HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-09 - Newport Balboa Press! I • / <SULYEAR -.NUMBER 29 NOSE COUNTING IN NEWPORT EXPECTED TO PASS 18,000 MARK N-port Beach populatlOTI wtU be betwMn 11.000 and • 19,000 accordinl" lo an unotnclal "1JUPllmat41" o! B. K.." Kun· d1T1, federal clml!Ull enumerator In Char(• of th• 1pecl&l head 110unt uncierway hue.. Pl'fftlnt populat!Oll ae ol th• ... l annea- a tlon i. 17,787, City Manqer Jol\n sallol"9 a.Id. Kundln emphaatMd all re1ident. who h•v• not been count- ed by uiumerators 1hould cttll him at the c!ty hall. Nelfh· bor1 who know of a reeldenl being mllMd alao ehould c•U Harbnr l1131. h .. Kid. The {"(IUnt endlt tomorrow. r, ' -.. .-,· HAUOll' WIATHD PHONE 'llARBOR 1818 FREE RIDE SERVICE OF ABC Repor• STANLEY REs16Ns JOB .. ~ ' AS COMMITTEE HEAD Staggering Load of Other Agencies Causes Decision THE $150 WAS DOWN THERE Ml• Marie LohH. hl&d walln!N at the JoUy Ro,.r, 203 Marin• A ve. 1how1 police whel'I the 1 1:10 in alftall chanre wu that a b\lrclar 1tole ihle mornlnf or laat ntr ht. Nf'wport off1Cer1 an lnvuUgatlnr the caae. Thf'y •aid the burgla.r pried h1I way put l elldl•I' glue door from th• patio and thf'n lnto·the ottk•e Card <i~ts Final Okay ' Marks of S, N and U WHI Note Citizenship Grades wh•re he rorcl!d ott a hu p and lock on the de11k drawer to ,et Fin&l approval WU ...tven Tuesday night to the new A , the money. -Don Burdall Polle• P hoio •• -----------------------18 , C ieport card which will be UMd ln the 11eVenth and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUDGfL_A T NEW HIGH Iaataflq_ff9n of $932,151 Receives Approval of Trustees Tent&Uv• budget for the New- port Buch l:lement.e.ry School Dl•trict, 19M-M • aet at 1933,l&l wu adopted TUemday nlfht by the -.rd ot tnut.ff•. The uk!ng tlgun la ITll,900 hl1her than the budcet of 18.01.· 2al expectf'd to carry throuch thl9 tchool year. Superlntendll'nt Roy 0 . Ander110n aaid the tncrfue la due in the main and 11dded enrollment eitpected next year a nd a hlr;her 11ala ry 11ealt. A t&x In· ere•" would not be nf'ct uary, he u ld. COMPARITl\'E COSTS CompaNJd to 19ri4-!'}:I figure•. the t.r.at1¥a..J.9~-buda;el 11.J*~kt'n down u follows: 11dm!nl1tratlve, Pl.MG-13?1,MO: lrur:lnlctlon. 1531,· 960-1:193.:128: auxl\lary ' "er)flce•; Sl l.080·$11,87:1; operation or lrhool plant, l i9,600-IM,OOO; mainten- ance of achot>l plllnt, l l2,:M»-St8.- 60Q: fixed ch•rJM, J l3,600-S18.- 006; tran•portetion of pup\la, $36,- 000-141,000. Food Mrvtce, "100-"lliO: com· lnunity ~rvlce, 13100-$2000; eapl• tal outlay, 118,000-132.000: t ran•· t•r•. 1400:1~: undl1trlbutl!d re· .enie. none for 19&4-!16, 130,000 lH~M. The 196'&-~ flrure• Include 111:1,000 In th• llmeral re-erve and Ule 19:1~118 ftrure• Include S80.· 000 ,.arma rked for the rener•I re- lll!n'e. FllSDS t"ROM 'BONDS Ot th• 1900.000 bulldlng fund wt~ by the bond• thl• year, ll'll lti.ltrlct l!'XpKtl tq u .. 51174.90:1 In th• com ing achoo! year. Th• caf• ter1a tentative budg.l la 1>el for ITt,21 3 with the l!'Xpechtd lne<1m l!' at the aam i nruri. 1'111 I• com- -. ' etchth gr&dea in Newport Beach begtnninc in September. The Newport Beach Elementary School Dlatrlct Board oL Tru•t•e• accept<ld the ctUan· term• ol. UM .w.s.iu. llhlp cradlns ~Ion. ot. th1 P'oUowtq a report cm u.. pl&NI Horace El\all'h report c.rd corn-on the new lr:bool t'rOll:l Arcb.lt.acU mtttee. Maro of 8 for aaU&f&oe• Phllmer Ellerbroak and ~ lfodsdoO, th• board ~ to ltoW tory, N tor neads to lmprov1 Uld aa lldjow'ntd mtKlnc 'J'l.le9dl.70 U tor ~actoty 1'111 be u.d .June lf, f :lo p.m. to lip. u.. tor tblll ~. tM boud aML pa.a.. ldMJ!1 .... p4es .m. ... sn- by U. A.B.O.D and r mllhod, aa recommi!!nded by th• cltiMt11 crad· Ing commlttae. CJTIZEN8HJJ' CALL..,. lllD State Legislature Okays Off Shore Tidelands Bill Veteran Run for l.ecjlslator Will Not Re-eledion in 1956 Newport Harbor'1 ° v1t•r&Q' A•- 1emblyman Eul 'h'. St&11ley, Bal- boa l•land, todey 111torm...t lhf' Newe·Preu ht wUl not file for re-el«:tlon In 1906 and thl l hf' lit ralgn1ng hllt chainna.nahlp ot thf' u 1t11nbly Interim oommlttee on munic ipal and county snvern· mvit. He "'U tin t elected ln 1948 to ~priaent the 74th dt11ricL S tanley, In a if'tlf'r lo Speaker of th• .A. .. ,mbly Luther H. U n· coin, 1aid hi• pu t nln• y•an u eommttt.. ehaJnnan fllled him with pride tor the committee mem· m•n of the commtnu on m unlcL· pal and county rovernment errec- Uve not Later than J une 9. 19~~ a nd I will not be tlltn1 rot re· .. ~lion In 19641." Thlll 11 not the tlr1t time lhe l'f'teran ital• if'gialator ha11 an· nounced ht. rellrf'meTlt from lhe politica l ac:enP. He ran for offll"e •t the lut election after announc· lnl' he would not be a candldatf'. Prf'uure of frlend1 Induced him to return to the caplllll to continue terl•latlva work which he had ti.- hen' 1lncen, eonaclenth>u• work. DKIVEll MEA8UKES UFl:CTl\'E TODAY Stanley I• a uthor of driver edu- cation meaaur.. tor hlfh 11ehool He added. "'It lit my eln«!rl be· •tudente. a.monc othf'r1. He haa u .. r that the peopl1 ot t h• 1ta te been a respected member o1 ~ will bwt be Mn"ed It the lnt .. nm uaembly durtnc ht. leTIUNO &Tld t'Dmmllt• 11 cha1rmant19!! by a W... worked long and hard ln the rnembtlr wbo wW eet the pollclea lnterf'•le of U1a dletr1ct he repr.- of the lnlerim eludlN Uld who Mint.I. Curt.aliment of the Southern Orange County Qlaptw, American Red Crou mot or oor-p. .ervice, effective July l, wu di.cloud excluaively toda y by the News-Preu. Curtail· ment of non-military cue tran11portation by the corpm WU nlade nf'ce•ary by a number of wer1 ukitd lo laJla a r-patlilata re&.90n•. Red Cl"Ol1 offtcla.La 1ald. to th1 C<Mµit)" hu.pttal.'ll 4'1nlopad Newport Harbor offlc\a.La Mid into a t.rem~ Pf'Ol"9o* tw bot- thle are• hu pro\•ld~ 1even drlv· yond tha 1'&lpOQllbUltJ ot1UWt Jt,ld ere. Santa Ana two drlven1 tor Cro.. It eam1 Lo wbere-Q.;; &hap• •lat.Ion w•1on1 which have. alnce I.er had lo look at lhl• Wnc ,-1. l•11 t July I , haul.-d 23:2 patient1 to latlcally." She cited tb9' fut the On.nr e County HOlpilal. Red CtoM motor COl'Jl9 wu 2'Mll• Confronlf'd with the non-R~ ~ p&Uant. tor .-et&"oNt wtalOll Cro1111 function. th1 motor corP9 conduct their 0"1l ~r&labli' hla ha ndled on an "emercency" drive-. Soma of theM bl.Ya emn· b&.11, Chairman 'h'HLLI W•ml':r of J!9lt'd dl1"9CU)" In time ~ wtua the county board of .upervlao1'11 the Red Cro. drtya, L• quoted u being "nabberpeted." · Local Red c,,,.. otrlclU ..tmlt cour..'Tl' f'ROBLl:M t he tund·r-&l.lin( drtYe Mtt.ed -1.Y ll I• 1 county-wid1 problem, $17.720 h•N t.b1-,.._ _,.,.... Mr1. Laura R. 'h'Uttn, u:ecuu .... to a 125,800 quota. 'I'b9J eald1 "'W• director, Southern Oranr e eounty m1-d thia bacauM ol. too a&D,J' Cha pter, American Red CroM, told drivM. Thi RMrt Fl.IAd e&lnlt jlaa the N1'W1-Preaa. The chapter axe-one .day be.I~ OW' drin. A sr-t cuUve boa.rd w lll mu t June 20 lo many Red Cn:.11 10lldton had act on finance commltte. recom-cona oa that drtq al-. 'nle ~ mendallor19. had juat doftat.cS lo Ullt lleu1. The l"luon for the curtllllment, dri'A." Olhar dl1ft9 .-, 1'wt 111 eh• Mid, 11 that ye ..... q o ''w• ~ • .... ' will .. Ntumln< In llOT ""'°" Bt~l•y hu .... '""• aoUn 13 BIDDERS ON H B lo follow throuth on U... fin~ her. ae hell.d of the ru.lty offic1 ot th• ln~•rlm eomrnlt.tea._ I then· which bean hl8 name and wtl.Jcll • ~ fOf'I r.peettully ttqUNt that you bu 1pectalu.d. ln l..rvln• Co. -;-,;-:--;-~-~~-~~;~~1-s --!TIDELANDS ACREAGE Grand -JUry Recesses on ·Hearing from Witnesses lt.eporU • oa 11 b&ddera tor tba ~ llldllm'lt la thtt ord•r or otJ and pa -... on S20 acr. t1111r Mm ... ,._.. Co., 6.l27: of Ude a.ad .ubmarpd ll.ad la ~'l>llti ' m OD., 6.DI: Allan· HunUnston Beach wltl be _.t Lo Ue OU Co., '-lt; 8Mlt.Mm. Callfor- lht atlom1y 1enera.J'1 ortloe ~ rUa Pe~ Co.. f .01; Kadane 41.y, Rutu. W , Putnam, exacuUn a.ad lklnl., l .117t; IL W. Pauley, omet.r of the Dlvtakln ot Stat. S.Hz S ip&.! OU a.ad OU, 1.2t11: l.andlt told lb• Ne-Pre• Ulla Ol.llu FamU:r ot 1-AJ16elt1, morninl'. 3.20; RamUtoa-aJMrmaa OD., 2.U ; t"RANCIS L GLASER. Board Names 'Snap' Glaser · New Constable ~ -'*' -unc --'-Ute I-ml and CCIWltJ ~ oC' tu.,....n.n tiu ,..1 .... 11114, • mat1al Urn• of meettft&" MIC. --. ._ •••1w11 .. .u. SAr."TA ANA iOCN8) -Thf' Or11nge County g-rand jury reoeu- ed It• probe of alleged leniency In 1uperior court1 Tuf'9day alter • J1m-packe-:t. ell·day ..... 1011'. Fore· m11n Bromlf'y \lo'. Hill announcf'd lhf' rf'<"l'•11 would be lndf'flnltt'. "Ho""l!'\"Pt." Hlll uid, ''Wf''re not throu,lfh with our qup11l\nnlnf." The jury head lnUmatpd th,. ven1r" would pick up where It hlld l<":!t ott In the ne1r tutu~. Su~rlor Court J ud11e J ohn Shea had only a "no comment,'' when l.!lked for a 11tetf'mf'nt 1rt~r the MSJ1lon11. sne1 11pent t .... •o rull hOu" clo11Ptl!d "'ilh thf' Jury. Th o;. JUrl11t took "'Ith him lnlo the jury room an arml<Jad of t !Ulf' file11. It "'nil undf'rstood lhe tllf'll cnnc~111eit narcotic• c11.11e1 Jurtii:P Shea hu handled. Which Second to •ppear et lhe atler· noon 1e1111ton wa.11 Anah<":lm Police Capl•ln Thomaa Taylor. •:They w1nted to find out If "'" had •TIY na~ollc• u•er11 In Ana heim Hljl'h Sehool." Teylor M id. The off\ct.r declined to d lscu~~ other teatlmony before the j uror1. T1ylor a.nd ~-:--Sift V. t. M~ M11nlJll'•I of the N .. wport Bea ch po· Ure df'p&rtment "·er .. aubpen11.f'd to th1 heartn1. Other wltneUP1 CoatlnUl'd °" Pa.p f "Jt ie th• larce•t number of b!U Btaada.rd OU ol. C&ltloioala. 2.20: ever rttelved by lhe Stat& Landa RJctinefd OU Corp.I 1.171 .. d O.n· COmm1 .. 1on for any type ot oU •re.I P1trolt111m, l .OCl6. drilllnf on •lat& property,"' Put· Putnam eald 8tandard OU Co. nam dieclolll!d. The 11 rea run• from hae an lnlln.t ill «i..abor9 pro- Etghth St. for a h1lf mllf' f'Ulerly perty whlcll mu.t. be uiled hJ the ind tor a dl1tence one mile f rom wtnnlq btddtt la ~ lha 1hore. otf-Miora t\ald. Standard OU hu Hti:h bidder among 13 compe.n-made It a..Ulable to tM deftklp. ~ lei 11 Dou11le11. Oil C-0. of Ldt An· Ing-company, Putnam 1&14, M d / gel••· 111,y offl!'r the 1t •te a fac· will ahara In IOm& wa7 wtt..h the tor ot 1.01. "Bidding 11 bued on a ~roceeda. 11ldlng JK:llf' roy11lty bas\1," Put-1 ~------------­ nam exphu ned, "The more the M I p•--fall company produce•. the mort will ar ... IUllW I 10 to lhf' 1tate. Thf' COO"panLe• multiply thetr form11l11.11 by the btd N.. LAnlna factor In making their otter." he -7 said. . 'THREE AACH ~ T, nms '· "I f thf' blddfr compl!en with all (OC NS )-A m.lllt&l'J' plan• ii re- reQutrl!'m~nl• in the requeiit." Put-ported to have ~.S ln Ula !llll1 nam ~•hi, "and ti a «1mpelent behind '?brae A Ba7 n-.r IA.· company. the con1mlu 1on. mu1t •c-run•. Bel.Ch jwrt. Ol'I noon today, ctpl the hlg-he~l hlrlder." l'utn1m Shi!!rlff'1 deputl• and J:I Taro Ma- eald h11 orrlee w 1U 1tt:nd it• re· rlne bue craab crtwa Nead to tha port on lhelr f\n(llng• to thf' •t-1cene. El T oro publlo lnform&Uon tomey ~eneral tod11)'. Th•l office office otflcllll• lcientlf'led the eraft ""Ill 1tudy lhe flnd1n1:.11. pa.1111ni.: on u one of theirs, but were unable competency of blddtr end the Di-t o deteTTnLn• the type or the num- va;ion of State Lind ~ wlll 1n11ke her or ~~111 aboard. tt.1-i-"tctittrn\fcrf('latron to-th~--statt -Wttn-. aid ltla "mtilp-Rn-.e Lllnd1 Cornml!Wllon in l.01 A1'11;ele1 In from over the ocean 1.nd appar· on Jun, 13, 10 R m. tnlly w•• un1ure of LU loc•Uon. The ~on1ml~'lon wlll s~l at that The craall, 1herlff'1 offlC91"11 H.ld, tlmt, he 11ald. "could be heard for mlle1." SCENE OF BABY TRAGEDY J'oar.moalh~ld Dana Dione Mart.in wffocated in hia bed in the famil y apartment at SUDMt Beech tlila momtng, The child'1 body wu recoveftd from the dwelling by firemen ot the Suuet Beach Yolunteer unit of the Orange'. County Fir e Department. Cau. ot the bJue wu undetermined, they' 1&id. Mn. Walter Martln, the child'• mo- ther, wu out of the dwelling wheri the fire occurred. She wu near collap1e whm ahe loonitd al Ille tnp!J. -&Wt Pbolo .1 t ( • . PAGE 2. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1207 OCC STUDENTS. 16 INURSES TO BE GRADUATED I Baccal&uttate M rv!CH tor, Ole In Dl'1Md. tM DuluU. .,..-ot J0'1 rnduatinr Oranp Cout Btu· the 1Jnl'"'91ty of Mtnneeota, D\1- 41.et.-AM U..-11 padu&UnK v~ lut.b JW'l101' ODUe1e. ud I tJonal nllnM wUl '-held Sunday, St.ate .. He M"ed in the ltth ln· June 12, at 5 p.m. ln the coller• tantry ln hrope du.rtJas W.W. II. a&Mlltortwn. • lllWo far a.ccala\U'MY wUJ - The Rn. Ro~rt B. Gronlwid. ~ the dlncUOA ot Kenneth put.or or the N~rt Harbor Boettcher. ch&lnnan ot th• dJYlalon Lutbetan Cburd1, w1.U deliver lb• of tine Uld appU9d ar1.L The Con· 8ef1'1M11l. M1'. Ol'OftlWld w'IU epe&JJ cert sinr•n w1ll ofter "AlmJpty oa ''l'rontisr ot Ule Splrtt." Qod ot Our hthen" bJ WW Jam .. . SPARROWS HIT THE FAN TO RAIS! LmLI ONES IN CAFE Row to au.at r'9atere wtlo won't si-7 the rent La a qu~Uon t.b&t la badly boU1.rtna-J_ack Minton ot the B • J cue e t I07 Eu\ Bl.)' Ave. When be opened hla ahop tor tht M NOn Aprtl 1 he found a p&i.r o1 'Pal'rowa !1ll.-1ng a family In a neat on lop of Ule tan that blowe down in frot\l ol b1a tnlr&nc•. H• lhoufht Ulay wawd flnlab up lbtlr tamlly atcalra 1horUy and lteve, ao h• did not molu t them. H owrver, he la ~~nntnr to a ppreciate how wronr he could be.. The epurow1 kirked lbt>lr tlrat fa mily out ot the nut and h• toce down the ne.st eo that the fan would run. 'Ibe aperrowa tame back a nd built anothu nut and atarted a aec· ond femlly. 8&me procedure.. The third tamUy la now all tealh•rtd out and Minton la 11 -wond•l'tn&' If he can UA h1a fan when UU. family tall• to th• air. ' H I• rt J lowM th,... hlte, Oltbert tour. !'one II II 01 ops ot Kunl1Jl1 t.on'• l'\IAe ...... eune1t Touna Alrlllabed tq blow for L . I L II Hw.ntJaatoe wtlll . tn,-. eg1on lltul -~w~~. ~."'n = :"~~ Dlcll Elliott hom•1'94 a. .. tu~ day'a ram• for a&nta Alla. hnday Frank Ca rter twtrt.4 a tJuotl·hlt 1buto11t. J\Onftt. Meyer UMI Bob Berryman bl .. lM lhl"ff baM knock• e~cll duriftC U.. ,.,.,. Undeteattd Bununrton Be&cll topped Orani• oounty American Lerton Junior Bueball 1t.a.ndin1• thl1 wMk with a &·O record. N•w- port Harbor wu ln MOOnd place (3·1) &11d aa.ntA .\fta (2·21 and Anaheim (1-1) ln Wrd. J'ullert.cm. with blfb Khool playere llUI 9"· llLe .... .-A 9.-1...1 rated In CIF pla1ott1, haa not • I llSTT I 9"11 yet pla)'td a pme. Tbett ot hl• bkrc&e Mt.,... l :IO HWIUn,.ton a..dl detuad 6ar-p.m . and Friday, June I aa4 t Lftl. den Grove over the week•nd, t ·I laturday. June • wu ...,_... to a nd 4-1. ln Uit 8a turdey <ray, police l aturday by Doll&ld J. Bre· catcher Dave Beebe blut•d three 11Hr. 12, of 210 Via Ment.Gaa. Ke for three, lncludlnJ a double. J td· aald It wu nut to a,...... a t JOI dy YOWll' rot two tor t.b.r•. Win-Vla Jt.baeL ner Tom Done.Leon pltCbM a four------------ .bitter. He tanned rune batten. QpoUnp cONWD'U°" la th• Yo!Jftl' en~ Oarden Orove'a Unit.cl It.at•• hit the 111.100.ltl ,· >.. rnduate ot WartbWT CoUep and "Oil Man, 'Iby Grt.t and lln la Wa.-vly, Iowa, and of Wart-&moan," b1 W1WUN. Lloyd Hola· burC hnltn&ry, Dubuque, Iowa, JTal• w1.U be at the Ol'IU . The Mr. Gronlund hat ~ at the Invocation and Benediction will be Newport Buch church tor the I given by the Rev. Kenneth Boyd, p&lt two yura. He a1Jlo a ttended Finl Prtabyter1an ~urcb, Weat- &bri~-A.me.rtc&n Unlvenllty mm.tu. RD. BOBEBT 11. ORONL~'D I Jim GUbert ln a hurUn~ duel In 000 p .lloc mark In 1954, report. -----------------------Sund&y'• l'&m•. Winner_ Younl' al· the NaUonat AutomobUe Qub. Rose Herman Gets Honors at Mater Dei ROM Lea Herman, daughter of Mr. and J.fra. L. A. Hermflll, 231 Del Mar St.. Cotit.& Mesa, recelv.d three honon aa &..._1raduale to- day at .Meter Qel High School. Banta Ana. Ro•e waa fiven the Bank ot Amerlce award tor out- 1ta.ndln1; a ehtevemtnt in a<'lencr, for work In acltnce and ma:.hf'met- lcs and a acholarshlp lo MoUbt I t. Mary'a Coltt(t . Olhu loca1 atudenla 1raduat.ed at Mater Del were Robert Joseph Hummell ol Corona d•l Mar and Diane Thereu Cook. Judith Earle R.1'&11. Marie Ritter and J ohn Wll- llam White Jr., ot Coat& Me.sL Thr Herman• had anolht'r daughter graduated thla wel'k, 8hlrlty Berman Duluca. who re· celvt<! htr bachflor11 depte In Nurslnr at Mt. St. M1try"a college. 8he a-ra""uated from Newport Har· bor Union Htch School ln 19:11 and upeeta to a ttend UCLA ne,:t year for a df'(l'te In public htalth nursing. Battery· Charge Brings Sentence to Heights Man A 60-day jail Mntence 111apend- l'd for two yeara on <'Ondltlon he drink no alcoholic bevera.iea was given Robert L. Salmon. 819 St. J amrs Ro11d Tuudey by Judi• Donald J . Do<llCI'. Salmon pleaded guilty 10 a bllttl'r}' and cU.turb· Ing the pt'&ee complaint atgned by h111 wtfe. Ruth. Mrs. Slllmon told pollce her h111band hit her In their home Monday afternoon, «\cnpckinl' her down 11tveral tltnea. She aaid ah• r11n """t door whtn he went Into lhf'I kitchen once to teltphone. Polle• aald Salmon broke wtn· dowa and dlahu and turned over furniture In the home. Ke alao lhr.w fOOd Into the llvtn• room, ot- flcya H id. ONI! CANDLE Loan 'Firm to Mark Year in New Building Obaervln1 completion of the flnl year In thtlr new beytront headqa&rlera on Via U do In New- port JMaeh. Newport ""Balboa Sav- ini• &lid Loan A .. oclallon wlll hold open hou.ee lo the public from 9:30 L ~m.. lo 6 30 p. m. Jo'rl· day. J une l 1, Preeldent Paul A. PaJmer annoancetl, AuoclaUon dlrt<:tora and lhtlr wtvea will join 11l&tt member• In acting aa hoata and hoateMea. \"l•lton1 are lnvlttd to tour the atr1klnji', large modern building. which hu attr&etM International llllenllon for I~ dH lp and lnle.r· lor featu~ •Ince It waa opened In June lut year. Refre.Vlmenta v.-111 be eer.•ed to l'uelll.I, "1lh epeclaJ favors tor young Vl•ltors, Palmer aald. "The t!ntt year 1n our new bU.lld· Ing bu been a very eucc ... tul one In all r.epecta." Palmer ~Id. "We ar. ~ thla open boUH the ooculon to lnvtte e.11 ot our tr1enda In <>ran,.. County to be our gue.ta and ... our vartoua departmenta ln operauon." DEATH NOTICE l:ftEll llACK Eeter Mack. M , died Wednaed&J at B~ Hoeplt&l. P e rulded at 21' 1'enlleat A-n.. Oorona del Mar. SIM wu a naUft of Guatamala and had llwd bare tor abt )'MJ"I, In Puadena tot II yun. She wu acttn In Pe.adena Mulcan 11etllemant WCM'k &lid th• South P uadeu. o~ the Red Croaa a.nd UI• Americanisation prorram tbr IAUn Amertcau. 8bt 1e airnwct by two • 80D8. Charle. and John )Jack of Pua- dena ; a daughter. )tr& H. E. Per- r in of Pa1o Alto; a 11l1lt>r, Ml• A<fola ,UawJey of Coro¥ del Mar and a broUltr, J ohn F. Ha ... •ley ot Sa.n W.rlno. Servioea will be held Frtd&T a t 1:30 p.m. at St. Jam" llptecopa.I Cbur<'h with tht Rev. Ralph Pta.te offfc!Alln~. 811ltz Mortua ry dire(· tors. lnlc:-nnt-nt "'111 be prl\'tltt. Skll•4 SERVICE * Ac cbia "11.ella ble " pharmacy, aJdlled 8.1.la- tered Pbu macfttt will compound 7ov Dono1"a pru criprlona promptlJ an<t pted Mly. Try Ill ncirt timt. You'll appnda te our fritndlJ aemoa aod uniformly fajr price1. .. ' /,f· ·-· ·wow 't"'~~Al;t ..... , . . ·. Vi cents ICE CREAM Hand Pack Pints =~~~~-······ 30C =T:~~~---··~-· 59C ~g~=~---···-······-1 oc IINOU 5 0008 ······-····-·~-c S GALLOlf 395 TUBB ··-·····-·-···-- Box ot 24 26 IO& OU41l 0001 C ~If TDDX-GuarantMd 1095 ' ' ) (,. .._. .. · .. ... .. J Wrist Watch 4 Grand Gift Jler. $6.95 FAMOUS JtITZ lathr.oom Scales Yello•, BJat, Onea or Pink ~ IOOTT-100 at1t KoU. '[~ T91LET ~SSUE 3 llou. 25c FACIAL TISSUIS aoo·. 16c y~u1'AY LESS~ , . '1. ' . .,r. 'rt:Bt;LA.R AJ.UMIXV.M ALtJMDo-CJI• G~~~~~ .. ~~!IR DECK CHAIR Fut Dyt'd Duck Plaid 8ar&D ~:-i: •. ~~. ~~·····-·''71 ~ ,-;: .~ ............... •sH 8PUIALS FOR THUM .. nu., SAT., 1UNE •• ·~· 11 .·.'PAYLESS. ~ . i . llOPJlOPaYL RUBBING ALCOHOL EPSOM SALTS FOR DRUGS Pin\ tc a Lbt. l'JC k \Je of 100-%0 raha SACCHARIN TABLETS tc Bottle ot 100-U.l .P. ASPIRIN T AILETS I ,r. 13c 2-0. Tube ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT 23c ............. , ...... ~I A\IA ... --I ... LUG a 22c aun 7Jc ~ ,, •Ua . 10. Llrl' 2 for 23c ..... t for 17t -~AP~" •tdlum 11c Pmon&l '-1.tc ""' llfaM c lllS flf41f 23 t n 1c1 11 It • ... ,~I LIDO DRUGS "One of tbe Udo Shope• '- 3-161 Via Lido, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS :lSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Week-End SPECIALS . BALBOA DRUGS .. 716 E. Balboa Bh·d.. Balboa . I\ Dorothy Gray go-together specials Two 6eaaty aitla in oM ~e at 1.00 ta~ up 'to 50% o-et.r O.... WawprMf~ plw t.,. c.- 1 YI NJ ao.tl for 1.00 , ...... _, ... .......... ......, ...,_,_.... .. ... ·-c--.c-. ·mnns•m J will bring you clo1er to HIM DH wlfl thl"li •f ,.. .• "" day he HU ICINOS MIN TOILITlllS. PIA TUllO THIS PAntn•s DAT lOnoN .... JMISnl • P\AIO COloeM .....••.•••...•. 2.10· 1.0nON _, JAlC........... 1. 90 _. DIOOOUNt 9"<1M-1 25 1 ....,... ....... ,. ..... -· • SPECIAL I s~OFF regular price! ......................... 23c . UOUllD IUf'\ T 115 f:ASI! Ote6 HALl'·CiALLDN BOTrtE8 ;;;;_ Kin( Edward CIGARS lg:O of $229 Prince Albert l mokinr TOBACCO ~b. 86C ABC BEER lla(. 6 ror87f Cans LIQUOR DEPT. Shady Silver Grove Ripple Blend Gin .-~ 80 Proot J'tl\h 111\b s211 sr1 -- Thws., Fri., Sat • June 9. 10, 11 , I I Wt ban \be Ihlen llfta of ...,._ aa4 Oo1opee t• your 1J*lal lfldult. .... an a fw ..,..etou1 FOR · 6RADUA TION Lentheric Tweecl huqutt ~ $1.50 Houbigant's Chanfflly 2.oa. $2.75 Ru~nstein's White MagnoDa 1.25 Dorothy Gray's Figurine a u . $1.00 Tussy's Midnight f..oa.&au cs. Ootope 1.25 Dana's Tabu.Cologne 2 01. $2.25 Rubenstein's Heaven Scent ~L 1.25 Shulton Desert Flower ·~ os. $1.50 Evening In Paris Tolle\ water • 2-. 2.oO'\ FaberCJe 's w oodJn1•,· Ttpa.Oolop•, 2 oa. $2.00 DEE-lighdull . Hop In to lluddle a tlllck malt wltll 7our fayorltia datf' .•. or eool oft wltll a ('~, aoda. W•'N topt1 on Ice c~am tflDp- , tatlou from •-7 aa.- U.. &o lk7·bf•ll partalta. 841 IBM• .. a,._..,. laaallt -_.,. ..,.. for )"OU! MALTS 30' SUNDAES JS• SODA SPECIAL 25' LADIES • Gl Gauge 15 Denier 6'/C NYLON HOSIERY pr CAMERAS • FILM W1 C&r'f1 a complete li.ut of tum for all cameru, ineludi1'l( color. ORADUATION SPECIAL EASTMAN 127 Brownle Holiday Camera $295 . ii • ! ,. ,. "',,.",.,..,,,.,.,,,.,... "",._,,.,..,,,.,,.,. ... "",_,..,._,,,.,.,.,. ...... ,. .. ,.,.,.,. ...... ~ .. ,.,.,.,. "--' .. "'"&""""" :4~-,.,.,. .. Li'-.:: ... ~,,..,,.- Electric Razors I OHICK "20" llUVZJl Perfectly bt.Janctd. a oiary mo. tor for perfect ahannr and 10lid comfort. 2650 MOW OlfLY • • Ronson 2850 Shaver 0saiy BALBOA SWIM TRUNKS s24t A l>aD Rh-er Tabrte "WrtAkJ • Sbf'd" lo AMortfld Colorw and Clleck• PllU: GUM SWiM FINS ~· u o ' s4n ........ ·-····. ······-·-······· WADING POOLS eG"d " $495 . ....-1.• . 17t'1d ' CL95 a.,.iar •.• ~ .....~~---- ,:_/ .. ,. ' - '. , ' " ·GOINGS-ON AT-THE BALBOA BAY CLUB tOUNCIL _DECISLON .ON TRAILERS SCHEDULED PIRATI SCHOt.ARSHIP NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PA6E J THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 By DAN BAYLESS Four Plans Presented by Webb HarbOr tudents Named as Scholarship Winners · J400 a.Ad tA. t!lluo.eoi -Chrl•Uan Aaaoclallon "-9 a,.•at'd both wenl to ChrbUnt fto1e.ra. ChrtaUnt! 11 a pre-tuchlnr major. the dau~h­ ter ot~Mra. Catherin• Mtthlll'I, La.t V41,ru. She ha.II bttn llffrt•ltry of BophomoTe l<!holarehlp wtn.nen 1 to Vlrg1nla Moore, d•ushltt of the. eophomore eta... vke-pr.11. JUNE-Jl-BUSTIN'-OUT-DEP.ARTMENT: Well, maybe In Confroy9"V over Land Use at Orw.n~ Cout Coller• for l9M Mrt. Helen Moett, Huntln(ton dent of the Student Chrtlltl&n Al· Swruner doea It.art ol'f June 21 Wre tb-e llalendu aaya; But · -· -I . ban bffn announced by Mra. &uch. Sha 11 a balM• -111e&Uon 10ct•tl0tt, dlalnnan ot the World here t th Balboa Ba Cl b ' • i lined be!' 't be-Ci il d k bet.ch d U · · M&N V; -Rowu;-dl'an ot wom ma-jor-arurllu-tff'fte! u llOJlho-UJIJftDlltJ' Jtttlttt.Qpmmlttee. a.nd . ada e u-!--~-wJe re n20c F' ttho , ie'·he l th ty counc d~ p~-~-an brecre&Ci . oE:nn ~~~ Mlch .. l RS1ry. s:ao lrullerton more c1 .. prwfdent. pr'Nldent ot a membl!r of Alpha Gamma Sig· IJDa a . · y ur .... r, on .-uuuay, une . o r at a w en e members are ~tu ying puu.i.i prepared y t y .... eer .._-"'I Ave., wu ~lared th• W1pner ot Alpha Gamma Blpa. Meretary ot ma. Poly(lot1, Bualne" Club. Fu· main dlniq room ahitta to ita aunahine 1chedule with I Webb for alternate uaea of Municipal Trailer Park. Four tM Junior Aualllary .U.tnanu lhe lntercblb Cowlell, a.Ad a mem· tyre Tea.chen. lntemauow Rei.!- .b '·( t l h d ed d k b . . t k l Leaa-u• Schotanbfp of S&OO. Hen· ber of the Wt!lfaN Board lhe plan• Uon. and Black ENtgu.. Sb• W11l ~a" ~... unc eon an dinner 11erv aeven aya a wee . plans by W eb d~tail vanou. .reworkmp o trailer par ota ry hu a a.o rrad• potnt aversge, to continue her •dU~auon at ent•i use ln lh• tau. Thia wdl be a relief to the acorea of membt:ni who f orgot I in aize 11.nd location while a fifth document la a preliminary I .quiftlent to a llra!fht "A." He UCLA. The Zonta SSO<J acholanhlp and shout the Monday eloeing during the Wint.er and early S pring' eatlmat• tor dev~lopment of th• and aecond, provldu fOC' tn.ller la • pre-teacblna major ud LI Jerry Tbompeon. prtaldt!nt of the the Delta Kappa Gamma 100 and ahow up with O't•e9la ex~un ... food and fun Now thf'y l trailer paTI< u a public beech •t Iota ao by u f .. t In .... but th•, murled and the father of °''" A.Moclattd Student.a, W"On th• ·~ awa.rd g'O to Valeri• D'Amato. , •-r --e . · an ullma!ed wtal coat of $60.020. fourth plaJI prov1d• for Iota 2Cl children. Orp.1'1AUON to which Senior AUJtlUary Newport AMiil· V&lerie la the daurhtn of Ckoqr• won t have to remember to remember ..• Dmner dancmg ni.. 2:1~.2•0 eq. fL ot avaUabk by •6 fe.L Unit~ tor~ ttnt be bek>hpd w.ra Alpha Gamm• ance Learue achol&nhlp. 1bomp-D'Amalo, Garden Grove. She haa tix day. a week -• Tue9day a throurh Sundays --gets undPr ! &.~<!a tor ~ubUc beaclJ ••ould ln· three plan• ..,.. th• -.ma, but are Slrma. Ptdappea. Md ~ Stu-80n \a th• 800 ol Mr. tt.lld Mn. been on th• 'Los and Barnacle way a little later ln the m onth on June 28 . Sure aign of ' elude 138.600 .q. tt. to be used u •llfhtJ1 i... for th• am&lJ IA8ed dent ChrlaUan A.9oc1&Uon. Ke Jamee Thom P •on, KWlUAaton •t.&tfa, a ml!mber ot Eta O.ta Pl, • • • I parldnir area to accomodale lS46 Iota. • plana le t.ranlfer to Un1nralty of Bu<"h He baa bee.a prutdent ot J'Uture Tuchere and Alpha 'Aam- 1umrner la the opening of the kid'• Sport.a, Club v11th it. owu can1, civlnc 1.11 eallm.ated parktnr The third plan prondu tor 32 Calltomla. Berkerly tor bl1 lut the J~urnaliam Club, eecret.&ry ot ma Slrma. She wm t'ontlnue her pool, clubhou.e and snack bar. The youngslPrs will take meter revenue of $16,380 per year. bat front trailer Iota and 7t tf\atde two yeara. A.M.S., member ot the Welfare t.eachlnr preparation at Lon~ to their plunge for the firat t im:f.bls .ea.son on Wedneaday Allowtnr 88 aq. ft. pu peraon th• tot.a wtth a tot.at annual Income ot The other Junior .Au.alllary A-. Board. chairman of the C&mpua Bu.cb State. . • . . • pubUc beach la e1t1mated to ac· Sl2,8QO, whJch, without the b\Jd· 1 •latanc. Learue ecbolarahJp ot Conduct Commttttt. chairman ot Tld Binder, eon of Mr. lll'ld Mra. June 15 ... Thia us ice cream er, all ngbt, which re-commodate 3200 persona and the rated o.,.rauonaJ coet. leave.a a S&OO went to wnuam Martin, 1110 the c on•tltuUon Committee. cba.~-Michael Binder, 07 Eu. t 17th St., minds u1 that & couple o rdered 11 Wright's elegant brand, coa~ have l>ffn broktn down to net Income ot 110.~o. ~ amaller ~· A-n , Co•ta Mffll. A mar-rnan ot the Inter-Club council Coat& Mwa. wu fT1Ulltd lbe Sen- of the desaert durin lunch at the club the other day. They Include vadlnf. U "T,720; pa:klncj lot plan ot plan No. '· provtd• rttd 1tudmt "'1th two children. Publlt'lty Commlttft. He a.1ao lor Awdllary Newport A..utatance , g . · meters. $27 .300 and rut room 1 for 33 beymcle lote and H tnaide Martin u a pre-enctneering ma-eervtd u eporta editor of lh• Bar· Learu• .cbolarahlp ot $250. Ted I• uked for Wright 1 va.rulla bean, and when t he waitress set 1 $10,000. lot• with an annual tncome of ff&.· jor. He hu l>ffn a member' of nacle, ml'mber or the A.S.B. p0• an accounting major and hu aerv- lt before them they decided it didn't "look quite right --it Four plan• for devl!loplnr th• •OO. or a net tncome of PS.MO. Alpha G&mma 8lgma ud plan• llcy b>mmlttee, and member of ed u trauunr or Alpha Oamma a ppeara to be a aort of off-white." They were quickly re-are& u a Clly tral~er parx tJlfferl All thue plan• provide a play-to go on to Freano State College. Pol¥glol3, Bloc k o.c., AlphaOam-Sl(D'a. a member of the WrMare . In uae of the a.re& and •t.z. or the ground area ot approidmately 20,-The Crut<'her ll'oundallon IChol· ma Sigma. awtmmlng. and water Board, Future Bu1IMaa ' Leadera. a.uured, however, when told that Mr. Wright grinds up the tr&l!er plota. In Ui. flrat two plana ooo aq. ft. alonr Balboa Blvd., lor &1'1hlp of $500 hu been awarded polo team•. Ha plan11 to r o on to Re wtU continue at Loni Beach real. bean and mixe1 it with his fluffy cream for an un-possible purch&ae ot two ~rcela j u.e at teenagtra and Clrl Scout.a. • the Unlveralty of Calltomla at st4 tet matched flavor. Wright obviously, accepts no subetitutes, oC Pacific Electric pro~r\Y ln· The Ullrd and fourth p~ do not do Include additional l&undry ta-Berk~ley. j A 1125 homemaldnr echolarahlp f th l th. 's fl . bl b I elude about 4:5.000 aq. tt. alonr I provide tor a uUllty build.Inf, but cillt)ff at • coet of J lOOO. The USC-P-TA ScbolarabJp or 1 donated by Richard'• Markl!t and or e rea. mg •.. ummer owers are m oom, Ul Bulboo Bh•d., between 16th and ----------------------------- nobody expected t o see a big magnolia blossoming right in lilh Sts., Is conaldwed.. the m iddle of our lo bby last week. The fanciful touch was . :so. l PIA.N . h The first plan malt .. poealbla a pplied by the Norther;i Orange County Chapter of t e l6 b.iyrronl t railer lot• u d 78 In· Children's H ome Society for its annual Magnolia Ball. And, i!lde Iola with a combined annual amateur gardeners, these posies had been "crossed' with revenoo oc $7!,a20. At the same. • 1 • • f l lltnil thl11 plan provldea for 2 O dnftwood. ".'cry pretty indeed, and a m ost success u party feel ot public beach fron~• to fo r this worthy charity group • , . Wann weather brings accommodate about 1000 pel"IOC'ls gueata to the Club from all over the world. L ike Sir J oseph I and pa.rklnl' area for 182 can. F.dgar, head of the Dutch Shell Oil Company, who waa Theae metera would h&ve an a.n- h on ored at a dinner given by Mrs . W. J .• Watkins. He's a nual Income of $~-ieo, makln~ A resident of the H a""'e H olland And many famous names total lnC"ome for Ute propert.' ot . 6 .. ' • · • 1 $16.980. With the budget for 19!\~-f!"'m the entertainment capital are represented .on the guest :,6 operation co.~t of su .860 the. l.i8ta, Down last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arlen, net Income wouta be sea.:i20. Donald O'Connor and Jack Bailey . • . There'Hlways a This project h.u a tot&l eatlm- acramble for boat berths at this tim e of r ear , and it threat-at.-d <:011t or 11a9.800, whlcb tn- ens to get w orse. The Association of Engine and Boat .Manu-eludes S63,000 tor acqulliUon ot facturer s says that on a national average there is now ab~t th .. 1•ac1f1c Electric property And one boat for every 30 people, or about 5.300,000 pleasure $18.200 for p~parat1on of the craft afloat. In Newport, of course, t he aver age is way up. parking lot ond purchue of 91 · 'k b f 31 ·d t Th BBC t.lout,le-headed meteu. someth1.~g. It e one oat or every :.: . resi en s. . e The $78.600 rost or the trailer l1JNE DAIBY aeN'ra VillJES They're dtliclou• . . .1 ol• of them I Here ora tu•t o few of t"'9 heo th-glvl119, to1te-te01lng fine frvit1 ond vegetoblet penonolly NlectM by Sofawoy'1 own e11pem fM your toblel a 1100 Pan."Mlltnlc ~P wtnt to Marian Boetrum. Sbe 11 th11 daufhtt'.r ot M ra. Me.In ~ tfuntln.:ton ~ach. A home eoono- mlre major. M•rtu ha1 beea cop1 l'dllor of lllc Lor and acU.su .. t"dltor of lhe Barnacle. Sht hu written publicity for AaaodateJ \\'oman Studf'nt. and hu partk l· pat-4 In IJI• Joumallan C~ f>ol)•flot.. and Alpha Camm& Slp~ ma.. She ••'Ill tske lier ~ two )'eara at UCL.A . J.lra. Evangeline ftutan. Sa.n Clemt.nt~. waa awar<Sed Ule Bu.11- neu and• Proteutonal Wotnen'a Club Srholl\J'ahl(I Qf UOO. 8be I• a prr·teachlnr major and h.., pa.rt- lclpatt"<I In Alpha Oa.rnma !lpa, 11\Jture Tnrht"rt. and Polyrtota. Sht wOI l'ntrr Lonr BM<'h Stal• Coll•r;e next·yn r. The Co11ta 'Meaa Klwanl• Club award ot 1200 hu been p~eented lo l\'orman van Hall, 10n ot :t.lr. and Mn. Oeni.rd n.n Hall, l U• Hl!IJ~Ave. A m'1or lJl pay- rhofoiry -,liit education. he plan• lo go on to UCLA. He wu In Pofyalota and Alpha Gamma 811· m• at OCC. Alvin Bf'ri;lund. eon Of Mn. Roff lkrglun1I, Ugun• ~ach, won the $300 ChapmA11 Collt'(e award. Berfhind 1.. I\ b1JJ1lnt11 edUcatlon major. Hr hu bctn a mt'mb<'r of FUture Bw11ne8'1 Leader•. Poly· rlota. and Barl>.rehop Sln~ra. an'd la gomir on to Chapman Collep. b u fac1ht1es for 175-200 boats (depending on th<' s ize )· bud park Itself 111 broken down Into t he all of them are taken. The wailing list for slips ha.s b~n J following 1t .. m11: Clear111g 11le, a izeable since the opening of the Club and keeps g rowing s2080; paving roadw1.y11, $11,600; •.. and the launchings continue. James H . Van Dyke bas sewer, U 0,340; wa.t.er. $~.170; tete- just Joined the BBC fleet with a new Owens cruiser named phone. Ht70; gu, S3200; el«:tr1- the Turang Boe Ian IT (means beautiful moonlight in Javan-city, UI 10: .roncrete a1ab1, Ja&4o; eae) and Wayne Harper has a 40-ft. Jeffries with a flying utihty built.Jing. $IO.OOO; Pl•ntlng b ·d' h M th BBC bc rs · the und fl•nc1ng. $2750: oma.menlat n ge on t e ways . · . any o er 1 . mem m , lights. S6(')00, dNidfinf, 181)0 and MILD CHEESE )CJ' ORANGES MIDl~~~~!v~ ;u';, ;~E porlb~ 27• PINEAPPLES ·:.~,.:!~:~ .. 10• market for ocean and bay·g?in~ \'Csscls, like the man "ho N•nUn~cncli-a a nd ~ng1nttrinr. '!aa asking for a Star class his Jods could race. . . s io.240. PET PARADE VICTORS -Winners in the Costa Mesa Fish Fry pct parade Saturday morning W('rc Vanya and Jerick Tbunstro m or 1 25 Placenti!l' A ,·e., Costa Mesa. They are daughter and son of Mr. nnti Mrs. Rick Thunstrom. Drt'ssed in fort v-nine-r attire, the pair pulled# wagon containing a turtle and <>lher dese rt oddments. -Staff Photo PLA." NO.! The eecond plan provtdee tor a j sma.llu public ~ach with parxlnr l llpare Cor 23 <'•~. which, on the it.1.me b1L~1i1 of $30 per eeuon for I' eai-h pa• king m<'ll"r would provide an annual N!Vl'nue of S690. i\t the Mme Umc the 11ttond pl&n pro- vides tor 23 bayfront tra11~r lot.JI, and 10. lntlde loll at a t'Oml'}lned revl'nue or S89.2 0. making a totlll with lhe p11rl<lng meter lncome, of $89,970. Taking l\Ut the budgeted I opertltlOnA.I t'Ost le11 vu a net rrv- enue lo the city of $78.110. 1 Th.111 •econd plan al8o Includes I ~63,000 for acqulatllon ot Ule I'a.- 1•1C1r 'f;lectrlc proputy. Co1t1 In- ] clU<Jr eit'Arln&'. $2870: pavmc road- way.!'. S 13,600, Kwer. $1 3.9i0; wa• tt•r. 608!>. telepnones. $6985; ru. St I 1~ •• l'll'\'lrictly. $6!1 :,. concrete slnb!. $':260. utility building. $10,. 000. planting and fencing. S~37~; ornamental U(ht system. $8500; dr ... J~ini:. $600 &nd ·contlngencle.s I 11nd cni<mr.rrlng, $12,600. 1 Pl~ASS NO. I A~D 4 1 T~ lhLrd and fourth pla.na do f away with the public beach slto- 1 ~elher, but do not provide for pur- 1 hR!'f' n( th<' r'llCl(IC E:Je<:lric prC· perty. Thi' lhlrd plJ n like the ftfl!l ,. ......... , • 4-layer Choe. lu"•• aem SPONGE CAKI ftc ... , ......... , • ,,,... ANGn POOD CAKI Widow Files $51,111 Cycle Cll t'Oll -. MeAnwhlll', Mullln11 1~ b1>tng f11!-o· cu~d In Juvenile coui l on " rnan- 1la11ghlr r t'harge. s . I DEATH NOTICE '.~~Ab ANAU<~~•• -"" nr.n,ooo,.. ""·"""' l 17· Id v.1dow ot a yl)Ut.h who 1 •' F11ntr11I llt'r\'H"l'S Cur Heywoo ! ..,..;-.i;;;ied Jn a Nnvport Bt'ach 1 "Clll" (:11Jesplt'. 38. I 19 42nd St. 9\otorcycle • ur t'ruh J.IAy 3 wtre held al 2 p.m. today Al Balu eousht S50,000 damagea ln a 111ll Mortuary Chapel C'o1~ Mt"~· w1lh flltd ln Superior Court here Y"8· 1 the Rt'v. Wtsley ffa\t'rm1dr. rtt-, terd& tor of the Eplacopal Ch11rcb ot .AJ.in1 th• Judgment wu Jo111 ( tht MeMlah, Santa Alia, o(hrAtin11. I • °'"le CHIFFON CAKI , t.,.. 79'.. ...... 45'. ••eu • 2·leyw Oi1e1 .... ,_ ... c....CAKIS ...... (fl-. •• _, • Cinnamon Lee Bradford. She hU named John , Mr. Giiiespie l~vtd In .thl1 aru •toner Mullin•. 17; M.. c . Mullin~. for the put l lx yeara. He wu a ll. u. Bradford and Ruth Connell t mschlncry mAlnltnanc, mtchl\l\IC, COFfll LOAP ~ nc det d ta I emplnyNi by Ch"IT)' Rlvt'l Cnl']l , ~ ... u The '~1:fnurt allegea her hu•· r Town~tnJ Co. (<>r lht put thrt!e (~ Y•I • ~d. Gary s.ntly Bradford. "''118 yur.t. . I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • flat&lly lnJuttd whni hie cycle wu He wu bom ln \\ ayn• County. COSTA , lll:SA rammed by a car o~rated by Ktn. He wu a member ot lhe I ., .. N~ llhd. John Milli.Int. M1rro·M1d~el Aasoc, • • .; I COROSA DEL MA.a .Mra. Bradford claim• )tulllns , Sur\'ivors are 1\11 wtte, Ma!)(o,1 toS COM& R"J. •rove till auto In a urcleu. n4!1tll·, ot lhe homfl &ddrue; a IOtl. HarT} · AOOU'R LAGUNA BMV8 • ,.nt and ncklesa fuhlon. Th• ac-of the l' s. armed forcu ln G.r-tu 8roedwll,J etdent occWTfd on Bay•ldt Drtvr. j manr:· hi• mother M rs. )farprel SALllOA ISLAND liletWffft Marine and Carna tll'ln sue C.tllt'~ple ol Loe A.npl .. a.od ......... ·- Av,.. twn 111,vr". ~In MllrJ"terite B11· !\T.\\'POKT BEACB . llll' Jlllltntlff ftl'k8 $~ 000 i:rn· h• r 111'•1 M r~. C11~·:1.-11 Rl'tmr1 hnth Ht OoMa H ... _.._1 darnaa~•. plu• court and me.II· 11! L'1n~1nt1l1. 1cECRWA'2';'3J::;s9. GREEN BEA~S = 2 k 2s· 0AiiYD1iNK'VoNHo.=1a· ·cuCUMBERS !~ ..... s· ·Lue11N1.lkhth1111 ... ftavw. BANAN ~. c1NTRAL AM111CAN 15c NONFAl MILK :!:8' ~-:::1sc ... Gold.nripe,flrm .. wHiP'PiN«iEAM 1111 ;: 29" EGG PLANT r:t.~::::r .. 7• LUCEINl. lxtl'cl rich. GREIN ONIOlll IMI. Sc , NIW TURNIPS It. J• 1111111nun1u11mn111111n1111111n1111111m111u11u11111111111111t11n11n1111111n1111111111m11111111n1111nm1nmnm11111n1111H11111!1111l11111111111nn11111U1u11u1iuJ1JJ1111umnnn1nnn11 MIHellallffU Val.ee! PllsUVES 2°i! 43< Teo Gorden Strowb.rry. CUT BEANS 21!: 27' OAIDIHSIDI GrHn. PORK & BEANS-:.:; 18' tASTI tlLLS lrond. MAYONNAISE ".; 38• Nu.MADI lrond. · comE .,~~ .. 2t:4t IDWMDS 100" 'ure. LEMONADE 6:! 10< llL AIR fm•n. PARTY ANGEL FOOD • TINDll, PlUPFY 'N' PLAVOl"1L- lok.d the WO)' yov'd moke ltl R99ulorly 4.5c. ... ]t SPICIALI f ruil Coffee C1•e ~":; 1~;. 29c Raisin Nut Bread i::= :::; 2k IHUM Y UDUCID NICI, COl.DllOOK YIU.OW MARGARINE a!: IOC DALEWOOD Foil-wrapped MARGARINE 1-lb. 17' CAKE MIXES ~=~ ·~ 2-Sc· Choice of Devll'1 food, White, Yellow, ol'd Spice. HoiM-boked fQOdnettl · FLOUR K~:.t~~ ,~ate •Ul-ij[£D PICHICS)S' --·'m·-···~· ... o •• ":::~·"'"~:~·"· c SILICTP~ARGIAIEM-f•RPC>alKBS 3· ,,.MD TISSUE ToHetTiuue. 9c S .. Soffer, whiter, etronger. ... --~·um size, 3 to S-lb. s\ie. Leon. meaty, ~1 El\ BEEf lof\eletl bflth•. CORNgl ,(. Serve hotorcold. GROUND BEU , .. :'.'i::::.~~:.. •• ~~ SLICED BACON!-t.:::.-:~~=·:stc CANADIAN SlYU BACON ...; A.29 CllOICE ·~· V .U1JEl1 33' oa.AM PBCH Flll1 .. o.., .. ~ CAPTAIN'S J1LD Of COD .. ))' ,Oftrff{ty• LUX TOILET SOAP 3:23'2~23• WHITE KING "D" ~!:::;=. -.Z~ 58' BLU'E DETERGENT '=·· 7~49' LIQUID BLEACH-=: . ..t12' ~~:23'~ SKIPPY DOG FOOD IHCIAU Y NICIDI STOCK UP, IA VII '-:Sc PARO DOG FOOD PICML Offill S 1 rwf11nd fOf lob.It frOM 7 COM ,ord. Get refund ·~·· .. ·::.:··~'9 7 c 8TOU llOCU J>aDy I a.a. to I p.-. t f"rtday tll I p.m. l ...., .............. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLDnor P AR&.INO OM IAROE PAVED LOI \ -· . MC! ;c. PART,_ NEWPORT ~RIQR NEWS-~ESS "'Ml wtUt eounty ottlclW. st.ma M--· le1ew1 wtildl .... llou.! aail epmlt .. ., THURSDAY JUNE ' 1955 them a ata-month .urvey ahowln& .,._ U.e d ty. _ 1 , _ _ Ul4l nwnbK ol patient. &Del mile-F• Resit-tans eo.ta 11 .. at tM Griffith May U--,_._ .,_ tM motor www•lee b8d ... ,.... Colly "99la --'°" u.&e-.._.. ••• ...._ -...... The material wa.t prMelltld to tM II V 111.,or N.a.oa, Councilman ~ rs. "" Total 1412,110 :::lion~ :!s. th~'= F. Lt· Pact am.tu. Uld City ll&nq9' o.ors-. " probl-.. to Ole n---r-• .-II• Ill ~;~":=.:-:;~ Fii Te&al Yaha&Uoe ot bu1J4tq .,.... ~·-· ....,,,_._, es Divorce mil.I a....s b1 Ole {j:lt)' ot eo.t.a CouMU ol Ooaau.nJty A,.nde9 Ka1W au... N.i.oa lalormed wperrieon. ..... Rood at auu.uo &t UM wbeN it -....., Jln. wvi. tt.e N-er.. tod&7 iut th• ----------- 911d of Ma.y uoordial' to lluildtn1 at.atad. COGlNcl Wlth Onac• Oowtty COY• D· ·TH J No~1 UNT4 ANA ((>CNS ) -Jira. C>md&l A. i. VolL ~y total W&&Nla auaPllUIJ:D ert.na" location of .Divt.loll .t For-~ 11'- Jwt a. Oritftth of m Via Ra-tor ~ wu tu:;TllO, ~l· a. u14 W~ wu tumMbad •try fire eqllipaMDt ta Coat& ---------------~ Lido Iile, ll.Olldq ~ ....... ...,.. W. ..... Ye lfttl-with thl9 ma\erlU OD eenice Red JIMa'a ftocW\4r 8t, atatioa wUJ: llU. UIW ~'H llUll for cll'fOl"Ce ap1IUlt CNllla llan doUer moatha. Crom It.ad glVeA U4 .... U indeed ba rwl-ed. ,,.. llaform&I act""• J\tn.ral •m~ for ii(ra, lllther onmua and tM Newport Bartlor ~ and DU8cell&neou. .urprt.ecl." Waner ~ t.ol4 m•t W¥ antved •t Ulla week lD Va. ThOIMOll. 11. 116 Roc~r lluk. ...,,..,._ ,.oe11 t ll • Ma>' lier u.. IU~ 1"llllJ4 r et \ll• • ·ftMl!llt.Jas at th• count.,J eouthou.tL a t., eo.ta K-. wtu. ba llekt .. t.- Kn. OrU:ftlh cl&iru ber m&t.e unounta wttla pae,ua. 8ln&I• fa.eta trom ecM.&Dl)' bo9pttat and Immediate oqy.. of Ule agTee• urday at I p.m. in P arkee·RJdley bu u .anaual Income ol more ctw.i11qw 11roaa'bt flU,tT•. Th• th• OOUDt)' welfare deputm•t. ment, aood for al &eut uother Mortuary cllapel. the ftev. CtwiH tUa 114,000 and ha.I UMt.I OY&r eomme&"Clal ~·total wu Whea Ut.ia .. a«iOmp.lWled, th• )'MT, ara •peeled from K ... city r . Hand ottld aun.. Kn. Tomaon a quarter mUlion dollah. 8be u-lff,llt. ,,_.. .._.. .. mulllple w.U&N dlYWOA ol the county council and the board ot wper-di.cl Wedneada)' ln Roe,; Hoepltal ...ta ber buab&nd baa t..brealeMd dwelJlq permtta taken out. counctl ot cemmualt)' aceomea will vt.ora. after a ahort Wn... She wu a to nmon Joblt URta h'OID tM bold~ meetlnl" oa Uwt mat-''ThW '-a 1-w.., llC"Mlftent," nau.,. ol Auttn, Tua.a and came Newport Harbor SW and eon· I II DE i... Mayor Nei.oa reported, "benefit-to Callfomla at the ace ot aeftll. Mal ua.n from hel' F EE ' int both the people 91 the OOW\ty Sbe ea.me bere from Oaklaad i,ur • 1be lalntJtt ... ,;, eUltodJ ol -Kra. Werra ui.d th• motor area and thOM luide the dty. Tile y-.ra aco to mu. her hocJi• wtth one ~ 1 born out ot the mar-0-.a-.1 ,.._ ,.... rap oorpe eemce (1"flW .tnoe 19•8 to people of th• C!OWlt)' r.celYW better her daucttter, Kre. l'ortt•t re.tar. I na hi h• be Au I lt4I terribly" U.., add-. the polnt me had to have a tun-ftn protection and the dt)' like-Other .u,JTivon Include t~ ge w c PD I · ' ' TniEo OF OVESW'OU tlma 118C.rft&r7 to llanclle Ill oan. w1M recelvM banetlte." d&u&'htera, Mra. J'raak W.· Bllrer • Local ..-nen 4rt,... Nl'Ortedl>' In But& Ana. • Jl'lra Prevention Ottloer R&lpll ot Wablut creek and Kn. Glenn MESA TAX IATE J\&Ye bel'UD to ttn ot ~th• Local Red ~ ot~ale Mid 1.-reported that under the W. Mot.lcbmu or Ooaland; a-.. Uon'• Mare °' the load. u a ttempt. la being mad• to get mutual acreement wttll the oowa-tar, )(ra. KarUa McOoftm of UYe ..__ "Now," tbey Mid, ''We don't auch l'l"OUP9 u the fteart Fund, ty, th• fo....U:V Mntoe wp.,U. o.Ju; and one ,..anddaupter. lA· ci-u.... ,,_ Flnt • -· llaw tund8 t~ fin.ance aotcw •"' March of Dlmea, C.rebral Paliiy two truck& and one reeoue tnek tenneat ..,.ll ba la tM mau.aoleuJll tna otrldal1 and one cle.-k-l!leno-vice which nail)' la • oounty ~ and othere to carry tbeir own of ~ewood Patil Oemetery. (l'apher In the bulldln1 depart· ject." caaea needing ~rtation to taJtin6 YWleraNI to ho.pltalf Ud nunt. The county &ftl'le wu atreaNd county llolpltal ao Red Crou can other retat.d matt.en. To haYW w!t•t ,... want la rtcb•. Purch&H or Ile own pound by M.n. Warren. She Mid MY•ral return to lta buio mtaa&on: pro-The eh&ptar drtYe W. r-r ua.. bat to be able to do witbout ia 1 ! \ - I f'OJ' F•t. Efftc:lmt TY Installations -... llEP AIU <WI IOI STEVENS Uberty. 8-2301 l'oe eaa depelld .. our ••pert TMllald&M to kMf 1our TV - Mt a& ,_ai perfo~ . ~ equipment by th• city &11d placing montM aco th• cbapter board •P-vtdln&' .nerreocy tr.uportation led Tl.1 percent flt tu umuaJ power. • of a man on the payroll u pound-pointed a aipedal oom.m.IU.. lo to mWtary f&mUI• haYlnc none, quot&. muter. -o.oq. Jlledollald ._ _______________________________ __, VMt1nr of direct reaponlllblllty .------------------------------------------------------------------------------._ of ctYll defen.M u a collateral • duty ot th• recommended planning technJclan. Initiation of a etrMt depart- ment t.o do tu own work, wtth per eonnel conai.ting of a three man crew. Conlliderallcin of J'et}llnr police H.r equipment at th• rate of •Yen eente per mile of operation. Meaa city council aet Ile next ngular meeUng, Ju.ne 20, u hear- Jng for adopUon ot th• bud(el. GRAND JURY ~ ...,.. .,,... ...... , were called by lnvit.aUon. Del. 8Jt., V. I. Kc MaJ)lpl Mid Juron w.re mter .. t.ct ln narcotlca and bUJ'Clary cue work ot law enforcement q enclea with empha· st.a on narcouca. He aaid, "The~ were no acCNa&tlona agalnet any- body, they were Jutt uking about proudure 9t law enforcement In criminal ca.aee." No Newport cue record• were IR.lbpenaed. Tba Borvath-Sparke narcotlca ca.ea which broke here were believed .ubJect ot grand jury acrutlny. A ppearln.r at the momtnc - Ilion held by the jurore we.a Bit. Clint Wright or l.be Bherltt'• of- fice narcollce detail, B(l. McMant- gal and Uberto Zaceartaa of La· guna Beach. The venJremen· held their ... 11on, according to report, to look • Into charge• made by Bit. Wr\lbt that Superior Court. had been "lmlt•nt" with narcotic• vtolator.. Wright had named Judge Shea u not de•.llng "properly" with dope addict• convicted In hi• court. Primary interest of the jurors, OCNS learned. wu centered on the erreet and convtctjone of Arch- ie and Janadeane Horvath &lid Don Sparke. The trio waa a rrH ted al Newport Beach. Too Late to Be 1 Claulflecl 12-Balldlag 8enloea FRAMING 11oundatjons C. Sherm. Allen, Gen. Contr. Liberty 8-7576 13tJc a-s&tuatlona Wuted CLICA.NINO A IRONING by the -daY. Eiperlenced.llalbO& filand preferred. K I 3-6096. 63pe6 D:-Help Wuted WANTED -experienced boat painter. SERVICE AP'LOA T Harbor 0771. 63c66 ll·ln. DE WALT SAW on tral,lw. 132&. See at 2001 Clay st. New- port Hetghte. Liberty 8-7ti76. 63 Uc YARDAGE Inventory Sa.le on Delll111er'a J'abrica at Wholeea.I• Pr1c•. MARGIE WJmB 19&18o. Cout BlYd, Lasuna Beacll ea tfc 8-Ap a Bow for 8e8t J'UR.N cottac• for rent, t55 mo. , Incl. uWIU... '710 Iria. Corona del Mar. Bar. lOlt or 2849-J at- tar 6. ea tte " 8 ! I -!>ft D !!:I!'! Coastal Shell Service Station for Lease Newport ATTEND Beach . . CitY ' THE Council Monday, June· 13 If YOU , WANT to save taxes If YOU · WANT to protect your municipal investment If YOU WANT to earn not waste your money Meeting UrtJe that the . city continue the operall• ·.of the Munlclpal Trailer ,_. mc1 Improve the property so• to Increase lh Income., I I Here are four plans submitted to the Cit) Council for study. PRnlMINARY !SnMATE FOR RE-VAMPING CITY TRAILER PARK 1• Plan No. 1--laslc Lot Sa 30 • 45 ·JTl:JC , QUANTITY UNIT RICE C1e&rtac Sate ........................ 108.oot .. .tt. I .01 Pavlq &eedwa,Jw ..... .......... 58,000 .. .n. .ZO Hewer ······-···-··-········-···-·-·" Site& 110.eo Water ......... ·--···---···-·" 8Uea I M.00 Telepllw ··-·-·--·-·-·-M 8ttee M.00 C.iaa .......... ·--·--·-··--·-" Site& II.GO l:leetrWt)'' ······--·----·" 8ltee M.00 c...n.. ..... -···---" 8ltea (lt'xH') @ ... oo tJtmt)' .......... ········--1 Lmnp8-P\aataq ........ _ ..... -11 .. Lia. n. @ uo 0-llW Llpt.a --······· Lump 811111 DrMa1lll' .............................. l.IM 0.. y... @ .60 ~OUNT 's.oeo.oo ll ....... Jt.MOM 6,no.oo 6.110.ot 1.no.ot 6.110.00 6,Me.00 10,0lt.ot l ,1M.M t.,500.00 .,..~_ • -.-.oo c.u....-. _. ll:qtMertng ia,:. t l0,140.00 . • '18,800.00 A.,..WUO.., PL hopenJ 6i&' @ 110.00 • u .ooo.oe JHl,600.00 Anticipated Revenue ----J.a.:a., n._~ @ I0.00 ~r 1110. t 1.%80.ot 11 i...1c1e Leta @ to.oo per .no. 1;uo;oo M Total per MonUll I ........ TOl'4L INOOlllE PD YEAR $ 71,520.00 BUOOET FOB lBM-66 OPERATION OOST .......... 11,860.00 NET INOOllE PER YEAR $ 60,060.90 ~ ParldJll Lot 182 Ow 8pMl9 @ 60.00 • 9,100.00 91 Doable Beed Melen @ 100.00 9,100.00 • 18,%00.00 .btlclpMed ..... .. sso.bO;er ..... per meter • 6,'80.00 Net for year $65.520.00 Plan No • ..-2 .... 1 ... aslC Lot Sa JO x 45 QUANTITY 111 .... .._n. te.eot.,..n.. 111 8ltea 111 Bit.ea 111 8ttee 111 8ltea 11181* 111 Bite& I llHUa.rt. l~Ca. Y61. UNIT COBT ! .• 1 @ue:: @ 61.ot @ 61.00 @ U.00 @ 56.ot @ .... 1-plhm @ uo I.ump Sana @ M eo.~· ........... 11~ Total lmprovemeat C..t .&et.Wdoa of PL~)' 614'@ uo.oo AMOUNT I l,11t.• 1 ........ 11,111.ot ....... ....... .. "5. .. ....... ,,ao. .. lt.-0.ot 1,111. ... l,500. .. ...... ......... .u ....... I M,5UM . ....... .. 1111,llUO Anticipated R•v- 'f lnaWe Lota •.oo per Pl' l,tet ... tl lla1ft'Ollt'Ditir:lllD per mo.. t 1.MI.• .. IMlde Lo4a ..... per mo. l.Mt.00 Plan No. ~3 --1as111 lc Lot Slla 30 x 45 QUANTITY lt,800 .. .tt. ....... "' HI 8Hea 111 8ltea 11181tea 11181 ... 11181tea JOI 81'8a lltOO.. y ... UNIT P&ICJ: @ .06 I• ue:!: 66.00 66.ot 16.00 aa.• ..... t.-ps.. ...... ,Sam 1-pS- • M AMOUNT I l.etO.M 6 ....... 11,llOM ........ ........ .. ,.. ... ........ , ...... ........ ........ ........ ...... .... u .... 8,116.0I . ., ....... Anticipated Revenue a ....,,,_t Lot.a @ IO.OO ,., mo. • 6'111111deLo.. • ....... .... 11 lmlde Lee& @ .... per lilo. U t0.00 1.H0.00 1,100.ot TeW Per llomtll I 1.ttt ... ot. TOTAL INOOllE PU YL\B S 82,800.00 BUDGET FOR 1955-58 OPEB.&TIONAL 008T . 11,880.00 PlaaNo.3-A l~lc Lot Sin 2Jx45 QUANTITY l ....... .IL u ....... n.. lit Sita lit 8ltea lit 8Hea lit 8ttell lit Sltea 1MOO... Ydl. ut81e- UN1Ti .:4a. ... IM.M .... @ N .00 @ ao.eo @ 60.ot Lwap 811111 1-pRum • M Lump 8am • 18.00 AMOUNT • 1 .... ... . .... ... u ..... oe t.'60.tt . ...... ...,. ... t,6H.ot 6,ttl.00 i .tte.eo uo.et t,600.tt 'J,1 ..... • a.01e.oe ~a Ooatlqudea 15% • t ,'61.eo • n ,.,1.oe Anticipated Revenue 11 .. lla)'froat Lote @ 80.09 per mo. I 1,040.00 M lMlde Lo• @ to.00 per mo. l,tt0.00 H ....,. t.ot. @ at.to per mo. 1,tee.00 Total Per Moat.II • 1.100.00 ---TOTAL INCOME PER YEAR $ 98,400.00 BUDGET FOB 1955-56 OPERAftONAL 008T 11 •• 00 11T t 1MO.ot 1'0TAL INOOD PER ~ S 89,280.00 Bm:~A~008T ~.oo·, ~et per yr. $70,940.00 Net per yr. $86.540.00 Net per yr. $77 A20.00 '. · . ' • PRELIMINARY ESnMATI FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY TRAILER PARK AS PUil' C BEACH PARKING LOT ( lncluCfin9 property purchased from the Gas Co.), Area now occaplecl by traler park hlclllChcJ beac• to IMall hlgll ... --------A,.. of land p.,chasecl froln Gas Co. _____________ .__ ____ _ 240,240 Sq. Ft. TOTAL __________ _ A... to be ........ beac19 ___________________ _ Anaf0f',....1ot___ ··---------------- 15,000 Sq. Ft. 255,240 Sq. Ft. 116,640_ Sq. Ft. 131,600 Sq. Ft. leadl .... lallowilMJ 36 Sq. Ft. per peno11> wo .. cl accOllllllOClat 3,200 ,.,._. rosr 1a ttma '°" tM 1Um111• ,..... Lot WMlcl acc01N111dalw 146 can ..... .,... •• IOT Oout SW,.. DnMATI OF COST :.C: ::::.. "'= =: 1Jl,600 Sq. Pt. Pftlllt IMW1n1 ....,., ~ .20 ---------------S...27,720.00 ..... A rt&l opporUlnlty to .... 546 , ...... Miters at 50.00 ___ ,._________________ 27,JOO.OO .,_.. a •11a1Mltul ladepWllat lelf ·------------~-----------------------10,000.00 1 ,... n , lllAL Mlnlmum •Jlttal ~ 1 .....,ant ueoo. COST ----S 61,020.00 Jal IHFORKATIOM .U .. B. .. ' :r 1!~'!~ :':.J NEWPORT B,EACH . TAXPAYERS LEAGUE __ i a.WMkda,yt. -Nce& ..... ------------------~-:-----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------...;;.._ ..... ._ ... lllllliill ..... --------------~ t . . .. •• • t I I .. 'ITS YOUR TURN NOW' and Mra. Orval St,ewart, right foreground, handa ga\rel ot the Nightingalea Chapter, Hoag Hospital Auxiliary, to the new presi- dent, Mn. Arthur Grewell. At left ia Mra. William Payne, treuurer. Standing are 0 to r) Mmea. Doug- lua Ferrey, chairman of the holiday committee; Joe Preininger. vice president; William Hum&.80n, Tumor Gary Rawlings Weds Bremerton Girl in . Missio~ Inn Rites Of ,interest to many Huboritea waa the reeent wedding, held in Miuion Inn. Riverside, which united Mias Nita Lor- raine Kanekeberg, daughter of Mr. and Mra. L. G. Kaneke- berg of Bremerton, Wash. and Gary Lee Rawlings, aon of Mr. and Krw. Hurh SheMon Raw-• llnp of Rh•er11lde and Newport Be~ch. · "nle mld·alternoon ceremony wu perfonnt'd before the golden altar of St. Francia de Au1111 In the chapel of the Inn by Rev. Phll- llp Murray, Congr•aauonal paator. JN DIOR BLUE "nle bride wu l'OW11ed In Dior bl14e la.c• over •Un with hlg'h neclllJne, moulded bodice and bouf- fant eJdrt. Her lace mitt.a match!'d t.be rown and her veil wu In fln- r ertlp len,.i.h. ~he carried a 1pray of white orchlda and atephanotla on a while aaUn bible, and for aomethlnl old wore her rrandmo- ther'a Wfdd.inc rtnc. )tr1. Allen P. Andel'lton. aervlng- &a matron of honor. wore yellow dotted nylon, matchinr mllt1 and headdreH, and carried a bouquet ot purple orc.hlda. Gueata were received In the St. Francia Atrlo. In the line were Mn1. Kanekeberg. wearing a •C• g-reen act temoon drea1 with pink hat and accea110rlea and plhk roae- bud cortJaft'; and Ml'lt. R&Wllnp, who Wa.t r ownec'I In jade gT~n with white acceaaorles and • wrlaUet ot ahattered carnallorui and atephanotla. .BIUDE'S TABLE Oard,ntu noat.<t tn the atno fountain and all-white tlowel'lt adorned the bride'• table which bore a flv.-tlel'9d cake. Lendtnr reception aid wen Mmu. Donald McCltntock of Sant.a Ana and Leon Parma ot Ban Dlero. wbUe Mra. Franc1A Hadden kept the gue9l book. A apeclal guut WM L A. Wrlfht of Santa Ana, rranc1tather of the brlderroom. The new M". Rawllnc• wore a na\'Y aull and capuclne hat for the Board chairman; Harry Casey, first vice president; Jack Congdon, corresponding secret.ary; William Mir- ama, vice preaident, and John Swartz, recording tec- retary. The annual luncheon and installation of offi· cera waa held Tuesday at Irvine Country Club with 47 members present. -Staff Photo N E W P 0 RT H.A RB 0 R ~S. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's F.ditor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PAGE I THURSDAY, JUNE -9, 1955 -..,.7 CARDS AND LUNCHEON AT FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Plan.11 are bein&' completed for a luncheon and card party open to the public on TUeaday, June 28 at Friday A!temoon club house. Luncheon will be aerved tor bualnue people from 11 :30 a.m. throug'h the noon hour. Brtdre and canut.a will be&'ln after luncheon and door priua will be given. There will a.llo be table prl&e1. Re9erva- Uona tor Carda may be made with Mra. E . I. Mopre, U 8·D23:1, and Juncheon Ucketa may be purchued at the door. Mrt. ,A. R. Ghln&'?'U ll In charge of luncheon arrance- ment1 and Mrt. L. W. Conrt ll 11upervlalng-cards. Other mem- • ber1 of the committee Include Mmea. Paul H. Roberta, P. V. Parka and Shenna.n Salter. FINAL SESSION Leon W. Pann& of S&n Diego wu groomama.n &nd runla were u1hered by Allen Andenon and Bart Singletary. honeymoon, apenl at var 1 o u • -------------- CHAPEL DECOR Jo1oral telting wu of palm• and bukela of ctadlolu with blue del· phlnlum, and the bridal perty walked down a candle lighted a1ai.. Newell Parker wua orcanlll and Frank Tavallocne 1anr "Be- cau1e", .. l Lov.e You" and "Ave Marla". Southland polnla. and the orchid.a from her bridal bouquet. She wu va.duatc.d from achoola 1n Br•m· erton and at.ended achoola In Alaska. Mr. Rawllng-1 wu &Taduated from Polyte-chnlc, Rlvertlde Col- lege and Woodbury Collece. Loe Angelu, la p~Mnlly In buainue Special Luncheon for St. Andrew Fellowship with hi.I f'ilther. The couple la at home &t Chl'ryl Way, Jµver1ldt'. . Al It wu the hut mtttln&' unUI Sept. 7, a notably attractive lunch- Mea eon and program wu arra.n,ed for members of St. Andrewa·a Fellowahlp and cueift.a on June 1 ald Anderaon and Mr·a. Bert.ha Tlllotaon j Mn. J. Lamar Johnston, pro-1 gram chalnnan. Allowed a colored, motion picture. "Epic of the D&-! kotu." j Poi nt Association to Hold at the church loung~ . Rachel Circle wu hoeteu g-roup, headed by Mr1. George Barnett, leader. Mr1. Chrlatl&n Schindler, ch&lnnaJl for the day, A.rTa.nged the, floral t&ble decoration-. Member1 ot Mary Martha Circle, 1 with their leader. MN. Oecar An· derton. will ho11le81 th• Septem- ber aeulon. I Dance June 17 at NHYC dad wanta to fish in the mountaiM Tb• Balboa Penlnaula Point A.- llOCl&tlon will hold a dance June 17 In Newport Harbor Yacht Club. A committee to plan the dance m;t Friday at ffie home-Of Mrs. S;unuel Joeeph, Balboa. Tw•nty women m embers of the 1S11ocla- tlon worked out del&lls for lh4! dance and reported on reMrvatlon1 for thC' affair which hu bttn re- celvt d tnthutiaatlca lly by tho11e In- volved. "ll 1eem11 every body on the P oin t 111 amdo1a t.o aomt to the dan<'e which promllM'11 to ~ & ga la Guests for 'Fry' F11h Fry gu1>als at the Albert E, J ohnaon hom•. 400 \\'. Wt111on, Colt.a Meaa. on S unday were Mr. and Ml'lt. Joseph M•yer and 11on 8tnle of Long Buch, and Mil'!I l:tlaabflth Coll'rh11 Clf PuAdl'M . Meyer, annual vudtor to the t'1'h Fry, la &'tneral chaJnna.n t h1a year ot the North Long Bea~h Lions CamlV'&I on L&bor Day week-end. CorOMclelMar aC!alr," Mr•. Emory Moor!'. u - soclallon director Mid. Ticket.a may be-oblalnt d by callln~ Mr1. J oseph al Harbor 0318-R by real- denta who have not be•n reached by block rey~tallvu !or the dance. Islanders Visit Mr3. Glenn Baller opened the bu.alneu 1es11lon and Mrs. Norm aA Frahm gave the devot1on1. Re- porla were presented by Mra. Don· 1 Brownie Troop 50 at Buffalo Ranch I Brownle Troop ~o. Girl Scout&. I In th• Newport-B&JboA VI.lit& area Kin in Arizona , 11 headed by leader. Mni. w nuam IC. Fl11her, 1983 Continental Av•. I Retumlnc from a one-week va· and .Mra-Fred Youngblood, 1983 1 ca tion trip to Arlzoi. are the .. ~edera.1 Avt. Recently the g-roup Visited the Buffalo Ranch for R•v. and Mra. Donald G. SApp ot 111ghtattlng and lunch of buffalo- Balbo& Iala.nd. The nuni.,ter and burgera. Members ot the troop are his wife 1penl lut wePk visiting Su111e Hale, Kathleen Glbllon, Ker1· their fAmllll'll In Phoenix and j1.y Hou~ton, Ca thy Kelly, Cl .. y F'leher. Fredda Youngblood, Betty •-.iother wanta to "'relax in luxury your local trave~ ~ency can arrange TWO vacations with ONE happy ending all deta il• arranred ('On~llll IJA lodAy cdm tranl ttervb ~ti, I:. C'out H")· ('ornna dPI Mar Harbor IUt I Mutual Theatre T1ckel..I l ChandJPr. l'Ann~~R~1~£~kl~e-=an~d~P~am~e~la~W~ln~g~.;;;:;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · The couple a t tended a 10-)'e&r I~ reunion or Mra. Se.pp'1 high .chool gradu1._yn g clue. They alao had &n opportunity to .. e the twin boy a nd girl who were born to Mrs. Sa pp·a brother and -.-.'ife 011 May 30. Fine Furniture ' & Accessories Dt1tinctive Decorating Service lalboa Island Chlldrn'a Friday .June 10' ODJ7 / BLOUSES 81-I tlml U • , .... ~ f'Olora A Pr1a .. C'ott-... Nyl- 1881 Barbor Btvd., • _, lJ 8-7061 MISS DAMON LOUISE KE'EPEN -Don Bush Photo Robert Keppens· Tell Engagement of Damon Louise Mr. and Mni. Robert L. Keppen, 118 Via Lorca, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Damon Louise to Mr. William Gene Guatateon, too of Mr. and Mn1. Burt N. Guatafaoq, 3201 Clay St. Miu Keppen WU STadU&ted trom Newport Har bor union Hlrh Surprise Fete School. 19D3, and ta completing her aecond year at Oranr-e Cout Coller•. She wu tor the put two aummera awlmminl' ln.atructor &t Harbor Hlch School pool. Mr. Ouatal.on aleo waa fl'Mlu· ated from• Harbor HJi'b, ltH, and Mrved three yeai:a wtth the army. H• ll now &TM1uattnc trom 01'· a.net Ceut CoUer• and wlll con· tlnut hta lfl&'lnMrtq atudy at the UnlveNlty ot Bout.hem C&lltoml&. The ~ date bu not ti.an ML A. birthday IUrprlM party WU lt&pd Thunday nl&'ht for Mn. Altliert JC. Jobnaon, 400 W. WU.On St., Colt.a Meat., when & (TOOP ot frtenda arrived at th• John.eon hoD'll with a larr• birthday cake. ntreehment.a, tlowel'lt and ctfta. ~t-were Mn. Lawrence FredrlkMD. Mra. Leroy Ander*1rl, KiM Anne Hospel'lt, Kn. Edward Mirkovich. Miu Charlotte 8klnner, th• honoree and her huab&nd. -. Father' a Day .lune 19th I , ' ' ' . ..... ., • j • • " • •# ''~ ~ ..... Tlley'N tolie .,..u ttltov9h "'°"" -with tllf)'--fort, VltlllMIOI ""°"MUI You're fancy-free in our A·l ~nim mata. Jacket hu the esduive duo·pockete. Slacb haw continuoua ~ waittband. deep pleeta. Buy a .et I ~ ~~~;e,:;:n s.:~ I --'-• val-dyed. Jn faded blue, 1Wbea&one, · I ~' , chartone end othH new colon. --- OPES 8USDA 'f8 It io I Slecb -Si.-2M2 4.95 ' \ JacW-SiaaM-4' 4.95 . -l~--::;, • 7, •,' ;,..J~~ ';_I ____ ,,. (iY'('\ "" J Oil tM ~ FNllt at 'ltlMI 8&. 0.. ... ..._ ,,_ Jlf ....... ... -NIWPOIT llACH . . -v Bridal Shower to Honor Penelope Elwinger MU.. Au•Un-lkli. "Bully'' ~ f'lt.aprald. Al.t.DP49r Moili9Gll. C. van at U do Park will be bo.t-W . Hubert. Paul Herron. A'>'n• tGl'llorrow &tlernOQC\ at • pre-nup-Field.a, Kenneth Dell. W. C. Jllo- U&l mlacellaneoua ahower honorlnr berlll, Ml• Palrlda Jlloberta. Miu Peneolope ElWin&'fl' ot Ut6 Alao Mm-. Jl:UIMof'lh Betti, CrNtvl•w Drive. · MtN Elwt~r·e mani~e to Al· Stephan Jl'reem&A. Cut Veneman, a.n Quinby Hatch. eon ot Mr. &nd Cbarlee Sullivan, ~ ......,. Glad1tone Hatch. .ll Via Udo _"_·i_u_ard_e._u_an_4_s._w_. _•_ll __ N""ord, ii ecbitduled ror June 18 at I L JfD'• l:plecopal CburdL DOMhoet ..... .... Ttl4I JUMt llat lncludu . Mra. J o-M:r. and Mn. ONlll Donalio., '!Ph W. Wood, mother ot .... ~• bnde-elect, and th.-latter'1 twin Dt6 WMt W8aan ai .. eo.t.a M .... .Ulel' Prudence; Mre. Hatch, mo-are parenla ot an I lb. 10 -.. lloy, ther ot the future benedlct. and born June a tn st. Joeeplt lilo9plt.al. lfmu. II:. M. Canon, Edwin C. Jotuuon, CIJt:rord BartOCJ, Nonnan ------------- Opening Tea at Laguna Ari Gallery BJ 08WELL IACK.SbN "nle beautlt\ll wealher brou1ht out a record attendance at the monthly tea on Sunday. opentnr the new exhlblla. The le& wae 1ponaored by the &'•.llery under the chairmanahJp of Mra. Mildred F. Brown. Mra. Mary R. Sherer ar- ranged the table with yellow clad.a 1upp\led by Mra. Heflry f-nder Ve Ide. Pourlnc wer. Mmea. Charlff Br&dley, Cordelia Skelton. E. 0 . Sevtnr. and G. O. Stromer. Co- hoateMea ~~re Mm••· Maida Franklin, R. Loyd Babcock, Mary R. Sherer, Betty Oardner. June Ha.rlley, Marie. Va.n Houtt'n, Etta May N ear, Vandu Velve, N•llle Favour, Emalle Schneeberger, I Caryl Wood and MIN Karen Bo-' deen. The new exhlblta of Eugene Nowlen'• watt'rcolora and Carl Schmidt'• olla In the toyer !l'lllery drew mui:h favorable comment. "nle new June-July Member9hlp Show In the two main pllerlu 11 one ot the nnut In many month•. It contalne plcturea by moet of the outatandtnf ar.U1ta of the Soul.bland. The popular vote for the M&y No-Jury Show wenl to Robert Wood tor hla martne "Afternoon Raya". aecond choice waa Clyde Scott'• "Over The 0-rt". Pay as little u •1.00 a week and have the .. Look of a Leader, .. LORENZ Jeweler. IOI Weet tU1 St. 8aata Aa& Open Fri. to 8 p. m. Fre. Park.In& at any lot the can opener that's GEARED /or 'easier can opening It'• what you've always wof'ltedl Os>-CON ol Oft"/ ail•, .,.,., lhope wi1h •os•. Come in. We'd like to show you the impcwt~ of 9eore.d-oction. flVl YU• GUAUNTH ~· lrieN c ........ ,.!Nth. £ ................... , * f?SWllT • llU , · 27l7 East Coast Highway · Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 1308 ' r ' ,, PAGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 I ----~ TEA IN THE GARDEN ROOM at Lidb-'lsle Women's Club bazaar is being served by Mn. Kent Hi\.chcock {right), pEis t pre~ident , to (I tor) lira. Thomi.11 Letto, pre- 11ldent-elect, Mn. William B. Tritt and Mra. Keith Cordrey. general chairman for tht buaar. -Stal! Photo • Mrs. Tate Hosts Parlor Party; Election Due MemMr• ot O;inchl1-!>arklr, No'. lte, Nauw O.ulftt•r• of UI• Gol- den \\'•t. ••re •u•ll of MfL f'~rw::1 Ta~ ~WMnelday al htr ModjMk• Caayon hom1 a l • pot• l\l~k l•wn party. N1zt me•Un1 ot COlllt:hlla Par-- lor 111•1U bf/. hald. Jun• I al ,A"1trJ- can l.Asl&n Hall, Co.ta MML llwal· neu ot th• 1'Nnin1 wlll bt eiel:UOll of new otnc.r1. 1'1•mbtre prHellt lnc1ud.ed ln a d- dition to th« ho1ttu. Mm11. Hl.r· ol GrahAlTI. J oh.n JacobHo, 'nl.1 Balbo.a DupLIC9.l.9 Br1dl• Club will hold It.JI llr•l Mailer J atk '''II-, William O"Ket1ft, JoM Ma.leom-o.n, Walt•r Nol\ar. Ch••t•r -Polla rd, J. c. Yt'h"l•r. Theodor. C. Elman. Rudolph 0. P•ter10n. Mra. Lucy NOMnlO. Mrt_,._ Dan Place ano Mre. H•l"'n CoUln.. Oue•U: pr-nt tnctuded M.m11. Harold Mltcl'l~ll. K. P. And•rton. Law,..nc• lfM'&l'\I• Ir., Ll'#nn<'•• 8pr411u1 Jr. and O.rr1ck Karri•. 1 Dun ne Ult att1rnoon mtmbtr1 and rue1t1 .-U.lted th• DoTI>U\y M•y Tucker l!llrd Sanctuary In Modjelk• Canyon. Portland Guests Mr . .and M.ra. Oeor11 Roberti of Portland. Oreron, a;. vt1tlln1 r.la-! Uvtt In Coal& Mei.a for a few Wtek1. They ar• fUe1t1 at ltl• Ro· btrt Byphert home to:to Contln- •ntal Av"• and th• M. R. 8oU<'h•r1, Hl98 \\'hltlltr Ave. Pair• City Ch&mpio:iahlp tourna-1 -------------- ment on Sunday •l lhf' EbeU Club Doe1bur1 were ea1t-welt wlnn•r• Hou1e In Balboa. Th• flr•t -•Ion In th• Monday anernoon 1am1 will 1lart at l :50 and th1 aecond whll• hllh l c:'Oter1 norlh·IOUlA 1eu1on at 8:30 p.m. wer• P•rty Cn1wley llnd W~I On F riday evrnln1 t he club will Kttchum. wt.t _,. Mrs.• t.J'te!I aat Vrt1, MUtMt: MrL Ro.. ud MrL f'~d Johuon. SPECIAL •Jso • Two Operatoni - To Serve· You Open TuH,_May 31 at New Location 357 Newport llvd. Crol•rot.d. Villa1e Uberty 8-2f12 l//.n~ have • Ma1t'r Poi nt Open pm1 Runnlrt·UP north · llOulh w•r• -----------------------------,-------------~-lat th• Ebe!! Club Hou .. "''Ith play Mr1. B. B. Morrill and Mr1. Karry atar tlnf I t i :50 n'clock. and a BchUUnr; 88.lly Brown and Fr.d pot !uc:'k 1Uppt'r prrced!ng the )iforrls: ~lr11. A. \\". Tur11m<'l 1nd Beaul'I S~op MISS SHERRILL HOUGH -Maggie Ptice Photo Hough ,Rites Set in August The Hai-ry M. Houghs, 001 Via Lido Nord, revealed the engagement of their daughter, Sherrill Ann, when they en- tertained la1t night at a cocktail party. Thrust through a large floral heart of white carn11.ti ons was an arrow, on w hich.. wu l n1erl~d Sherr1ll'•1 •llend!l nt.11, for the wedding date riame and t ha t of her f!ence. StPW-hall br:en aret ror Aug. 20 a t Our art W. D!,lllncham, !!On of Mr. and l..ady or l>fvunt Carmel Chur-ch. )lr1. S. \\. 01\Ungham of IA Crr .. The entoU°'fle ..,.'ill lnelu(\e 1'.I!~ c:'ent•. 1 Karrn K111u.~ntr 111 maid of honor, The bride-elect "'·orr 11 pink sum-and the bri<lt'tlm1id$, .lolieu• Anne mer cottori, lhe Jong 1.otl,o bodice Butc:'h, Pat1y J o Blltllr, K11thlten f'mbroldered with brilllanll. Both K1.1111 and Connie lrlangold. 1.tra. Hough and hl't' &econd da u1h· The future Mf9. Dillingham \• a tt r 11.l110 <'hoae pink cotton iowna. Pi Bet.a Phi from the unlver11lty ?.1~ 011\\nch am a11al1tt'd In "'° of A.:11.(ln a and Mr. DU\ingham'1 ..:rivin g. fr11ternlty 111 Sigma. Alpha. Ep11\on, Allio lending aJd Wl'rf! th• bridal t l!IO •t U of A. District Governor' Visits· Zonta Club SEALARKING By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITH ABOARD SLOOP TYJ"E E: tle'1 and Ahce'a Be1·erly HUJ1 Shoved' oft rrom our Udo 111• •li p to""" house .. to cover lhe wttert«mt and found Next door to the Roemf't·Vall m•ny Newporter• ent1rtatnln1 a t home 11 the fdrmer Gr1tfiU!. abo<lr, Lhrlr w&tf'rfront homa. No prl-now owned by the ho1pltable Aaa vacy on th• bayfront anymore .'.. Call family. \\'avrd lo Nan<'y w!U!. our nn.·1-ptlttrln.S 1loop'1 (M:ra. T ed) Ca.It and darlLn1 ll!tle "l<!tln( eye." Candy u they prepm.red for a aall. LIDO JSLE: Stopped to talk to ST. J AMES DAY SC H OO L l vo 4},fr1. M.ax 111·elll Sturgee •l DANCE : Around th• bend •lop- her Lido Nord dock ... he&n:I ped by Lhe T0by \\'Ucox cti...r«>al n-• of the "Nf'uly New'' Ft..1hlon and w.alermrllon Rlvrrla h.ome Show which member• of the Or-and found BIJI lnv!tlnt g ue1ll tor ange..County Phlihannonle Society a cockt.aJI p•rty fo'rld.ay nljtht . will ctv• •t the Balboa S.y Club the CIJMll who wlll make up the tn September .. do .... ·n a p•ce \\'llcox tab!• for U!.e -St. Jan1M waved lo Edythe llftd J ack Hughey dlnner--danc• a t ?\'e11o·port Harbor who h•v• ju•t returned trom a Yacht Club ... a 1ort ot a par- n rtng trip E111t to pick up a new ent1' 1ret·tog1ther ... ln\·lted; Packard llnd tor Jack to vl1!t the M.ary 11.nd J lm Carroll. j\largr Toronto Stock Exehuge. ( .lolr1. \\'il!ian11 S1n!th. Bill F'am •- BAZA.AR: A few home• down the "''orth, •nd the Eh1·ood ~fartll'lll bay noted th•t Virginia and \'11n (who are f ln11lly enS<:oncM In their Clothle:r were down tor the W('ek-1tunnin1 new Harbor J11le home end, Virginia ju1t having taken after Uvlntr for the paat n1on th1 at ln the final mttllnc ot t he year the Bay Club, • , • -.leo due at the Bl _ U.e Cheviot Hlllll Women'• sehool dan<'l', J o11nnlr. lllld Jll)' Club. ltlrn d"1ve down to Newport Bee1emyer, Donn11 and Dic k 1.11.r- to t11ke ln the Lido Club'• Bau.ar 11oellu11, 811rbe and Hob Sal11bur)' , .. HPard that M&Jllne 1 Mr1 . J oe) amofll' othtni. f'relnlnger waa th• lucky wiMer BOATING : On th• -y out the ot t hl Dorothy O'Har11. priu at bay "11. lnto Barbara and Verne the b&s••r ... how forlW\ll• U do Kellry a board GYP9Y CllpPl'r ... ill to have Dorotl\y w • realdent waved to Cha r lott.t and Hay1 Mc· . . . 1he and hrr hu1 band Hank Clell&n MlllnC In their Mercury Lunney 1.re a popular twoaome "Myth," down from thtlr Holly· . , . noted how many Ud9 a•ll wood H illa hom11. for the "''U k-end were (owned tn O'HatjL9 a t the .at the Newport Y&ch t Club ... b«taer .. our be11utlru1 Mayor Jellll llfld J ohn Gl•M on their new Dor• Hill, 11.11d <'Ute Helen (Mn. & .. 0 •1.1! "'1th peat.JI AllllOn .and Hury) Kelao among otnerw. Dick Lovrland a board ... a.nd on On to the Eaat end f)f Udo hie th• 111·ay home llfter a perfect di· and noted a large group .at the \1ne ... I in the ocean, 1topped by san ig home . . new owne.,... the to eee Gibby 1.nd Ed Kratt on Fo~1t (Cl~k l Smith moY• In their Lucky Dutchman at Rl<"h- Mr11. J ohn 1Virglnl11 E11.1Ulck, 111•ke !ta pledg P to .aNUit In tl'll• around J uly l . &n1110n'• Le.ndlnjt. Ynma: Arl1., 10,•rmor c f l.Onta projfl:t. -\\'EDDINQ BELL-'3: TKt •tun-COCf{PIT SKUTrt.i:; J e.u Had· CJ11b Di•lrlct 9. v.·u g11e~l of hon-~!'I. Eiu·I 8l111ley.' chairman. nine 1ton11. and c lu1 modem Eller· Jey at Thorpe'• ln Balboa full or nr "~ 11he Illa.de. hPr r>fllclal ,·!1lt outllned pl•n.11 for the Dl1tr!et 9 broek at the el(\reme ewt polnt neWll of her eon Bill'• "''rddlng to 1,1 J_).le Zorita Club nf Ne"'·port confr r-ence to be held Oct. 7. 8 and of U do n anked by gl•nl pa.1m1 beautiful blond J ollllnle ByTan . llarbor ~111y ~I . at the home of 9 •l the B11lboa ~y CJ1ib. and be!onga to '"''0 of the mott gra-which will take place a t the E pl1- t.1>·~. f{rnnl:'lh Cool1n..,., 2~ $(hOOn· appointed the following commit-cloua and tun lovtnc "Lnhabl" of <'opal Chun:h of thr .loleeelah In tr Rot.d. \tee hrad1: J.lme1. Geors e Brn1, the l.Jlland ... 1!1tera, Mni. Alice Santa An• July lat with the re· llr1. P:11.11tlh:k \\"al prl'11e.nt<'d lnrormatlon; \V, R. Colrrn11n. pub· Roemer, and Mni. Bettle Vall ... cepUon •l the B.ay Club ... •h•l "''i~ a 11m111l doll "''hose ek1rt "''1111 1 lklty: J . \V, Reinrrt, tr11.~Aport•· nev.·1 ot thll hou.ehold e&n iaow be a handeome Mr. l.nd Mr1. Joann!1 mldt O( bllla amountln« lo llOS tton: Robert J •yrf!d, t!n•nct and told .. , the m•rrlag• on Saturday and Biii will mAke . . 13u• Smith In a pply on hfr "F lower• tor Rulh llerc:umr. reg\1trat1on. The of Bettle and Gordon Carsat. lo and Fred 9oren.en at Victor }'rlenU.sh1p" proJec.t ··••hich \\'ill r n-~ Zont.a. president and .board mrm-take plate In the Beverly KIO• Husn'• , . , the U do I.alt Ya.<:hl 1 ~lile A 7-t">ntll dele.K"&le r r o n1 ber11 will llCl at official ho•te1J.11e1 Community church .•• n••r Bet· Club pllUU!lnl to ho~O It.I Com- Sweden lo attend t he lnternaUon•I with the 11tttrln,; committee ln-1 ~==~----;;;;;;::~L;::::=~====::yj;:~~~ <'Onl'f'ntlon Jn Sun V11ll"Y next f'ludl'Tlg Mme11. Stanley, Albert ..:_.:~g,--'"' --r, -.' • '1\ t yrar. stocl{tori. Jame• A11pln •nd Harold tu..,. "I ..... _....e-__. t'': ~ltl. t.l•rraret Br11nlng:. cha ir-Robert.on. i-. · rnan. tPJ'IOrtf!d on the American Mr.. Robe"rt Strpheneon H•~d Jn/O 1·,J F ield Sf'rl'ICe l n te rn a l I o n a I ver-.1111 -• a Cl.l'•t. ~ff l'lcholt.Ntl"llJ19, •xplllnlng-the pro-A "pretldenlll' lea" will be clv-t redUr• or. lmprovt,,.. lnternatlon•L •n by Mrs. l'l.Obt"'-on Sunday, a Summer J"")•tloM by brlngln' forel1rn h!Sh Jun• 11 from I to fl p. m. •t ' her •chool 11t 11dent• hf'rc tor nne ytt.r home, 333 EMl Bay Front, with i i' F. I 10 ll\'I In prt)·a te h0/111!11 .and 1\-guull invited rrom Zonta Clube OJ 1111. l<'nd achoolti. After the 11ehool of BurbMlk, Garden Oro~. Mol\y- y e1r they rrturn to thr lr n\\'l'I wood, N'orU! Kollywood, (',lendale, Sun . Tipping cr>untrle.t lo 11prea.d · their know!-t..«una. Lol\I' Beach, LynwQOd, tl'lfi:! ot -thf' nruntry. ZOfllll Club PMaden&, Riv•ralde and San. Fer• $-1.0.QQ of Xr~'J)Ort H11rbor \I'll.II flr-Bt lo n•ndo. DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 1 }.fadame L iJ\ya Anderson \\"ho hll lnlt.mlltional \~perlrner a11 a voice tell<'htr ln both c! ... h:a.I ano popular 't'Olce de\'elopment, .... 1u f1.v• pr1.,.•t1· ln~truct\on to a llmlted number of 1tudent1. Al"DITIOXS ntF.I'!" O:C FILIDA1'8 C..U HYatt 4·6685 for appointment Permanents from "$I 0.00 Haircutting $2.00 For Appointment.11 Harbor 2844 .A/ice o/ oflJo L 408 Ultd It., the Post OlfiOe Street. Newport Beech II' ONLY I COULO ~ THIS~ . • 'Tl$ 5'10 I SHALL BE BOSS I • l'ERHAPS THE YELLOW PAGES WILL HELP ME GET ACIWSS ' FOR DIVING APPARATUS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE tlASSIAfO'AW' OF YOUR TEl.El'HONE BOOK • Shower Fqr Ann Gristy p n1e with ttrvlng at 8:30 o'clock. !j';~~·;;:;k~~·~·~·~•~l ,;;;;R~"~"~"~"~'~-~":"~'~'~'~';· ;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;~ \\'innf'rl of lfl• recent evening game wl're Mra. Pr jtgy Johnscin I A pr•-nuptua.I lhower horiorln1t i u .. A nn G ri111y ot Co~ll MeN, who 111•IH become Mr•. Jamel A. Hl r rl• Jr. on J une 28, wu ho1- te111l!d by MlllA' e arb•ra E!ler- broek anJ MrL Jame1 Kuhn .at the .lovely EU1rbro1k home In S1L11ta AnL Thrme ot Lht ahower ..,,._. tn!1- ""'ll11nt!OU11 kltehen gifts, Tho1e 11t· tending "''r te : Mtlldames Alan Gri1ty, Ja m~• H r1.rrta. F red \\'eat. \\'alla<:e Lon1r1dgr, Ronald Blr t- <'h"r. Lewi• Kaan. Edw•rd Wr1J hl. Eugene D1o11ford. Kuhn. MIMel N"aney Gr'-'ty M d Marlene Ander- aon, and the hoatea1. Sendlni;:: ll gift but unable to allend wa11 ~11111 Jo Anne Queen. Sigma Kappas Hold Social Coffee Hour .and N. Karoly In norUl""·llOUth po- 1ltlon whtle e .. t-wut &e0rerw were Mr1. C•rrie" l3aundr r1 end Charlr1 JeJ1trr. Runn•r1-up nort.h-llOulb wrre J.liM i;.,,.ue Fowler and \fni. Roy Suou tyln1 wllh Mnr. KaU.eriNI Smolh and Mra. Lou191! Wuh- brook; Sally Brown •nd •Stan Hu•key. Runnrr••up e"t-.... •rat were Mn, Robf,rt Ro• and Mr•. A. G. DoeJ1· burg; Mra. E. J. Muraet and Mr11. E. J. Mur11rt Jr; Mra. Mildred Ly- tel and Mr•. Henry Eggr rt. Winnen ot Maater Polnta In Sund•y'1 K&m• wrre Fred Morr1- 1on and Hqward Brownell playing nort.h-aouth ind Mr. 1.nd Mrt. F red Johnaon eu t·Wf'lt , Runner• - up north-llOUt h were Bet ty Coombil and Sta.n Ku1k•y; N¥dra. Scott 11.nd Ke.\cf'y I'etter110ii: )h"I. Ma.r- garet Holme1 1.nd M'f9. Strot.I. Runners-up .ut-weat Wt;te Mr. 5iKm11 h'.app11 June 2 heloi nn In-a.nd 1.fra. J. H. Br11tow: M•r le Fo- torm11 roff,.. hour 11 t the horiir ot I gel and Mra. Per-cy Crawlry; J..lrJ1. .Mr•. E . J. \\'achtf!r, 119 Cuther Cha rlu Boe.rdm1n and Mr•. A. G. Road, &aeon Ua.y. 1 Ooo-.11 bur1. P urpoi1e ot the IOC!al "''&..! to en· l>lr.11. George Carroll &lid :M.Ta. eble Harbor Area Sigma Kapp.u l ~=============;l l to blcom• bttter aequ1!nted. The org1nlu.tlon hope. to hold rr~ular mttUnp ltt-the tuturt. modore'1 Ba.ii 6aturd1y 1'!ght at ~he Udo <!Jub wl\h ail membera •board betnr 1rre•ted by Commo· dor e M. A. Ander90n and Mn. Andereon •nd J..I\'C f!ar oft!crn ... Frt'd Smith •t Rlehan1'1 help- inl( hl11 hrlprnate Dorolhy •h"IJ •.. ditto Vince 11nd Pat Hefll.ly ••. and 8111 and Betrv .lofcG<'e ... how a bout hu1b11.11d;• eornrr. Dick ? ., 'J<IOr'JI! Hand-de Contempo,.,., Orlgtaal. !8 • nu. Pl-ac 8"bnont Pier Long O...h, Calif. Cloeed Mond.a11 • . . Ask Any Islander SwlmauJt by Col• The St•vff•r Syttem 11 Miii .. NEW FIGURES f0t 1umm•rl _ Ttte ITAUPPD •M1rtc1ti• ho b le1 will trim your HIPS, TUMMY, CALV~ incl THIGHS, 10 qvlckly •Md ••,lty you wllt find It li1rd lo belle v• your ti YO:" w~li llU • llM ~ ... 1lz.•1 12 and 14 thl1 M.1mrnt1r, call the ST AUFffll SYSTEM TO· DAY for yovP NFN flGUltl! I C1R l'HONI NUMIR f.w • oomplete per1on1I figure •~ 1l)t1i1 11\d • compllrnent•:y demon1tNtion o f the f1mou1 ST AUFFElt T A8L.fS. 3117 E •. co .. t Highwey CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 170 TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department ••••••••••• i · v;n c1e Komii• f : SPECIALS FOR JUNE 9 • 10 • II Don's Meats SWISS STEAK ___ ,.. nc l!lhaWder • 6Qc LAMB CHOPS __ ,.. 1- A 4~ "Clrd9 "'" BACON DINER.'S CLUB HONORED AT "' 9rog0 Shop " Del MonU. STRING BEANS \'an Camp'• PORK & BEANS Ubb3·'• FRUIT for SALAD Dl>I Moat~ 1111, .... PEACHES JELLO CRISCO Del 1110 .... PICKLE CHIPS KIRACU:: WHIP SURF DICK'S Green Grocer••' C'rl•p Rf\11 r..e.t 2 1 s LETTUCE ................ ,., c PEAS·~·~ _ 2 ,., 29c B"'"'9tR.oltallU ·3 21C ONIONS . __ 1 ... Speclallzin9 .11 9uallry Produce You Select ••• We DellYer nsticlals~ I ~10,11 t ·-------------2-LMy• Miik 0 ...... ,._,.. •• Dftll'• .... CAKU •••••••• 7 .. _ ,. ..... _, • ~o... .. ,,.,._4 SPONOJ_CAXI If'_...__. __ _ ,...~_, • ...... AHGll.POODCAKI ......... -'1.9'-.... .., • -CHIFFON CAKI .... 79'. ..... .., • "-" 45' • .... .., 2.i.-,.r ct., ............... '-CAKU It'-. ,..., ... _, "---------···-· THE MARKET SPOT--- 200· MARINI! A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND ' .. BARBOR ffiOH SCriOOL Mnior girl.9 were honored at a tea Sunday at the home of Sally Pflater, 39 Shel· ter Cove. From left around the buffet table are Jane MA ... , 1 ,,_ ••••• modcla (left) a becoming flowered pink or~:rnJy at the high 1ehool fashion 1bow. lta whit~ lace trim wu duplicated in the rutned edge of the tiny ;ac·krt. At right Dee Tooley wears a baby blue· wool skirt with sweater jacket of w.hite wool. Commentators for the show were Shelby Tunnell. who WQl'f> a turquoi11c print with velvet band at the hipline and Kayla Hurtsr in a beige butcher linen co.at lined with the turquoise print which fuhioned her long torao frock. -Staff Photo OCC . LIBRARIAN 'Have Tux, Will Travel' Reviewed by H aarstad A book rf\'lew by William HHral.Ad, Orange Coaat Colleg-• librarian. ft a turra "Han Tux, Wiii Ttavel'', b}' Bob Ho~ ( .. told to Pete MartJn ). trying tlmes 11.re $(raphlcnlly told by H•·P•'· The 11dvent or televl•lon, Hope'• mo\'JO ca.rerr are tom• of the ln- tere~tlng "('l!mPnta ot the book. The book 111 written In a.n easy to rra<t !'tyle, 11lthou~h not loo lilf'rnry. On re11tltn~ thP p:tj!"!". howr\'Pr, nne rul8 he I" 11c111ally tlllkl'llt tn Hopr. The book 11 bJgh· ly rrrommrndNI. Ostrander. Mrs. Roy Fox, Judy Sleeper, Mary Kramer, Melinda Leitbold, Sally Pfiater and Arlene Huff. -Staff Photo . ARLENE HUFF RECEIVES use SCHOLARSHIP Aw ARD In recognition of out.eta.ncllng academic recorda and 1lu· dent Jeadnshlp, a 1eholarshlp to the Unlver111ty of Soulht'm Celifonila. beginnln1 w1Ul the St'plemb4>r Lt'rm, hu been granted to MLu Arlen• Hult or •31 lrvlne Ave., graduat4 ot the local hlah achooL ' The unlve!'91ty ICbolanhlp ls valut'd up to full tuition or 12300 lor four yeara of rollt'ge lnLlnlng, btlng renewable an· nu'lllly upon completion' ot aallsfactory work. Ovn eoo achola111hlpe have been awarded to worthy atu- denl• thla year, acconllil~ to Dr. Bernard L. Hylnk, dean of 1tudent1 and chairman ot the acholar:ihlp committ... BACHELORS OF ARTS Potnona Degrees for Localites !l:ev.1>0rt Harbor a.ru. ltu- ~ among 190 candldatu for bachelor of arl• degreu a t Pomon11. Collri;e·a 62nd commence· mrnt exerclsr11 SundAy. Sir Le111le Knox Munro, K.C.· M.C .. New Zraland amblll&ador t o the Unlttd Sllltu . w\11 1pea1c. Orange County ca.ndlda tu for B.A. devtt'S Include the follow- ing, a ll' l9r•l j.\'Taduatea of New- port Harbor Union H l!(h School: Madl'hne c Lynne) Zerbe, daurh· ter of Mr. an(! Mrs. Arthur L Zerbe, Box 8. Balboa., who has ma· Jorcd In 80Cloloey and p lan• to tt'&t'h In elementary ar hool. Sav-a-Bit Shop Open 3 Days Due to IUneu ot aenral helpera 111 lhe Glrla' Club Sav·a·Blt Thrlft Shop tbi. Jut month, It wu Im· poNi1ble t o kwp regular hOuni. .\frs. Earl Piper, execuUve director c>f the club announce. that begin· nlng tllla week, the ~gular eche- dut .. will be resumed. The ahop at 2206 Newport Blvd. will be open TuN1day, \\'ednt'adtty ar\d Friday from 10 a.m. to t J>.m. The Girl• Club entry In the Cot· ta Mesa Fish Fry parade won a ~pt'dal bluo ribbon 11ward. It a on d11play at the clubhouse. 19\812 ·Flllroor Blvd. Several more lnd1vidu111 awani. WiU tw g:IYell b7 the club. • ,, ... ,.. by Wirt l!ayrt Wllh Party Rental Items • s•os B. Coaat Bv., Coro..a ul Jltn Barbor 50"11 IL Cent Cratn. eon of Kr. &11d Kn. ICmut Crain, 2t8 Mont. Vi.t.a. Co1ta MPI•, who hu major~ In govt'mml'nl a.nd has bt'tn out- ata.ndln~ on thl' varsity bueb&U team or which he bu been cap- t&.ln and tht1 yea r wu named flrat All·Confer~nce catcher. He hu won a 11000 poet-g-raduate 11Cbolan1hlp to the University of Chlcag'O Law !chool. Re 11 due to receive a l!l'<'Ond lleuten11nt c:ornml1111lon ln the U. I . Army Ru<"rve. William A. W hitman. Jr .. eon of W111iam A. Wittman. 812 1 South Gate A ,.e .. !!outh Gate, and of Mra. Vera Willman Tltt.z, 1957 Sant.a Ana Ave .. Ct>sla Mesa. who hu majored In government a.nd won vanilty ltttert In footb11U. }fe ~m reoelve a. •econd lieutenant oom- mlu1011 In the U. 8. Army Reeerve a.nd exp4"cWI to ge> to Fort Benj&· min Ha.rr111on. lndta.na, ln the fall of 1955. Seymour B<'ek. 110n of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jo~ph A. Beek, 528 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island, who hu m11· jored In malhem11Uc1 a.nd has been outstanding on the vanity swtm- mlJlg 1tnd w11ter polo team1. wu capta.ln of the llW1mrntnr Don H. Lingle W , son of Mr. and Mrs. Don. ff. Llnglt', 149•5 Loi Lotu, Whlttlet, bu majored In e<:onomlca a.nd be la marrif'd to the former Andrea J. Sw111n pt Ba.Ibo& lllMd. a member ot the Pomona class of '!I&. They live at HI 8. Pa!Jlter, Whittler. WlWa.m V. Schmidt. eon or Mr. and Kn. Willhun G. Schmidt, 2528 cr.tYiew Drive. wbo hu majored lla economic• a nd wu ou\lt.andlnl' on th• v·&rsity foollla.11 team. He pl&ru1 to conUnue h.11 at.udlu In law at Harvard Law School •tarung nat tall AT THE HARBOR HIGH sCHOOL fashion ihow Beverly Pfirrmann (1 to r) modeled a pink wool jack· et suit which she had made ln home econom.ica clua: Cynthia Smith's brown 1ummer cotton wu trlmmec\ - · with ric-rac and Jennie Lund matched an Argyle l!IWeater to her tailored gray calhmere akirt. -Staff Photo Mesa Bethel Installs at . 17th Ceremony . . -Miss Donna Hamilton is Honored Queen MlM la.nice White, retlrin& honored queen of Bethel U57, Jo~·· Dauahtera, preaided at ceremonies In Friday_ Ar-1 1 ternoon Club Hou.ee, Cotta Meea, which seated new officers tor t.b41r alx mont!y t.erma. 117, Carole La.r..en ot Bethel 213 J::leeUvu l&klnl' otnce at th1a a.nd R.nored Queen O.udi& WhJt. 17th lnat&UaUon were Donn11 Ha.m· ot Bcthl'l J3. ll:lt'11nor Rftg-an. llton, honored queen: Carol Crain, Orand Bclhel eenlor prlnco a and 11cnlor prlnceea; Marjorie Knox , pUt honored quetn or Bethel H11, junlot princeu: Beverly Bffbe, aerved u nag be•~l"ll. ruld• and Kuy Alm Cooper. mar-TAKE PART &h~PPointln otnceN Included T ina Hughu and Diana Crane rlrsl to !lfth mfll!j§cn r crs. Carol p1.rl1c1paled ln the cand.lcUght.iJlC I M•d•flllan. Aru\I. D•vt•. Betty oa-ceremony, N«ncy Cristy wu In , vii Lorraine Cuthbert a.nd Gerry t'ha~e or the gutat book. Jena.lyn B~ger; M&re•ll Carr a nd Mary J Black of prorran1s and ho11Le1111 .. Ann Fay. aenlor and Junior cu.a-1 were Fr11n Gowan. Nanci Camp- todlana; e.tta Smith and Diane beU a.ml Marilyn Jn~undaon. Jack10n, Inner a.nd outer, guards: I M4rY Lee Ht.Ydtn. recorde'r; PeMy Mesa Speth, chaplaJn; Margaret Frue- h&n, treuurer; Oynelle Dysart, II· bra.rlan; Kay Klncllld, mualclan: Homemakers · on Hollywood Trip Sandra C~rlain, tlectr1Cfa.n : A g roup from th• COJOLa Meea Kay Harr111. recorded and Rosa An· HomcmAkrra club wenl lo Holly· 1 de1'90n, aulatant mullcl&Jl. wood with Mn. Ralph Taylor, lo- TRE SINGERS cal 4·H girls' leader, lncludlnr Mrs. Bernard Burton. Mn. Uldw1g ni. Bethel Choir lncludu: Ort. Mni. J c• Evans. Mrs. Gary Unda Adair. Terry .v11i.cana.1 Ftedrlkscn and M~. Albert E. Barba r:i Fetncy. Jacklt Garrett, Johruon. Na.ncy Lewis. Marjorie Trllutwtln. I The party toured the L& Brea Waa:d& Tr&utweln, Linda Waltz. tar plu In the morning, vlaittd 1'U.l Porte.r Linda Willsey, Unda. CBS before luncheon at Farmer'• SttUer. Janel Mob<-1. Donna Al-Marktt. Thry were _amonK oth#n br1fbt.. Donna Church. Barbini. from the home department of Or- Cooper, Lorena Kelly. !'.9tclle War-11.11ge County Fann Butt&u. d%tk, Andru Papineau, Linda R<>- beson and Pat Kennedy; Al80 J;nea Naples, Joe.n Walp, Roaalle ViKhu, Terry ROM, Shar· on Brl&'P. Elaine n:><>d, J erilyn Warttn. Kalhleen Burba.nk. Marl· lyn Tyrell, Sharon Edklnt<, Gau Mann, Antoinette Thompaon, Kay KJUtt, NMJcY Owen. Ja.net Ary, Roberta Smith. Toni 8'irrough11. Se.ndy Hare, Gra~·e Carter and Charlotte Mc<J&nn. -Installing officers lnr luded re- Ur11\1' Honored Quctn JanJce WMt.e and Put Honored Queens Mary AMI Ruas, Pat Nelson, Lynn Smilh &nd Jo4y Merrill or Bethel CAP & GOWN PHOTOS at Speclal Prices Phone Harbor 61~ for DAY OR E VE -A.PP'T KA Yml! PHOTOS ... I:. ()OMt 819'. Th• c:aretr ot4ne Robt'rt Hope (rt•l name: IA'11llr Towne1 Hop•) hH been one nr f11nt111llc l\ICCtu . "Mr. Comrdy" IA an appropriate tltlt for t ilt!! Engllsh·bom llC't or. Now r>a ye11rs or a11r . Hope ls at Ule very top of hl11 pro(('salnn. hla wit and humor bt>lng reroiml%· ed u ahet r genius the world o~r. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AYAILAIU If you are ·seeking Jewelry Items thet ere Scarce Always Store Your Furs With A Furrier OOllONA DEL KAa Ut~1t1r1• , ... r-tn 1\t ltst J«'fkt Cuts tit kif Let'Us know ••• We m•y Buy It For You . e n:WJ;LJl 1' J)()t70RT e NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART If • PAGE ! THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 195~ The Girl Scout Day Camp Will Be Located o n Bluff ReRiatrat1on for the annual I unite a<'f'Ordlnr to a:,..11•• A ,..,. ?l:t>wport Huber C1rl S•'<>Ul Cout1: bt1•1f'd nurllt' will ht' ln omr t'tl 0 11y C~p ('f,...,,.,, rc'<•c-n tly wllll A nurt1<"ry f(>r boys art.I ''rt.a nf'arly 300 g11 l11 l'tgn1ni: up. Th• fr~'m 2-6 11n1I 11 11nll f1•r 1><1ya t ·U ~14 thla year 1:1 Th" l'ulawa.y•. j w111 ~ ·~ t..1 acuummopi. 1'7lh St. nvt>tl0<1k:11i.: th11 Back allults anJ lt•JC'r1 who could not Bay. Oates are Jun .. '20·24 and th• I "lheN 1*! \Akot parl In lhe camp. theme I• "Tht \\'1IJ \\'eel." l'roJ:riun •l'N'l:thsu In nlllllrt'. "Camp P1nhanc1le" staff h .. ae llrl• and crafla, •ln11nt. folk Jttnc- 1\1 dlr"·lor. Mr11. S1dnt>y A. lllld· lni;:. story ttUln~ 40n·hery and bird• ~n .. ·1th Mr1. John \\', ~rtly u 9.·111 be cllniultcd In pla.nnlnr lhe cb.a.lm11n and Mre W P. Thomu prn.;:-nuu. 11 coordinator Other mf'm~r1 on The Wild w .. 11l thtm• tllla ) f'U the cwmmlttl'e &rt' Mmf'1. W. C. la a. cuntloui.t1un of the ln(lllU\ Crowl, D, H Cam1111ng1, H. E. 1111J P1nnl.'er \hemPs or the put Nack and W. 8 . Trill. I two yean. '"'"main chancier. lhe Tht camp Will opf'rate on a rowboy, .. Amenca'• man "" borN- 8Cbed1Jll' 11mllar l o u t1bll•hed I.lack," t>pllom~• th11 \\'t'at. HI• eamp1, but each night I• spent Mlni;:11 ln camp ancl l•n the trail, at home. The ~lrl11 wlll live In hla pll'tlll'\'!IQlll' ape1•t'h an.I cloth· Park Club Woman's Gets Painting BUENA PARK t<X'NSI -Tht Wom1Ln'1 Clubhouse ht're wu ae- ledt'd &JI the lf'mpora• \' home or an 011 painting p1 tsl"ntrd t'O th• Orange County Ft>11eratlon or Womt'r)'• Clubs1 J unior M~mber­ ahlp. The prize wu 1wari.led lo Or- anr• County following a 1tate- wld1 contest on the ln•laUatlon ot road aide •1gns. The Or&n&• County irroup put up tbe moet atrna gh1ng the locatlun of local cluba. • The Junior Memberahlp voled to UH the paJnUng u an &ru1u.al award In .some la tf'r ulected tleld of en<lea \'or. T ht'y vot~ to put th• painting-In the Buena Park Club alnt e the county junJor put president., M111. Gall Bam•ll, ta a member. Buena Pa.rk wu allO th• flret city In the county to m: •tall one of the aJgna. • Inc will au IM dt\••lup..'d Into a c11lorfol pl'Ojll a.n1. Clrls and le11rtru 111tke •~ rt· tlnK u cltr d ovrr unu,.11at pl&n.1 butni: fom1ulated •n•1 th1nga per• llWlmtr to tb.i V.'Nll are beln1 Rllldle<J. MESA UPHOLSTERINCf Vplloattertaa • o~ U6U lll•·pL. IM~d .• ('«11 ...... Ubert1 M7111 Old Eatabllahel\ lnauruoe A&'en cy A II llnea wrtttfn. HOWARD W. OEBRl8B 1108 Ne"'J>Ol't Blvd., Colt• M- PUPSE UJSEJlTl' 1-UU Call DAN'S TV SAVEi SAVEi SAVEi Awryepec1.a..,._ .. ..._ ..... t.w Pflce• ,..e1w.. S..... wt¥ff kMW ... ey <Wit efW9Y9 "'"' ... ~hf ......... M ... y$tNff1e·lelt1a....e 'YOl g CBOICI 93c i&i .j 4 in your kitchen ..• 11/2-QT. DOUBLE IOILa Oulclt heattne-.•tfffsl, ... """ ...... "_ 10" ANGEL CAUPAN lemovabl•, leak· ptoof, ltaft.tr· ...r bottom. Perfect hf 1 IA -elf) ... white ,..dpH-... IOUND DISH PAN De.,. end '""'Y' 12·...,.rt ~ llH, ,.lled rim -... COVERED SAUCE POT H.adt 4 41'1., Mty .. d.- tMod ...... ,.,. ,..,...._ ... VAlll•TY aTOll•a 0,,. ~ '11J • , ... 1706 Newpo11 llvd. -Costa Mesa ' The book Is like rtadlnf a Who'• \\'ho of fa.rnoua pel"90nall- U• lhe world over. for Hor•'• circle ot acqu11lnlancu 11t~tch In· to Lil ww lka of life. Preslcfrntio. kll\a•. actors. an flit lhrourh the ,_... 0( thl1 nry lntt!"NUng book. An 1litrrr1tln1t pbue of Liie IM>Ok 11 that dt'ahng with Hnpe'a prlnta JJfe, hi• family. and hl11 tnftla durlnr Norld \Var 11 tr lftl' a man wu ")fr. Anren ra .. to lll• mlllJoc.1 ot Am•r1can OJ.'11 &a.• W'Ottd over ·-It wu R.obf'rl ''8k1·Noea" Hope. Mlllly lnlt'l1'8l· Ina a!lOldol• and atof\u ot i11 .. ROBERTS JEWELIRS !!St 2 l\farlnP A\f', -Bal~ 1.-..-llarbor Ull Ho.,. Yow Pun RESTYLED NOW AT llDUCB» PltC8' THI PINDT AND LOWUT PRICED Grandolfo 's I fnrmtrly of Jien1ct) complete menu for t he f amny PIZZA e SPAGHETTI e I.AS.GSA HOME. HADE RA \'IOLI • STEAKS • RA rooo TOOD 7'0 00 s11 talboa 1tvd. BALIGA Hwtu 4111 , OLIVE M. DULING FURS 111 N. lroocfway Santa Ana Kl 2-1223 COLD STOIAOE VAULT ON 'IEMISES arty Amerba MAPLE FURNITURI •... an'lwl•r• O,..M*"-'' f NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1959 • ~~ 't • 0 • .t. I• I' WITH SAWE luel, 1955 Newport Barbor, CAllt. --- .' .• there's Happiness there's ••• 1 ..... u.. blc onrltcli- over moath t Bridee_ ...,ad· ·-ll&r-b-qo. Father'• 0.1 ..• SlaglN polr ap to ..U oae eet of doa.blee ud ....U theblg1e•t •wit.ch of tbelr Uvea • • • 8elaool kids quit be I• 1 9dlool Idell ud switch to --·tbooebool room •.• r..tertalabl1, h · blc· ud ~ take I.be bis ntteb from lDdoon to ..-i....., iiJowlllr - bon ud ambJollM ftappla1 badloaaa •• (Pleuodooda. se-plaooelaoeadplay • • , ftad. JOCUMlf a MW i.orboa) ••• Father tto.a•t awtldl ..,...,.,. uul ...w ~ tor a bl&: Wok st.kt Bic~thiek-9t:ak! Don't let ·coFFEE lb. 79. y_., ---4& DIWES _____ ,... 1- TllUUD&T ...,.,,_ 36c LOAF CAKE ·--- FlllDAT . 9UIDIMr go by without trying a Colon.do Stai ... I want to warn you though, once your tute buda become Colo- radoed. you'll be 1poiled, but prop,lr • , , Recipe : Go to our aJlqW. CUM and plclc up • 7- borM rout ..• Place it OD • 0bread board. and with a earv- ln& fork, poke bola in it all -.,er on both side. . . • 'Ilium. aprinkle UbonJly with Adolph'• unflavored tendu- i&er ••• about If.I teupoon per pound of meat apd poke,JDSe hol• on both aide. again ••• Let Mt about three boun ••• then broil about l~ minutel on each aide ... for medium rare ... It'll be ao tender you can cut it with your fork .•. F lavor ! Wow! I need not add that Colorado 1teak -and bar- ~· make be&Utitul muaic to- gether too! BEANS 2101. Un MERINGUE PIE .. 4tc l.t.TUaD.t.Y -•P•llJS,.4UIJl' .. il"I: 6 ~ ., , .... ........,. IACX 4& CHEESE ··-·····'.. 1- a • .-.. r.rtJ' -OA.."1'rt'"ED 649 HAii( ·-------···•II# U you triD watdl la OIU' at.eak .ectloa. you'll ftlld t heee Cok>rado. cut ~ like a regular •teak •.. Bai me ..• I like mlne thick •.• While we're in the cb&m- . pagne appetite and beer pock- etbook mood ... let'• eat din-••r out every night u inex- penaivety aa we Can eat. at home ... Frozen dinners ... do ju.t that ... make you !eel lllce you're ~ating in a ~ taun.nt ... If your cooking ever geU to the •tage where you don't know what to have and every- thing ta.ates t he same . . . ta.ke a rest with frozen din- ners ... you don't prepare them, you don't cook them .-. . you don't even wash t he dishe• ... HoWever, those di- vided aluminum foil plates are nice to wash and •ave to uae instead of paper plates fot picnics and patio entertain- ing ... Then you can throw them s \\·ay -.. Counted UI auortment Of~ fonrttm differeat fros.- en dinners in our lovely new coral rroaen food CMH that •tretch the full lent;th of our 11tore : .• Ne•·eat .. Wt'IDI'• No. l dinner with muMroom chow mela, Fried Shrimp ud Ch.._ •tyle rout pork ..• Spef!d· ee I• a new line too with your choke of Roaet Beef, 8wlu Steak or Beef Patty • , • Uke fish! ChJeb• of the Sea make. • tuaa jJatty dinner ... Fowl! 8wua1Nn1'• turkfl)' or chJckea .•. Vft- Me cookery! ~ meat loaf, baked ham or ro.tt ._, with rtaro .......... • ._.Spice . -lo •trlctly Mexican ... Ann'• Real Italian Pia& Pie with Cheese makes a complete meal . . . A package of BuJ. toni quick frosea laa.gne with meat sauce along with their ne1' Ravioli with meat ... uce offer. dinner in the finest ltalian restaurant ... And for deMrt! New ! New! our own Ucaendon'• coffee lee cream • • the aame MeC'lendon'• that JDMe our cbocolatel .•• Thill (' new ke Cream bu coffee can- -all throurh It •.• A little btrd told me that the aoffee UMd In thi.I toe er.in cmt fl.Ill a pound ... ----· \.-\weo OOJ' ,...,._ food ...., are made •trietlJ !or pb ...... heN at JUehard'• lllarllet,. OH of I.he Udo Beautiful Bird of Paradise Regular and White 5 gallon tins Special Closeout • Greenhouse p.;-;:. :.: .. ::::'JS~ Del ..,.\e Us,..&e4 YI'• 35' Apricots ....... .N~ I Y, - ""' "'"" W•.....,. 371 Pean ....... _ ...... .N .. ·~ -... UMl-J'• ,....._ 33' CocktaA _ ...... No. •Ya. -• PAO'• 65' Tide ····-··---··-···-· Bl~ 271 Cheor .-..... --.Ja· ....... 65' Dr.tt ····-------• .. J:W6--ae D-.1 De~, 2s~ Y ................. ·-·-······,..· Y•'ll flltd a Udo Shop 8li..-.. ""' .. -to Lillt lalo, N..,oon -SPl!lCIALI FOii roNJ: t, 10 ead 11, ~ • • • ROLLS _ _____ ... u,-........ CAKE~ 97c rusuviS:~!6tc Blrclel)e-. ~ I . Fish Sticks Thighs Strawb'ries "Thonka to McColl'1 for thi1 definition of the fomily 1pirit thot mokH life richer and fuller." i.iMoNADE~3 ... nc • TOGETHERNESS ••• it'1 the hope and trend of our timu. today more and mor• Americ•n femilies, •re knitted to· 9ether by common bonds of e1piretion end ectivitiu. They work end prey and 1hop a1 o warm end devoted un it ... findin9 in th i1 worm 1harin9 • ttren9th to moot tho problem• of troubled timH. We, who re go rd urvice to t~e wo- men end h~r fam ily es our chief role in the community, •tree with McCell'a on the power of togotherneu. We take • deep setiafection_ in our ~·rt in h;lpin9 you end your family to enjoy life • • • together . u......... 171 Devil tta. __,K -. a.-.,..-19' Meat SpNad _. -~· • nzA'• -------' Lher P---~ ... 13 s:.d ..... , -27'- ---····-M"' • c-Cola __ ...,... 45'" Peplll-<: 111 ...... _...... 451 -...•a U. L 0.-. -SIRLOIN STEAK· w.-::. __ ! 2 ... st iCi' CREAM ..k'-7t= • lb. 98· Hlret ·-l'r. -45'· 7-Up _ .. , .. 451 Del. Pucdl •9"-45' lb. 59 . PORK ROAST Welchade._ ...... 45'- Dr. Pepper ·,,.. 591 1.,_.coa1m ... _ 6 ... 591 -. -....... ~ -1r ~ ....... 1.1i .... '911 Pllpll' Plat .. ___ ,.,.. F:d""..;;; -· ... 27' -··.Ml ... • hn"N 119P' .... _ ... ~ 2 25~ l'laltlc ,_....,. ... ,._I.be llneat lloof - GR'D ROUND ....,. .. ...,,.._~cm ·BACON Ratlt'9hrer. 1!N· ... ltJ'9 SAUSAGE .. lb. 79, lb. 59. lb. 39~ • • • • • •• to flt rour every need! ........ ,., ............... • I r , .. ... Loolonr over gol! club11 l\nd truphlt'i! In window or Macker'11 FI01.1 Coveljlni 11hop In Lido Shopping <.:enter a~. left lo rlgh:, g,,b J onu, pre11 ult!nt of Nl'wport H11rbor BxC"hang,. Club: Dirk Mar kl'r, g-olt chaJrman or Balbna Boy L1on11 C lub. and Paul Butler, chair· man of the Newport lnvltat1onal Golt Tournament. The annual llt'rvlce club golf lllurney 1~ 11 .. t rot June 17 a t Jndne C'o~t Country Club und<'r ExrhAngl' Club ><pon~rshlp. All prO<'l'edl! trom the one dtY tourney ,Co to Orange County StKICly tor C-rlppled Children. -Staff f'ho10 MONDAY DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IN SERVICE CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT Butler Warns Reservatiom to Links..,.Djnnt r ,lune 17 Limited flhrll'I r olf t'llplain. :<:ewpor t Kh 'wan11 ~fW"pOn Opnmtst -Tum • Bl•lttlnrd by o. •~. Suua Wllh R u .. •Jo'ord. J 111 k Bul'han, Biii To- HARBOR fO~ BILL1PHILLIPS, Sports Editor ---b11111 an d Varn Wat.son_ Coll.la_ M: • Lmks teams from 12 Harbor Area service -clubij have .. a Ext·hanJt'l'. R o MlcT<r)·. 01 WPeff HARBOR N~S--PRESs==.--PAlffTff: P~E=l entered the June 17 Irvine Coast Country Club !\~wport •·1111111111 l'unllni.t irnd Sculhng. I THURSDAY, JUNE 91 1955 l'hurk M11.11tC'nt, ~olf nptaln. Ro-Invitational Col! Tournament, according to Chairman Paul Lury _ Thrre tl'ams under Don --------------------------- Butler. The tourn~y is under spon.sorshlp of the New1)ort H1Srwood. g.Jlf cha irman. Coata Is · Harbor Exchangt' Club. All pw· 1 Dullit.n McAlpine. Chlrk H1g'bet Mesa. OpU111l11l. :\'o!wpurt Harbor um mer ceedi. for the nnf' day divot dutl I a.na Al Pl,ghn. I Amtriclf.ll Legion Poat, Gordon will gv to the Ora11i;e County COllta M~ K1wanll\, €. J. Hum· Flndlo•y. rapt.a.in. Crippled ChlldN)n Aasoclallon. Bullr r H~ld toda}', "C•m1plet<• tea.m i must be In by Monct..y. All golfrnt ahould watch the Newt· Prt'lll for 11nnounrtmrnt or start- ing t1meo1 next Thurllday " AUD WARSISG I Buller addt'd the wttm1ng that reM·rvatlon.. for the icol! banqu .. t I al Jrvinr Coa1>t Country Club fol· lowing tht> tourney art llmttt>d tu 20(1 per40ns Colfus 11nd thr11 wl\·,.~ "ho want dmm·r rt•sf'1 \"1· u on11 wtre a<lvu1t>1J to C'Dll M r~ Buller at Hubor 1!1 l.2-J T11m Hl'rtf'rnan will be ma1oter u( 1 •·•·r .. mcm1e11 1tl th.-b11nquet J11•11'f Roh.'rl Cart1nf'r will m&kl.' lh·· IN1m trophy pn:llcntallon. l n ·1111• l'lub pr<• Arl Houx will dtslribul<' I 1nd1vl\lual HWHrds. Bo b Roubtan ••i Pop1•11rn Sung !amt' wtll IK'I ,., as l'nl11rt111n1111•nl 1·h11~n\a11. TOI K~F:\' TOJ> OYY Nl.'wrorl Hurbor EXl'h1rnge C:l11h l'n'.~lrl<'IH B11h J r11w>1 wtll top n fl the tourr111mr11t clay by turnini.; over •lnnnt (rm l'h••<'k!I tn Mr. D. L Spen•···r. preHIClent of the ocrc ARS1J('lat11111. <"luh11 ent .. reri 1n the t11"ilt an· n11111 tuurntoy Include the tollowing: MERCHANTS OPEN LOOP PLAY ON MESA AGAINST COASTERS The Lot Angdet Coaatera an' Hable to f Pl.'I wrath of Ed Lane's Meu. Merl'h~nt11 at 2 p.'m. f,unday when the Harbor Are' nlnC' launches Rio Hon.to 1-"llfUe compe!lllon et C<M1ta Mn& Park. Lant•• larrupt'1" will bt' lltl'krng revenge after Jropplng a 10·1 prftl'tlcr till ag111nst lht> Watt.a G1a nta in Lo• Ang .. tes lut Sun<!1.ty. rt would come e11J>'!c1ally WC'lcome &ga1n15t the Coa~t\'ri.. -.ho two wePks 11go llrked W1ttta 4 ·1. "\\'e left 17 mt>n 11trandr11 ag1110Ht th .. Giants." 1111ld Lane. •·xphu111ng the W1t1l8 tldl.'Hl "Bnb RluO'k, Don ,.\'llllams and Dwsyne Andersun, ft largt> portion or our hilling •trencth, wc-ren't on hand " • A p111r or Nt'w port Hst b(lr High School per!ormf'rs 11larrNJ agl'l'lnst the Giants Bill Wetu•I rehevl'd starter Ray R,tmlrn. 11;1v1ng up but (our hll11 an1I 'Ii Jone so:ore 1n 3 •., 1nnlngli. And Lee F111her singled horn<> Ed1lte Brown with lhl' Mecchanls only taJly. Brown. Ra1111rez a nd Norm Ridgeway a ll t'ollel'ted ll palr of k nl)('kll. "We'll be tull strength ttf)'ainst Coa..sten," Lllnl' ll.l'lnouncect. "with exl't'ption of P ilcher B<Jb Blaylot·k. He won't be on h11nd fnr a nother week." PLAYER OF YEAR Wayne Coughtry Diamond Champ: Tod White Edged N;owport Hurbor Elka -Two lt'l\ms 1·aptalnl'd by f'ra.nk Lefe\'t'r ar.J t'haunt't'Y Vrulck. Newport Hnrbor Eitrha nge -Two ti'am11 1·111>u1lned by Bob Forbea and I GC'Orge Turner. Coat& M et1& Lion11. Wu Collin•. golr captain. Balboa Ba~· L1nns, h!am• con11lat1ns: ot f11t•k M1h krr. Gordon Walker, SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -OCNS sport. editors today announced the winners of both "Baseball Player of the Year'' award and "Trackman of the Year" trophy. In baseball Or-i ange Coast College's sensational freshman pitcher Wayne I Coughtry walked off with the honors. Jn track Danny Schwelkart of Fullerton Junior Ul A na College halt miler Tom College wu tabbed over three Noll. other atrong entranlJI. BIGGEST DAY Harbor Area Sport Stars Swim Program Opens June 20 at OCC The Sllll)mer ln~tr11rt1onal IWlm· w1·n Letters ming program tor chlldrt'n and I adults w ill 11ta rt at Or11n1te Coa111 College the w~f'k of Junt' 2'), It Eight athletes rrom th!' Ha r bt•1 wu announ<'t'd toda,·. Ont' 11erlea Area won aw,.r1l11 th!& apnng tn ot l'IAMM wrll bi' ht'ltf on Mon-Pomona-C:lartmont's mo.!t surre11.c<· day1<. Wt'dnf's<1ay8 1tn•t J"r1tt11,.11 111111 tut •Pring 1roru ~ruon a t Cl11re- 1U10lher srr lt>S on ,.11 .. 11,11"'" Thurs· mont. Pomon11 Collet;~ and Clan-· dftyll and Saturday.,, · , mont lltr11'a t'olltoj!e. whirh rom- Rt'gist rst1on for the for111!'1 "111 •l11 rt ~fon1lay 1111.rnrng. J unt' i 11 111 10 a m. at lht' college povl Rt')(· l1trauon tor the Tu.-s1l1ty, Thur•· <lay, and Sat11n ta\' l'lkMf'.A will b•• hf'ld T\1t>t1day mo1 nmi.:. Jun I' ? I RI Ill a. m. Thr 11chedulr of 1l1tSSt.>1o for Mun- da~". W ednead11y anti Frhloy 111; 9·10 a. m.-1 11e<.t1on lnlP1m edlatt': b1nC' l!'1t111:1. won lh\' Southl'rn <:1th· t11m1ft Inte1Tulleg1atl' Alhlet1l: Con· f;o1 t'll<'t' r h111np111n11h1pa ln b11st>ball, 11w1mm111~ •nd gnlf 11nd rll l't'!l ser- un<t In trs, k. Local lrttl•rm••n 11rr: Var81ty b111M'b11ll -Cf'n~ (.'r aln. 2411 Mont' I Vista, l'011t.a Mc~. c11tchr r A Po- mona 11t>mor, C'r111n wu namrd on tht A 11-S<.;ICA lli:11Lleam. l aect lon begfoner1. l-0· 10.30 a m RAJRIJ SCORES -2 se<:tlons non-11w1111mrr11; I ~l'I'· v 1 1 B I b .3 arst y 11w11nm ng -rucc-. ton egt.nners. 10· O·I r a. n1. -Baird 2H2 Mlra11111r Balbo11 2 11ectlona non-11w1111mer11. I Jlt'C· • ' : lion swlnlnH•rs. 11· 12 a. 111 21 ~prrnt sw1111ni.•1". 81\lnt Ii <.:Mi..: Jllni<1r, set a srhool record 111 thr· 11ttllon1 begi11ner11. 11.11 ·30 11. 111. 100 l «• p s . ., k ~2s ti 30 II ,., . 8 , ~ C~ ntOlir ..,e.• , ., -l •ec on non-1wlmmer11. 11 . ., S. Bay Front B11l1><.1a hlamJ 11pr111t 12 a. m.-1 aectlon non·awlmmen1. ' · 1-2 p. m.-l llf'Cllon adult t>togin -~;tmmt'r. Bt'ek la a Pomona llt'll· nera.-2-3 p. m.-J aectlnn artult V11r:<1tr gnlt-Tom Hender~on. In termediate. 2·f p. m -1 lltl'lion 4 ·w V L d ,.; I :-.-rt a h lite aavlng . 1a 1 o ore, . ewpo eac l'omona Junior. The achedule for Tue• d a Y. Frosh tt>nnts _ Anthony z.,1 br. Thursday. and Saturday la: 10-11 ,.7 .,_ 0 B ,_. ... B h 2 b I ., .....::11c n a\·. ;,t'wpo . ._ r11c , a. m -aertlons eg M t'ra; 1 •ec-Pomona frl'shm11n. Uon 1ntermrdlate. 11·12 a. m.-2 aectfona ~glnnen. IJ·ll:30 a. m. ~('111 '1,TZ ('APTAI:li' -1 •eclion non·IN"1mmera. l l 30-\'ar11lly track Vln«nl Pahl. 12 a. m -1 11ect1on non·•wlm111,.rt 216 r uppy St , Corona del Mar. rp. I RecreallonllJ 1wlmming wtll bto la)• tt'Jtm. Pomona sophomore. W1l- a\'111lable Mondav through Satur-ha m S ehulu. 364 Magnolia SI . day from l to • P· m. A rhar(e Cosla Men. 440 and 880. Pomona ot $1 00 per peraon will be made 1.Jljmor Dana Morns, 121 Via Vene· for each •hl'<'e·week 1n11tn.irllonal z111, :<:ewrort Bl'ar h, Pomona jun- period to help 11etray th,. co11t or tor Haroi.t Qulntnn. L.A. p,_.dent ~nuthf'm ('allromta l:dl11<1n Co.-- • Ir now be<'omu 11w rf'a111nily ar - J' 11 •'nt to thnu i:h1t\JI mind• •that U1 .. A Int l l<'an \.1Wr rnmf'nt <'annol g11 .int,, b11a1n""" on a •l1Tilt1ranL '" "'' anil rc-m111n a ~ republic " SAVE SAFELY_ At Oran9• County'• Leadin9 Hom• Lendin9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INS~RED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounh Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the Id LAGUNA FEDERAL 'SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 2!t Ottu Annae Phone: HY '-1171' FEM SPORTS AWARDS PRESENTED AT ANNUAL BUC BABIES' BANQUET I BC:C RETUR.'1EE D11nny·1 blggeat day wu in the ' State J unior CoUege flnaJa this 11tandl11g work on comm ittee• for I Coughlry, e fl. 1 \, in · 170• yea r when he aet a new national lht' Apnl Shower• Dence, Sporta pounder. phl.na to return 10 pitch J C mile mark of f :l3.9 and new Benq11Pt, 11nd other WAA apon.sor-1 for Pirate Ba~b&ll Coach Wendell national J C two-mile atand&rd of pool maintenance. Those 1>nroll-Srhulu .!!t>l a school re('ord of Ing muat furnlah their own eullJI 1 ·~4 8 m fh,. 880 1h1.s aea/OOn, He LAGUNA BEACH a.nd towels. Reacllonal swimming w .. :ll:ll_:l':_:O:_·:c•:P:l:"::.ln::._:o:_:t_::lh_::l!:._:t:_:ra:.:l':.:k:_:l::.e&:n::.'::_· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ during the 1ummer se&aon will be _ available tor $2 ~ !or a.dull a and ed prOJl'\'l.,, Plckena-aga.In nut ytar. He gain. 9 :28.7. He wu voled the "most Sl.00 for children. Francie Brown Named MVP for Three OCC Athletic Endeavors . . ed the l'Ounty-wide honor over 1 Top l\Wllrtl of the f'vening, that Ana.helm'& Du·e Stephenaon, ·l''ul-OUUltanding performer" n the Loca I Athletes L ·• t th -" t h I 11tat.e meet: he waa captain of hia vri C'u o e grauua Ing sop O· lerton·1 Carl Penrun""on. and Th I 0 C l C II W · S rt h hu 1 1 I'd •· own Hornet team: and he wu vot-e Rnnua range oas o ege omens po s n111ri' w o a ma nta n a imper· i Huntington &ach'a Bob lzykow. ed the "moat valuable team m~m· c II A d Awards Banquet was held in the Student Center al the col-lot· HchOIBlllk iu:trage. and who ski. Tht' 111lm !linger compl.lt'd • 0 eel war s hM demonstrs tt•d loyalty and iwr-12 .. 46 ea.med run average over t. be ber" or the Fullerton aquad. lege last week. Individual and team sports awards we're p~ vice to occ through studt"nt body fuU .u.son. He fanned se. walked Schwe.lurt'a coach, Gene Mar-AthJeUc achievement certlrl- 11ented to women students who have been active participant. acUvltt••. aa well aa aucceeatul only .... H ta -·--n ~ord wu 11 Un. 1&ya Danny totalled 170 point.a t J ---·~ 1 th all u hi h cate1 or untor college a.nu high In lh,. Soulhrrn t"allrnrn1a J t1n111r t•nu-lman. JO.\' \\'right. and Ha:tel parllclpallnn In the women'• sport.a Eastern Conten>nce he won ~ven n e aeu on · · · •n • me g · a~hool albl t• ln b•••b·'t 1 Ela.I U 11.J'OUnd these part.I. Jn four differ-~ ~ ~• ~ .. · '"" m· Coll~g.-\\'omrn 11 Athlcllc A11110-I Stover. lSecomJ year l 1' n n Is progrs m, Wl'nl lO ne nzeJ. wins and three loeaee. But In the ent mot.a thla Huon, Schwelkart ming and t rai-k were th11 Wffk clilll011 acllvlth.·~. j 11ward1J)' F Nllrle Brown. Vardle m,tn, Mis. t:n:ulman aerved N and loet none. won the 880 mtlr two ml~ and dl1tnbull'd ~ Orange County Mt'mb•:re a nd guult< wtre we!-Sch&rter. Dolly Horr'll amt J oy \\'AA prei!ldent In her aophomore R ia greateat t eat on lhe mound then ran & ,.40 lap' on the mUe ,.... 1 Ne~·s Sen•lrt'. apor t..oiw;itera comcJ bv El,.lnt' Vn:t,.lman. O<:C \\'right. I Second year swim tram ynr. wu " student body ofticl'r wu In the Soul.hem Cal1!om1a JC lay tt'Qm. He la a aophomol't', Newport 1-fiarbor l'l:t'w11 · P rtllll WA A ·pr~tlldf'nl. Thi' "Srrap· a-.a1ds1 Stephanit' Bell'her, Jtan a.a a rrpreaentativf'·at-large on ftnat. agalJU1t LACC when he having ·~t hla flrat year at spor~ departmt'nt prt>a,.nted OC· Boak.' a rel'llr,1 uf th•• h111to1 y or I Tt>Uh>u5r, Leslie Kol\•111to 11nd Bec· 111tudent council, was active In pitched and won both end..• of a Whittler College. Now he planll lo NS certifica tes to Orange Coaat t h,. women'11 "port11 progmm ur ky Granger. ~'!:~;x'~;-AI~! 1~8~!:";;i-nent double header, 8-2, 8-1 • .Re. al~ go to Occidental College. Colleg<'. Huntington Beach High t h .. coll .. ge, wa., pretf'nlr•I In the :\lost ,·aluable player 11wud11, as h 1 ti h p 1 t ~~ hit a homer ln each game. ln race School ILlld Ne-. port H\lrbor Union sc o a11 c onor llOt' e y. • ... ., HI h s h hi 111:1•·:1:1 l'dl\lun 1111 lt'Jt'Blll nnd vot~ by the part1l'1pants them· award 11 aymbollzed b & llmall Coughtry racked up a .340 nM<>n g r ool at etes m .. mbent mf't 1nrorm111lv Ill lht> I seh'Pll Ill the t ram 11porls. &nd bll.il· I t h r th y I betting averagr. Including four Sunset Netters Receiving &Wllrda wert" the fol· 11turlt'nl loungt' f"r :.,llp.4 11nd 1 <I upon ind1v1Jual n~~ords· In lt'n· I rrp l<'dft mphlyh oh e J>erp"11tu~ homers, and t'Ven played' a little lowing . awar on w c er name wr .,.., chips . Olli nncl i-,w1 mmlng were pr eM•nted rngt"aved. ouUield. He follows another Or· . Harbor HJgh Don Reddlng-1 CU\'lltll mrlu<leJ M IM Beverly J .1 to Lo111 I eters 1t11d Fran('1e Brown., • . 11.nge C-OU L CoUrge pltC'her, Ted Drop from Cl F ton, 11wlmmlng; Tod While anJ Canipbt'll. \\'AA II\\ Imming 11d,·Js· b1u1kelbell: Lo1ll Peters and Dotty CHOSEN OFFIC F.RS Herrer a. a.a the "Ba&t'batl Player Don Deatty, tral'k: and J im :-.II'\\. or. 11.11d M lll!I Dot 111 E. RaPf. t~11n11 l Hurr~ll. "011"Y~1.I. D"tt ie ~orn·ll 1 Following the uwards preaenta-of the Yl'ftr." kirk. Paul Loren tun and Bill Wet· •l1"l'""'· Other !fhr ult,1· n1l'rnb,.r11 11:d J. runue Bro\\ n, HOf,tbaJI, F111~· 11fo11, n<'wly ekctpd officer• were B11llollng tor "Traci<m1U1 or the LONG BEACH IOCNS) -T'ITe zel. buebftll. pr• ,,.Ill w eri> ift-... ,. ~fstrv :'oll'C'hcll-, <1 B rnwn, Dotty. Horrell ~ml :\1111-11111111.llc•d for the ye11r 19:.~-56. y ,'Qr" wu a close aff11lr. Danny Sun11H League'a singlea ch&111p. Orange Cout -Buddy DldSht. n•'''· .\Ir!' ,1\f~11 Bu~~. ·~1 rJ< l..<11llll llhn P.rrli•m. l"tllll~; 111111 :Sto•phanie I Th<'Y 111rlude Mar11ha E idtm, pre· SC'hwe1karl won out . over &Uch Mike Bouck, and the league'• dou-Jack Bell a nc1 G"orge l.yonH. S1;1 all. M~ (.!11i•i<i<11• r\n1h•umn. lil'tcll• 1 · "" '!lrn\in!(. i<Hlt'nl: Roi<e Marie Sterling, re. !llar& ~s Newport Harbor High bltll rhampe, Barry Ryan llnd swimming: Nelson Vlst"I and Cnry Mr• ·uun~l ·fJ ,.,.ly 111 '"" l'u t1lf' I ~u11th"1 n ('11hfornrn J urw1r c~ol-cording lll"<'retary: Ruth Perez. miler Tod White, Santa Ana Col-Steve Morrla, were knoeked out J ohnson, t ra<'k: 1u1<l Holanil Hill, .l:fouk,.hop. • •.lld ·U··"n .,r \\'unh·n It l;c "'' 1111 m1'tlal:< W•'rc !" 1·11t>11l1•d 1·nrr•'l!pondlnR" acl'retary; Judi lege .sprinter Bill Swl118helm 1 who Wayne roughtr~·. CAyle llarbel. M 1 ~ M11r1t' \'. HowcH lt1•prt•St'1I\· I•• I"". follnwin!> i'-\\'1111 teH111 n1\'111· j MltlrtC'k, trca.<1urer. n.nd Pru El-won Lhi' award la.st yean and San-Of lhl' ClF Individual Tennis HPnry OeCuu anrt Dob \\'el.7.t'I, h -•t f II I f J d rhamp1on.shlp11 Saturday al Long-ba.~<'ball a fl\t'" frllm :>:1·w111>rl l111rbo r, "'" \' .,, sU(TP~S u Y 11• ..:n1" w111gt'r, b1U1ketb11ll manager. Fol-Beach. ---·------------Huntin~lon BeA1. h. TU!\ltn, t"Hpl"\· ~ thrtr tittt-ln i95~: J t""nn 'roulou~r. lt')Wln,::" the tnstathltton. newly etec. Carolyn Overmran, OJete a ccom. Bouck won hrs first r ound m alch ·····------------..... t rano. 1rntl An11f11.•.1111 htl(h 1wh11tJl11 .stqihen10• Bt'l<-h<'r, Cy11th1,1 1'1111-(Pd D1reC'lOr o! Women's Athlet1c11 panled by Lloyd H olzgrlJ'e. w .. rl' also ~!'.Sit<!. l llw1. H1•c ky 1 :rangrr, R('nPt' Elli· or lhl' A~80Ckiled Student Body, easily u he dtreated Klempner 1 :-.; 1 I K Sporta Award Banquet Commit· Clf Sii.illa Mo111ca 6·4. &-2. Then 0 1\'t: A \\,\fU)~ "11· ·Rn .. ' 1111 ''"· ~:. 1" ul\'i:;to. Rene,• Elliull, '""1 Introduced. tee rhalrman were u followa· Bouek r!ln into La Jolla'1 S"C?lli· A.wato~ "':er~ p1 .. iwnwd lo)' \\AA. _ --''!!.!..~ Bf:AH~ E~ilerUUnmenc. '°" Lhe -l'~lng Elaine Unzelmll.I\. Pruden~e El-ler who la a ranked player. Bouck 11ponsor MIN t'ampb••ll tu th•• ful-.\'.1•\\P:.l IJ.\'l:\'lty .:ruup tu Jn111 ~~ flr'0'1ded by th..-OCO S111~nr Wtngff,-•hme-MttHOktl, Loia P~ ple)'e(l g-ood t-nla ~i .!oat .t.h«. lowing: 1 F'ust ye~r 11•em "P"' ls th .. \\•1111 .. n s sports <In le at Ot.:C \\ &ll•r11 under the dlll'l'llon of Mr. ten , Dorcityn Quandt, Leah metch by a 6-4, 8-2 acore. &w1<rds) Sharif'\' :"'u:.lf'm, Ssrnh 111 ~~ nl'hrunit<'d 11w1mm111,c l'har-1 l<enni th Boettcher. tht \'O<'al1sts S <'hm1dt, Jane _Cowlinc . Pru El· This w u the ht.al match or the S•11tt, RO•t' Ml\.flP l'tl'rltn1e. Ruth ll'r 1nemb••r11h1p 'ards m the l't1lar Rtrhanl Grant, l>tl'k El11ner, Le-w inger, Penny· Elwlngr r, Dotty year for the Colonist.a a nd they p.,,.,.z. Sylvia Jll tlltr, ~t11r11h11 Et· H«llr rJub wrre P" st>nll'•I lc1 Pat H•iy Hornbuckle. JJA\'t' Jal'ksvn. H orrell. Judi Mrttrkk. Piil Rob-I clo&<'d out a very-succeastul 11ee- d11111 C'harlent Wll~un. Jun .. :\hrr-H"nt.lt'r~on. n iu lfl•• Schaef1·1, R<1hln Paul, 0 7..ohns. Cllrl. S\'l'deen. Wal-eru. Charlene Wilson, and Rose-llOn with "' ba.nquel yeRterday at a nk11. Judi Mtttr h k. Joann Lt>•'. I J <or:l'i<, Jean Tclutou;.e, Rt'nel• Elli· I h.•r 'li ahn, Bruce \ oung and Ml1111 mund Bu rkett. Knoll'a Berry Farm. Mary Qu1JI\. t.tftnr Qu1Ja.. J•lllt.' till, C'ynlhta s_trother. SlC'Jlh11nle I Cowhng and AJ1re ~~Pp1n<1M, 1 )o'ir~l Hefc.-h"r. Jane )l;unan. Marge Ken. We have MOVED to 1807 Newport Ave. COSTA MESA Liberty 8--4512 thrilling thoroughbred RJIClllG comln1 next Saturd•y, JUNI 11 $100,000 CALIFORNIAN NOW .America's Newesr $100,000 racin&clusic fwur,,,g A meri c>' s fastesc lliorougbbrtdJ TO ,,_,_,, ... ,_ ....... JULY 25 SIAPS-llentuekJ Dtrty Ch1111plo11 ~ I IACES DAILY 1£TUMlll(-l 9S4 ll1nlutky 0t11>J C~t111Plon tlld ••nMrol lhret $100,000 rac .. IEIEtTED-W1nnei ot hlo SI00,000 rtc:n f ind otl!tf larnovs chlmplons ind rW>rd llold11S. I ~ ... ...,, .... •1 » aUIUOVll •2t0 , .. .,..... '\ .. ~.: yea r tenn11 award11 1 Shirley Engl.•. rncr a nrt Becky c;rang•·r. tog•lhPr Sarah St'olt, Vt>ron& Ol'lkt'r11, Mar· with mAr,sgns F'rnnr1e Rro"''" a.nd ah11 Eldf'm and ~rllh Mf'tralf; J11nt <'owling. HAVE YOU VISITED BOB'S Hollywood park ,Ultll lffHI ., 1F1rsl year 11wlm tcllm 11wRn1111 A itf)('u al awa.nt u t.at1<>n \\'ll8 D otty Ho~ll. Loi!! Peters, Voro-\'nte<I hy the swarltll comm ti te .. fur lyn Quand t, F'ranc1p Brown. ~ll\1ne l'ru•IPnre Elwln~rr for hc-r out- Lieb Book · Traces Baseball History of Oriole Squads William Hat1ret11d. Oranire C'Mllt I 811.lllmnre has J>->•'n 1n !'evrrs l lt•n- C'ollege libr11rt11n. rrvirw11 R11ltl· 1:1.r<:io 1<l11r lln1: wllh lht>tr .. nl ry 1n- more Orlole11 by Fredrrkk G. to lht' :"auonftl Lt-ague. n urani: Llf'b. 1 ti!' l'('l\!Hlll!4 11! 1901 a nd J 902 lht In lhe pa.11t ten Yt'Ull 11ever11l Or1nlt'11 found home' t11 Ill' I h~ tn· booka have a ppeart'd dt'1tlin~ with fant J\.mt>rtClln Le-11i::u.-. Sub~t'q· hl11torlu of varh1111 m11Jor ll'l\J:Uf' 11elly thry b<'l'ame members or thr b1111rball tl.'llm.'!, Th<' author. nott'rl lntPmat1on111 U!RJ:llt'. 11 powt>rful ba11eball wr1lrr, hrrr prri>f'nt" th,. 1·1rr111t Ont" atl'p below tht" m111or11. history of a r olor"1l M~A nlU1l1<>n n 11rlng the penn;I I !l 19· l !126 the' -the B111l1m•111> Oriol»~ Or1ol•'!I won ""''en lOl nil~hl rrn- OIA,.OSI> TOA~T nlU)ts 1n lhe lntrmat1nnAI l.A'Blt\11' Before 1000 arrl\•f'•I the Onolt'll llF.\'£LOPEU RABt: w .. re a r11embt'r or .Cht> :"'allonal The Intt'mauonal Lea~u' rlt'\'I'· UHl!'\Jf'. and at th!' 1111m,. tlm .. Wt'rl' lnpt"t) m11nv lllttr• 1111er mad•' fll· th .. t•'811l !\f tht ,bul'bAll "Orld I mous In the rn11Jur ""'Jrol'll-Bllbt> l 'ndt'r lradrr11h1r n( thr1r lnitplnng Ruth. IA'fty Gron. :\lsx Bl1thop. tnRnai"r ~ed HRnlon. the nrinlr~ 11n.1 J nhnn\• n!'•lrn, """' e 11 r .. w ft t W•11> l•:ti.:uc-i•h11mp1ona 1n !RP~ th"~" l111111111nr11 '!l~. ·!16. Md nmnt'no-up In ·p; 11 n°t Th,. ye1tr "' 11 Jhrr•I ,.ntrsm·"' "118. Th .. Onolrs pl11yf'll &"'i::I\'" no,i tnl" " l1l«J11r hai:-11+> c>cr11rrt'd tn qi111rtrr" t.vpe "' b11 1l 11no1 brt:Hml' lP~4 \\hl'll lhr 01wJr,. t•>Ok tht.> h moull In le1t4'nd 11~ th"' "B11tt 11 ng f1an1·h1al' o( thi' Sl. Lou1~ Brown11 O rlnlu .. Many f11mnus pla~·1•1 JI nr 1 he-A Olt'rlC!\11 LelllC"IC. During wort th" Ortnlt' 11ntf<>rm-Wt1hr thl'fT ~2 r·r11r ~lay tn :!'t. Loult1 J< .. l'ler, Joe K~lll')'. K trl Olr1111<m. U11 llm"'n• had m1tnai;:Pl1 ju11t one :Roger Br l'11na.h&Jl, Joe MrC1n111ty. J1«'nn11 nt. \\'1th th4' w inning tr adl· a nc1 tht' moat notabl11 of II.II. J nhn t1••n1 or the nlil Balllrnor" Q,.lolu J . ~kOrsw. later lmmnrt~l1:t .. 1I "" r ""hlm1 lhc-m. lht' rurl"t'nt ,.,lrtlon manai::"r "r thl' S .-w \'01k 1~1.1n'< 111 •h,. An,.•r1r11n L"Al:l.le h•'P"'ll !Cl L'nhlt!' lhl' t1AJ11l b11,!C"ball C'lty. I attatn w111orng f¢rrn'. the new F 0 RE I G N C-A R DE ALERS H 1.P HARVEY MA YER MOTORS ~ Orange County Distributors for JAGUAR • DORETTI HILLMAN • TRIUMPH • ARNOLT • BRISJOL Complete &n1~ ~p1lrtmtnt for All Foreign Malces · e The ONLY Clayton Chassi1 Dynamometer i11 Orange County WE SPECIALIZE IN HJGH SPEED Tl'.SCNG OF DOMESTIC ANU FOREIG~ C~ SER\'ICE llEPARTMENT OPES ALL DAY SAT\:RVA\. Sl'NDA \' SERH CE BV APPOINTMENT ~ (Corner of Victoria St.J Liberty 1-2~5' t -I p. m. l"at. a s-. 2137 Harbor llYd. COSTA MESA SAl.J:!ll: t • 9 p. N . •f'f'k 4'f9 I Sporting Goods _, Hi-Test Safety CllTHT l lH. lllUWHt -~13'• reg. S 15. 98 BOOT Neoprene Soles Dacron Stitched Bol-tan Insoles GUAIRANTEED AMERICA'S FINEST ENGINEER'S BOOT WASEMILLER'S WOllKINGMAN'I ITORI 1 H4l It. kt llYcL °'"' ,.,.., ., -m • ,. "'· COSTA MBA .. ,,,- 1AGE 2·PART111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY. JUNE "9, 1955 BASEBALL PLAYER OF YEAR COUNTY IOARD BACKS HAllOR OLYMPICS llD SANTA ANA (OC'NS) -1 The Oranre County Bo&rd of 8upervlaof'11 threw Ila welrht ti,hfnd • btd to 1et the WNt- em Olympic rowLnr lrl&la for N.wport Beach. By raolutlon, Ur9 1upe"la· Qn announced they would back Newport Harbor Ch&m· ber of Commerce Secretary Ha.y Lanrenhelm In hla move to 1•t th• rowtnr ahowdown fOT the beach waler way, Lan(en.ht.lm la a member ot the Olymptc rowtn1 comntlt· tea which convenea In Byra· cu.ea, N. Y ., J uly 11. TU MILE IRWIN REYE,~ S TENTATIVE TAR lLTGNMENTS FOR 1955 SfASON Offensive Lineup Hits 180 Up FrOnt, 163 Lbs. in Secondary Probable offensive and defensive alignments for the 1955 veraion ot Newport Harbor Hi~h Sailor football elenn waa releaeed today by Coach Al Irwin as Tar gridders pre- pared to· wind up spring drill. From a roster of 55 prospects. compo6ed of 25 1eniors. 24 j'lniors and six soµh omorei lr· win and his coaching ala!! choat' the 1liJl11I c1lllng alol In t he Sailor an offensive lineup weighing In a t T ·tormtJ1on and Wlll oo maJorlly 180 lbe. Ufl front and 163 lbs. In of the hurling. Powrr wlll bt> fur- lhe backfield. nlahed by Charlie Bt'rry, 170. vet- Paul Lorent~en. 168, senior. hu lha left end poat cinched. Irwin 11.nd Una coach J ohn McGowan re· port.I'd the veteran wlnr man •hows definite lmprovemt'nt In pus anagg1ng and taking ability. Right end posHlon lle.11 betwtten Sopho· more Bob Villagrana. 186. and Senior Jim Knight. 1110. with the weight advl.Jlt8.(e favoring Valla· gTana. eran full wt.a rat:ke1l 11p 11 l\lurh· down• for ."\ewport lut lltuon. Plenty of brrr.k·B\\'8\' lqlt'ed IS &Allurl'd lha Tara With vrterans Davt Tamura, 148, at le!l halt. and John Hopkins. 164. al right half. Hopkin. turned In fine work for the 511101 a lul y..,ar until in- JUrtta benC'hf'd him ~J'f'lllnir Hnp- km11 Ill hl\lf will probably be JO'iy Fenlon, 160. with Burtd.v Thnmpaon, H:I. Jllllll•r quuterbilck at u fl't)'. UORE \\'t:IOHT W1lh a ('rttner bul wel1thll1•r lrnc-ll• brt'lil k t heir ll'~•IY htu·ks in lhc open. JI"" 1n and h.. a.o1e111t· unla hope to 11111 pllio:! lost •r.1i<1•n'A rl'<'<ir<t or fl\'e "Ins t ll1 re loslll'll l.lld one ue. The p1 vblem of O\'tr· commg inext>lH'1en(·e up front rc•lA 01l. lr..,.·1n· 11.n.i McCvwnn. nnrkfl.-1,t ~Oal·hes D11n Uums 1trhl Riii ll1tr· nou are able to ba.•l' thl'1r t'Sf!N'- tallons on l'omplelel:>-pl'(l\'t'n tim- ber which ahould lmprovt' (;ant' ar e Guar.d Glenn Thom1<1< and Tllcklt' Ulrk .M1rkov11·h. All• Sun.set l.e&frue cho1cu laat st'A•on Thos<' boya art' hard lo replar e tn the hnt'. Back are llt'ri )'. 11wst \•aluable So1lor durin( 'M am! ser· and a am alJ.ll)()p, ann Tllm11r11 honorable ml'ntlon all-lrngur am! All \\'l'atern Stal I'll All · ~l'sl'I &th return to the Tar bar krtl'ld BIO l'R081XM Ope big problem will bf' rl'place- WIDE· OPES GO BOTH WA\ s ment ~ ot Mfrkovlrh anrl hi" 1111· The tackle apotll. wade open u The fl\•e ·man clf'!rna1\'(o line ,.ntt'd tM. Ol<'k n11d11;1'd 21 out ot •piing practice got undenvay last &vernR<'S IR2 lb•. wilh..J1nrb..<'k<'ra 24 extra·pofnt at11>mpt11 over thl' month, hu apparenlly aellled up· and back• scallnir; IL 160 lh aver-rroub11r lut aeason t o h&ng up Tumbling' Into iteoond place In on the hefly &houldera ot Larry air;e. Golni; both. way11 will be the eecond but percentage In con· Orange Couttty Amer1c1Ln Legion Harper al ld t llckle, 17~. 11cnlor, Lorentzen, Dl'ema. Owrby, Brrry, venilona.,smong prtfl ph\Yl'rll In Le(Jion Nine in ·Second; Orange Next ,Junior Bueba.11 at.andln 1 with 11.nd Dick 0.!!!,bl'.._at r1 ht l&cislL lw.lll...&n< Tamura. the nation. N,.wcomer Jl:•b<Jr• ma\ Ml lo .. ortlie MUOn .Sund1y, 180, lt'nlor. Lorentzen will ha'iidfeJert ~~c hand~e ptaceklrkinK dutlt>ll thl' Newport Harbor'• Legion nine t\f· Guud posla are well a nchorf'd Moving Into the right wlng post se1t..11on. urea to come acrapplnr back thla 1 by Texas transfer Dirk Nabora, will be !\'ell Metcalfe, 160. senior. Bob Mllll!l. who handlf'd punt · weekend aplnat Oran(t'. Saturday 200, aenlor, 11.nd veteran Gary Deema tllkU over the left tackle Ing chorea In '114. 111 graituittlrii; the local lad• take on Orangf' at Deema, 202. junior. The pivot 11e11 defel)1lva alot. Overby continues Those duties · wlll fall upon the Coata Meu. Park. Sunday the between Senior Jack Smith, tM, at right tackle. Middle guard came wtll be at Oranp. and Dave Johnson, 190, aenlor. u11lgnmenl goes to Senior Roger ahoulden ol Berry and Sr h mldtt. After t our stralrht win•, the Smith hu the prtaent edge. Early, 210. Fall practice gal• undcl"'Way al local lad.I loat lo Ana.helm 12·3 on v~TERAN 8ACK8 Ulnebackera Include Berry, 6 .30 p. m. Labor Day. llauance the rival field. Lut Saturday, they An experienced, &ll-nnlor back· John Grauer, HI-', senior h&lfback. of uniforms and phyelcal exam~ Le(!1lator1 dt\'1aed the tratfl( .------------- lawa to ht'lp k l-•p )'Oll out of trouble wh1lf' 11l1v1n1t. point• out tht l"atu•nal A11h•nu bit(' Club. If you try to rnrat an nuu i.wr 1 llHle. you may be <'hHlln& ~vur· 1 •elf a lot. .IOUS8TONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreckers l .,.J Aute hrt• &Ad.\.~ -201~ Platt110a An. Ubrrt) f.1011 t.'oat. ..... t.o complete protection A SAf E DEPOSIT IOX .............•..•.....••.....••• The only place your vahaabl• can be abeolutcly ftreproof and burglar-proof la In a l&ft depotlt box. Thla potltJY9 protecdon of important bualneu papers and uaJured keepsakes costs only pen.U. a week. Adf'qU&~ Parklatc Facllltlee 'Rear of BUik ~·The Mariners Bank 2112 Wf'8t Coast. Hiichw11~· '!'Ii e" lM>rt S..ach That's the title heaped on Wayne Coughtry, mound luminary for Coach Wendell Pickens' Eastern Confer- ence and Southern Califomia Junior College BaaebaU champ1. the Orange Coaat College B.uc1. Sportawrit.era of the Orange County News Service tabbed Coughtry, with a perfect 7-0 win ~ord in EC ~ompetition, u best ballplayer in Orange County. He replaces Ted Herrera, Orange Coaat hurler of Jut aeuon, in t he position. -OCC Photo C came from ~hind In the ninth field o!tera apeed, power and u rlal and Bob Allen, 166, junior center. for the player• are alattd tor ~ tram• to beat A.n&helm ILt Orance threat. oeorre Bchultt, 170, holds Schultt and TamurlL will be at half a.. m. Sept. 1. ..:===================~~====~~~ Coaat Collefe 7·6. _____ _::.:.._..:..:..--.:.:.:__:_:.:_:.:.:.,.._, _____________ :.______________ ----- OCC Co-eds Top Sports I FAIRWAYS FLAILED I AS FEMS BEST 80 Completing the moat aucce11tul ye11r to date, Oranire Collllt Col- 11'1:4! women's team 1porh and In· tllv1rlual sport.& partlclpanta .had an l'nv1able record on the field and In 11oclal activities &nd confe!'1'nc· r~ .In hn1ketb111l, 1&mea were pl1t~·rot v.ilh M t. SAC, Santa Ana, F11llt! tnn, F.I Camino, Compton For the first time alnce opening ot Irvine Coast Coun- try Club, a pali' or fairway fems have broken 80. They a re Mrs. Elsie Miller and Mrs. Harold Small. Bolh have toured the rour11e In 79 within the lul three week•. Mra. Miiier 11 from Balboa, Mra. Small from Fullerton. 11nol ~."t 1 ~1~ Anitel1>s Junior Col· SHOWDOWN lo'>:"' pht:. the' JC Spnrta Day atl L"" An•:,.t.• V111ley JC In Vlln -------- :'\uy,., ·1 "'' •\!,\ -.~ .. ,.,.n womrn 11tu- ..i .. n1:0 • 11 n1• I 11w:irrt11 through their pllrlw1p11t1on H• .. k•'lbnll manager wn.~ 5B1•h !'koll <TT "HORT B"C'llU"• of lhl' umy weather, ho • kry ~e1uun w11ll rut 11bort a nd !'nly .. nl' lnter·11chool ga me wa11 tndians Go After CIF Ball, Crown 1'l1tyl'd. In tht on, •am,. achf'dult d, F ULLERTON (OC="S>-It wlll occ d .. f•·a ted Mt, 8AC 1n I C(Offly C'nnt,.~ll'•I m!llch :l·O. HorkPy mnn· b~ a balUe of 11outhpaw• when a g,.r wn11 J u ne Mui aoka. I f-ullcrton and Montehello meet tor v 1 1 the CrF baseball tltil• at 3 p. m. " It•) l.iall J:amtt~ Wf're •chedulrd tomorrow at Montebello Cll.Y. Plltk. w11 h the five collf'I U playPd In I The Sunset League d I a At 0 n d h11~ke1 b~JI P.'11" 'it rue Anti IAng I chiunpa will g o with ace Gerald Buch < ity Coll'•~· Th• flr9t tu m Runyon while the Olleni, champ• play"l1 throuah ellfhl college p mu of the Foothill League, pla.ns to without •l"'•'lll Thf' 81"1'111111 ttRm I start Dalo Z1rgll'r. hl'ld un to I\ recoru or r.:iur wtn1 I anti lhr<'•' 111,,1<M Thr• 1<r1111on Wiii' DALE \'JCTOR l't>inpl1>l!'d with the snnu11l 11pnrl!! Z<'lgler bPatl' a 13·2 won · Ion <111,v 11 t Loni( lJuch Wh•I e lhr C<llll· record. One ot hi• victories la b1r"d t"nmll WOI\ 6 11nd lost 3. Vol· 1 over the I ndians. He also licked lr yball n111n11i:"r \\'&JI J"nl' Cowl· '<'m Jut summt>r an American lnir ~ _ T: , -\I.' t u.·g ion Junior Babeball r ompe· I h lhe IM'U\Jll not u yet com· llt lon. Runvon hu a 11e11.11onal plr ted th" rn •. '(.: :viftbnll t":oma mark nf ·11.2 ?111\11 M'>n twoTan\~i kl1'lt1f<f~ " · - -Msinal{rr Ill Rnllt Mane flr"rllng On lap 1n the bullflt'n_ should Thf' tPnm:. le.<m pl1<yf'd thr~f' hl~h tither ~larler talll'r a re the irrhool n1"tchell Rntl !'IX jnnJnr r ot-Trib~ 11 ..-en Enright t 6·1 \ and the Jrr;e ma tchu and two optn all JUn· Oller s J erry Ruioh 19·f.I. 1111' <:Ollf'Ce tournament•. 11 tot.Al nf Montebt>llo tnters lhf' fray i~t matrhU, wlnnlni; twn th1r I~ :St rong f&\'Ortle to capture tl.t !tr9t of 11.ll matchea play .. rt, ml'lud1ng <.:IF huf'hall lllli-The Oiler• toumamenl,. ha\·., a seasonal rtrord of 27 win. 1·:-;ut:t't:ATl:U Ft:;\ll'i against lhrea loe11u, on• of tht Swimming team mrmberit achf'rl· u1,.,1 11ev-n mePt!I, l\n•l wtrt> until'· fest rd In iltfi>n<1111g thf'lr .JC l'rown won la't .''•'IH. thr local 11w1mmer11 mv1 t thnn do11blf'd the pomt tot.Ill nf l!lrtl ' Th I' ~;.11• llrunil <'J 11w1111lllH!1, b~llt'r kn .. wn 8' thl' 'Pular Bt11r11 " pr,.•l'nlri1 thrf'l' iiwlm 11hows In hhl.' w1lh roll• I:•' l'Pl'\'11 r Sor1al sd1vlth•a 111111 1cn'I<'•' pn» Jtcl1 lncl11df'tl t hr ann11111 · 1~. t A cqual11ttd I Dinn,.r" h!'IJ at lhl' Home' M11n1gtmrnt Hou:<•' on r&m· p UI', !h!' April l'hetWf'r" nRnrr ; &EAL TRIULLEll aaturday'• atrurrl• wu a t.hr11- ln a u the way. Anaheim went ahe&d 1-0 In the nnt lnnlnf. Har- bor tied Ula K Or• In the t.hlrd. Anaheim went out In front 2·1 In the fourth. C&me th\ tttth and It wu Newport who Jumped on t op t 8-l . Catcher 'Dl~k Mirkovich bu1ted a do11ble, Dave Buckman a atngle and Dave Tamura a two-bagger to drive In lhe runa. Then Jlm New· kirk •maahed IL .346-yd. homer ln the el1hth to make .It 6·2. But An&helm ta llted tour nm• on n·u tilt.a In top or t.ha ninth for a 6·6 lead. n didn't tut Ionr. Bob Allen popped a let.doff alngle In lut of the ninth tor Newport. Bob White ran tor him. Buddy Thompton went a.11 lha way to third. He atole home three pltche1 later r tlh._lh• wtnnlnr run. Sunday It wu all Anaheim. They rot t!ve run• on four hlU. ILnd two error• In the tlrat at&nll&, and lhln1• went like that for the Har- bor nine rut ot the way . Ana- heim collected 11 hit.a whlla the lcxala picked up 10. Bul Anaheim'• Ufht delenee •lopped them. Cary Green r ot credit for the Saturday Wlll while rell~vinr New· kirk. Paul Lorent.un abaorbed the Sunday lou . New Champ Sure In Lawn · BowlinCJ Newport Beach Lawn Bowlin( Club la wra to h1Lve IL new alnglea cha.m~lon thla yur. Al Oxland, who hu held that h onor for five yeani, w... defeated by Waller Pear1on 21 to 8. In the other uml- tlnal game. Steevu and Pnraon wlll meet In the final match ror the championship thl• week. beat In the atate. They've won their tut 13 In a row. ~TRl:AJt STOPPF.J\S However, the indlan -pertorme,.. feel they <:an put &11 end to that juat u th«'y did to San Diego'• 13· ga.me 1lrtak last week. F ullerton do-.'lled San Otero i ·I In CIT 1emlflnala. To er.ttr the final•, Montebello beat Pa.ramount 14-6, Ventura 13· 2 and Mark Keppel ~-2. ·' _. P 1r11t,.s n 1y booth; All S<'lw<1I Pacnw c:o~po1U10r.t1hlp. 11n.i the Chrl11lm1U1 prOJl'C't of the F'ronUl'r N uut's Au oclation. Driving your own c.-Wftl into \\'AA hoetl'd thr Southern L'sh· forn1a Junior C'nllrge SprlnR l'lan· ninR mel'Unr m January, thr Southern C&llfom la Junior CoUr~• 8-.i mmlnr; Mttt In May, and the Boulht m Calltomla J unior Coll•ge A rr hn y Mef't ln Apnl. Cage Loop Ready Harbor Ar•a &VI· Club aum· mtr 1>11.11ket ball teaiue °'pane play J une 2-; Plavrrs llre rurnnll\' aim ing up. \:&r•1ly, junior n~· mty &nd JuNc>r oollef• team• wm pla_,. Monday nlshu. -.1th r1.mt11 • a tartlng at 7'15 and l :tll p. m. B. C &nd D qUlnttt. wm pttform Tuesda y and Thursday nlJ hla, p mu 111~ al a 10. T:30 and I .JO r. m. Ptt•r Loeb, 1:1 Cel'Ttt• hlftl •hoot pupil. ad,'OC'aun1 .-ouna rl&tlla l<K 18"-ylU'-olcS.-"We pay tuea, but ..,. ~•1. 11.y tlo.,, lh<>~• tu .. wfU be 1ptnl unttl '" an I t :" a nerve-racking performance when you hit heavy traftic. And, finding a sp0t to park your car becomea a real headache, as IOOll u you reach your destination in any coo,atcd buainess or shoppina cmter. But -the clinebing araament apimt drivina Ira the sizable park· in& COltl that bep pullin& down your pocket moaey. Ewry "'1J. mott Pf'Opl~ naliu tltot 11'1,,,..,., to to by Mttro Courtney & Lester 1 596 Newport llvd., COlta Mesa Phone u 8-1197 <•• MM COUPON • .... THAY " YOU DON'T COfl'I MAIL THIS CNIDMI '" °' '"°"r 1N vurun 0 ........ -0 '"''-·-•-4 o c ........... _.. Q tOO M_,.,._ ______________ _ Aootl»·-------------~~ c1n _______ ,,,.,,, __ _ 111111\0"101'·-------------- I I I I I I I I I I I • I a-\~·• olOOlf I ·------------------------------------------··-------··········-·"' .. , ,, .. ~I ( FLOTILLA BREAKFAST ON SCHOONER Member. of Flotilla 27, U. S. Cout Guard Auxiliary, held tbelr regular monthly l'neetinr Sunday u guest• on the two-muted ecbooner Bonnie Doone, Irving E. Laby, owner and akipper. Laby ia Rur Commodore, Cout Guard Auxiliary, 11th Diatrict. Flotilla members enjoyed a lavish breakfast which they uaually pt at a ca!e on meeting mornings. A meeting and program were held a!J,er the food wu diapoeed of. Shown atanding by the maat are Laby, Bob Throp, commander of Flotilla 27 and Al Oberg, uaietant Harbormaeter and training officer of the notiUa. -Staff Photo LOCAL SKIPPERS CRUISE TO CORONADO These Balboa Power Squadron ipembers were among the many who cruised to San Diego over the Memorial Day w~k-end_~j£iJ!J~_ef~ti'!!_tiea of the Coronado Yacht ClubTauon ~ntng ceremoniea. The J . C. Wilaons and the Tom Allena: an of New- port Height.. are happy with the whole thing aboard the Allen'a cruiser Marr·A. -Beckner Photo State Backs Tuna Industry With Consumption Request which could Mrlowily Impair tha indiatry. A 1pakeaman for the Tuna Jl'oun- datlon paints out tha t Japanue Imparts of tuna havt rlaen from l:I per ceont prior to World War 11 to 3:1 per Ct'nl of the current U .S. muket, and th• volume ma y in· BecaUM et the cheiip tuna Im· State colleJt"ea, educational dep11rt· creue. port. now flooding the country. mrnt11, and military and Naval the State Le(lalature In Sacramen-bun within the 1tate. to hu a pproved a neoJutlon to The resolution emphulzed that WARN MARINERS ualat t.b• California tuna Industry the tuna lndu1try la aeeklnc to In a ~paJI"' tor added conllllmp· 90Jve it• own problem through the OF NA YY FIRING tton and dlatrlbullon or t una develoJ>ment of a nation-wide pro· ,fJlrO\lcbout ~ country.' moUonAJ campaign to lncreue con· '· --•n• ce.mpal(n, to be k nown aa 1umpllon or canned tuna, rather "'Summertlm• Ia Tuna Time," be-than aeek governmental .uelatance l'&n June 2 and contlnuea through In the form ot .ul>lldlea. l une 11.. The Tuna Reeearch J'oun· It aleo point.a out that cheap daUoa -nounc.d that tll• 11ro(T&JD tuna lmporta threaten the· Call· will a1ao Neelft the cooperation of fomla lndll.flry which producea ttw Ua1ted 8tatea Department of more th11n $130,000,000 of lhe pro· Interior, and UM Department of Cfikt annually. Cannery worken. ArrtC\lltureC. a natlon·wide bUll. nabermen, boat owner• and pro- ,,_ 1Acl81&tun·a reaolullon r•· c.eaora face tlnanclaJ dltnculty ,,,.-. that all 1tate ~endM re- ~ble ter f ood purc.h.ua• k7 Calitonda tuna ·fo~t.h• conaump- \loa la ltata tnaUtutlon.•. ""Copl .. ot u. r.ohltJoa are bellll ae.nt \o ao...nor Ooodwtn J. Knlpt. and ..,...., p""11.1le ll•da ot Harold I. Johnson A Plttl'k• ........ 01IMI'' ........... .... ~ .. •1 VIia ... ..,. l'.f ............ Marinna are warned by the Coa11t Guard that naval bom· bardment of 81m Clemente lllland will be In progT•• thla week u u11ual. Under nre today a.nd tomor- row from II a.m. to midnight will be Cutle Rock. It a \ao wm be bluted Saturday a nd Sunday durtn1 daylight houra. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAl NQ J OB roo LilGz OR TOO muu. %30 IOtb SC.., Newpon ._. ...,._ ... NEWPORT HARIOR·NEWS-PltESS -PART 111 • PA&E 3 T~URSOA Y, J UNE 9, 1955 . Tl DI TA ILi .,... ,,.. 8 \. n.. • 81 -llSp "'Lo• Yrmay 1:23 1>· m. 3.8 7;13 L m. ~ June 10 e :aa p. m. 2.7 A&u&r4&y O:U 4-Dl. ••• l..:03 a. m. 0.3. June 11 3:07 p. m. u · 11:21 p. m. 2.6 8Wlday l :SI L m. u 11:47 a. m. 0.7 ' J une 12 a:&O p. m. 4.2 9:119 p. m. 2.3 Monday 2 :117 Lm. 3.11 9:S6 L m. 1.0 June 13 t :Sll p. m. '·' 11 :20 p. m. u Tueecta.y f :SI a. m. I u 10:27 a. m. 1.3 J une H ll:lt p. m. 11.1 ............... Wedn-Sa y 1 :05 L m. 3.2 0:2t a. m. u June 111 t :Ol p. m. 11.e 11:21 a. m. 1.11 Thunday 7:20 L m. 3.3 1:11 L m. 0.1 June 11 t :te p.m. 1.2 12:U p. m. LT DAYLIGHT liVINO Tllm ~ (j (f • rDl8'I' l1JLL l.A8T NEW QUA&'l'Ell llOON QUA.KTE& llOOJlll June H July ' June 1S J une 19 II COA$T GUARD AUXILIARY TO STAGE BOAT CHECK HERE An all out amall boat inapectlon program baa been ordered for next Sunday by John Tanner. com- modore, U. S. Cout Guard Auxiliary, 11th Dtatrict. Dick Hunt of Loa Angelea la ln charge of the opera- tion which will cover the waterfront from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Members of the auiillary will cive inapection• which will be preliminary to & ~ net which the Cout Guard will atage later ln the month, JCCOrd· ing to Irving E. Laby, rear commodore of the aux- iliary, 'J'\ll' ia a cowU9)' lnapectio.n ·and wt1l gtve boat ownera a chance to eecure any ~I ltem.1 ' of equipment without danger of citation. There will be an auxiliary officer at every gu- oline doclc and the Cout Guard dock next Sunday and boat ownera who have all of their equipment will be given decala to place on their windahielda which will later be honored by the Cout Guard. oWnera who do not have all of the required equip- ment will have a chance to Neu.re Item• before they run into the drag net impection, J...a>y •t&ta. ''When the dr&g. net ii held every boat leaving the harbor without a deca.l will •be boarded by . the Cout Guard and inapected. Thoee bot.ta which are faulty will be given cft&tiona and fined for ea.ch violatiqn. We hope to a ve boat ownera that em- barruament.,. Laby declared. Atollllc IM'tY Tall Sc .. d1l1d ..... 16 Newport8H&rbor K1wanJ8 Club'• prosTam J une 11 wU1 be a talk oo wAtomlo EneJ"IY'' by J&me9 Pit· ton. profeuor at Oranc"e Cout Collq., 1t wu announced by Pro· cram Chairman Jim Tbomt.on. Luncheon la VDla Marin.a wtll be buffet" aty1-. The Arrtculture and ConMrT&· Uon committee had chqe of to- day'• procrazn. c. J . Mark.a, ~ retary ot Orance County Fann Bureau, apoke on "AsTtculture Today ln Or~• County." ...,,.,..,, ~':t. N TIM DAVE SPIES " M-. what ..... for ....._., ..... -.poet, ltht· welfht, ......... "' the truM of yow eer. J....,a~ with Wt· _.., fMtvret ... IMOOfh ........ QUlfTI COIN °" "' and ... the 5~ to.lay. rt... le#'1 fO fWtittfl I Ivy NW, UM OVf ...... poy. ..... ,..... South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llYd. J•ll11•1i11 l••·Hor .. Out6oi,_ Moto1t MAllNI qARIURETOIS Repaln -'9alee r-Puta ZDll'l'll II 8TBOMBEBO GEO. J. MIACHIM mt W. Oout llJghway Uberty 8-lMI 42 loats Eiler H11li1gto1- Ji~el11ds Race from s..t Beach. Other markua .. ____ _. ____ ... are ott BolM Cl\lca Gun Club aad Huntlnaton Beaell Pier while ttn· WI ot the r&<'• will be · otl New· port Pier. Can Bump on 101 Minor f-CCldent occuerre<l M on· A tot.al of fl entries '° far have day oa Coaat Hlabway lll Marln- 1icned at Newport Harbor \'acht er'a Mlle ~tween can drtV'ell by Club for Ole ann1.1aJ HuaUnflOQ• JUdllh Ann McKinney, 17, of 211 T14e1u 41 bl.v1t&tlana1 fachl race Colton St. and C. V. ft!>beeon -~T ~ Nnrport ~ ~l ttlla latur4ay. Aid. Miu McKinney a&ld ahe wu 'l'be _yachtamen will atart from 1 oomlnc out of a parlllnc lot and !a Un• we1t ot BalbOa Pier, the waftlnc for tramc wMi t1'e "RoM- tlrat clale to crou at 12:Zll p.an .. IOn car backed lnto her cu . Saturday. Pour pepetu11.I t roph1 .. j ----------- ar. at atake: t.he Huntington-Tide· land perpetual for ooe&n racinr: Clint F\.lrrer perpetual for 1:1rbll· rary; Ruth Sheppard pt!tpetual tor Rhode.a .and PC cla.uu which race tocether for the a ward: lnalee per· petual for Ludera clua. Some 20 craft are enttred tor l.DRR clu e: thr~. arbltra'ry handicap: five. Rhode• claa: el&hl. PC: alx. Ludera . \'our Au tbo r h e d T H A L C 0 F1berliua 6-aer ID Ute Harbor area. Brtnc your fiber· clue problem• to aa. Pacific Fiben)lass 1111 w. eo..a e..,.. n. U 1-H1'1 1be racers will leave the •l•rt· Inc line and head weal up lbe coun~ cout llne to Monterey 0111 Co. "!al.and" dr11lln1 rig otfahore Acroaa from All-Ammca.n MkL You ~UM ot.W r.uow. WANr Ad: be wUl r-.4 JOUr9 .Us • CNf •f 1l1nt111 ... ,, ,. ,,, .... wills ••ti wllflwerif Now It's 'Paint-up Time~! Smart Color Styling Is Easier than ever with Fuller's new Rug -Key' d Color Plans P'llller'a ClC>tor cont rol atatf brta1 y ou a bettu, --tere tlla8-enr wa7 to ch-thfl rl(llt eolora fiw ~ ~. oluet h ara to your rue eolor .. our -~ Key'd Color Plan Boll and UH!re yoa11 ft.lid a elielc!a of --.rt aew color ec-hemN. Mot'lll -eue&Q' 1'tltd for ,._.. ,_, 7owr ,,.., 1oor ,.,........ -In -Any Home-- .. Wall Paper Works Wonders and anybody can re-decorate with new · .eZe Hang Wallpaper Now 1i111body can hallg wallpaper •oeceaetully! New eZe Jlu«i wallpaper la Pft-trirnmed on both ed~ee ... comp~tely ~nat.ee trtmmla1 erTo"' wute aad extra work. Saves time, p,..,·enta mlstakee, makee cleeonUai eo MaJ for u yooe It'• fUL e'h HanK romes to you reedy to pute ud hui. .. a rholce of bu.ndrect. of smart •e" creatio• and colortap delac1Mld n- chlllnJJ for w.t.en hotnftl. Remember We Are Open All Day Sundayl AL FORGIT Hardware ...... llYd. ........11, 0 ·- • - PAGE 4 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1955 MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS ·~ "· I • . I. ----'--i SENIOR DANCE FOR COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS SET JUNE 16 OftMIO&. •J\fKB-4rl-QCN81 -~ ~ ot .June .ChrUity hu completed Ole enterta.lnmt'nt profl"&JTI for lh• ltM Oranre County Senior Dance to be held Jun• H at t.be Ren- desvoua Ballroom ln B&lboo. By .UM MATHEN\' wa .. Chrt.ty jotna Jerry any·, otchffl.ra anu the Kl·Lo'•. Don't all the boy and girl grads look Just a1:1 you'd want prevlou.tly slpied tor th• annual county vadaatlon ne11t. Membe ... of t.M atudent council In ch&rs• of Ult danc.-met boy and girl graduates to look at this time of year ? yut.rday at on.ou Hil'b llchool to compa.t~ plana. wtUI Undraid. Confident. Girded for the battle. The girls all ~,_ntallvea from bl~ .choola Ulro\l&'llout On eounti. P.:1ttri'r, ftudlly 'nlomJ)eOll anc! Jlllay ("(lrfman J nhn Swain and Phyllla Yarwood. Rov Danl.eJ a"8 Pat Smlt.h. Bruce' Knipp and Bet.y .llac'kmar. Sue M111'0l'I aad Paul Lort'ntien. J im &._1tanbwn and Lau~ Helldf'Mta, ~ 811dCM.r and Marc:ella Keller. Tile •ame l'Wnl.n1 Mike Va tl11 held a party tor hla clUlt ... .,.,.. •l hit home In a.acoa Bay. It 9ffm• Mike 11 an Al Jama tan .. , evnybocfy had to llil and wat<'ll • "•l'K•' Bnpera Oft TV, after nuuery in attractive dr~ss. The lads thinking inwardly bow I------------------- llW'lm trunk• Jil better than wllile the TalWU.. &oom at ClutatJaa'• I FfllNID that. tbO\lfh. they .u. ~ ,.. ~J,i.rwi1:1 and tht. u&Lal-~r -----ei O&Mlht. t Wl'.l ~-illa waa dinner JIH'kt-ll. • Hut and ~e aome <>f tht' sleek sea PENAL COD• STI The management ot the \'UJa cruft 1lide up to the pier and un· 1 . v·· I Co Mar~ want.ii to mak<' It a matter load a group of (Ull·IOVt'rS who Narcotic 10 1ton lo me ~r record how well plooacd they 111e-up and slip into the tlut for were with a irroup of 170 guests dumt•r! u d M St • t L at the S!nlor. Prom or T1aUn High j Can'l beat Lhllt for clue CaJl I er ore r1n•e1 aws last week-end. I youl? Alyrl' aml H11 rry aerm lo! 6 l:XE~PLAll\' I tft.ke such goings-on In ~!tide and SANTA. ANA JOCNSl · -A unlawruUy, ala montht to al.a say• the Vtillr. Marina, "those 1 ne\·er btlt an t)'t' or nuu • be~t ge.nual aU!fenln&' ot penaltlea year.; prucrlbinr narcotic:. tQ an kid.a cooJucted lhemae1v1:11 like la· In their sen•1ct' to A rt l.aShelle • againat Calllomla n~tlcll viola· addict, •lx month• to alx yura: lktennlned to_,.~ klp.11MMle IM1I throu1h tlle ·~ wwe: Olena Thomu &Ad euyu J:swu. Denny 1'1tapelrick ud 11.artel\4' l!c-e,..r. Bruce Ka1pp an4 Mar y Kay HUin.. Paul X..O,..tam 111<1 Sue Maniron. Bu.ddy n..mpeon an1I Ju(J.i Cortrn•"· fW)' ~l and Carol Calla. John 8waln IDd Alan J\yplnalrl. dies and genUl'mtn 14nd not one guest&. I tort hu gone Into effect. accord· obtaining narwlla by traud, •ht •;;;;;;;; 1111gte act or word marn!d a JOY· l':\KKl 1'G ~•~tt\'1('£ Ing to Onu1re County Dutt. Atty. month• to 11.Jt year•: fal!M' atatf'- owi occa.stun." Continuing with KaTama ke1111-1 c!Jmpany with Robert Kneeland. menl In a n1rcotle11 prucnptlon, pf'\o.1J1e11 tor the guys and ga!B, happy gourml't.11 11ml tht.' good tOOd MAny penaltlu have bttn a· 1lJ1 montht lo alx years; fa'-e re· "whal ·a grand l'Xample those high they tHm to t'njoy e\•en whilst I mended. parllcularly tn rderwce prellf'ntallon lo get a narcotic• 11Chool 1<t!rllora lll'l tor all future the building ot a auper-parkrng to minor otfendera, Kneeland MJd. prt!.ec:rlpUon, •Ix monttul to al• gat.herlng11 ot auch natui:i ln Uu1 leT\'lce 1oes on about Ba.lbva's The new penal code .. cuon U.ta Y~MI; I f~l• name :d add~u ::i or any other an·a.i· popular restuurant. l the !ollowtnr· Peddllnr narcotlca Pl"t!~rt P~_on pre~~ In~ an ~ Isn't 11 wonderful lo hear 8UCh !:"tank a nd Cina Grandolfo re-co a minor 10 yea,.. to life · ~dllnr mini' hu•f narco ca, 1 mon 1lncere praise c.or a big group ot port that they are wt'll plt'esed I narcoUca,' aix month• to ' Ute; pos-t_0_•_x_y_e•.r_•_· .;.• ______ _ good k ids? Let 1 all chip In with with the way famllle. rome to i;;aalon of narcotl.ca, aix montht to e. reaoundlng round of applaute! their Balboa Blvcl. •rot !'..or din-10 year•· poa.eeillion of narcotlca Tonight the \'llla plays host lo ners. with a prlor conviction two to 20 aome 200 from Fullerton J .C. for lt'a a ple--.nt alrht lo lll'e mo-yea.ri· rplanlllll' and JTdwu,I mart- • dJnneN!a.n~. Tuuday th•. Tu•· ther and dad and th• kiddies, too, Juan.: •IJt mont.hl lo 10 yean; tin Book Club met tor dinner and I enjoying the a lmoePftere or llaly I peddllnf narcoUca wiUI a prior Wedneaday a luncheon wu Mrved aa the Graa4ollo'e preat'nl It. In conviction. l O yeara to life; em· for S~ta An& Klw&llettea. 1 addition to. . Itallan···atyle food, ployln&' a m inor to tra.naport n&r· HARBOR HI LITES WHO'!>J THERE! Fl-ank and Ctn.t. .ofter stuk11 and I cotlc1, ttve yearw to life; employ. Tomorrow nlfht Woody Holdtt ~ food. They &lao urge one and Inf a minor to. transport narcot· If, PATl'IE llftMD!:ll will proti.bly hear a lot of "knock-all to ~ke advantaie o! the "food! lea With a prtor, lO yea.NI to lite; Some of Uie Harbor stria were Ing on the walla" M a hundred to go 3e1vice Lhey pro,•lde a t I torrtnr narcoUca prucrtption,with lucky enou(t\ to attend tll• OTanke mt>mbera or the Orange County their end of a telephone call. a prior, •Ix month.I to •ix ye&n. Cout Prom Jut Saturday •"11'1· Lathers M d Plutera gal.her 8f:E YA AftOU!'{J) Inf at Ole Santa Ana. Country for a Bayalde dl.nn.er and dance at · Memo for meanderlnra: I Unlawtully laeuln&' or fllllnc nar-Club. Dl'Maed In Ulelr eprtn1 for- the \'ill&. SaturdliY will 1ee 60 ..... _ Pl •-t 1 t' coUca pr.,crlpllon , •tx montha to maa and tu11.edo.. Windy Vander-uu• ra... Ot' cozy re axa ion •ht an · retlCribln -·-'-members ot the Grotto, Put Mon-with draught bt'er and a warming ye • P I ....,...,......., ~rt aJtd Jl'?'ed Shannon, .O.nJce arch.II meettnc a t the popular rea-tlte on chllly evenlnra; La Poe~ I Nlle11 and Dick, Grace Mcl>i!rnott t.aurant at the entrance to Bal Isle. out nl'&r the S.A.C.C. tor old dee-Mesa Chamber and C'arval D11vey, Sam Cooper and When you uk Kate and' Dick ert memot1e11 and Spanllh-Meltican Pat Ritchie, Dee Toolt'y and Bill Dent tor news of the Balboa laa atyle food: ..,....,, In Corona del • • Johnaon. Shelby Tunnell and Ed· Cate, they reply, "Felix and Leo M.&r, tor cheerful charm and en I Wins Second II die Andereon. eat Riiey and Bob a re the newa around here." It old-world greeting with epaihetll! Oit'hl all ·enjoyed dancing In the NEW STUDENT OFFICERS MAKE PLANS teems that "old home week" la Ma.son Slier and Joh My Ox:tord B 1., • 1. atmoaphen of "Club ~~" which allll being celebrated .. local• and their mgn. go all out to ate eau I 1ca ion WU cal'Tied out by lht' .. theme. drop In the Ima tor a vlelt with the that the Harbor area movle·g-oier Spring la here which meant pie· New Student Council membera at Orange Coast College have been elected to serve during the 1955-56 school year. They are shown in a preliminary conference to dis- cu88 stodent affairs. Seated (l. to r.) are: Alan Hodges, Huntington Beach. vice- president of the uaociated student.a; Ron Armstrong, Laguna Beach, president of the associated studenta; Ola Vay Harri&, Newport Beach, recording secretary of the associated studenta. Standing CL to r.) Katherine Sou~hward, Midway City, A.W.S. president; Spence Ru.ah, Laguna Beach. A.M.S. president; and Diane Moore, Garden p&lr ot t'ntertalnl'r• who are ao la treated to a good clnl'Jlh4 bill· Costa MeH Chamber of Com-nlc lime tor J ohan Hirth and much favored hereebouta. And, of-fare. Up at the M,_, In Costa merce won aecond place trophy Chuck Jl'riak, Sam Coo~r &nd P&t for thilt matt.er, wherever they Mesa, where Joe Ha.man holds and ribbon In the county • wide Rllchlt', who packed a lunch of have played. forth you'll find "20,000 Leagues beautification program aponsored tuna sandwiches and chocolate Feh~nd Leo are quite a pair Under the Sta"; Craig Phoenix by lhe Aasoclated Chamber• of ca ke and •~nt the day on Ula a.nd muc pr&lse comea from J.aa will welcome you at the Udo to Commerce. Retlrtn1 Prealdent Don beachea of Caplatrano June 5. goers wh o tor thal &ood food aee ''Soldier ot Fortune": the Bal· Huddlt'lllon of Ole Meaa chamber The Rebela, Sen.tor "Y'' club on the ocean front a t B&lboa. boA ls ahowlnc "Great Slowt Up· gave speclal recornlllon to Co1ta held Ill annual b~aktut at 1,.. It you r o acroe11 the Bay to Bal rising" plua "WaJklnK My Baby, Meaa Citizen'• Council and P'Uch· vi.ne Park Saturday momini at I.ale and drop 1.n Tbe Park Aveaue Back Home", and the Port, In 11la Society for Ulllr effort.a In 7:3o. The early blrda we.re: M&T- Cate you'll see aome tace-ll!tlng. Corona del Afar, off era "The Sea helping Costa Mua win the award, Ian Koerner and 8UD11y Coane, No~. not Pinky'• or Bu., or Rus-Ch~." . I Member11 of the Costa ·Mua Mike Valle and Evel}'ll Taylor, ty's, but the dt'cor of The Hatdl. Aa the man Kid, "those traffic chamber commlttl'e tor cleanup Glenn Thomu and Caryll Egerer, H's going lo be real nautical and lflgnala and highway 1ign11 ere and beautification an P aul Dun· Bob Hllwn and Mary Kay Hehn, Grove, treuurer of the ueociated atudents. • ANIMAL CAPOS THRILL KIDS Sponi.ored by thl' H11rbor Howie Reataurant of COl!ta l\l Root11y hafl an <'asy time of It In the Uon'a Club rarade la,,t Rl\tunt11y 1111 Prince. lht pony, Wtilt Uirourb his b11r of trH'ks tn th~ delight of onlook ers. Pretty Glnrer Affolter, their lra.mer, io'nl her C''h11rma to the act. -Beckner Photo Rob inson Pro~ation Hearing on Narcotics Rap Due June 17 SA:-.TA /\NA IOCNSl -AC· c111r l ''' herom po!W!eA inn and VIOIAt1u11 of rrobal1on blonrle Ed· "'arfl BIUC'I' Robinson. 21. Corona olrl M:i1 Fnd11y w11s orJered to 1111r••1t1 111 Supe11nr Court hne for " probat111n hrann~ Jun~ 17. -ftPh111-.. n was hroui;ht wtore R11p••1 to•1 c .. u1 t Judge J ohn Sht'a F1 Ida)' !ur ai ra.iicnment. lie plead· ed fUllt)' to posse111lon of nRrcot· ic11. RoblMon, who auertedly itot 11tArted on do~ when serving with the 11rmed !on:u ovel"ll('U, wu 11rrl'lltcd In Costa Mesa l\lay 6. Previously. Robinson hu rece1v· efl a 180.day tl'rm, With t~O daya 11u11pendrd. That &entl'nce wlla Im· po11l'd Decrmbt'r. 19M. He wa.s plac.ed on lhue yura proti.Uon. at Peale SACRAMENTO tf'N SI The veddy, vedtly 1mut! • placed tor your own good, llO lap. chalnnan; Mrs. Clem Louns· Denny Ftupatrlck and Marlene atate dl"psrtmrnl of public works WHAT T HEY'RE WEABING wh:i.tcha g-ot to lo11e by obl'ylngl berry, Owen Kidman, Jira. Calle announced today lhsl It h9! ,226,. Pinky Scott t.ell1 of a fublon them and respeclln( them?'' Have Viele, Lou Leavy., Mra. F . Foater.. · ahow and parade or femme charm fun! and Mrs. Frank P araona. 988.600 worth. or elate highway I which is akedded for The Park con~trucuon conlracla under way Avenu" nexl Thurftday 1t.artinr at the present t11nr, a ntw re-cord. 'lonr about ha.lf·paat·twelvc. . The previous hJgh ot '221,283.700 Are you keeptna ln touch with wu eet ln March. Chef H~nry J ones' dlnnt'r wgge11· The department s11d It ha.'! 321 lton11 at Lhe Rendexvo\13 of the '1 conlract.s in progre:o..,, covcrmi: Marineni '! Mlfht pay you to Ill· construction of 30~ m1lea of multi· .vesllgale, lane d1vl<led highway. I511't lt quite & •lfhl to l(t up ln .THE PIRATE 28~b St. at Newport 81\•d. Newport Beach Tap Beer at UHi ntt.elde -Hot J>Qp -llGMt 'rm Y oar9elt • REAL MEXICAN FOOD U you prefer to 1tay at. home to tee 7our favorite television program try our boxed Mexican dlnnen or special orders to take out. They're ready to tUVe. PRIVATE PA.BTY a OOM FOR IA.RGI: PA.BTl.ES %518 Newpon Bl'f'll. THE ARCH.ES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • OPES 10 A, M. THROUGH I A. M. • Xewport Blvd. on Cou t Rl&h"'&7 NEWPORT BEACH • <We an Cl~ -Tl111nday1) SPAGHETTI by ROSSI wit' all the Gourmet Accompaniments \ ITALIAN DINNERS Go tc> • - Oo ROSSI CAFE CoroH del Mar 2325 E. C-st Hw·y. Har. 1180 (CLOSl:D TUESDAYS) BA LB ~.i A/1rc.1t ;, . DeuJd O'eo.-• sw, 1•h1 Mr.., lack Home" Jeft Q uytclle .. ''Great Siou Uprisl11CJ" · ORT9'f.-.~, . .... , ..... , .... ~ JORN ·WATh"E LANA TUB..'"E.8 .. "THE SEA CHASE" 'Watn Color -l'lm1 - ' "CHALLENGE THE WILD" N-aa a.swr rm.a lldWn ~ t lll'ttl W f!CfJNoeda.r "TRIS l!i\1.Al'H> F.ARTH~ Ann Baster "RY, Jlt:\'11.1.f:O" NOW SHOWING Enck Tue1. COSTA MESA t_-Heee.n'aUOD• r11oee ----------------'- P,,ejenling FELIX & LEQ T 09ethe r Again Latin -.American Rhythms DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Exc91»t Tuesday "A Great Act-Fine Food" ,. I IUocls 8ovtlt Of Sula A.a Co;ouatry Cl8' LI 8·2403 -- ''Superb Foocl" c $27 I PAJUUNO aD\'lCS P'llOll oca DOOa . .. Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES Dinner StltCJestioft1 Parle Avenue Special MO~DA\'. Jl '~F. ISth, THRU SATUllDAY, 11 NI! J8U1 ._p Frtf'd stis SOFT SHEU. CRABS . s1so 8ouUMni Styir CREAMED CHICKEN wttla ..... ,,,. Duntph•C'I Compl~te D•111n "Rendezvous ol the Mariners" ,_.Aw•••• .t M•I• ERNEST K . 0ANN'S ~EST-SELLeRI ACTUALL V FILMED IN tfo• IR ue I -.. "' euoor ""°'" ..._...,lOWMD~ .. _••nft(-...s•"' G..._M KTAllTS ~F.XT ~·tmSP:KOA\' l.orlllae 0.7, ,.,.,.. ('.iicew> "LOVE Ml OR LEA VE ME" Kid's Mat. Sat. I :45 "LORNA DOONr' CUTE TODDLEft:S--Therc were., many babies entered .at the Costa Mesa' Lions Fish Fry they had to go onto the stage in two lines. but the judge/finally aorted them out ar.~ ~;we prizes m the different cla.sses to the babies shown above, front left. Sandi L0in. daughter of the WayJl1? R. Sides, 56:5 West 19th St.. second, 6 to 12 month old : James. eon of the Jack Curtises, 2366 Or- OCC lo Offer Summer Session Program June 20 to July 29 Rrgl11trsUun ror S11mml'r :0:1•11- •lnn "'""''H 11t Orunge I '1»1.'ll t'ol· IPs;e will Pl arl .Monrt&)'. J une J 3 Ml 9 II. m . IH'('Or<hng lu Jlr Ba,.11 H Pl'lerwon. , oll:·i.:e prr.st11t>nl lStudrnl1 rnay 1t•11;1~lf'r for a muomum of aevt n ~•'mester un1U1 or r1111y &crl'!'rtlteil J11nior rollege v.nrk. The M~'ltfln '"II run from J t1 nt' 20 -Jul\· :?9 with mo•l, c\111111· "" held ~lW•'":l 8 11 m Anti f2 nOQn CIM11e1 a rt being ofterrd In be· g'tnning lnlermf'<hate lyping, 111e- nog-raphy, a l'court111g. office pr11c- 11r•-. 11 net bus mc1<11 rori eapon<lcnl'"· An1dem1c rlM~"• 1nrl11<fe l' S. hunor~" antb111p .. 10.1:y. <'hemii.try. e1•onnrntr'1. •'llKllll'<'rlng. in11trumen· 1111 drawing. Engll11h, F1!'nl'h. ~l'· ography. life science. algebra. g<'on1elt\', l rtgonometry, 11hde rulr. phlln.'!ophy, physical scltnce, po· hti<'al ~clcnct', psychologr. socio!· f•.:''-Spanish and speech. Uf ~rectal lntt>~l w ill ht the lhf'atrc· ,,·orksho p under the <II· recttnn of ~trs. Ma.rthella Randall. Ml'cting ~ooday. Tutllday and T hus 1SCl.;y nights from i -10 p. m, this group wlll produce rw o ma- Jor pt oJu<'llnns in t he new college 11ud1tonum dunng th" summl'r· F.nrollment la open to a ll. A rt.& and cr·afls claSJlt'S will In· clltde pa.inllng. art workshop, photography, lapidary. Jewelry making and weaving. CmJrSPI of a \•ocauon11I nature art' ba.~1r rad1,,. rall1oleletraph code. report writing 1111d interrogation. Re1ialra • Malnteunce • ln1tallatlon1 STAFFORD ci ION "NELS and DOC" t:LE<.TRIO.U. CO.NTJL4CTOB8 f'llone l.Jbe"7 8-1469 110 RJ\·entde .AYuuM Newport ae.cb CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 P\'MJ·RLOCK CO~PA..'<\' -!S%0 S. Maln S\..; Sant• Aru1 Pl'~lt't; -('ISDER ASO l'O:SCR.t:TE BL()CU llt:L'it·on<-'I SG !'TEEL -4 MtJPPLU:S • an1~ St., !int, 13 to 24 month.a: John, eon ol the J ohn · Thomases, 313 Narciaus Ave., third, 6 to 12 month.a ; ftobin Lee, l!IOn of the J. Edwin Ratha, 2129 Continental St .. second, 13 to 24 months: Carolyn Sue, daughter of lhe James Kempers, 2136 Orange St., third, 13 to 24 months old : David, son of the C. R. Spinnett., 880 Con- gress St., first. 6 to 12 months old. -Stf.!t Photo • GRAND JURY ASKS 'FRIENDLY' CHAT WITH OC SUPERVISORS SANTA A."\A., 10C~S1 -The Orange County Grand Jury wlll &"l 1ta wlah to have • "fri<'ndly cl'lat" with Ult • ounty boArd of 11Upervi110r11. • County Counsel Joel Oitle informed the board Tuesday or tho c:on/ere.nce requ.e1t ot J ury Fonom11n Bromley '"" Hill o( Laguna Ba1lh ni .. boerd M'l 9:30 a..m June :!2 for lhe ~S..'11Jfl In lhe tiupen ·uion1' m..eltng ch1u11b,•r at the courtbou.sc. Ogle said 1l wa... to be a "(nendly" gel-together to dilcuaa "the O!>Od rontrol'proenm. p• rhapa." Swimming Notables Attend La Habra AAU Meet Kickoff, Stressing the char11cter build· evenl11 and La HA.bra'• q e 1 ro1,f>' ing of youth U11·ough propt·r 11w11T1· event• for boys and \hli ta om j ming t11r ll1tleH, 11 irroup o f tank to 16. v not11ble1 spo ke d 1mni:-kickoff din· nrr Cor t ht> Soulh Pac1r11: A UU J unior Women·• Swim M~t &el for Aug. 13-14 In LA Rabra June 1. S~a.kera Introduced al the uln· Memorial Day Lawn Resulh · nu were tnln>dueed by Jan ftu•, CJub llMIDIMN &t ae N...,,ort chairman of the mtel They were Beuh Lawn Howllnc Clu b partl· Eric C. Sh11bn'. former 11Wfmmln1 clpated Jn doubl4!1 and .. nKle• commlMloner of Soul.hem <.;allfor· matchu MemortaJ Day. nl&: Bowen St111Jdlor lh, preaenl In thf' dou&ltt match, Taylor, 11Wlmmlng romm1u loner: C lf'l\f Carr and Mr•. Brim• look !Intl )tcCor1'11ck, IM'tmminir &1ld d1vln( I prize with hl11:h polnt1, U oyd St.-e- coach of the U 111 Ans:rlrii Athletic I VH and Lew Pf'ttlt nntshed a clollt' Club anrt hu11hanli t1f l!l!l2 Olympic.-second. ~==--=--------~-~=~=========~ diving ch11mpion Pat ~f<'Comuck; I The Aiatnllan 81J1KIH m&lctl w,·cl Hiunmong. a thlrt1r •llH'<'lor wu k~y conte.tf'd. Jl'nr lbe IK'C .. SAVE 50~ of the LA At hh~Uc Club : Monty ond lime Balboa l11land ran away FOAM !"1ct~kow~1 rometly '11\'<'r and j w1th top hooon1_ Lc>w Pf'tltl wnn 0 mtmlx'r of l ht-'!12 Olympk11 sw11n hnJt Wlth 14 points. Jot-St-.mp Rubber tt'1J m, M el C1Jry Tobl&n, ·~1. '62 ~econd with 12 p'1lmt1. Mr11. T ROAT Bl':SK:o;. •TR:SITl RE l'fl,l,0\\:-1, l~Sl 'l.ATIO:S WAR SURPLUS C-Gr. Newport &:: Uarbo_r _Bh·d!J, COSl' ;\ Mt;sA :-ncl '!13 All-Amcrlran high rchool Carr thlrd v.ith 10 poinll. <'hamplnn 1Jncl 11ccon1I rank tn( tower <11ver in lhe Unlll'd States. The AAU w omen's 11wlm mrrt w111 be held In the La lhthra High School pool. Included on th(' Aug. 13·14 rroirr11m v.111 be men'• open VU!llha, county 11eal nC Tulare County, l!I reportN1 by lhe Nation· al Automobile Club to hav!' bN'n Courulcd ln t~3 on the 11lle ot a.n ancient lndi11n settlement. • . - I H.ton Flies-His 1Wl11CJleu for SEC • 11acotJ10t•t.ed-Ua&t t.M etrp&a.ne l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS-i>ART.111 . PAGE 5 ::11~~ 0;:-c1~~ '~~ 'THURSDAY, JUNE Cf, 1955 cordial to them. the ere.ft i. own-/ ed bf Bortoa Ollb'· TIM promoter. Pickens l ... loces r r.t . JuM 17. 111:,., '··• lhl' ""'" 8AM'r4 ANA (OC'NI) -A tno .acco~ lo lbe otnclala, le ... Uni -... ol t1o:rap lr<>Q anJ oth1 r 11111k n\l'lal ~ S.CurtU• end ~. Com· ltoCJt ln Ida ..,_ ODly. Neff QB Park ~' lo lht hl&h•t "'"' 1fhll' tt1d•l•r on mi.ice heartnr uamln•rt ~t • per pound t>uia Old• must bP • Wendl'll Pi•kt-na, Qral\jol'., Coul UMtr CAM apt.net Huntln,ioa Fmnlly Oulboscls Collec• ~ch, hu ,..pl•1·~ Thf'O· :{:01"'l~~n1~1 dv.1lh " c'°u t;L~h; BMch ttodt promotu William E. do,.. Neff u a mtni~r of lhe er• K t1'4)11•1 ~ •• o " to R L.--t 12 amounl ot Ult b1,1 l'uch d1 ix..,,.t Borton to O~a County P'rlclay. · QCe ........ C1>11ta MM& Park Board, accordlt11' lo bf" notlllrl~ b) th" :o<'h•l<'I •lle- llorton-Wbo Mf been aell1q to P..,._llJellt Arthur R Meyena. trtrt atiould t~ h\1h bidder ttft*' ..,._ Ja.Jlla eren-wu uked_ 119.C: Yltn...100 •tranta art ~· Neff, controversial ~ ~I to take dcllnry "1t'btn the tlnfl Pl"O'r• \Ml ~ lhlp acWally ~ peelicl JWle n Inf UM Ullrd &II· by the C'O.ta Mra l 'nton 8chool ~-nannar -_ &Od tUt U.. ftrm A .... _._. bv ~ual, ~t&llfta Jalud Race for '""·•rt.~t n ---d ot '•U11t~s. ..... forth In the blil form. Matertafii "Y ~-1 family outboard boata. •t'COT'dinl v-. • __, .. ..._ ·~-for aale may ~ 1n1~t~ at tti. laim.lalt and Armand R.an.ten ot to the Outboard Boat1nr Club of cenU, aubmllll'd hit retlpllUon colle~e by ('()nl8<'tlng thl' bu1tnl'U luta Au wu DOt just a ,"tty· Lone Beach. ~r of the race. from the park board. llh7em Mid. otrk• bctwM.>n lbe hour• of 1 :00 by-aipt ICheme." Horton report· Open to outboard • powered UG·L NOTICE A.M. •nd !1:00 r"'. l\tond11~· \hMI edl7 toolt on and landed hl• plue boat. oYer u feet. 4 lnel>• long .,. Friday. ei>r UM jurtttt. w1lb a minimum of two ptnon1 Signed' B H. PETER110N 'nM S.&.C. ta 8"klnS to prevent to a bOat. tbe race la a 20-mlle Hll1 St•cietary, ... ol •took ill Horton'a finD._ --"!:Sil CS,..h aero• Uw Catalina NOTl<JS OF 8£AL&I) BoArtJ of TrwlteM K-..whlle, OCNI &ea.mad from ctuuinel from ~valon. on CalA· BID 8.u.& Adv. June 2 lllld 0, 193:1. M•vada Coll>ORUana C<>mrntMion Jtna, to Lon~ Beach. Radlac eqUlp-Notice la l'ltf'llby liven that 9Ml-Open: .Jue 17, ltM. 1 :00 P.K. ottlelalJl-wbare the Horton ttrm ment it not. allowed. ed blda will be r-lvtd up lo 2:00 No. 1324 Ne-P...u Jist ••llY1r1•::.at SHEAR'S CARPET CO. tM latest in ca~t fashions e TWEIDS e TEXTURES e PLUSH PILES ·• NUllY FRIEZES all the newest-yarns and decorator 1hades--at our unusually low pricH Easiest Terw a. Carpet llltoer rrlcee l11el .... 40 eL , .. Tuld .. r ~~ conoee P11111 s6" ,...,.._ ~,.. WtlCOSl-NYLON s7n ·----~ye. :.-.• ~........ '10" " Ch.cir TheH Pnme11ta t;I. n _ .. 24 ..... n-.. !iR5. I 17.'7 I f .U I '·" Hit I 2Uil 11.n I '·" 2iRi. I u .so I~.~ I f.IJ U~. I H .92 :~:~~I n:~; 4CSO. I JIJJ Uo. I 39.75 21.oo I R71 AO. I 4J.96 u.u 111.11 6CSO. I n .M> 27.so I lf.17 UM._.. .... ...._. ~ ....... t -1520 Ft-.. E1tlMete1 With Se•ple1 ........... ti..H- EVERY 15 ·s-ECOND.S ••• Pfl UNUM CURRENT EARNINGS A PROUD NEW OUTH OWNER I • ALL FUNDS RECEIVED Of'll OR BEFORE TME r FOUft TIMU CV'lfn" M1"°1"E, o" 1hc tu"rap(', anathl'T protUI ~ ownrr dtir~ hom, in ltU bi1, "-ti- Jul nf"lr 1'1'mouth ' F t•tfy dtrr. tloei· 1ond1 o7 (tJT barn • "look Ill -" r and di<ro,.,.r that PlymoMA fiws m11•! TllUI" l"'r tlnlfnr! frt'J h'/u ~ to )U ,1,,,' '' '""'111•" ,., OlllV 1oday! AND HERn WHY: Whr ... , Ult M 'IOO -f.w a - 10th OF TME MONTH , EARN FROM Tl-fE FIRST .. -- More comfort in the biggest, roomiest car of the low-price 31 The advana!d styling of Plymooth's all-new Forward Look! Top economy from Ptymol1h's 6-<yflndef Powerflow 117 eftline! The 'areetest visibility with the new swept.bee« windshiefd ! The om, lnltJ big car ride ill 1111 mes&-price field I ~· !!!!!!.!!! than f'l1meuth 1 Doc!'t be fooled by th@ cJoliM of ,..J~ con fttot l+iey Cftt olmotl the -"" rty....,.,..., W"'" you 'ompore, "'odel lor lftO<lel, .,.... '" Plyrnovth .. 11, for "'""'· "'uch 1-1 • LOU REED -& ASS.OCIATES 1200 w .. <;••• Hltltwar NIWPOV llACH ,._ Uberty 1-348' . .. Foreign Study ··for McCarare To Confirm I Lutheran Young Folk ltu4all WeC&rdle. <>raaas• Cout Collese .ophomore, ill -. ol 30 coUese ltodtqta Mlected to take part in 'the 19'56 ---}(aU011a.flAdMru CoancU Daropeaa St.dy project. lileeardle, wbo li•• la Cqista M-., left Monday for .1t9w Yon when be will fty to o.&o wttll tbe lf'OUP on June 11. or two ... Ula ·~ tu tour wUJ Alleludo •to,. at ...,_ Tb• ooU~ wtU confer with .,.. o... ta Norway and Hannover, leadln1 German and Norwestan M&nurs ...... ~ a.ru.. •tutt-dalll'Cb oltteial8 .. W.IJ .. .,,,..,. prt. M\llUch, ~n .ad «Mr la a -..1r•1 eontennce •cb wtth etU• la <JenMay, 8t!MllaC. ot CM t-COUAtn ... DINctery ef HAllOI AIEA CHllCHES Awardecl a flOO Kllolanbtp tor tbe procnm, Mc:Ce.rdlt WU Hltc l· ecl trom onr 100 Lutheran ah• det1l8 ID couatry·wtde .. compelltlon and la the eole &outhUYI Callfor· l\la reprueatAltlve on lh• trip. lmp1 tb1ve conflm1allon aervt«a (9r 11 YOlJIU peopk wUJ tak• pla« lunoay at th• 11 a.rn. Hrvtce oJ Ntwport Harbor Lulhtnin Chu~h. Robed IJl 11.·hll• and. w•artn1 rad rox". ltf' contlrmand• wm kneel &l the a•t1r and contlrmlnt' ~ bepUJm•I \•ow1 of their lnteacy wm be N<lCIYed Into tull church munbanihlp. Member• o( th~ <'la.11 who have ~ompleted two -yeara of 111 rue· llon are Kay Mlll•t. Ann 81.an· Jey, Carol Rol'n~y: Gery an3 Diane rellbaum. Chtl'IOllt McGaM. ROM Mari• Rue~r. Ka"n Tollet90fl, Pbllllp Mack•)'. Joha Ku.! Uld William TN•ty. Tht rt,ular early Mrvlc• will ... ······ ... ~--~ au. 8t. • 8L Alldnwe M~ A member or N•wport Harbor Luth•ran Church, he la a Sunday aclM»I tHcher Ulere and a put· pr•dent of tM YOUQC Adulu. ta additloa hi la lhe CUJnl\t P'¥i· dent ot the LutMran atudenl J... aod&Uon at Oranc•. Cout Collea•. be held a l 8:30 a.m. ..... ,,... Rtp kMel LDerty .. ITTI ' Pue.: A41r. 1 ..... a. -..art () .., ...... .. tJI W. ltUl 8 t., eo.t& .. .. Ullert7 M66J .••· J-pb W. McabaM n. ~ .. Qltl& lOH aavdl •t .. Coeta .... LDerty MTU D. Q . Hunt, Mlftiater Olltlt ChNll .,. ....... OammlllUty Metbodllt .... al.ct. at HU\, Newport .. JlartMw llnt ar.uu.ter: llei. Roy can.on ... , ....... a...- llN <>ran1e Aft., Ooeta Mta Liberty l-lotl J'atMT TIM>mu J. NeYin ftral ...... QillfdlefN..pen ............ lttll • Oowt lta., Newport ~ .... LJMrt7 .. JOT) ~: Kertlert G. Jobuoe ,,..,.,. .............. Chnll 1101 CWT Dr .. Newport H~t.a tA9rty I-Mil "'"· l\oMrt ~ f I "" el a.. .. ft.. J:ldea ...... eo.t.a 11.- L1Mrt7 1-lTtl ~K.C.cra.M......_ ...... .., ......... Nrwpon JI.I.ct. at aoi. •t.. N..-port Helpta Dier Jt.lcurd 8nM LDerty 1-1111 a.vela ............ llM IJl.Uelm, Con& M- Put«: Ile•. Cit•• Wll1ialu UMrty 1-Tltl ""' CINrela ., ~ ...... aS03 Via Udo, Newport a.ell Harbor H21 u ........... o... r.........,, EbeU Clubhouee. 611 B&lbo& Bl.cl. Klnlllttt: llev. r. w. Iliac• """ .............. c:ardl tOO W. Hamllton, Ooeta M .. LlMrty l-24U Putor: Dr. IUehard H. Poee c.,.... ... ...., «>11 •JlltJ (,'llllrdl concn1aUoul Ill Heatotrope A.ve. Harbor 6237 Pu tor: Rev. Edwin C. Gomke nre' BapU•• (;llurdl aanta Ana A •e. at Mapolla Coet& .... flev. P. G. Neumann • t:•tuT• •I O.r 1Ad7 of ML C6nMI lUl W. BaJboa Blvd., Newport Harbor 02H Father Stephen Kiley. Paator hther G.orre Pamuw1 A .. L Pulor c•rte• Luti..,.. (;11111""' el l.'oeta M- t MIMOurl Synod I Coeta Mua Pa.tor: Rev. ~lhar Tornow ~ It. I-. r:,._.o,., UOa V\a Udo, Newport Buch Harbor 1230 Curate: Rev. Ralph Peale St. .... Vla&My 11& Ml.r1 ne. Balboa l1lud Harbor 0214 rather 8tephen Kiley, PHtor rather Oeorre Pan\ulu1 AMt. Pa1tor ee.v.a ..... 0.•rcJI Or&ftl• A.••· at 2Srd at. Oolta KeK, Llbtrty •·NOi A. A.. Kader. Putor I ...... ...... 01& ml&J'• ....... ua Apa. A.,,.., -.Jboa 1-lall• Kia1at«: ...... DoeaW ..,, a-...e1....-. ..... "acMeoe ot M1Dd" ~ a.a A.rt 0.U.1")' IOT Cllff Drt......-HYatt '-TIM Rn. rn. 'nlrtl. Mlailit• ~., ,_ OlwtA ., ..-~ ...... ~~·-a.a-°'* x.-• ~ ... ,. ...... , ...... ~t rmn m11Jl(m °' cmain wwwm1 ci= b~t-a·:;:• ""' .. .......... ..._. ......... I-.... ..... . ...... . .............. . .... .. .. ..,....... ......... , ....... ~--··,,.·· ...... .._ ~ •11 "9 LI•. ~ .... lo ........ ..,..._ .... e.& .. \M ... -. Wal nfa;a .,_ ~~ ........ ~....__, .. , Trust in God as Preserver "Ood UI• Preeener ot Ma.n" B. I. Delegates to Methodist Church Confab COUNCIL DELEGATE RANDALL McCARDLE uu .. tM 8unda,y 1-n·l•rmon -------------------------tn all auuuan klenC4t Churcll•. Mre. Fount L. Lowe an4 th• Rtv. Donald 0. S&pp of tlle Bal· boa Illand Community Metllodl•l Church will be amo~ 1000 lay and clerical delerate. a.nd offtclala attendlnr the annual eonterene• ot the Melhodlat CtluPCh lo be held nn the campua ot th1 Unl•enlt.y of Recllandl, June 11·19 . '"'9 Golden Text u from IN.lah (0 :2,1), ·~When thou ~l throun tbe water-. l wUI be with thee; and Ulroup the rtvere. they 111\all not o•erflow thH: when thou walltMt tlupu&h th• ft re. thou ahall not be liumed; nllthtr atulll Ule flame lllndle u J1011 th et. For I am the Lord thy God, the Hol7 One al 1-81. thy 8&Ylour." Throufll Ule &e~pt.ance ot eplri· tll&l renlaUon th ... promlleif ot the Btble are In tulttUment today. '-_,.., M rocorded by Mal· th-(t :UI. ..... 1• flret the. PAGE 6 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 Both Mre. Lowe and Mr. l&pp will be vot1n1 membera of the .... 11ou. Allemat• 11.r del91"ate. who will alt.Jld part ot t.be - alof'li', will be Mre. wuuam I t Bowl-Mnt. ll&pp will acoom· pany htt h1111band and p&rtlctp&t• tn th• apecllJ a.cUriU.. planned tor mlnLlleni' wt• ... lltqdom ot God. and hll ril"l· ------------------------ Lut ,...,. an tile,..... ol nearly 8.000 new memben wu reported. Thll YMr Balboa X.land c.burd\ will report an lllCTUM Of 11 m•m· bent. Tbla brillp thl CbW"Ch'I totAI m•mbfnhlp to ue. WllJle lh• local ehureh ~•l tor the put )'Mr wu '8000. eolleeUon• netted fl0.000 and stm,. to the world mlNion ~ of the c.'lurch ware overaubec:rlbed. __. .. : aDd an lheee Ullnp ahall be added llllto you.'' "lt u tbe ~ o1 •Pb1tuaJ ..-to So¥em man." atttrrna Mary Ila.hr ljdct7 1a "ScMnc:e and Realtll wtlll 'Key to U\e krtp. tiu.." Aa'aJn she writ... "The te.tt~y ot \J'e corporeal llmM• cannot tatonn ua what ll n&l and what ll delllli••. but the renla- Uona ot Chn.ttan klence unlock th• u...u ... ot TrutJI'' l pp JOt •• TO). Sunday School at Southe~ Baptist ,,,_,. • a clau tor Mell •I• from th• nureery U\l'ou1h the adult I• tbe Sunday Scbool al nm SoQthft'1\ Baptat Church. ca.ta 11-The nl1l"Mry la ~n t.o ure for ha.bl.. at all ot the '"'""1p eenkta. Pro~ Ill bf. lft6 Jn..se OD Ule HW cbapeJ build· tn1 wtdch la rotns up on the weet tad ot tbe property Oil Ha.rnJJton It . TM ,..tor, Dr. Richard Poea. wtll Wtftc tbe m...,.e at both wwah!p .. ~ 8unday. "God P'1rwt' 'and ''Brlfll1"1 the Ton~1H" are the ...,_ wbjecu. Police Chief to Address Cl.iurch Women Tb• Aaeoc&&Uon of UnJftrll&li.t Women Will mfft on Thur.day. June UI. at the h0m1 ot Mra. L . W. Rudd, tOO KIJ'lp Road. at 1 :ao p.m. for a d•llMrl lu~n preodlnr a bualneH and aoclal SERVICES AND BANQUET AT MESA BAPTIST CHURCH Al th1 11 1.m. wouhlp urvlce &t the First BapUat Church of Cotta Mna lhll coming Sunday the Rev:·p, G. Neumann will ti ave u hi• Ml"TTlon topic "The Ufe In the Spir1t". At 8:30 p.m. the paator'1 lnatnicllon clUI will mtel, 1190 a t 8.30 pm. the ynulh tra1nm1 g roupe. At 7 :30 p m. Mr. Neumann wHI pl'eacll on "The Queelion Box". • Friday •t 8:30 p.m. youth banquet loll lo bt held IA lh• Youth Center. Sl'C'Ure tlckrta l hroul'h the church ottlce. To· nlcht at T:•~ the Younl' L&dlta' Ml .. ionary Union wtll meet a t lhe home of Mra. Steven•. 322 Rochealer St. On Monday. June 13 at 7:30 p.m. the annual bUal.neN me.line of tlle chur<'h wtll b4J h•ld. All membera are requeated to be In att~ndance. Wedneeday at 7 :30 p.m. Pl'llllt &nd Bible Study fTOUP meet.JI. Al 8:3& p m. pniyer croupa of the varioua depa.r,menta meel. SHORT PROGRAM-... V ac~tion Bible School Slated Thi rtrat Baptlmt Church ot Newport BMdl, ltlh and Wut Balboa. Blvd., w111 hold a two WMk1 Vacallon BJbl1 School be· (inntnr June io a.nd conUnu~ throuch Ju17 1. 8peclaJ r .. tu,.. ot the echool Will bt worahtp. Bible ltudy, dramaUe11, hymnolasy, en.tu and r.cr•tlon. Jn eraltl. i-tue. 1 .. ~ ... ftbercra.ft wtll b4I featured . Thi achool will be for chlldren Children's Day Sermon :~,,:;~;~~=~~tot!.~~:~ :!!~I • • • A ptcnlc wlll_ltl b,tld th• eloe· for U n1versal1st Group ~:..d~ar:~ c~~:!" -:f :: ~~~ 1 , .. borhood ar• ln"1led lo enroll on Children'• Day wlll ~ ob11trVl'd nn "The Childlike H,.1rt. Special Sunday, June 19• at the churdl. a l the Umverull1l Community I duo·ple.no mua1c Wiii ne turntsheod I _ Fellow1htp on Sunday mnmlng. by M Mt P'Ttderlrk Rtngt, planh1l. j &nd Mra. Ruth c. Miller or Itonr N rt B h with a lhort program ftvtn by Buch. ewpo eac Ula dllldren of the Sunday achool. The Unlverullat F~llowehlp Thi• brief Obeel"Y&llCe will tn~rely m~t" each Sunday •l 10:30 a.m. First Baptist be a rtto1111t1on ot the children for Sunday 1tehool and at I 1 e.m. and will not Jnl•rlere with the tor morning wor1hlp In Ebell Club· ueuat worahlp Mrv1ee and Mnnon, ho\lal', Balboa. At a 1ptclal mtfl· Taklnl' hi• theme from the day, lnr ot the conrrerallon on June ~ the Rev. Fredtrlck Rlnge, mint11· It wa1 yoted to continue aervlcei ter of th1 Fellnw11hlp, will 1peak . through lhf' 1ummer. "';!:~('~·Chier Art MacKen•I• ot Graduates to be Honored Coat.ti Mea& haa bffn eecured u The Flnit Baptlat Church of Ntwport Bea.ch. ltlh and WHt Balboa Blvd .. will celebrate Chi!· drl'n'• Day next 8U11day wtUt cttU- dnn laldnr part In the openlq wonrhlp of the Sunday khool. Rev. Herbert Joh.naon wtll five .a c.-hlldren'1 Mrmon•ll• durtnr ""' morntnc worahlp. H\1 momtnr meaaag, w111 bt ''The Cttadtl ot th~ •peaker a11d atUtourh he In· t N t M th d • t ~~n~wloEnio'~m::l:·;:ori:·;!~~ a ewpor e 0 IS eral •ubJ~l. he I• alao planntn1 Graduat1n1r 1tnaora of Herbor Chri.11t Church by the Sea will The Natton." , After th• evenlnl' worahlp at 7:30 o'clock there wtlll be a bep- to llturtrstrwtt!I 1lldH the llpedat Rich 9.lld Ntwporl. Elemf'nlary 1>e repreunted l>Y It• putor. Mr. problem o( drur addiction. echoola wlll be rf'COKf!lzf'lf a l the Carl80n, and lt1Y" dele1ate. Walter ---------·-------- .Plan• for a tull yeu'• work for morning wonihtr on Sunday, J une Bllvt'n. The alternate dtltgatea lhe A.U.W. wta be preaenled and 12. at Chr1•t Church by the Sea. who will attend for a part of the voted upon al lh• bualne• meel· The youni people a.nd their par· wetk are Jamee Taylor a.nd MLN tnr. All women ~e,_ttd In pro-tnlJI are to bl' honortd al the Elaie Newland. A c-roup of wom· t llft'tal Mf'¥1tt. 0 Lord. who lend1 me life. ltnd me a heart replete with Ulanktul· nfN. rnoUnr the welfare of llberal re· ~ond 1en1f" at 11 a m. and wlll en fr"Qm the local W. S. C. S. heed------------- lt(1on In Ult Harbor aru are In· all torether B.S a group ~d by the prealdent. M1.111 Clara '1ted. The morr11ng aermon by the Koh.l•tedl, wlll attend the Wo , Rev. Roy A. Carlaon will be, "R.al en'• bay on Friday. A rroup of Lufperans Wl"ll Llvln1 Takea Time:· The Sane· youth.a will ateo attend the Youth P'ormer11 Oil.AUEL CHAPEL tu.ary Choir dlrecltd by Mr1. A. J . uo ,.,.... .... , I-C..ta ar ... Ruller will alnr the aJllhem. "O Day acUviUt1 on Saturday alter· LDiortJ I-NII 81141 I-NM On~en Oru*}y Lord Mo•t Holy" by Frank. Mr1 ... n;oo~n~a~nd~e~v~en~i~ng~.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;E~ t';-Delevan Frtlter will nnr a eolo p; Bl.hie School ~;~lhodwt de1erat .. from aouth· CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE em Calltomt .... nd ArllOfl& church· Jtrneat Holmee. founder. author of "Science ot K ind." fte(i1trallona tor the comlnr ea will uaembl1 at th1 Unlveralty • SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. Dally Va.cation khool of Ntwport of Red.land•. on Monday, June 13. 'unlor Church and Noneo Care 11 Lm. Harbor Lutheran Church are now Blahop Gerald H. Kennedy of the Rev. Irle Turk, Mlau~r Loe Angelem area will preelde over LAGCNA BEACH AJlT OA.U..l:RY Rl'att 6-nM M'7 attt DP. ti.tnr take.n at the church office th1 week·lonr H •alona at-th• an-~=====;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;:;;;~ wMkd&ya and durtnr the Sunday nuaJ conferenct . Dunne th' -:: IQ}lool hour on Sundaya. Blahop'1 Hour a.ch momln1 he Sl&ted \o bes1n Monday, June 20 w1U 1pe&k on tha theme. "NarnH and continue throQ6h Friday, July for Chrtatlana." The •t11t1nr eve· l , th• khool wUI m .. t from I :30 ntnr apeeker thl1 year wm be to 11 :a-0 eacJt momlni. Bibi• a.nd Blabop w. Earl Ledden. htad of cran. W111 comprlH the lutruc· th1 ll)'?'&CU•• e.rea In Nevr Yorlc UOft, with the luaon ..n.. en· 8tate. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA M~SA CHAPEL J70 Su~rlor Avenue Costa Me.wa. Calif. Phone Llberty 8·212 1 C HAPEL BY THE SEA 3120 !:. Coa1t Blvd. Corona dtl Mar. Calif. uu~ "God'• La~· ~t~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lra.lnl~ on the t• eommand· Phone Harbor 0 menlJI. A.ttneun Jl(n1 ..,.. bei.nS stv1n t. all pr-..,....vt.ranc. and attelM!· ance a'W"U'dl wtll be pr.-tad u w.IL Ttle thunh tMu wtD proYtde tree ~rtaUoa for' tM eobool. BAHA'I FAITH Prayer Di8cu.-Jon . Study friday 8 p. m. I '44 Rochester St. Coate MHe i.n..rt,. 1·16St -1-1111 ~ COME TO OUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! TWO BIG WEEKS MONDAY, JUNE 20 to FRIDAY, J ULY 1 9:.30.-11 :30 A. M. BIBLE -CRAFTS -GAMES -PRIZES FR.EE BUS R~l1ter now tor frn pin ! Newport Harbor Lutheran 2501 Cliff Dri,·e Liberty 8·3631 ROBERT B. GRONLUND, PASTOR or Church "'-. ...wtc lo _,...... ""'*" .. ...,... -.c..... ............. -.......... ...... "-~--------------------...1 Uberty 8-7239 , lhe ChiHen~ ~e1" ~ w~ll 01nar1tlo111111 .. d aw11 their livH to build ll. Thi w .. lth of .lrlnp ind the 1kill of 1nclne1ra were poured Into it1 conitnictlon.. And, when it w11 finlahed, It roamed a v111bond courn over the mo11ntaln1 for h11ndred1 of milH, like 1 creat 1re1 dr11on bre1thlnc defiance from 1•1r1 111· 111111t of h e pol1td bod1. It w11 1 p .. c .. lovlnc nation'• wa1 of telllnc th• world thet ahe w1ntad no more wer ..• ind the aea who built It 1cfua//1 believ•d it would protKt th-from anreuion.. Tbe Amerlc1111 hH• • hJdro1a11 bomb. It, too, 11 a 'JMace-lo•inc nation'• ••1 of telllnc th• world thet 1he wentl no more.,..,, And milllona 1H:t11all1 ••lin• it wlll/rot1ct, not onl1 Ameri- ca, bat the •bole worl from •ICT ... ion. Tb. eaJ1 .. ,. protecdon aralnat war 11 the fonTIM that u•11 mankhwl ftom tbe IYilt in tn .. '• hearu which foment war. That fortT1M i1 the Chrl1tl1a rali.lol\. But 1Ytn oar rellsfoa 11 not a nre protectloa antll it raacll11 the bearta of 111 .... o&. lwpport 1ov clntrd1.. Help It build die foee- detio111 of Peace ht 1011r own burt. And wldt JOV pra1en and ,oar punt ad•anct lte tlnl-••ort1 to build thoee •am• foandatJona la the Jteana of all men. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Finns RADDSER & PONTING "B&Jdy'• Place" Harbor %51 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of DllUrcUon" 215 Marine Ave., Balboa lalud -Harbor 0'70'7 GeHral Sheet Metal Worll1 - &heet Metal -H•ttlnr -Venlllat1n1 &06 IOth Street. Harbor 1210 HARTUIN FLOWERS For Alt Occaaton1 l40S E. Cout Hwy., CDM. Harbor 50'71 KOPPR KmLE llalhcfblud MalHI & Smltta Shell Senlce Twr 'Corona det Mar Daina %801"& 8600 E. Cout Wgbway Harbor 6368 -···· a -·-··· Harbor 2710 NEWPORT CLIANElS Dry Clean.tnr -La\lftdry -Pre111nr 108 Tu.ti.a Newport Be.ch MARGARET'S CAFE lpeclatl.M la ha P'oodl -Ordl'rt to Go 16H Newport Blvd. Harbor 2286 NIWPORT HARIOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. 8-craft DlvWoe a Forelp Motors Ylftceet's Rexal D"'t Stores ThrM locallon1 to aerve You Newport ~ Balboa, Corona del Mar Allee of Udo lea"'J Salon ~' 8tyllftl tor th• lndlvlduat '4>8 SW (oa tile PO It.) 'Rubor %.&« IUSSIU W. IANGllT lle&Uns, Vet1tllaUn1 6 8heet Metal '11 lht It. loyer'a lclfboa U110l1m11 Co. UDol.um -TIM -Carpet -ronmaa · UOl W. 8&lbo. llhd. Barbor U. HAL COWER & SON SIGNAL SEI. STATION FrM P\clc Up A deL -WbMI Baluce S801 Newport Blvd. llU'bo9 6558 GEORGI ~. GRAHAM Rur• and Carpeu 122 Arate Ave.. Balboa ...... Hvbor U58 HOUSI AND GARDIN Complete HoPne 1'umtahlnl" Di:aperiee -.R~e . 80~'7 W. "Cout Hwy. Libert)' 8-1518 MAC'S CAFI J'lrst on rie'ht toward ~Uftl'm ... di 8204 C-..t Hwy. Harbor zw.a MAlll~I IEAUTY SHOP Per80nallud 81rv1ce ln Hair atyltnf S27 Marine Ave., 8elboa Wud Harbor 161 NEWPORT FURNnURI co. Complete Home J'ul"ftillb.lnp' %620 W. Cout Hwy. UbertJ 8-1111 MARKET SPOT ioo Marine Ave., Balboa &lucl Harbor 1000 ~ l Rehtert'1 Newport Dept. Store "Your .Yamlly Ston Mnce JtU" Ocean Froat at 22nd. Barbor 181 SEASIDI MALT SHOP %100 w. OttaD BU'bortU Newport Be.eh R. WASIMILLD "The Worktnrma.n'1 •tore ioo4 W. Belboa Blvd., Harbor 6111 JOUY IOGll a..tboa lalMd IA YSHORI RICHFllLD )TH Pick up • o.u..,. 17th a Coeat Hwy. , High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1'16 ' I PASTOR & MRS. D. B. SPAULDING and daughter SUSY. -Staff Photo Adve ntist Elder Returns fro n1 Church \Semi11 ar y P1u.tu1 and Mis. ti Ii. Sµaul<llni;: Is happy lo be baC'k tn California nr th<' ~ .. Wf•Ort lforhnr S1·1·1'nth ·111n11 wlll 111;11in t11kP 11p·hJ,9 (>fJ!t· cl111· AdH•nt l~I t 'h11rch hl\l'e rl'· IROIR I 1~111:~ in tl1111 Bl'l'lt 1•11 .. u .. r 11 hllr•1 . ''"nt" "Jll r11n111111<' Ra CPnllr f<'ltll ,,, .. 1 !1 "nl \\'a11h1n,1e l•ln. 1 11.l'llVCl!lle pa..•tor fnr 11 e ,. t' r a I J>. t ·• wh<''" .\Ir. Spauldrnr h&a 1 months. GREETINGS -Colorful red, white and blue boxee filled with toya, health &nd educa- tional articles for chil(lren are being packed-by Horance Ensign students ot the lixth, seventh and eighth grades. They will be eent to children in Korea, Chile and Greece through the American Red Cross. From left are Anne Marie Muller, Linda Spratt, Carol)<anold, Jacque Rumeey, Terry Roas, Karen Heffner, Janet Hobel, Susan Nealy, Cappy Kornwelbel and J ohn Fields of the student volunteer committ~e ot the J unior R~d Cro~. f'}'le JYOrk is directed by Mrs. Richard Lilienthal. ' St. J oachim Mother s Install THURSOAV, JUNE 9, 1955 NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART 111-PAGE 7 AWARDS TO BE PRESENTED CONGREGATidNAL CHOIRS Community Church Congregational of Corona del Mar I JonH , '1'1m Smith, John 8ra.ltll u d . . . . f M J T __ , ... s•-'f J.ltkt' \tenablt. bu &IX choirs under ~ ~rect1on o rs. , · 1.A:I>. h: uu en-I PllJl"lnt a nd Junior R l1'1 Choln sen, minister of muaic, with the cblld~n a choin enrolled -Judy Balter, Karen Bebaon, in the Chon.tent Guild. fer which the Church annually pre,. I On1c• 1.yn Bvu .. rmore, An.o Jju. ( . hf d d d l ed ,. mNOn. Nickl Uppltl. Um'a.ln• sent. awarda for att ul atten &nee an evo een ice. !iloybolder. \'Jrf1nla Procter. Un- Thi• year \he m utlc eommlttee Ann Baumt , 8u1an Butterworth, d& 'Purcell. Tarry Rou, hint.la announces ~ a wardl, which will Tho0110n. Cathy Walp, Ja.n Walp Linda SdlOn, Terry Flane,p, be prHented at morntnr worship Kathlean Goodman, P amf'la Good· &lid Pa.met& 2:ander. •t 9 :4~ 1.m. Th• adult cbolra will an Sual Hayton Dour••• Ha-Chapel Choir -Joan Booaey, alao bt recoqta.d In a special ob· ;;:el 'Kr1it~na Heaa' Juue Hanna-Jtan Booety, Campbell Da vidaon, aervanca a l 1l a.m. Tota\ mem-ford, KaUty Jord~. Sharon Lee Wendy Oruwell. Harriet Hayden, berablp In the comblntd cholra 11 J one•. c.arolyn K••.lu , Khn Kua-j Betty l han.non. Fre<t 8h1UUton. 81. ter. Gayle Lukent, Cheryl A.nn Bob Sur~on, Ron Pickard and The mu1lc''commlttte, compoeed Llnltey. Shlrlty McCUlallon, Pat-1 Nancy "eet. of Mra.. A. A. Kemper, chairman, ricla Mtt&lar. Bob Slh'l&, Dian Chanl"al Choir -N~cy 9eft, Mn . CaaUeman Smith. Mra. W. V. Smith. Brian Bmedel'rd, Brent Ma ry Davldaon, Betty H Ulman, Hout and Mra. Harvay Peaae, ... W Turner. Lowry Thompeon, Timmy Luven& Hayton. H.-. Hoyt, preaent a-rda u followa: Thompeon, Carl Venatrom. Mark Meredith Harwood, Thelma Rar- Ca.rol 'Choir -Ktlth Ann Alt.or, Van Dyke Suaan VtrBurr and wood, Ruth Hum&M>n, Jdamae Janet Brockie, Tom Ball, Patti T ....... 2:ander I Kally. J im Koehler, Ch.-ter P\ar· e. ·' · cell, Jllonta P•rry, Bornell ,,..._ klnr David Choir -~ore• I Dorri• R.aaan. Lea Steffmaen, Leo· BaJJ, Robert Babton, Dfck Butter-nard Ttlompaon, Florenoa VCJUlht· ·will Attend worth, Ror er Jol)naon, Lenny and Cal Wtlputt. L.A. Convention Island WSCS Closes Year Dell'j;atn from thl' Costa M l's&- !l;ewporl coni;regl\llon of Jehovah's •th B• thd L h w1 1ne~~(>l! w111 •ll•'"'1 an al!llembtr W l Ir ay UnC eon 11l Wrti:lt>y Flel<I, lAi1 Ani:elt>s. July li-10 \'. A Abbott, presiding Thf' Woman·1 Society of Chrl•· min1sltr he~. who will head the \' £n St>rvlce of the Balboa bland delPitat1on. 1nnounced today that Communttv Methodlat Church held a total ot 102 I• uptcleJ to at-IU last m0tetln.r of the MUOn on ttnd from the Costa Mo a-Ne1A1>0rt Wl'dnr11'111y, J una 1 by having a B•'ll Ch artll blrthd11y p11rty to c-altbrate annl· The Mother.s Club of S t. J oa chim Mr. A blx1lt M~rrtbed this 811· versar1t1 or all membt'ra. School met on Frnl\t)', May 2i in Scholar shlpa w~re awarded when all ten unit• In Coata M l'llll end seml{!r aa one of 8 world-sweep-Each oC the four clrde• decorat· FOUR SCHOLARSHIPS District CCPT Presents Awards a "Quiet hour" waa held ln th• aanctuary. Th• aerv1c:.e waa led by Mra. Fount L Lowe and Mra. Nora Tlllmany aerved u orsani.t. Followlnir the birthday 11111'•" In Dtarborn HaU the women en· joyed r;amu plttnnf'd by the cir· t'IPIJ. St'\'l'I al p1 IZ'"S WI' re l'lvtn Ill wlnnrr11 JUI flnlll bu.sine,. •••sslon of tha mrmbera ot 4th Dlatrlct CCPT met Newport Beach contributing. Mrs. tng ~rlts or tlr vrn Chrlstl11n con-ed a table following the themP of current school year. Under t he di-for thtlr recent workahop and con-Harold Boyvey, chairman of the vtntinM ... In 19~3" Abbott point· its particular auson. Ruth Circ'll' rectton of Mrs. \\ allace J . Miller fe"nce in L& Habra Hl~h School. national htadquartera committee. ed out, "we had one International tu1i>d a Maypole and atorybook ILlld her sta!C a Cull program Of For many yl'ara 1t hu been the reported on her rtcent tour through gathering ot ministers at Yanket dolla u Its C'enterplt>CI'. Martha not able achievement• wna oul-custom to p~lt!nt two echolarahtp11 the building. ~tadlum In !\;t'w York that drtw Circle cho11e a 11euhore decoration hned to the group present by Mre. ot $2~ each to du ervtnr colle':" Thoae attending the La Habra a ptak &tt1>nllance oC 18~.829 trom for summer. Mary Circle ueed foot - Richard F. Altman. t-lub tftuurer. juniors who pl11n to become • ~-me"tJng from Harbor Ou'nnl were 97 Lands. Thia year we hope our balls and harvtat dtcoratlons for ~!any new lmpro\·emenl.I wtre 1 mentary 1ehool teacher• u pon rombtnt>J altt nda nce will double the fall ~aaon. Lydia Circle ca.c· made possible through the e!rorll graduation. Mmta. \\'1lltam O'Brltn. Ray that." <. l'ied out their winter th.,me with of the ac-hool mnthtrs In e dllctlon I This Y"ar It happened thnt four Trautwein, Richard Llhenlhal. Joa· Arr11ngtmtnta are already un-a ca ke decoratc.-'1 with snow while to the purchase of play,gt<lund a pphc&nls had fairly equal quail· eph Crarver, Jack n a ub, r harlea drr w11.y to· und over C.000 dele· frosting. Commit le-ea tor the decoraUona 1n1:luded for Ruth Circle. M n. Lowt', M". <'. f\ougta.s. Ftrry, Mr1 B.1·rnn I. NPaly; Marth• Clrclt. M111. \\'Jlham E Bo•o'lu : ~!ary C1rcl!', Mr•. Warland Dun- .ham, Mui. T' F'. Baln<"a ; Lydl• Clrrlt . Mr11 .• Mirhatl Carl, M n . Clyl1~ Shnntn an<l Mrio. C11ntor\ Coane. equtpml'nt. new facllllit• for lhc 1 ficaUon1 and so '4th Olstrll't "oted Beecher, R. J . Wallace. J1oe <.:a-gat.ea Crom the United Statu and ·The b111lnu1 meeUnr was p~­~0"181 hnll and cnnlrlbulloni to-to honor a ll tour. Th" srudenta sala, Thomas Blakely, Harold Boy-Canada to the aevtn E uropean sided over by Mt11. Ted Hau1M1r. wart! nurnrrous welrare projerta. lo whom 1chola.rahlp1 Wl'rl' or<ered vey and Betty .Keynold•. assemblle~. newly elected prutdent. A!t<'rward In Si-ptr111b1'r. lr.~111llation ot tncomLnr ott!cet• a re Barbara Rllea ot l:CLA, Loul-. ---------------------------------------------------------- Tiie n..xt meetmg ot lha W8C~ wlll be heltl the Jlr1l Wedne.lday follow<'•I the buslntaa agenda with ae Wilson ol Ot·cldent.al. anl1 ~tra. M r~. Mi.be l HAye" 11~ lnstl\lhng oc. CRtherlne Sltrner and Wtlllam firer. Using u h«"r the mt the sym· Du!!ln, both attendi!lg· Long Beach bol1c lighted candle of ngllance, ! State. Approxlm&lely $475-0 has Mrs. Hayes d<'hnPatl'd duliea of been given to colle.re junior• by esrh office to lncomlnit candidates.1 4th District 1lnc:e inctptlon of thla El<"c-ted president or the group plan. for the forthcoming year 111 Mrs. I An honor 1croll d111played at \\'alter M11lt>r. S<'rdng wllh her state convention In Loa Angeles will be will be Mra. J amta McMahQn, vice llalert 4th Dlatrlct aa eighth among Pastor prl'!Htlent ; ~fr'.'!. Rob<' rt 0. Whlle, 133 d1strirts In Jl('rcentage of units llJ'IPnt 11 fl 11,<1nth.; 1 .. a 1·e uf Rl~~··nr<' I On Set unlny f'ast or Spa11ld1nr a l t hP Th•••1J:ll'8I ~tmlnary f1n11h· will prr11c-h 8l 11 a 111 nn the iu11)· 1nK h•>< nt.1stt•1 11 ""!{r"P j~t ... SHll'utl<m 11y 1;1 Bl"<'.. Tht Tho•v '"·'le th<.' Jl·turn trip by t;hun h Ill Stu•IY w1U as,.emble1al WI\)' nf Fl••• 1'1a 11ntl thl' llt'l'P 11011th. 9 :\11 11 rn \•UlllJlg many h1:.t<m cal sllc9 on<l 1 Wl'llnei;day al 7 .30 p. m r 1,11 "" nt lntl'r,.,t anrt hl'a11t1· lht' pra n•r m1>ct111g-with ~:1.rrr ~pauldinf' stRIN! that hi' l't•rn:1 tn rhar.i:e. srcrPtnry; and Mrs. Elmer \.Vlrla, part1cipallng. Harbor Council had treu urer. Committee chairman 100 per cent pa rt icipation, w1th WE'VE GOT 'EM .. COME AND GO YOURS • a. on the kind of a deal !Bible School named to u111t the executive atalf Include: Mr1. P aul Schley, r oom mothrni; Mrs. Vincent L. .Mouul, publicity; ~. J amu McMa.han, wuya and mean1, and Mme11. WO- ilam Palmer and Robert Baehr, Hurst Returns to Mesa Church at Mesa Church A \•acat1on Bible School beg1n1 al lhe Flnil Southern Baptl.llt 1 hurch ln Coal& M ei1a. Mon<111y, h011teaaea. Ent ertainment prtcedlnl' t he buslneu aeaaion wu o!Ctred by the tint grade undl'r the direction ot Sisler Mary ~rard, and by the aecond grade, dt"cted by Slater Mary Patrick. 1.iune 20. The school mteta from II ~O until JI 30 t>ach weekday morning ror t W<) Wf'ek11. \\'orkr re ln the church volunterr their 11er- vlr t"a 1u1 teachtni. Work 111 pla.n-Friday, June lO haa been dealf -n~d for the nursery. btglnn!'r, nal t>d "Fathers' Night" when hui - 11rlmary, Junior, and l.ntermedle.te band:. wfll be gn·en a rf'imme ot c.tr p11rtnw nt1. thl' yenr's 11C'h1>ol 1tetl\'\tlu and Mr. D. C. Hurat, for four yeara m{Ju.l4r of Chun:b ot Chr1at In Cocta Meaa. retuma t ht. Sunday to the loca1 church alter an ab- aence of a year . Dur1nr that Um• he took over the mlnlatry ot the Huntln(ton ·Beach ehurch. Thom.,. Baker Jr., who hu been mlnlsttr, la expected to rcm81n ·In the communJty to 11tart another church. Mns. c ~:t:THl"DF: W. EISE~IA~ President of Mother Church ~t 1 ~ (;" 1 t rude \\'. El1Pman of n .... 1m1. :ll:t.•.9, today wu named pn'.•1.1 .. nt 11( The Mother Church, Thi' F il" I 'hill' h <1( C"h1 ill!, Su tn· ,,,., 1n l~ ·~1 •• n. M11ss . at t he an· 1111111 111r• • 111ir ot The Muthpr <:l\llrch aLLt_(1oluJ b}'. .cl\.UrciL..mem· b• 1 • from m11ny part• o( lht worlil. I ~11 :1. E1'<t'11 .. 1n hn:1 b<'l'n •tt t1vp In \'l\t 1<111" • .1pnr1tle11 In th<' C'hrl~· I 1111 n Sl'lt'I"" 11111\'<•m • nt ftlr mnn.v ~·'Al'>!. A nr1111·e n! :'\1'W Yurk L•1ty. l'l h" 11' n• 1<' 11 Christ 1an SC'IPllCI' p1.11·1111nn1 r 1n Roston. Htr 11p- pc•1ntn11•nt wu announced by thf' C"hrlst111n Sc1rnn • hua rcl l•f ollre1·· ton 11 The t!'rm n( e>ff1 re 1., for on~ ytnr l'nnr tn cl<'voting her full Umt to the pub hr pr11n1ct n( Chn~tlan Sn<'n<'e hc>11J1ng. !\lrs. E 1ttman wu ""ry •C'ltve on 1·111ous ph1lanthro· pw an1l 1·1\·lr bnanls. Durini: thr S;on 111ol \\'o11 hi \\'" r. i<hl' Jlrrvrrt 11n th~ Chrt•llan ~nc-nre War H1•hPC cummltti>r. Sea Sco uts Host Mariners Dance Dr-oclng 1n11tet\ll or nlllnc v.·14 the hlith J'(llnt n! interei<l IAt.t \\'ednt11t111y night when thr '"' 111 !rA Scm1t11 ho11tt d a dMr e for I membrr11 or Mariners a t th1· SrR Srnut Ba.•!'. Glrla 111 tcndinc Included Jerry I 811n~r. Maraha MacMlllen. Q .. rry Nack. Irene McCormick. Lyn C"ot-1 tlngham, >.f&l"('tll Cu . ~tertlyn Seely, Dllllle Riley, Beverly Gib- bon.a. Betty E\'An11, Carol MacMll· lrn. Su.IM1l Brown. Pecg-y Buah, D l&n& Sanden. J udy Coleman. A nn Clbeon Mid Carol Doanl'. Lea der• att«n~ th• dance In· eluded Jan· Dulworth. ~rs. Nor- man Oul\ll'Ort.h. Mra. Donald J tn- aon and Mra.. Huold Throop. On Vacation Miii.ti Htlen L. Horr, '11rertor of Chri~ll•n 1!:duct1tlon 111 5t An- c1r1"w'1 Church: I!!"" \'11cat1o>n \'l~ll · ln11 ~lat\ vu tn l"lrn1·n. ('111•' :'hr 1 w111 r•t11rn tn ri:n~ tror tht' 1'h111.h School r tl'm1•t1"11 111)' .tnne 26. ~'1>llnw1n~ a joint WOl'llhlp pro· will ~l$o be ent ertained by children ~:\Ill <1( l h<' ~ ... h .. ol each murn111ir; I or the school. New Members Join tl1e dlr!M,.nt c!tpsrtmt>nts nlt'"l In Sen1ng u hoateu ea al t hl1 In-· •"J'l'•r111 .. room11. Actl\'ttt"I' inc-11111e lltnllation 1<esi<lon wcr" plll!l·presl·, Newport Methodist H1hle an.r • ha rnl'l"r i;t ron,s. '" n p-•1,.n:, of the Mothera Club, lnr lud-Se\'eral new me.mbert1 united 11111\ l"ar111ng. muiiw, m111!!11'n mg Mmt& Mabel Hayt'I, Hazel with Chrlat Church by the Sta. •llhl~'. r Pcree.tlon anrt h1tnd1rrllf111 Horris and \\'&!lace J. Mtlltr. on Pentecost Sunday, May 29. The H1•i:-1~1r_1111nn f,.r th"_ l!• hn••I bl'· foUowlng were received aa m ein- g lna on ~ rt<ley, J une l •. Al 2 p m I hen during the month of May : l'r. Rlrharrt H T'l.>SI!, Plllltor, Ill the Rummage Sale Set . Mr. and Mr1. J ohn F. Kimble, pnnclpal of the srhool. Some of the women of the Finl }{r. and ·Mrs, Herbert C. Fo11, ' Gratitude la much mn1p than a verbal expreM1on of thOJll; ... Ac· t1on PXprrssc!I more gr,1t1l 11tl .. lh11n speech. -Mary Bal11 r F:ddy Baptist Church wlll hold a r um-Wayne Carroll. and Mra. Cecil R. mage llale next to I.he Coata Mua Powell. M111 Toni T hompton and Bank Friday and Satu!'day, It haa Mr1. Charle• Toll. a l10 Mr. and l>Ptn announced. )1,.., Wiiiiam Mra. Gi!Orfe WIU\J\ell of Co1ta Hortson 111 chalrmM. Meaa. CARLYLE'S GIFT TIP ............. .._ ___ .. __ ...,. __ .. __ .. __ _ -...• _.,_ __ ... ___ _ .. ____ .. ______ _ 1990 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa . .. ..... you dream about! 1Jo11't M/11 11111 ,,,.r11111111 It M•lt1 t/11 ,IJHI ., • lif1ti1111 .,, . N1w Cll1r10/1t At PRICES ---Tlle Lowest TRADE-INS -111e~Higllesl TERMS ---·rite Best MILLER CHEVROLET CO. -'. 1000 WEST COAST HIGHWAY Newport leach Phone Ubetty 1·2261 ; . \ •' .. ' I ., \. I· I I I I l .. ) , \ '- I '1 I I PA.GE e:'PART 111-l'IEWPORT l'IARBOR NEWS-PR~SS THURSDAY. JUNE q, 1qss --· ""$" • - GmlNG READY FOR GRADUATION RITES !Rural _C~unty . Areas Receive -Civil:-Defense -Alerting Plans •llM••ll!'"•"J "'' t '11 ,. r , .. , .. :1111'1'1 C'f• f1.-.. r ll"l\•h 1 .. ·~ IA"" n tJ th,.,.. ,..,.r,. :!:"! fir• 1n••••l lJCllllON •·on· dUl'\l'\I and II~ LIUl~ll<>nll m Mtf' --Ot-•:'Iii~ 1n---pro1"'rl.v •·•!11• •"· •1&flJ,:<"rffl b.•' lh• blau.., Z..... ,... SA~TA. ANA, 10CNS1 -· Ru1·at · w•l'tlll1ll lfl" pnrul•IL"n of lhf' 1""·1r.l l<•t•! h'I•• a tll(IUnt ed l o t U•, · · . I I d11n<" · I ~'h'<' fir<' ,1nll• ... .,,.., ti..ld In Or•n•• ('ounty 1• nuw und<'r t'I' I 11 llllKS BLA.STISO, •rh1~•l• •11•1 a ll'.l·hOur <111 courH d•fef\ff •lerllnl plt.n• ron1plf'\t',\ . . . . Ci\'rn to \'t>lunt<'f'rll. t hia wr.f'k by rounty <'"''' ilf'f<'nl<f' s,hr11nan \>0111tf'd 111\lt th11t f'111--;;-;-;,,,,,;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;ij · l \llUf'(t 11<.>und1n1f or lh• hom 1 and r: ottLc1&1& •nd ital" fOrt'11try n•nJ:" llr"l\ll fl'r a p•rlod ot th~ In fl\•r "~ In which ••ch r ur&J. •olt1nl~r 1n1nute1 "''OU!d inako it pw.11b.le..I f1re-d..partfn<'nl will bH-otne 1tft: ·f(!1'-0tf'~ii:I ,. ~-nT...-th., ,.J,.rt;n1 1tation ,;i.n<I ••ae111bly pu1nt <'l1h'r1rn•·y 111p1a r rro1n th11! "' llu• In c••• nt dl•alllf'r or t'nf'm)" 11r 1,.jfUl.or tlr• &\a rm nr • ahl)1't •h•r• I In a Ir.lier d1•palched 10 all '·o\. , unt.·,er rire .Ueparln>t'llt•. Ranai:t'r J . A. Seht'm11.n oullint'd methOda "''herrhy t>•Ch ()I thf' \'Oll1n\l!t'r ri1r11L 1lnU •l11 te·rn ann"'' tire <lf'- partment• "'Ill &et •• an llllllenlbl)' pmnt tor ch•U d<"fl'Ull<' "'<>rk1·r11. \'.'arnlni: or l•nr ... n•l1 ni: •llNlllf'r will t... •uundf'd I " r••IU.,nta of lh1• ar .. 111 hy n1e11ns ,·,f !ht• l't'l(UIAr rir .. ~•l(nt<I horn11 "r ~II""" 111 .. 111\tf'<I Ill """~' ~1 .. 11 .. n. l),.11 .. nh1n11: t h" nu•!h•o<I <'I opo·ra- t!lOn, Sc-h~rn111n !IJU\l, ··11h1>uhl lhett• b,. 11 ""''l •lt'f"n"'· ,.,.,1 111lt'rt """Utl•l- e.I, informin.i: ... rr.,·111111 lh11t an Pnl'll\\' 1ur 1<1\11r k '" abo\ll tu 1>('CUr, 1h~p11tt'll<'r11 tit fHr·r~try tl•'Wtl(IUllT• 1,.,.,. 1n Or11ni.:" ,,..,LL 1m n1,.<h11!f'ly -, 11r1l(l:f'I" 11uton1at11· 11 l1<r\\\ df'vlcf'• whirh "''ill 1ta11. horn11 11.nd all'l!na \In 11rt1 •1n 1n t11r h of \ht1 run1.l 11ta- U•>1l~ a t nncfl. F H.,,l fir" po'rionnnf'l &rri~h'li; nn tho ll•'•nt' "'Lii be tn• fnrnlf'/1 of th" 111t,uatu•n 1tn<I will hf' ln~lrt1<·t t"d tn 1•111t'f' !hp 11\p1r.L11 .-ont1 nun11,. o~rr.t1on, thua J r;iip\ \\'lf'llf'llti•· Cha rif'• Slt'<'lman \\'1U1•y. W• haY• MOVED 1111nn. HI! dt•-.-nh•·•I 1h1' r....t alt'o1 ••• . •1jt nll.ll ... bt'!ll),'. " !Onj; l<'Th•I l\f /Jiort bl-.t• on th~ fi r~ h••rn1 a1i.t 1t ronl!nlJf'd up-dn"'"· ""a1hna; t(lru• nn the fire a11't'n1. l 897~•wport Av•. cos'TA MESA M..., Fir• Loss Only S 10 Duri119 Mo11"' Liberty 8-4 512 Dunn( nionth or :\l11y. Co.tl• :\lo••• fire d"l>art1111•nt an•"''Pred IY fir·• alam>•. 1n("Ju1hnl( •r\•f'n ro11n - t r blau• anil 14 1raa& flrf'•, \! ..... 1 BOB'S Sportin9 Goods FOR FISH SEE "RICH" nLl~l."T ot~ ROCK COD ---· ROCK COi> TO BAKt: ...... FILt.."'T ()t~ St~A HASS ARA.LONE STt:AK, &JI hn-a..iNI SllRIMr ···-·······---··· .. ·· -·---- CHAB.<i ,... ..... -· .......... ·- lb. lb. ................ lh. ................ lb. ................ !h. ................. lb. SEA FOOD MARKET "KU'H" Klf'H.-\Kll 4'Zt '"' ~ . 1 .0~ ""' -181 Rll'harU Arl'!'n WH!n11. Ah1n t 'ur. Jttb ~ 1'1111..,.nlla -\'1•111 t 'r111~r -, . ..,.,. N- \\'!1ro(ln, Jr .• \\'Hllam Lt'" Wolff, ----' Members of Ai rs. Gcrspach'i eighth gn.de cla88 at Everett Rea School appea r above from left in this order : First row. Antoinette Benedict, Elmer Schu· man, Beverly Jackson, 1fic kcy Queen, Huth Anna Da· vis Patricia \Yalthl'r. Earl Lewis. Roaemary f\f c. Qu~en, Derrill Rogers. Second row, Bruce J amieMn, Nonna Hom , Gay \Varren, Barbara Barde!, Garth Gl:lrdner, Shirley Duncan, l.lanuel Garcia, Mary Agui- lor, Gerald Falon. Third row, Eileen Smith, John Mar- tin, Carol Cavanaugh, Afarion Fleenor, Wad~ Perry, Richard Lronard, Betty \Voody, Robert Trapp. Bot- tom ro"''· Airs. Gerspac:h, Diane Larsen, Craig Nairn, Kennt'l h !\.1urray, Da,•id Hasting•, Le1lie Henry. WUlla n1 Barton Wallt.i:t. Nt.ncy lllJlh \Vall•, Patril:I• Loul11e W1\- tl'lt'r, G•y Warren. Glorle De• Y.'t'bb, Gf':rald Francl1 Wtlty, J o1- t!ph Howa rd \\'eat, Robert Bruce \\'hltney, W•yn• Ro1111 \\'hitnf'y. A Uc• K•y. \\'hHton, Be"rtn1.nd M l· P rl'slnn \\"11..:rn. Chari•• Gl'egory 1~~====~====:::::::;::;;::;::;;:;:=:;;:::;::;;::;:;::;:;::;:;;:;::;:;;:;;~ C"o(lrdon Jl'no.dric.k \\·otw:rton. "'!I· ltam Ralph Wood, Ronald Roy W QO<latd.,, lJnda K1y \\'right. Roy MorKUI Yarnell, Hon .. y L.ornl.lne Yorb•, Ova i..e. Youn(, Harold John Zamora, Charlene Mr.rte Z..ntner. Patncla Di•n• Zinn. NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION 284 Rea School Students to Be Graduated June 16 ~fitrlhll Ehr.1t llf'lh K11la11h, J11n lre Pntricill G la~Pr. I P1l'kt'nl. Af11rjorle Ann• P inkley, ~U/e1: J-.m•• ~l'n Swtn., Robin Rond11 r.1111 1" P irtle. Sh11ron £Uta· Jame1 Swinford, Charl1!1 Eldon brlh Bi,;hop. l..en11rd Judllon f'05L Taylor. Timothy Clyt ua T en Eyck. I i-:~nn .. th r;,.n .. Pntrt'\. Geraldine Gi.r.d.y1 Ruth Tonne. A\t'X&nd"r VI· J11ne i"•ll,.r. H"bo·ol Ivan l'ottf'r, danr. Tor~•. Robert l.llurenCI! (;,.,,., :-;""'"II Pn1111, V<'lm a J<'•n Trspp, Margt• Le.& l'r•utwr1n. l'o"'''·ll, ~l 11·k<'y J ue Q11o•oin. J udith Angelina Trujlllo, Sht'rry Elaine JPrrl·L~'J\n H1t 1n <'a, Ch111r!e1 Ronald TylOn. Angel Valt"ruUela, Lorenza Rct:d, B-:,.,.,.ry J t':•n HP•·l!e, .Marit.n Valenzuela , \\'ayne Ch•rl1t11 V11.n Ade!11lo.lt' It•'"""· J oan L k slie Aken, Glf'nnda Ellen Vande11:Tlrt. SPECIAL -Lockers (app. 125 lb.) LOCKERS $'7.75 yr. Re ich, 011vul R.tindolph Rl'1d, R ich-Ralidal W.iJac• Veal, Cherie Loul· 'Wit f'EA.TURE 81:1.fX..'Tt:D PRIME IS HARBOR AREA THIE Saw Lawnmower SALES & SERVICE • \\"F. SEK\'lf'E • \\'f.: MELL 1A"'SMo"•F.R8 e SA"'S e K!l.'l\'"ES tint Quality "'ortr-Gua~IH.d ~nable J'rh ... • A tnt11.1 of :llU 11tu•!f'nl• "'Ill c r11 rh111t .. from E•·('i-rtt A ll•·fl S chool, C"lltll !>f,.~. J unf' 18. T hrr ar~; Anthony 1.:1u1·enc;e Abbott. Chtra Jr.uq1un1t Ai;:;u1!er, !>1 1tryl<1 u l.llillll illlbf'I Agu1l 11r. Richard F.11 .. ·1n Al<IP. Anthony Al\'Br('t Alr1t!r.. Fr.,d An1bur):")". l.indll Fa)'• Anll-"'·ll, RoSt' ~far•" Afl!lPfllOn. Tonuny [).·!! A n<!Tf'"'~. JAnlo;ll T'!'rry Bll):- WP!!, D11 ryle llu,.nr 1l11.llt')'. D1•111'llt . l<'•n Ball»)", \\"1lh11m Thomu HRI· tllf'I . H1Lt'hA1>1 Ann 811rrlo•I, F r"d Janel Ruhy Goddickiien. Pat· rlcia Def'nt Gordon, G"rold Thom- 11~ Graham. Ric ha rd How1trd GN!t'n. Emm.,tt Donald Gne"'"· Sh11 ro n .Ann Hal11Pt , Dorothy Ann Hlllf'y. Edna. J oyce Ha.n1Uh1n , Jl\Y· ce J un~ Hammontref'. Ar.r 1>ld Henry H 111nunontree, :\l•l'y I.Re Hanl! .. n. Nan<-y Lt:e H1trprr. Kay Franrr11 Harri$. D1t••id Richard Harri"'1n, Da vid Larry Haat1ngs . De\1g\1111~ E:mf't!Kln H11wlf'y, 11rd J!W't'!I Rlil!I', Ann11 ~l1trle Rey· 111 Vining. Romer Loren Vln•on, and CHOIC F. MEATS 1570 Newport.Blvd. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-7512 nold•. \Y11l111m Rllndall Riel'. Bar· Lind• Arlene Vodlrk•, A llan Keith "18. IOU• St. l\'E"'PORT Br:ACH Hat'bor 01111 ~ bar11, J1ne lt1t11chke, io-rank Tru· ~W~•~lk~'~''._· ~K~'"~"~·•~<~h'_'t..~R~o~y'._''~"~•:':"~":"':'·'.'il::=:~~~~~~==~~~~~.,;;~~~==='~~;,,~~=!I_.'._!,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,------....,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,;;,,,...~ j11lo k lvr ra. ('11roJyn J ,.an Rob-t etUI, Loul.,. Ann Robert., Alo11%1. Thom 11.11 RobinSQn. F. •t i Hnrkrr. 1 ..... i.,yr.-Phil Barnf'll . Jack T . ,,.a~ B"1tt\lf', Th111n11H J1ty H,.\. r ,i .\l 111i:~'"l Jeann" B"nd!K. I •\\••,n<>tt,. J:t'nf'l'!it'l, Sharon K11.yl! J ... ~. :1. Th"""'N A lfrN I HJ11kf'Jr. J11<-k ~l11rlin llayt'll. J an\11~ A!- 1~.,n Hefl y. Otnnne ~lane H"lt<ln, J udith Pa mella Hen ry. Uahe E Rrnt'al Hl"nr}". J oan H ibdon, J11.mf'11 P'. Hickey, J t.nlce A11f'n<' !loftn111n. ;-..•orma Jt!an J-!nrn. 0 1t\'i<I ; 1 .. ,11,,1.i 1t11y Bolhni;tf'I' Su•11n v .. H 11ffm11 n, C arolyn Sue Hugh- J 1111 81 1,rk Da1·n •ll \\'1lll11m 1r a, ~f i<'h•el E•l"'•rd lrv•in. Be\'t'"r- 1•11.,,k", F.:.1.1 Jay Dru .... ·n. ll<•Y ly Jrlln Jiu:k1on , Di"n" l...ee Jal·k- 1 '''"""·Jr·. 1':1a 1n~ Bul,,.·1n, Etn>IY ~on. P.11 Lph Sn.ice Jlll'lll'"""n• J nhn ~1.o\• Htll"~"l", En1ll Canrh<>h• II, Lr" Jannv.·ny. J ohn J11.y Jone~. T···i l\\'t.on v ,innl:r.zo. j,, Anne T in1othy \\'HU11 m J onf'a. J anet Ann Sh1tl").· {'antu. f'.1ll•I A nn~ 1·av~· J nr<lan. nan~h. San.Jta ~l :u~11t<'l t'hn11111,.r-1 .\t !J~ R1i.y Kellog:;. John A llen Lain. lt <'j.:I(•• J .. hn L'h:q1111lln, J uli -Kt·~~l. Ge1·11 Ld U e K11l1ng'!'r, Lyn- nHP r •rilf' ChK~~. Cu/lllt11n<'<' l,i!Hs.n <'tll! KJn1mel, Charlene F ay<' K ing, cni~holm, Gnr~· 1..,e CJi<rk, HKnoty J udith La.n1 K lnK, Kathryn Ann 8 1 }'<1/lt Cnrfitnn. Kottlt'. Di11n11 1 ... e t..r!M'n, C11rol G ,. n " ,. , ,. ~ l...arralo C•-.:t11·;1n, Ann l..athon1. J <>rry l"'e La .. ·r<>nre, 1,...,111~ Cvm plon, Ca rl io:JJon Cot-Ann ~!aria V.dbettef. Gene-R tc.h- lnn. Barbara 1..ou l~I! ('r(),,."ol, tt, .. y 11rd 1 .... e-per, J r , Arl<'ne Kay l,.1•hto. E11d r>11!t...,n. ).lolly Ann lJ11nlPla. Rk h,.nl C'lyJe 1..f'Ollftrd, · Don11.\d Julia nn~ ~l,.n• 011\«'np<'rl, B<>lty F'.1111 1 ..... ·i~. Lillian JunP 1 .... w 111. Jiin" [Jll\'J~. f{u\h Annn l la\"i!I, ~!yrn,1 J nnn L!oy•!. t:rn~~l Lopt.'7 .. Thl'n'"~ \\'11•·ne u .. vtll, Jan"t Al-~l\rh11o 1 Cl11rk Lynrh. 1 ........ ·1.• t"Jlrl h•l'IM lll'\phu>u, L1nJ a l..e,· ['1'111'•. )111c('~1\<>r, Ph1hp r•i<vlcl )lat'kP~', 1'11\'Hl R"nn!d Devone, J11n1~~ ~· .. , · /)l>llllll L •rrain" ~f,.<":\'t'\'ln. Phil· rr~! ll!f'tl. 1• .. nny Lyn 1.JuJ\111·. 111• bea n .\l111Llo11x, KPnnflh Drx- ('Krl11 .\lnrian Don.r1t. J••rri<' Vil-ier 1'of11.rl11t!. J ohn Stnnl<'y 1'ol11rt1n . \on DntKon . J 1a.llth ~!ae nou ght~". \\"11tia m Thnrn11~ .\111rtin. Joan Pat Shirley Rarlen.-Dunc11n. 1 'hAr!f'ne J ~1art1nt'1, Vir.ln111 ~l11rlinet. ChRd It/IP l h 1nh11n1, G11ry K llt111n EU):~n·· ~l1t~·nard. t..; .. <•l"l;'.P Jiunr.~ ltil'h11rrl IA Roy F'..!, ~. Sh<'rrill t' )lr lX>11•l·I. H.o~n111.r.v .\lcQu~n. J O) re ~:(hc k , 1 ... ,r~11 .. l rou.a f~l.i• Alll'{Jn H11)""'ard !>1;'!!or. l'i11d 11• GI.'· _11,11,.,...ci.on1.......Jo>an...J::n!'l•nd .. Suws. nw...M.!kY· All x K11y ,.tlllt'r, IXoug. Gary Jnhn Rnbin110n, ~nlld Eu· r.:ene Rohin110n. Dt•rrill Ho .. ·arrl Ro· l:t'l'll, Dt'·\\'1t}-nt' R<.>gets, Gs.rill '-l ary Rogn<'y, \\'ltliam J-.mfr. R u•- arll. t:rin J ohn Sav111<e .. Judy An l'chlf'•ger. Rlrh1trd Dean 5<hhchen- 1nayt'r, Carol Lee SClunoyer. t:J. n1er Lou\11 Schuman, Yolonda Scott, Ellyn May ~•qul1t, Mary Elaine Shefll<'y. Donna M11e Shobe. J.:ie11nor Lllli1tn Shorb, Hayn1ond L.o·t.' Shore~·. Ern!'Ml Joa,.ph Simm•. B~tty L"u Smith. Ueverly Ann Smith, Carlton J o§t'ph Smith. Ooroth)' E1lttn Snuth. Gall M•t· iruer1te Smith. J 11me1 Hugh Smith. Judy Br th Sparrnt.n. "f•ry Clar• Dorolhr11 Sp<>Lh. R1l'h11rd Allen Sle<'k, F tedt'rirk K iri Slt'gTIUlnn. Lf'\Ju Hl \\'ayne Stepht'n,, ~larcla Su.flan Stewart, Luther Eugenf' . e . ..,..., .. ~,- l•U.rn>AI. F'-"'01 Inc. ;,. dettipN lo .,... .... • .., ..... p in•e.tnMd '" ,a •arietJ of JO&llnf' En~l•nd. Clt'ntentine Anita 1111111 lt11~11 '.\!Iller. Jeny-T.A>e-MO'llt-f--~ E1tr11d11. Geo:fl\rl 1 .... e f'1otlan. 1l11lph gom••ry, \\'11yne Pelbt'rt :\fOtKll.n. -r-"'-..... ~~~-~, ...... --~ .. ~ ... ft'ftlhi .. E•l"·a rd ... Iker, J1 . (;•ry ~ta rt u~. Ar,·11 Junr MO'l"r111, Cha rif'• ~~rf'<t­ t'PUbaun1. D•nitl Tho1111111 ~ .. 01~.v. rlrk ~lun~f'r. Kenneth Duanr '.\l ur- H.ic:h•rd E dwlln1 io'f'rr11r'I. Oennlll ray. Craig F rrnn11:ton, P etrlcla Ann Craig \\"1!mot Nairn, Dori11 Ju. from Atomic Se;.,- .. ire. P.v1'ft l1P K11y F1,.che-r . .\1,.rtun dith :-.·HJ"rK. Harold E:!JK"n" :\'Pl'J'· Burdett Harrison E Ul{t'nt F'l,rnnr, Ht>~t·r :-: .. 1 ... on "'· ~nn1s Lcfl O'Halr. P&mrle• C •LIFORNIA INVESTORS P'lrorf'1', ('ons\11,nf•' °"" io'nrfln1an. H11.rb&r11. Q]ll()n, Glenda J u)"t't' ,... r.ior<I Byn•n F'nrtunf'. J ohn 1l11r-P11ri~. J unior lilram P1trkic , Dun-254' I Circle Drive Ia n .. OS\Pr, l.uUUM! ~lflr\r. Fru.ier. 11ld \\'llllan1 P<!ek, Vickie Ann l't'm• l,ll>f'r1y 8.1,\<ll t:rlw1n Ha .... ·11 r .J F rl11r. Jov !{11th· b<'rton. \\'ad" '.\tlllcolm P•rry, r yn F r\11r, Ro•enuory Furn,., J1un••a !>tary P•lrirla P1•1er~. C11ry lA'f' Newport Beach a11 m a n1 Gr.ll11 chrr. C h•r1e,. An· j~:::~~;::~:~~;;;~:;::;===ls~;,;::::~ij; dr•w GAllur.t••. !>lanup] Gar'"" Oarcl•. M11.ria Dolore• Garcia. P11.t· WAR SURPLUS SPECIAL I rlcla Ann G11rdinler. Garth \\·11rd o u dn•r. ,.,,ic F..dw•rd Garrh•nn. :o,; 5 ........ C,._R, 'E"-E"'N"-,200. l!:rma LI'<' Gr.tt'•. \\'Uh11m '"'"li" Ohl1>elln. Chatll'tle Anno! GH1•0n, Tracie Ins ... , ,.,,_, . ~R.tH '145 'ti C-hPY Dix. 2-dr R.tH •545 l\Mattrul ('()ftdlt:loa '$l Fonl II OJ Clb UH •795 ro.,,._tt~ 8-dhll ....... '545 Cotton Goff Volks":Nagen Powllac-. A ~n• aaH Dealer s111 s ..... ,.n Jlf\·d, SR'PORT" II.EACH ~: HutM!r II I A. !Or.,·ln1• <>"I 1l ";. io'or Pnrl,....ln.( paltrHI, rahln-. ho-drllnr plant ahf'd11, "'""'" dnon &nd •-lndo•·•. MAKE us PROVE IT LI.Co.,_'• "\\"• ba,·e Mlo•'n _, automMh drh·..,. how to l&l'll money U.. State J"ann ,. ... , • .l1111t 11'1"9 m t.he opportunity te prnl'I! to 7!_11 ltie 1noMJ aarinr• ad1'ant.,r ... "' theo ulquoe dlfl-.t pl .. pl09Mft'd bJ !!I ... ·-· State Farm Insurance ·Co. BLOOllL"fOTOS, ILL lSS E. 17th SL, Co.ta Meu u 8-1011 The most U\Jil©<ll©C?Cru truck for your money? Only in Ch•vrol•t's new W.Jf.rl:w lin• will you find all • th•se advanc•d f•atures ••• the marks of a truly mod•rn truck . ........... . ' Most modern in design • N-Wor•·Styfl"I· New Tuk-Fon:e modtll are ex.actly auited to the job-and look it! T"hat'1 becauM ,..,o distinctively d ilforent de· 1ign rreatmf'nll ere pu1 ro 11.-ork-one for light· ind medium-duty models, another for hca''Y· d uty job&. -~·~ Cu1lom Cab. FtatUttS lnclude-Nu·Fle:\ foam rubber seat ccshion; two-tone iiut fior, bright metal outside moldinp; eveo an optional fuU-view rear window, Hew CamM Carrl•t. Long a.nd low, wich 1moo1h, ftttt lin•s-a Dew idea io truck design, 1peci1Uy built for 1peci1J Jobi! N .. Cel•" a"d Comblnotlon1. A bright new list of modem colon and two-1one:s c.11rcf1J1J y telected to add the final Task-Force 1tyling loucb. Colort thar call attenlion to rout busiocul Most modern in comfort and safety New Fllto·lldo D• Luite Cob. Stats are 1ofter: more ~boulder and head room. Ne.,.·!y designed in,trument 'l:lu~trr il taller lo rr:id. New Panoramic Wlndahleld. Wider forward Vi5ion that means safer drivin11t ~"" Hl1h:l•••I VontHaHon. Reprdlesa of -the .,,·catber, etllcicot air _ciKujation l!_,!'l&in- t&incd. New ConceolM Safety Step1. C.oncealcd 11eps 1tay free of anow, lee and mud. f\.take entrance and cxi1 easier and 11.fer. Power Ira~•• 1tondord on 2-to" mlHl•I•. Op1 ional •1 extra cost on all othtn. For ci1y delivery or long h1uil, P o.,,·er Brt.kca reduce d river effort, add to ufer aoina. Most modern in performonce Shorta1t 1troko Vl't in 1ny leading !ruck. mo~t modern 1Utcs. too. All engine& have • ' 'modern 12-Yolt elC"Ctrical 1)'5tem, N•w Su1pen1ion, front a.,d rHr. Talte1 you o\'er back ro.11d1 and rou11h 1errl in with new. 1mooth·ridin1 e1~. -. . New O verdrive and Hydra-Metlc. ()yer- drf vC it Optional on 11.:i -Ion m odcl1 at extra coal Hydra-~tatio U an t'xtra -cost op1ioa OQ ~ .. ~'4 • and I-ion m odels. Po.;., Steorin9. Turning et'l'nr1 11 reduced 11 much u 80';9 with t!J.tr&<o\I Power Steerin&I Cam• in 1oon. Find out bow much better off you'll he wil h • modern truck-on lhe job today and at trade-in time tomorrow ! G•t the most for your new truck investm•nt in the most mod•rn trucks money can buy I •.• ........ . Chevrolet's new Task·lbrce truck line! MILLER CHE-VROLET CO. 1000 Wnt c-t Hl9hway NIWl'ORT IEACH l'holle Ubeny 1°2261 • . .. ' . I ,J • .,.. ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE 1'1AStH"t : ~IOTIF -Hand painted palm stalk mas- ques -in the Polynesian manner - were the keynote of th<' beautiful ballroom decorations designed by Sue F'ickC'r. The dC'corating committee put in many hours Ix-fore the party and the results were well worth the C01'1MOD0Rt.:'S TABLt: -.Flag officcri; of the Bal- boa Yacht Club were "on deck" to celebrate the 31 st annual ~eason opening dinner-dance last Saturday. From left are: ~Ir~. James Whyte and Jr. Staff-Com- effort. The group shown putting in i;ome final touches are Lou Cicero, Sue Ficker, Carol Ann Jones. Bart Henderson and Ann Linhoff (on ladder), Jan 'Hender- son and Bill and Betty Clark. -Photos by Neal and Jacquie Beckner tnodore Whyte; Mrs. Frank Wood and Vice-Commo- dore Wood : Mrs. Marshall Kennedy and Commodore Kennedy; Mrs. Chip Cleary and Rear Commodore Cleary; Mrs. Fred Hunie and Staff-Commodore Hunie. -,,,_ .. OONVE.RSATIOS ~~D COCKTAILS -Rclolshments In the patio preceding the dlnner-d&nce provided"!ln opportunity for the large gathering of members and gu~ta ANSl\·•:RSAIUES GALORE -A special occuion for thc11c four was BYC's 31st anniversary'party last Saturday as Neal and Jacquie Beckner counted 17 years and Betty and Eric Weis berg celebratcrl one week since their wedding and one year since the an- nouncement of thrir engagement at BYC'S 1954 open- ing p~rty. -Wilfred Berls Photo , '\ GALA BYC PARTY ,. HERALDS SEASON PARTIF.S ARE •·uN -But there's still work to be done and gunday following BYC's gala opening dinner-dance found the hard-working committcrs baC'k at their duties. From left, Vilan and Mrs. Couch, trophy committe<': Junior Staff Commodore J im Whyte, outside race committee: the Bill Campbells. inside race committN•: and the "sparkplug", Commodore Maraball Kennedy. of BYC to renew acquamtanrf's. t1•·sa1 l ra rrs. make plans for the romin~ srai;on. -~ and just chat. SOF f l.l <t ffTS -tiWt:t;l' ~ll'SIC' -Dancing to the •l.r1Wl¥ o1 BuatAce ltoJaa 1An<t h1a rhythm group went on and on rar i~to the night as BYC members anu guest.I celebrated the 31at openin1. ; ·~. ~- I -) I, · • , I /, I i ·l I, I ... (fovernmenl ';PA:G~E~2:;---P~A~R~T~IV;-~~~~~~N~E~W~PO;;:;;R~T~H~A:R~B~O:R~N:E;,W:;-S-~P;R;,ES~S~~~~T~H~U;R;,SD~A~Y~.-J~U:N;E~9~.~l;,95~5-;-~~~~~~~~~~~...,.-~~~~-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::== SHOW vnuR COLORS "God gront U5 the 5e renity to ecce pt the thing s we cennot c.ha119e; the covroge to chonqe the things we can a nd the wisdom to know the difference." /A. Anon.) --- EDITORIALS -. Super Sonic Crackers The Newport Harbor area waa buftetted, alapped and boxed, Friday morning, afttrnoon, and evening, by the sonic bla.rta or military nien In jell playing tag. \\'ind0ws were 11haftend, nerve• jangled, a.nd in- 11ults hearied u pon citizen• who were ao bold aa to com· plain to the military et1tabli11hmenta that could be reach- ed by phone. \\'e prl'11ume the planea were American. W~ presume that thry at leut were piloted by "friendly aviaton '' but for all the military in this area knows about It, Tito, Bulganin, and Khrushchev coµld have been the pilot.I with ('hou en-Lai cracking the whip. Such ~rou arrogance aa displayed by the duty of. fi rers or the military establiahmE"nls of the a~a FaJled upon to i(!entify the planee offendlng left area resident1 jolted. It "'as not just the ~farine Corps or the U. S. Navy but both. that abused. lied to. and insulted the rcsirlrnts or the Nev.·port H11rbor area who darffi to comphiin about the damage done by the unnece1111ary monkryshines of the jet jockeya. Thr ~farine Corps at El Toro finit denied a.ny knowlC'dgC' n( any planes of any kind in the air or South· <'rn ('alifomia. Hard pressl'd, they finally denied that the plnncs al oft cnuld be theirs. They 11eid that El Toro had no jrta in the command. This "'e doubt completely. 'J'hey certainly .kne"' or cotlld immediately determine the identity of r.raft and-pilot-alofl·ol'Cr Newport Har- bor nt the definite time.1vailable. ·The same was true of Los Alamitos Air Rtation. They finally did acknowledge that there "'ere 11. few jet8 available for practice flights ttl Lo!4 Alamitos. Ho .... ·el'er they were sure that none of their boys woul d be so offen1>i,•e. There is no excuse for such antics over any town. \\'e take this oppurtunity to remind the n1i\itary, all military, that the damn foolishness or th€'ir pilots has cost the lives of man}; children in houses no further &\•:ay than 1..ong Beach. , Their aerobatics and cavorting have killed people all over Southern California unnecessarily. Certainly with the broad expanse of wat.e.r that we have between this ahore and Catalina and San Clemente Islands there i.a no excuse for auch unwarranted abuse or military authority. Jeta can be flown to 1ea where their aonJc blast. ali.d foolish antlca will lead only to the death of the pilot -and the mourning or hia Immediate family. Th ere can be no excuae for the day long bombard· ment that the coastline 1uffered a.a a rt6ult of military foolhardineas Friday. More than 1ix establishments suffered broken win- dows, large windowa. It was the gracC" of a kindly God that no one waa killed by shattered glus, 'Hundreds o! man hou rs were lost to production. It was not because of the protective hand11 of the Department of Defense or the U. S. Navy or Marine Corps or U. S. Air Forte, Y+'hichcver offending plane it might have been. Or are we to presume that theae were Rtiasian aalute11 -the Military all deny knowledge of planes, their plane11, our p\anee, or any planef!l in the air over Newport Beach all day Friday, June 3, 1955. A Flag They Can See Moat of us r11rely reRllze our nation's flag h1111 a history whic h fairly shouts or valor. intrt>pidity and patriotism of the men and women who first fought for their newfound country. \\'1t h J une 14 nationally cominemorated u Flag Day, it bchoo''l's us to recall ho\v our Founding Falhera and th£"tr immedialr gl'nC'ration put c,·erything they had int o the Re,·o!utionary \\'ar and the \Var of 1812. The flag had \'arioue designa early in the Revolu- tion but !hey ga\•e way to the red. white and bh~e u the ('1)!11111t'R united in tlteir effort against the Britieh. A l'la ssic t'xample of early-day Americanism la found in the \.\tar of 1812. l)uring 1813. the British fleet waa on the Chen.· pcake Bay. threatening Baltimore, In June ot that year, BEA \1E R FALLS, PA .• NEWS· TRIBUNE: "The people in this country who v.·ould like to have their taxea rt'duccd tand who wouldn't) should ta.ke note of thl1. Tax reduction i1 the n ward of 'having a balanced. bud. get. Our taxea can be reduced again when the adminia- tretion and Cong~s11 get our budget back into ba.laoce, J.A>t's hope it won't be too long:· N~WPORT ~ HARBOR .NE-W~, J?ReSS Ma.jor George ·Armletead, commandant at Fort Mc- Henry,""reported to Ma jor General Samuel Smith, com- mander-ln-ehler of Baltimore deteNe•.' that he wu ready at the fort for the expected British attack. He uked a auit&ble ensign to fly over the fort. In one aen- Unce he aaid : "I want a flag of such dimensions that the enemy will have no ' difficulty in seeing it. from a diala.nce." Authoriution was granted his request and the flag wu made by Mary Young Pickersgill, daughter of Rebecca Young who had rwide flags for General Washington. She made a. fl•g they could tee from the Che&apeake -a na.g with a 30-ft. hoist by 42-ft. fly, a fl ag containing 15 atan and atripes, Vermont and Kentucky having bttn admitted t o the Union. It wu this flag. a.loft d"urlng Ft. McHenry's bom· bardment by the Britil!ih fleet Sept. 13-14, 1814, which Jnspired Francia Scott Key to write our National An- them, "The Star Spangled Banner." If you know the word• of this immortal song, you know the bravery of the men who manned the (UD• and bulwark• of Ft. Mc- Henry, men who wanted the enemy to 1tt their new flag. They did not dream of camouflaging their preeence. They could not "ride to the gun a," ao the flag Invited the enemy to them. The true heroica which lnapired our early-day pa- triot. to fly their American flag high hu been repeated many times throughout our country'• history, Old Glory'a place of honor alwaya being visible to the enemy as well as being a guidon for troops to rally behind in the march forward. ' , , Jn the contemporary scene of moclfers.' cynics and other amall·bore characten within and y.'ith out the Re· public of the UniW Statea of America, .all public and private groups a• well aa individuals can show their colon1 whenever they wish. All they ha\'C to do is keep Old Glory flying high. And Flag Day i11 the one day it should be fl own whole-heartedly by us all as a public reminder of the debt we owe the brave persons who laid do"''ll all they bad on the line when our country's last chips were down. A Tribute to Frank Vaughn It ia a fitting memorial to Newport Beach Township that it. long·time constable, Frank Vaughn, will be laid to real at the hue ot the., Veterans· Memorial flagpole, llO recently dedicatfll at Harbor Rest Cemetery. Con•table Frank Vaughn was a big man, He wu phyalcally big but more than that he had a big heart aa.1though the giant conatable al times s~med raliher han.h, perhapa crude, to those who t angled with· him during the routine fulfillment by him of his duty a.a he aaw It. There never waa a time wh en his big heart waa not a.1waya beating for the one in nerd. We have .een Frank Vaughn load into his car gro- cer:let, and toya, and clothes to be taken to a family tn need. We have IHJl him quieUy along his "''ay, gather- ing up things still uaable and aervicea ble to gh·e to those who might othenriae be la.eking some essential. Frank Vaughn had an enviable record of sC!rvicc in hia chosen field and ln the community which he loved. In the routine fulfillment of his obligation u he aaw It, Con1t.able Frank Vaughn al times would work the clock around u the only law enforcement man on duty ln the Met1a. There were those amongst their fellow p ffi cera who had a hearty dislike for \raughn. the con~ at.able. But we never knew of one v.·ho did not hav~ a deep-Kaleel retipect for Frank Vaughil, the"man. Frank Vaughn was the-fo1,1ndcr al)d first command- er of the Colt.a Afetia American Legion Post and he continued. to serve his fellow \·eterans until he died. He 11erved hil neighbora, t.he ttaidenta of hi11 town. and often ' tlmee he served far and away beyond the call ot what one might consider ordinary duty. Frank Vaughn was one or the rapidly diaappearing breed of men who felt that hia aervic~ wU never done u Jong u ihere wu anyth1ng he could do, • He will be miued. in thil community of our11 around Newport. Harbor. YOUR SENATOR WRITES By JORN A. MURDY IR., Senator, !5th Dlatrlct InterHt In th• l•J'l•l•lure th!• AIMmbly a nd Senlte veralona or week cent.tre« around t.he 1tat1 propoatd tideland• oil tlrlll!ng leg· budg1t. Eu'Ut1' lut Wfflt th• een-\alatlon Into •1Tttmrnt. a te wu con1ld..rtrlg a budget Y\rtU· Amendment• to the Metropoll· ally the .ma ln amount a. ~· ta.n \Valer D!1t11ct Act. which quilted by Utt Ga••mor and PU•· WI~ aubmltted by }'our legl11!1to,, tel U11 A .. mbly. The Senate (!OJll· were approved by the Ser111t~ c<:>m· mltlff on nnanc1, how1nir, amend-m!lt«...o.nJo.cal go.vernment. l'he Id th• bud,..t bW lo r.qulre u11 amendmrnt1 would ~rmlt the di.!· ot l&0.000,000 of lM ll•l•"• 175,· tr1ct I() l1111•1e •hort term nolr1 to Formerly the N't.-port·Balbo& Ntws·'nm• 000.000 ~ "ra!ny-day" fund. tlnance project•. • and the N t"'POrl·Balbo• Pre• Tb.le •ciUon cl&MM WIU. tht Oo•· Oppo1Hlon to the ('Qn!Utullon•I ernor'• nqu.tll tor n.,.. laa:11 on amtndmtnt which "''O uld eliminate -c;;:~·~°";-;"";:;"~':...,:;:;;:;;.....,:::-u:;IM;::Uc:ctaCUOd~'f;o='=O~n;,-,':-:Fcocrty;:;,c',,.,-.c.-,,.-,-\ Clc'aflttt., bffr, Uquor &nd horM I lbe etrvlnr of food ln b•r• came l:nter?d aa Second-Cl ... Matter •t th• Poetofflce tn NHrpOrt Bnch, nclll.g to b&Jance tl'le budg"1L A Ju t .,,•eek frnm a tcort or "'tll· C&Jtforf\la \111dtr ll'le Act of March J, 11171. JnOft ln th• A-mb\y to dta"" on known 1tt lt·Wld1 lndu1tr!e1 I nd th• "rainy day'' f'IMrTM Called. tndlY'ldu1!1. The7 11y th~y ar1 op· PubU.IM-d f.:\·~ry MCNtda)o ud DW'Wda:7 al Newport 8-dl. o.111. And laite Jut wMlr the author. po.Md to lhe "open 11Loon" and hy the SF.1\'POA't HAMOR r vBU8RL"'O COMPANY of the 00....raor'e tu. m1&1ur•• would 1ub1 lllut1 a bll l denninr ~=:--::-:---::--:7":-'.~hle-c .. -::~-::'---..,.-'.,.-,'-'-"---------\-.ld UalJ P!Uaed to drop tht rnt•· "food.. and "b•r:· ""hlch lht7 Qll&lltl~ lo PublWt t.ec-1 NettoH Md A..,..rtlM9911tll er All ~ ~ whkll. would tu d p.ntt11. claim w ould &Ive th• Stitt De· 87 ~"""' nl tl'le a.p..ter OM.!" of o,..,.. Co.. .. A.CUM No. A..Jl7tl PoUUcal obM"'•fW •t tl'le C..,ltol p&rtment of Akohollc Beverage lnl•rpnt th .. and othtr d1nlop· Corltrol a J1w with "tt'eth" In It Mf'll'l~r c.lltwaAa New ; ·ptr hMllMre AlllOCU.Uo. menu oa tl'I• l&a ettuallon to Ind!· eo th•t n can b4 f nrorced. M-Mr N.U~ Ee&on.& .u.od&UOll oat• a 6•1•t for UM cl..,..tte ni11 1roup, y,·h\ch lncludN the Mcfftlet of 0.....,. C..l)' N._.. 8en1c'la tu. Uri po.tMy the ... r t.aa. but Hotel A1,aclt llon. llit Pht.m1a· --------c..,.::::-ftm>::=-0-"-IClt---PUBUl-'----HER--'"-::::.__ _____ \hold wt tor ho,. tor th• tu. on Cltla, kell1\ Grocer1 ANoclaUon. wi111,..K A. llO&EI, l:dltor Uquor a.n6 bone rw llletllnf. and other• ... , tht advocacy of ORMOm> &. KO~ A~ D~tor Hecnce It appMn a etmlpn!ml• ll'll ''open atloon" policy favored ClU.R.L.ES A. AJIUUTAOHO. ~tchanle&J. Supvinttnd.nt bttwffn tile two boUMt on UM of by many ltglalaton ·a nd the Gov· ------------;..:.c.::.cc::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::_ __ \ Ula ~ WU1 ha,... to be wwkld amor , ""ould lead to local option. l11B8CalPl'JO!'f ll.4ft81 out beton the lludf9t .. ~ Thay 1&y tl'I• JM'Dll1a of the 11tat1 S,e.-port Harbor ~"""'""-· h i,.. \\.MklJ' •pproved. do not w1nt lo ~• loe•I option, or b Ol'1Ulf11 County, H.l'IO prr ,.,.u; 1.9.00 If• mCJt1.: lt.6~ tllll'H IDM. Your !ltntlor p&rtlclpa ttd In I veto, be<"l uae of the "~\,\a of boo!· Outtlde of Oraage Cowat7 ll.to pu ,.,. -· conflt'Mce Wt ·-'° briq I.be i.,(Ulg and 1poU.IUIM," J • - WASHINGTON REPORT By Your Congr~fMHUMI JAMES 8 . UTr Lail week I.he Commonwealth of PuPrto Rico rledk 11 tr1I 11 11 new ln · tern1t1on11.I 11.Lrport 1n!\ lnvl.\ttl 1 rew member• from d!!ftrent corn· ni!tt"e• lo a lten.J the l'erernonlrs 11s lt11 ii;11e11ta. Thr"e of u~ fron1 the lnttrlor 11.nd tn11u!llr Affalra C111nn11Ctee l•:ere Invited. 11n(I th• Ch1 lrm11n of our comn1lttee, (;Jal/' Engle rrom C11Uom i11. l'Pq11e~t···I us !u pro<:r"tl to the: Virgin la· !t.ndt for Ule_pi;irpoff of gathering lnformetlon aa to how the new Orrtn!c Act wu working out a nd lo rtport on the featlblllty of creaunr a n1tlona1 perk on the I.1land of St. J ohn. v.·1 lert ~ Waahlngton Thureday noon and arrived a t St.n Juan about l l lh•l nlll{ht In a P•n Am· erlc11n •tratocrulatr, the rlrtt to llllld on the new airpor t. Wt et- lended the varlou• ('ertmonle• at the a irport, &n!f' du!'!ng lht thrte d1y1 of ft1U\·ltiea more than :100.· 000 Puerto Rican• vl11!ted the !•cl· llUt1. nsr: AIR F ACJl.rT\' Tht new airport 111 9(tu11tecl on lilt Verdf. about a ht lf hour'11 drive rrom downtown San J uan_ Jt Is ont or the thrtc tlnest rat.llltlts In lhe \\•estern H~mi11phe rt. r1onk- 1ng wlth Ult neW one1 at Su.n ~~ran· cisco llnd Piltsburgh, Prnn. The three top floora ot tht edmtnlatr•· lion b1ulding are a holtl. Thrr11 111 a. coffee !lhop an(I a. de!ux11 rrslflu· rant aa well 111 1hop11 of tJI klntla. The TUflY,'RY ls llb-OUt 12.000 fe<'I Jong •nd wJU aC('(lmn1od11.t~ ill of the mlht•ry a.1rcr1ft. lnch1dlnll{ thf" rast bombers. Th11 pr,va!llnl( 11.'tnd J1 1Jway• ln the 111ne dlrrcUon ID no cro111 run .... ·ay l• nect.Yllry. It will be tht m11 ln •lop bttween Ule U.S..-&nd South America .. ~ v.·rll 1a from Latin America to Europe and will greatly enhance the eco· nomy of th• l11!a.nd11. On Suntlay afto>rnoon !he thr('e mernbrra nr our r0n1mllter pro· creded \() St. Thon1u . the 1:11ntllL or Ult V!rg1n J1l11nd1. l L br Qn!y 40 milt's PIUl of P uerto H1ca. \\'e ste r~d a t the DIUPbP11r<! C11111 ... 11. hfltr! 11·hi<"h "·1111 built liy the IVP~rw .the ileprPN<lfon ft.t th•• lllltf' of the ol<I plratr 's hr&<hjUllr· trrs. By \.hP "'II)'. lh" J:O\'Prnrtlf'n t 10Jd lh~ he/lei l•~t ye11r rur a htllr OVPr $i00,000. Contrary to rny cnn~ept1nn. !hP Vtr1ln l•lands AL'fl 11em1·nn·l !11\d lher11 11 a 11hort11i::e 11f .,.·1111•r 11( the prr1ent time. Th" ;\'11vy 1s d••· llvertng hure q1111n t11w11 .. r water for domeetht· u~. All 1n.--l·-r that re.111 on the r"'•rs l\ ""'"'d in cJ1ler1'11, and larJ:" r••n< r;·1" 11ro·n' callee\ W•ter r•'r .Jon1P"'" ,,,,. Thl!rl! I• not t t1rf1ci••nt "'"\.'r tn ~rmlt a ny lrrlg111t1on "-L"'A\'~ llF.t,('IT The gov•rnor of t h~ l ~!Rr\'I.' !l\ 11.ppointtd by thP 1're111i!~nt ,,f 1)1e U.S .. and Archie A. Ale11.andr1 . 11 1ucc.111f1.1l con1trur t1on <"ont1·11r !rJJ' w11 1ppolnted by i't'<'11!!ltnl Ei . .,,n· how'<" Jut y,.ar. The """' Or~1n l<" Aet provide• for 1t rinP·hOu~P 1<>1:1~· la tur1 compo11,,1 11f 11 ~"n!lt ,,r, Thr.· J OVtrllOT pto.O.'>••l\Jl.<'I fl \"<>\•J power which he I 11~ lJ~·'•I 11p11r1ni;· ly. For the p••t ZiJ <'<!ol .\'"""~ 1h" leg\11!1ture h1111 pant little J11tf'n\1nn lo b•l11nclng th.-hudc ••t n~ lhi:: defici t 11 alwaya .111~1 bl' nlJr fN!• erel i ovemm('nt ' gin I1!1nd• I• around 30,000 people "'ith a bou! l~.000 on the ll\lan•L nt St. Thom•!!. lS,000 on th" l a· land of St. Cr'oht, and 11erh1pa 500 t() 600 on St. John. On St. CrOill th"r•· a re r .. •11 <"lllell ()f 11.b"ut the 11ame al2r. Ctiri11t1an1ted 11nd Fr,.drlcll•lt'd. The Vtqnn ll\lan•I "·rri' 1<rttlrd by the Dan .. 11 11. f <'W h 11ndn•rl ye11rJ\ K(i;O 4nd were a cquire<! by our gnv· ernment under purchaae 11.ni! tre11ty In l 9J7 for the 111m of $2~.000.000. St. Crohr: hu an arrlcu!tural ero· 11omy, mo1t1y 1ugar Clltle 11.nd CR\· lie. They produc~ from 10 to l:l.000 tona of 1ug1r per }'ttr. the amount bl!lnl{ dettrml11ed by r 11.lnfal1. Th11 year tht harvest W•• about ten thou!llnd t on 11 u 11galnat li,000 a ye11r ago when ra in w11 plrntl· tu\. About half of the 1ugar !1 11-..own Th11 Virgin l1l•nd.11 were lf!ttlt!I rtferred to u VICORP. 1 govtrn· ment company ()rgfl n!ted f<)r thr purpo..e or a..rl•lln1 In econom1c developmtnt. They optNle lhe elfl:!rlc l1e:1Utl•11 on the J11la.nd11 •nd a few other !ndu1trle1. Eftorla t re !)('Ing 1n11de lo dt1· po11e ot lhe11e ~nt,.rpr1te1 111 r11p1<I· ly a.a poMlble The rum dl11t \llery anti Blue~11rd C11,.1Je M "'"ll 11" ae,·er!!.I aC'rl"11 of c11ne Jun\! wrr·t IO)d l1111t yr1r, ThPre ~! II lhOt'lllX" of ltbor on tbr Islentls and thr'r or t our hunllr~<l people 11re Jrn· portrd from BritiAA Ant1KU!!. for the cane har•·r~t. Thry 11re doing con11dr1'1ble .'1111 ! 11"d 11·.;1.•r '"'Tl· 11rrvation "''hi('h "·111. impro,·e thr cane produ~uon. Ll'Xl "R\' lllYff:l. \\'e •pent one dAy on the r~\11n ,1 of St. J ohn where Laurani:e Retcko>· feller, who 11 lho grandawl of Jvhn D . Rockefeller. h11~ •cqulrt<I 1100111 8000 11.crr11 or two-thlrl'l11 ()f !ht I~· Ill/Id end 1,. bult<lin~ " '2 flflO (\{ll'l hotel 11ot CIUlt-f'I Ba.1·, "'h1ch h(' ""' rec\! lo comp1 .. 1~ h,1· JH.n u;1ry nl Ill~. He fl,.~!rf'11 (" j.;l l'o> thl~ l11 11rt llrTI<I hotel to l/H• ll"""rn111ent AA " nRtlonal park in '''''"r tn pt'""r"" lh" IJ.t.1tu11ful 11.-.a,•h .. ~ tu• pu!1l1<· ll!<P. brfnre 1n<11v1d un! 1''''1/>l<> tlll.•' \h,.m ur 11nd l'l",... Uwn1 tn '"" public, Illa fu1h.-.r 1h•I '"" l\~n1 ~ l!un ~ In th1' Teton :0.1 uunt.ur.,. n"llr ./11, k· 11on Hole. ll 11 pr(l[IOJJ.,d th11.t lhP Jqck1on Hol11 orglllllt•t10n •hould 1>~r•te the holt\ 11.nd u.,e the ln- 1·om11 for public lmprov~mtnlJJ. Thr. 1 uperatin~ prnprtty woul1\ not be liken from t>ie tax rnll11 or the l11l11rnd11 "~·It would hr iluilJfft tO" fl p<;ur11"°ry le•11e·hold tiur;. 11·hk.h "·ould 1dd con11derable rr.venue lo the etonnmy of th~ laland11. All 1ny life I hA \'f Ttl:l<I of the: fAbulou11 Rock,.f~ll~r~ but n'vrr ilr .. amed th11 t one or thf'm "'oul(I he my rh1u1ffer ln 11 jrf'p around th~ lal1t.nd . Laura.nre RO<:k .. rellrr 1!111 a t<'rr1r1c per8on•hty 11nd 11, nlOlll e:n!hu1111.-tl(' 1 bout apend!n( !1111 rnonPy for !hp brntr!t ot olh,r rcop!•. Tht l1l1nrl of St. J ohn wHI mak11 a b~1111uru1 n•tlon11! r•rk >1nd v1c11tlonl1nd In the Cf'nt"r nf the C1r!bbt1n Set . LA~\ Yfar eon· •lder11bly O•'fr 100,000 to11rl11t1 l'i,lted the V1r11:1n l~l11ndll H11'1TORIC SPOT \\'e new ov~r the ~p<i t on St. Croix where Colu•1bu.! l11n<lrd tn l t94 on hit third v111ll t .-, the \o.'r1t· ,,rn Heml1pher111 i nd Ja the only BRUSH CQUNTRY JOURNAL 8 )' HORAC'r: PARKER 1t;d. ~·ell• -Tbl• C"<>lun1n by Hnnu'e r erk .. r \\Ill .... "-lta th• llnlr ·kno10n hl•lorlral f1rl• hi! ba1 dt'l!'dsrd up In kl• m"'7 lrl~...hllo ..the biM'k In te:~I )",•D-) PALA ASISTENCJA -Thia 1880 photo, loaned by San Diego Historical Society, sho"''s old bell t ower- ll-'hich next Sunday will be gaily bedecked with color· fut shrine at its base. On t his coming Sunday, J une 12, one may see one of the last fading traditions or the htissi9n Indiana in Southeru California -Corpus Christi Day at Pala. This ancient Catholic rite has been enacted at Pala fo'r OVl'r 100 years. It ""as taught to the Indiana by the ~·rancl.c1n F1th~f11 l\ur!ng ~11&· l~J:ll t1ti:h w11y In thf "911th 11tl1r nf 111011 <luy•. A<Tord1n i; \\l lh" ".-.><-d ry l,H.ko· ~'.l!ll l'l••r•, M11rtr l\" T,.. perta" the n1Bnncr in '>'lh wh th•' rnr .. u!':l l•\'t•r 11'" l'nla to:r11 <h· I() d11y •• ('flt-bn'lled at 1'111» 111 un1t1u1·. 1'~111, 11 11•1 tth· lhtrd l,. 1111 the At 11b.,ut 1.1 .:LI) Sunll•y '"••1n•n.: ,.,,,.,..\ to ~l<"•'1tUh1•I·~ 111rn ••fl 11111 th<1 J1Hlu111~ of 11 11 Ml;l'll .iflllPI 1wr.;•11 (r .. ,·w11y un :>lo""'"" H'""1 "'''1 l\\l w11l 1111s•'U1blr for th~ pr·-..·~.•~l,.11111 1nr11n•t 1 .. ltnni..•!\. 111,-.n up !ht s,.,1 l..lttJ,. · 1n1h an j01·1~ llr~ued 1n J,uuo Hrv •·11Jl•'1· '" I '•!~ whit .. v.·11! ~lf•'-'· UU! p,t\11 With T h .. :,.,,1,11.:11·" H1o\•11' c·h.,(1•" \11 f!uwerl!. Thi. t'llllrt' pn ><'•'S>I'"" w ill b•••'"llll!lto: 1il 111,,~1 ,. '11•i11ht u111 111r \hen \'11>ll t hrr,• ~hnne11 In th·· \'II· t•,.rp!t.~ l'h11o<t1 <I·•~· llfl•I U1,. r••ll1t!·' Lag", thr 11.l ~1rirance nr \hf' thi·t•e vu~ 11.n•I pc.put11r ""nl!• Tho·y •ul~ •hrintt ts to be 1Jure th1t nu part ar .. wl)rlh the t1 11• in its,.lr 1'h»1" of the vlllfl~f 111 neglrrltd ll unng ""'llt he ll bflr~ru .. ll\ ll•K!n 11·n11 th!1 Holy <lily. llt'krt" for 11 •'hun•'" •in 11••111Jly l:\'IJlA:.i Rlllf:IL"I. I li \'t' bi•1•f-llvrnrth1t\~ ioll uf It~ Thlt yt•r. eccnnhng tv F11 ther CarrJJlu, the pr0<:tu 1on will be he•ded by Indian ride .. w}l lch w1a a tradition of the ~rller err,.. n1onie1. In ye11terye11.r• the l ndl11n1 built willow r1n11tla1, u1u1lly In lhe r()rm of 1 ~quare around a n open (11111.11 . Thrae rlltllftd~• 9"r\·rd Ra ••boo1 h11" where tOC>ll 11.•at !Pf\'• e:d, and behind 110n1e of th~ cloaed on"• gambhr.g u9uall)' took place. In lhe tenter in the e•rly mom1n1 hou,.. a v~on (!lme would get un· der 11·11y. It la on, ot tht r•mbllng .r11.me11 pl3>"ed by te11m11 of lndian.11 with three men tu a te.11n1. fll'hlnd \he player.! t h,. 1Kjll1t.W1 cht nl"d en· rour11~·~n1rnt to them. In the old d11}'.• wJlh 11 ~k,ntu!! ot 11guartlltnt,. n111ony <of th•·,.•· lle,.1111 t>ntled up "'1\h 11. 1:111Hl rh·nl ,·,r nl .. od\rl\lng- unrJ aomt rt11I oht-r11~hl'•11ed hr11.11d· Ir.~. In an 'rrnrt to rr<hl~e rlrinktni: gau1bln1g .. nd !1ght1n~ th•· t:""'I ln'1i11n i""1rts now 111 chatJ:e ,./ t11r ln•11An btu~h rhAfH'lll )\II\'" tried '" 1 h11ng" thP 1tll•P<• ot thr !1.,~t .. s. ln111~11 1J nt bf'1nlt' t1k" a ryptc11J 1'at- 11 rtl11y !light ln 1\ rn\nlnjl" i Jlll:p. thry •re lr}'lllj: In pr r~fr\'<' \hr tt• lll;:IQU., 111g.,1iw11nr •. "' th11 rtr11ta r n•b,.ll11<h111,i:: 1\ "·1th ll!'1llr Of ihl" le1.! bO!!'leruu~ ln<lllln 1r11oJ1t111n!I. T ll ll•:t: 1111 \II~ ot•t.S ('•n 1.1111•'.' ! : ·rh•· 1u1.:11<i: "' th• old r>d381on bt!IJll 111' !111• )J,•J11·1n,,;••1. C1l11t:, a1w11.y1 thnllll lh•• l•1\·rr1 of lhet y,•ht('h !Jll .,J,J 111 t"11l1fon•n1.l!I Th,. old A11l1tenr111 will II<' "l'<'n to the p1.1bllc. btauuful hi IL~ <'•,J·!~· n~•• •nd •lmpll<"lly. Arlll, lwM ,.f all, th1ng5 11~1111lly •·lu11f. I<• I\ 'L""' &round 3 p.m. 1r1 the 1ft,.n11.:•n. tln1111 enough to n111kr n l•·l~1u-el.v return tr1p h•llne. Ftor th°"~ "'ho hive not """" !hf' !'an L u11 H "Y ;\U•Mon. hert l1 • ch11.nr .. (n\ tht rttUrn Joumey. l.llTl.E 'HOie.'"' HO\ft'.."i \\.h1l e Ill l'llla .l •lli'l1 ll••l lo<>' M••f!l~ m"•n 11\tlP rla pbo •11 r•I hnu~~.~. Th•·M! 11.re: rr n111antit or t h<: !o•"ol" L111!t" hOUlf'M l'Dllll!'UC\«ol Ill !io" ~~N,•t and thlppNI "••""U'"' 111 .. ll•u1•" 1n 1907 i nd 1908 t o hP11~~ U1" L'111wn•1 Jnrllltn• •rt<"r th• Ir "-''··<1 .111 .. n fr(ln1 what 1" nl"'' kn .. 11n O• \\'11r· ner'1 t ho! Spn11~~ Tho l n•lllll\!I ,..,11hl h.~"" !J tnlr ~1!1•nr "11rrn 11•!uh~ h•na••'' r .. r" tr ~• l•·" .. r Oi• ('11111 .. r th•·•t• ~11'" k•. '/'hi' "phOlr>Ct'l<l'll)' n111, • •lo,.U\•I h•''" 11 fitlil oi N,\', I 1nt•·n•I !•• rt.. u• l.! II. \\'111" \'~r!id u•n "' u.:>l•·r111l. f'Mfl °"'hl(l\ ""'"US 'l\!ll•'I ltl lnd!an 111 Jn th•• 1°1y 11·~11,.f111" bruah. counlr)'. ~1 • ... ).. <·f lh,. I" npl•· y n11 wit I ~ ..... ~ r .. l t II• .. , U•h ' '""11 ' y 1nho11rhlt11nl• fr""l !I•• l••\1·• I.id 111· •lll:n• \"Tl,•· "''~l·rn •ll•" ... ,1 'l '"· rr ,''"ll wu1 ., .. 1 ""' )•.U1 t••11•! r·•nl"'"' ····•!' f • 1 11•1•11 •111,· '"th" m"p Yt•U ll f111 ,j !h<'r;· Hr" 1/rf r ", l'a(a /n.111111 1•'·• l\'ll!ain ,. 1111 1~ ll~Y~ IP jl•'l I<> l'UIH !!Hill th•• II 01 · 111 )p,.\j!o"f!Vd~" ,,f )!,.\ f11,J1fl;! 11111<! n .. 1 t1rPr1 ''n" 1 ~ •1,r .. 11•i, i'.,1: .. ~ro11:Jw1 n r 1111: .. rn1n "1111 .. 1 •h·A· Anll r·t1 r)'f•ll. l'.•r •n I !111 t F.l ~ln"'" ) f'~!t1!• !\!!•Tnl'! t" '"'' !! ~··lP" l )11n ~ .1r ~'""n ! 1'11111. 1• ,,, ~" , .. ~ .. n , .. r 111 .. ,,,.,!' .r 1·1e l1 f,•11 1.1 ~""tt1- .l•1 •i• ''"l"'>l '·'," lh1u ,,, .. , 1)!,, t 11 •i.Ar• -·- COHl'GS CllHISTI IJ1\ \' PrncC's!.>innRl w('nd11 It• v.·ay throu ~h Indian "illage of Pala. -~lrl't . Horace ParkC'r Photo Go•·tm or Ale.~11n'1"t .,..,.nt th"re W\th lht. Jdea Jt 11.'!IJll \itl)P rl•f the Vltrln l1l1nd11 tu c"a11<'! b<"ing y,·1rd1 of tht r,,~·'rl'll 1:nl'l'rnn11'nt a nd to eccept f1~r11J r~~l"'""1b11l1r ot tht'l r own. "" ~·"" in,1~t ··rl 1t111t tllpMtlltUrtl bfl 1•'1ill('C•1 >Ill•! 1hnl h•phuard lu 11113 .. ~sn1,.n1 11 nn1.•t b9 1quall1.1<1 a.n rl ('O!ltr!•"! ~pot on \\"h1ch he touc-h~t1 land I·----------------------------wh!llh 11 now • pfl rl or lht U S. Two Danl$h tlr!centl111nt~ art •t· quJrtnr th!" 1rra and prnpoelns !Q _.bu!ld 11 40·ft. mon•1ment to Farmer McCabe Writes ... Co!umbu1 and 1:1v1 It to the gov·\·---------------------------- Thl111 hard·bol!t"<1 hU!tl\•'~11 11 tt1· tude l'Laa-~turll\lv t r•·•lt •I 11om•· dlaaenUon among frr:aJn .. 1 .. n1l·n1.~ who ht,.. aome pr!l'ate ang lr~ r,r thtlr own .rid erP r ... 1l~tlng 11ny <:~(•. Thi• alll\ude ill ~hlltrd by • m tnonty, but thla m!n<::irlty 11 moet vocal In 1111 a l\Rtk upon rmm1nt a. ll1l h11torlc l<X•Uon. On St. Croix lht r• •r t about thirty •uc•r to.,..er1 buUt oul ot nath·e rock •!>Out 2~ reel high. T ht}' •re circular wJLh ""'aila a bout 6 ffft thick With • core diameter ot about 30 feeL O" lhelfl tnwera theA onc11 wu a 1ln(lt 6!ade wtn11mi11 ~ feet In diameter which th11 p~nt 1ovemrn<'nL Ho...,·evPt, genen.~d from 30 to f O hor•e· f()t Ule f!rtt llmc 1n. m1ny )·,.arll JlO"·er to r r lnd lh• aur•r c •n~ thty h1v1 $2.000 000 In the trf'llll· I.If)' a.nd ar• making murh nt•d"d Th,.,. 11m1 Dllnt• are a llempllnc public tmpmvemt nl!r. t'1 r ecoll!truet ont or the111 "''Ind· TOTA i. POl'l'l.ATlfl:'\' 'nr.1 total popu!at!on of lha \'Jr· tone m onuman l, ·" '-lay 12, l fJ~ Heard 11..n Old Timer gi\'e ri ,·011 n~ Burk a bit of ad- vice and he wound up \\'Ith "Rcm~·tnbt<r nri v.', 1ff"f'I ynu're agonna dance v.·hy you hafta pay the 1'~1ddl1·r." I r1·c<1I· lect that I heard that.a lot in my youth. The mor~ I thought about it, the more I v.·u1H.lc rcd in them day11 je•l 'why lhat ole Fiddl~r. whoeYer he y,·uz, hadn 't retired on the fees he'11 bound to have a!r«.>ady J::Ollt•n from the Old T1merti , .• y,·ell . t hat' ft t he Y.'I Y "'''all lc:1rn .... Jeat pay the Fiddler and di.nee a f<'"' tlHlC'K. J-~srmt'r ~1cCflbe '' : '• ' I l ':"- -~· I I I I I I . I ) ' - ,1 i - - I 11 • I I I i , DELIVERY GUARANTEED ~~lp \\'an~-------t:A..-__ R_e_lp..__W_u_ted ____ _ CONTRACTORS QlO \'OLI K:-0:0 \\' -. , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -P~T IV. ,AGE J THURSDAY, JUNE q, 1q55 Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Press >8 ~uttrantee<l. Carner boys will deliver therr papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Monday and Thursday. If your paper 1s not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier w ill bring your paper. ALL CLASSJFICATIONS I STl"O\' Ill KJlitr" trm r tor cont1 a r· R I tnr '• 1"1:an1111at111n unJtr a gren-I * 25 YEARS * that Ray Field1, thl' Lt<lu Onrg Jewtltr the f'll.111 e rr• '"'" n~w location a t 19th a n•1 f'l11, .. nt11< • si-Fumltul'(> for Sale S-&-Musk-al. Radio, a TV Special Buy !' I ,.:a l ('Oflltltt:tor with 21'> )f&r9 ea '""Pt~ ll'llf't' l'laA,••'• Tute. and f'n "''!'&. i :H1 J'l1l, Att«>ml Onl u~wn tree. BtKtn r.n) t 1me Estate Sat,smen . and B-roke"" ~-~~l·.~:~,~,t~~~c ""~~~:·.'~· ~~~: :It Ill 'I I JI 1 a t popular pr11•0 OT'E;'o; J Ulll' I Good Used FURNITURE SMAl.Lf.:l'lT 8tud10 Ba.ldwlll-..l!e r1u 10 Wl\h full 88 keybo&rd ln prr!t"1 t 1•1-ndllh•n T•rme Ut IJ •inwn & SI i SI JM'r mo a t- NEWPORT HARBOR NE\\'S-PRESS Every Monday and Thurllday COASTAL SHOPPER-\\.ednesdays DEAD LINES for plactng or c11nl•elllni; 11da are: For Monda.y P ubllrattnn -Sa t11rd1ty ::'\<K•n For Wednu day Ptm1tr11t1on -T\1esday 2 p m. For Th11rlld11y Publlc1111on -Wednesday l p m. 4 UnMI l Pa~r $1.00 4 Unes 2 Papen I .JO .& Llnes s Pape~ 2.00 (''19Jilal ShopJ)f'r Cl&Mll11!'d Ad• mm•t nrn In the Monday or Thursday Publil'atlon l\D.~L'tl"!\1 AO I~ ' l.IXF.8 All CluaJl1ed Adi mu8t be paid for Ca.h In ad\'aJlce of publlcat1011. Special N otlcn J Z-Bolldla1 8en'b9 Al Tyler.. ...ScbQQI !lilt ~o BmRdWI\'. Santa Ana Ph. Klni'btrly 2-4.226 or l<l i -3:11 1 trc China Painting Day and Evenmc Clu .u Ordtir. Taktn Now Phone U berty 8-1164.8 9~Uc 1Real Estate School in Santa Ana ME!'! .tr \\'O~tEN prepue ln epare tame tor unlimited tlpportunll!H In Rul Estate. l'\ew clas11u """tkly. Al Tyler 1:1s truc Ung At· tl'nfl tlr11l ev«>n1ni; trr e and ll'arn I ~~fi :~y;~~· ~·:~o:;· .. 1 161; :-:o. Brn&1lw&~'. S anta Ana Kl 7-3," l·Kl ~-3•69-KE 8·2~1:1 ttc PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction y Newport Harbor • . , . AflE \'OC' l~TERESTEO in play· Painting, Decorating lni; 1 l1tl<!llC<tl or pnpula r Orttan. B. P. 0 .. E. 1767 Paper Hanging Piano or Acconluin 7 Reglstra· J.feeti e very Thursday 8 p.m . GEO. BURKHARDT trnn11 b .. 111g 81'Cf'pttd dutlng the s11111nwr m11nths h.v 11 well knawn fll Oft'l>~IHOll) a rtl~t l t8dltr With t hi'& t111•11I and 1 c11inhng bao·k· g 1n1111tl. Childrt>n 11nil a1hrlts. Be• l:llln"U 11n1l 11olv1nr rd. Cl11u an<i pr1vR\" i..~"""~ An•1111h on Or· • ho·•l•H 1'1111 LI 8·36~•6 Vt w ratl' Via Oporto -Cl'nt ral Ave. LICENSED <;OJl..'TRAC.YJ'OR 11:,wport l:J;oach 878 W 18th St., ro~ta Me•a A lh«>tt H. Matthtwa, Exalt!'!! Huhir 1 ____ 1._r_be_r_t_v_8_-b_6_2 ___ _ 1J-8uildin15 St>nl~_! ___ ' I COMPLETE PArNT1NG & P:.iper Hanging Service F:t 'L:l-::'\F: 0 . SA t·~nEns * We ar• Interested in interviewing high-grade l'h Llbrr•~· 8·8•88 ~~ .. 69h men with experience in the Harbor area and WE HA VE 11n "'"'rflow from ,. ha~ __ Costa Mesa. I htluu in Lo"n '· huvy 11111)' . I hoff. ~ tt. $10. l'hrl•! ~ rn. kin11 11 If you are looking for a TV'rmanf'nl conn~t1on rhlllr. va rnsi.htd $2 M1 tillm· r-nl<>Ck SJ.M , 1i'olillng pokl'r tOblt in congenial aurroundinga .... if you would lilie SJ:i. Marl'l1n r11g. ~l'PI•'" Pxl '.! to be backed by an aggreasive, hard-hitting ad-I StO. a1h 1n 11ou.1 or t•xro>llf'nt \'ertiaing policy . . if you value the use of cond1t1on. HM :1319 6t.·0:1 complete maps and owners' recorda .... If you I ANTIQUES -01<1 tu~1tuie. 1·111 think you'd like t o be uacx:iated with one of the glass. hlmps. old ptcturl'a. cll•l·k~ • et1'. Bargains (alor~. BIR <118· C"HRO~lf: dtnf'llr "'l 1 l.ai Ii' ti.hh• lit t rha11 .. 1 S~P :11\ D l ':'\t'A!" f'HYl-'F. dining ttt ••• d1111r,•. m1thN-:1111y . . $84 tlO \\'AL~l"T ~rdr,,...nt _,., \'Hlltl l'. I la1g,. llllrTOI. d11•11t dr bf'<l Sl!l:iO :>10D!:R~ WR lnlll art, l'hH l . hfoc1, 1nn~rsp1 mg 11 n,1 box &J'rlllll' Louks Ilk" n .. ..,. $511 ~ SHAYER'S '-hale Co. tl!llnee 1107) t :!l·H !i .:\', S \'C&mON'. 811111.a A.I\& Phone l<ll'Oi,.rty t ·Oe72. HAMM():-;p ORGA~. 8pln•t mod.. Sh ithtl\• u.ed. Good aamr oa thl• A 1110 Hammond Ctl«d Or• i;an F.a.y to play OA~Z·SCHt.HDT. ~20 No. Main. 81\ntlt Anll. .j APT SIZF: ~Ofl\JI Si lo Sl 6 <.:O~N TR LIMPET S~; O lllt.ar "10\ beat thought of and oldest namee in the Harbor rou~t• to 1lealm1. Charlie Dans, area ... and, it you are a worker, t hen I 180~ E. Anaheim St., Loni; would like to talk to you. Beach. 6~0-l39 291:, Gordon St"verts. I Lt KE l'\EW, DRAPF:Ru.:g-:-;"1hni: N1•ar Nu Furniture Mart r11·k op .. am pllfltr ·~· ---Llberty 8-~24~. llcM Greenleaf-Severts Realty 3112 Newport Bl., Npt. Bch. Har. 2552 (ev~a. LI 8-3186) * 2:'l years in the aame location., ~Help Wanted --.Seip Waated WA:'\T collt>&e boy for part Ume help. Clrc:ulatlon Dept., Newport Harhor l'\ew11-Pre111. Mu11l have ca r. Phone Mr. Parry. Har. UJ16. 10'12 a.m. 62p64 \VAl'\T woman tor general hOUH· work frve 11 days per week P hone H arbor 1968. 62t"fH L..AUNI:>RESS wanted, ca pable. by ho\Jr. Rl'fuencu required. CaU June H or afltr. Har. 3488 62c~ Secretary S ub<1lvl11on cooetructlon 35 hr. week Shortha.no1 re q u I r e.d. , Heavy dlrt11 llon, Muat have c&r. Salary $240 mo. ti) •tart. STANDARD STATIONS Hu opening for Station Saleamen Afet 18 -•O Orange County 5-Day-40-Hour Week H igh atartlng pay Exct lltnt Bendite Good opportunit)' for Advancrm ent Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Cout Highway Corona dtl Mar Chapman and Spadra Fullerton 8:30 t o 9 :30 a.m . Monday A Thursday •, 6:1<:69 to floor cl aomt reg11l11r lt'ui.;th 211 \'la J urar. l.l<lo li;lf' 1111 r 2 19 Newport Blvd. Npt B<'b 6ar 120 Bass Accordion 4047·J 63c :.! :'>IAT('Hl='G ruu & Jl11d1' Hli.16 & 5, 7 \ .,,..., •' h1u'ki: "'""'I $6~• h ill h••n clr11p ll'llf 11'bl<' 11mt 2 rh~1ra SIO. (fl°ol bPtl Wlllt J:""° "'"" 1<pr1ni:s & m11 Lt nos11 $:1!'1, :i 11r111•·••r, hf»t "'Uh m1rr .. r 1:10. h,.:ht hl11.. bNl d>l\'t nr"FI $.\II H11r :1:n:1 62 .. s• Orig111al Mod<'ls COC KTAIL DRES!"ES, 8tllU , I Jlll! drea11u It fom 1&ls. S1z.u I l·IR Some ~EW-A LL perfect f'pl\tl A l.SO ' length mo-\,.rn J\\~ l!' Chrna min k 1 0111 Si'll b1 I• w C08l Wrllfl Box A-89, thr~ nt>" 1c- p&pn . 601 rr S1'1' I !I I l I 'Qt'\ 'H With Sf'I Inga f1)r full olntlhl.-bl'•I s~u • R1•\'.!1' I lnlh· 1111: 10-1':1. I.Ex 6·~61'111 . c!\!p6.l Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Llberty 8-2231 66p72 Ml ~SHA LI. ORC Af' Uaed hut f int' Blon1I r 111<t' Our low pn l'• $6\1:>. t'nn1<on111a nr~lln. T wo 11111011111. Almn11l 1111" n~w. Sav• S8t1tl DA!';Z·SC'llMl£'1T, ~'.Ml l'\o, )!&In, Sant& A n<i GUN l''OR SALE -Pllrkl'r tlhl<'. barrel. 16 ga. shot J:Jn. Ex.:l'l· lent condillon. C&ll eves. Harbor 20~·WK. 47tfc St.IGllTl.Y l 'SEO llOl'd C'Onol ,.r,.. U)VJo:l.Y ~ISGLE m anu1'1 ehil'I· 11 .. n11l dkl't'llflllrt. mat<'hlnir .. 11(. f•'I' lllhlo" Wt 011,l(hl lrt>n I VJ'I' • s~··o rnlue C•lt>ll f.1r $12:'1. H11r SO·B-Ap_pllan~ 2201 62(64 --Clearance Sale LC fll'.:\'l'A:'\ PHYFE m &h01(8n\' r11n11• o rj?\•n l.1111' lll'W. Save S211<J l '11n\'f'lllt'l1( t\•1·11111 at SHA F'F:n ·s :'>lu.~11· l°\• I S1nr e J9(\i I '421-42:1 N Sy1·s m .,,....: SIUlta Ana Phtinl' Klmbtrly 2·\1672. \"ESTINGHO''SE rrrg JO •u c11nin1r l'tl, lnrl 62 ' buff1•1, II '' '"' • rl' 1 • $!2.~ SPl:-;1-;r l'IANOS R .. nlll! ,.tum• tt. Clean $11!1 ~.o rh111r~ , , .. GlliSON rd .. mnrl, -; 1•11. ft $S!1 :.Cl !llF.\\' G F: l.ll~hWA!!hl'r. nrw>r hkt ni•w etr \'uu wall alw11y• SERVEL r~fr!i; 6 ru fl. HUllh 11,,. .. 1 ) s2uo J1n1I \\'11n•lrrl11ul 1111v1nr• In t hla well $':'~ ~>{) c~1-:1•Uf:!l>[)\X 11111,1 ""~hrng "'" ''"Pl ~l .. ny n111kt>• and mod"'-· HOTPOINT t ll'<' r11ni:e. hilt mnd I • •~1n,. ius t 11M·v1° t •I $7!\ Mn inr type !'!plnf'I mahOl'nY 39" SIW Ml HllTl'(llXT ro•rr11:. 11 ft Sl'•O f 1n111l11 $2117. An,,lhtr In marl• GAFF"ERS &: SATTLER rnni;e :IS" I \\'Al,!'\l"I' 1<1'<'r,.t;i1~» 111uk1• 11tti>r tant>1t1 J:l!l~. Jl167 Al A I It l 8 ~~:u OA .:\'7.-SC'H!\llDT, ~20 No. Main.. C ream cnlor, li{t1Q1t !'nn<I. s:19 ~in · i~n ,.~ • · lt'f' Y .. •• i'ftnt" Ana CARPENTRY MINOR RF.PAIR WORK !>Oil Jls t ~ttt'f'I, ;-.:,.\\'['Oil BPllth Hlll IY•r 21H6 l)f H1t r 4-1411 Lfo Rnx ~··!JI , tJ11" n""'"l'8 Jlt'r. 62p67 THE HALE CO. LEhlf h 9·21~8 62c64 WANT real ulllle a&IPaman or broktr --famll111r wllh Harbor area. T op <:ommlulon . PROSPERITY rM ge, tnp 1 "\"r flltf1 gr1<1rl ll' 36" ~ $Ml.!'lll (;JU:~::-; 3 po· 1'«'<'ll"lllil '111\'Pn· See Baldwin . Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH P IANO CO. NO JOR TOU S~IALL I H n An<'f'r~on l•ll 4 I':. Balb<m fl1\'1f, R11lhnll Ha rb<_,-'H ")O l':ll tl' t A ~PHALT TILE LINOLEL.~f -2~1i\iluations \\'antt>d ----------WM. "PETE" PANGLE rt{:\( I LIR \\I IRK, 111snn i;:. plOW· 111.,l•ll th" 11hovl' rhr:>11>r th Ill rr;:: &. mo\\ ins: mo,.1 Al~" !"'II T ai• It Linnl•'llnl Llhrrt\• 11·171\d ·Lr 11·2 :!7. lilp6i House Plans I ~11n-11n101 11 2:i "'"" P.<(f"'ll"n'" lttA."\l;-\1\!i:-:I:-:;; In m0"m-;: < 11n1pll rr 11n•I "<'" I -· ., h ~ . 3~1; RI I.I~ «OKF:R Hll 1 4~:!11 ol l."n ";" P' r hr "'.1111: a111:t•1 ~ •. ,, -i:h \\PSI \\ii .nn C Mia M1•t1A. A~p6:') Lt RF.RT\' 8-621>1 IOtfc PAI NTING RoJtrh ; ... \~•7:1 Qlr ;I ~---~~--~~~~~! CDt Er--=T & RL'lLDI~G A II l\1n•t~ F'H F:F; ESTIMATE~ Liberty 8-6109 GARDENING ~J111nli>n11nrl'. ya r<I 1'lr11n rng &nrt h~ht h11111in1t l<lmherly 3-302~ .i .. ys .,r 11111 hnr 3034 f'vtnrng11 & \\ Pl'k l'Orl~ 5Jlp72 P:unting & Pnr l'r Hanging I ''Tshye mBepstsAotonne&y CNa noRI 1~'r'' "" 2fllt RARY l'llTF:ll :'>l<t•lc•· Jnhnll"n, I-------------• f'1Prr" "rt Apt ;1.:1111 E R11y ~1'.I :iHth ~I .-.:.,wport Rl'lll'h ' J\•-. , H,.r 07'1~>-J 62p6i 1'111>:\'1-; II \IHl!!H ZliJ•I trt & Remodeling General Repairs \\ '" ... wom11n \\·;trl~ tl.t\' v•ork :,ton , Ttw~ .• F 11 Own °tr11M. l l!11 h<lr l !lil-R . 6:.?r6• Ga rdtn Grove WANT r"llllbll' man tor ynr round l?"ntr11l wo1•k at Sport flllhing la n1hn1t. Harbor :'17. 62<'&4 WANT WAIT RE.$S. t"ockt1ll, n - f'Hif'l1cP, young. day w.,rk. - Apply at Hl':~RY'S 1tftf'f 6 pm. 2~30 Cout Hwy., Nl'wporl Bch. 62c64 ATl'ENTlON Al,!. BOYS - THE N EWS-PRESS 111 now l&klng " or.'ler "pphca t!on11 for rout"• rn I h~u neaghborhe>Od• - Balboa, Wot Newport B11Jboa h , Nf'wp<>rt Hei~hts. Corona del M11r and Cn•ta Mua. It yo1~ 11.rt 12·14 yn. 01!1, a nd have a btcyrle. apply a t the C1rcula- tlnn Dtpt., Newport Harbor New•-Preu. 2211 Balboa Blvd . Newport Beach, betwf'tn 10·12 e m. or 4-~ p.m. only. tfc H'ouston Realty ~09 CrntPr St .. Costa Meaa LI 8-6911 or LI 8·778i 6 ltfc GLADIOLAS, CUT FLOWERS·' 50r BUNCH l 7M Orange A ve Cotta Mua. Hp1~h YOUR valuable Oriental n.iga re· paired. Apprat•I and u ttmate, no obligation. ~ SCATTER SIZE Ptralan ruge. very 1ped al $31 each. P USHMAN'S, 27~3 E. CoHl Hwy. Cor ona df\ Mar. Har. 1242. 62c64 LAUNOERALL autn. wa~h .. r. run~ 1,,,11, "'"" 2 fir "''"" ~,.r111111111 Wt'll $~•II.Ml I ""V"l'IJ"'l 1 In •'l!l'o'llPnl rnnf) BENUIX a utoma tic rt'con•I L111<· K""~"nRbl\• rr1, ,,,, modtl $7!l :'>O i .o A\'11• R•lll, l'nronit •lrl M11r l!:ASY Spin olnf'r, It"'"' r11nn11111. H ai)l,11 f\1''2 • 11:1• ll:> 1318 CO&At Blvd., Corona cSeJ Md t·onl1111on $.,!1 -.o ITh11den lnterlor Bldf.) MONT. WARI> rl'f, vrry "''" 6 1 Har. 3382 M ti. cu. ft sM rio Mesa Woodcraft v AC' U M (')P11 nerll·"t'\'«'NI $ H ~·o • ur. En rythtni: c;uarenll'f'rt r r"" D«-11\'f'rY STR00T'S Hrlwl'. H11uc~w11r"io 1802 NtWJll•rl Bl\•rl. t'01<t1t M1••11 Llhl'rt y 8-~4 2il 1\1• s:1 1 'nr .untrt1 & J 1rvf'nH" F't1rnl111r" I.I:" 1 "l'hlllOI: f'lllln l'hRl rs -$:111!\ 11.tw f'lll"VP<I )l:.rk hlH 11! l')(ll:o $11 f1' lt1IW ("Apt. ci111 11 ~ $1:1 llO :>tlnwRX 11nrl Dt•rt flnl~h··11 c •1ol,.1io tak"n for 11h1Jlt«>r.s 21:!1 Hutw>r. l"1 M Ubtrty 8-tf\4~ SERVEL retrl~. V"ry rP1111ron11hl,. rrtf Cnod conl11t1"n 1 !l3~ l-'Ullt>r111n. Co&ta .Ml'88 1.1 8-lH ll 62c64 SERVEL r~rr•g. &: 1.:8 ... lltll\'f'. 1:1.>011 Mndlllon. 13!\ T<'pllz, 8111 l~l;\11<1. Ste S..L It Sun. ft2r6:1 32-A-AnthJ.UMI ANTIQUES MARRl.E TOP T ABLE. ol<t wood 11 1 m rh111r. l';l'l ~f:T 'f"r«>nrh Prnvlnclal. mapl•, 2 yr 0 111 \"o&t SlloO, llka new, J l!l:'I, HYstt 4·211i4 etpel Special Buy BEAU. hlnm1e Kimball 8plli•' p111nri. Rtntal return. Save l l&O. C'onvemtnt tf'nn• at - SHAFERS Mulllc Co. (Slnca ltoT) i2l-423 N. S ycamor ... Santa An& Phone Klmherly 3-0672. P a111l 111~ & I ':l f'l•rhang1ng \\le do t he wo rk ourseh·es. --TOP SOJL -FREE for haullnjr R .. pRfrlll B.,,1r R ep&lr. WANT a m others httper. Do light 11.way. 43• Dahlia. Coron• dPI FRlGIDA IRE rt Ct 1i:er11tor -KPn- m or,. delux" waM11ng m 11rh111p n«-11rly n~w 0 1"\roit Jew,.I l'l"\'P Gflolf 1 onrl1 t1un A II :I l"'I' $22"\. 4004 RIVf'r A\'f', ;'o;t>w('Ort B1 h H11rb0r 11H ·R 6:?p6~ T r tvPIS -81 11~~ -P t"wtrr \nndl•·~tH'kll, c·11ndy Dish,.~. GRA:-IO PIANOS. Many Lo ~OOH frnm , KJlat>.. M.a.eon 6: Ka.mlln, StuyvHa.nt, Cabl•. Eatra spec• lal. Story • Clark f?'lllld, rood condition 1391i. Another eJ*:lal. Reaut!f11l StuynKnl. fln• •hape, $.'i8S, Al80 &"1Jrgaou. Knall. f9711. S av11 on many othfra. A.'TOR'S RPpa1r hou~kreptnK Day or bo1rt1 1n. Mar. 621'64 ~<'n·ice Retrrtncn . Har. 3603-J . 62c64 :Ill \ • Ill ' l'X J'•'l IPnr f' J.1rrn•ro) IJt In• JIO'IJ rJil~lt•flnl: rJl'o f'l\11'1(11'11'! 111101 DALE'S Furniture !-;,.tl•l lH :a• n 1:1111111111,,.11 f'"I tr h&ns:ini: Sm11ll "' lar i:I' E l't 11111\lf'ri ft ,... <'1111 .l .. h nllll', 'nmrlPl~ J11h~ Ll X·~fi1'i & LI 8-52 9 ltfc S OTHISr: Do\\'~ 11n•I :!fl mu~ t o -• -f''"" 1':11t L•r. Crontrn ctor. H 11r. General Contractor ~lirll-J fl2•tr I lr 'E'\":-<EP Nr w \\'ork -Rl'modelmg J Mil.TON ~tc+~ENZJF: Harb11r 31 '.?'.?-H PAINTING VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY fH"~ ;\'t.\\' n1 II h1n~ r ro•, ... "'' 'h· tH1 f!• ·•""' n.th .. 1 rt• r• ,\\'I A).:" :! IAJ'" 11 .. I 11111 1~1 hl.n•I A Iteration• Rf'mnt'l«'llng 62pi~h 1·n1,1 1R f;l> \\n M..\:'\ wan u hous,.. ""' k h\' I h.-1111 \ f:'lp~nl'rwed Own t' '"'~rnr\llt iun. Retvrenl'PI. t'hon" 1•'1 .1-!);t83. 61 p63 LIC"r'.~Sf:P r'<p"nrnrt'•I 11k 1ppu ;o 1 01:111 hli> fnr I" f\'111 P nr rhH rter 1; • .,,.,. J'h.1nr H11r t 12!1·\\' Bltt'I 6 r m rnrt tlmr or p«'rm 11nent. 61p63 I :"'I ~:H 11 lit -F~TF.R T< >n t.H "::->:-:"I• -1 -..:~t-R'El i Glen n J ohnston Only ~1.00 Bl11•·t~ 1•·1•;11 ... 1 .111 1•t111rlt 1------------- "''" 1·1. t< "" •11 .1 ,,, : ,, I\ PRACTICAL NliRSING or ~01 • :1 t,l !'l :"\r\\1••11 l )(, "rh I \\ ,,, k •t"n• I•\' lj rn1•1•t11••rll I ('C\m pa mon position rlesired - --_, .11 hnr :11 "' ~~t ic f y re· tne( woman. REAL ESTATE BROKER. Must bf. expertl'nC"d and c11pa bl• of t11klnt; full ch11rr• l)f wl'll loc&t· et! NeWJ>Ort ofnre Write quall- tlcallm a Bo111 D-92, lhl• p11per • 62c64 STENOGRAPHER GOOD AT DICTATlON Expt>rt· f'nce In contractor'• oftict pre· ferred. Call Ll 8-llMI fl)r a ppt. Ei:!C64 BOAT BUILDERS wanted, year round work. Good Wages MESA Boat & Hdwe. 220 26th St., Npt. Bch. 63cM . , , -~ , ! '''"'"'~ 1 ... ih.•1 1\ " •• ,,.,, b r· t o.r l<l11 l11•ilv :l-'12il rpt I' I 1:o< C'(ISTA ~IF.S A i•r h1>11rh :\r"ll Microfilming "='-'('_N_.,_n_a_1_s ___ -___ ~1,~.~l ~:',:·:;.::t~::~. c.;.,,.d dnv:r emu -IT's A P11n;o.;1-: 111111 ning or t·v~mn(;. Alcohul.JLs Anunymoua 1.~lnrhrrly :,.311 1. 6tp63 GIRL'S WORLD! BF. !'lA FF:, 1<11\'I' "f'lll"• Th" rnn.tl'rn ""'v t" s11(••i:11111rt v1111r rrr<•rrl~ l'.\Li. KF:,\~t .. ne : •• i~.~·3 nr K F: ~\~01 4:. oR,\~l:i-: nw:-:TY • M ll'HllFIL~ll :-:1; ~EH\"IC"'F: 1712 A n11h!'lnJ·Oll\'!' Rd. An1<h .. 1m '.• l dl:lh CARPEN TER Repair \Vork Ooea Y.:>111 H.:ime :-.:r·M R«>raJn ng or Ri!mndelrng? Ca n F'r ank. LJberty 8-69M All \\'nrk Gu11rantu'1 ':'~tfc FOR RENT Skill S11ws, Ele" flrill11, T'otu.htra. all type• of Snn<l<'r!'l, \\'heelbM· rows, etc BOYD'S HD\VE. 26:10 \\'. COAST Hlti1'WA \' Liberty 8·343..,, Newparl Bch 28tfc Painting M \\", Rr)S:' F ree F'.11t1ma t1·11 F11ll v l niiu· •••I I.I 30 Y "" '"' F:>qwn•'n•"' -:i:l21 & Hu . 311 9-M ~6rAllh ------------ Elec. Tool Repair Sktl S11w1. l l111ls Sandeu Ql'ICK SER\"IO: LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. •~•El :-:o. Newport 8 1vrt , Nrt. Br h, Llbf'rt y 8-8383. •Hto PAINTING PAPER HANt;l.:\'G Rt-l!ltlenUel Ir n 1n1merc111I Work Ucl'n~ l'•'nt r11.etor1 C11ll Leiun~ton 6· •946 collect: Hunllnglon Bt•d• :,Qpp6\)h H.H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Write P. O. Bos ~81 r-;,.wport Beat h, C'ithr. Phone Harbor 4 711~ tto 1-:r11TOR \\ Mlt>r -11 va1l11hlt> f,.r J'• ''"ni;t Rll~ll:'nm<>ntl'. H111. I :n11 •lay1t1111• 62pM I ~Hl'auh· Aills --------·--. ------- Superfluous Hair Perma nrnlly r,•mo''~d t rom tnre 11rme. legs. Eyebro"s a ne najr line 11h8prd-N u murf' twetzir.g. ELLE:'-1 I... UR\'A~T R. E. Lrdo'i Sitlon l)t Br11uty Har. 2tl76 .• Uc 22-1..oi.t ancl •·ound --------------~~~ J ,()~T ~1.1lno>•" •'Ill f»Jllll lP fl•" w111i! F H. ('11,,.-1111111 Lll11•1 I\' fl· I !11.0 .;1 1 1~3 F'• 11 ·-.:p I :i , ~ hi 1 ~ 11 .. , .. 1.-.1 1 "4hfU•·I.. <\\ 1•1t• pr :\t1~ ~1at 11" B.o!IMIA >•llfll•I I I I\\'"'' r11~·· t111 1111 • 112..ti;l MA}; & \\"OMA}; Wiii do gentr&l htiusewnrk. flo11r \\'IUnnir. win- dow cleen1ng. FM t worllerw. white. llH F:. 20th i t., Coata ~lt'3ll.. LI 8-2683. pptf Y ,\CHT ::$KIPPER, experienced. u n I r m I t "d m u tPr's llcense, pnwn. Rrf,.renc"•· \\'nlto Box F:-!13 lhrs p11rer 62p64 Roy's Maintenance Howie cle1U1tng-Floor waxinr W1111 wn11hmi::-wlnJow clearamr VrnPtlan blln1111. l'phoh1tery Tn11ured. F'rre Est1m11tu Liberty ll·l 3~2. ltto Experienc'd gardener LAND SCA PING and CLEAN UPS Lfberty 8-1659 SOttc YACHT SKIPPER F C LLY QU ALIF'IF.:D A nperif'nc-"'1· t.tt'Pn s,.11 M1111tr r 8torn end M1Hor. Any tonn•ttll. Any ncu..n 11bl• • "'''" t ••llt"\ •"I '• • 111 I hf' Ex~rlenrt>d In Ill.II. Loca l re- 1 rio1.t,.nrt i'f M 1 s ~l • 1 • .. nnPll 2:,.; I terenreio f11rnu1hrd. J, S COLE. 1'11rll' 1•11,·r Xt\\rlln llt•i«h ~101, \\·. Bsy A ve, Balbo11 T h111 p111 ty a n.I h o•r ln~ll1 t111lt 1 69p72 •··•m r11ny 11r" \ullm.: 111 11~g11t- , , ... f"I lh1>1r rPt11rJ1 C'8ll I.I WfLL 00 IROl'\IXG tn mv home. l\-'o 119 .. r :>Ir R1 i,.,, l""•ng "'ll•h Expu1PnCf''1, 85c hr. s011 Con· f>11111l "r 1ftl'I ti 1' m L R gteN St, Cotlta Ml'M. U 8-6108. s 111122 1111y h11lll' nf l11w or n 11i ht 60p62 A ll t•1•mr11111111 Al Ions ront:1ien t1Al 2-1--St'hools, Instruction BONNIE BRAE Pre-school 6!1<' ALL AROtil"D MECHANIC-want.A 11teridy JOb White. reha ble - Hu chauffeur llcen11t. Reterenc· .... L. J. Bfilnle, Ba~ Vlrtonll. l.'o&l & M Plll, 60p62 PAINTER WAXTS \\'ORK. l~ ytara nptrl• Ml'SIC ARTS & CRAF"'l'S Tran•· enrl'. :"on union. Houri.)". J)(•rtllllt>n 1:11 ~ 8&11ta An• Av.... Ll~rtv 8-2722 W 8•621.~. :Hc66 I _ . -F'1lr a de~ndllble Ul l'•I car, lt'e i&--Btle \\'anted ~·<'11r Jo,aJ iJtaJer "ho will w htrt - pp63 And you'll agree whrn you hear of the m11ny Job opporlunlUea tor quah fled youn~ women In our buolnna today. OPENINGS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS A pply-Monday through Friday ~H 1.., :'l:o:""Marn St. 11·00 t o 4:00 p.m . Room 211, Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22lfc CAB ORlVERS WANTED - Apply Yellow C&b. r o. 31 37 W . Cou t Hwy. Newport Bf'llch 6 2c84 G fRL for 1111mmer time employ- mtnt, ottlce w ork. Apply In per· eon, 4 30 to 6 p.m . Don BWlh comm11rcinl photoirr..>pher, 413- 29th., .Newport Bea.ch, 62c63 WAITRESS 6 .COOKS Local and out of town jobs. Bayvtew Em- !lloymtnt Agenry. 21127 W. Cout H1ghw&y. Newp•irt Be11ch . 62c64 WA ;'o;T glrl or college 1tudent lo help In 1ma ll grocery ~ton. 4-10 p,m. 6 dlly• wk. and a ll.m .-4 p.m. Sunde.ye. THE DELL MARKET. Corner 19th It P la ren tua., Co5ta Men ~6tft WIUll experienced white wom11n u hoUMkeept>r-coo'k. AHl1t mot.)1- er, 2 11chool ace chllt1rtn. No heavy clunlng. Live 1n. Refer· .. ~u req. Har. H 88. 60tJc MACHINIST First Class Only Mill. engine A turret operaton1. Make own ••t·UP-Unlt111 q uall· fled, do not apply. We nted GOOP aludy help ORlSMER E!l1GL1';fi:llRJNO CO. 1i2i -2W Supenor A••·· C<*t& MM&. C&llf. 62$ ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. ~ocktall, dN'HH 6: Coordln&tea. dinner O'K EF:FE At M f:RRITT 1 rrni:. 33-Bo_ats, SUPP!~ l'Xtra l1trj!f'. with Rto r11 1:1• 11n1t ---- DANZ-SCHMIDT Bir Ptulo llore S IUlta Ana, 1120 No. M•ln. Alwaya 100 piano-. Custom Dressmaking Ph. Harbor &288-R. M P.69 1000 EMBOSSED bu11neu card11 13.99 a Line Ru bber Sta.mp Sl.00 ' Line Rubber Sta.mp with cut 12.00 (884 cute) Book Matchu L. W. WHITE Lrberty 8-4011 , evu, LI 1-:11!5-0 pptlc Fresh Hearing Aid BA'M'ERIES We Gin 8.lH Green Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Maln St a t Balboa BlYd., Ba.Ibo& Harbor -611'>. Htfc Movie Proiectors J'OR RENT I-KM 16-MM 15-MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES ALSO Get&er Counten1 tor rent. Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd .. Coit& Mu& Phon• Liberty 8-7042. Pr U SZ--Funllture for Sale $3.'). Harbor 4 l!ll ·J. ll:lrli~ Washing Machine ~ER VICE l -year guarantee l)n Jobs rtnne and on Wied wuhent 2~88 '• f rear I Newport Bl~ C03ta ~I esa Liberty 8-4503 or Llbertf 8·4327. 64tfc Used Automatics . S39 .50 to S99 .50 Dellvertt! ln&l31led, ~llrantPrd. Terma A vall11ble We Service All Appliances SpeciaJizjng in Automatics Auto. Washer Enter prises 2648 Ne\O.'}lOrt Blvd . C'Oll\A M .-AA Llt>.rty 8·1808 1 ~ear Gol! COUT.<el I (['p St-Wanted to Boy ----W4N T TO B UY--u_,..,d h1jrh t.hllir anrt cnb. AJ110 n\h!'r Ullt.>'1 furn Phone H&rbor t'.1:192 62tfl4 DALE'S FURNITURE 16 ga. aingle Winchester 11hot gun ..... .... . $.17.50 12 ga. Fox double shot gun .......................... ~ S47.50 30-06 Springfield rifle ... .. .. .. . ..... S50.00 SMALL ELECTRIC Kiln for firing china .... S22.50 Power Lawn Mower .................................. $27.50 3 Speed Record Player ......................... ·····-· S34.;i0 Chrome dinette set, Crey 5-pc. . . .. .. . .. S34.:10 Modfrn chaiee lounge t~e chair, like new .. $34.50 . APPLIANCES Apt. size gas rangea ........................ -· . . . S29.50 up- A .,t. t1ize Servel refrigerator ............ -.... S29.50 urr 18 cu. ft. upright d~p freezer ...... -.......... $195.00 REFRIGERATORS 1952 model 'Frigidaire, 7 cu. ft ......... -.... . $139 50 8 cu. fl. left hand door Frigidaire ............. $13!'1.50 ' Apt. 11i%e Hotpoint or Coldapot ................ . ... S99.50 1874 Harbor Blvd, Costa ~lesa EXECUTIVE dNk, w&Jnut. H O., po•ture chair $2~ .. only l yr. old . 2912 W. co .. t Highway. Phone LI 1·6071 or Har. ~77. 1'>6Uc H ELP u s OUT! Too mlKh rumr- ture for new home. Antique m a· hl>l(11ny 1ldpboard S7b: mahorany c~a.r chut 13~; chrome dlnelt• M t 120: Wf'd(eWood tabl• lop ranr• U~; bl&11Jctta. lamJHI. •ltt· t ric heaW , t tc. AU In f ood cond. 101 Vla Ntce, U do llle. 82c&4 REDWOOD p&llo furn , lhllrllr J love •eat•. mPtal tahl<> 11n1I 4 chalra. Al.BO 1•h1Hr<1al hr11z1,.r 16 fl. old tnwn ~k1H with tr;en· eom ettrn. Ph. Har 2751 61l(c M.AHOC-A.NY BEL>. drtll!ll'r. mir· ror, boll: spring• Ir m11 t trr.'W! I ".tl AlllQ t leclric hrat"r S I~ -106 f't m lea.t, CD M. H&rbor 2&.i~-J 62p61 ~~~~----~--~- TRADE Bf'<"\ul 1(111 711-fl. aux. achooner. l-'11lly '""nd. KO 11nywherr. \VIII t.1k1• NJU1ly In rroprrty or 11mal· l"r h11al. 1220 W . B&lboa. Blvd., !\;fv. ptil L H.1r. 3U32 39trc 30 FT 1'A01:-: t 'Rl'IS ER. 1lP"P' • I; <II")'. h .. 1111. hitll t11nk. f:hrp l• • ~h· •I e. f'llll l'O\'o•r.o. S•I 2Ml l 'h 11111 . 4 1 ~~ •. \\' 6flr6f1 Pomeranian Pups AK<", champion at atud. 713~ w ..... UTllnster Ave., WeatmJn• 11tPr, Ph. Wetttmln•l•r l-W6. 60c6311 DARLING KITTENS FR.Ell lo 1d. homu . Ubtrly 8-~71'111. t2cH -J k f S IAMESE KITTE!"8 -Perltrt :!") h I' ._ •>hn.,o:l, t11n . rnnl rnn· l r 1~ YI 'o•R 1 u lil p.,rf.,rl r .. nt1 $.;,,~. 1·1111 Hnr 4!1f1f1 llldi3 C:JIJO':-<LER MR11nc rnl(lnP, 41, to J r ... 1111 t run ,:r:i r. Rt-:r 1<11 :r:1tA T•JH 110 volt 0 (" SEJ-; .I A<."K HJ\Hl'ER s t J.1110 :-hlJ•)'lllll. Plld 11( 3llll .!;1tfo1•I, !Ohnw poln l.I, vtry Ufecllonat•. Hou,.e-broken, 110. H O .. ,,m •• B11tb1111, H11rbnr 1212.·W. 63c" F A \\'!\: nox&a PUP-uo 11114 12& l"o paptr'I. Ph. Uberty 1-2722 63cM .:\'1•wp,,rt B .. 1H'h. :!l•t!c 3~Aut08 Wanted ' ---------------C llH IS 1·1~AFT ·~6 ll rnb1n • n11»1·r WANT TO BUY ll"\\' rR h" RIVI o•nl:lr.f' :'>la11~ ,.,111 .. , \\'11l l1.11lr , .. , Curnn •• olol Good clean used cars. ~lur p·•·r"'ll)' t•r T 0 . J•t:, llor. :.:rn1. \\'. s:111" S:\ll 1J.: :-\u. !tlt~I ln e~t ,.l1•1nt 11•0· •h!lllll l:Soal lf/\'Pr '"II~ 11n1l l•1 .. I· "T 11wntt l"1t\'lnj; .. W iit IHkf' j,. •t 11ff• I Jl;ir :.112 1!,,1~. 11111 -~.:1111 It ,.,~, " / l\~l~ !'.'All. 11111\1 7~bt••lll ~ 111, • • nttil"•••fll, r urldn , t'ltt O'I· lo nt r .. , b••J!lllllPI" s·.u 4118 Fern· 11>.1! I' fl . .\1 fl,11 '..!81'>-J. 112pfi4 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent Ar111'111 11n IA'l>:IN1 :.!J;,.1'111\ St Mr·1•tmgs 2nd· •lth \Ved. 8 p.m 1 ·1t1 r 3-1-)IU!<iclll, R~i.o, & l ~ \\'A ~TF:!I r,u l 'SEIJ P!A ~IJS !•1r 10011 1111-; l•'lltlll <I• pl. ll l~h,.~t flo~h 111» \\'l1n• •· 111 II ,.,,. fur 1>ri.:.1n, ~r•n• t 1 11n • tir r:ri.n I 01\',z S('H~lll >T. :.211 :"ro S..rltn '' na ::iM A I.I. r:!-;Tt . Y 11pnght ~briny flr.,,h $21'1>. ;$117 l 'rr11 ti; RuR•I - WllA~ PAY T OP PRICE. Wiil ~· 1<1i;n \••"· Why worry a bout .. n. 1ni.t y•11ar tar! R,.e 111 EA l!I. r:on DR UM Mntoni, 1945 H111h11r Blvd, ("Qala Me11&. 6:1tfo 40-A utott and Trucka NEW BUIC.KS i'o:ew 11nrl U:wd -GM.AC Ttnno 21111 :-:twpr>rl Blvd. Z-:ewport Bob. TERRY'S BUICK 11.1M SI':" VAi.LEY M'l:RCUJ\Y, s ll p11w"r equ1pntrnt. terme. Call own .. r. L.l 8-3663 or LI H223. M U• ~4 FU RO r anrh W•KOll P'ordC>t ma lt•, und .. 1,.ra l. R&H. Gr.ea 2 tron.,. 6 ply ltrl'it. 1..nw mil.al .. Sl8Pr• Owrt~r. 430 Avocado, Co- r••lllO. 11•·1 M:tr. llllr. (>t02.. 83cfll J AG l 'AFl :.4 M11rl< VU "'1an. wM. with ro-11 le•lh1>r, autom•llo lren11m1s.~11.n Pl'rf,r t cond., lollll' mlll'HI:'"· ollglnAl owner. Harbor R472 83c7~ I.I i;..1)1113. 6216i •,4 JAf:l'AR XK12flM modlnf'd ------------conv. hk• n•w. p•1wdtr blUf', Another Special! Whit• .. ,1 .. 11 ''11 '1•nr rac•d. lnw mrll'sgr. cirtf lnlll own.r. HU HA~!Mn::-:11 SJ•lllf>I "rJrM. In frnt !'1472. t 3ci t\ 111nd1r • •n Big 1t1t\1ng1<, rnn''"ll· __ '' nl •~rm~ Al -~H A~r:H,_:"i ~l.ll•h C-o ·~111fl• l l1lli'1 ,XK 120M '54 Jaguar ~~l-1-.!!l . S~r11~1111':: ~•nla Ana ltllAl,STt:H 1-'llllr equlpt. Many I h• nl' Klnoh<'ll\' 2 llfi.2 ,.~1 ,~,. 1_,.,.,, mil~~" 111 V;a Orrwi.:e 1 •11 ·v s l11r i.:•·•l ,., I• 1• Ion r 1 J lal H ,,_,_ ••70 u >IJ' n, ,.,, n r. ar,,,.,., .. ., ·n . 1 of f1l ""'~"n/I •2c6• (;l\A 'I 1 l'IA~!J, .. -..11 .. nt ~vn•I i•riq1r. p1u l\ tt11r o:16 1-~,,tfi:ij 'Sl Buick 4 dr. $995 ---h -111·'' f,•11.'l'r -\'l'ry clelLll S~ f'f:R .\l t1 rtrt1 K'"'•d p1 &1 l10 P 2 1111 :-; .. wJY!ll lilvd , S•wport 8th.. 1·1•n., A.I t • 1111 1• n· all••"'"'' 1f TERRY'S BUICK )OU bll)', C.•1"<1 IJ•,.tl ffllt1 o<~ I K n<11 Siii/, $1 :1\ SIJ 7 $1'11J 31111 up L8~\· !Pt)!. Rtplllr Serv1« M&l.ntalned Phone: Ht.rbor •624 1801 SaJoo• Blvd., Newport 8 r11r h p6p TO:'>IORRO\\ to b11rl< up what ht l..ADY \\.ITJ{ C'AR for Ntv."J)Otl ,..-.Ila TULlA \' ' ~ ·111•1•k t ht oa~d Hl'lghll aal1 CnstA Meaa.. Excel· r11 r~ ln lhe clutt!ltJ ee\..Uon tl>-1 lent Avon work. P h. Kl 3.9391 -call Ha.rbor lflt &o BICAtr rtruL 9xl) rue. never plMe )OClr UMd. ~heap. Pbolle Hu. 6923·J. ROCK M.APLE drop le&! J ln1ng table ti2"ll:fl3" open l. \'f'l"Y rood condition, 130. •34 Dahlia. Co· roll& diel MN. Hartxi. t 019· R DA "Z-SC'H~HfJT 0 1g P tt.nn 1lll1t Blll\tA Alla, ~20 No. Mam. •1 F UP.l.J 11.n'JHUhl~. C:a,raon top. r.-,.>'1 • •ontlltl<Jro Very r...anatiJ~ no Apoleu,. ~ JA. lk6t . .., ,. da> Olp63 .\d Oii UU. ~ .. • ~ldl 62c64 .. - - ' ~j -IJ ' _J ' I I 'I I \ I J i I J I PAGE 4 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _!.~~~-~1!~~"!!' ____ 4_R_-_A_r_it_s._~.H~'!8!9. ____ , !!_D-•~~~~~ror~~~!-f .).S-;-Mon~~l_..o_an~--THU RSOAY. J UNE 9, 1955 Cabanas Marinas v Check these Used Cars LIDO ISLE I Ouick Cash Loans ~ YF \Hl.Y Rl",·T.\I ~ t "'.\1-T HX on furn1lu1r. nut11, s:llary. ts11y from & loca.l dt'a.I! r who will ht' h f>rt' TOM OR RO\\' lO bat k up \\h&l nt' Alli• TODAY! Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. I :l t •·r"""'" :! lJ.i• • "' ·• l bn .. t t..\!JJ.lA. :.! b~ • .. ' Choice I ·<:·• • ;or.s ~.;o. to s~.itl. 01 nwn•. 40--Auto. and Trucka f~Autos and Tru<'ks OFFERS Delightful hnng. Apt.-Cabana~. l 't1hli<.'s paid. with £Ar.L \\'. ST..\SLEY. R~altur J l IJ ."\.-\' 101 l l.>l\J ."\1•\\ I'•! I IJ, l: One dayl service A t I' lt •1. •U fU,•\ he H"\Je .. 111 f't t i. •II, l>) J•hul" , I b0\ 111a 1l. Yat ht shp lt<.'C'Omodations. H"111 .. r 1n1.; · mu, CALW. ACCF:PTANCr~' CORPOHATION June Specials H!!H CHRYSLER New Yorker Newport. lig ht gref'n. Pnwf'r steering, radio, heater . White s1dew11ll t1rf'M. As n~w as J>Ossiblc $2.:3!15. 1~53 DE SOTO Firrdorne. 4 dr. l:lt-dan. B1·it:1'. l.11ad1•d with all nccC'ssories SI. "!J!"i. Daily, weekly. monthly, )'<'arty. For appt. or resC"rvatJon. Call Har. 29\.12. 3 Hfc IJ.''1·: J;~:T•llrn 1.\1 HllL":-;1-; uufum un ;-.;, Wj'l<.11 I Uh·,1. nP1P H_vu.: 11 .. ~1u111l $ ·,:, 111, \' "' 1 111n1l I• 11t11J 1S98 H.11·bc1r Bl\·11. t ·.,~la ~l<''I\ LI ~-77.11 l>11<.11 F1 ul.t} ~ t II b l'lunl"l SlllUI 1 11\'~ -I l lf, 1!15:? FULLMAN MINX <·on\'ettiblt> roup..·. A tl<'a n 1·a r 0 in t ip top sha p~ :\li!J:J. Hl52 n..: SOTO 6, .. dr. Sl'dan, :.? !11111· ).!l't'y. ~1 aUll­ ful blu,. upholsl(•ry. R&H . only ~ 1.2 15. l-"1.1'tl." H.\lt;\"Jo;rr Jfr.d1u1 I.I !J.'.!7~2 ti~1·!1 t 1 17-\\'nntrc1 to R~ot ~X:\-Aprs. for Rt>o t 1 -------------------~ ----t•x,.~1·Rx i HnnM Hn.,11-:. \\' 11. t ('(1t•1·1.~; Wllh h 'l .. rr•nr••, \\.lllt '" ("OSTA l tES.\, :l Im. 11pt .• ru m I \\~"'t'lll'pt t. B.CllUllntl ~!i1J. piill<l, 1o1o1 ,,,, Ill 11111, l:ou t' (•I tqH .rs" nr u11Cur11 .• llll'futlut1 utlltltes t'utl t11~pl1we, i::ir $1'.!11 111 .. nth r• •tu \I\~ •• r .. 1July111111 A111o(u .. 1 H\'1lll 4 .4;1:,;. :lllt t<:' Ut k s:o l•'llt un J.·1.1.''" Ll ~·!1;50 -.;, t 1101 H ll: l!•7:1.I( t.~µ1;~ ll!t•'I' !I [1!}\11 :-.r \\ 1 11 uf't ti.; t ,.111.., 1u11111. dlik 1111 .. i.111k, ic•11lo •h'f" ~.1t lJl ",\l~\" ~!ai.n• H.1 )';! ,, •• \f I ruu I J •• d1l\\1 f ., h ..•. ,.::•a...... h··ri~·· r II\''.! l.t: ,t n1n ... 1ll•r\ 1 11 •• ( • "":"'• ~ Jl )l1lh:-Ji"' 1ht11 11 I .\\bll .Jun1• lrl ~~••I ]., u ... -\~,t ••Ill Wllh 8l •\"t' ~ )"'"~ Adult• L1 .... ~.J::1 :;~•p6~ ur 11111,-11.111 LI -:.1r.;. ti:.!• b l ---------- Choice ~ummrr Rental~ on NO COMMISSI ON Nu AppraiMI Fee S,\LF:S -~J,"IXANCE t'I >~~TH l"CTI. 0 :0- Cl!~l tor 1o·r,•e Fast Commitm<'nts on R·•s1 lent'"" ~.I L'mts 11n!y Don I. Huddleston 1951 CHRY."LER Wtnc.lsor. ltght ~rl·~·. ·I dr. ~l.·J:rn. Rought ll l'W by 11W11l'r. still looks 1ww SI, I '1.). ~t an y low ptll'<'<l tr:ini<port a l 11111 t·a rs. 1111 ly ~:.?!i dn :-<• 1 11J ,t, cozy oor lnr~" & tJ' l11xe n :1 lo SJOO nwnth VOGEL CO. 1 Sl"~l~IJ.'.R l!E:-\TAL ."•wpun ls· YF.\Hl.Y H~NTAL 2 hllnn. m••ll-11nol \\",11, rfrv11. l't•·r <\.'. float r..t .. 111 ru1n1,.h.-·l 8Jll 1:1H81(t'. A lll11 J.'11111 2 ~l!"lt\" hnu~I' 3 bdrm .. ::! 173 E. 17th ~t. l.'OSTA :llE.SA u 8-u:162 LOU REED '.'Uts ~la1 int Av<'. Bnlbu.:1 l.sl.inJ I'll. Harbor 4 14 or Harbor 11!'>1 l:,·• 11111. I ";''1).ft ' 1 Har. Jll.-.!1-~I "11' h • r \.2llld n~11;hh1 rhu<"l h.c· h. l••lhl, barb .. Jbl. i;ar. 3909 :!1Jl '~·~:.!nJ ~I . :°'<"l\f)orl 8 .:11tlt. Mttr.-1111 H:tr J'1U . 63t:65 REAL ESTATE LOANS < 'HRY::>LF.R-PLY~tOl'TH OEAl.ER 1200 Wcl'<t CoaRt }iighway. Phone Uberty -3.J 6 40-Auto11 and Truc-k11 10--Autus und T r udcit ' G. M. C. 6~ttc Lido Bayfront Apt. BH ,\~11 ;q;w :i hol1m , 2 h111h 11n11•,11 1,111 1.I\ r111n 11(11. l~I· MILlllA l'J.: ••c·r·11r11n.·v ton!cl (kl :!'-111 I• I Sh"'\ n I>)' 11 ppt. 111 r ' Hur.11, k. llnr. ;11.11 ..-ll.111 II 01 11f1t•r 4 p 111 l.l , ·:so;. ti:.?. s 1 1-TH."ISHED 1\l"r!'; Ill lh•l\1 l of Bul1>011 $2.'\ wk. & l•p. '1".iklll~ r"""r\'••11011>1 n11w 1117 ~: Ual· i. .. a lllvt1 , fl11ll)or1 llur. li:!!l·J Cl~, 14 Balboa Island rh .. 1•" 111e•a u "11- $lllO J ulr f.:'JIJO. A ui: Corona Vi ew del Mar Home- Interest Rate ~ Y:: % Loans qu1lkly l\llld6 In the Bay Art'a llnd COiLa ~CS&. Stnj:lc Ill n1uJt1ple umt.v. New or Olli. B< WIN and save by re-fln&nctni; your prl'~cnt loan Mlntmum 'x· penile. 1'o l'harge tnr prc>ltm1- nary a ppra1ul. Phone Slltltll Ana Klmbcrly :<-6tl:t3 oc wrJte TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '48 Hudson 4 dr.$195 P.&11 A 1-11 •H lwr i ru n-r orta I 11111 l'l'""'10 I~ 2116 ·"''"'P'•l l Hh .. J ... \'rwpl•I I Br it I i:.2.8:-.0 1·1~:H All.f >llJ• 11\'ll tl111J l1• ~I 1-l 1>1• ~h11w11 liy urr·1. ror1f\ HARHOlt l:llVl';STMF:'.\"T l"'O OHA:-.-GE s11111mcr t't-nl11l, 111111, J ho.Ji 111. apt. new bhl~. 111111 """ f111 n. A nulabl,. J111w Ill S!1v 111 ot. & phon .. pd c .111 1u:11 .. gi:; IH087. lllpt:l:I s LF;F:Ps II C'ha1 ming, perfect ~lilt• Jun•' l't to July 15 -- $M)0, July I.'\ lo AUJi:. 1!1. ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage LoM Corn•spoudcnt Occld~ntaJ Life .lnturance Co. I '-----TERRY'S BUICK · rh111w ll11r 101111 1r., .... 1J11r. l:!1Q1 4 ltfr '·l!I l;~11 · 1, T l'lt"h'.L'P '!\::! .IAC:l"AH '"""I'" XJ\.J!!I) l'luw ~l<A:-1• Xr:\\":: hf1n11. 11n(11rn. oht· '4!• s•rt"OEKAl-\Jo:R 1_, T f't1ku p 1:1t11..,, b1•,1 11(f11 ("toll llnr :!:•:i pt.•x. ,i:_a1hn,:•• i111opn.0MJ, garage I h"1""'"" " ~ 111 ~,rlJ. s:1.1;•, 1 s7·, 11111n1h •r11 FfJHI• 1-,. l"'ll"'KI ·r. ----l"J\LI. rl,\ \'s {I '.IO· I :10 LI 8-H!lS r.1 I.I X·ill':.1 all1•r :> /l m. & wk . .... o1~ 11h11nc ll11r. HH 50tfc •:11 (t)f(' •, T l'JCl<l"I' I .. ., .11 •• ,. , ·r 1, \''''I 14J-Auto Sf-rvic(' •'• C c.. • " J .,.. r. •. ------~----- '~TI1~:~NATIONA.L •, To:-< Motor Overhaul 'M <.MC" I : T. Pl("J\l"f' NO MONEY DOWN . UDO ISLE ~ l:f 1RMS 2 bat hl! on e lar~e lo l H\"OHA-.\IAT!C' TRA~~ * w·1th th"1s ad * E 1,.,, •. ,.,. l<llllll.) 1'••111• vcr,v1h1ni: '!>.I G~11· ~. T f'ICl<t'I' 1u1 111~11,.1 oJl"'l'l hnin:. 11n.1 bt•tl· HYORA-~t.\TIC" TRAX~ 6 Cyls. . . ...... S4S. 8 •hn1o: s 1:.rn1 1 .. 1 :1 nu nth• ·~· f:~H· 1 T Fl.ATlll::l> ~ -Cyls. .. . .. . . ~ .88 / l>1111c11n Hardesty. R<'altor ·:.:i OOt:.1<:1-: I T L>l".\I. J ln<"lud .. ll both Jnb .. r 11n I r •II ~ I l.11111 :-:pl'o lllh•l Os borne Realty Co. :?:I:!:\ \\', C11ni.t Hwy 111 P on Onmi;e EXJOY BALBOA I SLA:'\()&. Ill• Hn1bnr •192:l·J. 61Cti3 h1·a1 h lh11; l!Ut11m1•r (11r \"t'I \' ht-r --- I le r,,n(. Smttll cnmpll<"I 11p1 f11r :i RPHM. ill: olr11 :.!. i-1:tr {1f tlou,_,. trn1h·1. only uc· .. 1111 \'ll'W Y • l 'llfum Bay & Jea:w. 308 Car· SJ:?.~. mo. or SJOO. """'" 1111 i:;,.p1. "ut1ein . L' n.~I 17th or yrly. liar 2128-~I. 61lf1 --------------61 l{C HARBOR APTS. Modern furnished apts. day, week or n:ionth !'\ear bua, atort11 &r. bay. Ru.sonnblc rates. 104. E. Boy Ave., BALBIJA Hsrbor:.:i 11, l7ltr Summer • 19--Room.t to Rt>nt ·-----:-:1r·r. ROO)f tor "'"' kmi; ni1U1 • l '1C\' Ill' "n11nnr e: S7 wk. lM3 01angf' A\'1 . C"o:-.ta M••i<a, 6lc6:1 tAFtC~: 1''RO~T RM ,:! dble bPcl:t. f1111· 111r :? 1n1n, r•·nt S12. p..•r "k. ,\J~o 11111all<•:-1111, Pnvele .. ntr I:?.:-:? th St . Xpl P.1 h. pplf~ '.~11 F'0RO 2 T 00 (;AL TA:>;I\ :O.:,w 11111-.-. \\rt<t 1'•11• \0:tl\'I' l ",,, <1111· F 1 .. • l'ark111K Lot \\'JTH r1 ·~11"'. 2 ~PEE!, ,.. 2:. gr111d, fl! trn"" "' nw1n :cn1t 1111J ::1;11:: ·"' "1 .. 11 Hl\'.t. ."pt. H• dC h \\'AG:>: EH P Ol ."T-\\"nt,droni & ,)3-Storei. &: Ortice-& i·11:1-·s bl'annits Expr1l n1C1l11r 1111w up 1·1,,n1• Hu1h ... 171" 61t6:l 11ther!!. R1ttf' S:J5. \\'t'f\k 8 1111 UJl Rentals 933 South Main Santa Alla pp LOANS TO BUll..JJ. ll'tf.PROVE BU Y, MUDEHNlZE, OR REFINA NCE We Buy Truat Deedll NEWPUl{T liALOOA :SA VINCS & WAN ASSOClATlO~ 3366 Via Lido rh. H ar. 4200 tie ----------HA \'E Sl0-S20.000 to loan on good resid!'nlial or income prop. 6' r OSBORNE Realty Co. H ai bor 4!123-J I H••ll I ---------------Ph. Ha1bor 1217-J. •l!lfr Fl'RNISH F:ll om~.-II) lttWytrs •·.i Fll1H1 2 T 12' 8EIJ !. !l(l-oJay or l.()c1u •nil•· i.:1101an1,.,. L I " 10" 2 1? \ ,.. . , , ~ . • , (SO .\10.\"J-:Y [10\\''-' 1 !. ISi •ll.\IS 11111111 n i.;.11 ~tJ:•'. Sl<1vr . l'illlt4'. <>·6 -· 9 -\'. -.oast )';f f.fi.Ct Ii 2.1 THtE!-l .• , , 1 1, '"I-\\·a-.·r ,. wJ 1 1 hiltl o.k. H1ghw.;~-. Xt-wporl liea1·h. 6lp()3 HOME d 6 U • .... , r..\f(" !fl \\'HEEL un1r. REBU1LT ENGINES -; . \\ l!•l h Sl 1 '111!l.,t ~l<>•a. -188--Houses for Rent an nits "no TlllP:!'> a I, TP.A:O-S 1-l"P Lo 15 MO:O-THS TQ )'.\ y I . .I.I l'Hi!•71 .. , LI ~-:;.11u 47tfc -l.JLIO UPFH.:r: SPACE -\\'tll coon ):-\\()~JI·:. $,J(j 0110 419 Jlam- Butlt 111 011r o wn f1trln1v tiv 'l11llt·1l l -----'.\"TC'E 2 titJ1n1 11nr111n. h1111"• 11r1 111111/t'l 11p1tt l! !lu1tab/., for a tt1,r-lllon, ufr J11iilior Ul\•ol . (-.,,. 111 f;,,. tl11• l.1rj(•'"I \'11Ju111~ lruok <11•11!-n1: .. ·h1111:<l\, [h111't '"nl 1·n·l will. ~A l.llu,\ ISl..\.:-\11, Uay F1u111 -i;:.1r. x~"·ptJrt Ji,.1i:;h lll. Av11tl,11Jl1· n.yi;, •·nx111er1 >1, '""· .1\ppr•1x, M""ll 61 ., 7 1 h Ir 10 IJrnn~·· c· .. un1y f11r lhf' I tit» m 1ol1JJp 11,Afl P.111• .;,,.•I I s.-11 !:1 lo• -"'"' :!I fnr S•lll\J. Ill J uly. H cl\\'I!. flrl'. \\'all hcatrrs. t!"1x:l1) Ill i.hopponi; 111.-u !"111 \'ta h• :<t ~··ll'1·t111n nr UNr<I I MJ«ki.. REBUILT and INSTAL LED :1 '" 111111.-. '..! lioili1!', •"\'1•ryt11rng ('Jo.~,, ,,, 1ran~pt1rl1<1 1rrn. :-..·o 1·..t~. L1Jo. <.:111! Don Colt: llflt:runon• s1n .. k 1111 I lll<kup~. pand~. SH()R1' BLOl"t{ t .. 11111k" 1t d"lli;:hltul h<intl'. !'lu 4'.12 01·unKt: Av1: .. Newport lk h ~'·'~·.~u_. _ :,!11fr ~~Estate-f:x<'h~g~ ~· •k• i11 rrn1t dump~ f"ORD . . ............. St::n.:.o P• ''· 111 i.m:ill 1 h1ldrrn. H11rlH•r l,lb,.rty M-:')706. fl::rtil t:HEVROL.ET ................. $1w 501 ::.1.;11.w .1l t1·r 4 p.m . 5 .ic-66 W. w. WOODS l'L\'~1. & oonca: ..... ~1"''1 \'1-:.\lt s J.fo:,\Sfo: Uppt>r uuphx. (;!.IC nJo-:ALF.R CHH\"S. & L>E ~OTO · ········St~~' :-\1r1•I\' r111n1shf'1l. Atlttlts. l!"o20 fil:\.J!I F:. 41h ~I S11n111 An,t ~TL"DF:B.\Kl':H · · SI' ~l 11111ii~1 fir P..1fb11,) 1'Pn111~111a. 1111,.n Sllntlrtv 8 m. OLD!'> & POXTI Al' 6 . ~I 70 11.u h"I :.! 1.,._. \\ 1;:;,.6f> n:-. LIDO l~LF:-Yc-Rrlv rtnlal 3 bdrm .. 2 bRth hnm ... furn. or un· fu1 n. Exet~llent lorn Uon. Ownn. Ha1bor 021.'i-J. G:!tfc SMALL OF/."lt"f; With µutkrng. h•·al & h,l:hl & p11\"lltc tullH in- ' lull.•11. s~v /11111\\h. at 160~ !'\l'w.; IJ.Jt l lil\•d, ;\;pt. Be.ich. H a1bu r 1718 61c6J Till• I, h":cd1111nr1rrl' fnr Ornnge Co. r.n:1r"' . ~17;,, ____ _ Hl NWN . $17.'i l :-;11 QH J-: CLIFF~ Lo:in r ;ir 1''r1•1• T r wm.i; (":\~TIC~ ·1 111 '2 blllh, i;:o11::1-ou~ AMERICAN CAR ~F:\\' CAR Cl'AHA:'\TE~; '1,..1n·l . n• 0 W r· •1111 rt1u11 f ••rn- Av,\) L.\ BLE 111 SI IORl-:CLIF FS, 53-A-Busines!J Rentals l't lVHtl' hOllll', :./ 1.11 , flll lll,.!11•11 Blnck n m:.t lll"•·t our s1.1111li.ro!1 1 .. ,.., i·nu~u ia ur•.iair1t ,1,.0 <'X<'"Pl ru~!'. Mlv!'r 11n.i hrwn n 5o on ll'al<t! Harlx>r 3211!1-R l'lus l8XPS, J:dSkrti1 and 1111 1, 111, T d I l\l'h I l•·rJ & hl':llllltlll ra e ns Op,.nSunda\•J011m.1 .. 'lp 1n. ,,....,11 1 ,,1,., 1,,1 hoHch L<a«c FOH LEA~E BELLES ENGINE TWO HEAL,.JFCJ, n<'w lr'\llle \\llh 'J'l•"ll lu huy ~37:; mQnlh. on NE\V FOREIGN Cars i,1 ,11111 .,11, .1. 1 ,.,1,,,,l~sbl•· t• nant,. T err:.•" unfurn. ''il'w hom• ~. I REBUILDERS 111111,1 1 •. 1,111..: llltlll•'ol l'•--ses 3BDH~IS .. :tbalhaan1I AVAlt.ABl.E -About 8000 iJq (l. light 1ncJui1lry space on 1st & 21111. floor. l.!. S. H 1i;hway 101 ond Boy J.7or.tase. \\"111 lease ull or any 1'1lrt &: rt>m<>rll'I tu SUH t.·nunt. Vos:cl Co .. 3116 Via Lido. Harbor <11171. 26tfc J ~··o1 FU RO \'1< IC1rl.1, fl. H, O"clr. 1,.11 .Jul\ I II~ r 2770.J ,.,.,._. 2 BEDR~tS. :?.bnUls. ,\!I Jll $G!l:i.f0pon Datf,v tn 7 StHIP 1:1 ... nde·l 6'l1 7~, Call H arbor 1;7~ or Ha1bor 41!8 EXCE L J!J."10 F <1n11 oil)\ :.I 11 ... w Rn•h11-1 NEW LOCATION EARL \\'. STA:>;I.E\·, Rr altor L ENT l "!iiorat.-1, d 1·a11 i.11:>. 310 East 3rd St. .I, -i Ill J ,,C<wu~a dcl ~far F ~~;·~~a ~·;;T~~:r. Off•l"I! 3a1rc I LOCATION "" F'ORI 1 <"11• JOlnl t<•n w11s.:nn S,\ :\'TA AN A I<. •llll• • x. 1111 urn. in•pl , R H () rlr ~ti I ~ g.ir;1,.:1. I lil•ll'k lo m 1trketts, $i5. Sl T (' . . ,, ' • . ·~IM F.It REN Al. D.M. nli'l' Op11os1't(' Balboa Bay Club. J fl~·O :-\A:-;H Sltt l~~ll1Rn 11rd1111. n.1 /lllo., ,l•lll l.\' 2 hi.Inn. f11rn. hOUM• 111'\tr h.:111 h. H. O'<lr .. ov1rhn11h•o1 SI!•.~ I BRAKE SPECIAL ~luriC') J\f. Pino,·er, Realt11r rat111. A\'nihible 0111• ot Aui;u.~t. J200 sq. fl. st ore for l<.'flse. lc ".'1IJ ''A..,I' "' " I 1., .. 11 ,. 1 l'I t " I' h $4(t". or '"OUld lnn.•n for JO n1u LJ 8-i6i3. -'"'5tfc ., ·• ,.., "' ·~l.1ks111n11, " '''"r ol111 111~ J 111w -·•' ., .. wr11r ', .. • -•\'Wpon ~• " " ' ... ,,. ., 1ri'1\ '~,.~·::~· :-;111" I' ~··il11111};'.~···· Foreign~ auto brake ~;.I,,\' J'aN<,uig. H •r. 4 filu 620 t>l ~~;;.11~1. :~;~rn~1~~p~~11~rl;~~j~lq~ l•"lllt I.EARP. I):\' s1rprn10 n f'T. -1n:ASll:llABl.Y 1111rl'•l, CIPan I & 1c.;,1 n "? t'• A I J • h 1 t n .1111 1, 11'•1\I• r Sl~•.'1 J'ob, by cxpC t't ,, ... "·'... 1111<(1', ··•1n I lit l\llRI' \Ill ('1111 I 'I . I'( "'l"l \ ' I I t I I :.! b·h Ill. I urn. llJ'l"· l;t1l. ra11l. "" ., ,,.oJ f. or h11111r .tilt! bu1tfn('~5 BY ()\\',:\'~;1: \\"111 l11kr lrA•I<' on t h111 1·11r11<'r Jnr. r:in1 h 11 ... n,,. J b1t 1n. 11: b:tlh• h1~wd. fits. f.• ,\ ht•fl t WW. <H lf'"1, frll11J yd .. x ln Ii;:-patio OvPrl1JQk lnic '"")"II \\'111 take 1<111All• r J lfl<1' • r v.11 I '>I I '' in p 11 I I"'\ 1111•111 ... I llllzd J>1111• ( (I \J Jl,1J TRADE BF.Al"TlFt"U.\" "' '"lal«•I 1o1111tll I 11111,w{lt t,t,.Jllt', 2 lJtdlCJOlll~ l l ll'- pJ:t('o• J-", r l,;1 ~· r h1>lll<: 111 I 'u- l 1•!h1 tld )l,11, J.1.Ju. H,tlh1o.1 H1JrlJ•t l~t~ 1;111;.1 BL"ILIJJ:"-;1,; hy~1n•·" ~ ... 1 It l11<- t u1111 and 101,i... fu1 ('"", 1 1 .... 1 bU,..llh''·• Jl)U , :l 1Jd1 111 1111111" Ill llun1111.:tu11 I ':ii k . S.tl1• ••1 1 ii rhang1'. F ull Jll'll t' St :i .. :1110 !111 .-Hay l-'111nt 1n1•11111 • ., • '<"I 1•"11 111 Bulh1111 Ownr·r .• ioon Jo: Fl111• 111·1 Ai·"· H 1111t1ni:to n l'A1k Ll "l' .. 1\ l'>-~!'>15 l\lp<i~ 'lti 1., j I ,.. ~· 11!11 ti•. : mec h'anic~ l .. 1111111t .v l ll'IJll, l 'lr•yi:re111n11 f•·r 1 B f . Full P 111 " $,;, ,.., 1htldnn. Bll11• Toµ AJll-'., •Ill:! ay ront l,ni.i:" I• l Zo':i.".d M·I. ('.;If II~ Ill" ... i-rt "lll-"HAl,~H 1'!1.1 'I II "$1 .95 & u p. l No\\l'"l l 1111· 1 :'\1'\\"('llll Bf':t<ll. 0 \\'XF:R. I . ( • ot l.1h<'ll,V 1;.1;,1>1 1,:.:.1;1 II• ~ •I I. II 11' 1 r ""'" t'I"" 11 \\',, f, .1t 1J1 •' ~ 1 ·Pl •F::\' .. I""'• A '1111· .. I h.-,\I che•. 49th: • -••a nng ur f,11rnp<' will I 62-ReaJ t:state ~ 1-.;, I t·<'nt h rs 4 br1r111 . pluJ! 1>1A11l ~ H k M RENTAL / .1~11ari..r~. :i•, hath. b11;vC1 11n~, 5-l-Bus~f'S!t Qp~rfunltle~ Hausken Motors Inc. aus en oto.rs lnc.1 "s • · 11 .. ,,. .. Jul\· thni s. rt , ... s.1 :.no I PECIALISTS f"111.i:• r hl;p to an•um111h11,. ~11 ft I DF:l.JC'ATE:SSF::'\ ct: ll"M<'CT,V stnrc-l l"IT' II h l'I 1 1 1 9 :12 llatt:iui Civil · '"''"' ~lo -1 I \'Jehl. a111l a two b1'-lrm home lnc'ft tetJ • · • " 1 " 1 • '' I LI i..r,n:.i LI i..r..l'I ;,•,, 7::h C"-ill Edna Craig -111· xt lo Cflrn1 r •>( lllU1 & l'la- l 'h 1.1 "-: ..... i 1.1 f<·h ·" 1 1 -Blanche Gates, Rltr. \'OGEL CO. -.lnJo Office r"r.na cos1 •• ~l··.AA. E>-1t-11l'n1 E n y lldnk 1•f A Ill• no a ·1 •. , "'' 111,,r ATTL'-TION t· .:)11 :.tarme Ava.. :; U6 \'Ja Lidu.. ;\;e'\,•porl liCR\h "fl' l for h•t111 r 1ol,,JC. b ... _r <ind Nash -Hudson /JjaJOO& hlanJ. H11r. 1671 i2tfc Har 4!1i l o r .,9;2. 62lfc ~-~";~.1:"11 Ll &·:ll)l;J C•r u~;.1(~~· ·:.n 1-IJHI> 1 ' 11n'· Hy "''II• I 1:..\-tl I t":'\J.TH."\ ;, r ••n .... 2 ti, 11 .... ;.;;: CIJHO~A l.Jl::L ~IAK 2 b•lrm. un. ul11 i:n·1·: o·tonl .\ •r ~11,_.1 . OWnerS l'··1•J11 .• Tll·· ~mk, 1•,1~1· 11111. f;:r: hnU1<t. rt'•l•l••rn.ll'd, fu1 ~1·t1 Bl'!S C'O~lf>A:\'Y with l ·n~ 11•nn P•'rta hll.' " 1 t'• I "\111 f: llltt• lt.w • • , ~ 11 1.• ~ ... -. r:,,. \•'•II\ A ·lul •~. 11 r ho .;t ;o;unrh·ck .\•llllt• 01 J.1· 1 •Jn H".. 110 1· ~·11 Ri oJ1 H ahn s Garage · rr"nr h111e 111 r.111t p111\1n~ c .·a .. . , ,, .. r '.•· • • • ' I I I'' t> ~1 1 II,. ,~ •r "Ofl olo'I Yl'itrly le:\~I' lllu. 19fl2-\\', 62rtJ I ----• -A1tll11111z,.,j 1'111 tJ< &, ~l'l \'ho• I \t ti I!\\ f'l" • ,\ T J.111 •11 1.•,1,,;1, ,\1 «11 ·'l1h1u1I otll "·'<ollAOt,I·• l 'lt '52 But.ck $1695 • 11 ,,,, c· .• 1" t ·1_:.111!<i_••1t1~1un 3 HE11i:u11:.1 11'"'"·1·11-i,. ~1 .... 11 owxi-:H, 1.111°11y &·Jl)C;i ., LJ ; L.1rs 1-.,, Sal.: • G'.ti 6i S-1-'> m ... 11nf 111 n \\ 111 t111n:•h 1r X-62~:1 r•"ll< C"nnv~rt . H1111.trn11~t• I Jo'11ll l'""'M ,,,., t• I liar "~"l .1 I)~;. Ii~, I i116 :-.· .. wp11rt ::rv.1 :\'twl'''" Ii· h Auto Radio Repairl 1_x.\-~!'ts. ro!_Re~----j BEST st:Y! TERRY S BUICK 409 E 29th St VACATIONERS --l,11olrr1< .~1·111 1."'" .er ~lr<•p d•Jll•J.: ."\1111 • • ."1 l ~1 Hf: At t 1,"1; HA\" -~1111 ntt>r \ \'F; HA\"E 11 \',H l •t~ 11f mw n1 ..... 1 h11:i"•'""h 1:1i.. ~'·"'"al.""" '.\°,'"J'•lf t H1 11 •h. 11.11 . t~~; ..... 1rc1' 1"11 Lil.~P"11''•:.iiuin.up:.,:.l••11s tr r11rn rPn1111~ "''Atlahl" 1!1 ,\l11~Lh1<•1o1 11 .. ~:.H1111. \\·n1<> 1:11:., 1 "n•rl1 .. •lt1 ni.: h_ay. J 1111c 1r1th-, N• v.·pnrt & LH,;unn. 530 "~ ,\ 3 • 1 H 1 I' ·~ ':\,, l"ll lt\". \'-8 l h•l·A11 S poort l s .. 1l l 'ollt, ,·11111 nttlntn "' ~n,:11n-1 '·" 1 ).!"'"' t'p1• lhr'"·'' .:•Id -h.w I •1•' 142-Tra.i lf'n; ,\).S(I will t "~" r .. H,.l"\'Rl111n fo'r ''11· lnq111r" :w 1-'.::tnd St .'-'pt 1°0 hT'· kit. nA<IJil, "I' (', • -----.. ----I -P ll>111r Hlltl!\Jrl:!::?•; til l'7lh i:i: ~ •~ ... . "'" \\tnlr r. 1.1r. :!1,1, c •111tt>sy 111 .>.>--.. 1oney to ........ an Ir.in~. >l• J11:<t .170H '""" "" • 1:1;,11 ALI. .\ll:JAL lo\n1 1·1ol 1 111.p·1 ni;t:nl,;. -t.ltll SUMMER RENTAL --------11111,e !Cll1 :ng lo o .1~11 h11p·1:1 •ry;: lr;11f1•r. r ·xt:!' \\h•n •'l"rl LO S H f;!lfl ~() (" 'll~t UJnJ. l ... 'lg11n.1 1'u111pl1·1· l.v f'qlllJ pt'•l St1111 :.It l Summer Rentals DR!\'£ BY cl ~ee I 1:: \"111 \\'azt• Ill AN for omes 1-0'atl 4-77 11. l\!tCr I:: l.l.t!h .. 11 81\.t. ,\pl .\ t.:Jpt;.l l.11°1 1>1". :1 hd111,•. 2 hi.th• ~rr. _ 20 r Lot.1a ---A1'rtL\l"T I\'~: 1w.1!11 l "\\ :l I> ltrn hut:.L'. dn..c 111 B1wk H11~-f;xrrn ''" .\.:(' ln1 ltr• pint t·. ( ••\•''•I pHll•-. lo I I ,.,i l"IHI-"< Hf" I ~·'I I L: ""I: & 'di rn.: ar• 'i '"rr •" I $ lfl,; :.11 (·a II Ll b II t-n 6.!p•H -OL"T (JF TOW:'\' own..r 11ay~ '!(Pl Oil.Cl ' on cur.cu t.U.iplcx &,,_ u! ll1way. Uno> 11nlu1m•l1l'd ep crl· nw1 t I ),.. :1 t,1,lnoom~. one fu1- n1.•h<' I 1>11Jtlr•1 e µart:urnl S.:lllllL" A ll In >;nod ru11dr11< 11, l ".,'I ~Ii-~ Kuhl11fpfl~ H"r. :!t:.~ • V•• f-li-ir 1)8:?11·1~. 313:1 ('Ofl~l fj)\., . <.: fl ~f H lf t $ t<•11u T10 \\'X (' 111111 I· t ·1,1. 1'!:1<'~: '. no i •· ,.., .I l1o1r Ill. 11111111• & dlol" J.'.1ll .!ti.!h t:ldt"U 1\\'1 • <°i ·•tH :.1. "a l'L.1111 .. uth ;,.;,11::1 tilptl:l 33! ACRES J I ~111.(·;s !111111 n.1•iln'l .. I' I/I li·· •II• I.fill 11111"~ o1l '""I 11( ~I I I' f,,_ rn.u \"erv f il tt'llhl t\r• Jul J, •••\\ len~· rl C'ato ti" ~1.1 .. 1i1 loJroJ /-.\· '"H•nt \\ ... t•r !"~~tf"tu BO AT & TACK LE RENT AL ~t)C :?,. :-t'" I hull 1·111!'• r-. :t '1 ••I I .l'h1lWl'I S:.?'.000 J.!r1•l"l'< & t.t1 kl1 1 ,.111 .II 1111 °11i. 1··,.,1.1h ~' )'earl>. Sea· i<••n ~L1rtt:i;: ~ .... 1 \\.11111r111•1 J':t rktn): Full pri<'C' $:?~1 :--1111 T· 111i-. :\ i.:1 •11ol 11lt111t·~· mnkt'r.· THAll:EH ~.\LE~ I\ ~l-:H\'ll'l: t-:~1:1b yr Gross prC\fn lH Sl :t11110 l'••l1ld l.k 111{ 1'1':l1>t'd . A good go111~ bus1111:gs, F ull J1rtr1· ind 1m·l·11w1·~· $13,000. RE$TA L'RANT & m:i-:n llwy. h>l'. well worth lllllf'<'ding-, :-\h111ild gl't your m1•1wy ba('k thi11 aum- ml'r. Has Ii :? rm. apt. A >.klfl$; $6.100. rn:~TA l "HA XT Sh11\\':( ~I Ill>); $:?ti.1}00. l><'llt!4 26 -1wwly ciC'rcir:i1rct Ownrr will !'::trnf1n• fnr $t500 See the VOGEL CO. f11r th,•o.;" nntf 11lli1·r~. 3:1t)} \\". l'o:ist Hw~·. x l'Wporl 8 1•al'11 Lll>t-1 ty ~-3481 60-lqr()ffif' Pro~rtv--..· ---- INVESTMENT Corona del Mar Furnished Cottages, on 4 Lots $18,950 TERMS 702 -IO I -706 -70~ IRIS Phon<.' Harbor JOU9 or H arbor 26·19-J Mtfc 61-Rf.aJ Estate E:cc~~~i;:r_: __ IH-l~al E11tate Eubange TRADING TODAY TRTPLEX '.! BRs. ca. 2 yr2'. <•Id. income ~3\ 0 yrh OWNER WILL TRAl>E hti; $HOOO equit~• for a i;111 11l \'acant lot. See THE VOGEL , CO. 3201 W. Olast Hwy., 1'\<•wport tkat·h LI -34 1 r:,·<'s. LI -35 0 EXCHANGES I ;icre Hollywood \'ll'W l11t A:>k111g ~:!<l.llOCI. 1-'111 nkp :2 br. h omt• 1111 L1d11 111· Balboa J;;f:i 11d . '> H ullyw trot!" hom<·-~:.?!1,0UO-:! br. & d<-11 fnr t'< 1n1m1•re1:d 111 ar1•:i lu S5U,Oll0 •) b:ith S1·1• H11b (;ou5s1·11 . Ext·h11ngc I >1'pl. . MARINER 'S ISLE REALTY .. 31 Martnt' A\'e .. Balb11a ls luntl Harbor ·libl BA YFRONT1 Pier and Sl:p 8t·aut1ful sandy h1 :wh ·I bdrms , romplc ll•ly furn 1shcd. lndud1·s sm:tll sail b11a1 o n1x1·l11-..I\·•· Ba\· A\1 Ftr~t t inw 11ff1 red fnr s.1!1 Al<klll l{ .. 6:i 0011. Writ•· y1111r ow n t•·rmi: 1:1-:1 J 1-!0T' Best Buy on Lido Isle S11:11 )\ '1 bclrni. h1 ·11u ufulh· f 111111~Jwd. Ftr<'1•la< 1 b;1r. l;.1r1=1· pat."•, <'I' Full pn1·r .'-:.!J .:,rn1 L11w down f•ll_\'llH 111 handlt·~. Full Price $8500 ~:l:!fifl now;-.; ()("f-:AX Fl{O:'\T 111dy:? hlkH. llWil)' :i hrlrm. partly furnii;tw d b"nt'h h 11u;;eo 1111 l wn :ln fl Int:;. Nu ff i:n1d ! ART C. KISTLER CO: 2!l0t t\"C'wport Bl\11.. !'\1·wpnrt Hc•Rrh Har . :}226 MARINES Here 's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy :J nr -I fkrlrnnms -F•itT<·tl A ir lfr·at -~1 a11111ve 8tnne l-"11 "t•lat·<·s -011111 i11 H.1111~1· a11d 0\'l.'11 •.• a.clually C\'Pt·y lmrnry f,.,1111r1• nnd 111 Or:r11g1' ("11untv'11 ftnPRl J11rat111n Bii.: l·~statl' Sw·d L t1\1-i su1tabl1· for pool and J!lllllJ I IJrt\'(' nut r1rst SlrN·t tn Sttntk Ana Thru Tuatin an<I Tll rn l"<ll'th at l{rr! H ill "' • .. I • Exclui:;J\'e Bay Fronts <'nmplet<>h· 1ur111"l1o· 1 J\1,1 1111i.. ,. Y • ______________ 1 1~ n w >u, h···· .. t1:i.r"'· ~1 •• i•s -i J ,m .. i . ., .. :•• ,:.!· .... 1111y s1,,,,, -Construction Loans '53 F d VS $1295 1 •I. :1 nt:w t.:. ~. :,·, 111·1•r·,,,., S,,olll l A11i:11!!t ~7'.:'l. Hrrl111 t1r.n '"' '!.-SEE B B SATI'LER or I 111 ... 11.rt•r11-l'.!n :•1:11 St Xp, olhr r choice properties tire l'<'3!'ln. C-1111 Ha1bu•,_1~.1 I 2515 EAS~ COAST BLVD. Ht >I 'S ~: l•t $:.!l• 111111 I lo 1<1 \\d i ht , •• 11 .... .i .. ,, oJ ... 1.nit 1 ,.~,,,., t <'" r1o r ~.,1111 1 • 11 f I 11\·e, :-; ... , • George M. Holstein Designed by & Sons, Cliff May Builders ~ Jr. raJ1u, heat. r & u\ 1 1.!n \" 1'••a, h. 11.ir ::.'I). H. G~ 61 ll;H'·or ll\lan·I, B.1,. "horns, u 0 •• .. "'"'" u • , "' • 0~ Coron:>. dl'I Ma.r Ha.rbor :l888 :llt6 :>;ewr nr t Ul\·.J , ~~wr••l l Bth. <•II 13'1~'. •11rnl1!1t'I t h<'nlll r.~.ly. -F .. i a de.ter.tl:it.J., U" I l'llr, Ill'" Hr p. l'Ulf<Jf;H MORTGAGE C(J TERRY'S BUICK 17-"•ntt"d to Rent Harbllr l n\'t'Slmcnt Co. your local 1.1oa:,r •.d.' '"II bP 11• 1" !.tetro Lite hu. Fund11 Kl. 3-5185 I llar bor J611tl 11':\"t'll. l.I &·!13"6J TO~lORRO\\" 10 h~1 k up w hal hi' •8ttc ------------Rentals \Vanted 271fc '"".s T UVA\·: uw.k lhc ""' 1 \\'Ot:t.o like to buy 111t a.nd 2nd 1918 O LOS MOBILF: 98 Xlnt. "' n· \\'e O~t'd a pta anJ hOUl><'a In a.JJ • ;irs Ir. lh" rl11~~1fz,.,I lltdtom l J• Trust Deed& Ca.JI Har. 2326 tl.llnn, R&H. h~dra.mi:~,'<"· ~':'.'j l l'Clloiu for l>olh wtntn :.nd t"HA:\X1';t, J.'l:ll~T fTll'\ Apl.i dd~. I 48lt~ ltrt',. H•·:l~nnnbl" H Rr -562 l.J, year 11 least'. 1'--Urn. or unJum. I '" :I h·I: !n,,. \\Ill Hnl \'I,. Ill i; j r"a..~onnhlv 10 t • 11,tl ,.., i'"•~u·:-o I •• Jt )'Im ha, .• & \'&C&n1 y. -------------· w 1JlmJ; to c111e f, r p1op<rty In TRil"MPH l lt-2 Sport car. 1!1!14.1 phone lodlly nwner,.. sh~i ,.,.,, 1 n ~mini• r I~· L<>«ally un,·en -ntvrr ra1Nl.1 The Vogel Co. 1 "'·n:l ~, irh· 1r .:,,.~1r• 1 w 1 .r o: M t1sl 11ell cir lraJe for trun1ly 3201 \\' en. Hwy ... "'itwport Bch. 1 '\I r•l'111·1111 '(: .. nr1lll nrh\'• I\" c<r. Ll b · 76:1:) t'V~S. 82p64 Phano Liberty 8-:1481 A \'a Ion f. •r 111 I' l. 11 l i''lJ 2Ja Manne, l3alboa-lllla.nd --.~ Pl\:>;'T IA~· SllVl'r Streak,""-'"!· Phor.e Harl>Q r •H 1 st·~:-'IF-H HE~:TAI.. 1 bdrm. fll?ll n•"' ~'" 11r1 ~. "P<ll hihl S3o.i• 2667 E. Cn1t~l "'"·Corona dcl \far r. t,1).." \\ 1 •• l<l11 p I l P r.n J67 ( nbr1llo SI , C. M. 1.lbcrt~ ( l'~o· . H·a M I" i 1 rt • I .\l ,;r ll.1:-41:.!l·.J. GJoor. .• 1 11 6"0-62c64 · ·1' r r ' _ • I .. L11fo ur:w ... 3416 \'1 a Lut t":\"Jo'l"R.:-\1~11~:1 1 :1 rm l\l'\ R·~· ·~:. MG T F. "1!100,. wire Wht'<'lA H srhl I" •9~1 :S2ttc ~·•11,1hl1 , I ••t.1 :-.1, •• , l 'h llY .. 11) ~tll "fJU1ly for $27!1, LI 8· 71:;::. 4 ·•·1~7. 6ZUc I 62r6• QUIF:T' 'i I \nth ~nl cln..: ho1\f• I-------------- -------hoa l 11• 11111 \\'icn : " rY<11n•l C'CIHO :\'A l'F:L ~tAR -1 ~ctr 1m 1'Jl; :.:J -="t"' r>llnl. IJleCl&I ('ll\8· I "'nl \\ I \ ,_<n "'', k l'n l• ,-J:: 1~.J~ IJ:'lllr:, a p:. With !H!"llC r,, tor» l'lllf'·t c11t 1n Oncn1aj l'n!orn •I\ 1·,.,~,. ,.,llf'rt 1\\-~·ni: \'1rw f'lf hnrllor. A h 1.t.• c~ur.ly. Harbor J&J2.J, e 2pol mint-tu .1.1•.1.1 . Mrti· ="o r ct.. ll11r. ~0:)~-J. 6:Zc6f. ' 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW Bt.DG. in Lido Rhopplng area. Both 670 tu·u feet. By ln!!t', SiOO & SU!> mo. ALSO atore. 600 feet. 8140 mo1 1 500 \'1a Malaga, :-.-e"'}'ort Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 h ••• ..,,., ~HOP.E <.:Lt~:.Fs l:Xr;L"tt:'\ JI.I 2 1 ... :h ~ulj,•l)U~ bmnol n•"' t'•lnlll'll utl' 1111111· h •tl~I'. l'r><.,unl llf'lol>tll• rll'n b.lr:u "'•lh f11 t'pl & U<'hllt 1111 Of"f" •rt \'If '.\ J 1? I 11· ,.., h L• .... ~ w ith opl11on t .. hu1 s .. ::, 1110011tl\. ti) q11al.f1 .. t1. '"~r11n,11>I" l1'nk111 Ownrr lt•\·1ni: 1mir .. I I 'o • 11lon J ,Jy I. Har 277•J·J c •. • 6~ ;~ 3 XIC!-, :.I 1><1•:: .. 11n1~~ ~· 1•ara t1·, i;ta11ti:•·•. frn1 ,~I ~···• S~7111 1 "I I\· income Pnr "" S~ I """ :--.•It'<' l'&.Ht ~l•lc IOClltlnn llt4 • lftfl . Jf1ll l>•'l Mer, ~·osla .\l..,1111. l'ka .. v dn no~ rt..~lUrb lenan111 CJwn~r lJ f'.l-~721 6:k 6:\ l :l:'>OO DOW;\; -8 b<'rlrm. htom ,, H o1w•f. non , cera mll" lllt' Ou- • ba~!I dl11pnH L l1bl ~O&tf4>• ---- Penred yarr1 E1u1,.llent ntl._ n- l'><lrhcwvl C••la Mf'sa. 1 11 ~:'Ill l ull price Ll h·l397 G3di~ I 'r lf *4 So-~You * _ Don't Want a Small Lot?, l111w ah•·ul t h 1~ J,.,, I 11,,t ;ind .1 halt With 11r< r J(}(j(J ft 11( h1 11l~1· •ill ti" Th<-lut 1i; (i\S1ly W•11'\li ~GO<)ll' \\'h;tl • ~ lfll• Ji11IJ ''I' \Al 1rth 'I t 1:, x I 1 ~· l Jlas ·anad1a11 <t·rlur 1 xtr n 'Jr. r• dw111u~ p;in<·llr·rf ln- terif.Jr. ~ l:"\CH THICK w111""J fl<111t. h• .01111 l "' drn~. Thi~ onp 1~ H L"JLT ~ A S!> plr·nty nf J;ri•1 rrid tfl make this 0n1· IJf lhr1S(I ~f'ar11· :$ bdrm. h••m•·~ 0:": LY $13,!";fll) -, 3.5C)f) WJ LI. )f 1\ ,'\I Jl.f-; ---R.---l ; ... STRICKLER. Realtor nro-: HOIX;~;. A i->. •'talc 3622 E. C<iaiit. H v.1-., Coron.a W!l .\tar • ) ( .j I I . BILL'S BEST BUYS GOOD NEWS T RAVELS FAST ' We learned about \bi• property only yest erday, thought we'd let you in on it today. Ar<' you liatenmg? Best 2 bedroom home in town. HarJ- wood floors, F.A. beat, dining room. fireplace. large gllrRge and patio, nice lawn and sbntbs. Close to shopping. F'ull price $12,250, S:?,5(){) down will handle. TOO MUCH CITY LI FE Like the wide op<'n spaccti? Then conirnJer thn~ ~ room furnished homl', plus two rental units. one 2 bedrm. and one 1 ~drm . on lot l 22x350. Pk>nty of room fo r n<'W home on front of lot & additional units. Full price> S22.500,' $7.500 dn. SWEET AND LOVELY Only $7,500 full price~ On<' bdrm. Newport Ht:-:. Lot ~OxlOO and house is only 6 ."<'ars 11ld Pa~·· went.a as low as S40. pf'r month W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our fri<'ndly servlC'e" 393 E. l7tb lt't., Co!'ila ~fC'sa Liberty -113!) ' .. 62-Rf'aJ Estate 1 • Bayfront Buyers 'COST A MESA Th e Best Town on 162-Rf'al ~!Ill".!#' _____ _ Earth ' BEFORE YOU BUY I t 111 .. ur man~· yt·at1l of t:'Xper- 11 II\ f' W\' ha \'t' b<,en SUt'Ct'S!'.- ru 1 tn 1111·aun~ a number of 'l'I y n1• \' farn1hN1 into • , h1111e B.1yt root homes. ~lay WL· t'XlcnJ <•Ur exper- l•'lll.'t-ti_ .t" y11ur t't.--quire- mf'n\>1 ·• Thi' follow\n~ is ~ t ross set•t1on or well seret'll· t'l.I Iistin~s. and we also ha \'t' ti t hN':!, • Ha rbor Is land ·1 li-11 111 !•hi. 1w•l\'ant> 1111111htS I' ~r 1111ol •lip ~l.'\1> IJtlll • Bay Shores I h h 111 pin• -'"r\'Rnll' •11i.1rti-1' 1•1 .. r IU'lfl ~l·r $1<17'1\ttl. • Lido Isle .:. tu , ·~ l ' 11' .s, n i. ' '' Ii I · , t .. \ i I· 't ~ · 7 •,uu :i h•ln f' t•r 11n•I .'.l liallt rurn ... , J'. J "1'< ;,,, .. 'I hqp .:? l>.•lh flH11 I'• I t•llol ~11p. <t>J 0illfl I h 1111 'I h ttl $7.•1 (lllU •, hdn1,,_ plu ~''r\8t.~ ... 'l'··••!•l 1·11·r 1111.t i;llp. ~o,7,:111n ~ br. & tk•n, '1 real homl' '''1th laundry room, ~arftge, p11t1u, bt•auuful lrf>c,.. 6' Eihr ubs, all fen<'<"d. C'hoi<'e luL·atrnn d11:ot•-1n. Curb &· sewer 111 & p:iid. ~10.050. with S.U'IOU <low o. . 1:-\CO~I E l'l!O PERTY . nice 2 br. home I Hdwd. floors I :ind duplex with 3 garages anti ~"TRA lot . S17.500 with S3,500 down. Nf~WPORT HF:tr:1n::; -Lar~t· :! br. home, chning f'O•IOl, sun (10!'l'h, hdwd. nonrR, fin·plHC'l', AND FULL BA~F.MF.NT -use fo1· fruit C'<'llar, rumpus room. Jen. swrng1·. worki;hop, ~It'. , 11.250. with tenns LOT-RF:SIDENTIAJ. 66x175 ... '2.450. w1t.h terms ( :-;mall offil'e fnr rC'nt • ?1:1:wport Blvd. $50. per mo. G. N. WELLS, Realtor P.oy R. ~1cCardle 1810 Newport Bl\'d., Costa M esa. LI 8-16l>l • • BAY SHORES • l Try Franc is J. Horvath HF" \ l.1' 11< Llh• 11' fl-!'11111 11 11 b<\r 11'.!b :-.:E\\'l'Ol!T l~L.A:'\n l>t'f'L1*''\ -:~ 1:1 H 11nd a n K t11'11h l'<•rn.1• \'iPw nf •••'.111 f!J\, .11.1 pail. l•l1•11 fh Int""''"' f•'1' llf•/11 h Rll•I '"""""' I Jltt•ptt}tllt111 ''I" fl H11U"\;t• 1 ,'\ l' Ill, 1!1111\ ~1'1 't ... IJI ~t I 1•1 I I ~·1u: ~: :-; "" 1 .. " t :1 11 rt 111·111 11 I , ... tt.1i:" :! '"'" r .. , s~ :1.·.o 1•111~ I hnnd' :"\1• 'h~1'h ,. l11 Jp•w ttf\ lht~ !>d 111' S11 .. 11l 1ht\\ II I ~ u H l<•'·h h hl•U'"'· l\\1~ ''"·\~ I f1i.11 .: \\ ~'"l'"it 1•u1k 11111 t 1 • ''"" '" ··.1r1 ~h' :\110 T trll1' \\ lfj ~jll llfh I' fl'' $\I !'11") (/\~If l 'O~TA ~t E~A B t1Mlh .... 11111• I' ,.., '1t11ld1llp· \ t'r\' •Ill 11 di l'llht'lllr.t A l o ,11,,, ''""'' ""rl.111.: '"flllJ 111.,nt :).,,. .. r,1l "1'1-h•rlUllllh'~ ll• •~· 101 f.t y Pill neo"'t." I 'ht'<'k 11·11 h uf(u·,. rt'· g<inhnJC your """'"" 5 B R h nust.• :au.t 4 uf t ''l:t1 .,n tt n H • 1. I \\Ith I hilnt't' llf t''CJllUl•I $If\''"'' Only !:! 0(.11) """ n hul~n'" I <> be r1•(11111m•,.,f \·'.! 11 1t h 3 B R 110111<' ttrf :'\P11•- por1 lluult'\ RI oJ Jd,.111 for b11s1- nl'ss -r~111Jenre co1111.11na llon $!Ujtl(I T PI 111~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE SS -PART IV -PAGE S , • THUR SDA Y, JUNE 9, 1955 G'l---~al f'~Oijitat~ ------ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST 2 Bdrm. H11mt ll'~s than twn YLll'S old H~all) I\ wonderful place. O,·,·r:-1m-.1 dbl. j!ara1ow. <.'<'mf'r lot, rrn1m for adJ1t1onal u1111 1111 i-1·lL• tsll\•1·t. Sacrlfw .• for onl~, $7500 8 StuC'co plastcrl'd units l bdrm. f'ach. Spl<'nd1d rental record. Walkinb distlln<'L' t•1 t11w 11 "~nra~t'S. ~parafr laundry i'<Wlms. All rl'nt<'1 l 1H1\\' at ~~'.! ~n t'ach. 0\\'lll'r pa~·s watl'r . \\'ill Jll'<l\'1' l'w,;t 111\·,·:.;t nwnt oprort11n i1y. Ju11t S t:?.000 dn. Dt'Rirabw homt>, locat ion ant.I pl'kP. We l1sll'd a 3 bUnn. l '.: bnlhs on bl.'aut1ful I il1lmwt1111l I >i·1vl'. Thi! number 1s 413. J'll'ase call u1:1 a!h'r y11t1 drn·1• Ly to sr1" t he lo\'ely int<'rior. ~,·lhng prll·c 11111~· S19.750 with terms. A<'ross from Mark<'t & Drug St11r,· 1111 \\"1•o;t 19th. 100' of C-1 r~ady fur J,•,·clopnll'nl 11r h11ld for in- crease. Only $100 fl. t11d.1y. :o;11m1• t .-rms. C'omplt-t<'d exa<'tly for your !Jft>lsme t'njoyment. 2 large bdm1s. with ~Ir. and Mrs. tlothf'!I clnsC'hl. Den, 2 tile baths, hwd, nrs. fon•1•d hl'at. Prl'tlH'st kttcl;ien with cupboards galore. See th1 .... wonJt>roua home located in restricted Bay Hny. Gooo t erm• and priced al S24.500 3 Bdrm. Furnished Rf'ntal. New llome, new tumlsh- ings. SHO month. Hu WIUlber, etc. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES TWO EXCLUSIVES Ocean front Home . I :. hd1 m 4 bath, plus 2 b<>t111ll z hath .•pl. rurn $MO "II){) • EXCLtJ~l\'E LISTING Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr . • 1 U. R hom1'-f11rntt1hrt1. 011 larC'P • 1111. $4,l'ill!I. Th111 tun ~ll\'e a Int of 1 r r11 mon~v 11nrl r an hr OOU)!'l)t with ll 1m111l t1nwn r11y- lllt'nl INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Cost a Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Llberty 8-1400 Elvea. 3 B. n .. nc•.1t & ell'an, n<'ar Catholic thurch and iwh{Jols. Lan~" f1 1wt•d \'ard for the kids. RC'asnn- Rbly flrH t•cl al ~I ~.:100.-TC'r~s. ~1i~ht tratl<> l'rptily fnr what han• ynu ·ocean front Income \\ IJ11\\. i1 uw111 r 1i1 w11rk111~ ;111il h\'lnf:!: out 11( t11wt1 l',1~·s :o.l 11 111 11 ad1· 111y 1 qu1ty 111 this ~31.300 I-unit inu.mt' 1 .. , J I• I '•l'M ln b.·:-;t o('\':111 bearh. Shl' pai.I ~31 ,;JOO an.J 11\\'l'S $1'.~JUO lst T . D. To 1m:-t11 :-lll l y,"111r f'Olk1 •t bonk ,.,,, full ill'l·1ils BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES J ."10i \\' r:.t1h11;1 Hl\'d., Nr wpurt Bl'ach. Har 51 I• -Balboa Penins ula 2 lult n J•lll.~ !anal 1cut··• s1::: •,on ~ h lrn1 Pl.I;~ p1rr 11'1•1 fl•lll $1fl:'llM• , hd• 1" 1 • r »11d ... 1, s,.,., Uftl, • Hal boa Coves I 111 2 lo:ith S E\\". LEMON HEIGHTS -f Harbo r Investment Company HEA L TORS ~1•\\'JlCirt J ;l\'d. :\l 30th , t, Newport Beach b 1 h<'a11t1l ul. fil'l'llld<'rl. &urburban arC'a in lhr tn•e "t11t'n ·d htll;;. l\\'l•llty m1n11t1·s from Ncwron Harbor ;11 d !"I:>. mir111Lt ·-: l•;tt)lt n f :-:ii11t11 Ana . l ie·,·\\, .11. 1111, 1111g .1111'.'itl'llt·nt Hawaiian mnd1•rn I 1. .. 11111 and d1·11 l:11ml· 1111 a ~.1 acrr, trt'l' coverC'd, 1 1• 1v srl l' o\ rrlo11 lrn1 ~ t hl· ot·a ngc gro,·C'~. 2 i _ ba l hs, :: 11, ;•l.11 1,.. v1·1 y t11H1 •tla I Frt'11d1 n ·lla r w11 h t 11:-111 b.11 Off1·1 ··d ;ti $1 i ,:'>00. T· 1 m:1 1f d • .;11 •'<I llH\\ .JOHN R. DANIELL 702 i.:a~t I I th ~t.. 'anta Ana KI 7-511 1 LIDO ISLE .\i \ 1 I I ht 111 : 1r 1I1• :o;1111rnwr '.! b1•dn1"ni~ I llrll· '"' 1•11111 -lJJ.~:1•l:1.1:~· F111111:.:h•·d :-.:.?1 .:-11111 \' ~;,\ H I '1.1 'H 1101 'Sl': :i f , •• '"Ill i .. -I•: t ,,,,.,.,. -d1\·ornt.·d IYWl'I,\' ..... :?:Z..illtJ 11•1::, Ft I 1 • :1 1:. lr1111111s -'-(1·11 t"ll" f.1 m1l~· h1111s1· -'"'' :-I I ':· (; 1 ;1.:.• st11·s:-<'d f.ar '.! sl11r~-. ~~!! !•.iH ='• t II,. f o l' ~llnHllL'I l't'lll.l(,.. I :11:-1111 "• t >t•1• 1 I •11111 ,. Rr11k .. 1 ·~ BAY and-BEACH REAL TY 1.11 H) OF"FJ("J-: :l ll!l.al1\·1tt• ~t'\\l •11rt lh1 :in t :~ E""!< Har:!!l!l!I LOVELY FURNISHED HOME $210 MONlHL Y INCOME f 11r ONLY $5,000 Down ~l1>~t' 111l11 tit•· lurntsh··d 11111111 n11d st 1rt hnnt:. Lll th~ four rl·ntali pay lt'r >••ur 1 •rop1·rt~. l 'rlll -. THE VOGEL CO. 32()1 W. Coast Hwy. :\pt. Bd1. BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE • Pn:e now reduced b1'l1lW rl'plar<'ment <'O~t ... B<'au- tifu, -almost new two-i:tory 3 bdrm., 3 bath 8 11,r Front h ome. Bay Yj1 w frvm all r ooms. Fully car- peted. beautiful drn J"'!'l, 1w w l'lt r & sir)'. Pnct• 10- cudee :W-ft . C,'nlury 6P•'~ub11at one y ear old. Artii::tic landscapini.r. A U this for $64.950. R<'tter h urrrr a:1 th 1s wtin 't last. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor • 3113~\!Wl•Ort 81\,1, ~''"'l"'rt H1':H h H;i r.11113 Phone Harbor l600 REAL VALUES l Newport Ht s. $500. I I ,()\'f'I \'0 L0T w 11 h I 'nl'Jlll' KUrsl h .,,, l\n•I • .. u •,;•, th1~ n111ld t .. • tl"Pd U'-k JHUnJnrr \'Ch oll l•tn spot. t•r ~ 1111 111ultl hu1hl " family hum,. up 11 ,n:. l.>un'l 111· ... rlO••k 1h1~ i.t llw (.,\\ 1 .. w pnt·e ut 1 ' '-~" F:Z Tr:IUI~ ' Sll,500. I~ ALL TJH;\" ,\In: ASKIX(; r .. r 111,~ l 1, l'l""th1et• br l111n1t H.u.1 \\tot•tl II : 1 ' 111 • 1•l•1•-. , Ille k1I• 'h• ft ,If t h,11 h t.ii•:"\l t 1!-tt M.ft ltu Rtl• in, ( •11 n, t fnt, tll•l a lt';u 1 h· """' It • 10111 an1t !n• n~llh p.p 11 1 1 ·.. J. "iw l hon 1' n l. 1 'h •l1 l ft!!"'' thl .... B. A. Nereson 1u:,u:ron I'"· ""''I''"' llh"I 1 ·11~1.i l\frq;i I 1 'ht•r1" I.I l'H 672 Eves. JAL H·;\l8i Builder Will Trade O pe n House l ' .1 I 1 u p. Ill.. 509 De Anza Dr. Coron~ H ighlands .t 1 ·r I t ' ' .: I t' I '· I\,;, C!t !1 t••n• ..,.,1 .n lv·h··1rii:-1 ,,~ l 'l·tv· r 1 .. • .. 11 't t I .Joie I ''>' '-~ •II I ..: I ,.,... :-;. ' \ ' \\ I I' t:!•.1•11 t n h, p11n.:>,.c .. «-J 1 .. ,, ·~~ \\ 11 r l \ II I u• This l~ I ... I I ' '~. , •. ~ . I' "" lt•td.J• r llHrl>"I :1~111 -J I :;11, 'r I m-:A I 'Tl f.TL :l 1'x12' C'a b1rna ' ,\ •\\•I t11•r Ill t I .itJ }1 t I •tll•- 1 "•I• II• f111r11,•hrd ••fl'• 1•"1, w 1- t11d1 1 1 t ,,,, ,,,,,,h 1~,.n 1J, .. k .\1 l 1:11k l1t1t,11q .. 11I i;Wl lll· """I< P"l•l. I· 1111 pr ~'>7:111 l.-11lo \'11! 11;" Tr111l1·r 1 "'k. ;no .i ht St. -•• \11••1, H1•K1 h. f,nl :'\"11 ·' l.1 1-; 1111. 61lfc LIDO I LE "'' 8 711 fl l ' .\ J.,.:1 i cnmf •rLslbl• 2 bth m hom,. r ,., .,, ,, l nl l • KfJ\i••..., & 1 tHJ~t'' 1 •· .... :. '" l"l. lol. ~10.~IJO h•rn.~. I 'h n·· •'\II• I, H 'rb"I • l ~:: ·.ep611 Want a J.ome in t~e Coves 7 1:-.1 111::.IA Tit •X ·'"" Kf:\>J at ~ J II J3ull>o '< l'n('il~ 0Wlftr, Hsrh .. r 2/!76-\\'. ·,11p6:lh BACK BAY :'l:E1\l:l.\' :-F\\' :; l11ll 111 l.1Jn11 (1 n'"' )J, n1 t l&\q, Id.< v i w:1• 1·11rn. r rair11"; •'-\1 nll1 •..11•e1 ttJ 1lblt', >:r\1 .. lari.r<> ki:~hen. $11.~0U. ~ ....... 1 11, • Ha'., A nn H:o(" 1.11'"> b :....... -,, .. o: nay Shorr~ Cle\'C'rest Ranch Type Home :? bdrm., raised us<'d brick fireplac<', dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full pnce S23,500, terms. AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms., 2 baths, bar view h ome -All electric hous<'. Built-in rnn~e & o\'l'n. Carpeted and drap- ed. Ideal home for couple with visitin~ rC'lations or CORONA DEL MAR WAS HETERIA-Going busmue on hfghwa1· Clln be developtd Into a mon"'' m11k t r bv an a c- llvt couple ~ 1·ur Jr!LS(! lnven· to!')' at offlre j CLIFF HA VEN 2 B R. F't11 m~hNI Wtll lancf~caperl a n ti m l''C('f'lll'nt roncJ1t1on S2t ,ono. S:'t OtlO clo11·n r1tn h11.n!llr Partial '''""' of ha~· anti oc:un lm.Justr1a1, h1ghw.1y, a11cJ boull'Vllrl1 friends. F ull pnce S29,500 -Terms. froota~ell 1<nd i.1181np83 propot11· Fur prt·\·iew showin~. call Har bor J 600 -11una in th .. t1lc1J. Come look - ( E\'C'S. Liberty 8-5386) I s .... HARBOR INVESTMENT Co REALTORS l1lt>al lo1·altnn fn1 nwt111 nl nr pro· • 1 fr-1onal bu1ltl1ni: r11rntr of F'ul· Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach lerton 11nd1.Brnadwa,., ~rludlni: ' • J B H. lwnu• & ~11,.n1:e. $:10.0UO -, -. -------------------~--Term s. 135 ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE For Bu if der or Investor R 3 Zone 3120 \\. Uall.1011 Blvtl. :-:ewporl 2216 Nt wporl Blvol., Cn8t& M~s COSTA MESA Ct"TE 2 beJ~"'lll home. L<•vc ly k1tt'hPn with ~'~I' !llnani;:-ro"m on a 60x130 ft. lnt-011ly $i ll:'tO 2 BELlROOM hOUHI' W'llh fll't'plact LIDO ' ISLE Sparklmg and new 2 story, 3 bedrm. ant.I den hom~. 2 baths, charming kitchen includes Western HolJy stove and oven, copper hood and dishwiu;hcr. Lar~<' master bdrm. bas fireplace aod onl' wall pan<'le<l m Amadon South Amertcarr panellingr Mercury switches throughout. CarpetL-<l, double gar. Fm<'!?t of construction. Full price S33.500, Lenna avatlable. Lo\'ely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & la.r~e den horue. Choke location on \\'ide street-to-street lot . Spaciou11 dining room, breakfast bar , charming patio. Rangt', refrig, carpets & drapea included for only '32.~. Extra cboice 40 -tt. lot on Via Genoa, (widest SL on the Island), only $13,500 for quick sak. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are listed cxcluslvl'.'ly at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Vil\ Lido, Newport ~ach Har . 4971 or 49i2 <l Unll Apartm<'nl on lut 55· x Joo· W1lh adJOming • Iota 40' x 100' and 102' x 135' on Ocean Front. Eve11. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5:?91 on !!OxHO fl lot. Largt a ttic ------------------------- wurk1<hnp \\'1thm w11lk1n~ th~· AJI a.& one parcel with 197 f t. frontage on 2 streets and 135 f t. O('ean front.age. tancr of i.tu1 ni and Calhollc l1'h8t'll ~l .'.l 000 THREE MAGIC WORDS Sell Good Price $51,000 3-*oR!~~~~f __ LAr~e Terms. Full NEWPORT HARBOR REAf.JTY Jim and S111Jy Newlin f>l 5 J:;, lla lbou Blnl., Balboa Ph11ne H:i rbor 16ni YOU WOULDN 'T-:-·:- --_:_ -THINK MUCH of us if we didn't · 'cut you in' on something like t his. \\'oulrln't' ynu Ilk•• lo buy a lonly 3 yr. old water- , frnnt hume Wtlh your own rrh·at(' bcaC'h ant.I Pl<'r cmd ~1p t•rfr1l('j:t--f<>aturing be-am -ce1hngs. fire- pl11<'e. forrl'rl air hf'a t, modem l<ilchcn with di~posal & fan. et<'. Fur ntshl·rt for only .. 26,500, \\'(.' ha \·~ lhP kC'y -call now THE' VOGEL CO. 3:?m W. Coa;.t I I\\ y .. i\'pt. Bch. Llbcrt >. ~-3-1 S l FIRST TIME OFFERED 310 L:trk~pur. Co:-rnm de! Mar. One of thC' \'('!')' r h1t1l'c 1•n•pcrttl'S. Owm•r'i; horn(', 11lus one :! bd rm., lw!'I 1 bdrm. & ;\ haC'h<'lnr apt. All lrn\'e Kurb. d1sr, ftrns, 6 .:.H.ft. garag('R plus Hto reronm & laundry rm. I-Ox 11 fl. ft·nccd Jot, quiet strc('(. 2 blks from the fine .... t. be:ich 111 oil Cnllf. l::Z terms. Shown by appt. F.xrhu1i\'e with -G. H. LATJinOf' 3635 East Cflast H1ghw::iy Corona dcl Mai Ha rbnr a l42 --E\'<'S. 3511-J OPEN HOUSE ·sat. & Sun. 10 to 5 300 Holm~ood D~ive, Newport Heights 3 br. nrcan \'if'w home. 1 bath, large h\'lng rm. with t 111tt><l \'iew w1:idnw. flagstone fir<'place. tile in k1t- rhcn & b:ith h w. flr"R ., furnace. la rge fenced yard. ( 'l11s(' t n stor .. R & transportation. F.H.A. 4 1 .~ ", loan. Low down riaymc•nt. Prked under rcplacf'ment at $16,995. You owe It to your.elf t o see this home. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 £. Coast Hwy., Curoua del M,u-, Har. 1711 & H ii rwur~ ronm. clfJ~" I'> IJAy, SI OUO '1own will h11n•ll• Balboa Peninsula I LO\'ELY 4 bJrm. 3 both home 2 llvlni;: rms , 2 f1r<'pl1H't•~. F'11m- 1~ht>•I l'N'l'IU<ncnt \'h•W Of 11rflln rrnm tqi~11t1rs h\'Jni: r()('lm Go11t1 t.'rmll. Coast Properties :\11 I F. Hll lh<t11 B!v1I . 81\lh1111. H:trbnr 211~8. 2j ll7 a.ntl •600. A FIXER-UPPER $1 ,200 Down orrnRTl.:'\IT\" tn r1x up th11 2 be11rnnm hnm" f'hl" 11 J11r-J:1' b8rk to Your Property "Mul_tiple · Listing Service" Phone your realtor Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd SL, Newport Beach pnrrh l.ni-11t••il on h11lf ac~ o r ------------------------1=roun I rl11"4! tn :-;,." 1111rt Bl\"I 1 1n \' H 1 or I'\ ~I an a.;o"tl "'"I ll•n H .. ll l1 I 11~ ~IM ll•loni;. l,,!Ul\I' 11 bit nf work h11s bf'i'n 1lnn, nn 111 .. prnpertv 11lrP11dy. l•11vm t nt. Ukl' 1Pnt F"ull p1 1,1• 111 only- $6,950 Phil Sullivan & George Everso.n IF<~ttl Xcw p1J1 L Blv.t , ('nstu. MN!ll 1A. i11.•.• 11 w11 i'CIHH :\lell:t lfan k 1 l'r11ne 1.,f her l.)' !1-6 i6 l F:vu . H11r. 4366-LI 8·2103 CLIFF HAVEN THH!::~: 0 llEPl!Ot >:'\I, 1 blllh 1~1111 "'I fl . f!r• 1•lnr,. •lrlll" • l•l,.,.11, J1tn•IN A r"•I 0 f••f11 r ' >t fl• \, 1.11.J ~·Iii""· Full Price Sl 5,450 TRt:ST PEF:D i 9;,no .. 1 1 , • 1111h n~un'hh· 11,tymtn·~ ~···· t7 I 1t~h fr m lru~t lll'•"I I" •a'• f ,..._I f '1tll :'\I r. f:1 llHr t Ill :Jl•w lh1 hnm• EARL W. STA!'\LEY, REALTOR 225 ~tarine A\'e. Ralboa IRln11<1 H arbor J776 61c11:. For Sale or Trade- ocEA. • .,. V 11::\\' mt.drt n :l l>edrn1 hnme Wllh ellllrl\ r11run lln•I '• bath on double gars".,, 2712 1 'hff Pnv" t llOJitl'l-nt l'&c11.nr lot av~able)' Ph. owner, LI 8·2~32 :lJlfc LAROE vn::w LOT In bflck hfty. Uit!l ont In r~~lrW'lect atf'A. lnq f23 Fitrra \'l•ta. Ll ~ 66:\i 62dil Open Hot.Jse Sunday ~June 12th 12-5 r m 430-Tustin, Cliff Ha ve n NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 311ti ~t anlH'. R:dhoa l~lantl. ------------ $1,000 Down RL'YS 3\nrdrm. modt·rn hnmt-wit Ii hri::• 11\'lll~ 1 tn , firrpla<'"~nn lJC'I MAr in CcJRtR ~IPH!I l'ayrr;Pnt. Ir·~!'> than r<'r1t. CALL Cox or Bradford al H11rbnr 1'.?ll 1 ""\ BAY and BEACH REAL TY J l:)fl W. Balboa Hh·rL B:ilh11:i (',tl1 f , Open House Da ily 1 -5 p. m. 615 Ja.smine , Corona del Mar C'HA H.\11;'\(; pro\'itu 1:d :~ b<lrrn , 1 ln1 h Iv me. 26-ft. ln·in~ rm. -fm·r<larT. l~a rnhlt fl 1dl ''"<'r.thia 6() F'T. LOT. :')er fwf,·d g111 '-4 hr ll~• 11 nt• f 111 furn ,, Sil) J•<'r mnn. Fr<'11rh p1r k1 t f1·111 1 f>nn'l m 1~" lh1M! Out of town owner sa~·11 "~ell"' 21 ;,qq Enl'ly tr•rm11, Duncan Hardesty. Realtor ''Lido .'pc<0U1 l1st" ' l.'se Our Pree Pa rkm,i;; L"t 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 1Hll '· .) l I fA$E 6. fART IV -NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESSlft-ll<ol r..tata . THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 OPEN DAILY 1-5 )/- Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES 112.~ will place you in lbia Cine, modern. new 2 brm. home A one brm. apt. Obi, 1ua1e. Beautiful , luldlcapin(, 1l&u w&lt to patio. F1replace, WtW cupetlnc. di.poA.l, atn large wardrobes, f orcrd air heat. Lovely, delus•. Ea1y term• on ha.lance. TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate f br. -two •tory home on large lot. Uncrowded atma.phere witt\ lovely patio, pier and float. Large living room, den. and separate dining room. Cuh down, unfurn, $30.000. S7,MXJ ia all it takea to move you into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA· ISLAND home with 1 br. a pt. Both turn- lahed. Patio and fence, gkr&p. Wonderful location, Low monthly paymmta. HERE'S A SWEETHEART, 2 br. Ir: den with-tire- place. Very nic• private patio. Hu separate income unit with a. •un $1 .800 yearly. Better hurry to ret th~ on.. THE · VOGEl CO. 208 Marine, 'BAlboa la1and ~arbor 44-4: ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS -t. View of breakers , ocean & beach Thi• 3 bdrm. home, 2 batha, carpeted wall to wall. BuJlt on rear of ocean front lot . Reduced from $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAL-Mu.at See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE .... On thia 3 bdrm. plu.a den. 2 bathll. 80-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. n oora, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take amall home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE-- Deluxe ocean view· quality built f bdrm. home, 2 batn.. Tor you who can afford the fineat thi1 ia i\. REDUcED for quick aale from $42,500 to $37,.500. Owner mu.at move tbia immediately! 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM, HOME Room for another unit. Thia ;. a G. I. Re1ale. Full price $9950. $2000 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both fumiehed -, 2 bdrm. hou.Re, plu.a 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy, $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- Vie"' of ocean and jetty, 2 bdrm, plws a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31.~. PRICE T. McCUISTION A.tULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3t4i E . Co11st HYl·y., Corona de! Mar Harbor 47 ! Office loca ted n~xt door to Coron11. del Mar Bank) ----------------~ "REAL GONE"! If you can't see the value ,· Best B~y in Corona del Mar ' Attracti\'e duplex, built oi\ two full level Iota priced tod11y at $18.750-good terms. H11rdwood fl oors-flagst one fireplaces, Iota of ceramic tile-~rvice porches....'.....aeparate double garage-r.eparate guest bedroom- \Valled in yard -7 )Tl . old-finetJt consl. -We doubt 11 you could possibly dupli- cate this property unde r $23 ,000. LET USSHO\V YOU A REAL BARGAIN ~ • 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA FIRST TIME Of FERED BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY .FRONTAGE 40 F'I'. This1~ an. id eal summer or year round home for the executive with a large family $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY . Jim and Sally Newlin . 515 E. Balboa ' Blvd., Balboa ehone Harbor 1607 Executives Special GOOD LIVING starts HERE'S a J(Ol'jjff•1111 home tor tht' youn~ tX<'Cu\l\'f! lnok1nll" tor TOP VALUt: 11.nrt the ~'1 :'\'EST U>CA TrON 1n thf H•rbor 11rt'll at IRVINE TERRACE J UST f!rl"" by .~30 k'.,nj.."""S Ro111t, :-.""EV.'POHT HEIGHTS 40PEN HOt;S!;; TH\JRS. THRU SU!\'· DAY I TO :it .\Ir, T r•\'ta wlll be lhf'rt tn 11hO"' you thru 1h11 "''ell a rran1o:rd 3 hr., l ..._ hath mO(lt'rn "·1:h 11" n111ny rnon••)' ~1n·;ng r .. 111ure11 ll kt the \\' !o \\. c•rPf'I, d•'•re1, !•nfl11r11p1ng, fh· AE S!'>IART ,.rt t hl• ht(Orf you buy. 0!\'LY 16.000 DO\\'N, We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by M·acco Corp . exquisitely furnished Exceptional Opportunity to Buy on Bayahore Drirt', Bayshores OlIT OF TO\\·~ O l\':\·ER 1111y• SELL AT REDUCED PRIC:E- Allr•fth·, :l h<1rm ., or Z h<l rm. 6 den. 1 ~. h11.lh /\('me. ldr11! Jn. <'•t1nn r.,r the y11fh\an1an and t•11y •r<:r~" tn rh11 B11lhn11. n~.I' Club a,u .. r r 111J no"'·· ... , h•\•e !ht k .. ~·. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Ru111. \\'m, G. S<:hn1 ldt, AIUll)C 31:1 Manne .lt.\"f ., 8 11 lboa l1!1.11d H1rbor' 204:1 No Fancy Slogans Just Honest Values Come in & Jet us pro\'e-it! CORONA DEL MAR 304 !'>111 rgurrile Open 811.\. & Sun. 1-:'i CALL HARBOR 4610 for prev1t"''· OUTSTANDl:\G TRIPLEX, -~ Of """')'• fkll.Ut. :I br, WL{)\ fin•· pl•<:t , :I lov~ly I hr. a pt1 .... ·nti •·1ew of oc .. 1n fnun ~on de\k TfljJI" g~r&i;:t. <.')(!18 l11untlry rn1 Conipl. rurni~heJ. S'•lid y~•1 !y UK'. re<-f>rtl 11vli 1l11bl1. C11n in· rre11a1 "'It h ~un1n\••r r11t~.~. Fu!\ pnce $3~,oon. i:oo<I \M m!'.. • Muriel M. Pinover R.i:ALTOH 1604 ="•"1JUrl H l~a., :\ewpor L Bch by Martin & Von Hemert \Vhen you ina]~t them, you will note they Include e"ery comfort and convenie:nc• for GOOD LIVING. ALL ot the planning and thought that resulted in this remarkable community will provide GOOD LIV.ING for Irvine Terrace familiea for many yean. Permanfht tt•triction1 guarantee you will alway• be proud of your home he~. To the home buyer who wiehea to purthue ln th• $22,000 to $35,000 claea we aincerely recommend the • Irvine Eatatet overlooking Newport Harbor. I n ·ine Terrace is IOC:ated &in Cout Hirhway oppo.ite .- the ne:w Irvine Coaat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information *" For Recommendat ion, we refe:r you to uyone who holds a Leuebold Eat.ate in Irvine Terrace. Enjoy t-Jappy Days (on Balboa Island) In your own home. Thi11 3 bedroom, 3 bath Colqnia1 i.!1 not only built for SHELTER but for COMFORT, HF.AL.TH and HOSPITALITY -"Little l•land,"· $28,500. •. 'OR THI S ONE Home and PLU8-18 ft. SLOOP PLUS a Dinghy- • Income i;;. .. )'-f'11rki11k H11r t1 .. ,._4.-1u . --A-U-for $22.~.-- BEST HAY SH0Jl£S Heach hnlH~. ~ 1Jeolrn1 pJ111< P''"'' •Ible 2 B. R. O\'t>r gar, h'.nott)' pine 1n1. J2l~Pn OR THIS Sl~ECIAL 3 bedroome $19.75(). D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor • View Home! NP.:\~·ronT HEIGHTS Y 1HI Wiil hkt tho. 2 hfilr(l()n\ ho111" I0."1111 & (IJ<'ll room &nrl h111h Fl•'<•• tum•<'"•· p11t1<1 l&1 ll'" 11•·1111: roon1 Yr•u don·1 fln•I thrrn orttl\, 1n th1• &!"!'• t"r JI) l'OO ¥."llh term• Corona del Mar - Duplex ~ MODERN. CUTE A.N O ARTIS:t'll' 2 Mdroon1 llome with 1 l b<'1l -• room a pL oi·tr 1 J ""' g1u·•io:<: V1tw locatlo11. •'I°'"' To _,hopp1n; Perteet for horn• with lncon1e. 118.600. Trrm&.' Peninsula Duplex! 8EAUT11"U l. a.nd txo;tpt"'mal\y wall built prop1r1y. 3 bl!druom1 up a 2 badroom l<IW<'I" apart· mton l ... both nicety fumu1/\td. J.1o•ll nf drap.!1 11nd ca rp.>!tnl' n1w. Doutllf caraat. $:?7.:')00. paymtnta Include lnttre11, 111xt a 11nd 1n1111rance. Peninsula Home! SPACIOUS.' da.ndy 4 bl!droom, 2 Moth homa on Ocran Boult1·ard. 2 bl!droom up. 2 do...,·n. 13x24 ft. l1vlng room wHh r1r<'pl11ce. Ntw u phalt Ult rntir~ 10 .... ·er floor. "'~ year• old. ldui.I for llllrre family. $23.:iOO. $~000 down, Beach Home! WORTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nord Bayt ront Home \\1e ha\'e JU.St liSled..tXclu.s1~·ely oue of the t\n.t homt'1 evf>r C1fft'~i on l:idc-~cellt>ntly loc~!_!d. ne11r the Ea1t-t>nrl. ~&i)Vl&d b~· one nt thi' leadinc' an:h,itect11 (\f thr art11, The 18x30 li\'1ni:;,rm. h11.t11 48 running fet"t of 1lus \\'1ndo"'' affordin ~ 'a panoramic view of the haTbor and hills, Thi!' den, dining rm. and ma•ter b«irm. ha\'t' th~ Rame vit'w. The IO\'ely kitr hen haa a aeparate break.fut room and laundry room adJoining-ln addition to tll• master bedrm., there' art> 2 other f11.mlly bedrm•. and 11. maid"s roo m-each having their own balh-m&k· ing: 4 bathrm8. in all. Room for expansion on thi1 large lot without harm· ing the well landacaped patio. Therw Mt a new plt-r and 40-ft. alip. Thi1 home i1 priced to 1ell at $.1~.000 and will be 1hov.-n by app't. only. · . The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Ha.r. 4971 or Har. '972 Evea. Har. 2191-M. Har, 2998-R or Llbert.y 8-~2gT OR YEAR AROUND LIVING.-------------------,--- CIOH to N .FI Y, Club. 3 b .. d- rOam1 6 I Ii bath•. Son1• furni- ture lnc!udtd. You will f ind 1t \mJloDll lble to ret • boell'r v1lue ~yv.·h7r Hurry~ $12.~00. $4000 ·-~~s~ e~Yv~v~~~E ~-0~.e~ towTI . fun zone. 2•, ti.edroom corner homr. H tlll)' furniture tndudtd. Allrr.ct1ve Rnd cut" lor bf,&ch homP. Sl t,~00. St:MKl rl('M·n Balboa Realty " Co. Oppoeltt Bink or America R'ls& Greel~y ~ Al Comellu1 Ed L<'e JM:k P\11kham J011,.,.ph1ne \\'ebb TOO I!:. Balboa Blvd., BalboA Phon1 Harbor 3277. 2 o'n one lot b6x300 FRONT H OM!: h11a 3 b<'t1room .... Other hou11 2 bdnn. Gootl 1nr. Prit e 11 11.2~0. Maple Street BEDROOMS 2. A11,e 6 ye11r1 , loc11.- Uon v~ry r loa.e ln. Pr. 18,(KH). "\ Shady Drive 4 BEDROOM.S, 11<. bf.t.h. ~ n1n1. old. Very nicr . ft\r11J for chlldren, Orange St. ! Bl!:DROOM, 11,. bath, e mo. o1<1 Blrr::h c11.btn .. t1 in k1trhen. w ,.. ~arpel. SJ.9.)0 down, 5 11.;~ full 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAi "C" THOILU BAYSHORES C..""HAR?o.1ING RANCH STYLE H OME offer. 3 lg• bedrooms. 2 tile baths, attractive llv. room with fir•- place & beam ceiling, entry haU, din. room, prise winning .kitchen, built around a delightful patiCl, w to w carpeting, custom tailored drapee, m11.tching wallpaper&, choice c:or. location -$38.~ BA YSHORE DRIVE -BRAND NEW S bedroom, 2 bath home with VIE\\' of bay, large !iv. room, fireplact', F. A. heat. mere. swi tche11, built·in tt.r- mador ato,·e. many sttr1tcti\'e features & PRICED at only $29, 750 with low down payment. • ATIRACTl\IE completf'ly turn\ahed· s· bedroo m. ~fODERN, inside planter, fireplace, din. 11.re1t . 1n abund11.nce of black top parking. beautiful pali• - JUST Sl9.500 COSTA MESA EXCEPTIONAL "VALUE -Very nice 3 bednom homt in choice ea11t11ide. location , lovely yard, ctm· plete!y fenced, excellent condition th.roughoul. A BUY AT ~1 0.~ ''C'' THOMAS, Realtor 224 \V. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 1-5527 "C" THO~tA S "C" THOMAS "C" THO~tAS "C" "n-IOM.AS pric•. !------------------------ Newport Heights 3 BEDROOM, 1-\,. t.~l h. flrepla~·'" bullt in Th~rm1t1!nr 11tO\'r 11.nd tJ•·en, Hardwood fh'>Or• 1'f!lhn,c:- ext"'nor " c•hlnet1. 0.:-e!ln v1t w. "ART" ADAIR REAl.TOR 1eee Newpnrt Blvd. Colla Mea•. Calif. LI 11-3~2 . Take One Good Look BY OWNER, leaving J uly 1st NOT A NOTHER LIKE IT 'tor th!1 1.0\\' PR/CF.: 11 8.~0. BEAUTIFUL L!O)'d C. Howard HC!ion. 1Alfl 11da near Da y • C'USTOM11utr:r, 3Ddrm., f ba--rhi. R.anch·type home, 1hakt rOQ f, 1,.0VELY L ARGE k1l<:htn, \\"rM\· •rn Holly oven A. 1•1 pl ~l ••s .et in BRICK v• ALL. llHl7 Ah.,q A\·t L ibert)' 8·:!233. • 6ltfc SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY ATIRACTIVE 2 bdrm. hane. Panelled living roon1 and ismall d ining room, tar· pet<'d wall to v.·all, .good kitchen, breakfast t11ace. and service porch. Ample cupboards and sto1age space. Oversii:ed 2-car gar11g~. Nice C'nclolled Pttio, ?-.l ost convenient corner location. 2 blks. from City Hall, J'o>ev.·1:iort Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enjoy the Income: from this excell ent property tno rent to ['Ryl . Located in choice rental di"trict, 100 ft. from O<l!an. There are 3 units -a n('W du.plex and a 5·nom house on 2 lotfi. 2 un it¥ are furnished and rt'nle<. on yearly basiR, Ov.·n"r·s home .available nov.·. Tlree -g&.r&.-g-es ·on aB&y~.£J'.ac.nLincome can be_111bt~,o.· -----·- tially increased. S5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL lfAH.llOR 1013 ACT TODAY ! EARL W. STANLEY, Realto1 Duncan Hardesty, Realtor TllRl::i: IJe<JrQOUl &r •l<'ll COHO!'\'A HJGHLA!'\'llS \\'><1,.,_ Jot , VlfV.', 1,,\\lnll' Jztl~(•u Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings 31 13 ~cwport Blvd ., l\'~v.·port. Beach Harbor.1)13 Channel Fronts "Lido Specialist" T\\'O l:ledruon1 CORO:\' A lllG H· Nona Hyer Clarence Lake · Chet Sali•bury U11e Our Fru Parking Lot LAJ'\'IJS. \'1tw st1.~1,1~. 216 ?o.Iarrne Ave., Balboa I1land 2602 Newport Blv~. l-!arbor 4i18 HILLSlDE: Vie ... · lo1 -NE\\·1·o nT ------------------------ ---------~--------------! HEIGHTS $4000 3 LEFT .. MOVE IN TODAY S500 DOWN The beat 3 bedroom-2 bath tract home in t own . Hardwood noora -Plastered "'al\1 -Full 1ii e din- inc room -forced air heat -di•poaa.I -t wo ca.r cuase. YOUR LA.ST CHANCE FOR THE BEST DEAL IN "roWN. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18M N•wp<>rt Blvd. Cotta Meaa -(&Cl'OM from C:O.ta M.eaa Bank) Phon.t LI 8-4791. Evea. Har. 4369 -U 8-2103 BALBOA ISLAND • e • Only $5000 down • • • , _$3,000 yearly income a .. ure'.d Two Wta nicely turniilh~ fireplace, u cellent h••t. rub. dJ•poMla. nice patio, OUtat.indinc Value: WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AuociltN Pa.ri •at Marine, 8:-lboa l1laod -Hart)\lr 2.f.62 UAGk'. HA\' Hilt ac11., ru~\1.c 7 HR. 1 17~ BACK BAY. I •~r·e SL, lo ,!i;t :t- 8 . R. 1111cc:o, u k1n g $'22:'>/'\0. OPEN HOl:SF: SAT. & Sl'N. 388 Gn1n11da Claire Van Horn REAL TOil 1731 \\'. Co•1t H111·y. 1.J 8-4'li i LIDO Good l\alln&• a rt \'try n11a nil ,Lido l11lt , but here'• 0111 you 111 • 1ura to IJkt. Thi c11~t1nct 1 •'• •t}'Jln( A dirtertnl t1~•·«r m~ll• thl• • J1 orn• l.h•t 1l1U1d• out u a 1ublrtr.ntl•l b ti.•· & 11 l111tJni;: va.lu1. C11ll u11. tor a pro•nt mtnl tc·.-MulUpla LlaUn1t No. ~!!~II •l $2j:)()O PAUL C . JONES, REALTOR '2420 !\'t•·pnrt Bl, Nt.,.·pcrt A<'h Hubor 231 3 LEASEHOLD ESTATE VIEW LOT-Chff H&\'ea OVJ:RLOOK lNO J!:ll1t Jf tty 1nlr 10 ::-;,.,..,..,,1 Hii11¥,r Sller1fl1• Ml@, $3\'.tf1i• l.f:l\1.h 11·:1101 t•·~- 1.lb~rt · 1·66t u. ~li;6J Ocean ·Blvd., Corona del ~ar with never ending view - TWO STOR\', 2 bdrm. lha\'e plana for 3rd bdrm. t o be added at small coal), 21~ bath•, lge. Ii\'. rm., 11eparate dining room. )11.rge knotty pine den with b11ilt ·1n bur. lounge, 2 fireplace•. bue.ment with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to Y,'alJ lJiru-OUt, (;arb&ge dilpo&a.J and di•hWUher. House 6 yrs. old. Large double garage .,.ith laun. dry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 Jl 142'. \\.ell land11c:apNI. This horiY~ mll8t be 11ttn to be ap- preciatett . Located At·3312 Ocean Plvd., Corona de! Mar. 0\\'NEll \\'ILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment Phone Ov.'ner, Harbor 3435 PENINSULA New and very modern only 59ce3 Th111 4 bdrm .. 2 bath home ne\•tr lived 1n , Ind.ir.ct heating & lighting, loll of gla ... kitche'n 6 UviAg rm. open onto patio. Fireplace of count. Onl y S6000 h&ndliN. Full PTic. $22,~. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l!"ou!l \\', BaJboa Blvd. Harbor 518& $13,950. Vacation cottage $18,500. Attractive am . home. $19,250.'Remodeled home. $22,500, Oupltx furnished. $36,000. Lido Bayfront lot \\'• •rt me1nn111 of f>1ult1pl1 l..l•t- ln( t11v1111on. \11t1ng1 ln a ll ... ,. tlon1 ot ll'I(• ar•a N. B. C. REAL TY l2nd 6 !'il'wport Bl•"<\ Harbor :.:'1311 or l~Oe !12r 4'4 Vets · $565 down PLUS lM.POl::\t.18 USE TOUR G.I LOA N on t yr old, J bt!rm. dble 11;•r•1Cf . r .. nr· ed. Wonderful p•llo 6 l1u"dry. yard. Garb•11e dt•po1al A LI l'l'tllhly p11ln1e<1. S111.r L'pp.l'r Back Bl)" 2J72 P11.1i1ad.f• Rd , fi•nla Au• Phone K l fl -2111!3, el'.ltt• POMONA-Com l acre, l•rg• LI\' In( rm .. tl11plact . p1 t10, b11 ri, ... cur. 1n park-Uk• K tlln!l'. rr1u\ tf~1.1. lttrrlflll, ~~·· COlnplrl•I) f1nced, c.h•ap lrriic•Utin. 1~11~ 01 Harbor tr•d•. \\'m P"o•. l\1~16 Clan It.vi., Pomona, C&ll t. f.lp&3 LOVELY LAGUNA BEAC'H C-1 Bid •. °" Bl•d, w11h R-3 lo! on buk -Octl.J\ Vlt W -!\IU•I M.Cr\t!11e: H\.•tl 4·74Ql •2ceo . . Planning to Build on Your Lat 7 Take a loc1 k 11t our muJel homeil at Ne wpo rt •nd ~l 1tc ht>ll. Tustin. O!>f•n !Ja 1!~· 9 to 6 Su11da)·11 1 t o 6 ~·~ !'or your~el f h"w V.'(' r an build a 1244 sq , ft. h1,.1mc, f\.l rccd 111r hf'li1. hdwd. fl ourM, 2 c . .'ar g11 ~~· for only S9.100. U .'t u11 di.rect you to our homc·M und('r constru£=.1on 11nd fi rushcd. 1~0C1k then1 u\'l.'r~ compare. A11tsfy your!!Clf. \\'c have custom hon1e plannin[i!: service. finan dnir f1•r State \'Cts, F'HA and Sa\11ng11 11.nd Loan, 111111 J Ktop facility. No\h1ng doYl'n. MARSHALLi }iOMES f{I i -3293 -Ki 2-3569 1 f..:\'('M. -1..l 8-4073) ~~(lh HOW TO MAKE MONEY l·IERF.'S HOW: Buy th,·Sl' onl\' rems1n1n,i:: t wo R·I lots on the Ra lb<ia l'cn1nsUlR ")'01nt" ancl t>uildyour ti wn income prtipcrty. Jdc·«I !11fallt1n for 11urhtru!r• "·1nttr ~ntal11. lf:t \"f! plani:; fur del uxe 6 unit.A, B!tttt ~ these t.oday -• · THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hv.·r, !':J.it. &h. • BLA~CHE A. GA TES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND FIR .. T Tl~!F: OFFERED. Outstandin~. "l'ac·ioul', <'harming 2 br. homr plu~ ~urst room and h:\t h Large lh·. T0<1m, din. ror1m. fr!' . H. W. floori•. RPaut. patio. B.B.Q. A home 'you'll l<Jve to own. S:?7.500. w ... ha,·e the key. ---- p. a . palmer developers LIDO ISLE incorporated of lido Isle BEAUTIFUL CAPISTRANO VALLEY NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV· PASE 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 62-IWal FAtat~ BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys .. BAY FRONT HOl1SE & APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10.000 down. balance e-uy. 321 Signal Road CUFF HAVEN -Your .drecam home on JOO ISLE? CQuld be.-and w hat a benutiful dream! One of the most exNting modern homes on Lido. Excellent design with 4 bed· rooms, and 2 baths, on 1 1:: Jots, gi\'ing good sized l'nclosed patio. Fully carpeted. Thermador oven and ran'g<'. disposal, sliding glass doors to patio. ash rab1m•ts, Formica counters, It's a spacious home your family will Jo,·e. 22 acres OvPrlookrng beautiful Capistrano \'alley. Well w·ater, 3 ac·rrs in avocaaos. lfalf finlabed llome. Co mplete privacy ~·~t only ~ miles from ocean and 16 to Santa Ana. Full price onlx $33.500 with terms. This is the most brautiful rural homestead we know of & th<' la nd ,·alue should appreciate greatly. £>UP-LEX -~OU'f.ff BAY FRONT -buxury home and income. $65.000. Open House 1 'till 5 ~F:F: THIS TO-OA Y-C)WNF.R'S LO~~ -YOt 'R (;AJN. LMi>ly Jarg<" hnnw ·i br .. :? bat hi:, .Mast<'r H.R. 20x20 wilh marine view. An 1rit.'al f amily home. Needs 1m me rt.'<lecorat1n~. The low priee will sur- pn~e yr1u, BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MF..\tBERS OF' .\lCLTf PLE LISTl!'\G 311 Marine A \'C .• Balboa Island l'hone Harbor 1671 or J672 $4,000 Down 307 Fernando , Balboa Complrt<>ly furnish<'d including rlothes was hH and <lryrr. Read~· t n mo \·e lnto. Bay Vl<'W from ltvin~ ronm with fJrrplncr. 3 bC'clrooms plus la rg<' rumpus room. 1 1:: baths, ~nn1g<>. $51000 Down 1710 Plaza del Norte , Balboa Peninsula P oint 3 h··droom~. 11: b:ith~. Firrplar(' in larg" lrnn~ rc111 m with Cit'" Pa rk. 1ltn1n~ arC'a. Fart'~ q111"t landsrapc·1i NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin 51."> E. Ball1txt lll\'tl .. Balbua I'lw ne H arbor 1607 Choice June Selections BAYFRONT T.IDO '.! tw•lrm. 111111 rlrn. T'il'r. nnat. own h"a' Ii I :1·:11111f11lly 1·nr1'1'lt-.f 1111d dP<'••r:i terl hy ~I· ·:ins ~ 10,000 handlrs NI :\\"PORT HEIGHTS :! H1 t!1 ""111 k d1..•n. l Sl':lr uld and m0dc-rn 111-t l"lll••l I ,.\\ l."\'•·I~· • .1q11 ts ;ind dral't'rlC!<, :.! 1>.11 h;'· 1!111 \ h \\, t •l a l1·a!'t·l111ld. TnIPLEX R·\J.J:n,\ ,\n 111111s11:il ·I >.,..,,r old bliildini:. ·\WI! f11n11: lwd & 111 t11p b11.!h·l\•\'f'I ro•nt:il arNI. . ~2·1 -;-;,n :'ltl,IHll) J)(J\\'ll. t\ P. \ H TM E~'J~ Bl1ILDING 1.·, 111111 1:1 l •r 1 lass 1•n11d1t111n and llllll;:,\liJll~ \\ 1 Ii 1111 ·i.-.l11·d. t :n1ss 1n1•11nw l"•l<'llll:tl1ty t•X- '' "'" '17111111 ,·,·1 1ly T l11i-i:< :i r;1rr inn''-!· m. 111 ••Pl' 0111wti.' at ~!---.-11100 ~:!I ;;nn handlC'!I. ( ;n f-:r~XLl·:A F-SI<~\.ERTS REALTY, • :ti !'...' :'\ \\fll•l l J~hd. :-\l'Wf'•>t1 . n .111 •• 17.>'.i:: 1':'.\.;; 1.!brrt\ .... :w-6 '...'"•~·I• Ill t!I• ,..,llllt• l"l'allt•I\, ~L\Hh:ET 1:1 1 •• f'llh t.l.,\\11.; llt .111,1•{' 111.I\ \It \ 111 :1 \:"•"I 11•11. 1 ,\1-• I'" J,\ :-: q11art11" on J•l "J ·1 1\~ .• \II I•'·'"' I I th•• It .11:": J1l lll 'i\h11 w.1r t<: .1 11, .. 1_... l'l'!!I. Fitzmorris Realty Company ~111h 1plv J.1:,.\ 111g Ht•nltotll Hu~11wss Hrnk<•r :11:J:1 f-:. l '·•:1st ll 1~lrn.i.1 ( \1n111:1 .i, I ~l ar H:1rbPr '...'!:>:.! LIDO-See this first! 3 B~:111n1~. '...'BATH~ I:m~,., i-.11n11\' ~•nth I alt•'· ln1 h11 h•o.; 1.1q•1 tmg :i11d dr:ip('s :il :-'...'!1.:1011 This rs a 11111' lar~,· Ir •1111'. 1111.J 1·11t1 m:ir m u ' l' m 1n1011·'11.1 tdy: DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Ul'IO !'l'J-:t1ALl:'T l "s1 11llr Frl'!' l 'arkin~ 1..<•t 260:! ~cwp1 1 t Hh.!. :\"1•\\pnrt H1•:-i, h. H:irbM -1718 Balboa Island As k "'"ror Riii !lfessl'n~rr- CORONA DEL MAR ON HAZEL. 2 br. \'iew h ome. Pr ivate pathway to little Corona bt-ach, $2!5,&IO. The price-$36.500. and excellent terms. EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS LUXURlOUS ~ ~room view home. Lush tropical I OPPORTl:~ITY-A fine home In perfect condition. 0 \\11<'r has w1·1tten off cost of many extras, such as nl'w C'X}lcn~in;• wool carpeting, all furniture in- C'lrrdsng new range. brickwork. etC'. 3 bedrms .. din· lllJ: riu1m. ::! b11 ths. l'Xtra nke tile work. d1~hmastl'r, ftirn·d air f urnacP. shingle tile roof, oversize double J!flra~e and only S2~ .750., including furniture. 2 bedroom & dl'n tor 3 bedroom) 2 baths. 2 used bril'k fireplaces. H ea,·y shake roof. view of moun- tains & ocl'an. This is a beautiful home in a top location. I Ask for Da\'e Osburn). patio and yard. St~.000 down · For information on abo\•e properties, phone J ohn Macnab Har. 1775 or e\'t>8. Har. 53!5p. Elbow Room \Ye ha\'e some <'Xt<>llen t lot values now ! 38' '..! ft. on Ithat"a $10,750. 35 ft. on Waziers SI0.000. 45 ft. on M~ntone $13,000. 40 ft. o n Soud SH,000. This atttartin• 3 bedroom Lido·home ia located on extra large co mer Strada lot. Beautiful garden and patio. Excellent ,·alue. Ask for Hodgkinson. Back Bay View lot $6500 BALBOA ISLAND C hoicest Bayfront" Bu ys LITTLE ISLAND -60 ft. bay frontage. pier 6 float. 4 bdrma. $i8,000. ~ WATERFRONT -Furn. home and npt. -I bdrma. F 1replacC'. $10:000 down. Full pnre $2fl.500. p. a. pafmer incorporated ole hanson co.. sales ma nagement Real Good. IS LAND COTTAGE -· Dbl<'. gara~r. F!~pla~ $1~.750. 3333 \'ia lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated. ole hanson co., sales ma nagement 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 4 BDRMS., 2·~~ baths. New furniture. TV. DBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family homt!. All tor $24.950. COSTA MESA Feel Like Falling tn lvv~ 11.:111n• flt'tt' l< your l"hanrl'' C'h11rm1ng family ho me • •t :l I'> It n • 1 ': b.,t h". cr111p colur "' h1·ml' t h1 rntl!I ""t !\!od- tll n 'i• 'll.'.0••1t f,•r 111n•t1•rn di\\' h ~ .. In;: " th 1:1n11•·,11•ll•"I f;n r•ll" f1tr rl111'P l1tr k1l e , f,.n" l 111r hl'&l, I' ot tp1Pl t o , J!l\lhai;,. tl1•po'<lll "J 11tr r e 1·n· 'l'l;ilt'<I ,·:1111,. 111 thv rtduced pr1r" nt 11nl" $11 llOO. . . . · Fresh as a Da isy lln•I 11tily 11 }1(1() olnwn '''111 buy tlw1 111•111•11lin1: 3 h.J1m 7 yellr t1l•t h11ru.~ • 11rr.pl•·1 • ly r• pr,1nttt11 & r••d,.r111n11.,I tn11ldl' 11nd 11111 with hol\\ d, fl,,.,rl', (11 rpl>it <'. gr8p•'· 111111< .. fr11• •"I. lit>1111ttfully land· ·"•llP• d ) 111 •l w ith "h' llt'r1••I lanai 11nd p11ttn and l h" lll•l•l bf'&Utl· ful rnsrs ~ "'"'"" f'vt'r """" rom - t1111" to n111kl.' 1 his t Ill' ti•p bi•y in !11" "'"'l "'nntNI 11.c11llon In <.\111t.< ~IP!\l• ... Full prire ju11t $13.:.00 w ith a 4 't,. G. I. loan. . . . This Week's Leader rn 1 q,:1n,• f\ \'t•nr hl•I h••Ol~ YO'llh :1 1111:" b•hlll' 'J b111h~, l11 rg ,. II\ ini: 1Hom w ith f1r1•pla1·1•. hdwd (l1uu , e ••\"• r •'•f v.. Hh tthnu:o-l nf'\\" h• "'Y w.111 1 .. ""'" •·•rrwtmir - ior"t !h" 11·•·,• '"'ftul1f11lly land- '" .ipl'd \1 oJlrd hat II ) a t I Th<' J• 1 111.11 1111 • u Jt \tn· n-ar th~ fl,,, l< Jb., Th .. pr .. " I~ nnly Jiii ·,1111 '"lh llll F II A i 1t '• I :11 • • • Artistic Modem If~"'' l1k<' t":lf n1•tw rnrnlrrn 1!11•n 1111~ I~ r .. r )"111 :l lt1!rm~ l.1 i. • I "tlll: '""'" ,, n•I o11mn~ r ni Opt''llllj; Ill 'l) ::! Rt"pll t 111•• (I ttplr&l j t'lo" \\hi h ltt"l'nl" A (lrlrt (I( ' J l 'illr humr Ihm l11ri:" pint• gln1111 I\ 111 !•m' . . 1111>1/ "I ft. O( llV· u '-!' u1;'1t tn thr h,,.·~t "r••& of .'\P\\ r "rt llfl,c:h t... • . J u!'t Sl l":.11,,,,h a 11·1,• dn pa.1 ment. . . . Invest Wisely Y r :r \• •'n ,..H In tr.· .. ne11rly I '.\ I '\'ti h<'olroom ( n h of lf'ft')( , ' • ',, r. • • ·I ~rll1 t n Hl 8 1 'I' r"1.c:111 ... , lu•• I "'1 I """" you . .,, I'• l •' \\,. 1 hll lf• n..:. \ 1u tn • , •••• 1· .Pr· (' !tt ... , •. , "'tth , .... c·. ,,, "' ' 'n . . . I Bay & Beach Realty l r.uG -""'" pMt lil\'ll ' -· \ ·"" \, c. Ii f I l.ll,..rt\· 1'·111!1 ~ ... ~ I.I ll<llfl8 NEVER B.ef ore Offered ! 11\\ ;\Ell 111::::;11n:::; q1111 II ~ .. 111 on 11 ,~ 1 hul•" H·:! I.: ~ .t ·t h1.yn \1 tlh s:.~.oo r R.·h t~k·, ,! 1,..,. :\t- "':.: 1:h •r 111;.h\\n\, 1·v ron11 <!rt ~t11r \I 1th 11n11~11Ally n1re out· I ~·k . Stanley A. Smith R~~A LTOR PIER & SLIP VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR CHOICE LOCATION~Lo,·eJy, new 2 bre .• & Jen 1 '-.: baths. just 1 blk. to beach. Lg. living room, used brk. fireplace. carpels & dra}X's. mercury switrhcs. disp .. fan, covered patio off kitchen. A good buy at S21,500. DUPLEX SPECIAL-(2 brs. each uni~ fur- nished I. Good location. Total price $13.500. wit h good financing. We also have aev.:-ral others m lh1s price range. LARGE H OME & INCOME.-3 brs .. 2 baths & 1 br. apq 1 1-.: blks. to beach un lg. lut. ft~urnished apt. has income of $900 per year. Exl'el. featur<'s thrunut, picture window• look out on Jg. enclosed patio. For t he finest in Living comfort ~ this at S35,000. CORONA HIGHLANDS CHOICE CORNER \lr.w LOT-60'xJ20'. Survey report & pr<>limlnary plans for home. Lots are about gone-better hurry. NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST BUY. Fine VIEW home priced at S16.995. Lg. picture window looking out over the hal"bor from comfortable living room. 3 bra .. hw. floors, flagston<' fireplace. Maximum privacy. Cannot be repl~c<'d at this price. Call now. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del .Mar. Ha r. l 7 41 & 1177 Bay & Beach Realty ; -Realtors BALBOA 3 bd rm. b<'ach cottage -Nc::1r library. Full price $10,500 furnished. $2,000 down. 12 block to Bay, near Newport Ha rbor Yacht Club. 3 bdrm .. 1 1-.: baths, modf'rn kitchen, d1shwash<'r. etc . Fo rced air heat. full price S17,i50. Low d own pay- ment will handle. BALBOA PENINSULA ... Attractive home on J l.: lol.11. Fm•placr. full tlrmng room. modern kitchen, extra large patt••. Full pnl'c.? Sl .!'.150. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1150 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Cal. Har l'.?G l BEFORE YOU BUY -Be Sure and See These 3 & 4 Bedroom. 2 Bath HomC'S · FHA Tenna Priced at $8,900 to$9,800 Pned st reels. 1 block to shopping center C'ALL ~lR. (jATES. With DIKE & COLEGROVE Phom• LI '-i976, Can be Sl'en anytime. 61 r()3 .... CORONA DEL MAR HOUSTON VALUES Rare Opportunity A RF:AL ~IC'F. rloer-ln dttplrx nn 11r~·ers. .11>oly & yr.o oltl, good 1 •·111'1@hle r um r r A lll f'KI at $9 IJO() · w11h 11m11ll t1own, a1vt low month· ly paym .. 11i.. Cute 3 Br. $10,750 WITH A 4"; G J. l..OA:-> makr1 thhl &11 unu11u11l h11rgain H ~w tlr~ . only 6 yrs .. 1.1 On ~.,w,.rs. i;arb:\J;l' •ll~p \'"n"tlllll -. bhm11 P rvprrty In n crll<'nl con· J1t111n, On C.:o•ta Me;,a St . low dowl'), $~7 ~>• mo. vn b11 l11nrl'. WATERFRONT -2 superior units. 3 bdrm., fire- place DOWN: 2 bdrms. 2 baths t:P. Bay \"iew from upper deck. $45.000. ~ubmlt down. CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -o\ furnh1hcd un!t.w: 1 bdnn. each. No vacanC'\es in rwt-r a )'t'llt . Rtnt la $65 each. Cross yearly S3920. All in first cl8.t's con. dtt1on, S6000 takes. Full prke $22.500. For information on the above properties, calJ Mra. ~faroon, Har~ 1775. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY SHORES properties. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. M-1 Superior$10,500 ------------- 110 F'T. FRONTAOE. with a nice 2 bdm1. home. rm tMwera, low down. ju1t th~ lhtnic l or a good home 8nd shop. Nice 2 Br. $11,500 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Across from Richard'ii Ma.rkl'l) GOOD EASTSJDF: LOCATJO~. lot Is ~:lx330. Room fur mort unit" with •lbl" icnr , }I W f irs. )g d1n1n1: 1 nt • an,1 bJrms Thia Ill I rally nl1 e lhruout Only Spend the Summ~r I :! l~HI •l1ov.n, t11~y rymt:. on b11l I "'"1 ~:,. 1nr .... n It"""'" on lido Island rh '" tittf' '·' 8·~·HH. I Why not? $10,000 down and you m ove Only $6,250 1 into a b.rand n~w Ingram-Collins Lido ~l<'E 'J ll·hn1 hnmr nr 1u11rktU masterpiece. This well located four bed- & '"'"' 1• """ H· '"'"t1on room. two bath modern home is built ~m:il1 cln & s•I() ptr mnnth f'l•r fnr I n•h o n a 40 foot street to street lot. Libera·} Inspection Invited use of wormwood paneling combined ~.26 A1.i~o A\·1-: with a massive floor to ceiling fireplace ~i:,,·1 ·0RT HTs . A ch•w .. 1~mt ' provide an unusually attractive living 1 Qmmu1111,r 1wa.r boll1 hi uid Th. b . l h . ~rn·•e .r11001,,. !l bdrm~ hdwd , room . rs eau t1fu ome JS carpeted r~0··u. llHI 1irev1•c" ""' 1:er., thruout. The s m art kitchen is equipped I-• n• ..it .\"Ii rd. $4 ,OM dri ,\ $R2 2~ . . . J"'r 1110. ll•. \'IC&IJ( an:1 tt'lll.!y. with built m The.rmador stove & o.vcn. 0 rt·n M neriy For appointment to seo this outstanding Nice R-4 Corner ! Lido hom e, contact us. nn Tu~t 1n, 11111t11lil• fur hntl!OO or t!t:plr "< S:l,J!IU F•·r F:vr h 1r 11r 11 11 .. , ... l'h Lytlr I.I 8·2!'112 Houston Realty Co. I . & AS~OCIATl::S :\fl!I \, n11 r St Ll i..Chll l c .. ,la Mt11a I.I 8-77 4 SHi\HI' En:s FOR A BUY? l ~l;\l;\1 ·1·1.A'I ~· ..: I I I "'~ "' ll•n 1' 1f11l 1 1.• II'" n J-ir"1 la• w ~I .all 1 I It•· l• I c tnl\' ~!1.~1(1(1 '"' h i I :,011 •ln\'11 I !t• ol r .. r 11111 !a:,,) You CAN'T buy 65 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Souci for ~65.000 cash, but you CA N acquire this fabulous frontage by trading your acreage or business inc om{' of comparable value. 0 w n e r will c-onsider any . Southern California pr<>pcrty and will trade up if n eed be. :1 l "'\ITX .~p111 kl111g rln .n '• blk f:: 1 ••l'lln •n :->ewp<i1 1 $1 2.(1011 fo.l l pri• .. With ll ,~n1l '1•·wn. T••n· fl•d~.11,,,k., ~1.1\lf r~.\'flll'Mt!O ~11111· 1111 ltlf'•·11t! S:\\O h,•n'I I • h. ,., .• :. Exclusive with us W. G. <B ill) }\1 mpton * J "s''l'h JI. Grr>hmnn * \'ir~1111a !lfan:.1111 • C1•n1· \'n •I.mt! • T 11m ('ampb<'ll * (J,1.\r, 1 ... 1:i nd " t11"1>t 1·i'/ "'n1·11C '"' i,11 Ir·~ 111·rw1nn,·l l r.sx HECHS -HEALT()R 2·:117 \\" l!.1ll>o1a Oh-.!, l!Ar •,1 .•1 H .11 h r ~'i91-\\ i.21 tol BEACH HOMES All under S2000. dn. ' \\' .. ,. :-;. ,, roil 1 n R t:il"'l $•·"", :->o11r :;11yr· 3 8 ft S ltt '. "' I! t.t t .> H I~ s,,n,~,r.r,. cfl tve. dUf f• X Bayview Realtors1 1 ~ 1'", I! I +t I'.\•: ltJt( .13;1 - BACK BAY LIVING f'eir ~;j,111111 -f 111\\"t\ Yl•ll I olll ht· ! njll)'ln~ <t •JI) ft . fiJ- \1 ,, .. 1 i-w1tllm1:1~ l''•"I, 11 "II" 111 r• ,,f ~1·1.und. lfl1R a 11111• :J !Jdrr11 h un.1 , I hr-; ~· t•ar:d•• i~t,H·i;t hous .. , lgl'. ru11 q1us t c.11111 :111d d 111hl .. 1 :ir ~·a1 .1..:•· l'I· 11ly 1.( r11r1m fur ,,lahl• !! ~· h 11151· U11ly. :1.llllfl cl1.1\ ~1. C".dl r .. r appt. GORDON w. E. WALKER, Realtor FISHER , Builder r1,, k H11l1ard I'., J'.1ll1lir>n :t11:11 r. <· 1ai-t Hw-.·. (',, "II I J, I .\l<i r. I l.1r. :!113 Bay & Ocean View 1-~ - I.AH• .r: rl 111.:~ !1 1 ••' a;:1 111 IC! tq I 7 1 n.~ 'l tn l11~. ~J!• ·,qu We offrr l'Xl'lt1i-11·1 ly 11n llnu:=:ually •k:-1rnbll• I b.trm. multi-bnth h11nll' !1(ll1ghtful lld11c r . •m. l:1q:r dm- tng room. !llax111111m squart' foptai:1'. l '11•~1· 10 bl'nch. , J B R .. 2 BAT11S4 l11tj!'t 1.,a:.1,1 P rl· 1 \":\'e brsrh. l'rrr. t thr• ll11hout ·1 $32,500 2 bt-droom home near 11hopping. 11:.is dming L off linng room, fireplace, trle in kltcht•ti & b.rth, ft·nl·ed yard. 4 •. G. I. hJ1rn. $12,000 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE 'Zfl.'l3 C)1rr nr. at San:& An11 Aw u 8-4 1112 r.6p1,l1 ~:!13,l)iltl. N1i:;~· l1•rms. :-'t'l' tlli~ \".ti to· Bt1y' C'all Harbor 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22~ ~Ianni." ..\\ l', D:1lbn11 !~I.in.I Osborne Realty Co. ::~:. \\" 1 • B•t H I\,)' llt l \.rt 111angt l'h·r.c H111 l~r 4P23·J. tllci!J ,:\"f.:\\" :1 n1 R:'ll ti :, R• rr 17 9!'.>0 :83 A"' .i11.,, C.: at& :'lh n Ph I 1'1:::?~2 ••:tc Two lots on HaZ<'l Drive, south of boule"ard. Only two &.\'a1lable. SS.000 each, RAY REALTY '-co. 3'14'1 E . Cout Blvd, Corona del .\far H ar bor 2~88 Look at1his 3 brlnn... hwd. n oor1. tlttpl&ct , dlApo&&l, Wired for rlf'etr:c 1tcw• f"er.r•d, lor .11t •"l a t 2~49 Fairway Dr.. Coat.a Mua. $11 ,2~ Ph_ Hu. 8~ I .J. J9~tc 710 IRIS. (Lot 3'1x l 1 J .. S4950 Cash Phone Harbor 1069 .or Harbor 2649·J , Mtto • • t PAGE 8 · PART IV -NEWPO~T HAR~OR NEWS-PRESS THU RSDAY, }uNE 9, NEW PURPLE HEART OFFICERS ,.lembeni of 1f ihtary Order of the Purplf> Heart. Or1u1ge BPlt Ch;~pter :!51, r~ently aaw new officeri; inducte<l. \'1ewed from left, J •• lf. PC'tern1an , CoHta ~l e!\a, ney,• s<'nio r \'Ice commander: George Ri cketts. Carden Grov1" ncv: con1ma11d1•r accf•pting ga\'el rrom A. F:. Obt'rlin, Santa A na. outgoing co mmander named ex.ecut i,·e committee1nan: S. J . 0<'1 '.'.fonte. Sffnta .Ana, junior vice commander. Pat 111chacl!!, Garden Gro,·e, Rd - JUtant. was unable to be jll"('&ent. -Staff P hoto Thorough Road Program Plan Being Studied ou\Jiri.«I 1h .. purpOll<'JI ur !tut •n:tlf· ter plan 1111<1 uri;"d full <v<lf""lll· u o n fru111 l ll,,.,. and ot h~r J.:<>Vl'rn· ni.·nta! Hl(t'ncie11. !{oll•I l"••tl\1t1 1~11luun•·r /I.I K0<-h Wt'l1l ovrr 11. drtall<'<I h 1o<tvry nf lh•· u1a~ter planr11ng to th<' Jl•~s~nl point, Kf'nn•-th s .. n•p~""· 11.'t~••l><nl SAXTA ANA 10CXS1 ~I .iv-pl .. nnlnK tHr .. clor. f <'V leWt'•l th• BE SURE -INSURE ll'ilh ,\IAt.:HJt; .... TA..:\"l.t;\' l n.~ur110.-.-Only l 'h untt lf11rhor ~474 !ISi~ t:. f' ...... I lflJ;hMBJ' Coron .. di'I :\1111r MA.TTKt:S~t:~ Ho•I• -Hom+'• -Tr.tkl'9 l rr+'lt'Ul•r Rh.apt'& l.llwrty 11-1803 COST,\ :\lt:~A. ~:\TTKE~l'o; CO. ~l.lO '.'\"twpurt HhJ. lnl ln ""'I IJJI • <"<IU!Jlf••h.,n••ve proc~ura und"r \he l11v• f ur •'l'o<ll· l""ifr&"l i"r •!ev•·l<>fl"""'t or l111<h· tuin '""I >1dnpllon "' " ""'~t•·r l'"1&Y• 011 11 r"Ull!)'V•!<l•· bfl-'ill !ht' h1,i:h"""Y plau. l l mu.rt !><! cvrr,·I· 1•l11nn1nJ( 11nd ,1,."~Jop11,;•nt 1•ornn11t· ll l<'d "·1 th the dn·1111on nr hlKh\\'11)' !»~of 1h•· 1•111nj1.-1·,,u11t.1· A,..•!>(·· .pl1<ns lllld th••~•·••( th1• 1 ... {.,r11I JIO\'· 1HU!d Ch11n1,,,.r11 of (·ornmPrCf' cun~ t'mn1enl for ~urr .. un•hng t•oun!•<'~. \',.,,,.(! her•' ·""l" ~7. t.:i<l:h bl'"" t·ha1r11u1u •11s~·11,,,;..·(L l••·••l J::tl K••l l•li: C•'11'11l~t\I• !I lh"t lh<I pr .. blem11 of hi~ P '"P"' t11··· KP'fl-1 )::;:;:=======::===~ t h" H<"11"n l•ninJI "l' 1,i:111."·•1f· C'1!y !.\11 n11g~r l"arl T hur·nt'"' !'l"'li;· "''"Y~ no'" """ntu111J~· ""'""' .'tlll'i' t<1 full tiupp11rt ••r S11111a ·A 1111. r ounry 111xpB~'<'I~ h11n•lr•·d~ uf Area 1'h1111·11>o•n 1•· .. re 111.•l nh·tNI lhn111mn1!s H! 0!.ill1u ><. ll•· !<l•i<I •t Jn .'!('\ Ufl nl<>•·t1ni.:s ,,.,.,[!, JUn~•ll•'• •'O•ll 1_,,,. ,\J11i:••\ .. ,. cl1<1lH:h n11111•·y 1uu111 in tht>ir l"t.:11111~ and '"' r .. a.,y 1n 11crp11r r 11j1hl·<>f·"'"" al Third "'lll• a. l'"])n l'\ 11t th" nt11.l ,.;"nt'ra\ 11 no l .\I J11n 1'-1" !u /'"Y ,,.,.th" "l'<'rH· •l"~'"on. Iron"/ a f•! .. nn111;. ''"l'''1 tn1 .. n\ fnr -------- The 1'1•·11 <>f \h<' • IH1lll O<'!" Tllll~­ l•'I pl>t ll >< t" j.:.-l "l:llL-.-r,f.\\'H)' ,. ·"•hl1•h .. •I h"f"'" lh•· • .. unty ho'· , ••II•• ' •l,.!l·•·I V fl"f"thtl• <! 'J h• ·"tmnJI~·•-·· , .. mmr·ri-..- Mesa to Benefit from Nose Count :n Tax Monies A !f'\t.,r fn•n1 lh~ St ia!t' ll>l'•••on Newport Variety \'4>1'11 :; an<I l ti l'iTOHI': \\ 11 IO i\·11 l.'ro"·n l"l 1&1'1Jlll f11·1·1u1 t "r unl :\'Par f"l er .S J:\\"l'('lf(T HEA<'ll fi 0wers;,., ;,: .-.·, .. 111. /_,.,, /, ~ '/,,, •. ll ,·,{_. II • ·u ;n 111 lu1v.-I rw 1111'1~\• r-)>!iH\ l1t"\'+'l"I'· "'' 1 .. 11,, ... 11,t .. r th•· ,., . .,,. It .,..,,.,1.1 11 .. 11 ,,., vn111wn.1.q ... 11 1 .. lh• •• <; lo ""'j "· ~lt\"~Tl~•ll >I i HI' \ ., • "h•!<d' '• ,. 'II HI !h o I\ "!· I• 11 •I • ~.-••' I '"' lu •'>I \\',11 · or H11c1hv.••y>1 ha" 11rkn••\\:l"d~"'l I Cu,.111 ,\ll•.~11·,, !"'f"'l"!'"" u" ,,.,~ .. •c=====;,,===='""=="O bv r .. c•·nt "P"{'IMl ,., • ..,.,1•, t '.,~\n I I .\! .. ,. .• ··iiy ,\1"11 "~--· '""·'!.'." i·.oi: .. v 1 Pr1'vate. Pol1'ce I T•'l"'ll•·<I to.!av I 11.-. ,.u~•· .. r ·tho· 1~'f"l!1tl10'n Ill· I 1• \'.,,11.,1 ·• .~11 • '~"' lfl •H 1',,JI· 1., \I• l'J •1 1·~· I '.••·"• 11,1 1 ~ llcri.:h ··r.11~ ... 1.:orr .. y ,.,.1.1. !h•· 1111· \1 111 j tf'l'•'l\"I' s~ ~ll•l lll•>I P Ill ~ ••• ,. \J<\ rl· 1 "l'l"'r11Pn111<'nl .,J.,~e Th<· '11\-1-! MERCHANT PATROL I \\ \ rt:1: llE \Tt:H.. IH/J nf h •i<h"'"Y~ '"fHl!'l•'>l .. tt. .... ! 11 I )J::~ .'.?i:.;6.;:~t.I ;: .. :;;'.:·:~::::~'.~!.;;,: .. :~:-~·:::~:~'.::: 1 l1 111 ... ~ ,, •l • c, .. , c{)w.. j We . havo i,1j ''•"• ... •oo• '11~ r--------.11 M 0 VE D 'l1 Q •ick Service !i to · ii\ .... ill ' Roller Shades S1•n•Lllr1I :-;h11r1.. t:h.,1Ul.\ hrl'1 l'u,tu111 SP•" 1al' i. ~ • L •rhpery Jl11rdwir1 • \"on·t ,a 11 Blind.I. 1807 Newport Ave. '·ii COSTA MESA 1 , Llb.erty 8-4512 and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL • f ' \I.I. It \ltROK 11!11 BOB'S THE SHADE SHOP i ! l ii i : 1i ! 'i1 Kl ! I ' ' 2-7027 •~·! :i'!not :--L. :'\P"\'urt H••J<rh SportinCJ Goods ' · ____ ._~_._ .. _,._,_ .. _._. _._ •• _ .. _'_'_"_'_1·_· __ ...,'.'..'· .. =---....~--=--···-··············•H•••H•.l L,;=========~=-'' JUNE JUNE MOTOR 12 POINT OVERHAUL SPECIAL! s • 75 1• .. n1t1-1r 6 l'a rl' ,., .. , '-"""' REG. PRICE $!22.72 BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES t "Kt :•: t:ioiTl~IATt:~ t"HF:t: ( (l~l'Kt:~:oi l O:\' C'Ht:t'K \. ln•l"H ''"" 1111'1'11:• ·• lu•l:t!I ,,..,. l 'l•t"n ,.,,. .. ll ..... , .. 11 '"" lff\d 1: .. ,.n,,~· I. c nu11d• I•· \ ,.i. .. •·rln., .-.. J,\ p.11 .. 1 1·1-1 ...... ,·,. 1.1,,,,.. llt1•I t 'Jintl1·r \\ 1111 .. •. lll<I~·· ll•·1un f •I. \\all• ~. \l!i:-n I unnr,.llo.n lln•I• !• ll innr ·r""". "I' Ill. ll.-f'I"'"' l i:-'J· l'nlnl t I I, 11,.l•llu ••• \l,.n1fo•lr1 1'Z. tt .. plR r " lt•·•d an(I l'11n '-fl'""'' 12 MONTHS TO PAY GENUINE FACTORY PARTS WORK CiUARANTEED I • ' . ' SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 C'H!ROAY'9JO A ... 10\lO f ... • ACRES OF FREE PARKING. =:::::::::;;;_ . .. ., . .,. --. ._ .. ·" --.,.__ --, ' 2nd Bist Week .•• Come In ••• Celebrate With Us! You'll ~nd price cuts galore in every department ... drastic reductions on hundreds of items you need right now. We planned far ahead to save you dollars. This is our way of saying thanks for your fr iendship. Check every item of this "1avings invitation" ... then hurry in. Doors open profttptly at 9:30 A.M. I I .. , .... I I . -.. Regular 89.95 WRINGER WASHER 67 ~~-SAVE 22.91 1••r 1- Tor9et .... inger ~faty releow, hoodi· clutrll, 9el'lrie bul efficient O!jliloto1. 7-lb. copoci,,,.. . ' 42-lnch I • f _L I ' CP GAS RANGE 1s1°0 SS DOWN IA.SY TIRMS .. ' J faohlre •lide·ovt broiler. .tectrit dock o nd I-hr, timer, lor!jla 'toroge drower, ond 1wing door tloroge comportl'!enf. : Regular 44. 95 !:/ LAWN SWING '1i{, 39~~ i \ SAVE 5.on StMI frQlfl•, link ~prinlil boM, cotton filled pod, "'uhi-color 1triped cower. &adi-. ' .. f .5.071 ' / ~ 1_ • . ' w.! ~~ ' [·~. ! I , ~ •• 179.95 Bedroom 4 -PC._S_UIJE $S DOWN EASY TfltMS 12888 S.I includ" flipl a dreue• ""''h bookcote, h&adboord. o"d 2 11ond1. Sandotwood f1nhh. Sowa 39.95 Braziers mi11or, "'ght 51.071 and BARBECUES YOUR CHOICE! 2·9ss &rorier hot A.53 1q. '"· of taolr:in.g 1uriac11. Bmbacue hot •62 '"· ;.,, of cooking 1u•· \, Iott, (OIT'J)lt'te with motor. ~"• 10.011 .. .. ~ I " ( anniversary buys for "dad" lagulor 3.91 Dtlu•• DftESS SHlaTS, ••d u11ve fonn-M cohor, b"-Cl- doth, a •ford doth, regular or franth cuftt. Save 99cl .........•. S.91 Value. Po1ltl Oocra" SHIRTS, netd no bo"lng, ft!len'1 ... tfl blut, pinlt, mai1e, mini g~••n and whit• .................. . lttgular 39.9S Dacron Waal Trapicol SUITS, lu•ury fabrl• that .. durable, wrinkl• re1i1tanl, with ••lro thof'<' rt .. nlion. law 1.071 I .ts VQfut, Min"• SHOIS. crepe ond leother aolM, "ylo,. -h f,.. 1em, 1u•d• cambinatioir. A g-d buy!. .............•....... M1n't Gift SLIPPERS, a tmoolh laDthtr, 9oocf..IM•l"9 slip,_,, th• ony mon would bt proud to awn . , , .. , .........•..... 2" 3" 3411 49c Value, DIESS SOCkS, oll lht lcrte1t celort In diamoncll, vertical•, 11,Jpe1, novelties. Sl1e1 10.12-ll . , , ...... , . Jumbo H.6.NDKntCHIEfS, 20•20 Inch 1i1e In 1turcfy whit. cotton wllh 1 Inch htm1tltchtd hem1. Speciol PurchaM l'rlce 4.,.. 100 6 ••• 88• • Soddl• l'ig1kln WAllfTS, new low price Ol'I 9e1111IM wall._ Com· pl•I• with pan coMI ond coin pocket•. . ..........•..•.... l1g11lor 5_9c UNDllWEAI, eotton "T" 1tyle 1hlrtt and vnd..-.hlm. Sm., med., lg•, e.,ra lge. lraoddoth gripper .tlorts, 30-44 .•. ·-· l•gulor 5.95 Nylon JACKrTS, sip ftoM unll111tl ja .. 9' h9. lloJi po<lcetl, dlirt 1tyle tuff1. Save 96c! ......................•... J.fl Value, fod•d llt.1t Denim JACKrTS, vot-dyff o!MI Sanfori.d. heavy l().Q1. wti9ht, Wo1hfa1I, 4 1i1•1 ..••..•.••.•..•.••••.. J .91 Value. Men'• Denim PANTS. Hollyw-d 111odel, fad.cf d.nlrn In 1ip front, pltoltd 11yle. Maa:. 1hrinlio9• 1%. llv•, too1t or cha,.ool ltegular l .91. Mtn'1 Purter SHOltTS, Bermuda thart /ongth. Sovt 43c Sonforiztd cOtton twin, 1Mart power tool values for "dad" ... 39< 4" 2" 2" 2" legular 67.00, Craftsman l·in. hnch Sow .....• , , .... , . , • , ... , . 52.H le9ulor 56.00, Joinltr-Ploner, 4 '1·ln . 1i1• ......••.•.•.•••••• i •... 44. 99 lt•lilulor 49,95, S.nffr-Polifher, ho"d rubbinlil o.cfio" .•.•..••.•.. , •.. 4].88 lt•gul~r 27. 95, Craft1man Electric Matar, '1 H.P ................. , •... Zl. 99 Proof of Jubilee Savings for the "home" buy now and save ltegulor I S.9S Outdoor 14-lin• Cloth•• Dryer ................ , .... 1 ].18 1.49 Valut lt ubbar Drain Troy ············~·················· ltt gulor 9.SO Ad iu1tobla Tripod l ra zi tr 7.77 llawl Typa Hood far lro1iar, ••uulor 17.95 15.99 lttgular 59.70 Pali • Group, Umbrtllo, Tobit, 4 Chair1· .•... , .•. , .. 49.88 ••vulor 9.95 Ploltic Pool. 7S•S4 inche1 .............. , , .•.... 5. 99 ltagulor 69.9S Lown Swing, lnntr1pring pad ............. , , .•.•.. 59.88 1.29 Value Towtl1, Jumba Both Sita ....•. , •...•.•• 77t lttgular 27.00 Economy Ouolity Laap Pile Rug, 9•12 ft ... , •• , , ••••• -18.81 l•!jlulor 31.91•Nubby Te•1urtd loop Pila Ru!jl . 9x l2 ..ft .•• ,, ••• , •• ,,. 29.88 lttgulor 59.'lS Hi!jlh-low loap Pile •uv. 9 •1 2 ft .......•. , , , .•.•.•.. ]9.88 le9ulor 69.9S Ny lacre11 Rulil with Nylon, 9•12 ft .•..•.• , • , ••.••.. 59.88 3-Ply All Wool Twi11 Carpet, 10.9S Voli..e, Sq. Yd .. , •.. ,,,.,,,,, •.• ,. 8.88 lagulor 1.211 lubber link Daor Mal• ............ , .•.•••• , . , . , ..... 88« Wrought Iron Smoker,, 24-in. High ..........•... , ....•.. 4.88 .Mtlol Smoliiert, Chromium-plQted Automoli t Top Tower Portable Typewriltr•. with Coia 19.9S Portobl• and 21.9S Clock l odio1, Chaice anniversai:y savings f()r "her" ltegulor 2.91 Cotton Sk irt1: Full Circl•. Siret IQ ta 11 .. , ..... . ltegulor ll.91 Nu lock Fron! Zip All-in-0,.•• ............... 4 91 Volue Chormade Nylon Stip1, Si1•1 32-44 2.88 68.88 17.88 1.e8 10.88 .3.77 3.77 Summar 1091 •.. Voluai ta.2.98. leother1, Plo1tic1, Straw1 ......... 1.77 5un .lunnia1 of Woven Syl"lthetit that look1 like 1lrow. Water Re1lf'la nl 66c 49c Volua Foirlaarl'l Organdy. 31 inch•t wid•. A11orttd calor1 4 yd1. 9,l A"niver1ary Spetia l! 79< Vo1ue Nyl on Hate . .51 gauge, 1.5 danitr . : 5,c ' G;~l1' Cotton Ploy Shortt, S Style1 lo Choo1e fram , 7 lo 14 Girl1' "T" Sh irl•. A11orted Material1, Patternt , Si1e1 7 lo 14 69c No-Iron Cotton Printr or Sa1id1, 36 inches wide buys for the "sportsman" l•gulor 21 .SO Alumirium Ice Ch,e1t, ll•1l•16 in. Si1• ltegular 26 90 Octon Rod Qnd Reel, 9 fl. ltad, 2SO yd. lletl Regulor 6.50 Comp Cot, fQ!dt Compactly, Save 96< 2.79 Yalu•, Steel Tock lt lo•, 14-inch Si1e S1>9clol! J. C, Higgin• Spinnlrilil Kit. lt od. Rttl, line, lurat, Cl ip• Rtgulor 7.49 l'i<nic Jugt, l ig S·qt, Copo<ity, Spigot l99ulor S.2.5 l'lo1tic Wadtrl, Anniver,ory Priced 42.•S Vol1H , 'vii Siu l ·S1t9ed l 1ket, far Th i1 Sola Only . ' 88• 77• 1.00 17.99 19.99 4.88 1.99 14.88 5.99 4.66 37.77 1716 $o. Main St. Santa Ana Tolophono Kl-23961