an lh· • .,1.,11111 J:lll• IY 11nd •"X• .t•·n ""I 1of the Big I I t ... p prrpR1<'d n111~tn1J T•'I' '""ti. 1rt1.uh1 ,. t '" tht 1ot11rd<'n with t hen h-, :1t, r "l"ircui1." I t~r-each: 111vnr)', cumin. It will 11<' in-Rilahll' fr • rn l<·e•tinir nurs,.rymrn 111 1111• r tll , .f 111~~1. rhl\'M _ I ;lt1x all of the lngrccltrnt11 lo· 1 J.!l'l h1'r a n<l lrt ~\and ~vnal hour!! Contractors Licensed ···1n11·n1·1"1.'1 :<1.11,· 1 .. • 11~ •. 11 ... uJ nn-1111 111 .. r.,r1 i11,"l'r11tor brrore 11.-rv111" The no11n<.'1'11 Sh irids and Shlt:>ld11, 60 I the h1 i;t rh<'ese you h11v• !'Ver Bslhol\ \ov<'s. :-.-~wpn11 H•·ac h. lft~ll'd --------------has q11ahrl~ ror B g!'n<'rnl build· I Wh1l1• un the suhJc~t or <'hl'l'Jle,' SA1 'RA.\I ~::-;Tu. 1 v:-;s • Ready Mixetl Concrele In 1plte nf lhfl Ct'ml'nt Shortafe \\e AN' Makln1t E\'f'ry P~lble F.ffort t o ~tbfy the S"e«t' of Our Orowln1t Community. For Concttt.e -C&U C'a. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE j tS3 ec-meld.al WJA1 COSTA MEl!IA U 8-MU Qu.btc• ~HWY "IA Runtlnct on RC'b. t i.A''l. 8-• I :fB In(.: n •n:1 R• tnr~ fl, 1·n~1, I hl'I t• I" ,t OllXltlre that Wiii tJelii;hl 1 ~~~~~~~_;_.~~~~~~~ ORA.l'ERIF.4' -l l'llOL.!i\TERISG -SUP con:RS WALi. l'Al'ER -CARPET~G CO!\U'Lt:Tt: ISTERIOR OECORATJNQ LAMP LIGHT SHOP Harbor M39 NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 SOth t .• ~t'"port Brat>h Harbor 2.">33 MARGUERITES m .o cm1so 1~ CASS \'I'll ow or \\ hltf' . Cilant Doublt Rnfnl'd PETUNIAS In 1'an11. Chol~ of color• Why Pay !\tore 5 & 10¢ NURSERY --1 5 111 O() for Ul!I So. Sewport 81\"d. -Tl-ST~ -C"loM-d ThuMldaya MAX W. POPE Inc. Gf':SERAI. ('OSTRACTOR!'I "\\'e Arranjtf' t1nanring" llE~rDESTIAL e ('0!\0lERCUL e OE\'ELOP!\ft:!l."T 407 Bo18& An. Jmat off Spl. Bhd. l\f 1-'th ~rwport Beach Lll...-r ty tl-~281 ARCHITECTS Members of Alllfrican lnstittlte of Architect\ J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroelc Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger if the Want Ads NEW OR USED •7 FURNITURE? AN ATIRACTIVE RENTAL? ( the Want _Ads \\'h~thH you \\-ant tn bu~· or want to !'lf'll, thf' Cla<1!1lf1rd rolumn!I of thl~ nt\\'8papt"r otru the lw.,t 01>1•ort11nlt~· for n1.111t ..... A four line ad will appt"&r Monda~-. \\ 1·dnf'4lda~ and Tht1r)>(la~-In O\'l'r 2>4,IHHI cople:S for Only s200 • • • " this VALUE ! .NeWPORT -~ HARBOR .NE-W~£4 ~J2;RESS 'Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker HALECREST PRESENTS TWO TENTATIVE MAPS JUNE 13 Mesa Trailer Ransacked; Suspect Addict The flrat two ll'nlat.lve 1ubdl· I d11cu1Md pouible ch&nge1 In U\e via.ton mape which will be prHl'Ol· 1 eubd1v11don a.nd land uee ordlnanc-A :17-ft. lnuler et ~33 E. lelh • •'1 by Garden Grove' a Hele Com-u F;ltmlnatlon of contualon In rt'· 1 St . l"octa Mesa, waa ranaack.-'1 p any for thl' l'\'f ntual 800 . home ,1tard lo a definite )Ol I ll'.<' In C-1, t>.t Wl't'n 7 pm. T hursday a.ntl 2 H ell'c-rul subd1\·l~1on In C-011111 C-2. 1'+1\d M·l zonl'" wa s con111Jerl'd a m F rU!ay. Mesa p1Jhc1 rPportl'•I MtM wlll be <'Ons1<t,,.rM bv thf' r omml11110ner ArUl'lr H. \ie\ r r11 flo• :11 D Ha lhawsy, ru1o~nl In Ml'&& rlty pla nnin1; comm1s,.1•1n ui;:pa.ied tt>ttm g ot a m.mmun; lot th<' trailer, r .. pc.ruJ tht inrlJt>nl J une 1 :I Tb.. m&ps invotv.. 11nt ~•z• of 10 OQO tq. tt. for tnduatrlal which ncrurreJ wh1lt' 11he waa v1~1l· trart ot 1$4111 lots and 11. 11mall!'!' Iota City Attom!'Y Donald Dun· lng f'rl•n«1>1. lnll't of 38 lt•l"'. gan "'ll8 tnatnietl'ti to ma.ke a Th• \'lctim. a nurse. told lnna· Hate Company 1t>pl1·.w ntal1ves 11tutly ot t he nut.tu a.nd report ligating off:('t'rt 1he returned to •h•rWM lhr tf'nt 11tlv.-map!' H l hl' b&l'k. find the C:01'ch and table In the <:It}' romrr.l•'>•«n Mond.1y mght,, ButhJlna Official A. J. Vol& re· two-room house t rail" overlunwd. a 11k inl!' :f m::: •1cldt':1lnnt ,.pr!'lrt· quuteo th• commission to recom-drawer• pulled out and obj,. h• c11t1on .. ,.,.,,11· I : ... r1•'t'l'.•::&1}. Th" m en1 to r lty <''luncll amendment eeatte~d. Her purse wa.1 o~ned J;lll.flnc•~ ,.,,n1 •!~Md h<'l11'f :i" 1·!la1:r.· nt t11r 1ub•li\'l111on or11lnanr e to eH· and 1ea.rched. Still nothln1 wu u woultl bl' ncce"""ry 1•1 the m1p11 r.1n:ite front act back line con· mlulng, •he a&id. Cham 1111n W 11.llu Wrlml'r ...-t J unt! fusion. Officer• le&rnl'd U\e t railer be· l l 1\.1 .lal4\ !M. ~ticia1 comiclera... 5."ra.nlt ).loll ot '37 HU\ st., ap· lonc1 to L. L. Gllbe_tt..!lf Salt Lake u on r th•• l.l'&eli'. I peered ael'klng openlnc o! a.n a.Uey City and LI currenUy In ('ualody of :\ l that tamt . :ht' Bakl'r St. :-;o. or sll"eet In the ~•r of hi• Jot • local doctor. They aunnlsed an l onn· -.. 1tt1J11 of a ppruxlmalely betw~n l~th and 16th SU. and addict might have been -rching !>n(I 111'rf'1; will otf1c1alh· be with· Jrvtne and Tustin Aves Dung-a.n for narcotic•. '· in C'.1M:i. ~lr11a oounJonu . includ-11nronnl'f1 him. "You're not & real· -------------- Ir 1; ! h,. Rn11th,.rn C ahtomla Dlbll' llt>nt nf Costa Mt11a. You're In tht Cu: lr g1., l)r" ngr Co u n t y Fair county." UrounJs. 11. portion of the· Sllnt& "In thl' United Stat.ea!" Moll Ana ,Arm~ Al · B l•MI! and lhe J-{a lt'· que11tioned. c~kt 1<11billvl11ion The commluton referred Moll to In oth.-r bu111nc1111. the plannel'tl contact Orange County plannn•. ' Small Boal Builders Happy as Assembly Bill Sent Committee Harbo1 Ill<!& bn11tb111lc1er~ hra\'t'l1 a h .. nlt h\' 101o?n or rPlle! today 1111 A .,. .. mhly Hill :'\o. JO~l8 W811 ('On· Jt-nrnttJ tu lht' interim committee -1n effect killing the proposal Th" 11\t'lldllff. pnpularly l'&ll"!l lh1• · Uun't dn 1t your11Ptr'' bill. hlid b<:t'n p1 OpOIPol for asi;embly IH'• l)on F'1 1118\". ll wuul~ 'prevent Call· fo1 nllini< 11 11m constructsniz any t q1r or boat u nder 30 ft. In lelg th unit"' at a qu11ht1 .. t1 boat works, In 1•ff,•• l. the m .. u u1<'. a1mecl a t du·•l·yu111,...11 h1Jbby1sts. would t;avt prt>\'t'nlt'•I tntiny Hai bor area ~m.•11 l'Mlft b111ldt>r" from st1ty111JC 111 h1h1nl'111< unli'Sll tht>y ronM1 l.IC't· •·•I watt'r·edg1• boatyar<lb "l l wall lill t'itlrC'mcly \'ICIOUS bill," a 101.:rtl c1t1z.en 11a1tl torlay. Harbor Poiice Seek T eenaeJer "Tht' unions has aponllOrt'd it." he aaltl, "And t ried lo get It pu•· ed so people couldn't build their J own craft ancl lllllall boat bu1lden w1111ld be forcttd out ot bu11lne11S." "Small bo11t11 would hlive co•t -the public ll'n tlmea whlit lhey are pnrt'd today It the meuure had been approved," he H id. HOLIDAY CROWD Coa tiaued from Flnt Pa1e was unable to avoid the a c,1dent At MacArthur Blvd. and Cout H1ghw1y, Stephan Berg. 16. ot Hollywood 11m l Marjorie F. \'10il't uC San Du~go were involved In a rnlnor 8C'CldPnt ye11tud 11.y when the Violet car backt>d out of 11 lll l\'t'•lll. 'l'wo thrPll·,•ar arrldenl~ utcur· rcil ye11terd"Y a t lilh St. and l:oaMt H1g hway ln the first ont' at 10.~7 a. m. c&r11 driven by Hlldlt. An ull points bulletin Wt'nl out Ul'sborough of 1""°' Angelee, Bette th11 1111>rn1ng fn.111 the :Kewport Man on DCllllell o! Lo• Angele& Bul h ruh«e stlll1on for 13-yl'ar· end Eh&abelh Panh&ll of J 12 old Cl'leste M11.r1c Goley, mlasing Onyx Ave. Wl're involved. ln the from the A1ches Moll'i asnre I 30 sl'cond mlsh11.p at 12:07 p. m. the p 111 yestPrd1t.~'. Sht' Ill \'1S1tlng the rara 'W~t,t driven 'by John Ra.n· H:u hnr a r ea \\'1Lh hrr Jrl"anJmolh· <lolph Saunder• or Compton. Cur- "'" Mr11. Lois M. ·Goley o( Van lll E. Cha.ney of Wllmlng-lOn and :'\uy,.. David E . Baratta of Whittler. 111 Mric. v uley told rohcP the girl both a ccident.. one car puehed IP It th,.. motc•I about J :JO p.m. to the u cond car lnto the U\lrd . i:v tu Bitlboli Alone. S he wu to At Newport Blvd. and 30th St. be bark by 4 .40 pm .. tlle grand· a rear end collielon occurred yu · motht>r 14111. terd1y betwun can driven by 'CLEMENTE FIRING DANGERS NOTED According to the Cout Guard the Navy has annoWlc· c.-d th11.t the following nearby ar!'aa will be dangl'roue be· ('a.Use of tinng: Area lf. CUUe Rock. San Clemt'nte Island, Mo ndoy thru Friday from 8 a.m. to mid· rusht and Saturday 11nd Sun- day during dayllghl hour.i Area I'. Pyramid CoVl', San Clemente Tsland, WtdneMlav from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. and Thursday from JO a m. to 0 p.m. Clarence Dodd Ill Clart>n<'I' Dootd. necutlve 11.l R1('h11rd'11 Lido MarkPt, 1a hnsplt· •hzrd in Hoal{ Ho11p111I Whl'rl' hf' we s takl'n following a rt'cf'nt rol· lapst. FFA AWARDS Continued from f'lr8t P111t .. I gold t roph1r 8, th,. nth1•r11 r••1t1f1· 1·att·11. H1i:h point w1nn!'r wa11 .Ism Hath. Don lllt>re1llth wus Sl'rnn•I, \\'1ti.:i;oner th11 ti. A111J M.1111n f.,111- th. R1C'hurct Could fifth. Onn \\'.I- lla.ms sixth. With J ohn Amulol w ao'<ly Royce. Gary <.:ale anti Hon- aid Dennis in Lhat ordl'r. Mrll. Hugp E. Btl11u. Grani:P member, wu given •n all wool bla.nket raised from 1heep on the Newport Harbor H igh School farm as reward for her planning 11nd arrvlng ot the banquet for the put Lhl"ee yl'ars. Presentation wa11 made by Ronald DPnnls. The banquet waa prl'paret1 a nd aerved by ml'mber1 ot the Co1't& Mua Grllllge. The Future Farm· ere t inanct'd lhe banquet a.nd ral•· ed the m llin count«"-beet. DEATH N.OTICE MRS. A.LICE MA\' MOSTA.J'l:.KTI .Mn . Alice Mll; llfont11.pert. 71. J 910 W.eat Blllboa Bh·d. J1M llfay 23 In Loa Ane"lea. She ""l3 bom In Norw1ch, Conn. of a p1onec>r family which foundet.I the Amerl·; can \Vooll'n M1ll8 and pU~tl away M 1he W£'1\'omed hl!r ) uung.•at !!•>n home fn.m Paris whtr9 he hatl rnrnplet"U a Fulbright Sl h<'lh•r11h1p In the .cbool ot junsprudt>nce at Sorb<lnne V 0.1ver111ty. I Coming to Lo• A n~lea ~o yeau ago, 1t}e, "1th her huaba.nd, An·• thony A. MonlaJ>«'rt, and eldut eon, Allred A. founded tht' Eleva· tor Malntenan('e Co.. P:le('trlral Di11trlbutoni, National Put.a and U. S. Wrre Co. .l<'or the pasl 24 ytar1 ah• ha.I resided at the &lboa addreu. So well dld she lovl' th111 community a.nd her many frlenJs hl're that U.. white beach aand wu mixed with U\e J uk l'a.rth or F ottst Lawn to covl'r h•r fir.al restlng place. Services were held Thuraduy, May 26. In Wee Klrk o' th• H t'a· ther, with her alx eon1 u pall 1 bearers. In a4ditlon ahe 111 1urvtved 1 by her huaband, two daughters. a alller, 10 grandchildren a.nd 1\x great-grandchildren. 3 BURGLARIES Coathlued fl'om Flnt Pa~ Dratting Service, 2710 W. Cout Highway. Ot flcer:i aai<1 the aame me&n11 or entry wa11 U!l'1t, !o rclnc a r l'ar window with a pry ll\JllrU· men!. The desk lo the office wu forced open ancl Mii <l111wl'l"I! In the !Ilea pulled out. l'\o paper!! wer«' dlsturbed and nothing w114 appar· ently taken, arcordtng to Roy Watkin.!, owner. . ~ '-.. '---. • ' .: ' (' .!N-4• --~110 1/1~9 J.<T \RT~ \\ t:Dst:~DA \' Juno• h t For Onf' ~·k "FAR HORIZONS" t'i\RU:TOS Ht:"-TOS l"Rt:O !\tiu·Ml'RRA \1 In Technicolor -AlAO - "SAIAKA" •••rr' •s- RORIS KA RLOFF In TNlullcolor \\'hl'n tu t au n. Celei!le wa• De.lie E. Schreihart of Whittler "'f'RI iniz blul' Jt'"n.:i. plt11d green I and Ht'len E. Kitty of 1511 Orange and bruwn shll t a nd wu bare· Avf! . Coat a Meaa. • f·•utecl. Sht' h11s ahort brown curly ha ir anJ l(reen eyes and 1tandll !'.> NAVY WINS 11•el. 'J. 1n~h1•11 tall. h<'I J(ranil· • moth, r 1<&1tl 8 p.m. THURSDAY Niii at B I G F A s·H I 0 N PARTY - Coatlnued from Fln t Pace Entertainment • Daoclng • Beautltut Model.!i Freedom Taxpayers In thl' first heal or var11lty eights, Nnvy·11 tiuhy tum to'ok the qullll· L.-· Meet Friday riPr over Cal.. with UCLA third r.vCJUe anti O~gtm St11.te fourth. British Frl't"l"m T11xp11yrr,. !.1•1<j:U•'. lnr 1• ill Iii hi 1h,. .innuotl m•·mbf'r~hsp Columblu look the junior var11lt y race 11gaJMt Callfom lll, USC and 11\1•1•t1ng J un .. :: 11t 7 pm . 111 thl' 111htm111m of Oran1:,..C-na11t Col· Orang" <.:out Collegl'. I \\'Mhmgton rowed to win the 1··~·· ~~cond h~at. \"ar~ity ~ighlt1. wtlh 1\•ln11ll.1111 1· t•• lh•' Ill• rtml( will Stanford cloae behind and Brlti•h h• by n11·mlw1,.h1p tarJ t'>nly. ('olumbia and USC fln!Ahln1 U\ird 1 h• lJ 1a1 •I "XPl'• lf'lll'Ni con111d· olntl tourth. . ,., abl•· 1llr1 t• ult~ 1n i.;l'tllng 11 mert· ()('(' ('Rl:\\'8 lS Sl:<:OND 1111: 11'"' ,. lnr i.:r .. 111111i:h 1u IH <'Om· 1 Orange Cou t Colltgf', tnterinc 111 ... 1.11 .. 1t• 111~m~n,.hlp, · \' E .. rowing r.ompellllon 1galn11t ma.jor !.:~·•"11 111 1 p1°•rlrnt ,,f the Lf'8· c·olleoge>s for only the second year. 1:11•· ·l.1t1••I I pulle1I a surpnaing upaet In U\e · \\'<' hHw• 100 mPmbt'r11 aut. 1u 1 roure with C'o:uwain race to pull many of r h• ,,. mrmlwr11h1p11 are 1 In 11econd a.head oC third pl&r.e ht•ltl 1n Jt11nt l1•nanry thl'rP a rr l:CLA and fourth place USC. San .1pp1nit11t1A1 .. 1y 1!00 J'f'nplr l'httlblt' D1P1to Rowing Club took the n1ce to 1111 .. ntl ·· llml' of 7:1~.4 . -- Too Late To Classify GARDENING Malnttn11.nr<'. vu t1 rlcaning llnd light haullni; K lmbl'rly 3-302~ day11 or Ha rbor 3()34 evenings A wrPk rnds. :18p72 2»-·Help Wanted YOt':'\C LADY for gcnl'ral offi<'e work 1n Cnr<•na rlf'I :'-far. !I t1Ry \\'t <'k. J'f'rmanent. Fnr Rpp't C'llll lllH S:l l\Scf\('I 62-Real Estate ATT'RAC'TIVE nearly new 3 bdrm. ttom~. elMe--to Back .Ba.)o. .Extra large lot, fireplace. covered pa tio, fenced. land.leaped yard. Uvlng 6 dlnlng a.re• ca~ted. s10.100. c aJ1 LI 8-1180. 4speo 40-Aotoe and Trucka C-1.EAN ':11 Dodge pick up. low msluge S~O. Call LI ll-0383 08p60 ANNOUNCEMENT Roy Greenleaf & Gordon Se\'erts are pleased to an- noun<'e that ~f. F. Aufd<'r-Heide formerly with C. Gal<'n Denmson of Costa Mesa. is now aMociated with GREENLEAF -SEVERTS REAL TY 1 ,,6 "25 years in the aame location" 3l -Newport Blvd. Harbor 2552 "Come as You Are" Breakfast 8poaaol"Nf bJ Ule \'ouar Pf'Oplf' "' tlM co~"'·~rr1· cm·RcH COAST Sl'PER MARKET PARKING LOT 3347 E . Coast Bl\'d, Cornnll df'I Mar Saturd_ey, J une '4 -8 'til 11 a. m. l:nterta!n'™'n' -Door PriMe Doaatl1>11 50c ''F LIGHT TO FASHION" Bforrfog 10 Lor•ly 1'a.1'11oraett"e from RULE'S OF CALIFORNIA CORNELLA BIGELOW HAZEL CRAWFORD'S HAWAllAN LA REINE e KING'S SPORTSWEAR SEA WEED'S INC. e MISS MUFFET ( 'omm11ntatf'd by (Jlorla Ficklin(' Mualc by Ronnlft Kr nt • Trio Aafare .d11 114 rnttlnlt .NST SOunt OP U.6 \MA II.ACM Reservations. HYatt 4-6!'.>08 SEAFOOD Meet Us at the Orange County Home Show ,··-- V.lwdw< 1"" rl• t<' touOd. buy 0< mockn11,. -i-. mn )'(l<>~tNllr•c~ ef -y AmttlGl't f,.r""""4 errln-• ...i b<ald«n /~·/ ) -open your home , to this .wonderful J way of life ! // People who live in 1b<' ho1ue1 - LOVE IT! You •ill too, h«auw no 01htt single future -resardk<'I of co<t-add• •uch lsghl to )l'llr life, lift to your ~rirs1u1rarllln1. •lidine •n ll• of al~<<. When 1ht wu1hrr·~ l>rsghl and chrtry, a tlngtr111\)ouch ilidc• Arcadia Doors u 1de lo invite 1hc outdoor-. 1odoors. B~I •hen the wulhl'r thrutl'l)J, slide the door\ 'hut lo create a ti1t11ly-lockcd. 11orm· tultd t>~r lh11 ku only 1h• LOOK o( tllt ouuidc.1niide. sliding glass-doors Dt•h1h11!..t b7 WARD & HARINGTON LUMIER COMPANY '---------------------------"" • a11 ~t u .. ,-. MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGES SUNDAY, JUNE 5th 10 a. m. 'til Closing • tn home our new New Home of CHRYSLER· IMPERIAL • PLYMOUTH Sales & Service -. ~ J International Ha"ester Trwcb .. ~ 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach RECEPTION SOUVENIRS • • REFRESHMENTS • TV PERSONALITIES Lou ·Reed & Associates -.!J.mperia/ - -""' • IH . . NEWPORT BEACH (Opposite Balboa Bey Club) 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-3486 I . ~ (jover11menl ~PA~G_E~6~_PA_R_T_1~~~~~~-N_E_~_P_o_R_T_H_A,R_a_o_R~N_E~~s_-P_R_E_ss~~~~~-o_NDAY, ~AY 30, 1955 "God grtint us the serenity to occept the things we connot chonge: the couroqe to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A . Anon.) . THEY PRESERVED OUR FREF.OOMS EDITORIALS Memoriam in Passing This is Memorial Day and this year, more than any ~ear in our li ves, thia day has a heartfelt meaning for us, On Friday the mortal remains of our younger brother wer<' laid to rest 1n th~ family plot alongside the body of i.i& muthrr. who paBSP~ away JUSt before Christmas. Memonal Day this year means much to us: and as we . saw our youngrr brother, my family favorite. laid beside hi(l mother we thought that here went our last chance of bringing a member of our family into this pa- [><'r lo htlp us in our st<>wanlsh1p and management of it for you. the people uf Newport Harbor. And as we drove back to Newrort Beach from t hat family plot in our old family cemetery at Downey, we thought how negligent we had been in observing Memorial Days. We had hoped that our brother would be in this paper with us. And then we got to thinking -one of our neighbors in this 'County is now battling to keep from having plRced above his door a wreath that would say: "In Memoriam", and that memoriam would be the life and heartbeat ot a community -its newspaper. That newspaper is suffer- ing the disease of a picket line in front of its doors. And the same as an unknown fungus invadllJ*the vital or- gans of our brother and brought about )It uqUmely de- mise in the 31th year of his life. so h:S the fungus of vicious. cold hearted, ihcompetent, hard blooded gang- ster unions brought about the demise of many bWli· neaees and many newspape~. "In memoriam" this year means much to us. Surely our heart has bet>n heavy for the passing of our mother. and the loss of a brother, but our heart has alsq be«>n heavy for the pa88ing of the 100 year-old Brooklyn "Eagle whose publishers were unable to see their way to carry on in the face of arbitra ry demands of an organized labor that had ceased to feel any responsibility for the stewardship of which they were a part. Insurance for Indigents ( Ed'a Note: This editorial wu written by the pub- lisher of the Brea Prol\'ress and published m his news- paper Wednesday. May 25. We considt-r it well worth reprinting ancf material for study by all taxpayers. BR) B~· FRANK HAl.L One pf the most pract1t'al and workable suggestions tc1 check the rising costs of county hospita ls has been suggested by Hollis L. Carey. M.D .. of Gridley. in an ad- dress he ga\'e rec<>nlly to 11 ci\·ic organization in Butte County. Or. Carey 1s bold enough to suggest that Cahfom1a Physicians' !'i<'rv1ce, a non-profit organization. work out a plan. on in exper imental basis, whereby that organiu- t1on could underwrite the expense of outpatients or hos- pital care, or both, for the indigents of our county on.an annual basis. the premium being paid by the county, the patients being-cared for in local communities. Read that last paragraph again to understand ex- actly what it saya, then consider it from all angles. Dr. Carey has some enlightening information which reveals some thousands of dollars ln savings to taxpayers. ln Butte county an agreement wu reached between the doctors and the board of 1upervi.aors. Thia plan al- lowed the indigent.a of the area to report directly to any qualified physician in the community and to be treated as private patients. Here. while giving his talk. Dr. Car- ey added that in Butte County the doctors are in close liaison with each other and abuses of the program were held to a very minimum. Dr. Carey had each doctor report to him the total charges for care of auch indigent.a and also the approxi- mate number of hospital days saved Butte county, by keeping indigents out of the county hospital. Basing hi11 figures on $20 per day costs for hospiW bed.a Dr. Carey came up with the encouraging figure that for $2.900 the doctors of Gridley have effected a saving of $38.480 to the taxpayers of Butte county, over a 29 month period. There are indigent groups which could not be inaur-Our heart 1s heavy too at the passing of the Los Angeles Daily News which saw many of our schoolmates and frie nds go out of work and an urgent need of help from their fellow newspapermen to hold their lives to- gether until they could find other employment. The Loa • ....... ed. Dr. Carey says. but he is aware of these condition• and would not interrupt these programs such as domi- cilary care and the TB patients and probably other groups. ·Angeles Daily New111 was never a money making news- paper. It was never particularly successful -perhaps because it had always been the best friend of organized labor. and it was organized labor that planted the knife in the back of the Los Angeles Dail~' News. And so deep was the wound that the NC'Ws expired and a plant that had been built at a cost of more than a million dollars went und1'r t he auction hammer at a third of that amount. And th<'rC' 1s money lost an<\ hearts broken and JPbs eliminated because arbi trarv. arrogant, unrespon -.,. . s1ble union gangstt•rism has been determined to rule or rum all that gets m its way. In Orange County we ha\'e a peculiar sit uation in the nrws1laprrs. The newspapers arc not anti-union. This newspaper. particularly, has nC'\'er bothered to find out whether any prosp('('li\'C employee was a member of any union. or whether he was not. We do know that there are al least two pai<i up union cards in our estab- lishment. They cause us no worry because until the reople of th<'Re l '111te<1 Stat<'s ma k<' up their minds that fre<' entcrpn!le ( capit11i1sm l is to be their foqthold and their way nf life fnr a glorious future. there can be little that nny smnll 1nd1 \'idual ran. or will be able, to.do nut of the WN1lth t hat h<' c11 n create in any short life. And so we say "In M<'miiriam" fnr the Brooklyn Eagle. the Los Angeles Dn1ly Ne.,·s and many other papers. ~f<'mnna l Day has b<-en obi;;erved largely as a time to r('collect upon the glorious de<>ds and natio nal debt of our pM ple for those who hn\ e fallen in defense of. or on behalf of. their cmintry. It hns been a timP for talking much of pe::u·'-· -1nt crnat1011al 1wace -and we choose to f<'<'I th1.-tlay that ~krnonal Uay should be a day for talking of pC'aCt'. p(';I{'(' aml rrasnna bl<'n<'ss, peac.• and underi;tand111g in tlwse l 'n1Ll'd !-;t:itt•s bet w<>c·n on the one 1111de bu~inrss :inti 11n t he· ntlwr s1tk l:1bor, a n<i s1•mewhere m the m1dd l•-. u11r ~"' ,•rnnwnl. 81·rausc of bot h. labor and m1t11Agr nw 11t . 1n ndd1111111 tn the rr<'at1on of inter- nnt i11n11l J >ral't'. 1s t 11 .. C'\'<'rlaslm~ pn•blrm nf keepi ng ali\'e, of generating rmplnymf·nl. firm ;:rnd solid ;rnd sound employ ment f11r y<'a rs tn come: and only as there Is undr rstnnding and only as the-re 1s ad\'ancemC'nt anrl only as there is ll r11nt111u1ng, growing employment, can there be a continuing. growing, e\'er-progressing United Statt's of America. carrying on its aim to make a better world for the bcndit of all the world. Yorm•rly t he l'~wport-Ba.Jbo& Ne11>·1-T1mt1 a nd t he N'twport-Balboa PTtSll A O.peadable Lo<-a.1 Institution fo r O\•tr F orty 'l"tan Ente~ u s.rond-CIUI Matter at tht Po11tufflee 1n ~t'wport Bea<:h. California 11n1l!'r the Ar t ot ~1•r<'h 3. 187!1.1 Here in Orange County last year the board of auper- visoni attempted to sell the ta.xpasers of Orange county a bond issue to build a huge monument to medicine t-0 be known as the OrangQ:..eounty medical center where indi- gents woU'ld be cared for in lush hospital rooma while the costs continue to mount for the taxpayers. If this new plan has worked successfully in Butte county The Progreu believes it iB the duty of the board of supervisors. aa trustees and guardians of the taxpay- ers' dollar. to inveetigate most carefully thia novel and 1timple plan of carmg for the ills of those not able to pay for the services they need. Naturally., no one likes lo go to a hospital. If a brok· en bone can be eel and the patient cared for at home, without hoepital care, the patient will be much more happy and hospital beds would be saved. This plan would benefit many indigents by saving them travel time and expense and making it easier for them to see a doctor. If it is workable, then our present county hospital facilities will be adequate for years to come. It is not un- reasonable to imagine the tremendous savings which are po88ible to the taxpayers without reducing the care of the indigents. In fact, they woald be receiving better care if the program is supervised effrcienUy. The. Progress respectfully calls this presentation to the attention of the Orange county board of supervisors. The Progress will furnish the board with additional in- formation and actual facts and figures if they a.re inter- ested enou~h to investigate this plan. The Orange county hospital is not a pride and joy to the county board of supervisors under prell<'nl condi· t1ons. The super\'isors know about these conditions, but they are not talking about them. Dr. Carey's plan. The Prop-ess beli <'ves. 1s hke an answer to their prayers. and 1t cl"r1 ainl~· i:1hnulrl meet with hearty apprm·al from the taxp:iy1~r11 of Orange County. SOB SISTERS J1•hn McCoy, of the journalism department of USC. addre1111i ng members of Orange County Press Club Fri- day at an Anaheim meeting. cited California school teachi'rs aa top example of public rela!k>ns on the neg11- t1ve side. The teacher;a. he said. decry the fact that so few etud<>nt.s go into the teaching profession. anrt yet dn all they can to discourage them by contmually complain- ing about in adequate wages, despite th<' fact thrir sal- ~riec could be considered excellent. On the ot h<>r h1rnd they attract to the professfon the lazy ones b~· stress111~ the 9 month work year. To his student.a he 1ay11. "Don't do li ke that. IC yr.u are ma~ng $60 a week. brag about it ~ Say it's the be11t job in the world and you wotfldn't change 1t for anything. Be poaitive in your public rt'lations, not negall\'e". ~ E\•ery Monday Md ThurMlay at Xr•port ~M'h. caur. __________________________ .._,, t.y t.tte NEWPORT HARROR-Pl'BLJ~Hl~G OOMPA.'>l' T•ltphone Harbor HH8 Qua.Ulled to PubU•h t....r;a.I S ollN'il and Ad''"rtl~mtnt• of All Kt.di 111)' 0.CrM of tllle 8uJM'r1or Court of OraaKe Co. In AC'Uon Xo. A ·11'1ot Mt11nlwr Callfornla Sr1opap4'r Pnblhhrn A11AN-lallo" M•mhf-r SalloaaJ F.Alltortal A111WK"latlon MPmbf!r of Ora.nitt County '.°\f'w• !"fon·k• BEN' REDDICK. Pt:.Bt.JSHER \\'JU..JAM A MOSF.S. E<l!t or OR.,iOND E . ROL"~'TREE. Alli rrt1J0.1nJ D1r.ctor CHARl.ES A. AR~fSTRO!\'G, .\ff'c h~n11 ~l Supl'rtnten<!ent _ ~t BS<.:RIMIO'.\ R\Tt:I': S•wport Harhor S•"•·f•,...,,, T" '"" \\ ~ly la Oran•• c:ount~. f6,1.., JW"' , .. ar; f:l.00 '"mo ... : ''·'J lhrtt mu.. Outa&de of Oranr;e County f1.c)() JW"t 'rar Farmer McCabe Writes . • • A Lady that li\'es down the road a piece from us is a Vulture fer Culture. Went to aU kinds of .troubles the othrr day to find out what she ought't>r give ht>r bf.st friends fer their 10th Weddin Anniversary. Now any durn fool could of told her that the 10th Anniversary is Tin. and thcre'fl n1' ~1ft so appropnate as " C1rn 0 f)('n · t'r .... e\·en a rt<'r tf'n years of maniage. F1 rmt-r McCabe Commie Compatriots En route back to Rusaia ~ a trio o! Commie big- wigs who humbly and abjectly apologized to Marshal Tito. The dear round head is now back in the good graces of the Hammer and Sickle with the red flag at his back and pointed sword at his throat. We do not know whaL Tito had on Krueschev or Bulganin to make them eat such spoiled crow. but we do know thi&-that in our Or- ange County is one man who can still make Tito, the red loving Commie, squirm. And that one man is Andrija Artukovic of Sunaet Beach. It is he whom all of the red powers of our world today have been trying to ex- tradite. That is a common American term interpreted in Europe as eliminate. liquidate or murder. Andrija Artukovic is a citizen of Orange County, although not a citizen of these United States, and we call upon our precious red-loving State Department and its underling• of the Department of Justice. particularly one United State1 Attorney named Rona1d Walker, to look upon the pretty pictures in the papers of this week-epd and aee the lc:tve feast of Tito and Bulganin and Knfeschev and then read the vile lies that these people have put in- to the records about a man now residing in our Orange County. We thfok that it is time that the United States government brand as lies all of those allegations made by Tito's Yugoslavia and read into the records of our federal courts by a United States Attorney. Ronald Walker. We do not say that Mr. Walker lied. We mt:rely aay that he read into the record the lies furnished him by his clients -his clients a.ssigned to him by the gov- ernment of these United States: and we do sa v that it ia time that we a1t American cit1zen1 act as People of courage and grant to Andrija Artukovic asylum in these United States and the protective cloak of its citi- zenship and every grant that we csn give one wh6 hu detennined to make a life far and away from the Com- munist murderers of Europe, Asia and ·Yugoslavia. We commend the Congressmen who have arisen to the caulle of defense of Andrija Artukovic and we urge them not to-cease in their endeavor to grllnt him citizenship in these United Statea that he may never be given into the hands of Tito and YugOBlavia and his Communist compatriots for liquidation. NO COMMENT By WALTER CllAMBUN IR. \\'ASHl~GTO="" The Hom•e tie· bat. on lhf' Of>fr~ Appmpr1Atlnn Biii rtVl'lllA the D .. mocrals inte nd to tmploy A nf'w t11rt1r In thr1r f'f· forlll to dlll<'rf'<!tl th,. t('Onomy camp1u1n1 or thl' F:t~f'nhowf'r All· mln1111r11t1on. Rt'prf'Btnla llvl' Mahon ID ·T ;x. 11 I 11ald th1<l the llrfen!<e f\f'part· mtnl had m 11de "a culol'l118l fall- urr" of prOC'llrtm f'nl m attt>n. He C'hargetl that pro fits ot 1ndu1trlt>11 f'ng11irrt In 11 .. fl'nse bu11lnu·11 have b!'Pn llOKrlnl( u though thty wrre jl'l propl'llf·ll. H r r l11lmert the tRX· p11yn11 hav• bl'f'n takt'n for a m r r ry rldt . R epubllC'an mem ber11, who heard t h111 attack. noted .that ll wu an •tlt mpl hy thf' DlfrnO<:rat.9 lo o ff· 111'1 lhr l'hllrjlr!I Of Wll~tl' Anti rX• l1ll \':\llAl1l'f' tn th• ''P"l,llllOn o( thf' i:"''"I nmPnt p:u t11•11l11rly the fll'fP nA" Orp11 rtmc-nt hy th,. pr1or 11ilrn1nuc1111t1011 R••p11hlira n11 hold th11t th~ 1011t1t11llo n t•f but<1nr.u m,.th1ul' 1n lh!' i nvf'1nmrnt hu 11r1rn11"l lh" f\,.mon11 t11 bf'1"a 11sl" lht\ c.•n :v .. thlll lhr11 pohev of •ll•rw n••nK p1<t11 nai:r a nd d1stnbut· int h11n !"•1l1< to " fA Vf•ritr ftw will be a thing of the pu t. Another ll111atra tlon of how Ult drmoC'rat1 plan t n truatrata econ- omy meuu ru ln1t1tut ed by Sttre· tary nf Dtff'n11e Wll8<>n w u a pro· vtJ11on in the Drfenae Department Appropriation 8 111, 11 reporte<t by th~ Hnu11 .. Appropriation• Commit· t!'t , wh1rh would continue I.he ptr· formanr t by the governmf'nt ot work which roul<l bt dont by pn· Vllll' bu11lnr11a, Thl11 prov111on would re.lt rir t th• dlepoaal or tranaff'r by rnntrac:t nr othnwil!r n! tht' work lr11(1ttlonally pufnmM l)y C'lv1llan perennnel of the Ddtnae Oepartm•nt, On the eurrace. the r ommlttre rrpQrt ex· plaln11 that t he r r u un f•ff lhl1 provlalon I• that th• 1ovnnmcnt hu a great lnve11tmf'nt in its uwn 11l1opa and ra r1ht1"l1 1 nd tht know- how of 1111 rtv1llan ptr11onn,.I. How- t\'tr, Rl'p11bllr11nH 1111y lh11 t. r~ading bttw1>en thP llnr,., lhl11 111 a n tffnrt to r h,.C'k thr proir:r,.1111 that the n e- ferue Deoparlmt nl hu madr In t t t· Ung thr governm,.n t out (If bu•t· """'" Th1· B11reaucr at11 havP felt thr r utbar k And t hey have per11u11•I· ed thei r fr1end1 111 Con1rre1U1 to dtvl11t> lant1111ge ti) halt the movt bt>lng made towud1 1rrr11tu rt!l- clrncy. Ch111rman or the Houat Oper11· tions <'nmmltl re, Rep. OawM n 1 f>. 111.l, Pxp reMed oppo11ltlon to gl't· tlnlf the i nvernment O\ll O( bu lit· neu dr11pltr the fact that in re· cent years It h1111 enga,ed 10 morf' than I 00 bu11lnl'1111-ly~ 11r tl vii 1r11 The11f' h11ve Included 1uch dh•""'" proj!Tam11 u the m anutactur,. nt rertJllzer. helium, rubti.r, lum~r. "lectr1r power. l ll'eplng b111u. f11liie teeth, 11~ct.aclu. Ice cream. ma r 11. na,p, paint, ammunition, clothlnt. m arnu1um. fu rniture. 1htp11. ra il. air. and m11r1ne tran11por1 t n1r k · Int . blu,.pnntinr . tnauranC'r , w111 t· hou11n1r:. the op,.nllon of hotel~ and laundr1u . ~rap proC'U~lnt. t1rf' r,.lrt•dlnir, rottet> Mll•t 1nK. rarbait <'Ollect lon. beklnir:. 1111lvart, and fur aeaUnr . Indeed, Ole f OYffnment la. amon1 other lhlnr•. the larre.t !'lt rlric power producer tn the ct1untry. the larKt!lll 1n1urer, the h1r1,.~t lendtr and the larr,..t bc>rrowtr. the lar1Mt landlord and lht la rgtl'l ten-.nt, th• l•r1e11t holder ot &'TU· lnr land and Ole larrut hoMer o f tlmbt rland, tlle Jar1ut owntr o f tn.J.n.°lh• l&rfMt wa.nhouff o,,..r.-. tor, the larr~·•t •hlpowner, and the lar1ut trur k·flMt operator. P'or • nat1011 wMcb la the clda t., M d the world'• prtnclpal tl(J>Ontnt of prlv11tt rnterpr!M and lnlllatl"' Ulla •• • 1'9.l.Ur amuan, llilt. \ :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL H~· HOH.\Ct: rAtUO:R t t:d. Sot., -'f'hJ11 l'Olumn b~· Hhr:irr l'ark•·r ''Ill ckal with lhf' lhtll'·IHhl\\ n hl .. tor..,ul ""'" hr ha• clr .. •lt •·1t 1111 In 111 .. m•n~ lrl11• Into thr ha1'k •·1111ntr~ 111 ''''"'nl ·"'"~·l t i:;d. N1.>tt'. l<"'1rst 111 a st•n 1.•s nf t r111• bh1od 1 uh•.i 11( C'a rl y Soulht•rn Cahforn111 . as t•n:t1 led 111 tht' lit tk t ••Wu of Campo In s1'uth<>rn ~nn 0 11'go t'ount\' in thf' lntr 1 tl0'11 whwh has bet'n lmrl\yn :111 "Croi-111\\1;ds I•• f l,•11" 1 It was a bris k rn ornin(: 1111 l >en•u1l>t•r 1. 1-..-;;, th.it -1'll1. IA.ip.:-:: and 11 ~lt>x11·1111 b.1nd1ts. all t h 11 1 w a :. l..t t uf the uld \'.1i;qu1.·z g.in.~. trlt>d l n wnrm t ht•1 r h:iuds 11\'•·r tw11 11r •hrC't' sm·1ll fin's Th<'~' Wt'r<' t·nnreRlt•d 1r1 11 '<nt :tll im a lt.• 111 the hills a short d1stlllll'C' from thl' tnwn 1if l 'a m p11 1111 t he• S:t n C:11tir11-YumH T n 11l All tllr c1•·.•r'• ,. J•'r k.,I tu.• •h .. 111.l••r '1""11 Jll~I 11• allot • 1n ('Hhl11m11< wh .. thtr 111 ... v 1 ... •l•"l l11 1·il , ..... '""' k "' t h" 1>,.11 \totl l' :ll•·;i..1, ""Hr A m "'" <HI. p.ti<>•••tl """''' h1111 •llolo• 111111 0·1111;: tu I ha lhrull~h l'1HUf"I r 1lht'r 1111 lh•'ll W H)' """' 1111 1: 11<'8•1 tu A11111n11 xn1I th<" ,.,.,..l nr 111 "!\ho111t tum ttl:•llll \'r111 ,11'11••1 tna kC' th"' "'"Y 1\1 "'"·' lh< b<•1<l"I lhr l\\'1• MC)il•'~I 6 ll• lh .. F ronl1•1u ll nJ l!H ff'I\' C111:r. L o p<7 who t .... 11 1'1 .. ft'll/lhlll · i,;,·,·1)' r .. 1111111• f•f 1 ... p ... z .1111ri111(·•• .. 1 rri·•·· ,11 11 .. ,.h,"'t111;: 11n11 k1111111 him lur Whl\\ h1' "'"" a nrld· 1<_,.ur .. 11 hi~ 1·1~111p"t I t•ltll t h"I """ bloodttl, t'IUt'I k1llP1 F'rnm lime 111 sh"t f1 11111 111 .. ;:un n( lh" ;:r""l llml' ym1 '"'ulrt 1111111·" th.-nv·n 1•\'l' L.•'l'"l "111< "u ffl1·11•n1 l,ope;r. With II l0t1k of (1•1tr fn ;m J \ll'I lht'I\ lht' llltl'l'llr r w hn \\ol• unctf'r t h<' d ro•ipinr; brim" 11f lhl'lr " F11·nl'h1111111 nn " whlti• h111 ~• a1,.1ml>ren1;1, Fnr \'l.he past few n11 n-.. t1•pf1•••t h•·wthln•••I In f1 ont of the ute& Lo~7. h1u1l a ppt 11rell l•l~l in "tnr.-tr1•m whlrh <'llme thr 11ound thought, 11t11rrn1e int.> lhe fire, but uf ,.hl•la. All l..Olk Z cl!Ulhf'll oul J'lln 1u<l1lenl.v lw r11111e to lit1• '" h11111l t hr F'n•r11•hm11n sllll tn the "Vamo8," h,. sa1tl. "Yt'll 11\l'n ground 01·,.r lhe 111mp ot thl' hor"t' have your orders. 11tuy With tht' And frnn1 lh<1l 11•1~1t1011 pull,d h11 warrc>n• an rt lt11ten for the 11;:naJ. p1111ol a n•I "h"l u 11w ;r; In thr nr< It.. You other fl\'" r omt"' with "''' ' Tht' 01h•·r twn !\lo'xlr11n" ll#ein~ THISOS C;f:T HOT thr1r lf'll<l•·r flown 1l1U1ht'l1 out 11nct Tt11ni;:11 had brt>n ,zet11ng hot (or ""'l'tll'•I lh1•lr g-un:o into th«' prNl· the r.•mnanl11 nf lht Vl.\.!!(juez ga ng trait' b•~J\' nf the irr .. nrhm1<n. In Suuth1•rn C11lltorn1l'I. a1ul LoJ1"7. "llOCIT" HASlltT ha d J .. e1drtl to try hie lur k In A11 1h .. y wrnl a rnund In bar k nf Aniona . They nttrl'd howtver. one lhl' hol'tle tn lnllpt'C't thrlr kill, t,11• la11t raid befo re leo.wln~ m ord .. r man whn hBI\ b•·t'n 11hot In the l1> 111•cure pro\'lslon,,, guns. and al o r e rt'C'ov.,reo•I l"ln•clouanl"tB, mnn,.y for lhr1r lrtp lH'lOU lhr 11t1t,(gt•rf'd ln 1111 11hot 11un, and r••I· tlt'8tre. Th .. y me11nt to rob lhf' .. 11 to th• d rvir. In a lurchlnlf run Guklll &to re In ..,s;Jmpo. and kill th .. t 1111r rr1,.,.tl the two Mnlrlll\a thf' two brot her' who owned 1l who 1hou1tht him dnl\, Luman • Luman G a111l&ll ra n tn t' 11to1e wh1lel turnt'<I lln<t 11hot r1nf' of thl' hlln· S1lu operated the b I a c: k 11 m 1t h c11U with a load of hurkJ11hot into llhnp I th .. t'h N1t Thl'n h f' 11tumblf't1 tntn "You 1wo t·onw with mt to lht' thl' t'lt>C'k t ri 11la11nr h 1h,. fl ow 11f storl'." Mid Lope:r. f"•intinir to 1wo hltllld rn~m lht wounrt pltrl'lng 11111 of !ht' b.tnrl1l~. I lun~I!. 111.!' Jl'rk whllr h!' \V(Oll r •n· "Themloi e ,v1111 lllkP lhl' other lune!!. tfii1t r 111111c-<1 the bulltt 10 twli anti watch tht> 11trt>l'l .. m 18Ji hlio hen,.t. Theo1:lor1• Va~qu,.z wot.-a ll'hll1ve SllHs hr11rll h is brothrr ,. r ry 11 nll Of lhP nf1!11rl11U.~ V11squez Rnll Wiii knrw Whll l "''ll up. H110 Ahol,i:11 n Lo p1•7.'a rhlrf heult!n1111t WHll nPar th,. f1,1·i;:1" Wun a b111 k· A' thty rn<le u110 town Lo~z ward ltap h,. gr&.11ped IL Just u thr frown t'd ror In th .. d.lsl~cl' wa.~ I hrce b1L111tlta In the •tr.et pulled a man opproal'lunjl' 011 a ~!!Ile t.hf'1r g un•. Al h& whe.lt!d to fir• ho rM. Jo"irlll he w•1uld gel tht' Ga•· a 11lu_g cr1111hrd Into hl1 rllfhl arm , k1lla. lhf'n f1nl1<h lbt travtlt'r. but not brfor• :. lf'lha.I t•hflrKt of Luman Gllllklll 11>·1111 brhlnd t.he h11rk,.h •1l <llsrmbowled onr of thf' <'llunttr ot lhf' 11t<1rr whf'n t hr I hanc:l11 .11. Th• two rt m11ln1nii r11n Mexlr an11 "n1rrPCI H•· paltl llttlr a"'1und thl" M rner nf tht' hl11r k· 1ttenl1un lo tht>m until he nola'f'd 11nuth 1h1>p ~1lu 8t11lkt'r1 1 he m 111HI th,. man 11t thr 1toor gl\'e a p01nl-f,.Jlt"1 llnf' w1lh tht' ,...n1111111n g h11 1• "'K ~lgnal With h11< fmge1 . Startlt'd r"I or h111 11hoq:11n Thi' .,th,.r b11n. he l!Q w th.-1 ...... :>i .. iw·a ns in lhl' d1t r1:&n fo r 11 p1lt ot lumber to hill~ 11tore pomting lh•·lr p1i.tnl11 Ill h1rn. Jn thr m N.llt1me the unKalhf'd Jnslln1 111'1'1)' ht ll111pf"•<I IO l he hllll•llt Who hrlflf'd k 11J thr r r!'nl h· floor a nrl l r1rfl In I!• l bl" hand11 man on t hr whitt ho~ 11Lartt d to on IL llla•lert ,(1111 no rby Thr Mt XI· ~ntl'r lhi> bl111 k11mlth 11hop. Lum11n •·11 n11 hurdlf'rt the ,.,.untt'r 11nt1 llf. who h11'1 bf't'n 11hol In t he Jun,..,. tPr 11 bn 1·f but flrt .. ,. 11tn1ggl,. pin. 1 11nrt h11'1 onr lnartt tl b&rr,.I tn h" tuoe•t Lum11n on 11 llh••llf'lln rlll,.!'tl 11r ,.,,.,,r t hf 1 r~ .. k C 'Rlt:~ Al~4R)I hank 11n•I l"'nl th" Mr:111r•n In lh,. Ht h11il c.nly t 1111 .. In y.-11. 'M l'R· '1•\0r 11( thl' bl11r kl'mlth 'h"r> DER." lo h11' hrolhrr 111 thr bla1 k· 11k1r kln,i:. 11m1t h llh"J'I wlm •e ''1111<(11 WR.II hh· Of I h1• "'ll m,.n \\'ho h11d ,.nt,., "'' l«'Urf'll by 11 1111~~ ht'llfl 11( g1 anl1e , f'u n pll 1 .. wn. flVf' wr rr t1l h"r bQuldl'n, Whl'n Lnpt>l 111m,.d h111 wo.11111lrff 11r tlf'11<!, 11ntl h<•lh t:11•- platol 111 him f111m JUllf 11 trw ll1tlx W•'rl' wnuo<!rtl All 111111 11r l111n 1m•ht>.11. In lt'IAL bn1>f 111.~llUll be· t•><•k pt111 o 1n brtwl'f'n I'll! 1rntl l•n tw l'l'n llf,. an•I 1•1 .. r111 ty L11m11n m ln11 tr11. r. t CAMPO -Th111 copy of an old ph11togr1tph shows Campo as it lookPd in J ~75 on I he d11y ()( the ban<i it raid. The • Store ifi t hP tWO·Rtory framf'cf St MJ1'tlJrf• In th~ lf'ft o( the p1cturr:. Courtesy San Oiego HiKtor1c11I Society, READERS WRITE M l<\ 2~>. IP'\~ fn111111101r '"" 1 1•1"~ Lhr•111gh "'" l'"wpnrt H111 hl•I Mr B,.n R"•f•l11 k f'uhh •h,.r :---l'wport 8"11r h l'l\llfnm 111 0 f'a r Ar n I \'r•,.111 n' R• 111'1 11 11•1 fl"hllhllllll· 11nn 11n•l r-11 l•I \\',.lf111 ,. l'1oi r11n1ie P l••Ju " •• 1 rpt m y whllll'·h,.11rt•f1 thllnk" \',., ,. 111111' } '•111 ... ._;.,.,.,por t H11rt>-11 l'n11t \ n1,.111 11n 1 .... l!••·n I•<>:-: H 1'ft':-JRON, """l «1>mman•ltr 21H Our U g1011 )"111 1 ~ ll\f111lh 11111 .... lnK' '" a 1 lu .... a otl I h"JW" ~-nu will 11llnw mt' 11111 ••rr"'rlumty 10 rx-1 pl ""' m \' lllnt ('If' 11 f'f>P •I lllllnn I" ynu 11nd ~·•111r ''"" n"w•p8JWr f111 I thl' won1l..rf11l 1·oop,r11l1"n a r.<l f'X -, r,.11,.nt rt\Yf r•IC" ,,, l'vtht" •""'''"" tir~r f:.utnr th111 Am.-nr 11n Lf',z111n f'o1'1 •l11r:n.: my \'•·•r II.JI ('r1111m11n<!•·r I Th" ;-:"""fl'•r1 ll11rl><1r t'nln" i:;~,.ru~I lhAnklf t•• Bill. , \\'m A lltKh 81 hn<1I Sn I ling c 11111 "'111hM Mo~t'll F:•hl111' lln<I I•• l'hll 'P hyl· "1111·..-r,.ly t o lllHnk \''Ill f••r puttlnr; ll•IJ J"r k'1on1 fur lhr "X''" t 1•1~lll M r H•·•kt1~r .11 p1•tt1r,. "' ••••r •K:ean t 1 l .. 11 r '""" 1n \1111r •MHr ln,.1 ""' tt•1n of C'tJUr ""'''" fl'~t ,.n; ''' 11\· ,.,H h ,, thf'm for llllr bl'ncfll lh" P"P"• \\" knmy II tr1••k up v11lullt)I" llJ>ll' 1• Th11l p11 1 1'1' Will A crimm11n11y "1'1111"1'1 nP.,.ll· pi per, 11u1•h 11~ v•il11 nwn •l•I"' 11 tot tll 1n1111h t m "'" 11n•I g t t Kt r r effort a hy th"~" • I "A w ,,,, 1 n 111 urva our "'"' thtr•lllth m"mh,.• • •hip In a 1Wrvlr r clu b, aurh u 0111 11 whoer mejnr nhj,.CllVI'• 1n '''" """ llOClatton 11 to prnv1d11 for I h• e&n and ._1•tMce 0( our kM Of11rlt •Ill \' in II-" nr 11r fUl•1r .. h"lfl ••Ht. rltlli t u L• U1t1 r..nvv of lfVM"'/ t-l111 l>for At•1rl,.nl 'fh,••&i( \11\t k j(M.n loo In•"'' "I) I ""1"11 I A '\'f; F:~R lt:HT. 1'1'r rl'l.ll.l',V nf Newport ~aua. I ) I .- MESA DRAINAGE PROTESTS MADE TO CITY COUNCIL NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I • PAG~ 1 MONDAY. MAY 30, 1955 1'1 ote U un I"' 11 •h ><IMl l!f 1 1 r n f"'rl y. C'otrry w11.1 ruk,.d 10 In· l 1l11 ns 111 1 • •!.• !\!•·•& M l•\· 11 , .. 111:a1,. 11n1I n I"" t nt next rtgu-r a v ,. f I t v I' ,, u n (" I I m .. ,,;~r H' l't\UOl'll ""'··1 .. n I a rl; .. n1 c to ""'our "It" ,.n·allu• C"uun• 1lma11 B,.1 l Smith, backln~ 11( •lrrr11.\~" •h ... tr1rt11 b\' lh<-•ill 1nuJa11nn <II 1•"1'1o11,. tur torm11· 7'••r '11,•m11elvtao 1 ·umpl .. 1nh u 1 '"'" ut <1111111og .. J1 · r ts 111 (.'u,111 f! I • intlltlon,; a t tht'lr 1 ,. ... ltn<'t'' :>lt'M. 11tl\"l~• •I Mr•. :-;<'"ll ~., lit'· ll1111ng the llhl ra in 11101111 \\f'I • i:m urcula 1ng 11 pit1•:,1n ··v11ur n 11U1f' hy ~lr11 Ha~"I St'Oll, 10611 d1sfr1r t. bound,.<I b \• l!"Y· 1 9~h ~t, lllaple 811, .\frJ< Al \\'a•!!', ~003 Plac-enlui. A\·e. llnd \\"1lscm St., will M1tf>I" St., 11nr1 M111\• "'ll••n 1·11111'· ~0 1tt 1tpprnxtm1ttt'I'.' ~·llO/lOO,"I ·-,Ill the rornt'r "' R•wh,,11t!'r a nd ~111i1 h t••lrl i-.. r, '\\"•· h'l v,. th• TU1t1n . plan. but lhe c<"'al w ill h11yl' to be M1•, Scott ""''illr,.d, ••flomeol>o•IV oh111 cJ by J rn~·l'rly tJWOrrs." IA 1ttdlty for mt'~1un~ th11t ~trN:I /111 s. \\'111lC1 1-.•f,•rr.-J lo hel't'elf 11p " In explalnlnK •h niniq:e pi nb-11s •·c-n" "~ th•1~" I" ••r sul'kt<r ~ .. ltrHJ< confronltflg h•·'I 1,.,,1,Jt'n• ... "h" h11 I u h111n .. u1\ ~t.11'1" ~l Sh~ Shi' llAl'1. "'A \""llr Hl(l'I th•·f,. \,·11 ~ 1 llnl<! 'th• want•·(! t n )'Ill h"r house wat!'r on M•pl<1 wh,.n 11 1J<llh d I u:i for !-111,. but nllw th"r"·, mnrl'" Sh" rf" I MAry Ellt'n Cooper ha.d thr,.e ouutr.d in•tallatwn of a pump at c·omp l111.nli<. 1nrlud1ng one on drain· H11mJJtnn t o .. ,,1111 th,. wnti>r off ti~"'· &II im'Qh-mg t he 1mprovr• M R pl,. In 1'11/'ol' th,. l'I'\" rni.:1nl'l'r Ill! nt .. r ROl·hc.!il"r St. bf'tWf't'O ''"t'~n·t '1" a bell~r Juli lh;;n the Santi\ ,\n" an•I Tus•in Ave·~ l'ht rount ,. " . 1 1\llkt·d tll ha\"!' a portion of h,.r ~ ·• , • . remtnt dr1v1 w11y rt'plac,,•I with SUPERVISORS ALLOCATE TAX FUND FOR CDM ACCESS ROAP A :-;,."port 81'A<'h City Counnl rtquut t.:ir l13,2~1 Rll<•• 1tth•n from .-ounty ~ns tax aid to cll1t1 for conatrucllon <•! a.n a1"t'f'llS rv••I to Corona del J.ta r State Buch Park \\as appro•.-J Tue~Jay b)· the Ora.nee Coun- ty Bo111 d of Suptr\'1J1or1. Sur.-rvuror11 also ..a.ncu oned a $29:10 allol.mtnl tro.m the gas l11x C\rnd for lmprO\'f.'nl<'nl Of the Hamilton apd Maple Stl. lntPrB-Octlon in Costa Mt'NL I these tragic yeua. Pro-Pctaln and ~all H ubor teie 1 anll-L8v11l, hf' duc•r lbu Pt>ta m'a 1 Ad on thl• pas e. ptr30nal atruxglf' 1111 well aa hl1 to place yo111 efforts to prutn~e the honor or ------------- .I O H NS T ONE'S I Fra.nct . Llft~RATIOS Mesa Auto Wreckers· r 1ed Auto Part.a and Acc .. io!OOrln 2075 Pla.ceatia A,·~. l..lkrty I-101S Coe ta Mtea c 1 1~ Managu (,torgr t Offt'y In· l"On•Tt'le. nut blackt<•p. r .. p.., tf'il form I'll Cll r CllUnrlJ th Ill wnrk r Tl'atlon <1( a rJVP 10 WCJT!l In fl olll .. ·011111 be d•1nP 111 lh,. lnt .. 1:.t'rtwn of ht'r hou~e. and reportPJ a r, "'" of !\taplC" 11 n.1 ll11mil "" \\1th Chap· j rroblem in 1.,110,., l1L•l1 "ith a ttr 20 mr1n1f'll ~·h1rh W•llllJ htlp nl'll;hbvr ing dnvt'?."ay apprnarh the 1<1tuat1nn ! otlfli 1lman Brucd• CounC'il approve<l rcpla('t'ml'nt M11rt1 n rtphrtf'tl th., county ha or th" drivewav with cu11crf'll' tt t b111ll u p a hump In lhl' atrP~t an llpproxlmat~ s~o <'nllt. Mayor which ran wat"r inlo Mrs. Scott a ('lsll e Nelson 11airl drainage ,,.,Ju. AS ONE TICKET QUEEN TO ANOTHER Probably thl' mo•t Intriguing parl or the story concerns tht Ubfrauon and the f'Xl'Cutlon In cold blood of mon t han 100,00-0 coUaboratora. dt>nounceod by the other rollaborators now tUl'ht'd Communist. In rt'adlng the pagu or this book one la a ble to drttcl the histon caJ cycle lh11t 11 ao prt\·&lcnt In the strPam or hlstl)ry. Attempt Made to Boost Costa Mesa Census lion "required the 1mt1Atl\"f' or th» clll%.t na of co~ta M l.'i11i' and ll<k· ed rll1z1•n11 to 811!!1.St In 1·111\llull of lmprowment dunrict~. C11y 1:.:n- l(lnr,.r Don Southworth and Cnf- fty wert asktd to examine the rt-nee problf'm. Costa Mesa's Fuchsia Societ y is sponsoring Marilyn Newton ot Santa Ana as this year's candidate for t icket queen of the annual Lions Club Fish F ry in Costa Mesa Park J une 4-5. Here Marilyn, r ight, gets toget her with la.st year's ticket queen. Mrs. Edwin Bryant, also sponsored by t he Fuchsia Society, in the patio ot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeaw at 310 Costa Mesa St. The q ueena are examining blossoms which will be on display J une 4.5 from 11 a .m. to 10 p.m. at the fourth annual Fuchsia F estival of the Costa Mesa. Bay Cities ~ranch o! the California National Fuchsia Society. The fes- tival will be staged in Costa Mesa Park in conjunct ion with the tenth annual fish fry, parade and carnival. Admission is free. -Staff Phot o A n lntl'rl':1llng atudy, anJ. hl1th· ly rel·ommeond.-11 1u slwctJing l!Otnf light nn thl'!'e dark yu r11. \\'A T t:R IU:A TF.RS SALES. SUVICl .. d U,AIU Joe Bec~lof J PARKES • RIDLEY MORTl "AR\' F ormnly OIL\l"EL C"HAPEL llO 8rollod\\a~· '-Costa MN& Liberty 8-:USS and ~-SU• .--DEBT f COLLECTIONS Any chance of Costa Mtaa •well-Enforcement Ing preliminary announrcment nt the 11perlal C'l'Ol!llll rounl of 17,279 Man11t::Pr Georgt CtJff~y a nnuunc,.d ONCE PROUD NATION Reviewer Traces F·rance's Collapse as World Power trlee have fallt n. T he Comm11111sl!I, Pl.l'~BISO meanwhile, appear t o bf the only TH"'4S 10 ru Cl NT oow14 ,ho•• H••bor SUO atable politica l entit y In France. I'==============! T he a uthor w aa formerly a E_uroptan correspondent for thl' Chrlatla.n Scltnce Monitor who de· Call DAN'S TV~ Acc-ounts -Notft -Claim• of any kind or dtbtJt-anywbtre In Amt'rkL "Sn coU~tlOlll -No fM ." \Ye advance aU costa. Jll'r!IOOll Rf'f'mt'lt meoa~l'r today. City of Smog Laws he had air ma1lt'd tn \\'11fh111.:ton. D 1 • npprnximlllrly 20 form11 fillet! p Off W11llam Haarstad, Orange Coul out by l'1t1z~n~ who fl'lt llwy h&t1 ay·1ng Cnllrge llbrarlim. rtvlew11 F1ancl': clded to f'f'ma ln In France during leston l• that lhl'se occupal icn I the Grrman occupation. His res!-8en1c. • Rentala • Salee yeare marked the bPglnnlnlo) of I dtnce In Fr an ce gives h11n a clea r Liberty 8·2228 CR.EDIT 8 l'REAll of Western Orance County fonntrly Cttdit Bureau of ~ewport Beach, La~ Beacb and C(llll& Meaa. tO• R h't'ralde Ave., P.O. Bos 199 1'"'EWPORT BEACH. CALlt'. not h,.,,n tnrl11dr1I m lht' two·Wl't-k The TT11g1c Yt ara 1939-1947 by tAhulatlnn which i'llal t"•I Mny 3. S1slty Huddll'&ton. 1 the disintegration of the onct Insight to U;e happtnlni;l! during /A•.....,,,....,.. ..... ,_......,,,....,.. ..... ,_.._,.,,.._. proud French nation. __ - Unh11ppy f)Vfr thr unofficial «'"n· "Thl' ""w "get tough'' pnh,·y LO-·r or the put ten years history r 11 b 3"00 . runc1·rmng thl' Giorman occupation Since the tnd or the war the United Statts hA3 given Franct more than 10 bllllon dollan In v11rious forms lo ketp her rrom collppsing. Duptte this v1goroua I help more than 20 cabinet mlnll · aus r•n111t whll'h I' " nut " w..inl" f11ms violating 11mog 111\\5 , pt-t11nn,. bPl1>w ..xpt'rt nl 1f)nJO or r1ty I~ pa\'lng off", 531d Anthnny Std-of f rllnce during the yra rs 1940· oU.c1'llJO. rllunrllman A. L P1nk-Jnw, County Air Pullut1on Contrul J!)I t has bet>n ishroudtd m conru- l"Y obt:•lnr"I t hf' forms for dl~tr•·J En I PPr ll1<la\·. SI•'" and mystt'ry. Bt'cause of ron· . . i; n · · I fllr lln"' view• and emollc>n!I d uring but1011 1 rr.111 h1t1 tlu"' nto"' n !\le1111 Pr.-,·11 ·11,,ly 20 f1rrns In Orange " . 1<tnrP. Lle111Jh nt> tn flll Olll lht Ot>I"• C'Ollllly, UldUdlllK One from :'liew-~ period '!!UCh A3 the FrtnC~ t'O· ,.q~ry forms nccnrJ1n1r tn i..:<1 tfcy I H l d I I • 11rnnlcrl'd In the occupation )ellr!I, BE SUR~ -INSURE . • " ' ix•rt .. a• 1· an a '"'8 S4!W>'ra ,e I 't 111 d1ff11"11lt for lht' h1sturian to C 18 tn11v>1 ro" Df.'11•lhne f•1r 111r l11l'1••11 pJ,.11t had iw .. n 1·1tetl f, ·r \'111lat 111n. • In lht' n uirnu nr 1·,0.,, •• ,.,.111r1-A · .• Shll 11 -. f1nil ObJO!l'll\"e answers t•> h111 qu<'~-, "Ith . ccorumg l o ""' 8 111 m11 ur;\' tionJI ln th111 work Mr Huddlts· MAliRIE STAJ'i.'LEY r11t1nn nf rup11h1111>11 •~ rhur,,•lay. now coopn11ting 1n t he 11nt1-11mng . . l"·u-"~-Onl.·· _ __ lun nit• mplS tn 1rnswer H•me l)f ·~ ·-~~· • tlll\'I'. 1 h~ puullng hL~tor1ral q111 >t1nn." Phone Ha rbor U 1' frHway Drainage S1ctlow s .• 1J lhnt somcllml's the rt•lntive 10 the occ•upnllon I ssu t.:. Cloaal H~b'4ay process ,.f "•lesnwgg111g ·· an tn{lus--~·1i·h~e~l~h=el!~l=•=d~e~v~"~''~'IJ~e~rl~b=y~H~u~d~d;;:· ~:;;:;;:;;C;;c;;1ro:;;n;;a;;:d;:d:;;M:;;ar:;;:;;;;;;; Ditch Plans Asked try is 11 a1mphl·1Hed proces.~. and, , , , in 11ome rase11 mlghl ml'&n the re- SANTA ANA 10( N!'l-A min· construt·Um1 of a romph'tl' pl11nl. tlle ordl'r ln11t1 111 ling the cn11nty I· He esid that you ean'l JUSt 88Y fl•Mt1 t't'llllrol f'n J:l lll • r to work-out ""'"flly, and rxpr<'L thNWl flrmll to cJra1n11i:e rh1111n1 I r1i:ht-uf-w11y In be able to clo •l ovrm lKht. lhut a rea.. 11tljar r nt to prop1111ed frl'e· aomeUme.a It taxe11 morti lhan a WA)'• wu adopted Tu1•11doty by the yt•ar or two. County J:loa.rtl o! Supl'l"vl11orl'. I Accurdmg to lhe rnglnetr. aom e Bo11rd C'hlltrm1111 \\'illls Womi-r of the nl'w firms come to him with expla1nNI that ~peed w11a llf t he th1 Ir plans and problems befc1re C'"'-•••n1· .. •n r11t1thll!!h1ng tlnod 1·nn. th••y b111IJ. ··in thal rase It Is I !'"I fll!hl-nf ·waty. ··1t \\"" tlun't l'&1oy:· he :.i.IJ, '"bul t htre a re \,·~II hP Rt the "tAlt'1 ml'1ry."' thCl"C .\'"II ha\'c t•• gu a!tc·r."' \\\1m•·r rl11 lmtrl. !'1·l111w hll~ a l~·• ;t:,ked county . P"I" e nf!1<"t'rs lo cite or a rre11t Bell loy Born 1111otnnst:t wholW' car11 1l'IJ1ue E'x~ .. s- 111\·e 11mokt-, owner.i of spartmeni.. A boy we1ghinr 7 lb11 , 3 oz . wu whue im·inerators are u~ed by born to Mr. and Mrs. 1'\ennPth more than four fam11tu, and op- lit'll. 313 36th St, Tuead11.'·· In the I erator" of bac kyard lnclneralora S11nta ~na Community JI011p1la l. whose neighbor& complain. At th,. Association h11nqu .. 1 f'&<'h tabJ, wa11 dtcorattd with soml" rt'prl'Mnlallon of a 11 book Tht one dr.'roratt'd by Jta nnt Sw11nson, ll1•1!'d by Tmy ~nowdl"n Anrl L.!i ur"I Woo\l11on. waa to rt'pl "~' nt Han!lf'I and Cri>tl'I anrl It "n• "'I pPrf.-r tl\· (! .. n.-tha t th•"I' In rhAl~t' or the hnme econum1ca lrnlld1~ movtd It lo a d"'p!ay \\ in.!c;w th,.re. Thi' dl'J<trnyrr la Onl' or th,. I :O-:a\·y·• l\hl•'•t ~htp ty~s. 1l h11 • krpt pare with modtm drvelop- m~nt11 l!IO('i' thP l~TO'll. Fila..d ·w l fl p. m. Start Photo All Lamps Otf,.rPl1 at S&\'ioft of at 1-t 1 0~ Patented RADIANT CON- TROL gives same uniform toast whether bread is h oieo or fresh, rye or white, thick or thin. Automatic Bey ond Btlitf. ~ PERCOLATOR M ou beaut ifu l aut o matic percolator made. ~t it for m ild or strong -makes the very finest percolator coffee made. Resets automatically to' kttp coffee hot. engaqerne;nt ... WMF Stainless · Steel Flatware from Germany Offered at savings of 201":',. on open stock price8. Holloware at savings of lO ~o. THORPE'S Pring lea ....... ,...,_,. 8allta Au Many items in Glass. Pottery, Linens. Wood • and ~fctals reduced u much u 50 ~r '40 maJ<e room for immmcr i::toC'k. 1~1 W"EST BALBO A l3DULEVARO l\"E\\-PORT ' BEACH. CA LlFOR.."'lA TF.LF.PllO="E. H ARROR 4~01 • Opens-_ WedneSday Junf' ht and ContinlH"S Dally t hro June ~th June 1st and Continues Daily thru June 5th Open Daily 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. --Sat. and Sun. 1p.m.to11 p.m. ORANGE COUNTY HOME SHOW at ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Between Costa Mesa and Santa Ana on Newport Blvd. * Scores oJ Interesting * Latest Ideas For Modern Exhibits Living Win this Home FREE! W in Modt>I \'8.('ation Home Built b)· llt>nr)· C. Cox and c-omvlt·M r fur- nishf'd by Rh·if>ra Sofa 8f'C.I {'o, Inte rior tll'<'Orati()n!j by ,J:ul'i. Interiors. Nothing to Bu,r -~othlng to write. J ust Rrgi!ttcr. Starting on Uncle Wfte Fa mo us Kome Show Co mic Entertain er Loads of Prizes and Gifts for all ~CB&~ OF FREE PAaKISG Admission-Adults 65' 1 RuCJ Taken off Pore" Theofl ot a htmp rus from her· fl'llnt f'1ITh \\'W ~tportt'd to poUu Thur.day by M rs. Q,..pry A . Ro· g<'r11 ot ~OT \\'. Edf"\\'&t f'r Av .. -\\'Al\'T Ada H U homea, ~ta, ca.rs, rum11urt. appllanc~ eta. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY \PPLIANCES -HowtehoY Part• -f'lealtr -Service UDO f:U:UflllO HU \'la Udo -11.ubor Utt \UTOMOBll.E DEALEB8 N .. w ll11d U3ed Cars S I C'K t:KT'L STVDEBAJU:K Sal,.. s .. n 1C1t1 Part. 8'16 l'\t\\('Ort Blvd. -Ha.r. 610 BANKS Uank or A mnlca ST a 8A UH \1& 1.1110 -Harbor NU BARBEi~ SHOPS 1.100 l'-11.\\'ISCi Ml"O In 11111" 1·11"~ 1'-lor" for Mf'n S-1'.?~ \"la Udo -If.arbor JIM BEAl 'T\' PARLORS I.m o SAi.OS Of' llt:At 'TT' SU 6 1"111. Uh ·d. -ll&r, 1111 BOOKS HOOK C A l"Y. s.a 16 \Ja IJdo -Harbor «ff CAMERA.~ I; SuppUr.. \'l S C'Y."'T l.IDO OKV08 S461 \"la l.ldo -Harbor 1001 CARPJ~ & DRAPERIF.8 lllC'K M.\('K l':K SUO \"la l.ld«i>-Harbor Utt CATERINO Rlf'llARU'S Un<> MARKET SUS \"la Udo -Harber HH CLOTJI L"\O -Mt o'a Retall HIO\\ t:LL'14 t!IHOP t 'OK MEN SUll \"la Udo -Harbor OHi CLOTHISG-Women'a Retail I.A t<t:I St: 600 \la Malaca--Harbor '310 1.11>0 t'ASH IOS8 llH O \"ta Opurto -Harbor MU l\llA llDOC'K 'S :u12 \la Udo -Harbor H H \' A OABOSD HOUSP: I mported Sporlllwtar su e \"la. Ude> -Harbor tc>O• DRUG STORES Vl 'NCIEN'l'"S LIDO D RUGS 1'61 \"la Udo -Harbor IOOI ELECTRIO CONTRACTORS I.I DO F.l.f'£TRIO 112' \'la Udo -Harbor Ut1 FWWERS HICHAKU'fi' LIDO lllAIUlET l,;or11agc11-Tabl1 Arrangemtnl• SHS \"la Udo -Harbor %11%11 FOt.:?li'TAIN, GRILL \"I S(.'t;ST'l'4 LIDO ORCiO!il 3'6 1 \'la Uclo -H&rbor SOOS FRAMES & ALBUMS ca;RHAROT 8 TllD IO!i4 S4 It \'la 1.Jdo -Harbor 4'0t FURNITURE UICK Milf'KP:R 34'.!0 \"la lJdo -Harbor •328 GIFT SHOP KIC"HAIW'tj LIDO MARKET 3'llS \la Udo -Harbor %8%1 • INS~~ANCE AGF.NTS I \\'. O . IJl'C'K, I S('. • ll~CH) \'la l.ldo -111.r~r HO l~TERIOR DECORATORS 111 .. \SCl lt; I ljl,KP:R!i!ON A.1.0 , :S 11 6 \ I• Lltlo -If arbor 611st UH K MACK E R :14:?11 \"11' l.ltln -lfarb(lr Ut8 0 0'11 C'll Y.li;JfTO~ A. I. O. \lnhti.:a lmJ111r1~ 6110 \ ht MalllKa -Harbor ISU MAIU\En; I lll<"H Al<U"S 1.100 MAJlKF.T SUS \la l.ldo -Ha rbor 21!28 PllOTOGUAPll STL'DIOS <.t.ltlfAtW r l\Tt lllOS 311 6 \la Udo -lfarb"'r Uot UEAI. t:STATE LIOU tU:A l.T \" Ai;;"-OCIATl':S I.Mo !;rtltl! & HrntRI ... :Hoo \ 1 .. 1.11111 -Harbor H U I'. A. l'Al.l\tt:K I S<'. !U!l:i 'la 111111 -harhor IJ\00 \111.t:I. ( u~U'ASY !!I Ill \ 11& l.ldu -Harbor .. 11 l\A\' A~U llt:M 'll Kr:ALTY \la 1.lilo llrlolrc•• C)Hll'fl'" !1 112 IJ1I n~r·ll n -Ha rbor H U SA H~l;S & LOA~ ASSO<:IA TIO~S :>\t.\\ l'UltT 11 \l.l\CIA l"A \"IS(.!t 6: 1.0 \ '\ A"'"''" I •\ "J'IO;li A !'av11.;:11 l11'lt11ut1011 l.11ni: '1•>1111 lhm o J,1,an11 :1:100 \la l.ltlo -Harbor '200 St.:KVICt: STATl0~8 I .JOO Kl( llf"lt:'-n SllS ~t''4 port Hh tl.-llar. '31'7 suot:.c;; -Mt>n'" RIO\\ f:IJ,'~ l'TURf: t'O R MUI S.t'ZM \la Lido -H a rbor 09'3 nlEATRES LIDO TllF.ATRP: Conault lhl• pap,.r rnr prorram \"la Lido at •S,'4 port Hh·d. Harbo1; u ~• fO\'I' LIDO T O\"l.AS O IM2 \"la Udo -HarbM HM rRA VEL ACENCIES HARJWR TRA \'F.L AOJ.:SCT H 15 Xewpnr\ Blvd.-Har. 66H l 'PJIO L.~T t:R r.\ G DICk ~\I Kt.It SUI> \'la 1.1•111 -llart111r U%11 wrsoow covt:BL'\G Tift': ~If \IU~ ~HOP l'\ut \o l'oe\ OUlce Bar. 1114 - ,. I I I PAGE 8 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 COMPAcr NEW AVTO ...._Ed Martindale above, partner of T. F . Mangels, checks new kld-eise auto being built in Harbor area for Disneyland cositract. Three Harbor !inns are involved in production. -Staff Photo Disneyland lutos Being Built Here EVERYBODY'S DOIN'. IT! Lions Parade Highlights 10th Annual CM Fish Fr-y earta of Dlaneyl&Jld sre icrowlng In the H arbor area.. Among theite a re ~O .. C'hlld- alzed" a u lomobllu whlrh are bPtng bulll In th ree Hubor ue11 planh . People, kids, horse. and pell! will ·one, while loddle1'11 In Ute 13 t o mar<'h In the Trnth Annual Coata 24 -month brackr t are In the Metia Llona Club Parade. June 4. second group. Baby 11ignup1 an a.s pi.rt of two -day F111h Fry and made by 1·011tacllng Mear1 al 1782 Ca rnival festivities. • Newport Blvd. Tht' bodiu start In Gl&..'<llpllr Co.'• plant on H arbor Blvll. then s o to Hut<'he11on'11 Auto Body and P&lnl W ork• on lnduetrlal W8J In Coala Meo and then to Mameco on 30th St , Nl'wport Brach for t he running _gl'ar. Thell" cars 11"rt' bunt to 1eale tlve-Plght11 thl' au:e of a 11tandard a uto, hav" 712 horsP-J'O"""' enJelnPll 11nl1 ~.r.o by· 8 inch tlrl'" Grand Marshall Jack Balley, P r ll will 11hare parade honors ndio and TV cele bnty, will con-by competing In CO!ltumt'. Entries duct various riding g roups. bands ari> mRde at l886 Ha r bor Blvd .. and organizations t hrough their with t'loslng date or June 3. Septic Tanks Required for -57 New Homes p11t·e!. &Sll111tetl by a Fish Fry ~UP<'n t•l be elected J une <f. Four queen hopefula heve l'nter- ed the field to date. Judi Banks, Junior Jo~n,tay Afternoon Club; Vlvhrn Allen. Boots ,and So1ltllr Club: M!Hy Pallf>rson, Cirl.11 C:lub of Harbor A rett a nd Marilyn J'l:,·w- ton, Costa Mesa-Bay C1t1es F\lch- sta Sodt.'ty. Amon~ equestrian groups partl· ctpating In the parade are Orange ounty .Mounted Ridt>rs. El fto<leo Riding Club, Tri-City Wranglns, MP81l Boots antl Saddle Club and the Lo• Campaneros. Sli.'Tled ur> •o p ipe paradti mluic are the Orange Coast College and th .. 1'ewport Harbor Union High SAN'TA ANA IOCNS1-Subdl-School bands . Orge.nl:r.allona may Tiller• or two traC'la near Coeta 11tlll register for parllclpa.llon by MeSll Tues.lay were granted. re· contacting Bru<'e Martin. 1794 q11,."1i1 to ln11tall ces11pool11 11nd :-;i>wporl Blvd., Costa Mua. 1wpu 1· tankll In hru of a 11anllary I All part of the big JlBracle. baby " , : ~' .,t• m. paradt' participant-~ wlll fttll into En~ine•·r ,Jack Robb told the two 11i;e ('alegon<'s, ac<'ord1n~ t o t • .. ,.,, v S11perv1:1<)r111 t1ry iw!Wt>r I Burl Meario, conteat chairman. A~ell I 11•·~ wo111il br 1n1•tRllt'<i up lo t>nr tv ... JI mnnthll A1e <'lltcgory 1•1111·•·1 l.\' hne11 m 1 h.. trarl:J on T11•t111 A,.,, h•·l"''•'•'n 2'.ln.t 11nil I 2:1.t St• ~tw. 1•n l'lllc!'n!la anrl CHARLES RICE IN ~·l·:nr"'.~:1t''"1~1; .. ~·· 1 ~:11::~;! 111!~ ESSAY CONTEST ht1fllt ~. l he ftrl llll'I J '; Hl•l•b !'i.plainnJ t h.-~l'W••r ~' ~­ t.,111 r MJU1rl'n1o nt • 1111loln t h<' 111!'1 b-1 a11~e the t 11111k hn.·11 nrc too /Rr nway lln\\'••\'PI, h~ ,ahl he tho11~h1 tht lr11ct11 'oul1I hook Into the tr11nk11 pm1111bly within u yur. Kol•b al~o got p1>rm1 sslon to de- 1 .. 1" th" ~l<lf'Wfl lk requ1r.-rnf'nl for ~he rul·<h•-i<ar In th•• 17 • honw t1 A•'l, l~t h ~11h1hvl11111nio Kre ttlttted to ht> 11 nl\"'<•"I l" ( ·n~t n ~lr~11 Swimmer Loses S86 in Wallet Theft A lhrll t"ll•lllni:' S8tl wa11 IP· porlf'•I to Jl•lhf"t' 11n Mey 22 Thr 11111v11nt u11·lwlrl"~l'vrr11I a rt..-1· C'h1u '"" B. Rice. a Xewport I ·nwn H1i:h School 11tudent, ph11'P•i th1rll in the C"ounty- " 11!r •'l!llHY conlellt. "Why I WA.nt To Own M y Own Hom!'" h,."1 Thuri<tl&y Rl the Orange 'ount ,. Ttll1> Co. Young R l<'r com P,.e. le fl agarn_.l 11r vrn· othl'r high 11rhm.1 11tudrnts from lhP coun- ty In the conte .. t. He wa.' 11pon - ~nrr1I h.v th» Nrwporl Harbor II :i1d .. r n .-,11111rs F:vi-ry rnn- ll'ft t>nt rRnt wn11 rhniien by his I•~ 11 I rt•a ll y hni1 r'I. Metro Requestin9 Fare Adiustments es 11n.i "'""" , 111-h ThP Cfthforni" Public Utilltlt11 Lairy ~h·1v1n J'lotnl'r. 2:?. Del C"omm111,.u.n h11s St!t J unP 22 st R .. ~a. r"P"•t• ti lhnl \\h1IP !<Wlm· Corona del Mar Woman Injured in Car Collision SA:\"TA A't\A IOC;\°SI -Mra. James Manning. 07, of 307 Drift- wood R oad. HUfft'red minor lnjune11 lo.st Mondf\y night wht!n a car driv- en by htr husbR.nd collidl'fl w ith an· other Rt HlghwAy 101 and Bay- ~llfo DrlvP. The H11{hway P1Hrol 11aid Mrs. M ann Ing W&lln't ho11pltahzed. Drlvt'r of the other Involved car wa• Pvt. RIC'hard S. Wolfe, 19, or lhP Ca mp PendlPt.on Marine Bl!.M. The Jlalrol rcportefl Wolfe'• car lald down 93 ft>('l of 11kld m ark• before plowrni: into the rPar of the Manning l'llr which had atop- JlPd for a traffic algnal. 150 Attend Gala Cinema Banquet , The 01 ang~ \011nty Cinema Club'11 annuftl <'On!l'Sl and banquet wns ht>ld Saturday May H with 1r,o m<'mberi1 Hnd gueMs attend- 1ni:. The theme f or the colorful event wn11 n<o11l'11 111 Spring·• with hun- dn'tls of many Vl\rlcu colorr1I roi1es usrd In the tlN·nrallorig. Aw11rd11 grvrn wcrl': The Gale Hartm11n At•hlt>vement Award to Lyf,. llfor~e; Fm'll Plftce. 16mm Slll'lll to L.>11\ Mulhew11 "l':l'w Or - le111111"; F 11 11l !'Ince, 16mm Sound to Rnch1•I & Kenn1•th H ill ''Home Swt'el llnmr"; H1>nr1111ble Mc>nllon 8mm $11 .. nt l o .H<'nry & Edith Fonp11 "C..'uttnn Plckln''. F irst Pl&C'f• 8mm Silent, ar.d Swccpstak· c11 Awnrtl to C'harle1t & Elaine Braflcl "T hry·1) Do It E vt>ryllme"; Pre111ttent11 Trophy for audience a p· peal tc. Charlu Ora.id. ----_m mi: n~ th•' bcai..Ji. '°'11n1ti.>.oe r11 r1 th" wmtlnw ••f hl10 f'IH "Jl<'n, nn•I l l1l)f1' IWH (llllfll I\( !!IHI kit, !WO w11llets anti $ t6 In ra,.h. Amonjit t ho11e winning door priz- es werr ~tr.11. Arthur Poll11rd of Cost& Mf'~R. 10 Am for h• annKS <•n thr Mel· rupoll1 11n C•mrh Lm-.. .. · requf'st for 1111tnnnt y-I,l "1f•TJTI!lrr.rtnr.-tt W'lfll anno11ntet1 to•lay. Th" hraring Is schedultd In the Myres Boy Born C"nmm111•mn Cm1rtt'u11111 In thr Mir-A boy WI\!! born lo Mr. an.I ~tr1. ror H111hhni;r. 14;, S Spnng l't . m Robert :\1yrr11, \osta Me'lll. S11tur- ThP r.11 \\ R!' I"' 1 kP•I in lhl' "B" 6 1 r11rk1ni: h•l 1'1>111··· are <he<'k- lntr rtni:"rJlrlnt• l"ft nn thl' rnr Lo .. A np-IP!!. <lay, MR~· 21. m H(Jlll{ H11sp1t11L ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ READY TO GO CAMPING Curv1ceou1 Joan Undenrood. official ho1teu tG Port Orange' Trailer Sales Mobile Homea Prevue through today, stores camping gear in a Terry Trailer. Featured attrac- tion of the four-day lhow i1 the $75,000 Executive Flagship trailer. -Don Buab Photo Broadcasting Fish: Forecast "8Uent Hou1 ," a local hahmg for.cut, may rtlWTIP OJ><rauon 1n Mveral weelu, It 11.•u le&rne:d at Lilt Monday mNllng of the Sport• Ft.he,.. Service A11oclatlon. Inc I lnr Prf.tldf'nt C'v Tur lcl'r •111=1tt~t· • n11al mt>mbfor~h1r !'a rdS" for SI • Fo111t""" J"'nrl• 'lll'el"9 kln.d 111 The bi.1a1ka1tl from f111hln!( b<•ats e1I the <lr\"1~111n h·· i.11 up l•• tht' Au•ly Kt'll) Sta tr 1-'t,.h and hunting •• <"hlf'nta In C"ahfom1a 1 aoout daily rat rhu nt'l"<IS 1mp1 '""'·' Had10 Mann .. ("ounr1I m n>0nl11111· Ga Ill " Con11111n 11ml'r J15' ,.,.,., .. , 1!ur1ng Ill~• ''hill' 13 "'"tr• kllll'•I mt'nl b.-<'ftU•fl' thto rrJl('rtmi: boats t1nn "'•th a 1 .. pu•it.-ntall\'I' frttlll ~"·r1 1tl bills m :'8C'ratnt'ntn 11.mt 1lurtn11 the l'N'''"'"• yrar. n'J)Orts h8\'I' not i><<'n stit'krnJ: l!ol.-Jy to t'!Hh port <'l•n•·t'1nl'1I 1h,•1r •ff<'• I •II\ th<' lltohonjl m.lu~tr) th!' !'Rt11•1•1tl Auhrnulbllf' Club An thr fal'U. la was il~rt•-d. I An annual bnnquet 18 tt'nl•I•'"" acld1l11mAI 141 J"'••rl• "'ere lnJUrt'J The pros and C'Ons of the bn.'8.d· f.lr (kto~r tu honor t h<' 11wt.••·ti.in Th<' """'" .. a rt' n11un"• Jt'Wf'ls dullnj; Ill~• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cull were J11<. u»t>d but no drf1-I of 'th<' "~k11•1wr of thf' \°<'a r ' Tho with wh••'e " .. a Ith 11h<' dtrks hl'r nite objt'cUvr was reacht'd. Act-group al~o decldtd 10 INll<' 1111· ~ummrr bt>au1, -~torge l'111ly -~t pa,·a to rt'a~ th• "''ant a~ ... ''liiOOK MO.M • • • NO DIRT'' t.arown-upe arc lncllnrd tu tblnk of rua 1'11•1U11lnf'w frum a polnl of a111>earanl'f' onJy ••• but I ..._... f'\l'r~ t hln1 from a 1llff PN'11t anirh•: l'Outt. r lf'&ll 1'-llrpPlln( la MltPr lookln1. m uff' altrtu"tlH• ... but t hf' flo<Jr '" my p1a,·1rountl. I ha''" lo lh'f' "Ith, you ml1 ht a&) lh I' I~, thr dirt and dual 'nu l ro" n·u1n t l'M'k ln!o lhl' hou"'" M'' Mom knon-.i all about d l'.anlln_....: Thal"• •·by .iie llaa A I.'!' <'l"an all our ru1" and <'&tfH'tlns; N'&Ularl). Any •a1 )<Ill look a t II ... Ml' MO!ll'S !OMAKT : Bigelow's Karpet Kare Process (Our. r11.l'lu•h·f'ly In Oran1r County) The Finest WALL-TO-WALL CARPET & RUG CLEANING K ARPET KARE 1s a one day proven pro- t·ess developed by BIGELOW ••. t he mOf!l famous name in carpeting. You'll be 1ur- prisl'd and delighted with the thorough cleaning. fluffiness of nap and the restora- tion of color. Call us today. ~ You 'll Be More than pleased, with our Upholstered Furniture Cleanin9 Only One Location Our plant and ofO<'t' la lot'atl'd la Ulf' ('lty of Oraart', f rom W beN' w..., wrvtet1 th~ f'tlllN ~t7. Kimberly 2·6400 Wall-to-Wall Carpet Laying & Repairing Our Specialty L, 5 ~~!~~]~. ·~.N~O~~GE!.~~-~~ L'S SQUARE SHAPE COOKS 2<>s'(, MORE than • round pllft. Everyihing is mote delicious bttauM' you lft pttfea CON1 RO U ED HEAT for bacon. eggs. penCaket, cbickc-n, mftU.. pou!OH, ftC. Eaclu· sin 'llVAT ER·SEALFD demm l •nabl~ you fO im· DWl'k" vnit in wattt for taJY wulun,:. Just 5Cll doal for th• beM you -'· Now ()('lly $1 ?.?). EXCLUSIVE U RGER BOWL-FIT BEATERS for hi1her, lighter, linc.-Mututtd n kM, ftufficr muhtd pour°"' "1C. All 1he m1r1ute !({la inro and through them. Only the famou1 1Undard w1.e Suobnm Millmattcr iti•·H All rhe 1<me and labor Mving adu nt•f!M of •n eltt'tric' mixer. Saves ririn11 um work-m•kt~ ever yth1nic """" J•I•· <•nus. H Ir's a 1unior·ilzt mrxcr )'flu waot .. lhir Suobc."llm M"ma•tl't Junior u tM ha< junior maer mack. RIG, SMOOTH, 5rNGLE t.ad fO' ~. dcJMr and futer 1hava than •ny OCMt awchod. Wft « dry. Shavema1ur i~ comr1"1tly d1.fut'nt lrom ocher el..rtric sh•nn. Sh8\'n bard• rou11h u w.re. yn ,..,11 noc irriru e tlw tt'ndel'Nf •kin. litta-o4 tup«-- ttnr cnJl(int"erin1 worlunamhor ic hu • S YEAR FREE SERVICE GUARANTn~ oa aaot« Md a JO DAY HOME TKL.\L OFFER. HAS EXCLUSIVE "RAD IANT CONTRo t • thac ed1u.1U 1rsell autornat1n1lly 10 •very kind of hrf'ld , froi.en Of' frc.h. ry• or .. hue, thick M thin. <.:.omplculy autocnauc. bre.ci lo•tt1 indf without a rnocor-•nd fOHt rai.en H'-t· cally •i.lhout 1pr1n11s. No ~en 10 ,,-. No poppm• °' ._.... .............. ~ .... ,. MAKES BOTH PERFECT WAFFLES and TOASTED SANDWICHES, at wtll aa hernn, cu t. penralin, .cc,. t-i.uw ir bu t11chttive Sunhnom Rado•nt Control. H .. ~1ni"'-r<><h•nge frid• th•t e-n•bl• you to convnt It ft'Ofa • walle-baltt:t 10 • srill. qui<kly and •imply. '" ""'" Myli~ aod flttD-Lil• chr-.... Sift ii •.-n 1"'9 all --~ofilaUML SEE THEM· AT YOUR SUNBEAM DEA.LER -- ' I l . ) .. TOD WHITE RACKS UP GREATEST PREP MILE MARK OF ALL TIME ' I HARBOR ~o~ Harbor 4:20 High Clocking Distance to Set Ace in R•cord ly pAl'P that madP Toil's a(htPn · mpnt poaa1ble. J ohn f'1l rtnll1n 1 < ROOM\"t'lt. f'n>lln11, !I'd At t h•• IH) tn 611 Ii Rnjtt'r1 lOf•k Cl\ •'r 111 tho• 880 In 2.08. Dave Strau.>1.11 uf l'111. I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART.I I· PAGE I . ver C1tv rt placfd him at lht' thr,•t j MONDAY MAY 30 1955 Newport Harbor Hlgh Sch ool's Tod White is the great-· hip point in a ti. Jun u Whitt 1 ' eat prep miler of all time in tile U n lttd Sta tea. R u nn ing stern £tarted h1a bld. • I State M eet OpnnAition complet e ly into the g round Saturday SlrallM llrew \\'hilt> out Ill !ht• I Runyon w·1n Sends lnd·1ans r-I curve. but Tod unleashed hts fin· in the Los Angeles Memo ri11I Coliseum. White unle a shed a • 1~h111g k1r-k. Round111~ tt1t' 11n111 s ensational finish ing kic k t o set a National Int e rsch o lastic ! turn, Whitt ht'lrt II !<I)( yrt. lrlltl l'n 1 • t CIF s· .fi I F rt!t unJ ot 4:20 tlat. I R~Nllry. Thi' lime bPtteN!d Whtte'a Roy H ah• of Down.•v. Mn<IC·~lu Th .. 1n 0 em1 1na s ray Th1:1 broke th•• olJ mark ot 4 :20· p1 ev1ou11 brl!l l•C 4 22 9. I marl\'n wn mHint1tinC-•I l•• th" lllpe , ·~ u \\hilt' tlmsht'rl all 111011•· I .4 •Cl by J\ta.x Truex O! \\ars11w. Rt ne Rogers of Groumont, Hale wu set·ond •n 4 :21 2 J ..... ~.. A 11·11 n rlo>ry o\·••r U>ng Rtnc-h lnd. last ye11r. Truex Is now I\ whom White defeated In the Newman or Jp!ferson l'OJ:Pd nui I Jl1nlr1n Fntluv llftf"rnvon 8<'llt Ful- f~hnu~n BL use. Whlll''t clv.:k· 1 Svuthem C\l.hforn1a ClF mllf' r l3•· Fo reml\1\ fo r lh1rtl. thOURh both I h·rlt111 I! ln1hr1n11 into lhl' l'JF 11t•ml· lnir a.lJ!o surp11&<ot'd the C&llfm ma 1>1r • week e11rher. set a aw1tt elir· wert t1me.t in 4 :12 r1nRIS Thi' ~11n~t·t L<'!l)tUt' rite· State high 11chuol t1me of • 21. t 111 .. 11.I 1·h.11\1f'8 ilr•· ;.l1tl•"i lo ldk<' h unic up hy present UCLA dis· llrnr.. ac·e Bob Seam&n while ll Newport 0-pens Legion ~ Season With .Triumph ~)\\ 1tch1 ·1~ from Sttn~<'I l.f'lljtUf' to Amr1 ll'an LP~ion L«'•t.1111 a ' comh1r:&l1<>n nf \'qrs11y T11 rs hlld H11rhnr H11:h JV'11 ;;r11ckPd npl'n the summer diamond 11e11~on wllh 11. 1n-o "'lrlorv <WPr S11nt11 An11 In CMI R Me~ll &.1turday. J im Nt'wk1rk opPncct on !ht mnun•I f<>r thP lnral lf\tl~. hurltng fin• NhlltOlll fr81111'!1 br((lr(' R\Vll Ch· 1ng to first hase. UBry C:r<'tn, IRk· Ing ovPr mound !lut1 PJ1 11t thnt point . pro.,eed<'d to f11n spven of th" 12 rl\'111 batters hP faC'ed . C'11tcher Dir k ~111 k ovu:h poC"rrt ~. wpnrt Hsrb•>r"s plate p11wrr hy poumltng 011l two hll!t 1n twn &I bats, Gre1>n slsmmPd out thr1-e hll~ In fl\'e Blll'Olpts. F 1ri.l BRlll'llllln P aul l.<>1entzen J?<>l tw<> for fl•Ur Rn I T hin1 Sat·k;or Bob All1'n bang- l'<I two for thrt'P. Midgets Set for Practice ,Hubor Bo\·11· Club m1rtget 1 .. 1tguf' hllll•'b&ll l<'l\1118 mttl "lllmorrow In a prur of pract u·e fr11y1. P~ac·t1ct' gamf'11 among I he A and B loop ntnt.11 con · t 1nut thrr>ughout the week. At 6 :io p m t omorrow, the <0ub11 tRk t' on lhe P1ratt11 In a R IPRJ:lle pt lil'lll'P Btt·lO. ThP A lr11g11f' r>nrlgtrs t1nd Giants lttnl(ll' al 8 t~ p. m. \\'••cln~ll(!11\', lhl' B Dodgera anrt G111nts hl\VI' al ll at 6 .3(1 p m "11 h I he A lndlan1 a.nrt Hrrl :o;n, following at 8 ·1:1 T hur"cl11y it'll be the B lnnlana 1u1d Rttl S11x at 6 .30 p. m. and th(• A \\'h111• Sox a.nd Yankees al 8 1:1 p m ~·rulay, both practice !r a.y1 will bf bet\\ l't>n B leag11e nines The T1gf'r11 and A th· lf'lil'R mftl al 6 30 wHh the \\'hill' ~ox 8.Jld Yankeea ta.k· Ing over al 8 p m. Don Gridders Open Season With Citrus SANTA A':\A tOC:'\~1 ~anta Hornets Host Cage Tourney , !-'Ill· ll't ton ,l11n1t11 (', llt•t;• ,,, r11·111lh· y,.. ,., .. l\'('W lh1• httt tu•tt\\· ti1 :-• t \'~ as: I IHISIA Ii• lht' !'l.1l1• .11101"1 C'nll••i.:•' Au~k••I h3 II <"hanq•tt•n,hlf'" n• 'ltt An a's Ill!'>!'> foolhRll e•hliun "I"'"" l,•'fi Ac1•wn1 th \hafftoy J L" 11tl· a ten gamP :<<'hl'tllllt' llptut~I <·tt· 111m1,tr11tor 111111 l'h1<lr·m1111 i•f 1-h<' !l!klt' hn111d lhl!l pR:"l •r1<!l1nn, r~­ l'Ull Juninr Colltj:P Rl Az11 .. 11 on 1111 ,.11 to.lay that F'ullt'l l<ln rt><'elv· Friday. St>pt t mber 16. Pd tho• honot. RS lht•\' "llhllllll"J Th" Don11 rlay their 10111111 hflmt th" tnit1ftl bill f•'r lh<" 1!':'>6 t1•1t1'Tl•')'. g11mP the followmg F'rtdl\)'. Si·pl. 1-1•• rf'l1tt••fl that 1<evr1RI ol h .. r JO(IUlhllu1rt 10rhnnl11 h11d 1<11hmll lP•I 23, aga1n"l S11n J.~r11nt·l10t'o City bttll\, b11t F'ull .. rton·~ "'"" P•<"k•·•1, Cnllf'ge. Thl11 $:Hnte 1na11g11rntu a '"' 1h1·h " WR1< f11·1<t In arriv" bo'ftlrr two game home·l\nd·homr lOt'rtl'!I th" t'nmm1ltt••" and will bt th,. flrlOl t1111t' t ht' G11I· 1''\1l1Pt 1.111 J 1' 1·.1111 h All'i. n111a·1,.,· dl'n Gale school h1111 pla yed SHntir :<81•1. "\\'" 111 .-p1t111ot to1 havP the t nurnlllllt'lll ht'I •' 111 1'~1111. 11nn \\'!> Ana. WAR:\ff P C.A:\U: 111 e prepa ring pllHu• 1111w 111 p1Rkl' t hr 11HIC1r lhl' bt'lll tn ll1r hu•l•'fY nf I h" ~tjl\I' 1:hn111pwnsh1p11 on 81111 I ltr i;tt n<'Xt Ft itl11~ Snm hpnw 1~er11lt1 lt11m·nn w ent the lllhlli.11\.,. lur lhl' Tnl.lt>. allow· 111,.-: all llw .1 .. 1.11111 lllJ.:h ~··orfll "n "'" hi!~ Th" l•"111l1•1 t11n l'llUlll' WU cct.i.•,1 Ii\ six 11\'Hl l'tr""' ll\·r tn lhl' 111.1 f,111r rri1nwl'I As the Sun- S('\ 1 .. ·111:111•1:0 talhf'<I '"'II .. In tat h 11t11nz11 Run~ .. 11 faC<"1 3!'> bAtlf'tll tn lhll l\rn\r•,' !1n•I mo .. f1lllll•' game ot ltit• ~··:uuu' Hv rann•·•I ~.-•\f'>U ant1 \\l<lk1•ol fl\•· 1-:x•<'f•I f••r fk\b l'lh•lh\ "' 111" 11\AI .. It II n ~· 0 n '' t1t1l•I h11\ ,. lt11d 1111 •·111<\' 11nu . l'hc•ll•,\' i.1111: It· I t" h" "' ••11'•1 onre, 1 ll"n wh111 'k••ol 11 h1111t<'r 1w<'r the le ll ftrlil ft'n•'<' T h111 111111 k11 Ill" fn1111h 8trt111th• \tnr F'11lh•r111n h/11< f'lll"rf'ol lh• \"IF f'lll\·ort.• II Ii< ftlll11'1!l the '"'"'" h11r11p whwh &clv11nr l'rl I<> th,. flnlllll 111.ol r •'l\r, c·nnai11lln« "' 111x ,.,.111orA. I w11 Jltnlor.o """ on• l<llJ'hOl\11111' I If ! hf' t'lfo:ht ClV 1'111111'1' pl>1\'P<I II\' !hf' llr11\'f'9 to d11tr. ~'11lll'r\n11 h&A \\nn fl\'a. ... , F1 1d11\''1< "111 fl ft Pd R11nvon'a rN'nrd Jo 111111• 111llrnJ'hll, 1wo 0 loe•· N• t•ff th!' JlP8JO•Jn A 11ltnit t h .. ln· 1t111n~· nw11ncl '"'" rn I hf' rt'mdntna pl11ynff frll\'11 Ar" 1'Pn Enr1&ht 1:1·1 • an.t :'lt1kl' Jl'Wl'll 14·3). NATIONAL MARK MAf\ER -That's Tod White of N ew port B a rbo r H igh . Above is a typical finish line pictur e whenever White enters a m ile run. This o nr was taken in the CJF finals at Ontario when White nabbed the rlistance classic in 4 :23.2. Saturd av in the State M N!t in the Los Angeles Coliseum . \\'h 1l e pnH'C'<i h imself thr greal<'sl nati~na l prep miler of all time. He finished all by h is lo n<'sOm <' in ·I ::!O fla t. bn•aking the n a · t1on al prep mile mark o f 4 :20.4. the Califo rnia s ta le reL"ortl o f I::?!. and. nredlrss t o add T od'w own Harbor High School clork 1n g o f •I :2:?.fl. -OC:'\S P h(it o In olhPr Orang'!!' County Amtn· 1 BOP BUCS 1·an l.P_::lon j(\lme~. Hun!1ojl'1nn --------- Beach <lt>f•RtPd Bue111\ Par k 11·2 S&~u:n~:;; •• 1er or thP l~al Amtrl· Rival Nine Long Beach C'1ty Colll'gt' ""' \ u a11 a Sept. 30 warm up ~amt> for the Oon11 at San Bernardino Oct 7 I Sa.nta An11 travel11 to Ph0;>n lx :'\nv. ~. steklng revtn~" for last 111•11· son'• revtr~I Some 20 leltl'rmf'n KTfft <"Ml'h J o hn Ward lnrludmg t•o-raptt11ns Tom B ea J: am1 Don J onl&y. Btrit wu all·CIF gi.111rtl l!l An&heim High and a bulwRrk In IA11t ypu 's forward wall f"r thl' Don11 Jor<1'1y. ex-El T oro Marini', Whll 11n 11111- ,tanding-plRyer for Alh11mb1 " H1i:h 1n Martint'Z. DID.lYQU KNOW ••• ran L<J?tnn l'rhedulr; J une 4, Anit· hPtm h•·r•'. June :i. ll.l Anahl'lm, N •1 D .fur,, 11, (JrangP herr . June I 2, al a1 s· own 01~nj;P. JunP 18, Gardtn Grove h··rt>, .1t1nP 19 RI CRrrlt'n Grov,.: Jun,. 2~. al Fullertnn; .lunt 26. St t Titl F'ullrrlon here; July 2. Buen11. f't1rk a e I e Tl'RK.E\' DAV Tll.T S&nt& Ana winds up 1lio ·:io 1<lllti" WAYNE COUGHTRY I TOD WHITE RUNNING FOR ATHLETE OF YEAR IN hPre; July 3. Burna l'Rrk herl': 1 July 9, Huntington Bl'll.C'h here: July 1 11, nt Huntington Beach: Ju. ly 16-17, 21sL District playoff; July 2:l·2'1. ~th ar"a playoff; Aug. 4. Orange Cout Co11ege'a Wayn~ 1 Coughtry hurled nine &tralaht w th thl' trartillomil ThRn1<k1otlvln$: " , game with FullPrlnn Junior Col· win1< fur Coach Wendell Plcken11 , lrire. Othtr foPll lnrhide OrAnJi•' P iratr pokl'rl! bl'fOrP IOtllng • Coa.st at Colltll Mrsa on <kt l!'i, hnrt-brett.ker 4.3 In Richmond Chaffey &l Ont11rlo on Ott. 2 1. ~11t11rd11y. But that wu the baH 1 Rivtnlde a t Santi\ A n a on Or t Bue Hurler, Harbor Hig~ Miler May Make Grade in OCNS Vote ~l.8 le pie yo!f at FrtRno. Law Grant for ir~m" thal <'Ollt the Buc1 their bid 29 and Ml. San Antonio a l S&nta 1H11r whn~·' $:rPll!P<1t rfR1m lo fame for thl"' C11.llfornll\ Junior College An!I thnmecoming 1 on Nov. 11 . sr.·m,. fr11111 R i.~r11111I pl111 1• per· M Afhl t 1·h11mplnn11hlp. 1 fnrm11n1 ,, Th1<1 1~ mlclrtl" rlt~l 1tnce esan e e All 1ta mes wlll iotart II! 8 pm. ~tar 1•11' th•• I Ions -Tn111 :"<>II. 1 \\'f'!lt rontrA C'ollla defeated the except tht Full,.rtnn cont"<it which :'\<•II h• :;an tin• l'•'t:«•n all s!'rnnd CL;\RF:~IO~T E. Grnt' {'rain, Eastnn Confertncl' itr'ld Southern at.Jlrlll at 1 pm. 11r th•r•I l><'-.l hHlf·nlll• r 011 J ohn 1~on 11t :'\Ir. 11nd ~Ir!<. Ernl''4t Crain C11hfoi-n111 JC' rhamp11 S11turtl&y 11!-------------- S ANT A ANA ( OCNS) -June 9 has bN'n selected as \\'Rr•l io ~' r .. n,.: 1, .. ,111• fiut in the 2-4fi ~l<intt \'1sta. co11ta Mesa. h11.11 ttr 1lemoralmng th,. OCC nine I the clay fo r announcing t wo majo r sports awards. On \hat ,.18,,. Ji· 11 R• k 111,. l at ~l·icl··"to heen awRrlle<I a S t(\()ll 11rhola~htp with 11 24-~ triumph F'rll1&y. all-impo rtant day all Orange C'ounty N e w s Ser \'icr sports 1111 ~la\' :!ht. ~ .. 11 re11 the 1<t>rnnd to the t·ni\•erslt~· of ChlrRg<> Law PERf-.::<'T nA ,. ed. "II k k h h . f th 0 C f.ist1·:st ~'411 tn J1. h1 .. tttr v I :~:! !'I. SC'hool for 19~5-:16. It w11io !In· h wa11 Jt111t " cai;e of W1'11t C'<•n· 1tors w1 mn c nown t ctr t: 01ce or e r a nge u unty Th!' <•nlv u e1ubll' '""' thlll Chui·k nounreo•I lnt1ey 11l Pomona Cnllei;:e t rll •0"'11 he,·in,c 8 perfi>ct day &l Baseball Playe:r of the Y r ar and fo r the Orangr Counlv K1rb,, ;,f ~IL snn Antonio ran l "herl' he iii a ~emnr J • th" pl.t lt in t h11 t op!'ner r>f the T rarkmlln raf th!' yc•<.11 r .. r l!l!'I~• Thi' Rwanl went tn Hill I :I;! I H••lh n11•n b1okP Kirlw's Crair1 1~ " Hl:ll graduate of bei.t rif thrl'!' 1<t'rt"1> Thi' nvalio Thl' 11tn1ll•Mlr11 f11r lhe hR,..t'hall Sw1ll•h,,lm 11<,.t yt>11r. \\h•·n th .. t .. rm•'r 1••r .. rd ••f I ~,:!6 ~··l 1·,1rl;er :'\ .. w~>rt Haitl4>r Hi~h School encl pil•d up 13 run11 m th<' r1r,.t four ' &wftr<I ""' C11ur nf lh~ lln•·'<l lltit· •'At:o.hrr wa• a -'"lll••r 111 g ,lnta ArA. lht!l Y• er IC lhl'T,. \\It' Rn M\\8rt1 h&A maJnr,,<I tn J:""''<rnmenl al Po· frllmt'll befOtf' the Ptrlltrs ca m(' mno•I P• r f .. ml<'r~ !11 i:ran• 11ny i-1n-H1,Kh S• h• .. ·I. Ti11,. y .. a1 Sw1 ...... 1u Im f11r 1w•~t 1111r11•\" •I lra• kman lilf mona C"oll .. ge. wherP ht has !!l'rv· up with 11 p111r of talhl'.ll In thP gl" r9unl \' in mnny a Y• Rt . a11cl ••1:1011 ,:!'Is I\ nnmmat\pn-~ur h111 . ~·c.aJ', Noll ~·n11ltl • ,.lllltnly win 111 on t he a.fn11:<slun~ r .. mmlttf't' f ( h T 'k 1 big l~Rg11o· M 1111111 hin ·o· "' 111t1111z11I '..!:l I lll'W ntttwnal JC n•t•nrol 111 1 ht' 11 . an•I h!UI won four lt'tlt'r~ In ba.1H'· I 1 t · IA tt'P the wtnnt'rll ur:ror "t •ar II ''' t h00• h11\'" •·ln.~l·I\', ""0 var I lo h ·-•1 S h I I I ball. JJll\\'in« nt nrt111\l1V all nf l'l$:hl run stnnw& 1111 they RhPllt'rl ~ '"' ~ ·-• • w uru I'll .• Yo '"•).!') ,. Bur \II trr Jnrv 111<'" snrl rt'ht'f"r F ront the• Sntllht 1n t'i;hln111lu '..<I llot ach11•\'e his r1ep t.lllnih1fl· • th!(i~lftll:on~ H!' WB.!' n.rn1P•I ftr~l· D ~ r h - junltlr ""II"&" • hR1t1p1nnl4htp l •. 1111n in tht• sprint..'1, but hr 1111pr11\'. OHS N1 ne Loses •lrlni: All-Snutht'rn f"ollforntl\ In· on Rig . an,K•' l'111<:<t 1 .. a111 l'1trh1•r \\'11) "" .. .i R~ 11 h11rr11·r-111nn l•ntl lo•tl his l<'rcnll••g1al•• A lhlt'tiC Conft'renrc \\'hile Ktrfl 11nd Letbh ga,·e up Cuughlry trni< b,.1•11 n11111111a lt11I. mRrk on th!' n1111nn111 r"r11rd h•><•k•. s IF• I <'llll'her la.st W<'t>l<. 18 h illl. I.Jun Stanit of lhP oppo8I· · Cuu~htry W1111 ll('\'1'0 F.:H1ttPrll (°foll· I Alllo f1um S1111ta Ar..1 ("11lll'J.:l' eason 1na e ti11n RllOWt'fl only ti hll11 to the Pl· fl'rt'nl't> g11mr11 without tldt>11t 11ntl •'nnl• H lhr nn111m111tnn nf a trnck r&tl'M. Jt1Nl Ab<iut ;ill QrC had to lhrn won b .. th •'111111 .. r JI clnubl•>· ORA~l:F: f0C''.\"S1 rnnrh Colonist Netters 11111\'A ji(C from lhl'tl' wor11t tlefeol hc1ttll'r R~lin>'l l.1111 Ang .. lt:ll Clly ~ .... 1 !'\\"• 11••)".~ Olis \':111<1ly hllSI'· Suffer CIF Loss of lh•· """·"'" was lhf' fact that r .. 11.·i.:" 111 Fullertun·11 AmPn.::e Orange Youth 1ia11 1,·11111 1··111111n•·.t ""ns1i.•·•H 111 c11t,h1·r Tc1ny 1.omb11rdo got two f'llrk ln l'ml'h the Suuthi•rn ('all· lllP <·ntl 11~ th1• 1 .. 1\!I lt111t a 3 t" 2 hit., In thrrt Ill ball! s nrl Budrly H OX"rARIO. rOCNSl-Thl' A na· p· l I t f f fol n11t J <: t llll' for th" l'trati?ll. B 11 L s JtJlll" 111 1tnllni,:l11n H"ll• h Frt· 1rrre p11s e< wo or our. I d helm Colontllt tenn111 team wM La.It .Y~R l"8 w lnn«r or the h8.'I'. bl\11 a oop e II)' tn lht• ""'""''n's ftnnl Pt~nll. Ill.RI.ISO lll"f:L (l 1 knockecl out (J( t.he ClF' Plt1yoffs aw11rd wl\s 11lst1 an 01u11"e (o:i11I ' IRn1.,•'. winn1ni:: "" Y ont> i;11mP ,. I 1 th 1 • l It .. l l .\luntlxy by " \'<!ry pow .. rtul t.:haC· Sat11rday'll tray WWI strictly a 1 r 1lcht>r Tf'(I llHrl'rn F~'"Ll ER1'0"' IOl'"'~l A n ,. ,,. I ,,un~i' A.'llE!ll•· ~~a· h I I I ....._ C ht '-' · ·' ·'" n 1 t h f fey team. The 11111tch wu a round· ur mg 1. Uf' ""twetn oug ry l"TF.Pllt:S:-.0:\ l'l <"K. . An1~r1ca~n a.n·• · ..... ·n11on •• 1l.d1\1~1on •cf "' t. 1''1111<' w1 '" !'llP run '' "in· F Al1 h 11 h s 11 1 ~ u -'a -• 1110~ SI'< '""fl $:1tl1ll'' lln•I witlun robin a!faJr w11.h th• C.:olom•~ and Ray I.Ah:<?. The Bues gol off I rom "l'lllt 1ll • l 00 8 th<' Oran~P Count,· Youth Rll·•bHll iwo 11111, ••f thiu• 11111,.1 ~ 1., tntl C'Om1ni:-out on the ahort end of a to 11 2·0 lead tn the f1tst Inning. tough h1i;h ll<'hc)t,)I teetn tOnl• s lhP Lt'llJ:l.lp "'"' RU1hll!t7.l'•I Ill th<' 1 •• ,,. I 111·9 llC:Ort•. Thi' 11val• lll'd It up In ~ht -'-t'COnrt. r tf lrt l 1 11p ,,. d111pptn1: nine ~arn• s b)I nomtnlllton ° ou 11. rr:P1 "wr i.:11r tnl't'ltng hl'lcJ m F'ull<'t ,,.11 two run~ nr l•'M' Chaffry now ad,·1111cu to the m11.de It 3·2 in th" fou1 th ancl 4·2 Diwe H1rph;:1111'n. T hill n•J:j!l'd buy T111·~rlt1\'. l'ntlnuhtt.,lly Ibo h.ittl luck st'<'ontl round w tre they pla y aec· In the l!t>\'.,nth. A smirle tally ln Wll.' on. " lhr lllON\ •lnngcrous Thr J11ntr1r LPll ... UP f .. r bf,,.... 1•,, onrl seetle•I La J olla. the r1vhth na1 rnwrd the ""P f•ir I ( ,.. to•llm of I ho• ltM>p, Orani:<' Willi " " h 1tl.-1s ink lh<' Sunl'~l "'111'111', n ~ rtn.f 16. will h•· non1p11s, •I ,·f twc1 rllll.'•I ll\' nil 11 ,. "!'!'',II;; 1, .. 1i:11,, The C.:olomsls wo n all lhe1r tho: Bue•. ten br•1" ing 111' I Ph i:nme wit j rn • 111r l"agu•·• wh1•·h \\ 111 h:iv .. 11 lri<m!I 11" 11111, II 1,,.11,.r thsn lh" points In t h" cloublts, wllh Mike Lutf' "·h1ffrd 11 of T'1Lken~· pok· -'"!>"- You can buy a new Mercury for less than it costs for 13 models of so-called ''low- . ed'' . ? pr1c ... cars . •) s .. yovr Metc.ry dealer I ... .· ... <' nr • ~· 11t·~ I•• l1>lr1 11un<" r•'• ,,1,1 1.,.1nt04 to''' Unuc l:l11•1 8111 Otta winning l!IX f'ra anrt ,.:11,·e up fl\'t' htl" l'.liugh· --l>rlllta.nt et tln11•.•, l\nrl hi' h r• Rllll' t i 1 n \ .. • -• l.l R s Jong b owJO. H 111 pt\l' inir W•l !I 1<s "'lltl \\. I l • I · k tht' mn1n10l6V .. r thl' , • .,1,,n1 .. plti h· 1 1".' 1 mpinn '"." 111:1•"! 'P~!··r·ln~·,. ;: 1m .. "n" n•i exrPp· pmnt!I amt 'arry yen and te\·e try •lll11wed ,t11x b1ng1,.,. and au ff er· I hlll!'1t .. 11, L11;.11"l.t p,,. 11h. Hunl· 1111n :1~ 11n1ni:,. ha·l n11 .. ,. 111nnf'i!I Morn s wmmni::-t~ po1nt11. e<I from t.hrce m u11.uc:i afreld Ing 1<latf. nc'"n R• II• h 1 •"' I• n 1:1••\•' Rncl 1n "'" 'v fn1111 h1 11 latl• .i to j?Pl - -- Hun11n.:l•'n R,•a~h llil(h Sth.,,.l '"••l><M•'~l\\\/llr11111r"s"lf" Am· c,np h1,•1k 11i111 \\•lilt! llll•w lh•• hllcl nnr •If tl1p l'11ulltlnntl ~ 1111n <'11t•11n th\'l;lnn whllP 0 1 in•· I A I' lh • f 1 h · · · ... • Rn • 11< tn w111 lrll' tnn ICllmP men thlio )''"'. 111 . l c l't'll«•n •II H11brs, Hu<"na r11rk. Pl.I• .. n11 .. ·mil of '"" yrnr, Pitcher Hob lz~ko\\11k1. Hub p1t<'h· 1 An11hP1m make 11p th,. :'\:llli•nRI. \\'ith lhl' ll<'nte tlP•I a t t wn-!111 ed f'Vt'ry ~•nfo:I(' sun .. l'l Vlllflh' F'r>11rlr1•n 11'Anl1' \\'Ill lllllke tip 11nrl t wo out Ill tho ~evrnth lllln l· g11-m 11 fo r the Oiler.11. M •I h111 1 thr n11di,:d lo·ai:11P~ will• h nrP 1n1:1on'!1 H1i;hl i''l('ltl1•r Breb;• hl"iot· 1tronir arm kl'pt lhem in the bttl· J hl.'lng 11pllt u p rnl11 11 1·,.11,it 1,.-•a· Pd 11 h11n11' 1un lnlo •Ir • p 111;hl to tll' 1111 the way. Ht' JHtdlt'd 11. lw11-i:u ... A t•,,1111111 L<'ai.;11o• 11ntl 11 win thr J!nnw (••r th,. Otlt•i.,, hiller tn m ld·11ras11n fl\f one ut his ' '.\"or1h1·1·11 L""~lh' '"•m 1wt1t11>11 1.• bellt>r l'fforla. I ll'I r.11111111·nc-.• 111 J ul\'. Jo'lna.I nomlnttUon for t he DIU!e· The A.i,:i• nil1• w11~ Rmc·n•l•"I to Tou9h to Replace be.JI l'IAyrr uf lttf' Year ewRrll ,!'nrrr•p11ndw11hlht>~ .• 1111n:i1J1111-To111:tH .. t t>111k 1·n:11 h Al Jrwln comea from the ro.;ter Cll thr Sun-1or Anu•rh an IA'J.!'inn ei:e d1llf' h11.• \\llh h11 s111lor f1111th11ll eleven 1 ar t Leainir r hflmp 1nnll -Jo'uli .. r · R<'flr!'Mnl&ll\., ~ ••< l'l .. r !hr l 1 fnr nt''l fR ll 1~ replnring lineman I ton H IKh Sl·hool. lie •·• the third 1 mi mbf'r r1t1r s r"PH'lll'ntrLI., tn the I I 111 k :'1!1rkr\\1r h The 11111n1 \'' b&aeman Cu l l'•nnlngtt>n. on,• ot r riun1y-w1de lt'lll?Uft attrn'l'!'r .I the l l\1 kit' nnkN1 f\ll No 2 pr••p &!ttr I t he harde8l httli'rll and 11urfl't mt>el mi:. ovrr wh1ct-. J ohn N<'••· lnttr'hclown 11t1rrklrkPT In the 1111· g lOVfmen 1n Sout hern (."11liffllntll ba11rr or thP Full••l•n l'Rrk t!P· lll>n. !'Onl\t'f'ltnR 11n ~Inf 24 t'Xl!A prep ra.nkio Pt>nmngton c-rrta1nly partmr11t rr1 r!'al t"n i11.arr r• rl'. l··t' po111l nt lr11 Ph ''1th his t11otsu:. must l!""l hte ahare or the glory f<>r Fullerton'• recorct-brH.lung fourth t'OnMCUU\•e 8UMet Lea.gue ba.ae· ball ·~'1\. SWISHJ:B AGAJlli P1c:Junl th• tnM"kman ot the year will be even more J ifflC\llt t han <"h<><M!tng the biutball playtt \ 8A\"E OS Al.TO l:SS. • s11•0 s&.ooo-e10.oo.-ta.ooo '"'" l•tv" a ,,.,. °""' ... •tdl ........... 8ee BOB M<'C'ORD, for PRl:Jl'r;Rllf:D IS!ilt"llA..'iCE Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER RIOE ARO~"U SDiDA1'8 ' f 1----------i '- I l&H GREEX 8TAHPI Tea W. Brown JEWELER 1 u s.:r:n , I If you had the m o ney which would yo~ choose? Wha!'s J""'' fondc \t dream" /\ <lccr-~a h\h111t,: lnp7 A \3Clll1on 1n l'urorc or a new c.1r1 Scnd1n~ your children 10 c;ollcge? Or buying a beautilul new home? Tf yo u opt>n a \tl\ing•.account In 11n in\u n:d Savings and Loan A \\OC1a11on -anJ aJJ to 11 regularly-your dream, ~hatever it may be. will someday come true! Ritht now tht Amrrirnn fJf'Op/c put mnrr s.ni•in.s:s. aanunt dollars into mfurrd Sa1·ings and Loan AssoriatfoffJ than any ... ·h"" r/Jt I There arc good reawns for this ptcfercooc-thrrc good rca.5oni. in fact : I. You get rxullrnl rrt11rnr. That's t>ccau5e the A\\~1atlon• in'o~t most of their funds in so und. steady·r•)tng home m ortgage" 1. Y.our m o ney i5 8\ fO{f' 1.5 safe can be. It's rro- tcc~ by good management and sutl\tan11al rc~cncs'. A nJ 11\ tn'tiretl up to S IO,(X)() hy the I cJeral Sa1 iog• amt I oan I n\urance ( C1qw ra· 11011-an agency of the U.S. Go,ernmcnt. J. You're dealing "' ilh rc,pomihlr f'C<'rle of vour 01' n home 1own. Fnrnd~1· rcortc. People·,.. ho really know-and care about you anll )Our communll)- A nd hCTC's another pointl When you're think· ing of bu) ing a home. rememt>Cr that imurcd Sa,ing• and Loan A\~atfon• arc the nat1nn'1 /ors:tfl s.inxlr J11urrt nf Mmt' mort~Ol:t' l<IOnf. They make hhcral loa ns. They r.ec to 1t that ) ou get the mont y quickly-and at mod· cr.itc rates. Y.ny no t drop in soon at yow nearest insure.! Sa' in~' a nd Loan As,oc1auon. You'll be glad )Ou did! NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS end Jl66 Vie NEWPORT LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. P~lmer, lido BEACH .fre~:dent Harbor 4200 CALIFORN IA a-icu now -ce.d ,.., 117 .000 .000 Member of t he Savings and Loan F riunciation . Inc .. sp<ms o r or this edvcrllscmcnt ln LIFE !-iATL'RlJA Y E\"E:'\L'\c; POS T and TL\IE. . ' . - . i ' ·' f ~AGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 LITTLE GIRL TAKES BIG FISH~ Nine-vear-olJ l'i1mela Smith, daughter of ~fr. and M rs. For<'l'.t !"milh of L1dn ll'le, took this 91 pound sailfish nt Acapukn whll<· on a rrui~<' J11wn ~Jrxiro way. The Smith family took I:!:! big" fo;h, r ooster, sailfish and marlin on t he thrN! month trip abo~n l thr1r yachr. T oluca. Fish- ini;: ~1dc on t he trip was John \·nalich, formerly guide fnr fi:.-~<'rman' Zant' t ;rey. HANGAR CEASE? County Airport Restaurant . Plans Okayed SJ\:'\'TA A~A 1nc:-;i;1 •• T're· 111·\lllill\' j'l:tl\~ (••r I\ ~ 17.riflll 1 •!I· I llJI ant 111111 ling 11t llw <ll'AllJ.:C' t '111n'v 1\i1p•Jl \\t'~I HftJ1ft1\'C-•I T u .. ~·· n• '\ \l •· C•11IH'\' l:tt.tf I u! :-: qu 1\ I •1 1,\1U"-"' \\• r·p .,.ub· I 1._I t • 11"11'1• l \\1IJ,11111 Jiu·· ll••tl"n J•lans lo l're<l hi~ """ bwl.t1ni.: :0-111{,lo!• ,1. I lt'u'<e 111r•· 1~ ~12r111 an .11 n· l" 1 ~"81. llnrtun will Int 111 tc «ft Ice :1r a 1 e in his h.t~ar r·l.alls 11111 ton ll 11 1·•1h1tlon11 ry iin1I ron· I ro1·1•1 !<Ila! winJ,:l··~s 11lrcraft wo11IJ l1r anrhun ·d 111 111 ... ~u111 t ure. Record Player 1:_heh A val11nble r rror·d plny1•r \\'II!' .~llol••ll from lhl' r1·~l·l1 nl'e Il l r.n~ Ottlbna Rlvd., April 8, n t·r1ml1ni:: to n police r11port \.\'e•lne><rlay. 1 •.,J;rt• ~!11•1 they rPrP1\01·d a ll't· l•·r f1om C aantly A. ~llnlll"I, l ·11p- ta111 with the t;., A Ol!• l••lf F tr<' 1.011 1'1·1·:11111 ··•it, ,.1111111,.: lh:ll hts i-nn Tl•' "1""''"'11 1cl•11 1l"f•rt11I 1:1 l 111n:ilil wa~ \'1 .. 1t1ng ="•"'p11rt •n I ni;.tt 1"1•u•i.1·h\" \\llll(h'~n llll· that 1tr1t" 1111•1J<Olllt'Une 11tnlP the "1.l I 1tl .• 1 \\ 1111;111 ll111t1o11 lt1 1 ll'l.ut1I phs \l•r. (., II! I " .I• d Cl.:I· !HI I'. hr .. Al" making 11n tn\l'l'llg&· t1un. High Schoor _,Gives Annual Concert of Student Groups Music Department Presents Three Groups in Spring Affair Th• annual perlorman~e ot ~~t'1\1a--rn Auhs" "Bl'Ol!llom Tlml' tnslrumt"ntal mue1c dtpartPmnt of I St>lect111n " thl' Clann~t ('(tnC'l"l • )';ewi~rt Harbor t:nton H igh tino." "W in<i.Sor Melod~•." and t.he ~ mab"lllr1ctnt • Preludr, Choralf' 8011 Srt111°1I WM 11-;ir.1 1~ ll~t• high ~hlml Fugue In c ~tmor·· by B111:h u a1 - aucl1tur1um J. 11J;l). L nJ~r t he t.h· rang rrt b\' Abrrt. rerti"'n nf Clinton ~aw1n. must<'' • IMl11i. t11r of lh(• h11:h !!Ch()()I, thP Th" ba lance of thr . p rogram Tllr bAJ\•j, c•oncerl orcht'slrll a mJ ftatured lhl' Conctrl BanJ playing lel'l1on" !1 om "The King anll J." anil ··.\rannln \'een," lht' p111.110 con· Cf"rt. Afler thr sight rt'&rtfng ~P· lt•l'liOll lh~ band c•loM<'d tilt' 1.'0n• rert with M1iusso1 J:llky's "l'Jrt uru At An Exhtbltfon" a n11ni:t d f .,r symphomr band l!y l.t111un .th., ccmcerl ban.I p1 es••ntPd a pr11· grHm t•f u11uic ual 111ui;1<:al lole11>,;l At d o11e of the prugrani, he.1nl b)' a nnr-capaclly audttncc, an OVll tlflll Wll.S 8 ('('0rt1C'cl bolh t hP lil· rc1 tor 111111 banM .• \Ir. Sawin wa.s 1(1\'t'n pcriconal ltd l1;1n1 rrn Ills 11m1,.1th 1 on lu111ni:. a1vl ( llHl'n"· Sawhill "r l 'C.:LA 11111s1c clt'part· nwnt. who tllri•ctt>d in a ctemun. !lt111t1•111 or 11lj:ht rPnll1q~. stlllttl 1l " .... th .. fan <'1l h1.:h s. h<JOI band l'onrert hf' had c:\'t•r h1'1rd. Appl'ar111g AS !'c)l(•I'-" in this pro- 1tr4111 Wt'rt· t:1l'i; A 1IHlll;,. rusr Bill Approved to Distribute , hR11 rlarintlll'I In lhe 1•11nc .. rl 0•1 h11nil who plftyl'tl "('1•nr,.r tl11 0 I for 1'larn1H 11 nrl 1111•h• .. t1a" by \'<•n· • Royalties \\'tbl'r, l\nd Mary K,.1th, who wa !< hratd tn l hP f1r,c1 movPmPnl ~ACRAME;»TO ·-fC':'ol!') -A of ''1'1an .. C"t1n('••rto In A 111tno r'' by bill dl!'ltributing S3·1 000 000 In Im· <i11·1~ .\11 <.• Krtth RIM playril p(>llndecl 11dC'IBn<I!< 1•11 rnyalllPll In l't 1111,I? hR •~ 1'1 llw ronr"11 hand rn11nttr" for rnn11t111rt1on of pub· Th•· .u..-n1.1p9 ni~t for thel'P two hr work~ pr!'jrr ts of hrnl'flt to th• ynuni: 11rt1~111 wn11 furnlshtrl by t hP C'rttlrt :<tntr wa:1 8ppr"'\'Pr1 b~· t hP nrrhr111 rn for lh A t'IArlnPt 110!0 ancl 11 f'n 11 1 e gnvernmeot& I dflcltn<'y b~· th•' rnncnt hone! fnr ttie piano rommitr .. ,. runrrrti<>. I The bill, by Srnatnr Randolph \\ l .S A('Cl.Ant rolh•r of YrPkll , w1111hl 1 ran,.lf'r All llH•'l' of th<'I><' oq;amzatJOn!'I lhe mnnr y from tht stntl' bt11rhPA have &r nr1ved U>markable 11urc·rss an<! parks runt! to a "public works 1n ('11mpNll.IVt' nlll'lr ftlllh•lll!I dll r· 1111•1 tmprOVl'llll'nl fund" Rdmtn l~­ an~ lh•· r1111r•nt !<•'h••fll y•·ar. At lhe tere<I by the state allocation board. il1,t1 rtt f.>1111\·111. 1•111·h of t hP i; r1111p" l:nder the mPBl'llrl', P&C'h ro11n- w1111 1111lgt'tJ o;upt'1111r 11m1 lhert'fo rt> ty would r1·ceh·e S50 000 nut right. 1•hi;:1hl<' I•• 1<pp1·Ar tn the f1nAI 11.nrt thl' balanr ,. of thl' funrt w o11l•I rnmprttllon Ill lhl' rrginnal rrsth-111 b" <l1\•1c1P<I Among cnuntll's ArrortJ· hrld rn Long Bellch. At thl-. JUclgl'li mg to t heir 11rt'lu an1I population PVtnt the T11r band and the con· ColliC'r said cnunlll'& would prl'· •I'll orcht>atrn ~e1e awarded rill· ~ent prnpoi<,.d projects to lhl' 11t11te lllJ:ll of PXC'tll!'nt, whlrh Is nt'xt tn buard rur a flpmv11l ot conalructlon l•JI' rating. plan11 11ntl «o"t Thr project a p- Th!' Cnnt·f'rt Band, genPra lly phrat111n~ w1111lol b1• 11ubm11tt'd rt.'l'Og nlzed RR one Of the «utstancJ· lhrougt) county planning COmJnlll• ing htirh iochool banda In Southl'rn llaons. To approve a project. the al- <'nlffornrn, wns 11wuulrrt tor rat-Jucauon boar<! woulil hiwe to cletl'r· In~ or aup<'11or :ind Judged to be mine thal Lhe proJtC'l would b<' t h•· finc'll 111i:ht-rrnl11ng ori:11111za-bC'nr tlclal to the state as a wholl'. ti• n In thr "tlll". Th111 JOight-read· t Thr bill was rf'ftrre•I t o thP Sen· Ing nhtllty w ns clemonstrated al ate Finance Committee for further th•' l'onn~rt 811 lh1s P'H'"ptl<Jnal . ~tuily .. 1.;roup of high 11chool 1n.struo11.~nlal· -------------- 1,o.u1 performed at a1ghl a 11electecl '01111.osltlon under 11t rirt l'flmpell· I l•Hl rulC'll and undt'r direction of Cl11rence Sawhill. G. Wright Named New Usher Head rno<mA!\I To1.o Gregory W right. i o10 t11rr Or., f"U11ton Sawin, con1ludor or lhe will be chairman or the URhPr1ng bnndio and orcht Mtra, announcC'd committee !or the CoUego Church the following program. The Tar oC the Au oclllted Collegn a l lJRnd, n1•wly oq :a111:r.cd lhls ~·rar Clartmonl CollPi:e nexl year. played ".\llhtary Escort M n r r h,'' \\'right, a ico phnmor e al Clarr· '!';tudl'nl Priore O\'torlure," "Two m ont Mt"rl°s College. wa11 lll'lecttd ~1t1uo11:· • Leg(•nt.lary Air," an 1 for lhe comm1tlN' ofltC'<' n•cC'ntly Funtasy J.'or Baml,"; t he com·ert and 11.nnounced by A lbert. Fay o r c he s t ra wu hear.! in "1P· Hill. rhaplam or tht' college. It's His Business. •• , Yes ••• It's his business to deliver youf Newport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monclc:iy and Thursday. It's his busine11 to do a good iob too. • BEACH RESIDENTS ADVISED HOW TO ·PLACE FIRE CALLS ·Costa Mesa Postmaster Charges Main School Mail Tampering To the residents o f Newport Beach : if you want to get the fire depart nll nt quickly, and you ha\'e a Harb<lr tel ephom~ <'Xl han~l'. ask for Harbor 15. If ~ou ha\'l' a Llbt·rty number, dial 7, then u k for Har'bor 15. Do not. and this goes especially to t he Llbl'rty l'Xl'hang-<'s, nwrt>ly asl< the opt>rator for the fire department. \'011 m1~t get the wrong one! Liberty exchangt>s :trl' mostly in Costa Mesa, but some nre nr Newport. Newport has Its own fire departme nt : Mesa has a \'Olunteer one. which can only be acll\'ated by the Orange County Forestry Service. Jf you ha\'e a Libert~· exchange and just ask the operator for the fire department, she might think you h\'e m ~ll-sa. B~· the time the situation is straightened out. and the• Newport F'ire D<'partm<'nt is finally notified. it might be too late to sa\'e any- thing. This not only could happen but did; last Sun- day a garage on Crest,·i~w Dri\'e caught fire. The OWnt'rS ( f th<' pruJ~rly picked Up the phone and nsked for t he fire dt>partment. EvlJ f nce ot m a.II tam~nnr at Ualn St'hool, 19<11 :-:twport An . lo\'U rf'()(lrtl'iJ to po.lice T\1NJ11y by Cnlllta M l'ta r oatma3trr ttaul Giil Mr; 0 111 tCIM C'oeta Mr11a pohcf' offlrt'nr that 11t11 l~Urn ~ fo1'.n tt In a echoot tr11&h c•n by a flnt· irade 1tullent L&.l Tuead&y. The .student g11-.:e llie ltltcrs Lu a teaeh· rr. who In t urn handPd lll~m ovf'r to lhf 8"hoo"• prtncrpa l Th~ l!'~­ tf'rs, all wrllltn by a ~\rs. MAY Kt'sel, were ~1ven to hn eon who tonk thf' ·lettf'rt to hi• l!Mle. p,~hrt bellf'\I' th e tamperlnr wa• thl' w1>rk ot a 1tudent attending lht 11Chlll'I 'Europ~ in 3-D' in Final Series -Th• tlnal p t0(T&m 11\ t.ha •1 lll.e "Eun~{)(' ln 3.0 ·· at Oranrt CC\1~1 Cullt'.i t' will be ht'ld in U\e Ar l ,OallPry tomonl'w 11 7 30 p.m . Tht prutntallon will ahow b111- ltantly colort<I 1<l·ent~ CIC the R" • leru or Fran1·e and lta.ly. Soneall O'BrlPn plonHr 111 th~• dim• 11· $208 Burglary at Mesa Store • slonAI rh1Hogra phy. will it.art h • screen tC1ur a t Orlt'an1, lra\·t\I throu,;h Lyons and Provent'\! t • lhe Frenr h Rlvltra, Mona co, MC1nl 0• .\ burglar elolt' ovr.r $200 w orth 'It mcrchantllst' rm m a Costa Mu a •urplus 11101 t'. ISZ9 :'l:ewport Avt., Tutsday nii:ht. 11cru1dmg lo the ,,torr'• ownf'r, EdwarJ B. Granu. Carlo and I he Mantlm• AIJ". The lour wlll thrn ~!'Oii• H tlv at Ponte s. Lui11 and ~o to tl.1• "Rlvirra of thf' F1owe,..", C'.~11"'· and thf' "R h·1era ot th' Rl11111~ Sun", Scenes or rocky co,·r., sparkling blue watt'rs. 11&ni!\• bf'&Cht'll and putrl colort"d vllla~· t will prC'domlnatt. T hey han· a Liberty number : the operator call- ed the Forestry Ser'\'ice in Orange: it took t ime to notify t he Costa ~Iesa \'olunteers, and C\'entually the N<>wporl Department. lnvl'stt"atini: 11rtH'rr11 founJ a forrtd tnlrv hart bern mail!! thr<>ui:h lhP • 11t1>1 l's roof by pr y· l'hJ: bal'k a r•,rnrr of galv11n1u d 'rorr\igated shPt't metal roorinr. The ltc turr eerlu I• op.n to adull3 without cha.rse. The result was a garage and two automobiles burned up. Remember, for Harbor exchanges, Harbor 15: Liberty exchanges dial 7, then ask for H arbor 15. Chapman Summer Session Offers Teaching_ Courses Curricula Designed to Help County's Dire Need for Qualified Instructors Tht burglar m unt hal'e rllmbt'<I <>n tnp o f liarrPl!I nn<I boxe11 ontslctt thr rtsr l'f t hr 1!lore to rearh the I rnor. srr<irdloJ.: t11 t t:e police, The hnli-moil!' in Lh1> ruof mta-1 •urctl 12 hy Ill ""hr~. nnrrowlni.: fllJll!Hbl•• 111111per t • 1lnw11 to prr· nn o1< \\"Ith 11mAll h111ltls. r.rantz ~­ pnrt1"I over $60 wn11 t&kf'n from the ra.•h rrg111lt'r. plul\ 1 hrre pa1n1 "' b1nor 111 .. 111, two watchl'll and four knfvts. course!!, Cha pm11.n ls 11C'hl"dullng I W(l l!l'SlllOnll or auctlO·\'ISURI work~-1 shofl, a tWC1·un1t course, on a N.'p· firate Umo tablt. Dalt's /or th111 C'ourse are June 13-July 11 , and July 2:>-S!'pt. 2. 1' 1' All their li\'es Dean Mc Pherson of Chapman College believes that the recreational facilities of the area -for instance N <>wport- Balboa's water sports facilities -'will induce many Orange County teachers and students to at tend summer school a t Chapman rather than eliSl'whcn·. I:?:?, and lhe !lel•und ~e.u1on. Auic The summt'r C'urrkulum I~ d"-1-St'pt 2, 'ompn!I<! a lol8J ur 2J I algned to make tr;is pos.~ibJ... l 1\'e·u111t C'llUfllt"I. T he Chap11111n Ct1ll1·ge i;11111111. 1 I TF:.\Ctll~c; <·01·nst;.s currin1lum Is l'..!lpel'iaUy d~sig111::1I T hi·, our ~·,. ril l p•q1111••mt•nt" for to help O~ge County·s uri:••nl "' .. 11l<1 "'"' k1111: fc•r •·h'm• nt1try nt•t'd tor . 400 add1l1unul t ra1 h.-1s 111 horJl tl•achtni: nr•lrntlnlt1 •11 for by full, Virgil L, .\lt'l'hers•111, ad-sccond111 y c·1,0;l,•n1111l~ 111 m11.~1t, mlnlatrntlve dean, said today. "\\'e art anti l'hY~" 111 Nlu1 utwn, nnd r111 plMned our summer coursrll with Lt·11<"h~rs ~1 rl'u,g i•n 111111·1~11.nul lhls <lt'mand for new teacher8 m t n di·nt111L'I 11r >'"<'kin~ nold1t11•1111I our l'll'mentnry and pr Im a r y u .. dil:! for pro1«111>1••111tl a ol,·nncl!· sC'hools In mind," he re\'<'>1led. Ill• nt. T h" {lr11t llt'l!s1on, J unP 20-July Tlw l un k 11l11m tn• 111.i. ~ al~n Trailer Park Facts, Figures Show Occupancy I llbl'rul RI u I uu1.-1•i; 'lt'HChl,IJ.: l(• balhdor uf 111 ts 111111 b111·h1•l1or uf nm ... 1c ll••.: rl't ><. ~lt-da< n I 1•hy"11 "· \\Jt1ch ll\11 1«.< thl oollj:h IJolh llt'll· ""'ns fill~ th .. lll•'•llo .• 1 ph~ ,. .. -! Io'• lUJlfl •1 I• I )'lt'•lllt •II• .ii rtllllli Jilli 11n•I h..lps I• A• h••r• v. 1t h t r• .. IC'n· llal~. \\'1lh Lhe dispute over lhl' ratC' t UUl:Bllnn ~UhJo ll .. ,, b• tn): nllt'I• <I D ean .\h I 'hC'ri>on I< pm tee! lhal 11 ch1.11ct• ,,f l\1 n .. ut ••f thrPI' r".tJUll<'•l 1 of the Munlc1pal Trailer Park c111 · lhtl! b1tnua,1,1., 111.,krn1o: ll 1.,,.,.1tile renlly raging. the Xf'ws-PrrllS, m lhe lnltrest or obje< t!\'e anrl 1111-for u 1'•'1 ""11 "iLh " H A. '"°111•'t1 part.Jal covernlo(f', J'l'C'Sc>nls. l!Ome of t:,• ta111 t• n 111.i t .. 111111 h"J.:IO t n« h· 1 thl' f&Cll' CJ( this IO:<talla(1110. tnJ.; ull a rrvv1111.,1111I lm:-q1 111 l ht> T he park, locatrcl un 11.ilbnl\ foll. a Smith-Corona POITAILE TYPEWllTH • h'1 the world'a /4Jll'st portahle -"itb 39 wonderf a.LI lut1Uct fOf i•m·o.o+b typiogl Tht' tpttd of an oftice trpewriter •.. • full·aite kt) board .•. long· l~ling buuty and dtpendabihtJ -in •Smith.Corona portable I Blvil. al 1 ith St. t.ns a to tal ur 1wo phy"1l"\I "1l111•11t 1nn 1 11ur~<·l! l 122 1ot:1. each rPnlNI 11n 11 yPa.rly 11r1• s1h•1l11led fur th1· 11r><l H"· b11si11. Tho rr nlnl r111ei1 rnr th"~"' 1<111n •'llhrr nf w h1('h nHty h" Hp· loll! nm from $300 to $~80 per phect t own rd I\ 11prr1nl :<••r11n1lnry I 902 SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts. Opened On.,..or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION '.?'.?'l Or,.an AH·n11t1 rtrunr: JI\' ,_, li'J LAGUNA BEACH I North Main Kl "2-2365 1 year. t r•'•lt•nual in lhl!! t 11•ld. Santa Ana Thl're are 37 lots rentccl a l $480. In adtlil1nn tn thP f1vr-un!ll L.--------------2:> at S360 and 60 al $300. ----'r-------;;... ______________ ...;;;;, ___ .1 J*rC)ple hvr In t he purk on bttth ,•••--••••••••••••••••••, a perma nent aml a t!'111porary bas111, oC'rorihni;-lo R'lhe1 t ('rn· well, park m11nRger. ''Many romr I d own for only two or lhr<'e •la.,,·11," he •aid. "But others spcntJ two or three weeks at a time herC'." Altoirelhtr, "lhtre are about 20 I resident• whn live here on ll p< r· ma.ntnt ba11itt." C r o w e I I 1<111<1 "A OUUl !10 icpen'1 all O( thP1r Wf'<'k· ends a.n<I holldaya here ' "All of tht lot11 ...,., renl<'d:· 1 Crowt'll 11ll1•I. "But whrther th<'Y ltve here or not. thPy still pAy th1• tees." Ther4 a rtn't enouith lot11 avail- able 6l the park lo fill the clr- ma ntl. "It W P hlld more 1<pnC'es we coul!l rrnt thtm," <:rowel! !!1rnJ "\\'e hllVP gr, J'lt'Opll' nn \he \1"81\lng la.'lt and turn dO\.\'ll obout 20 mnrP GOING ABROAD? ! .• • • • • • • • • You can see more: uf r urur• ~n I : '"' c u11 Ill S at •II cluan,1: 11 -1n : )c>ur o"'n ttonom1<.1I I l1t:nun : ' Manx <..nme an "' rhonc t.) ! 1uJJy •n •• I v.cll rdl 111.1,1 J·•\!.: h11" th< (UO\l'nlt 01. Int Xf'Hl\11 C: ~ Your paper must reach Y.ou promptly, and In good .condition. His iob depends upon the service he renders his customers. If you are not a regular sub· s c r i b e r, fill out the s u b s c r i p tion below and we will start de· livery at once. 11vrry week-end." I According to City M11nagcr J ohn J. S11llor:1: tha city "hai1n't ln't I I n nc dlly·:j rcnt in IJ.1 t•1' yf'ar.'I. \Vh1·n R1~1trt O''ll\C'JS l)dlvuy l'i~n "'or ks HILLMAN MINX i H Alt\t,\ ;\1,\\t:H TOil STER P.\IC'nmJ RAOIANT CON· THOI. j.tt\"' same uniform ,t11:i~t \\ hc1 her hri-ad is I ro1cn or frc·\h, rye m 'I\ h1tc. thick cir ch in. Aut1J m111ic llt)Olld Delirf. JreWPORT~ HARBOR xew~64 PRes.s 2211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1616 ,----·--·······························-···-····-, I I Circulation Dept. Newport Harbor NeVfs • Press 2211 Balboa An>., !'irwport Bt-ru:h Attn; Circulation Dept I hereby wish t o subscribe t Q the New-· port Harbor .:\cws-Press, and agree to pay the Carrier monthly, (Home deli,·ered only 50c a month). Name ~tred City --···-----····-····----····-···~-···- I • ' I I I I I I I ' . ' \. ________ -----------. -----·· ~-----------_____ .! .'lomeone m0\·•·11, we n .. ury tltP 11r~1· per~on un the wR1tlng h11t t h11t h 1• rent11 11tarts11inm•"llfltl'I\','' Sailor.'! sa.1d. . I : ;\10THK~ t 21!17 Huh11r 1111·11. : I.I K-:l'.!:16 C "'tll ;\11•'11 1 '~--------·-·-·-·······--' the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design bnd .construction CORO'.\ .• \ Of"!. ;\1.\R l'HO~t: llAltl\OK t.;11 /I e W LOWER COST ~BUll°'NGS GLUED LAM INATfD MEMBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPAN, AFFOROING GQEAT STQE.NGTH Ai LOWE.R C05T. COMPLETE ~UILOING UTH.ITV OE\.IVEQEO TO Joe SITE FROM 61!1 PER.SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTED, INCLUDING ~L--~, fQOM •1 9 PER ; ~.-n. FOR COMMERCIAL, fAAM ~ INOV~lRW. UU. II AWWHt« I# so. CALIF. ) .,...,., ........ Simply ~ t~ diAI >nu ~· t <.ootwlltd ll"u f,,, perfrct r~ulu. !'.o i.:ucs~wnrl.. Water r.< alnl c-ltmrnr. Sl.luare sharr cook' 2fl'ti more thi n round pen. NOW ONLY •1995 We Give Crown Stamps I I I ,, S~APP\·, WHAT:> --~ho\\ll ts Elea1111r Guthrt(', 16- )'f'ar-old ~<'wp<1rt C11NI. l.1'<'S on Ralboa Jshrnd, a jun111r t aking a <:oll<'J!P prc•p ('11ur-<f'. "\\'h<'n lh<'rf''s nothing to do tn cla!iR W<' lrink on t lw 11·1mlo w and wat ch'em." -Staff P h 11t n f Restro om for Little Beach HARBOR HI LITES . 8~ l'ATTlt: Rt:T)llt:R ,, • \ [I 11 ' II 'II I R d d Th" .,.·pr,,. "II" 1trl <"r A 'C°Atull· kn I \·u11i:hn y,.," I ecommen e ~ .. 1 < f f irPll:W• F 11111\ .\lk \' :!II Ill T l'11\· 1; 11 ... 11 th .. A nn 111! Jum• r-:'1 °'"' l'1nn1 111 • .\l,11\ n l.t,•k ""I S1<n ti I " (p• ~ llath<>r Ht•·h. ThP l11'n'" """ hoR11'. h l•'*•r I tli..-'I\ t ••un.11. "" Ith .,.: ..... , a:.n I \·1.k1 J tl•\\ ~'''"'! th•• :0-1•"" 1 , ., l't"l"ll\' ll\\f1t·rs llf11Jly Ullrlf'I •Ill h\· hl11P .in•I ,.,.ti,. .\1 •ol\ Rnol !,-·• \".,. !l\I« '"' ,._ .. , . •tt '" Int .,'f"' ,~. •t ll~ •t• ... pank !'loll t>l\Oh·t a. Th·· J.>uul "·•' Sandr H L••\\"t vl· ... r '' n l<,,I • ., b ..iru. u.to 1 ,. •w.~~u.i ·iun ~ U!.:1.4 1n 1nsform<:t1 1 .. " rount;un "1h n·w·e l'enny :'.'tiil•y ii!:J Jiin·1 100111 l.i• ''·•'• oil l.1'tl.-l'.nrt Jtll "'fluWt'li< r!oatlni: In It \\'l'lll'h medl' "''"' .\I.Jr\' Stnrl1111 11h 11o ,n lfr11• h • •t & lovl'l)' :.l(ht. \\•ll•Mni• M 1r1111'•" C i t i:h u 11110! I Tlli• b' •UJI "'' 1 .. 1~·1 •llll•ll'lil'· Tho• ("1,lh•i(l!\n• II lo11n1l fllllll l.n.• \\a1r.11 ,,, a... I l l1nn nt lh•' 1.11 1!1111·~ 1n tlw 1mll'I'· An~. I.-,; C"lly C"ull··~··· 1'ro1v11lt> I I h~ 11.H•• a1• .1 .1( ii"" 1111mp111g 1111111 .. 11 mmnr a nrt Pnlrrt ammPnl thr1111i:h· Th· 1· 1tl•o 11~k1 d lh1tl lhf' "t111r· 1 Ollt thP t'\"l'ntn i:- lllr••:< '"' ••~!1 °1• '"" 1111d 111rl11<11>l Lov1•1\' A n 11\' S1•hulh<'r!? 1•'11.'.ll"•I uol.v l• "'1rH111u .. uri+I nul ~ho\.\•·r~ RS t.JU•·t•n h( tht"' P1tH'll "'Hh h••t tlnd di "·"~ltd,: J u11 " t nurt o( pnru·r·.s.:'11.~g. ~tn1 l"IB ~t.~n1 •·· They fr, I th11l un .. 111h·1ralt\ in· h· a.iJ.. J'111t~· C'h>rn•n•, 11 .. 111111 8l11Jl11111111 ''""Id Jtl"I id•• •In 1d1·1\I Ha mil loon, i\n•I A al~n,. Hu(f Silt• r11r •l<'llllfj':1•110 \ an I thnl ll!t 11111'\11111f1 t" th•· l11~hwa\' \\• •I I nutk, 1' t•fl 1 h d 1''-J'4•\'t'r for tr ttn· A roun1I o~ opplBUM' : .. iJ,•,1•11·- t••I f•1r thi•A-P \\hu 1ntt1lt.• lhoi ,,1ur H 1'1u111 l'""~lbh flrHl. Ill !h .. IR• Ill· I\' :I l\·t ... 1•1 < Whll '"'Ill Wl'<0f<:. .1111• tnl! In lhP ptt>p1'1!ttll011 <•( lhP l"\1•nt ....~<"t•n•t. tn th~ !iitn lf'n! , 11 1 nut· t:i I"' \\1 1,1 1\1 ••'I t•\ t h1r •ttt•htJ"n~ 1 .. lh t •1•\ t•H'I""'' dun Ys.1 I 1.,..". 1>1 h W• I" (11•111 th1 :'.'1j.: Fnpnrf'r· ari.; 1· .. -r ,, "~•·· $J$.t!'1 for "" '""' h•a•l•·1f h\' J1tn11•r f'la~• 1•11 ,1• V,d.11 .... l ·ullnn 1u1i l •nu Kt-H~, ri.•rr11 1!111l •h••1 n 111'11 I'>: ~mll l1, :O:hn:tn1 t 'h1ld1,•t..s un t B~ll f:•·• ·,,.,ic, t 't..11 lt'I' I:,,, r ,. 1111 I ,\ 11,I\' !'<'l.1tl· h•·• 1:. T .. n y H"i-'.•"' 1wd l.)·nn Mr· I ~·arlnhd l'ill \\'111tl an•I B ill Pt,.•· t.11 LJ11r '" 1Jul1J1 .. 11ol Uob 1\ltlh r. J,,,., •• f:1d1·~ tuHI !"trV•• ~HJ Ito~ I B"nm0• l'll•lh.1111 1111.I !11n I I'! I· llam. ll.111 1•·l l.;1n1: >111·1 Ja, k lh111b (;j. n I 'lll"l" ,,n•I t 11 t II\· H l\ •:T .J11J11n Hur h 11 k and I :111 l.1rt>I• ''· llHllM111 Brl'\' ,, 11,u:t c·Jtl• r, I 1,,. Tou•I•·\· 11111! \\ 1111 .. 111 J11h11~11n. l.tn•I" A•lollr 1\1111 01\ • n \'1o1 h I.In· II·! 111• n ''' ti" !!hop h11111>ng "'"'' dPnl J .. rn Hupk1n~ c 1 1•1: I• 1 11 • 111up\ O\t'r the i::-as ,\nlotrt(; lh<> hn111h •'"" 1<ll('nilm1t "" l.11 n•· .. n I St•·\, •• J .. hn•!I n ~··n- 1,1111 p.• lh" gala e\'enl in thf'>r spnn~ for· •Ira Srtfl 11n I J Ill S t l't nl•,.r• Hn- ' ' - L .. .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART If -PAGF. l MONDAY. MAY 30, 195~ ' SLEEPIN' IN THE SUN ,\11<11 f'll'•"il \\il.~ a '' s1lh111on m11l11 an•I while dtnnl'r j&t•kf'l!! lwr111 1'"11 ''1 ;,n I J ... • Ra.-unu,.sen. •hhl lh1 '"""'II lif'l'l"\'I' HIP lllt'nl· '" l•: Pat T uulr· 81111 How ard Mil· Slln•ty ,. 111• II anoj ('al \\'t<l'Wh'k .. 1.• 11•t11111 or ·•lo! 11 1·11t••n1 ,,.,. lit" •'X· ch•·ll 111r1nP F,•a1hrr~1nn 111111 .\ltk" C1•01 i.:r ~. 1:11111 '"'1 J" ht" \\";,t - 1•1 .1111r" nf !!:tli tax 11ll•11a11nn fnr \'.111 ... :<!aria Peralta an\l J', ll' Hrn-"'" C'llr.i: H"""'' snd 1'11l :<!«nn•'- TIME TO CLAIM KIDS' THINGS Desert Tortoises Loaf .Amid Busy Classrooms "J"r 1 ii\' ~l••, l• This 11'Mlll· <IPumn, Ann r.1hson an•! J &)' Lert· ·• hn11tlt . .Jt,.\n11 Th .. n1p:.oon Rnd 1".1y 11un pro\ 1•lf•!I $1!1 !\!Ill fur th!' 1mun-nttn, !'a lh· P f11'tPr Rn•I J "hn Rn in· Y0011n~k1·11 :<1t1r\' ~-"" un.f H• h t11 1n11n1 •' otf All nl\' tllr""'"· :S.H .' 1ni::-. :'\a~l'v ('Rmpbrll And J uhn \\ "~lh1n•1k , ,J,,,1n ne H11n• 11nd R tt'h· 71'1 '"" u •1t1t•ill••ll 1of 1111-:hl 11f Hupk1n11, Cynt•ll Dy,,11n 1tn•I F111nk. 11111 1 ,u~k;Ji>tlv F"ll:""':11 11 n1I A1 t1t• '\\1H' ~17 :11H1 f,.r 111n11t11111111n 11n<i l'h1! Hrnwrwll And F.l111ne JI\'· Hlr1rh1 r. Sh,1;11n (;l .. n n 110.t Hnw. 1 <111111111 f11r 11 trnff1r ~1j;(nHI t o he ;.,trt. J 111>I L""nar,1 11nd l.\nn 111d H0• .. ~t. t-1.1111\11 H o1llv1111°1 f\;1\'P If your boy has comr hon11• w ith out his J:ltk e l. lunch box or some of hl11 bt>lonpnga ft might be wrll tn l'h t>1·k '' 11 h ht:; s1·h110L for sll< h thin)!s accumulate during th<> yt-a r at i;<·hools. AbP\'l' ~I r:-. E lwarcl B u C'k n , 7:.!1 P 1)tnsrtlia An• .. tonk!'! O\'f'r i;om" nC the 11ev~n luneh buC"kl'ls that nrl' b.•111,::-hl'lil at Harbor \'1ew School, while on the 1.ame table there a rc nC'arly ·lll .i:H'kNA. -!-it aff Ph1>tP pll11 "t Ill \'111 Lulu and :'\1'\\'fWrl r .. a!le. P ill Smith 11ntl C erl111n ('ontmt-r .• JHlll('O' \\·hair enol .Juhn 1---------------- .. l'il\'d 1 naw~rin, J .. a n \\'a)(n •·r and R1111·,.ISh111p. JRm•·~ Hnq;111n 11nd lll'd); w lly ttll.I. Ill l<Kt.t . I ol 111111., I~ 11 •t ''""." 1·n·ol1l llR· H uli'his.m, Cl!lt'I' Mrnerrw1tl And S1onflX FAIR TO HAVE NEW Nol 11nly " ,.,.,.llld·• .\1;.1,.,.11..1 R 11·"" ~· .. ·~. 1" l~1ll i-1 lllk. ""'l•hil I K • h I ,~!II val navey. Darlf'ne r.r ... ·n 1111.i .:'\u('l Sh.-Jr.·ny >and n .. 11.n,. rhns-' • •1~t ... 1i ill I ,,. put .. n11111h1•r "' n1g t Ok T lln H· t ·h Joan (' H · ' I L' I CERAMICS SECTION f111r:1tJ\'t\ t111r11 '~··1111 h11\\I tJ'lt • ays ' .t.f. 0 a~·n ttn• II<', .~U•' h•t7. anrt 1•,t1• P··tr1~. , . . ~.It·'" 111 111\'•• lf, J1•h11•1111 "Rl•I, [)1111 l\ternl. Clari' Sm1lh on.I fl11k \'t1).:llll1< l'11,du~ a11.i J,.11 y .\la\r hes .. h.q•'•I 1111o ''"' A lt "''I -~ •.\Ill· "'"''' i.i-<11!.nh tind lh.'.•n1 1 • E l.•nf'r, Oa·k C aml'hr-11 and Mo1 n· J o Ann .. !111).:•n 1111.i !hon ll11•11.1ll A Ill<<' •h· l'I• tll•rt I I l urn••rl .. 1 ... "' l l1.1l .11 1 .• ""''tit• 111 l11 th1• , . .,II•·• l111n L w • ht lyn .:'\ewmann, Be\' Pf1rrrnann 111111 .\1111;1\'n St~n,1.Ju11· 1111.i Kt>llh \\'ii· n111>•t••11r • • t 111o1 '•\\Ill I 1 in· l h " I 1 ti l I ower eig .. ..1 ... 1. I "' ,h .. t11··· ·••1 -·!· 0111 Ttt"'tU•lu unit·" ..... /. • .t1). 1Htlh· •• • I. ·"'1 •• ni_ lta ,tq "'lrl• •• 01C'k ov-... t by. Juu nA11n, l:S.trhHI a Hin tr 8n1t R 1• h· p:11 lla.1 J1 f 1•( 111•' 1 !•· .... '11 1' ,.. •• b·r n( h1~ r .. 1.111\1·• Ii\•• rn ,1 •11,·,·'"'··11'111·>1•.• I.id" \\tll "'ll'l!k 111.t l'tf'<'~. Jtn G ·•'l""h Ano! :ll tt\I nv. );;'''""' t•lh 1., ... u, •. ,, 1 h• ~. \\. t hn1u h ·' \yfrrcld, ,\,. 1n nn un11h k• d SO~lt: ~ A)rt:s , : lb• ft Co int,. Fun "' • •1•tit ~ l11 ~·· J'Prl t'larhllr ,., ... II ch :,:.1 ... , I .. 111 111 I "'"I'<' '''·' ,., t h·· II• d• for Alb J 1•!y L1t•b lut•I J111 k S1111lh. ti••f· T n· ,. It "•"' n I. :-: ••• I I I "'"':·I It I"' acore Jun Sa,.IP and f'anl E ·lu1ud11. f);>-""' l'u11.1 -11 nl .\l .. 1l1n ''•lh h !-11('1\'l••r •I ,11•• :1111 h h- &I" 111 • .., t l T .,11,.1..,., 1:111 T· ,.,11,, I-,,. . .r 1, 1,, •. ,,, ntc't> :-:1l1•s and ('at I Sw11>o lt·n Jnhn J h Ii .. • T1>~1111l11 1111 I I ' I• • •,11 .111 I 11• J, inn" Tl111q•i kt 1 T ,.111 \\ lldi' I A r1111lo! an•1 ll\'lly Thnmp~•ll lt,11· ' II \1111•1! .ind Holly 'Jlt"ltlf''""· ll!'•ll •·Ill\''"'" 11.111 ,., ,. ~rt r.n..-kt111·.\~ \tu r , .. ,, •• -' ....... ,,,., .... ''~ t Is· ... r•• l•nt.:·1 ,up-<:c1\•rr ur 1'11).!ht ho, :i-.1..:n,\d 8 l•nf." Putu>tn an•t l 'nn \\.tlcft1i.u1 1 ~ r-: J•,.,,.., uni Bit ~ c,n,r.•n•l!1 u.1 .. t ... r1 ... 11t·,.: u1t1 .t•,.;· ,., '• 1''~1 t ft$ ... up l• :: • \ 1t .. hu~ I I\ I I ... t1 ,, Ir •• l4t I a:" •!.1l1 hr t. .•. t .)J .1fn• ll Jtn,.:: tht F t!'h an.) C,one J .... h .,, t11··n n 1'"1111• •I ,,.,,,,.,•, l!lf'• ,., ., ...... i.1ht·n .. t 1r••· ('111 t•I I '.\t i•'·~ tt.• n.1n11nun1 Sharon l"••than ant 1•1tP l f,•1IJ,:1'"· ·rll.tl ,·'•hl'of·Jl un-1 ('!"'Ulf•n1• Jl1ah .. ,, th·· c.lrt, ... 1, t11•U ""' 11· n .. Su•• :"\t!j.«c-n un·I Tom J'ler~ .. n. Tn11\· ,., (1, 11n•I 1:.11ha1.1 \;11 .. hf Bub rJ, .. , .. hoth '' ~.111• I HI I ,, 1· th..-H t,:h St "" "'UJ•t,; ll 1111.1.il· lt•~&\•'. \\-. f •\ :.r•--n tu thn' \\•l ... tH t( ~ilt h•·1•• "h!c h tow\• be Pa1.~ren 1 snit ~ll7Ane ~''•\\'t"IX, \\'tll'.°" Hild l't•t:t:\' t',n1k. T UHi H'H!· \'MOit I .... ,,on ('·•:•.: 11\•• in~ Th,_.r" Ott v h , .. K 1 tt • ,,t,fl --, ... , Id ft '" !• t•, ';' ltt... ~ hP• Knll H.01·~11 l.P\1· I •n,·111 HHhn··r Ill• ,.'I I• 1 ,\ -f~•· I , , 1 ,. T h•• 1111111••1•1.11 f'h11 111cn <l111m l'uro< l '<'l•r" itntl ('ht11k H o1.:•r "t1•I 11,,,.,. ~r••'•ll\ "•II ('P•(' th·· 111>1 •Pill.-"'"""• •ol I Loca! c1·11·zen II J t>_V•P ('lluni; &n.1 K··n Bt111Pnht•p· R , ' • Hdu•1l l'attlll 11 \ .. 11;..l '. I' '0•110• H I I 111 ..... \\,11 .. r II II•···· -1 .. 11-... , 111•• •11111 ,., t. h . \\h• II ' IU):ht l\n•I J 11h .. H11n<l1ohl • I"" ,,1 1,,1 lh· 11,.11,11,., oJ It' al th•_\ rt per. Chip R.,J:an an•I Dunna Small 1>1H in11I '' .11 l'lr•· m • ,., 11111 • \\'lnt• .. , •·t r•·' l•J ... \t t1•111 v. 1-.-" h7• ~ ,.. J' St r J J :'\u '''~h ,,\.,, tt t~ v 111 h· 1 n 11 d1·ri:no11tl -~•t .,_~ "I ,.• ... ,J \\h•rt lhru\\t1 ltt11k tn th• :\IORE "':\:<rt:i'I C'la•~=•~•~t·l>:;~11t~;~1/~'11.i~i'·'.'.~';~. lht• .\•ti ;-. .. 11 .. 11 ,,,id 1•111 • s ra1 er l\tl•r l'tw l•ill ""'''' 11'h•llli<'O Lana l.111\'d An<! LHr n· Pullaa•I • 'II\ I.I\' I I k t II ( h • · S.1ngP1, Thuma" ('halo!~ .inti l"1n· ll\~1. w ill I•" 11hh· r' an I'("•· · '' '1·1• I 1" "" 1 ••r i' J PnO\' Luntl 1tnd J un T1<\ l11r J ohan I ;; 1 1 • · lh•'I sn11th, .lam 1:11s11nr an ! ml ;"'·" 1 .. tla r en a s b :'\.inn· ( '.,1 k1•1l, J otUl10•' A nil nnd 6 1ol I 11" 1.f •n 'o 111 P trt J .d lo "t ii • I tit• "II ,., dl'\1111fl 111,11 Ut'1·111hr Muor.,hParl 8 nrl Rill }{e,..t, Hiii \\'t'l· 1 "•••I Ill~ .~q·• :••• . .t• t ;:'.' k " t I ·l"ll l/oll•1111"n lol\'• ni11mt.un·11i111h 11ml l'htl<'k F rt>k • .\!111111\ Th•· (1111 h II l.P1 11n :-.·1•l10on l.u" rt>n•·•· H. Jlln• h•" ho"" k 1o!' ,1 • •k ti 1 • f11". • 1,1 I• 111 , "' I' •· '111·' 11 11sh '"iultt be pnme Z<'I nnd At11l11 l'11lm, fll'nrt.v F".ilz· I I .. "nol J.tnHP I.int', t.;, n 1;11ff1lh as.ti t;u:lll• r~ 1n ti • Alt'-1h I "' f i '' n 11\ ···1 ,., ,,, \\ .,,,,' d1 ... , •• f'llllOI "'" ... 111. Ill .\I tlti' l1o I-' 1'h1>1n1 '" :Iba tin. l•u 111 r1· p· I •11 • ... ,, Ill 1111111 11·r ~ .. rir Ill' SU patrl<'k a nd \111rlt'lll' F "•·rer Clf'n I ,. J Ii •11 .:'\ ti . I . I ( ...._ , · .,.. • .\ltt1j:1i>l ~lor1 ... 1n, ltH'hur1I Cr.111.J 111 ttl 111 .. '" •' J'•llll"d t11 H i:.1.ty lt01I 11\•il t 1 •II\'''"'•: \, t11•1an J-'1 ,,11 t · ·' ·" ~ •11 >1 1•11 <11nsir· Thuma.s 11nrl C&rvll F nl'rrr T n111 I •n1 11.. l. , , t · -,.. • en1I IA"ll08l ,\111•'11 An• Ile ('.,.w. ta•l'i:l "lln 1~. ... 1 .... 1 lh .. tn1~1 ha . ., ~h· II d.1hlwd \\Ith l•·•I .\11·11 h\' ni::ht 111 11 lrtt•r l" ... iv ''"1"11 kit "''11 ~. 1'"8 """ It.!! a ~11111<'1!" 11nJ J IHI\' 5:1111 I• P rH H it· , . , "All . • 1 • -'' · fcml 111111 J a r k C:tJrnKBn. ----------------y ... 11 .. " .<11.t lol11•· 1•11111 J(,, IJ .. 1.i ••1111·1l1l111111°·ol'o! il<1h.wll•"l 'th1•,11"1' 11111""111"1 rs.•111 '1""1<'1c-h1t' nnd Sam CoopPr. P 1tll11• Rtl·1 &flf"'·'1 ""'' d I 11 .. 111111.: I"' hi• ""111·••!"" lt:11l1r 10.111< "· 1> .. 111;; 11·1'111· » lt01•k :ind 1111" l1~h 11nol li\'I' m1rr and Tedcly Jlla rlrnez:. Luellle A lkinllOn 111111 Hob Mr-ON THE AIR r 11u111 .. ,. \\ 11, 11 ,,1,1,,,.1., h···~· J•li.t l1·t..1if ;, ro•t1l"d '" -111 •'X• lll•I\'•' 1;1,.1111 l"lll:"f' !httn lhf' nl'll1•.t 1111111," he J ct SI 0 1'rmoll, C'hart<>nc· l'urc••ll an!l " ' 1 .. 1 . I u v -e"per and J uhv Murph•·y c , . , .., b ,1 J 1 . t ut k•·.f h••a.t und , ,1,. 1111,1, IJ;l•t .-f uu'··~f .. fn\'''' P''"P'" tl\' th•· l'tl\' a~:-.•>• I•'•. 1 h•· Hlhs-.. ,.,,.. b1 I '-'»..-t L .. 5 K • rAnt vlll), oo ~~ nrt tn 11ntJ u 1 ) h is 111 mnr pl:cfl"I hoou•" • 1111 :sil~ nf :'\•·wpPa ! · I 11"r"s.s1;1 v Ill 111111«• C,;llfm n1a ninrc-nyn~ •>.'!'.'1Y· Pnda.I Jar~b.s . .\tar· HappPny, t.:.J Dorrill anti San•ly \\ 111~ I at 1 1 1 1 h 11ntfnrrn w1 1h On)!""· an:n1rllni: 1 n 1\\'t') !Ind L U<') Pop· Marinn Doh·m1111, T imi B t1r1t)).:hi< a nJ J 11e R1uh•i::.'· i11•lt1l• 1 .. 1 11,1111 ' •'• ''II• I" 111 11 ,., '''' j i.1 Al F .. q:u. p111nt1nPnl lo•·ally K 0Prn1>r Rnrl Sunny C'Ol\nr, J11Rnnr J amP•, F:nrt ,'ltt'W111l 11nd P iil :-:ol- J nhn, .. n I" ·1· l·•tt 1J.1t t••I •1 .. ,.q ,,.,.,.,111_\\~t h1 r .. 1°:11k 10011 '· in ... mlll•'I• 111 fi•hing ".\II 1,,,;. l'iur11:o andBr11cPBArton.J 1mN•"''-lar,Alynrc-.unploinand t.;C'nhTR\'· ... , .• ., .• 11. ''" I l ft····· "' 1,, '· ,",'.:, :.r1·1. I,., .. t '1' II k,,tt,· l 1'' >111-· oll j; ,.h1o111ol .... h1 .. k 11nr1 1111 .. \\'tlh khk 11nol Pill Kl'l!Pr, ('hUl'k ., .. ,_ lllr. l.A' .. n .:'\1wl Rn11 Car .. Je Sht>lton tht>t r • ~~ ... · 11 • · 1 ' I• J• t '' • "" ~ ,, .. ··• " 1v ' l•' \·1~tu ontl Linda Dt'drlOJ.:, I MVt tn~ ... ,.H"' 1 r. •1.J•'•..:,,,,,, J1,tf 1'1 •' 't• tth I u 1lu""" 'ttn, n .... "'1',':11 la\\••·t·· ... 111).:lt • •nlnlPnt-~tP&rns anf1 '"R uth Rn<t\\' J11hn 12 , t.•, 1 , , ri:ar 11, • I · t ~•n~ Ill• n• l• 111111, the (1,.h l11 I• .11 .1 111 • 1no1 I .11.. ' I -p .. wnm~ • lw a.Jol,.,I Sw11in an•I PhylllJi Yarwood, H•tn M H A re• "nth· ,,1 .. , lf'rS n"w nf· t ht1/0• "' lh•· ta. 11 J•t•I ~" otll • 1'1 I"" I· l •· 1 .ii " , .,111,, ,, .i 11 ,, • -----1 :"ewl11n rntl D iane C1i••m fat •0111 (t•r lhP rnn11 n~ y• 11 J udy y ouni: 1 •. ,1 .. , ... "11°11 II•••'· ., , ,:.·.rn111 ... r ;1.,. , .. , ... n 11o1r1 Another M h t Bill Rmg 11nd L)'n st11hl1r J•t~1..-•b \\'Ill p1 .. :01d .. 11l th.-m•·Ptani:~ 11e1r -,_, I 111r" • ,, ~ , •:. " • . ' ' lo I\' ' II 1• h '" ere an C"rc11'/0 And ""\'I& llllr'1 I'• 1 II<' and Wh•·n .. b-<l'nl. i.l'•l• r ( 'ftt r Wiil u J:;'.: ~:·n ·~h: ~ 11 :: 011 111 ;,·· ,;'.'.'·lh-'". ·~··; :· \\' :.'. "ri:.:~11~. ::-~;:0,::·~ Com2s to Newport ~7:11.:"~,,n~7~1..::t~~.~ .. ~~~ ·;_~-:~~· ~:~(' "'.;~;"~. ~~:,~:I n.~~t:~::~r~::.t~":~ g~nt ti I,,,, I••'• . : .• I !1•111 11 w1 ,f ., ,t••' p rn '"" "··h \ fl\,\' ··n~t\)t'nlur ha~ •le-&t\m \\.f'b~tt"'rHntJ ]\t uy K Ay H ··hn H P\n11hl"" \\UI nulaty .,.,,, IJ41~ hf t hP I 111.i \\ ti. ,• -1 11111 _ 1, ""'•II 1001\ 1 • •1, ·, : .. • 111111 • , 1, 1 Ann Alh·n a nol Chatlt• '~"" h , ''" k lh,. tn•'"llllf.!~ L\1 n .\Ill• Fa1 111 nd ti 1l I'•" l:"" 13 .. 1. h •~ a II A•l•l"ol I"• •1• · .. l·•1'h '' 111,1,,.. !:""' 11 .... f,1 ,1., h•t-tn•!lS H a11·hant1G11tlF1ahm.Pall\0 !'ll"· "'' k"'P .Ill 1h•' m .. n.,· tn,•rl"r l tl.11 111 \1111111' '"' •"'l ,,, ti '''"''" la•' •'\I•' II .\l1l11c H•111.,. p1 1r11t••,,r,m•nrr fi nd H11hhy C.1h\'11n i\1 1.nP wh1lr (',ir•I <':•"·~will k···r •·t li•r ~-., ••• I ' \\ l Ii I• I l : l :. 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'' 1lw1>r) a11 •I lrl\\ ·•' 1 I 11 l •11 II\" LEGAL NOTICE 1·1t • .J t ,.,, lw•n a p111111111•·11t h11,1-1 ',..~ i1•ttd•1t Jn s, '.ttl11•r n l 'tt!tl••r· 111 1 11 .. 1~ nbn l'>"!ohlrnt o ( t ht' ---------------- f 1111 ll•·• i<m1rn l11,.1111ntt>nt>. J1w, s .. 11rh f10011 t 1l1•nr ,,, t hr Ora n11ft f r11lhtl.,ll 1l'0illlof\' l-,•111( 110111•1' l'111!Rled lfl -----_ 111 .. 1·11\' • f S1rntn A1111 1·11untv ol .. • 11.tni..1 ~111tr, p f c•t1hfttr1111l , CON· l!0••1<11••1 ,\,t11111e r<'a4 by f,1lk~ ll'\F.:'\T.\I. Al')dl.IAHY C U M• """ u:c fl',1lh· h1ook1ny, l•l bu\'. I · , l'.\.:'\Y 11• J<t1l"r111111>ol t rUtHl"fl, un· ----------------.i .. r Rn I p111 •111t11t 111 l h1> tem11 of LEGAL NOTICE 1 I 1111•1 .i .. I will ~··II Mt pubhr ________________ ,n1a.t100n t • 1lw Jui..h•-l 111.i.t .. r fur I •· • .-11 d'\YAHI.~: AT T l.\I F: O JI' , T iit' '' l't.1<1111< < 0 1 HT ""' s \U: I'\ 1 .. \\\'F l'I. .\tO:-:F:Y O F' lltt. 't'\1 1-. Ill < \l.ltllH'I\ 1111-: I :'\11~11 ~T,\TEs1 1111 t h" '' ·''" 1111: T iit-: co1 ·~T\' 1111··•·-t '"n'''' t tiv ~"'" t n 111t I II' Oil \ ". f: I"'." '11 111\•t 1 .. t hi' «•II"" 1111( d i'· - ll•·1•t ~ "rah• I ,, ·•I l'"'l" 1t1· P1l111U1•tl In '"· +;."1111' '.,. 1 ·,.nil'~ "' t1r1111i:r l'l&te nf \1 u..,1 f11u111;ht In th•· l'11111·rl11r • "11111 1111.1 .111 1 t1111r~ p 11rllrularly ( uurt ''' l h1• ( "'t111.\ ttf ~•ranK*» I ti•·~· r th• :t :t"" :'.'llo\\•A" • tn·\,~11.: a11•l • ""'""'"'' t tl•·•I In th .. ornr•• I ·1 1 11 ' r I 1 "1 .:'\••. 17 1 ~ la uf ""' t l1·rl, 11( ""' '"t~·rl11r ( ""'' lh•· r· .. unl\' 11( lls1111i.: ... f;lll l l!I .. r .. a1tll 1111r1f\. • •I ('""'"1"'"· K8 p<'r m11p I · II • "'"'' r1 1·11rol• I in Honk 110 .l.\\IE~ I • ~.I.I.I~ hliol JA .\IE~ 1••;:•·~ :::! 111 XI\ lnrlu~IV•• o; I' ~ I.I.I!' ol• Illa.:' h•t •In"'" ll' t:I.-~l I II ~ ' ' 1 '" \I' \I ci·q· 1 'CJ~tl'A:'\Y 1,1 • · 1•" nn..,01111 .1op•, rf'rnrc1• • ' ,, • . . . . ' hlll flf l'ttlot ('l>Unt \' t.!f flrll1·1t M >w 211. 0 l !IM'I. "'· Hll\' F \\'EBB 11n.t C'H ARl.P.S P.BY Hnd lhf' v1 .•sd "IHTK~:YF:," c ., .. t1f11·:.i .. o { t\W,JlfJ :-\n. 270127, 1)1 f1·nd1111t" Thr pPnph' nf 11 ... St.1lc> of ('a h· !11111111 ,., ml ~l•'•'lln~s r ... Hl 1\' F \\'1-:HH .-!L\HLES F,BY . \ i-:ss~:I. 'lllTl.;J-:YI·:. l'l'rllfll'll!I' .. 1 ,\\\ .11 I :'\" :?7Ul:!7. I 1 .. 11•ntlan1., Y 11 .111· •hr•< t1·tl 111 app• .1r 111 an ,11 II fl It• 1.:h1 8>.'.Jlll•I \'1111 b\• Ill<' 11h11\, 11 .11 • I 1•1 1111111 111 1111· Su - ''' I •t (•,,It~ 111 lh•• ~· j•t lJ( f\.&IJ• : .. , •1 1 1n 11n • lvr l he I '•;unl y of t l!,1f L•, .t•1 h \ A ·l~\\t t t ht" t.uni• I 111111 th• run w.1h111 t•114'11\.s11ft• r • 1.u F"f'\'I• • • 11 ~ •1 • f th1• ,..11111· ,, r·~ r 'I I\ I I \\ t tun l h· ( ·uunt \' f C II II I:• ••' \\ 'lull lht1 t \' 1111\'S ;! '\1 I. ,\J,1·t1 ·•OJ'"'" H!• f1 t•- tot..J IL3t "'·''""'"')nu t ·•d1rrnr1tnt1 6'f"t"'-·\•I H:io 1'bn\·1• I 1·'111Jff' J t h•· f' '1 • 't \~ 111 L•~(•• J i•f;.:u' '· f•;r ro~Tl :"IF:.:'\TA I~ AU XILIARY t 'OM PAN \", 1u1 TruMtf'r, l:ly A LrnJ.:n T. TWIC O A M18lllnl $1•l'rt'l81 \', r n.:l2-;-;, · :-.=n. !'187 !l:l'w•-l"rr88 ~ '2:1. 30. & & '1111 S OTl<'f: CW l~TF:STIOs TO ~F.l.f, 11 • l1a' t I 1,~••h a1111 H .... u lnl\ ttt1 •d ••' 2~1'• ';•\\fuirt Hl\'d i:tnd Sue K t•u\ anti \"ir \\"d..,.un, ~U" k in1' \\"hO 1"' nn'.\· ~l\lh nt H•uh Sup 111•1-• \\ l' \I 1,. 1•: .... I' 11 • 1 .. d f' .. "J'k 1, '"'"' 'f•••111l11°' "' h1_ttplldf' f111mlt1tr 1'hom1111 and R ott 1.11,.h<'ll. 1: .. tt l't•'~1'1"nl. B••b 1'"'"111: "'II J'I •· L A ~ 111 lo • 11 '''' t1 .. 11 • II•"' "1 11 :'11111 f.11 •I ,., >It• Sntt•hliui•I lllflll~ \\h" \\,i• (nfllll'th• 1.,. J o hni<Pn a nol RllrH\ll' Bl>tll, ,J, llY ,•1d1• ll\'1"1 Sllllloll'nl ('n1111 hP1m: C\ugt.,.t I •I" lh1 ..... 11 t '"· n 1 \1 '1 ' l 111\•' l ••J•l d :i-•lllt· \'t,..1?111 .. 1.1 11 •f'f•'•I tn !'.1ntn 1-\nA, ~,•td h r· \\'tll Fark\\"8-J' ,-tn d Pan1 T 11l•'I. p,-'f•'1' tlu• \'1t,··rr•s, :'\1tniy (',nnphill • .,~,1~ • tlrl t• 1!i1I Jl.,Ol8f"n ·n, anHetf•\ir trun .. n 1lt'r Ill t •1 ·1 · ~ ... '•J n111nn• 1l "" 1-f ••l<'nll n 11ol •tq •1•I• • •q II 11f.1 \' ,.,. d 1fl1il ., ... •knttltt.t- 111 lh" 1· f01j l;11111. a• a• 1-1·n~ 11 ' 1 •1 "I •II \\tll npph· fol lh°• 1tt 1•111ttY11th••' t•h •t d 0·011tnd- :'\11ttl<' lll hl'rl'h\' j:I\'• n f'UllUMt • th .. pro\11!'\nn~ o f !'"1·t1on 3H 0 t•f th•• l'1v1I (",,.,.. of 1hl!I ~lt11r nf ra1 r. m1 ... 111111 l 'HSllF:t.I. t.F:F. r.RIFFIS \01•nolu r. 11! :.!Ill' Mon· r11\'lll SfrP••l C-111• of Co~ll!I M,..._ C-1111nty r•f Chang.· s1111 .. nf L'11.lt- f111ru ' tnl•'n•I~ I•• •rll t •t 1.0HDO!\" C.\ISS nn•I ~IAH.JORI E F:. C"A J:-:S \'1•110!1 .. ~ of l!•OR \\'i>•I 17th ~t rPl't. c·,1,. nf !" 1r1ta A n11 ('•111n1y nf Or- 11n1:•' Slut" or l 'Jt llf111TI1a, 1111 lhat t • rl n 1 rt J"'r~nn I prnpc•rty , 11n~1•t· 1n,i.: ,., 1'111 '''" k In llR 1 ... flXlllrf'I, '"llll('l11Pll! 11nd i:nn·I w ill of a CPr- li11n ··11r11 hll~•n•'"" knnwn 11• .I J.:A :'.'S (' l\ F'Jo': II 11· I J.,, a ll'd a t 2111111 :°'• "l"•rl Blvd. C"tt\' nf Coat.a M"""· t 0"11111 V nf (°)rlln):P, l'lll ll' Of C"llli• fo1r11.11 . 1111•1 thAl th•' p11rr h....,e prll'" lho l,.,,f Wiii t..-pt<ltl Ill 10:00 ""'"' k "111 "n th•· 1:1t1i day of .11111°. 111'.:'l 111 01nn.:.-1·011n1v Tillit th,."'"''"' \f\ \'lo '..... i' Ffl f ,, ... 1, •f 111 .. 1•1•t 11•1· ••ol 11 .. 111 n"W ~n l llt'llr 110'\\' rur-!'1h11lb1·1~ 11nd Ca111I Ktn~ Jim \\II) t11k .. 11\'l'r H;< ~PC'rtlRI\', \\llll<' mPnl~ w .. 1k ""'"' !11 d><'- ln !h i-ll•Oll I\ ,,, ,,, ' f I f II •1 ·11 I I t I I 11 •. I t f:I IJI k J nevn ·rHn1111" "'Ill pill 11·· (tn 8 ., ' •' i .. • •• 1 n ! , 1• n .... " J.!'l n g1.1 1 ,,, ,. ri1t 1111• :1, 1,1>1"4i1nH, t' pt 1<, 't, .,Htn~·· an, <:>t!'y · at.· nlAr. "'' ry .,--'"' .... n t1t "''l•·~~ .. u 1h rh1 \11''"' 11th, 1d itl ru1 r J,•\\'h••U~"''""'h•\t'' Cl\'1• ~1 1<t Htttf\"4 hPlp~ hrr h\l,.hRnd f4tUTb,._---l and ~1a111yn H an1111nnd, St l H'l l:hid~··t h 1 it ••llr hP:11 h" ! 111n l h•· h11-11w•1<. S ieve \\'alrhC'r Md B n·nda Uar-ll<'!<I tif "lhh• 11 i:n lo R••h 1\l1l11m nr t l. Carol Callis and Roy Dllntl'I llncl l'hllrnt·lh ::;1111q.:t'. S11~ :'\ii<~en 11n1I Tom l-'1Pr .... tn, T "nv l'a l"f<'l'l I Speeder Booked on Drunk Charge I • . ' t tl\'i IJ llUd•·r 11 1\' hRf\+f Rnt1 M'HI I ~ 'l\1 ~ II"'' (t•t' (<,,II t I r 1 h·· ("'1 un- i\ l f It 11 l• ~111 •1• If I 'tillff1J01A1 l))t .. 1 •1 Ii\ HI \J1ftl Jfl .. 1•, :-.=amy Bryant Rno Gt'nP \\'R(:· &nil ,.;u~an" St11\\'e111 wh~ , ... ,. afl lh~ ~"nf'r. Sandy Davis and R ny rh1<f· P<oll«c> '"l'"'l"d 1\.111 '1'111.:1., J11.:7 j ••y. Arolene Dnrlnr 11nrl T1 nr ,\' nt•w ><l<'Rthl'll for lhl~ month RP1i11noln A'' I .nftl: B1 111 h " 1 I! .I ~~II fll • ···111"'"'' :.th """ ~ts.an Atr,. .. t. 1·11v "' S11ntA An .. rn11nty nt O r· 11nu• Stai .. rof ('11l1f,.11111\., ~ 2 PER UNUM CURRENT UR NIN GS ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFOR' THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM TME FIRST H .. rrtf'n, C.<ttl Cnll1n• Rnrf .:'\••l.· .. n Ill ~ S t:R hooko" • n 'har .:•' ··< .• , I\ 1111: "" Ttmllhy. J ohn Ej?i?"rl 11ncl J uofy Thi' R1•h•I!' htol 11 l''"J::'"~l'l\'P Aulnnvhsl" w hal1• 1111•xs.1t•ol I •''" ve .\lnntz ano P 111 T hompson. t1tnn•'1 lal'l \.·rrday "''""'"!. J ohn :.11111diy ntE:ht K d)' l,nrPftPlt1 And Dtrk P le1?e1. Sw111n 11 hnmr, <on Ral l."lt>, ua.• th•' H t• w.1io ('trl<o•tl up "Ii t ·, 1•t Grant ~111~el anrt Ruth\' 0111!h y, sc-rn" (11r lh" 111~l ,11111s!' "' ,.111a11 H 11!hw 1n· n• .1r B11 llt00& II•\· r hh T t'rry !'ww. rl! >10<! ~ally BrllJ:I?. encl ~c•up Afl"r 1•n1ny1ng thAI 1h .. ,. j 11fl0 r " n.•"'"-" ".~ I• • '' I San•lra llll\'ll' And Roy l..rl' Chll(P all lt:l\"lt'rl l•l 1\lan I~~ p1n•h1 5 fr<o111 111101 'l:fl II Ill l• h I' I • ' :--:1 ,,, •-,. '"' 1 11: thi\ ~tt;•t· ,,r f 't 1•l flt t 1fl nnd f t1f Ui'\ t '•tlll ! \ • ( f 11 Hr'\l,!f 1:., \\A \":"'I_ A l •JL\•:EJ! '" l I'\' 'llTH t: \l'f'I' \It\'\'• I \ •1• I•· • •'1t )l J1f1 If ~1A\" 20; J!1•1•t . ·,'\ l'HSll F:l.I. J.F:fl: GRl"11 \'"n""r 1:CtHJ1():'\" P. C'Al!'<S \ • n•k" '.R<1 :-\fO\\ ~-1 'rP•• !'I JO I\'\ Ruth H PndPrcr n Ant1 F.<lilrP h nm .. in Cornna •l;>I ~tRr r .. r th .. h• "·"' d 1'Lint.: f A~I "" ti,. " • I " .I\ 'llTH ... T 011\'lS. Brurp H 111rhinson M d J o an m111n d1•h .,, H am. ('11!':.i..,l!•:,a \\·a,,. tnwar I .:'\:-\r•.. .. . I.~ ''I '" II I· 'I I \•' 111" r· • n-•• ,,,. 111 .... TY.Y.'~ 8Al..Pl :"tit •,,, 1n ''' :t • r1 \\h•n h• tt"'- \\. T J •' '• "' 'tnn ""'1"" " h'< "l'r":ir-.!\n. 1117' 1\l!l?OnPr. <>rry ay ftn<I GPoq :r thl' n••xl l'l"P A• <;J.n Thron-i~~ I><• ... , ., "''" 1111 ,. .. ,11 .. ,. a.:,.,. on Th!n-ltl"·· .l•tn1> 2;1 l O!\:I at RnyPr, Car«! f\na nP And EmmPl ht>ml' lhPY hRrf Slrawh• rn· l'hni 1. I Jff • "t .. I?"'" • h .1-1· "· 7•• n 1" • 1 ' •· •' ,.,., .. ,,. •n •' I 1 hur 11 "'1 • •lo1•k A • .\I at tha !"o uth I R,·an. :.t1k,. nri~kl'I 11nd Ph .\llr• ~ekr. a<·· r T .1 .. 0 \\It• •• r• o11°\ ni. :i1 ' " " ' I hh :-:. 11111 1· 1· I' I rr .. 11t .nlr.tilll'f' ,.,_ hi' County R11wl11ntl, .\tan• H11wer 11n•I l'a l!ll Amon" lhn•a lltf ltn• a ttoianrt th• f'l•1 1•'" •t 'I"' I ti> ·111.h fir• An-· ... ~ '" . ,.. ~ .... ..., ,, ~ ' 'I• I~ fl , .. , h· f 1Jld1h ....... 1n lh•1 r uv "' M"n'" I.A. Roi, H l'ltn R lf'm a mt J <>hn ,.1111011., tr1bli•• "' 11,, 1 . .,,,, L (', ..... , 1«1111H lt1tJ.\\ ... \ "''"' H.,1mr1 r.h 1, , ,1,11 • 111, I 11 a.. 11• d \\1th tit•• \t" 1-''.t!• ,.f I .,1.f111r111•. firc:unty 1 rBUlW•'tll. 11nn tns wtr .. r.1. I II Th .. n u~ 1111 I .nt• "'"' l1t•n. l h•' r• ''"11 111•"· I I.,, rl I a I'(,. 111• I II,•'' (.'o1111p1l.r1,Y, II.II l rll"• Marla1 ne .\t orril,. JHl<t :-11\X ('Ai)ll t:j.;l:'Hr. l >1•n11y ~·11zpar11.k i· .. 1s.•,. tiriRlf\' • •Ul!li' ••I• "~It·. ·,-a .•. ~-t•1 , .. ,~ ,,,.,. l1tJh,.l ••.,l ofTru.11 l'Xl't'UI · <:rnnnrnn, Bill H11mhl"t 1111.i J11•I\' 11n1t :<t1ult•n. F~· ~· 1 :<ttk• \·:;11 .. ham 1111 " f.:•11' I 1111 11 "1'11' t\· 1' '1 1 • •• I• '.!: ,;11 i; 11 1·: :,-11 :.'i. , t t..,-11~:H\l i\:-.= Jo: \\'Al,J<F:n anti Hrni;nrt, <·herl"" 1.Hrnb nn•I f'RI .ind l 11An1• F ... 11h,.1•1"'' t'h·irnrth wha•'l f'"lt••· '111" 1' iail04t 1" I' 7 1 11·· TJIFl.J,I\ \\"\1,1\FH trn~hiuvt a nt1 l.untz, Chu ck Mr<;arvan 11 11rt 1.indn StArt·~" 11n1I Hrob :<t1h1111 1<11y I tan-",f, '"'"'I• I ~I i\• 1• JW.:i In r ·n 1lm~,,lld, J11°1y Mrl{1rtnPy llnd 11·1~ >tnol ('1Wtl 1·.1111~ ,\Ju n Hq 1.11·' Chamber Re-elects '"'I'll t: 01· 1 111 ... ,. .......... \l.F: 1;.' k :.'I'll~ '"'It" Jill "' Off klal Rill l nllf'rwond. lf')t11tnr S1•hikkr•-.•k1 1<1111 ~ltll:o T11t11'i", J .. 1111 !'\\lltn I 1:1;;11 I!· 1,o 111 lli• 1of(tt•1< ,,f the HI!• nwyc•r """ M1trt0 II• l.tndi<ll,\', Stilly lll1tl J 1111n n1' Su··~~. Hill \\'1ot7j.J llllof Arnold 0. Beckman . I \\h•f>'l\' do'\;11!11-ti..,.,,.1 .. ,111 •111• '' f•1 ,.( l1111111n l'i.11111 v <A:lll• Kr>'lon and A rlhl•' R1•odlrs i\111111 l'Alni. ~lltltt\' 1.,11100• nn I 1,1 Arnoolol ,1 11,.1111,.11 11 .. "'~I. 1 a\ll ,111 ,,1 11,. a:.•l• I., 1 .,, t t11•1 "" 1 h\' '"""''n 0 ( default F.n r \\'1ll1>1m10 1rnd E l11lnn l<mr-J1 .. nn .. l hnut:•11 l'nt ''"111•1 i111d \'ta <'••fol••\'tt 1, •. ,11o 1 ,,( 11.: 1 1,, 11,1 111,.1"'11, .. 1,,,1, 11 "'" "' 11 ... I 1,111•1rt ••r j1 .. rfrlr m MNi o f kt'r borkPr. nenni~ L<'lllzand (',1r-.llm =-:r1klrk, .lnhn !-:~~"'' """ !'0011•ui n11 .. 11,\\a .11 .. na.::.''<1111 ••. ('I •·••\' ''"''"111 •1•···1 : •• , ,. •lol •1 •••·l·····111 .. dlh•r•·hv lnrl11rl• etlP !":tn1pbrll, J nAnn11 Otl>:•'ll And .l&n11 ~'"'""n I 11.·nl du·• f•'ll', 1 lh• :--11<" 1 ·11"~ ', • t , • ,, .... 1. ,,, l ,\ 1p 1,1 17 11 ~ tli« 111 .. A• h •1r drfl\Ult, nollre J un F 1sh•·r. n .. nnna "--'hArtl~on C'nn~r KtuhHH•n"'l HIP Al-..n "'"'to ti.-.r hf ('••fl1l11••111• 11'h1•1·d l•J 1! ••• J1 .,. 1f1 '~r·J ., .. ,,,, J 1•' \\.\fh \\u~ f fft1fft11"f1 F ehnuu;t 1111.t C.01.Jon 1'111<'. A nnP Hnmbl•ypr l.\'nn Sl11hl"I !',,.,I <:r~•n .'h1>I· flll:' 1,,,,11,,, · 1 '' 11; \ Jlt •\H :-: 1:-• ,. • .t . .!". I'•'•."• m 1:., .. k :l"i4 p111:11 122 t>f An•1 J "hn ~·11nn1ni= !'h1r1 .. ,· .\1.t"-•fl h\' 1'1111111·1. l'.ll l~1l1·\' sn l Tn~h l A.,k1u t11. "h" 1 1,,.,. • .. 1 .• 11 'I •a•• t ;1• I•, .. · i .. 1•• 1 111'1• nl 1t.., .. 1•t• wtll ""II 11t An·I rhtll'k :<t>ct'<11ty .\1 11\1 Ann l< 0 nt1pp \\hll "''" tl.P n••\\' mrirb•1•1& nl'\\' 11 .. 11r. 11111 •II., .. I '1•.'l'••t!\'1111'\ t tl' \\!I !'fl \ It f'llio• nll,110011 , .. r '""''· w 1lb0\1t F11\· Anti ~hkr Hnrtk t>, Jl'n A10hl1> nf Taff\ .,1•1e lrA• t 11 t a1,111 •11 11 '~ 11 • '1 • 11 1 , •1 1:1' 1 ,.. •1 , •,. I""""•, II • 1 • 1111,. f>"~Yflllll\I\, or laundry serrice deluxe . tJt IMrgain prices! WHAHS-1'P~---. '- Jnrll\'lflually WMhl"l-wtannl' a pp11rPI fluff dnl'd by f11ter l'll 111r-1 la l p1ecr11 prof P!111nnrtll,v 1ronerf Ynur d o1hu a nd hnena Art donl' up O :'l:f: nnlt-no m1x- ups.. no 11n11ghl ly m 11rk• -ralntofl wate r, ge~lle "-•nlro11Pt1 81ll fl/J, WHEN AVAILABLE ••. Sen'IC'e w 1thln hnur• 1f urgtnt. becau~e we do t''"r~·thinjl right hut . HOW MUCH ••. It i' • bargain bundle too WHERE ..• casa ----• 11\'.K ••I \'l~l:I• \ ;\\ •l •·,11l.1 .. 111o• th• lnl"r"11trnnv•y · ·1111·: '1. ·11~1 "'r "'.'I• :<A\ 1· '•"' • I r .. •111<1 T n1•t"" b( •11 l•t n .. ,..., \:-... 111·1 ,·rr1•'• " ,, ... , . 11 t 1,i. d 1 n1~· '" ll"l"'llV •11•11111 141 In · ..._ • "" · ·n t • • ', n \ \\ • • tt ' '· • v '•' ••\\'f "rt J~n· h «1,11n· ·r•1 ... • '•• l\\1•t••• r!• 1•11 1\Jt.:a • •v '' '''•r~; S't'" ,,f r 1th torn11., only $2.85 for ll lb,, pura J•··, p .-:? t,1 J' ,, , ... ~. I d· ' t • t ft • • ol I!• • ,,fr111nll•' .im'y 1,•" · l'l••k ·:ri ,,, F'11 11t aij., t'n t Jr 1 tH t , •1 " '' :,t•\\'r• II Jlqehta u \\ t, ,, 1 Jli~• I };r·nr' "tty l I\~ "'1 • r ''" " r 11'(' r1 1 ,, J"'rt hi H •hftt't t •(·1,:;. t t•k t f it.:"!•\ t ( ~f!l'.,.•1• Al"Xll.IAl:Y 1·11,\1· I in• II~ \IAj ~. rr • t •I~ 11( ()r• P .. \~Y. '' 1·~1t·• rr.t\. • J r._•, n h' •·· ,.,,,u-1'' llr •111,• f•t'• 1lfll'"''1111l•f P<ll r"r •IP 1•1·1 •· "' f'A111tl! o bllgs· •!•f I .. ,, 1'1 \\t I l', .,, •X'' 11 llM ,.., r• I l ·· "'"II DPPt1 ,., 'lit• 11, 1• 'l1v '·•·I rr11' '"' ! ·11 '~' 1u .t n ..:; •411 •hAtK"'•· tut ,., r ti• t1.>1r:•• ,,. ,;, 1 .f ·I · 11: ••• , 41 ,,, th. Tru ... t•w. 111111rn -. .. ,. \lifl t\f~ 1tr•t•'' 1"111 M'' .. , <' ;j,. !'11 • 1 1r.f•J t~fli t••nt,"' lh,.tN.f, t It,, h 11t th•· lih ~ .. ,It.~ ,,, 1.. ~-11. r: .n 1uq1rt1•t prinr "'"' 'f 1 1ru,..r11r ur•t f1( ttir lt•u•!i.ut t\ .. 't111 t '1 • '•I 't•r••• v.,lh ir1· ,..lrr-11r-n Tn ~11~1" t"'l tr,.. tllfd•I 'hrl t1 t•'"f 41 •1••1n kl 111• f1t1111 ol ~'" trnJ11t!V t)•)o\J\'tl••f ld)• !h•'t 't<tf\' t 11 t •'' r••t ,1r,nir IUd td ,,1'1 ''~ hA"l t•••:1 '' f I• l J 1•1t1 t ~11·, 4-''1 p,·,~, Iri s t• I ''"""''' foor L• ).1~:. ,.,,.r l'-• ""'' 'l ,'I" l11•urtlnce, n,,,r .. th1,n tht••.-n 'n't " h"\' '•l"f•f•r ·: 1100 Wettt Coest Rlgh~ay I ...i" '"I 1'1111 ,. >!JI h r••fl • !at 1 fl I!'.' I y I I A ~n:1~11 'fj "tlER\'lc·r: \\ITHIS HOt'R4' -\\.HF.S ,:1i£EllF.ll" ~'"'"" th•ril•t•· 'n' • •~ l ••·t." A ··111 !-i••rttll\ly ~"tv,.n tt ,, 'Tl ,~,,, 'J.' ... • ,•. , r ,, ... ,rr·· tftt• ~· d• Marine-n MUe CO~Pl.'t."l't: 1..Al.SDERS •rd CLEA.'1a"ERS S t wport ~b J•1n .. 1 ~· .... ., .,. : • ,, ,, • ". '·'' -----------------------------------------------~i~'~•k 1n in• 1·1~~~ ·~ ~'IN~~r"·~~.~~~~ I I PAGE ... PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ·~~~~1,:_lp _~~a~t~-....--­ MONOAY, MAY 30, 1955 , \\ A:\T ,l,l'J 11 • 11!!-·~1• ~1 u.:1 :.t tu h1• p 111 :--n all ).!t"' • t\ Jll•it• <I 111 p 111. II llnys wk ... nd I! i; 111 .1 f• Ill S11nd!l) s. ~·?-FumituN' for ~--I •1 Check these· Used Cars Look Today Cabanas Marinas CLASSIFIED 1=Beaut)_ Al_!.l_!I ____ _ F'OR LOWEST ttuy f111111 , ""·111 d• ,,, 1 1>111 \'111 b•' h N'•' ru :-.111nH1l\\" tu 11111 k "I' "It •t 11'' ,.,..11:1 TODA\': ' Superfluous Hair. Fl 'RN!Tl'TIE PRICES Lido Peninsula, Ea~t 31st St., Npt. Bch. .Special Notlce. OFFERS y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. ~ -1767 Perman<'Dliy r~mo,·eo frum race a rma, ll'gll. Eyt-brow1 anc tialr tine shaped -No more tw~eu1.g ELLE~ L. Bft YANT R. E. Lido'• Salon ot Beauty Har. '.!576 tic r HI-: I •ELL .\iARKET. (".,rnl'r l,lh I & l '!:tl't>nlHl, Cu~la M ".sa. ~tlt:t· I LAl•Y \\'ITll CAR for ~""'P•·ll II· .:hl~ 11nd C-n•tll :-.1 ....... E,_,, I· !t-11 A\'nn Wi 1J< l'h 1'1 3·t•:1!•I tilptl:I at Bay NEW Opening Specials Delightful h\'ing. Apt.-L abnnas. l'tilities pRid . With Ya('ht slip accomodations. Mtels every Thursda y 8 p.m. LA IH.a·: I• •nJ; ··stabhsh .. d rrl\I I'•· tall• fll'Jll llt> .. J!I e>cp ... llcnc, .. t .... 1,..,11;.,n. A 11 an11w .. n1 kept r1111· f1•lrn l1al \\"rrtc H11-c._X6tl 1h1~ papt>r. r lc•aJ.;I> >\tale quall w·~­ CJLluns 111 full 46lfr Pl.ASTl C t• p ••nd tahl,•J< 1.r""'r-1.ffec-195:? Hl51 1951 1951 1951 1P511 Jtl4!:1 1953 N~ Country C'lub 2-Tone Brown 9{5 Via Opwto -Central Ave. •1':.,wport Beach 24--&hools, ln11tn.1ctlon 1 :1 hl1 s, i,:,•n ,, ,.,. n1lih• 1J! J·t L "USO:'\ Hornet ·1-clr. Dark CrN'n "H5 Dnily, w('('kly. mo nthly, yearly, Sll ~~1 \'Oh"" a t D11y •ri 81' l'rrl'l." I :\ofF.RCl 'RY ~tati0n W ng1in 10!15 For appt. or rescn-alion. Call Har. 2992. Sttto A ll>Ut H . Matrhewi!, Exalted Ruler CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSlFtCATIO!'\S T V t 'I I Al HS. \I"'°'' •lilt "". t :.. !~~~II \'llh lt', ill lja\' s15 rio I ~TL:nERAKER 4-dr, SC'd .. Auto. Trani;. iH::; CHRY~LER New Yorkl?r 4-dr. ~l'dan 11:?5 U-Auto St'n·lct" ~pt~_!!OUWll ____ _ 12-Bullclini.t ~rvlc_·es ___ _ l'LATJ.'UR~I ''" k• '" ..nmty I CHRYSLl::R Windsor 4-door Pt'rft•t·t ';!1:1 --------~·---- FOR RENT STllUY in 1<pn r" t llll•• f11t 1·011t111r- tor·~ 1•x11111tnn11 .. ,. 11n !· 1 » g•n- t'rel l'OnlnHtor 1,·1111 :!,, ).-1u ·I' 1•>cp .. n•·n• .-. C"laSc••ll 'l'ur "· and Fr 1 .-i;. 7 ;111 p ttt. Alt.•11d flftjt ~PS:<l11n tree Bf'g:n 1111) t1m 1· .1011\Jll' 1<pr. ('<tl\lll. l''IN1r san1pl" • H UO~ON 4 J11ur 3!'15 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Lido Bayfront Apt. z:s.c111 Saws. Elec. Drllla. Poh.ahen. all typea ot Sander~. Wheelbar- rows, clc. BOYD'S HDWE. \\'tJ~IA.'\ to h1•lp w1•h rl<'anrni.:. 1h1ld ,,,, .. 1•t< l Ila\' per W••t>k u11111 .. 11 I'. nm·;itl,1 (.>wn t 1an'I' Htu b"r f1 If• I ~.1!1·!'>& I $30 o;;; vAlu ... 11t Bny $22.:IO !-i\\'l \'EL BASF:, T\' at m r rn •kers : S13M valuC', at B11y S:.'9 M • TV TABLES. !'Wl\·l'I t up & ca~ters j 1951 MER CU RY ~fontPr1·y ol,Joor SC'dan. ::?-ton<' gre<'n. Sharp! CHRYS LER \>\tindsc.1r 4 d t•1lr ~<'dan Light gray $1f>j.)5 1095 " * with this ad * 6 Cyls. ·····--·--····-··-····$48.88 I 8 Cyla. . .. ·····-··-········ S5S.88 BHA:'\ll :"E\\' 3 b.trm .• I baUt imrnnr ulntt'ly turn 11pt. -IM· ME.JllATE uccup-.nry unlU Oct. 2 th !nr S2 S!>O 2630 W. COAST HICHWA Y 1 .• lberty 8-3430, Ne1o1rporl Bch 28ttc Al Tyler School \\' /\ :'\'!' 1•l< p :<I ••1;og raphcr & '"<!' "" 111 hl1t1Ul1! ti)fl'l!tlul'. Aµply 1<' B.1 ll•••tl B."· Clu b fr••nl ••Ill"' l..'.:t \\' \ '11tl:-l H\\'Y~ [1i 1 ;.!I UI• n<ff' "I' dark 1 !J:l5 l)E~OTO S portsman. Loatle-t.1. PH~H 111111 ~lip Rva1l11lll1!. Mutt bl' :<11111,·n bv 11p11·1. only. 1611 )>n. Hm.1llwin :"ariln Ana Ph. 1'l01 lw 11y :t·4:!'..!ti or Kl 7-J5J l ~1!1 :,11 vaJ\1,i, ill Ray 1 1096 R l•cl and black. 2-tont•. ~A \'E $ $ $ ln1•l111l1•s ho t h Jnhor 11 n o! part I' II 1\ HI !1 •!( I'\: \"J-:::-T~I F::"'t t '0 l 'ho11w H .1r. Jt)tJll l<'l'l:'ll HIU'. 121lll t 11 It' Microfilming a l'(' RATT.\.'.\' SJ-:<'T, S11h.t fN1111 r11libt'r <'ll~h111n:: :-;,.w .. Sl' ho lt11-DESOTO Con\·. Cpe. a ll thc extras. ~\'\\' tl?1~~. \\ tA .. t pn~:--. ,.,dv1~ p 1n11. 1111111~• 1•! 11111111 1111.t 1·1•!1 1,,.1111111:•. ~;xpert 11111t11r t1111r up. !•u.,t11.v cir 4,rn1d 11tlli• ,;t.tuanh·t". " \\A !TH ESSE S want"•', un• I l fl,,x '" V•·I ~. Red & black SA \'E $ !ii S' m: S AFE. 88\'" 11(11H'(', The rnOdi.'rll Real Estate School a 111 -I p 111 ~;l'rr11n~ ""ll 11•"• 1 ~:!Hi :I!) valt11• at Ra~· . Sl87.0() I' rn to l!J or 11 I' 111 Ht •S:--l'S 2 l'C. "!ODER:'\ Sh:C:'T. Bump<'I 1·A~.t:. Ph H ar flti7:i-\\". ;,7,;1!)1 c.>nd.,. Tnp t.:ra.Je durablt: fnl'Z<' LOU REED 1.'\(I ;-.1'1).'\J-:Y h11\\"'\:I Corona del Mar " nI •H~f J11pl1•x. unfurn. P'trtl'l. ~"'"~·· I lol11l'I< to marketa. $7:1. WHV t n !o(af•'i!Ul\fll \'OUr ft'\"llttl~ c A1.1. 1.;1-:'~"·n" ,,.·i~.,.:i t·1· KE in Santa Ana eu\"<1r ... CHRYSLER-PLY~IOl'TH DEALF:R Rf:Rl'Il.T F.NCINF.S 11-n11-. : \!"'-; & \\"')\ F:-\ I . · l1ltA:>:1;1·: 1·111·:-.-TY . r.. . '.I .. Jll"f)O re n ttpa re :~O--~list•t•llaru·ou1> ~21H.M l'alue. a l Bay $1:'19 ~u 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone Liberty 8-34 6 tti·• '··nrl\' * Muriel M. Pinonr, R~or ::11114 N··w1•11ri Riv.I . J'l:,•wrort Brh. ~:11:<y I 'l\rk1ui.:. Jlor. i fll 0. :'161':•8 MIC:l<CJl-'I L~ll:'\•: s1-:1n·11 ·~; l1t1 1• l"r utrltmllt·d '',f'f'111t11111l1"' )11 1(,.1,j r:1<tat~ :'\,•w d a ,,3l'S l il2 An11hc lm-Ul11·" 11ol, t\n.1h,.11n ~>1 r 6:1h "••••ldv. Al [\'Ii r 1n,,tl'U1·t111~ Al· L, 1:1t JJ r~I ~V•·n 1n, tr.·c aniJ J1 urn a1, .. t1l t ht:. i;n•:1l 111·Jd L'nll o r G I C t tor wrrtc now 111r u11»1 rnauvn. Bu:.1-enera on rac I O•'-a ln.-lllllf.. 41.···~ ~-:)yca- J .WF.:'\~;t.;(I 111•11 •'. kl 3.1-;:,:.:. 7-Hfc New Work -RC'mod<·ling 1------ J . MILTON Mr·KENZIE Harbor 3122-R Hp57h China Painting Day anl1 Eve ning Cl1U11H'9 Ordas TJk<'n Nbw I 'h"n" LllJt rly S-~16 18 9 Ill c Painting ~1. w. w1s:-; BONNIE BRAE ----------12 l 'L' BED lJl\'A~. w matching ~I F.:-.0'~ SPORT SHIRTS S2.fl l.n t "·"'l ~l \ h• ~ ~ <'r\lnrs. LI.on lti\'<'I" fal11 11·. DONALDSON'S 5 & 10 :111u !\llun St . B . .Jb.,11. IJI·; S.\I A ltr. fr..! S!l,\l: I' \\'lwn .)'•HJ :-..t1\t.• vn Ut*at ly "'" .11•fl·•reJ f1•r Wt>Ol"n & .:hrldr r-11 U11ly bo't- l· r i.;1 a llo• lllPrchiuid1s,. '" con- 1<11:n•·tf >tt KATEY DOA!llF: Ap- l"'".-1 Sht•fl, :.!7:!1 E <.:oust Hwy 1 l-(111okll', I':i tJt1I (', D lit ,\ 1.TEHATIO:'\$ IPtl'. Your gar- n11·11l;; ,,,. 111 11:<. !12c60 1 ria.1r . SJJ!l.~,o \'alt1t•, al Day . S-1-!Uuslcal, Radio, & T \I , $tS7 OU I ,1 OH. l\IAPl.E UESK, m..tal pulls S.4i M value, u t bay . $29.50 6 PC.: BDRM. CHP. incl g uar. 111- n ersµnng malt. & tlox spnng.5- rnelal flame. 6 dr. ilule. drC'sscr. rntrrnr. bk, ca11e headboard - blontJe CiJ' mahoi: . S.21 !1.:'\0 v:il11r, i;t Bay $H!l.00 THROW AWAY THAT BOARD! An<l t;"l this R C'hu-0-l'cdic l">clre. r1rm I 1nnl"r1tpr. Olitlt. & box spring sl't. 10 yr. guarantee & quc·en alu too, 17 fl \. SPl~El' f'IA~O. Tho' m ost bra11- llf11I p lan" In lho• \\'Mltl. H1ghfst grnt.lt. All frultwnnd '"'~''• Ju~t hke nrw. Ah so I u le I y? This C'hanre <'llnH•s but one('. Sal'e $:ll!!'>. DA:-.-Z·SC'HlltlOT Fnmon~ P111no Stor". Santa Ana. 520 :'\n, 'Main. USED HA~1l\101':D Rptnl'l Orl(An in fint> cnnclrllor.. Big 1!8\'tngs. r<,nv~·n1.-.nt t•·1·m.!C nt- SH AFE!t's Musil' Co. 1Srn1·e19071 421-42:1 !': S.vo.nH•rr. Santa Ana l'hon•· K lmbnly 2-41672 F rPe E1't1m111 .. :1 F1111v 111•111 .. .i Pre-school ------S 30 Yc-un• E>cpnr.,n•·· ORIGINAL Bay Furniture ~n·::;,, sF:LL 1:.!11 bai;~ 111w11111·.i $139.50 value. at Hay $!19 :'10 tld LI s.3:12l & llur. ~1Uk9-\I !\I l 'SI<' tu ts & 1 ntftR. nru111111:,:,; A FTF.H:"OO:'\, ('ncktail, dinnPl' I a1·1·n1·<1inn Branrl n,..w Ta kt' I ~l :i6p6!lh , univ. Tr1111~p .. rl ,1l1"n 1:.i;, S .1111.1 .i1,.,.1,.,< & <'t1•ui!lnht.'~. ~2i E. lilh S1. Co:;ta !\t11sa Ii""'' i.trer. Hai·. US80 08p60 ASPHALT T]LE I An:i Av•• u &-6:!15. :1 11·66 Custom Dressmakingri, 51169 t between Tu!<lm & lrvincr --u~•·tl Free Slordront Parking --Terms HAMMO:'\D ont;A:->R . A l'h Harbor :l2lj8-R. Opi·n E\'!'5. till 8 p.m . n•r" ••JIJ'Ortunlly. Unr f,1111ou3 LTNOLEU~I I !~ituatio~~·~~~t;.d ___ <~ 1 · ~ F OR SA 1.8 -l 'arkn tlble. l 'h11rd u1 gan. rwrfN·t cundilion. l Install th~ nbu1·r <"heapi:r thun Lii "E'.\':-:r:n ,..1qwr11•n• ... 1 .-11111p»r lm rrrl. H; ci;. ,.h.,l gun. E>c~t"l-RED l'PHOLST8RED <'hair $2-f : On•• Hi.1nmnnd ~f>tnl't On:an, 2 most. A l.•11 n •ll Tile & L rnuku111., av.11l11lll.· I ii' 1•1 t\'Rt•• .,,. ( l,:i i 1 .. 1• l"nl '••n drlion. <:.di f'\'l'S, H11rbor 2 foot lot kt1 5 of oh a p..-i<, r111·la111s 11 .. y l>nu 'd:1. Dt1n l w a tt rf you .Non-umun, 25 year:; C."<P"'"'ncc. li•>.ll· II.or 11'.'.!•-\\, ;,lkO!S :!U:i-\\'I{ 4ilfr >tnd µillowa, bo th $11,;10. 4 w1.'<h to lllllkP a s.:vod saving un <:om pare and sN· -I <'hi 1111w l)rt<l\k fast <'hairs $5, <'a. I th,e w o rld's flqijlll..~J:a11.s B ILL C01'ER LI 8-C21l·I 7lfc UA !ff srrn:f~ ~l>1•Ji:,. J• hn-on . JJJ 0 YOU K::-IQW c. 'all LI 8· 176i. io8<'60 DA '.\'Z-S<'HM rn·tr H rmw of f he 11! :lli!• J·: B.ty A 11 Brdhn;t. thHt F:a\' Fl.-l<l~. th1• L 1<lo Dru&: H11mm11:1.J <.>ri;bn. ~:tO !'\<•. ~1 11111 , p AINTJNG H.u hnr u:-1 -.-J ~.1;1'··~ J<'\l'••k~ the p;i:-t 6 yrs . has new I S:.t nla Ana. Gc•1:it1 -~1·nns. J;>;TF.R111R -FXTERIOH EXJ·~:"IE:'\<'ED u ,\H\' StT'l l•:1l 1"'"'11''11 at l!lth 1111'1 Plal'<'ntia'1 Good Used Hr:AL"TIPTJ. rnuple n11rrnr type " \"1;.ta 1 ..... r. C. ~1 . <'t•mp. hne I LIC"E:>:sEn -!:>:!')CRED lly th.. li••llr. ~:1 .. .m1ni;-,., ( 1w11 . F •t . ur1 tghl r 11•no IO pPr(Pt'l rn111h- Hnr. I I '•'•·"I nal. 1tol\' ~··d Wal• 11"' & gifts I urn1 ure lltm. T• 1'015 $36 37 tlnw n antJ Glenn Johnston l1an ... p••llllllo1ll r.11p;,g :H P"Jllllar j)rt"C'S. Ol'E:-.: June I $11 7~ P"r mnnlh lll- 601 _ :lli<t St. ;-,;.,wport He-a c:h b5c69h T\\'I~ P.F:D !';ET SPRl:-.:C!';, SHAFf:R'S ;\fusic Cu. 1 Sint•r 1!)07 l 'Haibor ,3176 22tfc <"LF:A:-\1:>;<; & IRO:'\l:-.1: hv II • 1-HE X<"H H n1'1l111vl rhma. rut ! matlro•,...,,.s . $387!\ 421-n3 :'\. Syr nmor:•. San1a Ana CARPENTER 1l&y. ~:xp1•nen• •'" n alhnn b t;1nd 1:1:1~~ A tnt>rll'ltlt 1·htna & m1sr ALSO d<IUble u .. ,Js. m<1lltCBSl:!l, box I !'hone Klr'nbo>rly 2-U672 _pro•ft>llP•J. l\l :1-60!1ti ~1Gp:JIS \ J'I"''~ l'h11n" l1111bu1 50i2·\\' ~pr1.0i;5. I ri7r59 ROLl..-A \\"A Y BED & m i,Htresft, 50 t:SED PIA :'\OS w11nted fo r our Repair Work Do••• Your Home Nt:etf H.ep~ring or Re mod!' ling? HA'.\'ll 1H0:"1:'\r. •l11nl' 111 ITIY hke new $22.[10 renli;I d1:pt. H 1i:;htst cMh allow- !111111• :lhi \\' \\"11.<>on. l'le:.-.. A;>;TIQt.:ES -Old furniture, cut MAPLE DJXF.TTE, ancc in lr11ole for organs, g1an.J hr 1ni.; hnn gf'1 • I. H :1•,11 \\" ,.:las:-. lump~. oli.J p1t"turcs, d orks 4 c.·hatrH, A-l $31.:JO piano~. nnd spinets. \\'1ls••n. t'o1s1a )l rsa .~~pfi•I 1 ti:. l3arg.n ns gal11re. Brg ch!I-DA:'\Z-SCli.\llDT. 52u Nu Main, -~ r ounts tu d..:alers. Ch1irl1e Oa\'ls, SL():-\DE VANITY, large Santa ,\na. Call Frank, Uberty 8-695·1 A lt \\'or~ Guaranteed 74l.!c CE~lENT & BU1LDING \\";\:'\T Trl TA1'F; A THll'' l!!U~ E. AM hl'llll .Sl., L•ini; plale mirror . $4:».00 ---'------------ R..t1r1•il c.wrplP Wlll >'lW• 11 nr1 l1•llK B1.1th. t).-.1)-}';~1. 2!•trL !';ET 2 BARREL f1re111•!1' rha1rs. See Baldw·1n p·,ano All 1'inrl, a111·r y .. ur pr .. r••rt~'. ltd . g lnd l\' ----1·h;1rl reuse: Bt•d-divans, l'l1•1•trr1 FREE E !STIMATES Liberty 8-6109 i:1vPn. i.<) tVil•'•:1 r.xr~u Fresh Hearing Aid & i.:as ran).!"""· <•ccns1una1 t·hain1 & Organ Display ----drop lt·af tubl\':s. BA TTdUES Flovr Jamp11. tabte lam p><. WOODWORTH PlANO CO. 29tr Roy's Maintenance --------------l hu~" clranlng-Fl11or wnxrng Painting, Decorating \\'nll wa,.,11111;:--w1no1""' l'l••anms Paper Hanging \'o•nt'l1nn hli n !$. I 'phol::tHy ln~11rctl. f"1'1'e r. .. 11mnt('.:1 GEO. BURKH'ARDT ,•4-f.-lhmy it-J:J:J:?. llfc LICE:":SEf' ('O;>;TRAC."l"UR 8":'! \\'.-l'<lfl St , \1,~ta ~1c•sa ·- 1.lhM ty l'S·Xfi'..;8 Elec. Tool Repair Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN t·p~ LlbC'rty -1659 :IOtfc ~ktl Sa\\'l<. lh 111.•, Sr1n1lt•1 s (ll"ll"K :-'.l·:HVWr: LEWCQ ELECTRIC CO. I '.!!J-llrlp Want"d--~- 4~i; ="" ;\""!'"'' Hl\'d , '.\'1•t l~•h 1;11:1.s LlhPrl \' ~-"·''I. I 11 '" IT:s A CARPENTRY I '"' ~'.'..~.:·~:.~~~~'..:~!'"" '" l\tI:-.:OR IU·:l'AIH. \\'OHi\ .. : 1!i •• 11.:iny J• b 1opp1.1ll1n1·1 .... 1'0 JLlH T lJU S ,\\Al.I. 1 .. 1· c1,.,•l1f1•-.I ,,.i111g ""111•'11 111 1l l) An~!l''":.,.un 11ur h1bJ?1• ... ., t•,d.1\· 1• 1 I 1-:. 11,llli••ll 111\"I. ll1dli"il 11 ,, ,, .. ,. '..' 1:.u '·It f• n J ., ...... 1:-1 ;:-: ;\11\\' r !ll: --------ITEl.EPII0:'\1<: Ol'F:P.ATOHS p AINTING """1,\ )f11n•:11v lit•""' h ~ 1 .. 1 .• y P aintmg &: Paper Hangmg "The H.:~t l\hrn\'Y _<.;an Buy" Sympson & Nollar I [1 12 :l!l1h !'<t. Nr11·r11rt l~rnch f'HO '.\'E llAHHflH :?1114 I I tc P ainting & P aperh3ngmg \\'e do th\' work our~•·ln:'~' .iO ,,Ar~ l'Xprt i ... ·n•~•' t..~1't'U~P't & Ul;C\lff•d SnU:"tfacl11 n (!1l~~r ,,nl1•• d E stimatts frN• Cnll .l11hnnlf', LI 8-26 7 & Ll 8-5~'!.I R1tft cmtPLETB -PAINTI!'<G H 'J • & Paper angmg SerY1ce / EL·1;E:>:r: t> SAl':'\DERl': !\00 31 s t l'lrl'l'l. X l'WJ'•lrt l:l•'Arh Hubor 2!l76 or Hat. 4 H6. f (r For That SPECIAL PAl'.\'T -W ALl.PAl'F:R "Df':CORA Tl :-:r; .Jl 18 CALL Wm. Rakt-r KI 5-3621 1:;112 PaltsRdt'S Kil., So A H~~. Ask L:s A bout ZOLOTONE 1-11·1•11.«'d .n Harbor a 1 ~R 48pl\Oh House Plans L!BF:RTY 8·62!\1 lOt!c J 4--Pnsonals AJtoholits Anonym ous Wnte P. O. Box 381 l':rwl)o rt Beactt, t.:'>1..ht. r hnne flarbHr 41£16 , • tlc ~il I , '1111 ~!.)In :-:· !t 0 0 11 1 \ t'il p JU J:vuw ~.U . .::;.rnl'l A1;iJ l'Al'lf'J(' TELF.PHO.:'\E :.1:.:1rc STANDARD STATIONS Hh, "tu•,'l'h! I• !'\trilli l\ :--:.rd••SH'tlft /\J:"' Pi -111 , •i t.rd.:•' c·. 1:n'\ ;,.uay-·l<l-H(lur \\"p1•k 111,.:h ·''"l'lltl)! I'll\ 1-;~ •. 11. Ill J :1·11· I 11 • t ;rn id r1pp1 f 1 \IJlli \' f .. r \ l\·Hn(, n111nr ·'l'l'"° . l-iTA:"\nAHD STATJO:-\:-> l 1.1hlin nn.I ("1•1"'l Jlid1\\.1\ (\1r.1na dr-1 ~f .t t t'h.1pn::1n :rn.t Sp;1 !1" F Hl°l•ll'111 ci :w 11• fl :HJ n n. ·\ TTE;>;TH'I':-,-,\I.I. ROYS - Srw~-T'r<'-"~ rnri1t·r r .. 111.-11rt' n 1w """" t;i """"•'' n1't~hlJ1,rht""1~ -1~11'""• \\', >1 :'\1•11·r1i11, Ba ih•'ri l11IJt11'1 :'\1'\\T•1rt fl .. 1~h11< nnil l 'o1rnna drl ~1.1r 1111-t '· .. ·.ta ~!·''" /( ~-,.11 11r• 1::-1:; yr~ 1 l.i, 1'.111' a \11l"\'t"lo•, OJ J•ly 11).):! R 111. Pr 4-' pn1 f'lr.l~· f\i C:t~t1I1:~,'\n flt r t :'\t wp<1r! 111\r l•nr :0-:tw~-rr.•s". 2JI t R~l h"A nl\.i, :>;ewr 1 rt H<'llt h H1Hti• r 1616 3!\'fL \\'1\~T -r ..... , Ill) 11·! 11r-.nol;,11• .. 1en.!y 301>. :\1t1~· "l'l'IY rn I"'' q"n THF('lf'l('IRF: HI •RIX!" T,•l•I !'Ir :lJfl(l \Y. r .. 11 ~t H t!lh\\'I!''· :"pl H• h :o.,;, 'IR \\A :-:'r h1·11~""'" l"'r. ~l ·n lhru F r 1 8 :111 f> :1 ·tl J' Ill. L 11·,. ••lit 1 """nil dill \I or l 'fl J.;I .i·7:!~7 \\'c G:vc S&H Gre~n Stamps EVr:RYTHJNG 10 Curni>h a ·houst 1318 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mas Gunderson Drug Co. Ma rn St. nt Balb9a Blvll .. Balboa H:ubor r115. 98lfc T\\"D !11) p, nn ~~natnr rel'll! an1I :! n1;11 !in t 1sh1ni.: rnJit. :!'\"w hn<'S :.>o:io J•,.11111na A"" , C9sta M••st1 !'J7p~19 r '"al 1·an1Hy & brown <hamond 11n,::: 1•me1alol & Jlamonl.J l'tnl{. Jf.1tln1r 11 ;.~)·~f. ~l6f•:18 -:'111 1-"tlHP ("<Ill\'. H&H. 0 dr l\'I"'." y ,.Jh•W, hill• k t"p. j!OOd ''OtHh- tir np111 lm<'nt all VEKY REA-I IThadrn Lntcrlor Bldg.I SO!'\ AJ:U.l::, ' I Hur. 3382 06 ttc N1>ar Nu Fwrniture Mart S PJ;>;ET PIA:'\OS. All wonde rf111 2 19 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch I bu~'s. Sll)!htly used m nny r"nlRI Ph. Har. 5392 56c58 I returni<. One in beautiful F.briny. Famous namo•. Thi" makl' ll~"tJ IJy Cr1.1 uq,,. Onlv $:rn~,. Lo,·cly ~1:-.-c. WILL SELL s 0 I I d ~tirr11r Typr ~rind. only Sl!lf>. cht-rry headbuard fl}r lloubh! h('(I Rnother mnple ttnl!.h S:l07. 011r w ith pnn.,lerl compartment.! M O: m ore, lhr Arro.<onic Spinet only 2 l~ra:<ll hrnlJ1!'! lR" hij.:h $10 ca.. Stfl:i. Many i•thP!' j;l,.At buy11. qy>1trr n1lo rNt d1'8JW5 cut fqr I 100 l'ta nu:i frci111 whtC'h tv ,·hoo!'!,.., :\'.,!" Wind'IW!!, f'fliill~h for 2 tu flt'W & 11:-f•tl. :1 .n.-cJrqu"ms ~:m Phon•• H:11 bnr l DAXZ·SCHMIOT Bil( Piano & :rn7i. 571·62 Orp in ~ltlre, 52ll No. Mam. ll,.!1. hy "wn.-r A 111" Smi:<'r pnrt-A LL $il EACH-REED furn, rock-1,IJt,. f'h·<-1, !'<•·wrng marh•n", $ao. l'\Rnta Ana. Op1·n Fri, E ve. Hnnw of the Hammontl Organi1. 811111>1,.. ~t11d10 p111no :<live S26:l. 11.trb"r IS~l!•-H. r.it(I' er, arm r h111r, t11van. Wnod•'n _ _ _ 1••1rker. Ptnk ~hag rni; 8 x JO ULLI COAL ST0\"1-:, t1tl1U1bl11 fur <;1 .11•:1 11q. rni: 61l~ LRrk1'p11r, I f1n·plac.• ('o•r"IHI .i .. 1 Mar . HAr. lllflfl-HK Special Buy Old r.1,,lllurh'•I fr om1•tl nr1rror. ~6p5tS I BEAL'. bltmdt' }\11nb11ll Spmet T l'c.'11Slll"C'S of Yesterday 0 --\.-. A-1-_-H_R_A-lD_E_D_n_t..:_·u-· -6-x-!!-.-r.-.,1• 1 piano. R~~~.!._ !'."~.urn. Save S 150. 10!<1 l '<1ns t RI , N, t.a~UnA lleA('h )!r"l'll & brown. z pr bt!>tUtiful Co11vc111cnl l't'rms at - Ph11ne HYatt 4-3·134 57c59 hne!J .-hintz 11r bark drnpe~. SHAF"ERS Music Co. 1S1nce 19071 ------1 __ C'_A_1_1_H_a_r_. _1_6_~_:1_ • .,,._·. ____ :i_s_c_:'J8 421·~23 :>:. S_yi-11n111rr. S11nta Anll Phone Kimberly 2·06i2. :~°-.:!,l:-":P_P~~~s I J,;XE~t.;TIV.li: tle~Jt, walnut, $6u .• 1 --------------- ------1111sture ch111r n ;,., only 1y1.11lif GRA:--;U J'IA:>:OS msny hk~ new. !'Hu lt ,\\' A~H l :>:C mRdHnl'. lop ' 2111'.l W . <.:oai<t H 1i,:hwny. Phnn1• Steinwa~·-Ex1 Pll.,nt rund1t1on. wi •Oil•,., .Xl~it. •''111•1H1011• AuH>. j Lt 8-"5071 or Har. ;;577_ :i6tn" lJMutifol Behr Bros. Qu«rn purnp. I.I 8-.11;,s Jii i U road"ay, l'!~·le. Kn;ibe Grnrul. Ot11c1t1l C•>Sl:l :'\[c,.11 li6l;,3 17"' TV TAULE !\IO DEI .. O hl. b"x oiwra piano. onl,v SI f[;I), Lovl'ly Washing Machine spring & mnttrt's~. I yr. rild Cuvp~ Ur an•I. !\lah1111any ca.'le, l~Jon1le r h,.«t nf 1lr11wf'r.1, ~11~; ~ n f1nr lt11><' Hn•l 81 11'1n. <•nly $4\liJ. 11.-111,.,-HRr. 1'8:t-.M. :l.r:l"I An11ther Gnond onl\· Sl:l'• !\lanv ~F.R\'IC}'~ 1>1h1·1' won rt1•1 tul h1~·s 111 !Jr;.nd~. l • yi·n r gua ran t<'e un jobs done anri m: used washers. 2U~8'4 32-A-Antict~~S C'i m1" lAllik'. DA :'\Z-SCllM l IJT B1.: l'rann Stt111'. I f"l'ar) :-.:ewpurt Bl., Costa !\l csa. \\'rl"lught lrfl n J:alt'R. ~6~. P111r n r ~anla Ana. :.:i11 :'\1• ~lillll. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty w11 lnt1l ·w11rdroh<'S l'('U:l r hnPJ, 1011 l'rnno~. u .. m .. 11f the H1unm9nd ~-·1327. 64ttc I 1<111t11hlr for part1lton~. ~:ino. Or- 1 Oq;iin. IPnt.11 rui;, 1r1t:oon11h1C' -------------- R~:l.IABl.f: f'AHTY 10 t11ke n,.,., Treasures of Yesten.lay pn:~•lll• nl~ nn rrar tlf'lllly now 11os1 1 · .. 11,.1 HI. N ' l.81\UnA Hl'llrh 120 Bass Accordion ~1.,,.,, & ~'h1l1·0 rrfni:. w fr1'"_7.f'I' Phnnr HY 4-3·l3·1 57c59 Ll_S-:?'.:_-O.! ~l •:r ~. f•1<'r.:i--'''------------- ~~:rt\· r:1. 111 ~ 111. r· rrfrri:. i:x1•f'J-'S---Roat8 SuppUM . l1•nt • nn1hllnn ~~o 31!1 Et ·;t.t•>------·-' ~-~------- Like n ew. Sacrifice. Phone Liberty 8-2237 fl "llll. :'\.-wport H 11gh1s, :lfkflO I TRADE :H-\\"aott"d t.o Buv BM11t1ful i O-rt. a11.x. ~rhooner. JA'.\'SE:'\ OHGAXO. The p111no and Fully round, go anywhn ... \\'Ill .. 1r11 111 I ,,.,,an Ill Ml•' ltl5lr1t- \\",r\);'T wAll trnt. lOxl I. camp I.Ake equity In proprrt~· or $111111-I nll"nl. $old for O\'er $l50u. Ollr >'ln,·r, rooking ef!Ulp .. 011 lamp, l!'r boat. 1220 \\'. ~Rlboa Rlvd.. prtrf' $f.i -; Tt•rrns. Also 011" ·111.t otht'r cllmptn" &. urllniurn N rt H 3 1~., 39lf bea ulll ut Ell'clrtin1,· 01 J,:Rll. L1kr "' e\\'JlO · ar. 1 · • , c ""''" Rinn•! f1111sh FR1i"""' n1ak1• 1•rn~p,•rt ors tqt11pmPnt. H11rb11r H :l.Z-H. t),3cir8 17 FT. PETREL rlai:i< h••at & tnul-C•w prtl'•' t1nly $6&r •• Thmk of I Pr, :>:ew cnndlllon. !iM. H n1hnr th11t: \\'A:'\TED TO BUY. l:~rt P nlar-302-R. Mp~18 DAXZ-SCHMIDT Big Plan{} r., .. ,rt Rp ..... <lltner Model P~•A C'Am-MEHCCRY outboard. !fl horse ' ~11nta An11. ;,20·:-;11, Marn. ··ra with nr "·ithnUl 11tcessont"11 I l'hon'l Hiirb<1r 1 ~87-R u ound R powrr, l ~l cl&.•11 '"r.•ltf\nn 512 SPECIAL BUY! 381h St., :--;ewPQrl BeAC'h. 41 tJc l' m. H~nln~A. Mp:i8 ONE O:\LY 1..mwrv O ri:ano Latr- \\·A:-.I TO BL"'t' fl NI. rt. wh<'r l THREE 65-rt. 11llp:o fM r1•nt. $S5 al model. S11ve $100. Cnn\'rnrrnl hllr M w . LI 8 _4:-,2.-,, :<.Sp~g month al L ido \yharr Y11cht terms lll - Lancllng. 3H6 Via (Tpi7rto. l'h ~HAIT.R"S Mu~1c Cn (S rnr <> 190il Liberty 8-5009. 46c60 a 1•423 :-.; SyrllT11i>rr. Rim i& ;\ha 32--f'umlture for Sale CRRYSLER Marine C'nf:tnt', 4 •, to C'l:'\l:'\G ROOM SET In r&nch l r1>ducUon Q'!'AT. 11 •1.fqn &r •A ,1~.:: ('11pt. d111111t R~:FRIGF.HATOH. 110 \'nit 0 . C. II n 1\ 'lo! !lflJI:. ('•"tll $100. \.\"rll lsr.E JAr K llAR.PER a t Lido i<»ll ~I ;:. ll•H. :1711"1-1: :i"ir:i8 1 8h1p~·eru, l'nd .. r 3l~l l:il1el!l. . , . , -:-.:c\\ port &arh. 29ttc Al'l :<Tl r\f. $l.>,('.,J•fa}'1•l rrtni:-------------- ~1·. <'h•1mbPr~ j:lll' ~l"''t'. S\16 I16 FT DORY and practically nl'w Inn. h "'J " t ·'·II ti11l t rMnr• .-. 1 12 h l l':~& K ini: t.11lboanl mrit1 r 11 a1 tm r ~;.32. fl 7c:IP Mu1l ae"' LI ~-i863. !lic!>9 P hone l<lmtwrl_y 2-0672 S:'i PF.R ~10 nnr11 11nnd pracllr" piano. Let thr k 111'11r:o J('llm. A ll trrm r>'nt 111low•••I It yn11 hu \· tatH. G1o1•t1 praLl1~e p1ano1 $t3f• $146, 5 178, Slfl:'i. DANZ-SCH~lll.JT Btr Pla nt) St,,n• lO(J p11'n• ~ !'l20 :-:-i. Matn, 8Mla Ana.. T~nn• . -10--Autos and Trucks Trade Ins 111(\1) :'\A H , o·.i 1p;,o :-.- R, H, 1£147 H Rn<ittl, l!J46 l'O Full p1 Haus 1 !132 H arbu1• Blvd. Phone LI 8-:lllr.t Ll 8-6381 - Ea~y Bank of Anh'rll'a T1·1111:1 Vo ~11:..u lkswagen Trade-ins '51 FO RD 8 Custom club e, R & H. Fqrdomatic. I t iful black color .. $795 coup Beau 8A:'\TA A:'\A ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authonz"d 1•111 t,. & S1•1 \'I•'•· ul!;u t;111•d 'l'r.1n•('nrtauon c;,1r~ Fur s 11le 208 M11rlno Ave., Balboa IslanJ Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 21!>1 Re~ Har. 1786-R or Har. 30511-M 6Uto IXA--Apts. for Rtnt HARBOR APTS. Modern furnished apts. day, week or month Au to Radio Repair ~l'ur bus, 1>1ort"i1 & bny. Rt11.• ... nnbte ra lt•s:-1111 E . U.1y A \'e . BALBOA 409 E. 29th St..-j_H•_1rb_or_r._:u_ ... ____ 1_:-1_fr .'\ewpurl He~l11. H ar·. ~725. :l:itfc Summer Rentals MAY SPECIAL '50 P O NTIAC 8 sedanett<.>. R Foreign Car Tune-up \\',\C:'\F:H. l'O IXT WAIP1·tr .. nt & •·I h1•r• Hat 1• $J:'i w1>r k and 11p l'h. lf1trl1"r 1217·.J. •111i• & H. Syncro-mcsh trans- missi on .. . $595 co ITON GOFF swagen Dealer Volk 2116 ="'I q 1ort Blvd .• X•·Wpol l Bo h H a 1li1•r IL i Pa 1948 1. sscng.:r 75 Cadillac ;\;TJrnJu l-l LI 1'F. '.\' E\\' .• radtn & h••11t•-r AllTl••l'l hll{' wull l1rf'1' r:11i:111 .. I'•. lirakt•s ri:hn"d. '.\'t w ( 'ur- Rr bUl't!l••I X1•w ii 211 1:. Hydra n••w \.\' hlll't>1l. 1.-r (' sp11re 1n l'"\'•:. d1r1•t'L 111 .. Th1N rai· 1~ l'"!IH! ry Wit\'. 11nl.'' SI !!•: •. Huy fr .. 111 "" rwr. :-;.-~ I •irk P le11tlt• r ul .Juhtt:ic1•n & !'t111 !1011 $3.95 & up P hi' prt;l.!'4 1( 111•t ••""·~t1\'. \\',, J>I• k ltp & 1kll\o I, BE A \\'J~.'\EI! \\'ITH Hausken Motors Inc. l !t'.l'.'. !IA! tu r Jlll I • LI 1Jr1 t y 11·.'>0'd 12-TraHPrs {'11:-i-t.1 ~1··~tt 4i• :.sh ::1 FT )1((1:-\\\'•Hll• 1ra i1 .. r A ll li1\LHU~ J1"J.A:-.-JI, B;i v J.'r11nt J11ty 21 w :'\••v. :!I t• 1 1·••1 •· .. r 2 m unlhs. :1 hd1 m~ :.! J.11t h :<, .. v .. 1'. thrn~ tn makP a t11 l11:htt11I h11111r '\,, 1w1:1, n11 Mllllll chrl•fren. Jli.r 2.J:iti. \\' 111 to r -4 p ni. · ~.;i.-1;1, B .\\' n~:\\' APT on I.1ln l'.n111 ~Illa !'>i.-w & 11ttr1rt1ve p1111• ll•"I 11\'lnt.:' rnPHI, :.! Mmu S l 'illO 1111 I •'11! l,1· l"rl~" l'h l t.11. f<I• H .. r. 27."d ,,, nw! 1! l·:x1 I t 1<11d Linh• S\11111 COSTA MF.SA, J m1. npt., t1rr11 •••'It f11r <1u11 k "·"" II.\\ \\ h• l-111· unfur n llll'lll<f!'e ut1ilth•.'I Cull ,.,. I. Lllh'I l\' ~-ti781 :.1k:11l llY:tll 4 -~:1:11. 2811(' ~·-! w IL~:s f;S~ I·::'\ AJ.JA ·.n rt h•ll.:-.i• lt.dl,1 . L 1k1 n"'v .. ·. 1·111l•"t ,\r i...t1\\'r s l .. •·11"' ~ •• $1 ~·,v. ~•·t1 Ht 1 ~1~11 ~•\\p111 t ,,_\\'(•1 t:u:--ta ~1··~a, "' 1·1111 ll.11 1'11r ~11-H '"' '· 4ilf• :'\lJ ~. BEAC.:US HAY -l"umn1t·r 11 n1 .i1 ,.°'pAr Joli-. 111111. HJll , RI•• p• 4, ••\'••tl1u1k111i.: IJny, J1111e l~l h S• J't. 1:,1h. $~1/Jll rn•mlh. Al.~11 will tAk• ri•101·n1i;t1•1n 1 .. 1 \\111\ .. r. lia r. 211 1, c"11 1 l~".V In w. Co a sl Hwy I.I 8-~1~.ir1 :;7, ~:1 1 47-\\'antt-d to Rent HgPnts. 4:Jll -1 !1:'1~ FU ()' 1J1·. l<RtiJ•o, l111t.·tl i;-111~~-6fl0X• . lll Hll ., T l' I' l lt'l\rx .. n ib l Rentals Wanted (rn nt. 71111~16 rear, i800 1111. We need apts and h"usea In all 11,. 1 IRol•. 207 _ 16th !'t ,, scc tums for bo lh wrnlcr and $1,liOll ('01i;t11 II p ni. lit'"'·' 1,1 3.:,,p;,5, t'W'!<. 0., ytar e l<'IUIC. Furn. o r unfurn, :;61'01\ lt }'Ou have a vacancy, phone today ·1-; FOH 11 CCJ;\;V_ G11\>1I 1•nn d11 1•1n Summer Rentals • Exclusrve Bay Fronts othi:r choice propcrtiC'l4 llurhor hlnwl. r:ny Shorc~. B~>i­ ' 1111 Bn~·. qual1f1cd clll'nt11 nnly. \',•ry r .. nsnonhlt•, l t>ob .. 1· IJ17·J 32Ll! The Vogel Co. \\' C.:"l Hw) ., Nt"V.'JlOrt Br.h. Harbor Investment Co, !16c':1H l !151 st: 1111 P"' \l'I' "'llht•lll•'lll 1• 1111·-'';iJI 1.1 b<Vit;:t • r LI ,b .. tP:.!1:i ••WJ11•r ~.t~t (, 41-Au to Service P hnn e Llbl'rly 8-:1481 H nr hnr 11100 I Eve~. J.I 8-~:t8t; 1 201:1 Manne, Balboa b land I 27tf•• P?lor.t Rarrrnr 444 Fl"lt:'\ 111• h1•l•or a pt. $1~. ""'· 71!1 2667 E. r·1111~t llv .. L'"rnnn tli:I \tar . • \\' 11.1111• :i Ill\ •f F•>r kry1 11.1111 l '1'n1 ,. flnrr"r l i 41 f L 11l<1 (JfJ i. '" :1116 \ .. u L rd ' . th •11111r1·1 .. :1. Harbor l(•;i :i'.l1J • :--"" ll11 v llr B· a1 h ltrRll'y, 1 4 ~111 w I Jl.dhoA Hl1u. HH. J26·1 6lp6f! f::"i:t:'\EF:H ii• " ' 11" II 1111 '' Fl 'H:'\ I 1 .. t.r11--;1•l :-yrar JrA.••• Your s111all 11'1 ,. •I •1' '' lll11h .. r .~, < I t." ca r tuned lo pcrfec· 81."A_ 1 "111 11· 1·n1'•I ,,,,,,. H"x t•1r :1 11.i.nth" in -:11YA' 11u1111-\\ -·" ' th ~ I "f'• I " I I . Iii' If"' . q t1on TON • . , I ..... ·~"' f•r 1<umm~r rate/ ,.,,llfl h all "'I:'\" CLAY . ~"" il ,8 t 11.n < •1run11 llrl Mn r. llnr. 411111 on t (' ; "r, ·y "I ~ ·~ I I'• ' ' ' ' I !'\2t fr CHASSI S DYNAMO-1·r.•1n:~!"11 :-,;-,1. .'t"·~ ""·1~ 1 .. 1 H ~tET Charmrng H arbor nvC'n ER at n •r1t 111 t '" , ... •, 1·1 ~I•""" I . _ I 111 l.llwr 11 -.. .·;::1 ·.~ 1;u . ApartmC'nts -Patios Harv M M I l':f:\\' 4 rt<JOM, ~trert Jrvrt. N,,11.r ey a ycr trs. ·IX-Apt~. & llt1U'4(''4 I 11rh1111I• ~h"rr•ng •ll:rtr1rt. Q1m•t. 3-I ~-.------------~-pl•A<An•, <'Xtl11s1\'". GarbllR(l lll.!i-21 1 Jlarbur, 2 lllll~M!'(, 111.1 "" ._ 11;i,.:1•, :.l11\•' I I"""'· 1111111.ir~. slnr11.11e room ~. Costa 1.k1;a e LI 8-2256 ,,.f11).' \\",11• 1 7 11d 1 ot,dd • I ~ ""K" ~":.! ~.11 11p Or,,1ple1 tn- t..l! 58 ;;,:1 \\" l!"l1 .'-'· 1·,.:-ta ~!1'-• 1 ttr" slr!'1l 1:11,.11 1mperv111on Ph on '1'.IC J,t 8·6!171 , 1 I.I !< 1'>111 171fr i\1.;r . l'>OI H IL\• n P lllf'I -----1 -1 1!111• k 81 Hh flf H1i:h R<h110! Ca •. I''•-RENTAL .• 1 Al.~() !'l"ft:\'J :'llET• Al'TS. 85-Do f.t!il.!-""'• ...... Po . . ·--~-SPECIALISTS Wl:'\TF:k HATES 3tfr-meran1an Pups -' r..111 1-01nn cra1g AKC, c hamp111n at 1<lu'1 iJ:1!') W P l!(Pr, J ~lm1nst1>r Avl', V>i:-stmln- 'h. \\-.'ittm1r.~lrr 2-:t-'t:~~. 60r 6:n1 Blanche Gates, 31 1 Mr11111c 1A''" iill"lb'la lt1IR '1 . llaF. lfi7 1 Rltr. 72tfc F C1J: J<F'\'T 1,: !•.11 11 .. nt 111 .. • Yr;.\ltLY l.i\Hl;r: 2 b1lrm. HO.MF: J'.t'l'' ~H ' '"''· turru"h"rt ~· '" 1 .. 11., 1·,·nl•·1 $k:, 1 .... ~ .. 714.:nr•I 1->l , ll M 1,r r f 'llll< J 611• ~.Ii MAl,E "'"· " & rem,.le T tJy Pekin,.~·. i J t·inr 11""1 n ~·''i""' "''I' 4XB--HoooWM for Rent lrt 712 Ftrnlcaf. l 111ur.,. \'•nt !1111 '..!hr• "''! ~ 11 <11>:•• 1 ---------------- d•·l M Ar , Hir. :l:11:1 •· fl I o•H·dr ;· 1•1 '''" I" r n,r r.•h <a Kl'ITEN~ H011srbrok·~ ~, ~I HArh••r 11":7. !'ill• fi8 LIDO ISLE FREE rt. Harl:>ftr 28ili•J . ~.71'"•1< :'\r;\\' l l!R . A l 'f' •ivrr 11:11111 1:,. thl\t Wt>Hnt -F or a dtpendable uat'd car, 1ee j oeal dHIPr Wh" Will ht h<'rt ROW to hrtr k Ufl Whl\t ht TODAY' C-he"I< !h t UJlrd y nur I TOM OR .... 11. Cl\rll In the clualtled •l'r t1on to· d ay . v.• 11 t'l\kr tt;< )Ari("~ I .it 11 I . X· ;,I 1' Ir \'tng 1 m Ii: \ '"w wrnd .. w llhl 111,. ~·nk. d1-ri·. 111 .. w.,...k t.11>lr . f11ll Ill" ~httW• r. T ~Ill! .. 1'li'\' fHtflf"r'''l w1JI• 7\';rr •lh VI\ A 'rtr .: . dr 11 f"'' c 'llll't In ~h,,p­ p cni.: • tr1tn~11•1rl.At1"n r 1•11! lnr &CngJ, ~rR<m •tr fl'lllftl~. I ;· r"'r rno on yo•11.r1 IN•ll" THE \'OGEL CO. rtulli •·ho a.rt tt~d Ad1 are rrad by t olk• l26457 E Cnu Hwy , Cor••l'lll 11"1 M3r reall7 loold111 to }1uy. Hubor lHl-li&rbor 1477. KcM 2 Y~:A RI.Y m :'\TAL!'J c:-.-Fl.:R~- 1. .. Ii• 11 .... ,, •• , 2 l>lllh'I. 'J 4 lo•d r""'I ~ 'J hl\l h•. I C'h"11 t1 l1;tallon 1. \ _ a\RL W. STANLEY, Rcalt<1r 3 11 'I :'\""'fl'''' Blvrl . !\"ewport Rr'1 Ha rhnr JOI J t fJtt• l 'f11-'J J:'\A llt,L MAH, modf'rn 'J btlmi. P111 tty turn. hriUM • .P:n• r hit<k \'t11'1 1·1n,... t1> tM!aC'h ""'' ~11"1 r•tnJ.:. ${111 i'"r mo. 00 , ... ~, OJS YtrnlM.t. LI ...... Me!>IJ I I I j I ' I~ • '8B-Bomn for a.t FOR L&ASE CORONA Dl:L MAR -I bdrm. I A.VA.ILA.BU: -A.bout IOOO -a. UAturn. hou.e, ftrepla~. Jene.cl ' n. Utht lndu.try apace on lat • TWO BEAUTIFUL new lrvt.ne Terrace untum. view bom-.. 3 DORMS., 2 bathe and 2 BEDRMS .• Z bat.b.a. g1 a,n..,e Children 0 K. 2nd. noor. U. s. Hlahway 101 ?! .. ' ' ~ear'• leue Cau · and Bay Frontace. Will leue aU ....,. mo. on " • or any part A 1tmodel to .Wt Ca ll Harbor lE:I or Harbor 041 Har. 1ot3·M OC' IUmberly 2·5771 tenant. Voiel Co., 3U6 Via Udo. 6Tcst Harbor 4971 . Jette ~~~~~~~~~~~ New Store for Rent E ARL W. A.NLJCY, ft.e&ltor Irvine • errace Office Coron.a I Mar. SStlc 5S-8torM a Otftcm UNf'URN. modun 2 bdrm. J'lre· OTnCE &PACI: tor n nl. $30 mou 1200 aq-ft. Cout. Highway, place. Bff.med celllnr, $115. Ulll. 1.n bJdr . with r-1 •t.at.e otfll'• Newport Beach. A m p I e pd. I blk•. to beach. Bee a t no located on Newport a&.d. near In•. Corona del Mar. Phone Lb· Koq 11o9prt.a1. n. u a.2n2. Parking. lnrton t-3980. NotO 63c51 Uberty 8·7673. 55ttc SUMMER RENTAL a ORD. rLOOft otnce 81*~• for • DRJVll BY: 6 -112 VI& WuJerw, le.ue, app. lldS M . Medical M--Ba&'hteM OJ!POrtualUM Lido l1le. S bdnn1 . % ballui, preferred. com pletely furnlahed. Available CLAJRE VAN HORN, Realtor June 15·30-$2~. J uly "6().-LI l_.277 otc~ Ausun ITSll. !Wduc:t.lon for en· Ur• MUOn. Call Harbor '27•. 57c89h Brand New Store & Office Bldg. NEW S BDRM., pr1>ap dilpoaal. 18&. mon th. 217·2let St., Co1ta Avallable July lit. )ofeaa.. OXtord t-4e61. 61ct3b Oppo1lte Newport City Hall BEAUTU'ULLY FURN., 2 bdrm .. ELEVATOR ocean front, Balboa. June J 5 • P ARKlNO Sept. 15 13~. mo. After 8 p,m. JANITOR SERVICE or Sat. • Sun .. Har. 2017. 66c!'l8 Call Paul Huron, leul.nr •rent OEL.JCATESS~"ll A: grocery1to~ a nd a two bt-C:rm. home l<>eeted next to corm~r of 19th A: Pia· centla Costa Mesa. Excelll'nl 1pot tor liquor ator1, btot'r and wine. Call LI 8·3683 or Liberty 8~223. Mt Cc BUS COMPA:-\Y Wllh long tenn franchise In tut grow1n1o: Costa Meaa. Submit all exchanges. Ph OWSER, Llb4!r1y 8·3863 or LJ 8·6223. tlOttc The BEAUMONT CO .. Har. 4299 M-Money t-0 Loan UNFURN. 2 BDRM. HOM:E. W to 113c80b W carpet. Bea utiful yard, patio. ----------- fireplace, rar. 1126. month. Or 1 ... unt on leue. LI 8·11711-0 after a. lMIUc BUSINESS LEASE available In J un In modern bid(. Choice loeatlon for profe .. lonal or 1 Located at 3034 E. Cout Hwy., DELIGHTFUL m ount.&in home, Corona del Mar . ava Uable J uly • August at tool · ot Mt. Baldy. For l.ntormaUon, PHONll BLANCHE OATES.67c~9 phone Har. 234. Mc68 Harbor 1871. 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido Shopping area.. Both 670 area feet. By leue, $100 Ir $115 mo, ALSO It.ore, 600 feet. Sl40 mo. 500 Via Malaga, Newport Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 Partner Active or Not This is beyond a shadow of a doubt the moat sensa- tional opportunity ever offered. Our company wanta to expand nationally and '-?ticipatea a net profit of $20.000 a week. This i8 proven -ab9olutely no gam- ble • you must see our terrific product and unique method of marketing to reali&e the tremendoua potential. I am dead positive t hat every person I interview wiU want in. However there ia only one opening. U • you have $7500 ca.sh available immediately and good references . call Kimberly 3-0751 for personal inter- \'iew only. 57c59 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO:-\STRUCTION Call tor Fre. Fast Commitment.a on Ruldencea and Unit. only Don~ I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-5541 LI 8-8562 LOANS for Homes G" -20 yr, Loana Construction Loans I SIC'£ BOB SATI'LER %616 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona Ciel Mar Harbor 3888 ~p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ll!• Int. Fund• Kl. 3·~18~ •8ttc HA VE $10·120.000 to loan on good residential or Income prop, 6"'( .• OSBOR~F. REALTY CO. 2323 Cout Hwy., ::-lewp<>rt ~ach Harbor 4923·J (Ru.) Qujck Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. · One day service Application may be ma de In per· .an, by phone or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mesa LI 8·7701 -Open Frlday1 UU I Cloaed Saturdaya-Ultc LOA.NS TO BUU..U. JlO>ROVE BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REll'IN.ANCI: We Buy 'l'ruat DMda NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINCI 6 LOAN ASSOCIATlON asee v1.t Udo. Ph. Har. uoo Ue Just Enioy the Income from this excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in choice rent.al diatrlct, 100 ft. from <Xte&.n. There are 3 unit.a -a new duplex and a 6-room ho\188 on 2 lot.a. 2 unita are furnished and rented on yearly basis. Owner's home available now. Three garage. on alley. Present income can be sut.ta.n- tially increued. $5000 will handle. . i'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY ATrR.AcrIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and amall dining room, ca~ peted wall t o wall, good kitchen, brealc!ut apace and eervice porch. Ample cupboards and etorage apace. Oversized 2-<:ar garage. Nice enclo&ed patio. Most convenient corner location. 2 bl.ka. from City • Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. : J BAY FRONT LOTS 105 Ft. of choice Bay Frontage. BuU.head is in. Wonderful view. Lot.a surrounded by quality home.a. Pier and slip rights. These will sell!, ACT TODAY! · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 TWO FOR THE MONEY Neat Duplex, 2 B.R. ea., Fireplaces, HDWD floors, dbl. gar., near shops. Both units rented mo. to mo. Priced below rep'I with Xlnt. tenna. 2 B.R. FURNISHED, Good g,eighborhood. near shops & beach , level Jot. Cute as can be and ONLY $9.250 with easy terms. These & other fine listings with . R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor ( DICK HODG E, A880Ciat e 3622 E. C.oast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har "'2774 · CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom, 1 bath. 1200 sq·ft., fi replace, drapes. Ideally landscaped-fenced-alley, double garage. Next to St. Andrewa Presbyterian Church. FULL PRICE, $15,450 Trust Deed $9500 at 411:!% with monthly payments $66.47. Cub from t rust deed to sale price. Call Mr. Gallant to ahow thia home EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Harbor 1776 334 ft. on Highway ' 300 ft. on Hie B~y Hard to get "Mariner's Mile'' property. Has piers and boat sUps, and other improvements -$264,000. Excellent terms. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 WOULD lllle to buy Ut and Ind ----------------------- Partner Active or not with $30,000 cuh. Money is.100% secured & just as safe as real estate. Should return investor at least $50,000 net this year. This will 11tand the most rigid type ot investigation. Send name. addreBS & phone No. t o Box U-83. thia news· paper. 55c60 60--___ lD_com ....... _e_P_ro..._pe_rty~--60--1.noome Pro~ INVESTMENT Corona del Mar 3 Furnished Cottages, on Sl8,950 TERMS 702 -704 -706 -708 IRIS 4 Lots Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J 54tfc 6:t-RM1 Eat.ate ------ $500 DOWN The best tract home in Town -Hardwood floors - Forced Air Heat -Garbage Diapoeal -two car gar. Lot.a of cupboard apace -3 bedrooma • 2 baths. Il you are intereated in malting a good deal investi· gat.. t.b.ia immediately. Paymenta Wee rent. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lMe Newport Blvd. Coata Men (&croe1·from Colt& MM& Bank) Phone LI 8-8781. Ev• Har. 43M • LI 8·2103 CORONA DEL MAR COTT AGE • It • f )"'-""\. 710 IRIS (Lot ~18) S4950 Cash Phone Harbor 1oe9 or Harbor 26'9-J 54tfc ·~ Tn.l.lt Deed& Call .l:l&r. 2328. •8ttc 60·A-C-Oanmerclal. lndastri&J Business Property Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa TWO FULL .ACRES, chain link fenced. r.tany good lmprove- me.nt.a th.at might be adapted to varlo\11 bU1lnuae1. Call Llberty 8·1'>345 between 6 A 7 p.m . l'l2c60H 61-Real EstaUi ~chaofe WANTED 2 or 3 BEDROOM HOME. Cor· one. del Mar, prefernd -ex- c~re for 3·bdrm. heme lo R iv· er11de, Mariners Isle Realty 311 Marine, Balboa l.lland H&rb<>r •781 Lido Isle · Have choice 3·bedrm. 1 ~ bath. Garbage dl8posaJ. wall to wall ca~t, d.ra pe&f 40.ft. lot, patio. F or 3·bedrm. & den. Pre-fer ranch type. Room tor swimmtnr ~ BALBOA ISLAND - ML 5776 • • $5000 down Cozy 2 bedroom modem Attractively furnished "' Good comer location Room to build income apt. Full price $18,750 • • WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A880Ciates Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 BEACH HOUSE and income on 2 lots. room to build additional unit, 1 block to ocean and store, near bua li"'les. just $10.: 900 and $3,500 down. LIDO ISLE Very lovely 3 bedroom 2'bath home on a large lot, tote of room inside and crut, just .. nia. as you could imagine and only $31.500, truly one of the the bet· ter buys on the island. · PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Bl., Newport Beach -iiarbor -2313 pool. In the La Canada or Flint· ----------------------- ridge dh1t.rkt, G. H. Lathrop, 363~ E . Coeat Highway, Corona del Mar. Har. 11442 or Evea. Hs.r. 361lJ 5&!18 FOR SALE OR TRADE DUPLEX-NEW, l bdrm. eL Lge. room1, dbl gar. attached. Laun· dry rm. Lot 100xl70, ri>om for commercJeJ bldg. on Hwy. tront· age. 17208·08 Huntington Bea ch Blvd., Ocean View: 56p81 TRADE . UAtmrULLY d.,orat.ed, emaJJ a.rtllt.lo home, I bedroorn1, fir•· pW.C.. 1'or largu home In Co- rona del Mar, U do, Balboa. Harbor '719. 68c80 CORONA HIOHµ.ND8 by owner lO"f'tl)' I bdrm. r111~h type home. wtth vt.w. Shake roor. uled brick fln!pl&«. etc. Oroun<le l.AndJICap- ed 6 feonced. Double l&nae• A: bobby 1hop. Prlc,ert rlgllt. 8ee •t 808 SeaWllrd J\(\ad Corona H~ Hu. 1887-M. upeo I CORONA DEL MAR Ideal home for large family in best section. Close to beach. 3 bdrms. & den, 1 & :~.a baths. Spaciour living room. dining room, breakfut nook, patic, barbeque, large dbl. garage, forced air heal. kas complete guest house make excellent maid•. quar· tere. Nicely landscaped, 67x118 foot lot. $36,700 RAY REALTY CO. 34« E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 OPEN HOUSE Call for app't. to see - 127 46th St., Newport Beach 2 beann.. t um. home. Lars• "walled p&\io, neu ocean. Owner asking U000 down. Full price $12.:500 J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N""J>Ort Beach (Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 ------.-- COSTA MESA . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 ·PAGE 5 MONDAY, MAY 10, 1955 a~~::!!R~eal!!._Ee~ta!!! .. ~---...--~....!IZ:t:~S~-1!!..~Dl!!ta~&!•-------... ...... \VIC HA VE a very hlrh quaJJty - home in Ule upper bay ..,__ Hu 3 bdrm. 16:'\ bath. JapanHe uh pant.11.nr In dlnJnc .,_ and over fireplace. Wall to W'lll oarp· et1n1:. Prtce 118000, .. tl'OR SALE OR TRADE for Z·bed· room hom,. A large home In Newport beach. 1 block -trom ocean. l bedroom down at.&1n. ' Upet.aln. The upet.a.lra rented for Sl.200 plWI per year. Owoer1 health deman<U tale. Price 114000 or $111.600 tun'll•htd. NICE HOME uptown Coal.II Meaa. :I yr1. old. 2 bt-droom. Very 1ood loc..Uon. Pr1ce 18000 I • ACREAGE In Co•la Men. Lot Ille 300x3~-Cood tor bulld,•re. WE HA \'E a 4 bdrm. 2 bath home 8 month• old. 1000 ~-tt. 1'hl1 11 very good, I 12,900. Good term• "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 :-<ewpcrt Blvd. Colla Mesa, Caht. L1 8·3i92 Speculators WE SPECIALIZE In cap1lal Jt&lns deale, aavlng <>n lnl'ome tax. Now orrerlng a $17.000 buy that wlll lhow nice profit. ALSO one at ~ Ft. Waterfront With pier 6 float. Be&uutulJy l&nd.ac&ped <'Om er lot. with 2 bdrm. home Ir room to enlarge. Wall to Wall carpet.a 6 drapee lncJudN! at only $2'T,500 . J,1 cub handlea. -Hurry! TWO for the Price of ONE F'umiebed duplex. Vtry neat. 2 blocb to beat'h. Owner aays "~11". Only $13,750. ~ down. Out.atand.ing ! Handy Man Special 3 bdrm. beach cottage. Partly tum. On 2 30-tt. Iota. Only 2 blocb from beach. Steal thia for only $8500 -$32M dn. B&l. $60 mo. BALBOA ISLAND 30 ft. Bayfront corner lot with fW'D. 2 bdrm. honey.. moon cottage -plua area for new bouae on front. BEST BUY on Balboa l..tand. ONLY $31.500. Terma. ARl C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 522e . . 19,000. With tl'rm• M\'allable. ----------------------- Many others In amounu to a111t. WE CAN' LEND your money at 6'''r , any amount All detaila handled by this or!ice. For prop· erty managt-mtnt gtve us a t rt&I. N. B. C. Realty Co. MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 32nd -" Newrort Blvd , :"ipt. Bch. Harbor 1406 For Sale or Trade NEW 3 bdrm. adobe, 1" balh1. w/tlle, 1pac1uu11 hv. rm. w1ttre- place, gallty kitchen, att&chtd dble. gar. Plaster and 1tucco throughout. WILL TAKE. lolK, house, trailer, or what have you. Located I 72 E. W1laon, Coala Mesa. Owner- LI 8·2932. after 8 p.m. or wk. ends. 56p61 OUT OF TOWN owner ny1 "get orter" on corner dupltJt So. or Hlway. One unfurnished apart· ment hll.I 3 bt>drooms. one (Ur· nl1hed 1lud10 apartment (&rage. All In good condition. C&ll .Ml31 Kohlttedt, Har. 2102 ~e. Har. 0829·R, 3135 Co11t Blvd .. C.O.M. •4lfc Bay & Ocean View LARGE double frontage Rl·RJ lot. 1 rms . 2 b&lh.!!. S39.500, 29!13 Cltrr Dr. at Santa An• Ave Ll 8· 1192. 56p69 LIDO ISLE 3:1 F"r. LOT, PHICE .. $9.M O 1 noJ 11. 70 ft. lot. Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- Two S'I'oRY, 2 bdrm. (have plana t or 3rd bdrm. to be added at small cost), 21 ~ batiul, lge. liv. rm., separate dining room, large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplacee, basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expenaively ca.rptted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage diapoaal and diahwuber. House 6 yra, old. L&rge double garage with laun· dry, radio-<:ontrolled garage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well landecaped. Thia home muat be eeen to be ap- preciated, Located at 3312 Octan Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by . appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor M35 Mc68 BALBOA ISLAND Large inviting living room, 1 bedroom 6 bath, peat rooms off petio. $19,'1M 'Why Pay Summer RENTS 7 4 bedrooma, 2 baths, Salem maple twmahlng, dbl. garage. .. $29,500 D 0 R I S B RAY. Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Chet S..U.bW7, 216 Marine Ave., Balbo& Iala.nd ALSO comtort.ablt 2 bdrm. home. -----------------------.. fireplace. lnrl. carpelJI & drapu. On St. to St. Jot, U0.~00. terms. Phohe owner. Harbor 4123. 661)69 SPECIAL lflGH DESERT Improved acreage homeeltes, at aacn tlce prk u . All utillt1u. No 111ae1smenl1. Tem11. YUCCA !'>OLJNA RANCHOS Martell Bldg. Yucca Valley. California 'Phone: 3~. Mt!c $13,000 BY OWNER. 3 bdrm.1., din. rm .• alt&. gar. w to w carpel., nwd. !Ira.. thermo heat, g&rb. diJlp., klt.chen fan. Incl. nrly new Corona del Mar_ Vogel Value Highway Frontage and Residence 40'x127' parcel on Cout Highway ln Corona del Mar with 1 bedroom bouae at rear of lot ~ for either buaineu or residence. Ample room ln front for building -near major comer, Elloelleo\ &ftllt- ment at $19,000. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mu Harbor 1741-Harbor 1•71 auto wlllller lic dryer, refrlg. 6 -------------------- , .. range. 51600 d.n., $7000 0 . I. Joan. Will consJder 2nd contract. 329 Broadway, Co11ta Me1&. 64tlc LAGUNA BEACH. 761 St. Anni Drive, $500. dn. 2 br. fu rn. hH., gar.. ocean vie"'. Colurert folks o.k. Payments U OO. month. -lJYatt"l ·3l7'3. llip:l9 Want a home in the Coves 1 JNFOR.M.A TYON and KEYS at No. 9 B&lbo,. Covea. Owner, Harbor 2876·W. 80p63h BAY f'RON'1' new modern home, bciat 11llp; l:i Balboa Covu. Owner Harbor llOO·W. H trc MOST OUTSTANDING HOME In the Harbor area. Three bedroom, 2 bath. abl!Ohltely thP finest cr•n· 1tn.icl1on. Top IOl'a ll•m, 1111mr Ylew. Entry hall A dining room Perfect ln11ltle & out. Small down payment. H11r. 47 18. l'l6t!c LEASEHOLD ESTATE VIEW WT -Cliff Haven OVERLOOIONO East Jt tty entr. to Newport Harbor . Sacrtflce &a.le, 1390(), LJl:hlgh 9·2J08, evt1. Lrberty 8-8640. Gl c63 BY OWNER -J bdml.. clON to BEST BUY on LIDO ISLB Price now reduced below replacement coat •• , Beau- tiful, almost new two .. tory 3 bdrm., 3 bath Bar Front home. Bay view from all rooms. Fully car- peted, beautiful drapes, new pier Ir Jlip. Price in· elude• 20-ft. Century 1peedboat one yea• old: Artiatic landec&ping. NOW, hold your breath I All th1! for $M,9M. Better kurrry u thia won't laat. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newpor't Beach Har. 1011 Harbor Highlands BEAUTIFUL 3 bednn. home on wonderful oorner location. Wall to wall carpet, Hdwd. floors, 1"' baths. Nicely landscaped. The owne"' have Improved And taken can of this property beautifully. If you are intA!reeted in a fi ne home, look at thla tor only $16,500. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Collta Mesa Liberty 8-676!. (acrou from Coata Meaa Bank ) Evea. Harbor 4366 • L.Jberty 8·21Q3 aboppl.nr, etc., oo quiet St. Hwd. ---------------------- ,~ tlr1, fenced lot, -en, l'rb. dll!p., alley rear. Room tor sn- eol'ne. l'i ew patnt. • 'i~ IO&l'I at 16' per mo., tnclu4illr tu1a • Ina&. Pnce l la.260. au Park Dr1ve, C-.. ,...._ 6-0ttc Look at this I bdrm.., bwd. noon, ~·· cUaJ>o-1. Wired f&r electric atove . P'en~. lo(atad at 2114t Fairway Dr , eo.t.a MM&. Ill.JOO. Pb. Har. ~t..1. lt\IC LIDO ISLE $14,500 Beet street In Balboa. Sbowa 11 ';;, ecbedu.led n.e.t income on winter rental buia. Prlctd at $.'57 .~. Will eeU or trade. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 Weet C?ut Highway (at Port Olup)' PboDe Bar. '8aa...I } • . .,..1 : I ,1 ·I . I .. , ' ! -r--'r ,' - 1-· ~ t J . ... I I ' .· PAGE 6 ·PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES~ 1%-Beal l!'Atate 82-Rea.I !Atate &i-Keal r..tat. MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 -------------------------------------.---- STORYBOOK HOUSE , THE GREAT ORANGE COAST l . 2. 3. 4. 5. -All Good Buys -Reeidential Lot 57x203 • 1 BUr. from new ehop· ping center at 19th A Harbor . Just $2050 cuh. R-2 Beach lot 1:: block t o ocean. Size 30xl04 $2~ caah. C-1 • 100 ft. Acrou atreet from aupe.r market It drug atore. Ready fo r development or aplendld inveatment $10,:500 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Dandy 3 bdrm. 11--.: bath home, 413 Holmwood Dr., Newport. Hta. Furnace heat. Hwd. !loo". Landscaped. Fenced. $19,7M. Tenn•. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12-6 408 Sierra Via~. Coata Mesa. · Restricted Back Bay home. New. Forced air heat. All electric kitchen. Hwd. tin. F. P. Large rooma. Service porch. 2 t.iled bathe. 3 large bdrma. Dbl. garage. $24,:500 Full Price. & Big Bldg. in M-1 zone. Thia location auitable for mfr., whlae., retail or atorage. Center drive th ru bldg. with tofu on each aide. Reat rooma. o r. fices. Leaae or Sell. T. 194x330 All C-2 zone. Site for trailer court. unit.a or any buaineu not needing Rwy. rront. Income now $215 mo. from 3 good homea. Low taxea. Near down town. $31 ,:500 terms. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 18!57 Newport Ave·, Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-U -00 Evea. BILL'S BEST BUYS Wit hin your Means And here la your opportunity. Thrtt bedroom, bath and a half home only 3 mo'a. old. Garbage dia· poaaJ Ii exhaust fan. Close to achoola Ii bua line. Full price $9,7:SO with only-$U:SO On. ·-· ·-· F ive to P ick f rom Four bedroom, 2 bath homea in Newport Heighta area. Immediate poeaeaaion on 110me. See ua for detaila. We have keys. $12,7:SO and up $2,:500 to $3,000 down ·-· ·-· Live F r ee One aide of thia lovely 2 bedroom duplex will make your paymenta. Next to acboola, buaaea and atorea. Thia won't lut. Call ua now. • Full price $13,950 only $2400 On. ·-· ·-· See ua for Rent.ala. We atill have a few left...... ...... .Better H urry· W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E. 17th St., Coat.a Meaa Llberty 8-1139 CORONA DEL MAR CUS'OOM BUILT home with exceptionally nice out· look from choice corner. Beautiful wall to wall aculp- t ured carpet. tiled pullman bath, dual furnace with Thermostat, silent awitches aluminum casement win· dowa, diapoaat. diahmaater loada of cupboards. The la~e bedrooms have ample wardrobes. Cheerful walled patio ia flanked by aun ahelter and aeparate 3 room guest apartment. Double ga- rage and worksh op. With featurea usually found in S30.QOO homea thm rare value is offered at leu than todaya replace· ment coat for only $20,500. For appointment, contact owner'• agent STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor 264 7 E. CQMt. Hiwy Corona del Mir OPEN HOUSE. Call tor appointment to aee 1429 W. Bay, Balboa (Cor. of 15th & Bay) EXCEPTIONAL 3 B.R. 2 bath home on corner lot with walled in yard. Room fo r a pool. Permanent bay Ir Ocean view. Compl. furnished. $~.000. Term• if desired- J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 Summer Rent too High 1 Then be a landlord • Live in cute studio apt. -rent front house !or $100 per w~k. Choice Balboa location. $3500 down. Total price $12.~. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 ~uild Your Own Home on this Large Desirable Lot on Lido Five aided lot wit..h 122 ft. f rontage on Pi.au& Lido and Fiorence. Owner bu reduced price ,way ~low comparable Iota available. $19,7~. terme. · 57c59 .. 135 Ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE 329 IRVINE. COR. BEACON, NEWPORT HTS. Open for lnis~tion, Fri. ·Sat.· Sun.· 1 to 5 :30'p.m. Adorable Calif. Farm Houat> · ah11.kt> roof • uwd brick firt'pl11.ce • knotty pine & beam «'iling • apUt· rail fence. 2 lO\rtJy btodrma. plua large df:n or extra bdrm .. Ideal comer location, convenient to .eboola 4 ahoppiQg. The f.088 ll galaxy of t-0lor In n owere ia a mnsterpi~r ot b<-suty. PRICED to adHn a hur- ry at lsis.800 wilh only $3800 down ll pmt.. llkt rent. !You can call now for pre-ahowing, ••have the k~y ). FOR B u i ld e r o r I n vest or R3 ZONE 4 unit Apartment on lot 65' x ·100' · With adioinin9 lots 40' x 100 and 102' x 135' on Ocean Front All as one parcel With 197 ~-frontage on 2 streets and 135 ft. Ocean frontage ' 'Open House -325 Irvine, Newpt. Hts. Call for appointment to ~ Thia well arranged 2 bednn. home la leee than a block to the bluff with a wondertul view of the·bay & ocean. Attractive nagatone fireplace and W t o W carpet. The ideal location and low price of $13,960 justifies quick action. Better bring your check book with you. HAPPIER LIVJNG CAN BE YOURS AT 530 Kings Road -Cliff Haven Good Terms. Full Price $51 ,000 Here'• truly an exceptional value that you MUST sd • 3 Bedroom• • W to W Carpet 6 Dn.pl9 • Forced AJ.r Heat • J3& Bath• • Large Di.riing and e Patio NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Living Room Area • Dble. Ganp • Landacaped A Fenced • Area tor awimming pool • Sprinkler Sy.tem -• Panoramic View • Abundance of • Acoustical Ceiling Cupboard.a Jim .filld Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 You'll be un~ble to find a compariaon to tru. home for ita low price of $22, 750. Moet convenient te.rma. Tip-Top Quality Buy 1 YJ'. oJd S bdrm. bath •~ home with nearly new wall l4 wall carpet., prb. dlapoaal, bwd. n oon , forced &Jr h•t. fireplace.. on a bea.utlfully landllc&ped and walled yard •.. The location la lope (on Irvine Avenue) and t.he prier ta RIGHT!! llt .500 wilh u cellent I' .H.A. tlnancln~. Hur· ry on lhla 'one. Charm -Personality -and comfort Wfte uvpermOlt in mind when thla modem alyle 3 bdrm., 11>11 bath bom• wu built, It baa (T&peatake fenced patio, natural wood·bumlnc fireplace, bar kitchen. forced alr heat, cub. dlapoeal • • • ~nequaled value a t 111.900. 3 Good Values 2 bdrm.. M 'x130' lot. 1 yn. old. U .300 1 bdrm , dbl. l'U'&J'9. I yr-9. old. 16,T:IO 2 bdrm .• dbl. f ar&(•· Nie• lot. 2~~ yra. 18.4~ ACT NOW. WILL SHOW Al'<YTrME CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM Ir den with 1 % baths on corner of Seaview Ir Jumine. Shake roof. uaed brick fire. place, garbage cmpoaal " other e.xtru. Just fi niah- ed, Hu excellent financing. Can be made Into 4 bedrooma if desired. $27 ,:500. OPEN HOUSE SAT. Ir SUN. ONE OF THE LAST new homes in Corona High- lands. Shake roof, 3 large bedrooms, la~ bathe with dressing room. Panoramic view of hills and ocean. · MWit be aeen to appreciate. Good financing -or will t rade tor Iota or acreage. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY 1-5 448 Rivera Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bedroom picture bungalow on Begonia. aose to bay. Dble. garage, flagstone fireplace. Owner · anxious. Make otter ! 60 ft. of Highway frontage on corner in downtown Corona del Mar. $12.:500. Special Reduction! GORDON WALKER, Realtor BACK BA.Y. 3 bdrm .. hdwd. nn, W E FISHER B "Id flnpl&ee, Hparale dbl. garaa•. • • I UI er nlce1t nelJhborhood. Nee<b paint -Our but value HO mo. F.H.A. Dick Hilliard Pat Pattison terma lncl. taxH and lnturance. 3034 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 Hurry! Full price only Sl0,760. --------------------- Bay & Beach-Realty Hlet Newport Blvd. Coala MeH, Cam. Llwrty 8·1181. Eves. LI 8·3158 Ocean Fronts Open House 7008 w. Ocean rront t br. 6 1M>lar1um, 1 yn. old. 123.!)Q() .. 110,000 down. -TWOuntta. snoo·down, .. II I.MO. 1 BR.. l ~ lol11 ... . 113.MO. 2 BR . 3 yra. old .............. 117,500. 2 BR . near Jetty ....... .. 118.500. Bayview Realtors 2305 Balboa Blvd. Har. 3311 Md1 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE A Ser vice that enlarges the scope of your Realtor 's Services t o you: · F OR INSTANCE : During the month of May the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS awards a special p r ize t o the Realtor making t he largest Multiple. Listing Sale in wh ic h a property is t r aded. The purpose is to encourage r esourceful selling. Multiple Listing la modern -profeaaional -coop- erative aelling of real property. CONSULT YOUR REALTOR ~A~PA~!~L BH~!S~ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Wit HAVE IT. l bdrm. dbl• car· •K• on 8m&ll lot, clo!N' to Lido 410 • 32nd St., Newport Beach Shopping, ocean A bay, only, --------------------- 18.l!OO. BALBOA I BEDROOMS 6: OE:\, t block from bay • ocean. Only 14.000 down. S.e thl1. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbot' H M. 2597 and H OO. Cliff Haven Special HJ:T LOOK ! S·Bdnn. Beauty- com'I. turn., ew n IILVER TEA 8ERVICE ! Beaut. plcturH, Im· port.a, •lee. appUanc•! Owner le&vtJ!C for lluro~ SE LL! llt,t&O wlUI t•rma. NOT A LllA!llHOLD ! Mariners Isle Realty I ll Marine, Balboa hl&nd Harbor 4781 For Sale or Trade- OCEAN VIEW mOde.ra 2 bedrm. bosn• with u tTa room aa4 ~ b&Ul on double svac•. 2712 Cliff Drive t adJ•cent vacant lot a vallabM) P1L OWMr, LI l -tM2 2JUe.) YOUR BOAT AND YOU Will fit into this ideal 3 yr. old Balboa waterfront home with pier and slip privilegea. The 24-ft . living room features open beam ceiling. brick fireplace, and a huge picture window overlooking your priv· ate aandy swimming beach. You'll enjoy the mod· ern convenlencea auch u forced air heat. garbage diapoaa1, fan over atove, etc. And you can buy it FURNISHED for only $26,500. Terma. -THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Weat Coaat Highwa.y, Newport. Beach Ca_ll Llberty 8-3481 1LIDO NORD Baytront -Channing~ 5 bdrm .. 3~ bath home plu• 2 hdrm. apt. Completely furniabed with bra.nd new furniture. A beautilul ho~e of luxury for the diacriminaUng. Let u. ahow you -We have t he key. Osbome Realty Co. 23~ Weat Cout Highway . fat Port Orange) Phone liar. '923-J • FRANK JAMES &-LINWOOD VICK DIVIDEND PAYING REAL ESTATE Corona del Mar OtrrSTANDlNG TRIPLEX. South of Highway on Marcuerlte. Spa· clou. 2 bdrm. wtlh fireplace. 2 lon ly 1 bdrm. apta., view of ocean from aun deck and paUo. Trtple garage. Extra laundry rm. Completely rurnlehed. Ready for 1ummer rrntal11 or pru!'nt ten· ant• will renew IHIK'L l~.000. good terms to responalble buyer Balboa Island SUNNY furnt.hed apL, plua (UHl room and ba th, plua double rar· are. Plenty of r oom for Mcond unit. Prtced to aell, 18,000 down: In Cliff Haven TWO apac:loua 2 bdrm. apl.8. FHA 4 t., '>r loan. payable 178.113 mo. Including ln.suranrt anl1 taxu. Income 11711. mo. 84!al duplex 1n area! F\.111 pric:t 119,000. (not lt>.ueholdl . Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2604 Newport Blvd .. Ntwport Bch Easy Parking Harbor 41110 LIDO ISLE Bay Front Sacrifice SPACIOUS 2 BED· ROOM It DEN home on utclualve LI d o Soud. Newly decor•l· ed In aort color tonu. New ca.rpellnc and draper1ea, 2 car l'Ar· &f•· Front patio over· looka one of the flneat w e: lion a of the i,.y , ov.'TI beach, dock and noat. 149.!IM··&IO:OOO down -- Greenleaf -Severts Realty 3112 Newport Bl .. Npt. Bch. Har. 26111 (evu . U 8·3188 Open House 10 a. m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands A Vl:RY LOW Pl\ICIC for thl11 lovely new ruldence wtth 3 btd· rooma. 2 i,.lh11, lgt. lh•lng-rm. It playroom. One of the nlcu l kit · chen1 Wllh aJI U h cablnt'la, and ll ln1ng rm ... al10 glaaHd In 1un porch. S"a vtew from all window•. 2000' In houee • lg• .llble. 1ara1f'. Room ror •wtm· Whn1 pool or ruut bouM. VERY 0000 TERMS to qualified purchuer. Will t&lta aome trade. PHONE owner. UcenMd Butlder, Harbor 4826-JK. Mlle SPECIAL HIOH DESERT Improved acrnce bom .. ttea. at eacr1Clce pricu All utlllUH . No &uf'aament. Terma. YUCCA NOLJNA 1'ANCHOl!I C. B. Ruaa, Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. f,tayle, Auoc. 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Harbor 2<H2 LIDO ISLE We Will Be Pleaaed To Show Tb• Followin1 Home9 and Lota: 2 Bdrm. Fur.. ······························-··-····--$21,500 2 Bdrm. Large Lot ·······················-··--···-·····$23,500 3 Bdrm. . . . .. . .......................................... $22,:500 3 & Den. 50' Lot . . ................. ·--··············-··$31,500 3 & Den Fur. . . ...... ························--··-···-'43.:500 30' Lot . . ......... ················"·······················-·-··' 8,000 35' Lot .. ········· ·-· ··················-······················-··' 9.500 ~· Lot . ·········································--············-···$10.500 45' Lot . ········ ·························-·-·-···-·····-·-$13.500 46' Lot, Corner ·····························-····-··-·-··$14.,500 BAY FRONT 3 & Den • Float . . ................................. -$49,500 3 & Den • Pier Ii Slip . . .. . ... ..... . .. . ....• sse.ooo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Off ice 3112 Lafayette. Newport Har. 3643 • 2999 evea . "Just to the Right of Lido Bridge F.nt.rance" BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here is a 2 bdrm. home fo r you and a 1 bdrm. home for rental. Comp. furn. ready to mo,·e in. $26,500. Take low down payment It t.erm1. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm .. 2 bath completeJy furn. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal spot for year-round living. $18,500 full price. See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm, ·home, well located on cor- ner l ot wilh space to build in front. Comp.tum ., new stove & refrig. Lovely patio. Only $17,:500. S35QO down. We have aome real nice bayfront home:a available for aummer r:ent. ~VOGEL co. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 444 Ne\;~rt Heights Vogel Value Call for app 't to see 300 Holmwood Drive OCEAN VIEW New low price permanent view home • 3 bdrma., large living room. flagstone fireplace, runing room. Handy L·Rhaped kitchen. Hdwd. floors, furnace. Large fenced yard, F.H.A. 4 1 :.! '~ loan. $83 per mo. including taxes. Insurance a.nd lntereat. Owner leav- ing' area. Reduced to $17.:500 for qwck aale. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coa.st Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 Martell Bid.(. Balboa 11 d Yucca Valley, California s an 'Phon•: 366, Mlle TOI BllOON'JA. C. D. M. Ranch •tyl• dupliox. ot'ean 91641 Rwy We offer exclusively an unusually dettirable 4 bdrm. 2 bdnna. ••· nnMt conaLNcuon multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large din· Shall• roof, F'.A.. beat. Mwd. noora. Lota w.. lkp. paUloe. Ing room. Maximum square foot.Age. CloBe to beech. fenc.d. Und«r repl&c•~nt. $26.000, euy terms. See thla v11.lue Buy! OPEN Sat. • I WL Owner B arbor ltM·R. McM Call Harbor 177~ Evea. Harbor 5361 ~~ IA=~. o~ ao;~··;:· .EARL w. ST AN LEY I Realtor KI 2-2122. , t Tlfa ~ Mµi.De Ave., Ba.lboa lllud . . .. - " I •• . I J I II WORTH WAITING .FOR A Lido Nord Bayt ront Home We have just listed exclusively one of the finest homes ever offered on Lldo--Excellently located near the Eut~nd. De.lgned by o~ of the leading &rchitecta of the aru. The 18x30 living rm. bu t8 running feet of glaaa windowa ,uording a panoramic view of the harbor and hills. The den, dining rm. and master bedrm. have the aame view. The lovely kitchen haa a separate breakfaat room and laundry room adjoining-In addition to the muter bedrm., there are 2 other family bednna. and a maid'a room-each having their own bath-mak- ing 4 bathnna. in all. Room for expansion on this large lot without harm- ing the well landscaped patio. There w a new pier and 40-ft. alip. Thia home ia priced to aelJ nt $125,000 and will be ahown by app't. only~ The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 • Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms • Forced Air Heat • Maaaive Stone Fireplaces -Built ln Range and Oven . . . actually every luxury feature and in Orange County'a finest location. Big Eat.ate Sized Lota aujtable for pool and patio! ·· Drlve out Firat Street in Santa Ana Tbru Twllin and Turn North at Red Hill A ft. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tt ILLNESS Causeo you to consult a specialist, So why not see a specialist before you buy a home or lot on LIDO ISLE Don't be sick because you bought .. a ~ome that is over priced. SEE US FffiST! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. PENINSULA PINK la the word for it! Har. 4718 62-Rf.al Estate p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido , Isle FRENCH QUARTER All the traditional atatelinesa of bygone daya keyed throughout to modem living in t..bia home you will love at first .aicht. White ~ ironwork entrance, muaive raised-hearth fireplace, carpeting of hand- loomed wool, matching papere and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dlshwuher, disposal. hood <>ver range and louvered shutters to close off the p&N·through dining area. Sliding glasa doors to patio from both living room and master bedroom. ~ated on one ot Lido's finest corner lots to insure ~nnanent priv- acy. 3 nice bedrooms and 2 well appointed baths. You can't build for any leas, and .... la perfect. Phone for appointment to aee this nQw. $33,500. A SPARKLING JEWEL -Lido Bayfront Ellerbroek, AI.A. designed. Perfect condltion from boat alip to front gate. Luxury smaller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting and drapes. Diah- wuher. built-in Thermador ov~n and range. Even diapo6al in service yard aink for fish and vegetable cleaning, Terrific closets, cupboa.rda and built-in fea- tures. White shingle roof. U you would like a lovely home on the BAYFRONT, see thla now! $55.000. Terms. OPEN SAT., SUN., MON., 125 VIA W AZIERS, AND 123 VIA ,GENOA. Exclualve wtt1!. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales-management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 ' LIDO ISLE First Time Offered 3 Bedroom.a, 2 Bat.M--.Large living room. separate dining room. Large t:.a.Dal with ceiling to n oor glue doora openlng onto a beautiful garden. E.xtro large corner Estrada lot, complt1tely wallro. This is a charming property in perfed condition. Ask for Hodkinson. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Rambling Rustic Picturesque Early American in garden setting-un- usual floor plan includC's 4 bedrooms. 3 baths and dining room-large lot with ocean \'iew-lcss than one block to exclusive beach-$28.500. Open Sunday from 1-5 p.m. 239 Poppy A \'e., Corona de! Mar . Drh·e by or call Dave Osburn for an appointment to see OUTSTANDING VIEW Open Sunday 1 -5 Drive by 243 Ocean View and see the lO\'JIY ex- terior of this new 3 bedroom-2 bath home. tall me and I will show you the lovely interior and explain the attractive terms the buyer offera on the price of $25,500. Bill Farnsworth. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-~73.. Houston Values $6250 v' CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Lido Isle Home ! LOVELY HOME W'llh 3 bc-<lrooma. HARD TO BL\T. 2 B.R. atucco on I: .. •Ide. Near mkta. cburcb 6 achoola. Nice yd. B.B.Q. $1600. dn. • paym. $50 a month. Open House 526 Aliso Ave.t Newport Heights OPEN 2·6 DAILY. AttrarcUY• a B .R. home, newly decorated In· aide 6 ouL Hwd. fire. n repl. Wa .ldtch, dbl. gar. Near HI School. see uu. at ftOOO dn. Good urma nc:ant and lnYIUns. Lockbox. :mve.. Inf. on abcW• L7tJa, LI 8-2542 M-1 Superior Nice 2 bdrm. houM on 110·ft. fron· t.ar~on aewera-Only St0,500 -Term.1-Thia Lt a tme de&J for a abop and home. Opposite Golf Course -1. View of breakers , ocean & beach Thia 3 bdrm. home, 2 batha, carpeted wall lo wall. l Built on rear of ocean front lot. RMuced. from ' $32,1~ to $29,900. A STEAL-Must See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thi• 3 bdrm. plua den, 2 baths. 60-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. noon, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take amall home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $2f,~. 3. CHINA COVE- Delwre ocean view. quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 baths. For you who can afford the finest this la it. Priced at $4.2,'500. 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. This ia a G. I. Resale. Full price $9950. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furniahed -2 bdrm. house, plus 1 bdrm. apt. EuUprioe $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a l ''<inn.- A bargain at $31,500. Near the Udo Club, wired tor electric range, forced a ir h~l. dlapoaaJ, 2 ahowtr1 and only • years old. $22,600. $8.m d011m . Newport Heights View Home! TERRIFlC VIEW OF BAY AND OCEAN. 2 bedroom, 2 bath beauty. nicely landacaped. Fire· place-, forced air heat, 2-oar sa- rage, St>e thill de.ndy home at only $21.~0-0 and low down payment. ( Ocean Front Home! PllNNlSULA LOCATION, Thla la , actuaJly thb t>ut value In an Ottan front home we know of. Hu 2 Jx>drooma, large walled patio, detached 6arage (\nd com· pletely furnished. Beat It If can at S l8.~0-0. Balboa -Home! WILL KAKE NICI!: BEACH HOJ.1E OR YEAR AROUND LIVJNG. Clo11e lo N.H.Y.C. Ha. 3 bedroom• and 1 % balha. Some turnUure Included. You muat - lo appreciate. s12.m. '4000 down. PRICE T. McCUISTION Bay Avenue Home! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • ,AGE 7 MONDAY, MAY 10, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE & APT., No. Bay. ~autltul bt'ach. $10.000 down, balnnce euy. LITTLE ISLAND -60 ft. bay frontage, pier A !Joa.l •• bdrn1a. $78,000. · nt Pl:F.X • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. S65.000. W ATF.RFRONT -Fun1. home and apt. 4 bdnna. Firepl ace. $10,000 down, Full prke $29.000. CU TE$T low pricE'd horn<' qn Island. Furn. Lovet, ))t1tlo. Good location. All for $21.500. ISLAND COTTAGE -Dbl<.'. garag('. Fi~plaoe. S15.750. 4 BDR~ts .. 2:1 1 baths. N<'w fumitur('. T\'. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. AU for S:!<t.950. BAY SHORES A Bayfront pro~rty in the super class. Shown by appointment only. CORONA DEt MAR ON HAZEL. 2 br. view home. Private patilhy to little Corona beach, $25.500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Luflh tropical , patio and yard. $15,000 down CALL HARBOR 1775, eves. Har. 5350 & Har. 1214-J. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acr088 from Richard's Market) VIA GENOA You can own 40 ft. on Lido Island's widest street for $12,500 full price. You CAN'T buy 65 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Soud for $65,000 cash, but you C A N acquire this fabulous frontage by trading your acreage or business income of comparable value. 0 w n er will consider any Southern California property and will trade up if n"eed be. Exclusive with us W. G. (Bill) Kempton * Joaepb H. Grohman * Virginja Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experienced ealea pcraonnel) Nie• 2 bdrm. Puml block on 70x· 23t R-4 lot, room tor more unit.a -Thia la rtally a buy! We can •how It anytime--MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR ON EAST BAY A.VENUE Cute --------------------- 2 '• bedroom, cornrr ·borne. Heavy furniture Included. Thia L9 an attractive lllUe place and good for borne or rent.at.. $14,11-00, $4600 down. 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 Newport Bus. Bldg. __ <o_u_i_c~_1_oc_a_ted_n_ext_d_oo_r_to_co_r_on_a_d_e_1 _M_a_r _B_an_k_> __ Nice comer bldg. cloH to bll.y- Hu nice poulbilllle-l ncome-- '276 mo.-Full price '25.200- Term._ 2 Rentals -full acre Room tor e more unlt..-Income $110 pn month-full price only S ll .~0-0 wllh f3.000 down. En. lnfo, on lheae Petitte LI 8-~487 LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL furn. new :J'bdrm. & den home with gorgeous secluded patio. Thermador oven and range. The last word in architecture and charm. This is worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It just has everything. -Balboa Lots Bay and Beach Realty Realtors SI~!: R~t~t.t~~~b:~~.c:t~ w ATERFRONT. PIER & FLOAT -$18,750 to town on Bl.lboa Bouleva rd. 'nuff salct ••• f19,600 tor &JI three. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank or America • ft-091 Greeh·y Al Cornelius Ed Lef Jack Pinkham JOl!cphlne \\'ebb $3, 750 Down -3 Bdrm. Beach Houae. Halt Block to Bay - Near Newport Yacht Club . Balboa· Peninsula New Ii so very modern .. Thia 4 bdrm .. 2 bath home ' -never th'ed 1n. Indirect heating---& lig-hting, lola glaaa, kitchen & living rm. ope.n onto patio. Fire· -- Houston Realty and Assocjates Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den home. Choice location on wide street-to-street lot. Spacious dining room, breakfast bar, charming patio. Range. refrig, --c arpetB&dra"Pes Included for on y l~2:-SOO. -'100 -e. "Batboll 8h!d . BaltJoll Phone Harbor 3277. 521 ::' Lot -Lge. Living Room -Full Dining Room Extra nke Ki tchen, Large Patio. Garage finished in Rno1ty ?trre &-A-wpMlt J'fil~ ~ -Bedroom Home. place of course. Only S6000 handles. Full Price $22,500. OCEAN FRONT near Catholic Church & school. 3 bdrtru1. furn. only $16,000. Consider local trade. BAY SHORES, 3 bdrm .. 2 baths. PLUS guest rm., play room & bath over garage. Compl<'tely built-in kitchen included in price of $29.500. Xlnt terms. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~5 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 ,. A BIG STEAL! 11/2 Acres M -1, Costa Mesa $6500 FULL PRICE . Thia won't lut 2 days, SO HURRY ! Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. "Everson l SM Newport Bh'd. Costa Mesa (acrosa from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. i366. LI 8-2103 __ , 8. UNITS Duplex. Loc-ated on valuable M zone Jot, 2 unit.a, '· double garage. P~rfect condition. We hu•e the key - Osbome Realty Co. ?323 Wtst Cout Highway llt Port Orange) • Phon«; Har. -IQ~~ ---- ~09 Center, Co.ta Mesa LI 8· 778t LI 8-8911 Drive by 411 Redlands Newport Heights VI EW HOME-3 bdrm.1 .. l ~ balh home. Built In T.hermador range & oven. Hdwd. t loon, ahake roof. J •., yr11. old. l ,'4:10 eq. fl. Exter· lor m&hop.ny and 1tucco. Price S27.760. .; "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1888 Newport Blvd. Costa Meas, Calif. LI 8-3792 SPECIAL HIGH DESERT Improved acreage homeettu. at 11acrirtce prices. All uUllUH . No UReUment.1 . Term•. YUCCA NOLL"A RANCHOS Martell Bldg. Yucca Valley, Calltomla 'Phone: ,!se. f>~ltc LET US LOCATE for you. Property anywhere. The Lo~tor of Calif. 607 E. Ba.lboa Blvd.. S.lboa Harbor 3808. BT OWNER-3 bdrm., hdwd. !Ira .. tlreplacf', J'U~ c1lqloa&l, 2 ra r ~•r ~ewport Helghlt ...... ,, loAn, $13,:x>O. 021 Rf'dlande, LI 1-4140. ~7 Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the Island), only $13,500 for quick sale. COSTA· MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECI'ION . WE OFFER a C2 108x300 ft. lot improved with nice buildings consisting of showroom with 2 addt· tional adjoining rooms with a two bedroom apart- ment (approx. 2100 sq. ft. in bldg.) with loads of room to build additional income or another store on front. Ideal tor doctor'e auite, furniture shop or similar business. Plenty of parking. It's a good buy-let us show yon. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are listed exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 flanning to Build on Your Lot 1 Take a look at our model homes at Newport and , , Mitchell, Tustin. .. Open Dally 9 to 6 · Sundays 1 to 6 . s~ for yourself how we can build a 12"' IQ. rt. bo~e. forced air heat, bdwd. floors, 2 car garage for only $9.100. Let us direct you to our homea under constnictJon and finrshed. book them over, compare, eatisfy yourself. We have custom home planning aervice, financing for State vet.a, FHA and s&ving1 and Loan, u a 1 • atop facility. Noth.inc down. MA,RSHALL HOMES Kl 7-3293 -KI 2-3569 (Eves. LI 8-4073) 5:)(:69b I I ~---___..-+ .... -- BAYSHORES Charming 3 br .. knotty pine In· terlor, 2 paUos. Optn Houae . Sunday 1 :()().~ ·oo or appL CLIFF HAVEN 2 br,. xlnL. view location '20.000 . CORONA DEL MAR 70' lot-charman, :l br. • gar. apt. ahake root, patio• $22.~00. NEWPORT HEIGHTS V1rw lot, $1.000. &>ach Lots-CHEAP LIDO Lots. homc1, bayfronL M-1 C·2 properlle.1, HI~ or ltue. Claire Van Horn REALI UR 2731 W. C-Out Hwy. LI 8-t 277 ~P.e;! !~~~•~g ~~:1~~ BALBOA ISLAND' This 2-bcd· room year-round home ta comp'l tum .. near beach and vlllare. In xln't. condlUoa, OWNER AN· XIOUS. Mariners Isle Realty 318 Marine, Balboa bland Harbor '781 BACK BAY NEARLY NEW 2 bdrm. home. tenoed 7d.. nice lawn. aou or llle. Interior p4Unled 6 wallpapered, dble. gar., tarre kitchen. $1 l l()O() 20301 Orchid, S&nt& A.na Hll • 1.lbert7 1-3916. / O.pt7 . Room for expansion. Full Price $18,950. SS,000 Down · Modern 3 Bdrm., 2 Bath Home, Nice- ly 'Furnished. Balance less than rent. Full Price $21.500 . . BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa .Harbor 1264 OPEN HOUSE Call for appointment to see 314 Evening Canyon Road, Shore C.liffs BEAUTIFUL MODERN, 3 B. R. and den, l ~i bath home wit)l view of Ocean from upstairs den. 2 fire- places, acoustic plaster, indirect lighting, F /A heat, lovely baths. lots of cabinets and cloeets. W /W carpets, custom drapes, Copper Chambers built-in stove attd oven. A fine home. Glad to see you Sat. or Sun. Price S39,500 The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 174T'L-ff~r-1'477 OPEN HOUSE Call for a ppointment to see 6510 W. Ocean Front Beautiful 7-room, 2 bath completely furnished home. Right on the beac h. Don't misa this. Full price $32,500. Terna lf desired. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach (Near NewpoFt Pier Harbor '®l • --. _.:;: . I I , PAGE 8_· PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 30, 1955 \ TIO ' . . CompAmenleJ anJ • • The Eastman Kodak Company of Roches- ter, New York, the world's largest man- ufacturer of Photographic supplies, has J selected the Newport Harbor News-Press for their advertising w ~ i ch appears in National Pliblisher (May issue) and Pub- lishers Auxiliary ~J\Ule issue). ... .. LY .-HO • Continued use of local pix bullds Newport Harbor News·Pre•• Circulacioo and auccess depend on reader interest. Ben Reddick, publisher o( the Newpon H ar bor News-Press in Ne .. ·porr Buch, California, builds interest in his paper by using local pictures-lots o f them. Here's what he says about them: "'Our paper today is the result of good pictures. More than 10 years ago Charlie Crawford and I began the operation of the weekly Newport Balboa Press. We shot picturts and -published them, always to the delight of our commwnity. "Now our paper has grown co a semi· weekly under che banner o( che N~port Harbor News-Press. We H eng• 60 pie• turu a week in the Monday and Thursda1 editions, with at lust one picture page." lc's easy and exciting-and pro6tablc- to do good phoco-reporting. You'll be aur· prised bow quickly you learn the simple techniquu. A lisc o( the materials and equipmenc you need can help get yoo srarted. Write Eastman Kodak'• Pboco Press Di•ision for a copy. Pictures sell P1/Je~··!lfHllSI EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochetf9' 4, N. Y. Complete Harb.or Area News1 · and Picture 'Coverage Published Each Monday and Thursday ~ . -D.· SUBSCRIBE TODAY ---5t PER MONTH-CALL HARBOR 1616-CIRCULATION DEPT. •