HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-20 - Newport Balboa Press,. ; 1 First Well Near Oty's Border Proves Dry Hole • Richfield Oil Company abandoned the weU the company bu been drilling jutt north of Colt& lieu city Umita Satur- day morning and bu no further plana for drilling in the Coeta Mesa area, according to H. C. Jameti0n, .Wt geologiat la l~ RJchfltld La. An1ei.1 of· 1 er. lo drill In lh• 'MM& area. Thi ftee. • application wu referred to lhe Thi Co.ta Meu. No. l well wu-Co.ta Meaa Planning Commlulon bottoml'd at 8717 feet without any and Richfield took membeMI of thl1 oU 1bowing1 that would pay to comm1u1on to Long Buch and develop, Jameaon 1tated. At about ahowed them by movie. and other· f600 fert there were 110me oil w1ee hqw It la pauible to opel"tlte tracu, 11uch aa are common In a well under1round without offen- every well In· th,. Loe An1e.lu 1ive equipment 9howh1(. Followtn1 area, JAmuon tMld. but teeta did thia trip the comml881on, In spite not dl11eloee "ny oil In -.nywhere of local preuure, voted approval Dear paying quantltln. and drilling 1t1Lrted. "Rk bfleld la not plannlnr to do lNSULATIOS. NOISE any mart> drilling In the Co1ta Since then there hu been eome Meaa arl'11." JamNOn declared. complaint of nol1e from the drill· t:NU TO Rl'MOKS! In( rig In 1plle of lnaulatlon Tba end!!. at leut ror a time, oil which Severance Drilling Co .. con· 1\Unor1 tlHH hA ve been rife In tht' tractora on the hole, placed arou.nd Mell& area 11ince the Huntington the rtr. A fence wu built around Beach boom flllw the air with vi· the erea by the contractora and eion1 of easy oil money. an oiled road run from the end To bring the mattl'r to a hffd, of Placentla Ave. a.nd allO Trom lllchfleld appUed for permlaaloo Harbor Blvd .. to keep down dust from 01 angc county commlaalon-from neighboring homu. BALBOA MOTHER TELLS OF NUDE PHOTO DEAL A Balboa mother of two chll· ~ Mn. Mary Dorothy 'fa&'er ot %100 E. Ocean Blvd.. II tutit)'- 1111 In Loa Anrelu before the •nate SubcommlttH to lnTMU· p te Juvenile Delinquency. , Mr.. Taier tuUlled Loe A.D· plu II lea.dia1 UM naUoa In th• ale,.ot auck fkturee. 4be told of ._...,. ta Ille mall Ol'de1' nude phote IMl•IA-from 1941 to 11111 wtU. bar buallu4. MIMU Tacer. and Roy J. Role. an &MOclate. The woman denied the plctul'ell dlatributed by the bualneN w ... pomo(Tl.ptlk. Sbe Kid the orpn· llatlon pure~ moat of llJI nude "Girlie" picture• f rom photogT&· phers, altho\lfh they did t&ke pie· t uru ln the b\11lneu. She Kid moet of the modell ca.me from UCLA. ahe thought. Mra. Tarer aald many addreu· ... aa many u 200. were uaed to a void trouble with the poet office. She said they dletrlbuted the mail· 11111. u many aa 20.000 to 200.000 ln boxea up and down the cout. She u.ld th• b1.11lneu brouiht 1n .. much u $3000 to 14000 a da.y and mey have taken In 11.000,000 a year. The 1eD&te committee, under the dlrecUon of Sen. Eetua Kefauver, clalm1 there ia a. direct relation· ahlp between pomosraphy and Jln'tlllLI• dellJlquency. Youths lo8ecl on leer Possession David Rumell Boyum, 18, New· port Beach and Rtchard DelON Slteper, 19, of 78H Elden Ave .. eo.t.a M-. wer.-booked by local police Frtd&y nlCht on poaaeuton ot liquor charses. 'nley were nab- bed at Merle'• Driv~·ln after an lntorrnant notitled officer. the boy• had an open can of beer ln their car. ' Offlcen G. B. Irwin and J. Edena ahook down lhe car and n· ported findtn1 three full quarU and a three-quarter full quart of bttr lnlld• the car. Hoyum told officer. he had a aaUor buy the beer for him with money he fur· nlahed. Uth YEAR -NUMBl:R 32 STAlnNG JUl.iY 4, NEWs.PllSS T_O · PUILISH THRICE WEEIL Y . . l:ftecUYe tbe week ot Jwy '· Ule M.-port Ba.nor N ..... Pru. WW pub118b thr. l.llU• a w.a-.....,._ Wn tr nM1a and ~, ....... aa addecl •rvlcs to ita ,,...,,_ and adftr- u.n, U .U alUIOUaCld today bJ Be Raddick, publ181Mr. Growth of th• Barbor •Na. whk:b bu Jllllt allout doubled In tbe put tlYe yeara, cauaed Ule New•Pnll-to to lncreaae lt.s pubUcaUon by 60 percent, Reddick aald. >.a .a r..Wt, UM News-Preu Nswport Barbor'• top &ward· wtnnllnc newip&per, will be able to publl.lb eftll more newa, pbotosrapb.I, dllplay and clullfled advertJainr. REMOVE INlURED -?.Jn. Don Vilander ,_ Long Beach, received aerioua injuries this morning on Cout Highway near Marine Ave. when car her husband was 'A BARBOR HAllOI WIATHa PR·ess \ ) '1 ==· ............. . ~ ........ . ....... ~. lune H . ··-Q II w...,.,,,, J-. 11 -86 .. ft....-.,, June H --.. M Friday, J\lae 1 T ... _,_ I i U driving wu involved in bead-on-collialon with a Mea- w.n'a' auto. Here ambulance attendant.a move lier on stretcher u Officer Ha.I Shefflin aaai.tta.-Staff Photo ~.J•ell ...... M ....,, luoe 1• '"'V .. 11 Monda,y, June 20 ...... Q N Letter ·Otes Numerous Acts in ·school Election Date for a bearing into iTregularitiee reported dartnc the May 20 Harbor Area IC.hool election. particularly in re- prd to electioneerin1 for pauage of the M-cent high IChOOI tax override and C911duct at the polla, la expected to be let by the Orance County Ora.fld Jury I a.nd Mn, Charl@ll Brown of 102 Weci-aday. The Nf'wa • Pru• .Uure Ave., Santa Ana HefCtlta, &earned today from Mn. A. L. all or ll•hom ~ported •lecU-lr- Plnkley of COit.a Meaa. gTand rqularitl•e to the N..,...,._. jury aecretary, that ah• hu re· during the May ·20 election. celved a reglatered l•ttv-requut· Thf' l•tter relpOnalble for launclt· Inf the grand jury probe. The lng lhf' mod Jury probe WU Newa.-Preq publlab.ed lrtt(Wlr1ty Wt'ltten by a pereon who d08I not char,.a exclu.lvely Jut month. wlah Identity revealed at tbe ,...._ "l have talked with the jury mt time. It rud8 In pwt: "l foreman tBromley W. Hill of La· am lncloalnr a partial U. ol tbe sun• &ea.cti I &nd tumt'd thio l•t· many, many vtolatloM of law and lt'n over to him." Mn . Plnkl.ey decrncy that featured thla matter told the Newe·Pre11 today. There riJht from the very tint and up are half a doaf'n wltnelll4!a from and lncludll!( elecUOG day. I am the Harbor Area that would able to produce evidence and/or have to be hea.rd. We want to witnueea to each and enry set all the lesal material concern· charre cont&Jned herein and CU\ Ing what ls permlaaable at and aleo prove many other vtol&Uona a round the pol la," 1 have not u yet bad Unae to HEAIUNG DATE part.lculuhe. The .cJoeed ii.at Mra. Pinkley aafd date for the la only a partial llat." UPPER BA y 4 INJURED IN 2·CAR Water s~nng HIGHWAY COLLISION Budget Meet Set Tonight at City Hall heertng would be Mt at WednN-VlolaUona cited on tbe llat now day'• aeulon of the (T&lld jury. In (rand jury hancS. lnclude law· Al that lime, the jury la meetlnc ance of bla.nJc b&UoU to a new.-' with the county board of auper• paper woman: i.uance or a ballot vleors to go over county attain, lo one 'fOler whlcb wu already mcludln( flood control problema. maricecl; a.Uowtnf voter11 to drop and Boating Meet Slated Uppw Bay water •kl and apeed· boat p~urea wtU be thrubed out tomorrow at 4 p.m. lJl city hall by a four-man city council comrnltt.ee meeUJll" with repreeen· tatlve.a of th•. acquatlc 1porta. Unlit city council adopta an or- dinance eatabllahln& th• apeed for water 1klen and 1peedboat1. the vut ru.cbu of Upper Bay will be no uae to the 1porta followen. a 6·hp. •peed limit h&vtnr been put on the waterway•. City Attorney Karl Lynn Davis believe• the recent county oniin· ance--non-effectlve •Ince a.nnexa· Uon of Upper Bay to Newport Beach-hu eome unconalltutlona.I aspect& Meanwhile, I o c al reaident..11, ( Coatlaued oa Pare '7) LB. Family Seriously Hurt H...._ H.,. as Autos Crash J'our .,.._ -~ tn-j ured uua monlin( in a apllntertnc head·on cruh on COu \ Hlshway juat e&et of Marine Ave. All four were nWied to Hoar Hospital. A father. mother and daughter were appa.rently the moet aerJously Injured. Don H. Vllander, 48, of Long Bt'lch. driver or one of the can. auf!ered poulble che8l ln· juriu u w•ll u laoer&Uona to the chin and &nn. Hie wife. Josephine Vilander. 48, wall the moat aerloualy injured. She n>ceivt'd lacer,.llona to the face and poMlbly two broken ann1. She also suffered from ahock, the hoapllal said. and her condlUon l.a conllldt"red very aerloua. Their daughter, Dinah, 13, re· cel"9d h 11rr ,._ t. UW -... ... aide of her face. Drinr ot the other c&r wu Henich'I Dou(laM AJton, 21. of 346 E. 19th St., Coll& Meaa. He suffered from lhock and'amall la- ceratlona to hla chin and a.rma, attendanu aafd. Wltne .. 1 told police .Alton'• car wu rolng toward Newport Beach and the Vllander car waa r olng toward Corona del Mar. Wit· ne.ues 11ald Alton'• c&r croeaed the double line. Newport police Mid Vllander told them he swerved to avoid hit· ting Alton'• car which wu on the wrong aide of the hl.Jhway. Vlland· er ea.Id when he turned h1a car to the left. Alton turned hl1 car to the right. Robinson Gets Prison· Term on Dope Rap SANTA ANA (0CN8) -While the pretty brunette with whom he wu arre1ted looked on from the rear row of the courtroom, l:d· w11rd Bruce Robln.aon, 23, 1121 'iii Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar Friday wu sentenced lo prl.eon for the term pre1eribls by law on a narcotica count. Superior J udie John Bhe& re· commended priaon authorltlea con· alder p11ychologlcal and other treai.menll to help Roblnaon onr- come dope addiction. "Thia 11 a horrible thlnr you've got involved In," the judge ob· aerved. "It'll take all the phyalcaJ .. mental and moral courasa you can mUllter to lick It. No one needa to tell you what lt'a aJJ about. Tou'U (et treatmenL It'a up to you." The judre sranted a week 1tay of execution of the sentence. Mr.. Janadeane Horvath, who wu ar· reeled along wtlh Roblnlon at Apt. &. 632 Center St .. Costa Mesa, May 8, wu near ll'ar• when the d• reni:lant drew hla term. She la rree on three year• pro- bation. Robin.eon. who told probaUoa of· n cera he rot on herolnowhlle Mn• lng wtlh the army tn Koru., wu a rretted Oil a narcotlca complaint In December. Ae wu Mnleneed to 180 day• In jall, but 160 days were •Ulpended. "We wou.ld Uke to hold the hear· tbeir own ballota In tbe boll; an Inc at' the courthouae ln Banta unat.taded ballot table wiU. blank Ana." Mra. PinlcJey aald. "It t.bat bAilota lll1'ewn &bout the day fol· la not poutble, pertlape we can lowiJa&' elecUoft; uee Of hip echool UM a ,._ In N...-port J\UIUce p11Dtills f.altU. tor propacanda court." m&t41tal; ... ., U\e •tudeat.e .. a Mn. Plnlde7 added. MI doa't leftlr to pt at flM.Dclal reeolll"091 Ua&nJr t.MN'a 11\7 ~ u to ot a ..._. _. ue 9' aallleol et tbe propoeed new n.cat llladcet &epllt.J fll tll• elecUoll. What -i....... '9 ,...,....dia8 u.e 1tu· a t aa OJl9 mffU.C _ ta . would M ...._ ..._ '9 tile -. ...._. •• +-7 4 • 'IW ~ -_. ..... -T J rt a: :: ._ .-.. beuinS wtn not eorM untQ IUM way the elect.Ion wu ocmdueted llt .,..,. *' a llaDce ., Jlh· 27. at ttl• poll•." cln.c!JI at Main 8c.bool In Coat• The new bud&et lncludea l&l&ry MESA CITIZENS ... : p.....-oe Of P·T.A mem~n lncreuu ror city personnel total· Amonc lhoae who wt.U probably with pl"8Cinct. lilt.I at t.abi.a with· Inf S83.838. City Manacer John be called to t .. Uty ar. llUch lea.d· In a feet ot U.. poU.; aa uncur· Sailors Kid the reneral operating Ins Colt.a Jo\eaa clUMn.a u Walt.er tained booth tor part ot UM! vol· lrudcet coverw In the cWTW1t tund Weimer, chairman of the <>ranc-lac period at Undbell"p School. will require no tax hlkea or ad· County and Ooeta Mua Clty Plan-Ooeta Mea, and om• wter who dltlona l Income eourcu . How-ning commllalona; Robert K. WU· wu twtce turned ,..ay from the ever. he advleed, under provtaloM aon. member of the Mua piano_.., polU Wore lll9llns alliJiired to wte. or the city charter, the foUowtnr ' taJt rate lnc~ue• are propoaed for the park, beach and rec:re•· Uon departmmt and library de· partment: Park tax up to 10 een!JI from 3 cent.I; library tu up to 10 centa from 6 cent.a. EaUm.at.ed city Income no t year la Sl.947,339. Total buda--t for nut rtacal year tentatively la Ml at 12.084,671 .81 wtllle total funde are '2.871.IM.M . All c!Uzena have been lnYit.ed by city cou.ncll to attend tonlrht'• -Ion lo (1~ t.helr SUl(HUona on bud,et propoula. Bud1et cop- ies a.re a\'ailable at the city elerk'• office. .. Palmer Home Sold to Homer Alexander The P. A. Palmer home at 128 Abalone A•e .. bu been sold to the Homer Alex&ndera. The new Pal· mer home II located at '20 Kinp Road. kle of tbe Palmer home wu made tbe latter pert or Aprtl by Chaster llallllbuTy and M.r.. Hona- Hyer of the Dorte Bray real ... t.ai. oftlce. The Aleundere Ila•• moved Into their MW Balboa b- land llomt. TottH Dauthter The Donald Tottena. 20ll St.. are puenu of a (1rl June 14 tn HM,J Hospital. 29th born 4 Escape in Boat Blast Near fenJ Four persona e~ped tut ntcht when the 28·fl. aporta f\alllftl cab- in boa.t, Miu Bee Haven, exploded at the Shell Dock at 80llboa le· land. Don Grant Uston, 43, of Downey. owner and operator of the craft, 1&Jd he had ju1t refueled her at the dock and wu pulling away Wh•n the uplo1lon occured. HI' uid with the enslne milling, he opened the engine hatch and the boat explod· ed. A feM'y •boat puJled the bum· lnc craft Into the channel and a t1re boat beached her at Oamet A-n. and South &y Front where the fire deputment exllnglll•hed the blu e. The fir• burned out the hulf, flrC?men 1ald. Lo1111 ha.11 not yet been determined. Other Jl8Menger• wt"re Lewl11 W. Jordan. 39, Huntington Park; J ohn Henry Lehmann, 13, and Jamu Henry Uaton, 13, both of Downt'y. The hair on Jordan'• arm waa 11lngl'd, police aattl. King G. Giiiette Dies; Rites Set for Forest Lawn Kini 0 . 0W.U... N. only 80ll of Kini c. OWette, IJIHntor ot the Mlety ruor l'tW 80ld under Illa name, died today at hJa borne. '41-0I Beuhore Dr1n, N.wport Be&ch. An only child, he wu bom In Brookline, Kua. H• le&VM hi• wife, Mar,.,..i J .. of the home ad· dreea. The body WN taken to Parkea· Rld.ley Mortuary where arT&111e· menu W!JI be 11lade for aemces at Foreat Lawn Memor1~ Park. Gillette moved here three yMl'll •ro from Pa.Im O-rt whv• h• had lived •Ince 11136 where he ownw date ranch land. He al110 had a date 1hop tn Palm llprtnc• He attended St. Jamea Eplacop11J Church. Gillette. In Ill health durin( re· cPnt yeara. wu not active her• In civic clrclu but W&f hl1hiy ,,. prded by lhoee who kn'w him Giiiette'• father aome 2& yeani •Ko built the three·elory bow., on the end on the bey front ot the Balbooa penlMula which aub- 1uquenlly wu dlv1ded lnto two hOlllM!ll. King G. Gillette built a home al K St. and Eut Bay J''ront. but aoltl It later. REDDICK GETS NEW5-PRESS AWARD When he wu arreeted tM Me· ond Ume t-y •laked-out police tb81 clalmed he b&d a narcotJc:e lnJec· lion out:nt and a oou.on eODtalD• Lnr beroln wtt.h lllln In a car. a. b&d juat picked lt up tram aJoes a fe.QC)e near the rwideDce ol Mre.. Monath. There re two awa.rda prnented to California nm· papera during the 70th Annual Convention ot the Na· tiooal EdJtorial A.MociatJon in Banlf, Alberta, Canada. Finl place in National Competition apinat both dalliee and weeklie8 for th• "ee.t UM of Photopapba" wo pl"temted to the Newport Harbor News-Preea and accepted by ptblilher Ben Reddick. left above. Second place for dalllp9 for "General Excellence"' wu won by TM c.utonib of BUef9fielcl and wu ~ by ~ ·~ I .I) Walter Kane, publiaher. right. Kane ii preeident ot the California Newspaper Publishen Auociation. Center in tht photo above ia John Wolf ~ Norwood. Ohio, chairman of the awards colnmittee of the National Editorial Al90clation who made th' pre.entation. The award wu preeent.ed Friday lliibt du.rills the annual banqut't. There were 1406 entriee in t.be national con. test and wtnnera covered 31 .tat.. 90Ar OWIW aY ~ era.ft J&aBee Haven, aboYe, wu charrecl tmlde bull ~;~ and fire jut a.ft.er leaving Shell Oil Co. dock ad· jlolnt to ff/Irr/. None ol ~ WU hurt. -Staff PW,o -..... l UNIVERSALIST WOMEN were entertained June 16 at a tea in the home of Mn. Leon Rudd, 900 Kings Road with C~ Mesa Police Chief Art McKenzie as speaker. New officers of the Fellowship are (1 to r ) Mra. Rudd, aecretary; Mni. Frederick Ringe, wife ot RICHARD RESIGNS Leithold Heads Philharmonic the znlp.lster, pouring; Mra. A:. D. Smith, vice presi· dent; Mn. A. J .'Taylor, prNtdent; Mn. Frank Nonia, treuurer and Mra. D. H. W. Hofmann, put presi- dent. -Staff Photo \ NEWPQRT HARBOR Trouble l• cinl)' Of>~ 1a WOTtl clolhea.-Henry J. llaiMI' ' It doeen't take a maatclaa WASATCH ACADEMY voice students, some ot whom wm be'be&l'd in concert June 24, 8 p.m. at the Community Church, 115 Agate Ave., Bal_boa Island. Stamting are (I tor) Richard Ruppel, Donna Shield•, Donna Man~ies, Wttlita Voorheee. Bob Crist (Laguna Beach ), Karen Ja.miaon, Alan Haynes (Balboa ~ahrnd), Janet Tees, Deanne McJunkin, Carolyn Banke and Walt Stepp: front row, Gloria McGooigal, M~. Holly La.sh Visel of Balboa Island, instructor; Roberta Madsen. to solve your Real m.tate problem.a. OONSULT- 8ay & Beach Realty H 30 W . Balboa Bh·d., Balbo& 3112 Lafayette. Newport Deb. Jt&e Npt. Blvd.. Coeta NM& Holly Lash Visel to Present Series of Student Concerts Utah Academy Singers Here on Vacation Tour Mn. Holly Luh Visel, 2MV2 Apolena Ave., bu retired from teaching volce and dramatics at Wuatcb Academy, Mt. Pleuant, Utah, and I.a hoateu thla week to a group of atudenta on vacallon. ot llxpreulon. Mo. VIMl la a On June 2t at 8 pm. ahe wU1 member of the National Taacheni pruent lhem In concert at Balboa of Bin(inl' Aaoclatlcm and of th• lat.and Community Method I at Choral Conductor11 Guild. She Church. 115 Agate Ave. Sunday plane to open &n bland atudlo Jilly .1. night they were heard at Laguna Beach Woman'• Club Houae. to- Something New Has Been Added! \\'• ... ,.. J-t eompleted ..,. M llulJdlq el!,...... ,.. ....... It yMn a& thla 1-tlea. Yeu ............ and faltll I• oar aMlltlee la __. irattt,.tnr u4 appttclatANI. Proudly we Announce A Complfte Ladles C111t0111 TaRorilMJ Depa• hiNllt Morelanrl r~lthold or Ba.Jboa., a director cif the Orange Phllhu· P re11ent In addition to Mr. Lelt· MRS. WINIFRED B~R· E, Women's Editor hold wrrc-: Mrs. Bruning. and Dr. morrow they w111 sing a t a Ladies Bui! Peteraon. A . Leon Ander· Night of the Optimist Club In Ullder &lie U11W 1111pervWoa ef HORRIS , monic Soc1Ny and on.• of il8 early aupporters, w11!l elected prtsldent or thJa county mullcal jro.1p by thr :-o<'lety·~ bo11rd or directors at I\ 11pec•13I mf't>tlnt: held lllat wrek at th,. hnme of Mr~. Fred 0 . F~r· r<·y ri< l.Rmon Hl'li:hu, Santa Ana. aon. Georite W. Burt Biid Mr. and -------------------------Sa.n Pedro. On Sunday, June 211, • Mrs. Ectwarct Mittelman or Fuller· PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS the group gives a t tna1 concert ln olM! of &lie Weet'a LN4la1 De.lpen u4 Cutten ton; M,... Mildred Alley. Mra. Fred MbNDA Y, JtU~E 20, 1955 the Ebell Club House, Santa An&. 0 . Ferrey, William McNabb and Mrt. Vlael h&.11 long been known Walter St••ln,.r. all ol Santa Ana. -------------------------In Orange County, where aha baa 1. .. 1th1•ld , who w I th M r 1. l.r1t111 I , h1111111un for I.he Bctlboa a11 1 '· 1 b1 1111 1l<'i'ply lnterellte!I Club Meeting Dated Ahead SENATOR MURDY TO SPEAK THlJRSDA Y ON TIDELANDS .,. 1n • •K'•· ly " .... t1!111 " alnce It "'·" 1 : 1 .. 1111•!1•11 uv"1 a ) "Ir ago, Meeting a week ear\y to avoid Senator J ohn Murdy or Huntlngton Beach will be g-uest wpeaker at the meeting o! l'ewport Harbor Arca of Republl· C&ll Women. Tile MNlon wlU be· held a t the Balboa Bay 1111~ ,, '11 '" ,. • 1.· .. 11·1t b\ I.ho res· confllcli.ng wllh an area councll 1i:-n11 t111n of U \\'. 1 014.lk t Ric bard e...ton. Jfarbor Toutmi•treu Club or ="'• wpu1 t He.uh, wh11 h1111 " rvcd will uaemble l\londay evenlnr. t1t • 0 1 :-11111,'.ntlon rrum ti• 111ccp· June 20. at H06pltallty Houae, t11• 1 ' 'Balt:>oa. Club a t 10 •· m. J une 30. • Mra. Richard Teechoul. chaJrman, wlll Introduce Srna· tor Murdy whose 11ubject will be '"Tha lnlerpretalfon of the lldl'·lands b!ll and w hat ll meana to lhe beach ueu." 'l'iw l<JWrl11I meelln1: 11( the b· •lnl. r.>111~1 by Mra. K 111 1•n lttar• g111 eta Bruntn1< of Newport Beach. l'Xc·1'11llvt• director 11nd prulded <1v1•r by O.tMl{11 W. l:lu1 l of Ful· h·rton. vll'o'·prea1Jtt11l, 1 o v • r • d n~h,.r m11 lll'fl of b1Ml1tl'H along with f'l11n~ fnr th" next l'.'tmc,.rt, to b4! h11l,I >t l Irvine Bowl In lhe l11lfl'r part ot Auru11t, Danny Art~of er Hosts Party Danny A rthofrr w11J honoorell June HI when his mother. Mra. C11rl Artholer of 1147 Fullerton A\•I'., Nrwpurl Ho1rhti1, g1tvu a party for him. H .. wu i:ratluate•I from the Ho1 ace Enc1gn Elemen· t <t.r.\• 11chonh Dlllld ng 11ntl galll\'8 were en· joyeJ du1·111g-the cvemng in rooma clecorate<l in H'<I and white. tea· l111ing ballnona, strl'amera, Shasta dal•iell anJ red c111 nalioni. Prize "'Inners Wl'ro Pal Hanshaw, Bar· bara Ellioa . lihnron Singer 1tnd Richard F:lliolt Othcrll atlrn11tni: were Llnrll\ Waltu , Grare Carter. Roxanne ~ogCJ s. Uen"'"' 'PhomJ1· eon. T nn) l'<11 krtt ~vdn<'.'' Swaney, Gary \\'lltle1 . I 11nnne Hlounl. Steve Landers. Jl'1 ry ~lann. Bill ~luzzy, Sandy F leer nnd ,\lary Jo Sherley. Co·ho11tess wu Mrs. Fred Sing· er. Mr3. Ht rb Thompson a nd Mra. Clarenco E ll!ntl l\Mi~ted with ecrv· ln1 r•free,qhrnenl~. Mrs. Edward Mirkovich will be toaalm1•treu of lhe evemng and Mr•. Jewell E. \.voir. 'topic-mis· treH. The ln\'ocalion will be given by Mr11. He.zel Risk. the pearl by Mrs. Clyde R, Johnson and the Um,.r and 1warll11 rhalnnan wtll be Mrs. J . A. Pearce. Speakers will br M ra. Frank Clecndenen. Mr~. Paul R. Mora and Mra. !Uy Tr1wtweln. Newly lnetalled preal· dent. Mr11. Nadine Hill, will pre· ••dl> Also on the agenda will be lhe report of the American!· z11tlon chaJrm"an, Mra .. Roy Hallberg, on the project of a flag In every home." Mrs. D&n Driscoll will reveal plana for the membenihip llrlve the flrst ot S('ptcmbcr, cooperattnr with Mrs. Gerald Hoyt, ways and_ means chairman. All ~publican ~omeri a re ur,ed to attend and bring their fr1cnlls to the last meeUng of the aeaaon. Mrs. Grupe Honored So. Gay! So Young! SUMMER DRESSES A mrprlslng birthday party laat week a-t the home of MrJI. R. G. Chambere, 112 E. 21 st St., Costa Mesa, honored Mrs. GeOTge Grupe ot Orange, ·a former neighbor. A (l'OUP. ot friend.I gathered in the paUo with gift.a to, au rprlse the birthday honoree upon h er arrival. Refre~hmenta were 1erved and the afternoon 11penl ln vi111Ung. by_PAT PREMO. Dotted SwlM. Voiles, $2495 Cottons. Sheers . . • In Summer colors and -to - prints. Sizes 8 to 18 , A hoat of !lmart aty le11 -aome "ft1th dttAcli&bfo Pai•y cotlin. FASHION APPAREL 2148 Sewport Blvd., Costa Me .. On lhf' way te t.IH1 S. A. Co1.11itry Club. . , 181 MORTGl\GE LOANS BALBOA · m&lntained a 11ummtr home even after going to Pa.Im Springs where she taught for slx ycnrs, i.nd to Utah. where ahe hu been' !or the put five yean. A Jn.duate of Cumnock School Newport Island Meet :Newport b land Ladlea Club will meet Thursday at 10 a .m. at. the home of P . F. Fernan, 4-01 89lh St. To the South Seas in Luxury featurtnr 19 Daya In the South Seu S&UIDg from LA. Mptem~r 8th .C:DM TRAVEL SERVICE UU Yi E. Cout HWJ. Corona del Mar HARBOB lHt 10 Open DINNER a.m. SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY She's a Guest Artist! ON HOMES. 8UllNE81 ANO INOUSTA.IAL PAOPEln'118 WE REPRESENT PRIVATE AHO INSTITUTIONAL CLIENT8 CBOAROWEAI ANO LE~OEIHJ rROM COAST TO COAST WE MAK~ NO PERSONAL SOLICITATION8 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS Naomi ~uest one of the foremost lteir benders of Long Be•ch, Senta Ane, Cheyen~e, Wy'o., etc.-i1 now et the ·beauty him 1 Harbor 1595 • TRUST DEED8 BOUDHT ANO BOLC) WM. U. HOLT MOln'llAOE eAHKING ( llHCI 1930 1f09 N. eUIH ITltl:IT 8ANTA ANA. CA1.IP'CMNIA klMeEALY a-.7111 -t DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDG. BALBOA ()pelt TaelldaJ tlu'U 15at11rclA7 AD their lives cMy'U daanlc you /or aJU. GRADUATION GIFTI a Slitlt-C.rona POITAILI TYPIWllTll ·• It'• IM -111 ,.,,°' poruble ~:!! 19 W011clerflll faatw11 fw t-lllypiql ·n. epeed cl .... typewTtlei. '" ..• ran.me keyboerd ••• loll&" lald.c .,_.,. ad depeNleMJity ,... , •• s.111a-c.r... ,., .. ~1.1 902 Herth .... l•nt• Ana IJk• our Men'• TaUorlq' Dept. thla w n ·ke often the wemea of Oraace County the ltJleet ,dNIP· lnir, t'rafatmen.hlp -d ooav~a­ t'e foand Oft.ly la UH. 111oM ••el•· uve, -.tropolltaa allo,.. Te N """" h'om •*-" to ......... aD -r11 la done bl our o--rlu••• · See our IM''-ttUOll of Summer & Fall Fabrics from 1uda Fuaom KU.la • Fontman'1 MWbank-lnbman W· L Douglu ••• ~I Eqland'a ri ... t l OSCAR TURNBULL owner of Mufti, Ltd. 19832 Newport Blvd. Kl 5-2461 I Blk11. X o. of fl.' A. Couab7 Clu HURRY ! HURRY ! SHOPPER Bargains ·~ Galore! T-.W. Ofl all Home . Appliances TV Sets -New & Used We are. Loaded with 1955 Floor Models, Repos,esslons and Used 19 T elevlslo11 lets All Fully Guara11· a 9 5 teed. All Makes and Slus. • Priced as low •• Bring Us • Customer & Receive • Val.ueble Gift NO DOWN PAYMENT, .. ,, Ternt1 - NO PAYMENT FOR ~S DAYS DIMlount to lenrlee People GIANT TRADI IN ALLOWANCE WE SHALL NOT BE UNDERSOLD RELIANCE · HOM! APPLIANCE SllV•CI CO.· 'WMt-t Jlotl Bllo-p i.. Conf"f,.nc• .,,4 1111.11 f or Li'H '' Kl S-1100 %102 N. llAIN ST. ~ SANTA ANA JU %·1658 .. Low A.9 $1t.t5 o.. ... Eleetrte ...... Aa Lew A.9 $15.00 [J '$JI.SO Aa._.. __ .....,. Aa ,_ Ae lll!fftpioMon r,....,. Aa Lo. Aa $St.ti • ' ~ I ' NEWPORT HARlOR NEWS..PRESS -PART I. -'A$E J ' MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 . Balbo B •d ni;tt lfll.elon and Mra, Marprel 8 n ge HolmM and lilra. Eleanor New- HARBOR WNT A membert1, together with those of other Southland Zonta Qubl, were guests at a preaident'a tea given by Mrs. Harold B. (Helen) Robertaon (right), president of the local club, at her Bal~a hland home. Mrs. Joseph Hamblet, record- ing eecrei&ry. is at the tea um and at left ia Miu Margaret M. Crocket, treuurer of the Zonta Club of Syracuse, N. Y., who ia visiting a niece in Tu1t1n. -Mears Photo HARBOR.VIEW P-TA board, in it.I initlal aeuion at St. Andrew's Church, discuaaed ways of creating interest for parent.I, heard reports and pl1U19 for the year. Miaa Aileen Martin, principal, wu presented with a P-TA key chain in appreciation for her auiatance. Left to right, firat row. are: Mme&. Oscar Taylor a.nd R. A. McDevjtt. Mi• Aileen Martin. Mmes. Milo Lacy, Jinx Little, Douglas Hoskins. Second row. Mmes. Norman Carlson. Don Butte .. Wilber Newman, Jack H~. John Neff, Gordon McMahon, Henry Ri~l. Robert Olander. Third row, Mmea. John Stallman, Don Huddleston, Warren Clemence, Jeaae Haines, Frank Clendenen. Lyell Buttermore, Arthur Weller. Not present were Mmes. Norman Comeau, Jonathan Daigh, James Ray', M. H. VerBurg, and Horace "'Clark. -Don Bush Photo EIGHT VICTORS ' Award Presentation at Laguna Playhouse Sued oft._ the votu ot nearly ··Mom" Rankin, a Laguna Beach 1000 member• ot the Laguna Com· councilman who hu been acllce In muruly "°Playbouae elgnt \11ctor the pla,yboUM tor .34 ,.of It. 36 years and wholl!e late &<>n. Victor, award.I were preaented tor per· was honored by th!: naming ot the "formancu In varloiu categorlet awards. at the Third ~ou~Aw!ird• pr~· The Victor Award• progrram rram Sund.ay avenlnJ a t the Play· climaxed this season. The P lay· hoUH. house re-open11 In September with Marjorie Wllllamson as supervh1· Patio Luncheon of Kappa Alums Final meeting or the current year tor Kappa Kappa Gamma A lutnnae Al!llociatlon o! Southern Orange County wu h~l<l at the home or Mn. F. P. Dickerson, 1101 West Bay Ave .. June 9. Luncheon wu strve~ In the pat io with Mmes. Walltr G. Hal<'h, J. E. Keim and A. S. }jan<ly Jr. a11 IL881ata.nt hosttll!lf.'8. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY inatillea of 1cers on M&y 13 at Legion Hall. Mn. Ralph Randel, aecond district vice preaident and put preeidentl, Mmet1. Her- bert Thompson. Phil Hayden, KenneUi Markham and ~ie Pullen, inducted the following : Left to right, first row; Mmes. Herbert Johnson, secretary; Ralph Bonds, junior past president ; A. B. Leutwyler, president; Norvin Hudaon, aergeant- at -arms; Robert Briggs, second vice president; rear row, Frank Crocker, marshal; Anton Boetto, historian; Kenneth Johnson, chaplain and Cecil Inna, treullller. Mn. · Gilbert Opel, first vice pre1ident, waa inatalled by proxy. -Ollerman Photo For his dramatic and comedy Ing director, Catherine Easton u role• In ··uncle Harry'' and "'My executive aecrttary, &nd Ru1111 Pot- Thl'ff Angela" reapectl\'ely Brain· ter. Futlv&J ot Art. na.rrAtor ot ft'd Duttteld recetnd 'two top the P&&'e&nt u publicity. award.I for the but performance ------------- u an actor. Jean Hubler received a Viet.or at&tuett• tor tha beet d1T&JT1aUc parfonnanca by an actreu tor her role of Mama ln "I Remember Patio Barbecue for Classmates Mama" with Maqaret Curtla ol Stephanie Heck entertained Sat· Among tho1>1.' allt>nrt1ng wt•re Mmes. Hatch: Handy, Kt•lm. Mar.\' Lou Tonne!len. George Barnl'tt. Tom W. Collier, Baron Beek. Henry G. Coors, Woori M<:Kt>and. WaJter R. Smith, Robert Black· mar, .laml'11 B. Stod'1ard. R. C. Morrill, Dick Ort1kf'! and Miu.a Ruth R. Me.xwtll, Mallie B. Lacy and Anne BenJ111m n. jewefr'J -1 By ''Kn. MeThlnf'' ~ top urday with a beach and pat.lo bar- comedy pert--award for an becue at the home _ot her mother. actnM. Mni. Roaemary R~c)J, ...21171 CUrt. 'J eorge SupporUnJ rolM but perform· Yiew DrtYe. Oueat.1 were 8tep-ll&ad.made anc. for actor and actfteS In drama and comedy wwe prM«ited hanie'1 .eighth CT&d• padua llng Contemporary Originab to R. Beaumont WWlaml, Bealrtce clua"'-tea and Included Barbara AT LOS ANGELES NHPMYC Plans AAU Group to Mailing List Otttceni of the Newport Ha"" bor Poor Man'• Yacht Club are requeatlnf that all oard beatlnl members f'lt In touch with Mrs. Winifred Barbre at 2211 Wut Wood, Phil lntarlandi and Ruth Nott. RObln Rylett. Marylin Tyr· !S -S9th Place at ~lmont Pier Broe r•pactlvaly. r.U., LuEllyn Davia: Steve Hughes. Long Beach, Callf. -'-iftlnr Walter Prill tn' the Dean Peue, Doug Reddick. Bob CloH'd Mondaya pnHntatlona wu Mre. Lytle ;;Jo;;;h;;;n;;;.o;;;n=an~d;;;Bo~b~H~o~t~rm~a~n.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Attend .Confab Final Bridge Tea at Country Club Mr and Mrs. Robert Ho1 1 and dsuji:hter, Ml1111 Pera1ta H!'lrn, Mr!. Hnrol<l E. Wilson. and Mr. and M1 ~. Geoq;e L. Reily. all of Co- rona • l"I ~ta 1. will l\llen<I the op<'nani: ""s111on or the biennial na· fl<•l1Rl t:('>n\'en~IOn or lhP American A-.,.or111l1on ot U'1iver11lty 'Women. '" bl' h<'ld June 2i In the Holly· "'"<>rl BtlWI. 'J'hey will join olhe r mPmbers or Santa Ana Branch with their fl\.mlllea and friends in t ra '"'ling by Greyhound huii to the Bowl. ~t 1M Phrllls J . J ac:-ksop ot the l'\t>ws-Press 1taff. who i. 11ervlng as a8ll!11tant to th" convtnlion publl~lty c:-halrman, will be att end- ing thl! convention. She 111 a mem· ber 05 Lo11 .A'.ngelc.>s Chapter. ~ON\'ENTIOS THEME St11*an B. Rlle:,t. national presl- den t. will deliver 11n address on tl)e c:-"oiiventlon t he m '" .. We Choost' the Future." The Roger Wagner Chorale wHI be a feature or the program. Tm ctelegate11 from the Ssnta Ana Branch. In· cludlnR Mrs. Kelly. will be among an e11Umatecl 2.0110 delegates and members from all over the Unll<'d Sta tPI, 11nd from Aluka, Canada. Guam, H awaii. India. MeitiCo, anrt Switzerland who w111 attead the C"onvenUon, which will be held from Junr 27 through July 1 al tn. Stllt.ler Hotel ln Ll:>8 Angeles. Diplomats. a prlni•e, women politico"'. educators. authon , and a aociologlst just back from a tr~ around the world which In· Say It Wlt.h ~ Beata.I l&ema UOI •. Coca.ti BJ1., Coro"4 4-i llcu Barbor 5071 ~ \ . <'ludc:-d an African aa.rart, will Balboa Blvd. to enable her to com- highlight t he prognm. pile a new m&1Un1 U1t. MrL Arthur Warner wu chair-' The delegates. who ~present man for the month, and U811t.ed the 136.000 AAUW mtmbers. will The board of dlrectora of NHPMYC I d rln to h Mme1. Walter Spicer 61\d Leon hear speakers of national and In-• en eavo g ave tematlonal repute develop tht the memberablp meet In t.be Ytry Yale, at the final tea of the ..Mon convention theme at 11eMlon1 con-near tuture at a apeclal party for tor women ot Sant.a Ana Country cemed with the asaoelatlon'• pro-tbemHl•ee and their guuta. Any Club. Tile t.aa table wu decorated I gram in the fields of education. wilb prtmroeee. Mn. Wayn. Har- lnternatlonal relation a. social member who can donate any time per and Mn. IAet.er lllbell poured. I studlta. status of women. the arts, or apecial talot for thil clam-Table prlsea were botU .. of CO· atandarda and recognition, re-bal<e 1hould 1•t ln touch with logne, and 12 founiomea played. 1earch fellowahlp11. and Intern&-Commodore ot ParUea and ~peclal Lut luncheon will be on June 30, tlonal grants. Event1 Buck Bean at Harbor 2828. for membe~ only. The convention wlll alao adopt-------------------------- & legislative program and ruolu- Uon11 to guide the usocl&llon'a course tor the neitt two years, and will elect the pre~ident, 11econd vlce~pr,esldent. and reg.Iona! vice· president tor four-yl'ar terma. Surprise Pre'sident WW's Club A aurprlae houMwarming was arranged by members ot the WW Club ror their pre11ldent. Mrs. Dean Campbell. on J une 8 a t her home. 1915 Bayside Drive. Mem- bers toured the new house. ·en· joyed e pot luck lunch eon and presented their 1urprt11ed hoste1111 with a girt. Affairs hlld been 11up· pmiedly scheduled elsewherr. Tllble11 were In a manner tumPd by Mrs. Campbell. when she an· nounced It ,1eo happened to be her Hth wedding anniversary. Carda occupied dternoon hours tor Mme11. Wall.aC'e Smith, Edward Humes. Charlu Holt, William 0 . Mt'Kenzle. Anton Her1hey, Hub Power11. Betty Watson and Dean Campbell. You Too -Can Be "m u ,,, iJ~ niver6e ! Prizes:_Movie Confrecfl-T rip1-Pub1icify Entry Blanks Mey be hed Only et WALTAH ·CLARKE'S- Hawaiian Shop 140 So. Coast llvd.-Laguna V Oii ma1 lie eltller·...,le or man1ed Md may -..._from M1wlllen ~ ()n,qe 0-lf. ~ OoalltJ' ,_... to he beld a& llot4ll i.,... -,..., ...... THI FfNDT •ND LOWDT PRICID lluV~ ... MAPLE FUR N·ITU RI •.•• an'Jw~•r• 0,.. ,,..,. .... ' ' Fashioned SWEATERS of Genuine ACK ORA• With ,.._ltlOGf"d atlkbn on ehouldf'ni CardiCJGns •294 •394 IN PA8HL8, WRIH A.'llD DARK COLORS ACKORA --the luxurlooe, 90ft new miracle yarn. Wuhable, drte. quickly, keep. ltA fine line. - wean aad wean -motbproof. Non-allergic. Perteet to wear with your aanuner ~ Terrlflo •Ule at t.heee Low Prteea I MAC&MAC . . . Corner 3rd & Sycm1t0re SANTA ANA 0,. l'rtdaJ Enmp Udl • wam rra 11JN ro uavi: Youan.r ~er who pla* fourth In boUI Winners Told !?c:;.n.noon an(t · ,nen1n, .... Mni. A. H. McDonald and At· Mra. Char... Boardman and nold Queer were wlnnera of Mre. May Berry were •a•t•wee\ muter point. In the ~ent touna-wlnnel'9 In tba Monday attemooa merit. ln Balboa ptay{nr north-pme while north -llOUU\ Mc" eouth while eut -wtnnera wue ecoreni w.re Mra. B. M . w~ Mrs. Robert ROM and Mre. Vt.n-and Frank Forte. Runnen-Q cent Sh.ea. Runnel"9-Up n o rth-nortb-eoulh were Eldon Bond and 10ulh we.re Mra. PeRY J ohll.IOn Jack Powell; Mre. Mar&hall Ket• and A. D. Wetherby; Mr1. A. W. ch\lft\ and Mn. B. B. lil°"9: TUmmd :and~~~-tt.d; PA!!l ONWley ~--rt...l\&lt 1e•-.----f-•~ Mra. Marpttl Holmee and lilra. Chum. Rl.lft.llera-up eut-w•t ._... Eleanor Newcomer. lira. M, I:. a.land aad lire. M_, Runnera-up ea.at·wut were Miea Van Zugg: lCr1. Ila Mureet aiCI Le111le Fowler and OK&r Goel&: Mr•· J.l11dred Lytle; Mni. Oeor19 Mr. and J.tra. Oharlu Jeater; Mra. lrroll and Mra .. A. 0 . DoealMU'S· Thomu Kennedy and Mra. C&rrla be &TOUP wtu rnHt on ~ Saundere tylnf wtth Mr. ud liln. a 414 Eut Ocean Jl'ront, a.J--. Carl &neon. wttb play a.tarUni at T :SO o'olool&. Overa.11 winnera of the Maatera PaJra Champlon1hlp tournament -------------held on f unday were Mre. Anne Jo.11ea . of Long Beach a.nd Kelcty Pet tenion Of mwnty. Local play• era \o place were Mn. Frank Reed and Mrs. Pego JohNOn wh' were 1econd nort.h·eouth ln the WAVES SPECIAL Complete s10.oo s7so Permanent • New Location 357 N. Newport llY. Crossroada Village Cef.lter Bldg. opposite Hoag Memorial Hos.Pita! Llberty 8-2412 Gllen~ /Jeaul'J Shop \ TD OIWA.111 .\'.OV ca>f f.. PLAY AT ONCE! HAMMOND CHOID Ol•AN Come 111 •d Proft It to y •• ""' we.a..1awtte~ .. .-111 .... trJ tile .... ---· . ..... ~.. . ........ DANZ·SCH ... T 810 PIANO a oilGAJf ll'l'OD ............ ,., .. ....... a_... Orsw JD MlM ... Jlfo. .... •e•··~·e••••···················,··· • • ~ WHAT'a~ • • • • • • • • • • .I • : 1. M. Hambrook. your Ttltpllont Mwaer ii.._... 9111111 : • • • ••••••ee••························· "Tool chest on wheels"- part of good telephone senice You've probably seen construction truck11 like thl1 around town from lime to lime. But ch&nel9 are JOQ'ft _._ realized how many dlJ!erent thlng1 are packed into them. Joa you can see. we've Included every item that could pomiblJ help our coruitruction crew1 work more rapidly, eately, and ddenUy. And, of cour&e. these men have bad the very beet tral.ntnc poe- sible. Providing Rood tooll for people wbo .know their Jobe ia pa.rt of the A-to-Z planning behind your telephone and all others, here In t~":'° ... in order to keep your eervice fut ~ depen~ able. Pae1fte·TelepMne worb to-make your~ a bigger value every day. It's easy to extend telephmle cenvenlence to any part of your holH · JNI tAiu 1'oto icatM.ly U IOOtlld be to "4a1ie ca teleJIAOM '" ecac:A rOO!ft Y°" UH ca Jot. lw CIM ""°' ing room, kUclMM, ~ a ~ roo"', /or iMt•wce. WUA •• up-to-date •rr•ttffftftf Hkt "~'•• fAere-'• •ltoeye • I•'-· pl&ofw .....,.,,, .,..,. '°" ....., U. No aon ""'•f to~ or 11141k• • ooJI. Co1.t t lAH fMw • Mc1'4Jl • .., for .-c• additiOMl telepl&OM. Aaad i/ Y°" Ub, OM or MOr9 of row' ... te"-aio"" ca11 be h1 color. Eithm' to0y, U ,..-. Olllr • OOMplt of mi,.vtea to order. JtUt call OW',,.._....., otfke. • Give your friends plenty of 'time to ..... , Have you enr bad t.o jump oat of the bathtub or ebower and dry quickly ln onier to ..... the telephone, only to ba•• It stop rintJing juat u JOU rot there! UncompleUd calla lib this are a real diuppolnt.ment. not only to _you but t.o the per. ion wbo called. And people can't alwa)'9 ret to the tele- phone rigbt away. So to help yourwelf to the beet poestble telephone aenlce, rl,.. yoar triend. a full minute to unNr yoar calla. You'll be n.rprWed bow _, _.. ,_ •••olll .. lla And you can tlelp otben complete mon aa1la, too. "1 •-••Ille• prunptlJ wbm J.r pboae ,-... ~ T1'11f 111 I . ... I , ....................... ml! ............ -:" ... ..,..:;.. ______ _._ __ :..-____ -="1~--· PAM if • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS GARDINIA. PAIADISI FLOWU. NODS TEMPERA Tl CLIMA 11 CaWonUa C&ll eullY _. \ermed • ~· .......... l'w hen tba home ;.z.... caa ~with dtQM. ~ ran•planU u few other rarcs-nerJ tn U.. oouatr)' eaa. 0.. o1 lM "p.rdentDJ priVU.,.." IA Ulla ata1e la Ule C\llUY&Uaa el J&l'dealu. ' O&rdeN& jumlnoldel la wldel7 culu.at.d la We etai.. Provide the rilbl eoll4cld • Uld p&aDl l& la U.. rtpl oUma&e • hol d&ya, warm a.ipte • and~ ftl'letf wtll ITOW lo ala fMl wtth slmay JHtD tolla&"e. llxtnm.ty frller'Ut.. wut·Wblte alqle and double ftoWen.,.. taan. OD U.. plant ta Ule .um· mer. Myai.ry, velt.cbi and prdelda radl.mM are U..... forma or lb• jullllnolche vutet.1· Vettellil Mal'a -U. aow.. U-.. my1t.ery but mq_n Qt ~ Oudenia NdloeM ia • dwu1 foml Ilia to."Pl IDcbM bllb u4.~ \o tourteea lncbe9 acrou. AJ\other Yuiety W tbe ~ ~ not U MrQ u lta Nl&UYe. Tbla form J!'OW'9 ~ Ud mon opea an4 lhoup ll will &oee lta bude at M _,.... It nqu1ree -.. beat tbu ti.. jiaamlno'dem an4 la~ tolerut ol eDOa. • In cvJUnUq U.. prdenla watdl to. ~ folJAC'I. Th1a aom1UmM Jndlc:atee a lack ot lroa and 111NBl9lWD. Ap- pUcaUona ol 1roD, IUlt\&r and ~WD may oompena&e. eti.ck wttb your DurMrJJD&ll for hill ...,..Uona. From Marcb to September a commerclal fertlU...r ehould be applied moatbly. Ttw pr4lnla can be plant~ tn many waya. If lh• cUmate 11 Ideal, me It in mue ~t.tnp. aa hqea, tor abo. ..• IC you're not .ure oC climatic condlUon.e ITOW lt in • COGt&iner. And IC It'• COr11&1'e nowerw you want ~ la nec.-ry. Local Nurseries Blooming with Summer Cut Rowers .. laltloll Now Notary CONCRETE Satisfaction ......... WU. ....... ,, I •ot ...... a....,.. POUi n • THI IAIT low. ftl,e ,...m.I ,,.., .. -... ,.... ""· ~ 911'1 ••• lta now.. ..... _._ .. u. plaat lileca w .W.-• n le a IW ldllt. to obta&a wi-. JIM ...,aaa& •"'7 two or tine JMI'&. lt le ~ to et&n ...., wtU. ,..... WAY AND SAVI e .,..ate eutUna Uld tl7 a-la *9 ...... JIZW V.&.amn ' AIM dalq·UM la tbe ~ or ............. Color .. uut le .......... .., We ......... ol tM poup for It ....... 4larll ~ IMu..ry ........... Wu., purp&aeb- blue 01 white ftower'8 OD Wool7 .cema trom JW7 to a.pt-w. AA .. ,.ctaUy ou~1nc11ac ftl'llty .la Bhle Moon wlUell prodYoee *7· blue nawerw. Lib Ila compantou the 8tok• uter pnfen wn and llWIUD\f watu u11. It doe• well ~theatatc .. 81mpa. to care tor and reward· • • r • Uberty 1-2213 BAY m,. in their pertormance the Shu-W 17.L. St ta. ~. marperiu and uter C&fl 711 • "' • all be oblalne4 at local nunery· ooeTA KDA m.a'a in beddiq plant tc>nna that ~~~~~~~~~~~ will brlptea your prd• 'Yll'J' ab.ol'U7 .n. you'ft planted tbem. Da.t..PSalD -w80LIB&IXG -ua oovsaa WALL rA.rsa -OA&l'S'l'IJJO 0011PL1:1S onP'l()ll D1100AA 'l'INO • rur aumme.r cut nowers there·• fOUl'otndl .....,.uu tlowen ve"' LAW u•HT SHOP no be&U"• the d&l1y and lta com-lOftC·lutU\s wbeo cut. __ ........ _ ... .... MU&c...e llwJ .. O.-... llar -- p&nlon1 the aJOter and the mar· DD '1'111:11 'l'O llA'l'Oll ~==5~~~~~~=============;;::9 llONOOHBOllADV MODERN -Furniture ia ar· ranged in front of the ~aed firepla'ce for easy conver- a&tion &round the focal point. Wall on the stairway landing carritw out the brown tones. It is a Chinese ceremonial .cene on ecru background with rust colored MONOCHROMATIC CHARM- tueeJ 8buta da11t• .,.. white wttb ruente. Each bloom• pro y rold center. and 11'"11. UITO'll': and black figures. The aame paper'ia uaed on the entry and torether they provide a nrie.-tootUd lean11; a 7ellow nrlet7 wall at the foot of the stairs. Beige carpel.I carry out ty of bloMOma tha t will liven up wu denloped bJ the JCu1 o1 the living room coloring. Three white plaatic bubble the J arden evu ln th• mo1t ti.T· n.mley but Ule co&« la not lighta are suspende<t over the stairway landing at rec anu. Now'a ~ Um• to pl&nt .tron&'· You can color JOW dal8lee -S theae ""rennlal flowen and ln an any ahade JOU want, how.Yer, bJ varying heights. taff Photo r-............ tb • ..., ____ t -· ...... <" • &fJlaslnirt.1 1bort time you'll have ._ .. _ • ....,..._ a ...-11- ------------a wondufU.l IU~y of each fl~, dye .• recommend loe&l nuraerymen. R&r47 ~t Ule .t.&te U.. Heat and.Eat, Madame MAX W. POPI Inc. Q.ICM'QAL CON"TSAO'l'Oll8 "We Anus• ,,......_.. ._..., AU Onal9 C-tJ Qld English China Set Suggets Decor for Home Prerooked heat·and-Nt dishes 11re on1· oC th«' futest-growlng typ<'s of froun food.ti bean&' {ll&r· ktlt'd by commercial proceuon1. A aupply of favorite home·made dl11hu as ronvenlent to use u commerclsl products ran be built up 1n thr horn .. fren;;r. Mulllply· The Shuta d&iay or chryq.nthe· Shut.a ~ pret ... tW1 al.la Ud mum maximum hu been hJ(tlly plenty ot waterlnl' Uld' la almo.t hybr1dlud and t. now av_a.llable completely free from luecta a.nd • DE\·u,opll&N'f in a weallb oC tonna, e&cb be&rii1c dJ ..... It la llO rapd apnad1ac N--.n lleeell a name. The ~r Read and M&r-tb&t tbe chunJlll ltlou.l4 be d!'YiMCl '°7 llollla A ft. -.. r- conl a:-e doublu; Majestic, a du-almoet 79&riJ'. ~;;;~,_;;;;;;.a;;;~H~J&.~~-.._;;;;;;~a&;;;~U.;;;:~~;;;;;;~U;;;;MrtJ:=•="'=1;;;;;;; A monoc:hromatio cdlor acheme the bed are also whilt lnaplred by &n old l:n&'ll•h china set la the effective Interior decora· fion oC the Ro~rt. ManihalJ home at 3&7 Via Lido ,Nord. Ral La.cey dealgncd the contem· pe>rary modem, two-1tory home and Ing-ram and CoUlna were lhe bulldera. Backl'f'Ound oC the plate 11 champacne colOC' wtth brick red RO\'AI. TOSt:"' init " rt'C!flf· cooking In 1-1{~· A deep. rirh amethyst vt-lvet quantity a nti ft eez.lniz 1n meal·sizc bedap~ad la the one rolnr l\Crenl portion,. r811 ror teM wnrk than ' In the room. The modern c•h1tlr11 covered In llla.c·hued, textured' pr!'partng food Ont' meRI at a plutlc pick up the coloring. The 1 lime:' d~MlnJ room 111 painlf'd lhe 9'1tl ------------ green 11ugguted by the drapes. Barker Sails Today A aecond room upatalra wu de· By JACK IU.~O dealcn. Walle a.n4 noor p ck up ilped u the famlly'i otlce. ll 1' Frt!d Barkt-r. rtal estate broker the champ&ltle hUM while t.he n .. In amart. li'ftlclent black and white. with Stanley ReaJ Esl8te Co., ------------tural brick fl~place echou the Turquolae. bitter tfeen and water· A unlvll'raal food favorite la the color In t.be J:q~ ~ l'u.r· mcllon ~ throw plftbwe on thr ll'llVl'll today on the S. S. Lurline , seemingly omnipresent chicken. ,,.,.._-. ....... -M .. ""'° ...,._ c _. add -t t.o I tor al.Jc wH ka ln ifono.lulu to vi•lt ll'rled. ro .. ted or. It aeem•. cookli'd color9. IO& .......U wori:ld oat tlle ~. ft open& out onto • •un 'a number of friendl and rela.llvt's. almost any old way, men 1uccumb her deeoratlnl' Idea.. With ~rse deck. to chicken. Charles of Bult& An.a. • L'nusual chicken ~lpt1 u en•t COLO& GOE8 TO W ORK juat hatched, however; they are, To adllne a teellnr or aepu~-I have found, Lhe studied project• uorr from the llvlns area and din· oC gourmet.a. Ano1 good Old New In( .,... the floor where the brick Orleana Nu! more than Ila 11hare red and C1'9m• dtnlnr M l la placed, or gouanets prepanng chicken In ta .Upped tn d .. p corw.l tonee. Rub-, unuaual wa_ys. t.er We la Wied tor ..... of main· The Frt'nrh Quarter with lta 110- ·tenao.c.. many noted restaurant11 a lso ha.a Aacat eo1or for tbe monochro-aome dil!llnrt eating places 11erv· maUc decor la aqua.-plcked out oC Ing equally extraordtnary roods, the colortW ky ln front ot th• but without tho tab w high and home. Wrou,1ll iron bar 1toola ln ao common to lhl• brtttr known front ot the kitchen pue.throusb places. ha.,. corduroy 1o4ua pada. The ac· Not too Jung ago It wa., my cent .. aleo carrlld out ln lamp Sood fortune to fln•I one of thc11e .,._, remarkllble restaurnnt11 "1lh an Tb• bar-hala'bt openlq between exvavag&llt culalne al t hn right llvtns room and kitchen can be pricet1. clo.d ott with foldlns llab doon. The atmosphere there wl\11 rtght The)' match the ub p&lle.led waU for feutlng· 11ofl ran•llc-light, throup which the pau throurh 110ft mUllc and hard liquor. and - la cut. Oolora In the kJtchen follow lhe CHICKEN F RENCH ()I .\RTt:R aame echemc wlth -the coral rub· f dllC'kf'• breeat. ber We Cloor and uh cabinet work. ' Uda alJCH or boUf'd ham Both lhe oven and atove are bulll COLOR SEPARATION _ lri lhc dining area of the 'tbllp. bo~r nr maritarln,. In. 'nl• ratrtcerator alldu Into lta ' ears OW1l rec .. to be n uAh ...,th cabl· living-dining room, the rubbe' tile floor ia stripped in ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;:; net work. coral tonea to set it apart from the real o! the room. GUUT .80011 CHEER The table and chairs are desig~ to be used with com- A. coiortUl l'U•l room down· C 1 C h · t 1 Ji t ataln 11aa oae wall papered w itb ort as a game area a so. ouc 1s nn ura nen o a luT• camel caravan acene. Com· carry out fhc cfiampag"nc \ones. Room looks out on p&nion paper ln ~Ire I• \I.led on the bay. Natural colored sheer drapes pull acrou the ~ other three walla. Blue, ,-reen · do 1 -Staff Ph t and m throw plllowa on Uur twln WlD ws to screen out g are. o o be4a plc:lt up the wallpaper colors. In the muter bedroom &eroM the front of lhe houae upat.aJni, lhMr n owered drapes in delicate ahad• of green, lilac and s old were the lrutplratlon tor the color ec:lleme. 'nle room 11 carpeted with off·ftlt• pile. The expoaed beam oeUlnl' and muonry wall behind Re;uly Mixed toncrele JAMES D. RAY General Contractor & Builder IOO OoMt Blvd. OOKONA DEL HAR PHONI: HARBOR 081 REMLEY & DA VIS PAINnl!tG CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -~DUSTRlAL ao.&a -Home• -'(ralln• lrre&"Ular ShaPf'!I Liberty IM3M COSTA MESA MATl'RE~S CO. iuo S "''J>Ort Bini. --MESA UPHOLSTERING VpMll1ertal' a Drapery ~ Nwpi.. Blvd.. Ooeta M- Lfbert)' 8..f'fll plex t~ with a five lnc.h flower Couam to Ule 8haata, U.. z...... on a fine item; the Aglaya, a trU· ruerlte la alao a DMlllber Of the fy lacy double, amallcr than the ~them.um ~ aD4 bean Marconi but with a better at.em. the botann.1ca1 name of ~· Wlrrala Supreme reaemblea Eather Uaamum trut.MOCI& '!'!Mi ~ Read but It.I blooma are twice u It., al8o lmown M U. Parla dialq, l&JT• and tho atem a.no. plant tall· la rapid l'fOWinr and heavy bloom· er and llhowier than the l&Uu; and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Horace Re&d 11 a !uJI double with b..-.1 Cl'WDN I MllMI OU. or s-ald oU Ml& aad pepper B4tter the chicken br_.t,w and wnp a piece ot ham around MCb on.e. a.t t.be ..... ud dip UM chicken breuta and h&m into tai- and then roll ln the~ c:nunbe. Brown t.be oblc.Ma lD the Mlad oU. Muon. then t.op with butt. or m.arrartne. cover the pan and bake u.. chicken In a S60 decree over tor a.bout 26 mtnut-. ~ frequently. CRJCK.EN LEGS GULF COAST ' <'hl<'luta les- l tbep. prepu'lld mutard I tbllp. me.ltH bu~r or mar- prtoe ! abreddfod wlileat IMcutta. craCled ... , and peppu Spread the mU1t.&rd liberally on each leg. then roll lhe leg• ln th• grated ahredded wheat to which you have added the melted but· ter. Seuon, then broll 'lll done. Thia recipe can be embellllll\ed conah1erably by the addition of deviled ham. Spread lhe ham on each chicken ler ~fore ad~ the muatard, then continue u a bove. ROBERT • L&aDderta1 • Far a.aa., ......... "8'11()9 ,,,,,. Ill llart9e, Balboa lalMd HOl 8o. Mala, *-ta Aaa FORBES lllilcler PHO~"E BAB.BOB 1101 CLUf.D LAMINAT[D Mf.MIXRS, GIVE Ct.EAR SP.A.N, .A.FFOQD1NG OQEAT STQENGTH A.T LOW£R COST. COMPLETE l!>UILDING VTILtTV DELIVERED TO JO& $!TE fQOM tl!J PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPL[TELV £.Rf.CTlO, tMO .. UOO--IG ~&, FROM 61 !I Pf.R. $Q. n.· FOR.' COMMERCIA~ fNU'l.OA l~TRW. ft[, ~-• .JO. CMH. CA.LL HARBOR U7.U FOR ESTIM.\Tt.. \\IT llOL T C"HARtiE 101 E. BALBOA BL\'1>. HAUJOA Laundry s1rvice deluxe ... •t l»rg1in prices! • RESIDENTIAL-INDUS'fRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL -_. 11.. Newport 8IMla Barbor WS WHAT IS IT? fndlvidulllly wuhed-weartng apparel tlurt dried by Wlered s ir-flat plecu profe5111onally Ironed. Your clothu and linen• 11re !1one up O:'fE unit-no mix· ups, no un~1i;htly m11rk1 -ralnaoft water. rentle controlli-d .t0ap8. WHEN AVAILABLE •.. Servlrli' within hour~ IC urg-ent, beca118e we do everything right her ... ' ~W MUCH ... ) It is • barg•in burdl• too . . . . only $2.85 for 21 ... WHERE ... ca. a pura 1100 Wf'!llt Cout H(ghway "~ER\'1Ct: "D1ix.~ HOl"'R$i( -\\1'SN ~TZDED" COMPLETE IAUNDERS and CLEANEJl8 NewpwtBwll .. ARCH l .. TEC TS .......... of Alllerlcall lnlll•I• of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock . Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Fr-.-dmd-HodC)Clon Georg• Lind Richard Pleger ···A <A· - YOUR NEW HOME, WILL IT ~44t" AS LONG AS YOU THINK? • SUll YOUR HOMI IS IUILT WITH MATalALS THAT Will OUTLAST THE MOAT$A&E - WIU. MAKE IT WORTH THI MONEY YOU HA VE INVESTH> IN IT tf YOU SELL ASIC. THE SALESMAN -"IS rT &ENUINI LATH AND PLAmU" -KNOCK ON THf--WAU. TO IE SUHI ... . GEN u ·1 NE LATH ANO PLASTER INSiST ON IT WHIN YOU IUILD Ol IUY Southern California Pl astcrinq ln~ti tutc l • ... . . scours REALL y EAT FISH AT ELKS CLUI FLAG MlET 11-port Harbor J:llu, w1th t.b• Mlp ol Boy lcoutl, oom· ~ ._ -.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -~ART I· PAGE I MONDA 4f, JUNE 20, 1955 lri1km11 lives to clt)-COW\CU Konday nl,ht "' lb• ell)' eng1bffr. m.morated nae Day at~ m..unc 'nlunda)' eftlllq. At t.b• 'E1tr1 pme1t' hed ~ t.bti ~, 126 Scout.a and tlleb' Scoot Ma. ten accowltad for more thaa 100 poun4-or frted ft.ah. 1111 He wu lllttnlcted to obtaia more allt'AtW'f'A ln lhe ar.u aot repreeanted oe the propc>Md ..,. ball ptnta or mllk ud 200 eervtnc• ot le. c~. Plea i1 Co1rt l!kloall fTom Troop 11 of th• B&lbo& Ill&nd Community LID" sHo0 s Ch111"1=h. p~ted a sped&! ~ dritt. -Major ~-LUft'.t.~._.-...&.1 • U '. i:: ---H )Mlobl, USMC, .taUODed at El Toro Mann. Air SU.. _..,. ~I*"'~ ..... ~-~ th• 8uperiOI' ~ -..-~i • •peaker or \be ev..Unc. .ntn ... stdd Tb~ and cl&iJn-CLASSIFIED -------------------------eel under-cover Newport BMCb 01~ Timen to Meet Sunday, Irvine Park SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Presi- dent E&rl Abbey announced Or- a.np County'• .. old Umer'a"' picnic wtll ti. held June 26 In ll"Vlne Park. Abbey, counly eoroner. and pub- lic admlnlatr'ator, oplalned tny count1. reeJdent q:Jallllet u an old Umer. Ko~ than MOO peraon• attended the rat.hering l&lt year. Abbey Mid the old timers will meet without two ot the l r ataunclleat member-Banl<er W. B. WUll&ma. treasurer of the old Umera t or a number· of years. and Otto De.I Grange• of Jl'Ullerton. an ancint old Umer. Bol.h died ~nuy. Campbell Named C of C Speaker D. W. Campbell, executive man· ager or the Long Beach Chamber of commerce. will be main ·~•k­ er at the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce Installation luncheon In Harbor House nrxt Thurl«'.!ay. It wu announced today by retiring chamber Pruldent Don Huddl"•· ton. Gilbert Seal will replace Huddleston as chamber he&d. Huddleston allld Ca mpbell would emphulze th• Importance of com- mittee worlr. In11t1clling officer for the occasion will be Selim Frank· Un, Huddleston reported. The Mesa chamber directors held a meettnc today noon for further dlacuaalon of Coat& Meaa·• 'SOl'llng problems and evenLual u - ubllahment or a muter plan. The dinctoN wet over the probltnu With membera of th• city plann!nJ com.minion Monday~ Finn lacorporatn police ottlcen trapped him Into maklnl' a raarljuana buy. DIRECTORY Blonde Va&llb LH Brtakmaa, Chapman Opens Summer Class; any Expected 24. or Newport BMcb &llepct tlle APPLIANCES -R098MM ottlcen encOW1tered blm wtth ~ d.al t o mal• Ule pur$Ue 80 U.., could catch another IUlpect. Brinkman coot.nded b• knew ORANGE, -With a Uti.ra! art.I the otflcer11 well and that he alm- currtculum of 13 courka. the flrll ply followed their ordua. n.ulon or Chapman COllefe aum-Ttle defendant la acCUMd or ped• mer achool will ~ctn today. dllng marijuana to plainclolhee of· Pan. -I>u.lu -8enrice UDO EL&OTIUO N.H Via Udo -11art1ar .,,, AU'l'OllOBILE DEAJ.J:RA N.W and UMd Can lll'JO&U'l'Z ¥TV DEM •ga 8elea 8erwtee ........ Mll Newpon amL -Jla,r. 11' .. Although our summer enroll-n cera on two dlffe~nl occaaona ment •• prlmorlly from oran.-e I durin1 lluter W•k at Newport llANU county ancl California. we bave S..cll. lleall of ~ NT a AA student.a and lt'achers.comlnc here UM Via Lido -~ .- from Brlllllh Columblll and from CdM S..__..... Ll..a.t auch etatee u Mluourl, llllnola. 1TWW 7' BARBER 8BOPS Oklahoma. Wuhlntton and Ide.-p tftl filed UDO 8BAVJ:NO 11170 ho," Virgil L. McPherson, admlnl1-e Oft la .....U'a Store fw - tratlve dean, announced. Petition• carry1n& 681 a1cn:-ltU Vla·Lldo -Harbor DM Dean McPheraon !>4Uevee the turea of corona .del Mar realdenta ruaon for thle geog-raphlcal epread 1ttkJnr to form an ......-ment In enrollment lie_, In Lhe oppor-district to pay for ornament.al tunlty Chapffiiln offers a pereon to street lighting between Avoc«do acqutra 10 coll~ae credits In two 1 and Haul Ave .. were preMllted aummer ff&llone -and the re- creational advanLac« of Oranre county ll.IJelf. Chapman's first summt r eelllllon, which ends July 22. offel'3 tive- unlt counies In t<lucatlon. English. history. philosophy. phyall.'al edu- cation, physlrs. religion, biology, 1oclology and apt>ech. The 11econd au11on, Aug. 1-Sept. 2, lncludl'a also f1vr ·un1! 1.'0UrMs In art and p.sycholoiry. "Newport·&llboa, Corona dcl Mar. Laguna Bcal.'h and Hunting· ton BeaCh a.re known all over the I l.'ountrv !or thtlr wa\cr sporu and they certainly provlrte an addition· a.I mcenllve for gomc t o aummf'r 11c:hool at Chapman." Dean Mc:-1 Pl'lereon said. Included In both 11ummer tll'&slona 1s a two-unit edu- <"'\Uon course, audlo-viaual work- ahop. KHvil DauCJhter Mr. e.nd ll1r1. T<Jm Keevll. 2109 Monrovia St . Cdate Meaa, are parents of a girl born In Hoag I Hoapltal June 13. BEAUTY PAJlLOB8 ,, UDO 8ALOS OF Bl!AtlTY , Ul5 Npt. Blvd. -Har. taTt BOOKS 800& CUI: Mii \'ia Udo -a.... 6el& CAllEBAS a Sappllea \'lNCl'!NT UDO DIWM Ult , ... Udo -Harttor - CARPETS &.. DRAPJ:BDJI DIC& MAO~R UM \1a Lido ........ ... ClA'l'ERING IUCJIAAD'8 UDO llAADT U.U Via Udo -Hanor - CJ1othlD1-CblldreDa a ,..... IEJll'S OF UDO Com1n( ln Ausuat U06 Newport JllYd. OLO'l'lllNG -Men'• Betall BIDWELL'& llllOP roa llEK .... Via ...... -_._"" OLO'DllNG-Womell'1 ._. IA u:nq: ... Via ....... ----LIDO J' ASlllOMa 1 "'° \Ila Open. -But. 1111 8JIAD[)()()l(-I Mll Via UM -......_Mn VAOAJIOND llOVU Imported Sport.wear MH Via LWo -a.n.r MN DRUG 8TOB!'.8 VJNODl'r8 UDO Dat109 Ull Via Udo -..,._ IOOI LOOU LDlE A DE -Two great athJete., We. San· tee, America'• tour~ miler, Jett, and Bob Ka.. thJu, two-time Olympic decathlon champion, take tlme off from Marln.e dutiee to go fiabing at Newport Harbor. Looking on u judgea are, left, Sam.me Roach and Virgil Jacbon of Newport Beacll, Ma~' co.ch back when Bob wu a Ta1are llCboolboy .uation. The group went barracuda tlah1ng in feminine StJpper Roach'• Eete-Na.d&. -Kent Hitchoock Photo BACRAKENTO, (CNS) -Art!· c1ee ot lpcorporaUon tor Ric.hard- -Yacht A.nchor-ce. Inc., have bee rued wtlh Becntary of 8tale Frank K. Jordan. Dlrectono _,.. A. a. &lid mu- B. Richardaon, 1 TS9 Baywlde Dr .. LOCKERS $'1.15 yr. ELEC'DllO OON'm&OIOU LIDO a.acmuc MH Via Udo -S.... &Tn ~ CHOOSING UP -Jack Bell. center, watches u Johll Scudder, left and Jamie Car· roll, right, clutch the bueball bat before atartJng a game on the St. James Day School playground. Young Bell. who aaved the live. of three persona in the aurf Monday, ii athletic director ot the achool -8tatf Photo Bell SaYes · Anaheim Trio\ Here In Surf and tti. man wu we&ftrt.ed doWn w1UI be&YJ d othln(. Local Barbers at State Convention Bell claalled t.hrouP UM eurt llDd awam'to the11' a!d. B• brou&'ht t.be wvmall &lld boy to abON at tbe am• UrM ancl tbell went bac:Jt for Rene Mortelett.a ol Udo and D&n the man 111110 wae t.rytna to hahc Detwiler ot Balboa were among oeto the capea.d boat. the barbera attandine UM 27th an· Attn he belped tll• man u bore. unal convenUOll ct Auoclated Bell eald pie man took otf hi.I Muter Barbera In Yoeemtte Na- h boo•-d ...... Uonal Park. W1v• llDd f&mill• By .PBYu..&8 I . IACK90N tayY .. Ul .ame .,...u p.r-menu and UM palr wmt Mck ot delecatw ~ •i.rtaanedwtth Ru.J hcroee are modeeL Tbey throufh u,. IW'f to stl tlle boat. trlp1 through the park w!ille bu.a· 11omtllm• com• In arn•U pacltagU Bell don to the bottom '° retr1en banda carried out ocm..-Qon bua.1- hllt they 11lw11y11 hllv• luge .un-th• mnall outboal'd motor and tbey neM. ~<'l!lsh heart11. They don·t heal-bro h t.be boat Ill ..._th Vorria H ruu.tc.; t1tl!' to ri!k their llvn when oUlen UC t -a• u . ~ ony, · m.ri-Bell• Mid tM famU7 dr1ed otf .,., or the Oransa cou.Dt7 cbapttr, ar9 In dan1Hr. Jack Bell. 2S. 11.-ee and Sot I.a b&cJt Into tM boat and WU tMcted ftNt Yfoe pnefdent. al 120 341.h St. tud• th•r _7 tbroUl'h tM IW'f 'nle eounty ~ wu MlllCQd Thrre people In Anaheim ow.. ......,.. u boat fa. tbe ~. 1911 him their hvP11 Bell la not NA s.11 » albletic direct.Gt tor 8L convent.Ion.. or their names, but think.a It ii J--Day kboOl and a Ufesuard .------------ 'he Ptterson fanllly. for l'fewpast BeMll ~ sum-Mt--·.a... .__ BOAT OAntm m.a, Re Iii a l'6r swtnuner at llllllliJll" "' rww The yvuni r#immere uJd h• <>ranc-o..t Coll@Je. A car ,...Vttted to W.._. M ju11l c&Dle out of the NJ'f June 11 Talbert. 811 Cater at., Coeta about I p. m. wben he tumed M&.-Mee.-.... Da .. Meaa WU nportde Oil fire OU w.rd to '" a am&ll rowboat with -••r•P!ler Ju n • 11 at 21617 ~ewpart th~ th~ J*)pll' In ll Ol~u In Tb• J obti ~~art.h:f11 of \(\.5 7\h Blvi1 .. pc:'lllC'fl ~porttd. The tire the nttw, He .. Id he' rcall.M'd BL. Balboa. arc pannta ol a f1rl wu undu Liie hood. I>am...- the woman and boy could not eW'Wll I born Ju.ne 13 a.t Boas Hoepl\Al. amoWlled to f 2ll. '1hlMn .ad. SPECIAL -Lockers (app. 125 lb.) an1 A. E . Rlchardaon, 221.5 Cliff WE FEATC:R.E SELELTED PROU: IUCllAJU>'I UDO M•UXT eonac-Tabl• ArraJl&'ement.I MU Via Lido -II.arbor .1821 Dr., all of Newport Beach. and CHOJCf: MEA'tS The firm WU allowed 2(),000 618 -IOth "l-!\"l':WPORT BEACH llarbor 9'711 roUNiAIN, GBILL aharea on no par 1t()("k. ~=-=~~======::==::==::=::=::==:=:=:~~~~ paya to rMd the want adL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ VllfODn."a LIDO oauo. Get out of th• ordinary ••• GET INTO LOCAL DILIVHID PllCI Of OLDSMOllLI "II" S-0.-S.-.le AN C>LC>S ! s2465°0 • .._ .... 1oco1 ...... ..... y-pnc. .i....,.., .... cMlcie ., _.. ....... ..,, ....,i., Ott"°"411 ..._...... ..... ·~ '1lc:et •01 •ory fllgh!ty Ill odloWo>t ea•••...._~ ef thlp- p;,,9 dteftM. W.....llldewolttr...~latelltre-9. , •• at • prlo• thar• aurprlalngl~ lowl Something b.appem when yaa p ~ to Olde! You di.co.er that driYing wu ftftr like thia before. You fiacl yoanelf enjoying eTery minute behind the wheel Perhapa ~bout a little aboat JOar ear ••• yoo ~ it with otben et the drop ol a hat. And, of coune. you'll fuad that OldemoMle la autmeding iD lfJy eompariton tm yoa eare to mab-pedorla~ 1t71iog.--._ - ••• 111tytAUtf Let • make the 00111p1r'- l.or Y•~aad pt oar ~ •ppraiaal ! C,. dCit ol tlae onlioary ... ~"1 lato aa Olde b a price tlut'• wwwpiliugt7 lowl OL.C>SMOEllL.E -----------··I I , ... ...... , ., ....... . •I .A.l I a----------· MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1 OOQ ~est Coast Hltflway • NIWPOIT IEACH Phone Liberty 1-2261 --=-eo AHIAD • •. aUYI . It YOUlllLfl TMI ~•01•e!I ealAT J Ill A "IOCllf l '!I _ .. Nil Va Udo -llartlor IOOI J'RAMD a ALBUllS OEU•a.DT 8TUDI09 UH Via Udo -llanor 440t FUBNrl'UBE DlCIL JIACllLE& MIO Via Udo -1111.rbor &Ill GIJIT SHOP aiOIU&D'a UDO v•asrr MU Via Udo -llut>or lnl INSURANCE AGENTS w. o. auoa. me. MOO Via Udo -llutlOr MM IN'tmuoa DECOB.ilOBS BIA.NOBE rut.&:.EUOS A.1.D. Mll Via Udo-~6111 DIO& JI.ACKER MIO Vla Lido -Banor - DON C&EIOB'l'ON A. L D. .......... Import. 600 Via lllalap -.....,_mt llABKET8 IUCILUU>'ll LIDO M&Uft aw Via Lid!» -&.anor im PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO. OE&llAJU>T 8TUDI08 KllVa.Ude-...._ ... BEAL ES'IA.'l'E LIDO &&.&I.TY .ueoaATm Udo Balea • Rent.at. MOO Via Udo -11.uMr '"6 P. A. PAI KCa INO. IUI .ta Udo -la&rbor llOO VOOJ:L OOllPAHI' Kll Via Lido -&anor Mn Ml' A.ND BLUlB &E4l4'I' VlaL&&aa.tdseOftlcl9 •u• i.r~ -a.nor - MVJNGSll WAN A880Cl.U'JON8 NEWPOllT BA.Lll04 SA VI."(01 .t WAX A.880CIAU01" A 8avl.ng1 lnaUtuUon Lonr Term Hom.e Loant .... , ... Udo -Balt>o~ - !IEBVIOE STATIONS LIDO R.lCBFU:LD MU NeWJIOrt amt-Kat. 4811 !BOES -lle1t'• amw•LVs nou roa MU IUl!):'la I.* -llaltlor 0'4il l'REATR:m LIDO TllllA'l'IU! Con.ult th1I peper '°" ~ Via LWe at N~rt Bl?d. llalbor 2U' I01'8 LIDO TOYLAND 1661 \'la &Me -,...._ *' l'BA VEL ACENOIES JLU80ll TJlA VEL AODOI M1f JJ...,n llh'cL-Bu. llU UPBOLITERlNG OKS JU<JJU.:R Mtl \'la Udo -llartlor &m WJNJ)()W. COVERING TU IUIADS ROI' ........ 0'"11 -, "' -, • , I I l PA6E 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS. PRESS MONDAY, .JUNE 20, 'God grant u1 the 1.,.;ty to accept the fhin91 w• _ _fonnot chongei the courage to chonge the things we con ond the ~itdom to lnow tM difference ..... (A~ non:T-- EDITORIALS El Toro Promises Relief from Off ending Jet Planes We have a peat atiafactlon in a convenation with the military today. lt followed the tllght of a pair of streaking jeta over the Newport Harbor area at 1 :40 p. m. Tbunday, June 16. Tbeee two jeta came in &er<>M the eut jetty at a reported · level of 100 feet. At their ecreamiDg 1peed -they awept inward and went into the air high above the Bay Club. They came back acrou the town, and lt wu only by the will of a kindly Providence that aomeone wu not killed. Perbape it will take the death· of one or two or four of theee playboy pilot.I of military jet planee crubing into our water. before they steer· clear of thi9 town. • We bate to 1ee death at any time from any cause, bu·t these mllltary pilot. in their jet planet which bear red and white alternate horizontal .tripM on the tall aurface threatened the lives of our fellow citiseDI, frienda and children. We made a call to El Toro Marine Bue. We were unable to reach General Schill, who wu qulte properly out to lunch. We were, however, ~!erred by hi1 aid to t.he .. commanding oftitilr of the bue, Colonel Robinson. Col. Robill80n told us that El Toro Marine B&9e had just been given the responaibWty by the 11th Naval Oil.strict to police the skies of thia area to identify of- fending craft. and to see that the 9:0nic b~ta that abattered wind•ws over Newport Harbor Jut week were ceued. Thia is good newa. At least 10meone . in some , central point hu been made FNpoiWble by the military. According to Col. Robiuon the responsibility of the El Toro Marine Bue extenda not only over naval craft but also tht army air fore. planet u wen. Perhaps DOW we will have tome peace from the akie., and maybe thoee pilot. won't cruh to their deatha carrying aomeone of thia commun- ity with them in their burnlng m•11ea. Certainly their inaolent abt11e of thil community with their 10nic bluta abould end. Thia i1 a tribute to the Karine Corps, and we believe that they, it neceuary will chue from the akiea these offending planet. The t elephone number of the El Toro Marine Bue itt Kimberly 2-62.U. The information that they would like to have in the identification of planet la the color, any particular markinp, and for lo.stance whether they the swept back wins o.-.tra.lgbt wtnp. hy other Infor- mation ia helpful. Call up to the commanding officer YOUR SENATOR WRITES ., By .JOHN A. MURDY .JR., Senator, Mth D19tr1ct The leg"l1laturr wound up It• pumping facllltle1, conduJta. ··and 19:15 uuton after ltavtn,; PUiied slphon1, all badly needed beca11.1• aeveral mea"'urra of pa rtkular In· of the heavy population tncrn ite. !l'rest lo Or1nge County. Amend-Some of thue mealJ\lru are on m .. nt,. offered by your itenlltor to the Oovrrnor's desk for approval. prohibit oil drilling on the Orange Oth'r" have already been algned county coast aouth of the Santa by ihe Governor. Ana River were Incorporated Into I -+tie approved tJdeland• oil drilling Fl:SAL COLUMS bill. Ina1much &II the legl1lature ad· Althuu&"h tht measure to return joum e<t-lut Wffk. tht1 wm be the . one per · cent of tide lands oil re· last of your 1enalor'1 colum na tC venuu to arru of orfgln for beach appu.r thl1 yr:a r. uad maybe we can atOp thia unwar.ranted, unneceuary interference with the way of life of thia peaceful Har- bor communlty. Students Give Inspiration; Speaker Gives Sales Talk '.'The child ia father of the man." Wordaworth would have nodded bia bead in agreement of bia uge worda written many generation• age) had he been privil- eged to witneu commencement ceremonies· at Newport Harbor Union High School Wedneeday. Two atudent.8, members ol the graduating claaa, were the inspiration of the day. Student Body Preai· dent Dick Innenrt and honor student CbJrlea Rice were thrilling proof of Wordaworth'• worda. · They both addreued their fellow student.a with faith for their generation and in1piration for their ambitlol\8. What did the principal commencement speaker, Dr. Arthur F. Corey aay! Only one 1hort eentence to the graduates. But over 3Q minute. worth of aalea talk to the parents. He defended modem education, wrapped it in a bulky package and tried to .ell it to the parents. Hie one 1hort sentence of inspiration to the gradu- ates wu a charge that they defend education. A worthy thought, but hardly an adequate meuage to bolster up the courage and fa.Ith of our youth. Valedictorian Charles Rice aaw in hia education more thad the many fine educator. who tutored him to ' hi1 high .honors. He saw the citizens of Newport Hat· bor. Not just today'a citiuna but thote through the pu t. Hia word!! were u much of an inspiration to every adult who heard bim u they were to bia fellow graduatca. Dick Innerst gave a message with .a Godly touch. An inspiration for all to serve toeiety and contribute to the bettermen of the world. We will try to live up to your challenges, Dick and Charles. We admit that there mu1t have been competency and inapiration of tutelage for tbMe boya during their. two and four yean Te11pectively at Harbor High. How- ever, we do reproach the administration of the achqol for calling upon the business agent of the teachers union to deliver a •witching to diuatiafied parent. on commencement day. Such inapiration aa delivered by Innerst and Rice could well have come from other atudenta to lend a better reuon tor the eo-called .. Baccalaureate Servicee" Sunday night. mWD weekly ~netlt payment.a un• der the 1memployment lnwrance prog-ra m were r&l•ed S3. from 130 to 133. Three Important con1Ututlonal amendm~nta will be ~fore you In the., 19~ ren eral el~tlon u a re· 1ult ot legislative action. One t. a pro~d 1200,000.000 bond luue to help f1n~ce a five-year stale capital outl&y program. Another woud abolish the l'equlrement that food be iterved In ban. The other 11 a Jl00,000.000 bond luue to con- tinue 1tate aid to fut (TOWinc .cbool dl1trlct.a which have bonded Ut-1¥n to Uie1r ltmlt.. A m e11ur. J>ermUUns counUe1 to levy a one per eent M.le1 tax wu approved. STATE PARA PLA1118 A Jl5,000,000 •tate beach and park development provam wu authorized which Included a S•~.- 000 Krant for the acquisition and development of Eureka Bowl The legislature continued the atate'1 chlld care center program for two more yellrl. Your Senator haa rented office 1pace In the Community Centrr Buildlng a t 1104 We1t Elthth Street ln Sanla Ana. •• a.n a c· commodatlon lo his constituents who wtlh to contact him dUr1ng the lntenm. Th• office will be open by ~pt. 1. _maintenance puq>oses lost jn the I Rere la 1 summary of th• major . cloatn,: momentll of thl' ~salon, llCllons of the 19M leg11lature: s • d I '. tegl1latlon wu l'ecured whloo ap· A reconi brtaktnc bud('et ot 1 e 1• g ht : propna tu $700,000 from the sta te $1.529,000.000 wu approved 11Ub-Sacramento ·beach t\lnd for &cqutsltlon 91.!d de· .l!tantlally U It W&I INbmltted by ·-------------------------velopment of Bol .. Chh:a ~each the COVl'rnor. but with one lm· FLOOD C'OSTROI* poi t11nt change. The Oovemor had A bill permitting tht Orang" proposed ll '70.000.000 lax In· . County 'Flood C'ontrol ant.I WAter crea~ progr11m lo balance the CoMervaUon Distrlcl lo hole! a burlget. The leg11lalure. however, ·bond el«llon wu pasi1ed. Al110 voled to dr11w upon the 1tate'1 ·adopted wPre amendnic>nt~ to rlsr· S7~.ooo.ooo ralny day tund to meet l(y the Orange Counly W& li-r 0111· any deficit during lhe comlnr year. trlct Acl, i nd to delel.t \J\e water Then It acuWed a propoaed tax rlpt.a adjudication" clauioe 1n the on clgarettea and lncreued taaea pru ,.nl 111w. on bf.er. The l~g11lat11rl' llpJ"roVPd lei:t~-fflGHE R PAl'Ml.lNTS latlon de•lrnalln~ tht> On1n1tt Th@ lt2lalature lncreau d pay- Coun ly Fair for a pilot 11tudy on mt>nts under three of Ill ln1urance the display of tni11111tnal exhth1t11. and penalon progn.ms. Maximum Three amendmenl!I lo th,. JOAnHll· weekly benefit payments under tlon dl•t rlct cod,., rrq11f'11t,.t1 by the workmen'• compenaatlon pro· Oranp County ~ltalltm ctl11trlcts, gnun were lncreH ed $5, trom J30 wer• adopted. lo 135 In cuea of permanent In· Another amendment wu a(lopt· 1 jury. and from $3~ to 140 for ed which wlll permit t he Metro· 1 tempurary lnjurle."J. In the lu t polltan Watn Dl11tr1ct to aell de· mlnutea ot the aeMlon. a J:I 1cro1•· benture bonds equal to one·half I t hf'·board lncreue In monthly pen· the annexation fl'n that are un· 11lon payment.I to llte 1tate'11 sen· paid, to be usll<l for upan•lon of tor cltlmen1 wu a pproved. Maxi· ( It. ~P••hh'a Loe9I ._.,...._ tor OYu P'ortJ y..,. • llnterld u 9econd-cia. Katc.r at the P09toalce in NfWllOrt 8eacb, C&llfomla under th• Aot of Mardl I, 1111. q.alln.d ......... IApl Notaeee _. A~~-_, AD &I-. llJ' 1>NrH of ... ...,.._, Coan ., ONllf'I C.. la Aeao. N' .. A·ll"' MMIMr OltilllWllla New it bftW 1'111111....... A8"111a .. II_._ N..._. ~ AaeoefM11>11 .. _.. .t O..C-O.-ty Mewa lhmce lHJll8Ca.IPDOlf MTa: s_,... ...,._ H..,...._, htt.. w-., la Ora11.re Coat)', ..... ,_,....: ........ ,, llt"-: ••~ u.,. ...._ Oa...._ el GIMP ~ At ,., ,.._ . ' SACRAMENTO. (0CN8 )-<>ne of Ute more evil featuru of the lt>glslallve 1y.!llf'm In C111ffom fa 11 the practice ot amending bills at the lut m inute, Jamming them throurlt the legtslature when no one haa time to look at the con· tent of Ule amendments. atu'1y the bill, or appear ln favor of or against th,. measure. Thia Is th!! Um1 when •peclal lnlereat lobbybl.I have a hey-day. and were It not for the 30-day bill 1lrnlng period g1ven Ule gov· ernor by the contt1t11tlon. It I• probable that a lmo11l any type of law could be wrilltn In the 1tatute book11. One 11111.'h bill t1 now ~fore t.he governor. SB 1247. by Senator Harry Puman of San Mateo county. PAVROLL DEDUC'l'JON8 Thi• meaaure lnYolvu public record•. and u w eb should have had a definite hea.rtnr before com· mlttee. Jn br1ef, th• meuure pro· vfdea that the 1tate of c.llfomla may made deduction trom pay· rolll tor char1tabl• P\ll'Pe>ae•. 11uch payroll deducUona to be conflden· tlal. The 1tate oontroller'• otfloe hu ruled that the meu ur., If It atiould be lllcnad by the rcrnrnor, would prohibit torutlny by the publlc of all the .tat• payrolla. n wu undentood that th• nMUUre .... mpouorW by the Uni~ cna-d .. ta &A •ftort to pt mora money tor dlar'lty from 1t&fe em~ Th• procedllN ot deduc:Uas tw a priYat. cMr- lty 1"0Uld. of coune, permit lArra' and more "suW payment.a tnto u.. Ut\lted eru.ctea. But ,...ard- 1.-of the tact that the United ~ .,.rrorma u uoellent work la eacnunelo and other commmtU.. w1llen It opent.M, the wieuun can be lnt.erpNt.ed u DOthlnc but a matter of fOl'M to tnaure tund1 trom peop'9 wllo normally elloU.ld b&99 the cbolce of whether they wiah to eontrib- ute. Thia would &190 put an a.d· dlllonal burden on taxpayer• ror the coat of the bookkttplng, u It would for deducUnr; dun for private ueoclatlona 1uch u the California Teacher• A.uoclatlon. 8f:CRt:T ACTIOS Two princlplee are Involved tn W 1 partlcuiar lltuatlon. The first 11 •that the Jeg1alature can take action without the publlc know· Ing whi t It 11 conaiderlng. Tht1 Pa.rkman bill •tarted out J anua ry 19 to exclude membera or the Calltom l1 H l,lfhway P•trol from ff'deral aoclal aecurlty cov- erage In the event law11 were p&311ed authorizing llllC'h coverage In connection with it.ate employ- .,,. retirement. The blll pa111ed thl" aensle after amendment M~ II; wa1 amended June 4 in thf Alll!f'mblv And on June 7, the dlly hl'fnre · thr lt>in.•· 18 t\ll'I' &djourneil, 11 ll provl11111n11 I perta1nlnir to l ht hlghw11y patrol were tllkt'n out of lhr bill. 11n1I tht' deduction am"n•1mPnt 1n11Htrt1 ll paJu1ed lhf' a~!'!'mbh., wtnt h111:k to lhe 11tnll ll'. th .. · 8m«-ndment~ were 11ppro,•ed. 11nd the bill wenl lo lh!! jrOVf'rnOr for ~1gn1t11r ... w1thoul oppor tunity for proper hearing. OLOelNO JU;()()RD8 Th• MCond prlnclple lnYOlftd la the c:Joetnc °' public reciord9 to th pub!Jc. State payroU. al· wa19 ha~ been o~n to 11eruUn7 111 the omce ot Ule it.ate control· ler. Yet the meuun would PN- ~t any lndivtdu&l trom looktnS owr thH• peyrolla. the control· ler'a own attomey1 1&y . la the k>nr-dr'awn out flr llt ~r open public ~. tbJ1 bl.U LI a trat"Mty on the principle that tM IOftJ'T\IMlll belobp to the peopt.. and a major boo9t f~ th• b~ cratte t.beory that Ule pwna- m•t II 10 far "mo'l'ed from lh« people that ll belon&• to Ute bv- reauc.ral& ... .... . ' AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. llacARTllUB SACRAMENTO. COCN8) Call· fomla 'a educaton did re&80nably well for lhemMlve1 durtnc the ,.. cent le(lllatlve 1eulon u a ruult ot th• hlfh-powe..-d lobbylnc dona by the C&llfornla Teachen Auo- cla Uon. which maintain• one. and aometlmea two leg111laUve repre· .. ntatlvu ln Sacramento. P robably mo11t Important lo the teacher. ot c.llfornla waa 8 8 1445. a meu ure by Senator Nelson P. Dllwort.h of Hemet. R.lventde county. Thill meaaure p.lace1 teacher re· tlrement on lbt -.m• bull •• other .tat. employee retlrement1. and ellmlnata lnequiUu In th• tea.cher retirement ayatem. TEACHE& arJ'DlEMEllt'T Under terna of the bill. a wo- man teacher rell~g In l 1>3i ~ t age eo. a.ft.er H years Of eervice, 13 of whtcl) were prior to ll>H, wlll recevte tn a per month. 1n· 1tead ot the '202 per month now provided by law. Thi• procram wiU coet an ..u. mated Jl2,l03.000 per year, and the cost will be met by local 1chool dl1tricta through 111 over- ride tu. Each dl•trkt w111 con· tribute lo the retirement 1y1tem -an amount equa l to three per· cent ot lhe certlOed payroll. In an averag• wealth elemen· tarv d l1trlct. about 110,000 &PU· ited-valuauon pcor child ,a tax ot from five to 11h1 cent.a pu $100 ot &aaHed va luation wlll be rt'· quired to meet lhe added coet of education. LOCAL TAX COST In &11 added high llChool district. wtth h 3.000 w.Juatlon per ehlld, the tax will be trom two to three cent.a, and i... than one cent w1ll be re.qull'ed tor an aver&&'• wealth Junior coUece cfultrlcL Thi• Callfom la taxpayer., al- ~dy contr1butlnr nearly 50 cenla out of #very taa dolla r to educa- tion. will contribute about 10 cent1 more per 1100 a cceued valuation to 8Chool per80nnel. depending. of courM, on the number of dlatrict1 In which their property 11 located. However, the tax may be even more than thl• later. u dl11Cu. stona ha" berun cm the need for aome llmltaUon o.n the ta.a to be required trom the ext remely pool" Khoot diltrtet1. A propoaat to place a celllnf on the coiatr1buUon ot IJUch dl1trtct.a la being 1tudJed. and the educaton eapect lhl• to be 1ubmltted lo the lf(111Ature at' a •P«laJ aeu ion neat March. If thl1 propoeal I• adopted, then lhe averai• and richer IChOOI dlltrict.a w111 be pay· tnc \he t.aa for UM dielncta wttb Jower aue•lled valoat1or.1. TENURE RETAJNED Other a.ccompll1hmenls of the educator• Included ma.lnlmance of the teacher tenure 1ystem at the l.e.vel It .nu been for llOliie tlrne. deap lte rumbltnr• In the ler · l1lature for abohUon of Ule 1y1- tem. Sha rp crltlcl•m ot teacher tenure cornea from varlou11 aec· tlon1 of the atate. and w bject wlU be before an Interim committee on education durtni the riellt two ye are. NO PAIRY TA.LB! Beware of the Teeth! . .. f'. There are some cruelly sharp, un1u•pected "teeth" hidden by the deceptively allwin.1 Wuaiom of a guaran- teed annual wqe. For in8t&nce : . / ., GAW II Mt job .curity. It cannot provide jobe when there la no work tb be performed. It cannot force more resuiar producUon and thu• provide cteady work and lteKy pay. JCconomista have aJd that GAW might really clrtw production down to a lower level than might otherwt.e obtain. GAW might lntmaity IWinp'.in tbe bmln-cycles : it would be a threat to bwdn-propw and .unival. It would deter compuy plana for apu91on. dl8courap Introduction ot ...,.. prodvcu. Tb .. are bat a few of tlM blddm cSaacwm lnhlrent in the GAW deman~anpf9 to ,.pa;,_ u nl u to 1mploy.,.., :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PA.al.Ea (M. Not. -Tl.a. eoa-lty BorMW Pal1ll!r wUt .._, ... tile lttde-bewa ...... rM!al IM!ta ...................... ..., ............ ---u,. .. ,,_., y-.) CRJ8DJJm LE'ITEBS -G C l 6 in a aha.It of b1act cfanite, e<ut in the rock over 75 years ago and pointed out by Kr. Harford of Perrla. givee the 0 potnt of ori- gin" for the boundariea of Golden Charlot mine. - 1'orace Parker Photo Hand a real proepettor a pick and a a.hovel. Polnt to ' •tringer or ledge. Then questioningly uk, "Gold !" Ube ia one of the old ~bool he'll it.art digging with the vim and vigor of an eager dachshund. There will be no pat· tern to the dtg-ginc -It 11 purely rl.s 1 m11dt a tour of the O•Yilan pereonaJ prderence. One fellow Hiiia. Mr. Harford. who he.II lived w!U die a M.rtH 'of "glory hole•" In l'tn 1a for <>Vtr a half century trymg-to follow the ledge on the and wu rnsrag-ed In the ruJ eetate t1Urface. another may try to follow bus1nes11 there before hi.a reUre· the led(e downwa rd, while a third ment. Ui In my opinion th& l'rMl· may be one of tho~ complfcaled e•t llvln~ authority on t.be mlnlll( charutera who fl;urea the apglea actlvUlu In the Oavllan8. Not onJy and t rlu t o "croSBcut the ledge doea he have exteiu1v1 written at a deplh." But they all h a\•t one fllea on the ml.nu, but he owna a thing In ~mmon, they love to dig number of them and hu been ac- an(l rummace around In the bow· lively en,ca«ed In mlnlnf In the eta of Mother Earth. The gold It.-area for many yeara. elf, I think 11 purely RCOnduy. THE GOLD BUG How many Umea have you beard Hla 1lmple Introductory Ital•· of an old pl'Olpector m•k1nl' a rich ment to me wu , "Don't pt lh• strike, Mlllng jt for al moat a 10nf, g-old bug ," then drinking and gambllng 1l Yet with thla preliminary 1"nl· away? Ing he enlhualutlcally bepn tell· WITS VS. KATURIC Ing me taJea of th# min" and (Old ll illll'l !he gold a nd the money In the C avilana. Dlalr!'&ma. &Nay bul rather the matchmr wit• with report.I, anJ va rlou.a enptieq re- i.ture and the love of doing ter· port.II of th• m lnea Nlutfllld con· restrlal 1~ery. fuaingly aero .. tb• ~ Charley McVlcar, an nld proe· A11 lyplC'lll u the dJtirlnl' yen pector friend of mine in Tem,.cula. ot lhl' rt•.al proirpcoctor I• the n&m· used to aay , "If gold ts rvf'r found Ing of a mine. One dO('llll 't juat In Soulltc-m Cahfo1 nia 11 wtU be caJI a mine. a mine. It. mu.wt ll&ve found In the Ga vllan Hlll11." 11. rega l and de1erlpUve name. Th11 The "Cav1lan1" u moat old tlm· favorite ot Mr. H&rlord'a mlne1 I• era call this territory, I• & mys-the "Colden Cha.riot," •t UmN 1t. teriou• •~a of bn11hy and gTamt• 1 hu been known u lhe Golden •lrewn hills. tnlerspenied with val· Chariot but lhl1 name 11 lncorTeC'l ltya covered with clump1 or junl-JOlAl•·s Mr. Harford. Either name pers It Is plerctd with a nf'twork hlll a romantic rlne to me. Of dirt roadll. trails. ind w~on "Thf' 1tory J Ilk• to think tra cks -aome lh&t go no wheN'. 11bout". said Mr. Harford, "111 t hnL other• take you in • circle and the dl111·cverer of {he mine hlld " atilt olhera end at a l<X:ked galr. lltlle dauirhler. a g-olden·h1lr NI The Gavllan Hlll11 are roughly llltlt' ltu1., named Charlotte. IR!n1t bo~nded by the T cmel'lr11I CIUlyon a r<'.lugh. lllllt'1atP miner he didn't to the west. Ellllnorl" valley to the knnw how t <> spell Charlotte 11n aouth. Pama v1lley to lhe rut. hr 11lmrly ~corded the chllm aio Lake Mathtwa and the CaJalco the 'G<1l1ten Charlot". The tecol-dt'r • hlll1 to the north. no doubl thought he meant to FtRST DIRC'O\'ERY wnte "chariot" ao he aMIKl!e<l lh1t There 11 no way of k nowing m11<nomer." when the Mexlcana flr.t dl11covered With Mr. Harfo1d I took a phn· rold In the Gavll11n11 anti It m11y lo ot thr. ongln11I 11lartlng pt>lnt antedate any of the early dl!1cov· for the clalm rhl11l'lll'd 1n a column erles of the mel.tt.J In Callfom h'l. of blac k itranltt Alao we l'f'tr1eved When tin wa• dilK:overpd In tht the orig1n1ll r~n from th .. monu- the Cajalco Hills In 1858 lhe prt'll· m•nt whll.'h hrlll lh1• peperi• ot lhe ence of lhl'&e MexlcA.n mlner11 wu !'IA.Im for nl'nrly 7~ Y<'llMI. In 11lnk· known and they jtT11du1lly lnrreu-Ing a ntw 11haft old juniper pol!L• ed their .acth·ltlee until by Ute 1 we 11nco\rrred a rPflc of Mexican early 1880'a there were 11<> many rmnlng day11, whh:h were uited to In Ute area lhal th"Y Wt>rf' "run "timber" theo 11haflll. off" by the owners of lhe Rancho A kind o! lmpaUent e.cilement Sobrantt de San Jacinto who hu Ukrn hold of me and 1 am claimed the Ga vllan Hilla In their Ml(lou1 to ~plore more of th11 r rant. old gold-<ligg1n·1 In ~ torfottrn With Mr. H. M. Harford of Per· "Hilla of the Hawk." JON.ER'S SHACK ·-This housing li~ deep in the Gavilan HillA. -Horace Parker Photo Grass Roots Opinion CANNELTON, IND .. NEWS: "Our great freedo~ our treme.ndoU8 \nduatrial aaset.A, our great farm ea· deavon. our record of dl11coveries and invention• and count.1-other fundamentall which combine to man • deteaden of our theory of life h&ve not come by acddtnt. They bav• ill been pouibll becau11e we Uve In a ut:kle ot tr. ~.. · • ' . I .. . "-_,..w REA SCHOOL GRADUATION I CEREMONIES . . . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAwE 7 MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 8.!'.CEIVE8 DEGREE -Myford "lrvine, President, J amee Irvine Foundatiorl center, fec~iV'ff Honorary Doctor of Lawa degree from Dr. W. Ballentine Henley, Pl"fffdent of College ot'O.teopathic Pbyalciw and Surgeons (Loe Angeles) le~t. and Dr. Vin· cent P. Carroll, Put President, American Osteopathic A.uociation. Irvine . Gets New Degree from College •••• MICHIGAN VACATIONI Hundttda of parent.a attend graduation ceremonies at Everett Rea School, C(oata Mesa, Thunday u the largeat clue in hi.story received diplomas. Everett A. Rea, diatrict superintendent, preeented the Cla.sa of 1955. F.dwin C. Edlck, member of the Coeta Meea School District Board of Truateea, preeented the di- plomas.-SWt Photo Honorary Doctor of L&wa de(rH wu recelvtd Ft'lday night by My- ford Irvine, prl'11ldent of the Ir· Vine Co. and the Jame• Irvine Foundation Crom the CoUece of Oateopath1c Phyaldana and wr- 1eona. It wu fllty-nlnth annual commencement of the Loa An1elte PIRATE QUEEN Judgea will h~ a difficut task on July 26 pick a Pir· ate Queen for the Orange County Fair from theee 13 lovely girls. The winner will reign over the aix-day fair starting Aue. 9 a.nd each princea will have one day on the prog'T'&lft. Shown on.._ the outdoor amphith~· atre stage are, from It. Carolyn J ones, Placentia; Lei· lle Chapman, Orange; Janice Holm, Fullerton; Yvonne CANDIDATES Sliubert, Santa Ana; J ulie Zaiser, Tustin ; Pat Bilyk, Hun\.ington Beach; Velta Autrey, Brea; Anita Lewi•,< Laguna Beach; Marjorie Boyd, Anf.heim; Dot McKen- zie, Gan:lm Grove; Stephanie Stier, San Clemente; .. Sharoi\ Glenn, eo.ta. Mesa and Dee Dee Cunningham, Newport Beach. Too La•• •• .. Dee Dee 'Cunningham Named Local Woman -1Z--.~-7-.':-ec1-N~~~~ ~~~ .. ~~.~dl£8.!_e Be ... , Asks Aid for · NEW Ir OLD Furniture Finishing ' MODERN Ir ANTI.QUE J\euonabl1 Pr1cu Specials on Patio Furnishings Corona d•l Mar I.a on• of baker'• I Le1lle Chapman, 11, Oran .. ; Car-2 Child , olyn Jone1, l 8,Placentla;8tephanl• ren dOAn ol Oranc• County• lovellHt I Stier, 17, San Clemente; Yvonne lauea, competlnf tor t.ha title of Shubert, 18. Sant& Ana; and Julie Pirate Queen of th• Orance Coun-Zaiser, 18, TuiUn. IA.NTA 'ANA JUNE 20 (0CN8) ty Fair and the hQnar of repre-~Mn. Dorothy Ottdaln, or New- Hntln&' Ora.nee County at the ~ C Ill f port Bea.ch. ~t the help of 'tat. ratr tn Sacramento. ~-car 0 I on Sant& Ana Police )'ffterda)', tor a A round of acUvitlH 'hu bffn C place for her two childrwl to be planned tor th• bevy of be&utlH on oast Hl .... WllV taken care of, unw llhe couJct.pt durtnr the nut trw Wffkl, ln an-.,., -J • Job a.nd MCUN & place tor \Mm Call for •Um&~ 6 MT'riC9 Uelpatlon Of the 8:1th Annln~ey Thrff car. 'tanfled bwn~ to .ta)'. J'a.lr, which ~ra a lllx-da1 run y .. terday at Cout H1(1'way and --)('rs. Otteletn told poUc• ah• and Aubrey Ellnrorth on Aur. t . · Mart.n. Av• .• police -.Id, wb,en th• her huaband, Wlllla.m, and two 2032 Pl&ctntla Coeta w-An ouUnJ to C&t.altna Ialand, car CW•en by Francia Crall' 'Bamt.I chUdrea ....... pul out of t.belr LI a-T9Cll. 87cT2 deep-an tllhlnr. puaonal appur-of Ciftop Park, at.ruck the rev apartment and had no plac• to -----------ancea, tntemrw• and an all-day end of a cu 4tlYW1 by JUcbard P • .ta;,. BM It.at.eel that har hu.e-tZ-U.t ud Found tour ot Orance County cllma.xed Vorkln or 130 Apolnl& .An, t.nd WU u.tns wtt.b a trtend la by a Harbor trip aboard the The Vorldn car wu pu.sbad ln· Newport Beach. ad\OOller, 8wtft. an planned tn lo th• .._, of a c&I' drlY9n by The chlldren, &1• ' and 11 LADY from Dltnol• loet wooden addiUon to the ucltunent or ~ Donald Pr9ftoll t\ucktt of Oma1'd. month.I wer• t&Jlcn tnto C\l.ltody. pun• Wlth nd plUt.Jo hand!-actual cont.eat on July M .• Tb• Bot.II the ftuCker .and Vor1da can The mother and t.ha 4•)'91.r-Old on B&lboa Iatand. Glendale-contut will be held at the J'alr-wer. .topped fttr & atpal. pollc:. cblld wve taken l~ the JU'fenile Citrua 2-'TH (collect). ITotl ~ and the tlUffll and her It.Id.' Rome and the 18-month-old ,.,.. twelve prtnCUMI wtU be pruen~ • , taken to the aant& .Ana Oora.nnaa· !! ~ latltmetSota - 9th Season eel to membln and rue1ta o/ th• Hawleys Pl---In lt7 H~epltal Pediatric ward. Al80clated Chamben repreaenUnr ....,.. all areu ot the county. H~ I · R ~n for Renfros of the Brandt-Dike SUMMER SCHOOL OF PAINTING Th• queen, u Ml111 Oranre , .... op CIM aces M . d Mra M -D-fro Coimty, wUl be gtnn a trip to r. an · yron .-..:n • Sacramento I a t • r In Auguat. The fat.turr • d&urhter t..m . .i 1'°' Maple Ill., CO.ta Meaa, are where 11he wtU putlclpate ln the Rnberl sntJ Ann Hawley or 8481 p&renUI of a boy, born at Hoac Maid ot CalJJomla con~ Abbey Way. Coeta J.tua_. 1COred Hoiplta.J June 13. Partlclpatill« lit Ute Pint• In the )lydroplane rscu In Lon1 Blftnnlnr Monday, J une 2TU\ for Queen com-tttlon are Marjorie Beach'• Marin• 8tadlUJl'l J99ler-nabbed a fourth. Th• pair wtll lllx week&, dally •ketch tripe In r d be ,_ t k d UI• South Cout area for be • Boyd, 20, of An-'ielm; Veit.a Aut-llf. racuog nu wee en at BaJ<eni-&in rey Brea· Sharon Glenn 17 Coeta Hawley came In third tn h1a field. Appearancu will follow at ~Id ad8n.nt de~ lhn Nollu a.nald M~· Ja~ce Holm la 'ruiJ.r•-· M-hydropl&M while JU.a dauptw Cachwna Dun and Palmdale. wa: ... -.v or. u y ... t a on • -• -., --,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;:;, Acadamlclana Phil DUI• and Dot McK.lnzle, 18. 0.rd• Grow, !ta Bnndt. ou .. t lnltJvotor Pat Btlyk, 18, Hunt1arton ...U; Otorsw Poll. Technique• and , • :=-w:i.:~~~ ~Mesa Girl, 1z plloal tor '"' ,.,.d •• om.o~ Files A1to S1il Wtdneed&19 t :IO • U :IO for Ule 8AN'TA ANA ((>CNS) -Al- JO'IDS p&lntar, acu. te 1t wt~ leainc th• defendallt ~ Jl"efennc. for ace• 1-11. r&ll)Jned hli car into Jaer bteyala, RSX BRANDT. PHIL DJKJC Ludlle Hop.n. 12, 1.Nt w.u.ee · NeJ>hon• Harbor 11 ... W Aft., -CO.t& Mea, J'rtda.J ....... t •OT Goldenrod, Corona del Mar .uo.ooo peraonal Injury damac-atca la a 1u1t tlJed tbro\lllt ,,....._ -----------Vtvtenne I:. Hasan-• Tb• wit ,,,.. lodfd ln 8uper1or ....._._,_ for Beet d.wt here ap1Mt .Arnold R. -~tr. NSW I la)'NI. .,..._ hOUM, P"' 'ntt plall\tltta ~ ....__.. .,.. ...,_., tlMrmo. he&t. teo. •ehlcle •truck the child'• bUt1 QHr -Ut. bl·21-l I t., Cotta Meu. Ocean Front Blvd. and Slit St , U WllO ~ O°)U9M 8-•Mt. Newport Bach, at 7:22 p.m. J une 67llc 20, l'M. I the Richard Beeson Company · Lallchcape D•lt• and COMtnctloll WAR SUIPWS SPICIAL I iCiE~E·.~•200 A 8-Ylap of 11~ F•.-cl~ ....... ...... ......., ... , ...... ...... ................ ____________ ,.. college. ALLEY CHAMPS Seventy-aeven 11tudenUI ~celved their doctor'• dl'greea Hononary DUE AT VAN'S dev~• ot Doctor ot Humane Let- ter& ~·ere conferred on Paul S. Sylvia Wene, women'• na- tional ma tch 'game champion, wlll appear a t Va.n'1 Bowling In COila )feaa Thursday frorn :Z to 6 p. m. tor bowling ln- 1tructlona and exhlblllon. Fri- day Lee Jougtard. captain of the ~amplon Stroh• Beu team of Detroit and holder of the world's highest slngle11 In ABC, wll,l appear during th• 118 me hours. Sylvia defeated M&-rian Lad- awlr. holder ot the title for the Jaat five yeara. for the national charaplonah1p. Joug- lard'1 three ram• blth la 776. Smith and Or. K. )1organ Ed- wards, Minister of the F1rat M•· thodlst Church In Puadena. Douglu A. Nt>wcomb aupefln- tendl'nt of Long Beach 1choola, al- ao rect"ive<I' an honorary Doctor of Laws deirrel'. WATER SKIING Coettaoed frotll Flnit Pap through a Beverly Hilla attomey, have notified lhe county aupervl- aora and the city they object to lhe county ordinance. 1t llm4ta 1.11'• ot children opertlllng bOl.ta, among other ltem1. Alao It would -----------Umll al.ze and kngth ot craft ply- $1000 for Fireworks Okayed by Councn Newport Beach City Council Monday night approved txpendl- ture of $1000 tor fireworks d1s- playa J uly t off Balboa P ier. Re- lnC Upper Bay waters~ CouncU member• view th• Up-pn Bay •lluatton u nl!edlhg quick a ction to tt.llo"' the hundred-' of water ski and boat t>nthusluta a place In which to o~rale. Ari ur- genC'y meuure by council la e.x- pected. quest for tha donation came Crom ----------- Bill Thomp~, Balboa Improve-Two Cars Involved ment Auodat1on. Th• donation wu approved over A rear end collision oc:curnd protea Unc votea of Mayor Dora Tuesday In frO/\t of 3Ht Via LJdo Hill. who 11&ld a forthcoming rec-when Stuart Paddock Newcomb reatlon11l pro(l'llm would require of 213 Via Dijon apparenUy atruck much money, and Councilman J . the rear o! a car .driven by Lyle B. Stoddard who thought lhoee Robert Pope, 48, ot 260. W. l'ew- merchanta benefiting from crowd.a port Blvd., police N ld. att.end1n1 the di.play ahould put P ope aald his car wu at&ndlng up the fUndL ' In front ot the addreM. Take fadory clelivery of your ne)Y Oldsmobile ••• help pay .your way on what you save I .. ,,. U .. TO ...... No need toa\retdl that....,...,.,.., &o enjoy yos v~aU. tJdl yMrl Toa -...... pt)',_..,. ........ ,.. NYe by tuing ddi•cry ol • "Rociet" Engine Oldmiobile et IAUog, Micbl- gul Stop la lor cktailll Pkt 70/fll f.norite Oldemobile-t.laea pack wp the Wnily f« the .,.. addq. llOlt ecooomial vacation yoa nw baa! Ill YOUI NIAllST OLDSMOllLI DIALll MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 w. Cout HJrhway ~rty 1-ne1 Make living at the Beach More Enjoyable Delicious Bar· B • Qaecl Specializing In ·Young Tender CHICKENS Turlleys -Squab -Ducks Geese-Lamb·-··•f Ham-Pork Coolcec/ the Way Seasoned the Way YOU .... Either Hot or Cold Any Size Lilce it Lilce it Ideal for that Boat Trip, Picnic or that Qui_ck Dinner at Home Meats FREE DIUVERY -PHONE HARIOR 656 The Balboa Market '301 ... ·St. t ............. ) ••••• ' ..... I • REA SCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONIES NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAwE 7 MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 KECEIVE8 DEGREE -Mytoro Trvine, Ptellident, James l rvin'e Foundation, center, receive. Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Dr. W. Ballentine Henley, President of College of'Oateopathlc Phyaiciana and Surgeons (Loa Angeles) left, and Dr. Vin· cent P. Carroll, Put Pruident, America.n Osteopathic Aaaociation. Irvine Gets New Degree from College Treat .... famlly ... MICHIGAN VACATIONI Hundreda of parents attend graduation cerernoqiee at Everett Rea School, Costa Mesa, Thunday u the largest clus in history received diploma.a. Everett A. Rea, diatrict superintendent, presented the Class of 1955. Edwin C. Edick, member o! the Coat& Mesa School District Board of Tnatee•, pruented t.!i_e di· plomas.-Staff Photo '" Honorary Doctor of Lawa d•rre• wu received Friday night by My- ford Jrvlne. pre11ldtnt of the l r- vlne Co. and the Jame. Irvine Foundation from t he CoUece of OateopathJc Phyalclan• and wr· PIRATE 9UEEN CANdlDATES , Judges will have a difficut task on July 26 pick a Pir-Shubert, $anta Ana; J ulie Zaiser, Tustin; Pal Bilyk, ate Queen for the Orange County Fair from theM 13 Hunt~bn Beach; Vella Autrey, Brea; Anita Lewis, lovely girl.e. The winner will reign over the •ix-day Lagunt'Beach; Marjorie Boyd, An~eim; Dot McKen· fair starting AUJ. 9 and each princess will have one zie, Garoen Grove; Stephanie Stier. San Clemente; day on the program. Shown on the outdoor amphlthe· SharoJ\ Glenn, Costa. Mesa and Dee Dee Cunningham, atre stage are, from lL Carolyn Jones, Placentia; Lea-Newport Beach. lie Chapman, Oranre; ~anJce· Holm, Fullerton; Yvonne 'C~~:. a. Dee Dee Cunningham Named Local Woman U-BaDdlq .&e..i-N:,~~ ~~n ... ~!.~d!!_e e..,., Asks Aid for NEW Ir OLD Furniture Finishing MODERN Ir :lNTIQUE Specials on Patio Furnishings Coron,a del Ku .JI oae ot 'Mlter'• lAlllle Chapman, 11, Oran1e; Car· 2· Ch.Id dosen A-Oranra Count1'1 lovellHt olyn Jonee, 18,Placentta;Stephanl• I ren ,.. Stier, l7, San Clemente; YYOnnt IUM1, competJnr tor t.M Ulle of Shubert. 111, Sant& Ana; and Julie Pirate Qu!9n ot the Oranre Coun-za11er, 18, TUltln. BANTA 'A.NA .1UNZ 20 (0CN8) ty P'aJr and the bQftot of repre· -Mni. Doroth'f Oefelet.n. of New- aentln&' Oranf• County at the ~ C Ill porl Beach, aoUfl"'t the llelp ~ fllate l'alP Jn 8acramanto. ~-car 0 slon Santa Ana Police )'Hlerday, for a A round ot acUYiUH hu been place few her two chlldr.n to be planned for the bevy of beauuu on Coast Hl .... Wll'V taken~ of, WIW ah• cou.14-r•t durinr the next f-W'Mka, tn an-"9' -1 a Job and MCure a place tor t.Mm Call f« ..um.au• • .. rvtca Uetp&Uon of the ~th Annl:YttMry Three ears t&nsfed llumpen U. .tay. 1'&1r, which op.n1 a II.a-day run yaaterday at)?Mlt Hlfhway and Mrs. Oefeletn told po~• and Aubrey Elt.wort.h on AU(. f . · Kanne Ave., police a id, when the her huaband, William. and two sou P\actnUa Coat& M-An ouUn..r to Catallna Ialand, car drtvm by Francia Cralr Hamn children wwe put out of thttr LI 1·71N11. 8Tc72 de.p-Ma fl1hln1. ptr90nel appear-of C&nora Park, atruck the rear apartment and had no place to ------------ancea, lntel'Ylewa and an all-day end of a car drtvtn by Richard P. 1tay-: Sh• 1tated that l'ler hu1- tour ot Oranre County climaxed Vorkln of 330 Apolen& An. band wu Uvtn1 with a friend In by a Barbor trlp a board the The Vor.kin car wu pUlhed In· Newport Beach. LADY from Dlinola loll wooden pune wtth red pluUo handl- on B&lbo4a bland. OlendaJ~ Cltrua l4TH (eollect). &Tctt achoonl'r, Swttt, are planned In to Ute ru.r of a car driven by Th• chlJdren. •I• • and 18 addlUon to the excitement of t.l\e Dtmald Pre1ton Rucker of Ox!lard. montJi. were taken Into eu1tody. actulll conteat on July 28. The Both the Rucker .and Vorklft C&A The mother an11 the 4-yaar-old conle1t w1ll be held at the J'alr· were atopped for & •1111&1. police chUd were taken to the Juvenile rroun4-, and I the quem and her 111.ld. Home and lhe l ll·month-old WU twelve priri~u .. will be preaenl-la.ken to the Santa Ana Commun- 24 ~la. Jnetr11ctton _ ed to members and rueeta of the H I Pl I lty Hospital Pediatric ward. :;:J A•ocl1tled Chambers rtpruenunr QW •YI CIC9 ft 9th S all area.a ot the county. H Son for R fr eason . . Th• queen ... Miss Orange ydroplane Races en OS Of th Bra dt D•L County, wtll be gtvtn a trip to I Mr. and Mrs. Myron Renfro, 8 n • llt9 81.crtlml'nto I a te r In ,\u~1t, The father• daughter u am .of tao. Ma ple 8t., Cotta Meaa, are SUMMER SCHOOL where l!he will p11rtlclpat£'°ln thl' ,, R11bl'r t 1111'1 Ann Ha wiry or 6461 pare.nta of • boy, born at Hoag OF PAINTING Maid of CaJlfornJa conteat. Abbc>y \\'11y. t'o~111 Me!la, 11coried _n_o_11p_1_tal--'J;;...un_e_1_3. _____ _ I Partlclpatlnir In th Pl l in th11 hyrlroplane r1tce11 ln..-LollJ Be(tnnlng Monday, J une 2'TUI for e ra • 1 nr11 r h'1 °Mar1ne 8tadlu.m _.el'-nabbed a fourth. The .-:1r will al• week• dally 11ketch trlpa in Qul'en rom~tltlon llrl' Marjor1r 1 -· .., pa the South' Cout a rea for begin-Boyd, 20. o! Anaheim; Vella Aut· dlly. be racing n"xt Wt'l'kend Ill Bakrrl'!· ne.ra and adV&nced In 011 and rl'y, Brea: Sharon Gl•M, Ji, Coit.a H11wley ca.me In third fn. his field .. Appr1trance1 will follow at l I St d with N lJ . aJ Mesa· Janice Holm 141 Fullert.on· M·hydroplane while hla daughter Cachuma Dam and Palmdale. wa t:rco or. u y • a on · • • -:r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Acackmlclan1 Phil I>Uce and Dot McKiru:le, HJ. Garden Grove, Jt.ex Brandt, cu .. t 11\ftNct or Pat Bllyk. 111, Hunttnrt.on Beach; O.Ors-e Poat. Technlquu and Buice with 1ou Jmnr ud Betty Vi'lnckJv. W1'1 t. or tel• phone for tr.. folder. SPECIAL CIDLDREN'S CLASS Mesi Girl, 12 Fires Auto Suit Wedn•acSaye 9:30 . 11 :10 tor the I AHTA ANA ((>CNS) -Al· )'OUJ\&' paint.er. ar u 1 to 11 ..-1Ui lertnr the dtfenda.nt r.cldeuly preference tor art• l-11. rammed his car Into ~er bleycle, REX BRANDT . PHIL DIKE Luckie Hog-an. J2, 111t WtJJ&ce T.ll•phon• Harbor 1111-W Ave .. -CO.ta Meaa, Frtda1 llO\llht Ool Co lJ0,000 puaon&J injury d&JUpl COT denrod, rona de.I Mar 1" a i ult ,.ltled thro\C)l S\IU'dJu "' ·' &Teet Vl•ltnne E . HO('&n. . '8&-Bo-. for Rent The tult wu lod6d In Superior dourt here .,-a1Mt Arnold R. IC,...nie.r. NEW I BDJUL Ufttlarn. hoUH, pr-'nla plallltt.tta ~ s:n. ... .... dlapoeal, thenno. heat. 180. •thlcle •truck th• child'• blJte near "*'°" l2S·2l1t St., Cot1ta Mt11. O<-ean Front Blvd. and Slat St .. LI 1·1110 or Oxton! ~H~l. ='°''wport 8-Ch, at 7:22 p.m. Junt 6ittc 120. lll~i. J the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desi111 and COMtnctloft PBOO IU.&90a lll WAR SURPWS SPICIAL I iCiE~fN•200 A 8&Wlp of 74~ Fot 9tC.lota111 ,.U.. ....... ......plant ........... ................ reona. ll wu fifty-ninth annual commencement ot the Loe Anrelta ------------eoUeg«'. ALLEY CHAMPS DUE AT VAN'S Sylvia Wene, women's na- tional ma tch game champion, will appear at Van's BowUnr In COila Mesa Thursday from 2 to II p. m. tor bowling ln· 11trt1clion1 and exhibition. F ri- day Lee Jouglard. captaln ot the champion Stroh• Beer team of Detroit and holder ot the world's highest 11lngles In A BC, wlll appear during the Hme hours. Sylvia defeated Marian Lad- awi&', holder ol the title tor the last Clve yeara, for tpe national cha111ptorahip. Joug- lard'1 three ram• hlr h ta '1711. Seventy-seven atudenta rtcelv~ their doctor'1 degrees Honorery degree. of Doctor of Humane l..et- ter11 were confen-ed on Paul S. Srnlth and Dr. K. }.forgan Ed- ward•. !ttlnJater of the Jo"'lrllt M•· thodllt Church In Puadena. Oouglaa A. Newcomb superin- tendent of Long Beach 1chool1, aJ. 110 re<:i!lved' an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. ~ WATER SKIING CoaUauecl from Flnt Pap through a Beverly Hllls attorney, have notified the county t1upervl- aor111 and the city they object to the county ordinance. It ,11mu1 acu of children operaUns; boat•, ·aniong other ltema. AJIO It would ------------limit al.M and ~ngtb of craft ply- $1000 for Fireworks Okayed by Council Newport Beach CHy Council Monday night approved t>xpendl· lure of $1000 for fireworks dis- play• July 4 orr Balboa Pll'r. JU. ing Upper Bay walel'I. Council m•mbua vi-the Up-per Bay mtuatlon u nel'dlng-quick a ction to allow the hundreds of water 11kl and boat t>nlhusiut.a a place In which to operate. An ur- genry measure by council 11 ex- pect~. queet for th• donallon came f rom ------------ Biii Thompaon, Balboa Jmprove-Two Cars Involved mtnt Aleoclatlon. Th• donaUoa wu a pproved over A rear end collision occul'T'td protuunr votu of Mayor Dort Tueaday tn front of 34U Via Udo Hill, who aald a forthcoming rec-when Stuart Paddock Newcomb reatlonsl program wouJd require ot 213 Via Dijon apparently atruck much money, and Councilman J. the rear or a car driven by Lyle B. Stoddard who thought thoae Robert Pope, 48, ot Z60• W. New- merchanta benefiting from crowda port Bl~d .. police Aid. attendlnr the daplay 1hould put Pope ea!d his car wu 1tandlng up the tunde. ' In front Of the addree11. Take factory delivery of your new Oldsmobile ••• help pay _your way on what you save I •A,,. UP TO ....... No Deed t.o 111etcl.i that uftip .-t to mjoy yos neeU. tide year! Toa -..., pey ,_ w.y ........ ,_ N Ye by u.king ddi•cry of a "Rocket" Engine Old.mobile at lAaalng, Mldai· (HI Stop la f~ detal.lel Pick TOIUI {Horite Oldamobile--tlM. pack ., the f.ainily for the _,.. adtJac. ._. ecooomical ncatioe you n• bad! Ill YOUI NIAllST OLDSMOllLI DIALll MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 w. Cout HJrb"11y ll1M'rt)' 11-!181 Make Living · at ·the · Beach More Enjoyable , Delicious Bar· B ·Quad Meats Specializing In ·Young Tender CHICKENS ' . Turlceys -Squab -Ducks Geese -Lamb -Beef Ham-·Pork Cooked the Way JOU Seasoned the Way Either Hot or Cold like if like if Any Size 1 Ideal for that Boat Trip, Picnic t or that Quick Dinner at Home FREE DILIVERY -PHONE HARBOR 656 The Balboa Market 301 ..... ·St. , ....... ,... ... , ··- ' ' P~E I· PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOit .NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 20. 1951 I HORACE ENSIGN STUDENTS GRADUATED •OUN JAW Avala L11d1 i1 Hospital, Jail Anderson GmaCJe After Arrest Chmrecl In Fire, Lllt.r .uUlall)' •ftla'• t1m1e l>mnaget-$2000 ~N~w~:-~ 'nlret out ot tour tr&ttlo aiOel· <*It.a Involve p&Me!llW oan: ac- ~ .. ta.. HatloMJ Automo- bile Chab. . CONTINUING- TO PAY PER ANNUM .,,.. auddenly erupted trom the doll ol drunk drtYlnS landed h1m ......... °' )(. A. • .Ander.on. 919 I.ft 0nn,. County Jlollpttal wtth Lido lloUd. ju.t before 2 p.m. Fri· a brokm jaw. Walking "last mile" before receiving diploma.a Thurs-present to see the youngsters at graduation ritee. Ku· d&,r. aboot1q a M&TY amok• tn-LoceJ police a&.ld A.vela. who d --1 l t• ,._,a by t..--d in •-A f to the Ur \bat caUMd neilhbon Uv• at 35-0 Avocado St., Coeta ALL: ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 day at Horace Ensign Sctioo1 are the eighth gra ers si\;AJ se ec ions were .preeenwu uau acu. ore-to balien lb.at that Whole MCtton M-, put up a aUtf tl(hl when I seen above in march to their seats. Largest graduation ground while students also ea.ng 1everal numben. ot U do IaJe wu on tire. D&mac'• police •topped him at Newport vet, aome 1000 parenlB, relative& and friends were --Staff Photo were ..t'lmated at •2000. The bl&M Freeway and Catalina SL They AH Accounts Opened O n or Before ~ ., -----------------------------------wu belined caUMd by hot aa!aee aid h• wu drtvtnr 1n an ernaUc ----------..:::==--. .. trom J~~ wt m a ~ mannu._ GET SERVICE AWARDS Pat J'n&ehllng, daughter ot Mr. Md Jofr11. G«-orge Fruehling, l SO Via Lorca. Lido Iste. and George McFarland, 110n ot Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mt'Farland, 3700 Oc.e11n BNd.. were honored 11t the Horace Enelgn School u•e!t!bly Wednesd11y with oertirlrotPa of dlaUngulllhed achievement for their "high quality or honor, coura«•· l!Chol&l't'hlp, lead<>rshlp and 1<crvlC(\ which llrt' nec,,11.1<ary \o preservation and pMtecllon of th!' fundamental 1n11t1tut1on11 of our So"V•rnmtnt and a dvancement of l!OClety." The prrJtentat1on -made by Don Munson for the Newport American Legion Poat ot which he la pe.st cc11nmander. 11E.ven 01·s1r1·bu11·on of c1·1y Cash-•• ..., Empties 3 th• pn.ce. Reeerve Officer KL. Ftaher and P Kl. ~_._ The amok• wu c&UMd W,ely otftcer Robert Davenport aald L I B k R d S181, ~ by paint. ftrem. round, and the A••l• klcked Flaher In the 1-C Among Oca an S equeste ~"'two children .. ...,.. nnt 1111utrt ot water. WTe.17 ao-when the)' trlecs to ,....t hlni 1nto inc OD a colleh bl a Co.t& x-count.ct !fr the WU.. th• police car. The offlcera aald An even dt.trlbuUon of city I In( 1~ per cent lntereet: $60,000 UYln&' room ..,.1y on Jun. 12 Mrs. Ande,_ et.at.cl abe bad they had t.o UM force to handcuff f\Jndll betwern local banka wu re-In Newport Harbor Bank, aam• may b&.. llC&Nd ott a bur(• ameU-4 ~ on two tripe to the the man. quested of city council Monda y by atatua and lntere~t; f2~0,000 on lar, police reported today. Kn. pnce, Uta eecond ju.t before -A.t the llt&Uon, th• olt'°9n aUd' Mariners Bonk a.nd Newport Hu-lnacUve atatua. Bank of America, Sally B. Porter ot 173 11. Wllaon DOOll. but bU not .._ etther A'Hla t.ook a ..ms at Da.-part. bor Bank. The requeet waa refer-Newport ot which $~0.000 will be BL reported ttndift&' three JIW'8'8 ~ or nun-. 'nl• nre .,,... lt wu re))OIU4 Da•mpan ~ red to the city manager tor atudy traruterred to Mannera Bank on ra.naeked la JI• 11~ room. ~ 9 U.. ,.aat and -at ~ftla for a IMadludc ad ap- and report back. lnacUve atatu• at 1 '4 per cent t.ta1 llton4 around a worllblndl .,.,,_u7 comMCt..s wtth lUa jaw. The clly fund3 now are divided lntereat: $4&2.000 lnacUva, non·ln· Polle. d~ tM -..-UMl la~ elloTe It. 'fnill• tn th• bollpltal, Ania wu u follnw:c · t~rut beartnc fund• on demand en~ tile hOUM thl'oU&'h & kit· Tl» ftn charncl ~ ot th• undW N,.-port Beeeh pard. He -The -tOth-oH+1rl.1fonth _ .... __ _ Eern From the I st LA·GUIA FEDERAL SA VIN6S I LO~N ASSOCIATION m o..a • ..._ .._.: 11'1' &-Un. LAGUNA BEACH $M,OOO in Bank of America, depoalt, Bank of America, New• chen wtndow. Nothtns WU ap-pnp 1&84 damac-«l the JIUnt. wu tramfernd ~y to Qr. 8alboa, on Inactive atalua draw· port branch. parentl)' talt9L toola and ot!Mr ft.Ila. Bmolle dam· &DC• Coull~ Jail. ._ _________ _. .,...s a nampae room &djolJdltc the ~==========::·::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ........ ' Hamilton Wins 1 ~aratroop Wings Farwell DaUCJhter City, ... C. BALTZ MORTUARIES -A. City of Newport BMc .. deco-IUI • Da....&. Mr. and Mu. Howard Frell, rated car wtth dty oftlc:l&Ja ~ MIC I ....... 008'!'.t.. KDA CJUPllL CHAPl!L BY TD RA 427 Mornln( Canyon Road, are ln will be ta the rourtJI Of ,Jul7 Mr. and llrL Jack JlenGL -lfil hperior A.Ymue amG S. Cout Blvd. parents ot a baby cfrl born 1n parade. R uaUnrt.on Beec!I. at7 l3dea 8t.. eo.ta x-. .,.. pennt.a ea.ta II--. Calli. Corona de! Kar, Calif. FORT CAMPBELJ.. KY.-Ueu-COUDCU 'Yot.ed to 8'll'Pl7 a city ~ of a strl ban m .... J1m1FttN Phone i.n-ty l-21Jl Phone Hartlor '2 tenant Frank M. Hamilton, of Me-_"_oac_:__"_oa_:p_lt ... aJ_J_un_e_u_. ___ _;t:0tr:_:the=.,:9"D,:::::,t.,;M:oe=da:~~n!P;:::t.:__;;l~ ... =..:1:1·~-------_:_~==========:;:==========~ dlcal Company ~03d Airborne Int. ~ Reg. l llh Airborne Div .. a.nd llOn ot.,.Mr. _,,d M,.. . .Aluander HamU· ton, 1223 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa, recently received hie parachutlet wings. B<>fore entenng the Army Lt. Hamilton a tten<led Stanford Uni- versity and Kanl!ILI Unlverally where hi' mejored In architecture. HI' n<>w hoJ1 & B.S. degree In that l eubje<•l und was i;eH employed In I that flell.I IUl ll c1vlhan. Since entering the service. he voluntttred for airborne duly and has g raduated from the 11th Air- born<> Division Alrbom~ School. He 18 now a qualified Jumper with five jump11 to hits credit. P ARKES • RIDLEY MORTUARY Formerly GRAGEL CHAP EL 110 BrOIWt-y I-CMt.a M- J..Jbvty 8-SUt' -d 8-Mlt BE SURE -INSURE with fll.At'RIE STA!\'l.E\' ln1m r11nre Onl.v Pho11e Hltl'hor %4'74 SSH\ ·~-co ... t Hll{bWA)' Corona dl'f Mar W ATt:R HEATER~ SAllS. SU YICE ••cl I VAIRS Joe r~~5lof J l'HMS 11 PH ~H1 DOWN Plio•• Horbor SUO ~!!~~~~~~9~e~ RH tX M ATISM l.nDlt' JW..-h-A trlf'd •"" prO\'t"ft ffmf'dy. Only onf' offlC'f' calJ re- qui~ for rf'll<'f from tho,... tor- turin( paJn-. Arthrftl.8. Ulll E. 7111 Before ·you pay ove.r $2092 for a smaller car \ AND OUT HOW MUCH MORE THE BIG, 1955 MERCURY GIVES YOU FOR YOUR MONEY • I ~t., I.Mil l\t-11l'h 4. Hou~ Tut .• f'ri., 9 a.m. to !\ p.m . Mon .. Thor!I., ......... _...., 9r,;;;;a.=m~·=t=o1=C=p=.m=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Enjoy all these big.-car, fine-car features for less than the deluxe models of the "low-price" 3• SCHOLARSH• FOi TONYE .. ,.. nal wonderful llW'prille!" Tb&l'• how Tonye ChrLsten1en deecribed It w~en told 11he wu the winner of Newport Balboa Sa\1nr• and Loan AQoclation·a $~0 collq'e acholarahlp awarded to an outatandlng Harbor High eenlor. Here ahe talks ovtr her paan.t ~1th A.Nocl&Uon Pruldet1t Paul A. Palmer after rece1v· lnS her •-rd. Sh• a1ao won a Panhellenlc lldlolar11hlp ot $100 for her u cellent achoo\ record. Tonye la the daughter of Mn1. Kathryn Chrt1teMe1I of 402 M&polla AYe. In COl!ta Mesa. She plan• to work <turtng lM summer and enroll at Orange Cout coller-ln t.M .tall. Her aim la to complete a four-year colle~ eoune. majorlnr In •odaJ llludlu with art aa a minor. EARN $80.00 TO ) $105.00 WK. GllOCERY CA8BIF..RJNG AND JO'AT WRAPPING ._,. N-llarktta 'Nwd TnbMd 111• ... w.._ FREE LESSON ·~~o ,._. LE 9-1447 or IQ 3-8271 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALI. COMMBCIAL SICURITY PATIOL Kl 2-70%1 1 .... --_. ... _,._.._..... .. ........... _Mi URI.,......_ &ha.II can iD the ao....-Wd. a._.•...... . . . ......_ _... -·t of 1 .. av ' Ne • _, biger iDtridtb.,.biglrla .......... n... ' ......... s I., S' ................ MontMw7 eboenl ..... liulw to l700 ........ P-l a , et. " "'f It I I lw.. t UC • ,.... 7oa bis_, •bWty • &M ..._ --" • ..._ ... .._ CllJml 2 ...... '°""' ,.., .._,. ~ -,... S. ~ VMIMI c•••noe te & e • • _, U.....-ltlbp•C 0 _. .. 7 Alll.. _.._, _ _....._Yoa-Jor~ ...... , .. M•lf•r ........ El ........ -~.... .......a ...... 4-'-nl~'-11 wa,.-4 ,_. ii,. .. wwk .. tM ~ ....... I I ........ U...-..al.,,, .... ...,._......,.~ ,__, .......... ,,, ..,................ ....................... . ........ ....... ~.ml II..,,..._ Mcuu1'1 "'-b le......... 6. 1118 YW MW Oii NW._.., VMm>Mcuu1 tiadio• *2A'"7 M ...... • • ..._ r... ' I l'J .... Ml ._ .. blp ._a. ...... -.. .._,_.._._U.etf.__...._ ............ , '1......-.Toa,....,.,_. ......... ) tlflll. ...... talllil. .... _, .. 0 ' I kc 0 ci -.,.....-. ..... bedE ..... etf till 8*7 ................ 11............ ........ ............ ,.. .... .... ...... ~-............................................... ..... ff PAYS TO OWN A ffiERCURY FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER Dee'f .-1• .... 11>i. lof.-411.., lolt, M W ll•..,'1 "TOAST Of THI TOWN, .. .......--.. t• .. tM ,.., ... ICHXT ..,,....., t JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln -Mercury 900 W. Comt H1t11·w., .. NIWPORT llACH Uberty 8-5545 •· .. . ~ :&.1111 .,. .., Clllt • TIZ-OftP TOIE -From left to tight, Gordon Findlay of American Legion, and George Turner and Paul Butler, Excb&nge C1ub, watch Exchange Club's Bob Forbes tee off In Friday's first annual Newport Invitational golf tourney at Irvine Cout Country C1ub. Turner and Butler were co-chairmen of the links o uting which found the Exchangite. winning all the trophie.. Forbes turned in low gro&S score w ith a 73. -Staff Photo ·--··..._ ·-· -----4'"...._.. ·-• HAllOI . ,o~ • BILL PHlLLIPS, Sporta ltditor .NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-MESS -PARTI I • PA&E I -ME>NDAY, JUNE-20, 1955 EXCHANGE HOLDS GOLF GO;· WIN ALL HONORS · I "9.rport ....,... ...... .,. aua. ,, ... aad n-.ct o.ca.y with 111. aot ..q Mid a rol1 toumaD*lt ~-o« the aerrice club at IrTiae Cout Country a.lb l"li· tOUM tlabMd Uke W.: Newpo.rt d&J, ~ won lt too ........ pb-Harbor Khwu&a. 11'; ~ lllq ott tM teun t.roph.J from U Liou, IU; l:llila Horu, IT&~ m,A. OC9petiac ~ dMlle ·la ~ M& "'°-. 11•: I'!•~ K&rttor ftret uua1 ltespon la9tanaul, •cv•i..Jr•~ ITT; ~ ITt; .......... aui.~ ... ,..,... ... Optonls.t. •: OMt& x-UoM ao. pam IMllll DOil Moel ~ u4 11"-Antlen, aa, a.M ~ kP#Mt. ....... KIM&D sncaa To Mark Boden. ca~ UM 'lua Mlout the oely award the "4ltar1 8 tum wlddl ~ .-.ortns STOUP didn'' ramer !alt, Jl.lda'9 Oe.rdMr ,...._w a Roy P'n»hauf, pl"N. P'Nt11iauf nau.r Q>., I .,. -"AU ~ are that motor. tranaport hu Jul& .,.,_ to really crow. N-uaee rw lnlellu yd tnJlen .,. ....., fOWMI ftV)' 4')'.'' ~l'rtd&7 nisbt'e Colt baactaet ...._, 9 tie dU....._. WM the Mt °'l ~=:::::;:=::::::===============-===-=-=-=-jjjjjji;!iim~ 1k1111tJ JOMI Idelle Whlcl\ -t le I lCM Rob&Moft of eo.ta M-. J1M148 I ftollel't OardMr ma.de thl t.aa trophy pt"Mllllt&Uon u\d lrvtne • nu pro Art Roux d11trtbut.d ... ~ ..... to Forti., Moel. I RU'Old Welch, Bob Ru.ell and Pull Jtutler. members ot the sx. I dl&Ar• .lin.k.a aqu&d. • J'of'Ms, who captured low srom honon wtth TS alao took low Mt wtth TO, but wtth Jut one ot the awarda pnr to a man, Noel wu credited with low net a t '71. l{:lit· chan(e Club'• laaher1 compiled a Ml ccunpoetle acore. GAVE 8A1TU Olvipr them a batUe for the per- petual trophy wa. the Co1ta Mna Kiwanla STOUP of J. C. Humphr1ea, 1'ul Dunlap. Tam do hnut, f-Ul Balboa Fun Zone . OPIN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTll lll• ram• over wtt.h hro Red Boa ~l"Mdyonthe.,.... ~'.:::==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==::~~==~~==~~~~Z: Pvadlnr onto the tteld behind a Harbor Are& BoYI' Club color cuard were approximately l H memben of the etpt A. leape teama. I~ boya belOftCinr t.o U.. 12 B )oop nlnu 1111d 520 t.o the It C I~ outttta. LmlOl'f DUIL Rod llacJ(tJ.Han, atldeUc cUreet- oP ~the Bo,W Ch.ab and cm.c.b Of the Newport H&rtlor Amerlcu IA- ('°'1 Jwuor buebUl tMm, -i Ide ne St111~1r' M1~ ~elp•d 11e me IOJ. •• roil co1t1191 ~·-ES SANl~ BOB-MAIHIAS_GO_ SPORTS FISHING f'ROM . NEWPORT .'"'''•''"""-~ ... , 1ACion chaJ'S• onto the field tor ' Mathias Hooks ~alf Haul As Santee Learm How Rod Used Bot> reporteli, "but t pt.11 on an adventure or 11pace Mrllll for the kid/I." Whtn photogl'llph,.rs mo\•td In and nrd<'rPd !\11lthuu1 and Sammy to load Sanlea oown wlLb ba.,.... curla c:aught on the outing, Wes By Bll~L PJULLIPS comphtinrd, "Wslt unlit the AAU W e s Santee. the United States' four-minute mile r _ tr?m 1,_11 th•s:. lt'a more than my 20 K ansas, got his first t aste of Newport Harbor sport& f1shmg l pe __ r_c<'_n_t·--------- over the weekend when Olympic Decathlon Champion Bob Mathias sho;wed him h ow to snag barracuda. The w orld· faml'rl 11thlt lf'11 W"nl out In S11mmy , case and had to l!ay Mmethlng. Roach'8 E11l1'·Nada from Davey's / DE!l(\lf;R NF.XT Lockr•r. Santee's next appearanre will be Accompanying the pe1r were In the Denver AAU meet Saturday. Pair of Porter Sport~ -Crates Show Variances GOOD FIT -That's Rod MacMUli&n'• verdict lut week w hile fitting Gary CUrtia o ut with a eum.mer \>asebaU league uniform at Harbor area Boys' Club. MacMillian ill athletic director at Boya' Club and founder o f local Midget loops. Play involving 900 kida and 46 teams was slated to start today after success- ful kick off or the diamo nd program at eo.ta Meaa Park Friday night. -Staff Photo Virgil JackAOn 4'f 512 Tu1lln Ave., I He ex~cta Iota of competition be· J.1sth1as' football and track coach cause European tour cholcea w111 at Tulare High School back ln I be •t 1take. "I don't plan to go OD Sporta car enUlu.lut John Por-• ::~~;:',,~; ot~~xe ;~~~~~iaJ ·~:;;~: ~n; c~~~i~:e~~~~e~t 11:;~. Mar-~~~b~:m.1~e~;~r h~:'a;;!r~-:ai! HUNDREDS OF HARBOR KIDS ment at Loa Ang'f'lee County Fair, At 23 y~ars of a ge, Santee fig-with entirely dlCfPrent l)('nionall· I and C"nrge Lobaugh. Huntington urf'11 he'll be running three or four thl~epanr•td•rhse. 's not quite 1ure which I K-ICK OFF DIAMOND SEASON P11rk editor or the NRt10~ Spin-more years. "The avrnige man ~ ~ ~ tu1hmit Pubhrallon. ruchea hl• pe&k. around 26," San-For lhe past year 11nd a half, l"UORT r>RILL 1 tee obl!erved. "I think the.t a pplies John and his wife Marge have • B• r111 ,. hl'n•llng for 8ea, Sant« lo 11lhletlc11 too. No doubt I coul~ been mol!tly rat'ing thrlr Aard· r•'"'''"'<l a 10-m1n11te tutoring from run 11even or eight Y"Ars more. vark. 11 zippy lotlle low-slung crate Mii; 1111111 1rn<I Jack~on on how to The wiry Kanu.n ha1 bl'f'n plckln' often 11een abOut the HarbOr Area. handl,· rotl anti reel. the f1 111t the 'em up 11nd layln' _•em down tor: Mal\l'r of f&&t. they raeed It at u . !':, mill' rl"('Ord holller ever h11d nine years now. ' • ! the Loa Angeles roadway on Ult tr1 htll ho.ma. "Then"s nothing like ' NOT ~ OUl I Hansen dam track th111 weekend. t h1• nn th" Sn11ke Rtver," the wiry I Odl11y enough. M11lh1u 111 only BLEW t 'P o~Ct: S Hnlrt' rraekrd. 12•. The reeling that he mu11t be I "We've done pretty good with 1\:ok ed If thl11 wM hl11 tlr11t ocean older alw"-Y• arll!r11 tx>cau11e Bob It," Porter reporu. "In 18 1tarts, f•~h·n~. Sanlf'P revealed. "Th111 I~ jPPtured world wld• attr ntlon by It'll placed In 16 rllce1. Only blew nw ftrsl t111hlng, J'H'riod." S11mm.y winning the deCAthlon during lhe up on me once. That wu at M11.rch Ru.uh <11•rlared Santee d,ld all 1948 London Olympic G11.me1 when Field when It ate out IUI exhawitA. n ;:ht. "ll wu beginner'• luck," only JT. He ai.o nabbed tM '!12 Then J tlnlshed lut overall In an· \\'('11 salt!. The mile ~e caught tour Gamea title and became a fullback olher one.." ot th" :11 buracuda hooked by the s!Jlr at Stanford dunnr one t oot-But now Porter h111 a new quintet. Muscular Matlllu wu ball 11eaaon. Pontehe Spyder. Spyder, he n y1, nl'lltted with the limit. Bob hl'ld the decathlon world meana something Ilk& high wheel· BOTH MARINES record ot T887 point. unUl HI-year-ed chariot. That &'fvu you Ule Santee and Mathia. came to old Rater JohMon, a UCLA !ruh· Idea. Ne•«port trom Camp' Pendleton. man, broke the mark by 100 point. "I nnt raced tt at Santa Roa." Both ere In the M&rlne11. Santee durlnK the Central C..U tomla. AAU Porter confessed, "ao I could ma.ke 1tnin~ on duty lht Monday for hi• champlon11hlps In KJfir•burg 'Ulla a.JI my mlstake~out cf alght or my tvm·"<'ll r hitch, and Malhlllll wllh month. "He really put some good trlenda. Finished fourth overall one ye11r to g'O. Santee la a ctually event~ together." M11Ullu com· and third 1n cla.s11. Then JI.-tried Jt National League A Sq~ Nab 10·9 Triumph over Americans With t he field full o f kids and a bleacher full of parent., the H arbor a rea's Midget summer bueb&U program wu successfully kicked off at Costa Mesa Park Friday night. Twice com ing from behind, the National League edged the American League 10-9 In a lhrlU-went rl•hl on playl~ bf<fore um. Ing .. ncounttr betwten the A loop plre Broce Martin could get hll nines. protective coverin( on. When M"1"· The Red Sox t'lobbered the tin wu ready to don h11 maak Brave,, 6-0; the Cardinali! ume beblnd the plat.e, he had to •tart right ba~k tr> Lie It up with a 6-0 downing ot Ule Yankeea; the White Sox edged Ule Dodgers 3-2 to 11end the A ml'r1ClllUI back tn front. then the Giant.a 119Jted away Ule tr11.y 2-0 over Ule lndlan11. Each nlhe playeli two framea w\lh time llmll1 lmpoaed. ·--DIBT-- COLLICTIOlll 1 AOC!Oanla -Nota -Claim• of ~ kJltd of debt.-uywbere la .<meric&. -No colJ8c'Uo• -No t-" Wo adYllllClO .U coeta. bMed al Quantico, but rep<)rted at mented. out al Santa. Barbara and came ln Pendleton tor the All • M1Jrlne CAREER SET third ln claaa and overall. I even Jamea. Stoddard tO&!led the nm Col'pe champlo1w11p.s. Wu did !•Ir Mathlu eeid he 1ntenda to .,go , ran It In the main event agaln11t b&ll right dovm ·the ltot 'an'd LOW BRIDGE CR.EDIT BUJU!AU of . w~ o...ap c-a,y· to mldlllln' In the Mr-vice go. He Into mo\'le and tl'levl1loo work all cer11, tncludlnr Ule blr onea. Catcher Rich WalllOn, tlrt1t up for lll'l lhrtt recordll, tumlnf In times when hl11 Marine •tint endll. Flnl1hed up 12th." t he Red Sox. 11maehed a line drive ot l :!11.:'J In the 880, 4 :Cle In the "There'• nothJng definite u yet." WHATS PROBLEM! beck through the box which had mile and l :'J:02.:\ In the thrff mile. Why can't he figure out which Stoddard dlvfoR' for cover. So ex· formufJ CrMU 8.,._a of Newport 8-dl, Lapaa ._. ... Ooeta .. _ 'Wes h&d· little to aay about the ch Theft T Id la hi• favorite~ cited were the youngaten, they "exces~IVt' expen11e" prolle auggea-An or 0 "Tht're's a (lltference between iii.iii~;~iiiiiiii.iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tlon IMutd In Parla by Intemallon· The achooner Goodwill lost h•r the two," Porter reveal11. "ln Ule I al Olympic Committee Preildtnl anchor Ca pt. ~. A. F11nk told I Allrth•ark. you can ride along and Califomia-Made ''Sport Wagon" SM .Rlnnlcle Aye., P.O. Bos IN NJ";Wl'(J&T BEACH. OALIF. Avery Brundage. He l8ld, all the police recently Ule anchor and enjoy youn1tlt and wa ve a t your' recordJI necu11ary to the cue could chain were taken rrom Old County rnend1. In the Spyder. you have Produced fO Se. II Under $1,nM be obtalnt-d by the Miuour1 Valley dock betwren Sundav and Tuee-to tend to bu11lntS11 aJI the Um•. ~ dl11trfct of lhl' AAU. "Evl'rythlng dav. The veut>I which wu the but ll'I more thrilling. iA In Ksn~u." Sllnttt uld. "And fl~t to crOlll the tlnlsh llnf' In Jut "I lt'Jl'M It depend• on whether It anybody la Interested ln my ex-year's Honolulu race. anchors at you want to be daring," Porter penses. thty ca n check the tllree the dock. decided. "or enjoy youraelf." Calllomla mMt r .. corda where I've ap~ared. I haven't turned In my t ravel permit.I, bu·. tboae ant ju.tt to keep thf' record •tr11l1ht." He •dded that Brund11.ge had probably been u ked a quullon about the 0 RT .9"fr""~' · • 4 • • ... A I> ., .. , • , '. " Starts Wednesday RICBAJU> WIDMARK hi "A PRIZE OF GOLD" _,.__ "CHICAGO SYNDICATI" &epel1'9 • Halnt.eD&DCle • la1t.U.tlou ST AFFORD & SON "NELS and DOC" ELECTRICA.L 00!\"TRACTORS Pbone Uberty IH 46t 110 Riverside Avenue Newport lleecll DID YOU KNOW ••• You can buy a new Mercury for lea than it co1t1 for J3 models of so-called ''low- priced'' can? • .. Californl:i 11 the proud parent of a ne" low.cost motor car, the ~port We~on." placed on Ule rket by PO\Wll M1nufactwln& , Compton, to sell for IHI thin ff~. Th\1 jaunty multl·purpote ve· •I hlcle. ad11rtable for UM al a icocnnwrc:la pick-up, ll>Ort or utU· lb car, hu had an excelltnt N · cepUon since lt.s ftnt a ppearance late In l~. The Powell product hu a 90 h.p. standard populer modtl en· itlM and a 1lttk·llned all·wtlded stffl body built on a standard motor cu dlaula. It welch• 2700 lbs. and bu a UT-Inch •hMl· but. Pr1co!d at S998.87 dellWNd at tht factory In Compton, th• ,.,_II lport Waaon hu .Mn perfect,. tblOUlh tHt8 OYtr tM put twf.ff ' 11.T IV'ILT -Wt •the Med for a lood looltl 1 .WPdy low-COllt car that could 1tylfd to double for Uct1t-d y pkk·UP work as -n u for raon1l and aport trana- portatlon " uld Hayward Powell ol the PoWell comp1ny. "Wt 1~t two yura I.ft dnlan. tool· Inc and .,.rtectln1 the c1t. It b bullt like a battlnhlp, )'ft h•n· dies Ugh. tly, ltMr• easily and rides like a pleuu~ cit. It la euy to park, too. But most Im portant or all. t.he Spon Waaon mttts the OW-rwtielmln1 Med tor • truly Jaw.coat vehicle r~ rn· eraJ tran.sportatlon purpoeta. DEUVEllT .. tllO ...,.., ·...._NOW a& Earl G..._Mot .. lNl ..... lllYd. OoMa .. IAlrtJ la 'JUI a demoutraUon lntteld drtJl M~· KJlllaA m&nac-d t.o relUt pleu ln· •tipted f1"0rn the stands by XU· ter ot C.remoniN and PA &a· nouncer !\OJ MaJPOle to llam OM out of th• park with bla tu.nro mace. Theodore Jtoblne, ~tal la kc.ktnr th• local summer diamond prorram for ,the kJda from elrht to 1 T, llJ>Ok• . a r-welcomins word.a to thoee In a ttendance. Rec· ular lleUOft play In all leagu• wu 1lated to c-etunderway at Coll· ta Mua Park, Newport Harbor High 8chool 911d Corona del Mar fleldl today. Call DAN'S TV ........................ lllt•rty a.2221 .IOHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers Ulled Aa,to Pa.rte aad Accnaorte. %015 Placentia Av~ Liberty a.1111 Ooeta .._ 81 wderlal and takinc delivery ~ the root coatinp you need durinc June, J uly or AuPlt. you 1et a lO«f. ctilcount on the ftlUlar price. Standard Ahuninum. A.beatoe anc1~ ~t (4tinp for ~ type of roof ... included in this IP9cia1 o11 •• ...... ,...,.. -61119 b your root. .,..J'O'lll .... )'OQ apply lime ~ hish quaJity c:oatinp to prepend ....-. alw'ae.I Wt. built-up.or metal nda. 11-y c:ua aJ.o be UMd CID bridr.. stucco. oonc-. and lltructural ....... 8o ...... 8ls8dsril Roel ec.u.._.,..,. ..... dur· inr Jun,. July or Aqua& ••• •ve 10%. ,., laferMtlel .. .., ~ Oii c..,..., .. c... ........... CLAYTON THOMPSON 1802 .W. Balboa Blvd. Barbor 158 DRINK THE • CHOICE OF DAN.IEL ' . 'WEBSTERJ. n._greatest name in bourbon-historic ftllJ01'ite of famous men-now in a lighter, milder~ lower-priced ·86 Proof bottling as a companion to.the• ioo~renoum«l 100 Proof Bottled in Bondt 88 ~llOOP' IC.effludc7 Strall}lt ...,.,_.,,,.., Ollt .... Old 0-~. aiWlr .... kaa-priced th.. • no Ptoo(JSeaW fa Boeil ·80TTL•D IN 80ND tOO PlltOOI' I[ ,...,,,,,._, ..... .,,,, • .I s5~~ .,,._ ........................... .. THI OLD CIOW DllTILLllT COIPAMY. PIANl,ORT •. llNTUClf ' · .. (- ..... . . .. -. . . PAQI 2 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PtlESS MONDAY, JUNE 20. 195$ • DERB\' DElrENDANTS -No, not the K entucky, but the Costa Meaa Cub Pack 107 Soap Box. Ready to enter a home-built au to in t he race on Plummer St. Thureda.y arc the membera of Den 5. Above, Den Mo ther Mrs. William Barr of 964 Governor St., Costa Mesa, sits behind wheel of the racer while sandpapering is in progress. Below, Larry ~lodgett assumes typical race driver pose as other members of the den give him a push. From left to right are De n . Chief Teddy Thompson, Mike Ollila, Richard J_ohnaon, Chuck Kabis, Larry Phoenix, Blodgett, Billy Barr, Gary Clark, and Mike Vandergrift. -Staff Photo THE SPORTS WATCH SoapBoxAutos By BILL pRD.•.IPS Readied by 1 don't believe enougll can be I Boys' Club puts In about srnoo. 11111d about the bener1u derl\'ed major porUon ot the admlnlstrn- by the HIU"bor a.re& u n-sult of the I <Ion coats tl\e recreational depart· 11ummer ba.9eball progTam for boys mrnt •bout $3000. In add1llon. the f rom eight to 17. E\'l'I yune ron.1 Costa Mna park and recreation n i-cted with the wontl<'rful d111-deparl.ment chunks In nbout S2i>OO. mond doinit• dtt!'n 'e!I comrnenda-The P.arents contnbut<'d to lhll! t lon -Rnd MRt•Mllllan, Theodore year's Boya' Club uniform roat Robina!, A I i:;pttnc,•1-, the Harbor which runs approximately $2300. Ar~a Bovs' ('lub d1rertor1 and Last season. a deficit of S8:t7.90 members: \\"end~ll l"lrk<'M, the developed. Contributions of $873.90 Newport 'Ha_rbor High Sl·hool re-Md game collections of $668.82 cre&Uon deparllllrnl. C~IR Meao failed to cover the l lf83.26 1pent Park dlr<'clor11 11n1I all the coechu for unirorma and equipment. This a nd a.ssi11t1rig parrnla. yrar, better organlmtton 11hould When I 11:1ke1I Mar Mlll1Rn, &th· cover total coats. with complete Jelle t11rrl'lor 11l !ht• l111y:-.' Club, coo)X'ratlon ot .parents. why the Harbor nrt'ft hn•t not i:une Bt11ldes the financial end In- In for thr nntl•1nnl L1ttlr. l'11ny voJved, • Harbor area adults can a nd B&bl' Ruth l.1•11i:u•• ~rt·u r. Rr1d llhio aulat tn\.-.Juably by rollowlng had a reo;ly 30!1\\ "r · Rrrn1111c we " coupla ot ·points t.ncludtd In a don't gror 1>11r '"'A~"'' t••r a n11· lrltrr forwarded to a.II aummrr Uon&l mhl·~unrn1rr ba•••ball pl11y. ba!leball players: 1. EncouraJtP, off. \\'e an> 1nlrro•itcd 111 t'\e1y. J don't heckle the kldt In tlghl body who 1111 n• nut rla)11ng :.II 1<pots. 2. Don't coMUlt the volun- aca!lon at'<''•1 •hni: '" th11r size. agr teer coachea dunnc the ball ~nrl ab1ht v.' • pmn. Quest1on1 to clarlry llitua- ~o lh&l l' ltt" I• is.on nior,. th.in llOM ahould be directed to Mtir- 900 boys, nll 1\1 " 1111 r .. rl·•Y ~fllllan or Pickens, who will bt nn bt.Mball. \\ 111 11. 1lnmg Jlli.t that hlUld ror all A and B gam«'s. her-9 this ~111 '"' r ·1' ·' • •1 I 1 And to make a bsolutely sure 111 boy hour <•f 11'c1·111•. MarMllliM pl&yera aaai&'nt<i tot~ actually tlgurl'a n tr• .11 r.r Z'.!31 bny houni 1 play, 11.11 excellent ntw rule h&.1 will be j'lll If •II the f11 ld (.11•h gone Into etfl'ct thla 1eal<'n that wee.k fo.;., ~ ~. 11~11nal boy hour to-I all players m\lt!t be used In every t&l of ....... 10 To1.1I uollar11 rr -game. The bench 1pllnter1 ann't qui~ for 1111perv~11lon or the boY1 I goln« to have much of a chance, he "ls at 26 l:t. 'uu can compl&Jn that'• for .4ure. Scout Pack 107 Highlight Of N"gular monthly mcPling or Cub Pack 107 will be & So11p Box Derby on Plummer St., Cosla Mu a, Thun1d11y belwt'rn ~:30 p.m. ond 8 r.m .. Cubm&!>ter John Hut ton annl•Uncrt1. During the 11esslon. the bo»s wi ll 11.lso con• duct a cook nut arhlevemrnt tr!t tor their parent!! 11l CoJlla Mraa Park. FINAi. ~IF.t:T Besid!'11 the Cub'<. Jn\'ll11tlnn.'! ha\'c bern nxt~nrh•tl tn all ,.,, • .,,~ ,and frlrnds to attend the !ln<ll meetlni;r nr Pn<k 111; l'rro< . Aftl'r <l\nlni:. th•• rt'$:-lllar nwct1ng wlU ensue And 1tw111 tls will be pre- sented. ln the 11osp bo't racr. t>arh or the 1ix dtna will bf' rtprri;enle'1 by one home-built autu. Ori\., r11 rrom the dens will h" 1!t-rl<1<''1 <luring prtllmlnRry 1 R<'<'!I ™'forP the fln.al11. :\f r Kt:szn : SPE.\K S Poll<'e l'hl('f Art ~lcKenzle 11 1cht<luled lo tlrh\'tr " !lafety talk lo the conteiot11nu. C"o11ta ~lr!la or- tlcu:. \\111 blQrk nff th" rnre !Ille which ruml1hea a i.:nn.i i:-rodt> for the dtrby. Mac-Kf'T\11,. ti' cxpenenc- ed with l!Ollp bolC ect1vit1~~. hAvlng handled the N'glllllr Soap B11x Der- by In Loll Angtle!I Jn p11..•t yrar11. aboUl ta.'t< ~. hut you can't com· 1------------- plain 11 b<>11 t 1: .. 11 , n ~ 110 mu <"11 ro r ;=.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;=, "° llttlr l• r t\tt1('TlN'8 youth. Thal'• ah\' A\,. 11 ro 111 barg11ln. Aa l'JX1n~11ri<. 1111Lch. th& Boys' Club IUl\I lilHh<lr H11h n crtatlon t!tparlm· nt 11nt1••r Vern Allen con-, trtbUlt t hl' mo1t lo the pro1ram In mttn• " 11:111 1uprrvlAton. The @ Tracie Ins '6t Mel't'•FJ Clt.. C'pe.. '565 RaH, O'dr. hU pr. ·n •·ruer llW'daa. UH '145 '51 Fo,.. IC-. (D a&• .... Yn""1_. ... .._.,..,n BlM'k PUZZLED? PERPLEXED? ON PAY DAY Perhaps We Can Help You '60 PnatlM I I~ ~-a A II "t'78 ... _...a e.....--Ml'll,..,., ... 1111 ..,... tlaat Cotton Goll Vol lcswagen Dealer ~-= ._..J ..... 1W .. " • •Tahml lte ..... ,_. t• ....... >'" te 118\'9 . ....._ .. _....'"..., .. -,_ ....,, COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT IANK" ......................... ,, ON HUNTINGTON BEACH .SLATI • IS ROUGH WATER SWIM DATE Open to all re,utentd amate\&I' athlet.. 11 the nrth &111111&1 11\mUn,ton Buel\ Pier 1..un IC~ for July 2. The Htnt, lpoMOred by Hunllnrtoo Bea.c:b recrt:eUon deparl· ment and 1&.11cUoned by the AAU, maru f lrat rough wner IWim or Ui. l~ Slllllmcr ld.IC>n. MESA JUNIOR LIONS START LOOP JULY 7 ea.ta x... 3Wllor LklDI, .... J>O#d ot llart»r ,A,.. MUpl&)WI ~ 11 to u ,..,. err ..., 8tart plq In Ol"Ulp ~l7 Youth Four ah.f&IOl\I are lllcl\lded: 8ettlOI' mm, lftrlor ~men, junior boya ud junior rfrt.. The Ju.n.lor dlvtalonJ are tor qea 15 and undu. Entry IH l1 fifty c.n~ · JUDJor .._b&D 1.-pe Juty T at Junior boy1 a.nd rfrla will i t.art at 10:00 a. m. day or the awlm. Senlor1 will atart al appro:almately 11 a. m. For entry blank.I .)Vrlte to Hunlln&'ton Buch Swtm Club, P. O. ao. W, Huntington Beach. TropbJe. wiu N awarded ·ror ttrat. MCond and third pia.c.a In each or the four dlvl1lona. The Gene lklcbe Per- petual Tropby will be awarded to tis• le&m wttb the JllOlt point.I. RESPONSIBLE YOUTHS Timers ·Car Club Holds Pot-Luck for · Parents . irun.rton. TIM juaJor t-.nt Lt 9JIOUC)red b)' tM Laona Club. TU X.. a1M Lt bl tM 1oop'I Amntcu D1"'410ll wttll ruu.noa. Lac\VI& a.ch. Hunttqtoa Btach and ~Idea Groft. la tlse N&Uon· al Dtvtlton 11 OrUlp . La Ral»ra, Buena P"" Pta.c.ntl& and Ana· balm. c.o.t.a K..a hu two pracUce run• thW MUOn llCheduled on bye datM. J uly I \Jay play at AMbei& Anlbelm retuma tll• pracUce OOlllpUmet wltls UI ap- pean.nc. here J uly 21. Ocmpleta Americ&n DI Y l 1 Ion IChed\lle: July a, J'Ullerton a t Laiuna 8-eh., Hunt.lqton Beach at ~ dn 9ro.., Coeta Kua. bye. July 1, ca.ta MaM at Fullerton. A group of local youth1 who feel their reaponaibility to Laiuna BeacJi at Hunttniton the corru:nunity held a pot-luck dinner for their parenta in ~ ~:un~b~adl at Colt.a Mesa Park recenUy. The boya are membera of the car Coeta K--. Garden Grove at La- club, Timers. Main purpoae of the outing waa to uk for aug-iuna Beach. Fullerton. bye. geetlota on proj~ttt throurh which Mn. Joe Arnold; Dean DonU, Mr. they might finance the1r acUvl~ I a.nd Mra. Burt Dorri•. Jim Mo- Adoplln6 u lhelr motto, "S&!e Clelland, Xr. R&y McClelland; driving on the .. roads, 1ave racln&' Brue. B&ldWtn, Xr. and Mrs. Vince tor th• t,rack. the Timer• t ook M. Arena ; O.w&ln Maurer, Mr. adw.ntage or the dinner to e:aplaln and Mri. Beved ~hon; Tom Poro objectlvH and hopea of the rroup ter, Mr. and Mra. John Porter ; Pal to lhelr parent.a. Pre.eldcnt OawaJn Cordelro, Mr. and Mri. Sam Coro Mauger •poke. delro; Don Zimmer, Mr. and lotra. From the many con•tructlve Herb Zimmer ; John Loeffler, Mr. suneaUon. tor tlnanclnr the club, and Mr1. Allan Lo\ffi•r: Tom the Time"! are now pl&nnln&' a counur, Mr. and M.l'I. )(llton nunmqe l&le. the date to lM .il· Counter; Jlm Oer.pacb, Mr. and nounced In the pear tuture. Jill"ll. u Gerape.cb; Duane O.lt.er- 'n\e member• introductnr lMlr dam, Mr. and liLn. A. L. Gatter· parenll were John Arnold, Hr. and dam; Chuck Mccarty, Mr. and ~ • • [ fl!"O-• ~ t ...... • L July H, Lqw\a Buch at Coeta K-. l'UUerton at Garden Grove, Hunt.lll,ton Beach, b)'il. July lll, Garden Grove a t Coel.& Mesa. HunUncton Buch at P'ul· lerton, IAruna Beach, bye. July 21, Laguna Bu.ch at P'ul· lerton, Garden Orove 1t Huntinr· ton Bea.ch. Coata Men, bye. July 28, Fullerton at Coat.a Meaa. HUnl1ng1.on Beach at IA· Mra. Chet McCarty. Tiie part'nl.a of Cordon Caw· thorn, John ~atty, Dick Fife. and Dick Mora.tu 'tfere Wl\l.bla to a l· tend . . . t ---·-----·---·--., ,,-WiiA WI'°'*"' .. rM '\ •, Oreylw».uwl &oo..-fcMar o/ ,' ...... •••1001 (1 ,_ ---·~·· ---------,- Special coach, con.genjal group, biliopal !e- con. Goes via MW Pan Americaa Hi,hway eo Mnico Gty (6 days). Stops It bat hott'ls. Stt Chihuahua, Durango, Tuco, Guadalajua. other exotic places. 8 mt'W.. Tour acb mooc~ H. E. SW AFFORD, Agent 1200 Wee' Coaat Kl1h"·a1 Xl:WPORT BEACH l"hone Uber1y 8-Slot '"' ,,, ~,. ··1 .. i;-Jl .... f;' ~ . -·!.:-~!.· -· ... ~ ~ ~""' ~ ~ ' " ... GREY.HOUND 4 THERE'S NO MISTAKING HIS GOOD JUDGMl;:NTJ ' You may not know hfs name, u he sweeps by fn hJs sleek and massive 1955 Imperial ... nor where be lives. But you can «Jftlr tell, by t he car he drives, that be ia a man of conaiderable accomplishment. A man or genuine stature In hia own world of home and club and office. A man who baa made a career of llUCCll. He is not thinking of such matters now, however. The emile that lights his face wu kindled by the red~very of how heart-wanning it is to be openly and hor.e.stly admired-even by atrangera. He is prepared for the heads that tum his way as be paMeS, and the admiring glances that follow alter ..• in his own words, he tnL, to admit it gives him "quite a kick." Equally pleuin1 ia the purely ,,.,IOftOZ thrill be now enjoys of tapping the immen.e reeervoir of V-8 poww pnaent in Imperial'• gr<.'at 250 hp engine. A thrill further heightened by t he almott telegraphic ~ponM of it.3 fully-automatic PowerFllte traMmiMlon ... and t he effortless control of FulJ-time Power Steering a.nd extra· large Power Brakes. Yes, the gentleman here has only one regret-that be didn't buy an Imperial a whole lot sooner. And this is one of the chief rea.sons we'd like ~nu to become acquainted with thi1 magnif\cent car just as M>On ..., you J>OMibly cah~or hent is t..he greateit aati&!action you can know in the world of motoring .. much too richly re- warding for you to go on missing! Why not visit. your Chrysler Dealer today anti enjoy the thrimn1 experience of an Imperial demonatration? It will be a truly memorable OCC&lion for you! IMPER -------Kl IT AT YOU" CHRYILER DIALER'S • ; .. TH& l'INDT CA" AMERICA HAS YET PRODUCED------- LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT IEACH LIBERTY 8-1486 -----• fOl 1111 IBT • tv, m 'W'S A CIUAT UN'! Ale "CUMAXl"-• TV PAOI POI TIMll ANO STATIONS------• \ . ... " .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 . PAGE J MONDAY, JUNE 20, I 955 -lobbery S11pecll' Arr1ic1mnt Co1ti11e~ 2 Weeks by J1~1e f.\NTA ANA (OCHa) -Ar-~.._, 0...,. Ooua~ ...,_ raf&'am-t ol tW'o ~ Ud ...,.... .......... ,... Ol'lllp ==-.~-=·::.a"":'.: =.s~~~ ~= .... Court ~ Jobn .... tn or-Ill ... ta AJIL wtoallow~fV-.~ ._. ..... ~ .... "' tno uaminaU• pf oae ot Uae mm. b9il. • ft• JuclP ordir9d iisiiidutlou ----------- made by two 119ycbiatrtMa OD )I.,. I -Lf I Yin a. rw.s. 21, 13:'1 Rodeo ~ a1worc1 In ...., 0.ta M-. Public _,_... N1ok · -, , ::· ..!:'":!:' .=... clelq.: S.lllement A*ed trealmeau. l.AMT4 UfA ((>ONI) -A,.. ftooeevelt 0 . WUJdu, II, ol tJae ui... ,_ •Jllftor OllPrt lflUeNl 11&m• ad<tr..., •tac. cauw-wtUa ot a clllpated llUnor'a cWa .U.- l'ord. They ar. aoc\iiiir""oC~ -t wu to«t i..n J'l'tdq-. rl&rl.ainr th• Cbapmaa 8portias omMCUoD wtlb a eo.t.a .. _ Goode •tore, loe62 Garden Orvft Nl&denl. Blvd. and robblnl' Ted J!l. Wlcb J"rucM 4 , Ratcb.tont, .a. s. ot Ga rden Grove. ltUa 8L, Ooela )(Na, uka cowt They alao ...n.dly bave cam• approvaJ ot Ula NttJt>ment oe be- --------h&1t ot hla daupter, EUabltJa La L--I II~ · l:JJen Ratchford. I . The clalm wu llluwn • .. ..., apm.t lb• Jmne Co. of '!WUft. CAPTAIN-s DECK -Jack Bidwell opened hia new department. "Captain'• Deck", Mr. and Mr•. Wllllf.ftl c. Lam· The eompany bu acl"Md to a.tU• on the second floor of hia Lido Men'• Shop Thuraday. Friday be wu kept busy run· bert June 8 took out • 'eo.t.a Me• for '500. without acc.ptlJ\&' 11•· city bulldinr ~rmlt tor a J21,'611 bluty. ning up 1ta1re to serve thoee who came to Jook and thoee who welcomed the new conatrucUon projecL Involved an Ratchtont hu ~ the eum t. department u a place to find thll'-they had been wanting tor v..r_htiog. Bidwell • dllJ>l•Y room, two apartmenta ad*auat1t. Th• rtrl wu ln.Jured ln o-~ -and a rara,. to be erected at Ma an undlactoeed mlal\ep on unlm· ia shown above with two customere. -SWt Photo Center St. by 8outh Coast don· proYed land near Irvtne A"' and • j . at.Qlcllon Company. _ IC. ltth BJ .. co.ta w .... April t . ·J ••···~························· '!'.·-~~,,.. ... ll"v! ~ • • SHE LAUNCHES NEW DECK ''Captain'• Deck," the deluxe yachting accessory department of Bidwell'• Lido Shop For Men, wu appropriately launched Thu-sday afternoon when Mrs. Bidwell amote the mut right lustily to break a bottle t>f champagne and christen thi8 addition to the atore. From then on friends and patrons inspected both the new quarters and display of watercolors by Rex Brandt of Corona del Mar. -Stalf Photo Hills Attend ·co Meeting in L A. c•I snd mflll&ry lud~rll in South· Driver Clips Fen .... rrn California. ~ The mPellni.r wu r•llt'd by the When hla car appareotly we.nt Soulhun Calltornta BroadcutlnJ: out ot control on a curve o.n Bay· Edg'ar HllJ. eHl1ta.nt coordinator Ast1oclation tollow1ng 8 briefing side Ortve. Eugene Schoeblnger ot th11 loc•I ~lvll ddenH progr11m auilon with the We.sl!'m Atr IN· Sr. of RMondo Beach ripped Into 11nd hl11 wlfr. Mayor Dora H iii. · a s<'ctlnn of rh11tn link ft'n<'t' :-;ew· Altl'nflt'!1 • mf'dlnlf June 10 tn Ln11 I ftn"4' Comm"nd and Civil Od!'Ol!" I rnrt fl(>llc· .. 1<Rl<I. Schnrhlng~r WU An)?l'lt'~ of top rtv11 drCtnse. "'""'· 11t H11m1ltnn Air Fnrcr B11•t>. 1 nnt tnlt11•••l, nrrtce-1·8 i1111t1 looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? if the Want Ads . NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 t, the Want Ads AN ATTRACTIVE RENTAL 1 (the Want Ads \\'htther ~·ou want to buy or wut to seU, the Cluslfled oolumnt of Ulla • oe~ .. pa~r offer the bHt opportun.lty for result. ..• A four line ad •1U ap~u Monday, Wedneeday Ud ThlU'llday la over ZS,000 eoplea s2'0o for Only • • • ( fhls VALUE ! HARBOR ~PRESS -~. {CHECK ancl tl DOUBLE CHECK! ) I . \ . OF THE HUNDREDS OF ADVERTISING MERCHANTS AND . ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE NEWPORT 'HARBOR AREA ·92crQ RUN THEIR ADVERTISING IN . THE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRESS COMPARE THE NEWS COLUMNS -NEWS PICTU~ES - ADVERTISING -AND COVERAGE • • • • - you'll readily understand HY! HARBOR PR SSS· 2211 lalboa Blvd. The Leading Newsplper of the NeWport Harbor Area · ../ Phone H_arbor · 1616 An Experienced Salesman is reocly fo asslrf with Your Advertising Problems . Call HaatJor· 1616 for Ad· Taker ~--~-~------~--~·········~···········~······~·· r .. . . . . ,. • . --- PA$E • • PAlt I 1-NEWPORT HAlllOR NEWs..PR~SS . MoNDA Y, JUNE 20, I 955 OHS APPl.OYI ' ATI HU TO ITY IN•INIBS 1.ACA.UOtHTO. (C2'18) - TM 1.,w.lature hu ~ a m ... un wtdcll ..-aid ,....t each Calltomi& dt)' t.rom SJ,000 to ll0,000 per yeu lll It.at• aid lo dty ~ ot· nc- .... AL NOTICI UttAL NOTICI ---------------------1 MOl'Km OW Offt.NDICD 1•nt ll09'IOAOI! N'O'l1C& or Dio'TE.NTION H.U.. u MWJ' &1Wa : that TO OIL&nzl. •otro.&GIC IUCll4JU> L. Cl\AJICD, Nona&· NGUe. ll ...,._y rtYWD ~t pr, wtao.. ~ 18 1H Opal to the pro~ ol a.ct.loa lffO General Contractor LJCENSED New Work -RemocWtn1 J. KILTON Mc.KENZU: Harbor 3122.a Mtfc .... ._ 1n UM City of N..-Port o1 \II• etv0 0oc1e of lh• st.at• of ~ .... F. Rol•nd a--. Oowsi, ot <>nn,r.. 8tue Calltornl&, \.bat RJOl:I H.UIN, of M ot Ce.Uton&a, la'-* to ~ 409 S . •Ul 8t .. N..wport llMdl. Cft.UOI\, ~ ,,,,_. ad· ... ac-w. .. ·'JUOll JLUIN a I .... n.omu w. Caldecott, Berlre- i.y, wbo M.ndled lb• bW., &I· &'Udy approved by lb• Mn&te. on \J)9 U1tmbly noor. aa.ld UM it.ate Ud wo\114 prot.et t.h• It.at•'• lnn1lmtnt ln ctty ~Neta und• th• ruolln• tu IUlwtnUon propam, by In· c:Nalias th• etttc:11ncy of c:hy e~nMrtnS department&. to U.01'D B. CRAMD 6 IClilX4 Oalit .. OWMr ol tMt ~tmk >-hperh ng•ng di-.. la 114 .,_. Awrmue. tn U.. GAAAOI:," and k>cated at •ot E. • • Ctty of N.-port 8-ch. OOWit;y lit~ it.. Newport 8-ch. Ce.llf,, Liberty 8-2ee2 • 85pe7 ot ~' lit.ate ot c.ntomla. llltende to place a eMttAil mort· Happy Birthday to 13 Realton Juat 110 collearuu wtll know, Newport Harbor Bciierd of Real· tor'• publication "Scuttlebutt" wlilht'd happy blrtMay this month to 13 ml'mbere. They follow with their birth· dates: C. 8 . Ruaa, today; Ctn• Vreeland, tomorrow; W. E. P'lsher. IA-on White and Jean 8m1lh. all Sa turday; J ohn l•lllc:Nab, Mf:!nday: Phil B11laton, Wedneeday: Edith Maroon. Jum• 28; Elsie Ebeling, All fbltw. M4 ... ,...., ot a ..,. upon .tlx\v.ret. equipment, Painting, Decorating oert&lD .. me. •t&Uoo b\&lln.. nmclllMr)' and t'OOda loc&tld at known u unio. ·00 ~ •ta· th• abo" U.tect plac. of bullll... Paper l!uM Uon and louted ·~ Park aad Mar-Tb• mortp.JM of the uJd FOP· GEO. BURKHARDT IM AV.ue. Balboa lllaDd. la tbe ertJ ii Pacifto l'tft . .nff LoaM. of City ot Newiiort Beacli, CoWlty 1 TM Newport Blvd.. Coat& x.... LICENBllD CON'TllACTOR ol 0ran,.. St¥• Of Callforn1a. Calli. ITI w. lit.la •t.. Ooeta M..a and that an ueouted mortp1• at 111• aid mot'lCal'• will be Liberty ..._ th• lam• wUI betdeUvered and th• Qeculec:t and th• con.llderatJon 1------------- cciilalderaUon lheretor paid at therefore wtll be p&.ld oa, the p AINTING 10:00 o'cloclt a.m. on Ult Ftr•t twenty-Mftftlh da.y 0~ JUM, lN6, PaJn•h•• -Pa a ... ..c .. day of July, 1966, at th• eecrow at the hour of 10:00 o clock A.. N .. -. A per -..-.-I department of the office of C. A. at Pacific Flnance Loanl 1718 "The BMt Money Can BQT' W.ble, Attorney at Law al 229 N-port Blvd .. Colt.a Nee&, C&l.11. I Martne Avenue, In tht' City of Dated June 111• 1966· Sympson & No l•r Newport Bffch, COunty ot Or· JUOH HAR.~ OAR.AO& Morlagor ~u 11th at., N-a..aai ange, State or Cellfomla. --..-.. and llr PllONll llAJUK>ll M06 Dated June Jll, 195.5. PACnrIC FINANCE LOANS RICHARD L. CRAMER, By !!:. SWANSON Mortgagor Mortaree U.OYD H CRAMlo:R · padftc 1'1-&le 1.-.. l!:MMA CRAMER, ' t'llWI Nr"·port Boulevat'd Mort.acnJS Voet• 11-. c.lllortlla No. 1193 NeW11·Prua S/20;06 No. 692 N-•·Pr.• 1/20/&6 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM l lnlftall I.be abaft o11_,.. tMa m01t. Allo au TUe • 14-olma Non·unk>tA, IO,......~ ' . .!!!~!~!!!~·~--~~·---• !d1 !¥J!1 I • We need young men 18 and over to learn the gaa bnatn-. U you .. are GRADUATING from ,. .. ' HIGH SCHOOL. or J. C. and want i ltea!>;,l!b: one wbeN ~ you can e your CAREER and better youreelf u time~ on, come in and talk to ua. We otter Good Starting Salariee, Paid Vacationa, Paid Helldaya, and-Pen.Ilona See ua at 1030 E . First Street, Santa Ana:, from 8 :30 a.m. to -i p.m., · Monday thtough Friday. . SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY J 11 n e 29 an cl Barney Fra ncqu e a~d p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kalhrrlne Ol!!On, both June 30. DELIVERY GUARANTEED Compare and IM -• •twtl_. WuW . ~ .... • • • '> ·.,~-' t, Connor, JahM Join Yan Horn Office I Twn 1111leo8mf'n 11t11iet1 I n th,. rMI Nlat,. nffl('I' or Clllltl! Van Horn, 2731 Wt'llt C"Olllll Hl,;hway, Ale Frankie Connor or ("osta Mr1111 and 8111 Jallnii nf Ll'1o 11<11'. Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa ia guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Monday and Thuraday. lf your paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Connor 111 4 cquaintcd with l he ._ _________________________ _. Bal'k Hay area and Jahro wlll ---·-----------------------handle lndu•trial and pMral salt11 In thr Harbor area. Ml'll. Van Hom report~. Millet Bike Gone FfRST IEAUTY CONTEST ENTRY Thfl t of a blcycll' va lued Bl $~ wu reported l<> polio• Mond11y by Betty >.t•lll'tt. 1040 E. Ocean Blvd. The whrt'I wu lllken rrom her blll'kvarrt betweoen June IO and 13, lhe ~Aid. ' Mii•• V1rgmla Bt'chtold, La1tUna ~ach. above, a. first contesta nt tn enter Ora.nre CQunty portion of annual Miss Unlver11e conlut. W&llllh Clarke'• Hewallan Shop, Laguna .Bt'nrh, la 11poneorlnr rnunty-wlde cont.est for •Ingle or ma.med women. County CinRla ue 11ct June 28 at Hotel LaltlJna wlth 'frinntra o! Newport Har- tw1r erea, Laguna and Sant.a Ana to go on to the stale final• 11t Otl Mtr. Entry blanks may be obtained from Cl11rke'11 11hop. Varlou11 prlzt3 will go l-0 contut winner. Contolanlll will be '"-lf>rlled aport.awttr and bathing aull11 rrom Clarke's 11hop for bfo11uty <'onlr11t. l LEGAL NOTICE XOTWt: OF" ISTt:~'TION TO J:NCiAUY. IS TKE HALE OF AU'OHOLJC RE\"'f:RAGt~:ic NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and 'nlureday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays DEADLINES for placing or cancelllnr ad• are: For Mond.aY. PubllcaUcm -Ssturday Noon F'or Wednellday Put>ncation -Tuuday 2 p.m. i"or Thuraday Publlcatlon -Wedndday 1 p.m. Landscaping Ideas Ordered for Mesa Pllt A l&nd development ana lysls and l11nctsc11plng rccommenct11t1on on a Co11la Mct1a p11rk 11tte hAll hef'n or· derrd by Orange County Roard or Su~rvll!Or11. T he board Tuuday r 111lffi on the planning d~tor ror \he wnrk l l the 11ame 11me It a uth· ortzed anah'.•111 ant1 ro.!t •Umattt for roMt nirtln.i; a r11nrh for de· linqur nt boys 1n l1ppC'r Trnbuco Canyon. The Mraa p¥rl< 11le as Jonte<! et the t'n•I nf \'lcto11a St. on 11 ti.:\ • anr triangle or hind l'K>unt1- ed hy S11nta .Ana Ra"er. P urchase of tile pro1~erty at 11 1·n•l of S33.- 42(\ WM 11ppriw1•1I h,V the supen ·ts· ors In Felli unry Ml rer<•mmcn<ln· tlnn n( Cn11t11 ;\le11a 1•11 rk Oiatrlcl ctln!ClC1n1. Th<' 111tt' wn..~ purchaaed from Snml\• F. nnol Mllybell 8 , · Mar Kn,. tmtler n l'Ont 1 act c·alllng for s:iooo """' n an1I thn••' yellrly l>nyrnent!I 11tnrlln1t an l!i5R ll wn11 the l\l'"t•n•I 111t1• 10 hi> pur· rh.tM'd by 11~ :\lr~a • park 1h11· tr1q. Chnhm11n Arthur II Mey· en• 11nno11n1'••·I at the lime or re· commt-n•lallon, ''Thr t •' 1 1 1 tn r r a v!l1h1ble 111 g1'lling akmnf'il do\\ n n phth· \\'" llr<'ltlr.i \\" h:i•I ~t­ ter ,get thr C'h('npe11t lan'1 w~ rnuld flnt1 In th!' \'arlnll \'" Thi' rnrk Is allltrd lo ""n·•· \\'cal <."nala Mrsil rttrc11t1on111 n•'l'tltc. Su~rvi.sor Hetni: Kn 1,.er point· ed out Tura•lay the planning <'om- mlsa1on boasts a r!'i:111t"red lnnc'I· acap(' 11rct11lt•<'t 11nd hl.s 11ervl<'!'S 1hou1t1 ht' uullull ln11ten1I of hir- ing an 0Utll1Jt' arch1te< t . Tht' C'nunt \· auU1orl~tl purchiue of the "Jophn Ranrh" at " ro11t of llpproxlrnatrly S3:1J)()lt The 23· acre 11prra1I 111 tr1 ~ uset1 to rr- h.&bllil11tc ()rnn"c County boya who nm afoul nf the IAW. Mesa Legal Battle Over Center Flares Jun.. IB, 11):\J\ Date of Appllcntlon To whom It may concern. NoUce a. hereby given that flft~n da)'• alter the abov~ date. the undenlgned propoeea tll eell alcoholl.-b,.vcrages at theee prem· lff11, dncribed BA 'rollow1: 2806 4 Ulles 1 Paper $1 .00 4 Unea 2 Papen 1.50 4 LID• • I Papen 2.00 t 'uut&I Shopper Cl&Mlflecl Adil man run In the Monday or Ttlul'tlda7 Publlc:atlon WMt Cout H 1shw-.y, Newport ID.NDlt1ll AD 18 6 UNES 8ead1. . AU a-.aned Adi ...n ._ ,.W fer CMll • adv._ of pablicaUoa. Purimitnt lo ench llftenllon, the undersignt'd 111 applying lo the Oeparlm,nt or Alcoholic Beverage Control for llll!ll&nce of an alrohol- lc bt>v,r11ge licrn11e for these prem- 111'\ u follow11 Trf. On-ea.le ~r. Anyont de11lring to protut the The publlsheni will not be rt-11poMlble for more than one Incorrect IMt'rllon or •n ad, ~erve the right to correctly claMlfy any and all ads and lo rejttt any ad not conformlnr to rules &nd regulations. NEWPORT llARBOa PVIU.JSHJSO ro. ltl I BAllNla Bl¥d.. l'rwport Bffrh, CaJlfomla. lauanre of 1uch llceiue may -------------------------- 1 h H Pnultry FRA1'"X MA 1TOX OtndaJ \'l11lt1>r TO GIVE ELKS GOLD STAR " e a \ll'rlflf'!,, protest wit the Cl •t•ed I d n u, ... ,,.M.'k Oepartment or Alrohollc Beverage GSSI I n ex SA Hj)N'laJ AnnounN'nH•nl Control, at Sacramento, "CaJlfomla, 1 FUMral NllUclf1t 39 Autos WanfM 11lallng r round1 for denial u pro-I CM'd of T1laab 40 Autos for Sal!' vided by 111w. • Funeral Dlrecton1 •<l-A '"'"" a rartii I.LOYD C STOGOELL 10 i\uMlnetill Gulde •t "utn !Wn1re N'o. 1194 New11-Prc1111 6/20 ':\5 11 Rulldlng Matl'rlaJ• U Tra.llf'n lS THE l\l'PERIOR COl'RT OF TtlE STATE OF <'AUF'OR~,A JS ANJ> f'OK Tllf: COU:\Tl' OF ORANGE 0..pt..' No. 15Hl At-&.lon brnuttbt In tlw Su!M'rior ('ourt of th .. County of Orang!', and Comp ... nt ftlecl In the o rnM of the Clerk of the 8uPf'rtor Court nf --'d County. ti Building !'Mon•lt1,.. '3 Alrplantt 14 P•·rsonals n Wantf<d t" Rt'nt Ill Sb.11rt< Your Car •3 Aptll. II. Hou-for ~n& 16 Tran11portatlon 48·A Apt11. for R#nl 1 l Roofing 411·8 Hou114111 tor R,.nt HJ Rf'auty Ald'11 '8-<J Tra.llf'r ~pac-,. lO Hralth Aldi! ti Room• for """' ii l.ollt and Found H ·A R.e<Jt Hnmf'tl :Z4 School11, ln11tru4'tloo 49-R Koom a. Boanl %8 ~ltuatloll!I \\'ant.NI !WI Rttlt, Ml11r. J9 Ht'lp Wanted 5S sw"'• Ii om~,. 10 M~I-Al·A 8U11lne"" R«"ntaJ" IO·A SwaJI" M Rmhw1111 Opportu.nltlf'IO sn-e Appllan<'4'11 M Mon,.y to l.oan -lJl Wantt>d tn Huy 116 Mon,.y Wantf'd lJ? Furnltur" for !'!Alf' A'I RNLI Elltatfl \\'anu-d lJt-A AntlquM 80 lnromt' Prol>"'rtY Newport Harbor Elks Lodge will be pr~nled Wall\ a Gold Star certi!iratc for 100 prr cent o.ch1even1<•nt on n 16-pornt progrnm set up hy t h" GrMtl Lc\<lgi> for 19111-:>t.. Presents· t1on w11J be ma<le by Frank Maltox. dlslrlcl <kputy Grand F.xttltcd Ruler. th1~ Thu,.~tlay t>ven1ng when he pRys h111 of· fl cia l \'ISlt . JAMES D. ELLIS, an1I JA.MES D EIJLJS, doln,; business 11s E L- LIS ADALO~E COMPANY, P!aiD· W(, !IS &a.t ... Supl>llr" 80-A C'om°"'"'taJ• lnud1111trlal vs. !14 MmdraJ. Radin, T \' 81 ft#al E•l•I" t~schangt' RO\' F \\'EBB and CHARLES !I~ Doit•• Cata, Ptt" 8! Rf'RI f:11t.atf' llhlp and dlatr1bute a.ante. They EUY. and thP \'l'Utl "BUCKEYE," __ ..:..:._ ______________________ _ &Merl U1e defendants, Jerrer.on CertJtlct1te or Awurd No. 27D127• 9-..1 .. 1 Notlcee ti--Bolldinr Services DdrndanlJI. ~ :i and Burrourhl. have rrfWl!!d to AINTING .. o throuwh -with the ll'""temcnt The people of llte Slate of <'•Ii· V' N rt H bo COMPLETE p " " ... rornla. 111'nd gTl'ellns:s to: ewpo ar r :·hlir9~· ··~e('gteldlyl w::ndmn1~t1el ::i.rlrtl ROY F. WEllB, ('HARLES El3Y, B. P. 0. E. & Pa~r Hanging Service "· .,,, " nn 8 ,,_ 1 " n VESSEL "BUCKEYE," Certificate EUGENE O. SAUNDERS on that lsue. of Award ="o. 210127, Dt'fendantll. 1767 GOO 3let Street, Newport Beech The new contention by Hud,lle11-You are tllrectrd to appt'llt' In an Mffla every Thursday 8 p.m. Harbor 2976 or Har. 4H6. ttc ton Is thllt Burroughs and Jefft!r-acUon brought against you by the V~a Oporto -Central Aye. lKln hnvr comblnt'd an<I conaplred above nnrncd plalnUrt, In the Su-Newport Beach to misapply corporation f11nt1 ... , prrlor C'ot1rt of the St.all' or Call- without regard for the plainttrrit romlt1. In and for the County ·or .Albert H. Malthew11, Exalted Ruler Jeffcr111ln nnd Burroui.rhll ha\·e Ot&niz-r. nn1I to l\nswer tho iom- borrowt-<1 $25.000 and SIU.000, re-pl8Tnt therein within t<'n days nft"r 2- 11pectively, from the rorporntlun the s1•1 vlf"1• on you of this 111Jm· l Bulldlng Sf>ni<'el' f11n1ls. Lhe plaintiffs clnim. The mon11, 1r "'ervPrl "'ithln thf' County borrowinir Willi not '-'lllll'llonl'll b~· of OrnngP. llr within thirty day!I 1f llwm, accorrllng to lhr H11.t1Jle.11-~ervr1I el~cwhere, 11.nd y11u are n11t1- tons. ft"d lhnl unleM you 110 nppear an'1 The plaintiffs usf'rt the 1leferi,I-answer 118 aoo\•e ri•qu1red, the ant.a have thr.atentd to c:Ontlnut plaintiff wtll lRke jud~ent for borrow l n If money, upenrllng any mon<'y or damt1gee demand· d ell In the Complaint, as arlaJnr funit11, paying lllll•rie.s and lml-~upon contrt1ct. or will 11pply to the nl~hlq the \'alue of the corpora-Cou.rt tor any ot.her n llet demand. Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yea,.. expttrlenrt Licensed 6: Insured. SaUsfacUon iuarantt-td. .i:3tlmates fru. Ca.11 J ohnnie, LI 8-2687 &: LI 8-5289 81t!c tum .. eta. ed In the complalnt. li"lled ln Buper1or Court by the Given under my h&11d and aal CARPENTRY FRAMING Foundations C. Sh('rm. Allc>n, Grn. Conlr. Liberty 8-7576 63tfc House Plans lOl!o . FOR RENT BlLL CODA Har. •ua or Lolaf GARDENING--Beach 7-6171. tlof~ STANDARD STATIONS CEMENT A BUILDING • All ktn4a FREE ICSTDlATES Liberty s.e109 • Remodeling nu Xatntenanoe. yard cJeantnc and upt baulins. KlmberlY a.acm da1ll or Harbor IOU wtn1np 6 w..ar endl. llpTJ B~ RepalJ'I Boat ltlpAln ASTOR'S REPAIR SERVICE Alter&UOD9 ltlmod•llq ... .,.mq for at&Uon las.rn- ....... 11. 60 0ran,. Couat7 , 5-Day-60-Hour Week RJp lt&rUD&' P.7 llaeellent. llen.n&.1 Oood opportunity l fW Adftao-•t Apply & General Har. 1'11t-J. UpTlb RepairsG -uu.. 18 yr1. old, d .... l'Oftr· S'aNDARD STATIONS De.hUa and Cout Hl1hway Corona del Mar Q\l,ptnan and Bp&dra Jl'ul»rtoe lNCLUDlNO-bl'lcit work, rootlnr pluterinr. eolec.. palntlnr and paper han(1ng-. Small or larre complete jot.. NOTIUNO DOWN and 38 moa. to pay. Eel. Uc. contractor. Har. 389•-J. e2ttc 14--Pel"llOD&la n... po.iuon. Beach aru. wm live 1n. Excellent irwtmmer. Ex· perienced at child care. pleutn1 pel'llOnallty. Pb. Lone Beach 8-J&OI. tepM CLJtANJNG A IRONING by the day. Experienced. Balboa bland preferred. KI 3-eoH. Mp&& NURSE or companion. Full under· atandJnr of diet.I. By refined woman. Good drt'fer. Mn. Hath- away. LI 8-Ml3. MpM Roy's Maintenance l-&30 to 1 :30 I'm. Mori9ay 6 Tbunday.. ~• WANT real e.ttale Mluma.n or broked -familiar wltJt Harbor area. Top commlNlon. Ho'usto~ Realty 009 ~nter St .. Co1ta Mua LI f-'911 or LI 1-1714 t lllc l!ve1 .. Seymour, Har. 112911-W AlcoboUca Anonymoua Write p, O. Boa 1111 Newport Buda. CallL Pbou Barbor '796 .,. Rou.ae eln.ntns-noor waa:tnr Wall w~-window c1-nins Venetian bllnd1. Upholltery luured. Yrfe 'l:.ltimate. WANT BABY 8JTT11lR. momlnp. (IS day1 a wtek) for room, boarlf and allowance. C•ll LI 9-:f!l:'ill Mr67 1~8-ut)' Alda Superfluous. Hair Penna.nenUy NIDOVed tram face arm•. leg•. ICytbl"OWI and ha1r line ahaped---No more tweuU11. ELLEN L. BRY A-NT R. &. Udo'a SI.loo ot Beauty Bar. 21TI u. LOST -Blue Para.keel "Pl"etty Boy" on "Uttle" Balboa J1land, Tuellday momln(. Reward. Ph. Harbor 3938·M. tleces LOST -Parakeet, deep blue, named "Pete." ln Balboa, Tueaday, J une H th, Phone Glat1y11, Har. 111~ d&Y11 : or Ha.r. 3278-J tvu. 87c61> 24-&bools, lnstructloa CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY in epare tlm' for contrac· Liberty 4·1332. lUc Experienc'd ~ardener ~SCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 IOtfc YACHT SKIPPER FULLY QUALIP'IED A e1tperlenc· ed. U ce.naed Muter St.earn and Motor. Any tonna~t'. Any ocea.n. l:Jtper1enced tn ea.U. Local re- ferftlcflll turnlah,d. J. 8. COLE, 510~ W. Bay .Ave., Bal~ &tp72 ICXPERT Jardener want.I work ln Harbor area. Haa own equip- STENO • BOOKKEJl!PICR; book· keeper, bookkMplnr ma.chin,. operator, try cook, houaektrJ>f'nl New Jobe d&lty. JUN!: P'ARftAR l'!MPLOYMl:.ll:T acency •02 ~ . 32nd 8t, Newport 8-ch. 61'tr117 .EXP. WOMAN' u houllt'knpt'r, cook. t lffn •i-e children, no MH)' ci.aru.,. Jh·• ln. Rtfcr· encu requlrnd. lla.r11or 4112-J ~117 W ANTl:D -J:xpel1~ dinner wait.re .. for Saturday It Sunday eftllinp. Call· Hatbor 11~-R tor app'L f._l\r67 WAJTRJ:88E8 over 21. ruu nr part tlme. caatawa,.., 1'fewport &M:h. ~117 ment. Ph LI 8·71179. Hpe& S0-MltlcelJaDeoWt RELlABLIC girl wants baby Ill· tlnr. Prefer d&y1. Harbor area. But will work nltea, Freedom Home trac:t. Referencu. LI S.-3~7. e:1pa1 DID YOU KNOW t or'a f'xamlnatlon undP r ia gen-Z9--ftelp Waated era! contractor wlth 26 year• ------------- that Ray ,,tldl, tbe Udo Drue jewaler th• put 8 Jn., hi.a ncrw k>caUon at ltth and Plaeenua ? Va.ta Center, C. M. Comp. Une naL advertl .. d watdlH • ,Uta at popular pri~•. OPEN June 1 Pb. Liberty 8-8'81. Mc8tb experience. Clal!l!u TUC'~. and OIRLB - Fri. e\·e11. 7 :30 p.m. Attend flret IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! CHEA.Pl Dinette 6 po. fttJco rt· t rlg-erator A l'1LI ra.nse. eoucll. vanity, J.ampe A mlac:. a s&11on Butane tank, tear drop lraller. sesalon free.'B~gin anytime 16~ ~o!~;,~.y~~.?<!a Ph. Klmt>etly 2·4228 or Kl 7·3611 lfc China Painting Day and Evenlnc CIMN• Ordera Ta.ken Now Phone Liberty 8-6&48 94Uc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN 4' WOMEN pnpan ln lpare lime for unlimited opportunltlH In Rral Estate. New cla.ue• weekly. Al Tyler ln11tructlng. At· tend first evening free IJ'ld learn about thi11 great f ield. C&JI or writ•' nnw. Al Tyler School 1611 No. BMJl\(IWl\j', Santa Ana Kl 7-3511-KI 5-3•69-KE 8-2:113 Uc PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction And you'll a(t' .. when you hear l:U~·211t.h., Newport Bch. t7ptt of th• many Job opportunlUM --...----------- tor qua.litled )'OQDS women tn ANTIQUJ:S -Old tunlJtun, C11l our bualnu• today. (lua, lamp., aid plctun1, cloca etc. BarraJn• p.lo", -BSr dl6- 0 PENTNGS N OW FOR: cd\.lnta to dealtrL Charlie DaYll, TELEPHONE OPERATORS 1806 E. Anaheim SL, ~ Appl)'-Monday tlu'ouJh rrtday ftU ~ No. M&1ft Bt. 9:00 to C:OO p.m. Room 211, Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22Uo !l'XP. WOMAN 1hort order tr-y cook. Call Har, 728. 87c68 WA NT a mother'• helJ>ttr, do light housekeeping, by the da y or live tn. Reterencu . LI 8-7402. e7ctt WAl'\"TED . Experlenc11d Walt.re.• SuRF FlSH FRY 2110 W. Ocean Front, Npt. Sch. 17c:tl WANT experienced alteration wo- man for Urln Fuhlont. New- port Beach. Phone Harbor 3671 67Cll9 Buch. 8$0.139. 2ttJo Orlgil:laJ ModeJa COCKTAIL DRESSES, Nit.I, 91>ta. dreaee1 • formal1. 81.zN U-11. Some NEW-A.LL perfect c:onCl. ALSO ~ ltl'Wth modem ltyle Chtna mink coat. 8eU below cOClt. Wrtte Box A.·•. thl1 MW9· papl'r. totlo ORIGINALS A.iTJ:RNOON, Cocktail, dtnntr dl'HIH • 0oord1Mles. Custom Dreumaldng Ph. Harbor 62118-R. &llpte Fresh Hearing Aid B A'ITERIE8 We Olve Sidi Green atampa Gunderson Drug Co. Main SL at Baltio. Bt'fd., Balboa Harbor 615. MtJo SA:\1A ANA. Jt!NE 11 (OC!'\1'1 -New eo&ll toda y we..,. beape<I on a llDOlollderln,r d.l.lpute O\'er t h' ope1'tlon of • the Mr.a Shopping Centu la ao.t& M-. H1111cllratoM Wat a ~pl&lnl by a of the 8upenor Court of the Coun-UT1to.TQR REP a."" wonu ltOl'k hol4W verWI a corporaUon t;y of Onnp, 8t&t1 ot California, -.u... n-Ln "-A and dlrecfon tor an order to re-uata 15 da.y of Aprn. ttM. Sltlll 8 .. u , Eltc. Ori!J•. P olillher1. all tvna.. of Sand,r11, Whrelbar· ARE YOU INTERESTED In play· WANT WAJ1'RESS, cockt&.IL n· ',.,_ perl,nced. young. Apply HEN-18·\n, DE WALT SAW on lratler. 1325. 8'~ al 2001 Clay 8t. N-· port HliC'lta. Liberty 1·7&78. row•. etc. lng cluatcal or popular Organ, RY'S, 2~0 Cout Hwy., New-Mr. and Mra. Donald I. Hudd· Juton of Coeta Mna rtled •Ult In 1uperfor court hfre to block u · Mrte<I taklnr by Jetfenon Prop- ertle. lnc, co-truat"9, of eorpol'a- Uon tunda for panonal UM. •train the borrowing of money b)' B. J. DOTH, dlre<-tore. the leulnf ot property County Cl~rk an"d Clerk of the l()H to the detriment of th• corpora· S\q>erilor Co\11't of the State of NO JOB TOO SMALL H. O. An~e1-0n E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa BOYD'S -HOWE. P iano, or Accordion? Rtglell'a· port Buch. ~7 mo W. COAST HIGHWAY lion.a belng accepted durtnr the ATI'l:NTION ALL BOYS -II U. lion and the payment of moMy Cautomla. ta M d tor t.he voted by the ottlfcera to them-County of Oranre. Xa.mtd defend-.nta WIN W. T. eelvee u Mlaria and for an &c• By /11 WAYNE A. DR.AGER. oounUq. Deputy. Jelf,.r.an of Corona del Kar, Wal· ter 13urrougha of N9WJ*t ........ and Jrffen10n PropertJel :n.c.. lt1 Iott. Cla .. lllfm'les Ill. l ith St., C.0.t& MNL • Both dr1"'11 claimed lnjurlN Already ~ndlns tn aupartor Court a. a dllputa 0.., dlmolutloll but ~f'uaed medical ald June 12. and .dietribuuoa ot -...ta of UM 1>0Uce reported Wiien can driven corporatJoa. n. H• ...... cee Jffl· bf U~ N&dp Bush•. 11, Suta fol'IOI\"' and ltumNChl an~ But>&ra and ktfulelh Edwin Dell. 1toc.kholdu. tn th• ~ C.· Mo ll5 Apolena An .. colUded on tn Corporation. OM.Ill ~. Po~ eaJd Ute Tht Huddlestont claJmed an e1'U)a occurred u Dell tried ta ·~rtfmt'nt WU made amone t.be tum tnto Balboe Bav Short11' Wfft ~to~ ... ......-pt-. . ' f I NOftOS .APPllAJU..NCI:: "A dtltndant appean In an actlon when he an .. .,,.., demun1, or (1vu the plain· tiff W11tten notice ot hJa appea.r- ance, or •1hen an -a trorney gtwa no Uc• ot appearanc. tor hlm." (he. 101', C. C. P .) A.Jt-Wer1 or dernurrera mull be 1n wnt1n1, and ruect Ul~ an. No. 616 New1>-Pru. 0/11. 11, 23, IO, t /8, lJ, JO, 27. 1/&, 19Clf ' Harbor 2450 83tlc Liberty W436, Newport Bcb 21llc awnmer month11 by a well known THE NEWS-PRF:SS la now taklnf YARDAGE Inventory Sale PAINTING INTERiOR -EXTERIOR LlCZNSl:D -INSURED Glenn Johnston Elec. Tool Repair 8kil 8aw1. Drill•. Sa.nden QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. !SOI • 3lllt SL Newport Beacb 415e No. Newport Bl'f'd., Npl B<:h. Harbor 3178 22tfc Ll'bert)' &-ss83. UUc CARPENTER Repair Work Do. Toar Dome Nied ~ or ftanOdelJns ! Call Frank. Llbert;J ..... fl•--~ 1-. Painting M.W.ROU rr.. Jeaumatea -Fully IMU1'ed 30 Y ear1 Expenm~ Ll .....ut 6 LI I-il2I .... profu11lonal 1.rt l11t tct1cher wt th 1 cam er appllcallon11 tor routu In theatrical and "*Cording bl.ck· I th-neiirhbnrhooda:- Balboa, Wt•t Newport. Balboe ground. Children and adult.a. Be-1 It., Newport Helghta, Corona de.I on Oe•trnera Fab~ca at Whl)h!11J1lt Pwea. g1nnera and advanced. Claa• and Mar and Co•la Meaa. MARGIE WJmB private ·le•on1. Accordion Or· It you are 12·H yn. old, and have 19!'>8 So. Coaal Blvd. J.Ac'uM Stael\ ~ llUo dleltra. Call LI 8-311~ or WTIU. a b1cyc:le. apply at tht Olrcula· Bolt C-91, thla new1paper. 82peT Uon Dt'pt., Newport Harbor ------------ Ne••Pru•. 1211 Balboa Blvd.. Business Card Universal Bldi?. Maintenance w..rr. • wtadow a.atn1 Floon . Jaattor ......... PbGM Ba.nor Ul&. t7Jl:IO' ' Nft'port .a..cll, betwren 1CH2 am. or 4-6 p.m. only. . u c Special -f'01t a 1•1 1•Ne ...CS ear. -DELUXE emboeeed ca.res., your .loe&l dealer Wbo wW be her• 13 00 per 1000 With thll ad. TOKOIUWW to Meir up wbat b• ExplrH June 27th. 1dla TODAT! Cb.eek the UMd Mall Copy and Cbeck today. carw la tM tnrt«w Neu. •1 l'OX ADV., 7ot &. Oen&..-, AA&- cl&y. • ....... SIQ fti I ...._ IM70 :,' I> ~ I (., I~ t=-.... - IB-Mhw:ttlaMoua ~-----------~~~~---RIFLES -PJSTOLS--Sbot-v' v' Check these Used Cars guna. Big coUeclion reduced. Sav~ dollan . LI S-7669. e6p68 Buy from a local dukr who wW be tle~ TOMORROW to ba.c:.k up what he 11elt. TODAY! ~Auto. and Trucks 40-Aatoe and T'1ICb I0-8-Aprllaw ___ _ Washing Machine SEl\VlCS ----~- June Specials / 1-year fU&rantee 011 Jobe done arid oli IA.Md wubers. 2418SA • (ftU') Marport ~ CO.ta KML ' Llbuty 8-4~3 or Uberty 8-027. 64Uc .l.Q54 DE SOTO 4 dr. aedan, lit~ blue, R It H, aulo.. lrana. Excep. cle~n car . .. $1,~ 1952 NASH 4 dr .• sedan. Radio, Heat~r. O'drive, 2-tone green. Very clean, only . -· ....... .. .. $895 1952 HILLMAN MINX convertible coupe, A clean KEKKORll automatic .wLlhlnJ madllnt ii O •. E. dt.hwuber.- Both In ltlnL condition SllO. eL Heritor 08111-R. Mees car in t ip top shape ..... ........ ..... ........ .. ... S695. 1952 DE SOTO 6. 4 dr. sedan. 2 tone grey. Beauti- UNIVERSAL gu 1tove, 8 bum· era, 2 ovena, broiler, warmer. Mt.kt ofter. Ha.r. 311141. e7(l419 ful blue apholstery. R&H, on\)':-: ................... _ $1.245. 1951 CHRYSLER Winc:bor, light grey, ( dr. sedan. Bought new by owner, still looks new ...... $1 ,145. O'KICEFE A M.ERRJ'M' ta ble top gu range $20; clrrulatlni hrat· er $5; Serval refrtc. SM!: 229 Opal, Balboa lllanrl. 87p68 Many low priced transportation cars, only $25. dn. LOU ,REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone Llberty 8-3486 BAY FURNITURE ''Wher. Price• are held at Bay" S9--AutM Wanted WANT TO BUY Good clean uBed cars. New T V rharn , t rltu covttr• $2!'>.!IO value at Bay Sl 5.!'>0 WILL PAY TOl' PRICE. \\'Ill cun· 1 T UB rhalrs, attr. cover" •lgn too. 'Wh)' worry aboul !lell· SH.!'>O v&Jue at Bsy $27 !IO Ing your r er ? Sre us S4 JAGUAR XK1 20M modlrird rc1nv.. 1tkf' nl.'w, powder blue, while ur tun lC•P nC\'••r rec•·d. low mtleKg«.'. 011&.,nal uv.-'ller'. Har 11172. 63c7~ LOUNGER ch&lr11. d11illp~llTlnc EARL GOODRUM Mutor1, 194!'> fnot rut-Wn>trlt'ht Iron -Harbor Blvd. Co!ta Mna. 62lfc Plullc aaran cover $711.!'>0 .vlllue Ill Ray S•9 M II re chrome or M tln black din· ti 1 .. 11rh , 30x40 .. mica top nt. fsblt', • fo11m l'llbl)t'r 11t'11t <"h11h11 $'111.:'10 v11lwe Kt R11y r•o 00 PRJVATE PARTY wants tn buy ':H or ':'.>~ Chevrolet nr l'ly mrH1 th 8t&tton wagon. preftr fl ryll nrl"r Call H11rbor 1020 t'V"~· ll:'ltfr T \\'(') PJF.<"E T..iiwllf!n htt! ·divan ""' 0 11tist11n•l1n1ot l"P itrade nubby ~Autos and Trurks_ rnvrr S2:l9 M v11h1r &L Bay $169.!'>0 2 r r . Kf.:YA BM llvrnr ff')()m , .. 1. nv"rlll7.!'d 80.. betwt'en e.rm11. 111 r~f' r lub r halr ~l11rult t 11ft. • ln•r "Ill cover. S:?'\fl !'10 v11lt1,. 111 Bay S177.00 • f'(' MAPl.F: W (ll}(j IHm living 1111 ~rr•. fluunr"<1 eofa Ir cl\at~ rnn~l"l" nf 1ota-rl1v11n. rlub •h111r pl,.tfnrm rodcr1 , 2 elt'p rrut. I 1·11ffp,. tAnla w mll trhlng "'""" b" '" 111nir~ ~:l:l!l M \'itlur At Bay $219.()1) tx12 AX1\llXSTE R nrr -c1epple f'"ll"nl $1;9 M \'ll'lU" 11l Bay S40 !\O '32 J AG UAR r·oup" XK·l20. Clt>an rsdln, best otter ra11 Ha r 211:18 .,.tw~n 8 11 m. Ac 2 p.m 11:lr6~ '47 F ORD convertible, C.nllln tnr Gond condttlnn. VPry rf'al!On·Hl>I,. P hone H11 rbor 1117 -.I fl~.,.I\ 1 19~4 CHEVROLr.f Bel A lie 2 rlr dfl\'Pn only 4,000 mllet< T11~­ quol11e .t: belgt. Prlre $ lfl!l!'i for qu ick salt . Har. 2327-W ""' r 6 ~m ~.n ·:i:r; C'H'l!:V. V-8 &I-Arr. Spcirt "I''' .. DEM01'STRA TOR" · $!'i00 OFF: Outst.a.nd.mg b"autirul. ha rwst gold, 180 h.p. twm EXH ·~o f"Ono Collv. By owner. RclH, O'dr.. guod t•ond. Also Srnirer por lablo elf'r l. 11ewlng machine, $30. Har b<Jr 891Hl . l!';tfc llll8 C'HEVROLF.T Aero IM!dall - R & H, ExN•ll .trttnl fl')rtatlon. $17!'!. Ree 11t Judy'11 !'hrll Srrvlcr 21100 W. Cll1111t Hwy .. NPwporl nr call HYl\lt 4-7048 6!k67 l!l:>J f>LYMOITTH St&ttnn wRgnn Xln t. r onrllllon S9111\. OwTter. LJ 11-300:1. 6M l9 41-Auf.o &n1lt'f' ------------BRAKE SPECIAL rlurlni: J 11M Foreign auto brake j ob, by expert mechanics $18.95 & up. We feature S L"DDF.X 11e1 v11 I'. 12x l!'i AX1\tl?l:~TER ruJr multi· """" lRr c<> le11r p1111,.rn. $1:i!l 60 valtu AL Bay $9(1 !)0 kit. Rar1io. r .c. tran1< .. "l" · Haus .. en Motors Inc. ART LARSON, 696 Sn Cnut l I~~P.RSPRINC'i n111llrt~11 .\. box "l'rlnJ: ~t11. Ta pe e<111e -Twin "llP $1\P .'iO \'nlttr at B11v $:111.0!'i 11et SLEP:l 'M 1\STf:R tnn~r~rr Mat· In ~i< &. box ~pt 1ni; "''l11 -10!'! ('ntl. 10 yr. li\'Ulrllntre firm or Blvd· Laa-una.. HYatt 4•77H. 1932 Harbor Blvd . f'o1t.& Mc!IR 61t(c LI 8-~0~1-Ll 8·8381 !'>!lci2h GOOD Clean '48 Packard <leluxe Mdan. $290 rui<h. S.-e ttl Htith· way Ga rage. 1 HO Nrwpo rt Blvd. Coatll Mt1s11. 66r 68 m1>t!l-flrtn <'lo8e out l'flVl'r pAl·J __ A_O_U_A_R_6_4_M_a_rk_Vll __ 11e_d_a_n-.-.,..-.h-t. lr m1t. with r<'d leather. 11ut1Jmalic ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Sl!0.00 valut al Say 169.00 lld tran11oml&<1lon. Pl'rfert cond., 111w II p1· JH :nrtOOM ~rp. inrludC"ll 6 Rioh Hahn's Garage Aulhorbecd ParlJI It Service also Good Tran.sportatron Cnrs F or Sale •h dl)lr. rlrl'llt1er. mirror. bk('&1te mlleaire. origin&! owner. Harbor M 12. 63c75 h1•11dll1 •I j;Ul<t 1011('1-i<prln~ "1Rl • 11 "M &: ni•l•·htn i box 11prin"11. nu f 111 f1.1mr $1!•!1 ·.o \'llhl•· ul R I\ SI I!) :io I Bay Furniture I .'.i i-; I it h St., C'Ol la Mc~a • hr t"''"' n T1111lln It Ttv lnr>l F"r•,. ~torrfront l '•rklng-Tl'1m11 Opr n r.v"" llll 8 p. m. 1\1,\llOt; l111n1 ,1n l'h,\•fr 1lin. 111hle, ~1x uph c h1111 •. bc•I ~hvan, r lub • •arr. 11. 1h c•nrl ta ble. Horllo- kttrhrn tnhlr . g .. 11 hP lll\•r. 'I-butn· rr tlec. plalr, all xlnl. cond1llon. :ll.~ 1 11~ t' D.M. Xn Sat111 i;J11y11. 6Sp6i FRIOIDAIR!'.;, IS fl.. llkt new $150. n 111111i.: lr>l1I•". ·I llflh. 1 ha1r11 $3!'>. Liv rm. "''t. ht•d 111 vi~n. e1uy di air. 19M Str:'l VALLEY MERCURY. 1111 power equipment, tf'nns. Call own<'r, LI 8.:1663 or LI 8·6223. 56U'c TRADE Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Newport Beach, Hsr. 4 7211. !l:ilfc St-Muslca.I, Radio, T V See Baldwin Piano Beo\U\ICul 70-ft. aux. IChooner. & Organ Display F'ulJy round. go anywhere. wm WOODWORTH PIANO CO. talte ~u1ty In property or amal- ler boat. 1220 \\'. Balboa Blvd., 1318 OoLrt Blvd., Corona de! Mat NewporL Ha r. 3032. 3!1L!c !Thaden lntcrlor Bld&.) Bar. 3382 68 tlo CHRYSLER Martne engine, <C ''J to ------------- 1 reduction ge;1 r. REFR JGEllATOR. l 10 volt D. C. SEE JACK HARP.ER at Lido Shipyard, enJ ot 3U l St reet, Newport Beach. 29lfc M rfl'I' tabk. •l··~k. 2 enJ tables. ------------- ORA:-\0 PIANOS. Many t.o rhonse from. Knabe, Mu on & H1U11l1n, Stuyv<'Mnt. Cable. Exlra spec- ial.· Story 8t Cla rk granu, goo<l condition $305. Another apccia t. Bt'nullful Stuyvesant, fine .sha)J<'. $ii85. Al~o guq;cuus KMbo $!Ji5. 8H\'e on many others. ftnr •'•1n1hllnn . . S1 35. 18 °B11lboa. Covu Barbur U OOW 6:'ic67 Al.I. HEASO:'\AULJ-: I&. OWlcan P h.vfe 111 aho~any 1.hnlng stl, rncl. fi2". h11ffrt. ti l'ha lr11. !'lew G. E. •h~tn,·uhcr. nevtr uaeJ. Bendix 1111tn w1111hlng mach1nc, just "''' ''" P•l. Hot putnl rt'frtg .. l l fl. \\' dnut tt"r retary. m11k .. offtr. CHHIS CRAFT 26 !t. cabln crwser new radio 11.11.J engine. Many ::-xt ras. \.\'LU t radc for Corona dcl Mar Jll'O(>t'r1Y or T o. Ph. Httr. u339·W, 62tfc S:"JPE No. :J93~ III excellent ron· dlllon. Bost caver sails and t rail- er. Own er li-avtng 8t wrll take bl'!ll orfcr. Har. ~.02 day,., Har. 73()8 R t'VI'" 62t.!c OANZ-SCHAOD'J' Dig PJM O Store Santa Ana, 620 No. Mttln. Alway• 100 prnnol!. ELECTRONIC ORGAN two man· u&I ulmo11l lrke 'ltW. Srwe S 00. DANZ-SCHMJDT,f>:IO No. Ma.in , Se.nw. Ana. 64l!o 196'; .\hMu AVl', Wberty 8-3233 -------------LOVELY Bungalow upright prano In pt•rfoct condilr?n $34.75 down Sil i 5 per month Bl f>lllc H Fl BOAT. man ne ply maho,1ot Jeck It malsh11>. Bottum f iber· S ROOMS rur nltur., comp1 .. 1r. All i.:Ja sst>tl stt-erlng whl'el &: tront rrr ~'""' • u111htwn. All or part. i:<mtrul:1. {'11rnplel dy rt>llnrshe(I 327 l 'npp) L'orona d<'I 1\lor. tlar includtng t ust0tn butll trn1lcr $HAFF.R'S ~1us1c Co. ISlnre J90i) <f21·4:.!3 N. Sycamort Santa Ana l'honl' J<Jmberly 2·06";2 215'4-W after :)·30 p.m . ll~1p67 137'1 P•1rt 0( S.-1•r11 SNt.ot Jll!I WA;-o;TEO !')\) l"S f:U PIA:'\OS ror our bti: rt'ntAI d•'Pl. llr1th1·11l cash allow1111t·e In tr 1HIP for Organ, Sp1nrt p11Lno. <ir Crnn•I preno. MAPLF: drnellc txlenswn table tit Coast HlghwRy. -. 65!'67 • rh11lrl' !111 1'o, Day Front, 16 F"T. DORY t1shm1: boat an•I Balbot1 l•lan1I. Hartwr 1320-\\'. business 8l Newport PtH. Sni:r i- S8cG8 !lt'e for $995. Ralph Jorden, l!J!ll DA~Z-SCRr.UDT, 520 Nu. Main, Snnta Ana. Good Used FURNITURE CHRO~tE dinette l!ct \Large tl\ble A 4 c hnl rs 1 • .. ...... S29.llO UPHOL. Leatherette J11st like new, ....... . a rmc.he.lr, ... '28.110 WAI..Nl.J'I' ~room •et. vanlly. 1 l11rre mirror, chMt A bed S0.00 LfK.Bl Nl:W • blond d,....er, btinch larr• mrrror ............. . .. S38.l!O I ~·a.y. 4 way, a way noot lamr-. S3.7S to S6 711 4 APT. SIZE 1of&e ·-· Si to Sl6 Near Nu Furniture .Mart · 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bcb Pumon& Ave. Costa 1'lesa 6Sp67 Another Special! liAM1\\0 ND Spinet 11rg11n, Irr frn\ rondit1un. Htg 11nvi.ng11, r nnven- lcnt termR at - 21 FT. Au.x. sh,op with l:ray SNl Scout rnglne. rull s111t i;u .. <t Sall!', 2 b11nks, ~1tll1•y anu 1w11il. New 8talnles11 steel rigging. j11~l pa.luted compll'lely 3 wei:ks a~o S3100. Ll 8· Ul8':' fir.Uc SHAl-'ER'S M\l~lc Oo. I Since 19-0i) •21-'123 X. Syn 1m11r1'. Sal\l& Ana 21 f'T. CHlUS-CRAl-""f k it. Hull l'hune Klmb.,rly :l·06~2. On1n.,:e 1·11unty11 lnrg,..•l aci." t lvn f1~rgll1J•sed. 115 h fl. Gray. ut luit'or~IUIS. Slf'<'P• 2. S s Radio. as k1ni; $:l700. Wberly 8·10l2. 6r1p67 -S{>_P_E_R..--,.-,O-.-rt-n-ts-~-oo-tl_p_r_a_c_l.J_~'1l piano. All term rl'nt 11:Jowed H A MARLI:-\ CRAtn -S27 :io you buy. Coo\I Ulh'd 11racl1re p1n- Btlge pump S9.50. CompASll 12 ~O 001 S8P, Sl25, Sl37, i 1!'lO 1 n1l up. Car radio $12. NEWPORT S OA'r Eiuy lerm1. SALES. 262i W. Coul Hlith· 0A.NZ·SCH1'UDT BIK Plano store. way. U 8~271. 6~1l"67 S&nta Ana, 520 No. l hun. 34 FT CAR WOOD cabrn cruiln . H.A1'fMOXD ORC AX, Spinet m1KI. twin 1crew, for Mle or ~,ll Slightly used. Good i;avlng un t rade for real estate. Phone this. Also Hammond Chord Or· Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DeUgbt!uJ living. ApL-Cab&nu. Utilitl• ' with Y ~t alip accomodationa. Daily, weekl_y, ~th1_1.J...l...e&rly. For appt. or iuervatlon., Call Har. 2992. Mtfc 41-Auto Sfinrloe Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad'* 6 Cyla. ____ _$48.88 8 Cyls, --------$58.88 lncludra both labor and part•. Nf'w rings. wrist plna. va.lv• ¢nd, nttlnga of maJ.n and rod ~arlngs. Rxpert motor tWle up. 90-day or •.OOO mile suarantu. (l'\0 MO?\"EY DOWXl. REBUILT ENG'INES -t.'"P tc 111 MONTHS TO PAY- Burlt In our own factory by akllled machlnfsll. Don't contend with the m iddle man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ............... ·-··-···-·-· ... S129.llO CHEVROLET -····-............. S149.llO PLYl1. &: DODGE ... ___ .. ___ Sl:>ll CRRYS. A DE SOTO ·--·-SITO STUDF.BAKER -··· .... __ .. , S170 OLDS & PO?\i'lAC 6 -·····-le $170 BUICK ................... _ ... _ .......... $1711 HL'DSON ·-··--····-................... $1711 Loan Csr Free Towln& N EW CAR GUARA:-<TEE Blrn:k must meet our standa rds Plus t&xu, guket11 11.11d oil Oprn Sunday 10 a.rn. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Or"n D11 lly 8 lo 7 ~nate Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. .SAl\7A. ANA 1951 MAYFLOWER Traller, com- plrle b11th, Lido Trailer Park, Har. 3236. ~1tc LI 8-7372 or 11ee Rf'ne at Shav1ng MuK. 86c71 4'7-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apta and bOUM.e I.II all eecUona for both Winter and year'• leuc. Furn. or untum. U you h.ave a vacancy, •· phooa tod&y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cat. Hwy., Newport lk.b. Phone Liberty 8-3481 208 .Martne, Balboa ~d Phone Harbor 444 2867 E. Coast Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor IH I Lido Of!lce, 3418 Via Udo Harbor 49il 32Uc GARAGt-: or car 1p11ce wrthln one block of Bay l.!land. H11r. 11790. FURNISHED APTe. tn heart or Balboa. $2!'> wk. • up. Te.kine ruervaUone now. 1117 I:. Bal· boa Blvd .. Balbot. Ha r. 17~1. 62c74 ENJOY BALBOA ISLAND • the beach lhJe wmmer tor very lit· tie ~nt. Small compact apt. for 2, 1lM of houee trailtt, SM ~r wMk . Har. 2128-M.. 61ttc Summer Rentals WAGNER POINT-Waterfront It others. R&tc $211. week and up. Ph. Harbor lllT·J. Otlc NO. :'.> BllACON BAY -Summt- rental. Spacloua furn.. apt .. 1leep1 4, overlook.Ing bay. June lllth- Sept. 115th.. JllOO. month. ALSO wm t ak• ruervatJon tor wtnt~r. Rar. 2471, courteay to •rents. 43ttc Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Front.e + other choice propertie11 Harbor Island, Bay Shores, Bea- con 8 flY, qu&llt!td cllenl.t! only. Harbor Investment Co. Harbor 1600 (Evu . LI 8·11388) 27tfc CH~NNEL FRONT fu111. llpll.- 1 It 2 bedrm". patio It BBQ. 1 block to Lldn 111\opa aM but. 2 bedrm. lower SlSO mo. to Sept . l!Stb. l bec1rm. upper hu 161..tx 20' llv. rm. with beauttf\11 vii'"' of bay ,covee It channel. SUM· lilER -or S80 mo. on Yt•rly ltue Apt. 2, 81~ -38lh St. New- port Beach 67c69 FURN. 11in11;le apt., Costa Mesa. rood Eut 1lde locaUon. Very n.Jce Jc.llch.n. one peraon prefcr- rl'd. Ut1l1 Ue1 paid. Rl!aaonable. u 8·1914. &:>c87 HARBOR APl'S. Modern tu.niahed apts. day, wetk or month Nev bua, 1tol'el A bay. Reuonable ratea. l Ot E. S.y Ave., BALBOA Harbor S3U . 17Uc Vll!:W APT. -Corona deJ Mar, Up~r 1 bdrm. tUJ"ll. l\lmmer or yearly. Reaaonable, near beach, Har. 3328 8t;c67 LARO!: turn. l bdrm. apt. Real r1rt'place, auto. waaher A patio. $12~ per mo. t o Sept. l!'>th or $711 y early. ( l8l A lut month• rentJ. Utll. pd. 213 Colton St., l\"wport Beach. Call Harbor 1304-W. ' 66c68 _________ 8_7_J>6_9 "8·B-Housea for Rent FOR LEASE 1 room uaturnl-..d rancb home, s Mdr'ma. a twalha. ,,._ bou... swtmmln• pool, ...,nee, COrftl &Ad putun tor aa4clk ~. Btnlhmore N.llc.t.-<>De a Ulrw- quartera mil• eouth .... t ot 8&n Jua.n C&pi.tn.no. R. A. Rowan & Co. 451 a. Bprtnr Bt., lA9 Alll'tlee. Tll 0111 '6c:Tl ON U DO ISLE-Yearly rent&I, a b<lm1., 2 !19th llolne, t\lra. cw 11a- turn. EllceUl!nt location. Ownf'r, Harbor OU O·J. G2t1r SUMMER RENTAL ORIVll BY • lff 111 Via Wniet"I. U do Iale. 3 bdrma., 2 bat.he, completely turnlehed. Available June 16·30-$~0. July SMO.- AUJU•t $7211. Rffluctlon tor en- tire Marion. Call Harbor 4274. 1!7c69h AVAILABLE III !JHORECU FF!, Private homt, 2 br., rumlahed. except ruf'I, 1llver and Untn. U !IO on leaR. Harbor 3209-R. S9t!c VACATIONERS WE HAVE a V1rlety of new nice· ly f\Jn1. renta.le availablt In Newport A Laguna. $30. wk. It up. Inquire 30-4·31nd St .. N pt. Phbn1 Harbor 1226. U pH.h VERY ATI'RACTIVE new 2 bdrm. home near the ocean, complt t•· ly tw·n. Will leue SI OO mo. or $7SO. for 111mmer. At1ull8 nnly. PAUi. <'. JONES REALTY Harbor 2313. Mees FOR RENT, COSTA MESA -2 bdrm. 11nfurn. ho1111e Reuon· a bll'. C111J HYatl f ·4~7. 86tfr U!'ll!'URN. 2 BDRM . HOM!:. W to W carpet. Be11uUt11l y11rd. patio. f•l'f'J'llacl!, ~ar. Sl25. month. Or Je.111 rent on lt'&H. LI 8-3750 after 6. Aettc 3 e: R. UNF. hoWH!. ne.rly new. t&rae ya.rd. ne1 r achoole and t ra.m•r. Sre a/temoone at 812 Vrrtt>rll\, CoJ<ta Mua.. Avail J uly 1sl. SSS. leu on ll'a!l4. F rontier 48076 l!!)ttc FOR LEASE TWO BEAU1'IFUL ntw Jrvlne T"race unrum . view homu. 3 BORMS., 2 balba and 2 BEDRJ.lS., 2 blath1. CaJJ Harbor 1775 or Hlltbor H41. E.ARL W. STANLEY, Realtor I rvine 1'trnce ONlce Corona del Mar. JJttc SUMMER RENTAL. Nt'wport II· J11nd Waterfront. pier 4lc float. Furn. 2 11t.ory ho\lse, 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, P"tlo, barb .. dbl. pr. 3909 Marcu11. Her. 3tl08. 88c88 U DO OFJ.'ICE SPAC~ -Will 9Ublet ispace 8Ultablt-for attor- nrya, eng1n~r1. t ic. Approx. 1~x30 In 11hopping arr11. on Via Lu.Jo. < ·a11 Don Cole a tternoom• only, Har. <1650. Mltfc S.\fALL OFJ-'IC'~ wllh parking. hea l It llg ht A prlvale t.olll't In· rluded. ~ munth. a t 2&04 New· port Blvd .. Npt. Hee.ch Harbor 4718. 06lfc 48-Apta. ll Hou.-.es f~r Rent Choice Summer Rental.II on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small cl cozy or large A deluxe S75 tA:> $JOO month LIDO ISLE 53·A-Bu9inr88 Rt>olalit YEARLY RENTAL UNFURN. ------------- VOGEL CO. 208 Martne Ave., Be.Ibo& Wand Pb. Hubor H4 or Harbor 21111 Res. Har. 1786-R or Har. 3059·M M tfc 3 bedrooma, 2 ba.th• Choice locaLI011. EXCELLENT LOCATION EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bch.. Opposite Balboa Bay Clu b. Harbor 10111 40ttc 1200 sq. ft. store for lease. 3 BDRM. • den. Untum. Bay It ocean view. Yr. J"ue. !08 Car· naUon, C.D.M. 6ltrc 3 BEDROOM tumllhed home - (IJrnlahed even to aut..omau c wuhcr SllO mo. LI 8-7673. 55Uc NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 LEASE Arcade ~·Hot Spot" UNUaU.A.L OPPORTU>11TT - Owber htirins-~ amu.e- mtnl Zone. M eltetftcelly oper- ated macaa.... hU,y ~w.-. $20.000 year gTOIL Good le&M. Full prlt'e u~.ooo. BALBOA l\L\LT1' CO. 100 II:, Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Hubor3tt7 t6olT BUS COMPANY wtth lOQ( tum fr&nchlae In tut rrowtnJ COat& Meu. Bubmfl all ~ l'tL OWNER, Llbe~ WM1 or LI 8·8223. 60ttc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, l&l.ary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service AppllcaUon may be made ln per- IOn, by phone or bj mall. C.tLIF. AOCEPI'ANCE CORPORATION a .... f'aate :. Fisher Retirement Specials I . TWO DUPLEUi, ' W\lta, I b.r. ~ unit, plua ftntplae9 In eu!L. Only a% yn. old. A pro~ st:r you'd be prou11 to own. flth. 1-ma $3.k O ann.. A proven money-ma.kt'rl \l'or. Oel Mar). Pl'tce S2T.llOO, Only Jll.000 dn. 2. DUPUl:X 1 YR. Ol.D, PLUS a • nit' .. 1 b.r. homt. T y1. olc1 wtth t\J"&p!Ue It IOVfly paUo, PLUS enclCJHd B!kut and Dftl. Pi.Us • lars• lot eo·.2211·. PLUS a 1"1ftdertul p.rden -a prdf'n lonT°• dream. Coat.a MtlM. Pl'tC41 $18.600, Only M,000 On. WJJ KNOW INCOMll PROPERTIK!81 FISHER & CO. 2'803 N""J)Ort Blvd , N'pt. 8di. Harbor '429. MoM Ocean 1891 Harbor Blvd., Co.ta X... 1 YR. OLD, I bdmi, 1 ~ ba~. I Ll 8·77!'>1 -O~n J'ridaya Ull 8 awry. Dbl. p r .• Solarium wtth Front Cloied 8aturda~ •.ltlc nnNt. vlft ot the bea.cll. NO COMMISSION No Appraial Fee 8A.Lll8 -R.U'INANC. CON8TR1JCTION Ca.ll for l'tM Fut Commitment.a on Realdl!nce1 and Unita onlJ Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th S!. COSTA Mlt8A LI 8-:!M l Lt a.Met Channel Front lUVl:R A VE., pier A float. tuJft. 2 bdrm., oonelder ottw u low u JlJ,llOO, H .000 down. R-2 Lots WHl Newport -t 2,l90. Balboa Beach house VUIUf. I bdrm., 110,000 .. •2.000 down. Seashore Drive WOULD like to Duy lit and 2Dd CORONA DEL MAR. • bedroom. Tniat Offda Call Har. 2328. Sll.\,600. $'-000 down. '8Ue Bayview Realtors LOANS for Homes wa Balboa~ M...-,ott 8Mc.h 6,. _ 20 Tt· 1.-u Har. 1111 ~T Construction Loans am&T BA TIHOUS beach houae, SEl!l BOB BA'ITLJ:R 2 B. R. plua po.Ible 2 B. R. over 2Sl b EAST COAST BLVD. •ance. Knot cy pine Int. '21.600 Co1-ona CICI Mu Harbor aaal Rep. POlJUER MORTGA<m CO. HILlAIDll Ttew lot NllWPOR1' Metro Ute !na. f'Unda JQ. MlM IRIOBTL .......... ,... ·--$4000 "'1c M-1~1% &crM WHt 11&1 Ooeta ------------M ........ ·-·-·-...... " ...... _ H:IOO LOANS TO BUILlJ. DO"ftOQ BUY, MODJ:RNl.Zll, OR IUll'tNANCS We Buy TnMt Deede NEWPORT BALBOA 8A VINOS It WAN ASSOCIATION S3M Via Udo. PIL Bar. 6JOO Claire Van Hom REALTOR 1711 W. Oout Hwy, Ll kl77 ti• ~-~~~-~-~~~~- 5'7-Rea.1 Estate \\'anted WANT TO BUY WATERFRONT Business Zone A ~Y a mount up to $1711.000 euh. ~:~~~~!l ~~:.1it~~~ I at Port Orange I LI 8-7M2 Har. 61114 •VH. 87ct9 60--lnoome Proper:tz HOME and 6 Units 33! ACRES M MlL&8 from Ocean.side IA beau· tl.t'Ul valley -.t foot of Mt, Palo· mar. Very producUve land. now leued. Can be 1ubdlvtded. Ex· eeUent water 1)'•1-Cloee '° ahopplnr c.nter and P.O. HOUSlll la Ora.nc-County wW be eo!Wdwed aa pWt payment. Owner, 2300 Clift Drh •· N tw· port Beach. LI 8·'2118. 87ce9 Builder Will Trade on th.ii lovely new neldence Open House REASONABLY priced, clean 1 6 2 bdrm. furn. a pta. Ulll. paid. Laundry room. Playground for ch1lur1:n. ,Blue Tqp Apt.II., 403 Nf'wport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Above the Arches. 49tlc ORANGE COAST PROPE RTI.ES lSST NeWJX>rt Ave .. Costa Me1111.. Ub. 8-163. ' 85c67 AV AlLABLJi: -A bout 8000 tq. !L light lndtr11try apace on let A 2nd. floor. U . S. Highway 101 and Bay l!'rontage. Will lei.le aU or any part cl remodel l o ault ten&nt. Vogl'I Co., 308 Via Lido. Harbor 4.971. 26t.fc LEASE GOOD INCOME. S38,000. 449 Ham- lllon. oft Harbor BJYd., Co•t& Mua. tlp7~b 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Cor:ona Highlands SUMMER RENTALS FP.'\E LOCATJO.:\' In Corona del BRAND :"EW 2 bdrm. unfurn. du· plt1x. ga1 bage d1spou .t. 1ua&e. S7: •. month. CALL DAYS 9:30--4:30 LI 8-4498 or LI 8· i 182 alter S p.m. It wk. ends phone Hllr. H ti. uOLfc Prlvata honie. 2 bdrm•. 1 blk. to bel ch It Bay. Open for Aug- ll.ll & Stpt. Large pa llo. 204 14lh SL. Newport Bch. 65<'67 Mar, Complrlely <-qulp~d for 61-Real f'Atate Eschuge baking or dellcateut'n. Phone Harbor 4263 ror app't. 8(itJc BY OWNER-W ill t&Jce trade on RENTAL ( SPECIALISTS Call Edna Craig Blanche Gates, Rltr. J J 1 Manne Ave. lialboa lsla.nll. Har. 1671 '72t.tc 3 YEAR ROUND RENTALS: 1.-2 B .R. unf\lrn. upper duplex, Ba lboa Pe11111. $125. 2. Furn. 3 br. & dl•n. 2 baUl, Bal. f'enln. $200 3.-Lldo Jsle. 3 B. R. 2 both, furn. S250, unlum. i 22r •. BAY & BEACH Realty 11r.o w. B&lboa BlvJ.. Balboa Har 126'' 65c67 l'Tl'DIO APT .• )'>arlu•llr tum u1h<>d. A IJlo unfurnl11hed 11lt11ho IOfl. SUMMER R.JCNTALS. -Hou~e 1leep1 4. Cottare 1leep11 2. Jlm-t 20 to Sept. IS. i21;.. Poppy, Co· rona rltl Mu. Harbor 0635-M. ."EAR CJvlc Cantf'r and Bey. M·l IO<'atlon. :'\Ice l • bdrm hom,. J.arge garage. 1ult.a ble for 1htrp or h1tht mfg. S 100 J'l"r mo. LI 8·3378 .mt>mmg1 or evening• 61Jttc -~-_to_.res_a_o_rn....;_....;.;;.. ___ M-8tores ct 0tnces 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido Shopping area. Both 670 area feet. By leue, $100 & $115 mo. ALSO store, 600 feet. $140 mo. 500 Via Malaga, Newport Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 6i>c67 Space upprux. l!1\JO 11q rt. \\'111 M-.lluaba~ 9J!portwUtiee M-BuaineM Op~rtualtka f1msh lo 8llll ltn1<nt. Open to ••fr<-rs. Blvd. -locat1to11. 19Jtr St>. • .. t'O'l.'lt Blv1I. Laguna Bch. HY&tl 4·!'>4Di. 8SUc BALBOA ISLAND-BUSINESS lh1.1 corntr lot.. ranch home. 3 bdrm.. 1 ~ baths. hdwd. tlre .. F A. heat, w.w. ca rpet., fenced yc1 , xlra lg. patio onrlookJng rMyun Will lake mialler place ur va.rant Int I.ft part payment. 554 Hl\Zel Drive. C.D.M. Har. 1089-W. 6ic72 TRADE EQt:ITY S6,000-2 houae1 on R-4 lot In COflta Mu a tor t•qulty hou11e tn Newport Beach. Har. 4::i:l4·tt. 8!'>c87 GZ-Rut Est.ate -------- Cliff Haven View Lot F"OR 8 A LE or wlll ~ubordlnate 51l"i to reli11ble builder. ARRAS REALTY 10342 Gar!len Grove Bh•1l Ll::hlgh. 9·2!08. 66('68 Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOtnms J 3 BEDROOMa, I belb, ic. Uvlnr room. Lfe. playroom. M.acnttl· cent l<.J tchen a.nd .dining room and alao Solortwn, 24.110' In all. 8-view. 1-~.r. S32,ISOI). -1'°"11 to 120,()()(). Builder w111 aell roT but all calh offer for quick Mle. MlfG Bargain Hunter! Large Lido Lot, 6.1 fl-" euterly end, Choice nel«hborhooa . $1:1,1100 BLANCHE GA TES, Realtor 811 Marine Av .... 811.ltn. 1.lland Harbor 1871 or Hl72 ~8c61 LARGE com!ort.able com- pletely furni&hed home on WEST OCEAN FRONT. Owner wm' sacrifice. COME JN FOR Vli:TAJl..6. J. M. Miller Co. 2025 W llaltx.a Blvd., ~PL Bth. "Neiar Ul e N~~rt Pier" Phon .. Harbor 40~1. Mc68 Ph. Har. 6392. 86c67 Liberty &-7112 11Sca8 yan. Eluiy to play. DA.'1;2 -SCHMl.OT, f>20 :o;u. ~In. Santa AnL Sl'1\CMER RE!'<TAL-2 br. ru m houu , So. of Hwy, Corona d~I ;\far. Reaaonable. VOGEL VALUE USE YOl'R G.I. LOAN nn ' yr. old, 3 bdrm . dhle. gara~. ftnc- ,.tj WoM t rful patio It la undry, y11r I. r.ar1>1a1111 dl8posa l. A II rrcNily ptilated. 120 Bass Accordion FTI'ZMORRJS REALTY CO. Harbor 21112. 67c8t l>BL. BED boa 1pr. matt.NN U~ MERCURY SUPER 10 outboard OIMt, matching drt'ater $40. 25 ! motor. llftd only 16 hr11. S140. ft. h&J.l c~t S:I, bluP wool rug , 61 1 No. Hsy Front. &lboa Ie- l 2.xl8 S21\ Small tAhlt>•. drape• I llllld. Har. 324~·M. 87tto It m lec. Har. 20~2-J or Hsr. 2\1791 __________ e_5_c_67 M-Music&l. Radio, TV Like new. Sacrifice. 43-A-A~ tor a.t Phone Liberty 8-2237 BAY VTE\v APT. 0n Lido Pentn· SPl~ET Pl.ANOS. Rent&J retume 56p72 aula. New • attractive pe.nelled Near-new, attractive 2 atory bldg. on Balboa lsland corner location. Suitable for professional or medical off.iCM, beautician. real estate office.. Sbopa are dowutaira with two complete Ir comfortable 2 B.R. apta. upttairl. On• fully turniahed. Several ahope Xl'nr I 'pper Bark Bay 2372 Pal.Jaae1 Rd., S&rlta Ana Phone Kl &·2893. 60tfc BULLD!:R OP'FERS brand new t riplex In exell!nt rent.aJ loca- tion. 4 ttractlvely paced at 121,&00. ll>OO Haven Place. Cliff Haven. Ph. Har. 41 02:'\\' Mttc BEAUTIFUL 3l'xl2' Cabana 6 35· two lltlrm. trall,.r, com· pletely f\lml1hed, carf)f'ted. wa- l•rfront lot. b4tach, boat 110('k a\·a 11. Brlrk Jan&.1, carport, ew1m- 1ntng pool. Full pr. 18760. Uc1o Village 1'rallr>r Park. 700 3lll 8t. Xewp••rt B• 11rh. 1.0t ~''· 311. Ll 8· i~1<Jl. tltlo SAJ..LBOA.T, Snowbird -u 1- maJce nttf'r. 2439 Sta.nbrldKe. Lons ~ach. 87r 69 like new etc. You wtll alw11y1 -------------Uvfnc room, 2 bdl'1N. For ,_,l:f nnd 'f'Oftdertuul •Ylnr• In thl• •s. ,.,._ I'\...•• p t leaee. P k. H11 • .2751 or Har. 80. dept. l\111.lly n1alcH and modei.. ~Jtl', '-19-. f' 8 Mirror type Spinet m.abopny DARU:NO K.l'ITE..'la Jo'Ri:E to Jd. tatfc fln111h '287. Allot.bu 1n maple 11 • ..... _ 17 rr. centerboard ,.llbof\L nvlon flnlllh ia96. omu ......... rty 8-5769. ~; siul• A t l"lllln ';~o. w s .i13: •. DANZ-R•'H•uDT "20 N MA'-...... o o h 1 BR.AND 1''1:W 2 bdrm. W1t1u-A. apt.a.. S~ mo at 1900 Raven Place, CIUt Hnen. Phmt Har. •~w. ...._ -' " • .. o. ..... • .. •c ~hund11. remll tJ p11p11. H!>UI Santa' A.nL black 6 taL Kl &-2106. ~ now leublc ud are av&llable for IWJl.mer. Priced $67,~ with terma. THE VOGEL CO. • . -a...lfltd Ada are rMd by toUl1 who are ~ly )ooktnr to bu7. -c&U H&rbor 1811 co ,UC• J'OU' M CID u.&8 ~ • S750 DOWN 3 DDRM. home, 1!4wd. tloor1, tt110- ed yard. C u b, dlapoaaI. O.er- •IR •I R"llrag1-. IAt.a of 1torage, Large lot. 26411 Fa!rw•y Dr1ve, CoMa JI-. ~,-u..a. .,. . : I I f I ' I . - I • 1 ... I• I\ I PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NE~PORT. HARBOR NEWS.PRESS] 8!-Reel r..tate MONDAY. JUNE 20, 1955 f .4 ~..... a_ ... f'Ataie ,,,W) Down • ft--~1 Estate•. It-Real f'Atate i!!:::"!!!!~~e ---- 'C" THOMAS .. c .. THOMAS "C" THOU.AS "<.:'' THOMAS N . H . h ewport eag ts Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and amall dining room, car- peted wall to wall, good kitchen. brealdut apace and service po'rch. Ample cupboa.rda and storage apace. Ovenbed 2-ea.r garage. Nice encloted patio: Moet convenient corner location. 2 blk•. from Oty Hall, 'Newport Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enioy the Income from lhia excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in choice rental diatrict, 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unlta -a new duple:s and a ~room house on 2 lots. 2 unita are furniahed and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home ava.ilable now. Three garage. on alley. Present income can be aubstan· tially lncre&Md. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Cute r&nch type home, 2 bdrm•. Completely furn· lahed. On\y 3 yra. old. Thia i• a buy, $21,500 307 Fernando, - Balboa COMPLETELY fumt.hed lnrlud- lnf clolhu wa.aher and dryer Ready to move Into. Bay view from llvlns rOQ.m wll.b tlrcplllce. 3 bedroom. plua larte rumpua room. 11, bat.ha. 1ara1e. · $5,lm Down 1710 Plaza del Norte Bal boa Peninsula Point S BEDROOMS, I~ baths. Fire• place In large llvlnc room with dlnlnr arrta. Faces quiet land· 1caped City Park. Open Daily 1.5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores 1.ARG!: llv1n1 room with flre- plllce. Full dlnlnf room. 3 bed· roorna. 2·car rarage, complett'ly redecoraled. Good terma. Prtce 118.600. 135 Ft. COSTA MESA EXCEPTIONAL VALUE -Very nice 3 bedroom home in choice ea.staide' tocation, lovely yard, com- pletely f~nced. excellent condition throughout. A BUY AT $10.500 CLIFF HAVEN HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY to buy a good 3 bdrm. home at the LOW price of $13,750 unturnwbed or leue with option to purchue at $125.00 per month furnished. DON'T MISS THIS ONE! BAYSHORES CHARMING RA.NCH STYLE HOME offers 3 lge bedrooms, 2 tile baths, attractive liv. room with fire- plice & beam ceiling. entry hall. din. room, priu winning kitchen, built around a delightful patio. w to w carpeting, custom tailored drapeA. matching wallpapers, choice cor. location -$38,250 BA YSHORE DRIVE -BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with VlEW of bay, large Liv. room, fireplace. F. A. heat, mere. switchee, built-in ther- mador 1tove, many attractive features It PRICED at only $29, 750 with. low down payment. A 'M'RACTIVE completely turnlahed 3 bedroom. MODERN, inside planter, fireplace, din. area, an abunfuce of black top parking. beautiful patio - Here's To? Value 3 bdrm•.-tull bath h<J"'d th1un1, flrf'place -"thnmo conlrnlled i r•vlly cu~nace -tepar•tl' 2 car pra&t' In the "Hf'lghtt" mo11t dulrablf' nf'IChborhood ~'\Ill _1 price 1 13.~ with 4"°' C. I Jaa.n ••. ~ttn burry on thl,. onf'I We're Real Proud ot thl• exclu•lve nearly nt'w 3 bdrm.. 2 b1tth Ru.allc Modern with hdwd, floo1·11 cover .. d "''11.h buutlful wall to wall C1tf1)l'Un1 . -forced air heat-rarb. ol11pt11· al-laret1 llvlngToom with fitt'· place looking out on a lovely walltd patio anll back yard . Full pricf' just S Ul.:\OQ with F. H. A. trrm11I Artistic Modern It you like real Mudt'm tllf'n thl.11 11 for you! 3 bd1m11 , lar11:r plat• glasa rnclollf'll llvtngroom and dinlncmom opening ontn 2 atp· erate tropical palio.11 madr to ordn for Indoor-outdoor ll\'ln& $14.9~0 with a low down f\&Y· ml'nt. Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch? . HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. &. den w1th fire-- place. \·ery nice pr1\'ate patio. Alls lk'p11rate income unit wsth a sure Sl. 00 yearly Bt>tter hurry to get this one. ~ TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate 4 br. !.-two story home on large lot. Uncrowded atmosphere with fovt'ly patio. pier and Clo1tL Large living room. dt'n, and acparate dininr room. Cash down, unfum. $30,000. $7,500 is all 1t takes to move you into this i bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn- iaht>d. Patio and tence. garage. Wonderful loc~tion. , Low monthly payments. $12.500 will place you in thia f ine. modern. new 2 brm. home & one brm. apt. Dbl. garage. Beautiful landscaping. gla88 wall to patio. Fireplace, W /W carpeting. disposal. extra large wardro~. forced air heat. Lovely. deluxe. Easy terms on balance. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Ieland Harbor._... TAKE YOUR PICK Two brand new 2· bdrm. & den homes, aingle atory. Street to atreet lots & every modern feature you would expect in a quality home auch u theae. You will be aurprieed at the price " term.a. Sff them ~ Ocean Frontage JUST $19,500 "C" ·r H 0 MAS, Realtor Here It 11 with a rf!al cute 3 bdrm. and b•th home and a 1 bdrm. and balh f11Ut house or rental unit. Plenty ot room for hor11u, chickt'nl or what have you. ll'1 cloee to the Bar k Bay and lt'1 priced right at 113.960 with xlnt terms • See ua now on thl1 onet BAY & BEACH REALTY Realtors today. New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 b&tha, charming kitchen, built-in range It oven, copper hood plua diahwuber. Large muter bdrm. bu fireplace It one wall panelled. Mercury awitchea thruout. Carpeted, dbl. gar., fineat of conatruction. Full price $33.500, terma available. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are listed exclu.aively al • THE VOGEL CO • ....;.. LIDO OFFICE 3'18 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb., Har. 4971 or Har. {972 Eve.. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 CORONA DEL MAR l. Lovely landacaped 2 B.R. Modem. 1 blk. from Pacific Drive on cor. of Acacia Ir Firat. Sell or trade for Lido. Thia houae will aell it.aelf. 2. 1700 11quare feet of new house in the Highl&nda. All the extras of well built home. View of ocean It hills. OPEN HOUSE every day from 1 to~ 448 Rivera Terrace ) 3. 2 Bedrooms plus apt. on 45 ft. lot. Apt. i1 furnish ed. plu1 additional play house and double garage. Must tee to appreciate. , Summer Rental• at all Price Range• GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER , Builder Dick Hilliard, Pat Pattison, Geo. Raban, Bob Gervaia 3034 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 2443 AMAZING! Luxurious old channel front home. 6 bedrm1., 4 bathl, pier, 46 ft. channel front-.ge. Terrific view. Owner saya "Sell Now.'' Only $49,500 including carpels and drape•. OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach , (at Port Orange) LI 8-7562i....Ha_r._w4 evea. THREE ACRE COUNTRY EST A TE With beautiful rustic early American type home (nearly new). Plenty of room for atablea, pool and real country living -with poaaibilitiy of 1ub- dividing. At $37,500 it's hard to beat. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Bav & Ocean View LAR6JC double frontage Rl·RS lot. 7 rma.. 2 b4a th.a. $39.e-OO. J9!'>3 Cliff Dr. at Banta Ana Ave. LI 8_.192: Mpe9 A FIXER-UPPER $1,200 Down For Builder or Investor R3 Zone 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beaoh Liberty 8-5527 "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C'' THOM.AS Bay & Beach Realty 16K Newport Blvd. Coat.a Men. Calif. Liberty 8-1181. Evea. LI 8-31~ t UNIT apartment on lot M 'xlOO' ---------------------- w1lh adjoining lot. .o'JtlOO' and LIDO ISLE ---------- 102'x136' on 0cea.n Front. All .. • Corona d 1 M one p&l"«I with 1117 f t. frontage 3 large bedrooma - 2 bath bouy with comfortable · e ar on 2' •tr.eta and 136 ft. Ocean frontage. living room. It hu lana.i-forced air heat, Large Good Terms. south patio -all on 52' lot. Priced at only $32,500 Full Price $51,000 First Time Offered 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Bay Front Pier & Slip 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3 Car Garage Furnished Bay Frontage 40 Ft. Thia ia an ideal aummer or year round home for the executive with a large fam. ily $88,000. Completely Furnished Contemporary modern in every wat tho here and there you'll find a lovely antique. ft bu 3 bdrma .. conv. den, 2 bath•, ~autiful floor covering thruout. Complete privacy in patio -apacioua living room with large atone fireplace. THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER WILL APPRECIATE THIS $43,500 Some very nice Iota Buaineaa opportunity brokera Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3M3 • 2999 evea. "Juat to the Right of Lido Bridge Entrance" BALBOA ISLAND SAFE AT HOME PLATE! Spend your summer va- cation at home! See this very nice 2 bdrm. comp'I. furn. home near No. Bay and close to village. You'll do aa ao many have done -COME FOR A VACA· TION -STAY A LIFETIME! $19,000 wlf'h EASY term1. Open House Daily 1 -5 p.m. 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHARMlNG provincial 3 bedrm., 1 i,.. bath home. 28-fl. Uvlnr rm.- fireplace. R.amblN all over this ~ 60 FT. LOT. Secluded ruut houae rented unfum.. $70. per month. French picket fence. Don't mlaa lhUI! Out of town owner ny1 "Sell!" 124.500 l!:a1y term11. Vacation Cottage $8,000- a ''Dilly' for the price 2 BDRMS. with full bath. l.Avel R·2 lot, rement bnck w&ll. Good location for shopping'. Room for additional apt. that would have Vll!W of OCl!Sn. Move Fast On This One! . LIDO ISLE I BDRMS., 2 balh11, aunny South patio on larie atreet to atrada ' NEWPORT BEACH 1 Bedroom Home -Room for expansion. Larp Patio, View of Ocean -Dbl. Garage. All thia tor $8.~ ,. \>ier & Float -2 Bedroom It Den Home. Full Price -$22,500 Terma. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Bedroom. Lge. Living Room, Fireplace, Attractive Kitchen, Nice Patio -$16,000 . EXCLUSIVE -Close to Jetty -VIEW 2 Bedroom, Den, Large glaued-in Lanai, 11;2 B&tha, Sundeck with view of ocean and harbor entrance $5,000 Dowa BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., · Balboa, Cal. Har.1~ CORONA DEL MAR Two lot.a on Hazel Drive, -outh of boulev&rd. Only two available. $5.000 each. 2 bedroom home near shopping. Hu dining L off living room, fireplace, tile in kitchen It bath, fenctd yard. 4 ~~ G. l. loan. $12,000 RAY REALTY CO • 3444 E. Coast Blvd., Corona del Mu Barbor 2288 Newport Harbor Realty lot. Complete with carpet and---------------------- Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 VALUE-PACKED Income Corona del Mar 4 unill-2 full Iola. Income $295 a month. Only 8 yra. old. Newly decorated. $27,500 full price. I~ dovln. Call for app't lo ff• thla REAL BUT I Cliff Drive Special JNVITE THE RELATIVES -You won't be crowd· ed here when they all come down for a day at the beach! Lge. apacioua rooms, full dining rm. view aundeck, big yard, 2 lge. bdrma. Price incla. all furn. kitchenware, paintings, 1ilver-elec. appliances. . many, many extru. $19,950! OWNER ANXIOUS. Corona del Mar FEEL LIKE FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN! Here'a your chance. Charm. 2 bdrm. home, F.A. heat, lge. lge. cloeeta and lol.8 of them, beaut. patio, wonderful briok frpl. with heatrola, dining rm. lge dbl. garage. beaOt. plantinp. $18,000 with good terma. • MARINER'S ISLE REALTY draperit'll. $29,500. THIS la an excf!ptJonally fine home and should be aeen to be ap· preclatt'd Dunc<1n Hardesty ' REALTOR -Drive into our free parking Jot- 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. HU"bor 4718 Owner Says "Sell" Only $6,000 Down 530 Kings Rd., 318 Marine Ave., Balboa. laland Harbor'4781 Cliff Haven Cliff Haven ---------------Call for app't. to see- r1:-i1: DUPLEX -Steady Income GARDEN CLUB record of $17~ month. li6.~3 DON'T FAIL to ... thUI charm- month paya FHA '4~% loan, PRIZE WINNER lng 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. You'll t.uee. lraaurance t not leuPholdl love the excellent noor·pl&n, Full price $19.000. larr e picture window. W lo W On beautiful big corner lot in heavenly Cliff Haven. c~t. Well am.need kitchen E.ncloaed with grapeetake fence. The living room It ' With load• of cupboard•. Many many other featurea that will Balboa Island BALBOA ISLAND • • • Only $5000 down • • • $3,000 yearly income aaaured Two unit.a nicely furnished, fireplace, excellent heat. garb. dis~osals, nice patio. Outataadmg Valu•I WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaaoclatet Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor Me2 * Need Room For The . Kid,7 * Try this 3 bedroom home on one of thoee level cor- ner lots. Completely redecorated -Immediate oc- cupancy -Top neighborhood -ConvenJent to everything. Only $14,500 -$2500 will handle R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha.r 217~ CHOICE LOT with 1paclou1 apt. over double rar•g• plua guul room and bath already on rear. Ready for 2nd unJt. AJklng $19. 760. See U111 Md let'1 IUb- mlt tnma. den both open onto the large patio. The 3 1pa.cioua pie .. • thl' moat dtacrtmlnt- bdrma. and 2 batha a.re ideally situated in thi1 well If\&' buyer, Se• t.hl• home !afore ---------------------- planned cu.atom built home. You'll love the large Y~~:i~rple Llitlnr No. 63901 COST A MESA modern kitchen with all the convenience•. We will 1-EXCEPTIONALLY nice 2 bedroom hout'4!, Only I be proud t o ehow thia lovely home. Price $35,500. OPEN' HOUSE years old with tub and shower bath, large living C C room with dining area. Kitchen with birch cabineta. all the VOGEL 0. 7~barklpur, Corona del Mar Exhaust fan over stove and tile to ceiling. Laundry ~11 for Appointment to see room. Completely fenced with link chain. Dichondra Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2SO. Newport Bl-rd., Newport Bch. Pleae CALLON US OPPORTUNITY to fix up lhla 2 Euy Parkln1 Harbor3 4 8 81 00 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8·3481 bedroom home plwi a la.rl"• back __________ e_4 ---------------------- HERE'S a 2 bdrm. with fireplace, lawn ~rlect condition front and rear. Lot are& ap· beamed celllnr. Neat A clean .. proximately 4200 eq. ft. Double garage. When we can help you with your advert.laing probkna. A lralntd courtt'Ou• 1peclal11t will gladly llelp you prepu. etftctlvt adver- tl•mf. Our &1m la to prov1d1 IOW\d ad· n rt11ln1 COW\MI and halp you 1•t out1tandlnr rf'SUIU. NEWS.PRESS Cla.uified Ada HARBOR 1616 Tou art mo.\ likely to ftnd a b141n lhro\&t'b Uie newapa~r ,,;bJcb peoplA read tor cl .... fttd adwrtll\nJ - Th• J11ew1-Prffa ""~' 1811 porch. Located on half •er• ot 0 I d C I ground cloM lo Newport Blvd. Take One Good Look cean B v ., orona de Mar On Victoria St. In lood MCUon. h d Hu lot of outbuildinf. Quit• a BY OWNER, ltav1ng July lat wit never en ing view- b1t ot work bu bffn done on lb• NO? ANOTHER ~ IT TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (bu~e p>fan.a for 3rd bdrm. property already. Payment.I llk• rent. P'\111 price la only-few lbw LOW PRicm 119,600. to bt added at.~all coat), 2 112 b&tha, lge. liv. rm., BJ:.AUTIJ11L Uoyd c. Howard separate dinlns room. lari-knctty pine den with eecuoa, eut •• near bay. built-in bar, lounse. 2 fireplace., buement with ' $6,950 • pin! Enc1oi1ed yard. Ju•t re· cr12,000 Terms if des1·red dt'Corated' Owner wanta action tD $2,600 down. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS Call Mr. McVicker, - 1419 So. Co~t Blvd., Laguna 1375 So. Coast Blvd., Laguna .HY 414502 HY 4-2586 ' S12 Marine AH., Balboa laland OUllTOM BUILT, I bdnll .. I b&Ula. 150,000 BTU twuace. Ezpenalvely ca.rpet.d wall to -HU"bor 2042 Phil Sullivan & Balboa Island George Evenon lut Newport Bl-rd.. eo.ta M .. (A.Ol'Olf from Ooela ~ Bull) Pboee LlbertJ MTt1 Jev-. Bar. taet-Ll l-210I ftaacb-type boma, lllak• root, ...._ wall thru-out. Garbage diiapoeal and dWlwuhw. LOVELY LAROE kitchen. Weat-llou.. 8 yn. old. L&rse doUbM IU'al9 ,,Uh laun· tm Holly own 6 pl plalu eel dry, radi~ntrolled C&n.I• door. Lot 5() Jl 142'. lll BRICK w ALL. Well landlCl.ped. Thia home must be ... to ..... l HT A.lllO A...... Ltbtrty I-SUS. preciated. Locat.d &t 3312 Ooe&n Bl'fd .• title · Corona del Kar. ~----------ro R BAL& BT OWNIR -ll-2 OWNER WILL ACCEPT .ANY REAaONA.BLE ona NEW. BDR.M. Oft ~ aen. aueo. lol ln Co""'• del Mar, near Sh nl 213 AYOC1ldo, Cotta M.-. Ph. achool Uld atorea, Ph. Ubtrty OWD by appointment 0 Y Kl 2-21122. 1 mtc t-7tH. tecta ~one Own•, Harbor liSIS 85c70 , • -·--·"--... ----- C-1 Zone I BEDRX. older hou.ae, ~t 18th It.. Coeta M•aa. C.ll owner, W l-t789. 8!'>c78h We offer exclusively an unusually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large din- ins room. Mqimum &<lllare footage. Close lo beach. $26,~. easy terms. See this value Buy! ~7 11"1~ !~1°:~t!:--,::;~ EARL W.-STANLEY, Realtor Lot &e&l~ IOll•. Cuh '>"ir. Mari A B I I I M.eo<>. ruu pnoe. Court.My to ~M.} ne ve., a boa s and ·broker. 1:1pe1 Call Hubor 177~ Eve1. Harbor 63e8 • -- ' --~----~---------- VOGEL VALUES p ·. a . p ·a I m e r i n c o i p o r a t e d developers of Udo '.Isle • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 -PAGE 7 MONDAY, JUNE 20, I 955 ~· BALBOA ISLAND Check The$e Outstanding Buys NO. I-Newport Heights • i-.BR. homa·_plua..lg;e_.4'.....l:':.iu:....p:r.qi-JlL..A.ial.ila...--1 Come and see this beautiful new home on-the NGRTH BA¥FRONT RANCH MODERN Choicest Bayf ront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE le APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10,000 down, balance easy. work shop. H W. floors, furnace, tile In kitchen & -----. b&th. brealdut al'ea, service porch, brick atio.._ walled yard. $3000 will handle -aprox. $79 per mo. Full price only $13.37:5. See this, don't pay rent. No. 2-Cliff Ha.ven W&lk to school & church. 3 BRs., family home. 14'x20' living room look~ out on covered patio porch & fenced yard. Fireplace, furnace, HW floons, tile in kitchen & bath. 4 'i-G.I. resale. Only $14.860. See this today. No. 3-Corona del Mar 3 BR. home plus income on 43' lot, ocean side of Hwy. Front home ia large and haa HW. floors, fire- place, full dining room. Rear apt. ls furnished and rented at $60 per month. The price ia low -only $13,200. Good terms. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741 & 1477 fHE GREAT ORANGE COAST ·~ Back Bay View Home. Large Ii.Jing room with fire- pl&ce. Family room with fireplace. 3 bdrma., 2 baths. Outatanding. Move in for $5000 down. Coron& de1 Mar comer Ranch style home with 3 bdrml., 2 bat.ha, hwd. floors, anack bar, enclosed patio. Juat $22,500 -terms. $1000 under priced 2 yr. ~ld 2 bdrm. home, 2 car garage, on-comer loCSacriffce-for only 17MO with payment down to loan. 100 ft. frontage very desirable business location. New area on We.t 19th St. Due for immediate de· velopment. Bargain price of $10,500. ~ome terms. Walking <U.tance to town (2 blocks) a really nice plant consisting of 8 unfurnished units, 8 garages. Laundry rooms, cem~nt drives. Now rented at low- est rental rates in area. Check this with us if look· ing for income buy. Only $12,000 down. 64000 aq. ft. C-2 improved with 3 houses rental in'- come $21'5 month. Property is 194.x330 lots of room for upanaion. Cloee in value. $31,500. Will trade -Submit. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. Bill's . Best . Buys LOOKING FOR A CHEAPIE Well, mee us -We have a small 2 bdrm. on lot size 50'x140' phm another lot aame size, all for price o( one. F.P. $:5,500 with terms. Better Hurry. $1450 DOWN Three bedroom, l 1h bath only 6 mo. old. Has gar- bage disposal & exhaust fan. New curbed & paved at.reel, and on sewers. Full Price only ~9, 750 . QUALITY HOME Choicest location in town. Two bedroom. HW. floors, dining room, forced air beat, fireplace, patio and 9ewera hooked up. $12,250 with only $2000 down THREE BEDROOM-2 BATH New, on lot 60x102. Has tongue & groove sub-Ooor· tng, forced air heat. exhaust fan, garbage disposal and on 1ewers. You'll love the lh·ing room & dining room opening out to patio. Full Price $13,700 with S3,700 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly se]'\'.jpe" 193 m. 17th it., Coat.a Meaa Liberty B-1139 2 LEFT MOVE IN TODAY $500 DOWN Th• be8t 3 bedroom-2 bath tract home in town. Hardwood flooni -Plastered walls -Full size din· 1ng room_:._ forced air heat -dispo1&I -two car Ct.rage. YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR THE BEST· 1:>EAL IN TOWN. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lSM Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (across from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 Planning to Build on Your Lot 7 Take a look at our model homes at Newport and Mitchell, Tustin. Open Daily 9 to 6 Sundays 1 to 6 See for yoursel! h ow we can build a 1244 aq . ft. home, forced air heat, hdwd. floors. 2 car garage tor only $9.100. ·Let us direct you to our homes under construction and finished.. Look them over, compare, satisfy younel!. We have cu.tom home planning service, finu.clng tor ~ta~ vet.a, FHA and Savine• and Loan, aa a 1 ltop facWty. Nothing down. -1-'M>-Via· Udo, ~Nord Call for app't. to see- .dc..i~L builder and decorator have worked u & team to create a masterpiece in thJa striking liome. Spaclousneee in a smaller home is the key to its plan. Sliding glaaa doors overlook your own pier and float and the blue bay beyond. Slate entry, carpeted, dishwasher, Therm. oven & range, dis- posal, 2 lovely tiled baths, 2 good sized bedrms. and a nice den. Its owner will enjoy gracious living, in a home up-tO.date as tomorrow. Let it be you! $57,500 • ACROSS FROM CLUR on SAN REMO. Fully furn- ished. very attractive 3 bdrm 2 bath home ready to move into. Flagstone patio, shingle tile roof, full furnace. This is the best buy we know of in a less expensive home. $26,900. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 • Balboa Beach Home v' ' . lee the out.et.anding Bay It Ocean view from UUi a bdrm. 2 bath home. The tenm are .. attractive u the view. Pric. $25,600. Call BW Farnsworth. Lido · Strada Home 3 bdrme. 2 batha. Excellent condition. 90' lot. Lars- Patio and beautiful garden. $32,600. Ask for Hodgkinaon. EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS 2 bedroom & den (or 3 bedroom) 2 baths, 2 ued brick fireplaces. Heavy shake roof, view of ~oun­ tains & ocean. Thia la a beautiful home ln a top ~ • location. (Ask for Dave Osburn). p. a. palmer incorpor,ted ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M71 Houston Values ColoniaLBeauty LITTLE· ISLAND -60 ft. bay frontage. pier le float. -i bdrm1. Superior constn.tdion. A good buy! DUPLEX -SOUTII BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. $65,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. 3 bdrm. home and l bdrm. apt. Firepl~e.. $10,000 down. Full price ~29.500. ISLAND COTTAGE -Obie. garagt>. Fireplace. $15,750. I 4 BDRMS., 2~~ batha. New furniture: TY. BBQ. North Bay mooring, Good family homr. Showa ex· cellent income. All for $24,950. WATERFRONT -2 aupt>rior unit~. 3 bdrm., 11 ~ ba~. fireplace DOWN; 2 bdrms. :! bathi; l'P, Ray view from upper deck. S45,000. S11hm1t 'Clown. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdrms .. 11: b:nhs, firl'· place, large living room. Attrac:tiw• patw. fo:.xc<.'ll~nt rental record. Good value at $26.500 .. CORONA DEL MAR • EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnish<'d units; 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in lWCr a y<•ar. Hl'nt is $M each. Gross yearly ~3920. All in first l'lass con . dition, $6000 takes. Full price $2~.500. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Pm·ate pathway to little Corona beach. $2.5,500. ' Jl'ST 3 DOOR to the best Bay Beach. 4 bedroom.s, 2 baths. Dandy for large family or will make wonderful rental property. Furnished Ill per Inventory. $16,1100, $6000 down. CORONA DEL MAR BEST VALUES NEWPORT BTS. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view honi<.'. Lu~h tropical Peninsula Home! BEAUTIFGL, SPACIOUS 4 bf>d- ronm, 2 baths home. 13 x 2~ ltv· tng room wlth Clsgstont fire- pll.<'e. Ocran view from upatah room!!. New tile entire lower floor .' U J.500, s~ooo .do~ Beach Home! 1. DUPLEX Two separate units, 2 B.R. each. Comer lot. Some ocean view. One leased for year at $100 per month. " $15,000 loan at $103 per mo. One unit being held vacant for new owner. Priced at $22,500 which In- cludes new washer & tlryer. Low down payment will handle. OR YEAR AROUND LlVl~G. 3 2. JUST· LISTED bedroom!!. l '2 bath11. Close to Thls modern 2 bedroom home, carpeted wall to wall 11r hool anJ :\. H, Y. rlub. Some ti • furniture Included, One or our dble. garage, fenced yard, paved le covered pa o. beltPr values. $12,:mo, ••ooo G.I. resale & only $H.,500. down. Bay Front Home! ONE, OF THE VERY FEW LEFT. II bedrnom~. 3 baths. Balboa Pen1ns11I& locaUon. Very good condllton 11.nd hu pier rights. SH ,000, terms. Peninsula Duplex! SITUATED ON LARGE rorner lot. Rr<lwoo<1 ext<'ritir and be11u· Uful panel lnterh1r. Eoch unit hu 3 bedroom11 llll'1 2 baths. FumlRht'd, nl<'IJ lllunrlry. $29,7r.i0 $7000 down. Extra Special Value! CUTE 217 b<>J rollm twsch home on East Bay A venue. Close to 11hopplng-nnd bel!t Ba y beach. Some tw7nlture lnr h1ded. On a rom('t af\•I ynu 11houl(l l!ee It for $U,OOO. , .. :;oo down.. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank of America Rnss Greeley Al Comellus Ell Ll'e Jar k Pinkham Josephine Webb 700 E. Balboa Blwl.. Balboa Phone Harbor 327i. NEWPOR} SALF. OR TRADE for 2 be"'nom homP. Largr h<>me in NewpQrt Beach! ntock from b .. e~h. Up- 11talra rented tor $1200 plus per year. Owners ht'alth ttemand:s sale. $lf,OOO or $16.~00 rurn. 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME Owner must sell immediately thla quality built 4 bedroom, 2 batr home. Fully fu.rniahed. Will con- sider small home in trade for part payment. Don't delay on this one! Priced at $39,CSOO. Shown by appointment. CORO.NA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) YOU Have a Part in t,he Multiple Listing "Success Story" Fi\•e Million Dollar Salea to date In 1~ compared to Two and a Half Million Dollar Salee to date in '54. BUYERS and SELLERS of Real Eltate are offered important helpful assistance. See your RE,ALTOR for free illustrated booklet on "How the Multiple Listing Sen·ice Works." · (Cooperative effort of 2M full·tlm• professional workera) Understand the advantage of thia modern way to merchandise more properties thru more people with NO INCRf1ASE IN co~r. Available from Membert of the \.\"e have a 4 hd1m , 2 blllh home --------------------- 8 mo. olit. 1 :";00 11q. ft Thl11 l.s vc.-ry ~oorl. S 12 !l~>O. Good terms. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Xewport lllvd. C'o•ta Mei;ll, Calif. LI 8·3'92 Special 3 8ed roe n home. near civic cen- ttr. C'hnlre lnC'lltlon Welt Im· prn'v11tl ~rrt1on. SM'l'l rice Al SIO r>tJO Half Million buys ler~e l rnrt, nnw INtdy to 'ubdiv1•le. A ~k (nr drtalls R-2 Lots · only two ll\'A1l11bll! ln \\'est Nt>w· p•ir l do~ to nreRn & boulevard A Bayfront House on 11/2 lots Designed t.o t"'1ke full advantage of it.I location on Balboa Peninsula. The aromatic scent or it.a choice wood panelltn1 greets you at the door and set.a the key to a gracloua home -a combination of liveablene&1 and opennea so advantageous in entertaining. F.A. heating. 3400 sq. ft .• 5 bedrma., 4 baths and powder room. 3 fireplaces, Formica kitchen. Triple garage. Sheltered rear garden. Pier and aea wall. T'rice $95,000 unfurnished LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80. $2650 torh --------------------- N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd ,\ ;l.'ewport Btvcl. Xe\\-porl Beach Harbor 6~36 or HM BACK BAY Nl!:AJU.Y 2'"EW I bdrm. home, fenced yd .. l'llce lawn. lot. of t ilt, interior painted A wallp!IPered. dble. ,ar .. large kitchen, 111.:>00. 203~1 Orrhld. Santa Ana Ht.a. Liberty 8-2985. 64ptT SMALU bdrm. boUh on \6 acr., wtlh ad<litlonal emall bldf. $2.950. -LOOK-THESE-OVER! 1. OCEAN FRONT -40 ft. lot, R-1 IOne $10,000. 2. OCEAN FRONT 75 ft. lot, R-1 sone $15,500. Bot~ tote located on Balboa Peninsula 3. 2 BDRM. home, PLUS am apt., $121500-$3600 dn. f . OCEAN FRONT-3 bdrma., furn, term., $15,500 5. BALBOA-3 unit income down payment $6,000. 6. OCltA.N FRONT-4 unit Income, consider tttde or otter for $12,600 equit.y. 7. 8 UNIT apt. hoUM. J'Urnlabed.. Ttarly renten. Conaider trad~. $57,600. a bdrm. nice Uv. rm. wtth ftr.-patio and yard. $15,000 down '-• O&k-tleorl, I --- pr., renced yd. va.c. ls rudy. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY Owner &IUdoua. 14000 w t 11 handle ba1. D. Di.a. tor more SHORES properties. cub down. ·- A Cheapie OnJ1 MltW> N1oe I lid. rm. ltUC<lO. I blltl. eut of Npt. BlTd. Small 4owu. - M-1 Placentia Mx '76 P'ltlll)' water now, '""' •vall· abi.. Jt.,. dn. Bal II Z. J'or n• in.f, on a~ pb ~ LI 1-184.2. M-1. Superior Good 2 bdrm, hoUM on 110 ft. front.ac't, but M·1 d11tJ1ct, Oil ae-re. rOOlll\ tor 111°' abop. l'ull prtoe 110,aoo, t.rm.. G. I. Resale $10,750 Nloe I bdrm. '" loul on eo.t& Mua It., '"""'· curbe p.rb. dltp. Venetlaa bUn41, low down. With on.Jy '3'7.M mo. on b&lan~ Harbor Blvd., C-2 A Iars-. nfce I bdnn. hou.. and I bdrm. cottas-on rear ot clOM-tn tut srowtns 'Blvd., cen- ter of acttYll)'. •21.000, with rood tenna. uc.UeJ1t tor pro-,..,.onaJ omcea. Income near Theater FOUR turn'd. Unfta, lton•'• throw CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVES F..<lith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222; John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2.25 Marine Ave., Balboa laland. "67 FT. LIDO CORNER" First Time Offered Four bedrms, three baths plus laun- dry -sewing room. Plenty of room for s'.\\'imming pool. Carpeting, drapes and appliances included -Full price $49,500. For appointment to see this outs~nding Lido Home Call LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. G. (Bill) Kempton* Joseph H. Grohman* Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experienced sales personnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 from tht&t.er. Room tar two ---------------------more! 123x1U CORNER LOT, (Acroaa from Richard's Market) Full prtce, •21.200, Tenna. Thi• 11 an excepUon&f otter, owner needa acuen~ For Eve. Info. on abon. PtUtU. BAY u 8·~&7 * Is This It Skipper? . ~ FRONTS: Houston Realty Co. • ASSOCIATES 509 Center St. Costa M ... LI 8·6911 L1 8·778t COSTA MESA I UDROOM fu>uae With fire)>lace on CIOxHO tt. loL Large atUc worlubop. Within wa.lJdnr ·tll•· tance or 11tore.a ~d Catholic acllool, $13,000. BALBOA. S BEDROOM HOUSE -Latge We can show you two trim shoreside homeR, one lrith dockside mooring and one with anchorage for deep-draft 50 footers: each with a spot of private beach for the kiddies. plus decks and living roomA that face the Bay, with the NHYC just off the port. beam. No. 1 ___ . __ ............... $49,500 -Sl0-1000 Down No. 2 ·-... · .. ·-··--···----·-· $75,000 -Terms VACANT LOTS: We have available several choice locations, Bay- fronts and in.aide, at a wide range in price, that may be of intereat. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY ? * 25 yeara in the same location 3112 Newport mvd., Newport Beach Har. 2552 Eveninp Phone Liberly 8-3186 ltvtng room, cloae to be.y, •t.000 --------------------- down wm handle. NO RACE TOUT, Balboa Peninsula LOVELY • bdnn .. I bath home.. 2 lJv!ng rme., 2 tlreplaee11. Furn· lshed. Permanent view or ocean from upstaln Uvtng room. Good term a. Coast Properties 101 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2868. 2~97 and •eoo. $2500 Down 1200 eq. ft -3 bdrm. 2 bath home. But Here's A Tip! Hope nobody's u.tenlng 'cause1 UWr is HOT! A cha.nee to make a kUlin' I A 100o eq. ft. brand new Cape Cod home with 3 big bdnrul., 1 % baths, forced air heat, brick tirepla1.,C, bf.g modem kitchen. Shake roof and plenty of cla.ss. lt's ln Newport, too. The price of $16,500 with $5,77'5 down will be hard to beat. CALL- The VOGEL CO. 80ltl20 lot. 2 car gvage on ----------------------- Liberty 8-3481 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bcb. •lley, Pav~ ac:ttet and curba. All land.llcaplnr ln tnoludlng 1-r)(• patio ... w ith 11lldlnK glau door 6 lot. ot "big houae" fea· turu. 8ff et 1971 R.oitemary Place. Costa Men. Owner LI •1887 eottc C2 Property AT CORNJ:J\ of lltli u4 Pl&· ceaua. wttll I '*"9. boaM and 111\&11 ato.r.. IUBMlT Ge~ Ol.U Ubtrty l;-Mel or LI wm. 60t.tc Lido Isle ... Bay Front Home COMPARE this NEWLY COMPLETED Deluxe Special ... Best Buy ..• Bay Front 371 Lido Soud • bdma., 3 bath.t, 2 atone firepW:ea, Dre.am Klt.(hen, W (W carpeting. OUler luxury features. MARSHALL HOMES • Euy term•. 2«8 Sant& Ana Ave .. BALBOA BAY ,_ROPERTIES 8Y OWNER-2 bdrm. ls den - 208 K!np Place. Phone Loni a..c.b eoo.atT. 16pt7 You be the JUDGE.-Exceptlonal VALUE $72.500 la T.aal-Kl 2-W8 (Evk LI M073) C5:5c69h Costa Meaa, U 8-868&. 11 a.m. to • #.m. taoe7 1506 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har.\188 .. Phoae owner Ha.r. 0093 to view.' • •I PAGE I· PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 • s . ·in ·Step. • With the Ever-Changing · Scene! I I :Jhe 'flewporl JJartor -4-rell i3 growing · 3 ISSUES WEEKLY . Newport leach 1950 Census 1i120 NOW 1.8 ,539 · Costa Mesa 1950 Population 12,100 NOW 17 ,320 · :Jo le~p in 3lep with ffi3 growlh ·--,. Effective . July 4th. 1955 . Publication by 0 NOW • • • Your Newport Harbor News-Press will be ~published . . . ' . ' . 3 TIMES EA -Cil WEEK -Monday-WeJnesJay-Friday To provide adequately complete coverCICJ9 of news and picture happenlncp of the rapidly growing Newport Harbor area. and to serve better both classified and display aclvertisen, your Newport Harbor News· Press will be . t ... delivered eiery Monday • Wednesday and Friday to its subscriben. . Subscribe Today T.o The Fastest-Growing NEWSpaper . in The Harbor Area C~LL HAllBOll 1616 ~y CAll.IEI 5 0 C PEI ~OITH SINGLE COPY ...